
Sample records for cv mundo novo

  1. Interações entre auxinas e ácido bórico, no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo Interactions between auxins and boric acid in the rooting of stem cuttings Coffea arabica L. cv. "Mundo Novo"

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    E.O. Ono


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como finalidade, estudar o efeito de auxinas e do boro no enraizamento de estacas caulinares de Coffea arabica L. cv. "Mundo Novo". As estacas foram retiradas de ramos ortotrópicos semi-lenhosos de cafeeiro, as quais foram tratadas durante 24 horas com soluções de IBA ou NAA e boro, e a mistura das três substâncias, resultando um total de 14 tratamentos. Para a avaliação do objetivo em questão, foram realizadas as seguintes observações, mediante coleta após 90 dias de plantio: número de estacas enraizadas e número de estacas com calos. Através dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que, para obter um maior número de estacas enraizadas, é conveniente o tratamento com NAA à 100 ou 200 ppm mais boro.The present research had as purpose to study auxin and boron effects on rooting of Coffea arábica L. cv. "Mundo Novo" stem cuttings. The cuttings were taken from orthotropous semi-hardwood branches of coffee-tree, which were treated during 24 hours with IBA or NAA and boron solutions, and the mixture of the three substances, resulting a total of 14 treatments. The following observations were realized, taking the cuttings 90 days after planting: number of rooted cuttings and "callus" formation per cutting. It can be concluded that to obtain a higher number of rooted cuttings, the treatment with NAA at 100 or 200 ppm plus boron is the most suitable.

  2. Effect of 6-BA on nodal explant bud sproutings of Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo Efeito de 6-BA na brotação de gemas de explantes nodais de Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo

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    Luis Carlos da Silva Ramos


    Full Text Available Coffee plants can be micropropagated by nodal bud sprouting using the 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA hormone. However, literature reports the use of a wide range of 6-BA, from 0.5 to 88.8 µM L-1. So, this study was performed to narrow that range. Nodal explants of Coffea arabica cv Mundo Novo obtained from in vitro plantlets were inoculated on gelled-MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-BA. Two assays were carried out: in the first one, 6-BA was used at concentrations of 0, 5, 25, 50, and 100 µM L-1, being evaluated at 43 and 123 days. In the second experiment, dosis of 10, 20 and 30 µM L-1, have evaluated at 65 and 100 days. Treatments with 6-BA induced multiple sprouting from the nodal explants, which were best characterized around 100 days after inoculation. The nodal explants grew taller and showed multiple shoots, whereas the effect of 6-BA at 5 to 25 µM L-1 was similar to that with higher concentrations (50 and 100 µM L-1. Nodal explants yielded from 2.9 to 6.0 buds per node, achieving height of 1.3 to 1.5 cm at 5 to 25 µM L-1 of 6-BA, whereas they yielded from 4.3 to 4.9 buds per node but the sprouting grew about 0.8 cm at 50 and 100 µM L-1 of 6-BA. This study indicated that multiple sprouting of lateral buds can be induced by lower concentrations of 6-BA, for example, from 10 to 30 µM L-1, diminishing possible risks of somaclonal variation due to high levels of hormone concentration.O cafeeiro pode ser micropropagado via brotação de gemas laterais, aplicando o regulador de crescimento 6-benzilaminopurina (6-BA. Entretanto, a literatura apresenta ampla variação da dose empregada, desde 0.5 a 88.8 µM L-1. Assim, este estudo visou otimizar doses para explantes nodais do cafeeiro C. arabica cv Mundo Novo. Explantes nodais, obtidos de plântulas cultivadas in vitro, foram inoculados em meio MS geleificado, com adição de diferentes concentrações de 6-BA. Foram feitos dois experimentos: no primeiro, 6-BA foi

  3. Contribution to the study of 14C-acetate as the precursor of aminoacids in detached leaves of coffee (Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brasil, O.G.


    Labelled acetates with 14 C were used as the forerunner of aminoacids in leaves of coffee (Coffea arabica cv Mundo Novo). Leaves with the labelled acetates were incubated and released CO 2 was retained in paper discs with hiamine for further radioactivity detection. Separated proteins furnished 13 amino-acids through acid hidrolysis, all of them were identified by bidimensional filter paper chromatography. Through the obtained results it is possible to conclude that acetates are metabolized by the leafs and are related to the processes of leaf synthesis. It was possible to show that an utilization of acetate for energetical production via Krebs cycle was donne. The obtained conclusions show too that methylic carbon was more incorporated than carboxylic carbon [pt

  4. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: IV - Café Mundo Novo

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Em um conjunto de cafeeiros existentes em Mundo Novo, hoje Urupês, na região Araraquarense do Estado de São Paulo, foram feitas seleções de vários cafeeiros baseando-se no seu aspecto vegetativo, na produção existente na época da seleção e na provável produção do ano seguinte. Estudou-se a origem da plantação inicial desse café, tanto em Urupês como em Jaú, chegando-se à conclusão de que é provavelmente originário desta última localidade. Progênies do café "Mundo Novo", anteriormente conhecido por "Sumatra" e derivado de plantas selecionadas em Urupês e Jaú, acham-se em estudo em seis localidades do Estado : Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto, Pindorama, Mococa, Jaú e Monte Alegre do Sul. No presente trabalho são apenas aproveitados dados referentes à variabilidade morfológica e característicos da produção das progênies dos primeiros cafeeiros selecionados em Urupês e estudados em Campinas, Jaú, Pindorama e Mococa. Em tôdas as localidades, observou-se variação nos caracteres morfológicos das progênies, verificando-se a ocorrência de plantas quase improdutivas. A maioria das progênies, no entanto, se caracteriza por acentuado vigor vegetativo. Foram estudadas as produções totais das progénies e das plantas, no período 1946-1951, notando-se que algumas progénies se salientaram pela elevada produção em tôdas as localidades. Os tipos de sementes "moca", "concha" e "chato" foram determinados em amostras de tôdas as plantas, por um período de três anos, notando-se que a variação ocorrida é da mesma ordem que a encontrada em outros cafeeiros em seleção. Procurou-se eliminar, pela seleção, cafeeiros com elevada produção de frutos sem sementes em uma ou duas lojas, característico êsse que parece ser hereditário. Os resultados obtidos de cruzamento entre os melhores cafeeiros "Mundo Novo" de Campinas e plantas da variedade murta, indicaram que esses cafeeiros são do tipo bourbon. Provavelmente

  5. Transferência do fator caturra para o cultivar Mundo Novo de Coffea arabica Transfer of the CT gene to Mundo Novo cultivar

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho são relatados os estudos realizados visando à introdução do gene Ct (caturra que contribui para reduzir a altura da planta, no cultivar Mundo" Novo de Coffea arabica.Estudaram-se, em ensaios de produtividade, as populações Fv F.,, F3 e F4. Nessas populações e principalmente entre os descendentes dos "caféeiros H 2077-2-5 e H 2077-2-12, foram selecionadas plantas homozigotas para os alelos Ct e também para os alelos responsáveis pela cor do fruto xc ou Xc. Essas combinações foram denominadas 'Catuaí Amarelo' e 'Catuaí Vermelho', respectivamente, e suas características são apresentadas. Os novos cultivares vêm-se mostrando de interesse econômico para as regiões cafeeiras não somente pelo porte pequeno, mas também pela produtividade, pelo vigor vegetativo e pela precocidade.The successful transfer of the Ct gene for short internode to the tall cultivar of Coffea arábica'Mundo Novo' is reported. Individual selections were carried out in the F1, F2, F3 and F4 generations. It was found that early selection in the F2 generation was quite effective. A remarkably good correlation was found between productitivity of F2 plants and the yield of the F3 and F4 generations. Plants of the F4 generation have shown reasonable uniformity and high yield in several trials. The new selections showed to be early producers. Two new cultivars were released namely 'Catuaí Amarelo' and 'Catuaí Vermelho'. The former has yellow fruits whereas the latter has red fruits. The plants are much shorter that the ones of Mundo Novo. The new cultivars have a very strong secondary and tertiary branching. Because of these characteristics Catuaí Amarelo and Catuaí Vermelho are being planted in large scale replacing the tall cultivars.

  6. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XXXVIII. Observações sobre progênies do cultivar Mundo-Novo de Coffea arabica na estação experimental de Mococa Coffee breeding: XXXVIII-observation on progenies of the Mundo-Novo cultivars of Coffea arabica in the Mococa experimental station

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    Túlio R. Rocha


    Full Text Available Os dados analisados no experimento localizado em Mococa sobre a produtividade de 112 progênies dos cultivares Mundo-Novo S1 e S2, Bourbon-Amarelo, BourbonVermelho e Caturra-Vermelho de Coffea arabica no período de 1955 a 1971, indicaram que as de Mundo-Novo S1, de prefixos MP 474, MP 502, MP 469, MP 492 e MP 475, revelaram-se como as mais produtivas, assemelhando-se a algumas progênies 'Mundo--Novo' S2. Dentre estas, destacou-se a de prefixo MP 388-6, que atingiu o nível mais elevado de produção do experimento. As progênies de 'Mundo-Novo', em conjunto, produziram 44% a mais do que as de Bourbon-Amarelo e, estas, 60% a mais do que as de Bourbon-Vermelho e Caturra-Vermelho. A altura e o diâmetro da copa atingiram valores médios mais elevados para as progênies de 'Mundo-Novo'. Verificaram-se correlações positivas e altamente significativas entre altura média da planta e diâmetro médio da copa com a produção das progênies. As progênies mais produtivas revelaram rendimento (relação entre peso de café maduro e beneficiado de aproximadamente 6,0 e porcentagem de sementes normais, do tipo chato, acima de 80. Quanto ao tamanho das sementes do tipo chato, duas progênies 'Mundo-Novo' S1, MP 474 e MP 452, apresentaram peneira média maior, permi-tindo seleção de plantas com essa característica e com elevada produção.Coffee progenies of the Mundo-Novo cultivars of Coffea arabica were studied in an experiment located at the Mococa Experimental Station of the Instituto Agronômico in comparison with Bourbon-Amarelo, Bourbon-Vermelho and Caturra-Vermelho cultivars of the same species. During a period of 17 consecutive cropping years (1955-1971, Mundo-Novo yielded approximately 44% more than Bourbon-Amarelo and this cultivars yielded 60% more than Bourbon-Vermelho and Caturra-Vermelho. Among the 89 S1 'Mundo-Novo' progenies, MP 474, MP 502, MP 469, MP 492 and MP 475 yielded as much as the two best 'Mundo-Novo' S2 progenies. Greater

  7. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XLII. Produtividade de progênies derivadas de hibridação dos cultivares Laurina e Mundo Novo Coffee breeding: XLII. Yield of progenies from crosses of Laurina and Mundo Novo cultivars of Coffea arabica L.

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    Alcides Carvalho


    Full Text Available O cultivar Laurina de Coffea arabica L. caracteriza-se pelo pequeno porte, folhas de dimensões reduzidas, frutos afilados na base, sementes pequenas e afiladas, pequeno rendimento e reduzida produção. Apresenta, no entanto, bebida de boa qualidade e baixo teor de cafeína nas sementes. Suas principais características são controladas pela ação de um par de alelos recessivos lrlr, de acentuado efeito pleiotrópico. Devido ao atual interesse do comércio por produto de baixo teor de cafeína, iniciaram-se pesquisas tendo em vista principalmente aumentar a produtividade do 'Laurina'. Para esse fim, realizaram-se numerosas hibridações de cafeeiros do 'Laurina' com os do 'Mundo Novo' (Coffea arabica e, posteriormente, retrocruzamentos com o 'Mundo Novo'. Estudaram-se as progênies F2 e retrocruzamentos com o 'Mundo Novo' (RC em Campinas, em um experimento, anotando-se as produções por oito anos consecutivos. Separaram-se algumas progênies F2 em dois grupos, antes do plantio: normais (LrLr,Lrlr e laurina (Irlr. Como testemunhas, usaram-se progênies do 'Mundo Novo' e 'Catuaí Amarelo' de C. arabica. O conjunto de plantas F2 do grupo laurina e os retrocruzamentos tiveram produção média maior do que as plantas F2 normais, porém menor do que as testemunhas. Alguns retrocruzamentos e progênies F2 apresentaram plantas com razoável produtividade, indicando que, através de retrocruzamentos com o 'Mundo Novo', podem-se obter novos tipos comerciais com as características morfológicas do 'Laurina'. Fizeram-se considerações sobre a melhor capacidade de combinação do 'Laurina' com algumas seleções do 'Mundo Novo'.The Laurina cultivars of Coffea arabica L. has a reduced plant size, small leaves, small and pointed seeds and low yield capacity. However the seeds have a good cup quality and the desirable characteristic of low caffeine content The Laurina phenotype is supposed to be controlled by a pair of recessive alleles lrlr, with

  8. Contrôle genético dos "frutos chochos" no Café "Mundo Novo" Manofactorial inheritance of "empty-locule" in the Mundo Novo coffee

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    A. J. T. Mendes


    Full Text Available 1. Decorre do presente trabalho que no Café Mundo Novo há dois grupos distintos de plantas : a de baixa ocorrência de frutos chochos; b de alta ocorrência de frutos chochos. 2. Há evidências de que a existência de 2 grupos distintos de plantas é devida a um par de fatores genéticos Dd. As plantas onde é baixa a ocorrência de frutos chochos são de constituição genética DD. As demais são Dd. Não há o grupo dd, pois que a combinação endosperma ddd e embrião dd é letal. 3. Segundo a hipótese, a letalidade dos fatores dd se manifesta quando o endosperma tem 2 a 3 mm de diâmetro; nesse ponto estaciona o crescimento e êle se transforma num disco (donde o símbolo d para o gen em questão. Raras vêzes a ação letal se manifesta antes dêsse estado e então nada ou quase nada resta do endosperma. Outras vezes a ação letal é tardia: o endosperma se desenvolve em semente mas esta não germina. 4. As populações de café Mundo Novo que estão se formando no Estado de São Paulo terão diferentes proporções de plantas com e sem o defeito das lojas vazias, dependendo isso da fonte onde se procurarem as sementes. 5. Limitando-se a selecionar as plantas Mundo Novo dentro do grupo de baixa ocorrência de chochos o melhorista encontra base científica para ehminar um notório defeito da variedade.It was shown in a recent paper that the occurrence of empty locules in coffee fruits of the variety Mundo Novo (Coffea arabica L. is due to an arrest in the endosperm development that takes place at a definite stage, leading to the formation of a small disc ; this rudimentary type of endosperm has been called "discoid endosperm". A suggestion was then made that this process might be controlled by genetic factors. Under this assumption, normal plants were DD; plants in which the defect occurred, Dd, and the homozygous, recessive form was lethal. The high correlation between discoid endosperm and empty locules permitted a clear

  9. Visões do Novo Mundo na pintura religiosa da Renascença

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    Yobenj Aucardo Chicangana-Bayona


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda o estudo dos elementos familiares aos exploradores europeus que estabeleceram suas primeiras coordenadas a partir de analogias com o Paraíso e com Cocanha para assimilar e interpretar pictoricamente o Novo Mundo, uma realidade antes desconhecida, e integrá-la à cultura ocidental. Assim, o Cristianismo é muito importante, porque vai oferecer o referencial - em um primeiro momento - para estabelecer a imagem do índio em episódios religiosos da cultura ocidental europeia. Uma imagem que ora será positiva, vinculada ao paraíso, e ora negativa, sendo vinculada ao inferno.

  10. Transferência de fatores genéticos de resistência a Hemileia vastatrix para o cultivar mundo novo Transference of the genes SH2 and SH3 for resistance to Hemileia vastatrix to the mundo novo cultivar of C. arabica

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Cafeeiros portadores dos fatores genéticos SH2 ou SH2 e SH3, simultaneamente, que conferem resistência a várias raças de Hemileia vastatrix, foram cruzados com plantas selecionadas do cultivar mundo novo de Coffea arabica a fim de se obter, em F2, recombinações com resistência a esse patógeno e elevada produtividade. Analisaram-se 14 populações F2 segregando apenas para o fator SH2, oito para os fatores SH2 e HS3, e três populações que dão, em sua descendência, plantas do grupo A, resistentes a todas as raças do patógeno até agora conhecidas. De 22.356 cafeeiros originalmente plantados em ensaio, a duas mudas por cova, em parcelas casualizadas, fez-se uma primeira seleção deixando apenas um cafeeiro por cova, reduzindo-se para 11.178 as plantas em estudo. Com base no aspecto vegetativo, na produtividade, na ausência de defeitos nos frutos e na reação de resistência ao agente causal da ferrugem, realizaram-se sucessivas seleções escolhendo-se finalmente, apenas 100 cafeeiros do tipo mundo novo e resistentes a H. vastatrix para derivação das populações F2 e prosseguimento da seleção.Coffee trees homozygous for the alleles SH2 or SH2 and SH3 which confer resistance to several physiological races of Hemileia vastatrix, were crossed to selected plants of Mundo Novo cultivar of Coffea arabica and the F2 generations were studied aiming to develop new high yielding and resistant coffee recombinations. A complete randomized field trial was stablished including 14 F2 populations segregating for SH2, eight populations segregating for SH2 and SH3 genes, and three populations segregating for plants of the A group of reaction to the H. vastatrix attack. A total of 22,356 F2 plants were analysed. Based on the plant vigor, yield capacity, percentage of normal developed seeds and resistance reaction to H. vastatrix, three successive series of selection were undertaken leaving only 100 coffee trees for development of F3 populations

  11. Produtividade e rendimento das duas classes de plantas existentes no Café "Mundo Novo" Fruit and seed yields of two classes of Mundo Novo coffee plants

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    A. J. T. Mendes


    Full Text Available Dados já publicados sobre produção de frutos e rendimento em sementes, de progênies do café Mundo Novo, foram reclassificados com base na existência de duas classes distintas de plantas : a aquelas heterozigotas (Dd, em que há ocorrência de endosperma discóide e conseqüente formação de maior quantidade de frutos chochos ; e b aquelas homozigotas (DD em que o endosperma é normal e por conseguinte os frutos são normais. Verificou-se que o peso da produção em frutos das plantas Dd é, em média, maior que o das plantas DD. A ocorrência do endosperma discóide, no entanto, acarreta um rendimento menor em sementes, para igual peso de frutos. O resultado final em peso de sementes chega a pender em favor das plantas DD, sem, no entanto, haver uma diferença estatisticamente significativa. A existência de plantas Dd nos cafezais é, portanto, prejudicial, uma vez que, para produzir mais frutos elas retiram maior quantidade de elementos minerais do solo ; a maior produção exige maior mão de obra na colheita ; e o pêso do produto final, café beneficiado, não é compensador, pois não é superior ao das plantas DD. As fontes de sementes são várias, atualmente ; se o fornecedor não faz qualquer seleção, as plantas com o defeito tendem a diminuir ; se o fornecedor, imaginando que faz seleção, escolhe as plantas aparentemente mais produtivas, o defeito aumentará na nova plantação ; se o fornecedor das sementes leva em consideração a produtividade e ao mesmo tempo a não ocorrência de frutos chochos, a nova plantação estará pràticamente isenta do defeito. Sómente as sementes certificadas pelo Instituto Agronômico apresentam a garantia de produzir exclusivamente plantas DD.Evidence presented in previous papers indicated that two classes of plants are present in ordinary populations of Mundo Novo coffee (Coffea arabica L. : a heterozygotes (Dd in which the occurrence of "discoid endosperm" is responsible for the

  12. 3.3 Ga SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of a felsic metavolcanic rock from the Mundo Novo greenstone belt in the São Francisco craton, Bahia (NE Brazil) (United States)

    Peucat, J. J.; Mascarenhas, J. F.; Barbosa, J. S. F.; de Souza, S. L.; Marinho, M. M.; Fanning, C. M.; Leite, C. M. M.


    Felsic metavolcanics associated with supracrustal rocks provide U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd TDM ages of approximately 3.3 Ga, which establish an Archean age of the Mundo Novo greenstone belt. A granodioritic gneiss from the Mairi complex, located on the eastern boundary of the Mundo Novo greenstone belt, exhibits a zircon evaporation minimum age of 3.04 Ga and a Nd model age of 3.2 Ga. These results constrain the occurrence of at least three major geological units in this area: the Archean Mundo Novo greenstone belt, the Archean Mairi gneisses, and the adjoining Paleoproterozoic (<2.1 Ga) Jacobina sedimentary basin. The Jacobina basin follows the same trend as the Archean structure, extending southward to the Contendas-Mirante belt, in which a similar Archean-Paleoproterozoic association appears. We postulate that during the Paleoproterozoic in the eastern margin of the Gavião block, these Archean greenstone belts constituted a zone of weakness along which a late-stage orogenic sedimentary basin developed.


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    Milene Cristina da Silva Baldo


    Full Text Available A utopia A Descrição de um Novo Mundo, chamado O Mundo Resplandecente, de 1666, é de autoria da filósofa natural e Duquesa de Newcastle Margaret Lucas Cavendish. Tal obra é considerada a primeira no gênero literário utópico escrita por uma mulher e apresenta a história do descobrimento de um novo mundo por um estrangeiro que, após atravessar os mares, ali desembarca. O Mundo Resplandecente possui uma organização das leis, do estado, da religião etc. que permite uma vida em perfeita harmonia. A intenção principal desse artigo é apresentar algumas observações sobre a estrutura utópica do texto, como o fato de que, diferentemente da estrutura paradigmática do texto de Thomas More, após sua chegada, o estrangeiro passa a interferir nesse mundo provocando-lhe mudanças substanciais. Também procuro apontar algumas das relações presentes entre a obra e outros textos contemporâneos, como os de Thomas Hobbes e de Francis Bacon, referências influentes para a construção do pensamento de Cavendish.

  14. Agronomic evaluation of coffee tree “Mundo Novo” cv. in Minas Gerais State

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    Bruno de Souza Monte Raso


    Full Text Available Aiming of selecting generations of Arabic coffee plants adapted to different coffee regions of the state of Minas Gerais, experiments were conducted in the cities of Três Pontas, Campos Altos and Capelinha. Thirty three progenies from the “Mundo Novo” cv. were evaluated obtained by the genetic improving program of the coffee plants led by the Instituto Agronomico in Campinas. The experiments were carried out in randomized complete block design with four repetitions and six plants by parcel. The yield analysis were performed conjoint for the three sites and six crops. The adaptability and stability of the individual features were evaluated applying the methodology proposed by Annicchiarico (1992, estimating the Confidence Index (Ii and defining as environment the combination between each biennal and each place, that is, nine environments. The parameters fruit maturation stage, floating grains bean/ fruit and bean size were carried out considering the medium of the last two crops, in Três Pontas. The most promising are the IAC 2931, IAC 379-19, IAC 480, IAC 388-6-16 and IAC 379-19-2 because they showed higher stability in the environments and were among the most productive ones in the average of the nine environments, obtaining higher confidence indexes. The progenies IAC 515-8, IAC 501 12, IAC 464 15 have the best percentages of fruit maturation stage, floating grains bean/fruit and bean size.

  15. Mundo da escola/mundo do trabalho:realidades conciliáveis pela via polivalência?

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    Regina Lúcia Freire de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo trata da relação trabalho/educação, procurando situar a escola de nível médio relativamente aos novos requerimentos de qualificação. Centra-se na polivalência, compreendida como exigência calcada nas alterações que marcam os atuais processos de trabalho. Enfatiza que as ligações entre os dois mundos -trabalho/escola -são tecidas à base de que as metamorfoses da produção terminam por repercutir na educação escolar, acenando para o seu realinhamento político, filosófico e pedagógico.


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    Amir El Hakim de Paula


    Full Text Available O artigo procura discutir como as mudanças no mundo do trabalho repercutem  nas ciências humanas, em especial na Geografia. Para tal êxito desenvolvemos uma análise mais aprofundada sobre a emergência do trabalho imaterial e do Geomarketing. Ao realizarmos isso, procuramos demonstrar de que forma alguns atributos geográficos foram incorporados nesse novo mundo do trabalho, muito embora a ciência geográfica ainda mantivesse uma análise crítica a essas transformações. Entender esse processo possibilita-nos desvelar que, muito embora as ciências humanas estivessem quase que totalmente alijadas dessas inovações, a Geografia, principalmente em seu ramo técnico (Cartografia agregou a si novos conhecimentos e mesmo que discutivelmente, conseguiu um espaço nessa moderna configuração do trabalho.

  17. Mundo Braz. El devenir-mundo de Brasil y el devenir-Brasil del mundo

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    Rodrigo Martínez Reinoso


    Full Text Available Reseña: Mundo Braz. El devenir-mundo de Brasil y el devenir-Brasil del mundo   MundoBraz. El devenir-mundo de Brasil y el devenir-Brasil del mundo es el título que lleva la obra del filósofo italiano radicado en Brasil Giuseppe Cocco. Fue publicada originalmente en portugués (Río de Janeiro, 2009 y editada en español por la Editorial Traficantes de Sueños tres años después (Madrid, 2012. Sus principales aportaciones se relacionan con el análisis político y social de nuestra realidad contemporánea bajo una línea de investigación neo-marxista que ha dado origen a dos emblemáticas publicaciones, las cuales son en rigor los antecedentes inmediatos del espíritu crítico, transdisciplinario y altermundista que caracteriza a MundoBraz. [1] Cocco, Giuseppe (2012: MundoBraz. El devenir-mundo de Brasil y el devenir-Brasil del mundo. Traficantes de Sueños, Madrid. Giuseppe Cocco se formó en Italia y Francia y fue activista político en los años 70 de Autonomía Obrera. Es Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas (Università degli Studi di Padova, 1981, Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas (Université de Paris VIII, 1984, Master of Science Technologie et Société (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, 1988, MA en Historia Social (Universidad de París I (Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1986 y Doctor en Historia Social (Universidad Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, 1993. Ejerce como profesor de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro y es editor de diversas revistas de perfil neomarxista y altermundista: Global Brasil, Common Place y Multitudes. Un modo de resumir el valor de esta bella y asombrosa obra quizás consista en decir que cumple a cabalidad con el sentido de lo que Deleuze y Guattari han denominado como una política menor. La cual, paradójicamente, si bien derriba una serie de dogmas del liberalismo y del marxismo, tal mirada no se queda en un diagnóstico fatídico y determinista (como sería el economicismo que acusa al neoliberalismo de

  18. Assembly of the Lactuca sativa, L. cv. Tizian draft genome sequence reveals differences within major resistance complex 1 as compared to the cv. Salinas reference genome. (United States)

    Verwaaijen, Bart; Wibberg, Daniel; Nelkner, Johanna; Gordin, Miriam; Rupp, Oliver; Winkler, Anika; Bremges, Andreas; Blom, Jochen; Grosch, Rita; Pühler, Alfred; Schlüter, Andreas


    Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, L.) is an important annual plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae). The commercial lettuce cultivar Tizian has been used in various scientific studies investigating the interaction of the plant with phytopathogens or biological control agents. Here, we present the de novo draft genome sequencing and gene prediction for this specific cultivar derived from transcriptome sequence data. The assembled scaffolds amount to a size of 2.22 Gb. Based on RNAseq data, 31,112 transcript isoforms were identified. Functional predictions for these transcripts were determined within the GenDBE annotation platform. Comparison with the cv. Salinas reference genome revealed a high degree of sequence similarity on genome and transcriptome levels, with an average amino acid identity of 99%. Furthermore, it was observed that two large regions are either missing or are highly divergent within the cv. Tizian genome compared to cv. Salinas. One of these regions covers the major resistance complex 1 region of cv. Salinas. The cv. Tizian draft genome sequence provides a valuable resource for future functional and transcriptome analyses focused on this lettuce cultivar. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Ficção científica e o Admirável mundo novo: previsões concretizadas no atual século e considerações bioéticas

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    Ana Carolina Clemente dos Santos


    Full Text Available A celeridade com que a ciência gera resultados na sociedade moderna torna necessária uma reflexão sobre os limites da aplicação do progresso científico. Essa é a discussão de base de Admirável mundo novo, livro de Aldous Huxley publicado em 1932, que retrata uma futura sociedade tecnológica nos moldes do fordismo. Este artigo estabelece uma relação entre a sociedade tecnocrata atual e a sociedade descrita por Huxley, discutindo a viabilidade dos aspectos técnicos e biológicos das manipulações narradas à luz dos conhecimentos atuais. São também elaboradas algumas considerações bioéticas sobre os procedimentos 'inventados' pelo autor e que já são, ou poderiam ser, desenvolvidos na sociedade moderna.

  20. Culturas del Mundo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Benwell, Ann Fenger; Costa, Alberto; Waehle, Espen


    ’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39......’Culturas del mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca’ with Ann Fenger Benwell in Culturas del Mundo. Colecciones del Museo Nacional de Dinamarca, ed. Silvia Sauquet, Fundación "la Caixa", Barcelona 2006, pp. 31-39...

  1. MODELOS GEOPOLÍTICOS: UMA INTERPRETAÇÃO DE MUNDO/Geopolitic Models: a world interpretation

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    Wendell Teles de Lima


    Full Text Available As teorias de interpretação da realidade geográfica do mundo contemporâneo, diante de uma perspectiva geopolítica, em sua grande maioria, são restritas a um modelo baseado no regionalismo tradicional francês, em princípio, baseado no quadro teórico interpretativo da escola francesa, no século XIX, nesse sentido, é necessário que a busca intelectual seja feita para superar este paradigma, para a interpretação dos fenômenos geográficos e geopolíticos, em função da nova realidade mundial, na perspectiva dos novos centros de poder. Portanto, a construção ainda em curso de um mundo multipolar rebate na emergência dos novos centros. Na superação desse fato, tem-se as teorias neoeurasianas e meridionalistas, buscou-se compreender essas duas teorias e em seguida uma alternativa ainda inicial proposta pela teórica das escalas geopolíticas geográficas multifunções. Os caminhos trilhados para esse objetivo foram: a organização do pensamento através da metodologia interpretativa das duas teorias, logo depois, uma interpretação de uma nova possibilidade, interpretativa de proposição geopolítica.

  2. Cinema utópico: a construção de um novo homem e um novo mundo


    Erika Savernini Lopes


    O cinema, desde seus primórdios, prefigurou o espaço cibernético como um novo espaço imaterial construído coletivamente. A concepção desse outro lugar não físico para o qual o homem poderia migrar estabelece para o cinema e para o ciberespaço uma relação direta com as utopias. Na acepção do romance filosófico de Thomas More, a Utopia define-se como um outro espaço não-existente, irrealizável e ideal que diagnostica o atual. O cinema carregaria caracteres fundamentais da Utopia tanto no que se...

  3. Novos biomateriais poliméricos para implantes ósseos


    Ferreira, Sara Cristina Silva


    Os danos dos tecidos ósseos representam um problema importante de saúde em todo o mundo. Um dos componentes principais utilizados em engenharia de tecidos são os materiais de suporte, estruturas 3D formadas por matrizes porosas, que visam proporcionar o desenvolvimento do novo tecido. Muitas das matrizes poliméricas porosas (espumas) utilizadas em aplicações médicas são constituídas por poliuretanos, sendo estes produzidos a partir de isocianatos (produtos tóxicos) e polióis. Assim, surge a n...

  4. A Terra em Transe: o cosmopolitismo às avessas do cinema novo

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    Angela Prysthon


    Full Text Available Usando como referencial teórico os estudos culturais, este artigo analisa o cinema novo brasileiro como parte de uma estratégia terceiro mundista de conceber a cultura. A partir da emergência do conceito de terceiro mundo e das lutas de descolonização nos anos 1950 e 1960, a ideologia cosmopolita foi sendo vista pelos intelectuais de esquerda como a versão cultural da aliança com as forças hegemônicas da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. O projeto do cinema novo chama a atenção por suas afinidades ideológicas com o terceiro mundismo, mas, paradoxalmente, trazendo à tona uma polí­tica cosmopolita da periferia. Palavras-chave cinema novo, identidade, cultura brasileira, terceiro mundismo, estudos culturais. Abstract Using the cultural studies theoretical framework, this paper analyzes the cinema novo movement in Brazil as a part of the Third World conception of culture. Following the creation of the term "Third World" and the international politics of colonial independence of the 1950s and 1960s, a cosmopolitan attitude was seen by the intellectuals of the left as a cultural version of the alliance with the hegemonic forces of Europe and North America. Even though the cinema novo project can be associated with the ideology of an united Third World ,it brings about, paradoxically, a very cosmopolitan politics of the periphery. Key words cinema novo, identity, Brazilian culture, third world, cultural studies.

  5. De Novo transcriptome assembly of Zingiber officinale cv. Suruchi of Odisha. (United States)

    Gaur, Mahendra; Das, Aradhana; Sahoo, Rajesh Kumar; Kar, Basudeba; Nayak, Sanghamitra; Subudhi, Enketeswara


    Zingiber officinale Rosc., known as ginger, is an Asian crop, popularly used in every household kitchen and commercially used in bakery, beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries. The present study deals with de novo transcriptome assembly of an elite ginger cultivar Suruchi by next generation sequencing methodology. From the analysis 10.9 GB raw data was obtained which can be available in NCBI accession number SAMN03761185. We identified 41,969 transcripts using Trinity RNA-Seq from ginger rhizome of Suruchi variety from Odisha. The transcript length varied from 300 bp to 8404 bp with a total length of 3,96,40,526 bp and N50 of 1251 bp. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first transcriptome data of an elite ginger cultivar Suruchi released for Odisha state of India which will help molecular biologists to develop genetic markers for identification of cultivars.

  6. Novos realismos e o risco da ficção

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    Vera Lúcia Follain de Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Entre as correntes teóricas contemporâneas, há uma tendência em considerar que a função da imagem midiática já não é imitar, nem sequer fazer-se passar pela realidade, mas substituir o próprio mundo real. Tal pensamento tem aberto caminho para a valorização de narrativas que parecem retratar, espontaneamente, cenas de um “real autêntico”. Partindo desse ponto, o texto discute a crise da ficção e os novos realismos, indagando quais os parâmetros utilizados, em nossos dias, quando se classifica um texto como realista.

  7. Globalização: novo paradigma das ciências sociais




    As ciências sociais estão sendo desafiadas a pensar a globalização do mundo. No fim do século XX, quando se anuncia o XXI, elas se defrontam com os dilemas que se abrem com a globalização das coisas, gentes e idéias. Há processos e estruturas sociais, econômicos, políticos, culturais e outros que apenas começam a ser estudados. Além do que é local, nacional e regional, colocam-se problemas novos e fundamentais com a emergência da sociedade global. As fronteiras geográficas e históricas, cultu...

  8. A Psicologia no novo contexto mundial Psychology in the new world context

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    Carla Faria Leitão


    Full Text Available Profundas alterações no mundo contemporâneo criaram um novo contexto de produção científica, caracterizado pela desconstrução de antigas teorias e pela construção de uma nova rede de conhecimentos. Neste artigo, analisamos algumas teorias recentemente desenvolvidas nas ciências sociais e na filosofia que compõem esta rede: as teorias pós-modernas, as teorias da modernização reflexiva e a teoria da Revolução da Tecnologia da Informação. Visamos com isto munir os psicólogos de conhecimentos advindos de outros campos disciplinares que sirvam como ponto de partida para a análise das mudanças subjetivas introduzidas pelo novo cenário mundial. Argumentamos que a psicologia ainda observa o homem contemporâneo a partir de categorias tradicionais, desconsiderando que transformações sociais profundas geram impactos psicológicos não menos profundos e dificilmente captáveis a partir de antigos referenciais. Concluímos que um conhecimento mais aprofundado das transformações radicais em curso no mundo atual pode ajudar os psicólogos a rever suas antigas certezas a respeito do homem e a aventurar novos olhares sobre os também novos fenômenos humanos.Profound changes in the contemporary world have created a new context for scientific work, characterised by the deconstruction of old theories and the construction of a new network of knowledge. In this article, we analyse a few theories recently developed in the social sciences and in philosophy that make up this network: post-modernist theories, reflexive modernisation theories and Information Technology Revolution theory. In this way, we aim to provide psychologists with insights produced in other fields of knowledge that can serve as a starting point for the analysis of the subjective changes introduced by the new global scenario. We argue that psychology still observes contemporary man on the basis of traditional categories, ignoring the fact that profound social changes

  9. Um novo espaço para os jovens: estudo sobre a internet no mundo adolescente chinês

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    Zhang, Fang fang


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda e analisa a situação atual do uso e influência da Internet no mundo adolescente chinês. A pesquisa pretende conhecer as características dos internautas adolescentes chineses, esclarecer as peculiaridades e mudanças ocorridas em função da utilização da Internet, estudar e debater as influências exercidas pela Internet sobre a vida dos adolescentes chineses, ou seja, as relações entre a utilização da Internet e o estudo, a diversão, a comunicação interpessoal, os pensamentos e os comportamentos do adolescente

  10. UniNovo: a universal tool for de novo peptide sequencing. (United States)

    Jeong, Kyowon; Kim, Sangtae; Pevzner, Pavel A


    Mass spectrometry (MS) instruments and experimental protocols are rapidly advancing, but de novo peptide sequencing algorithms to analyze tandem mass (MS/MS) spectra are lagging behind. Although existing de novo sequencing tools perform well on certain types of spectra [e.g. Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) spectra of tryptic peptides], their performance often deteriorates on other types of spectra, such as Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD), Higher-energy Collisional Dissociation (HCD) spectra or spectra of non-tryptic digests. Thus, rather than developing a new algorithm for each type of spectra, we develop a universal de novo sequencing algorithm called UniNovo that works well for all types of spectra or even for spectral pairs (e.g. CID/ETD spectral pairs). UniNovo uses an improved scoring function that captures the dependences between different ion types, where such dependencies are learned automatically using a modified offset frequency function. The performance of UniNovo is compared with PepNovo+, PEAKS and pNovo using various types of spectra. The results show that the performance of UniNovo is superior to other tools for ETD spectra and superior or comparable with others for CID and HCD spectra. UniNovo also estimates the probability that each reported reconstruction is correct, using simple statistics that are readily obtained from a small training dataset. We demonstrate that the estimation is accurate for all tested types of spectra (including CID, HCD, ETD, CID/ETD and HCD/ETD spectra of trypsin, LysC or AspN digested peptides). UniNovo is implemented in JAVA and tested on Windows, Ubuntu and OS X machines. UniNovo is available at along with the manual.

  11. La impronta del nuevo mundo

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    Rodrigo Lagos Vergara


    Full Text Available Cuando nos aprontamos a conmemorar el quinto centenario del Nuevo Mundo, cabe hacer algunas reflexiones acerca de nuestro continente a la luz del lenguaje propio de las artes y la arquitectura a través del tiempo. Hablamos del Nuevo Mundo en la medida que aceptamos, por una parte, la concepción del nuevo espacio generado a partir del encuentro de dos culturas, la precolombina americana y la propiamente europea llegada principalmente a través de España, y, por otra parte, aceptando también que el nuevo continente resulta ser la pieza clave que ayuda definitivamente a configurar un nuevo cosmos que revela al mundo su otro extremo y aquella parte que manifiesta la totalidad en la certeza de que la tierra es un planeta.

  12. Free and proteic aminoacids from acetate 14C metabolism in detached leaves of coffee plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brasil, O.G.; Crocomo, O.J.


    The acetate 14 C was studied as the forerunner of proteic and free aminoacids in detached leaves of coffee (coffea arabica Mundo Novo). The detached leaves were incubated with acetate -1- 14 C and -2- 14 C during several times (15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes), out of luminosity. The ethanol 80% soluble fraction gave origin to free aminoacid after ion - exchange chromatography. The insoluble fraction through acid hydrolisis furnished proteic aminoacids. The data showed that the acetate molecules contributed for the aminoacids molecules structure, methylic carbon being more incorporated than the carboxylic carbon. (Author) [pt

  13. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Kent fruit mesocarp de novo transcriptome assembly identifies gene families important for ripening (United States)

    Fruit ripening is a physiological and biochemical process genetically programmed to regulate fruit quality parameters like firmness, flavor, odor and color, as well as production of ethylene in climacteric fruit. In this study, a transcriptomic analysis of mango (Mangifera indica L.) mesocarp cv. "K...

  14. El mundo de los astrónomos


    Serna Arango, Julián


    A Partir Del Concepto De Mundo Para Nosotros Como Mundo Apalabrado Nos Ocupamosde Las Vías Tendientes A La Construcción De Mundo, Y En Particular, De La Lógicay La Literatura. Comprometida La Lógica Con Un Espacio Semántico Rectilíneo, Esdecir, Con El Ámbito Físico-Biótico, Y La Literatura, Con Un Espacio Semánticoflexible, Es Decir, Con El Ámbito Socio-Cultural, Se Reivindica La Pertinenciade Los Recursos Literarios En El Discurso Filosófico.

  15. El mundo del libro: agosto de 1964

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: Sociología Política de Colombia - Por Eduardo Santa -Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Bogotá. Colombia. Crispin: Una Entrevista con Nerón - Por Crispín - Ediciones Tercer Mundo. La Sombra del Sayón - Por Augusto Angel -Novela - Editorial Kelly. Prosa - Por José Mar Simón Bolívar: Más allá del Mito -Por Guillermo Ruiz Rivas -Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Bogotá. Colombia.


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    Sugiyatno A.


    Full Text Available Japansche citroen (JC rootstock is still the main choice for producing citrus seeds for its high availability and compatibility. Other rootstocks have been used in the production, yet they produce unsatisfying results. Based on the theory, there is an alternative to use rootstock as interstock in order to stimulate the growth of scion. The objective of this reseach is to understand the effect of interstock on the growth of Mandarin cv. Batu 55, Tangerine cv. Pontianak and Lime cv. Nimas. This research was conducted in the screen house of Tlekung Experimental Field of Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICSFRI in Batu-East Java, located on 950 m asl, from January to April 2016. This research was arranged in a CRD design with 4 replications and 24 interstock-scion combination treatments. The interstocks used in this study were Carizzo citrange, Citrumello, Poncirus trifoliata, Volkameriana, Rough lemon, Troyer citrange, Kanci and control (JC combined with 3 scions namely Mandarin cv. Batu 55, Tangerine cv. Pontianak and Lime cv. Nimas propagated by grafting. The result showed the percentage of successful grafting ranged between 37.5% to 100%, while the percentage of the shoot formed on grafted plants was 75%-100%. The use of Poncirus trifoliata as interstock has stimulated fastest bud break on Tangerine cv. Pontianak in just 24.75 days while the Troyer citrange has stimulated better shoot growth in Lime cv. Nimas, resulted to the highest shoot around 52.20 cm which was significantly different from other treatments. Meanwhile, Carizzo citrange has been found to have some influences to the plant diameter and the number of leave of Lime cv. Nimas but showed insignificant effect on the growth of its own diameter. The use of interstock showed that it can be used to promote the growth of scion which usually has slow growth when it is directly grafted on the rootstock.

  17. Novos liberalismos e a Grande Recessão: princípios para uma política externa crítica

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    Igor Abdalla


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa a emergência, nas últimas décadas, de novo liberalismo internacionalista de cunho tecnocrático, que se divorcia do liberalismo clássico criado pelo filósofo crítico Immanuel Kant. O novo liberalismo, que coincide com o processo de globalização das finanças, inverte o elemento emancipatório do liberalismo kantiano para apresentar-se como instância de ratificação do poder. Como resultado, os novos liberais são incapazes de analisar criticamente eventos como a Grande Recessão. Em contraposição ao novo liberalismo tecnocrático propõem-se princípios para uma política externa crítica para o Brasil. Em termos empíricos, escrutina-se a evolução do processo de globalização das finanças do ponto de vista do poder, com enfoque sobre as crises financeiras no mundo em desenvolvimento e a Grande Recessão de 2008. Propugnam-se os seguintes argumentos: (i o novo liberalismo contradiz o liberalismo clássico; (ii o novo liberalismo legitima interesses de atores hegemônicos voltados para a liberalização e a desregulamentação financeiras sem limites, que se encontram na raiz da Grande Recessão; (iii a política externa brasileira deve resgatar elementos do liberalismo clássico no contexto de crise gerado pela Grande Recessão.

  18. El mundo es un paisaje sonoro


    Rezza, Sol


    El sonido es movimiento, sin movimiento no hay sonido. Nuestras vidas cotidianas están plagadas de sonidos, el mundo es un mundo sonoro. Soundscape, paisajes sonoros, postales sonoras, ambientes sonoros son algunos de los nombres con los que se define al sonido o a la combinación de sonidos que conforman un entono específico, es decir un ambiente sonoro.

  19. O antiterrorismo após o 11/09 como legitimação do novo policiamento global

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    Geraldo Alves Teixeira Júnior


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o significado da expressão "polícia do mundo", recorrente entre os críticos do imperialismo americano. A partir da década de 1970, o termo adquire outros significados, pois os Estados Unidos passam a empregar novos procedimentos para exercer seu poder de polícia global no contexto da "guerra contra as drogas". Desde os atentados de 11 de setembro de 2001, o novo policiamento internacional se tornou mais freqüente e mais agressivo com as chamadas extraordinary renditions na "guerra contra o terror". De modo geral, busca-se mostrar que o problema do policiamento internacional vai além das análises sistêmicas. Como objetivo específico, pretende-se realçar que as práticas aí envolvidas e outrora rejeitadas adquirem legitimidade quando são justificadas pelo discurso do combate ao terrorismo internacional.

  20. O mundo americano na produção escrita inglesa: séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII

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    Lílian Martins de Lima


    Full Text Available A apreciação do Novo Mundo por letrados ingleses, irlandeses e escoceses pode ser pontuada a partir da segunda metade do século XVI. A compreensão acerca dessa temática é um dos eixos deste artigo, que pretende avaliar as nuances da produção escrita em língua inglesa entre os séculos XVI, XVII e XVIII, com destaque para a formulação de histórias filosóficas da América. Buscamos, em linhas gerais, avaliar de que forma o cenário americano foi descrito por autores que, em diferentes momentos, se indagaram sobre o lugar da América na historiografia inglesa.

  1. Conflictos, treguas y amnistías en el mundo antiguo


    Iriarte Goñi, Ana


    Introducción a las contribuciones presentadas al curso "Conflictos, treguas y amnistías en el mundo antiguo", desarrollado en agosto de 1999 en el marco de los XVIII Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU en Donostia. [ES] El dossier «Conflictos, treguas y amnistías en el mundo antiguo» supone un recorrido histórico a través del mundo griego arcaico y clásico, y del mundo romano tardorrepublicano y augusteo cuyo hilo conductor es el conflicto político y social en el mundo grecorromano. Al...

  2. Efeito da densidade de plantio sôbre a produção do café "mundo nôvo" Influence of plant density on the yield per area of the 'mundo novo' coffee

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    H. J. Scaranari


    espaçamento nas entrelinhas, sem impedir a penetração dos raios solares, de importância no florescimento. Não se encontraram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos no que se refere ao rendimento e ao tamanho das sementes do tipo chato. Estudos semelhantes, com linhagens de outras variedades comerciais e abrangendo diferentes práticas culturais., seriam desejáveis para determinar a reação dessas linhagens selecionadas a diferentes disposições de plantio, segundo o espaçamento e número de plantas na cova.In S. Paulo coffee is commonly grown at variable spacings with about four seedlings per hole. There is at present, a trend to establish new coffee orchards at higher densities in the lines than previously adopted. The data here discussed refer to to a trial set to observe the behaviour of one of the best yielder strains of the 'Mundo Novo' cultivar, LGP 376, when planted with different spacing between holes in the lines and also with different number of seedlings per hole. Four treatments were distributed in a landomissed block design with 6 replications. The tratments chosen were the following; 4.0 x 0,5 m one plant per hole, 4.0 x 1.0 m with two or four seedlings per hole and 4.0 x 2.0 m (four seedlings. The last treatment was taken as representing the usual coffee planting system under our conditions. The analysis of total coffee cherry weight, for a period of four years, indicated no significant differences between treatments. Nevertheless it was noticed that the first two productions were higher in the tratuionts with higher densities in the line. Only the treatments with a single plant per hole had shorter plants than any other. The treatments with two or four seedlings in the holes had a larger diameter than those treatments with a single plant. This reduction in diameter of the coffee tret' would favor the establishment of coffee plantations at closer spacings. The outturn and seed size were of the same magnitude for any treatment considered

  3. IJ-OpenCV: Combining ImageJ and OpenCV for processing images in biomedicine. (United States)

    Domínguez, César; Heras, Jónathan; Pascual, Vico


    The effective processing of biomedical images usually requires the interoperability of diverse software tools that have different aims but are complementary. The goal of this work is to develop a bridge to connect two of those tools: ImageJ, a program for image analysis in life sciences, and OpenCV, a computer vision and machine learning library. Based on a thorough analysis of ImageJ and OpenCV, we detected the features of these systems that could be enhanced, and developed a library to combine both tools, taking advantage of the strengths of each system. The library was implemented on top of the SciJava converter framework. We also provide a methodology to use this library. We have developed the publicly available library IJ-OpenCV that can be employed to create applications combining features from both ImageJ and OpenCV. From the perspective of ImageJ developers, they can use IJ-OpenCV to easily create plugins that use any functionality provided by the OpenCV library and explore different alternatives. From the perspective of OpenCV developers, this library provides a link to the ImageJ graphical user interface and all its features to handle regions of interest. The IJ-OpenCV library bridges the gap between ImageJ and OpenCV, allowing the connection and the cooperation of these two systems. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Clarissa Nobre Carvalho


    Full Text Available Observando que a Administração de Recursos Humanos (ARH tem sido predominantemente marcada pela utilização de técnicas e instrumentos normativos e objetivos, e que seu olhar sobre o sujeito tende a calcar uma visão puramente racional do homem, o presente artigo procura salientar a importância do desenvolvimento de novas práticas e olhares na gestão de pessoas. Para tanto, foi tecido um aporte sobre o mundo do trabalho contemporâneo, ressaltando os desafios da ARH frente à nova conjuntura, e proposto um resgate da concepção do trabalho como categoria fundante e constituinte do ser social. Viu-se que a apreensão da relevância do trabalho na vida dos homens faz-se fundamental para ressaltar o espaço de trabalho como lugar privilegiado de construção da subjetividade, contribuindo com a reflexão de novos caminhos de desenvolvimento teórico e prático de ARH.

  5. Viaje alrededor del sistema-mundo

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    Pablo González Casanova


    Full Text Available Al iniciar el recorrido, Wallerstein sostiene dos tesis principales: que la historia está abierta, y que vivimos una etapa en que el determinismo disminuye. En un caso enfrenta las tesis de una historia clausurada, en otro, la de un futuro sin alternativas. Ni es el ?n de la historia ni vivimos en el mejor de los mundos posibles. La investigación y la acción tienen que explorar en los terrenos macro y micro de la política, la economía, la cultura y la sociedad y descubrir cómo se abre y cierra la historia del porvenir, y como se abren los límites actuales del sistema-mundo a los valores universales respetando sus particularidades y especi?cidades. El planteamiento de Wallerstein se opone a las tesis de moda de los funcionarios-?lósofos del “establishment” conservador, dizque tecnocientí?co y objetivo. Permite comprender un mundo que está abierto a la libertad aunque no necesariamente la alcance.

  6. La incorporación y representaciones espaciales del Nuevo Mundo en el Viejo Mundo

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    Alejandra Toscana Aparicio


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se propone una aproximación para el estudio del paisaje, considerándolo como un conjunto de elementos tanto físico-naturales como sociales, configurado a través de procesos histórico-culturales, susceptible de ser representado simbólicamente. Se analizan tres diversas maneras de relación espacio físicocultura, que oscilan entre el “compromiso” y el “distanciamiento”, y que dan lugar a variadas formas de representación del espacio, las cuales ordenan la experiencia espacial y producen identidades. El descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo y sus representaciones en el Viejo Mundo se utilizan como ejemplo.

  7. Globalização: novo paradigma das ciências sociais

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    Octavio Ianni


    Full Text Available As ciências sociais estão sendo desafiadas a pensar a globalização do mundo. No fim do século XX, quando se anuncia o XXI, elas se defrontam com os dilemas que se abrem com a globalização das coisas, gentes e idéias. Há processos e estruturas sociais, econômicos, políticos, culturais e outros que apenas começam a ser estudados. Além do que é local, nacional e regional, colocam-se problemas novos e fundamentais com a emergência da sociedade global. As fronteiras geográficas e históricas, culturais e civilizatórias parecem modificar-se em direções e formas surpreendentes. Indivíduo, grupo, classe, coletividade e povo são colocados diante de outros horizontes. O próprio pensamento científico é desafiado a elaborar conceitos e interpretações para dar conta de realidades pouco conhecidas. As teorias da globalização, que começam a ser esboçadas, revelam o empenho das ciências sociais em explicar o que há de novo no que vai pelo mundo.Social sciences are now being challenged to think on the world's globalization. At the end of the twentieth century and dawn of the twenty first, they are faced with the dilemas that open up with the globalization of things, people and ideas: There are social, economical, political, cultural and other processes and structures that are just begining to be studied. Besides what is local, national and regional, new and fundamental problems appear with the rising global society. The geographic, historical, cultural and civilizatorian limits seem to change in surprising ways and directions. The individual, group, class, colectivity and people are put before other horizons. The scientific thinking itself is called upon to elaborate concepts and interpretations to account for little known realities. The globalization theories that are just being sketched show the efforts of Social Sciences to explain what is new going on in the world.

  8. Internet e Cultura: um novo olhar, veloz e voraz

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    Wilson de Oliveira Souza


    Full Text Available Em cada piscadela que damos, um novo mundo enxergamos. Com a globalização, o modo de ver o mundo muda radicalmente, principalmente devido ao complexo ritmo ditado pelas relações entre o meio ambiente e seus usuários. De forma sintetizada, podemos explicar que a globalização é resultado da terceira revolução tecnológica (tecnologias ligadas à busca, processamento, difusão e transmissão de informações; inteligência artificial; engenharia genética, da formação de áreas de livre comércio e blocos econômicos interligados (como o Mercosul, a União Européia e o Nafta e da crescente interligação e interdependência dos mercados físicos e financeiros em escala planetária. Essa trinca é responsável pela alteração, principalmente, da nova forma de enxergarmos a cultura, aceitando que a mundialização da cultura é um processo em curso, não concluído ainda, na qual as formas culturais nacionais ou locais entram em contato rapidamente. Com isso, quedam as barreiras territoriais, forçam as mediações e criam, no dizer de Featherstone, a "terceira cultura", entendendo como "um conjunto de práticas, conhecimentos, convenções e estilos de vida que se desenvolvem de modo a se tornar cada vez mais independente dos Estados-Nação".


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    John Gledhill

    Full Text Available A cidade de Salvador replica o processo de “acumulação por espoliação”, característico de um urbanismo neoliberal em todo o mundo. Neste artigo, comparamos como atua a lógica da requalificação urbana em duas zonas da cidade. A primeira é uma grande e historicamente combativa favela localizada na região que tem se tornado o mais moderno “novo centro” da cidade. Nela, a chave dos problemas são os novos projetos de mobilidade urbana e a construção de condomínios para outras classes sociais. A segunda zona é o centro colonial da cidade, que experimenta uma nova fase de gentrificação. Ali, as políticas de patrimônio histórico se encontram com outras políticas, transformando os remanescentes espaços públicos da cidade neoliberal securitizada em zonas mais seguras para turistas e residentes mais ricos. Enfatizamos o valor de um entendimento etnograficamente fundamentado para compreender o que essas mudanças significam para moradores pobres da cidade, assim como a complexidade, a heterogeneidade e a ambiguidade de suas diferentes reações.

  10. MRUniNovo: an efficient tool for de novo peptide sequencing utilizing the hadoop distributed computing framework. (United States)

    Li, Chuang; Chen, Tao; He, Qiang; Zhu, Yunping; Li, Kenli


    Tandem mass spectrometry-based de novo peptide sequencing is a complex and time-consuming process. The current algorithms for de novo peptide sequencing cannot rapidly and thoroughly process large mass spectrometry datasets. In this paper, we propose MRUniNovo, a novel tool for parallel de novo peptide sequencing. MRUniNovo parallelizes UniNovo based on the Hadoop compute platform. Our experimental results demonstrate that MRUniNovo significantly reduces the computation time of de novo peptide sequencing without sacrificing the correctness and accuracy of the results, and thus can process very large datasets that UniNovo cannot. MRUniNovo is an open source software tool implemented in java. The source code and the parameter settings are available at ; Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  11. Emgu CV essentials

    CERN Document Server

    Shi, Shin


    This book provides a practical guide to Emgu CV libraries, with sample code and examples used throughout to explain the concepts clearly. Each chapter deals with a different aspect of the Computer Vision field and the implementation of that topic in Emgu CV.If you are a C# programmer working on computer vision projects, this book is for you. You should have prior experience with C#.

  12. Learning openCV computer vision with the openCV library

    CERN Document Server

    Bradski, Gary


    Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduces you to computer vision and demonstrates how you can quickly build applications that enable computers to see" and make decisions based on the data. With this book, any developer or hobbyist can get up and running with the framework quickly, whether it's to build simple or sophisticated vision applications

  13. The Limbic-Prefrontal Network Modulated by Electroacupuncture at CV4 and CV12

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    Jiliang Fang


    Full Text Available fMRI studies showed that acupuncture could induce hemodynamic changes in brain networks. Many of these studies focused on whether specific acupoints could activate specific brain regions and were often limited to manual acupuncture at acupoints on the limbs. In this fMRI study, we investigated acupuncture's modulation effects on brain functional networks by electroacupuncture (EA at acupoints on the midline of abdomen. Acupoints Guanyuan (CV4 and Zhongwan (CV12 were stimulated in 21 healthy volunteers. The needling sensations, brain activation, and functional connectivity were studied. We found that the limbic-prefrontal functional network was deactivated by EA at CV4 and CV12. More importantly, the local functional connectivity was significantly changed during EA stimulation, and the change persisted during the period after the stimulation. Although minor differences existed, both acupoints similarly modulated the limbic-prefrontal functional network, which is overlapped with the functional circuits associated with emotional and cognitive regulation.

  14. Repercussão cardiovascular, com e sem álcool, do carbonato de lodenafila, um novo inibidor da PDE5


    Silva, Adauto Carvalho; Toffoletto, Odaly; Lucio, Luiz Antonio Galvão; Santos, Paula Ferreira dos; Afiune, Jorge Barros; Massud Filho, João; Tufik, Sergio


    FUNDAMENTO: A disfunção erétil afeta um grande número de homens no mundo e os inibidores de PDE 5 (iPDE5) estão entre os principais métodos de tratamento desses pacientes. O consumo social de álcool e o ato sexual apresentam uma relação considerável. Portanto, a associação entre álcool e iPDE5 pode ocorrer. O carbonato de lodenafila é um novo iPDE5 desenvolvido por uma empresa brasileira. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a repercussão cardiovascular do carbonato de lodenafila, associado ou não ao álcool, as...


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    Agenor Brighent


    Full Text Available Teve lugar, em Nairobi, o II Fórum Mundial de Teologia e Libertação, entre os dias 16e 19de janeiro de 2007.O primeiro havia sido realizado em Porto Alegre, em janeiro de 2005, cujos resultados estão publicados em L.C. SUSIN (org., Teologia para outro mundo possível, São Paulo: Paulinas, 2006 (485 pp.. O segundo teve como tema - "espiritualidade para outro mundo possível". Fizeram-se presentes 300participantes, oriundos dos cinco Continentes, em sua maioria da África, especialmente de Nairobi, seguida da Europa, América, Ásia e Oceania, respectivamente. Para além da reflexão e dos conteúdos, o simples encontro e cruzamento de buscas e realizações em esfera planetária, já justifica por si só o evento. Em tempos de crise de paradigmas e dos metarrelatos, a experiência se erige como lugar privilegiado para repensar a razão e as razões do existir, do mundo e da fé. Os trabalhos tiveram lugar no Carmelite Center, nos arredores da contrastante capital do Quênia.

  16. Encarando um mundo desigual, de Michael Burawoy

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    José Guirado Neto


    Full Text Available Para enfrentar um mundo desigual, somos obrigados a interpretá-lo e explicá-lo, mas também a engajar-nos, isto é, a reconhecer que fazemos parte e somos parcialmente responsáveis por ele. Em outras palavras, a desigualdade não é apenas algo externo a nós, mas algo que invade nosso próprio mundo. Nessa medida, eu começo examinando a comunidade global da Sociologia por intermédio da lente da desigualdade. Considero duas perspectivas recentes sobre nosso mundo desigual que vêm de fora da Sociologia: o radicalismo moral do papa Francisco, que enfatiza a exclusão da sociedade de mercado, e a pesquisa inovadora do economista Thomas Piketty, que enfatiza a inclusão desigual na sociedade de mercado. Essas duas faces da desigualdade global espelham os movimentos sociais que reverberaram a partir da crise econômica de 2008, mas que têm suas raízes em uma reação a uma ampla onda de mercantilização, a terceira a acometer o capitalismo moderno. Para explorar o significado da terceira onda de mercantilização, também conhecida como neoliberalismo, e dos movimentos sociais que ela provoca, inspiro-me em dois conceitos de Karl Polanyi – “mercadorias fictícias” e “contramovimento” –, bem como em uma teoria da dinâmica do capitalismo. Concluo com três desafios para uma Sociologia Global focada nos movimentos sociais: elaborar uma teoria que dialoga com experiências globais diversas da mercantilização; desenvolver uma metodologia que reconhece que somos inevitavelmente participantes do mundo que estudamos; e desenvolver uma política que defenda uma visão particular desse mundo; visão que definiu a tradição sociológica desde seu início, ou seja, que defenda a centralidade da sociedade civil contra a expansão desmedida do mercado e do Estado

  17. La justificación de la Propiedad en los mundos virtuales

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    Eduardo Varela Pezzano


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende justificar la existencia y el reconocimiento de derechos de propiedad intelectual en mundos virtuales. Aunque esta tarea ha sido realizada previamente a partir de teorías y raciocinios sobre el derecho de propiedad común en consonancia con el concepto de propiedad virtual, la presente obra desecha esa forma de justificación y se concentra en tres aspectos que considera fundamentales para justificar los derechos de propiedad intelectual en estos entornos: a su existencia en mundos virtuales; b su titularidad y reconocimiento por parte de los propietarios o proveedores de mundos virtuales; y c la posibilidad de accionar en caso de infracción dentro del mundo virtual.

