
Sample records for cretaceous del salto

  1. Efecto de la intensidad del contramovimiento sobre el rendimiento del salto vertical

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    Marcos Gutiérrez-Dávila


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación ha sido comprobar el efecto de la intensidad del contramovimiento sobre el rendimiento del salto vertical. Para el control de la intensidad se han utilizado tres protocolos de saltos verticales con participación de brazos: a saltos verticales partiendo desde la posición de erguidos (CMJ + S; b partiendo de un salto previo donde la altura de caída estaba regulada por el participante (DJ-AR, y c partiendo de un salto previo máximo (DJ-M. Han participado 28 deportistas practicantes de modalidades deportivas donde el salto vertical constituye una habilidad básica. Se ha utilizado una plataforma de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, sincronizada temporalmente a una cámara de vídeo, que registraba a 210 Hz el plano sagital de los saltos realizados sobre la plataforma. La aceleración vertical del CM se determinó a partir de la fuerza neta vertical y la masa del saltador. A continuación, los sucesivos registros de la velocidad vertical y las posiciones de componente vertical adoptadas por el CM se determinaron mediante integración de las componentes verticales de las funciones de aceleración-tiempo y velocidad-tiempo, respectivamente. Las constantes de integración se determinaron mediante imágenes de vídeo (2D. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que, cuando se realizan saltos con alturas de caída superiores a 0,39 ± 0,05 m, el pico de potencia durante la fase propulsiva (PP(propulsiva, el impulso vertical de propulsión (Iv(propulsión., y la altura de salto (Ycm vuelo, se reducen de forma significativa (p < 0,001, lo que nos permite afirmar que se reduce el rendimiento durante la fase propulsiva.

  2. Contribution to the study of Arapey Salto-Aquifer System (Department of Salto - Uruguay)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Massa, E.


    This paper provide hydrogeological data about the Salto Arapey aquifer system constituted by sedimentary deposits and fisurate effusive rocks, respectively Tertiary and Cretacic aged. The information belongs to an area located at latitude South 31º20' West. North of the Salto city (NW of Uruguay) 500 km away from Montevideo. A regional aquifer system can be defined where the biggest flows are originated in the basaltic fisurate d rocks of the Arapey formation. Environment features are also considered and data about the main polluting agents - both organic and inorganic ones- are provided, bearing in mind that they justify an urgent safety design to protect the aquifer system

  3. Análisis del volumen de entrenamiento pliométrico para la mejora del salto

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    Rafael Copoví Lanusse


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de diferentes volúmenes de entrenamiento sobre la mejora del salto vertical. Método: se realizó una búsqueda de información en las bases de datos PubMed, MedLine y SportsDiscus donde se identificaron 59 artículos que cumplían los siguientes criterios: a Estudios que incluyan programas de entrenamiento pliométrico de miembros inferiores, b Que contengan programas experimentales y medidas válidas y seguras. Aquellos programas con un volumen de entrenamiento de 8 a 12 semanas con una frecuencia de 2 a 3 sesiones semanales, en las cuales se realizan de 1 a 3 ejercicios con un total de 3 a 8 series por sesión y en las que se den una media de 70 a 100 saltos, parece ser la mejor combinación.

  4. Efecto del kinesiotaping con y sin tensión aplicado en cuadríceps sobre la capacidad de salto en deportistas

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    Mayerly Carolina Anaya


    Full Text Available Antecedentes: Estudios previos han encontrado que la técnica del Kinesiotaping (KT reduce la intensidad y duración del dolor y la inflamación, incrementa la fuerza muscular y estabiliza las articulaciones. Sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre su efecto para mejorar las capacidades físicas a través de la estimulación muscular en deportistas. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del KT aplicado en el cuadríceps sobre la capacidad de salto vertical en deportistas sanos, ajustado por el porcentaje de coordinación y elasticidad, edad e Índice de Masa Corporal. Metodología: Estudio experimental realizado en 24 voleibolistas, aleatorizados en dos grupos: (1 12 sujetos (21.3 ± 3.4 años, 75.6 ± 13.9Kg, con aplicación del KT en cuádriceps femoral con tensión; (2 12 sujetos (20.5± 2.9 años, 71.8 ± 6.8 Kg con aplicación del KT en cuádriceps femoral sin tensión. Resultados: Los datos no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la aplicación del KT con y sin tensión; se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el porcentaje de coordinación y la altura del salto alcanzado en la prueba de Abalakov (p=0,006, cuando el KT tenía tensión y ajustado por edad e IMC. Discusión y conclusiones: La técnica KT no mejora del desempeño del salto en deportistas sanos. No se debería aplicar KT en el cuadríceps femoral con el único objetivo de mejorar el salto en jugadores de voleibol saludables masculinos.

  5. Geology of hole drill thermal infra basaltic (Guarani Aquifer System) in Salto Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, C.; Muzio, R.; Marmisolle, J.; De Souza, S.


    This paper deals with the lithological description of a thermal infrabasaltic (Guarani Aquifer System) hole drill cutting in Dayman (Kanarek Hotel), Salto department (Uruguay). This hole drill shows 152 meters of Buena Vista Formation (Upper Permian- Lower Triassic), 188 meters of Tacuarembo Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) and 940meters of Arapey Formation (Lower Cretaceous). Petrographical studies of six basaltic levels were done [es

  6. Biomecánica aplicada al diseño de una Herramienta de Evaluación de los saltos en Gimnasia Rítmica atendiendo al Código Internacional de Puntuación. Aplicación a la evaluación del salto zancada

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    Ignacio Grande Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La Biomecánica ha realizado estudios sobre los saltos en Gimnasia Rítmica desde el punto de vista cinemático (Lebré y Sousa, 1997; Sousa y Lebré, 1998 y dinámico (Ferro, Rivera y Pagola, 2000. Sin embargo no tenemos constancia de ningún estudio que los valore atendiendo a los requerimientos específicos del vigente Código de Puntuación. Éstos requerimientos son tres Características de Base que deben cumplir los saltos: altura, forma y amplitud (FIG, 2005. El objetivo principal de este Proyecto es crear una herramienta para evaluar los saltos de Gimnasia Rítmica incluyendo tanto variables cinemáticas generales, variables de uso extensivo en el análisis de este tipo de movimientos desde el punto de vista de la biomecánica, como variables cinemáticas específicas, traduciendo las Características de Base que son juzgadas en competición a variables cinemáticas cuantificables. Para realizar la evaluación de los saltos nos apoyándonos en análisis cinemáticos realizados mediante videogrametría 3D. Tras varios diseños se presenta la Ficha de Evaluación del salto zancada que ha sido ya aplicada en un grupo de gimnastas de alto nivel (n=19. Las principales novedades de esta propuesta son el diseño de una herramienta de evaluación específica para este tipo de elementos técnicos teniendo en cuenta la normativa concreta de la Gimnasia Rítmica, la valoración objetiva de las características de base del salto y el intento de presentar los resultados biomecánicos de una forma entendible y rápidamente asimilable para el entrenador.

  7. Memories of silence. Literature in Caribbean and Central America, by Graciela Salto

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    Carmen Perilli


    Full Text Available Reviewed book:SALTO, Graciela. Memorias del silencio. Literaturas en el Caribe y en Centroamérica. Edición, compilación y prólogo de Graciela Salto. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 2010.---Original in Spanish.

  8. Coleópteros acuáticos y semiacuáticos del Parque Provincial Salto Encantado y Valle del Cuñá Pirú (Misiones, Argentina Aquatic and semiaquatic Coleoptera from Salto Encantado y Valle del Cuñá Pirú Provincial Park (Misiones, Argentina

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    Liliana A. Fernández


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la recolección de coleópteros acuáticos y semiacuáticos del Parque Provincial Salto Encantado y Valle del Cuñá Pirú, con el objeto de contribuir al conocimiento de la biodiversidad del área protegida mencionada, de la provincia de Misiones. Los sitios de muestreo incluyeron ambientes lóticos y lénticos. Se registraron 74 especies de coleópteros, distribuidas en 44 géneros y 14 familias: Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Hydraenidae, Staphylinidae, Scirtidae, Psephenidae, Limnichidae, Lutrochidae, Dryopidae y Elmidae. Se mencionan nuevas citas para la provincia y para la Argentina, así como la presencia de especies nuevas para la ciencia.This paper presents a list of aquatic and semiaquatic Coleoptera collected during a biodiversity study carried out in Salto Encantado and Valle del Cuñá Pirú Provincial Park. This study aims to improve the knowledge of this protected area located in Misiones Province. Permanent and semi-permanent lotic and lentic habitats were sampled. Seventy-four species of beetles in 44 genera and 14 families were recorded: Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Hydraenidae, Staphylinidae, Scirtidae, Psephenidae, Limnichidae, Lutrochidae, Dryopidae and Elmidae. New records for the province and for Argentina are listed, and the presence of new species is mentioned.

  9. Efectos de saltos inesperados en el gasto público y variables demográficas en el crecimiento económico. El caso mexicano con un enfoque GARCH con saltos (1936-2012

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    Claudia Estrella Castillo-Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este artículo desarrolla un modelo estocástico macroeconómico útil para explicar los efectos que tienen los saltos inesperados en el gasto de gobierno per cápita y en variables demográficas en el crecimiento económico per cápita. Para ello se supone que las dinámicas estocásticas del gasto público y de la población son conducidas por procesos de difusión con saltos modulados por una cadena de Markov. Los resultados más importantes son que los saltos bruscos e inesperados en el gasto público per cápita y en el crecimiento de la población impactan negativamente la tasa de crecimiento per cápita del producto. En particular, si hay un salto brusco y repentino en la tasa de crecimiento de la población, entonces el capital per cápita disminuye repentinamente impactando con ello negativamente el producto per cá- pita. Por último, los resultados teóricos encontrados se complementan con eviden- cia empírica del caso mexicano obtenida mediante un modelo que toma en cuenta tanto la volatilidad de las tasas de crecimiento de la población y del gasto público per cápita así como las sorpresas en la intensidad de los saltos en esas variables.

  10. Aumento de altura en salto en jugadores universitarios de voleibol

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    Pablo Quiroga Maraboli


    Full Text Available El entrenamiento del salto es fundamental para obtener un óptimo desempeño en diversos deportes, siendo el método complejo, basado en el fenómeno de potenciación posactivación (PPA, uno de los de los más utilizados para el entrenamiento de esta cualidad. Numerosos estudios respaldan la existencia de PPA representada en las variaciones de un salto vertical, sin embargo, en la literatura no se describe un protocolo estándar de entrenamiento que genere dicho fenómeno. Este estudio piloto cuantitativo cuasi experimental tiene como objetivo determinar en cuál de las zonas de fuerza descritas por Naclerio se debe entrenar para que la PPA se exprese, en mayor medida, evidenciado en las variaciones de altura de un salto Counter Movement Jump (CMJ. Se utilizó un muestreo por conveniencia de veinticinco individuos, divididos aleatoriamente en cinco grupos, cada uno correspondiente a una zona de fuerza. Luego los sujetos fueron entrenados con sentadilla media según los parámetros de cada zona. Finalmente, se obtuvo la altura del salto basándose en la fórmula de Bosco a partir de los fotogramas de una cámara digital. Existieron dos zonas de fuerza que presentaron un aumento en la altura del salto posterior a la potenciación, la zona de fuerza potencia y explosiva, sin embargo solo la primera de estas mostró resultados significativos en dicho cambio (p < 0,05, representados como un 7 % de aumento. Pretendemos que dichos hallazgos sean útiles para el desarrollo de nuevos estudios que permitan el diseño de nuevas metodologías de entrenamiento y rehabilitación deportiva viéndose beneficiados por sus propiedades.


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    David Horacio Ramírez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo de investigación, que se desarrolló en la microcuenca El Salto del municipio de El Santuario, se estimó la presencia del Metamidofos, en plantas de repollo (Brassica oleraceae y en el suelo y su riesgo de contaminación en aguas para el consumo humano. En el repollo el nivel de concentración del Metamidofos sobrepasó los límites máximos permisibles establecidos para esta planta por el Codex Alimentarius; en el suelo no se encontraron residuos del producto, pero sí en el agua de escorrentía y en dos sitios del cauce de la quebrada El Salto localizados aguas arriba de la bocatoma del acueducto municipal; no se detectó Metamidofos en la muestra de agua de la bocatoma del acueducto ni en la red de distribución del acueducto municipal. En la estimación cualitativa del riesgo de contaminación se utilizaron como variables de vulnerabilidad y amenaza la precipitación, la escorrentía, el coeficiente de escorrentía, el tiempo de concentración, la erosión, algunas propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas del suelo y la pendiente de los terrenos. Se observó que el riesgo se presenta por la alta cantidad de insecticida utilizado y su frecuencia de utilización, que se incrementa según la distribución e intensidad de las lluvias y del potencial de erosión y este, a su vez, por el uso y manejo no adecuado del suelo. En la parcela experimental y en un terreno aledaño sembrado con pasto kikuyo (Pennisetum clandestinum, se calculó la población por unidad de área de la lombriz de tierra (Lumbricus terrestris. La ausencia de este organismo en la parcela cultivada con repollo (Brassica oleraceae se puede considerar como indicador biológico por la contaminación de este insecticida en el suelo.This investigation was done in El Salto watershed basin located in the municipality of El Santuario. It was examined the presence of Metamidofos in plants of cabbage, in soils, with risk of contamination in waters for the human

  12. Salto de Vinon, Francia

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    Vié, G.


    Full Text Available The hydroelectric exploitation of the Verdon stream, which is the most important of those flowing into the Durance river, is achieved by means of the Vinon Dam, and other dams. The combined water supply from the Greoux dam and the Vinon dam provide a controlled flow for the Provence canal, which is fed through the Maurras gallery. In this Alpine zone a general study is being conducted at present to coordinate in the best possible manner the use of the torrential water, available in the various valleys, both for irrigation and power producing purposes. The most important aspects of the Vinon project are the drilling of the very long galleries. This work has been done with very modem equipment of high efficiency. The author describes this in detail. The Vinon power plant is partly underground, and has a central cylindrical section, of 19 m diameter. This power station has a Francis unit, of 27.800 kw, operated by a water supply of 40 m3/sec under a hydrostatic head of 78 m.El aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico del arroyo Verdón, afluente más importante del río Durance, se realiza por medio del salto de Vinon. Las aguas combinadas de la restitución y embalse de Gréoux suministrarán un caudal regulado al canal de Provenza, para lo cual se aprovechará la galería de Maurras. Esta zona alpina es objeto, actualmente, de un estudio general que coordinará las aguas torrenciales de las distintas cuencas afectadas para un mejor aprovechamiento, tanto hidroeléctrico como para riegos, además de asegurar una regulación de caudales. Los trabajos más importantes del salto de Vinon se centran en la perforación de galerías de gran longitud, trabajo que se ha realizado con material moderno de gran rendimiento que el autor describe. La central de Vinon, semiexterior, presenta en su núcleo central una forma cilíndrica de 19 m de diámetro. Esta central se ha equipado con un grupo Francis de 27.800 kW de potencia, dispone de un salto hidrostático de 78

  13. Análisis de variables medidas en salto vertical relacionadas con el rendimiento deportivo y su aplicación al entrenamiento

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    P. Jiménez-Reyes


    Full Text Available Uno de los indicadores de la condición física de los atletas es la potencia. La altura del salto es un buen predictor de la potencia muscular, y, por tanto, varios tipos de saltos verticales se han empleado como tests estandarizados del rendimiento deportivo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación entre la capacidad de salto y la capacidad de aceleración en velocistas. Participaron 36 velocistas de nivel nacional e internacional y realizaron los saltos Squat Jump (SJ, el Salto con Contramovimiento (CMJ y el CMJ con cargas progresivas (CMJc, además de carreras de 20 m y 30 m. En nuestro caso, obtuvimos relaciones significativas entre el CMJ (r=-0,65, p<0,01 y el CMJ con aquella carga que permite generar la máxima potencia en el test de CMPc (r=-0,56, p<0,01, dándose las mayores relaciones para el tramo lanzado de 20 m a 30 m. En conclusión, el tiempo en distancias lanzadas sería la mejor referencia para comprobar la evolución del rendimiento, aconsejando que el control de los cambios producidos por el entrenamiento en la velocidad en la fase de aceleración debería evaluarse en un tramo lanzado. Además, la carga con la que se alcanza la máxima potencia en el salto (CMJMP debe utilizarse para controlar la evolución de la condición física del deportista en cualquier momento del ciclo de entrenamiento.

  14. Coleópteros acuáticos y semiacuáticos del Parque Provincial Salto Encantado y Valle del Cuñá Pirú (Misiones, Argentina

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    Liliana A. FERNÁNDEZ


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados de la recolección de coleópteros acuáticos y semiacuáticos del Parque Provincial Salto Encantado y Valle del Cuñá Pirú, con el objeto de contribuir al conocimiento de la biodiversidad del área protegida mencionada, de la provincia de Misiones. Los sitios de muestreo incluyeron ambientes lóticos y lénticos. Se registraron 74 especies de coleópteros, distribuidas en 44 géneros y 14 familias: Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae, Hydraenidae, Staphylinidae, Scirtidae, Psephenidae, Limnichidae, Lutrochidae, Dryopidae y Elmidae. Se mencionan nuevas citas para la provincia y para la Argentina, así como la presencia de especies nuevas para la ciencia.

  15. Entrenamiento de la capacidad de salto en el jugador de baloncesto: una revisión

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    Jaime San Román-Quintana


    Full Text Available El baloncesto es un deporte intermitente en el que se combinan acciones de intensidad leve, moderada y alta y por tanto el metabolismo aeróbico y anaeróbico se presentan conjuntamente. Una de las acciones más determinantes durante la competición es la capacidad de salto, dado que es utilizada por los jugadores para ejecutar, a su vez, diferentes situaciones específicas del juego como tirar o entrar a canasta, etc., sugiriéndose así, que dicha Expresión de la fuerza es un factor principal en el éxito en este deporte. Por ello, el entrenamiento del salto vertical en el jugador de baloncesto es una cuestión determinante en el rendimiento final del juego.

  16. Immediate effect on vertical jumping ability after the completion of trampoline jumping Efecto inmediato sobre la capacidad de salto vertical después de la realización de saltos en cama elástica

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    M. Fernández del Olmo


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    The purpose of this study was to value the immediate effect on the capacity of vertical jump, caused by the execution of continuous jumps in a trampoline. Nine subjects (23,4 ± 2.83 years, males and sportsmen with prior experience in the execution of countermovement jump (CMJ, they carried out a series of continuous vertical jumps on a trampoline during 60 seconds, being valued the capacity of jump in platform of contacts before and after this activity. The electromyographic (EMG activity was registered of five muscles of the right leg (gluteus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis and soleus in all the CMJ. The height of jump diminished significantly (p <0.01 after the execution of the jumps in the trampoline, being recovered in a brief period of time. Themselves differences were not observed in the EMG for the root mean squared (RMS or in the amplitude in none of the muscles, neither in the phase of impulse, neither in the 50 ms previous to start of the jump. In the neuromuscular pattern, in spite of the great variability existing inter and intraindividual, a significant delay was identified (p<0.05 in the activation of the biceps femoris immediately after the trampoline. Keeping in mind these results, seems probably that the smaller height of the vertical jump reached after the trampoline be more attributable to a modification in the temporary characteristics and sequence of activation of the muscles that to a decrease in the activation of the same.
    KEY WORDS: Vertical Jump, Neuromuscular pattern, Sprung surface, Electromyography.


