
Sample records for da ferrugem tropical

  1. Resistência do algodoeiro à ferrugem tropical potencializada pelo silício

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    Antonia Mirian Nogueira de Moura Guerra


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito do silício (Si sobre componentes de resistência do algodoeiro à ferrugem tropical causada por Phakopsora gossypii. Plantas das cultivares BRS Buriti e FM 993 cresceram em solução nutritiva contendo zero (-Si ou 2 mmol Si L- 1 (+Si. A maior concentração foliar de Si aumentou o período de incubação e o período latente em 9% e 14,3%, respectivamente, reduziu a área pustular, a área abaixo da curva de progresso da ferrugem e a área abaixo da curva de progresso da área da pústula em 27,5%, 36% e 22%, respectivamente. Nas plantas das cultivares BRS Buriti e FM 993 supridas com Si houve redução no número de pústulas em 70% e 30% e no número de urédias em 40,3% e 19,5%, respectivamente. A concentração de compostos fenólicos nas plantas da cultivar BRS Buriti supridas com Si aumentou até os 10 dai e, para a cultivar FM993, até os 30 dai. A concentração de derivados da lignina-ácido tioglicólico aumentou depois dos 20 dai para as duas cultivares supridas com Si. Atividade da peroxidas e aumentou até os 25 dai e os 10 dai para as plantas das cultivares BRS Buriti e FM 993 supridas com Si, respectivamente. A atividade da quitinase aumentou até 10 dai para as plantas da cultivar BRS Buriti e aos 10 e 20 dai para as plantas da cultivar supridas com Si. A atividade da glucanase aumentou até os 10 dai para as plantas da cultivar BRS Buriti supridas com Si e até os 20 dai para as plantas da cultivar FM 993 supridas com Si. Em conclusão, o suprimento de Si contribuiu para aumentar a resistência do algodoeiro à ferrugem devido à maior atividade das enzimas de defesa.

  2. Resistência genotípica e monitoramento da favorabilidade para ocorrência da ferrugem alaranjada da cana-de-açúcar

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    Kelly Lana Araújo


    Full Text Available A ferrugem alaranjada é atualmente uma das principais doenças da cana-de-açúcar. Redução na produtividade de genótipos suscetíveis e intermediários superiores a 40% foram registradas em muitos países, inclusive no Brasil. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de monitorar os principais genótipos de cana-de-açúcar plantados no Brasil, sob alta pressão de inóculo, quanto à ocorrência e ao desenvolvimento da ferrugem alaranjada. O experimento foi conduzido em área experimental da Usina Univalem, do Grupo Raízen S.A., localizada em Valparaíso (SP. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com 38 tratamentos (genótipos e quatro repetições. Cada parcela foi constituída por três linhas de cinco metros, espaçadas de 1,4m. Entre cada parcela foi incluída uma linha do genótipo CV14, suscetível à ferrugem alaranjada. A partir da emergência das plantas, todas as parcelas foram monitoradas mensalmente para determinar o início do aparecimento dos sintomas da doença. Depois de constatados os primeiros sintomas, a severidade da ferrugem alaranjada foi quantificada mensalmente na folha +3 em três plantas por parcela. Os meses mais favoráveis para ocorrência da doença foram Fevereiro, Março, Abril e Maio. Foram observados sintomas da ferrugem alaranjada nos genótipos CTC 9, CV 14, RB93-5641, SP842025, RB72-454, SP89-1115, SP81-3250, RB85-5156, CTC 15, RB92-579, SP83-2847 e RB92-5211. Os genótipos SP84-2025 e CV 14 foram os mais suscetíveis à doença. Este trabalho contribui para aperfeiçoar o manejo integrado da ferrugem alaranjada no Brasil, além de auxiliar os programas de melhoramento visando à obtenção de novas variedades resistentes à doença.

  3. Ocorrência da ferrugem da videira em Minas Gerais

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    Adelica Aparecida Xavier


    Full Text Available A ferrugem da videira causada por Phakopsora euvitis Ono constitui-se numa ameaça às regiões produtoras de uva em função do potencial destrutivo da planta. A doença foi detectada no Brasil, pela primeira vez, em 2001. Atualmente, ela ocorre no Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Roraima, Espírito Santo e Santa Catarina. Em abril de 2010, observaram-se na estação experimental da Unimontes, Janaúba, Minas Gerais, plantas da cv. Niágara rosada com sintomas típicos da doença. A análise dos sintomas e a caracterização dos urediniósporos sésseis, levemente equinulados, com formato oval, ou elipsoide formado em urédias subepidérmicas na origem, inrompentes e com paráfises circundantes dorsalmente, levaram à diagnose de Phakopsora euvitis como o agente causal da doença. Este é o primeiro relato da doença no Estado de Minas Gerais.

  4. Evolução da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix) e da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico.


    Lopes, Paulo Rogério; Ferraz, José Maria Guzman; Theodoro, Vanessa Christina; Lopes, Iara Maria


    A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a incidência de Hemileia vastatrix (ferrugem) e Cercospora coffeicola (cercosporiose) em agroecossistemas cafeeiros conduzidos sob manejo convencional, organo-mineral e orgânico no município de Poço-Fundo, sul de Minas Gerais. Para tanto, selecionou-se uma propriedade cafeeira que possuía os três sistemas de manejo evidenciados. As avaliações para determinação da incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro foram realizadas mensalmente, ...

  5. A FERRUGEM ASIÁTICA DA SOJA CAUSADA POR Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow e Sydow

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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available Os Estados Unidos são o principal produtor mundial de soja, seguido pelo Brasil. A cultura da soja é afetada por 47 doenças já relatadas, entre elas a ferrugem asiática causada pelo fungo biotrófico Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow e Sydow. Esta doença pode atingir até 100% de dano e causa perdas no Brasil estimadas em 737,453,718 dólares ao ano. Em função de sua importância, faz-se oportuno uma revisão bibliográfica sobre esta doença, que abordará a sua ocorrência a nível mundial, a sintomatologia, os hospedeiros, a taxonomia e a etiologia do agente causal, efeitos dos fatores climáticos sobre a doença, ciclo biológico do patógeno, progresso e análise temporal, redução na área foliar e nos componentes de rendimento da cultura da soja e as estratégias de manejo integrado da enfermidade. Foi objetivo desta revisão recopilar as informações mais relevantes sobre a ferrugem asiática de modo o mais explicativo e entendível possível para o leitor.

  6. Epidemias de ferrugem asiática no Rio Grande do Sul explicadas pelo fenômeno ENOS e pela incidência da doença na entressafra

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    Claudinei Antonio Minchio

    Full Text Available RESUMO Estudou-se a interferência da variabilidade da variabilidade climática e do número de relatos de ferrugem asiática na entressafra sobre a epidemia da doença no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, durante 11 safras agrícolas. A ocorrência da doença foi obtida a partir de relatos apresentados no Consórcio Antiferrugem e dividida entre os períodos “Safra”, “Entressafra” e “Ano Todo”. Os dados das epidemias foram testados para correlação, via regressões polinomiais lineares e quadráticas, com as variáveis climáticas: precipitação pluvial, índice padronizado de precipitação - SPI, índice de oscilação sul - IOS e anomalia da Temperatura na Superfície do Mar - SST no Oceano Pacífico Tropical e número de ocorrências da doença no período de entressafra. Os índices que melhor explicaram a variação das ocorrências da doença para o período “Ano Todo” foram o SST e IOS, com coeficientes de determinação (R2 de 0,94 e 0,59, respectivamente. As ocorrências de ferrugem no período “Entressafra” influenciaram positivamente nas ocorrências no período “Safra”.

  7. Avaliação da atividade fungicida de extratos e óleos essenciais sobre ferrugem asiática da soja

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    Daísa Bigaton

    Full Text Available Os extratos e óleos essenciais extraídos de plantas têm grande potencial no controle de fitopatógenos, por sua ação fungitóxica direta, inibindo o crescimento micelial e a germinação de esporos, e pela capacidade de induzir o acúmulo de fitoalexinas nas plantas. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito de diferentes extratos metanólicos e óleos essenciais sobre a ferrugem asiática da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi. O experimento foi realizado em casa-de-vegetação e sala de incubação. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com sete tratamentos e dez repetições. A cultivar de soja utilizada foi a BRS 245RR; os tratamentos constaram de óleos essenciais e extratos metanólicos dos gêneros Schinus terebinthifolius (aroeira-pimenteira, e Trichilia silvatica (quebra-machado, catiguá-vermelho, surfactante Tween 80 a 1% (v/v e a testemunha água. As plantas foram pulverizadas com os respectivos tratamentos e inoculadas artificialmente com o fungo cerca de 24 horas depois. As características analisadas foram: número de folíolos/parcela; índice de clorofila; altura de plantas; intensidade da ferrugem asiática da soja; número de folíolos com ferrugem; número de folíolos com aspecto queimado. As plantas pulverizadas com extrato de Schinus a 5% (m/v e óleo de Schinus a 1% (v/v mostraram maior intensidade da doença, comparadas às pulverizadas com água. Estes dois tratamentos e o óleo de Trichilia a 1% provocaram uma maior incidência de folíolos queimados, indicando fitotoxicidade à cultura.

  8. Efeito de pontas de pulverização no controle químico da ferrugem da soja Spray nozzle effect on soybean rust chemical control

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    João P. A. R. da Cunha


    Full Text Available O controle químico eficiente da ferrugem asiática da soja depende da correta seleção da ponta de pulverização. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da utilização de diferentes pontas de pulverização na aplicação de fungicida para o controle da ferrugem da soja. O ensaio foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial (4 x 2 + 1: quatro tipos de ponta de pulverização (jato plano defletor duplo, jato plano duplo com pré-orifício e jato cônico vazio com e sem indução de ar, dois volumes de aplicação (150 e 200 L ha-1 e um tratamento adicional que não recebeu fungicida. Realizou-se a semeadura direta da cultivar de soja M-SOY 8008 (ciclo precoce, avaliando-se, após a aplicação do fungicida tebuconazole, a deposição de calda no dossel da cultura, a severidade da ferrugem, o grau de desfolha e a produtividade. Concluiu-se que não houve influência dos tipos de pontas de pulverização e dos volumes de calda no controle da ferrugem. Na parte inferior do dossel, a cobertura proporcionada com a utilização das quatro pontas foi inferior a 7% da área, sendo, portanto, necessário buscar estratégias que incrementem essa deposição. O fungicida reduziu a severidade da ferrugem da soja, o que refletiu na produtividade, que foi, em média, 157% superior à obtida na testemunha.Soybean rust chemical control depends on the correct selection of the spray nozzles. This study evaluated the spray nozzle effect on soybean rust control application. A randomized complete-block design with four replications was used, in a factorial model (4 x 2 + 1: four spray nozzles (hollow cone spray nozzles, with and without air induction, pre-orifice twin flat fan and turbo twin flat fan, two spray volumes (150 and 200 L ha-1 and the control (non-treated plot. M-SOY 8008 soybean (early cycle was sown. After the application of the fungicide tebuconazole, with the different nozzles and volume

  9. Progresso da Ferrugem e da Cercosporiose em Cafeeiro na Transição dos Cultivos Convencional para Orgânico


    Botelho, Alex Oliveira


    O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o progresso e o manejo da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro, na transição do cultivo convencional para o orgânico. O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura cafeeira da cultivar Catuaí Amarelo, em uma área de 2,2 ha da fazenda Baunilha, em Lavras, MG. O delineamento foi o látice balanceado 4x4, com cinco repetições e 16 parcelas, sendo cada parcela composta de 24 plantas, sendo 4 plantas úteis por linha. Dos dezesseis tratamentos, doze caracterizaram um...

  10. Incidência e controle químico da ferrugem da goiabeira em diferentes épocas de poda na região norte do Espírito Santo

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    Marlon Vagner Valentim Martins


    Full Text Available No norte do Estado do Espírito Santo, vem sendo observada a ocorrência crescente da ferrugem (Puccinia psidii G. Winter nos pomares de goiabeira, ocasionando a queda de frutos novos e o declínio na produção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar tratamentos com fungicidas no controle da ferrugem em goiabeiras 'Paluma' podadas em diferentes épocas do ano. Foram realizados três experimentos, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com diferentes épocas de poda de frutificação (janeiro; maio e outubro e quatro tratamentos fungicidas (I- testemunha - aplicação de água, II- oxicloreto de cobre, III- tebuconazole e IV- tebuconazole + oxicloreto de cobre. Observou-se que, quando a poda foi realizada em janeiro, houve as maiores incidências máxima e final da doença, acarretando menor número de frutos por planta. Dentre os fungicidas testados, tebuconazole isolado ou em mistura com oxicloreto de cobre foram os mais eficientes em controlar a doença nas três épocas de poda, inclusive na época de maior incidência da doença. Quatro pulverizações com tebuconazole, isolado ou em mistura com o oxicloreto de cobre, foram suficientes para minimizar os danos causados pela ferrugem da goiabeira.

  11. Systems of aerial spraying for soybean rust control Sistemas de pulverização aérea para controle curativo da ferrugem da soja

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    Ulisses R. Antuniassi


    Full Text Available The soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi is considered the main soybean disease and consequently the appropriate selection and the use of spraying equipment are vital for its control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of aerial application equipment for soybean rust control. It was used: Micronair AU 5000 at 10 L ha-1 (with oil and at 20 L ha-1 (without oil; Stol ARD atomizer at 10 and 20 L ha-1 (both with oil and Spectrum (electrostatic at 10 L ha-1 (without oil. The adjuvant was cotton oil (1.0 L ha-1 with emulsifier (BR 455 at 0.025 L ha-1. The field trial was set up at the 3rd fungicide application, when f four replications of each treatment. There were no statistical differences among treatments related to fungicide deposits by at a Confidence Interval of 95%. It was observed that the best results were obtained with Micronair (10 L ha-1 with oil, Stol (20 L ha-1 with oil and electrostatic system at 10 L ha-1 with the lowest relative humidity (64%.A ferrugem asiática da soja, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é considerada a principal doença da soja, e, portanto, a escolha e o uso adequado dos equipamentos de pulverização são essenciais para seu controle. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de diferentes equipamentos de pulverização aérea para o controle curativo da ferrugem da soja, utilizando o fungicida Impact 125 SC (flutriafol a 0,5 L p c ha-1. Os seguintes tratamentos foram avaliados: atomizador Micronair AU 5000 (10 L ha-1 com óleo e 20 L ha-1 sem óleo na calda; atomizador Stol ARD (10 e 20 L ha-1 ambos com óleo e o sistema eletrostático Spectrum (10 L ha-1 sem óleo a 64 e 71% de umidade relativa. Utilizou-se óleo de algodão (1,0 L ha-1 acrescido de emulsificante BR 455 a 0,025 L ha-1. O ensaio foi realizado na terceira aplicação de fungicidas, quando foram analisadas quatro repetições nas áreas aplicadas e quatro testemunhas não aplicadas para cada tratamento

  12. Espectro de gotas de pulverização e controle da ferrugem-asiática-da-soja em cultivares com diferentes arquiteturas de planta

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    Mônica Paula Debortoli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o espectro de gotas de pulverização ideal para o controle da ferrugem-asiática-da-soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi, em cultivares com diferentes arquiteturas de planta. O experimento foi conduzido na safra de 2009/2010. A aplicação de fungicida (piraclostrobina + epoxiconazol, com óleo mineral foi avaliada com quatro espectros de gotas de pulverização - muito fino, <119 μm; fino, 119 a 216 μm; médio, 217 a 352 μm; e grosso, 353 a 464 μm -, em quatro cultivares de soja (BMX Apollo RR, NA 7636 RR, Fcep 53 RR e TMG 4001 RR contrastantes quanto a índice de área foliar, estatura de plantas e número de ramos por planta. Foram quantificadas as variáveis: número de gotas por cm², diâmetro mediano volumétrico das gotas, área abaixo da curva de progresso da ferrugem-asiática e produtividade da soja. A definição do espectro de gotas a ser utilizado deve considerar a cultivar e as condições ambientais em que a pulverização será realizada. A magnitude da proteção exercida pelo fungicida varia de acordo com a cobertura de plantas e a penetração de gotas no dossel, proporcionada pelos diferentes espectros de gota. O espectro de gotas fino proporciona boa deposição de gotas, controle da doença e produtividade, independentemente da cultivar avaliada.

  13. Efeito do momento de aplicação de fungicida e da época de semeadura no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja


    Souza, Lara Line Pereira de


    O Brasil é o maior produtor de soja (Glycine max) do mundo. Somente na safra 2014/2015, foram produzidas cerca de 97 milhões de toneladas de soja, dessas, cerca de 46,22 milhões de toneladas foram exportadas. A ferrugem asiática da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) é considerada a principal doença da soja. Tal doença causa desfolha precoce, impedindo a completa formação dos grãos e drástica redução na produtividade. Devido à escassez de outras medidas, a aplicação de fungicida ainda é a principal ...

  14. Bioprospecting endophytic bacteria for biological control of coffee leaf rust Bioprospecção de bactérias endofíticas como agentes de biocontrole da ferrugem do cafeeiro

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    Humberto Franco Shiomi


    Full Text Available Suppression of plant diseases due to the action of endophytic microorganisms has been demonstrated in several pathosystems. Experiments under controlled conditions involving endophytic bacteria isolated from leaves and branches of Coffea arabica L and Coffea robusta L were conducted with the objective of evaluating the inhibition of germination of Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br., race II, urediniospores and the control of coffee leaf rust development in tests with leaf discs, detached leaves, and on potted seedling of cv. Mundo Novo. The endophytic bacterial isolates tested proved to be effective in inhibiting urediniospore germination and/or rust development, with values above 50%, although the results obtained in urediniospore germination tests were inferior to the treatment with fungicide propiconazole. Endophytic isolates TG4-Ia, TF2-IIc, TF9-Ia, TG11-IIa, and TF7-IIa, demonstrated better coffee leaf rust control in leaf discs, detached leaves, and coffee plant tests. The endophytic isolates TG4-Ia and TF9-Ia were identified as Bacillus lentimorbus Dutky and Bacillus cereus Frank. & Frank., respectively. Some endophytic bacterial isolates were effective in controlling the coffee leaf rust, although some increased the severity of the disease. Even though a relatively small number of endophytic bacteria were tested, promising results were obtained regarding the efficiency of coffee leaf rust biocontrol. These selected agents appears to be an alternative for future replacement of chemical fungicide.Supressão de doenças de plantas por microrganismos endofíticos tem sido demonstrada em diversos patossistemas. Neste trabalho foram selecionados isolados de bactérias endofíticas de folhas e ramos de cafeeiro com potencial para o controle biológico da ferrugem do cafeeiro, pois é conhecido que esses microrganismos podem possuir essa característica. Bactérias endofíticas isoladas previamente de folhas e ramos de Coffea arabica L e Coffea

  15. Detecção de ferrugem (Phakopsora colubrinae) em uva-do-japão no Estado do Paraná


    Freddo, Álvaro Rodrigo; UTFPR - PB; Mazaro, Sérgio Miguel; UTFPR - DV; Telles, Aline Mara dos Santos; UTFPR - DV; Klein, Danieli Regina; UTFPR - DV


    A ferrugem da uva-do-japão é causada pelo fungo Phakopsora colubrinae. Os sintomas encontrados nas folhas caracterizaram-se como pústulas de ferrugem de coloração marrom clara, e pela presença de uredósporos.  A primeira ocorrência no Brasil da doença foi detectada em 1948, no município de Taquari no Rio Grande do Sul.  Sintomas da doença foram observados em folhas de uva-do-japão oriundas da estação experimental da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, UTFPR, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, no e...

  16. Essential oils for rust control on coffee plants Óleos essenciais no controle da ferrugem em cafeeiro

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    Ricardo Borges Pereira


    Full Text Available Rust is considered the most important disease in coffee because it causes severe defoliation in plants and, consequently, reduction in productivity. This study evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oils of cinnamon, citronella, lemongrass, clove, tea tree, thyme, neem and eucalyptus on the germination of urediniospores of Hemileia vastatrix; the effectiveness of these oils to control rust on seedlings of coffee cultivars Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 and Mundo Novo 379/19 in the greenhouse; and the effect of more promising oils on urediniospores of H. vastatrix by transmission electron microscopy (TEM. All the essential oils inhibited the germination of urediniospores with increasing concentrations. All oils promoted partial control of the disease in the greenhouse. However, the oils of thyme, clove and citronella, at a concentration of 1000 µL L-1, were most effective in controlling the disease on cultivars Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 and Mundo Novo 379/19, respectively. The images generated in TEM showed that urediniospores exposed to oils of clove, citronella and thyme promoted cellular disorganization and cytoplasmic vacuolization, which was more pronounced in urediniospores exposed to citronella oil. The oils of thyme, clove and citronella are promising for the control of rust in coffee.A ferrugem é considerada a doença de maior importância no cafeeiro, pois causa acentuada desfolha nas plantas e, consequentemente, redução na produtividade. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito in vitro de óleos essenciais de canela, citronela, capim-limão, cravo-da-índia, árvore-de-chá, tomilho, nim e eucalipto na germinação de urediniósporos de Hemileia vastatrix; a eficácia desses óleos no controle da ferrugem em mudas de cafeeiro das cultivares Catucaí 2SL, Catuaí IAC 62 e Mundo Novo 379/19 em casa de vegetação; e o efeito dos óleos mais promissores sobre urediniósporos de H. vastatrix por meio de microscopia eletrônica de transmiss

  17. Progresso da ferrugem tropical do milho (Zea mays L., sob diferentes tratamentos fungicidas Progress of the tropical rust of corn Zea mays L., under different fungicide treatments

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    Frank Magno da Costa


    Full Text Available A ferrugem tropical, cujo agente causal é o fungo Physopella zeae (Mains Cummins & Ramachar vem se destacando por sua agressividade à cultura do milho. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, ajustar modelos matemáticos às curvas de progresso desta doença sob a ação de misturas de triazóis e estrobilurinas sobre o fungo na cultura do milho. O experimento foi conduzido em área experimental do Departamento de Fitossanidade da UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, no período de janeiro a maio de 2006, no delineamento de blocos casualizados completos com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos utilizados foram (mL de p.c./ha: 1 - testemunha; 2 - epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin, 500; 3 - epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin, 750; 4 - azoxystrobin + cyproconazole, 300 + óleo mineral parafínico 0,50%, estes aplicados às plantas no estádio V8; 5 - azoxystrobin + cyproconazole, 300 + óleo mineral parafínico 0,50%, este aplicado às plantas no estádio V8 e repetido quando esta encontrava-se no início do pendoamento e 6- azoxystrobin + cyproconazole, 450 + óleo mineral parafínico 0,50%, aplicado às plantas no estádio V8. Foram realizadas sete avaliações da severidade da doença com intervalos semanais, traçando-se a partir dos dados obtidos nestas avaliações as curvas de progresso da doença analisadas por meio do ajuste a três modelos matemáticos (monomolecular, logístico e de Gompertz. Calculou-se ainda a Área Abaixo das Curvas de Progresso da Doença (AACPD, resultante de cada tratamento. Procedeu-se à análise de variância dos dados e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey ao nível de 5 % de probabilidade. Verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa entre os efeitos dos tratamentos 4, 5 e 6 e esses proporcionaram menor AACPD e ainda que esses apresentaram eficiência de controle de 92 %, 97 % e 98 %, respectivamente. Pelos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que o modelo monomolecular foi o que melhor se ajustou aos

  18. Fungicidas, doses e volumes de calda no controle químico da ferrugem da folha da aveia (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae Fungicides, rates and spray volumes in the chemical control of oats crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae

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    Ana R. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A ferrugem da folha (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae é a doença mais destrutiva da aveia, e aplicações de fungicidas com volumes baixos de calda podem reduzir a eficácia do controle químico. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência técnica e econômica de fungicidas, doses e volumes de calda no controle da ferrugem da folha da aveia. O experimento foi conduzido no ano de 2003, na área experimental da FAMV/UPF, com a cultivar de aveia UPFA-20. Os tratamentos foram compostos pelas combinações entre dois fungicidas (tebuconazole, Folicur, 0,75 L ha-1 e epoxiconazole + piraclostrobim, Opera, 0,5 L ha-1, quatro doses (40; 60; 80 e 100% da dose recomendada e dois volumes de calda (100 e 200 L ha-1. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com esquema fatorial (2x4x2 e quatro repetições. Avaliaram-se a severidade, o controle da ferrugem, a massa do hectolitro, a massa de mil grãos e o rendimento de grãos, realizando-se análise econômica. O volume de calda de 200 L ha-1 proporcionou maiores níveis de controle da doença. As aplicações dos fungicidas com volume de 200 L ha-1 e meia dose ou com 100 L ha-1 e dose cheia proporcionam níveis de controle da ferrugem equivalentes. O resultado econômico difere entre fungicidas e independe do volume de calda. Os efeitos de doses dependem do fungicida.Crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae is the most important disease of oats in Brazil. In susceptible oat cultivars, fungicides are needed to control the disease efficiently. However, spray at low volumes may reduce fungicide performance significantly. A field experiment with the oat cultivar UPFA-20 was carried out at the FAMV/UPF to evaluate the influence of fungicides, rates, and spray volumes on the efficacy of the chemical control for crown rust. The tested treatments combined two fungicides (tebuconazole, Folicur, 0,75 L ha-1; epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin, Opera, 0,5 L ha-1, four rates (40; 60; 80 and 100


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    Oswaldo Teruyo Ido


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    Promising clones in the third selection phase of the sugarcane genetic breeding program in Paraná State, Brazil, were evaluated for the severity of sugarcane rust (Puccinia melanocephala incidence under natural infection. The evaluation was carried out in a sugarcane plant and a sugarcane ratoon cycles, from 1998 to 2000. The assessment of severity identified fifteen clones with rust resistance reaction in the sugarcane plant cycle. Of the 41 evaluated clones, 18.2% presented slightly resistant to susceptible reaction. The highest rust incidence was observed in the early phases of sugarcane crop development, from three to six months. Among the clones with resistance reaction to rust, five were derived from the same female parent (RB855589. This fact demonstrates the good potential of this genotype for crosses looking at clones with rust-resistance reaction.

    KEY-WORDS: Saccharum spp.; Puccinia melanocephala; resistance; selection.

    Clones promissores do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Cana-de-Açúcar no Estado do Paraná em terceira fase de seleção foram avaliados quanto à incidência e severidade da ferrugem da cana-de-açúcar (Puccinia melanocephala sob condições de infecção natural. A avaliação foi realizada nos ciclos de cana-planta e cana-soca, entre os anos 1998 e 2000. Os resultados de severidade permitiram agrupar no ciclo de cana-planta, quinze clones com reação resistente a ferrugem. Dos 41 clones avaliados, 18,2% apresentaram reação moderadamente resistente a suscetível. Observou-se a maior incidência da ferrugem nas primeiras fases de desenvolvimento da cana-de-açúcar, entre os três a seis meses. Entre os clones que apresentaram reação resistente, verificou-se que cinco foram oriundos do mesmo genitor feminino (RB855589. Isso demonstra o bom potencial

  20. Análise dialélica para resistência a ferrugem polissora em milho em diferentes níveis de adubação fosfatada

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    Gustavo André Colombo


    Full Text Available A avaliação de germoplasmas como ferramenta na busca de genes que confiram resistência a doenças na cultura do milho tem sido meta constante em programas de melhoramento. Com esse intuito, determinou-se, por meio de cruzamento dialélicos, a capacidade geral (CGC e específica (CEC de combinação para resistência a Puccinia polysora de oito híbridos comerciais de milho em diferentes níveis de adubação fosfatada. Cultivaram-se 56 combinações híbridas (F1s e recíprocos e oito genitores em dois ambientes distintos quanto à disponibilidade de fósforo (baixo e alto P e avaliou-se a severidade de ataque da ferrugem polissora, de acordo com a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD. A análise de variância conjunta indicou que os híbridos diferiram significativamente (p<0,01 quanto à curva de progresso da ferrugem polissora, sinalizando a existência de variabilidade genética entre eles na resistência à incidência da doença. O maior valor do quadrado médio da CGC comparado a CEC evidenciou, nesses genitores, maior contribuição da ação gênica aditiva no controle da resistência à ferrugem polissora. As combinações híbridas recíprocas P30F53 x AG 8060 e TRUCK x BM 2202 apresentaram as maiores médias negativas de CEC, em ambientes de baixo e alto fósforo, respectivamente, e foram classificadas, assim, como promissoras para obtenção de resistência à ferrugem polissora.

  1. Controle químico da ferrugem asiática da soja em função de ponta de pulverização e de volume de calda Soybean asian rust control influenced by spray volumes and spray nozzles

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    João Paulo Arantes Rodrigues da Cunha


    Full Text Available As pontas de pulverização são um dos componentes mais importantes dos pulverizadores hidráulicos para aplicação de agrotóxicos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o controle químico da ferrugem asiática e a deposição da calda fungicida aplicada na cultura da soja, em função de diferentes volumes de aplicação e de tipos de ponta de pulverização. O ensaio foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema bifatorial (4 x 2 + 1: quatro tipos de ponta de pulverização (jato plano padrão, jato plano de pré-orifício, jato plano de indução de ar e jato plano duplo de indução de ar, dois volumes de aplicação (115 e 160L ha-1 e um tratamento adicional, que não recebeu fungicida (testemunha. Realizou-se a semeadura direta da cultivar "Emgopa 313" (ciclo tardio, avaliando-se, após a aplicação do fungicida tebuconazole com as diferentes pontas e volumes, a deposição de calda no dossel da cultura, a severidade da ferrugem e a produtividade. Constatou-se que, apesar de o volume de calda de 160L ha-1 e de a utilização da ponta de jato plano padrão terem proporcionado maior uniformidade de distribuição da calda fungicida nas plantas, não houve influência do tipo de ponta de pulverização e do volume de aplicação no controle da ferrugem e na produtividade da cultura da soja. O fungicida tebuconazole propiciou bom controle da ferrugem, refletindo na produtividade de grãos, que foi, em média, 41% superior à obtida na testemunha.The spray nozzles are one of the most important components of pesticide hydraulic sprayers. This study aimed at evaluating the chemical control of the rust and the deposition of fungicide sprayed on soybean concerning different nozzles, and application volumes. A randomized complete-block design with four replications was used, in a factorial model (4 x 2 + 1: four spray nozzles (standard flat fan, pre-orifice flat fan, air induction flat fan and

  2. Progresso da ferrugem do cafeeiro irrigado em diferentes densidades de plantio pós-poda Progress of rust in coffee plants in various densities of cultivation in irrigated planting after pruning

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    Bernardo Reis Teixeira Lacerda Paiva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar o efeito de diferentes critérios para manejo da irrigação em quatro densidades de plantio, sob sistema de gotejamento na incidência e severidade da ferrugem do cafeeiro e avaliar a influência do enfolhamento na curva de progresso dessa doença. Conduziu-se, o experimento, em área experimental da Universidade Federal de Lavras MG, utilizando a cultivar Rubi MG-1192 com seis anos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro parcelas representadas pelas densidades de plantio (convencionais e adensados: 2500 (4,0x1,0 m, 3333 (3,0x1,0 m, 5000 (2,0x1,0 m, 10000 (2,0x0,5 m plantas ha-1, quatro subparcelas sendo: irrigações quando a tensão da água no solo atingiu valores de 20 e 60kPa; irrigações utilizando o manejo do balanço hídrico (calculado através do software IRRIPLUS, com turnos de irrigação fixos de três dias por semana e uma testemunha sem irrigação, perfazendo um total de 16 tratamentos. Cada subparcela foi constituída por 10 plantas, sendo consideradas como plantas úteis as seis centrais. Foram avaliadas a incidência e severidade da ferrugem e a porcentagem de enfolhamento das plantas de cafeeiros. Após análise estatística, os dados foram convertidos em área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença e do crescimento. Verificou-se que os critérios para manejo da irrigação influenciaram a curva de progresso do crescimento, porém, não interferiu na curva de progresso da incidência e da severidade da ferrugem. Os sistemas de plantios adensados favoreceram a incidência da ferrugem. Mas as densidades de plantio não interferiram no enfolhamento.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation controls implemented in four planting densities on a system of drip on the incidence and severity of rust and to assess the influence of leaf growth on the progress curve of this

  3. Métodos de avaliação da ferrugem do álamo e eficiência de fungicidas no seu controle Evaluation method for poplar rust and its fungicide control efficiency

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    Louise Larissa May De Mio


    Full Text Available A ferrugem do álamo (Melampsora medusae Thuem. causa sérios prejuízos no viveiro, e seu controle é fundamental para a obtenção de muda de boa qualidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivos: i testar a eficiência de fungicidas de contato (mancozebe, cartap e oxicloreto de cobre e sistêmicos (triadimenol, tebuconazole e difenoconazole no controle da ferrugem; ii comparar métodos de avaliação para discriminar a eficiência entre os tratamentos; iii relacionar desfolha com dados de doença; e iv verificar a influência do controle da ferrugem nos parâmetros de crescimento da árvore em viveiro. O experimento foi montado em São Mateus do Sul, PR, delineado inteiramente ao acaso com 10 tratamentos (testemunha, triadimenol, mancozebe, tebuconazole, difenoconazole, cartap, oxicloreto de cobre, triadimenol-mancozebe, tebuconazole-mancozebe e triadimenol aplicados com o dobro do intervalo dos anteriores e 11 repetições. Com parcelas experimentais de 10 m de largura com quatro linhas de plantio (espaçamento entre linhas de 2,5 e entre plantas de 0,50 m, totalizando 110 parcelas com o clone Latorre. Durante dois ciclos consecutivos foram avaliados: o número de pústulas em meia folha, a % visual de doença, a severidade por parcela, a % visual de desfolha, o diâmetro à altura do peito e a altura de plantas ao final do experimento. Os produtos sistêmicos (triadimenol, tebuconazole e difenoconazole aplicados puros ou intercalados com mancozebe foram eficientes no controle da ferrugem, reduzindo o número de pústulas sobre a folha e a desfolha, o que resultou em ganho significativo no volume final das plantas. O mancozebe aplicado isoladamente também reduziu a epidemia e aumentou o volume da árvore em 42%. O produto cúprico proporcionou aumento de volume em 27%. Os métodos de avaliação utilizados diferenciaram dos tratamentos e houve correlação da doença com os danos na cultura.Poplar rust (Melampsora medusae Thuem. causes serious

  4. Progresso da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro consorciado com grevílea, com ingazeiro e a pleno sol em Lavras - MG Progress of rust and coffee plant cercosporiose mixed with grevílea, with ingazeiro and in the full sunshine in Lavras - MG

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    Bruno Grandi Salgado


    Full Text Available Com o presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, agroflorestais e a pleno sol, através da curva de progresso dessas doenças. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e sete repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos por cafeeiros consorciados com ingazeiro, cafeeiros consorciados com grevílea e cafeeiros cultivados convencionalmente a pleno sol. As avaliações foram realizadas mensalmente no período de abril de 2001 a março de 2003. Realizou-se o cálculo da área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD, a qual foi submetida à análise de variância. Para a incidência da ferrugem do cafeeiro o consórcio cafeeiro x ingazeiro mostrou-se com maiores índices da doença, sendo que os tratamentos consórcio cafeeiro x grevílea e cafeeiro a pleno sol não diferiram entre si e apresentaram menores incidências da doença. Diminuição na luz solar direta e maior umidade podem ter favorecido a ferrugem no sistema cafeeiro x ingazeiro. Para a incidência de cercosporiose, os cafeeiros a pleno sol obtiveram maiores valores de incidência da doença, seguidos por cafeeiros x grevílea, e menores taxas da doença foram observadas no consórcio cafeeiros x ingazeiro. A incidência de radiação solar direta pode ter favorecido a maior incidência de cercosporiose nos cafeeiros a pleno sol.The present work aimed to evaluate the incidence of rust and coffee plant cercosporiose in different systems of agroforest cultivation and in the full sunshine through the progress curve of those diseases. The completely randomized design with three treatments and seven replicates was utilized. The treatments were made up of coffee plants mixed with ingazeiro, coffee plants mixed with grevílea and coffee plants cultivated conventionally in the full sunshine. The evaluations were performed monthly during the period of April 2001 to

  5. Desenvolvimento e caracterização de marcadores microssatélites para Puccinia melanocephala, agente causador da ferrugem marrom em cana-de-açúcar


    Rafael Fávero Peixoto Júnior


    Entre as doenças que trazem preocupações e podem causar prejuízos no setor canavieiro em todo o Brasil, destaca-se a ferrugem marrom, causada pelo fungo Puccinia melanocephala H. & P. Sydow. Essa doença ocorre em todas as regiões canavieiras do mundo, desde a Ásia e a África, de onde o complexo \\"Sacharum spp.\\" é originário, até as Américas e Oceania. No Brasil, a ferrugem foi detectada, pela primeira vez em 1986, no município de Capivari-SP e logo em seguida em Pernambuco e Alagoas. Desde ...

  6. Adubação orgânica, nutrição e progresso de cercosporiose e ferrugem-do-cafeeiro.




    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fontes nutricionais orgânicas, no progresso da cercosporiose e da ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: palha de café + chorume suíno (PC+CS); torta de mamona + crotalária (TM+Cr); palha de café (PC); esterco bovino + crotalária (EB+Cr); palha de café + torta de mamona (PC+TM); e composto orgânico, torta de mamona, chorume suíno e crot...

  7. Progresso da ferrugem e da cercosporiose em cafeeiro (coffea arabica l. Com diferentes épocas de início e parcelamentos da fertirrigação Progress of coffee rust and brown eye spot with differents periods at initial irrigation and fertirrigation time

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    Viviane Talamini


    Full Text Available Avaliações da incidência da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br. e da cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola Berk. & Cooke foram realizadas em experimento com a cultura do café cultivar 'Catuai', com 12 anos de cultivo. Os objetivos foram avaliar o efeito da irrigação e da fertirrigação na incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose, analisar a curva de progresso dessas doenças e sua correlação com as variáveis climáticas. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 4 tratamentos de diferentes parcelamentos de adubação (1: 12 aplicações manuais, 2: 12 aplicações via fertirrigação, 3: 24 aplicações fertirrigado, 4: 36 aplicações fertirrigado. As parcelas foram divididas em 3 subparcelas com diferentes épocas de início de irrigação (subparcelas A: 1º de junho, B: 15 de julho, C: 1º de setembro e 2 tratamentos adicionais (testemunhas: tratamento adicional 1- fertirrigação parcelada em 4 vezes e não irrigado; tratamento adicional 2- adubação convencional, não irrigado. Observou-se a incidência de ambas as doenças em 6 folhas por planta a cada 14 dias durante o período de 21 de março de 1998 a 6 de fevereiro de 1999. Calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD, procedendo-se à análise de variância e teste de Tukey a 5%. Para a ferrugem do cafeeiro, nenhum tratamento foi significativo, e as incidências máximas foram nos meses de julho a setembro. Houve correlação significativa entre todos os tratamentos e as variáveis climáticas, com exceção da temperatura máxima. Para a cercosporiose, observou-se nas parcelas, maior AACPD para os tratamentos 2 e 4. O tratamento adicional 1 apresentou maior AACPD, seguida pelo tratamento adicional 2 . De acordo com as curvas de progresso da doença, a incidência máxima foi entre maio a setembro. Houve correlação significativa da incidência da cercosporiose com as variáveis climáticas na maioria dos tratamentos

  8. Herança da resistência à ferrugem da folha da aveia (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae Fraser & Led. em genótipos brasileiros de aveia branca Inheritance of oat leaf rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae Fraser & Led. resistance in white oat brazilian genotypes

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    Eduardo Alano Vieira


    Full Text Available A ferrugem da folha da aveia é a moléstia mais importante que ataca a cultura da aveia, ocorrendo em praticamente todas as áreas em que a aveia é cultivada. A forma mais indicada para o seu controle é a utilização de cultivares resistentes. Contudo, para que seja alcançada a resistência durável ao patógeno, é necessário que se conheça a genética da resistência à ferrugem da folha em aveia. O objetivo foi determinar a forma de herança da resistência a três isolados de Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae Fraser & Led., (coletados no sul do Brasil em genótipos brasileiros de aveia branca. Para a determinação da herança da resistência a cada um dos três isolados, foram utilizadas populações F2 geradas por meio de cruzamentos artificiais, entre genótipos resistentes (R e suscetíveis (S e entre genótipos resistentes (R. Desta forma, foram utilizadas populações F2 dos cruzamentos artificiais entre: i URPEL 15 (R x UFRGS 7 (S, UPF 16 (R x UFRGS 7 (S e URPEL 15 (R x UPF 16 (R, para a determinação da herança da resistência ao isolado um (1; ii URPEL 15 (R x UFRGS 7 (S, UPF 18 (R x UFRGS 7 (S e URPEL 15 (R x UPF 18 (R, para a determinação da herança da resistência ao isolado dois (2; iii URPEL 15 (R x UFRGS 7 (S e URPEL 15 (R x UPF 18 (S, para a determinação da herança da resistência ao isolado três (3. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o genótipo URPEL 15 apresenta genes dominantes de resistência aos três isolados de ferrugem da folha da aveia avaliados, que o cultivar UPF 16 apresenta um gene recessivo de resistência ao isolado 1 e o cultivar UPF 18 apresenta um gene recessivo de resistência ao isolado 2. E que os genes de resistência apresentados pelos genótipos URPEL 15, UPF 16 e UPF 18, segregam de forma independente.Oat crown rust is the most important disease for the oat crop, occurring in practically all the areas where oat is cultivated. The most indicated form of control for this disease is

  9. Efeito de fungicidas sistêmico e protetores aplicados em diferentes estádios fenológicos no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja Effect of protectant and systemic fungicides applied at different growth stages on the control of soybean asian rust

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    Jorge da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, verificar o efeito dos fungicidas oxicloreto de cobre, tiofanato metílico, tiofanato metílico + clorotalonil e clorotalonil em diferentes estádios fenológicos V6, R1, R5, V6 + R1, V6 + R5 e R1 + R5 no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja. O estudo foi conduzido na área experimental do Departamento de Agricultura da Universidade Federal de Lavras. Observou-se efeito significativo de controle da ferrugem asiática para todos os fungicidas avaliados. A aplicação de pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole em R1 proporcionou o controle efetivo da doença, não diferindo estatisticamente de V6 + R1 e R1 + R5. As aplicações em R5 e V6 + R5 apresentaram elevada severidade, no entanto, com rendimento de grãos semelhante a aplicações do mesmo fungicida nos estádios R1, V6 + R1 e R1 + R5.The aim of this work was to verify the effect of the fungicides dicopper chloride trihydroxide, thiophanate methyl, chlorothalonil+thiophanate methyl, chlorothalonil, and pyraclostrobin+epoxiconazole applied at the stages V6, R1, R5, V6+R1, V6+R5, R1+R5 on the control of the Asian rust and on the agronomic characteristics of the soybean. The experiment was carried out at the experimental area of the Agriculture Department, Federal University of Lavras, Lavras MG, Brazil. Significant effects were observed for all fungicides on Asian rust control, in comparison with the control. The treatments with fungicide sprays pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole at the growth stage R1 provided the effective control of the disease, no significant differences were observed between V6 + R1 and R1 + R5. The sprays at R5 and V6 + R5 showed high disease severity however, with grain yield similar to the applications of the same fungicide at the stages R1, V6 + R1 and R1 + R5.

  10. Reação de cultivares de trigo à ferrugem da folha e mancha amarela e responsividade a fungicidas Reaction of wheat cultivars to leaf rust and yellow spot and responsiveness to fungicides

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    Nédio Rodrigo Tormen


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar a reação de cultivares de trigo à ferrugem da folha, causada por Puccinia triticina, e mancha amarela, causada por Drechslera tritici-repentis, e sua responsividade ao controle químico com fungicidas, foi conduzido experimento de campo durante os invernos de 2009 e 2010, Itaara-RS. As cultivares avaliadas foram 'FCEP 51', 'FCEP 52', 'CD 114', 'FCEP Campo Real', 'FCEP Cristalino', 'FCEP Nova Era', 'OR Marfim', 'OR Abalone', 'OR Safira' e 'OR Pampeano'; na safra 2010, a cultivar 'CD 114' foi substituída pela OR Quartzo. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: P1 - testemunha sem aplicação de fungicida; P2 - fempropimorfe (560g ha-1 de i.a.; P3 - azoxistrobina + ciproconazol (60+24g ha-1 de i.a.; e P4 - piraclostrobina + metconazol (60+97,5g ha-1 de i.a.. Após a segunda aplicação, efetuaram-se avaliações semanais de severidade das doenças, cujos dados foram utilizados para o cálculo da Área Abaixo da Curva de Progresso da Doença (AACPD. Também foram determinados a produtividade e o peso do hectolitro. No que se refere à suscetibilidade às doenças, as cultivares estudadas apresentaram respostas distintas de um ano para o outro. Para ferrugem, o comportamento mostrou-se similar em ambos os anos, enquanto que, para mancha amarela, houve variação. Quanto à resposta ao controle químico, ocorreram variações de acordo com o patógeno e com o grau de suscetibilidade das cultivares. O uso integrado de resistência genética e controle químico mostrou-se mais efetivo para ferrugem da folha.Aiming to evaluate the susceptibility of wheat cultivars to leaf rust and yellow spot and their responsiveness to chemical fungicides, two field trials were carried out, during 2009 and 2010 winter's. The cultivars evaluated were: 'FCEP 51', 'FCEP 52', 'CD114', 'FCEP Campo Real', 'FCEP Cristalino', 'FCEP Nova Era', 'OR Marfim', 'OR Abalone', 'OR Safira' and 'OR Pampeano'. In 2010, the 'CD 114' cultivar was replaced by Quartzo

  11. Fungicidas no controle da ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi e produtividade da soja Fungicides on the control of soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi and soybean yield

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    Rafael Moreira Soares


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito de fungicidas no desenvolvimento da ferrugem asiática, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, e na produtividade da soja. Os fungicidas foram pulverizados quando as plantas estavam no estádio de desenvolvimento R4. Utilizou-se a cultivar Fepagro-RS 10 e delineamento blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e dez tratamentos. A avaliação da severidade da doença foi feita 30 dias após a pulverização, utilizando-se uma escala de notas de 0 a 5, considerando-se a porcentagem da área foliar infectada. Os tratamentos com os fungicidas azoxystrobin, difenoconazole + propiconazole, fluquinconazole, myclobutanil, pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, tebuconazole e trifloxistrobina + propiconazole, controlaram o patógeno em relação à testemunha, mostrando notas médias de severidade igual ou inferior a 2 e não diferiram entre si. O tratamento com difenoconazole (nota 3,05 controlou o patógeno, mas com nota inferior ao tratamento com carbendazin (nota 3,85 e à testemunha (nota 4,5. Todos os tratamentos mostraram produtividades superiores à testemunha, variando entre 14,5% e 27,3%. O peso de cem sementes foi superior ao da testemunha para todos os tratamentos (11,8% a 14,4%, com exceção do carbendazin (5,2%.This work was done in order to evaluated the fungicides effect on the control of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, as well as their effect on yield. The fungicides were sprayed when the plants were at the growth stage R4. The cultivar used was Fepagro-RS 10. The experimental design used was a randomized blocks replicated four times and with ten treatments. The disease severity evaluation was done 30 days after spraying using a scale of notes (0 to 5, measuring the infected leaf area. The treatments with the fungicides azoxystrobin, difenoconazole + propiconazole, fluquinconazole, myclobutanil, pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, tebuconazole and trifloxystrobina + propiconazole controlled the

  12. Influência da poda de renovação e controle da ferrugem nas reservas de carboidratos e produção de pessegueiro precoce Influence of the renewal pruning and control of the rust in the carbohydrate reserves and production of precocious peach tree

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    João Paulo Campos de Araujo


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou verificar a influência da poda de renovação e controle da ferrugem nas reservas de carboidratos não-estruturados em ramos e raízes do pessegueiro cultivar Flordaprince, bem como o possível efeito na produção e qualidade dos frutos. O trabalho foi conduzido no Departamento de Produção Vegetal da ESALQ-USP, em Piracicaba. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em sete blocos ao acaso, constando de três tratamentos, sendo cada parcela constituída de quatro plantas. O tratamento 1 consistiu na realização da poda de renovação que foi executada 45 dias após a colheita, no mês de outubro de 2003. No tratamento 2, não se realizou a poda de renovação, e foi feito o controle da ferrugem. No tratamento 3, não foi realizada a poda de renovação, tampouco o controle da ferrugem, ocasionando desfolha antecipada. Os dados foram submetidos às análises de variância e à comparação das médias, pelo teste de Tukey. O espaçamento utilizado foi de 3,0 por 1,2 m, correspondendo a 2.777 plantas ha-1. As plantas foram conduzidas em sistema de líder central e receberam as práticas culturais normalmente utilizadas. Foram coletadas amostras de raízes e ramos que foram secos, moídos e submetidos à análise de laboratório para verificação dos teores de carboidratos não-estruturados. Ocorre flutuação na concentração de carboidratos solúveis nas raízes e nos ramos de acordo com a época da coleta, sendo que os teores de carboidratos solúveis nas raízes são sempre superiores àqueles encontrados nos ramos. O tratamento 2 apresentou maior produção de frutos e maior número de frutos por planta. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos nos aspectos qualitativos dos frutos, como diâmetro, comprimento, coloração e teor de sólidos solúveis.This work aimed to verify the influence of the renewal pruning and control of the rust in the reserves of non structured carbohydrates in branches and cultivar peach tree

  13. Efeito do número de aplicações de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja = Effect of the number of fungicide applications on the control of Asian soybean rust

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    Hélio Bandeira Barros


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do número de aplicações foliares de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem asiática, em cultivares de soja. O experimento foi conduzido na safra de 2003/04, em Viçosa, Estado de Minas Gerais. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha sem aplicação, uma aplicação realizada no estádio R5, duas aplicações (R4 e R6 e três aplicações (R4, R5 e R6, utilizando-se a mistura de fungicidas (pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole e carbendazin. Após a analise de variância e teste de médias, verificaram-se reduções significativas de 91,6 e 97,5% naseveridade de ferrugem asiática e de 100 e 86,8% na porcentagem de desfolha, no tratamento de três aplicações (R4, R5 e R6 da mistura dos fungicidas (pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, nas cultivares Vencedora e Conquista, respectivamente. Houve retardamento do ciclo, redução na porcentagem de abortamento de vagens e aumento no massa de 100 sementes nos tratamentos com aplicações de fungicidas em ambas as variedades. Altas produtividades foram obtidas nos tratamentos com três aplicações da mistura de fungicidas (pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole, não sendo, entretanto, verificadas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos com uma, duas ou três aplicações do fungicida carbendazin.This work aimed to evaluate the effect of the number of leafapplications of fungicides on the control of the Asian soybean rust. The experiment was carried out at the 2003/04 cropping season, in Viçosa, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized block design, consisting of four replicates. The following treatments: control without application, one application at stage R5; two applications at R4 and R6; and three applications at R4, R5 and R6. The fungicides pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole and carbendazin. After it analyzes her of variance and test of averages, it was

  14. Herança da resistência do Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03 à ferrugem-do-cafeeiro Inheritance of coffee leaf rust resistance in Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03

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    Alexandre Sandri Capucho


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a herança da resistência do Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03 à ferrugem-do-cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix. Para isso, a raça II e o patótipo 001 de ferrugem foram inoculados em 246 plantas da população F2, 115 plantas do retrocruzamento suscetível (RC S e 87 plantas do retrocruzamento resistente (RC R, originadas do cruzamento entre o genótipo suscetível cv. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 e a fonte de resistência Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03. Para ambos os inóculos, a cv. Catuaí Amarelo IAC 64 foi suscetível, enquanto o Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03, a planta representante da geração F1 e as plantas do RC R foram resistentes. As plantas F2, quando inoculadas com a raça II, apresentaram dois padrões de segregação significativos: 15:1 e 61:3. A herança da resistência foi confirmada pela inoculação das plantas do RC S, que segregaram na proporção de 3:1, padrão esperado para herança condicionada por dois genes. A hipótese de segregação 7:1 para três genes foi rejeitada. Resultados semelhantes foram obtidos para o patótipo 001. Dois genes dominantes e independentes conferem a resistência genética do Híbrido de Timor UFV 443-03 à raça II e ao patótipo 001 de H. vastatrix.The aim of this work was to characterize the resistance inheritance of the Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03 to coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix. For this, the race II and pathotype 001 of coffee leaf rust were inoculated in 246 F2 plants, 115 susceptible backcrossing (BCS plants, and 87 resistant backcrossing (BC R plants, derived from the crossing between the susceptible genotype 'Catuaí Amarelo' IAC 64 and the resistance source Timor Hybrid UFV 443-03. For both inoculums, the 'Catuaí Amarelo' IAC 64 was susceptible, while the Timor Hybrid, the plant representing F1 generation, and the BC R plants were resistant. The F2 plants inoculated with race II presented two significant segregation ratios: 15:1 and 61:3. The

  15. Eficiência de fungicidas sistêmicos no controle da ferrugem do Eucalyptus Efficacy of systemic fungicides in controlling Eucalyptus rust

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    Edival Ângelo Valverde Zauza


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos curativo e protetor e o tempo de absorção de fungicidas sistêmicos no controle da ferrugem do eucalipto. Azoxyztrobin, triadimenol, tetraconazole, tebuconazole e epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin apresentaram 100% de ação curativa quando aplicados até quatro dias após a inoculação. Aplicados após sete dias, apenas azoxystrobin, tebuconazole e epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin mantiveram o efeito curativo. Aos 10 dias depois da inoculação, os fungicidas reduziram a infecção, mas não controlaram totalmente a doença. Além do efeito curativo, azoxystrobin e triadimenol proporcionaram efeito protetor quando aplicados até 21 dias antes da inoculação de P. psidii. Avaliou-se o tempo mínimo de absorção de azoxystrobin, tebuconazole, triadimenol e trifloxystrobin. Esses quatro fungicidas foram absorvidos pela planta em todos os intervalos testados - 30, 60, 90 e 120 min - e inibiram a infecção de P. psidii em mudas de eucalipto.Curative and protective effects of systemic fungicides (azoxystrobin, triadmenol, tetraconazole, tebuconazole and the mixture epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin against eucalyptus rust were evaluated. To evaluate the curative effect, eucalyptus plants were sprayed with an inoculum suspension (2 x 10(4 urediniospores /mL and with each fungicide after 0, 4, 7, or 10 days. For the protective effect, the plants were sprayed with each fungicide and with the inoculum suspension after 0, 7, 14, 21, or 28 days. The number of pustules/leaf, sori/foliar area, and urediniospores/sorus was determined on the first two apical leaves. The best curative effect was achieved with azoxystrobin, tebuconazole, epoxiconazole + pyraclostrobin, and triadimenol, since the number of sori/foliar area and urediniospores/sorus was reduced when applied up to 7 days after inoculation. Regarding protective effect, azoxystrobin and triadimenol were the most effective fungicides, as no pustules formed on the leaves up to 21

  16. Adubação orgânica, nutrição e progresso de cercosporiose e ferrugem-do-cafeeiro Organic fertilization, nutrition and the progress of brown eye spot and rust in coffee trees

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    Florisvalda da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de fontes nutricionais orgânicas, no progresso da cercosporiose e da ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: palha de café + chorume suíno (PC+CS; torta de mamona + crotalária (TM+Cr; palha de café (PC; esterco bovino + crotalária (EB+Cr; palha de café + torta de mamona (PC+TM; e composto orgânico, torta de mamona, chorume suíno e crotalária (testemunha. A maior área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência da cercosporiose e da ferrugem foi registrada no tratamento PC (respectivamente 62 e 38% superiores à testemunha. O maior progresso das doenças coincidiu com a elevação no teor de K e redução nos teores de Ca foliares no tratamento PC, comparado às demais fontes de adubação, e resultou em maior desfolha e menor produtividade. Os tratamentos PC+TM e PC+CS reduziram a incidência da cercosporiose em 38% e da ferrugem em 31 e 21%, respectivamente, e aumentou o teor de Ca foliar ao final da fase de granação do cafeeiro, em comparação ao tratamento PC. O equilíbrio nutricional desses cafeeiros conferiu-lhes maior resistência e reduziu o efeito da bienalidade nas safras 2003/2004 e 2004/2005.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of organic nutrional sources on the progress of brown eye spot and coffee rust in coffee plants, between November 2003 and November 2005. The experimental design adopted was the randomized blocks, with four replications and six treatment plots: coffee fruit peel + swine waste (CP+SW; castor bean presscake + crotalaria (CBP+Cr; coffee fruit peel (CP; bovine manure + crotalaria (BM+Cr; coffee fruit peel + castor bean presscake (CP+CBP; and standard fertilization used in the farm, which combines compost, castor bean presscake, swine waste and crotalaria (control. The higher area under the incidence progress curves of brown eye

  17. Identificação e validação de marcadores microssatélites ligados ao gene Rpp5 de resistência à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja Identification and validation of microsatellite markers linked to the Rpp5 gene conferring resistance to Asian soybean rust

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    Thaiza Galhardo Silva Morceli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar novos marcadores microssatélites, ligados ao gene Rpp5 de resistência à ferrugem-da-soja, e validar os marcadores previamente mapeados, para que possam ser utilizados em programas de seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares (SAM. Para tanto, uma população F2 com 100 indivíduos, derivada do cruzamento entre a PI 200526 e a cultivar Coodetec 208, suscetível à ferrugem, foi artificialmente infectada e avaliada quanto à sua reação de resistência à ferrugem. Marcadores microssatélites foram testados nos genitores e em dois "bulks" contrastantes, para a identificação de marcadores ligados. Dois novos marcadores, potencialmente associados à resistência, foram testados em plantas individuais, e se constatou que eles estão ligados ao gene Rpp5 e estão presentes no grupo de ligação N da soja. A eficiência de seleção foi determinada em relação a todos os marcadores ligados ao gene Rpp5, e a combinação entre os marcadores Sat_275+Sat_280 foi de 100%.The main objective of this work was to identify new microsatellite markers, linked to the Rpp5 resistance gene to Asian soybean rust, and to validate previously mapped markers for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS programs. To this end, a F2 population with 100 individuals, derived from crossing between PI 200526 and cultivar Coodetec 208, susceptible to rust, was artificially infected and evaluated for its reaction of resistance to rust. Microsatellite markers were tested on parents and in the two contrasting bulks to identifying linked markers. Two new markers, potentially associated with resistance, were tested in individual plants, and they were found to be linked to gene Rpp5 and to be present in the N linkage group of soybean. The selection efficiencies were determined for all markers linked to gene Rpp5, and the combination of the markers Sat_275+Sat_280 was 100%.

  18. Análise multivariada dos componentes da resistência à ferrugem-asiática em genótipos de soja Multivariate analysis of resistance components to Asian rust in soybean genotypes

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    Lucimara Junko Koga


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi detalhar os ciclos de infecção da Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd. em genótipos de soja, para o estabelecimento de grupos de genótipos mais promissores para o uso como fontes de resistência à ferrugem. Os componentes do ciclo de infecção foram quantificados em 48 genótipos. Foram avaliados: tipo de lesão, intensidade de esporulação, severidade, número de lesões e de urédias e produtividade de urediniósporos. Pela análise de agrupamentos, formaram-se quatro grupos: A - desenvolveu a maior quantidade de doença; B - desenvolveu a menor quantidade de doença; C - baixa resistência inicial e D - alta resistência inicial. Os genótipos dos grupos B, C e D apresentaram lesões RB ("redish-brown" e variaram quanto à resistência inicial, resistência tardia, intensidade de esporulação, estabilidade da resposta qualitativa, produtividade de urediniósporos e número de dias para atingir 50% da severidade máxima. Entre as variáveis analisadas, as que apresentaram importância prática foram as avaliações das respostas qualitativas e as de severidade. Esta última reflete os efeitos combinados de resistência sobre todos os componentes da infecção e apresentam importância prática na diferenciação de genótipos, quanto à resistência à doença. Os genótipos dos grupos B, C e D manifestaram resistência qualitativa e quantitativa, em diferentes graus, e promissores para serem utilizados como fontes de genes de resistência à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja.The objective of this study was to detail the infection cycles of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd. in soybean genotypes, in order to establish a group of the most promising genotypes for use as sources of resistance to Asian soybean rust. The infection cycle components were quantified in 48 genotypes. The assessments consisted of: type of lesion, intensity of sporulation, severity, number of lesions and uredinias, and productivity of

  19. Efeito do tratamento de sementes com fungicidas e acibenzolar-S-methyl no controle da ferrugem asiática e crescimento de plântulas em cultivares de soja Effect of seed treatment with fungicides and acibenzolar-S-methyl in soybean cultivars on Asian rust control and seedlings growth

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    Daniel Debona


    Full Text Available A influência de acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM, e fungicidas aplicados via tratamento de sementes sobre a ferrugem asiática bem como o crescimento de plântulas de soja foi avaliada em experimento conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, utilizando as cultivares de soja 'Agiara', 'M-soy 8000' e 'M-soy 8080'. Os tratamentos foram três doses de ASM (0,05; 0,1 e 0,2 g de i.a. por kg de sementes, ASM (na dose de 0,1 g de i.a. por kg de sementes combinado aos fungicidas flutriafol, pyraclostrobin e azoxystrobin, e a aplicação isolada destes, além de uma testemunha tratada com água. Os resultados mostraram redução da Área Abaixo da Curva de Progresso da Ferrugem (AACPF com o aumento da dose de ASM nas três cultivares de soja. A utilização isolada do ASM em diferentes doses proporcionou uma redução da AACPF além de apresentar, na maioria dos casos, um efeito sinérgico com os fungicidas, aumentando a eficiência de controle quando comparada às aplicações isoladas. Com exceção do ASM na menor dosagem, todos os tratamentos apresentaram controle superior a 77 % comparados à testemunha. Em geral, o tratamento de sementes com ASM e fungicidas resultou numa redução da massa seca (MS em relação à testemunha. A utilização de ASM associado a fungicidas na tentativa de atrasar a infecção da ferrugem asiática da soja nos períodos iniciais da cultura constitui-se em uma alternativa viável para redução do inóculo inicial, entretanto possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos devem ser considerados.The influence of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM and fungicides ASM in different doses provided reduction of AUPRC as well as it applied as seed treatment on Asian rust control as well as on growth presented synergism with the fungicides, increasing the control of soybean seedlings were evaluated in a completely randomized efficiency when compared to single applications. Except for ASM experiment with

  20. Severidade de ferrugem polissora em cultivares de milho e seu efeito na produtividade Severity of southern rust in maize cultivars and its effect on yield

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    Christina Dudienas


    Full Text Available A ferrugem polissora, causada por Puccinia polysora Underw. é uma das doenças mais destrutivas da cultura do milho, ocorrendo em importantes áreas de produção desta cultura no Brasil. A principal forma de controle desta doença é o uso de cultivares resistentes, havendo no mercado um grande número de cultivares com diferentes graus de resistência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a reação de cultivares comerciais de milho quanto à resistência à ferrugem polissora, em diferentes localidades no Estado de São Paulo, correlacionando com a produtividade. Foram avaliados 50 híbridos simples e triplos (HST e 22 híbridos duplos e variedades de milho (HDV em uso pelos agricultores no ano agrícola 2005/2006 quanto à sua reação à ferrugem polissora em seis locais nas regiões oeste e centro-norte do Estado de São Paulo. Nos experimentos com HST, as cultivares mais resistentes e que tiveram as maiores produtividades foram: 30F80, 30F90, 30K73, AG 7000, DAS 2B710, DKB 191, DKB 466 e Impacto. Dentre os HDV, destacaram-se como as mais resistentes e apresentando as maiores produtividades: 30S40 e AG 2040. A redução de produtividade em função da severidade da ferrugem polissora, avaliada no estádio de grãos pastosos, variou de 3,5% para cultivares com aproximadamente 2,5% de área foliar afetada a 20,3% para cultivares com, em média, 39% de área foliar afetada, em relação às cultivares com maior resistência à doença (1,4% de área foliar afetada.Southern rust, caused by Puccinia polysora Underw., has become one of the most destructive diseases affecting maize, occurring in important areas of production of this crop in Brazil. Using resistant cultivars is the most efficient means to control this disease, and there are a large number of cultivars with different resistance degrees in the market. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reaction of commercial maize cultivars for resistance to southern rust in different

  1. Citronella essential oil in the control and activation of coffee plants defense response against rust and brown eye spot Óleo essencial de citronela no controle e na ativação de respostas de defesa do cafeeiro contra a ferrugem e cercosporiose

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    Ricardo Borges Pereira


    Full Text Available The rust and brown eye spot are the main coffee diseases. The losses are due to intense defoliation of plants, which has reduced its production and longevity. The brown eye spot also occurs in fruits, with negative effects on the beverage quality. Some essential oils have presented promising results in the control of plant diseases, as an alternative to the use of fungicides. The objective of this study was to evaluate citronella essential oil in the control of rust and brown eye spot and in the activation of coffee plants defense responses. Twelve-month-old plants were sprayed with citronella oil 1000 µL L-1, acibenzolar-S-methyl 200 mg L-1 and tebuconazole fungicide 200 mg L-1. Plants were inoculated with Hemileia vastatrix and Cercospora coffeicola seven days later. The application was repeated after 30 days. Plants with five months were sprayed with the same treatments to assess the induced defense responses. Citronella oil controlled rust and brown eye spot with efficiencies of 47.2% and 29.7%, respectively, while tebuconazole presented control of 96.5% and 90.5%, respectively. Acibenzolar-S-methyl reduced brown eye spot by 55.9% and showed no significant control of rust. Citronella oil increased peroxidase and chitinase activities in five months coffee plants 336, and 24 and 336 hours after spraying, respectively. Acibenzolar-S-methyl increased peroxidase, chitinase and ββ-1,3-glucanase activities 192, 288 and 336; 24 and; 240 hours after spraying, respectively. The treatments did not increase accumulation of phenols, but a significant increase in lignin was observed in plants sprayed with citronella oil.A ferrugem e a cercosporiose são as principais doenças de cafeeiro. Os prejuízos se devem a intensa desfolha das plantas que têm sua produção e longevidade reduzidas. A cercosporiose também ocorre nos frutos, com reflexos negativos na qualidade da bebida. Alguns óleos essenciais têm apresentado resultados promissores no

  2. O lugar da medicina tropical nas dissertações da escola médica portuense, 1875-1923

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    Rui Manuel Pinto Costa


    Full Text Available Desde 1827 a Escola Médico-Cirúrgica do Porto publicou centenas de teses inaugurais dedicadas a uma grande variedade de temas de natureza médica. Tendo em atenção a predominância da escola de Lisboa na elaboração de um conhecimento científico próprio na área da medicina tropical, o contributo do estabelecimento portuense pode ser considerado residual em termos comparativos. No entanto, entre 1875 e 1923, existem fontes documentais que versam a temática das doenças tropicais, em particular do paludismo/sezonismo. Com este trabalho, pretende-se mostrar os contributos aportados pela Escola Médico-Cirúrgica do Porto a um tema que à partida não despertou um particular interesse dos médicos nortenhos, analisando e enquadrando a produção científica em redor da medicina tropical.

  3. Quantificação da ferrugem asiática e aspectos nutricionais de soja suprida com silício em solução nutritiva Quantification of Asian rust and nutritional aspects of soybean due to the use of silicon supplied via nutrient solution

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    Luciana Maria de Lima


    Full Text Available Para quantificar a severidade da ferrugem, os teores de clorofilas a e b e os carotenóides e também a nutrição em plantas de soja supridas com silício, implantou-se um experimento em blocos casualizados com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram em doses de silicato de potássio (0 mg/L, 56 mg/L, 112 mg/L, 168 mg/L, 224 mg/L e 280 mg/L. As plantas foram inoculadas no estádio V4. Nove dias após a inoculação, iniciaram-se as avaliações semanais do número de lesões de ferrugem da soja/cm² de área foliar, no total de cinco. Ao final do experimento, os dados foram integrados ao longo do tempo, obtendo-se a área abaixo da curva do número de lesões/cm² (AACNL. Após o término das avaliações, determinou-se a quantidade de clorofilas a e b, carotenóides e lignina das folhas das plantas de soja com as doses crescentes de silício. Os teores de macro e micronutrientes da parte aérea das plantas também foram analisados. Observou-se redução da AACNL com aumento das doses de silício na solução nutritiva. A AACNL reduziu, enquanto que os teores de fósforo, cálcio, enxofre e zinco, de clorofila b, carotenóides e lignina, na parte aérea, aumentaram com a adição de silício.Aiming to quantify the severity of Asian rust, the content of the chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids as well some nutritional aspects of soybean plants supplied with silicon in the form of soluble potassium silicate solution an experiment was carried out in a random block design with 6 treatments and four replicates. Treatments comprised potassium six silicate doses (0 mg/L, 56 mg/L, 112 mg/L, 168 mg/L, 224 mg/L and 280 mg/L. Plants were inoculated at the V4 stage and evaluated for rust severity five times starting at the 9th day after inoculation weekly. The severity data were integrated with time obtaining the area under the number lesions progress curve (AUNLC. At the end of experiment, shoots from plants that received increasing

  4. Preservação de urediniósporos de Puccinia melanocephala, agente causal de ferrugem em cana-de-açúcar Preservation of uredospores of Puccinia melanocephala, the causal agent of sugarcane rust

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    Ely Oliveira Garcia


    Full Text Available A sazonalidade na manifestação da ferrugem da cana dificulta a obtenção de esporos em quantidades adequadas para inoculações em qualquer época do ano, restringindo os trabalhos envolvendo o patógeno aos meses nos quais a doença esta presente no campo. O trabalho visou desenvolver uma metodologia para preservar os esporos por períodos prolongados, mantendo sua viabilidade e infectividade. Esporos foram coletados a partir de folhas naturalmente infectadas, com bomba de vácuo. Parte dos esporos foi desidratada por liofilização ou em sílica gel e outra parte não passou por desidratação. Armazenaram-se estes esporos em diferentes temperaturas (temp. ambiente, 5ºC, -20 ºC, -80ºC. Periodicamente, a viabilidade dos esporos foi avaliada por meio de plaqueamento em ágar-água. Após o quarto mês, foi também avaliada a infectividade dos esporos armazenados por meio de inoculações na variedade suscetível SP70-1143, seguida da avaliação da área foliar atacada. Os esporos armazenados à temperatura ambiente e a 5ºC, independentemente da desidratação, permaneceram viáveis por períodos máximos de 1 mês e 2 meses, respectivamente. Os melhores tratamentos consistiram na desidratação em sílica gel, seguida pelo armazenamento à -20ºC e -80ºC. Mesmo após um ano de armazenamento nestas condições, os esporos provocaram ferrugem nas plantas inoculadas, em níveis de severidade adequados para um teste de discriminação de reações à ferrugem.The seasonality in the appearance of sugarcane rust makes it difficult to obtain in any season of year, adequate quantities uredospores for artificial inoculations in a breeding program. This research aimed to develop a long-term storage methodology to preserve uredospores of Puccicinia melanocephala to keep their viability and infectivity. Uredospores were collect using a vacuum pump from naturally rusted leaves. Part of these uredospores was dehydrated in silica gel or lyophilized

  5. Velocidade do ar em barra de pulverização na deposição da calda fungicida, severidade da ferrugem asiática e produtividade da soja Effect of the air speed in sleeve boom on pesticide spray deposition, severity and soybean crop yield

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    Evandro Pereira Prado


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou comparar a deposição da pulverização e o controle da ferrugem asiática após o tratamento com fungicidas sob quatro velocidades da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização na cultura da soja. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos na FCA/UNESP - Campus de Botucatu, safra 2006/07. Alvos artificiais foram fixados na superfície adaxial e abaxial de folíolos posicionados nas partes superior e inferior das plantas selecionadas e distribuídas perpendicularmente ao deslocamento do pulverizador. O oxicloreto de cobre (50% de cobre metálico foi o marcador utilizado em pulverização e a determinação quantitativa dos depósitos feita com o uso de espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Após a aplicação do fungicida piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole sob diferentes velocidades da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização (0, 9, 11 e 29 km h-1 procedeu-se a avaliação da severidade da doença e produtividade da soja. Na parte superior das plantas os maiores níveis de depósitos foram encontrados na pulverização sem assistência de ar. Já na parte inferior da planta foram encontrados os maiores níveis de deposição quando foram utilizadas as maiores velocidades da assistência de ar. No geral, a severidade da doença foi mais acentuada nos tratamentos sem o uso da assistência de ar. Em relação à produtividade não houve diferenças entre os tratamentos com aplicação de fungicidas, porém houve incremento na produtividade para os tratamentos com assistência de ar.This research aimed to evaluate the effects of chemical control of the rust and deposition fungicide sprayed under four air speed in spray boom on soybean crop (Glycine max L.. Two experiments were carried out in FCA/UNESP-Botucatu/SP (season 2007/08. The tracer used in the spray solution was copper oxychloride (50% of the metallic copper. It was measured by spectrophotometer of atomic absorption equipment. The targets were fixed on

  6. Controle da ferrugem das folhas do capim-limão [Cymbopogon citratus (DC: Stapf] com produtos naturais Rust control in leaves of lemongrass [Cymbopogon citratus (DC: Stapf] by using natural products

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    E.R. Lorenzetti


    Full Text Available Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf é uma planta medicinal pertencente a família Poaceae, perene, importante para a indústria farmacêutica e alimentícia devido ao óleo essencial que produz. Um problema limitante para a produção comercial é a ferrugem, doença cujo agente etiológico é o fungo Puccinia nakanishikii Dietel. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a ação de produtos naturais no controle da doença in vitro e in vivo. Para os testes in vitro, empregaram-se os seguintes produtos sobre a germinação de esporos do patógeno: óleos essenciais de eucalipto, palma-rosa, cravo-da-índia, menta, limão, citronela e mil-folhas; extrato pirolenhoso de eucalipto e mentol cristalizado, em diferentes concentrações. Para os testes de campo foram selecionados quatro produtos, o óleo de citronela e de eucalipto, o extrato pirolenhoso, e o mentol. In vitro, todos os agentes mostraram-se promissores no controle do patógeno. Quando em condições in vivo, sob alta severidade da doença no ato da avaliação, os produtos testados foram capazes de reduzir a severidade da doença em comparação com a testemunha. O controle da doença com os agentes naturais variou de 38% (extrato pirolenhoso a 61%(óleo essencial de eucalipto.Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf is a medicinal plant that belongs to the Poaceae family; it is perennial and important for the pharmaceutical and food industry due to the essential oil it produces. A limiting problem for commercial production is rust, a disease that has as etiological agent the fungus Puccinia nakanishikii Dietel. The present study aimed to evaluate the action of natural products on the disease control, in vitro and in vivo. For the in vitro tests, the following products were employed on the germination of the pathogen spores: essential oils from eucalyptus, palmarosa, clove, peppermint, lemon, citronella and yarrow, pyroligneous extract from eucalyptus, and crystallized menthol, at different

  7. Spray nozzles and time of fungicide application on Asian soybean rust controlPontas de pulverização e horários de aplicação no controle químico de ferrugem asiática da soja

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    Jackeline Matos do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Spray nozzles were evaluated at two different spraying times (14h and 17h 30m, in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil regarding Asian soybean rust control (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sidow. Four spray nozzles were evaluated: deflector plain tips, double deflector plain tips, extended range flat spray tips and double plain tips. A commercial formulation of epoxiconazole and pyraclostrobin (0,5 L ha-1 was sprayed in the plots. Soybean leaves were collected at the top, middle and lower canopy, for assessment of the number of lesions and uredinias. In addition, leaf area affected by P. pachyrhizi was estimated. Plots sprayed with double deflector plain tips had lower uredinia counts in the lower canopy compared to the other tips tested. Sprays done early in the afternoon with double deflector plain nozzles had lower uredinia counts compared to the other treatments. Smaller defoliation and greater a-thousand grain mass were detected in plots sprayed with fungicide using a double deflector plain tip compared to the deflector plain nozzle. Soybean yield was not affected by nozzles and time of fungicide spray.O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Dourados-MS, com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de pontas de pulverização e horários de aplicação de fungicida no controle químico da ferrugem asiática da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sidow. Avaliaram-se quatro pontas de pulverização: jato plano defletor, jato plano defletor duplo, já to plano de faixa ampliada, jato plano duplo. As aplicações ocorreram nos horários de 14h e 17h 30min com pulverizador costal à pressão constante. O fungicida utilizado foi uma formulação comercial de epoxiconazol e piraclostrobina (0,5 L ha-1. Foram coletados folíolos nos terços superior, médio e inferior para avaliação do número de lesões, urédias, e área foliar lesionada. Menor número de urédias no terço inferior foi observado em plantas que receberam aplicação de fungicida às 14h via ponta jato plano defletor duplo

  8. Flutuação populacional do bicho-mineiro em cultivares de café arábica resistentes à ferrugem Fluctuation of leaf miner population in resistant arabica coffee cultivars to leaf rust

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    Celso Henrique Costa Conceição


    Full Text Available A intensidade de infestação pelo bicho-mineiro, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville (Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae foi investigada nas cultivares Obatã IAC 1669-20 e Tupi IAC 1669-33, com resistência à ferrugem das folhas do cafeeiro, Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br., e Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, suscetível à doença, em ensaios de campo, localizados em Campinas (SP, Brasil. A incidência de ferrugem e a ocorrência de inimigos naturais da praga, assim como o enfolhamento das plantas, foram também observados nas três cultivares. As curvas de flutuação populacional obtidas para Obatã IAC 1669-20 e Tupi IAC 1669-33 revelaram maior incidência do bicho-mineiro entre abril e novembro. Já na cultivar Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, observaram-se dois picos de infestação, sendo o primeiro em abril-maio e o segundo em agosto-setembro. No entanto, a elevada percentagem de folhas minadas nas cultivares Tupi IAC 1669-33 e Obatã IAC 1669-20 em relação à Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397 não é evidência de maior suscetibilidade à praga, mas sim devido à maior retenção foliar dessas cultivares, em conseqüência da resistência à ferrugem das folhas observada em ambas. De maneira oposta, na cultivar Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, os sintomas de ataque do bicho-mineiro ocorreram em menor nível especialmente devido a maior queda de folhas. Com base nas diferenças observadas entre as cultivares, sugere-se a adoção de estratégias distintas de manejo da praga.The intensity of infestation of leaf-miner, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville was investigated in coffee cultivars Obatã IAC 1669-20 and Tupi IAC 1669-33, both resistant to the leaf rust agent, Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br., and Ouro Verde Amarelo IAC 4397, susceptible to this coffee disease, at field assays in Campinas, SP, Brazil. The incidence of coffee rust and presence of natural enemies, as well as the plant leafiness, were also observed. In Obatã IAC 1669-20 and Tupi

  9. Doenças foliares da alfafa (Medicago sativa L., em Lavras, Minas Gerais

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    Pereira Rosana Cristina


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se verificar as doenças foliares que ocorrem na alfafa em Lavras-MG, no período de setembro de 1997 a outubro de 1998. Um ensaio foi conduzido em blocos ao acaso em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. Nas parcelas foram alocadas foram 35 cultivares e nas subparcelas 11 épocas de avaliação. Avaliações foram realizadas aos 28 dias após corte, quando foram coletadas dez hastes de alfafa por parcela para avaliação da desfolha e determinação da severidade das doenças. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e os contrastes entre médias comparados pelo teste de Scott-Knott a 5%. A mancha-de-Leptosphaerulina ocorreu durante o ano todo, porém com maior severidade nos períodos mais frios do ano. A mancha-negra-das-folhas-e-caule apresentou maior severidade no final do verão e início do outono e a ferrugem revelou maior severidade apenas nas avaliações de novembro. As maiores porcentagens de desfolha foram obtidas nos meses mais frios do ano. As cultivares mais resistentes à mancha-de-Leptosphaerulina, cercosporiose e à desfolha foram a Crioula, P30 e Costera SP INTA. As cultivares MH 15 e MH 4 destacaram-se pela maior resistência à ferrugem.

