
Sample records for da parede ventral

  1. Avaliação fitoterápica da Jatropha gossypiifolia L. na cicatrização de suturas na parede abdominal ventral de ratos Phytotherapic evaluation of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. on rats ventral abdominal wall wound healing

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    José Ulcijara Aquino


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A espécie vegetal Jatropha gossypiifolia L., conhecida também como pião roxo, é utilizada na medicina popular como cicatrizante, anti-hipertensivo, purgativo e diurético. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da administração intraperitoneal da Jatropha gossypiifolia L., na cicatrização de suturas da parede abdominal ventral de ratos, observando-se os seus aspectos macroscópicos, tensiométricos e microscópicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados no procedimento 40 ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos, distribuídos em dois grupos de 20. Após incisão da parede e abertura da cavidade abdominal, foi instilado 1 ml/kg/peso de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% no grupo controle e no grupo Jatropha o extrato bruto etanólico da Jatropha gossypiifolia L., na concentração de 1 ml/kg/ peso. Realizou-se a sutura da parede abdominal com fio de polipropileno, com pontos separados. Os animais foram avaliados na sua evolução pós-operatória e mortos em dois subgrupos, no 3º e 7º dia. Analisou-se a parede abdominal ventral macroscopicamente, mediu-se a força de resistência a tensão e foram estudados os aspectos histológicos do reparo cicatricial. RESULTADOS: No exame macroscópico encontraram-se aderências mais intensas nos subgrupos Jatropha no 3º e 7º dia. A avaliação tensiométrica foi significantemente maior nos subgrupos Jatropha no 3º e 7º dia. A avaliação histológica comparativa entre os subgrupos demonstrou que o processo inflamatório agudo foi significantemente maior no subgrupo Jatropha no 3º e 7º dia; a neoformação capilar foi significantemente maior no 3º dia pós-operatório do subgrupo Jatropha sendo os outros parâmetros histológicos semelhantes. CONCLUSÃO: O uso do extrato bruto de Jatropha gossypiifolia L. intraperitoneal não demonstrou melhora significativa no processo de cicatrização da sutura da parede abdominal ventral de ratos com a dose e concentração utilizadas.INTRODUCTION: The Jatropha gossypiifolia

  2. Análise de polissacaridos da parede celular da laranja por quimimetria


    Barros, Mário Jorge Oliveira


    O objectivo deste trabalho é a aplicação de técnicas estatísticas multivariadas com potencial aplicação no controlo de qualidade analítica. Estas técnicas estatísticas foram usadas na análise de dados químicos e espectroscópicos de polissacáridos da parede celular da polpa da laranja. Na primeira parte deste texto é feita a exposição de algumas técnicas matemáticas e estatísticas que são usadas de forma mais ou menos frequente em química analítica. Algumas destas técnicas são descrit...

  3. Algumas características morfológicas segmentares da parede da aorta de galo doméstico (Gallus domesticus

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    Josiane Medeiros de Mello


    Full Text Available A estrutura segmentar da parede aórtica foi estudada em galo doméstico, em níveis torácico e abdominal, nas dimensões de microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura. Secções histológicas selecionadas foram submetidas a estudos histomorfométricos usando métodos de análises de imagens. As variáveis analisadas foram as espessuras das túnicas da parede aórtica em três segmentos investigados, compreendendo as porções ascendente torácica; descendente torácica e abdominal, bem como os diâmetros tubulares, em cada porção, e o número médio de lamelas elásticas na túnica média de cada segmento analisado. A parede aórtica do galo doméstico apresenta estrutura predominantemente elástica nas porções torácicas, cujo número relativo de lamelas elásticas decresce gradualmente para a parte abdominal da aorta, onde células musculares lisas predominam. Os diâmetros aórticos decrescem também gradualmente, e progressivamente, da porção torácica ascendente para a porção torácica descendente, e desta para a porção abdominal da aorta.

  4. Estudo do reparo do ferimento de colon com o lado seroso da parede de jejuno, utilizando cianoacrilato e cola de fibrina

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    Carlos Edmundo Rodrigues Fontes

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o efeito do cianoacrilato e da cola de fibrina como adesivo das bordas do ferimento de cólon reparado com o lado seroso da parede de jejuno. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 45 ratos wistar adultos jovens, machos , com peso médio de 260 gramas procedentes do Biotério Central da Universidade Estadual de Maringá.Os animais foram submetidos a procedimento operatório sob sedação com thiopental para produção de ferimento pradonizado de 0,5 cm distante caudalmente a 2 cm do ceco que foi reparado no grupo I pelo lado seroso da parede de jejuno e sutura, no grupo II, pelo lado seroso da parede de jejuno e cola de fibrina, e o grupo III pelo lado seroso da parede de jejuno e cianoacrilato. No 4º dia de pós-operatório os animais foram submetidos a um enema opaco, para estudo o de estenose. No 7º dia de pós-operatório os animais foram submetidos a laparotomia sob sedação para estudo macroscópico da cavidade , e coleta dos segmentos que foram processados para análise microscópica. RESULTADOS: A cola de fibrina teve uma tendência de ser melhor reparadora, estimulando a proliferação de fibras de colágeno a partir da borda da ferida. CONCLUSÃO: O experimento demonstrou que o ferimento em cólon de rato pode ser reparado pelo lado seroso da parede de jejuno colado às bordas da ferida por cola de fibrina ou cianoacrilato.

  5. Identificação e caracterização das proteínas da parede celular em Paracoccidioides sp.


    Araújo, Danielle Silva


    Paracoccidioidomicose é uma importante micose sistêmica na América latina, com alta incidência no Brasil, Argentina, Colômbia e Venezuela. A doença é atribuída ao fungo termodimórfico Paracoccidioides spp.. Durante o processo infecioso podemos destacar o papel desempenhado pela parede celular, estrutura esta, vital para o crescimento, sobrevivência, e morfogênese do fungo, a qual está em constante mudança em resposta a sinais do ambiente. O interesse no estudo da parede celular de...

  6. Comparative study between polypropylene and polypropylene/poliglecaprone meshes used in the correction of abdominal wall defect in rats Estudo comparativo entre as telas de polipropileno e polipropileno/poliglecaprone utilizadas na correção de defeito na parede abdominal ventral de ratos

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    Carlos Alberto Lima Utrabo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the healing process of a defect in the ventral abdominal wall of rats, comparing the polypropylene and polypropylene/poliglecaprone meshes on the 30th and 60th postoperative day. METHODS: Thirty two Wistar rats were submitted to a ventral abdominal wall defect, with integrity of the parietal peritoneum. In the repair, were used polypropylene (group A and polypropylene/poliglecaprone (group B meshes. The groups were subdivided into four subgroups of eight animals euthanized on the 30th (A30 and B30 and 60th postoperative day (A60 and B60. Fragments of the abdominal wall of the animals were submitted to macroscopic, tensiometric and histological evaluations. RESULTS: The tensiometry on subgroup A30 showed a mean average break point of 0.78 MPa and in A60, 0.66 Mpa. In subgroup B30 it was 0.84 MPa and in B60, 1.27 Mpa. The score of the inflammatory process showed subacute phase on A30 and B30 sub-groups and chronic inflammatory process in subgroups A30 and 60B. CONCLUSIONS: The tensile strength was higher on the wall repaired by polypropylene/poliglecaprone mesh in the 60th post-operative day. Histology showed higher concentration of fibrosis on the surface of the polypropylene mesh with a tendency to encapsulation. In polypropylene/poliglecaprone subgroups the histology showed higher concentration of fibrosis on the surface of mesh filaments.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a cicatrização de um defeito, na parede abdominal ventral de ratos, comparando-se as telas de polipropileno e polipropileno/poliglecaprone no 30º e 60º dia do pós-operatório. MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois ratos Wistar foram submetidos à produção de defeito na parede abdominal ventral, com integridade do peritônio parietal. Na correção foram utilizadas as telas de polipropileno (grupo A e polipropileno/poliglecaprone (grupo B. Houve subdivisão em quatro subgrupos (A30, A60, B30 e B60 de oito animais que foram submetidos à eutanásia no 30º e 60º dia do p

  7. Mudanças na ultra-estrutura da parede celular de mangas 'Tommy Atkins' tratadas com cloreto de cálcio na pré-colheita

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    Full Text Available Mangas 'Tommy Atkins' produzidas na região de Ibirá, São Paulo, foram pulverizadas na pré-colheita com cloreto de cálcio, nas concentrações de 0,0%, 2,5% e 5,0%, em três épocas de seu desenvolvimento (40; 60 e 90 dias após a floração a fim de verificar a influência do cálcio na estrutura da parede celular destes frutos através de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, imediatamente após a colheita e depois de 35 dias de armazenamento. Para fixar o material da polpa, utilizou-se metodologia descrita por Jacob e Gowanlock (1995. Nas condições experimentais, verificou-se que os frutos do tratamento-controle (sem cloreto de cálcio, no dia da colheita, já apresentavam desestruturação da parede celular e dissolução da lamela média (LM. A degradação da parede celular ocorre inicialmente na LM, levando à formação de espaços vazios bastante distintos, apresentando uma dissolução ainda maior, com o armazenamento prolongado (35 dias. Os frutos tratados com cloreto de cálcio a 5,0% apresentaram uma LM bem definida e ausência de espaços vazios, mesmo após o armazenamento, mostrando ser uma concentração efetiva na preservação da lamela média.

  8. Avaliação da aderência peritoneal com utilização de pericárdio bovino no reparo de grandes defeitos da musculatura da parede abdominal em ratos Wistar de ratos Wistar

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    Mauro Razuk Filho


    Full Text Available Introdução: A reconstrução dos grandes defeitos congênitos da parede abdominal tem sido um problema. No entanto, o uso de materiais biológicos, como o Pericárdio Bovino (PB tem se mostrado uma boa alternativa. Sua aplicação para reparos na musculatura abdominal continua sendo objeto de estudos e pouco disseminada na prática cirúrgica humana; Objetivos: Propor um modelo experimental de um defeito congênito da parede abdominal em ratos Wistar que será corrigido com PB; Metodologia: Ratos foram submetidos à laparotomiaxifoumbilical em que foram suturadas pequenas placas de pericárdio bovino ou foi realizada somente a sutura, de acordo com o grupo, diretamente no peritônio dos animais, sem lesá-los. O grupo 1 foi constituído por 5 animais que foram submetidos à sutura de placa de pericárdio bovino, o grupo 2 foi constituído por 5 animais que foram submetidos à sutura do peritônio (grupo controle. Três semanas após as cirurgias, os peritônios foram retirados e submetidos a a realização da análise histológica; Resultados: Foi identificado a presença de fibrose, infiltrado mononuclear e neoformação vascular em ambos os grupos; Conclusões: A microscopia revelou semelhanças entre os grupos controle de estudo, o que sugere que o uso do pericárdio bovino para o reparo de grandes defeitos da parede abdominal é seguro;

  9. Estudo teórico e experimental de paredes esbeltas de alvenaria estrutural

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    Guilherme Aris Parsekian

    Full Text Available Resumo Um dos fatores a serem levados em conta no dimensionamento de elementos comprimidos é sua esbeltez. Até hoje no Brasil utiliza-se o conceito de esbeltez simplificado, no qual o comprimento de flambagem é determinado por uma altura efetiva (hef, e o raio de giração é substituído por um parâmetro chamado espessura efetiva (tef, para o cálculo de fator minorador de resistência. Outras normas de alvenaria estrutural, como as norte-americana, europeia e australiana, trazem também em sua formulação de cálculo da capacidade de carga de uma parede comprimida um fator redutor de resistência. Já a normalização canadense indica que seja feita uma análise mais próxima da realidade, considerando o equilíbrio na configuração deformada da parede (análise P-Delta. Um programa experimental que envolveu 18 ensaios de paredes de blocos cerâmicos e de concreto com elevada esbeltez, obtida com a utilização de blocos de pequena espessura, é aqui relatado. As previsões da capacidade de carga para o caso de blocos de concreto de geometria vazada foram próximas aos resultados dos ensaios. No caso dos blocos cerâmicos utilizados, de geometria complexa, com as paredes dos blocos também vazadas, apenas a aproximação da norma canadense permitiu obter com algum grau de segurança e proximidade os resultados dos ensaios. Paredes mais esbeltas e com blocos de geometrias complexas exigem procedimentos mais refinados para o cálculo, em que o processo P-Delta e a verificação da seção com material não resistente à tração podem ser uma solução.

  10. Influência de aderências peritoneais e fio cirúrgico na tensão de ruptura da parede abdominal em ratos

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    Roberto Martins Gonçalves

    Full Text Available O resultado de operações na cavidade abdominal pode ser influenciado por aderências. Existem muitos conceitos ainda não comprovados sobre os efeitos das aderências na resistência de suturas tanto de vísceras intracavitárias quanto da parede abdominal. O presente trabalho visa a avaliar a influência das aderências peritoneais e vários tipos de fios cirúrgicos na tensão de ruptura da parede abdominal. Em 60 ratos Wistar, realizou-se laparotomia de 5cm de comprimento. A parede muscular e o peritônio foram fechados em plano único, com pontos simples, usando aleatoriamente os fios de náilon monofilamentar, ácido poliglicólico, categute simples e categute cromado, todos 4-0. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos: 1- Controle; 2- INTRODUÇÃO de 0,3g de talco dentro da cavidade abdominal; 3- Acréscimo de carboximetilcelulose sódica (CMC juntamente com o talco. Houve a análise dos grupos com sete e 21 dias. Avaliou-se o grau de aderências e a tensão de ruptura da ferida cirúrgica. A CMC reduziu a formação de aderências provocadas pelo talco (p<0,01. Houve diferença na tensão de ruptura quando comparados os grupos de sete e 21 dias (p<0,05. As aderências proporcionaram uma maior força tênsil à ferida (p<0,01. O tipo de fio utilizado não influenciou na tensão de ruptura a longo prazo. Portanto, as aderências aumentaram a força tênsil dos tecidos e o tipo de fio cirúrgico não influenciou nesse processo.

  11. Síntese da parede abdominal: avaliação de dois tipos de sutura contínua em ratos

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    Loureiro Vanessa Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a sutura simples contínua e a sutura contínua em oito vertical no fechamento da parede abdominal de ratos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e oito ratos machos Wistar, foram submetidos a laparotomia padronizada e fechamento da parede abdominal com sutura simples contínua (n=24 e sutura contínua em oito-vertical (n=24, com fio de polipropileno. No 7° e 14° pós-operatório foram submetidos a eutanásia 12 animais de cada grupo e deles retirados a camada músculo-aponevrótica da parede abdominal envolvendo a cicatriz operatória e preparados para exames histológico e imunohistoquímico. Os segmentos levados ao exame histológico foram corados por Hematoxilina-eosina sendo feita observação qualitativa do processo cicatricial e Picrosirius red F3BA, para avaliação quantitativa do colágeno. Também foram estudadas as porcentagens de macrófagos na linha de sutura por imunohistoquímica. Para a quantificação de macrófagos e fibras colágenas foi utilizado avaliação histológica por digitalização de imagem, baseados nos princípios de espectrofotometria. Os dados encontrados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher e Mann-Whitney (p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: A análise qualitativa, nos parâmetros necrose, fibrose, neovascularização, presença de abscesso, reação de corpo estranho e coaptação das bordas de sutura, não mostrou dados significantes nos dois grupos aos 7 ou 14 dias. A porcentagem de fibras colágenas foi significantemente maior, apenas no 7° dia, na sutura contínua em oito-vertical. A porcentagem de macrófagos mostrou-se significantemente maior na sutura simples contínua no 7º. dia. CONCLUSÃO : No 7° dia de pós-operatório a parede abdominal suturada em oito vertical apresenta significantemente, maior quantidade de fibras colágenas e menor quantidade de macrófagos do que a suturada por técnica contínua. Aos 14 dias de observação as suturas mostraram

  12. Correlação entre digestibilidade in vitro da parede celular e três métodos analíticos para a avaliação quantitativa da lignina

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    Fukushima Romualdo Shigueo


    Full Text Available Três métodos analíticos para a estimativa do conteúdo de lignina na parede celular, em diferentes frações vegetais, de sete espécies forrageiras, foram comparados. Os métodos empregados foram: lignina em detergente ácido (LDA, lignina permanganato de potássio e lignina solúvel em brometo de acetila (LSBA. Para o método espectrofotométrico (LSBA, foi utilizado como padrão de referência a lignina extraída da planta através do próprio reagente brometo de acetila. Não houve concordância entre os três métodos, sendo que, no geral, o método da LSBA mostrou valores mais elevados que os outros dois métodos e o método da LDA, menores valores. Na maioria das amostras, a concentração de lignina foi superior para a parede celular oriunda de planta madura em relação àquela proveniente de planta jovem, assim como o teor de lignina foi maior para a fração colmo em relação à fração folha. As leguminosas tenderam a apresentar teores mais elevados de lignina pelos métodos gravimétricos que as gramíneas, independentemente do estádio de maturidade. Entretanto, essa tendência não foi observada para o método LSBA, particularmente no estádio maduro. Preparações de parede celular foram fermentadas in vitro e os dados correlacionados com os teores de lignina obtidos por intermédio dos três métodos. O método LSBA exibiu os menores coeficientes de correlação, para a maioria das amostras, sugerindo que este método deve ser melhor avaliado.

  13. Estudo micro-mesoscópico da parede lateral do seio cavernoso humano Human cavernous sinus: micro-mesoscopic study of the lateral wall

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    Renato Paulo Chopard


    Full Text Available Os autores estudam as estruturas contidas no seio cavernoso humano, tanto em seu interior como na sua parede lateral, através de cortes frontais seriados espessos. Mostram a importância desta parede que é freqüentemente usada como via de acesso cirúrgico às afecções presentes nesta estrutura venosa da dura-máterThe authors studied the structures of human cavernous sinus in its interior as well as on the lateral wall, utilizing thick, frontal, sequential sections. They show the significance of this wall, frequently used as surgical accessway to diseases encountered within this venous structure of the dura-mater.

  14. Efeito da rotação da cabeça na pressão intraocular em decúbito ventral: estudo randomizado

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    M. Nuri Deniz


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A elevação da pressão intraocular (PIO, que diminui a pressão de perfusão do nervo óptico, é aumentada pelo posicionamento em decúbito ventral. O objetivo de nosso estudo foi comparar o efeito da rotação lateral da cabeça a 45º em decúbito ventral no aumento da PIO de olhos posicionados para cima e olhos posicionados para baixo em pacientes submetidos à nefrolitotomia percutânea (NLPC. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e cinco pacientes foram randomicamente alocados em dois grupos. A PIO dos pacientes foi registrada bilateralmente em posição supina antes do início da operação. Os pacientes foram posicionados em decúbito ventral. A cabeça foi posicionada sobre um apoio sem compressão externa direta em ambos os olhos. Os pacientes do Grupo I foram estritamente mantidos em pronação neutra, enquanto os pacientes do Grupo II foram posicionados em pronação com rotação da cabeça a 45º para o lado direito. No fim da operação, os pacientes foram reposicionados em decúbito dorsal e a PIO foi imediatamente medida. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença entre os dados demográficos, na duração da cirurgia, perda de sangue e reposição de líquido dos pacientes. Os valores pós-cirúrgicos da PIO em decúbito ventral aumentaram significativamente em comparação com os valores pré-operatórios em ambos os grupos (p < 0,05. Após a cirurgia em decúbito ventral, os valores da PIO nos olhos posicionados para cima no Grupo II foram significativamente menores do que no Grupo I e nos olhos posicionados para baixo no Grupo II (p < 0,05. CONCLUSÃO: A posição em decúbito ventral aumenta a PIO. Nos pacientes posicionados em decúbito ventral com rotação lateral da cabeça a 45º, a PIO nos olhos posicionados para cima foi significativamente menor.

  15. Estudo do comportamento de materiais não convencionais utilizados como revestimento de paredes, visando à redução da carga térmica.


    Sousa, Vívian Aparecida Lima


    A presente dissertação estudou o compartamento térmico, físico e mecânico das argamassas de revestimentos compostas por gesso puro, gesso/EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer) e gesso/vermiculita aplicadas nas superficies das paredes de edificação visando à redução da carga térmica relativamente às paredes convencionais constituídas de tijolos de cerâmica e argamassas de cimento-areia, tomadas como referência. O objetivo foi obter um material capaz de reduzir a carga térmica e, por conseguin...

  16. Detecção de manchas de sangue pelo luminol onde houve entintamento das paredes – estudo de caso

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    Geraldo Elias Miranda


    Full Text Available O luminol é um teste presuntivo para detecção de manchas de sangue, muito sensível, efetivo e seletivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a eficácia do luminol na detecção de sangue após o entintamento das paredes em um local onde ocorreu um homicídio. Os peritos se dirigiram para a casa do suspeito e com o uso de uma espátula metálica retiraram parte do revestimento da parede do quarto e após nova aplicação do luminol observaram a mancha branco-azulada, intensa e de duração típica de sangue latente. Os fragmentos retirados da parede foram enviados para o laboratório de DNA que confirmou tratar-se de sangue da vítima. A aplicação dessa técnica no caso em questão encontrando manchas de sangue sob a pintura ajudou a perícia a traçar a dinâmica do evento, ficando mais clara a posição da vítima quando foi alvejada com tiros pelo seu agressor além de ligar aquele local à vítima. O luminol não é capaz de detectar sangue que está sob a tinta da parede. A deteção do sangue latente somente ocorre quando a camada de tinta é retirada.

  17. Avaliação citométrica dos adipócitos localizados no tecido subcutâneo da parede anterior do abdome após infiltração percutânea de CO2

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    Célia Sampaio Costa

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da infiltração de dióxido de carbono em adipócitos presentes na parede abdominal. MÉTODOS: Quinze voluntárias foram submetidas a sessões de infusão de CO2 durante três semanas consecutivas (duas sessões por semana com intervalos de dois a três dias entre cada sessão. O volume de gás carbônico infundido por sessão, em pontos previamente demarcados, foi sempre calculado com base na superfície da área a ser tratada, com volume infundido fixo de 250 mL/100cm² de superfície tratada. Os pontos de infiltração foram demarcados respeitando-se o limite eqüidistante 2cm entre eles. Em cada ponto se injetou 10mL, por sessão, com fluxo de 80mL/min. Foram colhidos fragmentos de tecido celular subcutâneo da parede abdominal anterior antes e após o tratamento. O número e as alterações histomorfológicas dos adipócitos (diâmetro médio, perímetro, comprimento, largura e número de adipócitos por campos de observação foram mensurados por citometria computadorizada. Os resultados foram analisados com o teste t de Student pareado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Encontrou-se redução significativa no número de adipócitos da parede abdominal e na área, diâmetro, perímetro, comprimento e largura após o uso da hipercapnia (p=0,0001. CONCLUSÃO: A infiltração percutânea de CO2 reduz a população e modifica a morfologia dos adipócitos presentes na parede abdominal anterior.

  18. Entrevista a Julieta Paredes


    Falconí Trávez, Diego


    Entrevista realizada a la activista, teórica y escritora Julieta Paredes en la ciudad de La Paz el 8 de enero de 2011. En ella se reflexiona sobre cuestiones como el feminismo comunitario, el lesbianismo en las comunidades originarias, la opresión sobre la lengua aymara por parte de la lengua castellana, la textualidad indígena o los vínculos del feminismo comunitario con otras teorías feministas. Paredes accedió a dar esta entrevista siempre y cuando fuese también una entrevista reali...

  19. Entrevista a Julieta Paredes


    Falconí Trávez, Diego


    Entrevista realizada a la activista, teórica y escritora Julieta Paredes en la ciudad de La Paz el 8 de enero de 2011. En ella se reflexiona sobre cuestiones como el feminismo comunitario, el lesbianismo en las comunidades originarias, la opresión sobre la lengua aymara por parte de la lengua castellana, la textualidad indígena o los vínculos del feminismo comunitario con otras teorías feministas. Paredes accedió a dar esta entrevista siempre y cuando fuese también una entrevista realizada a ...



    Fialho, Clinton Davisson; Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora; Pernisa Júnior, Carlos; Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


    O objetivo desse artigo é analisar os níveis diegéticos e a metaficção presentes na narrativa buscando observar como esses dois conceitos podem ser identificados na produção cinematográfica Deadpool. Verificamos que os níveis da narrativa e da metaficção se apresentam no filme, reforçando uma relação de cumplicidade entre o narrador/personagem e o espectador. Essa relação de metalinguagem e quebra da quarta parede já existia no personagem quando este habitava a história em quadrinhos e migrou...

  1. Decanoato de nandrolona aumenta a parede ventricular esquerda, mas atenua o aumento da cavidade provocado pelo treinamento de natação em ratos

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    Maísa Carvalho Rezende Soares


    Full Text Available Os esteroides anabólicos androgênicos (EAAs são drogas sintetizadas a partir da testosterona. Sua ação anabólica deve-se principalmente ao aumento da síntese e redução na degradação das proteínas musculares. Este trabalho investiga os efeitos do treinamento de natação associado ao tratamento com decanoato de nandrolona sobre a pressão arterial, as dimensões cardíacas e reatividade vascular. Quarenta ratos Wistar machos, com idade de 60 dias, foram divididos em quatro grupos (n = 10: sedentário (SN, sedentário tratado (ST, treinados (TN e treinados tratados (TT. Animais TN e TT realizaram um treinamento de natação durante 12 semanas, enquanto os animais ST e TT receberam decanoato de nandrolona semanalmente (15mg/kg. O coração e os testículos foram removidos e pesados. O diâmetro da cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo (DcVE e a espessura da parede ventricular (EspVE foram medidos com um paquímetro eletrônico. A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS e a pressão arterial diastólica (PAD foram medidas semanalmente; ainda, foi estudada a reatividade vascular das artérias mesentéricas em resposta à noradrenalina. Em nosso trabalho não houve alterações no peso do coração; no entanto, verificamos aumento no DcVE (p < 0,05 em ratos TN, enquanto a EspVE aumentou (p < 0,05 nos ratos ST e TT, ambos em relação ao SN. O peso do testículo diminuiu (p < 0,05 em ST e TT em relação a SN. Tanto a pressão arterial quanto a reatividade vascular não foram alteradas. Concluímos que o treinamento de natação aumentou o diâmetro da cavidade ventricular esquerda, enquanto o tratamento com decanoato de nandrolona aumentou a espessura da parede ventricular esquerda, sugerindo uma hipertrofia concêntrica

  2. Ruptura da parede livre do ventrículo direito após infarto do miocárdio Rupture of the right ventricular free wall after myocardial infarction

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    Rômulo César Arnal Bonini


    Full Text Available Paciente de 75 anos, com ruptura da parede livre do ventrículo direito, corrigida com pontos de prolene 3.0 ancorados em tira de pericárdio bovino, promovendo o fechamento da ruptura. O paciente recebeu alta hospitalar no 59º dia de pós-operatório, em boas condições clínicas e laboratoriais.Patient 75, years-old, with free wall rupture of the right ventricle, corrected with prolene 3.0 points anchored in bovine pericardium patch, promoting the closure of the rupture. The patient was discharged on the 59th day after surgery in good clinical ans laboratorial conditions.

  3. Entre Quatro Paredes: a questão da liberdade / No exit: the matter of freedom in Sartre

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    Luis Carlos Cancellier de Olivo


    Full Text Available O trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a questão da liberdade humana à luz da peça teatral Entre quatro paredes – Huis Clos –,escrita pelo filósofo existencialista francês Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980. Para o escritor, a existência humana está intrinsecamente relacionada à liberdade, dentro de uma concepção de ontologia do ser. A preocupação com a liberdade individual, presente nos primeiros escritos de Sartre, aos poucos, cedeu lugar à inquietação com uma ética de liberdade coletiva e sua consequenteresponsabilidade. Entender o conceito sartreano de liberdade no âmbito social-político do humano implica na luta por um constante vir-a-ser. Trata-se de buscar a possibilidade de mudança, por meio de uma prática libertadora e emancipatória da construção da dignidade humana.Abstract:The work aims to investigate the concept of human freedom and its relations based in the play ‘No Exit’ - Huis Clos – written by the french existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980. Sartre believed that human existence is inseparable of its own liberty – within the notion of the ontology of being. The concern with individual freedom, present in the early writings ofSartre, gradually gave way to an ethic of caring for collective liberty and its consequent responsibility. To understand the concept of Sartrean freedom in the social-political struggle for human implies a constant come-to-be. It means to seek the possibility of change through a liberating and emancipatory practice to build human dignity.

  4. Entrevista a Julieta Paredes

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    Diego Falconí Trávez


    Full Text Available Entrevista realizada a la activista, teórica y escritora Julieta Paredes en la ciudad de La Paz el 8 de enero de 2011. En ella se reflexiona sobre cuestiones como el feminismo comunitario, el lesbianismo en las comunidades originarias, la opresión sobre la lengua aymara por parte de la lengua castellana, la textualidad indígena o los vínculos del feminismo comunitario con otras teorías feministas. Paredes accedió a dar esta entrevista siempre y cuando fuese también una entrevista realizada a algunas de las mujeres que son parte de la Comunidad Mujeres Creando y con la Asamblea Feminista Comunitaria. En tal virtud, esta entrevista se divide en dos partes, la primera con la autora y la segunda con la mencionada comunidad.

  5. Importância da parede celular de levedura (Saccharomyces sp. como fonte de fibra na alimentação Importance of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall as source of dietary fiber

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    Eloísa A. PÁDUA


    Full Text Available O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a influência da adição de 10% e 20% da fração parede celular de levedura (Saccharomyces sp., a uma dieta hipercolesterolêmica (5% gordura de coco mais 2% colesterol em ratos Wistar. A justificativa para o trabalho está relacionada com a quantidade crescente de levedura gerada como subproduto nas indústrias de álcool e de cerveja e o interesse na utilização de derivados de levedura como ingredientes funcionais em alimentação humana. Utilizou-se como padrão uma dieta de caseína (AIN-93G com 5% de celulose. Foram também utilizadas dietas hipercolesterolêmicas com 10 ou 20% de celulose, para comparação. Foram avaliados os índices: digestibilidade, valor biológico e utilização líquida aparentes da proteína, quociente de eficiência alimentar, velocidade de trânsito do conteúdo intestinal, comprimento do intestino delgado e as concentrações séricas de lipídios totais, triacilgliceróis e colesterol total. A fração parede celular, assim como a celulose provocaram uma diminuição da digestibilidade da proteína e do quociente de eficiência alimentar, mas não se observou influência no valor biológico da proteína e no ganho de peso. A adição de 10% ou 20%, tanto de parede celular como de celulose promoveu aumento da velocidade de trânsito do conteúdo intestinal e aumento no comprimento do intestino delgado. A fração parede celular nas concentrações de 10% (1° ensaio ou 20% (2° ensaio promoveu abaixamento nos níveis de triacilgliceróis séricos, contudo não influiu no abaixamento das concentrações de lipídios totais e de colesterol total.The main objective of this investigation was to study the influence of 10 and 20% addition of yeast (Saccharomyces sp. cell wall into a hypercholesterolemic (5% coconut fat plus 2% cholesterol diet, on Wistar rats. The work is justified by the increasing amount of yeast generated as byproduct of the alcohol and brewer

  6. Tratamento cirúrgico da comunicação interventricular e rotura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo após infarto agudo do miocárdio e da disjunção atrioventricular após troca da valva mitral, empregando o dispositivo de isolamento ventricular (DIV:: estudo experimental

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    BERNARDES Rodrigo de Castro


    Full Text Available A rotura de parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo (VE e a comunicação interventricular (CIV por rotura de septo são dois eventos catastróficos que podem complicar a evolução do infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM. A oportunidade do tratamento cirúrgico, o acesso à CIV e a técnica cirúrgica ideal para o tratamento desta complicação são muito discutidos na literatura (1-5. Os resultados, porém, são quase unânimes: alta taxa de mortalidade. A rotura da parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo pós troca da valva mitral (disjunção atrioventricular não é uma complicação rara, sendo quase sempre fatal (6, 7. O objetivo de nosso trabalho é discutir a alternativa de tratamento cirúrgico destas graves lesões, sem o manuseio direto do músculo cardíaco friável, necrozado. Desenvolvemos e testamos em animais (carneiros o dispositivo de isolamento ventricular (DIV. No período de 12/7/95 a 10/1/96, operamos 12 carneiros adultos para o implante do DIV. No primeiro período de aprendizado da técnica de implante e de desenvolvimento da prótese, operamos 7 animais, sem sucesso. No segundo período operamos 5 animais, já com o DIV completamente desenvolvido e com a técnica cirúrgica já padronizada; obtivemos sucesso com todos os animais, sobrevivendo com bom débito cardíaco, constatado ao ecocardiograma e à ventriculografia. Após 20 dias de sobrevida, os animais foram submetidos a ventriculografia e ecocardiografia. Observamos o completo isolamento da cavidade ventricular com o emprego do DIV, obtendo o tratamento provisório destas graves lesões.

  7. Aderência de revestimentos em paredes de blocos cerâmicos com função estrutural

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    Jefferson Sidney Camacho

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho tem por objetivo verificar o comportamento mecânico dos revestimentos cerâmicos frente aos carregamentos na alvenaria estrutural. Neste estudo são apresentados os resultados experimentais e conclusões sobre o comportamento de paredes revestidas quando submetidas a carregamentos verticais crescentes até a ruptura. Os revestimentos foram fixados com argamassa colante industrial, aplicados em paredes de blocos cerâmicos com e sem emboço. Ao longo dos ensaios foram registrados todos os eventos considerados importantes, tais como deformações, início de fissuração, descolamento dos revestimentos, formas e cargas de rupturas. Dessa forma, foi possível quantificar a relação dos carregamentos presentes nas paredes com as fissurações e desprendimentos dos revestimentos cerâmicos, onde se pode verificar que os problemas patológicos ocorreram próximos aos limites de carregamento da estrutura, indicando que o sistema de revestimentos não sofreram relativas alterações visuais e mecânicas dentro do regime estrutural de utilização.

  8. Avaliação da resistência ao fogo de paredes maciças de concreto armado

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    Fabrício Longhi Bolina

    Full Text Available ResumoO desempenho das construções está em evidência no Brasil, principalmente após a aprovação da Norma de Desempenho, a ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. Esta norma remete a necessidade dos sistemas construtivos de atender, dentre outros, a níveis mínimos de segurança contra incêndio. O intento deste artigo é estudar o potencial de aplicação na construção civil de sistemas de vedação vertical de concreto armado em termos de resistência ao fogo. Através de protótipos ensaiados em escala real (3,15 x 3,00 m em um forno vertical normatizado, foram analisadas duas espessuras de paredes de concreto armado maciço, de 10 e 14 cm, com um mesmo traço, observando o comportamento em termos de isolamento térmico, estanqueidade e estabilidade. Evidenciou-se que as amostras atenderam as condições aplicáveis para até 120 minutos de ensaio, com a de 14 cm mostrando melhores índices de isolamento térmico e estanqueidade.

  9. Selective increase of in vivo firing frequencies in DA SN neurons after proteasome inhibition in the ventral midbrain. (United States)

    Subramaniam, Mahalakshmi; Kern, Beatrice; Vogel, Simone; Klose, Verena; Schneider, Gaby; Roeper, Jochen


    The impairment of protein degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) is present in sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD), and might play a key role in selective degeneration of vulnerable dopamine (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SN). Further evidence for a causal role of dysfunctional UPS in familial PD comes from mutations in parkin, which results in a loss of function of an E3-ubiquitin-ligase. In a mouse model, genetic inactivation of an essential component of the 26S proteasome lead to widespread neuronal degeneration including DA midbrain neurons and the formation of alpha-synuclein-positive inclusion bodies, another hallmark of PD. Studies using pharmacological UPS inhibition in vivo had more mixed results, varying from extensive degeneration to no loss of DA SN neurons. However, it is currently unknown whether UPS impairment will affect the neurophysiological functions of DA midbrain neurons. To answer this question, we infused a selective proteasome inhibitor into the ventral midbrain in vivo and recorded single DA midbrain neurons 2 weeks after the proteasome challenge. We found a selective increase in the mean in vivo firing frequencies of identified DA SN neurons in anesthetized mice, while those in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) were unaffected. Our results demonstrate that a single-hit UPS inhibition is sufficient to induce a stable and selective hyperexcitability phenotype in surviving DA SN neurons in vivo. This might imply that UPS dysfunction sensitizes DA SN neurons by enhancing 'stressful pacemaking'. © 2014 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Efeitos da infecção crônica por Toxoplasma gondii sobre a parede intestinal de gatos domésticos The effects of the infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii on the cat duodenal wall

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    Juliana Maria da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos da infecção causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii sobre a parede do duodeno de gatos. Foram utilizados seis gatos (Felis catus, com cerca de três meses de vida, distribuídos aleatoriamente em Grupo controle (G1; n = 3 e Grupo infectado (G2; n = 3. Os animais do G2 receberam, por via oral, 200 cistos teciduais da cepa ME49 (tipo II do T. gondii. Após 40 dias, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia, laparotomia e retirada do duodeno, que foi fixado em solução de Bouin e submetido à rotina histológica para obtenção de cortes transversais de 3 µm. Os cortes foram corados com Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE, Azan, Ácido Periódico de Schiff (PAS, Alcian-Blue e Tricrômio de Mallory. Realizou-se uma avaliação qualitativa da parede intestinal e medidas comparativas entre os dois grupos, com relação: à espessura da túnica mucosa, túnica muscular, parede total, altura dos vilos, profundidade das criptas e altura dos enterócitos e seus núcleos. As células caliciformes, os linfócitos intraepiteliais e as células de Paneth foram quantificados. Os resultados mostraram que a infecção levou à atrofia da túnica mucosa, túnica muscular e parede intestinal do duodeno de gatos do G2 (p This paper analyzes the effects of the infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii on the cat duodenal wall. Six cats (Felis catus with 3-month-old were randomly divided into Control Group (G1; n = 3 and Infected Group (G2; n = 3. The animals from G2 received orarilly 200 T. gondii tissye cysts of ME49-strain (type II. After 40 days, the animals were submitted to euthanasia, laparotomy and had their duodenum removed, fixed in Bouin solution and submitted to histological routine obtaining 3 µm transverse cuts. The cuts were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE, Azan, Periodic acid - Schiff (PAS, Alcian-Blue, and Mallory trichrome. Qualitative assessment of the intestine wall as well as comparative measurements with respect


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    Mazzini Décio Luiz


    Full Text Available O presente experimento tem por finalidade estudar o efeito da aplicação de telas absorvíveis e inabsorvíveis, como reforço no fechamento de incisões medianas abdominais em ratos, na situação de aproximação parcial das bordas das aponeuroses. Para isto, foram estudados 45 ratos machos da raça Wistar, divididos em três grupos, nos quais se procedeu da seguinte maneira: Grupo "controle" - incisão mediana abdominal atingindo a cavidade peritoneal, seguida por fechamento apenas da pele; Grupo "vicryl" - incisão mediana abdominal atingindo a cavidade peritoneal, seguida por reforço com tela de vicryl, sobreposta em forma de ponte sobre a aponeurose, mantendo os lábios da aponeurose distantes entre si por 1,0 cm; Grupo "marlex" - procedimento idêntico ao grupo "vicryl", substituindo-se a tela de vicryl por marlex. Após um ano, os animais foram sacrificados e submetidos à avaliação macroscópica quanto à presença de hérnias e aderências às telas; aferição da resistência tênsil da cicatriz cirúrgica através da tração por dinamômetro e estudo histológico dos seguintes fenômenos da cicatrização: reação inflamatória crônica, inflamação granulomatosa tipo corpo estranho, tecido de granulação, hiperplasia fibroblástica e fibrose. Apenas os animais do grupo "controle" desenvolveram hérnias ao final do experimento. Não houve formação de aderências intestinais significativas em nenhum dos grupos estudados. A resistência tênsil foi significativamente maior nos animais em que se aplicaram telas para reforço. A reação inflamatória crônica e a inflamação granulomatosa tipo corpo estranho foram muito mais intensas no grupo em que se utilizou marlex, que nos demais grupos. Quanto ao tecido de granulação e hiperplasia fibroblástica, estavam ausentes em todos os grupos. A fibrose foi mais intensa nos grupos em que as telas foram empregadas. Conclui-se que a utilização de telas nesta situação evita o

  12. Revestimentos tradicionais de paredes de tabique e respetivos impactos no desempenho térmico


    Paiva, Anabela; Cunha, Sandra; Soares, Nuno; Ferreira, Débora; Varum, Humberto; Lanzinha, João; Pinto, Jorge


    Este trabalho de investigação centrou-se no estudo experimental do desempenho térmico de sistemas construtivos tradicionais de paredes de tabique. Para o efeito, diferentes modelos de paredes de tabique foram construídos e ensaiados termicamente em laboratório. Geralmente, uma parede de tabique é um elemento construtivo caracterizado por apresentar um sistema estrutural de madeira que é revestido por terra ou por uma argamassa terrosa bastarda. Uma parede de tabique pode ser divis...

  13. Reassessing Pocho Poetics: Americo Paredes's Poetry and the (Trans) National Question (United States)

    Olguin, B.V.


    Americo Paredes's first collection of poetry, Cantos de Adolescencia in 1937, alongside his second poetry anthology, Between Two Worlds in 1991 is examined. Paredes's discourses of Mexican American identity demand a reassessment of the pocho as an icon for Chicanao literary and cultural studies.

  14. Effects of aging on abdominal wall healing in rats Efeitos do envelhecimento na cicatrização da parede abdominal, em ratos

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    Maria de Lourdes Pessole Biondo-Simões


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess abdominal wall healing in old and young adult rats. METHODS: On average, young animals were 110 days old and old animals were 762 days old. A 4.0 cm median laparotomy was performed under anesthesia, followed by laparorrhaphy on two synthesis planes, i.e. peritoneum-muscle-aponeurosis and skin, using continuous 5.0 nylon sutures. The animals were evaluated on the 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st postoperative days. The resistance of the two planes was studied separately and a histopathologic analysis was performed on sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Sirius Red. Immunohistochemical analysis was also carried out using PCNA, LCA and CD34. RESULTS: The skin scars gained resistance in a similar manner at the initial time points, but those of young rats were more resistant on the 21st day (p=0.0029. Total and type III collagen content was similar in the two groups and type I collagen content was higher in young animals on the 14th day. Inflammatory cell infiltration was more marked in the skin wounds of young animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0190. Reepithelialization was similar and angiogenesis was more intense in the skin wounds of young animals on the 14th day (p=0.0062. The peritoneum-muscle-aponeurosis wounds gained similar resistance during the early phases, but were more resistant on the 14th day (p=0.0005 and on the 21st day (p=0.0023 in old rats Collagen concentration was higher in the wounds of old animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0112 and in the wounds of young animals on the 21st day (p=0.0348. The inflammatory reaction was more intense in the wounds of old animals on the 3rd day (p=0.0060 and angiogenesis was more intense on the 14th day (0.0432. CONCLUSION: Although there are some differences in the healing course between young and old animals, age, of itself, does not impair the healing of abdominal wall wounds in rats.OBJETIVO: Estudar a cicatrização da parede abdominal em ratos adultos jovens e

  15. Efeito do Arrefecimento Causado pelo Fluido Durante a Soldagem em Operação em Tubulações com Espessura de Parede de 6 e 11 mm

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    Jefferson Pinto Soares

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho compara a influência do arrefecimento causado por um fluído em circulação e em contato com a parede interna de uma tubulação, que caracteriza a soldagem em operação. Foram avaliadas duas espessuras de parede do tubo e duas temperaturas do fluido interno. A soldagem foi realizada na ligação de conexões de aço ASTM A105 a um tubo API 5L Gr X60 com espessura de 11 mm e de 6 mm, utilizando os processos TIG (GTAW e eletrodo revestido (SMAW. A circulação do fluido foi feita com água potável em duas faixas de temperatura, de 6 a 10 °C e 18 a 36 °C. Durante a soldagem, a temperatura interna do tubo e a taxa de resfriamento foram monitoradas. Foram preparadas quatro juntas soldadas, avaliadas por ensaios não destrutivos (inspeção visual, líquido penetrante, partículas magnéticas e ultrassom, ensaios destrutivos (tração, dobramento, impacto, fratura e dureza e análise macrográfica e micrográfica. Os resultados mostram que, com os procedimentos adotados, não é necessária a adoção de cuidados especiais quanto à possibilidade de perfuração e vazamento de fluido durante a soldagem em operação. Houve evidencias que o efeito do arrefecimento do fluido no interior do tubo foi mais significativo que a espessura da parede do tubo no aumento da taxa de resfriamento. Ainda, a temperatura do fluido em circulação no tubo exerceu papel secundário no aumento da taxa de resfriamento e na redução da temperatura máxima na parede interna do tubo. O arrefecimento causado pelo fluido provocou aumento na dureza da ZF e ZTA, reduziu o alongamento no ensaio de tração, porém ainda em valores adequados. Estes comportamentos foram mais observados no tubo de menor espessura, de 6 mm. Foi possível, pelos resultados dos ensaios não destrutivos e ensaios mecânicos obtidos, qualificar os procedimentos de soldagem, com base nas normas especializadas neste processo.

  16. Síntese de colágeno após a implantação de telas de polipropileno em parede abdominal de ratos jovens e velhos Collagen synthesis after the implantation of polypropylene nets in the abdominal wall of young and old rats

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    Maria de Lourdes Pessole Biondo-Simões


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Alguns autores afirmam que a síntese do colágeno em indivíduos idosos é mais lenta, outros que há diminuição da síntese de colágeno I e III e outros que é normal. O objetivo deste estudo foi reconhecer a deposição de colágeno através dos poros de tela de polipropileno, implantada em parede abdominal de ratos adultos jovens e comparar à de ratos velhos. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 10 ratos machos com idade entre 100 e 120 dias e 10 ratos com idade entre 850 e 900 dias. Sob anestesia inalatória fez-se uma incisão mediana na parede abdominal ventral e produziu-se uma falha com 4 cm², retirando-se o plano músculo-aponevrótico, mantendo-se o plano peritoneal. Corrigiu-se a falha com malha de polipropileno fixada com pontos separados de fio 5.0, também de polipropileno e fez-se a síntese da pele. Após 30 dias fez-se a eutanásia e retirou-se a parede abdominal ventral com a prótese. Dividiu-se o retalho com o enxerto em 2 partes, uma ensaio de tração e a outra para estudo histopatológico. Coraram-se os cortes obtidos pela hematoxilina e eosina e Sirius-red. Estes foram examinados em microscópio de luz polarizada através do programa Image Plus. RESULTADOS: O ensaio de tração não demonstrou diferença significante de resistência entre os dois grupos. Reação inflamatória agudo-crônica, com grande quantidade de células gigantes de corpo estranho, esteve presente nos dois grupos com intensidade semelhante, o mesmo acontecendo com a concentração total de colágeno (p=0,1440 e de colágeno tipo I (p=0,3981. Já a concentração de colágeno tipo III era maior nos cortes dos animais velhos (p=0,0364. CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados permitem concluir que o envelhecimento não prejudica o ganho de resistência e a deposição de colágeno, porém existe atraso da maturação tecidual.PURPOSE: Some investigators have stated that collagen synthesis is slower in elderly individuals, others have reported a reduction of

  17. Modificação da técnica de abordagem ventral à articulação atlantoxial sem a secção do músculo esternotireóideo Modification of ventral technique approach to the articulation atlantoxial with no section of the muscle sternothyreoid

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    Rafael Festugatto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma variação na técnica de acesso ventral à articulação atlantoaxial para tratamento da instabilidade atlantoaxial sem a secção do músculo esternotireóideo. Foram utilizados 15 cães, pesando entre oito e 12kg, sem raça definida, independente do sexo, distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos iguais de acordo com o período pós-operatório (PO denominados de I (30dias, II (60 dias e III (90 dias para avaliações clínicas diárias. A articulação atlantoaxial foi submetida à artrodese por meio do acesso ventral utilizando pinos de Steinmann associados à resina acrílica autopolimerizável. O acesso e a exposição da articulação atlantoaxial sem a secção do músculo esternotireóideo foram realizados sem complicações ou limitações adicionais. Nenhum cão desta pesquisa apresentou tosse, dispnéia, regurgitação, paralisia laríngea ou Síndrome de Horner. Pode-se concluir que a secção do músculo esternotireóideo é um procedimento desnecessário e que não interfere na exposição da articulação atlantoaxial e na realização da artrodese em cães por meio do acesso ventral.The aim of this research was to present a variation of the ventral technique access to the atlantoaxial joint, for treatment of atlantoaxial instability with no section of sternothyreoid muscle. Fifteen dogs, with weight between 8 and 12kg, were randomly distributed in three groups denominated one (30 days, two (60 days and three (90 days for daily clinical evaluations. The atlantoaxial joint was submitted to the arthrodesis through the ventral access using pins of Steinmann associated to acrylic resin. The access and exhibition of the atlantoaxial joint with no section of the sternothyreoid muscle was obtained without complications or additional limitations. No dog of this research presented coughing, dyspnea, regurgitation, laryngeal paralysis or Horner's syndrome. It can be concluded that the

  18. Vascularização arterial da glândula mamária em caprinos sem raça definida (Capra hircus, Linnaeus, 1758

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    Luiz Carlos Rosemberg


    Full Text Available Estudamos a distribuição e o arranjo vascular arterial dos ramos à glândula mamária em 30 caprinos sem raça definida, adultos, oriundos dos estados do Ceará e Minas Gerais, mediante a análise de esquemas de modelos obtidos pela injeção de látex "neoprene" 450, fixação em formol a 10% e dissecção. O suprimento sangüíneo de cada metade do úbere faz-se pela A. pudenda externa, complementado por conexões com ramos das Aa. pudenda interna e torácica interna. Próximo ao úbere a A. pudenda externa curva-se cranialmente, emite o ramo mamário superficial, torna-se A. mamária até a sua bifurcação; emite ainda ramos aos linfonodos mamários e à região labial ventral da vulva. Ao penetrar na glândula a A. mamária bifurca-se dando origem às Aa. mamárias cranial e medial que enviam diversos ramos à glândula em geral e pele da região. A A. mamária cranial percorre cranialmente a parede abdominal ventral como A. epigástrica caudal superficial. Não existem diferenças significativas entre os arranjos vasculares dos dois antímeros da mama. Ocorrem anastomoses entre as Aa. mamárias mediais e seus ramos. Fizemos uma análise comparativa do nosso trabalho em relação a outros estudos a respeito da irrigação da glândula mamária em ruminantes.

  19. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings in Schistosomiasis mansoni: expanded gallbladder fossa and fatty hilum signs Achados da ultrassonografia e da ressonância magnética na esquistossomose mansônica: sinais da expansão da fossa da vesícula e do hilo gorduroso

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    Luciana Cristina dos Santos Silva


    esquistossomose mansônica. Todos apresentavam US indicativa de fibrose hepática esquistossomótica, e foram avaliados com imagens por RM, realizadas com uma unidade magnética supercondutora de 1,5-T(Sigma. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e sete (87% entre 54 pacientes com sinais ultrassonográficosde fibrose periportal esquistossomótica tiveram este diagnóstico confirmado pela RM. Nos sete(13% casos discordantes, a RM revelou tecido adiposo preenchendo o espaço periportal hilaronde a US indicava espessamento isolado da parede da veia porta em seu ponto de entrada no fígado. Este achado foi nomeado sinal do hilo gorduroso. Um dos 47 pacientes com evidência de fibrose periportal RM era colecistectomizado. Trinta e quatro (76,1% dos 46 pacientes restantes apresentavam expansão da fossa da vesícula, que se encontrava preenchida portecido adiposo. Nos outros sete, a RM revelou sinais de fibrose pericolecística. CONCLUSÕES: Os espessamentos ecogênicos central da parede da veia porta, e da parede da vesícula biliar, até o momento, atribuídos à fibrose, foram frequentemente identificados como tecido adiposopela RM. Entretanto, o espessamento da parede da vesícula identificado pela US (expansão da fossa da vesícula na RM é provavelmente secundário a alterações morfológicas hepáticas na esquistossomose, e representa comprometimento grave do fígado.

  20. Alterações morfológicas na parede de artéria muscular em pacientes hipertensas

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    Neves Mario Fritsch Toros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar lesões estruturais na parede arterial uterina em mulheres com hipertensão arterial (HA. MÉTODOS: Vinte e seis pacientes com indicação de histerectomia eletiva foram divididas em dois grupos. O grupo 1, constituído por mulheres normotensas e, o grupo 2, por hipertensas sem tratamento regular. Foram obtidos dois segmentos da artéria uterina de cada paciente imediatamente após a cirurgia. Os fragmentos foram preparados em lâminas e submetidos ao estudo morfológico à microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram homogêneos em relação à idade, com média de 46,8+7,6 e 46,7+6,4 anos nos grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente. As médias de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica máximas durante o período de internação foram de 130,0+3,4 x 83,8+6,5mmHg no grupo 1 e de 163,8+4,3 x 105,8+9,9mmHg no grupo 2 (p<0,0001. As pacientes hipertensas apresentaram espessamentos maiores da camada íntima (p<0,05. As fibras do complexo elástico encontravam-se mais numerosas e homogêneas no grupo com pressão arterial elevada e a hipertrofia celular mais freqüente (53,8% que no das normotensas (23,1 %. CONCLUSÃO: HA parece acelerar o espessamento intimal relacionado à idade. As pacientes hipertensas apresentam elevada tendência para um aumento quantitativo e maior homogeneidade das fibras elásticas intimais na parede arterial uterina, indicando que a HA pode determinar alterações estruturais semelhantes ao processo de envelhecimento vascular.

  1. Desempenho acústico de paredes de blocos e tijolos cerâmico: uma comparação entre Brasil e Portugal

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    Maria de Fatima Ferreira Neto

    Full Text Available Alguns questionamentos sobre a relação entre desempenho acústico e o conforto acústico percebido contribuíram para o início desta pesquisa, que estuda o desempenho e conforto acústicos de ambientes compostos por blocos e tijolos cerâmicos, respectivamente no Brasil e em Portugal. Os tijolos portugueses apresentam 11,0 cm e 15,0 cm de espessura, enquanto os blocos brasileiros 11,5 cm e 14,0 cm de espessura. A avaliação do comportamento acústico desses elementos consistiu de testes em laboratório e em campo. Os critérios de desempenho utilizados para a avaliação do desempenho acústico foram a norma ABNT NBR 15575, do Brasil, e o Decreto-lei nº 96/2008, de Portugal. A avaliação do conforto acústico consistiu na análise da participação de um júri, que indicou a percepção de sentenças emitidas por vozes feminina e masculina, em simulação de convivência entre vizinhos adjacentes. Os resultados do desempenho acústico dessas paredes estão aquém do recomendado pelos critérios locais para o uso como parede de geminação. A avaliação dos resultados com o júri corroborou essa conclusão. Quanto ao desempenho acústico, verifica-se que a indústria da construção civil destes dois países deve aprimorar-se para atender aos critérios da nova norma.

  2. Comportamento da musculatura das arteríolas intra-hepáticas na forma hepatesplênica da esquistossomose mansônica

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    Maria do Socorro Almeida Barbosa


    Full Text Available A determinação da relação parede-lume das arteríolas intra-hepáticas, na esquistossomose mansônica (forma hepatesplênica, demonstra a existência de uma hipotrofia da camada muscular daqueles vasos. Esse achado sugere redução do fluxo sangüíneo arterial hepático nessa entidade.

  3. A nicotina atua como fator deletério na reparação da parede abdominal The nicotine has a deleterious effect on the healing of abdominal wall

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    Aldo da Cunha Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da nicotina na cicatrização da camada musculoaponeurótica da parede abdominal. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental em que foram usados 16 ratos da raça Wistar pesando em média 210± 8g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 8. Nos animais do grupo A foi implantado disco de nicotina (Nicotinel Ò na dose de 5mg/Kg de peso/dia no subcutâneo da região dorsal, trocado a cada dois dias, a partir do 5º dia antes da operação em que foi feita laparotomia mediana de 5 cm, até o 10º dia de observação. No grupo B (controle foram usados discos de celulose com o mesmo diâmetro. Tubo de silicone multiperfurado foi implantado no subcutâneo a 1cm da lesão da parede abdominal. A camada musculoaponeurótica e a pele foram suturadas com fio de nylon 5-0. No 10º dia pós-operatório foi colhido 1ml de líquido seroso do tubo de silicone por punção percutânea para dosagem de pO2 e os animais receberam dose letal de anestésico. Foi ressecado um segmento da camada musculoaponeurótica com 2cm de largura para tensiometria, em seguida processado e corado em HE e tricrômico de Masson para análise quantitativa dos dados histopatológicos em sistema digitalizado. A análise estatística foi feita pelo ANOVA e teste Newman-Keuls, com significância 0,05. RESULTADOS: No grupo A a pO2 do líquido tecidual atingiu o valor 17,75± 3,4 mmHg e no grupo B (controle a pO2 = 40,75± 6,4 mmHg (pOBJETIVE: An experimental study was done to evaluate the effect of nicotine on the healing of abdominal wall. METHODS: Sexteen Wistar rats weighing 210± 8g were randomly separated into two groups of eight rats each. In the group A Nicotine (Nicotinel Ò was implanted in the back subcutaneous 5mg/Kg each two days, begining at the fifth preoperative day. A 5cm median laparotomy was done, sutured with nylon 5-0 and the rats were observed in individual cages. The group B (control didn’t use nicotine. A multiperfurated silicone tube was implanted

  4. Parâmetros quantitativos da anatomia da madeira de eucalípto que cresceu em diferentes locais

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    José Geraldo Lima de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Sabe-se da existência de influência do local de crescimento nas propriedades da madeira e que estas são influenciadas principalmente pela sua estrutura anatômica. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros quantitativos da estrutura anatômica da madeira de eucalipto de um clone de híbrido natural de Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex-Maiden, ocorrentes na localidade de Rio Claro-SP, com 64 meses de idade. As 138 árvores foram cultivadas nos os municípios de Aracruz, Domingos Martins, Alto Rio Novo e São Mateus - ES e Mutum e Aimorés - MG. Os parâmetros anatômicos mensurados foram o diâmetro e a frequência vascular, o comprimento, a largura, o diâmetro do lume e a espessura da parede das fibras e ainda a altura, largura e frequência de raios. De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que relativo aos vasos houve diferenças significativas entre as regiões. Quanto aos raios, também foram verificadas diferenças significativas relativas à altura, largura e frequência diversas regiões. As madeiras produzidas na região de Aracruz possuem fibras de comprimento e espessura de paredes muito inferiores às produzidas nas demais regiões estudadas.

  5. Análise de desempenho estrutural aplicada a paredes em painéis de madeira revestidos com elementos cerâmicos


    Dias, Gustavo Lacerda


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Neste trabalho é apresentado um levantamento das técnicas construtivas específicas para aplicação de revestimento cerâmico em paredes de edificações em madeira, que são empregadas em países com ampla tradição em construções com base neste material. Tem o intuito de contribuir para o aprimoramento da tecnologia construtiva voltada ao setor madeireiro brasileiro. Aborda a análise de desempenho de elementos e...

  6. Un secreto desvelado: lo que las paredes oyeron en el supuesto autógrafo de la comedia alarconiana


    Vega García-Luengos, Germán


    Producción Científica El trabajo da cuenta de la localización en la Biblioteca del Institut del Teatre de Barcelona del manuscrito supuestamente autógrafo de Las paredes oyen que la bibliografía de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón echaba en falta. Su estudio, al tiempo que rechaza su condición de autógrafo, pone de manifiesto que se trata de una versión previa a la publicada en 1628, en la Primera parte de comedias, con variantes de notable interés, algunas de las cuales afectan a la idea que sobre el...

  7. Obtenção e caracterização de manoproteínas da parede celular de leveduras de descarte em cervejaria=Obtainment and characterization of mannoproteins from brewer’s yeast cell wall

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    Raul Jorge Hernan Castro-Gomez


    Full Text Available A biomassa de levedura resultante da produção de cerveja é mátéria-prima para extração de componentes celulares, incluíndo manoproteínas. O presente trabalho avaliou a possibilidade da utilização da levedura Saccharomyces sp. descartada em cervejaria, para obtenção de extrato com manoproteínas. A extração foi conduzida segundo delineamento fatorial incompleto, Box-Behnken 33, para as variáveis temperaturas (75, 85 e 95ºC, tempo de extração (5, 7 e 9h e concentração da suspensão de parede celular (10, 15 e 20%. O etanol residual da fermentação não interfere na obtenção do extrato contendo manoproteínas. O maior índice de extração foi 4,08%, observado para temperatura de 95ºC na concentração de 10% por 7h e 15% por 9h. A validação experimental do maior índice predito resultou em 4,50% de extrato, confirmando a capacidade preditiva do modelo. A manoproteína obtida, a partir de 10% de parede celular (95ºC, 9h, apresentou 51,39% de proteínas, com 58 e 64 kDa, e 25,89% de carboidratos, distribuídos entre manose e glicose. A atividade emulsificante foi de 62,50 ± 0,88% e a estabilidade da emulsão foi de 96,00 ± 1,40%. Estes resultados evidenciam o potencial bioemulsificante do extrato e a viabilidade de utilização da levedura descartada em cervejarias para obtenção de compostos com propriedades industriais interessantes.The biomass of yeast after beer production is a raw-material for cell components extraction, including mannoproteins. The present study evaluated the using viability of spent brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces sp. for obtainment of extract containing mannoprotein. The extraction was conducted by Box-Behnken 33 incomplete design, for the variables temperature (75, 85 and 95ºC, time of extraction (5, 7 and 9h and concentration of cell wall in suspension (10, 15 and 20%. The residual ethanol of fermentation doesn’t have interference in the obtaining of extract containing mannoproteins. The

  8. Níveis crescentes de parede de levedura sobre a resposta imune celular e perfil hematológico de frangos de corte Cellular immune response and hematological parameters of broilers from different age broiler breeders, fed with a sorghum meal with different yeast wall levels

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    Suelen Regina Ferreira


    Full Text Available Um experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito de níveis crescentes de parede de levedura e idade das matrizes reprodutoras sobre o peso dos órgãos linfóides, a resposta imune celular e o perfil hematológico de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 3.360 pintos de corte da linhagem Cobb, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualisado, em esquema fatorial 2x5, mais dois controles, sendo duas idades de matrizes (34 e 57 semanas de idade e cinco níveis de suplementação de parede de levedura (zero, um, dois, três e quatro kg de parede de levedura/tonelada de ração. A idade das matrizes influenciou a resposta de todas as variáveis. A inclusão de 3kg de parede de levedura/tonelada de ração promoveu, na progênie de reprodutoras de 57 semanas, reação inflamatória mais intensa quando comparada a dieta controle, no entanto não houve aumento significativo no número de heterófilos e linfócitos circulantes. Conclui-se que a utilização da parede de levedura associada ao sorgo ou não em rações de frangos de corte ainda necessita de estudos complementares, que incluam, por exemplo, os componentes purificados da parede de levedura (MOS e ß-glucano.An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect increasing levels of yeast wall and broiler breeders' age levels on lymphoid organs weight, cellular immune response and hematological parameters in broilers. A total of 3,360 Cobb broilers were allotted, in a completely randomized design and a 2x5 factorial arrangement, and two controls, compound of two broiler breeders age (34 and 57 weeks of age and five yeast wall levels (zero, one, two, three and four kg of yeast wall/ton of diet. Broiler breeders' age affected all studied variables. The inclusion of 3kg of yeast wall/ton of meal increased, at 57 weeks age broiler breeders, more intense inflammatory reaction when compared to control diet; however the circulated heterophils and lymphocytes numbers were not increased. In

  9. Effects of bromopride on abdominal wall healing with induced peritoneal sepsis after segmental colectomy and colonic anastomosis in rats Efeitos da bromoprida na cicatrização da parede abdominal com sepse peritoneal induzida e submetidos à ressecção segmentar e anastomose do cólon esquerdo em ratos

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    Marcos Vinícius Melo de Oliveira


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Evaluate the effects of bromopride on abdominal wall healing of rats with induced peritoneal sepsis after segmental colectomy and colonic anastomosis. METHODS: Forty rats underwent sectioning of the left colon and end-to-end anastomosis and were divided into two groups of 20 animals for the administration of bromopride (bromopride group - B or saline solution (control group - C. Each group was divided into subgroups of 10 animals each to be killed on the third (GB3 and GC3 or seventh postoperative day (GB7 and GC7. It was analyzed the following characteristics: breaking strength of the abdominal wall's wound; surgical and histopathological features of the abdominal wall; and clinical features of the rats. RESULTS: There was no difference between the groups in relation to the weight of the rats and the breaking strength of the abdominal wall's wound. The GB7 group presented less edema and less quantity of fibrin during histopathological evaluation compared to the GC7 group. CONCLUSION: Bromopride did not have harmful effects on the healing of abdominal wall in rats.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da bromoprida, na cicatrização da ferida operatória da parede abdominal de ratos com sepse peritoneal experimentalmente induzida e submetidos a ressecção segmentar e anastomose de cólon esquerdo. MÉTODOS: 40 ratos distribuídos em dois grupos contendo 20 animais, para administração de bromoprida (grupo bromoprida- B ou solução de NaCl 0,9% (grupo controle - C. Cada grupo foi dividido em subgrupos contendo 10 animais, para eutanásia no terceiro (GB3 e GC3 ou sétimo dia (GB7 e GE7 de pós-operatório. Os ratos foram submetidos à secção do cólon esquerdo e anastomose término-terminal. No dia da eutanásia foram avaliadas as características cirúrgicas da cavidade abdominal e clínicas dos ratos. Foram coletados segmentos da parede para a avaliação histopatológica e de resistência tênsil da ferida operatória. RESULTADOS: N

  10. Lateralization and gender differences in the dopaminergic response to unpredictable reward in the human ventral striatum. (United States)

    Martin-Soelch, Chantal; Szczepanik, Joanna; Nugent, Allison; Barhaghi, Krystle; Rallis, Denise; Herscovitch, Peter; Carson, Richard E; Drevets, Wayne C


    Electrophysiological studies have shown that mesostriatal dopamine (DA) neurons increase activity in response to unpredicted rewards. With respect to other functions of the mesostriatal dopaminergic system, dopamine's actions show prominent laterality effects. Whether changes in DA transmission elicited by rewards also are lateralized, however, has not been investigated. Using [¹¹C]raclopride-PET to assess the striatal DA response to unpredictable monetary rewards, we hypothesized that such rewards would induce an asymmetric reduction in [¹¹C]raclopride binding in the ventral striatum, reflecting lateralization of endogenous dopamine release. In 24 healthy volunteers, differences in the regional D₂/₃ receptor binding potential (ΔBP) between an unpredictable reward condition and a sensorimotor control condition were measured using the bolus-plus-constant-infusion [¹¹C]raclopride method. During the reward condition subjects randomly received monetary awards while performing a 'slot-machine' task. The ΔBP between conditions was assessed in striatal regions-of-interest and compared between left and right sides. We found a significant condition × lateralization interaction in the ventral striatum. A significant reduction in binding potential (BP(ND) ) in the reward condition vs. the control condition was found only in the right ventral striatum, and the ΔBP was greater in the right than the left ventral striatum. Unexpectedly, these laterality effects appeared to be partly accounted for by gender differences, as our data showed a significant bilateral BP(ND) reduction in women while in men the reduction reached significance only in the right ventral striatum. These data suggest that DA release in response to unpredictable reward is lateralized in the human ventral striatum, particularly in males. © 2011 The Authors. European Journal of Neuroscience © 2011 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  11. Comportamento mecânico de sistemas de reforço de paredes de alvenaria


    Menezes, Pedro Sucena Paiva de Calheiros e


    Na presente dissertação analisa-se o comportamento mecânico de reforços de paredes de alvenaria de pedra. As paredes de alvenaria de edifícios antigos necessitam frequentemente de ser reforçadas, para melhorar a capacidade resistente desses edifícios, em particular às ações sísmicas. Elabora-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica, trabalhos de campo e estudam-se trabalhos de referência experimentais. Apresenta-se neste trabalho um estudo experimental, em que se analisa o comportamento de um modelo ...

  12. Produção de protoplastos e lise da parede celular de leveduras utilizando β-1,3 glucanase Protoplasts production and yeast cell wall lysis using β-1,3 glucanase

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    Luciana Francisco Fleuri


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visou a aplicação da β-1,3 glucanase lítica, obtida do microrganismo Cellulosimicrobium cellulans 191, na produção de protoplastos e na lise da parede celular de leveduras. A preparação bruta da enzima foi capaz de lisar as leveduras Kluyveromyces lodderi, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fleischmann e Itaiquara, S. cerevisiae KL-88, S. diastaticus NCYC 713, S. cerevisiae NCYC 1001, Candida glabrata NCYC 388, Kluyveromyces marxianus NCYC 587 e Hansenula mrakii NCYC 500. A β-1,3 glucanase purificada foi capaz de lisar as leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae KL-88, Saccharomyces capensis, Debaromyces vanriji, Pachysolen tannophillus, Kluyveromyces drosophilarum, Candida glabrata, Hansenula mrakii e Pichia membranaefaciens e formar protoplastos de Saccharomyces cerevisiae KL-88.The aim of this work was the application of lytic β-1,3 glucanase obtained from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans strain 191 in the production of protoplasts and lysis of yeast cell walls. The crude extract demonstrated lysis activity against the yeasts Kluyveromyces lodderi, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Fleischmann and Itaiquara, S. cerevisiae KL-88, S. diastaticus NCYC 713, S. cerevisiae NCYC 1001, Candida glabrata NCYC 388, Kluyveromyces marxianus NCYC 587, and Hansenula mrakii NCYC 500. The purified β-1,3 glucanase demonstrated lysis activity against the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae KL-88, Saccharomyces capensis, Debaromyces vanriji, Pachysolen tannophillus, Kluyveromyces drosophilarum, Candida glabrata, Hansenula mrakii, and Pichia membranaefaciens, and it was able to produce Saccharomyces cerevisiae KL-88 protoplasts.

  13. Versatility of the ventral approach in bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral oral grafts. (United States)

    Palminteri, Enzo; Berdondini, Elisa; Fusco, Ferdinando; De Nunzio, Cosimo; Giannitsas, Kostas; Shokeir, Ahmed A


    To investigate the versatility of the ventral urethrotomy approach in bulbar reconstruction with buccal mucosa (BM) grafts placed on the dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral urethral surface. Between 1999 and 2008, 216 patients with bulbar strictures underwent BM graft urethroplasty using the ventral-sagittal urethrotomy approach. Of these patients, 32 (14.8%; mean stricture 3.2 cm, range 1.5-5) had a dorsal graft urethroplasty (DGU), 121 (56%; mean stricture 3.7, range 1.5-8) a ventral graft urethroplasty (VGU), and 63 (29.2%; mean stricture 3.4, range 1.5-10) a dorsal plus ventral graft urethroplasty (DVGU). The strictured urethra was opened by a ventral-sagittal urethrotomy and BM graft was inserted dorsally or ventrally or dorsal plus ventral to augment the urethral plate. The median follow-up was 37 months. The overall 5-year actuarial success rate was 91.4%. The 5-year actuarial success rates were 87.8%, 95.5% and 86.3% for the DGU, VGU and DVGU, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences among the three groups. Success rates decreased significantly only with a stricture length of >4 cm. In BM graft bulbar urethroplasties the ventral urethrotomy access is simple and versatile, allowing an intraoperative choice of dorsal, ventral or combined dorsal and ventral grafting, with comparable success rates.

  14. Ramos colaterais parietais e terminais da aorta abdominal em Myocastor coypus (nutria Terminal and parietal colateral branches of the abdominal aorta in Myocastor coypus (nutria

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    Paulete de Oliveira Vargas Culau


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, utilizaram-se 30 nutrias, 15 fêmeas e 15 machos, com o sistema arterial aórtico-abdominal preenchido com látex 603, pigmentado em vermelho, e fixado em uma solução aquosa de formaldeído a 20%. A aorta abdominal emitiu de sua superfície dorsal de 6 a 8 artérias lombares únicas. Das artérias renais, direita e esquerda, originaram-se as artérias frênico-abdominal para irrigar parte do diafragma e da parede abdominal lateral cranial. A aorta abdominal lançou dorsalmente, a artéria sacral mediana, cranialmente a sua bifurcação em artérias ilíacas comuns. As artérias ilíacas comuns, ramos terminais da aorta abdominal, originaram as artérias ilíacas interna e externa. A artéria ilíaca interna distribuiu-se nas vísceras da cavidade pélvica. A artéria ilíaca externa emitiu uma artéria umbilical e, antes de alcançar o anel femoral, lançou a artéria circunflexa ilíaca profunda para a parede abdominal lateral, em seus dois terços caudais. A artéria ilíaca externa lançou o tronco pudendo-epigástrico, que originou a artéria epigástrica caudal, para a parede abdominal ventral e a artéria pudenda externa, que saiu pelo canal inguinal, para irrigar a genitália externa. Os ramos parietais diretos da aorta abdominal foram as artérias lombares e a artéria sacral mediana, enquanto as artérias frênico-abdominal, circunflexa ilíaca profunda e epigástrica caudal, foram ramos colaterais parietais indiretos. Os ramos terminais da artéria aorta abdominal foram as artérias ilíacas comuns com seus ramos, as artérias ilíacas interna e externa.For this study it was used 30 nutria, 15 females and 15 males, with its abdominal aorta system full filled with latex 603, stained in red, and fixed in an aqueous solution of formaldehyde 20%. The abdominal aorta emitted from its dorsal surface 6 to 8 single lumbar arteries. From the renal arteries, left and right, it has been originated the phrenicoabdominal arteries

  15. A importância da pressão pleural na avaliação da mecânica respiratória


    Fernandes,Cláudia Regina


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Para a partição das medidas de mecânica do sistema respiratório em seus componentes pulmão e parede torácica, faz-se necessário o conhecimento da pressão pleural. A finalidade desta revisão foi discutir sobre medidas alternativas à obtenção da pressão pleural para o cálculo da mecânica pulmonar, relatar as peculiaridades do método do balão esofágico para obtenção indireta da pressão pleural, as particularidades da obtenção da medida da pressão esofágica em pacientes...

  16. Revstimentos cerâmicos aderentes de paredes


    Borges, Rui Jorge Nóbrega


    O objetivo geral desta dissertação consistiu num levantamento exaustivo do tipo e caraterísticas de ladrilhos cerâmicos, utilizados no revestimento de paredes, existentes no nosso mercado. Os ladrilhos cerâmicos continuam a ser o revestimento mais utilizado na construção de edifícios em Portugal, visto que, há grande tradição na utilização de ladrilhos colados como revestimento de fachadas, e cada vez mais como revestimento de pavimentos, sistemas que tem uma elevada durabilidade quando corre...

  17. Tensile strength study of the abdominal wall following laparotomy synthesis using three types of surgical wires in Wistar rats Estudo da resistência tênsil da parede abdominal após síntese de laparotomia usando três tipos de fios cirúrgicos em ratos Wistar

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    Lucas Félix Rossi


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To study the tensile strength of the abdominal wall following laparotomy synthesis utilizing three types of surgical wires. METHODS: Thirty Wistar rats were randomized into three groups of ten rats each. Each group underwent a 3cm-laparotomy which was closed with 3-0 polyglactin 910, polyglecrapone and catgut wires. After 63 days, euthanasia was performed and part of the abdominal wall was removed with which a strip was produced measuring 2.0 cm in length by 6.0 cm in width comprising the abdominal muscles with the implanted mesh. The sample was fixed in a mechanical test machine in which constant force was applied contrary to the tissue strips. Maximum force was considered, expressed in Newton, until full rupture of the tissue occurred. The non-parametrical Kruskal - Wallis test was used for the statistical analysis, admitting pOBJETIVO: Estudar a resistência tênsil da parede abdominal após síntese de laparotomia utilizando três tipos de fios cirúrgicos. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos da linhagem Wistar randomizados em três grupos de dez exemplares cada um. Em cada grupo fez-se uma laparotomia de dois centímetros que foi fechada com fios 3-0 de poliglactina 910, poliglecaprone e categute. Após 63 dias, foi feita a eutanásia e retirou-se uma área da parede abdominal com a qual fez-se uma tira medindo 2,0 cm de comprimento por 6,0 cm de largura englobando os músculos abdominais com a tela implantada. A amostra foi fixada em máquina de ensaios mecânicos na qual se aplicou força constante contrária às tiras de tecido. Foi considerada a força máxima expressa em Newton até ocorrer a ruptura total da amostra. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se teste não paramétrico de Kruskal - Wallis admitindo-se p<0,05. RESULTADOS: A média de resistência do grupo categute foi ligeiramente menor (33.50 N ao da poliglactina (34.23 N, sendo essa diferença não estatisticamente significativa (p=0,733. O grupo poliglecaprone foi o que

  18. Fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal com tração fascial contínua (mediada por tela ou sutura e terapia a vácuo

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    Fernando Ferreira

    Full Text Available Na última década multiplicaram-se as publicações e a utilização da cirurgia de controle de danos, resultando num número crescente de pacientes deixados com o abdome aberto (ou peritoneostomia. Uma das consequências nefastas do abdome aberto são as hérnias ventrais gigantes que resultam da impossibilidade de se fechar o abdome durante a internação hospitalar do paciente. Para minimizar esta sequela têm surgido na literatura diferentes tipos de abordagem. Para abordar este tópico, a reunião de revista "Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE optou por não analisar sistemas comerciais de fechamento abdominal dinâmico, com exceção da terapia de pressão negativa ou vácuo. O grupo fez uma avaliação crítica dirigida de três artigos mais relevantes publicados recentemente sobre fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal (com tela ou sutura mais vácuo. Nesta avaliação foram incluídos dois estudos retrospectivos mais um estudo prospectivo. Baseados na análise crítica desses 3 estudos mais a discussão que contou com a participação de representantes de 6 Universidades e realizada via telemedicina, são feitas as seguintes recomendações: (1 a associação de terapia de pressão negativa com tração fascial constante mediada por tela ou sutura, ajustada periodicamente, parece ser uma ótima estratégia cirúrgica para o tratamento de peritoneostomias. (2 O fechamento abdominal primário dinâmico com sutura e mediada por tela parece ser mais econômico e eficiente do que deixar o paciente com uma hérnia gigante e planejar uma reconstrução complexa tardiamente. Novos estudos com grupos maiores de pacientes separados de acordo com as diferentes apresentações e doenças são necesários para definir qual o melhor método cirúrgico para o tratamento de peritoneostomias.

  19. Analysis of the tensile strength on the healing of the abdominal wall of rats treated with infliximab Análise da força tênsil na cicatrização da parede abdominal de ratos tratados com infliximabe

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    João Vieira Lopes


    monoclonal quimérico humano-murino, sobre a força tênsil da ferida operatória abdominal. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos, linhagem Wistar, machos, sadios, com peso corporal inicial entre 215 e 390 g e 60 e 90 dias de vida foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, E (Experimental e C (Controle com 30 animais cada. Os animais do grupo E receberam por via subcutânea, dose única, de 5mg/Kg de infliximabe, via subcutânea e os animais do grupo C receberam, volume equivalente, de solução de NaCl a 0,9%, via subcutânea. Depois de 48h os animais de ambos os grupos foram submetidos à incisão mediana na parede abdominal com 4 cm de extensão incluindo todos os planos que foram reconstituídos com sutura contínua músculo aponeurótica e pele, separadamente, com fio de nylon 5.0. A seguir os animais grupo E foram separados por sorteio simples em três subgrupos denominados E3, E7 e E14 com dez animais e os do grupo C em C3, C7 e C14 e foram submetidos, respectivamente, à reoperação e eutanásia no terceiro, sétimo e 14º dia pós-operatório. A parede abdominal anterior, ressecada dos animais durante a reoperação, foi cortada, com lamina de bisturi nº 15, perpendicularmente à ferida operatória. Cada espécime, em forma de fita, com 6 cm por 2 cm, foi preso pela extremidade de modo que a linha de sutura ficasse eqüidistante dos pontos de fixação do dinamômetro e realizado o teste de resistência tensil. O dinamômetro, aferido a cada série de medidas, foi calibrado para aplicar velocidade do teste de ruptura de 25 mm/min e o valor de ruptura foi expresso em N (Newtons Antes da eutanásia a veia cava abdominal foi identificada e puncionada para retirada de sangue para dosagem de TNF-α. RESULTADOS: A média da força tensil encontrada para os animais dos subgrupos E3, E7, E14, C3, C7 e C14 foram, respectivamente, 16,03; 18,69; 27,01; 28,40; 27,22; 29,15 e 24,30 N. Nos resultados dos testes de múltiplas comparações foram encontradas diferenças significantes

  20. Fragmento de inscrição funerária romana do Paço da Ega (Conimbriga – Conventus Scallabitanus)


    Revez, Ana Lima; Encarnação, José d'


    Dá-se a conhecer o fragmento de uma inscrição funerária romana, que foi reaproveitada na parede do Palácio da Ega (concelho de Condeixa-a-Nova), no termo da cidade romana de Conimbriga, donde poderá ter provindo.

  1. Versatility of the ventral approach in bulbar urethroplasty using dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral oral grafts


    Palminteri, Enzo; Berdondini, Elisa; Fusco, Ferdinando; Nunzio, Cosimo De; Giannitsas, Kostas; Shokeir, Ahmed A.