    El propósito de este estudio fue valorar el efecto inmediato sobre la capacidad de salto vertical, provocado por la realización de saltos continuos en una cama elástica. Nueve sujetos (23,4 ± 2,83 años, varones y deportistas con experiencia previa en la ejecución del

  17. Efecto agudo y retardado de siete tipos de estímulos diferentes sobre la capacidad de salto y efecto de ocho estímulos diferentes sobre la capacidad de salto y la velocidad de desplazamiento

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    Eduardo Sáez Sáez de Villarreal


    significativa en la CSV con todos los tratamientos. No se obtuvieron mejoras significativas en la VD en 30m con ningún tratamiento. La especificidad del entrenamiento en los grupos que realizaron saltos con carga se manifestó en la mejora del cociente de fuerza-velocidad. La FE mejoró en los grupos donde la velocidad de ejecución fue alta. Se produjo mayor transferencia entre los ejercicios de sentadilla y saltos (con y sin carga que entre la sentadilla y la VD. La combinación de ejercicios con diferentes cargas produjo resultados superiores. Esto pudo deberse a un efecto sinérgico de los ejercicios que sólo se podían desplazar a velocidades medias (≤ 1m · s-1 (sentadilla con otros que se podían desplazar a velocidades altas (>1m · s-1: sentadilla hasta el paralelo (utilizando cargas moderadas, saltos con cargas ligeras y los saltos pliométricos (con el propio peso.

  18. Velocities and joint angles during double backward stretched salto performed with stable landing and in combination with tempo salto

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    J Sadowski


    Full Text Available The aim of the study was to compare the values of velocity an joint angles obtained during performance of double salto backward stretched with a stable landing and its combination with salto tempo. Seven top level acrobats (track jumpers participated in study. Mean values of body height, mass and age had a value of: 170 cm ± 4.0 cm, 72.4 kg ± 3.6 kg, 20.4±1.7 years, respectively. The studies were conducted on a standard acrobatic path (type PTS 2000. Two digital video cameras (240 Hz and APAS 2000 (Ariel Dynamics Inc. were used during studies. Markers were placed in ankle, knee, hip, arm, elbow and wrist joints. All marker positions were tracked and reconstructed using the APAS system. Two sequences with the following elements were analysed: round-off - double salto backward stretched (A and round-off - double salto backward stretched - tempo salto (B. The highest differences between the key components describing performance of presented exercises exist for joint angles during launching and landing position, and resultant velocities during touchdown. In version A the athlete created prerequisites for “gliding” double salto backward stretched by means of the body segments motions, whereas in version B he executes faster motions of the body segments accentuating his actions upon backward rotation of the body. During the final phase of double salto backward stretched in combination with tempo salto the athlete performed courbette “under himself” (almost straight feet are placed in front of vertical line, pushes directly back and in 0,1 s executes stable arm swing upward-backward to tempo salto.

  19. Diferencias de género en salto de altura según categorías de edad

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    Javier Bermejo Frutos


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue determinar los parámetros biomecánicos del salto de altura en los que se producen diferencias entre saltadores y saltadoras en diferentes categorías de edad. La muestra analizada estuvo formada por 69 saltadores de élite, 37 hombres (13-15 años, n = 11; 17-18 años, n = 13, y 18-34 años, n = 13 y 32 mujeres (13-14 años, n = 11; 17-18 años, n = 9; y 15-33 años, n = 12. A través de fotogrametría 3D se analizó el mejor salto del Campeonato de España en pista cubierta 2009. Se calcularon 46 variables durante las fases de ante-salto, batida, y paso del listón. Para determinar diferencias entre géneros se aplicó la prueba t-test para muestras independientes. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que al subir de categoría de edad las diferencias entre los valores registrados por los hombres y los registrados por las mujeres aumentan. Esta diferencia se produce en mayor medida en las variables madurativas que en las antropométricas y técnicas.


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    R. Arteaga


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    Estudiamos el rendimiento en el salto vertical y como podría verse afectado por lacomposición corporal en 13 niñas que practicaban gimnasia rítmica (GR; 10.4 ± 0.9 años y13 niñas control (CO; 9.9 ± 0.7 años. La composición corporal fue determinada medianteantropometría y DXA. Se realizaron saltos con y sin contramovimiento (CMJ y SJ sobre unaplataforma de fuerza analizándose entre otras variables la altura de vuelo (AV, velocidad dedespegue (VD, velocidad vertical máxima del centro de masas (Vimax, la potencia media(Pm, el impulso mecánico positivo (Ipos, tiempo de fuerza máxima (Tfmax y potenciainstantánea máxima (Pimax. Las gimnastas consiguieron una AV, VD, Ipos y Vimax mayoren ambos saltos y una Pm, Tfmax y Pimax mayores en el CMJ que las control (p<0.05. Enconclusión, prácticar gimnasia rítmica 10 h·sem-1 se asocia a un mayor rendimiento en elsalto vertical.

    Palabras claves: gimnasia rítmica, entrenamiento de fuerza, capacidad de salto.

  1. Contribución de los brazos en el aterrizaje del salto vertical. [Contribution of the arms in the landing of the vertical jump].

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    Marcos Gutiérrez-Dávila


    Full Text Available Se pretende comprobar el efecto que tiene la contribución de los brazos en los aterrizajes de los saltos verticales sobre las componentes de las fuerzas de reacción, goniometría articular y contribución de los segmentos corporales al desplazamiento vertical del centro de gravedad (CG. Han participado 29 deportistas donde el salto vertical constituye una habilidad básica. Todos los participantes debían dejarse caer desde una altura de 0.5 m y amortiguar la caída en dos situaciones experimentales: a sin acción de brazos y b con participación libre de los brazos. Se ha utilizado una plataforma de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, sincronizada temporalmente a una cámara de vídeo a 240 Hz que registraba el plano sagital de los saltos. Los saltos han sido considerados como un movimiento simétrico que se desarrolla en un plano, compuesto por un modelo mecánico simplificado de ocho segmentos. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que la participación libre de los brazos contribuye a reducir del segundo pico máximo de fuerza, lo que se produce debido a la mayor distancia de frenado del CG y una menor reducción de la velocidad vertical del CG, lo que podría contribuir a reducir el riesgo de lesiones. La contribución segmentaria al desplazamiento vertical del CG indica que la restricción de los brazos durante los aterrizajes produce un cambio importante en el mecanismo de absorción de las fuerzas que podría incrementar la tensión en el ligamento cruzado anterior de la rodilla. Abstract The purpose was to evaluate the effect of the arms action during vertical jump landing on ground reaction forces, joint kinematic and vertical displacement of the center of gravity (CG. 29 athletes where the vertical jump constitutes a basic skill in their sport have participated in this study. All participants had to drop from a height of 0.5 m and cushion the fall in two experimental situations: a without arm action and b with free participation of the

  2. Salto de Miranda, Asturias

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    Vilanova Bosch, José Luis


    Full Text Available The water from the rivers Pigüeña and Somiedo is collected and conducted to the Salto de Miranda hydroelectric power station. The civil engineers Constructora Hidrocivil, S. A., carried out the project for the owners of this power station. Hidroeléctrica Cantábrica, S. A. The project is situated in the mountains, where a small dam collects the water. This is then led through a long conduit to the entry of the pressure pipes leading to the turbines. The water later flows back to the original river course. The total pressure head is 410 ms, and the mean volume of water which is exploited is 15 m3/sec. As the author is planning to publish additional articles describing specific aspects of the problem, no attempt is made here to emphasize the importance of many significant features of this project. In carrying out this project, the contractors devoted great care to the planning of the various constructional steps, in order that no delay in one particular operation should hold up the progress in the rest of the work.La entidad propietaria del Salto de Miranda es Hidroeléctrica del Cantábrico, S. A.; e Hidrocivil, S. A., participó muy activamente en la ejecución de los trabajos de obra e ingeniería civil. Fue una labor tan recia y tenaz de todos los que participaron en esta gran tarea, y tan elogioso su trabajo, su constante espíritu y voluntad de superación, que a ellos, obreros y técnicos, me debo sin reservas y con sinceridad. El éxito es suyo. Éxito basado en labor de equipo, perfecta compenetración de los binomios «hombre-hombres» «máquina-hombres». Quiero agradecer a la Compañía de Construcciones Hidráulicas y Civiles la oportunidad que me brindó de dirigir estos trabajos, que forjaron en mí una experiencia técnica y la satisfacción de una rendida colaboración. En otros números de esta revista espero poder extenderme, con mayor detalle, en otros aspectos específicos de esta importante obra.


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    C. Ferragut


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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido determinar si es posible predecir la altura de vuelo en el salto vertical a partir de variables cinemáticas, dinamométricas y antropométricas, mediante un modelo de regresión múltiple lineal. Participaron en el estudio 53 sujetos, 21 hombres jugadores de voleibol de categorías nacionales (División de Honor y Primera División y 9 mujeres jugadoras de voleibol de División de Honor, así como 23 estudiantes de Educación Física, de los cuales 12 eran hombres y 11 mujeres. Inicialmente se determinó la altura de vuelo en saltos efectuados sin contramovimiento o "squat jumps" (SJ y en saltos precedidos por un contramovimiento o "countermovement jumps" (CMJ. Además, se determinó la fuerza isométrica máxima (FIM en posición de semisentadillla, con las rodillas flexionadas a 90º, 120º y 140º , simultáneamente se tomaron medidas de la actividad electromiográfica del vasto externo del cuádriceps. La masa muscular de las extremidades inferiores se midió mediante absociometría fotónica dual de rayos X (DEXA. El impulso positivo explicó por sí solo un 77% de la variabilidad en altura de vuelo. La variable anterior combinada con el porcentaje de masa corporal representado por la masa muscular de las extremidades inferiores permitió explicar un 82% de la variabilidad de la altura de vuelo en el CMJ. Al añadir a la ecuación anterior la masa muscular de las extremidades inferiores se pudo explicar un 98% de la variabilidad en altura de vuelo. En los saltos sin contramovimiento, también fue posible explicar un porcentaje similar de la variabilidad de la altura de vuelo utilizando las mismas variables.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Salto vertical, DEXA, masa muscular, fuerza


  4. Biomechanical analysis of countermovement jump in people with cerebral palsy Análisis biomecánico del salto vertical con contramovimiento en personas con parálisis cerebral

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    K. Gianikellis


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    The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the patterns of the developed ground reaction forces in the two – legged countermovement jumping, performed by persons affected by tetraparesis with ataxia, tetraparesis with athetosis, tetraparesis with spasticity, diplegia with spasticity, right and left hemiplegia and, finally, right and left hemiparesis. After twenty subjects jumped on the surface of a force plate analysis of the ground reaction force – time trend took place. The obtained results confirm the accomplishment of the biomechanical principle of the initial force as in the case of persons not affected by neurological disorders. Finally the calculated ratio between the breaking impulse and the acceleration impulse is very near to optimum values.
    KEY WORDS: cerebral palsy, biomechanics, countermovement jump.


    El valor óptimo del impulso de aceleración en el salto vertical con contra -movimiento, es aproximadamente tres veces superior al impulso de “frenaje”. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido investigar el modo de actuación de la cadena biocinemática del tren inferior en el salto vertical con contra -movimiento para personas afectadas por parálisis cerebral, concretamente, tetraparesia con ataxia, tetraparesia con atetosis, tetraparesia con espasticidad, diplegia con espasticidad, hemiplegia izquierda y derecha, y finalmente, hemiparesia izquierda y derecha. Para ello, se han analizado las fuerzas de reacción de veintitrés sujetos que han realizado saltos con contramovimiento sobre una plataforma de fuerzas. El hallazgo de un valor medio de la ratio entre el impulso de “frenaje” y el de aceleración muy próximo al valor teórico para los veintitrés sujetos con diferentes síntomas de parálisis cerebral, confirma el principio de la fuerza inicial mientras que el alto coeficiente de variación de los parámetros utilizados en este estudio confirma la esperada

  5. Influência de implementos para o tornozelo nas respostas biomecânicas do salto e aterrissagem no basquete Influencia de los implementos para el tobillo en las respuestas biomecanicas del salto y el aterrizaje en el basquetbol Influence of ankle devices in the jump and landing biomechanical responses in basketball

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    Isabel de C.N. Sacco


    lesionado en el basquetbol es el tobillo, siendo la torsión por inversión interna la lesión mas común, para evitarla, es común el uso de ciertos implementos. El objetivo de este estudio fue el de evaluar la fuerza de reacción del suelo (frs en jugadores de basquetbol durante la ejecución del salto en tres situaciones: uso de calzado deportivo, uso de vendaje y calzado deportivo, uso de calzado deportivo y ortesis Aircast. MÉTODOS: Ocho atletas fueron analizados durante el salto, a través de la plataforma de fuerza en las tres situaciones citadas para el análisis de los componentes vertical y horizontal medio lateral de la FRS. RESULTADOS Y CONCLUSIÓN: No hubo diferencia estadística significativa entre las tres situaciones en la componente vertical de la FRS durante el salto, ahora el uso del vendaje tiende a presentar en la impulsión mayores valores del pico de fuerza vertical. (3,10 ± 0,46PC; 3,01 ± 0,39PC; 3,03 ± 0,41PC y del gradiente de crecimiento (GC (12,33 ± 12,21PC; 8,16 ± 3,89PC; 8,46 ± 3,85PC, y durante el aterrizaje, menores valores del pico de fuerza vertical (5,18 ± 1,35PC; 5,56 ± 1,31PC; 5,49 ± 1,44PC e do GC (88,83 ± 33,85PC; 95,63 ± 42,64PC; 94,53 ± 31,69PC. Durante la impulsión, la fuerza medial del salto con Aircast fue significativamente menor que con el calzado deportivo (p = 0,0249, y presentó un valor semejante al uso del vendaje, en cuanto a la fuerza lateral fue significativamente mayor con el vendaje que con el calzado deportivo (p = 0,0485 y tendió a ser mayor que con el Aircast. En el aterrizaje el componente medio-lateral de la FRS quedó inalterado en las tres situaciones. Se concluye que el vendaje potencializó la fuerza direccionada al salto vertical durante la impulsión, porque no estabilizó tanto como con el Aircast los movimientos de inversión y eversión del pie. Durante el aterrizaje, los implementos no fueron efectivos para reducir la fuerza medio-lateral, más que con el vendaje, hubo un tiempo mayor para

  6. Salto and The Garden of Eden / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Eesti edukast arhitektuuribüroost Salto. 2004. a. loodud büroo on pälvinud 38 autasu arhitektuurikonkurssidelt. Salto arhitektide projekti järgi on valminud Sõmeru vallamaja, Maanteemuuseumi välialad, Eesti Maaülikooli spordihoone, Põhuteater, Tartu Kesklinna Kooli juurdeehitus jm.

  7. Aeróbic deportivo: importancia del conocimiento previo del error en el aprendizaje y retención de una habilidad gimnástica de salto

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    Águeda Gutiérrez Sánchez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio ha sido, por un lado intentar plantear un sistema de entrenamiento técnico indicando los errores a evitar establecidos por el Código de Puntuación en esta modalidad deportiva, y por otro lado, ver los efectos de un entrenamiento global (basado en mini-circuitos empleado con éxito en otra disciplina deportiva como es la Gimnasia Artística (Carrasco, 1977; Vernetta, 1995, Vernetta y López, 1997, 98. En el presente trabajo, hemos utilizado tres grupos experimentales formados por alumnos/as de la asignatura de Alto Rendimiento en Gimnasia Aeróbica de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte de la Universidad de Vigo con un rango de edad de 19 a 22 años. La finalidad ha sido delimitar la eficacia diferencial de tres tipos de entrenamiento (Analítico progresivo, Global con Mini-circuito y Mini-circuito con conocimiento previo del error a evitar sobre el aprendizaje y retención de una habilidad gimnástica de salto del Aeróbic Deportivo. Los resultados obtenidos van a verificar la hipótesis planteada, constatándose las mayores ganancias de aprendizaje y retención en el grupo que se benefició del Mini-circuito con conocimiento previo del error a evitar.

  8. Relaciones entre pruebas de velocidad, tests de salto y dinamometría isométrica en velocistas

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    Rafael Sabido Solana


    Full Text Available Dentro de las habilidades deportivas, la capacidad de producir fuerza lo más rápidamente posible, o fuerza explosiva, juega el papel más importante en la optimización de dichas habilidades. Zatsiorsky (1995 la define como “la habilidad para desarrollar la máxima fuerza en la menor cantidad de tiempo”. Las correlaciones existentes entre pruebas de velocidad y tests de salto han sido ampliamente observadas. Sin embargo, las correlaciones entre pruebas de velocidad y tests isométricos están menos estudiadas. Una muestra de 24 velocistas de categoría junior fue sometida a pruebas de velocidad específica, tests de salto con contramovimiento y en profundidad, así como a un test isométrico máximo para la musculatura extensora del tobillo. Los resultados muestran fuertes relaciones entre los tests de carrera y los de salto, así como de estos últimos con los de dinamometría. Por otro lado, sólo con el test de 20 metros se obtienen correlaciones con variables del test isométrico, sin que se encuentren correlaciones con la marca en 100 metros lisos. La principal conclusión de nuestros datos es que las variables medidas en un test isométrico van a tener alta relación con la primera fase de la carrera en pruebas de velocidad.

  9. TL/OSL ages from Salto Formation (Uruguay)tectonic, climatic and environmental considerations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ubilla, M.; Veroslavsky, G.


    TL/OSL ages from Salto Formation based on two sandy samples collected at Salto City and Route 3 (Boycua Creek) are provided: 986±100 ky (LVD-948) and 830±95 ky (LVD-949) respectively. Both support a Pleistocene age for Salto Formation, approximately late early/early middle Pleistocene. Neotectonic and climatic processes are also discussed [es

  10. Salto! / Karli Luik, Maarja Kask, Ralf Lõoke ; intervjueerinud Margit Mutso

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    Luik, Karli, 1977-


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali 2010. a. arhitektuuri peapreemia pälvis AB Salto Eesti Maanteemuuseumi väliala ja Sõmeru keskusehoone lahenduse eest. Büroo arhitektid oma büroost, osalemiset arhitektuurivõistlustel, valminud ja käsilolevatest töödest. Valik AB Salto arhitektuurikonkursil pälvitud jt. preemiatest

  11. Long term operation of nuclear power plants – IAEA SALTO missions observations and trends

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krivanek, Robert, E-mail: [Operational Safety Section, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna 1400 (Austria); Havel, Radim, E-mail: [RESCO, Nitranska 894/8, 10100 Praha 10 (Czech Republic)


    Highlights: • During the period 2005–mid 2015, 22 SALTO peer review missions and 2 LTO modules of OSART missions were conducted. • Analysis of these mission results and main trends observed are gathered in this paper. • The main task of the assessment performed was to evaluate and give a weight to the evaluation. • Results of SALTO follow-up missions as well as OSART follow-up missions with LTO module are summarized. • The SALTO peer review service is strongly recommended for NPPs prior to entering LTO period. - Abstract: This paper builds on paper “Long term operation of nuclear power plants – IAEA SALTO peer review service and its results”, NED8070, presented in Nuclear Engineering and Design in September 2014. This paper presents the analysis of SALTO mission results and main trends observed so that all the most important results of SALTO missions are gathered in one paper. The paper also includes the results of LTO module reviews performed in the frame of OSART missions where applicable as well as follow-up missions. This paper is divided in three main Sections. Section 1 provides brief introduction to SALTO peer review service. Section 2 provides overview of performed SALTO missions and LTO modules of OSART missions performed between 2005 and mid-2015. Section 3 summarizes the most significant observations and trends resulting from the missions between 2005 and mid-2015. Section 4 summarizes the results of SALTO follow-up missions as well as OSART follow-up missions.