  10. Selection strategies of segregant soybean populations for resistance to Asian rust Estratégias de seleção de populações segregantes de soja para resistência à ferrugem-asiática

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    Aliny Simony Ribeiro


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to identify the best selection strategies for the more promising parental combinations to obtain lines with good resistance to soybean Asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Two experiments were carried out in the field during the 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 growing seasons, to determine the percentage of infected leaf area of individual plants of five parents and their segregant F2 and F3 populations. The data obtained indicates that additive genetic variance predominates in the control of soybean resistance to Asian rust, and that the year and time of assessment do not significantly influence the estimates of the genetic parameters obtained. The narrow-sense heritability (h²r ranged from 23.12 to 55.83%, and indicates the possibility of successful selection of resistant individuals in the early generations of the breeding program. All the procedures used to select the most promising populations to generate superior inbred lines for resistance to P. pachyrhizi presented similar results and identified the BR01-18437 x BRS 232 population as the best for inbred line selection.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as estratégias mais eficientes para selecionar as combinações parentais mais promissoras e obter linhas com bom grau de resistência à ferrugem-asiática da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Dois experimentos foram realizados em campo nos anos agrícolas 2006/2007 e 2007/2008, para avaliar a percentagem da área foliar infectada em plantas individuais de cinco parentais e das suas populações segregantes F2 e F3. Os dados obtidos indicam que a variância genética aditiva predomina no controle da resistência da soja à ferrugem-asiática e que os anos e as épocas de avaliação não influenciaram significativamente as estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos obtidos. A herdabilidade no sentido restrito (h²r variou de 23,12 a 55,83%, o que indica a possibilidade de sucesso com a seleção de indiv

  11. Ferrovias, doenças e medicina tropical no Brasil da Primeira República Railroads, disease, and tropical medicine in Brazil under the First Republic

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    Jaime Larry Benchimol


    Full Text Available Aborda o impacto da malária no âmbito da modernização republicana, basicamente nas ferrovias, que asssumiram então o papel de integrar o território e operar a expansão simbólica e material da nação brasileira. Os cientistas destacados para debelar os surtos epidêmicos não se limitaram a realizar as campanhas. Fizeram observações sobre aspectos da doença, inclusive suas relações com hospedeiros e ambientes, contribuindo com novos conhecimentos e com a institucionalização, no Brasil, de novo campo que então se estabelecia nas potências coloniais européias: a medicina tropical. O artigo articula essas inovações - especialmente a teoria da infecção domiciliária - com as campanhas em prol de ferrovias e com estágio subseqüente no enfrentamento da malária no Brasil, nos anos 1920.The article explores the impact of malaria on infrastructure works - above all, railroads - under the republican drive towards modernization. Railways helped tie the territory together and foster the symbolic and material expansion of the Brazilian nation. The scientists entrusted with vanquishing such epidemic outbreaks did not just conduct campaigns; they also undertook painstaking observations of aspects of the disease, including its relations to hosts and the environment, thus contributing to the production of new knowledge of malaria and to the institutionalization of a new field in Brazil, then taking root in Europe's colonies: "tropical medicine." The article shows the ties between these innovations (especially the theory of domiciliary infection and the sanitary campaigns that helped the railways, which in the 1920s were followed by a new phase in Brazil's anti-malaria efforts.

  12. Avaliação de clones de eucalipto para resistência à ferrugem em condições de micropropagação

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    Reginaldo Gonçalves Mafia


    Full Text Available A ferrugem, causada pelo fungo Puccinia psidii, é uma das doenças mais frequentes nos plantios de eucalipto no Brasil. Atualmente, o plantio de clones resistentes constitui a principal estratégia para o controle da doença no campo. Para selecionar clones resistentes, é fundamental inocular e avaliar a resposta fenotípica de diferentes materiais genéticos, o que demanda tempo e recursos. Para facilitar e acelerar essa etapa do programa de melhoramento genético, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência em paralelo à etapa de multiplicação dos clones de eucalipto pela técnica de micropropagação. Para isso, seis clones foram multiplicados em meio MS, modificado nas fases de multiplicação, alongamento e enraizamento. Após 60 dias de incubação, os explantes foram inoculados com suspensão de esporos do patógeno ajustada para 2x10(4 urediniósporos mL-1. Os explantes foram incubados a 24 ± 2 ºC, fotoperíodo de 14 h de luz com intensidade de 20 ∝mol.s-1.m-2. Após 7, 11 e 14 dias da inoculação, avaliou-se a incidência da doença. Observou-se que as reações dos genótipos avaliados em condições de micropropagação foram altamente correlacionadas com os fenótipos determinados pelo procedimento-padrão de inoculação. Assim, o uso desse protocolo permite avaliar grande número de genótipos, com maior rapidez e precisão.

  13. Efeito de agrotóxicos sobre Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa, 1905 (Acari: Eriophyidae na região da campanha do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Paulo Ricardo Ebert Siqueira


    Full Text Available O Rio Grande do Sul apresenta a maior área de cultivo de videiras no Brasil; neste Estado, a Região da Campanha possui características edafoclimáticas adequadas à produção de cultivares viníferas de origem europeia e apresentou, na primeira década deste milênio, significativa expansão de área. A partir de 2005, o ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira, Calepitrimerus vitis, passou a ser encontrado com frequência nos vinhedos da Campanha. Nos países onde esta espécie está estabelecida, reduções significativas na produção de uva são observadas, e a necessidade de controle é constante, não havendo, até o momento, produtos autorizados no Brasil para o controle de C. vitis. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar diversos agrotóxicos quanto à eficiência de controle de C. vitis em um vinhedo comercial, na região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido durante os anos de 2008 e 2009, comparando o nível de infestação nas plantas através do emprego de armadilhas adesivas. No ano de 2008, a eficiência de controle durante o outono não diferiu da testemunha. O emprego de enxofre em uma única pulverização no outono, ou em duas pulverizações, sendo uma no outono e outra na primavera, controlou eficientemente C. vitis na primavera. Os acaricidas abamectina e espirodiclofeno foram eficientes no controle de C. vitis na primavera, tanto com uma única pulverização, como com duas pulverizações, sendo uma no outono e outra na primavera. No outono de 2009, os tratamentos com espirodiclofeno e cihexatina foram eficientes no controle de C. vitis. O ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira é controlado eficientemente com pulverizações de cihexatina, enxofre ou espirodiclofeno no outono ou durante a primavera com abamectina, enxofre ou espirodiclofeno.

  14. Efeito de fungicidas cúpricos, aplicados isoladamente ou em combinação com mancozeb, na expressão de sintomas de fitotoxicidade e controle da ferrugem causada por Puccinia psidii em goiabeira Effect of copper fungicides, sprayed alone or in combination with mancozeb, in expression of phytotoxicity symptoms and rust control caused by Puccinia psidii in guava

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    Antonio de Goes


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em pomares de goiabeira 'Paluma', nos municípios de Monte Alto e Vista Alegre do Alto-SP. No primeiro experimento, avaliou-se o efeito de formulações de fungicidas cúpricos, aplicados isoladamente e em mistura com mancozeb, quanto ao efeito fitotóxico em botões florais e em frutos de goiabeira, em três estádios de desenvolvimento. No segundo experimento, foram avaliados os mesmos fungicidas usados no primeiro experimento, sendo, porém, acrescido do tratamento constituído por tebuconazole, cujo alvo foi sua eficiência no controle da ferrugem. No primeiro experimento, verificou-se que nenhum dos fungicidas testados causou abortamento de flores ou outros tipos de sintomas de fitotoxicidade em frutos de tamanho inferior a 15 mm de diâmetro. Contrariamente, estes fungicidas, quando aplicados isoladamente, em frutos entre 25 a 35 mm de diâmetro, causaram sintomas severos de fitotoxicidade. Em frutos de tamanho superior a 40 mm de diâmetro, estes fungicidas causaram sintomas de fitotoxicidade de níveis leves a moderados. A combinação de fungicidas cúpricos com mancozeb causou sintomas de fitotoxicidade em níveis leves, enquanto com mancozeb isoladamente não foram verificados sintomas de fitotoxicidade. No segundo experimento, verificou-se que os fungicidas cúpricos, aplicados isoladamente, foram eficientes no controle da ferrugem da goiabeira, apresentando eficiência comparável ao tratamento-padrão representado por tebuconazole. Esta eficiência foi também observada mediante o emprego da combinação mancozeb e óxido cuproso ou hidróxido de cobre.Two experiments were carried out in guava orchards cv. 'Paluma' at Monte Alto and Vista Alegre do Alto/SP. In Experiment 1 it was used copper fungicides applied alone and in combination with mancozeb to evaluate the effect of phytotoxicity on floral buds and guava fruits in three developmental stages. In Experiment 2 it was used the same fungicides

  15. Primeira ocorrência de ferrugem em capim-limão causada por Puccinia cymbopogonis no Brasil First report of the lemongrass rust fungi caused by Puccinia cymbopogonis in Brazil

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    João Batista Vida


    Full Text Available È registrada a primeira ocorrência de ferrugem em capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf, causada por Puccinia cymbopogonis Mass., no Brasil, Estado do Paraná.It is reported the first occurrence of the lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus (DC. Stapf rust fungi caused by Puccinia cymbopogonis Mass. in Brazil, State of Paraná.

  16. Memórias da dor: a escrita como um território de libertação, empoderamento e resistência em Tropical sol da liberdade

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    Camila Marchesan Cargnelutti


    Nesse artigo, analisa-se o romance Tropical sol da liberdade (1988, da escritora brasileira Ana Maria Machado, publicado no contexto pós-ditatorial brasileiro. Observamos alguns aspectos da protago­nista, Lena, como mulher duplamente oprimida — por suas ideologias e por seu gênero. In­vestigamos também a tentativa de reconstrução pós-traumática de sua história e de sua identidade a partir da escrita literária. O romance proporciona uma leitura alternativa do contexto da ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985 a partir de uma visão feminina. Além disso, tanto a autora quanto a personagem rejeitam o silenciamento das vozes femininas, promovem um rompimento com o papel de subordinação historicamente reservado às mulheres e contribuem para a desconstrução da representação tradicional do gênero feminino, dentro e fora do campo literário.

  17. Memórias da dor: a escrita como um território de libertação, empoderamento e resistência em Tropical sol da liberdade

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    Camila Marchesan Cargnelutti


    Full Text Available Nesse artigo, analisa-se o romance Tropical sol da liberdade (1988, da escritora brasileira Ana Maria Machado, publicado no contexto pós-ditatorial brasileiro. Observamos alguns aspectos da protago­nista, Lena, como mulher duplamente oprimida — por suas ideologias e por seu gênero. In­vestigamos também a tentativa de reconstrução pós-traumática de sua história e de sua identidade a partir da escrita literária. O romance proporciona uma leitura alternativa do contexto da ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985 a partir de uma visão feminina. Além disso, tanto a autora quanto a personagem rejeitam o silenciamento das vozes femininas, promovem um rompimento com o papel de subordinação historicamente reservado às mulheres e contribuem para a desconstrução da representação tradicional do gênero feminino, dentro e fora do campo literário.

  18. Influência da nutrição mineral foliar sobre doenças da parte aérea da cultura do trigo

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    Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales


    Full Text Available A utilização de fungicida para o controle de doenças foliares na cultura do trigo é prática comum entre os triticultores. Contudo, devido ao impacto ambiental provocado pelo seu uso generalizado, buscam-se alternativas para controle dos fitopatógenos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da nutrição mineral foliar sobre as doenças foliares do trigo, bem como seu efeito sobre o desenvolvimento da planta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e quatro tratamentos: 1- testemunha; 2- adubação foliar aos 30 dias após a emergência (DAE e aos 75 DAE; 3- fungicida aos 30 e 75 DAE; e 4- adubação foliar aos 30 DAE e adubação foliar mais fungicida aos 75 DAE. Foram realizadas nove avaliações da incidência e da severidade do oídio, cujos dados foram utilizados para o cálculo das áreas abaixo das curvas de progresso da doença; três avaliações da severidade da ferrugem e da mancha da gluma; e duas avaliações da mancha amarela. Foram determinadas a massa de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e a produtividade da cultura. Foi observada redução da incidência e da severidade de oídio em função da adubação foliar, apenas na primeira avaliação de incidência e nas segunda e quinta avaliações de severidade da doença. O efeito complementar dos nutrientes com o fungicida para redução das doenças foi observado apenas para a mancha amarela, com redução de aproximadamente 11,16 % da severidade. Os maiores valores de produtividade foram observados para os tratamentos apenas com fungicida e, com fungicida mais nutrientes. A adubação foliar proporcionou aumento da massa fresca de raízes e massa seca de raízes. Apesar disso, não houve aumento da massa fresca da parte aérea em função da adubação foliar.

  19. Eficiência da seleção de progênies de café F4 pela metodologia de modelos mistos (REML/BLUP

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    Thamiris Bandoni Pereira


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se verificar a eficiência da seleção de cafeeiros em geração F4 para características agronômicas e resistência a doenças mediante o emprego da metodologia de modelos mistos de Henderson. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em Machado, MG, sendo utilizadas progênies F4 derivadas do cruzamento entre cultivares do grupo Icatu com Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 e IAC 17 e com as progênies IAC 5002 e IAC 5010. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o látice com quatro repetições e as avaliações foram realizadas ao longo de dois anos (2010 e 2011. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: produção (litros planta-1, reação à ferrugem, vigor vegetativo e reação à cercosporiose. Foram utilizados o procedimento REML/BLUP para estimar os parâmetros genéticos, o índice de seleção de Mulamba e Mock a fim de verificar os ganhos para múltiplos caracteres, a acurácia e eficiência, calculadas a partir do diferente número de medições e, ainda, o agrupamento multivariado de progênies pelo método de Tocher. Verificou-se, a partir da análise dos parâmetros genéticos, um maior sucesso na seleção entre famílias para todas as características avaliadas. A adoção de quatro colheitas poderá elevar a acurácia a 80% na seleção de indivíduos para as características produção, reação à ferrugem e vigor vegetativo. A seleção das 12 melhores progênies para caracteres múltiplos pelo índice de Mulamba e Mock proporcionaria um ganho médio de 70,4%.

  20. Seleção para a resistência à ferrugem em progênies das cultivares de café IPR 99 e IPR 107 Selection for resistance to rust in progenies of coffee cultivars IPR 99 and IPR 107

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    Gustavo Hiroshi Sera


    Full Text Available As cultivares de café IPR 99 ("Sarchimor" e IPR 107 ('IAPAR 59' x 'Mundo Novo IAC 376-4' eram no passado resistentes à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: a Identificar progênies dessas duas cultivares com resistência à ferrugem; b Identificar progênies com resistência incompleta; c Verificar a eficiência dos cruzamentos testes na seleção dessas cultivares. A avaliação da resistência em campo foi realizada em cafeeiros adultos expostos à população local de raças presentes no IAPAR. Foram avaliados 23 cruzamentos testes com progênies F3 de 'IPR 107' e 5 com progênies F4 de 'IPR 99'. Além disso, foram avaliadas 11 progênies F4 de 'IPR 107' e 5 progênies F5 de 'IPR 99', provenientes de autofecundação. Várias progênies das cultivares IPR 99 e 107 apresentaram alta freqüência de plantas com resistência completa e são portadoras de mais genes de resistência não quebrados pelas raças de ferrugem. Progênies das cultivares IPR 99 e IPR 107 com a resistência quebrada apresentaram resistência incompleta à população local de raças. Cruzamentos testes foram eficientes na seleção de progênies de café com mais genes de resistência não quebrados.All plants of the coffee cultivars IPR 99 ("Sarchimor" and IPR 107 ('IAPAR 59' x 'Mundo Novo IAC 376-4' were resistant to rust (Hemileia vastatrix in the past. Currently, susceptible plants were observed in the two cultivars due to the breakdown of resistance by new rust races. The aims of this study were: a to identify coffee (Coffea arabica L. progenies of the two cultivars with resistance to rust; b to identify progenies with incomplete resistance; c to investigate the efficiency of test-crosses for selection from these cultivars. Evaluation for field resistance was carried out in adult plants subjected to natural infection by the local leaf rust population at IAPAR. Twenty-three test-crosses with F3 progenies of 'IPR 107' and five with F4


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    Full Text Available El estudio de incidencia e infestación de plagas limitantes para café como Roya (Hemileia vastatrix, Broca (Hypothenemus hampei, y Mancha de hierro (Cercospora coffeicola, se desarrolló entre marzo de 2006 y Diciembre de 2007 en cuatro municipios con ocho predios sensores. Se realizaron muestreos mensuales para incidencia e infestación de cada plaga. Se siguió la metodología propuesta por CENICAFÉ, 30 árboles/ha para evaluar infestación de Broca e incidencia de la Mancha de hierro y 10 para incidencia de Roya. Se registro temperatura, precipitación, humedad relativa y brillo solar para relacionar el comportamiento de las plagas con el clima. La incidencia e infestación superaron significativamente el umbral de daño económico (5% para cada plaga. El promedio de incidencia fue de 14,7% para Roya y 4,8% para Mancha de hierro, el de infestación para Broca fue de 4,7%. La temperatura y precipitación presentaron gran relación con la dinámica epidemiológica de las plagas. Altas temperaturas están relacionadas con alta incidencia e infestación de Roya y Broca, principalmente entre junio y septiembre, contrariamente a la Mancha de hierro que estuvo relacionada con alta precipitación, principalmente entre marzo y mayo. Estos resultados alertan acerca de la presencia de estas plagas en los cultivos de la región.No departamento do Cauca foi realizado um estudo epidemiologico de três pragas limitantes na produção de café (Coffea arabica: a ferrugem produzida pelo fungo Hemileia vastatrix, a Broca do café produzida pelo inseto Hypothenemus hampei, e a cercosporiose produzida pelo fungo Cercospora coffeicola. O estudo foi feito nos anos 2006 e 2007 em quatro municipios onde foram escolhidos 8 fazendas nas que foram realizadas amostragens para obter a percentagem de apresentação das doenças. As amostragens foram feitas segundo a metodología proposta pelo CENICAFE. Trinta arbores por hectare foram avaliados para determinar a precen

  2. Óleos e extratos vegetais no controle da ferrugem asiática da soja (Glycine max (L.) Merril.)


    Borges, Daniella Ines


    A agricultura atual tem aumentado o seu potencial de produção graças à aplicação de produtos químicos para o controle de pragas e de doenças de plantas, o que tem causado sérios prejuízos ao meio ambiente e à saúde do agricultor. A exploração da atividade biológica de compostos secundários de plantas pode constituir mais uma forma potencial de controle alternativo, reduzindo, assim, o impacto ambiental. Portanto, este trabalho teve por objetivo selecionar extratos e óleos essenciais vegetais ...

  3. Efeito de herbicidas e fungicidas nas curvas de progresso e quantificação de danos causados pela ferrugem asiática da soja Effect of herbicides and fungicides on progress curves and damage quantification caused by soybean rust

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    Guy Mitsuyuki Tsumanuma


    Full Text Available O fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow representa grande ameaça à sojicultura nas principais regiões produtoras do mundo, onde significativas perdas foram relatadas. Na quantificação de danos causados, muitas são as variáveis a serem estudadas, como área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD, absorção de luz da área foliar sadia (HAA e duração da área foliar sadia (HAD, além das curvas de progresso da doença. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se verificar a influência de diferentes herbicidas e fungicidas no progresso da doença, bem como suas implicações nas variáveis referentes à área foliar sadia e à produtividade da cultura. Os tratamentos testados em duas cultivares ('MG/BR46 Conquista' e 'BRS Valiosa RR' foram: 1. Testemunha; 2. Testemunha com herbicidas; 3. Herbicidas e pyraclostrobin (V4 + pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole (R2 e R5.1; 4. Herbicidas e pyraclostrobin (V4 + epoxiconazole (R2 e R5.1; e 5. Herbicidas (V4 + pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole (R2 e R5.1. Os herbicidas utilizados em 'MG/BR-46 Conquista' foram sethoxydim, bentazon e chlorimuron-ethyl, sendo utilizado glyphosate na 'BRS Valiosa RR'. O modelo logístico foi o que melhor se adequou à severidade média das avaliações e à curva de progresso da doença. Para o terço inferior, posição do dossel mais propícia à doença, o modelo logístico com taxa variável foi o que mais se ajustou aos dados. A pulverização de pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole reduziu a taxa de desenvolvimento de P. pachyrhizi em relação à epoxiconazole. A utilização da mistura influenciou as variáveis AACPD, HAA e HAD, sendo estas consideradas apropriadas para a quantificação dos danos provocados pela ferrugem asiática. Na 'MG/BR-46 Conquista', a ação dos herbicidas afetaram temporariamente a área foliar, atingindo indiretamente as variáveis HAA e HAD.Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow is the worst threat for soybean crop in the most important growing

  4. Progress of rust and coffee plant cercosporiose mixed with grevílea, with ingazeiro and in the full sunshine in Lavras - MG


    Salgado, Bruno Grandi; Macedo, Renato Luiz Grisi; Carvalho, Vicente Luiz de; Salgado, Mirian; Venturin, Nelson


    Com o presente trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose do cafeeiro em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, agroflorestais e a pleno sol, através da curva de progresso dessas doenças. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e sete repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos por cafeeiros consorciados com ingazeiro, cafeeiros consorciados com grevílea e cafeeiros cultivados convencionalmente a pleno sol. As avaliações foram realizad...

  5. Estado-da-arte da simulação da taxa de fixação de carbono de ecossistemas tropicais State-of-the-art of the simulation of carbon fixation rates by tropical ecosystems

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    Marcos Heil Costa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avalia o estado-da-arte de modelos de simulação da taxa de fixação de carbono, ou produção primária liquida (NPP, de ecossistemas tropicais em duas configurações diagnósticas (simulação em sítios micrometeorológicos e simulação forçada por dados climáticos e por produtos de sensoriamento remoto e uma prognóstica (simulação por um modelo acoplado clima-vegetação. Os resultados indicam que os modelos de estimativa de NPP atingiram capacidade de fazer estimativas não-viesadas de valores médios regionais de NPP, tanto no modo diagnóstico, quanto no modo prognóstico, com erros inferiores a 5%, enquanto o valor esperado do erro em cada sítio é inferior a 10% no modo diagnóstico e inferior a 20% no modo prognóstico. Os modelos estado-da-arte são capazes de monitorar a taxa de fixação de carbono por ecossistemas tropicais de maneira rotineira, sendo esperados baixos erros para essas estimativas.This work evaluates the state-of-the-art of the simulation of carbon fixation rates, or net primary production (NPP by tropical ecosystems in two diagnostic configurations (simulation at micrometeorological sites and simulation forced by climate datasets and remote sensing products and one prognostic (simulation by a coupled climate-biosphere model. The results indicate that the NPP simulation models are capable of unbiased estimates of average regional values of NPP, both in diagnostic and in prognostic mode, with errors smaller than 5%, while the expected value of the error in each site is smaller than 10% in the diagnostic mode and smaller than 20% in the prognostic mode. State-of-the-art models are capable of routinely monitoring the net primary production of tropical ecosystems, with low errors expected for these estimates.

  6. Progresso temporal da ferrugem e redução sobre a área foliar e os componentes do rendimento de grãos em soja Temporal progress of rust and reduced leaf area and yield components in soybean grain

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    Felipe Rafael Garcés Fiallos


    Full Text Available El ciclo de cultivo de soya 2009-10 favoreció una mayor intensidad de la roya asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow y Sydow en el sur de Brasil, por tanto fue necesario evaluar el avance del hongo y su efecto en el rendimiento del cultivo. Las evaluaciones fueron realizadas en experimentos de campo con 64 parcelas (2.7 x 5 m del cultivar Glycine max L. (Nidera 5909 RG, establecido el 05/12/09. Para generar gradientes de la enfermedad se utilizaron los fungicidas tebuconazol y epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina, en una, dos o tres aplicaciones en estadios fenológicos diferentes. La enfermedad fue cuantificada por el número de lesiones y urédias, posteriormente convertido para severidad (%. Se cuantificó también el índice de área foliar (IAF al final del llenado de granos y los componentes de rendimiento después de la cosecha. La severidad promedio final de la enfermedad superó el 50%. Las diferencias en severidad entre los estratos de la planta fueron influenciados por la cantidad inicial de la enfermedad, una vez que las tasas de progreso, determinadas por los modelos Logístico y de Gompertz, fueron semejantes entre los estratos (0.13 a 0.14 para Logístico y 0.10 a 0.11 para Gompertz. El IAF fue bajo (1.96 en las plantas no tratadas vs. 4.40 en el tratamiento con cuatro aplicaciones de epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina. Los programas de control iniciados en el estadio fenológico V9, con dos o tres aplicaciones, difirieron del testigo en el IAF. El número de vainas y granos por planta, así como de granos por vaina, no variaron entre los tratamientos. Sólo existió diferencia en el peso de granos del estrato superior, cuando los fungicidas fueron aplicados dos o tres veces a partir del estadio fenológico V9.A safra de soja 2009-10 favoreceu a uma maior intensidade da ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow y Sydow no Sul do Brasil, de forma que seu progresso e redução puderam ser quantificados. As avaliações foram conduzidas

  7. Incorporação da dependência espacial na análise de um experimento de avaliação de progênies de milho quanto à resistência à ferrugem comum Spatial dependency analysis of a maize progeny to evaluation the common rust resistance

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    Heyder Diniz Silva


    Full Text Available Fenômenos naturais, principalmente aqueles observados na agricultura, tais como produtividade de grãos e incidência de doenças, apresentam-se espacialmente autocorrelacionados. Conduziu-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar a existência de dependência espacial entre as notas, relativas à resistência de progênies de milho à ferrugem comum e seus efeitos sobre a seleção de progênies. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso com três repetições e 100 tratamentos (98 progênies F3 e duas testemuhas. Na análise dos dados, considerou-se o modelo com erros independentes e com erros espacialmente autocorrelacionados. Verificou-se que o modelo com erros espacialmente correlacionados ajustou-se melhor aos dados. O efeito da dependência espacial foi altamente significativo, com alcance de 1,36 m. O número de progênies selecionadas ao se considerar a dependência espacial caiu de 23 para 11, e essas apresentaram um padrão de dispersão no campo bem mais condizente com o esperado.The aim of this work was to evaluate the spatial dependency among the resistance scores of 98 maize progenies to the common rust (Puccinia sorghi and its effects over the selection process. A randomized block design with 100 treatments (98 F2 progênies and two checks was used. Models with independents and spacialy autocorrelated error were taken in account for the data analysis. The experiment showed a high spacial dependence. 23 progenies had been selected with the unadjusted means, and only 11 progenies showed the status of resistant, when the spacial dependence was take into account.

  8. Marcadores moleculares derivados de sequências expressas do genoma café potencialmente envolvidas na resistência à ferrugem

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    Samuel Mazzinghy Alvarenga


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores moleculares relacionados à resistência do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix. Foram identificadas sequências de DNA potencialmente envolvidas na resistência do cafeeiro a doenças, por meio de análise "in silico", a partir das informações geradas pelo Projeto Brasileiro do Genoma Café. A partir das sequências mineradas, foram desenhados 59 pares de iniciadores para amplificá-las. Os 59 iniciadores foram testados em 12 cafeeiros resistentes e 12 susceptíveis a H. vastatrix. Vinte e sete iniciadores resultaram em bandas únicas e bem definidas, enquanto um deles amplificou fragmento de DNA em todos os cafeeiros resistentes, mas não nos suscetíveis. Esse marcador molecular polimórfico amplificou uma região do DNA que corresponde a uma janela aberta de leitura parcial do genoma de C. arabica que codifica uma proteína de resistência a doenças. O marcador CARF 005 é capaz de diferenciar os cafeeiros analisados em resistentes e susceptíveis a H. vastatrix.

  9. Aspectos ecológicos de fungos micorrízicos vesículo-arbusculares da mata tropical úmida da Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brasil Ecological aspects of mycorrhizal vesicular-arbuscular fungi of the tropical humid forest of Cardoso Island, SP, Brazil

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    Sandra F. B Trufem


    Full Text Available No período de agosto/1984 a maio/1987, em nove ocasiões, foram coletadas 300 amostras de solo da rizosfera de 35 espécies de plantas nativas da mata tropical úmida do Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brasil, para a investigação da ocorrência de fungos micorrízicos vesículo-arbusculares (MVA ea obtenção de dados sobre aspectos ecológicos desses microrganismos. Foram verificados 35 taxa de fungos MV A, sete dos quais espécies novas. Os esporos qué ocorreram em maior quantidade foram os de Acaulospora foveata Trappe & Janos, Acaulospora scrobiculata Trappe, Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd.. Glomus geosporum (Nicol. & Gerd. Walker, Glomus macrocarpum Tul. & Tul. e Glomus microcarpum Tul. & Tul. As plantas cujas rizosferas apresentaram maior número de esporos de fungos MV A foram as de Blechnum serrulatum L.C. Rich., Euterpe edulis Mart, Neomarica caerulia Sprague, Geonoma elegans Mart, e Piper aduncum L. A maior diversidade de espécies de fugnos MV A ocorreu nas rizosferas de Aphettandra sp., Geonoma elegans Mart e Leandra barbinervis Cogn. Verificouse que houve predominancia de espécies de fungos micorrízicos vesículo-arbusculares clamidospóricas sobre as azigospóricas, bem como que a quantidade de esporos em urna dada rizosfera está diretamente relacionada com a diversidade. Glomus monosporum Gerd. & Trappe e as espécies de Sclerocystis podem ser apontadas como características do ecossistema estudado, que apresentou a média de 50,04 esporos/ 100g de solo.From August/1984 to May/1987, 300 soil samples were collected from the rhizospheres of 35 species of native plants of Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, SP, Brazil, in a wet tropical forest, to investigate the occurrence and some ecological aspects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM fungi. Thirty five taxa of VA M fungi were reported, seven of them as new species. The most numerous VA M fungal spores belong to Acaulospora foveata Trappe & Janos, Acaulospora

  10. Padrão de resistência de genótipos de aveia à ferrugem-da-folha na definição de hibridações Resistance pattern of white oat genotypes to crown rust in the definition of crosses

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    Eduardo Alano Vieira


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: determinar o padrão de resistência/suscetibilidade de 20 genótipos de aveia a 40 isolados de Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, coletados em três municípios do Rio Grande do Sul; o padrão de virulência/avirulência desses isolados contra os genótipos de aveia; e indicar genitores para a geração de populações com elevada resistência à ferrugem-da-folha. Os padrões de resistência de Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae e o de virulência/avirulência dos isolados foram determinados pela avaliação da reação desencadeada pela aspersão dos isolados deste fungo em plântulas de genótipos de aveia. A seleção de genitores foi baseada no índice de complementação de cultivares, proposto neste trabalho. Os genótipos que expressaram resistência ao maior número de isolados foram FAPA6, URS20, UPFA20, CFT1 e FAPA5, ao passo que os genótipos UFRGS15, UPF15, UPF18, UPF19 e UPF16 evidenciaram suscetibilidade ao maior número de isolados. Os cruzamentos mais indicados entre os genótipos estudados são: FAPA6 x Albasul, URS22 x FAPA6, CFT1 x URPEL15 e CFT1 x UFRGS19.The objectives of this work were: to determine the resistance/susceptibility pattern of 20 elite oat genotypes to 40 isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae; to determine the pattern of virulence/avirulence of isolates collected in three counties of Rio Grande do Sul to the oat genotypes studied; and to indicate potential parents for the generation of populations with high crown rust resistance. The resistance pattern of oat genotypes and the virulence/avirulence of the fungi were determined by the analysis of the reaction incited by the inoculation of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae isolates into seedlings of oat genotypes. The selection of genitors was based on the cultivar complementation index proposed in this work. Genotypes expressing resistance to the larger number of isolates were FAPA6, URS20, UPFA20, CFT1 and FAPA5, while UFRGS15

  11. A relação entre a temperatura da superfície dos oceanos tropicais e a duração dos veranicos no Estado da Paraíba Relationship between the surface temperature on the tropical oceans and the duration of dry spells in the Paraíba State

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    Hudson Ellen Alencar Menezes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por o objetivo verificar possíveis influências das anomalias de temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM no Pacífico Equatorial e no Atlântico Tropical durante os veranicos mais longos dentro da estação chuvosa das microrregiões do Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados dados de precipitação diária de postos pluviométricos distribuídos por toda a Paraíba, no período compreendido de 1º de janeiro de 1963 a 31 de dezembro de 1999, de anomalias mensais de TSM na área dos niños: Niño 1+2, Niño 3, Niño 3.4 e Niño 4, e de índices mensais do Atlântico Tropical Norte e Sul, de outubro de 1962 a dezembro de 1999 da base de dados do Centro Diagnóstico do Clima da NOAA. Foram calculadas e analisadas as correlações obtidas entre as anomalias de TSM e os veranicos e gráficos que mostram a variabilidade interanual dos maiores veranicos do estado da Paraíba. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os veranicos das microrregiões do Litoral e Brejo são mais influenciados pelas condições de anomalias de TSM sobre o Atlântico Tropical, enquanto os veranicos das microrregiões do Cariri/Curimataú e Sertão, na parte central e oeste do Estado, são influenciados pelas anomalias de TSM do Pacífico Equatorial.This paper has the objective of verifying the possible influences of the anomalies of sea surface temperature (SST in the Equatorial Pacific and in the Tropical Atlantic on the duration of the largest dry spell of the rainy season of the micro-regions of the Paraíba State. Daily precipitation data of the rain gauge stations distributed in the all sectors of Paraíba, for the period from January 1, 1963 to December 31, 1999, the monthly anomalies of SST in the area of the niños: Niño 1+2, Niño 3, Niño 3.4 and Niño 4, and monthly indices of North and South Tropical Atlantic, for the period from October, 1962 to December, 1999, obtained from the Diagnostic Center of Climate of the NOAA were used in this study

  12. Dinâmica populacional de Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa (Acari: eriophyidae em cultivares de videira na região da campanha do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Paulo Ricardo Ebert Siqueira


    Full Text Available Na Região da Campanha do Rio Grande do Sul, o ácaro-da-ferrugem-da-videira, Calepitrimerus vitis (Nalepa (Acari: Eriophyidae, é encontrado com frequência em vinhedos de cultivares europeias, desde a safra de 2004/2005, causando bronzeamento nas folhas. A dinâmica populacional de C. vitis nas cultivares Chardonnay e Merlot foi avaliada em vinhedo comercial localizado no município de Dom Pedrito, na região da Campanha, durante os anos agrícolas de 2005/2006 e 2006/2007, por meio de amostragem realizada em folhas das posições basal, intermediária e apical de ramos de produção. O pico populacional de C. vitis ocorre entre o final de fevereiro e o início de março, sendo seguido de forte declínio populacional. A infestação variou de intensidade entre as cultivares de acordo com o ano, sendo a cultivar Chardonnay mais infestada no primeiro ano, e Merlot, no segundo. Folhas na posição basal, mediana e apical apresentam níveis similares de infestação. Uma correlação positiva foi encontrada entre o número de C. vitis na face abaxial das folhas e o percentual de folhas com infestação.

  13. Parvalbumin--the major tropical fish allergen. (United States)

    Lim, Dawn Li-Chern; Neo, Keng Hwee; Yi, Fong Cheng; Chua, Kaw Yan; Goh, Denise Li-Meng; Shek, Lynette Pei-Chi; Giam, Yoke Chin; Van Bever, Hugo P S; Lee, Bee Wah


    Fish allergy is common in countries where consumption is high. Asian nations are amongst the world's largest consumers of fish but the allergen profiles of tropical fish are unknown. This study sought to evaluate the allergenicity of four commonly consumed tropical fish, the threadfin (Polynemus indicus), Indian anchovy (Stolephorus indicus), pomfret (Pampus chinensis) and tengirri (Scomberomorus guttatus). Immunoglobulin E (IgE) cross-reactivity with parvalbumin of cod fish (Gad c 1), the major fish allergen, was also studied. Detection of tropical fish and cod specific-IgE was performed by UniCap assay, and skin prick tests were also carried out. The IgE-binding components of tropical fish were identified using IgE immunoblot techniques, and cross-reactivity with Gad c 1 was assessed by ELISA inhibition and IgE immunoblot inhibition. Clinically, nine of 10 patients studied were allergic to multiple fish. All patients exhibited detectable specific-IgE to cod fish (10 of 10 skin prick test positive, eight of 10 UniCap assay positive) despite lack of previous exposure. The major allergen of the four tropical fish was the 12-kDa parvalbumin. IgE cross-reactivity of these allergens to Gad c 1 was observed to be moderate to high in the tropical fish studied. Parvalbumins are the major allergens in commonly consumed tropical fish. They are cross-reactive with each other as well as with Gad c 1. Commercial tests for cod fish appear to be sufficient for the detection of tropical fish specific-IgE.

  14. Variação na resistência à ferrugem e na composição do óleo essencial de dois clones de menta Variation on the rust resistance and essential oil composition of two clones of Mentha arvensis L Var piperascens Malinvaud

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    Mario Guilherme Roberto Donalísio


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas no Centro Experimental de Campinas, entre 1973 e 1976, 450 progênies do clone Samby e 295 do clone Valinhos, ambos da espécie Mentha arvensis L. var. piperascens Malinvaud, que apresentavam alguma resistência à ferrugem causada pelo fungo Puccinia menthae Pers., bom desenvolvimento vegetativo e óleo essencial com alto teor em mentol. As progênies foram obtidas de polinização livre. As plantas que apresentavam pulegona foram eliminadas por seleção olfativa, e as restantes, inoculadas com uredosporos de P. menthae Pers. e, posteriormente, classificadas em três notas de resistência à doença. Em pleno florescimento, as plantas foram destiladas em corrente de vapor, e o óleo essencial obtido analisado em cromatógrafo de gás para avaliação quantitativa de seus componentes principais: mentol, mentona e pulegona. Destacaram-se oito progênies do clone Valinhos e catorze do Samby, respectivamente, mentol entre 75,85-85,18% e 77,12-83,74%, e pulegona entre 0,48-1,36% e 0,94-2,05% pela resistência à ferrugem. Três progênies do clone Valinhos e duas do Samby apresentaram baixos teores do mentol: 56,65, 56,94 e 60,11, e 54,26 e 64,93% respectivamente, semelhantes aos verificados nos óleos desmentolados de M. arvensis L.Seedlings froco two clones of M. arvensis L var. piperascens Malinvaud were selected by olfative test to eliminate the plants with high pulegone content in the essencial oil; the selected plants were inoculated with spore suspension of Puccinia menthae Pers., and classified in three classes of susceptibility. The blooming plants were distilled and the obtained samples of essential oil were analysed by gas chromatography to verify its menthol, menthone and pulegone contents. The data showed that the studied material presents high variability to rust resistance and menthol content in its essencial oil. Eight progenies from Valinhos clone presented high rust resistance, 75.80% to 85.18% menthol and 0.48 to

  15. Does the edge effect influence plant community structure in a tropical dry forest? O efeito de borda influencia a estrutura da comunidade vegetal em uma floresta tropical seca?

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    Diogo Gallo Oliveira


    Full Text Available Edge effects are considered a key factor in regulating the structure of plant communities in different ecosystems. However, regardless to few studies, edge influence does not seem to be decisive in semiarid regions such as the Brazilian tropical dry forest known as Caatinga but this issue remains inconclusive. The present study tests the null hypothesis that the plant community of shrubs and trees does not change in its structure due to edge effects. Twenty-four plots (20 x 20 m were set up in a fragment of Caatinga, in which 12 plots were in the forest edges and 12 plots were inside the fragment. Tree richness, abundance and species composition did not differ between edge and interior plots. The results of this study are in agreement with the pattern previously found for semiarid environments and contrasts with previous results obtained in different environments such as Rainforests, Savanna and Forest of Araucaria, which indicate abrupt differences between the border and interior of the plant communities in these ecosystems, and suggest that the community of woody plants of the Caatinga is not ecologically affected by the presence of edges.Efeitos de borda são considerados fator-chave na regulação da estrutura de comunidades vegetais em diferentes ecossistemas. Entretanto, apesar dos poucos estudos relacionados, o efeito de borda parece não ser determinante em regiões semiáridas, como a floresta tropical seca brasileira, conhecida como Caatinga. Este estudo testou a hipótese nula de que a comunidade vegetal arbustivo-arbórea não sofre alterações em sua estrutura, riqueza e composição devido ao efeito de borda. Foram instaladas 24 parcelas (20 x 20 m em um fragmento de Caatinga arbórea, sendo 12 parcelas na borda do fragmento e 12 parcelas no seu interior. A riqueza, abundância e composição das espécies não diferiram estatisticamente entre as parcelas de borda e interior. Os resultados deste estudo corroboram um possível padr

  16. Preservation of uredospores of Puccinia melanocephala, the causal agent of sugarcane rust


    Garcia, Ely Oliveira; Casagrande, Marcos Virgílio; Rago, Alejandro Mário; Massola Junior, Nelson Sidnei


    A sazonalidade na manifestação da ferrugem da cana dificulta a obtenção de esporos em quantidades adequadas para inoculações em qualquer época do ano, restringindo os trabalhos envolvendo o patógeno aos meses nos quais a doença esta presente no campo. O trabalho visou desenvolver uma metodologia para preservar os esporos por períodos prolongados, mantendo sua viabilidade e infectividade. Esporos foram coletados a partir de folhas naturalmente infectadas, com bomba de vácuo. Parte dos esporos ...

  17. Dinâmica sazonal da produção e decomposição de serrapilheira em floresta tropical de transição Seasonal dynamics of the litterfall production and decomposition in tropical transitional forest

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    Luciana Sanches


    Full Text Available Em função de se analisar a produção, dinâmica e decomposição de serrapilheira em busca da sazonalidade do microclima em uma floresta tropical de transição Amazônia Cerrado, propõe-se estimar a produção de serrapilheira, por meio de caixas de coleta de 1 m² e o acúmulo de serrapilheira sobre o solo por meio de quadrantes de 25 x 25 cm, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Determinaram-se a constante de decaimento (K, o coeficiente de retorno de serrapilheira (K L e a constante de decomposição (K'. Com o emprego de bolsas de nylon preenchidas com folhas de espécies de relevância na floresta (Tovomita schomburgkki e Brosimium lactescens estudou-se a decomposição de folhas e se monitaram os fatores ambientais por meio de equipamentos instalados em uma torre micrometeorológica. A produção de serrapilheira não só se apresentou de forma sazonal, com significativa influência da umidade relativa do ar e da precipitação, em uma floresta de transição, mas foi majoritariamente composta de folhas seguidas de galhos e miscelânea (flores e frutos. A decomposição de folhas em florestas tropicais foi acelerada em ambas as estações, seca-úmida e úmida-seca, sendo a velocidade de decomposição das folhas maior na estação úmida-seca.The objective of this study was to analyze the production, dynamics and litter decomposition as a function of the seasonality of the microclimate in a transitional tropical forest of Amazonia Cerrado. Estimate of litterfall was carried out with collection boxes of 1 m² and floor forest mass with quadrants of 25 x 25 cm distributed randomly. The decline constant (K, litter turnover rate (K L and litter decomposition rate (K' were determined by estimation of litterfall and forest floor litter mass. Leaf decomposition was studied by litter bags with leaves of species of relevance (Tovomita schomburgkki and Brosimium lactescens in the forest. The analysis of the environmental factors was measured through

  18. Uso do modelo qual2e no estudo da qualidade da água e da capacidade de autodepuração do Rio Araguari-AP (Amazônia)


    BÁRBARA, Viníciu Fagundes


    A presente investigação apresenta uma caracterização hidráulica e da qualidade da água do médio curso do Rio Araguari (AP), em uma extensão de aproximadamente 120 km. O Rio Araguari, principal corpo hídrico do Estado do Amapá, está situado dentro dos domínios da Amazônia (a maior floresta tropical do planeta), em uma região com grande potencial hidrelétrico. No trecho em estudo, encontra-se implantada a Usina Hidrelétrica de Coaracy Nunes (UHECN), a primeira barragem edificada ...

  19. Influence of upwelling and tropical environments on the breeding development of the intertidal barnacle Tetraclita stalactifera (Lamarck, 1818

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    Luis Felipe Skinner


    Full Text Available Cabo Frio, with its unique oceanographic conditions, is an important biogeographical transitional region between tropical and sub-tropical waters. This is due to the presence of upwelling from the Central Water of the South Atlantic (CWSA, and the presence of tropical waters from the Brazilian Current (BC and Coastal Water (CW. The intertidal barnacle, Tetraclita stalactifera, and its brooding stages were analyzed to correlate environmental conditions with reproductive development. Two thermal contrasting sites were chosen: Ponta da Cabeça (PC, which is under the influence of seasonal upwelling, and Ponta da Fortaleza (PF which experiences tropical influences. At each site, T. stalactifera specimens were collected monthly and their egg lamellae conditions classified into stages from 0 (empty to IV (ready to release. Our results show a seasonal effect on brooding at the PC site and a continuous development at the PF site. Nauplii larval availability also followed this trend. Differences between the sites could be due to ecological differences related to water temperature and the ecological-physiological response of the barnacles to these differences.Cabo Frio, devido suas características oceanográficas, causado pela é uma importante região biogeográfica transicional entre águas tropicais e sub-tropicais. Isto é ressurgência da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS e a presença de águas tropicais da Corrente do Brasil (CB e de Água Costeira (AC. A craca do mediolitoral Tetraclita stalactifera e seus estágios de maturação larval foram analisados a fim de serem correlacionados às condições ambientais. Dois locais com características termais contrastantes foram escolhidos: a Ponta da Cabeça (PC, que está sobre influência sazonal da ressurgência e a Ponta da Fortaleza (PF, sob influência da água tropical. Em cada local, indivíduos de T. stalactifera foram coletados mensalmente e a condição de suas lamellas ovígeras aferida


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    Hervé Thery


    Full Text Available The treatment of tropical countries in French geography textbooks between 1925 and 1960 reflects the state of science at the time, but its organization is strictly determined by the official texts and content heavily influenced by the state of society: in this period, countries tropical were mainly seen as colonies to explore. O tratamento dos países tropicais nos livros didáticos franceses de Geografia entre 1925 e 1960 reflete o estado da ciência na época, mas a sua organização é estritamente determinada pelos textos oficiais e o conteúdo fortemente influenciado pelo estado da sociedade: neste período, os países tropicais eram principalmente colônias a mais serem exploradas.

  1. Paraparesia espástica tropical uma redefinição necessária Tropical spastic paraparesis: a necessary re-definition

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    Carlos Maurício de Castro-Costa


    Full Text Available O autor disserta sobre a definição de Paraparesia Espástica Tropical desde suas primeiras descrições até o envolvimento etiológico do HTLV-1 em parte dos casos. Segundo o autor, o núcleo básico da síndrome inclui uma paraparesia com sinais piramidais (espasticidade e hiperreflexia e sinais sensitivos e esfincteríanos variáveis. A etiologia retroviral pelo HTLV-1 constitui um dos elementos variáveis da condição. Ele objetiva prevenir distorções conceituais na descrição dessa condição.The author disserts on the definition of Tropical Spastic Paraparesis since its first description up to the etiological involvement of HTLV-1 in part of the cases. According to him the basic nucleus of the syndrome consists of a paraparesis with pyramidal signs (spasticity and hyperreflexia with variable sensory and sphincter symptoms. The retroviral etiology by HTLV-1 is one of the variable elements of the condition. He aims at preventing conceptual distortions in the description of this condition.

  2. Dinâmica sazonal da produção e decomposição de serrapilheira em floresta tropical de transição


    Sanches,Luciana; Valentini,Carla M. A.; Biudes,Marcelo S.; Nogueira,José de S.


    Em função de se analisar a produção, dinâmica e decomposição de serrapilheira em busca da sazonalidade do microclima em uma floresta tropical de transição Amazônia Cerrado, propõe-se estimar a produção de serrapilheira, por meio de caixas de coleta de 1 m² e o acúmulo de serrapilheira sobre o solo por meio de quadrantes de 25 x 25 cm, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Determinaram-se a constante de decaimento (K), o coeficiente de retorno de serrapilheira (K L) e a constante de decomposição (K'). ...

  3. Rumen dynamics of neutral detergent fiber in cattle fed low-quality tropical forage and supplemented with nitrogenous compounds Dinâmica ruminal da fibra em detergente neutro em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical de baixa qualidade e suplemento com compostos nitrogenados

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    Cláudia Batista Sampaio


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of supplementation with nitrogenous compounds on rumen dynamics of neutral detergent fiber (NDF in cattle fed low-quality tropical forage. Five crossbred heifers with average live weight of 180 kg and fitted with rumen cannulae were used. The animals were fed ad libitum with signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. hay, which had crude protein (CP content of 4.86% of dry matter (DM. The five treatments were proposed in order to raise the CP level of diets to 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 percentile points above the CP level of the forage. The supplement was a mixture of urea, ammonium sulfate, and albumin (4.5:0.5:1.0, respectively. The experiment was carried out according to a 5 × 5 Latin square design, with five experimental periods. The average CP levels in the diets were: 5.19, 7.11, 8.60, 11.67, and 13.02% on DM basis. The potentially degradable NDF was linearly increased according to the CP levels in diet up to 6.97% of CP. From this point, there was stabilization of estimates (47.87% of NDF. The degradation rate of potentially degradable NDF was linearly increased with the CP levels in diets. The rumen flow of fibrous particles (L showed a linear-response-plateau pattern according to the CP levels in diets. The plateau (maximum estimate began on 7.24% of CP. The mean retention time in the rumen and the rumen fill effect of undegradable NDF were affect by the CP levels similarly to L, with plateau (minimum beginning on 6.90 and 6.97% of CP, respectively.Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com compostos nitrogenados sobre a dinâmica ruminal da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical de baixa qualidade. Foram utilizadas cinco novilhas mestiças Holandês × Zebu, com peso vivo médio inicial de 180 kg, fistuladas no rúmen. A alimentação volumosa basal dos animais foi constituída por feno de capim-praquiátia (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf (4,86% de

  4. Pinus tropical com potencial para uso em plantios comerciais no Brasil. Tropical pine for commercial planting in Brazil.

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    Marcos Silveira WREGE


    Full Text Available Entre os pinus tropicais, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis é uma variedade natural, oriunda de região com clima tropical na América Central. A espécie se aclimatou bem em várias partes do mundo, em regiões com alta pluviosidade e temperaturas elevadas. Embora não tolere geadas severas, pode ser plantada em partes da região Sul do Brasil onde o clima é mais quente e a frequência de geadas é menor e é indicado para plantio em boa parte do Brasil, em mais de 3,5 milhões de km2 . Essa é uma variedade que apresenta alto rendimento em madeira de boa qualidade, além de possibilitar a exploração da resina. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas as regiões no Brasil que apresentam potencial para cultivo dessa variedade em regime de silvicultura intensiva, tomando como base sua região de origem no mundo. São indicadas para plantio comercial as zonas com os menores riscos de geada nos estados da região Sul, no Estado de São Paulo e nas demais regiões que oferecem condições climáticas favoráveis, principalmente de disponibilidade hídrica para o desenvolvimento dessa variedade de pinus. – Among tropical pines, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis is a natural variation from the tropical regions of Central America. The species has adapted well in various parts of the world, in regions with high rainfall and high temperatures. Although intolerance to severe frosts, it can be grown in parts of southern Brazil, where the climate is hot, with infrequent frosts and even can be used for commercial planting in over 3.5 million square kilometers.This variety presents high yield in quality wood as well as resin. This work shows regions in Brazil where environmental conditions are favorable for commercial plantations with this variety, by making comparisons with the conditions in its origin. Climatic zones within the Southern Region, as well as in the state of São Paulo and elsewhere with the lowest risks of frost and plenty of water for the

  5. Avaliação da ativação de defesa em soja contra Phakopsora pachyrhizi em condições controladas Evaluation of soybean defense activation against Phakopsora pachyrhizi in controlled conditions

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    Rosana Ceolin Meneghetti


    Full Text Available A efetividade da ativação de defesa em diferentes cultivares de soja contra Phakopsora pachyrhizi proporcionada pelo fosfito, bem como sua associação com fungicidas aplicados em diferentes épocas em relação à inoculação com o patógeno, foi estudada em condições de casa-de-vegetação em dois ensaios conduzidos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o fosfito não foi capaz de induzir a expressão dos mecansimos de defesa, uma vez que não foi observada qualquer redução na severidade, número de pú, e na Área Abaixo da Curva de Progresso de Doença (AACPD, por conta da aplicação do produto. O progresso da ferrugem foi mais lento na cultivar Fundacep 55 RR, que teve uma AACPD 53% menor do que a cultivar Fundacep 56 RR, a mais suscetível. O fungicida epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina proporcionou uma redução na AACPD de 29%, quando comparado ao emprego do triazol isolado na média das épocas de aplicação. As aplicações mais próximas da inoculação e preventivas foram mais efetivas do que aquelas realizadas de forma muito precoce ou muito tardia em relação à infecção das plantas pelo patógeno. Os resultados indicaram que o fosfito não induziu resistência em soja contra P. pachyrhizi, e que houve variação na resistência parcial à ferrugem por parte das cultivares e na efetividade dos fungicidas entre si e quanto ao momento em que os mesmos são aplicados.The effectiveness of defense activation in different soybean cultivars against P. pachyrhizi promoted by phosphite, as well as its association with fungicides in different timing of application in relation to pathogen inoculation, was studied in greenhouse conditions in two assays carried out in completely randomized design, with four replications. The results shown that phosphite was unable to induce defense, because no reduction of severity, number, and Area Under Progress

  6. Estratégias reprodutivas de briófitas em dois habitats distintos da floresta atlântica do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar


    Adaíses Simone Maciel da Silva


    Resumo: O objetivo da tese foi aumentar o conhecimento e o entendimento sobre estratégias reprodutivas de briófitas presentes em floresta tropical úmida, especificamente em dois habitats distintos da Floresta Ombrófila densa (Floresta Montana e de Restinga) do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, São Paulo. A seguinte hipótese foi testada: o sistema reprodutivo (e.g. monóico versus dióico) das espécies e o habitat que ocupam influenciam as estratégias reprodutivas e conseqüentes características d...

  7. Estimation of the total efficiency of metabolizable energy utilization for maintenance and growth by cattle in tropical conditions Estimação da eficiência total de utilização da energia metabolizável para manutenção e crescimento por bovinos em condições tropicais

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    Douglas Sampaio Henrique


    Full Text Available Data of 320 animals were obtained from eight comparative slaughter studies performed under tropical conditions and used to estimate the total efficiency of utilization of the metabolizable energy intake (MEI, which varied from 77 to 419 kcal kg-0.75d-1. The provided data also contained direct measures of the recovered energy (RE, which allowed calculating the heat production (HE by difference. The RE was regressed on MEI and deviations from linearity were evaluated by using the F-test. The respective estimates of the fasting heat production and the intercept and the slope that composes the relationship between RE and MEI were 73 kcal kg-0.75d-1, 42 kcal kg-0.75d-1 and 0.37. Hence, the total efficiency was estimated by dividing the net energy for maintenance and growth by the metabolizable energy intake. The estimated total efficiency of the ME utilization and analogous estimates based on the beef cattle NRC model were employed in an additional study to evaluate their predictive powers in terms of the mean square deviations for both temperate and tropical conditions. The two approaches presented similar predictive powers but the proposed one had a 22% lower mean squared deviation even with its more simplified structure.Foram utilizadas 320 informações obtidas a partir de 8 estudos de abate comparativo conduzidos em condições tropicais para se estimar a eficiência total de utilização da energia metabolizável consumida, a qual variou de 77 a 419kcal kg-0.75d-1. Os dados também continham informações sobre a energia retida (RE, o que permitiu o cálculo da produção de calor por diferença. As estimativas da produção de calor em jejum e dos coeficientes linear e angular da regressão entre RE e MEI foram respectivamente, 73 kcal kg-0.75d-1, 42 kcal kg-0.75d-1 e 0,37. Em seguida, a eficiência total foi estimada dividindo-se a energia líquida para mantença e produção pelo consumo de energia metabolizável. A eficiência total de

  8. Reciclando a Tropicália: Tom Zé e o lixo lógico

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    Paula Oliveira Campos Augusto


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar e analisar a tese de Tom Zé sobre a Tropicália, presente em seu disco Tropicália lixo lógico, lançado em 2012. Primeiramente, destacam-se duas características importantes da música popular brasileira, que ajudam a entender a possibilidade de um disco--tese: além de ser definida como um “campo dialogal” (1, a música popular brasileira é dotada de uma “malha de permeabilidades”, pelo modo como a alta cultura se cruza com produções populares, tendo como resultado a “leveza” (2. Em seu álbum, Tom Zé não apenas assume o protagonismo da interpretação da Tropicália, mas, também, desloca a antropofagia do centro interpretativo dessa manifestação artística e cultural brasileira. Nesse sentido, o disco é compreendido, levando-se em conta tanto seus aspectos físicos quanto simbólicos, a partir do que Walter Moser denomina de reciclagem cultural, uma vez que Tom Zé processa a inclusão de “restos” e “dejetos” no espaço cultural e artístico. Ademais, com a reciclagem do lixo lógico, o espaço hegemônico incorpora materiais culturais de outras procedências, colocando-os em diálogo.

  9. História e Memória: o caso do Ferrugem

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    Myrian Sepúlveda dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o uso da memória pelas Ciências Sociais a partir da investigação de fontes orais e escritas. Ao longo do trabalho, serão consideradas cinco narrativas sobre o assassinato de um lavrador da Ilha Grande por um grupo de presos que havia fugido do Instituto Penal Cândido Mendes (IPCM. Além disso, são objetos de análise a notícia sobre o caso que aparece na imprensa e o relatório oficial sobre a fuga dos presos encaminhado pelo diretor da penitenciária ao diretor-geral do Departamento do Sistema Penitenciário (DESIPE. Em que pese a diferença entre os relatos apresentados, procurar-se-á mostrar que as memórias relacionam-se a perspectivas e códigos existentes entre grupos de pertencimento e que elas podem fornecer dados importantes sobre contextos, processos e conflitos sociais que fazem parte da vida dos diversos narradores do caso em questão.The objective of this paper is to investigate social practices developed by inmates of the Instituto Penal Cândido Mendes (IPCM as well as by those who lived in Ilha Grande, the island where the prison was settled, through the analysis of different narratives about the escape of a group of convicts. The author also analyzed the escape on the news and on the official reports. The point the author makes is that despite the different reports on the escape it is possible to relate the narrative to collective memories, that is, to common rules and perspectives, which allow us to understand social conflicts, processes and contexts inherent to the lives of the narrators.

  10. Contradições da canção: música popular brasileira em \\"O Mandarim\\", de Julio Bressane


    Fabio Diaz Camarneiro


    Os longas-metragens \\"Tabu\\" (1982) e \\"O mandarim\\" (1995), de Julio Bressane, reinterpretam a história da canção popular brasileira de Mario Reis até a Tropicália, usando referências do modernismo e do próprio tropicalismo e questionando as influências populares, eruditas e estrangeiras da música brasileira. Julio Bressanes films Tabu (1982) and O mandarim (1995) interpret the story of Brazilian popular music from Mario Reis until the Tropicália movement. The director uses Bra...


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    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o comportamento vegetativo e reprodutivo de vinte e dois pessegueiros e treze nectarineiras introduzidos no Brasil, provenientes da Universidade da Flórida, Gainesville, EUA. O material foi avaliado por três anos na Estação Experimental de Jundiaí, do IAC(23o08'S; 46o55'W, anotando-se as características: número de nós de gemas por metro de ramo e de gemas vegetativas e floríferas por nó; porcentagem de frutificação efetiva; ciclo de maturação dos frutos; coloração da película e polpa; textura e acidez da polpa e época de colheita. Verificou-se que os cinco cultivares e seleções que apresentaram grande quantidade de gemas foram: Sungem; Fla 3-4N; Fla 6-4; Fla 84-16N e Okinawa, com 51,1; 50,8; 45,8; 45,2 e 44,2 nós de gemas por metro de ramo respectivamente. Considerando o nº de gemas por nó, observou-se que Desertgold (2,36, Sunwright (2,32, Rubro-sol (2,24, Sunlite (2,21, Newbelle (2,16 e Sundowner (2,13 foram os cultivares com maior potencial de desenvolvimento de folhas e flores. As melhores frutificações ocorreram em `Okinawa'(66,3%, `TropicBeauty' (51,1%, `Flordastar'(50,0%, Fla 84-4(48,5% e `Flordaprince'(41,5%. Os pêssegos `Flordadawn', Fla 84-5, Fla 84-4, `Flordastar' e Oro A constituiram-se nos mais precoces, com ciclos de 75 a 85 dias da florada à maturação dos frutos e colheitas desde meados de setembro até início de outubro. Verificou-se que as novas seleções como Fla 84-5, Fla 84-16N, Fla 84-4 e Fla 84-13N possuem características agronômicas favoráveis à persicultura paulista e aos cruzamentos com as seleções do IAC. São dois pêssegos e duas nectarinas de polpa amarela, produtivos, precoces, menos ácidos, com oBrix 12 a 15 e pH 3,8 a 4,0. Os cultivares e seleções mais tolerantes à ferrugem foram: Fla 9-11N, Sundowner, Sunlite, Fla 87-3 e Fla 84-16 e ao chumbinho: Sunwright, Fla 82-23N, Fla 9-11N, Flordadawn e Fla 1-8, sendo 70% nectarinas.Twenty-two peaches and thirteen

  12. Characterization of rust, early and late leaf spot resistance in wild and cultivated peanut germplasm Caracterização da resistência à ferrugem, mancha preta e mancha castanha em germoplasma silvestre e cultivado de amendoim

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    Alessandra Pereira Fávero


    Full Text Available Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea has an AB genome and is one of the most important oil crops in the world. The main constraints of crop management in Brazil are fungal diseases. Several species of the genus Arachis are resistant to pests and diseases. The objective of our experiments was to identify wild species belonging to the taxonomic section Arachis with either A or B (or " non-A" genomes that are resistant to early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola, late leaf spot (Cercosporidium personatum and rust (Puccinia arachidis. For the identification of genotypes resistant to fungal diseases, bioassays with detached leaves were done in laboratory conditions, with artificial inoculation, a controlled temperature of 25ºC and a photoperiod of 10 h light/14 h dark, for 20-42 days, depending on the fungi species. Most of the accessions of wild species were more resistant than accessions of A. hypogaea for one, two or all three fungi species studied. Arachis monticola, considered to be a possible tetraploid ancestor or a derivative of A. hypogaea, was also more susceptible to Cercosporidium personatum and Puccinia arachidis, as compared to most of the wild species. Therefore, wild germplasm accessions of both genome types are available to be used for the introgression of resistance genes against three fungal diseases of peanut.O amendoim (Arachis hypogaea possui genoma AB e é uma das mais importantes culturas oleaginosas em todo o mundo. Os principais problemas da cultura no Brasil são as doenças fúngicas. Várias espécies do gênero Arachis são resistentes a pragas e doenças. Este trabalho visou a identificar espécies silvestres pertencentes à seção Arachis associadas aos genomas A ou B (ou " não-A" do amendoim que são resistentes à mancha castanha (Cercospora arachidicola, mancha preta (Cercosporidium personatum e ferrugem (Puccinia arachidis. Para a identificação de genótipos resistentes a doenças fúngicas, bioensaios utilizando


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    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se 29 genótipos de trigo provenientes de cruzamentos entre o cultivar IAC 24 e fontes comprovadas de resistência a Puccinia recondita e características específicas para panificação, mais o cultivar IAC 24 (controle, mediante experimentos semeados em diferentes regiões tritícolas paulistas no período 1993-95. Analisaram-se as características seguintes: produtividade de grãos, resistência à ferrugem-da-folha, à tolerância ao alumínio tóxico e às qualidades industriais para pão. Considerando a produtividade, destacou-se, no Vale do Paranapanema, o genótipo no 24 (CM H. 74A-630/SX//CNO79/3/IAC 24; na região de Capão Bonito, o no 26 (Yaco "S"/IAC -24 e, em Mococa, com irrigação por aspersão, o no 23 (CM 6530/IAC-24. A resistência ao agente causal da ferrugem-da-folha foi transferida para os genótipos por meio dos cruzamentos envolvendo Yaco "S" e Agent/6*SKA//AGA/4/TI71. Seis genótipos entre os avaliados revelaram-se muito sensíveis ao Al3+ Os trigos duros apresentaram maior rendimento de extração de farinha, comparados aos moles. Considerando os diferentes parâmetros avaliados para qualidade tecnológica, destacaram-se os genótipos no 16 (IAS58/IAS55//ALD/3/IAC5/4/ALD/IAS58/8.1034.A//ALD/5/CNR/6/BUC"S"/7/IAC24 e no 12 (MRNG/4/NAD/FOR//PCN/3/BLT/MES/5/PAT2195*2/ZP"S"/6/ALD/EMU//CHAT/7/VEE/8/IAC24, com base no estudo da divergência genética por componentes principais.

  14. Tropical Ocean Evaporation/SST Sensitivity and It's Link to Water and Energy Budget Variations During ENSO (United States)

    Robertson, Franklin R.; Marshall, Susan; Oglesby, Robert; Roads, John; Sohn, Byung-Ju; Arnold, James E. (Technical Monitor)


    The continuing debate over feedback mechanisms governing tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and tropical climate in general has highlighted the diversity of potential checks and balances within the climate system. Competing feedbacks due to changes in surface evaporation, water vapor, and cloud long- and shortwave radiative properties each may serve critical roles in stabilizing or destabilizing the climate system. It is also intriguing that even those climate variations having origins internal to the climate system - changes in ocean heat transport for example, apparently require complementary equilibrating effects by changes in atmospheric energy fluxes. Perhaps the best observational evidence of this is the relatively invariant nature of tropically averaged net radiation exiting the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) as measured by broadband satellite sensors over the past two decades. Thus, analyzing how these feedback mechanisms are operating within the context of current interannual variability may offer considerable insight for anticipating future climate change. In this paper we focus primarily on interannual variations of ocean evaporative fluxes and their significance for coupled water and energy cycles within the tropical climate system. In particular, we use both the da Silva estimates of surface fluxes (based on the Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set, COADS) and numerical simulations from several global climate models to examine evaporation sensitivity to perturbations in SST associated with warm and cold ENSO events. The specific questions we address are as follows: (1) What recurring patterns of surface wind and humidity anomalies are present during ENSO and how do they combine to yield systematic evaporation anomalies?, (2) What is the resulting tropical ocean mean evaporation-SST sensitivity associated with this climate perturbation?, and (3) What role does this evaporation play in tropical heat and water balance over tropical oceanic regions? We

  15. Tropical, de Anita Malfatti: reorientando uma velha questão

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    Tadeu Chiarelli


    Full Text Available A partir da análise de Tropical, tela pintada por Anita Malfatti em 1917, este artigo propõe que a artista procedia a uma mudança em sua linguagem pictórica, afastando-se das concepções de vanguarda que adotara até então para, aderindo ao clima de retorno à ordem internacional, aproximar-se das discussões sobre o nacionalismo na arte, presentes na cena paulistana. Assim, a imagem de mulher insegura que mudou sua perspectiva por causa da crítica de Monteiro Lobato adquire outra conotação. Os modernistas teriam preferido essa interpretação a efetuar uma análise da obra de Anita Malfatti, por meio da qual se poderia desvelar uma deserção do programa vanguardista feita de forma consciente pela artista.Looking back at the issue of a lecture given at Pinacoteca do Estado (São Paulo, Brazil in 2003, this article, based on the analysis of Tropical, canvas painted by Anita Malfatti in 1917, proposes that the artist, contrary to what has traditionally been stated, was undergoing a change in her pictorial language, distancing herself from the vanguard conceptions she had been embracing up to that date. In so doing, she would align with the international trend of the Rappel à l'ordre and approach the discussions on nationalism in art, present in the art millieu of São Paulo city. Thus, the image of an insecure woman who changed her perspective because of the famous review by Monteiro Lobato, acquires another connotation. Modernists would have preferred, and reiterated, this interpretation instead of making an analysis of Anita Malfatti's work per se, through which a volunteer desertion from the vanguard program could be unveiled.

  16. Tropical Glaciers (United States)

    Fountain, Andrew

    The term "tropical glacier" calls to mind balmy nights and palm trees on one hand and cold, blue ice on the other. Certainly author Gabriel Garcia Marqez exploited this contrast in One Hundred Years of Solitude. We know that tropical fish live in warm, Sun-kissed waters and tropical plants provide lush, dense foliage populated by colorful tropical birds. So how do tropical glaciers fit into this scene? Like glaciers everywhere, tropical glaciers form where mass accumulation—usually winter snow—exceeds mass loss, which is generally summer melt. Thus, tropical glaciers exist at high elevations where precipitation can occur as snowfall exceeds melt and sublimation losses, such as the Rwenzori Mountains in east Africa and the Maoke Range of Irian Jaya.

  17. Prevalência de anticorpos para o vírus da varicela-zoster em adultos jovens de diferentes regiões climáticas brasileiras

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    Reis Alexanda Dias


    Full Text Available Para avaliar a prevalência da infecção pelo vírus da varicela-zoster, de regiões urbanas de diferentes regiões do Brasil, 975 amostras de soro provenientes de adultos jovens doadores de sangue com idade entre 20 e 29 anos, de cidades de clima tropical (Salvador e Fortaleza e de clima temperado (São Paulo, Curitiba e Porto Alegre foram processadas pelo teste imunoenzimático doméstico para pesquisa de anticorpos IgG anti-Vírus da varicela zoster. A soroprevalência global de anticorpos anti-virus da varicela zoster nas várias regiões estudadas foi de 94,2%. A menor taxa (88,7% foi observada em Fortaleza e a maior em Curitiba (99,5%. A soroprevalência nas regiões de clima tropical (89,4% foi significativamente inferior a soroprevalência nas regiões de clima temperado (97,3%, seguindo um padrão similar à infecção em outros países de clima tropical.