    Objectives To investigate the versatility of the ventral urethrotomy approach in bulbar reconstruction with buccal mucosa (BM) grafts placed on the dorsal, ventral or dorsal plus ventral urethral surface. Patients and methods Between 1999 and 2008, 216 patients with bulbar strictures underwent BM graft urethroplasty using the ventral-sagittal urethrotomy approach. Of these patients, 32 (14.8%; mean stricture 3.2?cm, range 1.5?5) had a dorsal graft urethroplasty (DGU), 121 (56%; mean stricture...

  2. Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração em cavidades classe II de molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável


    CAVALCANTI Alessandro Leite; CHELOTTI Adolpho


    Estudou-se a microinfiltração marginal presente na interface da parede gengival de cavidades classe II em molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta (auto e fotopolimerizável), através da penetração de uma solução corante. Os preparos cavitários apresentavam a parede gengival em esmalte e foram restaurados segundo 4 diferentes técnicas: 1) resina composta fotopolimerizável; 2) resina composta autopolimerizável; 3) resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável; e 4) ionômero de vidro/resina ...

  3. Características ultraestruturais do segmento abdominal da aorta de rato albino - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.825 Mural features of the abdominal aortic segment of albino rat - DOI: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v29i4.825

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    Karina Simões


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi investigar as peculiaridades ultraestruturais da parede da aorta de rato. Foram utilizados sete ratos albinos, adultos jovens, dos quais foram coletados fragmentos da aorta abdominal infra-renal. Após a coleta, os segmentos vasculares foram fixados e encaminhados para a rotina de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e varredura. As lamelas elásticas aparecem interpostas às fibras musculares lisas, sendo essa disposição principalmente notada na túnica média da parede vascular. Entre as fibras musculares lisas e as lamelas elásticas, observa-se um inter-relacionamento aparentemente estreito, feito por conexão e ancoramento entre ambos os elementos murais por meio de lamelas de colágeno. A túnica íntima da aorta abdominal do rato mostra algumas peculiaridades ultraestruturais marcantes, tais como a interrupção, em certos locais da parede, de continuidade da lâmina elástica interna, interrupção acompanhada por poros endoteliais, de certa extensão, suprajacentes à falha na estrutura elástica intimal. Este padrão de constituição mural, com destaque aos ancoramentos elástico-musculares, via o colágeno, parece garantir propriedades fundamentais da parede vascular, concernentes à hemodinâmica, tal como o cisalhamento, normalmente notado entre os estratos superpostos da parede vascular, bem como a contratilidade e a visco-elasticidade da parede arterial.The objective of the present research was to investigate the ultrastructural peculiarities of the aortic wall of the rat. Seven young adult rats were used, from which fragments of the infrarenal abdominal aorta were collected. After collection, the vascular segments were fixed and sent for analysis by scanning electron microscope. The elastic lamellae appear interposed with smooth muscular fibers; this pattern was verified mainly at the medial layer structure. Among the mural elements a well defined interrelationship was established through

  4. Benefícios da aplicação de azoto, potássio e boro na fisiologia da oliveira em condições de sequeiro


    Bacelar, E.A.; Correia, C.M.; Moutinho-Pereira, J.M.; Gonçalves, Berta; Arrobas, Margarida; Pavão, Francisco; Lopes, João; Cabanas, J.E.; Rodrigues, M.A.


    O azoto, o potássio e o boro são nutrientes que frequentemente condicionam a fisiologia da oliveira (Olea europaea L.). O azoto apresenta um papel primordial por ser constituinte de vários compostos orgânicos, em especial proteínas, ácidos nucleicos, hormonas e clorofila. O boro influencia directamente a produção por proporcionar maior desenvolvimento radicular, maximizando o aproveitamento da água e dos fertilizantes, bem como por estar directamente envolvido na formação da parede celular, c...

  5. Patologia em paredes de alvenaria de tijolo


    Martins, João Abel Vinagre Correia


    O presente trabalho procurou abordar a patologia mais comum de que “padecem”, mais tarde ou mais cedo, as paredes de alvenaria do tijolo. A construção em alvenaria de tijolo, além de tradicional, e ainda muito usada no nosso país, pelo que, neste trabalho se visa quer as novas construções – de forma a evitar erros de concepção, projecto e de execução, e a minimizar o aparecimento precoce de patologias – quer a recuperação de edificações mais antigas, sobretudo aquelas que se localizam nas ...

  6. Efeito da denervação cardíaca ventral na incidência de fibrilação atrial após revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio Effect of ventral cardiac denervation in the incidence of atrial fibrilation after coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    João Roberto Breda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da denervação cardíaca ventral na incidência de fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio. MÉTODOS: Entre setembro e novembro de 2005, 50 pacientes consecutivos da mesma instituição foram alocados neste estudo prospectivo e randomizado. Foram selecionados pacientes portadores de insuficiência coronariana com indicação de revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio, sem história ou diagnóstico prévio de arritmia atrial. Os critérios de exclusão foram: idade acima de 75 anos, história prévia de arritmia atrial e operações cardíacas associadas. A denervação era realizada antes do início da circulação extracorpórea pela remoção do tecido gorduroso ao redor da veia cava superior, aorta e artéria pulmonar. Os grupos foram comparados de acordo com as características clínicas, demográficas e variáveis operatórias. RESULTADOS: Não houve mortalidade hospitalar em ambos os grupos. O tempo médio adicional para realização da denervação foi de 7,64 + 2,33 minutos e não houve complicações associadas ao procedimento. Cinco pacientes apresentaram fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório, sendo dois (8% no grupo controle e três (12% no grupo denervação. O risco dos pacientes do grupo denervação apresentarem fibrilação atrial foi 22% maior do que no grupo controle (intervalo de confiança, 0,56-2,66, porém, este resultado não foi estatisticamente significativo (p=0,64. CONCLUSÕES: A denervação cardíaca ventral, apesar de rápida execução e de baixo risco, não apresentou efeito na redução da incidência de fibrilação atrial no pós-operatório de revascularização cirúrgica do miocárdio.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of ventral cardiac denervation in the incidence of atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass surgery. METHODS: Between September and November, 50 patients without history or previous diagnosis of atrial

  7. Catecholaminergic development of fetal rat ventral mesencephalon : Characterization by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection and immunohistochemistry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tomasini, R; Kema, IP; Muskiet, FAJ; Meiborg, G; Staal, MJ; Go, KG

    We determined dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), and adrenaline (A), as well as immunohistochemically stained tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and DA in dissected rat ventral mesencephalon (VM) tissue from Embryonic Day (ED) 14 to Postnatal Day (P) 17. Whole VM tissue DA, NA, and A contents increased with

  8. Ventral Tegmental Area and Substantia Nigra Neural Correlates of Spatial Learning (United States)

    Martig, Adria K.; Mizumori, Sheri J. Y.


    The ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) may provide modulatory signals that, respectively, influence hippocampal (HPC)- and striatal-dependent memory. Electrophysiological studies investigating neural correlates of learning and memory of dopamine (DA) neurons during classical conditioning tasks have found DA…

  9. O uso do peritônio de paca conservado em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% ou glicerina a 98% implantados na parede abdominal de ratos

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    L.M. Leal


    Full Text Available Na busca de material biológico alternativo para a realização de implantes, objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar comparativamente a implantação do peritônio de paca, uma nova opção de biomaterial, conservado em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% e conservado em glicerina a 98% na parede abdominal de ratos Wistar. Foram utilizados 60 ratos, machos, da linhagem Wistar, pesando entre 150 e 200 gramas, organizados nos seguintes grupos experimentais: grupo controle (GI, grupo peritônio conservado em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% (GII e grupo peritônio conservado em glicerina a 98% (GIII, cada um com 20 animais. Os grupos GII e GIII receberam o enxerto de peritônio da paca conservado em solução de açúcar 300% e glicerina 98%, respectivamente, e o grupo GI não recebeu a membrana. Cinco ratos de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia em quatro momentos distintos: sete, 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório para avaliações macroscópicas e microscópicas da interface implante-tecido nativo. Apesar de reações adversas observadas em 57,5% dos animais do grupo GII e GIII, em 95% dos animais desses grupos houve boa cicatrização da membrana. Na análise histológica, verificou-se a presença de grande infiltrado inflamatório nos períodos iniciais (sete e 15 dias e grande presença de tecido conjuntivo nos momentos finais (30 e 60 dias. Concluiu-se que o peritônio da paca como membrana biológica conservado nos meios estudados pode ser utilizado com segurança na parede abdominal de ratos; ainda, que sua conservação em solução supersaturada de açúcar a 300% permitiu melhor maleabilidade no ato cirúrgico.

  10. Comportamento da musculatura das arteríolas intra-hepáticas na forma hepatesplênica da esquistossomose mansônica

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    Maria do Socorro Almeida Barbosa


    Full Text Available A determinação da relação parede-lume das arteríolas intra-hepáticas, na esquistossomose mansônica (forma hepatesplênica, demonstra a existência de uma hipotrofia da camada muscular daqueles vasos. Esse achado sugere redução do fluxo sangüíneo arterial hepático nessa entidade.The determination of the wall-to-lumen ratio of hepatic arterioles in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis shows atrophy of the muscular layer of those vessels. This finding suggests a reduction of hepatic arterial flow as reported by others.

  11. A Sintaxe da Janela

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    Luís Antônio Jorge


    Full Text Available A preocupação fundamenta! do trabalho é de caráter ontológico: esboçar o problema das significações apriorísticas e autônomas dos elementos que compõem a sintaxe arquitetônica. O trabalho elege um desses elementos: a janela. Este artigo parte da aproximação histórica entre a janela e a secção da pirâmide visual, construção imaginária da teoria da perspectiva renascentista. A consideração da janela na linguagem arquitetônica implica reconhecer uma ambigüidade essencial: a janela deve inserir-se ordenadamente no plano da parede - raciocínio típico da modenatura - mas também relacionar-se com a imagem vista através dela, que extrapola o plano, ressaltando a tridimensionalidade - herança da perspectiva renascentista, fundamentada no espaço euclidiano. Ver janela ou ver através da janela são alternativas que se colocam tanto ao observador interno ao edifício, quanto ao externo. Texto de duplaface, a sintaxe da janela versa sobre o relacionamento desses dois lados

  12. Visualization of nitric oxide production in the earthworm ventral nerve cord. (United States)

    Kitamura, Y; Naganoma, Y; Horita, H; Tsuji, N; Shimizu, R; Ogawa, H; Oka, K


    Distribution of nitric oxide (NO)-producible neurons in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the earthworm was investigated by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry. Some neurons (20-30 microm in diameter) were intensely stained and were localized in areas between the 1st and 2nd lateral nerves in the ventral side of VNC. In contrast, no neurons including giant fibers were stained in the dorsal side. Endogenous NO production from VNC was visualized using a fluorescent dye, diaminofluorescein-2 diacethyl (DAF-2 DA). When VNC was incubated in a saline, a relative high level of NO was produced from the ventral side, especially from NADPH-d-positive neurons. Under high-K+ stimulation, NO was also detected in the giant fibers in the dorsal side of VNC. Our results suggest that the earthworm VNC constantly and relative highly produces NO as a neuromodulator, and that NO produced from the ventral side sometimes reaches and affects the giant fibers. In conclusion, we successfully visualized NO in the earthworm VNC by clarifying both the distribution of NO-producible neurons and the endogenous NO production.

  13. Reforço em compósito de cimento portland através da adição nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas

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    Rogerio Daltro Knuth


    Full Text Available A pesquisa desenvolvida no presente trabalho esta embasada na aplicação da nanotecnologia a novos compósitos cimentícios, visando à melhoria das propriedades das argamassas. O objetivo do trabalho foi o de analisar o desempenho físico e mecânico e a ancoragem de uma argamassa de revestimento produzida com nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas (NTCPM, adicionados na quantidade de 0,30% em relação à massa de cimento do compósito, comparativamente ao desempenho com uma argamassa industrializada. Para o presente estudo foi necessário funcionalizar e dispersar os NTCPM, utilizando-se os ácidos sulfúrico (H2SO4 e nítrico (HNO3, e a dispersão foi por ultrassom. Os NTCPM funcionalizados foram neutralizados com hidróxido de amônio (NH3. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física e mecânica no estado fresco e no estado endurecido nas argamassas de revestimento com NTCPM e industrializada e análise microestrutura. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a argamassa com NTCPM apresenta melhor desempenho que a argamassa industrializada, no tocante a densidade, consistência, viscosidade, resistência à tração e resistência a compressão axial. Palavras-chave: Argamassas de revestimento. Nanotubos de carbono. Compósitos. Propriedades físicas e mecânicas. Microestrutura.

  14. Estudo experimental da aplicação retiniana do laser infravermelho via transescleral sob condições de baixa visibilidade Transscleral infrared laser retinal photocoagulation experimental study under low visibility conditions

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    Dario Grechi Goulart


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Pesquisa experimental, com laser de diodo infravermelho, para estimar a segurança, a reprodutibilidade e a permeabilidade da parede ocular à sua atuação clínica, quando aplicado via transescleral, em condições de baixa visibilidade. MÉTODOS: Submetemos olhos de coelhos pigmentados da raça Nova Zelândia à fotocoagulação retiniana por laser de diodo infravermelho. No olho direito, realizamos fotocoagulação via transescleral sob parâmetros de potência e tempo pré-determinados clinicamente. No olho esquerdo, foram repetidos os mesmos valores da potência e tempo usados no olho direito, desta vez, via transpupilar. Imediatamente e após 2 meses, estudos clínicos baseados na retinografia e histopatológicos foram realizados. RESULTADOS: A permeabilidade da parede ocular, quando da aplicação do laser de diodo infravermelho via transescleral, variou entre 58,95 e 63,87%. A média da permeabilidade da parede ocular a 300 mW (63,14% mostrou-se significativamente superior àquela da permeabilidade da parede ocular encontrada a 500 mW (59,11%, (PPURPOSE: Retinal photocoagulation under poor visualization condition is often required. Transscleral infrared laser can be used as an alternative to regular transpupillary treatment. Based upon retinographic measurements, we proposed to estimate the reproducibility as well as ocular wall permeability rate for this treatment. Our primary goal was to evaluate whether this technique can deliver adequate photocoagulation at predetermined parameters without direct retinal visualization. METHODS: In New Zealand pigmented rabbits, optimal transscleral infrared diode laser settings were administered to the right eye. With the same parameters, transpupillary photocoagulation was repeated in the left eye. Retinographic and clinical examinations were performed immediately and two months later. RESULTS: Ocular wall permeability rate varied between 58.95 and 63.87%. Average permeability using a

  15. Frações da parede celular e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca de três genótipos de girassol ensilados com aditivos In vitro dry matter and cell wall fractions of three genotypes of sunflower ensiled with additives

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    P.P. Porto


    Full Text Available Ensilaram-se três genótipos de girassol (M734, Rumbosol 91 e variedade V2000, enriquecidos no material original com: 0,5% de uréia (U; 0,5% de carbonato de cálcio (CC; 0,5% de uréia mais 0,5% de carbonato de cálcio (U+CC; inoculante bacteriano comercial (IB comercial e sem aditivo que serviu como silagem testemunha (T. Foram utilizados silos de laboratório de PVC, abertos com 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias de ensilados, sendo determinados fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, lignina e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS. As silagens de Rumbosol 91 apresentaram valores superiores aos dos genótipos V2000 e M734 nos dias de abertura para FDN, FDA e lignina. Os aditivos não promoveram alterações nos constituintes da parede celular. A silagem T não apresentou diferenças entre os genótipos quanto à DIVMS no decorrer do processo fermentativo, sendo os valores do último dia de abertura (56 de 51,0%, 49,1% e 48,9% de DIVMS para os genótipos M734, V2000 e Rumbosol 91, respectivamente. Não houve diferença entre as silagens com aditivos e a silagem testemunha com a evolução do processo fermentativo quanto à DIVMS. Os aditivos utilizados não melhoraram as silagens de girassol quanto às características avaliadas e, apesar de os genótipos apresentarem digestibilidade in vitro semelhantes, o Rumbosol 91 apresentou maiores teores de constituintes da parede celular.Three sunflower genotypes (M 734, Rumbosol 91 and V2000 variety enriched with 0.5% of urea (U; 0.5% of calcium carbonate (CC; 0.5% of urea plus 0.5% of calcium carbonate (U + CC; commercial bacterial inoculate (BI; and without any additive, used as control silage (T were ensiled in PVC silos and opened after 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 and 56 days to determine the neutral detergent fiber (NDF, acid detergent fiber (FDA, lignin and dry matter in vitro digestibility (DMIVD. The Rumbosol 91 genotype silage showed higher NDF, ADF and lignin than V

  16. Meksyk nawiedzony przez historię ("Las paredes hablan" Carmen Boullosy)


    Gryglaszewska. Anna


    Anna Gryglaszewska in the article Mexico haunted by history (“Las paredes hablan” by Carmen Boullosa) offers an analysis of historiographical meta-novel written by a contemporary Latin American writer. Carmen Boullosa, using the theme of haunting of the present by the past, returns to some dramatic events in the history of her homeland which had a huge impact on the lives of many generations of her compatriots. The beginning of the Mexican’s war for the independence from Spain and the bloody ...

  17. Modificações dos componentes de parede celular do melão tipo Galia durante a maturação Cell wall components changes in 'Galia' melons during maturation

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    Josivan B. MENEZES


    Full Text Available O presente estudo caracterizou quantitativa e qualitativamente as mudanças nos componentes de parede celular do melão tipo Galia, híbrido Nun 1380, associadas ao processo de maturação. Os frutos foram avaliados em cinco estádios de maturação (I-V. O material de parede celular e suas frações foram determinados por gravimetria. Determinou-se o conteúdo de açúcares neutros na fração hemicelulósica e no resíduo celulósico, o teor de ácidos urônicos e o grau de esterificação na fração de substâncias pécticas, e o teor de cálcio total e ligado. A fração de substâncias pécticas foi submetida à cromatografia de filtração em gel e os açúcares neutros da fração hemicelulósica foram analisados por cromatografia a gás. O conteúdo do material de parede celular (MPC mostrou pouca variação durante a maturação. O conteúdo de ácidos urônicos da fração péctica e o conteúdo de açúcares neutros na fração hemicelulósica (ramnose, arabinose e glicose apresentaram tendência de redução com o avanço da maturação do fruto. Praticamente não houve variação para o grau de esterificação (% de esterificação da fração de substâncias pécticas e para o teor de cálcio ligado. Houve redução no teor de celulose durante a maturação. A cromatografia em gel não revelou tendência de despolimerização das substâncias pécticas.This research characterized changes in the cell wall components in ‘Galia’, hybrid Nun 1380 melons during maturation. Fruits were evaluated at five maturation stages (I-V. Cell wall material and their fractions were determined by gravimetry method. Neutral sugars in hemicellulosic fraction and cellulosic residue, uronics acids content in pectic fraction, degree of esterification, total calcium and bound calcium were analyzed. The pectic fraction was analyzed by gel chromatography and neutral-sugars in hemicellulosic fraction were analyzed by gas chromatography. Minimum variation

  18. Bioetanol nos Estados Unidos: análise e perspectivas da produção e pesquisa focando as rotas bioquímicas

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    Rodolfo Freire Maiche


    Full Text Available O bioetanol, etanol lignocelulósico ou etanol de segunda geração é obtido a partir da sacarificação de celulose, hemicelulose e pectina presentes na parede celular de biomassas. O bioetanol está sendo amplamente estimulado nos Estados Unidos por ser um substituto direto da gasolina, não competir com culturas agrícolas destinadas à alimentação e por causar menos impacto ambiental. A celulose é o polissacarídeo mais abundante na terra, entretanto esta molécula é muito bem protegida na parede celular de plantas, e hidrolisá-la eficientemente a açúcares fermentáveis para produzir bioetanol a preços competitivos se tornou um dos maiores desafios da biotecnologia moderna. Esta revisão objetiva avaliar a produção e pesquisa de bioetanol nos Estados Unidos focando as rotas bioquímicas.


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    Luiz Edivaldo Pezzato


    Full Text Available Nutritional composition and apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, gross energy, essential amino acids and no essential amino acids of spray dried whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall were evaluated to Nile tilapia. Eighty juveniles (83.0±8.5g were placed in eight 250L aquaria for feeding and four aquaria of the same volume for collecting faecal samples. Both sets were equipped with flow-trough recirculating system provided with mechanical and biological filter. The results were analyzed through comparative relative index and the 100% value corresponded to the whole yeast nutrients. It can be concluded that the whole yeast contains high protein level and good apparent digestibility to nutrients and amino acids; autolysis process improves the dry matter, crude protein, gross energy and the most of essential and no essential amino acids apparent digestibility. Moreover yeast cell wall must not be used as protein source but is suggested as functional foodstuff in Nile tilapia diets.KEY WORDS: Amino acids, Oreochromis niloticus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae A composição nutricional e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente para matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, energia bruta, aminoácidos essenciais e aminoácidos não essenciais da levedura de álcool íntegra, levedura autolisada e parede celular spray dried foram avaliados para tilápia-do-nilo. Utilizou-se um total de oitenta peixes (83,0±8,5g, alojados em oito aquários de 250 L para alimentação e quatro de mesmo volume para a coleta de fezes, todos eles dotados de sistema de recirculação contínua de água, com filtro físico-biológico e temperatura controlada. Procedeu-se à avaliação dos resultados por meio do índice relativo de compara

  20. Reação granulomatosa do tipo corpo estranho simulando tumor de parede torácica em cicatriz de toracotomia prévia

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    Full Text Available Paciente apresentando tumoração indolor, de crescimento lento, em local correspondente à cicatriz de toracotomia para correção de coarctação de aorta realizada 15 anos antes. Tomografia computadorizada de tórax mostrou lesões tumorais de contornos relativamente bem definidos e osteólise dos arcos costais adjacentes. Realizada ressecção e reconstrução de parede torácica. O anatomopatológico demonstrou reação de histiócitos granulares e reação granulomatosa de corpo estranho a material necro-hemorrágico. Este é um evento raro na prática médica, tendo-se realizado revisão da literatura pertinente.

  1. Evaluation of peritoneal adhesions formation and tissue response to polypropylene - poli (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-(polyHEMA implant on rats' abdominal wall Avaliação da formação de aderências peritoneais e da resposta tecidual ao implante de poli (2-hidroxietil dimetacrilato-(poliHEMA na parede abdominal de ratos

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    Neusa Margarida Paulo


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To verify if the composit poli (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-PolyHEMA/polypropylene mesh implanted in the female rat's abdominal wall could be suitable for the prevention of peritoneal adhesions, and for the evaluation of the tecidual response produced by this biomaterial. METHODS: Polypropylene meshes (Group PP, n=20 and polypropylene meshes coated with a layer of poli (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-PolyHEMA (Group PH, n=20 were implanted on the abdominal wall of Wistar female rats. Ten animals from each group were submitted to euthanasia at 15 and 30 days of the postoperative period. RESULTS: The animals from the group PP presented visceral adhesions on the mesh surface, which was not observed in the ones from group PH. At the histopathological examination foreign body response was observed in both groups, whilst there was a greater intensity of inflammatory response in group PH on both moments. CONCLUSION: The poli (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate polyHEMA hydrogel associated to polypropylene mesh reduces visceral adhesion formation in rats, although it may be associated to greater inflammatory reaction.OBJETIVO: Verificar se compósito poli 2-hidroxietil dimetacrilato (PoliHEMA / tela de polipropileno implantado na parede abdominal de ratas seria adequado para prevenção de aderências peritoneais e avaliar a resposta tecidual desencadeada por este biomaterial. MÉTODOS: Foram implantadas telas de polipropileno - Grupo PP (n=20 e telas de polipropileno revestidas por uma camada de poli 2 (hidroxietil dimetacrilato-PolyHEMA - Grupo PH (n=20 na parede abdominal de ratas da linhagem Wistar. Dez animais de cada grupo foram submetidos à eutanásia aos 15 e 30 dias de pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: Os animais do grupo PP apresentaram aderências viscerais na superfície da tela, o que não foi observado nos do grupo PH. Observou-se no exame histopatológico resposta tipo corpo estranho nos dois grupos sendo que no grupo PH houve maior

  2. La arquitectura escolar de José María García de Paredes en Granada. Un prototipo, tres escuelas


    Castillo Hispán, S.; Valero Ramos, E.


    José María García de Paredes, construyó entre 1964 y 1967 tres escuelas en Granada, una arquitectura comprometida, que sigue sorprendiendo cincuenta años después por la vigencia y rotundidad de los principios que las originaron. Estos son los únicos edificios escolares que García de Paredes construyó en su carrera, en ellos sintetizo un discurso completo sobre los nuevos espacios docentes que se demandaban por la sociedad de la época. Y lo hizo en unas circunstancias especialmente compli...

  3. Estudos sobre aproveitamento biotecnológico da quitina produzida por organismos marinhos


    Afonso, Ricardo


    Dissertação mest., Biotecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2008 O oceano é um dos mais ricos habitats do planeta, mas também um dos menos explorados, embora a sua grande diversidade ofereça enormes potencialidades na área da biotecnologia. A quitina, o segundo polissaccarídeo mais abundante a seguir à celulose, é encontrada principalmente no exosqueleto de crustáceos e parede celular de fungos. As suas aplicações biotecnológicas são vastas, mas devido à dificuldade da sua extra...

  4. Estudos moleculares, estruturais e funcionais da Cel12A de Gloeophyllum trabeum, uma endo-1,4-β-glucanase da família 12 de hidrolases de glicosídeos


    Lis Schwartz Miotto


    A produção de etanol de segunda geração, a partir da hidrólise enzimática da biomassa vegetal é considerada uma alternativa viável e promissora para enfrentarmos a crise energética mundial e diminuirmos a dependência das fontes fósseis de energia. Para isso, é necessário que ocorra a degradação das moléculas constituintes da parede celular como a lignina, a celulose e a hemicelulose a açúcares fermentescíveis. No entanto, a utilização de enzimas para esse fim ainda apresenta um custo elevado,...

  5. Ischemia-reperfusion histopathology alterations of the rabbit intestinal wall with and without ischemic preconditioning Alterações histopatológicas da parede intestinal de coelhos na isquemia-reperfusão com e sem precondicionamento isquêmico

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    Otoni Moreira Gomes


    érica cranial. Nos animais do Grupo 1, a artéria mesentérica proximal foi ocluida por pinçamento atraumático durante 45 min., seguido de reperfusão por 30 min. No Grupo 2, foi realizado precondicionamento por três ciclos de 2 min. de oclusão mesentérica intercalados com três ciclos de 2 min. de reperfusão, seguido de oclusão mantida por 45 min e reperfusão de 30min. como no Grupo I. Para estudo histopatológico, foram obtidas biópsias da parede intestinal antes da isquemia (t0-controle, após 45 min. de isquemia (t1 e após 30 min. de reperfusão (t2. RESULTADOS: No Grupo I foram observados os seguintes graus de lesões: t1, média de 2,8 e t2, média 3,3, Foram significantes as diferenças entre t0 e t1 e t0 e t2, mas não foram significantes as variações entre t1 e t2 (p>0,05. No Grupo 2, obteve-se em t1,média de 2,6 e t2, média 2,1. Foram significantes (p0,05 entre os resultados de t1 nos dois Grupos, mas foram significantes (p<0,05 as diferenças entre os resultados histopatológicos das biopsias de t2 dos Grupos 1 e 2. CONCLUSÃO: O precondicionamento isquêmico reduziu significantemente a degeneração histopatológica determinada pela reperfusão pós-isquêmica da parede intestinal.

  6. Marmoreados da Igreja São Luís dos Franceses (Lisboa): estado de conservação, caracterização das argamassas e da camada pictórica


    Morais, Luís Fernando Loureiro


    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Conservação O trabalho desenvolvido na Igreja de São Luís dos Franceses (Lisboa) procurou caracterizar o revestimento das paredes interiores deste edifício histórico, que terá sido executado entre 1766 e 1769. Este revestimento corresponde a uma pintura de fingido sobre estuque, ou seja, marmoreados, executados pela técnica de “Stucco Lustro”. ...

  7. Submucosa de intestino delgado no reparo de defeito em parede abdominal de ratos Small intestinal submucosa to repair anterior abdominal wall defect in rats

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    Fernando Hintz Greca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a biocompatibilidade da tela de polipropileno e do enxerto de submucosa intestinal de suínos, quando usados para o reparo de defeito criado na parede anterior de abdomen de ratos, que envolveu toda a sua espessura e extensão. MÉTODO: Vinte ratos Wistar foram divididos em dois grupos de 10 animais. Um defeito quadrangular, com 3,5cm de lado foi criado cirurgicamente na parede abdominal anterior dos 20 ratos. No primeiro grupo(grupo 1 este defeito foi reparado com submucosa de intestino delgado (SID, e no segundo grupo(grupo 2 com tela de polipropileno. Após 30 dias, os animais foram sacrificados. Além da avaliação macroscópica dos enxertos, realizou-se um estudo tensiométrico e microscópico. RESULTADOS: Os animais de ambos os grupos apresentaram aderências entre o implante e as estruturas intra-abdominais, todavia no grupo com a tela de polipropileno observou-se maior número de aderências entre a tela e as alças intestinais. A força máxima de ruptura foi significantemente maior no grupo de animais com a tela de polipropileno, todavia se corrigida pela espessura do enxerto, a tensão máxima foi maior no enxerto de submucosa porcina que na tela de polipropileno. A mesotelisação foi significativamente mais intensa no grupo da submucosa, assim como a deposição de colágeno. As reações granulomatosas de corpo estranho e inflamação crônica também foram mais intensas no grupo 1. CONCLUSÃO: A SID monstrou ser uma alternativa ao enxerto sintético no reparo de grandes defeitos da parede abdominal em ratos, com melhor mesotelisação e deposição de colágeno, sem aumento no número de complicações. A submucosa apresentou maior resistência por mm², apesar de ter se mostrado menos resistente quando considerada a força maneira absoluta.PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was compare the biocompatibility of a polypropylene mesh and a patch of porcine small intestinal submucosa (SIS when used to repair a

  8. Ischemia-reperfusion histopathology alterations of the rabbit intestinal wall with and without exclusion of the collateral mesenteric circulation supply Alterações histopatológicas da parede intestinal de coelhos na isquemia-reperfusão com e sem exclusão da circulação mesentérica colateral

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    Otoni Moreira Gomes


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the histopathology alterations of the intestinal mucosa of rabbits submitted to different times of mesenteric artery ischemia and reperfusion with and without celiac artery collateral circulation supply. METHODS: Two groups of eight male New Zealand white rabbits (weight 2.2-3.5 kg were used in this study. In the Group 1 animals, the proximal mesenteric artery was occluded for 60 min with an atraumatic vascular clamp, followed by reperfusion for 60 min. In the Group 2 animals the small bowel and mesentery were cut 30cm and 60cm far from the gastroduodenal pyloric transition before the proximal mesenteric artery occlusion. Small bowel biopsies were obtained before ischemia (control, after 30 min and 60 min of mesenteric ischemia and at 30 and 60 min. of mesenteric artery reperfusion. RESULTS: In the Group I animals, the followings histopathology grade results were observed: t1, mean 0.4 + 0.29; t2, mean 1.9 ± 0.38; t3, 1.9 ± 0.33; t4, 1.2 ± 0.36 and t5, 1.2 ± 0.32. Differences between t0 and t2 and between t3 and t4 were statistically significant (p0.5. In the Group II animals, it was observed: t1, mean 1.6 ± 0.33; t2, 2.4 ± 0.36; t3, 3.0 ± 0.35; t4 3.4 ± 0.31; t5, 3 ± 031. Differences between t0 and t1, t1 and t2, and t2 and t3 were significant (pOBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações histopatológicas da mucosa intestinal de coelhos submetidos à isquemia-reperfusão com e sem exclusão da circulação mesentérica colateral. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados dois grupos de oito coelhos Nova Zelândia machos com pesos variáveis entre 2,2 e 3,5 kg de peso corpóreo. Nos animais do Grupo 1, a artéria mesentérica proximal foi ocluida por pinçamento atraumático durante 60 min, seguido de reperfusão por 60 min. No Grupo 2 o intestino delgado e o mesentério foram seccionados 30 cm e 60 após a transição pilórica gastroduodenal antes da oclusão da artéria mesentérica cranial. Biópsias da parede intestinal foram obtidas

  9. Contributos da geografia para a cidadania no território de Baltar-Paredes


    Santos, Maria João Rodrigues dos


    Uma das tarefas mais importantes da educação para a cidadania é preparar os alunos para o seu futuro papel como cidadãos activos que contribuam para a coesão social. O meio mais eficaz para alcançar este objectivo é oferecer-lhes uma oportunidade de experimentar directamente o que significa uma acção cívica responsável, favorecendo a mediação entre a escola enquanto paradigma miniatural da sociedade e o "mundo real" exterior, que fica além dos muros. Aprender a aprender em Geografia é não só ...

  10. Método para a Determinação de Ácidos Fenólicos na Parede Celular de Forragens Method for Phenolic Acid Determination in Forage Cell Wall

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    Francisco Carlos Deschamps


    Full Text Available Há fatores que limitam a digestão das forragens tropicais e estão associados à dinâmica dos ácidos fenólicos da parede celular. Os estudos destes compostos em forragens podem ser facilitados pela disponibilidade de métodos sensíveis que permitam o processamento de grande número de amostras. No presente trabalho, descreve-se um método para a determinação de ácidos fenólicos na parede celular de forragens, utilizando cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE. Bagaço de cana, capim-elefante e folhas de mandioca foram utilizados como amostras experimentais. Para remover substâncias solúveis de baixa massa molecular, foram testados etanol 80% e o detergente neutro, determinando seus efeitos sobre a recuperação das moléculas e benefícios no perfil cromatográfico. Para a obtenção dos ácidos fenólicos livres, as amostras foram solubilizadas em NaOH 1 mol/L, 20ºC por 24 horas. O método proposto foi adequado para a determinação de ácidos fenólicos, apresentando grande sensibilidade e produtividade no laboratório. Para minimizar os efeitos negativos da formação de sal resultante da neutralização ácida do extrato alcalino, sugere-se a diluição da amostra ou a injeção de pequeno volume (5 uL no aparelho. O efeito da utilização de solventes como etanol 80% ou detergente neutro é distinto sobre as amostras das gramíneas e leguminosas. A quantidade de extrativos nas folhas de mandioca foi superior a do bagaço de cana e capim-elefante. A concentração de ácidos fenólicos foi pouco alterada pela ação dos solventes, sendo maior nas amostras de bagaço de cana e capim-elefante, em relação às folhas de mandioca. O método apresentado constitui-se em uma importante ferramenta para o estudo dos ácidos fenólicos na parede celular de forragens tropicais.Factors that limit the digestion of tropical forages are associated to the dynamic of cell wall phenolic acids. The study of these compounds in forages may

  11. Lipideos sericos no periodo pos-alimentar : padrões da resposta lipemica e sua modulação pelos sexos


    Juliana Tentor


    Resumo: A aterosc1erose é uma doença multifatorial da parede arterial de caráter degenerativo, imuno-inflamatórioe progressivo. Entre os diversos fatores predisponentes para o desenvolvimento da doença arterial coronariana situa-se o aumento da lipemia no período pós-alimentar. Este é um estado em que o ser humano passa a maior parte de sua vida por ter hábitos alimentares seqüenciais. São mecanismos fisiopatológicos da aterogenicidade deste período, a deposição sub-endotelial de lipoproteína...

  12. Contribuição ao entendimento da patogenia da sepse

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    J. F. Fracasso


    Full Text Available

    O choque vasodilatador mais freqüente resulta de sepse, uma inflamação sistêmica em resposta a uma infecção que se caracteriza por hipotensão, hiporreatividade às catecolaminas e coagulação intravascular disseminada. A causa mais comum de sepse é a infecção por bactérias Gram-negativas, principalmente de Escherichia coli, resultando na liberação de lipopolissacarídeos (endotoxinas da parede celular, quando da morte ou lise do microrganismo, com o envolvimento de muitos mediadores, incluindo o óxido nítrico. Mais tarde descobriu-se que os níveis sanguíneos de vasopressina, em pacientes com sepse, eram anormalmente baixos, e observou-se que alguns destes pacientes, com choque séptico avançado, eram extremamente sensíveis às ações pressóricas da vasopressina exógena. Palavras-chave: endotoxina; vasopressina; choque séptico; sepse; hiporreatividade; choque vasodilatador.

  13. Descobrir, explorar, apropriar: o design de interiores como elemento valorizador da arquitectura - um exemplo prático


    Miranda, Ana


    A arquitectura de interiores, o design de interiores e decoração de interiores podem ser entendidos como manifestações de uma mesma arte, manifestações estas variando apenas na escala e na profundidade da intervenção, da edificação de paredes novas, à construção do mobiliário ou à edificação de revestimentos. Reconhecendo que estas manifestações da mesma arte têm em comum o facto de projectarem para o ser humano, é importante que a sociedade entenda o designer de interiores, como complemen...

  14. La caída del «mundo de paredes» del liberalismo : el poder dentro del mercado y la democratización de la economía


    Nadal, Guillermo


    La teona social contemporánea se encuentra limitada por su aceptación del «mundo de paredes» establecido por el liberalismo, basado en la idea de que la economía se encuentra gobernada por intercambios voluntarios, libres e iguales con ausencia de cualquier tipo de coerción. En cambio para autores como S. Bowles, los intercambios más imporantes dentro de la economía capitalista como el mercado de trabajo, el mercado financiero y el mercado internacional son más bien conflictivos y r...

  15. Duration of inhibition of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons encodes a level of conditioned fear. (United States)

    Mileykovskiy, Boris; Morales, Marisela


    It is widely accepted that midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons encode actual and expected reward values by phasic alterations in firing rate. However, how DA neurons encode negative events in the environment is still unclear because some DA neurons appear to be depressed and others excited by aversive stimuli. Here, we show that exposing fear-conditioned rats to stimuli predicting electrical shock elicited three types of biphasic responses, each of which contained an inhibitory pause, in neurochemically identified ventral tegmental area (VTA) DA neurons. The duration of the inhibitory pause in these responses of VTA DA neurons was in direct proportion to the increase in respiratory rate reflecting the level of conditioned fear. Our results suggest that the duration of inhibition of VTA DA neurons encodes negative emotional values of signals predicting aversive events in the environment.

  16. La arquitectura escolar de José María García de Paredes en Granada. Un prototipo, tres escuelas

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    Castillo Hispán, S.


    Full Text Available José María García de Paredes built three schools in Granada between 1964 and 1967. It was an architecture socially committed that carries on surprising fifty years later due to the clarity of its principles. These are the only school buildings that García de Paredes built during his career. In these buildings he presented a comprehensive approach about the educational architecture that was demanded in the society at the time. He was able to carry out these projects despite the hard circumstances in terms of construction, economy and time. These buildings were not intended to keep working during a long time and were made with simple materials. Yet, they have been successfully performing during fifty years without having changed its principles and shape.José María García de Paredes, construyó entre 1964 y 1967 tres escuelas en Granada, una arquitectura comprometida, que sigue sorprendiendo cincuenta años después por la vigencia y rotundidad de los principios que las originaron. Estos son los únicos edificios escolares que García de Paredes construyó en su carrera, en ellos sintetizo un discurso completo sobre los nuevos espacios docentes que se demandaban por la sociedad de la época. Y lo hizo en unas circunstancias especialmente complicadas en las que el proyecto surge como solución a un problema casi imposible de tiempos, economía y construcción. Aunque nunca fueron pensadas para estar en servicio tanto tiempo y construidas con materiales humildes, han cumplido de una manera ejemplar los cincuenta años, y lo hacen en pleno funcionamiento, sin haber sufrido importantes modificaciones en las formas y principios que las generaron.

  17. Direct monitoring of dopamine and 5-HT release in substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area in vitro

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rice, M E; Richards, C D; Nedergaard, S


    Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry with carbon fibre microelectrodes was used to detect endogenous dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) release from three distinct regions of guinea-pig mid-brain in vitro: rostral and caudal substantia nigra (SN) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Previous...... these regions with in situ electrodes and demonstrates the utility of fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to investigate the mechanisms and possible non-classical functions of somato-dendritic DA release....

  18. Aplicabilidade e eficiência de dois métodos de saneamento de paredes degradadas por umidade e sais a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica e de um estudo de caso


    Ursula Gewehr


    Este estudo faz um levantamento das diversas origens da umidade e sais solúveis presentes em edificações, contribuindo para uma melhor avaliação das causas das manifestações patológicas originadas. Serão abordados, também, dois métodos de recuperação de paredes degradas pela umidade e sais, que são o sistema de revestimento de recuperação e a eletroosmose ativa. Para tanto, seguiram-se as sugestões feitas por Bianchin (1999) sobre um estudo de traços de argamassas de saneamento que obtiveram ...

  19. Obtenção e caracterização de manoproteínas da parede celular de leveduras de descarte em cervejaria - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v34i1.7124 Obtainment and characterization of mannoproteins from brewer’s yeast cell wall - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v34i1.7124

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    Marciane Magnani


    Full Text Available A biomass de levedura resultante da produção de cerveja é mátéria-prima para extração de componentes celulares, incluíndo manoproteínas. O presente trabalho avaliou a possibilidade da utilização da levedura Saccharomyces sp. descartada em cervejaria, para obtenção de extrato com manoproteínas. A extração foi conduzida segundo delineamento fatorial incompleto, Box-Behnken 33, para as variáveis temperaturas (75, 85 e 95ºC, tempo de extração (5, 7 e 9h e concentração da suspensão de parede celular (10, 15 e 20%. O etanol residual da fermentação não interfere na obtenção do extrato contendo manoproteínas. O maior índice de extração foi 4,08%, observado para temperatura de 95ºC na concentração de 10% por 7h e 15% por 9h. A validação experimental do maior índice predito resultou em 4,50% de extrato, confirmando a capacidade preditiva do modelo. A manoproteína obtida, a partir de 10% de parede celular (95ºC, 9h, apresentou 51,39% de proteínas, com 58 e 64 kDa, e 25,89% de carboidratos, distribuídos entre manose e glicose. A atividade emulsificante foi de 62,50 ± 0,88% e a estabilidade da emulsão foi de 96,00 ± 1,40%. Estes resultados evidenciam o potencial bioemulsificante do extrato e a viabilidade de utilização da levedura descartada em cervejarias para obtenção de compostos com propriedades industriais interessantesThe biomass of yeast after beer production is a raw-material for cell components extraction, including mannoproteins. The present study evaluated the using viability of spent brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces sp. for obtainment of extract containing mannoprotein. The extraction was conducted by Box-Behnken 33 incomplete design, for the variables temperature (75, 85 and 95ºC, time of extraction (5, 7 and 9h and concentration of cell wall in suspension (10, 15 and 20%. The residual ethanol of fermentation doesn’t have interference in the obtaining of extract containing mannoproteins. The

  20. Morfologia da glândula adrenal da paca (Cuniculus paca, L. 1766

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    Sergio Pinter Garcia Filho


    Full Text Available A paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus, 1766 é um roedor de porte médio que, embora pertencente à fauna brasileira, possui poucas informações acerca de sua morfologia na literatura especializada. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se estudar a morfologia da sua glândula adrenal mediante análise de microscopia de luz, cuja importância refere-se ao fato da glândula adrenal ser um órgão secretor de substâncias particulares que promovem no organismo funções biológicas de grande importância, além de proporcionar informações à anatomia comparada. Foram utilizadas oito pacas adultas, quatro machos e quatro fêmeas. Logo após o óbito, os animais foram posicionados em decúbito dorsal, foi realizada a abertura de sua cavidade abdominal por meio de incisão pré-retroumbilical e seguido do rebatimento lateral das paredes abdominais para a exposição da glândula em questão. As glândulas adrenais foram individualizadas, fragmentos foram colhidos, fixados e preparados para observação histológica. Constatou-se que a morfologia geral da glândula adrenal da paca assemelha-se à de outros mamíferos.

  1. Influência da adubação silicatada no teor de clorofila em folhas de roseira


    Locarno, Marco; Fochi, Carolina Graçon; Paiva, Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira


    A realização de estudo da adubação silicatada em roseiras é justificada com o intuito de reduzir o número de aplicações de defensivos agrícolas, podendo aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade dos botões florais na colheita e pós-colheita. A absorção de silício difere entre as espécies vegetais. Há evidências de que o envolvimento dos silicatos na indução de resistência pode ocorrer pela participação do próprio silício, fortificando estruturas da parede celular, conferindo aumento da lignifica...

  2. Avaliação in vitro da microinfiltração em cavidades classe II de molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável

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    CAVALCANTI Alessandro Leite


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a microinfiltração marginal presente na interface da parede gengival de cavidades classe II em molares decíduos, restaurados com resina composta (auto e fotopolimerizável, através da penetração de uma solução corante. Os preparos cavitários apresentavam a parede gengival em esmalte e foram restaurados segundo 4 diferentes técnicas: 1 resina composta fotopolimerizável; 2 resina composta autopolimerizável; 3 resina composta auto e fotopolimerizável; e 4 ionômero de vidro/resina composta. Após a análise estatística dos resultados, concluiu-se que todos os grupos apresentaram microinfiltração em graus variados; todavia, os grupos 2, 3 e 4 apresentaram os menores graus de infiltração.

  3. Ventral pallidum roles in reward and motivation. (United States)

    Smith, Kyle S; Tindell, Amy J; Aldridge, J Wayne; Berridge, Kent C


    In recent years the ventral pallidum has become a focus of great research interest as a mechanism of reward and incentive motivation. As a major output for limbic signals, the ventral pallidum was once associated primarily with motor functions rather than regarded as a reward structure in its own right. However, ample evidence now suggests that ventral pallidum function is a major mechanism of reward in the brain. We review data indicating that (1) an intact ventral pallidum is necessary for normal reward and motivation, (2) stimulated activation of ventral pallidum is sufficient to cause reward and motivation enhancements, and (3) activation patterns in ventral pallidum neurons specifically encode reward and motivation signals via phasic bursts of excitation to incentive and hedonic stimuli. We conclude that the ventral pallidum may serve as an important 'limbic final common pathway' for mesocorticolimbic processing of many rewards.

  4. Effects of sustained serotonin reuptake inhibition on the firing of dopamine neurons in the rat ventral tegmental area

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dremencov, Eliyahu; El Mansari, Mostafa; Blier, Pierre

    Background: Selective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are efficacious in depression because of their ability to increase 5-HT neurotransmission. However, owing to a purported inhibitory effect of 5- HT on dopamine (DA) neuronal activity in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), this increase

  5. Expressão da proteína P53 no adenocarcinoma gástrico: correlação clínica, anatomopatológica e significância prognostica

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    Frederico Theobaldo Ramos Rocha

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a expressão da proteína p53 no adenocarcinoma gástrico e correlacioná-la com variáveis clínicas e anatomopatológicas, tais como: idade, sexo, infiltração da parede gástrica (T, tipo histológico (Laurén, grau de diferenciação histológica, comprometimento linfonodal, estadiamento (TNM e sobrevida. MÉTODO: Foram analisados os registros médicos e reestudadas as lâminas de peças cirúrgicas de 45 doentes com adenocarcinomas gástricos submetidos à gastrectomia parcial e total no Serviço de Cirurgia Oncológica da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Maceió-AL e no Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, no período de 1991 a 2002. A expressão da proteína p53 foi avaliada pelo método imunohistoquímico com o anticorpo monoclonal DO-7 e comparada com idade, sexo, infiltração na parede gástrica, tipo histológico, grau de diferenciação, comprometimento linfonodal, estadiamento e sobrevida. RESULTADOS: Dos 45 doentes, 27 eram do sexo masculino (60%. A média das idades foi 53,9 anos (26 - 75 anos, e mediana de 57 anos. Em 40 doentes (88,9% o tumor foi classificado como bem diferenciado. Quanto à infiltração na parede gástrica, em 28 doentes (62,2% foram classificados como profundos. Em 25 doentes (55,6% não havia comprometimento linfonodal. O estudo histológico revelou que 29 doentes (64,4% apresentavam tumores classificados como tipo intestinal de Laurén. O estadiamento TNM demonstrou que 33 (73,3% doentes apresentavam tumores avançados. Quanto à expressão da p53, 18 doentes (40% foram considerados positivos. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 1020,4 dias (63 - 3920 dias e mediana de 798 dias. Trinta e um (68,9% doentes evoluíram para óbito. As variáveis: idade, estadiamento, comprometimento linfonodal e infiltração do tumor na parede gástrica, foram fatores prognósticos relacionados à sobrevida com significado estatístico (p<0,05. Não houve correlação estat

  6. Effects of prefrontal cortical inactivation on neural activity in the ventral tegmental area (United States)

    Jo, Yong Sang; Lee, Jane; Mizumori, Sheri J.Y.


    Dopamine (DA) cells have been suggested to signal discrepancies between expected and actual rewards in reinforcement learning. DA cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) receive direct projections from the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), a structure that is known as one of the brain areas that represent expected future rewards. To investigate whether the mPFC contributes to generating reward prediction error signals of DA cells, we recorded VTA cells from rats foraging for different amounts of reward in a spatial working memory task. Our results showed that DA cells initially responded after the acquisition of rewards, but over training, they exhibited phasic responses when rats detected sensory cues originating from the rewards before obtaining them. We also observed two separate groups of non-DA cells that were activated in expectation of upcoming rewards or during reward consumption. Bilateral injections of muscimol, a GABAA agonist, into the mPFC significantly decreased the non-DA activity that encoded reward expectation. By contrast, the same manipulation of the mPFC elevated DA responses to reward-predicting cues. However, neither DA nor non-DA responses that were elicited after reward acquisition were affected by mPFC inactivation. These results suggest that the mPFC provides the information about expected rewards to the VTA, and its functional loss elevates DA responses to reward-predicting cues by altering expectations about forthcoming rewards. PMID:23658156

  7. Avaliação da capacidade probiótica de uma linhagem de Ruminococcus gnavus da microbiota fecal de seres humanos contra Clostridium perfringens

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    Flávio Henrique Ferreira Barbosa


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Probióticos são microrganismos utilizados com o propósito de beneficiar a saúde do hospedeiro, seja na prevenção ou tratamento de doenças. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar uma cultura de Ruminococcus gnavus quanto ao seu efeito probiótico frente a um alvo patogênico in vivo por meio de avaliação histopatológica e perfil de hidrofobicidade da parede celular. A linhagem de R. gnavus foi isolada da microbiota fecal dominante de um adulto sadio. Uma amostra padrão de Clostridium perfringens foi utilizada como patógeno para o desafio por via oral de camundongos previamente monoassociados com R. gnavus. Camundongos suíços NIH isentos de germes foram usados como modelo animal. Nos resultados dos testes de adesão da superfície celular do microrganismo estudado, ficou constatado que a espécie R. gnavus possui uma parede celular mais hidrofóbica e ácida, sinalizando boa probabilidade de adesão ao epitélio intestinal. A análise histológica demonstrou que a monoassociação com R. gnavus não promoveu nenhuma alteração morfológica dos órgãos analisados (intestinos, baço e fígado, e apresentou efeito protetor, constatado no ceco e no fígado de camundongos gnotobióticos. Em suma, os resultados reforçam que R. gnavus possui características protetoras desejáveis no que tange a elaboração de futuros probióticos.

  8. Megabladder in experimental Chagas disease: pathological features of the bladder wall Mega bexiga na Doença de Chagas experimental. Caracteristicas patológicas da parede vesical

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    Luciano Henrique Gazoni Scremin


    Full Text Available Mega-organs, primarily in the digestive tract, are well known to occur in chronic Chagas disease. Acute experimental infection with Trypanosoma cruzi results in parasitism of a wide range of cells, tissues, and organs, including the urinary bladder. Infection of BALB/c mice with 100,000 bloodstream forms of the Y strain of T. cruzi induced acute infection with intense parasitism of all layers of the urinary bladder. Parasites were found in the mucosa, lamina propria, muscular, adventitial connective, and fat tissue. Desquamate epithelial cells with amastigotes in the bladder lumen were also found. After 60 days of infection, mice inoculated with 50 bloodstream forms developed dilated, thin-walled bladders that had inflammatory infiltrates and foci of fibrosis replacing areas of damaged muscular layer. These lesions result from direct damage to the muscle fibers by the T. cruzi, leading to myosites, muscle damage, and scarring. Direct damage of paraganglia cells secondary to parasitism, leading to dilatation, damage of muscle fibers, and scarring with replacement of muscular tissue with connective tissue, should also be considered as a cause of functional disturbance of the urinary bladder.Os "mega-órgãos" na Doença de Chagas são bem conhecidos, especialmente os desenvolvidos no sistema digestivo. A infecção aguda apresenta parasitismo de diversas células, tecidos e órgãos, dentre eles a bexiga urinária. Camundongos Balb/c infectados com 100.000 formas sanguíneas de cepa Y de T. cruzi mostraram intenso parasitismo de todas camadas da bexiga urinária na fase aguda. Os parasitas foram encontrados na mucosa, submucosa, lâmina própria, muscular, adventícia e tecido adiposo, além das células descamadas para a luz do órgão. Para produzir a fase crônica, os animais foram inoculados com a mesma cepa, porém apenas inóculo com 50 formas sangüíneas. Após sessenta dias de infecção, detectamos dilatações da parede vesical, assim

  9. Torakal Ventral Cord Herniation

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    Sermin Tok


    Full Text Available  Ventral cord herniation is a rare cause of focal myelopathy due to herniation of the thoracic cord through a dural defect.It is also known by a variety of other terms such as spontaneous thoracic cord herniation or idiopathic spinal cord herniation.The key feature is focal distortion and rotation of the cord with no CSF seen between it and the ventral theca.

  10. Ponte miocárdica associada a lesões cardiovasculares em bovinos adultos da raça Canchim

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    José Wilson dos Santos


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A influência que a ponte miocárdica exerce sobre a corrente sanguínea no curso do segmento arterial sob a ponte tem sido objeto de discussão pela comunidade científica. OBJETIVO: Comparar o tecido muscular ultraestrutural da ponte miocárdica e a parede ventricular; analisar o grau de lesão da camada íntima dos segmentos arteriais e investigar possíveis mudanças que podem preceder ou iniciar o processo de lesões ateroscleróticas. MÉTODOS: Quarenta corações bovinos da raça Canchim foram estudados em relação às alterações da camada íntima das artérias coronarianas nos diferentes segmentos de ponte miocárdica. Para o exame microscópico, foram feitas colorações por hematoxilina-eosina e fucsina-resorcina seguindo técnicas microscópicas convencionais. Para o exame de microscopia eletrônica, os segmentos da ponte miocárdica de doze corações bovinos Canchim foram coletados a partir da parede ventricular e da artéria coronariana e foram processados de acordo com técnicas convencionais. RESULTADOS: Na microscopia de luz, foi observada maior frequência de lesões em segmentos pré-ponte e pós-ponte da camada íntima, em comparação ao segmento ponte. Espessamentos da camada íntima foram seguidos por um desarranjo na lâmina limitante elástica interna. Essas células frequentemente apresentaram seus citoplasmas ingurgitados por gotas lipídicas, compondo as chamadas células de espuma. A microscopia eletrônica revelou que as fibras musculares da ponte miocárdica geralmente se unem de forma reta e lisa apresentando ramos laterais com um número maior de mitocôndrias no músculo ventricular do que na ponte. CONCLUSÃO: Há poucas diferenças entre os tecidos musculares estudados; lesões da camada íntima são menos frequentes em regiões da ponte em comparação com as regiões pré e pós-ponte.

  11. Convecção mista sobre cavidade porosa aberta


    Jorge Isaias Llagostera Beltran


    Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um extenso conjunto de resultados de simulação numérica sobre a convecção mista, natural e forçada em uma configuração porosa abert.a. A configuração estudada é formada por uma camada horizontal que apresenta em sua parede inferior uma cavidade de secção transversal retangular. A parede de fundo da cavidade é aquecida e a parede superior da camada horizontal é resfriada ambas isotermicamente o problema em regime permanente é analisado procurando-se estabelec...

  12. Organization of GABAergic synaptic circuits in the rat ventral tegmental area. (United States)

    Ciccarelli, Alessandro; Calza, Arianna; Panzanelli, Patrizia; Concas, Alessandra; Giustetto, Maurizio; Sassoè-Pognetto, Marco


    The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is widely implicated in drug addiction and other psychiatric disorders. This brain region is densely populated by dopaminergic (DA) neurons and also contains a sparse population of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic cells that regulate the activity of the principal neurons. Therefore, an in-depth knowledge of the organization of VTA GABAergic circuits and of the plasticity induced by drug consumption is essential for understanding the mechanisms by which drugs induce stable changes in brain reward circuits. Using immunohistochemistry, we provide a detailed description of the localization of major GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptor subunits in the rat VTA. We show that DA and GABAergic cells express both GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors. However VTA neurons differ considerably in the expression of GABA(A) receptor subunits, as the α1 subunit is associated predominantly with non-DA cells, whereas the α3 subunit is present at low levels in both types of VTA neurons. Using an unbiased stereological method, we then demonstrate that α1-positive elements represent only a fraction of non-DA neurons and that the ratio of DA and non-DA cells is quite variable throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the VTA. Interestingly, DA and non-DA cells receive a similar density of perisomatic synapses, whereas axo-dendritic synapses are significantly more abundant in non-DA cells, indicating that local interneurons receive prominent GABAergic inhibition. These findings reveal a differential expression of GABA receptor subtypes in the two major categories of VTA neurons and provide an anatomical basis for interpreting the plasticity of inhibitory circuits induced by drug exposure.

  13. Organization of GABAergic synaptic circuits in the rat ventral tegmental area.

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    Alessandro Ciccarelli

    Full Text Available The ventral tegmental area (VTA is widely implicated in drug addiction and other psychiatric disorders. This brain region is densely populated by dopaminergic (DA neurons and also contains a sparse population of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAergic cells that regulate the activity of the principal neurons. Therefore, an in-depth knowledge of the organization of VTA GABAergic circuits and of the plasticity induced by drug consumption is essential for understanding the mechanisms by which drugs induce stable changes in brain reward circuits. Using immunohistochemistry, we provide a detailed description of the localization of major GABA(A and GABA(B receptor subunits in the rat VTA. We show that DA and GABAergic cells express both GABA(A and GABA(B receptors. However VTA neurons differ considerably in the expression of GABA(A receptor subunits, as the α1 subunit is associated predominantly with non-DA cells, whereas the α3 subunit is present at low levels in both types of VTA neurons. Using an unbiased stereological method, we then demonstrate that α1-positive elements represent only a fraction of non-DA neurons and that the ratio of DA and non-DA cells is quite variable throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the VTA. Interestingly, DA and non-DA cells receive a similar density of perisomatic synapses, whereas axo-dendritic synapses are significantly more abundant in non-DA cells, indicating that local interneurons receive prominent GABAergic inhibition. These findings reveal a differential expression of GABA receptor subtypes in the two major categories of VTA neurons and provide an anatomical basis for interpreting the plasticity of inhibitory circuits induced by drug exposure.

  14. Morfologia do sistema genital feminino da paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus, 1766

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    Ana Carolina Gonçalves dos Reis


    Full Text Available Foi caracterizada a morfologia macroscópica do genital feminino, de seis exemplares adultos de paca (Cuniculus paca, mediante dissecação das cavidades abdominal e pélvica imediatamente após o óbito. Os ovários apresentam forma ovoide, achatados dorso-ventralmente, de coloração amarela esbranquiçada com pequenos pontos avermelhados em sua superfície; têm localização sublombar, caudal aos rins; estão envoltos por uma rasa bolsa ovárica e fixados pelo mesovário; a tuba uterina é um órgão par, de aspecto sinuoso, contínua aos ovários, estando inserida na mesossalpinge e se estendendo até o início de cada corno uterino correspondente. Os cornos uterinos retilíneos fixam-se à parede abdominal pelo mesométrio e se unem pelo ligamento intercornual na altura da entrada da pelve, onde se posicionam dorsalmente à vesícula urinária; duas cevices estão presentes, embora o septo uterino que as separa seja incompleto, caracterizando presença de dois óstios uterinos internos e um único óstio uterino externo, considerando-se este útero como duplo incompleto. A vagina é um órgão tubular que se posiciona ventral ao reto e dorsal à vesícula urinária e à uretra, não se verificou a presença de vestíbulo e a vagina e a uretra não possuem ponto comum de convergência, abrindo-se, cada uma delas, diretamente na região vulvar, que se apresenta plana, com reduzidos lábios vulvares, apenas o clitóris de forma cônica é pouco proeminente e apresenta duas estruturas pontiagudas em sua região distal. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas mensurações realizadas nos ovários, tubas uterinas e cornos uterinos, ao se comparar os antímeros direito e esquerdo.

  15. Effective Connectivity between Ventral Occipito-Temporal and Ventral Inferior Frontal Cortex during Lexico-Semantic Processing. A Dynamic Causal Modeling Study

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    Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti


    Full Text Available It has been suggested that dorsal and ventral pathways support distinct aspects of language processing. Yet, the full extent of their involvement and their inter-regional connectivity in visual word recognition is still unknown. Studies suggest that they might reflect the dual-route model of reading, with the dorsal pathway more involved in grapho-phonological conversion during phonological tasks, and the ventral pathway performing lexico-semantic access during semantic tasks. Furthermore, this subdivision is also suggested at the level of the inferior frontal cortex, involving ventral and dorsal parts for lexico-semantic and phonological processing, respectively. In the present study, we assessed inter-regional brain connectivity and task-induced modulations of brain activity during a phoneme detection and semantic categorization tasks, using fMRI in healthy subject. We used a dynamic causal modeling approach to assess inter-regional connectivity and task demand modulation within the dorsal and ventral pathways, including the following network components: the ventral occipito-temporal cortex (vOTC; dorsal and ventral, the superior temporal gyrus (STG; dorsal, the dorsal inferior frontal gyrus (dIFG; dorsal, and the ventral IFG (vIFG; ventral. We report three distinct inter-regional interactions supporting orthographic information transfer from vOTC to other language regions (vOTC -> STG, vOTC -> vIFG and vOTC -> dIFG regardless of task demands. Moreover, we found that (a during semantic processing (direct ventral pathway the vOTC -> vIFG connection strength specifically increased and (b a lack of modulation of the vOTC -> dIFG connection strength by the task that could suggest a more general involvement of the dorsal pathway during visual word recognition. Results are discussed in terms of anatomo-functional connectivity of visual word recognition network.

  16. Análise proteômica comparativa dos componentes da superfície celular e do secretoma de Aspergillus fumigatus


    Paula Helena Kubitschek Barreira


    Aspergillus fumigatus é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, infecção fúngica oportunista com altas taxas de mortalidade afetando, principalmente, pacientes com neutropenia profunda e prolongada. Durante o processo de invasão e disseminação características desta infecção sistêmica, os conídios do fungo inalados e não eliminados pelas células do sistema imune inato diferenciam-se em hifas que, por sua vez, são angioinvasivas. Pouco se conhece sobre as moléculas da parede celu...

  17. Oleic Acid in the Ventral Tegmental Area Inhibits Feeding, Food Reward, and Dopamine Tone. (United States)

    Hryhorczuk, Cecile; Sheng, Zhenyu; Décarie-Spain, Léa; Giguère, Nicolas; Ducrot, Charles; Trudeau, Louis-Éric; Routh, Vanessa H; Alquier, Thierry; Fulton, Stephanie


    Long-chain fatty acids (FAs) act centrally to decrease food intake and hepatic glucose production and alter hypothalamic neuronal activity in a manner that depends on FA type and cellular transport proteins. However, it is not known whether FAs are sensed by ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine (DA) neurons to control food-motivated behavior and DA neurotransmission. We investigated the impact of the monounsaturated FA oleate in the VTA on feeding, locomotion, food reward, and DA neuronal activity and DA neuron expression of FA-handling proteins and FA uptake. A single intra-VTA injection of oleate, but not of the saturated FA palmitate, decreased food intake and increased locomotor activity. Furthermore, intra-VTA oleate blunted the rewarding effects of high-fat/sugar food in an operant task and inhibited DA neuronal firing. Using sorted DA neuron preparations from TH-eGFP mice we found that DA neurons express FA transporter and binding proteins, and are capable of intracellular transport of long-chain FA. Finally, we demonstrate that a transporter blocker attenuates FA uptake into DA neurons and blocks the effects of intra-VTA oleate to decrease food-seeking and DA neuronal activity. Together, these results suggest that DA neurons detect FA and that oleate has actions in the VTA to suppress DA neuronal activity and food seeking following cellular incorporation. These findings highlight the capacity of DA neurons to act as metabolic sensors by responding not only to hormones but also to FA nutrient signals to modulate food-directed behavior.

  18. Caracterização física, físico-química, enzimática e de parede celular em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento da fruta de figueira Physical, chemico-physical, enzymatic and cell wall charazterization during the different development stages of the fig tree fruits

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    Carlos Antonio A. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a caracterização física, físico-química, enzimática e de parede celular, durante os diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento dos frutos da figueira sob irrigação, no norte de Minas Gerais, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido durante o ciclo de produção 2001/2002, na Unidade de Produção Frutícola da Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Salinas (Eafsal, município de Salinas. Utilizaram-se, neste experimento, plantas com dois anos e meio de idade após o transplantio e com 12 ramos primários (pernadas, bem desenvolvidos e espaçamento de 2,5x1,5 m. O delineamento aplicado foi inteiramente casualizado, com duas repetições e um total de 40 plantas marcadas. Os dados coletados foram referentes ao ciclo de produção 2001/2002, para as plantas podadas em junho. Avaliou-se, durante os diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento dos frutos da figueira, a atividade enzimática, composição química, avaliações físicas, açúcares neutros e compostos de parede celular. À medida que a atividade de polifenoloxidase e peroxidase foi diminuindo, a atividade da poligalacturonase aumentou, no decorrer do desenvolvimento dos frutos. Os frutos atingiram ponto de colheita para a indústria e consumo in natura aos 30 e 75 dias da diferenciação das gemas em sicônio, respectivamente. Ocorreu um aumento significativo nos teores de sólidos solúveis totais, açúcares solúveis totais e redutores durante o desenvolvimento do fruto. O valor de pH e o conteúdo de acidez total titulável variaram muito pouco durante o desenvolvimento do fruto. O diâmetro médio dos frutos foi sempre inferior ao comprimento médio, atingindo 51,99 mm e 59,18 mm, respectivamente, aos 75 dias. Quanto ao peso médio, os frutos atingiram 53,23 g aos 75 dias. Os açúcares neutros predominantes foram a galactose, a arabinose e a xilose, enquanto fucose, manose, glucose e ramnose apresentaram-se em menor quantidade na parede celular durante os

  19. Influência da adubação silicatada no teor de clorofila em folhas de roseira Influence of silicate fertilization on chlorophylls of rose leaves


    Marco Locarno; Carolina Graçon Fochi; Patrícia Duarte de Oliveira Paiva


    A realização de estudo da adubação silicatada em roseiras é justificada com o intuito de reduzir o número de aplicações de defensivos agrícolas, podendo aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade dos botões florais na colheita e pós-colheita. A absorção de silício difere entre as espécies vegetais. Há evidências de que o envolvimento dos silicatos na indução de resistência pode ocorrer pela participação do próprio silício, fortificando estruturas da parede celular, conferindo aumento da lignifica...

  20. Propriedades mecânicas, tribológicas e térmicas de nanocompósitos de PLLA com nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas

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    Jonas Bertholdi


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são estudados os efeitos da adição de nanotubos de carbono de parede múltipla (NCPM em uma matriz de Poli(L-ácido láctico (PLLA. Foras avaliadas duas rotas distintas de dispersão dos NCPM, uma utilizando agitação mecânica em solvente e a outra utilizando sonificação de alta energia em solvente. As propriedades mecânicas destes nanocompósitos foram avaliadas utilizando nanoindentação e microdureza vickers. Através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial foram determinadas as propriedades térmicas dos nanocompósitos (Tg, Tc, Tm e cristalinidade obtidas. Por último, as propriedades tribológicas foram determinadas através de ensaios de deslizamento do tipo pino sobre disco, onde foram utilizadas diferentes cargas normais. As propriedades mecânicas e térmicas não foram significativamente afetadas pela adição do nanotubos, o que não se repetiu nas propriedades tribológicas, onde tanto o método de dispersão quanto a concentração de NCPM afetaram as propriedades. A micrografia das trilhas de desgaste sugere ainda que o mecanismo atuante foi modificado com a incorporação dos nanotubos, o mesmo pode ter acontecido nas amostras sonificadas.

  1. Los inicios de la contabilidad municipal en Castilla : Paredes de Nava (1386-1396

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    María Jesús Fuente


    Full Text Available La necesidad de iniciar libros de cuentas para la buena administración financiera de los municipios medievales ha sido estudiado para las ciudades de algunos ámbitos europeos, especialmente para el ámbito francés. La Guerra de los Cien Años, con sus costes de mantenimiento de un buen sistema de fortificaciones, parece el motor principal de una contabilidad escrupulosa. En los reinos de la Península Ibérica no se encuentra una causa tan clara y rotunda, pero los indicios apuntan en el mismo sentido, es decir, a que fuera la necesidad de mantener las murallas en buenas condiciones por los peligros de las guerras, y la fiscalidad subsiguiente, lo que llevó al inicio de los libros de cuentas municipales. A través del ejemplo de la villa de Paredes de Nava se estudia la forma de organizarse esta primitiva administración contable, viéndose que no se encuentran diferencias significativas entre las cuentas municipales del Reino de Castilla y las de otras ciudades del Occidente europeo.On the basis of scholarly studies of Medieval France, it seems clear that the origins of municipal book-keeping can be traced to the outbreak of the Hundred Years War and the need of building an strong system of fortificatlons. Whether this is also true in the kingdoms of the Iberian Península is less clear, but the evidence suggests that there too municipal book-keeping aróse out of the need to maintain walls for purposes of defense and to finance their maintenance. By examening the town of Paredes de Nava and its early municipal accounts, this article suggests that there are very few significant differences in municipal book-keeping between French cities and Iberian ones.

  2. Vomeronasal inputs to the rodent ventral striatum. (United States)

    Ubeda-Bañon, I; Novejarque, A; Mohedano-Moriano, A; Pro-Sistiaga, P; Insausti, R; Martinez-Garcia, F; Lanuza, E; Martinez-Marcos, A


    Vertebrates sense chemical signals through the olfactory and vomeronasal systems. In squamate reptiles, which possess the largest vomeronasal system of all vertebrates, the accessory olfactory bulb projects to the nucleus sphericus, which in turn projects to a portion of the ventral striatum known as olfactostriatum. Characteristically, the olfactostriatum is innervated by neuropeptide Y, tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin immunoreactive fibers. In this study, the possibility that a structure similar to the reptilian olfactostriatum might be present in the mammalian brain has been investigated. Injections of dextran-amines have been aimed at the posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus (the putative mammalian homologue of the reptilian nucleus sphericus) of rats and mice. The resulting anterograde labeling includes the olfactory tubercle, the islands of Calleja and sparse terminal fields in the shell of the nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum. This projection has been confirmed by injections of retrograde tracers into the ventral striato-pallidum that render retrograde labeling in the posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus. The analysis of the distribution of neuropeptide Y, tyrosine hydroxylase, serotonin and substance P in the ventral striato-pallidum of rats, and the anterograde tracing of the vomeronasal amygdaloid input in the same material confirm that, similar to reptiles, the ventral striatum of mammals includes a specialized vomeronasal structure (olfactory tubercle and islands of Calleja) displaying dense neuropeptide Y-, tyrosine hydroxylase- and serotonin-immunoreactive innervations. The possibility that parts of the accumbens shell and/or ventral pallidum could be included in the mammalian olfactostriatum cannot be discarded.

  3. Ventral hernia repair (United States)

    ... incarcerated) in the hernia and become impossible to push back in. This is usually painful. The blood supply ... you are lying down or that you cannot push back in. Risks The risks of ventral hernia repair ...

  4. Procedimento de Rives/Stoppa modificado robô-assistido para correção de hernias ventrais da linha média Modified robot assisted Rives/Stoppa videosurgery for midline ventral hernia repair

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    Ricardo Zugaib Abdalla


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Os defeitos da linha média podem ser congênitos ou adquiridos. Os procedimentos convencionais para correção desse defeito geralmente envolvem grandes incisões, com grandes descolamentos de pele e tecido celular subcutâneo. O uso da videocirurgia para a correção desses defeitos, ainda é controverso. OBJETIVOS: Realizar descrição inédita na literatura, mostrando a experiência inicial do uso da robótica nas reconstruções de linha média, associando a cirurgia minimamente invasiva à técnicas consagradas como Rives/Stoppa e separação de componentes. MÉTODOS: Foram operados cinco pacientes no mesmo hospital, pela mesma equipe, usando o sistema robótico da Vinci S. RESULTADOS: Foram três mulheres e dois homens, sem mortalidade na amostra. Duas pacientes foram reoperadas com hérnia pelo tunel entre os músculos retos do abdomen e aponeurose posterior, com fechamento dos mesmos na reoperação. CONCLUSÕES: O procedimento robótico para reconstrução da linha média mostrou-se factível e esteticamente aceitável. Tem a vantagem de seguir os princípios tradicionais aventados para a parede abdominal através de via minimamente invasiva.BACKGROUND:The weakness of the linea alba can be caused by congenital and aquired factors. The conventional procedure to correct these imperfections generally involve large incisions with big detachments of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The use of videosurgery for the repair of these weaknesses is still controversy. AIM: To describe a new procedure using robotics in the repair of the linea alba, associating minimally invasive tecniques by Rives/Stoppa and component separation tecniques. METHODS: Five patients undergone surgery in the same hospital, the same operating team and using the Da Vinci S. robotics equipment. RESULTS: Three women and two men undergone surgery, with no mortality. Two of these patients were re-operated due a recurrent hernia between muscle and posterior sheath

  5. Primary ventral or groin hernia in pregnancy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Oma, E; Bay-Nielsen, M; Jensen, K K


    BACKGROUND: Prevalence, management, and risk of emergency operation for primary ventral or groin hernia in pregnancy are unknown. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalences of primary ventral or groin hernia in pregnancy and the potential risks for elective and emergency repair...... was conducted to identify patients registered with a primary ventral or groin hernia in pregnancy. Follow-up was conducted by review of medical record notes within the Capital Region of Denmark supplemented with structured telephone interviews on indication. RESULTS: In total, 20,714 pregnant women were...... included in the study cohort. Seventeen (0.08%) and 25 (0.12%) women were registered with a primary ventral and groin hernia, respectively. None underwent elective or emergency repair in pregnancy, and all had uncomplicated childbirth. In 10 women, the groin bulge disappeared spontaneously after delivery...

  6. Avaliação experimental do coeficiente global de transferência de calor em leito fixo percolado com água - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v26i1.1551

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    Gylles Ricardo Ströher


    Full Text Available Foram efetuados diversos ensaios em um trocador de calor de leito fixo recheado com esferas de aço, percolado por água líquida e aquecido através da parede, medindo-se os perfis de temperatura na parede e no centro do leito em diversas condições experimentais: 3mm ≤ dp ≤ 6,3 mm, 50 L/h 2 = 0,99. Adicionalmente, pôde-se constatar que as temperaturas próximas à parede são muito mais sensíveis a alterações da vazão do que as temperaturas na região central do leito

  7. Herbaspirillum seropedicae and sugarcane endophytic interaction investigated by using high pressure freezing electron microscopy Uso da técnica de congelamento por alta pressão no estudo da interação endofítica de Herbaspirillum seropedicae e cana-de-açúcar

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    Lúcia Gracinda da Silva


    Full Text Available The interaction between sugar cane plantlets and H. seropedicae was investigated using High Pressure Freezing followed by Freeze Substitution. Microscopical observation showed consistent differences between this approaches when compared with the conventional preparation, specially related to appearance of the bacteria cell and the endophytic attachment to the host cell wall.A interação entre plântulas de cana-de-açúcar e H. seropedicae foi investigada pelo uso da técnica de congelamento por alta pressão seguida de criosubstituição. Observações microscópicas evidenciaram diferenças marcantes entre esta técnica e preparações convencionais, especialmente relacionadas a ultraestrutura da bactéria e às estruturas envolvidas na adesão à superfície da parede celular da planta hospedeira.

  8. Serotonin-induced nitric oxide production in the ventral nerve cord of the earthworm, Eisenia fetida. (United States)

    Kitamura, Y; Naganoma, Y; Horita, H; Ogawa, H; Oka, K


    Effect of serotonin on nitric oxide (NO) production in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the earthworm Eisenia fetida was investigated by a bio-imaging and an electrochemical technique. In the bio-imaging, the spatial pattern of NO production in VNC was visualized using an NO-specific fluorescent dye, diaminofluorescein-2 diacethyl (DAF-2 DA). Application of serotonin (100 microM) increased NO production in VNC by about 65% (PVNC. In the electrochemical technique, real-time basal and serotonin-induced NO production was estimated with an NO-specific electrode. On the ventral surface of VNC, the estimated basal NO production was stable at 200+/-52 nM, and was transiently augmented to 840+/-193 nM by the addition of 10 microM serotonin. In conclusion, the estimated basal NO production in the earthworm VNC is relatively high compared with other nervous systems earlier reported, and transiently augmented by serotonin. Our results suggest that NO signaling in VNC is involved in neuromodulation by serotonin.

  9. The use of amniotic membrane in the repair of duodenal wounds in Wistar rats Uso da membrana amniótica no reparo de feridas duodenais em ratos Wistar

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    Luciano Rodrigues Schimidt


    Full Text Available Purpose: In the search of a new material to repair duodenal wounds, a trial was conducted to assess the behavior of human amniotic membrane in the repair of the duodenal wall in rats. METHODS: Fifty Wistar rats weighing between 250 and 350g, male, were submitted to duodenotomy and randomly distributed into two groups. Group A (n=8 had no treatment and was used as the control group. In Group B (n=42 the duodenal wound was treated with a patch of human amniotic membrane. RESULTS: All animals in Group A died. In Group B no changes were observed with regards to death or the formation of duodenal fistula. All animals presented peritoneal adherences in the region on the duodenal wall repair and intestinal obstruction was observed in two animals. Healing of the duodenal wall in the region of the patch took place progressively as the post-operatory period increased, with regeneration of the mucosa and of the smooth muscle layer. CONCLUSION: From the clinical standpoint, the amniotic membrane proved to be a biological tissue which served as a temporary seal and allowed the wound to heal by second-intention, with re-establishment of the duodenal wall structure.OBJETIVO: Na busca de um novo material para o reparo dos ferimentos duodenais, foi efetuado um estudo para avaliar o comportamento da membrana amniótica humana no reparo da parede duodenal em ratos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 50 ratos Wistar, com peso entre 250 e 350g, machos, distribuídos, aleatoriamente, em dois grupos. Grupo A (n=8, submetido à duodenotomia sem tratamento, utilizados como controle. Grupo B (n=42, submetido a um remendo de membrana amniótica humana para tratamento de ferimento duodenal provocado. RESULTADOS: Todos os animais do grupo A foram a óbito. No grupo B não foram observadas alterações quanto a óbito ou formação de fístula duodenal. Observaram-se em todos os animais aderências peritoneais à região do reparo da parede do duodeno e obstrução intestinal em

  10. Atividade da pectina metilesterase e da β-galactosidase durante o amadurecimento do mamão cv. golden

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    Luciana Konda de Azevedo Pinto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar o comportamento das enzimas pectina metilesterase (PME e β-galactosidase (β-Gal durante o amadurecimento do mamão cv.'Golden'. Mamões com 15% de cor amarela foram estocados em câmara de refrigeração a 20ºC e 85-95 % UR, por um período de 11 dias. Durante este período de estocagem, foi determinada a cor da casca, firmeza e pH da polpa dos frutos, bem como a atividade das enzimas PME e β-Gal. A atividade da PME, observada ao longo do amadurecimento do mamão, indicou que esta enzima participou do processo de hidrólise da parede celular, principalmente no início do amadurecimento dos frutos. Já a atividade da β-Gal aumentou, de maneira não gradual, do primeiro dia até o final do armazenamento, quando alcançou seu valor máximo. Uma redução drástica na firmeza e no pH da polpa ocorreu nos três primeiros dias de armazenamento. Neste período, os frutos apresentaram coloração com valores do ângulo hue próximos de 80, a qual corresponde a uma coloração amarela. Verificou-se que a PME atua de modo efetivo no amadurecimento do mamão, mas a redução precoce em sua atividade indica que a β-Gal tem também um papel fundamental na rápida perda de firmeza pelo mamão cv. Golden.