  12. Geology, petrography and macro meso- aspects, and microstructural area of Salto del Penitente

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guerrero Cherma, S.


    This work corresponds to a geological and structural study of multi scale approach conducted in a representative area of ​​the southwest sector Dom Feliciano Belt. The study area is located near the Salto del Penitente and presents an array of blocks with lithology and structural characteristics distinctive. A foundation block pre-Brasiliano, a strip of supra crustal rocks and granitoid non-cinematic. The base block, is constituted mainly of gneisses, migmatites, schists and quartzites, foliation has a preferential N259º / 70 (NW). The supra crustal correspond to a meta-volcano sedimentary green schist facies, sequence preferential foliation N040º / 75 ° (SE) and non-kinematic granitoid a granite-gneiss foliation mylonitic according to said preferential direction. The geological survey and the macro- and mesoestructural analysis, determines that the contact of these blocks is through shear zones. These, presented regional and preferential directions N040º and N020º. They are defined respectively as Shear Zone La Posada (informal) and Shear Zone Tips Sugar loaf, corresponding in the study area to the homonymous lineament Machado and Fragoso (1987). Microstructural analysis suggests in low temperature conditions (green schist facies lower) for the event that brings the ZCPPA and contacts Rocks pre-Brasiliano basement with supra crustal. Instead, this event is only significant in the ZCLP, which shows effects of deformation temperature under medium high (amphibolite facies). Based on these conditions, as well as the relations between the two cutting shear zones, a poly phase evolution for the proposed study area. The deformation conditions identified in the work area are correlated with regional events. Both the high temperature dextral event that brings Shear Zone Sarandi del Yi, during the collision Land Nico Perez with the Río de la Plata Craton between 630-590 Ma (Oriolo et al., 2016), as the (2009 Oyhantçabal et al.) sinistral event that gathers the

  13. Contribución segmentaria de los saltos con contramovimiento en vertical y en horizontal. [Segmental contribution on countermovement vertical and horizontal jumps].

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    Marcos Gutiérrez-Dávila


    Full Text Available El propósito ha sido realizar un análisis dinámico y cinemático sobre los saltos verticales (SV y horizontales (SH y cuantificar la aportación de los segmentos corporales al desplazamiento del centro de masa (CM durante la fase de propulsión. Han participado 28 deportistas practicantes de modalidades deportivas donde el salto vertical constituye una habilidad básica. Se ha utilizado una plataforma de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, sincronizada temporalmente a una cámara de vídeo a 210 Hz que registraba el plano sagital de los saltos. Los saltos han sido considerados como un movimiento simétrico que se desarrolla en un plano, compuesto por un modelo mecánico coordinado simplificado de ocho segmentos. En la condición SV, los participantes debían de realizar un salto vertical máximo partiendo de una posición erguida sobre la plataforma de fuerza. En la condición SH, los participantes debían realizar un salto máximo en horizontal desde la misma posición. El tiempo de batida ha sido superior en SH con respecto a SV, (0.898 vs 1.056 s, constatándose una estrategia de rotación-extensión para SH. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que la fuerza neta ejercida durante el impulso de frenado es mayor para SV debido a la mayor velocidad radial al inicio del impulso de frenado (-1.166 vs -0.992 m/s. Existe una mayor participación de las articulaciones del tobillo y la cadera plasmada en la mayor contribución del tronco en SH durante toda la batida, además de constatarse una mayor contribución de las extremidades superiores al desplazamiento vertical del CM en SV. Abstract The main aim of this research was a dynamics and kinematics analysis of vertical (SV and horizontal (SH jumps and quantify the body segments’ contribution to center of mass, CM, displacement during the propulsion phase. 28 athletes from different sport modalities where the vertical jump is a basic skill have participated. We used a force platform, operating at 500 Hz

  14. Aprovechamiento del salto de Bourg-Lés-Valence. La Presa de la Roche de Glun-Drôme – Francia

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    Française d´Enterprise, Compagnie


    Full Text Available To take the fullest advantage of the hydroelectric and agricultural usefulness of the Rhône, the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône has divided the river into a number of sections, and these have been separately developed. The hydraulic gradient at La Roche de Glun, at the end of the central section, involves a hydraulic system consisting of a reservoir, a dam and dykes, a canal, a power station, an overflow canal and drainage works in the , surrounding zones. This project has been carried out by the Compagnie Française d'Enterprises.Para explotar al máximo las posibilidades hidroeléctricas y agrícolas del Ródano, la Compagnie Nationale du Rhône ha dividido dicho río en una serie de tramos para proceder a su distribución. El salto de La Roche de Glun, último del tramo central, forma un complejo hidráulico que consta de: un embalse cerrado por diques, una presa, un canal de alimentación, una central, una esclusa, un canal de descarga y unas obras anejas de drenaje para evitar inundaciones en las ciudades próximas. Las obras han sido realizadas por la Compagnie Française d'Entreprises.

  15. Control de la carga de entrenamiento a través del CMJ en pruebas de velocidad y saltos para optimizar el rendimiento deportivo en atletismo

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    P. Jiménez-Reyes


    Full Text Available El estudio de la dosificación de la carga siempre ha suscitado controversias y no está resuelta cuál es la carga óptima de entrenamiento para alcanzar el mayor rendimiento. La mayoría de estudios analizan los efectos agudos del entrenamiento y las relaciones entre las variables del entrenamiento de manera sincrónica, sin que exista, en muchos casos, una evidencia científica sobre las cargas más adecuadas y su efecto en el rendimiento. Nuestro objetivo fue proporcionar una información relevante y útil para poder controlar y organizar el entrenamiento de manera racional en atletismo, obteniendo una información más completa y real de los efectos del proceso de entrenamiento. Participaron 24 sujetos que realizaron un seguimiento del control del entrenamiento a través del "Salto con Contramovimiento" (CMJ y la carga de entrenamiento durante 71 semanas. Destacamos la evolución del CMJ y la carga de entrenamiento en las cuatro semanas previas a la competición en la que se obtenía el mejor rendimiento durante las 71 semanas de seguimiento. En conclusión, si se realiza un exhaustivo control de la carga de entrenamiento y su relación con el rendimiento físico y deportivo, permitiría ajustar las cargas de entrenamiento adecuadamente, proporcionando una información relevante y útil para poder organizar el entrenamiento de manera racional.

  16. Elamuslik arhitektuur : Salto AB Sõmeru keskusehoone = Salto AB experiential architecture and the Sõmeru Community Centre / Carl-Dag Lige

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lige, Carl-Dag


    Arhitektuuribüroo Salto loomingust, mille fookus on kasutaja teenimisel ning meeleheal. 2010. a. valminud Sõmeru keskusehoonest. Arhitektid Maarja Kask, Ralf Lõoke, Karli Luik, kaasautorid Kristiina Arusoo, Margit Argus. Projekt: 2004

  17. Põhuteater ehk Salto arhitektide must monoliit = Straw Theatre or the Black Monolith by the Salto Architects / Risto Kozer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kozer, Risto


    Tallinnas 2011. a. valminud NO99 Põhuteatrist. Arhitektid: Maarja Kask, Karli Luik, Ralf Lõoke, Pelle-Sten Viiburg (Salto AB). Projekt: 2010. Loodud ajaperioodiks 30.04.-01.10.2011. Skoone bastionist enne Põhuteatrit

  18. Geology of permian basin in the northeast of Uruguay: Sedimentology exam about uranium trace[Study of Uranium geochemical prospection in Uruguay]; Geologia de la cuenca permica del nordeste del Uruguay: examen sedimentologico sobre los indicios de uranio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    L' Homer, A; Manigault, B; Doyhernart, A; Rossi, P; Spoturno, J; De Santana, H; Vaz Chaves, N


    The Uranium project was prepared from BRGM to DINAMIGE. Its has got three zones of investigation: zone 1 composed by precambrian basin in the N W; zone 2 the precambrian insular shelf and rocks belts; zone 3 wich include parts of the basin Cretaceous in Salto and Santa Lucia.


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    P. Padial


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    La finalidad del presente estudio es conocer el efecto de dos tipos de entrenamiento de contraste de fuerza en los que se combinan cargas ligeras (multisaltos con cargas pesadas (sentadillas al 70% del 1RM sobre las distintas manifestaciones de la fuerza dinámica. La muestra seleccionada se extrajo del Ejercito Español de Tierra, divididos en dos grupos experimentales (n=30: 15 en cada grupo, varones, 22 ± 4 años de edad, sin que existiera para ello grupo control. La razón de este diseño, sin grupo control, es porque está suficientemente comprobado por la literatura científica que el entrenamiento de contraste de fuerza produce ganancias significativas en la altura del salto. La variable independiente manipulada es la forma de combinación de las cargas: en el grupo 1 la combinación de cargas se realiza en la misma serie (grupo de contraste en la serie –CSR- y en el grupo 2 la combinación de cargas se realiza en la misma sesión (grupo de contraste en la sesión – CSS-.Por lo tanto, lo que se trata de determinar es qué método de contraste, de los dos empleados, es más eficaz. Procedimiento: Ambos grupos experimentales entrenaron 3 veces a la semana, durante 8 semanas consecutivas. La intensidad del entrenamiento y la carga fue la misma para los dos grupos. Se realizaron controles, mediante una alfombra de contacto, al inicio y en la 4ª y 8ª semana de la experimentación. Se evaluó la altura de salto siguiendo el protocolo de Bosco: salto sin contramomivimiento (SJ, salto con controamovimiento (CMJ, salto sin contramovimiento con el 50% de peso corporal (SJ50, salto sin contramovimiento con el 100% de peso corporal (SJ100 y la fuerza máxima del tren inferior mediante una repetición máxima -1RM en sentadilla-. Resultados: Tras el correspondiente an

  20. Effect of the delay of the second foot on the total impulse in a vertical jump with run Efecto del retraso del segundo apoyo sobre el impulso en la batida del salto vertical

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    J. Campos


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    This paper aims to identify the influence that the delay of the second foot in a vertical jump with run up approach, has on the total impulse, impulse absorption, impulse acceleration, and on the percentage participation of each foot during the takeoff phase. Twenty three physical education undergraduates students participated in the study recruited among university basketball and volleyball players (mean height: 179 ± 6.1 cm; mean mass: 70.96 ± 8.82 kg. Two force platforms were used, one for each foot support (Dinascan – IBV at 250 Hz frequency and time-synchronized to one another and to a high speed video camera (Redlake Motion Space 1000 S. Results showed that the lower the time between the first and second contact foot, the lesser the takeoff time (p<0.001, although this reduction is only attributed to the negative period. The impulse of acceleration was not affected by the delay of the second foot, so that there would not be advantages regarding jump height. There is a bigger reduction of the horizontal velocity when the time between the first and the second contact foot is increased (p<0.01.


    El propósito de este trabajo ha sido determinar la importancia que tiene el retraso del segundo apoyo en la batida del salto vertical cuando se realiza una carrera previa, sobre las componentes del impulso total, impulso de frenado e impulso de aceleración, así como su relación con el porcentaje de participación ejercido por cada apoyo durante las fases que determinan la batida. Han participado 23 estudiantes de educación física, especialistas en voleibol y baloncesto (talla media: 179 ± 6.1 cm.; masa media: 70.96 ± 8.82 kg. Para el registro de los datos se han utilizado dos plataformas de fuerza, (Dinascan – IBV, una para cada apoyo, a una frecuencia de 250 Hz y sincronizadas temporalmente a una cámara de v

  1. Long term operation of nuclear power plants – IAEA SALTO peer review service and its results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krivanek, Robert, E-mail:


    Highlights: • SALTO peer review service is designed for reviewing of ageing management and NPPs’ preparedness LTO. • It has been established as an effective tool to review the compliance with IAEA safety standards. • The important issues for safe LTO are being identified by SALTO missions. • Analysis of those issues is provided in the paper. • This peer review service is strongly recommended for NPPs prior to entering LTO period. - Abstract: This paper presents main IAEA activities for safe long term operation (LTO) which includes establishment of IAEA Safety Standards and other LTO related documents, fostering information exchange and establishing databases and provision of SALTO (Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation) peer review service. This paper provides insights into IAEA SALTO peer review service objectives, scope and methodology. The SALTO peer review service was designed to assist nuclear power plant (NPP) operators in adopting a proper approach to LTO of their plants and in implementing complete and appropriate activities to ensure that plant safety will be maintained during the LTO period. The SALTO peer review service can also support regulators in establishing or improving regulatory and licensing strategies for LTO of NPPs. Issues derived from 19 SALTO missions and 2 LTO modules of OSART (Operational Safety Review Team) missions conducted during the period of 2005 to March 2014 are also analyzed in this paper.

  2. Relevancia de la técnica de inmovilización de brazos en las variables cinéticas en el test de salto con contramovimiento

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    Juan Manuel López Gómez


    Full Text Available El test de salto vertical con contramovimiento (CMJse ha venido conformando como uno de los métodos de evaluación de la potencia del tren inferior más utilizado. A la hora de ejecutarlo de forma correcta, se debe aislar al máximo la acción de las extremidades superiores, con el fin de que la producción de fuerza provenga exclusivamente del tren inferior. En la bibliografía específica se han propuesto diversas formas de limitar la acción de los brazos, siendo la más frecuente con las manos en la cintura. Cabe preguntarse si el uso de una técnica u otra podría influir en el rendimiento del salto, lo que no permitiría comparar entre diferentes estudios. Participó una muestra de 19 sujetos que realizó cuatro técnicas diferentes de colocación de los brazos en CMJ: con acción de brazos libre; agarre de antebrazos por detrás de la espalda; manos en la cintura; y agarre de una pica de plástico sobre los hombros. Se analizaron y compararon las principales variables cinemáticas en el salto con el fin de determinar si la posición de los brazos es un factor que condiciona los resultados de los test. Como cabía esperar, se aprecian diferencias significativas con ayuda de brazos respecto a las otras técnicas (p < 0.05. Sin embargo, no se aprecian diferencias significativas entre las tres técnicas de inmovilización de brazos planteadas. Esto lleva a concluir que no es determinante la posición de brazos utilizada, por lo que es posible comparar los resultados obtenidos en los distintos estudios publicados.

  3. Interview with Karli Luik from Salto / intervjueerinud Eero Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Luik, Karli, 1977-


    2004. a. loodud arhitektuuribüroost Salto. Büroo kavandatud hoonete arhitektuurist, selle omapärast, ühiskondlike hoonete suurest osakaalust, arvestamisest keskkonnaga, Eesti varasema arhitektuuri mõjust, büroo hetkeseisust ja tulevikuplaanidest

  4. SALTO project evaluation - WG4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nozdrovicky, J.; Prandorfy, M.


    Many of the operating nuclear power plants are approaching their design life. In response, the IAEA initiated Extrabudgetary Programme on Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation (SALTO) of Water Moderated Reactors (Programme). The Programme's objectives are to assist those Member States considering LTO of water moderated reactors in how best to reconcile the related processes and practices; how to establish a general LTO framework; and finally, it provides a forum in which Member States can freely exchange information. The main goal of project was to develop an internationally agreed document that will provide MS with specific guidance for long term operation. Collection of WWER specific information by all participants increased quality and unification of national programmes. Original design plant life of 30 years is planned to be extended by 10 years to the overall period of 40 years of operation. The Programme activities were guided by the Programme Steering Committee (SC), follow the overall SC Programme Workplan and SC Terms of Reference, and are implemented in 4 Working Groups (WG). The WGs focus on: - general LTO framework (WG 1); - mechanical components and materials (WG 2); - electrical components and I and C (WG 3); - structures and structural components (WG 4). VUEZ, a.s., Levice participated on activities for structural components implemented in 4 th Working Group. This programme was finished and final report was published. In this article we bring a short presentation of the SALTO project and the report. (authors)

  5. Análisis de la capacidad de salto antes, durante y después de la competición en jugadores internacionales junior de baloncesto. (Analysis of jumping capacity before, during and after competition in international junior basketball players.

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    Jaime San Román Quintana


    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue valorar la disminución de la altura de salto en el test CMJ antes, durante y después de la competición en nueve jóvenes jugadores internacionales de baloncesto. Del mismo modo, se analizó la relación entre los minutos que cada jugador permanecía en cancha y la disminución de la capacidad de salto. Para ello, se evaluó la altura de salto mediante el CMJ en 8 momentos diferentes (antes y después del calentamiento, durante el descanso, inmediatamente después del partido y en los minutos 1’, 3’, 5’ y 7’ tras la finalización del encuentro utilizando una plataforma de contacto. Para estimar la presencia de diferencias significativas entre los momentos se utilizó el análisis de la varianza (ANOVA de una cola. Los resultados demuestran que la capacidad de salto empeoró progresivamente durante la competición (F = 89.29, p = 0, descendiendo durante el descanso de 52.7 cm a 50.2 cm (p abstract The main aim of this study was to assess the decrease in jump height in CMJ test before, during and after competition in international youth basketball. Equally, we examined the relationship between minutes played and the decline in jump capacity during the course of the match. To do this, we evaluated the jump height in CMJ by eight different times (before and after warm up, at rest, immediately after the game and within minutes 1', 3', 5 'and 7' after completion of the competition using a contact platform. To estimate the presence of significant differences between the times we used a one – way analysis of variance (ANOVA. The results showed, that the jumping capacity decreased during competition (F = 89.29, p = 0, decrease during the rest of 52.7 cm to 50.2 cm (p


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    José Moncada Jiménez


    de equilibrio y tensión muscular que conllevan un gasto importante de energía. La altura de los saltos con Skyrunner® fueron un 50% más altas, a pesar de que el impulso vertical fue cerca de un 15% menor. El tiempo de impulsión fue de un 27,5% del tiempo de un salto normal y se generaron fuerzas casi tres veces mayores. Esto denota la gran eficiencia mecánica del sistema, que es capaz de guardar y utilizar mayor cantidad de energía elástica acumulada en la estructura, en comparación con la que producen las piernas en forma aislada.

  7. Esclusas de peces en la represa de Salto Grande. Consideraciones acerca de su funcionamiento


    Delfino, R.; Baigún, C.R.M.; Quirós, R.


    Fishlocks at Salto Grande Reservoir. Considerations about its functioning. The Salto Grande dam, has in its structure two Borland type fishlocks. The fish passage efficiency is low, and it is limited by the original system design, the management of the dam and the Uruguay river hidrology. Thus, in the 1984-1986 period, on annual average, the fishlocks were out of service 53 o/o of the time, while in the two periods when higher observed fish accumulation occur, march-april and september-octobe...