  18. Allometria da palmeira babaçu em um agroecossistema de derruba-e-queima na periferia este da Amazônia


    Gehring,Christoph; Zelarayán,Marcelo Luís C.; Almeida,Rosângela B.; Moraes,Flávio Henrique R.


    A palmeira babaçu (Attalea speciosa C.Martius, Arecaceae) tem grande importância socioeconômica e ecológica em grande parte da área tropical brasileira, especialmente em áreas degradadas por queimadas freqüentes na Amazônia. No entanto, ainda pouco se sabe sobre as características ecológicas desta espécie-chave. Este estudo investiga a alometria do babaçu com o objetivo de estabelecer uma metodologia eficiente na estimativa da biomassa aérea de palmeiras juvenis e adultas e para um melhor ent...

  19. O Futuro Incerto das Florestas Tropicais The Uncertain Future of Tropical Forests

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    Fernando Santos Henriques


    Full Text Available As florestas tropicais dão abrigo à maior biodiversidade do planeta, são residência de populações indígenas, fontes de madeira e produtos farmacêuticos, contribuem para regular o clima e prestam uma diversidade de serviços ecológicos vitais - e, contudo, estão ameaçadas de desaparecimento total. As causas desta intensa desflorestação tropical são múltiplas, diferem aos níveis regional e nacional e são simultaneamente de carácter endógeno e exógeno, como é discutido. É também discutida a importância das florestas tropicais para a preservação da diversidade biológica e redução do aquecimento global, pelo sequestro do CO2. Finalmente, são referidas as áreas de desflorestação nalgumas importantes regiões da África, Índia e sudeste asiático e discutidas as suas principais causas.Tropical forests harbour most of the planet biodiversity, are home to indigenous people, sources of timber and pharmaceutical products, contribute to the regulation of the climate and provide an endless number of vital ecological services. However, they are at risk of disappearing. The causes of this rampant tropical deforestation are multiple and differ at the regional and national levels, being both endogenous and exogenous, as is discussed. The importance of tropical forests for preserving biological diversity and reducing global warming by sequestering CO2 are also discussed. Finally, we assess the extent of deforestation and discuss its major drivers in some important regions of Africa, India and southeast Asia.

  20. A instituição da microbiologia e a história da saúde pública no Brasil Microbiology as an institution and the history of public health in Brazil

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    Jaime Larry Benchimol


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa a instituição da microbiologia e suas conseqüências para a saúde pública brasileira durante o último quarto do século XIX e o começo do atual. O autor examina o trabalho realizado pela Escola Tropicalista Baiana, a trajetória de outra geração de médicos que, no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo, investigaram a febre amarela e outras doenças à luz da teoria dos germes, procurando descobrir tanto o seu micróbio específico como imunobiológicos e tratamentos eficazes. O artigo examina também a transição da problemática etiológica para a do meio de transmissão da febre amarela e da malária, correlacionando-as com o amadurecimento do pasteurianismo e da Medicina Tropical. A adoção da teoria de Finlay no Brasil e as campanhas sanitárias bem-sucedidas que Oswaldo Cruz empreendeu no Rio de Janeiro, enquanto a cidade era remodelada de acordo com o molde "haussmaniano", inauguram um nova era em que o Instituto Oswaldo Cruz e outras instituições biomédicas logram desenvolver dinâmicos programas de pesquisa em estreita sintonia com a bacteriologia e medicina tropical européia e norte-americana.This article deals with the institution of microbiology and its consequences to Brazilian public health during the last quarter of the XIXth century and the beginning of the XXth century. The author examines the work done by members of Escola Tropicalista Baiana and then by several constituents of another generation of physicians who, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, researched yellow fever and other diseases from the perspective of the germ theory, trying to discover both its specific microbe as well as effective therapeutic and immunobiological treatments to those diseases. The article also examines the transition of the etiologic issue to the question of the means of transmission not only of yellow fever but also of malaria, correlating it with the coming of age both of Pasteurianism and Tropical Medicine. The

  1. Tropical radioecology

    CERN Document Server

    Baxter, M


    Tropical Radioecology is a guide to the wide range of scientific practices and principles of this multidisciplinary field. It brings together past and present studies in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the planet, highlighting the unique aspects of tropical systems. Until recently, radioecological models for tropical environments have depended upon data derived from temperate environments, despite the differences of these regions in terms of biota and abiotic conditions. Since radioactivity can be used to trace environmental processes in humans and other biota, this book offers examples of studies in which radiotracers have been used to assess biokinetics in tropical biota. Features chapters, co-authored by world experts, that explain the origins, inputs, distribution, behaviour, and consequences of radioactivity in tropical and subtropical systems. Provides comprehensive lists of relevant data and identifies current knowledge gaps to allow for targeted radioecological research in the future. Integrate...

  2. Degradação in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro de forragem tropical de baixa qualidade em função da suplementação com proteína verdadeira e/ou nitrogênio não-proteico In vitro degradation of neutral detergent fiber of low-quality tropical forage according to supplementation with true protein and (or non-protein nitrogen

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    Edenio Detmann


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a dinâmica da degradação in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN de forragem tropical de baixa qualidade em função da suplementação com compostos nitrogenados em diferentes relações proteína verdadeira:nitrogênio não-proteico (NNP. Amostra de capim-braquiária colhida durante a estação seca foi utilizada como forragem basal. Como fontes de proteína verdadeira e NNP, utilizaram-se a caseína e a mistura ureia:sulfato de amônia (U:SA; 9:1, respectivamente. O suplemento base para a definição dos demais foi constituído da adição de caseína ao meio de incubação de forma a elevar o teor de proteína bruta (PB da forragem basal até 8%, com base na matéria seca. Os demais suplementos foram construídos a partir da substituição fracional (0, 1/3, 2/3 e 1 da PB da caseína por equivalentes proteicos da mistura U:SA, incluindo-se tratamento controle (forragem. Os tratamentos foram avaliados em ambiente ruminal simulado por incubação in vitro em diferentes tempos de incubação: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 e 96 horas. O procedimento foi repetido três vezes, totalizando três avaliações por tempo de incubação para cada tratamento. Os resíduos de incubação foram avaliados quanto ao teor de FDN e interpretados por intermédio de modelo logístico não-linear. A suplementação proteica elevou em 56,8 a 96,0% a taxa de degradação da FDN potencialmente degradável (kFDNpd em comparação ao suplemento controle e reduziu de 4,5 a 7,4 horas as estimativas de latência discreta. A utilização exclusiva de ureia elevou em 15,9% a estimativa de kFDNpd em relação à suplementação exclusiva com caseína. Contudo, valores máximos de kFDNpd e eficiência microbiana foram verificados sob a relação 2/3 PB U:SA:1/3 PB caseína. O balanceamento do suplemento de forma a prover 1/3 da PB a partir de proteína verdadeira e 2/3 da PB a partir de nitrogênio não-proteico otimiza a degradação da FDN de

  3. Relação dos sistemas de monção com as variabilidades tropical interanual e multi-decenal Relations of the monsoon systems to the tropical multi-decadal and interannual variabilities

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    Sâmia Regina Garcia


    Full Text Available A variabilidade da circulação tropical, com ênfase nos sistemas monçônicos, é examinada usando diversas variáveis para o período de 1948-1999. A componente monçônica do potencial de velocidade em 200 hPa (χ-transiente, o desvio da média anual do desvio da média zonal, é o parâmetro chave usado para obter os modos monçônicos. A análise de Funções Ortogonais Empíricas (EOF do χ-transiente fornece dois modos separados. O primeiro modo descreve a variabilidade multi-decenal dos sistemas monçônicos da América do Sul e do Pacífico oeste. Esse modo, chamado monçônico multi-decenal (MMD, ocorre por todo o ano e contém a variabilidade multi-decenal relacionada à dinâmica da Oscilação Decenal do Pacífico (ODP. O segundo modo descreve as variações interanuais opostas entre a Ásia, África e oceano Índico e a região do oeste dos Estados Unidos, México e Pacífico leste. Esse modo, chamado modo interanual (MIA apresenta algumas similaridades com o modo tropical interanual El Niño - Oscilação Sul. Alguns aspectos desses modos, incluindo sua circulação e características termodinâmicas são discutidas aqui. Finalmente, índices baseados nos padrões das configurações espaciais desses modos são construídos. A eficiência desses índices para fins de monitoramento é analisada. Logo, trata-se de um novo aspecto não proposto em trabalhos anteriores.Tropical circulation variability, with emphasis on the monsoon systems is examined using several variables for the 1948-1999 period. The monsoon component in the 200 hPa velocity potential (transient-χ, the deviation from the annual mean of the zonal deviation field, is the key parameter used here to obtain the monsoon modes. The Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF analysis of the transient-χ yields two separate modes. The first mode describes the multi-decadal variability of the monsoon systems in South America and in the western Pacific. This mode, called the multi

  4. Uma Avaliação da Variação da Temperatura da Superfície do Mar durante a Passagem do Furacão Catarina

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    Rodrigo Carvalho de Sousa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho tenta-se observar a variação da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM durante a passagem do ciclone tropical que atingiu a costa leste do Brasil em 2004, conhecido como furação Catarina, utilizando dados de temperatura da superfície do mar estimado via sensoriamento remoto orbital provenientes de dois sensores nos espectros de micro-ondas e infravermelho termal. Os resultados apontam que houve resfriamento máximo de aproximadamente 2,00o C quando comparados com dados de anos subsequentes ao evento. Além disso, os resultados indicaram, conforme esperado, que durante a passagem do Catarina o resfriamento da TSM realmente ocorreu, atingindo os valores máximos de -1,00o C e -0,99o C quando comparados com a TSM diária do sensor TMI e a composição diária de TSM usando dados dos sensores TMI e AVHRR (via método de interpolação de Barnes, respectivamente. Estimativa de TSM via dados infravermelho pouco contribuiu na análise, enquanto os dados de TSM micro-ondas apresentaram uma razoável capacidade de representar o comportamento qualitativo da TSM durante o evento Catarina. Os resultados estão em conformidade com os encontrados na literatura

  5. Avaliação e seleção de progênies F3 de cafeeiros de porte baixo com o gene SH3 de resistência a Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. Evaluation and selection of Coffea arabica F3 progenies with low height and the leaf-rust SH3 resistence gene

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    Albano Silva da Conceição


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar e selecionar progênies F3 de cafeeiros de porte baixo com o gene SH3 de resistência à ferrugem, foram estudadas 36 progênies de cafeeiros tipo arábica (Coffea arabica L. , em geração F3, resultantes dos cruzamentos dirigidos entre as cultivares Catuaí Vermelho IAC 46 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 com o acesso IAC 1110 (BA-10. Esse último, originário da Índia, é fonte dos genes SH2SH3 que conferem resistência a Hemileia vastatrix. O experimento, estabelecido em 1988 no Centro Experimental do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas (SP, no delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com seis repetições, duas plantas por parcela e no espaçamento 3,0 x 1,8 m, utilizou como testemunha a cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81, totalizando 37 tratamentos. Avaliaram-se no campo, a produção de café (média de sete colheitas, vigor vegetativo, resistência à ferrugem, porte da planta, coloração das folhas novas e maturação dos frutos. Os frutos das plantas mais produtivas foram analisados em laboratório quanto ao rendimento, tipos de sementes, peneira média e massa de 1000 grãos. A análise da variância dos dados de produção das progênies evidenciou que houve diferenças significativas entre as progênies, ao nível de 1% de probabilidade, pelo teste F. Foram selecionadas 11 progênies com média superior à testemunha e dentro dessas, 39 cafeeiros. Das 25 progênies restantes foram selecionados mais 15 cafeeiros produtivos e resistentes ao agente da ferrugem. Desses 54 cafeeiros, foram selecionados os 18 que apresentaram peneira média acima de 15,5 e maior freqüência de grãos normais do tipo chato. As progênies dessas plantas selecionadas foram avaliadas na geração F4, em fase de mudas, quando se verificou que dez delas estavam em homozigoze para porte baixo. Com as 18 plantas, o Programa de Melhoramento do Café, no IAC, terá continuidade como progênies F4, visando à obtenção de nova cultivar de

  6. Gall inducing arthropods from a seasonally dry tropical forest in Serra do Cipó, Brazil Artrópodes indutores de galhas em Floresta Sazonal Tropical Seca da Serra do Cipó, Brasil

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    Marcel Serra Coelho


    Full Text Available Highly diverse forms of galling arthropods can be identified in much of southeastern Brazil's vegetation. Three fragments of a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF located in the southern range of the Espinhaço Mountains were selected for study in the first survey of galling organisms in such tropical vegetation. Investigators found 92 distinct gall morphotypes on several organs of 51 host plant species of 19 families. Cecidomyiidae (Diptera was the most prolific gall-inducing species, responsible for the largest proportion of galls (77% observed. Leaves were the most frequently galled plant organ (63%, while the most common gall morphotype was of a spherical shape (30%. The two plant species, Baccharis dracunculifolia (Asteraceae and Celtis brasiliensis (Cannabaceae, presented the highest number of gall morphtypes, displaying an average of 5 gall morphotypes each. This is the first study of gall-inducing arthropods and their host plant species ever undertaken in a Brazilian SDTF ecosystem. Given the intense human pressure on SDTFs, the high richness of galling arthropods, and implied floral host diversity found in this study indicates the need for an increased effort to catalogue the corresponding flora and fauna, observe their intricate associations and further understand the implications of such rich diversity in these stressed and vulnerable ecosystems.Artrópodes indutores de galhas são muito ricos em espécies nas formações vegetais no sudeste do Brasil. Três fragmentos de Floresta Sazonal Tropical Seca (FSTS foram selecionados nas montanhas do sudeste da cadeia do Espinhaço para a primeira pesquisa de organismos indutores de galhas nesse tipo de vegetação. Encontramos 92 morfotipos distintos de galhas em vários órgãos de 51 espécies de plantas hospedeiras pertencentes à 19 famílias. A maioria das galhas (77% foi induzida pela família Cecidomyiidae (Diptera. A folha foi o órgão mais atacado (63%, enquanto o morfotipo mais

  7. Modeling radiative transfer in tropical rainforest canopies: sensitivity of simulated albedo to canopy architectural and optical parameters

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    Sílvia N. M. Yanagi


    Full Text Available This study evaluates the sensitivity of the surface albedo simulated by the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS to a set of Amazonian tropical rainforest canopy architectural and optical parameters. The parameters tested in this study are the orientation and reflectance of the leaves of upper and lower canopies in the visible (VIS and near-infrared (NIR spectral bands. The results are evaluated against albedo measurements taken above the K34 site at the INPA (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Cuieiras Biological Reserve. The sensitivity analysis indicates a strong response to the upper canopy leaves orientation (x up and to the reflectivity in the near-infrared spectral band (rNIR,up, a smaller sensitivity to the reflectivity in the visible spectral band (rVIS,up and no sensitivity at all to the lower canopy parameters, which is consistent with the canopy structure. The combination of parameters that minimized the Root Mean Square Error and mean relative error are Xup = 0.86, rVIS,up = 0.062 and rNIR,up = 0.275. The parameterizations performed resulted in successful simulations of tropical rainforest albedo by IBIS, indicating its potential to simulate the canopy radiative transfer for narrow spectral bands and permitting close comparison with remote sensing products.Este estudo avalia a sensibilidade do albedo da superfície pelo Simulador Integrado da Biosfera (IBIS a um conjunto de parâmetros que representam algumas propriedades arquitetônicas e óticas do dossel da floresta tropical Amazônica. Os parâmetros testados neste estudo são a orientação e refletância das folhas do dossel superior e inferior nas bandas espectrais do visível (VIS e infravermelho próximo (NIR. Os resultados são avaliados contra observações feitas no sítio K34 pertencente ao Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA na Reserva Biológica de Cuieiras. A análise de sensibilidade indica uma forte resposta aos parâmetros de orienta

  8. Tropical Soil Chemistry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borggaard, Ole K.

    and environmental protection. Tropical Soil Chemistry by Ole K. Borggaard provides an overview of the composition, occurrence, properties, processes, formation, and environmental vulnerability of various tropical soil types (using American Soil Taxonomy for classification). The processes and the external factors...... soil chemical issues are also presented to assess when, why, and how tropical soils differ from soils in other regions. This knowledge can help agricultural specialists in the tropics establish sustainable crop production. Readers are assumed to be familiar with basic chemistry, physics...

  9. Control of wheat diseases using phosphites and acibenzolar-s-methyl alone or associated with piraclostrobina + epoxiconazoleControle de doenças do trigo com fosfitos e acibenzolar-s-metil isoladamente ou associados a piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole

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    Olavio Correa Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different sources of phosphite to control leaf rust, powdery mildew, yellow and brown spot in the wheat crop in Palmeira, Paraná state, Brazil. The treatments were: four commercial sources of phosphites (A, B, C and D, applied at 1500 mL ha-1, (applied in rate of active product acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM at 500 mL ha-1 (isolad or association, pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole (fungicide at 400 mL ha-1 and phosphite A with pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole (at 300 mL ha-1, phosphite A with pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole (400 mL ha-1, acibenzolar-S-methyl with pyraclostrobin + epoxiconazole (400 mL ha-1 and control (water, . The experimental design adopted was complete randomized blocks with four replications. Regarding diseases, evaluations were done on the determination of severity and the calculation of the area below the curve of the disease progress in the flag leaf and entire plant. Leaf area index, thousand seeds weight, hectoliter weight and yield were also evaluated. Phosphite, independently source, did not act on leaf rust, powdery mildew, yellow and brown spot. The resistance inducer acibenzolar-S-methyl either isolated or associated to other fungicides affected leaf rust and powdery mildew of the wheat. Only phosphites associated to the fungicide controlled diseases, however there was no additional increase in yield whether compared to the control promoted by the fungicide.Foi realizado um experimento no município de Palmeira-PR, visando avaliar o efeito de diferentes fontes de fosfitos no controle da ferrugem da folha, do oídio e das manchas amarela e marrom na cultura do trigo. Os tratamentos foram: quatro fontes comerciais de fosfitos (A, B, C e D aplicados na dose de 1500 mL ha-1 (dose de produto ativo isolado ou associado aos demais produtos, acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM na dose de 500 mL ha-1 (isolado ou associado, piraclostrobina + epoxiconazole (fungicida na dose de 500 mL ha-1

  10. Tropical Freshwater Biology

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tropical Freshwater Biology promotes the publication of scientific contributions in the field of freshwater biology in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. One issue is published annually but this number may be increased. Original research papers and short communications on any aspect of tropical freshwater ...

  11. Applications of NASA TROPICS Data for Tropical Cyclone Analysis, Nowcasting, and Impacts (United States)

    Zavodsky, B.; Dunion, J. P.; Blackwell, W. J.; Braun, S. A.; Green, D. S.; Velden, C.; Adler, R. F.; Cossuth, J.; Murray, J. J.; Brennan, M. J.


    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) mission is a constellation of state-of-the-science observing platforms that will measure temperature and humidity soundings and precipitation with spatial resolution comparable to current operational passive microwave sounders but with unprecedented temporal resolution. TROPICS is a cost-capped ($30M) Venture-class mission funded by the NASA Earth Science Division. The mission is comprised of a constellation of 3 unit (3U) SmallSats, each hosting a 12-channel passive microwave spectrometer based on the Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite 2 (MicroMAS-2) developed at MIT LL. TROPICS will provide imagery near 91 and 205 GHz, temperature sounding near 118 GHz, and moisture sounding near 183 GHz. Spatial resolution at nadir will be around 27 km for temperature and 17 km for moisture and precipitation. The swath width is approximately 2000 km. TROPICS enables temporal resolution similar to geostationary orbit but at a much lower cost, demonstrating a technology that could impact the design of future Earth-observing missions. The TROPICS satellites for the mission are slated for delivery to NASA in 2019 with potential launch opportunities in 2020. The primary mission objective of TROPICS is to relate temperature, humidity, and precipitation structure to the evolution of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity. This abstract summarizes the outcomes of the 1st TROPICS Applications Workshop, held from May 8-10, 2017 at the University of Miami. At this meeting, a series of presentations and breakout discussions in the topical areas of Tropical Cyclone Dynamics, Tropical Cyclone Analysis and Nowcasting, Tropical Cyclone Modeling and Data Assimilation, and Terrestrial Impacts were convened to identify applications of the mission data and to begin to establish a community of end-users who will be able to

  12. Indicadores econômicos da produção de flores tropicais no estado do Rio de Janeiro Economic indicators of tropical flower production in Rio de Janeiro state

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    Andrezza da Silva Machado Neto


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar, mediante o cálculo do valor presente líquido (VPL, da taxa interna de retorno (TIR e do Payback Econômico (PBE, a viabilidade econômica da produção de Alpinia purpurata, Etlingera elatior e Anthurium andraeanum, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, bem como identificar e verificar, por meio da análise de sensibilidade, a influência de alguns fatores do sistema produtivo sobre a rentabilidade da atividade nas principais regiões produtoras. Os resultados mostram que a produção das espécies tropicais consideradas é uma atividade lucrativa e promissora para os agricultores no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Porém, trata-se de um mercado em construção, cujos itens de maior impacto sobre a rentabilidade e o tempo de retorno do investimento (PBE são o preço de venda do produto e o percentual de perdas da produção. Assim, a agregação de valor e o planejamento estratégico da produção são importantes medidas mercadológicas para a consolidação deste setor.The purpose of this study was to determine, through the calculation of the net present value (VPL, the internal return rate (TIR and of the Economic Payback (PBE, the economic viability of the production of Alpinia purpurata, Etlingera elatior and Anthurium andraeanum in the Rio de Janeiro State, as well as to identify and to verify by means of sensitivity analysis the influence of some factors of the production system on the profitability of the activity in the main producing regions. The results showed that the production of the tropical species is a profitable and promising activity for the farmers in the State of Rio de Janeiro. However, it is a developing market, whose factors of greatest impact on the profitability and investment return time (PBE are the selling price of the product and the percentage of production losses. Thus, the aggregation of value and strategic planning of the production are important market measures for the

  13. Composição lignocelulósica e isótopica da vegetação e da matéria orgânica do solo de uma turfeira tropical: II - substâncias húmicas e processos de humificação

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    Alexandre Christofaro Silva


    Full Text Available Grande parte da matéria orgânica de Organossolos das turfeiras é composta por substâncias húmicas, formadas pela transformação de resíduos orgânicos pelos microrganismos do solo e pela polimerização dos compostos orgânicos em macromoléculas resistentes à degradação biológica. Os processos de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS ainda são pouco compreendidos e o conhecimento sobre os precursores das substâncias húmicas é limitado, sendo apresentadas rotas diferentes para a formação dessas substâncias. Contudo, em todas as rotas, destaca-se a participação da lignina. Isótopos estáveis (13C, 15N podem ser utilizados para rastrear processos de humificação da MOS, por meio da identificação de seus precursores. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar comparativamente a composição isotópica da vegetação das fitofisionomias que colonizam uma turfeira tropical de altitude composta de Campo Limpo Úmido (CLU e de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES, em relação à composição isotópica das substâncias húmicas da MOS. A turfeira estudada ocupa 81,75 ha. Para as análises isotópicas e lignocelulósicas da vegetação, foram identificadas as espécies dominantes em cada fitofisionomia. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em três locais representativos sob cada fitofisionomia, a cada 5 cm de profundidade, até 50 cm. As substâncias húmicas dessas amostras foram fracionadas, assim como calculados os valores de δ13C e δ15N nas frações húmicas, respectivamente a partir da determinação dos isótopos estáveis 12C e 13C e 14N e 15N. Os teores de lignina e seus valores de δ13C são mais elevados na vegetação e MOS sob FES em relação à vegetação e MOS sob CLU. Os teores de humina são mais elevados entre as substâncias húmicas na MOS, sob as duas fitofisionomias; os de ácidos húmicos são mais elevados na MOS sob CLU, em relação à FES; e os de ácidos fúlvicos são mais elevados na MOS

  14. Neglected tropical diseases

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    David Molyneux


    Full Text Available Seventeen neglected tropical diseases (NTDs have been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO. It is estimated that over 1 billion people are infected with NTDs, with a further 1 billion at risk. The majority of NTDs occur in the tropics and sub-tropics and have particular characteristics in common.

  15. Flora ficologica da plataforma continental do litoral setentrional da bacia potiguar (RN), Brasil, com ênfase em chlorophyta


    De Lourdes Montenegro Cocentino, Adilma


    Foram estudadas as macroalgas marinhas bentônicas de um habitat pouco explorado (Bacia Potiguar, Rio Grande do Norte, Nordeste do Brasil) e cuja informação florística é rara, para se conhecer a diversidade taxonômica e padrões de distribuição em um infralitoral tropical, onde vários empreendimentos estão em fase de instalação, sendo enfatizadas as Chlorophyta, como indicadoras da qualidade ambiental. Amostragens de macroalgas bentônicas foram feitas, com dois tipos de dragas e ...

  16. Tropical Rainforests. (United States)

    Nigh, Ronald B.; Nations, James D.


    Presented is a summary of scientific knowledge about the rainforest environment, a tropical ecosystem in danger of extermination. Topics include the current state of tropical rainforests, the causes of rainforest destruction, and alternatives of rainforest destruction. (BT)

  17. Influência do zinco na incidência de doenças do cafeeiro Zinc influence on coffee diseases

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    Vicente Luiz de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Em cafeeiros, poucos estudos foram feitos relacionando aumento ou diminuição da resistência das plantas às doenças, com alteração dos níveis de nutrientes utilizados. Com este trabalho, objetivou-se estudar os efeitos do sulfato de zinco aplicado isoladamente, e associado com fungicidas e cloreto de potássio sobre a ferrugem, cercosporiose e manchas foliares do cafeeiro. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma lavoura de café em produção, onde foram testados oxicloreto de cobre, tebuconazole, sulfato de zinco + cloreto de potássio e sulfato de zinco e nas subparcelas foram realizadas diferentes concentrações de sulfato de zinco: ausência, 0,3 %, 0,6 % e 1,2 %. Verificou-se que os tratamentos com oxicloreto de cobre e tebuconazole reduziram a incidência e severidade de ferrugem, a incidência de cercosporiose, de manchas foliares (phoma e ascochyta e a desfolha, independente das concentrações de sulfato de zinco utilizadas. Concentrações de sulfato de zinco na faixa de 0,6 % - 0,75 % apresentaram menor severidade da ferrugem e o aumento nas concentrações de sulfato de zinco aumentou a incidência de cercosporiose, manchas foliares e a desfolha dos cafeeiros.The are few studies have been done related to the increase or decrease of disease resistance in coffee plants, with alteration from plant nutrient levels. The ain of this work was to verify the effect of zinc sulfate, applied either alone or in association with fungicides, and the effect of potassium chloride on coffee leaf rust, brown-eyes and leaf stains in coffee plants. Copper oxichloride, tebuconazole, sulfate of zinc + potassium chloride and sulfate of zinc were applied on plots and concentrations of zinc sulfate (0,0 %, 0,3 %, 0,6 % and 1,2 % were applied on sub plot. Treatments with copper and tebuconazole reduced the incidence and severity of rust, the incidence of brown-eyes and stains leaf (phoma and ascochyta and the defoliate independent of the zinc sulfate

  18. Iguaçu (IAC-21 e Araguaia (IAC -22: cultivares de trigo de sequeiro para o Estado de São Paulo Iguaçu (IAC 21 and Araguaia (IAC 22: wheat cultivars for upland conditions of the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    João Carlos Felício


    Full Text Available Em experimentos localizados nas principais regiões tritícolas paulistas, comparou-se a produtividade e as reações aos agentes de ferrugem-do-colmo e da-folha, bem como as qualidades industriais de panificação de dois novos cultivares de trigo - Iguaçu (IAC-21 e Araguaia (IAC-22 - provenientes de cruzamentos artificiais e obtidos por seleção por método genealógico, com os cultivares BH-1146 e Maringá (IAC-5. A produção média de grãos do 'Iguaçu' foi 8% e 12% estatisticamente superior respectivamente aos cultivares testemunhas, e o 'Araguaia' superou-os em 5 e 14%. Os novos cultivares apresentaram, ao longo dos cinco anos de estudo, menores níveis de infecção de ferrugem-do-colmo (Puccinia gramínis f, sp. tritici que as testemunhas, sobressaindo-se o 'Araguaia', com baixíssimos níveis de infecção. Os novos cultivares, bem como as testemunhas, mostraram reações médias para ferrugem-da-folha. Nos ensaios de panificação a farinha do 'Araguaia', de maneira geral, exibiu melhor potencial panificável que a do Iguaçu, sendo ambas levemente superiores à farinha de trigo comercial.Two new selected germoplasms of wheat (Iguaçu and Araguaia were tested against two commercial varieties (BH-1146 and IAC-5 for yield and resistance to stem and leaf rusts in several experiments carried out in different locations of the wheat areas of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, in the period 1978-1982. Cultivar Iguaçu produced 8% and 12% more grain per hectare in comparison with respectively, cultivars BH-1146 and IAC-5; cultivar Araguaia had, respectively, 5% and 14% more grain yield than the same commercial varieties. Iguaçu and Araguaia cultivars presented less stem rust infection than BH-1146 and IAC-5 while Araguaia had a lower infection level than Iguaçu under field conditions. It was not observed differences in resistance to leaf rust among them. Araguaia exhibited better bread qualities than Iguaçu but both showed better

  19. Características do pelame de vacas Holandesas em ambiente tropical: um estudo genético e adaptativo Haircoat traits in Holstein cows in tropical environments: a genetic and adaptative study

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    Alex Sandro Campos Maia


    Full Text Available As características do pelame (espessura da capa, comprimento médio dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área, densidade de massa dos pêlos, ângulo de inclinação dos pêlos com respeito a superfície da epiderme e diâmetro médio do pêlos foram avaliadas em 973 vacas da raça Holandesa, entre novembro de 2000 e abril de 2001, numa área localizada 20cm abaixo da coluna vertebral, no centro do tronco, tanto nas malhas brancas como nas negras. As amostras de pêlos foram obtidas com um alicate comum adaptado. O método da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita (REML foi usado para estimar os componentes de variância e covariância sob modelo animal, sendo empregado o sistema MTDFREML. Os resultados mostraram que as características do pelame preto são diferentes das do branco, quando os animais são criados em ambiente tropical. O pelame preto apresentou-se menos denso, com pêlos mais curtos e grossos devido à maior necessidade de perder calor, enquanto que, o pelame branco é mais denso e com pêlos mais compridos, oferecendo uma melhor proteção contra à radiação solar direta. A seleção de vacas predominantemente negras pode ser uma boa escolha para aumentar a resistência do gado Holandês às condições do ambiente tropical, principalmente à radiação solar, quando esses animais são criados a campo, devido a que a epiderme sob esse tipo de malhas é altamente pigmentada. Tal seleção pode ser facilmente realizada, considerando a alta herdabilidade (h²=0,75 para a proporção de malhas negras. Esta seleção deve ser realizada no sentido de um pelame menos denso, com pêlos curtos e grossos favorecendo as perdas de calor sensível e calor latente.The traits of the haircoat (haircoat thickness, average hair lenght with respect skin surface, number of hair per unit area, hair mass density, hair angle and average hair diameter were estimated in 973 Holstein cattle in the period between November 2000 and April of 2001

  20. Composição lignocelulósica e isótopica da vegetação e da matéria orgânica do solo de uma turfeira tropical: II - substâncias húmicas e processos de humificação Lignocellulosic and isotopic composition of vegetation and soil organic matter of a tropical peat: II humic substances and humification processes

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    Alexandre Christofaro Silva


    Full Text Available Grande parte da matéria orgânica de Organossolos das turfeiras é composta por substâncias húmicas, formadas pela transformação de resíduos orgânicos pelos microrganismos do solo e pela polimerização dos compostos orgânicos em macromoléculas resistentes à degradação biológica. Os processos de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS ainda são pouco compreendidos e o conhecimento sobre os precursores das substâncias húmicas é limitado, sendo apresentadas rotas diferentes para a formação dessas substâncias. Contudo, em todas as rotas, destaca-se a participação da lignina. Isótopos estáveis (13C, 15N podem ser utilizados para rastrear processos de humificação da MOS, por meio da identificação de seus precursores. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar comparativamente a composição isotópica da vegetação das fitofisionomias que colonizam uma turfeira tropical de altitude composta de Campo Limpo Úmido (CLU e de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES, em relação à composição isotópica das substâncias húmicas da MOS. A turfeira estudada ocupa 81,75 ha. Para as análises isotópicas e lignocelulósicas da vegetação, foram identificadas as espécies dominantes em cada fitofisionomia. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em três locais representativos sob cada fitofisionomia, a cada 5 cm de profundidade, até 50 cm. As substâncias húmicas dessas amostras foram fracionadas, assim como calculados os valores de δ13C e δ15N nas frações húmicas, respectivamente a partir da determinação dos isótopos estáveis 12C e 13C e 14N e 15N. Os teores de lignina e seus valores de δ13C são mais elevados na vegetação e MOS sob FES em relação à vegetação e MOS sob CLU. Os teores de humina são mais elevados entre as substâncias húmicas na MOS, sob as duas fitofisionomias; os de ácidos húmicos são mais elevados na MOS sob CLU, em relação à FES; e os de ácidos fúlvicos são mais elevados na MOS

  1. The early larval development of the tropical reef lobster Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken (Astacidea, Enoplometopidae reared in the laboratory Desenvolvimento dos estágios iniciais da lagosta de recife tropical Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken (Astacidea, Enoplometopidae cultivada em laboratório

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    Fernando A. Abrunhosa


    Full Text Available The early stages of the tropical reef lobster Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken, 1865 were described and illustrated in detail from specimens reared in the laboratory. Ovigerous females were captured in their habitat, at a depth of about 15 meters and transported to the laboratory. The larvae were reared in a recirculation water tank for approximately 15 days and then transferred to four 10 liters aquariums. The larvae were fed on Artemia sp. nauplii. Microalgae Dunaliella viridis was added daily to the culture. The larvae moulted seven times progressing through the zoea VIII. Megalopa stage was not achieved. The intermoulting period of each stage averaged from eight to 12 days. Morphological comparisons with previous reports are briefly discussed.Os estágios iniciais da lagosta tropical Enoplometopus antillensis Lütken, 1865 foram descritos e ilustrados a partir de espécimes cultivados em laboratório. Fêmeas ovígeras foram capturadas em seu habitat, na profundidade cerca de 15 metros e transportadas para o laboratório. As larvas foram cultivadas em tanques de água recirculante por aproximadamente 15 dias e, então transferidas para quatro aquários (capacidade 10 litros. As larvas foram alimentadas com náuplios de Artemia sp. recém eclodidos. A microalga Dunaliella viridis AUTOR foi diariamente adicionada no cultivo. As larvas mudaram sete vezes alcançando o zoea VIII. O estágio megalopa não foi obtido. O período de intermuda de cada estágio variou de cerca de oito a 12 dias. Comparações morfológicas com trabalhos anteriores são brevemente discutidas.

  2. Dinâmicas de trânsito e degradação da fibra em detergente neutro em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical de baixa qualidade e compostos nitrogenados Transit and degradation dynamics of neutral detergent fiber in cattle fed low-quality tropical forage and nitrogenous compounds

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    I. Lazzarini


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se as dinâmicas de trânsito e degradação da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical de baixa qualidade e compostos nitrogenados. Foram utilizadas cinco novilhas Holandês x Zebu fistuladas no rúmen. A alimentação volumosa basal dos animais foi constituída por feno de capim-braquiária (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf., com 5,08% de proteína bruta (PB, com base na matéria seca (MS, fornecido ad libitum. Os cinco tratamentos avaliados foram definidos de acordo com o nível de suplementação proteica (0, 3, 5, 7 e 9 pontos percentuais acima do nível de PB da forragem. Como fonte de compostos nitrogenados, empregou-se mistura de ureia:sulfato de amônia:albumina (4,5:0,5:1,0. O experimento foi estruturado segundo delineamento em quadrado latino 5 x 5. Os níveis médios de PB nas dietas foram de 5,28; 8,08; 9,82; 11,87 e 13,63%, com base na MS. Verificou-se elevação linear (PRumen transit and degradation dynamics of neutral detergent fiber (NDF in cattle fed low-quality tropical forage and nitrogenous compounds were evaluated. Five crossbred heifers fitted with rumen cannulae were used. The animals were fed ad libitum with signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. hay, which had crude protein (CP content of 5.08% in dry matter (DM. The five treatments were defined according to the level of CP in the diet (0, 3, 5, 7, and 9 percentile points above the CP level of the roughage. The supplement was a mixture of urea, ammonium sulfate, and albumin (4.5:0.5:1.0, respectively. The experiment was carried out according to a 5 x 5 Latin square design. The average CP levels in the diets were: 5.28, 8.08, 9.82, 11.87, and 13.63% in DM basis. The potentially degradable fraction of NDF was linearly increased (P<0.05 by CP levels in diet until 8.62% CP. From this point, there was stabilization of estimates (47.92% of NDF. The degradation rate of potentially degradable NDF showed a quadratic response (P<0

  3. Fluxos de calor no dossel vegetativo e infiltração de água no solo, em floresta tropical Heat fluxes in the vegetative canopy and water infiltration in tropical forest

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    Vanessa de A. Dantas


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisou as variações sazonais e anuais dos fluxos de calor sensível e latente, armazenados pelo dossel vegetativo de floresta tropical úmida, bem como a taxa de infiltração de água no solo em duas parcelas experimentais, uma com exclusáo de chuva e outra submetida às condições reais de precipitação pluvial. Os dados aqui usados foram obtidos do projeto ''Estudo da Seca da Floresta (ESECAFLOR, subprojeto do Experimento de Grande Escala da Biosfera-Atmosfera na Amazônia (LBA, conduzido na reserva florestal de terra firme em Caxiuaná, PA. Os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar foram coletados no perfil da floresta amazônica, em intervalos de 8 m, deSd e a superfície até 32 m, durante o ano de 2008, em intervalos horários, para se determinar os fluxos de calor sensível e latente armazenados nos período chuvoso (fevereiro, março e abril e menos chuvoso (setembro, outubro e novembro. Os resultados indicaram que o fluxo de calor sensível armazenado no dossel da floresta no ano de 2008, foi 167,93 W m-2 e o fluxo de calor latente armazenado foi de 5184,38 W m-2. A taxa de infiltração de água do solo na floresta foi reduzida drasticamente nos primeiros minutos do início do experimento, independentemente das condições de umidade do solo e, em seguida, ela apresentou comportamento quase constante ao longo do tempo.This study assessed the seasonal and annual variations in both sensible and latent heat storage fluxes in the canopy air-space of tropical rainforest, as well as the infiltration rate in soil in two experimental plots one with exclusion of rainfall and other under actual rainfall. The data used in this study were obtained during the ''Long-term drought impact on water and carbon dioxide fluxes in Amazonian Tropical Rainforest Experiment'' (ESECAFLOR which is subproject of Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazon forest (LBA, carried out in Caxiuaná National Forest, Pará, Brazil

  4. Impact of Representing Model Error in a Hybrid Ensemble-Variational Data Assimilation System for Track Forecast of Tropical Cyclones over the Bay of Bengal (United States)

    Kutty, Govindan; Muraleedharan, Rohit; Kesarkar, Amit P.


    Uncertainties in the numerical weather prediction models are generally not well-represented in ensemble-based data assimilation (DA) systems. The performance of an ensemble-based DA system becomes suboptimal, if the sources of error are undersampled in the forecast system. The present study examines the effect of accounting for model error treatments in the hybrid ensemble transform Kalman filter—three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) DA system (hybrid) in the track forecast of two tropical cyclones viz. Hudhud and Thane, formed over the Bay of Bengal, using Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (ARW-WRF) model. We investigated the effect of two types of model error treatment schemes and their combination on the hybrid DA system; (i) multiphysics approach, which uses different combination of cumulus, microphysics and planetary boundary layer schemes, (ii) stochastic kinetic energy backscatter (SKEB) scheme, which perturbs the horizontal wind and potential temperature tendencies, (iii) a combination of both multiphysics and SKEB scheme. Substantial improvements are noticed in the track positions of both the cyclones, when flow-dependent ensemble covariance is used in 3DVAR framework. Explicit model error representation is found to be beneficial in treating the underdispersive ensembles. Among the model error schemes used in this study, a combination of multiphysics and SKEB schemes has outperformed the other two schemes with improved track forecast for both the tropical cyclones.

  5. Estrutura arbórea da Floresta Ombrófila Densa Altomontana de serras do Sul do Brasil Tree component structure of tropical upper montane rain forests in Southern Brazil

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    Maurício Bergamini Scheer


    tree individuals (perimeter at breast height - PBH > 10 cm were sampled, which included 28 families, 43 genera and 78 species. The cloud forest sampled in Serra Gigante showed the highest richness (41 species, followed by Serra da Prata (37, Serra da Igreja (34 and Serra do Ibitiraquire (26. The mean tree height was 4.8 m, the PBH was 22.9 cm, the tree abundance was 4779 in/ha, the basal area was 33.5 m²/ha and the Shannon diversity index was 2.68 nats/ind. Combining our data with the published data on the Serra do Mar region, resulting in a total of 11 surveys and 204 plots (10200 m², a matrix with 75 identified species was obtained. In this matrix, the five most important species in the structure of the forest were Ilex microdonta, Siphoneugena reitzii, Drimys angustifolia, Ocotea porosa and Ilex chamaedrifolia. The cloud forests sampled in Serra do Mar showed lower richness and diversity indexes than the cloud forests in Serra da Mantiqueira (Southeast and higher richness and diversity than cloud forests in Aparados da Serra Geral (South. These differences are possibly related to the anthropic influences, geographic distances, different centers of endemism, the tropical and subtropical surroundings, and geomorphology, among other factors.

  6. Estimativa do balanço térmico por radiação em vacas Holandesas expostas ao sol e à sombra em ambiente tropical Estimate of radiation heat balance of Holstein cows in the sun and under the shade in a tropical environment

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    Roberto Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available É apresentado um método para a estimativa do balanço térmico por radiação em vacas da raça Holandesa expostas ao sol e sob a sombra em uma pastagem, com o objetivo de estabelecer um padrão morfológico mais adequado para esses animais em região tropical. O método envolve a determinação das características do pelame (área de superfície de malhas negras, espessura da capa, comprimento e diâmetro dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área, temperatura da superfície da capa e da epiderme e variáveis ambientais (irradiância solar, temperatura do ar e de globo, vento. Foi determinada a quantidade de radiação de ondas curtas efetivamente transmitida através do pelame e que atinge as camadas profundas da epiderme. Demonstrou-se, por intermédio de um exemplo prático, que as áreas de pelame negro apresentaram balanço radiante mais elevado que as áreas brancas, mas estas últimas possuiam maior transmissividade para a radiação de ondas curtas. Animais predominantemente negros foram melhor protegidos contra a radiação de ondas curtas que os predominantemente brancos, especialmente quando a capa de pelame é pouco espessa (até 4 a 7 mm, mais adequada para ambientes tropicais.A method is presented to estimate the radiation heat balance of Holstein cows exposed to sun and under shade of a pasture, to contribute with a morphological characteristics better adequate for these animals in a tropical environment. The methods involved the haircoat characteristics (surface area of black spots, coat thickness, hair length, hair diameter, number of hairs per unit of area, skin and coat surface temperatures and environmental variables (solar irradiance, wind speed, air and globe temperatures. The amount of shortwave energy which effectively is transmitted through the haircoat and that reach deply the epiderms layers was obtained. It was demonstrated by a practical example that the black areas of the coat presented higher radiation

  7. Tropical Peatland Geomorphology and Hydrology (United States)

    Cobb, A.; Harvey, C. F.


    Tropical peatlands cover many low-lying areas in the tropics. In tropical peatlands, a feedback between hydrology, landscape morphology, and carbon storage causes waterlogged organic matter to accumulate into gently mounded land forms called peat domes over thousands of years. Peat domes have a stable morphology in which peat production is balanced by loss and net precipitation is balanced by lateral flow, creating a link between peatland morphology, rainfall patterns and drainage networks. We show how landscape morphology can be used to make inferences about hydrologic processes in tropical peatlands. In particular, we show that approaches using simple storage-discharge relationships for catchments are especially well suited to tropical peatlands, allowing river forecasting based on peatland morphology in catchments with tropical peatland subcatchments.

  8. Manual de utilização de ferramenta do Centro Comum de Investigação para validação das mudanças da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra




    O projeto TREES-3 do CCI tem como objetivo avaliar mudanças da cobertura vegetal na região tropical que ocorreram entre 1990 e 2000, e entre 2000-(2005)-2010. Para isto, foram processadas e avaliadas mudanças da cobertura vegetal em uma grande quantidade de imagens de satélite multi-temporais de resolução espacial média (unidades amostrais de 20 km x 20 km de imagens Landsat). Desta forma, o projeto TREES-3 busca avaliar para cada uma das unidades amostrais a cobertura florestal e as mudanças...

  9. Tropical myeloneuropathies: the hidden endemias. (United States)

    Román, G C; Spencer, P S; Schoenberg, B S


    Tropical myeloneuropathies include tropical ataxic neuropathy and tropical spastic paraparesis. These disorders occur in geographic isolates in several developing countries and are associated with malnutrition, cyanide intoxication from cassava consumption, tropical malabsorption (TM), vegetarian diets, and lathyrism. TM-malnutrition was a probable cause of myeloneuropathies among Far East prisoners of war in World War II. Clusters of unknown etiology occur in India, Africa, the Seychelles, several Caribbean islands, Jamaica, and Colombia. Treponemal infection (yaws) could be an etiologic factor in the last two. Tropical myeloneuropathies, a serious health problem, are multifactorial conditions that provide unsurpassed opportunities for international cooperation and neurologic research.

  10. Quality maintenance Tropical Plants

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    Gláucia Moraes Dias


    Full Text Available The climatic characteristics of the country favor the cultivation of tropical flowers. The continued expansion of this market is due the beauty, exoticit nature and postharvest longevity of flower. However, little is known about the postharvest of tropical plants. Therefore, this paper provides information on harvest, handling and storage of cut tropical plantspostharvest, storage temperature, conditioning solution.

  11. The Next-Generation Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating Algorithm: New Retrievals for Tropical and Extra-tropical Environments (United States)

    Lang, S. E.; Tao, W. K.; Iguchi, T.


    The Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating (or CSH) algorithm has been used to estimate cloud heating over the global Tropics using TRMM rainfall data and a set of look-up-tables (LUTs) derived from a series of multi-week cloud-resolving model (CRM) simulations using the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble model (GCE). These simulations link satellite observables (i.e., surface rainfall and stratiform fraction) with cloud heating profiles, which are not directly observable. However, with the launch of GPM in 2014, the range over which such algorithms can be applied has been extended from the Tropics into higher latitudes, including cold season and synoptic weather systems. In response, the CSH algorithm and its LUTs have been revised both to improve the retrievals in the Tropics as well as expand retrievals to higher latitudes. For the Tropics, the GCE simulations used to build the LUTs were upgraded using larger 2D model domains (512 vs 256 km) and a new, improved Goddard 4-ice scheme as well as expanded with additional cases (4 land and 6 ocean in total). The new tropical LUTs are also re-built using additional metrics. Besides surface type, conditional rain intensity and stratiform fraction, the new LUTs incorporate echo top heights and low-level (0-2 km) vertical reflectivity gradients. CSH retrievals in the Tropics based on the new LUTs show significant differences from previous iterations using TRMM data or the old LUT metrics. For the Extra-tropics, 6 NU-WRF simulations of synoptic events (3 East Coast and 3 West Coast), including snow, were used to build new extra-tropical CSH LUTs. The LUT metrics for the extra-tropics are based on radar characteristics and freezing level height. The extra-tropical retrievals are evaluated with a self-consistency check approach using the model heating as `truth,' and freezing level height is used to transition CSH retrievals from the Tropics to Extra-tropics. Retrieved zonal average heating structures in the Extra-tropics are

  12. Pneumonia in the tropics. (United States)

    Lim, Tow Keang; Siow, Wen Ting


    Pneumonia in the tropics poses a heavy disease burden. The complex interplay of climate change, human migration influences and socio-economic factors lead to changing patterns of respiratory infections in tropical climate but also increasingly in temperate countries. Tropical and poorer countries, especially South East Asia, also bear the brunt of the global tuberculosis (TB) pandemic, accounting for almost one-third of the burden. But, as human migration patterns evolve, we expect to see more TB cases in higher income as well as temperate countries, and rise in infections like scrub typhus from ecotourism activities. Fuelled by the ease of air travel, novel zoonotic infections originating from the tropics have led to global respiratory pandemics. As such, clinicians worldwide should be aware of these new conditions as well as classical tropical bacterial pneumonias such as melioidosis. Rarer entities such as co-infections of leptospirosis and chikungunya or dengue will need careful consideration as well. In this review, we highlight aetiologies of pneumonia seen more commonly in the tropics compared with temperate regions, their disease burden, variable clinical presentations as well as impact on healthcare delivery. © 2017 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology.

  13. Tropical Veterinarian: Submissions

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Author Guidelines. 2012 Author Guidelines: Instructions to Authors: TROPICAL VETERINARIAN welcomes original work on all aspects of veterinary science as practiced in the Tropics, including livestock production and management, animal disease (domestic and wild), various aspects of preventive medicine and public ...

  14. Diagnóstico infraestrutural das propriedades rurais e dos arranjos produtivos da Comunidade do Mendes em Picuí, PB

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    Aracélia Azevedo Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O Nordeste brasileiro, mesmo estando localizado na região tropical do Globo, a leste da floresta tropical chuvosa da Amazônia e a oeste do oceano Atlântico Tropical, apresenta grandes áreas com clima semiárido, decorrente dos valores relativamente baixos de precipitação que, em algumas áreas são inferiores a 400 mm. Desse modo, a região semiárida apresenta escassez de água, associada a períodos extremos de reduzida precipitação, caracterizando um fenômeno físico denominado seca. A seca é um dos maiores desafios para o desenvolvimento sustentável dessa região, pois causa prejuízos avultados em vários setores da atividade humana, principalmente na agricultura. Ante isso, o objetivo deste trabalho é diagnosticar a infraestrutura das propriedades e analisar, não obstante as estiagens sucessivas a que são submetidos, a prática costumeira dos arranjos produtivos desenvolvidos por agricultores e agricultoras familiares da comunidade do Mendes, situada no município paraibano de Picuí. Na coleta das informações, foram utilizadas as metodologias e ferramentas baseadas no diálogo através do Diagnóstico Rural Participativo (DRP, com a aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas, analisando a infraestrutura física e social da Comunidade Mendes e os arranjos produtivos. Conclui-se que, não obstante a não ocorrência de colheitas no ano agrícola de 2012, à época da coleta dos dados as propriedades possuíam suporte forrageiro para os animais e havia uma preocupação com armazenamento de água para o período de maior escassez. As propriedades analisadas possuem infraestrutura física, a exemplo de cisternas, que minorarão os efeitos da escassez hídrica para o homem e animais. Ademais, os agricultores e agricultoras são movidos por uma fé incondicional, levando-os a crer e aguardar por anos bons de inverno que se tornam instigantes para semear as culturas típicas do nordeste paraibano, garantindo a soberania

  15. Application of remote sensing to the study of the pelagic spiny lobster larval transport in the Tropical Atlantic

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    Camila Aguirre Góes Rudorff


    Full Text Available The connectivity of marine populations via larval dispersal is crucial for the maintenance of fisheries production and biodiversity. Because larval dispersion takes place on different spatial scales, global operational satellite data can be successfully used to investigate the connectivity of marine populations on different spatial and temporal scales. In fact, satellite data have long been used for the study of the large and mesoscale biological processes associated with ocean dynamics. This paper presents simulations of spiny lobster larvae transport in the Tropical Atlantic using the geostrophic currents, generated by altimetry that feeds an advection/diffusion model. Simulations were conducted over the Tropical Atlantic (20ºN to 15ºS, considering four larvae release areas: the Cape Verde Archipelago, the Ivory Coast, Ascension Island and Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. We used mean geostrophic current (MGC calculated from 2001 to 2005 to represent the mean circulation of the Tropical Atlantic. We also ran the model for the El Niño geostrophic current regime (ENGC using part of the MGC data, representing the El Niño 2002/2003 event. Results suggest that the intensification of the mesoscale ocean processes associated with El Niño events promotes the connectivity between populations, increasing the chances of a genetic flux among different stocks. We concluded that the altimetry geostrophic current data together with a relatively simple advection/diffusion model can provide useful information about the physical dynamics necessary to conduct studies on larval dispersion.A conectividade de populações marinhas através da dispersão larval é crucial para a manutenção da produção pesqueira e da biodiversidade. A dispersão de larvas ocorre em diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais, de forma que o recobrimento global e escala sinóptica fazem dos dados de satélite ferramentas importantes para esses estudos. O objetivo deste artigo

  16. Tropical Cyclone Propagation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Gray, William


    This paper discusses the question of tropical cyclone propagation or why the average tropical cyclone moves 1-2 m/s faster and usually 10-20 deg to the left of its surrounding (or 5-7 deg radius) deep layer (850-300 mb) steering current...

  17. Neglected tropical diseases outside the tropics.

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    Francesca F Norman

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The neglected tropical diseases (NTDs cause significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Due to the growth in international travel and immigration, NTDs may be diagnosed in countries of the western world, but there has been no specific focus in the literature on imported NTDs. METHODS: Retrospective study of a cohort of immigrants and travelers diagnosed with one of the 13 core NTDs at a Tropical Medicine Referral Unit in Spain during the period April 1989-December 2007. Area of origin or travel was recorded and analyzed. RESULTS: There were 6168 patients (2634 immigrants, 3277 travelers and 257 VFR travelers in the cohort. NTDs occurred more frequently in immigrants, followed by VFR travelers and then by other travelers (p<0.001 for trend. The main NTDs diagnosed in immigrants were onchocerciasis (n = 240, 9.1% acquired mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, Chagas disease (n = 95, 3.6% in immigrants from South America, and ascariasis (n = 86, 3.3% found mainly in immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa. Most frequent NTDs in travelers were: schistosomiasis (n = 43, 1.3%, onchocerciasis (n = 17, 0.5% and ascariasis (n = 16, 0.5%, and all were mainly acquired in sub-Saharan Africa. The main NTDs diagnosed in VFR travelers were onchocerciasis (n = 14, 5.4%, and schistosomiasis (n = 2, 0.8%. CONCLUSIONS: The concept of imported NTDs is emerging as these infections acquire a more public profile. Specific issues such as the possibility of non-vectorial transmission outside endemic areas and how some eradication programmes in endemic countries may have an impact even in non-tropical western countries are addressed. Recognising NTDs even outside tropical settings would allow specific prevention and control measures to be implemented and may create unique opportunities for research in future.

  18. A dinâmica atmosférica na vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paraná e a gênese das chuvas - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i2.5498

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    Victor da Assunção Borsato


    Full Text Available O ritmo dos sistemas atmosféricos e a intensidade variam no tempo e no espaço. Por isso, para caracterizar a dinâmica climática de uma região é necessário estudar a dinâmica das massas de ar ao longo de uma série. Estudaram-se, por meio da dinâmica das massas de ar, a participação dos sistemas atmosféricos atuantes e as porcentagens das chuvas convectivas e frontais ao longo da vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paraná. Verificou-se que, nessa vertente, nos meses mais frios, predomina a atuação da massa tropical Atlântica e da polar Atlântica. Nos meses mais quentes, além de predominar a atuação dos sistemas de baixa pressão equatorial continental e tropical continental, têm-se as chuvas convectivas. Verificou-se, também, progressivo aumento na participação das chuvas convectivas, a partir da década de 1990, corroborando a teoria das mudanças climáticas.

  19. Tropical Cyclogenesis in a Tropical Wave Critical Layer: Easterly Waves (United States)

    Dunkerton, T. J.; Montgomery, M. T.; Wang, Z.


    The development of tropical depressions within tropical waves over the Atlantic and eastern Pacific is usually preceded by a "surface low along the wave" as if to suggest a hybrid wave-vortex structure in which flow streamlines not only undulate with the waves, but form a closed circulation in the lower troposphere surrounding the low. This structure, equatorward of the easterly jet axis, is identified herein as the familiar critical layer of waves in shear flow, a flow configuration which arguably provides the simplest conceptual framework for tropical cyclogenesis resulting from tropical waves, their interaction with the mean flow, and with diabatic processes associated with deep moist convection. The recirculating Kelvin cat's eye within the critical layer represents a sweet spot for tropical cyclogenesis in which a proto-vortex may form and grow within its parent wave. A common location for storm development is given by the intersection of the wave's critical latitude and trough axis at the center of the cat's eye, with analyzed vorticity centroid nearby. The wave and vortex live together for a time, and initially propagate at approximately the same speed. In most cases this coupled propagation continues for a few days after a tropical depression is identified. For easterly waves, as the name suggests, the propagation is westward. It is shown that in order to visualize optimally the associated Lagrangian motions, one should view the flow streamlines, or stream function, in a frame of reference translating horizontally with the phase propagation of the parent wave. In this co-moving frame, streamlines are approximately equivalent to particle trajectories. The closed circulation is quasi-stationary, and a dividing streamline separates air within the cat's eye from air outside.

  20. Introduction to tropical geometry

    CERN Document Server

    Maclagan, Diane


    Tropical geometry is a combinatorial shadow of algebraic geometry, offering new polyhedral tools to compute invariants of algebraic varieties. It is based on tropical algebra, where the sum of two numbers is their minimum and the product is their sum. This turns polynomials into piecewise-linear functions, and their zero sets into polyhedral complexes. These tropical varieties retain a surprising amount of information about their classical counterparts. Tropical geometry is a young subject that has undergone a rapid development since the beginning of the 21st century. While establishing itself as an area in its own right, deep connections have been made to many branches of pure and applied mathematics. This book offers a self-contained introduction to tropical geometry, suitable as a course text for beginning graduate students. Proofs are provided for the main results, such as the Fundamental Theorem and the Structure Theorem. Numerous examples and explicit computations illustrate the main concepts. Each of t...

  1. Computing Tropical Varieties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Speyer, D.; Jensen, Anders Nedergaard; Bogart, T.


    The tropical variety of a d-dimensional prime ideal in a polynomial ring with complex coefficients is a pure d-dimensional polyhedral fan. This fan is shown to be connected in codimension one. We present algorithmic tools for computing the tropical variety, and we discuss our implementation...

  2. O 'combate' às doenças tropicais na imprensa colonial alemã 'Combating' tropical diseases in the German colonial press

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    Sílvio Marcus de Souza Correa


    Full Text Available Demonstra o quanto determinados jornais em língua alemã constituíram veículo de divulgação para o público leigo sobre o 'combate' às doenças tropicais. Pela imprensa, imigrantes e seus descendentes no Brasil eram informados não apenas sobre as doenças que acometiam os colonos alemães na África, mas também sobre medidas de saneamento, profilaxia, experimentos da medicina tropical etc. A partir de fontes hemerográficas, demonstra o quanto as comunidades alemãs no ultramar lograram compartilhar suas experiências em relação à saúde em regiões tropicais e/ou subtropicais.This article shows how much certain German language newspapers were a vehicule for reporting to the lay public on 'combating' tropical diseases. Through the press, immigrants and their descendents in Brazil were informed not only about the diseases which afflicted German colonists in Africa, but also about measures concerning sanitation, prophylaxis and experiments with tropical medicine, etc. Based on hemerographic sources, it shows how successful the overseas German communities were in sharing their experiences regarding health in tropical and/or sub-tropical regions.

  3. Uso da desfolha para indução da brotação de atemoleiras 'Gefner'

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    Fernando José Hawerroth


    Full Text Available A utilização de práticas culturais que permitam programar a época de produção é fundamental para a exploração da cultura da atemoleira em clima tropical. Em determinados tipos de clima, associada a outras técnicas culturais, a desfolha permite induzir a brotação das gemas de atemoleira, podendo controlar a época de produção da cultura. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar diferentes tratamentos de desfolha para a indução da brotação de atemoleiras sob condições tropicais. O experimento foi realizado em cultivo comercial localizado no município de Limoeiro do Norte-CE, utilizando atemoleiras 'Gefner' com cinco anos de idade, enxertadas sob o porta-enxerto de pinha. Cerca de dez dias após a colheita, realizou-se a poda de produção e, em seguida, aplicaram-se os tratamentos: 1 testemunha (sem aplicação da desfolha; 2 desfolha manual; 3 ureia 150 g L-1; 4 ureia 150 g L-1 + óleo mineral 24 mL L-1; 5 ureia 150 g L-1 + sulfato de cobre 10 g L-1; 6 sulfato de cobre 10 g L-1 +óleo mineral 24 mL L-1; 7 ureia 150 g L-1 + óleo mineral 24 mL L-1 + sulfato de cobre 10 g L-1; 8 etefom 2,4 mL L-1. Todos os tratamentos químicos testados induziram a desfolha e a brotação, sobretudo as aplicações foliares de etefom 2,4 mL L-1 e combinação de sulfato de cobre 10 g L-1 + óleo mineral 24 mL L-1.

  4. Tropical varieties, maps and gossip

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frenk, B.J.


    Tropical geometry is a relatively new field of mathematics that studies the tropicalization map: a map that assigns a certain type of polyhedral complex, called a tropical variety, to an embedded algebraic variety. In a sense, it translates algebraic geometric statements into combinatorial ones. An

  5. Interannual Weakening of the Tropical Pacific Walker Circulation Due to Strong Tropical Volcanism (United States)

    Miao, Jiapeng; Wang, Tao; Wang, Huijun; Sun, Jianqi


    In order to examine the response of the tropical Pacific Walker circulation (PWC) to strong tropical volcanic eruptions (SVEs), we analyzed a three-member long-term simulation performed with HadCM3, and carried out four additional CAM4 experiments. We found that the PWC shows a significant interannual weakening after SVEs. The cooling effect from SVEs is able to cool the entire tropics. However, cooling over the Maritime Continent is stronger than that over the central-eastern tropical Pacific. Thus, non-uniform zonal temperature anomalies can be seen following SVEs. As a result, the sea level pressure gradient between the tropical Pacific and the Maritime Continent is reduced, which weakens trade winds over the tropical Pacific. Therefore, the PWC is weakened during this period. At the same time, due to the cooling subtropical and midlatitude Pacific, the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and South Pacific convergence zone (SPCZ) are weakened and shift to the equator. These changes also contribute to the weakened PWC. Meanwhile, through the positive Bjerknes feedback, weakened trade winds cause El Niño-like SST anomalies over the tropical Pacific, which in turn further influence the PWC. Therefore, the PWC significantly weakens after SVEs. The CAM4 experiments further confirm the influences from surface cooling over the Maritime Continent and subtropical/midlatitude Pacific on the PWC. Moreover, they indicate that the stronger cooling over the Maritime Continent plays a dominant role in weakening the PWC after SVEs. In the observations, a weakened PWC and a related El Niño-like SST pattern can be found following SVEs.

  6. European cloth and "tropical" skin: clothing material and British ideas of health and hygiene in tropical climates. (United States)

    Johnson, Ryan


    As Britain's imperial and colonial ambitions intensified toward the end of the nineteenth century, the preservation of white European health in tropical climates became an increasingly important concern. Since at least the seventeenth century, the "tropics" had been seen as spaces holding vast potential wealth but also death and disease. To combat these deadly but desirable landscapes, the British built a considerable commodity culture around the preservation of white European health, and for many, tropical clothing was one of the most important and essential items in their "kits." This article investigates the composition and use of such clothing in relation to British ideas of health and hygiene in tropical climates. First, it considers debates that ensued over the best material--wool, cotton, linen, silk, or a combination of these materials--and the role of "black" skin and local practice in the development of tropical clothing. Second, it demonstrates the importance of location in any discussion of tropical medicine and hygiene, and the tension and ambiguity that still surrounded British ideas of health and hygiene in the tropical colonies. Third, it argues that tropical clothing was important in the maintenance of climatic etiologies despite advances in parasitology and sanitary science. Finally, it considers the relationship of tropical clothing to the formation of a unique colonial identity. To British men and women embarking for any number of tropical destinations, proper clothing was not a banal and mundane component of their outfitting. For many, the clothing signified a departure from the safe and "civil" climes of Britain for adventure in the expanding tropical empire.

  7. Seleção de progênies do cruzamento entre cultivares de cafeeiros Icatu e Catuaí

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    Cristiano de Andrade Gomes


    Full Text Available Os programas de melhoramento devem ser dinâmicos e contínuos, de modo a disponibilizarem sempre novos cultivares de cafeeiros, com fatores de resistência complexos, que se constituam em eficientes barreiras para as novas raças fisiológicas do fungo H. vastatrix. Por essa razão, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o comportamento agronômico, a resistência à ferrugem e a ocorrência de cercosporiose em progênies, provenientes do cruzamento dos grupos de cultivares Catuaí e Icatu, em dois ambientes de Minas Gerais. Os experimentos foram implantados nas Fazendas Experimentais da EPAMIG, em São Sebastião do Paraíso e Três Pontas - MG. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o látice quadrado 6 x 6, com 3 repetições. Nos dois ambientes, foram realizadas avaliações de produtividade, vigor vegetativo, percentagem de grãos com peneira 17 acima e reação à ferrugem e à cercosporiose, nos anos agrícolas 2009/2010 e 2010/2011. O desempenho das progênies avaliadas, para produtividade, em Três Pontas, foi superior quando comparado ao de São Sebastião do Paraíso. A progênie H 6-47-10 Cova 3 destacou-se entre as mais promissoras, sugerindo boas possibilidades de progresso genético na seleção.


    ? A6) What is a sub-tropical cyclone? A7) What is an extratropical cyclone ? A8) What is storm surge easterly wave and what causes them? A5) What is a tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm and how is it different from storm tide ? A9) What is a "CDO" ? A10) What is a TUTT ? A11

  9. Eefeito das propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em algumas propriedades da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis

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    Róger Moya


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o efeito das propriedades físicas e químicas do solo em algumas propriedades da madeira de Tectona grandis oriundas de plantações entre 7 e 15 anos de idade, localizadas nas regiões Norte e Noroeste da Costa Rica, as quais apresentam dois tipos de clima (tropical seco e tropical úmido e com grande variedade de fertilidade de solo. As análises do solo consistiram no estudo de suas propriedades físicas (porcentagem de argila, limo e areia, densidade aparente, porcentagem de retenção de água e de água útil, retenção 15 Bar e 0,33 Bar e propriedades químicas (pH, acidez e conteúdo de Ca, Mg, K, P, Zn, Cu, Fe e Mn. As contrações tangenciais e radiais foram as propriedades da madeira mais correlacionadas com as características do solo, seguidas da porcentagem de cerne, medula e casca e teor de umidade na condição verde. A propriedade de menor correlação foi a densidade básica, enquanto a contração volumétrica não foi correlacionada com nenhuma propriedade do solo. Os coeficientes de correlação foram altamente significativos (a = 0,05, embora baixos valores (<0,67 foram encontrados, provavelmente influenciados pela ampla variedade das condições de clima e de solo amostrados. As propriedades físicas e químicas do solo não apresentaram influência expressiva nas propriedades da madeira de teca. Assim, apesar da grande variedade de solos existente na Costa Rica, a Teca pode ser cultivada comercialmente em todos eles sem que ocorram grandes variações nas propriedades da madeira.

  10. Harnessing Big Data for Communicable Tropical and Sub-Tropical Disorders: Implications From a Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Vincenza Gianfredi


    Full Text Available AimAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO, communicable tropical and sub-tropical diseases occur solely, or mainly in the tropics, thriving in hot, and humid conditions. Some of these disorders termed as neglected tropical diseases are particularly overlooked. Communicable tropical/sub-tropical diseases represent a diverse group of communicable disorders occurring in 149 countries, favored by tropical and sub-tropical conditions, affecting more than one billion people and imposing a dramatic societal and economic burden.MethodsA systematic review of the extant scholarly literature was carried out, searching in PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus. The search string used included proper keywords, like big data, nontraditional data sources, social media, social networks, infodemiology, infoveillance, novel data streams (NDS, digital epidemiology, digital behavior, Google Trends, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Ebola, Zika, dengue, Chikungunya, Chagas, and the other neglected tropical diseases.Results47 original, observational studies were included in the current systematic review: 1 focused on Chikungunya, 6 on dengue, 19 on Ebola, 2 on Malaria, 1 on Mayaro virus, 2 on West Nile virus, and 16 on Zika. Fifteen were dedicated on developing and validating forecasting techniques for real-time monitoring of neglected tropical diseases, while the remaining studies investigated public reaction to infectious outbreaks. Most studies explored a single nontraditional data source, with Twitter being the most exploited tool (25 studies.ConclusionEven though some studies have shown the feasibility of utilizing NDS as an effective tool for predicting epidemic outbreaks and disseminating accurate, high-quality information concerning neglected tropical diseases, some gaps should be properly underlined. Out of the 47 articles included, only 7 were focusing on neglected tropical diseases, while all the other covered communicable tropical/sub-tropical

  11. Harnessing Big Data for Communicable Tropical and Sub-Tropical Disorders: Implications From a Systematic Review of the Literature. (United States)

    Gianfredi, Vincenza; Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi; Nucci, Daniele; Martini, Mariano; Rosselli, Roberto; Minelli, Liliana; Moretti, Massimo


    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), communicable tropical and sub-tropical diseases occur solely, or mainly in the tropics, thriving in hot, and humid conditions. Some of these disorders termed as neglected tropical diseases are particularly overlooked. Communicable tropical/sub-tropical diseases represent a diverse group of communicable disorders occurring in 149 countries, favored by tropical and sub-tropical conditions, affecting more than one billion people and imposing a dramatic societal and economic burden. A systematic review of the extant scholarly literature was carried out, searching in PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus. The search string used included proper keywords, like big data, nontraditional data sources, social media, social networks, infodemiology, infoveillance, novel data streams (NDS), digital epidemiology, digital behavior, Google Trends, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Ebola, Zika, dengue, Chikungunya, Chagas, and the other neglected tropical diseases. 47 original, observational studies were included in the current systematic review: 1 focused on Chikungunya, 6 on dengue, 19 on Ebola, 2 on Malaria, 1 on Mayaro virus, 2 on West Nile virus, and 16 on Zika. Fifteen were dedicated on developing and validating forecasting techniques for real-time monitoring of neglected tropical diseases, while the remaining studies investigated public reaction to infectious outbreaks. Most studies explored a single nontraditional data source, with Twitter being the most exploited tool (25 studies). Even though some studies have shown the feasibility of utilizing NDS as an effective tool for predicting epidemic outbreaks and disseminating accurate, high-quality information concerning neglected tropical diseases, some gaps should be properly underlined. Out of the 47 articles included, only 7 were focusing on neglected tropical diseases, while all the other covered communicable tropical/sub-tropical diseases, and the main determinant of

  12. Evaluation of temporal, seasonal and geographic stability of the molluscicidal property of Euphorbia splendens latex Avaliação da estabilidade temporal, estacional e geográfica da ação moluscicida do latex da Euphorbia splendens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virginia Torres Schall


    Full Text Available Laboratory tests with aqueous solutions of Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii latex have demonstrated seasonal stability of the molluscicidal principle, with LD90 values of 1.14 ppm (spring, 1.02 ppm (fall, 1.09 ppm (winter, and 1.07 ppm (summer that have been determined against Biomphalaria tenagophila in the field. Assays on latex collected in Belo Horizonte and Recife yielded LD90 values similar to those obtained with the reference substance collected in Rio de Janeiro (Ilha do Governador, demonstrating geographic stability of the molluscicidal effect. The molluscicidal action of aqueous dilutions of the latex in natura, centrifuged (precipitate and lyophilized, was stable for up to 124 days at room temperature (in natura and for up to 736 days in a common refrigerator at 10 to 12ºC (lyophilized product. A 5.0 ppm solution is 100% lethal for snails up to 13 days after preparation, the effect being gradually lost to almost total inactivity by the 30th day. This observation indicated that the active principle is instable. These properties together with the wide distribution of the plant, its resistance and adaptation to the tropical climate, its easy cultivation and the easy obtention of latex and preparation of the molluscicidal solution, make this a promising material for large-scale use in the control of schistosomiasisTestes de laboratório com soluções aquosas do látex da Euphorbia splendens var. hislopii demonstraram uma estabilidade estacional da atividade moluscicida do produto coletado na Ilha do Governador - RJ, encontrando-se as seguintes DL90: 1,14 ppm (primavera; 1,02 ppm (outono; 1,09 ppm (inverno e 1,07 ppm (verão sobre Biomphalaria tenagophila de campo. Ensaios com o látex da planta coletado em Belo Horizonte e Recife, identificaram DL90 semelhantes aos da substância de referência coletada no Rio, demonstrando uma estabilidade geográfica do efeito moluscicida. Usando diluições aquosas do latex in natura, centrifugado

  13. Isotopes in tropical agriculture

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Ways in which the use of radioisotopes and radiation can help to improve the agriculture of tropical Africa were discussed by a panel of experts. The panel included scientists from Africa, Europe, and the United States, most of whom had had actual experience dealing with agricultural problems in various parts of tropical Africa. The experts agreed that radioisotopes and radiation might now be employed to particular advantage in tropical Africa to improve crop nutrition and combat insect pests. Other applications discussed were in the fields of hydrology, plant breeding and food preservation

  14. Isotopes in tropical agriculture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ways in which the use of radioisotopes and radiation can help to improve the agriculture of tropical Africa were discussed by a panel of experts. The panel included scientists from Africa, Europe, and the United States, most of whom had had actual experience dealing with agricultural problems in various parts of tropical Africa. The experts agreed that radioisotopes and radiation might now be employed to particular advantage in tropical Africa to improve crop nutrition and combat insect pests. Other applications discussed were in the fields of hydrology, plant breeding and food preservation

  15. Pangim, a capital do Estado de Goa. Por espaços da lusofonia.


    Fonseca, Maria do Céu


    Passado o tempo dos reis e dos impérios, os bilhetes postais são outros. Paraíso tropical, jóia da Índia, pérola do Oriente em cenários de recatadas pousadas e resorts de luxo mais do que asiático, são agora os jargões correntes do Lonely Planet ou Footprint, que susbstituem o antigo guião do escrivão de Cananor.

  16. Suplementação nitrogenada ruminal e/ou abomasal em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical


    Rufino, Luana Marta de Almeida


    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com compostos nitrogenados no rúmen e/ou no abomaso sobre o consumo, a digestiblidade, a dinâmica ruminal dos compostos fibrosos e os parâmetros do metabolismo dos compostos nitrogenados em bovinos alimentados com forragem tropical. O experimento foi conduzido entre os meses de junho de 2010 e fevereiro de 2011, sendo utilizados 4 novilhos Nelore, não castrados, com peso corporal médio (PC) de 227±11 kg, fistulados no rúmen e ...