  18. Effect of Sodium Cyanide on Wheat (Triticum durum cv. Altar and T. aestivum cv. Cumhuriyet)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gemici, Meliha; Karshenass, A.M.; Tan, Kit


    The effect of sodium cyanide on the morphology of stem, leaves and grain yields of Triticum durum cv. Altar and Triticum aestivum cv. Cumhuriyet grown under glass was studied. Seeds were planted in six different sets of pots containing ordinary garden soil. After formation of the first leaves......, the first set was used as the control and watered using ordinary bottled water sold commercially. The other five sets with T. durum cv. Altar and T. aestivum cv. Cumhuriyet seedlings were additionally watered with various concentrations of sodium cyanide, the test-quantity used being 10-50 mg/L. Growth...... of individual plants was monitored until grain production. It was found that the sodium cyanide concentrations in the feed solutions affected plant stature, with the plants becoming progressively dwarfed with increasing dosage. Anomalies in the morphological and anatomical structure of the plant were also noted...

  19. Aminoethoxivinilglicina no controle do amadurecimento de frutos de caqui cv. Fuyu Aminoethoxyvinylglycine in the ripening control of persimmon fruits cv. Fuyu

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    Angela Fuentes Fagundes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de aminoethoxivinilglicina (AVG, aplicado na pós-colheita, no amadurecimento de frutos de caqui (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Fuyu, armazenados à temperatura de 0 ± 2 ºC. Os frutos foram imersos durante dois minutos em solução de AVG, na concentração de 0; 415; 830 e 1.200 g ha-1 e dissolvidos em água destilada e adição de espalhante adesivo (óleo vegetal a 0,02% (v/v, secos à temperatura ambiente no barracão e armazenados em câmara fria a 0 ± 2 ºC e 95±2 % UR, e avaliados aos 32 e 52 dias com relação à firmeza, sólidos solúveis, pH da polpa, acidez titulável e injúria por frio. O AVG mostrou-se promissor no uso pós-colheita em caqui, onde os frutos tratados conservaram índices de firmeza linear em função da dose e teores de AT, SS e pH aceitáveis para o 'Fuyu'. Porém os frutos apresentaram translucidez, característica de injúria por frio, indicando a necessidade de novos estudos para se compreender a fisiologia pós-colheita deste fruto.An experiment was carried out to analyze the effect of the application of Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG in post harvest application in persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Fuyu stored at a temperature of 0 ± 2ºC. The fruits were immersed for two minutes into an AVG solution at a concentration of 0; 415; 830; 1200 g ha-1 and dissolved in distillated water. Then it was added adhesive spreader (vegetable oil 0.02% (v/v, dried at room temperature and stored at 0 ± 2 ºC and 95±2 % humidity. The treatments were evaluated on the 32nd and 52nd days to check the firmness, soluble solids, pH of the pulp, tritable acidity and chilling injury. The AVG may be promising in post harvest use with persimmon fruits, where treated fruits preserved linear levels of firmness in function of the doses and TA, SS and pH levels are acceptable for cv. Fuyu. However, fruits showed translucency, which are characteristics of chilling injury, indicating that new studies are

  20. A compressão do tempo e a formação de novos hábitos alimentares : reveses e possibilidades


    Magalhães, Elcio de Souza


    O aumento da quantidade de brasileiros com excesso de peso está relacionado com as alterações que estão ocorrendo no cotidiano do trabalhador e nos seus hábitos alimentares. Mudanças no mundo do trabalho, na mobilidade e no tempo livre do trabalhador têm estimulado a adoção de novos hábitos alimentares. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar as relações existentes entre as mudanças que ocorreram nos hábitos alimentares com a compressão do tempo livre do trabalhador, bem como analisar e pro...

  1. DeNovoGUI: an open source graphical user interface for de novo sequencing of tandem mass spectra. (United States)

    Muth, Thilo; Weilnböck, Lisa; Rapp, Erdmann; Huber, Christian G; Martens, Lennart; Vaudel, Marc; Barsnes, Harald


    De novo sequencing is a popular technique in proteomics for identifying peptides from tandem mass spectra without having to rely on a protein sequence database. Despite the strong potential of de novo sequencing algorithms, their adoption threshold remains quite high. We here present a user-friendly and lightweight graphical user interface called DeNovoGUI for running parallelized versions of the freely available de novo sequencing software PepNovo+, greatly simplifying the use of de novo sequencing in proteomics. Our platform-independent software is freely available under the permissible Apache2 open source license. Source code, binaries, and additional documentation are available at .

  2. Nutrición de boro en aguacate cv. Hass: aspectos fisiológicos, morfológicos y ecológicos en un andosol de Michoacán


    Castillo Vega, Andrea


    El cultivo de aguacate cv. Hass es una actividad en constante expansión debido a la demanda de exportación del fruto. La nutrición con B es uno de los factores de producción determinantes para la obtención de frutos tanto en la cantidad como de la calidad requerida para cumplir con los estándares internacionales. La obtención de este fruto en huertos comerciales de Michoacán, principal región productora del mundo, no ha sido caracterizada en cuanto a nutrición con B englob...

  3. Entre vidas objetificadas e vítimas da escravização: a trajetória das ossadas do Cemitério dos Pretos Novos, no Rio de Janeiro

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    Simone Pondé Vassallo

    Full Text Available Resumo Nos últimos anos, diversas iniciativas no Brasil e no mundo apontam para um novo enquadramento da escravidão que procura trazer à tona o ponto de vista dos escravizados. Elas são elaboradas em torno de uma nova moralidade que denuncia o processo de vitimização a que foram submetidos. No entanto, a construção dessas novas narrativas é permeada por conflitos e ambiguidades. Partindo de uma etnografia sobre as ossadas do sítio arqueológico Cemitério dos Pretos Novos, tento trazer à tona a multiplicidade de atores e representações que transcendem e ressignificam o processo de vitimização. Com isso, procuro iluminar a complexidade da construção contemporânea da categoria da vítima, em particular as vítimas da escravização no Brasil.

  4. O mundo e os mundos da arte de Arthur C. Danto: uma teoria filosófica em dois tempos.

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    Cristiane Silveira

    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta duas versões temporalmente afastadas da noção de "mundo da arte" formuladas pelo filósofo Arthur C. Danto (1924-2013. A primeira, apresentada no clássico artigo de 1964 "The artworld", em resposta a seu círculo filosófico mais próximo, e diante da aparente radicalidade dos exemplares exibidos como obras de arte naquele período; e a segunda, apresentada no ensaio "The art world revisited: comedies of similarities", de 1992, como uma tentativa cabal de afastar sua teoria da sombra da Teoria Institucional de George Dickie e da noção de mundo da arte ali implicada.

  5. Instant OpenCV starter

    CERN Document Server

    Dalal, Jayneil


    Get to grips with a new technology, understand what it is and what it can do for you, and then get to work with the most important features and tasks.A practical, quick, and hands-on guide for Python developers and hobbyists who want to get started with computer vision with OpenCV.This book is great for developers, hobbyists, and students new to computer vision who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use the OpenCV library. It's assumed that you will have some basic experience in C/C++ programming.

  6. Pesquisa de novos elementos Pesquisa de novos elementos

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    Gil Mário de Macedo Grassi


    Full Text Available The present study deals with the discovery of new elements synthesized by man. The introduction discusses in general the theories about nuclear transmutation, which is the method employed in these syntheses. The study shows the importance of the Periodical Table since it is through this table that one can reach a prevision of new elements and its, properties. The discoveries of the transuranic elements, together wich the data of their first preparations are also tabulated The stability of these elements is also discussed, and future speculations are showedNeste trabalho estuda-se, teoricamente, a descoberta de novos elementos sintetizados pelo homem Na introdução apresentamos um apanhado geral sobre as teorias a respeito da transmutação nuclear, que é o método utilizado nestas sínteses. Em seguida, mostramos a importância da Tabela Periódica, pois é através dela que se chega à previsão dos novos elementos e de suas propriedades. As descobertas dos transurânicos, Já realizadas com êxito, juntamente com os dados de suas primeiras preparações são tabelados. A estabilidade destes novos elementos também é discutida, e apresentadas futuras especulações.

  7. Observatorio de Política Internacional IV. MUNDO GLOBAL - Mundo Global. Mafalda la niña de 50 años


    Neira Fernández, Enrique


    El culto de Mafalda ha dado la vuelta al mundo. ¿Quién no ha leido y sonreido con las ocurrencias de Mafalda, cuyo ingenioso autor Quino (Joaquín Salvador Lavado) plasmó en una tira de la prensa argentina desde 1962 a 1973 y ha sido traducida a 26 idiomas? Así como odiaba la sopa, Mafalda tenía un gran amor por el mundo y ventilaba con sus amigos temas muy adelantados para una niña de su edad. Algunos de ellos tienen todavía actualidad para hoy, porque siguen siendo espejo de l...

  8. Amistad y relaciones sociales en el Mundo Antiguo: una aproximación al fenómeno en el mundo griego y romano

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    Begoña Enjuto Sánchez


    Full Text Available El trabajo es una introducción a la mesa redonda desarrollada en el VII Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores, «Amistad y relaciones sociales en el Mundo Antiguo», donde el tema de debate fue la amistad como forma de relación social en el mundo griego y romano.This paper is the introduction to the panel «Friendship and social relationship in the Ancient World», celebrated in the VII Meeting of Postgraduate Students. The topic was friendship as social relationship in the Greek and Roman world.

  9. A União Europeia num mundo em mudança: Era Trump 2.0?

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    Marco Martins


    Full Text Available A presente análise visa compreender como a União Europeia se enquadra nesta nova realidade internacional, na sequência das eleições norte-americanas para Presidente, tendo revertido a escolha em Donald Trump, em detrimento da sua adversária Hillary Clinton. Importa, assim, compreender como a União Europeia se posicionará nas relações internacionais, readaptando a sua política externa, defesa e segurança, para além das consequências do Brexit, necessitando de reencontrar o seu caminho e o seu projeto em nome da construção europeia e de seus valores democráticos, identitários e culturais num mundo em mudança, com o surgimento de novos atores, desde os BRICS ao ciberespaço, desafiando todo o legado imanente da Paz de Vestefália. Estaremos perante uma nova era, uma nova ordem mundial ou apenas numa regressão entre novos e velhos tempos? | The European Union in a changing world. The Trump Era 2.0? The present analysis aims to understand how the European Union fits into this new international reality following the US presidential election, having reversed the election in Donald Trump, to the detriment of his adversary Hillary Clinton. It is therefore important to understand how the European Union will position itself in international relations, by adapting its foreign, defense and security policies, in addition to the consequences of Brexit, needing to rediscover its way and its project in the name of European construction and its democratic, identity and cultural values in a changing world, with the emergence of new actors from the BRICS to cyberspace, defying the entire immanent legacy of Westphalia Peace. Are we facing a new era, a new world order, or just a regression between old and new times?

  10. La mano del guionista en La espalda del mundo

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    Alfredo Caminos


    ejemplificado e interpretado el mundo de la narración audiovisual. Sin embargo, no todos los documentales han gozado de libertad en su construcción dramática. El presente trabajo detalla y analiza, en el documental La espalda del mundo de Javier Corcuera (2000, la aplicación de técnicas de elaboración de guiones de tensión dramática y de una estructura habitual en las obras ficcionales, sin perder de vista el contenido temático.

  11. El mundo rural y su problemática socioeducativa


    Froufe Quintas, Sindo


    RESUMEN: El mundo rural con todas sus necesidades sociales y educativas es uno de los problemas actuales más agudos y permanentes. La cultura rural va desapareciendo en favor de la cultura industrial y cibernética. La cultura rural está definida por ámbitos sociales concretos: lengua, formas de administración familiar, sentido de la vida, etc. Analizamos los movimientos sociales en el mundo rural como agentes capaces de producir cambios y transformaciones en el medio rural. Comentamos la func...

  12. Atualidades e perspectivas das Anonáceas no mundo


    São José,Abel Rebouças; Pires,Mônica de Moura; Freitas,Afonso Lúcio Gomes Estrela de; Ribeiro,Denis Pereira; Perez,Luis Alfonso Aguilar


    Várias espécies da família Annonaceae produzem frutos comestíveis cultivados em pomares comerciais ou coletados de forma extrativista, em diversas partes do mundo. O gênero Annona possui elevado número de espécies nativas, no entanto poucas produzem frutos comestíveis. Algumas são cultivadas comercialmente, outras são obtidas de forma extrativista. As principais anonáceas cultivadas no mundo são: Annona muricata, Annona squamosa e Annona cherimola, com destaque também para a atemoia (híbrido ...

  13. CV equipment responsibilities

    CERN Document Server

    Pirollet, B


    This document describes the limits of the responsibilities of the TS/CV for fire fighting equipment at the LHC. The various interfaces, providers and users of the water supply systems and clean water raising systems are described.

  14. The construction of women's subjectivity. Blog analysis of El Paí and El from a gender point of view

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    Full Text Available We present a quantitative study based on a random strategic selection of blogs sample written by women in two reference newspapers (El & El Paí in Spain to find out the issues dealt and concerning, women as they enable the construction of women's subjectivity and their social visibility. This agenda-setting analysis visibilizes these female blog whose subject's choice discovers the existing inequality, both in number (women and men writers, as well as selection of the major issues: politics and economy, where women's presence nearly does not exist.

  15. Una vuelta al mundo por la educación


    Francisco Amat, Andrea; Molins, María


    La Barcelona World Race es una nueva regata vuelta al mundo con dos tripulantes por embarcación y sin escalas en ningún puerto. El pisto letazo de salida se dio el pasado 11 de noviem bre en el Port Olimpic de Barcelona, lugar a donde regresarán los navegantes tras recorrer 25.000 millas, es decir 47.000 kilómetros, por los océanos más hostiles y desafiantes del mundo en monocascos de última generación de la clase IMOCA Open 60. En esta primera edición, participan nueve equipos y uno de ellos...

  16. Introducción al mundo del shinto


    Falero Folgoso, Alfonso


    El mundo del shinto es introducido desde una óptica de historia de las religiones, y se analiza su tipología, resaltando su particular relación con el misterio como objeto de atención del comportamiento religioso.

  17. de novo'' aneurysms following endovascular procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Briganti, F.; Cirillo, S.; Caranci, F.; Esposito, F.; Maiuri, F.


    Two personal cases of ''de novo'' aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (ACoA) occurring 9 and 4 years, respectively, after endovascular carotid occlusion are described. A review of the 30 reported cases (including our own two) of ''de novo'' aneurysms after occlusion of the major cerebral vessels has shown some features, including a rather long time interval after the endovascular procedure of up to 20-25 years (average 9.6 years), a preferential ACoA (36.3%) and internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) (33.3%) location of the ''de novo'' aneurysms, and a 10% rate of multiple aneurysms. These data are compared with those of the group of reported spontaneous ''de novo'' aneurysms after SAH or previous aneurysm clipping. We agree that the frequency of ''de novo'' aneurysms after major-vessel occlusion (two among ten procedures in our series, or 20%) is higher than commonly reported (0 to 11%). For this reason, we suggest that patients who have been submitted to endovascular major-vessel occlusion be followed up for up to 20-25 years after the procedure, using non-invasive imaging studies such as MR angiography and high-resolution CT angiography. On the other hand, periodic digital angiography has a questionable risk-benefit ratio; it may be used when a ''de novo'' aneurysm is detected or suspected on non-invasive studies. The progressive enlargement of the ACoA after carotid occlusion, as described in our case 1, must be considered a radiological finding of risk for ''de novo'' aneurysm formation. (orig.)

  18. El diseño educativo en los mundos virtuales

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    José Antonio Jerónimo Montes


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES-MX X-NONE X-NONE Se presenta una experiencia de formación de docentes que incorpora  la adquisición de nuevas competencias para la interacción educativa en los mundos virtuales,  que le permitan diseñar propuestas educativas apoyadas por los entornos virtuales inmersivo, la experiencia que se comparte ha tenido como propósito introducir a los docentes e interesados en la enseñanza superior, en la modalidad educativa  que incorporando el uso de herramientas digitales 3D. Su  diseño pedagógico y desarrollo tecnológico fue considerado como prueba piloto para la implementación del Diplomado en Mundos Virtuales Aplicados a la Docencia y se denominó Curso Piloto de Introducción a Moodle y los Mundos Virtuales. La experiencia que ahora se comparte demuestra que el potencial de esta herramienta se encuentra en el “aprender haciendo” y la Mediación Pedagógica. Y se realza la importancia y funcionalidad de incluir este tipo de actividades en los procesos de formación de las Universidades.


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    Juan Carlos Valverde Campos


    Full Text Available A Occidentales y Orientales nos cobija un mismo techo. Sin embargo, la manera de concebir el mundo y, por ende, de actuar, es diferente. La sociedad globalizada en la que vivimos quiere hacer de este mundo uno solo, con un solo corazón y una sola manera de actuar y pensar. Occidente ha impuesto su mundo cuando en realidad son muchos y debemos conocerlos. El pensamiento oriental tiene mucho qué decirnos a los occidentales. En todo caso, el silencio que impone la escucha es fundamental en eso que tantos llaman hoy el diálogo.

  20. El mundo del postfordismo.


    Lipietz, Alain


    La crisis de la relación salarial fordista ha conducido a diferentes regímenes salariales aún en bloques continentales integrados. Característica que se suma a la transformación jerárquica de las economías mundiales ocasionadas por el avance competitivo de los nuevos países industrializados y por la concentración de las relaciones económicas internacionales por bloques continentales. Tales son las características básicas del mundo económico internacional posterior a la guerra fría.Este artícu...

  1. Copa do Mundo de 2014: Dados Estatísticos das quatro melhores equipes


    Marques Junior, Nelson Kautzner


    O objetivo do estudo foi apresentar a estatística das quatro melhores seleções da Copa do Mundo de 2014. Foram coletados do site oficial da FIFA os dados estatísticos das quatro melhores seleções da Copa do Mundo de 2014. A Anova one way calculou a diferença dos resultados de performance das quatro melhores seleções da Copa do Mundo de 2014, com resultados aceitos com nível de significância de p≤0,05. O post hoc Tukey detectou a diferença das medidas aceitando um nível de significância de p≤0...

  2. Instant OpenCV for iOS

    CERN Document Server

    Kornyakov, Kirill


    Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. This book uses a very practical approach, with each recipe and their associated sample projects or examples focusing on a particular aspect of the technology.This book is intended for OpenCV developers who are interested in porting their applications to the iOS platform. Basic experience with OpenCV, computer vision, Objective C, and other iOS tools is encouraged.

  3. Suprimento do silicato de cálcio e a eficiência nutricional de variedades de cafeeiro Effect of calcium silicate suplly and the nutritional efficiency of coffee cultivars

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    Adélia Aziz Alexandre Pozza


    Full Text Available Embora não seja considerado nutriente essencial às plantas, o Si é classificado como elemento benéfico ou útil, mas pode alterar a dinâmica nutricional das plantas. Objetivando comparar a eficiência nutricional de variedades de cafeeiro (Catuaí, Mundo Novo e Icatu em resposta à adubação silicatada, realizou-se um experimento em blocos casualizados, com as três variedades de mudas em tubetes combinadas com seis doses de CaSiO3 (T0 = 0, T1 = 0,063, T2 = 0,125, T3 = 0,25, T4 = 0,5 e T5 = 1,0 g dm-3 de substrato. A variedade Icatu teve a maior eficiência de absorção (EA de Cu, Zn, Fe e Si, maior eficiência de uso (EU de N, K, Ca, B e Mn, não diferindo da Mundo Novo com relação aos nutrientes N, Ca e Mn, e maior eficiência de translocação (ET de N, S, Zn e de Fe. A Catuaí teve maior EA de P, K, B e Mn, não diferindo da Mundo Novo com relação aos nutrientes P, K e Mn, maior EU para Mg, S, Cu, Zn, Fe e Si, provavelmente devido à melhor ET desses nutrientes, exceto para Fe e Si. A Mundo Novo foi mais eficiente na absorção de N, K, Ca, Mg, Mn e Si, teve maior EU de P e Mn e maior ET de K, Ca, B, Mn e Si.Silicon is classified as a beneficial nutrient and can improve the nutritional dynamics of plants, although it is not considered an essential nutrient for plants. In an experiment in a randomized block design, three coffee cultivars (Catuaí, Mundo Novo and Icatu were planted in plastic tubes, combined with six doses of calcium silicate (T0=0, T1=0.063, T2=0.125, T3=0.25, T4=0.5 and T5=1.0 g dm-3 substrate, to compare the nutritional efficiency of the cultivars in response to silicon fertilization. Cultivar Icatu showed the higher uptake efficiency (UE of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Si, and efficiency of use (EU of N, K, Ca, B, and Mn, but the later did not differ from Mundo Novo cultivar (N, Ca, and Mn. The efficiency of translocation (ET was higher for N, S, Zn, and Fe. For Catuaí the uptake efficiency of P, K, B, and Mn was higher

  4. De novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. (United States)

    Tomimaru, Y; Ito, T; Marubashi, S; Kawamoto, K; Tomokuni, A; Asaoka, T; Wada, H; Eguchi, H; Mori, M; Doki, Y; Nagano, H


    Long-term immunosuppression is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Especially, the immunosuppression in pancreas transplantation is more intensive than that in other organ transplantation because of its strong immunogenicity. Therefore, it suggests that the risk of post-transplant de novo malignancy might increase in pancreas transplantation. However, there have been few studies of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation. The aim of this study was to analyze the incidence of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. Post-transplant patients with de novo malignancy were surveyed and characterized in Japan. Among 107 cases receiving pancreas transplantation in Japan between 2001 and 2010, de novo malignancy developed in 9 cases (8.4%): post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders in 6 cases, colon cancer in 1 case, renal cancer in 1 case, and brain tumor in 1 case. We clarified the incidence of de novo malignancy after pancreas transplantation in Japan. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Una ventana al mundo de Kafka.

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    Guillermo Sánchez Medina


    Full Text Available



    Fui invitado en forma comedida, por el doctor Adolfo De Francisco, para comentar su obra: "El Mundo Psicológico de Kafka". Respondí que no era literato y menos crítico de Kafka. Sin embargo, acepté
    hacerlo siendo consciente de las limitaciones que me acompañan y para las que pido de todos ustedes su consideración. Tenía sí el deseo al reto de lo incógnito.
    Además sus argumentos fueron contundentes, pues se referían al compromiso con la Academia y, sin decírmelo, era también con él en nuestra historia compartida. Mis motivaciones y expectativas personales conscientes eran múltiples para sumergirme en sus ideas que mueven el espíritu desde la piel a lo trascendente, de lo interno a lo externo y viceversa, y en que cada palabra puede ser objeto de análisis profundo, pues esa es su esencia. Por ejemplo cuando el doctor De Francisco se refiere a la sublimación y a la estética, a la política, a la religiosidad, a la burguesía, al campesinado, a la nobleza, al absolutismo, al arte o a la historia, a la cosmovisión sociológica y literaria, al psicoanálisis para afrontar la realidad interna y externa, entonces el autor penetra en el mundo de la fantasía y del psiquismo, para entender el simbolismo implícito de Kafka.
    Las motivaciones personales inconscientes, pertenecen a las tendencias irracionales de hundirme en espacios complejos para luego intentar'ordenarlos; en medio está
    la contratransferencia que me une con el autor Adolfo De Francisco y otra la que se refiere a la temática kafkiana...

  6. Traducción empresarial en el mundo globalizado de hoy


    Franco Bello, Carlos


    Hoy, en un mundo globalizado, el ejercicio de la traducción e interpretación se convierte en una necesidad inminente para el mundo empresarial actual. Por ende, al ser este una práctica empírica y ocasional durante su historia, hoy es necesario que los traductores e intérpretes se hagan conscientes de la necesidad de una profesionalización o especialización no solo en las áreas científico- técnicas, sino también en las áreas económica, financiera y de negocios internacionales, y a su vez la c...

  7. Mundo e sentido na obra de Viktor Frankl

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    Pereira, Ivo Studart


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho procurou-se investigar um ponto central na obra do psiquiatra austriáco Viktor Frankl, criador da Logoterapia: as acepções para o termo "sentido da vida". Em nosso entendimento, o tema concerne, fundamentalmente, a visão de mundo que alicerça a mencionada escola psicológica, constituindo uma categoria chave para uma compreensão mais adequada do pensamento do autor. O traçado lógico do artigo esforçou-se em explicitar a discussão a respeito da objetividade do sentido e sua relação com a gênese dos valores. Por fim, o texto foi articulado conclusivamente para defender a existência de uma fundação de mundo a partir do sentido, no escopo teórico da Logoterapia

  8. El tratamiento de la metáfora en la traducción de Historias de Tata Mundo (The Treatment of the Metaphor in the Translation of Historias de Tata Mundo

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    Jacqueline Araya Ríos


    Full Text Available Fabián Dobles plantea mediante hechos característicos y regionalismos una imagen del campesino nacional de mediados de siglo xx en su obra Historias de Tata Mundo. Joan Henry lo traduce al inglés en 1998 y lo titula The Stories of Tata Mundo, transportando al campesino costarricense a la escena de habla inglesa. Se analizan las decisiones de la traductora sobre el tratamiento de las metáforas, teniendo en cuenta el lenguaje figurado como una herramienta empleada por el autor para caracterizar la vida rural del campesinado costarricense. Using traditional activities and regionalisms, Fabián Dobles reconstructed the image of the Costa Rican country folk of the mid-twentieth century in his literary work Historias de Tata Mundo. Joan Henry translated it in 1998, with the title The Stories of Tata Mundo, transporting the local peasant to the English-speaking scenario. The translator’s decisions are analyzed here regarding the translation of metaphors, taking into account figurative speech as a tool used by the author to characterize and depict the rural life of Costa Rican country folk.

  9. A apresentação do mundo pela linguagem no jornalismo


    Oliveira da Silva, Marconi


    A tese defendida nesta investigação afirma que o jornalismo produz uma representação e um sentido de mundo, que podem ser tidos muito mais um trato que um retrato da realidade. Os fatos jornalísticos, que são formas epistemológicas de organizar o mundo, reforçam contextos de modelos estabilizados e estereotipados, e, paradoxalmente, apresentam grande carga de indeterminação e ambigüidade nos relatos dos acontecimentos. Sua meta é conquistar as mentes e os corações dos leitores ...

  10. Anonymous voting for multi-dimensional CV quantum system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Rong-Hua; Xiao Yi; Shi Jin-Jing; Guo Ying; Lee, Moon-Ho


    We investigate the design of anonymous voting protocols, CV-based binary-valued ballot and CV-based multi-valued ballot with continuous variables (CV) in a multi-dimensional quantum cryptosystem to ensure the security of voting procedure and data privacy. The quantum entangled states are employed in the continuous variable quantum system to carry the voting information and assist information transmission, which takes the advantage of the GHZ-like states in terms of improving the utilization of quantum states by decreasing the number of required quantum states. It provides a potential approach to achieve the efficient quantum anonymous voting with high transmission security, especially in large-scale votes. (paper)

  11. El mundo del libro: [enero a diciembre] de 1980

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las siguientes reseñas de libros: -GUANO MALDITO-Por Joaquín Aguirre-Colección Andina-Bogotá-Ediciones Tercer Mundo-La Paz-Bogotá, Colombia. -El letrado español José María Alfaro y Polanco -FANTASMAS DE DOS MUNDOS-Por Arturo Uslar Pietri--Seix-Barral S. A. Barcelona- Caracas-México-Enero 1977-Avenida José Antonio-Madrid. -HOMENAJE A FERNANDO ANTONIO MARTÍNEZ-Estudios de Lingüística, filología, literatura e historia general-Publicaciones del Instituto Caro y Cuervo. LXVIII-Bogotá, 1979. -PROSAS-Por Jaime Barrera Parra- Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos - ECOPETROL - Editorial Andes, Bogotá. 1.347 páginas. -POESÍA-Por Rodolfo Moleiro -TENSO EN LA SOMBRA-Instituto de Cultura y Bellas Artes-Caracas, Venezuela. -REGRESO DEL VIENTO-Cuentos-Por Humberto Jaramillo Angel-Editorial Quin-Gráficas-Armenia, Colombia. -La poesía de Rafael Amaya -LA ÚLTIMA NOTICIA-Novela por Humberto Tafur Charry. -EL TRIUNFO DE LA MUERTE- Relatos-Por Gloria Nieto de Arias-Ediciones Tercer Mundo-Bogotá, Colombia. -COLOMBIA Y VENEZUELA-Integración-Por Manuel Roca Castellanos. -LOS ESPEJOS DEL TIEMPO-Por Eduardo Santa-Ediciones Príncipe-Bogotá, Colombia. -LOS OJOS DE LOS ENTERRADOS-Por Miguel Angel Asturias-Editorial Losada-Buenos Aires, Argentina. -APROXIMACIÓN A SIMÓN BOLÍVAR-Tema.

  12. "Entre las cosas cotidianas": el aparecer del mundo sensible desde la fenomenologia temprana

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    Felipe Johnson

    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo se propone describir el modo de aparecimiento del mundo sensible, entendiéndolo como el primer suelo sobre el cual la vida humana se instala efectivamente entre cosas concretas. Se intentará desvincular este nivel de presencia inmediata y cotidiana del mundo exterior del modo como tradicionalmente se le concibe, a saber, en el sentido de una manifestación "objetual". En este contexto, se recurrirá a descripciones fenomenológicas de la percepción que tuvieron lugar principalmente en trabajos filosóficos y psicológicos de la primera mitad del siglo XX, y que fueron influenciados por las reflexiones tempranas de Edmund Husserl. A partir de estas obras se indagará en la manera como el mundo sensible comparece a la vida cotidiana, al margen de todo carácter de "verdad epistémica". Así, nuestro propósito será comprender el mundo exterior en una íntima relación con una situación vital, en la cual la vida abre su propio suelo para poder vivir.

  13. Experiencia y representaciones del mundo natural e una comunidad andina de Cajamarca

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    Ana De La Torre A.


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se exponen algunos aspectos de la organización conceptual del mundo natural en una comunidad campesina en la Sierra Norte del Perú. Se presentan en primer lugar las categorías clasificatorias utilizadas como criterios organizadores de la multiplicidad del mundo sensible en el aspecto de la Flora. Luego se exponen las representaciones colectivas surgidas como elaboraciones ideológicas en base a la organización de la experiencia sensible.

  14. NovoPen Echo® insulin delivery device

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    Hyllested-Winge J


    Full Text Available Jacob Hyllested-Winge,1 Thomas Sparre,2 Line Kynemund Pedersen2 1Novo Nordisk Pharma Ltd, Tokyo, Japan; 2Novo Nordisk A/S, Søborg, Denmark Abstract: The introduction of insulin pen devices has provided easier, well-tolerated, and more convenient treatment regimens for patients with diabetes mellitus. When compared with vial and syringe regimens, insulin pens offer a greater clinical efficacy, improved quality of life, and increased dosing accuracy, particularly at low doses. The portable and discreet nature of pen devices reduces the burden on the patient, facilitates adherence, and subsequently contributes to the improvement in glycemic control. NovoPen Echo® is one of the latest members of the NovoPen® family that has been specifically designed for the pediatric population and is the first to combine half-unit increment (=0.5 U of insulin dosing with a simple memory function. The half-unit increment dosing amendments and accurate injection of 0.5 U of insulin are particularly beneficial for children (and insulin-sensitive adults/elders, who often require small insulin doses. The memory function can be used to record the time and amount of the last dose, reducing the fear of double dosing or missing a dose. The memory function also provides parents with extra confidence and security that their child is taking insulin at the correct doses and times. NovoPen Echo is a lightweight, durable insulin delivery pen; it is available in two different colors, which may help to distinguish between different types of insulin, providing more confidence for both users and caregivers. Studies have demonstrated a high level of patient satisfaction, with 80% of users preferring NovoPen Echo to other pediatric insulin pens. Keywords: NovoPen Echo®, memory function, half-unit increment dosing, adherence, children, adolescents 

  15. El mundo del libro: Camilo: presencia y destino Junio de 1967

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    Monseñor Germán Guzmán C.


    Full Text Available Monseñor Germán Guzmán ha escrito una Biografía apasionada, rencorosa, ácida de diatribas contra lo que llama el capitalismo, la burguesía que engorda, las clases que son inútiles para tomar determinaciones que transformen completamente la fisonomía de Colombia. Se conmueve, Monseñor con la sangre de los pobres del mundo, con la afrenta a los desheredados, contra un mundo que ha negado a Cristo. Y cifra y compendia en el sacerdote Camilo Torres Restrepo, toda la realidad de esa lucha.

  16. La muerte en el mundo clásico

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    María Teresa Román López


    Full Text Available ¿Cómo se concibe la muerte en el mundo clásico? El tema de la muerte no parece haber sido objeto de gran preocupación por parte del mundo clásico. Hades (Plutón y Perséfone (Proserpina presidían las moradas infernales: poblaciones de pálidos fantasmas, almas sin memoria despojadas de sentido. Según la sentencia que se le imponía, el alma era conducida a las Praderas de Asfódelos, si no son virtuosas ni malas; arrojadas al Tártaro, si son malvadas; si son virtuosas eran conducidas a los Campos Elíseos, gobernados por Cronos. En el mundo griego, la doctrina de la transmigración formaba parte del entramado doctrinal del orfismo. Cicerón afirma con toda claridad y contundencia que el alma es inmortal, recurriendo a los elementos pitagóricos y platónicos.How is death conceived in the classical world? The classical world does not seem to have been very concerned about the topic of death. Hades (Pluto and Persephone (Proserpina presided over the infernal world: populations of pale ghosts, souls without memory, robbed of their senses. Depending on the sentence imposed, the soul was led to the Fields of Asphodels, if it was neither virtuous nor bad; thrown into the Tartarus if it was evil; and led to the Elysian Fields, governed by Cronos, if it was virtuous. In the Greek world, the doctrine of transmigration was part of the doctrinal fabric of Orphism. Cicero states quite clearly and forcefully that the soul is immortal, appealing to Pythagorean and Platonic elements.

  17. Encierro y exclusión en el mundo global

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    Pilar Calveiro


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo indaga el proceso de reestructuración represiva en el mundo actual, en el contexto de la reorganización del poder hegemónico. Factores como el incremento de las penas, la disminución de la edad penal, la obsesión por una seguridad absoluta y una "tolerancia cero" -la criminalización de la protesta social-, permiten pensar cómo el encierro de ciertos grupos sociales marginados, y con ello el aumento de la población carcelaria, resultan funcionales al nuevo modelo estatal y global en lugares como Estados Unidos, Europa Oriental y Latinoamérica. Sobre este eje de análisis este artículo propone repensar la relación entre el modelo económico-político y el modelo penitenciario en el mundo globalizado.

  18. Jovens, Cotidiano e a Construção de Mundos Midiáticos

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    Benedito Dielcio Moreira


    Full Text Available 800x600 Resumo Os jovens constroem e reconstroem cotidianamente mundos a partir de suas relações com o universo midiático. Independentemente, porém, do mundo privado criado por cada um, a questão está no fio condutor que orienta esse processo. Nas relações dos jovens com as mídias e com as tecnologias de informação, mundos são cotidianamente construídos e reconstruídos a partir de versões criadas pelos atores midiáticos, cada vez mais sem a participação dos adultos, familiares e professores, a quem a sociedade delega a responsabilidade para educar seus filhos. Diante da vastidão de informações, eles realizam escolhas, as quais julgam ter relação com os mundos que habitam. Estas reflexões resultam de um estudo realizado com 110 jovens, de quatro tipos diferentes de escolas. Palavras Chaves: Jovens – Mídias – Realidade – Educação   Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 A practical introduction to computer vision with OpenCV

    CERN Document Server

    Dawson-Howe, Kenneth


    Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Computer Vision is a rapidly expanding area and it is becoming progressively easier for developers to make use of this field due to the ready availability of high quality libraries (such as OpenCV 2).  This text is intended to facilitate the practical use of computer vision with the goal being to bridge the gap between the theory and the practical implementation of computer vision. The book will explain how to use the relevant OpenCV

  19. cv. “Sukali Ndiizi”- AAB

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 27, 2013 ... improve transformation and regeneration efficiency of banana (cv. “Sukali .... Vuylsteke (1989) proliferation medium in the tissue culture .... DNA repair machinery is more active during cell division ... Biology-Plant 40:31-45.

  1. CV-Online tahab Londoni börsile / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Personaliotsinguga tegelev firma tahab tulevikus minna Londoni ja OMXi börsile. Diagramm: CV-Online Group loodab tänavu esmakordselt positiivse kulumieelse ärikasumi. Vt. samas: Üks CV-Online'i aktsionäridest on ka Google'i aktsionär; Väsinud ootamast esimest IPOt

  2. CV : [luuletused] / Mari Vallisoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vallisoo, Mari, 1950-2013


    Sisu: CV ; Sõnaraamat ; Tegijad ; "Kus leemekulp?..." ; "Veel üks viimnepäev mis asja teha sellega..." ; "Ülemise riiuli ääre pääl...", "Alkeemik Alberti elamus...", "Valge pulber veel enam valgega...", "Meie isa, kes sa...", "Ükskord, kui Maa...", "Kevadvesi ja -pori...", "Mõisnik Meeskurat müüs mu vaarisale..."

  3. Dependência de jogos eletrônicos: a possibilidade de um novo diagnóstico psiquiátrico

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    Igor Lins Lemos


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A prática de jogos eletrônicos vem se desconectando do caráter meramente lúdico, podendo seu uso excessivo ser considerado um novo transtorno psiquiátrico. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão da literatura científica a respeito dessa possível dependência, abordando suas principais características, a prevalência em âmbito mundial e a possibilidade de comorbidades, e avaliar a existência de procedimentos de tratamento baseados na terapia cognitivo-comportamental. MÉTODO: O estudo foi realizado nos bancos de dados da PubMed, BVS, Lilacs e SciELO, no período de 2001 a junho de 2011. RESULTADOS: Não há consenso se a dependência de jogos eletrônicos pertence ao grupo do transtorno do controle dos impulsos ou de dependência química. É visto que a prevalência dessa dependência ao redor do mundo tem média de 3%, com predominância do sexo masculino. Foram encontradas comorbidades relacionadas à dependência de jogos eletrônicos. A terapia cognitivo-comportamental já é utilizada como possível tratamento, com resultados eficazes em curto prazo. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de a dependência de jogos eletrônicos ainda não possuir um diagnóstico específico, esse novo fenômeno deve ser discutido e aprofundado na literatura científica, buscando-se, paralelamente, um modelo eficiente de tratamento psicoterapêutico e farmacológico.

  4. Os velhos-novos desafios do mundo do trabalho

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    Geruza Fatima Tomé Sabino


    Full Text Available

    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar algumas considerações críticas da ofensiva do capital sobre o operariado, que na indústria ou no campo produzem riqueza. A hipótese é a de que para obter controle objetivo e subjetivo sobre a classe trabalhadora operária e, conseqüentemente, desestruturar as bases que fortalecem sua identidade minando sua auto-organização, os representantes do capital elaboram estratégias eficazes como a que Frederick Taylor implementou na chamada “Administração Científica”. O que possibilita a continuidade desta ofensiva ao trabalho é a nova dinâmica mundial de reprodução e acumulação do capital, pautada em tecnologias notadamente flexíveis, que neste estágio, coincide com um adequado modelo de gestão empresarial igualmente flexível: o toyotismo. Esta forma específica de gestão, que se apresenta como um aprimoramento do taylorismo-fordismo, revela que a organização para o trabalho e as relações engendradas neste ambiente ainda são entraves para a obtenção de lucros extraordinários. Por isto, neste estágio, a ofensiva contra a classe trabalhadora é ainda mais intensa e cruel.

  5. El "mundo" de la nueva poesía: algunas

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    Luján Atienza


    Full Text Available La poesía es el género literario más problemático cuando se trata de establecer sus relaciones con el mundo. Desde la famosa afirmación de Archibald Macleish de que un poema no significa sino que es, o el minucioso análisis de estructuras lingüísticas que llevaron a cabo Jakobson y Levi-Strauss con el soneto de Baudelaire, pocas veces se ha preguntado nadie por la radical relación entre palabra y mundo en este peculiar y minoritario género. Autores que han atendido a la referencialidad de la literatura en la esfera de una estética del compromiso, como Bajtín o Sartre, han relegado la poesía a simple juego de lenguaje. Según ellos, la poesía no habla de la realidad.

  6. El mundo del libro: febrero de 1965

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: La tierra poseída- Poemas. Por  Rafael Maya. Imprenta Canal Ramírez- Bogotá - Colombia. El hombre bajo la Tierra. Por José Antonio Osorio Lizarazo- Bogotá- Biblioteca Popular de Cultura Colombiana. Reflexiones acerca del hombre y su mundo. Por Eduardo García Piedrahita - Editorial Antares. Bogotá.

  7. De novo origin of human protein-coding genes.

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    Dong-Dong Wu


    Full Text Available The de novo origin of a new protein-coding gene from non-coding DNA is considered to be a very rare occurrence in genomes. Here we identify 60 new protein-coding genes that originated de novo on the human lineage since divergence from the chimpanzee. The functionality of these genes is supported by both transcriptional and proteomic evidence. RNA-seq data indicate that these genes have their highest expression levels in the cerebral cortex and testes, which might suggest that these genes contribute to phenotypic traits that are unique to humans, such as improved cognitive ability. Our results are inconsistent with the traditional view that the de novo origin of new genes is very rare, thus there should be greater appreciation of the importance of the de novo origination of genes.

  8. De Novo Origin of Human Protein-Coding Genes (United States)

    Wu, Dong-Dong; Irwin, David M.; Zhang, Ya-Ping


    The de novo origin of a new protein-coding gene from non-coding DNA is considered to be a very rare occurrence in genomes. Here we identify 60 new protein-coding genes that originated de novo on the human lineage since divergence from the chimpanzee. The functionality of these genes is supported by both transcriptional and proteomic evidence. RNA–seq data indicate that these genes have their highest expression levels in the cerebral cortex and testes, which might suggest that these genes contribute to phenotypic traits that are unique to humans, such as improved cognitive ability. Our results are inconsistent with the traditional view that the de novo origin of new genes is very rare, thus there should be greater appreciation of the importance of the de novo origination of genes. PMID:22102831

  9. Combined "de novo" and "ex novo" lipid fermentation in a mix-medium of corncob acid hydrolysate and soybean oil by Trichosporon dermatis. (United States)

    Huang, Chao; Luo, Mu-Tan; Chen, Xue-Fang; Qi, Gao-Xiang; Xiong, Lian; Lin, Xiao-Qing; Wang, Can; Li, Hai-Long; Chen, Xin-De


    Microbial oil is one important bio-product for its important function in energy, chemical, and food industry. Finding suitable substrates is one key issue for its industrial application. Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates can be utilized by oleaginous microorganisms with two different bio-pathways (" de novo " lipid fermentation and " ex novo " lipid fermentation). To date, most of the research on lipid fermentation has focused mainly on only one fermentation pathway and little work was carried out on both " de novo " and " ex novo " lipid fermentation simultaneously; thus, the advantages of both lipid fermentation cannot be fulfilled comprehensively. In this study, corncob acid hydrolysate with soybean oil was used as a mix-medium for combined " de novo " and " ex novo " lipid fermentation by oleaginous yeast Trichosporon dermatis . Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic substrates (sugars and soybean oil) in the medium can be utilized simultaneously and efficiently by T. dermatis . Different fermentation modes were compared and the batch mode was the most suitable for the combined fermentation. The influence of soybean oil concentration, inoculum size, and initial pH on the lipid fermentation was evaluated and 20 g/L soybean oil, 5% inoculum size, and initial pH 6.0 were suitable for this bioprocess. By this technology, the lipid composition of extracellular hydrophobic substrate (soybean oil) can be modified. Although adding emulsifier showed little beneficial effect on lipid production, it can modify the intracellular lipid composition of T. dermatis . The present study proves the potential and possibility of combined " de novo " and " ex novo " lipid fermentation. This technology can use hydrophilic and hydrophobic sustainable bio-resources to generate lipid feedstock for the production of biodiesel or other lipid-based chemical compounds and to treat some special wastes such as oil-containing wastewater.

  10. Comunicação Interna na Era da Colaboração: A IBM Brasil

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    Ademir Balbino Siqueira Filho


    Full Text Available A transformação em seu modelo de negócio, deixando de ser somente fábrica de computadores os desafios do mundo globalizado e o surgimento de novos valores socioculturais determinaram novos rumos à comunicação interna da International Business Machine (IBM Brasil, empresa subsidiária de uma das maiores empresas de Tecnologia da Informação do mundo – a IBM. Diante de novas estratégias de comunicação interna, meios tradicionais de comunicação dividem o espaço ou, então, dão espaço a novos meios, no qual os colaboradores interagem entre si e com a empresa de uma maneira mais direta, mais rápida e menos formal. 

  11. O servidor público no mundo do trabalho do século XXI El empleado público en el mundo del trabajo del siglo XXI The public servant in the labor world Of The 21St century

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    Carla Vaz dos Santos Ribeiro


    Full Text Available O texto aborda as repercussões do discurso depreciativo da sociedade dirigido ao servidor público - em muito intensificado pelas mutações no mundo do trabalho na virada do século XX para o XXI - na subjetividade dessa categoria e investiga como esses trabalhadores convivem com a utilização corrente de estereótipos negativos que desqualificam e desvalorizam a sua atividade laboral. O texto discute ainda como a falta de reconhecimento e de valorização interfere no sentido atribuído pelos servidores públicos à sua vida profissional. O texto analisa também as transformações ocorridas no setor público nas últimas décadas, em especial, as mudanças provocadas a partir da implementação da Reforma do Estado, de 1995, no Brasil, constata que a crise do Estado-providência influencia de maneira decisiva as políticas, as estruturas e a cultura das organizações estatais e identifica um novo cenário que gera significativos impactos na produção da subjetividade da categoria; por fim, questiona se ainda há espaço para o servidor público no mundo do trabalho contemporâneo.El texto aborda las repercusiones del discurso despectivo de la sociedad dirigido al empleado público - en mucho intensificado por las mutaciones en el mundo del trabajo en el cambio del siglo XX para el XXI - en la subjetividad de esa categoría e investiga como esos trabajadores conviven con la utilización corriente de estereotipos negativos que descalifican y desvalorizan su actividad laboral. El texto discute también como la falta de reconocimiento y de valorización interfiere en el sentido atribuido por los servidores públicos a su vida profesional. El texto analiza también las transformaciones ocurridas en el sector público en las últimas décadas, en especial, los cambios provocados desde la implementación de la Reforma del Estado, de 1995, en Brasil, constata que la crisis del Estado-providencia influencia de manera decisiva las políticas, las

  12. Analisis Daya Saing untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan terhadap Pelanggan dengan Pendekatan CRM di CV. BLITZSPOT

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    Suryadi Muhammad


    Full Text Available CV. Blitzspot adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyediaan layanan internet (internet service provider, yang berkantor pusat di Komplek Padasuka Indah Ruko Blok A-1, Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dan hasil observasi pada data transaksi CV. Blitzspot, konsumen CV. Blitzspot yang melakukan transaksi tiap tahunnya selalu berkurang, hal ini dikarenakan konsumen sering membandingkan layanan-layanan yang ditawarkan oleh para pesaing CV. Blitzspot. Bila permasalahan tersebut belum teratasi, konsumen CV. Blitzspot akan menurun tiap tahunnya dan akan selalu berpindah ke pesaing CV. Blitzspot. Direktur Utama CV. Blitzspot ingin menganalisis daya saing untuk menentukan layanan-layanan yang akan diberikan kepada pelanggan CV. Blitzspot dan penentuan strategi untuk mempertahankan konsumen CV. Blitzspot.  Metode Analisis daya saing yang digunakan adalah Model Analisis Berlian Porter dan Metode Pengelompokkan Pelanggan yang digunakan adalah Metode LRFM. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dan pembahasan yang telah dibuat, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Direktur Utama dapat menganalisis daya saing CV. Blitzspot dengan menggunakan Berlian Porter untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan terhadap pelanggan CV. Blitzspot.

  13. Genes from scratch--the evolutionary fate of de novo genes. (United States)

    Schlötterer, Christian


    Although considered an extremely unlikely event, many genes emerge from previously noncoding genomic regions. This review covers the entire life cycle of such de novo genes. Two competing hypotheses about the process of de novo gene birth are discussed as well as the high death rate of de novo genes. Despite the high death rate, some de novo genes are retained and remain functional, even in distantly related species, through their integration into gene networks. Further studies combining gene expression with ribosome profiling in multiple populations across different species will be instrumental for an improved understanding of the evolutionary processes operating on de novo genes. Copyright © 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montgomery, M. M.


    Net tidal torque by the secondary on a misaligned accretion disk, like the net tidal torque by the Moon and the Sun on the equatorial bulge of the spinning and tilted Earth, is suggested by others to be a source to retrograde precession in non-magnetic, accreting cataclysmic variable (CV) dwarf novae (DN) systems that show negative superhumps in their light curves. We investigate this idea in this work. We generate a generic theoretical expression for retrograde precession in spinning disks that are misaligned with the orbital plane. Our generic theoretical expression matches that which describes the retrograde precession of Earths' equinoxes. By making appropriate assumptions, we reduce our generic theoretical expression to those generated by others, or to those used by others, to describe retrograde precession in protostellar, protoplanetary, X-ray binary, non-magnetic CV DN, quasar, and black hole systems. We find that spinning, tilted CV DN systems cannot be described by a precessing ring or by a precessing rigid disk. We find that differential rotation and effects on the disk by the accretion stream must be addressed. Our analysis indicates that the best description of a retrogradely precessing spinning, tilted, CV DN accretion disk is a differentially rotating, tilted disk with an attached rotating, tilted ring located near the innermost disk annuli. In agreement with the observations and numerical simulations by others, we find that our numerically simulated CV DN accretion disks retrogradely precess as a unit. Our final, reduced expression for retrograde precession agrees well with our numerical simulation results and with selective observational systems that seem to have main-sequence secondaries. Our results suggest that a major source to retrograde precession is tidal torques like that by the Moon and the Sun on the Earth. In addition, these tidal torques should be common to a variety of systems where one member is spinning and tilted, regardless if

  15. A (reconfiguração do campo da enfermagem durante o estado novo (1937-1945

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    Leda de Alencar Barreira


    Full Text Available O objeto do estudo são as mudanças ocorridas na enfermagem no período denominado Estado Novo. OBJETIVOS: analisar o panorama da enfermagem na capital federal no período e discutir os efeitos da influência da Igreja católica e das enfermeiras do governo americano na enfermagem brasileira. FONTES UTILIZADAS: documentos escritos do Centro de Documentação da Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery/UFRJ, bem como a literatura existente sobre a temática. A interpretação dos achados apoiou-se na Teoria do Mundo Social de Pierre Bourdieu. Os resultados evidenciaram profundas alterações, em termos de formação profissional, mercado de trabalho e institucionalização do exercício da enfermagem, as quais ocorreram no bojo de reformas educacionais e sanitárias, em meio a um crescente poder da Igreja católica e da forte influência norte-americana no contexto da segunda guerra. Este jogo de forças determinou a reconfiguração da identidade da enfermeira brasileira e do próprio campo da enfermagem.

  16. El mundo del libro: junio de 1979

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: -REALIDAD Y QUIMERA DEL ORO DE INDIAS-Por Alberto Miramón-Banco de la República-Editores Carlos Valencia-92 páginas de texto-Y textos de fuentes. -EL PODER PRESIDENCIAL EN COLOMBIA-Por Alfredo Vázquez Carrizosa-Enrique Dobry, Editor-Talleres Italgraf. Febrero de 1979 -Tema: La lengua española y Don Miguel Antonio Caro -LA CONSAGRACIÓN DE LA PRIMAVERA -Por Alejo Carpentier-Novela-Siglo XXI editores -BOLÍVAR. GENIO. CONSTITUCIÓN. CARÁCTER- Por Mauro Torres Ediciones Tercet· Mundo-Bogotá, Colombia. Marzo 1979. -LA OBRERIADA-Por Luis Vidales Casa de las Américas-Colección de Literatura Latinoamericana. -FERNANDO LORENZANA. Recuerdos de su vida. Diario de un viaje a Bogotá en 1832 y su correspondencia con el primer representante de Colombia en Roma-Instituto Caro y Cuervo- Las publica por primera vez Germán Arciniegas. -METODOLOGÍA DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-Por Laureano Ladrón de Guevara-Universidad de Santo Tomás. Bogotá. Colombia. -GAITÁN, BIOGRAFÍA DE UNA SOMBRA-Por Agustín Rodríguez Garavito -Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Abril 1979.

  17. El mundo del libro: mayo de 1979

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available En el documento se presentan las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: -Cayetano Betancur. Manual del ciudadano. Brevarios Colombianos. Ediciones del Banco de la República. -Alberto Duarte French. Guía practica del derecho de familia. Editorial Temis. Librería. 1978. -Abel Naranjo Villegas. Generaciones colombianas. Brevarios Colombianos. Ediciones Banco de la República. Artes Gráficas Centro Don Bosco. -Flor Alba Uribe Marin. Historia de la pequeña Nubia y su Mercenaria virginidad. Ediciones Tercer mundo. Bogotá, Colombia. -Abelardo Forero Benavides. El siglo XIX. Galería de sombras. Nariño, Bolívar, Santander, Obando, Mosquera, Nuñez. Fundación Centenario del Banco de Colombia. 1978. Impreso por Litoformas de Colombia. -Luis Duque Gómez. Introducción al pasado aborigen. Brevarios Colombianos. Banco de la República. Talleres Editorial Retina. Bogotá. Colombia. -Dibujos de Sergio Trujillo Magnenat. Texto de Germán Rubiano Caballero. Biblioteca Fundación Centenario del Banco de Colombia. -Mauro Torres. Tensión en la Unidad familiar. Padres e hijos. Edición Tercer Mundo. Bogotá, Colombia. -Ciro Medina. Antología. Editado por el Banco de América Latina. Impreso por Publicaciones Cultural Ltda. Bogotá, Colombia.

  18. Limited geographic distribution of the novel cyclovirus CyCV-VN. (United States)

    Le, Van Tan; de Jong, Menno D; Nguyen, Van Kinh; Nguyen, Vu Trung; Taylor, Walter; Wertheim, Heiman F L; van der Ende, Arie; van der Hoek, Lia; Canuti, Marta; Crusat, Martin; Sona, Soeng; Nguyen, Hanh Uyen; Giri, Abhishek; Nguyen, Thi Thuy Chinh Bkrong; Ho, Dang Trung Nghia; Farrar, Jeremy; Bryant, Juliet E; Tran, Tinh Hien; Nguyen, Van Vinh Chau; van Doorn, H Rogier


    A novel cyclovirus, CyCV-VN, was recently identified in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with central nervous system (CNS) infections in central and southern Vietnam. To explore the geographic distribution of this novel virus, more than 600 CSF specimens from patients with suspected CNS infections in northern Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal and The Netherlands were screened for the presence of CyCV-VN but all were negative. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis between CyCV-VN and another novel cyclovirus recently identified in CSF from Malawian patients indicated that these represent distinct cycloviral species, albeit phylogenetically closely related. The data suggest that CyCV-VN has a limited geographic distribution within southern and central Vietnam. Further research is needed to determine the global distribution and diversity of cycloviruses and importantly their possible association with human disease.


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    Mohd. Harisudin


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi bersaing jahe instan produk CV. Intrafood dan strategi bersaing yang dapat direkomendasikan untuk meraih keberasilannya. Metode dasar yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Penentuan lokasi penelitian ditentukan dengan metode purposive, yaitu CV. Intrafood Surakarta. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis Perceptual Mapping. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa jahe instan produk CV Intrafood berada pada peringkat ke-2 dari produk empat jahe instan yang diperbandingkan. Atribut yang dapat dijadikan kekuatan utama dalam meningkatkan pemasaran jahe instan produk CV. Intrafood adalah manfaat produk. Sisi yang paling lemah adalah atribut desain kemasan dan kinerja produk dalam kemasan. Abstract This study aims to determine the competitive position of the product instant ginger CV. Intrafood and competitive strategy can be recommended to achieve success. The basic method used is descriptive analysis. Determining the location of the study are determined by purposive method, namely CV. Intrafood Surakarta. Data used in this study is primary data and secondary data. Method analyzed using Perceptual Mapping. From the results of the study concluded that instant ginger of CV Intrafood product ranks second of four instant ginger products are compared. Attributes that can be used as a major force in improving product marketing instant ginger CV. Intrafood is the benefits of the product. The weakest side is the packaging design and performance attributes of the product in the packaging.

  20. Observando el mundo con ojos de científicos

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    Espinosa Érica; Mesa Diana; Parra Sandra Ramírez Fernando; Pedraza, Yamile


    es fundamental contribuir en la búsqueda del desarrollo de un pensamientocientífico en los estudiantes de esta edad escolar, a partir de la consolidación descenarios alternativos al aula de clase tradicional donde se fomente desarrollo de habilidades propias de las ciencias naturales. A partir de esta necesidad surge la iniciativa de desarrollar un curso ciencia fuerde clase “Observando el mundo con ojos de científicos” como estrategia daprendizaje que promueva la comprensión de la naturaleza y el trabajo científicopropiciando espacios de observación, reflexión y explicación sobre los fenómenonaturales que ocurren diariamente a nuestro alrededor. Para materializar estaacciones de pensamiento, la estrategia va encaminada a resolver ¿Quhabilidades científicas se potencializan en niños y niñas al desarrollar el cursCiencia fuera del aula “observando el mundo con ojos de científicos”?

  1. Las mujeres en el mundo del trabajo, ciudad de Córdoba, 1904-1919


    Bosch Alessio, Constanza Daniela


    Este artículo pretende analizar el proceso de incorporación de las mujeres al mundo del trabajo, en la ciudad de Córdoba entre los años 1904 y 1919. Concretamente, explora los perfiles ocupacionales de las mujeres cordobesas, su participación en conflictos y organizaciones obreras, y las representaciones que se construyeron en torno a su intervención en el mundo del trabajo. Para ello, examina las condiciones a las que estaban expuestas, las estrategias que desarrollaron frente a la conflicti...

  2. Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan pada CV Sumber Pangan di Denpasar




    Analysis of Job Satisfaction at CV Food Sources in DenpasarHuman resources is a factor of production which is very important for a company,compared with other factors of production include natural resources, capital, andskills. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of employee satisfactionCV Food Source in Denpasar. The location determination is done deliberately. Thetotal number of the population sampled that stout 40 employees CV Source of Foodin Denpasar. The factors used in...

  3. El mundo del libro: enero de 1966

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: -Los gritos infinitos-Poemas. Por Rafael Ortiz González. -Cielo y asfalto-Novela. Por Augusto Morales-Pino. -Bartolomé de las Casas-Biografía. Por Lewis Hanke- Ediciones Tercer Mundo. -Entre el Mar Rojo y el Mar Muerto. Por Germán Arciniegas- Editorial Edhasa. -La alternativa del desarrollo. Por Misael Pastrana Borrero- Editorial Diario Económico.

  4. Donde habitan los jóvenes: precisiones sobre un mundo de redes sociales.


    Castañeda Quintero, Linda Johanna; González Calatayud, Víctor; Serrano Sánchez, José Luis


    Parece evidente que en el mundo de hoy los ciudadanos se encuentran permanentemente enredados, y en un mundo como ese, la educación se ve envuelta inexorablemente por esos hilos. Como consecuencia de dicho “despertar”, las redes sociales, su definición, historia, potencial, e incluso las aplicaciones educativas que se desarrollan en ellas, o las repercusiones sociales de su uso, entre otras, han sido tema de interés reciente en la bibliografía especializada de tecnología y educación (una...

  5. Cultura: la performación de mundos sociomateriales

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    Ignacio Farías


    Full Text Available Niklas Luhmann ha propuesto repensar de manera radical lo que habitualmente entendemos por cultura. Más que una categoría analítica y/o política para dar cuenta de orientaciones normativas compartidas, la cultura constituye una categoría de la práctica que emerge en un contexto histórico reciente para hacer posible la comparación de la sociedad consigo misma. Este artículo sugiere complementar tal definición en dos sentidos. Primero, se propone que aquello que la cultura como operación performa son mundos; esto es, condensaciones familiares de situaciones, entidades y lógicas funcionales diversas. Segundo, se propone que la performación de tales mundos depende de mediaciones materiales. Es, por tanto, necesario cuestionar aquellas premisas de la teoría de sistemas que clausuran lo social a la comunicación basada en sentido. Así, mientras la teoría de sistemas sociales permite una productiva redefinición del concepto de cultura, tal redefinición obliga a cuestionar importantes premisas de tal teoría.