  8. Aprovechamiento de Salto Grande Argentina – Uruguay

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    Bongiovanni, M.


    Full Text Available The power harnessing of Salto Grande will be the first common project carried out by two South American Countries and this will foster greater integration of both countries. The project involves the following: — One 39 m-high dam — Two hydroelectric power plants — One international bridge — One shipping canal The benefits to be obtained from the project include: increase and improvement of the waterway network; increase of electricity production; railways and highway tie-ups between both countries; industrial development; increased availability of irrigation water; new tourist resorts; increase of fishing resources.

    El aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico de Salto Grande será el primer aprovechamiento común a dos países sudamericanos, lo que permitirá una mayor integración entre ellos. Consta de las siguientes obras: _ una presa de 39 m de altura; _ dos centrales hidroeléctricas; _ un puente internacional; _ un canal de navegación, etc. Entre los beneficios que se obtendrán destacan: aumento y mejora de la red de navegación; aumento de la producción eléctrica; enlace de las vías de ferrocarril y carreteras entre los dos países; desarrollo industrial; aumento de la disponibilidad de agua de riego; creación de zonas de turismo, e incremento de la riqueza piscícola.

  9. Contribuição dos parâmetros biomecânicos para o desempenho de saltos verticais de jogadoras de basquetebol Contribución de los parámetros biomecánicos para el desempeño en saltos verticales de jugadoras de baloncesto Contribution of biomechanical parameters to vertical jump performance in basketball players

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    Rodrigo Maciel Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a contribuição dos parâmetros biomecânicos para o desempenho do salto vertical com contramovimento (SV e SV precedido de corrida (SVcorrida em 19 jogadoras da seleção brasileira adulta de basquetebol feminino (26,2 ± 4,7 anos; 1,81 ± 0,07 m; 75,6 ± 12,6 kg; 20,4 ± 6,0% de gordura. Foram considerados os picos de força passiva (PFPa e propulsão (PFP, tempo para alcance dos picos de força passiva (TPFPa e propulsão (TPFP, "load rate" (LR, taxa de desenvolvimento de força (TDF, tempo de fase excêntrica (Texc e concêntrica (Tcon. A análise de componentes principais revelou que 50,86% da altura de SV foi explicada por PFPa, TPFPa, LR, Texc e TPFP, e que 43,28% de SVcorrida foi explicada por PFPa, TPFPa, LR, PFP. Esses resultados sugerem que parâmetros temporais parecem contribuir de maneira mais significativa para o desempenho de salto, porém diferentes tipos de salto podem demandar comportamentos distintos de parâmetros biomecânicos.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la contribución de parámetros biomecánicos para el rendimiento de salto vertical con contra movimiento (SV e SV precedido de carrera (SVcarrera en diecinueve jugadoras de baloncesto de la selección brasileña femenina adultas (26,2 ± 4,7 años; 1,81 ± 0,07 m; 75,6 ± 12,6 kg; 20,4 ± 6,0% de grasa. Fueran considerados el pico de fuerza pasiva (PFPa y propulsión (PFP, tiempo para llegar a picos de fuerza pasiva (TPFPa y propulsión (TPFP, la tasa de carga (LR, tasa de desarrollo de fuerza (TDF, tiempo de la fase excéntrica (Texc y concéntrica (Tcon. Las análisis de los componentes principales mostraron que 50,86% da la altura de SV fue explicada por PFPa, TPFPa, LR, Texc y TPFP, y que 43,28% de SVcarrera fue explicada por PFPa, TPFPa, LR, PFP. Los resultados sugieren parámetros temporales parecen contribuir más significativamente para rendimiento del salto pero, diferentes tipos del salto pueden

  10. Re-diseño de la línea de ejes de turbinas Francis de salto elevado para la mejora de su competitividad




    El objetivo de este proyecto es mejorar la línea de ejes de las turbinas Francis de eje horizontal. En especial, se ha trabajado con aquellas máquinas diseñadas para funcionar con saltos de agua elevados. El proyecto surge del conocimiento de importantes ventajas económicas de las turbinas horizontales frente a las verticales y de la voluntad por parte de ALSTOM HYDRO de mejorar los rendimientos de las primeras para hacerlas más competitivas. Los capítulos 3 y 4 son introductorios a la pro...

  11. RESUMEN EDITORIAL DEL AÑO 2009 [Editorial summary for the year 2009

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    Sebastián Feu Molina


    Full Text Available El año 2009 ha sido el año del salto cualitativo de la revista Revista de Ciencias del Deporte, EBM RECIDE, en cuanto a la gestión de la revista, los servicios que se ofrecen a los usuarios y la evaluación de la calidad de la revista.

  12. O papel da Crabi no assentamento dos ribeirinhos atingidos pela construção da hidrelétrica de Salto Caxias no estado do Paraná El papel del Crabi en el asentamiento de los ribereños afectados por la construcción de la represa de Salto Caxias en el estado de Paraná The role of the Crabi riverine settlement of affected by the construction of the dam of Salto Caxias in the state of Paraná

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    Giuliano Derrosso


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a forma com que o movimento social Comissão Regional dos Atingidos por Barragens do Rio Iguaçu (Crabi atuou no assentamento dos sujeitos deslocados pela construção da hidrelétrica de Salto Caxias. Mediante entrevistas e dados secundários foi investigada a ampla participação da população neste movimento, o que se refletiu em melhores condições para o assentamento. O senso de luta coletiva fomentado pela criação e mobilização da Crabi permeou os processos de reconstrução da vida dos sujeitos deslocados pela Usina, e a efetiva participação deles fez com que fossem conquistadas melhores condições de enfrentamento da situação vivida.Este artículo tiene como objetivo discutir cómo el movimiento social Comisión Regional de los Atingidos por Presas del río Iguazú (Crabi se presentó en el asentamiento de personas desplazadas por la construcción de la represa de Salto Caxias. A través de entrevistas y datos secundarios se determinó la amplia participación de la gente en este movimiento, que se tradujo en mejores condiciones para el asentamiento. El sentido de la lucha colectiva fomentado la creación y movilización de Crabi impregnaba el proceso de reconstrucción de las vidas de las personas desplazadas por la presa, con la participación efectiva de ellos conquistaron mejor posición para hacer frente a la situación vivenciada.This article aims to discuss how the social movement Regional Commission of Dam Iguassu River (Crabi served on the settlement of individuals displaced by the construction of the dam of Salto Caxias. Through interviews and secondary data we investigated the wide participation of the people in this movement, which resulted in better conditions for settlement. The sense of collective struggle fostered the creation and mobilization of Crabi permeated the process of rebuilding the lives of individuals displaced by the plant, with the effective participation of

  13. SALTO Peer Review Guidelines. Guidelines for Peer Review of Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    International peer review is a useful tool for Member States to exchange experiences, learn from each other and apply good practices in the long term operation (LTO) of nuclear power plants (NPPs). The peer review is also an important mechanism through which the IAEA supports Member States in enhancing the safety of NPPs. The IAEA has conducted various types of safety review that indirectly address aspects of LTO, including safety reviews for design, engineering, operation and external hazards. Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) services include review of ageing management programmes. In addition, several Member States have requested Ageing Management Assessment Team (AMAT) missions. Through these experiences, it was recognized that a comprehensive peer review on LTO would be very useful to Member States. The Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation (SALTO) peer review addresses strategy and key elements for the safe LTO of NPPs, which includes AMAT objectives and complements OSART reviews. The SALTO peer review is designed to assist operating organizations in adopting a proper approach to LTP including implementing appropriate activities to ensure that plant safety will be maintained during the LTO period. The SALTO peer review can be tailored to focus on ageing management programmes (AMPs) or on other activities related to LTO to support the Member State in enhancing the safety of its NPPs. The SALTO peer review can also support regulators in establishing or improving regulatory and licensing strategies for the LTO of NPPs. The guidelines in this publication are primarily intended for members of a SALTO review team and provide a basic structure and common reference for peer reviews of LTO. Additionally, the guidelines also provide useful information to the operating organizations of NPPs (or technical support organizations) for carrying out their own self-assessments or comprehensive programme reviews. The guidelines are intended to be generic, as there are

  14. Evolución geológica del margen Norte de la Placa del Caribe, República Dominicana


    Pérez-Estaun, Andrés; Tavares, I.; García-Cortés, Ángel; Hernaiz Huerta, P. P.


    La Isla La Española se encuentra situada en la actualidad en la parte septentrional de la Placa del Caribe. Conjuntamente con Puerto Rico, constituye una unidad que puede interpretarse como una microplaca, limitada al Norte por una zona de subducción oblicua, con una fuerte componente de salto en dirección, y al Sur por otra zona de subducción incipiente a la que se asocia la Fosa de los Muertos. El margen Norte de la Placa del Caribe ha evolucionado desde constituir un límite contro...


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    E. Montes de Oca-Cano


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue ajustar ecuaciones lineales y no lineales para estimar biomasa por componente de hojas, ramas, fuste y total, para árboles con edades entre tres y diez años, en la región de El Salto, Dgo. Los resultados indican que las ecuaciones se ajustan mejor a nivel individual, el componente total muestra los mejores estadísticos de ajuste, mientras que las mayores variaciones se detectan en las ramas y en el fuste. Adicionalmente se analizan porcentajes de biomasa por componente donde se observa que el fuste aporta 46.9 % de la biomasa, las hojas 35.6 % y las ramas solamente 17.3 % de la biomasa total. Así mismo, dentro del rango de edad analizado, la biomasa en el fuste aumenta anualmente 2.96 %; la biomasa en las hojas disminuye 3.13 % y la biomasa en las ramas aumenta 0.17 %.

  16. Las obras de acondicionamiento del Salto del Mont-Cenis

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    Vié, Georges


    Full Text Available The new dam at Mont Cenis has increased to water volume in the reservoir from 32 to 320 million m3 and provides a potential energy of 650.000 million Mp x m. This article describes the work involved in the construction of this project. Among other features, the water has been led to the reservoir along a network of varying cross-section, and of 28 km total length. The pressure conduit has been designed for a flow rate of 51 m3/s, its diameter varying between 4 and 5 m. The new power stations at Villarodin are fed by a pipe 3.6 km in length and 3 m in diameter. This conduit runs along a trench and is isolated from the ground, because of the gypsum and anhydrites contained in the soil. Its weight is 10.000 Mp, which is a European record. The power station comprises to vertical Pelton turbines of 195 MVA each, and a yearly output of 485 kWh.La capacidad de la nueva presa del Mont-Cenis ha aumentado con estas obras desde 32 hasta 320 millones de m3, permitiendo el abastecimiento de una energía potencial de 650.000 millones de Mp x m. En el artículo se describen las obras y operaciones necesarias para ello; entre otras, que las aguas captadas han sido llevadas al embalse por una red de galerías de sección variable de 28 km de longitud; y que la conducción forzada, de 18 km de longitud, fue dimensionada para un caudal de 51 m3/s, con un diámetro comprendido entre 4 y 5 metros. Las nuevas centrales de Villarodin están alimentadas por una desviación de 3,6 km de longitud y 3 m de diámetro. Este conducto, colocado en un foso inclinado para aislarlo del ter reno, en esa zona de yesos y anhidritas, principalmente, tiene un peso de 10.000 Mp, lo que constituye un récord europeo. La Central comprende dos grupos verticales de turbinas Pelton de 195 MVA cada uno, con una productividad de 485 millones de kWh.

  17. Determinación de frecuencia cardiaca, frecuencia respiratoria, lactato deshidrogenasa, creatinkinasa y ácido láctico en caballos durante competencia de salto en la Sabana de Bogotá

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    Paula Andrea Guerrero Nieto


    Full Text Available El estudio presenta los primeros resultados de investigación en variables fisiológicas y sus cambios por el ejercicio en equinos en competencia de salto en el país. Se utilizaron 24 ejemplares de las razas Silla Argentina, PSI y mestizo de la Escuela de Equitación del Ejército Nacional de Colombia, que participaron en pruebas de salto (1,10 – 1,20 m en diferentes centros ecuestres de la Sabana de Bogotá. Se determinó frecuencia cardiaca, frecuencia respiratoria y enzimas musculares (creatinquinasa (CK, lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH y el ácido láctico.. Se tomaron tres muestras: reposo, inmediatamente después del ejercicio y a las 6 horas posejercicio. Para la frecuencia cardiaca se utilizó un monitor POLAR S625; la frecuencia respiratoria se determinó mediante fonendoscopio; y las enzimas y el ácido láctico se analizaron en laboratorio. Se utilizó el método estadístico ANAVA para enzimas musculares y acido láctico y estadística descriptiva para frecuencia cardiaca y respiratoria. En los resultados se encontró un comportamiento estadísticamente significativo (p < 0.05 del ácido láctico y la enzima creatinkinasa, a diferencia del comportamiento de la enzima lactato deshidrogenasa, que fue no significativo. Las frecuencias cardiaca y respiratoria se elevaron de manera significativa posejercicio y regresaron a lo normal alrededor de las 6 seis horas. El ácido láctico se incrementó posejercicio y disminuyó a las 6 horas, contrario a lo reportado por otros autores. Se concluye que una vez analizadas estas variables, hay diferencias con los valores obtenidos por otros autores, que pueden deberse a la altitud, al tipo y tiempo de ejercicio realizado. Por tanto es indispensable continuar haciendo estudios en este campo.

  18. Aplicación del CMJ para el control del entrenamiento en las sesiones de velocidad

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    P. Jiménez-Reyes


    Full Text Available Como respuesta a la necesidad de ajustar las cargas de entrenamiento de los velocistas en las sesiones de velocidad, motivada por la gran variabilidad en el número de series que los entrenadores utilizan y el desconocimiento sobre cuántas series realizar, cuándo deben interrumpir un entrenamiento o qué herramienta usar para controlar de forma óptima el entrenamiento de carrera, se llevó a cabo este estudio, en el que se intentó abordar la relación entre el grado de carga y la fatiga, medida a través de las pérdidas de velocidad y de la capacidad de salto y por el estrés metabólico. Participaron 18 velocistas de nivel nacional e internacional. Realizaron carreras de 40, 60 y 80 m realizadas a la máxima velocidad posible hasta perder un 3% de la velocidad. Se llevó a cabo en tres sesiones diferentes distanciadas en una semana. Antes y después de cada carrera realizaban 3 saltos con contramovimiento (CMJ y se realizaron tomas de lactato en la primera y última repetición realizada. Las pérdidas producidas en las sucesivas carreras presentó una alta relación entre las distancias y la disminución del salto. En 40 m esta pérdida fue equivalente a la pérdida de velocidad, 3,1% para 40 m, pero aumentó al 6,7% en 60 m y al 8,3% en 80 m. Esta relación entre las pérdidas en CMJ y las distancias recorridas podría utilizarse como indicador del grado de fatiga que producen los distintos tipos de esfuerzos realizados y, por tanto, serían útiles para el control y dosificación de la carga de entrenamiento.

  19. Biomecánica del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo: elástico vs. no elástico

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    Javier Abián Vicén


    Full Text Available El objetivo ha sido analizar el efecto del vendaje funcional preventivo de tobillo (elástico y no elástico en la capacidad de restricción de movimientos y en la posible pérdida de eficacia en la realización de diferentes tipos de tests, así como estudiar la fatiga del vendaje después de realizar los tests. Metodología: Han participado un total de 470 sujetos (313 hombres y 157 mujeres, distribuidos en cinco estudios. Se han realizado tests de: marcha, carrera, cambio de dirección, salto, amortiguación de caída y equilibrio. Se han analizado variables cinéticas: los picos de fuerza y los instantes en los que sucedían, duraciones de apoyos en los movimientos, así como en algunos casos los picos de potencia y el recorrido vertical del centro de gravedad. En el caso de los tests de equilibrio se registró el recorrido del centro de presiones y se consideraron las variables derivadas del mismo. Se han usado tres plataformas de fuerzas: dos piezoeléctricas Kistler y una extensiométrica Dinascan IBV. Para la valoración de la restricción de los movimientos del tobillo y la fatiga del vendaje se midieron la inversión, eversión, flexión y extensión máximas pasivas del tobillo derecho con un goniómetro manual. Resultados y discusión: En los tests máximos los sujetos con pies cavos mostraron mayores valores en los picos de fuerza mientras que los planos los mostraron en la duración de los apoyos. En la amortiguación de tests de salto las mujeres mostraron menores valores en el segundo pico de fuerza, mayor recorrido del centro de gravedad y un retraso en el tiempo desde el inicio del contacto del pie en el suelo hasta la aparición del segundo pico de fuerza. Los picos de fuerza vertical durante amortiguaciones cayendo desde una superficie elevada a 0.75 m fueron mayores en el grupo de mujeres que en el de hombres. El vendaje no influyó en el rendimiento de los tests de equilibrio, ni en la batida del test de salto. Sin embargo

  20. El Salto Social: la economía al servicio del hombre

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    Lorente Luis


    Full Text Available El aspecto más importante del nuevo plan es que coloca al ser humano y a su bienestar como objetivos directos de la política económica. Llevamos cuatro años de preocupación con objetivos abstractos: eficiencia, mercados, inflación, acumulación de capital, etcétera. Durante ese tiempo, la política social se limitó a evitar el deterioro de la situación social en las ciudades, pero se olvidó del habitante rural, en especial del campesino. Ahora el plan se preocupa por los sectores y los grupos marginados, pero con un sentido redistributivo y un objetivo de equidad: no setrata ya de subsidiar la pobreza, sino de abrir caminos de progreso a los menos favorecidos. A fin de cuentas, el camino del desarrollo es el camino del empleo, de la creación de nuevas fuentes de ingreso estable, de las oportunidadesde progreso personal. No hay desarrollo en una estrategia de subsidios a núcleos de pobres sin esperanza; en cambio, es posible crecer con objetivos de redistribución y generando una mayor equidad en materia de oportunidades.

  1. Efectos de diferentes intensidades relativas, volúmenes, tiempos de recuperación entre repeticiones y pérdida de velocidad en la serie sobre el rendimiento en sprint, salto vertical con cargas y sin cargas y la fuerza de las extremidades inferiores


    Mora Custodio, Ricardo


    Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte En la presente tesis doctoral se llevaron a cabo cuatro estudios y tuvo como objetivo analizar los efectos producidos por diferentes configuraciones del entrenamiento de fuerza sobre el rendimiento en sprint, salto vertical y la fuerza máxima. En el Estudio I se analizó el efecto producido por dos programas de entrenamiento de fuerza equivalentes en todas sus variables excepto en la intensidad relativa (Cargas bajas 40...