  17. Hipotermia acidental em um país tropical Accidental hypothermia cases in a tropical country

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valdir Golin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Estudar a presença, forma de apresentação e as conseqüências da hipotermia em nosso meio. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo em hipotérmicos atendidos no Serviço de Emergência de Clínica Médica da Santa Casa de São Paulo, com 212 pacientes com hipotermia leve, moderada e grave, entre 1987 a 2001, a maioria constituída por alcoólatras crônicos e moradores de rua. Foram analisados os resultados quanto ao sexo, faixa etária, temperatura central, eletrocardiograma, comorbidades e mortalidade. RESULTADOS: A hipotermia predominou no sexo masculino em 75,9%. Quanto à faixa etária prevaleceu a idade entre 30 e 59 anos. Em 70,3% dos pacientes a temperatura central foi inferior a 32ºC, sendo que em 26,4% destes, a temperatura foi menor que 28ºC. A associação com quadros infecciosos ocorreu em 76,8% dos casos. Os pacientes com hipotermia leve responderam melhor à terapêutica (96,8% quando comparados com os hipotérmicos moderados (72,1% e graves (87,5%. A onda de Osborn esteve presente em 42,6% dos pacientes. A mortalidade geral foi de 38,2%. CONCLUSÕES: A hipotermia acidental em serviços de emergência de país tropical é fato inegável. O socorrista deve estar atento e treinado para o reconhecimento desta doença de alta morbidade e mortalidade. A mortalidade aumenta com a presença de doenças associadas, particularmente processos infecciosos, desnutrição e alcoolismo crônico.OBJECTIVE: This paper has by objective to study the hypothermia's presence, presentation form and consequences in our environment. METHODS: A prospective study in hypothermic patients assisted in the Medical Clinic Emergency Service of Santa Casa of São Paulo, with 212 patients with mild, moderate and serious hypothermia from 1987 to 2001, the most part of them constituted by chronic alcoholics and homeless. The results were analyzed in reference to sex, age group, central temperature, electrocardiogram, co-morbidity and mortality. RESULTS: The

  18. Tropical cyclogenesis in a tropical wave critical layer: easterly waves

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    T. J. Dunkerton


    Full Text Available The development of tropical depressions within tropical waves over the Atlantic and eastern Pacific is usually preceded by a "surface low along the wave" as if to suggest a hybrid wave-vortex structure in which flow streamlines not only undulate with the waves, but form a closed circulation in the lower troposphere surrounding the low. This structure, equatorward of the easterly jet axis, is identified herein as the familiar critical layer of waves in shear flow, a flow configuration which arguably provides the simplest conceptual framework for tropical cyclogenesis resulting from tropical waves, their interaction with the mean flow, and with diabatic processes associated with deep moist convection. The recirculating Kelvin cat's eye within the critical layer represents a sweet spot for tropical cyclogenesis in which a proto-vortex may form and grow within its parent wave. A common location for storm development is given by the intersection of the wave's critical latitude and trough axis at the center of the cat's eye, with analyzed vorticity centroid nearby. The wave and vortex live together for a time, and initially propagate at approximately the same speed. In most cases this coupled propagation continues for a few days after a tropical depression is identified. For easterly waves, as the name suggests, the propagation is westward. It is shown that in order to visualize optimally the associated Lagrangian motions, one should view the flow streamlines, or stream function, in a frame of reference translating horizontally with the phase propagation of the parent wave. In this co-moving frame, streamlines are approximately equivalent to particle trajectories. The closed circulation is quasi-stationary, and a dividing streamline separates air within the cat's eye from air outside. The critical layer equatorward of the easterly jet axis is important to tropical cyclogenesis because its cat's eye provides (i a region of

  19. Sensitivity of South American tropical climate to Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions: focus on teleconnections with tropics and extratropics (Invited) (United States)

    Khodri, M.; Kageyama, M.; Roche, D. M.


    Proxy data over tropical latitudes for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) has been interpreted as a southward shift of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and so far linked to a mechanism analogous to the modern day “meridional-mode” in the Atlantic Ocean. Here we have explored alternative mechanisms, related to the direct impact of the LGM global changes in the dry static stability on tropical moist deep convection. We have used a coupled ocean-atmosphere model capable of capturing the thermodynamical structure of the atmosphere and the tropical component of the Hadley and Walker circulations. In each experiment, we have applied either all the LGM forcings, or the individual contributions of greenhouse gases (GHG) concentrations, ice sheet topography and/or albedo to explore the hydrological response over tropical latitudes with a focus on South America. The dominant forcing for the LGM tropical temperature and precipitation changes is found to be due to the reduced GHG, through the direct effect of reduced radiative heating (Clausius-Clapeyron relationship). The LGM GHG is also responsible for increased extra-tropical static stability which strengthens the Hadley Cell. Stronger subsidence over northern tropics then produces an amplification of the northern tropics drying initially due to the direct cooling effect. The land ice sheet is also able to promote the Hadley cell feedback mostly via the topographic effect on the extra-tropical dry static stability and on the position of the subtropical jets. Our results therefore suggest that the communication between the extratropics and the tropics is tighter during LGM and does not necessarily rely on the “meridional-mode” mechanism. The Hadley cell response is constrained by the requirement that diabatic heating in the tropics balances cooling in subtropics. We show that such extratropics-tropics dependence is stronger at the LGM because of the stronger perturbation of northern extra tropical thermal and

  20. Old tropical botanical collections

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ib


    The early history of botanical collections is reviewed, with particular emphasis on old collections from the tropics. The information available about older and newer botanical collections from the tropics was much improved after World War Two, including better lists of validly published names, more...

  1. Tecendo identidades, os fios da memória em Adonias Filho = Weaving identities, the threads of memory in Adonias Filho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cordeiro, Verbena Maria Rocha


    Full Text Available Este artigo, a partir da leitura do romance As velhas, do escritor baiano Adonias Filho, analisa como cada uma das quatro mulheres, personagens centrais, revivificam, em meio a paisagem exuberante e temerária da selva tropical, a história do mundo hostil e masculino, o universo cacaueiro baiano e a história da conquista territorial de uma região, ao mesmo tempo em que narram suas dores, sofrimentos e vinganças. Tendo como signo a memória e a constituição da identidade de seus personagens, mulheres e homens, o propósito dessa análise é entender como essa narrativa memorialista se constrói, materializando as tensões que se modelam nas experiências e nas marcas da história individual e coletiva de cada sujeito e sua cultura

  2. Possible climatic impact of tropical deforestation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Potter, G L; Ellsaesser, H W; MacCracken, M C; Luther, F M


    A computer model of climate changes resulting from removal of tropical rain forests to increase arable acreage is described. A chain of consequences is deduced from the model which begins with deforestation and ends with overall global cooling and a reduction in precipitation. A model of the global water budget shows that the reduction in precipitation is accompanied by cooling in the upper tropical troposphere, a lowering of the tropical tropopause, and a warming of the lower tropical stratosphere. (HLW)

  3. Tropical forests. Nettai no shinrin

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yamada, I [Kyoto Univ., Kyoto (Japan)


    It was in 1950s when felling of tropical forests started in earnest, in 1970s felling of forest trees in Southeast Asia reached its peak and the destnation of exportation of most of them was Japan. Besides, among the present overseas development assistance projects (ODA) of Japan, her role to be played in connection with tropical forests is not small and its funds, which surpass by far the budget for forestry of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), are aiding cooperation projects on forestry in many places in the world. Nevertheless, in Japan, the understanding of tropical forests is insufficient and its realities have not been known. In this article, based on the experience and knowledge of the author who stayed in Kalimantan, various kinds of problems concerning tropical forests are explained, the realities are introduced on information, well trained people, funds and philosophy which are far short in pursuance of the problems of tropical forests. Furthermore, as the issues hereafter, such proposals on tropical forests are made as protection of natural forests, planned operation in respecting self renewal ability of the secondary forests and afforestation of alang-alang grassy plains resulted from the failure of burning felled trees and grasses for making the land arable. 1 ref..

  4. Volatile sulfur compounds in tropical fruits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert J. Cannon


    Full Text Available Global production and demand for tropical fruits continues to grow each year as consumers are enticed by the exotic flavors and potential health benefits that these fruits possess. Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs are often responsible for the juicy, fresh aroma of tropical fruits. This poses a challenge for analytical chemists to identify these compounds as most often VSCs are found at low concentrations in most tropical fruits. The aim of this review is to discuss the extraction methods, enrichment techniques, and instrumentation utilized to identify and quantify VSCs in natural products. This will be followed by a discussion of the VSCs reported in tropical and subtropical fruits, with particular attention to the odor and taste attributes of each compound. Finally, the biogenesis and enzymatic formation of specific VSCs in tropical fruits will be highlighted along with the contribution each possesses to the aroma of their respective fruit. Keywords: Tropical fruits, Volatile sulfur compounds, Extraction methods

  5. [Tropical sprue (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Gras, C; Chapoy, P; Aubry, P


    Tropical sprue is a disease of the small intestine characterized by a malabsorption syndrome with a subtotal or partial mucosal atrophy. It is observed in Asia and Central America. It appears to be rare in Africa but its real frequency is unknown as small bowel biopsys are not routinely done. Bacterial overgrowth as well as giardiasis may be trigger factors of the disease the pathogenesis of which is still incompletely understood. The disease beginning as chronic diarrhea is later on characterized by an aphtoïd stomatitis and a macrocytic anemia. Treatment with antibiotics and folic acid is efficient and has a diagnostic value. If treatment is started lately, vitamin B 12 is then also necessary. In any intestinal syndrome observed in tropical areas without an ascertained etiologic diagnosis, peroral biopsie of the small intestine is requested. However, with the use of pediatric endoscope it will be possible to appreciate the respective incidence of tropical sprue and asymptomatic tropical sprue in Africa South of the Sahara.

  6. Securing tropical forest carbon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Scharlemann, Jörn P. W.; Kapos, Valerie; Campbell, Alison


    Forest loss and degradation in the tropics contribute 6-17% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Protected areas cover 217.2 million ha (19.6%) of the world's humid tropical forests and contain c. 70.3 petagrams of carbon (Pg C) in biomass and soil to 1 m depth. Between 2000 and 2005, we estimate...... that 1.75 million ha of forest were lost from protected areas in humid tropical forests, causing the emission of 0.25-0.33 Pg C. Protected areas lost about half as much carbon as the same area of unprotected forest. We estimate that the reduction of these carbon emissions from ongoing deforestation...... in protected sites in humid tropical forests could be valued at USD 6,200-7,400 million depending on the land use after clearance. This is >1.5 times the estimated spending on protected area management in these regions. Improving management of protected areas to retain forest cover better may be an important...

  7. Territorio, Enfermedad y población en la producción da la Geografìa tropical colombiana, 1872-1934 *

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    Álvaro Andrés Villegas Vélez


    Full Text Available The Colombian geographic imaginary has condensed into a series of representations that emphasize the tropical character of the nation and at the same time qualify it through a juxtaposition with the Andean region, which has been stripped of that character. In this article, we suggest that three axes frame the discussion of the tropics: nature, disease, and population. We analyze these axes in three different cases that are signifcant for being both tipical and singular: descriptions of Amazonian nature; medical geographies of disease in the Magdalena river valley; and the narratives regarding the Black population of the Colombian Pacifc region. In all these cases, the struggle for territorial appropriation is tied to the desire to know and defne it.

  8. Potential impacts of global warming on Australia's unique tropical biodiversity and implications for tropical biodiversity in general

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilbert, David W


    Full text: Full text: Globally, forest clearing is often thought to be the greatest threat to biodiversity in the tropics, and rates of clearing are certainly highest there, particularly in tropical South-East Asia. Climate change in the tropics has been less studied in tropical regions than in temperate, boreal or arctic ecosystems. However, modelling studies in Australian rainforests indicate that climate change may be a particularly significant threat to the long-term preservation of the biodiversity of tropical, rainforest biodiversity. Our research has shown that global warming can have a particularly strong impact on the biodiversity of mountainous tropical regions, including the Wet Tropics of north-east Queensland. Here, the mountain tops and higher tablelands are relatively cool islands in a sea of warmer climates. These species-rich islands, mostly limited in their biodiversity by warm interglacial periods, are separated from each other by the warmer valleys and form a scattered archipelago of habitat for organisms that are unable to survive and reproduce in warmer climates. Many of the endemic Australian Wet Tropics species live only in these cooler regions. Similar situations occur throughout south-east Asia and in the highlands of the Neotropics. Unfortunately, these upland and highland areas represent the majority of biodiversity conservation areas because they are less suitable for clearing for agriculture. This presentation will summarise research about the potential impacts of climate change on the biodiversity in Australia's rainforests, the potential implications for tropical biodiversity in general and discuss the limitations of these projections and the need for further research that could reduce uncertainties and inform effective adaptation strategies

  9. Relating LANDSAT ETM+ and forest inventory data for mapping successional stages in a tropical wet forest / Relacionando LANDSAT ETM+ e dados de inventário florestal para mapeamento estádios sucessionais em uma floresta tropical úmida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fábio G. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available AbstractIn this study, we test whether an existing classification technique based on the integration of LANDSAT ETM+ and forest inventory data enables detailed characterization of successional stages in a tropical wet forest site. The specific objectives were: (1 to map forest age classes across the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica; and (2 to quantify uncertainties in the proposed approach in relation to field data and existing vegetation maps. Although significant relationships between vegetation hight entropy (a surrogate for forest age and ETM+ data were detected, the classification scheme tested in this study was not suitable for characterizing spatial variation in age at La Selva, as evidenced by the error matrix and the low Kappa coefficient (0.129. Factors affecting the performance of the classification at this particular study site include the smooth transition in vegetation structure between intermediate and late successional stages, and the low sensitivity of NDVI to variations in vertical structure at high biomass levels. ResumoNesse estudo, testamos se uma técnica de classificação existente, baseada na integração de imagens LANDSAT ETM+ e os dados de inventário florestal, permite a caracterização detalhada dos estádios sucessionais em uma área de floresta tropical úmida. Os objetivos específicos foram: (1 mapear classes de idade florestal na Estação Biológica La Selva, na Costa Rica, e (2 quantificar as incertezas da abordagem proposta em relação aos dados de campo e mapas de vegetação existente. Apesar de terem sido detectadas relações significativas entre dados ETM+ e medidas de entropia da altura da vegetação (um substituto para a idade florestal o sistema de classificação testados nesse estudo não se demonstrou adequado para caracterizar a variação espacial em idade em La Selva, como evidenciado pela matriz de erro e o baixo coeficiente Kappa (0,129. Fatores que afetam o desempenho da

  10. Pan-tropical monitoring of deforestation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Achard, F; DeFries, R; Eva, H; Hansen, M; Mayaux, P; Stibig, H-J


    This paper reviews the technical capabilities for monitoring deforestation from a pan-tropical perspective in response to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, which is studying the technical issues surrounding the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries. The successful implementation of such policies requires effective forest monitoring systems that are reproducible, provide consistent results, meet standards for mapping accuracy, and can be implemented from national to pan-tropical levels. Remotely sensed data, supported by ground observations, are crucial to such efforts. Recent developments in global to regional monitoring of forests can contribute to reducing the uncertainties in estimates of emissions from deforestation. Monitoring systems at national levels in developing countries can also benefit from pan-tropical and regional observations, mainly by identifying hot spots of change and prioritizing areas for monitoring at finer spatial scales. A pan-tropical perspective is also required to ensure consistency between different national monitoring systems. Data sources already exist to determine baseline periods in the 1990s as historical reference points. Key requirements for implementing such monitoring programs, both at pan-tropical and at national scales, are international commitment of resources to increase capacity, coordination of observations to ensure pan-tropical coverage, access to free or low-cost data, and standardized, consensus protocols for data interpretation and analysis

  11. 1997 Annual Tropical Cyclone Report

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Dillon, C


    .... Separate bulletins are issued for the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean. TROPICAL CYCLONE FORMATION ALERT - Defines a specific area when synoptic, satellite, or other germane data indicate development of a significant tropical cyclone (TC...

  12. Is the poleward migration of tropical cyclone maximum intensity associated with a poleward migration of tropical cyclone genesis? (United States)

    Daloz, Anne Sophie; Camargo, Suzana J.


    A recent study showed that the global average latitude where tropical cyclones achieve their lifetime-maximum intensity has been migrating poleward at a rate of about one-half degree of latitude per decade over the last 30 years in each hemisphere. However, it does not answer a critical question: is the poleward migration of tropical cyclone lifetime-maximum intensity associated with a poleward migration of tropical cyclone genesis? In this study we will examine this question. First we analyze changes in the environmental variables associated with tropical cyclone genesis, namely entropy deficit, potential intensity, vertical wind shear, vorticity, skin temperature and specific humidity at 500 hPa in reanalysis datasets between 1980 and 2013. Then, a selection of these variables is combined into two tropical cyclone genesis indices that empirically relate tropical cyclone genesis to large-scale variables. We find a shift toward greater (smaller) average potential number of genesis at higher (lower) latitudes over most regions of the Pacific Ocean, which is consistent with a migration of tropical cyclone genesis towards higher latitudes. We then examine the global best track archive and find coherent and significant poleward shifts in mean genesis position over the Pacific Ocean basins.

  13. Disaggregating Tropical Disease Prevalence by Climatic and Vegetative Zones within Tropical West Africa. (United States)

    Beckley, Carl S; Shaban, Salisu; Palmer, Guy H; Hudak, Andrew T; Noh, Susan M; Futse, James E


    Tropical infectious disease prevalence is dependent on many socio-cultural determinants. However, rainfall and temperature frequently underlie overall prevalence, particularly for vector-borne diseases. As a result these diseases have increased prevalence in tropical as compared to temperate regions. Specific to tropical Africa, the tendency to incorrectly infer that tropical diseases are uniformly prevalent has been partially overcome with solid epidemiologic data. This finer resolution data is important in multiple contexts, including understanding risk, predictive value in disease diagnosis, and population immunity. We hypothesized that within the context of a tropical climate, vector-borne pathogen prevalence would significantly differ according to zonal differences in rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and vegetation condition. We then determined if these environmental data were predictive of pathogen prevalence. First we determined the prevalence of three major pathogens of cattle, Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and Theileria spp, in the three vegetation zones where cattle are predominantly raised in Ghana: Guinea savannah, semi-deciduous forest, and coastal savannah. The prevalence of A. marginale was 63%, 26% for Theileria spp and 2% for B. bigemina. A. marginale and Theileria spp. were significantly more prevalent in the coastal savannah as compared to either the Guinea savanna or the semi-deciduous forest, supporting acceptance of the first hypothesis. To test the predictive power of environmental variables, the data over a three year period were considered in best subsets multiple linear regression models predicting prevalence of each pathogen. Corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AICc) were assigned to the alternative models to compare their utility. Competitive models for each response were averaged using AICc weights. Rainfall was most predictive of pathogen prevalence, and EVI also contributed to A. marginale and B. bigemina prevalence

  14. Disaggregating Tropical Disease Prevalence by Climatic and Vegetative Zones within Tropical West Africa.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carl S Beckley

    Full Text Available Tropical infectious disease prevalence is dependent on many socio-cultural determinants. However, rainfall and temperature frequently underlie overall prevalence, particularly for vector-borne diseases. As a result these diseases have increased prevalence in tropical as compared to temperate regions. Specific to tropical Africa, the tendency to incorrectly infer that tropical diseases are uniformly prevalent has been partially overcome with solid epidemiologic data. This finer resolution data is important in multiple contexts, including understanding risk, predictive value in disease diagnosis, and population immunity. We hypothesized that within the context of a tropical climate, vector-borne pathogen prevalence would significantly differ according to zonal differences in rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and vegetation condition. We then determined if these environmental data were predictive of pathogen prevalence. First we determined the prevalence of three major pathogens of cattle, Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina and Theileria spp, in the three vegetation zones where cattle are predominantly raised in Ghana: Guinea savannah, semi-deciduous forest, and coastal savannah. The prevalence of A. marginale was 63%, 26% for Theileria spp and 2% for B. bigemina. A. marginale and Theileria spp. were significantly more prevalent in the coastal savannah as compared to either the Guinea savanna or the semi-deciduous forest, supporting acceptance of the first hypothesis. To test the predictive power of environmental variables, the data over a three year period were considered in best subsets multiple linear regression models predicting prevalence of each pathogen. Corrected Akaike Information Criteria (AICc were assigned to the alternative models to compare their utility. Competitive models for each response were averaged using AICc weights. Rainfall was most predictive of pathogen prevalence, and EVI also contributed to A. marginale and B

  15. Teleconnections of the tropical Atlantic to the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. A review of recent findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Chunzai [NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab., Miami, FL (United States); Kucharski, Fred; Barimalala, Rondrotiana [The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Earth System Physics, Section Trieste (Italy); Bracco, Annalisa [School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Georgia, Inst. of Tech., Atlanta, GA (United States)


    Recent studies found that tropical Atlantic variability may affect the climate in both the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean basins, possibly modulating the Indian summer monsoon and Pacific ENSO events. A warm tropical Atlantic Ocean forces a Gill-Matsuno-type quadrupole response with a low-level anticyclone located over India that weakens the Indian monsoon circulation, and vice versa for a cold tropical Atlantic Ocean. The tropical Atlantic Ocean can also induce changes in the Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures (SSTs). especially along the coast of Africa and in the western side of the Indian basin. Additionally, it can influence the tropical Pacific Ocean via an atmospheric teleconnection that is associated with the Atlantic Walker circulation. Although the Pacific El Nino does not contemporaneously correlate with the Atlantic Nino, anomalous warming or cooling of the two equatorial oceans can form an inter-basin SST gradient that induces surface zonal wind anomalies over equatorial South America and other regions in both ocean basins. The zonal wind anomalies act as a bridge linking the two ocean basins, and in turn reinforce the inter-basin SST gradient through the atmospheric Walker circulation and oceanic processes. Thus, a positive feedback seems to exist for climate variability of the tropical Pacific-Atlantic Oceans and atmospheric system, in which the inter-basin SST gradient is coupled to the overlying atmospheric wind. (orig.)

  16. Tropical Agro-Sciences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Tropical Agro-Sciences Division has two functions: conduct research on the impact of air pollution on tropical agricultural and to provide training to UPR graduate students and visiting scientists. Since the reorientation of the Center's interests under ERDA, the Division has directed its research activities, with particular emphasis on the effects of atmospheric pollution on tropical agriculture in the Guayanilla-Penuelas region, which has a fossil-fuel power plant, petroleum refineries, and associated industries. This new area of research is important to ERDA because the knowledge gained regarding the effects of air pollution related to energy technology on the agricultural environment and productivity will be useful in planning future energy developments. Information about the potential harm of air pollutants to man through the food chain and about ways of alleviating their impact on agriculture are of practical importance. Studies of the mechanisms involved in pollution injury, protection, and tolerance are of basic significance

  17. Nutrient budgets (C, N and P and trophic dynamicsof a Brazilian tropical estuary: Barra das Jangadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E. D Noriega


    íquido da matéria orgânica, durante a estação seca (-0,5 mmoles C m-2 d-1 para uma mineralização líquida durante a estação chuvosa (-19 mmol m-2 C d-1. Sugerimos que o sistema varia ligeiramente entre autotrófica e heterotrófica durante o ano, devido ao regime de chuvas, as atividades antrópicas na bacia (densidade populacional e as plantações de cana de açúcar, e as cargas ribeirinhas de DIP associadas. A alta carga de N e P per capita, indica uma alta densidade populacional e um alto runoff. A aplicação da modelagem de balanço de fluxos foi útil para o entendimento da dinâmica de nutrientes em um pequeno estuário tipicamente tropical

  18. Ocean barrier layers' effect on tropical cyclone intensification. (United States)

    Balaguru, Karthik; Chang, Ping; Saravanan, R; Leung, L Ruby; Xu, Zhao; Li, Mingkui; Hsieh, Jen-Shan


    Improving a tropical cyclone's forecast and mitigating its destructive potential requires knowledge of various environmental factors that influence the cyclone's path and intensity. Herein, using a combination of observations and model simulations, we systematically demonstrate that tropical cyclone intensification is significantly affected by salinity-induced barrier layers, which are "quasi-permanent" features in the upper tropical oceans. When tropical cyclones pass over regions with barrier layers, the increased stratification and stability within the layer reduce storm-induced vertical mixing and sea surface temperature cooling. This causes an increase in enthalpy flux from the ocean to the atmosphere and, consequently, an intensification of tropical cyclones. On average, the tropical cyclone intensification rate is nearly 50% higher over regions with barrier layers, compared to regions without. Our finding, which underscores the importance of observing not only the upper-ocean thermal structure but also the salinity structure in deep tropical barrier layer regions, may be a key to more skillful predictions of tropical cyclone intensities through improved ocean state estimates and simulations of barrier layer processes. As the hydrological cycle responds to global warming, any associated changes in the barrier layer distribution must be considered in projecting future tropical cyclone activity.

  19. Mycorrhizas and tropical soil fertility

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cardoso, I.M.; Kuyper, T.W.


    Major factors that constrain tropical soil fertility and sustainable agriculture are low nutrient capital, moisture stress, erosion, high P fixation, high acidity with aluminium toxicity, and low soil biodiversity. The fragility of many tropical soils limits food production in annual cropping

  20. Development and evaluation of a tropical feed library for the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Rrotein System model Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma biblioteca de alimentos tropicais para o modelo "Sistema de Carboidrato e Proteína Líquidos" da Universidade de Cornell

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    Luís Orlindo Tedeschi


    Full Text Available The Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS model has been increasingly used in tropical regions for dairy and beef production. However, the lack of appropriate characterization of the feeds has restricted its application. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate a feed library containing feeds commonly used in tropical regions with characteristics needed as inputs for the CNCPS. Feed composition data collected from laboratory databases and from experiments published in scientific journals were used to develop this tropical feed library. The total digestible nutrients (TDN predicted at 1x intake of maintenance requirement with the CNCPS model agreed with those predicted by the Weiss et al. (1992 equation (r² of 92.7%, MSE of 13, and bias of 0.8% over all feeds. However, the regression r² of the tabular TDN values and the TDN predicted by the CNCPS model or with the Weiss equation were much lower (58.1 and 67.5%, respectively. A thorough comparison between observed and predicted TDN was not possible because of insufficient data to characterize the feeds as required by our models. When we used the mean chemical composition values from the literature data, the TDN predicted by our models did not agree with the measured values. We conclude using the TDN values calculated using the Weiss equation and the CNCPS model that are based on the actual chemical composition of the feeds result in energy values that more accurately represent the feeds being used in specific production situations than do the tabular values. Few papers published in Latin America journals that were used in this study reported information need by models such as the CNCPS.O uso do Sistema de Carboidrato e Proteina Líquidos da Universidade de Cornell (CNCPS tanto para produção de leite como carne tem aumentado durante o últimos anos nas regiões tropicais. Entretanto, a falta de uma caracterização adequada de alimentos tem restringido o seu uso

  1. Classification of Tropical River Using Chemometrics Technique: Case Study in Pahang River, Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin; Mohd Ekhwan Toriman; Nur Hishaam Sulaiman


    River classification is very important to know the river characteristic in study areas, where this database can help to understand the behaviour of the river. This article discusses about river classification using Chemometrics techniques in mainstream of Pahang River. Based on river survey, GIS and Remote Sensing database, the chemometric analysis techniques have been used to identify the cluster on the Pahang River using Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis (HACA). Calibration and validation process using Discriminant Analysis (DA) has been used to confirm the HACA result. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) study to see the strong coefficient where the Pahang River has been classed. The results indicated the main of Pahang River has been classed to three main clusters as upstream, middle stream and downstream. Base on DA analysis, the calibration and validation model shows 100 % convinced. While the PCA indicates there are three variables that have a significant correlation, domination slope with R"2 0.796, L/D ratio with R"2 -0868 and sinuosity with R"2 0.557. Map of the river classification with moving class also was produced. Where the green colour considered in valley erosion zone, yellow in a low terrace of land near the channels and red colour class in flood plain and valley deposition zone. From this result, the basic information can be produced to understand the characteristics of the main Pahang River. This result is important to local authorities to make decisions according to the cluster or guidelines for future study in Pahang River, Malaysia specifically and for Tropical River generally. The research findings are important to local authorities by providing basic data as a guidelines to the integrated river management at Pahang River, and Tropical River in general. (author)

  2. O pessegueiro no sistema de pomar compacto: IV. Intensidade e época de raleio dos frutos dos cultivares Tropical e Aurora-1 The peach meadow orchard system: IV. Intensity and time of hand fruit thinning of Tropical and Aurora-1 cultivars

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    Wilson Barbosa


    Full Text Available A intensidade e a época do raleio dos frutos do pessegueiro podem influenciar diretamente a qualidade do produto, razão pela qual foram pesquisadas em um pomar compacto (4.167 plantas por hectare, sob poda drástica anual de renovação da copa. O experimento foi executado na Estação Experimental de Jundiaí (23°08'S e 46°55'W, do Instituto Agronômico (IAC, sob clima do tipo Cwa, mesotérmico úmido, também denominado de tropical de altitude, com cerca de 80 horas anuais de frio abaixo de 7°C. Utílizaram-se os cultivares Tropical, de maturação bem precoce (fins de setembro, e Aurora-1, de maturação precoce (meados de outubro. Efetuou-se o raleio com 30, 40 e 50 dias pós-antese (DPA, deixando-se 30, 60 e 90 frutos por planta. Os melhores resultados, reunindo fatores qualitativos e quantitativos, foram obtidos no raleio aos 30 DPA, mantendo-se 60 frutos por planta. Neste tratamento, o 'Tropical' apresentou frutos com peso médio de 60,9 gramas, o que equivale à produção de 3,654kg/planta (15,2t/ha; com o 'Aurora-1', o peso médio dos frutos foi de 72,0 gramas, correspondendo à produção de 4,320kg/planta (18,0t/ha. Aqualidade final do produto diminuiu à medida que se atrasou a época do raleio e, principalmente, quando se manteve maior quantidade de frutos por planta. O 'Tropical' adaptou-se melhor ao sistema de pomar compacto: floresceu no 9° mês e seus frutos amadureceram no 12ª mês após a poda drástica da copa.The effect of intensity and time of hand thinning on the mean fruit weight and productivity was studied on 'Tropical' and 'Aurora-V peaches. The trees were cultivated under the meadow orchard system, 4,167 plants per hectare, with drastic pruning. The experimental plot was located at the Estação Experimental of Jundiaí (23°08'S and 46°55W of the Instituto Agronômico of Campinas, State of São Paulo, Brazil, with 80 tours per year of temperature below 7°C. The time of hand thinning was 30, 40 and 50 days

  3. Current status of tropical fruit breeding and genetics for three tropical fruit species cultivated in Japan: pineapple, mango, and papaya (United States)

    Ogata, Tatsushi; Yamanaka, Shinsuke; Shoda, Moriyuki; Urasaki, Naoya; Yamamoto, Toshiya


    Tropical fruit crops are predominantly produced in tropical and subtropical developing countries, but some are now grown in southern Japan. Pineapple (Ananas comosus), mango (Mangifera indica) and papaya (Carica papaya) are major tropical fruits cultivated in Japan. Modern, well-organized breeding systems have not yet been developed for most tropical fruit species. Most parts of Japan are in the temperate climate zone, but some southern areas such as the Ryukyu Islands, which stretch from Kyushu to Taiwan, are at the northern limits for tropical fruit production without artificial heating. In this review, we describe the current status of tropical fruit breeding, genetics, genomics, and biotechnology of three main tropical fruits (pineapple, mango, and papaya) that are cultivated and consumed in Japan. More than ten new elite cultivars of pineapple have been released with improved fruit quality and suitability for consumption as fresh fruit. New challenges and perspectives for obtaining high fruit quality are discussed in the context of breeding programs for pineapple. PMID:27069392

  4. Unprecedented drought over tropical South America in 2016: significantly under-predicted by tropical SST. (United States)

    Erfanian, Amir; Wang, Guiling; Fomenko, Lori


    Tropical and sub-tropical South America are highly susceptible to extreme droughts. Recent events include two droughts (2005 and 2010) exceeding the 100-year return value in the Amazon and recurrent extreme droughts in the Nordeste region, with profound eco-hydrological and socioeconomic impacts. In 2015-2016, both regions were hit by another drought. Here, we show that the severity of the 2015-2016 drought ("2016 drought" hereafter) is unprecedented based on multiple precipitation products (since 1900), satellite-derived data on terrestrial water storage (since 2002) and two vegetation indices (since 2004). The ecohydrological consequences from the 2016 drought are more severe and extensive than the 2005 and 2010 droughts. Empirical relationships between rainfall and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over the tropical Pacific and Atlantic are used to assess the role of tropical oceanic variability in the observed precipitation anomalies. Our results indicate that warmer-than-usual SSTs in the Tropical Pacific (including El Niño events) and Atlantic were the main drivers of extreme droughts in South America, but are unable to explain the severity of the 2016 observed rainfall deficits for a substantial portion of the Amazonia and Nordeste regions. This strongly suggests potential contribution of non-oceanic factors (e.g., land cover change and CO2-induced warming) to the 2016 drought.

  5. Maize, tropical (Zea mays L.). (United States)

    Assem, Shireen K


    Maize (Zea mays L.) is the third most important food crop globally after wheat and rice. In sub-Saharan Africa, tropical maize has traditionally been the main staple of the diet; 95 % of the maize grown is consumed directly as human food and as an important source of income for the resource-poor rural population. The biotechnological approach to engineer biotic and abiotic traits implies the availability of an efficient plant transformation method. The production of genetically transformed plants depends both on the ability to integrate foreign genes into target cells and the efficiency with which plants are regenerated. Maize transformation and regeneration through immature embryo culture is the most efficient system to regenerate normal transgenic plants. However, this system is highly genotype dependent. Genotypes adapted to tropic areas are difficult to regenerate. Therefore, transformation methods used with model genotypes adapted to temperate areas are not necessarily efficient with tropical lines. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is the method of choice since it has been first achieved in 1996. In this report, we describe a transformation method used successfully with several tropical maize lines. All the steps of transformation and regeneration are described in details. This protocol can be used with a wide variety of tropical lines. However, some modifications may be needed with recalcitrant lines.

  6. Estratificação vertical da fauna de flebótomos (Diptera, Psychodidae numa floresta primária de terra firme da Amazônia Central, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dias-Lima Artur


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre a estratificação vertical da fauna de flebótomos, foram realizados numa floresta primária de terra firme, da Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical-Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, durante os meses de outubro de 1998 a março de 1999. Utilizando-se armadilhas luminosas CDC, colocadas a 1, 10 e 20 metros de altura do solo, foram coletados 2.859 flebótomos, pertencentes a dois gêneros, Lutzomyia (99,93 % e Brumtomyia (0,07%, abrangendo 38 espécies. Dentro do gênero Lutzomyia, os sub-gêneros mais representados foram Nyssomyia, com 43,4%, e Psychodopygus com 22,8%. As espécies Lutzomyia umbratilis, L. anduzei, L. rorotaensis, L. trichopyga e L. olmeca nociva, foram dominantes a 1m de altura, enquanto que L. davisi, L. infraspinosa, L. umbratilis, L. trichopyga e L. anduzei, foram dominantes a 10m. As espécies L. anduzei, L. tuberculata, L. dendrophyla e L. dreisbachi foram mais abundantes a 20m. L. umbratilis, presente nos três níveis de estratificação vertical, é dotada de alta importância epidemiológica como vetora da Leishmania (Viannia guyanensis.

  7. A dinâmica atmosférica na vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paraná e a gênese das chuvas = The atmospheric dynamics on the eastern slope of the Paraná river basin and the genesis of rain

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    Victor da Assunção Borsato


    Full Text Available O ritmo dos sistemas atmosféricos e a intensidade variam no tempo e noespaço. Por isso, para caracterizar a dinâmica climática de uma região é necessário estudar a dinâmica das massas de ar ao longo de uma série. Estudaram-se, por meio da dinâmica das massas de ar, a participação dos sistemas atmosféricos atuantes e as porcentagens das chuvas convectivas e frontais ao longo da vertente oriental da bacia do alto rio Paran��. Verificou-se que, nessa vertente, nos meses mais frios, predomina a atuação da massa tropical Atlântica e da polar Atlântica. Nos meses mais quentes, além de predominar a atuação dos sistemas de baixa pressão equatorial continental e tropical continental, têm-se as chuvas convectivas. Verificou-se, também, progressivo aumento na participação das chuvas convectivas, a partirda década de 1990, corroborando a teoria das mudanças climáticas.The rhythm and intensity of atmospheric systems vary intime and space. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamics of air masses over a temporal series in order to characterize the climate dynamics of a region or area. The participation of the active atmospheric systems and the percentage shared by convective andfrontal rains along the eastern slope of upper Paraná River were studied based on the dynamics of air masses. It was observed that, in such a slope, during the coldest months, the actions of the Atlantic tropical mass and polar Atlantic mass prevail. However, during thewarmer months, in addition to the predominance of the action of equatorial continental and tropical continental low atmospheric pressure systems, convective rains also take place. It was also noted that, from the 1990s onward, a progressive increase was observed in the participation of convective rains, strengthening the theory of climatic change.

  8. Marker-assisted selection of maintainer lines within an onion tropical population Seleção assistida por marcadores de linha mantenedora dentro de uma população de cebola tropical

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    Carlos Antonio Fernandes Santos


    Full Text Available The traditional onion (Allium cepa hybrid production requires the development of maintainer and male sterile lines and also a pollinator line with good specific combination ability. We report the identification of maintainer and male-sterile onion lines within the Brazilian 'Baia Periforme' derived population, 'Alfa São Francisco', associating random field pairing of male-fertile plants with selected male-sterile plants and PCR-based marker system monitoring S, T and N-cytoplasms. Male-sterile plants produced flowers with light green anthers which were easily detected in the field. A frequency of 2.0% of male-sterile plants was estimated in the 'Alfa São Francisco' sampled population. Male-sterile plants produced the 5'cob-marker 180-bp and the orfA501-marker 473-bp fragments, suggesting the T-cytoplasm type, while the maintainer line produced only the 5'cob-marker 180-bp. These identified lines will be important to develop tropical onion hybrids well-adapted to Brazilian low latitudes and to future comparative studies with other onion cytoplasmic genic male sterility systems.A produção tradicional de híbrido de cebola (Allium cepa requer o desenvolvimento de linhas mantenedoras e linhas macho estéreis, bem como uma linha polinizadora de boa capacidade específica de combinação. Reporta-se a identificação de linhas de cebola mantenedora e macho-estéreis numa população 'Alfa São Francisco' derivada da brasileira 'Baia Periforme', associando pareamento ao acaso no campo de plantas férteis com plantas macho-estéreis e sistema de PCR para monitoramento dos citoplasmas S, T e N. Plantas macho-estéreis produziram flores com anteras verde-claras, que foram facilmente identificadas no campo. A freqüência de 2,0% de plantas macho-estéreis foi estimada dentro de uma amostra da população 'Alfa São Francisco'. Plantas macho-estéreis produziram o marcador 5´cob de 180-pb e o marcador orfA501 de 473-pb, sugerindo que o citoplasma

  9. Tropical rain forest: a wider perspective

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Goldsmith, F. B


    .... Barbier -- Can non-market values save the tropical forests? / D. Pearce -- The role of policy and institutions / James Mayers and Stephen Bass -- Modelling tropical land use change and deforestation...

  10. What was tropical about tropical neurasthenia? The utility of the diagnosis in the management of British East Africa. (United States)

    Crozier, Anna


    During the first quarter of the twentieth century, tropical neurasthenia was a popular diagnosis for a nervous condition experienced by Europeans in the topics. Tropical neurasthenia was not psychosis or madness, but was rather an ennui or loss of "edge" brought about by the strains of tropical life, especially the unfamiliar, hot climate. A catch-all for a wide range of symptoms, many missionaries, colonial staff, and settlers throughout Empire were repatriated because of it, although this article concentrates on Colonial Service employees working in British East Africa. While histories of tropical neurasthenia have usefully (and correctly) explained this diagnosis as an expression of the anxieties of the colonial regime, this article adds a new dimension to the historiography by arguing that tropical neurasthenia can only be properly understood as a hybrid form, dependent not only upon the peculiarities of the colonial situation, but also descended from British and American clinical understandings of neurasthenia. Moreover, once tropical neurasthenia is properly acknowledged as being typical of clinical understandings of the time, other reasons for its comparatively long endurance in the colonial situation emerge. This article shows that tropical neurasthenia remained a popular diagnosis in East Africa not only because (as historians have argued previously) it dovetailed with prevalent ideas of colonial acclimatization, but also because it was a practically useful tool in the management and regulation of colonial personnel.

  11. Archives: Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 50 of 97 ... Archives: Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Journal Home > Archives: Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  12. Tree height and tropical forest biomass estimation (United States)

    M.O. Hunter; M. Keller; D. Vitoria; D.C. Morton


    Tropical forests account for approximately half of above-ground carbon stored in global vegetation. However, uncertainties in tropical forest carbon stocks remain high because it is costly and laborious to quantify standing carbon stocks. Carbon stocks of tropical forests are determined using allometric relations between tree stem diameter and height and biomass....

  13. [Profile of tropical diseases in Portugal]. (United States)

    Ventura, F A


    The increased incidence of Imported Tropical Diseases in Portugal is correlated to a recent higher standard of living, influence of media and a consequent expansion of tourism, and above all to the close relationship existing between Portugal and Africa. The number and pathology (parasitic diarrhoeas, protozoal and helminthic infections) of in-patients with Tropical Diseases at the Unidade de Doenças Infecciosas, Parasitárias e de Medicina Tropical (UDIP-MT) were described, with special emphasis on Malaria (155 in-patients during the period from 1989 to 1993) and on Sleeping Sickness, where Eflornitin (DFMO) was for the first time used in Portugal. Finally, the impact of HIV epidemic on incidence and different clinical presentations of parasitic and other tropical pathology was also evaluated.

  14. [Tropical chronic pancreatitis in a young patient]. (United States)

    Reyes, J; Ginard, D; Barranco, L; Riera, J; Obrador, A


    Tropical chronic pancreatitis is a form of idiopathic chronic pancreatitis that has not previously been described in Spain. Typically it is related to dietary factors and malnutrition, although genetic factors may also play a significant role in the development of the disease. We report a case of chronic tropical pancreatitis in a 27-year-old woman from the Dominican Republic domiciled in Spain since 1992. The patient was admitted to our hospital for acute pancreatitis that fulfilled the diagnostic criteria (clinical and radiological) for chronic tropical pancreatitis. This case has led us to review this uncommon entity. Because of the increasing number of immigrants from tropical countries, chronic tropical pancreatitis will probably need to be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis in our patients.

  15. ENTRE O DISCURSO SOLIDÁRIO E A AÇÃO PRAGMÁTICA DA COOPERAÇÃO BRASILEIRA EM MOÇAMBIQUE: os casos dos projetos de implantação da fábrica de medicamentos antirretrovirais e o ProSavana

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    Elga Lessa de Almeida

    Full Text Available A cooperação brasileira com países africanos ganhou importante relevo ao longo do governo de Lula da Silva, apoiada pelo discurso da solidariedade internacional e da existência de uma dívida histórica com a África, bem como por uma prática que busca, sobretudo, estruturar setorialmente as demandas desses países, sem impor condicionalidades. Percebe-se, no entanto, que a presença brasileira em Moçambique – país que recebeu especial atenção no governo Lula da Silva – aponta para uma ambivalência dessa cooperação. Ao mesmo tempo em que o discurso propaga uma cooperação não vinculada a interesses econômicos, é observada a presença de grandes empresas brasileiras como benfeitoras nos projetos da cooperação, ou mesmo diretamente interessadas nos resultados produzidos por esses projetos. Nesse sentido, este trabalho procura evidenciar essa ambivalência e refletir sobre ela, por meio da análise de dois projetos que vão alcançar um significado importante para a cooperação técnica brasileira: o projeto da implantação da fábrica de medicamentos antirretrovirais e o Programa de Cooperação Tripartida para o Desenvolvimento Agrícola da Savana Tropical em Moçambique, o ProSavana.

  16. Natural and near natural tropical forest values (United States)

    Daniel H. Henning


    This paper identifies and describes some of the values associated with tropical rain forests in their natural and near-natural conditions. Tropical rain forests are moist forests in the humid tropics where temperature and rainfall are high and the dry season is short. These closed (non-logged) and broad-leaved forests are a global resource. Located almost entirely in...

  17. Height-diameter allometry of tropical forest trees (United States)

    T.R. Feldpausch; L. Banin; O.L. Phillips; T.R. Baker; S.L. Lewis; C.A. Quesada; K. Affum-Baffoe; E.J.M.M. Arets; N.J. Berry; M. Bird; E.S. Brondizio; P de Camargo; J. Chave; G. Djagbletey; T.F. Domingues; M. Drescher; P.M. Fearnside; M.B. Franca; N.M. Fyllas; G. Lopez-Gonzalez; A. Hladik; N. Higuchi; M.O. Hunter; Y. Iida; K.A. Salim; A.R. Kassim; M. Keller; J. Kemp; D.A. King; J.C. Lovett; B.S. Marimon; B.H. Marimon-Junior; E. Lenza; A.R. Marshall; D.J. Metcalfe; E.T.A. Mitchard; E.F. Moran; B.W. Nelson; R. Nilus; E.M. Nogueira; M. Palace; S. Patiño; K.S.-H. Peh; M.T. Raventos; J.M. Reitsma; G. Saiz; F. Schrodt; B. Sonke; H.E. Taedoumg; S. Tan; L. White; H. Woll; J. Lloyd


    Tropical tree height-diameter (H:D) relationships may vary by forest type and region making large-scale estimates of above-ground biomass subject to bias if they ignore these differences in stem allometry. We have therefore developed a new global tropical forest database consisting of 39 955 concurrent H and D measurements encompassing 283 sites in 22 tropical...

  18. Tropical Rainforest Education. ERIC Digest. (United States)

    Rillero, Peter

    This digest provides four guideposts for tropical rainforest education: (1) structure; (2) location and climate; (3) importance; and (4) conservation of resources. Research is cited and background information provided about the layers of life and the adaptations of life within the tropical rain forest. Aspects of life within and near rain forests…

  19. Human Influence on Tropical Cyclone Intensity (United States)

    Sobel, Adam H.; Camargo, Suzana J.; Hall, Timothy M.; Lee, Chia-Ying; Tippett, Michael K.; Wing, Allison A.


    Recent assessments agree that tropical cyclone intensity should increase as the climate warms. Less agreement exists on the detection of recent historical trends in tropical cyclone intensity.We interpret future and recent historical trends by using the theory of potential intensity, which predicts the maximum intensity achievable by a tropical cyclone in a given local environment. Although greenhouse gas-driven warming increases potential intensity, climate model simulations suggest that aerosol cooling has largely canceled that effect over the historical record. Large natural variability complicates analysis of trends, as do poleward shifts in the latitude of maximum intensity. In the absence of strong reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, future greenhouse gas forcing of potential intensity will increasingly dominate over aerosol forcing, leading to substantially larger increases in tropical cyclone intensities.

  20. Global Warming Attenuates the Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection (United States)

    Jia, Fan; Wu, Lixin; Gan, Bolan; Cai, Wenju


    Changes in global sea surface temperature (SST) since the end of last century display a pattern of widespread warming intercepted by cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific and western coasts of the American continent. Studies have suggested that the cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific may be partly induced by warming in the North Atlantic. However, it remains unknown how stable this inter-tropical teleconnection will be under global warming. Here we show that the inter-tropical teleconnection from the tropical Atlantic to Pacific weakens substantially as the CO2 concentration increases. This reduced impact is related to the El Niño-like warming of the tropical Pacific mean state, which leads to limited seasonal migration of the Pacific inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and weakened ocean heat transport. A fast decay of the tropical Atlantic SST anomalies in a warmer climate also contributes to the weakened teleconnection. Our study suggests that as greenhouse warming continues, the trend in the tropical Pacific as well as the development of ENSO will be less frequently interrupted by the Atlantic because of this attenuation. The weakened teleconnection is also supported by CMIP5 models, although only a few of these models can capture this inter-tropical teleconnection. PMID:26838053

  1. Global Warming Attenuates the Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection. (United States)

    Jia, Fan; Wu, Lixin; Gan, Bolan; Cai, Wenju


    Changes in global sea surface temperature (SST) since the end of last century display a pattern of widespread warming intercepted by cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific and western coasts of the American continent. Studies have suggested that the cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific may be partly induced by warming in the North Atlantic. However, it remains unknown how stable this inter-tropical teleconnection will be under global warming. Here we show that the inter-tropical teleconnection from the tropical Atlantic to Pacific weakens substantially as the CO2 concentration increases. This reduced impact is related to the El Niño-like warming of the tropical Pacific mean state, which leads to limited seasonal migration of the Pacific inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and weakened ocean heat transport. A fast decay of the tropical Atlantic SST anomalies in a warmer climate also contributes to the weakened teleconnection. Our study suggests that as greenhouse warming continues, the trend in the tropical Pacific as well as the development of ENSO will be less frequently interrupted by the Atlantic because of this attenuation. The weakened teleconnection is also supported by CMIP5 models, although only a few of these models can capture this inter-tropical teleconnection.

  2. Plant cover and hydrological response in a seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF = Cobertura vegetal e as respostas hidrológicas em floresta tropical sazonalmente seca (FTSS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eunice Maia de Andrade


    Full Text Available The scarcity of information on the processes of rainfall-flow limits understanding of the hydrology of dry regions of the world. In order to minimise the problem, this study was developed to investigate the influence of the characteristics of rainfall events and plant cover on the effective precipitation (Pe in a seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF in the Northeast of Brazil. The study was carried out in two paired watersheds, one with SDTF under regeneration for 35 years (CR35 and the other under thinned SDTF for 5 years (TC. A historical series of five years (2009-2013 was analysed, with a total of 203 rainfall events, where only those rainfall events that generated a Pe > 1.0 mm were considered. CR35 had a greater number of Pe events (47 than TC (35. Rainfall depth and intensity were the factors that best explained the effective precipitation under both types of vegetation cover. The influence of herbaceous vegetation on the reduction of surface runoff was demonstrated by the smaller runoff depth and the greater potential for soil water storage in the watershed under thinned Caatinga. This fact leads to the conclusion that the technique of thinning is suitable management for Caatinga vegetation, and is capable of promoting the retention of soil water. = A escassez de informações sobre os processos chuva-deflúvio é uma limitação no entendimento da hidrologia das regiões secas do globo terrestre. Buscando minimizar esta problemática, desenvolveuse este estudo objetivando investigar as influências das características dos eventos pluviométricos e da cobertura vegetal na precipitação efetiva (Pe em floresta tropical sazonalmente seca (FTSS, no nordeste do Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em duas microbacias emparelhadas, uma com FTSS em regeneração há 35 anos (CR35 e outra com FTSS raleada há 5 anos (CR. Foi analisada uma série histórica de cinco anos (2009-2013, com um total de 203 eventos pluviométricos, sendo considerados

  3. O papel das relações interpessoais na condução do ProSavana-JBM (Japão-Brasil-Moçambique): um estudo de caso: programa de Cooperação Triangular para o Desenvolvimento Agrícola da Savana Tropical de Moçambique


    Ferreira, Melina de Souza-Bandeira


    O objetivo deste estudo de caso foi o de identificar o papel das relações interpessoais na condução do ProSAVANA-JBM (JAPÃO-BRASIL-MOÇAMBIQUE), Programa de Cooperação Triangular para o Desenvolvimento Agrícola da Savana Tropical de Moçambique. Os objetivos intermediários permitem também investigar quais outros fatores podem ter sido determinantes na condução do ProSAVANA. Este programa além de representar uma parceria internacional entre organizações de três países Brasil, Japão e Moçambique,...

  4. Physical and meteorological data from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) array in the tropical Pacific Ocean (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) Array of 55 moored buoys spans the tropical Pacific from longitudes 165°E to 95°W between latitudes of approximately 8°S and...

  5. Multiple successional pathways in human-modified tropical landscapes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor; Melo, Felipe P.L.; Martínez-Ramos, Miguel; Bongers, Frans; Chazdon, Robin L.; Meave, Jorge A.; Norden, Natalia; Santos, Bráulio A.; Leal, Inara R.; Tabarelli, Marcelo


    Old-growth tropical forests are being extensively deforested and fragmented worldwide. Yet forest recovery through succession has led to an expansion of secondary forests in human-modified tropical landscapes (HMTLs). Secondary forests thus emerge as a potential repository for tropical

  6. Which statistics should tropical biologists learn? (United States)

    Loaiza Velásquez, Natalia; González Lutz, María Isabel; Monge-Nájera, Julián


    Tropical biologists study the richest and most endangered biodiversity in the planet, and in these times of climate change and mega-extinctions, the need for efficient, good quality research is more pressing than in the past. However, the statistical component in research published by tropical authors sometimes suffers from poor quality in data collection; mediocre or bad experimental design and a rigid and outdated view of data analysis. To suggest improvements in their statistical education, we listed all the statistical tests and other quantitative analyses used in two leading tropical journals, the Revista de Biología Tropical and Biotropica, during a year. The 12 most frequent tests in the articles were: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Chi-Square Test, Student's T Test, Linear Regression, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Shannon's Diversity Index, Tukey's Test, Cluster Analysis, Spearman's Rank Correlation Test and Principal Component Analysis. We conclude that statistical education for tropical biologists must abandon the old syllabus based on the mathematical side of statistics and concentrate on the correct selection of these and other procedures and tests, on their biological interpretation and on the use of reliable and friendly freeware. We think that their time will be better spent understanding and protecting tropical ecosystems than trying to learn the mathematical foundations of statistics: in most cases, a well designed one-semester course should be enough for their basic requirements.

  7. Dos Fragmentos às Vasilhas: um primeiro passo para a construção de contextos culturais na arqueologia da floresta tropical


    Raymond, Scott J.


    Neste capítulo eu não pretendo inovar, mas fazer uma retrospectiva para explicar uma metodologia particular que tem sido aplicada à classifcação cerâmica nas terras baixas tropicais da América do Sul. Eu me refro a essa metodologia como uma classifcação estrutural, uma vez que foi modelada a partir da metodologia da lingüística descritiva. Ela não deve ser confundida com estruturalismo ou análise estruturalista (Leone 1982) da forma que esses termos são correntemente usados, no sentido lévi-s...

  8. Influência da irrigação no ciclo do abacaxizeiro cv. Pérola em área de tabuleiro costeiro da Bahia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a influência da irrigação sobre o ciclo do abacaxizeiro-'Pérola'. O trabalho foi conduzido na Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, em Cruz das Almas (BA, num Latossolo Amarelo Distrófico A moderado textura franco argilo-arenosa fase transição floresta tropical subperenifólia/subcaducifólia, típico dos Tabuleiros Costeiros, situado a uma altitude de 220 m, com pluviosidade média anual de 1.170 mm e temperatura média de 24,5 ºC. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados e as lâminas de água, aplicadas por aspersão, num esquema "line source", foram de 608; 568; 525; 468 e 334 mm/ano. Durante o período experimental (09/94 a 12/95, ocorreu uma precipitação efetiva de 671 mm/ano. Houve efeito positivo das lâminas crescentes de irrigação sobre a diferenciação floral natural e antecipação no período de colheita do fruto, o que resultou no encurtamento do ciclo da planta, sem que se observasse prejuízo ao peso médio do fruto, das parcelas submetidas às maiores lâminas d'água. Nestas, mais de 70% dos frutos foram colhidos com uma antecipação de 22 dias em relação ao final da colheita. As maiores lâminas de irrigação permitiram igualmente uma distribuição mais eqüitativa da colheita, no período em que ela ocorreu.

  9. 'Combating' tropical diseases in the German colonial press. (United States)

    Correa, Sílvio Marcus de Souza


    This article shows how much certain German language newspapers were a vehicule for reporting to the lay public on 'combating' tropical diseases. Through the press, immigrants and their descendents in Brazil were informed not only about the diseases which afflicted German colonists in Africa, but also about measures concerning sanitation, prophylaxis and experiments with tropical medicine, etc. Based on hemerographic sources, it shows how successful the overseas German communities were in sharing their experiences regarding health in tropical and/or sub-tropical regions.

  10. Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome (United States)

    Sullivan, Martin J. P.; Talbot, Joey; Lewis, Simon L.; Phillips, Oliver L.; Qie, Lan; Begne, Serge K.; Chave, Jerôme; Cuni-Sanchez, Aida; Hubau, Wannes; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Miles, Lera; Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel; Sonké, Bonaventure; Sunderland, Terry; Ter Steege, Hans; White, Lee J. T.; Affum-Baffoe, Kofi; Aiba, Shin-Ichiro; de Almeida, Everton Cristo; de Oliveira, Edmar Almeida; Alvarez-Loayza, Patricia; Dávila, Esteban Álvarez; Andrade, Ana; Aragão, Luiz E. O. C.; Ashton, Peter; Aymard C., Gerardo A.; Baker, Timothy R.; Balinga, Michael; Banin, Lindsay F.; Baraloto, Christopher; Bastin, Jean-Francois; Berry, Nicholas; Bogaert, Jan; Bonal, Damien; Bongers, Frans; Brienen, Roel; Camargo, José Luís C.; Cerón, Carlos; Moscoso, Victor Chama; Chezeaux, Eric; Clark, Connie J.; Pacheco, Álvaro Cogollo; Comiskey, James A.; Valverde, Fernando Cornejo; Coronado, Eurídice N. Honorio; Dargie, Greta; Davies, Stuart J.; de Canniere, Charles; Djuikouo K., Marie Noel; Doucet, Jean-Louis; Erwin, Terry L.; Espejo, Javier Silva; Ewango, Corneille E. N.; Fauset, Sophie; Feldpausch, Ted R.; Herrera, Rafael; Gilpin, Martin; Gloor, Emanuel; Hall, Jefferson S.; Harris, David J.; Hart, Terese B.; Kartawinata, Kuswata; Kho, Lip Khoon; Kitayama, Kanehiro; Laurance, Susan G. W.; Laurance, William F.; Leal, Miguel E.; Lovejoy, Thomas; Lovett, Jon C.; Lukasu, Faustin Mpanya; Makana, Jean-Remy; Malhi, Yadvinder; Maracahipes, Leandro; Marimon, Beatriz S.; Junior, Ben Hur Marimon; Marshall, Andrew R.; Morandi, Paulo S.; Mukendi, John Tshibamba; Mukinzi, Jaques; Nilus, Reuben; Vargas, Percy Núñez; Camacho, Nadir C. Pallqui; Pardo, Guido; Peña-Claros, Marielos; Pétronelli, Pascal; Pickavance, Georgia C.; Poulsen, Axel Dalberg; Poulsen, John R.; Primack, Richard B.; Priyadi, Hari; Quesada, Carlos A.; Reitsma, Jan; Réjou-Méchain, Maxime; Restrepo, Zorayda; Rutishauser, Ervan; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Salomão, Rafael P.; Samsoedin, Ismayadi; Sheil, Douglas; Sierra, Rodrigo; Silveira, Marcos; Slik, J. W. Ferry; Steel, Lisa; Taedoumg, Hermann; Tan, Sylvester; Terborgh, John W.; Thomas, Sean C.; Toledo, Marisol; Umunay, Peter M.; Gamarra, Luis Valenzuela; Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães; Vos, Vincent A.; Wang, Ophelia; Willcock, Simon; Zemagho, Lise


    Tropical forests are global centres of biodiversity and carbon storage. Many tropical countries aspire to protect forest to fulfil biodiversity and climate mitigation policy targets, but the conservation strategies needed to achieve these two functions depend critically on the tropical forest tree diversity-carbon storage relationship. Assessing this relationship is challenging due to the scarcity of inventories where carbon stocks in aboveground biomass and species identifications have been simultaneously and robustly quantified. Here, we compile a unique pan-tropical dataset of 360 plots located in structurally intact old-growth closed-canopy forest, surveyed using standardised methods, allowing a multi-scale evaluation of diversity-carbon relationships in tropical forests. Diversity-carbon relationships among all plots at 1 ha scale across the tropics are absent, and within continents are either weak (Asia) or absent (Amazonia, Africa). A weak positive relationship is detectable within 1 ha plots, indicating that diversity effects in tropical forests may be scale dependent. The absence of clear diversity-carbon relationships at scales relevant to conservation planning means that carbon-centred conservation strategies will inevitably miss many high diversity ecosystems. As tropical forests can have any combination of tree diversity and carbon stocks both require explicit consideration when optimising policies to manage tropical carbon and biodiversity.

  11. Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome. (United States)

    Sullivan, Martin J P; Talbot, Joey; Lewis, Simon L; Phillips, Oliver L; Qie, Lan; Begne, Serge K; Chave, Jerôme; Cuni-Sanchez, Aida; Hubau, Wannes; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Miles, Lera; Monteagudo-Mendoza, Abel; Sonké, Bonaventure; Sunderland, Terry; Ter Steege, Hans; White, Lee J T; Affum-Baffoe, Kofi; Aiba, Shin-Ichiro; de Almeida, Everton Cristo; de Oliveira, Edmar Almeida; Alvarez-Loayza, Patricia; Dávila, Esteban Álvarez; Andrade, Ana; Aragão, Luiz E O C; Ashton, Peter; Aymard C, Gerardo A; Baker, Timothy R; Balinga, Michael; Banin, Lindsay F; Baraloto, Christopher; Bastin, Jean-Francois; Berry, Nicholas; Bogaert, Jan; Bonal, Damien; Bongers, Frans; Brienen, Roel; Camargo, José Luís C; Cerón, Carlos; Moscoso, Victor Chama; Chezeaux, Eric; Clark, Connie J; Pacheco, Álvaro Cogollo; Comiskey, James A; Valverde, Fernando Cornejo; Coronado, Eurídice N Honorio; Dargie, Greta; Davies, Stuart J; De Canniere, Charles; Djuikouo K, Marie Noel; Doucet, Jean-Louis; Erwin, Terry L; Espejo, Javier Silva; Ewango, Corneille E N; Fauset, Sophie; Feldpausch, Ted R; Herrera, Rafael; Gilpin, Martin; Gloor, Emanuel; Hall, Jefferson S; Harris, David J; Hart, Terese B; Kartawinata, Kuswata; Kho, Lip Khoon; Kitayama, Kanehiro; Laurance, Susan G W; Laurance, William F; Leal, Miguel E; Lovejoy, Thomas; Lovett, Jon C; Lukasu, Faustin Mpanya; Makana, Jean-Remy; Malhi, Yadvinder; Maracahipes, Leandro; Marimon, Beatriz S; Junior, Ben Hur Marimon; Marshall, Andrew R; Morandi, Paulo S; Mukendi, John Tshibamba; Mukinzi, Jaques; Nilus, Reuben; Vargas, Percy Núñez; Camacho, Nadir C Pallqui; Pardo, Guido; Peña-Claros, Marielos; Pétronelli, Pascal; Pickavance, Georgia C; Poulsen, Axel Dalberg; Poulsen, John R; Primack, Richard B; Priyadi, Hari; Quesada, Carlos A; Reitsma, Jan; Réjou-Méchain, Maxime; Restrepo, Zorayda; Rutishauser, Ervan; Salim, Kamariah Abu; Salomão, Rafael P; Samsoedin, Ismayadi; Sheil, Douglas; Sierra, Rodrigo; Silveira, Marcos; Slik, J W Ferry; Steel, Lisa; Taedoumg, Hermann; Tan, Sylvester; Terborgh, John W; Thomas, Sean C; Toledo, Marisol; Umunay, Peter M; Gamarra, Luis Valenzuela; Vieira, Ima Célia Guimarães; Vos, Vincent A; Wang, Ophelia; Willcock, Simon; Zemagho, Lise


    Tropical forests are global centres of biodiversity and carbon storage. Many tropical countries aspire to protect forest to fulfil biodiversity and climate mitigation policy targets, but the conservation strategies needed to achieve these two functions depend critically on the tropical forest tree diversity-carbon storage relationship. Assessing this relationship is challenging due to the scarcity of inventories where carbon stocks in aboveground biomass and species identifications have been simultaneously and robustly quantified. Here, we compile a unique pan-tropical dataset of 360 plots located in structurally intact old-growth closed-canopy forest, surveyed using standardised methods, allowing a multi-scale evaluation of diversity-carbon relationships in tropical forests. Diversity-carbon relationships among all plots at 1 ha scale across the tropics are absent, and within continents are either weak (Asia) or absent (Amazonia, Africa). A weak positive relationship is detectable within 1 ha plots, indicating that diversity effects in tropical forests may be scale dependent. The absence of clear diversity-carbon relationships at scales relevant to conservation planning means that carbon-centred conservation strategies will inevitably miss many high diversity ecosystems. As tropical forests can have any combination of tree diversity and carbon stocks both require explicit consideration when optimising policies to manage tropical carbon and biodiversity.

  12. International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD) (formally known was the Journal of Malaria in Africa and the Tropics (JMAT) is a publication of the malariologists and researchers in tropical diseases. Its aim is to educate, improved the practice of malaria treatment, stimulate research, encourage academic ...

  13. Homological mirror symmetry and tropical geometry

    CERN Document Server

    Catanese, Fabrizio; Kontsevich, Maxim; Pantev, Tony; Soibelman, Yan; Zharkov, Ilia


    The relationship between Tropical Geometry and Mirror Symmetry goes back to the work of Kontsevich and Y. Soibelman (2000), who applied methods of non-archimedean geometry (in particular, tropical curves) to Homological Mirror Symmetry. In combination with the subsequent work of Mikhalkin on the “tropical” approach to Gromov-Witten theory, and the work of Gross and Siebert, Tropical Geometry has now become a powerful tool. Homological Mirror Symmetry is the area of mathematics concentrated around several categorical equivalences connecting symplectic and holomorphic (or algebraic) geometry. The central ideas first appeared in the work of Maxim Kontsevich (1993). Roughly speaking, the subject can be approached in two ways: either one uses Lagrangian torus fibrations of Calabi-Yau manifolds (the so-called Strominger-Yau-Zaslow picture, further developed by Kontsevich and Soibelman) or one uses Lefschetz fibrations of symplectic manifolds (suggested by Kontsevich and further developed by Seidel). Tropical Ge...

  14. Evapotranspiração e coeficiente de cultivo da cultura do pinhão manso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Admar Junior Coletti


    Full Text Available A água é o maior fator limitante à obtenção de elevadas produtividades em culturas agrícolas. Devido à escassez de estudos ligados à necessidade hídrica da cultura do pinhão manso, objetivou-se determinar a evapotranspiração e o coeficiente de cultivo desta cultura. O experimento foi realizado na Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Campus de Tangará da Serra, MT, localizado à 14º37’10’’ S, 57º29’09’’ W e altitude de 321,5 m. O clima da região é o Tropical Úmido Megatérmico e o solo do tipo Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Para determinar a Evapotranspiração de referência (ETo utilizou-se o método de Penmam-Monteith, e para a evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc lisímetros de drenagem. Observou-se no período de estudo uma ETo média de 4,1 mm dia-1 e uma ETc média de 11,4 mm dia-1, tais valores geraram um Kc médio de 2,66, sendo altamente influenciado no período da seca, devido a elevada demanda atmosférica ocasionada pelo comportamento meteorológico, e as elevadas produtividades.

  15. Causas de óbito em pacientes com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida, necropsiados na Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas Causes of death among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome autopsied at the Tropical Medicine Foundation of Amazonas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sílvia Leopoldina Santos de Souza


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar em 129 pacientes com AIDS, necropsiados na Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas de 1996 a 2003, as causas do óbito, observando o grau de concordância entre os diagnósticos necroscópicos com os diagnósticos clínicos. A doença mais freqüente que causou o óbito foi tuberculose 28%, seguida de pneumonia bacteriana 17%, histoplasmose 13%, toxoplasmose 10%, pneumocistose 8%, criptococose 5%, sepse bacteriana 4% e 15% outras causas. A concordância entre o diagnóstico clínico antemortem e a necropsia foi de 51,9%. O principal órgão acometido foi o pulmão 82,2%. O tempo de sobrevivência após o diagnóstico laboratorial até o óbito variou entre um mês e 120 meses. A média de sobrevivência foi 15 dias e 56% morreram menos de um mês após o diagnóstico, 15 pacientes morreram na mesma data do diagnóstico. Esses resultados demonstram a importância da necropsia na causa mortis em pacientes com AIDS.The aim of this study was to investigate the causes of death among 129 AIDS patients that were autopsied at the Tropical Medicine Foundation of Amazonas between 1996 and 2003. The degree of concordance between the autopsy diagnoses and the clinical diagnoses was observed. The disease that most frequently caused death was tuberculosis (28%, followed by bacterial pneumonia (17%, histoplasmosis (13%, toxoplasmosis (10%, pneumocystosis (8%, cryptococcosis (5%, bacterial sepsis (4% and other causes (15%. The concordance between the clinical diagnosis before death and the autopsy was 51.9%. The main organ involved was the lungs (82.2%. The length of survival from the time of the laboratory diagnosis to death ranged from one month to 120 months. The mean length of survival was 15 days and 56% died less than one month after the diagnosis, while 15 patients died on the same day that they were diagnosed. These results show the importance of autopsies in elucidating the causes of death among AIDS patients.

  16. Rendimento de grãos de trigo e sua relação com as doenças e variáveis climáticas em Capão Bonito de 1994 a 2001 Wheat grain yield and the relationship with diseases and climatic variations in Capão Bonito, in the period 1994 to 2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Carlos Felicio


    Full Text Available A influência do ambiente no rendimento de grãos de genótipos de trigo e sua relação com as doenças causadas pelos fungos causadores da ferrugem-da-folha e das manchas foliares e suas relações com as variáveis climáticas foram avaliadas no período de 1994-2001, no município de Capão Bonito (SP, latitude 24º02' S, longitude 48º 22' W e altitude 702 m. A interação genótipos x anos foi altamente significativa revelando que diferenças climáticas anuais tiveram influência direta no rendimento de grãos. Em 1998, o rendimento médio de grãos foi o melhor do período e em 1994, o pior. Os genótipos IAPAR 60, IAC 60, IAC 120 e BR 18 apresentaram maior rendimento de grãos na média dos anos considerados. IAPAR 60 mostrou instabilidade no rendimento de grãos no período. Os genótipos Anahuac, IAC 120, IAC 356, IAC 342 e IAC 373 foram imunes às raças prevalentes do fungo causador da ferrugem-da-folha. Como as manchas foliares foram favorecidas pelas condições climáticas, sua ocorrência foi generalizada no período. As precipitações pluviais de maio foram as que melhor se correlacionaram com o desenvolvimento dessa doença.The environmental influence on grain yield and its relationship with leaf rust and leaf spots diseases was evaluated in the period 1994-2001, in Capão Bonito, State of São Paulo, Brazil, 24º02' S, 48º 22' W e altitude, 702 m. The genotype x year interaction was highly significant indicating that annual climatic differences have directly affected the grain yield. The averages of grain yield were the highest in 1998 and the lowest in 1994. The genotypes IAPAR 60, IAC 60, IAC 120 and BR 18 showed high grain yield means. IAPAR 60 did not present grain yield stability. The genotypes Anahuac, IAC 120, IAC 356, IAC 342 and IAC 373 are immune to the prevalent races of the fungus causing leaf rust. As the climatic conditions were favorable to the development leaf spot, its occurrence was generalized. Rainfall

  17. Lightning and 85-GHz MCSs in the Global Tropics (United States)

    Toracinta, E. Richard; Zipser, E. J.


    Numerous observations of tropical convection show that tropical continental mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are much more prolific lightning producers than their oceanic counterparts. Satellite-based climatologies using 85-GHz passive microwave ice-scattering signatures from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) indicate that MCSs of various size and intensity are found throughout the global tropics. In contrast, global lightning distributions show a strong land bias with an order of magnitude difference between land and ocean lightning. This is somewhat puzzling, since 85-GHz ice-scattering and the charge separation processes that lead to lightning are both thought to depend upon the existence of large graupel particles. The fact that low 85-GHz brightness temperatures are observed in tropical oceanic MCSs containing virtually no lightning leads to the postulate that tropical oceanic and tropical continental MCSs have fundamentally different hydrometeor profiles through the mixed phase region of the cloud (0 C Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), and the first space-borne radar, facilitates high-resolution case studies of MCS structure throughout the global tropics. An important precursor, however, is to better understand the distribution of MCSs and lightning in the tropics. With that objective in mind, this research undertakes a systematic comparison of 85-GHz-defined MCSs and lightning over the global tropics for a full year, as an initial step toward quantifying differences between land and ocean convective systems.

  18. Tropical Agroecosystems: These habitats are misunderstood by the temperate zones, mismanaged by the tropics. (United States)

    Janzen, D H


    I have listed some of the ways in which the lowland tropics are not such a warm and wonderful place for the farmer, some of the reasons why it may be unreasonable to expect him to cope with the problems, and some of the ways in which the temperate zones make his task more difficult. The tropics are very close to being a tragedy of the commons on a global scale (69, 103), and it is the temperate zone's shepherds and sheep who are among the greatest offenders (31). Given that the temperate zones have some limited amount of resources with which they are willing to repay the tropics, how can these resources best be spent? The first answer, without doubt, is education, and the incorporation of what is already known about the tropics into that education. Second should be the generation of secure psychological and physical resources for governments that show they are enthusiastic about the development of an SYTA. Third should be support of intensive research needed to generate the set of site-specific rules for specific, clearly identified SYTA's. The subject matter of youths' cultural programming is presumably determined by what they will need during the rest of their lives. A major component of this programming should be the teaching of the socioeconomic rules of a sustained-yield, nonexpanding economy, tuned to the concept of living within the carrying capacity of the country's or region's resources. Incorporating such a process into tropical school systems will cause a major upheaval, if for no other reason than that it will involve an evaluation of the country's resources, what standard of living is to be accepted by those living on them, and who is presently harvesting them. Of even greater impact, it will have to evaluate resources in terms of their ability to raise the standard of living by Y amount for X proportion of the people in the region, rather than in terms of their cash value on the world market. For such a change to be technologically successful, it will

  19. Tropical Deforestation. (United States)

    Raven, Peter H.


    Outlines the deforestation problem and some efforts for solving the problem. Considers the impact of population growth, poverty, and ignorance. Includes a discussion of the current rapid decline in tropical forests, the consequences of destruction, and an outlook for the future. (YP)

  20. Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology (JTMB) formerly Journal of Tropical Microbiology gives preeminence to the central role of modern biotechnology and microorganisms as tools and targets in current research, which is largely multidisciplinary. JTMB covers a broad range of topics, such as disease ...