  6. Ficção científica e o Admirável mundo novo: previsões concretizadas no atual século e considerações bioéticas Science fiction and the Brave New World: predictions fulfilled in our century and bioethical considerations

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    Ana Carolina Clemente dos Santos

    Full Text Available A celeridade com que a ciência gera resultados na sociedade moderna torna necessária uma reflexão sobre os limites da aplicação do progresso científico. Essa é a discussão de base de Admirável mundo novo, livro de Aldous Huxley publicado em 1932, que retrata uma futura sociedade tecnológica nos moldes do fordismo. Este artigo estabelece uma relação entre a sociedade tecnocrata atual e a sociedade descrita por Huxley, discutindo a viabilidade dos aspectos técnicos e biológicos das manipulações narradas à luz dos conhecimentos atuais. São também elaboradas algumas considerações bioéticas sobre os procedimentos 'inventados' pelo autor e que já são, ou poderiam ser, desenvolvidos na sociedade moderna.The speed with which science generates results in modern society requires reflection on the limits of scientific progress. This is the foundation of Brave New World, a book published by Aldous Huxley in 1932 that portrays a future technological society along the lines of Fordism. This article establishes a relationship between our current technocratic society and that described by Huxley, discussing the viability of the technical and biological aspects of the manipulations narrated in the book in light of current knowledge. Some bioethical considerations with respect to the procedures 'invented' by the author - and which are already or could be developed in modern society - will also be addressed.

  7. OpenCV for secret agents

    CERN Document Server

    Howse, Joseph


    This book is for programmers who want to expand their skills by building fun, smart, and useful systems with OpenCV. The projects are ideal in helping you to think creatively about the uses of computer vision, natural user interfaces, and ubiquitous computers (in your home, car, and hand).

  8. Notas Sobre um País em Transe: Mídia e Copa do Mundo no Brasil

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    Édison Luis Gastaldo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Este artigo apresenta algumas considerações a respeito de relação entre futebol e cultura no Brasil, partindo de uma experiência etnográfica realizada durante a Copa do Mundo de 1998. São analisados discursos oriundos da publicidade e da imprensa esportiva durante o período da Copa do Mundo, ressaltando a dimensão mediatizada do futebol . Assim, considero que a par da evidente participação do futebol na cultura brasileira contemporânea, é importante levar em conta sua apropriação e interpretação pelo campo discursivo da mídia. Palavras-Chave: Copa do Mundo (futebol; mídia; esporte.

  9. "O país do futebol" mediatizado: mídia e Copa do Mundo no Brasil




    Este trabalho analisa o discurso midiático relativo à Copa do Mundo no Brasil. Em uma revisão crítica acerca da constituição social dos "meios de comunicação de massa", discuto o processo pelo qual a mídia atua na sociedade, a partir da noção de "mediação". A partir de dados sobre a audiência e foco temático na televisão brasileira durante a Copa do Mundo de 1998, analiso o papel desempenhado pela mídia na construção social do interesse pela Copa do Mundo no Brasil. Sem pretender negar a legi...

  10. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XIV - Competição de variedades comerciais em Monte Alegre do Sul Coffee breeding: XIV - Comparative trial of commercial varieties of coffee in Monte Alegre do Sul

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    H. Antunes Filho


    Full Text Available Em fins de 1949 foi plantado na Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul um ensaio de variedades comerciais de café, cujos resultados, abrangendo seis anos de produção, são analisados e discutidos neste trabalho. A Estação Experimental de Monte Alegre do Sul situa-se em solo do tipo massapê-salmourão e apresenta a topogrofía acidentado que caracteriza extensa região cafeeira dos Estados de São Paulo e de Minas Gerais. A finalidade do ensaio é a de verificar o comportamento de diversas variedades, em comparação ao café Nacional, que ainda hoje é a variedade predominante nas fazendas que conservaram parte dos seus antigos cafèzais. As seguintes variedades acham-se representadas no experimento: Nacional, Amarelo de Botucatu, Bourbon Vermelho, Bourbon Amarelo, Mundo Novo, Caturra Vermelho, Caturra Amarelo, Laurina, Moragogipe A. D. e Semperflorens. Com exclusão do café Nacional, representado pela descendência de plantas típicos encontrados na própria Estação Experimental, as demais voriedades são formadas pela mistura de progênies de cafeeiros selecionados pela Seção de Genética do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas. Como delineamento experimental adotou-se o de blocos incompletos com seis repetições. Ao fim de seis anos de colheitas a análise estatística revelou que a variedade Mundo Novo produziu significativamente mais do que as nove restantes. Em segundo plano classificou-se o Bourbon Amarelo, cuja produção, porém, não difere de modo significativo das que se verificaram para o Bourbon Vermelho, Caturra Amarelo e Caturra Vermelho. As quatro variedades com as maiores produções totais, em kg de frutos maduros (Mundo Novo, Bourbon Amarelo, Bourbon Vermelho e Caturra Amarelo, produziram significativamente mais do que as variedades antigas, como o Nacional e Amarelo de Botucatu, e mais tambem do que os variedades de menor interêsse comercial, como Maragagipe A. D., Laurina e Semperflorens. Os resultados s

  11. Copa do mundo de futebol como desencadeador de eventos cardiovasculares

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    Daniel Guilherme Suzuki Borges


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Síndromes coronarianas agudas são a maior causa de mortalidade no mundo. Estímulos externos, também conhecidos como gatilhos, como estado emocional ou atividade física, podem produzir mudanças fisiopatológicas desencadeantes. Dentre os gatilhos estudados, eventos estressantes, como campeonatos de futebol, são controversos na literatura e não há dados efetivos para a população brasileira. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos agudos do estresse ambiental induzido pelos jogos da Copa do Mundo de Futebol no aumento da incidência de doenças cardiovasculares no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram obtidos dados publicamente disponíveis do Sistema Único de Saúde referentes às internações hospitalares com código internacional de doenças, referentes às síndromes isquêmicas agudas, no período de maio a agosto de 1998 a 2010 (155.992 internações. Restringiu-se a análise aos pacientes maiores que 35 anos e internados por especialidades clínicas. Comparou-se a incidência de infarto e óbito entre os dias sem copa (Grupo I: 144.166; 61,7 ± 12,3 anos; 59,4%masculino, dias de copa sem jogos do Brasil (Grupo II: 9.768; 61,8 ± 12,3 anos; 60,0% masculino e dias de jogos do Brasil (Grupo III: 2.058; 61,6 ± 12,6 anos; 57,8% masculino. Utilizou-se regressão logística e de Poisson para ajustar por idade, gênero, densidade populacional e número de postos de atendimento. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento da incidência de infarto para jogos de copa do mundo (1,09; IC95% = 1,05-1,15 e do Brasil (1,16; IC95% = 1,06-1,27. Não houve impacto sobre mortalidade - copa (1,00; IC95% = 0,93-1,08 e Brasil (1,04; IC95% = 0,93-1,22. CONCLUSÃO: A copa do mundo e, especialmente, os jogos da seleção brasileira implicam maior incidência de infarto agudo do miocárdio, mas não de mortalidade intra-hospitalar.

  12. 3CV+2: modelo de calidad para la construcción de la vivienda 3CV+2: quality model for dwelling construction

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    Salvador García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el modelo y los resultados que, desde Junio de 2005, se han alcanzado en el desarrollo del Programa Nacional de Certificación de los Procesos Constructivos de la Vivienda en base al Modelo 3cv+2. El programa se ha desarrollado con base a un convenio entre el Tecnológico de Monterrey y la Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Desarrollo y Promoción de Vivienda. Actualmente se encuentran voluntariamente en el programa 52 empresas inmobiliarias de diferentes estados de la República Mexicana. El modelo de calidad 3cv+2 es una metodología que busca establecer en los niveles operativos de la construcción criterios que permitan reducir la variabilidad del proceso de construcción, y además permita de manera sistemática, y en un proceso de mejora continua, evaluar el desempeño de calidad en proyectos de construcción de vivienda. El modelo 3cv+2 define en su nombre el alcance del mismo, 3 criterios de calidad para la vivienda (insumos, proceso y producto, apoyado por 2 auditorías (+2, la auditoría interna de la propia empresa, mas la auditoría externa hecha por el Tecnológico de Monterrey. El modelo 3cv+2 busca garantizar que los insumos utilizados en la construcción de las viviendas sean de calidad superior, y que los procesos de ejecución posean características de calidad, productividad, eficiencia, racionalización, y estandarización; de tal manera que insumos y productos sean de alto valor agregado, y garanticen la calidad especificada en las etapas parciales y en la vivienda terminada.This paper presents the model and the results that have been achieved during the development of the National Quality Certification Program based on the model 3cv +2 from June 2005. This program has been developed based on an agreement between the Monterrey Tech and the National Chamber of Housing Industry. Nowadays, the program has 52 voluntary real estate companies from different states of Mexico. The 3cv+2 quality model is a

  13. Genome-wide patterns and properties of de novo mutations in humans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Francioli, Laurent C.; Polak, Paz P.; Koren, Amnon; Menelaou, Androniki; Chun, Sung; Renkens, Ivo; van Duijn, Cornelia M.; Swertz, Morris; Wijmenga, Cisca; van Ommen, Gertjan; Slagboom, P. Eline; Boomsma, Dorret I.; Ye, Kai; Guryev, Victor; Arndt, Peter F.; Kloosterman, Wigard P.; de Bakker, Paul I. W.; Sunyaev, Shamil R.

    Mutations create variation in the population, fuel evolution and cause genetic diseases. Current knowledge about de novo mutations is incomplete and mostly indirect(1-10). Here we analyze 11,020 de novo mutations from the whole genomes of 250 families. We show that de novo mutations in the offspring

  14. Genome-wide patterns and properties of de novo mutations in humans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Francioli, L.C.; Polak, P.P.; Koren, A.; Menelaou, A.; Chun, S.; Renkens, I.; van Duijn, C.M.; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; van Ommen, G.J.; Slagboom, P.E.; Boomsma, D.I.; Ye, K.; Guryev, V.; Arndt, P.F.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Bakker, P.I.W.; Sunyaev, S.R.; Dijk, F.; Neerincx, P.B.T.; Pulit, S.L.; Deelen, P.; Elbers, C.C.; Palamara, P.F.; Pe'er, I.; Abdellaoui, A.; van Oven, M.; Vermaat, M.; Li, M.; Laros, J.F.J.; Stoneking, M.; de Knijff, P.; Kayser, M.; Veldink, J.H.; Van den Berg, L.H.; Byelas, H.; den Dunnen, J.T.; Dijkstra, M.; Amin, N.; van der Velde, K.J.; Hottenga, J.J.; van Setten, J.; van Leeuwen, E.M.; Kanterakis, A.; Kattenberg, V.M.; Karssen, L.C.; van Schaik, B.D.C.; Bot, J.; Nijman, I.J.; van Enckevort, D.; Mei, H.; Koval, V.; Estrada, K.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Lameijer, E.W.; Moed, M.H.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Handsaker, R.E.; McCarroll, S.A.; Vuzman, D.; Sohail, M.; Hormozdiari, F.; Marschall, T.; Schönhuth, A.; Beekman, M.; de Craen, A.J.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Hofman, A.; Oostra, B.; Isaacs, A.; Rivadeneira, F.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Willemsen, G.; Platteel, M.; Pitts, S.J.; Potluri, S.; Sundar, P.; Cox, D.R.; Li, Q.; Li, Y.; Du, Y.; Chen, R.; Cao, H.; Li, N.; Cao, S.; Wang, J.; Bovenberg, J.A.; Brandsma, M.


    Mutations create variation in the population, fuel evolution and cause genetic diseases. Current knowledge about de novo mutations is incomplete and mostly indirect. Here we analyze 11,020 de novo mutations from the whole genomes of 250 families. We show that de novo mutations in the offspring of

  15. Sobre Dios y el mundo. Una autobiografía dialogada


    Carabante, Josemaría; Spaemann, Robert


    Reseña del libro "Sobre Dios y el mundo. Una autobiografía dialogada" de Robert Spaemann, por Josemaría Carabante. Traducción: José María Barrio Maestre y Ricardo Barrio Moreno Palabra, Madrid. 2014, 396 págs

  16. Clinicopathologic factors associated with de novo metastatic breast cancer. (United States)

    Shen, Tiansheng; Siegal, Gene P; Wei, Shi


    While breast cancers with distant metastasis at presentation (de novo metastasis) harbor significantly inferior clinical outcomes, there have been limited studies analyzing the clinicopathologic characteristics in this subset of patients. In this study, we analyzed 6126 breast cancers diagnosed between 1998 and 2013 to identify factors associated with de novo metastatic breast cancer. When compared to patients without metastasis at presentation, race, histologic grade, estrogen/progesterone receptor (ER/PR) and HER2 statuses were significantly associated with de novo metastasis in the entire cohort, whereas age, histologic grade, PR and HER2 status were the significant parameters in the subset of patients with locally advanced breast cancer (Stage IIB/III). The patients with de novo metastatic breast cancer had a significant older mean age and a lower proportion of HER2-positive tumors when compared to those with metastatic recurrence. Further, the HER2-rich subtype demonstrated a drastically higher incidence of de novo metastasis when compared to the luminal and triple-negative breast cancers in the entire cohort [odds ratio (OR)=5.68 and 2.27, respectively] and in the patients with locally advanced disease (OR=4.02 and 2.12, respectively), whereas no significant difference was seen between de novo metastatic cancers and those with metastatic recurrence. Moreover, the luminal and HER2-rich subtypes showed bone-seeking (OR=1.92) and liver-homing (OR=2.99) characteristics, respectively, for the sites of de novo metastasis, while the latter was not observed in those with metastatic recurrence. Our data suggest that an algorithm incorporating clinicopathologic factors, especially histologic grade and receptor profile, remains of significant benefit during decision making in newly diagnosed breast cancer in the pursuit of precision medicine. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  17. Posibilidad de la ética en el mundo actual

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    Cesar de J. Areiza A.


    Full Text Available RESUMEN En el mundo actual la ética cumple un papel fundamental en la vida de las personas, porque  son  muy frecuentes  las críticas que se le ha hecho  a la  ética como un sistema dogmático de verdades y recetas que solucionan los problemas humanos

  18. El mundo del libro: octubre de 1964

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: Problemas y Perspectivas de la Novela Americana - Por Uriel Ospina. Tercer Mundo. La depresión melancólica en la vida, en la obra y en la muerte de José Asunción Silva - Por Edmundo Rico. Imprenta Departamental. Tunja. Colombia. El pensamiento colombiano en el Siglo XIX - Por Jaime Jaramillo Uribe. Editorial Temis.-Bogotá. Colombia. Los Bari - Por P. Antonio de Alcácer.

  19. El centro del mundo para los gallegos


    Mandianes Castro, Manuel


    Estudio sobre la noción de espacio en Galicia. Se pretende demostrar que para los gallegos el universo tiene un centro, con diferentes niveles de aprehensión, alrededor del cual se organiza la comunidad. Para este trabajo se han realizado encuestas entre los habitantes de la región de la Limia (Orense) y los de Loureses. El trabajo se divide en tres apartados atendiendo a los distintos niveles de percepción del centro del mundo: "lareira" (hogar), "encrucillada" (encrucijada) y cementerio.


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    Ricardo Antunes


    Full Text Available En este capítulo el autor aborda las distintas dimensiones que adquiere hoy el mundo del trabajo inscrito en el capitalismo contemporáneo: desproletarización del trabajo industrial mientras se presenta una notoria expansión de asalariados en el sector servicios; creciente heterogenización del ámbito laboral manifiesto fundamentalmente en la incorporación amplia de mujeres; subproletarización intensificada a través de la expansión del trabajo parcial, temporal, precario, subcontratado, "tercerizado".

  1. Las metamorfosis en el mundo del trabajo

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    Ricardo Antunes


    Full Text Available En este capítulo el autor aborda las distintas dimensiones que adquiere hoy el mundo del trabajo inscrito en el capitalismo contemporáneo: desproletarización del trabajo industrial mientras se presenta una notoria expansión de asalariados en el sector servicios; creciente heterogenización del ámbito laboral manifiesto fundamentalmente en la incorporación amplia de mujeres; subproletarización intensificada a través de la expansión del trabajo parcial, temporal, precario, subcontratado, “tercerizado”.

  2. Foldability of a Natural De Novo Evolved Protein. (United States)

    Bungard, Dixie; Copple, Jacob S; Yan, Jing; Chhun, Jimmy J; Kumirov, Vlad K; Foy, Scott G; Masel, Joanna; Wysocki, Vicki H; Cordes, Matthew H J


    The de novo evolution of protein-coding genes from noncoding DNA is emerging as a source of molecular innovation in biology. Studies of random sequence libraries, however, suggest that young de novo proteins will not fold into compact, specific structures typical of native globular proteins. Here we show that Bsc4, a functional, natural de novo protein encoded by a gene that evolved recently from noncoding DNA in the yeast S. cerevisiae, folds to a partially specific three-dimensional structure. Bsc4 forms soluble, compact oligomers with high β sheet content and a hydrophobic core, and undergoes cooperative, reversible denaturation. Bsc4 lacks a specific quaternary state, however, existing instead as a continuous distribution of oligomer sizes, and binds dyes indicative of amyloid oligomers or molten globules. The combination of native-like and non-native-like properties suggests a rudimentary fold that could potentially act as a functional intermediate in the emergence of new folded proteins de novo. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Particulated articular cartilage: CAIS and DeNovo NT. (United States)

    Farr, Jack; Cole, Brian J; Sherman, Seth; Karas, Vasili


    Cartilage Autograft Implantation System (CAIS; DePuy/Mitek, Raynham, MA) and DeNovo Natural Tissue (NT; ISTO, St. Louis, MO) are novel treatment options for focal articular cartilage defects in the knee. These methods involve the implantation of particulated articular cartilage from either autograft or juvenile allograft donor, respectively. In the laboratory and in animal models, both CAIS and DeNovo NT have demonstrated the ability of the transplanted cartilage cells to "escape" from the extracellular matrix, migrate, multiply, and form a new hyaline-like cartilage tissue matrix that integrates with the surrounding host tissue. In clinical practice, the technique for both CAIS and DeNovo NT is straightforward, requiring only a single surgery to affect cartilage repair. Clinical experience is limited, with short-term studies demonstrating both procedures to be safe, feasible, and effective, with improvements in subjective patient scores, and with magnetic resonance imaging evidence of good defect fill. While these treatment options appear promising, prospective randomized controlled studies are necessary to refine the indications and contraindications for both CAIS and DeNovo NT.

  4. Biofuels from the Fresh Water Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris (FWM-CV for Diesel Engines

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    Saddam H. Al-lwayzy


    Full Text Available This work aims to investigate biofuels for diesel engines produced on a lab-scale from the fresh water microalgae Chlorella vulgaris (FWM-CV. The impact of growing conditions on the properties of biodiesel produced from FWM-CV was evaluated. The properties of FWM-CV biodiesel were found to be within the ASTM standards for biodiesel. Due to the limited amount of biodiesel produced on the lab-scale, the biomass of dry cells of FWM-CV was used to yield emulsified water fuel. The preparation of emulsion fuel with and without FWM-CV cells was conducted using ultrasound to overcome the problems of large size microalgae colonies and to form homogenized emulsions. The emulsified water fuels, prepared using ultrasound, were found to be stable and the size of FWM-CV colonies were effectively reduced to pass through the engine nozzle safely. Engine tests at 3670 rpm were conducted using three fuels: cottonseed biodiesel CS-B100, emulsified cottonseed biodiesel water fuel, water and emulsifier (CS-E20 and emulsified water containing FWM-CV cells CS-ME20. The results showed that the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC was increased by about 41% when the engine was fueled with emulsified water fuels compared to CS-B100. The engine power, exhaust gas temperature, NOx and CO2 were significantly lower than that produced by CS-B100. The CS-ME20 produced higher power than CS-E20 due to the heating value improvement as a result of adding FWM-CV cells to the fuel.

  5. Organisation des travaux ST-CV

    CERN Document Server

    Martel, C; CERN. Geneva. ST Division


    Débutée il y a deux ans, la phase de construction des installations de refroidissement du LHC a atteint en 2003 son apogée. De nombreux autres projets sont également gérés par le groupe dans divers secteurs du laboratoire. La spécificité du groupe est de réaliser des installations complexes impliquant des spécificités diverses telles qu’aéraulique, hydraulique, électrique, etc. Pour faire face à ces demandes la section travaux du groupe ST CV a adopté une structure capable de réaliser ces divers projets avec un minimum de personnel. La première partie de ce document décrit l’organisation de la section travaux ST CV. Dans une deuxième partie, les auteurs dressent un état des lieux des chantiers par projet en décrivant plus particulièrement les activités dans les domaines du traitement d’air et de refroidissement par eau.

  6. Considerações psicanáliticas sobre o trabalho: possibilidades de transformação da psíque e do mundo material

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    Marcelo Garcia Navarro


    Full Text Available No presente artigo apresento reflexões acerca da relação entre imaginação e razão, contidas nas obras de Gaston Bachelard e Herbert Marcuse, e a importância de tal discussão para a educação. A docência adquire categoria filosófica porque ela pode estabelecer parâmetros para uma disciplina estética que redimensione a relação da imaginação com a razão. O que se propõe é outro paradigma epistemológico e uma filosofia do psiquismo imaginante. O primeiro sugere rupturas epistemológicas, a segunda, novas possibilidades estéticas. Trata-se de uma disciplina estética que procura compreender a relação dialética e oscilante da imaginação com a razão. Bachelard sugere, para tanto, uma pedagogia psicanalítica que propõe como conceito e método a vigilância intelectual de si, e distingue a censura moral, imbuída de caráter autoritário, do relativismo da vigilância intelectual. O trabalho docente assume posição estratégica na formação e na transformação da cultura quando procura transcender a realidade e considera a possibilidade de construção de um novo mundo. Tal transformação só pode se realizar através da ação de um sujeito histórico, essencialmente novo, que busca autonomia e confronta a mecânica da submissão que impõe os padrões psicológicos e de organização do aparato.

  7. Configuración del Mundo del Trabajo: un Panorama en Latinoamérica y Colombia // Configuration of the World of Work: a Panorama in Latin America and Colombia // Configurando o Mundo do Trabalho: um Panorama na América Latina e Colômbia

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    Cristian Bedoya Dorado


    Full Text Available El ejercicio administrativo y el modo de comprender las organizaciones, está relacionado con los fenómenos sociales y contextuales que ocurren dentro y fuera de sus fronteras. Fenómenos fluidos y discontinuos que constituyen condiciones de posibilidad para que el mundo del trabajo se configure. Los discursos posmodernos se posicionan como un marco analítico y de referencia que posibilita la reflexión del mundo del trabajo. Un mundo o un escenario que se materializa con nuevas formas de organizaciones y de prácticas administrativas o enfoques de gestión. El presente artículo de reflexión tiene como objetivo discutir algunas de las transformaciones del mundo del trabajo y contextualizar el panorama colombiano. Este ejercicio sugiere la necesidad de nuevos debates interdisciplinares que permitan analizar las dinámicas organizacionales y al “sujeto” que se dirige en ellas. La configuración del mundo del trabajo no solo devela nuevas formas de organización y de gestión, sino que también nuevas subjetividades. 

  8. Aprendiendo sobre el poder y la ciudadanía en un mundo virtual

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    David Buckingham


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta una investigación orientada a analizar cómo se desarrollan las relaciones de poder dentro de un mundo virtual dirigido al público infantil y adolescente (Habbo Hotel. Se pretendía llegar a comprender cómo estaba la compañía propietaria de ese espacio moderando, y por lo tanto ejerciendo su poder, a través de los diferentes actores encargados de tomar decisiones sobre el comportamiento de los usuarios dentro del mundo virtual. Al mismo tiempo, se profundizó en el tipo de lecciones que aprenden los usuarios sobre el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, derivadas de las normas de comportamiento impuestas por la compañía. Para comprender qué estaban aprendiendo los menores sobre el ejercicio del poder y sobre el prototipo de ciudadano modelo dentro del mundo virtual, analizamos los sistemas de reglas que regulan aquello que pueden o no hacer los usuarios y procedimos al análisis del contenido de espacios en los que los usuarios hablaban sobre los motivos por los que la compañía los había expulsado de «Habbo Hotel». Los resultados de este trabajo ponen de manifiesto que la aplicación del sistema de reglas por parte de la compañía hace que la experiencia dentro del mundo virtual no sea siempre lúdica, democrática, creativa, participativa o plenamente satisfactoria. Esto pone en entredicho algunos de los principales argumentos esgrimidos por diferentes autores en defensa de estos nuevos medios de comunicación.


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    Amalia Sholehana


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to formulate to increase the sheep production at CV Mitra Tani Farm (CV MT Farm, Ciampea, Bogor. The research was conducted using descriptive analysis by analyzing the problem experienced by CV. MitraTani Farm. Primary data and secondary data were gathered at this research. The research was also conducted using several analytical methods such as value chain mapping, internal factor evaluation (IFE and external factor evaluation (EFE matrix, SWOT and quantitative strategic planning matrix (QSPM. Based on the value chain analysis, the current production of sheep at CV MT farm is highly depending on the supply from its partners and internal farmers. According to the IFE and EFE results, the differences of each weighted values were respectively 2,120 and 0,686 so the position of the company in the SWOT matrix was situated at Quadrant I. Therefore the company needs to use a growth strategy. The QSPM sequenced the strategy priority as follow (1 increasing the number of lambs, (2 developing the management, (3 strengthening the capital and ownership, (4 improving the quality through technology. The result of the gross profit margin calculation, if the sheep‘s selling is increased up to 1000 sheep per month then the possible annual profit that can be earned by CV MT farm is 40,34% of the total production.Keywords: MT Farm, sheep production, strategies, SWOT, QSPM, gross profit marginABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk memformulasikan strategi peningkatan produksi domba di CV Mitra Tani Farm (CV MT Farm, Ciampea, Bogor. Pendekatan penelitian yang diterapkan adalah analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan mempelajari permasalahan dari objek yang diteliti. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan alat analisis berupa pemetaan rantai nilai,  matriks IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation dan EFE (External Factor Evaluation, SWOT, dan QSPM (Quantitative

  10. Trabalho e sobrevivência - o mundo da vida sob ameaça: racionalidade ou irracionalidade? Work and survival - the world of life under menace: rationality or irrationality?

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    Silvia Maria de Araújo


    Full Text Available A condução da vida por uma racionalidade capitalista-instrumental é o tema aqui discutido sob o prisma de reconhecê-la em manifestações da vida, sem desconhecer o quanto afeta o chamado mundo do trabalho. A subjetividade comprometida do trabalhador nesse processo é um dos seus maiores efeitos. A construção do texto resgata as idéias weberianas sobre um processo racional-instrumental que absorve a vida moderna, apresentando, em seguida, o novo paradigma habermasiano da razão comunicativa como alternativa às conseqüências dessa lógica tipicamente capitalista. Ao analisar a invasão do mundo sistêmico sobre o mundo da vida e a continuidade desse processo, o artigo elabora uma reflexão sobre a racionalidade, colocando a indagação: nas condições da moderna produção flexível, marca das grandes e médias indústrias de caráter transnacional, está-se diante de uma racionalidade ou irracionalidade capitalista?The instrumental-capitalist rationality that occupies the world of life is here discussed in a labor’s point of view. The commitment of worker’s subjectivity is one of the biggest results of the technological, technical and scientific transformation occurred in the last century and it is disposed to the capitalist accumulation, moreover after the adoption of the flexible production method. The modern automotive industry assembled in Curitiba, since the beginning of the year 1990, is one of this transitions example. The intense social transformations of the last three decades in the world of work were provoked by the innovations in the labor and production organization area. The text begins with a discussion of Weber ideas about a rational-instrumental process that emerges in modernity, presents Habermas’s communicative paradigm proposition as an alternative to the consequences of this hegemonic logic. Analyzing the advancement of the systemic world over the world of life, this paper builds up a critic to the


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    Prof. Dr. Antônio Jackson de Souza Brandão


    Full Text Available Apesar de todo o sucesso que a obra de J. K. Rowling representou para o mundo editorial, em especial para o segmento juvenil, Harry Potter foi, como grande parte dos best-sellers que atingem tais proporções, execrado por intelectuais, críticos, professores e pais. Este artigo, no entanto, pretende mostrar como a comunidade escolar perdeu a chance de aproveitar o sucesso do livro em benefício dos próprios jovens que, ávidos, leram suas centenas de páginas. Assim, se não fosse devido a ideias preconcebidas, nossos alunos poderiam ter aprendido muito mais com as aventuras do pequeno bruxo, se seus professores (com o aval dos pais pudessem ter tirado o máximo de proveito da obra e de seu mundo moral, ético, cultural e imagético

  12. Por uma arte no mundo da vida

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    Rachel Costa


    Full Text Available O artigo visa debater a análise colocada por Jacinto Lageira no texto “As razões do agir, contribuição a uma poética da ação”. O debate se estabelece no que concerne ao problema da autonomia da arte e suas consequências, tendo em vista a necessidade de pensar possibilidades contemporâneas para a experiência estética que pressuponham o mundo material. Isso é realizado a partir da teoria dos gestos do filósofo Vilém Flusser.

  13. El mundo del libro: Abril de 1966

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: EL BUEN SALVAJE-Por Eduardo Caballero Calderón. Premio NADAL 1965-Ediciones Ancora y Delfín. GUAYACAN-Novela-Premio Esso 1964. LOS SILENCIOS-Por David Mejía Velilla-Bogotá, 1966. SOCAVÓN-Por Helcías Martán G6ngora. ¿QUE SABEMOS DE LA PLANIFICACIÓN?-Por Albert Waterston-Ediciones Tercer Mundo. DE LA ENTRAÑA A LA PIEL-Mario H. Perico Ramírez- Imprenta Departamental de Boyacá-Colombia.

  14. Las mujeres en el mundo del trabajo, ciudad de Córdoba, 1904-1919

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    Constanza Daniela Bosch Alessio


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende analizar el proceso de incorporación de las mujeres al mundo del trabajo, en la ciudad de Córdoba entre los años 1904 y 1919. Concretamente, explora los perfiles ocupacionales de las mujeres cordobesas, su participación en conflictos y organizaciones obreras, y las representaciones que se construyeron en torno a su intervención en el mundo del trabajo. Para ello, examina las condiciones a las que estaban expuestas, las estrategias que desarrollaron frente a la conflictividad laboral y la regulación del Estado frente a la creciente injerencia de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo.

  15. Wyoming CV Pilot Traveler Information Message Sample (United States)

    Department of Transportation — This dataset contains a sample of the sanitized Traveler Information Messages (TIM) being generated by the Wyoming Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot. The full set of TIMs...

  16. How Adequate is your CV? Analyzing French CVs with ReaderBench

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gutu, Gabriel; Dascalu, Mihai; Trausan-Matu, Stefan; Lepoivre, Olivier


    This study is aimed at presenting a new ReaderBench-based tool built to support candidates in increasing the quality of their CV for a job opening. Both the visual quality and the textual content are considered while also providing an overview and corresponding feedback for the entire CV.

  17. A anarquia imemorial do mundo - Levinas e a ética da substituição

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    Farias, André Brayner de


    Full Text Available O tema da substituição é o coração da filosofia levinasiana. O desejo do infinito, a questão que move o pensamento, expressa-se na fórmula: ter-o-outro-em-sua-pele. Segundo Levinas é isso o que explica o fato de sermos tão numerosos no mundo. A substituição é a sustentação do mundo. Mas não significa isso uma idéia de fundamento. A metafísica levinasiana aborda o ser como questão que excede o princípio de uma fundamentação filosófica ou condição de possibilidade. O ser em questão é anterior ao princípio como o outro-em-sua-pele não é uma condição subjetiva, mas a incondição do pensamento, o desde sempre da responsabilidade: anarquia imemorial do tempo e do mundo

  18. Khatyrka, a new CV3 find from the Koryak Mountains, Eastern Russia (United States)

    MacPherson, Glenn J.; Andronicos, Christopher L.; Bindi, Luca; Distler, Vadim V.; Eddy, Michael P.; Eiler, John M.; Guan, Yunbin; Hollister, Lincoln S.; Kostin, Alexander; Kryachko, Valery; Steinhardt, William M.; Yudovskaya, Marina; Steinhardt, Paul J.


    A new meteorite find, named Khatyrka, was recovered from eastern Siberia as a result of a search for naturally occurring quasicrystals. The meteorite occurs as clastic grains within postglacial clay-rich layers along the banks of a small stream in the Koryak Mountains, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of far eastern Russia. Some of the grains are clearly chondritic and contain Type IA porphyritic olivine chondrules enclosed in matrices that have the characteristic platy olivine texture, matrix olivine composition, and mineralogy (olivine, pentlandite, nickel-rich iron-nickel metal, nepheline, and calcic pyroxene [diopside-hedenbergite solid solution]) of oxidized-subgroup CV3 chondrites. A few grains are fine-grained spinel-rich calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions with mineral oxygen isotopic compositions again typical of such objects in CV3 chondrites. The chondritic and CAI grains contain small fragments of metallic copper-aluminum-iron alloys that include the quasicrystalline phase icosahedrite. One grain is an achondritic intergrowth of Cu-Al metal alloys and forsteritic olivine ± diopsidic pyroxene, both of which have meteoritic (CV3-like) oxygen isotopic compositions. Finally, some grains consist almost entirely of metallic alloys of aluminum + copper ± iron. The Cu-Al-Fe metal alloys and the alloy-bearing achondrite clast are interpreted to be an accretionary component of what otherwise is a fairly normal CV3 (oxidized) chondrite. This association of CV3 chondritic grains with metallic copper-aluminum alloys makes Khatyrka a unique meteorite, perhaps best described as a complex CV3 (ox) breccia.

  19. A Descoberta da Morte e Mundo Homérico

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    Linneu Camargo Schutzer


    Full Text Available A insistência com que os historiadores da filosofia apresentam o mundo grego a partir do naturalismo jônio, com breves referências ao pensamento helênico anterior, leva-nos algumas vêzes a aceitar a ordem natural como a primeira sugestão para um pensamento racional, nela procurando a própria origem da noção de devir.

  20. El Juego de Mundo en Hamlet


    Osorio, Jorge


    A partir de una lectura de Hamlet el autor plantea la relación entre el regicidio y el desorden natural, tal como lo entendieron la filosofía política medieval y su transito a la filosofía del Renacimiento. Se indaga en el vínculo de la locura, el extravío dramático y la deriva política,  y sus implicancias en la visión  moral del mundo presente en la obra. Esta lectura teatral de la política sitúa el problema de la  dialéctica ocultación/de-velación  de los textos,  como un asunto central  d...

  1. CV controls from design to operation

    CERN Document Server

    Blanc, D


    The cooling and Ventilation (CV) group has emphasised the need to redefine its organisational structure at the end of 98. The main objective of this operation was to ensure the CV group to be more competitive and efficient through the growing tasks of the LHC projects. The main evolution given to this reorganisation is that the new structure is more project oriented and then operates on three distinct axes: Design, Work and Operation. Process control project management requires a complete and early interaction and participation of all the actors involved. This procedure to be efficient and constructive must be considered and performed not only during the design stage but along the project planning phases and must go beyond the completion work including the process control operation activity. The paper explains the present project management for process control. It describes the present constraints and gives suggestions to a different approach to these projects to improve performances and efficiency of a contr...

  2. ''de novo'' aneurysms following endovascular procedures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Briganti, F.; Cirillo, S.; Caranci, F. [Department of Neurological Sciences, Services of Neuroradiology, ' ' Federico II' ' University, Naples (Italy); Esposito, F.; Maiuri, F. [Department of Neurological Sciences, Services of Neurosurgery, ' ' Federico II' ' University, Naples (Italy)


    Two personal cases of ''de novo'' aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (ACoA) occurring 9 and 4 years, respectively, after endovascular carotid occlusion are described. A review of the 30 reported cases (including our own two) of ''de novo'' aneurysms after occlusion of the major cerebral vessels has shown some features, including a rather long time interval after the endovascular procedure of up to 20-25 years (average 9.6 years), a preferential ACoA (36.3%) and internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery (ICA-PCoA) (33.3%) location of the ''de novo'' aneurysms, and a 10% rate of multiple aneurysms. These data are compared with those of the group of reported spontaneous ''de novo'' aneurysms after SAH or previous aneurysm clipping. We agree that the frequency of ''de novo'' aneurysms after major-vessel occlusion (two among ten procedures in our series, or 20%) is higher than commonly reported (0 to 11%). For this reason, we suggest that patients who have been submitted to endovascular major-vessel occlusion be followed up for up to 20-25 years after the procedure, using non-invasive imaging studies such as MR angiography and high-resolution CT angiography. On the other hand, periodic digital angiography has a questionable risk-benefit ratio; it may be used when a ''de novo'' aneurysm is detected or suspected on non-invasive studies. The progressive enlargement of the ACoA after carotid occlusion, as described in our case 1, must be considered a radiological finding of risk for ''de novo'' aneurysm formation. (orig.)

  3. Language and national identity in Novo Cinema Galego

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    Full Text Available The talk of town since its inception in 2010, the Cinema Novo Galego has been successful in all competitions and festivals that has been present. From the FIPRESCI prize in Cannes to the Best Emerging Director at Locarno, this new wave of cinema places Galicia in the world film stage. But does Novo Cinema Galego an accurate representation of Galicia? What's the role of Galicia in this movement?

  4. Segmentation of kidney using C-V model and anatomy priors (United States)

    Lu, Jinghua; Chen, Jie; Zhang, Juan; Yang, Wenjia


    This paper presents an approach for kidney segmentation on abdominal CT images as the first step of a virtual reality surgery system. Segmentation for medical images is often challenging because of the objects' complicated anatomical structures, various gray levels, and unclear edges. A coarse to fine approach has been applied in the kidney segmentation using Chan-Vese model (C-V model) and anatomy prior knowledge. In pre-processing stage, the candidate kidney regions are located. Then C-V model formulated by level set method is applied in these smaller ROI, which can reduce the calculation complexity to a certain extent. At last, after some mathematical morphology procedures, the specified kidney structures have been extracted interactively with prior knowledge. The satisfying results on abdominal CT series show that the proposed approach keeps all the advantages of C-V model and overcome its disadvantages.

  5. AstroCV: Astronomy computer vision library (United States)

    González, Roberto E.; Muñoz, Roberto P.; Hernández, Cristian A.


    AstroCV processes and analyzes big astronomical datasets, and is intended to provide a community repository of high performance Python and C++ algorithms used for image processing and computer vision. The library offers methods for object recognition, segmentation and classification, with emphasis in the automatic detection and classification of galaxies.

  6. On the Origin of De Novo Genes in Arabidopsis thaliana Populations. (United States)

    Li, Zi-Wen; Chen, Xi; Wu, Qiong; Hagmann, Jörg; Han, Ting-Shen; Zou, Yu-Pan; Ge, Song; Guo, Ya-Long


    De novo genes, which originate from ancestral nongenic sequences, are one of the most important sources of protein-coding genes. This origination process is crucial for the adaptation of organisms. However, how de novo genes arise and become fixed in a population or species remains largely unknown. Here, we identified 782 de novo genes from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and divided them into three types based on the availability of translational evidence, transcriptional evidence, and neither transcriptional nor translational evidence for their origin. Importantly, by integrating multiple types of omics data, including data from genomes, epigenomes, transcriptomes, and translatomes, we found that epigenetic modifications (DNA methylation and histone modification) play an important role in the origination process of de novo genes. Intriguingly, using the transcriptomes and methylomes from the same population of 84 accessions, we found that de novo genes that are transcribed in approximately half of the total accessions within the population are highly methylated, with lower levels of transcription than those transcribed at other frequencies within the population. We hypothesized that, during the origin of de novo gene alleles, those neutralized to low expression states via DNA methylation have relatively high probabilities of spreading and becoming fixed in a population. Our results highlight the process underlying the origin of de novo genes at the population level, as well as the importance of DNA methylation in this process. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution.

  7. ORCID en el mundo, en Latinoamérica y en México


    Heredia, Ana


    "ORCID en el mundo, en Latinoamérica y en México" was presented at the ORCID Mexico Workshop at COLMEX in Mexico City on October 19, 2017 by Ana Heredia (Regional Director for Latin America, ORCID).

  8. Extreme-Scale De Novo Genome Assembly

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Georganas, Evangelos [Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA (United States); Hofmeyr, Steven [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Joint Genome Inst.; Egan, Rob [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Computational Research Division; Buluc, Aydin [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Joint Genome Inst.; Oliker, Leonid [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Joint Genome Inst.; Rokhsar, Daniel [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Computational Research Division; Yelick, Katherine [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). Joint Genome Inst.


    De novo whole genome assembly reconstructs genomic sequence from short, overlapping, and potentially erroneous DNA segments and is one of the most important computations in modern genomics. This work presents HipMER, a high-quality end-to-end de novo assembler designed for extreme scale analysis, via efficient parallelization of the Meraculous code. Genome assembly software has many components, each of which stresses different components of a computer system. This chapter explains the computational challenges involved in each step of the HipMer pipeline, the key distributed data structures, and communication costs in detail. We present performance results of assembling the human genome and the large hexaploid wheat genome on large supercomputers up to tens of thousands of cores.

  9. Kosmiese mag in Pseudo-Aristoteles, De mundo, en die Nuwe Testament

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    Johan C. Thom


    Full Text Available Cosmic power in Pseudo-Aristotle, De mundo, and the New Testament. In order to locate the cosmological views underlying the writings of Paul and other New Testament (NT authors within their historical contexts it is necessary to compare them with other contemporary worldviews, such as those expressed in philosophical writings of the period. New Testament research has thus far concentrated on the most popular and influential philosophical traditions of NT times, that is, Stoicism and Middle Platonism. Other philosophical traditions may however also offer valuable insights. In this article I suggested that the De mundo attributed to Aristotle but probably dating from the 1st century BCE or CE provides early evidence for a splitting up of the demiurgic function of God in order to preserve God’s transcendence. I furthermore argued that a similar division of divine functions is also evident in some NT texts, for example, John 1, Colossians 1, and Hebrews 1. This notion is explored using Colossians 1 as example.

  10. [Habitat factor analysis for Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii based on spatial information technology]. (United States)

    Wang, Xiao-ming; Wang, Ke; Ao, Wei-jiu; Deng, Jin-song; Han, Ning; Zhu, Xiao-yun


    Torreya grandis cv. Merrillii, a tertiary survival plant, is a rare tree species of significant economic value and expands rapidly in China. Its special habitat factor analysis has the potential value to provide guide information for its planting, management, and sustainable development, because the suitable growth conditions for this tree species are special and strict. In this paper, the special habitat factors for T. grandis cv. Merrillii in its core region, i.e., in seven villages of Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province were analyzed with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a series of data, such as IKONOS image, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and field survey data supported by the spatial information technology. The results showed that T. grandis cv. Merrillii exhibited high selectivity of environmental factors such as elevation, slope, and aspect. 96.22% of T. grandis cv. Merrillii trees were located at the elevation from 300 to 600 m, 97.52% of them were found to present on the areas whose slope was less than 300, and 74.43% of them distributed on sunny and half-sunny slopes. The results of PCA analysis indicated that the main environmental factors affecting the habitat of T. grandis cv. Merrillii were moisture, heat, and soil nutrients, and moisture might be one of the most important ecological factors for T. grandis cv. Merrillii due to the unique biological and ecological characteristics of the tree species.

  11. Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan CV Surya Raya

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    Laksmi Sito Dwi Irvianti


    Full Text Available This research was conducted on CV Surya Raya which is engaged in car shipping. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of organization culture, leadership, and working motivation partially to employees’ satisfaction in CV Surya Raya. The data was collected by conducting interviews with the company and distributing questionnaires to 67 employees as respondents and then analyzed using linear regression analysis method. From the research results, leadership variable does not have a significant impact on employees' job satisfaction in CV Surya Raya. Whereas, the motivation variable has greater influence on job satisfaction of CV Surya Raya employees compared to the organization's culture.

  12. Glucagon infusion increases rate of purine synthesis de novo in rat liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itakura, Mitsuo; Maeda, Noriaki; Tsuchiya, Masami; Yamashita, Kamejiro


    Based on the parallel increases of glucagon, the second peak of hepatic cAMP, and the rate of purine synthesis de novo in the prereplicative period in regenerating rate liver after a 70% hepatectomy, it was hypothesized that glucagon is responsible for the increased rate of purine synthesis de novo. To test this hypothesis, the effect of glucagon or dibutyryl cAMP infusion on the rate of purine synthesis de novo in rat liver was studied. Glucagon infusion but not insulin or glucose infusion increased the rate of purine synthesis de novo, which was assayed by [ 14 C]glycine or [ 14 C]formate incorporation, by 2.7- to 4.3-fold. Glucagon infusion increased cAMP concentrations by 4.9-fold and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate concentrations by 1.5-fold in liver but did not change the specific activity of amidophosphoribosyltransferase or purine ribonucleotide concentrations. Dibutyryl cAMP infusion also increased the rate of purine synthesis de novo by 2.2- to 4.0-fold. Because glucagon infusion increased the rate of purine synthesis de novo in the presence of unchanged purine ribonucleotide concentrations, it is concluded that glucagon after infusion or in animals after a 70% hepatectomy is playing an anabolic role to increase the rate of purine synthesis de novo by increasing cAMP and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate concentrations

  13. Evaluation of faba beans ( Vicia faba cv. Fiord) and sweet lupins ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation of faba beans ( Vicia faba cv. Fiord) and sweet lupins ( Lupizus albus cv. Kiev) as protein sources for ... P igsi n the metabolisrna ndN balance trial consurned5 % less( P < 0.01)o 1'thel upind ietc omparedto the fabab eand iet (l 370 vs. | 440 gld).N o significandt ift'erenceisn the digestiblee nergy( DE) contenta nd ...

  14. La construcción narrativa de los mundos persistentes

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    Mario Rajas Fernández


    Full Text Available Los videojuegos online basados en la creación virtual de mundos persistentes han revolucionado las estructuras, características, técnicas y procedimientos narrativos que componen la construcción textual de una obra audiovisual del ámbito mediático del ocio electrónico. Además de la profunda transformación introducida en el consumo, recepción, y, sobre todo, participación activa del usuario en el proceso comunicativo, las múltiples posibilidades estéticas, retóricas o pragmáticas a la hora de desarrollar discursos audiovisuales innovadores son manifiestamente significativas. Este artículo propone, a partir del análisis textual de los parámetros narrativos destacables del videojuego World of Warcraft, una introducción a los fundamentos constructivos de los denominados MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, obras generadoras de inmensos y heterogéneos mundos persistentes que han modificado tanto los espacios, los tiempos, los personajes o las acciones que integran los contenidos definitorios del relato de ficción convencional, como los discursos hipermediáticos y los recursos técnico-expresivos audiovisuales que configuran dichas historias.

  15. PlantCV v2: Image analysis software for high-throughput plant phenotyping

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    Malia A. Gehan


    Full Text Available Systems for collecting image data in conjunction with computer vision techniques are a powerful tool for increasing the temporal resolution at which plant phenotypes can be measured non-destructively. Computational tools that are flexible and extendable are needed to address the diversity of plant phenotyping problems. We previously described the Plant Computer Vision (PlantCV software package, which is an image processing toolkit for plant phenotyping analysis. The goal of the PlantCV project is to develop a set of modular, reusable, and repurposable tools for plant image analysis that are open-source and community-developed. Here we present the details and rationale for major developments in the second major release of PlantCV. In addition to overall improvements in the organization of the PlantCV project, new functionality includes a set of new image processing and normalization tools, support for analyzing images that include multiple plants, leaf segmentation, landmark identification tools for morphometrics, and modules for machine learning.

  16. High frequencies of de novo CNVs in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Malhotra, Dheeraj


    While it is known that rare copy-number variants (CNVs) contribute to risk for some neuropsychiatric disorders, the role of CNVs in bipolar disorder is unclear. Here, we reasoned that a contribution of CNVs to mood disorders might be most evident for de novo mutations. We performed a genome-wide analysis of de novo CNVs in a cohort of 788 trios. Diagnoses of offspring included bipolar disorder (n = 185), schizophrenia (n = 177), and healthy controls (n = 426). Frequencies of de novo CNVs were significantly higher in bipolar disorder as compared with controls (OR = 4.8 [1.4,16.0], p = 0.009). De novo CNVs were particularly enriched among cases with an age at onset younger than 18 (OR = 6.3 [1.7,22.6], p = 0.006). We also confirmed a significant enrichment of de novo CNVs in schizophrenia (OR = 5.0 [1.5,16.8], p = 0.007). Our results suggest that rare spontaneous mutations are an important contributor to risk for bipolar disorder and other major neuropsychiatric diseases.

  17. Le « CV multilingue automatisé »


    Terrier, Linda; Vaillant Sirdey, Christine; Arino, Mathilde


    De par leur mission d’insertion professionnelle, les IUT ont depuis longtemps inscrit dans leurs programmes pédagogiques nationaux l’élaboration du curriculum vitae en langue(s) étrangère(s). La politique de mobilité internationale encourage aujourd’hui toutes les formations universitaires du secteur LANSAD à intégrer la création d’un CV dans leur formation en langue.La rédaction d’un CV, déjà complexe en langue maternelle, réclame pour d’autres langues la maîtrise de savoir-faire spécifiques...

  18. Retendering of ST-CV maintenance contract

    CERN Document Server

    Battistin, M


    During the next three years, the ST/CV group will be deeply involved in the installation works for the LHC project. During this period the need for maintenance activity will decrease. The minimum level will be reached during the “long shutdown” of the PS and SPS machines in 2005. The budget for the maintenance will decrease accordingly, thus the CV group had to review its maintenance strategy. The new contract, which started on January 1st 2003, has been defined to cope with these workload variations during the next years and to guarantee the minimum maintenance activity on the existing equipment. A lump-sum contract based on a win-win strategy has been discarded. The contractor no longer has to guarantee the performance of the CERN cooling and ventilation systems. A new price list strategy based on performance indicators and penalties has been chosen. The contractor now has to guarantee the performance of every maintenance operation demanded by CERN. This modification obliged the Operation section of the...

  19. De Novo Human Cardiac Myocytes for Medical Research: Promises and Challenges

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    Veronique Hamel


    Full Text Available The advent of cellular reprogramming technology has revolutionized biomedical research. De novo human cardiac myocytes can now be obtained from direct reprogramming of somatic cells (such as fibroblasts, from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs, which are reprogrammed from somatic cells, and from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs. Such de novo human cardiac myocytes hold great promise for in vitro disease modeling and drug screening and in vivo cell therapy of heart disease. Here, we review the technique advancements for generating de novo human cardiac myocytes. We also discuss several challenges for the use of such cells in research and regenerative medicine, such as the immature phenotype and heterogeneity of de novo cardiac myocytes obtained with existing protocols. We focus on the recent advancements in addressing such challenges.

  20. Novel circulatory connection from the acupoint Zhong Wan(CV12 to pancreas

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    Minsoo Kim


    Full Text Available Objectives : Demonstrating a novel circulatory path from the acupoint(CV12 to the pancreas. Method : Alcian blue(1% solution, 20μl, pH 7.4 was injected into the acupoint(CV12. Two hours later the surfaces of internal organs were observed by using a stereomicroscope. Results : Alcian blue arrived and colored the omental fat band(OFB on the pancreas. The OFB connected the head and tail of the pancreas, the pancreas and the spleen, and the pancreas and the stomach. Conclusion : The existence of a novel circulatory path from the acupoint CV12 to the pancreas and its OFB was demonstrated.

  1. O sonho e a literatura: mundo grego


    Meneses,Adélia Bezerra de


    A proposta é abordar não só o significado de que se revestem as produções oníricas no mundo grego, mas a congenialidade entre sonho e Literatura. Com efeito, tanto no sonho como na poesia, domínios do Mythos e não do Logos, colocam-se em ação energias cognitivas do inconsciente. Na Grécia, onde, como todos sabemos, o sonho tem valor oracular, as funções de adivinho e de poeta se sobrepõem, na capacidade de enxergar para além das aparências sensíveis, de ver o que Walter Benjamin chama de "sem...

  2. El mundo del libro: febrero de 1963

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títutlos: Respirando el Verano -Novela- Héctor Rojas Herazo. Ediciones Tercer Mundo. Bogotá, Colombia. Sílabas de arena -Poemas- Olga Elena Mattei. Ediciones La Tertulia. La Linterna y el Buho -Lucio Pabón Núñez. Ediciones Hispanolusoamericanas. Madrid, España. Letras y Hombres de Venezuela -Ensayos- Arturo Uslar Pietri. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México. Revista Colombiana de Folclor. Antología de Safo. Enrique Uribe White. La biblioteca de Educación Fundamental. -Guillermo Nanetti. Editorial Unión Panamericana. Washington. U.S.A.

  3. El mundo del libro: diciembre de 1964

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: En Chima nace un santo-Por Manuel Zapata Olivella -Novela- Editorial Seix-Barral. España Cúspide- Por Victor Amaya González -Poemas- Bogotá-Colombia. Documentos sobre la fundación de la Casa de la Moneda en Santa Fe de Bogotá- Banco de la República -Talleres Gráficos Humo del tiempo -Por Oscar Echeverri Mejía -Poemas- Talleres Imprenta Departamental -Tunja-Boyacá. Vino amargo. (The wine is Bitter -Por Milton Eisenhower -Traducción de Antonio Panesso Robledo -Editorial Tercer Mundo -Bogotá-Colombia.

  4. A crise de sentido e o futuro das organizações

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    Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara


    Full Text Available Ao pensar sobre a crise de sentido e a fragmentação do conhecimento que caracterizaram o trabalho no mundo contemporâneo, devemos nos perguntar: se trabalhamos para viver, ou vivemos para trabalhar, por isto está emergindo um novo tipo de consciência expandida (econômico social - ambiental - espiritual capaz de repensar o complexo mundo atual por meio de novas lideranças transformadoras.

  5. Avaliação de produtividade de progênies de cafeeiro em dois sistemas de plantio Yield evaluation of coffee plant (Coffea arabica L. progenies in two tillage systems

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    Gladyston Rodrigues Carvalho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho analisar a influência do sistema de plantio (adensado e convencional e a produtividade de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L., resultantes do cruzamento de Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 com Mundo Novo IAC 379-19. Foram utilizadas 29 progênies, na 4ª geração por autofecundação do 2º retrocruzamento de Catuaí Vermelho com Mundo Novo desenvolvidas pelo programa de Melhoramento Genético do Cafeeiro em Minas Gerais, coordenado pela EPAMIG. Utilizou-se como testemunha 13 cultivares, Topázio MG-1189 e 1189 SL, Catuaí Vermelho IAC-15, IAC-99 e IAC-144, Catuaí Amarelo MG-17, Rubi MG-1192 e 1192SL, Acaiá Cerrado MG-1474 e 1474 SL, Mundo Novo IAC379-19, IAC-376-4 e 376-4 SL. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG em janeiro de 1996 no espaçamento de 3,50 x 1,00 m (sistema convencional e 1,80 x 0,60 m (sistema adensado. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, sendo os tratamentos compostos por 42 progênies/cultivares com três repetições e seis plantas por parcela com a análise de variância, em parcelas subdivididas, onde cada biênio (agrupamento de colheita foi considerado como uma subparcela. Avaliou-se a produção de grãos em sacas de 60 kg de café beneficiado/ha. Verificou-se nos resultados que a produtividade inicial no sistema adensado foi maior que no sistema convencional, porém com base no desenvolvimento das plantas essa diferença tendeu a diminuir. Para ambos os sistemas de plantio, pode-se utilizar qualquer uma das cultivares uma vez que as mesmas comportaram-se de forma semelhante. As cultivares utilizadas como testemunha que apresentaram as maiores produtividades foram Topázio MG-1189 e 1189 SL, Rubi MG-1192 e 1192SL, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15 e IAC 144 e Mundo Novo IAC-376-4 e 376-4SL.The present work was carried out in order to analyze the planting system (high and low plant stand influence on coffee trees (Coffea

  6. Cenários mundo-Brasil 2030: insumos para o planejamento estratégico do BNDES


    Castro, Lavínia Barros de; Souza, Francisco Eduardo Pires de


    O Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) tem longa tradição no uso de cenários em seu processo de planejamento estratégico. Em 2012, os cenários mundo-Brasil começaram a ser revistos por um grupo que reuniu empregados do Banco, assessores externos e colaboradores de outras instituições (ver ficha técnica no Apêndice D). Em 2014, a revisão dos quatro cenários mundo-Brasil foi apresentada a chefes de departamento, superintendentes e diretores do BNDES. Este texto busca apr...

  7. Detoxification of microcystin-LR in water by Portulaca oleracea cv. (United States)

    Isobe, Takatoshi; Okuhata, Hiroshi; Miyasaka, Hitoshi; Jeon, Bong-Seok; Park, Ho-Dong


    Microcystin-LR (0.02 μg/ml) in the hydroculture medium of Portulaca oleracea cv., became below the detection level (<0.0001 μg/ml) by HPLC analysis after 7 days. The toxicity of microcystin estimated with protein phosphatase inhibition assay, however, remained at 37% of the initial level, indicating that microcystin-LR was transformed by P. oleracea cv. into unknown compound(s) of lower toxicity. Copyright © 2013 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Melhoramento do cafeeiro: XXII - Resultados obtidos no ensaio de seleções regionais de campinas Coffee breeding: XXII - Results from the regional coffee selection trial from campinas

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    A. Carvalho


    Full Text Available A. seleção de plantas matrizes e estudo de suas progênies vêm sendo realizadas em cinco localidades do Estado de São Paulo. A fim de averiguar, simultaneamente, o comportamento geral das melhores progênies nessas localidades, plantaram-se, em 1951, cinco ensaios de seleções regionais, em Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto, Pindorama, Mooca e Jaú. Aqui são apresentados e discutidos os dados referentes a Campinas. O ensaio compreende 100 progênies pertencentes aos cultivares 'Mundo Novo', 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Bourbon Vermelho', 'Caturra Amarelo', 'Caturra Vermelho' e 'Sumatra', havendo para cada grupo, uma ou mais testemunhas, sem seleção. A variedade typica foi tomada como testemunha geral. Analisaram-se as dados referentes ao vigor vegetativo, à altura das plantas e ao diâmetro da copa, à produção de café cereja e de beneficiado, tipos, tamanho, peso e densidade das sementes e .sintomas de deficiências de zinco e queima das folhas devido à baixa temperatura. As progênies de 'Mundo Novo', 'Bourbon Amarelo' e 'Bourbon Vermelho', apresentaram níveis diferentes de produtividade. A produção total média das progênies do café 'Mundo Novo', no período 1954 a 1959, foi de 9,81 kg de café beneficiado por canteiro (uma cova com quatro plantas enquanto que a do 'Bourbon Amarelo', foi de 8,33 kg e, a do 'Bourbon Vermelho', de 6,39 kg. A produção média do 'Caturra Vermelho' mostrou-se semelhante à do 'Bourbon Vermelho', de 6,29 kg, enquanto a do 'Caturra Amarelo' foi maior, de 7,20 kg. A análise feita pelo contraste das médias indicou diferenças significativas a favor do grupo 'Mundo Novo'. Neste grupo tôdas as progênies selecionadas produziram mais do que a média das suas testemunhas, sem qualquer melhoramento, indicando efeito altamente significativo da seleção No grupo 'Bourbon Amarelo' 6 progênies (46% deram produção maior do que a média das testemunhas e, no 'Bourbon Vermelho', apenas 7 (13% mostraram-se mais

  9. Characterization of a novel gene encoding ankyrin repeat domain from Cotesia vestalis polydnavirus (CvBV)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Min; Chen Yafeng; Huang Fang; Liu Pengcheng; Zhou Xueping; Chen Xuexin


    Cotesia vestalis (Haliday) is an endoparasitoid of Plutella xylostella (L.) larvae and injects a polydnavirus (CvBV) into its host during oviposition. In this report we describe the characterization of a gene (CvBV805) and its products. CvBV805 is located on the segment S8 of CvBV genome; it has a size of 909 bp and encodes a predicted protein of 125 amino acids. This protein contains an ankyrin repeat domain with a high degree of similarity with IκB-like genes. Gene transcripts were detected in extracts of the host as early as 2 h post-parasitization (p.p.) and continued to be detected through 24 h. Tissue-specific expression patterns showed that CvBV805 might be involved in early host immunosuppression. CvBV805 was detected in parasitized hosts at 12 h p.p. and in rBac-eGFP-CvBV805-infected Tn-5B1-4 cells at 72 h.p.i. by using western blots analysis. The size of the protein expressed in the host hemocytes and infected Tn-5B1-4 cells was 17 kDa and 56 kDa (including eGFP), respectively, which nearly corresponded with the predicted molecular weight (14.31 kDa) of CvBV805, suggesting that the protein did not undergo extensive post-translational modification. The protein was confirmed to be present within the nuclear region in hemocytes of the parasitized P. xylostella larvae at 48 h p.p. using confocal laser scanning microscopy

  10. De Novo Collapsing Glomerulopathy in a Renal Allograft Recipient

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    Kanodia K


    Full Text Available Collapsing glomerulopathy (CG, characterized histologically by segmental/global glomerular capillary collapse, podocyte hypertrophy and hypercellularity and tubulo-interstitial injury; is characterized clinically by massive proteinuria and rapid progressive renal failure. CG is known to recur in renal allograft and rarely de novo. We report de novo CG 3 years post-transplant in a patient who received renal allograft from haplo-identical type donor.

  11. Impactos ambientais e sociais da Copa do Mundo de 2014

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    Marilia Carla de Mello Gaia


    Full Text Available Desde a escolha do Brasil, em 2007, para sediar a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014 e as Olimpíadas de 2016, este é um tema recorrente na mídia e em demais espaços de socialização dos brasileiros. Muitas discussões a cerca destes megaeventos esportivos envolvem os benefícios relacionados ao incentivo ao esporte nacional, ao incremento no turismo e na economia e às obras de infraestrutura (sistema de transporte urbano, aeroportos, arenas esportivas, comércio, etc.. A partir das manifestações populares em junho de 2013, principalmente, amplia-se em uma parcela da população brasileira um outro olhar sobre estes eventos esportivos, sobretudo os questionamentos relacionados às necessidades sociais da população em detrimento dos astronômicos investimentos financeiros e políticos para a Copa. Neste contexto, este artigo se destina a discutir alguns elementos envolvidos nos impactos sociais e ambientais da realização da Copa do Mundo de Futebol e das Olimpíadas no Brasil.