  2. Salto de Miranda. Trabajos de excavación de la galería

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    Vilanova Bosch, José Luis


    Full Text Available The first article of this series was published in issue N.° 162 of «Informes de la Construcción», under the title «Salto de Miranda». The present article deals with the work of excavating the gallery. Modern practice requires that to do this type of work successfully the auxiliary material should be most carefully studied beforehand. N.° 164 of the this magazine has included a paper entitled «Recent progress in the auxiliary material for underground gallery excavation», summarising the most recent type of machinery now available in the market. Since the Grand Coulee Dam was built by the Bureau of Reclamation, where essentially new techniques were introduced, including minimum times for maximum progress, these new procedures and equipment have been generally adopted throughout the world. To this must be added the urgent and increasing demands for electric power, and the vast amounts of money involved in these hydroelectric projects, which explain the rapid adoption of automatic procedures in this kind of work. In this paper the author explains how, using the means available to him, he sought to coordinate the various constructional tasks, to get as near as possible to the most economic working cycle. Underground ventilation is an acute problem, and involves the safety of those working inside the tunnel. The author explains, in simple terms, how the theory of fluids and air circulation can affect the rational and practical solution of providing adequate air supply for the health and comfort of the underground worker. To attain this end, however, a considerable mechanical and economic investment is necessary.En el número 163 de Informes de la Construcción se publicó el primer trabajo de esta serie, con el título de «Salto de Miranda». En éste se trata de la ejecución de la excavación en galería, para cuyo éxito las técnicas modernas exigen un depurado estudio del mater ial auxiliar. En el número 164 apareció también un art

  3. Improved dengue fever prevention through innovative intervention methods in the city of Salto, Uruguay. (United States)

    Basso, César; García da Rosa, Elsa; Romero, Sonnia; González, Cristina; Lairihoy, Rosario; Roche, Ingrid; Caffera, Ruben M; da Rosa, Ricardo; Calfani, Marisel; Alfonso-Sierra, Eduardo; Petzold, Max; Kroeger, Axel; Sommerfeld, Johannes


    Uruguay is located at the southern border of Aedes aegypti distribution on the South American sub-continent. The reported dengue cases in the country are all imported from surrounding countries. One of the cities at higher risk of local dengue transmission is Salto, a border city with heavy traffic from dengue endemic areas. We completed an intervention study using a cluster randomized trial design in 20 randomly selected 'clusters' in Salto. The clusters were located in neighborhoods of differing geography and economic, cultural and social aspects. Entomological surveys were carried out to measure the impact of the intervention on vector densities. Through participatory processes of all stakeholders, an appropriate ecosystem management intervention was defined. Residents collected the abundant small water holding containers and the Ministry of Public Health and the Municipality of Salto were responsible for collecting and eliminating them. Additional vector breeding places were large water tanks; they were either altered so that they could not hold water any more or covered so that oviposition by mosquitoes could not take place. The response from the community and national programme managers was encouraging. The intervention evidenced opportunities for cost savings and reducing dengue vector densities (although not to statistically significant levels). The observed low vector density limits the potential reduction due to the intervention. A larger sample size is needed to obtain a statistically significant difference. © The author 2015. The World Health Organization has granted Oxford University Press permission for the reproduction of this article.

  4. Efecto del entrenamiento combinado de pliometría y electroestimulación en salto vertical. (Effect of combined plyometric and electrostimulation training on vertical jump.

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    Elisa Benito Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen En este estudio se han analizado los efectos del entrenamiento combinado de pliometría y electroestimulación en un entrenamiento de fuerza muscular de los miembros inferiores. El estudio incluyó tres grupos experimentales, que trabajaron ambos métodos en orden diferente y de forma simultánea, y uno de control. Participaron 78 atletas, 40 mujeres y 38 hombres, de disciplinas de velocidad (100 y 200 m lisos y 100 y 110 m vallas, con una edad de 17,94 ± 1,44 años y una masa de 58,53 ± 8,05 kg. El programa incluyó dos días / sem de entrenamiento pliométrico y dos sesiones utilizando un electroestimulador Megasonic 313-P4. Tras dos meses de entrenamiento, se midió con plataforma de contacto ORGANISER PSION 2 la altura de salto vertical y potencia del tren inferior en test de Abalakov y Drop Jump. Las mayores diferencias pre/post test (p Abstract This paper analyses the effects of combined electrostimulation and plyometric training on lower body strength training. The training programme was applied to three experimental groups and one control group. The experimental groups used both methods simultaneously but in different order. The participants were 78 sprinters (100m and 200m, and 100m and 110m hurdles, 38 male and 40 female. Their average age was 15,9 ± 1,4 years and their average weight was 58,53 ± 8,05kg. The training programme consisted in two days a week of plyometric training and two sessions with a Megasonic 313-P4 electrostimulation unit. After two months training, vertical jump height and lower body power were measured in Abalakov test and Drop Jump test with PSION ORGANISER II. The most significant pre- and post-test (p

  5. Airborne Laser Systems Testing and Analysis (essals et analyse des systemes laser embarques) (United States)


    Pyroelectric Probe PG Proportional Guidance PILASTER PISQ LASer Test and Evaluation Range PIM Pixel Intensity Matrix PISQ Poligono Interforze del Salto di...requirements for upgrading the PISQ test/ training range ( Poligono Interforze del Salto di Quirra – Sardinia – Italy), adding new facilities for...INTRODUCTION This chapter describes the requirements for upgrading the PISQ ( Poligono Interforze del Salto di Quirra – Sardinia, Italy), adding new facilities

  6. Desenvolvimento de um método de familiarização individualizado para saltos verticais

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    João Gustavo Claudino


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um método de familiarização individualizado para saltos verticais e verificar o seu efeito na variabilidade intrassujeito. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e três homes (média ± DP; idade 23,5 ± 3,3 anos; estatura 1,76 ± 0,08 m; massa 72,8 ± 8,6 kg; percentual de gordura 12,9 ± 5,2% realizaram sucessivos saltos até atingir o nível de estabilidade proposto. Após 48 h este processo era repetido e a estabilidade entre dias era verificada, se necessário, mais sessões eram realizadas. O nível de estabilidade foi determinado por um teste z, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Após o processo de familiarização, duas sessões experimentais adicionais foram realizadas para determinar a confiabilidade do desempenho no salto agachado (SA e no salto com contramovimento (SCM. O coeficiente de variação e o erro padrão de medida foram determinados individualmente (CVi e EPMi. Um teste t pareado foi realizado para verificar diferenças no CVi e EPMi antes e depois do processo de familiarização. RESULTADOS: O CVi apresentou uma redução significativa após o processo de familiarização (p < 0,001, alterando de 5,01 ± 2,40% para 2,95 ± 0,89% no SA e de 4,50 ± 2,19% para 2,58 ± 0,81% no SCM. O mesmo ocorreu para o EPMi variando de 1,29± 0,53 cm para 0,83 ± 0,25 cm no SA e de 1,35 ± 0,51 cm para 0,83 ± 0,26 cm no SCM. CONCLUSÃO: o método de familiarização individualizado proposto reduziu significativamente a variação intrassujeito, permitindo maior poder estatístico em estudos experimentais e maior sensibilidade para ferramentas de monitoramento do desempenho.

  7. Relaciones entre el salto vertical y la velocidad de mae-geri en karatecas de nivel internacional, especialidad kata

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    Víctor Martínez-Majolero


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo persiguió dos objetivos: (1 describir la capacidad de salto vertical y la velocidad y el tiempo de ejecución de la técnica de pierna frontal mae-geri en karatecas de nivel internacional y (2 analizar el grado de covariación entre dichas variables. Los participantes fueron 13 karatecas españoles masculinos de nivel internacional, estilo shito-ryu y especialidad de katas. El estudio siguió un diseño descriptivo y correlacional. Las variables analizadas fueron: salto vertical CMJ, medido con una plataforma de infrarrojos Optojump, y velocidad y tiempo de ejecución de patada mae-geri, medida con una cámara de alta velocidad (Casio EXFC-100. Los datos registrados fueron: altura media de salto de 48,7 ± 0,12 cm; velocidad media de mae-geri de 19,8 ± 1,9 km/h y de 19,6 ± 1,4 km/h, y tiempo de ejecución de dicha patada de 264,85 ± 28,14 ms y de 274,69 ± 18,4 ms, pierna dominante y no dominante respectivamente. Las intensidades de correlación se situaron entre r = 0,72 y r = –0,80. El salto vertical mantuvo una relación alta y estadísticamente significativa con la velocidad y el tiempo de ejecución de la patada mae-geri, técnica de gran importancia en las katas de competición en karate. Esta información puede ser valiosa tanto para planificar el entrenamiento mediante pruebas simples y de bajo coste como para detectar talentos.

  8. Creation and Validation of Chronojump-Boscosystem: A Free Tool to Measure Vertical Jumps. (Creación y validación de Chronojump-Boscosystem: un instrumento libre para la medición de saltos verticales.

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    José Luis López del Amo


    Full Text Available Measuring the height of the vertical jump is an indicator of the strength and power of the lower body. The technological tools available to measure the vertical jump are black boxes and are not open to third-party verification or adaptation. We propose the creation of a measurement system called Chronojump-Boscosystem, consisting of open hardware and free software. Methods: A microcontroller was created and validated using a square wave generator and an oscilloscope. Two types of contact platforms were developed using different materials. These platforms were validated by the minimum pressure required for activation at different points by a strain gauge, together with the on/off time of our platforms in respect of the Ergojump-Boscosystem platform by a sample of 8 subjects performing submaximal jumps with one foot on each platform. Agile methodologies were used to develop and validate the software. Results: All the tools fall under the free software / open hardware guidelines and are, in that sense, free. The microcontroller margin of error is 0.1%. The validity of the fiberglass platform is 0.95 (ICC. The management software contains nearly 113.000 lines of code and is available in 7 languages.ResumenLa medición de la altura del salto vertical es un indicador de la fuerza y potencia del tren inferior. Los instrumentos electrónicos disponibles para medir este salto son cajas negras que no permiten la verificación ni la adaptación por parte de terceros. Proponemos la creación de un sistema de medición llamado Chronojump-Boscosystem, que consiste en un hardware abierto y un software libre. Métodos: Se ha creado un microcontrolador y se ha validado usando un generador de ondas cuadradas y un osciloscopio. Se han desarrollado dos tipos de plataformas usando materiales distintos. Las plataformas se han validado determinando su sensibilidad en distintos puntos por medio de una célula de carga, y por comparación con la plataforma de contactos

  9. Lecciones aprendidas en el control del tabaquismo en España Lessons learned from tobacco control in Spain


    Esteve Fernández; Joan R. Villalbí; Rodrigo Córdoba


    En España ha sido visible la creciente implicación de la sociedad civil en la demanda de políticas de control del tabaquismo. Las bases para la creación del Comité Nacional para la Prevención del Tabaquismo (CNPT) fueron asentadas en 2004. A finales de ese año la intensa actuación para concretar las acciones reguladoras del incipiente Plan Nacional para la Prevención del Tabaquismo culminó en una ley que permitió un salto cualitativo, aprovechando la trasposición legal de la directiva europea...

  10. Gobernabilidad del acuífero transfronterizo Guaraní: Ciencia y Gestión

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    Jorge Néstor Santa Cruz


    Full Text Available Para el estudio del Piloto transfronterizo local de Argentina y Uruguay (Concordia-Salto del finalizado ( en el 2009 Proyecto para la Protección Ambiental y el Desarrollo Sostenible del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní-PSAG, se determinaron especialmente las características hidrogeológicas-hidroquímicas e isotópicas, configuración actual de la piezometría a ambos lados de la frontera política entre Argentina y Uruguay en ese sector, y se realizaron simulaciones de configuración del macrocono y depresiones futuras en base a un modelo matemático.  En agosto del año 2010, Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay, firmaron un Acuerdo de explotación, manejo y sustentabilidad del Sistema Acuífero Guaraní. El mismo, al igual que el Proyecto UN-CDI sobre Derecho de los Acuíferos Transfronterizos de agosto de 2008,  utiliza la terminología: evitar “perjuicio sensible” entre las partes, uso “equitativo y razonable” del agua subterránea, y permitir un “funcionamiento efectivo”, entre otras. Se considera que estos conceptos son insuficientes para representar fehacientemente la especificidad y comportamiento del agua subterránea y preservación en todo el Acuífero; situación distinta a lo que ocurre con el agua superficial. Se propone una complementación al Acuerdo 2010, para el Sector Transfronterizo Concordia-Salto del Acuífero Guaraní permitiendo convenir acciones técnicas conjuntas y concretas en tiempo y forma, apuntando a mejorar el conocimiento, mayor control y prevención, sin perjuicio de acciones de vigilancia general sobre “el todo regional” contempladas en el Plan Estratégico de Acciones del PSAG. Para el caso especìfico del área de este Sector del Acuìfero Transfronterizo Concordia-Salto del Acuífero Guaraní, se podría adoptar una figura geométrica simétrica a ambos lados del río Uruguay, similar a la originalmente considerada del Piloto del SAG, donde las zonas de protección más alejadas del Sector a

  11. Relación entre la fuerza máxima en squat y acciones de salto, sprint y golpeo de balón. (Relationship among maximal strength in squat exercise, jump, sprint and kicking ball performance.

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    Alfredo Arija Blázquez


    Full Text Available ResumenEl objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las posibles relaciones entre la fuerza máxima en squat y accionesexplosivas de salto, sprint y golpeo de balón. Para ello, se contó con una muestra formada por estudiantes de Ciencias del Deporte (N= 16; 19,6 ± 1,7 años de sexo masculino (con escasa experiencia en el entrenamiento de fuerza, que llevaron a cabo un test de 1RM en squat (calculándose el peso levantado, la fuerza media total y la fuerza dinámica máxima, tests de salto vertical (SJ, CMJ y CMJa, un test de sprint de 20 m (con mediciones de tiempo cada 5 m, y un test de golpeo con el pie donde se calculaba la velocidad del balón. Se encontraron coeficientes de correlación moderados (entre 0,52 y 0,67 y significativos de las medidas de fuerza máxima y las alturas de salto, mientras que los coeficientes obtenidos entre los tiempos de sprint y dichas medidas de fuerza máxima se situaron entre -0,06 y -0,32, no siendo ninguno de ellos significativo; al igual que tampoco fueron significativos los coeficientes de correlación de las medidas de fuerza máxima y la velocidad de tiro, se situaron entre 0,25 y 0,34. Por tanto, la relación entre la fuerza máxima en squat y la altura de salto en sujetos con escasa experiencia en el entrenamiento de fuerza resultó moderada, mientras que no parece existir relación con el tiempo de sprint y la velocidad de tiro.AbstractThe purpose of the present study was to analyze the possible relationships between maximal strength insquat exercise and jump, sprint and kicking ball actions. Sixteen males sport science students (19,6 ± 1,7years, with little experience in strength training, performed a 1RM in squat exercise (from which liftedweight, the total average- and maximal-dynamic strength was assessed, vertical jump (SJ, CMJ and CMJa, a 20 m sprint test (with time measurement every 5 m, and a kicking ball test where the velocity of the ball was calculated. Moderate (0,52 - 0,67 and

  12. How to define, plan and implant infrastructure for operation and maintenance of large power plants. Salto Caxias - the Parana Electricity Company, Brazil - experience; Como definir, planejar e implantar infraestrutura para operacao e manutencao de grandes usinas. Experiencia de Salto Caxias (COPEL)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kassem, Faisal Ali; Potenza, Luiz Frederico [Usina Hidreletrica de Salto Caxias, Capitao Leonidas Marques, PR (Brazil)]. E-mails:;


    This paper presents the evolutional process which has been adopted by COPEL along the hydroelectric undertaking, focusing the Salto Caxias operation staff experience, during the pre-commissioning, commissioning and beginning of the plant commercial operation.

  13. Respostas neuromusculares dos membros inferiores durante protocolo intermitente de saltos verticais em voleibolistas Neuromuscular responses of the lower limb muscles during vertical jumping in volleyball athletes

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    Caroline Tosini Felicissimo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o desempenho e as respostas eletromiográficas dos músculos Reto Femoral, Bíceps Femoral e Gastrocnêmio Medial durante protocolo de saltos verticais. Participaram 13 voleibolistas do sexo feminino (15,6 ± 0,9 anos. Inicialmente foi realizado um protocolo de potência máxima (três saltos máximos, seguido do protocolo de resistência de saltos (ciclos de três saltos máximos em aproximadamente 10 segundos (s - um salto a cada três s, com recuperação de 15 s. O tempo de duração do protocolo de resistência foi de 20 minutos. Foi usada a técnica do salto com contramovimento sem ajuda dos braços, sobre tapete de contato. Para tratamento dos dados os saltos foram divididos em quatro períodos com 12 ciclos cada um. Os resultados mostraram queda na altura dos saltos de aproximadamente 1,3cm entre os períodos de 1 a 4, sendo que, essa queda foi mais significativa nos 3º e 4º períodos em comparação ao 1º e 2º. Entretanto, com relação às variáveis RMS e FM, não ocorreu alteração nas respostas eletromiográficas entre músculos e períodos. Concluiu-se, assim, que a fadiga pode depender de variáveis psicofisiológicas, ao nível do SNC, que também influem no desempenho.The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance and the electromyographic responses of the muscles Rectus Femoris, Biceps Femoris and Gastrocnemius Medialis during vertical jumping protocol. Participated 13 female volleyball players (15,6 ± 0,9 years. Initially was performed a protocol of maximum power (three maximum jumps, followed by resistance jumps protocol (cycles of three maximum jumps in about 10 seconds (s - one jump every three s, with recovery of 15s. The duration of resistance protocol was 20 minutes. Technique used was countermovement jump without the aid of arms on a mat of contact. The data collected during the jumps were divided into four periods containing 12 cycles each. The results showed a

  14. Entrenamiento perceptivocognitivo con el Neurotracker 3D-MOT para potenciar el rendimiento en tres modalidades deportivas

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    Lluïsa Quevedo Junyent


    Full Text Available El propósito de esta investigación ha sido comprobar el efecto de la intensidad del contramovimiento sobre el rendimiento del salto vertical. Para el control de la intensidad se han utilizado tres protocolos de saltos verticales con participación de brazos: a saltos verticales partiendo desde la posición de erguidos (CMJ + S; b partiendo de un salto previo donde la altura de caída estaba regulada por el participante (DJ-AR, y c partiendo de un salto previo máximo (DJ-M. Han participado 28 deportistas practicantes de modalidades deportivas donde el salto vertical constituye una habilidad básica. Se ha utilizado una plataforma de fuerza, operando a 500 Hz, sincronizada temporalmente a una cámara de vídeo, que registraba a 210 Hz el plano sagital de los saltos realizados sobre la plataforma. La aceleración vertical del CM se determinó a partir de la fuerza neta vertical y la masa del saltador. A continuación, los sucesivos registros de la velocidad vertical y las posiciones de componente vertical adoptadas por el CM se determinaron mediante integración de las componentes verticales de las funciones de aceleración-tiempo y velocidad-tiempo, respectivamente. Las constantes de integración se determinaron mediante imágenes de vídeo (2D. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que, cuando se realizan saltos con alturas de caída superiores a 0,39 ± 0,05 m, el pico de potencia durante la fase propulsiva (PP(propulsiva(propulsión., y la altura de salto (Ycm vuelo, se reducen de forma significativa (p < 0,001, lo que nos permite afirmar que se reduce el rendimiento durante la fase propulsiva.