  1. The Role of the Tropics in Abrupt Climate Changes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fedorov, Alexey [Yale University


    Topics addressed include: abrupt climate changes and ocean circulation in the tropics; what controls the ocean thermal structure in the tropics; a permanent El Niño in paleoclimates; the energetics of the tropical ocean.

  2. Urgent need for warming experiments in tropical forests (United States)

    Calaveri, Molly A.; Reed, Sasha C.; Smith, W. Kolby; Wood, Tana E.


    Although tropical forests account for only a fraction of the planet's terrestrial surface, they exchange more carbon dioxide with the atmosphere than any other biome on Earth, and thus play a disproportionate role in the global climate. In the next 20 years, the tropics will experience unprecedented warming, yet there is exceedingly high uncertainty about their potential responses to this imminent climatic change. Here, we prioritize research approaches given both funding and logistical constraints in order to resolve major uncertainties about how tropical forests function and also to improve predictive capacity of earth system models. We investigate overall model uncertainty of tropical latitudes and explore the scientific benefits and inevitable trade-offs inherent in large-scale manipulative field experiments. With a Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 analysis, we found that model variability in projected net ecosystem production was nearly 3 times greater in the tropics than for any other latitude. Through a review of the most current literature, we concluded that manipulative warming experiments are vital to accurately predict future tropical forest carbon balance, and we further recommend the establishment of a network of comparable studies spanning gradients of precipitation, edaphic qualities, plant types, and/or land use change. We provide arguments for long-term, single-factor warming experiments that incorporate warming of the most biogeochemically active ecosystem components (i.e. leaves, roots, soil microbes). Hypothesis testing of underlying mechanisms should be a priority, along with improving model parameterization and constraints. No single tropical forest is representative of all tropical forests; therefore logistical feasibility should be the most important consideration for locating large-scale manipulative experiments. Above all, we advocate for multi-faceted research programs, and we offer arguments for what we consider the most

  3. Abiotic factors influencing tropical dry forests regeneration

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    Ceccon Eliane


    Full Text Available Tropical dry forests represent nearly half the tropical forests in the world and are the ecosystems registering the greatest deterioration from the anthropogenic exploitation of the land. This paper presents a review on the dynamics of tropical dry forests regeneration and the main abiotic factors influencing this regeneration, such as seasonal nature, soil fertility and humidity, and natural and anthropic disturbances. The main purpose is to clearly understand an important part of TDF succession dynamics.

  4. The role of tropical cyclones in precipitation over the tropical and subtropical North America (United States)

    Dominguez, Christian; Magaña, Victor


    Tropical cyclones (TCs) are essential elements of the hydrological cycle in tropical and subtropical regions. In the present study, the contribution of TCs to seasonal precipitation around the tropical and subtropical North America is examined. When TC activity over the tropical eastern Pacific (TEP) or the Intra Americas Seas (IAS) is below (above-normal), regional precipitation may be below (above-normal). However, it is not only the number of TCs what may change seasonal precipitation, but the trajectory of the systems. TCs induce intense precipitation over continental regions if they are close enough to shorelines, for instance, if the TC center is located, on average, less than 500 km-distant from the coast. However, if TCs are more remote than this threshold distance, the chances of rain over continental regions decrease, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. In addition, a distant TC may induce subsidence or produce moisture divergence that inhibits, at least for a few days, convective activity farther away than the threshold distance. An analysis of interannual variability in the TCs that produce precipitation over the tropical and subtropical North America shows that some regions in northern Mexico, which mostly depend on this effect to undergo wet years, may experience seasonal negative anomalies in precipitation if TCs trajectories are remote. Therefore, TCs (activity and trajectories) are important modulators of climate variability on various time scales, either by producing intense rainfall or by inhibiting convection at distant regions from their trajectory. The impact of such variations on water availability in northern Mexico may be relevant, since water availability in dams recovers under the effects of TC rainfall. Seasonal precipitation forecasts or climate change scenarios for these regions should take into account the effect of TCs, if regional adaptation strategies are implemented.

  5. Melhoramento do trigo: XII. Comportamento de novas linhagens e cultivares no Estado de São Paulo Wheat breeding: XII. Evaluation of new inbred lines for the State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Foram comparadas entre si vinte e uma linhagens e quatro cultivares comerciais de trigo através de ensaios instalados em diferentes localidades paulistas, analisando-se os seguintes parâmetros: rendimento de grãos, altura de plantas, ciclo em dias da emergência ao florescimento e da emergência à maturação, porcentagem de plantas acamadas, comprimento da espiga, número de grãos por espiga e por espigueta, número de espiguetas por espiga, peso de cem grãos, resistência à ferrugem do-colmo e da-folha em condições de campo e de casa de vegetação. Em condições de laboratório, foram realizados estudos da tolerância ao alumínio, em soluções nutritivas. Nos ensaios conduzidos em Campinas, em condição de irrigação por aspersão, destacaram-se, quanto à produção de grãos, as linhagens IAC-60 e IAC-67, e, nos de Capão Bonito, IAC-66, IAC-60 e IAC-69 apresentaram maior produtividade. As linhagens IAC-64, IAC-68, IAC-71 e IAC-60 destacaram-se em Tietê, e as linhagens IAC-67, IAC-63 e IAC-64 evidenciaram alta produção de grãos em Maracaí. As linhagens IAC-52, IAC-53, IAC-54, IAC-55, IAC-56, IAC-57, IAC-58, IAC-60, IAC-64, IAC-65, IAC-67, IAC-71 e o 'Alondra-S-46' mostraram plantas de porte semi-anão, diferindo significativamente do 'BH-1146', de porte alto. Em relação à ferrugem-do-colmo (Puccinia graminis f. sp. fruir, as linhagens IAC-62 e IAC-65 e o cultivar Alondra-S-46 foram resistentes às sete raças testadas em estádio de plântula em casa de vegetação e também em condições de campo. Em casa de vegetação, a linhagem IAC-64 foi resistente a quatro raças de P. recondita, agente da ferrugem-da-folha, e IAC-52 e IAC-55, a três raças desse patógeno. Em condição de infecção natural no estádio de planta adulta, as linhagens IAC-51, IAC-56, IAC-61, IAC-62, IAC-63 e IAC-67 apresentaram menor grau de infecção dessa ferrugem, enquanto IAC-51, IAC-60, IAC-63, IAC-68 e IAC-70, bem como 'BH-1146' e 'IAC

  6. Efeito da aplicação de enzimas pectinolíticas no rendimento da extração de polpa de cupuaçu

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    Full Text Available O Brasil apresenta uma diversidade de frutas regionais, principalmente nas regiões Norte e Nordeste. Dentre estas, destaca-se o cupuaçu, que é uma fruta considerada exótica e de grande potencial comercial nos mercados dos estados do Sudeste do Brasil e dos países europeus. A polpa e a semente são importantes para o desenvolvimento de produtos industriais. A polpa tem sido estudada como matéria-prima para néctar; entretanto, é usada em sorvetes, geléias, purês e polpa enlatada. Atualmente, o processo de extração da polpa ainda é feito de maneira empírica, utilizando-se de acessórios como facas, colheres ou tesouras de uso doméstico, devido à forte aderência da mesma ao caroço, causando baixo rendimento no produto final. Com o objetivo de aumentar o rendimento durante o processo de extração da polpa de cupuaçu, adicionaram-se à polpa bruta dois tipos de preparações enzimáticas de ação pectolítica (Citrozym-L e Rohament PL. As concentrações estabelecidas foram de 100; 300; 500 e 750 ppm. Após todo o processo, obteve-se a polpa, e o rendimento foi comparado com a polpa-controle. O experimento foi realizado nos laboratórios de Tecnologia de Alimentos da Embrapa Agroindústria Tropical. Pelos resultados obtidos, observou-se que o rendimento da polpa com adição de Citrozym-L foi superior a 60% nas concentrações de 300; 500 e 750 ppm, enquanto, com a utilização de Rohament-PL, o rendimento variou de 43 a 57% nas mesmas concentrações. O rendimento da polpa-controle foi de 44 e 41 %, para os experimentos realizados com a primeira e segunda preparação enzimática, respectivamente. Conclui-se que a utilização de enzimas é uma alternativa para melhorar o processo de extração da polpa; adicionando-se acima de 300ppm, obtém-se um rendimento próximo a 60%.

  7. Strategies for Improving Enterprise Standardization Management of Tropical Crop Machinery

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    @@ There are two categories of tropical crop machinery. One comprises operation machinery that is used for planting, managing and harvesting tropical crops, while the other comprises process machinery for processing tropical crops. Tropical crop machinery is distinguished from other agricultural machinery by the special crops that such machinery cultivates and processes.

  8. Air-sea interaction in the tropical Pacific Ocean (United States)

    Allison, L. J.; Steranka, J.; Holub, R. J.; Hansen, J.; Godshall, F. A.; Prabhakara, C.


    Charts of 3-month sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean were produced for the period 1949 to 1970. The anomalies along the United States and South American west coasts and in the eastern tropical Pacific appeared to be oscillating in phase during this period. Similarly, the satellite-derived cloudiness for each of four quadrants of the Pacific Ocean (130 deg E to 100 deg W, 30 deg N to 25 deg S) appeared to be oscillating in phase. In addition, a global tropical cloudiness oscillation from 30 deg N to 30 deg S was noted from 1965 to 1970, by using monthly satellite television nephanalyses. The SST anomalies were found to have a good degree of correlation both positive and negative with the following monthly geophysical parameters: (1) satellite-derived cloudiness, (2) strength of the North and South Pacific semipermanent anticyclones, (3) tropical Pacific island rainfall, and (4) Darwin surface pressure. Several strong direct local and crossequatorial relationships were noted. In particular, the high degree of correlation between the tropical island rainfall and the SST anomalies (r = +0.93) permitted the derivation of SST's for the tropical Pacific back to 1905. The close occurrence of cold tropical SST and North Pacific 700-mb positive height anomalies with central United States drought conditions was noted.

  9. Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests


    Slik, J. W. Ferry; Franklin, Janet; Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor; Field, Richard; Aguilar, Salomon; Aguirre, Nikolay; Ahumada, Jorge; Aiba, Shin-Ichiro; Alves, Luciana F.; K, Anitha; Avella, Andres; Mora, Francisco; Aymard C., Gerardo A.; Báez, Selene; Balvanera, Patricia


    Identifying and explaining regional differences in tropical forest dynamics, structure, diversity, and composition are critical for anticipating region-specific responses to global environmental change. Floristic classifications are of fundamental importance for these efforts. Here we provide a global tropical forest classification that is explicitly based on community evolutionary similarity, resulting in identification of five major tropical forest regions and their relationships: (i) Indo-...

  10. O efeito da infusão das flores de Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda sobre ratas gestantes e lactantes expostas ao campo eletromagnético de ultra-alta-frequência


    Juliana Becker Borba


    O Hibiscus pernambucensis Arruda (HpA) é uma planta da família Malvaceae, típica de clima tropical de ecossistemas de mangues. A infusão das flores do HpA apresenta propriedades antioxidantes, decorrentes da vitamina E, flavonóides, quercetina e taninos. Há estudos mostrando que os campos eletromagnéticos de ultra-alta-freqüência (CEMUAF) podem provocar danos à saúde. Estes danos acontecem por indução de estresse oxidativo às células. O presente estudo visa verificar o efeito antioxidante das...

  11. Year 2001 Tropical Cyclones of the World (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Year 2001 Tropical Cyclones of the World poster. During calendar year 2001, fifty tropical cyclones with sustained surface winds of at least 64 knots were observed...

  12. Year 2000 Tropical Cyclones of the World (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Year 2000 Tropical Cyclones of the World poster. During calendar year 2000, forty-five tropical cyclones with sustained surface winds of at least 64 knots were...

  13. Aspectos históricos e metodológicos da medição e estimativa da taxa metabólica basal: uma revisão da literatura Historical and methodological aspects of the measurement and prediction of basal metabolic rate: a review

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    Vivian Wahrlich


    Full Text Available A taxa metabólica basal (TMB é uma das informações fisiológicas mais importantes em estudos nutricionais clínicos ou epidemiológicos, seja para se determinar as necessidades energéticas ou calcular o gasto energético de indivíduos ou populações. O presente artigo discute, com base numa revisão da literatura, a importância e os aspectos mais relevantes da medição da TMB. Inicialmente, faz-se um histórico do desenvolvimento dos conceitos e da técnica de medição da TMB até os dias atuais. São discutidos os fatores individuais (idade, antropometria, tabagismo, atividade física, dieta, ciclo menstrual e etnia e os possíveis fatores ambientais presentes na hora da medição (temperatura, local e repouso que podem influir no valor da TMB. Apresenta-se as várias equações de predição de TMB disponíveis, em especial a sugerida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde em 1985, e discute-se os estudos realizados desde então, que tentam validar seu uso internacionalmente, particularmente, em populações vivendo nos trópicos. O artigo aponta para a necessidade de se obter mais informações sobre o metabolismo basal nos vários segmentos populacionais vivendo em diferentes regiões do mundo, para que melhores estimativas possam ser fornecidas tanto para o uso clínico quanto epidemiológico.This paper reviews the most relevant aspects of measuring basal metabolic rate (BMR. The authors discuss individual and lifestyle factors (age, anthropometry, smoking, physical activity, diet, menses, and ethnicity as well as possible environmental factors at time of measurement which may alter BMR values. Various available predictive equations, especially those recommended by the World Health Organization in 1985, and subsequent validation studies, particularly in populations living in the tropics, are presented. The review indicates the need for more information on BMR from populations living in different parts of the world so that better

  14. Forests to fields. Restoring tropical lands to agriculture. (United States)

    Wood, D


    In discussing land use in tropical forest regions, there is an emphasis on the following topics: the need for the expansion of cropping areas, the precedent for use of the tropical forest for cropping based on past use patterns, the pressure from conservationists against cropping, debunking the mythology that forests are "natural" and refuting the claims that forest clearance is not reversible, the archeological evidence of past forest use for agricultural purposes, abandonment of tropical land to forest, and rotation of forest and field. The assumption is that the way to stop food importation is to increase crop production in the tropics. Crop production can be increased through 1) land intensification or clearing new land, 2) output per unit of land increases, or 3) reallocation to agriculture land previously cleared and overgrown with tropical forest. "Temporary" reuse of land, which reverted back to tropical forest, is recommended. This reuse would ease population pressure, and benefit bioconservation, while populations stabilize and further progress is made in international plant breeding. The land would eventually be returned to a forest state. Conservation of tropical forest areas should be accomplished, after an assessment has been made of its former uses. Primary forests need to identified and conversion to farming ceased. Research needs to be directed to understanding the process of past forest regeneration, and to devising cropping systems with longterm viability. The green revolution is unsuitable for traditional cropping systems, is contrary to demands of international funding agencies for sustainability, and is not affordable by most poor farmers. Only .48 million sq. km of closed forest loss was in tropical rainforests; 6.53 million sq. km was lost from temperate forests cleared for intensive small-scale peasant farming. The use of tropical forest land for farming has some benefits; crops in the wetter tropics are perennial, which would "reduce

  15. Tropical Cyclone Signatures in Atmospheric Convective Available Potential Energy (United States)

    Studholme, Joshua; Gulev, Sergey


    Tropical cyclones play an important role in the climate system providing transports of energy and water vapor, forcing the ocean, and also affecting mid-latitude circulation phenomena. Tropical cyclone tracks experience strong interannual variability and in addition, longer term trend-like changes in all ocean basins. Analysis of recent historical data reveal a poleward shift in the locations of tropical cyclone tracks in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (Kossin et al. 2014, Nature, 509, 349-352). The physical consequences of these alterations are largely unconstrained. For example, the increasing encroachment of tropical cyclone activity into the extra-tropical environment presents a novel and still poorly understood paradigm for tropical-extratropical interactions. In this respect, the role that the atmospheric convective available potential energy (CAPE) plays in the dynamics of tropical cyclones is highly interesting. The two characteristic global-scale spatial patterns in CAPE are identified using EOF analysis. The first pattern shows an abundance of CAPE in the centre of the Pacific and corresponds to the El Nino Southern Oscillation. The second one is capturing positive CAPE anomalies in the oceanic tropics and negative anomalies over equatorial Africa. Associated with these buoyancy patterns, alterations in tropical cyclone activity occur in all basins forming both zonal and meridional patterns. Atmospheric buoyancy is the trigger for deep convection, and subsequently cyclone genesis. This is the mechanism of impact upon location at the start of cyclone tracks. It is found to have less impact upon where cyclones subsequently move, whether or not they undergo extratropical transition and when and where they experience lysis. It is shown that CAPE plays a critical role in the general circulation in the tropics which in turn is the larger steering context for embedded systems within the Walker and Hadley cells. So this lack of `latter life' impact

  16. Filosofia da análise da estabilidade da liquidez

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    Rodrigo Antônio Chaves da Silva


    Full Text Available A informação foi considerada finalidade de nosso conhecimento, até o período em os pensadores e pesquisadores da contabilidade passaram a raciocinar sobre o conteúdo e o significado dos informes. Nesta busca da razão sobre os estados patrimoniais, surgiu a análise contábil que procura por meio de relações e identidades, o significado da dinâmica expressa da estaticamente na informação. O primeiro aspecto que surgiu no objeto de análise foi o estudo da liquidez, que é um dos principais exercícios do patrimônio. A estabilidade também é outro exercício básico e imprescindível, pois este é que promove o equilíbrio do organismo administrativo. A ciência contábil após a sua dignidade científica passou a trilhar caminhos esplendorosos, amparados em doutrina que permite alcançar os píncaros filosóficos. Os estudos concernentes aos aspectos de interação da estabilidade na liquidez são, complexos e somente com os recursos filosóficos da contabilidade se pode estudá-los com o panorama holístico e sublime. A filosofia da contabilidade não é alheia às suas práticas tecnológicas, podendo buscar pontos sublimes de panoramas abrangentes, para o estudo analítico da liquidez e estabilidade, observando todas as dimensionalidades e essencialidades de acontecimentos, na comprovação e orientação dos estados de ineficácia e eficácia patrimonial.

  17. Distribution of tropical tropospheric water vapor (United States)

    Sun, De-Zheng; Lindzen, Richard S.


    Utilizing a conceptual model for tropical convection and observational data for water vapor, the maintenance of the vertical distribution of the tropical tropospheric water vapor is discussed. While deep convection induces large-scale subsidence that constrains the turbulent downgradient mixing to within the convective boundary layer and effectively dries the troposphere through downward advection, it also pumps hydrometeors into the upper troposphere, whose subsequent evaporation appears to be the major source of moisture for the large-scale subsiding motion. The development of upper-level clouds and precipitation from these clouds may also act to dry the outflow, thus explaining the low relative humidity near the tropopause. A one-dimensional model is developed to simulate the mean vertical structure of water vapor in the tropical troposphere. It is also shown that the horizontal variation of water vapor in the tropical troposphere above the trade-wind boundary layer can be explained by the variation of a moisture source that is proportional to the amount of upper-level clouds. Implications for the nature of water vapor feedback in global warming are discussed.

  18. Mediterranean climate and some tropical teleconnections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alpert, P.; Price, C.; Krichak, S.; Saaroni, H.; Osetinsky, I.; Barkan, J.; Kishcha, P.; Ziv, B.


    Some strong natural fluctuations of climate in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region are shown to be connected to the major tropical systems, e.g., El Ni no Southern Oscillation, South Asian Monsoon and hurricanes. Modelling of the severe floods suggests a relation to tropical hurricanes. For a specific event, high-resolution modelling of the severe flood on December 3-5, 2001 in Israel suggests a relation to hurricane Olga. In order to understand the factors governing the Eastern Mediterranean climate variability in the summer season, the relationship between extreme summer temperatures and the South Asian Monsoon was examined. Other tropical factors, like the Red Sea Trough system and the Saharan dust, also contribute to the Mediterranean climate variability

  19. Tropical Pacific Observing for the Next Decade (United States)

    Legler, David M.; Hill, Katherine


    More than 60 scientists and program officials from 13 countries met at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for the Tropical Pacific Observing System (TPOS) 2020 Workshop. The workshop, although motivated in part by the dramatic decline of NOAA's Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) buoy reporting from mid-2012 to early 2014 (see, evaluated the needs for tropical Pacific observing and initiated efforts to develop a more resilient and integrative observing system for the future.

  20. Quem conta um conto aumenta um ponto: o mito do Ipupiara, a natureza americana e as narrativas da colonização do Brasil

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    Ziller Camenietzki, Carlos


    Full Text Available The narratives of the conquest of Portuguese America used to inform about the main characteristics of the tropical nature and to describe the habits and customs of the Amerindian peoples. In particular, in the information about the Brazilian fauna there appeared the description of a hybrid being, both extraordinary and hostile, called Ipupiara. This monster was in fact a Tupi myth. However, the examination of texts on the Ipupiara allows to distinguish narrative patterns that are significant of different attitudes with regard to the Lusitan conquest. In most texts, the more involved the narrator was in the colonial project, the greater tendency he had to naturalize the Ipupiara, considering it a real inhabitant of the Brazilian rivers.

    As narrativas da conquista da América Portuguesa notabilizaram-se pelo registro das características fundamentais da natureza tropical e pelas descrições dos hábitos e dos costumes dos povos ameríndios. Em particular, repete-se nas descrições da fauna brasílica o registro de um ser híbrido, hostil e extraordinário, o Ipupiara. O monstro na verdade não passava de um mito Tupi. Porém, o exame dos textos sobre o Ipupiara permitem distingüir padrões narrativos que podem servir de marcadores das diversas atitudes com relação ao empreendimento conquistador lusitano. Na maior parte dos textos, quanto mais comprometido o narrador com o projeto colonial, mais forte a tendencia a naturalizar o Ipupiara, a considerá-lo um ser real dos rios do Brasil.

  1. Compendium of NASA Data Base for the Global Tropospheric Experiment's Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics B (PEM-Tropics B). Volume 1; DC-8 (United States)

    Scott, A. Donald, Jr.; Kleb, Mary M.; Raper, James L.


    This report provides a compendium of NASA aircraft data that are available from NASA's Global Tropospheric Experiment's (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics B (PEM-Tropics B) conducted in March and April 1999. PEM-Tropics B was conducted during the southern-tropical wet season when the influence from biomass burning observed in PEM-Tropics A was minimal. Major deployment sites were Hawaii, Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Tahiti, Fiji, and Easter Island. The broad goals of PEM-Tropics B were to improved understanding of the oxidizing power of the atmosphere and the processes controlling sulfur aerosol formation and to establish baseline values for chemical species that are directly coupled to the oxidizing power and aerosol loading of the troposphere. The purpose of this document is to provide a representation of aircraft data that will be available in archived format via NASA Langley's Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) or are available through the GTE Project Office archive. The data format is not intended to support original research/analysis, but to assist the reader in identifying data that are of interest.

  2. Efeito da cobertura viva com leguminosas herbáceas perenes na agregação de um argissolo

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    A. Perin


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido na área do Campo Experimental da Embrapa Agrobiologia, Seropédica (RJ, com o objetivo de avaliar a morfologia e a distribuição de raízes de algumas leguminosas herbáceas perenes; os efeitos da cobertura viva no teor de carbono orgânico, e a agregação de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, medida pela estabilidade dos agregados em água. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de três diferentes espécies de leguminosas herbáceas perenes e um tratamento-controle sem cobertura viva (capinado. As leguminosas utilizadas foram amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi, cudzu tropical(Pueraria phaseoloides e siratro (Macroptilium Atropurpureum. Para a estabilidade de agregados, as profundidades de amostragem foram 0-5 e 5-10 cm, enquanto, para a morfologia e distribuição radicular, as avaliações consistiram das profundidades 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. As coberturas com as leguminosas amendoim forrageiro e cudzu tropical propiciaram os maiores valores percentuais na classe de agregados > 2,00 mm, em média 38 % superiores aos obtidos na área capinada. Os valores do diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP dos agregados no solo com cobertura de leguminosas foram superiores aos da área capinada para ambas as camadas, o que demonstra o efeito favorável das coberturas vivas na estabilização dos agregados do solo. A cobertura viva de amendoim forrageiro proporcionou incremento no teor de carbono orgânico no solo. Quanto aos atributos morfológicos das raízes, verificou-se que o amendoim forrageiro apresentou raio radicular intermediário entre as demais espécies e área e massa radicular maiores, o que auxiliou na interpretação do efeito positivo da cobertura viva com essa espécie na agregação do solo.

  3. Conjecturas da Epistemológia Jurídica e Aspectos da Teoria da Linguagem


    Oliveira, Rita de Cássia Cartelli de; Cesumar; Motta, Ivan Dias; Cesumar


    Apresentar-se-ão reflexões em torno da epistemologia jurídica e alguns aspectos da teoria da linguagem; a necessidade de acompanhamento e aprimoramento da linguagem jurídica, para que o direito não se distancie da realidade, mantendo-se apenas como um sistema do status quo; uma breve análise de algumas teorias da ciência do direito e da linguagem; as especificidades dos termos lingüísticos para a análise da ciência do direito, pautada na contemporaneidade sob a perspectiva humanista, buscando...

  4. Spatial and temporal distribution of tropical biomass burning (United States)

    Hao, Wei Min; Liu, Mei-Huey


    A database for the spatial and temporal distribution of the amount of biomass burned in tropical America, Africa, and Asia during the late 1970s is presented with a resolution of 5° latitude × 5° longitude. The sources of burning in each grid cell have been quantified. Savanna fires, shifting cultivation, deforestation, fuel wood use, and burning of agricultural residues contribute about 50, 24, 10, 11, and 5%, respectively, of total biomass burned in the tropics. Savanna fires dominate in tropical Africa, and forest fires dominate in tropical Asia. A similar amount of biomass is burned from forest and savanna fires in tropical America. The distribution of biomass burned monthly during the dry season has been derived for each grid cell using the seasonal cycles of surface ozone concentrations. Land use changes during the last decade could have a profound impact on the amount of biomass burned and the amount of trace gases and aerosol particles emitted.

  5. Extinction risk escalates in the tropics.

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    Jana C Vamosi

    Full Text Available The latitudinal biodiversity gradient remains one of the most widely recognized yet puzzling patterns in nature. Presently, the high level of extinction of tropical species, referred to as the "tropical biodiversity crisis", has the potential to erode this pattern. While the connection between species richness, extinction, and speciation has long intrigued biologists, these interactions have experienced increased poignancy due to their relevancy to where we should concentrate our conservation efforts. Natural extinction is a phenomenon thought to have its own latitudinal gradient, with lower extinction rates in the tropics being reported in beetles, birds, mammals, and bivalves. Processes that have buffered ecosystems from high extinction rates in the past may also buffer ecosystems against disturbance of anthropogenic origin. While potential parallels between historical and present-day extinction patterns have been acknowledged, they remain only superficially explored and plant extinction patterns have been particularly neglected. Studies on the disappearances of animal species have reached conflicting conclusions, with the rate of extinction appearing either higher or lower in species richness hotspots. Our global study of extinction risk in vascular plants finds disproportionately higher extinction risk in tropical countries, even when indicators of human pressure (GDP, population density, forest cover change are taken into account. Our results are at odds with the notion that the tropics represent a museum of plant biodiversity (places of historically lowered extinction and we discuss mechanisms that may reconcile this apparent contradiction.

  6. Extinction risk escalates in the tropics. (United States)

    Vamosi, Jana C; Vamosi, Steven M


    The latitudinal biodiversity gradient remains one of the most widely recognized yet puzzling patterns in nature. Presently, the high level of extinction of tropical species, referred to as the "tropical biodiversity crisis", has the potential to erode this pattern. While the connection between species richness, extinction, and speciation has long intrigued biologists, these interactions have experienced increased poignancy due to their relevancy to where we should concentrate our conservation efforts. Natural extinction is a phenomenon thought to have its own latitudinal gradient, with lower extinction rates in the tropics being reported in beetles, birds, mammals, and bivalves. Processes that have buffered ecosystems from high extinction rates in the past may also buffer ecosystems against disturbance of anthropogenic origin. While potential parallels between historical and present-day extinction patterns have been acknowledged, they remain only superficially explored and plant extinction patterns have been particularly neglected. Studies on the disappearances of animal species have reached conflicting conclusions, with the rate of extinction appearing either higher or lower in species richness hotspots. Our global study of extinction risk in vascular plants finds disproportionately higher extinction risk in tropical countries, even when indicators of human pressure (GDP, population density, forest cover change) are taken into account. Our results are at odds with the notion that the tropics represent a museum of plant biodiversity (places of historically lowered extinction) and we discuss mechanisms that may reconcile this apparent contradiction.


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    Daniel C. L. Linhares


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de padronizar um protocolo para a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR e selecionar oligonucleotídeos iniciadores para a detecção específica de Ehrlichia canis, em uma única etapa de reação. Inicialmente foram obtidas seqüências depositadas no Genbank, referentes ao gene que codifica o 16S rRNA das espécies E. canis (número de acesso = AF162860, E. ewingii (U96436, E. platys (AF1567844, E. chaffeensis, (U86665, E. phagocytophila genogrupo (U02521, E. bovis (AF294789 e E. risticii (M21290, as quais foram submetidas ao alinhamento genético para a construção dos iniciadores. Do alinhamento foi selecionado, a partir de uma região semiconservada, um iniciador específico para E. canis, designado EBR1 (5’-cctctggctataggaaattg- 3’ e, de uma região conservada, um iniciador genérico EBR5 (5’-ggagtgcttaacgcgttag- 3’. Paralelamente foram obtidas amostras de sangue de dez cães que apresentavam infecção aguda por E. canis, confirmado pela presença de mórulas intracitoplasmáticas, características da riquétsia, em células mononucleares sangüíneas. O DNA genômico extraído dessas amostras foi utilizado para a avaliação da reação de PCR, empregando-se um protocolo adaptado de outros autores e o par de oligos EBR1/EBR5, selecionado neste trabalho. A reação de PCR apresentou resultados positivos para os 10 isolados de E. canis, amplificando o fragmento esperado de 765 pares de bases do gene 16S rRNA. Resultados negativos verificados nas reações de PCR para amostras de DNA genômico de Babesia canis, Hepatozoon canis, Haemobartonella sp., Trypanosoma evansi e do hospedeiro (Canis familiaris livre de infecção indicaram a segurança do método quanto à especificidade para a discriminação de E. canis. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cães, Ehrlichia canis, erliquiose canina, hemoparasitose, reação em cadeia da polimerase

  8. Progress in tropical isotope dendroclimatology (United States)

    Evans, M. N.; Schrag, D. P.; Poussart, P. F.; Anchukaitis, K. J.


    The terrestrial tropics remain an important gap in the growing high resolution proxy network used to characterize the mean state and variability of the hydrological cycle. Here we review early efforts to develop a new class of proxy paleorainfall/humidity indicators using intraseasonal to interannual-resolution stable isotope data from tropical trees. The approach invokes a recently published model of oxygen isotopic composition of alpha-cellulose, rapid methods for cellulose extraction from raw wood, and continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry to develop proxy chronological, rainfall and growth rate estimates from tropical trees, even those lacking annual rings. Isotopically-derived age models may be confirmed for modern intervals using trees of known age, radiocarbon measurements, direct measurements of tree diameter, and time series replication. Studies are now underway at a number of laboratories on samples from Costa Rica, northwestern coastal Peru, Indonesia, Thailand, New Guinea, Paraguay, Brazil, India, and the South American Altiplano. Improved sample extraction chemistry and online pyrolysis techniques should increase sample throughput, precision, and time series replication. Statistical calibration together with simple forward modeling based on the well-observed modern period can provide for objective interpretation of the data. Ultimately, replicated data series with well-defined uncertainties can be entered into multiproxy efforts to define aspects of tropical hydrological variability associated with ENSO, the meridional overturning circulation, and the monsoon systems.

  9. The future of tropical forests. (United States)

    Wright, S Joseph


    Five anthropogenic drivers--land use change, wood extraction, hunting, atmospheric change, climate change--will largely determine the future of tropical forests. The geographic scope and intensity of these five drivers are in flux. Contemporary land use change includes deforestation (approximately 64,000 km(2) yr(-1) for the entire tropical forest biome) and natural forests regenerating on abandoned land (approximately 21,500 km(2) yr(-1) with just 29% of the biome evaluated). Commercial logging is shifting rapidly from Southeast Asia to Africa and South America, but local fuelwood consumption continues to constitute 71% of all wood production. Pantropical rates of net deforestation are declining even as secondary and logged forests increasingly replace old-growth forests. Hunters reduce frugivore, granivore and browser abundances in most forests. This alters seed dispersal, seed and seedling survival, and hence the species composition and spatial template of plant regeneration. Tropical governments have responded to these local threats by protecting 7% of all land for the strict conservation of nature--a commitment that is only matched poleward of 40 degrees S and 70 degrees N. Protected status often fails to stop hunters and is impotent against atmospheric and climate change. There are increasing reports of stark changes in the structure and dynamics of protected tropical forests. Four broad classes of mechanisms might contribute to these changes. Predictions are developed to distinguish among these mechanisms.

  10. Particular characteristics of atopic eczema in tropical environments. The Tropical Environment Control for Chronic Eczema and Molecular Assessment (TECCEMA) cohort study


    Sánchez, Jorge; Sánchez, Andrés; Cardona, Ricardo


    Abstract: Background: Atopic dermatitis is a prevalent health problem in the world. Allergic sensitization is an important risk factor, but the roles of other factors, inherent in tropic region, are unknown. Objective: A cohort study was designed in a tropical city to investigate molecular and environmental risk factors for eczema, considering as particular features perennial exposure to mites, poor living conditions and others tropical characteristics. Methods: 433 patients were included ...

  11. Floristics and biogeography of vegetation in seasonally dry tropical regions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dexter, K.G.; Smart, B.; Baldauf, C.


    To provide an inter-continental overview of the floristics and biogeography of drought-adapted tropical vegetation formations, we compiled a dataset of inventory plots in South America (n=93), Africa (n=84), and Asia (n=92) from savannas (subject to fire), seasonally dry tropical forests (not...... similar vegetation formations (e.g. savannas) are floristically highly dissimilar. Neotropical moist forest, savanna and seasonally dry tropical forest are floristically distinct, but elsewhere there is no clear floristic division of savanna and seasonally dry tropical forest, though moist and dry...... of the ecology, biology and conservation of savannas and seasonally dry tropical forests may be difficult....

  12. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: About this journal

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: About this journal. Journal Home > Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: About this journal. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  13. An empirical framework for tropical cyclone climatology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Nam-Young [Korea Meteorological Administration, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (United States); Elsner, James B. [Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (United States)


    An empirical approach for analyzing tropical cyclone climate is presented. The approach uses lifetime-maximum wind speed and cyclone frequency to induce two orthogonal variables labeled ''activity'' and ''efficiency of intensity''. The paired variations of activity and efficiency of intensity along with the opponent variations of frequency and intensity configure a framework for evaluating tropical cyclone climate. Although cyclone activity as defined in this framework is highly correlated with the commonly used exponent indices like accumulated cyclone energy, it does not contain cyclone duration. Empirical quantiles are used to determine threshold intensity levels, and variant year ranges are used to find consistent trends in tropical cyclone climatology. In the western North Pacific, cyclone activity is decreasing despite increases in lifetime-maximum intensity. This is due to overwhelming decreases in cyclone frequency. These changes are also explained by an increasing efficiency of intensity. The North Atlantic shows different behavior. Cyclone activity is increasing due to increasing frequency and, to a lesser extent, increasing intensity. These changes are also explained by a decreasing efficiency of intensity. Tropical cyclone trends over the North Atlantic basin are more consistent over different year ranges than tropical cyclone trends over the western North Pacific. (orig.)

  14. 7 CFR 1437.505 - Application for payment for the tropical region. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Application for payment for the tropical region. 1437... DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Determining Coverage in the Tropical Region § 1437.505 Application for payment for the tropical region. (a) For producers of covered tropical crops in Guam, Virgin Islands, American...

  15. Chapter 50: history of tropical neurology. (United States)

    Ogunniyi, Adesola


    Tropical neurology began less than two centuries ago. Consumption of dietary toxins predominated at the beginning and gave birth to the geographic entity. The story moved from lathyrism through Jamaican neuropathy to cassava-induced epidemic neuropathy, which was contrasted with Konzo, also associated with cassava. Other tropical diseases enumerated with chronological details include: Chaga's diseases, kwashiorkor, Madras type of motor neuron disease, atlanto-axial dislocation, Burkitt's lymphoma and Kuru, associated with cannibalism among the Fore linguistic group in New Guinea. More recent documentation includes the Cuban neuropathy in 1991 with an epidemic of visual loss and neuropathy, Anaphe venata entomophagy in Nigeria presenting as seasonal ataxia, and neurological aspects of the human immunodeficiency virus infection complete the picture. With time, professional associations were formed and the pioneers were given prominence. The World Federation of Neurology featured Geographic Neurology as a theme in 1977 and Tropical Neurology was given prominence at its 1989 meeting in New Delhi, India. The situation remains unchanged with regards to rare diseases like Meniere's, multiple sclerosis, hereditary disorders. However, with westernization and continued urbanization, changing disease patterns are being observed and tropical neurology may depart from dietary toxins to more western world-type disorders.

  16. Tropics accelerate the evolution of hybrid male sterility in Drosophila. (United States)

    Yukilevich, Roman


    Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that facilitate speciation and explain global patterns of species diversity has remained a challenge for decades. The most general pattern of species biodiversity is the latitudinal gradient, whereby species richness increases toward the tropics. Although such a global pattern probably has a multitude of causes, recent attention has focused on the hypothesis that speciation and the evolution of reproductive isolation occur faster in the tropics. Here, I tested this prediction using a dataset on premating and postzygotic isolation between recently diverged Drosophila species. Results showed that while the evolution of premating isolation was not greater between tropical Drosophila relative to nontropical species, postzygotic isolation evolved faster in the tropics. In particular, hybrid male sterility was much greater among tropical Drosophila compared to nontropical species pairs of similar genetic age. Several testable explanations for the novel pattern are discussed, including greater role for sterility-inducing bacterial endosymbionts in the tropics and more intense sperm-sperm competition or sperm-egg sexual conflict in the tropics. The results imply that processes of speciation in the tropics may evolve at different rates or may even be somewhat different from those at higher latitudes. © 2013 The Author(s). Evolution © 2013 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  17. A biogeographical study on tropical flora of southern China. (United States)

    Zhu, Hua


    The tropical climate in China exists in southeastern Xizang (Tibet), southwestern to southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Guangxi, southern Guangdon, southern Taiwan, and Hainan, and these southern Chinese areas contain tropical floras. I checked and synonymized native seed plants from these tropical areas in China and recognized 12,844 species of seed plants included in 2,181 genera and 227 families. In the tropical flora of southern China, the families are mainly distributed in tropical areas and extend into temperate zones and contribute to the majority of the taxa present. The genera with tropical distributions also make up the most of the total flora. In terms of geographical elements, the genera with tropical Asian distribution constitute the highest proportion, which implies tropical Asian or Indo-Malaysia affinity. Floristic composition and geographical elements are conspicuous from region to region due to different geological history and ecological environments, although floristic similarities from these regions are more than 90% and 64% at the family and generic levels, respectively, but lower than 50% at specific level. These differences in the regional floras could be influenced by historical events associated with the uplift of the Himalayas, such as the southeastward extrusion of the Indochina geoblock, clockwise rotation and southeastward movement of Lanping-Simao geoblock, and southeastward movement of Hainan Island. The similarity coefficients between the flora of southern China and those of Indochina countries are more than 96% and 80% at family and generic levels, indicating their close floristic affinity and inclusion in the same biogeographically floristic unit.

  18. Propriedades físicas de latossolo e argissolo em função de práticas de manejo aplicadas na entrelinha da cultura da seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis

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    A. A. Ribon


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a influência das práticas de manejo (gradagem, Pueraria phaseoloides e roçadeira nas entrelinhas da cultura da seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis, plantada em 1992, sobre a densidade do solo e a macro e microporosidade de solos do Planalto Paulista. Foram retiradas amostras nos anos de 1998 e 1999, após seis anos consecutivos de manejo, nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 e 30-40 cm do Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura argilosa A moderado caulinítico hipoférrico relevo plano e Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico abrúptico, Tb, A moderado textura areia/média fase floresta tropical subperenifólia e relevo suave ondulado, localizados, respectivamente, nos municípios de Jaboticabal e Tabapuã (SP. Para cada profundidade, foram retiradas oito amostras por tratamento, por experimento, em cada ano, totalizando 394 amostras. Os atributos físicos do solo (densidade do solo e macroporosidade foram avaliados de acordo com as práticas de manejo aplicadas. Dentre os sistemas de manejos aplicados na entrelinha da seringueira, a roçadeira foi o que provocou maior compactação do solo em todas as profundidades, evidenciada pelos elevados valores de densidade do solo e reduzida macroporosidade, sendo este efeito mais pronunciado nas camadas superficiais dos solos.

  19. Biogenic VOC Emissions from Tropical Landscapes (United States)

    Guenther, A.; Greenberg, J.; Harley, P.; Otter, L.; Vanni Gatti, L.; Baker, B.


    Biogenic VOC have an important role in determining the chemical composition of atmosphere. As a result, these compounds are important for visibility, biogeochemical cycling, climate and radiative forcing, and the health of the biosphere. Tropical landscapes are estimated to release about 80% of total global biogenic VOC emissions but have been investigated to lesser extent than temperate regions. Tropical VOC emissions are particularly important due to the strong vertical transport and the rapid landuse change that is occurring there. This presentation will provide an overview of field measurements of biogenic VOC emissions from tropical landscapes in Amazonia (Large-scale Biosphere-atmosphere experiment in Amazonia, LBA) Central (EXPRESSO) and Southern (SAFARI 2000) Africa, Asia and Central America. Flux measurement methods include leaf-scale (enclosure measurements), canopy-scale (above canopy tower measurements), landscape-scale (tethered balloon), and regional-scale (aircraft measurements) observations. Typical midday isoprene emission rates for different landscapes vary by more than a factor of 20 with the lowest emissions observed from degraded forests. Emissions of alpha-pinene vary by a similar amount with the highest emissions associated with landscapes dominated by light dependent monoterpene emitting plants. Isoprene emissions tend to be higher for neotropical forests (Amazon and Costa Rica) in comparison to Africa and Asian tropical forests but considerable differences are observed within regions. Strong seasonal variations were observed in both the Congo and the Amazon rainforests with peak emissions during the dry seasons. Substantial emissions of light dependent monoterpenes, methanol and acetone are characteristic of at least some tropical landscapes.

  20. Compendium of NASA Data Base for the Global Tropospheric Experiment's Pacific Exploratory Mission - Tropics B (PEM-Tropics B). Volume 2; P-3B (United States)

    Scott, A. Donald, Jr.; Kleb, Mary M.; Raper, James L.


    This report provides a compendium of NASA aircraft data that are available from NASA's Global Tropospheric Experiment's (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics B (PEM-Tropics B) conducted in March and April 1999. PEM-Tropics B was conducted during the southern-tropical wet season when the influence from biomass burning observed in PEM-Tropics A was minimal. Major deployment sites were Hawaii, Kiritimati (Christmas Island), Tahiti, Fiji, and Easter Island. The broad goals of PEM-Tropics B were to improved understanding of the oxidizing power of the atmosphere and the processes controlling sulfur aerosol formation and to establish baseline values for chemical species that are directly coupled to the oxidizing power and aerosol loading of the troposphere. The purpose of this document is to provide a representation of aircraft data that will be available in archived format via NASA Langley's Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) or are available through the GTE Project Office archive. The data format is not intended to support original research/analysis, but to assist the reader in identifying data that are of interest.

  1. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission: Monitoring the Global Tropics for 3 Years and Beyond. 1.1 (United States)

    Shepherd, Marshall; Starr, David OC. (Technical Monitor)


    The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) was launched in November 1997 as a joint U.S.-Japanese mission to advance understanding of the global energy and water cycle by providing distributions of rainfall and latent heating over the global tropics. As a part of NASA's Earth System Enterprise, TRMM seeks to understand the mechanisms through which changes in tropical rainfall influence global circulation. Additionally, a goal is to improve the ability to model these processes in order to predict global circulations and rainfall variability at monthly and longer time scales. Such understanding has implications for assessing climate processes related to El Nino/La Nina and Global Warming. TRMM has also provided unexpected and exciting new knowledge and applications in areas related to hurricane monitoring, lightning, pollution, hydrology, and other areas. This CD-ROM includes a self-contained PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of TRMM and significant science results; a set of data movies or animation; and listings of current TRMM-related publications in the literature.

  2. Design basis tropical cyclone for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The general characteristics of tropical cyclones are discussed in this Safety Guide, with particular emphasis on their pressure and wind structures in the light of available data. General methods are given for the evaluation of the relevant parameters of a Probable Maximum Tropical Cyclone (PMTC), which can be used as the Design Basis Tropical Cyclone (DBTC); these parameters then serve as inputs for the derivation of a design basis surge and a design basis wind. A possible method is also given for the evaluation of the PMTC pressure and wind field based on an approach valid primarily for a particular region. This method depends on the results of a theoretical study on the tropical cyclone structure and makes use of a large amount of data, including aircraft reconnaissance observations for 170 most intense tropical cyclones near the coast of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines for the period 1960-1974, as well as detailed analyses of all the extreme storms along the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of the USA during 1900-1978, for the determination of the necessary parameters

  3. Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 3, 2009 ... Agro-Science Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension. Volume 8 ... 3 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, High Rainfall Station,. Onne, Rivers State ...... Biosciences proceedings. 6: 444-454.


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    Full Text Available This study evaluated the effects fungicides with or without association with potassium phosphite on the control of the Asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi of soybean. Two field tests (‘Coodetec- 219RR’ and ‘Emgopa-313’ were conducted (12/2005-4/2006 in Cristalina (Goiás, Brazil, in a complete ran- domized block design (Nine treatments; five replications. The treatments were with one and two applications of phosphite-K (1192 g a.i. ha-1 P2O5 + 596 g a.i. ha-1 K2O + vegetable oil (VO - 0.5% v v-1, two applications of traditional fungicides (TF [pyraclostrobin+epoxyconazole (66.5 + 25 g a.i. ha-1; methyl- thiophanate+flutriafol (300+60 g a.i. ha-1; tebuconazole (100 g a.i. ha-1], and, one application of TF+phosphite and a second application of phosphite+VO. For ‘Emgopa-313’, product applications were made on V8 and R2 soybean growth stage, while for Coodetec-219RR on R1 and R5. Evaluations of disease severity (%DS were made each seven days after product applications. After the first product application, all treatments significantly reduced DS. At the end of evaluations only treatments with TF significantly reduced DS. Yield and mass of 1000 seeds were significantly higher for treatments with TF. Phosphite-K applications decreased DS, but did not increase yield and mass of 1000 soybean-seeds.

  5. Estimation of leaf area in tropical maize

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elings, A.


    Leaf area development of six tropical maize cultivars grown in 1995 and 1996 in several tropical environments in Mexico (both favourable and moisture-and N-limited) was observed and analysed. First, the validity of a bell-shaped curve describing the area of individual leaves as a function of leaf


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    Amilker Romanini


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a durabilidade natural da madeira de quatro espécies amazônicas em ensaios de deterioração de campo. Para tanto corpos de prova de Trattinnickia rhoifolia (amescla, Qualea albiflora (cambará, Dipteryx odorata (cumaru e Mezilaurus itauba (itaúba, com dimensões de 2 x 2 x 20 cm, foram submetidos durante 10 meses a ensaios de deterioração em ambiente de campo aberto. A cada dois meses foram realizadas amostragens no material ensaiado e retirados corpos de prova para determinação do percentual de massa seca residual e índice de deterioração. A madeira de amescla apresentou a menor durabilidade natural, o que pode ser explicado pelas suas propriedades físicas e químicas, já as madeiras de cambará, cumaru e itaúba não diferiram estatisticamente entre si. Palavras-chave: biodeterioração, qualidade da madeira, madeira tropical, química da madeira. NATURAL DURABILITY OF FOUR AMAZONIAN WOODS IN FIELD TESTS ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate natural durability of four Amazonian woods in field tests. For this purpose samples of Trattinnickia rhoifolia (amescla, Qualea albiflora (cambará, Dipteryx odorata (cumaru and Mezilaurus itauba (itaúba, with reduced dimensions of 2 x 2 x 20 cm, were submitted in open field tests during 10 months. Every two months samples were weighed and evaluated by a criterion of notes, to determine the percentage of residual dry mass and decay index, respectively. Amescla wood had lower natural durability, which can be explained by their physical and chemical properties, however cambará, cumaru and itaúba wood not differ statistically. Keywords: biodeterioration, wood quality, tropical wood, wood chemistry. DOI:

  7. Efeito do sexo e da idade sobre os parâmetros fisiológicos e hematológicos de bovinos da raça sindi no semi-árido Effect of sex and age on physiologics and hematologics parameters of beef cattle Sindhi from semi-arid tropics

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    Rosangela Maria Nunes da Silva


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi desenvolvido no Núcleo de Pesquisa para o Trópico Semi-árido (NUPEÁRIDO, do Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural (CSTR, da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG, Campus de Patos-PB. Foram utilizados 24 bovinos da raça Sindi, distribuídos num delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC, num esquema fatorial 2 x 2; (sexo: macho e fêmea versus idade: 12 e 24 meses com 6(seis repetições, no período de outubro a dezembro de 2001. Estudou-se os seguintes parâmetros: temperatura retal (TR, freqüências respiratória (FR e cardíaca (FC, e perfil hematológico. As leituras foram realizadas no período da manhã, entre 8:30 e 9:30 horas, e à tarde entre 14:30 e 15:30 horas, uma vez por semana. Durante o período experimental foram registradas temperaturas máxima e mínima de 35,74 °C e 23 °C, respectivamente, e umidade relativa média de 51,7%. Nas amostras de sangue, que continham EDTA como anticoagulante, foram realizadas as seguintes provas: contagem global de hemácias (HE; dosagem de hemoglobina (HB, determinação do volume globular (VG e cálculo dos índices hematimétricos absolutos (volume globular médio - VGM, hemoglobina globular média - HGM, concentração de hemoglobina globular média - CHGM. Não se verificou efeito significativo (P>0,05 do sexo e da idade sobre os parâmetros estudados, verificando que, bovinos da raça Sindi, machos ou fêmeas, com idade entre um e dois anos, apresentaram o mesmo comportamento fisiológico sob as condições adversas da região semi-árida.This experiment was carried out at the Nucleus of Research for to Tropic Semi-árid (NUPEÁRIDO, in the Health and Technology Center (CSTR of the Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG, Campus of Patos-PB. 24 animals of the Sindi breed were utilized, alloted in a completely randomized design (DIC in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme (Sex: male and female versus age: 12 and 24 months of age with 6 (six repetitions in the period

  8. Where are the tropical plants? A call for better inclusion of tropical plants in studies investigating and predicting the effects of climate change

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenneth J Feeley


    Full Text Available Tropical plant species are systematically underrepresented in large-scale analyses or synthesis looking at the potential effects of global climate change.  The reason being that we simply don’t know enough about the distributions and ecologies of most tropical plant species to predict their fate under climate change. This gaping hole in our knowledge is extremely worrisome given the high diversity of tropical plants, the crucial roles that they play in supporting global diversity and ecosystem function, and the elevated threats that climate change may pose to tropical species in general.  

  9. Da poética e da política: uma exploração do tropicalismo de Gilberto Gil e o vínculo entre artistas e movimentos sócio-culturais na década de 60.


    Campos, Paulo Mariano Eulálio; UFMG; Campos, Rogério Cunha de; UFMG


    Nosso objetivo é compreender a trajetória de Gilberto Gil, um dos personagens centrais que ajudou a movimentar a história da cultura brasileira durante os últimos 50 anos, investigando as características de sua obra nos anos imediatamente anteriores e posteriores ao lançamento do disco-manifesto Tropicália, de 1968.  Este estudo busca apresentar, ainda, resultados parciais de uma pesquisa mais abrangente que visa uma compreensão mais profunda das relações entre música e processos sócio-educat...

  10. Tropical wetlands, climate, and land-use change: adaptation and mitigation opportunities (United States)

    Randy Kolka; D. Murdiyarso; J. B. Kauffman; Richard Birdsey


    Tropical wetland ecosystems, especially mangroves and peatlands, are carbon (C) rich ecosystems. Globally, tropical mangroves store about 20 PgC, however, deforestation has contributed 10 % of the total global emissions from tropical deforestation, even though mangroves account for only about 0.7 % of the world’s tropical forest area (Donato et al. 2011). Meanwhile,...

  11. Estudo comparativo de cultivares de trigo em latossolo roxo no estado de São Paulo em 1974 A comparative study on wheat cultivars on latossolic B "Terra Roxa" soils in the state of São Paulo in 1974

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Carlos Felício


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi executado com o propósito de estudar o comportamento de diferentes cultivares de trigo, em latossolo roxo na região tritícola do Vale do Paranapanema no Estado de São Paulo. Foram instalados três experimentos em 1974. Os cultivares IRN-526-63, IAS-55, Sonora-63, BH-1146, IAS-54, Londrina, LA-1434 e Pitic-62 foram os que apresentaram maior produtividade por unidade de área; os cultivares IAC-5, Sonora-63, Sonora-64 x Selkirk, Triticum agropyrum, Tobari-66, IAC-11, Sonora-64, Norteno-67 e Super X mostraram-se resistentes às raças prevalentes de ferrugem do colmo. Os cultivares Super X, Sonora-64 x Selkirk, IRN-152-63 e Triticum agropyrum mostraram-se resistentes à ferrugem da folha, e BH-1146, IAC-5, IAC-11, LA-1434, T. agropyrum e IRN-152-63 foram suscetíveis ao acamamento.Selected germplasms of wheat were tested for yield potential and resistance to rusts and cultivar trials in the State of São Paulo. Performance was evaluated in several locations in 1974 in the wheat area of the State on Latossolic B "Terra Roxa" soils. The cultivars IRN-526-63, IAS-55, Sonora-63, BH-1146, IAS-54, Londrina, LA-1434 and Pitic-62 showed superior performance for yield. The cultivars IAC-5, Sonora-63, Sonora-64 x Selkink, Triticum agropyrum, Tobai-66, IAC-11, Sonora-64, Norteno-67, and Super X showed better resistance to stem rust. The cultivars Super X, Sonora-64 x Selkink, IRN-152,63, and Triticum agropyrum, were more resistant to leaf rust. The cultivars BH-1146, IAC-5, Triticum agropyrum, IRN-152-62, LA-1434 and IAC-11 were susceptible to lay.

  12. Mercury in tropical and subtropical coastal environments (United States)

    Costa, Monica F.; Landing, William M.; Kehrig, Helena A.; Barletta, Mário; Holmes, Christopher D.; Barrocas, Paulo R. G.; Evers, David C.; Buck, David G.; Vasconcellos, Ana Claudia; Hacon, Sandra S.; Moreira, Josino C.; Malm, Olaf


    Anthropogenic activities influence the biogeochemical cycles of mercury, both qualitatively and quantitatively, on a global scale from sources to sinks. Anthropogenic processes that alter the temporal and spatial patterns of sources and cycling processes are changing the impacts of mercury contamination on aquatic biota and humans. Human exposure to mercury is dominated by the consumption of fish and products from aquaculture operations. The risk to society and to ecosystems from mercury contamination is growing, and it is important to monitor these expanding risks. However, the extent and manner to which anthropogenic activities will alter mercury sources and biogeochemical cycling in tropical and sub-tropical coastal environments is poorly understood. Factors as (1) lack of reliable local/regional data; (2) rapidly changing environmental conditions; (3) governmental priorities and; (4) technical actions from supra-national institutions, are some of the obstacles to overcome in mercury cycling research and policy formulation. In the tropics and sub-tropics, research on mercury in the environment is moving from an exploratory “inventory” phase towards more process-oriented studies. Addressing biodiversity conservation and human health issues related to mercury contamination of river basins and tropical coastal environments are an integral part of paragraph 221 paragraph of the United Nations document “The Future We Want” issued in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012. PMID:22901765

  13. Viability and molecular authentication of Coccidioides spp. isolates from the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo culture collection, Brazil Viabilidade e autenticação molecular de isolados de Coccidioides spp. da coleção de culturas do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah Desirée Barbosa Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Coccidioidomycosis is an emerging fungal disease in Brazil; adequate maintenance and authentication of Coccidioides isolates are essential for research into genetic diversity of the environmental organisms, as well as for understanding the human disease. Seventeen Coccidioides isolates maintained under mineral oil since 1975 in the Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (IMTSP culture collection, Brazil, were evaluated with respect to their viability, morphological characteristics and genetic features in order to authenticate these fungal cultures. Only five isolates were viable after almost 30 years, showing typical morphological characteristics, and sequencing analysis using Coi-F and Coi-R primers revealed 99% identity with Coccidioides genera. These five isolates were then preserved in liquid nitrogen and sterile water, and remained viable after two years of storage under these conditions, maintaining the same features.Coccidioidomicose é uma doença emergente no Brasil; a manutenção adequada e autenticação de isolados de Coccidioides spp são essenciais para a pesquisa em diversidade genética de micro-organismos, bem como para a compreensão da doença em humanos. Dezessete isolados de Coccidioides preservados em óleo mineral desde 1975 na coleção de culturas do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (IMTSP foram avaliados com relação à viabilidade, características morfológicas e genéticas, com o objetivo de autenticação das culturas fúngicas. Dos 17 isolados, apenas cinco foram viáveis após quase 30 anos mantidos em óleo mineral, apresentando características morfológicas e moleculares típicas do gênero, o sequenciamento utilizando os oligonucleotídeos Coi-F e Coi-R revelou identidade de 99% com isolados de Coccidioides. Estes cinco isolados foram preservados em nitrogênio líquido e água destilada esterilizada, e permaneceram viáveis após dois anos de armazenamento sob estas condições, mantendo

  14. Topic 2.0: Tropical cyclone formation and extratropical transition


    Harr, Patrick A.


    Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited In this section, progress since ITWC-VI on research, observations and forecasting of tropical cyclone formation and extratropical transition is summarized. While tropical cyclone formation and extratropical transition are stages at opposite ends of the tropical cyclone lifecycle, significant lack of understanding remains in relation to processes associated with each stage. Formation and extratropical transition involve interactions a...

  15. Trade, tropical deforestation and policy interventions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbier, E.B.; Rauscher, M.


    This paper examines several aspects of the links between the trade in tropical timber and deforestation from the perspective of an exporting country. The various versions of the model developed here have highlighted a number of important features of this linkage. First, if the producer country values its tropical forest solely as a source of timber export earnings then it will aim for a smaller forest stock in the long run than if it also considers the other values provided by the forest. Second, if importing nations want the exporting countries to conserve more of their forests, trade interventions appear to be second-best way of achieving this result. Third, increased market power by a large country exporter or group of exporters may actually lead to greater forest conservation. Finally, the existence of a foreign capital market may further ensure that the tropical timber country may conserve its forest stock in the long run. Several recent reviews of global forest sector policies have discussed implications similar to those analyzed theoretically in our model. Generally, the same conclusions have been reached. However, what is of increasing concern is that domestic market and policy failures within tropical forest countries continue to distort the incentives for more sustainable management of timber production and efficient development of processing capacity, while at the same time the international community increasingly contemplates the use of bans, tariffs and other trade measures to discourage 'unsustainable' tropical timber exploitation. As our paper has attempted to show, sometimes the more simple solutions lead neither to a straightforward, nor to the desired, results. 18 refs, 1 fig

  16. An efficient DNA isolation method for tropical plants

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 8, 2013 ... 2Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Resources of Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, P. R. ... yielded high-quality DNA from 10 tropical plants including cassava, rubber tree, banana, etc. ..... Major Projects (GrantNo.

  17. Resolving Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Models (United States)

    Davis, C. A.


    In recent years, global weather forecast models and global climate models have begun to depict intense tropical cyclones, even up to category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale. In light of the limitation of horizontal resolution in such models, the author performs calculations, using the extended Best Track data for Atlantic tropical cyclones, to estimate the ability of models with differing grid spacing to represent Atlantic tropical cyclone intensity statistically. Results indicate that, under optimistic assumptions, models with horizontal grid spacing of one fourth degree or coarser should not produce a realistic number of category 4 and 5 storms unless there are errors in spatial attributes of the wind field. Furthermore, the case of Irma (2017) is used to demonstrate the importance of a realistic depiction of angular momentum and to motivate the use of angular momentum in model evaluation.

  18. Land-sea interface features of four estuaries on the South America Atlantic coast Características da interface continente-oceano de quatro estuários da zona costeira da America do Sul

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    MC Bernardes


    Full Text Available The Brazilian coastal zone extends from 4º N to 34º S latitude and because of its long extension, the interface zone from continent to ocean includes a high diversity of geomorphologic and oceanographic characteristics. The rivers from the Northeast and East regions are marked by a typical unimodal seasonal flux patterns but with different amplitudes. As the climate indicates, the rivers from the Northeast are subject to an accentuated seasonal variability with an elevated input and flood pulses during the rainy season and low to negligible fluxes during the dry season. Small-scale rivers usually present typical torrential behaviour. In the humid eastern region, the unimodal seasonal cycle is dampened with a more constant input supply. Recently, some studies have shown that the material supply from rivers along the Northeast and Eastern coasts is diluted by surface tropical waters of oceanic currents and that the estuarine plume dispersal is restricted to a narrow coastal belt. However, human impacts of course mask or even override both natural hydrological cycles and CO2 emissions from terrestrial biomes, or depending on the nature of the human impact, can even increase extreme events. Henceforth this contribution addresses the typological, hydrological and biome diversity of the four estuarine systems fed and affected by the respective Amazon, São Francisco, Paraíba do Sul and Plata watersheds.A zona costeira brasileira se estende de 4º N a 34º S de latitude. Por causa de sua longa faixa de zona de interface do continente com o oceano, é encontrada uma grande diversidade nas características geomorfológicas e oceanográficas. Os rios das regiões nordeste e leste mostram um padrão de fluxo sazonal normalmente unimodal, mas diferentes em amplitude. Conforme o clima indica, os rios do nordeste estão sujeitos a uma acentuada variabilidade sazonal, com elevação da vazão em forma de pulsos de inundação durante a estação chuvosa e

  19. Mielopatia associada ao HTLV-I / paraparesia espástica tropical: relato dos primeiros casos em Sergipe HTLV-I associated myelopathy, tropical spastic paraparesis: report of the first cases in Sergipe-Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Mielopatia associada ao HTLV-I / paraparesia espástica tropical (MAH/PET, tem sido descrita em quase todas as regiões do Brasil.Os autores apresentam oito casos clinicamente definidos como MAH/PET, os primeiros relatados no Estado de Sergipe .Todos foram positivos para HTLV-I, através do método ELISA, realizado duas vezes; em apenas dois casos foi possível a confirmação por Western Blot. De acordo com protocolo de investigação clínico-laboratorial, todos os pacientes apresentaram acometimento do tracto piramidal, com mínimo comprometimeto da sensibilidade e alterações esfincterianas. Os autores chamam a atenção para a endemicidade do HTLV-I no Estado, cuja prevalência entre doadores de sangue é significativa (0,43%.HTLV-I associated myelopathy/ tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP has been decribed in practically all regions of Brazil. The authors present eight clinically defined cases of HAM/TSP, as being the first reported in Sergipe (Northeastern Brazil. All of them were confirmed through ELISA in two examinations, although only two were confirmed by Western Blot. According to clinical/laboratorial investigation protocol, all patients presented involvement of the pyramidal tract with minimal sensory loss and sphincter alteration. The authors call the attention for the endemicity of HTLV-I in the region, whose prevalence amongst blood donors is significant (0.43%.

  20. Infectious Diseases and Tropical Cyclones in Southeast China. (United States)

    Zheng, Jietao; Han, Weixiao; Jiang, Baofa; Ma, Wei; Zhang, Ying


    Southeast China is frequently hit by tropical cyclones (TCs) with significant economic and health burdens each year. However, there is a lack of understanding of what infectious diseases could be affected by tropical cyclones. This study aimed to examine the impacts of tropical cyclones on notifiable infectious diseases in southeast China. Disease data between 2005 and 2011 from four coastal provinces in southeast China, including Guangdong, Hainan, Zhejiang, and Fujian province, were collected. Numbers of cases of 14 infectious diseases were compared between risk periods and reference periods for each tropical cyclone. Risk ratios (RR s ) were calculated to estimate the risks. TCs were more likely to increase the risk of bacillary dysentery, paratyphoid fever, dengue fever and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis ( ps infectious diseases. TCs are more likely to increase the risk of intestinal and contact transmitted infectious diseases than to decrease the risk, and more likely to decrease the risk of respiratory infectious diseases than to increase the risk. Findings of this study would assist in developing public health strategies and interventions for the reduction of the adverse health impacts from tropical cyclones.

  1. Community ecology of tropical forest snails: 30 years after Solem

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schilthuizen, M.


    Since Solem’s provocative claim in the early 1980s that land snails in tropical forests are neither abundant nor diverse, at least 30 quantitative-ecological papers on tropical land snail communities have appeared. Jointly, these papers have shown that site diversity is, in fact, high in tropical

  2. Prospects and Challenges in tropical isotope dendroclimatology (United States)

    Evans, M. N.; Anchukaitis, K. J.; White, S. R.; Ektvedt, T. M.; Penniston, R. C.; Rheaume, M. M.; Bowman, D. M.


    We review a stable isotope-based approach to the development, modeling, interpretation, and analysis of hydrometeorological estimates from tropical trees. The strategy overcomes the common problem of missing, intermittent or non-annual ring structure in tropical trees by relying instead on the observation of the annual wet-dry seasonality typical to tropical environments as mirrored in the oxygen isotopic composition of wood-derived α-cellulose. We explore regions for which forward modeling of the proxy system would expect us to resolve hydrometeorological variations associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, rather than being limited to regions with tree species or environments producing verifiable annual ring chronologies. A modified protocol allows for rapid, simple and non-toxic micro-extraction of pure α-cellulose, which is isotopically indistinguishable from that produced by more classical means. We describe a new reactor for the pyrolysis of α-cellulose in an induction heater, which permits isotopic analysis of α-cellulose samples as small as 30μg, and as many as 100 automated sample analyses per day. A forward model adapted for tropical environments can be used to test and refine the interpretation of the isotopic data, and to predict locales for which we should be able to maximize the paleoclimatic potential of future sample collections. We have found the modeled isotopic chronometer and raingage in agreement with independent chronological controls in a variety of environments and tree species in Costa Rica, Indonesia, Brazil, Peru and Australia. Development of long hydrometeorological records from the terrestrial tropics is underway not only by our group, but by a growing number of collaborators and colleagues. Together we should be able to build a network of paleoprecipitation records and better understand the linkages between tropical surface ocean temperatures and large-scale drought.

  3. Interactions of the tropical oceans. Rev.ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Latif, M.; Barnett, T.P.


    We have investigated the interactions of the tropical oceans on interannual time scales by conducting a series of uncoupled atmospheric and oceanic general circulation experiments and hybrid coupled model simulations. Our results illustrate the key role of the El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon in generating interannual variability in all three tropical ocean basins. Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical Pacific force via a changed atmospheric circulation SST anomalies of the same sign in the Indian Ocean and SST anomalies of the opposite sign in the Atlantic. However, although air-sea interactions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans are much weaker than those in the Pacific, they contribute significantly to the variability in these two regions. The role of these air-sea interactions is mainly that of an amplifyer by which the ENSO induced signals are enhanced in ocean and atmosphere. This process is particularly important in the tropical Atlantic region. We investigated also whether ENSO is part of a zonally propagating ''wave'' which travels around the globe with a time scale of several years. Consistent with observations, the upper ocean heat content in the various numerical simulations seems to propagate slowly around the globe. SST anomalies in the Pacific Ocean introduce a global atmospheric response which in turn forces variations in the other tropical oceans. Since the different oceans exhibit different response characteristics to low-frequency wind changes, the individual tropical ocean responses can add up coincidentally to look like a global wave, and that appears to be the situation. In particular, no evidence is found that the Indian Ocean can significantly affect the ENSO cycle in the Pacific. Finally, the potential for climate forecasts in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans appears to be enhanced if one includes, in a coupled way, remote influences from the Pacific. (orig.)

  4. Tropical pyomyositis: imaging findings and a review of the literature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pretorius, E.S.; Hruban, R.H.; Fishman, E.K.


    Tropical pyomyositis is a rare cause of multiple abscesses of skeletal muscle. The entity is rare in temperate climates and, as its name suggests, is more common in areas such as the tropics and South Pacific. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of infection. Therapy is aggressive, with surgical debridement and drainage followed by antibiotics. We report an unusual case of tropical myositis which simulated tumor recurrence in a patient without the typical risk factors associated with tropical pyomyositis. (orig.). With 3 figs

  5. Tropical pyomyositis: imaging findings and a review of the literature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pretorius, E.S. [Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 600 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21287 (United States); Hruban, R.H. [Department of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland (United States); Fishman, E.K. [Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 600 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21287 (United States)


    Tropical pyomyositis is a rare cause of multiple abscesses of skeletal muscle. The entity is rare in temperate climates and, as its name suggests, is more common in areas such as the tropics and South Pacific. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of infection. Therapy is aggressive, with surgical debridement and drainage followed by antibiotics. We report an unusual case of tropical myositis which simulated tumor recurrence in a patient without the typical risk factors associated with tropical pyomyositis. (orig.). With 3 figs.

  6. Agricultural expansion and its impacts on tropical nature. (United States)

    Laurance, William F; Sayer, Jeffrey; Cassman, Kenneth G


    The human population is projected to reach 11 billion this century, with the greatest increases in tropical developing nations. This growth, in concert with rising per-capita consumption, will require large increases in food and biofuel production. How will these megatrends affect tropical terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity? We foresee (i) major expansion and intensification of tropical agriculture, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and South America; (ii) continuing rapid loss and alteration of tropical old-growth forests, woodlands, and semi-arid environments; (iii) a pivotal role for new roadways in determining the spatial extent of agriculture; and (iv) intensified conflicts between food production and nature conservation. Key priorities are to improve technologies and policies that promote more ecologically efficient food production while optimizing the allocation of lands to conservation and agriculture. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. [Nutrition value of tropical and subtropical fruits]. (United States)

    Dubtsov, G G; Bessonov, V V; Baĭkov, V G; Makhova, N N; Sheviakova, L V; Bogachuk, M N; Baĭgarin, E K; Iao Bru, Lazar


    The article is devoted to the study of the chemical composition of tropical and subtropical fruit (avocado, papaya and mango), which are now in great numbers are on the appeared on the Russian market. Due to use technology tropical and subtropical fruits can be implemented in almost all areas and regions of the country. Relatively low cost makes these products quite popular among the people. In domestic scientific literature there are no systematic data describing the chemical composition of these tropical and subtropical fruits sold in the domestic market, while the information needed to calculate food and energy value of diets and culinary products derived from tropical and subtropical fruit. Avocado fruits are sources of insoluble dietary fiber content of which was equal to 12.2%, as well as minerals. The study of the fatty acid composition of lipids avocados showed high content of oleic acid fruit, which accounts for 53.2% of total fatty acids in these fruits. Which makes them a valuable source of unsaturated fatty acids.

  8. Water vapor stable isotope observations from tropical Australia

    KAUST Repository

    Parkes, Stephen; Deutscher, Nicholas; Griffith, David; McCabe, Matthew


    retrievals from the co-located Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON) site at Darwin in Tropical Australia. The Darwin site is interestingly placed within the tropical western pacific region and is impacted upon by a clear monsoonal climate, and key

  9. Development Mode and Recommendations for Industrialization of Tropical Agricultural Science and Technology


    QIU, Meihuan; LIN, Minxia; ZHANG, Xiaodong; ZHANG, Hongyi; WANG, Zhunian


    Industrialization of tropical agricultural science and technology is an essential part of tropical agricultural technological innovation. This paper firstly analyzed development mode of industrialization of tropical agricultural science and technology in Chin and then came up with recommendations for developing industrialization of tropical agricultural science and technology.

  10. Supplementation of dairy weaners grazing tropical pastures

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    tropical pastures for growth of dairy replacement heifers, and to assess the need for ... restricted by intake of digestible nutrients. Tropical pastures ... 1983, 13(l). Table 1 Effect of rnaize or maize plus cotton seed meal on the growth of weaner calves. Level. Wean wt wean ro ll0 kg ll0- 130 kg. Wean ro 130 kg. Supplements.

  11. Seasonal variations of water vapor in the tropical lower statosphere (United States)

    Mote, Philip W.; Rosenlof, Karen H.; Holton, James R.; Harwood, Robert S.; Waters, Joe W.


    Measurments of stratospheric water vapor by the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) show that in the tropical lower statosphere, low-frequency variations are closely related to the annual cycle in tropical tropopause temperatures. Tropical stratospheric air appears to retain information about the tropopause conditions it enconters for over a year as it rises through the stratosphere. A two-dimensional Lagrangian model is used to relate MLS measurements to the temperature that tropical air parcels encounter when crossing the 100 hPa surface.

  12. Intravenous methylprednisolone in HTLV-I associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP Metilprednisolona endovenosa na mielopatia associada ao HTLV-I/Paraparesia Espástica Tropical (MAH/PET

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abelardo Q-C Araújo


    Full Text Available HTLV-I (Human T-lymphotropic virus type I associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP is an immunomediated myelopathy induced by the HTLV-I. Some patients, specially those from Japan, seem to have a good response to steroid treatment. However, this has not been found in other regions of the world. High dose intravenous methylprednisolone has been used with success in patients with relapses of multiple sclerosis (MS, another autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. To test the effectiveness of methylprednisolone in patients with HAM/TSP, we devised an open trial in 23 patients. We found a very limited benefit of this form of treatment in these patients. Only one patient, who had the shortest disease duration (five months in the whole group, showed a sustained benefit. We speculate that those patients with a shorter history, with presumably less demye-lination and more inflammatory lesions, would show a better response to immunossupressive treatments.A mielopatia associada ao protovírus T-linfotrópico humano (HTLV-I, também conhecida como paraparesia espástica tropical associada ao HTLV-I (MAH/PET, constitui enfermidade imunomediada desencadeada pela infecção pelo HTLV-I. Nesta condição tem sido demonstrada, particularmente em pacientes japoneses, boa resposta clínica à terapêutica com corticosteróides. Este efeito benéfico todavia não foi encontrado em todas as regiões do mundo. Pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona endovenosa tem sido utilizada com sucesso em pacientes com esclerose múltipla, outro exemplo de doença auto-imune do sistema nervoso central, especialmente durante as fases de exacerbação da doença. Objetivando testar a eficácia da pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona em pacientes com MAH/PET, conduzimos estudo aberto em 23 doentes. Não constatamos efeito benéfico significativo desta forma de tratamento na maioria dos enfermos estudados. Apenas um dos pacientes, o qual exibia o menor tempo de

  13. Qualidade da água e índice trófico em rio de ecossistema tropical sob impacto ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Abreu


    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a variabilidade espacial-temporal de 20 parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos da qualidade da água (incluindo o índice de estado trófico - IET no Baixo Rio Jari, Amapá, típico de ecossistemas de várzea. Amostras de água foram coletadas trimestralmente em um trecho de 80 km de extensão do rio, entre setembro de 2013 e junho de 2014. Após análises, esses parâmetros foram comparados com valores estabelecidos pela Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005 (Classe 2. Análises multivariadas (correlação, Kruskall-Wallis e cluster hierárquico mostraram que o único parâmetro que variou espacialmente foi o oxigênio dissolvido (OD (p<0,05, devido à forte influência da reaeração no trecho. Por outro lado, os demais parâmetros - cor, turbidez, condutividade elétrica, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, NH3, P, pH, SO4, Mg, Cl-, coliformes termotolerantes (CT, Escherichia coli e clorofila-a - apresentaram apenas variação temporal significativa (p<0,05. Conclui-se que variação do IET ocorreu entre oligotrófico, mesotrófico e ultraoligotrófico, e os parâmetros cor, CT e E. coli estavam em não conformidade com a legislação, sugerindo influência relativa, mas significativa, tanto de impactos ambientais (urbanos, indústrias e da usina hidrelétrica Santo Antônio do Jari quanto hidrológicos. Isso explica não só a variação sazonal de CT, E. coli e cor no período mais chuvoso (p<0,05, mas também a correlação entre cor, turbidez, temperatura, OD, Cl-, NH3, Mg, DBO, SO4, pH, E. coli, CT e clorofila-a ao longo do ciclo hidrológico e dinâmica sazonal (p<0,05, influenciando indiretamente o comportamento sazonal do IET (p<0,05.