  11. Descrição da artéria celíaca em pombos domésticos (Columba livia

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    Marcelo Ismar Santana


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou definir a origem e a distribuição da artéria celíaca e de seus ramos colaterais em 15 aves da espécie Columba livia, cedidas pelo Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Brasília. Com a finalidade de marcar o sistema arterial dos espécimes, o tronco braquiocefálico esquerdo foi canulado e injetado com solução aquosa de látex corado. Posteriormente, procedeu-se a fixação das aves com solução aquosa de formol 10% e a dissecação com instrumentos adequados, obtendo-se os resultados a seguir. A artéria celíaca originou-se da face ventral da aorta descendente. O primeiro ramo colateral surgiu da própria artéria celíaca, constituindo a artéria esofágica. Posteriormente, artéria celíaca se bifurcou em dois ramos, denominados ramo esquerdo da artéria celíaca e ramo direito da artéria celíaca. O ramo esquerdo emitiu a artéria proventricular ventral, seguida das artérias esplênicas, da artéria proventricular dorsal e da artéria hepática esquerda. Por fim, o ramo esquerdo se bifurcou, originando as artérias gástricas ventral e esquerda. O ramo direito emitiu a artéria hepática direita, seguida da artéria ileal e da artéria gástrica direita. Por fim, o ramo direito prosseguiu como artéria pancreaticoduodenal. Os achados deste trabalho apresentaram grande similaridade com as linhagens de aves da espécie Gallus gallus, exceto pela ausência da artéria ileocecal, de ramos císticos e da artéria gástrica dorsal.

  12. Avaliação do procedimento simplificado da NBR 15575 para determinação do nível de desempenho térmico de habitações

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    Karin Maria Soares Chvatal

    Full Text Available A norma brasileira NBR 15575: Edificações habitacionais - Desempenho (ABNT, 2013 representa um avanço no setor da construção civil. É importante que se mantenha uma discussão constante sobre ela, a fim de estimular seu aprimoramento. Recentemente, alguns autores têm apresentado críticas aos métodos propostos pela referida norma, como incoerências entre seus procedimentos simplificado e de simulação. Este trabalho investiga as razões dessas incongruências, com o foco em habitações de interesse social. O método consiste na aplicação dos dois procedimentos da Norma a uma habitação unifamiliar térrea em três zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras, com variadas transmitâncias térmicas e absortâncias das paredes exteriores e da cobertura. Também foram conduzidas séries de estudos para a habitação com paredes com alta capacidade térmica e simulações horárias anuais para a edificação em condições reais de uso. Os resultados demonstraram que o impacto conjugado da transmitância e da absortância não é representado de forma adequada nos limites estabelecidos pelo procedimento simplificado, e também que a capacidade térmica influencia esses limites. Quanto à simulação anual, verificou-se que esta é a forma mais adequada de se avaliarem as distintas necessidades de desempenho quanto ao inverno e ao verão.

  13. The role of the ventral dentate gyrus in olfactory pattern separation. (United States)

    Weeden, Christy S S; Hu, Nathan J; Ho, Liana U N; Kesner, Raymond P


    Dorsoventral lesion studies of the hippocampus have indicated that the dorsal axis of the hippocampus is important for spatial processing and the ventral axis of the hippocampus is important for olfactory learning and memory and anxiety. There is some evidence to suggest that the ventral CA3 and ventral CA1 conduct parallel processes for pattern completion and temporal processing, respectively. Studies have indicated that the dorsal dentate gyrus (DG) is importantly involved in processes reflecting underlying pattern separation activity for spatial information. However, the ventral DG is less understood. The current study investigated the less-understood role of the ventral DG in olfactory pattern separation. A series of odor stimuli that varied on only one level, number of carbon chains (methyl groups), was used in a matching-to-sample paradigm in order to investigate ventral DG involvement in working memory for similar and less similar odors. Rats with ventral DG lesions were impaired at delays of 60 sec, but not at delays of 15 sec. A memory-based pattern separation effect was observed performance was poorest with only one carbon chain separation between trial odors and was highest for trials with four separations. The present study indicates that the ventral DG plays an important role in olfactory learning and memory processes for highly similar odors. The results also indicate a role for the ventral DG in pattern separation for odor information, which may have further implications for parallel processing across the dorsoventral axis for the DG in spatial (dorsal) and olfactory (ventral) pattern separation. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Estudo comparativo da eficácia do etanol e do ácido L-glutâmico na prevenção da calcificação das cúspides e parede aórtica porcina: estudo experimental em ratos Comparative study on the efficacy of ethanol and of l-glutamic acid for preventing calcification of pig cusps and aortic wall: experimental study in rats

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    George Ronald Soncini da ROSA


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As cúspides porcinas tratadas com glutaraldeído (GDA são um dos tecidos biológicos mais utilizados em biopróteses, porém a calcificação tardia pós-implante constitui a causa predominante de sua falência. OBJETIVO: Analisar comparativamente dois métodos de prevenção da calcificação (etanol 80% e ácido L-glutâmico 0,8% em cúspide e parede aórtica porcina implantadas no subcutâneo em ratos, tendo como grupo controle as cúspides e os segmentos de parede aórtica fixadas em glutaraldeído (GDA, num período de 15, 30 e 60 dias após implante. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 45 ratos jovens, distribuídos em 3 grupos contendo 15 animais cada, que por sua vez foram subdivididos em 3 subgrupos de 5 animais, nos quais foram implantados, em 2 bolsas no subcutâneo, uma cúspide e um segmento de parede aórtica em cada. Em cada grupo assim nominados: GDA (grupo controle, E80% (grupo cujas estruturas foram pré-tratadas com etanol 80% e o AG 0,8% (grupo cujas estruturas foram pré-tratadas com ácido L-glutâmico 0,8% foram realizadas a mensuração do cálcio e análise microscópica quanto à presença de calcificação (localização e intensidade da mesma e de Infiltrado inflamatório (localização e tipo, no período de 15, 30 e 60 dias após implante. RESULTADOS: Na mensuração do cálcio na cúspide aórtica encontrou-se no grupo E80% 15 dias (1,30±0,21 mg cálcio/mg tecido, E80% 30 dias (1,05±0,22 mg cálcio/mg tecido e E80% 60 dias (0,53±0,42 mg cálcio/mg tecido; no grupo AG 0,8% 15 dias (12,17±0,66 mg cálcio/mg tecido, AG 0,8% 30 dias (15,31±2,82 mg cálcio/mg tecido e AG 0,8% 60 dias (34,24±16,28 mg cálcio/mg tecido com o grupo controle GDA 15 dias (12,44±2,26 mg cálcio/mg tecido, GDA 30 dias (13,44±3,34 mg cálcio/mg tecido e GDA 60 dias (50,85±8,71 mg cálcio/mg tecido. Em relação à mensuração do cálcio na parede aórtica, encontrou-se no grupo de E80% 15 dias (4,62±0,68 mg c

  15. The ventralizing activity of Radar, a maternally expressed bone morphogenetic protein, reveals complex bone morphogenetic protein interactions controlling dorso-ventral patterning in zebrafish. (United States)

    Goutel, C; Kishimoto, Y; Schulte-Merker, S; Rosa, F


    In Xenopus and zebrafish, BMP2, 4 and 7 have been implicated, after the onset of zygotic expression, in inducing and maintaining ventro-lateral cell fate during early development. We provide evidence here that a maternally expressed bone morphogenetic protein (BMP), Radar, may control early ventral specification in zebrafish. We show that Radar ventralizes zebrafish embryos and induces the early expression of bmp2b and bmp4. The analysis of Radar overexpression in both swirl/bmp2b mutants and embryos expressing truncated BMP receptors shows that Radar-induced ventralization is dependent on functional BMP2/4 pathways, and may initially rely on an Alk6-related signaling pathway. Finally, we show that while radar-injected swirl embryos still exhibit a strongly dorsalized phenotype, the overexpression of Radar into swirl/bmp2b mutant embryos restores ventral marker expression, including bmp4 expression. Our results suggest that a complex regulation of different BMP pathways controls dorso-ventral (DV) patterning from early cleavage stages until somitogenesis.

  16. Estrutura, ultraestrutura e morfometria da aorta de paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus, 1766 criada em cativeiro

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    S.P. Garcia Filho


    Full Text Available Descreveram-se a morfologia, morfometria e ultraestrutura de segmentos das porções torácica e abdominal da aorta de quatro pacas (Cuniculus paca adultas. Os segmentos aórticos foram analisados à microscopia de luz e à microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Mensuraram-se as espessuras do complexo formado pelas túnicas íntima e média, além da túnica adventícia. Os valores referentes à espessura do complexo formado pelas túnicas íntima e média da aorta torácica cranial foram significativamente maiores (média: 702,19µm que os valores de outros segmentos aórticos analisados (médias: 354,18µm; 243,55µm. As camadas das paredes do vaso apresentaram variações entre si quanto à estrutura e espessura, supostamente em razão de adaptação à exigência funcional.

  17. A multicenter prospective study of patients undergoing open ventral hernia repair with intraperitoneal positioning using the monofilament polyester composite ventral patch

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Berrevoet, Frederik; Doerhoff, Carl; Muysoms, Filip


    PURPOSE: This study assessed the recurrence rate and other safety and efficacy parameters following ventral hernia repair with a polyester composite prosthesis (Parietex™ Composite Ventral Patch [PCO-VP]). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A single-arm, multicenter prospective study of 126 patients undergoing...

  18. Isolamento, fracionamento e caracterização de paredes celulares de raízes de mandioca (Manihot esculenta, Crantz Isolation, fractionation and characterization of cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz root cell walls

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    Lara Tschopoko Pedroso Pereira


    Full Text Available Durante a cocção de mandiocas o amido é gelatinizado e as paredes celulares sofrem alterações físicas e químicas que modificam a coesão das células e causam o amaciamento dos tecidos. Isolar, fracionar e caracterizar paredes celulares durante o envelhecimento de raízes, de duas cultivares, foram os objetivos deste trabalho. O amido foi eliminado por tamização e hidrólise enzimática e o material de paredes celulares foi fracionado em celulose, hemicelulose e pectina. Quantitativamente celulose foi a maior fração constituindo entre 57,2 e 70% do material inicial de paredes celulares isoladas, seguido por pectina e hemicelulose. O material isolado como paredes celulares diminuiu com o tempo de plantio das raízes e a concentração de celulose foi menor no material isolado de raízes mais velhas. A fração pectina diferiu em concentração de açúcares entre raízes de idades diferentes, sendo mais alta em raízes mais velhas enquanto a concentração de ácidos urônicos diferiu entre idades e cultivares.During cooking of cassava tubers starch gelatinizes and there are physical-chemical alterations in cell wall material, reducing intercellular cohesion and softening the tissue, playing an important role in cooking time. Cell wall material from tubers at two harvesting ages of two cultivars were isolated, fractionated and evaluated. Starch was eliminated by wet sieving and enzymatic hydrolysis and the cell wall material was fractionated into cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Quantitatively cellulose had the highest concentration varying from 57.2 to 70% of the initial isolated cell wall material, followed by pectin and hemicellulose. Cell wall material isolated decreased with the age of the roots and cellulose concentration decreased in the older roots. Pectin fraction differed in sugar concentration between roots of different ages, higher in older roots while for uronic acid content there were differences for age of roots and


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    Thais Ferreira dos Santos


    Full Text Available O trabalho visa o desenvolvimento da produção de pisos Intertravados porosos com a utilização de agregado miúdo reciclado a partir de moagem de resíduo da demolição de paredes. A escolha do agregado reciclado foi motivada devido à grande demanda de resíduos produzida pela indústria da construção civil, sendo que um problema recorrente é o descarte dos mesmos, visto que as áreas destinadas a este fim se têm apresentado cada vez mais escassas e com o objetivo de reduzir custos. O carácter permeável foi obtido com a utilização de material espaçador, ou seja, formador de porosidade residual, que permita o fluxo de líquido através do pavimento. Neste trabalho foi utilizado a técnica de utilização de microesferas de parafina dispersas no interior da massa, que após a produção e cura da peça foi retirada por meio da aplicação de calor, proporcionando a vaporização da parafina adicionada ao processo.

  20. Neonatal ventral hippocampus lesion alters the dopamine content in the limbic regions in postpubertal rats. (United States)

    Alquicer, Glenda; Silva-Gómez, Adriana B; Peralta, Fernando; Flores, Gonzalo


    The neonatal ventral Hippocampus (nVH) lesion in rats has been used as a model to test the hypothesis that early neurodevelopmental abnormalities lead to behavioral changes putatively linked to schizophrenia. The schizophrenic patients tend to social isolation. In addition, considerable evidence from behavioral and neurochemistry studies strongly implicate the dopamine (DA) system and the medial part of the prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in the pathophysiology of the social isolation syndrome. In order to assess effects of the postweaning social isolation (pwSI) on the DA system of the nVH lesions, we investigated the DA content and its metabolite, DOPAC in different limbic subregions in rats postpubertally at postnatal day (P) 78 following nVH lesions at P7 with and without pwSI for 8 weeks. The DA and DOPAC were measured by HPLC with electrochemical detection. The nVH lesion induces increase in the DA content in the hippocampus with no effect in the mPFC, nucleus accumbens and caudate-putamen, while the pwSI induces major increase in the DA content in limbic subregions such as the mPFC, nucleus accumbens and hipocampus with opposite effect in the caudate-putamen. These results suggest that while pwSI has an effect in the postpubertal content of DA in both sham and nVH lesions in rats, the nVH-lesioned rats appear to be affected to a greater extent than the sham animals underscoring the influence of pwSI differences in the development of behaviors in the nVH-lesioned animals.

  1. Caracterização da madeira de quatro espécies florestais

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    Javan Pereira Motta


    Full Text Available O conhecimento das relações existentes entre a estrutura anatômica da madeira com suas propriedades físicas ou mecânicas é importante para seu uso adequado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a anatomia microscópica e propriedades físicas da madeira de quatro diferentes espécies florestais. A madeira estudada foi proveniente das seguintes espécies: Cedrela fissilis (Cedro, Híbrido clonal Eucalyptus urophylla × Eucalyptus grandis (Eucalipto urograndis, Hovenia dulcis (Uva do Japão e Gallesia integrifolia (Pau d'alho. Para a determinação da retratibilidade, utilizou-se a norma MB26/40 da ABNT (1940; as dimensões lineares foram obtidas com palmer, precisão de 0,001mm. O estudo da anatomia da madeira seguiu as recomendações da norma de procedimento em estudos de anatomia de madeira, da COPANT (1974 e também da IAWA (1989. Os caracteres anatômicos avaliados foram: diâmetro tangencial (µm e frequência de vasos (nomm-2; comprimento de fibra (µm, diâmetro de lume (µm e espessura de parede de fibra (µm; altura (µm, largura (µm e frequência de raios (nomm-1. Os valores do coeficiente anisotrópico foram de 1,16; 1,77; 1,81 e 1,84 para a madeira de C. fissilis, H. dulcis, Híbrido clonal e G. integrifolia, respectivamente, demonstrando que a madeira de C. fissilis possui elevada estabilidade dimensional e as demais madeiras, valores aceitáveis para esse coeficiente.

  2. Estradiol increases the sensitivity of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons to dopamine and ethanol.

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    Bertha J Vandegrift

    Full Text Available Gender differences in psychiatric disorders such as addiction may be modulated by the steroid hormone estrogen. For instance, 17β-estradiol (E2, the predominant form of circulating estrogen in pre-menopausal females, increases ethanol consumption, suggesting that E2 may affect the rewarding properties of ethanol and thus the development of alcohol use disorder in females. The ventral tegmental area (VTA is critically involved in the rewarding and reinforcing effects of ethanol. In order to determine the role of E2 in VTA physiology, gonadally intact female mice were sacrificed during diestrus II (high E2 or estrus (low E2 for electrophysiology recordings. We measured the excitation by ethanol and inhibition by dopamine (DA of VTA DA neurons and found that both excitation by ethanol and inhibition by dopamine were greater in diestrus II compared with estrus. Treatment of VTA slices from mice in diestrus II with an estrogen receptor antagonist (ICI 182,780 reduced ethanol-stimulated neuronal firing, but had no effect on ethanol-stimulated firing of neurons in slices from mice in estrus. Surprisingly, ICI 182,780 did not affect the inhibition by DA, indicating different mechanisms of action of estrogen receptors in altering ethanol and DA responses. We also examined the responses of VTA DA neurons to ethanol and DA in ovariectomized mice treated with E2 and found that E2 treatment enhanced the responses to ethanol and DA in a manner similar to what we observed in mice in diestrus II. Our data indicate that E2 modulates VTA neuron physiology, which may contribute to both the enhanced reinforcing and rewarding effects of alcohol and the development of other psychiatric disorders in females that involve alterations in DA neurotransmission.

  3. Degradação in vitro de tecidos da lâmina foliar e do colmo de gramíneas forrageiras tropicais, em função do estádio de desenvolvimento In vitro digestion of leaf blade and stem tissues of tropical forage grasses according to stages of development

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    Domingos Sávio Campos Paciullo


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da idade sobre o potencial de degradação dos diferentes tecidos da lâmina foliar e do colmo de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens, capim-gordura (Melinis minutiflora e capim-tifton 85 (Cynodon sp. Foram amostradas a 7ª (capim-braquiária e capim-gordura e a 11ª (capim-tifton 85 lâminas foliares, no dia da exposição da lígula e 20 dias após. Por meio de observações ao microscópio foram estimadas a extensão da digestão in vitro dos tecidos da lâmina e do colmo e a redução na espessura da parede de células do esclerênquima do colmo. Lâminas foliares e segmentos de colmos jovens apresentaram maiores áreas digeridas. Permaneceram intactos os tecidos com células de parede espessada e lignificada, a bainha parenquimática dos feixes, o esclerênquima, o xilema e a epiderme do colmo. Tecidos com células de parede delgada, normalmente não-lignificada, o mesofilo, o floema e o parênquima, desapareceram completamente. O avanço na idade reduziu a digestão do mesofilo, em lâminas de capim-braquiária e capim-gordura, e do parênquima em colmos, principalmente de capim-gordura. A epiderme na lâmina foliar foi parcialmente digerida, independentemente da idade e da espécie. Embora aparentemente intactas, células esclerenquimáticas do colmo sofreram redução da espessura da parede com a incubação em líquido ruminal. A porcentagem de redução variou de 7 a 37% e a taxa de redução da espessura de 0,007 a 0,018 µm/h.A trial was carried out to evaluate the change in digestion of tropical grasses leaf and stem tissues with age. The grasses were signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens, molassesgrass (Melinis minutiflora and Tifton 85 bermudagrass (Cynodon sp. The 7th leaf of signalgrass and molassesgrass and the 11th leaf of bermudagrass were sampled by the time of their complete expansion (ligule exposure and 20 days later. Segment of stem just below the sampled

  4. Fatores de risco clínicos e ultra-sonográficos relacionados à litíase vesicular assintomática em mulheres

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    Ferreira Adilson Cunha


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar variáveis clínicas e ultra-sonográficas, como presença ou ausência de barro biliar, espessura da parede e medida transversal da vesícula biliar, idade, paridade, presença ou ausência de diabetes mellitus associadas a litíase vesicular assintomática, bem como determinar a sua prevalência em pacientes submetidas ao exame ultra-sonográfico. MATERAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas, em estudo prospectivo, 265 pacientes do sexo feminino, atendidas na Escola de Ultra-sonografia e Reciclagem Médica de Ribeirão Preto, durante o período de janeiro a setembro de 2001. RESULTADOS: Evidenciou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa relacionada à litíase da vesícula biliar e espessura da parede da vesícula biliar, barro biliar, diâmetro transverso da vesícula biliar, faixa etária, paridade, passando de 4,1% nas nulíparas para 39,1% nas multíparas e diabéticas. A prevalência de litíase na vesícula biliar em pacientes assintomáticas foi de 14,7%. CONCLUSÃO: A litíase vesicular assintomática em mulheres ocorre principalmente com o decorrer da idade e da paridade. Os achados ultra-sonográficos mais freqüentemente encontrados foram presença de barro biliar e de espessamento da parede da vesícula biliar.

  5. Avaliações ultrassonográfica e radiográfica dos efeitos da suplementação com dois tipos de probióticos sobre o intestino de cães filhotes Ultrasonographic and radiographic evaluations of the effects of supplementation with two types of probiotics on the gut of puppies

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    M.A.R. Feliciano


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da suplementação de dois tipos de probióticos para cães filhotes da raça Beagle, que receberam dois tipos de dieta de alta e baixa qualidade, sobre os achados em exames de diagnóstico por imagem. Foram utilizados 18 cães filhotes da raça Beagle, distribuídos em três tratamentos inteiramente ao acaso: tratamento 1, controle (ração; tratamento 2, ração com probiótico 1 (Bifidobacterium; e tratamento 3, ração com probiótico 2 (Lactobacillus. O experimento foi dividido em duas fases, cada uma caracterizada pela mudança da dieta de qualidades diferentes. Ao exame ultrassonográfico, foi avaliada a espessura da parede gastrintestinal, e ao radiográfico, a presença de gás em alças intestinais e o espessamento da parede. Observou-se aumento da espessura da parede das alças intestinais (P0,05 entre os tratamentos quanto ao escore de gás intestinal. A avaliação quantitativa permitiu a determinação de um escore de gás intestinal, de forma não invasiva, por meio do software Image J®. Concluiu-se que o diagnóstico por imagem sustenta a recomendação dessa metodologia como ferramenta auxiliar na avaliação nutricional de dietas para cães.The effects of supplementation with types of probiotics for beagle puppies that received high and low quality diets on the findings of imaging techniques were evaluaded. Eighteen animals were distributed in three randomized treatments: 1, control (diet, 2, diet with a probiotic (Bifidobacterium, and 3, diet with another probiotic (Lactobacillus. The experiment was divided into two phases each characterized by a change of diet. By ultrasonography, the thickness of the gastrointestinal wall was evaluated as well the presence of gas in the bowel and thickening of the wall by radiography. There was an increase in the thickness of the intestinal wall (P 0.05 were observed among treatments for scores of intestinal gas. The quantitative analysis allowed the determination of

  6. Composição fenólica de ligninas dioxano determinadas pela reação oxidativa com o nitrobenzeno

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    Fukushima Romualdo Shigueo


    Full Text Available A correta quantificação da concentração de lignina em plantas forrageiras, pelo método espectrofotométrico, pressupõe a existência de um padrão de referência. Um padrão de referência deve ter composição fenólica semelhante à da lignina da parede celular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se ligninas extraídas com solução ácida de dioxano para serem utilizadas como padrão de referência, apresentariam variação na composição fenólica da mesma maneira que a lignina da parede celular. Amostras de parede celular de "bromegrass", milho e trevo-vermelho foram submetidas ao método para extração de ligninas com solução ácida de dioxano. A composição fenólica das ligninas foi analisada mediante oxidação alcalina pelo nitrobenzeno com posterior separação dos componentes monoméricos via HPLC. As ligninas extraídas confirmaram a existência de variação na composição fenólica da mesma maneira às ligninas intactas presentes na parede celular e de substancial presença de ácidos cinâmicos nas ligninas de gramíneas. No que diz respeito à composição fenólica, ligninas extraídas com solução ácida de dioxano podem ser consideradas potenciais padrões de referência paras as análises espectrofotométricas.

  7. Influência da temperatura interpasse nas propriedades do aço inoxidável duplex durante a soldagem pelo processo a arco submerso

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    Tatiana Resende Alvarez


    Full Text Available Os aços inoxidáveis duplex (AID são materiais que apresentam elevada resistência à corrosão com altos valores de resistência mecânica motivando sua utilização em diversos componentes de processo na indústria offshore. No entanto, existem grandes desafios na soldagem destes materiais em termos de produtividade e qualidade da junta produzida, tendo em vista sua ampla utilização desde componentes de pequenas espessuras, tais como umbilicais, até de grandes espessuras, como tubulações de linhas de injeção de água salgada. No que concerne a tubulações de espessuras pequenas é empregado satisfatoriamente o processo de soldagem Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW conhecido como TIG. No que diz a respeito a tubulações de paredes espessas foi implementado, recentemente, o processo automático de soldagem por arco submerso (SAW na linha de pré-montagem de tubulações, aumentando consideravelmente a produtividade das juntas produzidas. No entanto, existe uma grande demanda de tempo para a realização de um novo passe de solda, em virtude da máxima temperatura interpasse exigida ser inferior a 150ºC. Portanto, o presente trabalho apresenta os resultados da caracterização e avaliação da resistência à corrosão de uma junta soldada correspondente a uma tubulação de aço inoxidável duplex (AID UNS S31803 de 21,4 mm de espessura de parede soldada pelos processos de soldagem MIG (GMAW na raiz e arco submerso (SAW no enchimento e acabamento, empregando-se temperaturas interpasses entre 150 e 290ºC. Os resultados da caracterização das propriedades mecânicas, composição química e resistência à corrosão em diversas regiões da junta soldada foram comparadas com os obtidos para o metal de base (MB da tubulação, assim como com os valores mínimos exigidos pelas normas de projeto. Deste modo, o presente trabalho permite avaliar a influência da temperatura interpasse nas propriedades da junta em decorrência de um poss

  8. A Corrida de Massa do Rio Vieira em Teresópolis, Sudeste do Brasil: Caracterização da Área-Fonte dos Sedimentos Transportados

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    Juliana Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Nesse trabalho foi caracterizado o substrato rochoso e os depósitos sedimentares do alto curso do rio Vieira, cenário de uma das corridas de massa ocorridas na região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro durante um Megadesastre em janeiro de 2011. O alto curso do rio Vieira apresenta traçado retilíneo e está encaixado em um sistema de fraturas e falhas de direção N25E. Ao longo dos quase 2 km de leito rochoso expostos,verificou-se a predominância de gnaisses das suítes Cordeiro e Serra dos Órgãos. O granito da Suíte Nova Friburgo se restringe à cabeceira de drenagem e a uma estreita faixa no trecho médio do canal. Três tipos de depósitos sedimentares remanescentes foram observados. Na região da cabeceira ocorrem depósitos de tálus constituídos predominantemente por matacões graníticos. Nas paredes do canal retilíneo encontram-se depósitos de queda de blocos gnáissicos. Na frente da corrida, dispostos sobre a planície aluvionar, ocorrem matacões graníticos e blocos gnáissicos. A presença de matacões de granito na cabeceira e a escassez de granito no leito rochoso indica que o maior volume de sólidos transportado é proveniente da erosão dos depósitos de tálus situados na cabeceira do rio. Os blocos de gnaisse são provenientes dos depósitos de queda de blocos presentes nas paredes do canal.

  9. Role of dopamine receptors in the ventral tegmental area in conditioned fear. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Amanda Ribeiro; Reimer, Adriano Edgar; Brandão, Marcus Lira


    The increased startle reflex in the presence of a stimulus that has been previously paired with footshock has been termed fear-potentiated startle (FPS) and is considered a reliable index of anxiety. Some studies have suggested an association between stressful situations and alterations in dopaminergic (DA) transmission. Many studies converge on the hypothesis that the mesocorticolimbic pathway, originating from DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), is particularly sensitive to fear-arousing stimuli. The present study explored the involvement of VTA DA receptors in the acquisition and expression of conditioned fear to a light conditioned stimulus (CS). We evaluated the effects of intra-VTA administration of SKF 38393 (D(1) agonist), SCH 23390 (D(1) antagonist), quinpirole (D(2) agonist), and sulpiride (D(2) antagonist) on FPS. All drugs were administered bilaterally into the VTA (1.0 microg/0.2 microl/site). Locomotor activity/exploration and motor coordination were evaluated in the open-field and rotarod tests. None of the drugs produced significant effects on FPS when injected before conditioning, indicating that VTA DA receptors are not involved in the acquisition of conditioned fear to a light-CS. In contrast, when injected before the test session, quinpirole significantly reduced FPS, whereas the other drugs had no effect. Quinpirole's ability to decrease FPS may be the result of an action on VTA D(2) presynaptic autoreceptors that decrease dopamine levels in terminal fields of the mesocorticolimbic pathway. Altogether, the present results suggest the importance of VTA DA neurons in the fear-activating effects of Pavlovian conditioning. In addition to demonstrating the importance of dopaminergic mechanisms in the motivational consequences of footshock, the present findings also indicate that these neural circuits are mainly involved in the expression, rather than acquisition, of conditioned fear.

  10. Avaliação da concordância interobservador na análise da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste no diagnóstico da urolitíase em pacientes com cólica renal aguda Interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation for diagnosis of urolithiasis in patients with acute flank pain

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    Luís Ronan Marquez Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade da tomografia computadorizada sem contraste na avaliação da litíase ureteral e os sinais secundários de obstrução do sistema coletor em pacientes com cólica renal aguda. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 52 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de cólica renal aguda submetidos a exame de tomografia computadorizada de abdome sem contraste. Os exames foram realizados com técnica helicoidal e posteriormente analisados por três observadores independentes, com a concordância interobservador avaliada pelo método estatístico kappa (kapa. Foram analisados os parâmetros: a presença, localização e mensuração dos cálculos ureterais; b dilatação do sistema coletor intra-renal; c heterogeneidade da gordura perirrenal; d dilatação ureteral; e edema da parede ureteral (sinal do halo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 40 cálculos ureterais na tomografia computadorizada (77%. A concordância interobservador para a identificação do cálculo ureteral e da dilatação ureteral foi quase perfeita (kapa = 0,89 e kapa = 0,87, respectivamente, substancial para dilatação do sistema coletor intra-renal (kapa = 0,77 e moderada para heterogeneidade da gordura perirrenal e para edema da parede ureteral (kapa = 0,55 e kapa = 0,56, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada de abdome sem contraste apresenta elevada reprodutibilidade na avaliação da litíase ureteral e dos sinais secundários de obstrução do sistema coletor.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the interobserver agreement on non-contrast computed tomography interpretation by a group of experienced abdominal radiologists, for the study of urolithiasis in patients presenting acute flank pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prospective study of 52 patients submitted to non-contrast enhanced helical computed tomography. The images were subsequently analyzed by three independent observers, with the interobserver agreement assessed by means of the

  11. Evaluation by computerized morphometry of histopathological alterations of the colon wall in segments with and without intestinal transit in rats Avaliação por morfometria computadorizada das alterações histopatológicas da parede cólica em segmentos com e sem trânsito intestinal em ratos

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    Marcos Vieira de Sousa


    intestinal mucosa, increased number of caliciform cells, greater vascular congestion of the submucosal layer and inflammatory reaction were related to increasing length of time without transit.OBJETIVO: Avaliar por método de imagem assistida por computador as alterações histopatológicas da parede cólica em segmentos providos e desprovidos de trânsito intestinal e relacioná-las ao tempo de exclusão. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos à derivação do trânsito no cólon esquerdo por meio de colostomia proximal e fístula mucosa distal. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos experimentais segundo o sacrifício ter sido realizado seis, doze e dezoito semanas após o procedimento cirúrgico inicial. Segmentos dos cólons providos e desprovidos de trânsito foram submetidos a estudo histopatológico. Foram analisadas as variáveis: comprimento das criptas cólicas, ulceração na mucosa, espessura das camadas muscular da mucosa, submucosa e muscular própria, congestão vascular, número de células caliciformes e graduação inflamatória comparando os dois segmentos cólicos nos diferentes grupos experimentais. As variáveis, comprimento das criptas intestinais, espessura das camadas muscular da mucosa, submucosa e muscular própria foram mensuradas por método de imagem assistida por computador. Na análise estatística foram utilizados testes de igualdade de médias e medianas, análise de variância e correlação estabelecendo-se nível de significância de cinco por cento. RESULTADOS: A exclusão de trânsito mostrou-se associada à redução do comprimento das criptas cólicas, aumento da espessura das camadas muscular da mucosa, submucosa e muscular própria. Verificou-se maior quantidade de ulcerações na mucosa e maior grau de inflamação com o progredir do tempo de exclusão. Houve correlação significante entre as ulcerações da mucosa, congestão vascular da submucosa, aumento da espessura das camadas submucosa e muscular pr

  12. Single-minded and the evolution of the ventral midline in arthropods. (United States)

    Linne, Viktoria; Eriksson, Bo Joakim; Stollewerk, Angelika


    In insects and crustaceans, ventral midline cells are present that subdivide the CNS into bilateral symmetric halves. In both arthropod groups unpaired midline neurons and glial cells have been identified that contribute to the embryonic patterning mechanisms. In the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, for example, the midline cells are involved in neural cell fate specification along the dorso-ventral axis but also in axonal pathfinding and organisation of the axonal scaffold. Both in insects and malacostracan crustaceans, the bHLH-PAS transcription factor single-minded is the master regulator of ventral midline development and homology has been suggested for individual midline precursors in these groups. The conserved arrangement of the axonal scaffold as well as the regular pattern of neural precursors in all euarthropod groups raises the question whether the ventral midline system is conserved in this phylum. In the remaining euarthropod groups, the chelicerates and myriapods, a single-minded homologue has been identified in the spider Achaearanea tepidariorum (chelicerate), however, the gene is not expressed in the ventral midline but in the median area of the ventral neuroectoderm. Here we show that At-sim is not required for ventral midline development. Furthermore, we identify sim homologues in representatives of arthropods that have not yet been analysed: the myriapod Strigamia maritima and a representative of an outgroup to the euarthropods, the onychophoran Euperipatoides kanangrensis. We compare the expression patterns to the A. tepidariorum sim homologue expression and furthermore analyse the nature of the arthropod midline cells. Our data suggest that in arthropods unpaired midline precursors evolved from the bilateral median domain of the ventral neuroectoderm in the last common ancestor of Mandibulata (insects, crustaceans, myriapods). We hypothesize that sim was expressed in this domain and recruited to ventral midline development. Subsequently, sim

  13. Opposing dorsal/ventral stream dynamics during figure-ground segregation. (United States)

    Wokke, Martijn E; Scholte, H Steven; Lamme, Victor A F


    The visual system has been commonly subdivided into two segregated visual processing streams: The dorsal pathway processes mainly spatial information, and the ventral pathway specializes in object perception. Recent findings, however, indicate that different forms of interaction (cross-talk) exist between the dorsal and the ventral stream. Here, we used TMS and concurrent EEG recordings to explore these interactions between the dorsal and ventral stream during figure-ground segregation. In two separate experiments, we used repetitive TMS and single-pulse TMS to disrupt processing in the dorsal (V5/HMT⁺) and the ventral (lateral occipital area) stream during a motion-defined figure discrimination task. We presented stimuli that made it possible to differentiate between relatively low-level (figure boundary detection) from higher-level (surface segregation) processing steps during figure-ground segregation. Results show that disruption of V5/HMT⁺ impaired performance related to surface segregation; this effect was mainly found when V5/HMT⁺ was perturbed in an early time window (100 msec) after stimulus presentation. Surprisingly, disruption of the lateral occipital area resulted in increased performance scores and enhanced neural correlates of surface segregation. This facilitatory effect was also mainly found in an early time window (100 msec) after stimulus presentation. These results suggest a "push-pull" interaction in which dorsal and ventral extrastriate areas are being recruited or inhibited depending on stimulus category and task demands.

  14. Metabolomics of Neurotransmitters and Related Metabolites in Post-Mortem Tissue from the Dorsal and Ventral Striatum of Alcoholic Human Brain. (United States)

    Kashem, Mohammed Abul; Ahmed, Selina; Sultana, Nilufa; Ahmed, Eakhlas U; Pickford, Russell; Rae, Caroline; Šerý, Omar; McGregor, Iain S; Balcar, Vladimir J


    We report on changes in neurotransmitter metabolome and protein expression in the striatum of humans exposed to heavy long-term consumption of alcohol. Extracts from post mortem striatal tissue (dorsal striatum; DS comprising caudate nucleus; CN and putamen; P and ventral striatum; VS constituted by nucleus accumbens; NAc) were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Proteomics was studied in CN by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass-spectrometry. Proteomics identified 25 unique molecules expressed differently by the alcohol-affected tissue. Two were dopamine-related proteins and one a GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD65. Two proteins that are related to apoptosis and/or neuronal loss (BiD and amyloid-β A4 precursor protein-binding family B member 3) were increased. There were no differences in the levels of dopamine (DA), 3,4-dihydrophenylacetic acid (DOPAC), serotonin (5HT), homovanillic acid (HVA), 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (HIAA), histamine, L-glutamate (Glu), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), tyrosine (Tyr) and tryptophan (Tryp) between the DS (CN and P) and VS (NAc) in control brains. Choline (Ch) and acetylcholine (Ach) were higher and norepinephrine (NE) lower, in the VS. Alcoholic striata had lower levels of neurotransmitters except for Glu (30 % higher in the alcoholic ventral striatum). Ratios of DOPAC/DA and HIAA/5HT were higher in alcoholic striatum indicating an increase in the DA and 5HT turnover. Glutathione was significantly reduced in all three regions of alcohol-affected striatum. We conclude that neurotransmitter systems in both the DS (CN and P) and the VS (NAc) were significantly influenced by long-term heavy alcohol intake associated with alcoholism.

  15. Dopamine release in ventral striatum of pathological gamblers losing money

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Linnet, J; Peterson, E; Doudet, D J


    Linnet J, Peterson E, Doudet DJ, Gjedde A, Møller A. Dopamine release in ventral striatum of pathological gamblers losing money. Objective: To investigate dopaminergic neurotransmission in relation to monetary reward and punishment in pathological gambling. Pathological gamblers (PG) often continue...... gambling despite losses, known as 'chasing one's losses'. We therefore hypothesized that losing money would be associated with increased dopamine release in the ventral striatum of PG compared with healthy controls (HC). Method: We used Positron Emission Tomography (PET) with [(11)C]raclopride to measure...... dopamine release in the ventral striatum of 16 PG and 15 HC playing the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Results: PG who lost money had significantly increased dopamine release in the left ventral striatum compared with HC. PG and HC who won money did not differ in dopamine release. Conclusion: Our findings...

  16. Análise da atividade da enzima conversora da angiotensina na hipertrofia aguda do ventrículo direito em modelo experimental de estenose endovascular ajustável do tronco pulmonar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    RABELLO Renato Rocha


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A bandagem do tronco pulmonar (TP tem sido aplicada para treinamento do ventrículo esquerdo (VE em pacientes portadores de transposição das grandes artérias (TGA com septo íntegro. Este procedimento, além de apresentar alta morbi-mortalidade, pode ocasionar alterações da função ventricular a longo prazo. Com o objetivo de analisar a hipertrofia aguda do ventrículo direito (VD, foi implantado um cateter balão no TP de seis cabritos jovens. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: A sobrecarga sistólica foi aplicada através de insuflações progressivas do balão, durante 96 horas. Esta hipertrofia foi acompanhada por medidas hemodinâmicas diárias, através de cateteres implantados na aorta, VD e TP, além de ecocardiogramas seriados a cada 24 horas, com medidas das espessuras do septo interventricular e dos ventrículos. Ao final das 96 horas, os animais foram mortos para remoção dos corações. Os ventrículos e o septo foram pesados separadamente. Foram colhidas biópsias musculares de cada câmara para análise da atividade da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA. Oito cabritos (idade e peso semelhantes foram utilizados como controle para os pesos dos ventrículos e para a atividade da ECA. RESULTADOS: Observou-se um aumento do gradiente VD/TP (p=0,001, com conseqüente aumento da razão VD/VE (p=0,005 durante o tempo de sobrecarga sistólica. Ao fim do protocolo, a parede livre do VD apresentou aumento de espessura (p=0,002 e, conseqüentemente, um aumento do peso indexado (p=0,002. A análise da atividade da ECA revelou aumento somente no músculo do VD hipertrofiado (p=0,002. CONCLUSÃO: O cateter balão foi eficiente em induzir a hipertrofia aguda do VD através do protocolo utilizado. Conseqüentemente, um aumento expressivo da atividade da ECA está associado ao processo de hipertrofia miocárdica induzida por sobrecarga pressórica.

  17. Human V4 and ventral occipital retinotopic maps (United States)

    Winawer, Jonathan; Witthoft, Nathan


    The ventral surface of the human occipital lobe contains multiple retinotopic maps. The most posterior of these maps is considered a potential homolog of macaque V4, and referred to as human V4 (‘hV4’). The location of the hV4 map, its retinotopic organization, its role in visual encoding, and the cortical areas it borders have been the subject of considerable investigation and debate over the last 25 years. We review the history of this map and adjacent maps in ventral occipital cortex, and consider the different hypotheses for how these ventral occipital maps are organized. Advances in neuroimaging, computational modeling, and characterization of the nearby anatomical landmarks and functional brain areas have improved our understanding of where human V4 is and what kind of visual representations it contains. PMID:26241699

  18. Irrigação do timo de fetos caprinos da raça Saanen: estudo comparativo

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    Pedro Primo Bombonato


    Full Text Available Os objetivos foram contribuir com dados sistemáticos relativos à posição do timo em relação ao esqueleto, sua respectiva topografia, morfometria e organização, além do número, origem e tipos dos vasos arteriais associados à vascularização do órgão. Para tanto, foram utilizados 26 fetos caprinos da raça Saanen para o estudo macroscópico, cujos vasos arteriais foram injetados com solução marcadora de Neoprene látex 450, e 4 fetos para o estudo microscópico da estrutura da parede vascular das artérias tímicas. As partes torácica e cervical do timo mostraram uma vascularização própria, através de ramos diretos e indiretos, sendo que as artérias tímicas apresentaram estrutura predominante de fibras elásticas na camada média, sem amostragem de diferenças entre os tipos.

  19. Modified semitendinosus muscle transposition to repair ventral perineal hernia in 14 dogs. (United States)

    Morello, E; Martano, M; Zabarino, S; Piras, L A; Nicoli, S; Bussadori, R; Buracco, P


    To describe a modified technique of semitendinosus muscle transposition for the repair of ventral perineal hernia. Retrospective review of case records of dogs with ventral perineal hernia that were treated by transposing the medial half of the longitudinally split semitendinosus muscle of one limb. The transposition of the internal obturator muscle was used when uni- or bilateral rectal sacculation was also present in addition to ventral perineal hernia; colopexy and vas deferens pexy were also performed. Fourteen dogs were included. In addition to ventral perineal hernia, unilateral and bilateral perineal hernia was also present in five and six of the dogs, respectively. The mean follow-up time was 890 days. Ventral perineal hernia was successfully managed by the modified semitendinosus muscle transposition with minor complications in all the dogs included in the study. Despite the small number of dogs included, the unilateral transposition of the medial half of the longitudinally split semitendinosus muscle consistently supported the ventral rectal enlargement in perineal hernia without obvious adverse effects. © 2015 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

  20. Establishment and initial experiences from the Danish Ventral Hernia Database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helgstrand, F; Rosenberg, J; Bay-Nielsen, M


    , use of mesh or no mesh, type of suture material, and placement of the mesh. A total of 5,629 elective and 661 acute ventral hernia repairs were registered. After the first 2 years the registration rate was 70%. CONCLUSION: The first national ventral hernia database has been established. Preliminary...... of the Danish Ventral Hernia Database (DVHD). Furthermore, the first 2-year data from 2007 to 2008 are presented. METHODS: Registrations were based on surgeons' web registrations and validated by cross checking with data from the Danish National Patient Register. RESULTS: The DVHD was established in June 2006...... and is based on prospective online web-registration of perioperative data, and individualised tracking of follow up data. During the first 2 years (2007-2008) data showed a large variation in almost all aspects of ventral hernia repair regarding surgical technique, use of open versus laparoscopic technique...

  1. Emprego da submucosa de intestino delgado na correção de estenose esofágica em cães Small intestinal submucosa for reconstruction of esophageal stricture in a dog model


    Zacarias Alves de Souza Filho; Fernando Hintz Greca; João Ricardo Duda; Guilherme Zicarelli Cravo; Sérgio Ossamu Ioshii


    OBJETIVO: Pesquisar a eficácia da Submucosa de lntestino Delgado (SID) porcina na correção de estenoses esofágicas cervicais em cães. MÉTODOS: Para produzir estenose, 12 animais foram submetidos a ressecções de porção elíptica de 3,5X2,0 cm, na parede anterior do esôfago cervical, suturado por pontos de fio de algodão. O processo evolui por 90 dias, atingindo a estenose desejada e comprovada por esofagograma. Na seqüência, a lesão cicatricial produzida foi ressecada e substituída por enxerto ...

  2. Multiple brown tumors of the orbital walls: case report Tumor marrom múltiplo das paredes orbitárias: relato de caso

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    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Monteiro


    Full Text Available We report the case of a 40-year-old woman with chronic renal failure and secondary hyperparathyroidism that presented with slowly progressive proptosis of the right eye and mass sensation in the temporal and frontal orbital margins. Computerized tomography scan revealed two separate hyperdense and well-circumscribed lesions in the right orbital walls. A biopsy followed by histopathologic study revealed a dense lesion, with fibrous proliferation associated with osseous metaplasia and osteoclastic activity in the tumor, compatible with the diagnosis of brown tumor. The patient was submitted to surgical removal of the parathyroid glands that resulted in marked improvement in her condition and regression of the orbital tumors. Although the occurrence of more than one separate bone lesion in the orbit usually suggests metastasis, our case shows that brown tumors should also be included in the differential diagnosis of such lesions, particularly in patients with hyperparathyroidism.Este trabalho relata o caso de uma paciente de 40 anos, com insuficiência renal crônica e hiperparatireoidismo secundário que se apresentou com proptose progressiva e tumoração nas regiões lateral da órbita e superior da órbita. Tomografia computadorizada revelou duas lesões ósseas separadas, bem delimitadas e hiperdensas nas paredes orbitárias. Uma biópsia seguida de estudo histopatológico revelou um tumor denso, com proliferação fibrosa associada a metaplasia óssea e atividade osteoclástica no tumor, características compatíveis com tumor marrom. A paciente foi submetida a remoção das glândulas paratiróides que resultou em melhora dramática do seu estado geral e regressão dos tumores orbitais. Embora a presença de mais de uma lesão óssea separada na órbita geralmente sugira o diagnóstico de lesões metastáticas, nosso caso evidencia que tumores marrons devem também ser incluídos no diagnóstico diferencial, particularmente em pacientes com

  3. The role of human ventral visual cortex in motion perception (United States)

    Saygin, Ayse P.; Lorenzi, Lauren J.; Egan, Ryan; Rees, Geraint; Behrmann, Marlene


    Visual motion perception is fundamental to many aspects of visual perception. Visual motion perception has long been associated with the dorsal (parietal) pathway and the involvement of the ventral ‘form’ (temporal) visual pathway has not been considered critical for normal motion perception. Here, we evaluated this view by examining whether circumscribed damage to ventral visual cortex impaired motion perception. The perception of motion in basic, non-form tasks (motion coherence and motion detection) and complex structure-from-motion, for a wide range of motion speeds, all centrally displayed, was assessed in five patients with a circumscribed lesion to either the right or left ventral visual pathway. Patients with a right, but not with a left, ventral visual lesion displayed widespread impairments in central motion perception even for non-form motion, for both slow and for fast speeds, and this held true independent of the integrity of areas MT/V5, V3A or parietal regions. In contrast with the traditional view in which only the dorsal visual stream is critical for motion perception, these novel findings implicate a more distributed circuit in which the integrity of the right ventral visual pathway is also necessary even for the perception of non-form motion. PMID:23983030

  4. Development of the ventral body wall in the human embryo

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mekonen, Hayelom K.; Hikspoors, Jill P. J. M.; Mommen, Greet; Köhler, S. Eleonore; Lamers, Wouter H.


    Migratory failure of somitic cells is the commonest explanation for ventral body wall defects. However, the embryo increases ~ 25-fold in volume in the period that the ventral body wall forms, so that differential growth may, instead, account for the observed changes in topography. Human embryos


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    Fabrício Bacelar Lima Mendes


    Full Text Available

    The experiment was conducted to evaluate the in situ degradability of dry matter (iDMD, neutral detergent fiber (iNDFD, acid detergent fiber (iADFD and hemicel-lulosis of sugar cane bagasse submitted to ammoniation with urea. The treatments consisted of four urea levels (0%, 2.5%, 5.0% and 7.5% on dry matter – DM basis added to the sugar cane bagasse and addition of 1.2% (DM basis of ground soybean as urease source. Samples of 3 g of the bagasses were incubated in the rumen of three steers during periods of 0, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours. The urea addiction to sugar cane bagasse provided increase not only on the iDMD, but also in degradability of cell wall con-tents. The degradability increased of 73.6, 61.3, 45.6 and 65.7% for DM, NDF, ADF and hemicellulosis, respective-ly, at the longer incubation time (96 hours. The iDMD, iNDFD, iADFD and in situ hemicellusosis degradability of sugar cane bagasse were improved by urea treatment.

    KEY-WORDS: Ammoniation, by product, dry matter, cellular wall.

    O experimento foi desenvolvido para avaliar a de-gradabilidade in situ da matéria seca (DiMS, da fibra em detergente neutro (DiFDN, da fibra em detergente ácido (DiFDA e da hemicelulose do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar submetido à amonização com uréia. Os tratamentos cons-taram de quatro níveis de uréia (0%, 2,5%, 5,0% e 7,5% na base da matéria seca – MS adicionados ao bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e adição de 1,2% (base da MS de soja grão moída como fonte de urease. Amostras de 3 g dos bagaços foram incubadas no rúmen de três novilhos por períodos de 0, 12, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. A adição de uréia ao bagaço de cana-de-açúcar promoveu aumento tanto na DiMS como também na degradabilidade dos constituintes da parede celular. Houve incrementos nas degradabilidades de 73,6%, 61,3%, 45,6% e 65,7% para a MS, FDN, FDA e hemice-lulose, respectivamente, no maior tempo de incubação (96 horas. A DiMS, DiFDN, DiFDA e a

  6. Financial implications of ventral hernia repair: a hospital cost analysis. (United States)

    Reynolds, Drew; Davenport, Daniel L; Korosec, Ryan L; Roth, J Scott


    Complicated ventral hernias are often referred to tertiary care centers. Hospital costs associated with these repairs include direct costs (mesh materials, supplies, and nonsurgeon labor costs) and indirect costs (facility fees, equipment depreciation, and unallocated labor). Operative supplies represent a significant component of direct costs, especially in an era of proprietary synthetic meshes and biologic grafts. We aim to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of complex abdominal wall hernia repair at a tertiary care referral facility. Cost data on all consecutive open ventral hernia repairs (CPT codes 49560, 49561, 49565, and 49566) performed between 1 July 2008 and 31 May 2011 were analyzed. Cases were analyzed based upon hospital status (inpatient vs. outpatient) and whether the hernia repair was a primary or secondary procedure. We examined median net revenue, direct costs, contribution margin, indirect costs, and net profit/loss. Among primary hernia repairs, cost data were further analyzed based upon mesh utilization (no mesh, synthetic, or biologic). Four-hundred and fifteen patients underwent ventral hernia repair (353 inpatients and 62 outpatients); 173 inpatients underwent ventral hernia repair as the primary procedure; 180 inpatients underwent hernia repair as a secondary procedure. Median net revenue ($17,310 vs. 10,360, p costs for cases performed without mesh were $5,432; median direct costs for those using synthetic and biologic mesh were $7,590 and 16,970, respectively (p financial loss was $8,370. Outpatient ventral hernia repairs, with and without synthetic mesh, resulted in median net losses of $1,560 and 230, respectively. Ventral hernia repair is associated with overall financial losses. Inpatient synthetic mesh repairs are essentially budget neutral. Outpatient and inpatient repairs without mesh result in net financial losses. Inpatient biologic mesh repairs result in a negative contribution margin and striking net financial losses. Cost

  7. Maternal control of the Drosophila dorsal–ventral body axis (United States)

    Stein, David S.; Stevens, Leslie M.


    The pathway that generates the dorsal–ventral (DV) axis of the Drosophila embryo has been the subject of intense investigation over the previous three decades. The initial asymmetric signal originates during oogenesis by the movement of the oocyte nucleus to an anterior corner of the oocyte, which establishes DV polarity within the follicle through signaling between Gurken, the Drosophila Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-α homologue secreted from the oocyte, and the Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) that is expressed by the follicular epithelium cells that envelop the oocyte. Follicle cells that are not exposed to Gurken follow a ventral fate and express Pipe, a sulfotransferase that enzymatically modifies components of the inner vitelline membrane layer of the eggshell, thereby transferring DV spatial information from the follicle to the egg. These ventrally sulfated eggshell proteins comprise a localized cue that directs the ventrally restricted formation of the active Spätzle ligand within the perivitelline space between the eggshell and the embryonic membrane. Spätzle activates Toll, a transmembrane receptor in the embryonic membrane. Transmission of the Toll signal into the embryo leads to the formation of a ventral-to-dorsal gradient of the transcription factor Dorsal within the nuclei of the syncytial blastoderm stage embryo. Dorsal controls the spatially specific expression of a large constellation of zygotic target genes, the Dorsal gene regulatory network, along the embryonic DV circumference. This article reviews classic studies and integrates them with the details of more recent work that has advanced our understanding of the complex pathway that establishes Drosophila embryo DV polarity. PMID:25124754

  8. The Danish ventral hernia database

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helgstrand, Frederik; Jorgensen, Lars Nannestad


    Aim: The Danish Ventral Hernia Database (DVHD) provides national surveillance of current surgical practice and clinical postoperative outcomes. The intention is to reduce postoperative morbidity and hernia recurrence, evaluate new treatment strategies, and facilitate nationwide implementation of ...... of operations and is an excellent tool for observing changes over time, including adjustment of several confounders. This national database registry has impacted on clinical practice in Denmark and led to a high number of scientific publications in recent years.......Aim: The Danish Ventral Hernia Database (DVHD) provides national surveillance of current surgical practice and clinical postoperative outcomes. The intention is to reduce postoperative morbidity and hernia recurrence, evaluate new treatment strategies, and facilitate nationwide implementation...... to the surgical repair are recorded. Data registration is mandatory. Data may be merged with other Danish health registries and information from patient questionnaires or clinical examinations. Descriptive data: More than 37,000 operations have been registered. Data have demonstrated high agreement with patient...

  9. Estudo das telas cirúrgicas de polipropileno/poliglecaprone e de polipropileno/polidioxanona/celulose oxidada regenerada na cicatrização de defeito produzido na parede abdominal de ratos Study of surgical meshes of polypropylene/polyglecaprone and polypropylene/polydioxanone/oxidized regenerated cellulose on the healing of defects produced in abdominal wall of rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcia Regina Zanello Pundek


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O uso de telas cirúrgicas para a correção de defeitos da parede abdominal vem ocupando cada vez mais espaço nas operações no mundo todo. OBJETIVO: Estudar duas telas cirúrgicas distintas (Proceed® e Ultrapro® na cicatrização de defeito produzido em parede abdominal de ratos avaliando-se macroscopia, tensiometria e microscopia. MÉTODO: A amostra foi constituída por 32 ratos Wistar, divididos em dois grupos de 16 animais e quatro subgrupos de oito, submetidos à eutanásia com 15 dias e 30 dias para avaliação. As variáveis macroscópicas foram: presença de hematoma nos bordos da sutura da tela cirúrgica na parede abdominal, união entre a tela e a borda da ferida, presença de infecção no sítio cirúrgico, presença de fístulas de vísceras com a tela cirúrgica, presença de aderências dentro da cavidade abdominal e presença de hérnia incisional. Na microscopia avaliaram-se as fases do processo inflamatório da cicatrização, e na tensiometria a força tênsil necessária para ruptura do material. RESULTADOS: A união entre a tela cirúrgica e a borda da ferida foi melhor no subgrupo Ultrapro 15 dias que no Proceed 15 dias; com 30 dias foi igual nos dois subgrupos. Não houve diferença significativa quanto às demais variáveis da macroscopia. Os dois grupos nos dois momentos tiveram a mesma proporção de casos com processo inflamatório crônico, mas houve maior escore de inflamação do Ultrapro 15 dias que do Ultrapro 30 dias. O subgrupo Ultrapro 15 dias mostrou força de ruptura maior que o subgrupo Proceed 15 dias, mas em 30 dias não houve diferença. Ultrapro mostrou força de ruptura igual para os dois momentos, mas Proceed 30 dias mostrou força de ruptura maior que Proceed 15 dias. CONCLUSÃO: As telas são semelhantes nas variáveis analisadas.BACKGROUND: The use of surgical meshes for the repair of abdominal wall defects has been increasing its share in surgeries worldwide. AIM: To study two

  10. Aspectos actuais da hipertensão arterial pulmonar: primária e secundária

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilia Álvares


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A situação patológica mais importante na circulação pulmonar é o desenvolvimeoto da Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar, que pode resultar de doença parenquimatosa pulmonar, alterações da parede vascular ou da obstrução do lúmen por trombose ou embolia.Procurouse com este trabalho, fazer uma revisão actual da literatura médica acerca da hipertensão arterial pulmonar primária e secundária.Debruçãmos-nos essencialmente, sobre os seus cooceitos fisiopatológicos, critérios diagnósticos e aspectos terapêuticos mais recentes. ABSTRACT: The most important response of pulmonary blood vessels to disease is the development of increased pulmonary arterial pressure that may result from parenchymal disease of the lungs, changes in the walls of the blood vessels or obstruction to the lumen caused by thrombosis or embolization.The aim of the authors in this study, was to make a actual review of the medical literature about of primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension.We report about this entity, essentially physiopatologic concepts, diagnosis approach and therapeutics aspects, more recent. Palavras-chave: Hipertensão Pulmonar, Primária, Secundária, Classificação, Tratamento, Key-words: Pulmonary Hypertension, Primary, Secondary, Classification, Therapeutic

  11. Functional organization and visual representations in human ventral lateral prefrontal cortex

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    Annie Wai Yiu Chan


    Full Text Available Recent neuroimaging studies in both human and non-human primates have identified face selective activation in the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex even in the absence of working memory demands. Further, research has suggested that this face-selective response is largely driven by the presence of the eyes. However, the nature and origin of visual category responses in the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex remain unclear. Further, in a broader sense, how do these findings relate to our current understandings of lateral prefrontal cortex? What do these findings tell us about the underlying function and organization principles of the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex? What is the future direction for investigating visual representations in this cortex? This review focuses on the function, topography, and circuitry of the ventral lateral prefrontal cortex to enhance our understanding of the evolution and development of this cortex.

  12. Radiographic identification of the equine ventral conchal bulla. (United States)

    Finnegan, C M; Townsend, N B; Barnett, T P; Barakzai, S Z

    Involvement of the ventral conchal sinus (VCS) is an important diagnostic and prognostic feature in cases of the equine sinus disease. The authors aimed to ascertain if the caudo-dorsal extension of the VCS, the ventral conchal bulla (VCB) is identifiable on plain radiographs of cadaver skulls without sinus disease. Bilateral frontonasal sinus flaps were made in 10 equine cadaver skulls. Plain lateral, lateral oblique and dorso-ventral radiographs were then obtained followed by the same views taken with stainless steel wire outlining the caudal border of the VCB. Plain radiographs were randomised and blindly evaluated by two observers who marked where they believed the VCB to be positioned. This was then correlated with the true position of the VCB using radiographs with wires in place. The ease of identification of the VCB was classified as 'easy' or 'difficult'. The VCB was correctly identified in 70 per cent of lateral radiographs, but only 45 per cent of lateral oblique radiographs and 17 per cent of dorso-ventral radiographs. If a clinician was confident that he or she could identify the VCB, they were usually correct. Conversely if the clinician judged VCB identification as 'difficult', they usually identified it incorrectly. In the authors' clinical experience, the VCB of horses with sinusitis involving this compartment is more radiologically evident than in clinically normal horses. Knowledge of the normal radiographic anatomy of this structure should aid clinicians in identifying horses with sinusitis affecting the VCS.

  13. The issue of ventral versus dorsal approach in bulbar urethral ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    E. Palminteri

    From surgical point of view, the Barbagli Dorsal Grafting by Dor- sal approach [8] gives a good support for the graft; Barbagli stated that his technique offers a wider augmentation than ventral or dorsal grafting using the ventral approach. The good spongiosum covering seems reduce the risk of fistula; in reality there is a ...

  14. Aversive counterconditioning attenuates reward signalling in the ventral striatum

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    Anne Marije Kaag


    Full Text Available Appetitive conditioning refers to the process of learning cue-reward associations and is mediated by the mesocorticolimbic system. Appetitive conditioned responses are difficult to extinguish, especially for highly salient rewards such as food and drugs. We investigate whether aversive counterconditioning can alter reward reinstatement in the ventral striatum in healthy volunteers using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI. In the initial conditioning phase, two different stimuli were reinforced with a monetary reward. In the subsequent counterconditioning phase, one of these stimuli was paired with an aversive shock to the wrist. In the following extinction phase, none of the stimuli were reinforced. In the final reinstatement phase, reward was reinstated by informing the participants that the monetary gain could be doubled. Our fMRI data revealed that reward signalling in the ventral striatum and ventral tegmental area following reinstatement was smaller for the stimulus that was counterconditioned with an electrical shock, compared to the non-counterconditioned stimulus. A functional connectivity analysis showed that aversive counterconditioning strengthened striatal connectivity with the hippocampus and insula. These results suggest that reward signalling in the ventral striatum can be attenuated through aversive counterconditioning, possibly by concurrent retrieval of the aversive association through enhanced connectivity with hippocampus and insula.

  15. Estrutura, ultraestrutura e morfometria da veia cava de paca (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766 criada em cativeiro

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    Sérgio Pinter Garcia Filho


    Full Text Available A paca (Cuniculus paca é o segundo maior roedor da fauna brasileira. Apresenta carne de excelente qualidade, o que incentiva a criação comercial. Além disso, este animal pode tornar-se uma opção válida em experimentação embora poucas sejam as informações detalhadas sobre sua morfologia. Assim, objetivou-se descrever a morfologia, morfometria e ultraestrutura de segmentos das porções cranial e caudal da veia cava de quatro pacas (Cuniculus paca adultas excedentes do plantel do Setor de Animais Silvestres do Departamento de Zootecnia da FCAV-Unesp. Os segmentos venosos foram analisados à microscopia de luz e à microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foram mensuradas as espessuras do complexo formado pelas túnicas íntima e média, além da túnica adventícia e analisou-se os resultados pela estatística descritiva, teste "T" pareado (p<0,05. Em relação à espessura das túnicas estudadas, comprovou-se que os valores da espessura das túnicas íntima, média e adventícia, para todos os animais, foram significativamente maiores no segmento cranial. As camadas das paredes dos vasos apresentaram variações entre si quanto à estrutura e espessura, supostamente devido a uma adaptação à exigência funcional.

  16. Tipos y producciones en las cerámicas de paredes finas procedentes del "municipium Augusta Bilbilis" (Huérmeda-Calatayud, Zaragoza)


    Mínguez Morales, José Antonio


    El presente trabajo supone una aproximación a las cerámicas de "paredes finas" procedentes del municipium Auguata Bilbilis encontradas durante las excavaciones desarrolladas por el equipo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, dirigido por el Dr. Martín-Bueno, entre los años 1972 y 1996. Dicho conjunto aporta un arco cronológico que va desde el periodo tardorrepublicano, o comienzos del principado de Augusto, al siglo 1 d.C. Sus áreas de procedencia pueden agruparse en dos grandes bloques: la penínsu...

  17. Sizzled controls dorso-ventral polarity by repressing cleavage of the Chordin protein. (United States)

    Muraoka, Osamu; Shimizu, Takashi; Yabe, Taijiro; Nojima, Hideaki; Bae, Young-Ki; Hashimoto, Hisashi; Hibi, Masahiko


    The Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signalling gradient has a major function in the formation of the dorso-ventral axis. The zebrafish ventralized mutant, ogon, encodes Secreted Frizzled (Sizzled). sizzled is ventrally expressed in a Bmp-dependent manner and is required for the suppression of Bmp signalling on the ventral side of zebrafish embryos. However, it remains unclear how Sizzled inhibits Bmp signalling and controls ventro-lateral cell fate. We found that Sizzled stabilizes Chordin, a Bmp antagonist, by binding and inhibiting the Tolloid-family metalloproteinase, Bmp1a, which cleaves and inactivates Chordin. The cysteine-rich domain of Sizzled is required for inhibition of Bmp1a activity. Loss of both Bmp1a and Tolloid-like1 (Tll1; another Tolloid-family metalloproteinase) function leads to a complete suppression and reversal of the ogon mutant phenotype. These results indicate that Sizzled represses the activities of Tolloid-family proteins, thereby creating the Chordin-Bmp activity gradient along the dorso-ventral axis. Here, we describe a previously unrecognized role for a secreted Frizzled-related protein.

  18. Requirement of Xmsx-1 in the BMP-triggered ventralization of Xenopus embryos. (United States)

    Yamamoto, T S; Takagi, C; Ueno, N


    Signaling triggered by polypeptide growth factors leads to the activation of their target genes. Several homeobox genes are known to be induced in response to polypeptide growth factors in early Xenopus development. In particular, Xmsx-1, an amphibian homologue of vertebrate Msx-1, is well characterized as a target gene of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP). Here, using a dominant-negative form of Xmsx-1 (VP-Xmsx-1), which is a fusion protein made with the virus-derived VP16 activation domain, we have examined whether Xmsx-1 activity is required in the endogenous ventralizing pathway. VP-Xmsx-1 induced a secondary body axis, complete with muscle and neural tissues, when overexpressed in ventral blastomeres, suggesting that Xmsx-1 activity is necessary for both mesoderm and ectoderm to be ventralized. We have also examined the epistatic relationship between Xmsx-1 and another ventralizing homeobox protein, Xvent-1, and show that Xmsx-1 is likely to be acting upstream of Xvent-1. We propose that Xmsx-1 is required in the BMP-stimulated ventralization pathway that involves the downstream activation of Xvent-1.

  19. Estudo da função ventricular na técnica de plicatura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo em cães Left ventricular function after plication of the left ventricular free wall in dogs

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    James Newton Bizetto Meira de Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da técnica na função ventricular esquerda em cães hígidos e com cardiomiopatia dilatada induzida pela doxorrubicina. MÉTODO: De 13 cães, oito receberam doxorrubicina até que a fração de encurtamento (FE fosse menor que 20%. Destes, quatro animais e os cinco não induzidos foram submetidos à plicatura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo (PPLVE. Os demais cães não foram operados. Foram avaliados débito cardíaco (DC, pressão arterial, exame físico, eletrocardiografia, sistema "Holter" e ecocardiografia, por 180 dias. RESULTADOS: Houve redução do volume ventricular esquerdo. Os cães induzidos melhoraram após a operação e a fração de ejeção (FEj retornou aos valores normais para a espécie. O DC e a FE aumentaram após a operação. Um cão foi a óbito. Nos cães não operados, a FE diminuiu e foram a óbito em torno de 40 dias após a indução; nos cães não induzidos, esta não se alterou. Houve extra-sístoles ventriculares, que se resolveram espontaneamente. CONCLUSÕES: A PPLVE sem circulação extracorpórea reduz o volume ventricular esquerdo e melhora a função cardíaca dos cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada induzida pela doxorrubicina, demonstrando baixa morbidade e mortalidade tardia.OBJECTIVE: We tested a new surgical technique, the plication of the left ventricular free wall, to reduce left ventricular area and volume and improve left ventricular systolic function, without using a cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS: Dilated cardiomyopathy was induced in eight dogs by the injection of doxorubicin. Plication of the left ventricular free wall was performed in four dogs with induced cardiomyopathy and in five control dogs. Two dogs not submitted to surgery. The other two dogs died during the induction phase. Cardiac output, 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography, arterial blood pressure and electrocardiography were recorded over a 180 days period. Ambulatory electrocardiography

  20. Estimativa da degradação de fachadas com revestimento cerâmico: estudo de caso de edifícios de Brasília

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    E. Bauer


    Full Text Available No contexto da temática da avaliação de desempenho, vida útil, degradação e diagnóstico de patologias, tem-se observado que os edifícios construídos em Brasília vêm apresentando elevados casos de manifestações patológicas nas fachadas. Esses fenômenos vêm sendo observados em edifícios nas mais diferentes idades, induzindo a questionamentos importantes na parte técnica, relacionados à compatibilidade dos materiais constituintes do sistema de revestimento, técnicas construtivas, degradação dos materiais e projeto. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo consiste em apresentar uma metodologia de inspeção, identificação e quantificação das manifestações patológicas que ocorrem com maior frequência nas fachadas dos edifícios. A metodologia proposta consiste em uma sistematização do processo de inspeção, com identificação, mapeamento e quantificação das manifestações patológicas em uma amostra de 90 fachadas. Essa metodologia permite estabelecer índices de intensidade de ocorrência de danos em função da orientação solar e da idade, bem como permite determinar a intensidade de manifestação patológica em diferentes regiões das fachadas (paredes contínuas, aberturas, sacadas, cantos e extremidades, juntas, transição entre pavimentos e topo. A amostragem é tomada no contexto dos edifícios de Brasília com idade na faixa de 5 a 48 anos. Os resultados mostram elevado fator de dano de descolamento cerâmico e evidenciam que os valores mais elevados dos fatores de danos foram observados nas fachadas Norte e Oeste e ainda nas fachadas com idade acima de 10 anos. Os resultados mostram também que os danos ocorrem com maior frequência na região das paredes contínuas. Este estudo visa contribuir com a necessidade de sistematização da identificação, classificação e quantificação dos danos em fachadas com revestimento cerâmico.

  1. Histopatologia da leishmaniose tegumentar por Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis. 2. Resposta humoral tissular

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    Albino Verçosa de Magalhães


    Full Text Available Os A.A. analisaram a resposta humoral nas lesões de 90 pacientes de Leishmaniose Tegumentar — causada por Leishmania braziliensis brasiliensis —, utilizando o método da imunoperoxidase para identificar nos tecidos a presença de IgA, IgG, IgM, fração C3 do complemento e fibrina. Constataram a presença de IgA, IgC e IgM nos plasmócitos tissulares, com predomínio de IgG. Admitiram aue a passagem dessas imunoglobulinas para os tecidos possibilitando a opsonização do parasites e/ou de seus antígenos, permitiria a ocorrência de fenômenos necróticos que representam um dos mecanismos eficazes de redução da carga parasitária. Efetivamente, nas áreas de necrose e nas paredes dos vasos inflamados identificaram depósito de imunoglobulinas, fração C3 do complemento e fibrina — elementos do hospedeiro que fazem parte dos imunocomplexos. Interpretaram essa necrose tissular como o resultado da ação de imunocomplexos na região de equivalência ou com discreto excesso de antígenos ítipos ABTHTJS. A presença de antígenos parasitários, expressos nas membranas dos macrófagos quando em contato com imunoglobulinas tissulares, na fase inicial da lesão, possibilitaria a instalação de uma reação antígeno-anticorpo, a qual explicaria o aparecimento da necrose na Leishmaniose Tegumentar.

  2. Nationwide analysis of prolonged hospital stay and readmission after elective ventral hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helgstrand, Frederik; Rosenberg, Jacob; Kehlet, Henrik


    Early outcome after elective ventral hernia repair is unsatisfactory, but detailed analyses are lacking. The aim of this study was to describe the aetiology of prolonged hospital stay (LOS), readmission and death <30 days after elective ventral hernia repair.......Early outcome after elective ventral hernia repair is unsatisfactory, but detailed analyses are lacking. The aim of this study was to describe the aetiology of prolonged hospital stay (LOS), readmission and death

  3. Novel structural components of the ventral disc and lateral crest in Giardia intestinalis.

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    Kari D Hagen


    Full Text Available Giardia intestinalis is a ubiquitous parasitic protist that is the causative agent of giardiasis, one of the most common protozoan diarrheal diseases in the world. Giardia trophozoites attach to the intestinal epithelium using a specialized and elaborate microtubule structure, the ventral disc. Surrounding the ventral disc is a less characterized putatively contractile structure, the lateral crest, which forms a continuous perimeter seal with the substrate. A better understanding of ventral disc and lateral crest structure, conformational dynamics, and biogenesis is critical for understanding the mechanism of giardial attachment to the host. To determine the components comprising the ventral disc and lateral crest, we used shotgun proteomics to identify proteins in a preparation of isolated ventral discs. Candidate disc-associated proteins, or DAPs, were GFP-tagged using a ligation-independent high-throughput cloning method. Based on disc localization, we identified eighteen novel DAPs, which more than doubles the number of known disc-associated proteins. Ten of the novel DAPs are associated with the lateral crest or outer edge of the disc, and are the first confirmed components of this structure. Using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP with representative novel DAP::GFP strains we found that the newly identified DAPs tested did not recover after photobleaching and are therefore structural components of the ventral disc or lateral crest. Functional analyses of the novel DAPs will be central toward understanding the mechanism of ventral disc-mediated attachment and the mechanism of disc biogenesis during cell division. Since attachment of Giardia to the intestine via the ventral disc is essential for pathogenesis, it is possible that some proteins comprising the disc could be potential drug targets if their loss or disruption interfered with disc biogenesis or function, preventing attachment.

  4. Comparison of dopamine kinetics in the larval Drosophila ventral nerve cord and protocerebrum with improved optogenetic stimulation. (United States)

    Privman, Eve; Venton, B Jill


    Dopamine release and uptake have been studied in the Drosophila larval ventral nerve cord (VNC) using optogenetics to stimulate endogenous release. However, other areas of the central nervous system remain uncharacterized. Here, we compare dopamine release in the VNC and protocerebrum of larval Drosophila. Stimulations were performed with CsChrimson, a new, improved, red light-activated channelrhodopsin. In both regions, dopamine release was observed after only a single, 4 ms duration light pulse. Michaelis-Menten modeling was used to understand release and uptake parameters for dopamine. The amount of dopamine released ([DA]p ) on the first stimulation pulse is higher than the average [DA]p released from subsequent pulses. The initial and average amount of dopamine released per stimulation pulse is smaller in the protocerebrum than in the VNC. The average Vmax of 0.08 μM/s in the protocerebrum was significantly higher than the Vmax of 0.05 μM/s in the VNC. The average Km of 0.11 μM in the protocerebrum was not significantly different from the Km of 0.10 μM in the VNC. When the competitive dopamine transporter (DAT) inhibitor nisoxetine was applied, the Km increased significantly in both regions while Vmax stayed the same. This work demonstrates regional differences in dopamine release and uptake kinetics, indicating important variation in the amount of dopamine available for neurotransmission and neuromodulation. We use a new optogenetic tool, red light activated CsChrimson, to stimulate the release of dopamine in the ventral nerve cord and medial protocerebrum of the larval Drosophila central nervous system. We monitored extracellular dopamine by fast scan cyclic voltammetry and used Michaelis-Menten modeling to probe the regulation of extracellular dopamine, discovering important similarities and differences in these two regions. © 2015 International Society for Neurochemistry.

  5. Effects of an acute therapeutic or rewarding dose of amphetamine on acquisition of Pavlovian autoshaping and ventral striatal dopamine signaling. (United States)

    Schuweiler, D R; Athens, J M; Thompson, J M; Vazhayil, S T; Garris, P A


    Rewarding doses of amphetamine increase the amplitude, duration, and frequency of dopamine transients in the ventral striatum. Debate continues at the behavioral level about which component of reward, learning or incentive salience, is signaled by these dopamine transients and thus altered in addiction. The learning hypothesis proposes that rewarding drugs result in pathological overlearning of drug-predictive cues, while the incentive sensitization hypothesis suggests that rewarding drugs result in sensitized attribution of incentive salience to drug-predictive cues. Therapeutic doses of amphetamine, such as those used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, are hypothesized to enhance the ventral striatal dopamine transients that are critical for reward-related learning and to enhance Pavlovian learning. However, the effects of therapeutic doses of amphetamine on Pavlovian learning are poorly understood, and the effects on dopamine transients are completely unknown. We determined the effects of an acute pre-training therapeutic or rewarding amphetamine injection on the acquisition of Pavlovian autoshaping in the intact rat. We also determined the effects of these doses on electrically evoked transient-like dopamine signals using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in the anesthetized rat. The rewarding dose enhanced the amplitude and duration of DA signals, caused acute task disengagement, impaired learning for several days, and triggered incentive sensitization. The therapeutic dose produced smaller enhancements in DA signals but did not have similar behavioral effects. These results underscore the necessity of more studies using therapeutic doses, and suggest a hybrid learning/incentive sensitization model may be required to explain the development of addiction. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 7 Modulates the Rewarding Effects of Cocaine in Rats: Involvement of a Ventral Pallidal GABAergic Mechanism (United States)

    Li, Xia; Li, Jie; Peng, Xiao-Qing; Spiller, Krista; Gardner, Eliot L; Xi, Zheng-Xiong


    The metabotropic glutamate receptor 7 (mGluR7) has received much attention as a potential target for the treatment of epilepsy, major depression, and anxiety. In this study, we investigated the possible involvement of mGluR7 in cocaine reward in animal models of drug addiction. Pretreatment with the selective mGluR7 allosteric agonist N,N’-dibenzyhydryl-ethane-1,2-diamine dihydrochloride (AMN082; 1-20 mg/kg, i.p.) dose-dependently inhibited cocaine-induced enhancement of electrical brain-stimulation reward and intravenous cocaine self-administration under both fixed-ratio and progressive-ratio reinforcement conditions, but failed to alter either basal or cocaine-enhanced locomotion or oral sucrose self-administration, suggesting a specific inhibition of cocaine reward. Microinjections of AMN082 (1–5 μg/μl per side) into the nucleus accumbens (NAc) or ventral pallidum (VP), but not dorsal striatum, also inhibited cocaine self-administration in a dose-dependent manner. Intra-NAc or intra-VP co-administration of 6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-methyl-3-pyridin-4-ylisoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-4(5H)-one (MMPIP, 5 μg/μl per side), a selective mGluR7 allosteric antagonist, significantly blocked AMN082’s action, suggesting an effect mediated by mGluR7 in these brain regions. In vivo microdialysis demonstrated that cocaine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) priming significantly elevated extracellular DA in the NAc or VP, while decreasing extracellular GABA in VP (but not in NAc). AMN082 pretreatment selectively blocked cocaine-induced changes in extracellular GABA, but not in DA, in both naive rats and cocaine self-administration rats. These data suggest: (1) mGluR7 is critically involved in cocaine’s acute reinforcement; (2) GABA-, but not DA-, dependent mechanisms in the ventral striatopallidal pathway appear to underlie AMN082’s actions; and (3) AMN082 or other mGluR7-selective agonists may be useful in the treatment of cocaine addiction. PMID:19158667

  7. Ethanol drinking reduces extracellular dopamine levels in the posterior ventral tegmental area of nondependent alcohol-preferring rats. (United States)

    Engleman, Eric A; Keen, Elizabeth J; Tilford, Sydney S; Thielen, Richard J; Morzorati, Sandra L


    Moderate ethanol exposure produces neuroadaptive changes in the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) system in nondependent rats and increases measures of DA neuronal activity in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, moderate ethanol drinking and moderate systemic exposure elevates extracellular DA levels in mesocorticolimbic projection regions. However, the neuroadaptive changes subsequent to moderate ethanol drinking on basal DA levels have not been investigated in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). In the present study, adult female alcohol-preferring (P) rats were divided into alcohol-naive, alcohol-drinking, and alcohol-deprived groups. The alcohol-drinking group had continuous access to water and ethanol (15%, vol/vol) for 8 weeks. The alcohol-deprived group had 6 weeks of access followed by 2 weeks of ethanol deprivation, 2 weeks of ethanol re-exposure, followed again by 2 weeks of deprivation. The deprived rats demonstrated a robust alcohol deprivation effect (ADE) on ethanol reinstatement. The alcohol-naïve group had continuous access to water only. In the last week of the drinking protocol, all rats were implanted with unilateral microdialysis probes aimed at the posterior VTA and no-net-flux microdialysis was conducted to quantify extracellular DA levels and DA clearance. Results yielded significantly lower basal extracellular DA concentrations in the posterior VTA of the alcohol-drinking group compared with the alcohol-naive and alcohol-deprived groups (3.8±0.3nM vs. 5.0±0.5nM [Palcohol-drinking and alcohol-naive groups (72±2% vs. 46±4%, respectively) and not significantly different (P=.051) between alcohol-deprived and alcohol-naive groups (61±6% for the alcohol-deprived group). The data indicate that reductions in basal DA levels within the posterior VTA occur after moderate chronic ethanol intake in nondependent P rats. This reduction may result, in part, from increased DA uptake and may be important for the maintenance of ethanol drinking. These adaptations

  8. Perfil químico da parede celular e suas implicações na digestibilidade de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria humidicola Chemical profile of cell wall and its implications on Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria humidicola digestibility

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    Cláudio José F. Alves de Brito


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foram determinadas a composição química e a digestibilidade de diversas frações de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria humidicola, após 70 dias de crescimento. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições para cada espécie. As plantas coletadas foram subdivididas nas frações apical, mediana e basal para as folhas e mediana e basilar para caules, de acordo com sua localização. Foram determinadas as concentrações de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, proteína bruta (PB, lignina, ácido p_cumárico, ácido ferúlico e açúcares neutros (glicose, xilose e arabinose e a digestibilidade in situ após 48 horas de período de incubação ruminal. As diferentes frações das espécies estudadas apresentam distinta composição química, cujos efeitos são observados na digestibilidade. A B. brizantha apresentou maiores concentrações de FDN no caule e PB nas folhas. Isto resultou em coeficientes de digestibilidade maiores em relação à B. humidicola. A diferença de digestibilidade entre caule e folhas e nas frações mais velhas pode estar relacionada ao tipo de condensação da lignina presente nos tecidos. Evidências na concentração e na proporção dos ácidos p_cumárico e ferúlico sugerem esta relação. A concentração de ácidos fenólicos esteve relacionada com a digestibilidade da matéria seca e a lignina com a digestibilidade da FDN. A análise dos ácidos fenólicos pode se constituir em importante ferramenta para avaliar o grau de condensação da lignina na parede celular dos diferentes tecidos das plantas forrageiras. A concentração de açúcares neutros não apresentou um padrão definido na composição dos diferentes tecidos. A arabinose foi o único açúcar que apresentou relações com a digestibilidade da matéria seca e com a concentração de ácidos fenólicos.In the present paper the chemical composition and digestibility of several Brachiaria

  9. Hippocampal projections to the ventral striatum: from spatial memory to motivated behavior

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Meer, M.M.A; Ito, R.; Lansink, C.S.; Pennartz, C.M.A.; Derdikman, D.; Knierim, J.J.