  12. Purine biosynthesis de novo by lymphocytes in gout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamoun, P.; Chanard, J.; Brami, M.; Funck-Brentano, J.L.


    A method of measurement in vitro of purine biosynthesis de novo in human circulating blood lymphocytes is proposed. The rate of early reactions of purine biosynthesis de novo was determined by the incorporation of [ 14 C]formate into N-formyl glycinamide ribonucleotide when the subsequent reactions of the metabolic pathway were completely inhibited by the antibiotic azaserine. Synthesis of 14 C-labelled N-formyl glycinamide ribonucleotide by lymphocytes was measured in healthy control subjects and patients with primary gout or hyperuricaemia secondary to renal failure, with or without allopurinol therapy. The average synthesis was higher in gouty patients without therapy than in control subjects, but the values contained overlap the normal range. In secondary hyperuricaemia the synthesis was at same value as in control subjects. These results are in agreement with the inconstant acceleration of purine biosynthesis de novo in gouty patients as seen by others with measurement of [ 14 C]glycine incorporation into urinary uric acid. (author)

  13. De novo giant A2 aneurysm following anterior communicating artery occlusion. (United States)

    Ibrahim, Tarik F; Hafez, Ahmad; Andrade-Barazarte, Hugo; Raj, Rahul; Niemela, Mika; Lehto, Hanna; Numminen, Jussi; Jarvelainen, Juha; Hernesniemi, Juha


    De novo intracranial aneurysms are reported to occur with varying incidence after intracranial aneurysm treatment. They are purported to be observed, however, with increased incidence after Hunterian ligation; particularly in cases of carotid artery occlusion for giant or complex aneurysms deemed unclippable. We report a case of right-sided de novo giant A2 aneurysm 6 years after an anterior communicating artery (ACoA) aneurysm clipping. We believe this de novo aneurysm developed in part due to patient-specific risk factors but also a significant change in cerebral hemodynamics. The ACoA became occluded after surgery that likely altered the cerebral hemodynamics and contributed to the de novo aneurysm. We believe this to be the first reported case of a giant de novo aneurysm in this location. Following parent vessel occlusion (mostly of the carotid artery), there are no reports of any de novo aneurysms in the pericallosal arteries let alone a giant one. The patient had a dominant right A1 and the sudden increase in A2 blood flow likely resulted in increased wall shear stress, particularly in the medial wall of the A2 where the aneurysm occurred 2 mm distal to the A1-2 junction. ACoA preservation is a key element of aneurysm surgery in this location. Suspected occlusion of this vessel may warrant closer radiographic follow-up in patients with other risk factors for aneurysm development.

  14. de novo computational enzyme design. (United States)

    Zanghellini, Alexandre


    Recent advances in systems and synthetic biology as well as metabolic engineering are poised to transform industrial biotechnology by allowing us to design cell factories for the sustainable production of valuable fuels and chemicals. To deliver on their promises, such cell factories, as much as their brick-and-mortar counterparts, will require appropriate catalysts, especially for classes of reactions that are not known to be catalyzed by enzymes in natural organisms. A recently developed methodology, de novo computational enzyme design can be used to create enzymes catalyzing novel reactions. Here we review the different classes of chemical reactions for which active protein catalysts have been designed as well as the results of detailed biochemical and structural characterization studies. We also discuss how combining de novo computational enzyme design with more traditional protein engineering techniques can alleviate the shortcomings of state-of-the-art computational design techniques and create novel enzymes with catalytic proficiencies on par with natural enzymes. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Mineralogy and Petrography of MIL 090001, a Highly Altered CV Chondrite from the Reduced Sub-Group (United States)

    Keller, Lindsay P.


    MIL 090001 is a large (greater than 6 kg) CV chondrite from the reduced subgroup (CV(sub red)) that was recovered during the 2009-2010 ANSMET field season [1]. The CV(sub red) subgroup meteorites retain primitive characteristics and have escaped the Na and Fe meta-somatism that affected the oxidized (CV(sub ox)) subgroups. MIL 090001 is, however, reported to be altered [1], and thus a major objective of this study is to characterize its mineralogy and petrography and the extent of the alteration.

  16. Los contenidos editoriales como herramienta determinante para construir una marca: el caso de El Mundo

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    Mónica Herrero


    Full Text Available El diario El Mundo se lanzó en Madrid en 1989. Las circunstancias externas no eran muy propicias: entre otras, la empresa editora no tenía capital suficiente ni plantas de impresión propias; además disponía de una plantilla muy reducida. Sin embargo El Mundo consiguió superar los obstáculos y convertirse en el segundo diario de mayor circulación en España. La clave del éxito ha sido su oferta editorial: el valor de denunciar casos de corrupción política y económica y su independencia respecto a los anunciantes y los partidos políticos. A lo largo de este artículo se analizarán los principales atributos de la marca y de la oferta editorial de El Mundo. Para ello, además de la revisión de la literatura pertinente, se han mantenido entrevistas con los directivos y se ha acudido a los estudios de marca que realiza el departamento de marketing del periódico entre sus lectores.

  17. Wilting and biological additive effect on in situ degradability and chemical composition of Arachis pintoi cv Belomonte silage


    Rosana Aparecida Possenti; Evaldo Ferrari Júnior; Valdinei Tadeu Paulino; Ivani Pozar Otsuk; Patrícia Brás


    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effect of wilting and biological additive amendment on chemical composition, fermentation and ruminal degradability of Arachis pintoi cv Belmonte silage. The following treatments were analysed: T1- Arachis pintoi cv Belmonte fresh forage; T2 - Arachis pintoi cv Belmonte fresh forage plus bacterial additive added to the forage prior to the ensilage; T3- Arachis pintoi cv Belmonte wilted by the sun for 4 hours; T4- Arachis pintoi cv Belmonte wilted b...

  18. Direct Visualization of De novo Lipogenesis in Single Living Cells (United States)

    Li, Junjie; Cheng, Ji-Xin


    Increased de novo lipogenesis is being increasingly recognized as a hallmark of cancer. Despite recent advances in fluorescence microscopy, autoradiography and mass spectrometry, direct observation of de novo lipogenesis in living systems remains to be challenging. Here, by coupling stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy with isotope labeled glucose, we were able to trace the dynamic metabolism of glucose in single living cells with high spatial-temporal resolution. As the first direct visualization, we observed that glucose was largely utilized for lipid synthesis in pancreatic cancer cells, which occurs at a much lower rate in immortalized normal pancreatic epithelial cells. By inhibition of glycolysis and fatty acid synthase (FAS), the key enzyme for fatty acid synthesis, we confirmed the deuterium labeled lipids in cancer cells were from de novo lipid synthesis. Interestingly, we also found that prostate cancer cells exhibit relatively lower level of de novo lipogenesis, but higher fatty acid uptake compared to pancreatic cancer cells. Together, our results demonstrate a valuable tool to study dynamic lipid metabolism in cancer and other disorders.

  19. Influência da densidade de plantio e sistema de podas na produção de café Influence of plant density and pruning system on the yield of coffee

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    Sérgio Vasco de Toledo


    Full Text Available Durante 19 anos, foi conduzido um experimento em Campinas, SP, que objetivou avaliar a influência da variedade, espaçamento, número de plantas na cova e sistema de condução da planta sobre a produção de café (Coffea arabica L.. As variedades Mundo Novo e Caturra foram estudadas com cinco densidades de plantio (1, 2, 3, 5 e 6 m²/cova combinadas com uma ou duas plantas por cova e conduzidas sem podas, decotadas a 2 m de altura e recepadas em esquema predeterminado, tipo Beaumont & Fukunaga. Os resultados de 17 colheitas demonstraram que altas densidades de plantio apresentaram elevadas produções nas primeiras safras, com acentuado decréscimo após sete colheitas; a variedade Mundo Novo manteve o potencial produtivo, enquanto a Caturra diminuiu sensivelmente a produção ao longo dos anos; a adoção de um sistema de podas não influenciou na produção, e em alguns períodos foi prejudicial.An experiment with the objective of evaluating the influence of the number of plants per hole, plant density and pruning system on the yield of the Caturra and Mundo Novo varieties of Coffea arabica L. was carried out in Campinas, SP, Brazil, during 19 years. Five planting densities were evaluated: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 m²/hole, combined with one and two plants per hole carried out without pruning; pruning at 2 m from the soil; and, plants lapped close to the soil in a regime pre-determinated by Beaumont & Fukunaga. High planting density showed high yields in the first harvests with pronounced decrease after seven harvests. The Mundo Novo variety kept its yield potential while the Caturra variety highly decreased its yield throughout the years; the adoption of a pruning system did not influence the yield and was even prejudicial in some periods.

  20. Response monitoring in de novo patients with Parkinson's disease.

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    Rita Willemssen

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease (PD is accompanied by dysfunctions in a variety of cognitive processes. One of these is error processing, which depends upon phasic decreases of medial prefrontal dopaminergic activity. Until now, there is no study evaluating these processes in newly diagnosed, untreated patients with PD ("de novo PD". METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we report large changes in performance monitoring processes using event-related potentials (ERPs in de novo PD-patients. The results suggest that increases in medial frontal dopaminergic activity after an error (Ne are decreased, relative to age-matched controls. In contrast, neurophysiological processes reflecting general motor response monitoring (Nc are enhanced in de novo patients. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: It may be hypothesized that the Nc-increase is at costs of dopaminergic activity after an error; on a functional level errors may not always be detected and correct responses sometimes be misinterpreted as errors. This pattern differs from studies examining patients with a longer history of PD and may reflect compensatory processes, frequently occurring in pre-manifest stages of PD. From a clinical point of view the clearly attenuated Ne in the de novo PD patients may prove a useful additional tool for the early diagnosis of basal ganglia dysfunction in PD.

  1. Solidarios de cine buscan su lugar en el mundo


    Rodríguez Chico, Julio


    Desde hace años, afortunadamente, el mundo occidental ha ganado en sensibilidad social y se ha despertado entre las generaciones jóvenes un sentido de solidaridad hacia los más necesitados. Son numerosas las ONG surgidas en países desarrollados con proyectos destinados a resolver carencias fundamentales de la persona o, al menos, aliviar algunas situaciones indignas. Antes, el espíritu misionero y cristiano ya había promovido estupendas labores asistenciales y educativas, impulsado por la car...

  2. A Europa no Mundo Entre as Guerras 1919-1939


    Rollo, Maria Fernanda; Ribeiro, Maria Manuela Tavares; Pires, Ana Paula; Cunha, Alice; Valente, Isabel Maria Freitas


    O II Encontro A Europa no Mundo é dedicado ao estudo, análise, debate e interpretação das transformações políticas, económicas, sociais e culturais ocorridas na Europa durante o período entre guerras. Os textos compilados neste e-book correspondem a uma parte das comunicações apresentadas no Encontro, reflectem a investigação realizada e procuram constituir um ponto de partida para novas e mais aprofundadas reflexões.

  3. Precise detection of de novo single nucleotide variants in human genomes. (United States)

    Gómez-Romero, Laura; Palacios-Flores, Kim; Reyes, José; García, Delfino; Boege, Margareta; Dávila, Guillermo; Flores, Margarita; Schatz, Michael C; Palacios, Rafael


    The precise determination of de novo genetic variants has enormous implications across different fields of biology and medicine, particularly personalized medicine. Currently, de novo variations are identified by mapping sample reads from a parent-offspring trio to a reference genome, allowing for a certain degree of differences. While widely used, this approach often introduces false-positive (FP) results due to misaligned reads and mischaracterized sequencing errors. In a previous study, we developed an alternative approach to accurately identify single nucleotide variants (SNVs) using only perfect matches. However, this approach could be applied only to haploid regions of the genome and was computationally intensive. In this study, we present a unique approach, coverage-based single nucleotide variant identification (COBASI), which allows the exploration of the entire genome using second-generation short sequence reads without extensive computing requirements. COBASI identifies SNVs using changes in coverage of exactly matching unique substrings, and is particularly suited for pinpointing de novo SNVs. Unlike other approaches that require population frequencies across hundreds of samples to filter out any methodological biases, COBASI can be applied to detect de novo SNVs within isolated families. We demonstrate this capability through extensive simulation studies and by studying a parent-offspring trio we sequenced using short reads. Experimental validation of all 58 candidate de novo SNVs and a selection of non-de novo SNVs found in the trio confirmed zero FP calls. COBASI is available as open source at for any researcher to use. Copyright © 2018 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.

  4. Analisis Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Pemberian Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan CV Mum Indonesia

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    Jerry M. Logahan


    Full Text Available Mum CV is a company engaged in the sale of bread. To increase sales of bread (performance it needs to investigate the influence of work environment and compensation of employees. The method of analysis used in this study is descriptive, Pearson Regression, and Multiple Regression. The data were obtained from the employees performance by completing the questionnaires provided using Likert scale which was useful to determine the level of disagreement questions on the questionnaires. Results achieved in this study are the work environment has no significant influence on employees performance in CV Mum Indonesia, amounting to 0,068. Compensation has significant, no influence on employees performance in CV Mum Indonesia that is equal to 0,580 and there is a significant effect of 33.6%. Work environment and compensation have a significant impact on employees performance in CV Mum Indonesia. It is equal to 0,580 and there is a significant effect of 33.6%.

  5. Repercussão cardiovascular, com e sem álcool, do carbonato de lodenafila, um novo inibidor da PDE5 Repercusión cardiovascular, con y sin alcohol, del carbonato de lodenafila, un nuevo inhibidor de la PDE5 Cardiovascular repercussion of lodenafil carbonate, a new PDE5 inhibitor, with and without alcohol consumption


    Adauto Carvalho Silva; Odaly Toffoletto; Luiz Antonio Galvão Lucio; Paula Ferreira dos Santos; Jorge Barros Afiune; João Massud Filho; Sergio Tufik


    FUNDAMENTO: A disfunção erétil afeta um grande número de homens no mundo e os inibidores de PDE 5 (iPDE5) estão entre os principais métodos de tratamento desses pacientes. O consumo social de álcool e o ato sexual apresentam uma relação considerável. Portanto, a associação entre álcool e iPDE5 pode ocorrer. O carbonato de lodenafila é um novo iPDE5 desenvolvido por uma empresa brasileira. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a repercussão cardiovascular do carbonato de lodenafila, associado ou não ao álcool, as...

  6. Realidad humana y mundos de ficción


    González Fernández, Ángel


    Una filosofía de la literatura ha de ocuparse de dos problemas de honda significación para la Antropología Filosófica; por un lado, la dimensión existencial de la literatura: el porqué de la inveterada afición humana a crear y a instalarse en mundos de ficción. Por otra parte, la cuestión de la onticidad de las realidades literarias: en palabras de Unamuno,”¿quién es más real, Cervantes o don Quijote”? A philosophy of literature must address two problems of deep significance for Philosophi...

  7. The Measure your World / Mide tu Mundo Project (United States)

    Hojman, S.; Johnson, R. M.; Meymaris, K. K.; Ward, D. L.; Russell, R.; Genyuk, J.; Lagrave, M.; Henderson, S.; Ostrosky, J.; Martinez, M.


    Over 22 centuries ago Erathostenes devised a method to determine the Earth radius. Measure your World / Mide tu Mundo is a joint venture lead by Windows to the Universe/Ventanas al Universo in the United States of America, EducaRed in Chile and RedEscolar in Mexico seeking to partner teams of students, teachers and parents from the three countries in a collaborative effort to determine the Earth circumference by sharing the results of their measurements, and exchanging cultural information. Data are collected from September 29 through October 7, 2007. A report of the whole experience will be presented.

  8. De novo mutations in synaptic transmission genes including DNM1 cause epileptic encephalopathies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    in five individuals and de novo mutations in GABBR2, FASN, and RYR3 in two individuals each. Unlike previous studies, this cohort is sufficiently large to show a significant excess of de novo mutations in epileptic encephalopathy probands compared to the general population using a likelihood analysis (p...... = 8.2 × 10(-4)), supporting a prominent role for de novo mutations in epileptic encephalopathies. We bring statistical evidence that mutations in DNM1 cause epileptic encephalopathy, find suggestive evidence for a role of three additional genes, and show that at least 12% of analyzed individuals have...... analyzed exome-sequencing data of 356 trios with the "classical" epileptic encephalopathies, infantile spasms and Lennox Gastaut syndrome, including 264 trios previously analyzed by the Epi4K/EPGP consortium. In this expanded cohort, we find 429 de novo mutations, including de novo mutations in DNM1...

  9. Analisis Pengawasan Logistik Produk Aqua Ukuran 330ml Pada CV. Dlu'x Resto Samarinda


    Mardiana, Ali Masuhud, H. Mulyadi Syp


    The problem in this research is "Are Determination Against Aqua Products Logistics Control 330ml sizes on CV. DLux Resto has been optimized? "This study aims to determine the amount of inventory on the CV aqua 330ml sizes. Dlu'x Resto in Samarinda.Formulation of the problem in this study is whether the determination of the logistical monitoring product inventory aqua 330ml sizes that have been carried out on the CV. Dlu'x Resto Samarinda already performed optimally.The hypothesis in this stud...

  10. Un mundo sin límites

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    Córdoba, Joaquín Mª


    Full Text Available A comienzos del siglo XVI, las nuevas ediciones del Atlas de Ptolomeo publicadas en Roma o Venecia solían incluir un mapamundi modificado sin cesara a medida que descubridores y navegantes alcanzaban nuevos y antes desconocidos horizontes. La temprana circunnavegación de Magallanes y Elcano (1519-1522 confirmaba con su esferidad, que el mundo no tenía límites. Durante aquel siglo magnífico, la literatura española de viajes al Oriente Próximo islámico tenía que ser menos señalada. La casi perenne guerra contra el Imperio Otomano, señor de una buena parte de las costas mediterráneas, y sobre todo la empresa de América y los viajes de exploración y conquista que aquella demandaba, …

  11. Nutritive evaluation of Medicago truncutula (cv. jernalong) pasture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nutritive evaluation of Medicago truncutula (cv. jernalong) pasture for sheep. 1. Seasonal .... obtained by laboratory work, using in vitro techniques. (Engels et al. .... model that was used to explain 92,3% of the variance in. IVDOM content.

  12. Empolgação com Copa freia protestos nas redes sociais no Brasil e no mundo


    Zarko, Raphael


    Depois da Copa das Confederações de 2013 serem marcadas pelas manifestações contrárias à realização e gastos excessivos para o Mundial do Brasil – tanto nas ruas quanto na internet -, a impressão de que houve uma queda nos protestos da Copa do Mundo do Brasil se confirma com uma ampla pesquisa nas redes sociais. Em monitoramento de mais de 11 milhões de mensagens de Twitter no Brasil e no mundo, o número de menções a protestos é de apenas 17 mil – percentualmente, significa dizer que apenas 0...

  13. Defining the maize transcriptome de novo using deep RNA-Seq

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Jeffrey; Gross, Stephen; Choi, Cindy; Zhang, Tao; Lindquist, Erika; Wei, Chia-Lin; Wang, Zhong


    De novo assembly of the transcriptome is crucial for functional genomics studies in bioenergy research, since many of the organisms lack high quality reference genomes. In a previous study we successfully de novo assembled simple eukaryote transcriptomes exclusively from short Illumina RNA-Seq reads [1]. However, extensive alternative splicing, present in most of the higher eukaryotes, poses a significant challenge for current short read assembly processes. Furthermore, the size of next-generation datasets, often large for plant genomes, presents an informatics challenge. To tackle these challenges we present a combined experimental and informatics strategy for de novo assembly in higher eukaryotes. Using maize as a test case, preliminary results suggest our approach can resolve transcript variants and improve gene annotations.

  14. Defining the maize transcriptome de novo using deep RNA-Seq

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, Jeffrey; Gross, Stephen; Choi, Cindy; Zhang, Tao; Lindquist, Erika; Wei, Chia-Lin; Wang, Zhong


    De novo assembly of the transcriptome is crucial for functional genomics studies in bioenergy research, since many of the organisms lack high quality reference genomes. In a previous study we successfully de novo assembled simple eukaryote transcriptomes exclusively from short Illumina RNA-Seq reads [1]. However, extensive alternative splicing, present in most of the higher eukaryotes, poses a significant challenge for current short read assembly processes. Furthermore, the size of next-generation datasets, often large for plant genomes, presents an informatics challenge. To tackle these challenges we present a combined experimental and informatics strategy for de novo assembly in higher eukaryotes. Using maize as a test case, preliminary results suggest our approach can resolve transcript variants and improve gene annotations.


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    Luciana Hoppe


    Full Text Available A atividade turística é um dos fenômenos mais significativos da contemporaneidade e cada vez mais tem se tornado objeto de pesquisas e estudos tanto no âmbito das ciências sociais aplicadas quanto das ciências humanas. Atenção essa que ganha vulto em função da complexa estrutura de serviços que envolve e, também, em razão do impacto que o turismo tem no cotidiano daquelas populações que habitam as cidades receptoras. Neste sentido, um dos modos pelos quais o turismo toma forma é aquele ligado aos eventos, em especial aos denominados megaeventos. Diante disso, este estudo busca refletir sobre a Copa do Mundo de 2014 realizada no Brasil no sentido de colaborar com a discussão acadêmica sobre megaeventos, seus impactos e desdobramentos no âmbito de uma perspectiva sinérgica entre desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade. Assim, defende-se no texto o argumento de que muitas são as formas como o turismo impacta na vida das pessoas e no interior das relações cotidianas daqueles que vivem nas cidades receptoras ganhando, assim, tangibilidade e concretude. Palavras-chave: Turismo. Desenvolvimento. Sustentabilidade. Megaevento. Copa do Mundo.

  16. As mulheres da família: mundos partilhados, mundos em conflito

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    Nayara Nascimento Rêgo


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho, de cunho etnográfico, toma como foco de análise o cotidiano de uma família multigeracional, sob a perspectiva de mulheres de três gerações diferentes, que habitam o mesmo teto: avó, mãe e neta. As narrativas sobre eventos cotidianos, principalmente os relacionamentos familiares, colhidas no período de dez anos, revelam aspectos da estrutura complexa da comunicação na família em um mundo partilhado, capaz de produzir sentido, mas também de gerar conflitos. A partir de entrevistas semi - estruturadas com a avó, a mãe e a filha adolescente, foram identificadas condições de risco (violência e abuso de álcool no âmbito das relações interpessoais. Pode-se inferir que os papéis não são claramente delimitados, o que se expressa no ciclo de transferência de responsabilidades e no exercício da autoridade. A atmosfera é tensa, a violência, já incorporada ao cotidiano, apresenta-se como ponto culminante dos conflitos, enraizada nos relacionamentos, distorcendo as percepções e dificultando a comunicação. Observam-se estratégias através das quais as mulheres continuam se afirmando como eixo em torno do qual a família estrutura seu cotidiano e seus projetos de vida.

  17. Novos paradigmas literários

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    Denise Azevedo Duarte Guimarães


    Full Text Available O artigo estuda a emergência de novos paradigmas literários, procurando refletir acerca das textualidades contemporâneas. Focaliza os hipertextos informatizados e a poesia multimídia, com o intuito de desvendar como estão sendo criados novos procedimentos expressivos e em que medida eles podem ser identificados com reflexões teóricas anteriores acerca do texto literário impresso. Remete a questões ligadas à leitura dos diferentes tipos de signos e aos modos como eles se integram para a constituição dessas novíssimas linguagens híbridas em novos suportes.El artículo estudia la emergencia de nuevos paradigmas literarios, procurando reflejar acerca de las textualidades contemporáneas. Enfoca los hipertextos informatizados y la poesía multimedia, intentando desvendar cómo están siendo creados nuevos procedimientos expresivos y en qué medida ellos pueden ser identificados a reflexiones teóricas anteriores acerca del texto literario impreso. Remite a cuestiones ligadas a la lectura de los diferentes tipos de signos y a los modos cómo ellos se interaccionan para la constitución de los novísimos lenguajes híbridos en nuevos supuestos.This article investigates the emergence of new literary paradigms as it tries to understand new contemporary textualities. It analyses some hypertexts and multimedia poetry trying to trace how new expressive procedures are being created. How can these new languages be identified and what are their relations to previous theories which dealt with the literary printed text? This study approaches questions linked to the reading of different types of signs and the modes they function towards the fabrication of these new hybrid languages.

  18. Conhecimento de mundo por meio da leitura digital: um estudo com universitários

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    Francielle Pereira Nascimento


    Full Text Available Na sociedade contemporânea, as práticas humanas estão relacionadas às Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC, isto é, estamos vivendo a cibercultura. A educação formal não está isolada do movimento e das transformações ocasionadas pelo acesso e utilização das TIC. Os estudantes do Ensino Superior utilizam os celulares e notebooks na universidade continuamente, tanto para exigências acadêmicas quanto para comunicação e entretenimento. Diante desse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar qual conhecimento de mundo a leitura na internet proporciona aos universitários, uma vez que o ato de ler supera o mero hábito da leitura ou decodificação de palavras, pois, enquanto necessidade humanizadora, permite aos leitores se apropriar da cultura e ter um conhecimento de mundo de modo científico. Como procedimento investigativo foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado de seis questões com dez estudantes de diferentes cursos de uma universidade privada na região Sul do Brasil. O tratamento dos dados foi qualitativo, baseado na abordagem crítico-dialética. Os resultados coincidiram com uma pesquisa de nível nacional, a qual aponta leituras digitais de formas e conteúdos variados, com ênfase em redes sociais e sites de notícias, e pouco destaque para livros e jornais. A leitura de material acadêmico foi expressa por 100% dos estudantes, no entanto, sobre o conhecimento de mundo propiciado pelas leituras no suporte tela, as respostas se reduziram às atualizações do mundo, da profissão e outros, sem a menção de um entendimento crítico e reflexivo da realidade que desperte a necessidade de transformação.

  19. Nash y von Neumann: mundos posibles y juegos de lenguaje

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    Salazar , Boris


    Full Text Available Este ensayo emplea las nociones de juego de lenguaje y de equivalencia entre juegos para examinar la decisión de John Nash de no jugar el juego coalicional que propuso John von Neumann. El argumento central es que Nash concibió una clase de mundos posibles incompatible con la de von Neumann, y que en el origen de esa divergencia estarían sus distintas nociones de racionalidad.

  20. A Public Trial De Novo

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vedel, Jane Bjørn; Gad, Christopher


    This article addresses the concept of “industrial interests” and examines its role in a topical controversy about a large research grant from a private foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, to the University of Copenhagen. The authors suggest that the debate took the form of a “public trial” w.......” The article ends with a discussion of some implications of the analysis, including that policy making, academic research, and public debates might benefit from more detailed accounts of interests and stakes.......This article addresses the concept of “industrial interests” and examines its role in a topical controversy about a large research grant from a private foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, to the University of Copenhagen. The authors suggest that the debate took the form of a “public trial......” where the grant and close(r) intermingling between industry and public research was prosecuted and defended. First, the authors address how the grant was framed in the media. Second, they redescribe the case by introducing new “evidence” that, because of this framing, did not reach “the court...

  1. Desempenho de seis gramíneas solteiras ou consorciadas com o Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão e eucalipto em sistema silvipastoril Performance of six tropical grasses alone or associated with Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão and eucalypt in silvopastoral system

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    Carlos Mauricio Soares de Andrade


    Full Text Available Conduziu-se este estudo na região dos Cerrados de Minas Gerais, visando avaliar o desempenho de seis gramíneas forrageiras (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, B. brizantha cv. MG-4, B. decumbens cv. Basilisk, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça, Melinis minutiflora e Hyparrhenia rufa, consorciadas ou não com a leguminosa Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão e Eucalyptus sp., em um sistema silvipastoril. As forrageiras foram estabelecidas em parcelas medindo 12 x 10 m, nas entrelinhas do eucalipto, em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e avaliadas quanto ao grau de cobertura do solo, % de leguminosa e disponibilidade de matéria seca total no sub-bosque, um ano após o estabelecimento, submetidas a pastejos de curta duração. Após dois ciclos de pastejo, houve redução da proporção da leguminosa no consórcio com todas as gramíneas, sendo mais evidente com as mais agressivas (B. brizantha cv. Marandu e B. decumbens, onde ela quase desapareceu. Entretanto, a presença do estilosantes Mineirão favoreceu a produtividade do sub-bosque, quando consorciado com as demais gramíneas. O melhor desempenho produtivo foi obtido pelas gramíneas B. brizantha cv. Marandu, B. decumbens e P. maximum cv. Mombaça; a última principalmente quando consorciada com o estilosantes Mineirão.A study was conducted in the Brazilian Cerrados to evaluate the performance of six tropical forage grasses (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, B. brizantha cv. MG-4, B. decumbens cv. Basilisk, Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça, Melinis minutiflora and Hyparrhenia rufa, associated or not with the tropical forage legume Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Mineirão, in a silvopastoral system with a clone of Eucalyptus sp. The forages were established in plots of 12 x 10 m, in the interrows of eucalypts, in a randomized block design with three replications. Ground cover, proportion of the legume and total dry matter availability in the understorey were


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    Rahmad Budiono


    Full Text Available Salah satu komoditi palawija yang memiliki peranan yang penting di Indonesia adalah jagung, karena merupakan sumber protein dan kalori yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh ayam peternak. Pengiriman yang belum tepat waktu merupakan penyebab belum efisiennya kinerja rantai pasokan jagung. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1 mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji pengelolaan rantai pasokan jagung pada CV. AMIN, (2 menganalisis kinerja rantai pasokan jagung dalam hal efisiensi dan pelaksanaan kemitraan, dan (3 menganalisis alternatif kebijakan pengembangan manajemen rantai pasokan berdasarkan hasil evaluasi rantai pasokan.Penelitian akan dilakukan di CV. AMIN, Jl. Raya Merapi, Lampung Tengah dan petani mitra yang berada di kabupaten Nganjuk. Penelitian mengenai manajemen rantai pasokan Jagung tersebut dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2012 hingga Januari 2013. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah petani jagung yang berada di Nganjuk, Pengepul, pihak CV. AMIN, dan Gudang Ternak. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode analisis deskriptif kerangka Food Supply Chain Networking (FSCN, analisis tataniaga, dan analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan kesesuaian atribut.

  3. El mundo rural y su problemática socioeducativa

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El mundo rural con todas sus necesidades sociales y educativas es uno de los problemas actuales más agudos y permanentes. La cultura rural va desapareciendo en favor de la cultura industrial y cibernética. La cultura rural está definida por ámbitos sociales concretos: lengua, formas de administración familiar, sentido de la vida, etc. Analizamos los movimientos sociales en el mundo rural como agentes capaces de producir cambios y transformaciones en el medio rural. Comentamos la función educativa de los Colegios Rurales Agrupados, la potenciación del turismo rural y la necesidad de caminar hacia un Desarrollo Sostenible, que satisfaga las necesidades del presente, sin poner en peligro la vida y el desarrollo medioambiental de las generaciones futuras.ABSTRACT: One of the serious and longest-standing problems which exiss at the present time is to be found in the social and educational needs of the rural world. Rural culture is fast disappearing as it is ousted by industrial and cybernetic forms of family government, sense of values, etc. We shall analyse these social movements in the rural world as agents capable of producing changes and transformations in the rural environment. We shall comment on the role of CRAs, on support for rural tourism and on the need for moving towards a Sustained Development which can satisfy present needs without endangering the life and environmental development of future generations.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este documento es determinar los canales de transmisión de la crisis europea hacia los países del Tercer Mundo. El trabajo examina la forma en que la crisis de la deuda soberana se propagó por el sector financiero, a través de la mayor volatilidad de la rentabilidad de los activos. Lo cual se debió a una mayor variación de sus precios, lo que tuvo efectos sobre el patrimonio neto de los agentes económicos, los ingresos, la demanda agregada y la asignación del crédito, así como también sobre la producción y el empleo. Para este documento se hizo búsqueda y selección de literatura especializada y se extrajeron estadísticas especializadas de la UNCTAD, CEPAL y OECD. Se concluye que la transmisión de la crisis europea al Tercer Mundo se dio por canales específicos conocidos, como el comercio internacional, la inversión extranjera directa, las remesas y la ayuda oficial para el desarrollo.

  5. [Regularity of Clinical Application of Lianquan (CV 23) in Chinese Ancient Times According to Literature of Traditional Chinese Medicine]. (United States)

    Deng, Mei-Jun; Liu, Chun-Yan; Xie, Yu; Zhu, Jie-Bin; Xu, Zhen-Hua


    To summarize the regularity of application of Lianquan (CV 23) in clinical practice in Chinese ancient times through analysis of ancient traditional Chinese medical (TCM) literature. A total of 60 books involving CV 23 from the 1 156 ancient TCM books listed in the fifth edition of Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine were collected by using CV 23 as the main keyword and "Sheben" "Benchi", and "Jieben" (the other names of CV 23 in TCM)as the supplementary keywords and analyzed systematically. A database was then constructed from the collected data, including the related types of disorders or symptoms, acupoint recipes, and methods of needling and moxibustion, contraindications, etc. A total of 196 articles related to the application of CV 23 from 60 ancient classical books were collected in accordance with the inclusive criteria. Among them, 155 articles are referred to the indications of CV 23, 35 to types of disorders such as asthma, cough, tongue swelling with difficulty in speaking, protracted tongue, acute contraction of tongue root, vomiting, spasm syndrome, stroke, aphtha, problems of mouth and teeth, throat problems, etc. of the internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and five-sense organs; 64 items are referred to the application of single CV 23, 91 to CV 23-included recipes containing 111 adjunct acupoints, and 78 to stimulation of CV 23 with acupuncture needle, moxibustion, pricking blood, and fire needle. Moreover, of the 111 adjunct acupoints, the most commonly used are Shaoshang (LU 11), Tiantu (CV 22), Hegu (LI 4), Yuye (EX-HN 13), Zhongchong (PC 9), etc. Lianquan (CV 23) is mainly used for glossopharyngeal problems chiefly by syndrome-meridian differentiation. The supplement of complementary acupoints or five-shu points in combination with CV 23 has a synergistic effect. Moxibustion (3 moxa- cones in general) is often employed, and the needling depth is usually about 7.5 mm. The common contraindication of CV 23 is severe tongue swelling.

  6. Web Access to Digitised Content of the Exhibition Novo Mesto 1848-1918 at the Dolenjska Museum, Novo Mesto

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    Majda Pungerčar


    Full Text Available EXTENDED ABSTRACTFor the first time, the Dolenjska museum Novo mesto provided access to digitised museum resources when they took the decision to enrich the exhibition Novo mesto 1848-1918 by adding digital content. The following goals were identified: the digital content was created at the time of exhibition planning and design, it met the needs of different age groups of visitors, and during the exhibition the content was accessible via touch screen. As such, it also served for educational purposes (content-oriented lectures or problem solving team work. In the course of exhibition digital content was accessible on the museum website The digital content was divided into the following sections: the web photo gallery, the quiz and the game. The photo gallery was designed in the same way as the exhibition and the print catalogue and extended by the photos of contemporary Novo mesto and accompanied by the music from the orchestron machine. The following themes were outlined: the Austrian Empire, the Krka and Novo mesto, the town and its symbols, images of the town and people, administration and economy, social life and Novo mesto today followed by digitised archive materials and sources from that period such as the Commemorative book of the Uniformed Town Guard, the National Reading Room Guest Book, the Kazina guest book, the album of postcards and the Diploma of Honoured Citizen Josip Gerdešič. The Web application was also a tool for a simple and on line selection of digitised material and the creation of new digital content which proved to be much more convenient for lecturing than Power Point presentations. The quiz consisted of 40 questions relating to the exhibition theme and the catalogue. Each question offered a set of three answers only one of them being correct and illustrated by photography. The application auto selected ten questions and valued the answers immediately. The quiz could be accessed

  7. The draft genome of Corchorus olitorius cv. JRO-524 (Navin

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    Debabrata Sarkar


    Full Text Available Here, we present the draft genome (377.3 Mbp of Corchorus olitorious cv. JRO-524 (Navin, which is a leading dark jute variety developed from a cross between African (cv. Sudan Green and indigenous (cv. JRO-632 types. We predicted from the draft genome a total of 57,087 protein-coding genes with annotated functions. We identified a large number of 1765 disease resistance-like and defense response genes in the jute genome. The annotated genes showed the highest sequence similarities with that of Theobroma cacao followed by Gossypium raimondii. Seven chromosome-scale genetically anchored pseudomolecules were constructed with a total size of 8.53 Mbp and used for synteny analyses with the cocoa and cotton genomes. Like other plant species, gypsy and copia retrotransposons were the most abundant classes of repeat elements in jute. The raw data of our study are available in SRA database of NCBI with accession number SRX1506532. The genome sequence has been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession LLWS00000000, and the version described in this paper will be the first version (LLWS01000000.

  8. Fox grape cv. Bordô (Vitis labrusca L.) and grapevine cv. Chardonnay (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivated in vitro under different carbohydrates, amino acids and 6-Benzylaminopurine levels


    Carvalho, Dayse Cristina de; Silva, André Luís Lopes da; Schuck, Mariane Ruzza; Purcino, Marivel; Tanno, Guilherme Nakao; Biasi, Luiz Antonio


    The aim of this work was to study the influence of sucrose and glucose, amino acids and BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine) levels on in vitro shoot regeneration of fox grape cv. Bordô and grapevine cv. Chardonnay. The nodal segments from micropropagated material were used as explants and half-strength MS medium as the basal medium. Sucrose and glucose at 15, 30 and 45 g.L-1 were tested as a carbon source and the supplementation of adenine, asparagine, alanine, glycine, cysteine, glutamine, arginine wa...

  9. Recurrence risk in de novo structural chromosomal rearrangements. (United States)

    Röthlisberger, Benno; Kotzot, Dieter


    According to the textbook of Gardner and Sutherland [2004], the standard on genetic counseling for chromosome abnormalities, the recurrence risk of de novo structural or combined structural and numeric chromosome rearrangements is less than 0.5-2% and takes into account recurrence by chance, gonadal mosaicism, and somatic-gonadal mosaicism. However, these figures are roughly estimated and neither any systematic study nor exact or evidence-based risk calculations are available. To address this question, an extensive literature search was performed and surprisingly only 29 case reports of recurrence of de novo structural or combined structural and numeric chromosomal rearrangements were found. Thirteen of them were with a trisomy 21 due to an i(21q) replacing one normal chromosome 21. In eight of them low-level mosaicism in one of the parents was found either in fibroblasts or in blood or in both. As a consequence of the low number of cases and theoretical considerations (clinical consequences, mechanisms of formation, etc.), the recurrence risk should be reduced to less than 1% for a de novo i(21q) and to even less than 0.3% for all other de novo structural or combined structural and numeric chromosomal rearrangements. As the latter is lower than the commonly accepted risk of approximately 0.3% for indicating an invasive prenatal diagnosis and as the risk of abortion of a healthy fetus after chorionic villous sampling or amniocentesis is higher than approximately 0.5%, invasive prenatal investigation in most cases is not indicated and should only be performed if explicitly asked by the parents subsequent to appropriate genetic counseling. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  10. Generative Recurrent Networks for De Novo Drug Design. (United States)

    Gupta, Anvita; Müller, Alex T; Huisman, Berend J H; Fuchs, Jens A; Schneider, Petra; Schneider, Gisbert


    Generative artificial intelligence models present a fresh approach to chemogenomics and de novo drug design, as they provide researchers with the ability to narrow down their search of the chemical space and focus on regions of interest. We present a method for molecular de novo design that utilizes generative recurrent neural networks (RNN) containing long short-term memory (LSTM) cells. This computational model captured the syntax of molecular representation in terms of SMILES strings with close to perfect accuracy. The learned pattern probabilities can be used for de novo SMILES generation. This molecular design concept eliminates the need for virtual compound library enumeration. By employing transfer learning, we fine-tuned the RNN's predictions for specific molecular targets. This approach enables virtual compound design without requiring secondary or external activity prediction, which could introduce error or unwanted bias. The results obtained advocate this generative RNN-LSTM system for high-impact use cases, such as low-data drug discovery, fragment based molecular design, and hit-to-lead optimization for diverse drug targets. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

  11. NovoTTF™-100A System (Tumor Treating Fields) transducer array layout planning for glioblastoma: a NovoTAL™ system user study. (United States)

    Chaudhry, Aafia; Benson, Laura; Varshaver, Michael; Farber, Ori; Weinberg, Uri; Kirson, Eilon; Palti, Yoram


    Optune™, previously known as the NovoTTF-100A System™, generates Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields), an effective anti-mitotic therapy for glioblastoma. The system delivers intermediate frequency, alternating electric fields to the supratentorial brain. Patient therapy is personalized by configuring transducer array layout placement on the scalp to the tumor site using MRI measurements and the NovoTAL System. Transducer array layout mapping optimizes therapy by maximizing electric field intensity to the tumor site. This study evaluated physician performance in conducting transducer array layout mapping using the NovoTAL System compared with mapping performed by the Novocure in-house clinical team. Fourteen physicians (7 neuro-oncologists, 4 medical oncologists, and 3 neurosurgeons) evaluated five blinded cases of recurrent glioblastoma and performed head size and tumor location measurements using a standard Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine reader. Concordance with Novocure measurement and intra- and inter-rater reliability were assessed using relevant correlation coefficients. The study criterion for success was a concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) >0.80. CCC for each physician versus Novocure on 20 MRI measurements was 0.96 (standard deviation, SD ± 0.03, range 0.90-1.00), indicating very high agreement between the two groups. Intra- and inter-rater reliability correlation coefficients were similarly high: 0.83 (SD ±0.15, range 0.54-1.00) and 0.80 (SD ±0.18, range 0.48-1.00), respectively. This user study demonstrated an excellent level of concordance between prescribing physicians and Novocure in-house clinical teams in performing transducer array layout planning. Intra-rater reliability was very high, indicating reproducible performance. Physicians prescribing TTFields, when trained on the NovoTAL System, can independently perform transducer array layout mapping required for the initiation and maintenance of patients on TTFields

  12. Search Results | Page 32 | IDRC - International Development ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Results 311 - 320 of 9602 ... Rapport technique de la deuxième phase du projet MIMAP ... 2004, Hotel Novo Mundo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (informe final) ... March 2005; tsunami & mangrove; dry forest restoration; tree conservation at village level.

  13. Notas introdutórias sobre a Manualidade do mundo em “ser e tempo” (zuhandenheit

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    Silva, Jayme Camargo da


    Full Text Available O filósofo Martin Heidegger explicitou que, a diferença específica entre a existência do homem (Dasein e a dos demais objetos da realidade – aos quais denominou como “Vorhandenheit” (entes intramundanos ou meramente subsistentes -, é que o homem ao existir na compreensão do ser, se autocompreende como ser-no-mundo que é, e assim torna possível a manifestação dos entes subsistentes (circulo hermenêutico. O processo operativo dos modos de ser da existência no cotidiano, se dá através da ocupação (Besorgen e se manifesta no “serem” constitutivo do modo de ser-no-mundo do homem

  14. Analisis Strategi Mitigasi Resiko Pada Supply Chain CV Surya Cip Dengan House of Risk Model


    Pertiwi, Yoana Ellen; Susanty, Aries


    Analysis of Risk Mitigation Strategies on CV Surya CIP's Supply Chain Using House of Risk Model. In the supply chain activities always has the potential of risk, therefore risk management is necessary for handling the risks. At the company that produces plastic molding machine such as CV Surya CIP, in its supply chain activities have a chance to arise risks. The purpose of this study is to identify the various risks that occur in the CV Surya CIP and its causes, severity and determine the ...

  15. Eculizumab for drug-induced de novo posttransplantation thrombotic microangiopathy: A case report. (United States)

    Safa, Kassem; Logan, Merranda S; Batal, Ibrahim; Gabardi, Steven; Rennke, Helmut G; Abdi, Reza


    De novo thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) following renal transplantation is a severe complication associated with high rates of allograft failure. Several immunosuppressive agents are associated with TMA. Conventional approaches to managing this entity, such as withdrawal of the offending agent and/or plasmapheresis, often offer limited help, with high rates of treatment failure and graft loss. We herein report a case of drug induced de novo TMA successfully treated using the C5a inhibitor eculizumab in a renal transplant patient. This report highlights a potentially important role for eculizumab in settings where drug-induced de novo TMA is refractory to conventional therapies.

  16. De novo autoimmune hepatitis after liver transplantation. (United States)

    Lohse, Ansgar W; Weiler-Norman, Christina; Burdelski, Martin


    The Kings College group was the first to describe a clinical syndrome similar to autoimmune hepatitis in children and young adults transplanted for non-immune mediated liver diseases. They coined the term "de novo autoimmune hepatitis". Several other liver transplant centres confirmed this observation. Even though the condition is uncommon, patients with de novo AIH are now seen in most of the major transplant centres. The disease is usually characterized by features of acute hepatitis in otherwise stable transplant recipients. The most characteristic laboratory hallmark is a marked hypergammaglobulinaemia. Autoantibodies are common, mostly ANA. We described also a case of LKM1-positivity in a patients transplanted for Wilson's disease, however this patients did not develop clinical or histological features of AIH. Development of SLA/LP-autoantibodies is also not described. Therefore, serologically de novo AIH appears to correspond to type 1 AIH. Like classical AIH patients respond promptly to treatment with increased doses of prednisolone and azathioprine, while the calcineurin inhibitors cyclosporine or tacrolimus areof very limited value - which is not surprising, as almost all patients develop de novo AIH while receiving these drugs. Despite the good response to treatment, most patients remain a clinical challenge as complete stable remissions are uncommon and flares, relapses and chronic disease activity can often occur. Pathogenetically this syndrome is intriguing. It is not clear, if the immune response is directed against allo-antigens, neo-antigens in the liver, or self-antigens, possibly shared by donor and host cells. It is very likely that the inflammatory milieu due to alloreactive cells in the transplanted organ contribute to the disease process. Either leading to aberrant antigen presentation, or providing co-stimulatory signals leading to the breaking of self-tolerance. The development of this disease in the presence of treatment with calcineurin

  17. Traducción empresarial en el mundo globalizado de hoy

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    Carlos Franco Bello


    Full Text Available Hoy, en un mundo globalizado, el ejercicio de la traducción e interpretación se convierte en una necesidad inminente para el mundo empresarial actual. Por ende, al ser este una práctica empírica y ocasional durante su historia, hoy es necesario que los traductores e intérpretes se hagan conscientes de la necesidad de una profesionalización o especialización no solo en las áreas científico- técnicas, sino también en las áreas económica, financiera y de negocios internacionales, y a su vez la creciente necesidad de que estos profesionales creen su propia empresa con un amplio portafolio de calidad en los campos de la traducción escrita y la interpretación. Un ejemplo de ello es la experiencia de la Universidad EAN en la profesionalización de los primeros traductores en un programa de doble titulación de Maestría en Traducción Económica, Financiera y de Negocios Internacionales, con la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona, España, en un intento de brindar herramientas y estrategias traductoras por parte de expertos nacionales y españoles en ejercicio con un amplio bagaje y experiencia en dichos campos

  18. Obras musicales colombianas publicadas por Mundo al día

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    Ellie Anne Duque


    Full Text Available Entre 1924 y 1938 se publicó en Bogotá el diario gráfico vespertino Mundo al día, propiedad de Arturo Manrique (Tío Kiosko y dirigido por su dueño junto con Luis Carlos Páez. Circulaba todos los días de la semana a excepción de los domingos y ofrecía una edición especial los sábados, a manera de magacín, con las secciones usuales y además portada en colores, la popular tira cómica "Mojicón", una sección infantil, breves escritos de carácter literario y durante algunos años, una partitura musical al reverso de la portada. Las acuarelas, dibujos y caricaturas de Gómez Leal, Adolfo Samper y R. Scandroglio complementaron la rica imagen gráfica que tuvo la publicación al tiempo que la dotaron de interés artístico. El espíritu del periódico era liberal y los hechos en tomo a la candidatura, elección y gestión de Enrique Olaya Herrera como presidente de Colombia, como también su muerte en 1937, se cubrieron prolíficamente. El Mundo al día ofreció a sus lectores un periodismo moderno, ágil y variado.

  19. A randomized, double-blind, cross-over, phase IV trial of oros-methylphenidate (CONCERTA(®)) and generic novo-methylphenidate ER-C (NOVO-generic). (United States)

    Fallu, Angelo; Dabouz, Farida; Furtado, Melissa; Anand, Leena; Katzman, Martin A


    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurobehavioral disorder with onset during childhood. Multiple aspects of a child's development are hindered, in both home and school settings, with negative impacts on social, emotional, and cognitive functioning. If left untreated, ADHD is commonly associated with poor academic achievement and low occupational status, as well as increased risk of substance abuse and delinquency. The objective of this study was to evaluate adult ADHD subject reported outcomes when switched from a stable dose of CONCERTA(®) to the same dose of generic Novo-methylphenidate ER-C(®). Randomized, double-blind, cross-over, phase IV trial consisted of two phases in which participants with a primary diagnosis of ADHD were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to 3 weeks of treatment with CONCERTA or generic Novo-Methylphenidate ER-C. Following 3 weeks of treatment, participants were crossed-over to receive the other treatment for an additional 3 weeks. Primary efficacy was assessed through the use of the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication, Version II (TSQM-II). Participants with ADHD treated with CONCERTA were more satisfied in terms of efficacy and side effects compared to those receiving an equivalent dose of generic Novo-Methylphenidate ER-C. All participants chose to continue with CONCERTA treatment at the conclusion of the study. Although CONCERTA and generic Novo-Methylphenidate ER-C have been deemed bioequivalent, however the present findings demonstrate clinically and statistically significant differences between generic and branded CONCERTA. Further investigation of these differences is warranted.

  20. Solution NMR Structure of Hypothetical Protein CV_2116 Encoded by a Viral Prophage Element in Chromobacterium violaceum

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    Yunhuang Yang


    Full Text Available CV_2116 is a small hypothetical protein of 82 amino acids from the Gram-negative coccobacillus Chromobacterium violaceum. A PSI-BLAST search using the CV_2116 sequence as a query identified only one hit (E = 2e−07 corresponding to a hypothetical protein OR16_04617 from Cupriavidus basilensis OR16, which failed to provide insight into the function of CV_2116. The CV_2116 gene was cloned into the p15TvLic expression plasmid, transformed into E. coli, and 13C- and 15N-labeled NMR samples of CV_2116 were overexpressed in E. coli and purified for structure determination using NMR spectroscopy. The resulting high-quality solution NMR structure of CV_2116 revealed a novel α + β fold containing two anti-parallel β -sheets in the N-terminal two-thirds of the protein and one α-helix in the C-terminal third of the protein. CV_2116 does not belong to any known protein sequence family and a Dali search indicated that no similar structures exist in the protein data bank. Although no function of CV_2116 could be derived from either sequence or structural similarity searches, the neighboring genes of CV_2116 encode various proteins annotated as similar to bacteriophage tail assembly proteins. Interestingly, C. violaceum exhibits an extensive network of bacteriophage tail-like structures that likely result from lateral gene transfer by incorporation of viral DNA into its genome (prophages due to bacteriophage infection. Indeed, C. violaceum has been shown to contain four prophage elements and CV_2116 resides in the fourth of these elements. Analysis of the putative operon in which CV_2116 resides indicates that CV_2116 might be a component of the bacteriophage tail-like assembly that occurs in C. violaceum.

  1. Arginine de novo and nitric oxide production in disease states


    Luiking, Yvette C.; Ten Have, Gabriella A. M.; Wolfe, Robert R.; Deutz, Nicolaas E. P.


    Arginine is derived from dietary protein intake, body protein breakdown, or endogenous de novo arginine production. The latter may be linked to the availability of citrulline, which is the immediate precursor of arginine and limiting factor for de novo arginine production. Arginine metabolism is highly compartmentalized due to the expression of the enzymes involved in arginine metabolism in various organs. A small fraction of arginine enters the NO synthase (NOS) pathway. Tetrahydrobiopterin ...

  2. Guidelines on CV networking information flow optimization for Texas. (United States)


    Recognizing the fundamental role of information flow in future transportation applications, the research team investigated the quality and security of information flow in the connected vehicle (CV) environment. The research team identified key challe...

  3. Produtividade e valor nutritivo da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu em um sistema silvipastoril Productivity and nutritional value of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu in a silvopastoral system

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    L.F. Sousa


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado em sistema silvipastoril (Ssp localizado no bioma de Cerrado, no município de Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, no ano agrícola de 2004-2005. Avaliou-se a influência do Ssp composto pela arbórea bolsa-de-pastor (Zeyheria tuberculosa sobre os parâmetros produção, atributos morfogênicos, composição bromatológica e valor nutritivo da gramínea Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, e os efeitos sobre as condições microclimáticas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco blocos (épocas de corte, dois tratamentos (T1 - B. brizantha cv. Marandu sombreada com a Z. tuberculosa e T2 - B. brizantha cv. Marandu, a pleno sol e três repetições (parcelas. O sombreamento proporcionado pela Z. tuberculosa, apesar de reduzir a produção de matéria seca (MS da gramínea, favoreceu o aumento do teor de proteina bruta (PB e não alterou a produção de PB/ha e nem afetou a concentração de FDN. Os teores de FDA foram mais altos que os encontrados a pleno sol, o que provavelmente resultou em menor degradabilidade in vitro da MS e da matéria orgânica, não alterando a degradabilidade efetiva.The experiment was carried out in a Silvopastoral system (Sps located in Brazilian Savannah, Lagoa Santa county, Minas Gerais State, during the agricultural year of 2004-2005. It was studied the influence of Sps formed by "Bolsa de Pastor" (Zeyheria tuberculosa on the production, morphogenic attributes, bromatological composition and nutritional value of the graminaceous Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu as well as on the microclimatic aspects. The Sps was established in 1982, in a red-yellow latossol by the natural regeneration process. The experiment was based on a randomized block design, with 5 blocks (cutting times, 2 treatments (T1 - B. brizantha cv. Marandu shaded by Z. tuberculosa and T2 - B. brizantha cv. Marandu at open sky and three repetitions (plots. Although the DM production of the graminaceous in the Sps

  4. Ortopedia: origem histórica, o ensino no Brasil e estudos metodológicos pelo mundo = Orthopedics: historical origin, teaching in Brazil, and methodological studies worldwide

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    Karam, Francisco Consoli


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Relatar uma breve história da ortopedia, descrever como funciona o ensino no Brasil e verificar a preocupação que autores de outros países têm com a metodologia do ensino desta especialidade. Métodos: Foram realizadas pesquisas no Pubmed, nos últimos 10 anos de publicação da Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia e nos sites das sociedades Gaúcha e Brasileira de Ortopedia. Resultados: A história da ortopedia inicia com o homem primitivo, passando por egípcios, gregos, romanos e árabes. Após anos de pouca importância na idade média ressurge no século XII e chega ao século XX, contraditoriamente, ganhando desenvolvimento com as grandes guerras. No século XXI o ensino no Brasil é ancorado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e pelo mundo os autores mostram preocupação em identificar as falhas nos métodos de ensino para proporem soluções que acompanhem a velocidade da tecnologia e quantidade de novos conhecimentos. Conclusão: A longa história do ensino da ortopedia, que começou com o homem primitivo, prossegue atualmente com desafios crescentes, em busca de soluções

  5. El mundo del libro: enero de 1959

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: Visión breve de Ibero América. Por F. Gil Tovar. El teatro. Enciclopedia de Arte Escénico. Dirección de Guillermo Díaz Plaja. Barcelona y París. Los rollos del mar muerto. Por Millar Burrows. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Trayecto y signo del arte en Colombia. Por F. Gil Tovar. Más allá del existencialismo. Por Ismael Quiles. Editor Luis Miracle. Barcelona. Guia de Tunja por el doctor Emilio Calle, Secretario de la Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia. Siberia. Por Y. Semionov. Editorial Labor S. A. Voces al mundo. Por Emilia Ayarza. El Poseso. Retrato de Edgar Allan Poe. Por Phillip Lindsay.

  6. Programación de Aplicaciones OpenCV sobre Sistemas Heterogéneos SoC-FPGA


    Sanchis Cases, Francisco José


    OpenCV es una biblioteca de primitivas de procesado de imagen que permite crear algoritmos de Visión por Computador de última generación. OpenCV fue desarrollado originalmente por Intel en 1999 para mostrar la capacidad de procesamiento de los micros de Intel, por lo que la mayoría de la biblioteca está optimizada para correr en estos micros, incluyendo las extensiones MMX y SSE. Actualmente es ampliamente utilizada tanto por la comunidad científica como p...

  7. Síntese e modelagem molecular do novo derivado indolinônico como candidato a antiinflamatório COX-2 seletivo

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    J. L. SANTOS


    Full Text Available

    Os fármacos antiinflamatórios são sabidamente os mais comercializados em todo o mundo, e apesar disto apresentam sérios efeitos colaterais, sobretudo no que se refere ao trato gastrintestinal. A descoberta de novos protótipos com atividade e segurança terapêutica melhoradas continua sendo uma busca constante. Com o advento da química computacional torna-se mais fácil o estudo teórico do comportamento fisiológico de uma nova substância bem como a compreensão do possível mecanismo de ação destas novas moléculas. Assim, através de modelos matemáticos de moléculas e receptores estudouse neste trabalho o composto I (1-(2,6- diclorofenilindolin-2-ona quanto à sua possibilidade de inibir seletivamente a isoforma COX-2 da enzima prostaglandina endoperóxido sintase (PGHS, e também as melhores posições para a introdução de grupamentos químicos e modificações moleculares. Palavras-chave: indolinônico; COX-2; antiinflamatório.

  8. Das Américas para o Mundo: origem, domesticação e dispersão do abacaxizeiro


    Crestani,Maraisa; Barbieri,Rosa Lia; Hawerroth,Fernando José; Carvalho,Fernando Irajá Félix de; Oliveira,Antonio Costa de


    O abacaxi (Ananas comosus (L.) Merril), fruto símbolo de regiões tropicais e subtropicais, originário das Américas, foi difundido para todo o mundo, principalmente pelos navegantes europeus, em razão de seu aroma e sabor característicos e exuberante aparência. Batizado como o "Rei das Frutas Coloniais", o abacaxi encontra-se entre as 11 frutas mais produzidas no mundo, sendo cultivada e consumida pelos cinco continentes, e o Brasil destaca-se como maior produtor. Assim, o objetivo desta revis...

  9. Guerra de mundos. La apuesta multinaturalista de Bruno Latour

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    Moya, Eugenio


    Full Text Available It is a habitual topic of contemporary criticism that the Enlightenment has generated unprecedented systems of oppression, because of its belief in an externalized and objective truth. In this respect, in this article I investigate if it is possible to raise with all legitimacy, in accordance with Latour, that one of the many metaphysical origins of the twentieth-century world wars (and of the current «crash of civilizations» consists of this odd way with wich the West (throughout the so-called «modern age» sougth to pacify all conflicts by appeling to a single ad rational common world: the World of Science, of Technology, of the Market, Democracy...

    Es un tópico habitual de la crítica contemporánea pensar que la Ilustración generó sistemas de opresión sin precedentes debido a su creencia en una verdad externa y objetiva. En este sentido, en este artículo investigo si es posible plantear con toda legitimidad, tal y como defiende Latour, que uno de los muchos orígenes metafísicos de las guerras mundiales del siglo XX (y del «choque de civilizaciones» actual consiste en este extraño proceder con el cual Occidente (a lo largo de la llamada «edad moderna» intentó pacificar todo conflicto apelando a un único y racional mundo común: el Mundo de la Ciencia, de la Tecnología, del Mercado, Democracia...

  10. Mundo de la vida, ciudadanía y migraciones.

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    Alcira B. Bonilla


    Full Text Available En este trabajo los autores analizan el fenómeno migratorio y el reconocimiento y vigencia del derecho humano a la migración en torno a los tres aspectos enunciados en el título: la teoría y el mundo de la vida; la ampliación de la noción de ciudadanía y las relaciones posibles entre un tratamiento ampliadode la ciudadanía, y la participación política de las y los migrantes que dan por resultado la noción de “ciudadanías interculturales emergentes”. Los desarrollos teóricos y epistemológicos se aplican al análisis del proceso que se da en la Provincia de Río Negro (Patagonia argentina, en la que confl ictos característicos de “fronteras culturales” se entrelazan con aquéllos originados en las reacciones de minorías blancas trasplantadas ante la irrupción en la escena pública de comunidades de origen inmigrante. Esta contraposición entre las líneas de abordaje propuestas y un ejemplo típico, sirve para subrayar la importancia del clivaje entre las culturas y la necesidad de una perspectiva intercultural arraigada en el mundo de la vida, tanto para poder realizar un análisis teórico riguroso de esta dimensión del confl icto, como para elaborar propuestas tendientes a producir cambios en los imaginarios sociales y en las políticas públicas.