  14. Qualidade da água e índice trófico em rio de ecossistema tropical sob impacto ambiental

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Abreu

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a variabilidade espacial-temporal de 20 parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos da qualidade da água (incluindo o índice de estado trófico - IET no Baixo Rio Jari, Amapá, típico de ecossistemas de várzea. Amostras de água foram coletadas trimestralmente em um trecho de 80 km de extensão do rio, entre setembro de 2013 e junho de 2014. Após análises, esses parâmetros foram comparados com valores estabelecidos pela Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005 (Classe 2. Análises multivariadas (correlação, Kruskall-Wallis e cluster hierárquico mostraram que o único parâmetro que variou espacialmente foi o oxigênio dissolvido (OD (p<0,05, devido à forte influência da reaeração no trecho. Por outro lado, os demais parâmetros - cor, turbidez, condutividade elétrica, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, NH3, P, pH, SO4, Mg, Cl-, coliformes termotolerantes (CT, Escherichia coli e clorofila-a - apresentaram apenas variação temporal significativa (p<0,05. Conclui-se que variação do IET ocorreu entre oligotrófico, mesotrófico e ultraoligotrófico, e os parâmetros cor, CT e E. coli estavam em não conformidade com a legislação, sugerindo influência relativa, mas significativa, tanto de impactos ambientais (urbanos, indústrias e da usina hidrelétrica Santo Antônio do Jari quanto hidrológicos. Isso explica não só a variação sazonal de CT, E. coli e cor no período mais chuvoso (p<0,05, mas também a correlação entre cor, turbidez, temperatura, OD, Cl-, NH3, Mg, DBO, SO4, pH, E. coli, CT e clorofila-a ao longo do ciclo hidrológico e dinâmica sazonal (p<0,05, influenciando indiretamente o comportamento sazonal do IET (p<0,05.

  15. Tropical diabetic hand syndrome: a case report. (United States)

    Yeika, Eugene Vernyuy; Tchoumi Tantchou, Jacques Cabral; Foryoung, Joyce Bei; Tolefac, Paul Nkemtendong; Efie, Derrick Tembi; Choukem, Siméon Pierre


    Tropical diabetic hand syndrome describes a complex hand sepsis affecting patients with diabetes across the tropics and often results from a trivial hand trauma. The clinical presentation of this syndrome is variable and ranges from localised swelling and cellulitis, with or without ulceration of the hand to progressive fulminant hand sepsis, and gangrene affecting the entire limb which may be fatal. Tropical diabetic hand syndrome could lead to permanent disability and death as a result of delay in presentation, late diagnosis and late medical and surgical intervention. This indexed case acts as an eye opener for physicians to the existence of this hand sepsis. We report the case of a 57 year-old black African female diabetic who was referred to our centre for the management of a suppurating ulcer and swelling of the left hand of two weeks duration. On examination and work-up, the patient was found to have Lawal Group III left diabetic hand syndrome and was managed with parenteral antibiotics, radical debridement and the hand was eventually amputated. She died 7 days following amputation from overwhelming sepsis. Though tropical diabetic hand syndrome is a relatively rare complication of diabetes, it can be fatal as in this case report. Early diagnosis and proper management would yield better outcome. Initial management should include aggressive intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics with anaerobic coverage. Classification of tropical diabetic hand syndrome will assist physicians and surgeons in decision making, proper management and easy communication.

  16. Tropical and Holarctic Ants in Late Eocene Ambers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perkovsky E. E.


    Full Text Available Based on representative collections, the ratio of tropical and Holarctic ant species in Priabonian (Late Eocene Baltic, Bitterfeld (Saxonian, Danish and Rovno ambers is analyzed for the first time. In surveyed representative collections of Baltic amber, the ratios of Holarctic and tropical ant species are from 1.1 to 1.5; with 10 Holarctic and 9 tropical species (out of 31 in the PIN-964 collection, and 9 and 5 species (out of 29 in the Giecewicz collection; the ratio in the representative collection of Saxonian amber is 0.9, 11 Holarctic species vs. 12 tropical species (out of 55; in the representative collection of Rovno amber it is 0.65, 15 vs. 23 species (out of 79; and in the representative collection of Danish amber it is 0.64, 7 vs. 11 species (out of 36. Hence, in representative collections of Baltic amber, Holarctic species clearly prevail not just in terms of the share of their specimens (by 9.8 to 19.6 times, but also by the number of species. In Bitterfeld amber, Holarctic species are somewhat less numerous than tropical ones, but their specimens are 6 times greater. In representative collections of Rovno and Danish ambers, the number of Holarctic species is 1.5 to 1.7 times smaller than that of tropical species, but the number of their specimens is 4.9 to 6.9 times greater. The numbers of tropical and Holarctic species represented by more than one specimen is similar in Priabonian ambers, 25 versus 22, but Holarctic species include four dominants or subdominants. The abundance of temperate elements in the Priabonian amber ant fauna along with the relatively small number of tropical elements greatly distinguishes it from the Middle European Lutetian ant faunas of Messel and Eckfeld in shale, which do not have temperate elements at all. Formica phaethusa Wheeler, Glaphyromyrmex oligocenicus Wheeler, Plagiolepis squamifera Mayr, Proceratium eocenicum Dlussky, Hypoponera atavia (Mayr, Ponera lobulifera Dlussky, Aphaenogaster mersa

  17. Strong carbon sink of monsoon tropical seasonal forest in Southern Vietnam (United States)

    Deshcherevskaya, Olga; Anichkin, Alexandr; Avilov, Vitaly; Duy Dinh, Ba; Luu Do, Phong; Huan Tran, Cong; Kurbatova, Julia


    -1, from carbon source to the strong sink. Storage total for all the year was near-zero, but in our case including of storage resulted in gap-filling regression changes with corresponding change in total carbon balance. Probably the only way for proper net carbon balance evaluation for NCT site is chamber-measurements of night respiration of different ecosystem components, as used at Pasoh EC station, Malaysia. Ciais P., Piao S.L., Cadule P., Friedlingstein P., & Chedin A. Variability and recent trends in the African carbon balance. Biogeosciences Discussions, 5(4), 2008. Pp. 3497-3532. Clark D.A. Sources or sinks? The responses of tropical forests to current and future climate and atmospheric composition. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 359(1443), 2004. Pp. 477-491. Gifford, R. M. (1994). The global carbon cycle: a viewpoint on the missing sink. Functional Plant Biology, 21(1), 1-15. Kosugi Y., Takanashi S., Tani M., Ohkubo S., Matsuo N., Itoh M., Noguchi S. & Nik A.R. Effect of inter-annual climate variability on evapotranspiration and canopy CO2 exchange of a tropical rainforest in Peninsular Malaysia. Journal of forest research, 17(3), 2012. Pp. 227-240. Malhi, Y. (2010). The carbon balance of tropical forest regions, 1990-2005. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2(4), 237-244. Saigusa, N., Yamamoto, S., Hirata, R., Ohtani, Y., Ide, R., Asanuma, J., ... & Wang, H. (2008). Temporal and spatial variations in the seasonal patterns of CO2 flux in boreal, temperate, and tropical forests in East Asia. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 148(5), 700-713.

  18. Phytoplankton composition and functional groups in a tropical humic coastal lagoon, Brazil Composição e grupos funcionais do fitoplâncton de uma lagoa costeira tropical húmica, Brasil

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    Catharina Alves-de-Souza


    Full Text Available This paper presents the composition and functional groups of the phytoplankton from Comprida lagoon, a tropical humic coastal Lagoon located in Southeast Brazil. A total of 28 taxa was found, distributed in eight taxonomic divisions as follows: 26% Heterokontophyta, 21% Chlorophyta, 21% Cyanophyta, 14% Bacillariophyta, 14% Cryptophyta, and 4% Prymnesiophyta. Twenty-three taxa were identified at the specific and infraspecific levels, from which four are new records for Brazil and two for Rio de Janeiro State. Phytoplankton of the Comprida lagoon was comprised of several flagellates, but also eukaryote and prokaryote picoplankton, filamentous cyanobacteria and several diatoms. The biomass was lower than that found in other lacustrine systems, and showed remarkable temporal variability. According to the functional-group approach, the populations formed eight groups: Q, Z, E, N, X3, X2, S1 and Y, most typical of oligo- or mesotrophic systems, tolerant to nutrient deficiency and sensitive to increased pH.Este trabalho apresenta a composição e os grupos funcionais do fitoplâncton da lagoa Comprida, uma lagoa costeira tropical húmica localizada no sudeste brasileiro. Foi registrado um total de 28 táxons distribuídos em oito divisões taxonômicas: 26% Heterokontophyta, 21% Chlorophyta, 21% Cyanophyta, 14% Bacillariophyta, 14% Cryptophyta e 4% Prymnesiophyta. Vinte e três táxons foram identificados em nível específico e intraespecíficos, dos quais quatro constituem novos registros para o Brasil e dois para o estado do Rio de Janeiro. O fitoplâncton da lagoa Comprida esteve constituído por alguns flagelados, mas também por organismos picoplanctônicos eucariontes e procariontes, cianobactérias filamentosas e algumas diatomáceas. A biomassa foi menor que a comumente encontrada em outros sistemas lacustres e mostrou uma notável variabilidade temporal. Em relação aos grupos funcionais, as populações foram agrupadas em oito grupos: Q, Z

  19. Dendrochronology in the dry tropics: the Ethiopian case

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wils, T.; Sass-Klaassen, U.; Eshetu, Z.; Bräuning, A.; Gebrenirstos, A.; Couralet, C.; Robertson, I.; Touchan, R.; Koprowski, M.; Conway, D.; Briffa, K.R.; Beeckman, H.


    Dendrochronology is developing outside temperate and boreal regions. Over the past decade substantial progress has been made in Mediterranean and wet tropical regions. However, research in dry tropical regions, notably those of sub-Saharan Africa, has remained fragmentary. Here, we try to identify

  20. Radar remote sensing to support tropical forest management

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sanden, van der J.J.


    This text describes an investigation into the potential of radar remote sensing for application to tropical forest management. The information content of various radar images is compared and assessed with regard to the information requirements of parties involved in tropical forest

  1. A warming tropical central Pacific dries the lower stratosphere (United States)

    Ding, Qinghua; Fu, Qiang


    The amount of water vapor in the tropical lower stratosphere (TLS), which has an important influence on the radiative energy budget of the climate system, is modulated by the temperature variability of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). The TTL temperature variability is caused by a complex combination of the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO), tropospheric convective processes in the tropics, and the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC) driven by mid-latitude and subtropical atmospheric waves. In 2000, the TLS water vapor amount exhibited a stepwise transition to a dry phase, apparently caused by a change in the BDC. In this study, we present observational and modeling evidence that the epochal change of water vapor between the periods of 1992-2000 and 2001-2005 was also partly caused by a concurrent sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the tropical central Pacific. This SST warming cools the TTL above by enhancing the equatorial wave-induced upward motion near the tropopause, which consequently reduces the amount of water vapor entering the stratosphere. The QBO affects the TLS water vapor primarily on inter-annual timescales, whereas a classical El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) event has small effect on tropical mean TLS water vapor because its responses are longitudinally out of phase. This study suggests that the tropical central Pacific SST is another driver of TLS water vapor variability on inter-decadal timescales and the tropical SST changes could contribute to about 30% of the step-wise drop of the lower stratospheric water vapor from 1992-2000 to 2001-2005.

  2. Genetic diversity of tropical-adapted onion germplasm assessed by RAPD markers Diversidade genética em germoplasma tropical de cebola estimada via marcadores RAPD

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    Maria do Desterro M dos Santos


    relation to main 'Baia Periforme' group. This germplasm displayed a relatively low genetic diversity, with the predominance of materials originated from the base population 'Baia Periforme'. There are, however, some accessions, which can add genetic diversity to this germplasm and they can be exploited by onion breeding programs aiming to develop cultivars for tropical regions of the world.A cebola é uma cultura de expressiva importância socioeconômica para o Brasil. Marcantes contribuições para o desenvolvimento da cultura têm sido feitas utilizando-se germoplasma de cebola adaptado às regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade genética existente em uma coleção de germoplasma potencialmente útil ao desenvolvimento de cultivares para essas regiões. Para isso, a variabilidade genética de um grupo de 21 acessos foi analisada via marcadores RAPD. Esses acessos ('Red Creole', 'Roxa IPA-3', 'Valenciana 14', 'Beta Cristal', 'Diamante', 'Composto IPA-6', 'Aurora', 'Bojuda Rio Grande', 'Alfa Tropical', 'Pêra IPA-4', 'Primavera', 'Belém IPA-9', 'Crioula Alto Vale', 'Conquista', 'Pira-Ouro', 'Vale-Ouro IPA-11', 'Franciscana IPA-10', 'Serrana', 'CNPH 6400', 'Petroline' e 'Baia Periforme' têm sido empregados como germoplasma e/ou foram desenvolvidos pelos programas de melhoramento genético de cebola conduzidos no Brasil. Dos 520 iniciadores ('primers' utilizados na triagem inicial, somente 38 confirmaram polimorfismos entre os 21 acessos. Esses 38 'primers' produziram 624 amplicons, dos quais 522 (83,7% foram monomórficos e 102 (16,3% polimórficos. Com base nos padrões revelados, seis grupos foram formados de acordo com a similaridade média global entre os acessos (= 0,72. Somente um desses seis grupos englobou mais de um acesso. O grupo principal (formado por 16 acessos incluiu, predominantemente, as cultivares que apresentam no seu pedigree a contribuição de 'Baia Periforme' ('Diamante

  3. Tropical Diabetic Hand Syndrome

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2015 Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow. 473. Introduction ... diabetes.[2,3] Tropical diabetic hand syndrome is a terminology .... the importance of seeking medical attention immediately.

  4. GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE) was the first major international experiment of the Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARP). It was conducted over...

  5. Radio Occultation Bending Angle Anomalies During Tropical Cyclones

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Biondi, Riccardo; Neubert, Torsten; Syndergaard, Stig

    signature in radio occultation profiles in the tropical tropopause layer. Using tropical cyclone best track database and data from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC), we show that the bending angle anomaly of a GPS radio occultation signal is typically larger...

  6. Strategies for global monitoring of tropical forests (United States)

    Raymond L. Czaplewski


    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is conducting a global assessment of tropical forest resources, which will be accomplished by mid-1992. This assessment requires, in part, estimates of the total area of tropical forest cover in 1990 and the rate of change in forest cover between 1980 and 1990. The following are described here: (1) the...

  7. Sawtooth forces in cutting tropical hardwoods native to South America (United States)

    S. P. Loehnertz; I. V. Cooz

    As a result of design, operation, and maintenance, sawblades used in tropical sawmills can cause many problems. Improvements in these areas are needed to reduce the waste associated with sawing of tropical species that are regarded as difficult to cut. In this study, cutting experiments that simulated bandsawing of tropical hardwoods showed the effect of chip...

  8. Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (United States)

    Maskey, Manil; Cecil, Dan; Ramachandran, Rahul; Miller, Jeffrey J.


    Estimating tropical cyclone intensity by just using satellite image is a challenging problem. With successful application of the Dvorak technique for more than 30 years along with some modifications and improvements, it is still used worldwide for tropical cyclone intensity estimation. A number of semi-automated techniques have been derived using the original Dvorak technique. However, these techniques suffer from subjective bias as evident from the most recent estimations on October 10, 2017 at 1500 UTC for Tropical Storm Ophelia: The Dvorak intensity estimates ranged from T2.3/33 kt (Tropical Cyclone Number 2.3/33 knots) from UW-CIMSS (University of Wisconsin-Madison - Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) to T3.0/45 kt from TAFB (the National Hurricane Center's Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch) to T4.0/65 kt from SAB (NOAA/NESDIS Satellite Analysis Branch). In this particular case, two human experts at TAFB and SAB differed by 20 knots in their Dvorak analyses, and the automated version at the University of Wisconsin was 12 knots lower than either of them. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) estimates about 10-20 percent uncertainty in its post analysis when only satellite based estimates are available. The success of the Dvorak technique proves that spatial patterns in infrared (IR) imagery strongly relate to tropical cyclone intensity. This study aims to utilize deep learning, the current state of the art in pattern recognition and image recognition, to address the need for an automated and objective tropical cyclone intensity estimation. Deep learning is a multi-layer neural network consisting of several layers of simple computational units. It learns discriminative features without relying on a human expert to identify which features are important. Our study mainly focuses on convolutional neural network (CNN), a deep learning algorithm, to develop an objective tropical cyclone intensity estimation. CNN is a supervised learning

  9. Tropical influence on boreal summer mid-latitude stationary waves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Douville, Herve [Meteo-France/CNRM-GAME, Toulouse (France); CNRM/GMGEC/VDR, Toulouse (France); Bielli, S.; Deque, M.; Tyteca, S.; Voldoire, A. [Meteo-France/CNRM-GAME, Toulouse (France); Cassou, C. [CNRS-Cerfacs, Toulouse (France); Hall, N.M.J. [CNES/LEGOS, Toulouse (France)


    While organized tropical convection is a well-known source of extratropical planetary waves, state-of-the-art climate models still show serious deficiencies in simulating accurately the atmospheric response to tropical sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies and the associated teleconnections. In the present study, the remote influence of the tropical atmospheric circulation is evaluated in ensembles of global boreal summer simulations in which the Arpege-Climat atmospheric General Circulation Model (GCM) is nudged towards 6-h reanalyses. The nudging is applied either in the whole tropical band or in a regional summer monsoon domain. Sensitivity tests to the experimental design are first conducted using prescribed climatological SST. They show that the tropical relaxation does not improve the zonal mean extratropical climatology but does lead to a significantly improved representation of the mid-latitude stationary waves in both hemispheres. Low-pass filtering of the relaxation fields has no major effect on the model response, suggesting that high-frequency tropical variability is not responsible for extratropical biases. Dividing the nudging strength by a factor 10 only decreases the magnitude of the response. Model errors in each monsoon domain contribute to deficiencies in the model's mid-latitude climatology, although an exaggerated large-scale subsidence in the central equatorial Pacific appears as the main source of errors for the representation of stationary waves in the Arpege-Climat model. Case studies are then conducted using either climatological or observed SST. The focus is first on summer 2003 characterized by a strong and persistent anticyclonic anomaly over western Europe. This pattern is more realistic in nudging experiments than in simulations only driven by observed SST, especially when the nudging domain is centred over Central America. Other case studies also show a significant tropical forcing of the summer mid-latitude stationary waves

  10. Effects of food supplementation on a tropical bird. (United States)

    Class, Alexandra M; Moore, Ignacio T


    Tropical birds typically exhibit a 'slow pace of life' relative to higher latitude species. This is often manifested as slow development, low fecundity, and high survival. Following from this, it is predicted that tropical birds may be more likely to trade current reproductive effort to favor self-maintenance, thus supporting survival and future reproduction. To test this idea, we conducted two food supplementation experiments on tropical rufous-collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in the eastern Andes of Ecuador. In the first experiment, we food-supplemented pairs during the non-breeding life-history stage, and in the second experiment, we food-supplemented pairs that were provisioning fledglings. In both experiments, a larger proportion of food-supplemented birds exhibited pre-basic molt (replacement of feathers) than in a control group. To our knowledge, this is the first study to experimentally demonstrate that a food-supplemented bird invests extra resources into molt, a form of self-maintenance, and contrasts with the majority of food supplementation studies in high latitude birds that show they typically advance the initiation of, or extend the period of, reproduction. Our results are consistent with the syndrome of the slow pace of life in the tropics and support the concept of fundamental differences between temperate-zone and tropical birds.

  11. Um modelo para a determinação do equilíbrio térmico de bovinos em ambientes tropicais A heat balance model for cattle in tropical environments

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    Roberto Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available Uma equação com base na teoria da transferência térmica foi apresentada para estimativa da termólise em bovinos expostos a um ambiente tropical especificado por temperatura e umidade do ar, radiação solar e vento. As variáveis do animal (taxa de sudação, temperatura retal, frequência respiratória, temperatura da superfície cutânea, coloração do pelame e peso corporal foram consideradas em conjunto com as variáveis ambientais (temperatura do ar e umidade, radiação solar, velocidade do vento e temperatura do globo. A equação permite a predição de: (1 o nível de termogênese metabólica necessária para equilibrar as perdas térmicas sob condições ambientais especificadas; (2 a combinação de fatores ambientais que proporcionam determinado fluxo de calor entre um dado animal e o seu ambiente.An equation based on heat transfer theory was presented to estimate the rate of heat loss from cattle exposed to a tropical environment, specified by the air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed. The animals' variables (sweating rate, rectal temperature, respiratory rate, surface temperature, haircoat color, and body weight were considered together with environmental variables (air temperature and humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and globe temperature. The equation allows the prediction of (a the metabolic heat production level necessary to balance heat losses under specified environmental conditions; (b the combination of environmental factors that provide a determined heat flux between a given animal and its environment.

  12. Analises dos padrões e estilos de canais a partir da paisagem geomorfológica fluvial na Bacia do Rio UNA/PE

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    Adriana Cassiano Silva


    Full Text Available Os estilos fluviais refletem a fisiografia estrutural da rede de drenagem controladas pelos estratos rochosos, retratando na paisagem sua dinâmica, assim como os padrões de canais, que podem ser alterados por processos geomorfológicos, climáticos e antrópicos. O quadro dos estilos fluvial fornece um modelo geomorfológico dos processos espaciais e temporais biofísicos para gestão e planejamento das bacias hidrográficas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as influências do comportamento no canal da bacia do rio Una localizado no Nordeste do Estado de Pernambuco, a partir da investigação das feições da drenagem como reflexo da transferência de matéria e energia entre distintos compartimentos e setores do ambiente fluvial. A metodologia baseou-se em (Brierley & Fryirs, 2005, a partir da avaliação do índice de sinuosidade, mapeamento dos estilos e das feições fluviais, perfis longitudinais e trabalhos de observação em campo. Assim, constatou-se que a influência estrutural na rede de drenagem da referida bacia comandou a retilineidade do canal Una, com quebra no gradiente topográfico, inflexão do canal e vales encaixados. Nesse ambiente, constatou que a produção e deposição dos sedimentos estão vinculados as influências do clima tropical.

  13. A utilização da teoria da aprendizagem significativa no ensino da Enfermagem


    Alana Tamar Oliveira de Sousa; Nilton Soares Formiga; Simone Helena dos Santos Oliveira; Marta Miriam Lopes Costa; Maria Júlia Guimarães Oliveira Soares


    RESUMO Objetivo: sintetizar a produção científica acerca da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Enfermagem. Método: revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF e CINAHL, com artigos que abordaram a temática ou aspectos da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos, sendo seis escritos no idioma português e quatro no inglês, publicados de 1998 a 2013. Resultados: cinco...


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    Full Text Available

    Os sucos de frutas são importantes fontes de vitaminas, sais minerais, ácidos orgânicos e fibras, e incluídos na dieta da população ajudam a manter a saúde. Durante as etapas de processamento dos sucos, podem ocorrer modificações nos componentes dos frutos, afetando suas propriedades sensoriais e nutritivas. Estudos sobre os efeitos do processamento nos constituintes nutricionais dos sucos tropicais são escassos e, geralmente, são avaliadas somente as perdas da vitamina C. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as possíveis alterações químicas e físico-químicas em suco tropical de goiaba durante as etapas de processamento (extração, formulação/homogeneização e pasteurização e armazenamento (30 dias sobre os teores em vitamina C, antocianinas totais, carotenóides totais e fenólicos totais. Ao final do estudo, constatou-se que somente os teores de carotenóides totais apresentaram variações signifi cativas (P < 0,05, durante o processamento do suco. Ao término do processamento, o suco de goiaba apresentou elevados teores em vitamina C, fenólicos totais, antocianinas totais, além do aumento no teor em carotenóides totais. Após 30 dias de armazenagem, os parâmetros analisados no suco de goiaba não apresentaram diferença significativa entre o tempo zero e trinta dias. Concluiu-se que as características químicas e físico-químicas não foram afetadas estatisticamente pelo processamento e armazenamento por 30 dias.

  15. Tropical diseases of the myocardium: a review

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    Groom ZC


    Full Text Available Zoe C Groom,1 Aristotle D Protopapas,2 Vasileios Zochios3,4 1Costello Medical Consulting Limited, Cambridge, 2Department of Surgery, Division of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, London, 3Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, 4College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases are widely distributed throughout the world. Human parasitic infections are ubiquitous. Tropical parasites are increasingly recognized as causes of cardiovascular diseases. In this review, we address the most frequently reported parasites that directly infect the myocardium, including Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoal causative agent of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease, and Taenia solium, the cestode causative agent of taeniasis and cysticercosis. We also discuss tropical endomyocardial fibrosis, trichinellosis and schistosomiasis. Health systems, attitudes, the perceptions of both patients and physicians as well as socioeconomic factors should all be explored and recognized as crucial factors for improving the control of cardiovascular diseases in the tropics. Clinicians throughout the world must remain aware of imported parasites as potential causes of cardiac diseases. Keywords: cardiomyopathy, Chagas disease, myocardium, parasitic infection, tropical infections

  16. Glacier monitoring and glacier-climate interactions in the tropical Andes: A review (United States)

    Veettil, Bijeesh Kozhikkodan; Wang, Shanshan; Florêncio de Souza, Sergio; Bremer, Ulisses Franz; Simões, Jefferson Cardia


    In this review, we summarized the evolution of glacier monitoring in the tropical Andes during the last few decades, particularly after the development of remote sensing and photogrammetry. Advantages and limitations of glacier mapping, applied so far, in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia are discussed in detail. Glacier parameters such as the equilibrium line altitude, snowline and mass balance were given special attention in understanding the complex cryosphere-climate interactions, particularly using remote sensing techniques. Glaciers in the inner and the outer tropics were considered separately based on the precipitation and temperature conditions within a new framework. The applicability of various methods to use glacier records to understand and reconstruct the tropical Andean climate between the Last Glacial Maximum (11,700 years ago) and the present is also explored in this paper. Results from various studies published recently were analyzed and we tried to understand the differences in the magnitudes of glacier responses towards the climatic perturbations in the inner tropics and the outer tropics. Inner tropical glaciers, particularly those in Venezuela and Colombia near the January Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), are more vulnerable to increase in temperature. Surface energy balance experiments show that outer tropical glaciers respond to precipitation variability very rapidly in comparison with the temperature variability, particularly when moving towards the subtropics. We also analyzed the gradients in glacier response to climate change from the Pacific coast towards the Amazon Basin as well as with the elevation. Based on the current trends synthesised from recent studies, it is hypothesized that the glaciers in the inner tropics and the southern wet outer tropics will disappear first as a response to global warming whereas glaciers in the northern wet outer tropics and dry outer tropics show resistance to warming trends due to

  17. Análise da ocorrência dos fluxos e Jatos de Nível Baixo no perfil vertical do vento na baixa atmosfera em Manaus (AM Analysis of the occurrence of streams and Low Level Jets in the vertical wind profile at the lower-atmosphere of Manaus city

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    Cleber Souza Corrêa


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta uma análise sobre as estruturas verticais nos baixos níveis da atmosfera tropical, região norte do Brasil, utilizando dados de radiossondagem realizadas na cidade de Manaus. Foi descrito um modelo dinâmico que envolve fluxos/Jatos de Nível Baixo (JNB entre os níveis de 950 hPa e 926 hPa, entre 860 hPa e 880 hPa (correspondendo aproximadamente ao nível intermediário de 850 hPa e ao terceira camada mais alta entre 800 hPa e 700 hPa (níveis médios. Esses fluxos e Jatos caracterizam um processo dinâmico de intenso transporte de energia e massa, criando uma estrutura estratificada turbulenta muito eficiente na geração de convecção na região tropical, demonstrando a influência da Camada Limite Planetária Tropical (CLPT na geração de convecção em meso escala.This study presents an analysis of the vertical structure of the low level tropical atmosphere, north region of Brazil, using radiosonde data at Manaus. A dynamical model involving flow/Low Level Jet (LLJ between the 950hPa and 926 hPa levels, between 860 hPa and 880 hPa levels (correspounding to 850 hPa intermediary level and in the third higher layer between 800 hPa and 700 hPa levels (middle levels is described. These streams and jets characterise a dynamical process of intense energy and mass transport, creating a turbulent stratified structure which is very efficient in producing convection at tropical region, demonstrating the influence of the Tropical Planetary Boundary Layer (TPLB, in the mesoscale convection generation.

  18. Contributions of Tropical Cyclones to the North Atlantic Climatological Rainfall as Observed from Satellites (United States)

    Rodgers, Edward B.; Adler, Robert F.; Pierce, Harold F.; Einaudi, Franco (Technical Monitor)


    The tropical cyclone rainfall climatology study that was performed for the North Pacific was extended to the North Atlantic. Similar to the North Pacific tropical cyclone study, mean monthly rainfall within 444 km of the center of the North Atlantic tropical cyclones (i.e., that reached storm stage and greater) was estimated from passive microwave satellite observations during, an eleven year period. These satellite-observed rainfall estimates were used to assess the impact of tropical cyclone rainfall in altering the geographical, seasonal, and inter-annual distribution of the North Atlantic total rainfall during, June-November when tropical cyclones were most abundant. The main results from this study indicate: 1) that tropical cyclones contribute, respectively, 4%, 3%, and 4% to the western, eastern, and entire North Atlantic; 2) similar to that observed in the North Pacific, the maximum in North Atlantic tropical cyclone rainfall is approximately 5 - 10 deg poleward (depending on longitude) of the maximum non-tropical cyclone rainfall; 3) tropical cyclones contribute regionally a maximum of 30% of the total rainfall 'northeast of Puerto Rico, within a region near 15 deg N 55 deg W, and off the west coast of Africa; 4) there is no lag between the months with maximum tropical cyclone rainfall and non-tropical cyclone rainfall in the western North Atlantic, while in the eastern North Atlantic, maximum tropical cyclone rainfall precedes maximum non-tropical cyclone rainfall; 5) like the North Pacific, North Atlantic tropical cyclones Of hurricane intensity generate the greatest amount of rainfall in the higher latitudes; and 6) warm ENSO events inhibit tropical cyclone rainfall.

  19. Malaria and Tropical Travel

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Malaria is a serious mosquito-borne disease that can lead to death. This podcast discusses malaria risk when traveling to tropical areas, as well as how to protect yourself and your family from malaria infection.

  20. Publicidade e ética: um estudo da construção da imagem da mulher

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth Moraes Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O texto propõe uma reflexão sobre a ética da responsabilidade na publicidade veiculada nas revistas Claudia e Nova. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, resultante da leitura dos anúncios selecionados, subsidiada por teóricos da Análise do Discurso da linha francesa, que busca averiguar como a mulher é representada. Constatou-se que no contexto da sociedade contemporânea o retrato da mulher como sedutora ainda está presente, mesmo que em vários momentos ela apareça como protagonista de sua própria vida.

  1. The Genesis of Tropical Cyclone Bilis (2000) Associated with Cross-equatorial Surges

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    XU Yamei


    The purpose of this paper is to explore how a tropical cyclone forms from a pre-existing large-scale depression which has been observed and associated with cross-equatorial surges in the western North Pacific. Tropical cyclone Bilis (2000) was selected as the case to study. The research data used are from the results of the non-hydrostatic mesoscale model (MM5), which has successfully simulated the transformation of a pre-existing weak large-scale tropical depression into a strong tropical storm. The scale separation technique is used to separate the synoptic-scale and sub-synoptic-scale fields from the model output fields. The scale-separated fields show that the pre-existing synoptic-scale tropical depression and the subsynoptic scale tropical cyclone formed later were different scale systems from beginning to end. It is also shown that the pre-existing synoptic-scale tropical depression did not contract to become the tropical cyclone. A series of weak, sub-synoptic-scale low and high pressure systems appeared and disappeared in the synopticscale depression, with one of the low systems near the center of the synoptic-scale depression having deepened to become the tropical cyclone. The roles of the synoptic-scale flow and the sub-synoptic scale disturbances in the formation of the tropical cyclone are investigated by diagnoses of the scale-separated vertical vorticity equation. The results show that the early development of the sub-synoptic scale vortex was fundamentally dependent on the strengthening synoptic-scale environmental depression. The depression was strengthened by cross-equatorial surges, which increased the convergence of the synoptic-scale depression at low levels and triggered the formation of the tropical cyclone.

  2. High hydrostatic pressure processing of tropical fruits. (United States)

    Lopes, Maria Lúcia M; Valente Mesquita, Vera L; Chiaradia, Ana Cristina N; Fernandes, Antônio Alberto R; Fernandes, Patricia M B


    Interest in the nonthermal method of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) for food preservation has increased recently due to the possibility of inactivating microorganisms and enzymes while maintaining product sensorial and nutritional properties. This work deals with HHP use for the preservation of tropical fruit products. HHP is shown to be a practical approach to obtaining high-quality tropical fruit products that are both nutritive and safe.

  3. An Estimate Of The Number Of Tropical Tree Species.


    Slik, J W Ferry; Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor; Aiba, Shin-Ichiro; Alvarez-Loayza, Patricia; Alves, Luciana F; Ashton, Peter; Balvanera, Patricia; Bastian, Meredith L; Bellingham, Peter J; van den Berg, Eduardo; Bernacci, Luis; da Conceição Bispo, Polyanna; Blanc, Lilian; Böhning-Gaese, Katrin; Boeckx, Pascal


    The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, we use a fitted value of Fisher's alpha and an approximate pantropical stem total to estimate the minimum number of tropical forest tree species to fall between similar to 40,000 and similar to 53,000...

  4. Ectomycorrhizal fungi in Amazonian tropical forests in Colombia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vasco Palacios, A.M.


    The ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbiosis was assumed to be restricted to the temperate regions where forests are dominated by EcM host plants, and the tropics were supposed to be dominated by endomycorrhizal fungi. However, evidence of the presence of EcM symbiosis in tropical lowland ecosystems has been

  5. Measuring Convective Mass Fluxes Over Tropical Oceans (United States)

    Raymond, David


    Deep convection forms the upward branches of all large-scale circulations in the tropics. Understanding what controls the form and intensity of vertical convective mass fluxes is thus key to understanding tropical weather and climate. These mass fluxes and the corresponding conditions supporting them have been measured by recent field programs (TPARC/TCS08, PREDICT, HS3) in tropical disturbances considered to be possible tropical storm precursors. In reality, this encompasses most strong convection in the tropics. The measurements were made with arrays of dropsondes deployed from high altitude. In some cases Doppler radar provided additional measurements. The results are in some ways surprising. Three factors were found to control the mass flux profiles, the strength of total surface heat fluxes, the column-integrated relative humidity, and the low to mid-tropospheric moist convective instability. The first two act as expected, with larger heat fluxes and higher humidity producing more precipitation and stronger lower tropospheric mass fluxes. However, unexpectedly, smaller (but still positive) convective instability produces more precipitation as well as more bottom-heavy convective mass flux profiles. Furthermore, the column humidity and the convective instability are anti-correlated, at least in the presence of strong convection. On spatial scales of a few hundred kilometers, the virtual temperature structure appears to be in dynamic balance with the pattern of potential vorticity. Since potential vorticity typically evolves on longer time scales than convection, the potential vorticity pattern plus the surface heat fluxes then become the immediate controlling factors for average convective properties. All measurements so far have taken place in regions with relatively flat sea surface temperature (SST) distributions. We are currently seeking funding for a measurement program in the tropical east Pacific, a region that exhibits strong SST gradients and

  6. Natural and Anthropogenically Perturbed Biogenic Aerosol over Tropical South East Asia (United States)

    Coe, H.; Robinson, N.; Allan, J. D.; Hewitt, C. N.


    Tropical forested regions are of interest as sources of atmospheric aerosol since they cover very large areas of the tropics and are a source of a large amount of volatile organic compounds which act as precursors for particle formation. Natural forest regions offer the potential to study the background state of the tropics and so potentially gain some insight into the pre-perturbed atmosphere. However, over the last decade in South East Asia, a considerable fraction of the native tropical deciduous forest has been deforested and replanted with palm oil plantations. This changes the range of volatile organic compounds that are emitted and act as sources of secondary organic aerosol. A suite of intensive ground and airborne measurements were made over both tropical forest and oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia as part of the "Oxidant and Particle Photochemical Processes above a South East Asian tropical rainforest (OP3) during 2008. These data will be used together with recent improvements in our understanding of aerosol formation from biogenic compounds to discuss aerosol formation in tropical regions and the influence of human influence through widespread palm oil agriculture.

  7. Are Mixed Tropical Tree Plantations More Resistant to Drought than Monocultures?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Norbert Kunert


    Full Text Available Tropical tree plantations usually consist of a single exotic fast growing species, but recent research describes positive effects on ecosystem functions from mixed tropical tree plantations. In this review, we present the current knowledge of drought resistance of tropical mixed species plantations and summarize preliminary evidence from a tree biodiversity experiment in Panama. Converting mono-specific stands into mixed ones may improve stand stability and might reduce increasing abiotic and biotic disturbances due to climate change. However, little is known about the extent to which tropical tree species or tropical tree communities can resist increasing disturbances in the short term, e.g., water limitations due to increasing dry season intensity or length, or about their resilience after such disturbances and their capacity to adapt to changing conditions in the long term. Studies relating drought resistance and resilience to community diversity are missing. Further, we highlight the urgent need for a multifactorial manipulative throughfall reduction experiment in tropical environments. The outcome of such studies would greatly assist the forestry sector in tropical regions to maintain highly productive and ecologically sound forest plantations in a changing climate.

  8. Pituitary volume and the effects of phototherapy in patients with seasonal winter depression: a controlled study Volume da pituitária e os efeitos da fototerapia em pacientes com depressão sazonal de inverno: um estudo controlado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ângela Marisa de Aquino Miranda-Scippa


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: Our aims were to investigate the pituitary volume in patients with seasonal winter depression and healthy volunteers in winter and summer, and to assess the effects of phototherapy in these patients. METHOD: The pituitary volume of 12 patients with winter depression and 12 healthy controls, paired according gender, age and menstrual cycle, were obtained from magnetic resonance imaging in winter and summer. Eight patients were submitted to phototherapy (10000 vs. 2500 lux in a double-blind crossover fashion during the winter, and reassessed (symptoms and magnetic resonance imaging after treatment. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in pituitary volume between controls and patients in winter or summer. Exposure to phototherapy (10000 lux decreased the depressive symptoms (p = 0.004, but the glandular volume did not change (p = 0.5. However, the pituitary volume in winter showed a positive correlation with the severity of depression in these patients (r = 0.69, p = 0.04. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that neither winter depression nor the change of seasons is associated with significant change in the pituitary volume. Despite the fact that this study was performed in a tropical area, phototherapy with 10000 lux showed to be an efficient treatment in this SAD patients sample.OBJETIVOS: Nossos objetivos foram investigar o volume da pituitária em pacientes com depressão sazonal de inverno e controles sadios, no inverno e verão, e avaliar os efeitos da fototerapia nesses pacientes. MÉTODO: O volume da pituitária de 12 pacientes com depressão de inverno e 12 controles sadios, pareados quanto ao gênero, idade e fase do ciclo menstrual, foi examinado por meio de imagem por ressonância magnética no inverno e verão. Oito pacientes foram submetidos à fototerapia (10.000 vs 2.500 lux de forma duplo-cega e cruzada durante o inverno e reavaliados (sintomas e imagem por ressonância magnética após o tratamento. RESULTADOS

  9. Arquitetura da paisagem da cidade e a importância da sistematização da análise do problema projetual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Gonçalves dos Santos


    Full Text Available Com este artigo pretende-se levantar os conceitos próprios da atividade da Arquitetura Paisagística encarando-a como disciplina projetual e associando-a ao Design Ambiental, necessitando, assim, de linhas metodológicas específicas para apresentação de soluções coerentes aos problemas paisagísticos. Sob esta ótica, reflexões sobre o uso da vegetação no projeto dos espaços exteriores são apresentadas apontando-se uma etapa de sistematização da análise do problema de projeto, dentro da abordagem da concepção de uma metodologia projetual em arquitetura paisagística. Também foram analisadas oito vias de circulação da área central de Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil, exemplificando uma etapa de sistematização da análise do problema de projeto.

  10. Biochar boosts tropical but not temperate crop yields (United States)

    Jeffery, Simon; Abalos, Diego; Prodana, Marija; Catarina Bastos, Ana; van Groenigen, Jan Willem; Hungate, Bruce A.; Verheijen, Frank


    Applying biochar to soil is thought to have multiple benefits, from helping mitigate climate change [1, 2], to managing waste [3] to conserving soil [4]. Biochar is also widely assumed to boost crop yield [5, 6], but there is controversy regarding the extent and cause of any yield benefit [7]. Here we use a global-scale meta-analysis to show that biochar has, on average, no effect on crop yield in temperate latitudes, yet elicits a 25% average increase in yield in the tropics. In the tropics, biochar increased yield through liming and fertilization, consistent with the low soil pH, low fertility, and low fertilizer inputs typical of arable tropical soils. We also found that, in tropical soils, high-nutrient biochar inputs stimulated yield substantially more than low-nutrient biochar, further supporting the role of nutrient fertilization in the observed yield stimulation. In contrast, arable soils in temperate regions are moderate in pH, higher in fertility, and generally receive higher fertilizer inputs, leaving little room for additional benefits from biochar. Our findings demonstrate that the yield-stimulating effects of biochar are not universal, but may especially benefit agriculture in low-nutrient, acidic soils in the tropics. Biochar management in temperate zones should focus on potential non-yield benefits such as lime and fertilizer cost savings, greenhouse gas emissions control, and other ecosystem services.

  11. Infectious Diseases and Tropical Cyclones in Southeast China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jietao Zheng


    Full Text Available Southeast China is frequently hit by tropical cyclones (TCs with significant economic and health burdens each year. However, there is a lack of understanding of what infectious diseases could be affected by tropical cyclones. This study aimed to examine the impacts of tropical cyclones on notifiable infectious diseases in southeast China. Disease data between 2005 and 2011 from four coastal provinces in southeast China, including Guangdong, Hainan, Zhejiang, and Fujian province, were collected. Numbers of cases of 14 infectious diseases were compared between risk periods and reference periods for each tropical cyclone. Risk ratios (RRs were calculated to estimate the risks. TCs were more likely to increase the risk of bacillary dysentery, paratyphoid fever, dengue fever and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ps < 0.05 than to decrease the risk, more likely to decrease the risk of measles, mumps, varicella and vivax malaria (ps < 0.05 than to increase the risk. In conclusion, TCs have mixed effects on the risk of infectious diseases. TCs are more likely to increase the risk of intestinal and contact transmitted infectious diseases than to decrease the risk, and more likely to decrease the risk of respiratory infectious diseases than to increase the risk. Findings of this study would assist in developing public health strategies and interventions for the reduction of the adverse health impacts from tropical cyclones.

  12. Modelling tropical forests response to logging (United States)

    Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto; Di Paola, Arianna; Valentini, Riccardo; Paparella, Francesco


    Tropical rainforests are among the most threatened ecosystems by large-scale fragmentation due to human activity such as heavy logging and agricultural clearance. Although, they provide crucial ecosystem goods and services, such as sequestering carbon from the atmosphere, protecting watersheds and conserving biodiversity. In several countries forest resource extraction has experienced a shift from clearcutting to selective logging to maintain a significant forest cover and understock of living biomass. However the knowledge on the short and long-term effects of removing selected species in tropical rainforest are scarce and need to be further investigated. One of the main effects of selective logging on forest dynamics seems to be the local disturbance which involve the invasion of open space by weed, vines and climbers at the expense of the late-successional state cenosis. We present a simple deterministic model that describes the dynamics of tropical rainforest subject to selective logging to understand how and why weeds displace native species. We argue that the selective removal of tallest tropical trees carries out gaps of light that allow weeds, vines and climbers to prevail on native species, inhibiting the possibility of recovery of the original vegetation. Our results show that different regime shifts may occur depending on the type of forest management adopted. This hypothesis is supported by a dataset of trees height and weed/vines cover that we collected from 9 plots located in Central and West Africa both in untouched and managed areas.

  13. Impacts of Particulate Matter on Gulf of Mexico Tropical Cyclones (United States)

    Cao, W.; Rohli, R. V.


    The purpose of this project is to analyze the relationship between tropical cyclones of the Gulf of Mexico-Atlantic basin and fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The daily mean PM2.5 concentration values were collected from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Tropical cyclone data were collected from Tropical Prediction Center Best Track Reanalysis in Unisys Weather®. The GRIdded Binary (GRIB-formatted) data were downloaded from the Data Support Section of the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Through ArcGIS®, the tropical cyclone tracks were compared with the interpolated daily mean PM2.5 concentration value. Results suggest that the tracks tend to avoid areas with higher PM2.5 concentrations, and the intensity was weakened significantly after passing the PM2.5-rich area. Through simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, the pressure and vertical structure of Hurricane Lili were weakened after passing the most PM2.5-rich area in Louisiana. Also, little evidence is found for the possibility of precipitation generated by the approaching tropical cyclone to cleanse the atmosphere of PM2.5 before storm passage. These results have important implications for tropical cyclone prediction as storms approach polluted areas or other places where PM2.5 particles are abundant, not only including urban environments but also in coastal areas where proscribed burns take place during tropical cyclone season, such as during sugarcane harvesting in southern Louisiana.

  14. Cost-effectiveness of reducing emissions from tropical deforestation, 2016-2050 (United States)

    Busch, Jonah; Engelmann, Jens


    Reducing tropical deforestation is potentially a large-scale and low-cost strategy for mitigating climate change. Yet previous efforts to project the cost-effectiveness of policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from future deforestation across the tropics were hampered by crude available data on historical forest loss. Here we use recently available satellite-based maps of annual forest loss between 2001-2012, along with information on topography, accessibility, protected status, potential agricultural revenue, and an observed inverted-U-shaped relationship between forest cover loss and forest cover, to project tropical deforestation from 2016-2050 under alternative policy scenarios and to construct new marginal abatement cost curves for reducing emissions from tropical deforestation. We project that without new forest conservation policies 289 million hectares of tropical forest will be cleared from 2016-2050, releasing 169 GtCO2. A carbon price of US20/tCO2 (50/tCO2) across tropical countries would avoid 41 GtCO2 (77 GtCO2) from 2016-2050. By comparison, we estimate that Brazil’s restrictive policies in the Amazon between 2004-2012 successfully decoupled potential agricultural revenue from deforestation and reduced deforestation by 47% below what would have otherwise occurred, preventing the emission of 5.2 GtCO2. All tropical countries enacting restrictive anti-deforestation policies as effective as those in the Brazilian Amazon between 2004-2012 would avoid 58 GtCO2 from 2016-2050.

  15. Biometrical applications in tropical pasture and agro-pastoral research

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Amézquita, M.C.


    "Biometrical Applications in Tropical Pasture and Agro-pastoral Research" illustrates, through selected Case Studies, the contribution of Biometry to pasture and agro-pastoral research in Tropical Latin America ( TLA ) in the last

  16. Interaction between Tropical Atlantic Variability and El Niño-Southern Oscillation. (United States)

    Saravanan, R.; Chang, Ping


    The interaction between tropical Atlantic variability and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is investigated using three ensembles of atmospheric general circulation model integrations. The integrations are forced by specifying observed sea surface temperature (SST) variability over a forcing domain. The forcing domain is the global ocean for the first ensemble, limited to the tropical ocean for the second ensemble, and further limited to the tropical Atlantic region for the third ensemble. The ensemble integrations show that extratropical SST anomalies have little impact on tropical variability, but the effect of ENSO is pervasive in the Tropics. Consistent with previous studies, the most significant influence of ENSO is found during the boreal spring season and is associated with an anomalous Walker circulation. Two important aspects of ENSO's influence on tropical Atlantic variability are noted. First, the ENSO signal contributes significantly to the `dipole' correlation structure between tropical Atlantic SST and rainfall in the Nordeste Brazil region. In the absence of the ENSO signal, the correlations are dominated by SST variability in the southern tropical Atlantic, resulting in less of a dipole structure. Second, the remote influence of ENSO also contributes to positive correlations between SST anomalies and downward surface heat flux in the tropical Atlantic during the boreal spring season. However, even when ENSO forcing is absent, the model integrations provide evidence for a positive surface heat flux feedback in the deep Tropics, which is analyzed in a companion study by Chang et al. The analysis of model simulations shows that interannual atmospheric variability in the tropical Pacific-Atlantic system is dominated by the interaction between two distinct sources of tropical heating: (i) an equatorial heat source in the eastern Pacific associated with ENSO and (ii) an off-equatorial heat source associated with SST anomalies near the Caribbean

  17. [A case of relapsing iridocyclitis in tropical malaria]. (United States)

    Kravchinina, V V; Dushin, N V; Beliaev, V S; Barashkov, V I; Gonchar, P A; Frolov, M A


    An African student developed bilateral relapsing iridocyclitis with increased intraocular pressure. General examinations and parasitological studies revealed tropical malaria. Etiotropic and local therapy normalized intraocular pressure and improved vision acuity of both eyes. This case should be borne in mind by general practitioners as a possibility of transportation of various tropical diseases.

  18. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas (United States)

    W.F. Laurance; D.C. Useche; J. Rendeiro; and others NO-VALUE; Ariel Lugo


    The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon1–3. With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment...

  19. Impacts of tropical cyclones on Fiji and Samoa (United States)

    Kuleshov, Yuriy; Prakash, Bipendra; Atalifo, Terry; Waqaicelua, Alipate; Seuseu, Sunny; Ausetalia Titimaea, Mulipola


    Weather and climate hazards have significant impacts on Pacific Island Countries. Costs of hazards such as tropical cyclones can be astronomical making enormous negative economic impacts on developing countries. We highlight examples of extreme weather events which have occurred in Fiji and Samoa in the last few decades and have caused major economic and social disruption in the countries. Destructive winds and torrential rain associated with tropical cyclones can bring the most damaging weather conditions to the region causing economic and social hardship, affecting agricultural productivity, infrastructure and economic development which can persist for many years after the initial impact. Analysing historical data, we describe the impacts of tropical cyclones Bebe and Kina on Fiji. Cyclone Bebe (October 1972) affected the whole Fiji especially the Yasawa Islands, Viti Levu and Kadavu where hurricane force winds have been recorded. Nineteen deaths were reported and damage costs caused by cyclone Bebe were estimated as exceeding F20 million (F 1972). Tropical cyclone Kina passed between Fiji's two main islands of Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, and directly over Levuka on the night of 2 January 1993 with hurricane force winds causing extensive damage. Twenty three deaths have been reported making Kina one of the deadliest hurricanes in Fiji's recent history. Severe flooding on Viti Levu, combined with high tide and heavy seas led to destruction of the Sigatoka and Ba bridges, as well as almost complete loss of crops in Sigatoka and Navua deltas. Overall, damage caused by cyclone Kina was estimated as F170 million. In Samoa, we describe devastation to the country caused by tropical cyclones Ofa (February 1990) and Val (December 1991) which were considered to be the worst cyclones to affect the Samoan islands since the 1889 Apia cyclone. In Samoa, seven people were killed due to cyclone Ofa, thousands of people were left homeless and entire villages were destroyed. Damage

  20. Répteis e anfíbios de uma região pouco conhecida do sudeste da Amazônia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico Gustavo Rodrigues França


    Full Text Available Amazônia é a maior floresta tropical do mundo e possui uma enorme biodiversidade. Entretanto, algumas regiões ainda são pouco conhecidas. Este trabalho apresenta um inventário da herpetofauna de uma destas regiões, o município de Boca do Acre, no sudoeste do Amazonas. O inventário foi realizado em dois períodos, uma amostragem durante o meio da estação chuvosa e outra ao final da mesma estação. Diversos métodos foram empregados para as amostragens, como armadilhas de interceptação e queda, procuras visuais diurnas e noturnas, procuras de carro em trechos da BR 317, e registros oportunísticos. Cinqüenta e seis espécies de anfíbios e 53 de répteis foram registradas durante o inventário. Vinte e sete espécies foram capturadas nas armadilhas de interceptação e queda e 38 foram encontradas na BR317, sendo as serpentes o grupo mais impactado por atropelamentos. A curva de acumulação de espécies não atingiu a estabilidade indicando que o inventário não está completo. Os resultados demonstram a grande riqueza de espécies desta região, sua importância para a biodiversidade da Amazônia, e a urgência em sua preservação.

  1. Water vapor stable isotope observations from tropical Australia

    KAUST Repository

    Parkes, Stephen


    The response of the tropical hydrological cycle to anthropogenically induced changes in radiative forcing is one of the largest discrepancies between climate models. Paleoclimate archives of the stable isotopic composition of precipitation in the tropics indicate a relationship with precipitation amount that could be exploited to study past hydroclimate and improve our knowledge of how this region responds to changes in climate forcing. Recently modelling studies of convective parameterizations fitted with water isotopes and remote sensing of water vapor isotopes in the tropics have illustrated uncertainty in the assumed relationship with rainfall amount. Therefore there is a need to collect water isotope data in the tropics that can be used to evaluate these models and help identify the relationships between the isotopic composition of meteoric waters and rainfall intensity. However, data in this region is almost non-existent. Here we present in-situ water vapor isotopic measurements and the HDO retrievals from the co-located Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON) site at Darwin in Tropical Australia. The Darwin site is interestingly placed within the tropical western pacific region and is impacted upon by a clear monsoonal climate, and key climate cycles including ENSO and Madden Julian Oscillations. The analysis of the data illustrated relationships between water vapor isotopes and humidity which demonstrated the role of precipitation processes in the wet season and air mass mixing during the dry season. Further the wet season observations show complex relationships between humidity and isotopes. A simple Rayleigh distillation model was not obeyed, instead the importance of rainfall re-evaporation in generating the highly depleted signatures was demonstrated. These data potentially provide a useful tool for evaluating model parameterizations in monsoonal regions as they demonstrate relationships with precipitation processes that cannot be observed with

  2. Warm Water Pools of the Western Caribbean and Eastern Tropical Pacific: Their Influence on Intraseasonal Rainfall Regimes and Tropical Storm Activity in Mexico (United States)

    Douglas, A. V.; Englehart, P. J.


    A dipole in tropical cyclone development between the Caribbean and the eastern tropical Pacific will be examined relative to its affect on southern Mexican rainfall. With the change over in the AMO and PDO in 1994 and 1998, respectively, tropical storm genesis has been increasing in the Caribbean while declining in the tropical east Pacific. This dipole in tropical cyclone development appears to be related to changes in the pre storm season heat content of the two ocean basins (data Scripps Institution of Oceanography). Preliminary work indicates that if the Caribbean is warmer than the Pacific by late May the dipole will be accentuated with a pronounced decrease in tropical storms in the east Pacific with an early and prolonged season in the Caribbean. In recent years there appears to have been an increase in the intensity and duration of midsummer drought (Canicula) in Mexico associated with changes in the PDO and AMO. These long term ocean oscillations appear to control the dipole in the strength of the Caribbean and East Pacific warm pools. Mid summer drought is a normal occurrence in much of Mexico and Central America, but the intensified droughts of the recent period have stressed the agricultural community of the region. Based on preliminary work, it appears that the recent increased frequency of midsummer drought can be linked to a shift in the warmest pool from the East Pacific to the Caribbean.

  3. Tropical cyclones over NIO during La-Nina Modoki years

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Sumesh, K.G.; RameshKumar, M.R.

    Tropical cyclones over NIO (North Indian Ocean) are highly influenced by the El-Nino and La-Nina activities over the Pacific Ocean Influences of air-sea interaction processes like El-Nino Modoki and La-Nina Modoki on tropical cyclones are less...

  4. Bibliometry of the Revista de Biología Tropical / International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation: document types, languages, countries, institutions, citations and article lifespan. (United States)

    Monge-Nájera, Julián; Ho, Yuh-Shan


    The Revista de Biología Tropical / International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation, founded in 1953, publishes feature articles about tropical nature and is considered one of the leading journals in Latin America. This article analyzes document type, language, countries, institutions, citations and for the first time article lifespan, from 1976 through 2014. We analyzed 3 978 documents from the Science Citation Index Expanded. Articles comprised 88 % of the total production and had 3.7 citations on average, lower than reviews. Spanish and English articles were nearly equal in numbers and citation for English articles was only slightly higher. Costa Rica, Mexico, and the USA are the countries with more articles, and the leading institutions were Universidad de Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico and Universidad de Oriente (Venezuela). The citation lifespan of articles is long, around 37 years. It is not surprising that Costa Rica, Mexico, and Venezuela lead in productivity and cooperation, because they are mostly covered by tropical ecosystems and share a common culture and a tradition of scientific cooperation. The same applies to the leading institutions, which are among the largest Spanish language universities in the neotropical region. American output can be explained by the regional presence of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Organization for Tropical Studies. Tropical research does not have the rapid change typical of medical research, and for this reason, the impact factor misses most of citations for the Revista, which are made after the two-year window used by the Web of Science. This issue is especially damaging for the Revista because most journals that deal with tropical biology are never checked when citations are counted for by the Science Citation Index.

  5. Tropical sprue: case report with review of literature

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    W Robinson


    Full Text Available Tropical sprue is an important cause of malabsorption in adults and in children in South Asia. Investigations to exclude specific infective, immunological or inflammatory causes are important before considering tropical sprue as a diagnosis. Malabsorption disorders of the small intestine can be a source of great debilitation to the patient, and a diagnostic challenge to the pathologist. This article presents clinicopathological findings of a non coeliac tropical sprue in a 66–year-old male and discusses the histological and clinical information that can help differentiate coeliac from non coeliac sprue. DOI: JPN 2012; 2(3: 241-244


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    Liz F. Soares

    Full Text Available Supervising wood exploitation can be very challenging due to the existence of many similar species and the reduced number of wood identification experts to meet the demand. There is evidence that valuable endangered wood species are being smuggled disguised as other species. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS and chemometrics has been successfully used to discriminate between Amazonian wood species using high resolution instruments. In this study, a handheld spectrometer was evaluated for the discrimination of six visually similar tropical wood species using PLS-DA. Woods of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla and cedar (Cedrela odorata, both high value tropical timber species included in Appendixes II and III of the CITES, respectively; crabwood (Carapa guianensis; cedrinho (Erisma uncinatum; curupixá (Micropholis melinoniana; and jatobá (Hymenea coubaril. The data for model development and validation take into account both laboratory and field measurements. Outlier exclusion was performed based on Hotelling T2, residuals Q and errors in the estimated class values. The efficiency rates were higher than 90% for all species, showing that the handheld NIR combined with PLS-DA succeeded in discriminate between these species. These results stimulate the application of handheld NIR spectrometers in the supervision of wood exploitation, which can contribute to the species preservation.

  7. Promoting the confluence of tropical cyclone research. (United States)

    Marler, Thomas E


    Contributions of biologists to tropical cyclone research may improve by integrating concepts from other disciplines. Employing accumulated cyclone energy into protocols may foster greater integration of ecology and meteorology research. Considering experienced ecosystems as antifragile instead of just resilient may improve cross-referencing among ecological and social scientists. Quantifying ecosystem capital as distinct from ecosystem services may improve integration of tropical cyclone ecology research into the expansive global climate change research community.

  8. Nucleation in tropical ecological restoration A nucleação na restauração ecológica de ecossistemas tropicais

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    Ademir Reis


    Full Text Available Ecological theories of facilitation and nucleation are proposed as a basis for environmental restoration in tropical ecosystems. The main goal of this paper is to present restoration techniques based on the concept of nucleation, in which small nuclei of vegetation are established within a degraded land. The nucleation techniques (artificial shelters for animals, planting of herbaceous shrub life forms, soil and seed bank translocation, seed rain translocation, soil and seed rain translocation's seedling set, artificial perches, planting of native trees in groups, and ecological stepping-stones with functional groups promote the landscape connectivity on two flows: inward: receiver connectivity and outward: donor connectivity. The nuclei development represents an alternative for restoration by prioritizing the natural processes of succession. This methodology appears to take long to generate vegetation corresponding to tropical climates, but is fundamental in the formation of communities capable of acting, in the future, as a new functional nuclei within the current fragmented landscape. This strategy also encourages greater integration between the theories and projects of ecological restoration for the development of human resources and to benefit the restoration practitioner.As teorias ecológicas da facilitação e nucleação são propostas como base para a restauração ambiental de ecossistemas tropicais. Nesse "Ponto de Vista" apresentam-se técnicas de restauração fundamentadas no conceito de nucleação, onde pequenos núcleos de vegetação são implantados em uma área degradada. As técnicas de nucleação (abrigos artificiais para animais, plantio de espécies herbáceo-arbustivas, transposição de solo e banco de sementes, transposição de chuva de sementes, blocos de mudas procedentes de transposição de solo e chuva de sementes, poleiros artificiais, plantio de árvores nativas em grupos de Anderson, e trampolins ecol

  9. Application of DNA barcodes in wildlife conservation in Tropical East Asia. (United States)

    Wilson, John-James; Sing, Kong-Wah; Lee, Ping-Shin; Wee, Alison K S


    Over the past 50 years, Tropical East Asia has lost more biodiversity than any tropical region. Tropical East Asia is a megadiverse region with an acute taxonomic impediment. DNA barcodes are short standardized DNA sequences used for taxonomic purposes and have the potential to lessen the challenges of biodiversity inventory and assessments in regions where they are most needed. We reviewed DNA barcoding efforts in Tropical East Asia relative to other tropical regions. We suggest DNA barcodes (or metabarcodes from next-generation sequencers) may be especially useful for characterizing and connecting species-level biodiversity units in inventories encompassing taxa lacking formal description (particularly arthropods) and in large-scale, minimal-impact approaches to vertebrate monitoring and population assessments through secondary sources of DNA (invertebrate derived DNA and environmental DNA). We suggest interest and capacity for DNA barcoding are slowly growing in Tropical East Asia, particularly among the younger generation of researchers who can connect with the barcoding analogy and understand the need for new approaches to the conservation challenges being faced. © 2016 Society for Conservation Biology.

  10. Tropical cyclone disasters in the Gulf of Thailand

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    Suphat Vongvisessomjai


    Full Text Available The origin of tropical cyclones in the South China Sea is over a vast deep sea, southeast of the Philippines. The severetropical cyclones in summer with northerly tracks attack the Philippines, China, Korea and Japan, while the moderate ones inthe rainy season with northwesterly tracks pass Vietnam, Laos and northern Thailand. In October, November and December, the tropical cyclones are weakened and tracks shift to a lower latitude passing the Gulf of Thailand. Tropical cyclone disasters in the Gulf of Thailand due to strong winds causing storm surges and big waves or heavy rainfall over high mountains in causing floods and land slides result in moderate damages and casualties. Analyses are made of six decades of data of tropical cyclones from 1951-2006 having averaged numbers of 3 and 13 in Thailand and the South China Sea respectively. Detailed calculation of surges and wave heights of the 5 disastrous tropical cyclones in the Gulf of Thailand reveal that the Upper Gulf of Thailand with a limited fetch length of about 100 km in north/south direction and about 100 km width in the east/west direction, resulted in a limited maximum wave height of 2.3-2.5 m and maximum storm surge height of 1.2 m generated by Typhoon Vae (1952, while the east coast, with longer fetch lengthbut still limited by the existence of its shoreline, resulted in an increased maximum wave height of 4 m and maximum storm surge height of 0.6 m in the Upper Gulf of Thailand generated by Typhoon Linda (1997. These are the Probable Maximum Cyclones here.The southern shoreline, with unlimited fetch length on the east by tropical cyclones approaching from the South China Sea, generated maximum wave height of 6-11 m by Typhoon Gay (1989, resulting in more casualties and damages. Note that storm surges on the southern shorelines with steep slopes are small due to the short distance of shallow shorelines in receiving wind stresses for piling up sea levels. These disasters can be

  11. Tropical explosive volcanic eruptions can trigger El Niño by cooling tropical Africa. (United States)

    Khodri, Myriam; Izumo, Takeshi; Vialard, Jérôme; Janicot, Serge; Cassou, Christophe; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Mignot, Juliette; Gastineau, Guillaume; Guilyardi, Eric; Lebas, Nicolas; Robock, Alan; McPhaden, Michael J


    Stratospheric aerosols from large tropical explosive volcanic eruptions backscatter shortwave radiation and reduce the global mean surface temperature. Observations suggest that they also favour an El Niño within 2 years following the eruption. Modelling studies have, however, so far reached no consensus on either the sign or physical mechanism of El Niño response to volcanism. Here we show that an El Niño tends to peak during the year following large eruptions in simulations of the Fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). Targeted climate model simulations further emphasize that Pinatubo-like eruptions tend to shorten La Niñas, lengthen El Niños and induce anomalous warming when occurring during neutral states. Volcanically induced cooling in tropical Africa weakens the West African monsoon, and the resulting atmospheric Kelvin wave drives equatorial westerly wind anomalies over the western Pacific. This wind anomaly is further amplified by air-sea interactions in the Pacific, favouring an El Niño-like response.El Niño tends to follow 2 years after volcanic eruptions, but the physical mechanism behind this phenomenon is unclear. Here the authors use model simulations to show that a Pinatubo-like eruption cools tropical Africa and drives westerly wind anomalies in the Pacific favouring an El Niño response.

  12. Tropical cyclone statistics in the Northeastern Pacific

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero-Vadillo, E. [Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (UABCS), La Paz, Baja California Sur (Mexico); Zaytsev, O. [Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, La Paz, Baja California Sur (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Morales-Perez, R. [Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologia del Agua (IMTA), Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)


    The principal area of tropical cyclogenesis in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean is offshore in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius N, and most of these cyclones move towards the west and northwest during their initial phase. Historical analysis of tropical cyclone data in the Northeastern (NE) Pacific over the last 38 years (from 1966 to 2004) shows a mean of 16.3 tropical cyclones per year, consisting of 8.8 hurricanes 198 and 7.4 tropical storms. The analysis shows great geographical variability of cyclone tracks, and that there were a considerable number of hurricane strikes along the Mexican coast. About 50% of the tropical cyclones formed turned north to northeast. It was rare that any passed further north than 30 degrees Celsius N in latitude because of the cold California Current. Hurricane tracks that affected the NE Pacific may be separated into 5 groups. We compared the historical record of the sea surface temperature (SST), related with the El Nino events with a data set of tropical cyclones, including frequency, intensity, trajectory, and duration. Although the statistical dependence between the frequencies of tropical cyclones of the most abundant categories, 1 and 2, over this region and SST data was not convincing, the percentage of high intensity hurricanes and hurricanes with a long life-time (greater than 12 days) was more during El Nino years than in non-El Nino years. [Spanish] La principal region de la formacion de ciclones en el oceano Pacifico Este es el Golfo de Tehuantepec, entre los 8 y los 15 grados Celsius N. En su fase inicial los ciclones se mueven hacia el oeste y el noroeste. El analisis historico de los ciclones que se han generado durante los ultimos 38 anos (de 1966 a 2004) muestra un promedio de 16.2 ciclones por ano, consistentes en 8.8 huracanes y 7.4 tormentas tropicales. El analisis muestra una gran variabilidad geografica en la trayectoria de los ciclones, de los cuales un gran numero impacta las

  13. Infrared heater system for warming tropical forest understory plants and soils (United States)

    Bruce A. Kimball; Aura M. Alonso-Rodríguez; Molly A. Cavaleri; Sasha C. Reed; Grizelle González; Tana E. Wood


    The response of tropical forests to global warming is one of the largest uncertainties in predicting the future carbon balance of Earth. To determine the likely effects of elevated temperatures on tropical forest understory plants and soils, as well as other ecosystems, an infrared (IR) heater system was developed to provide in situ warming for the Tropical Responses...

  14. Tropical rainforest response to marine sky brightening climate engineering (United States)

    Muri, Helene; Niemeier, Ulrike; Kristjánsson, Jón Egill


    Tropical forests represent a major atmospheric carbon dioxide sink. Here the gross primary productivity (GPP) response of tropical rainforests to climate engineering via marine sky brightening under a future scenario is investigated in three Earth system models. The model response is diverse, and in two of the three models, the tropical GPP shows a decrease from the marine sky brightening climate engineering. Partial correlation analysis indicates precipitation to be important in one of those models, while precipitation and temperature are limiting factors in the other. One model experiences a reversal of its Amazon dieback under marine sky brightening. There, the strongest partial correlation of GPP is to temperature and incoming solar radiation at the surface. Carbon fertilization provides a higher future tropical rainforest GPP overall, both with and without climate engineering. Salt damage to plants and soils could be an important aspect of marine sky brightening.

  15. Gigantic Jets and the Tropical Paradigm: A Satellite Perspective (United States)

    Lazarus, S. M.; Splitt, M. E.


    While not exclusively oceanic, gigantic jets (GJ) appear to have a preference for the tropical environment. In particular, a number of GJs have been observed in conjunction with tropical disturbances (i.e., weak tropical storms, depressions, and remnant lows). Given the remote aspect of TC convection and general lack of radar coverage, we explore this subset of events via analysis of their infrared and water vapor satellite presentations. The satellite perspective is relevant given that storm top mixing (dilution) of charge associated with storm-scale turbulence in this portion of the storm is thought to be connected to GJs. The thunderstorm overshoot, upper level divergence / outflow are examined in an effort to better understand the tropical paradigm. Specifically, an analysis of cloud top temperature, anvil expansion rates and asymmetries as well as placement of the GJ events with respect to the large (storm) scale circulation will be conducted.

  16. Length-weight regressions of the microcrustacean species from a tropical floodplain Regressões peso-comprimento das espécies de microcrustáceos em uma planície de inundação tropical

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    Fábio de Azevedo


    Full Text Available AIM: This study presents length-weight regressions adjusted for the most representative microcrustacean species and young stages of copepods from tropical lakes, together with a comparison of these results with estimates from the literature for tropical and temperate regions; METHODS: Samples were taken from six isolated lakes, in summer and winter, using a motorized pump and plankton net. The dry weight of each size class (for cladocerans or developmental stage (for copepods was measured using an electronic microbalance; RESULTS: Adjusted regressions were significant. We observed a trend of under-estimating the weights of smaller species and overestimating those of larger species, when using regressions obtained from temperate regions; CONCLUSION: We must be cautious about using pooled regressions from the literature, preferring models of similar species, or weighing the organisms and building new models.OBJETIVO: Este estudo apresenta as regressões peso-comprimento elaboradas para as espécies mais representativas de microcrustáceos e formas jovens de copépodes em lagos tropicais, bem como a comparação desses resultados com as estimativas da literatura para as regiões tropical e temperada; MÉTODOS: As amostragens foram realizadas em seis lagoas isoladas, no verão e no inverno, usando moto-bomba e rede de plâncton. O peso seco de cada classe de tamanho (para cladóceros e estágio de desenvolvimento (copépodes foi medido em microbalança eletrônica; RESULTADOS: As regressões ajustadas foram significativas. Observamos uma tendência em subestimar o peso das espécies de menor porte e superestimar as espécies de maior porte, quando se utiliza regressões peso-comprimento obtidas para a região de clima temperado; CONCLUSÃO: Devemos ter cautela no uso de regressões peso-comprimento existentes na literatura, preferindo modelos para as mesmas espécies, ou pesar os organismos e construir os próprios modelos.

  17. A utilização da teoria da aprendizagem significativa no ensino da Enfermagem

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    Alana Tamar Oliveira de Sousa


    Full Text Available RESUMOObjetivo:sintetizar a produção científica acerca da Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa no processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Enfermagem.Método:revisão integrativa realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF e CINAHL, com artigos que abordaram a temática ou aspectos da teoria da aprendizagem significativa de David Ausubel. Fizeram parte da amostra dez artigos, sendo seis escritos no idioma português e quatro no inglês, publicados de 1998 a 2013.Resultados:cinco artigos fizeram alusão à Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, quatro citaram Ausubel como autor dessa teoria e apenas dois seguiram a estrutura para a aplicação da teoria completamente. Há escassez de estudos sobre o tema e os que o abordam não o correlacionam com a teoria de Ausubel.Conclusão:faz-se necessário romper com a dicotomia entre teoria e prática e promover a articulação dos conteúdos com a ação, introduzindo o aluno como autor de seu próprio conhecimento.

  18. Tropical limit and a micro-macro correspondence in statistical physics (United States)

    Angelelli, Mario


    Tropical mathematics is used to establish a correspondence between certain microscopic and macroscopic objects in statistical models. Tropical algebra gives a common framework for macrosystems (subsets) and their elementary constituents (elements) that is well-behaved with respect to composition. This kind of connection is studied with maps that preserve a monoid structure. The approach highlights an underlying order relation that is explored through the concepts of filter and ideal. Particular attention is paid to asymmetry and duality between max- and min-criteria. Physical implementations are presented through simple examples in thermodynamics and non-equilibrium physics. The phenomenon of ultrametricity, the notion of tropical equilibrium and the role of ground energy in non-equilibrium models are discussed. Tropical symmetry, i.e. idempotence, is investigated.