    Multiple regions of the hippocampal formation project to the ventral striatum, a central node in brain circuits that subserve aspects of motivation. These projections emphasize information flow from the ventral (temporal) pole of the hippocampus and interact with converging projections and

  10. A Fate Map of the Murine Pancreas Buds Reveals a Multipotent Ventral Foregut Organ Progenitor (United States)

    Angelo, Jesse R.; Guerrero-Zayas, Mara-Isel; Tremblay, Kimberly D.


    The definitive endoderm is the embryonic germ layer that gives rise to the budding endodermal organs including the thyroid, lung, liver and pancreas as well as the remainder of the gut tube. DiI fate mapping and whole embryo culture were used to determine the endodermal origin of the 9.5 days post coitum (dpc) dorsal and ventral pancreas buds. Our results demonstrate that the progenitors of each bud occupy distinct endodermal territories. Dorsal bud progenitors are located in the medial endoderm overlying somites 2–4 between the 2 and 11 somite stage (SS). The endoderm forming the ventral pancreas bud is found in 2 distinct regions. One territory originates from the left and right lateral endoderm caudal to the anterior intestinal portal by the 6 SS and the second domain is derived from the ventral midline of the endoderm lip (VMEL). Unlike the laterally located ventral foregut progenitors, the VMEL population harbors a multipotent progenitor that contributes to the thyroid bud, the rostral cap of the liver bud, ventral midline of the liver bud and the midline of the ventral pancreas bud in a temporally restricted manner. This data suggests that the midline of the 9.5 dpc thyroid, liver and ventral pancreas buds originates from the same progenitor population, demonstrating a developmental link between all three ventral foregut buds. Taken together, these data define the location of the dorsal and ventral pancreas progenitors in the prespecified endodermal sheet and should lead to insights into the inductive events required for pancreas specification. PMID:22815796

  11. Crossmodal Recruitment of the Ventral Visual Stream in Congenital Blindness

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    Maurice Ptito


    Full Text Available We used functional MRI (fMRI to test the hypothesis that blind subjects recruit the ventral visual stream during nonhaptic tactile-form recognition. Congenitally blind and blindfolded sighted control subjects were scanned after they had been trained during four consecutive days to perform a tactile-form recognition task with the tongue display unit (TDU. Both groups learned the task at the same rate. In line with our hypothesis, the fMRI data showed that during nonhaptic shape recognition, blind subjects activated large portions of the ventral visual stream, including the cuneus, precuneus, inferotemporal (IT, cortex, lateral occipital tactile vision area (LOtv, and fusiform gyrus. Control subjects activated area LOtv and precuneus but not cuneus, IT and fusiform gyrus. These results indicate that congenitally blind subjects recruit key regions in the ventral visual pathway during nonhaptic tactile shape discrimination. The activation of LOtv by nonhaptic tactile shape processing in blind and sighted subjects adds further support to the notion that this area subserves an abstract or supramodal representation of shape. Together with our previous findings, our data suggest that the segregation of the efferent projections of the primary visual cortex into a dorsal and ventral visual stream is preserved in individuals blind from birth.

  12. Avaliação da resistência ao fogo de paredes maciças de concreto armado


    Bolina,Fabrício Longhi; Prager,Gustavo Luis; Rodrigues,Eduardo; Tutikian,Bernardo Fonseca


    ResumoO desempenho das construções está em evidência no Brasil, principalmente após a aprovação da Norma de Desempenho, a ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. Esta norma remete a necessidade dos sistemas construtivos de atender, dentre outros, a níveis mínimos de segurança contra incêndio. O intento deste artigo é estudar o potencial de aplicação na construção civil de sistemas de vedação vertical de concreto armado em termos de resistência ao fogo. Através de protótipos ensaiados em escala real (3,15 x 3,0...


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    Gleidson Giordano Pinto de Carvalho Carvalho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca (MS, da proteína bruta (PB, da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA do milho (Zea mays, do farelo de soja (Glicyne max L., da torta de dendê (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. e do farelo de cacau (Theobroma cacao L.. Incubaram-se amostras de cada alimento no rúmen de três novilhos por períodos de 0; 3; 6; 12; 24 e 48 horas. As degradabilidades efetivas da MS, PB, FDN e FDA, para a taxa de passagem de 5%/hora, foram relativamente baixas (abaixo de 60%, exceto para a PB do farelo de soja (acima de 65%. O farelo de soja apresentou os maiores coeficientes de degradação, tanto para MS e PB como também para os constituintes da parede celular, seguido do milho, torta de dendê e farelo de cacau. O farelo de cacau apresentou as menores taxas de degradação ruminal.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Farelo de cacau, incubação ruminal, torta de dendê. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the dry matter (DM, crude protein (CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF ruminal degradability of corn (Zea mays, soybean meal (Glicyne max L., palm kernel cake (Elaeis guineensis Jacq. and cocoa meal (Theobroma cacao L.. Samples of each feed were incubated in rumens of three steers for periods of 0; 3; 6; 12; 24 and 48 hours. The DM, CP, NDF and ADF effective degradabilities, for a passage rate of 5%/hour, were relatively low (lower than 60%, except for soybean meal CP (higher than 65%. Soybean meal showed the greatest degradation coefficients for DM and CP as so as for cellular wall constituents, followed by corn, palm kernel cake and cocoa meal. Cocoa meal showed the lowest ruminal degradation rates.

    KEY WORDS: Cocoa meal, incubation ruminal, palm kernel cake.

  14. Comportamento fisiológico de sementes osmocondicionadas de Platymiscium pubescens Micheli (tamboril-da-mata

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    Borges Eduardo Euclydes de Lima e


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em sementes osmocondicionadas de tamboril-da-mata (Platymiscium pubescens Micheli. Foram analisados o crescimento do eixo embrionário, a germinação, as alterações na parede celular, a mobilização de carboidratos e proteínas e a atividade de a-galactosidase. Observou-se que o teor de umidade das sementes da testemunha aumentou continuamente até 96 horas de embebição, enquanto as mantidas nas soluções de PEG estabilizaram-se a partir de 48 horas. A germinação ocorreu somente nas sementes mantidas em água, alcançando 30% em 120 horas. As sementes mantidas em solução-0,4 MPa de PEG por 120 horas tiveram 66% de germinação quando transferidas para água, sendo a maior em relação aos demais potenciais. A massa fresca e o comprimento do embrião aumentaram significativamente durante o período de 120 horas em solução de PEG (-0,4 MPa/120 horas, porém a massa seca teve incremento não-significativo. Os teores de arabinose e xilose em membranas lavadas com água decresceram significativamente durante o osmocondicionamento. A galactose não foi detectada na membrana em 120 horas. A arabinose mostrou ser a principal constituinte da membrana. A atividade de a-galactosidase mostrou diferença significativa durante o período de 120 horas. Os teores de ramnose, arabinose e xilose alteraram-se significativamente na fração péctica, enquanto a ramnose foi a única na fração hemicelulósica. A glicose foi detectada somente nessa última fração. Os teores de glicose no embrião e cotilédones alteraram-se significativamente durante o osmocondicionamento. Os teores de estaquiose e de rafinose não tiveram alterações significativas nos cotilédones, enquanto o de sacarose reduziu-se significativamente, mantendo-se mais alto do que os dos outros dois oligossacarídeos. O teor de proteína decresceu significativamente nas 120 horas de

  15. Environmental enrichment increases transcriptional and epigenetic differentiation between mouse dorsal and ventral dentate gyrus. (United States)

    Zhang, Tie-Yuan; Keown, Christopher L; Wen, Xianglan; Li, Junhao; Vousden, Dulcie A; Anacker, Christoph; Bhattacharyya, Urvashi; Ryan, Richard; Diorio, Josie; O'Toole, Nicholas; Lerch, Jason P; Mukamel, Eran A; Meaney, Michael J


    Early life experience influences stress reactivity and mental health through effects on cognitive-emotional functions that are, in part, linked to gene expression in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. The hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) is a major site for experience-dependent plasticity associated with sustained transcriptional alterations, potentially mediated by epigenetic modifications. Here, we report comprehensive DNA methylome, hydroxymethylome and transcriptome data sets from mouse dorsal and ventral DG. We find genome-wide transcriptional and methylation differences between dorsal and ventral DG, including at key developmental transcriptional factors. Peripubertal environmental enrichment increases hippocampal volume and enhances dorsal DG-specific differences in gene expression. Enrichment also enhances dorsal-ventral differences in DNA methylation, including at binding sites of the transcription factor NeuroD1, a regulator of adult neurogenesis. These results indicate a dorsal-ventral asymmetry in transcription and methylation that parallels well-known functional and anatomical differences, and that may be enhanced by environmental enrichment.

  16. Morfofisiologia da inervação do diafragma de ovinos Morphophysiology of diaphragm innervation in sheep

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    Ana E.F. de Almeida


    Full Text Available Foram estudados em 30 diafragmas de ovinos da raça Santa Inês, a origem, a divisão e a distribuição dos nervos frênicos direito e esquerdo (Fde e a participação de outros nervos na inervação do diafragma. Mediante fixação e dissecação das peças foi observado que os nervos frênicos (F originam-se a partir dos ramos ventrais do 5º (C5 e 6º (C6 nervos espinhais cervicais (Ec tanto à direita (46,67% como à esquerda (43,33%. Os F finalizam em tronco lombocostal e ramo esternal à direita (40,00% e em ramo lombar, costal e esternal à esquerda (36,68%. Os ramos lombares dos F inervam à esquerda (96,67% o pilar homolateral do diafragma e, à direita (50,00% fornecem filetes à veia caudal. Os ramos costais dos F ramificam à esquerda (90,00% e à direita (76,67% as regiões dorsal e ventral da pars costalis. Os ramos esternais dos F inervam à direita (100,00% e à esquerda (83,33% a pars sternalis e a região ventral da pars costalis do mesmo lado. Os nervos intercostais (VIII ao XII pares, 63,33% contribuem na inervação do diafragma de ovinos da raça Santa Inês.Thirty diaphragms of sheep of Santa Inês breed were studied regarding their origin, division and arrangement of the right and left phrenic nerves (Fde, and the participation of other nerves in the innervation of the diaphragm. By fixing and dissecting pieces, it was found that phrenic nerves (F frequently come from the ventral branches of the 5th (C5 and 6th (C6 cervical spinal nerves (Ec, at right (46.67% and at left (43.33%. The F often form a lumbocostal trunk, sternal branches at right (40.00% and lumbar, costal and esternal branches at left (36.68%. The lumbar branches of F innervate frequently at left (96.67% the homolateral pillar of the diaphragma, and at right (50.00% they give fillets to Vena cava caudalis. The costal branches of the F innervate at left (90.00% and at right (76.66% the dorsal and ventral regions of the pars costalis. The sternal branches of

  17. The ventral visual pathway: an expanded neural framework for the processing of object quality. (United States)

    Kravitz, Dwight J; Saleem, Kadharbatcha S; Baker, Chris I; Ungerleider, Leslie G; Mishkin, Mortimer


    Since the original characterization of the ventral visual pathway, our knowledge of its neuroanatomy, functional properties, and extrinsic targets has grown considerably. Here we synthesize this recent evidence and propose that the ventral pathway is best understood as a recurrent occipitotemporal network containing neural representations of object quality both utilized and constrained by at least six distinct cortical and subcortical systems. Each system serves its own specialized behavioral, cognitive, or affective function, collectively providing the raison d'être for the ventral visual pathway. This expanded framework contrasts with the depiction of the ventral visual pathway as a largely serial staged hierarchy culminating in singular object representations and more parsimoniously incorporates attentional, contextual, and feedback effects. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  18. Binocular depth processing in the ventral visual pathway. (United States)

    Verhoef, Bram-Ernst; Vogels, Rufin; Janssen, Peter


    One of the most powerful forms of depth perception capitalizes on the small relative displacements, or binocular disparities, in the images projected onto each eye. The brain employs these disparities to facilitate various computations, including sensori-motor transformations (reaching, grasping), scene segmentation and object recognition. In accordance with these different functions, disparity activates a large number of regions in the brain of both humans and monkeys. Here, we review how disparity processing evolves along different regions of the ventral visual pathway of macaques, emphasizing research based on both correlational and causal techniques. We will discuss the progression in the ventral pathway from a basic absolute disparity representation to a more complex three-dimensional shape code. We will show that, in the course of this evolution, the underlying neuronal activity becomes progressively more bound to the global perceptual experience. We argue that these observations most probably extend beyond disparity processing per se, and pertain to object processing in the ventral pathway in general. We conclude by posing some important unresolved questions whose answers may significantly advance the field, and broaden its scope.This article is part of the themed issue 'Vision in our three-dimensional world'. © 2016 The Author(s).

  19. Mesh versus non-mesh repair of ventral abdominal hernias

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jawaid, M.A.; Talpur, A.H.


    To investigate the relative effectiveness of mesh and suture repair of ventral abdominal hernias in terms of clinical outcome, quality of life and rate of recurrence in both the techniques. This is a retrospective descriptive analysis of 236 patients with mesh and non-mesh repair of primary ventral hernias performed between January 2000 to December 2004 at Surgery Department, Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Jamshoro. The record sheets of the patients were analyzed and data retrieved to compare the results of both techniques for short-term and long-term results. The data retrieved is statistically analyzed on SPSS version 11. There were 43 (18.22%) males and 193 (81.77%) females with a mean age of 51.79 years and a range of 59 (81-22). Para-umbilical hernia was the commonest of ventral hernia and accounted for 49.8% (n=118) of the total study population followed by incisional hernia comprising 24% (n=57) of the total number. There was a significant difference in the recurrent rate at 3 years interval with 23/101 (22.77%) recurrences in suture-repaired subjects compared to 10/135 (7.40%) in mesh repair group. Chronic pain lasting up to 1-2 years was noted in 14 patients with suture repair. Wound infection is comparatively more common (8.14%) in mesh group. The other variables such as operative and postoperative complications, total hospital stay and quality of life is also discussed. Mesh repair of ventral hernia is much superior to non-mesh suture repair in terms of recurrence and overall outcome. (author)

  20. Structural behavior of load bearing brick walls of soil-cement with the addition of ground ceramic waste Comportamento estrutural de paredes estruturais de tijolos de solo-cimento com adição de resíduo cerâmico moído

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    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available An experimental study of three load bearing walls is presented and discussed in this paper. The walls were of soil-cement bricks made with three different material proportions, in which two of them had part of the cement amount replaced by crushed ceramic waste. The walls were 95.20 cm high, 75.32 cm wide and 12.56 cm thick and had their bricks layered with cement paste. The walls were tested under compression and their displacements were measured with 5 dial gages. The walls had satisfactory behaviour and their strengths were suitable as required by Brazilian popular houses. The differences between the brick strength and the wall strength were less than 20%. A finite element analysis (FEA was performed and the uniformity of the compressive stress distributions in the walls was evaluated. Finally, it was observed that the partial replacement of the cement by crushed ceramic waste is possible.Neste trabalho, apresenta-se resultados do estudo experimental de três paredes estruturais, construídas com tijolos de solo-cimento. Os tijolos foram fabricados com três diferentes proporções de materiais, nas quais duas delas tiveram parte do cimento substituído por resíduo cerâmico moído. As paredes apresentavam altura de 95,20 cm, largura de 75,32 cm e espessura de 12,56 cm e tiveram seus tijolos rejuntados com pasta de cimento, que foram ensaiadas sob compressão centrada e tiveram seus deslocamentos avaliados por cinco relógios medidores de deslocamento. Observou-se comportamento estrutural satisfatório e resistências compatíveis com as requeridas pelas paredes das casas populares brasileiras. Em todos os casos, as diferenças entre as tensões máximas nas paredes e as resistências dos tijolos, foram inferiores a 20%. Para concluir o estudo, realizou-se análise por meio do método dos elementos finitos (MEF com o intuito de avaliar a uniformidade na distribuição das tensões ao longo das paredes. Finalmente, observou-se que a substitui

  1. Cocaine exposure shifts the balance of associative encoding from ventral to dorsolateral striatum

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    Yuji Takahashi


    Full Text Available Both dorsal and ventral striatum are implicated in the "habitization" of behavior that occurs in addiction. Here we examined the effect of cocaine exposure on associative encoding in these two regions. Neural activity was recorded during go/no-go discrimination learning and reversal. Activity in ventral striatum developed and reversed rapidly, tracking the valence of the predicted outcome, whereas activity in dorsolateral striatum developed and reversed more slowly, tracking discriminative responding. This difference is consistent with the putative roles of these two areas in promoting habit-like behavior. Dorsolateral striatum has been directly implicated in habit or stimulus response learning, whereas ventral striatum appears to be involved indirectly by allowing cues associated with reward to exert a general motivational influence on responding. Interestingly cocaine exposure did not uniformly enhance processing across both regions. Instead cocaine reduced the degree and flexibility of cue-evoked firing in ventral striatum while marginally enhanced cue-selective firing in dorsolateral striatum. Thus cocaine exposure causes regionally specific effects on neural processing in striatum; these effects may promote the habitization of behavior by shifting control from ventral to dorsolateral regions.

  2. Gastric dilatation volvulus: a retrospective study of 203 dogs with ventral midline gastropexy. (United States)

    Ullmann, B; Seehaus, N; Hungerbühler, S; Meyer-Lindenberg, A


    To evaluate the recurrence rate of gastric dilatation volvulus and the incidence of complications in subsequent coeliotomies following ventral midline gastropexy. The medical records of dogs treated for gastric dilatation volvulus by ventral midline gastropexy were retrospectively reviewed. Owners were contacted and invited to complete a questionnaire and to return to the clinic for ultrasonographic and radiographic follow-up. The questionnaire was completed by 203 owners 2 to 123 months postoperatively, 24 of whom attended the follow-up examination. Of the 203 dogs, 13 (6 · 4%) underwent subsequent ventral midline coeliotomy and none developed complications related to the gastropexy site. In 23 of the 24 re-evaluated dogs, the stomach was closely associated with the abdominal on radiography and/or ultrasound. The recurrence rate for clinical signs of gastric dilatation or gastric dilatation volvulus after ventral midline gastropexy was 6 · 4%. This study shows that the recurrence of gastric dilatation volvulus after ventral midline gastropexy is low and adhesion of the stomach to the abdominal wall is persistent in almost all dogs that were re-examined. The gastropexy site did not appear to interfere with subsequent coeliotomy. © 2015 British Small Animal Veterinary Association.


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    Joao Vitor da Silva Moreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo traz uma análise nas propriedades eletroquímicas dos Nanotubos de Carbono de Paredes Múltiplas (MWCNT’s autossustentáveis, visando sua aplicação na confecção de dispositivos Supercapacitores. Os grupos foram produzidos em um único processo, via deposição química fase-vapor (CVD, e caracterizados através de análise eletroquímica via potenciostato em uma célula de testes especial desenvolvida pelo grupo. Os dados aqui apresentados são um complemento ao trabalho já publicado no Journal of Electronic Materials, e trazem a análise de desempenho do material sob diferentes condições de trabalho. Com isso, este trabalho contribui dando um passo a mais na obtenção de dispositivos Supercapacitores de alta potência, oferecendo uma alternativa com tempo de recarga muito inferior às baterias convencionais.

  4. Desempenho térmico de envoltórias vegetadas em edificações no sudeste brasileiro

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    Carla Matheus

    Full Text Available Resumo A avaliação do desempenho térmico de edificações que utilizam coberturas verdes, paredes vivas ou paredes verdes como elemento de proteção da envoltória é um campo de grande importância para os profissionais de arquitetura e engenharia, por minimizar o ganho de calor, proporcionar melhor condição térmica e aprimorar seu desempenho. Este trabalho apresenta três diferentes estudos de desempenho térmico com revestimentos vegetais: 1 um estudo de caso com cobertura verde, 2 um estudo experimental com parede viva, e 3 um estudo de caso com parede verde, todos com medições comparativas e simultâneas entre superfícies expostas e protegidas pelo verde. Os parâmetros medidos foram temperatura, umidade relativa, velocidade do ar, temperatura radiante média e temperatura das superfícies internas e externas das envoltórias. Tais análises levaram à conclusão de que o uso da vegetação como elemento de proteção em coberturas e fachadas atua positivamente sobre os fluxos de calor na envoltória, representando uma importante ferramenta para o controle térmico passivo de altas temperaturas no interior das edificações.

  5. Crossmodal recruitment of the ventral visual stream in congenital blindness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ptito, Maurice; Matteau, Isabelle; Zhi Wang, Arthur


    We used functional MRI (fMRI) to test the hypothesis that blind subjects recruit the ventral visual stream during nonhaptic tactile-form recognition. Congenitally blind and blindfolded sighted control subjects were scanned after they had been trained during four consecutive days to perform......, inferotemporal (IT), cortex, lateral occipital tactile vision area (LOtv), and fusiform gyrus. Control subjects activated area LOtv and precuneus but not cuneus, IT and fusiform gyrus. These results indicate that congenitally blind subjects recruit key regions in the ventral visual pathway during nonhaptic...

  6. Estudo ultra-sonográfico da involução uterina pós-parto em cadelas Ultrasonography study of the post-partum uterine involution in bitches

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    S.T.S. Ferri


    Full Text Available Utilizando-se 15 cadelas no pós-parto, são descritas as características da involução uterina e determinado o diâmetro do útero, por meio de exames seriados de ultra-som em modo B (tempo real, no período de zero a 28 dias pós-parto. O diâmetro uterino declina progressivamente, sem influência da ordem de parto ou tamanho da ninhada. As características ultra-sonográficas do útero são melhor visualizadas na primeira semana pós-parto e a qualidade da imagem diminui com o progresso da involução. Pela técnica usada são visualizadas apenas três camadas constituintes da parede uterina.The ultrasonographic characteristics and the involution of the uterus were described in 15 pregnant bitches by serial B-mode (real time technique at period of 0 to 28 days postpartum. The uterine diameter decreased progressively, without influence of parity or litter size. The ultrasonographic image of the uterus is better view in the first week and the image quality is poor at subsequent weeks. The uterus was composed of only three ecographic layers.

  7. Junk food diet-induced obesity increases D2 receptor autoinhibition in the ventral tegmental area and reduces ethanol drinking. (United States)

    Cook, Jason B; Hendrickson, Linzy M; Garwood, Grant M; Toungate, Kelsey M; Nania, Christina V; Morikawa, Hitoshi


    Similar to drugs of abuse, the hedonic value of food is mediated, at least in part, by the mesostriatal dopamine (DA) system. Prolonged intake of either high calorie diets or drugs of abuse both lead to a blunting of the DA system. Most studies have focused on DAergic alterations in the striatum, but little is known about the effects of high calorie diets on ventral tegmental area (VTA) DA neurons. Since high calorie diets produce addictive-like DAergic adaptations, it is possible these diets may increase addiction susceptibility. However, high calorie diets consistently reduce psychostimulant intake and conditioned place preference in rodents. In contrast, high calorie diets can increase or decrease ethanol drinking, but it is not known how a junk food diet (cafeteria diet) affects ethanol drinking. In the current study, we administered a cafeteria diet consisting of bacon, potato chips, cheesecake, cookies, breakfast cereals, marshmallows, and chocolate candies to male Wistar rats for 3-4 weeks, producing an obese phenotype. Prior cafeteria diet feeding reduced homecage ethanol drinking over 2 weeks of testing, and transiently reduced sucrose and chow intake. Importantly, cafeteria diet had no effect on ethanol metabolism rate or blood ethanol concentrations following 2g/kg ethanol administration. In midbrain slices, we showed that cafeteria diet feeding enhances DA D2 receptor (D2R) autoinhibition in VTA DA neurons. These results show that junk food diet-induced obesity reduces ethanol drinking, and suggest that increased D2R autoinhibition in the VTA may contribute to deficits in DAergic signaling and reward hypofunction observed with obesity.

  8. Representation of Gravity-Aligned Scene Structure in Ventral Pathway Visual Cortex. (United States)

    Vaziri, Siavash; Connor, Charles E


    The ventral visual pathway in humans and non-human primates is known to represent object information, including shape and identity [1]. Here, we show the ventral pathway also represents scene structure aligned with the gravitational reference frame in which objects move and interact. We analyzed shape tuning of recently described macaque monkey ventral pathway neurons that prefer scene-like stimuli to objects [2]. Individual neurons did not respond to a single shape class, but to a variety of scene elements that are typically aligned with gravity: large planes in the orientation range of ground surfaces under natural viewing conditions, planes in the orientation range of ceilings, and extended convex and concave edges in the orientation range of wall/floor/ceiling junctions. For a given neuron, these elements tended to share a common alignment in eye-centered coordinates. Thus, each neuron integrated information about multiple gravity-aligned structures as they would be seen from a specific eye and head orientation. This eclectic coding strategy provides only ambiguous information about individual structures but explicit information about the environmental reference frame and the orientation of gravity in egocentric coordinates. In the ventral pathway, this could support perceiving and/or predicting physical events involving objects subject to gravity, recognizing object attributes like animacy based on movement not caused by gravity, and/or stabilizing perception of the world against changes in head orientation [3-5]. Our results, like the recent discovery of object weight representation [6], imply that the ventral pathway is involved not just in recognition, but also in physical understanding of objects and scenes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Ventral Foregut Precursors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rothová, Michaela; Hölzenspies, Jurriaan J; Livigni, Alessandra


    Anterior definitive endoderm (ADE), the ventral foregut precursor, is both an important embryonic signaling center and a unique multipotent precursor of liver, pancreas, and other organs. Here, a method is described for the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) to definitive...... endoderm with pronounced anterior character. ADE-containing cultures can be produced in vitro by suspension (embryoid body) culture or in a serum-free adherent monolayer culture. ESC-derived ADE cells are committed to endodermal fates and can undergo further differentiation in vitro towards ventral foregut...

  10. Ventral inlay buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty: a novel surgical technique for the management of urethral stricture disease. (United States)

    Kovell, Robert Caleb; Terlecki, Ryan Patrick


    To describe the novel technique of ventral inlay substitution urethroplasty for the management of male anterior urethral stricture disease. A 58-year-old gentleman with multifocal bulbar stricture disease measuring 7 cm in length was treated using a ventral inlay substitution urethroplasty. A dorsal urethrotomy was created, and the ventral urethral plated was incised. The edges of the urethral plate were mobilized without violation of the ventral corpus spongiosum. A buccal mucosa graft was harvested and affixed as a ventral inlay to augment the caliber of the urethra. The dorsal urethrotomy was closed over a foley catheter. No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred. Postoperative imaging demonstrated a widely patent urethra. After three years of follow-up, the patient continues to do well with no voiding complaints and low postvoid residuals. Ventral inlay substitution urethroplasty appears to be a safe and feasible technique for the management of bulbar urethral strictures.

  11. Correlation between early surgical complications and readmission rate after ventral hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kokotovic, D; Sjølander, H; Gögenur, I


    PURPOSE: Postoperative surgical complications arising from ventral hernia repair have been assessed by a variety of outcome measures. The objective of this study was to correlate the Clavien Dindo Classification (CDC) graded complications with the 30-day readmission rate as early outcome measures...... in ventral hernia repair. Secondarily, we wanted to investigate whether the risk factors for Clavien Dindo class ≥1 and 30-day readmission were comparable. METHODS: Single-centre retrospective study including all patients (≥18 years) who underwent ventral hernia repair between January 1, 2009 and September 1......). There was a significant association between a complication graded by the CDC ≥1 and 30-day readmission for both incisional and umbilical/epigastric hernia repair (p readmission. Recurrent...

  12. Concurrent TMS-fMRI Reveals Interactions between Dorsal and Ventral Attentional Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leitao, Joana; Thielscher, Axel; Tuennerhoff, Johannes


    interactively in this process. This fMRI study used concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a causal perturbation approach to investigate the interactions between dorsal and ventral attentional systems and sensory processing areas. In a sustained spatial attention paradigm, human participants......Adaptive behavior relies on combining bottom-up sensory inputs with top-down control signals to guide responses in line with current goals and task demands. Over the past decade, accumulating evidence has suggested that the dorsal and ventral frontoparietal attentional systems are recruited......-TMS relative to Sham-TMS increased activation in the parietal cortex regardless of sensory stimulation, confirming the neural effectiveness of TMS stimulation. Visual targets increased activations in the anterior insula, a component of the ventral attentional system responsible for salience detection...

  13. Pain and convalescence following laparoscopic ventral hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Jens Ravn


    Severe pain is usual after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR). Mesh fixation with titanium tacks may play a key role in the development of acute and chronic pain and alternative fixation methods should therefore be investigated. This PhD thesis was based on three studies and aimed too: 1...... abdominal wall. A mechanical peel test was performed for each tissue sample. The secondary outcome parameters were grade and strength of adhesions to the mesh, shrinkage and displacement/folding of the mesh and histological parameters. All nine pigs survived without complications until sacrifice. No meshes...... satisfaction. This issue must have first priority in future ventral hernia repair research. It is now documented, that the simple application of fibrin glue instead of titanium tacks for mesh fixation in LVHR of defects

  14. Pain and convalescence following laparoscopic ventral hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Jens Ravn

    Severe pain is usual after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR). Mesh fixation with titanium tacks may play a key role in the development of acute and chronic pain and alternative fixation methods should therefore be investigated. This PhD thesis was based on three studies and aimed too: 1...... abdominal wall. A mechanical peel test was performed for each tissue sample. The secondary outcome parameters were grade and strength of adhesions to the mesh, shrinkage and displacement/folding of the mesh and histological parameters. All nine pigs survived without complications until sacrifice. No meshes...... satisfaction. This issue must have first priority in future ventral hernia repair research. It is now documented, that the simple application of fibrin glue instead of titanium tacks for mesh fixation in LVHR of defects

  15. Ventral striatum activity when watching preferred pornographic pictures is correlated with symptoms of Internet pornography addiction. (United States)

    Brand, Matthias; Snagowski, Jan; Laier, Christian; Maderwald, Stefan


    One type of Internet addiction is excessive pornography consumption, also referred to as cybersex or Internet pornography addiction. Neuroimaging studies found ventral striatum activity when participants watched explicit sexual stimuli compared to non-explicit sexual/erotic material. We now hypothesized that the ventral striatum should respond to preferred pornographic compared to non-preferred pornographic pictures and that the ventral striatum activity in this contrast should be correlated with subjective symptoms of Internet pornography addiction. We studied 19 heterosexual male participants with a picture paradigm including preferred and non-preferred pornographic materials. Subjects had to evaluate each picture with respect to arousal, unpleasantness, and closeness to ideal. Pictures from the preferred category were rated as more arousing, less unpleasant, and closer to ideal. Ventral striatum response was stronger for the preferred condition compared to non-preferred pictures. Ventral striatum activity in this contrast was correlated with the self-reported symptoms of Internet pornography addiction. The subjective symptom severity was also the only significant predictor in a regression analysis with ventral striatum response as dependent variable and subjective symptoms of Internet pornography addiction, general sexual excitability, hypersexual behavior, depression, interpersonal sensitivity, and sexual behavior in the last days as predictors. The results support the role for the ventral striatum in processing reward anticipation and gratification linked to subjectively preferred pornographic material. Mechanisms for reward anticipation in ventral striatum may contribute to a neural explanation of why individuals with certain preferences and sexual fantasies are at-risk for losing their control over Internet pornography consumption. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Ventral aspect of the visual form pathway is not critical for the perception of biological motion (United States)

    Gilaie-Dotan, Sharon; Saygin, Ayse Pinar; Lorenzi, Lauren J.; Rees, Geraint; Behrmann, Marlene


    Identifying the movements of those around us is fundamental for many daily activities, such as recognizing actions, detecting predators, and interacting with others socially. A key question concerns the neurobiological substrates underlying biological motion perception. Although the ventral “form” visual cortex is standardly activated by biologically moving stimuli, whether these activations are functionally critical for biological motion perception or are epiphenomenal remains unknown. To address this question, we examined whether focal damage to regions of the ventral visual cortex, resulting in significant deficits in form perception, adversely affects biological motion perception. Six patients with damage to the ventral cortex were tested with sensitive point-light display paradigms. All patients were able to recognize unmasked point-light displays and their perceptual thresholds were not significantly different from those of three different control groups, one of which comprised brain-damaged patients with spared ventral cortex (n > 50). Importantly, these six patients performed significantly better than patients with damage to regions critical for biological motion perception. To assess the necessary contribution of different regions in the ventral pathway to biological motion perception, we complement the behavioral findings with a fine-grained comparison between the lesion location and extent, and the cortical regions standardly implicated in biological motion processing. This analysis revealed that the ventral aspects of the form pathway (e.g., fusiform regions, ventral extrastriate body area) are not critical for biological motion perception. We hypothesize that the role of these ventral regions is to provide enhanced multiview/posture representations of the moving person rather than to represent biological motion perception per se. PMID:25583504

  17. Effects of oral parenteral nutrition solution on the morphology and mechanical resistance of the small bowel in rats Efeitos da administração oral da nutrição parenteral total na morfologia e resistência mecância do intestino delgado, em ratos

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    José E. Aguilar-Nascimento


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of an elemental diet (ED on the strength and on the morphology of the small bowel. Male Wistar rats were randomized to two groups to receive during 14 days either standard laboratory rat chow (N=16 or ED (N=16 containing total parenteral nutrition (TPN solution. After this period they were killed and necropsied. The small bowel was measured and weighted with and without the contents. Bursting pressure (BP was taken from the jejunum and ileum and histological sections of these two portions was performed to register the crypt depth (CD, vilus height (VH and wall width (WW. All animals significantly gain weight. The bowel of animals fed with TPN solution had significantly less weight when compared with the controls either with (9.9 ± 1.9g x 7.8 ± 1.5g, pForam submetidos a ração padrão de laboratório 16 ratos e outros 16 receberam nutrição parenteral total (NPT por via oral, durante 14 dias. Os animais de ambos os grupos ganharam peso, sem diferença estatistica. Na necrópsia retirava-se o segmento intestinal a partir do piloro até a valva ileocecal. Não houve diferença no comprimeto do intestino delgado em ambos os grupos. Porém, o intestino dos animais alimentados com NTP apresentaram diminuiçao significante de peso comparado com o grupo controle, independentemente da presença ou não de conteúdo. A resistência intestinal era menor no grupo NTP comparado ao controle, sendo mais significante no íleo. A altura dos vilos, a profundidade das criptas e a extensão da parede eram significantemente menores no íleo no grupo NTP comparado ao controle. Este achado foi observado também no jejuno, mas sem diferença significante. Conclui-se que nos ratos alimentados com NTP o intestino delgado perde massa e torna-se menos resistente, principalmente no íleo,apesar da manutenção do estado nutricional. A perda de massa aparece não apenas na mucosa mas em toda a parede intestinal.

  18. Transcriptome differentiation along the dorso-ventral axis in laser-captured microdissected rat hippocampal granular cell layer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, T.; Bisgaard, C.F.; Nielsen, Henrik Bjørn


    Several findings suggest a functional and anatomical differentiation along the dorso-ventral axis of the hippocampus. Lesion studies in rats have indicated that the dorsal hippocampus preferentially plays a role in spatial learning and memory, while the ventral hippocampus is involved in anxiety...... and ventral granular cell layer with a false discovery rate below 5% and with a relative change in gene expression level of 20% or more. From this pool of genes 45 genes were more than two-fold regulated, 13 genes being dorsally enriched and 32 genes being ventrally enriched. Moreover, cluster analysis based...

  19. Causas da variabilidade do tempo de execução dos processos em diferentes sistemas construtivos

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    Herbert Melo Cruz

    Full Text Available Resumo Um dos grandes desafios para o gerenciamento da construção é a execução das atividades de acordo com as durações programadas, sendo comum a ocorrência de variabilidade. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as causas da variabilidade do tempo de execução dos processos em diferentes sistemas construtivos, classificando-as em níveis de risco. A metodologia consistiu em um estudo de casos múltiplos em diferentes sistemas construtivos, sendo aplicado com diversos trabalhadores de obras um questionário com 31 causas de variabilidade divididas em oito categorias. Visou-se levantar as variáveis frequência e intensidade de atraso. Foram observadas obras de concreto armado (convencional, alvenaria estrutural e paredes de concreto moldadas no local. Para a análise dos dados foi criado um fator de atraso e aplicada uma metodologia de classificação das causas em níveis de risco através da análise de clusters. Como resultados foram apontadas as principais causas de variabilidade para cada um dos sistemas, sendo algumas semelhantes: retrabalho, baixa qualidade do trabalho e socialização. Análises estatísticas apontaram diferenças entre os sistemas: aqueles mais industrializados tiveram maior quantidade de causas classificadas em níveis de alto risco, porém o impacto da variabilidade no processo foi menor. Há deficiências por parte dos gestores para lidar com os impactos da variabilidade nos processos.

  20. Imaging findings in patients with ventral dural defects and herniation of neural tissue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baur, A.; Staebler, A.; Reiser, M.; Psenner, K.; Hamburger, C.


    The aim of this paper is to describe clinical and imaging findings in three patients with ventral dural defects and herniation of the spinal cord or cauda equina. The literature is reviewed and the clinical, radiological and operative findings are compared. Three patients with ventral dural defects of different etiologies are presented. One patient gave a longstanding history of ankylosing spondylitis, the second patient presents 37 years after spinal trauma, and the third patient presents with spontaneous spinal cord herniation. All patients had typically slowly progressive neurological symptoms with multiple hospitalizations until diagnosis was made. Characteristic findings in postmyelographic CT included a ventral or ventrolateral displacement with deformation of the spinal cord or the cauda equina. Sagittal MRI showed this abrupt and localized anterior deviation of the spinal cord or the cauda equina to the posterior portions of a vertebral body with or without a bony vertebral defect optimally. Additionally, due to the ventral displacement of the spinal cord, the dorsal subarachnoid space was relatively enlarged without evidence of an arachnoid cyst, in all patients. Magnetic resonance imaging and postmyelographic CT can diagnose ventral dural defects with spinal cord herniation or nerve root entrapment. Dural defects must be considered in the presence of neurological symptoms in cases of longstanding ankylosing spondylitis, late sequelae of fractures of vertebral bodies, and without history of spinal trauma or surgery. (orig.). With 3 figs

  1. Context Dependent Effects of Ventral Tegmental Area Inactivation on Spatial Working Memory


    Martig, Adria K.; Jones, Graham L.; Smith, Kelsey E.; Mizumori, Sheri J.Y.


    Rats were tested on a hippocampus dependent win-shift working memory task in familiar or novel environments after receiving bilateral ventral tegmental area infusions of baclofen. Baclofen infusion disrupted working memory performance in both familiar and novel environments. In addition, baclofen infusion selectively disrupted short-term working memory in the novel environment. This experiment confirms selective ventral tegmental area support of accurate performance during a context dependent...

  2. Ultrastructural changes of compressed lumbar ventral nerve roots following decompression

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Barrany, Wagih G.; Hamdy, Raid M.; Al-Hayani, Abdulmonem A.; Jalalah, Sawsan M.; Al-Sayyad, Mohammad J.


    To study whether there will be permanent lumbar nerve rot scanning or degeneration secondary to continuous compression followed by decompression on the nerve roots, which can account for postlaminectomy leg weakness or back pain. The study was performed at the Department of Anatomy, Faulty of Medicine, king Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2003-2005. Twenty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were used in the present study. The ventral roots of the left fourth lumbar nerve were clamped for 2 weeks then decompression was allowed by removal of the clips. The left ventral roots of the fourth lumbar nerve were excised for electron microscopic study. One week after nerve root decompression, the ventral root peripheral to the site of compression showed signs of Wallerian degeneration together with signs of regeneration. Schwann cells and myelinated nerve fibers showed severe degenerative changes. Two weeks after decompression, the endoneurium of the ventral root showed extensive edema with an increase in the regenerating myelinated and unmyentilated nerve fibers, and fibroblasts proliferation. Three weeks after decompression, the endoneurium showed an increase in the regenerating myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers with diminution of the endoneurial edema, and number of macrophages and an increase in collagen fibrils. Five and 6 weeks after decompression, the endoneurium showed marked diminution of the edema, macrophages, mast cells and fibroblasts. The enoneurium was filed of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers and collagen fibrils. Decompression of the compressed roots of a spinal nerve is followed by regeneration of the nerve fibers and nerve and nerve recovery without endoneurial scarring. (author)

  3. Análise do método de simulação de desempenho térmico da norma NBR 15.575

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    Márcio José SORGATO


    Full Text Available As normas de desempenho de edificações avaliam e regulamentam o setor da construção civil, garantindo um padrão mínimo de qualidade e desempenho das edificações residenciais. O artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o método de simulação do desempenho térmico de edificações residenciais da NBR 15575. Observou-se que o método da norma apresenta limitações, avaliando o desempenho da edificação através de dias típicos de verão e inverno. Como proposta, foi desenvolvido e encaminhado um novo método de simulação durante a consulta pública da NBR 15575. A proposta do novo método busca avaliar o desempenho térmico da edificação através dos graus-hora de resfriamento e aquecimento. Os resultados da comparação entre estes dois métodos foram analisados, permitindo observar que o método de simulação da NBR 15575 atende ao desempenho térmico mínimo quando comparado com o sistema construtivo com paredes de concreto de 5 cm de espessura. Já com a aplicação do método proposto, observou-se que a edificação apresentou um desempenho térmico insatisfatório para o sistema construtivo analisado. Palavras-Chave: simulação computacional, desempenho térmico, edificações residências.

  4. Avaliação da remoção de debris após irrigação com EDTA 17% e EGTA 1% associados ao hipoclorito de sódio 1%: análise histológica = Evaluation of debris removal by 17% EDTA and 1% EGTA associated with 1,0% sodium hypochlorite: histological analysis

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    Souza, Rogério Emílio


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a capacidade de limpeza das paredes de canais radiculares de duas diferentes soluções quelantes (EDTA 17% e EGTA 1% no terço apical. Utilizaram-se 20 dentes incisivos centrais inferiores humanos, divididos em 2 grupos, em função da solução irrigante utilizada no preparo biomecânico da seguinte forma: GRUPO I – EDTA 17%, GRUPO II – EGTA 1%. As duas soluções foram associadas ao hipoclorito de sódio 1% na proporção 1:1. A instrumentação dos canais radiculares foi realizada por meio da técnica escalonada programada, e os mesmos eram irrigados com 4 ml de solução a cada troca de instrumento, sendo 2 ml da solução quelante e 2 ml de hipoclorito de sódio. No preparo dos espécimes para exame microscópico selecionaram- se 15 cortes do terço apical. Para a análise morfométrica, empregou-se um estereomicroscópio com aumento de 10× e uma grade de integração de 100 pontos. A análise estatística dos resultados mostrou haver diferenças estatísticas (p < 0,05 entre as soluções estudadas com vantagem para o EDTA. A adição das soluções quelantes à solução de hipoclorito de sódio 1% na proporção 1:1 não produzem paredes dentinárias de canais isentas de detritos no terço apical

  5. Anomalia de Ebstein: resultados com a reconstrução cônica da valva tricúspide

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    Silva José Pedro da


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados de uma modificação técnica de plastia da valva tricúspide na anomalia de Ebstein. MÉTODOS: De novembro/1993 a agosto/2002, 21 pacientes com anomalia de Ebstein da valva tricúspide, com idades variando de 20 meses a 37 (média: 23 anos, foram submetidos a uma nova técnica de plastia da valva tricúspide, onde o megafolheto anterior tricúspide é desinserido da parede ventricular e do anel valvar, total, ou quase totalmente, transformando-o num cone, cujo vértice permanece fixo na ponta do ventrículo direito e cuja base é suturada ao verdadeiro anel tricúspide, inclusive na região septal, após o ajuste, com uma plicatura do anel, ao tamanho da base do cone. RESULTADOS: Houve um (4,7%, óbito hospitalar, causado por baixo débito cardíaco em portador de miocardiopatia causada pela hipóxia crônica. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 4 anos e os ecocardiogramas recentes mostraram boa morfologia do ventrículo direito e valva tricúspide com discreta ou mínima insuficiência em 18 pacientes e moderada em 2. Em dois dos três portadores de feixe anômalo foi possível localizá-los e seccioná-los no ato cirúrgico. Não ocorreu bloqueio atrioventricular em nenhum dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica utilizada foi eficiente para a correção da insuficiência tricúspide e a restauração da morfologia do ventrículo direito, e aplicável para todos os tipos anatômicos de Ebstein, exceto o tipo D da classificação de Carpentier.

  6. Morphometry of the ruminal mucosa of Santa Ines lambs fed with levels of palm kernel cake (Elaeis guineensis, from biodiesel productionMorfometria da mucosa ruminal de cordeiros Santa Inês alimentados com níveis de torta de dendê (Elaeis guineensis, oriunda da produção do biodiesel

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    Adriana Regina Bagaldo


    Full Text Available The work was carried out to determine the best level of inclusion of palm kernel cake in the concentrate-based morphometry evaluation of the ruminal mucosa in Santa Ines lambs. The experiment lasted 80 days, the Tifton-85 hay in a proportion 50 forage 50concentrado. The food was offered at 9:00 and 16:00. We used 32 sheep of Santa Ines, between 4 and 6 months and body weight of 22 ± 2.75 kg. The experiment was a completely randomized design with four treatments and eight repetitions. The treatments consisted in the inclusion levels of palm kernel cake (0.0, 6.5, 13.0 and 19.5% in the dry matter. Variables evaluated in the ruminal mucosa were: height, width, area, density and thickness of papillary muscular layer of the rumen in the regions of the dorsal and ventral sac. There were no significant differences in the region of the dorsal sac of the rumen for variables analyzed with the inclusion of palm kernel cake in the diet. The ventral surface papillary bag quadratic effect, whereas the thickness of muscular layer decreasing linear effect. The inclusion of up to 19.5% palm kernel cake had no significant effect on the morphology of the papillae may be included in the diet of Santa Ines lambs.O trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar o melhor nível de inclusão da torta de dendê no concentrado com base na avaliação da morfometria da mucosa ruminal em cordeiros Santa Inês. O período experimental foi de 80 dias, sendo o feno de tifton-85 utilizado na proporção 50 volumoso:50concentrado. O alimento foi ofertado às 9h00 e 16h00. Foram empregados 32 ovinos da raça Santa Inês, entre 4 e 6 meses e peso corporal de 22 ± 2,75kg. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se nos níveis de inclusão da torta de dendê (0,0; 6,5; 13,0 e 19,5 % na matéria seca da ração. As variáveis avaliadas na mucosa ruminal foram: altura, largura, superf

  7. Evolución de los modelos constitutivos de respuesta pasiva para paredes arteriales//Evolution of constitutive models for passive response of the arterial walls

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    Guillermo Fernández‐Collazo


    Full Text Available La respuesta mecánica de las paredes arteriales se modifica como consecuencia del envejecimiento y el desarrollo de enfermedades. Estos cambios se ven reflejados en modificaciones en su estructura, composición, resistencia y forma. La predicción de su comportamiento en dependencia de su estado fisiológico usando modelos biomecánicos se muestra como una potente herramienta en el tratamiento y diagnóstico de aneurismas, ateroesclerosis, hipertensión arterial entre otras. Realizando un profundo análisis de la literatura consultada se presenta un estudio bibliográfico de los modelos constitutivos de paredes arteriales en su respuesta pasiva, clasificándolos y destacando sus principales ventajas, desventajas y la evolución de estos desde los puramente fenomenológicos hasta los más complejos.Palabras claves: modelos, arterias, respuesta pasiva, biomecánica._______________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe mechanical response of arterial walls is modified as a result of aging and disease development. These changes are reflected in changes in its composition, strength, shape and structure. The prediction of their behavior, depending on their physiological state used biomechanical models is shown as a powerful tool in the treatment and diagnosis of aneurysms, atherosclerosis, hypertensionand others. It´s presented in its passive response, a profound analysis of the literature and the bibliographic review of the constitutive models of arterial walls, classifying and highlighting their main advantages, disadvantages and the  volution from purely phenomenological to the most complex response.Key words: models, artery, passive response, biomechanics.

  8. Avaliação ultrassonográfica do meato acústico em cães Ultrasonographic evaluation of the external ear in dogs

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    Polyanne Cramer Schmidlin


    Full Text Available O propósito deste trabalho foi determinar a viabilidade da ultrassonografia para avaliar o canal auditivo externo de cães, aferindo a espessura e arquitetura da parede do conduto auditivo e bula timpânica. Foram avaliados 10 cães da raça Retriever do Labrador não portadores de otite externa. O exame foi realizado com o aparelho de ultrassonografia bidimensional e transdutor linear de 14 MHz, com todos os animais sob efeito de anestesia geral. O exame foi efetivado antes e depois do conduto ser preenchido com solução salina, promovendo uma janela acústica anecóica. A artéria maxilar foi identificada com o Doppler colorido o que facilitou a localização da bula timpânica em todos os cães. A definição da imagem da parede proximal ao transdutor foi pior quando comparada à parede distal r em todos os animais, isto devido à proximidade da parede com a face de leitura do transdutor. Nos cães que apresentavam uma maior quantidade de cerúmen a superfície do epitélio estava com uma camada hiperecóica mais evidente. A membrana timpânica não foi identificada em nenhum animal. Conclui-se que ultrassonografia é viável e deve ser mais pesquisada na contribuição diagnóstica das doenças óticas em cães.The purpose of this study was to determine the viability of ultrasonographic evaluation of the external ear in dogs. The thickness and architecture of the ear wall and tympanic bulla of 10 Labrador Retrievers without ear disease was evaluated. The examination was performed with an ultrasound system and a 14 MHz bidimentional linear-array transducer and general anesthesia, before and after the infusion of saline solution into the ear canal. The maxillary artery was identified with color Doppler and helped to establish the location of the tympanic bulla in all dogs. The proximal wall was less well-defined when compared with the distal wall of the ear canal. Dogs with increased ceruminal content within the ear canal showed a hypoechoic

  9. Craniocervical junction abnormalities with atlantoaxial subluxation caused by ventral subluxation of C2 in a dog

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    Harumichi Itoh


    Full Text Available Craniocervical junction abnormalities with atlantoaxial subluxation caused by ventral subluxation of C2 were diagnosed in a 6-month-old female Pomeranian with tetraplegia as a clinical sign. Lateral survey radiography of the neck with flexion revealed atlantoaxial subluxation with ventral subluxation of C2. Computed tomography revealed absence of dens and atlanto-occipital overlapping. Magnetic resonance imaging showed compression of the spinal cord and indentation of caudal cerebellum. The diagnosis was Chiari-like malformation, atlantoaxial subluxation with ventral displacement of C2, atlanto-occipital overlapping, and syringomyelia. The dog underwent foramen magnum decompression, dorsal laminectomy of C1, and ventral fixation of the atlantoaxial joint. Soon after the operation, voluntary movements of the legs were recovered. Finally, the dog could stand and walk without assistance. The dog had complicated malformations at the craniocervical junction but foramen magnum decompression and dorsal laminectomy for Chiari-like malformation, and ventral fixation for atlantoaxial subluxation resulted in an excellent clinical outcome.

  10. Chemotherapeutic Studies on Schistosomiasis and Clinical Epidemiological and Immunological Studies on Malaria in Amazonas, Brazil, Along the Ituxi River. (United States)


    pouso de Anopheles darlingi e do Anopheles aguasalis nas paredes inter- nas das casas . Revista do Servirgo Especial de Sa~de P~blica, Rio de Janeiro, 2... resistente a drogas. Acta Ama- z~nica, VII(2): 289. 18. Dixon, Llewellyn, 1979. Contribui;es ao estudo da maldria em trecho da Rodovia Transamaz~nica, Brasil

  11. Variação da ecogenicidade difusa em parênquima hepático homogêneo relacionada aos achados bioquímicos e hematológicos em cães

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    Fernanda P. Medeiros


    Full Text Available No presente estudo foi analisado o parênquima hepático com características homogêneas e ecogenicidade difusa reduzida (G1, aumentada (G2 e normal (G3, em relação ao perfil dos animais, dimensão do fígado e achado bioquímico e hematológico. Amostras de sangue obtidas por punção venosa da jugular ou da cefálica do antebraço foram encaminhadas para realização de hemograma e dosagem sérica de ALT, FA, proteínas totais, albumina, globulina, uréia e creatinina. Dos 30 cães que compuseram o G1, 30 (100% apresentaram evidenciação das paredes portais e da parede da vesícula biliar, 23 (76,67% fígado com dimensão preservada e bordos em ângulos agudos, 15 (50% faixa etária entre 1 e 6 anos de idade e 8 (26,67% eram da raça Lhasa apso. Não houve predisposição quanto ao sexo, assim como não foram identificadas alterações significativas nos exames bioquímicos e hematológicos dos cães do G1. Quanto aos diagnósticos clínicos atribuídos para estes cães, houve maior prevalência de gastroenterite (43,33%. Dos 30 cães do G2, 27 animais (90% apresentaram hepatomegalia e arredondamento dos bordos hepáticos, 18 (60% tinham idade superior a 9 anos, 16 (53,33% eram fêmeas e 9 (30% eram da raça poodle. Houve elevação da atividade sérica de FA e elevação de ALT, redução nos níveis de proteínas séricas totais, albumina, globulinas, eritrócitos e volume globular, além de leucocitose por neutrofilia, com desvio à esquerda, eosinopenia, linfopenia e monocitose nos cães do G2. Neste grupo houve prevalência de doenças metabólicas (54%, como diabetes mellitus e hiperadrenocorticismo, além das hepatopatias crônicas (17%, atribuídas ao uso contínuo e prolongado de corticóide e drogas anticonvulsivantes. Dos 30 cães do grupo controle (G3, 22 (73,33% apresentaram dimensões hepáticas inalteradas e bordos em ângulos agudos. Neste grupo de animais, não houve alterações significativas nos exames laboratoriais.

  12. Correction of distal hypospadias: ventral adaption of the prepuce and meatal advancement. (United States)

    Persson-Jünemann, C; Seemann, O; Köhrmann, K U; Potempa, D; Jünemann, K P; Alken, P


    In distal hypospadias without chordee, surgical correction has a purely cosmetic character. In contrast to standard techniques focusing on meatal position, parents often regard the redundant dorsal prepuce and its missing ventral fusion as the essential constituent of this malformation. The operative technique, presented in detail, emphasizes on foreskin reconstruction. The ventral adaption of the prepuce (VAP procedure) results in a penis with normal appearance. Complications presented reveal the importance of proper patient selection.

  13. Ventral hernia repair with poly-4-hydroxybutyrate mesh. (United States)

    Plymale, Margaret A; Davenport, Daniel L; Dugan, Adam; Zachem, Amanda; Roth, John Scott


    Biomaterial research has made available a biologically derived fully resorbable poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) mesh for use in ventral and incisional hernia repair (VIHR). This study evaluates outcomes of patients undergoing VIHR with P4HB mesh. An IRB-approved prospective pilot study was conducted to assess clinical and quality of life (QOL) outcomes for patients undergoing VIHR with P4HB mesh. Perioperative characteristics were defined. Clinical outcomes, employment status, QOL using 12-item short form survey (SF-12), and pain assessments were followed for 24 months postoperatively. 31 patients underwent VIHR with bioresorbable mesh via a Rives-Stoppa approach with retrorectus mesh placement. The median patient age was 52 years, median body mass index was 33 kg/m 2 , and just over half of the patients were female. Surgical site occurrences occurred in 19% of patients, most of which were seroma. Hernia recurrence rate was 0% (median follow-up = 414 days). Patients had significantly improved QOL at 24 months compared to baseline for SF-12 physical component summary and role emotional (p < 0.05). Ventral hernia repair with P4HB bioresorbable mesh results in favorable outcomes. Early hernia recurrence was not identified among the patient cohort. Quality of life improvements were noted at 24 months versus baseline for this cohort of patients with bioresorbable mesh. Use of P4HB mesh for ventral hernia repair was found to be feasible in this patient population. ( Identifier: NCT01863030).

  14. Functional Dissociations within the Ventral Object Processing Pathway: Cognitive Modules or a Hierarchical Continuum? (United States)

    Cowell, Rosemary A.; Bussey, Timothy J.; Saksida, Lisa M.


    We examined the organization and function of the ventral object processing pathway. The prevailing theoretical approach in this field holds that the ventral object processing stream has a modular organization, in which visual perception is carried out in posterior regions and visual memory is carried out, independently, in the anterior temporal…

  15. Monetary discounting and ventral striatal dopamine receptor availability in nontreatment-seeking alcoholics and social drinkers. (United States)

    Oberlin, Brandon G; Albrecht, Daniel S; Herring, Christine M; Walters, James W; Hile, Karen L; Kareken, David A; Yoder, Karmen K


    Dopamine (DA) in the ventral striatum (VST) has long been implicated in addiction pathologies, yet its role in temporal decision-making is not well-understood. To determine if VST DA D2 receptor availability corresponds with greater impulsive choice in both nontreatment-seeking alcoholics (NTS) and social drinkers (SD). NTS subjects (n = 10) and SD (n = 13) received PET scans at baseline with the D2/D3 radioligand [(11)C]raclopride (RAC). Outside the scanner, subjects performed a delay discounting procedure with monetary rewards. RAC binding potential (BPND) was estimated voxelwise, and correlations were performed to test for relationships between VST BPND and delay discounting performance. Self-reported impulsivity was also tested for correlations with BPND. Across all subjects, greater impulsive choice for $20 correlated with lower BPND in the right VST. NTS showed greater impulsive choice than SD and were more impulsive by self-report. Across all subjects, the capacity of larger rewards to reduce impulsive choice (the magnitude effect) correlated negatively (p = 0.028) with problematic alcohol use (AUDIT) scores. Self-reported impulsivity did not correlate with BPND in VST. Preference for immediate reinforcement may reflect greater endogenous striatal DA or lower D2 number, or both. Alcoholic status did not mediate significant effects on VST BPND, suggesting minimal effects from alcohol exposure. The apparent lack of BPND correlation with self-reported impulsivity highlights the need for objective behavioral assays in the study of the neurochemical substrates of behavior. Finally, our results suggest that the magnitude effect may be more sensitive to alcohol-induced problems than single discounting measures.

  16. Reduced activation in ventral striatum and ventral tegmental area during probabilistic decision-making in schizophrenia. (United States)

    Rausch, Franziska; Mier, Daniela; Eifler, Sarah; Esslinger, Christine; Schilling, Claudia; Schirmbeck, Frederike; Englisch, Susanne; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Kirsch, Peter; Zink, Mathias


    Patients with schizophrenia suffer from deficits in monitoring and controlling their own thoughts. Within these so-called metacognitive impairments, alterations in probabilistic reasoning might be one cognitive phenomenon disposing to delusions. However, so far little is known about alterations in associated brain functionality. A previously established task for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which requires a probabilistic decision after a variable amount of stimuli, was applied to 23 schizophrenia patients and 28 healthy controls matched for age, gender and educational levels. We compared activation patterns during decision-making under conditions of certainty versus uncertainty and evaluated the process of final decision-making in ventral striatum (VS) and ventral tegmental area (VTA). We replicated a pre-described extended cortical activation pattern during probabilistic reasoning. During final decision-making, activations in several fronto- and parietocortical areas, as well as in VS and VTA became apparent. In both of these regions schizophrenia patients showed a significantly reduced activation. These results further define the network underlying probabilistic decision-making. The observed hypo-activation in regions commonly associated with dopaminergic neurotransmission fits into current concepts of disrupted prediction error signaling in schizophrenia and suggests functional links to reward anticipation. Forthcoming studies with patients at risk for psychosis and drug-naive first episode patients are necessary to elucidate the development of these findings over time and the interplay with associated clinical symptoms. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Radiographic and ultrasonographic characteristics of ventral abdominal hernia in pigeons (Columba livia). (United States)

    Amer, Mohammed S; Hassan, Elham A; Torad, Faisal A


    Five female egg-laying pigeons presented with painless, reducible, ventral abdominal swellings located between the keel and the pubis, or close to the cloaca. Based on clinical, radiographic, and ultrasonographic examination, these pigeons were diagnosed with ventral abdominal hernia requiring surgical interference. Reduction was successfully performed under general anesthesia. Radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations were beneficial for confirming the diagnosis and visualizing the hernial content for surgical planning. Lateral radiographs were more helpful than ventrodorsal radiographs for identification of the hernial content and its continuation with the abdominal muscles. Ultrasonographic examination offered a non-invasive diagnostic tool that allowed for the differentiation of hernia from other abdominal swellings. In addition, it played a beneficial role in identification of the hernial content and follow up after surgical interference. In conclusion, radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations were beneficial in the diagnosis, surgical planning, and follow up after surgical interference of ventral abdominal hernia in pigeons.

  18. Risk-Assessment Score and Patient Optimization as Cost Predictors for Ventral Hernia Repair. (United States)

    Saleh, Sherif; Plymale, Margaret A; Davenport, Daniel L; Roth, John Scott


    Ventral hernia repair (VHR) is associated with complications that significantly increase healthcare costs. This study explores the associations between hospital costs for VHR and surgical complication risk-assessment scores, need for cardiac or pulmonary evaluation, and smoking or obesity counseling. An IRB-approved retrospective study of patients having undergone open VHR over 3 years was performed. Ventral Hernia Risk Score (VHRS) for surgical site occurrence and surgical site infection, and the Ventral Hernia Working Group grade were calculated for each case. Also recorded were preoperative cardiology or pulmonary evaluations, smoking cessation and weight reduction counseling, and patient goal achievement. Hospital costs were obtained from the cost accounting system for the VHR hospitalization stratified by major clinical cost drivers. Univariate regression analyses were used to compare the predictive power of the risk scores. Multivariable analysis was performed to develop a cost prediction model. The mean cost of index VHR hospitalization was $20,700. Total and operating room costs correlated with increasing CDC wound class, VHRS surgical site infection score, VHRS surgical site occurrence score, American Society of Anesthesiologists class, and Ventral Hernia Working Group (all p variance in costs (p optimization significantly reduced direct and operating room costs (p < 0.05). Cardiac evaluation was associated with increased costs. Ventral hernia repair hospital costs are more accurately predicted by CDC wound class than VHR risk scores. A straightforward 6-factor model predicted most cost variation for VHR. Copyright © 2018 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Reprodutibilidade interobservador da classificação da distopia genital proposta pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência Interobserver reproducibility of pelvic organ prolapse classification suggested by the International Continence Society

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    Paulo Cezar Feldner Jr


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: testar a reprodutibilidade entre observadores das medidas e do estádio da distopia genital pela classificação do prolapso pélvico feminino preconizada pela Sociedade Internacional de Continência (ICS. MÉTODOS: foram avaliadas 51 pacientes atendidas no setor de Uroginecologia e Cirurgia Vaginal do Departamento de Ginecologia da UNIFESP/EPM durante investigação uroginecológica. Descrevemos a localização dos pontos propostos pela classificação da ICS, sendo dois na parede vaginal anterior, dois no ápice vaginal, dois na parede vaginal posterior, além do hiato genital, corpo perineal e comprimento vaginal total. A seguir, realizamos o estadiamento da distopia genital baseada nesta classificação. O procedimento foi realizado por dois investigadores diferentes sem contato prévio entre eles. A reprodutibilidade das nove medidas sítio-específicas e do estádio final foi analisada pela correlação de Pearson e a média dos pontos específicos pelo teste de t-pareado. RESULTADOS: houve correlação significativa e substancial para as medidas avaliadas. O índice de correlação para o ponto Aa foi de 0,89 (pPURPOSE: to determine interobserver reliability of site-specific measurements and stages according to the proposed International Continence Society prolapse terminology document. METHODS: we analyzed 51 women during urogynecological investigation performed at the Urogynecology and Vaginal Surgery Sector of UNIFESP / EPM. We recorded the locations of point-specific measures proposed by the International Continence Society (ICS. They are: two in the anterior vaginal wall, two in the superior vagina, two in the posterior vaginal wall, genital hiatus, perineal body and total vaginal length. Then we recorded the stage of genital prolapse. Women underwent pelvic examinations by two investigators, each blinded to the results of the other's examination. The reproducibility of the nine site-specific measurements and the summary

  20. Anther and pollen development in some species of Poaceae (Poales Desenvolvimento da antera e do grão de pólen em espécies de Poaceae (Poales

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    AT. Nakamura


    Full Text Available Anther and pollen development were studied in Olyra humilis Nees, Sucrea monophylla Soderstr, (Bambusoideae, Axonopus aureus P. Beauv., Paspalum polyphyllum Nees ex Trin. (Panicoideae, Eragrostis solida Nees, and Chloris elata Desv. (Chloridoideae. The objective of this study was to characterise, embryologically, these species of subfamilies which are considered basal, intermediate and derivate, respectively. The species are similar to each other and to other Poaceae. They present the following characters: tetrasporangiate anthers; monocotyledonous-type anther wall development, endothecium showing annular thickenings, secretory tapetum; successive microsporogenesis; isobilateral tetrads; spheroidal, tricellular, monoporate pollen grains with annulus and operculum. Nevertheless, the exine patterns of the species studied are distinct. Olyra humilis and Sucrea monophylla (Bambusoideae show a granulose pattern, whereas in the other species, it is insular. In addition, Axonopus aureus and Paspalum polyphyllum (Panicoideae have a compactly insular spinule pattern, while Chloris elata and Eragrostis solida (Chloridoideae show a sparsely insular spinule pattern. The exine ornamentation may be considered an important feature at the infrafamiliar level.O desenvolvimento da antera e do grão de pólen de Olyra humilis Nees, Sucrea monophylla Soderstr. (Bambusoideae, Axonopus aureus P. Beauv., Paspalum polyphyllum Nees ex Trin. (Panicoideae, Eragrostis solida Nees and Chloris elata Desv. (Chloridoideae foi estudado visando caracterizar embriologicamente essas espécies de subfamílias consideradas basal, intermediária e derivada, respectivamente. As espécies são similares entre si e entre as demais Poaceae. Apresentam os seguintes caracteres: anteras tetrasporangiadas; desenvolvimento da parede da antera do tipo monocotiledôneo, endotécio com espessamento de parede anelar, tapete secretor; microsporogênese sucessiva; tétrades isobilaterais; grãos de

  1. Aspectos clínico-patológicos da intoxicação experimental pelas sementes de Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae em bovinos Experimental poisoning by Crotalaria mucronata (Fabaceae seeds in cattle

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    Murilo R. Boghossian


    Full Text Available Sementes moídas de Crotalaria mucronata Desv. (=Crotalaria striata DC., Crotalaria pallida Ait., Crotalaria saltiana, com nomes populares de "xique-xique" ou "guizo-de-cascavel", foram administradas por via oral a 9 bovinos. As doses diárias de 1g/kg, 2g/kg, 3g/kg cada uma a um bovino, e 5g/kg em dois de três bovinos, dadas durante 61 a 63 dias, não causaram intoxicação. A dose de 5g/kg em um bovino, 7,5g/kg em dois bovinos e 10g/kg em um bovino, dadas durante 47-61 dias, causaram sintomas entre 47 e 80 dias após o início da administração e a morte entre 3 horas e 5 dias após o início dos sintomas. Os principais sintomas foram pulso venoso positivo da veia jugular, respiração abdominal, taquicardia, inapetência, fezes ressequidas, edema sub-mandibular e fraqueza. Os achados de necropsia foram palidez pulmonar, hidropericárdio, hidrotórax, hidroperitôneo, edema de mesentério, aumento da consistência hepática, alterações de cor do fígado, dilatação de ventrículo cardíaco direito e edema da parede ruminal. As principais alterações histológicas concentraram-se nos pulmões, sob forma de espessamento das paredes alveolares e da parede das arteríolas com diminuição da luz e fibrose periarteriolar; havia também lesões hepáticas e cardíacas de menor importância. Pode-se concluir que as principais lesões causadas pela ingestão das sementes de C. mucronata durante períodos prolongados, devem-se à dificuldade de passagem do sangue pelos vasos pulmonares em função da hipertensão arterial decorrente de fibrose e espessamento arteriolar determinada pela ação pneumotóxica da planta.Experiments were performed to define the clinical and pathological picture of prolonged administration of the seeds of Crotalaria mucronata Desv. to cattle, in order to obtain additional information about this toxicosis. The ground seeds were administered orally to 9 bovines. Doses of 1g/kg/day, 2g/kg/day, 3g/kg/day each in one bovine

  2. Mapping a lateralisation gradient within the ventral stream for auditory speech perception


    Karsten eSpecht


    Recent models on speech perception propose a dual stream processing network, with a dorsal stream, extending from the posterior temporal lobe of the left hemisphere through inferior parietal areas into the left inferior frontal gyrus, and a ventral stream that is assumed to originate in the primary auditory cortex in the upper posterior part of the temporal lobe and to extend towards the anterior part of the temporal lobe, where it may connect to the ventral part of the inferior frontal gyrus...

  3. Mapping a lateralization gradient within the ventral stream for auditory speech perception


    Specht, Karsten


    Recent models on speech perception propose a dual-stream processing network, with a dorsal stream, extending from the posterior temporal lobe of the left hemisphere through inferior parietal areas into the left inferior frontal gyrus, and a ventral stream that is assumed to originate in the primary auditory cortex in the upper posterior part of the temporal lobe and to extend toward the anterior part of the temporal lobe, where it may connect to the ventral part of the inferior frontal gyrus....

  4. Patterning of the dorsal-ventral axis in echinoderms: insights into the evolution of the BMP-chordin signaling network.

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    François Lapraz


    Full Text Available Formation of the dorsal-ventral axis of the sea urchin embryo relies on cell interactions initiated by the TGFbeta Nodal. Intriguingly, although nodal expression is restricted to the ventral side of the embryo, Nodal function is required for specification of both the ventral and the dorsal territories and is able to restore both ventral and dorsal regions in nodal morpholino injected embryos. The molecular basis for the long-range organizing activity of Nodal is not understood. In this paper, we provide evidence that the long-range organizing activity of Nodal is assured by a relay molecule synthesized in the ventral ectoderm, then translocated to the opposite side of the embryo. We identified this relay molecule as BMP2/4 based on the following arguments. First, blocking BMP2/4 function eliminated the long-range organizing activity of an activated Nodal receptor in an axis rescue assay. Second, we demonstrate that BMP2/4 and the corresponding type I receptor Alk3/6 functions are both essential for specification of the dorsal region of the embryo. Third, using anti-phospho-Smad1/5/8 immunostaining, we show that, despite its ventral transcription, the BMP2/4 ligand triggers receptor mediated signaling exclusively on the dorsal side of the embryo, one of the most extreme cases of BMP translocation described so far. We further report that the pattern of pSmad1/5/8 is graded along the dorsal-ventral axis and that two BMP2/4 target genes are expressed in nested patterns centered on the region with highest levels of pSmad1/5/8, strongly suggesting that BMP2/4 is acting as a morphogen. We also describe the very unusual ventral co-expression of chordin and bmp2/4 downstream of Nodal and demonstrate that Chordin is largely responsible for the spatial restriction of BMP2/4 signaling to the dorsal side. Thus, unlike in most organisms, in the sea urchin, a single ventral signaling centre is responsible for induction of ventral and dorsal cell fates. Finally

  5. Synaptic neurotransmission depression in ventral tegmental dopamine neurons and cannabinoid-associated addictive learning. (United States)

    Liu, Zhiqiang; Han, Jing; Jia, Lintao; Maillet, Jean-Christian; Bai, Guang; Xu, Lin; Jia, Zhengping; Zheng, Qiaohua; Zhang, Wandong; Monette, Robert; Merali, Zul; Zhu, Zhou; Wang, Wei; Ren, Wei; Zhang, Xia


    Drug addiction is an association of compulsive drug use with long-term associative learning/memory. Multiple forms of learning/memory are primarily subserved by activity- or experience-dependent synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). Recent studies suggest LTP expression in locally activated glutamate synapses onto dopamine neurons (local Glu-DA synapses) of the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA) following a single or chronic exposure to many drugs of abuse, whereas a single exposure to cannabinoid did not significantly affect synaptic plasticity at these synapses. It is unknown whether chronic exposure of cannabis (marijuana or cannabinoids), the most commonly used illicit drug worldwide, induce LTP or LTD at these synapses. More importantly, whether such alterations in VTA synaptic plasticity causatively contribute to drug addictive behavior has not previously been addressed. Here we show in rats that chronic cannabinoid exposure activates VTA cannabinoid CB1 receptors to induce transient neurotransmission depression at VTA local Glu-DA synapses through activation of NMDA receptors and subsequent endocytosis of AMPA receptor GluR2 subunits. A GluR2-derived peptide blocks cannabinoid-induced VTA synaptic depression and conditioned place preference, i.e., learning to associate drug exposure with environmental cues. These data not only provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic depression at VTA dopamine circuitry requires GluR2 endocytosis, but also suggest an essential contribution of such synaptic depression to cannabinoid-associated addictive learning, in addition to pointing to novel pharmacological strategies for the treatment of cannabis addiction.

  6. Synaptic neurotransmission depression in ventral tegmental dopamine neurons and cannabinoid-associated addictive learning.

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    Zhiqiang Liu


    Full Text Available Drug addiction is an association of compulsive drug use with long-term associative learning/memory. Multiple forms of learning/memory are primarily subserved by activity- or experience-dependent synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP and long-term depression (LTD. Recent studies suggest LTP expression in locally activated glutamate synapses onto dopamine neurons (local Glu-DA synapses of the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA following a single or chronic exposure to many drugs of abuse, whereas a single exposure to cannabinoid did not significantly affect synaptic plasticity at these synapses. It is unknown whether chronic exposure of cannabis (marijuana or cannabinoids, the most commonly used illicit drug worldwide, induce LTP or LTD at these synapses. More importantly, whether such alterations in VTA synaptic plasticity causatively contribute to drug addictive behavior has not previously been addressed. Here we show in rats that chronic cannabinoid exposure activates VTA cannabinoid CB1 receptors to induce transient neurotransmission depression at VTA local Glu-DA synapses through activation of NMDA receptors and subsequent endocytosis of AMPA receptor GluR2 subunits. A GluR2-derived peptide blocks cannabinoid-induced VTA synaptic depression and conditioned place preference, i.e., learning to associate drug exposure with environmental cues. These data not only provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic depression at VTA dopamine circuitry requires GluR2 endocytosis, but also suggest an essential contribution of such synaptic depression to cannabinoid-associated addictive learning, in addition to pointing to novel pharmacological strategies for the treatment of cannabis addiction.

  7. Synaptic Neurotransmission Depression in Ventral Tegmental Dopamine Neurons and Cannabinoid-Associated Addictive Learning (United States)

    Liu, Zhiqiang; Han, Jing; Jia, Lintao; Maillet, Jean-Christian; Bai, Guang; Xu, Lin; Jia, Zhengping; Zheng, Qiaohua; Zhang, Wandong; Monette, Robert; Merali, Zul; Zhu, Zhou; Wang, Wei; Ren, Wei; Zhang, Xia


    Drug addiction is an association of compulsive drug use with long-term associative learning/memory. Multiple forms of learning/memory are primarily subserved by activity- or experience-dependent synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). Recent studies suggest LTP expression in locally activated glutamate synapses onto dopamine neurons (local Glu-DA synapses) of the midbrain ventral tegmental area (VTA) following a single or chronic exposure to many drugs of abuse, whereas a single exposure to cannabinoid did not significantly affect synaptic plasticity at these synapses. It is unknown whether chronic exposure of cannabis (marijuana or cannabinoids), the most commonly used illicit drug worldwide, induce LTP or LTD at these synapses. More importantly, whether such alterations in VTA synaptic plasticity causatively contribute to drug addictive behavior has not previously been addressed. Here we show in rats that chronic cannabinoid exposure activates VTA cannabinoid CB1 receptors to induce transient neurotransmission depression at VTA local Glu-DA synapses through activation of NMDA receptors and subsequent endocytosis of AMPA receptor GluR2 subunits. A GluR2-derived peptide blocks cannabinoid-induced VTA synaptic depression and conditioned place preference, i.e., learning to associate drug exposure with environmental cues. These data not only provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic depression at VTA dopamine circuitry requires GluR2 endocytosis, but also suggest an essential contribution of such synaptic depression to cannabinoid-associated addictive learning, in addition to pointing to novel pharmacological strategies for the treatment of cannabis addiction. PMID:21187978

  8. Doença de Chagas em Virgem da Lapa, Minas Gerais, Brasil. IV. Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos do aneurisma ventricular esquerdo Chagas' disease in Virgem da Lapa County, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. IV. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of the left ventricle aneurism

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    José Borges-Pereira


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas do aneurisma ventricular esquerdo na doença de Chagas crônica, 388 indivíduos não selecionados: 298 chagásicos e 90 não-chagásicos, foram submetidos ao exame ecocardiográfico. A função ventricular foi avaliada ao modo M através do cálculo da fração de ejeção e ao bidimensional através da análise subjetiva da função sistólica global e a contratilidade regional foi avaliada pelo modelo da Sociedade Americana de Ecocardiografia. Foram diagnosticados 56 (18,8% aneurismas do ventrículo esquerdo, todos entre os chagásicos, sendo 38 (12,7% no segmento apical, 10 (3,4% no septo interventricular, 2 (0,7% ápico-septal, 2 (0,7% na parede posterior, 2 (0,7% na parede inferior e 2 (0,7% no segmento ínfero-posterior. Não houve diferença significativa nas freqüências dos aneurismas em relação à faixa etária, ao sexo e à etnia. Não houve associação entre aneurismas e hipertensão arterial. Dos 56 indivíduos com aneurismas, 55 (98,2% eram sintomáticos com predominância de palpitações, 53 (94,6,% apresentaram ECG anormais, com predominância de extra-sístoles ventriculares, seguidas de alterações da condução e 34 (60,7% apresentaram comprometimento da função ventricular, sem diferença quanto ao segmento acometido. Diante destes resultados podemos considerar o aneurisma ventricular esquerdo, principalmente apical, como um marcador de doença de Chagas e um indicador da alta morbidade da infecção humana pelo T. cruzi em Virgem da Lapa.The study aimed at the evaluation of the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of the aneurism found in the left ventricle in chronic Chagas' disease patients. Three handred, eighty eight people (298 chagasic patients and 90 randomly selected healthy individuals were submitted to echocardiography. The ventricular function was assessed in the M mode by calculating the fraction of ejection, and in the

  9. Slits Are Chemorepellents Endogenous to Hypothalamus and Steer Thalamocortical Axons into Ventral Telencephalon


    Braisted, Janet E.; Ringstedt, Thomas; O'Leary, Dennis D. M.


    Thalamocortical axons (TCAs) originate in dorsal thalamus, extend ventrally along the lateral thalamic surface, and as they approach hypothalamus make a lateral turn into ventral telencephalon. In vitro studies show that hypothalamus releases a chemorepellent for TCAs, and analyses of knockout mice indicate that Slit chemorepellents and their receptor Robo2 influence TCA pathfinding. We show that Slit chemorepellents are the hypothalamic chemorepellent and act through Robos to steer TCAs into...

  10. Pain and convalescence following laparoscopic ventral hernia repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Eriksen, Jens Ravn

    Severe pain is usual after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR). Mesh fixation with titanium tacks may play a key role in the development of acute and chronic pain and alternative fixation methods should therefore be investigated. This PhD thesis was based on three studies and aimed too: 1) ...

  11. Rabdomiossarcoma aveolar de parede abdominal: estratégia terapêutica

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    Mateus Calixto Colturato


    Full Text Available O rabdomiossarcoma (RMS é um tumor maligno da infância de origemmesenquimatosa, sendo o sarcoma de partes moles mais comum e o quartotumor sólido mais comum na pediatria. O fato do tumor surgir em uma ampla variedade de locais, alguns associados a padrões de invasão local específicos, disseminação linfonodal regional, e resposta terapêutica, requerem médicos familiarizados com o estadiamentoespecífico do local e detalhes de tratamento. A terapia multifatorial que incluicirurgia, quimioterapia e frequentemente radioterapia podem ser associadas,visando a melhor abordagem para otimizar a chance de cura e manter aqualidade de vida. O resumo relata um paciente que foi admitido por uma massa na paredeabdominal com imunohistoquímica confirmando o diagnóstico, D33 e F5Dpositivos. Estadiamento clínico III. O tumor surgiu no músculo reto abdominalesquerdo, estendendo-se ao assoalho pélvico, deslocando a bexiga e o reto.Hidronefrose bilateral, trombose venosa profunda e linfedema do membroinferior esquerdo e inchaço da genitália externa estavam presentes. Aquimioterapia usada foi Ifosfamide, Vincristine e Dactinomycin e foi observado uma resposta terapêutica significativa. A abordagem cirúrgica consistiu em linfadenectomia da cadeia periaórtica e ilíaca, além da ressecção completa do tumor. Foi usada tela flexível de dupla face na reconstrução da paredeabdominal. Foi realizada radio e quimioterapia. O objetivo de cura é real e depende do estágio dos tumores. O manejo destes  pacientes ainda continua desafiador. Com a terapia multidisciplinar, o cirurgião desempenha um papel vital em determinar a estratificação do risco para o tratamento e o controle local do tumor primário para o RMS

  12. 'Batman excision' of ventral skin in hypospadias repair, clue to aesthetic repair (point of technique). (United States)

    Hoebeke, P B; De Kuyper, P; Van Laecke, E


    In the hypospadiac penis the ventral skin is poorly developed, while dorsal skin is redundant. The classical Byars' flaps are a way to use the excess dorsal skin to cover the penile shaft. The appearance after Byars' flaps however is not natural. We use a more natural looking skin allocation with superior aesthetic results. The clue in this reconstruction is an inverted triangle shaped excision of ventral skin expanding over the edges of the hooded prepuce (which makes it look like Batman). After excision of the ventral skin it is possible to close the penile skin in the midline, thus mimicking the natural raphe. In case of preputial reconstruction the excised ventral skin makes the prepuce look more natural. The trend of further refining aesthetic appearance of the hypospadiac penis often neglects the penile skin reconstruction. A technique is presented by which the total penile appearances after surgery ameliorates due to better skin reconstruction.