  11. Comportamento das cultivares Cabernet Sauvignon e Syrah em diferentes porta-enxertos Yield-related performance of cv Cabernet Sauvingnon and Petite Syrah on different rootstocks

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    Tânia das Graças Silva Orlando


    Full Text Available As cultivares Cabernet Sauvignon e Syrah são destinadas à elaboração de vinhos tintos jovens ou de guarda bastante difundidas em diversas zonas vitivinícolas de todo o mundo. No Brasil, são utilizadas principalmente no Rio Grande do Sul e Vale do Rio São Francisco. Atualmente, produtores da região de Jundiaí, SP, têm demonstrado interesse na utilização de tais cultivares com intuito de obter vinhos de qualidade superior aos originários de cultivares americanas. Por isso, realizou-se o estudo do comportamento das cultivares Cabernet Sauvignon e Syrah em diferentes porta-enxertos, na região de Jundiaí, SP (23º06' S; 46º55' W, 715 m. Não houve influência dos diferentes porta-enxertos sobre o comportamento da cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon. O porta-enxerto IAC 571-6 'Jundiaí' tendeu a conferir colheita tardia na cultivar Syrah. Os porta-enxertos IAC 572 'Jales' e IAC 571-6 'Jundiaí' conferiram maior produção a cultivar Syrah. A cultivar Syrah apresentou-se como boa opção de plantio para obtenção de vinho de qualidade na região.Grapevines cv. Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah are largely used for high quality vine making all around the world. In Brazil they are concentrated moreover, at the Rio Grande do Sul state and in the São Francisco Valley. Producers from Jundiaí region (São Paulo state have been interested in such cultivars for improved quality vine making as they generally use american cultivars for that propose. Aiming study the performance of cv Cabernet Sauvingnon and Syrah, cultivated over different rootstocks an experiment was conducted in the region of Jundiaí (SP (23º06' S; 46º55' W, 715 m. Results showed that there wasn't influence of different rootstocks on the performance of both analyzed cultivars. It was observed a trend of the rootstock IAC 571-6 'Jundiaí' to improve final yield of cv Syrah. The Rootstocks IAC 572 'Jales' and IAC 571-6 'Jundiaí' combined to Syrah resulted in the highest yield in the

  12. Empréstimos de origem italiana na terminologia gastronômica

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    Paola Giustina Baccin


    Full Text Available Na terminologia gastrônomica da língua portuguesa encontramos unidades lexicais provenientes da língua italiana adaptadas ou não, dicionarizadas ou não. A adaptação do sistema e às normas da língua receptora revela que os estrangeirismos além de integrar, modificarão a visão de mundo dos falantes e serão modificados por essa visão do mundo adquirindos novos semas

  13. O papel da FIFA Fan FestTM na copa do mundo da África do Sul

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    Fernando Borges


    Full Text Available Em 2010, pela segunda vez a FIFA promoveu o evento FIFA Fan FestTM no país que sediou a Copa do Mundo, e pela primeira vez criou uma versão internacional do evento em grandes cidades ao redor do mundo. O presente trabalho faz uma descrição das FIFA Fan FestsTM, tendo em conta a sua forma organização, a interação do público, a International Fan FestTM e formas alternativas do mesmo evento. Essa descrição é feita colocando o evento dentro do quadro teórico dos megaeventos esportivos e as transformações nas quais estão inseridos.

  14. De novo FBXO11 mutations are associated with intellectual disability and behavioural anomalies. (United States)

    Fritzen, Daniel; Kuechler, Alma; Grimmel, Mona; Becker, Jessica; Peters, Sophia; Sturm, Marc; Hundertmark, Hela; Schmidt, Axel; Kreiß, Martina; Strom, Tim M; Wieczorek, Dagmar; Haack, Tobias B; Beck-Wödl, Stefanie; Cremer, Kirsten; Engels, Hartmut


    Intellectual disability (ID) has an estimated prevalence of 1.5-2%. In most affected individuals, its genetic basis remains unclear. Whole exome sequencing (WES) studies have identified a multitude of novel causative gene defects and have shown that a large proportion of sporadic ID cases results from de novo mutations. Here, we present two unrelated individuals with similar clinical features and deleterious de novo variants in FBXO11 detected by WES. Individual 1, a 14-year-old boy, has mild ID as well as mild microcephaly, corrected cleft lip and alveolus, hyperkinetic disorder, mild brain atrophy and minor facial dysmorphism. WES detected a heterozygous de novo 1 bp insertion in the splice donor site of exon 3. Individual 2, a 3-year-old boy, showed ID and pre- and postnatal growth retardation, postnatal mild microcephaly, hyperkinetic and restless behaviour, as well as mild dysmorphism. WES detected a heterozygous de novo frameshift mutation. While ten individuals with ID and de novo variants in FBXO11 have been reported as part of larger studies, only one of the reports has some additional clinical data. Interestingly, the latter individual carries the identical mutation as our individual 2 and also displays ID, intrauterine growth retardation, microcephaly, behavioural anomalies, and dysmorphisms. Thus, we confirm deleterious de novo mutations in FBXO11 as a cause of ID and start the delineation of the associated clinical picture which may also comprise postnatal microcephaly or borderline small head size and behavioural anomalies.

  15. Memoria, infancia y guerra civil: El mundo narrativo de Ana María Matute

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    Nestor Horacio Bórquez


    Full Text Available Ana María Matute has created a tightly closed narrative world where fiction and reality are mixed through a particular style, thoroughly lyric but full of cruelty. This world is largely shaped by the coexistence of the children's innocent gaze with the disenchanted look of the adults. Paraíso inhabitado (2008, her latest novel, meets most of the topics that make up Matute's own style: Against the historical background of the Spanish Civil War, the central matter is once again related to the clash of the already mentioned conflicting realities. This paper attempts to analyze the intersection between both features: the distantiated look of the children -who shall live in a world of fantasy until his final defeat and subsequent entry in the world of adults, like every children in Matute's work- displaying a 'translucent' view of the Civil War, an appeal to the memory of a grown-up narrator who introduces her childhood?s remembrances almost without any interventionAna María Matute ha creado un cerrado mundo narrativo que mezcla ficción y realidad con un estilo particular, pleno de poesía pero cargado de crueldad. Parte de este mundo se forja por la convivencia de la mirada inocente de los niños con la desencantada de los adultos. Paraíso inhabitado (2008, última novela de Matute, cumple con la mayoría de los 'tópicos' que conforman el particular estilo de la autora: prevalece este choque de realidades enfrentadas que además tiene a la Guerra Civil como trasfondo histórico. El trabajo analizará el cruce de estas dos características: la mirada 'extrañada' de los niños protagonistas de la obra -que como todo niño 'matuteano' vivirá en un mundo de fantasía efímero antes de ingresar ya 'derrotado' al mundo adulto- que presenta una visión ?traslúcida? de la guerra civil, una apelación a la memoria de la narradora ya adulta que presenta casi sin intervenciones sus recuerdos de niña

  16. Entre Dos Mundos/Between Two Worlds: Youth Violence Prevention for Acculturating Latino Families (United States)

    Smokowski, Paul R.; Bacallao, Martica


    Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of Entre Dos Mundos/Between Two Worlds (EDM) prevention for Latino adolescents. Method: In an experimental trial to compare implementation formats, 41 Latino families were randomly assigned to EDM action-oriented skills training groups, and 47 families were randomly assigned to unstructured EDM support…

  17. Isotopic coherence of refractory inclusions from CV and CK meteorites: Evidence from multiple isotope systems (United States)

    Shollenberger, Quinn R.; Borg, Lars E.; Render, Jan; Ebert, Samuel; Bischoff, Addi; Russell, Sara S.; Brennecka, Gregory A.


    Calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) are the oldest dated materials in the Solar System and numerous previous studies have revealed nucleosynthetic anomalies relative to terrestrial rock standards in many isotopic systems. However, most of the isotopic data from CAIs has been limited to the Allende meteorite and a handful of other CV3 chondrites. To better constrain the isotopic composition of the CAI-forming region, we report the first Sr, Mo, Ba, Nd, and Sm isotopic compositions of two CAIs hosted in the CK3 desert meteorites NWA 4964 and NWA 6254 along with two CAIs from the CV3 desert meteorites NWA 6619 and NWA 6991. After consideration of neutron capture processes and the effects of hot-desert weathering, the Sr, Mo, Ba, Nd, and Sm stable isotopic compositions of the samples show clearly resolvable nucleosynthetic anomalies that are in agreement with previous results from Allende and other CV meteorites. The extent of neutron capture, as manifested by shifts in the observed 149Sm-150Sm isotopic composition of the CAIs is used to estimate the neutron fluence experienced by some of these samples and ranges from 8.40 × 1013 to 2.11 × 1015 n/cm2. Overall, regardless of CAI type or host meteorite, CAIs from CV and CK chondrites have similar nucleosynthetic anomalies within analytical uncertainty. We suggest the region that CV and CK CAIs formed was largely uniform with respect to Sr, Mo, Ba, Nd, and Sm isotopes when CAIs condensed and that CAIs hosted in CV and CK meteorites are derived from the same isotopic reservoir.

  18. Teleoperación de un Servomecanismo a Través de un Mundo Virtual Usando Una Interfaz Gestual

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    Luz Santamaría-Granados


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados de investigación del desarrollo de un prototipo que permite el accionamiento real a distancia de un servomecanismo mediante un mundo virtual controlado por una interfaz gestual. La metodología de investigación formula cuatro fases: la interfaz gestual que utiliza los algoritmos de CamShift y MeanShift para la identificación de la orden que se le envía al robot; la comunicación inalámbrica recibe la instrucción de la interfaz gestual para la teleoperación del robot; el mundo virtual que simula el recorrido del avatar en el ambiente lunar, tal como lo realiza el robot en el mundo real; finalmente se plantea la construcción del sistema eléctrico y mecánico del servomecanismo. Este proyecto puede ser referente para el desarrollo de sistemas de teleoperación que permitan la experimentación remota y virtual de desastres naturales o ambientes que generan riesgo para la vida humana.

  19. Sobre a alteridade do artista em relação ao mundo que o cerca, segundo Herbert Marcuse

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    Imaculada Kangussu


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta a primeira reflexão de Herbert Marcuse a respeito da separação entre arte e vida, desenvolvida em sua tese de doutorado, Der deutsche Kunstlerroman (O romance do artista alemão. A dissonância entre o mundo da arte e o mundo da vida percebida nesse texto inicial permeia o pensamento do filósofo em toda sua obra futura. A infinita riqueza interior da imaginação e da criatividade humana será sempre vista em conflito estético e social com o chamado mundo real.The article presents the first Herbert Marcuse reflection towards the separation between art and life, which is developed in his doctoral dissertation, Der deutsche Kunstlerroman (The German Artist Novel. The dissonance between the world of art and that of life per pass the philosopher thought and all his future works. The infinite inner richness of human imagination will always be in aesthetic and social conflict with the so-called real world.

  20. An improved technique for quasi-static C-V measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turan, R.; Finstad, T.G.


    A new automated quasi-static C-V measurement technique for MOS capacitors has been developed. This techniques uses an integrating electrometer to measure the charge accumulated on a MOS capacitor in response of a small voltage step. Making use of the internal data storage system of a commercial electrometer and a personal computer, the charge Q on the MOS capacitor is measured as a function of time t and stored. The capacitance is then obtained by analyzing this Q-t data set. A Si MOS sample is measured and analyzed in terms of interface charges as an example. Advantages over a commercial quasi-static meter which uses similar measurement technique are presented. It is also shown that this technique is potentially capable of measuring both high and low frequency C-V curves simultaneously. 9 refs. 5 figs

  1. Airline Maintenance Manpower Optimization from the De Novo Perspective (United States)

    Liou, James J. H.; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung

    Human resource management (HRM) is an important issue for today’s competitive airline marketing. In this paper, we discuss a multi-objective model designed from the De Novo perspective to help airlines optimize their maintenance manpower portfolio. The effectiveness of the model and solution algorithm is demonstrated in an empirical study of the optimization of the human resources needed for airline line maintenance. Both De Novo and traditional multiple objective programming (MOP) methods are analyzed. A comparison of the results with those of traditional MOP indicates that the proposed model and solution algorithm does provide better performance and an improved human resource portfolio.

  2. El mundo animal, actividad de E/LE para niños

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    Lismary Castillo Marengo


    Full Text Available Presentamos una actividad titulada El mundo animal, que tiene como objetivotrabajar el léxico relacionado con los animales, además de la gestualidad y los sonidosde estos. Es una actividad que permite desarrollar la competencia lingüística (expresióne interacción orales, principalmente y, al mismo tiempo, la psicomotricidad del niño -tan importante durante las etapas de la niñez.

  3. El mundo animal, actividad de E/LE para niños

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    Lismary Castillo Marengo


    Full Text Available Presentamos una actividad titulada El mundo animal, que tiene como objetivo trabajar el léxico relacionado con los animales, además de la gestualidad y los sonidos de estos. Es una actividad que permite desarrollar la competencia lingüística (expresión e interacción orales, principalmente y, al mismo tiempo, la psicomotricidad del niño -tan importante durante las etapas de la niñez.

  4. O verdadeiro poder: Uma história de mundos diferentes

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    Cláudia Maria Guedes


    Full Text Available É uma história da aventura de um personagem chamado Educador Físico em busca de sua identidade. Inclui-se ainda os personagens Lazer, Lúdico e Educação, numa trama de descobertas e desencontros, com o objetivo de uma reflexão a respeito de novos caminhos.


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    Samsuardi Samsuardi


    Full Text Available This study aims at determining the parallel process of car rental agreement between Harkat Rent Car Company and the owner of the car, and between the company and its customers in an Islamic economics perspective. This study also aims to analyze the risk coverage of the leased car. The data for this study was gathered through interviews, observation and documentation studies. The collected data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis method. Results showed that the process of car leasing begin when customer rented a car from CV. Harkat which was owned by its partner. The company provided a shared price for car owners according to a mutual agreement and applied only for a certain period. Furthermore, the partner has to allocate 20 percent of the income for the company. In addition, the company also required the partner to cover for maintenance costs, insurance, equipment, and spare parts. In the context of Islamic economics, the practice of leasing parallel conducted by the company was not fully Shariah compliance due to practice a lease above a lease and using two contracts in one transaction. =========================================== Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perjanjian sewa menyewa mobil secara paralel antara Perusahaan Rent Car CV. Harkat dengan pemilik mobil dan dengan konsumennya dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk menanganalisis pertanggungan resiko terhadap mobil yang dijadikan objek sewa menyewa tersebut sewa menyewa mobil di Perusahaan Rent Car CV. Data untuk penelitian ini bersumber dari wawancara, obesrvasi dan studi dokumentasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CV. Harkat menyewakan mobil milik mitra kerjanya (pemilik mobil kepada pelanggan yang membutuhkan sewa mobil untuk keperluannya. Pemilik usaha memberikan harga kongsi kepada pemilik mobil sesuai dengan kesepakatan bersama dan untuk jangka waktu

  6. El mundo del libro: noviembre de 1965

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    Agustín Rodríguez Garavito


    Full Text Available El documento presenta las reseñas de los siguientes títulos: De sobremesa-Por José Asunción Silva- Bogotá- Colombia. Los dominicos en Panamá- Por Fr. Alberto E. Ariza S., O.P.- Bogotá-Colombia. Río y tarde viajando-Por Carlos E. Mesa C., m. i.-Medellín - Colombia. Casa de caracol-Por Helcías Martán Góngora- Poesía - Editorial Guadalupe - Bogotá - Colombia. Del plagio y de las influencias literarias y otras tentativas de ensayo- Lucio Pabón Núñez- Imprenta Nacional- Bogotá. Poemas de la muerte- Jorge Gaitán Durán y Eduardo Cote Lamus - Selección y prólogo de Andrés Holguín - Ediciones "Tercer Mundo" - Bogotá-Colombia.

  7. Produtividade de cultivares de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. submetidas a diferentes épocas de parcelamento da adubação Yield of coffee cultivars (Coffea arabica L. under different split-fertilization times

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    Gabriel Ferreira Bartholo


    Full Text Available Os experimentos foram instalados na Fazenda Experimental da Epamig em São Sebastião do Paraíso, com o objetivo de estudar o comportamento das cultivares Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19; Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282; Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 e Rubi-MG 1192, em relação a épocas de parcelamento de adubação. As respostas das cultivares foram medidas sobre a produção em função das épocas de parcelamento da adubação, demonstrando que a característica estudada foi influenciada pelas combinações das épocas em que foram submetidas. A cultivar Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19 tolerou intervalos maiores entre as adubações no período de outubro a março, e a cultivar Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 respondeu de modo significativo a quatro parcelamentos consecutivos com intervalo de 30-40 dias entre as aplicações. Para a cultivar Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282, existem opções de estabelecimento de épocas adequadas, dependendo do início das chuvas. A cultivar Rubi-MG 1192 não respondeu às épocas de parcelamento da adubação.ABSTRACT - The work was conducted at EPAMIG's Experimental Station in São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG, to study the performance of Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19; Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282; Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 and Rubi- MG 1192 coffee cultivars, in relation to time and parceling out of fertilization. Cultivar responses were evaluated by yield measurements, with the results showing that this parameter was affected by time in which fertilization was made. Mundo Novo-IAC 379/19 cultivar tolerated broader intervals between the fertilizations from October to March. Icatu Amarelo-IAC 2944 response was significant to four consecutive parceling, with intervals from 30 to 40 days between applications. Icatu Precoce-IAC 3282 cultivar presented other more appropriate time options depending on the start of rainy season. Rubi-MG 1192 cultivar was not responsive to split-fertilization.

  8. Boccaccio e la Fantasia

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    Elisabetta Menetti


    Full Text Available A fantasia no Decameron de Giovanni Boccaccio entre fabula e historia, deve medir-se imediatamente com as consequências da estreita relação, estabelecida desde a antiguidade, entre invenção e verdade, dando origem a um texto em que o mundo real dialoga com o maravilhoso e o extraordinário na criação de outros mundos, pelos quais viaja o grupo dos dez narradores. Pode-se verificar ainda como a literatura para Boccaccio, que apresenta sua teoria sobre a escrita em seu Genealogia deorum gentilium é locutio sub figmento capaz de dar vida - por admirável tensão criativa – a um mundo novo de palavras

  9. Analysis and modeling of wafer-level process variability in 28 nm FD-SOI using split C-V measurements (United States)

    Pradeep, Krishna; Poiroux, Thierry; Scheer, Patrick; Juge, André; Gouget, Gilles; Ghibaudo, Gérard


    This work details the analysis of wafer level global process variability in 28 nm FD-SOI using split C-V measurements. The proposed approach initially evaluates the native on wafer process variability using efficient extraction methods on split C-V measurements. The on-wafer threshold voltage (VT) variability is first studied and modeled using a simple analytical model. Then, a statistical model based on the Leti-UTSOI compact model is proposed to describe the total C-V variability in different bias conditions. This statistical model is finally used to study the contribution of each process parameter to the total C-V variability.

  10. Isolation and characterization of a virus (CvV-BW1 that infects symbiotic algae of Paramecium bursaria in Lake Biwa, Japan

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    Kasahara Masahiro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We performed an environmental study of viruses infecting the symbiotic single-celled algae of Paramecium bursaria (Paramecium bursaria Chlorella virus, PBCV in Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan. The viruses detected were all Chlorella variabilis virus (CvV = NC64A virus. One of them, designated CvV-BW1, was subjected to further characterization. Results CvV-BW1 formed small plaques and had a linear DNA genome of 370 kb, as judged by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Restriction analysis indicated that CvV-BW1 DNA belongs to group H, one of the most resistant groups among CvV DNAs. Based on a phylogenetic tree constructed using the dnapol gene, CvV was classified into two clades, A and B. CvV-BW1 belonged to clade B, in contrast to all previously identified virus strains of group H that belonged to clade A. Conclusions We conclude that CvV-BW1 composes a distinct species within C. variabilis virus.

  11. ¿Qué «yo» es valioso para el mundo de hoy?

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    Full Text Available Las propuestas de renovación pedagógica están motivadas por la conciencia de vivir un mundo problemático. Es frecuente el interés social y académico referido a cómo actuar bien en un mundo multicultural, exigido de desarrollo sostenible, y en el que la experiencia de los derechos humanos impida el incremento del analfabetismo, el hambre, la pobreza y la injusticia, además de promover más acciones de dignidad y de libertad. Desde la Pedagogía, las respuestas se afanan en promover renovaciones metodológicas (educación popular, animación sociocultural, desarrollo comunitario, que puedan educarnos para ser capaces de superar esos retos. El problema central reside en clarificar qué sujeto, qué actor narrativo, ponemos en el escenario del teatro de la convivencia que realice las metodologías referidas, y que, sobre todo, alcance la «renovación ética» necesaria. El ser humano metamoderno: un yo más ético que cognitivo.

  12. Thermae et Ludus: o início do turismo de saúde no Brasil e no mundo

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    Dario Luiz Paixão


    Full Text Available Por longo tempo, as termas, as estâncias e os balneários investiram em uma relação que marcou profundamente a sociedade: os banhos e o jogo. Estas duas atividades conviveram - e ainda convivem em muitos países - harmonicamente desde o auge do Império Romano à Belle Époque do turismo europeu. No Brasil, suntuosos hotéis-cassinos, aliados aos tratamentos com água, recebiam a nova burguesia voltada para a saúde e o entretenimento. Com a proibição do jogo no país, esses empreendimentos precisaram se reestruturar para sobreviver, alguns sem sucesso. Todavia, a volta do termalismo e dos cassinos na maior parte do mundo reabre discussões e polêmicas a respeito do papel do jogo no Brasil e suas relações com a atividade turística, carente de novos segmentos para competir com mercados já consolidados. For a long time, the spas, the ranches and the watering places invested in a relation that marked the society profoundly: the baths and the game. T hese two activities cohabited - and still cohabit in lots of countries - harmoniously from the summit of the Roman Empire to Belle Époque of the European tourism. ln Brazil, sumptuous hotels-casinos allied to the treatments with water, received the new bourgeoisie geared to the health and the entertainment. With the prohibition of the game in the country, these enterprises needed restructure to survive, some without success. However the return of thermalism and the casinos in the majority of the countries of the world reopens the discussions and polemics concerning the role of the game in Brazil and its relations with the tourist activity, deprived of new segments to compete with already consolidated markets_

  13. O tempo e o mundo: defesa de uma história planetária

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    Gustavo Velloso


    Full Text Available Resenha do livro: GRUZINSKI, Serge. As quatro partes do mundo: história de uma mundialização. Tradução de Cleonice Paes Barreto Mourão e Consuelo Fortes Santiago. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG; São Paulo: Edusp, 2014.

  14. Immobilization of enzymatic extracts of Portulaca oleracea cv. roots for oxidizing aqueous bisphenol A. (United States)

    Matsushima, Kazuki; Kaneda, Hirokazu; Harada, Kazuo; Matsuura, Hideyuki; Hirata, Kazumasa


    Water pollution from the release of industrial wastewater is a serious problem for almost every industry. Enzymes from portulaca, Portulaca oleracea cv., have been investigated for their ability to degrade bisphenol A (BPA), one of the well-known estrogenic pollutants. Enzymatic crude extracts from P. oleracea cv. roots were immobilized on aminopropyl-modified glass beads. They maintained BPA metabolic activity over a broad range of pH values and temperatures. The immobilized enzyme was reusable with more than 50 % of its initial activity retained after 12 batch reactions and no loss of activity after storage for 1 month at -30 °C. Thus, the immobilization of extracts from P. oleracea cv. roots is a useful method for removing BPA from industrial wastewater.

  15. Modular Engineering Concept at Novo Nordisk Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moelgaard, Gert; Miller, Thomas Dedenroth


    This report describes the concept of a new engineering method at Novo Nordisk Engineering: Modular Engineering (ME). Three tools are designed to support project phases with different levels of detailing and abstraction. ME supports a standard, cross-functional breakdown of projects that facilitates...

  16. De novo synthesis of adenine nucleotides in different skeletal muscle fiber types

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tullson, P.C.; John-Alder, H.B.; Hood, D.A.; Terjung, R.L.


    Management of adenine nucleotide catabolism differs among skeletal muscle fiber types. This study evaluated whether there are corresponding differences in the rates of de novo synthesis of adenine nucleotide among fiber type sections of skeletal muscle using an isolated perfused rat hindquarter preparation. Label incorporation into adenine nucleotides from the [1-14C]glycine precursor was determined and used to calculate synthesis rates based on the intracellular glycine specific radioactivity. Results show that intracellular glycine is closely related to the direct precursor pool. Rates of de novo synthesis were highest in fast-twitch red muscle (57.0 +/- 4.0, 58.2 +/- 4.4 nmol.h-1.g-1; deep red gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis), relatively high in slow-twitch red muscle (47.0 +/- 3.1; soleus), and low in fast-twitch white muscle (26.1 +/- 2.0 and 21.6 +/- 2.3; superficial white gastrocnemius and vastus lateralis). Rates for four mixed muscles were intermediate, ranging between 32.3 and 37.3. Specific de novo synthesis rates exhibited a strong correlation (r = 0.986) with muscle section citrate synthase activity. Turnover rates (de novo synthesis rate/adenine nucleotide pool size) were highest in high oxidative muscle (0.82-1.06%/h), lowest in low oxidative muscle (0.30-0.35%/h), and intermediate in mixed muscle (0.44-0.55%/h). Our results demonstrate that differences in adenine nucleotide management among fiber types extends to the process of de novo adenine nucleotide synthesis

  17. Wegener's granulomatosis occurring de novo during pregnancy. (United States)

    Alfhaily, F; Watts, R; Leather, A


    Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is rarely diagnosed during the reproductive years and uncommonly manifests for the first time during pregnancy. We report a case of de novo WG presenting at 30 weeks gestation with classical symptoms of WG (ENT, pulmonary). The diagnosis was confirmed by radiological, laboratory, and histological investigations. With a multidisciplinary approach, she had a successful vaginal delivery of a healthy baby. She was treated successfully by a combination of steroids, azathioprine and intravenous immunoglobulin in the active phase of disease for induction of remission and by azathioprine and steroids for maintenance of remission. The significant improvement in her symptoms allowed us to continue her pregnancy to 37 weeks when delivery was electively induced. Transplacental transmission of PR3-ANCA occurred but the neonate remained well. This case of de novo WG during pregnancy highlights the seriousness of this disease and the challenge in management of such patients.

  18. Discovery of new antitumoral and antibacterial drugs from brazilian plant extracts using high throughput screening Descoberta de novos fármacos anti-tumorais e anti-bacterianos de extratos vegetais brasileiros através de screening em larga escala

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    Riad Naim Younes


    Full Text Available Plants have played a significant role in the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases for the last four decades. The discovery and introduction to market of paclitaxel, the vinca alkaloids, etoposide, and many antibacterial drugs support drug discovery programs based on natural products. Natural products have been rediscovered as important tools for drug development despite advances in combinatorial chemistry, due to the complex molecular structures able to interact with mammalian cell targets. The Brazilian flora, the most diverse in the world, has become an interesting spot to prospect for new chemical leads or hits due to its species diversity and associated chemical richness. Screening programs have been established in Brazil as a strategy to identify potentially active substances. High throughput screening techniques allow for the analysis of large numbers of extracts in a relatively short period of time, and can be considered one of the most efficient ways of finding new leads from natural products. An updated review of the current status of the biological screening program is presented and recent results from new antitumoral and antibacterial chemical leads are discussed.Plantas são uma importante fonte de novos protótipos há pelo menos quatro décadas. A descoberta e introdução no mercado de paclitaxel, dos alcalóides da vinca, etoposídeo e muitos agentes antibacterianos têm servido de apoio ao desenvolvimento de programas de descobrimento de novos fármacos baseados em produtos naturais. Produtos naturais foram recentemente redescobertos como importante ferramenta na descoberta de novos fármacos devido às estruturas moleculares complexas capazes de interagir com alvos em células de mamíferos. A flora brasileira, a mais rica do mundo, tornou-se um importante sítio para prospecção de novos protótipos em decorrência da riqueza de espécies vegetais relacionada a uma possível diversidade química. Programas de triagem t

  19. Defective secretion of mucilage is the cellular basis for agravitropism in primary roots of Zea mays cv. Ageotropic (United States)

    Miller, I.; Moore, R.


    Root caps of primary, secondary, and seminal roots of Z. mays cv. Kys secrete large amounts of mucilage and are in close contact with the root all along the root apex. These roots are strongly graviresponsive. Secondary and seminal roots of Z. mays cv. Ageotropic are also strongly graviresponsive. Similarly, their caps secrete mucilage and closely appress the root all along the root apex. However, primary roots of Z. mays cv. Ageotropic are non-responsive to gravity. Their caps secrete negligible amounts of mucilage and contact the root only at the extreme apex of the root along the calyptrogen. These roots become graviresponsive when their tips are coated with mucilage or mucilage-like materials. Peripheral cells of root caps of roots of Z. mays cv. Kys contain many dictyosomes associated with vesicles that migrate to and fuse with the plasmalemma. Root-cap cells of secondary and seminal (i.e. graviresponsive) roots of Z. mays cv. Ageotropic are similar to those of primary roots of Z. mays cv. Kys. However, root-cap cells of primary (i.e. non-graviresponsive) roots of Z. mays cv. Ageotropic have distended dictyosomal cisternae filled with an electron-dense, granular material. Large vesicles full of this material populate the cells and apparently do not fuse with the plasmalemma. Taken together, these results suggest that non-graviresponsiveness of primary roots of Z. mays cv. Ageotropic results from the lack of apoplastic continuity between the root and the periphery of the root cap. This is a result of negligible secretion of mucilage by cells along the edge of the root cap which, in turn, appears to be due to the malfunctioning of dictyosomes in these cells.

  20. Anjos, robôs e mundos virtuais: e o corpo carnal, o que vem a ser?

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    Florence Mérida


    Full Text Available O universo das novas tecnologias parece nos levar em direção a uma desmaterialização radical. A arte se apoderou dessas técnicas e nos oferece uma viagem aos universos sintéticos nos quais se encontra profundamente modificada a relação que nosso corpo mantém "tradicionalmente" com ele mesmo e com o mundo. A interatividade e o mergulho nos mundos virtuais levam o espectador a um mundo estranho. Anjo, robô, ectoplasma, personagem de HQ ou de ficção cientí­fica: o que vem a ser, então, nosso corpo carnal? Palavras-chave sí­ntese numérica, ambientes virtuais, sensorialismo, imersão Abstract The universe of new technologies seems to be leading us into a radical dematerialization. Art took hold of these techniques and is presenting us with a trip into the synthetic universes in which the relationship that our body "traditionally" keeps with itself and the world has been profoundly changed. The interactivity with and the dive into virtual worlds carry the spectator into a strange world. Angel, robot, ectoplasm, cartoon or science fiction character: what about our flesh and blood body? What is it after all? Key words numerical synthesis; virtual places; sensorialism; immersion.

  1. De novo ORFs in Drosophila are important to organismal fitness and evolved rapidly from previously non-coding sequences.

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    Josephine A Reinhardt

    Full Text Available How non-coding DNA gives rise to new protein-coding genes (de novo genes is not well understood. Recent work has revealed the origins and functions of a few de novo genes, but common principles governing the evolution or biological roles of these genes are unknown. To better define these principles, we performed a parallel analysis of the evolution and function of six putatively protein-coding de novo genes described in Drosophila melanogaster. Reconstruction of the transcriptional history of de novo genes shows that two de novo genes emerged from novel long non-coding RNAs that arose at least 5 MY prior to evolution of an open reading frame. In contrast, four other de novo genes evolved a translated open reading frame and transcription within the same evolutionary interval suggesting that nascent open reading frames (proto-ORFs, while not required, can contribute to the emergence of a new de novo gene. However, none of the genes arose from proto-ORFs that existed long before expression evolved. Sequence and structural evolution of de novo genes was rapid compared to nearby genes and the structural complexity of de novo genes steadily increases over evolutionary time. Despite the fact that these genes are transcribed at a higher level in males than females, and are most strongly expressed in testes, RNAi experiments show that most of these genes are essential in both sexes during metamorphosis. This lethality suggests that protein coding de novo genes in Drosophila quickly become functionally important.

  2. Light equation in eclipsing binary CV Boo: third body candidate in elliptical orbit (United States)

    Bogomazov, A. I.; Kozyreva, V. S.; Satovskii, B. L.; Krushevska, V. N.; Kuznyetsova, Y. G.; Ehgamberdiev, S. A.; Karimov, R. G.; Khalikova, A. V.; Ibrahimov, M. A.; Irsmambetova, T. R.; Tutukov, A. V.


    A short period eclipsing binary star CV Boo is tested for the possible existence of additional bodies in the system with a help of the light equation method. We use data on the moments of minima from the literature as well as from our observations during 2014 May-July. A variation of the CV Boo's orbital period is found with a period of {≈}75 d. This variation can be explained by the influence of a third star with a mass of {≈}0.4 M_{⊙} in an eccentric orbit with e≈0.9. A possibility that the orbital period changes on long time scales is discussed. The suggested tertiary companion is near the chaotic zone around the central binary, so CV Boo represents an interesting example to test its dynamical evolution. A list of 14 minima moments of the binary obtained from our observations is presented.

  3. Persistent hyperthyroidism and de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Tay, Wei Lin; Loh, Wann Jia; Lee, Lianne Ai Ling; Chng, Chiaw Ling


    We report a patient with Graves' disease who remained persistently hyperthyroid after a total thyroidectomy and also developed de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy 5 months after surgery. She was subsequently found to have a mature cystic teratoma containing struma ovarii after undergoing a total hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy for an incidental ovarian lesion. It is important to investigate for other causes of primary hyperthyroidism when thyrotoxicosis persists after total thyroidectomy.TSH receptor antibody may persist after total thyroidectomy and may potentially contribute to the development of de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy.

  4. Plant regeneration of Brassica oleracea subsp. italica (Broccoli) CV ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 3, 2009 ... Department of Agriculture Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Darul. Ehsan, Malaysia. Accepted 20 March, 2009. Hypocotyls and shoot tips were used as explants in in vitro plant regeneration of broccoli (Brassica oleracea subsp.italica) cv. Green Marvel.

  5. Modelos de mundo y tópicos literarios: la construcción ficcional al servicio de la ideología del poder

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    Pérez Parejo, Ramón


    Full Text Available To sum up, by world views we understand the cultural perception of the world we belong to. This concept of world views, that comes from the Semiotic of Culture developed by the School of Tartu-Moscow in the seventies, reaches an interesting scope in Literature as it offers information about cultural and ideological components that are part of any fictional trasformation. In this article we have shown the relationships and disagreements established between real world and the cultural and literary /artistic view of the world. This cultural / literary / artistic views are shaped from a recreation of reality based on different interests. Fictional transformation can be a small one or can reach a high level of idealization, caricature or complete alteration. This fictional distortion must be analysed together with its scope, how it is produced, who has decided to produce it and why. We will find out that there are both cultural and ideological reasons and those who produce these transformations have often something to do with the ruling classes. By building these virtual worlds they are just trying to preserve their power, their privileges and their possessions.En síntesis, por modelos de mundo se entiende la percepción cultural que el sujeto tiene del mundo al que pertenece. El concepto, que procede de la Semiótica de la Cultura desarrollada por la Escuela de Tartu-Moscú en los años setenta, adquiere una interesante proyección en Literatura porque informa sobre el componente cultural e ideológico que comporta todo desvío ficcional. Hemos señalado las relaciones y desajustes que se establecen entre mundo real, modelo de mundo cultural y modelo de mundo literario/artístico. Estos últimos se forjan a partir de la transformación interesada de la realidad. Esa distorsión ficcional puede resultar mínima o llegar a alcanzar cotas de idealismo, caricatura o absoluta desfiguración. Se debe analizar ese desvío ficcional, cuál es su medida, en

  6. Selecting Superior De Novo Transcriptome Assemblies: Lessons Learned by Leveraging the Best Plant Genome.

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    Loren A Honaas

    Full Text Available Whereas de novo assemblies of RNA-Seq data are being published for a growing number of species across the tree of life, there are currently no broadly accepted methods for evaluating such assemblies. Here we present a detailed comparison of 99 transcriptome assemblies, generated with 6 de novo assemblers including CLC, Trinity, SOAP, Oases, ABySS and NextGENe. Controlled analyses of de novo assemblies for Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa transcriptomes provide new insights into the strengths and limitations of transcriptome assembly strategies. We find that the leading assemblers generate reassuringly accurate assemblies for the majority of transcripts. At the same time, we find a propensity for assemblers to fail to fully assemble highly expressed genes. Surprisingly, the instance of true chimeric assemblies is very low for all assemblers. Normalized libraries are reduced in highly abundant transcripts, but they also lack 1000s of low abundance transcripts. We conclude that the quality of de novo transcriptome assemblies is best assessed through consideration of a combination of metrics: 1 proportion of reads mapping to an assembly 2 recovery of conserved, widely expressed genes, 3 N50 length statistics, and 4 the total number of unigenes. We provide benchmark Illumina transcriptome data and introduce SCERNA, a broadly applicable modular protocol for de novo assembly improvement. Finally, our de novo assembly of the Arabidopsis leaf transcriptome revealed ~20 putative Arabidopsis genes lacking in the current annotation.

  7. Funções axiológicas do recorte e da discretização dos objetos do mundo

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    Francisco Alves Filho


    Full Text Available O propósito deste artigo é discutir o papel dos processos referenciais para promover a discretização e a categorização dos objetos dos diversos mundos ao tempo em que os transforma em objetos de discurso. A investigação exigiu um retorno à noção de extensão para poder operar um deslocamento teórico e tratá-la como um fenômeno enunciativo. Assim, a tese de base do trabalho é a de que a operação de discretização e categorização do mundo são motivadas pelas avaliações axiológicas dos sujeitos e gera, sobretudo, uma refração de tais objetos, uma vez que um mesmo objeto pode ser recortado de diversos modos, desde que motivados por intuitos discursivos diversos. A análise oferece indícios bastante relevantes para se pensar que a relação entre objeto do mundo e objeto de discurso, muito longe de ser biunívoca e vericondicional, é de cunho marcadamente socioideológico.

  8. Role of de novo biosynthesis in ecosystem scale monoterpene emissions from a boreal Scots pine forest

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    R. Taipale


    Full Text Available Monoterpene emissions from Scots pine have traditionally been assumed to originate as evaporation from specialized storage pools. More recently, the significance of de novo emissions, originating directly from monoterpene biosynthesis, has been recognized. To study the role of biosynthesis at the ecosystem scale, we measured monoterpene emissions from a Scots pine dominated forest in southern Finland using the disjunct eddy covariance method combined with proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry. The interpretation of the measurements was based on a correlation analysis and a hybrid emission algorithm describing both de novo and pool emissions. During the measurement period May–August 2007, the monthly medians of daytime emissions were 200, 290, 180, and 200 μg m−2 h−1. The emissions were partly light dependent, probably due to de novo biosynthesis. The emission potential for both de novo and pool emissions exhibited a decreasing summertime trend. The ratio of the de novo emission potential to the total emission potential varied between 30 % and 46 %. Although the monthly changes were not significant, the ratio always differed statistically from zero, suggesting that the role of de novo biosynthesis was observable. Given the uncertainties in this study, we conclude that more accurate estimates of the contribution of de novo emissions are required for improving monoterpene emission algorithms for Scots pine dominated forests.

  9. As transformações no mundo do trabalho e a questão da saúde: algumas reflexões preliminares Las transformaciones en el mundo del trabajo y la salud: algunas reflexiones preliminares The transformations in the world of work and health: some preliminary reflections

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    Luciane Prado Kantorski


    Full Text Available Neste artigo realizo algumas reflexões preliminares sobre as transformações no mundo do trabalho e a saúde. Para isto inicio o estudo colocando algumas dimensões essenciais do trabalho como categoria central para analisar a sociedade, a partir da concepção marxista. A seguir resgato nas transformações do mundo do trabalho a especificidade da saúde refletindo sobre a questão do cuidado e da organização dos trabalhadores de saúde.En este artículo realizo algunas reflexiones preliminares sobre las transformaciones en el mundo del trabajo y la salud. Para esto, inicio el estudio colocando algunas dimensiones esenciales del trabajo como categoría central, para analisar la sociedad, a partir de la concepción marxista. Enseguida rescato en las transformaciones del mundo del trabajo la especificidad de la salud trayendo para la reflexión el cuidado y la organización de los trabajadores de la salud.In this work, I make some preliminary reflections about the transformations in the world of work and health. For this purpose, I start this study discussing essential dimensions of the work like the central category to analyse the society based on the Marxist conception. Following, I investigate transformations in the world of work and the specificity of health to the related reflection about care and the organization of health workers.

  10. TENCompetence Learning Design Toolkit, Runtime component, ccsi_v3_2_10c_v1_4

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sharples, Paul; Popat, Kris; Llobet, Lau; Santos, Patricia; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Miao, Yongwu; Griffiths, David; Beauvoir, Phillip


    Sharples, P., Popat, K., Llobet, L., Santos, P., Hernandez-Leo, D., Miao, Y., Griffiths, D. & Beauvoir, P. (2009) TENCompetence Learning Design Toolkit, Runtime component, ccsi_v3_2_10c_v1_4 This release is composed of three files corresponding to CopperCore Service Integration (CCSI) v3.2-10cv1.4,

  11. De novo nonsense mutations in ASXL1 cause Bohring-Opitz syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoischen, Alexander; van Bon, Bregje W M; Rodríguez-Santiago, Benjamín


    Bohring-Opitz syndrome is characterized by severe intellectual disability, distinctive facial features and multiple congenital malformations. We sequenced the exomes of three individuals with Bohring-Opitz syndrome and in each identified heterozygous de novo nonsense mutations in ASXL1, which...... is required for maintenance of both activation and silencing of Hox genes. In total, 7 out of 13 subjects with a Bohring-Opitz phenotype had de novo ASXL1 mutations, suggesting that the syndrome is genetically heterogeneous....

  12. RESENHA - Para pensar sobre o Mundo del Trabajo y los Caminos de la Vida

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    Norberto Alayón


    Full Text Available

    El mundo del trabajo y los caminos de la vida.
    Trabajar para vivir; vivir para trabajar - Estela Grassi y Claudia
    Danani (organizadoras Espacio Editorial (Colección “Desarrollo
    Social y Sociedad”. Buenos Aires. 2009. 374 páginas.

  13. Automated de novo phasing and model building of coiled-coil proteins. (United States)

    Rämisch, Sebastian; Lizatović, Robert; André, Ingemar


    Models generated by de novo structure prediction can be very useful starting points for molecular replacement for systems where suitable structural homologues cannot be readily identified. Protein-protein complexes and de novo-designed proteins are examples of systems that can be challenging to phase. In this study, the potential of de novo models of protein complexes for use as starting points for molecular replacement is investigated. The approach is demonstrated using homomeric coiled-coil proteins, which are excellent model systems for oligomeric systems. Despite the stereotypical fold of coiled coils, initial phase estimation can be difficult and many structures have to be solved with experimental phasing. A method was developed for automatic structure determination of homomeric coiled coils from X-ray diffraction data. In a benchmark set of 24 coiled coils, ranging from dimers to pentamers with resolutions down to 2.5 Å, 22 systems were automatically solved, 11 of which had previously been solved by experimental phasing. The generated models contained 71-103% of the residues present in the deposited structures, had the correct sequence and had free R values that deviated on average by 0.01 from those of the respective reference structures. The electron-density maps were of sufficient quality that only minor manual editing was necessary to produce final structures. The method, named CCsolve, combines methods for de novo structure prediction, initial phase estimation and automated model building into one pipeline. CCsolve is robust against errors in the initial models and can readily be modified to make use of alternative crystallographic software. The results demonstrate the feasibility of de novo phasing of protein-protein complexes, an approach that could also be employed for other small systems beyond coiled coils.

  14. De novo triiodothyronine formation from thyrocytes activated by thyroid-stimulating hormone. (United States)

    Citterio, Cintia E; Veluswamy, Balaji; Morgan, Sarah J; Galton, Valerie A; Banga, J Paul; Atkins, Stephen; Morishita, Yoshiaki; Neumann, Susanne; Latif, Rauf; Gershengorn, Marvin C; Smith, Terry J; Arvan, Peter


    The thyroid gland secretes primarily tetraiodothyronine (T 4 ), and some triiodothyronine (T 3 ). Under normal physiological circumstances, only one-fifth of circulating T 3 is directly released by the thyroid, but in states of hyperactivation of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptors (TSHRs), patients develop a syndrome of relative T 3 toxicosis. Thyroidal T 4 production results from iodination of thyroglobulin (TG) at residues Tyr 5 and Tyr 130 , whereas thyroidal T 3 production may originate in several different ways. In this study, the data demonstrate that within the carboxyl-terminal portion of mouse TG, T 3 is formed de novo independently of deiodination from T 4 We found that upon iodination in vitro , de novo T 3 formation in TG was decreased in mice lacking TSHRs. Conversely, de novo T 3 that can be formed upon iodination of TG secreted from PCCL3 (rat thyrocyte) cells was augmented from cells previously exposed to increased TSH, a TSHR agonist, a cAMP analog, or a TSHR-stimulating antibody. We present data suggesting that TSH-stimulated TG phosphorylation contributes to enhanced de novo T 3 formation. These effects were reversed within a few days after removal of the hyperstimulating conditions. Indeed, direct exposure of PCCL3 cells to human serum from two patients with Graves' disease, but not control sera, led to secretion of TG with an increased intrinsic ability to form T 3 upon in vitro iodination. Furthermore, TG secreted from human thyrocyte cultures hyperstimulated with TSH also showed an increased intrinsic ability to form T 3 Our data support the hypothesis that TG processing in the secretory pathway of TSHR-hyperstimulated thyrocytes alters the structure of the iodination substrate in a way that enhances de novo T 3 formation, contributing to the relative T 3 toxicosis of Graves' disease.

  15. Modificação da atmosfera na qualidade pós-colheita de ameixas cv. Reubennel Modified atmosphere on postharvest quality of plums cv. Reubennel

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    Marcelo Barbosa Malgarim


    Full Text Available Ameixas, de modo geral, têm curto período de conservação pós-colheita, havendo necessidade de otimizar as condições de colheita e de armazenamento. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes modificadores de atmosfera, durante o armazenamento refrigerado, na qualidade pós-colheita de ameixas cv. Reubennel. Frutas no estádio de maturação meio-maduro foram submetidas aos seguintes modificadores de atmosfera: filmes de polietileno de 12,5 e 15µm de espessura e cera à base de carnaúba e avaliadas após 10; 20; 30 e 40 dias de armazenamento a 0ºC e UR de 90-95%. Avaliaram-se a perda de massa, cor, firmeza da polpa, pH, sólidos solúveis (SS, acidez titulável (AT, relação SS/AT, incidência de podridões, escurecimento interno e características sensoriais. Essas avaliações foram realizadas 3 dias após a retirada das frutas da câmara fria. Verificou-se que a cera à base de carnaúba GARFRESH N (BL9,5, sem diluição, e filmes de polietileno de 12,5 e 15µm reduziram a perda de massa, porém são impróprios para a modificação da atmosfera, em ameixas cv. Reubennel durante o armazenamento refrigerado. Ameixas cv. Reubennel mantêm a qualidade quando armazenadas durante 30 dias a 0ºC sem atmosfera modificada.Plums quickly loose postharvest quality, which makes imperative to optimize harvest and storage conditions. The objective of this work was to determine the effects of various atmosphere modifiers on the postharvest quality of cold storage plums, cv. Reubennel. Semi-mature fruits were stored under the following atmosphere modifiers conditions: polyethylene films 12,5 or 15µm of thickness; or carnauba wax. After submitted to these conditions the fruits were stored for 10, 20, 30 and 40 days in a cold room at 0ºC and 90-95% RH. Three days after taken out from the cold storage, the fruits were evaluated about: weight loss; color; firmness; pH; soluble solids (SS; titratable acidity (TA; SS/TA ratio; incidence of

  16. E-Commerce


    Mendonça, Herbert Garcia de


    O presente artigo aborda o tema “e-Commerce”, como foi sua origem, principais acontecimentos que permitiram seu crescimento, como é hoje no mundo e no Brasil. Sua principal característica é fazer a ponte entre o mundo real e o virtual. Com o surgimento da internet mudou-se o modo de fazer compras e empresas perceberam a oportunidade que teriam ingressando nesse novo modelo. Buscando sempre estruturar sua relação com o cliente, as empresas começaram a investir fortemente em logística e assim c...

  17. The impact of employee satisfaction on productivity in Tiskarna Novo mesto, Ltd.

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    Simona Cimperman


    Full Text Available Research Question: Does employee satisfaction, impact on productivity? How are these two variables associated? What is the job satisfaction in Tiskarna Novo mesto, Ltd. What needs to be done to make employees more satisfied at work and, consequently, more productive? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine what are the factors that influence employee satisfaction Tiskarna Novo mesto, Ltd. and check the connection between work satisfaction and employee productivity. The aim of the research is to examine what is the level of job satisfaction of employees in Tiskarna Novo mesto, Ltd. And find our reasons and factors that prevent employees were satisfied in the workplace. Method: In this study we used a descriptive method and the method of combining the study of domestic and foreign literature. Pending the results we have come to interview employees in the Tiskarna Novo mesto, Ltd. Results: We conducted a survey among employees in Tiskarna Novo mesto, Ltd and we came to the conclusion that the employees are medium satisfied – the average grade point job satisfaction of employees was 3.1 (evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale. The worst assessed was factor in job satisfaction opportunity for advancement and educational opportunities. We have found out that factors like receiving praise and awards as well as good interpersonal relations are those that affect good on job satisfaction, on the other hand conflict is the one that reduces job satisfaction. The existence of links between work satisfaction and productivity were not found (r = -0.061. Organization: The organization and managers, it is important to know which are the factors by which employees are satisfied or dissatisfied. Results of the research will give managers a clear picture of the factors of satisfaction / dissatisfaction and opinion on productivity. Society: The employees it means a lot to have your job satisfaction and consequently they are more productive. Originality: The

  18. Interplay between De Novo Biosynthesis and Sequestration of Cyanogenic Glucosides in Arthropods

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fürstenberg-Hägg, Joel

    (Zygaenidae, Lepidoptera) both sequester (take up and accumulate) the CNglcs linamarin and lotaustralin from their food plants (Fabacea) and biosynthesize them de novo from valine and isoleucine. The presented research demonstrates that de novo biosynthesis of CNglcs in Z. filipendulae is dependent...

  19. Calibration of ADRET voltage generator type CV102. Program CODAV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lagarde, Gerard.


    The CODAV programm studied by the Metrology SES/SME laboratory is used for the calibration of ADRET voltage generator type CV.102. A JCAM.10 microcomputer run the measurement cycle and the printout of the results [fr

  20. Mercado de água (envasada) no Brasil e no mundo


    Gorini, Ana Paula Fontenelle


    Este artigo traça o panorama do setor de água engarrafada no Brasil e no mundo, que representa a quinta maior categoria de bebidas (em volume) no país, vindo atrás de refrigerantes, leite, cerveja e café solúvel e à frente de sucos e vinhos. Ao longo da década de 90, o segmento vem apresentando as maiores taxas de crescimento entre todas as categorias mencionadas. Comparado com países como Itália, França, Estados Unidos, entre outros, o Brasil apresenta ainda um baixo consumo per capita e exc...

  1. Novo Jornalismo: fronteiras litero-factuais em A sangue Frio e em Radical Chique

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    Francisco Aquinei Timóteo Queirós


    Full Text Available A pesquisa busca analisar de que forma fato e ficção se entrecruzam no “movimento” do Novo Jornalismo, a partir das obras A sangue Frio e Radical Chique e o Novo Jornalismo, de Truman Capote e Tom Wolfe, respectivamente. Pretende-se, a partir da investigação do corpus em estudo, revelar os aspectos que aproximam o fato jornalístico, a notícia e a reportagem às técnicas literárias do romance, do conto e da crônica. O estudo investiga o Novo Jornalismo sob o viés de textos centrais das áreas de teoria literária e estudos jornalísticos utilizando autores como Mikhail Bakhtin, Hayden White, Paul Ricoeur, Muniz Sodré; além de referenciar outros escritores que, como Tom Wolfe e Truman Capote, fizeram parte de um grande movimento renovador do jornalismo literário nos anos 1950, 1960 e 1970 chamado, genericamente, de Novo Jornalismo.

  2. Demanda dos principais metais e novos materiais : analise de tendencias


    Wilson Trigueiro de Sousa


    Resumo: Neste trabalho são analisadas algumas tendências na área de novos materiais na tentativa de obter um melhor entendimento das repercussões das atuais inovações tecnológicas para o setor mineral. Inicialmente são revisados os principais estudos sobre as mudanças ocorridas por volta de 1972/74 no comportamento da demanda dos metais mais importantes. Entre as possíveis causas, está o progresso técnico, que tornou possível o surgimento de novos materiais e o aperfeiçoamento de outros em us...

  3. Características fotossintéticas de batata cv. Baronesa e seu genótipo transformado geneticamente para resistência ao PVY Photosynthetic characteristics of potato plants, cv. Baronesa and its genetically transformed genotype for PVY resistance

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    Marcos Antonio Bacarin


    Full Text Available O melhoramento genético da batata é complexo e requer uma grande demanda de tempo e energia. A tecnologia do DNA recombinante, com sua capacidade potencial de isolar e transferir genes a partir de qualquer organismo, permite incorporar nas plantas novos caracteres de interesse agrícola. No entanto, as conseqüências da inserção de determinados genes em relação às características fisiológicas da planta são, muitas vezes desconhecidas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características fotossintéticas de plantas de batata cultivar Baronesa modificadas geneticamente com genes de resistência a vírus. Para isso, tubérculos de batata cultivar Baronesa e seu respectivo genótipo transformado foram plantados em vasos e mantidos em casa de vegetação. Durante o ciclo de vida das plantas foram avaliados parâmetros da fluorescência das clorofilas, fotossíntese líquida e fotossíntese potencial. As plantas de batata cv. Baronesa transformadas com genes de resistência ao vírus PVY apresentaram maior eficiência fotoquímica máxima e maior taxa de liberação de oxigênio do que plantas da mesma cultivar não modificadas geneticamente, embora tivessem mantido os demais parâmetros de fluorescência das clorofilas e a taxa de fotossíntese líquida iguais.Potato breeding is difficult and requires a great deal of time and energy. The use of recombinant DNA technology, with its potential capacity of isolating and transferring genes from any organism, allows incorporating in plants new characters of agricultural interest. However, consequences of the incorporation of determined genes on physiological characteristics are sometimes unknown. In this study we evaluated photosynthetic characteristics of potato plants genetically modified with resistance genes to PVY. Potato tubers of cv. Baronesa and its respective transformed genotype were planted in pots and kept in greenhouse. During the plant life cycle, parameters of

  4. Álgebra aplicada en el mundo de las telecomunicaciones

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    José Antonio Montero Morales


    Full Text Available En este documento se expone un ejercicio de modelización matemática que se propone a alumnos de ingeniería de telecomunicaciones durante el primer curso, en la asignatura de ´algebra lineal. Aunque la modelización matemática hace referencia generalmente a la construcción de modelos que ayudan a realizar predicciones o a explicar fenómenos complejos, en este caso debe interpretarse como una herramienta docente que permite llevar a la práctica con los estudiantes una actividad organizativa y estructurada mediante la cual se utilizan conocimientos previamente adquiridos para descubrir regularidades y relaciones en situaciones pertenecientes al mundo real.

  5. Electroacupuncture stimulation at CV4 prevents ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats via Wnt-β-catenin signaling. (United States)

    Fan, Huailing; Ji, Feng; Lin, Ying; Zhang, Mulan; Qin, Wei; Zhou, Qi; Wu, Qiang


    The present study aimed to investigate the effect of electroacupuncture stimulation at CV4 (also termed Guanyuan) on femoral osteocalcin also termed bone gla protein (BGP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone mineral density (BMD) and biomechanics, as well as the Wnt‑β‑catenin signaling pathway in rats with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Female Sprague‑Dawley rats (4.5‑months old) were randomly divided into sham, Ovx, CV4 and mock groups (n=10/group). With the exception of those in the sham group, the rats were ovariectomized to induce postmenopausal osteoporosis. The rats in the CV4 and mock groups were given electroacupuncture at CV4 and non‑acupoint, respectively. The rats in the Ovx model and sham groups underwent identical fixing procedures, but did not undergo electroacupuncture. Following treatment, hematoxylin and eosin staining was used to observe morphological changes in the left femoral trabecular bone, and a three‑point‑bending test was used to analyze femur biomechanics and determine the BMD. In addition, an enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure the serum levels of ALP/BGP and reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used detect the expression levels of Wnt3a, β‑catenin and Runx2. In the present study, it was demonstrated that electroacupuncture at CV4 significantly improved the osteoporotic morphological changes that occurred in the ovariectomized rats, increased serum ALP and BGP levels, enhanced the maximum and fracture loads, increased BMD (Pelectroacupuncture stimulation at CV4 affected bone formation and promoted bone metabolism in rats with postmenopausal osteoporosis, possibly by activating the Wnt‑β‑catenin signaling pathway.

  6. Precariedade, solidão e desintegração em "O Mundo Inimigo", de Luiz Ruffato

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    Camila Galvão de Souza


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O presente trabalho analisa a trajetória de vida da personagem Zé Pinto nas narrativas de O mundo inimigo, de Ruffato, com objetivo de discutir aspectos importantes sobre o mundo do trabalho na ficção. Como destacou Candido, a vida da personagem do romance depende da economia da obra, pois relaciona-se diretamente aos demais elementos que a constituem. A trajetória de Zé Pinto está relacionada a de demais personagens e a análise pretendida permite discutir as temáticas da precariedade, da solidão e da desintegração, também relacionadas à forma romanesca. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Romance brasileiro contemporâneo, Personagem de ficção, O trabalhador na literatura, Literatura e sociedade.  __________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The present work analyzes the life trajectory of the character Zé Pinto in the narratives of O mundo inimigo, by Ruffato, aiming to discuss important aspects about the world of work in fiction. As Candido pointed out, the life of the novel's character depends on the economy of the work, as it relates directly to the other elements that constitute it. The trajectory of Zé Pinto is related to that of other characters and the intended analysis allows to discuss the themes of precarious, solid and disintegration, also related to the romance form.  KEYWORDS: Contemporary Brazilian Romance, Fiction character, The worker in literature, Literature and society.

  7. Bestiarios del nuevo mundo: maravillas de Dios o engendros del demonio


    Rodilla-León, M.J. (María José)


    Los bestiarios del Nuevo Mundo forman parte de lo maravilloso medieval que los conquistadores, cronistas, misioneros y viajeros aprendieron de las autoridades clásicas y medievales y nos legaron en sus crónicas, relaciones, relatos de viajes y expediciones. Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, Pedro Cieza de León y Pedro Ordóñez de Ceballos se presentan en este artículo con sus apreciaciones de los animales de las nuevas tierras, que oscilan entre criaturas con cualidades maravillosas, poderes curati...

  8. Sequencing and de novo assembly of 150 genomes from Denmark as a population reference

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maretty, Lasse; Jensen, Jacob Malte; Petersen, Bent


    or by performing local assembly. However, these approaches are biased against discovery of structural variants and variation in the more complex parts of the genome. Hence, large-scale de novo assembly is needed. Here we show that it is possible to construct excellent de novo assemblies from high......-coverage sequencing with mate-pair libraries extending up to 20 kilobases. We report de novo assemblies of 150 individuals (50 trios) from the GenomeDenmark project. The quality of these assemblies is similar to those obtained using the more expensive long-read technology. We use the assemblies to identify a rich set...

  9. Las mujeres en el mundo del trabajo, ciudad de Córdoba, 1904-1919

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    Constanza Daniela Bosch Alessio


    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende analizar el proceso de incorporación de las mujeres al mundo del trabajo, en la ciudad de Córdoba entre los años 1904 y 1919. Concretamente, explora los perfiles ocupacionales de las mujeres cordobesas, su participación en conflictos y organizaciones obreras, y las representaciones que se construyeron en torno a su intervención en el mundo del trabajo. Para ello, examina las condiciones a las que estaban expuestas, las estrategias que desarrollaron frente a la conflictividad laboral y la regulación del Estado frente a la creciente injerencia de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo.The objective of this paper is to analyze the process of incorporation of women into the labour world in Córdoba city, between 1904 and 1919. It particularly explores their occupational profiles, their involvement in labour conflicts and organizations and the representations that have been constructed in female work. In order to accomplish this task, this paper examines the conditions under which these women worked, the development of strategies during labour conflicts and the state regulations for women's labour market participation.


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    Manuel Tavares


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Nos países outrora chamados de terceiro mundo, hoje apelidados “países emergentes” e/ou “países periféricos e semiperiféricos”, surgem experiências inovadoras, de caráter contra-hegemónico, cujos projetos de educação superior se situam em uma perspectiva de equidade e justiça sociais incluindo os grupos sociais historicamente marginalizados e afastados do direito à educação superior. O texto que se apresenta pretende desvelar e reflectir sobre a estrutura institucional que sustenta um novo modelo de educação superior no Brasil, particularmente na Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC. Os processos de democratização dos países, acompanhados de políticas direcionadas para o investimento em novas instituições de educação superior (IES, permitiram uma diversidade considerável no que diz respeito aos novos públicos estudantis. As universidades, tradicionalmente reservadas às elites, abriram-se a novos estudantes, de diferentes dimensões de gênero, etnia, classe social e gerações. Essa abertura criou desafios e expectativas quanto à democratização da educação superior, à inclusão da diversidade cultural e epistemológica, à promoção da interculturalidade e à descolonização das relações de poder e de conhecimento. Algumas políticas de experimentação institucional merecem referência particular. No Brasil, a acção dos governos pós-neoliberais de Lula e Dilma também se centrou na criação de universidades populares, apresentando perfis diferenciados e respondendo a objetivos específicos de ação política. A primeira delas foi a UFABC, cuja matriz institucional constitui objeto do nosso estudo. Centrar-nos-emos em uma pesquisa documental de caráter qualitativo utilizando a análise de discurso na perspectiva de N. Fairclough com o objetivo de inferir as linhas estruturantes do novo modelo de educação superior com foco específico nos fundamentos conceituais, no modelo pedagógico e

  11. Educación para emprender, una opción para el mundo en desarrollo

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    Luis Gerardo Rodríguez


    Full Text Available RESUMEN La búsqueda de las formas educativas para corresponder con el momento histórico que vive el mundo de hoy, ha sacudido de reformas, adecuaciones y reconversiones, la geografía de nuestros países aspirantes al desarrollo. En Latinoamérica la reforma educativa es una constante y este fenómeno implica, que como educadores estemos obligados a asumir en mayor o menor proporción, el impacto de tal explosión reformista. Construir desde el quehacer cotidiano, formas de educación para orientar de manera coherente la formación de hombres para dirigir organizaciones en el mundo  de hoy, implica general un proceso educativo acorde con la reforma de la educación superior en el macro de la apertura y globalización  de la economía, y  la cual problemática social en la que se vislumbran la inestabilidad del futuro, plasmada en la crisis de la certeza y el reto de la complejidad

  12. Avaliação da Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu em sistemas silvipastoris Evaluation of Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu in silvopastoral systems

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    G.R. Moreira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca (MS da Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu colhida em dois sistemas silvipastoris compostos pelas arbóreas, ipê felpudo (Zeyheria tuberculosa e aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva, localizados no bioma Cerrado, município de Lagoa Santa, MG. O período de coleta da forragem foi de dezembro de 2004 a abril de 2005. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, segundo esquema de parcelas subdivididas, sendo as parcelas os tratamentos e as sub-parcelas os tempos de degradação. O sombreamento com as arbóreas não influenciou a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca da forrageira.In situ degradability of dry matter of Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu harvested in two silvopastoral systems was evaluated. One system was composed by Zeyheria tuberculosa tree and the other by Myracrodruon urundeuva, both located at Brazilian Savannah, Lagoa Santa, MG. A completely ramdomized block experimental design in a splitplot arrangement was used. The treatments were allocated in the plots and the times in the splitplot. No effect of shade was observed for in situ dry matter degradability.