  15. A vertebrate assemblage of Las Curtiembres Formation (Upper Cretaceous of northwestern Argentina Una asociación de vertebrados de la Formación Las Curtiembres (Cretácico Superior del Noroeste de la Argentina

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    Agustín Scanferla


    Full Text Available We describe an association of fossil vertebrates from the Morales Member of the Las Curtiembres Formation (Campanian near Puente Morales, Salta Province, NW Argentina. The fossils include teleostean fishes, pipid frogs, pleurodiran turtles, mesoeucrocodylians, non-avian theropod dinosaurs, and enantiornithine birds. The vertebrate record is dominated by freshwater taxa. With the exception of pipid frogs, all taxa here described constitute new records for this sedimentary unit. Among them, the turtles are reported for the first time in the Cretaceous of northwestern Argentina (Salta Group. Additionally, the recently published small enantiornithine Intiornis inexpectatus enlarges the diversity of cretaceous birds from South America. Despite the fragmentary nature of the specimens, the information provided by this Late Cretaceous assemblage sheds new light on the composition of the continental vertebrate fauna in a paleontologically poorly known region of South America.Aquí describimos una asociación de fósiles de vertebrados proveniente del Miembro Morales de la Formación Las Curtiembres (Campaniano exhumada en la localidad de Puente Morales, provincia de Salta, Argentina. Esta asociación se encuentra conformada por peces teleósteos, anuros pipidos, tortugas pleurodiras, mesoeucrocodilidos, dinosaurios terópodos no avianos y aves Enantiornithes. Este registro de vertebrados se encuentra dominado por taxa de agua dulce. Con la excepción de los anuros pipidos, todos los demás taxa aquí descriptos constituyen nuevos registros para esta unidad sedimentaria. Entre ellos, el registro de tortugas resulta ser el primero para el Grupo Salta. Adicionalmente, el Enantiornithes Intiornis inexpectatus amplía la diversidad de aves cretácicas de América del Sur. Más allá de la naturaleza fragmentaria de algunos de los especímenes, la información proporcionada por esta asociación del Cretácico Superior aporta novedosa información acerca de la

  16. Análise biomecânica da marcha de mulheres com uso de sapatos com saltos em solo plano e inclinado


    Silva, Glauce Gonzaga [UNESP


    É grande o número de mulheres que faz uso de sapatos com saltos na atualidade durante várias horas por dia, sendo freqüentemente sujeitas a andarem por diversos tipos de superfícies, sejam elas planas ou inclinadas, submetendo o sistema músculoesquelético a esforços variados. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: adaptar uma esteira para realização de análise biomecânica; analisar a marcha de mulheres com uso de sapatos com saltos em comparação com a condição descalça; analisar a influência ...

  17. Cretaceous biota of the Triângulo Mineiro region (Brazil: A review of recent finds

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    Candeiro, C. R. A.


    Full Text Available The Bauru Group (Adamantina, Uberaba, and Marília Formations crop out in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and yield a rich continental biota. Invertebrate and vertebrate taxa from underlying and overlying strata, as well as biostratigraphical correlations with other fossil sites in Argentina, suggest an Upper Cretaceous age for this biota. The diversity of the fossil assemblage recorded in these formations is summarized here and includes: frogs, lizards, crocodiles, titanosaurs, abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid dinosaurs. This fossil assemblage provides important clues to understand faunas from other southern landmasses, particularly those from the Cretaceous of the African continent.Los afloramientos del Grupo Bauru (formaciones Adamantina, Uberaba y Marília en la región del Triângulo Mineiro, Provincia de Minas Gerais, Brasil, posee un rico contenido de biota continental. Los taxa de invertebrados y vertebrados de estos estratos, así como las correlaciones biostratigráficas con otros yacimientos fósiles de Argentina, sugieren una edad del Cretácico Tardío. La diversidad de la asociación fósil registrada en las formaciones del Triângulo Mineiro se resume en el presente trabajo e incluye: sapos, lagartos, tortugas, cocodrilianos, titanosaurideos, dinosaurios abelisaurideos y carcharodontosaurideos. Esta asociación es importante para la comprensión de las faunas del sur de América y también de las del Cretácico de África.

  18. Levantamento de plantas aquáticas no reservatório de Salto Grande, Americana-SP Aquatic plant survey in Salto Grande reservoir in Americana-SP, Brazil

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    D. Martins


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência relativa e o nível de infestação de cada espécie da flora aquática presente no reservatório de Salto Grande, Americana-SP. O levantamento e a identificação das plantas aquáticas foram realizados percorrendo-se as margens do reservatório em uma embarcação. Ao longo dele foram estabelecidos 20 pontos de avaliação, sendo todos eles fotografados e georreferenciados. Foram atribuídos valores de 0 a 100% tanto para as espécies presentes como para os espaços livres de macrófitas aquáticas que eventualmente pudessem ocorrer dentro dos pontos amostrados. Com os dados referentes ao número de indivíduos e pontos avaliados, foi determinada a frequência relativa de cada espécie. Foram identificadas 13 espécies em todo o reservatório, sendo 12 vasculares e uma de alga-verde (Chlorella spp.. Entre as espécies vasculares, nove eram plantas emersas flutuantes, as quais poderiam estar ou não ancoradas no leito do reservatório: Alternanthera philoxeroides, Brachiaria subquadripara, Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa polystachia var. spectabilis, Eichhornia crassipes, Panicum rivulare, Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia auriculata e Typha angustifolia. Outras três espécies foram encontradas somente em solo firme alagado: Aeschynomene sensitiva, Hedychium coronarium e Mimosa pigra.The objectives of this work were to determine the relative frequency and infestation level of each species present in the Salto Grande Reservoir in Americana-SP. The survey and identification of the aquatic plants were carried out in the Salto Grande reservoir on a boat. Twenty evaluation sites were established along the reservoir, photographed and geo-referenced. Values from 0 to 100% were assigned for both the species present and for the aquatic plants that could possibly occur within the sampled sites. Based on the number of individuals and points evaluated, the relative frequency of each species was determined

  19. Valoración de la efectividad del trabajo excéntrico en la tendinopatía rotuliana crónica


    Arias Espinosa, Blanca


    Introducción: la tendinopatía rotuliana crónica es una lesión desarrollada por sobreuso del aparato extensor de la rodilla, caracterizada principalmente por dolor y disfunción del tendón rotuliano; siendo más prevalente en deportes que implican saltos, carreras y traumatismos repetitivos. Objetivos: determinar la evidencia científica que existe actualmente sobre la eficacia del entrenamiento excéntrico en la tendinopatía rotuliana crónica, así como compararlo junto con otras opciones terap...

  20. An acute case of intoxication with cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in recreational water in Salto Grande Dam, Argentina. (United States)

    Giannuzzi, Leda; Sedan, Daniela; Echenique, Ricardo; Andrinolo, Dario


    Cyanobacterial blooms and hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs) usually occur in summer, constituting a sanitary and environmental problem in Salto Grande Dam, Argentina. Water sports and recreational activities take place in summer in this lake. We reported an acute case of cyanobacterial poisoning in Salto Grande dam, Argentina, which occurred in January 2007. Accidentally, a young man was immersed in an intense bloom of Microcystis spp. A level of 48.6 μg·L(-1) of microcystin-LR was detected in water samples. Four hours after exposure, the patient showed nausea, abdominal pain and fever. Three days later, dyspnea and respiratory distress were reported. The patient was hospitalized in intensive care and diagnosed with an atypical pneumonia. Finally, a week after the exposure, the patient developed a hepatotoxicosis with a significant increase of hepatic damage biomarkers (ALT, AST and γGT). Complete recovery took place within 20 days. This is the first study to show an acute intoxication with microcystin-producing cyanobacteria blooms in recreational water.

  1. Arquitectura multi-controlador con transferencia sin salto para procesos con conmutación de modos

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    Nagore Iriondo


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los sistemas con conmutación de modos se definen como aquéllos que pueden exhibir diferente comportamiento dinámico en función del estado en que se encuentran. Pueden por tanto ser descritos por un conjunto finito de subsistemas dinámicos y una lógica que rige la conmutación entre ellos. Una alternativa para su control es la arquitectura multi-controlador con supervisión ya que permite utilizar controladores de modo diferentes y alcanzar así múltiples objetivos de control. Pero la conmutación de controladores suele tener como consecuencia la aparición de saltos o transitorios derivados que pueden ser inaceptables. Este tipo de sistemas y problemática son frecuentes en diferentes áreas de aplicación industrial, en donde la tecnología de control más utilizada es el Controlador Lógico Programable (PLC. Es por ello que el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un método de diseño e implementación de un mecanismo de transferencia sin salto (BT en una arquitectura multi-modo y multi-bucle para sistemas con conmutación de modos, en PLC y en conformidad con el estándar IEC 61131-3. La estrategia BT se basa en que controladores de modos candidatos a conmutar realicen un seguimiento a los controladores activos, siendo la detección del estado de operación actual y de los posibles estados siguientes, clave en la definición de la forma de ejecución de los algoritmos de control que componen la arquitectura. Se presentan también los pasos del diseño de la arquitectura completa así como resultados experimentales que validan la arquitectura. Abstract: Switched mode systems are defined as those represented by a finite set of linear subsystems and a set of logic rules orchestrating the switching among them. A set of dynamic subsystems together with a logical system that orchestrates the switching among them could be used in order to describe it. An alternative to control them is a supervisory multi-mode controller architecture

  2. Kuldne Salto: Ralf Lõoke, Maarja Kask ja Karli Luik / Ralf Lõoke, Maarja Kask, Karli Luik ; intervjueerinud Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõoke, Ralf, 1978-


    Arhitektuurivõistlustel edukalt esinenud büroo Salto arhitektid buumiajast, kui tööd oli meeletult palju, tööde skaalast, reisimisest, oma tööst ja meeskonnatööst, konkurssidel osalemisest, projektist "Gaasitoru", Tallinnast, unistuste kodust. Konkursivõite 2004-2009

  3. A influência postural do salto alto em mulheres adultas: análise por biofotogrametria computadorizada Postural influence of high heels among adult women: analysis by computerized photogrammetry

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    DH Iunes


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Em nossa sociedade, temos observado uma oferta cada vez maior de modelos, cores, estilos, altura e diversos tipos de salto. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o uso de calçados de salto alto influencia nas alterações posturais com base em um conjunto de variáveis mensuradas por meio da fotogrametria computadorizada. MÉTODOS: Vinte indivíduos que utilizam salto alto com freqüência (grupo 1 e 20 indivíduos que utilizam salto alto esporadicamente (grupo 2 foram fotografados no plano frontal anterior e sagital em três momentos: a sem utilização de calçado, b utilizando salto agulha e c utilizando salto plataforma, sendo estas fotografias aleatorizadas e analisadas por um experimentador cego por meio da fotogrametria. A análise estatística foi realizada a partir da análise de variância em esquema fatorial 2x3, ou seja, comparando-se a freqüência do uso de salto com o tipo de calçado, com 5% de significância. RESULTADOS: Apenas o ângulo protrusão da cabeça apresentou diferença quando comparados grupo 1 e 2 (pINTRODUCTION: In our society, it is observed an increasing number of models, colors, styles, heights and types of high heels. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the use of high heel shoes results in postural changes, based on a set of variables measured through computerized photogrammetry. METHODS: Twenty individuals who often used high heels (group 1 and 20 individuals who only used high heels sporadically (group 2 were photographed in the frontal and sagittal planes at three conditions: a without using footwear; b using stiletto heels; and c using high platform heels. These photographs were randomized and analyzed by a blinded examiner, by means of photogrammetry. Statistical analysis was performed, using a 2x3 factorial analysis of variance to compare the frequency of high heel use with the type of shoe, at the 5% significance level. RESULTS: Only the head protrusion angle showed a difference between groups 1 and 2 (p<0

  4. Upper Cretaceous molluscan record along a transect from Virden, New Mexico, to Del Rio, Texas (United States)

    Cobban, W.A.; Hook, S.C.; McKinney, K.C.


    Updated age assignments and new collections of molluscan fossils from lower Cenomanian through upper Campanian strata in Texas permit a much refined biostratigraphic correlation with the rocks of New Mexico and the Western Interior. Generic names of many Late Cretaceous ammonites and inoceramid bivalves from Texas are updated to permit this correlation. Strata correlated in the west-to-east transect include the lower Cenomanian Beartooth Quartzite and Sarten Sandstone of southwest New Mexico, and the Eagle Mountains Formation, Del Rio Clay, Buda Limestone, and. basal beds of the Chispa Summit, Ojinaga, and Boquillas Formations of the Texas-Mexico border area. Middle Cenomanian strata are lacking in southwestern New Mexico but are present in the lower parts of the Chispa Summit and Boquillas Formations in southwest Texas. Upper Cenomanian and lower Turonian rocks are present at many localities in New Mexico and Texas in the Mancos Shale and Chispa Summit, Ojinaga, and Boquillas Formations. Middle Turonian and younger rocks seem to be entirely nonmarine in southwestern New Mexico, but they are marine in the Rio Grande area in the Chispa. Summit, Ojinaga, and Boquillas Formations. The upper part of the Chispa Summit and Boquillas contain late Turonian fossils. Rocks of Coniacian and Santonian age are present high in the Chispa Summit, Ojinaga, and Boquillas Formations, and in the lower part of the Austin. The San Carlos, Aguja, Pen, and Austin Formations contain fossils of Campanian age. Fossils representing at least 38 Upper Cretaceous ammonite zones are present along the transect. Collections made in recent years in southwestern New Mexico and at Sierra de Cristo Rey just west of downtown El Paso, Texas, have been well treated and do not need revision. Taxonomic names and zonations published in the pre-1970 literature on the Rio Grande area of Texas have been updated. New fossil collections from the Big Bend National Park, Texas, allow for a much refined correlation

  5. Validade de um novo tapete de contato para avaliação do salto vertical Validity of a new contact mat system for evaluating vertical jump

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    Noé Gomes Borges Júnior


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a validade da medida de tempo de vôo e de contato de um tapete de contato, SaltoBras (SB, comparando-o com um osciloscópio (OS e uma plataforma de forças (PF. Para isso o SB foi colocado sobre uma plataforma de forças. Primeiramente, quatro homens e duas mulheres realizaram quinze saltos sobre o SB e o tempo de vôo foi obtido. Depois, os mesmos realizaram seis saltos consecutivos e os tempos de contato foram obtidos. O SB apresentou-se valido em relação ao OS, mas subestimou o tempo de vôo (~0.30 % e de contato (~1.01 % quando comparado a PF. Apesar das diferenças, o erro encontrado entre SB e PF apresentou-se sistemático e duas equações de predição foram definidas e inseridas no software para a correção dos erros. Os resultados sugerem que SB é um instrumento válido para a avaliação do salto vertical.The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of the flight and ground contact time measurement of a contact mat, SaltoBras (SB, comparing it to an oscilloscope (OS and to a force plate (FP. For that, the SB was placed upon a FP. At first, four male and two female performed 15 jumps on the SB and the flight times were obtained. After, they performed six consecutive jumps and the ground contact times were obtained. SB software was valid in comparison with the OS, but underestimated the flight (~0.30 % and ground contact (~1.01 % time measurements when comparing it to the FP. Despite the differences, the error found between SB and FP was systematic, and two prediction equations were defined and added to the software for correction. The results suggest that SB is a valid instrument for the evaluation of vertical jump.

  6. Percentiles de salto con contramovimiento en escolares de Bogotá, Colombia: Estudio FUPRECOL


    Ferro Vargas, Martha


    Objetivo: Determinar la distribución por percentiles de salto con contramovimiento (CMJ) en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, perteneciente al estudio Fuprecol. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado entre 2846 niños y 2754 adolescentes, entre 9 a 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 18 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Se evaluó el CMJ, de acuerdo, con lo establecido por la batería de condición física, Fuprecol. Se calcularon, los percentiles (P3, P...

  7. Cretaceous Crocodyliforms from the Sahara

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    Paul Sereno


    Full Text Available Diverse crocodyliforms have been discovered in recent years in Cretaceous rocks on southern landmasses formerly composing Gondwana.  We report here on six species from the Sahara with an array of trophic adaptations that significantly deepen our current understanding of African crocodyliform diversity during the Cretaceous period.  We describe two of these species (Anatosuchus minor, Araripesuchus wegeneri from nearly complete skulls and partial articulated skeletons from the Lower Cretaceous Elrhaz Formation (Aptian-Albian of Niger. The remaining four species (Araripesuchus rattoides sp. n., Kaprosuchus saharicus gen. n. sp. n., Laganosuchus thaumastos gen. n. sp. n., Laganosuchus maghrebensis gen. n. sp. n. come from contemporaneous Upper Cretaceous formations (Cenomanian in Niger and Morocco.

  8. Winding substitution of the step-up transformer 196,5 MVA/230 KV in situ in the Usina Hidroeletrica de Salto Osorio; Substituicao de enrolamento de transformador elevador 196,5 MVA/230 kV no local da instalacao da Usina Hidreletrica de Salto Osorio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soares, J.C.; Schmidt, F.; Rabito, E. [ELETROSUL, Florianopolis, SC (Brazil)


    Management aspects and repair costs on a step-up transformer in the Usina Hidroeletrica de Salto Osorio, Rio Grande do Sul, are presented. Costs comparison demonstrated that for ELETROSUL, (Centrais Eletricas do Sul do Brasil S.A.) it was cheaper to perform the repairs in situ. 1 tab.

  9. Geology of permian basin in the northeast of Uruguay: Sedimentology exam about uranium trace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    L'Homer, A; Manigault, B; Doyhernart, A; Rossi, P; Spoturno, J; De Santana, H; Vaz Chaves, N.


    The Uranium project was prepared from BRGM to DINAMIGE. Its has got three zones of investigation: zone 1 composed by precambrian basin in the N W; zone 2 the precambrian insular shelf and rocks belts; zone 3 wich include parts of the basin Cretaceous in Salto and Santa Lucia

  10. Speculative petroleum systems of the Punta del Este Basin (offshore Uruguay

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    Ethel Morales

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The Uruguayan continental margin was generated as the result of the breakup of Gondwana and, later, the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, which began in the Jurassic. Three major areas of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation are located in the Uruguayan offshore: the Punta del Este Basin, the southernmost sector of the Pelotas Basin and the Oriental del Plata Basin. These basins share the classical stages of tectono-sedimentary evolution of the other Atlantic basins, including the prerift (Paleozoic, rift (Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, transition (Barremian-Aptian and postrift (Aptian-present phases. Based on the analysis of basin evolution through seismic sections and well data as well as on the establishment of analogies with productive Atlantic basins, four speculative petroleum systems are proposed for the Punta del Este Basin: 1 Marine petroleum system of the prerift stage: Devonian/Permian-Devonian/Permian(?, 2 Lacustrine petroleum system of the synrift stage: Neocomian-Neocomian(?, 3 Marine petroleum system of the Cretaceous postrift: Aptian-Late Cretaceous(?, 4 Marine petroleum system of the Cenozoic postrift: Paleocene-Paleogene/Neogene(?.