  19. The Scientific Development of the Physiology of Plants in the American Tropics

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    Marco V. Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available This paper is a research and journalistic work that summarizes and synthesizes the scientific development of the physiology of plants in the American tropics, also known as the Neotropics. It contains the contributions of numerous biologists interested in the physiology of tropical plants. The fabulous structural and functional diversity of tropical forests is still the major driver of research in this field. Classical physiological work involving tropical plants, such as the discovery of C4 photosynthesis in sugarcane, is invoked to exemplify the historical and current importance of physiological research in the tropics, and its applications in agriculture, forestry and conservation. An historical background describing the early and more recent development of a tradition on the physiological study of tropical plants is followed by a summary of the research conducted on the physiology of tropical crops. Common areas of interest and influence between the fields of crop physiology and plant ecophysiology are identified and exemplified with problems on the environmental physiology of crops like coffee and cassava. The physiology of tropical forest plants is discussed in terms of its contributions to general plant physiological knowledge in areas such as photosynthetic metabolism and plant water relations. Despite the impressive technical advances achieved during the past decade, the importance of continuous development of appropriate instrumentation to study and measure the physiology of plants in situ is stressed. Although the basic metabolic processes that underlie the mechanisms of plant responses to the environment are probably highly conserved and qualitatively similar among tropical and temperate plants, it is also apparent that tropical plants exhibit metabolic peculiarities. These include aspects of photosynthetic metabolism, phloem transport physiology, sensitivity to low temperatures, reproduction, responses to climatic seasonality, and a

  20. Tropical cyanobacterial blooms: a review of prevalence, problem taxa, toxins and influencing environmental factors

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    Maxine A.D. Mowe


    Full Text Available Toxic cyanobacterial blooms are a major issue in freshwater systems in many countries. The potentially toxic species and their ecological causes are likely to be different in tropical zones from those in temperate water bodies; however, studies on tropical toxic cyanobacterial blooms are sporadic and currently there is no global synthesis. In this review, we examined published information on tropical cyanobacterial bloom occurrence and toxin production to investigate patterns in their growth and distribution. Microcystis was the most frequently occurring bloom genus throughout tropical Asia, Africa and Central America, while Cylindrospermopsis and Anabaena blooms occurred in various locations in tropical Australia, America and Africa. Microcystis blooms were more prevalent during the wet season while Cylindrospermopsis blooms were more prevalent during the dry period. Microcystin was the most encountered toxin throughout the tropics. A meta-analysis of tropical cyanobacterial blooms showed that Microcystis blooms were more associated with higher total nitrogen concentrations, while Cylindrospermopsis blooms were more associated with higher maximum temperatures. Meta-analysis also showed a positive linear relationship between levels of microcystin and N:P (nitrate:phosphate ratio. Tropical African Microcystis blooms were found to have the lowest microcystin levels in relation to biomass and N:P (nitrate:phosphate compared to tropical Asian, Australian and American blooms. There was also no significant correlation between microcystin concentration and cell concentration for tropical African blooms as opposed to tropical Asian and American blooms. Our review illustrates that some cyanobacteria and toxins are more prevalent in tropical areas. While some tropical countries have considerable information regarding toxic blooms, others have few or no reported studies. 

  1. An estimate of the number of tropical tree species

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Slik, J. W Ferry; Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor; Aiba, Shin Ichiro


    The high species richness of tropical forests has long been recognized, yet there remains substantial uncertainty regarding the actual number of tropical tree species. Using a pantropical tree inventory database from closed canopy forests, consisting of 657,630 trees belonging to 11,371 species, ...

  2. Teleconnections from Tropics to Northern Extratropics through a Southerly Conveyor


    Wang, Zhuo; Chang, C.-P.; Wang, Bin; Jin, Fei-fei


    Rossby wave propagation theory predicts that Rossby waves in a tropical easterly flow cannot escape from the Tropics to the extratropics. Here the authors show that a southerly flow component in the basic state (a southerly conveyor) may transfer a Rossby wave source northward; thus, a forcing embedded in the deep tropical easterlies may excite a Rossby wave response in the extratropical westerlies. It is shown that the southerly conveyor determines the location of the effective R...

  3. Damage-controlled logging in managed tropical rain forest in Suriname


    Hendrison, J.


    Concern about worldwide deforestation and exploitation of the tropical rain forests has led to friction between national governments, wood industries and timber trade on the one hand, and scientists and environmental organizations on the other. One way to safeguard the tropical rain forests is to avoid human interference and to use forests only as nature reserves and as buffer zones of environmental protection. Some vulnerable tropical rain forests and those with unique flora and fau...

  4. A Probabilistic Approach to Tropical Cyclone Conditions of Readiness (TCCOR)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wallace, Kenneth A


    Tropical Cyclone Conditions of Readiness (TCCOR) are set at DoD installations in the Western Pacific to convey the risk associated with the onset of destructive winds from approaching tropical cyclones...

  5. [Tropical causes of epilepsy]. (United States)

    Carod-Artal, F J

    Eighty-five percent of all epileptics live in tropical regions. Prenatal risk factors, traumatic brain injuries and different parasitic infestations of the central nervous system (CNS) are the reasons behind the high prevalence of epilepsy. This work reviews the main parasitic infestations causing epilepsy in the tropics. Neurocysticercosis is the main cause of focal epilepsy in early adulthood in endemic areas (30-50%). All the phases of cysticerci (viable, transitional and calcified) are associated with epileptic seizures. Anti-cysticercus treatment helps get rid of cysticerci faster and reduces the risk of recurrence of seizures in patients with viable cysts. Symptomatic epilepsy can be the first manifestation of neuroschistosomiasis in patients without any systemic symptoms. The pseudotumoral form can trigger seizures secondary to the presence of granulomas and oedemas in the cerebral cortex. The eggs of Schistosoma japonicum are smaller, reach the CNS more easily and trigger epileptic seizures more frequently. Toxocariasis and sparganosis are other parasitic infestations that can give rise to symptomatic seizures. The risk factors for suffering chronic epilepsy after cerebral malaria are a positive familial history of epilepsy and a history of episodes of fever and cerebral malaria that began with coma or which progressed with multiple, prolonged epileptic seizures. About 20% of patients with cerebral infarction secondary to Chagas disease present late vascular epilepsy as a complication. Very few studies have been conducted to examine the prognosis, risk of recurrence and modification of the natural course of seizures associated with tropical parasitic infestations, except for the case of neurocysticercosis.

  6. Review of Tropical-Extratropical Teleconnections on Intraseasonal Time Scales (United States)

    Stan, Cristiana; Straus, David M.; Frederiksen, Jorgen S.; Lin, Hai; Maloney, Eric D.; Schumacher, Courtney


    The interactions and teleconnections between the tropical and midlatitude regions on intraseasonal time scales are an important modulator of tropical and extratropical circulation anomalies and their associated weather patterns. These interactions arise due to the impact of the tropics on the extratropics, the impact of the midlatitudes on the tropics, and two-way interactions between the regions. Observational evidence, as well as theoretical studies with models of complexity ranging from the linear barotropic framework to intricate Earth system models, suggest the involvement of a myriad of processes and mechanisms in generating and maintaining these interconnections. At this stage, our understanding of these teleconnections is primarily a collection of concepts; a comprehensive theoretical framework has yet to be established. These intraseasonal teleconnections are increasingly recognized as an untapped source of potential subseasonal predictability. However, the complexity and diversity of mechanisms associated with these teleconnections, along with the lack of a conceptual framework to relate them, prevent this potential predictability from being translated into realized forecast skill. This review synthesizes our progress in understanding the observed characteristics of intraseasonal tropical-extratropical interactions and their associated mechanisms, identifies the significant gaps in this understanding, and recommends new research endeavors to address the remaining challenges.

  7. Why tropical forest lizards are vulnerable to climate warming (United States)

    Huey, Raymond B.; Deutsch, Curtis A.; Tewksbury, Joshua J.; Vitt, Laurie J.; Hertz, Paul E.; Álvarez Pérez, Héctor J.; Garland, Theodore


    Biological impacts of climate warming are predicted to increase with latitude, paralleling increases in warming. However, the magnitude of impacts depends not only on the degree of warming but also on the number of species at risk, their physiological sensitivity to warming and their options for behavioural and physiological compensation. Lizards are useful for evaluating risks of warming because their thermal biology is well studied. We conducted macrophysiological analyses of diurnal lizards from diverse latitudes plus focal species analyses of Puerto Rican Anolis and Sphaerodactyus. Although tropical lowland lizards live in environments that are warm all year, macrophysiological analyses indicate that some tropical lineages (thermoconformers that live in forests) are active at low body temperature and are intolerant of warm temperatures. Focal species analyses show that some tropical forest lizards were already experiencing stressful body temperatures in summer when studied several decades ago. Simulations suggest that warming will not only further depress their physiological performance in summer, but will also enable warm-adapted, open-habitat competitors and predators to invade forests. Forest lizards are key components of tropical ecosystems, but appear vulnerable to the cascading physiological and ecological effects of climate warming, even though rates of tropical warming may be relatively low. PMID:19324762

  8. The importance of precessional signals in the tropical climate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Clement, A C [Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149 (United States); Hall, A [UCLA, 7955 Math Sciences Building, 405 Hilgard Ave., Box 951565, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (United States); Broccoli, A J [Rutgers University, 14 College Farm Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551 (United States)


    Past research on the climate response to orbital forcing has emphasized the glacial-interglacial variations in global ice volume, global-mean temperature, and the global hydrologic cycle. This emphasis may be inappropriate in the tropics, where the response to precessional forcing is likely to be somewhat independent of the glacial-interglacial variations, particularly in variables relating to the hydrologic cycle. To illustrate this point, we use an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a slab ocean model, performing experiments that quantify the tropical climate's response to (1) opposite phases of precessional forcing, and (2) Last Glacial Maximum boundary conditions. While the glacially-forced tropical temperature changes are typically more than an order of magnitude larger than those arising from precessional forcing, the hydrologic signals stemming from the two forcings are comparable in magnitude. The mechanisms behind these signals are investigated and shown to be quite distinct for the precessional and glacial forcing. Because of strong dynamical linkages in the tropics, the model results illustrate the impossibility of predicting the local hydrologic response to external forcing without understanding the response at much larger spatial scales. Examples from the paleoclimate record are presented as additional evidence for the importance of precessional signals in past variations of the tropical climate. (orig.)

  9. Tropical Atlantic-Korea teleconnection pattern during boreal summer season (United States)

    Ham, Yoo-Geun; Chikamoto, Yoshimitsu; Kug, Jong-Seong; Kimoto, Masahide; Mochizuki, Takashi


    The remote impact of tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) variability on Korean summer precipitation is examined based on observational data analysis along with the idealized and hindcast model experiments. Observations show a significant correlation (i.e. 0.64) between Korean precipitation anomalies (averaged over 120-130°E, 35-40°N) and the tropical Atlantic SST index (averaged over 60°W-20°E, 30°S-30°N) during the June-July-August (JJA) season for the 1979-2010 period. Our observational analysis and partial-data assimilation experiments using the coupled general circulation model demonstrate that tropical Atlantic SST warming induces the equatorial low-level easterly over the western Pacific through a reorganization of the global Walker Circulation, causing a decreased precipitation over the off-equatorial western Pacific. As a Gill-type response to this diabatic forcing, an anomalous low-level anticyclonic circulation appears over the Philippine Sea, which transports wet air from the tropics to East Asia through low-level southerly, resulting an enhanced precipitation in the Korean peninsula. Multi-model hindcast experiments also show that predictive skills of Korean summer precipitation are improved by utilizing predictions of tropical Atlantic SST anomalies as a predictor for Korean precipitation anomalies.

  10. Estrutura latitudinal e temporal de assembleias de cnidários bentônicos em placas de recrutamento em dois portos da costa brasileira


    Marina de Oliveira Fernandez


    Diferentes escalas espaciais, nas quais diferentes fatores variam, podem ser importantes em estudos da biodiversidade. Estrutura e dinâmica de comunidades marinhas epifaunais variam com a latitude, mas como essa variação muda ao longo do tempo é pouco estudada. Investigamos como a estrutura de assembleias de cnidários bentônicos em portos varia temporalmente em uma latitude tropical e uma subtropical e devido a fatores locais. No Brasil, estudamos recrutamento ao longo de quatro trimestres em...

  11. Riqueza da fauna de formigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae que habita as camadas superficiais do solo em Seara, Santa Catarina

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    Rogério Rosa da Silva


    Full Text Available Apresentamos, pela primeira vez, dados sobre a riqueza que compõem as comunidades de formigas subterrâneas no Sul do Brasil, comparando os resultados com dados sobre a fauna de formigas de serapilheira na mesma região, a partir de um estudo realizado em 9 sítios de Seara, oeste do Estado de Santa Catarina, no domínio da Floresta Tropical Atlântica. Coletamos nas amostras de solo e serapilheira 113 espécies de formigas em 37 gêneros, sendo menos ricas as amostras de solo (71 espécies em 24 gêneros, enquanto que na serapilheira coletamos 81 espécies em 36 gêneros. Esses habitats compartilham 39 espécies. O índice de similaridade de Morisita-Horn indicou baixa sobreposição na composição de espécies entre a fauna de solo e serapilheira. Os valores de similaridade entre os sítios podem ser considerados médios. Uma análise de ordenação (NMDS indicou diferenças na estrutura de comunidades entre as faunas de solo e serapilheira e distribuição espacial agregada da fauna subterrânea. Nossos resultados indicam que existe uma forte complementariedade entre os dois segmentos de fauna. Concluímos que a fauna de formigas subterrâneas é um importante componente da riqueza de espécies de formigas que habita o solo e, que portanto protocolos para levantamentos quantitativos de formigas, devem incluir amostras de solo para uma melhor avaliação da sua diversidade em florestas tropicais.We present here, for the first time, data on species richness and abundance of subterranean ant assemblages in southern Brazil, based on a research on the subterranean ant fauna in 9 sites in Seara, West of Santa Catarina State, in the domain of Tropical Atlantic Forest, comparing our results with those of a leaf litter ant fauna survey conducted in the same region. We collected in both soil and litter samples 113 ant species belonging to 37 genera. Ants were much less species rich in soil samples (71 species in 24 genera, while in leaf litter we

  12. Immunochemical characterization of prosopis juliflora pollen allergens and evaluation of cross-reactivity pattern with the most allergenic pollens in tropical areas. (United States)

    Assarehzadegan, Mohammad-Ali; Khodadadi, Ali; Amini, Akram; Shakurnia, Abdol-Hosein; Marashi, Seyed Saeid; Ali-Sadeghi, Hosein; Zarinhadideh, Farnoosh; Sepahi, Najmeh


    Allergy to Prosopis juliflora (mesquite) pollen is one of the common causes of respiratory allergy in tropical countries. Mesquite is widely used as street trees in towns and ornamental shade trees in parks and gardens throughout arid and semiarid regions of Iran. The inhalation of mesquite pollen and several species of Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae family is the most important cause of allergic respiratory symptoms in Khuzestan province. This study was designed to evaluate IgE banding proteins of mesquite pollen extract and its IgE cross-reactivity with other allergenic plants. Twenty patients with allergic symptoms and positive skin prick tests (SPT) for mesquite pollen extract participated in the study. Crude pollen extract was prepared from local mesquite trees and used for the evaluation of allergenic profiles of P. juliflora pollen extract by Sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and IgE-immunoblotting. There were several protein bands in mesquite pollen extract using SDS-PAGE with the approximate range of molecular weight of 10-85 kDa. The most frequent IgE reactive bands among the patients' sera were approximately 20 and 66 kDa. However, there were other IgE reactive protein bands among the patients' sera with molecular weights of 10, 15, 35, 45, 55 and 85 kDa. Inhibition experiments revealed high IgE cross-reactivity between mesquite and acacia. There are several IgE-binding proteins in P. juliflora pollen extract. Results of this study indicate that proteins with a molecular weight of 10 to 85 kDa are the major allergens in P. juliflora pollen extract.

  13. Statistical strategies for global monitoring of tropical forests (United States)

    Raymond L. Czaplewski


    The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is conducting a global assessment of tropical forest resources, which will be accomplished by mid-1992. This assessment requires, in part, estimates of the total area of tropical forest cover in 1990, and the rate of change in forest cover between 1980 and 1990. This paper describes: (1) the strategic...

  14. Sherlock Holmes and tropical medicine: a centennial appraisal. (United States)

    Sodeman, W A


    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle incorporated an unidentified tropical disease as a murder weapon in the Sherlock Holmes story, "The Dying Detective," written in 1913. Documentary and circumstantial evidence suggests that the disease mentioned was melioidosis. The description of the newly identified disease occurred shortly before Doyle's death. Doyle's other works at the time reflect a consistent interest in tropical disease.

  15. Gestões do desenvolvimento e desenvolvimentos da gestão: da unilateralidade reificada à dialogicidade da simbiose homem/natureza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Justen

    Full Text Available Este artigo, ao situar culturalmente os fenômenos da gestão e do desenvolvimento, em sua concepção tradicional, no projeto da modernidade e ao identificar o predomínio da unilateralidade reificada na interface entre gestão e desenvolvimento - a primeira vista como instrumento técnico submisso à via clássica do segundo - almeja evidenciar as potencialidades da compreensão e da construção de alternativas, tanto para a gestão como para o desenvolvimento, a partir da ressignificação dessa interface. Para tanto, o esforço foi direcionado ao resgate do que é comum aos fenômenos da gestão e do desenvolvimento - os substratos antropológico e ecológico -, nucleados nos princípios da reciprocidade dialógica, concretizadora da condição antropológica, e da finitude, caracterizadora da condição ecológica. Ao final, são apresentadas oito potenciais contribuições advindas da exploração renovada da interface entre a gestão e o desenvolvimento. Propôs-se, ainda, a substituição da lógica instrumental da eficiência financeira, comum à concepção tradicional dos fenômenos estudados, pela lógica da simbiose dialógica homem/natureza, uma vez que, como fenômenos sociais, desenvolvimento e gestão, mediados pelo meio, também são ecológicos em sua essência.

  16. Tropical countries may be willing to pay more to protect their forests (United States)

    Vincent, Jeffrey R.; Carson, Richard T.; DeShazo, J. R.; Schwabe, Kurt A.; Ahmad, Ismariah; Chong, Siew Kook; Chang, Yii Tan; Potts, Matthew D.


    Inadequate funding from developed countries has hampered international efforts to conserve biodiversity in tropical forests. We present two complementary research approaches that reveal a significant increase in public demand for conservation within tropical developing countries as those countries reach upper-middle-income (UMI) status. We highlight UMI tropical countries because they contain nearly four-fifths of tropical primary forests, which are rich in biodiversity and stored carbon. The first approach is a set of statistical analyses of various cross-country conservation indicators, which suggests that protective government policies have lagged behind the increase in public demand in these countries. The second approach is a case study from Malaysia, which reveals in a more integrated fashion the linkages from rising household income to increased household willingness to pay for conservation, nongovernmental organization activity, and delayed government action. Our findings suggest that domestic funding in UMI tropical countries can play a larger role in (i) closing the funding gap for tropical forest conservation, and (ii) paying for supplementary conservation actions linked to international payments for reduced greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in tropical countries. PMID:24982171

  17. Nuclear power plant risk from tropical cyclones

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilmore, T.F.


    Tropical cyclones are considered to have a potential for contributing to the overall core-melt frequency at Turkey Point. A tropical cyclone is known to have the four main hazards associated with it: wind, tidal surge, wind-generated missiles, and precipitation. To understand the contribution to overall core-melt risk at Turkey Point, it is essential to understand the mechanisms of these hazards and their relative importance. The results are bounded by the hurricane surge scenario, where the frequency of core melt is equal to the frequency of the surge reaching 19 ft NGVD (National Geographic Vertical Datum). This could be mitigated by potential recovery actions for the tropical cyclone scenario. The probability of the storm surge reaching 19 ft NVGD is estimated to be 1 x 10 -4 . The data associated with the tropical cyclones as discussed in detail in the body of this paper are lacking in quantity and quality. By taking the conservative approach in creating the wind/frequency, wind/surge, and surge/frequency relationships, the conclusion that the results are worst case is reasonable. With this in mind, it is logical to conclude that the value of further hazard analysis to narrow down the built-in conservative margin using the existing data and technology is doubtful. Thus, a recovery approach to driving the risk level down is the most pragmatic step to be taken

  18. Hydrological structure and biological productivity of the tropical Indian Ocean

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Muraleedharan, U.D.; Muraleedharan, P.M.

    Hydrological structure analyses of regions in the tropical Atlantic Ocean have consistently revealed the existence of a typical tropical structure characterized by a nitrate-depleted mixed layer above the thermocline. The important biological...

  19. Tropical wetlands: A missing link in the global carbon cycle? (United States)

    Sjögersten, Sofie; Black, Colin R; Evers, Stephanie; Hoyos-Santillan, Jorge; Wright, Emma L; Turner, Benjamin L


    Tropical wetlands are not included in Earth system models, despite being an important source of methane (CH4) and contributing a large fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from land use, land use change, and forestry in the tropics. This review identifies a remarkable lack of data on the carbon balance and gas fluxes from undisturbed tropical wetlands, which limits the ability of global change models to make accurate predictions about future climate. We show that the available data on in situ carbon gas fluxes in undisturbed forested tropical wetlands indicate marked spatial and temporal variability in CO2 and CH4 emissions, with exceptionally large fluxes in Southeast Asia and the Neotropics. By upscaling short-term measurements, we calculate that approximately 90 ± 77 Tg CH4 year−1 and 4540 ± 1480 Tg CO2 year−1 are released from tropical wetlands globally. CH4 fluxes are greater from mineral than organic soils, whereas CO2 fluxes do not differ between soil types. The high CO2 and CH4 emissions are mirrored by high rates of net primary productivity and litter decay. Net ecosystem productivity was estimated to be greater in peat-forming wetlands than on mineral soils, but the available data are insufficient to construct reliable carbon balances or estimate gas fluxes at regional scales. We conclude that there is an urgent need for systematic data on carbon dynamics in tropical wetlands to provide a robust understanding of how they differ from well-studied northern wetlands and allow incorporation of tropical wetlands into global climate change models. PMID:26074666

  20. Proxies of Tropical Cyclone Isotope Spikes in Precipitation: Landfall Site Selection (United States)

    Lawrence, J. R.; Maddocks, R.


    The human experience of climate change is not one of gradual changes in seasonal or yearly changes in temperature or rainfall. Despite that most paleoclimatic reconstructions attempt to provide just such information. Humans experience climate change on much shorter time scales. We remember hurricanes, weeks of drought or overwhelming rainy periods. Tropical cyclones produce very low isotope ratios in both rainfall and in atmospheric water vapor. Thus, climate proxies that potentially record these low isotope ratios offer the most concrete record of climate change to which humans can relate. The oxygen isotopic composition of tropical cyclone rainfall has the potential to be recorded in fresh water carbonate fossil material, cave deposits and corals. The hydrogen isotopic composition of tropical cyclone rainfall has the potential to be recorded in tree ring cellulose and organic matter in fresh water bodies. The Class of carbonate organisms known as Ostracoda form their carapaces very rapidly. Thus fresh water ephemeral ponds in the subtropics are ideal locations for isotopic studies because they commonly are totally dry when tropical cyclones make landfall. The other proxies suffer primarily from a dilution effect. The water from tropical cyclones is mixed with pre-existing water. In cave deposits tropical cyclone rains mix with soil and ground waters. In the near shore coral environment the rain mixes with seawater. For tree rings there are three sources of water: soil water, atmospheric water vapor that exchanges with leaf water and tropical cyclone rain. In lakes because of their large size rainfall runoff mixes with ground water and preexisting water in the lake. A region that shows considerable promise is Texas / Northeast Mexico. In a study of surface waters that developed from the passage of Tropical Storm Allison (2001) in SE Texas both the pond water and Ostracoda that bloomed recorded the low oxygen isotope signal of that storm (Lawrence et al, 2008). In

  1. O sentido da espiritualidade na transitoriedade da vida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Cristina de Oliveira Arrieira

    Full Text Available Resumo Objetivo: Compreender o sentido da espiritualidade para a pessoa em cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada na fenomenologia existencialista e referencial de Viktor Frankl. Os participantes foram nove pessoas em cuidados paliativos atendidas no domicílio. Informações coletadas por meio da observação e de entrevista realizadas no período de junho a outubro de 2014, gravadas, transcritas e transformadas em texto interpretado com a abordagem fenomenológica hermenêutica. Resultados: Surgiram as seguintes categorias: sentido de continuidade da vida; sentido de alívio do sofrimento; sentido de naturalidade da morte e sentido de valorização do viver. Conclusão: Para a integralidade da atenção faz-se necessário a inclusão da espiritualidade na prática do cuidado em saúde. A espiritualidade proporciona o encontro existencial entre a pessoa em cuidados paliativos e os profissionais que a cuidam em sua integralidade.

  2. A stable isotope-based approach to tropical dendroclimatology (United States)

    Evans, Michael N.; Schrag, Daniel P.


    We describe a strategy for development of chronological control in tropical trees lacking demonstrably annual ring formation, using high resolution δ 18O measurements in tropical wood. The approach applies existing models of the oxygen isotopic composition of alpha-cellulose (Roden et al., 2000), a rapid method for cellulose extraction from raw wood (Brendel et al., 2000), and continuous flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (Brenna et al., 1998) to develop proxy chronological, rainfall and growth rate estimates from tropical trees lacking visible annual ring structure. Consistent with model predictions, pilot datasets from the temperate US and Costa Rica having independent chronological control suggest that observed cyclic isotopic signatures of several permil (SMOW) represent the annual cycle of local rainfall and relative humidity. Additional data from a plantation tree of known age from ENSO-sensitive northwestern coastal Peru suggests that the 1997-8 ENSO warm phase event was recorded as an 8‰ anomaly in the δ 18O of α-cellulose. The results demonstrate reproducibility of the stable isotopic chronometer over decades, two different climatic zones, and three tropical tree genera, and point to future applications in paleoclimatology.

  3. The persistent signature of tropical cyclones in ambient seismic noise

    KAUST Repository

    Gualtieri, Lucia; Camargo, Suzana J.; Pascale, Salvatore; Pons, Flavio M.E.; Ekströ m, Gö ran


    The spectrum of ambient seismic noise shows strong signals associated with tropical cyclones, yet a detailed understanding of these signals and the relationship between them and the storms is currently lacking. Through the analysis of more than a decade of seismic data recorded at several stations located in and adjacent to the northwest Pacific Ocean, here we show that there is a persistent and frequency-dependent signature of tropical cyclones in ambient seismic noise that depends on characteristics of the storm and on the detailed location of the station relative to the storm. An adaptive statistical model shows that the spectral amplitude of ambient seismic noise, and notably of the short-period secondary microseisms, has a strong relationship with tropical cyclone intensity and can be employed to extract information on the tropical cyclones.

  4. The persistent signature of tropical cyclones in ambient seismic noise

    KAUST Repository

    Gualtieri, Lucia


    The spectrum of ambient seismic noise shows strong signals associated with tropical cyclones, yet a detailed understanding of these signals and the relationship between them and the storms is currently lacking. Through the analysis of more than a decade of seismic data recorded at several stations located in and adjacent to the northwest Pacific Ocean, here we show that there is a persistent and frequency-dependent signature of tropical cyclones in ambient seismic noise that depends on characteristics of the storm and on the detailed location of the station relative to the storm. An adaptive statistical model shows that the spectral amplitude of ambient seismic noise, and notably of the short-period secondary microseisms, has a strong relationship with tropical cyclone intensity and can be employed to extract information on the tropical cyclones.

  5. JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The JPL Tropical Cyclone Information System (TCIS) brings together satellite and in situ data sets from various sources to help you find information for a particular...

  6. Ducting Conditions for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Tropical Disturbances from GPS Dropsonde Data (United States)


    depression, tropical storm , hurricane, extratropical cyclone, subtropical depression, subtropical storm , a low of no category, tropical wave, disturbance or...surface-based ducts, and elevated ducts. We further separate the duct occurrence based on the location relative to their respective storms . Based...on the number of soundings in different types of tropical disturbances, we chose to further analyze duct conditions in hurricanes and tropical storms

  7. Impacts of different grades of tropical cyclones on infectious diarrhea in Guangdong, 2005-2011.

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    Ruihua Kang

    Full Text Available Guangdong province is one of the most vulnerable provinces to tropical cyclones in China. Most prior studies concentrated on the relationship between tropical cyclones and injuries and mortality. This study aimed to explore the impacts of different grades of tropical cyclones on infectious diarrhea incidence in Guangdong province, from 2005 to 2011.Mann-Whitney U test was firstly used to examine if infectious diarrhea were sensitive to tropical cyclone. Then unidirectional 1:1 case-crossover design was performed to quantitatively evaluate the relationship between daily number of infectious diarrhea and tropical cyclone from 2005 to 2011 in Guangdong, China. Principal component analysis (PCA was applied to eliminate multicollinearity. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs and the 95% confidence intervals (CI.There were no significant relationships between tropical cyclone and bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, typhoid, and paratyphoid cases. Infectious diarrhea other than cholera, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid significantly increased after tropical cyclones. The strongest effect were shown on lag 1 day (HRs = 1.95, 95%CI = 1.22, 3.12 and no lagged effect was detected for tropical depression, tropical storm, severe tropical storm and typhoon, with the largest HRs (95%CI of 2.16 (95%CI = 1.69, 2.76, 2.43 (95%CI = 1.65, 3.58 and 2.21 (95%CI = 1.65, 2.69, respectively. Among children below 5 years old, the impacts of all grades of tropical cyclones were strongest at lag 0 day. And HRs were 2.67 (95%CI = 1.10, 6.48, 2.49 (95%CI = 1.80, 3.44, 4.89 (95%CI = 2.37, 7.37 and 3.18 (95%CI = 2.10, 4.81, respectively.All grades of tropical cyclones could increase risk of other infectious diarrhea. Severe tropical storm has the strongest influence on other infectious diarrhea. The impacts of tropical cyclones on children under 5 years old were higher than total population.

  8. Quantitative Analysis of Complex Tropical Forest Stands: A Review ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The importance of data analysis in quantitative assessment of natural resources remains significant in the sustainable management of complex tropical forest resources. Analyses of data from complex tropical forest stands have not been easy or clear due to improper data management. It is pivotal to practical researches ...

  9. Líquens da reserva biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba

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    Wilson Roberto Pereira


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo principal de levantamento florístico foi efetuado estudo de material depositado no herbário do Instituto de Botânica de São Paulo mais coletas dos autores no ano de 1988. Foram encontradas ao todo 63 espécies, sendo que a maior parte do material antigo não foi recoletado e a amostragem atual revela uma flora heliófila composta principalmente por Parmeliaceae. Lobariaceae presentes nas coletas antigas não puderam ser encontradas, sendo notada também a ausência de liquens fruticosos como Usnea e Ramalina. A alteração da mata por poluição do ar proveniente de Cubatão aliada às condições de excessiva umidade e sombra podem ser os fatores responsáveis pela pobreza da flora liquênica encontrada.The biological reserve of the Serra de Paranapiacaba is part of the Serra do Mar at Santo André city, São Paulo state, Brazil (23º4TS, 46º19'W, 800m above sea level. It is covered with a tropical rain forest and is the most rainy place of Brazil. It stands near (16km of Cubatão city (at sea level from were receives a great deal of air pollutants. The principal aim of this work is verify the old and recent lichen floras of the reserve. Altogether 63 species were found. The most (16 of the 25 species held at the SP herbarium (Instituto de Botânica de São Paulo could not be collected in 1988 and nowadays 60% of the lichens are Parmelia s.l. species. No Stictaceae or corticolous fruticose species, wliich are present at the herbarium, could be recollected in 1988. Air pollution, too high umidity and shade can together be the responsible for the flora poorness.

  10. Coupled nutrient cycling determines tropical forest trajectory under elevated CO2. (United States)

    Bouskill, N.; Zhu, Q.; Riley, W. J.


    Tropical forests have a disproportionate capacity to affect Earth's climate relative to their areal extent. Despite covering just 12 % of land surface, tropical forests account for 35 % of global net primary productivity and are among the most significant of terrestrial carbon stores. As atmospheric CO2 concentrations increase over the next century, the capacity of tropical forests to assimilate and sequester anthropogenic CO2 depends on limitation by multiple factors, including the availability of soil nutrients. Phosphorus availability has been considered to be the primary factor limiting metabolic processes within tropical forests. However, recent evidence points towards strong spatial and temporal co-limitation of tropical forests by both nitrogen and phosphorus. Here, we use the Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) Land Model (ALMv1-ECA-CNP) to examine how nutrient cycles interact and affect the trajectory of the tropical forest carbon sink under, (i) external nutrient input, (ii) climate (iii) elevated CO2, and (iv) a combination of 1-3. ALMv1 includes recent theoretical advances in representing belowground competition between roots, microbes and minerals for N and P uptake, explicit interactions between the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (e.g., phosphatase production and nitrogen fixation), the dynamic internal allocation of plant N and P resources, and the integration of global datasets of plant physiological traits. We report nutrient fertilization (N, P, N+P) predictions for four sites in the tropics (El Verde, Puerto Rico, Barro Colorado Island, Panama, Manaus, Brazil and the Osa Peninsula, Coast Rica) to short-term nutrient fertilization (N, P, N+P), and benchmarking of the model against a meta-analysis of forest fertilization experiments. Subsequent simulations focus on the interaction of the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles across the tropics with a focus on the implications of coupled nutrient cycling and the fate of the tropical

  11. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We seek to encourage pharmaceutical and allied research of tropical and ... and related disciplines (including biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, drug ... with ibrutinib reduces proliferation, migration and invasion of lung cancer cells ...

  12. Processos da construção da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde

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    João Leite Ferreira Neto


    Full Text Available Investigou-se os processos de construção da Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde (PNPS, pela análise de três documentos produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde entre 2002 e 2005 e do texto final da PNPS. Foram entrevistados cinco sujeitos que participaram da construção da PNPS, dos quais três eram gestores do Ministério da Saúde e dois pesquisadores. Os documentos foram explorados com a Análise do Discurso. O artigo contribui para aprofundar os debates sobre o processo de construção da PNPS. A promoção da saúde revelou seus antagonismos, o que motivou a demora de sua aprovação final. A indução internacional via financiamento demonstrou ser o elemento crucial para a definição da forma final da PNPS, trazendo de volta a criticada ênfase na mudança de estilos de vida em suas "Ações". Destaca-se o processo de produção negociada de consenso, que culminou com a criação do Comitê Gestor da PNPS, com a participação de diversos subsetores, estrutura inovadora no Ministério da Saúde.

  13. Composição lignocelulósica e isótopica da vegetação e da matéria orgânica do solo de uma turfeira tropical: I - composição florística, fitomassa e acúmulo de carbono

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    Vinicius Evangelista Silva


    Full Text Available A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS é um dos grandes reservatórios de carbono (C da Terra e constitui um dos principais componentes do ciclo do C. Turfeiras, ambientes acumuladores de MOS, são produto da decomposição de vegetais, que se desenvolvem e se acumulam em ambientes saturados com água, sendo o estádio inicial da sequência de carbonificação. A fitomassa participa de forma marcante no ciclo global do C, armazenando em torno de 85 % de todo o C terrestre acima do solo. O tecido vegetal é composto principalmente por lignina, celulose e hemicelulose, constituindo até 85 % da biomassa seca. As plantas discriminam C de forma diferenciada, em razão de seu ciclo fotossintético (C3, C4 e CAM. As turfeiras da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM-MG são colonizadas por vegetação de Campo Limpo Úmido (CLU e de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES, onde ocorrem espécies dos ciclos fotossintéticos C3 e C4. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a contribuição dessas duas fitofisionomias para o acúmulo de MOS, por meio da avaliação da fitomassa e da composição lignocelulósica e isotópica da vegetação e da MOS. A turfeira estudada localiza-se na SdEM e ocupa 81,75 ha. Para a estimativa da fitomassa do CLU e da FES, foram marcadas três parcelas de 0,5 x 0,5 m em cada fitofisionomia, onde todos os indivíduos da parcela foram cortados e armazenados. Para as análises isotópicas e lignocelulósicas da vegetação, identificaram-se as espécies dominantes em cada fitofisionomia. Amostras de solo foram coletadas em três locais representativos sob cada fitofisionomia, a cada 5 cm de profundidade, até 50 cm. Foram extraídas a celulose e a lignina das folhas das 15 espécies dominantes e das 60 amostras de turfeira para quantificação e determinação dos valores de δ13C e δ15N. Para datação da MOS, o 14C foi determinado em três profundidades, sob o CLU e a FES. A produção da fitomassa da FES foi muito superior à produ

  14. Characterization of the interactions between endocrine disruptors and aquatic humic substances from tropical rivers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Botero, Wander G.; Oliveira, Luciana C. de; Cunha, Bruno B.; Oliveira, Lilian K. de; Goveia, Danielle; Fraceto, Leonardo F.; Rosa, Andre Henrique; Rocha, Julio Cesar


    Interactions between two endocrine disruptors (ED) and aquatic humic substances (AHS) from tropical rivers were studied using an ultrafiltration system equipped with a 1 kDa cut-off cellulose membrane to separate free ED from the fraction bound in the AHS. Quantification of 17α-ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The times required for establishment of equilibrium between the AHS and the ED were ca. 30 min, and complexation capacities for 17α-ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A were 18.53 and 2.07 mg g -1 TOC, respectively. The greater interaction of AHS with 17α-ethynylestradiol, compared to bisphenol A, was due to the presence of hydrogen in the structure of 17α-ethynylestradiol, which could interact with ionized oxygenated groups of the AHS. The results indicate that AHS can strongly influence the transport and reactivity of endocrine disruptors in aquatic systems. (author)

  15. Characterization of the interactions between endocrine disruptors and aquatic humic substances from tropical rivers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Botero, Wander G. [Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Arapiraca, AL (Brazil); Oliveira, Luciana C. de [Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (UFSCar), Sorocaba, SP (Brazil); Cunha, Bruno B.; Oliveira, Lilian K. de; Goveia, Danielle; Fraceto, Leonardo F.; Rosa, Andre Henrique, E-mail: ahrosa@sorocaba.unesp.b [UNESP, Sorocaba, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente; Rocha, Julio Cesar [UNESP, Araraquara, SP (Brazil). Inst. de Quimica. Dept. de Quimica Analitica


    Interactions between two endocrine disruptors (ED) and aquatic humic substances (AHS) from tropical rivers were studied using an ultrafiltration system equipped with a 1 kDa cut-off cellulose membrane to separate free ED from the fraction bound in the AHS. Quantification of 17{alpha}-ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The times required for establishment of equilibrium between the AHS and the ED were ca. 30 min, and complexation capacities for 17{alpha}-ethynylestradiol and bisphenol A were 18.53 and 2.07 mg g{sup -1} TOC, respectively. The greater interaction of AHS with 17{alpha}-ethynylestradiol, compared to bisphenol A, was due to the presence of hydrogen in the structure of 17{alpha}-ethynylestradiol, which could interact with ionized oxygenated groups of the AHS. The results indicate that AHS can strongly influence the transport and reactivity of endocrine disruptors in aquatic systems. (author)

  16. Anomalous cold in the Pangaean tropics (United States)

    Soreghan, G.S.; Soreghan, M.J.; Poulsen, C.J.; Young, R.A.; Eble, C.F.; Sweet, D.E.; Davogustto, O.C.


    The late Paleozoic archives the greatest glaciation of the Phanerozoic. Whereas high-latitude Gondwanan strata preserve widespread evidence for continental ice, the Permo-Carboniferous tropics have long been considered analogous to today's: warm and shielded from the highlatitude cold. Here, we report on glacial and periglacial indicators that record episodes of freezing continental temperatures in western equatorial Pangaea. An exhumed glacial valley and associated deposits record direct evidence for glaciation that extended to low paleoelevations in the ancestral Rocky Mountains. Furthermore, the Permo-Carboniferous archives the only known occurrence of widespread tropical loess in Earth's history; the volume, chemistry, and provenance of this loess(ite) is most consistent with glacial derivation. Together with emerging indicators for cold elsewhere in low-latitude Pangaea, these results suggest that tropical climate was not buffered from the high latitudes and may record glacial-interglacial climate shifts of very large magnitude. Coupled climate-ice sheet model simulations demonstrate that low atmospheric CO2 and solar luminosity alone cannot account for such cold, and that other factors must be considered in attempting to explain this 'best-known' analogue to our present Earth. ?? 2008 The Geological Society of America.

  17. Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis (United States)

    Lawman, A. E.; Sun, T.; Shanahan, T. M.; Di Nezio, P. N.; Gomez, K.; Piatrunia, N.; Sun, C.; Wu, X.; Kageyama, M.; Merkel, U.; Otto-Bliesner, B. L.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; Lohmann, G.; Singarayer, J. S.


    We explore the response of tropical climate to abrupt cooling of the North Atlantic (NA) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) combining paleoclimate proxies with model simulations. A total of 146 published paleoclimate records from tropical locations are used to categorize whether HS1 was wetter, drier, or unchanged relative to a deglacial baseline state. Only records with sufficient resolution to resolve HS1 and sufficient length to characterize the deglacial trend are considered. This synthesis reveals large-scale patterns of hydroclimate change relative to glacial conditions, confirming previously reported weaker Indian summer monsoon, a wetter southern Africa, and drying over the Caribbean. Our synthesis also reveals large-scale drying over the Maritime continent as well as wetter conditions in northern Australia and southern tropical South America. Our reinterpretation of the available proxy data reveals far more complexity and uncertainties for equatorial East Africa, a region that appears to straddle a pattern of dryer conditions to the north and wetter conditions to the south. Overall, these patterns of hydroclimate change depart from a southward shift of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), particularly outside the tropical Atlantic. We explore mechanisms driving these changes using a multi-model ensemble of "hosing" simulations performed relative to glacial conditions. The models show robust weakening of the Afro-Asian Monsoon, which we attribute to ventilation of colder mid-latitude air. Not all models simulate the remaining patterns inferred from the proxy data. The best-agreeing models indicate that cooling over the tropical NA and the Caribbean may be essential to communicate the response to the global tropics. This response can induce warming over the tropical South Atlantic via the wind-evaporation-SST feedback, driving wetter conditions in South Africa and tropical South America. Cooling over the Caribbean is communicated to the Pacific over the

  18. Teoria da adequação econômica da conduta: significado econômico da conduta em face da tutela penal antitruste


    Luiz da Silva, Ivan


    Essa tese tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento da teoria da adequação econômica da conduta no direito penal econômico. Vale-se de uma abordagem interdisciplinar abrangendo a Economia, o direito econômico e o direito penal. Para alcançar o desiderato a investigação analisou a intervenção do direito penal em face da atividade econômica e, em especial, os fundamentos da tutela penal antitruste, para fins de estabelecer os contornos teóricos necessários à aplicação das premissas fund...

  19. Melhoramento do trigo: XVIII. Comportamento de linhagens em cinco regiões paulistas Wheat breeding. XVIII: evaluation on inbred lines for the State of São Paulo, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se vinte e duas linhagens e três cultivares de trigo em ensaios instalados em cinco regiões paulistas, em 1984-86, analisando-se os seguintes parâmetros: rendimento de grãos, altura de plantas, ciclo, em dias, da emergência ao florescimento e da emergência à maturação, porcentagem de plantas acamadas, comprimento da espiga, número de grãos por espiga e por espigueta, número de espiguetas por espiga, peso de cem grãos, resistência à ferrugem-do-colmo e da-folha em condições de campo e de casa de vegetação, resistência à helmintosporiose e ao oídio em condições de campo. Em laboratório, foram realizados estudos da tolerância ao alumínio, em soluções nutritivas. Em sequeiro, nos ensaios conduzidos em Capão Bonito e no Vale do Paranapanema (Maracaí e Cruzália, destacaram-se, quanto à produção de grãos, respectivamente, o cultivar BH-1146 e a linhagem 12. As linhagens 4, 9 e 13, em Campinas, e a 8, em Tatuí, evidenciaram alta produção de grãos em condição de irrigação por aspersão. Na média de nove experimentos, destacaram-se em produção de grãos, por ordem decrescente, o cultivar BH-1146 e as linhagens 13, 20 e 14. As linhagens 2, 7, 8, 17 e 18 e o 'Alondra-S-46' mostraram plantas significativamente mais baixas que o 'BH-1146' e 'IAC-5'. As linhagens 7 e 8 e o cultivar Alondra-S-46 mostraram resistência às seis raças e as linhagens 17 e 18 a cinco raças testadas do agente causal de ferrugem-do-colmo em estádio de plântula, em casa de vegetação. Em campo, no estádio de planta adulta, apresentaram menor área infectada por essa doença as linhagens 1, 2, 7, 8, 12 e 17 e o cultivar Alondra-S-46. Nas mesmas condições, as linhagens 1, 5, 8 e 18 exibiram menor área infectada por ferrugem-da-folha. As linhagens 11, 12, 13, 19, 20 e 21 e o cultivar BH-1146 mostraram tolerância à presença de 10mg/litro de Al3+ na solução nutritiva.Twenty two inbred lines from the wheat breeding

  20. Predicting tropical plant physiology from leaf and canopy spectroscopy. (United States)

    Doughty, Christopher E; Asner, Gregory P; Martin, Roberta E


    A broad regional understanding of tropical forest leaf photosynthesis has long been a goal for tropical forest ecologists, but it has remained elusive due to difficult canopy access and high species diversity. Here we develop an empirical model to predict sunlit, light-saturated, tropical leaf photosynthesis using leaf and simulated canopy spectra. To develop this model, we used partial least squares (PLS) analysis on three tropical forest datasets (159 species), two in Hawaii and one at the biosphere 2 laboratory (B2L). For each species, we measured light-saturated photosynthesis (A), light and CO(2) saturated photosynthesis (A(max)), respiration (R), leaf transmittance and reflectance spectra (400-2,500 nm), leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids, and leaf mass per area (LMA). The model best predicted A [r(2) = 0.74, root mean square error (RMSE) = 2.9 μmol m(-2) s(-1))] followed by R (r(2) = 0.48), and A(max) (r(2) = 0.47). We combined leaf reflectance and transmittance with a canopy radiative transfer model to simulate top-of-canopy reflectance and found that canopy spectra are a better predictor of A (RMSE = 2.5 ± 0.07 μmol m(-2) s(-1)) than are leaf spectra. The results indicate the potential for this technique to be used with high-fidelity imaging spectrometers to remotely sense tropical forest canopy photosynthesis.

  1. Caracterização fenotípica e molecular de genitores de feijão tipo carioca quanto à resistência a patógenos Phenotypic and molecular characterization of genitors of carioca-type common bean regarding their resistance to pathogens

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    Carlos Lasaro Pereira de Melo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi a caracterização fenotípica e molecular de 31 genótipos de feijão do tipo carioca, quanto à resistência aos patógenos da antracnose, ferrugem e mancha-angular. Foram realizadas inoculações com 13 patótipos de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, dois de Uromyces appendiculatus e sete de Pseudocercospora griseola. Na caracterização molecular, foram utilizados cinco marcadores moleculares previamente identificados, ligados a diferentes alelos de resistência aos patógenos. Sete genótipos apresentaram resistência a 12 patótipos de C. lindemuthianum. Nove genótipos apresentaram resistência a cinco patótipos de P. griseola. Dez genótipos foram resistentes aos patótipos de U. appendiculatus. As linhagens VC 2, VC 3 e VC 5, além da Rudá-R (linhagem piramidada com cinco genes que conferem resistência a alguns patótipos de antracnose, ferrugem e mancha-angular, foram as que se destacaram quanto à resistência múltipla aos patógenos acima citados. Foi detectado polimorfismo molecular entre a maioria dos genótipos com a Rudá-R, o que indica a possibilidade de uso dos marcadores moleculares SCARF10, SCARY20, SCARAZ20, SCARH13 e OPX11.The present study aimed at the phenotypic and molecular characterization of 31 genotypes of the carioca-type common bean regarding the resistance to anthracnose, rust and angular leaf spot (ALS pathogens. Thirteen pathotypes of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, two of Uromyces appendiculatus and seven of Pseudocercospora griseola were inoculated. In the molecular characterization, five molecular markers, identified in advance, and linked to the different alleles of pathogens' resistance, were used. Seven genotypes showed resistance to 12 pathotypes of C. lindemuthianum. Nine genotypes presented resistance to five pathotypes of P. griseola. Ten genotypes were resistant to the pathotypes of U. appendiculatus. The lines VC 2, VC 3 and VC 5, besides Rudá-R (line pyramided with five

  2. New recommendations for building in tropical climates

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Waal, H.B. de (ISOVER BV, Cappelle a/d IJssel (Netherlands))


    Traditional recommendations for building a thermally efficient or comfortable building in a tropical climate are briefly summarized. They suffer from three main drawbacks; they are not quantitative, partly incorrect and only for two climates; the hot dry and the warm humid. A new climate classification, made up of forty tropical climates is presented. Eight building elements, which affect the thermal system of a building, are distinguished. The method by which the new recommendations are derived, is discussed. The new recommendations are briefly presented. (Author)

  3. Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the North Indian Ocean (United States)

    Patwardhan, A.; Paliwal, M.; Mohapatra, M.


    Cyclones are regarded as one of the most dangerous meteorological phenomena of the tropical region. The probability of landfall of a tropical cyclone depends on its movement (trajectory). Analysis of trajectories of tropical cyclones could be useful for identifying potentially predictable characteristics. There is long history of analysis of tropical cyclones tracks. A common approach is using different clustering techniques to group the cyclone tracks on the basis of certain characteristics. Various clustering method have been used to study the tropical cyclones in different ocean basins like western North Pacific ocean (Elsner and Liu, 2003; Camargo et al., 2007), North Atlantic Ocean (Elsner, 2003; Gaffney et al. 2007; Nakamura et al., 2009). In this study, tropical cyclone tracks in the North Indian Ocean basin, for the period 1961-2010 have been analyzed and grouped into clusters based on their spatial characteristics. A tropical cyclone trajectory is approximated as an open curve and described by its first two moments. The resulting clusters have different centroid locations and also differently shaped variance ellipses. These track characteristics are then used in the standard clustering algorithms which allow the whole track shape, length, and location to be incorporated into the clustering methodology. The resulting clusters have different genesis locations and trajectory shapes. We have also examined characteristics such as life span, maximum sustained wind speed, landfall, seasonality, many of which are significantly different across the identified clusters. The clustering approach groups cyclones with higher maximum wind speed and longest life span in to one cluster. Another cluster includes short duration cyclonic events that are mostly deep depressions and significant for rainfall over Eastern and Central India. The clustering approach is likely to prove useful for analysis of events of significance with regard to impacts.

  4. Tropical savannas and dry forests. (United States)

    Pennington, R Toby; Lehmann, Caroline E R; Rowland, Lucy M


    In the tropics, research, conservation and public attention focus on rain forests, but this neglects that half of the global tropics have a seasonally dry climate. These regions are home to dry forests and savannas (Figures 1 and 2), and are the focus of this Primer. The attention given to rain forests is understandable. Their high species diversity, sheer stature and luxuriance thrill biologists today as much as they did the first explorers in the Age of Discovery. Although dry forest and savanna may make less of a first impression, they support a fascinating diversity of plant strategies to cope with stress and disturbance including fire, drought and herbivory. Savannas played a fundamental role in human evolution, and across Africa and India they support iconic megafauna. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Maximum covariance analysis to identify intraseasonal oscillations over tropical Brazil (United States)

    Barreto, Naurinete J. C.; Mesquita, Michel d. S.; Mendes, David; Spyrides, Maria H. C.; Pedra, George U.; Lucio, Paulo S.


    A reliable prognosis of extreme precipitation events in the tropics is arguably challenging to obtain due to the interaction of meteorological systems at various time scales. A pivotal component of the global climate variability is the so-called intraseasonal oscillations, phenomena that occur between 20 and 100 days. The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), which is directly related to the modulation of convective precipitation in the equatorial belt, is considered the primary oscillation in the tropical region. The aim of this study is to diagnose the connection between the MJO signal and the regional intraseasonal rainfall variability over tropical Brazil. This is achieved through the development of an index called Multivariate Intraseasonal Index for Tropical Brazil (MITB). This index is based on Maximum Covariance Analysis (MCA) applied to the filtered daily anomalies of rainfall data over tropical Brazil against a group of covariates consisting of: outgoing longwave radiation and the zonal component u of the wind at 850 and 200 hPa. The first two MCA modes, which were used to create the { MITB}_1 and { MITB}_2 indices, represent 65 and 16 % of the explained variance, respectively. The combined multivariate index was able to satisfactorily represent the pattern of intraseasonal variability over tropical Brazil, showing that there are periods of activation and inhibition of precipitation connected with the pattern of MJO propagation. The MITB index could potentially be used as a diagnostic tool for intraseasonal forecasting.

  6. Evolution of Microsatellite Loci of Tropical and Temperate Anguilla Eels

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    Mei-Chen Tseng


    Full Text Available Anguilla eels are divided into temperate and tropical eels, based on their major distributions. The present study collected two temperate eels, Anguilla japonica and Anguilla anguilla, and two tropical eels, Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla bicolor pacifica, to examine two questions: do temperate and tropical Anguilla eels have different genetic polymorphic patterns?; and do temperate Anguilla japonica and Anguilla anguilla have a closer relationship to each other than to tropical eels? In total, 274 sequences were cloned and sequenced from six conserved microsatellite loci to examine polymorphic patterns of these four catadromous eels. Different mutational events, including substitutions, and repeat-unit deletions and insertions, appeared in major regions, while different point mutations were observed in flanking regions. The results implied that parallel patterns of microsatellite sequences occurred within both tropical and temperate freshwater eels. Consensus flanking sequences of six homologous loci from each of the four species were constructed. Genetic distances ranged from 0.044 (Anguilla bicolor pacifica vs. Anguilla marmorata to 0.061 (Anguilla marmorata vs. Anguilla anguilla. The tree topology suggests the hypothesis of Anguilla japonica and Anguilla anguilla being a sister group must be rejected.

  7. Tropical wetlands and REDD+: Three unique scientific challenges for policy

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    Daniel A Friess


    Full Text Available The carbon sequestration and storage value of terrestrial habitats is now increasingly appreciated, and is the basis for Payment for Ecosystem Service (PES policies such as REDD+. Tropical wetlands may be suitable for inclusion in such schemes because of the disproportionately large volume of carbon they are able to store. However, tropical wetlands offer a number of unique challenges for carbon management and policy compared to terrestrial forest systems: 1 Tropical wetlands are dynamic and subject to a wide range of physical and ecological processes that affect their long-term carbon storage potential – thus, such systems can quickly become a carbon source instead of a sink; 2 Carbon dynamics in tropical wetlands often operate over longer time-scales than are currently covered by REDD+ payments; and 3 Much of the carbon in a tropical wetland is stored in the soil, so monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV needs to adequately encapsulate the entire ecosystem and not just the vegetative component. This paper discusses these physical and biological concepts, and highlights key legal, management and policy questions that must be considered when constructing a policy framework to conserve these crucial ecosystems.

  8. RAINBIO: a mega-database of tropical African vascular plants distributions

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    Dauby Gilles


    Full Text Available The tropical vegetation of Africa is characterized by high levels of species diversity but is undergoing important shifts in response to ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressures. Although our knowledge of plant species distribution patterns in the African tropics has been improving over the years, it remains limited. Here we present RAINBIO, a unique comprehensive mega-database of georeferenced records for vascular plants in continental tropical Africa. The geographic focus of the database is the region south of the Sahel and north of Southern Africa, and the majority of data originate from tropical forest regions. RAINBIO is a compilation of 13 datasets either publicly available or personal ones. Numerous in depth data quality checks, automatic and manual via several African flora experts, were undertaken for georeferencing, standardization of taxonomic names and identification and merging of duplicated records. The resulting RAINBIO data allows exploration and extraction of distribution data for 25,356 native tropical African vascular plant species, which represents ca. 89% of all known plant species in the area of interest. Habit information is also provided for 91% of these species.

  9. Strategies and perspectives of influential environmental organizations toward tropical deforestation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozanne, L.K.; Smith, P.M.


    In recent years, environmental nongovernment organizations (NGOs) have been active in alerting the public and governments to tropical forest issues. Many feel that these efforts have begun to affect the trade in tropical timber and influence the perceptions of logging in the tropics. However, the influence of environmental organizations is not restricted to tropical timber trade but has the potential to impact the global wood products industry. The wood products industry has an opportunity to address these pressures by understanding the strategies and perceptions of the environmental community on this issue and developing proactive strategies to deal with the situation. This study included a phase 1 prestudy, which reported the results of interview with over 39 environmental NGOs in both the US and Europe to develop an overview of this complex industry. A phase 2 followup fax questionnaire was administered to the most relevant US environmental NGOs in order to classify them on two important criteria: (1) their level of specialization; and (2) their organizational strategy. This paper provides an overview of the complex issues in the environmental debate regarding tropical deforestation and how environmental organizations are attempting to address these issues

  10. Trailblazing the Carbon Cycle of Tropical Forests from Puerto Rico

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    Sandra Brown


    Full Text Available We review the literature that led to clarifying the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle from a time when they were considered sources of atmospheric carbon to the time when they were found to be atmospheric carbon sinks. This literature originates from work conducted by US Forest Service scientists in Puerto Rico and their collaborators. It involves the classification of forests by life zones, estimation of carbon density by forest type, assessing carbon storage changes with ecological succession and land use/land cover type, describing the details of the carbon cycle of forests at stand and landscape levels, assessing global land cover by forest type and the complexity of land use change in tropical regions, and assessing the ecological fluxes and storages that contribute to net carbon accumulation in tropical forests. We also review recent work that couples field inventory data, remote sensing technology such as LIDAR, and GIS analysis in order to more accurately determine the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle and point out new avenues of carbon research that address the responses of tropical forests to environmental change.

  11. A CPMI da Violência Contra a Mulher e a Implementação da Lei Maria Da Penha

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    Carmen Hein de Campos


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as conclusões da Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito da Violência contra a Mulher, criada pelo Congresso Nacional Brasileiro em 2012, no que tange à aplicação da Lei Maria da Penha. Após um ano e meio de trabalho, o relatório da CPMI apontou a fragilidade das políticas públicas de enfrentamento à violência contra mulheres e os obstáculos na implementação da Lei Maria da Penha, dentre os quais, destacam-se: a precariedade da rede de serviços e o reduzido número de juizados especializados em atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e familiar; o descumprimento da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que proíbe a aplicação da suspensão condicional do processo; a resistência de operadores/as do direito em entender a proposta da nova lei e romper com a lógica familista e o insuficiente orçamento para o desenvolvimento e a manutenção das políticas públicas de enfrentamento a essas situações de violência. A análise do relatório da CPMI permite concluir que os estados brasileiros investem muito pouco em políticas públicas específicas e que a implementação integral da Lei Maria da Penha depende de uma nova compreensão jurídica, da articulação entre os poderes públicos e de uma política orçamentária de gênero.

  12. Tropical Cyclone Paka's Initial Explosive Development (10-12 December, 1997) (United States)

    Rodgers, Edward B.; Halverson, Jeff; Simpson, Joanne; Olson, William; Pierce, Harold


    Convection associated with an equatorial westerly wind burst was first observed late November during the strong El Nino of 1997 at approximately 2000 km southwest of the Hawaiian Islands. This region of convection lead to the formation of twin tropical cyclones, one in the southern hemisphere named Pam and the other in the northern hemisphere named Paka. During the first week in December, tropical cyclone Paka, the system of concern, reached tropical storm stage as it moved rapidly westward at relatively low latitudes. During the 10-12 of December, Paka rapidly developed into a typhoon.

  13. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas


    Laurance, William F; Useche, D. Carolina; Rendeiro, Julio; Kalka, Margareta; Bradshaw, Corey J A; Sloan, Sean P; Laurance, Susan G; Campbell, Mason; Abernethy, Kate; Alvarez, Patricia; Arroyo-Rodriguez, Victor; Ashton, Peter; Benitez-Malvido, Julieta; Blom, Allard; Bobo, Kadiri S


    The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their bi...

  14. Climate Prediction Center(CPC)Global Tropics Hazards and Benefits Assessment (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Global Tropics Hazards and Benefits Assessment (GTH) is an outlook product for the areas in the Tropics. Forecasts for the Week-1 and Week-2 period are given for...

  15. The potential sensitivity of tropical plants to increased ultraviolet-B radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ziska, L.H.


    Little is known concerning the impact of stratospheric ozone depletion and increasing ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation on the phenology and growth of tropical plants. This is because, ostensibly, tropical plants are already exposed to relatively high levels of UV-B radiation (relative to a temperate environment) and should, therefore, possess a greater degree of tolerance to increased UV-B radiation. In this brief review I hope to show that, potentially, direct and indirect effects on photosynthesis, assimilate partitioning, phenology and biomass could occur in both tropical crops (e.g. cassava, rice) and native species (e.g. Cecropia obtusifolia (Bertol. Fl)., Tetramolopium humile (Gray), Nana sandwicensis L.). However, it should be noted that differences in sensitivity to UV-B radiation can be related to experimental conditions, and care should be taken to ensure that the quantity and quality of background solar radiation remains at near ambient conditions. Nevertheless, by integrating current and past studies on the impact of UV-B radiation on tropical species, I hope to be able to demonstrate that photosynthesis, morphology and growth in tropical plants could be directly affected by UV-B radiation and that UV-B radiation may be a factor in species and community dynamics in natural plant populations in the tropics

  16. On the response of the tropical atmosphere to large-scale deforestation (United States)

    Eltahir, E. A. B.; Bras, R. L.


    Recent studies on the Amazon deforestation problem predict that removal of the forest will result in a higher surface temperature, a significant reduction in evaporation and precipitation, and possibly significant changes in the tropical circulation. Here, we discuss the basic mechanisms contributing to the response of the tropical atmosphere to deforestation. A simple linear model of the tropical atmosphere is used in studying the effects of deforestation on climate. It is suggested that the impact of large-scale deforestation on the circulation of the tropical atmosphere consists of two components: the response of the tropical circulation to the negative change in precipitation (heating), and the response of the same circulation to the positive change in surface temperature. Owing to their different signs, the changes in predicted temperature and precipitation excite competing responses working in opposite directions. The predicted change in tropical circulation determines the change, if any, in atmospheric moisture convergence, which is equivalent to the change in run-off. The dependence of run-off predictions on the relative magnitudes of the predicted changes in precipitation and surface temperature implies that the predictions about run-off are highly sensitive, which explains, at least partly, the disagreement between the different models concerning the sign of the predicted change in Amazonian run-off.

  17. Imported tropical neuroinfections: practice skills and knowledge among nurses and nursing students. (United States)

    Rajoo, Maheswaari; Sulicova, Andrea; Mroskova, Slavka; Supinova, Maria; Plackova, Anna; Bystra, Martina; Baranova, Lenka; Grezdova, Iveta; Santova, Tatiana; Janakova, Maria; Simova, Zuzana; Cinova, Jana; Cibrikova, Silvia; Decsiova, Zuzana; Lengyelova, Anna; Hlinovska, Jana; Rovna, Silvia; Igazova, Maria; Nadova, Monika; Rakova, Jana; Lehotska, Maria; Moraucikova, Eva; Mizenkova, Ludmila; Novotna, Zuzana; Paukova, Luba; Semjonova, Alexandra; Schlosserova, Alena; Vicanova, Michaela; Balkova, Hilda; Banasova, Vlasta; Horanska, Valeria; Hudakova, Pavlina; Hudakova, Anna; Majernikova, Ludmila; Poliakova, Nikoleta; Suchanova, Renata; Tirpakova, Libusa; Perinova, Nadezda; Vatehova, Drahormira; Komanicky, Dusan; Koudelkova, Vlasta; Capska, Jana; Maskalikova, Tatiana; Hulkova, Vlasta; Treslova, Marie


    Tropical neuroinfections are still cause of substantial mortality in travelers. Therefore, good knowledge of early symptoms is very important for nurses acting as first contact persons. Nurse's practical skills and knowledge of signs and early recognition of tropical neuroinfections, providing first aid and quick action has been studied among graduates of two Tropical Nursing PhD programs (in EU-Countries vs. tropical country) using a standardized questionnaire. Statistical package EPI info was used to determine potential differences between both groups of graduates. Acceptable knowledge on early symptoms and signs of cerebral malaria and meningococcal meningitis in returning travelers was found among 121 graduates of two PhD programs who were included in the study. Of these, 99 questionnaires were filled in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany and another 22 were filled in Malaysia, as a part of the Tropical Nursing PhD Study Programs. Nursing students and recent graduates in two PhD programs demonstrated acceptable, although not large-scaled, knowledge of early signs and symptoms of tropical neuroinfections.

  18. Interannual-to-decadal air-sea interactions in the tropical Atlantic region (United States)

    Ruiz-Barradas, Alfredo


    The present research identifies modes of atmosphere-ocean interaction in the tropical Atlantic region and the mechanisms by which air-sea interactions influence the regional climate. Novelties of the present work are (1)the use of relevant ocean and atmosphere variables important to identity coupled variability in the system. (2)The use of new data sets, including realistic diabatic heating. (3)The study of interactions between ocean and atmosphere relevant at interannual-to-decadal time scales. Two tropical modes of variability are identified during the period 1958-1993, the Atlantic Niño mode and the Interhemispheric mode. Those modes have defined structures in both ocean and atmosphere. Anomalous sea surface temperatures and winds are associated to anomalous placement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). They develop maximum amplitude during boreal summer and spring, respectively. The anomalous positioning of the ITCZ produces anomalous precipitation in some places like Nordeste, Brazil and the Caribbean region. Through the use of a diagnostic primitive equation model, it is found that the most important terms controlling local anomalous surface winds over the ocean are boundary layer temperature gradients and diabatic heating anomalies at low levels (below 780 mb). The latter is of particular importance in the deep tropics in producing the anomalous meridional response to the surface circulation. Simulated latent heat anomalies indicate that a thermodynamic feedback establishes positive feedbacks at both sides of the equator and west of 20°W in the deep tropics and a negative feedback in front of the north west coast of Africa for the Interhemispheric mode. This thermodynamic feedback only establishes negative feedbacks for the Atlantic Niño mode. Transients establish some connection between the tropical Atlantic and other basins. Interhemispheric gradients of surface temperature in the tropical Atlantic influence winds in the midlatitude North

  19. A New Coupled Ocean-Waves-Atmosphere Model Designed for Tropical Storm Studies: Example of Tropical Cyclone Bejisa (2013-2014) in the South-West Indian Ocean (United States)

    Pianezze, J.; Barthe, C.; Bielli, S.; Tulet, P.; Jullien, S.; Cambon, G.; Bousquet, O.; Claeys, M.; Cordier, E.


    Ocean-Waves-Atmosphere (OWA) exchanges are not well represented in current Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems, which can lead to large uncertainties in tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasts. In order to explore and better understand the impact of OWA interactions on tropical cyclone modeling, a fully coupled OWA system based on the atmospheric model Meso-NH, the oceanic model CROCO, and the wave model WW3 and called MSWC was designed and applied to the case of tropical cyclone Bejisa (2013-2014). The fully coupled OWA simulation shows good agreement with the literature and available observations. In particular, simulated significant wave height is within 30 cm of measurements made with buoys and altimeters. Short-term (right place (in the eyewall of the tropical cyclone) and with the right size distribution, which is critical for cloud microphysics.



    Nunes, Denise Silva; UFSM; Tybusch, Jerônimo Siqueira; UFSM


    O bioimperialismo configura-se como uma característica da geopolítica da atualidade, com alicerces nas estruturas da globalização e do capitalismo. Nesse contexto, a problemática da pesquisa consiste na violação dos direitos dos povos locais e a exploração do meio ambiente, em que o atual sistema internacional de propriedade intelectual contribui para a biopirataria dos recursos naturais, por meio da infiltração, em áreas ricas em diversidade biológica, das grandes corporações, multinacionais...

  1. Potencial de água no solo e na folha da videira "Sugraone" sob déficit hídrico Soil and leaf water potential of "Sugraone" grape under water deficit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lígia B. Marinho


    Full Text Available Propôs-se com este estudo conhecer a variação do potencial da água no solo e na folha da videira "Superior Seedless", tal como o crescimento da baga da uva sob diferentes condições de irrigação na fase de maturação da uva, na Fazenda Agrobrás Tropical do Brasil S/A, em Casa Nova, BA, em outubro de 2007. A videira foi irrigada nas épocas 21, 13 e 5 dias antes da colheita, com lâminas de 100, 50 e 0% da evapotranspiração da cultura e um tratamento adicional ("manejo do produtor". O potencial da água na folha e no solo foi aferido com a câmara de pressão e tensiômetros, respectivamente. O potencial da água da folha variou de -0,95 a -1,80 MPa, ao meio- dia e de -0,10 a -0,27 MPa, ao alvorecer. O potencial mátrico da água do solo atingiu valores de -5 a -79,5 kPa para os tratamentos menos e mais deficitários. O potencial da água na folha ao meio-dia sugere que, em alguns dias, o parreiral se encontrava sob estresse moderado e, em outros, sob estresse severo, independendo dos tratamentos de déficit hídrico. Ao alvorecer, o potencial indicou que as videiras estavam sob estresse suave ou em condições adequadas de manejo de água, mesmo a potencial matricial do solo elevado, em que não houve redução significativa no crescimento das bagas das uvas.This study aimed to measure the variation of soil and leaf water potential in the Sugraone (Superior Seedless grape, as well as the berry growth, under different irrigation conditions in the Fazenda Agrobrás Tropical do Brazil S/A, in Casa Nova, BA, in October, 2007 during maturation stage. The Superior Seedless cultivar was irrigated at 21, 13 e 5 days before harvest with water depths of 100, 50 e 0% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc and an additional treatment consisting of the farmer management. The results of leaf water potential using a pressure chamber and the respective soil matric potential from tensiometric readings are shown. Measurements of leaf water potential reached

  2. A dignidade da pessoa humana na doutrina social da igreja

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    Manzone, Gianni


    Full Text Available O texto faz uma análise panorâmica sobre a compreensão da dignidade humana nos diversos textos da Doutrina Social da Igreja, mostrando o entendimento da mesma nos diversos documentos dos Papas, notadamente Leão XII, Pio XI, Pio XII e João Paulo II, além de apontar aspectos históricos e culturais que influenciaram cada pronunciamento, o que foi determinante para a evolução do pensamento do Magistério na questão social. O ponto de partida é a visão antropológica da Doutrina Social da Igreja, resumida em termos de “homem criado por Deus a sua imagem e resgatado pelo sangue de Jesus Cristo” (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 29. A partir daí, há a defesa do primado do ser humano sobre o social e reivindicações totalitaristas que perpassaram a história recente da humanidade, embora a pessoa seja sempre um ser-em-relação e situado em uma sociedade determinada

  3. Comprehensive overview of FPL field testing conducted in the tropics (1945-2005) (United States)

    Grant T. Kirker; Stan L. Lebow; Mark E. Mankowski


    Tropical exposure often represents a more severe environment for treated wood and wood based products. Accelerated tropical decay rates are typically attributed to higher mean rainfall and temperatures. The Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, WI has been conducting tropical field tests in a variety of locations since the early 1940’s. This paper summarizes FPL...

  4. Regional impacts of ocean color on tropical Pacific variability (United States)

    Anderson, W.; Gnanadesikan, A.; Wittenberg, A.


    The role of the penetration length scale of shortwave radiation into the surface ocean and its impact on tropical Pacific variability is investigated with a fully coupled ocean, atmosphere, land and ice model. Previous work has shown that removal of all ocean color results in a system that tends strongly towards an El Niño state. Results from a suite of surface chlorophyll perturbation experiments show that the mean state and variability of the tropical Pacific is highly sensitive to the concentration and distribution of ocean chlorophyll. Setting the near-oligotrophic regions to contain optically pure water warms the mean state and suppresses variability in the western tropical Pacific. Doing the same above the shadow zones of the tropical Pacific also warms the mean state but enhances the variability. It is shown that increasing penetration can both deepen the pycnocline (which tends to damp El Niño) while shifting the mean circulation so that the wind response to temperature changes is altered. Depending on what region is involved this change in the wind stress can either strengthen or weaken ENSO variability.

  5. Fungal and Oomycete Diseases of Tropical Tree Fruit Crops. (United States)

    Drenth, André; Guest, David I


    The tropics produce a range of fruit from tree crops that cannot be grown in colder climates. Bananas, mangos, several nuts, spices, coffee, and cacao are widely traded and much sought after around the world. However, the sustainable production of these tropical tree fruit crops faces significant challenges. Among these, losses due to pests and diseases play a large part in reducing yields, quality, and profitability. Using bananas and cacao as key examples, we outline some of the reasons fungal and oomycete diseases cause such significant losses to tropical tree crops. Cultivation of monocultures derived from limited genetic diversity, environmental conditions conducive for disease development, high levels of disease incidence and severity, a lack of disease resistance in planting materials, shortages of labor, and inadequate infrastructure and investment pose significant challenges, especially for smallholder producers. The expansion of travel and trade has given rise to emerging infectious plant diseases that add further insecurity and pressure. We conclude that holistic actions are needed on multiple fronts to address the growing problem of disease in tropical fruit tree crops.

  6. Classic Maya civilization collapse associated with reduction in tropical cyclone activity (United States)

    Medina, M. A.; Polanco-Martinez, J. M.; Lases-Hernández, F.; Bradley, R. S.; Burns, S. J.


    In light of the increased destructiveness of tropical cyclones observed over recent decades one might assume that an increase and not a decrease in tropical cyclone activity would lead to societal stress and perhaps collapse of ancient cultures. In this study we present evidence that a reduction in the frequency and intensity of tropical Atlantic cyclones could have contributed to the collapse of the Maya civilization during the Terminal Classic Period (TCP, AD. 800-950). Statistical comparisons of a quantitative precipitation record from the Yucatan Peninsula (YP) Maya lowlands, based on the stalagmite known as Chaac (after the Mayan God of rain and agriculture), relative to environmental proxy records of El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs), and tropical Atlantic cyclone counts, suggest that these records share significant coherent variability during the TCP and that summer rainfall reductions between 30 and 50% in the Maya lowlands occurred in association with decreased Atlantic tropical cyclones. Analysis of modern instrumental hydrological data suggests cyclone rainfall contributions to the YP equivalent to the range of rainfall deficits associated with decreased tropical cyclone activity during the collapse of the Maya civilization. Cyclone driven precipitation variability during the TCP, implies that climate change may have triggered Maya civilization collapse via freshwater scarcity for domestic use without significant detriment to agriculture. Pyramid in Tikal, the most prominent Maya Kingdom that collapsed during the Terminal Classic Period (circa C.E. 800-950) Rainfall feeding stalagmites inside Rio Secreto cave system, Yucatan, Mexico.

  7. Towards a Statistical Model of Tropical Cyclone Genesis (United States)

    Fernandez, A.; Kashinath, K.; McAuliffe, J.; Prabhat, M.; Stark, P. B.; Wehner, M. F.