  13. On the performance of de novo pathway enrichment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Batra, Richa; Alcaraz, Nicolas; Gitzhofer, Kevin


    De novo pathway enrichment is a powerful approach to discover previously uncharacterized molecular mechanisms in addition to already known pathways. To achieve this, condition-specific functional modules are extracted from large interaction networks. Here, we give an overview of the state...

  14. Desenvolvendo indicadores para a gestão sustentável de resíduos sólidos nos municípios de Iranduba, Manacapuru e Novo Airão, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Marcos André de Oliveira e Castro


    Full Text Available RESUMOA gestão dos resíduos sólidos é de forma consensual uma das premissas para a sustentabilidade urbana no mundo. No Brasil, o principal marco legal para o setor é a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Instituído em agosto de 2010, o dispositivo estabeleceu diretrizes, planos e metas para todas as unidades da Federação. Considerando a precariedade do saneamento básico no norte do país, o estudo optou por desenvolver uma avaliação dos sistemas de gestão/gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos em três municipalidades do Amazonas: Iranduba, Manacapuru e Novo Airão. Foram aplicados nove indicadores de sustentabilidade, de natureza predominantemente qualitativa, adaptados a partir de duas pesquisas predecessoras sob mesma abordagem. Como resultado final o estudo concluiu que as três municipalidades apresentaram resultados muito abaixo da média pré-estabelecida e recomendou a adoção de algumas ações prioritárias.

  15. De Novo Glutamine Synthesis (United States)

    He, Qiao; Shi, Xinchong; Zhang, Linqi; Yi, Chang; Zhang, Xuezhen


    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of de novo glutamine (Gln) synthesis in the proliferation of C6 glioma cells and its detection with 13N-ammonia. Methods: Chronic Gln-deprived C6 glioma (0.06C6) cells were established. The proliferation rates of C6 and 0.06C6 cells were measured under the conditions of Gln deprivation along with or without the addition of ammonia or glutamine synthetase (GS) inhibitor. 13N-ammonia uptake was assessed in C6 cells by gamma counting and in rats with C6 and 0.06C6 xenografts by micro–positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. The expression of GS in C6 cells and xenografts was assessed by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Results: The Gln-deprived C6 cells showed decreased proliferation ability but had a significant increase in GS expression. Furthermore, we found that low concentration of ammonia was sufficient to maintain the proliferation of Gln-deprived C6 cells, and 13N-ammonia uptake in C6 cells showed Gln-dependent decrease, whereas inhibition of GS markedly reduced the proliferation of C6 cells as well as the uptake of 13N-ammoina. Additionally, microPET/computed tomography exhibited that subcutaneous 0.06C6 xenografts had higher 13N-ammonia uptake and GS expression in contrast to C6 xenografts. Conclusion: De novo Gln synthesis through ammonia–glutamate reaction plays an important role in the proliferation of C6 cells. 13N-ammonia can be a potential metabolic PET tracer for Gln-dependent tumors. PMID:27118759

  16. Resenha de: Le "Peso Politico de Todo el Mundo" d'Anthony Sherley ou Un

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    Eurípedes Simões de Paula


    Full Text Available FLORES (Xavier A.. — Le "Peso Politico de Todo el Mundo" d'An-thony Sherley ou Un Aventurier au Service de I'Espagne. École Pratique des Hautes Études. VIe section. Centre de Recherches Historiques. Paris. S.E.V.P.E.N. Collection "Bi-bliothèque générale". 1963.

  17. Maintaining Growth and Sustainable Strategy in Brown Sugar Business, and the Investment Financing Alternative Decision (Case Study: CV. Delovry Sukses Gemilang)


    Ariyani, Laurentia Nindita; Siahaan, Uke MMP


    CV. Delovry Sukses Gemilang (CV. DSG) is a brown sugar supplier from manufacturers in Maron Village, Blitar, to the warehouse of distributors which is located in Tambun, Bekasi. In doing the business, CV. DSG provides the working capital to the collectors in Blitar to produce and pack the brown sugar. Fluctuating commodity prices of sugar cane leads CV. DSG to be difficult to continually maintain the business and shipping costs which is a way further from Blitar to Bekasi. These issues lead C...

  18. Cyclovirus CyCV-VN species distribution is not limited to Vietnam and extends to Africa. (United States)

    Garigliany, Mutien-Marie; Hagen, Ralf Matthias; Frickmann, Hagen; May, Jürgen; Schwarz, Norbert Georg; Perse, Amanda; Jöst, Hanna; Börstler, Jessica; Shahhosseini, Nariman; Desmecht, Daniel; Mbunkah, Herbert Afegenwi; Daniel, Achukwi Mbunkah; Kingsley, Manchang Tanyi; Campos, Renata de Mendonca; de Paula, Vanessa Salete; Randriamampionona, Njary; Poppert, Sven; Tannich, Egbert; Rakotozandrindrainy, Raphael; Cadar, Daniel; Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas


    Cycloviruses, small ssDNA viruses of the Circoviridae family, have been identified in the cerebrospinal fluid from symptomatic human patients. One of these species, cyclovirus-Vietnam (CyCV-VN), was shown to be restricted to central and southern Vietnam. Here we report the detection of CyCV-VN species in stool samples from pigs and humans from Africa, far beyond their supposed limited geographic distribution.

  19. Studies of frequency dependent C-V characteristics of neutron irradiated p+-n silicon detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Zheng; Kraner, H.W.


    Frequency-dependent capacitance-voltage fluence (C-V) characteristics of neutron irradiated high resistivity silicon p + -n detectors have been observed up to a fluence of 8.0 x 10 12 n/cm 2 . It has been found that frequency dependence of the deviation of the C-V characteristic (from its normal V -1/2 dependence), is strongly dependent on the ratio of the defect density and the effective doping density N t /N' d . As the defect density approaches the effective dopant density, or N t /N' d → 1, the junction capacitance eventually assumes the value of the detector geometry capacitance at high frequencies (f ≤ 10 5 Hz), independent of voltage. A two-trap-level model using the concept of quasi-fermi levels has been developed, which predicts both the effects of C-V frequency dependence and dopant compensation observed in this study

  20. De Novo Discovery of Structured ncRNA Motifs in Genomic Sequences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ruzzo, Walter L; Gorodkin, Jan


    De novo discovery of "motifs" capturing the commonalities among related noncoding ncRNA structured RNAs is among the most difficult problems in computational biology. This chapter outlines the challenges presented by this problem, together with some approaches towards solving them, with an emphas...... on an approach based on the CMfinder CMfinder program as a case study. Applications to genomic screens for novel de novo structured ncRNA ncRNA s, including structured RNA elements in untranslated portions of protein-coding genes, are presented.......De novo discovery of "motifs" capturing the commonalities among related noncoding ncRNA structured RNAs is among the most difficult problems in computational biology. This chapter outlines the challenges presented by this problem, together with some approaches towards solving them, with an emphasis...

  1. El mundo rural latinoamericano y la nueva ruralidad

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    Edelmira Pérez C.


    Full Text Available Es indudable la importancia del debate actual en América Latina acerca de las nuevas concepciones del desarrollo rural. Se empieza a presentar una coincidencia en la necesidad de darle a éste un enfoque territorial y a ello ha contribuido el aporte de la mirada de desarrollo rural de la Unión Europea, pero también la visión de “nueva ruralidad” que han venido planteando distintos estudiosos del continente, de manera especial en los últimos diez años.Aunque el mundo rural ha tenido grandes transformaciones, aún persisten en América Latina rezagos estructurales que impiden la incorporación de las áreas rurales y de sus pobladores a las dinámicas actuales del desarrollo los cuales son analizados en este artículo.


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    Edelmira Pérez C.


    Full Text Available Es indudable la importancia del debate actual en América Latina acerca de las nuevas concepciones del desarrollo rural. Se empieza a presentar una coincidencia en la necesidad de darle a éste un enfoque territorial y a ello ha contribuido el aporte de la mirada de desarrollo rural de la Unión Europea, pero también la visión de "nueva ruralidad" que han venido planteando distintos estudiosos del continente, de manera especial en los últimos diez años. Aunque el mundo rural ha tenido grandes transformaciones, aún persisten en América Latina rezagos estructurales que impiden la incorporación de las áreas rurales y de sus pobladores a las dinámicas actuales del desarrollo los cuales son analizados en este artículo.

  3. Thermal stability of oils added with avocado (Persea americana cv. Hass) or olive (Olea europaea cv. Arbequina) leaf extracts during the French potatoes frying. (United States)

    Jiménez, Paula; García, Paula; Bustamante, Andrés; Barriga, Andrés; Robert, Paz


    Effect of the addition of avocado (Persea americana cv. Hass) or olive (Olea europaea cv. Arbequina) hydroalcoholic leaf extracts (AHE and OHE, respectively) on thermal stability of canola oil (CO) and high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO) during French potatoes frying at 180°C was studied. The extracts were characterized by the total phenolic content, phenol chromatographic profiles and antioxidant activity. B-type trimer procyanidins were the major phenolic compounds identified in AHE. OHE showed higher phenol content, antioxidant activity regarding AHE. CO+OHE and HOSO+OHE decreased the formation of polar compounds and showed an anti-polymeric effect with respect to oils without extracts, whereas AHE extract showed a prooxidant effect on HOSO. Therefore, OHE showed an antioxidant effect on HOSO and CO under the studied conditions. In addition, all systems (CO+AHE, HOSO+AHE, CO+OHE and HOSO+OHE) increased the retention of tocopherols. These results demonstrate the potential utility of OHE as natural antioxidant for oils. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Reactivation of UV- and γ-irradiated herpes virus in UV- and X-irradiated CV-1 cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takimoto, K.; Niwa, O.; Sugahara, T.


    Enhanced reactivation of UV- and γ-irradiated herpes virus was investigated by the plaque assay on CV-1 monkey kidney monolayer cells irradiated with UV light or X-rays. Both UV- and X-irradiated CV-1 cells showed enhancement of survival of UV-irradiated virus, while little or no enhancement was detected for γ-irradiated virus assayed on UV- or X-irradiated cells. The enhanced reactivation of UV-irradiated virus was greater when virus infection was delayed 24 or 48 h, than for infection immediately following the irradiation of cells. Thus the UV- or X-irradiated CV-1 cells are able to enhance the repair of UV damaged herpes virus DNA, but not of γ-ray damaged ones. (author)

  5. La Universidad española en un mundo globalizado: los resultados.

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    Jesús M. de Miguel


    Full Text Available Este estudio es la segunda parte ?o continuación? de otro anterior titulado "La Universidad española en un mundo globalizado: los recursos", publicado por los mismos autores en la Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (n.º 102, abril-junio 2003. Se trata de una investigación comparativa sobre la Universidad en España en relación con los sistemas de educación postsecundaria de otros países del mundo. El objetivo es evaluar la calidad diferencial de los sistemas universitarios de los distintos países del mundo. En la primera parte se realiza un análisis de los resultados de los sistemas universitarios y su distribución por países. Se presentan los datos comparativos de capital humano en la Universidad, fundamentalmente profesores y estudiantes, que se pueden considerar como recursos y también como resultados. Calcula la población que tiene educación terciaria, tanto entre la población adulta como entre los/as jóvenes de las cohortes respectivas. En la segunda parte se analizan las tendencias de especialización y graduación, señalando las diferencias entre países. Se analiza el proceso de feminización de las universidades, en especial la situación de Europa. Se explican las tendencias de globalización e internacionalización de los estudios universitarios, analizando en detalle el caso de los/as estudiantes extranjeros. La última parte estudia la relación entre educación terciaria y ocupación en el mercado de trabajo. Se tienen en cuenta también las relaciones con el desempleo. Este artículo complementa el análisis previo de los inputs con la investigación de las diferencias y desigualdades en los outputs, que se consideran cada vez más importantes en los estudios que tratan de medir la calidad de la docencia y la excelencia de la investigación en la educación universitaria. Se presentan las diferencias más importantes de la Universidad española en comparación con los demás países de la Uni

  6. EN-CV during LS1: upgrade, consolidation, maintenance, operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nonis, M.


    The Cooling and Ventilation (CV) Group in the Engineering Department (EN) will be heavily involved in several projects and activities during the long shutdown in 2013 and 2014 (LS1) within a time-frame limited to around twelve months. According to the requests received so far, most projects are related to the upgrade of users' equipment, consolidation work, and the construction of new plants. However, through the experience gained from the first years of the LHC run, some projects are also needed to adapt the existing installations to the new operating parameters. Some of these projects are presented hereafter, outlining the impact that they will have on operational working conditions or risks of breakdown. Among these projects we find: the PM32 raising pumps, the cooling of the CERN Control Center, R2E, the backup cooling towers for ATLAS and cryogenics, a thermosyphon for ATLAS, or new pumps in UWs. Finally, EN-CV activities during LS1 for maintenance, operation, and commissioning will be mentioned since they represent a major workload for the Group

  7. Novo Jornalismo: fronteiras litero-factuais em A sangue Frio e em Radical Chique

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    Francisco Aquinei Timóteo Queirós


    Full Text Available A pesquisa busca analisar de que forma fato e ficção se entrecruzam no “movimento” do Novo Jornalismo, a partir das obras A sangue Frio e Radical Chique e o Novo Jornalismo, de Truman Capote e Tom Wolfe, respectivamente. Pretende-se, a partir da investigação do corpus em estudo, revelar os aspectos que aproximam o fato jornalístico, a notícia e a reportagem às técnicas literárias do romance, do conto e da crônica. O estudo investiga o Novo Jornalismo sob o viés de textos centrais das áreas de teoria literária e estudos jornalísticos utilizando autores como Mikhail Bakhtin, Hayden White, Paul Ricoeur, Muniz Sodré; além de referenciar outros escritores que, como Tom Wolfe e Truman Capote, fizeram parte de um grande movimento renovador do jornalismo literário nos anos 1950, 1960 e 1970 chamado, genericamente, de Novo Jornalismo.


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    Elizabeth Zamora Cardozo


    Full Text Available La frontera entre Tijuana y los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, es la más transitada del mundo. Le sigue en América la colombo-venezolana, especialmente la conformada por el eje San Antonio-Ureña-Norte de Santander. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunos aspectos que identifican a dos espacios caracterizados por su diversidad, dinamismo y pluralidad. Me detengo en situaciones relativas al cruce hacia los Estados Unidos, así como en aspectos relacionados con los modos de vida y el mundo cotidiano de los habitantes de estas fronteras. También hago alusión al tema de la violencia, así como al papel de San Toribio Romo, de Juan Soldado y de Jesús Malverde quienes se han convertido en importantes referentes religiosos para quienes emprenden la aventura de cruzar hacia los Estados Unidos.


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    Ana María Arango C.


    Full Text Available Este artículo recoge algunas reflexiones de la experiencia de investigación etnográfica en el Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico Julio Manrique de Sibaté, y las inquietudes y propuestas que generó; entre ellas, un proyecto práctico que nos vinculó con esta comunidad a partir de la experimentación artística. Nos interesó reconocer los mundos al interior del hospital y a los pacientes como personas con historias y universos de sentido singulares que ampliaban nuestros sistemas de referencia y modos de aprehender el mundo. Desde nuestro lente antropológico la locura fue un espacio privilegiado para visualizar la ruptura de los códigos que establecen un orden político, económico, social, individual y hasta gramatical; reconocer este desplazamiento, nos permitió comprender los mecanismos de inscripción de la cultura.

  10. Costeo directo, mundo del valor y programación lineal


    Souza, Alceus; Clemente, Ademir; Perfeito, Juarez


    Este artículo presenta una comparación entre el Abordaje del Mundo del Valor propuesto por Eliyahu M. Goldratt (1992) en el libro titulado A síndrome del palheiro: garimpando informação num océano de dados (El síndrome del pajar: cómo extraer información del océano de datos) y la Programación Lineal. Se utiliza para la comparación el caso de la optimización de un mix de producción con restricciones en el proceso y en el mercado. Se muestra que el Abordaje de las Ganancias, conceptualmente, no...

  11. Curicica, de "fim do mundo" a "Barra Olímpica"


    Sampaio, Lilian Amaral de


    Curicica, de "fim do mundo" à "Barra Olímpica" é um estudo sobre os impactos gerados pelas transformações urbanas em processo no entorno do futuro Parque Olímpico, na Baixada de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho tem como ponto de partida a elaboração de um diagnóstico feito para a região de Curicica por ocasião do Programa Morar Carioca (2012), para urbanização das favelas da área, posteriormente suspenso. Trata-se de uma exploração sobre a lógica que norteia a (re)ocupação de uma área ...

  12. Facebook - Um novo espaço autobiográfico?

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    Maria Tereza Lima


    Full Text Available O arigo "Facebook - Um novo espaço autobiográfico?" tem como objetivo central investigar como a perspectiva autobiográfica e biográfica se configura em uma rede social. Levando em consideração esse novo espaço de exteriorização da memória, analisamos as escolhas de uma pessoa ao postar os mais diversos gêneros textuais no Facebook e verificamos até que ponto tais fragmentos textuais narram a história de um indivíduo. Quais textos são postados? O que foi escolhido e o que foi excluído desse perfil? O autor trava um pacto de leitura com o leitor? Se levarmos em consideração que os textos postados nessa rede social são textos produzidos pelo próprio autor do perfil e de autores diversos, como configuraremos esses espaços virtuais? Autobiográficos e biográficos? Quem escreve a página virtual é o próprio autor do perfil ou múltiplos autores? Com as redes sociais, surge um novo modelo de autobiografia e de biógrafo? Esses e tantos outros questionamentos nortearam nossas investigações e permitiram-nos conhecer um pouco mais sobre as estratégias autobiográficas dos autores virtuais contemporâneos.

  13. De Novo Heart Failure After Kidney Transplantation: Trends in Incidence and Outcomes. (United States)

    Lenihan, Colin R; Liu, Sai; Deswal, Anita; Montez-Rath, Maria E; Winkelmayer, Wolfgang C


    Heart failure is an important cause of morbidity and mortality following kidney transplantation. Some studies in the general population have shown that the incidence of heart failure has decreased during the past 20 years. However, it is not currently known whether such a trend exists in the kidney transplantation population. Retrospective observational cohort study. Adult patients included in the US Renal Data System who underwent their first kidney transplantation in the United States between 1998 and 2010 with at least 6 months of continuous Medicare parts A and B coverage before transplantation and no prior evidence for a diagnosis of heart failure before kidney transplantation. Calendar year of transplantation and calendar year of posttransplantation heart failure diagnosis. De novo posttransplantation heart failure defined using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision diagnosis codes and mortality following de novo posttransplantation heart failure diagnosis. Secular trends in de novo post-kidney transplantation heart failure were examined using Cox proportional hazards analysis. Within a study cohort of 48,771 patients, 7,269 developed de novo heart failure within 3 years of kidney transplantation, with a median time to heart failure of 0.76 years. The adjusted HR for heart failure with death as competing risk comparing patients who underwent transplantation in 2010 with those who underwent transplantation in 1998 was 0.69 (95% CI, 0.60-0.79). No temporal trend in mortality following a diagnosis of post-kidney transplantation heart failure was observed. Potential residual confounding from either incorrectly ascertained or unavailable confounders. The cohort was limited to Medicare beneficiaries. Adjusted for demographic and clinical characteristics, the risk for developing de novo post-kidney transplantation heart failure has declined significantly between 1998 and 2010, with no apparent change in subsequent mortality. Copyright © 2018

  14. O pluralismo da tese dos três mundos de Popper e a crí­tica de Habermas

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    João Batista C. Sieczkowski


    Full Text Available Este estudo abordará a tese dos três mundos, TTM, de Karl Popper. A TTM como pluralista e interacionista opõe-se ao monismo e a algumas concepções dualistas. Em uma segunda parte, pretendemos enfocar a crítica de Jürgen Habermas quando tenta aplicar a TTM e o M3 (mundo três na obtençáo de uma justificaçáo da teoria da açáo para a sociologia. Nesta crítica Habermas acaba negligenciando muitos objetivos claros da TTM e do M3 descritos por Popper, principalmente quando náo considera a TTM como uma tese metafísica e como resposta ao problema corpo-mente.

  15. Photoreactivation of conversion and de novo suppressor mutation in Escherichia coli

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bockrath, R C; Plamer, J E [Indiana Univ., Indianapolis (USA). Dept. of Microbiology


    Studies of mutagenesis and photoreactivation in various E.coli strains have shown that conversion mutation of a mutant containing an amber suppressor to one containing an ochre suppressor is sensitive to photoreactivation. Direct photoreactivation by photoreactivating light (PRL) after uv mutagenesis reduced mutation frequencies by a factor of about 2 for each minute of exposure during the first 5 to 8 min of exposure for cells with normal repair capacity. Conversion and potential de novo suppressor mutations were about equally sensitive. For conversion, the sensitivities to PRL were identical in the repair-normal and excisions-repair-deficient strains. For de novo suppressor mutation, the rate of mutation frequency reduction by PRL in the repair-deficient strain was about one-half that in the other strains. The results suggest that ultraviolet radiation produces both de novo suppressor mutation and conversion at the sup(E,B) locus by photoreversible pyrimidine dimers in the DNA. The causative dimers could be Thy()Cyt dimers in the transcribed strand or the non-transcribed strand, respectively.

  16. The Key Drivers behind Novo Nordisk’s Growth in the Diabetes Market in China

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    Hind Louiza CHITOUR


    Full Text Available To enter the Chinese Pharmaceutical market, “Big Pharma” has adopted different strategies to tackle the challenges specific to the country in terms of size, demographics, specific sales channels and logistics adjustments. While the majority of Global Pharmaceutical players have opted for an aggressive M&A approach to penetrate the Chinese market and gain local insight; the Danish Novo Nordisk has instead chosen a strategy focusing on innovation and developing its R&D structure to capitalize on the local talent pool. To illustrate Novo Nordisk’s growth strategy in the Mainland, we analyzed its competitiveness in the diabetes market by demonstrating the key drivers behind this success. We applied a various set of tools for this research: Novo Nordisk, Dong Bao Pharmaceutical executives’ interviews and personal observations accounting for the primary data, we also reviewed secondary data to perform a PEST analysis in addition to Porter’s competitive advantage model in order to extract the reasons behind Novo Nordisk’s marching success in the Mainland.

  17. Limited geographic distribution of the novel cyclovirus CyCV-VN

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Le, Van Tan; de Jong, Menno D.; Nguyen, Van Kinh; Nguyen, Vu Trung; Taylor, Walter; Wertheim, Heiman F. L.; van der Ende, Arie; van der Hoek, Lia; Canuti, Marta; Crusat, Martin; Sona, Soeng; Nguyen, Hanh Uyen; Giri, Abhishek; Nguyen, Thi Thuy Chinh Bkrong; Ho, Dang Trung Nghia; Farrar, Jeremy; Bryant, Juliet E.; Tran, Tinh Hien; Nguyen, Van Vinh Chau; van Doorn, H. Rogier


    A novel cyclovirus, CyCV-VN, was recently identified in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with central nervous system (CNS) infections in central and southern Vietnam. To explore the geographic distribution of this novel virus, more than 600 CSF specimens from patients with suspected CNS

  18. Departamentos de práctica farmacéutica en el mundo, en 2006

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    Carla Cristina Castrillon Ocampo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Se realizó una búsqueda en la Web de los Departamentos de Práctica Farmacéutica, Farmacia Social o Farmacia Administrativa con página web que incluyera alguna de esas denominaciones en el link (DPF, en todas las Facultades de Farmacia del Mundo en 2006. Método: Se utilizó el listado de la Federación Internacional Farmacétuica (FIP en el que figuran todas las Facultades de Farmacia del mundo. Palabras clave: Práctica Farmacéutica, Farmacia Social y F. Administrativa en español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: Se identificaron 718 Facultades de Farmacia de las que 192 cumplían los criterios de inclusión. En ellas había 83 DPF que incluían las palabras clave. En Oceanía se identificaron 9 DPF, en Europa 22 y en Asia 8. En América 43, todas ellas situadas en Norteamérica, mientras que en África tan solo se identificó un único DPF. Conclusiones: El mayor grado de implantación de DPF tiene lugar en países de gran desarrollo. Son departamentos autónomos, independientes de otros departamentos, y con una estructura multidisciplinar.

  19. Identifying wrong assemblies in de novo short read primary ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Aug 5, 2016 ... Most of these assemblies are done using some de novo short read assemblers and other related approaches. .... benchmarking projects like Assemblathon 1, Assemblathon ... from a large insert library (at least 1000 bases).

  20. Analysis of 60 706 Exomes Questions the Role of De Novo Variants Previously Implicated in Cardiac Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Paludan-Müller, Christian; Ahlberg, Gustav; Ghouse, Jonas


    BACKGROUND: De novo variants in the exome occur at a rate of 1 per individual per generation, and because of the low reproductive fitness for de novo variants causing severe disease, the likelihood of finding these as standing variations in the general population is low. Therefore, this study...... sought to evaluate the pathogenicity of de novo variants previously associated with cardiac disease based on a large population-representative exome database. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a literature search for previous publications on de novo variants associated with severe arrhythmias...... trio studies (>1000 subjects). Of the monogenic variants, 11% (23/211) were present in ExAC, whereas 26% (802/3050) variants believed to increase susceptibility of disease were identified in ExAC. Monogenic de novo variants in ExAC had a total allele count of 109 and with ≈844 expected cases in Ex...

  1. Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan di Rental Mobil CV. Ilham Motor Gandu Mlarak Ponorogo


    Dhika Amalia


    The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of quality customer service and loyalty to know a very dominant factor affecting customer loyalty in the CV . Ilham Motor. This research method is the primary data from the questionnaires , sampling technique is a technique associated with customer 100 CV Ilham Motor . Data analysis is a quantitative method to test the validity , reliability testing , multiple linear regression analysis , the correlation coefficient analytic , analytic det...

  2. De novo structural modeling and computational sequence analysis ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Different bioinformatics tools and machine learning techniques were used for protein structural classification. De novo protein modeling was performed by using I-TASSER server. The final model obtained was accessed by PROCHECK and DFIRE2, which confirmed that the final model is reliable. Until complete biochemical ...

  3. Similar prognosis of transformed and de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphomas in patients treated with immunochemotherapy. (United States)

    Sorigue, Marc; Garcia, Olga; Baptista, Maria Joao; Sancho, Juan-Manuel; Tapia, Gustavo; Mate, José Luis; Feliu, Evarist; Navarro, José-Tomás; Ribera, Josep-Maria


    The prognosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) transformed from indolent lymphoma (TL) has been considered poorer than that of de novo DLBCL. However, it seems to have improved since the introduction of rituximab. We compared the characteristics (including the cell-of-origin), and the prognosis of 29 patients with TL and 101 with de novo DLBCL treated with immunochemotherapy. Patients with TL and de novo DLBCL had similar characteristics. All TL cases evolving from follicular lymphoma were germinal-center B-cell-like, while those TL from marginal zone lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia were non-germinal-center B-cell-like. The complete response rate was similar in TL and de novo DLBCL (62 vs. 66%, P=.825). The 5-year overall and progression-free survival probabilities (95% CI) were 59% (40-78) and 41% (22-60) for TL and 63% (53-73) and 60% (50-70) for de novo DLBCL, respectively (P=.732 for overall survival and P=.169 for progression-free survival). In this study, the prognosis of TL and de novo DLBCL treated with immunochemotherapy was similar. The role of intensification with stem cell transplantation in the management of TL may be questionable in the rituximab era. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. A Pareto Algorithm for Efficient De Novo Design of Multi-functional Molecules. (United States)

    Daeyaert, Frits; Deem, Micheal W


    We have introduced a Pareto sorting algorithm into Synopsis, a de novo design program that generates synthesizable molecules with desirable properties. We give a detailed description of the algorithm and illustrate its working in 2 different de novo design settings: the design of putative dual and selective FGFR and VEGFR inhibitors, and the successful design of organic structure determining agents (OSDAs) for the synthesis of zeolites. We show that the introduction of Pareto sorting not only enables the simultaneous optimization of multiple properties but also greatly improves the performance of the algorithm to generate molecules with hard-to-meet constraints. This in turn allows us to suggest approaches to address the problem of false positive hits in de novo structure based drug design by introducing structural and physicochemical constraints in the designed molecules, and by forcing essential interactions between these molecules and their target receptor. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  5. Rapid centriole assembly in Naegleria reveals conserved roles for both de novo and mentored assembly. (United States)

    Fritz-Laylin, Lillian K; Levy, Yaron Y; Levitan, Edward; Chen, Sean; Cande, W Zacheus; Lai, Elaine Y; Fulton, Chandler


    Centrioles are eukaryotic organelles whose number and position are critical for cilia formation and mitosis. Many cell types assemble new centrioles next to existing ones ("templated" or mentored assembly). Under certain conditions, centrioles also form without pre-existing centrioles (de novo). The synchronous differentiation of Naegleria amoebae to flagellates represents a unique opportunity to study centriole assembly, as nearly 100% of the population transitions from having no centrioles to having two within minutes. Here, we find that Naegleria forms its first centriole de novo, immediately followed by mentored assembly of the second. We also find both de novo and mentored assembly distributed among all major eukaryote lineages. We therefore propose that both modes are ancestral and have been conserved because they serve complementary roles, with de novo assembly as the default when no pre-existing centriole is available, and mentored assembly allowing precise regulation of number, timing, and location of centriole assembly. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Análise comparativa dos aspectos da ultraestrutura do espermatozoide de Mico-Leão-de-Cara-Dourada (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) e Bugio (Alouatta caraya e Alouatta guariba clamitans)


    Ana Paula Grabner


    Os primatas neotropicais, ou primatas do novo mundo, são pertencentes a um grupo diverso e variado de animais, com características anatômicas, comportamentais e taxonômicas próprias, que os diferem dos primatas do velho mundo. Estima-se que representem 31% dos primatas não-humanos do planeta. Têm sofrido com as altas taxas de crescimento populacional e perturbação antrópica resultante do desflorestamento, agricultura e criação de gado. Com o intuito de reverter esta situação e maximizar o pot...

  7. Diversificación y fragmentación del mundo del trabajo en la hipermodernidad

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    Clara Betty Weisz Kohn


    Full Text Available El mundo del trabajo en la hipermodernidad se caracteriza por la fragmentación y diversidad de modalidades de inserción laboral, donde coexisten condiciones de trabajo típicas del industrialismo asalariado, junto a la informalidad, las políticas sociales de empleo, los modos de contratación flexible, y los emprendimientos autogestionados, entre otros. Dicha polarización y discontinuidad produce múltiples imaginarios sociales, representaciones sociales del trabajo en construcción e identidades laborales en movimiento. La epistemología y la metodología de la psicosociología y la sociología clínica constituyeron la perspectiva desde la cual se llevaron a cabo investigaciones en la temática, articuladas con la enseñanza y las actividades de extensión universitaria. Hiperpresencialidad del mundo del trabajo, incertidumbre, trayectorias laborales yuxtapuestas; construcción de subjetividad a partir de vínculos y pertenencias fragilizadas; placer y sufrimiento en el trabajo; así como gran dificultad para que se desarrollen sujetos colectivos; son los principales resultados obtenidos en el proceso de co-construcción de conocimiento con los propios trabajadores.

  8. 3-cerro y 4-mundo: los números del banquete en las ofrendas quechuas

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    David Lorente Fernández


    Full Text Available Las ofrendas quechuas del sur del Perú son platos alimenticios, banquetes destinados principalmente a la pachamama y los apus, pero también elaborados sistemas matemáticos regidos por operaciones sofisticadas. Sirviéndose de dos números fundamentales, el 3 y el 4, los especialistas rituales son capaces de transmitir mensajes polisémicos. Mediante el número 3 aglutinan clientes, parajes y cerros, en suma, «personas» capaces de interactuar entre sí. El 3 aparece en los k’intus de hojas de coca y en las oraciones que se recitan durante el proceso de realizar la ofrenda. Por el contrario, el número 4 no indica relaciones sino formas espaciales: es un operador geométrico que unifica la servilleta ceremonial (unk’uña, el papel envoltorio y el paquete acabado para representar las cuatro direcciones del mundo y hacer de la ofrenda un mundo en miniatura. Gracias a los dos números el ritualista puede recrear el cosmos, establecer convenios con los dioses y definir nuevas situaciones favorables para la vida de sus clientes.

  9. Possibility of Recombination Gain Increase in CV Ions at 4.0 nm Via Coherence (United States)

    Luo, Y.; Morozov, A.; Gordon, D.; Sprangle, P.; Svidzinsky, A.; Xia, H.; Scully, M.; Suckewer, S.

    This paper is about the recent experimental results on amplification of the CV line in the "water window" at 4.03 nm from resonance transition to the ground level of He-like ions in recombination scheme. The indication of the amplification of the CV line has been observed when an elongated narrow plasma channel was created, where high intensity 100 fs beams, optimal for creating CV ions in high density plasma, was propagated up to 0.5-0.6 mm. Without channeling the effective plasma length was much shorter and there was no indication of amplification.The large interest in gain generation in He-like ions in the transition to ground state is due to the possibility of applying a recently developed theory of Lasing Without Inversion (LWI) in XUV and X-ray regions to largely increase the gain for such transitions. The presented results of the indication of CV line amplifications are being discussed from the point of view of using LWI as a superradiance gain increase, hence to construct a very compact soft X-ray laser in the "water window".The last part of the paper is related to the application of the ultra-intensive fs plasma laser, which is currently in the process of development by using stimulated Raman backscattering (SRBS) to create a plasma amplifier and compressor, as the pump for compact laser operating in the "water window" and also at shorter wavelengths.

  10. Identification of a novel Plasmopara halstedii elicitor protein combining de novo peptide sequencing algorithms and RACE-PCR

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    Madlung Johannes


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Often high-quality MS/MS spectra of tryptic peptides do not match to any database entry because of only partially sequenced genomes and therefore, protein identification requires de novo peptide sequencing. To achieve protein identification of the economically important but still unsequenced plant pathogenic oomycete Plasmopara halstedii, we first evaluated the performance of three different de novo peptide sequencing algorithms applied to a protein digests of standard proteins using a quadrupole TOF (QStar Pulsar i. Results The performance order of the algorithms was PEAKS online > PepNovo > CompNovo. In summary, PEAKS online correctly predicted 45% of measured peptides for a protein test data set. All three de novo peptide sequencing algorithms were used to identify MS/MS spectra of tryptic peptides of an unknown 57 kDa protein of P. halstedii. We found ten de novo sequenced peptides that showed homology to a Phytophthora infestans protein, a closely related organism of P. halstedii. Employing a second complementary approach, verification of peptide prediction and protein identification was performed by creation of degenerate primers for RACE-PCR and led to an ORF of 1,589 bp for a hypothetical phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. Conclusions Our study demonstrated that identification of proteins within minute amounts of sample material improved significantly by combining sensitive LC-MS methods with different de novo peptide sequencing algorithms. In addition, this is the first study that verified protein prediction from MS data by also employing a second complementary approach, in which RACE-PCR led to identification of a novel elicitor protein in P. halstedii.

  11. Comportamento agronômico inicial da cv. Chimarrita enxertada em cinco porta-enxertos de pessegueiro Agronomical behavior of cv. Chimarrita on five rootstocks of peach trees

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    Moacir da Silva Rocha


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a resposta agronômica da cv. Chimarrita enxertada em cinco porta-enxertos, nas condições edafoclimáticas da região de Pelotas-RS, no período de 2003 a 2005. Durante o período de execução do experimento, foram avaliados o diâmetro do tronco do porta-enxerto e da cultivar-copa, comprimento médio dos ramos principais, volume de copa, massa fresca e massa seca do material vegetal retirado nas podas verde e de inverno, índice de intensidade de poda, massa média dos frutos, produção por planta, eficiência produtiva, produção por hectare, sólidos solúveis totais, firmeza da polpa, diâmetro e coloração dos frutos. O porta-enxerto 'Capdeboscq' induziu o maior crescimento vegetativo na cv. Chimarrita durante os três anos de avaliação, seguido do porta-enxerto 'Okinawa'. Este, por sua vez, induziu o maior rendimento produtivo (1,65 t ha-1. A cv. Capdeboscq proporcionou a obtenção de frutos com maior massa. Os porta-enxertos 'GF 305' e 'Aldrighi' induziram menor desenvolvimento vegetativo e a mais baixa produtividade (0,52 t.ha-1 .The objective for this study was to evaluate the agronomical behavior of cv. Chimarrita on five rootstocks of peach trees in Pelotas- RS from 2003 to 2005. The variables evaluated were: trunk diameters of the rootstock and of the scion; length of the annual terminal growth; volume of the canopy; fresh and dry weight of the material taken by the summer and winter pruning; pruning intensity index; fruit weight; fruit production per tree; production efficiency; productivity per hectare; total soluble solids; pulp firmness; and fruit diameter and color. It was observed that the trees from: rootstock 'Capdeboscq' promoted higher vegetative growth and larger fruits, followed by the ones from the rootstock 'Okinawa' which promoted the highest yield (1, 65 t.ha-1; the rootstock 'GF 305' and 'Aldrighi' had the lowest vegetative development and yield (0, 52 t.ha-1.

  12. O poder expressivo da teoria dos mundos possíveis nos videojogos: quando as narrações se convertem em espaços interactivos e fictícios


    Maza, Antonio José Planells de la


    O conceito filosófico do mundo possível (Lenzen, 2004; Lewis, 1986) é usado nos estudos literários e na narratologia (Dolezel, 1998; Eco, 1979) para se definir a forma como concebemos diferentes possibilidades narrativas no mesmo mundo fictício. Nos estudos dos jogos, algumas focagens usaram este conceito para terem em conta a relação entre a concepção e a experiência do jogo (Kücklich, 2003; Maietti, 2004; Ryan, 2006), enquanto Jesper Juul (2005) estudou o mundo fictício evocado pela ligação...

  13. Hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes originating from long non-coding RNAs.

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    Chen Xie


    Full Text Available Tinkering with pre-existing genes has long been known as a major way to create new genes. Recently, however, motherless protein-coding genes have been found to have emerged de novo from ancestral non-coding DNAs. How these genes originated is not well addressed to date. Here we identified 24 hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes with precise origination timing in vertebrate phylogeny. Strand-specific RNA-Seq analyses were performed in five rhesus macaque tissues (liver, prefrontal cortex, skeletal muscle, adipose, and testis, which were then integrated with public transcriptome data from human, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque. On the basis of comparing the RNA expression profiles in the three species, we found that most of the hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes encoded polyadenylated non-coding RNAs in rhesus macaque or chimpanzee with a similar transcript structure and correlated tissue expression profile. According to the rule of parsimony, the majority of these hominoid-specific de novo protein-coding genes appear to have acquired a regulated transcript structure and expression profile before acquiring coding potential. Interestingly, although the expression profile was largely correlated, the coding genes in human often showed higher transcriptional abundance than their non-coding counterparts in rhesus macaque. The major findings we report in this manuscript are robust and insensitive to the parameters used in the identification and analysis of de novo genes. Our results suggest that at least a portion of long non-coding RNAs, especially those with active and regulated transcription, may serve as a birth pool for protein-coding genes, which are then further optimized at the transcriptional level.

  14. De novo mutation in the dopamine transporter gene associates dopamine dysfunction with autism spectrum disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hamilton, P J; Campbell, N G; Sharma, S


    De novo genetic variation is an important class of risk factors for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Recently, whole-exome sequencing of ASD families has identified a novel de novo missense mutation in the human dopamine (DA) transporter (hDAT) gene, which results in a Thr to Met substitution...

  15. Novel de novo BRCA2 mutation in a patient with a family history of breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Thomas V O; Bisgaard, Marie Luise; Jønson, Lars


    whole blood. The paternity was determined by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray analysis. Parental origin of the de novo mutation was determined by establishing mutation-SNP haplotypes by variant specific PCR, while de novo and mosaic status was investigated by sequencing of DNA from......BACKGROUND: BRCA2 germ-line mutations predispose to breast and ovarian cancer. Mutations are widespread and unclassified splice variants are frequently encountered. We describe the parental origin and functional characterization of a novel de novo BRCA2 splice site mutation found in a patient...... and synthesis of a truncated BRCA2 protein. The aberrant splicing was verified by RT-PCR analysis on RNA isolated from whole blood of the affected patient. The mutation was not found in any of the patient's parents or in the mother's carcinoma, showing it is a de novo mutation. Variant specific PCR indicates...

  16. Americo Vespucio - el Nuevo Mundo - Cartas relativas a sus viajes y descubrimientos

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    Thomaz Oscar Marcondes de Souza


    Full Text Available "AMERICO VESPUCIO - EL NUEVO MUNDO - CARTAS RELATIVAS A SUS VIAJES Y DESCRUBIEMENTOS - TEXTOS EM ITALIANO, ESPANOL, INGLEZ. ESTUDIO PRELIMINAR DE ROBERTO LEVILLIER" (Primeiro Parágrafo do Artigo A "Editorial Nova" de Buenos Aires, acaba de publicar na sua "Biblioteca Americanista", todas as cartas atribuidas a Americo Vespucci, precedidas de um prefácio do ilustre historiador argentino professor dr. Roberto Levillier, personalidade esta bastante conhecida no nosso meio intelectual através do seu erudito trabalho América la bien llamada.

  17. Un Modelo Holístico de Competencia Docente para el Mundo Digital


    Esteve, Francesc; Castañeda, Linda; Adell Segura, Jordi


    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de competencia docente para el mundo digital que pretende superar algunas de las principales limitaciones de modelos previos, especialmente un concepto de competencia restrictivo, una visión de la acción docente reducida al aula y una perspectiva instrumentalista de la tecnología. El modelo, pensado para la enseñanza básica, describe a un docente generador de prácticas y contenidos pedagógicos digitales, práctico-reflexivo aumentad...

  18. De novo assembly of highly diverse viral populations

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    Yang Xiao


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Extensive genetic diversity in viral populations within infected hosts and the divergence of variants from existing reference genomes impede the analysis of deep viral sequencing data. A de novo population consensus assembly is valuable both as a single linear representation of the population and as a backbone on which intra-host variants can be accurately mapped. The availability of consensus assemblies and robustly mapped variants are crucial to the genetic study of viral disease progression, transmission dynamics, and viral evolution. Existing de novo assembly techniques fail to robustly assemble ultra-deep sequence data from genetically heterogeneous populations such as viruses into full-length genomes due to the presence of extensive genetic variability, contaminants, and variable sequence coverage. Results We present VICUNA, a de novo assembly algorithm suitable for generating consensus assemblies from genetically heterogeneous populations. We demonstrate its effectiveness on Dengue, Human Immunodeficiency and West Nile viral populations, representing a range of intra-host diversity. Compared to state-of-the-art assemblers designed for haploid or diploid systems, VICUNA recovers full-length consensus and captures insertion/deletion polymorphisms in diverse samples. Final assemblies maintain a high base calling accuracy. VICUNA program is publicly available at: viral-genomics-analysis-software. Conclusions We developed VICUNA, a publicly available software tool, that enables consensus assembly of ultra-deep sequence derived from diverse viral populations. While VICUNA was developed for the analysis of viral populations, its application to other heterogeneous sequence data sets such as metagenomic or tumor cell population samples may prove beneficial in these fields of research.

  19. El tema del viaje al mundo de los muertos en la Odisea y su tradición en la literatura occidental


    Linares Sánchez, Jorge Juan


    En el presente trabajo analizamos el tema del viaje al mundo de los muertos en la Odisea (la Nékyia del canto XI y la Deuteronékyia en el canto XXIV) y su pervivencia en las diferentes etapas de la literatura occidental, desde la Antigüedad clásica hasta la Edad Contemporánea. Metodología Nuestro trabajo combina el método filológico y el comparativo. Examinamos múltiples reelaboraciones sobre el viaje al mundo de los muertos a fin de identificar los diversos procedimientos mediante los que el...

  20. Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment Program, Comprehensive Installation Plan - WYDOT CV Pilot (United States)


    The Wyoming Department of Transportation's (WYDOT) Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Deployment Program is intended to develop a suite of applications that utilize vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology to re...

  1. Analisis Pengaruh Kemampuan, Usaha dan Dukungan Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada CV Sandang Gloria Konveksindo


    Logahan, Jerry; Sari, Synthia Atas; Marisa, Dian


    Clothing Konveksindo CV Gloria is a trading company engaged in the sale of products and clothing items. Therefore, the performance of employees is very important in achieving that goal. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of ability, effort, and support the company towards the employee's performance CV Gloria Konveksindo Clothing. The method of analysis used in this study is descriptive, Pearson Regression, and Multiple Regression. Data obtained from the appraisal of employ...

  2. El campo de la comunicación y la actividad linguística en el mundo del trabajo

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    Roseli Figaro


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, discutimos as pesquisas sobre a comunicação real no espaço de sociabilidade do mundo do trabalho. Estudamos a atividade linguageira, ou a vida verbal no e sobre o trabalho. Os conceitos mobilizados dizem respeito à centralidade da categoria trabalho, principalmente, no que tange a entendê-la como adensada dos processos de comunicação. As pesquisas têm sido realizadas com a triangulação de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, conforme explicam Denzin e Lincoln (2006, para explorar visões concorrentes dos contextos de investigação. Os resultados revelam as contradições entre a comunicação oficial das organizações e a comunicação do mundo do trabalho.

  3. Efeito de reguladores de crescimento em uva apirênica, cv. BRS Clara Effect of growth regulators on the seedless grape cv. BRS Clara

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    Jair Costa Nachtigal


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes concentrações do ácido giberélico (AG3, do thidiazuron (TDZ e do forchlorfenuron (CPPU no aumento do tamanho dos cachos e das bagas e no teor de sólidos solúveis totais de uva sem semente, cv. BRS Clara. As plantas foram conduzidas no sistema de latada, sobre o porta-enxerto IAC 572, no espaçamento 2,5 x 2,0m e com irrigação por microaspersão. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, da Embrapa Uva e Vinho, em Jales-SP. Os reguladores de crescimento foram aplicados via pulverização localizada no cacho, utilizando-se de concentrações de 0 a 4mg.L-1 de CPPU; 0 a 10mg.L-1 de TDZ, e de 0 a 90mg.L-1 de AG3, isolados ou em conjunto. De modo geral, a aplicação dos reguladores de crescimento promove a melhoria da qualidade dos cachos da cv. BRS Clara; o uso do TDZ e do CPPU em conjunto com o AG3 produz um efeito sinérgico, proporcionando melhor resposta do que o uso isolado do AG3; os tratamentos com 60mg.L-1 de AG3; 20mg.L-1 de AG3 + 4mg.L-1 de CPPU, e 10mg.L-1 de AG3 + 5mg.L-1 de TDZ proporcionam os melhores resultados para o aumento do diâmetro das bagas; a aplicação de AG3 antes da floração da cv. BRS Clara provoca abortamento excessivo, reduzindo a qualidade comercial dos cachos; a utilização de concentrações elevadas dos reguladores reduz o teor de sólidos solúveis totais.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (AG3, thidiazuron (TDZ and forchlorfenuron (CPPU on the size of bunches and berries and on the total soluble solids content, when applied in different concentrations on the seedless grapes, cv. BRS Clara. The grapevines were grafted on the rootstock IAC 572, trained in the pergola system and, spaced 2.5 x 2.0m and irrigated by micro sprinklers. The experiments were carried out at the Embrapa Grape and Wine Experimental

  4. O vencedor leva tudo: a corrida chinesa por recursos e seu significado para o mundo

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    Glauco Leonardo Evangelista Guimarães


    Full Text Available Book Review: MOYO, Dambisa – O vencedor leva tudo: a corrida chinesa por recursos e seu significado para o mundo. Tradução Cássio de Arantes Leite. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2013. 255p. Traduzido do original Winner Take All (New York: Basic Books, 2012. ISBN 978-85-390-0480-5.

  5. Hans Kelsen, estado de exceção e Copa do Mundo no Brasil

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    Andityas Soares de Moura Costa Matos


    Full Text Available RESUMEN. Este trabajo presenta la situación de excepción económica creada en Brasil al hilo de la realización de los llamados “grandes eventos”, en particular la Copa del Mundo de 2014, que ha registrado la suspensión de diversos derechos y garantías fundamentales del derecho brasileño con objeto de garantizar la explotación económica monopólica del evento por la FIFA. El marco teórico del artículo se basa en la Teoría Pura del Derecho de Kelsen, que al ejemplificar una teoría del derecho de la normalidad, en la que la excepción no tiene espacio, sirve perfectamente de contra-paradigma para analizar el escenario político-legal autoritario que se ha introducido en Brasil, el cual se aborda brevemente a través del análisis de parte de la legislación de excepción que actúa como garante de la Copa del Mundo.. ABSTRACT. This article intends to analyze the situation of economic exception established in Brazil for the accomplishment of the so-called “mega events”, specially the 2014 World Cup, when many rights and guarantees foreseen in the Brazilian legal system were suspended with the purpose of guaranteeing FIFA’s monopolistic economic exploitation at the event. The work’s theoretical framework has its basis in Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law, which, as an example of a legal theory of normality, where the exception has no room, perfectly suits as an inverted paradigm for the authoritarian political-legal scenario established in Brazil, the latter being briefly presented through the analysis of part of the exceptional legislation approved to ensure the World Cup. RESUMO. O presente artigo pretende analisar a situação de exceção econômica instaurada no Brasil para a realização dos chamados “megaeventos”, em especial a Copa do Mundo de 2014, quando diversos direitos e garantias fundamentais do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro foram suspensos com o objetivo de garantir a exploração econômica monopolística do

  6. A Low Cost C8051F006 SoC-Based Quasi-Static C-V Meter for Characterizing Semiconductor Devices

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    Khairurrijal Khairurrijal


    Full Text Available Based on a C8051F006 SoC (system on-a-chip, a simple and low cost quasi-static capacitance-voltage (C-V meter was designed and developed to obtain C-V characteristics of semiconductor devices. The developed C-V meter consists of a capacitance meter, a programmable voltage source, a C8051F006 SoC-based slave controller, and a personal computer (PC as a master controller. The communication between the master and slave controllers is facilitated by the RS 232 serial communication. The accuracy of the C-V meter was guaranteed by the calibration functions, which are employed by the program in the PC and obtained through the calibration processes of analog to digital converter (ADC, digital to analog converters (DACs of the C8051F006 SoC, and the programmable voltage source. Examining 33-pF and 1000-pF capacitors as well three different p-n junction diodes, it was found that the capacitances of common capacitors are in the range of specified values and typical C-V curves of p-n junction diodes are achieved.

  7. A glance at quality score: implication for de novo transcriptome reconstruction of Illumina reads

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    Stanley Kimbung Mbandi


    Full Text Available Downstream analyses of short-reads from next-generation sequencing platforms are often preceded by a pre-processing step that removes uncalled and wrongly called bases. Standard approaches rely on their associated base quality scores to retain the read or a portion of it when the score is above a predefined threshold. It is difficult to differentiate sequencing error from biological variation without a reference using quality scores. The effects of quality score based trimming have not been systematically studied in de novo transcriptome assembly. Using RNA-Seq data produced from Illumina, we teased out the effects of quality score base filtering or trimming on de novo transcriptome reconstruction. We showed that assemblies produced from reads subjected to different quality score thresholds contain truncated and missing transfrags when compared to those from untrimmed reads. Our data supports the fact that de novo assembling of untrimmed data is challenging for de Bruijn graph assemblers. However, our results indicates that comparing the assemblies from untrimmed and trimmed read subsets can suggest appropriate filtering parameters and enable selection of the optimum de novo transcriptome assembly in non-model organisms.

  8. Creando subjetividades laborales: implicaciones del discurso psicológico en el mundo del trabajo y las organizaciones

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    Verónica Andrade


    Full Text Available El presente documento tiene como propósito explorar aportes de la psicología crítica al entendimiento de las dinámicas que se mueven en el mundo del trabajo y las organizaciones, y algunas críticas que esta aporta a la psicología organizacional y del trabajo moderna. Para tal fin, se plantean algunos elementos conceptuales de base para clarificar la acepción al respecto del concepto subjetividad y las implicaciones de la psicología crítica; igualmente se exponen algunas reflexiones que explicitan las formas en que el discurso psicológico -reflejado además en prácticas- está embebido en el mundo del trabajo y las organizaciones, y que en gran medida contribuye a construir las subjetividades de personas que trabajan, y las relaciones que se establecen al interior de las organizaciones de trabajo.

  9. Cibercultura, ciberciudad, cibersociedad. Hacia la construcción de mundos posibles en nuevas metáforas conceptuales

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    Jesús Galindo Cáceres


    Full Text Available En este artículo se reflexiona sobre las nuevas formas de sociabilidad, las modificaciones en la percepción espacio-temporal, las reconfiguraciones territoriales que la nueva estructuración de la información impone. Se trata del pasaje de sociedades informáticas y de las de comunicación hacia las cibersociedades, caracterizadas por un tipo de organización de la información horizontal, que supone un aprovechamiento múltiple del espacio virtual, y de las posibilidades de interacción y de interconexión entre los sujetos. Estas cibersociedades y ciberculturas introducen una mudanza en las formas de actuar y de percibir lo social: horizontal, multinteractiva, y expansiva. Alejado del esquema vertical, las nuevas ecologías y sociabilidades invitan a transformar e l mundo real a través del mundo virtual.

  10. Escola, mundo vivido e blogosfera : a aprend?ncia no contexto dos blogs educativos


    Silva, Claudia Bene Batista da


    No contexto de um tempo marcado pelas interrela??es entre a mente (cogni??o), o uso e resignifica??o da informa??o (conhecimento) e o ciberespa?o (cultura digital), a educa??o ? conduzida a empreender processos de ensino-aprendizagem (aprend?ncia) cada vez mais condizentes com a fase hist?rica da sociedade em rede. Diante disso, esta pesquisa investigou o fen?meno da aprend?ncia (ensinaraprender/ aprender-ensinar) a partir dos blogs educativos no contexto do mundo vivido esc...

  11. Cherry Picking Robot Vision Recognition System Based on OpenCV

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    Zhang Qi Rong


    Full Text Available Through OpenCV function, the cherry in a natural environment image after image preprocessing, color recognition, threshold segmentation, morphological filtering, edge detection, circle Hough transform, you can draw the cherry’s center and circular contour, to carry out the purpose of the machine picking. The system is simple and effective.

  12. Felipe II, la Ciencia y el Nuevo Mundo

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    Álvarez Peláez, Raquel


    Full Text Available During the XVIth Century the Spanish science reached a great development, especially in some fields like that of navigation, mining, natural history, etc. The discovery of the New World was an essential factor in the impulse of that scientific development, that favored and stimulated by Felipe II, was bindered also during their reign, in great measure due to the burden religious, economic and political problems that thought about in those years.

    A lo largo del siglo XVI la ciencia española alcanzó un gran desarrollo, especialmente en algunos campos como el de la navegación, la minería, la historia natural, etc. El descubrimiento del Nuevo Mundo fue factor esencial en el impulso de ese desarrollo científico, que favorecido y estimulado por Felipe II, fue también dificultado durante su reinado, en gran medida debido a los graves problemas religiosos, económicos y políticos que se plantearon en esos años.

  13. Special Section: Paperless text: Digital Storytelling in Latin America and Spain (1976-2016): “Entre Mundos/Between Worlds:” Digital Stories of Salvadoran Transnational Migration


    Ana Patricia Rodríguez


    In the Spring 2014, I developed a digital storytelling project with my students, titled “Entre Mundos/Between Worlds: Digital Stories of Salvadoran Transnational Migration,” comprising thirty-five digital stories on various aspects of Salvadoran transnational migration flows and community formations in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. By invitation, “Entre Mundos/Between Worlds” was presented live and live streamed from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Ind...



    Elena de la Paz Hernández Águila


    En este trabajo se discute sobre tres tendencias recientes en el mundo empresarial, la presencia de una mayor cantidad de mujeres, la conformación de organizaciones de apoyo a su actividad laboral y la construcción de un nuevo perfil de las empresarias. La problemática se enfoca en cómo el incremento de mujeres en la actividad empresarial no se ha visto reflejado en un mejor posicionamiento de ellas en la dirección de las organizaciones tradicionales del sector, a la vez que también se detect...

  15. Efficient assembly of de novo human artificial chromosomes from large genomic loci

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stromberg Gregory


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Human Artificial Chromosomes (HACs are potentially useful vectors for gene transfer studies and for functional annotation of the genome because of their suitability for cloning, manipulating and transferring large segments of the genome. However, development of HACs for the transfer of large genomic loci into mammalian cells has been limited by difficulties in manipulating high-molecular weight DNA, as well as by the low overall frequencies of de novo HAC formation. Indeed, to date, only a small number of large (>100 kb genomic loci have been reported to be successfully packaged into de novo HACs. Results We have developed novel methodologies to enable efficient assembly of HAC vectors containing any genomic locus of interest. We report here the creation of a novel, bimolecular system based on bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs for the construction of HACs incorporating any defined genomic region. We have utilized this vector system to rapidly design, construct and validate multiple de novo HACs containing large (100–200 kb genomic loci including therapeutically significant genes for human growth hormone (HGH, polycystic kidney disease (PKD1 and ß-globin. We report significant differences in the ability of different genomic loci to support de novo HAC formation, suggesting possible effects of cis-acting genomic elements. Finally, as a proof of principle, we have observed sustained ß-globin gene expression from HACs incorporating the entire 200 kb ß-globin genomic locus for over 90 days in the absence of selection. Conclusion Taken together, these results are significant for the development of HAC vector technology, as they enable high-throughput assembly and functional validation of HACs containing any large genomic locus. We have evaluated the impact of different genomic loci on the frequency of HAC formation and identified segments of genomic DNA that appear to facilitate de novo HAC formation. These genomic loci

  16. CvADH1, a member of short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase family, is inducible by gibberellin and sucrose in developing watermelon seeds. (United States)

    Kim, Joonyul; Kang, Hong-Gyu; Jun, Sung-Hoon; Lee, Jinwon; Yim, Jieun; An, Gynheung


    To understand the molecular mechanisms that control seed formation, we selected a seed-preferential gene (CvADH1) from the ESTs of developing watermelon seeds. RNA blot analysis and in situ localization showed that CvADH1 was preferentially expressed in the nucellar tissue. The CvADH1 protein shared about 50% homology with short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase including ABA2 in Arabidopsis thaliana, stem secoisolariciresinol dehydrogenase in Forsythia intermedia, and 3beta-hydroxysterol dehydrogenase in Digitalis lanata. We investigated gene-expression levels in seeds from both normally pollinated fruits and those made parthenocarpic via N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N'-phenylurea treatment, the latter of which lack zygotic tissues. Whereas the transcripts of CvADH1 rapidly started to accumulate from about the pre-heart stage in normal seeds, they were not detectable in the parthenocarpic seeds. Treating the parthenogenic fruit with GA(3) strongly induced gene expression, up to the level accumulated in pollinated seeds. These results suggest that the CvADH1 gene is induced in maternal tissues by signals made in the zygotic tissues, and that gibberellin might be one of those signals. We also observed that CvADH1 expression was induced by sucrose in the parthenocarpic seeds. Therefore, we propose that the CvADH1 gene is inducible by gibberellin, and that sucrose plays an important role in the maternal tissues of watermelon during early seed development.

  17. De novo synthesis of milk triglycerides in humans (United States)

    Mammary gland (MG) de novo lipogenesis contributes significantly to milk fat in animals but little is known in humans. Objective: To test the hypothesis that the incorporation of 13C carbons from [U-13C]glucose into fatty acids (FA) and glycerol in triglycerides (TG) will be greater: 1) in milk tha...

  18. Camera calibration method of binocular stereo vision based on OpenCV (United States)

    Zhong, Wanzhen; Dong, Xiaona


    Camera calibration, an important part of the binocular stereo vision research, is the essential foundation of 3D reconstruction of the spatial object. In this paper, the camera calibration method based on OpenCV (open source computer vision library) is submitted to make the process better as a result of obtaining higher precision and efficiency. First, the camera model in OpenCV and an algorithm of camera calibration are presented, especially considering the influence of camera lens radial distortion and decentering distortion. Then, camera calibration procedure is designed to compute those parameters of camera and calculate calibration errors. High-accurate profile extraction algorithm and a checkboard with 48 corners have also been used in this part. Finally, results of calibration program are presented, demonstrating the high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed approach. The results can reach the requirement of robot binocular stereo vision.

  19. Slurry sampling in serum blood for mercury determination by CV-AFS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aranda, Pedro R.; Gil, Raul A.; Moyano, Susana; De Vito, Irma; Martinez, Luis D.