  11. A possibilidade de saltos no câmbio implícita nos prêmios das opções

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    Bernardo de Vasconcellos Guimarães


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, são estimados os parâmetros - implícitos nos prêmios das opções - de um modelo de precificação de derivativos que considera a possibilidade de saltos discretos no câmbio (o modelo de Merton, no período entre janeiro de 1997 e janeiro de 1999. Esses parâmetros representam probabilidades e magnitudes esperadas de uma desvalorização do real. Argumenta-se em favor dessas estimativas como medidas de credibilidade do regime de bandas que vigorou de março de 1995 a janeiro de 1999 e apresentam-se evidências de que os smiles de volatilidade encontrados no mercado de câmbio no período são explicados pela possibilidade de saltos discretos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os momentos de grande desconfiança na moeda correspondem a épocas de crises em outros países e que o salto cambial de janeiro de 1999 superou em muito a magnitude esperada de uma desvalorização do real.This paper estimates the parameters of a pricing model which considers the possibility of discrete jumps in the Brazilian exchange rate (Merton's model, from January 1997 to January 1999. Those parameters can be seen as probabilities and expected magnitudes of real devaluation. Such estimates are defended as good measures of credibility of the exchange rate policy that prevailed from March 1995 to January 1999, and it is argued that the possibility of discrete jumps explains the existence of volatility smiles for Brazilian exchange rate options during that period. According to the results presented by this paper, the magnitude of the discrete jump occurred in January 1999 was underestimated by the market and the credibility of the exchange rate policy was mainly affected by crises in other developing countries.

  12. SALTO guidelines. Guidelines for peer review of long term operation and ageing management of nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    other and apply good practices in dealing with LTO of NPPs. The peer review service is also an important mechanism through which the IAEA supports Member States in enhancing the safety of NPPs. The IAEA has conducted various types of safety review services that indirectly address some aspects of LTO, including safety review services for design, engineering, operation and external hazards. OSART (Operational Safety Review Team) services include some review of ageing management programmes. In addition, several Member States have requested AMAT (Ageing Management Assessment Team) missions. Through these activities and considering the increasing average age of NPPs connected to the grid worldwide, it was recognized that a comprehensive engineering safety review service on LTO would be very useful to Member States. The Safe Long Term Operation (SALTO) peer review is a new comprehensive engineering safety review service directly addressing strategy and the key elements for safe LTO of NPPs, which includes AMAT objectives and complements OSART reviews. The SALTO peer review service is designed to assist NPP operators in adopting a proper approach to long term operation of their plants and in implementing complete and appropriate activities to ensure that plant safety will be maintained during the LTO period. The SALTO peer review service can be tailored to focus on AMPs and/or on other programmes related to LTO to support the Member State in enhancing the safety of its NPPs. The SALTO peer review service can also support regulators in establishing or improving regulatory and licensing strategies for LTO of NPPs. These guidelines are primarily intended for members of the SALTO review team and they provide a basic structure and common reference for peer reviews of LTO. However, the guidelines could provide useful information to operating organizations of NPPs (or technical support organizations) for carrying out their own self-assessments or comprehensive programme reviews. The

  13. Lumaco: La cristalización del movimiento autodeterminista mapuche

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    Fernando Pairicán Padilla


    Full Text Available El primero de diciembre de 1997 en un camino rural de la comuna de Lumaco, un grupo de comuneros incendió tres camiones de Forestal Arauco remeciendo la Región de La Araucanía. El acontecimiento generó un salto cualitativo en la continuidad de una politización del pueblo Mapuche gestada desde los inicios de la transición democrática. Lumako, marcó una nueva etapa en el movimiento y en la historia del pueblo Mapuche, brotando con mayor claridad el proyecto enclavado en la autodeterminación. Fue el inicio de un desarrollo ideológico de un sector del pueblo Mapuche que señaló su anti capitalismo como un eje articulador, y a la resistencia, se simbolizó en la irrupción de la violencia política como instrumento para la reconstrucción de lo que llamaron Wallmapu.

  14. O salto transmidiático dos super-heróis: HQ - Filme - Game


    Costa, Thiago Sanches


    A pesquisa investiga a relação entre os fenômenos digitais da transposição e transmídia no contexto da mútua influência entre a cultura dos HQs e games e suas repercussões nas estruturas narrativas digitais. Metodologicamente propõe a leitura e o aprofundamento das relações entre os conceitos buscando o seu entendimento de processo enquanto fenômeno da cultura digital, identificando- os em uma ação história anterior à narrativa transmídia: o salto transmidiático. Para tanto, utiliza-...

  15. Educación ambiental, participación comunitaria y desarrollo sustentable: los casos de los municipios de Juanacatlán y El Salto, Jalisco.

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    Humberto Palos Delgadillo


    Full Text Available El grave deterioro ecológico y la pérdida de flora y fauna en los municipios de Juanacatlán y El Salto Jalisco, en particular por un río y una cascada muertos, debido fundamentalmente a las concentraciones de contaminantes que generan las empresas establecidas en el corredor industrial de esa región, ha dañado la salud de la población. Lo anterior refleja el casi nulo desarrollo sustentable en esa parte del estado de Jalisco. El presente trabajo estudia la participación comunitaria con base en la educación ambiental y la sustentabilidad. Es decir, a la sociedad se le piden dos cosas: a que se involucre en acciones de conservación del medio ambiente y b que exija a las empresas y autoridades correspondientes, el cumplimiento a la legislación vigente a fin de obtener respuestas concretas a favor de la naturaleza. El estudio utiliza el método exploratorio bajo el supuesto de que son relevantes las habilidades de comunicación entre las partes interesadas por el cambio social. Al respecto se plantea un modelo que contempla la información retroalimentadora entre ciudadanos libres sin ningún matiz partidista o religioso, que también busquen el bien común e influyan en el desarrollo comunitario sustentable.

  16. Efectos del HIIT en la composición corporal, potencia máxima y fuerza máxima : un estudio preexperimental


    Jiménez Rodríguez, Francisco Miguel


    El principal objetivo de este estudio es conocer los efectos del HIIT en la composición corporal, fuerza dinámica (FDM) y potencia máxima (Pmáx) de miembro superior e inferior, potencia en saltos y fuerza máxima isométrica (FIM) manual. Cuatro hombres activos universitarios de similares características (21.5 ± 0.5 años, 175.75 ± 2.63 cm, 76.27 ± 4.76 kg) se ofrecieron como voluntarios para formar parte del estudio, un estudio preexperimental, sin grupo control, en el que realizaron un protoco...

  17. Island life in the Cretaceous - faunal composition, biogeography, evolution, and extinction of land-living vertebrates on the Late Cretaceous European archipelago


    Csiki Sava,Zoltan; Buffetaut,Eric; Ősi,Attila; Pereda-Suberbiola,Xabier; Brusatte,Stephen


    Abstract The Late Cretaceous was a time of tremendous global change, as the final stages of the Age of Dinosaurs were shaped by climate and sea level fluctuations and witness to marked paleogeographic and faunal changes, before the end-Cretaceous bolide impact. The terrestrial fossil record of Late Cretaceous Europe is becoming increasingly better understood, based largely on intensive fieldwork over the past two decades, promising new insights into latest Cretaceous faunal evolution. We revi...

  18. Dinosaurs and the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution (United States)

    Lloyd, Graeme T; Davis, Katie E; Pisani, Davide; Tarver, James E; Ruta, Marcello; Sakamoto, Manabu; Hone, David W.E; Jennings, Rachel; Benton, Michael J


    The observed diversity of dinosaurs reached its highest peak during the mid- and Late Cretaceous, the 50 Myr that preceded their extinction, and yet this explosion of dinosaur diversity may be explained largely by sampling bias. It has long been debated whether dinosaurs were part of the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution (KTR), from 125–80 Myr ago, when flowering plants, herbivorous and social insects, squamates, birds and mammals all underwent a rapid expansion. Although an apparent explosion of dinosaur diversity occurred in the mid-Cretaceous, coinciding with the emergence of new groups (e.g. neoceratopsians, ankylosaurid ankylosaurs, hadrosaurids and pachycephalosaurs), results from the first quantitative study of diversification applied to a new supertree of dinosaurs show that this apparent burst in dinosaurian diversity in the last 18 Myr of the Cretaceous is a sampling artefact. Indeed, major diversification shifts occurred largely in the first one-third of the group's history. Despite the appearance of new clades of medium to large herbivores and carnivores later in dinosaur history, these new originations do not correspond to significant diversification shifts. Instead, the overall geometry of the Cretaceous part of the dinosaur tree does not depart from the null hypothesis of an equal rates model of lineage branching. Furthermore, we conclude that dinosaurs did not experience a progressive decline at the end of the Cretaceous, nor was their evolution driven directly by the KTR. PMID:18647715

  19. Personalización del proceso de aprendizaje usando learning objects reutilizables

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    J. Minguillón


    Full Text Available En este artículo se describe el diseño de una plataforma de e-learning que integra el uso de learning objects (objetos de aprendizaje reutilizables como elementos básicos para la construcción de itinerarios que permiten la personalización del proceso de aprendizaje en función de las características especiales de cada curso y de cada perfil de estudiante. El objetivo es describir las características deseadas de tal plataforma y las problemáticas que se presentan cuando se integran diferentes tecnologías, especialmente el salto existente entre las definiciones de metadatos proporcionadas por los estándares de marcado de objetos de aprendizaje, y la aplicación de un modelo de diseño instruccional adecuado a este nuevo escenario. La plataforma propuesta apuesta por el uso del estándard SCORM y, por extensión, del estándar LOM para el marcado de los objetos de aprendizaje, teniendo en cuenta que el objetivo central es el seguimiento del proceso de aprendizaje y la personalización del mismo.


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    J.M. González


    Full Text Available



    El objetivo de este estudio fue el análisis de las modificaciones producidas en la capacidad de salto de los miembros inferiores, tras un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza realizado a través del uso de la combinación de cargas pesadas y ligeras durante 16 semanas medidas a través del test de Bosco: SJ, CMJ y DJ. 23 sujetos, 13 hombres y 10 mujeres divididos en dos grupos: deportistas(GD y físicamente activos(GND se sometieron al programa de entrenamiento. El instrumental utilizado para la medición fue la plataforma de presión (licencia Fac. Ciencias Activ. Física y Deporte Univ. Granada Se realizó un diseño experimental con un diseño de medida pretratamiento, aplicación de un tratamiento y medida post-tratamiento a dos grupos diferentes. Los resultados muestran que la fuerza explosiva, la elástico-explosiva, la explosivo-elástico-reactiva y la resistencia de fuerza rápida medidas indirectamente a través de la altura de salto son mayores en sujetos deportistas respecto a sujetos físicamente activos antes del entrenamiento de fuerza. La aplicación de un entrenamiento de fuerza basado en el método de contraste en la sesión durante 16 semanas ha mejorado significativamente en las extremidades inferiores las diferentes manifestaciones de fuerza previamente referidas en el GND y en el GD.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: entrenamiento, contraste, mayores, fuerza.


    The aim of this study is to examine the differences of force production in 50 -70 year old athletes and active subjects, both before and after the strength training and, on the other hand the effects of such a 16 week strength training on height jump in bosco protocol (SJ, CMJ, DJ. The strength training is based on the alternative use of light and heavy leads


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    Thomas Heinen


    Full Text Available In most everyday actions the eyes look towards objects and locations they are engaged with in a specific task and this information is used to guide the corresponding action. The question is, however, whether this strategy also holds for skills incorporating a whole-body rotation in sport. Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate relationships between gaze behaviour and movement behaviour in a complex gymnastics skill, namely the backward salto performed as a dismount on the uneven bars. Thirteen expert gymnasts were instructed to fixate a light spot on the landing mat during the downswing phase when performing a backward salto as dismount. The location of the light spot was varied systematically with regard to each gymnast’s individual landing distance. Time-discrete kinematic parameters of the swing motion and the dismount were measured. It was expected that fixating the gaze towards different locations of the light spot on the landing mat would directly affect the landing location. We had, however, no specific predictions on the effects of manipulating gaze direction on the remaining kinematic parameters. The hip angle at the top of the backswing, the duration of the downswing phase, the hip angle prior to kick-through, and the landing distance varied clearly as a function of the location of the light spot. It is concluded that fixating the gaze towards the landing mat serves the function to execute the skill in a way to land on a particular location.

  2. Efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza con distintas intensidades relativas y nivel de rendimiento inicial sobre las respuestas neuromuscular y hormonal


    Otero Esquina, Carlos


    Programa de Doctorado en Actividad Física, Rendimiento Deportivo y Salud El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral fue comprobar los efectos de dos tipos de entrenamiento de fuerza distintos en intensidad e igualados en volumen en el ejercicio de sentadilla completa sobre la respuesta neuromuscular y hormonal. Para ello se realizaron 3 estudios en los que se analizaron: Estudio 1: Efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza con distintas intensidades sobre la mejora en la capacidad de salto, e...

  3. Contribución a la epigrafía del Oeste de la provincia de Salamanca : el conjunto de Medina del Campo (Valladolid

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    A. Jiménez de Furundarena


    Full Text Available A finales del verano de 1991 estudiamos una colección particular de 28 epígrafes romanos depositados en una casa de campo próxima a la localidad de Medina del Campo'. Los epígrafes proceden de una gran necrópolis romana situada en un cerro llamado Cabeza de San Pedro, en el término municipal de Hinojosa de Duero (Salamanca junto al salto de Saucelle, durante cuya construcción —fue inaugurado en 1956— pasaron estas lápidas a manos de particulares. El objetivo de este trabajo es, pues, hacer algunas referencias y puntualizaciones sobre todo el conjunto de epígrafes de Hinojosa de Duero, relacionándolo con la epigrafía de algunas localidades, como Astorga o Chaves, y de algunas regiones, como la comprendida entre los ríos Duero y Sabor, la zona zamorana y el occidente salmantino.

  4. Patrón de distribución espacial de las especies arbóreas de la región de El Salto, Durango

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    Francisco Javier Hernández


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente estudio fue determinar el patrón de distribución espacial de los árboles presentes en la región de El Salto, Pueblo Nuevo, Durango. Para ello, se seleccionaron 12 comunidades representativas de las condiciones de los bosques de la región, donde se ubicaron, de manera aleatoria, 269 sitios circulares de 0.1 ha, distribuidos en un intervalo altitudinal de 1 500 a 3 000 m. El patrón de distribución de los árboles por nivel de altitud se determinó aplicando los índices de Cox y Morisita, mientras que el correspondiente para cada especie se probó con las pruebas de ajuste de la distribución de Poisson y binomial negativa. El grado de agregación se evaluó a través del parámetro de agregación K, proporción de la densidad media por taxón en relación a la media 1/K, el número promedio por individuo por especie, con respecto a los individuos presentes en la unidad de muestreo m*. Los índices de Cox y Morisita variaron de 12.05 a 17.39 y de 1.18 a 1.28, respectivamente, los cuales indican que en cada nivel de altitud los individuos se distribuyen de manera agregada. A su vez, el índice de Cox y el ajuste de la distribución binomial negativa (P>0.05 señalaron que los individuos por especie se distribuyen de manera agregada. Los valores del parámetro K, 1/K y m* variaron de 0.002 a 0.454, 2 a 500 y 9 a 69, respectivamente evidencian un alto grado de agregación entre individuos.

  5. Early cretaceous dinosaurs from the sahara. (United States)

    Sereno, P C; Wilson, J A; Larsson, H C; Dutheil, D B; Sues, H D


    A major question in Mesozoic biogeography is how the land-based dinosaurian radiation responded to fragmentation of Pangaea. A rich fossil record has been uncovered on northern continents that spans the Cretaceous, when continental isolation reached its peak. In contrast, dinosaur remains on southern continents are scarce. The discovery of dinosaurian skeletons from Lower Cretaceous beds in the southern Sahara shows that several lineages of tetanuran theropods and broad-toothed sauropods had a cosmopolitan distribution across Pangaea before the onset of continental fragmentation. The distinct dinosaurian faunas of Africa, South America, and Asiamerica arose during the Cretaceous by differential survival of once widespread lineages on land masses that were becoming increasingly isolated from one another.

  6. Action Research as a tool for the Strengthening of the Small Businesses Collective (Copec in Salto, Uruguay

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    Marisabina Minteguiaga


    up of commercial units whose economic function is linked, or better said, integrated, to the family structure function. This work is preceded by work done at the Universidad Cenur Litoral Norte between 2014 and 2015 with a group of about 15 entrepreneur units. On the whole, their location and influence area are neighborhoods; their importance lies in the relevance they have for the livelihood of the family. The family-business unit is seen as an integrality that broadly surpasses the economic factor; it is a family lifestyle with a specific identity that responds to a new production scenario. During 2016, a new experience with another group of seventeen business units took place, after reformulating the project’s objectives based on the previous experience. This time the participation methodology proposed by Tomás Rodríguez Villasante and the Citizens’ Network and Sustainable Environment (Cimas, acronym in Spanish was adopted and as Rodriquez states in his book, through the incorporation of specificities of the process itself. In this participatory work dynamic, the actors themselves participated in the path to be taken by the small business collective of Salto through the generation of systematic training and exchange scenarios. Within this framework, this text presents this experience which seeks the creation and strengthening of the collective actor, highlighting the actors of the social and economic reality of the city of Salto.

  7. New Australian sauropods shed light on Cretaceous dinosaur palaeobiogeography (United States)

    Poropat, Stephen F.; Mannion, Philip D.; Upchurch, Paul; Hocknull, Scott A.; Kear, Benjamin P.; Kundrát, Martin; Tischler, Travis R.; Sloan, Trish; Sinapius, George H. K.; Elliott, Judy A.; Elliott, David A.


    Australian dinosaurs have played a rare but controversial role in the debate surrounding the effect of Gondwanan break-up on Cretaceous dinosaur distribution. Major spatiotemporal gaps in the Gondwanan Cretaceous fossil record, coupled with taxon incompleteness, have hindered research on this effect, especially in Australia. Here we report on two new sauropod specimens from the early Late Cretaceous of Queensland, Australia, that have important implications for Cretaceous dinosaur palaeobiogeography. Savannasaurus elliottorum gen. et sp. nov. comprises one of the most complete Cretaceous sauropod skeletons ever found in Australia, whereas a new specimen of Diamantinasaurus matildae includes the first ever cranial remains of an Australian sauropod. The results of a new phylogenetic analysis, in which both Savannasaurus and Diamantinasaurus are recovered within Titanosauria, were used as the basis for a quantitative palaeobiogeographical analysis of macronarian sauropods. Titanosaurs achieved a worldwide distribution by at least 125 million years ago, suggesting that mid-Cretaceous Australian sauropods represent remnants of clades which were widespread during the Early Cretaceous. These lineages would have entered Australasia via dispersal from South America, presumably across Antarctica. High latitude sauropod dispersal might have been facilitated by Albian–Turonian warming that lifted a palaeoclimatic dispersal barrier between Antarctica and South America. PMID:27763598

  8. Action Research as a tool for the Strengthening of the Small Businesses Collective (Copec) in Salto, Uruguay


    Marisabina Minteguiaga; Alejandro Noboa


    This article looks at the intervention process in the universe of the so-called family businesses or small business in the outskirts of the city of Salto, Uruguay. These are made up of commercial units whose economic function is linked, or better said, integrated, to the family structure function. This work is preceded by work done at the Universidad Cenur Litoral Norte between 2014 and 2015 with a group of about 15 entrepreneur units. On the whole, their location and influence area are ne...

  9. Lower Cretaceous Puez key-section in the Dolomites - towards the mid-Cretaceous super-greenhouse (United States)

    Lukeneder, A.; Halásová, E.; Rehákova, D.; Józsa, Š.; Soták, J.; Kroh, A.; Jovane, L.; Florindo, F.; Sprovieri, M.; Giorgioni, M.; Lukeneder, S.