  13. Polyester composite versus PTFE in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. (United States)

    Colon, Modesto J; Telem, Dana A; Chin, Edward; Weber, Kaare; Divino, Celia M; Nguyen, Scott Q


    Both polyester composite (POC) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) mesh are commonly used for laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. However, sparse information exists comparing perioperative and long-term outcome by mesh repair. A prospective database was utilized to identify 116 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair at The Mount Sinai Hospital from 2004-2009. Patients were grouped by type of mesh used, PTFE versus POC, and retrospectively compared. Follow-up at a mean of 12 months was achieved by telephone interview and office visit. Of the 116 patients, 66 underwent ventral hernia repair with PTFE and 50 with POC mesh. Patients were well matched by patient demographics. No difference in mean body mass index (BMI) was demonstrated between the PTFE and POC group (31.8 vs. 32.5, respectively; P=NS). Operative time was significantly longer in the PTFE group (136 vs.106 minutes, PPTFE group and none in the POC group (P NS). No other major complications occurred in the immediate postoperative period (30 days). At a mean follow-up of 12 months, no significant difference was demonstrated between the PTFE and POC groups in hernia recurrence (3% vs. 2%), wound complications (1% vs. 0%), mesh infection, requiring removal (3% vs. 0%), bowel obstruction (3% vs. 2%), or persistent pain or discomfort (28% vs. 32%), respectively (P=NS). Our study demonstrated no significant association between types of mesh used and postoperative complications. In the 12-month follow-up, no differences were noted in hernia recurrence.

  14. Adenoma maligno de células cromófobas da hipófise

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    Roberto Melaragno Filho


    Full Text Available Estudo anátomo-clínico de um caso de adenoma maligno de células cromófobas da hipófise, com hipertensão intracraniana, hemianopsia homônima esquerda, hemiparesia capsular esquerda, hipersônia, distúrbios da memória para fatos recentes, diminuição progressiva da potência coeundi e hipoacusia, sintomatologia essa de 2 anos, precedida, um ano antes, por algumas perturbações visuais passageiras; nos últimos 6 meses, juntaram-se ao quadro clínico crises uncinadas e escarros sanguinolentos. Essa sintomatologia encontra plena explicação no substrato morfológico observado pelo estudo radiográfico e anátomo-patológico do caso. Radiologicamente, foram constatadas a localização selar do tumor e a dilatação dos ventrículos laterais. Esses achados foram confirmados pela necrópsia, que revelou a grande extensão do tumor, com destruição das paredes da sela túrcica, partes adjacentes do corpo e das pequenas asas do esfenóide, bem como das pontas dos ossos petrosos. Expandindo-se, dum lado o tumor atravessou o osso esfenóide e fez saliência na abóbada faríngea e, doutro, invadiu e lesou, à direita, a área perfurada anterior, região pré-óptica, porções supra-óptica e tuberal do hipotálamo, tracto óptico, partes inferiores do núcleo lentiforme e do segmento lentículo-caudado da cápsula interna, e, no lobo temporal, o uncus e a porção adjacente do giro hipocampal. O quadro histológico do tumor difere do que se observa nos adenomas comuns de células cromófobas da hipófise, principalmente pelo grande polimorfismo celular, maior freqüência de figuras mitóticas, e menor regularidade do arranjo das células.

  15. Fracionamento dos carboidratos pelas equações do Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System de três cultivares de girassol na presença ou não de irrigação Carbohydrate fractionation of three sunflower cultivars in the presence or absence of irrigation using the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System equations

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    Mário Adriano Ávila Queiroz


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se quantificar as frações de carboidratos pelas equações do Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS de três cultivares de girassol (Helianthus annuus L. cultivados na presença ou não de irrigação. A utilização de uma preparação fibrosa, denominada parede celular (PC, nas equações da CNCPS, em substituição à fibra em detergente neutro (FDN não promoveu diferenças nas frações de carboidratos B1 e C, mas influenciou as frações A e B2. Como os valores da fração B1, obtidos pelo modelo CNCPS foram menores que os teores de amido e pectina determinados em laboratório, supõe-se que a pectina e outros oligossacarídeos da parede celular, solubilizados pela solução de detergente neutro (fibra solúvel, nunca fizeram parte da fração B1, e sim da fração A. Apesar de os carboidratos da fibra solúvel apresentarem elevadas taxas de degradação, não parece adequada a caracterização da fibra solúvel na fração A. Parece mais adequado que a fibra solúvel (que inclui a pectina seja alocada a uma fração exclusivamente sua, que pode ser a fração B2, e que seja criada uma nova fração, a B3, para os carboidratos digeríveis da parede celular. Assim, a fração B1 seria composta apenas de amido. A equação da fração C, que estima os carboidratos indigeríveis da parede celular, pode ser simplificada, relacionando a fração indigerível ao teor de lignina na matéria seca, e não à FDN isenta de cinzas e proteína, como atualmente utilizado. Esta proposta tem implicações práticas, uma vez que a fração indigerível da parede celular tem sido expressa em relação à FDN, e não na MS, com base no fato de que os efeitos inibitórios da lignina ocorrem sobre os componentes fibrosos da parede celular vegetal, e não sobre o conteúdo celular.This work aimed to estimate the carbohydrate fractions in three sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cultivars in the presence or absence of irrigation, using the

  16. Estrutura anatômica da madeira e qualidade do carvão de Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd. Poir Anatonical structure and charcoal quality of Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd. Poir. Wood

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    Elisabeth de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou determinar algumas características anatômicas e dimensões de fibras, elementos dos vasos, células do parênquima e dos raios da madeira da Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd. Poir. Determinaram-se, ainda, a fração parede das fibras e o porcentual das fibras, dos vasos, dos raios e das células parenquimatosas, bem como a densidade, rendimento e propriedades do carvão vegetal. Conclui-se que a madeira de Mimosa tenuiflora possui poros predominantemente solitários, geminados e múltiplos em agrupamento radial; poros distribuídos em porosidade difusa uniforme; parênquima axial paratraqueal vasicêntrico, vasicêntrico confluente, aliforme e aliforme confluente; raios multisseriados, bisseriados e, menos freqüentemente, unisseriados; e fibras de parede espessa e muito curtas. Obteve-se um rendimento de 39,68% em carvão vegetal, com teor de carbono fixo de 71,70%, densidade igual a 0,51g/cm³, carbono fixo de 71,79 e poder calórico de 6.866 cal/g.The objective of this work was to determine anatomical characteristics, and dimensions of fibers, vessels and parenchyma and ray cells of Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd. Poir wood. Fibers wall fraction, the percentage of fibers, vessels and ray and parenchyma cells, as well as density and charcoal production and properties were determined. The wood of Mimosa teniflora presents predominantly solitary, geminated and multiple porous in radial groups; porous distributed in uniform diffuse porosity; axial parenchyma paratracheal vasicentric, confluent vasicentric, aliform and confluent aliform; multiseriate, biseiat rays and, less frequently, uniseriate ones; very short fibers with thick walls. Charcoal yield was 39.68% with a 0.51g/cm³ density, 71.79% carbon content and 6886cal/g calorific value.

  17. Complementary methods to estimate population size of Antillean Manatees (Sirenia: Trichechidae at Cienaga de Paredes, Santander, Colombia

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    G.K. Arevalo-Gonzalez


    Full Text Available Information on manatee population size in Colombia is limited. This study was aimed at determining manatee population size in the Cienaga de Paredes (Colombia by three different methods: boat-based surveys, side-scan Sonar (SSS surveys and local interviews. Manatees were counted during breathing events by direct observation during the dry season, with the number of sightings per hour (NSH and maximum number of simultaneous sightings (MNSS used as occurrence indices. In 2002, we obtained an average NSH of 27.62 (SD=12.34 and the MNSS was 18; in 2010 the values were 55.71 (SD=29.79 and four respectively. Using linear-transect SSS data we estimated a population size of 12 individuals (%CV=27.3. The local community claimed that no hunting or entanglements had taken place in the area for over 20 years. These methods have pros and cons in terms of investment, effort, efficiency and community involvement, and their efficiency may vary in different seasons. Applying them in a complementary way and at greater spatial and temporal scales could enhance the accuracy of results.

  18. Morfodiagnose da anatomia foliar e caulinar de Camellia sinensis (L. Kuntze, Theaceae

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    Márcia R. Duarte

    Full Text Available Camellia sinensis é um arbusto ou árvore de pequeno porte, de origem asiática, denominado de chá-da-índia, chá-verde ou chá-preto. Possui atividades antioxidante, antiinflamatória, antimicrobiana e hepatoprotetora. A comercialização dessa espécie é relevante, como droga farmacognóstica e insumo na indústria de bebidas. O presente trabalho trata da caracterização estrutural de folha e caule, de modo a contribuir na morfodiagnose para o controle de qualidade. Amostras do material vegetal foram fixadas, seccionadas e coradas com azul de astra e fucsina básica. Testes microquímicos usuais foram realizados. A folha apresenta estômatos anomocíticos na face abaxial, tricomas tectores unicelulares em ambas as superfícies, mesofilo dorsiventral, drusas de oxalato de cálcio, nervura central biconvexa e pecíolo plano-convexo, ambos percorridos por feixe vascular colateral. O caule, no nível analisado, possui epiderme unisseriada, camada subepidérmica de células colabadas, bainha esclerenquimática, estrato de células com paredes espessadas em U, organização vascular colateral e medula com células parenquimáticas e esclerenquimáticas. Esclereídes são encontradas na folha e no caule.

  19. Biomimetic collagen/elastin meshes for ventral hernia repair in a rat model. (United States)

    Minardi, Silvia; Taraballi, Francesca; Wang, Xin; Cabrera, Fernando J; Van Eps, Jeffrey L; Robbins, Andrew B; Sandri, Monica; Moreno, Michael R; Weiner, Bradley K; Tasciotti, Ennio


    Ventral hernia repair remains a major clinical need. Herein, we formulated a type I collagen/elastin crosslinked blend (CollE) for the fabrication of biomimetic meshes for ventral hernia repair. To evaluate the effect of architecture on the performance of the implants, CollE was formulated both as flat sheets (CollE Sheets) and porous scaffolds (CollE Scaffolds). The morphology, hydrophylicity and in vitro degradation were assessed by SEM, water contact angle and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. The stiffness of the meshes was determined using a constant stretch rate uniaxial tensile test, and compared to that of native tissue. CollE Sheets and Scaffolds were tested in vitro with human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (h-BM-MSC), and finally implanted in a rat ventral hernia model. Neovascularization and tissue regeneration within the implants was evaluated at 6weeks, by histology, immunofluorescence, and q-PCR. It was found that CollE Sheets and Scaffolds were not only biomechanically sturdy enough to provide immediate repair of the hernia defect, but also promoted tissue restoration in only 6weeks. In fact, the presence of elastin enhanced the neovascularization in both sheets and scaffolds. Overall, CollE Scaffolds displayed mechanical properties more closely resembling those of native tissue, and induced higher gene expression of the entire marker genes tested, associated with de novo matrix deposition, angiogenesis, adipogenesis and skeletal muscles, compared to CollE Sheets. Altogether, this data suggests that the improved mechanical properties and bioactivity of CollE Sheets and Scaffolds make them valuable candidates for applications of ventral hernia repair. Due to the elevated annual number of ventral hernia repair in the US, the lack of successful grafts, the design of innovative biomimetic meshes has become a prime focus in tissue engineering, to promote the repair of the abdominal wall, avoid recurrence. Our meshes (Coll

  20. Correlation between early surgical complications and readmission rate after ventral hernia repair. (United States)

    Kokotovic, D; Sjølander, H; Gögenur, I; Helgstrand, F


    Postoperative surgical complications arising from ventral hernia repair have been assessed by a variety of outcome measures. The objective of this study was to correlate the Clavien Dindo Classification (CDC) graded complications with the 30-day readmission rate as early outcome measures in ventral hernia repair. Secondarily, we wanted to investigate whether the risk factors for Clavien Dindo class ≥1 and 30-day readmission were comparable. Single-centre retrospective study including all patients (≥18 years) who underwent ventral hernia repair between January 1, 2009 and September 1, 2014 at Zealand University Hospital. Data were obtained from hospital files and the Danish National Patient Registry. A 100% follow-up was obtained. In total, the study included 700 patients (261 patients with incisional hernia repair and 439 patients with umbilical or epigastric hernia repair). There was a significant association between a complication graded by the CDC ≥1 and 30-day readmission for both incisional and umbilical/epigastric hernia repair (p readmission. Recurrent (vs. primary) hernia repair was an independent risk factors for both CDC ≥1 and 30-day readmission in umbilical/epigastric hernia repair. Furthermore, hernia size 2-7 cm (vs. >2 cm) was a risk factor for CDC ≥1 but not for 30-day readmission in umbilical/epigastric hernia repair. Reports on 30-day readmission can be used as a general outcome measure in ventral hernia repair, however CDC provides a more precise and detailed registration of postoperative complications.

  1. Estructura floral de dos especies de Trachycarpeae (Arecaceae

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    Lorena I. Guevara


    Full Text Available Copernicia y Washingtonia son dos de los géneros de Trachycarpeae para los cuales no ha sido propuesta una clasificación subtribal debido a la carencia de resolución en los estudios filogenéticos. La morfología y anatomía floral dentro de Coryphoideae han sido útiles para la delimitación de taxones y apoyo de relaciones. En este trabajo se presenta una descripción de la estructura morfo-anatómica de las flores de C. tectorum y W. filifera, con la finalidad de explorar caracteres reproductivos que puedan aclarar su ubicación dentro de la subfamilia y contribuir con estudios de biología floral. Se fijaron flores de especimenes cultivados de ambos taxones y frutos en desarrollo de C. tectorum, se realizaron disecciones para las descripciones morfológicas y cortes anatómicos seriados para la obtención de láminas permanentes utilizando técnicas convencionales con parafina. Todos los procedimientos fueron llevados a cabo en el Laboratorio de Morfo-Anatomía, Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV. Ambas especies tienen flores hermafroditas. Las flores de C. tectorum tienen perianto engrosado y pubescente. Las flores de W. filifera presentan un cáliz irregularmente dentado y corola corto-acuminada. Se reportan células con drusas en el tubo estaminal de C. tectorum. Uno solo de los carpelos de C. tectorum se desarrolla en fruto y se encontró una capa de células con rafidios que podrían formar el endocarpo crustáceo en los frutos maduros. W. filifera presenta pocas capas de células de paredes engrosadas y tejido esclerenquimático en el mesofilo del perianto, gineceo con carpelos fusionados en el ápice del ovario (en su porción ventral, libres en la base y en el ápice del estilo, donde presenta suturas ventrales abiertas. Los pétalos de C. tectorum poseen una hipodermis ventral de células con paredes muy engrosadas, gineceo con carpelos fusionados en el ápice del ovario, libres y adpresos en su

  2. Opposing dorsal/ventral stream dynamics during figure-ground segregation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wokke, M.E.; Scholte, H.S.; Lamme, V.A.F.


    The visual system has been commonly subdivided into two segregated visual processing streams: The dorsal pathway processes mainly spatial information, and the ventral pathway specializes in object perception. Recent findings, however, indicate that different forms of interaction (cross-talk) exist

  3. Despatriarcalizando: Julieta Paredes y su vinculación con el discurso político y poético de mujeres mapuche.

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    Claudia Arellano Hermosilla


    Full Text Available El siguiente texto explora la vinculación entre el discurso de Julieta Paredes -feminista indígena aymara, y una de las fundadoras del Colectivo Mujeres Creando Comunidad en Bolivia-, con algunas de las poetas mapuche, quienes sitúan el ‘cuerpo’ como topos de resistencia activa a la normatividad social, proponiendo no solo rupturas al canon tradicional, sino también realizando una crítica a la cultura patriarcal indígena y un cuestionamiento activo al feminismo occidental. Estos discursos van tensionando esa suerte de ‘deber ser’ que se transfiere a las mujeres de estos pueblos al representar una cultura en estado prístino, como expresión de aquello que se denomina tradición y que ha sido mantenido por la “colonialidad”.

  4. Prey selection of a captive Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus hammering Mussels Mytilus edulis from the ventral side

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ens, Bruno J.; Alting, D


    We studied prey choice of a captive Oystercatcher:hat hammered Mussels from the ventral side. The results replicate previous findings that ventral hammerers select Mussels of intermediate size, select against thick-shelled Mussels, abandon an increasing proportion of Mussels with increasing size and

  5. Orbitofrontal lesions eliminate signalling of biological significance in cue-responsive ventral striatal neurons. (United States)

    Cooch, Nisha K; Stalnaker, Thomas A; Wied, Heather M; Bali-Chaudhary, Sheena; McDannald, Michael A; Liu, Tzu-Lan; Schoenbaum, Geoffrey


    The ventral striatum has long been proposed as an integrator of biologically significant associative information to drive actions. Although inputs from the amygdala and hippocampus have been much studied, the role of prominent inputs from orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) are less well understood. Here, we recorded single-unit activity from ventral striatum core in rats with sham or ipsilateral neurotoxic lesions of lateral OFC, as they performed an odour-guided spatial choice task. Consistent with prior reports, we found that spiking activity recorded in sham rats during cue sampling was related to both reward magnitude and reward identity, with higher firing rates observed for cues that predicted more reward. Lesioned rats also showed differential activity to the cues, but this activity was unbiased towards larger rewards. These data support a role for OFC in shaping activity in the ventral striatum to represent the biological significance of associative information in the environment.

  6. Caracterização do secretoma de Aspergillus oryzae crescido em estado sólido de bagaço de cana


    Pinto, Ana Carolline Ribeiro de Toledo


    A cana de açúcar é a segunda cultura mais abundante no país, e tem como resíduo o bagaço de cana, o qual é constituído por células vegetais que possuem uma parede celular composta por celulose, hemicelulose e pectina, além da lignina. A biomassa lignocelulósica armazena grande quantidade de energia química, que pode ser convertida em diversas outras fontes energéticas. Fungos filamentosos são microrganismos capazes de produzir e secretar enzimas variadas para utilizar a parede celular vegetal...

  7. Avaliação de sistemas de acabamento para rebocos de edifícios antigos


    Remédios, Nuno; Faria, Paulina


    O uso da cal na construção remonta há milhares de anos atrás. Existem inúmeras construções antigas que ainda apresentamalvenarias, revestimentos e acabamentos de paredes com cal. Os revestimentos e particularmente as camadas de acabamento são os elementos construtivos mais expostos das paredes e são, também, os elementos mais sujeitos a degradação. São também fundamentais para a aparência estética dos edifícios. Torna-se necessário aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a eficiência de ...

  8. Preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature


    Bhat, Amilal; Gandhi, Ajay; Saxena, Gajendra; Choudhary, Gautam Ram


    Aims : Objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and results of preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (TIP) in patients of proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature. Materials and Methods : Twenty-seven patients of proximal hypospadias who underwent preputioplasty with TIP were evaluated retrospectively. Ventral curvature was corrected by mobilization of the urethral plate with the corpus spongiosum and the proximal urethra; dorsal plica...

  9. Chronic alcohol intake abolishes the relationship between dopamine synthesis capacity and learning signals in the ventral striatum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Deserno, Lorenz; Beck, Anne; Huys, Quentin J. M.


    Drugs of abuse elicit dopamine release in the ventral striatum, possibly biasing dopamine-driven reinforcement learning towards drug-related reward at the expense of non-drug-related reward. Indeed, in alcohol-dependent patients, reactivity in dopaminergic target areas is shifted from non-drug......-related stimuli towards drug-related stimuli. Such ‘hijacked’ dopamine signals may impair flexible learning from non-drug-related rewards, and thus promote craving for the drug of abuse. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure ventral striatal activation by reward prediction errors (RPEs......) during a probabilistic reversal learning task in recently detoxified alcohol-dependent patients and healthy controls (N = 27). All participants also underwent 6-[18F]fluoro-DOPA positron emission tomography to assess ventral striatal dopamine synthesis capacity. Neither ventral striatal activation...

  10. Contribuição ao estudo de propriedades do solo-cimento autoadensável para fabricação de paredes monolíticas

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    Ana Paula da Silva Milani

    Full Text Available Resumo Foram estudadas as propriedades físico-mecânicas do solo-cimento autoadensável (SCAA, de forma a desenvolver misturas de solo, cimento, água e aditivos para o alcance de desempenho mínimo para sua aplicação em fôrmas monolíticas sem a necessidade de compactação e adensamento mecânico. Para tal, pesquisou-se com as misturas de SCAA nos traços 1:8 e 1:12 (cimento:solo, em massa a influência da relação água-solo, do teor e do tipo de aditivo, e adotou-se como consistência fluida adequada do SCAA o diâmetro de espalhamento de 250 mm no ensaio de determinação de índice de consistência de argamassas. Posteriormente, foram realizados os ensaios de compressão axial, compressão diametral, retração e fissuração para a análise do desempenho físico-mecânico. Os resultados mostraram que o SCAA alcança autoadensabilidade a partir do uso de aditivos superplastificantes na faixa de 0,8% a 1,2% em relação à massa de cimento, sendo os parâmetros de relevância para fabricação do SCAA e atendimento às solicitações usuais de paredes monolíticas a dosagem mínima de cimento na ordem de 8% em relação à massa de solo arenoso; e os Limites de Atterberg como referência para a relação água-solo mínima.

  11. Blindness alters the microstructure of the ventral but not the dorsal visual stream. (United States)

    Reislev, Nina L; Kupers, Ron; Siebner, Hartwig R; Ptito, Maurice; Dyrby, Tim B


    Visual deprivation from birth leads to reorganisation of the brain through cross-modal plasticity. Although there is a general agreement that the primary afferent visual pathways are altered in congenitally blind individuals, our knowledge about microstructural changes within the higher-order visual streams, and how this is affected by onset of blindness, remains scant. We used diffusion tensor imaging and tractography to investigate microstructural features in the dorsal (superior longitudinal fasciculus) and ventral (inferior longitudinal and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi) visual pathways in 12 congenitally blind, 15 late blind and 15 normal sighted controls. We also studied six prematurely born individuals with normal vision to control for the effects of prematurity on brain connectivity. Our data revealed a reduction in fractional anisotropy in the ventral but not the dorsal visual stream for both congenitally and late blind individuals. Prematurely born individuals, with normal vision, did not differ from normal sighted controls, born at term. Our data suggest that although the visual streams are structurally developing without normal visual input from the eyes, blindness selectively affects the microstructure of the ventral visual stream regardless of the time of onset. We suggest that the decreased fractional anisotropy of the ventral stream in the two groups of blind subjects is the combined result of both degenerative and cross-modal compensatory processes, affecting normal white matter development.

  12. Ventral impressions on the hypopharynx

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Daschner, H.; Hannig, C.


    Two impressions can be seen on the ventral aspect of the hypopharynx and upper oesophagus; on static images it is difficult to differentiate these from small tumours. In order to evaluate this region more accurately, we have examined 150 patients by means of rapid rate cinematography. In 52.6% we found a constant irregular or convex impression formed by the cricoid; in the other cases this was not seen or was quite minimal. In 93% a sub-cricoid impression could be demonstrated which was due to lax mucosa. Characteristically this showed a variable appearance during the passage of a bolus. Only the cricoid impression was associated with dysphagia. (orig.) [de

  13. Pipe-dependent ventral processing of Easter by Snake is the defining step in Drosophila embryo DV axis formation. (United States)

    Cho, Yong Suk; Stevens, Leslie M; Stein, David


    The establishment of Drosophila embryonic dorsal-ventral (DV) polarity relies on serine proteolytic activity in the perivitelline space between the embryonic membrane and the eggshell. Gastrulation Defective cleaves and activates Snake, which processes and activates Easter, which cleaves Spätzle to form the activating ligand for the Toll receptor. Ventral restriction of ligand formation depends on the Pipe sulfotransferase, which is expressed in ventral cells of the follicular epithelium surrounding the developing oocyte. Pipe modifies components of the developing eggshell to produce a ventral cue embedded in the vitelline membrane. This ventral cue is believed to promote one or more of the proteolysis steps in the perivitelline space. By examining the processing of transgenic, tagged versions of the perivitelline proteins during DV patterning, we find that the proteolysis of Easter by Snake is the first Pipe-dependent step and therefore the key ventrally restricted event in the protease cascade. We also find that Snake and Easter associate together in a complex in both wild-type and pipe mutant-derived embryos. This observation suggests a mechanism in which the sulfated target of Pipe promotes a productive interaction between Snake and Easter, perhaps by facilitating conformational changes in a complex containing the two proteins. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Avaliação de sete genótipos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench para produção de silagem. III- Valor nutricional

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    Rocha Jr. V.R.


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS, a proteína bruta e os componentes da parede celular de sete genótipos de sorgo de diferentes portes e suculência do colmo para produção de silagem. A colheita do material a ser ensilado foi realizada durante o estádio de grão leitoso/pastoso, com 102 dias de idade. Na ensilagem utilizaram-se silos de laboratório, feitos de PVC. Os silos foram abertos após 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias de fermentação. O teor de PB oscilou de 4,8 a 9,1% entre os diferentes tipos de sorgo. A altura da planta não retratou a proporção de grãos e principalmente a digestibilidade do material, já que os dois sorgos de porte médio apresentaram as mais altas porcentagens de panícula e os menores valores de DIVMS. A correlação entre DIVMS e porcentagem de folhas foi positiva e entre DIVMS e componentes da parede celular foi negativa.

  15. The Neural Representation of Goal-Directed Actions and Outcomes in the Ventral Striatum's Olfactory Tubercle (United States)

    Gadziola, Marie A.


    The ventral striatum is critical for evaluating reward information and the initiation of goal-directed behaviors. The many cellular, afferent, and efferent similarities between the ventral striatum's nucleus accumbens and olfactory tubercle (OT) suggests the distributed involvement of neurons within the ventral striatopallidal complex in motivated behaviors. Although the nucleus accumbens has an established role in representing goal-directed actions and their outcomes, it is not known whether this function is localized within the nucleus accumbens or distributed also within the OT. Answering such a fundamental question will expand our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying motivated behaviors. Here we address whether the OT encodes natural reinforcers and serves as a substrate for motivational information processing. In recordings from mice engaged in a novel water-motivated instrumental task, we report that OT neurons modulate their firing rate during initiation and progression of the instrumental licking behavior, with some activity being internally generated and preceding the first lick. We further found that as motivational drive decreases throughout a session, the activity of OT neurons is enhanced earlier relative to the behavioral action. Additionally, OT neurons discriminate the types and magnitudes of fluid reinforcers. Together, these data suggest that the processing of reward information and the orchestration of goal-directed behaviors is a global principle of the ventral striatum and have important implications for understanding the neural systems subserving addiction and mood disorders. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Goal-directed behaviors are widespread among animals and underlie complex behaviors ranging from food intake, social behavior, and even pathological conditions, such as gambling and drug addiction. The ventral striatum is a neural system critical for evaluating reward information and the initiation of goal-directed behaviors. Here we

  16. Deep Neural Networks Reveal a Gradient in the Complexity of Neural Representations across the Ventral Stream. (United States)

    Güçlü, Umut; van Gerven, Marcel A J


    Converging evidence suggests that the primate ventral visual pathway encodes increasingly complex stimulus features in downstream areas. We quantitatively show that there indeed exists an explicit gradient for feature complexity in the ventral pathway of the human brain. This was achieved by mapping thousands of stimulus features of increasing complexity across the cortical sheet using a deep neural network. Our approach also revealed a fine-grained functional specialization of downstream areas of the ventral stream. Furthermore, it allowed decoding of representations from human brain activity at an unsurpassed degree of accuracy, confirming the quality of the developed approach. Stimulus features that successfully explained neural responses indicate that population receptive fields were explicitly tuned for object categorization. This provides strong support for the hypothesis that object categorization is a guiding principle in the functional organization of the primate ventral stream. Copyright © 2015 the authors 0270-6474/15/3510005-10$15.00/0.

  17. Lateral prefrontal cortex is organized into parallel dorsal and ventral streams along the rostro-caudal axis. (United States)

    Blumenfeld, Robert S; Nomura, Emi M; Gratton, Caterina; D'Esposito, Mark


    Anatomical connectivity differences between the dorsal and ventral lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the non-human primate strongly suggests that these regions support different functions. However, after years of study, it remains unclear whether these regions are functionally distinct. In contrast, there has been a groundswell of recent studies providing evidence for a rostro-caudal functional organization, along the lateral as well as dorsomedial frontal cortex. Thus, it is not known whether dorsal and ventral regions of lateral PFC form distinct functional networks and how to reconcile any dorso-ventral organization with the medio-lateral and rostro-caudal axes. Here, we used resting-state connectivity data to identify parallel dorsolateral and ventrolateral streams of intrinsic connectivity with the dorsomedial frontal cortex. Moreover, we show that this connectivity follows a rostro-caudal gradient. Our results provide evidence for a novel framework for the intrinsic organization of the frontal cortex that incorporates connections between medio-lateral, dorso-ventral, and rostro-caudal axes.

  18. The neuroanatomic complexity of the CRF and DA systems and their interface: What we still don't know. (United States)

    Kelly, E A; Fudge, J L


    Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is a neuropeptide that mediates the stress response. Long known to contribute to regulation of the adrenal stress response initiated in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA), a complex pattern of extrahypothalamic CRF expression is also described in rodents and primates. Cross-talk between the CRF and midbrain dopamine (DA) systems links the stress response to DA regulation. Classically CRF + cells in the extended amygdala and paraventricular nucleus (PVN) are considered the main source of this input, principally targeting the ventral tegmental area (VTA). However, the anatomic complexity of both the DA and CRF system has been increasingly elaborated in the last decade. The DA neurons are now recognized as having diverse molecular, connectional and physiologic properties, predicted by their anatomic location. At the same time, the broad distribution of CRF cells in the brain has been increasingly delineated using different species and techniques. Here, we review updated information on both CRF localization and newer conceptualizations of the DA system to reconsider the CRF-DA interface. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. The functional anatomy of speech perception: Dorsal and ventral processing pathways (United States)

    Hickok, Gregory


    Drawing on recent developments in the cortical organization of vision, and on data from a variety of sources, Hickok and Poeppel (2000) have proposed a new model of the functional anatomy of speech perception. The model posits that early cortical stages of speech perception involve auditory fields in the superior temporal gyrus bilaterally (although asymmetrically). This cortical processing system then diverges into two broad processing streams, a ventral stream, involved in mapping sound onto meaning, and a dorsal stream, involved in mapping sound onto articulatory-based representations. The ventral stream projects ventrolaterally toward inferior posterior temporal cortex which serves as an interface between sound and meaning. The dorsal stream projects dorsoposteriorly toward the parietal lobe and ultimately to frontal regions. This network provides a mechanism for the development and maintenance of ``parity'' between auditory and motor representations of speech. Although the dorsal stream represents a tight connection between speech perception and speech production, it is not a critical component of the speech perception process under ecologically natural listening conditions. Some degree of bi-directionality in both the dorsal and ventral pathways is also proposed. A variety of recent empirical tests of this model have provided further support for the proposal.

  20. Oxytocin receptors are expressed on dopamine and glutamate neurons in the mouse ventral tegmental area that project to nucleus accumbens and other mesolimbic targets. (United States)

    Peris, Joanna; MacFadyen, Kaley; Smith, Justin A; de Kloet, Annette D; Wang, Lei; Krause, Eric G


    The mesolimbic dopamine (DA) circuitry determines which behaviors are positively reinforcing and therefore should be encoded in the memory to become a part of the behavioral repertoire. Natural reinforcers, like food and sex, activate this pathway, thereby increasing the likelihood of further consummatory, social, and sexual behaviors. Oxytocin (OT) has been implicated in mediating natural reward and OT-synthesizing neurons project to the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (NAc); however, direct neuroanatomical evidence of OT regulation of DA neurons within the VTA is sparse. To phenotype OT-receptor (OTR) expressing neurons originating within the VTA, we delivered Cre-inducible adeno-associated virus that drives the expression of fluorescent marker into the VTA of male mice that had Cre-recombinase driven by OTR gene expression. OTR-expressing VTA neurons project to NAc, prefrontal cortex, the extended amygdala, and other forebrain regions but less than 10% of these OTR-expressing neurons were identified as DA neurons (defined by tyrosine hydroxylase colocalization). Instead, almost 50% of OTR-expressing cells in the VTA were glutamate (GLU) neurons, as indicated by expression of mRNA for the vesicular GLU transporter (vGluT). About one-third of OTR-expressing VTA neurons did not colocalize with either DA or GLU phenotypic markers. Thus, OTR expression by VTA neurons implicates that OT regulation of reward circuitry is more complex than a direct action on DA neurotransmission. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:1094-1108, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. The effects of local nitroglycerin on the surgical delay procedure in prefabricated flaps by vascular implant in rats Efeitos da nitroglicerina tópica na autonomização de retalhos pré-fabricados por implante vascular em ratos

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    Jairo Zacchê de Sá


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of local nitroglycerin on the viable area of a prefabricated flap for vascular implant in rats, and to investigate the surgical delay procedure. METHODS: A femoral pedicle was implanted under the skin of the abdominal wall in forty Wistar rats. The animals were divided into four groups of ten: group 1 - without surgical delay procedure and local nitroglycerin; group 2 - with surgical delay procedure, but without local nitroglycerin; group 3 - without surgical delay procedure, but with local nitroglycerin; and group 4 - with simultaneous surgical delay procedure and local nitroglycerin. The percentages of the viable areas, in relation to the total flap, were calculated using AutoCAD R 14. RESULTS: The mean percentage value of the viable area was 8.9% in the group 1. 49.4% in the group 2; 8.4% in the group 3 and 1.1% in the group 4. There was significant difference between groups 1 and 2 (p=0.005, 1 and 4 (p=0.024, 2 and 3 (p=0.003, 2 and 4 (p=0.001. These results support the hypothesis that the closure of the arterial venous channels is responsible for the phenomenon of surgical delay procedure. CONCLUSION: Local nitroglycerin did not cause an increase in the prefabricated viable flap area by vascular implantation and decreased the viable flap area that underwent delay procedures.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da nitroglicerina tópica sobre a área viável de um modelo de retalho pré-fabricado por implante vascular em ratos e analisar o mecanismo de autonomização cirúrgica aplicada a retalhos pré-fabricados. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos Wistar. No primeiro tempo cirúrgico - 20 ratos foram submetidos a implante do pedículo femoral na região subdérmica da parede abdominal, e 20 submetidos à autonomização cirúrgica de retalho cutâneo de parede abdominal e, simultaneamente, implante do pedículo femoral na região subdérmica deste retalho. No segundo tempo - após três semanas e em todos os animais

  2. Long-term Results of Ventral Penile Curvature Repair in Childhood. (United States)

    Golomb, Dor; Sivan, Bezalel; Livne, Pinhas M; Nevo, Amihay; Ben-Meir, David


    To assess the postpubertal outcome of ventral penile curvature repaired in infancy in terms of recurrence and aesthetics. Postpubertal patients treated for hypospadias and ventral penile curvature in infancy at a tertiary medical center were invited to undergo assessment of the quality of the repair. Findings were compared between patients with a straight penis after skin release and patients who required dorsal plication. The cohort included 27 patients of mean age 16.5 years who were reported with straight penis after surgery. Postpubertal curvature was found in 6 of 14 patients (43%) successfully treated by skin release and 10 of 13 patients (77%) who underwent dorsal plication (P = .087). Significant curvature (≥30 degrees) was found in 1 of 14 patients in the skin-release group and 4 of 13 in the dorsal plication group (P = .16). Rates of redo urethroplasty were 2 of 14 (14%) and 5 of 10 (50%), respectively. Patient satisfaction with the appearance of the penis did not differ significantly. Ventral penile curvature repaired in infancy often recurs after puberty. The need for dorsal plication has a trend-level association with recurrence of penile curvature in puberty. It might also be related to the degree of postpubertal penile curvature and the need for redo urethroplasty. Procedure type does not affect patient satisfaction with the postpubertal appearance of the penis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Involvement of serotonin in the ventral tegmental area in thermoregulation of freely moving rats. (United States)

    Ishiwata, Takayuki; Hasegawa, Hiroshi; Greenwood, Benjamin N


    We have recently reported that the serotonin (5-HT) projections from the midbrain's raphe nuclei that contains 5-HT cell bodies may play a role both in heat production and in heat loss. The purpose of the present study was to clarify the involvement of 5-HT in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), where 5-HT is suggested to participate in thermoregulation, using the combined methods of telemetry, microdialysis, and high performance liquid chromatography, with a special emphasis on regulation of the body temperature (T b ) in freely moving rats. First, we measured changes in T b , tail skin temperature (T tail ; an index of heat loss), heart rate (HR; an index of heat production), locomotor activity (Act), and levels of extracellular monoamines in the VTA during cold (5°C) or heat (35°C) exposure. Subsequently, we perfused citalopram (5-HT re-uptake inhibitor) into the VTA and measured the thermoregulatory parameters and monoamines release. Although T b , T tail , and HR changed during both exposures, significant changes in extracellular level of 5-HT (138.7±12.7% baseline, p<0.01), but not dopamine (DA) or noradrenaline (NA) were noted in the VTA only during heat exposure. In addition, perfusion of citalopram into the VTA increased extracellular 5-HT levels (221.0±52.2% baseline, p<0.01), but not DA or NA, while T b decreased from 37.4±0.1°C to 36.8±0.2°C (p<0.001),T tail increased from 26.3±0.4°C to 28.4±0.4°C (p<0.001), and HR and Act remained unchanged. Our results suggest that the VTA is a key area for thermoregulation, and 5-HT, but not DA or NA, modulates the heat loss system through action in the VTA. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Mapping a lateralisation gradient within the ventral stream for auditory speech perception

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    Karsten eSpecht


    Full Text Available Recent models on speech perception propose a dual stream processing network, with a dorsal stream, extending from the posterior temporal lobe of the left hemisphere through inferior parietal areas into the left inferior frontal gyrus, and a ventral stream that is assumed to originate in the primary auditory cortex in the upper posterior part of the temporal lobe and to extend towards the anterior part of the temporal lobe, where it may connect to the ventral part of the inferior frontal gyrus. This article describes and reviews the results from a series of complementary functional magnetic imaging (fMRI studies that aimed to trace the hierarchical processing network for speech comprehension within the left and right hemisphere with a particular focus on the temporal lobe and the ventral stream. As hypothesised, the results demonstrate a bilateral involvement of the temporal lobes in the processing of speech signals. However, an increasing leftward asymmetry was detected from auditory-phonetic to lexico-semantic processing and along the posterior-anterior axis, thus forming a lateralisation gradient. This increasing leftward lateralisation was particularly evident for the left superior temporal sulcus (STS and more anterior parts of the temporal lobe.

  5. Mapping a lateralization gradient within the ventral stream for auditory speech perception. (United States)

    Specht, Karsten


    Recent models on speech perception propose a dual-stream processing network, with a dorsal stream, extending from the posterior temporal lobe of the left hemisphere through inferior parietal areas into the left inferior frontal gyrus, and a ventral stream that is assumed to originate in the primary auditory cortex in the upper posterior part of the temporal lobe and to extend toward the anterior part of the temporal lobe, where it may connect to the ventral part of the inferior frontal gyrus. This article describes and reviews the results from a series of complementary functional magnetic resonance imaging studies that aimed to trace the hierarchical processing network for speech comprehension within the left and right hemisphere with a particular focus on the temporal lobe and the ventral stream. As hypothesized, the results demonstrate a bilateral involvement of the temporal lobes in the processing of speech signals. However, an increasing leftward asymmetry was detected from auditory-phonetic to lexico-semantic processing and along the posterior-anterior axis, thus forming a "lateralization" gradient. This increasing leftward lateralization was particularly evident for the left superior temporal sulcus and more anterior parts of the temporal lobe.

  6. Resultados preliminares da pesquisa no sambaqui sob rocha Casa de Pedra, São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Dione da Rocha Bandeira

    Full Text Available Resumo A baía da Babitonga possui um patrimônio arqueológico riquíssimo, constituído por um conjunto numeroso de sambaquis, relacionados a pescadores-caçadores-coletores pré-coloniais. O projeto em desenvolvimento volta-se para um sambaqui localizado sob uma gruta no litoral leste de São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brasil: o sambaqui sob rocha Casa de Pedra. O sítio apresenta camada arqueológica de 38 cm de espessura e área de 27 m2, e vem sendo escavado desde 2015, com rebaixamento em níveis artificiais de 5 cm de profundidade, em 30 setores de 1 x 1 m. A matriz é composta predominantemente por fragmentos ósseos de ictiofauna e por material conquiológico. Foram encontrados ossos humanos esparsos, alguns queimados, nas primeiras camadas. Osso humano e conchas a 3 cm e 20-25 cm de profundidade apresentaram datação de 4.460 ± 30 e 5.470 ± 30 anos AP, respectivamente. Porém, datações do sedimento da base do sítio apresentaram 4.330 ± 700 e 5.670 ± 850 anos AP, levando-nos a questionar a origem da matriz arqueológica e a sua posição em contexto temporal. Nas paredes internas da gruta, verificaram-se pinturas rupestres, que, após resultados mais concretos, poderão ser o primeiro registro no estado deste tipo de manifestação associada a sambaquis.

  7. Reward Expectancy Strengthens CA1 Theta and Beta Band Synchronization and Hippocampal-Ventral Striatal Coupling. (United States)

    Lansink, Carien S; Meijer, Guido T; Lankelma, Jan V; Vinck, Martin A; Jackson, Jadin C; Pennartz, Cyriel M A


    The use of information from the hippocampal memory system in motivated behavior depends on its communication with the ventral striatum. When an animal encounters cues that signal subsequent reward, its reward expectancy is raised. It is unknown, however, how this process affects hippocampal dynamics and their influence on target structures, such as ventral striatum. We show that, in rats, reward-predictive cues result in enhanced hippocampal theta and beta band rhythmic activity during subsequent action, compared with uncued goal-directed navigation. The beta band component, also labeled theta's harmonic, involves selective hippocampal CA1 cell groups showing frequency doubling of firing periodicity relative to theta rhythmicity and it partitions the theta cycle into segments showing clear versus poor spike timing organization. We found that theta phase precession occurred over a wider range than previously reported. This was apparent from spikes emitted near the peak of the theta cycle exhibiting large "phase precessing jumps" relative to spikes in foregoing cycles. Neither this phenomenon nor the regular manifestation of theta phase precession was affected by reward expectancy. Ventral striatal neuronal firing phase-locked not only to hippocampal theta, but also to beta band activity. Both hippocampus and ventral striatum showed increased synchronization between neuronal firing and local field potential activity during cued compared with uncued goal approaches. These results suggest that cue-triggered reward expectancy intensifies hippocampal output to target structures, such as the ventral striatum, by which the hippocampus may gain prioritized access to systems modulating motivated behaviors. Here we show that temporally discrete cues raising reward expectancy enhance both theta and beta band activity in the hippocampus once goal-directed navigation has been initiated. These rhythmic activities are associated with increased synchronization of neuronal firing

  8. Region-specific roles of the prelimbic cortex, the dorsal CA1, the ventral DG and ventral CA1 of the hippocampus in the fear return evoked by a sub-conditioning procedure in rats. (United States)

    Fu, Juan; Xing, Xiaoli; Han, Mengfi; Xu, Na; Piao, Chengji; Zhang, Yue; Zheng, Xigeng


    The return of learned fear is an important issue in anxiety disorder research since an analogous process may contribute to long-term fear maintenance or clinical relapse. A number of studies demonstrate that mPFC and hippocampus are important in the modulation of post-extinction re-expression of fear memory. However, the region-specific role of these structures in the fear return evoked by a sub-threshold conditioning (SC) is not known. In the present experiments, we first examined specific roles of the prelimbic cortex (PL), the dorsal hippocampus (DH, the dorsal CA1 area in particular), the ventral hippocampus (the ventral dentate gyrus (vDG) and the ventral CA1 area in particular) in this fear return process. Then we examined the role of connections between PL and vCA1 with this behavioral approach. Rats were subjected to five tone-shock pairings (1.0-mA shock) to induce conditioned fear (freezing), followed by three fear extinction sessions (25 tone-alone trials each session). After a post-test for extinction memory, some rats were retrained with the SC procedure to reinstate tone-evoked freezing. Rat groups were injected with low doses of the GABAA agonist muscimol to selectively inactivate PL, DH, vDG, or vCA1 120 min before the fear return test. A disconnection paradigm with ipsilateral or contralateral muscimol injection of the PL and the vCA1 was used to examine the role of this pathway in the fear return. We found that transient inactivation of these areas significantly impaired fear return (freezing): inactivation of the prelimbic cortex blocked SC-evoked fear return in particular but did not influence fear expression in general; inactivation of the DH area impaired fear return, but had no effect on the extinction retrieval process; both ventral DG and ventral CA1 are required for the return of extinguished fear whereas only ventral DG is required for the extinction retrieval. These findings suggest that PL, DH, vDG, and vCA1 all contribute to the fear

  9. Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy for external rectal prolapse improves constipation and avoids de novo constipation. (United States)

    Boons, P; Collinson, R; Cunningham, C; Lindsey, I


    Abdominal rectopexy is ideal for otherwise healthy patients with rectal prolapse because of low recurrence, yet after posterior rectopexy, half of the patients complain of severe constipation. Resection mitigates this dysfunction but risks a pelvic anastomosis. The novel nerve-sparing ventral rectopexy appears to avoid postero-lateral rectal dissection denervation and thus postoperative constipation. We aimed to evaluate our functional results with laparoscopic ventral rectopexy. Consecutive rectal prolapse patients undergoing laparoscopic ventral rectopexy were prospectively assessed (Wexner Constipation and Faecal Incontinence Severity Index scores) pre-, 3 months postoperatively, and late (> 12 months). Sixty-five consecutive patients with external rectal prolapse (median age 72 years, 34% > 80 years, median follow up 19 months) underwent laparoscopic ventral rectopexy. There was one recurrence (2%) and one conversion. Morbidity (17%) and mortality (0%) were low. Median operating time was 140 min and median length of stay 2 days. At 3 months, constipation was improved in 72% and mildly induced in 2% (median pre-and postoperative Wexner scores 9 vs 4, P constipation and incontinence (P constipation and avoidance of de novo constipation appear superior to historical functional results of posterior rectopexy. A laparoscopic approach allows low morbidity and short hospital stay, even in those patients over 80 years of age in whom a perineal approach is usually preferred for safety.

  10. Opposing Amygdala and Ventral Striatum Connectivity during Emotion Identification (United States)

    Satterthwaite, Theodore D.; Wolf, Daniel H.; Pinkham, Amy E.; Ruparel, Kosha; Elliott, Mark A.; Valdez, Jeffrey N.; Overton, Eve; Seubert, Janina; Gur, Raquel E.; Gur, Ruben C.; Loughead, James


    Lesion and electrophysiological studies in animals provide evidence of opposing functions for subcortical nuclei such as the amygdala and ventral striatum, but the implications of these findings for emotion identification in humans remain poorly described. Here we report a high-resolution fMRI study in a sample of 39 healthy subjects who performed…

  11. A fístula esôfago-gástrica cervical

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    Fausto Orsi

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a presença de fístula esôfago-gástrica cervical nos pacientes submetidos a esofagectomias por câncer após reconstrução do trânsito digestivo com o estômago nas três vias: pré-esternal, retro-esternal e mediastino posterior. MÉTODO: Em um total de 180 pacientes portadores de carcinoma de células escamosas de esôfago torácico, tratados no Hospital Geral de Nova Iguaçu e no Hospital EMCOR, de agosto de 1968 a março de 2000, foram realizadas 97 esofagectomias e 70 (72,16% reconstruções do trânsito digestivo. O tratamento considerado foi essencialmente cirúrgico através da esofagectomia transpleural direita e da esofagectomia transhiatal. A anastomose esôfago-gástrica cervical foi realizada inicialmente em parede anterior do estômago e depois em parede posterior. Paralelamente, foram realizados estudos experimentais em cadáveres frescos no IML (Instituto Médico Legal de Nova Iguaçu, para avaliação das dimensões das paredes gástricas e pesquisa de suas vascularizações. RESULTADOS: A incidência de fístulas ficou reduzida a 7,69%, quando se passou usar a parede posterior do estômago. A reconstrução do trânsito digestivo foi realizada em 52,86% pela via pré-esternal, 10% pela via retro-esternal e 37,14% pelo leito esofágico. As fístulas ocorreram em 20% dos pacientes (14 casos. Na via pré-esternal ocorreram 24,43% (9 casos, na via retro-esternal 42,85% (3 casos, e mediastino posterior 7,69% (2 casos.( X2= 3,39; p= 0,18 A mortalidade operatória foi de 15,71%, sendo a insuficiência respiratória sua maior causa.((X2= 3,29; p= 0,19. A sobrevida em cinco anos foi de 13,5%. CONCLUSÕES: A esofagectomia com anastomose esôfago-gástrica cervical é o nosso método de escolha. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a execução da anastomose esôfago-gástrica cervical na parede posterior do estômago, e através do mediastino posterior.

  12. Dorsal and ventral streams across sensory modalities

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Anna Sedda; Federica Scarpina


    In this review,we describe the current models of dorsal and ventral streams in vision,audition and touch.Available theories take their first steps from the model of Milner and Goodale,which was developed to explain how human actions can be efficiently carried out using visual information.Since then,similar concepts have also been applied to other sensory modalities.We propose that advances in the knowledge of brain functioning can be achieved through models explaining action and perception patterns independently from sensory modalities.

  13. Caracterização e avaliação da resistência à corrosão na soldagem de tubulação de aço inoxidável duplex UNS S31803 pelo processo a arco submerso Characterization and evaluation of corrosion resistance of welded joint of duplex stainless steel pipe UNS S31803 by submerged arc process

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    Juan Manuel Pardal


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados da caracterização e avaliação da resistência à corrosão de uma junta soldada correspondente a uma tubulação de aço inoxidável duplex (AID UNS S31803 de 35 mm de espessura de parede soldada pelos processos de soldagem TIG (GTAW na raiz e arco submerso (SAW no enchimento e acabamento. Foram empregados como consumíveis de soldagem metais de adição de liga 25Cr-9Ni-4Mo (% em peso. Os resultados da caracterização das propriedades mecânicas, composição química e resistência à corrosão em diversas regiões da junta soldada foram comparados com os obtidos para o metal de base da tubulação, assim como com os valores mínimos exigidos pelas normas de projeto. Os resultados obtidos demonstram claramente a possibilidade da implementação do processo SAW na pré fabricação de tubulações de paredes espessas de AID, tendo em vista os resultados das propriedades analisadas e a grande demanda na construção e montagem de tubulações desta família de aço inoxidáveis na indústria offshore.This work presents the mechanical properties, microstructural and corrosion resistance evaluation of a welded joint of duplex stainless steel (DSS pipe with 35 mm wall thickness. The joint was welded by gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW process in the root passes and submerged arc welding (SAW in the filling and cap passes using filler metals with composition 25Cr-9Ni-4Mo (%wt.. The results of mechanical properties, chemical composition and corrosion resistance characterization in different regions of the welded joint were compared to the base metal and to the specifications required by the standards applied in the project. The main focus of this work was to show the successful utilization of SAW process in the welding of thick wall pipes of DSS. The application of high productivity process such as SAW has a crescent demand in offshore industry.

  14. Interaction of Instrumental and Goal-Directed Learning Modulates Prediction Error Representations in the Ventral Striatum. (United States)

    Guo, Rong; Böhmer, Wendelin; Hebart, Martin; Chien, Samson; Sommer, Tobias; Obermayer, Klaus; Gläscher, Jan


    Goal-directed and instrumental learning are both important controllers of human behavior. Learning about which stimulus event occurs in the environment and the reward associated with them allows humans to seek out the most valuable stimulus and move through the environment in a goal-directed manner. Stimulus-response associations are characteristic of instrumental learning, whereas response-outcome associations are the hallmark of goal-directed learning. Here we provide behavioral, computational, and neuroimaging results from a novel task in which stimulus-response and response-outcome associations are learned simultaneously but dominate behavior at different stages of the experiment. We found that prediction error representations in the ventral striatum depend on which type of learning dominates. Furthermore, the amygdala tracks the time-dependent weighting of stimulus-response versus response-outcome learning. Our findings suggest that the goal-directed and instrumental controllers dynamically engage the ventral striatum in representing prediction errors whenever one of them is dominating choice behavior. Converging evidence in human neuroimaging studies has shown that the reward prediction errors are correlated with activity in the ventral striatum. Our results demonstrate that this region is simultaneously correlated with a stimulus prediction error. Furthermore, the learning system that is currently dominating behavioral choice dynamically engages the ventral striatum for computing its prediction errors. This demonstrates that the prediction error representations are highly dynamic and influenced by various experimental context. This finding points to a general role of the ventral striatum in detecting expectancy violations and encoding error signals regardless of the specific nature of the reinforcer itself. Copyright © 2016 the authors 0270-6474/16/3612650-11$15.00/0.

  15. Ultrasonographic evaluation of the healing of ventral midline abdominal incisions in the horse. (United States)

    Wilson, D A; Badertscher, R R; Boero, M J; Baker, G J; Foreman, J H


    Ultrasonography was used to evaluate the ventral midline incisions of 21 ponies following exploratory laparotomy. The incisions were evaluated before surgery and at weekly intervals from one to seven weeks after surgery. Both 5.0 and 7.5 MHz linear array and 7.5 MHz sector transducers were used for the evaluations. The incisional complications observed were drainage, oedema, suture sinus formation, suture abscess, superficial dehiscence and incisional hernia. Ultrasonographic imaging of the ventral midline incision was an easy, reliable and objective method for detecting and monitoring the progression of incisional complications in a non-invasive manner.

  16. Reward Anticipation in Ventral Striatum and Individual Sensitivity to Reward: A Pilot Study of a Child-Friendly fMRI Task. (United States)

    van Hulst, Branko M; de Zeeuw, Patrick; Lupas, Kellina; Bos, Dienke J; Neggers, Sebastiaan F W; Durston, Sarah


    Reward processing has been implicated in developmental disorders. However, the classic task to probe reward anticipation, the monetary incentive delay task, has an abstract coding of reward and no storyline and may therefore be less appropriate for use with developmental populations. We modified the task to create a version appropriate for use with children. We investigated whether this child-friendly version could elicit ventral striatal activation during reward anticipation in typically developing children and young adolescents (aged 9.5-14.5). In addition, we tested whether our performance-based measure of reward sensitivity was associated with anticipatory activity in ventral striatum. Reward anticipation was related to activity in bilateral ventral striatum. Moreover, we found an association between individual reward sensitivity and activity in ventral striatum. We conclude that this task assesses ventral striatal activity in a child-friendly paradigm. The combination with a performance-based measure of reward sensitivity potentially makes the task a powerful tool for developmental imaging studies of reward processing.

  17. Dopamine system dysregulation by the ventral subiculum as the common pathophysiological basis for schizophrenia psychosis, psychostimulant abuse, and stress. (United States)

    Grace, Anthony A


    The dopamine system is under multiple forms of regulation, and in turn provides effective modulation of system responses. Dopamine neurons are known to exist in several states of activity. The population activity, or the proportion of dopamine neurons firing spontaneously, is controlled by the ventral subiculum of the hippocampus. In contrast, burst firing, which is proposed to be the behaviorally salient output of the dopamine system, is driven by the brainstem pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPTg). When an animal is exposed to a behaviorally salient stimulus, the PPTg elicits a burst of action potentials in the dopamine neurons. However, this bursting only occurs in the portion of the dopamine neuron population that is firing spontaneously. This proportion is regulated by the ventral subiculum. Therefore, the ventral subiculum provides the gain, or the amplification factor, for the behaviorally salient stimulus. The ventral subiculum itself is proposed to carry information related to the environmental context. Thus, the ventral subiculum will adjust the responsivity of the dopamine system based on the needs of the organism and the characteristics of the environment. However, this finely tuned system can be disrupted in disease states. In schizophrenia, a disruption of interneuronal regulation of the ventral subiculum is proposed to lead to an overdrive of the dopamine system, rendering the system in a constant hypervigilant state. Moreover, amphetamine sensitization and stressors also appear to cause an abnormal dopaminergic drive. Such an interaction could underlie the risk factors of drug abuse and stress in the precipitation of a psychotic event. On the other hand, this could point to the ventral subiculum as an effective site of therapeutic intervention in the treatment or even the prevention of schizophrenia.

  18. Dorsal and ventral changes of the occipital vertebrae

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banki, Z.


    Based on his own observation and on the literature, the author discusses various types of calcification in the occipital-cervical region, beginning with those situated dorsally and followed by ventral forms. An attempt is made to classify these changes, depending on their morphology and situation, from an embryological point of view. The pro-atlantal and ante pro-atlanto origin of the occipital vertebrae is discussed. Differentiation depends on appearances. (orig.) [de

  19. A new species of Temnocephala Blanchard (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida ectosymbiont on creeping water bugs, Cryphocricos granulosus De Carlo (Hemiptera, Naucoridae from southern Brazil Nova espécie de Temnocephala Blanchard (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalida ectosimbionte sobre naucorídeos, Cryphocricos granulosus De Carlo (Hemiptera, Naucoridae da região Sul do Brasil

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    José F. R. Amato


    infestadas; 45 (48% eram adultos, braquípteros 40 (18 machos e 22 fêmeas ou macrópteros 5 (1 macho e 4 fêmeas, 67% dos quais estavam infestados (29% machos e 38% fêmeas, para esta espécie de temnocefalídeo. Ovos dos temnocefalídeos estavam fixados na face ventral do hemíptero, sobre as coxas, trocânteres e esterno, entre o primeiro, segundo e terceiro pares de pernas e na face dorsal, sobre o escutelo, clavo e hemiélitros. Temnocefalídeos juvenis e adultos sempre se apresentaram sem pigmentação corporal. Os caracteres mais distintivos da nova espécie são: 1 cirro muito curto, levemente curvo, com o 'introvert' correspondendo a 37% do comprimento total; 2 placas dorsolaterais, sinciciais 'excretoras' elípticas, com poro excretor equatorial, próximo do limite interno da placa; 3 dois pares de 'grandes glândulas do disco' (paranefrócitos? centrais, imediatamente à frente dos testículos; 4 testículos relativamente grandes, mas desiguais em tamanho, par anterior menor, sempre na mesma zona, aqueles do mesmo lado, parcialmente sobrepostos; e 5 vagina com parede muscular fracamente desenvolvida e sem esfíncteres musculares.

  20. Reduced activation in the ventral striatum during probabilistic decision-making in patients in an at-risk mental state

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rausch, Franziska; Mier, Daniela; Eifler, Sarah; Fenske, Sabrina; Schirmbeck, Frederike; Englisch, Susanne; Schilling, Claudia; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Kirsch, Peter; Zink, Mathias


    Patients with schizophrenia display metacognitive impairments, such as hasty decision-making during probabilistic reasoning - the "jumping to conclusion" bias (JTC). Our recent fMRI study revealed reduced activations in the right ventral striatum (VS) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to be

  1. Asymmetric development of dorsal and ventral attention networks in the human brain

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    Kristafor Farrant


    Full Text Available Two neural systems for goal-directed and stimulus-driven attention have been described in the adult human brain; the dorsal attention network (DAN centered in the frontal eye fields (FEF and intraparietal sulcus (IPS, and the ventral attention network (VAN anchored in the temporoparietal junction (TPJ and ventral frontal cortex (VFC. Little is known regarding the processes governing typical development of these attention networks in the brain. Here we use resting state functional MRI data collected from thirty 7 to 12 year-old children and thirty 18 to 31 year-old adults to examine two key regions of interest from the dorsal and ventral attention networks. We found that for the DAN nodes (IPS and FEF, children showed greater functional connectivity with regions within the network compared with adults, whereas adults showed greater functional connectivity between the FEF and extra-network regions including the posterior cingulate cortex. For the VAN nodes (TPJ and VFC, adults showed greater functional connectivity with regions within the network compared with children. Children showed greater functional connectivity between VFC and nodes of the salience network. This asymmetric pattern of development of attention networks may be a neural signature of the shift from over-representation of bottom-up attention mechanisms to greater top-down attentional capacities with development.

  2. Cell cycle regulator E2F4 is essential for the development of the ventral telencephalon. (United States)

    Ruzhynsky, Vladimir A; McClellan, Kelly A; Vanderluit, Jacqueline L; Jeong, Yongsu; Furimsky, Marosh; Park, David S; Epstein, Douglas J; Wallace, Valerie A; Slack, Ruth S


    Early forebrain development is characterized by extensive proliferation of neural precursors coupled with complex structural transformations; however, little is known regarding the mechanisms by which these processes are integrated. Here, we show that deficiency of the cell cycle regulatory protein, E2F4, results in the loss of ventral telencephalic structures and impaired self-renewal of neural precursor cells. The mechanism underlying aberrant ventral patterning lies in a dramatic loss of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) expression specifically in this region. The E2F4-deficient phenotype can be recapitulated by interbreeding mice heterozygous for E2F4 with those lacking one allele of Shh, suggesting a genetic interaction between these pathways. Treatment of E2F4-deficient cells with a Hh agonist rescues stem cell self-renewal and cells expressing the homeodomain proteins that specify the ventral telencephalic structures. Finally, we show that E2F4 deficiency results in impaired activity of Shh forebrain-specific enhancers. In conclusion, these studies establish a novel requirement for the cell cycle regulatory protein, E2F4, in the development of the ventral telencephalon.

  3. Estudos sobre a epidemiologia da doença de Chagas no Ceará. XXII - ecologia de triatomineos em Pereiro

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    Joaquim Eduardo de Alencar


    Full Text Available Foi escolhida, para demolição, uma casa no município de Pereiro, território de prevalência de Triatoma, pseudo maculata, onde raros exemplares de Triatoma, braziliensis são encontrados. Numa área de 13 casas, onde vivem 74 pessoas, foram capturados 41 T., pseudo maculata que apresentaram taxas de infecção de 2,4%. Em Pereiro a infecção hümana é de 2,2% e é baixa a infecção de animais: 2,0% pelo xenodiagnóstico. A casa selecionada foi desinsetizada mais de um ano antes da demolição e 20 dias antes da demolição uma captura mostrou 20 T., pseudo maculata, sendo 50% infectados. Durante a domolição estavam presentes: 6 pessoas, 1 cão. 1 gato, 1 porco e 30 galinhas; na ocasião foram capturados 221 triatomíneos, no teto (0,5 por m²; e nas paredes internas e externas (14 por m²; 180 exemplares foram examinados e apresentaram 7,2% de infecção. Concluiu-se que os métodos normais de captura mostram pequena parte da colônia de triatomíneos numa casa habitada e a taxa de infecção do T. pseudomaculata observada revela sua capacidade de transmissão do Trypanossoma cruzi, pois 20% dos exemplares infectados foram encontrados no quarto.

  4. Estudo da cinética de decomposição de compósitos nanoestruturados de poli (sulfeto de fenileno reforçados com nanotubos de carbono

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    Bruno Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na obtenção de compósitos nanoestruturados de poli (sulfeto de fenileno (PPS reforçados com nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas (MWCNT por meio da técnica de mistura em fusão, e posterior caracterização de suas propriedades morfológicas e térmicas. A análise por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foi utilizada com o intuito de avaliar a qualidade da dispersão dos MWCNTs na matriz polimérica. A partir das curvas de termogravimetria obtidas, foi observado um aumento na temperatura máxima de degradação pela adição do nanoreforço na matriz polimérica. Além disso, o modelo matemático de Ozawa-Wall-Flynn foi utilizado com o intuito de determinar os parâmetros cinéticos de degradação. Os resultados mostraram um aumento de aproximadamente 25 ºC na temperatura máxima de degradação (Tmax quando uma pequena quantidade de MWCNT (0,5 wt % foi considerada. Este fato contribuiu para o aumento da estabilidade térmica do PPS.

  5. A densidade básica e característica anatômicas variam radialmente na madeira de Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae. Basic density and anatomical features vary in the radial direction in the wood of Astronium graveolens Jacq. (Anacardiaceae.

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    Camila Moura SANTOS


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre variações nas dimensões celulares de espécies arbóreas de clima tropical são escassos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a variação da densidade básica e da anatomia no sentido radial da madeira de Astronium graveolens Jacq. Coletaram-se cinco indivíduos da espécie, provenientes da Estação Experimental Luiz Antônio (SP. Os métodos empregados nas análises foram os usualmente utilizados em pesquisas de densidade e anatomia de madeira. De acordo com os resultados foram constatadas altas correlações entre densidade básica, comprimento de fibra, espessura da parede da fibra, diâmetro de vaso e frequência de vaso com a distância da medula. A densidade básica da madeira é altamente dependente do comprimento das fibras, espessura da parede das fibras e diâmetro dos vasos, ocorrendo aumento no sentido da medula para a casca.Studies on variations in cell sizes of tree species in tropical climate are scarce. Thus, the aim was characterize the radial variation of basic density and wood anatomy of Astronium graveolens Jacq. Five specimens were collected at the Luiz Antônio Experimental Station,(SP. Sstandard methods for studying the density and wood anatomy were employed. According to the results we observed high correlation among basic density,fiber length, fiber wall thickness, vessel diameter and vessel frequency with distance fromthe pith. The wood density is highly dependent on fiber length, fiber wall thicknessand vessel diameter, there was an increase towards the pith to bark.

  6. Differential activation of amygdala, dorsal and ventral hippocampus following an exposure to a reminder ofunderwater trauma

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    Gilad eRitov


    Full Text Available Recollection of emotional memories is attributed in part to the activation of the amygdala and the hippocampus. Recent hypothesis suggest a pivotal role for the ventral hippocampus in traumatic stress processing and emotional memory retrieval. Persistent re-experiencing and intrusive recollections are core symptoms in acute and posttraumatic stress disorders (ASD; PTSD. Such intrusive recollections are often triggered by reminders associated with the trauma.We examined the impact of exposure to a trauma reminder (under water trauma on the activation of the basolateral amygdala (BLA, dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Rats were exposed to underwater trauma and 24 hours later were re-exposed to the context of the trauma. Phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK was used as a marker for level of activation of these regions. Significant increase in ERK activation was found in the ventral hippocampus and BLA. Such pattern of activation was not found in animals exposed only to the trauma or in animals exposed only to the trauma reminder. Additionally, the dissociative pattern of activation of the ventral hippocampus sub-regions positively correlated with the activation of the BLA.Our findings suggest a specific pattern of neural activation during recollection of a trauma reminder, with a unique contribution of the ventral hippocampus. Measured 24 hrs after the exposure to the traumatic experience, the current findings relate to relatively early stages of traumatic memory consolidation. Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying these initial stages may contribute to developing intervention strategies that could reduce the risk of eventually developing PTSD.

  7. Ventral striatal activity correlates with memory confidence for old- and new-responses in a difficult recognition test.

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    Ulrike Schwarze

    Full Text Available Activity in the ventral striatum has frequently been associated with retrieval success, i.e., it is higher for hits than correct rejections. Based on the prominent role of the ventral striatum in the reward circuit, its activity has been interpreted to reflect the higher subjective value of hits compared to correct rejections in standard recognition tests. This hypothesis was supported by a recent study showing that ventral striatal activity is higher for correct rejections than hits when the value of rejections is increased by external incentives. These findings imply that the striatal response during recognition is context-sensitive and modulated by the adaptive significance of "oldness" or "newness" to the current goals. The present study is based on the idea that not only external incentives, but also other deviations from standard recognition tests which affect the subjective value of specific response types should modulate striatal activity. Therefore, we explored ventral striatal activity in an unusually difficult recognition test that was characterized by low levels of confidence and accuracy. Based on the human uncertainty aversion, in such a recognition context, the subjective value of all high confident decisions is expected to be higher than usual, i.e., also rejecting items with high certainty is deemed rewarding. In an accompanying behavioural experiment, participants rated the pleasantness of each recognition response. As hypothesized, ventral striatal activity correlated in the current unusually difficult recognition test not only with retrieval success, but also with confidence. Moreover, participants indicated that they were more satisfied by higher confidence in addition to perceived oldness of an item. Taken together, the results are in line with the hypothesis that ventral striatal activity during recognition codes the subjective value of different response types that is modulated by the context of the recognition test.

  8. Menthol Enhances Nicotine Reward-Related Behavior by Potentiating Nicotine-Induced Changes in nAChR Function, nAChR Upregulation, and DA Neuron Excitability. (United States)

    Henderson, Brandon J; Wall, Teagan R; Henley, Beverley M; Kim, Charlene H; McKinney, Sheri; Lester, Henry A


    Understanding why the quit rate among smokers of menthol cigarettes is lower than non-menthol smokers requires identifying the neurons that are altered by nicotine, menthol, and acetylcholine. Dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) mediate the positive reinforcing effects of nicotine. Using mouse models, we show that menthol enhances nicotine-induced changes in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) expressed on midbrain DA neurons. Menthol plus nicotine upregulates nAChR number and function on midbrain DA neurons more than nicotine alone. Menthol also enhances nicotine-induced changes in DA neuron excitability. In a conditioned place preference (CPP) assay, we observed that menthol plus nicotine produces greater reward-related behavior than nicotine alone. Our results connect changes in midbrain DA neurons to menthol-induced enhancements of nicotine reward-related behavior and may help explain how smokers of menthol cigarettes exhibit reduced cessation rates.

  9. Adhesive F-actin Waves: A Novel Integrin-Mediated Adhesion Complex Coupled to Ventral Actin Polymerization


    Case, Lindsay B.; Waterman, Clare M.


    At the leading lamellipodium of migrating cells, protrusion of an Arp2/3-nucleated actin network is coupled to formation of integrin-based adhesions, suggesting that Arp2/3-mediated actin polymerization and integrin-dependent adhesion may be mechanistically linked. Arp2/3 also mediates actin polymerization in structures distinct from the lamellipodium, in "ventral F-actin waves" that propagate as spots and wavefronts along the ventral plasma membrane. Here we show that integrins engage the ex...

  10. Expression and Function of Xmsx-2B in Dorso-Ventral Axis Formation in Gastrula Embryos. (United States)

    Onitsuka, I; Takeda, M; Maéno, M


    Msx is a homeodomain-containing transcriptional factor that plays an essential role in pattern formation in vertebrata and invertebrata embryos. In Xenopus laevis, two msx genes have been identified (Xmsx-1 and Xmsx-2). In the present study, we attempted to elucidate the expression and function of Xmsx-2B (formerly designated as Xhox7.1') in early embryogenesis. Whole mount in situ hybridization analyses showed that the expression pattern of Xmsx-2B at gastrula and neurula stages was very similar to that of Xmsx-1: the transcript of Xmsx-2B was observed in ventral and lateral sides of the embryo. At the tailbud stage, however, the expression pattern of Xmsx-2B in neural tissues was distinct from that of Xmsx-1. An RNA injection experiment revealed that, like BMP-4, Xmsx-2B has a strong ventralizing activity. In the Xmsx-2B -injected embryos, differentiation of axial structures such as the notochord, muscle, and neural tissue was completely suppressed, whereas alpha-globin mRNA, a blood cell marker, was highly expressed. Simultaneous injection of Xmsx-1 and Xmsx-2B RNAs showed that they function in an additive manner. It was also shown that coinjection of Xmsx-2B with a dominant-negative BMP-4 receptor (tBR), which can induce formation of secondary axis when injected alone in ventral blastomeres, suppressed secondary axis formation. Furthermore, Xmsx-2B also suppressed secondary axis formation, which was induced by a dominant-negative form of Xmsx-1 (VP16/msx-1). Therefore, like Xmsx-1, Xmsx-2B is a downstream nuclear factor of the BMP-4-derived ventralizing signal, and these two factors probably share the same target molecules. In conclusion, Xmsx-1 and Xmsx-2B function in dorso-ventral axis formation in early Xenopus laevis development.

  11. Differential contributions of dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal prefrontal white matter tracts to cognitive control in healthy older adults.

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    Maren Strenziok

    Full Text Available Prefrontal cortex mediates cognitive control by means of circuitry organized along dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal axes. Along the dorso-ventral axis, ventrolateral PFC controls semantic information, whereas dorsolateral PFC encodes task rules. Along the rostro-caudal axis, anterior prefrontal cortex encodes complex rules and relationships between stimuli, whereas posterior prefrontal cortex encodes simple relationships between stimuli and behavior. Evidence of these gradients of prefrontal cortex organization has been well documented in fMRI studies, but their functional correlates have not been examined with regard to integrity of underlying white matter tracts. We hypothesized that (a the integrity of specific white matter tracts is related to cognitive functioning in a manner consistent with the dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal organization of the prefrontal cortex, and (b this would be particularly evident in healthy older adults. We assessed three cognitive processes that recruit the prefrontal cortex and can distinguish white matter tracts along the dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal dimensions -episodic memory, working memory, and reasoning. Correlations between cognition and fractional anisotropy as well as fiber tractography revealed: (a Episodic memory was related to ventral prefrontal cortex-thalamo-hippocampal fiber integrity; (b Working memory was related to integrity of corpus callosum body fibers subserving dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; and (c Reasoning was related to integrity of corpus callosum body fibers subserving rostral and caudal dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings confirm the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex's role in semantic control and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex's role in rule-based processing, in accordance with the dorso-ventral prefrontal cortex gradient. Reasoning-related rostral and caudal superior frontal white matter may facilitate different levels of task rule complexity. This study is the

  12. Differential contributions of dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal prefrontal white matter tracts to cognitive control in healthy older adults. (United States)

    Strenziok, Maren; Greenwood, Pamela M; Santa Cruz, Sophia A; Thompson, James C; Parasuraman, Raja


    Prefrontal cortex mediates cognitive control by means of circuitry organized along dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal axes. Along the dorso-ventral axis, ventrolateral PFC controls semantic information, whereas dorsolateral PFC encodes task rules. Along the rostro-caudal axis, anterior prefrontal cortex encodes complex rules and relationships between stimuli, whereas posterior prefrontal cortex encodes simple relationships between stimuli and behavior. Evidence of these gradients of prefrontal cortex organization has been well documented in fMRI studies, but their functional correlates have not been examined with regard to integrity of underlying white matter tracts. We hypothesized that (a) the integrity of specific white matter tracts is related to cognitive functioning in a manner consistent with the dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal organization of the prefrontal cortex, and (b) this would be particularly evident in healthy older adults. We assessed three cognitive processes that recruit the prefrontal cortex and can distinguish white matter tracts along the dorso-ventral and rostro-caudal dimensions -episodic memory, working memory, and reasoning. Correlations between cognition and fractional anisotropy as well as fiber tractography revealed: (a) Episodic memory was related to ventral prefrontal cortex-thalamo-hippocampal fiber integrity; (b) Working memory was related to integrity of corpus callosum body fibers subserving dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; and (c) Reasoning was related to integrity of corpus callosum body fibers subserving rostral and caudal dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. These findings confirm the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex's role in semantic control and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex's role in rule-based processing, in accordance with the dorso-ventral prefrontal cortex gradient. Reasoning-related rostral and caudal superior frontal white matter may facilitate different levels of task rule complexity. This study is the first to

  13. Artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal da paca (Cuniculus paca, L. 1766

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    Isabela Cristina de Souza Marques


    Full Text Available A paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus, 1766 é um roedor de porte médio, que embora pertença à fauna brasileira, poucas são as informações sobre sua morfologia na literatura especializada. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se descrever a origem e as ramificações de suas artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal no intuito de contribuir com estudos de anatomia comparativa. Foram utilizados dez animais, entre machos e fêmeas, que após o óbito, tiveram sua parede torácica rebatida entre a quarta e a sexta costelas, para a exposição da aorta torácica, a qual foi canulada no sentido caudal e procedeu-se a injeção de solução de neoprene do tipo látex, corado convenientemente, para o preenchimento de todo o sistema arterial. Estas preparações foram fixadas em solução aquosa de formol a 10% por período superior à 72h; em seguida, as peças foram dissecadas e as artérias mesentéricas cranial e caudal identificadas. A artéria mesentérica cranial se originava da aorta abdominal, caudalmente à artéria celíaca, emitindo os seguintes ramos arteriais: pancreaticoduodenal caudal, pancreáticos, jejunais, íleocólicos e cecais. A origem da artéria mesentérica caudal ocorria próximo ao final da aorta abdominal, e este vaso emitia a artéria cólica esquerda e a artéria retal cranial, da qual partiam as artérias sigmóideas. Constatou-se que houve pouca variação no padrão de ramificação das artérias em relação aos referidos roedores e mamíferos domésticos.

  14. Premotor nitric oxide synthase immunoreactive pathway connecting lumbar segments with the ventral motor nucleus of the cervical enlargement in the dog. (United States)

    Marsala, Jozef; Lukácová, Nadezda; Cízková, Dása; Lukác, Imrich; Kuchárová, Karolína; Marsala, Martin


    In this study we investigate the occurrence and origin of punctate nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in the neuropil of the ventral motor nucleus in C7-Th1 segments of the dog spine, which are supposed to be the terminal field of an ascending premotor propriospinal nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive pathway. As the first step, nitric oxide synthase immunohistochemistry was used to distinguish nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive staining of the ventral motor nucleus. Dense, punctate nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity was found on control sections in the neuropil of the ventral motor nucleus. After hemisection at Th10-11, axotomy-induced retrograde changes consisting in a strong upregulation of nitric oxide synthase-containing neurons were found mostly unilaterally in lamina VIII, the medial part of lamina VII and in the pericentral region in all segments of the lumbosacral enlargement. Concurrently, a strong depletion of the punctate nitric oxide synthase immunopositivity in the neuropil of the ventral motor nucleus ipsilaterally with the hemisection was detected, thus revealing that an uncrossed ascending premotor propriospinal pathway containing a fairly high number of nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive fibers terminates in the ventral motor nucleus. Application of the retrograde fluorescent tracer Fluorogold injected into the ventral motor nucleus and analysis of alternate sections processed for nitric oxide synthase immunocytochemistry revealed the presence of Fluorogold-labeled and nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive axons in the ventrolateral funiculus and in the lateral and medial portions of the ventral column throughout the thoracic and upper lumbar segments. A noticeable number of Fluorogold-labeled and nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive somata detected on consecutive sections were found in the lumbosacral enlargement, mainly in laminae VIII-IX, the medial part of lamina VII and in the pericentral region (lamina X), ipsilaterally with the


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    Paula Mastroberti


    Full Text Available O presente ensaio está dividido em três partes: na primeira, contextualizo o livro literário ilustrado como objeto cultural híbrido, onde duas linguagens, a verbal e a gráfica-visual, se integram na produção de sentido, causando efeito único no receptor, compreendido não apenas como sujeito intelecto-computativo, mas emo-afetivo; tais concepções requerem uma abordagem metodológica de ensino da literatura que leve em consideração o livro ilustrado como um todo, pois ele proporciona uma experiência poética e estética para além do verbal; a valorização dos seus aspectos formais, plásticos e gráficos pelo educador garante uma aproximação por vias sensíveis e afetivas entre livro e leitor, implicando, por conseguinte, a valorização dos suportes e espaços que fomentam o ato e os hábitos de leitura. Na segunda parte, demonstro, a partir de uma breve análise do conto Discurso del oso [Discurso do urso], de Julio Cortázar em duas edições — a primeira em seu contexto original, como parte da obra Historias de cronopios y de famas (1962, a segunda para uma edição infantil ilustrada (2008 — , como a atualização ilustrada estimula uma diferente aproximação leitora. Por fim, na terceira parte, teço minhas últimas considerações, apoiadas na idéia de arte como conhecimento e numa grade teórica transdisciplinar; esclareço que toda manifestação artística, seja ela verbal, artística, musical ou outra, se exerce e é apreendida como uma ação/experiência completa, resultante da associação entre as mais diversas linguagens sensíveis e poéticas, contributivas para a formação de uma subjetividade permeável ao mundo.

  16. House improvements and community participation in the control of Triatoma dimidiata re-infestation in Jutiapa, Guatemala Melhorias habitacionais com participação comunitária no controle da re-infestação por Triatoma dimidiata em Jutiapa, Guatemala

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    Carlota Monroy


    . dimidiata que havia persistido mesmo após aplicação de inseticida. Em duas comunidades, foi implementada uma abordagem ecossistêmica, e os residentes implementaram melhorias nas paredes e no saneamento domiciliar, com o apoio da equipe interdisciplinar (intervenção ecossistêmica. Nas duas outras comunidades, adotou-se uma estratégia de controle com base na aplicação de inseticida (intervenção tradicional. Ambas as intervenções levaram a uma redução na infestação por T. dimidiata, mas apenas a abordagem ecossistêmica produziu melhorias importantes nas condições de moradia (saneamento e revestimento das paredes capazes de prevenir a re-infestação por T. dimidiata no longo prazo.