    The heavy metal mercury (Hg) is a neurotoxin known to have a serious health impact even at relatively low concentrations. A slurry method was developed for the sensitive and precise determination of mercury in human serum blood samples by cold vapor generation coupled to atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CV-AFS). All variables related to the slurry formation were studied. The optimal hydrochloric concentration and tin(II) chloride concentration for CV generation were evaluated. Calibration within the range 0.1-10 μg L -1 Hg was performed with the standard addition method, and compared with an external calibration. Additionally, the reliability of the results obtained was evaluated by analyzing mercury in the same samples, but submitted to microwave-assisted digestion method. The limit of detection was calculated as 25 ng L -1 and the relative standard deviation was 3.9% at levels around of 0.4 μg L -1 Hg

  20. Sim4CV: A Photo-Realistic Simulator for Computer Vision Applications

    KAUST Repository

    Müller, Matthias


    We present a photo-realistic training and evaluation simulator (Sim4CV) ( with extensive applications across various fields of computer vision. Built on top of the Unreal Engine, the simulator integrates full featured physics based cars, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and animated human actors in diverse urban and suburban 3D environments. We demonstrate the versatility of the simulator with two case studies: autonomous UAV-based tracking of moving objects and autonomous driving using supervised learning. The simulator fully integrates both several state-of-the-art tracking algorithms with a benchmark evaluation tool and a deep neural network architecture for training vehicles to drive autonomously. It generates synthetic photo-realistic datasets with automatic ground truth annotations to easily extend existing real-world datasets and provides extensive synthetic data variety through its ability to reconfigure synthetic worlds on the fly using an automatic world generation tool.

  1. 76 FR 68767 - Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; De Novo Classification... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration [Docket No. FDA-2011-D-0689] Draft Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; De Novo Classification Process... for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff; De Novo Classification Process (Evaluation of...

  2. Anatomical changes on coffee leaves infected by Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucas Mateus Rivero Rodrigues


    Full Text Available ABSTRACTAlthough poorly studied, the bacterial halo blight is an important disease in the major coffee-producing states of Brazil. External damage and anatomical changes on leaves were measured in seedlings of Coffea arabica cv. Mundo Novo, susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae pv. garcae, by using histological sections obtained at 10 and 20 days after inoculation (DAI. The changes on the epidermis were smaller than the lesions measured in the mesophyll, irrespective of the evaluated colonization period, showing that the internal damage caused by the bacterium represent twice the damage observed externally. From the inoculation site, lysis occurred on the epidermal cells and on the palisade and spongy parenchyma cells, with strong staining of their cellular contents, as well as abnormal intercellular spaces in the palisade parenchyma, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mesophyll cells and partial destruction of chloroplasts. Additionally, this study revealed the presence of inclusion bodies in epidermal and mesophyll cells. Bacterial masses were found in the apoplast between and within mesophyll cells. Bacteria were also observed in the bundle sheath and vascular bundles and were more pronounced at 20 DAI, not only near the inoculation site but also in distant areas, suggesting displacement through the vascular system. These results can be useful to understand this plant-pathogen interaction.

  3. Canine Circovirus 1 (CaCV-1) and Canine Parvovirus 2 (CPV-2): Recurrent Dual Infections in a Papillon Breeding Colony. (United States)

    Thaiwong, T; Wise, A G; Maes, R K; Mullaney, T; Kiupel, M


    Recurrent outbreaks of sudden death and bloody diarrhea were reported in March 2013 and February 2014 in a breeding colony of Papillon dogs. During the first outbreak, 1 adult dog and 2 eight-month-old puppies died. During the second outbreak, 2 ten-week-old puppies died. One puppy from the first outbreak and 2 puppies from the second outbreak were examined at necropsy. Histologically, all 3 puppies had severe segmental crypt necrosis of the small intestine and marked lymphoid follicle depletion in the spleen and Peyer's patches. Real-time (RT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) demonstrated abundant canine parvovirus (CPV-2) DNA (Ctcanine circovirus 1 (CaCV-1). Very high levels of CaCV-1 DNA (Ct<13) were detected in small intestine, lymph nodes, and spleen. In situ hybridization for CaCV-1 detected rare positive nuclei of regenerating crypt epithelium but abundant amounts of CaCV-1 nucleic acid in the cytoplasm and nuclei of histiocytes in all lymphoid tissues, including granulomatous inflammatory foci and hepatic Kupffer cells. Significant levels of CaCV-1 DNA were detected in blood and serum (Ct as low as 13) but not feces from 3 surviving dogs at 2 months or 1 year after the outbreak, respectively. We hypothesize that CPV-2 infection predisposed dogs to CaCV-1 infection and ultimately resulted in more severe clinical disease. © The Author(s) 2016.

  4. De novo insertions and deletions of predominantly paternal origin are associated with autism spectrum disorder (United States)

    Dong, Shan; Walker, Michael F.; Carriero, Nicholas J.; DiCola, Michael; Willsey, A. Jeremy; Ye, Adam Y.; Waqar, Zainulabedin; Gonzalez, Luis E.; Overton, John D.; Frahm, Stephanie; Keaney, John F.; Teran, Nicole A.; Dea, Jeanselle; Mandell, Jeffrey D.; Bal, Vanessa Hus; Sullivan, Catherine A.; DiLullo, Nicholas M.; Khalil, Rehab O.; Gockley, Jake; Yuksel, Zafer; Sertel, Sinem M.; Ercan-Sencicek, A. Gulhan; Gupta, Abha R.; Mane, Shrikant M.; Sheldon, Michael; Brooks, Andrew I.; Roeder, Kathryn; Devlin, Bernie; State, Matthew W.; Wei, Liping; Sanders, Stephan J.


    SUMMARY Whole-exome sequencing (WES) studies have demonstrated the contribution of de novo loss-of-function single nucleotide variants to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). However, challenges in the reliable detection of de novo insertions and deletions (indels) have limited inclusion of these variants in prior analyses. Through the application of a robust indel detection method to WES data from 787 ASD families (2,963 individuals), we demonstrate that de novo frameshift indels contribute to ASD risk (OR=1.6; 95%CI=1.0-2.7; p=0.03), are more common in female probands (p=0.02), are enriched among genes encoding FMRP targets (p=6×10−9), and arise predominantly on the paternal chromosome (p<0.001). Based on mutation rates in probands versus unaffected siblings, de novo frameshift indels contribute to risk in approximately 3.0% of individuals with ASD. Finally, through observing clustering of mutations in unrelated probands, we report two novel ASD-associated genes: KMT2E (MLL5), a chromatin regulator, and RIMS1, a regulator of synaptic vesicle release. PMID:25284784

  5. OpenCV 3.0 computer vision with Java

    CERN Document Server

    Baggio, Daniel Lélis


    If you are a Java developer, student, researcher, or hobbyist wanting to create computer vision applications in Java then this book is for you. If you are an experienced C/C++ developer who is used to working with OpenCV, you will also find this book very useful for migrating your applications to Java. All you need is basic knowledge of Java, with no prior understanding of computer vision required, as this book will give you clear explanations and examples of the basics.

  6. De novo-based transcriptome profiling of male-sterile and fertile watermelon lines. (United States)

    Rhee, Sun-Ju; Kwon, Taehyung; Seo, Minseok; Jang, Yoon Jeong; Sim, Tae Yong; Cho, Seoae; Han, Sang-Wook; Lee, Gung Pyo


    The whole-genome sequence of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai), a valuable horticultural crop worldwide, was released in 2013. Here, we compared a de novo-based approach (DBA) to a reference-based approach (RBA) using RNA-seq data, to aid in efforts to improve the annotation of the watermelon reference genome and to obtain biological insight into male-sterility in watermelon. We applied these techniques to available data from two watermelon lines: the male-sterile line DAH3615-MS and the male-fertile line DAH3615. Using DBA, we newly annotated 855 watermelon transcripts, and found gene functional clusters predicted to be related to stimulus responses, nucleic acid binding, transmembrane transport, homeostasis, and Golgi/vesicles. Among the DBA-annotated transcripts, 138 de novo-exclusive differentially-expressed genes (DEDEGs) related to male sterility were detected. Out of 33 randomly selected newly annotated transcripts and DEDEGs, 32 were validated by RT-qPCR. This study demonstrates the usefulness and reliability of the de novo transcriptome assembly in watermelon, and provides new insights for researchers exploring transcriptional blueprints with regard to the male sterility.


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    Renata Okrajšek


    Full Text Available Background. The treatment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS with ST-segment elevation with primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA is the best way to treat these patients. Primary PTCA is also practicable with patients who are admitted into institution without catheter laboratory. The transport of patients into the tertiary institution is safe, but it is important to keep the time of ischemia as short as possible and to reach the time interval of door-balloon as recommended by the guidelines. The ACS patients with ST-segment elevation that were directed into General Hospital Novo mesto after examination at the internistic emergency department have been redirected to KC Ljubljana for realization of PTCA since October 2001.Methods. A prospective analysis of patients with ACS with STsegment elevation, who had been transferred from General Hospital Novo mesto to KC Ljubljana in the period from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 to have a primary PTCA, was performed. The analysis comprised the following: the time interval of handling the patients at Internistic department of General Hospital Novo mesto, the time of transport of patients to Ljubljana and total time interval from the arrival of patients to General Hospital Novo mesto to the first inflation of balloon in Ljubljana. We monitored the complications that occurred during the treatment of the patients.Results. In the above mentioned period 29 patients (24 males and 5 females were transported from the General Hospital Novo mesto to the KC Ljubljana to have a primary PTCA performed. The total time interval measured between the patients’ arrival to General Hospital Novo mesto to the first inflation of balloon in Ljubljana in the year 2002 was 145 minutes, which is 17 minutes better than in the previous period. The time interval recommended by the guidelines was achieved with four patients.Conclusions. By recognizing the problems that had encountered with directing the

  8. Illumina-based de novo transcriptome sequencing and analysis

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    In the present study, we used Illumina HiSeq technology to perform de novo assembly of heart and musk gland transcriptomes from the Chinese forest musk deer. A total of 239,383 transcripts and 176,450 unigenes were obtained, of which 37,329 unigenes were matched to known sequences in the NCBI nonredundant ...

  9. Caracterización de la comunidad vegetal en una asociación de gramíneas mejoradas y Leucaena leucocephala cv.: Cunningham Characterization of the plant community in an association of improved grasses and Leucaena leucocephala cv.: Cunningham

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tania Sánchez


    Full Text Available En una vaquería de la Empresa Genética de Matanzas se realizó un estudio durante cinco años, con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento de la comunidad vegetal en una asociación de gramíneas mejoradas y Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham en condiciones comerciales. Se determinó la composición botánica del pastizal, la densidad de arbóreas, la disponibilidad de materia seca y los contenidos de MS, PB, Ca y P de las especies presentes en el sistema. La composición botánica del pastizal se caracterizó por un porcentaje de pastos mejorados superior al 50%, con predominio de Cynodon nlemfuensis cv. Jamaicano y Panicum maximum cv. Likoni; mientras que la leucaena mantuvo la densidad de plantas, como una adaptación a las condiciones del sistema. La disponibilidad de materia seca total fue superior a las 3 t/ha/rotación durante la etapa experimental. Se concluye que en la asociación de gramíneas mejoradas y L. leucocephala cv. Cunningham se presentó una alta disponibilidad de materia seca y persistencia del pastizal durante los cinco años del estudio, con valores de PB en las gramíneas mejoradas de 9,6-9,8% y en la leucaena de 25%, sin la aplicación de riego ni fertilizantes químicos, lo cual permitió atenuar las diferencias entre los períodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso.In a dairy of the Genetic Enterprise of Matanzas, a work was carried out for five years, with the objective of characterizing the performance of the plant community in an association of improved grasses and Leucaena leucocephala cv Cunningham under commercial conditions. The botanical composition of the pastureland, tree density, dry matter availability and DM, CP, Ca and P contents of the species present in the system were determined. The botanical composition of the pastureland was characterized by a percentage of improved pastures higher than 50%, with predominance of Cynodon nlemfuensis cv. Jamaicano and Panicum maximum cv. Likoni; while leucaena





    El objetivo de este documento es determinar los canales de transmisión de la crisis europea hacia los países del Tercer Mundo. El trabajo examina la forma en que la crisis de la deuda soberana se propagó por el sector financiero, a través de la mayor volatilidad de la rentabilidad de los activos. Lo cual se debió a una mayor variación de sus precios, lo que tuvo efectos sobre el patrimonio neto de los agentes económicos, los ingresos, la demanda agregada y la asignación del crédito, así como ...

  11. De novo biosynthesis of anthocyanins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (United States)

    Eichenberger, Michael; Hansson, Anders; Fischer, David; Dürr, Lara; Naesby, Michael


    Anthocyanins (ACNs) are plant secondary metabolites responsible for most of the red, purple and blue colors of flowers, fruits and vegetables. They are increasingly used in the food and beverage industry as natural alternative to artificial colorants. Production of these compounds by fermentation of microorganisms would provide an attractive alternative. In this study, Saccharomyces cerevisiae was engineered for de novo production of the three basic anthocyanins, as well as the three main trans-flavan-3-ols. Enzymes from different plant sources were screened and efficient variants found for most steps of the biosynthetic pathway. However, the anthocyanidin synthase was identified as a major obstacle to efficient production. In yeast, this enzyme converts the majority of its natural substrates leucoanthocyanidins into the off-pathway flavonols. Nonetheless, de novo biosynthesis of ACNs was shown for the first time in yeast and for the first time in a single microorganism. It provides a framework for optimizing the activity of anthocyanidin synthase and represents an important step towards sustainable industrial production of these highly relevant molecules in yeast.

  12. Virtude, trabalho e riqueza: a concepção de sociedade civil em Benjamin Franklin


    Ana Maria Brito Sanches


    Neste trabalho examinamos a concepção de sociedade civil no pensamento social e político de Benjamin Franklin, cujas idéias exerceram grande influência na formação da mentalidade do homem do Novo Mundo. Essa mentalidade inaugura um novo modo de conceber a vida em sociedade, exaltando tudo o que se opõe aos valores da velha ordem. Contra o princípio da honra, os títulos de nobreza e a posição social dos indivíduos, ela exalta a virtude republicana, celebra o trabalho e reclama o respeito à dig...

  13. Cyberbullying in "Diário de Notícias"


    Azevedo, Patrícia


    Os novos média vieram transformar o mundo comunicacional. Hoje comunicar está ao alcance de um telefonema ou de um clic. As TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) ocupam um lugar central da informação e de comunicação na sociedade ocidental, o que permite o nascimento de um novo modelo comunicacional. São cada vez mais os jovens que se adaptam com facilidade a estas tecnologias sem, por vezes conhecerem os perigos que correm. Assim fenómenos como o Cyberbullying começam a surgir e a...

  14. Os carros eléctricos vêm para ficar?


    Garcia, Ricardo


    No último triénio, o grupo Renault-Nissan colocou quase sete milhões de automóveis novos por ano a circular pelas ruas e estradas de todo o mundo. Em 2010, porém, todas as atenções estarão concentradas sobre uma minúscula fatia de 50 mil carros, de um dos dois construtores. Serão as primeiras unidades de um modelo novo da Nissan, o Leaf, um carro silencioso e não poluente, que só precisa de uma fi cha de electricidade para se abastecer. Não é um mero protót...

  15. Uridine monophosphate synthetase enables eukaryotic de novo NAD+ biosynthesis from quinolinic acid. (United States)

    McReynolds, Melanie R; Wang, Wenqing; Holleran, Lauren M; Hanna-Rose, Wendy


    NAD + biosynthesis is an attractive and promising therapeutic target for influencing health span and obesity-related phenotypes as well as tumor growth. Full and effective use of this target for therapeutic benefit requires a complete understanding of NAD + biosynthetic pathways. Here, we report a previously unrecognized role for a conserved phosphoribosyltransferase in NAD + biosynthesis. Because a required quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRTase) is not encoded in its genome, Caenorhabditis elegans are reported to lack a de novo NAD + biosynthetic pathway. However, all the genes of the kynurenine pathway required for quinolinic acid (QA) production from tryptophan are present. Thus, we investigated the presence of de novo NAD + biosynthesis in this organism. By combining isotope-tracing and genetic experiments, we have demonstrated the presence of an intact de novo biosynthesis pathway for NAD + from tryptophan via QA, highlighting the functional conservation of this important biosynthetic activity. Supplementation with kynurenine pathway intermediates also boosted NAD + levels and partially reversed NAD + -dependent phenotypes caused by mutation of pnc-1 , which encodes a nicotinamidase required for NAD + salvage biosynthesis, demonstrating contribution of de novo synthesis to NAD + homeostasis. By investigating candidate phosphoribosyltransferase genes in the genome, we determined that the conserved uridine monophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase (UMPS), which acts in pyrimidine biosynthesis, is required for NAD + biosynthesis in place of the missing QPRTase. We suggest that similar underground metabolic activity of UMPS may function in other organisms. This mechanism for NAD + biosynthesis creates novel possibilities for manipulating NAD + biosynthetic pathways, which is key for the future of therapeutics. © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  16. Mundo tradicional y convalecencia metafísica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Ignacio Ibarra Ibarra


    Full Text Available La tradición tiene un amplio abordaje en la filosofía; en la definición de Aristóteles, por ejemplo, es reconocida como fuente de explicaciones cosmológicas y éticas. La edad media la identifica con la autoridad divina. El presente trabajo busca explorar la cuestión de la tradición, no solamente desde su genealogía histórica, sino vista como un conjunto de prácticas sociales y maneras de entender el mundo que sobreviven en un entorno complejo de tensión entre el laicismo y la vuelta del fundamentalismo religioso. Tradition has a very vast comprehensive approach in Philosophy; for example, in Aristotle definition is recognized as source of cosmological and ethical explanations. In the middle age it was identify as a divine authority. This essay seeks to explore the question about tradition, not only from its historical genealogy perspective but as well from the social practices and ways of understanding a world where there is a set of tension between secular environment and the return of fundamentalism in religion.

  17. Percepción social y creencia en el mundo justo. Un estudio con estudiantes argentinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Zubieta


    Full Text Available La Creencia en el Mundo Justo (CMJ desarrollada por Lerner (1965 plantea que los individuos necesitan creer que el mundo es un lugar justo para enfrentar su ambiente físico y social como algo ordenado y controlado. En el interés por aislar invariantes cognitivos, la tesis de la CMJ puede llevar a concluir que estas creencias responden a aspectos naturales, esenciales del ser humano, dejando de lado elementos sociales, culturales e ideológicos. El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación de la CMJ (Rubin & Peplau, 1973 con algunas variables sociales. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo correlacional con una muestra intencional de 349 alumnos y estudiantes de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados muestran que las medias en CMJ se incrementan con la edad, el nivel educativo, la educación de los padres y el capital cultural. No se encontraron diferencias con relación al sexo. El interés en profundizar el estudio de los sesgos cognitivos se basa también en resaltar algunos de sus tantos efectos como la derogación de la víctima a la hora de justificar comportamientos.

  18. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum cv. Nellie White) (United States)

    Conditions were optimized for transient transformation of Lilium longiflorum cv. Nellie White using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Bulb scale and basal meristem explants were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strain AGL1 containing the binary vector pCAMBIA 2301 which has the uidA gene that codes for ß-gl...

  19. Associations between Familial Rates of Psychiatric Disorders and De Novo Genetic Mutations in Autism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyleen Luhrs


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the confluence of genetic and familial risk factors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD with distinct de novo genetic events. We hypothesized that gene-disrupting mutations would be associated with reduced rates of familial psychiatric disorders relative to structural mutations. Participants included families of children with ASD in four groups: de novo duplication copy number variations (DUP, n=62, de novo deletion copy number variations (DEL, n=74, de novo likely gene-disrupting mutations (LGDM, n=267, and children without a known genetic etiology (NON, n=2111. Familial rates of psychiatric disorders were calculated from semistructured interviews. Results indicated overall increased rates of psychiatric disorders in DUP families compared to DEL and LGDM families, specific to paternal psychiatric histories, and particularly evident for depressive disorders. Higher rates of depressive disorders in maternal psychiatric histories were observed overall compared to paternal histories and higher rates of anxiety disorders were observed in paternal histories for LGDM families compared to DUP families. These findings support the notion of an additive contribution of genetic etiology and familial factors are associated with ASD risk and highlight critical need for continued work targeting these relationships.

  20. Sequencing and de novo assembly of 150 genomes from Denmark as a population reference

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maretty, Lasse; Jensen, Jacob Malte; Petersen, Bent


    Hundreds of thousands of human genomes are now being sequenced to characterize genetic variation and use this information to augment association mapping studies of complex disorders and other phenotypic traits. Genetic variation is identified mainly by mapping short reads to the reference genome......-coverage sequencing with mate-pair libraries extending up to 20 kilobases. We report de novo assemblies of 150 individuals (50 trios) from the GenomeDenmark project. The quality of these assemblies is similar to those obtained using the more expensive long-read technology. We use the assemblies to identify a rich set...... or by performing local assembly. However, these approaches are biased against discovery of structural variants and variation in the more complex parts of the genome. Hence, large-scale de novo assembly is needed. Here we show that it is possible to construct excellent de novo assemblies from high...

  1. Sequencing and de novo assembly of 150 genomes from Denmark as a population reference

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maretty, Lasse; Jensen, Jacob Malte; Petersen, Bent


    Hundreds of thousands of human genomes are now being sequenced to characterize genetic variation and use this information to augment association mapping studies of complex disorders and other phenotypic traits. Genetic variation is identified mainly by mapping short reads to the reference genome...... or by performing local assembly. However, these approaches are biased against discovery of structural variants and variation in the more complex parts of the genome. Hence, large-scale de novo assembly is needed. Here we show that it is possible to construct excellent de novo assemblies from high......-coverage sequencing with mate-pair libraries extending up to 20 kilobases. We report de novo assemblies of 150 individuals (50 trios) from the GenomeDenmark project. The quality of these assemblies is similar to those obtained using the more expensive long-read technology. We use the assemblies to identify a rich set...

  2. De novo synthesis of purine nucleotides in different fiber types of rat skeletal muscle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tullson, P.C.; John-Alder, H.; Hood, D.A.; Terjung, R.L.


    The contribution of de novo purine nucleotide synthesis to nucleotide metabolism in skeletal muscles is not known. The authors have determined rates of de novo synthesis in soleus (slow-twitch red), red gastrocnemius (fast-twitch red), and white gastrocnemius (fast-twitch white) using the perfused rat hindquarter. 14 C glycine incorporation into ATP was linear after 1 and 2 hours of perfusion with 0.2 mM added glycine. The intracellular (I) and extracellular (E) specific activity of 14 C glycine was determined by HPLC of phenylisothiocyanate derivatives of neutralized PCA extracts. The rates of de novo synthesis when expressed relative to muscle ATP content show slow and fast-twitch red muscles to be similar and about twice as great as fast-twitch white muscles. This could represent a greater turnover of the adenine nucleotide pool in more oxidative red muscle types


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    Maya Christina


    Full Text Available Employment remains the fundamental probel faced by many countries including Indonesia. One of the efforts the Government of Indonesia in extending employment opportunities is to develop the tourism sector. Bali is one of the potential tourist destinastions and it needs to be marketed. Cooperation between the Travel Bureau with the provider of the accommodation or hotel is one of the ways the potential market and the most instrumental in the development of the company, namely human resources required or called by labor. CV. CAN Tour and Travel is one of the tourist industry in Bali trip with a number of guest handling that quite a lot. This research aims to know the availability of labor needs resevartion in order CV. CAN Tour and Travel development and also to find out how the workforce qualification is required. Determination technique using the key informant that was labor reservation CV. CAN Tour and Travel, while the base of the informant was CV. CAN Tour and Travel Manager. Data analysis technique used is the analysis of workload and workforce needs analysis. The research results obtained indicate that shortage of time working as many as 210 minutes. So the manpower needed by CV. CAN Tour and Travel is two people with the fact that there is only 1 nowaday. It can be seen from the burden of the work done in a day’s work and the workforce absences. So labor needs on the Reservation Department is supposed to be 3 people, with 2 staff 1 reservations and ticketing staff. It was necessary increase manpower in the Labour Departmen’s Reservation in the reservation and also training to develop the ability to work.

  4. De novo point mutations in patients diagnosed with ataxic cerebral palsy. (United States)

    Parolin Schnekenberg, Ricardo; Perkins, Emma M; Miller, Jack W; Davies, Wayne I L; D'Adamo, Maria Cristina; Pessia, Mauro; Fawcett, Katherine A; Sims, David; Gillard, Elodie; Hudspith, Karl; Skehel, Paul; Williams, Jonathan; O'Regan, Mary; Jayawant, Sandeep; Jefferson, Rosalind; Hughes, Sarah; Lustenberger, Andrea; Ragoussis, Jiannis; Jackson, Mandy; Tucker, Stephen J; Németh, Andrea H


    Cerebral palsy is a sporadic disorder with multiple likely aetiologies, but frequently considered to be caused by birth asphyxia. Genetic investigations are rarely performed in patients with cerebral palsy and there is little proven evidence of genetic causes. As part of a large project investigating children with ataxia, we identified four patients in our cohort with a diagnosis of ataxic cerebral palsy. They were investigated using either targeted next generation sequencing or trio-based exome sequencing and were found to have mutations in three different genes, KCNC3, ITPR1 and SPTBN2. All the mutations were de novo and associated with increased paternal age. The mutations were shown to be pathogenic using a combination of bioinformatics analysis and in vitro model systems. This work is the first to report that the ataxic subtype of cerebral palsy can be caused by de novo dominant point mutations, which explains the sporadic nature of these cases. We conclude that at least some subtypes of cerebral palsy may be caused by de novo genetic mutations and patients with a clinical diagnosis of cerebral palsy should be genetically investigated before causation is ascribed to perinatal asphyxia or other aetiologies. © The Author (2015). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.

  5. Model-Based GUI Testing Using Uppaal at Novo Nordisk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    H. Hjort, Ulrik; Rasmussen, Jacob Illum; Larsen, Kim Guldstrand


    This paper details a collaboration between Aalborg University and Novo Nordiskin developing an automatic model-based test generation tool for system testing of the graphical user interface of a medical device on an embedded platform. The tool takes as input an UML Statemachine model and generates...

  6. Towards accurate de novo assembly for genomes with repeats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bucur, Doina


    De novo genome assemblers designed for short k-mer length or using short raw reads are unlikely to recover complex features of the underlying genome, such as repeats hundreds of bases long. We implement a stochastic machine-learning method which obtains accurate assemblies with repeats and

  7. Engineering and introduction of de novo disulphide bridges in ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The engineeringof de novo disulphide bridges has been explored as a means to increase the thermal stability of enzymes in the rationalmethod of protein engineering. In this study, Disulphide by Design software, homology modelling and moleculardynamics simulations were used to select appropriate amino acid pairs for ...

  8. Whybrow, Nicolas (2011, Art and the City

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    Sandra Guerreiro Dias


    Full Text Available Zygmunt Bauman escrevia em 1991 que, na pós‑modernidade, o novo flâneur ‘viajante‑jogador’ prefere a irremediável redundância ao jogo da sobrevivência, isto é, o divertimento consciente de si como jogo ‘maduro’ e ‘puro’ que olha o mundo como teatro e a vida como jogo. Em Não‑lugares: introdução a uma antropologia da sobremodernidade (2005, Augé sublinha a necessidade de conferir um sentido, “pela intensidade da experiência” (a performance, ao presente e aos “não‑lugares” do mundo, como cont...

  9. El simbolismo del piojo en el mundo andino. Boceto filológico

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    Marie-France Souffez


    Full Text Available El valor que se da al piojo varía  según los lugares y las culturas del mundo. En las zonas urbanas peruanas es  sinónimo de  suciedad y  pobreza. En las zonas rurales tradicionales andinas, nos parece estar asociado a la pobreza y a la riqueza, a la muerte y a la vida. Las modalidades-y los matices de expresión de estas asociaciones forman el objeto de nuestro estudio. El presente artículo desarrolla un análisis parcial del vocabulario quechua y aimara relacionado con este parásito.

  10. Diagnosis of Elevator Faults with LS-SVM Based on Optimization by K-CV

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    Zhou Wan


    Full Text Available Several common elevator malfunctions were diagnosed with a least square support vector machine (LS-SVM. After acquiring vibration signals of various elevator functions, their energy characteristics and time domain indicators were extracted by theoretically analyzing the optimal wavelet packet, in order to construct a feature vector of malfunctions for identifying causes of the malfunctions as input of LS-SVM. Meanwhile, parameters about LS-SVM were optimized by K-fold cross validation (K-CV. After diagnosing deviated elevator guide rail, deviated shape of guide shoe, abnormal running of tractor, erroneous rope groove of traction sheave, deviated guide wheel, and tension of wire rope, the results suggested that the LS-SVM based on K-CV optimization was one of effective methods for diagnosing elevator malfunctions.

  11. Effect of inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on yields and fodder value of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi in wheat cv. Sana mixture

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    Darko Uher


    Full Text Available Two year field trials (1999 - 2001 were performed to determine theinoculation seed winter pea and nitrogen top-dressing effect on number and active nodules of pea root and also on the green mass and dry matter yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and wheat cv. Sana mixture. Immediately before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was accomplished by the indigenous variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which belongs to the collection of Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (159 was determined on the inoculated variant as well as active nodule 144. Average mixture green mass yield were ranging from 24,65 t ha-1 (control up to 35,50 t ha-1 (inoculation. Total dry matter yields were ranging from 3,93 t ha-1 (control up to 5,66 t ha-1 (inoculation. Yields crude proteins pea in 2001 were ranging from 692 kg ha-1 (control up to 1058 kg ha-1 (inoculation and for wheat, those values ranged from 199 kg ha-1 (control up to 454 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing. Total crude proteins mixture yields were in range from 891 kg ha-1 (control up to 1360 kg ha-1 (inoculation.

  12. Mundo virtual 3D e internet das coisas para motivar mudança de comportamento saudável

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    Sgobbi, Fabiana


    Full Text Available A obesidade, atualmente, é um dos problemas mais importantes de Saúde Pública no Brasil e em diversos países no mundo porque pode ocasionar diversas doenças (cardíacas, diabetes, alteração nas taxas do colesterol e outras. O sucesso do tratamento das doenças crônicas, em especial a obesidade, depende fortemente da participação e envolvimento do indivíduo enquanto sujeito ativo de seu tratamento. O uso de mundos virtuais 3D foi estudado no presente trabalho como estratégia de apoio com vistas a oferecer ao usuário a sensação de “estar presente” num contexto especialmente preparado para promover a motivação e permitir a interação com objetos 3D. Estes elementos têm potencial para motivar e influenciar o indivíduo participante do programa. Este artigo relata um estudo que investigou o impacto da combinação de mundos virtuais 3D com Internet das Coisas e dispositivos móveis como elementos capazes de promover a motivação de sujeitos envolvidos em um programa de controle de obesidade. O trabalho foi apoiado na teoria da autodeterminação usando estratégias de motivação extrínseca, com vistas a alcançar mudança de comportamento e em consequência, ganhos em melhoria da saúde e qualidade de vida.

  13. Infant Mortality in Novo Hamburgo: Associated Factors and Cardiovascular Causes

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    Camila de Andrade Brum


    Full Text Available Background: Infant mortality has decreased in Brazil, but remains high as compared to that of other developing countries. In 2010, the Rio Grande do Sul state had the lowest infant mortality rate in Brazil. However, the municipality of Novo Hamburgo had the highest infant mortality rate in the Porto Alegre metropolitan region. Objective: To describe the causes of infant mortality in the municipality of Novo Hamburgo from 2007 to 2010, identifying which causes were related to heart diseases and if they were diagnosed in the prenatal period, and to assess the access to healthcare services. Methods: This study assessed infants of the municipality of Novo Hamburgo, who died, and whose data were collected from the infant death investigation records. Results: Of the 157 deaths in that period, 35.3% were reducible through diagnosis and early treatment, 25% were reducible through partnership with other sectors, 19.2% were non-preventable, 11.5% were reducible by means of appropriate pregnancy monitoring, 5.1% were reducible through appropriate delivery care, and 3.8% were ill defined. The major cause of death related to heart disease (13.4%, which was significantly associated with the variables ‘age at death’, ‘gestational age’ and ‘birth weight’. Regarding access to healthcare services, 60.9% of the pregnant women had a maximum of six prenatal visits. Conclusion: It is mandatory to enhance prenatal care and newborn care at hospitals and basic healthcare units to prevent infant mortality.

  14. Infant Mortality in Novo Hamburgo: Associated Factors and Cardiovascular Causes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brum, Camila de Andrade [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia (IC/FUC), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Stein, Airton Tetelbom [Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Grupo Hospitalar Conceição (GHC), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Pellanda, Lucia Campos, E-mail: [Instituto de Cardiologia/Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia (IC/FUC), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil); Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)


    Infant mortality has decreased in Brazil, but remains high as compared to that of other developing countries. In 2010, the Rio Grande do Sul state had the lowest infant mortality rate in Brazil. However, the municipality of Novo Hamburgo had the highest infant mortality rate in the Porto Alegre metropolitan region. To describe the causes of infant mortality in the municipality of Novo Hamburgo from 2007 to 2010, identifying which causes were related to heart diseases and if they were diagnosed in the prenatal period, and to assess the access to healthcare services. This study assessed infants of the municipality of Novo Hamburgo, who died, and whose data were collected from the infant death investigation records. Of the 157 deaths in that period, 35.3% were reducible through diagnosis and early treatment, 25% were reducible through partnership with other sectors, 19.2% were non-preventable, 11.5% were reducible by means of appropriate pregnancy monitoring, 5.1% were reducible through appropriate delivery care, and 3.8% were ill defined. The major cause of death related to heart disease (13.4%), which was significantly associated with the variables ‘age at death’, ‘gestational age’ and ‘birth weight’. Regarding access to healthcare services, 60.9% of the pregnant women had a maximum of six prenatal visits. It is mandatory to enhance prenatal care and newborn care at hospitals and basic healthcare units to prevent infant mortality.

  15. Infant Mortality in Novo Hamburgo: Associated Factors and Cardiovascular Causes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brum, Camila de Andrade; Stein, Airton Tetelbom; Pellanda, Lucia Campos


    Infant mortality has decreased in Brazil, but remains high as compared to that of other developing countries. In 2010, the Rio Grande do Sul state had the lowest infant mortality rate in Brazil. However, the municipality of Novo Hamburgo had the highest infant mortality rate in the Porto Alegre metropolitan region. To describe the causes of infant mortality in the municipality of Novo Hamburgo from 2007 to 2010, identifying which causes were related to heart diseases and if they were diagnosed in the prenatal period, and to assess the access to healthcare services. This study assessed infants of the municipality of Novo Hamburgo, who died, and whose data were collected from the infant death investigation records. Of the 157 deaths in that period, 35.3% were reducible through diagnosis and early treatment, 25% were reducible through partnership with other sectors, 19.2% were non-preventable, 11.5% were reducible by means of appropriate pregnancy monitoring, 5.1% were reducible through appropriate delivery care, and 3.8% were ill defined. The major cause of death related to heart disease (13.4%), which was significantly associated with the variables ‘age at death’, ‘gestational age’ and ‘birth weight’. Regarding access to healthcare services, 60.9% of the pregnant women had a maximum of six prenatal visits. It is mandatory to enhance prenatal care and newborn care at hospitals and basic healthcare units to prevent infant mortality

  16. Comparison of tracking algorithms implemented in OpenCV

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    Janku Peter


    Full Text Available Computer vision is very progressive and modern part of computer science. From scientific point of view, theoretical aspects of computer vision algorithms prevail in many papers and publications. The underlying theory is really important, but on the other hand, the final implementation of an algorithm significantly affects its performance and robustness. For this reason, this paper tries to compare real implementation of tracking algorithms (one part of computer vision problem, which can be found in the very popular library OpenCV. Moreover, the possibilities of optimizations are discussed.

  17. Heterologous aggregates promote de novo prion appearance via more than one mechanism.

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    Fatih Arslan


    Full Text Available Prions are self-perpetuating conformational variants of particular proteins. In yeast, prions cause heritable phenotypic traits. Most known yeast prions contain a glutamine (Q/asparagine (N-rich region in their prion domains. [PSI+], the prion form of Sup35, appears de novo at dramatically enhanced rates following transient overproduction of Sup35 in the presence of [PIN+], the prion form of Rnq1. Here, we establish the temporal de novo appearance of Sup35 aggregates during such overexpression in relation to other cellular proteins. Fluorescently-labeled Sup35 initially forms one or a few dots when overexpressed in [PIN+] cells. One of the dots is perivacuolar, colocalizes with the aggregated Rnq1 dot and grows into peripheral rings/lines, some of which also colocalize with Rnq1. Sup35 dots that are not near the vacuole do not always colocalize with Rnq1 and disappear by the time rings start to grow. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation failed to detect any interaction between Sup35-VN and Rnq1-VC in [PSI+][PIN+] cells. In contrast, all Sup35 aggregates, whether newly induced or in established [PSI+], completely colocalize with the molecular chaperones Hsp104, Sis1, Ssa1 and eukaryotic release factor Sup45. In the absence of [PIN+], overexpressed aggregating proteins such as the Q/N-rich Pin4C or the non-Q/N-rich Mod5 can also promote the de novo appearance of [PSI+]. Similar to Rnq1, overexpressed Pin4C transiently colocalizes with newly appearing Sup35 aggregates. However, no interaction was detected between Mod5 and Sup35 during [PSI+] induction in the absence of [PIN+]. While the colocalization of Sup35 and aggregates of Rnq1 or Pin4C are consistent with the model that the heterologous aggregates cross-seed the de novo appearance of [PSI+], the lack of interaction between Mod5 and Sup35 leaves open the possibility of other mechanisms. We also show that Hsp104 is required in the de novo appearance of [PSI+] aggregates in a [PIN

  18. Whole-Genome de novo Sequencing Of Quail And Grey Partridge

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holm, Lars-Erik; Panitz, Frank; Burt, Dave


    The development in sequencing methods has made it possible to perform whole genome de novo sequencing of species without large commercial interests. Within the EU-financed QUANTOMICS project (KBBE-2A-222664), we have performed de novo sequencing of quail (Coturnix coturnix) and grey partridge...... (Perdix perdix) on a Genome Analyzer GAII (Illumina) using paired-end sequencing. The amount of generated sequences amounts to 8 to 9 Gb for each species. The analysis and assembly of the generated sequences is ongoing. Access to the whole genome sequence from these two species will enable enhanced...... comparative studies towards the chicken genome and will aid in identifying evolutionarily conserved sequences within the Galliformes. The obtained sequences from quail and partridge represent a beginning of generating the whole genome sequence for these species. The continuation of establishing the genome...

  19. De novo assembly of plant body plan: a step ahead of Deadpool. (United States)

    Kareem, Abdul; Radhakrishnan, Dhanya; Sondhi, Yash; Aiyaz, Mohammed; Roy, Merin V; Sugimoto, Kaoru; Prasad, Kalika


    While in the movie Deadpool it is possible for a human to recreate an arm from scratch, in reality plants can even surpass that. Not only can they regenerate lost parts, but also the whole plant body can be reborn from a few existing cells. Despite the decades old realization that plant cells possess the ability to regenerate a complete shoot and root system, it is only now that the underlying mechanisms are being unraveled. De novo plant regeneration involves the initiation of regenerative mass, acquisition of the pluripotent state, reconstitution of stem cells and assembly of regulatory interactions. Recent studies have furthered our understanding on the making of a complete plant system in the absence of embryonic positional cues. We review the recent studies probing the molecular mechanisms of de novo plant regeneration in response to external inductive cues and our current knowledge of direct reprogramming of root to shoot and vice versa. We further discuss how de novo regeneration can be exploited to meet the demands of green culture industries and to serve as a general model to address the fundamental questions of regeneration across the plant kingdom.

  20. La influencia del mundo interno de la madre en la psicopatología infantil


    Alcalá Pérez, Visitación


    Partiendo del modelo psicoanalitico se establece la hipotesis que el "mundo interno" de la madre influye en la genesis de la enfermedad psiquica del hijo. Se estudian 150 madres distribuidos en cuatro grupos en funcion de la patologia del hijo: Psiquica aguda, psiquica cronica, somatica aguda y somatica cronica un quinto grupo, control, de madres con hijos sanos. Se utilizan dos intrumentos: 1)entrevista semiestructurada mediante la que se recogen datos sociodemograficos del hijo, madre y ...


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    Leonir Borges


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objeto de estudo as mudanças ocorridas no mundo do trabalho e, por conseguinte, no campo da educação, no período compreendido entre a segunda metade do século XVIII e o século XX. Mais precisamente, as últimas quatro décadas. Leva em conta as três fases da revolução industrial e as gestões de trabalho engendradas no final do século XIX e início do século XX ─ taylorismo, fordismo e toyotismo. O desafio é apreender as implicações entre essas transformações sociais e os propósitos educacionais.

  2. De novo mutations in the genome organizer CTCF cause intellectual disability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gregor, Anne; Oti, Martin; Kouwenhoven, Evelyn N


    An increasing number of genes involved in chromatin structure and epigenetic regulation has been implicated in a variety of developmental disorders, often including intellectual disability. By trio exome sequencing and subsequent mutational screening we now identified two de novo frameshift...... mutations and one de novo missense mutation in CTCF in individuals with intellectual disability, microcephaly, and growth retardation. Furthermore, an individual with a larger deletion including CTCF was identified. CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor) is one of the most important chromatin organizers in vertebrates...... and is involved in various chromatin regulation processes such as higher order of chromatin organization, enhancer function, and maintenance of three-dimensional chromatin structure. Transcriptome analyses in all three individuals with point mutations revealed deregulation of genes involved in signal transduction...

  3. Heterogeneous compute in computer vision: OpenCL in OpenCV (United States)

    Gasparakis, Harris


    We explore the relevance of Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) in Computer Vision, both as a long term vision, and as a near term emerging reality via the recently ratified OpenCL 2.0 Khronos standard. After a brief review of OpenCL 1.2 and 2.0, including HSA features such as Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) and platform atomics, we identify what genres of Computer Vision workloads stand to benefit by leveraging those features, and we suggest a new mental framework that replaces GPU compute with hybrid HSA APU compute. As a case in point, we discuss, in some detail, popular object recognition algorithms (part-based models), emphasizing the interplay and concurrent collaboration between the GPU and CPU. We conclude by describing how OpenCL has been incorporated in OpenCV, a popular open source computer vision library, emphasizing recent work on the Transparent API, to appear in OpenCV 3.0, which unifies the native CPU and OpenCL execution paths under a single API, allowing the same code to execute either on CPU or on a OpenCL enabled device, without even recompiling.

  4. Perancangan Kemasan Transportasi Buah Jambu Air (Syzygium aqueum cv Camplong

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    Full Text Available Jamboo cv Camplong was an exotic fruit from Sampang Indonesia which had high economic values. The quality of fresh Jamboo was greatly influenced by the types of packaging and ways of its transportation that affected its shelf life. The purpose of this research were designing a primary packaging and analyzing the quality of Jamboo cv Camplong after short transportation (from Sampang to Surabaya. Farmers used conventional packaging with capacity of 8.4 kg/box (dimension 478 mm x 146 mm x 354 mm. Based on theoretical packaging design showed that the flute BC cardboard (capacity 4.5 kg/box, dimension 357 mm x 217 mm x 216 mm with partition flute A cardboard. In fact, there was needed modification of the dimension (342 mm x 210 mm x 200 mm because of the fruits diameter (60-65 mm. This result did not change the efficiency usage of transportation space (91-95% and compression strength of box can support (7 boxes/ stack. The result showed that the mechanical damage after transportation were 20.87% for conventional packaging (as control and 7.70% for modification packaging design (packaging with partition.

  5. Death of pastures syndrome: tissue changes in Urochloa hybrida cv. Mulato II and Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu

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    N. G. Ribeiro-Júnior

    Full Text Available Abstract The quality of forage production is a prerequisite to raising livestock. Therefore, income losses in this activity, primarily cattle raising, can result in the impossibility of economic activity. Through the qualitative and quantitative anatomical study of Urochloa hybrida cv. Mulato II and U. brizantha cv. Marandu, we searched for descriptions and compared changes in the individual vegetative body from populations with death syndrome pastures (DPS. Specimens were collected at different physiological stages from farms in northern Mato Grosso. After collection, the individuals were fixed in FAA50 and stored in 70% alcohol. Histological slides were prepared from the middle third of the sections of roots, rhizomes, and leaves, and the proportions and characteristics of tissues were evaluated in healthy, intermediate, and advanced stages of DPS. Changes were compared between cultivars. With the advancement of the syndrome, the following changes were observed: a more marked decrease in the length of roots in U. hybrida; disorganization of the cortical region of the roots and rhizome cultivars; fungal hyphae in roots and aerenchyma formation in U. hybrida; a decrease in sclerenchyma fiber proportions in roots and leaves; sclerification of the epidermis of U. brizantha rhizomes; and an increase in pericyclic fibers in U. hybrida. Furthermore, there was a decrease in the volume of epidermal cells of the abaxial face of the leaves of both cultivars, with a greater reduction in U. hybrida; a gradual decrease in thickness in the midrib of leaves similar to leaf mesophyll; conduction system obstructions; partial or total cell lysis in roots and rhizomes affected by the syndrome. Obstructions in sieve tube element and companion cells, and sometimes obstruction in xylem vessel elements. The evolution of DPS in cultivars was similar, but there were variations, arising probably from the physiological response to stress, such as aerenchyma formation in

  6. Applications in Foreign Currency Prima CV Ellindo Money Changer


    Wisnu Sutrisno; Ire Puspa Wardhani, Skom, MMSI


    This explains the scientific writing about the design of application programs forforeign currency transactions by using Visual Basic 6.0 programming language.In scientific writing database is also used by Visual Data Manager (VisData)integrated in Visual Basic 6.0 program itself. Consists of three tables namelyCurrency,Customer and Transaction.In the end application program for foreign currency transactions will be applied to theCV. Prima Ellindo Money Changer for ease in performing activitie...

  7. In vitro multiplication of banana (Musa sp.) cv. Grand Naine | Ahmed ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A micropropagation method is described for banana (Musa Spp.) Cv. Grand Naine. Suckers were surface sterilized with HgCl2 (0.1%) for 6 min which gave minimum contamination with maximum culture establishment. Of various treatment combinations, Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium + BAP 4.00 mg/l with IAA 2.00 ...

  8. Stephen Greenblatt. El Giro: De cómo un manuscrito olvidado contribuyó a crear el mundo moderno.

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    Ángel J. Traver Vera


    Full Text Available Reseña de Stephen Greenblatt, El Giro: De cómo un manuscrito olvidado contribuyó a crear el mundo moderno (Trad. castellana de J. Rabasseda y T. De Lozoya. Barcelona : Ed. Crítica, 2012, 319 pp. ISBN: 978-8498924121.

  9. De novo status epilepticus is associated with adverse outcome: An 11-year retrospective study in Hong Kong. (United States)

    Lui, Hoi Ki Kate; Hui, Kwok Fai; Fong, Wing Chi; Ip, Chun Tak; Lui, Hiu Tung Colin


    To identify predictors of poor clinical outcome in patients presenting to the intensive care units with status epilepticus (SE), in particular for patients presenting with de novo status epileptics. A retrospective review was performed on patients admitted to the intensive care units with status epilepticus in two hospitals in Hong Kong over an 11-year period from 2003 to 2013. A total of 87 SE cases were analyzed. The mean age of patients was 49.3 years (SD 14.9 years). Eighteen subjects (20.7%) had breakthrough seizure, which was the most common etiology for the status epilepticus episodes. Seventy-eight subjects (89.7%) had convulsive status epilepticus (CSE) and 9 subjects (10.3%) had non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) on presentation. The 30-day mortality rate of all subjects was 18.4%. Non-convulsive status epilepticus was more common in patients with de novo status epilepticus when compared to those with existing history of epilepsy (15.5% Vs. 0%, p=0.03). Patients with de novo status epilepticus were older (52 Vs 43, p=0.009). De novo status epilepticus was associated with longer status duration (median 2.5 days, IQR 5 days), longer ICU stay (median 7.5 days, IQR 9 days) and poorer outcome (OR 4.15, 95% CI 1.53-11.2). For patients presenting to intensive care units with status epilepticus, those with de novo status epileptics were older and were more likely to develop non-convulsive status epilepticus. De novo status epilepticus was associated with poorer outcome. Continuous EEG monitoring would help identifying NCSE and potentially help improving clinical outcomes. Copyright © 2016 British Epilepsy Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Pasajes de una vuelta al mundo. El Oriente de Pedro Cubero Sebastián en su periplo universal

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    Córdoba, Joaquín Mª


    Full Text Available Entre 1671 y 1679, un sacerdote español llamado Don Pedro Cubero Sebastián, como predicador apostólico y explorador que iba a abrir camino a posteriores misioneros católicos, dio por primera vez la vuelta al mundo en sentido inverso al tradicional. Por tierra y mar, cruzando inmensos desiertos y cordilleras, mares y ríos caudalosos, durante ocho años viajó por Europa, Oriente Próximo y la India, Malaca, Filipinas y América hasta tornar a España navegando por el Atlántico, Tan singular sacerdote escondía el espíritu de un verdadero viajero y explorador, enamorado de los mundos distantes, los recónditos paisajes y las costumbres de los más diferentes pueblos. Su figura es una muestra más de la constancia y la original audacia de los viajeros españoles de su siglo.…

  11. O contexto dos novos recursos tecnológicos de informação e comunicação e a escola The context of the new technologies of information and communication and school

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    Maria Apparecida Campos Mamede-Neves


    Full Text Available O presente artigo analisa as tensões vividas pela escola brasileira face ao acelerado desenvolvimento tecnológico das últimas décadas, tomando como referência pesquisas, realizadas no Brasil e no mundo, sobre modos de uso e de apropriação das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação adotados por crianças e jovens e, ainda, estudos que analisam o impacto disso nos processos cognitivos. Sem perder de vista o importante papel desempenhado pela educação escolar na formação de identidades e na construção e transmissão de conhecimentos e valores, o texto examina, criticamente, o que, em realidade, a escola incorpora das novas tecnologias e o que pode ainda vir a incorporar, levando o leitor a considerar possíveis estratégias que ajudariam a delinear novos cenários escolares e novos modos de potencializar os caminhos do conhecimento e da aprendizagem efetiva.The present article analyses the tensions present in Brazilian schools in light of the accelerated technological development of the last few decades. We survey research, done in Brazil and in other countries, on how information and communication technologies are used and appropriated by children and young people, together with studies that analyses the impact of these technologies on cognitive processes. Without losing sight of the important role of schooling in the construction of identities, as well as the construction and transmission of knowledge and values, the text critically examines what new technologies schools have incorporated and what they can still incorporate, inviting the reader to consider possible strategies that help delineate new school scenarios and new ways of stimulating the paths to knowledge and effective learning.

  12. Modeling fructose-load-induced hepatic de-novo lipogenesis by model simplification

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    Richard J Allen


    Full Text Available Hepatic de-novo lipogenesis is a metabolic process implemented in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Clinically, the rate of this process can be ascertained by use of labeled acetate and stimulation by fructose administration. A systems pharmacology model of this process is desirable because it facilitates the description, analysis, and prediction of this experiment. Due to the multiple enzymes involved in de-novo lipogenesis, and the limited data, it is desirable to use single functional expressions to encapsulate the flux between multiple enzymes. To accomplish this we developed a novel simplification technique which uses the available information about the properties of the individual enzymes to bound the parameters of a single governing ‘transfer function’. This method should be applicable to any model with linear chains of enzymes that are well stimulated. We validated this approach with computational simulations and analytical justification in a limiting case. Using this technique we generated a simple model of hepatic de-novo lipogenesis in these experimental conditions that matched prior data. This model can be used to assess pharmacological intervention at specific points on this pathway. We have demonstrated this with prospective simulation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibition. This simplification technique suggests how the constituent properties of an enzymatic chain of reactions gives rise to the sensitivity (to substrate of the pathway as a whole.

  13. Modeling fructose-load-induced hepatic de-novo lipogenesis by model simplification. (United States)

    Allen, Richard J; Musante, Cynthia J


    Hepatic de-novo lipogenesis is a metabolic process implemented in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Clinically, the rate of this process can be ascertained by use of labeled acetate and stimulation by fructose administration. A systems pharmacology model of this process is desirable because it facilitates the description, analysis, and prediction of this experiment. Due to the multiple enzymes involved in de-novo lipogenesis, and the limited data, it is desirable to use single functional expressions to encapsulate the flux between multiple enzymes. To accomplish this we developed a novel simplification technique which uses the available information about the properties of the individual enzymes to bound the parameters of a single governing 'transfer function'. This method should be applicable to any model with linear chains of enzymes that are well stimulated. We validated this approach with computational simulations and analytical justification in a limiting case. Using this technique we generated a simple model of hepatic de-novo lipogenesis in these experimental conditions that matched prior data. This model can be used to assess pharmacological intervention at specific points on this pathway. We have demonstrated this with prospective simulation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibition. This simplification technique suggests how the constituent properties of an enzymatic chain of reactions gives rise to the sensitivity (to substrate) of the pathway as a whole.

  14. Progression of MDS-UPDRS Scores Over Five Years in De Novo Parkinson Disease from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative Cohort. (United States)

    Holden, Samantha K; Finseth, Taylor; Sillau, Stefan H; Berman, Brian D


    The Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UDPRS) is a commonly used tool to measure Parkinson disease (PD) progression. Longitudinal changes in MDS-UPDRS scores in de novo PD have not been established. Determine progression rates of MDS-UPDRS scores in de novo PD. 362 participants from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative, a multicenter longitudinal cohort study of de novo PD, were included. Longitudinal progression of MDS-UPDRS total and subscale scores were modeled using mixed model regression. MDS-UPDRS scores increased in a linear fashion over five years in de novo PD. MDS-UPDRS total score increased an estimated 4.0 points/year, Part I 0.25 points/year, Part II 1.0 points/year, and Part III 2.4 points/year. The expected average progression of MDS-UPDRS scores in de novo PD from this study can assist in clinical monitoring and provide comparative data for detection of disease modification in treatment trials.

  15. Introducción : imitación y colonialismo en el mundo antiguo

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    Alicia Jiménez


    Full Text Available Texto de introducción a las actas de la sesión titulada «Imitación y colonialismo en el mundo antiguo», celebrada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid durante el VII Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua. El objetivo de esta sesión era discutir distintas cuestiones relacionadas con la compleja relación que se produce entre ‘copia’ y ‘modelo’ en contextos coloniales del mundo antiguo. ¿Cómo deben interpretarse los ejemplos de reapropiación de rasgos exógenos en contextos coloniales? ¿Por qué se seleccionan determinados rasgos y otros no? ¿Existió un deseo consciente por parte de los grupos locales de imitar la cultura del colonizador? ¿Cuáles fueron las consecuencias del proceso de mímesis para la construcción de la identidad de estas comunidades?Introductory notes to the proceedings of the session «Imitation and colonialism in the ancient world», held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid during the VII Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua. The aim of the session was to explore different questions connected with the complex interplay between ‘copy’ and ‘model’ in colonial contexts of the ancient world. How shall we interpret examples of appropriation of foreign traits in colonial contexts? Why were some traits chosen and others dismissed? Was there a conscious will to imitate the coloniser’s culture by local populations? Which were the consequences of mimesis processes for the construction of identity in those communities?

  16. A saúde das crianças no mundo e no Brasil

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    Malaquias Batista Filho


    Full Text Available Resumo Os autores analisam o recente relatório do grupo intergeracional OMS (World Health Organization -WHO, Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF, Banco Mundial, consolidado pelas Nações Unidas, cobrindo o período 1990/2015, em relação aos compromissos e metas internacionais para a redução da mortalidade de menores de cinco anos no mundo. Trata-se de um "paper" histórico, correspondendo aos 25 anos da Declaração Universal dos Direitos das Crianças e dos Adolescentes, aos resultados de acordos internacionais firmados pelos chefes de estado na Reunião de Cúpula de Nova York (1990 e, em sequência, às Metas do Milênio, consensuadas por 195 países. O relatório destaca que apenas 62 países conseguiram cumprir o objetivo estipulado de reduzir a mortalidade em 2/3 (66,7% sendo que o Brasil alcançou uma redução de 73% antes do prazo estabelecido, final de 2015. Os autores ressaltam a heterogenei-dade dos resultados obtidos no Brasil e no mundo, com uma grande diferença entre os espaços geográficos, com variações que se deslocam entre 5% a mais de 80%, atribuindo-se essas grandes diferenças às desigualdades de condições de vida que ainda prevalecem na maior parte dos países, inclusive no Brasil. O mais importante é que os êxitos alcançados são singulares na história nosográfica da humanidade.

  17. De Novo Coding Variants Are Strongly Associated with Tourette Disorder

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Willsey, A Jeremy; Fernandez, Thomas V; Yu, Dongmei


    Whole-exome sequencing (WES) and de novo variant detection have proven a powerful approach to gene discovery in complex neurodevelopmental disorders. We have completed WES of 325 Tourette disorder trios from the Tourette International Collaborative Genetics cohort and a replication sample of 186 ...

  18. De Novo Insertions and Deletions of Predominantly Paternal Origin Are Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Shan Dong


    Full Text Available Summary: Whole-exome sequencing (WES studies have demonstrated the contribution of de novo loss-of-function single-nucleotide variants (SNVs to autism spectrum disorder (ASD. However, challenges in the reliable detection of de novo insertions and deletions (indels have limited inclusion of these variants in prior analyses. By applying a robust indel detection method to WES data from 787 ASD families (2,963 individuals, we demonstrate that de novo frameshift indels contribute to ASD risk (OR = 1.6; 95% CI = 1.0–2.7; p = 0.03, are more common in female probands (p = 0.02, are enriched among genes encoding FMRP targets (p = 6 × 10−9, and arise predominantly on the paternal chromosome (p < 0.001. On the basis of mutation rates in probands versus unaffected siblings, we conclude that de novo frameshift indels contribute to risk in approximately 3% of individuals with ASD. Finally, by observing clustering of mutations in unrelated probands, we uncover two ASD-associated genes: KMT2E (MLL5, a chromatin regulator, and RIMS1, a regulator of synaptic vesicle release. : Insertions and deletions (indels have proven especially difficult to detect in exome sequencing data. Dong et al. now identify indels in exome data for 787 autism spectrum disorder (ASD families. They demonstrate association between de novo indels that alter the reading frame and ASD. Furthermore, by observing clustering of indels in unrelated probands, they uncover two additional ASD-associated genes: KMT2E (MLL5, a chromatin regulator, and RIMS1, a regulator of synaptic vesicle release.

  19. De Novo Construction of Redox Active Proteins. (United States)

    Moser, C C; Sheehan, M M; Ennist, N M; Kodali, G; Bialas, C; Englander, M T; Discher, B M; Dutton, P L


    Relatively simple principles can be used to plan and construct de novo proteins that bind redox cofactors and participate in a range of electron-transfer reactions analogous to those seen in natural oxidoreductase proteins. These designed redox proteins are called maquettes. Hydrophobic/hydrophilic binary patterning of heptad repeats of amino acids linked together in a single-chain self-assemble into 4-alpha-helix bundles. These bundles form a robust and adaptable frame for uncovering the default properties of protein embedded cofactors independent of the complexities introduced by generations of natural selection and allow us to better understand what factors can be exploited by man or nature to manipulate the physical chemical properties of these cofactors. Anchoring of redox cofactors such as hemes, light active tetrapyrroles, FeS clusters, and flavins by His and Cys residues allow cofactors to be placed at positions in which electron-tunneling rates between cofactors within or between proteins can be predicted in advance. The modularity of heptad repeat designs facilitates the construction of electron-transfer chains and novel combinations of redox cofactors and new redox cofactor assisted functions. Developing de novo designs that can support cofactor incorporation upon expression in a cell is needed to support a synthetic biology advance that integrates with natural bioenergetic pathways. © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Novo-desenvolvimento, capital social e desigualdade social

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    Ana Cristina de Oliveira Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a tendência de enfrentamento da desigualdade social a partir, no campo econômico, da versão do novo-desenvolvimentismo e, no campo político e ideológico, a partir da noção de capital social, na tentativa de realizar um "capitalismo com face mais humana". Discutiremos duas ordens de questões, considerando a especificidade da formação social brasileira de capitalismo dependente: 1 a “construção de Estados fortes” para

    assegurar as condições de acumulação do capital, ampliando as margens do mercado de consumo, aliviando a pobreza e controlando possíveis tensões políticas e 2 a difusão da necessidade de construir uma sociedade em harmonia, que se traduz na incorporação da ética empreendedora dos empresários em todas as esferas sociais. Entendemos que este escopo político-econômico revela uma nova pedagogia da hegemonia, sustentada numa suposta alternativa
    de gerenciamento das novas expressões da “questão social”, voltada para educar o conformismo e ocultar o conflito de classes.
    Palavras-chave:  questão social; novo-desenvolvimentismo; capital social; inclusão forçada

  1. Espiritualidad cristiana en el mundo actual

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    Juan De Dios Martín Velasco


    Full Text Available Es evidente que la evolución de la humanidad a lo largo de la época moderna ha puesto a disposición de los sujetos una enorme cantidad de recursos capaces de mejorar su situación espiritual. Baste aludir al desarrollo científico y al caudal de conocimientos que ha puesto al alcance de las personas. El mecanismo de crisis de la espiritualidad al que estamos asistiendo es el proceso que ha llevado a que la ciencia, que ha producido el desencantamiento del mundo, el progreso, el aumento de bienes y las conquistas materiales, intente ahora dar cuenta también de lo espiritual, haciendo al hombre dueño del sentido y los valores sobre los que se asienta su vida y únicos capaces de prestarle sentido y orientación. Una gran variedad de espiritualidades se ofrecen a nuestros contemporáneos como otras tantas posibilidades de realización del ideal de vida al que aspiran para responder al enigma de su existencia y a sus anhelos más profundos. Primero en virtud del pluralismo religioso que impone a todos los humanos la situación de globalización y el acceso a la conciencia planetaria; y, después, por la extensión de espiritualidades laicas que disputan a las religiones la función de ofertas de felicidad y donación de sentido.