    Tropical Cyclones (TCs) are important extreme weather phenomena that have a strong impact on humans. TC forecasts are largely based on global numerical models that produce TC-like features. Aspects of Tropical Cyclones such as their formation/genesis, evolution, intensification and dissipation over land are important and challenging problems in climate science. This study investigates the environmental conditions associated with Tropical Cyclone Genesis (TCG) by testing how accurately a statistical model can predict TCG in the CAM5.1 climate model. TCG events are defined using TECA software @inproceedings{Prabhat2015teca, title={TECA: Petascale Pattern Recognition for Climate Science}, author={Prabhat and Byna, Surendra and Vishwanath, Venkatram and Dart, Eli and Wehner, Michael and Collins, William D}, booktitle={Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns}, pages={426-436}, year={2015}, organization={Springer}} to extract TC trajectories from CAM5.1. L1-regularized logistic regression (L1LR) is applied to the CAM5.1 output. The predictions have nearly perfect accuracy for data not associated with TC tracks and high accuracy differentiating between high vorticity and low vorticity systems. The model's active variables largely correspond to current hypotheses about important factors for TCG, such as wind field patterns and local pressure minima, and suggests new routes for investigation. Furthermore, our model's predictions of TC activity are competitive with the output of an instantaneous version of Emanuel and Nolan's Genesis Potential Index (GPI) @inproceedings{eman04, title = "Tropical cyclone activity and the global climate system", author = "Kerry Emanuel and Nolan, {David S.}", year = "2004", pages = "240-241", booktitle = "26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology"}.

  8. Tropical forest policies for the global climate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Groot, W.T.; Kamminga, E.M.


    A summary is given of the approach and findings of the NRP project 'Local Actors and Global Tree Cover Policies'. The aim of this project was to identify the most effective and efficient options for global climate policies focusing on the tropical forest. Tropical deforestation is a process with very complex and variable causes. In the project's conclusions, therefore, much care has been given to arrive at a coherent image of what really counts most in the myriad of factors, actors, policy levels and policy options. 5 refs

  9. As causas imediatas do crescimento da renda, da redução da desigualdade e da queda da extrema pobreza na Bahia, no Nordeste e no Brasil entre 2003 e 2011


    de Souza, Pedro H. G. F.


    O objetivo deste trabalho é explicar as causas imediatas do crescimento da renda domiciliar per capita, da redução da desigualdade e da queda da extrema pobreza para cinco recortes geográficos – Brasil, Nordeste, Bahia, Região Metropolitana (RM) de Salvador e Bahia não metropolitana – durante o período recente de crescimento pró-pobre (2003-2011). Com base em decomposições dinâmicas dos três aspectos, este texto procura verificar se as mudanças dos últimos anos seguem ou não um mesmo padrão g...

  10. Evapotranspiração da cultura da cebola

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    G. M. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A determinação da quantidade de água necessária para as culturas é um dos principais fatores para o correto planejamento, dimensionamento e manejo de qualquer sistema de irrigação. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, comparar medida da evapotranspiração da cultura (ETc da cebola com estimativa obtida a partir da evapotranspiração de referência (ETo determinada por diferentes métodos e Kc proposto na literatura. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental do Departamento de Tecnologia e Ciências Sociais da Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, em Juazeiro, no período de junho a setembro de 2011. As medidas da ETc foram obtidas em evapotranspirômetros e as estimativas, a partir de ETo determinada pelos métodos: Penman-Monteith (padrão FAO, Penman-Monteith modificado por Villa Nova et al. (2004, Hargreaves & Samani, Makkink e Jensen & Haise e Kc proposto por Marouelli et al. (2005, para a cultura da cebola. É fundamental a avaliação de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência antes de sua aplicação, pois erros consideráveis podem ser cometidos na determinação da quantidade de água a ser aplicada a uma cultura, o que repercutirá certamente, na produtividade.Evapotranspiration crop onionAbstract: The determination of the amount of water needed for crops is a major factor for the correct planning, sizing and management of any irrigation system. This study aimed to compare measure of crop evapotranspiration (ETc onion with estimates obtained from the reference evapotranspiration (ETo determined by different methods and Kc proposed in the literature. The experiment was conducted in the experimental field of the Department of Technology and Social Sciences, University of the State of Bahia, in Juazeiro, from June to September 2011. The ETc measurements were obtained in evapotranspirometers and estimates, from ETo determined by the methods: Penman-Monteith (FAO standard, Penman-Monteith modified

  11. Contribution of Tropical Cyclones to the North Pacific Climatological Rainfall as Observed from Satellites. (United States)

    Rodgers, Edward B.; Adler, Robert F.; Pierce, Harold F.


    Tropical cyclone monthly rainfall amounts are estimated from passive microwave satellite observations for an 11-yr period. These satellite-derived rainfall amounts are used to assess the impact of tropical cyclone rainfall in altering the geographical, seasonal, and interannual distribution of the North Pacific Ocean total rainfall during June-November when tropical cyclones are most important.To estimate these tropical cyclone rainfall amounts, mean monthly rain rates are derived from passive microwave satellite observations within 444-km radius of the center of those North Pacific tropical cyclones that reached storm stage and greater. These rain-rate observations are converted to monthly rainfall amounts and then compared with those for nontropical cyclone systems.The main results of this study indicate that 1) tropical cyclones contribute 7% of the rainfall to the entire domain of the North Pacific during the tropical cyclone season and 12%, 3%, and 4% when the study area is limited to, respectively, the western, central, and eastern third of the ocean; 2) the maximum tropical cyclone rainfall is poleward (5°-10° latitude depending on longitude) of the maximum nontropical cyclone rainfall; 3) tropical cyclones contribute a maximum of 30% northeast of the Philippine Islands and 40% off the lower Baja California coast; 4) in the western North Pacific, the tropical cyclone rainfall lags the total rainfall by approximately two months and shows seasonal latitudinal variation following the Intertropical Convergence Zone; and 5) in general, tropical cyclone rainfall is enhanced during the El Niño years by warm SSTs in the eastern North Pacific and by the monsoon trough in the western and central North Pacific.

  12. Controls over foliar N:P ratios in tropical rain forests. (United States)

    Townsend, Alan R; Cleveland, Cory C; Asner, Gregory P; Bustamante, Mercedes M C


    Correlations between foliar nutrient concentrations and soil nutrient availability have been found in multiple ecosystems. These relationships have led to the use of foliar nutrients as an index of nutrient status and to the prediction of broadscale patterns in ecosystem processes. More recently, a growing interest in ecological stoichiometry has fueled multiple analyses of foliar nitrogen:phosphorus (N:P) ratios within and across ecosystems. These studies have observed that N:P values are generally elevated in tropical forests when compared to higher latitude ecosystems, adding weight to a common belief that tropical forests are generally N rich and P poor. However, while these broad generalizations may have merit, their simplicity masks the enormous environmental heterogeneity that exists within the tropics; such variation includes large ranges in soil fertility and climate, as well as the highest plant species diversity of any biome. Here we present original data on foliar N and P concentrations from 150 mature canopy tree species in Costa Rica and Brazil, and combine those data with a comprehensive new literature synthesis to explore the major sources of variation in foliar N:P values within the tropics. We found no relationship between N:P ratios and either latitude or mean annual precipitation within the tropics alone. There is, however, evidence of seasonal controls; in our Costa Rica sites, foliar N:P values differed by 25% between wet and dry seasons. The N:P ratios do vary with soil P availability and/or soil order, but there is substantial overlap across coarse divisions in soil type, and perhaps the most striking feature of the data set is variation at the species level. Taken as a whole, our results imply that the dominant influence on foliar N:P ratios in the tropics is species variability and that, unlike marine systems and perhaps many other terrestrial biomes, the N:P stoichiometry of tropical forests is not well constrained. Thus any use of N

  13. Coordenadas epistemológicas de la medicina tropical

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    Caponi Sandra


    Full Text Available Para intentar comprender la novedad, en términos teóricos y epistemológicos, representada por la emergencia de la medicina tropical analizamos aquí dos modelos de investigación representados por los institutos Pasteur de ultramar y The London School of Tropical Medecine. Pretendemos saber qué argumentos y conceptos entran en juego en sus discursos; de qué modo son construidos sus protocolos de investigación; en qué se diferencian y en qué se aproximan estos protocolos, conceptos y argumentos; en fin, si es posible hablar de novedad epistemológica, o de inconmensurabilidad de la medicina tropical en relación a la medicina heredera de Pasteur y a la tradición médica ocupada con las enfermedades de climas tórridos.

  14. Weak simulated extratropical responses to complete tropical deforestation (United States)

    Findell, K.L.; Knutson, T.R.; Milly, P.C.D.


    The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory atmosphere-land model version 2 (AM2/LM2) coupled to a 50-m-thick slab ocean model has been used to investigate remote responses to tropical deforestation. Magnitudes and significance of differences between a control run and a deforested run are assessed through comparisons of 50-yr time series, accounting for autocorrelation and field significance. Complete conversion of the broadleaf evergreen forests of South America, central Africa, and the islands of Oceania to grasslands leads to highly significant local responses. In addition, a broad but mild warming is seen throughout the tropical troposphere (deforested run and the control run are similar in magnitude and area to the differences between nonoverlapping segments of the control run. These simulations suggest that extratropical responses to complete tropical deforestation are unlikely to be distinguishable from natural climate variability.

  15. Sea level variability in the eastern tropical Pacific as observed by TOPEX and Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean Experiment (United States)

    Giese, Benjamin S.; Carton, James A.; Holl, Lydia J.


    Sea surface height measurements from the TOPEX altimeter and dynamic height from Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean (TOGA TAO) moorings are used to explore sea level variability in the northeastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Afetr the annual harmonic is removed, there are two distinct bands of variability: one band is centered at 5 deg N to 7 deg N and extends from 165 deg W to 110 deg W, and the other band is centered at 10 deg N to 12 deg N and extends from 120 deg W to the coast of Central America. The correspondence between the two independent observation data sets at 5 deg N is excellent with correlations of about 90%. The variability at 5 deg-7 deg N is identified as instability waves formed just south of the North Equatorial Countercurrent during the months of July and March. Wave amplitudes are largest in the range of longitudes 160 deg-140 deg W, where they can exceed 10 cm. The waves disappear when the equatorial current system weakens, during the months of March and May. The variability at 11 deg N in 1993 has the form of anticyclone eddies. These eddies propagate westward at a speed of about 17 cm/s, consistent with the dispersion characteristics of free Rossby waves. The eddies are shown to have their origin near the coast of central America during northern fall and winter. Their formation seems to result from intense wind bursts across the Gulfs of Tehuantepec and Papagayo which generate strong anticyclonic ocean eddies. The disappearance of the eddies in the summer of 1993 coincidences with the seasonal intensification of equatorial currents. Thus the variability at 11 deg N has very little overlap in time with the variability at 5 deg N.

  16. Interannual variability of the tropical Indian Ocean mixed layer depth

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Keerthi, M.G.; Lengaigne, M.; Vialard, J.; Montegut, C.deB.; Muraleedharan, P.M.

    , shoaling the MLD (Masson et al. 2002, Qu and Meyers 2005, Du et al. 2005). The seasonal cycle in the southern tropical Indian Ocean has been less 3 investigated. Seasonal shoaling and deepening of the mixed layer in the south-western Tropical Indian...

  17. Multi-Scale Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Predictability (United States)

    Doyle, J. D.; Moskaitis, J.; Black, P. G.; Hendricks, E. A.; Reinecke, A.; Amerault, C. M.


    The intensification of tropical cyclones (TCs) may be sensitive to aspects of large-scale forcing, as well as internal mesoscale dynamics. In this presentation, the degree to which tropical cyclone intensity and structure is sensitive to small perturbations to the basic properties of the synoptic-scale environment, as well as in the immediate vicinity of the storm, is explored using both adjoint- and ensemble-based approaches. In particular, we explore the relationship between tropical cyclone intensity changes and upper-level outflow. We make use of observations from two recent field campaigns: i) the NASA Hurricane and Severe Storms Sentinel (HS3), which featured two fully instrumented Global Hawk unmanned aerial systems, and ii) the ONR Tropical Cyclone Intensity (TCI-14) experiment that utilized the NASA WB-57. We make use of the Navy's high-resolution tropical cyclone prediction system COAMPS-TC to provide ensemble forecasts, numerical experiments with and without the assimilation of specific observation types (e.g., satellite, dropsondes, high-frequency radiosonde), as well as mesoscale nested adjoint sensitivity and observation impact calculations, all of which provide insight into the initial state sensitivity and predictability issues. We assess the impact of observations in sensitive regions in the TC environment (including outflow regions away from the TC inner core) on predictions of TC intensity and structure. Overall the results underscore the importance of multiple scales that influence the predictability of TC intensification. During HS3, the assimilation of Global Hawk dropsondes has been shown to reduce the maximum wind error from 15 knots to less than 10 knots at 48 h for Hurricane Nadine (2012). In this particular case, the adjoint model shows strong sensitivity in the TC outflow near the entrance region of an upper-level jet. The impact of dropsondes from data denial experiments and adjoint-based observation impact calculations will be

  18. Response of tropical peat swamp forest tree species seedlings to macro nutrients

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    Tri Wira Yuwati


    Full Text Available Abstract Efforts of restoration of degraded tropical peat swamp forest were facing constraints due to the low available nutrient level of peat. The transplanted peat swamp forest species seedlings experienced low survival rate and poor growth performance. This study aimed to demonstrate the response of ten tropical peat swamp forest species seedlings whether climax and pioneer species to macro-nutrients addition in the nursery. The growth performance of climax and pioneer tropical peat swamp species seedlings was recorded following addition of macro nutrients of Nitrogen (N, Phosphorus(P, Potassium(K and Dolomitic limestone (CaMg. The result showed that Alstonia spatulata and Parartocarpus venenosus showed positive growth response following macro nutrients addition. This study concluded that tropical peat swamp pioneer species has lower necessity for macro-nutrients addition than tropical peat swamp climax species.

  19. Cutover tropical forest productivity potential merits assessment, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Frank H. Wadsworth; Brynne Bryan; Julio Figueroa-Colón


    Timber extraction continues to add to vast cutover tropical forests. They are unattractive economically because of the loss of merchantable timber and the long delay foreseen for recovery. Despite this, wood in cutover tropical forests is in line to become more marketable as demand continues and old-growth forests become less accessible. In a cutover forest in Puerto...

  20. Orbital Forcing driving climate variability on Tropical South Atlantic (United States)

    Oliveira, A. S.; Baker, P. A.; Silva, C. G.; Dwyer, G. S.; Chiessi, C. M.; Rigsby, C. A.; Ferreira, F.


    Past research on climate response to orbital forcing in tropical South America has emphasized on high precession cycles influencing low latitude hydrologic cycles, and driving the meridional migration of Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ).However, marine proxy records from the tropical Pacific Ocean showed a strong 41-ka periodicities in Pleistocene seawater temperature and productivity related to fluctuations in Earth's obliquity. It Indicates that the western Pacific ITCZ migration was influenced by combined precession and obliquity changes. To reconstruct different climate regimes over the continent and understand the orbital cycle forcing over Tropical South America climate, hydrological reconstruction have been undertaken on sediment cores located on the Brazilian continental slope, representing the past 1.6 million years. Core CDH 79 site is located on a 2345 m deep seamount on the northern Brazilian continental slope (00° 39.6853' N, 44° 20.7723' W), 320 km from modern coastline of the Maranhão Gulf. High-resolution XRF analyses of Fe, Ti, K and Ca are used to define the changes in precipitation and sedimentary input history of Tropical South America. The response of the hydrology cycle to orbital forcing was studied using spectral analysis.The 1600 ka records of dry/wet conditions presented here indicates that orbital time-scale climate change has been a dominant feature of tropical climate. We conclude that the observed oscillation reflects variability in the ITCZ activity associated with the Earth's tilt. The prevalence of the eccentricity and obliquity signals in continental hydrology proxies (Ti/Ca and Fe/K) as implicated in our precipitation records, highlights that these orbital forcings play an important role in tropics hydrologic cycles. Throughout the Quaternary abrupt shifts of tropical variability are temporally correlated with abrupt climate changes and atmospheric reorganization during Mid-Pleistocene Transition and Mid-Brunhes Events

  1. CMS: Estimated Deforested Area Biomass, Tropical America, Africa, and Asia, 2000 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set provides estimates of pre-deforestation aboveground live woody biomass (AGLB) at 30-m resolution for deforested areas of tropical America, tropical...

  2. Tropical crops as a basic source of food

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, J.E.G.


    A study is made of the potential that exists for food production in the Latin American tropics, and ways in which this could improve and diversify nutritional patterns in other ecological regions. Crops which could become more important include roots and tubers, varieties of beans, fruits, nuts and vegetables. Tropical crops such as sugar cane and cassava could also be used as renewable sources of energy, to replace conventional non-renewable fuels.

  3. Tropic Testing of Vehicles (United States)


    kilometer track running through tropical forest. The track is a combination of a bauxite /dirt base with grades on the road up to 20 percent and log...bridges crossing 11 creeks. The track site is located in a private concession used mainly for gold mining ; however, logging operations are active in the

  4. Which statistics should tropical biologists learn?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Loaiza Velásquez


    Full Text Available Tropical biologists study the richest and most endangered biodiversity in the planet, and in these times of climate change and mega-extinctions, the need for efficient, good quality research is more pressing than in the past. However, the statistical component in research published by tropical authors sometimes suffers from poor quality in data collection; mediocre or bad experimental design and a rigid and outdated view of data analysis. To suggest improvements in their statistical education, we listed all the statistical tests and other quantitative analyses used in two leading tropical journals, the Revista de Biología Tropical and Biotropica, during a year. The 12 most frequent tests in the articles were: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA, Chi-Square Test, Student’s T Test, Linear Regression, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Shannon’s Diversity Index, Tukey’s Test, Cluster Analysis, Spearman’s Rank Correlation Test and Principal Component Analysis. We conclude that statistical education for tropical biologists must abandon the old syllabus based on the mathematical side of statistics and concentrate on the correct selection of these and other procedures and tests, on their biological interpretation and on the use of reliable and friendly freeware. We think that their time will be better spent understanding and protecting tropical ecosystems than trying to learn the mathematical foundations of statistics: in most cases, a well designed one-semester course should be enough for their basic requirements. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (3: 983-992. Epub 2011 September 01.Los biólogos tropicales estudian la biodiversidad más rica y amenazada del planeta, y en estos tiempos de cambio climático y mega-extinción, la necesidad de investigación de buena calidad es más acuciante que en el pasado. Sin embargo, el componente estadístico en la investigación publicada por los autores tropicales adolece a veces

  5. 76 FR 27861 - Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG... (United States)


    ... Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG Airplanes... on Diamond aeroplanes, the majority of which were DA 40. In additional, at least 18 doors have been... conditions) while the aeroplane was parked. All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that...

  6. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Journal Home · ABOUT THIS JOURNAL · Advanced Search · Current Issue · Archives · Journal Home > Vol 12, No 6 (2013) >. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  7. Role of tropical Indian and Atlantic Oceans variability on ENSO (United States)

    Prodhomme, Chloé; Terray, Pascal; Masson, Sebastien; Boschat, Ghyslaine


    There are strong evidences of an interaction between tropical Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Nevertheless, these interactions remain deeply controversial. While some authors claim the tropical Indian and Atlantic oceans only play a passive role with respect to ENSO, others suggest a driving role for these two basins on ENSO. The mecanisms underlying these relations are not fully understood and, in the Indian Ocean, the possible role of both modes of tropical variability (the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and the Indian Ocean Basin mode (IOB)) remain unclear. To better quantify and understand how the variability of the tropical Indian and Atlantic Oceans impact ENSO variability, we performed two sensitivity experiments using the SINTEX-F2 coupled model. For each experiment, we suppressed the variability of SST and the air-sea coupling in either the tropical Indian Ocean or tropical Atlantic Ocean by applying a strong nudging of the SST to the observed SST climatology. In both experiments, the ENSO periodicity increases. In the Atlantic experiment, our understanding of this increased periodicity is drastically limited by the strongly biased mean state in this region. Conversely, in the Indian Ocean experiment, the increase of ENSO periodicity is related to the absence of the IOB following the El Niño peak, which leads to a decrease of westerly winds in the western Pacific during late winter and spring after the peak. These weaker westerlies hinders the transition to a La Niña phase and thus increase the duration and periodicity of the event.

  8. Sustainable Ecosystem Services Framework for Tropical Catchment Management: A Review

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    N. Zafirah


    Full Text Available The monsoon season is a natural phenomenon that occurs over the Asian continent, bringing extra precipitation which causes significant impact on most tropical watersheds. The tropical region’s countries are rich with natural rainforests and the economies of the countries situated within the region are mainly driven by the agricultural industry. In order to fulfill the agricultural demand, land clearing has worsened the situation by degrading the land surface areas. Rampant land use activities have led to land degradation and soil erosion, resulting in implications on water quality and sedimentation of the river networks. This affects the ecosystem services, especially the hydrological cycles. Intensification of the sedimentation process has resulted in shallower river systems, thus increasing their vulnerability to natural hazards (i.e., climate change, floods. Tropical forests which are essential in servicing their benefits have been depleted due to the increase in human exploitation. This paper provides an overview of the impact of land erosion caused by land use activities within tropical rainforest catchments, which lead to massive sedimentation in tropical rivers, as well as the effects of monsoon on fragile watersheds which can result in catastrophic floods. Forest ecosystems are very important in giving services to regional biogeochemical processes. Balanced ecosystems therefore, play a significant role in servicing humanity and ultimately, may create a new way of environmental management in a cost-effective manner. Essentially, such an understanding will help stakeholders to come up with better strategies in restoring the ecosystem services of tropical watersheds.

  9. Spatial Distributions of Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes by Intensity and Size Characteristics


    Todd W. Moore; Nicholas J. Sokol; Robert A. Blume


    Tropical cyclones that make landfall often spawn tornadoes. Previous studies have shown that these tornadoes are not uniformly distributed in the United States or in the tropical cyclone environment. They show that tornadoes tend to occur relatively close to the coastline and that they tend to cluster to the east-of-center in the tropical cyclone environment, particularly in the northeast and east-of-center quadrants. This study contributes to these studies by analyzing the spatial distributi...

  10. No evidence that elevated CO2 gives tropical lianas an advantage over tropical trees. (United States)

    Marvin, David C; Winter, Klaus; Burnham, Robyn J; Schnitzer, Stefan A


    Recent studies indicate that lianas are increasing in size and abundance relative to trees in neotropical forests. As a result, forest dynamics and carbon balance may be altered through liana-induced suppression of tree growth and increases in tree mortality. Increasing atmospheric CO2 is hypothesized to be responsible for the increase in neotropical lianas, yet no study has directly compared the relative response of tropical lianas and trees to elevated CO2 . We explicitly tested whether tropical lianas had a larger response to elevated CO2 than co-occurring tropical trees and whether seasonal drought alters the response of either growth form. In two experiments conducted in central Panama, one spanning both wet and dry seasons and one restricted to the dry season, we grew liana (n = 12) and tree (n = 10) species in open-top growth chambers maintained at ambient or twice-ambient CO2 levels. Seedlings of eight individuals (four lianas, four trees) were grown in the ground in each chamber for at least 3 months during each season. We found that both liana and tree seedlings had a significant and positive response to elevated CO2 (in biomass, leaf area, leaf mass per area, and photosynthesis), but that the relative response to elevated CO2 for all variables was not significantly greater for lianas than trees regardless of the season. The lack of differences in the relative response between growth forms does not support the hypothesis that elevated CO2 is responsible for increasing liana size and abundance across the neotropics. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Influência da cobertura e do solo na composição florística do sub-bosque em uma floresta estacional semidecidual em Viçosa, MG, Brasil Cover and soil influence at understory of a Seasonal Tropical Forest, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    João Augusto Alves Meira-Neto


    Full Text Available A relação ecológica planta-luz tem sido estudada desde o início do século XX. As análises da relação da luminosidade ao nível das comunidades florestais têm se valido de medições indiretas por meio de índices de cobertura, mas sem a aplicação da fotogrametria para estimar essa cobertura. Este trabalho foi idealizado para utilizar fotogrametria do dossel, tornando-a aplicável ao estudo da luminosidade no sub-bosque herbáceo-arbustivo. Teve como objetivos estabelecer a relação existente entre espécies do estrato herbáceo-arbustivo e a cobertura do dossel e averiguar a existência de correlações entre espécies, luminosidade e variáveis pedológicas. Para tanto, foram tiradas fotografias em preto e branco nos períodos seco e chuvoso, em 100 (1 m×1 m parcelas aplicadas para a amostragem da vegetação herbácea. Foram colhidas amostras de solo em cada parcela. A partir dos valores médios das medidas de cobertura estimada pelas fotografias dos períodos seco e chuvoso calculou-se o valor médio de cobertura para cada espécie amostrada. Por meio do teste "t" student e da Análise de Correspondência Canônica foram determinadas as relações entre as espécies, a luminosidade e as variáveis pedológicas no estrato herbáceo-arbustivo. A cobertura não foi significativamente diferente nas épocas seca e na chuvosa. Apenas três espécies, Heisteria silviani, Calathea brasiliensis e Psychotria conjugens, tiveram médias de cobertura significativamente maiores que a média amostral e outras três, Olyra micrantha, Lacistema pubescens e Pteris denticulata, tiveram médias menores. As distribuições de parcelas pelos valores de cobertura, de tamanho de clareiras e pelo número de clareiras mostraram-se similares às distribuições encontradas na literatura para outras florestas tropicais e, portanto, o método da fotogrametria revelou-se adequado para a avaliação da cobertura. Verificou-se que os teores de cálcio, magn

  12. Ice Nucleation and Dehydration in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (United States)

    Jensen, Eric J.; Diskin, Glenn S.; Lawson, R Paul; Lance, Sara; Bui, Thaopaul Van; Hlavka, Dennis L.; Mcgill, Matthew J.; Pfister, Leonhard; Toon, Owen B.; Gao, Rushan


    Optically thin cirrus near the tropical tropopause regulate the humidity of air entering the stratosphere, which in turn has a strong influence on the Earth's radiation budget and climate. Recent highaltitude, unmanned aircraft measurements provide evidence for two distinct classes of cirrus formed in the tropical tropopause region: (i) vertically extensive cirrus with low ice number concentrations, low extinctions, and large supersaturations (up to approx. 70%) with respect to ice; and (ii) vertically thin cirrus layers with much higher ice concentrations that effectively deplete the vapor in excess of saturation. The persistent supersaturation in the former class of cirrus is consistent with the long time-scales (several hours or longer) for quenching of vapor in excess of saturation given the low ice concentrations and cold tropical tropopause temperatures. The low-concentration clouds are likely formed on a background population of insoluble particles with concentrations less than 100 L-1 (often less than 20 L-1), whereas the high ice concentration layers (with concentrations up to 10,000 L-1) can only be produced by homogeneous freezing of an abundant population of aqueous aerosols. These measurements, along with past high-altitude aircraft measurements, indicate that the low-concentration cirrus occur frequently in the tropical tropopause region, whereas the high-concentration cirrus occur infrequently. The predominance of the low-concentration clouds means cirrus near the tropical tropopause may typically allow entry of air into the stratosphere with as much as approx. 1.7 times the ice saturation mixing ratio.

  13. Temperatura letal de diferentes plantas frutíferas tropicais Freezing points of various tropical fruits

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    Paulo Cesar Sentelhas


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de conhecer melhor o efeito das baixas temperaturas sobre as frutíferas de clima tropical e possibilitar o desenvolvimento de novas variedades, mais tolerantes, simularam-se geadas em câmaras frigoríficas para a determinação da temperatura letal de diferentes plantas frutíferas tropicais. Os resultados permitiram classificar as espécies em três grupos: Grupo I - moderada tolerância (-4°C: condessa (Annona reticulata; goiaba (Psidium guajava; acerola (Malpighia glabra e abacate (Persea americana var. Geada; Grupo II - média tolerância (-5°C: conde (A. squamosa; araticum-mirim (Rollinea spp.; anona-do-brejo (A. glabra; falsa-gravioleira (A. montana; araticum-de-folha-miúda (R. ermaginata e maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa; Grupo III - acentuada tolerância (-6°C: cherimóia (A. cherimola.The effect of low temperature on tropical fruits was studied in order to guide future developments of frost resistant varieties. Simulations of frost were done in a freezing chamber to determine the freezing points of various fruit plants. On the basis of the results the studied species can be classified into three groups according to their tolerance to low temperatures: Group I - little tolerance (-4°C: Annona reticulata; Psidium guajava; Malpighia glabra and Persea americana (var. Geada; Group II - medium tolerance (-5°C: A. squamosa; Rollinea spp.; A. glabra; A. montana; R. ermaginata and Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa; Group III - high tolerance (-6°C: A. cherimola.

  14. Cycad diversification and tropical biodiversity

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    Rull, V.


    Full Text Available The recent unexpected discovery that living Cycadales are not Jurassic-Cretaceous (200– 65 Mya relicts, as all their extant genera began to diversify during the Late Miocene (12 Mya, has challenged a classical evolutionary myth. This brief note shows how this finding may also provide new clues on the shaping of the high tropical biodiversity

    El reciente e inesperado descubrimiento de que las Cycadales actuales no son relictos Jurásico-Cretácicos (200-65 Mya, ya que todos sus géneros iniciaron su diversificación durante el Mioceno Tardío (12 Mya, ha puesto en entredicho un mito evolutivo clásico. En esta nota se expone como este hallazgo puede, además, proporcionar nuevas pistas sobre el origen de la elevada biodiversidad tropical.

  15. Tropical Wetlands as Carbon Sinks (United States)

    Jones, M. B.; Saunders, M.


    This presentation focuses on the tropical wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. These are an understudied ecosystem in which large emergent grasses and sedges normally dominate and which have the potential to sequester significant amounts of carbon. Measurements of Net Primary Production of these wetlands show that they are some of the highest values recorded for any ecosystem. We have used eddy covariance to measure Net Ecosystem Exchange of pristine and disturbed wetlands and show that pristine systems can have sink strengths as strong as tropical forests while disturbed systems that have been reclaimed for agricultural purposes have a very much reduced carbon sink activity and may be net carbon sources. The management issues surrounding the use of these wetlands illustrate a direct conflict between the production of food crops for the local population and the maintenance of carbon sequestration as an ecosystem service.


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    Alfram Roberto Rodrigues de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Expõe-se o estado atual da disciplina Arquitetura da Informação quanto a problemática terminológica da definição do campo de estudo, apresentando-se argumentos para uma definição de Arquitetura da Informação de uma forma ampla na qual os usos correntes dessa expressão sejam vistos como especializações. Defende-se uma definição com a utilização de um conjunto de propriedades mínimas cujas interações levam a uma terminologia formal e cuja abstração leva a uma definição formal do conceito que emprega a linguagem de morfismos da Teoria das Categorias. Trata-se de um recorte de alguns dos resultados obtidos na tese de doutoramento de um dos autores, defendida em setembro de 2010. O contexto da pesquisa é exposto e alguns dos resultados obtidos são delineados.

  17. 76 FR 12627 - Airworthiness Directives; Diamond Aircraft Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG... (United States)


    ... Industries GmbH Models DA 42, DA 42 NG, and DA 42 M-NG Airplanes AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA... on Diamond aeroplanes, the majority of which were DA 40. In additional, at least 18 doors have been... conditions) while the aeroplane was parked. All DA 40 and DA 42 aeroplanes have a system installed that...

  18. Biogas energy production from tropical biomass wastes by anaerobic digestion (United States)

    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an attractive technology in tropical regions for converting locally abundant biomass wastes into biogas which can be used to produce heat, electricity, and transportation fuels. However, investigations on AD of tropical forestry wastes, such as albizia biomass, and food w...

  19. Damage-controlled logging in managed tropical rain forest in Suriname

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hendrison, J.


    Concern about worldwide deforestation and exploitation of the tropical rain forests has led to friction between national governments, wood industries and timber trade on the one hand, and scientists and environmental organizations on the other. One way to safeguard the tropical rain forests

  20. Modelling deep convection and its impacts on the tropical tropopause layer

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    J. S. Hosking


    Full Text Available The UK Met Office's Unified Model is used at a climate resolution (N216, ~0.83°×~0.56°, ~60 km to assess the impact of deep tropical convection on the structure of the tropical tropopause layer (TTL. We focus on the potential for rapid transport of short-lived ozone depleting species to the stratosphere by rapid convective uplift. The modelled horizontal structure of organised convection is shown to match closely with signatures found in the OLR satellite data. In the model, deep convective elevators rapidly lift air from 4–5 km up to 12–14 km. The influx of tropospheric air entering the TTL (11–12 km is similar for all tropical regions with most convection stopping below ~14 km. The tropical tropopause is coldest and driest between November and February, coinciding with the greatest upwelling over the tropical warm pool. As this deep convection is co-located with bromine-rich biogenic coastal emissions, this period and location could potentially be the preferential gateway for stratospheric bromine.

  1. CATIE: Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center. (United States)

    Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 2004


    This article features CATIE (Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza), a tropical agricultural research and higher education center. CATIE's mission is to be instrumental in poverty reduction and rural development in the American tropics, by promoting diversified and competitive agriculture and sustainable management of natural…

  2. A inclusão da subjetividade no ensino da Psicopatologia

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    Octavio Domont de Serpa Junior


    Full Text Available O estudo da Psicopatologia tem sido freqüentemente apresentado em sua dimensão descritiva. Apesar da relevância para o ensino - auxiliar o aluno a reconhecer a dimensão sintomatológica dos quadros psicopatológicos -, exclui a dimensão subjetiva da experiência do adoecimento e seus aspectos relacionais. Partindo da tradição antropológico-existencial, apresentamos uma experiência de ensino de Psicopatologia que considera tais dimensões relevantes para a compreensão do sofrimento mental. Trabalhando com estudo de caso descritivo, são apresentadas duas novas modalidades de práticas na disciplina Psicopatologia Especial I, oferecida para alunos do curso de Psicologia da UFRJ. A proposta é ampliar o ensino prático, tradicionalmente centrado no modelo da extensa entrevista clínica, realizada diante de um grande grupo de alunos que a tudo assistem passivamente. Pretendemos aproximar o ensino e a prática da Psicopatologia dos ideais da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira, que concebe o adoecimento mental como fenômeno complexo, envolvendo a relação do sujeito com o mundo.

  3. Tropical Journal of Health Sciences

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences (TJHS) is an international journal which ... of ideas to those engaged in work in the Health Sciences and related fields. The journal intends to publish high quality papers on original research, case ...

  4. Temperature variability over the tropical middle atmosphere

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    K. Mohanakumar


    Full Text Available A study on the variability of temperature in the tropical middle atmosphere over Thumba (8 32' N, 76 52' E, located at the southern part of India, has been carried out based on rocket observations for a period of 20 years, extending from 1970 to 1990. The rocketsonde-derived mean temperatures over Thumba are corrected prior to 1978 and then compared with the middle atmospheric reference model developed from satellite observations and Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME satellite data. Temperature variability at every 1 km interval in the 25-75 km region was analysed. The tropical stratosphere is found to be highly stable, whereas considerable variability is noted in the middle mesosphere. The effect of seasonal cycle is least in the lower stratosphere. Annual and semi-annual oscillations in temperature are the primary oscillations in the tropical middle atmosphere. Annual temperature oscillations are dominant in the mesosphere and semi-annual oscillations are strong in the stratosphere. The stratopause region is noted to be the part of the middle atmosphere least sensitive to the changes in solar activity and long-term variability.

  5. Application of the Marsupial Paradigm to Tropical Cyclone Formation from Northwestward-Propagating Disturbances (United States)

    Wang, Zhuo; Dunkerton, Timothy J.; Montgomery, Michael T.


    A wave-tracking algorithm is developed for northwestward-propagating waves that, on occasion, play a role in tropical cyclogenesis over the western oceans. To obtain the Lagrangian flow structure, the frame of reference is translated obliquely at the same propagation speed with the precursor disturbance. Trajectory analysis suggests that streamlines in the obliquely translated frame of reference can be used to approximate flow trajectories. The algorithm was applied to Super Typhoon Nakri (2008), Tropical Cyclone Erika (2009), and a few other examples. Diagnoses of meteorological analyses and satellite-derived moisture and precipitation fields show that the marsupial framework for tropical cyclogenesis in tropical easterly waves is relevant also for northwestward-propagating disturbances as are commonly observed in the tropical western Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the western North Pacific. Finally, it is suggested that analysis of the global model data and satellite observations in the marsupial framework can provide useful guidance on early tropical cyclone advisories.

  6. Large scale atmospheric tropical circulation changes and consequences during global warming

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gastineau, G.


    The changes of the tropical large scale circulation during climate change can have large impacts on human activities. In a first part, the meridional atmospheric tropical circulation was studied in the different coupled models. During climate change, we find, on the one hand, that the Hadley meridional circulation and the subtropical jet are significantly shifted poleward, and on the other hand, that the intensity of the tropical circulation weakens. The slow down of the atmospheric circulation results from the dry static stability changes affecting the tropical troposphere. Secondly, idealized simulations are used to explain the tropical circulation changes. Ensemble simulation using the model LMDZ4 are set up to study the results from the coupled model IPSLCM4. The weakening of the large scale tropical circulation and the poleward shift of the Hadley cells are explained by both the uniform change and the meridional gradient change of the sea surface temperature. Then, we used the atmospheric model LMDZ4 in an aqua-planet configuration. The Hadley circulation changes are explained in a simple framework by the required poleward energy transport. In a last part, we focus on the water vapor distribution and feedback in the climate models. The Hadley circulation changes were shown to have a significant impact on the water vapour feedback during climate change. (author)

  7. Autocorrelation descriptor improvements for QSAR: 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign (United States)

    Sliwoski, Gregory; Mendenhall, Jeffrey; Meiler, Jens


    Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is a branch of computer aided drug discovery that relates chemical structures to biological activity. Two well established and related QSAR descriptors are two- and three-dimensional autocorrelation (2DA and 3DA). These descriptors encode the relative position of atoms or atom properties by calculating the separation between atom pairs in terms of number of bonds (2DA) or Euclidean distance (3DA). The sums of all values computed for a given small molecule are collected in a histogram. Atom properties can be added with a coefficient that is the product of atom properties for each pair. This procedure can lead to information loss when signed atom properties are considered such as partial charge. For example, the product of two positive charges is indistinguishable from the product of two equivalent negative charges. In this paper, we present variations of 2DA and 3DA called 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign that avoid information loss by splitting unique sign pairs into individual histograms. We evaluate these variations with models trained on nine datasets spanning a range of drug target classes. Both 2DA_Sign and 3DA_Sign significantly increase model performance across all datasets when compared with traditional 2DA and 3DA. Lastly, we find that limiting 3DA_Sign to maximum atom pair distances of 6 Å instead of 12 Å further increases model performance, suggesting that conformational flexibility may hinder performance with longer 3DA descriptors. Consistent with this finding, limiting the number of bonds in 2DA_Sign from 11 to 5 fails to improve performance.

  8. Spatial patterns and recent trends in the climate of tropical rainforest regions. (United States)

    Malhi, Yadvinder; Wright, James


    We present an analysis of the mean climate and climatic trends of tropical rainforest regions over the period 1960-1998, with the aid of explicit maps of forest cover and climatological databases. Until the mid-1970s most regions showed little trend in temperature, and the western Amazon experienced a net cooling probably associated with an interdecadal oscillation. Since the mid-1970s, all tropical rainforest regions have experienced a strong warming at a mean rate of 0.26 +/- 0.05 degrees C per decade, in synchrony with a global rise in temperature that has been attributed to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. Over the study period, precipitation appears to have declined in tropical rainforest regions at a rate of 1.0 +/- 0.8% per decade (p Africa (at 3-4% per decade), declining marginally in tropical Asia and showing no significant trend in Amazonia. There is no evidence so far of a decline in precipitation in eastern Amazonia, a region thought vulnerable to climate-change-induced drying. The strong drying trend in Africa suggests that this should be a priority study region for understanding the impact of drought on tropical rainforests. We develop and use a dry-season index to study variations in the length and intensity of the dry season. Only African and Indian tropical rainforests appear to have seen a significant increase in dry-season intensity. In terms of interannual variability, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the primary driver of temperature variations across the tropics and of precipitation fluctuations for large areas of the Americas and southeast Asia. The relation between ENSO and tropical African precipitation appears less direct.

  9. Can carbon emissions from tropical deforestation drop by 50% in 5 years? (United States)

    Zarin, Daniel J; Harris, Nancy L; Baccini, Alessandro; Aksenov, Dmitry; Hansen, Matthew C; Azevedo-Ramos, Claudia; Azevedo, Tasso; Margono, Belinda A; Alencar, Ane C; Gabris, Chris; Allegretti, Adrienne; Potapov, Peter; Farina, Mary; Walker, Wayne S; Shevade, Varada S; Loboda, Tatiana V; Turubanova, Svetlana; Tyukavina, Alexandra


    Halving carbon emissions from tropical deforestation by 2020 could help bring the international community closer to the agreed goal of deforestation at 2.270 Gt CO2 yr(-1). Brazil did not sign the NYDF, yet from 2001 to 2013, Brazil ranks first for both carbon emissions from gross tropical deforestation and reductions in those emissions - its share of the total declined from a peak of 69% in 2003 to a low of 20% in 2012. Indonesia, an NYDF signatory, is the second highest emitter, peaking in 2012 at 0.362 Gt CO2 yr(-1) before declining to 0.205 Gt CO2 yr(-1) in 2013. The other 14 NYDF tropical country signatories were responsible for a combined average of 0.317 Gt CO2 yr(-1) , while the other 86 tropical country non-signatories were responsible for a combined average of 0.688 Gt CO2 yr(-1). We outline two scenarios for achieving the 50% emission reduction target by 2020, both emphasizing the critical role of Brazil and the need to reverse the trends of increasing carbon emissions from gross tropical deforestation in many other tropical countries that, from 2001 to 2013, have largely offset Brazil's reductions. Achieving the target will therefore be challenging, even though it is in the self-interest of the international community. Conserving rather than cutting down tropical forests requires shifting economic development away from a dependence on natural resource depletion toward recognition of the dependence of human societies on the natural capital that tropical forests represent and the goods and services they provide. © 2015 The Authors. Global Change Biology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada correlacionados com as perdas de solo de um luvissolo

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    A. W. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Foram estudadas as correlações lineares simples, múltiplas e não-lineares entre os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada e as perdas de solo provocadas por chuvas erosivas num Luvissolo. Os dados correspondentes ao período de 1986-1990 foram obtidos na estação experimental de Sumé (PB, pertencente à Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB. Para determinar os parâmetros erosividade da chuva, da enxurrada e da chuva-enxurrada, foram analisadas chuvas individuais registradas em 136 pluviogramas. O volume de enxurrada isolado ou em combinação com características da chuva contribuiu, de forma significativa, para melhorar a estimativa das perdas de solo de chuvas individuais. Os parâmetros erosividade da chuva-enxurrada a(Vu α I30b; a(Vu α I5b; a(EIAb e da enxurrada a(Vub foram os melhores estimadores das perdas de solo para chuvas individuais. Dentre os parâmetros da erosividade da chuva, os que melhor se correlacionaram com as perdas de solo foram aqueles que incluíram o produto do volume da chuva pela intensidade máxima em trinta minutos a(VrI30.

  11. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal Homepage Image. We seek to encourage pharmaceutical and allied research of tropical and international relevance and to foster multidisciplinary research and collaboration among scientists, the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare professionals. We publish articles in pharmaceutical sciences and related ...

  12. Rubisco activity and gene expression of tropical tree species under ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tropical rain forests contain an ecologically and physiologically diverse range of vegetation and habitats. Sun-acclimated plants can be divided into two groups, shade-tolerant and shade-intolerant, according to the plant's physiological and genetic responses. Some tropical species have potential capacity for light damage ...

  13. Pilot-Plant for Energy Recovery from Tropical Waste Food Materials ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    An experimental unit for obtaining gaseous methane from waste food materials is discussed and results are presented for experimental tests with animal wastes and tropical waste food materials. The tropical waste food considered include garri, boiled beans and plantains. As expected, the animal wastes produced higher ...


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    André Filipe Fonseca


    Full Text Available A cadeia da Arrábida resulta da interação de processos tectónicos e erosivos ao longo de um período de tempo alargado, situado entre o Miocénico médio e a atualidade. O desmantelamento da cadeia processou-se em função da componente de movimentação tectónica, da posição da linha de costa e dos processos erosivos a ela associados, desempenhando a rede hidrográfica um papel fundamental no restabelecimento do equilíbrio dinâmico entre processos endógenos e exógenos. Esta relação está expressa no escalonamento altitudinal de formas erosivas aplanadas e suspensas sobre a rede de drenagem atual, evidenciando uma evolução policíclica do relevo controlada pelo levantamento da Serra da Arrábida, pela subsidência do Sinclinal de Albufeira e pelas oscilações do nível do mar no decorrer do período plio-quaternário. Sobrepõe-se a este processo o rejogo vertical de falhas de orientação NNE-SSW a NE-SW evidenciando um aumento progressivo da deformação de oeste para leste. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da geomorfologia da cadeia da Arrábida recorrendo a técnicas de geomorfometria para a extração semiautomática e análise de formas de relevo. Dado o contexto morfotectónico, é dada particular atenção à interferência da tectónica na evolução do relevo.

  15. Triticale: avaliação de linhagens em diferentes regiões paulistas Triticale: evaluation on inbred lines in different regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Compararam-se entre si vinte e quatro linhagens de triticale e o cultivar de trigo IAC-21, através de ensaios em diferentes localidades do Estado de São Paulo, nos anos de 1986 e 1987, analisando-se os seguintes parâmetros: rendimento de grãos, altura de plantas, ciclo em dias da emergência ao florescimento, porcentagem de plantas acamadas, peso de cem grãos e resistência à ferrugem-da-folha e às manchas-foliares em condições de campo. A linhagem de triticale Nutria 7272 foi a mais produtiva (3.098kg/ha, diferindo do 'IAC-21' (2.241 kg/ha e das demais linhagens de triticale, com exceção da Merino"S" - JLO"S" (T-20 e 21, Nutria 440 e Juanillo 159, com 2.891, 2.870, 2.805 e 2.645kg/ha respectivamente. As linhagens de triticale exibiram maior resistência à ferrugem-da-folha com relação ao 'IAC-21'. A Panche 7287 mostrou-se moderadamente resistente às manchas-foliares e, as demais, suscetíveis. As linhagens M2A-KLA"S" x MA (T-6, Faro"S" e Panche 7287 apresentaram ciclo da emergência ao florescimento significativamente maior que o 'IAC-21', e M2A-CML 360 x M2A (T-2, Turk DWF-V 127 x 6TA 204/IA 146, M2A-CML x IA, TCEP 77138, BGL "S"-IGA x PND"S" e BCM"S"-Addax"S" exibiram plantas significativamente mais baixas. A Juanillo 159 apresentou o maior peso de cem grãos, diferindo do 'IAC-21' e das demais linhagens, com exceção da Nutria 7272 e Merino"S" - JLO"S" (T-21.Twenty four triticale inbred lines and the wheat cultivar IAC-21 were evaluated in field experiments carried out at different locations of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, during the years of 1986 and 1987. Grain yield, plant height, number of days from emergence to flowering, percentage of layed plants, weight of 100 grains, resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia graminis sp. tritici and to leaf spots (Helminthosporium sp. and Septoria sp. were evaluated under field conditions. The triticale inbred line Nutria 7272 pre-sented the best grain yield (3,098 kg/ha, showing

  16. Tropical tele-connections to the Mediterranean climate and weather

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    P. Alpert


    Full Text Available Some strong natural fluctuations of climate in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM region are shown to be connected to the major tropical systems. Potential relations between EM rainfall extremes to tropical systems, e.g. El Niño, Indian Monsoon and hurricanes, are demonstrated. For a specific event, high resolution modelling of the severe flood on 3-5 December 2001 in Israel suggests a relation to hurricane Olga. In order to understand the factors governing the EM climate variability in the summer season, the relationship between extreme summer temperatures and the Indian Monsoon was examined. Other tropical factors like the Red-Sea Trough system and the Saharan dust are also likely to contribute to the EM climate variability.

  17. Importance of adaptation and genotype × environment interactions in tropical beef breeding systems. (United States)

    Burrow, H M


    This paper examines the relative importance of productive and adaptive traits in beef breeding systems based on Bos taurus and tropically adapted breeds across temperate and (sub)tropical environments. In the (sub)tropics, differences that exist between breeds in temperate environments are masked by the effects of environmental stressors. Hence in tropical environments, breeds are best categorised into breed types to compare their performance across environments. Because of the presence of environmental stressors, there are more sources of genetic variation in tropical breeding programmes. It is therefore necessary to examine the genetic basis of productive and adaptive traits for breeding programmes in those environments. This paper reviews the heritabilities and genetic relationships between economically important productive and adaptive traits relevant to (sub)tropical breeding programmes. It is concluded that it is possible to simultaneously genetically improve productive and adaptive traits in tropically adapted breeds of beef cattle grazed in tropical environments without serious detrimental consequences for either adaptation or production. However, breed-specific parameters are required for genetic evaluations. The paper also reviews the magnitude of genotype × environment (G × E) interactions impacting on production and adaptation of cattle, where 'genotype' is defined as breed (within a crossbreeding system), sire within breed (in a within-breed selection programme) or associations between economically important traits and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs - within a marker-assisted selection programme). It is concluded that re-ranking of breeds across environments is best managed by the use of the breed type(s) best suited to the particular production environment. Re-ranking of sires across environments is apparent in poorly adapted breed types across extreme tropical and temperate environments or where breeding animals are selected in a temperate

  18. Clutch size declines with elevation in tropical birds (United States)

    Boyce, A.J.; Freeman, Benjamin G.; Mitchell, Adam E.; Martin, Thomas E.


    Clutch size commonly decreases with increasing elevation among temperate-zone and subtropical songbird species. Tropical songbirds typically lay small clutches, thus the ability to evolve even smaller clutch sizes at higher elevations is unclear and untested. We conducted a comparative phylogenetic analysis using data gathered from the literature to test whether clutch size varied with elevation among forest passerines from three tropical biogeographic regions—the Venezuelan Andes and adjacent lowlands, Malaysian Borneo, and New Guinea. We found a significant negative effect of elevation on variation in clutch size among species. We found the same pattern using field data sampled across elevational gradients in Venezuela and Malaysian Borneo. Field data were not available for New Guinea. Both sets of results demonstrate that tropical montane species across disparate biogeographic realms lay smaller clutches than closely related low-elevation species. The environmental sources of selection underlying this pattern remain uncertain and merit further investigation.

  19. Mutualism, hybrid inviability and speciation in a tropical ant-plant. (United States)

    Léotard, G; Saltmarsh, A; Kjellberg, F; McKey, D


    Although biotic interactions are particularly intricate in the tropics, few studies have examined whether divergent adaptations to biotic interactions lead to speciation in tropical organisms. Ant-plant mutualisms are widespread in the tropics. Within Leonardoxa africana, two subspecies present contrasting defences against herbivores. Young leaves of subsp. africana are defended by mutualistic ants, whereas subsp. gracilicaulis satiates herbivores by synchronized leaf production. Subsp. africana possesses hollow internodes and many large foliar nectaries, housing and feeding ants. We detected no genetic introgression between the two subspecies in the contact zone between them. F1 hybrids were present. They were intermediate in phenotype, expressing reduced, nonfunctional but costly myrmecophilic traits. However, they suffered more herbivory than their parents. Hybrids remained small, failing to reach reproductive size, probably due to their maladapted defence phenotype. Hence, there could be a direct link between adaptation to mutualism and reproductive isolation: biotic interactions could be a driver of tropical diversity.

  20. Frequency and distribution of forest, savanna, and crop fires over tropical regions during PEM-Tropics A (United States)

    Olson, Jennifer R.; Baum, Bryan A.; Cahoon, Donald R.; Crawford, James H.


    Advanced very high resolution radiometer 1.1 km resolution satellite radiance data were used to locate active fires throughout much of the tropical region during NASA's Global Tropospheric Experiment (GTE) Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics (PEM-Tropics A) aircraft campaign, held in September and October 1996. The spatial and temporal distributions of the fires in Australia, southern Africa, and South America are presented here. The number of fires over northern Australia, central Africa, and South America appeared to decrease toward the end of the mission period. Fire over eastern Australia was widespread, and temporal patterns showed a somewhat consistent amount of burning with periodic episodes of enhanced fire counts observed. At least one episode of enhanced fire counts corresponded to the passage of a frontal system which brought conditions conducive to fire to the region, with strong westerlies originating over the hot, dry interior continent. Regions that were affected by lower than normal rainfall during the previous wet season (e.g., northern Australia and southwestern Africa) showed relatively few fires during this period. This is consistent with a drought-induced decrease in vegetation and therefore a decreased availability of fuel for burning. Alternatively, a heavier than normal previous wet season along the southeastern coast of South Africa may have contributed to high fuel loading and an associated relatively heavy amount of burning compared to data from previous years.

  1. Sensitivity of the tropical climate to an interhemispheric thermal gradient: the role of tropical ocean dynamics (United States)

    Talento, Stefanie; Barreiro, Marcelo


    This study aims to determine the role of the tropical ocean dynamics in the response of the climate to extratropical thermal forcing. We analyse and compare the outcomes of coupling an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) with two ocean models of different complexity. In the first configuration the AGCM is coupled with a slab ocean model while in the second a reduced gravity ocean (RGO) model is additionally coupled in the tropical region. We find that the imposition of extratropical thermal forcing (warming in the Northern Hemisphere and cooling in the Southern Hemisphere with zero global mean) produces, in terms of annual means, a weaker response when the RGO is coupled, thus indicating that the tropical ocean dynamics oppose the incoming remote signal. On the other hand, while the slab ocean coupling does not produce significant changes to the equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) seasonal cycle, the RGO configuration generates strong warming in the central-eastern basin from April to August balanced by cooling during the rest of the year, strengthening the seasonal cycle in the eastern portion of the basin. We hypothesize that such changes are possible via the dynamical effect that zonal wind stress has on the thermocline depth. We also find that the imposed extratropical pattern affects El Niño-Southern Oscillation, weakening its amplitude and low-frequency behaviour.

  2. Genomic-based-breeding tools for tropical maize improvement. (United States)

    Chakradhar, Thammineni; Hindu, Vemuri; Reddy, Palakolanu Sudhakar


    Maize has traditionally been the main staple diet in the Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and widely grown by millions of resource poor small scale farmers. Approximately, 35.4 million hectares are sown to tropical maize, constituting around 59% of the developing worlds. Tropical maize encounters tremendous challenges besides poor agro-climatic situations with average yields recorded <3 tones/hectare that is far less than the average of developed countries. On the contrary to poor yields, the demand for maize as food, feed, and fuel is continuously increasing in these regions. Heterosis breeding introduced in early 90 s improved maize yields significantly, but genetic gains is still a mirage, particularly for crop growing under marginal environments. Application of molecular markers has accelerated the pace of maize breeding to some extent. The availability of array of sequencing and genotyping technologies offers unrivalled service to improve precision in maize-breeding programs through modern approaches such as genomic selection, genome-wide association studies, bulk segregant analysis-based sequencing approaches, etc. Superior alleles underlying complex traits can easily be identified and introgressed efficiently using these sequence-based approaches. Integration of genomic tools and techniques with advanced genetic resources such as nested association mapping and backcross nested association mapping could certainly address the genetic issues in maize improvement programs in developing countries. Huge diversity in tropical maize and its inherent capacity for doubled haploid technology offers advantage to apply the next generation genomic tools for accelerating production in marginal environments of tropical and subtropical world. Precision in phenotyping is the key for success of any molecular-breeding approach. This article reviews genomic technologies and their application to improve agronomic traits in tropical maize breeding has been reviewed in

  3. Using Leaf Samples to Establish a Library of Tropical Leaf Fingerprints (United States)

    Ngo, P.; Nguyen, R.; Anderson, C.; Weiss, P.


    Variation in leaf chemistry is directly expressed in spectroscopic patterns of tropical canopies. The goal of the Spectranomics project is to explore this variation in the hopes of developing a method to measure tropical forest diversity remotely from airborne or space-bound spectroscopy in the future. We analyzed tomato leaves for various chemical compositions to better understand the Spectranomics approach to quantifying chemical data of tropical species. We also compared our data to standard data in each analysis. Our results allow us to give the tomato leaves a chemical signature in which we are able to use to compare to other leaf samples. Using this process, we are able to create a library of leaf signatures and document the variety of tree species in tropical forests around the world.

  4. Déficit de polinização da aceroleira no período seco no semiárido paraibano

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    Rozileudo da Silva Guedes


    Full Text Available A aceroleira é uma importante frutífera tropical que pode produzir frutos o ano todo na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil, caso seja utilizada a irrigação. Como a aceroleira depende da polinização por abelhas coletoras de óleos florais para apresentar uma produção satisfatória de frutos, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a abundância de polinizadores e o sucesso reprodutivo da cultura no período seco, no semiárido paraibano. Foram registradas quatro espécies de abelhas nativas da tribo Centridini, todas consideradas polinizadoras efetivas da aceroleira, pela frequência nas flores e comportamento: Centris aenea Lepeletier, C. tarsata Smith, C. fuscata Lepeletier e C. trigonoides Lepeletier (Apidae, Centridini. A frequência de visitas às flores foi menor no período seco do que no período chuvoso. A polinização cruzada manual complementar resultou em incremento de 61 a 74% na produção de frutos durante o período seco, nos dois anos avaliados, indicando que há um grande déficit de polinização devido à baixa abundância de abelhas Centris. Esse resultado implica a necessidade de manejo dos polinizadores, especialmente em cultivos irrigados durante o período seco, na região semiárida do Nordeste do Brasil.

  5. O uso da aromaterapia na melhora da autoestima

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    Juliana Rizzo Gnatta


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar se a inalação dos óleos essenciais de rosa e de ylang-ylang alteram a percepção da autoestima e comparar a eficácia dos mesmos. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital da Universidade de São Paulo. Participaram 43 funcionários dos setores de Higienização e da Central de Materiais e Esterilização durante os meses de maio a julho de 2009. Os sujeitos foram randomizados em três grupos: dois que receberem os óleos essenciais e outro que recebeu placebo (essência de rosa. A avaliação da autoestima foi feita através de uma escala já validada no Brasil, sendo aplicada antes do uso dos aromas, depois de 30 dias de uso e ao completar 60 dias. Dentre os resultados, verificou-se que a amostra era constituída por 88,6% de indivíduos com média e alta autoestima e que os óleos essenciais em questão não alteraram de forma significativa a percepção da autoestima.

  6. Tropical Cyclone Report, 1988 (United States)


    Cmdr. David Gray; National Weather Service 5. Cooperation with the Naval Environmental Pacific Region for the startup of 24-hour operatiois at Ponape...0.1 27.7 TOTAL CASES 3 1 1 4 12 27 54 56 30 25 7 1 221 * (GRAY, 1979) TABLE 4-3 ANNUAL VARIATION C SOTR MUSHER TROPICAL CYCLOUZ BY O(EN BASIN SOUTH

  7. Utilization of tropical rabbits

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    5,0' a,b"differ (P<0,05) for reproducing rabbits, and may aid the prevention of enteric diseases. In Trial 3, ADG of several tropical legumes was the same as that obtained with alfalfa (Table 3). Gains with guinea grass, cassava, stylosanthes and the winged bean were lower than with alfalfa. Digestibilityof the protein and fibre ...

  8. Malaria and Tropical Travel

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Malaria is a serious mosquito-borne disease that can lead to death. This podcast discusses malaria risk when traveling to tropical areas, as well as how to protect yourself and your family from malaria infection.  Created: 5/15/2008 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 5/29/2008.

  9. The biodiversity cost of carbon sequestration in tropical savanna. (United States)

    Abreu, Rodolfo C R; Hoffmann, William A; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L; Pilon, Natashi A; Rossatto, Davi R; Durigan, Giselda


    Tropical savannas have been increasingly viewed as an opportunity for carbon sequestration through fire suppression and afforestation, but insufficient attention has been given to the consequences for biodiversity. To evaluate the biodiversity costs of increasing carbon sequestration, we quantified changes in ecosystem carbon stocks and the associated changes in communities of plants and ants resulting from fire suppression in savannas of the Brazilian Cerrado, a global biodiversity hotspot. Fire suppression resulted in increased carbon stocks of 1.2 Mg ha -1 year -1 since 1986 but was associated with acute species loss. In sites fully encroached by forest, plant species richness declined by 27%, and ant richness declined by 35%. Richness of savanna specialists, the species most at risk of local extinction due to forest encroachment, declined by 67% for plants and 86% for ants. This loss highlights the important role of fire in maintaining biodiversity in tropical savannas, a role that is not reflected in current policies of fire suppression throughout the Brazilian Cerrado. In tropical grasslands and savannas throughout the tropics, carbon mitigation programs that promote forest cover cannot be assumed to provide net benefits for conservation.

  10. Frequency of Tropical Ocean Deep Convection and Global Warming (United States)

    Aumann, H. H.; Behrangi, A.; Ruzmaikin, A.


    The average of 36 CMIP5 models predicts about 3K of warming and a 4.7% increase in precipitation for the tropical oceans with a doubling of the CO2 by the end of this century. For this scenario we evaluate the increase in the frequency of Deep Convective Clouds (DCC) in the tropical oceans. We select only DCC which reach or penetrate the tropopause in the 15 km AIRS footprint. The evaluation is based on Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) of the current temperatures of the tropical oceans, those predicted by the mean of the CMIP5 models and the PDF of the DCC process. The PDF of the DCC process is derived from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) between the years 2003 and 2016. During this time the variability due Enso years provided a 1 K p-p change in the mean tropical SST. The key parameter is the SST associated with the onset of the DCC process. This parameter shifts only 0.5 K for each K of warming of the oceans. As a result the frequency of DCC is expected to increases by the end of this century by about 50% above the current frequency.

  11. Regional impacts of ocean color on tropical Pacific variability

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    W. Anderson


    Full Text Available The role of the penetration length scale of shortwave radiation into the surface ocean and its impact on tropical Pacific variability is investigated with a fully coupled ocean, atmosphere, land and ice model. Previous work has shown that removal of all ocean color results in a system that tends strongly towards an El Niño state. Results from a suite of surface chlorophyll perturbation experiments show that the mean state and variability of the tropical Pacific is highly sensitive to the concentration and distribution of ocean chlorophyll. Setting the near-oligotrophic regions to contain optically pure water warms the mean state and suppresses variability in the western tropical Pacific. Doing the same above the shadow zones of the tropical Pacific also warms the mean state but enhances the variability. It is shown that increasing penetration can both deepen the pycnocline (which tends to damp El Niño while shifting the mean circulation so that the wind response to temperature changes is altered. Depending on what region is involved this change in the wind stress can either strengthen or weaken ENSO variability.

  12. Cross inoculation of anthracnose pathogens infecting various tropical fruits (United States)

    Suparman; Rahmiyah, M.; Pujiastuti, Y.; Gunawan, B.; Arsi


    Anthracnose disease is very important disease of tropical fruits causing significant yield losses. The disease is caused by Colletotrichum spp. and infects almost all tropical fruit species, especially the succulent ones. Various species of Colletotrichum infect various tropical fruits and there are possibilities for cross inoculation to occur among tropical fruits which might cause severe infection. An experimental research was conducted to examine the effect of cross inoculation of anthracnose pathogen among papaya, eggplant, chili and common bean on the infection development and severity of the disease on each inoculated fruit species. Colletotrichum spp. were isolated from naturally infected papaya, eggplant, chili and common bean. Each fungal isolate was purified and identified to determine the species name. The spores of each isolate were then used to separately inoculate healthy and sterilized papaya, eggplant, chili and common bean. The results showed that cross infection developed on chili, eggplant and papaya but not on bean. Chili showed the highest susceptibility to all Colletotrichum isolates and significantly different from eggplant and papaya. The anthracnose pathogen isolated from common bean showed no pathogenicity to other hosts and might be used as cross protection inoculant to the disease in the other hosts.

  13. Impact of deforestation on biomass burning in the tropics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao, W.M.; Liu, M.H.; Ward, D.E.


    Fires are widely used for various land use practices in tropical countries. Large amounts of trace gases and aerosol particles are produced during the fires. It is important to assess the potential impact of these gases and particulate matter on the chemistry of the atmosphere and global climate. One of the largest uncertainties in quantifying the effects is the lack of information on the source strengths. The authors quantify the amount of biomass burned due to deforestation in each tropical country on basis of the deforestation rate, the above ground density, and the fraction of above ground biomass burned. Approximately 725 Tg of biomass were burned in 1980 and 984 Tg were burned in 1990. The 36% increase took place mostly in Latin America and tropical Asia. The largest source was Brazil, contributing about 29% of the total biomass burned in the tropics. The second largest source was Indonesia accounting for 10%, followed by Zaire accounting for about 8%. The burning of biomass due to increased deforestation has resulted in an additional 33 Tg CO and 2.5 Tg CH 4 emitted annually to the atmosphere from 1980 to 1990

  14. Estrutura de uma floresta tropical dez anos após exploração de madeira em Moju, Pará

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    Fernando Cristóvam da Silva Jardim

    Full Text Available RESUMO Estudos das dinâmicas florística e estrutural em áreas de exploração florestal permitem avaliar os impactos e fornecem informações básicas para o manejo florestal racional. Nesse contexto, as dinâmicas florística e estrutural foram avaliadas em uma floresta tropical, dez anos após sua exploração madeireira. O experimento foi executado em 200 ha do Campo Experimental da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, em Moju, PA, onde foi feita a exploração madeireira. No entorno de nove clareiras selecionadas foram instaladas faixas de 10 m x 50 m, divididas em parcelas quadradas de 10 m de lado (1 a 5, onde foram inventariadas as plantas com DAP ≥ 5 cm. Nas parcelas 1, 3 e 5 e no centro da clareira foram instaladas subparcelas de 2 m x 2 m, onde foram medidos os indivíduos com altura ≥ 10 cm e DAP < 5 cm. O monitoramento da floresta abrangeu um período de nove anos e meio, entre março de 1998 e outubro de 2007. A análise estrutural foi feita com base nos parâmetros de abundância, frequência, dominância, regeneração natural, posição sociológica e índice de valor de importância ampliado (IVIA, sendo comparadas as estruturas da floresta dos anos de 2007 e 1998. Dez anos após a exploração, a alta heterogeneidade foi mantida e aumentou no povoamento mais jovem, graças ao ingresso de espécies com forte demanda por luz. Entretanto, a composição florística e a estrutura da floresta manejada ainda mostram grande importância de espécies que, em florestas não perturbadas, não teriam grande expressão em termos de IVIA.

  15. Controls on the meridional extent of tropical precipitation and its contraction under global warming (United States)

    Donohoe, A.


    A method for decomposing changes and variability in the spatial structure of tropical precipitation into shifting (meridional translation), contracting, and intensifying modes of variability is introduced. We demonstrate that the shifting mode of tropical precipitation explains very little (20%) more of the tropical precipitation changes and variability. Furthermore, the contraction of tropical precipitation is highly correlated (R2 > 0.95) with an intensification of the precipitation in both the observations and forced modeled simulations. These results suggest that the simultaneous contraction and intensification of tropical precipitation is the dominant mode of variability and changes under external forcing. We speculate that tropical surface temperature controls this concurrent variability. Indeed, models robustly predict that tropical precipitation increases and meridionally contracts in response to increased CO2 and is reduced and meridionally expanded under glacial forcing and boundary conditions. In contrast, the directionality of the tropical precipitation shift is both ambiguous and small in magnitude in response to increased CO2. Furthermore, the ratio of the contraction/expansion to intensification/reduction is consistent in the continuum of climate states from the glacial climate to a modern climate to a 4XCO2 climate suggesting that the intensification and contraction are linked together via a single mechanism. We examine two mechanisms responsible for the contraction of the precipitation under global warming : i. the reduction of the seasonal cycle of energy input to the atmosphere due to sea ice retreat that results in the tropical precipitation remaining closer to the equator during the solsticial seasons and; ii. the increased gross moist stability of the tropical atmosphere as the surface warms resulting in a weaker cross-equatorial Hadley circulation during the solsticial seasons.

  16. Da onda da gestão da qualidade a uma filosofia da qualidade da gestão: Balanced Scorecard promovendo mudanças

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    Andréa Cavalcanti Correia Lima


    Full Text Available No final da década de 80 a Gestão da Qualidade Total (GQT era apresentada como capaz de resolver todos os problemas e atender a todas as necessidades da gestão das organizações. Buscando solucionar problemas de gestão não equacionados pela GQT, muitas organizações começam a adotar o Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Uma questão ainda não discutida com profundidade no mundo acadêmico é a viabilidade de integração desses dois modelos. O presente artigo discute a possibilidade de integração dessas duas ferramentas, verificando as melhorias que podem alcançar, principalmente no gerenciamento da estratégia da organização. Assim sendo, realizou-se estudo de caso no Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza (CPHF, empresa que vêm adotando com sucesso os dois modelos. A pesquisa revela que é possível integrar os princípios da GQT com os do BSC, à medida que os fundamentos de ambos se complementam, sendo assim a utilização conjunta das ferramentas propicia melhor gerenciamento da estratégia da organização.In recent years, many organizations have been managed according to the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM, which became known around the globe in the 1980's, when looking for explanations for the so-called "Japanese miracle". TQM was presented as being capable of solving all problems and attending to all company management needs, a stage that seems outdated now. In the search for a model that would allow them to analyze and follow up the implementation of organizational strategies, without remaining limited to Quality indicators, many companies started to adopt the Balanced Scorecard (BSC. Companies using TQM question whether it is viable together with the BSC. In order to contribute to a solution to this question, this article discusses the possibility of aligning these two tools. Therefore, a case study was carried out at the Caesar Park Hotel Fortaleza, a company that implanted TQM in 1997 and started to adopt the BSC in 2000. The

  17. Pan-Tropical Analysis of Climate Effects on Seasonal Tree Growth (United States)

    Wagner, Fabien; Rossi, Vivien; Aubry-Kientz, Mélaine; Bonal, Damien; Dalitz, Helmut; Gliniars, Robert; Stahl, Clément; Trabucco, Antonio; Hérault, Bruno


    Climate models predict a range of changes in tropical forest regions, including increased average temperatures, decreased total precipitation, reduced soil moisture and alterations in seasonal climate variations. These changes are directly related to the increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations, primarily CO2. Assessing seasonal forest growth responses to climate is of utmost importance because woody tissues, produced by photosynthesis from atmospheric CO2, water and light, constitute the main component of carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem. In this paper, we combine intra-annual tree growth measurements from published tree growth data and the corresponding monthly climate data for 25 pan-tropical forest sites. This meta-analysis is designed to find the shared climate drivers of tree growth and their relative importance across pan-tropical forests in order to improve carbon uptake models in a global change context. Tree growth reveals significant intra-annual seasonality at seasonally dry sites or in wet tropical forests. Of the overall variation in tree growth, 28.7% was explained by the site effect, i.e. the tree growth average per site. The best predictive model included four climate variables: precipitation, solar radiation (estimated with extrasolar radiation reaching the atmosphere), temperature amplitude and relative soil water content. This model explained more than 50% of the tree growth variations across tropical forests. Precipitation and solar radiation are the main seasonal drivers of tree growth, causing 19.8% and 16.3% of the tree growth variations. Both have a significant positive association with tree growth. These findings suggest that forest productivity due to tropical tree growth will be reduced in the future if climate extremes, such as droughts, become more frequent. PMID:24670981

  18. Bibliometry of Costa Rica biodiversity studies published in the Revista de Biología Tropical/International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation (2000-2010): the content and importance of a leading tropical biology journal in its 60th anniversary. (United States)

    Nielsen-Muñoz, Vanessa; Azofeifa-Mora, Ana Beatriz; Monge-Nájera, Julián


    Central America is recognized as a mega diverse "hot-spot" and one of its smaller countries, Costa Rica, as one of the world's leaders in the study and conservation of tropical biodiversity. For this study, inspired by the 60th anniversary of the journal Revista de Biología Tropical, we tabulated all the scientific production on Costa Rican biodiversity published in Revista de Biología Tropical between 2000 and 2010. Most articles are zoological (62%) and 67% of authors had only one publication in the jounal within that period. A 54% of articles were published in English and 46% in Spanish. A 41% of articles were written in collaboration among Costa Rican institutions and 36% in collaboration with foreign institutions. The Collaboration Index was 2.53 signatures per article. Visibility in American sources was 56% in Google Scholar and 42.66% in the Web of Science, but the real visibility and impact are unknown because these sources exclude the majority of tropical journals. Revista de Biología Tropical is the main output channel for Costa Rican biology and despite its small size, Costa Rica occupies the 10th. place in productivity among Latin American countries, with productivity and impact levels that compare favorably with larger countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

  19. The deep human prehistory of global tropical forests and its relevance for modern conservation. (United States)

    Roberts, Patrick; Hunt, Chris; Arroyo-Kalin, Manuel; Evans, Damian; Boivin, Nicole


    Significant human impacts on tropical forests have been considered the preserve of recent societies, linked to large-scale deforestation, extensive and intensive agriculture, resource mining, livestock grazing and urban settlement. Cumulative archaeological evidence now demonstrates, however, that Homo sapiens has actively manipulated tropical forest ecologies for at least 45,000 years. It is clear that these millennia of impacts need to be taken into account when studying and conserving tropical forest ecosystems today. Nevertheless, archaeology has so far provided only limited practical insight into contemporary human-tropical forest interactions. Here, we review significant archaeological evidence for the impacts of past hunter-gatherers, agriculturalists and urban settlements on global tropical forests. We compare the challenges faced, as well as the solutions adopted, by these groups with those confronting present-day societies, which also rely on tropical forests for a variety of ecosystem services. We emphasize archaeology's importance not only in promoting natural and cultural heritage in tropical forests, but also in taking an active role to inform modern conservation and policy-making.

  20. Staying cool: preadaptation to temperate climates required for colonising tropical alpine-like environments

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    Berit Gehrke


    Full Text Available Plant species tend to retain their ancestral ecology, responding to temporal, geographic and climatic changes by tracking suitable habitats rather than adapting to novel conditions. Nevertheless, transitions into different environments or biomes still seem to be common. Especially intriguing are the tropical alpine-like areas found on only the highest mountainous regions surrounded by tropical environments. Tropical mountains are hotspots of biodiversity, often with striking degrees of endemism at higher elevations. On these mountains, steep environmental gradients and high habitat heterogeneity within small spaces coincide with astounding species diversity of great conservation value. The analysis presented here shows that the importance of in situ speciation in tropical alpine-like areas has been underestimated. Additionally and contrary to widely held opinion, the impact of dispersal from other regions with alpine-like environments is relatively minor compared to that of immigration from other biomes with a temperate (but not alpine-like climate. This suggests that establishment in tropical alpine-like regions is favoured by preadaptation to a temperate, especially aseasonal, freezing regime such as the cool temperate climate regions in the Tropics. Furthermore, emigration out of an alpine-like environment is generally rare, suggesting that alpine-like environments – at least tropical ones – are species sinks.