  17. Teorizações cognitivas sobre o processamento da leitura: contribuições das neurociências

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    Josa Coelho da Silva Irigoite


    Full Text Available As recentes descobertas das neurociências vêm respondendo muitas questões sobre a biologia do homem que o deixam apto para a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita. As teorizações do psicólogo cognitivista Stanislas Dehaene (2012 sobre o ato de ler são exemplos disso e podem contribuir para as atividades escolares de leitura, sobretudo na fase de alfabetização. Esta resenha traz as principais descobertas desse estudioso, apresentadas na obra recém traduzida no Brasil, Os neurônios da leitura: como a ciência explica a nossa capacidade de ler. Nesse trabalho, o autor esmiúça o “mágico” processo da leitura, desde a decodificação até a atribuição de sentidos, trazendo a hipótese da reciclagem neuronial para explicar a aprendizagem dessa habilidade. Além disso, aponta uma região específica da leitura no cérebro, a occípito-temporal ventral esquerda, e descreve detalhadamente as características da leitura bem como o mecanismo cerebral em tal processo. Trata-se de um estudo cognitivo completo e detalhado sobre o processo da leitura, que merece ser conhecido pelos professores que trabalham com leitura em sala de aula, sobretudo os alfabetizadores.

  18. Ventral Slit Scrotal Flap: A New Outpatient Surgical Option for Reconstruction of Adult Buried Penis Syndrome. (United States)

    Westerman, Mary E; Tausch, Timothy J; Zhao, Lee C; Siegel, Jordan A; Starke, Nathan; Klein, Alexandra K; Morey, Allen F


    We present a novel technique using ventral slit with scrotal skin flaps (VSSF) for the reconstruction of adult buried penis without skin grafting. An initial ventral slit is made in the phimotic ring, and the penis is exposed. To cover the defect in the ventral shaft skin, local flaps are created by making a ventral midline scrotal incision with horizontal relaxing incisions. The scrotal flaps are rotated to resurface the ventral shaft. Clinical data analyzed included preoperative diagnoses, length of stay, blood loss, and operative outcomes. Complications were also recorded. Fifteen consecutive patients with a penis trapped due to lichen sclerosus (LS) or phimosis underwent repair with VSSF. Each was treated in the outpatient setting with no perioperative complications. Mean age was 51 years (range, 26-75 years), and mean body mass index was 42.6 kg/m(2) (range, 29.8-53.9 kg/m(2)). The majority of patients (13 of 15, 87%) had a pathologic diagnosis of LS. Mean estimated blood loss was 57 cc (range, 25-200 cc), mean operative time was 83 minutes (range, 35-145 minutes), and all patients were discharged on the day of surgery. The majority of patients (11 of 15, 73.3%) remain satisfied with their results and have required no further intervention. Recurrences in 3 of 15 (20.0%) were due to LS, panniculus migration, and concealment by edematous groin tissue; 2 of these patients underwent subsequent successful skin grafting. VSSF is a versatile, safe, and effective reconstructive option in appropriately selected patients with buried penis, which enables reconstruction of penile shaft skin defects without requiring complex skin grafting. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Genetic Analysis of Hedgehog Signaling in Ventral Body Wall Development and the Onset of Omphalocele Formation (United States)

    Matsumaru, Daisuke; Haraguchi, Ryuma; Miyagawa, Shinichi; Motoyama, Jun; Nakagata, Naomi; Meijlink, Frits; Yamada, Gen


    Background An omphalocele is one of the major ventral body wall malformations and is characterized by abnormally herniated viscera from the body trunk. It has been frequently found to be associated with other structural malformations, such as genitourinary malformations and digit abnormalities. In spite of its clinical importance, the etiology of omphalocele formation is still controversial. Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is one of the essential growth factor signaling pathways involved in the formation of the limbs and urogenital system. However, the relationship between Hh signaling and ventral body wall formation remains unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings To gain insight into the roles of Hh signaling in ventral body wall formation and its malformation, we analyzed phenotypes of mouse mutants of Sonic hedgehog (Shh), GLI-Kruppel family member 3 (Gli3) and Aristaless-like homeobox 4 (Alx4). Introduction of additional Alx4Lst mutations into the Gli3Xt/Xt background resulted in various degrees of severe omphalocele and pubic diastasis. In addition, loss of a single Shh allele restored the omphalocele and pubic symphysis of Gli3Xt/+; Alx4Lst/Lst embryos. We also observed ectopic Hh activity in the ventral body wall region of Gli3Xt/Xt embryos. Moreover, tamoxifen-inducible gain-of-function experiments to induce ectopic Hh signaling revealed Hh signal dose-dependent formation of omphaloceles. Conclusions/Significance We suggest that one of the possible causes of omphalocele and pubic diastasis is ectopically-induced Hh signaling. To our knowledge, this would be the first demonstration of the involvement of Hh signaling in ventral body wall malformation and the genetic rescue of omphalocele phenotypes. PMID:21283718

  20. Genetic analysis of Hedgehog signaling in ventral body wall development and the onset of omphalocele formation.

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    Daisuke Matsumaru


    Full Text Available An omphalocele is one of the major ventral body wall malformations and is characterized by abnormally herniated viscera from the body trunk. It has been frequently found to be associated with other structural malformations, such as genitourinary malformations and digit abnormalities. In spite of its clinical importance, the etiology of omphalocele formation is still controversial. Hedgehog (Hh signaling is one of the essential growth factor signaling pathways involved in the formation of the limbs and urogenital system. However, the relationship between Hh signaling and ventral body wall formation remains unclear.To gain insight into the roles of Hh signaling in ventral body wall formation and its malformation, we analyzed phenotypes of mouse mutants of Sonic hedgehog (Shh, GLI-Kruppel family member 3 (Gli3 and Aristaless-like homeobox 4 (Alx4. Introduction of additional Alx4(Lst mutations into the Gli3(Xt/Xt background resulted in various degrees of severe omphalocele and pubic diastasis. In addition, loss of a single Shh allele restored the omphalocele and pubic symphysis of Gli3(Xt/+; Alx4(Lst/Lst embryos. We also observed ectopic Hh activity in the ventral body wall region of Gli3(Xt/Xt embryos. Moreover, tamoxifen-inducible gain-of-function experiments to induce ectopic Hh signaling revealed Hh signal dose-dependent formation of omphaloceles.We suggest that one of the possible causes of omphalocele and pubic diastasis is ectopically-induced Hh signaling. To our knowledge, this would be the first demonstration of the involvement of Hh signaling in ventral body wall malformation and the genetic rescue of omphalocele phenotypes.

  1. Increased ventral-striatal activity during monetary decision making is a marker of problem poker gambling severity. (United States)

    Brevers, Damien; Noël, Xavier; He, Qinghua; Melrose, James A; Bechara, Antoine


    The aim of this study was to examine the impact of different neural systems on monetary decision making in frequent poker gamblers, who vary in their degree of problem gambling. Fifteen frequent poker players, ranging from non-problem to high-problem gambling, and 15 non-gambler controls were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). During IGT deck selection, between-group fMRI analyses showed that frequent poker gamblers exhibited higher ventral-striatal but lower dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal activations as compared with controls. Moreover, using functional connectivity analyses, we observed higher ventral-striatal connectivity in poker players, and in regions involved in attentional/motor control (posterior cingulate), visual (occipital gyrus) and auditory (temporal gyrus) processing. In poker gamblers, scores of problem gambling severity were positively associated with ventral-striatal activations and with the connectivity between the ventral-striatum seed and the occipital fusiform gyrus and the middle temporal gyrus. Present results are consistent with findings from recent brain imaging studies showing that gambling disorder is associated with heightened motivational-reward processes during monetary decision making, which may hamper one's ability to moderate his level of monetary risk taking. © 2015 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  2. Reduced amygdala and ventral striatal activity to happy faces in PTSD is associated with emotional numbing.

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    Kim L Felmingham

    Full Text Available There has been a growing recognition of the importance of reward processing in PTSD, yet little is known of the underlying neural networks. This study tested the predictions that (1 individuals with PTSD would display reduced responses to happy facial expressions in ventral striatal reward networks, and (2 that this reduction would be associated with emotional numbing symptoms. 23 treatment-seeking patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder were recruited from the treatment clinic at the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies, Westmead Hospital, and 20 trauma-exposed controls were recruited from a community sample. We examined functional magnetic resonance imaging responses during the presentation of happy and neutral facial expressions in a passive viewing task. PTSD participants rated happy facial expression as less intense than trauma-exposed controls. Relative to controls, PTSD participants revealed lower activation to happy (-neutral faces in ventral striatum and and a trend for reduced activation in left amygdala. A significant negative correlation was found between emotional numbing symptoms in PTSD and right ventral striatal regions after controlling for depression, anxiety and PTSD severity. This study provides initial evidence that individuals with PTSD have lower reactivity to happy facial expressions, and that lower activation in ventral striatal-limbic reward networks may be associated with symptoms of emotional numbing.

  3. A biomechanical analysis of ventral furrow formation in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo.

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    Vito Conte

    Full Text Available The article provides a biomechanical analysis of ventral furrow formation in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Ventral furrow formation is the first large-scale morphogenetic movement in the fly embryo. It involves deformation of a uniform cellular monolayer formed following cellularisation, and has therefore long been used as a simple system in which to explore the role of mechanics in force generation. Here we use a quantitative framework to carry out a systematic perturbation analysis to determine the role of each of the active forces observed. The analysis confirms that ventral furrow invagination arises from a combination of apical constriction and apical-basal shortening forces in the mesoderm, together with a combination of ectodermal forces. We show that the mesodermal forces are crucial for invagination: the loss of apical constriction leads to a loss of the furrow, while the mesodermal radial shortening forces are the primary cause of the internalisation of the future mesoderm as the furrow rises. Ectodermal forces play a minor but significant role in furrow formation: without ectodermal forces the furrow is slower to form, does not close properly and has an aberrant morphology. Nevertheless, despite changes in the active mesodermal and ectodermal forces lead to changes in the timing and extent of furrow, invagination is eventually achieved in most cases, implying that the system is robust to perturbation and therefore over-determined.

  4. Direito à moradia


    Alves, Carolina Caraíba Nazareth


    Resumo: Os sinais da desconexão entre a efetivação da moradia, no sentido de condição de coexistência habitada por significações múltiplas de realização da vida e, o anúncio do levantamento de um sem número de paredes e telhados localizados em algum lugar, que pode ser lugar nenhum, mais vazios de significado por talvez se apresentarem apenas como o lugar de um, é que deram ao trabalho o tom da preocupação e do objeto da pesquisa. Apartar a construção de casas ou as soluções construtivas de m...

  5. Isolamento e caracterização de um mutante de saccharomyces cerevisiae com características fenotípicas opostas à cepa pkc


    Gomes, Katia das Neves


    Em leveduras, a proteína quinase C participa da regulação da via bioquímica responsável pela transcrição de uma subunidade da enzima glucano sintase, a qual está envolvida na síntese da parede celular. A via PKC MAP quinase consiste das enzimas Bck1, Mkk1/2 e Mpk1 que são ativadas por fosforilação. Recentemente, nós descobrimos que o mutante pkc1 D, contrariamente aos demais mutantes da cascata Map quinase, exibe dois principais defeitos no controle do metabolismo de carbono. A cepa pkc1 D ap...

  6. Correction of Residual Ventral Penile Curvature After Division of the Urethral Plate in the First Stage of a 2-Stage Proximal Hypospadias Repair. (United States)

    Schlomer, Bruce J


    The first stage of a 2-stage proximal hypospadias repair involves division of the urethral plate and correction of any residual ventral penile curvature (VPC). Options to correct residual VPC include dorsal corporal shortening or ventral corporal lengthening techniques. This review discusses these options and suggests an approach to management. Recent reports of 2-stage proximal hypospadias repairs indicate low rates of recurrent VPC with either dorsal corporal shortening or ventral corporal lengthening. Dorsal corporal shortening with dorsal plication may be preferentially used for mild to moderate residual VPC after division of urethral plate and ventral corporal lengthening reserved for severe residual VPC. Ventral corporal lengthening with grafts has been associated with urethroplasty complications after the second stage hypospadias surgery. Ventral corporal lengthening with relaxing incisions of corpora has been reported, but concerns about adverse effects require longer term studies. Little guidance exists to choose the best technique for VPC correction during first stage hypospadias repair after division of urethral plate. Reported literature suggests good results with dorsal plication techniques and ventral corporal lengthening. A practical approach is to use dorsal plication techniques for mild to moderate residual VPC after division of urethral plate (lengthening for severe residual VPC (>45°).

  7. Cephalad-renal ectopia: Bilateral subdiaphragmatic kidneys in a patient of omphalocele with ventral hernia

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    Jitendra Parmar


    Full Text Available Renal ectopia is a rare congenital anomaly. Thoracic ectopic kidney was being considered as rarest, however no case of bilateral subdiaphragmatic kidneys in omphalocele patients presented with ventral hernia has been reported yet, as per our best of knowledge. This is a report of a 5- year-old male patient who presented with ventral hernia after omphalocele. A thorough examination, laboratory, and radiological investigations including ultrasonography, plain abdominal x-ray, intravenous urogram, and computerized tomography revealed bilateral subdiaphragmatic ectopic kidneys with azygos continuation of inferior vena cava, retro-aortic left renal vein and spina bifida

  8. Behavior-driven arc expression is reduced in all ventral hippocampal subfields compared to CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus in rat dorsal hippocampus. (United States)

    Chawla, M K; Sutherland, V L; Olson, K; McNaughton, B L; Barnes, C A


    Anatomical connectivity and lesion studies reveal distinct functional heterogeneity along the dorsal-ventral axis of the hippocampus. The immediate early gene Arc is known to be involved in neural plasticity and memory and can be used as a marker for cell activity that occurs, for example, when hippocampal place cells fire. We report here, that Arc is expressed in a greater proportion of cells in dorsal CA1, CA3, and dentate gyrus (DG), following spatial behavioral experiences compared to ventral hippocampal subregions (dorsal CA1 = 33%; ventral CA1 = 13%; dorsal CA3 = 23%; ventral CA3 = 8%; and dorsal DG = 2.5%; ventral DG = 1.2%). The technique used here to obtain estimates of numbers of behavior-driven cells across the dorsal-ventral axis, however, corresponds quite well with samples from available single unit recording studies. Several explanations for the two- to-threefold reduction in spatial behavior-driven cell activity in the ventral hippocampus can be offered. These include anatomical connectivity differences, differential gain of the self-motion signals that appear to alter the scale of place fields and the proportion of active cells, and possibly variations in the neuronal responses to non-spatial information within the hippocampus along its dorso-ventral axis. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Which way is up? Asymmetric spectral input along the dorsal-ventral axis influences postural responses in an amphibious annelid. (United States)

    Jellies, John


    Medicinal leeches are predatory annelids that exhibit countershading and reside in aquatic environments where light levels might be variable. They also leave the water and must contend with terrestrial environments. Yet, leeches generally maintain a dorsal upward position despite lacking statocysts. Leeches respond visually to both green and near-ultraviolet (UV) light. I used LEDs to test the hypothesis that ventral, but not dorsal UV would evoke compensatory movements to orient the body. Untethered leeches were tested using LEDs emitting at red (632 nm), green (513 nm), blue (455 nm) and UV (372 nm). UV light evoked responses in 100 % of trials and the leeches often rotated the ventral surface away from it. Visible light evoked no or modest responses (12-15 % of trials) and no body rotation. Electrophysiological recordings showed that ventral sensilla responded best to UV, dorsal sensilla to green. Additionally, a higher order interneuron that is engaged in a variety of parallel networks responded vigorously to UV presented ventrally, and both the visible and UV responses exhibited pronounced light adaptation. These results strongly support the suggestion that a dorsal light reflex in the leech uses spectral comparisons across the dorsal-ventral axis rather than, or in addition to, luminance.

  10. Reelin signaling in the migration of ventral brain stem and spinal cord neurons

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    Sandra eBlaess


    Full Text Available The extracellular matrix protein Reelin is an important orchestrator of neuronal migration during the development of the central nervous system. While its role and mechanism of action have been extensively studied and reviewed in the formation of dorsal laminar brain structures like the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum, its functions during the neuronal migration events that result in the nuclear organization of the ventral central nervous system are less well understood. In an attempt to delineate an underlying pattern of Reelin action in the formation of neuronal cell clusters, this review highlights the role of Reelin signaling in the migration of neuronal populations that originate in the ventral brain stem and the spinal cord.

  11. The effect of chronic fluoxetine on social isolation-induced changes on sucrose consumption, immobility behavior, and on serotonin and dopamine function in hippocampus and ventral striatum. (United States)

    Brenes, Juan C; Fornaguera, Jaime


    This study examined the effect of fluoxetine, a selective serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor, on isolation-induced changes on sucrose consumption and preference, spontaneous open-field activity, forced swimming behavior, and on tissue levels of 5-HT and dopamine (DA) in hippocampus and ventral striatum (VS). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were reared in social isolation or group housing from postnatal day 28. Thirty-two days later, half of the isolated animals were orally treated with fluoxetine (10mg/kg/day) during the following 34 days. At the end of this period, behavior was assessed and afterward ex-vivo tissue samples were obtained. It was found that fluoxetine restored isolation-increased sucrose consumption and immobility behavior, without affecting locomotor activity, which appeared slightly increased in isolated groups both treated and untreated. In the hippocampus, isolation rearing depleted 5-HT contents and increased 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels, as well as 5-HT and DA turnover. These neurochemical alterations were reversed by fluoxetine. In VS, treated and untreated isolated rats showed higher 5-HT levels than grouped congeners. Although fluoxetine did not affect 5-HT and DA contents in this region, it slightly reversed the alterations in the 5-HT and DA turnover observed in isolated rats. Overall, social isolation impaired incentive and escape motivated behaviors. At the neurochemical level, isolation rearing affected 5-HT rather than DA activity, and this differential effect was more noticeable in hippocampus than in VS. The chronic treatment with fluoxetine during the last month of rearing somewhat prevented these behavioral and neurochemical alterations. Our data suggest that isolation rearing is an appropriate procedure to model some developmental-related alterations underlying depression disorders.

  12. Islet-1 is required for ventral neuron survival in Xenopus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Yu; Zhao, Shuhua; Li, Jiejing; Mao, Bingyu


    Islet-1 is a LIM domain transcription factor involved in several processes of embryonic development. Xenopus Islet-1 (Xisl-1) has been shown to be crucial for proper heart development. Here we show that Xisl-1 and Xisl-2 are differentially expressed in the nervous system in Xenopus embryos. Knock-down of Xisl-1 by specific morpholino leads to severe developmental defects, including eye and heart failure. Staining with the neuronal markers N-tubulin and Xisl-1 itself reveals that the motor neurons and a group of ventral interneurons are lost in the Xisl-1 morphants. Terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) analysis shows that Xisl-1 morpholino injection induces extensive apoptosis in the ventral neural plate, which can be largely inhibited by the apoptosis inhibitor M50054. We also find that over-expression of Xisl-1 is able to promote cell proliferation and induce Xstat3 expression in the injected side, suggesting a potential role for Xisl-1 in the regulation of cell proliferation in co-operation with the Jak-Stat pathway.

  13. Differences between Dorsal and Ventral Striatum in the Sensitivity of Tonically Active Neurons to Rewarding Events

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    Kevin Marche


    Full Text Available Within the striatum, cholinergic interneurons, electrophysiologically identified as tonically active neurons (TANs, represent a relatively homogeneous group in terms of their functional properties. They display typical pause in tonic firing in response to rewarding events which are of crucial importance for reinforcement learning. These responses are uniformly distributed throughout the dorsal striatum (i.e., motor and associative striatum, but it is unknown, at least in monkeys, whether differences in the modulation of TAN activity exist in the ventral striatum (i.e., limbic striatum, a region specialized for processing of motivational information. To address this issue, we examined the activity of dorsal and ventral TANs in two monkeys trained on a Pavlovian conditioning task in which a visual stimulus preceded the delivery of liquid reward by a fixed time interval. We found that the proportion of TANs responding to the stimulus predictive of reward did not vary significantly across regions (58%–80%, whereas the fraction of TANs responding to reward was higher in the limbic striatum (100% compared to the motor (65% and associative striatum (52%. By examining TAN modulation at the level of both the population and the individual neurons, we showed that the duration of pause responses to the stimulus and reward was longer in the ventral than in the dorsal striatal regions. Also, the magnitude of the pause was greater in ventral than dorsal striatum for the stimulus predictive of reward but not for the reward itself. We found similar region-specific differences in pause response duration to the stimulus when the timing of reward was less predictable (fixed replaced by variable time interval. Regional variations in the duration and magnitude of the pause response were transferred from the stimulus to reward when reward was delivered in the absence of any predictive stimulus. It therefore appears that ventral TANs exhibit stronger responses to

  14. Emergência de plântulas de Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke em função da posição de semeadura

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    Ismael de Oliveira Pinto


    Full Text Available Para a produção de mudas busca se reduzir o tempo em que estas permanecem no viveiro e fatores como temperatura, umidade, germinação e posição da semente na semeadura podem contribuir com o prolongamento deste tempo aumentando assim os custos de produção. Desta forma, objetivou-se com esse trabalho verificar o efeito da posição da semente na semeadura sobre o processo de emergência de Schizolobium amazonicum. Para tanto, os tratamentos foram dispostos em DIC, constituído de 3 posições de semeadura com quatro repetições de 25 sementes, sendo elas:  A- com a semente em pé com o hilo para baixo; B - semente sobre uma das faces; e o C com a semente plantada de lado sobre a espessura e faces paralelas às paredes da sementeira. Foram avaliados a percentagem de emergência de plântulas, primeira contagem, IVE e  comprimento da parte aérea das plântulas. Observamos que a emergência de plântulas e primeira contagem não foram influenciados pelas posições das sementes avaliadas. A variável IVE na posição C obteve maior valor.  Quando semeadas na posição A as sementes apresentaram IVE 17,5% inferiores quando comparadas a posição C. A posição B apresentou os resultados de comprimento de plântulas mais uniforme para cada período de avaliação. 

  15. Arteriosclerosis in the ventral aorta and epicarditis in the bulbus arteriosus of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). (United States)

    Dalum, A S; Kristthorsdottir, K H; Griffiths, D J; Bjørklund, K; Poppe, T T


    Spontaneous mortality of seemingly healthy, farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) is an increasing problem in Norwegian aquaculture. In this study, we present a morphological study of the previously undescribed syndrome of arteriosclerosis of the ventral aorta and epicarditis of the adjacent bulbus arteriosus found in farmed Atlantic salmon, with wild-captured fish as a control group. Both the ventral aorta and epicardium are vital for correct arterial compliance and vascular resistance in the respiratory capillaries of the gills. We discuss the possible implications of ventral aorta arteriosclerosis and epicarditis for blood vascular health and in particular for the increasing frequency of spontaneous gill bleeding in farmed salmon. As both these conditions primarily occur in farmed salmon, we suggest that they should be considered pathological. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Chemical composition and fermentation dynamics of jackfruit silageComposição bromatológica e dinâmica de fermentação da silagem de jaca

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    João Ricardo Rebouças Dórea


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da inclusão de fubá de milho (5% e uréia (1% sobre a composição bromatológica e o perfil fermentativo da silagem de jaca, utilizando-se delineamento experimental inteiramente casualisado em arranjo fatorial 3x7 (tratamentos x dia de abertura, com duas repetições. Foram utilizados silos experimentais de PVC, 10 cm de diâmetros x 40 cm de comprimento. A abertura dos silos seguida da avaliação da composição bromatológica e do perfil fermentativo da silagem ocorreu aos 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 28 e 56 dias após a ensilagem. Os teores de matéria seca (MS e proteína bruta (PB foram elevados significativamente (P<0,05 com a adição de 5% de milho e 1% de uréia, respectivamente. O pH encontrado em todos os tratamentos foi considerado ideal para silagens de boa qualidade. A adição de uréia aumentou significativamente (P<0,05 os valores de nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3/NT. A adição de 1% uréia funcionou como álcali na parede celular do material ensilado, demonstrado pela redução nos teores das frações fibrosas. A jaca apresenta potencial de conservação na forma de silagem e a utilização de milho e uréia como aditivos melhora o perfil fermentativo e a qualidade da silagem.

  17. Implante coclear via fossa craniana média: uma nova técnica para acesso ao giro basal da cóclea Cochlear implantation through the middle cranial fossa: a novel approach to access the basal turn of the cochlea

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    Aline Gomes Bittencourt


    Full Text Available A técnica clássica para o implante coclear é realizada através de mastoidectomia e timpanotomia posterior. A abordagem pela fossa craniana média provou ser uma alternativa valiosa, embora venha sendo usada para o implante coclear apenas esporadicamente e sem normatização. OBJETIVO: Descrever uma nova abordagem para expor o giro basal da cóclea para o implante coclear através da fossa craniana média. MÉTODO: Cinquenta ossos temporais foram dissecados. A cocleostomia foi realizada através de uma abordagem via fossa craniana média, na parte mais superficial do giro basal da cóclea, usando o plano meatal e seio petroso superior como pontos de reparo. A parede lateral do meato acústico interno foi dissecada após o broqueamento e esqueletização do ápice petroso. A parede dissecada do meato acústico interno foi acompanhada longitudinalmente até a cocleostomia. Design: Estudo anatômico de osso temporal. RESULTADOS: Em todos os ossos temporais, apenas a parte superficial do giro basal da cóclea foi aberta. A exposição do giro basal da cóclea permitiu que as escalas timpânica e vestibular fossem visualizadas. Assim, não houve dificuldade na inserção do feixe de eletrodos através da escala timpânica. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica proposta é simples e permite exposição suficiente do giro basal da cóclea.The classic approach for cochlear implant surgery includes mastoidectomy and posterior tympanotomy. The middle cranial fossa approach is a proven alternative, but it has been used only sporadically and inconsistently in cochlear implantation. OBJECTIVE: To describe a new approach to expose the basal turn of the cochlea in cochlear implant surgery through the middle cranial fossa. METHOD: Fifty temporal bones were dissected in this anatomic study of the temporal bone. Cochleostomies were performed through the middle cranial fossa approach in the most superficial portion of the basal turn of the cochlea, using the meatal plane and

  18. Initiation and slow propagation of epileptiform activity from ventral to dorsal medial entorhinal cortex is constrained by an inhibitory gradient. (United States)

    Ridler, Thomas; Matthews, Peter; Phillips, Keith G; Randall, Andrew D; Brown, Jonathan T


    The medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) has an important role in initiation and propagation of seizure activity. Several anatomical relationships exist in neurophysiological properties of mEC neurons; however, in the context of hyperexcitability, previous studies often considered it as a homogeneous structure. Using multi-site extracellular recording techniques, ictal-like activity was observed along the dorso-ventral axis of the mEC in vitro in response to various ictogenic stimuli. This originated predominantly from ventral areas, spreading to dorsal mEC with a surprisingly slow velocity. Modulation of inhibitory tone was capable of changing the slope of ictal initiation, suggesting seizure propagation behaviours are highly dependent on levels of GABAergic function in this region. A distinct disinhibition model also showed, in the absence of inhibition, a prevalence for interictal-like initiation in ventral mEC, reflecting the intrinsic differences in mEC neurons. These findings suggest the ventral mEC is more prone to hyperexcitable discharge than the dorsal mEC, which may be relevant under pathological conditions. The medial entorhinal cortex (mEC) has an important role in the generation and propagation of seizure activity. The organization of the mEC is such that a number of dorso-ventral relationships exist in neurophysiological properties of neurons. These range from intrinsic and synaptic properties to density of inhibitory connectivity. We examined the influence of these gradients on generation and propagation of epileptiform activity in the mEC. Using a 16-shank silicon probe array to record along the dorso-ventral axis of the mEC in vitro, we found 4-aminopyridine application produces ictal-like activity originating predominantly in ventral areas. This activity spreads to dorsal mEC at a surprisingly slow velocity (138 μm s -1 ), while cross-site interictal-like activity appeared relatively synchronous. We propose that ictal propagation is constrained by

  19. Feasibility and outcome after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair using Proceed mesh

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenberg, J.; Burcharth, J.


    laparoscopic ventral hernia repair using the Proceed mesh secured with tackers with a double crown technique. Patients were discharged according to standard discharge criteria, and follow-up was performed with a search in the national patient database and with manual search in the patients' files. RESULTS: Our...

  20. Attention supports verbal short-term memory via competition between dorsal and ventral attention networks. (United States)

    Majerus, Steve; Attout, Lucie; D'Argembeau, Arnaud; Degueldre, Christian; Fias, Wim; Maquet, Pierre; Martinez Perez, Trecy; Stawarczyk, David; Salmon, Eric; Van der Linden, Martial; Phillips, Christophe; Balteau, Evelyne


    Interactions between the neural correlates of short-term memory (STM) and attention have been actively studied in the visual STM domain but much less in the verbal STM domain. Here we show that the same attention mechanisms that have been shown to shape the neural networks of visual STM also shape those of verbal STM. Based on previous research in visual STM, we contrasted the involvement of a dorsal attention network centered on the intraparietal sulcus supporting task-related attention and a ventral attention network centered on the temporoparietal junction supporting stimulus-related attention. We observed that, with increasing STM load, the dorsal attention network was activated while the ventral attention network was deactivated, especially during early maintenance. Importantly, activation in the ventral attention network increased in response to task-irrelevant stimuli briefly presented during the maintenance phase of the STM trials but only during low-load STM conditions, which were associated with the lowest levels of activity in the dorsal attention network during encoding and early maintenance. By demonstrating a trade-off between task-related and stimulus-related attention networks during verbal STM, this study highlights the dynamics of attentional processes involved in verbal STM.

  1. Mucoceles en Cara Ventral de Lengua: Reporte de 6 casos y manejo quirúrgico


    Del Valle, Sol C.


    El "Mucocele" como todos sabemos es un término clínico que corresponde histopatológicamente a un fenómeno de retención o extravasación de moco, causado por obstrucción o ruptura del ducto de una glándula salival menor. La localización más frecuente es la mucosa del labio inferior seguida de mucosa bucal, paladar, y pocas veces en cara ventral de lengua. (1-2) Se estudiaron 6 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de mucocele en cara ventral de lengua que acudieron el Servicio de Patología Clínica ...

  2. Chronic treatment with epidermal growth factor induces growth of the rat ventral prostate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tørring, N; Jensen, L V; Wen, J G


    of the prostate epithelium, the stroma and the lumen following EGF treatment, in a pattern resembling physiological growth of the ventral prostate. A significant correlation (r = 0.78, p testosterone...

  3. A Comparative Study of Dorsal Buccal Mucosa Graft Substitution Urethroplasty by Dorsal Urethrotomy Approach versus Ventral Sagittal Urethrotomy Approach

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    Mrinal Pahwa


    Full Text Available Objectives. To compare the outcome of dorsal buccal mucosal graft (BMG substitution urethroplasty by dorsal urethrotomy approach with ventral urethrotomy approach in management of stricture urethra. Methods and Materials. A total of 40 patients who underwent dorsal BMG substitution urethroplasty were randomized into two groups. 20 patients underwent dorsal onlay BMG urethroplasty as described by Barbagli, and the other 20 patients underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by ventral urethrotomy as described by Asopa. Operative time, success rate, satisfaction rate, and complications were compared between the two groups. Mean follow-up was 12 months (6–24 months. Results. Ventral urethrotomy group had considerably lesser operative time although the difference was not statistically significant. Patients in dorsal group had mean maximum flow rate of 19.6 mL/min and mean residual urine of 27 mL, whereas ventral group had a mean maximum flow rate of 18.8 and residual urine of 32 mL. Eighteen out of twenty patients voided well in each group, and postoperative imaging study in these patients showed a good lumen with no evidence of leak or extravasation. Conclusion. Though ventral sagittal urethrotomy preserves the blood supply of urethra and intraoperative time was less than dorsal urethrotomy technique, there was no statistically significant difference in final outcome using either technique.

  4. A Comparative Study of Dorsal Buccal Mucosa Graft Substitution Urethroplasty by Dorsal Urethrotomy Approach versus Ventral Sagittal Urethrotomy Approach. (United States)

    Pahwa, Mrinal; Gupta, Sanjeev; Pahwa, Mayank; Jain, Brig D K; Gupta, Manu


    Objectives. To compare the outcome of dorsal buccal mucosal graft (BMG) substitution urethroplasty by dorsal urethrotomy approach with ventral urethrotomy approach in management of stricture urethra. Methods and Materials. A total of 40 patients who underwent dorsal BMG substitution urethroplasty were randomized into two groups. 20 patients underwent dorsal onlay BMG urethroplasty as described by Barbagli, and the other 20 patients underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by ventral urethrotomy as described by Asopa. Operative time, success rate, satisfaction rate, and complications were compared between the two groups. Mean follow-up was 12 months (6-24 months). Results. Ventral urethrotomy group had considerably lesser operative time although the difference was not statistically significant. Patients in dorsal group had mean maximum flow rate of 19.6 mL/min and mean residual urine of 27 mL, whereas ventral group had a mean maximum flow rate of 18.8 and residual urine of 32 mL. Eighteen out of twenty patients voided well in each group, and postoperative imaging study in these patients showed a good lumen with no evidence of leak or extravasation. Conclusion. Though ventral sagittal urethrotomy preserves the blood supply of urethra and intraoperative time was less than dorsal urethrotomy technique, there was no statistically significant difference in final outcome using either technique.

  5. Dorsal free graft urethroplasty for urethral stricture by ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach. (United States)

    Asopa, H S; Garg, M; Singhal, G G; Singh, L; Asopa, J; Nischal, A


    To explore the feasibility of applying a dorsal free graft to treat urethral stricture by the ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach without mobilizing the urethra. Twelve patients with long or multiple strictures of the anterior urethra were treated by a dorsal free full-thickness preputial or buccal mucosa graft. The urethra was not separated from the corporal bodies and was opened in the midline over the stricture. The floor of the urethra was incised, and an elliptical raw area was created over the tunica on which a free full-thickness graft of preputial or buccal mucosa was secured. The urethra was retubularized in one stage. After a follow-up of 8 to 40 months, one recurrence developed and required dilation. The ventral sagittal urethrotomy approach for dorsal free graft urethroplasty is not only feasible and successful, but is easy to perform.

  6. Ratio of dopamine synthesis capacity to D2 receptor availability in ventral striatum correlates with central processing of affective stimuli

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kienast, Thorsten; Rapp, Michael; Siessmeier, Thomas; Buchholz, Hans G.; Schreckenberger, Mathias; Wrase, Jana; Heinz, Andreas; Braus, Dieter F.; Smolka, Michael N.; Mann, Karl; Roesch, Frank; Cumming, Paul; Gruender, Gerhard; Bartenstein, Peter


    Dopaminergic neurotransmission in the ventral striatum may interact with limbic processing of affective stimuli, whereas dorsal striatal dopaminergic neurotransmission can affect habitual processing of emotionally salient stimuli in the pre-frontal cortex. We investigated the dopaminergic neurotransmission in the ventral and dorsal striatum with respect to central processing of affective stimuli in healthy subjects. Subjects were investigated with positron emission tomography and [ 18 F]DOPA for measurements of dopamine synthesis capacity and [ 18 F]DMFP for estimation of dopamine D2 receptor binding potential. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to assess the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) response to affective pictures, which was correlated with the ratio of [ 18 F]DOPA net influx constant K in app /[ 18 F]DMFP-binding potential (BP N D) in the ventral and dorsal striatum. The magnitude of the ratio in the ventral striatum was positively correlated with BOLD signal increases elicited by negative versus neutral pictures in the right medial frontal gyrus (BA10), right inferior parietal lobe and left post-central gyrus. In the dorsal striatum, the ratio was positively correlated with BOLD signal activation elicited by negative versus neutral stimuli in the left post-central gyrus. The BOLD signal elicited by positive versus neutral stimuli in the superior parietal gyrus was positively correlated with the dorsal and ventral striatal ratio. The correlations of the ratio in the ventral and dorsal striatum with processing of affective stimuli in the named cortical regions support the hypothesis that dopamine transmission in functional divisions of the striatum modulates processing of affective stimuli in specific cortical areas. (orig.)


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    Danielle Denes dos Santos Carstens

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este caso apresenta a Tecnogran, empresa paranaense de revestimentos de alto tráfego atuante no segmento de pisos para supermercados, shopping centers, áreas externas, obras públicas e de acessibilidade. O caso descreve o histórico, as características da organização e do setor, abordando impasses enfrentados pela Tecnogran: pressões por preço e demandas de mercado. A empresa é líder no mercado nacional e, apesar disso, encontra dilemas ao buscar se consolidar como inovadora frente a seus concorrentes. O caso é analisado sob as perspectivas das teorias: Estratégias Genéricas e Vantagem Competitiva Ambiental; Teoria Baseada em Recursos; e Teoria de Recursos, Processos e Valores na Inovação. O caso apresenta também as respostas da empresa: inovações em produtos e serviços, e alterações em processos produtivos para manutenção de sua liderança no mercado nacional. As informações para a elaboração do caso foram obtidas por entrevistas semiestruturadas com os gestores da Tecnogran e por dados secundários, tais como publicações, documentos da empresa e sites. Este caso de ensino poderá ser utilizado nas disciplinas de Administração Estratégica, Gestão da Inovação, Marketing e disciplinas correlatas, em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação com foco em negócios de empresas. Os principais objetivos educacionais são: sensibilizar alunos para perceber as estratégias empresariais; analisar os modelos de gestão em busca de vantagem competitiva; identificar modelos estratégicos organizacionais; assinalar a relação entre competências organizacionais e vantagem competitiva sustentável; e compreender a importância e os desafios da inovação para as organizações.

  8. Reconstrução palpebral com retalho de Fricke: relato de dois casos

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    Herzog Neto Guilherme


    Full Text Available O câncer de pele é o tumor mais comum na espécie humana, sendo o carcinoma basocelular o de maior prevalência. Este trabalho relata dois casos recentes deste tipo de tumor, envolvendo tanto a pálpebra superior quanto a inferior em duas mulheres. O primeiro caso é de uma mulher de 72 anos de idade, amaurótica do olho direito, com comprometimento de aproximadamente 80% da pálpebra superior esquerda, 70% da pálpebra inferior esquerda e comprometimento da parede lateral da órbita, comprovado pela tomografia computadorizada. O exame anatomopatológico da peça cirúrgica revelou a presença de carcinoma basocelular invasivo, com margens livres. Foi feita reconstrução imediata com retalho de Fricke. O segundo caso é de senhora de 68 anos de idade, com história prévia de trauma na região periorbitária esquerda, apresentando edema e hiperemia palpebral, com aspecto brilhante, com perda dos cílios e pequena ulceração central, envolvendo aproximadamente 90% da pálpebra superior e 65% da pálpebra inferior esquerda, com comprometimento da parede lateral da órbita evidenciado na tomografia. O exame anatomopatológico da peça cirúrgica revelou a presença de carcinoma basocelular invasivo, com margens livres. Foi optado pela reconstrução imediata com retalho de Fricke. Os autores acreditam que apesar deste tipo de retalho não ser a primeira escolha na maioria das reconstruções palpebrais, não deveria ser negligenciado, pois em certos casos, tornar-se-ia a única opção viável.

  9. Pelvic ventral hernia repair in a pygopagus conjoint twin | Bhullar ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Pelvic ventral hernia repair in a surviving conjoint twin with multiple congenital anomalies that make surgery a challenge. Conjoint twins are a rare. The incidence is reported to be in the range of 1/50 000 to 1/100 000 live births. Of the conjoint twins, 40% are stillborn and an additional one-third die within 24 h of birth.

  10. A double dissociation of dorsal and ventral hippocampal function on a learning and memory task mediated by the dorso-lateral striatum. (United States)

    McDonald, Robert J; Jones, Jana; Richards, Blake; Hong, Nancy S


    The objectives of this research were to further delineate the neural circuits subserving proposed memory-based behavioural subsystems in the hippocampal formation. These studies were guided by anatomical evidence showing a topographical organization of the hippocampal formation. Briefly, perpendicular to the medial/lateral entorhinal cortex division there is a second system of parallel circuits that separates the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Recent work from this laboratory has provided evidence that the hippocampus incidentally encodes a context-specific inhibitory association during acquisition of a visual discrimination task. One question that emerges from this dataset is whether the dorsal or ventral hippocampus makes a unique contribution to this newly described function. Rats with neurotoxic lesions of the dorsal or ventral hippocampus were assessed on the acquisition of the visual discrimination task. Following asymptotic performance they were given reversal training in either the same or a different context from the original training. The results showed that the context-specific inhibition effect is mediated by a circuit that includes the ventral but not the dorsal hippocampus. Results from a control procedure showed that rats with either dorso-lateral striatum damage or dorsal hippocampal lesions were impaired on a tactile/spatial discrimination. Taken together, the results represent a double dissociation of learning and memory function between the ventral and dorsal hippocampus. The formation of an incidental inhibitory association was dependent on ventral but not dorsal hippocampal circuitry, and the opposite dependence was found for the spatial component of a tactile/spatial discrimination.

  11. A preliminary study of the sensory distribution of the penile dorsal and ventral nerves: implications for effective penile block for circumcision.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Long, Ronan M


    OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensory innervation of the penis, as regional anaesthesia is often used either for postoperative analgesia or as the sole anaesthetic technique for circumcision. Since first described in 1978 the dorsal penile nerve block has become the standard technique, but some blocks are ineffective; a better understanding of the sensory innervation of the penis might improve the efficacy of the dorsal penile block technique. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 13 men undergoing circumcision with local anaesthetic, cutaneous sensation was tested before and after infiltration of the dorsal aspect of the penis, and then again after infiltration of the ventral aspect. The area of anaesthesia was mapped using pin-prick sensation. RESULTS: Ten of the 13 patients showed a similar pattern of sensory distribution. After the dorsal block, the dorsal aspect of the shaft of the penis and glans penis became insensate. The ventral aspect of the shaft remained sensate up to and including the frenulum. After successful ventral infiltration all sensate areas became insensate and circumcision proceeded. In one case the frenulum and distal ventral foreskin was anaesthetized after the dorsal block and ventral infiltration was not required. No patient experienced pain during circumcision. CONCLUSION: For consistently successful regional anaesthesia of the foreskin in circumcision, a dorsal block must be used. This should be combined with ventral infiltration at the site of incision. This method will avoid inconsistencies and allow pain-free circumcision using local anaesthesia in most men.

  12. Comparison of the Schirmer tear test I values after placement in ventral and dorsal conjunctival fornices in healthy cats. (United States)

    Aftab, Ghazal; Rajaei, Seyed Mehdi; Faghihi, Houman


    Objectives The objective of this study was to compare the Schirmer tear test I values obtained from placement of Schirmer tear test (STT) strips in ventral and dorsal conjunctival fornices and to investigate any correlation between age, body weight and STT values in clinically normal cats. Methods Twenty-eight intact adult domestic shorthair and Persian were used in this study. The cats were gently physically restrained in a sternal position, and a Schirmer tear strip was placed on each eye in the ventral conjunctival fornix at one-third of the distance from the temporal to nasal canthus for 60 s. Then, the wetted portion of the strips was measured as mm/min (L-STT I). After 48 h, the same procedure was performed on each eye in the dorsal conjunctival fornix (U-STT I). Results Mean ± SD STT values of the ventral and dorsal conjunctival fornices were 20.80 ± 2.25 mm/min (range 14-25 mm/min; 95% confidence interval [CI] 19.92-21.67) and 18.28 ± 2.27 mm/min (range 15-22 mm/min; 95% CI 17.39-19.16) in all of the study population, respectively. A significant difference was found between STT values obtained from the ventral and dorsal conjunctival fornices ( P <0.001). There was no correlation between the age and body weight of the animals and STT I values. Conclusions and relevance This study compared the STT I values of the dorsal and ventral conjunctival fornices in cats. The difference was significant between the L-STT I and U-STT I values; however, the L-STT I and U-STT I values were within normal reference intervals. The U-STT I data have diagnostic value that might be of benefit in cases where there is a problem in the ventral conjunctival fornix.

  13. Neurofibrillar differentiation in 8- to 14- somites chick embryos

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    Eros Abrantes Erhart


    Full Text Available Com o intuito de estudar o início da diferenciação neurofibrilar de neuro-blastos foram preparados cortes seriados de embriões de galinha impregnados pela prata, modificação de De Castro do método de Cajal. A diferenciação neurofibrilar inicia-se em fases mais jovens que as descritas na literatura. Em embriões de galinha de 8 somitos, os primeiros neuroblastos são encontrados na região rombencefálica do tubo neural, ainda aberto, na altura da invaginação ótica. Aos 12 somitos, os neuroblastos começam a aparecer, também, na junção prosencéfalo-mesencefálica, e aos 14 somitos, bem mais diferenciados, apresentam evidente, aumento numérico. Os neuroblastos localizados na junção prosencéfalo-mesencefálica enviam seus axônios caudalmente, constituindo o que parece ser o primórdio do fascículo longitudinal medial. Os neuroblastos rombencefálicos enviam seus axônios ventral, cranial e caudalmente, na espessura das paredes neurais, constituindo, provàvelmente, os primórdios dos sistemas cordonais e de associação; por apresentarem-se mais ou menos grupados nos níveis do trigêmio, facial e vago, talvez induzam, também, a pré-organização dos primórdios dos núcleos motores dos nervos V, VII e do complexo vagal.

  14. Anatomia descritiva da traqueia do macaco-prego (Sapajus apella

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    Luciano César


    Full Text Available O estudo descritivo da anatomia de animais silvestres experimenta, nos dias atuais, inegável importância. O cerrado constitui um bioma complexo que abriga uma grande variedade de espécies, entre elas, o macaco-prego (Sapajus apella; foram utilizados quatro espécimes, comparando os resultados encontrados com a literatura humana e veterinária, já bem estabelecidas. Os espécimes foram fixados em solução aquosa de formol a 10%, dissecados, analisados descritivamente e fotografados. Os resultados evidenciam uma traqueia cuja extensão varia conforme a compleição física do animal, um número variável de anéis cartilaginosos incompletos, sendo o fechamento do tubo, na face dorsal, feito por tecido musculomembranoso. A parede musculomembranosa não é uniforme em toda a sua extensão, exibindo maior largura no terço médio-cranial. Então, a traqueia do S. apella não diverge muito daquela observada no homem e animais domésticos, sendo as variações, aparentemente, relacionadas às adaptações à compleição física do animal.

  15. Anatomia da cavidade bucofaringeana de Sorubim trigonocephalus (Siluriformes, Osteichthyes

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    Cristiano de Oliveira Schuingues


    Full Text Available Sorubim trigonocephalus Miranda et Ribeiro, 1920 conhecido popularmente como chinelo, é uma espécie migratória, de importância econômica. Bastante apreciado na gastronomia por apresentar sabor agradável e sem ossos intermusculares (espinhos. Os exemplares foram coletados em um trecho no Rio Teles Pires, localizado no município de Alta Floresta/MT. Anestesiados e sacrificados em solução aquosa de benzocaína, fixados com solução de formoldeído a 10%, transferidos para o Laboratório de Anatomia Animal/Unemat para descrição das características da cavidade bucofaringeana. Esta espécie apresentou uma pré-maxila bem desenvolvida e cabeça achatada dorsoventralmente, boca localizada na porção ventral média da cabeça, com fenda bucal ampla. Os lábios superiores apresentaram pigmentação cinza escuro com pequenas áreas claras, sendo mais largos que os inferiores e não apresentaram pigmentação. Foram identificadas quatro regiões dentígeras na porção anterior da cavidade bucal e duas na região da faringe, todas com dentes viliformes. A porção posterior da cavidade bucal era limitada lateralmente por quatro pares de arcos branquiais que decresciam em tamanho do primeiro ao último par, crânio-caudal, formados por dois ramos: o superior, mais curto, e o inferior, mais longo. A cavidade bucofaringeana de S. trigonocephalus se mostrou semelhante à de outros teleósteos descritos na literatura, estando adaptado ao hábito alimentar com dieta carnívoro-ictiofágica e diferindo apenas pela ausência de língua estrutural com pré maxila bem desenvolvida apresentando dentes viliformes.

  16. Utilização do etanol na prevenção da calcificação em heteroenxerto valvar pulmonar porcino: estudo experimental em ovinos Use of ethanol in preventing calcification of porcine pulmonary heterograft: experimental study in sheep

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    George Ronald Soncini da Rosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar comparativamente o uso do etanol (E com o glutaraldeído (GDA, como método de inibição da calcificação dos heteroenxertos valvares pulmonares porcinos (HVPP implantados na via de saída do ventrículo direito (VD de ovinos jovens. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados dez ovinos jovens, em dois grupos contendo cinco animais cada. A operação consistiu na implantação do HVPP na via de saída do VD com circulação extracorpórea, divididos em dois grupos; o grupo do GDA (controle e o grupo E (grupo em que os HVPP foram pré-tratados com etanol a 80%. Realizou-se estudo ecocardiográfico para medida do gradiente transvalvar pulmonar, análise macroscópica da parede do HVPP e microscópica quanto à presença de calcificação; e mensuração do cálcio na cúspide valvar após 210 dias. RESULTADOS: Na mensuração do cálcio do HVPP encontrou-se no grupo GDA (7,98 ± 6,82µg cálcio/mg tecido, no grupo E (0,31± 0,33µg cálcio/mg tecido. Em relação ao gradiente transvalvar máximo em 30 dias, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos, já aos 90, 180 e 210 dias, o grupo GDA apresentou maior gradiente transvalvar do que o grupo do etanol. Na análise macroscópica da parede do HVPP, observou-se calcificação em ambos os grupos, sendo mais intensa no grupo do GDA. Na avaliação microscópica das cúspides do HVPP em relação à presença de calcificação, observou-se que no grupo GDA esteve presente em todos os animais, enquanto no grupo E, esteve ausente em todos. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que etanol a 80% inibe a calcificação das cúspides no período analisado, mas não inibe a calcificação da parede do HVPP.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to comparatively evaluate the use of ethanol (E with glutaraldehyde (GDA to inhibit the calcification of the porcine pulmonary valvar heterografts (PPVH implanted in the right ventricle outflow tract of young sheep. METHODS: Ten young sheep were used, divided into two

  17. Ratio of dopamine synthesis capacity to D2 receptor availability in ventral striatum correlates with central processing of affective stimuli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kienast, Thorsten; Rapp, Michael [Charite Campus Mitte, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Charite University Medical Center, Berlin (Germany); Siessmeier, Thomas; Buchholz, Hans G.; Schreckenberger, Mathias [University of Mainz, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Mainz (Germany); Wrase, Jana; Heinz, Andreas [Charite Campus Mitte, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Charite University Medical Center, Berlin (Germany); Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim (Germany); Braus, Dieter F. [University of Hamburg, Neuroimage Nord, Department of Psychiatry, Hamburg (Germany); Smolka, Michael N.; Mann, Karl [Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim (Germany); Roesch, Frank [University of Mainz, Institute of Nuclear Chemistry, Mainz (Germany); Cumming, Paul [PET Center and Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus (Denmark); Gruender, Gerhard [Aachen University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry of the RWTH, Mainz (Germany); Bartenstein, Peter [Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Munich (Germany)


    Dopaminergic neurotransmission in the ventral striatum may interact with limbic processing of affective stimuli, whereas dorsal striatal dopaminergic neurotransmission can affect habitual processing of emotionally salient stimuli in the pre-frontal cortex. We investigated the dopaminergic neurotransmission in the ventral and dorsal striatum with respect to central processing of affective stimuli in healthy subjects. Subjects were investigated with positron emission tomography and [{sup 18}F]DOPA for measurements of dopamine synthesis capacity and [{sup 18}F]DMFP for estimation of dopamine D2 receptor binding potential. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to assess the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) response to affective pictures, which was correlated with the ratio of [{sup 18}F]DOPA net influx constant K{sub in}{sup app} /[{sup 18}F]DMFP-binding potential (BP{sub N}D) in the ventral and dorsal striatum. The magnitude of the ratio in the ventral striatum was positively correlated with BOLD signal increases elicited by negative versus neutral pictures in the right medial frontal gyrus (BA10), right inferior parietal lobe and left post-central gyrus. In the dorsal striatum, the ratio was positively correlated with BOLD signal activation elicited by negative versus neutral stimuli in the left post-central gyrus. The BOLD signal elicited by positive versus neutral stimuli in the superior parietal gyrus was positively correlated with the dorsal and ventral striatal ratio. The correlations of the ratio in the ventral and dorsal striatum with processing of affective stimuli in the named cortical regions support the hypothesis that dopamine transmission in functional divisions of the striatum modulates processing of affective stimuli in specific cortical areas. (orig.)

  18. HDAC I inhibition in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus differentially modulates predator-odor fear learning and generalization. (United States)

    Yuan, Robin K; Hebert, Jenna C; Thomas, Arthur S; Wann, Ellen G; Muzzio, Isabel A


    Although predator odors are ethologically relevant stimuli for rodents, the molecular pathways and contribution of some brain regions involved in predator odor conditioning remain elusive. Inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDACs) in the dorsal hippocampus has been shown to enhance shock-induced contextual fear learning, but it is unknown if HDACs have differential effects along the dorso-ventral hippocampal axis during predator odor fear learning. We injected MS-275, a class I HDAC inhibitor, bilaterally in the dorsal or ventral hippocampus of mice and found that it had no effects on innate anxiety in either region. We then assessed the effects of MS-275 at different stages of fear learning along the longitudinal hippocampal axis. Animals were injected with MS-275 or vehicle after context pre-exposure (pre-conditioning injections), when a representation of the context is first formed, or after exposure to coyote urine (post-conditioning injections), when the context becomes associated with predator odor. When MS-275 was administered after context pre-exposure, dorsally injected animals showed enhanced fear in the training context but were able to discriminate it from a neutral environment. Conversely, ventrally injected animals did not display enhanced learning in the training context but generalized the fear response to a neutral context. However, when MS-275 was administered after conditioning, there were no differences between the MS-275 and vehicle control groups in either the dorsal or ventral hippocampus. Surprisingly, all groups displayed generalization to a neutral context, suggesting that predator odor exposure followed by a mild stressor such as restraint leads to fear generalization. These results may elucidate distinct functions of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus in predator odor-induced fear conditioning as well as some of the molecular mechanisms underlying fear generalization.

  19. Blindness alters the microstructure of the ventral but not the dorsal visual stream

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reislev, Nina L; Kupers, Ron; Siebner, Hartwig R


    Visual deprivation from birth leads to reorganisation of the brain through cross-modal plasticity. Although there is a general agreement that the primary afferent visual pathways are altered in congenitally blind individuals, our knowledge about microstructural changes within the higher...... pathways in 12 congenitally blind, 15 late blind and 15 normal sighted controls. We also studied six prematurely born individuals with normal vision to control for the effects of prematurity on brain connectivity. Our data revealed a reduction in fractional anisotropy in the ventral but not the dorsal......-order visual streams, and how this is affected by onset of blindness, remains scant. We used diffusion tensor imaging and tractography to investigate microstructural features in the dorsal (superior longitudinal fasciculus) and ventral (inferior longitudinal and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi) visual...


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    G. R. Hassanzadeh G. Behzadi


    Full Text Available The ascending serotonergic projections are derived mainly from mesencephalic raphe nuclei. Topographical projections from mesencephalic raphe nuclei to the striatum were examined in the rat by the retrograde transport technique of HRP (horseradish peroxidase. In 29 rats stereotaxically injection of HRP enzyme were performed in dorsal and ventral parts of striatum separately. The extent of the injection sites and distribution of retrogradely labeled neuronal cell bodies were drawed on representative sections using a projection microscope. Following ipsilateral injection of HRP into the dorsal striatum, numerous labeled neurons were seen in rostral portion of dorsal raphe (DR nucleus. In the same level the cluster of labeled neurons were hevier through caudal parts of DR. A few neurons were also located in lateral wing of DR. More caudally some labeled neurons were found in lateral, medial line of DR. In median raphe nucleus (MnR the labeled neurons were scattered only in median portion of this nucleus. The ipsilateral injection of HRP into the ventral region of striatum resulted on labeling of numerous neurons in rostral, caudal and lateral portions of DR. Through the caudal extension of DR on 4th ventricle level, a large number of labeled neurons were distributed along the ventrocaudal parts of DR. In MnR, labeled neurons were observed only in median part of this nucleus. These findings suggest the mesencephalic raphe nuclei projections to caudo-putamen are topographically organized. In addition dorsal and median raphe nuclei have a stronger projection to the ventral striatum.



    Santos, André Luiz Quagliatto; Lima, Eduardo Maurício Mendes de


    Estudou-se a topografia dos pontos de abertura dos ductos parotídicos no vestíbulo da boca de um lobo guará (Chrysocyon brachyrus), fêmea, adulto, proveniente do Zoológico do Parque do Sábia, da cidade de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Realizaram-se incisões horizontais nas paredes do vestíbulo da boca, a cada lado, até um ponto das comissuras labiais que permitiam a identificação das aberturas dos ductos parotídicos, bem como suas relações com as faces vestibulares dos dentes pré-molares ...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The objective of this study was to develop an optimal dissection procedure for fetal porcine ventral mesencephalon (VM) grafts and to characterize the cellular composition of such an explant, in particular with respect to the dopaminergic and GABAergic components. We have used a monolayer cell

  3. Composição química, fracionamento de carboidratos e proteínas e digestibilidade in vitro de forrageiras tropicais em diferentes idades de corte Chemical composition, fractionation of carbohydrates and crude protein and in vitro digestibility on tropical forages in the different cutting ages

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    Paula Andrea Toro Velásquez


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de três espécies forrageiras tropicais: capim-tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq., capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha e capim-tifton 85 (Cynodon spp, em duas épocas do ano (janeiro-março e abril-junho e em três idades de rebrota (28, 35 e 42 dias, por meio da composição química, do fracionamento de proteínas e carboidratos e da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS e da matéria orgânica (DIVMO. O capim-marandu destacou-se no período de janeiro-março, com menores conteúdos de parede celular e fração B2 dos carboidratos e maiores valores de proteína bruta, fração A + B1, DIVMS e DIVMO, em comparação aos capins tanzânia e tifton 85, independentemente da idade de corte. O aumento da concentração de parede celular em detrimento ao conteúdo celular com o avanço da maturidade das plantas foi evidente no capim-marandu no período de janeiro-março, quando foram observados maior valor da fração B2, maior conteúdo de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e menor concentração da fração carboidratos não-fibrosos. No período de abril-junho, a composição em parede celular não apresentou diferenças evidentes com aumento da idade, devido às condições ambientais observadas. O capim-tanzânia apresenta, de modo geral, baixos valores de parede celular e altos valores de carboidratos não-fibrosos, DIVMS e DIVMO nesse período, seguido pelos capins marandu e tifton 85, respectivamente.This trial was conducted with the objective of evaluating the nutritive value of three tropical forage species: tanzania grass (Panicum maximum Jacq., marandu grass (Brachiaria brizantha and Tifton 85 bermudagrass (Cynodon spp in two different periods of the year (January-March and April-June and in three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days, based on the chemical composition, protein and carbohydrate fractions, and in vitro digestibility of dry matter (DMD and organic matter (OMD. Marandu grass, in the

  4. Large Ventral Hernia

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    Meryl Abrams, MD


    Full Text Available History of present illness: A 46-year-old female presented to the emergency department (ED with diffuse abdominal pain and three days of poor oral intake associated with non-bilious, non-bloody vomiting. Initial vital signs consisted of a mild resting tachycardia of 111 with a temperature of 38.0 degrees Celsius (°C. On examination, the patient had a large pannus extending to the knees, which contained a hernia. She was tender in this region on examination. Laboratory values included normal serum chemistries and mild leukocytosis of 12.2. The patient reports that her abdomen had been enlarging over the previous 8 years but had not been painful until 3 days prior to presentation. The patient had no associated fever, chills, diarrhea, constipation, chest pain or shortness of breath. Significant findings: Computed tomography (CT scan with intravenous (IV contrast of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated a large pannus containing a ventral hernia with abdominal contents extending below the knees (white circle, elongation of mesenteric vessels to accommodate abdominal contents outside of the abdomen (white arrow and air fluid levels (white arrow indicating a small bowel obstruction. Discussion: Hernias are a common chief complaint seen in the emergency department. The estimated lifetime risk of a spontaneous abdominal hernia is 5%.1 The most common type of hernia is inguinal while the next most common type of hernia is femoral, which are more common in women.1 Ventral hernias can be epigastric, incisional, or primary abdominal. An asymptomatic, reducible hernia can be followed up as outpatient with a general surgeon for elective repair.2 Hernias become problematic when they are either incarcerated or strangulated. A hernia is incarcerated when the hernia is irreducible and strangulated when its blood supply is compromised. A complicated hernia, especially strangulated, can have a mortality of greater than 50%.1 It is key to perform a thorough history

  5. O plexo pampiniforme na fase crônica da doença de Chagas humana: avaliação histológica The pampiniform plexus of chronic chagasic patients: a histologic evaluation

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    Ademir Rocha


    Full Text Available Pesquisou-se a ocorrência, na parede das veias do plexo pampiniforme de chagásicos crônicos, de acúmulos intracelulares de Trypanosoma cruzi e sinais inflamatórios (flebite. Para tal fim, colheram-se, à necropsia, 23 pares de funículos espermáticos, epidídimos e testículos, sendo 17 de chagásicos crônicos e 6 de controles (não chagásicos. Em cada caso, foram feitos múltiplos cortes das gônadas e dos vasos; fez-se pesquisa de T. cruzi por imuno-histoquímica nos funículos espermáticos de todos os casos. Não se observaram parasitos nas paredes vasculares. Notou-se flebite crônica inespecífica, focal e discreta, em cinco chagásicos (bilateral em três pacientes e dois controles; havia infiltração mononuclear discreta do interstício funicular em treze chagásicos e cinco controles. A análise estatística dos resultados (chi2 não revelou diferenças significativas. Conclui-se que o ambiente hormonal devido à testosterona não parece favorecer a infecção da parede dos vasos gonadais por Trypanosoma cruzi, embora, segundo a literatura, o referido hormônio pareça ter ações imunodepressoras.The occurrence of Trypanosoma cruzi intracellular clusters and phlebitis was searched for on pampiniform plexus vein walls of chronic chagasic patients. For this purpose, 23 pairs of spermatic cords, epididymides and testes (17 from chagasic patients and 6 from non-chagasic controls were obtained, at autopsy. Trypanosoma cruzi was investigated by immuno-histochemistry on slides obtained from several sections of the gonads and vessels of each case. Only discrete and focal undetermined chronic phlebitis was observed, with no parasites, in 5 chagasics (bilateral in 3 and 2 controls (chi2: p < 0.10, and discrete mononuclear interstitial infiltration in the funiculi of 13 chagasics and 5 controls (chi2: p < 0.75. In conclusion, on the contrary to that published regarding the supra-renal central veins, it seems that the hormonal environment

  6. Pancreatite de sulco pancreatoduodenal: forma incomum de pancreatite crônica

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    Juliana Gomes Varela


    Full Text Available Pancreatite de sulco pancreatoduodenal é uma forma rara de pancreatite crônica segmentar envolvendo a parede duodenal nas imediações da papila menor e o espaço potencial (sulco entre o pâncreas e o duodeno. O diagnóstico diferencial clínico e radiológico entre pancreatite de sulco e carcinomas periampulares pode ser extremamente desafiador. Relatamos aqui um caso de um paciente masculino, 28 anos, com história de consumo crônico de álcool, clínica de dor abdominal e perda ponderal e diagnóstico de imagem compatível com pancreatite de sulco. Uma revisão da literatura é fornecida. Os exames de imagem realizados de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética abdominais mostram tecido ocupando o sulco pancreatoduodenal com realce tardio pós-contraste e imagens císticas em permeio, associado a espessamento da parede duodenal. Apesar de rara, a pancreatite de sulco deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de lesões na cabeça pancreática e o diagnóstico apropriado pode ajudar a evitar procedimentos cirúrgicos desnecessários.

  7. Estudo das características de adsorção de água e da estabilidade das microcápsulas de óleo essencial de laranja na seleção de material de parede Water adsorption characteristics and stability of orange essential oil microcapsules in the wall material selection

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    D. P. R. ASCHERI


    Full Text Available Este trabalho consistiu no estudo e comparação das características de adsorção de água de três amostras de microcápsulas de óleo essencial de laranja, obtidas pela secagem por atomização de três diferentes emulsões preparadas pela adição de óleo essencial de laranja (oel, a uma solução aquosa de material de parede (mp constituída de capsul (5,0, 0,0 e 10,0%, goma arábica (5,0, 10,0 e 0,0% sendo constante para as três emulsões a maltodextrina (36,0%, água (44,0% e óleo essencial (10,0%. A microencapsulação foi realizada a 220 e 110° C de ar de entrada e saída do secador usando um atomizador rotativo a 20.000rpm. Com base à determinação das isotermas de adsorção de água a 30, 40 e 50° C e usando o modelo de GAB para ajustar os pontos experimentais foram avaliadas as características das isotermas, a estabilidade e área superficial de adsorção de água das diferentes amostras de microcápsulas obtidas. Os resultados indicaram ser importante o estudo das características de adsorção de água para estimar a estabilidade das microcápsulas de oel e a comparação destas mostrou que as microcápsulas obtidas pela secagem por atomização da emulsão preparada com 5,0% de capsul e 5,0% de goma arábica apresentaram o melhor resultado.This work consisted of the study and comparison of the water adsorption characteristics of three samples orange essential oil microcapsules obtained by spray drying of three different emulsions prepared by the addition of orange essential oil (oel to an aqueous solution of wall material (mp constituted of capsul (5.0, 0.0 and 10.0%, arabic gum (5.0, 10.0 and 0.0% being constant for the three emulsions the maltodextrin (36.0%, water (44.0% and essential oil (10.0%. The microencapsulation was accomplished to 220 and 110°C of entrance air and exit of the dryer using a wheel atomizer to 20,000rpm. With base to the determination of the water adsorption isotherms to 30, 40 and 50°C and

  8. Clinical analysis on the treatment of 24 cases of severe traumatic brain injury with non ventral intestinal obstruction

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    Wei WANG


    Full Text Available Objective To discuss the clinical treatment for severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI with non ventral intestinal obstruction. Methods A total of 48 patients with sTBI were enrolled in this study, including 24 with (observation group and 24 without (control group non ventral intestinal obstruction. Among 24 patients with non ventral intestinal obstruction, 3 cases (12.50% were treated by craniotomy evacuation of hematoma, 5 cases (20.83% were treated by craniotomy evacuation of hematoma and decompressive craniectomy, and 16 cases (66.67% were treated by conservative treatment. They were all treated by gastrointestinal decompression and parenteral nutrition. Among 24 patients without non ventral intestinal obstruction, 4 cases (16.67% were treated by craniotomy evacuation of hematoma, 6 cases (25% were treated by craniotomy evacuation of hematoma and decompressive craniectomy, and 14 cases (58.33% were treated by conservative treatment. They were all treated by enteral nutrition. Hemoglobin (Hb, albumin (ALB and prealbumin (PA were detected 10 and 20 d after treatment. Results Compared with control group, the level of Hb (P = 0.008, ALB (P = 0.002 and PA (P = 0.031 were significantly reduced in observation group. Compared with 10 d after treatment, the level of Hb (P = 0.003, ALB (P = 0.000 and PA (P = 0.005 were significantly reduced 20 d after treatment. Conclusions Early diagnosis and timely treatment for non ventral intestinal obstruction in patients with severe traumatic brain injury could effectively relieve the symptoms of intestinal obstruction, and is favorable to early enteral nutrition, so as to enhance the patients' recovery. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2017.01.012

  9. p38 MAPK as an essential regulator of dorsal-ventral axis specification and skeletogenesis during sea urchin development: a re-evaluation. (United States)

    Molina, Maria Dolores; Quirin, Magali; Haillot, Emmanuel; Jimenez, Felipe; Chessel, Aline; Lepage, Thierry


    Dorsal-ventral axis formation in the sea urchin embryo relies on the asymmetrical expression of the TGFβ Nodal. The p38-MAPK pathway has been proposed to be essential for dorsal-ventral axis formation by acting upstream of nodal expression. Here, we report that, in contrast to previous studies that used pharmacological inhibitors of p38, manipulating the activity of p38 by genetic means has no obvious impact on morphogenesis. Instead, we discovered that p38 inhibitors strongly disrupt specification of all germ layers by blocking signalling from the Nodal receptor and by interfering with the ERK pathway. Strikingly, while expression of a mutant p38 that is resistant to SB203580 did not rescue dorsal-ventral axis formation or skeletogenesis in embryos treated with this inhibitor, expression of mutant Nodal receptors that are resistant to SB203580 fully restored nodal expression in SB203580-treated embryos. Taken together, these results establish that p38 activity is not required for dorsal-ventral axis formation through nodal expression nor for skeletogenesis. Our results prompt a re-evaluation of the conclusions of several recent studies that linked p38 activity to dorsal-ventral axis formation and to patterning of the skeleton. © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  10. Biochemical evidence for. gamma. -aminobutyrate containing fibres from the nucleus accumbens to the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area in the rat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Walaas, I; Fonnum, F


    Glutamate decarboxylase activity, a specific marker for ..gamma..-aminobutyrate-containing neurons, has been analysed in microdissected samples from rat mesencephalon following unilateral electrocoagulations of the nucleus accumbens. This lesion resulted in a consistent decrease of 50% in the enzyme activity in the rostromedial substantia nigra, and a slight, but insignificant decrease (- 15%) in the medial parts of the caudal pars compacta of the substantia nigra. No change was found in the lateral pars compacta or the central pars reticulata. In the ventral tegmental area, the highest activity was found in the rostromedial part, adjacent to the mammillary body. At this level, a significant decrease of 20% was found in the ventral tegmental area on the lesioned side. In contrast, the activities in the medial accessory optic nucleus and the caudal ventral tegmental area adjacent to the interpenduncular nucleus were unchanged. The results indicate that the nucleus accumbens sends ..gamma..-aminobutyrate-containing fibres to the rostromedial substantia nigra and to the rostral ventral tegmental area. The caudal ventral tegmental area, the lateral pars compacta and the central pars reticulata do not receive measurable amounts of such fibres.

  11. Drumming with dopamine neurons : Resonance and synchronization in the Ventral Tegmental Area

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Velden, L.J.J.


    The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is a dopaminergic nucleus in the midbrain with the propensity to exhibit spontaneous intrinsic rhythmic activity in the 1-5 Hz frequency range (ex vivo). Here, we combine in-vitro simultaneous action potential recording from a 60 channel multi-electro-array with

  12. Injeção intravítrea de triancinolona no tratamento da telangiectasia retiniana justafoveolar idiopática Intravitreal triamcinolone injection in the treatment of idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasis

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    Otacílio Oliveira Maia Júnior


    Full Text Available Relato de caso de um paciente com telangiectasia justafoveal idiopática (TJI tipo 1A, no olho direito, submetido a 4 mg de triancinolona intravítrea. O resultado foi avaliado por meio da acuidade visual e da tomografia de coerência óptica. A acuidade visual e a espessura retiniana macular medida na tomografia de coerência óptica, antes da injeção intravítrea de triancinolona, foram respectivamente de 20/100 e 569 µm e, após três semanas do tratamento foram de 20/60 e 371 µm e na sexta semana de 20/100 e 614 µm. A estabilização da parede vascular obtida com injeção intravítrea de triancinolona proporciona melhora transitória da visão e do edema macular em olhos com TJI-1A. Não foi demonstrada nenhuma ajuda permanente à fotocoagulação prévia.Case report of one idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasis (IJT 1A patient whose right eye was treated with a 4 mg intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection. The outcome was evaluated by visual acuity and optic coherence tomography. The visual acuity and the caliper retinal thickness before triamcinolone injection were respectively 20/100 and 569 µm, and 20/60 and 371 µm after three weeks and 20/100 and 614 µm after six week of follow-up. The stabilization of the vascular wall due to the intravitreal triamcinolone injection leads to a transitory improvement in vision and reduction in macular edema in the TJI 1A eyes. No permanent help by the photocoagulation could be shown.

  13. Ventral medullary neurones excited from the hypothalamic and mid-brain defence areas. (United States)

    Hilton, S M; Smith, P R


    In cats anaesthetised with chloralose, the ventral medulla was explored in and around the strip previously identified as the location of the efferent pathway from the hypothalamic and mid-brain defence areas to the spinal cord, in a search for neurones excited by electrical stimulation of the defence areas. Such units were found mostly in the caudal part of this strip, at a depth of not more than 500 microns from the surface. Nearly all were located in the ventral part of nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis (PGL) at the level of the rostral pole of the inferior olive. There was evidence of temporal and spatial facilitation, indicating a convergent excitatory input from the defence areas onto neurones in PGL. This is consistent with earlier evidence of a synaptic relay in the efferent pathway at this site. When the pathway is blocked at this site, arterial blood pressure falls profoundly, so activity in these neurones may be essential for the normal level of sympathetic nerve activity.

  14. The ventral hippocampus, but not the dorsal hippocampus is critical for learned approach-avoidance decision making. (United States)

    Schumacher, Anett; Vlassov, Ekaterina; Ito, Rutsuko


    The resolution of an approach-avoidance conflict induced by ambivalent information involves the appraisal of the incentive value of the outcomes and associated stimuli to orchestrate an appropriate behavioral response. Much research has been directed at delineating the neural circuitry underlying approach motivation and avoidance motivation separately. Very little research, however, has examined the neural substrates engaged at the point of decision making when opposing incentive motivations are experienced simultaneously. We hereby examine the role of the dorsal and ventral hippocampus (HPC) in a novel approach-avoidance decision making paradigm, revisiting a once popular theory of HPC function, which posited the HPC to be the driving force of a behavioral inhibition system that is activated in situations of imminent threat. Rats received pre-training excitotoxic lesions of the dorsal or ventral HPC, and were trained to associate different non-spatial cues with appetitive, aversive and neutral outcomes in three separate arms of the radial maze. On the final day of testing, a state of approach-avoidance conflict was induced by simultaneously presenting two cues of opposite valences, and comparing the time the rats spent interacting with the superimposed 'conflict' cue, and the neutral cue. The ventral HPC-lesioned group showed significant preference for the conflict cue over the neutral cue, compared to the dorsal HPC-lesioned, and control groups. Thus, we provide evidence that the ventral, but not dorsal HPC, is a crucial component of the neural circuitry concerned with exerting inhibitory control over approach tendencies under circumstances in which motivational conflict is experienced. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Hyporeactivity of ventral striatum towards incentive stimuli in unmedicated depressed patients normalizes after treatment with escitalopram. (United States)

    Stoy, Meline; Schlagenhauf, Florian; Sterzer, Philipp; Bermpohl, Felix; Hägele, Claudia; Suchotzki, Kristina; Schmack, Katharina; Wrase, Jana; Ricken, Roland; Knutson, Brian; Adli, Mazda; Bauer, Michael; Heinz, Andreas; Ströhle, Andreas


    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) involves deficits in the reward system. While neuroimaging studies have focused on affective stimulus processing, few investigations have directly addressed deficits in the anticipation of incentives. We examined neural responses during gain and loss anticipation in patients with MDD before and after treatment with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Fifteen adults with MDD and 15 healthy participants, matched for age, verbal IQ and smoking habits, were investigated in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study using a monetary incentive delay task. Patients were scanned drug-free and after 6 weeks of open-label treatment with escitalopram; controls were scanned twice at corresponding time points. We compared the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) response during the anticipation of gain and loss with a neutral condition. A repeated measures ANOVA was calculated to identify effects of group (MDD vs. controls), time (first vs. second scan) and group-by-time interaction. Severity of depression was measured with the Hamilton Rating Scale of Depression and the Beck Depression Inventory. MDD patients showed significantly less ventral striatal activation during anticipation of gain and loss compared with controls before, but not after, treatment. There was a significant group-by-time interaction during anticipation of loss in the left ventral striatum due to a signal increase in patients after treatment. Ventral striatal hyporesponsiveness was associated with the severity of depression and in particular anhedonic symptoms. These findings suggest that MDD patients show ventral striatal hyporesponsiveness during incentive cue processing, which normalizes after successful treatment.

  16. Effect of paddock vs. stall housing on 24 hour gastric pH within the proximal and ventral equine stomach. (United States)

    Husted, L; Sanchez, L C; Olsen, S N; Baptiste, K E; Merritt, A M


    Stall housing has been suggested as a risk factor for ulcer development in the equine stomach; however, the exact pathogenesis for this has not been established. To investigate the effect of 3 environmental situations (grass paddock, stall alone or stall with adjacent companion) on pH in the proximal and the ventral stomach. Six horses with permanently implanted gastric cannulae were used in a randomised, cross-over, block design. Each horse rotated through each of three 24 h environmental situations. Horses remained on their normal diet (grass hay ad libitum and grain b.i.d.) throughout the study. Intragastric pH was measured continuously for 72 h just inside the lower oesophageal sphincter (proximal stomach) and via a pH probe in the gastric cannula (ventral stomach). Neither proximal nor ventral 24 h gastric pH changed significantly between the 3 environmental situations. Mean hourly proximal gastric pH decreased significantly in the interval from 01.00-09.00 h compared to the interval from 13.00-20.00 h, regardless of environmental situation. Median hourly proximal pH only differed in the interval from 06.00-07.00 h compared to the interval 14.00-19.00 h. Neither mean nor median hourly ventral gastric pH varied significantly with the time of day. The change in housing status used in the current study did not affect acid exposure within either region of the equine stomach. The pH in the ventral stomach was uniformly stable throughout the study, while the proximal pH demonstrated a 24 h circadian pattern.

  17. Densidade básica e dimensões celulares da madeira de Balfourodendron riedelianum em função da procedência e posição radial. Basic density and wood cells dimensions of Balfourodendron riedelianum depending on the provenance and radial position.

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    Israel Luiz de LIMA


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variação radial da densidade básica e das dimensões celulares da madeira de procedências de Balfourodendron riedelianum plantadas em Luiz Antonio–SP. Mudas de três procedências (Alvorada do Sul, Gália e Bauru foram plantadas em Luiz Antonio–SP, utilizando-se seis repetições em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados. Após 24 anos do plantio, abateram-se dezoito árvores, seis de cada procedência. De acordo com os resultados, pode-se concluir que a densidade básica,o diâmetro de vasos e a altura de raio foram influenciados pela procedência. Foi observada uma relação positiva entre comprimento das fibras, espessura da parede das fibras, comprimentos dos vasos, diâmetro dos vasos e frequência de vaso com a posição radial e uma relação negativa entre a largura e a frequência de raio com a posição radial.This study aimed to investigate the effect of provenances on some woodproperties of Balfourodendron riedelianum. Seedlings of three provenances (Alvorada do Sul,Gália and Bauru were planted in Luiz Antonio–SP using randomized block design with six replicates. After 24 years of planting, eighteen trees, six of each provenance, were fell. The results revealed that basic density, vessel diameter and ray height were influenced by the provenances. A positive relationship was found among fiber length, fiber wall thickness, vessel length; vessel diameter and vessel frequency with radial position and a negative relationship between width and ray frequency with the radial position.