  2. Kedudukan Para Pihak Dalam Perjanjian Waralaba Studi : Perjanjian Waralaba Antara PT. Indomarco Prismatama Dengan CV. E. Makmur


    Putra, M. S. Feroni


    The rapid franchising business development occurs because the franchising system in general has more probable success compared to the self-performed business with a new trade mark, yet this franchising business agreement of Indomaret between PT. Indomarco Prismatama and CV. E. Makmur. The research question to be answered in this study were that were the rights what were the constraints faced by PT. Indomarco Prismatama and CV. E. Makmur in this agreement, and how did PT. Indomarco Prismatama ...

  3. A cidade e a Copa do Mundo: projetos e transformações urbanas em Porto Alegre - Brasil

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    Mario Leal-Lahorgue


    Full Text Available A cidade de Porto Alegre será uma das sedes dos jogos da Copa do Mundo FIFA 2014 no Brasil. Por causa disso, estão previstas várias obras de adequação da infraestrutura urbana para que a cidade esteja preparada para o momento dos jogos. Este texto apresenta quais são as obras acordadas entre os órgãos públicos brasileiros e a FIFA, sua localização no território da cidade e quais os impactos previstos no espaço urbano. Também contextualiza brevemente a forma como se tem produzido o espaço na cidade nas últimas décadas, com o intuito de demonstrar que algumas formas que pareciam superadas reaparecem no momento atual. Por fim, discute as conseqüências destas transformações para a cidade como um todo e seus cidadãos, questionando o tipo de legado que Porto Alegre pode ter com a Copa do Mundo.

  4. Los habitantes del mundo sub-acuático. Ritual y mítica Murui Iye Fia Rafue

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    Marín Silva Pedro Tulio


    Full Text Available El evento de pesca colectiva Iye Fia Rafue o barbasqueada entre los Uitoto del Departamento del Amazonas presenta valiosa información sobre su mundo simbólico, su noción de intercambio y reciprocidad y, su concepto de ecología y trabajo comunitario. El presente artículo describe la puesta en escena del rito "la fiesta de los peces" en el que la comunión íntima con la naturaleza y, en especial con el mundo acuático como fuente de vida, purificación y centro de regeneración, se hace visible en un conglomerado de correspondencias que involucran todo su universo simbólico. Se proporcionan datos lingüísticos sobre  morfología y clasificadores propios del léxico relacionado con la fauna y flora acuática, lo que nos proporciona información prodigiosa sobre la capacidad descriptiva y el potencial semántico de ésta lengua amazónica.

  5. Los habitantes del mundo sub-acuático. Ritual y mítica Murui Iye Fia Rafue

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    Pedro Marín S


    Full Text Available El evento de pesca colectiva Iye Fia Rafue o barbasqueada entre los Uitoto del Departamento del Amazonas presenta valiosa información sobre su mundo simbólico, su noción de intercambio y reciprocidad y, su concepto de ecología y trabajo comunitario. El presente artículo describe la puesta en escena del rito “la fiesta de los peces” en el que la comunión íntima con la naturaleza y, en especial con el mundo acuático como fuente de vida, purificación y centro de regeneración, se hace visible en un conglomerado de correspondencias que involucran todo su universo simbólico. Se proporcionan datos lingüísticos sobre morfología y clasificadores propios del léxico relacionado con la fauna y flora acuática, lo que nos proporciona información prodigiosa sobre la capacidad descriptiva y el potencial semántico de ésta lengua amazónica.

  6. Effect of mechanical damage and wound healing on the viscoelastic properties of stems of flax cultivars (Linum usitatissimum L. cv. Eden and cv. Drakkar). (United States)

    Paul-Victor, Cloé; Dalle Vacche, Sara; Sordo, Federica; Fink, Siegfried; Speck, Thomas; Michaud, Véronique; Speck, Olga


    As plant fibres are increasingly used in technical textiles and their composites, underlying principles of wound healing in living plant fibres are relevant to product quality, and provide inspiration for biomimetic healing in synthetic materials. In this work, two Linum usitatissimum cultivars differing in their stem mechanical properties, cv. Eden (stems resistant to lodging) and cv. Drakkar (with more flexible stems), were grown without wound or with stems previously wounded with a cut parallel or transversal to the stem. To investigate wound healing efficiency, growth traits, stem biomechanics with Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and anatomy were analysed after 25-day recovery. Longitudinal incisions formed open wounds while transversal incisions generated stem growth restoring the whole cross-section but not the original stem organisation. In the case of transversal wound healing, all the bast fibre bundles in the perturbed area became lignified and pulled apart by parenchyma cells growth. Both Linum cultivars showed a healing efficiency from 79% to 95% with higher scores for transversal healing. Morphological and anatomical modifications of Linum were related to mechanical properties and healing ability. Alongside with an increased understanding of wound healing in plants, our results highlight their possible impact on textile quality and fibre yield.

  7. Storage and methyl jasmonate in postharvest conservation of roses cv. Avalanche

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    Elka Fabiana Aparecida Almeida


    Full Text Available The use of methyl jasmonate has demonstrated its efficiency to extend the vase life of cut flowers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of methyl jasmonate associated with storage at low temperatures on the postharvest quality of Rosa cv. Avalanche stems. The treatments consisted of 125, 250, 500 and 1000 μM of methyl jasmonate, besides the control with distilled water. The flower buds were sprayed with 4 mL of the solution, according to the treatments, and then kept in a cold chamber (1 °C for periods of 2 and 6 days. Subsequently, the stems were taken to the postharvest laboratory at a temperature of 16 °C. Better quality, higher fresh weight and water absorption were observed in flower stems stored for 2 days. The application of methyl jasmonate caused less turgescence and greater darkening of roses. It was possible to conclude that two days is the best storage time at 1 °C and the use of methyl jasmonate does not maintain the quality of roses cv. Avalanche after harvest.

  8. Psychophysical scaling of circular vection (CV) produced by optokinetic (OKN) motion: individual differences and effects of practice. (United States)

    Kennedy, R S; Hettinger, L J; Harm, D L; Ordy, J M; Dunlap, W P


    Vection (V) refers to the compelling visual illusion of self-motion experienced by stationary individuals when viewing moving visual surrounds. The phenomenon is of theoretical interest because of its relevance for understanding the neural basis of ordinary self-motion perception, and of practical importance because it is the experience that makes simulation, virtual reality displays, and entertainment devices more vicarious. This experiment was performed to address whether an optokinetically induced vection illusion exhibits monotonic and stable psychometric properties and whether individuals differ reliably in these (V) perceptions. Subjects were exposed to varying velocities of the circular vection (CV) display in an optokinetic (OKN) drum 2 meters in diameter in 5 one-hour daily sessions extending over a 1 week period. For grouped data, psychophysical scalings of velocity estimates showed that exponents in a Stevens' type power function were essentially linear (slope = 0.95) and largely stable over sessions. Latencies were slightly longer for the slowest and fastest induction stimuli, and the trend over sessions for average latency was longer as a function of practice implying time course adaptation effects. Test-retest reliabilities for individual slope and intercept measures were moderately strong (r = 0.45) and showed no evidence of superdiagonal form. This implies stability of the individual circularvection (CV) sensitivities. Because the individual CV scores were stable, reliabilities were improved by averaging 4 sessions in order to provide a stronger retest reliability (r = 0.80). Individual latency responses were highly reliable (r = 0.80). Mean CV latency and motion sickness symptoms were greater in males than in females. These individual differences in CV could be predictive of other outcomes, such as susceptibility to disorientation or motion sickness, and for CNS localization of visual-vestibular interactions in the experience of self-motion.

  9. De novo mutations in ATP1A3 cause alternating hemiplegia of childhood

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heinzen, Erin L; Swoboda, Kathryn J; Hitomi, Yuki


    and their unaffected parents to identify de novo nonsynonymous mutations in ATP1A3 in all seven individuals. In a subsequent sequence analysis of ATP1A3 in 98 other patients with AHC, we found that ATP1A3 mutations were likely to be responsible for at least 74% of the cases; we also identified one inherited mutation...... affecting the level of protein expression. This work identifies de novo ATP1A3 mutations as the primary cause of AHC and offers insight into disease pathophysiology by expanding the spectrum of phenotypes associated with mutations in ATP1A3....

  10. Guerra fría, cenizas calientes : reportajes a un mundo en cambio


    Roll, David


    Este libro es una invitación al lector para entender que ha pasado en el mundo político después del fin de la Guerra Fría, viajando con el autor, a través de sus fotos y artículos periodísticos, por lugares del planeta donde definitivamente parece superado el viejo conflicto ideológico y por otros donde las cenizas calientes que aún persisten pueden suponer un peligro para la paz mundial. Es un recorrido que va desde la Alemania reunificada, símbolo inequívoco del fin de la Guerra Fría en ...

  11. Memorias de un judío: el mundo visto por Stefan Zweig


    Kênia Maria de Almeida Pereira


    El artículo traza el periplo vital e ideológico del escritor Stefan Zweig a partir de su libro El mundo que yo vi: mis memorias, de 1942. Se esboza la visión del fascismo que tuvo el intelectual, el drama del Holocausto y los terrores de la política antisemita de Adolfo Hitler a partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, a la vez que se formulan interrogantes sobre la política brasileña de la era de Getúlio Vargas respecto al fascismo. El texto desvela los misterios de la pasión, la vida y la muert...

  12. Ensacamento de frutos de pereira cv. Housui Bagging of nashi pear cv. Housui

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    Ivan Dagoberto Faoro


    Full Text Available Foi avaliada a qualidade de frutos de pêra japonesa cv. Housui (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta ensacados com diferentes tipos de sacos de papel e em duas épocas: 34 e 83 dias após a florada. O ensacamento não influenciou na firmeza, no teor de sólidos solúveis totais e no peso médio dos frutos. Sacos vermelhos não induziram aumento do pH da polpa, mas o uso de sacos duplos, sacos marrons, sacos de papel kraft marrons e sacos de pipoca brancos aumentaram significativamente o pH. Ao buscar-se maior precocidade de colheita, os melhores resultados foram obtidos com o uso de sacos pequenos de papel manteiga aos 34 dias após a floração e o uso de sacos grandes duplos ou sacos grandes marrons, 83 dias após a plena floração. O ensacamento 34 dias após a plena floração, com sacos grandes de papel duplo de cor marrom ou sacos de papel kraft marrons, ou ainda o uso de sacos pequenos parafinados transparentes de papel manteiga, aos 34 dias, seguidos pela colocação, aos 83 dias, dos dois tipos de sacos grandes citados anteriormente, resultaram em frutos de melhor qualidade externa (película de coloração homogênea e mais clara, lisa e com lenticelas pouco salientes. O uso de sacos vermelhos de papel manteiga e de sacos de pipoca brancos, com ou sem ensacamento prévio com sacos pequenos de papel manteiga parafinado, não resultaram em melhoria substancial da qualidade externa do fruto.The fruit quality of Nashi pears cv. Housui (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta have been evaluated after bagging with different paper bags at two bagging dates: 34 and 83 days after full bloom. The bagging did not affect the fruit firmness, the total soluble solids and the average fruit weight. Red bags did not affect the pH of the fruit flesh. However the fruit bagged with double bags of brown color, brown kraft paper and white popcorn paper increased the pH. In order to harvest precociously, the use of small transparent paraffin paper bags 34 days after full bloom

  13. Effect of inoculation and nitrogen top-dressing on yields and fodder value of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi in triticale cv. Clercal mixture

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    Darko Uher


    Full Text Available Two year field trials (1999-2001 were aimed to determine the inoculation seed winter pea and nitrogen top-dressing effect on number and active nodules of pea root and also on the green mass and dry matter yield of winter pea cv. Maksimirski ozimi and triticale cv. Clercal mixture. Immediately before sowing the inoculation of pea seeds was done by the indigenous variety of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae which belongs to the collection of Department of Microbiology at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. The highest total nodule number on pea root (134 was determined on the inoculated variant as well as active nodule (120. Average mixture green mass yields were ranging from 20.9 t ha-1 (control up to 30.1 t ha-1 (inoculation + nitrogen top-dressing. Total dry matter yields were ranging from 3.71 t ha-1 (control up to 5.36 t ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing. Pea crude protein yields in 2001 were ranging from 500 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing up to 642 kg ha-1 (inoculation and for triticale, those values were from 322 kg ha-1 (control up to 498 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing. Total mixture crude proteins yields were from 845 kg ha-1 (control up to 998 kg ha-1 (nitrogen top-dressing.

  14. A performance comparison of two emotion-recognition implementations using OpenCV and Cognitive Services API

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    Beltrán Prieto Luis Antonio


    Full Text Available Emotions represent feelings about people in several situations. Various machine learning algorithms have been developed for emotion detection in a multimedia element, such as an image or a video. These techniques can be measured by comparing their accuracy with a given dataset in order to determine which algorithm can be selected among others. This paper deals with the comparison of two implementations of emotion recognition in faces, each implemented with specific technology. OpenCV is an open-source library of functions and packages mostly used for computer-vision analysis and applications. Cognitive services is a set of APIs containing artificial intelligence algorithms for computer-vision, speech, knowledge, and language processing. Two Android mobile applications were developed in order to test the performance between an OpenCV algorithm for emotion recognition and an implementation of Emotion cognitive service. For this research, one thousand tests were carried out per experiment. Our findings show that the OpenCV implementation got a better performance than the Cognitive services application. In both cases, performance can be improved by increasing the sample size per emotion during the training step.

  15. IPR 107 – Dwarf arabic coffee cultivar with resistance to coffee leaf rust

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    Tumoru Sera


    Full Text Available ‘IPR 107’ was derived from a cross between ‘IAPAR 59’ and ‘Mundo Novo IAC 376-4’. ‘IPR 107’ is a dwarf medium sizeplant with medium precocity in ripening and with complete resistance to rust races in this time. This cultivar presents superior qualityand high yield in many coffee regions.

  16. La ingeniería agrícola en el mundo

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    José Eugenio Hernández H.


    Full Text Available Con el objeto de dar a conocer el grado de difusión que la ingeniería agrícola tiene en el mundo, en el presente artículo se indican la mayoría de los países y las universidades que en los distintos continentes ofrecen programas de pregrado y postgrado en ingeniería agrícola y áreas afines. Se trata de una recopilación de la información disponible en diferentes fuentes; pretendemos que sirva de punto de apoyo en la obtención de mayores datos para aquellas personas interesadas en iniciar la carrera a nivel de pregrado o bien en cursar estudios de postgrado en una de las áreas específicas de acción profesional de la ingeniería agrícola.

  17. A real-time camera calibration system based on OpenCV (United States)

    Zhang, Hui; Wang, Hua; Guo, Huinan; Ren, Long; Zhou, Zuofeng


    Camera calibration is one of the essential steps in the computer vision research. This paper describes a real-time OpenCV based camera calibration system, and developed and implemented in the VS2008 environment. Experimental results prove that the system to achieve a simple and fast camera calibration, compared with MATLAB, higher precision and does not need manual intervention, and can be widely used in various computer vision system.

  18. Analisis Kinerja CV. Fabamus Famili Utama Semarang Dengan Balanced Scorecard


    Permata, Nilla Mega; Nugraha, Hari Susanta; Nurseto, Sendhang


    A method of measuring the performance of the company to assist in knowing the health condition of the company itself. The study was conducted on the CV. Fabamus First Family with Balanced Scorecard approach to measuring through four perspectives: financial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective and learning and growth perspectives. In the financial aspects of performance measurement with a weight of 70%, 10% customer perspective, internal business process per...

  19. Vigor tests to evaluate the physiological quality of corn seeds cv. 'Sertanejo'

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    Daniela Vieira dos Anjos Sena

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The vigor tests are intended to monitor the quality of seeds as it allows reliably distinguish lots of low and high vigor, providing additional information to the germination test. So in this study the objective was to identify the most efficient vigor tests on stratification of lots of corn seeds cv. 'Sertanejo'. The experiment was conducted at Laboratory of Seed Analysis at the Center of agricultural Science of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba, using samples from 20 seed lots in a completely randomized design. For characterization of the lots it was evaluated water content, germination and vigor (cold test, electrical conductivity, accelerated aging, seedling emergence in field and germination at low temperatures. The accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and field emergence of seedlings tests are the most efficient for classification of lots of corn seeds cv. 'Sertanejo' in levels of vigor, been the seeds of lot 1 the most vigorous.

  20. Dysplastic vs. Common Naevus-associated vs. De novo Melanomas: An Observational Retrospective Study of 1,021 Patients

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    Alejandro Martin-Gorgojo


    Full Text Available The aim of this case-case study was to determine the differences between dysplastic and common naevus-associated melanomas (NAM and de novo melanomas. A total of 1,021 prospectively collected patients with invasive cutaneous melanoma from an oncology referral centre were included in the study. Of these, 75.51% had de novo melanomas, 12.93% dysplastic NAM, and 11.56% common NAM. Dysplastic NAM, compared with de novo melanomas, were associated with intermittently photo-exposed sites, atypical melanocytic naevi, decreased tumour thickness, and presence of MC1R non-synonymous variants. Common NAM were more frequent on the trunk and of superficial spreading type. Comparison of dysplastic with common NAM showed significant difference only with regard to mitoses. Both subtypes of NAM shared less aggressive traits than de novo melanomas, albeit with no significant differences in survival after multivariate adjustment. In conclusion, NAM present with less aggressive traits, mostly due to a greater awareness among patients of changing moles than due to their intrinsic biological characteristics.


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    Heri Yulianto


    Full Text Available Standard by PT Sumber Trada Motor leads to no availability of vehicles to be sold by outlets CV Nobel Perdana. Giving great discounts and gifts, making consumers tend to buy directly from outlets PT Sumber Trada Motor. This agency system turns into competition due to the sales and market share CV Nobel Perdana excellent. The usefulness of this study as a researcher competence in the field of business law violations agreement. The problem of research is how the legal provisions breach agreement, the implementation of competition law to businesses which violate the agreement. Is expected to the Government through the KPPU to crack down on employers who violate the law No. 5 of 1999 on Competition, so as to control the businesses that destroy the independence of other businesses.   Keywords: Standard, Agreement, Agency

  2. Formación, expectativas y representaciones de estudiantes universitarios sobre el mundo del trabajo


    Balduzzi, María Matilde; Baldoni, María Mercedes; Corrado, Rosana Egle


    La formación de las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes se produce en un contexto de notables transformaciones tanto externas como internas a la universidad. En las últimas décadas, la retracción del financiamiento estatal a las universidades -entre otros aspectos-impulsó la búsqueda de recursos financieros alternativos, que si bien permiten establecer vínculos más estrechos con el mundo del trabajo, también producen diversos efectos sobre las instituciones y sus actores. La mercantilización d...

  3. The NOVO Network: the original scientific basis for its establishment and our R&D vision


    Winkel, Jørgen; Edwards, Kasper; Dellve, L.; Schiller, B.; Westgaard, Rolf H.


    The NOVO network is a Nordic non-governmental professional association whose aims are to foster the scientific progress, knowledge and development of the working environment within Healthcare as an integrated part of production system development. The vision is a “Nordic Model for Sustainable Systems” in the healthcare sector. It was founded in 2006 in Copenhagen and was financially supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers from 2007 to 2015. The motivation to establish the NOVO Network ar...

  4. Genome sequencing of bacteria: sequencing, de novo assembly and rapid analysis using open source tools. (United States)

    Kisand, Veljo; Lettieri, Teresa


    De novo genome sequencing of previously uncharacterized microorganisms has the potential to open up new frontiers in microbial genomics by providing insight into both functional capabilities and biodiversity. Until recently, Roche 454 pyrosequencing was the NGS method of choice for de novo assembly because it generates hundreds of thousands of long reads (tools for processing NGS data are increasingly free and open source and are often adopted for both their high quality and role in promoting academic freedom. The error rate of pyrosequencing the Alcanivorax borkumensis genome was such that thousands of insertions and deletions were artificially introduced into the finished genome. Despite a high coverage (~30 fold), it did not allow the reference genome to be fully mapped. Reads from regions with errors had low quality, low coverage, or were missing. The main defect of the reference mapping was the introduction of artificial indels into contigs through lower than 100% consensus and distracting gene calling due to artificial stop codons. No assembler was able to perform de novo assembly comparable to reference mapping. Automated annotation tools performed similarly on reference mapped and de novo draft genomes, and annotated most CDSs in the de novo assembled draft genomes. Free and open source software (FOSS) tools for assembly and annotation of NGS data are being developed rapidly to provide accurate results with less computational effort. Usability is not high priority and these tools currently do not allow the data to be processed without manual intervention. Despite this, genome assemblers now readily assemble medium short reads into long contigs (>97-98% genome coverage). A notable gap in pyrosequencing technology is the quality of base pair calling and conflicting base pairs between single reads at the same nucleotide position. Regardless, using draft whole genomes that are not finished and remain fragmented into tens of contigs allows one to characterize

  5. CERES BiDirectional Scans (BDS) data in HDF (CER_BDS_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV) (United States)

    Wielicki, Bruce A. (Principal Investigator)

    Each BiDirectional Scans (BDS) data product contains twenty-four hours of Level-1b data for each CERES scanner instrument mounted on each spacecraft. The BDS includes samples taken in normal and short Earth scan elevation profiles in both fixed and rotating azimuth scan modes (including space, internal calibration, and solar calibration views). The BDS contains Level-0 raw (unconverted) science and instrument data as well as the geolocated converted science and instrument data. The BDS contains additional data not found in the Level-0 input file, including converted satellite position and velocity data, celestial data, converted digital status data, and parameters used in the radiance count conversion equations. The following CERES BDS data sets are currently available: CER_BDS_TRMM-PFM_Edition1 CER_BDS_Terra-FM1_Edition1 CER_BDS_Terra-FM2_Edition1 CER_BDS_Terra-FM1_Edition2 CER_BDS_Terra-FM2_Edition2 CER_BDS_Aqua-FM3_Edition1 CER_BDS_Aqua-FM4_Edition1 CER_BDS_Aqua-FM3_Edition2 CER_BDS_Aqua-FM4_Edition2 CER_BDS_Aqua-FM3_Edition1-CV CER_BDS_Aqua-FM4_Edition1-CV CER_BDS_Terra-FM1_Edition1-CV CER_BDS_Terra-FM2_Edition1-CV. [Location=GLOBAL] [Temporal_Coverage: Start_Date=1997-12-27; Stop_Date=2006-11-02] [Spatial_Coverage: Southernmost_Latitude=-90; Northernmost_Latitude=90; Westernmost_Longitude=-180; Easternmost_Longitude=180] [Data_Resolution: Temporal_Resolution=1 day; Temporal_Resolution_Range=Daily - < Weekly].

  6. Production of calibration sources and/or radioactive tracers with the cyclotron CV-28

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osso Junior, Joao Alberto


    The present stage of production of calibration sources and radioactive tracers with the Cyclotron CV-28 is described. Among the methods already developed special attention is given to the production of 57 Co, 109 Cd and 111 In. (author). 3 refs

  7. El islamismo en el mundo árabe. Interpretaciones de algunas trayectorias políticas

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    Desrues, Thierry


    Full Text Available Since the terrorist attacks of September 11th, we can observe the trend to analyse what it is happening in the Arab world based on religious references which appears in social and political actors’ discourses. Many experts have spent much energy looking for evidence of a relationship between what the Koran and later exegesis say and violent activism. In this context, Islamism is often confused with political violence. At the same time, Muslim people as a whole are perceived as Islamists. In this paper, we analyse some significant aspects of Islamism. We propose a definition of what Islamism is and then we discuss two main topics: the compatibility between Islamist agenda and democratic principles and the conception this agenda confer to women. Likewise, we present the main thesis that have interpreted the evolution of Islamism and its future. Finally, we make some considerations about the necessity to use the social sciences methodology for analysing political and social situation in the Arab world.

    Desde los atentados del 11 de septiembre, se observa una renovada tendencia a analizar lo que ocurre en el mundo árabe a partir de las referencias religiosas que aparecen en los discursos de los actores sociales y políticos. Se buscan las pruebas de una relación entre lo que dicen el Corán y sus exégesis posteriores con los comportamientos de los violentos. Estos últimos son asimilados sin más a los islamistas, con la deriva frecuente hacia generalizaciones abusivas que engloban al conjunto de los musulmanes. Para superar este tipo de cuestionamientos, que poco pueden aportar al conocimiento de las lógicas sociales y la política del mundo árabe, en este artículo analizamos algunos aspectos significativos del islamismo. Presentamos algunos elementos de definición de lo que es el islamismo, y abordamos dos cuestiones centrales, a saber: la compatibilidad de la agenda islamista con los principios de la democracia liberal

  8. Spontaneous de novo vaginal adenosis resembling Bartholin’s ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Adebayo Alade Adewole

    Spontaneous de novo vaginal adenosis resembling Bartholin's cyst: A case report ... 6 by 5 cm. The cervix, uterus, adnexa and Pouch of Douglas (POD) were normal. .... of vaginal cancer.2–4 Although, DES exposed daughters have an.



    Yuniarti, Yenni; Mauliana, Sarah


    CV. Digital FNB is one of the companies that involved in Digital Printing business. Based on survey in the middle of 2011-2012, there are 31 digital printing businesses in the city of Jambi. In order to examine the marketing stratey implemented, descriptive study has been conducted, uses interview, observation, and documentation as instruments. The strategy that observed in this study consist of marketing strategy including market segmentation, targeting, product strategy, pricing strategy, ...

  10. Os Simpsons e a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014: imagens e problemas do Brasil contemporâneo

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    Regina Célia Lima Caleiro


    Full Text Available Os Simpsons, animação criada em 1987, povoa as programações televisivas brasileiras desde 1991, satirizando a família, a sociedade americana e a internacional. Em 2002, o episódio “O feitiço de Lisa” teve sua apresentação censurada nos canais abertos, por exigência da empresa de turismo Riotur e do ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Em 2014, em tempos de Copa do Mundo no Brasil, os produtores da animação desferiram novamente suas críticas ao Brasil, no episódio “Você não precisa viver como um árbitro”. Intenta-se, a partir da análise dos respectivos episódios, perceber as imagens do Brasil e da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014, com vistas a problematizarmos a atual realidade nacional.   Palavras-chave: Simpsons; Futebol; Brasil.

  11. Alcohol and CV Health: Jekyll and Hyde J-Curves. (United States)

    O'Keefe, Evan L; DiNicolantonio, James J; O'Keefe, James H; Lavie, Carl J


    A routine of light or moderate alcohol consumption (≤1 drink/day for women and 1 to 2 drinks/day for men) is associated with a lower risk for all-cause mortality, coronary artery disease (CAD), type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), heart failure (HF), and stroke. Conversely, heavy drinking, (>4 drinks/day) is associated with an increased risk for death and cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD). Excessive alcohol intake trails behind only smoking and obesity among the 3 leading causes of premature deaths in the United States (US). Heavy alcohol use is a common cause of reversible hypertension (HTN), nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation (AF), and stroke (both ischemic and hemorrhagic). Among males aged 15 to 59 years, alcohol abuse is perhaps the leading cause of premature death. As such, the risk-to-benefit ratio of drinking is less favorable in younger individuals. A daily habit of light to moderate drinking is ideal for those who choose to consume alcohol regularly. Red wine in particular before or during the evening meal is linked with the best long-term CV outcomes. Most of the studies on alcohol and health are observational, and correlation does not prove causation. Health care professionals should not advise nondrinkers to begin drinking because of the paucity of randomized outcome data coupled with the potential for alcohol abuse even among seemingly low risk individuals. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  12. La Universidad española en un mundo globalizado: los recursos

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    Jesús M. de Miguel


    Full Text Available Este artículo constituye una primera investigación ?en el siglo XXI? sobre la Universidad en España en comparación con los sistemas de educación postsecundaria de los países del mundo. Analiza los recursos universitarios y su distribución por países. Presenta primero los datos internacionales sobre niveles generales de escolarización, para centrarse en la "educación terciaria" (postsecundaria. Se presenta la evolución en las últimas tres décadas, así como las tasas actuales de estudiantes. Analiza los recursos económicos en el contexto de las desigualdades existentes en los países del mundo, además de la proporción del PNB y el gasto por estudiante. Diferencia el sector público y el privado, diversos niveles de la Administración y los sistemas de ayuda económica a estudiantes. Entre los recursos se analizan en detalle los relativos a investigación y desarrollo (I+D tanto en capital humano como en presupuesto. El artículo finaliza con un detalle de los datos sobre bibliotecas universitarias en el contexto del conjunto de las bibliotecas de cada país. El artículo demuestra las diferencias más importantes de la Universidad española en comparación con los demás países de la Unión Europea. Se utilizan los mejores datos de la UNESCO, la OCDE, el Banco Mundial y las Naciones Unidas. Este artículo es parte de una línea de investigación que se desarrolla en colaboración con varios centros: Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania y el Comité de Ciencias Sociales del European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (de la Comisión Europea, Bruselas.

  13. Funk, religião e ironia no mundo de Mr. Catra

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    Mylene Mizrahi


    Full Text Available A singularidade de Mr. Catra, cantor e performer de funk, consiste em, ao reunir religião a um universo tradicionalmente classificado como erótico ou violento, permitir-nos articular as suas criação e visão de mundo ao ponto de vista dos jovens moradores da favela. O discurso em torno do divino, presente nas performances do artista, é aprofundado em seu dia-a-dia, e se revela como meio para a expressão de seu posicionamento político. Mas se esta é a forma privilegiada por Mr. Catra para explicitar o seu modo de entender o mundo, é a ironia, engenhosamente exercitada pelo artista, que nos possibilita ver como o funk, de modo amplo, é hábil em desestabilizar o poder através da manipulação subversiva de símbolos culturais caros à autoridade opressora.The article main aim is to discuss the relation between funk and religion, through the Mr. Catra's narratives, singer and performer of this musical rhythm. His singularity resides in adding religion to a universe traditionally apprehended as erotic or violent. The artist allows us to articulate his own creation both to his worldview as to the point of view of the youngsters from the favelas slums, main producers and consumers of funk music. The discourse around the divine, present at the artist's performances, is deepen in his daily life, consisting of a medium for expressing his own political position in the world. Although the religious discourse is privileged by Mr. Catra in his will to show his way of understanding the world, the funk strength resides in another aspect, that go by party and daily life. It is the irony itself, so artfully played by the artist, that allows us to realize how the funk is ingenious at, through the laugh, destabilizing the power by a subversive manipulation of cultural symbols dear to the oppressive authority.

  14. Sensitivity of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. `CIAP 7247F' plants to Glufosinate ammonium herbicide in greenhouse

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    Idalmis Bermúdez-Caraballoso


    Full Text Available Genetic breeding in Phaseolus by genetic transformation requires an efficient selection system. The present investigation was aimed to determine the minimum lethal concentration of glufosinate-ammonium (Finale ® in beans plants cv. `CIAP 7247F' grown in greenhouse. Different concentrations of the herbicide were applied to the foliage of plants in acclimatization phase (20, 30 y 40 mg l-1 and the control. Results showed that the minimum lethal concentration in plants in acclimatization phase was 30 mg l-1. Results also demonstrated that is possible the use of the herbicide as a selective agent of beans transformants cv. `CIAP 7247F' carrying the bar gene. Keywords: genetic transformation, herbicide, selective agent, tissue culture

  15. Filosofía para damas hoy: el mundo de Sofía

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    Mataix Loma, Carmen


    Full Text Available The author compares one of the philosophical best sellers, Sophia's World, with traditional «literature for Ladies», a very famous genre in the Enlightenment The book supports masculine-feminine duality as well as adult-child and reality- appearance dualities.

    La autora compara uno de los libros de divulgación filosófica de más éxito, El mundo de Sofía, con la tradicional «literatura para damas» desarrollada como género en la Ilustración. El libro mantiene la dualidad masculino-femenino, a la vez que la de adulto- niño y la tradicional filosófica, apariencia-realidad.

  16. Immobilization of cadmium in soils by UV-mutated Bacillus subtilis 38 bioaugmentation and NovoGro amendment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Chunxiao; Sun Hongwen; Sun Tieheng; Zhang Qingmin; Zhang Yanfeng


    Immobilization of cadmium (10 mg Cd per kilogram soil) in soil by bioaugmentation of a UV-mutated microorganism, Bacillus subtilis 38 accompanied with amendment of a bio-fertilizer, NovoGro was investigated using extractable cadmium (E-Cd) by DTPA. B. subtilis 38, the mutant with the strongest resistance against Cd, could bioaccumulate Cd four times greater than the original wild type. Single bioaugmentation of B. subtilis 38 (SB treatment) to soil however did not reduce E-Cd significantly, while the amendment of NovoGro (SN treatment) reduced E-Cd remarkably. Simultaneous application of B. subtilis 38 and NovoGro (SNB treatment) exhibited a synergetic effect compared to the single SB and SN treatment. The immobilization effect was significantly affected by temperature, soil moisture, and pH. It seems that the immobilization on Cd reached the maximum when environmental conditions favored the activity of microorganisms. Under the optimum conditions, after 90 days incubation, E-Cd was 3.34, 3.39, 2.25 and 0.87 mg kg -1 in the control soil, SB, SN and SNB soils, respectively. NovoGro not only showed a great capacity for Cd adsorption, but also promoted the growth of B. subtilis 38. This study provides a potential cost-effective technique for in situ remediation of Cd contaminated soils with bioaugmentation.

  17. De novo nonsense mutations in ASXL1 cause Bohring-Opitz syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoischen, Alexander; van Bon, Bregje W. M.; Rodríguez-Santiago, Benjamín; Gilissen, Christian; Vissers, Lisenka E. L. M.; de Vries, Petra; Janssen, Irene; van Lier, Bart; Hastings, Rob; Smithson, Sarah F.; Newbury-Ecob, Ruth; Kjaergaard, Susanne; Goodship, Judith; McGowan, Ruth; Bartholdi, Deborah; Rauch, Anita; Peippo, Maarit; Cobben, Jan M.; Wieczorek, Dagmar; Gillessen-Kaesbach, Gabriele; Veltman, Joris A.; Brunner, Han G.; de Vries, Bert B. B. A.


    Bohring-Opitz syndrome is characterized by severe intellectual disability, distinctive facial features and multiple congenital malformations. We sequenced the exomes of three individuals with Bohring-Opitz syndrome and in each identified heterozygous de novo nonsense mutations in ASXL1, which is

  18. Human native lipoprotein-induced de novo DNA methylation is associated with repression of inflammatory genes in THP-1 macrophages. (United States)

    Rangel-Salazar, Rubén; Wickström-Lindholm, Marie; Aguilar-Salinas, Carlos A; Alvarado-Caudillo, Yolanda; Døssing, Kristina B V; Esteller, Manel; Labourier, Emmanuel; Lund, Gertrud; Nielsen, Finn C; Rodríguez-Ríos, Dalia; Solís-Martínez, Martha O; Wrobel, Katarzyna; Wrobel, Kazimierz; Zaina, Silvio


    We previously showed that a VLDL- and LDL-rich mix of human native lipoproteins induces a set of repressive epigenetic marks, i.e. de novo DNA methylation, histone 4 hypoacetylation and histone 4 lysine 20 (H4K20) hypermethylation in THP-1 macrophages. Here, we: 1) ask what gene expression changes accompany these epigenetic responses; 2) test the involvement of candidate factors mediating the latter. We exploited genome expression arrays to identify target genes for lipoprotein-induced silencing, in addition to RNAi and expression studies to test the involvement of candidate mediating factors. The study was conducted in human THP-1 macrophages. Native lipoprotein-induced de novo DNA methylation was associated with a general repression of various critical genes for macrophage function, including pro-inflammatory genes. Lipoproteins showed differential effects on epigenetic marks, as de novo DNA methylation was induced by VLDL and to a lesser extent by LDL, but not by HDL, and VLDL induced H4K20 hypermethylation, while HDL caused H4 deacetylation. The analysis of candidate factors mediating VLDL-induced DNA hypermethylation revealed that this response was: 1) surprisingly, mediated exclusively by the canonical maintenance DNA methyltransferase DNMT1, and 2) independent of the Dicer/micro-RNA pathway. Our work provides novel insights into epigenetic gene regulation by native lipoproteins. Furthermore, we provide an example of DNMT1 acting as a de novo DNA methyltransferase independently of canonical de novo enzymes, and show proof of principle that de novo DNA methylation can occur independently of a functional Dicer/micro-RNA pathway in mammals.

  19. An 11bp region with stem formation potential is essential for de novo DNA methylation of the RPS element.

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    Matthew Gentry

    Full Text Available The initiation of DNA methylation in Arabidopsis is controlled by the RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM pathway that uses 24nt siRNAs to recruit de novo methyltransferase DRM2 to the target site. We previously described the REPETITIVE PETUNIA SEQUENCE (RPS fragment that acts as a hot spot for de novo methylation, for which it requires the cooperative activity of all three methyltransferases MET1, CMT3 and DRM2, but not the RdDM pathway. RPS contains two identical 11nt elements in inverted orientation, interrupted by a 18nt spacer, which resembles the features of a stemloop structure. The analysis of deletion/substitution derivatives of this region showed that deletion of one 11nt element RPS is sufficient to eliminate de novo methylation of RPS. In addition, deletion of a 10nt region directly adjacent to one of the 11nt elements, significantly reduced de novo methylation. When both 11nt regions were replaced by two 11nt elements with altered DNA sequence but unchanged inverted repeat homology, DNA methylation was not affected, indicating that de novo methylation was not targeted to a specific DNA sequence element. These data suggest that de novo DNA methylation is attracted by a secondary structure to which the two 11nt elements contribute, and that the adjacent 10nt region influences the stability of this structure. This resembles the recognition of structural features by DNA methyltransferases in animals and suggests that similar mechanisms exist in plants.

  20. De novo complex intra chromosomal rearrangement after ICSI: characterisation by BACs micro array-CGH

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    Quimsiyeh Mazin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In routine Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART men with severe oligozoospermia or azoospermia should be informed about the risk of de novo congenital or chromosomal abnormalities in ICSI program. Also the benefits of preimplantation or prenatal genetic diagnosis practice need to be explained to the couple. Methods From a routine ICSI attempt, using ejaculated sperm from male with severe oligozoospermia and having normal karyotype, a 30 years old pregnant woman was referred to prenatal diagnosis in the 17th week for bichorionic biamniotic twin gestation. Amniocentesis was performed because of the detection of an increased foetal nuchal translucency for one of the fetus by the sonographic examination during the 12th week of gestation (WG. Chromosome and DNA studies of the fetus were realized on cultured amniocytes Results Conventional, molecular cytogenetic and microarray CGH experiments allowed us to conclude that the fetus had a de novo pericentromeric inversion associated with a duplication of the 9p22.1-p24 chromosomal region, 46,XY,invdup(9(p22.1p24 [arrCGH 9p22.1p24 (RP11-130C19 → RP11-87O1x3]. As containing the critical 9p22 region, our case is in coincidence with the general phenotype features of the partial trisomy 9p syndrome with major growth retardation, microcephaly and microretrognathia. Conclusion This de novo complex chromosome rearrangement illustrates the possible risk of chromosome or gene defects in ICSI program and the contribution of array-CGH for mapping rapidly de novo chromosomal imbalance.

  1. De novo and salvage pathway precursor incorporation during DNA replication at the nuclear matrix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panzeter, P.L.


    Total nuclear DNA can be empirically subdivided into low salt-soluble (LS) DNA (75-80%), high salt-soluble (HS) DNA (18-23%), and nuclear matrix-associated (NM) DNA which remains tightly bound to the nuclear matrix (∼2%). The most-newly replicated DNA is that associated with the nuclear matrix in regenerating rat liver. Analyses of the DNA fractions after various pulse times revealed that the salvage and de novo pathway DNA precursors investigated were incorporated preferentially into NM-DNA at early pulse times, after which the radioactivity became progressively incorporated into HS- and LS-DNA, respectively. These results support two models of nuclear matrix-associated DNA replication, proposed previously, and a third model presented in this dissertation. In addition, the incorporation of de novo pathway precursors lagged significantly (> 10 minutes) behind the incorporation of precursors entering through the salvage pathway. Channeling of salvage pathway precursors to DNA replication sites would explain the more rapid uptake of salvage precursors into NM-DNA than de novo precursors. To investigate the possibility of this heretofore in vitro phenomenon, the incorporation of the salvage precursor, ( 3 H)deoxythymidine, and the de novo precursor, ( 14 C)orotic acid, into NM-DNA and dTTP was examined in regenerating rat liver. There was no significant difference between the incorporation pattern of ( 14 C)orotic acid into NM-DNA thymine and that of ( 14 C)orotic acid into soluble dTTP. Contrastingly, the salvage pathway precursor, ( 3 H)deoxythymidine, labeled NM-DNA before labeling the dTTP pool

  2. Analisis Pengaruh Kemampuan, Usaha dan Dukungan Perusahaan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada CV Sandang Gloria Konveksindo

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    Jerry Logahan


    Full Text Available Clothing Konveksindo CV Gloria is a trading company engaged in the sale of products and clothing items. Therefore, the performance of employees is very important in achieving that goal. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of ability, effort, and support the company towards the employee's performance CV Gloria Konveksindo Clothing. The method of analysis used in this study is descriptive, Pearson Regression, and Multiple Regression. Data obtained from the appraisal of employee performance by filling in the questionnaire that has been provided by using a Likert scale that is useful to know the degree of disagreement and agreement existing employees to the question on the questionnaire. The results achieved in this study were the ability of employees to work have an influence for 28.8% of employee performance, employee efforts in working to have the effect of 50.6% on employee performance, corporate support for work processes have the effect of 47.7% the performance of employees, while the ability of employees, employee efforts, and support the company has influence for 66.3% of the employee's performance CV Gloria Konveksindo Clothing. With this capability expected of employees, employee efforts, and support the company serve as the main factor to improve employee performance.

  3. Exploring the SDSS Data Set with Linked Scatter Plots. I. EMP, CEMP, and CV Stars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carbon, Duane F.; Henze, Christopher; Nelson, Bron C., E-mail: [NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Advanced Supercomputing Facility, Moffett Field, CA, 94035-1000 (United States)


    We present the results of a search for extremely metal-poor (EMP), carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP), and cataclysmic variable (CV) stars using a new exploration tool based on linked scatter plots (LSPs). Our approach is especially designed to work with very large spectrum data sets such as the SDSS, LAMOST, RAVE, and Gaia data sets, and it can be applied to stellar, galaxy, and quasar spectra. As a demonstration, we conduct our search using the SDSS DR10 data set. We first created a 3326-dimensional phase space containing nearly 2 billion measures of the strengths of over 1600 spectral features in 569,738 SDSS stars. These measures capture essentially all the stellar atomic and molecular species visible at the resolution of SDSS spectra. We show how LSPs can be used to quickly isolate and examine interesting portions of this phase space. To illustrate, we use LSPs coupled with cuts in selected portions of phase space to extract EMP stars, CEMP stars, and CV stars. We present identifications for 59 previously unrecognized candidate EMP stars and 11 previously unrecognized candidate CEMP stars. We also call attention to 2 candidate He ii emission CV stars found by the LSP approach that have not yet been discussed in the literature.

  4. Health and interdisciplinary: world vast world Saúde e interdisciplinaridade: mundo vasto mundo

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    Jussara Maria Rosa Mendes


    Full Text Available This article seeks to review evolution from the angle of health and disease over the course of history, and to identify the motions that are leading us in the direction of a multiple and interdisciplinary vision within that process. A bibliography revision has been made allowing us to revisit the history. The picture then is of a “world vast world”, illustrated in the poetry of Drummond, the understanding of which demands a keen awareness concerning the meanings and inequalities that it brings. This work makes possible to resignify the importance of the junction of different cognitions, in a society globalize also by knowledge. It also shows us a way for the integration of professional actions when employing public policies, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. The lack of interdisciplinary implies the fragmentation of health technologies and of the consolidate praxis.O artigo retoma a evolução da concepção saúde/doença no curso da história, identificando os movimentos que vão se construindo na direção de uma visão multi e interdisciplinar naquele processo. Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema que proporcionou revisitar a história. No percurso a imagem que se oferece é, então, de um “vasto mundo vasto”, como mostra a poesia de Drummond, cuja máquina para o seu entendimento exige uma consciência aguda a respeito das desigualdades e eqüidades por ele produzido. A elaboração deste trabalho possibilitou ressignificar a relevância da articulação dos diferentes saberes, numa sociedade globalizada também pelo conhecimento, bem como sendo um caminho na integralidade das ações profissionais e na operacionalização das políticas públicas de promoção, prevenção, tratamento e reabilitação A ausência da interdisciplinaridade, implica na fragmentação dos dispositivos das tecnologias em saúde, e em práticas reificadas.

  5. Más allá del telar: el mundo del trabajo femenino en la Asturias del siglo XVIII

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    Patricia Suárez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En el Siglo de la Razón proliferaron los tratados dónde, por primera vez en la historia, se ponía de relieve la necesidad de educar de forma conveniente a las mujeres. Sin embargo, a pesar del reconocimiento que los Ilustrados otorgaron al sexo femenino, siguieron relegando a éstas a las paredes del hogar, exhortándoles a quedarse fuera del mundo del trabajo extra-doméstico, reservado sólo para los hombres de la familia. No obstante, la necesidad obligaba, y cuando los recursos u hombres de una casa escaseaban, la mujer tenía que salir a buscarse el sustento. Este es el caso de cientos de mujeres del Principado de Asturias, dónde, a mediados del siglo XVIII, la realidad femenina difería de lo que lo que se consideraba ideal. Este trabajo arrojará pues luz, en un campo hasta ahora desconocido: el del mundo profesional de las mujeres asturianas del Setecientos, dónde comprobaremos cómo en ocasiones llegaban a adquirir, gracias a su status profesional, papeles relevantes dentro de la sociedad.

  6. Prospective Study of Surgical Treatment of Acromegaly: Effects on Ghrelin, Weight, Adiposity, and Markers of CV Risk (United States)

    Reyes-Vidal, Carlos; Fernandez, Jean Carlos; Bruce, Jeffrey N.; Crisman, Celina; Conwell, Irene M.; Kostadinov, Jane; Geer, Eliza B.; Post, Kalmon D.


    Context: Although epidemiological studies have found that GH and IGF-1 normalization reduce the excess mortality of active acromegaly to expected rates, cross-sectional data report some cardiovascular (CV) risk markers to be less favorable in remission than active acromegaly. Objective: The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that remission of acromegaly after surgical therapy increases weight and adiposity and some CV risk markers and these changes are paralleled by a rise in ghrelin. Design: Forty-two adults with untreated, active acromegaly were studied prospectively. Changes in outcome measures from before to after surgery were assessed in 26 subjects achieving remission (normal IGF-1) and 16 with persistent active acromegaly (elevated IGF-1) after surgery. Setting: The study was conducted at tertiary referral centers for pituitary tumors. Main Outcome Measures: Endocrine, metabolic, and CV risk parameters, anthropometrics, and body composition by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were measured. Results: Remission increased total ghrelin, body weight, waist circumference, C-reactive protein, homocysteine, high-density lipoprotein, and leptin and reduced systolic blood pressure, homeostasis model assessment score, triglycerides, and lipoprotein (a) by 6 months and for 32 ± 4 months after surgery. The ghrelin rise correlated with the fall in the levels of GH, IGF-1, and insulin and insulin resistance. Weight, waist circumference, and ghrelin did not increase significantly in the persistent active acromegaly group. Total body fat, trunk fat, and perentage total body fat increased by 1 year after surgery in 15 remission subjects: the increase in body fat correlated with the rise in total ghrelin. Conclusions: Although most markers of CV risk improve with acromegaly remission after surgery, some markers and adiposity increase and are paralleled by a rise in total ghrelin, suggesting that these changes may be related. Understanding the mechanisms and

  7. De novo transcriptome assembly of Setatria italica variety Taejin

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    Yeonhwa Jo


    Full Text Available Foxtail millet (Setaria italica belonging to the family Poaceae is an important millet that is widely cultivated in East Asia. Of the cultivated millets, the foxtail millet has the longest history and is one of the main food crops in South India and China. Moreover, foxtail millet is a model plant system for biofuel generation utilizing the C4 photosynthetic pathway. In this study, we carried out de novo transcriptome assembly for the foxtail millet variety Taejin collected from Korea using next-generation sequencing. We obtained a total of 8.676 GB raw data by paired-end sequencing. The raw data in this study can be available in NCBI SRA database with accession number of SRR3406552. The Trinity program was used to de novo assemble 145,332 transcripts. Using the TransDecoder program, we predicted 82,925 putative proteins. BLASTP was performed against the Swiss-Prot protein sequence database to annotate the functions of identified proteins, resulting in 20,555 potentially novel proteins. Taken together, this study provides transcriptome data for the foxtail millet variety Taejin by RNA-Seq.

  8. Demonstration of de novo synthesis of enzymes by density labelling with stable isotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huebner, G.; Hirschberg, K.


    The technique of in vivo density labelling of proteins with H 2 18 O and 2 H 2 O has been used to investigate hormonal regulation and developmental expression of enzymes in plant cells. Buoyant density data obtained from isopycnic equilibrium centrifugation demonstrated that the cytokinine-induced nitrate reductase activity and the gibberellic acid-induced phosphatase activity in isolated embryos of Agrostemma githago are activities of enzymes synthesized de novo. The increase in alanine-specific aminopeptidase in germinating A. githago seeds is not due to de novo synthesis but to the release of preformed enzyme. On the basis of this result it is possible to apply the enzyme aminopeptidase as an internal density standard in equilibrium centrifugation. Density labelling experiments on proteins in pea cotyledons have been used to study the change in the activity of acid phosphatase, alanine-specific aminopeptidase, and peroxidase during germination. The activities of these enzymes increase in cotyledons of Pisum sativum. Density labelling by 18 O and 2 H demonstrates de novo synthesis of these three enzymes. The differential time course of enzyme induction shows the advantage of using H 2 18 O as labelling substance in cases when the enzyme was synthesized immediately at the beginning of germination. At this stage of development the amino-acid pool available for synthesis is formed principally by means of hydrolysis of storage proteins. The incorporation of 2 H into the new proteins takes place in a measurable amount at a stage of growth in which the amino acids are also synthesized de novo. The enzyme acid phosphatase of pea cotyledons was chosen to demonstrate the possibility of using the density labelling technique to detect protein turnover. (author)

  9. Optimizing de novo common wheat transcriptome assembly using short-read RNA-Seq data

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    Duan Jialei


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Rapid advances in next-generation sequencing methods have provided new opportunities for transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq. The unprecedented sequencing depth provided by RNA-Seq makes it a powerful and cost-efficient method for transcriptome study, and it has been widely used in model organisms and non-model organisms to identify and quantify RNA. For non-model organisms lacking well-defined genomes, de novo assembly is typically required for downstream RNA-Seq analyses, including SNP discovery and identification of genes differentially expressed by phenotypes. Although RNA-Seq has been successfully used to sequence many non-model organisms, the results of de novo assembly from short reads can still be improved by using recent bioinformatic developments. Results In this study, we used 212.6 million pair-end reads, which accounted for 16.2 Gb, to assemble the hexaploid wheat transcriptome. Two state-of-the-art assemblers, Trinity and Trans-ABySS, which use the single and multiple k-mer methods, respectively, were used, and the whole de novo assembly process was divided into the following four steps: pre-assembly, merging different samples, removal of redundancy and scaffolding. We documented every detail of these steps and how these steps influenced assembly performance to gain insight into transcriptome assembly from short reads. After optimization, the assembled transcripts were comparable to Sanger-derived ESTs in terms of both continuity and accuracy. We also provided considerable new wheat transcript data to the community. Conclusions It is feasible to assemble the hexaploid wheat transcriptome from short reads. Special attention should be paid to dealing with multiple samples to balance the spectrum of expression levels and redundancy. To obtain an accurate overview of RNA profiling, removal of redundancy may be crucial in de novo assembly.


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    Sonny Koeswara


    Full Text Available Six Sigma adalah metodologi yang terstruktur untuk memperbaiki proses yang difokuskan pada usaha mengurangi variasi pada proses sekaligus mengurangi defect pada produk dengan menggunakan pendekatan statistik dan Problem solving tools secara intensif. Tujuan dari metode Six Sigma ini adalah untuk mendapatkan zero defect dengan menjalankan 5 tahapan yaitu : Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve ,dan Control (DMAIC. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan metode Six Sigma di Cv. Sancu Creative Indonesia yang merupakan badan usaha yang memproduksi sandal karakter. Masalah yang terjadi adalah adanya defect sol sandal mudah mengelupas yang berakibat pada kualitas sandal dan salah satu penghambat visi dan misi perusahaan. Penelitian ini dibagi dalam 5 tahap. Tahap pertama adalah Define, yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah yang terjadi yang berasal dari kebutuhan konsumen berdasarkan data DCA dan OQC defect di CV. SANCU. Tahap kedua adalah Measure yaitu mengukur kondisi level performance proses saat ini (Z-Level. Pada tahap ini dilakukan validasi sistem pengukuran  dengan  menghitung  Dpo,Dpmo,Yield  dan  Sigma  level.  Tahap  ketiga  adalah Analyze yaitu menentukan faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya sol sandal mengelupas dan sekaligus menentukan vital faktor. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan bahwa vital faktor adalah waktu penempelan.Tahap keempat adalah improvement yaitu melakukan perbaikan dengan memberikan timer diarea lokasi penempelan. Control yaitu kegiatan melakukan pemantauan dari hasil perbaikan yang telah di implementasikan Kondisi   setelah   perbaikan   menghasilkan   perubahan   yang   signifikan   terhadap kapabilitas performance pada sandal, yaitu perubahan nilai sigma level setelah perbaikan 4.74s dari yang sebelum perbaikan adalah 4.26 s. Dari nilai tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode waktu penempelan dan kontrol pada performance sandal Cv. Sancu sudah membaik.

  11. Formação intelectual dos futuros presbíteros

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    Zilles, Urbano


    Full Text Available O autor apresenta considerações criticas sobre os estudos acadêmicos dos candidatos ao sacerdócio católico. O problema frente aos novos desafios atuais mostra a importância de estudos filosóficos e teológicos sérios para a relevância do cristianismo no diálogo com o pluralismo do mundo de hoje

  12. Humor e ensino: J. Carlos e a caricatura no Ensino de História

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    Daniela Cardoso da Silva


    Full Text Available O propósito deste artigo é dar um breve histórico da caricatura, analisando-a como instrumento para o Ensino de História, apontando como acontece este diálogo entre a arte caricata de J.Carlos no período chamado Estado Novo, sua representação de mundo e o ensino de História.

  13. NxRepair: error correction in de novo sequence assembly using Nextera mate pairs

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    Rebecca R. Murphy


    Full Text Available Scaffolding errors and incorrect repeat disambiguation during de novo assembly can result in large scale misassemblies in draft genomes. Nextera mate pair sequencing data provide additional information to resolve assembly ambiguities during scaffolding. Here, we introduce NxRepair, an open source toolkit for error correction in de novo assemblies that uses Nextera mate pair libraries to identify and correct large-scale errors. We show that NxRepair can identify and correct large scaffolding errors, without use of a reference sequence, resulting in quantitative improvements in the assembly quality. NxRepair can be downloaded from GitHub or PyPI, the Python Package Index; a tutorial and user documentation are also available.

  14. Novos encontros de anofelíneos em recipientes artificiais

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available Assinalam-se novos encontros de anofelíneos em recipientes artificiais. Um deles diz respeito a formas imaturas de Anopheles bellator em criadouros experimentais e outro é concernente ao achado de An. albitarsis l.s., em recipiente abandonado. Tecem-se considerações sobre a pressão seletiva representada pela produção, cada vez maior, de objetos descartáveis.

  15. Building a better fragment library for de novo protein structure prediction.

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    Saulo H P de Oliveira

    Full Text Available Fragment-based approaches are the current standard for de novo protein structure prediction. These approaches rely on accurate and reliable fragment libraries to generate good structural models. In this work, we describe a novel method for structure fragment library generation and its application in fragment-based de novo protein structure prediction. The importance of correct testing procedures in assessing the quality of fragment libraries is demonstrated. In particular, the exclusion of homologs to the target from the libraries to correctly simulate a de novo protein structure prediction scenario, something which surprisingly is not always done. We demonstrate that fragments presenting different predominant predicted secondary structures should be treated differently during the fragment library generation step and that exhaustive and random search strategies should both be used. This information was used to develop a novel method, Flib. On a validation set of 41 structurally diverse proteins, Flib libraries presents both a higher precision and coverage than two of the state-of-the-art methods, NNMake and HHFrag. Flib also achieves better precision and coverage on the set of 275 protein domains used in the two previous experiments of the the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP9 and CASP10. We compared Flib libraries against NNMake libraries in a structure prediction context. Of the 13 cases in which a correct answer was generated, Flib models were more accurate than NNMake models for 10. "Flib is available for download at:".

  16. Building a Better Fragment Library for De Novo Protein Structure Prediction (United States)

    de Oliveira, Saulo H. P.; Shi, Jiye; Deane, Charlotte M.


    Fragment-based approaches are the current standard for de novo protein structure prediction. These approaches rely on accurate and reliable fragment libraries to generate good structural models. In this work, we describe a novel method for structure fragment library generation and its application in fragment-based de novo protein structure prediction. The importance of correct testing procedures in assessing the quality of fragment libraries is demonstrated. In particular, the exclusion of homologs to the target from the libraries to correctly simulate a de novo protein structure prediction scenario, something which surprisingly is not always done. We demonstrate that fragments presenting different predominant predicted secondary structures should be treated differently during the fragment library generation step and that exhaustive and random search strategies should both be used. This information was used to develop a novel method, Flib. On a validation set of 41 structurally diverse proteins, Flib libraries presents both a higher precision and coverage than two of the state-of-the-art methods, NNMake and HHFrag. Flib also achieves better precision and coverage on the set of 275 protein domains used in the two previous experiments of the the Critical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP9 and CASP10). We compared Flib libraries against NNMake libraries in a structure prediction context. Of the 13 cases in which a correct answer was generated, Flib models were more accurate than NNMake models for 10. “Flib is available for download at:”. PMID:25901595

  17. Human native lipoprotein-induced de novo DNA methylation is associated with repression of inflammatory genes in THP-1 macrophages

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    Rangel-Salazar Rubén


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We previously showed that a VLDL- and LDL-rich mix of human native lipoproteins induces a set of repressive epigenetic marks, i.e. de novo DNA methylation, histone 4 hypoacetylation and histone 4 lysine 20 (H4K20 hypermethylation in THP-1 macrophages. Here, we: 1 ask what gene expression changes accompany these epigenetic responses; 2 test the involvement of candidate factors mediating the latter. We exploited genome expression arrays to identify target genes for lipoprotein-induced silencing, in addition to RNAi and expression studies to test the involvement of candidate mediating factors. The study was conducted in human THP-1 macrophages. Results Native lipoprotein-induced de novo DNA methylation was associated with a general repression of various critical genes for macrophage function, including pro-inflammatory genes. Lipoproteins showed differential effects on epigenetic marks, as de novo DNA methylation was induced by VLDL and to a lesser extent by LDL, but not by HDL, and VLDL induced H4K20 hypermethylation, while HDL caused H4 deacetylation. The analysis of candidate factors mediating VLDL-induced DNA hypermethylation revealed that this response was: 1 surprisingly, mediated exclusively by the canonical maintenance DNA methyltransferase DNMT1, and 2 independent of the Dicer/micro-RNA pathway. Conclusions Our work provides novel insights into epigenetic gene regulation by native lipoproteins. Furthermore, we provide an example of DNMT1 acting as a de novo DNA methyltransferase independently of canonical de novo enzymes, and show proof of principle that de novo DNA methylation can occur independently of a functional Dicer/micro-RNA pathway in mammals.

  18. Dois problemas decisivos sobre Para uma filosofia do ato: o mundo cindido e os atributos do Ser e do ato ético

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    Edson Soares Martins


    Full Text Available Para uma filosofia do ato, ensaio fragmentado e inacabado de Mikhail Bakhtin, é um dos textos da década de 1920 que melhor permitem entrever o sutil e complexo diálogo que o filósofo russo estabelece com o campo filosófico de seu tempo, através, sobretudo, de uma empolgante virada interpretativa do legado kantiano. O presente estudo objetiva discutir como o conceito de divisão entre o mundo da vida e o mundo da cultura e os problemas dos atributos do Ser e da transitividade e eventicidade aberta do ato responsável são instrumentalizados de modo a permitir essa virada filosófica, configurando o que representa a primeira grande contribuição de Mikhail Bakhtin ao pensamento ocidental.

  19. Automatic tracking of red blood cells in micro channels using OpenCV (United States)

    Rodrigues, Vânia; Rodrigues, Pedro J.; Pereira, Ana I.; Lima, Rui


    The present study aims to developan automatic method able to track red blood cells (RBCs) trajectories flowing through a microchannel using the Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV). The developed method is based on optical flux calculation assisted by the maximization of the template-matching product. The experimental results show a good functional performance of this method.

  20. De novo post-pollen mitosis II tobacco pollen tube transcriptome

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hafidh, Said; Breznenová, Katarína; Honys, David


    Roč. 7, č. 8 (2012), s. 918-921 ISSN 1559-2316 R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP501/11/P321; GA ČR GA522/09/0858 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511 Keywords : de novo pollen tube transcriptome * male gametophyte development * pollen tube growth Subject RIV: ED - Physiology