  18. Avaliação da acuidade visual Snellen Snellen visual acuity evaluation

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    Marcio Zapparoli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a medida de acuidade visual (AV, por meio da tabela de Snellen, em consultórios de três grandes centros oftalmológicos de Curitiba, comparar essas medidas entre si, com um método computadorizado para aferição de AV, e também, com o padrão teórico desenvolvido por Hermann Snellen. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo incluindo 15 consultórios oftalmológicos e um método computadorizado para a medida de AV. Com o auxílio de uma trena e um paquímetro foi realizada a medida da distância do olho do paciente sentado até a parede de projeção dos optotipos e, ao mesmo tempo, medido o tamanho da letra que era projetada na parede para 4 linhas de AV. RESULTADOS: Para a análise dos resultados, optamos por comparar os ângulos apresentados por cada consultório no momento da realização da medida. Sem surpresas, observou-se que nenhum consultório obteve o ângulo exato de 5 minutos de arco. Comparando-se os consultórios com o método computadorizado, observou-se que apenas 2 consultórios obtiveram melhores resultados se comparados os ângulos de projeção dos optotipos, porém os dados são muito próximos e insignificantes estatisticamente. Já em relação aos demais consultórios, a superioridade do método computadorizado é bastante relevante. Todos tiveram diferenças significantes em relação ao padrão-ouro. Ainda individualmente, comparou-se o método computadorizado com o padrão teórico Snellen e observou-se que esse obteve condições muito próximas do ideal, ou seja, em todas as acuidades visuais analisadas esteve sempre próximo dos 5 minutos de arco. CONCLUSÕES: Podemos concluir que existe uma grande heterogeneidade na avaliação da AV nos diferentes centros de oftalmologia. Também se pode esperar que para um mesmo paciente, avaliado em diferentes consultórios, há a possibilidade de se obter diferenças nas medidas da AV. O método computadorizado avaliado é prático, portátil, ajustável a dist

  19. High-grade hemorrhoids requiring surgical treatment are common after laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Iersel, J. J.; Formijne Jonkers, H. A.; Verheijen, P. M.; Draaisma, W. A.; Consten, E. C J; Broeders, I. A M J


    Purpose: To describe patients developing grade III and IV hemorrhoids requiring surgery after laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy (LVMR) and to explore the relationship between developing such hemorrhoids and recurrence of rectal prolapse after LVMR. Methods: All consecutive patients receiving LVMR

  20. Vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture: A novel modification of surgical technique. (United States)

    Hoag, Nathan; Gani, Johan; Chee, Justin


    To present a novel modification of surgical technique to treat female urethral stricture (FUS) by a vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal urethroplasty. Recurrent FUS represents an uncommon, though difficult clinical scenario to manage definitively. A variety of surgical techniques have been described to date, yet a lack of consensus on the optimal procedure persists. We present a 51-year-old female with urethral stricture involving the entire urethra. Suspected etiology was iatrogenic from cystoscopy 17 years prior. Since then, the patient had undergone at least 25 formal urethral dilations and periods of self-dilation. In lithotomy position, the urethra was dilated to accommodate forceps, and ventral urethrotomy carried out sharply, exposing a bed of periurethral tissue. Buccal mucosa was harvested, and a ventral inlay technique facilitated by a nasal speculum, was used to place the graft from the proximal urethra/bladder neck to urethral meatus without a vaginal incision. Graft was sutured into place, and urethral Foley catheter inserted. The vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty was deemed successful as of last follow-up. Flexible cystoscopy demonstrated patency of the repair at 6 months. At 10 months of follow-up, the patient was voiding well, with no urinary incontinence. No further interventions have been required. This case describes a novel modification of surgical technique for performing buccal mucosal urethroplasty for FUS. By avoiding incision of the vaginal mucosa, benefits may include reduced: morbidity, urinary incontinence, and wound complications including urethro-vaginal fistula.

  1. Caenorhabditis elegans VEM-1, a novel membrane protein, regulates the guidance of ventral nerve cord-associated axons. (United States)

    Runko, Erik; Kaprielian, Zaven


    In the developing CNS, pathfinding growth cones use intermediate target- and pioneer axon-associated guidance cues to navigate along stereotypical trajectories. We previously showed that the novel membrane-associated protein Vema is localized to the floor plate and the optic chiasm, intermediate targets located at the ventral midline of the spinal cord and diencephalon in the developing rodent CNS, respectively. Here, we report that the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of vema, vem-1, is expressed by the AVG pioneer midline neuron and by several neurons that extend longitudinally projecting axons into the ventral nerve cord (VNC). In vem-1 mutants and vem-1 (RNAi) animals, a subset of posteriorly projecting interneuron axons either fail to extend ventrally to the VNC and, instead, assume aberrant lateral positions or are inappropriately located in the left tract of the VNC. In addition, ventral motor neuron axons exhibit pathfinding errors within the VNC and along the dorsoventral body axis. The conserved UNC-40/DCC and SAX-3-/Robo receptors mediate signaling events that regulate axon guidance in a wide variety of systems. Double-mutant analyses reveal that vem-1 genetically interacts with unc-40 and is likely to function in parallel with sax-3 to regulate the guidance of a subset of VNC-associated interneuron and motor neuron axons. Consistent with these genetic data, we also show that VEM-1 is capable of physically interacting with UNC-40 but not SAX-3.

  2. The 'ventral organs' of Pycnogonida (Arthropoda) are neurogenic niches of late embryonic and post-embryonic nervous system development. (United States)

    Brenneis, Georg; Scholtz, Gerhard


    Early neurogenesis in arthropods has been in the focus of numerous studies, its cellular basis, spatio-temporal dynamics and underlying genetic network being by now comparably well characterized for representatives of chelicerates, myriapods, hexapods and crustaceans. By contrast, neurogenesis during late embryonic and/or post-embryonic development has received less attention, especially in myriapods and chelicerates. Here, we apply (i) immunolabeling, (ii) histology and (iii) scanning electron microscopy to study post-embryonic ventral nerve cord development in Pseudopallene sp., a representative of the sea spiders (Pycnogonida), the presumable sister group of the remaining chelicerates. During early post-embryonic development, large neural stem cells give rise to additional ganglion cell material in segmentally paired invaginations in the ventral ectoderm. These ectodermal cell regions - traditionally designated as 'ventral organs' - detach from the surface into the interior and persist as apical cell clusters on the ventral ganglion side. Each cluster is a post-embryonic neurogenic niche that features a tiny central cavity and initially still houses larger neural stem cells. The cluster stays connected to the underlying ganglionic somata cortex via an anterior and a posterior cell stream. Cell proliferation remains restricted to the cluster and streams, and migration of newly produced cells along the streams seems to account for increasing ganglion cell numbers in the cortex. The pycnogonid cluster-stream-systems show striking similarities to the life-long neurogenic system of decapod crustaceans, and due to their close vicinity to glomerulus-like neuropils, we consider their possible involvement in post-embryonic (perhaps even adult) replenishment of olfactory neurons - as in decapods. An instance of a potentially similar post-embryonic/adult neurogenic system in the arthropod outgroup Onychophora is discussed. Additionally, we document two transient posterior

  3. Regulator of G protein signaling-12 modulates the dopamine transporter in ventral striatum and locomotor responses to psychostimulants. (United States)

    Gross, Joshua D; Kaski, Shane W; Schroer, Adam B; Wix, Kimberley A; Siderovski, David P; Setola, Vincent


    Regulators of G protein signaling are proteins that accelerate the termination of effector stimulation after G protein-coupled receptor activation. Many regulators of G protein signaling proteins are highly expressed in the brain and therefore considered potential drug discovery targets for central nervous system pathologies; for example, here we show that RGS12 is highly expressed in microdissected mouse ventral striatum. Given a role for the ventral striatum in psychostimulant-induced locomotor activity, we tested whether Rgs12 genetic ablation affected behavioral responses to amphetamine and cocaine. RGS12 loss significantly decreased hyperlocomotion to lower doses of both amphetamine and cocaine; however, other outcomes of administration (sensitization and conditioned place preference) were unaffected, suggesting that RGS12 does not function in support of the rewarding properties of these psychostimulants. To test whether observed response changes upon RGS12 loss were caused by changes to dopamine transporter expression and/or function, we prepared crude membranes from the brains of wild-type and RGS12-null mice and measured dopamine transporter-selective [ 3 H]WIN 35428 binding, revealing an increase in dopamine transporter levels in the ventral-but not dorsal-striatum of RGS12-null mice. To address dopamine transporter function, we prepared striatal synaptosomes and measured [ 3 H]dopamine uptake. Consistent with increased [ 3 H]WIN 35428 binding, dopamine transporter-specific [ 3 H]dopamine uptake in RGS12-null ventral striatal synaptosomes was found to be increased. Decreased amphetamine-induced locomotor activity and increased [ 3 H]WIN 35428 binding were recapitulated with an independent RGS12-null mouse strain. Thus, we propose that RGS12 regulates dopamine transporter expression and function in the ventral striatum, affecting amphetamine- and cocaine-induced increases in dopamine levels that specifically elicit acute hyperlocomotor responses.

  4. Association of contextual cues with morphine reward increases neural and synaptic plasticity in the ventral hippocampus of rats. (United States)

    Alvandi, Mina Sadighi; Bourmpoula, Maria; Homberg, Judith R; Fathollahi, Yaghoub


    Drug addiction is associated with aberrant memory and permanent functional changes in neural circuits. It is known that exposure to drugs like morphine is associated with positive emotional states and reward-related memory. However, the underlying mechanisms in terms of neural plasticity in the ventral hippocampus, a region involved in associative memory and emotional behaviors, are not fully understood. Therefore, we measured adult neurogenesis, dendritic spine density and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and TrkB mRNA expression as parameters for synaptic plasticity in the ventral hippocampus. Male Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to the CPP (conditioned place preference) paradigm and received 10 mg/kg morphine. Half of the rats were used to evaluate neurogenesis by immunohistochemical markers Ki67 and doublecortin (DCX). The other half was used for Golgi staining to measure spine density and real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction to assess BDNF/TrkB expression levels. We found that morphine-treated rats exhibited more place conditioning as compared with saline-treated rats and animals that were exposed to the CPP without any injections. Locomotor activity did not change significantly. Morphine-induced CPP significantly increased the number of Ki67 and DCX-labeled cells in the ventral dentate gyrus. Additionally, we found increased dendritic spine density in both CA1 and dentate gyrus and an enhancement of BDNF/TrkB mRNA levels in the whole ventral hippocampus. Ki67, DCX and spine density were significantly correlated with CPP scores. In conclusion, we show that morphine-induced reward-related memory is associated with neural and synaptic plasticity changes in the ventral hippocampus. Such neural changes could underlie context-induced drug relapse. © 2017 Society for the Study of Addiction.

  5. Reparametrização do modelo baseado na lei de superfície para predição da fração digestível da fibra em detergente neutro em condições brasileiras Reparameterization of the model based on surface law to predict the digestible fraction of neutral detergent fiber in Brazilian cattle

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    Edenio Detmann


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar as estimativas da fração digestível da FDN em bovinos com base na aplicação do conceito de Lei de Superfície. Adotou-se a estrutura básica do modelo de predição sugerido pelo sistema nutricional NRC (2001, cujos parâmetros básicos são: fator de proteção da lignina sobre os carboidratos da parede celular vegetal (FPL e coeficiente de digestibilidade da fração potencialmente digestível da FDN (CDFDNP. Dois diferentes conjuntos de estimativas desses parâmetros foram avaliados. No primeiro caso, denominado Modelo Weiss (MW, empregaram-se 0,75 e 0,667 como estimativas de CDFDNP e FPL, respectivamente. No segundo caso (Modelo Corrigido - MC, adotou-se 0,85 como estimativa de FPL. As estimativas de CDFDNP foram obtidas por meio de meta-análise de dois experimentos conduzidos com vacas em lactação e quatro conduzidos com bovinos em crescimento e terminação, assumindo valores de 0,67 e 0,835, respectivamente. Os procedimentos de comparação entre modelos foram conduzidos sobre dois experimentos, um para cada categoria animal. Para vacas em lactação, verificou-se similaridade entre modelos no tocante ao erro médio de predição (EMP, de +1,07 e +1,05 pontos percentuais de FDN digestível para MW e MC, respectivamente. Para bovinos em crescimento e terminação, verificou-se menor EMP para MC (+0,42 pontos percentuais em comparação ao MW (-6,64 pontos percentuais. A direção da flutuação dos erros de predição constituiu a principal limitação de MC, possível reflexo de interferências ambientais sobre a interação carboidratos lignina na parede celular. Embora o MC permita a obtenção de estimativas mais verossímeis que MW, a incorporação de métodos biológicos para estimação da fração potencialmente digestível da FDN pode incrementar a acurácia do processo de predição.The objective of this study was to evaluate the estimates of the digestible fraction of neutral detergent fiber (NDF in

  6. A Comparative Study of Dorsal Buccal Mucosa Graft Substitution Urethroplasty by Dorsal Urethrotomy Approach versus Ventral Sagittal Urethrotomy Approach


    Pahwa, Mrinal; Gupta, Sanjeev; Pahwa, Mayank; Jain, Brig D. K.; Gupta, Manu


    Objectives. To compare the outcome of dorsal buccal mucosal graft (BMG) substitution urethroplasty by dorsal urethrotomy approach with ventral urethrotomy approach in management of stricture urethra. Methods and Materials. A total of 40 patients who underwent dorsal BMG substitution urethroplasty were randomized into two groups. 20 patients underwent dorsal onlay BMG urethroplasty as described by Barbagli, and the other 20 patients underwent dorsal BMG urethroplasty by ventral urethrotomy as ...

  7. Características das papilas o dorso da língua de cabras (Capra hircus: estudo por de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e luz

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    Erika Toledo da Fonseca


    Full Text Available A morfologia das papilas linguais da cabra doméstica (Capra hircus foi estudada por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV e Microscopia de luz. Papilasfiiliformes, cônicas e lentiformes possuem função mecânica, enquanto que as papilas fungiformes e as valadas possuem função gustativa. As papilasfiiliformes estavam distribuídas por toda a extensão da língua, nas superfícies dorsal e lateral. Possuem um formato cônico com a extremidade pontiaguda direcionada caudalmente. Possuem vários processos secundários, de tamanhos diferentes, com a mesma orientação. A histologia revelou abundante tecido queratinizado. As papilas fungiformes foram observadas nas superfícies dorsal e lateral do ápice e do corpo da língua. Possuem formato semelhante a cogumelos, com epitélio corni[1]icado espesso e botões gustativos distribuídos na superfície. As papilas lentiformes se distribuíam na linha mediana da parte mais dorsal do toro, com projeções elevadas além da superfície da língua. Algumas apresentavam o formato de pirâmide e outras um formato mais achatado. As papilas valadas foram encontradas na superfície lateral da parte mais caudal do toro. Possuem formato arredondado, envolvido por um sulco pouco profundo. Possuem botões gustativos na parede lateral que se abrem no sulco. As papilas cônicas foram observadas no toro da língua e possuem formato alongado, com base larga e ponta romba. Embora as principais características morfológicas e estruturais do epitélio lingual sejam específicas da espécie, o tipo de alimentação e os hábitos alimentares podem influenciar na sua estrutura. Assim, o presente trabalho fornece uma descrição histológica e ultraestrutural da língua de cabras domésticas submetidas à alimentação baseada em gramíneas e ração.

  8. Ecodefecografia tridimensional dinâmica: nova técnica para avaliação da Síndrome da Defecação Obstruída (SDO

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    Sthela Maria Murad-Regadas


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar novas técnicas para avaliação da SDO, utilizando a ultra-sonografia endorretal tridimensional dinâmica e comparando os resultados com a defecografia. Foram incluídas neste estudo 25 mulheres adultas, distribuídas em dois grupos. Grupo I: 15 mulheres normais, idade média de 52,4 anos (23-76 e todas se submeteram ao exame proctológico completo e à ultra-sonografia anorretal tri-dimensional dinâmica para se estabelecer os padrões de normalidade do canal anal e reto. Grupo II: 10 pacientes mulheres com evacuação obstruída, idade média de 47,8 anos (33 a 65 anos, apresentando como principais sintomas a sensação de evacuação incompleta, disquezia e digitação vaginal ou perineal. Submeteram-se a exame proctológico completo, seguindo-se defecografia e posteriormente ecodefecografia por dois examinadores que desconheciam o resultado do exame anterior. A ecodefecografia dinâmica foi realizada com um equipamento B-K Medical®, sonda 360º, tipo 2050, com escaneamento automático durante 50 segundos com 6 cm de extensão. O tamanho médio do ângulo formado pelo músculo PR no repouso foi 87,13º (variação 78,9 - 90,8° (± 1,01 e no esforço evacuatório 99,22º (variação 84,9 - 114,5° (± 1,84 nas mulheres normais (grupo I. Houve elevação do ângulo em todas as pacientes normais, significando relaxamento normal do PR durante o esforço evacuatório. Com relação à avaliação da anoretocele, a parede posterior da vagina se manteve na posição horizontal durante todo o esforço evacuatório, exceto nas portadoras de anoretocele. Foram diagnosticadas anoretocele (grau I = 1, grau II = 5, grau III = 4 em todas as pacientes do grupo II pelo exame clínico e defecografia. Todos os casos foram confirmados pela ecodefecografia. A partir destes resultados, foram estabelecidos os valores para classificar a anorectocele de acordo com a ecodefecografia (grau I - distância entre as posições da

  9. Investigating the dynamics of the brain response to music: A central role of the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens. (United States)

    Mueller, Karsten; Fritz, Thomas; Mildner, Toralf; Richter, Maxi; Schulze, Katrin; Lepsien, Jöran; Schroeter, Matthias L; Möller, Harald E


    Ventral striatal activity has been previously shown to correspond well to reward value mediated by music. Here, we investigate the dynamic brain response to music and manipulated counterparts using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Counterparts of musical excerpts were produced by either manipulating the consonance/dissonance of the musical fragments or playing them backwards (or both). Results show a greater involvement of the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens both when contrasting listening to music that is perceived as pleasant and listening to a manipulated version perceived as unpleasant (backward dissonant), as well as in a parametric analysis for increasing pleasantness. Notably, both analyses yielded a ventral striatal response that was strongest during an early phase of stimulus presentation. A hippocampal response to the musical stimuli was also observed, and was largely mediated by processing differences between listening to forward and backward music. This hippocampal involvement was again strongest during the early response to the music. Auditory cortex activity was more strongly evoked by the original (pleasant) music compared to its manipulated counterparts, but did not display a similar decline of activation over time as subcortical activity. These findings rather suggest that the ventral striatal/nucleus accumbens response during music listening is strongest in the first seconds and then declines. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Dietary zinc deficiency effects dorso-lateral and ventral prostate of Wistar rats: histological, biochemical and trace element study. (United States)

    Joshi, Sangeeta; Nair, Neena; Bedwal, R S


    Zinc deficiency has become a global problem affecting the developed and developing countries due to inhibitors in the diet which prevents its absorption or due to a very low concentration of bioavailable zinc in the diet. Being present in high concentration in the prostate and having diverse biological function, we investigated the effects of dietary zinc deficiency for 2 and 4 weeks on dorso-lateral and ventral prostate. Sixty prepubertal rats were divided into three groups: zinc control (ZC), pair fed (PF) and zinc deficient (ZD) and fed on 100 μg/g (zinc control and pair fed groups) and 1 μg/g (zinc deficient) diet. Zinc deficiency was associated with degenerative changes in dorso-lateral and ventral prostate as made evident by karyolysis, karyorhexis, cytoplasmolysis, loss of cellularisation, decreased intraluminar secretion and degeneration of fibromuscular stroma. In response, protein carbonyl, nitric oxide, acid phosphatase, 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase increased, exhibiting variable level of significance. Total protein and total zinc concentration in dorso-lateral and ventral prostate as well as in serum decreased (P dorso-lateral and ventral prostate after dietary zinc deficiency as well as impairment of metabolic and secretory activity, reduced gonadotropin levels by hypothalamus -hypophysial system which is indicative of a critical role of zinc in maintaining the prostate integrity.

  11. Small intestine submucosa for repair of cervical esophageal lesions in a dog model


    Souza Filho, Zacarias Alves de; Ioshii, Sérgio Ossamu; Greca, Fernando Hintz; Biondo-Simões, Maria de Lourdes Pessole; Rocha, Sérgio Luiz; Duda, João Ricardo; Oliveira Filho, Hélio Rubens de


    OBJETIVO: Pesquisar a eficácia da submucosa de intestino delgado (SID) porcina como enxerto para reparo de lesões em esôfago cervical de cães. MÉTODOS: Foram operados 10 cães. Ressecou-se parcialmente uma porção da parede anterior do esôfago que foi substituída por um enxerto de SID. Avaliaram-se a resistência tensiométrica, o aspecto macroscópico, a regeneração tecidual e a concentração de colágeno da porção esofágica onde se implantou o enxerto. RESULTADOS: Não houve infecção, fístula ou es...

  12. The clinical effects of closure of the hernia gap after laparoscopic ventral hernia repair:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christoffersen, Mette W; Westen, Mikkel; Assadzadeh, Sami


    randomised controlled trials. The primary purpose of this paper is to compare early post-operative activity-related pain in patients undergoing laparoscopic ventral hernia repair with closure of the gap with patients undergoing standard laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (non-closure of the gap). Secondary...... outcomes are patient-rated cosmesis and hernia-specific quality of life. METHODS: A randomised, controlled, double-blinded study is planned. Based on power calculation, we will include 40 patients in each arm. Patients undergoing elective laparoscopic umbilical, epigastric or umbilical trocar-site hernia...... repair at Hvidovre Hospital and Herlev Hospital, Denmark, are invited to participate. CONCLUSION: The gap closure technique may induce more post-operative pain than the non-closure repair, but it may also be superior with regard to other important surgical outcomes. No studies have previously...

  13. Evolução morfométrica dos anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos obtidos por monta natural, com 10 a 70 dias da gestação Biometrics evolution of the embryonic and fetal annexes in cows obtained by natural mating, at 10 to 70 days of gestation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antônio C. de Assis Neto


    Full Text Available O período inicial da gestação de bovinos é caracterizado por grandes perdas embrionárias. Considerando a importância deste fator no âmbito da reprodução animal foram estudados os anexos embrionários e fetais bovinos fecundados por monta natural de 15-70 dias de gestação, com o objetivo de estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos da placenta na fase inicial da gestação. Com uso de um paquímetro foram realizadas mensurações do comprimento (crânio caudal, largura (latero lateral e altura (dorso ventral das membranas corioalantóide e amniótica. O início da formação dos cotilédones foi observado e quantificado, assim como, o peso placentário. O peso médio do saco gestacional aumentou com o evoluir da idade gestacional, entretanto, o crescimento foi acelerado a partir de 20-30 dias de gestação. O comprimento crânio caudal e dorso ventral da membrana corioalantóide e do âmnio apresentaram crescimento lento e gradual com o evoluir dos períodos gestacionais analisados. Com 30-40 dias de gestação, os primeiro cotilédones já eram visualizados e contatos com facilidade na superfície coriônica. Os períodos de crescimento coincidiram com os maiores índices de perdas gestacionais em bovinos. Os parâmetros aqui analisados poderão servir para futuras investigações dos anexos embrionários de organismos manipulados em laboratório.The main goal of this morphometrical study was to characterize the development of the extra-embryonic membranes of 15 to 70-day-old bovine embryos obtained by natural mating. With a millimeter paquimeter the cranio-caudal, latero-lateral and dorso-ventral measurements of chorion and amnion were determined. The development of the cotyledons and weight of the gestational sac were observed and quantified. The weight of the gestational sac increased during gestation; however, the growth was faster then 20 to 30 days. The cranial-caudal and dorsal-ventral length of the choriallantois and the amnion

  14. Microencapsulação de óleo essencial de laranja: seleção de material de parede Microencapsulation of orange essential oil: wall material selection

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    Diego P. R. Ascheri


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho se procedeu à comparação de agentes microencapsulantes, material de parede (mp, na microencapsulação de óleo essencial de laranja (material ativo através da secagem por atomização. Foram preparadas três amostras de emulsões pela adição de óleo essencial de laranja a uma solução aquosa do mp composta de capsul (5,0, 0,0 e 10,0%, goma arábica (5,0, 10,0 e 0,0% sendo constante para as três amostras maltodextrina (36,0%, água (44,0% e óleo essencial (10,0%. Foram avaliadas as curvas de secagem das emulsões frente à retenção do óleo essencial de laranja e a tendência de formação de dobras superficiais das partículas e verificou-se a hipótese "menor a tendência de formação de dobras na superfície das microcápsulas maior a retenção de material ativo". A microencapsulação foi obtida pela secagem por atomização, com temperaturas de 220ºC e 110ºC do ar de entrada e de saída da câmara de secagem, respectivamente, e com atomizador rotativo (20.000rpm. A comparação das microcápsulas obtidas a partir das três amostras de emulsões mostrou que aquela preparada com 10,0% de capsul e 0,0% de goma arábica apresentou o maior resultado. O período de taxa constante de secagem desta mistura é curto e com maior retenção de umidade após a secagem. As microcápsulas obtidas apresentaram maior retenção de óleo essencial e dobras superficiais menos pronunciadas decorrentes do menor entumescimento das gotículas durante a secagem.The present work is an experimental development to study the performance of the encapsulation agents for orange essential oil in a spray drying process. The emulsion to be dried was prepared by adding the oil to an aqueous solution of the wall material. Three different cases were studied having respectively capsul (5.0%, 0.0% and 10.0% and arabic gum (5.0%, 10.0% and 0.0% with 36.0% maltodextrin, 44.0% water and 10.0% essential oil. Retention of active material

  15. The outcome of A. Double mesh intraperitoneal repair for complex ventral hernia: A retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    Afifi, Raafat Y; Hamood, Mokhtar; Hassan, Maged


    Complex ventral hernia is a challenging surgical entity, commonly attended with huge defect, loss of domain and possible soft tissue infection. It is difficult to repair, especially with multiple recurrences. Numerous methods of repair have been described with no evidence-based data available to prefer one method over the other. The purpose of this study is to determine the long-term outcome of the proposed new modification of intraperitoneal mesh repair procedure in complex ventral hernia. This is a single-center retrospective analysis utilizing the prospectively-maintained dataset in our institution during the study period between January 2003 and June 2017. Patients who fit the inclusion criteria of having a complex ventral hernia, whether de-novo or recurrent and were subjected to A. Double Mesh Intraperitoneal Repair (ADMIR) procedure were included in the study. Patients were followed up till recurrence or lost to follow through a period ranging from 6 to 174 months (mean: 142.96 ± SE: 11.91). Forty-nine cases were included in this study (38 females and 11 males) with a female to male ratio of 3.5:1. The age range was from 28 to 81 years (mean 49 ± 12.4). BMI range from 25 to 42 (mean 33.6 ± 5.42). The ratio between the hernia sac volume and abdominal cavity volume was more than 20% in 12 patients (24.5%), who were subjected to preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum (PPP) for an average period of two weeks. Hernias were recurrent in 28 cases (57%) and associated comorbidities were observed in 29 patients (63%). Postoperative complications occurred in 19 patients (38.7%), among them only 2 patients developed recurrence (4%) after a mean follow up period of 142 months. Five patients were lost to follow and were included in the Kaplan and Meier survival analysis. ADMIR procedure is successful for the repair of complex ventral hernias as it is applicable to all sites of ventral hernias. The mesh is tension free hidden within the abdomen allowing

  16. Y-type congenital urethral duplication with normal dorsal urethra and small ventral fistula to perineal skin – 28th reported case

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    Donald E. Meier


    Full Text Available There are numerous types of urethral duplication previously described in the literature including a Type IIA2Y where a large ventral channel branches from the hypoplastic, dorsal, orthotopic urethra. There have been 27 previously reported cases of a similar defect, called “congenital posterior urethrocutaneous fistula” (CUPF with the only difference being that the ventral urethra is hypoplastic and the dorsal, orthotopic one normal. The difference in treatment for these 2 entities is markedly different, and preoperative identification of the appropriate abnormality is essential. Treatment of CUPF requires only safe excision of the ventral segment, but treatment for a Type IIA2Y duplication requires resection of the hypoplastic, orthotopic urethra and transposition of the larger ventral segment into the dorsal orthotopic position. The outcome for treatment of CUPF is much better than for treatment of Type IIA2Y entities. We herein present the 28th case of CUPF in the English literature with discussion of the anatomy, appropriate diagnostic criteria, and safe method of treatment for these entities.

  17. Desempenho e hematologia de tilápias-do-nilo alimentadas com Saccharomyces cerevisiae e vacinadas contra Streptococcus agalactiae

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    Rogério Salvador


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a inter-relação entre a suplementação alimentar com parede celular de Saccharomyces cerevisae e a vacinação contra Streptococcus agalactiae e seu efeito sobre o desempenho produtivo e as variáveis hematológicas de tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus. Oitenta e quatro tilápias-do-nilo foram distribuídas em 12 caixas de fibra (n=7, em arranjo fatorial 2x2x3, correspondente a dois níveis de suplementação com parede celular de levedura, dois tipos de inoculação e três tempos de avaliação. Os peixes foram alimentados durante 77 dias. A vacinação dos peixes foi realizada 60 dias após o início da alimentação. Quinze dias após a vacinação, todos os peixes foram submetidos ao desafio com cepa viva de S. agalactiae, e 6, 24 e 48 horas após o desafio, o sangue foi colhido da veia caudal para avaliações. Peixes alimentados com ração suplementada apresentam maior ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico, e a interação entre os efeitos da dieta e da vacinação resulta em maiores taxas de hematócrito, hemoglobina e leucócitos.

  18. Effect of naltrexone and ondansetron on alcohol cue-induced activation of the ventral striatum in alcohol-dependent people. (United States)

    Myrick, Hugh; Anton, Raymond F; Li, Xingbao; Henderson, Scott; Randall, Patrick K; Voronin, Konstantin


    Medication for the treatment of alcoholism is currently not particularly robust. Neuroimaging techniques might predict which medications could be useful in the treatment of alcohol dependence. To explore the effect of naltrexone, ondansetron hydrochloride, or the combination of these medications on cue-induced craving and ventral striatum activation. Functional brain imaging was conducted during alcohol cue presentation. Participants were recruited from the general community following media advertisement. Experimental procedures were performed in the magnetic resonance imaging suite of a major training hospital and medical research institute. Ninety non-treatment-seeking alcohol-dependent (by DSM-IV criteria) and 17 social drinking (analysis but intermediate in a region-specific analysis. Consistent with animal data that suggest that both naltrexone and ondansetron reduce alcohol-stimulated dopamine output in the ventral striatum, the current study found evidence that these medications, alone or in combination, could decrease alcohol cue-induced activation of the ventral striatum, consistent with their putative treatment efficacy.

  19. Boolean modelling reveals new regulatory connections between transcription factors orchestrating the development of the ventral spinal cord.

    KAUST Repository

    Lovrics, Anna


    We have assembled a network of cell-fate determining transcription factors that play a key role in the specification of the ventral neuronal subtypes of the spinal cord on the basis of published transcriptional interactions. Asynchronous Boolean modelling of the network was used to compare simulation results with reported experimental observations. Such comparison highlighted the need to include additional regulatory connections in order to obtain the fixed point attractors of the model associated with the five known progenitor cell types located in the ventral spinal cord. The revised gene regulatory network reproduced previously observed cell state switches between progenitor cells observed in knock-out animal models or in experiments where the transcription factors were overexpressed. Furthermore the network predicted the inhibition of Irx3 by Nkx2.2 and this prediction was tested experimentally. Our results provide evidence for the existence of an as yet undescribed inhibitory connection which could potentially have significance beyond the ventral spinal cord. The work presented in this paper demonstrates the strength of Boolean modelling for identifying gene regulatory networks.

  20. Cryopreservation of porcine fetal ventral mesencephalic tissue for intrastriatal transplantation in Parkinson's disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koopmans, J.; Hogenesch, I.; Copray, S.; Middel, B.; van Dijk, H.; Go, K-G.; Staal, M.


    In this study we examined the efficacy of cryopreserving porcine fetal mesencephalic tissue. After microscopical dissection of the ventral mesencephalon (VM) from E28 pig fetuses, the collection of explants was randomly divided into two equal parts. One part was directly prepared as cell suspension.

  1. Morphine withdrawal enhances constitutive μ-opioid receptor activity in the ventral tegmental area

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meye, F.J.; van Zessen, R.; Smidt, M.P.; Adan, R.A.H.; Ramakers, G.M.J.


    μ-opioid receptors (MORs) in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) are pivotally involved in addictive behavior. While MORs are typically activated by opioids, they can also become constitutively active in the absence of any agonist. In the current study, we present evidence that MOR constitutive

  2. Investigação da ativação seletiva de neurônios dopaminérgicos da substância negra pars compacta promovida pela privação de sono REM em ratos


    Proença, Mariana Bordinhão


    Resumo: Atualmente, vários estudos abordam a ligação entre o sono e a neurotransmissão dopaminérgica, focando nos mecanismos pelos quais a doença de Parkinson (DP) e o sono podem ser entrelaçados. Por conseguinte, as variações nas atividades durante os ciclos de sono, ou ao nível de corpos celulares dopaminérgicos na área tegmental ventral (VTA) e / ou na substância negra pars compacta (SNPC) podem afetar funções como a memória. Deste modo, foram realizadas quantificações neuroquímicas de DA,...

  3. Vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty for female urethral stricture: A novel modification of surgical technique

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    Nathan Hoag


    Full Text Available Purpose: To present a novel modification of surgical technique to treat female urethral stricture (FUS by a vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal urethroplasty. Recurrent FUS represents an uncommon, though difficult clinical scenario to manage definitively. A variety of surgical techniques have been described to date, yet a lack of consensus on the optimal procedure persists. Materials and Methods: We present a 51-year-old female with urethral stricture involving the entire urethra. Suspected etiology was iatrogenic from cystoscopy 17 years prior. Since then, the patient had undergone at least 25 formal urethral dilations and periods of self-dilation. In lithotomy position, the urethra was dilated to accommodate forceps, and ventral urethrotomy carried out sharply, exposing a bed of periurethral tissue. Buccal mucosa was harvested, and a ventral inlay technique facilitated by a nasal speculum, was used to place the graft from the proximal urethra/bladder neck to urethral meatus without a vaginal incision. Graft was sutured into place, and urethral Foley catheter inserted. Results: The vaginal-sparing ventral buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty was deemed successful as of last follow-up. Flexible cystoscopy demonstrated patency of the repair at 6 months. At 10 months of follow-up, the patient was voiding well, with no urinary incontinence. No further interventions have been required. Conclusions: This case describes a novel modification of surgical technique for performing buccal mucosal urethroplasty for FUS. By avoiding incision of the vaginal mucosa, benefits may include reduced: morbidity, urinary incontinence, and wound complications including urethro-vaginal fistula.

  4. Effects of neonatal excitotoxic lesions in ventral thalamus on social interaction in the rat. (United States)

    Wolf, Rainer; Dobrowolny, Henrik; Nullmeier, Sven; Bogerts, Bernhard; Schwegler, Herbert


    The role of the thalamus in schizophrenia has increasingly been studied in recent years. Deficits in the ventral thalamus have been described in only few postmortem and neuroimaging studies. We utilised our previously introduced neurodevelopmental animal model, the neonatal excitotoxic lesion of the ventral thalamus of Sprague-Dawley rats (Wolf et al., Pharmacopsychiatry 43:99-109, 22). At postnatal day (PD7), male pubs received bilateral thalamic infusions with ibotenic acid (IBA) or artificial cerebrospinal fluid (control). In adulthood, social interaction of two animals not familiar to each other was studied by a computerised video tracking system. This study displays clear lesion effects on social interaction of adult male rats. The significant reduction of total contact time and the significant increase in distance between the animals in the IBA group compared to controls can be interpreted as social withdrawal modelling a negative symptom of schizophrenia. The significant increase of total distance travelled in the IBA group can be hypothesised as agitation modelling a positive symptom of schizophrenia. Using a triple concept of social interaction, the percentage of no social interaction (Non-SI%) was significantly larger, and inversely, the percentage of passive social interaction (SI-passive%) was significantly smaller in the IBA group when compared to controls. In conclusion, on the background of findings in schizophrenic patients, the effects of neonatal ventral thalamic IBA lesions in adult male rats support the hypothesis of face and construct validity as animal model of schizophrenia.

  5. Ventral striatum activation to prosocial rewards predicts longitudinal declines in adolescent risk taking. (United States)

    Telzer, Eva H; Fuligni, Andrew J; Lieberman, Matthew D; Galván, Adriana


    Adolescence is a period of intensified emotions and an increase in motivated behaviors and passions. Evidence from developmental neuroscience suggests that this heightened emotionality occurs, in part, due to a peak in functional reactivity to rewarding stimuli, which renders adolescents more oriented toward reward-seeking behaviors. Most prior work has focused on how reward sensitivity may create vulnerabilities, leading to increases in risk taking. Here, we test whether heightened reward sensitivity may potentially be an asset for adolescents when engaged in prosocial activities. Thirty-two adolescents were followed over a one-year period to examine whether ventral striatum activation to prosocial rewards predicts decreases in risk taking over a year. Results show that heightened ventral striatum activation to prosocial stimuli relates to longitudinal declines in risk taking. Therefore, the very same neural region that has conferred vulnerability for adolescent risk taking may also be protective against risk taking. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Effects of Forskolin on Trefoil factor 1 expression in cultured ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Pia; Ducray, A D; Widmer, H R


    shown that TFF1 is expressed in developing and adult rat ventral mesencephalic tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons. Here, we investigated the expression of TFF1 in rat ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons (embryonic day 14) grown in culture for 5, 7 or 10days......, suggesting that Forskolin induced TFF1 expression through diverse signaling pathways. In conclusion, distinct populations of cultured dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and their numbers can be increased by factors known to influence survival and differentiation of dopaminergic cells....... to neuronal cells, and the percentage of TH/TFF1 co-expressing cells was increased to the same extent in GDNF and Forskolin-treated cultures (4-fold) as compared to controls. Interestingly, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin resulted in a significantly increased co-expression (8-fold) of TH/TFF1, which...

  7. Histamine H3 Receptors Decrease Dopamine Release in the Ventral Striatum by Reducing the Activity of Striatal Cholinergic Interneurons. (United States)

    Varaschin, Rafael Koerich; Osterstock, Guillaume; Ducrot, Charles; Leino, Sakari; Bourque, Marie-Josée; Prado, Marco A M; Prado, Vania Ferreira; Salminen, Outi; Rannanpää Née Nuutinen, Saara; Trudeau, Louis-Eric


    Histamine H 3 receptors are widely distributed G i -coupled receptors whose activation reduces neuronal activity and inhibits release of numerous neurotransmitters. Although these receptors are abundantly expressed in the striatum, their modulatory role on activity-dependent dopamine release is not well understood. Here, we observed that histamine H 3 receptor activation indirectly diminishes dopamine overflow in the ventral striatum by reducing cholinergic interneuron activity. Acute brain slices from C57BL/6 or channelrhodopsin-2-transfected DAT-cre mice were obtained, and dopamine transients evoked either electrically or optogenetically were measured by fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. The H 3 agonist α-methylhistamine significantly reduced electrically- evoked dopamine overflow, an effect blocked by the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist dihydro-β-erythroidine, suggesting involvement of cholinergic interneurons. None of the drug treatments targeting H 3 receptors affected optogenetically evoked dopamine overflow, indicating that direct H 3 -modulation of dopaminergic axons is unlikely. Next, we used qPCR and confirmed the expression of histamine H 3 receptor mRNA in cholinergic interneurons, both in ventral and dorsal striatum. Activation of H 3 receptors by α-methylhistamine reduced spontaneous firing of cholinergic interneurons in the ventral, but not in the dorsal striatum. Resting membrane potential and number of spontaneous action potentials in ventral-striatal cholinergic interneurons were significantly reduced by α-methylhistamine. Acetylcholine release from isolated striatal synaptosomes, however, was not altered by α-methylhistamine. Together, these results indicate that histamine H 3 receptors are important modulators of dopamine release, specifically in the ventral striatum, and that they do so by decreasing the firing rate of cholinergic neurons and, consequently, reducing cholinergic tone on dopaminergic axons. Copyright © 2018 IBRO

  8. Dorsal-ventral patterning in amphioxus: current understanding, unresolved issues, and future directions

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kozmiková, Iryna; Yu, J.K.


    Roč. 61, č. 10-12 (2017), s. 601-610 ISSN 0214-6282 R&D Projects: GA ČR GC15-21285J Institutional support: RVO:68378050 Keywords : dorsal-ventral patterning * organizer * signaling pathway * chordate * evolution Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology OBOR OECD: Biology (theoretical, mathematical, thermal, cryobiology, biological rhythm), Evolutionary biology Impact factor: 1.981, year: 2016

  9. Análise quantitativa e qualitativa da degradação das fachadas com revestimento cerâmico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. P. Pacheco

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo teve por objetivo mostrar a aplicação de uma metodologia para inspeção de fachadas em edifícios, baseada em modelos pré-estruturados. Foram vistoriados três prédios com revestimento externo em cerâmica, totalizando 4958 m2 de área de fachada inspecionada. Mediante a inspeção visual, realizou-se o levantamento das áreas das manifestações patológicas por região e orientação cardeal da fachada e definiram-se os níveis de degradação. Foram realizados testes de percussão nas fachadas e ensaios de absorção de água e expansão por umidade nas placas cerâmicas. Como complemento, levantaram-se as informações referentes aos edifícios por meio de entrevistas e análises de projetos. Foi elaborada a matriz de correlação anomalias versus causas, que permitiu avaliar a origem dos danos. As anomalias com maior ocorrência nos edifícios foram as manchas e sujeiras e a deterioração nos rejuntes. Constatou-se a influência da cor das cerâmicas e da posição das fachadas no desplacamento. Com base nos ensaios de absorção de água, verificou-se que dois edifícios apresentaram cerâmicas com alto índice de absorção e a análise das regiões de fachadas mostrou que a ausência de juntas foi uma das causas do desplacamento em paredes contínuas e na transição entre pavimentos.

  10. The homeobox gene mirror links EGF signalling to embryonic dorso-ventral axis formation through notch activation. (United States)

    Jordan, K C; Clegg, N J; Blasi, J A; Morimoto, A M; Sen, J; Stein, D; McNeill, H; Deng, W M; Tworoger, M; Ruohola-Baker, H


    Recent studies in vertebrates and Drosophila melanogaster have revealed that Fringe-mediated activation of the Notch pathway has a role in patterning cell layers during organogenesis. In these processes, a homeobox-containing transcription factor is responsible for spatially regulating fringe (fng) expression and thus directing activation of the Notch pathway along the fng expression border. Here we show that this may be a general mechanism for patterning epithelial cell layers. At three stages in Drosophila oogenesis, mirror (mirr) and fng have complementary expression patterns in the follicle-cell epithelial layer, and at all three stages loss of mirr enlarges, and ectopic expression of mirr restricts, fng expression, with consequences for follicle-cell patterning. These morphological changes are similar to those caused by Notch mutations. Ectopic expression of mirr in the posterior follicle cells induces a stripe of rhomboid (rho) expression and represses pipe (pip), a gene with a role in the establishment of the dorsal-ventral axis, at a distance. Ectopic Notch activation has a similar long-range effect on pip. Our results suggest that Mirror and Notch induce secretion of diffusible morphogens and we have identified TGF-beta (encoded by dpp) as such a molecule in germarium. We also found that mirr expression in dorsal follicle cells is induced by the EGF-receptor (EGFR) pathway and that mirr then represses pip expression in all but the ventral follicle cells, connecting EGFR activation in the dorsal follicle cells to repression of pip in the dorsal and lateral follicle cells. Our results suggest that the differentiation of ventral follicle cells is not a direct consequence of germline signalling, but depends on long-range signals from dorsal follicle cells, and provide a link between early and late events in Drosophila embryonic dorsal-ventral axis formation.

  11. Multicenter review of robotic versus laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: is there a role for robotics? (United States)

    Walker, Peter A; May, Audriene C; Mo, Jiandi; Cherla, Deepa V; Santillan, Monica Rosales; Kim, Steven; Ryan, Heidi; Shah, Shinil K; Wilson, Erik B; Tsuda, Shawn


    The utilization of robotic platforms for general surgery procedures such as hernia repair is growing rapidly in the United States. A limited amount of data are available evaluating operative outcomes in comparison to standard laparoscopic surgery. We completed a retrospective review comparing robotic and laparoscopic ventral hernia repair to provide safety and outcomes data to help design a future prospective trial design. A retrospective review of 215 patients undergoing ventral hernia repair (142 robotic and 73 laparoscopic) was completed at two large academic centers. Primary outcome measure evaluated was recurrence. Secondary outcomes included incidence of primary fascial closure, and surgical site occurrences. Propensity for treatment match comparison demonstrated that robotic repair was associated with a decreased incidence of recurrence (2.1 versus 4.2%, p robotic repair was associated with increased incidence of primary fascial closure (77.1 versus 66.7%, p robotic repairs were completed on patients with lower body mass index (28.1 ± 3.6 versus 34.2 ± 6.4, p robotic repair was associated with decreased recurrence and surgical site occurrence. However, the differences noted in the patient populations limit the interpretability of these results. As adoption of robotic ventral hernia repair increases, prospective trials need to be designed in order to investigate the efficacy, safety, and cost effectiveness of this evolving technique.

  12. Microsurgical anatomy of the ventral callosal radiations: new destination, correlations with diffusion tensor imaging fiber-tracking, and clinical relevance. (United States)

    Peltier, Johann; Verclytte, Sébastien; Delmaire, Christine; Deramond, Hervé; Pruvo, Jean-Pierre; Le Gars, Daniel; Godefroy, Olivier


    In the current literature, there is a lack of a detailed map of the origin, course, and connections of the ventral callosal radiations of the human brain. The authors used an older dissection technique based on a freezing process as well as diffusion tensor imaging to investigate this area of the human brain. The authors demonstrated interconnections between areas 11, 12, and 25 for the callosal radiations of the trunk and rostrum of the corpus callosum; between areas 9, 10, and 32 for the genu; and between areas 6, 8, and 9 for the ventral third of the body. The authors identified new ventral callosal connections crossing the rostrum between both temporal poles and coursing within the temporal stem, and they named these connections the "callosal radiations of Peltier." They found that the breadth of the callosal radiations slightly increases along their course from the rostrum to the first third of the body of the corpus callosum. The fiber dissection and diffusion tensor imaging techniques are complementary not only in their application to the study of the commissural system in the human brain, but also in their practical use for diagnosis and surgical planning. Further investigations, neurocognitive tests, and other contributions will permit elucidation of the functional relevance of the newly identified callosal radiations in patients with disease involving the ventral corpus callosum.

  13. Histologia, histoquímica e histometria do intestino de jacaré-do-Pantanal criado em cativeiro

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    Victor M. Aleixo


    Full Text Available A criação de jacaré-do-Pantanal tem se consolidado no estado de Mato Grosso como atividade alternativa e legal para as propriedades rurais na área de ocorrência natural da espécie, coibindo a caça predatória e colaborando na preservação da espécie. A racionalização do processo produtivo na criação de jacaré é uma ação relativamente nova, que permite obter pele de melhor qualidade e de utilização integral, diferentemente daquelas oriundas de animais da natureza. Considerando a importância dos intestinos como sede dos principais eventos relacionados à obtenção de nutrientes para o metabolismo corpóreo, este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar qualitativa e quantitativamente a mucosa dos intestinos delgado e grosso de jacaré-do-Pantanal jovens. Para a caracterização ao microscópio óptico da estrutura da parede intestinal e da histometria da mucosa foram coletadas amostras intestinais de 16 animais, sendo três deles também destinados ao estudo histoquímico. As amostras foram obtidas de cinco regiões, sendo quatro do intestino delgado e uma do intestino grosso. Elas foram fixadas em solução de Bouin, processadas de acordo com técnicas preconizadas para inclusão em parafina. Cortes histológicos semi-seriados (quatro micrômetros foram obtidos e o material foi desparafinizado, hidratado e corado pela hematoxilina-eosina para a descrição geral e estudo histométrico, que consistiu da mensuração da freqüência das vilosidades intestinais; dos comprimentos do epitélio e da lâmina própria da mucosa e da espessura da mucosa. Na análise estatística foi empregada a análise de variância e Teste de Tukey. Para o estudo histoquímico foram utilizadas a reação ao ácido periódico de Schiff, alcian blue pH 1,0 contrastado com hematoxilina e alcian blue pH 2,5 conjugado ao ácido periódico de Schiff. Para a descrição das estruturas histológicas foi empregada a terminologia disponível na Nomina

  14. Radial variation of wood anatomy and basic density of Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell. Brenan. Variação radial da anatomia e densidade básica da madeira de Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell. Brenan.

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    Eduardo Luiz LONGUI


    Full Text Available We investigated wood samples of five Anadenanthera colubrina trees, aiming to study radial variation of anatomy and basic density. The trees were cut from “lote 5 do Rodoanel trecho sul” in Embu municipality, State of São Paulo, where vegetation is classified as Montane Ombrophilous Dense Forest and climate is classified as Cwa. We cut discs from the diameter at breast height ‒ DBH, and then cut samples from pith-to-bark to anatomical and basic density analysis. The results suggest that Anadenanthera colubrina has a very common anatomical and basic density radial variation pattern from pith-to-bark between hardwoods with an increase in vessel diameter favoring hydraulic conductivity, fiber wall thickness and length, ray height and width, and basic density. While the negative relationship between vessel diameter and frequency is well reported for many species, it has not been observed in A. colubrina because vessel frequency oscillates radially. This typical radial pattern also occurs in other native species in planting conditions, already demonstrated by our group in other studies, obviously with some changes depending on species. Investigamos amostras de madeira de cinco árvores de Anadenanthera colubrina objetivando estudar a variação radial da anatomia e densidade básica. As árvores foram cortadas no lote 5 do Rodoanel trecho sul, no município de Embu, com a vegetação de Floresta Ombrófila Densa Montana e clima do tipo Cwa. Cortamos discos à altura do peito ‒ DAP e destes obtivemos amostras radiais da medula para a casca, destas preparamos amostras para a determinação anatômica e da densidade básica. Os resultados sugerem que Anadenanthera colubrina apresenta um padrão radial de variação bastante comum no sentido medula-casca para as angiospermas arbóreas, com aumento no diâmetro dos vasos, consequentemente condutividade hidráulica, comprimento e espessura da parede da fibra, altura e largura do raio e densidade b

  15. Radiographic appearance of the middle ear after ventral bulla osteotomy in five dogs with otitis media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holt, D.E.; Walker, L.


    Radiographs of the middle ear were made in five dogs 60 to 78 months after ventral bulla osteotomy was performed to treat otitis media. The clinical results of surgery were considered satisfactory in four dogs and unsatisfactory in one. In 4 dogs with satisfactory results, radiographs demonstrated complete reformation of the bulla in 3 operated middle ears (3 dogs), with partial bulla reformation in the three middle ears (3 dogs). Radiographs in one dog with unsatisfactory results showed complete bulla reformation with no increase in lumen opacity. The proliferative bony response obliterating the middle ear previously reported in normal dogs after ventral bulla osteotomy was not seen in any of these patients

  16. The 'ventral organs' of Pycnogonida (Arthropoda are neurogenic niches of late embryonic and post-embryonic nervous system development.

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    Georg Brenneis

    Full Text Available Early neurogenesis in arthropods has been in the focus of numerous studies, its cellular basis, spatio-temporal dynamics and underlying genetic network being by now comparably well characterized for representatives of chelicerates, myriapods, hexapods and crustaceans. By contrast, neurogenesis during late embryonic and/or post-embryonic development has received less attention, especially in myriapods and chelicerates. Here, we apply (i immunolabeling, (ii histology and (iii scanning electron microscopy to study post-embryonic ventral nerve cord development in Pseudopallene sp., a representative of the sea spiders (Pycnogonida, the presumable sister group of the remaining chelicerates. During early post-embryonic development, large neural stem cells give rise to additional ganglion cell material in segmentally paired invaginations in the ventral ectoderm. These ectodermal cell regions - traditionally designated as 'ventral organs' - detach from the surface into the interior and persist as apical cell clusters on the ventral ganglion side. Each cluster is a post-embryonic neurogenic niche that features a tiny central cavity and initially still houses larger neural stem cells. The cluster stays connected to the underlying ganglionic somata cortex via an anterior and a posterior cell stream. Cell proliferation remains restricted to the cluster and streams, and migration of newly produced cells along the streams seems to account for increasing ganglion cell numbers in the cortex. The pycnogonid cluster-stream-systems show striking similarities to the life-long neurogenic system of decapod crustaceans, and due to their close vicinity to glomerulus-like neuropils, we consider their possible involvement in post-embryonic (perhaps even adult replenishment of olfactory neurons - as in decapods. An instance of a potentially similar post-embryonic/adult neurogenic system in the arthropod outgroup Onychophora is discussed. Additionally, we document two

  17. Xenopus msx-1 regulates dorso-ventral axis formation by suppressing the expression of organizer genes. (United States)

    Takeda, M; Saito, Y; Sekine, R; Onitsuka, I; Maeda, R; Maéno, M


    We demonstrated previously that Xmsx-1 is involved in mesoderm patterning along the dorso-ventral axis, under the regulation of BMP-4 signaling. When Xmsx-1 RNA was injected into the dorsal blastomeres, a mass of muscle tissue formed instead of notochord. This activity was similar to that of Xwnt-8 reported previously. In this study, we investigated whether the activity of Xmsx-1 is related to the ventralizing signal and myogenesis promoting factor, Xwnt-8. Whole-mount in situ hybridization showed that Xmsx-1, Xwnt-8, and XmyoD were expressed in overlapping areas, including the ventro-lateral marginal zone at mid-gastrula stage. The expression of XmyoD was induced by the ectopic expression of either Xmsx-1 or Xwnt-8 in dorsal blastomeres, and Xwnt-8 was induced by the ectopic expression of Xmsx-1. On the other hand, the expression of Xmsx-1 was not affected by the loading of pCSKA-Xwnt-8 or dominant-negative Xwnt-8 (DN-Xwnt-8) RNA. In addition, Xmsx-1 RNA did not abrogate the formation of notochord if coinjected with DN-Xwnt-8 RNA. These results suggest that Xmsx-1 functions upstream of the Xwnt-8 signal. Furthermore, the antagonistic function of Xmsx-1 to the expression of organizer genes, such as Xlim-1 and goosecoid, was shown by in situ hybridization analysis and luciferase reporter assay using the goosecoid promoter construct. Finally if Xmsx-1/VP-16 fusion RNA, which was expected to function as a dominant-negative Xmsx-1, was injected into ventral blastomeres, a partial secondary axis formed in a significant number of embryos. In such embryos, the activity of luciferase, under the control of goosecoid promoter sequence, was significantly elevated at gastrula stage. These results led us to conclude that Xmsx-1 plays a central role in establishing dorso-ventral axis in gastrulating embryo, by suppressing the expression of organizer genes.

  18. Doença de Hodgkin

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    Marina Pereira


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores descrevem um caso de doença de Hodgkin, do subtipo esclerose nodular, numa mulher de 24 anos de idade. A forma de apresentação clínica, pouco habitual, é constituída por uma massa na regão esternal e parede anterior do hemitórax esquerdo, a qual adquire grande volume ao fim de 2 anos e meio de evolução natural da doença. Esta é tratada com quimioterapia (MOPP e radioterapia adjuvante, sofrendo uma reeressão total das suas manifestações clínicas.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (3: 349-355 ABSTRACT: A case of a 24 years old woman with Hodgkin’s disease, nodular sclerosis subtype, is reported. The disease present with an anterior chest wall mass, an unusual clinical presentation form. The patient receive MOPP chemotherapy and adjuvant radio-therapy with complete resolution of her clinical manifestations.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (3: 349-355 Palavras-chave: Doença de Hodgkin, Massa da parede torácica anterior, Forma de apresentação clinica, Key-words: Hodgkin’s disease, Anterior chest wall mass, Clinical presentation form

  19. Optogenetic Activation of a Lateral Hypothalamic-Ventral Tegmental Drive-Reward Pathway. (United States)

    Gigante, Eduardo D; Benaliouad, Faiza; Zamora-Olivencia, Veronica; Wise, Roy A


    Electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus can motivate feeding or can serve as a reward in its own right. It remains unclear whether the same or independent but anatomically overlapping circuitries mediate the two effects. Electrical stimulation findings implicate medial forebrain bundle (MFB) fibers of passage in both effects, and optogenetic studies confirm a contribution from fibers originating in the lateral hypothalamic area and projecting to or through the ventral tegmental area. Here we report that optogenetic activation of ventral tegmental fibers from cells of origin in more anterior or posterior portions of the MFB failed to induce either reward or feeding. The feeding and reward induced by optogenetic activation of fibers from the lateral hypothalamic cells of origin were influenced similarly by variations in stimulation pulse width and pulse frequency, consistent with the hypothesis of a common substrate for the two effects. There were, however, several cases where feeding but not self-stimulation or self-stimulation but not feeding were induced, consistent with the hypothesis that distinct but anatomically overlapping systems mediate the two effects. Thus while optogenetic stimulation provides a more selective tool for characterizing the mechanisms of stimulation-induced feeding and reward, it does not yet resolve the question of common or independent substrates.

  20. Ventral dermatitis in rowi (Apteryx rowi) due to cutaneous larval migrans. (United States)

    Gartrell, B D; Argilla, L; Finlayson, S; Gedye, K; Gonzalez Argandona, A K; Graham, I; Howe, L; Hunter, S; Lenting, B; Makan, T; McInnes, K; Michael, S; Morgan, K J; Scott, I; Sijbranda, D; van Zyl, N; Ward, J M


    The rowi is a critically endangered species of kiwi. Young birds on a crèche island showed loss of feathers from the ventral abdomen and a scurfy dermatitis of the abdominal skin and vent margin. Histology of skin biopsies identified cutaneous larval migrans, which was shown by molecular sequencing to be possibly from a species of Trichostrongylus as a cause of ventral dermatitis and occasional ulcerative vent dermatitis. The predisposing factors that led to this disease are suspected to be the novel exposure of the rowi to parasites from seabirds or marine mammals due to the island crèche and the limited management of roost boxes. This is the first instance of cutaneous larval migrans to be recorded in birds. Severe and fatal complications of the investigation resulted in the death of eight birds of aspergillosis and pulmonary complications associated with the use of bark as a substrate in hospital. Another bird died of renal failure during the period of hospitalisation despite oral and intravenous fluid therapy. The initiating cause of the renal failure was not determined. These complications have the potential to undermine the working relationship between wildlife veterinarians and conservation managers. This case highlights that intensive conservation management can result in increased opportunities for novel routes of cross-species pathogen transmission.

  1. Influência da Posição e dos Parâmetros de Soldagem na Soldagem TIG Orbital Aplicada a Tubulações de Aço Baixo Carbono

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    Daniel Wallerstein Figueirôa


    Full Text Available Resumo A característica mais marcante da soldagem TIG Orbital é a constante alteração na posição de soldagem enquanto a tocha acompanha o perfil geométrico dos tubos. No contexto da soldagem TIG orbital de tubos de grande diâmetro e paredes espessas, é investigada a relação entre a posição de soldagem, uso de corrente constante ou pulsada e ainda valor da corrente média nas características geométricas dos cordões obtidos. Foram realizadas soldas de deposição em tubos de aço carbono SAE 1020, bem como macrografias das seções transversais dos cordões via microscopia óptica. Filmagens em alta definição contribuíram para a compreensão do comportamento da poça de fusão nas diferentes posições de soldagem. As características geométricas foram quantificadas através das macrografias com o uso de um software e foi traçada a relação destas com as variáveis citadas. Além disso, foi feita uma análise microestrutural das amostras, correlacionando com a microdureza Vickers. Concluiu-se que cordões soldados com corrente pulsada apresentam maiores reforço e largura, bem como maior dureza e microestrutura mais refinada. A posição vertical ascendente resulta em cordões com menor fator de forma e maior penetração, e a posição sobre cabeça resulta em cordões de baixo fator de forma.

  2. Aspectos ultra-estruturais da fibra muscular cardíaca de ratas albinas durante o ciclo gravídico-puerperal

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    Liberatori Filho A.W.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO. No presente estudo avaliamos, por intermédio da microscopia eletrônica de transmissão, a morfologia dos cardiomiócitos do ventrículo esquerdo de ratas albinas no decorrer do ciclo gravídico-puerperal. MÉTODOS. Obtida a prenhez, 77 ratas foram divididas ao acaso em dois grupos denominados, respectivamente, de: gestação (G e puerpério (P. Os animais pertencentes ao grupo gestação foram ainda subdivididos em quatro subgrupos, de acordo com a idade gestacional; 1o (G-A, 7o (G-B, 14o (G-C e 21o (G-D dias de prenhez. O grupo definido como puerpério foi também subdividido em três subgrupos; 7o (P-A, 14o (P-B e 21o (P-C dias de puerpério. Findo o período estabelecido para cada subgrupo, os animais foram sacrificados, sendo coletados fragmentos do terço médio do ventrículo esquerdo, os quais após processamento apropriado, permitiram observação adequada à microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. RESULTADOS. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram hipertrofia gradativos dos cardiomiócitos no decorrer da prenhez (aumento das miofibrilas, que ao final da gestação apresentaram-se entremeadas de numerosas mitocôndrias. As paredes dos capilares sangüíneos, progressivamente, tornaram-se mais delgadas, com aumento das vesículas de pinocitose no interior das células endoteliais. Revelou ainda, acentuadas dobras do sarcolema em nível dos túbulos T (túneis capilares. No grupo puerpério, notamos gradativa regressão nessas alterações, com retorno às características pré-gestacionais. Os achados demonstram a ocorrência de hipertrofia no decorrer da gestação. CONCLUSÃO. Durante a prenhez há hipertrofia em cardiomiócito do ventrículo esquerdo com regressão durante o puerpério.

  3. Preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature. (United States)

    Bhat, Amilal; Gandhi, Ajay; Saxena, Gajendra; Choudhary, Gautam Ram


    Objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and results of preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (TIP) in patients of proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature. Twenty-seven patients of proximal hypospadias who underwent preputioplasty with TIP were evaluated retrospectively. Ventral curvature was corrected by mobilization of the urethral plate with the corpus spongiosum and the proximal urethra; dorsal plication was added according to the severity of curvature. Feasibility of preputial reconstruction was assessed by applying 3 stay sutures-the first to fix the skin at the corona, the second at the junction of the inner and outer preputial skin for pulling up the skin over the glans, and the third stay on penile skin at the level of the corona for retracting the skin. Preputial reconstruction consisted of a standard 3 layered re-approximation of the margins of the dorsal hood. Age of the patients varied from 10 months to 21 years with an average of 6 years and 4 months. Ventral curvature (mild 10, moderate 13, and severe 4 cases) was corrected by the mobilization of the urethral plate and spongiosum in 14 patients, 11 cases had mobilization of the proximal urethra in addition and 2 patients required single stitch dorsal plication with the above-mentioned steps. Two patients developed urethral fistula and 1 had preputial dehiscence. Preputioplasty with TIP is feasible in proximal hypospadias with curvature without increasing the complication rate. Postoperative phimosis can be prevented by on-table testing of the adequacy of preputial skin by 3 stay sutures.

  4. Ventral and Dorsal Striatum Networks in Obesity: Link to Food Craving and Weight Gain. (United States)

    Contreras-Rodríguez, Oren; Martín-Pérez, Cristina; Vilar-López, Raquel; Verdejo-Garcia, Antonio


    The food addiction model proposes that obesity overlaps with addiction in terms of neurobiological alterations in the striatum and related clinical manifestations (i.e., craving and persistence of unhealthy habits). Therefore, we aimed to examine the functional connectivity of the striatum in excess-weight versus normal-weight subjects and to determine the extent of the association between striatum connectivity and individual differences in food craving and changes in body mass index (BMI). Forty-two excess-weight participants (BMI > 25) and 39 normal-weight participants enrolled in the study. Functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal striatum was indicated by seed-based analyses on resting-state data. Food craving was indicated with subjective ratings of visual cues of high-calorie food. Changes in BMI between baseline and 12 weeks follow-up were assessed in 28 excess-weight participants. Measures of connectivity in the ventral striatum and dorsal striatum were compared between groups and correlated with craving and BMI change. Participants with excess weight displayed increased functional connectivity between the ventral striatum and the medial prefrontal and parietal cortices and between the dorsal striatum and the somatosensory cortex. Dorsal striatum connectivity correlated with food craving and predicted BMI gains. Obesity is linked to alterations in the functional connectivity of dorsal striatal networks relevant to food craving and weight gain. These neural alterations are associated with habit learning and thus compatible with the food addiction model of obesity. Copyright © 2016 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Regulation of actions and habits by ventral hippocampal trkB and adolescent corticosteroid exposure. (United States)

    Barfield, Elizabeth T; Gerber, Kyle J; Zimmermann, Kelsey S; Ressler, Kerry J; Parsons, Ryan G; Gourley, Shannon L


    In humans and rodents, stress promotes habit-based behaviors that can interfere with action-outcome decision-making. Further, developmental stressor exposure confers long-term habit biases across rodent-primate species. Despite these homologies, mechanisms remain unclear. We first report that exposure to the primary glucocorticoid corticosterone (CORT) in adolescent mice recapitulates multiple neurobehavioral consequences of stressor exposure, including long-lasting biases towards habit-based responding in a food-reinforced operant conditioning task. In both adolescents and adults, CORT also caused a shift in the balance between full-length tyrosine kinase receptor B (trkB) and a truncated form of this neurotrophin receptor, favoring the inactive form throughout multiple corticolimbic brain regions. In adolescents, phosphorylation of the trkB substrate extracellular signal-regulated kinase 42/44 (ERK42/44) in the ventral hippocampus was also diminished, a long-term effect that persisted for at least 12 wk. Administration of the trkB agonist 7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF) during adolescence at doses that stimulated ERK42/44 corrected long-lasting corticosterone-induced behavioral abnormalities. Meanwhile, viral-mediated overexpression of truncated trkB in the ventral hippocampus reduced local ERK42/44 phosphorylation and was sufficient to induce habit-based and depression-like behaviors. Together, our findings indicate that ventral hippocampal trkB is essential to goal-directed action selection, countering habit-based behavior otherwise facilitated by developmental stress hormone exposure. They also reveal an early-life sensitive period during which trkB-ERK42/44 tone determines long-term behavioral outcomes.

  6. Defeito do anel fibroso mitral posterior com aneurisma de átrio esquerdo e insuficiência mitral: tratamento cirúrgico com sucesso Defect of the posterior mitral fibrous ring with left atrial aneurysm and mitral insufficiency: successful surgical treatment

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    Ronaldo Machado BUENO


    Full Text Available Aneurismas em átrio esquerdo são pouco comuns, podendo ocorrer na aurícula ou na parede do átrio esquerdo. Freqüentemente, são assintomáticos, podendo ocorrer arritmias, fenômenos tromboembólicos ou insuficiência cardíaca como complicação da sua evolução. Apresentamos paciente de 39 anos, do sexo feminino, com defeito do anel posterior da valva mitral levando a grande dilatação aneurismática da parede posterior do átrio esquerdo com insuficiência mitral. O diagnóstico foi feito pela radiografia de tórax (abaulamento de silhueta cardíaca esquerda e ecocardiograma (grande aneurisma do átrio esquerdo posteriormente à parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo com insuficiência mitral. O estudo hemodinâmico sugeriu pseudo-aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo. Submetida a tratamento cirúrgico com auxílio da circulação extracorpórea, realizou-se anuloplastia mitral e exclusão do aneurisma com reconstrução do assoalho do átrio esquerdo com retalho de pericárdio bovino. A paciente apresentou boa evolução pós-operatória, recebendo alta hospitalar no oitavo dia em boas condições clínicas.Atrial aneurysm is a rare condition and can be found on the atrial appendage or on the atrial wall. Most patients are asymptomatic, but arrhythmias, thromboembolism, and heart failure are common complications. We present a 39 years old female patient with posterior mitral ring defect causing a great aneurysm of the left posterior atrial wall with mitral insufficiency. The diagnosis was achieved by chest roentgenogram (marked prominence of the upper left heart border and echocardiography (great left atrial aneurysm behind the left posterior ventricular wall with mitral insufficiency. Left ventricular cineangiogram suggested the presence of a false aneurysm of the left ventricle. The patient subsequently underwent surgical treatment with cardiopulmonary bypass. Posterior mitral valve annuloplasty was performed with aneurysm exclusion

  7. Amygdaloid projections to the ventral striatum in mice: direct and indirect chemosensory inputs to the brain reward system. (United States)

    Novejarque, Amparo; Gutiérrez-Castellanos, Nicolás; Lanuza, Enrique; Martínez-García, Fernando


    Rodents constitute good models for studying the neural basis of sociosexual behavior. Recent findings in mice have revealed the molecular identity of the some pheromonal molecules triggering intersexual attraction. However, the neural pathways mediating this basic sociosexual behavior remain elusive. Since previous work indicates that the dopaminergic tegmento-striatal pathway is not involved in pheromone reward, the present report explores alternative pathways linking the vomeronasal system with the tegmento-striatal system (the limbic basal ganglia) by means of tract-tracing experiments studying direct and indirect projections from the chemosensory amygdala to the ventral striato-pallidum. Amygdaloid projections to the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and adjoining structures are studied by analyzing the retrograde transport in the amygdala from dextran amine and fluorogold injections in the ventral striatum, as well as the anterograde labeling found in the ventral striato-pallidum after dextran amine injections in the amygdala. This combination of anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments reveals direct projections from the vomeronasal cortex to the ventral striato-pallidum, as well as indirect projections through different nuclei of the basolateral amygdala. Direct projections innervate mainly the olfactory tubercle and the islands of Calleja, whereas indirect projections are more widespread and reach the same structures and the shell and core of nucleus accumbens. These pathways are likely to mediate innate responses to pheromones (direct projections) and conditioned responses to associated chemosensory and non-chemosensory stimuli (indirect projections). Comparative studies indicate that similar connections are present in all the studied amniote vertebrates and might constitute the basic circuitry for emotional responses to conspecifics in most vertebrates, including humans.

  8. Early White-Matter Abnormalities of the Ventral Frontostriatal Pathway in Fragile X Syndrome (United States)

    Haas, Brian W.; Barnea-Goraly, Naama; Lightbody, Amy A.; Patnaik, Swetapadma S.; Hoeft, Fumiko; Hazlett, Heather; Piven, Joseph; Reiss, Allan L.


    Aim: Fragile X syndrome is associated with cognitive deficits in inhibitory control and with abnormal neuronal morphology and development. Method: In this study, we used a diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography approach to reconstruct white-matter fibers in the ventral frontostriatal pathway in young males with fragile X syndrome (n = 17;…

  9. Interest in politics modulates neural activity in the amygdala and ventral striatum. (United States)

    Gozzi, Marta; Zamboni, Giovanna; Krueger, Frank; Grafman, Jordan


    Studies on political participation have found that a person's interest in politics contributes to the likelihood that he or she will be involved in the political process. Here, we looked at whether or not interest in politics affects patterns of brain activity when individuals think about political matters. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we scanned individuals (either interested or uninterested in politics based on a self-report questionnaire) while they were expressing their agreement or disagreement with political opinions. After scanning, participants were asked to rate each political opinion presented in the scanner for emotional valence and emotional intensity. Behavioral results showed that those political opinions participants agreed with were perceived as more emotionally intense and more positive by individuals interested in politics relative to individuals uninterested in politics. In addition, individuals interested in politics showed greater activation in the amygdala and the ventral striatum (ventral putamen) relative to individuals uninterested in politics when reading political opinions in accordance with their own views. This study shows that having an interest in politics elicits activations in emotion- and reward-related brain areas even when simply agreeing with written political opinions. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


    Lin, Junshan; Li, Dumiao; Zhang, Jianxing; Wu, Qiang; Xu, Yali; Lin, Li


    To investigate effectiveness of advanced skin flap and V-shaped ventral incision along the root of penile shaft for concealed penis in children. Between July 2007 and January 2015, 121 boys with concealed penis were treated with advanced skin flap and V-shaped ventral incision along the root of penile shaft. The age varied from 18 months to 13 years (mean, 7.2 years). Repair was based on a vertical incision in median raphe, complete degloving of penis and tacking its base to the dermis of the skin. Advanced skin flap and a V-shaped ventral incision along the root of penile shaft were used to cover the penile shaft. The operation time ranged from 60 to 100 minutes (mean, 75 minutes). Disruption of wound occurred in 1 case, and was cured after dressing change; and primary healing of incision was obtained in the others. The follow-up period ranged from 3 months to 7 years (median, 24 months). All patients achieved good to excellent cosmetic results with a low incidence of complications. The results were satisfactory in exposure of penis and prepuce appearance. No obvious scar was observed. The penis had similar appearance to that after prepuce circumcision. A combination of advanced skin flap and V-shaped ventral incision along the root of penile shaft is a simple, safe, and effective procedure for concealed penis with a similar appearance result to the prepuce circumcision.

  11. Processamento de Ligas de Níquel com Técnica de Manufatura Aditiva Utilizando Plasma por Arco Transferido

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    Eduardo André Alberti


    Full Text Available ResumoA manufatura aditiva é um processo utilizado para a construção e reparos de peças que possuem geometria complexa ou que necessitem de gradiente de propriedades. Nessa técnica múltiplas camadas são depositadas para a construção da geometria do componente. O sucesso desse procedimento depende de fatores como a técnica de deposição, parâmetros, liga a ser depositada e condições da deposição, como temperatura e atmosfera protetora. Neste estudo, o potencial da técnica de Plasma por arco transferido para manufatura aditiva foi avaliado produzindo “paredes finas”, construídas a partir da sobreposição de cordões. Foram utilizadas duas ligas a base de níquel, uma endurecida por precipitação e outra endurecida por solução sólida. Durante os trabalhos, foram selecionados os parâmetros de processamentos, incluindo a avaliação do efeito do pré-aquecimento a 300°C. Resultados mostraram que a composição química da liga influencia a geometria da parede construída assim como a utilização de pré-aquecimento. Estruturas de solidificação exibindo dendritas refinadas com crescimento epitaxial entre camadas são identificadas. Entretanto, as características da liga determinam o perfil de dureza ao longo da seção transversal, sendo a liga endurecida por precipitação influenciada pelos ciclos térmicos de deposição e a liga endurecida por solução sólida pela diluição com o substrato. Em qualquer dos casos é recomendado a aplicação de tratamento térmico pós-soldagem para uniformização das propriedades.

  12. Art for reward's sake: visual art recruits the ventral striatum. (United States)

    Lacey, Simon; Hagtvedt, Henrik; Patrick, Vanessa M; Anderson, Amy; Stilla, Randall; Deshpande, Gopikrishna; Hu, Xiaoping; Sato, João R; Reddy, Srinivas; Sathian, K


    A recent study showed that people evaluate products more positively when they are physically associated with art images than similar non-art images. Neuroimaging studies of visual art have investigated artistic style and esthetic preference but not brain responses attributable specifically to the artistic status of images. Here we tested the hypothesis that the artistic status of images engages reward circuitry, using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during viewing of art and non-art images matched for content. Subjects made animacy judgments in response to each image. Relative to non-art images, art images activated, on both subject- and item-wise analyses, reward-related regions: the ventral striatum, hypothalamus and orbitofrontal cortex. Neither response times nor ratings of familiarity or esthetic preference for art images correlated significantly with activity that was selective for art images, suggesting that these variables were not responsible for the art-selective activations. Investigation of effective connectivity, using time-varying, wavelet-based, correlation-purged Granger causality analyses, further showed that the ventral striatum was driven by visual cortical regions when viewing art images but not non-art images, and was not driven by regions that correlated with esthetic preference for either art or non-art images. These findings are consistent with our hypothesis, leading us to propose that the appeal of visual art involves activation of reward circuitry based on artistic status alone and independently of its hedonic value. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Avaliação da folha e do colmo de topo e base de perfilhos de três gramíneas forrageiras: 1. Digestibilidade in vitro e composição química

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    Domingos Sávio Queiroz


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Foi avaliado o grau de correlação linear simples entre a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS e a composição química de lâminas e bainhas foliares e, do colmo, amostrados no topo e na base de perfilhos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, cv. Mott, capim-setária (Setaria anceps, cv. Kazungula e capim-jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa, Nees Stapf . Os valores de DIVMS e os teores de proteína bruta (PB e parede celular (FDN exibiram gradiente ao longo do perfil do perfilho e diferença entre as frações do perfilho. As folhas situadas no topo do perfilho mostraram maior conteúdo de PB e digestibilidade, apesar dos mais altos teores de FDN, que as folhas situadas na base dos perfilhos. As lâminas foliares mostraram valores relativamente mais altos de DIVMS, PB e FDN que a bainha foliar. Nenhuma correlação foi observada entre os componentes químicos e a DIVMS da lâmina foliar do topo do perfilho. Apenas o teor de lignina apresentou correlação significativa (r = - 0,53 com a DIVMS, quando dados das lâminas foliares de topo e base do perfilho foram agrupados. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta e lignina propiciaram correlações com a DIVMS da lâmina foliar de base, da bainha foliar e do colmo.

  14. Avaliação da folha e do colmo de topo e base de perfilhos de três gramíneas forrageiras: 1. Digestibilidade in vitro e composição química

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    Queiroz Domingos Sávio


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Foi avaliado o grau de correlação linear simples entre a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS e a composição química de lâminas e bainhas foliares e, do colmo, amostrados no topo e na base de perfilhos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, cv. Mott, capim-setária (Setaria anceps, cv. Kazungula e capim-jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa, Nees Stapf . Os valores de DIVMS e os teores de proteína bruta (PB e parede celular (FDN exibiram gradiente ao longo do perfil do perfilho e diferença entre as frações do perfilho. As folhas situadas no topo do perfilho mostraram maior conteúdo de PB e digestibilidade, apesar dos mais altos teores de FDN, que as folhas situadas na base dos perfilhos. As lâminas foliares mostraram valores relativamente mais altos de DIVMS, PB e FDN que a bainha foliar. Nenhuma correlação foi observada entre os componentes químicos e a DIVMS da lâmina foliar do topo do perfilho. Apenas o teor de lignina apresentou correlação significativa (r = - 0,53 com a DIVMS, quando dados das lâminas foliares de topo e base do perfilho foram agrupados. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta e lignina propiciaram correlações com a DIVMS da lâmina foliar de base, da bainha foliar e do colmo.

  15. Single-Institution Experience With Component Separation for Ventral Hernia Repair: A Retrospective Review. (United States)

    Hill, Brian; Kambeyanda, Rohan; Fewell, Donna; Bryant, Stewart; Delaney, Kevin O; Herrera, Fernando A


    In this study, we reviewed our institution's experience using component separation for repair of ventral hernias. This was a retrospective review of all component separations for ventral hernia between July 2009 and December 2015. Recorded data included body mass index (BMI), preoperative albumin, smoking history, comorbidities, additional procedures, length of surgery, hospitalization, recurrence, and postoperative complications. One hundred ninety-six component separations were performed in the study period. The average patient age was 56 years, and 65.3% of patients were female. The average BMI was 32.6 kg/m; preoperative albumin was 3.59; 18.4% were current smokers; 28.1% were diabetic; and 14.3% had heart disease. Postoperative complications developed in 16.8% of patients. Recurrence developed in 8.7% of patients. Patients who developed a postoperative complication had a higher BMI (P = 0.025) and lower albumin (P = 0.047) compared with patients who did not develop complications. Current smokers were more likely to develop complications (P = 0.008). More than one third of patients had additional procedures at the time of the ventral hernia repair. The addition of a plastic surgery procedure was not associated with an increased risk of developing a complication (P = 0.25). Patients who developed complications had a significantly longer hospital course (P < 0.001) but no difference in total operative time (P = 0.975). Increased number of comorbidities did not statistically correlate with an increased complication rate (P = 0.65) or length of hospital stay (P = 0.43). We identified risk factors that increase the likelihood of postoperative complications and length of hospital stay. In addition, this study suggests that more comorbidities and additional procedures at the time of the hernia repair may not have as large of impact on complication risk as previously thought.

  16. Lateral and medial ventral occipitotemporal regions interact during the recognition of images revealed from noise

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    Barbara eNordhjem


    Full Text Available Several studies suggest different functional roles for the medial and the lateral ventral sections in object recognition. Texture and surface information is processed in medial regions, while shape information is processed in lateral sections. This begs the question whether and how these functionally specialized sections interact with each other and with early visual cortex to facilitate object recognition. In the current research, we set out to answer this question. In an fMRI study, thirteen subjects viewed and recognized images of objects and animals that were gradually revealed from noise while their brains were being scanned. We applied dynamic causal modeling (DCM – a method to characterize network interactions – to determine the modulatory effect of object recognition on a network comprising the primary visual cortex (V1, the lingual gyrus (LG in medial ventral cortex and the lateral occipital cortex (LO. We found that object recognition modulated the bilateral connectivity between LG and LO. Moreover, the feed-forward connectivity from V1 to LG and LO was modulated, while there was no evidence for feedback from these regions to V1 during object recognition. In particular, the interaction between medial and lateral areas supports a framework in which visual recognition of objects is achieved by networked regions that integrate information on image statistics, scene content and shape – rather than by a single categorically specialized region – within the ventral visual cortex.

  17. A negative relationship between ventral striatal loss anticipation response and impulsivity in borderline personality disorder. (United States)

    Herbort, Maike C; Soch, Joram; Wüstenberg, Torsten; Krauel, Kerstin; Pujara, Maia; Koenigs, Michael; Gallinat, Jürgen; Walter, Henrik; Roepke, Stefan; Schott, Björn H


    Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) frequently exhibit impulsive behavior, and self-reported impulsivity is typically higher in BPD patients when compared to healthy controls. Previous functional neuroimaging studies have suggested a link between impulsivity, the ventral striatal response to reward anticipation, and prediction errors. Here we investigated the striatal neural response to monetary gain and loss anticipation and their relationship with impulsivity in 21 female BPD patients and 23 age-matched female healthy controls using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants performed a delayed monetary incentive task in which three categories of objects predicted a potential gain, loss, or neutral outcome. Impulsivity was assessed using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11). Compared to healthy controls, BPD patients exhibited significantly reduced fMRI responses of the ventral striatum/nucleus accumbens (VS/NAcc) to both reward-predicting and loss-predicting cues. BIS-11 scores showed a significant positive correlation with the VS/NAcc reward anticipation responses in healthy controls, and this correlation, while also nominally positive, failed to reach significance in BPD patients. BPD patients, on the other hand, exhibited a significantly negative correlation between ventral striatal loss anticipation responses and BIS-11 scores, whereas this correlation was significantly positive in healthy controls. Our results suggest that patients with BPD show attenuated anticipation responses in the VS/NAcc and, furthermore, that higher impulsivity in BPD patients might be related to impaired prediction of aversive outcomes.

  18. Ventral striatal regulation of CREM mediates impulsive action and drug addiction vulnerability


    Miller, Michael L.; Ren, Yanhua; Szutorisz, Henrietta; Warren, Noël A.; Tessereau, Chloé; Egervári, Gábor; Mlodnicka, Agnieszka; Kapoor, Manav; Chaarani, Bader; Morris, Claudia V.; Schumann, Gunter; Garavan, Hugh; Goate, Alison M.; Bannon, Michael J.; Halperin, Jeffrey M.


    Impulsivity, a multifaceted behavioral hallmark of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), strongly influences addiction vulnerability and other psychiatric disorders that incur enormous medical and societal burdens yet the neurobiological underpinnings linking impulsivity to disease remain poorly understood. Here we report the critical role of ventral striatal cAMP-response element modulator (CREM) in mediating impulsivity relevant to drug abuse vulnerability. Using an ADHD rat mode...

  19. Ventral striatum and amygdala activity as convergence sites for early adversity and conduct disorder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holz, N.E.; Boecker-Schlier, R.; Buchmann, A.F.; Blomeyer, D.; Jennen-Steinmetz, C.; Baumeister, S.; Plichta, M.M.; Cattrell, A.; Schumann, G.; Esser, G.; Schmidt, M.; Buitelaar, J.K.; Meyer-Lindenberg, A.; Banaschewski, T.; Brandeis, D.; Laucht, M.


    Childhood family adversity (CFA) increases the risk for conduct disorder (CD) and has been associated with alterations in regions of affective processing like ventral striatum (VS) and amygdala. However, no study so far has demonstrated neural converging effects of CFA and CD in the same sample. At

  20. Efeito da idade e da posição radial na densidade básica e dimensões dos traqueídeos da madeira de Pinus taeda L. Effect of age and of the radial position in the basic density and dimensions of the tracheids of the wood of Pinus taeda L.

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    Rita de Cássia SOUSA


    Full Text Available O Pinus taeda L. é uma conífera exóticacultivada no Brasil. A madeira dessa espécie éutilizada na construção civil, dormentes, laminação,postes, resina, celulose e serraria. A questão básicaabordada no presente trabalho foi verificar se aidade da árvore influencia na densidade básica enas dimensões dos traqueídeos da madeira eanalisar as possíveis variações dessas propriedades,no sentido medula-casca, ao longo do raio dastoras de P. taeda. As propriedades estudadas foram:densidade básica (DB, comprimento, diâmetro eespessura da parede dos traqueídeos em função daidade em relação à posição radial. As propriedadesem estudo foram determinadas no Laboratório deAnatomia e Qualidade da Madeira do InstitutoFlorestal do Estado de São Paulo. Foram amostradascinco árvores no DAP (diâmetro à altura do peito,1,30 m médio em cada uma das idades de 9, 13e 20 anos de populações comerciais da região deSengés/PR. Os resultados indicaram que a idade daárvore influencia diretamente nessas propriedadesque são diferenciadas na posição radial da madeirade P. taeda. Também foi observado que ocorreuuma correlação positiva alta entre a densidadebásica e o comprimento dos traqueídeos.The Pinus taeda L. is an exotic conifercultivated in Brazil. The wood of that species isused in civil constructions, sleepers, veneer, posts,resin, cellulose and sawmill. The subject approachedin the present work was to verify if the age of thetree influences in the basic density and in thedimensions of the tracheids of the wood and toanalyze the possible variations of those properties,in the sense from pith to bark, along the ray of thelogs of P. taeda. The studied properties were: basicdensity (DB, length, diameter and thickness ofthe wall of the tracheids in function of the agerelated with the radial position. The properties instudy were established in the Laboratory of Anatomyand Quality of the Wood of the Forestry Institute ofSão Paulo

  1. Neural correlates of consciousness: a definition of the dorsal and ventral streams and their relation to phenomenology. (United States)

    Vakalopoulos, Costa


    The paper presents a hypothesis for a neural correlate of consciousness. A proposal is made that both the dorsal and ventral streams must be concurrently active to generate conscious awareness and that V1 (striate cortex) provides a serial link between them. An argument is presented against a true extrastriate communication between the dorsal and ventral streams. Secondly, a detailed theory is developed for the structure of the visual hierarchy. Premotor theory states that each organism-object interaction can be described by the two quantitative measures of torque and change in joint position served by the basal ganglia and cerebellum, respectively. This leads to a component theory of motor efference copy providing a fundamental tool for categorizing dorsal and ventral stream networks. The rationale for this is that the dorsal stream specifies spatial coordinates of the external world, which can be coded by the reafference of changes in joint position. The ventral stream is concerned with object recognition and is coded for by forces exerted on the world during a developmental exploratory phase of the organism. The proposed pathways for a component motor efference copy from both the cerebellum and basal ganglia converge on the thalamus and modulate thalamocortical projections via the thalamic reticular nucleus. The origin of the corticopontine projections, which are a massive pathway for cortical information to reach the cerebellum, coincides with the area typically considered as part of the dorsal stream, whereas the entire cortex projects to the striatum. This adds empirical support for a new conceptualization of the visual streams. The model also presents a solution to the binding problem of a neural correlate of consciousness, that is, how a distributed neural network synchronizes its activity during a cognitive event. It represents a reinterpretation of the current status of the visual hierarchy.

  2. The ‘Ventral Organs’ of Pycnogonida (Arthropoda) Are Neurogenic Niches of Late Embryonic and Post-Embryonic Nervous System Development (United States)

    Brenneis, Georg; Scholtz, Gerhard


    Early neurogenesis in arthropods has been in the focus of numerous studies, its cellular basis, spatio-temporal dynamics and underlying genetic network being by now comparably well characterized for representatives of chelicerates, myriapods, hexapods and crustaceans. By contrast, neurogenesis during late embryonic and/or post-embryonic development has received less attention, especially in myriapods and chelicerates. Here, we apply (i) immunolabeling, (ii) histology and (iii) scanning electron microscopy to study post-embryonic ventral nerve cord development in Pseudopallene sp., a representative of the sea spiders (Pycnogonida), the presumable sister group of the remaining chelicerates. During early post-embryonic development, large neural stem cells give rise to additional ganglion cell material in segmentally paired invaginations in the ventral ectoderm. These ectodermal cell regions – traditionally designated as ‘ventral organs’ – detach from the surface into the interior and persist as apical cell clusters on the ventral ganglion side. Each cluster is a post-embryonic neurogenic niche that features a tiny central cavity and initially still houses larger neural stem cells. The cluster stays connected to the underlying ganglionic somata cortex via an anterior and a posterior cell stream. Cell proliferation remains restricted to the cluster and streams, and migration of newly produced cells along the streams seems to account for increasing ganglion cell numbers in the cortex. The pycnogonid cluster-stream-systems show striking similarities to the life-long neurogenic system of decapod crustaceans, and due to their close vicinity to glomerulus-like neuropils, we consider their possible involvement in post-embryonic (perhaps even adult) replenishment of olfactory neurons – as in decapods. An instance of a potentially similar post-embryonic/adult neurogenic system in the arthropod outgroup Onychophora is discussed. Additionally, we document two transient

  3. Comparison of gene expression profile in embryonic mesencephalon and neuronal primary cultures.

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    Dario Greco

    Full Text Available In the mammalian central nervous system (CNS an important contingent of dopaminergic neurons are localized in the substantia nigra and in the ventral tegmental area of the ventral midbrain. They constitute an anatomically and functionally heterogeneous group of cells involved in a variety of regulatory mechanisms, from locomotion to emotional/motivational behavior. Midbrain dopaminergic neuron (mDA primary cultures represent a useful tool to study molecular mechanisms involved in their development and maintenance. Considerable information has been gathered on the mDA neurons development and maturation in vivo, as well as on the molecular features of mDA primary cultures. Here we investigated in detail the gene expression differences between the tissue of origin and ventral midbrain primary cultures enriched in mDA neurons, using microarray technique. We integrated the results based on different re-annotations of the microarray probes. By using knowledge-based gene network techniques and promoter sequence analysis, we also uncovered mechanisms that might regulate the expression of CNS genes involved in the definition of the identity of specific cell types in the ventral midbrain. We integrate bioinformatics and functional genomics, together with developmental neurobiology. Moreover, we propose guidelines for the computational analysis of microarray gene expression data. Our findings help to clarify some molecular aspects of the development and differentiation of DA neurons within the midbrain.

  4. Investigating category- and shape-selective neural processing in ventral and dorsal visual stream under interocular suppression. (United States)

    Ludwig, Karin; Kathmann, Norbert; Sterzer, Philipp; Hesselmann, Guido


    Recent behavioral and neuroimaging studies using continuous flash suppression (CFS) have suggested that action-related processing in the dorsal visual stream might be independent of perceptual awareness, in line with the "vision-for-perception" versus "vision-for-action" distinction of the influential dual-stream theory. It remains controversial if evidence suggesting exclusive dorsal stream processing of tool stimuli under CFS can be explained by their elongated shape alone or by action-relevant category representations in dorsal visual cortex. To approach this question, we investigated category- and shape-selective functional magnetic resonance imaging-blood-oxygen level-dependent responses in both visual streams using images of faces and tools. Multivariate pattern analysis showed enhanced decoding of elongated relative to non-elongated tools, both in the ventral and dorsal visual stream. The second aim of our study was to investigate whether the depth of interocular suppression might differentially affect processing in dorsal and ventral areas. However, parametric modulation of suppression depth by varying the CFS mask contrast did not yield any evidence for differential modulation of category-selective activity. Together, our data provide evidence for shape-selective processing under CFS in both dorsal and ventral stream areas and, therefore, do not support the notion that dorsal "vision-for-action" processing is exclusively preserved under interocular suppression. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. The Role of Parieto-Occipital Junction in the Interaction between Dorsal and Ventral Streams in Disparity-Defined Near and Far Space Processing.

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    Aijun Wang

    Full Text Available Neuropsychological and functional MRI data suggest that two functionally and anatomically dissociable streams of visual processing exist: a ventral perception-related stream and a dorsal action-related stream. However, relatively little is known about how the two streams interact in the intact brain during the production of adaptive behavior. Using functional MRI and a virtual three-dimensional paradigm, we aimed at examining whether the parieto-occipital junction (POJ acts as an interface for the integration and processing of information between the dorsal and ventral streams in the near and far space processing. Virtual reality three-dimensional near and far space was defined by manipulating binocular disparity, with -68.76 arcmin crossed disparity for near space and +68.76 arcmin uncrossed disparity for near space. Our results showed that the POJ and bilateral superior occipital gyrus (SOG showed relative increased activity when responded to targets presented in the near space than in the far space, which was independent of the retinotopic and perceived sizes of target. Furthermore, the POJ showed the enhanced functional connectivity with both the dorsal and ventral streams during the far space processing irrespective of target sizes, supporting that the POJ acts as an interface between the dorsal and ventral streams in disparity-defined near and far space processing. In contrast, the bilateral SOG showed the enhanced functional connectivity only with the ventral stream if retinotopic sizes of targets in the near and far spaces were matched, which suggested there was a functional dissociation between the POJ and bilateral SOG.

  6. Nanocompósitos PVC/nanotubos de carbono: avaliação da resistividade elétrica e efeito do solvente utilizado na obtenção dos nanocompósitos nas propriedades térmicas

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    Rogério G. Araújo


    Full Text Available O procedimento de obtenção de nanocompósitos dispersando as nanopartículas na matriz polimérica em solução com posterior eliminação do solvente tem sido bastante utilizado, considerando a maior eficiência de obtenção de homogeneidade do produto final. Entretanto, a presença de solvente residual nos nanocompósitos pode afetar as propriedades micro e macroscópicas do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades térmicas de nanocompósitos de poli(cloreto de vinila/nanotubos de carbono de paredes múltiplas obtidos a partir da solução do polímero e dispersão dos nanotubos de carbono em tetraidrofurano (THF, bem como a resistividade elétrica dos nanocompósitos e a influência de solvente residual. A presença de tetraidrofurano residual reduz a temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg em até 26 °C, sendo independente da quantidade de nanotubos de carbono. A eliminação total do solvente é um fator importante para que não induza mudanças nas propriedades da matriz polimérica. O enxerto de grupos -COOH na estrutura dos nanotubos induz uma considerável redução da resistividade elétrica, em dez ordens de grandeza, a partir de 0,4 %(m/m de nanotubos na composição dos nanocompósitos.

  7. Inclusions of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-linked superoxide dismutase in ventral horns, liver, and kidney

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jonsson, P.A.; Bergemalm, D.; Andersen, P.M.


    Mutant superoxide dismutases type 1 (SOD1s) cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis by an unidentified toxic property. In a patient carrying the G127X truncation mutation, minute amounts of SOD1 were found in ventral horns using a mutant-specific antibody. Still, both absolute levels and ratios versus...

  8. Anatomia de raízes de nove espécies de Bromeliaceae (Poales da região amazônica do estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil Anatomy of the roots of nine species of Bromeliaceae (Poales from the Amazon, Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Ivone Vieira da Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo busca caracterizar raízes de Bromeliaceae: Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii, A. mertensii (Bromelioideae, Dyckia duckei, D. paraensis, D. racemosa (Pitcairnoideae, Tillandsia adpressiflora, T. didistachae e T. paraensis (Tillandsioideae ocorrentes nas regiões amazônicas (Mato Grosso-MT, procurando levantar caracteres de valor taxonômico e significado ecológico. As espécies estudadas são epífitas e suas raízes se caracterizam por apresentar velame pluriestratificado, córtex diferenciado, endoderme e periciclo unisseriados, cilindro vascular poliarco e medula com células de paredes espessadas. Estruturas anatômicas como: número de camadas e tipo de espessamento das paredes das células do velame, tipo de espessamento de parede da exoderme e endoderme, presença de idioblastos contendo cristais e número de pólos de protoxilema agrupam as espécies nos diferentes gêneros e subfamílias. A presença de canais de mucilagem no córtex de A. castelnavii relatados pela primeira vez na literatura para Bromeliaceae é caráter diagnóstico. As raízes de Dyckia e Tillandsia apresentam maior número de caracteres comuns, representando maior similaridade entre Pitcairnioideae e Tillandsioideae. Raízes com velame, exoderme com células de paredes espessadas constituindo uma camada mecânica, canais de mucilagem, lacunas de ar no córtex interno e idioblastos com cristais são estruturas adaptativas ao hábito epifítico.This study aimed to characterize the roots of Bromeliaceae, Aechmea bromeliifolia, A. castelnavii, A. mertensii (Bromelioideae, Dyckia duckei, D. paraensis, D. racemosa (Pitcairnoideae, Tillandsia adpressiflora, T. didistachae and T. paraensis (Tillandsioideae, that occur in Amazonian regions (Mato Grosso-MT, in order to find features of taxonomic value and ecological importance. The studied species are epiphytes and their roots are characterized by a multi-layered velamen, differentiated cortex, uniseriate

  9. Cytoskeleton and gravity at work in the establishment of dorso-ventral polarity in the egg of Xenopus laevis (United States)

    Ubbels, Geertje A.; Brom, Tim G.

    The establishment of polarities during early embryogenesis is essential for normal development. Amphibian eggs are appropriate models for studies on embryonic pattern formation. The animal-vegetal axis of the axially symmetrical amphibian egg originates during oogenesis and foreshadows the main body axis of the embryo. The dorso-ventral polarity is epigenetically established before first cleavage. Recent experiments strongly suggest that in the monospermic eggs of the anuran Xenopus laevis both the cytoskeleton and gravity act in the determination of the dorso-ventral polarity. In order to test the role of gravity in this process, eggs will be fertilized under microgravity conditions during the SL-D1 flight in 1985. In a fully automatic experiment container eggs will be kept under well-defined conditions and artificially fertilized as soon as microgravity is reached; eggs and embryos at different stages will then be fixed for later examination. Back on earth the material will be analysed and we will know whether fertilization under microgravity conditions is possible. If so, the relation of the dorso-ventral axis to the former sperm entry point will be determined on the whole embryos; in addition eggs and embryos will be analysed cytologically.

  10. The Maternal Maverick/GDF15-like TGF-β Ligand Panda Directs Dorsal-Ventral Axis Formation by Restricting Nodal Expression in the Sea Urchin Embryo (United States)

    Haillot, Emmanuel; Molina, Maria Dolores; Lapraz, François; Lepage, Thierry


    Specification of the dorsal-ventral axis in the highly regulative sea urchin embryo critically relies on the zygotic expression of nodal, but whether maternal factors provide the initial spatial cue to orient this axis is not known. Although redox gradients have been proposed to entrain the dorsal-ventral axis by acting upstream of nodal, manipulating the activity of redox gradients only has modest consequences, suggesting that other factors are responsible for orienting nodal expression and defining the dorsal-ventral axis. Here we uncover the function of Panda, a maternally provided transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) ligand that requires the activin receptor-like kinases (Alk) Alk3/6 and Alk1/2 receptors to break the radial symmetry of the embryo and orient the dorsal-ventral axis by restricting nodal expression. We found that the double inhibition of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptors Alk3/6 and Alk1/2 causes a phenotype dramatically more severe than the BMP2/4 loss-of-function phenotype, leading to extreme ventralization of the embryo through massive ectopic expression of nodal, suggesting that an unidentified signal acting through BMP type I receptors cooperates with BMP2/4 to restrict nodal expression. We identified this ligand as the product of maternal Panda mRNA. Double inactivation of panda and bmp2/4 led to extreme ventralization, mimicking the phenotype caused by inactivation of the two BMP receptors. Inhibition of maternal panda mRNA translation disrupted the early spatial restriction of nodal, leading to persistent massive ectopic expression of nodal on the dorsal side despite the presence of Lefty. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Panda is not a prototypical BMP ligand but a member of a subfamily of TGF-β distantly related to Inhibins, Lefty, and TGF-β that includes Maverick from Drosophila and GDF15 from vertebrates. Indeed, overexpression of Panda does not appear to directly or strongly activate phosphoSmad1

  11. The Maternal Maverick/GDF15-like TGF-β Ligand Panda Directs Dorsal-Ventral Axis Formation by Restricting Nodal Expression in the Sea Urchin Embryo. (United States)

    Haillot, Emmanuel; Molina, Maria Dolores; Lapraz, François; Lepage, Thierry


    Specification of the dorsal-ventral axis in the highly regulative sea urchin embryo critically relies on the zygotic expression of nodal, but whether maternal factors provide the initial spatial cue to orient this axis is not known. Although redox gradients have been proposed to entrain the dorsal-ventral axis by acting upstream of nodal, manipulating the activity of redox gradients only has modest consequences, suggesting that other factors are responsible for orienting nodal expression and defining the dorsal-ventral axis. Here we uncover the function of Panda, a maternally provided transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) ligand that requires the activin receptor-like kinases (Alk) Alk3/6 and Alk1/2 receptors to break the radial symmetry of the embryo and orient the dorsal-ventral axis by restricting nodal expression. We found that the double inhibition of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) type I receptors Alk3/6 and Alk1/2 causes a phenotype dramatically more severe than the BMP2/4 loss-of-function phenotype, leading to extreme ventralization of the embryo through massive ectopic expression of nodal, suggesting that an unidentified signal acting through BMP type I receptors cooperates with BMP2/4 to restrict nodal expression. We identified this ligand as the product of maternal Panda mRNA. Double inactivation of panda and bmp2/4 led to extreme ventralization, mimicking the phenotype caused by inactivation of the two BMP receptors. Inhibition of maternal panda mRNA translation disrupted the early spatial restriction of nodal, leading to persistent massive ectopic expression of nodal on the dorsal side despite the presence of Lefty. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Panda is not a prototypical BMP ligand but a member of a subfamily of TGF-β distantly related to Inhibins, Lefty, and TGF-β that includes Maverick from Drosophila and GDF15 from vertebrates. Indeed, overexpression of Panda does not appear to directly or strongly activate phosphoSmad1

  12. Atrofia mucosa/translocação bacteriana na sepse experimental em ratos Wistar Mucosal atrophy/bacterial translocation in experimental sepsis in Wistar rats

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    Armando José d'Acampora


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avalizar a relação entre lesão mucosa e translocação bacteriana. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se 50 ratos distribuídos em 5 grupos: 1.Controle: injeção de inóculo padrão de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2.Dreno: injeção do inóculo padrão e drenagem da cavidade abdominal, após 6 horas, 3.Lavado: injeção do inóculo padrão e lavagem da cavidade abdominal, após 6 horas, 4.Lavado + dreno: injeção do inóculo padrão e após 6 horas, drenagem e lavagem da cavidade, 5.Normal: avaliação histológica da parede intestinal normal. Após o óbito, realizou-se hemocultura e cultura peritoneal. Realizou-se medida da espessura total da parede do jejuno e da camada mucosa em vilosidades seccionadas de forma longitudinal. RESULTADOS: Na hemocultura, houve crescimento de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Escherichia coli em 90% e 52,5% dos animais. Na cultura peritoneal, houve crescimento de P. aeruginosa, E. coli e Klebsiella sp em 87,5%, 85% e 5% dos animais. Quanto a altura da camada mucosa e da parede intestinal, não houve alteração estatisticamente significativa entre os 5 grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A sepse aguda não causou alteração na camada mucosa do intestino delgado e a translocação ocorrida não pode ser considerada como decorrente de uma lesão da mucosa intestinal.PURPOSE: Observe the relation between small intestine's mucosal injury and bacterial translocation. METHODS: 50 adult female rats were distributed in 5 groups: 1. Control: intraperitoneal injection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2. Drainage: intraperitoneal injection of P. aeruginosa and drainage of the abdominal cavity, after 6 hours, 3. Washed: intraperitoneal injection of P. aeruginosa and washing of the abdominal cavity, after 6 hours, 4. Washed + drainage: intraperitoneal injection of P. aeruginosa plus drainage and washing of the cavity, after 6 hours, 5. Normal: evaluation of the normal intestinal wall. After death, blood and peritoneal cultures were performed. Fragments of

  13. Campanhas políticas e repressão policial: as pichações na cidade do Recife (1979-1985)


    Soares, Thiago Nunes


    Entre os anos de 1979 e 1985, em Recife, pichar foi a prática de escrever, geralmente com spray, tinta e pincel, frases em paredes, muros e outros espaços da cidade. Na maioria das vezes, essas escritas possuíram discursos de forte cunho político, ao registrarem, sobretudo, a luta pelo fim da ditadura civil-militar, com o intuito de formar opiniões e mobilizar a população para lutar por melhorias sociais e pelo retorno à democracia no país, cerceada desde 1964. Essa atividade realizada por di...

  14. Síndrome de apneia-hipopneia obstrutiva do sono


    Carvalho, Vanessa Mafalda Araújo


    A Síndrome de Apneia/Hipopneia Obstrutiva do Sono apresenta actualmente uma elevada prevalência entre a população adulta, assim como diversas complicações inerentes a esta que aumentam a morbilidade e mortalidade dos pacientes que padecem desta patologia. Esta síndrome caracteriza-se pelo repetido estreitamento ou colapso das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono. A obstrução é causada pelo colapso do palato mole e/ou da base da língua contra as paredes faríngeas devido à diminuição do tónus ...

  15. The ventral stream offers more affordance and the dorsal stream more memory than believed

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Postma, Albert; van der Lubbe, Robert Henricus Johannes; Zuidhoek, Sander


    Opposed to Norman's proposal, processing of affordance is likely to occur not solely in the dorsal stream but also in the ventral stream. Moreover, the dorsal stream might do more than just serve an important role in motor actions. It supports egocentric location coding as well. As such, it would

  16. Adaptações anatômicas em folhas de marmeleiro e velame da caatinga brasileira Anatomical adaptations in leaves of the quince and velame of the Brazilian caatinga

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    Ileane Oliveira Barros


    Full Text Available A disponibilidade de água é o principal fator limitante para as espécies vegetais em ambientes áridos e semiáridos. Nessas plantas, uma combinação de características contribui para a economia hídrica, entre elas as anatômicas. Assim, estudos em folhas de marmeleiro (Croton blanchetianus e velame (Croton heliotropiifolius, duas espécies comuns na caatinga e de importância apícola, foram realizados para verificar as características anatômicas adaptativas relacionadas à maior eficiência na utilização de água. As folhas de ambas as espécies possuem indumento denso, parede das células basais dos tricomas impregnadas com lipídios e compostos fenólicos nas células epidérmicas e parenquimáticas. Em plantas de ambientes áridos, os tricomas podem ajudar a reduzir o aquecimento e a transpiração foliar e também impedir o fluxo apoplástico da água devido à presença de lipídios nas paredes das células basais. Estas características anatômicas podem atuar na economia hídrica e ser, desta maneira, consideradas adaptações às condições de semiaridez da caatinga.Water availability is the main limiting factor for plants in arid and semi-arid environments. In these plants, a combination of characteristics contributes to water economy, among them being anatomical features. Thus, studies in leaves of the quince (Croton blanchetianus and the velame (Croton heliotropiifolius, two common species in the caatinga and of importance in beekeeping, were performed to verify adaptive anatomical characteristics which are related to a greater efficiency in water usage. The leaves of both species have a dense indumentum, the basal-cell walls of the trichomes are impregnated with lipids, and phenolic compounds are found in the epidermal and parenchymal cells. In plants from arid environments, the trichomes can help reduce heating and leaf transpiration and also prevent the apoplastic flow of water due to the presence of lipids in the

  17. Neural sources of visual working memory maintenance in human parietal and ventral extrastriate visual cortex. (United States)

    Becke, Andreas; Müller, Notger; Vellage, Anne; Schoenfeld, Mircea Ariel; Hopf, Jens-Max


    Maintaining information in visual working memory is reliably indexed by the contralateral delay activity (CDA) - a sustained modulation of the event-related potential (ERP) with a topographical maximum over posterior scalp regions contralateral to the memorized input. Based on scalp topography, it is hypothesized that the CDA reflects neural activity in the parietal cortex, but the precise cortical origin of underlying electric activity was never determined. Here we combine ERP recordings with magnetoencephalography based source localization to characterize the cortical current sources generating the CDA. Observers performed a cued delayed match to sample task where either the color or the relative position of colored dots had to be maintained in memory. A detailed source-localization analysis of the magnetic activity in the retention interval revealed that the magnetic analog of the CDA (mCDA) is generated by current sources in the parietal cortex. Importantly, we find that the mCDA also receives contribution from current sources in the ventral extrastriate cortex that display a time-course similar to the parietal sources. On the basis of the magnetic responses, forward modeling of ERP data reveals that the ventral sources have non-optimal projections and that these sources are therefore concealed in the ERP by overlapping fields with parietal projections. The present observations indicate that visual working memory maintenance, as indexed by the CDA, involves the parietal cortical regions as well as the ventral extrastriate regions, which code the sensory representation of the memorized content. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. New gene evolution in the bonus-TIF1-γ/TRIM33 family impacted the architecture of the vertebrate dorsal-ventral patterning network. (United States)

    Wisotzkey, Robert G; Quijano, Janine C; Stinchfield, Michael J; Newfeld, Stuart J


    Uncovering how a new gene acquires its function and understanding how the function of a new gene influences existing genetic networks are important topics in evolutionary biology. Here, we demonstrate nonconservation for the embryonic functions of Drosophila Bonus and its newest vertebrate relative TIF1-γ/TRIM33. We showed previously that TIF1-γ/TRIM33 functions as an ubiquitin ligase for the Smad4 signal transducer and antagonizes the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling network underlying vertebrate dorsal-ventral axis formation. Here, we show that Bonus functions as an agonist of the Decapentaplegic (Dpp) signaling network underlying dorsal-ventral axis formation in flies. The absence of conservation for the roles of Bonus and TIF1-γ/TRIM33 reveals a shift in the dorsal-ventral patterning networks of flies and mice, systems that were previously considered wholly conserved. The shift occurred when the new gene TIF1-γ/TRIM33 replaced the function of the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4L in the lineage leading to vertebrates. Evidence of this replacement is our demonstration that Nedd4 performs the function of TIF1-γ/TRIM33 in flies during dorsal-ventral axis formation. The replacement allowed vertebrate Nedd4L to acquire novel functions as a ubiquitin ligase of vertebrate-specific Smad proteins. Overall our data reveal that the architecture of the Dpp/BMP dorsal-ventral patterning network continued to evolve in the vertebrate lineage, after separation from flies, via the incorporation of new genes. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  19. P300 amplitude variation is related to ventral striatum BOLD response during gain and loss anticipation: an EEG and fMRI experiment. (United States)

    Pfabigan, Daniela M; Seidel, Eva-Maria; Sladky, Ronald; Hahn, Andreas; Paul, Katharina; Grahl, Arvina; Küblböck, Martin; Kraus, Christoph; Hummer, Allan; Kranz, Georg S; Windischberger, Christian; Lanzenberger, Rupert; Lamm, Claus


    The anticipation of favourable or unfavourable events is a key component in our daily life. However, the temporal dynamics of anticipation processes in relation to brain activation are still not fully understood. A modified version of the monetary incentive delay task was administered during separate functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG) sessions in the same 25 participants to assess anticipatory processes with a multi-modal neuroimaging set-up. During fMRI, gain and loss anticipation were both associated with heightened activation in ventral striatum and reward-related areas. EEG revealed most pronounced P300 amplitudes for gain anticipation, whereas CNV amplitudes distinguished neutral from gain and loss anticipation. Importantly, P300, but not CNV amplitudes, were correlated to neural activation in the ventral striatum for both gain and loss anticipation. Larger P300 amplitudes indicated higher ventral striatum blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response. Early stimulus evaluation processes indexed by EEG seem to be positively related to higher activation levels in the ventral striatum, indexed by fMRI, which are usually associated with reward processing. The current results, however, point towards a more general motivational mechanism processing salient stimuli during anticipation. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Effects of Ascorbic Acid on the Amplitude of Ventral Tegmental Area Field Action Potential in Morphine-Exposed Rats (An Electrophysiology Study

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    K Saadipour


    Full Text Available Introduction & Objective: Evidences have indicated that the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA is the major source of dopamine (DA neurons projecting to cortical and limbic regions involved in cognitive and motivational aspects of addiction. Also, studies have indicated that the Ascorbic acid (vitamin C can reduce the dependency symptoms of opioids such as morphine via effect of activity on dopaminergic neuron in VTA. For this reason, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of ascorbic acid on the amplitude of Ventral Tegmental Area field action potential in morphine-exposed rats. Materials & Methods: Forty male Wistar’s rats were used in this experimental study conducted at Yasuj University of Medical Sciences in 2010. Animals were randomly divided into four groups after electrode implantation and recovery period: 1. No- Vit C and No-Addicted group (nVitC.nA 2. Vit C and No-Addicted group (VitC.nA 3. No- Vit C and Addicted group (nVitCA 4.Vit C and Addicted (VitC.A, The Vit C groups received 500 mg/kg of Vit C during 20 days. For addicted groups morphine was administrated once daily for 20 days. In the 20th day, the field potential recording was accomplished. Two-way ANOVA was used for data analysis followed by the Tukey test for post hoc analysis. Results were considered significant at P < 0.05. Results: This study shows the exposure to morphine declined the power of Delta and Beta bands (p<0.05 and Vit C solely enhance power of Theta and Beta (p<0.05, p<0.001 in VTA nuclei. Furthermore, Vit C could alter power of some bands which were affected by morphine. Therefore it seems that Vit C has an increasing effects on them (p<0.05. Conclusion: Although the effect of Vit C on power of the VTA bands is not well known, but it is supposed that this phenomenon can be related to alteration in activity of dopaminergic neuron in the brain.


    GENE ARRAY ANALYSIS OF THE VENTRAL PROSTATE IN RATS EXPOSED TO EITHER VINCLOZOLIN OR PROCYMIDONE. MB Rosen, VS Wilson, JE Schmid, and LE Gray Jr. US EPA, ORD, NHEERL, RTP, NC.Vinclozolin (Vi) and procymidone (Pr) are antiandrogenic fungicides. While changes in gene expr...

  2. Suture, synthetic, or biologic in contaminated ventral hernia repair. (United States)

    Bondre, Ioana L; Holihan, Julie L; Askenasy, Erik P; Greenberg, Jacob A; Keith, Jerrod N; Martindale, Robert G; Roth, J Scott; Liang, Mike K


    Data are lacking to support the choice between suture, synthetic mesh, or biologic matrix in contaminated ventral hernia repair (VHR). We hypothesize that in contaminated VHR, suture repair is associated with the lowest rate of surgical site infection (SSI). A multicenter database of all open VHR performed at from 2010-2011 was reviewed. All patients with follow-up of 1 mo and longer were included. The primary outcome was SSI as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The secondary outcome was hernia recurrence (assessed clinically or radiographically). Multivariate analysis (stepwise regression for SSI and Cox proportional hazard model for recurrence) was performed. A total of 761 VHR were reviewed for a median (range) follow-up of 15 (1-50) mo: there were 291(38%) suture, 303 (40%) low-density and/or mid-density synthetic mesh, and 167(22%) biologic matrix repair. On univariate analysis, there were differences in the three groups including ethnicity, ASA, body mass index, institution, diabetes, primary versus incisional hernia, wound class, hernia size, prior VHR, fascial release, skin flaps, and acute repair. The unadjusted outcomes for SSI (15.1%; 17.8%; 21.0%; P = 0.280) and recurrence (17.8%; 13.5%; 21.5%; P = 0.074) were not statistically different between groups. On multivariate analysis, biologic matrix was associated with a nonsignificant reduction in both SSI and recurrences, whereas synthetic mesh associated with fewer recurrences compared to suture (hazard ratio = 0.60; P = 0.015) and nonsignificant increase in SSI. Interval estimates favored biologic matrix repair in contaminated VHR; however, these results were not statistically significant. In the absence of higher level evidence, surgeons should carefully balance risk, cost, and benefits in managing contaminated ventral hernia repair. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Reconstrução da parede torácica nos defeitos adquiridos

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    Marcus Vinicius H. de Carvalho

    Full Text Available Acquired chest wall defects present a challenging problem for thoracic surgeons. Many of such defects can be repaired with the use of local and regional musculocutaneous flaps, but larger defects compromising skeletal structure require increasingly sophisticated reconstructive techniques. The following discussion will review the options for repair acquired chest wall defects based in literature. The authors searched the Pubmed ( and found citations from January 1996 to February 2008. By reading the titles and the abstracts most of the citations were discharged because they focused in congenital chest wall defects or were cases report. However, many papers were found describing the outcome of large series of patients with acquired chest wall deformities. A review of recent literature shows that the repair of chest wall defects with soft tissues, if possible, remains the treatment of choice. Large chest wall defects require skeletal reconstruction to prevent paradoxical respiration. The selection of the most appropriate flap is primary dictated by the location and the size of the defect. It is important to transfer tissue with good vitality, so understanding the vascular supply is imperative. Autogenous grafts have been used in the past for skeletal reconstruction but a combination of synthetic materials with musculocutaneous flaps has been used lately. Based in the literature, the use of prosthetic material in chest wall reconstruction does not significantly increases the risk of wound infection.

  4. A new look at the ventral nerve centre of Sagitta: implications for the phylogenetic position of Chaetognatha (arrow worms and the evolution of the bilaterian nervous system

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    Müller Carsten HG


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Chaetognatha (arrow worms are a group of marine carnivores whose phylogenetic relationships are still vigorously debated. Molecular studies have as yet failed to come up with a stable hypothesis on their phylogenetic position. In a wide range of metazoans, the nervous system has proven to provide a wealth of characters for analysing phylogenetic relationships (neurophylogeny. Therefore, in the present study we explored the structure of the ventral nerve centre ("ventral ganglion" in Sagitta setosa with a set of histochemical and immunohistochemical markers. Results In specimens that were immunolabeled for acetylated-alpha tubulin the ventral nerve centre appeared to be a condensed continuation of the peripheral intraepidermal nerve plexus. Yet, synapsin immunolocalization showed that the ventral nerve centre is organized into a highly ordered array of ca. 80 serially arranged microcompartments. Immunohistochemistry against RFamide revealed a set of serially arranged individually identifiable neurons in the ventral nerve centre that we charted in detail. Conclusion The new information on the structure of the chaetognath nervous system is compared to previous descriptions of the ventral nerve centre which are critically evaluated. Our findings are discussed with regard to the debate on nervous system organisation in the last common bilaterian ancestor and with regard to the phylogenetic affinities of this Chaetognatha. We suggest to place the Chaetognatha within the Protostomia and argue against hypotheses which propose a deuterostome affinity of Chaetognatha or a sister-group relationship to all other Bilateria.

  5. Deep brain stimulation of the ventral hippocampus restores deficits in processing of auditory evoked potentials in a rodent developmental disruption model of schizophrenia. (United States)

    Ewing, Samuel G; Grace, Anthony A


    Existing antipsychotic drugs are most effective at treating the positive symptoms of schizophrenia but their relative efficacy is low and they are associated with considerable side effects. In this study deep brain stimulation of the ventral hippocampus was performed in a rodent model of schizophrenia (MAM-E17) in an attempt to alleviate one set of neurophysiological alterations observed in this disorder. Bipolar stimulating electrodes were fabricated and implanted, bilaterally, into the ventral hippocampus of rats. High frequency stimulation was delivered bilaterally via a custom-made stimulation device and both spectral analysis (power and coherence) of resting state local field potentials and amplitude of auditory evoked potential components during a standard inhibitory gating paradigm were examined. MAM rats exhibited alterations in specific components of the auditory evoked potential in the infralimbic cortex, the core of the nucleus accumbens, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, and ventral hippocampus in the left hemisphere only. DBS was effective in reversing these evoked deficits in the infralimbic cortex and the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus of MAM-treated rats to levels similar to those observed in control animals. In contrast stimulation did not alter evoked potentials in control rats. No deficits or stimulation-induced alterations were observed in the prelimbic and orbitofrontal cortices, the shell of the nucleus accumbens or ventral tegmental area. These data indicate a normalization of deficits in generating auditory evoked potentials induced by a developmental disruption by acute high frequency, electrical stimulation of the ventral hippocampus. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Experimental models of longitudinal abdominal incisional hernia in rats Modelos experimentais de hérnias incisionais abdominais longitudinais, em ratos

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    Danilo N. S. Paulo


    ; em seguida era feita uma incisão de linha alba e peritonio parietal com a mesma extensão de incisão cutânea; a incisão cutanea era suturada com pontos separados. (b Ratos foram submetidos à uma incisão transversal, suprapúbica, através da qual se introduzia a tesoura e se descolava o tecido celular sub-cutâneo até 1,5 cm de cada lado da linha média em uma extensão de 4 a 5 cm em direção ao apêndice xifoide; em seguida era feita uma incisão na linha alba e peritônio parietal e suturada a incisão cutânea transversal. (c Para controle, ratos foram submetidos à ressecção de um fragmento de 3 x 4 cm dos músculos da parede abdominal anterior, criando-se um grande defeito na parede abdominal. Todos os animais submetidos aos três procedimentos desenvolveram hérnias abdominais bem constituídas. Concluiu-se que hérnias abdominais incisionais podem ser facilmente induzidas no rato após incisão da parede abdominal, desde que o tecido subcutâneo seja deslocado lateralmente à incisão em extensão de pelo mínimo 1,5 cm.

  7. Emprego da submucosa de intestino delgado na correção de estenose esofágica em cães Small intestinal submucosa for reconstruction of esophageal stricture in a dog model

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    Zacarias Alves de Souza Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Pesquisar a eficácia da Submucosa de lntestino Delgado (SID porcina na correção de estenoses esofágicas cervicais em cães. MÉTODOS: Para produzir estenose, 12 animais foram submetidos a ressecções de porção elíptica de 3,5X2,0 cm, na parede anterior do esôfago cervical, suturado por pontos de fio de algodão. O processo evolui por 90 dias, atingindo a estenose desejada e comprovada por esofagograma. Na seqüência, a lesão cicatricial produzida foi ressecada e substituída por enxerto de SID. Transcorridos 2 meses os animais foram submetidos a novo esofagograma. Aferiu-se então a largura esofágica (nas porções proximal e média do esôfago cervical após a realização da estenose e pós-correção. Os animais foram submetidos a eutanásia, ao 60º dia de pós-correção, e à necropsia os esôfagos foram retirados e enviados ao laboratório de Anatomia Patológica. RESULTADOS: Não houve fístula ou infecção. Ocorreram reepitelização completa da mucosa, discreta reação infamatória e neovascularização moderada. A luz esofágica foi ampliada em 70% dos animais (43% ± 13% em média (p = 0,2135. A medida da porção proximal, passou de 0,76cm para 0,95cm em média (p=0,02. Não houve alteração significativa em relação a porção medial. CONCLUSÃO: A SID demonstrou ser, no cão, enxerto eficaz para correção de estenoses esofágicas, integrando-se nitidamente à sua parede e substituindo-a de forma adequada.PURPOSE: The objective of the present study is evaluating the efficiency of porcine Small Intestinal Submucosa (SIS as graft in the managemant of stenotic cervical esophagus lesions in dogs. METHODS: Twelve dogs were submitted to resection of an eliptic (3,5X2,0 cm portion of the anterior esophagus wall followed by cotton suture repair. Three months later stenosis were confirmed by esophagogram. Next, scar tissue formed was ressected followed by SIS patch placement. Two months after the procedure new

  8. A gene expression study of dorso-ventrally restricted pigment pattern in adult fins of Neolamprologus meeli, an African cichlid species

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    Ehsan Pashay Ahi


    Full Text Available Fish color patterns are among the most diverse phenotypic traits found in the animal kingdom. Understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control in chromatophore distribution and pigmentation underlying this diversity is a major goal in developmental and evolutionary biology, which has predominantly been pursued in the zebrafish model system. Here, we apply results from zebrafish work to study a naturally occurring color pattern phenotype in the fins of an African cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika. The cichlid fish Neolamprologus meeli displays a distinct dorsal color pattern, with black and white stripes along the edges of the dorsal fin and of the dorsal half of the caudal fin, corresponding with differences in melanophore density. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms controlling the differences in dorsal and ventral color patterning in the fins, we quantitatively assessed the expression of 15 candidate target genes involved in adult zebrafish pigmentation and stripe formation. For reference gene validation, we screened the expression stability of seven widely expressed genes across the investigated tissue samples and identified tbp as appropriate reference. Relative expression levels of the candidate target genes were compared between the dorsal, striped fin regions and the corresponding uniform, grey-colored regions in the anal and ventral caudal fin. Dorso-ventral expression differences, with elevated levels in both white and black stripes, were observed in two genes, the melanosome protein coding gene pmel and in igsf11, which affects melanophore adhesion, migration and survival. Next, we predicted potential shared upstream regulators of pmel and igsf11. Testing the expression patterns of six predicted transcriptions factors revealed dorso-ventral expression difference of irf1 and significant, negative expression correlation of irf1 with both pmel and igsf11. Based on these results, we propose pmel, igsf11 and irf1 as

  9. Projections from the posterolateral olfactory amygdala to the ventral striatum: neural basis for reinforcing properties of chemical stimuli

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    Lanuza Enrique


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Vertebrates sense chemical stimuli through the olfactory receptor neurons whose axons project to the main olfactory bulb. The main projections of the olfactory bulb are directed to the olfactory cortex and olfactory amygdala (the anterior and posterolateral cortical amygdalae. The posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus mainly projects to other amygdaloid nuclei; other seemingly minor outputs are directed to the ventral striatum, in particular to the olfactory tubercle and the islands of Calleja. Results Although the olfactory projections have been previously described in the literature, injection of dextran-amines into the rat main olfactory bulb was performed with the aim of delimiting the olfactory tubercle and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus in our own material. Injection of dextran-amines into the posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus of rats resulted in anterograde labeling in the ventral striatum, in particular in the core of the nucleus accumbens, and in the medial olfactory tubercle including some islands of Calleja and the cell bridges across the ventral pallidum. Injections of Fluoro-Gold into the ventral striatum were performed to allow retrograde confirmation of these projections. Conclusion The present results extend previous descriptions of the posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nucleus efferent projections, which are mainly directed to the core of the nucleus accumbens and the medial olfactory tubercle. Our data indicate that the projection to the core of the nucleus accumbens arises from layer III; the projection to the olfactory tubercle arises from layer II and is much more robust than previously thought. This latter projection is directed to the medial olfactory tubercle including the corresponding islands of Calleja, an area recently described as critical node for the neural circuit of addiction to some stimulant drugs of abuse.

  10. The ventral premammillary nucleus links leptin action and reproduction

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    Jose eDonato


    Full Text Available The amount of body fat and the energy balance are important factors that influence the timing of puberty and the normal reproductive function. Leptin is a key hormone that conveys to the central nervous system information about the individual energy reserve and modulates the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis. Recent findings suggest that the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV mediates the effects of leptin as a permissive factor for the onset of puberty and the coordinated secretion of luteinizing hormone during conditions of negative energy balance. Thus, in this review we will summarize the existing literature about the potential role played by PMV neurons in the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis.

  11. Thoracic and heart biometrics of non-anesthetized agouti (Dasyprocta primnolopha Wagler, 1831 measured on radiographic images Biometria torácica e cardíaca de cutias não anestesiadas (Dasyprocta primnolopha Wagler, 1831 mensuradas em imagens radiográficas

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    Anaemilia das N. Diniz


    medições torácicas e cardíacas desses animais. Foram selecionados 30 cutias adultas, sem sinais clínicos de doença cardíaca, com idade entre 1 a 3 anos. Os animais foram contidos fisicamente e realizadas projeções radiográficas laterolaterais e (LL e ventrodorsais (VD. As seguintes medidas foram tomadas: O comprimento apicobasilar do coração (na altura mais cranial da região carina até o ápice do coração (AB; a largura máxima coração perpendicular a AB (CD; o ângulo de inclinação do cardíaca (AIC; ângulo de inclinação da traquéia (AIT; a distância a partir da parede direita do coração (DPTd; a distância a partir da parede esquerda do coração (DPTe e profundidade vertical do tórax, da face ventral da coluna vertebral até à borda dorsal do esterno, no nível da bifurcação da traqueia (H. As relações entre AB/CD, AB/H e CD/H também foram analisadas. Para calcular o "vertebral heart scale" (VHS, as medidas AB e CD foram colocadas sob as vértebras torácicas a partir de T4. A avaliação radiográfica demonstrou valores consistentes com aqueles relatados em pequenos animais e algumas espécies selvagens e exóticos. Os principais valores biométricos mensurados na cavidade torácica e cardíaca da cutia, estão dispostas da seguinte forma: (1 As relações entre AB/H e CD/H não foram sensíveis para identificar aumento do coração (p> 0,05, enquanto a proporção AB/CD foi mais sensível nesta identificação (p <0,05; (2 AIC: 21,2 ± 6.4º (média entre machos e fêmeas; (3 AIT para machos e fêmeas: 9.93 ± 3.23° and 8.4±3.94°; (4 DPTd e DPTe para os machos: 0,97 ± 0,40 cm e 0,7 ± 0,30, (5 DPTd e DPTe para as fêmeas: 1,12 ± 0,42 e 01,02 ± 0,43; (6 VHS para machos e fêmeas: 7.75±0.48v e 7.61±0.34v; (7 A veia cava caudal (CVC foi visualizada dorso-cranialmente e localizada à direita da linha média. Os dados obtidos permitiram a obtenção dos primeiros valores de referência para a biometria do coração de cutias

  12. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the ventral midbrain-nucleus accumbens pathway: A role in depression

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eisch, A.J.; Bolanos, C.A.; de Wit, J.; Simonak, R.D.; Pudiak, C.M.; Barrot, M.; Verhaagen, J.; Nestler, E.J.


    Background: Previous work has shown that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor, tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB), are involved in appetitive behavior. Here we show that BDNF in the ventral tegmental area-nucleus accumbens (VTA-NAc) pathway is also involved in the development of

  13. Efeito da adição de coating de cromita de ferro na emissividade de concreto refratário de alta alumina

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    R. G. Campiteli

    Full Text Available Resumo Coatings de alta emissividade têm sido utilizados em aplicações industriais há mais de 40 anos com o objetivo de reduzir as perdas térmicas em processos de aquecimento. Com a aplicação de um coating de alta emissividade na superfície dos revestimentos internos de um forno industrial é possível aumentar a eficiência nas trocas térmicas entre a atmosfera e as paredes do revestimento, reduzindo a perda de calor e também o consumo de combustíveis. Em geral são utilizados compostos cerâmicos como óxido de cério, carbeto de boro, boreto de silício, siliceto de molibidênio ou óxido de cromo como agentes de emissividade para se obter as propriedades termo-ópticas desejadas nos coatings. Entretanto tais compostos muitas vezes inviabilizam sua aplicação, devido ao seu elevado valor comercial ou ainda sua escassez. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho buscou avaliar os efeitos da cromita de ferro, um óxido mineral abundante e de valor comercial acessível, em sua utilização como agente de emissividade em coatings refratários de alta emissividade. Por meio de um método indireto de medição de emissividade, foram avaliadas de maneira comparativa composições com e sem a presença da cromita de ferro visando sua aplicação como cobertura de revestimentos isolantes e refratários de fornos de aquecimento industrial. Com adições de 7,5% de cromita de ferro, observaram-se aumentos na emissividade dos coatings da ordem de 8%, sugerindo seu potencial para essa aplicação.

  14. Increased functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal streams during retrieval of novel words in professional musicians. (United States)

    Dittinger, Eva; Valizadeh, Seyed Abolfazl; Jäncke, Lutz; Besson, Mireille; Elmer, Stefan


    Current models of speech and language processing postulate the involvement of two parallel processing streams (the dual stream model): a ventral stream involved in mapping sensory and phonological representations onto lexical and conceptual representations and a dorsal stream contributing to sound-to-motor mapping, articulation, and to how verbal information is encoded and manipulated in memory. Based on previous evidence showing that music training has an influence on language processing, cognitive functions, and word learning, we examined EEG-based intracranial functional connectivity in the ventral and dorsal streams while musicians and nonmusicians learned the meaning of novel words through picture-word associations. In accordance with the dual stream model, word learning was generally associated with increased beta functional connectivity in the ventral stream compared to the dorsal stream. In addition, in the linguistically most demanding "semantic task," musicians outperformed nonmusicians, and this behavioral advantage was accompanied by increased left-hemispheric theta connectivity in both streams. Moreover, theta coherence in the left dorsal pathway was positively correlated with the number of years of music training. These results provide evidence for a complex interplay within a network of brain regions involved in semantic processing and verbal memory functions, and suggest that intensive music training can modify its functional architecture leading to advantages in novel word learning. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Dorsal and ventral working memory-related brain areas support distinct processes in contextual cueing. (United States)

    Manginelli, Angela A; Baumgartner, Florian; Pollmann, Stefan


    Behavioral evidence suggests that the use of implicitly learned spatial contexts for improved visual search may depend on visual working memory resources. Working memory may be involved in contextual cueing in different ways: (1) for keeping implicitly learned working memory contents available during search or (2) for the capture of attention by contexts retrieved from memory. We mapped brain areas that were modulated by working memory capacity. Within these areas, activation was modulated by contextual cueing along the descending segment of the intraparietal sulcus, an area that has previously been related to maintenance of explicit memories. Increased activation for learned displays, but not modulated by the size of contextual cueing, was observed in the temporo-parietal junction area, previously associated with the capture of attention by explicitly retrieved memory items, and in the ventral visual cortex. This pattern of activation extends previous research on dorsal versus ventral stream functions in memory guidance of attention to the realm of attentional guidance by implicit memory. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Fox (forkhead) genes are involved in the dorso-ventral patterning of the Xenopus mesoderm. (United States)

    El-Hodiri, H; Bhatia-Dey, N; Kenyon, K; Ault, K; Dirksen, M; Jamrich, M


    Fox (forkhead/winged helix) genes encode a family of transcription factors that are involved in embryonic pattern formation, regulation of tissue specific gene expression and tumorigenesis. Several of them are transcribed during Xenopus embryogenesis and are important for the patterning of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. We have isolated three forkhead genes that are activated during gastrulation and play an important role in the dorso-ventral patterning of the mesoderm. XFKH1 (FoxA4b), the first vertebrate forkhead gene to be implicated in embryonic pattern formation, is expressed in the Spemann-Mangold organizer region and later in the embryonic notochord. XFKH7, the Xenopus orthologue of the murine Mfh1(Foxc2), is expressed in the presomitic mesoderm, but not in the notochord or lateral plate mesoderm. Finally, XFD-13'(FoxF1b)1 is expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm, but not in the notochord or presomitic mesoderm. Expression pattern and functional experiments indicate that these three forkhead genes are involved in the dorso-ventral patterning of the mesoderm.

  17. Identification of dorsal root synaptic terminals on monkey ventral horn cells by electron microscopic autoradiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ralston, H.J.; Ralston, D.D.


    The projection of dorsal root fibres to the motor nucleus of the macaque monkey spinal cord has been examined utilizing light and electron microscopic autoradiography. Light microscopy demonstrates a very sparse labelling of primary afferent fibres in the ventral horn. Silver grains overlying radioactive sources are frequently clustered into small groups, often adjacent to dendritic profiles. Under the electron microscope, myelinated axons and a few large synaptic profiles containing rounded synaptic vesicles were overlain by numerous silver grains. These labelled profiles made synaptic contact with dendrites 1 - 3 micrometers in diameter. The labelled profiles did not contact cell bodies or large proximal dendrites of ventral horn neutrons. Frequently, small synaptic profiles containing flattened vesicles were presynaptic to the large labelled terminals and it is suggested that these axoaxonal synapses may mediate presynaptic inhibition of the primary afferent fibres. The relationship of the present findings to previously published physiological and anatomical studies is discussed. (author)

  18. Reciprocal neural response within lateral and ventral medial prefrontal cortex during hot and cold reasoning. (United States)

    Goel, Vinod; Dolan, Raymond J


    Logic is widely considered the basis of rationality. Logical choices, however, are often influenced by emotional responses, sometimes to our detriment, sometimes to our advantage. To understand the neural basis of emotionally neutral ("cold") and emotionally salient ("hot") reasoning we studied 19 volunteers using event-related fMRI, as they made logical judgments about arguments that varied in emotional saliency. Despite identical logical form and content categories across "hot" and "cold" reasoning conditions, lateral and ventral medial prefrontal cortex showed reciprocal response patterns as a function of emotional saliency of content. "Cold" reasoning trials resulted in enhanced activity in lateral/dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (L/DLPFC) and suppression of activity in ventral medial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC). By contrast, "hot" reasoning trials resulted in enhanced activation in VMPFC and suppression of activation in L/DLPFC. This reciprocal engagement of L/DLPFC and VMPFC provides evidence for a dynamic neural system for reasoning, the configuration of which is strongly influenced by emotional saliency.

  19. Novel insights into the interplay between ventral neck muscles in individuals with whiplash-associated disorders (United States)

    Peterson, Gunnel; Nilsson, David; Trygg, Johan; Falla, Deborah; Dedering, Åsa; Wallman, Thorne; Peolsson, Anneli


    Chronic whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) is common after whiplash injury, with considerable personal, social, and economic burden. Despite decades of research, factors responsible for continuing pain and disability are largely unknown, and diagnostic tools are lacking. Here, we report a novel model of mechanical ventral neck muscle function recorded from non-invasive, real-time, ultrasound measurements. We calculated the deformation area and deformation rate in 23 individuals with persistent WAD and compared them to 23 sex- and age-matched controls. Multivariate statistics were used to analyse interactions between ventral neck muscles, revealing different interplay between muscles in individuals with WAD and healthy controls. Although the cause and effect relation cannot be established from this data, for the first time, we reveal a novel method capable of detecting different neck muscle interplay in people with WAD. This non-invasive method stands to make a major breakthrough in the assessment and diagnosis of people following a whiplash trauma. PMID:26472599

  20. Neural dynamics of event segmentation in music: converging evidence for dissociable ventral and dorsal networks. (United States)

    Sridharan, Devarajan; Levitin, Daniel J; Chafe, Chris H; Berger, Jonathan; Menon, Vinod


    The real world presents our sensory systems with a continuous stream of undifferentiated information. Segmentation of this stream at event boundaries is necessary for object identification and feature extraction. Here, we investigate the neural dynamics of event segmentation in entire musical symphonies under natural listening conditions. We isolated time-dependent sequences of brain responses in a 10 s window surrounding transitions between movements of symphonic works. A strikingly right-lateralized network of brain regions showed peak response during the movement transitions when, paradoxically, there was no physical stimulus. Model-dependent and model-free analysis techniques provided converging evidence for activity in two distinct functional networks at the movement transition: a ventral fronto-temporal network associated with detecting salient events, followed in time by a dorsal fronto-parietal network associated with maintaining attention and updating working memory. Our study provides direct experimental evidence for dissociable and causally linked ventral and dorsal networks during event segmentation of ecologically valid auditory stimuli.

  1. Impactos de medidas de conservação de energia propostas no PBE Edifica para o nível de eficiência energética de envoltórias de um edifício naturalmente condicionado

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    Natália Kokumai Nakamura

    Full Text Available Na versão de 2010, os Requisitos Técnicos da Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais de Serviços e Públicos (RTQ-C apresentam características para avaliação que não foram quantificadas, tendo sido desenvolvidas conceitualmente. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar esses impactos por meio da simulação de um edifício naturalmente condicionado, utilizado para esta pesquisa, com a aplicação de medidas de conservação de energia: parede envidraçada com câmara de ar e alvenaria, brises triangulares, brises horizontais paralelos à fachada, aberturas zenitais, absortância das paredes externas, todos comparados com um caso-base, um edifício sem proteções solares. A simulação no EnergyPlus forneceu temperaturas operativas cujos limites de conforto foram determinados de acordo com a ASHRAE Standard 55. O caso-base apresentou nível de eficiência B, e a alternativa com parede envidraçada com câmara de ar e alvenaria, com fator solar de 0,83, apresentou nível de eficiência A; todas as demais apresentaram nível de eficiência B, devido ao desconforto por frio na zona bioclimática 3. A alternativa com brises horizontais paralelos à fachada, com aletas de 25 cm, apresentou o menor equivalente numérico. Percebeu-se a necessidade de mensuração de variáveis similares em outros modelos de edifícios naturalmente condicionados e para outras localidades pertencentes à zona bioclimática, a fim de confirmar as potencialidades e limitações de tais medidas no RTQ-C.

  2. Penetrating Osseous Spicules Causing High-Flow Ventral CSF Leaks in the Setting of Relatively Low BMI : A Preliminary Study. (United States)

    Rosebrock, Richard E; Diehn, Felix E; Luetmer, Patrick H; Wald, John T; Lane, John I; Morris, Jonathan M; Lehman, Vance T; Carr, Carrie M; Mokri, Bahram; Thielen, Kent R


    We have anecdotally observed patients with high-flow ventral cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks resulting from penetrating osseous spicules or calcified discs to be relatively thin. The purpose of this study was to explore the validity of this observation and determine if a potential association exists between low body mass index (BMI) and high-flow spinal ventral CSF leaks resulting from such dura-penetrating lesions. Sixteen consecutive patients with precisely localized high-flow ventral spinal CSF leaks on dynamic myelography were identified. The cause of the CSF leak was determined. The BMI on the date nearest to and within 2 weeks of myelography was recorded. Utilizing exact sign test, the body mass index was compared to the average BMI from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (Centers for Disease Control), matched to sex and age-range. The cohort consisted of 10 males (63%) and 6 females with a mean age of 54 years (range 37-72 years). In all patients, a spiculated osteophyte/calcified disc was identified at the site of the leak. Fourteen patients (88%) had a BMI below the matched national average, while only two patients (13%) had values above the national average (p = 0.004). Patients with high-flow ventral CSF leaks resulting from spiculated osteophyte or calcified disc as identified by dynamic myelography are more likely to have a BMI below the U.S. national average, matched for gender and age-range. This exploratory analysis requires confirmation as well as further characterization of potential pathophysiologic mechanisms and impact on radiographic and clinical assessments.

  3. Wingless, decapentaplegic and EGF receptor signaling pathways interact to specify dorso-ventral pattern in the adult abdomen of Drosophila. (United States)

    Kopp, A; Blackman, R K; Duncan, I


    Adult abdominal segments of Drosophila are subdivided along the dorso-ventral axis into a dorsal tergite, a ventral sternite and ventro-lateral pleural cuticle. We report that this pattern is largely specified during the pupal stage by Wingless (Wg), Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Drosophila EGF Receptor (DER) signaling. Expression of wg and dpp is activated at the posterior edge of the anterior compartment by Hedgehog signaling. Within this region, wg and dpp are expressed in domains that are mutually exclusive along the dorso-ventral axis: wg is expressed in the sternite and medio-lateral tergite, whereas dpp expression is confined to the pleura and the dorsal midline. Neither gene is expressed in the lateral tergite. Shirras and Couso (1996, Dev. Biol. 175, 24-36) have shown that tergite and sternite cell fates are specified by Wg signaling. We find that DER acts synergistically with Wg to promote tergite and sternite identities, and that Wg and DER activities are opposed by Dpp signaling, which promotes pleural identity. Wg and Dpp interact antagonistically at two levels. First, their expression is confined to complementary domains by mutual transcriptional repression. Second, Wg and Dpp compete directly with one another by exerting opposite effects on cell fate. DER signaling does not affect the expression of wg or dpp, indicating that it interacts with Wg and Dpp at the level of cell fate determination. Within the tergite, the requirements for Wg and DER function are roughly complementary: Wg is required mainly in the medial region, whereas DER is most important laterally. Finally, we show that Dpp signaling at the dorsal midline controls dorso-ventral patterning within the tergite by promoting pigmentation in the medial region.

  4. [Comparative anatomical study of the ventral brain arteries of the Pudu pudu (Molina, 1782) with those of the cow]. (United States)

    Schweitzer-Delaunoy, W


    Comparative anatomical study of the ventral brain arteries of the Pudú pudu (Molina, 1782) with those of the cow. A comparison using the corrosion method was made between Pudú pudu (Molina, 1782) ventral brain arteries and those of the cow. The Pudú's Rete mirabile epidurale rostrale (Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria, 1994) is ventrally formed by branches of the A. maxillaris, and caudally formed by the A. vertebralis. The Hypophysis is surrounded by the Rete mirabile rostrale. The lateral parts are rostrally joined to that gland by a thin vascular bridge and caudally by thick arteries. The Pudú's Circulus arteriosus cerebri asymmetrical, that is, on the right side the A. cerebri rostralis ends in the A. cerebri media. The left-side A. cerebri rostralis irrigates every rostral portion of the encephalon. In the cow, practically the same arteries come out of the Circulus arteriosus cerebri, which is not asymmetrical. The A. cerebri caudalis comes first out of the A. communicans caudalis and then the branches for the Pons, and finally the A. cerebelli rostralis. In this species, there are arterial blocks that are not present in Pudú.

  5. Correlações entre componentes anatômicos, químicos e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca de gramíneas forrageiras Chemical and anatomical traits, and in vitro dry matter digestibility correlations in forage grasses

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    Domingos Sávio Campos Paciullo


    Full Text Available Lâminas foliares e segmentos de colmo das gramíneas forrageiras capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens, capim-gordura (Melinis minutiflora e capim-bermuda Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp foram amostradas em dois níveis de inserção no perfilho (inferior e superior, em duas idades (momento da exposição da lígula da folha e 20 dias após e em duas estações de crescimento (verão e outono. Amostras dos segmentos de colmo e lâminas foliares foram submetidas à determinação de sua composição química, composição anatômica e digestibilidade in vitro. Após obtenção dos dados, foram estabelecidas as correlações entre os componentes químicos e anatômicos e entre estes e a DIVMS, na lâmina, no colmo e no agrupamento dos dados das duas frações. A espessura da parede celular foi a característica anatômica a se correlacionar mais fortemente com todos os componentes químicos, independente da fração considerada. Suas correlações foram positivas com os teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina e negativa com os de proteína bruta. A proporção de mesofilo se correlacionou positivamente com os teores de proteína bruta e negativamente com os de fibra em detergente ácido, enquanto a proporção de esclerênquima apresentou correlação positiva com os teores de fibra em detergente neutro. Os componentes químicos se correlacionaram fortemente entre si e com a DIVMS. Entre as características anatômicas, somente a espessura da parede celular mostrou correlação significativa com a DIVMS, independente da fração. O mesofilo se correlacionou positivamente e o xilema negativamente com a DIVMS, respectivamente, na lâmina e no colmo.Leaf blades and stem segments at two stages of development (day of leaf ligule exposure and 20 days thereafter and two insertion levels on tillers (lower and upper of signalgrass (Brachiaria decumbens, molassesgrass (Melinis minutiflora and tifton 85 bermudagrass (Cynodon sp

  6. Separate populations of neurons in ventral striatum encode value and motivation. (United States)

    Bissonette, Gregory B; Burton, Amanda C; Gentry, Ronny N; Goldstein, Brandon L; Hearn, Taylor N; Barnett, Brian R; Kashtelyan, Vadim; Roesch, Matthew R


    Neurons in the ventral striatum (VS) fire to cues that predict differently valued rewards. It is unclear whether this activity represents the value associated with the expected reward or the level of motivation induced by reward anticipation. To distinguish between the two, we trained rats on a task in which we varied value independently from motivation by manipulating the size of the reward expected on correct trials and the threat of punishment expected upon errors. We found that separate populations of neurons in VS encode expected value and motivation.

  7. Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy in an elderly population with external rectal prolapse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerke, Trine; Mynster, Tommie


    AIM: We report the clinical and anal manometric results of elderly patients treated with laparoscopic ventral rectopexy (LVR) for full-thickness rectal prolapse. METHOD: From March 2009 to June 2012, patients were consecutively included. A modified laparoscopic Orr-Loygue procedure with posterior...... mobilisation was used. The patients were evaluated preoperatively, 2 months postoperatively and after 1 year. We registered Wexner incontinence scores and laxative uses by a questionnaire and performed simple anal manometry. RESULTS: A total of 46 patients underwent operation, all women. The median age was 83...

  8. Contribution on the study of Isospora hemidactyli Carini, 1936 and a report of an adeleid pseudoparasite of the house gecko Hemidactylus mabouia, from the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, Brazil Contribuição para o estudo de Isospora hemidactyli Carini, 1936 e relato de um pseudoparasita adelídeo da lagartixa doméstica Hemidactylus mabouia da região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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    Bruno P. Berto


    Full Text Available A description of the coccidium Isospora hemidactyli from the house gecko Hemidactylus mabouia, a very common at dwellings in Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, was made in this study. Histograms and linear regression were made for this species and determined the homogeneity of these oocysts despite of large range. Besides it, polysporocystid oocysts also were recovered from feces of the H. mabouia house gecko and they were similar to those described previously as the genus Adelina. This species should be parasitizing an invertebrate ingested by house gecko, and for that reason, is a pseudoparasite. Oocysts of I. hemidactyli were subspherical to ellipsoidal, 24.4 × 22.3μm, with single-layered wall and one polar granule. Sporocysts were subspherical to ellipsoidal, 11.8 × 9.8μm with Stieda and substieda bodies, residuum and sporozoites with refractile body. Oocysts of the pseudoparasite Adelina sp. were ellipsoidal, 36.3 × 30.9μm, with bi-layered wall and without micropyle, residuum and polar granule. Eight to 15 sporocysts were presents and were subspherical to broadly ellipsoidal, 12.4 × 11.2μm. Stieda and substieda bodies were absent. Sporozoites present refractile bodies at both ends.Uma descrição do coccídio Isospora hemidactyli da lagartixa doméstica Hemidactylus mabouia, muito comum em residências da região metropolotana do Rio de Janeiro, foi feita neste estudo. Os histogramas e a regressão linear para esta espécie confirmaram a homogeneidade de seus oocistos apesar da grande amplitude de variação. Além disto, oocistos polisporocísticos também foram recuperados das fezes de H. mabouia e foram semelhantes aos descritos anteriormente no gênero Adelina. Esta espécie devia estar parasitando um invertebrado ingerido pela lagartixa doméstica, e por essa razão, é um pseudoparasita. Oocistos de I. hemidactyli foram sub-esféricos a elipsóides, 24,4 × 22,3μm, com parede simples e um grânulo polar. Os esporocistos

  9. Técnicas de sutura do tubo digestivo em plano único com nós atados no lume, em cães: pontos simples totais versus pontos extramucosos

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    Azevedo João Luiz Moreira Coutinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a anastomose do tubo digestivo em plano único com nós atados no lume por sutura com pontos totais versus pontos extramucosos. MÉTODOS: Foram operados seis cães, com realização de duas secções transversas do jejuno a 30 cm e a 70 cm da flexura duodenojejunal e sutura, na face posterior com pontos extramucosos atados sobre a submucosa, e na face anterior com pontos totais atados sobre a mucosa. No 7º PO foram avaliadas, na face posterior, as aderências na linha de sutura e feitos exames macroscópico e microscópico. RESULTADOS: As aderências peritoneais foram mais profusas nas suturas extramucosas com tecido aderencial sobre a linha de sutura, sem reconstituição da serosa, ou com a deformidade cicatricial das serosas dos cotos angulando a anastomose. A serosa teve boa reconstituição nas suturas totais. O epitélio mucoso reconstituiu-se perfeitamente nas extramucosas, mas não nas totais. Nas suturas totais houve focos residuais de inflamação aguda.O realinhamento, a reestruturação e a regeneração das camadas (exceto a serosa, cuja regeneração foi prejudicada por aderências foi melhor na sutura extramucosa que na total. A muscular da mucosa não se regenerou em nenhuma anastomose. Os polimorfonucleares, os macrófagos, os fibroblastos e as fibras colágenas foram mais numerosos (significância estatística na sutura total. CONCLUSÃO: As suturas totais da parede posterior da anastomose com nós atados no lume, sobre a mucosa, são seguras, apesar da inflamação maior. A sutura extramucosa da parede posterior, com nós atados no lume, sobre a submucosa, propicia a formação de aderências peritoneais, devendo ser evitada.

  10. Genetic analysis of Hedgehog signaling in ventral body wall development and the onset of omphalocele formation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Matsumaru, D.; Haraguchi, R.; Miyagawa, S.; Motoyama, J.; Nakagata, N.; Meijlink, F.; Yamada, G.


    BACKGROUND: An omphalocele is one of the major ventral body wall malformations and is characterized by abnormally herniated viscera from the body trunk. It has been frequently found to be associated with other structural malformations, such as genitourinary malformations and digit abnormalities. In

  11. Fetal porcine ventral mesencephalon graft. Determination of the optimal gestational age for implantation in Parkinsonian patients

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    HogenEsch, RI; Koopmans, J; Copray, JCVM; van Roon, WMC; Kema, [No Value; Molenaar, G; Go, KG; Staal, MJ

    Human fetal ventral mesencephalon tissue has been used as dopaminergic striatal implants in Parkinsonian patients, so far with variable effects. Fetuses from animals that breed in large litters, e.g., pigs, have been considered as alternative donors of dopaminergic tissue. The optimal gestational

  12. A Rare Case of Strangulated Meckel%u2019s Diverticulum in an Incarcerated Ventral Incisional Hernia

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    Murat Kilic


    Full Text Available Incisional or postoperative hernia, one of the most common surgical procedure in general surgery practice, mostly occurs in the first years following abdominal operations. Incarceration or strangulation is a serious complication of these hernias, and mostly requires emergent surgery. Meckel%u2019s diverticulum, the most frequent congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, is rarely found within a hernial sac and this unusual condition is called as Littre%u2019s hernia. In addition, preoperative diagnosis of this unusual condition is rather difficult and it is almost always first discovered during operation. A small number of cases of strangulated Meckel%u2019s Diverticulum in an incarcerated ventral incisional hernia have been reported in the literature. Herein, we report a strangulated Meckel%u2019s Diverticulum through a ventral incisional hernia in a 65 year-old woman who presented with clinical signs of intestinal obstruction.

  13. A functional difference in information processing between orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum during decision-making behaviour. (United States)

    Stott, Jeffrey J; Redish, A David


    Both orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and ventral striatum (vStr) have been identified as key structures that represent information about value in decision-making tasks. However, the dynamics of how this information is processed are not yet understood. We recorded ensembles of cells from OFC and vStr in rats engaged in the spatial adjusting delay-discounting task, a decision-making task that involves a trade-off between delay to and magnitude of reward. Ventral striatal neural activity signalled information about reward before the rat's decision, whereas such reward-related signals were absent in OFC until after the animal had committed to its decision. These data support models in which vStr is directly involved in action selection, but OFC processes decision-related information afterwards that can be used to compare the predicted and actual consequences of behaviour. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

  14. Ecologia dos flebotomíneos da Serra do Mar, Itaguaí, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. I - A fauna flebotomínica e prevalência pelo local e tipo de captura (Diptera, Psychodidae, Phlebotominae

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    Aguiar Gustavo Marins de


    Full Text Available Durante dois anos foi feito um estudo ecológico sobre os flebotomíneos em foco de leishmaniose cutânea em Itaguaí, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As capturas (isca humana, paredes e armadilha luminosa foram efetuadas, simultaneamente, em três sítios de coleta: domicílio, peridomicílio e floresta. Foram capturados 10.172 flebotomíneos, de 17 espécies, sendo 3 do gênero Brumptomyia e 14 do gênero Lutzomyia. A espécie mais prevalente a 100m do nível do mar é L. intermedia, seguida de longe por L. migonei e L. fischeri. A espécie mais endófila e que apresenta um certo ecletismo quanto ao local de hematofagia é L. fischeri, enquanto L. intermedia e L. migonei provaram ser mais exofílicas. L. intermedia pode ser incriminada como o principal vetor potencial do agente de leishmaniose tegumentar, pela sua prevalência, antropofilia e por ser comprovada a veiculação da Leishmania (Viannia braziliensis em outras áreas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. L. fischeri, pela avidez com que pica o homem, pode ser um coadjuvante na transmissão do parasita. Sua predominância na floresta sugere participação da transmissão em seu ciclo enzoótico natural. A presença de L. longipalpis é um risco potencial de veiculação do agente etiológico da leishmaniose visceral nessa região, particularmente pela baixa imunidade da população local.

  15. Técnica de fistulação e canulação do rúmen em bovinos e ovinos Rumen fistulation and cannulation technique in cattle and sheep

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Augusto Lopes Muzzi


    Full Text Available Foi desenvolvida e descrita uma técnica cirúrgica para fistulação e canulação do rúmen em animais utilizados nos estudos de nutrição animal. O método cirúrgico foi empregado para canulação de 25 vacas e oito cordeiros. A fistulação permanente foi realizada no centro da fossa paralombar esquerda em estágio operatório único. Uma cânula de borracha foi implantada na parede ruminal após o afastamento da musculatura da parede abdominal e a sutura do rúmen ao peritôneo e à pele. Não foram observadas complicações graves advindas da canulação ruminal, mas houve a ocorrência de discreto vazamento de conteúdo em alguns animais. As cânulas permaneceram funcionais por longo período e permitiram a obtenção de quantidades suficientes de amostra.A surgical technique for rumen fistulation and cannulation was developed for animal nutritional studies. The surgical method was used to cannulated 25 adult cows and eight lambs. The permanent fistula was made in the middle of the left paralumbar fossa in a one-stage operation. It was performed the spreading of the abdominal muscle layers and the sutures from the rumen to the peritoneum and to the skin, and the rubber cannula was inserted into the rumen wall. No severe complication was observed in ruminal cannulation, but minor leakages were observed in some animals. The cannulas had a long functional life and permited convenient sampling of digesta.

  16. As Bibliotecas Virtuais: problemas, paradoxos, controvérsias

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    Marilia Levacov


    Full Text Available Trata-se de uma visão das possibilidades de acesso à informação, decorrentes do surgimento das chamadas "bibliotecas sem paredes". Neste e noutros campos como destaca o artigo da autora, as novas tecnologias estão criando os sinais que começam a redefinir o que informação e comunicação virão a ser no terceiro milênio.

  17. Boolean modelling reveals new regulatory connections between transcription factors orchestrating the development of the ventral spinal cord.

    KAUST Repository

    Lovrics, Anna; Gao, Yu; Juhá sz, Bianka; Bock, Istvá n; Byrne, Helen M; Dinnyé s, Andrá s; Ková cs, Krisztiá n A


    with the five known progenitor cell types located in the ventral spinal cord. The revised gene regulatory network reproduced previously observed cell state switches between progenitor cells observed in knock-out animal models or in experiments where

  18. Caracterização Estrutural e da Capacidade de Absorção de Água em Bloco de Cimento com Adição de Resíduo de Pneu (Ecobloco = Water Absorption Capacity and Structural Characterization of Cement Block with Addition of Tire Residue (Ecobloco.

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    Maria da Conceição S. Gomes


    Full Text Available Foram feitos caracterizações estruturais com ensaios em corpo de prova, medidas granulométricas do resíduo, docimento, do pó de brita e da areia, e a medida da capacidade de absorção de água em blocos de cimento (chamados de ecoblocos com adição de 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% e 35% de resíduo de pneu, obtido por meio de raspagem de pneus automotivos inservíveis. A geometria de confecção dos ecoblocos foi projetada para serem encaixados no empilhamento vertical, requerendo o mínimo de massa de cimento para a confecção de parede de vedação. = Experiment for structural characterizations were made in test body as well as measurements of the capacity of water absorption in cement blocks (called ecoblocos with the addition of 5%, 10%, 15%, 25% and 35% of tire residue.These additions are obtained by means of worn out tire’s scratching. The ecoblocos´ design was projected for them to be inserted in the vertical piling up, requesting the minimum of mortar for the construction of walls.

  19. Ventral Striatum Functional Connectivity as a Predictor of Adolescent Depressive Disorder in a Longitudinal Community-Based Sample. (United States)

    Pan, Pedro Mario; Sato, João R; Salum, Giovanni A; Rohde, Luis A; Gadelha, Ary; Zugman, Andre; Mari, Jair; Jackowski, Andrea; Picon, Felipe; Miguel, Eurípedes C; Pine, Daniel S; Leibenluft, Ellen; Bressan, Rodrigo A; Stringaris, Argyris


    Previous studies have implicated aberrant reward processing in the pathogenesis of adolescent depression. However, no study has used functional connectivity within a distributed reward network, assessed using resting-state functional MRI (fMRI), to predict the onset of depression in adolescents. This study used reward network-based functional connectivity at baseline to predict depressive disorder at follow-up in a community sample of adolescents. A total of 637 children 6-12 years old underwent resting-state fMRI. Discovery and replication analyses tested intrinsic functional connectivity (iFC) among nodes of a putative reward network. Logistic regression tested whether striatal node strength, a measure of reward-related iFC, predicted onset of a depressive disorder at 3-year follow-up. Further analyses investigated the specificity of this prediction. Increased left ventral striatum node strength predicted increased risk for future depressive disorder (odds ratio=1.54, 95% CI=1.09-2.18), even after excluding participants who had depressive disorders at baseline (odds ratio=1.52, 95% CI=1.05-2.20). Among 11 reward-network nodes, only the left ventral striatum significantly predicted depression. Striatal node strength did not predict other common adolescent psychopathology, such as anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and substance use. Aberrant ventral striatum functional connectivity specifically predicts future risk for depressive disorder. This finding further emphasizes the need to understand how brain reward networks contribute to youth depression.

  20. Ausência de ventriculotomia previne arritmias ventriculares pós correção da tetralogia de Fallot?

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    KALIL Renato A. K


    Full Text Available Arritmias ventriculares são eventos tardios freqüentes após correção da tetralogia de Fallot (TF. Morte súbita, possivelmente relacionada a arritmias, é responsável por mais de 40% dos óbitos tardios. Fibrose cicatricial pela ventriculotomia direita poderia ser fator predisponente a eventos arrítmicos. A abordagem atrial teria vantagens por evitar lesão das coronárias, não comprometer a dinâmica ventricular e prevenir arritmias tardias. Trabalhos prévios demostraram não haver melhor desempenho hemodinâmico no procedimento pós-operatório imediato na correção atrial. Nesta série, procuramos analisar a incidência de arritmias ventriculares tardias no Grupo de correção atrial, comparativamente à ventriculotomia direita. Entre 1988 e 1995, 238 pacientes foram submetidos a correção cirúrgica da TF, sendo 28 por via exclusiva atrial (Grupo A e 210 por via ventricular (Grupo V. Os grupos eram semelhantes quanto a idade, sexo, peso, altura e superfície corporal. A escolha da abordagem foi aleatória. Pacientes que sofreram qualquer ventriculotomia foram incluídos no Grupo V. Avaliamos a ocorrência de BAV transitório ou definitivo no p.o. imediato e a presença de arritmias atriais e ventriculares no ECG comum obtido na última consulta ambulatorial. O tempo de acompanhamento foi 45 ± 22 m no Grupo A e 33 ± 24 m no Grupo V. Não houve BAV transitório ou definitivo no Grupo A. Ocorreram 7% BAV transitórios e 2% definitivos no Grupo V (NS. Arritmias supraventriculares foram 17,4% no Grupo A e 12,0% no Grupo V (NS. Arritmias ventriculares foram 13,0% A e 3,8% V (NS. A evolução clínica quanto ao alívio da estenose pulmonar, eventos p.o. imediatos e classe funcional foi semelhante em ambos os grupos. Resultados publicados de mapeamento eletrofisiológico de VD demonstram anormalidade da despolarização, não apenas na parede livre, mas também no septo, banda parietal e ápex, sendo as arritmias ventriculares mais freq