    Investigations on different fossil groups in addition to isotopic, paleomagnetic and geochemical analysis are combined to extract the Early Cretaceous history of environmental changes, as displayed by the sea level and climate changes. Results on biostratigraphy are integrated with other dating methods as magnetostraigraphy, correlation and cyclostratigraphy. The main investigation topics of the submitted project within the above-described framework are the biostratigraphic (Lukeneder and Aspmair, 2006, 2012), palaeoecological (Lukeneder, 2008, 2012), palaeobiogeographic, lithostratigraphic (Lukeneder, 2010, 2011), cyclostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic development of the Early Cretaceous in the Puez area. The main sections occur in expanded outcrops located on the southern margin of the Puez Plateau, within the area of the Puez-Geisler Natural Park, in the northern part of the Dolomites (South Tyrol, North Italy). The cephalopod, microfossil and nannofossil faunas and floras from the marly limestones to marls here indicates Hauterivian to Albian/Cenomanian age. Oxygen isotope values from the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation show a decreasing trend throughout the log, from -1.5‰ in the Hauterivian to -4.5‰ in the Albian/Cenomanian. The decreasing values mirror an increasing trend in palaeotemperatures from ~ 15-18°C in the Hauterivian up to ~25-30 °C in the Albian/Cenomanian. The trend probably indicates the positive shift in temperature induced by the well known Mid Cretaceous Ocean warming (e.g., Super-Greenhouse). The cooperative project (FWF project P20018-N10; 22 international scientists): An integrative high resolution project. Macro- and microfossils, isotopes, litho-, cyclo-, magneto-and biostratigraphy as tools for investigating the Lower Cretaceous within the Dolomites (Southern Alps, Northern Italy) -The Puez area as a new key region of the Tethyan Realm), is on the way since 2008 by the Natural History Museum in Vienna and the 'Naturmuseum S

  10. El perfil antropométrico de la gimnasia rítmica

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    Beatriz Romero Quintero


    Full Text Available El estudio realizado pretende analizar el biotipo de la gimnasta de rítmica, relacionar su rendimiento de competición con algunos valores de la condición física y valores antropométricos. La comparativa se ha realizado mediante la técnica de árboles de clasificación, significando la pertenencia de club, el pliegue suprailíaco, el pliegue del muslo y el salto vertical como favorables de buenos resultados. El salto específico “gacela” presenta valores inferiores respecto al salto vertical.

  11. Cretaceous paleogeography and depositional cycles of western South America (United States)

    Macellari, C. E.

    The western margin of South America was encroached upon by a series of marine advances that increased in extent from the Early Cretaceous to a maximum in the early Late Cretaceous for northern South America (Venezuela to Peru). In southern South America, however, the area covered by the marine advances decreased from a maximum in the Early Cretaceous to a minimum during mid-Cretaceous time, followed by a widespread advance at the end of the period. A series of unconformity-bounded depositional cycles was recognized in these sequences: five cycles in northern South America, and six (but not exactly equivalent) cycles in the Cretaceous back-arc basins of southern South America (Neuquén and Austral, or Magallanes, Basins). Both widespread anoxic facies and maximum flooding of the continent in northern South America coincide in general terms with recognized global trends, but this is not the case in southern South America. Here, anoxic facies are restricted to the Lower Cretaceous and seem to be controlled by local aspects of the basin evolution and configuration. The contrasts observed between northern and southern South America can be explained by differences in tectonic setting and evolution. To the north, sediments were deposited around the tectonically stable Guayana-Brazilian Massifs, and thus registered global "signals" such as anoxic events and major eustatic changes. The southern portion of the continent, on the contrary, developed in an active tectonic setting. Here, the mid-Cretaceous Peruvian Orogeny overprinted, to a large extent, world-wide trends and only the earliest and latest Cretaceous conform to global depositional patterns.

  12. Cretaceous Vertebrate Tracksites - Korean Cretaceous Dinosaur Coast World Heritage Nomination Site (United States)

    Huh, M.; Woo, K. S.; Lim, J. D.; Paik, I. S.


    South Korea is one of the best known regions in the world for Cretaceous fossil footprints, which are also world-renowned. Korea has produced more scientifically named bird tracks (ichnotaxa) than any other region in the world. It has also produced the world's largest pterosaur tracks. Dinosaur tracksites also have the highest frequency of vertebrate track-bearing levels currently known in any stratigraphic sequence. Among the areas that have the best track records, and the greatest scientific significance with best documentation, Korea ranks very highly. Objective analysis of important individual tracksites and tracksite regions must be based on multiple criteria including: size of site, number of tracks, trackways and track bearing levels, number of valid named ichnotaxa including types, number of scientific publications, quality of preservation. The unique and distinctive dinosaur tracksites are known as one of the world's most important dinosaur track localities. In particular, the dinosaur track sites in southern coastal area of Korea are very unique. In the sites, we have excavated over 10,000 dinosaur tracks. The Hwasun sites show diverse gaits with unusual walking patterns and postures in some tracks. The pterosaur tracks are the most immense in the world. The longest pterosaur trackway yet known from any track sites suggests that pterosaurs were competent terrestrial locomotors. This ichnofauna contains the first pterosaur tracks reported from Asia. The Haenam Uhangri pterosaur assigns to a new genus Haenamichnus which accomodates the new ichnospecies, Haenamichnus uhangriensis. At least 12 track types have been reported from the Haman and Jindong Formations (probably late Lower Cretaceous). These include the types of bird tracks assigned to Koreanornis, Jindongornipes, Ignotornis and Goseongornipes. In addition the bird tracks Hwangsanipes, Uhangrichnus, the pterosaur track Haenamichnus and the dinosaur tracks, Brontopodus, Caririchnium, Minisauripus and

  13. The origin and early evolution of metatherian mammals: the Cretaceous record

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    Thomas E. Williamson


    Full Text Available Metatherians, which comprise marsupials and their closest fossil relatives, were one of the most dominant clades of mammals during the Cretaceous and are the most diverse clade of living mammals after Placentalia. Our understanding of this group has increased greatly over the past 20 years, with the discovery of new specimens and the application of new analytical tools. Here we provide a review of the phylogenetic relationships of metatherians with respect to other mammals, discuss the taxonomic definition and diagnosis of Metatheria, outline the Cretaceous history of major metatherian clades, describe the paleobiology, biogeography, and macroevolution of Cretaceous metatherians, and provide a physical and climatic background of Cretaceous metatherian faunas. Metatherians are a clade of boreosphendian mammals that must have originated by the Late Jurassic, but the first unequivocal metatherian fossil is from the Early Cretaceous of Asia. Metatherians have the distinctive tightly interlocking occlusal molar pattern of tribosphenic mammals, but differ from Eutheria in their dental formula and tooth replacement pattern, which may be related to the metatherian reproductive process which includes an extended period of lactation followed by birth of extremely altricial young. Metatherians were widespread over Laurasia during the Cretaceous, with members present in Asia, Europe, and North America by the early Late Cretaceous. In particular, they were taxonomically and morphologically diverse and relatively abundant in the Late Cretaceous of western North America, where they have been used to examine patterns of biogeography, macroevolution, diversification, and extinction through the Late Cretaceous and across the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg boundary. Metatherian diversification patterns suggest that they were not strongly affected by a Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution, but they clearly underwent a severe extinction across the K-Pg boundary.


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    Lilian Carla Moreira BENTO


    algumas particularidades, como diversidade litológica, grau de preservação, facilidade de acesso, proximidade do perímetro urbano, entre outros. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica sobre a temática em questão e de trabalhos voltados à caracterização da geodiversidade local, enfatizando os aspectos geológicos e geomorfológicos; trabalhos de campo visando o georreferenciamento e medição do tamanho da queda e registro fotográfico e, ao final, trabalhos de gabinete, momento no qual os dados foram interpretados e relacionados, gerando as informações aqui expostas. Diante desta metodologia conclui-se que o Salto de Furnas, assim como outras quedas localizadas em Indianópolis, apresenta uma geodiversidade rica, bela e de grande valor científico, didático e turístico, sendo local propício para a implantação do geoturismo.

  15. Evolution of geodesical auscultation monitoring in power plants: Foz do Areia, Segredo and Salto Caxias; Evolucao da auscultacao geodesica no monitoramento das usinas: Foz do Areia, Segredo e Salto Caxias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soares, Marcos Alberto; Ferreira, Elizeu Santos [Companhia Paranaense de Energia (COPEL), Curitiba, PR (Brazil)], Emails:,; Faggion, Pedro Luis; Veiga, Luis Augusto Kuenig; Nadal, Carlos Aurelio; Freitas, Silvio Rogerio Correia de; Nadal, Marco Aurelio Debus; Neves, Ricardo Vilares [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil)], Emails:,,,,,; Boszczowski, Roberta Bomfim [Instituto de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento (LACTEC), Curitiba, PR (Brazil)], Email:


    The main objective of the geodetic auscultation is to obtain cartesian coordinates of points by geodetic techniques, such as differential leveling, GPS, triangulation and traverse applied in the monitoring of certain phenomena.This paper presents some results on the integration of Geodetic Auscultation with the security instrumentation; The objective of this is to determine possible points displacements in the Salto Caxias dam. This integration is intended to provide support to the technicians to set absolute displacements of the blocks since the conventional instruments provides only relative changes. Thus, it were established a monitoring network downstream of the reservoir, formed by six concrete piles, equipped with forced centering system. This network serves to perform the external monitoring of the dam and also to support a precision traverse that is conducted within the galleries. It were also performed a differential leveling on the crest of the dam. (author)

  16. Dinosaur morphological diversity and the end-Cretaceous extinction. (United States)

    Brusatte, Stephen L; Butler, Richard J; Prieto-Márquez, Albert; Norell, Mark A


    The extinction of non-avian dinosaurs 65 million years ago is a perpetual topic of fascination, and lasting debate has focused on whether dinosaur biodiversity was in decline before end-Cretaceous volcanism and bolide impact. Here we calculate the morphological disparity (anatomical variability) exhibited by seven major dinosaur subgroups during the latest Cretaceous, at both global and regional scales. Our results demonstrate both geographic and clade-specific heterogeneity. Large-bodied bulk-feeding herbivores (ceratopsids and hadrosauroids) and some North American taxa declined in disparity during the final two stages of the Cretaceous, whereas carnivorous dinosaurs, mid-sized herbivores, and some Asian taxa did not. Late Cretaceous dinosaur evolution, therefore, was complex: there was no universal biodiversity trend and the intensively studied North American record may reveal primarily local patterns. At least some dinosaur groups, however, did endure long-term declines in morphological variability before their extinction.

  17. Tribosphenic mammal from the North American Early Cretaceous. (United States)

    Cifelli, R L


    The main groups of living mammals, marsupials and eutherians, are presumed to have diverged in the Early Cretaceous, but their early history and biogeography are poorly understood. Dental remains have suggested that the eutherians may have originated in Asia, spreading to North America in the Late Cretaceous, where an endemic radiation of marsupials was already well underway. Here I describe a new tribosphenic mammal (a mammal with lower molar heels that are three-cusped and basined) from the Early Cretaceous of North America, based on an unusually complete specimen. The new taxon bears characteristics (molarized last premolar, reduction to three molars) otherwise known only for Eutheria among the tribosphenic mammals. Morphometric analysis and character comparisons show, however, that its molar structure is primitive (and thus phylogenetically uninformative), emphasizing the need for caution in interpretation of isolated teeth. The new mammal is approximately contemporaneous with the oldest known Eutheria from Asia. If it is a eutherian, as is indicated by the available evidence, then this group was far more widely distributed in the Early Cretaceous than previously appreciated. An early presence of Eutheria in North America offers a potential source for the continent's Late Cretaceous radiations, which have, in part, proven difficult to relate to contemporary taxa in Asia.

  18. Efeitos agudos no desempenho do salto vertical após o agachamento com banda elástica de joelho

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    Willy Andrade Gomes


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A banda elástica pode afetar o desempenho durante exercícios de alta intensidade, reduzindo a ativação muscular, o que pode influenciar o efeito de potencialização pós-ativação, que depende de alta intensidade para o exercício subsequente que visa potência. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos agudos no desempenho do salto com contramovimento (SCM após o agachamento em alta intensidade com e sem o uso da banda elástica de joelhos em sujeitos treinados em força.MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 14 homens (idade: 24 ± 4 anos, estatura: 176 ± 6 cm, massa corporal: 81 ± 11 kg, 1RM: 107 ± 30 kgf, treinados em força (>3 anos. Foram realizados três SCM antes e após três meio-agachamentos a 90% de 1RM nas condições com e sem a banda elástica de joelhos. Durante o SCM foram avaliados ativação muscular (IEMG do vasto lateral (VL, glúteo máximo (GM, tempo de salto (TS e impulso (IMP por meio da força vertical de reação do solo (FRSv.RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram que para o TS foi verificada diferença significante entre as condições pós-meio-agachamento (com e sem banda (P= 0,044, TE = 1,02, sendo que os maiores valores foram observados para a condição sem banda. Para a IEMG de VL foi verificada diferença significante entre as condições pré e pós o meio-agachamento (com banda (P= 0,029, TE = 1,68, sendo que os maiores valores foram observados para a IEMG com banda. Para a IEMG de GM e para o IMP não foram verificadas diferenças significantes entre as condições.CONCLUSÃO: Após a utilização da banda elástica de joelhos durante o exercício agachamento, ocorreu uma redução na participação do vasto lateral durante o salto com contramovimento, afetando o tempo de contato, mas não a produção de impulso, e consequente desempenho.

  19. Sensibilidade e especificidade do diagnóstico de desempenho da força por diferentes testes de saltos verticais em futebolistas e voleibolistas na puberdade

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    Jefferson Eduardo Hespanhol


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade e a especificidade de diferentes protocolos de medida dos testes de saltos verticais para o diagnóstico da força explosiva em futebolistas e voleibolistas na puberdade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com população não probabilística de 110 jovens atletas do sexo masculino (60 futebolistas e 50 voleibolistas na faixa etária de 13 a 18 anos pertencentes a clubes da região metropolitana de Campinas, SP, Brasil. Os participantes tiveram sua maturação biológica avaliada por dois métodos: autoavaliação e medida clínica. Após essa avaliação, foram incluídos os classificados como púberes (25 futebolistas e 23 voleibolistas. Foram coletados dados antropométricos (massa corporal, estatura e dobras cutâneas e testes de saltos verticais: squat jump (SJ, counter movement jump (CMJ, drop jump (DJ; 40 cm height e saltos verticais contínuos com cinco segundos de duração (CJ5s. Foram calculadas as medidas de desempenho diagnóstico: sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia. O nível de significância adotado foi 5% para todos os testes. RESULTADOS: As forças explosivas estimadas pelos métodos de SJ e CMJ apresentaram sensibilidades equivalentes, enquanto o SJ apresentou maior especificidade do que os três métodos, e a acurácia do SJ foi diferente dos outros métodos, a qual foi alta (superior a 80%. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico da força explosiva como teste SJ apresentou sensibilidade e especificidade elevadas, com seu valor preditivo alto na puberdade.

  20. Definition of Greater Gulf Basin Lower Cretaceous and Upper Cretaceous Lower Cenomanian Shale Gas Assessment Unit, United States Gulf of Mexico Basin Onshore and State Waters (United States)

    Dennen, Kristin O.; Hackley, Paul C.


    An assessment unit (AU) for undiscovered continuous “shale” gas in Lower Cretaceous (Aptian and Albian) and basal Upper Cretaceous (lower Cenomanian) rocks in the USA onshore Gulf of Mexico coastal plain recently was defined by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The AU is part of the Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous-Tertiary Composite Total Petroleum System (TPS) of the Gulf of Mexico Basin. Definition of the AU was conducted as part of the 2010 USGS assessment of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources in Gulf Coast Mesozoic stratigraphic intervals. The purpose of defining the Greater Gulf Basin Lower Cretaceous Shale Gas AU was to propose a hypothetical AU in the Cretaceous part of the Gulf Coast TPS in which there might be continuous “shale” gas, but the AU was not quantitatively assessed by the USGS in 2010.

  1. Late Cretaceous porphyry copper mineralization in Sonora, Mexico: Implications for the evolution of the Southwest North America porphyry copper province (United States)

    Barra, Fernando; Valencia, Victor A.


    Two porphyry Cu-Mo prospects in northern Sonora, Mexico (Fortuna del Cobre and Los Humos) located within the southwestern North American porphyry province have been dated in order to constrain the timing of crystallization and mineralization of these ore deposits. In Fortuna del Cobre, the pre-mineralization granodiorite porphyry yielded an U-Pb zircon age of 76.5 ± 2.3 Ma, whereas two samples from the ore-bearing quartz feldespathic porphyry were dated at 74.6 ± 1.3 and 75.0 ± 1.4 Ma. Four molybdenite samples from Los Humos porphyry Cu prospect yielded a weighted average Re-Os age of 73.5 ± 0.2 Ma, whereas two samples from the ore-bearing quartz monzonite porphyry gave U-Pb zircon ages of 74.4 ± 1.1 and 74.5 ± 1.3 Ma, showing a Late Cretaceous age for the emplacement of this ore deposit. The results indicate that Laramide porphyry Cu mineralization of Late Cretaceous age is not restricted to northern Arizona as previously thought and provide evidence for the definition of NS trending metallogenic belts that are parallel to the paleo-trench. Porphyry copper mineralization follows the inland migration trend of the magmatic arc as a result of the Farallon slab flattening during the Laramide orogeny.

  2. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Fuente del Puma Sheet G-27

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preciozzi, F.; Pena, S.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Fuente del Puma) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils. The area corresponding to Fuente del Puma is located in the SW of Lavalleja and NW of Maldonado town and its stratigraphy belong to the Cretaceous and Cenozoic formations as well as the Cambrian and upper Precambrian

  3. Cambios en coberturas de áreas y usos del suelo en tres humedales en el Valle del Cauca Changes of the coverage of three wetland areas in Cauca Valley

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    Christian Andrés Núñez Restrepo


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este proyecto fue aplicar la tecnología de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG, en especial los programas ARCGIS y ERDAS, como metodología para identificar los cambios de cobertura de área y uso del suelo en las zonas de los humedales la Bolsa, Charco de Oro y el Pital, localizados en la parte plana del municipio de Andalucía corregimiento de Campoalegre y El Salto (Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Para el estudio se utilizaron fotografías aéreas de 1950 y 1998, imágenes Landsat 2002 y cartografía base de la zona. Los procesos dentro de la metodología fueron depurados, un ejemplo es la georreferenciacion de las fotografías y la creación de fotomosaicos que conllevan una imagen con mejor apariencia visual y más fácil identificación de los humedales, de manera que al hacer comparaciones, aquellos arrojen cambios de cobertura en la zona de estudio. Así, la utilización de los SIG y un correcto tratamiento de las imágenes satelitales resultan de gran ayuda no sólo en la obtención de los cambios en el uso del suelo y los humedales, sino también en diferentes áreas donde la utilización de esta tecnología es poco común.The objective of this project was to apply geographic information system (GIS technology, mainly ARCGIS and ERDAS software, as a methodology to identify changes in coverage and land usage of the terrain comprising the wetlands La Bolsa, Charco de Oro, and El Pital, located in the flat zone of the Andalucia municipality, in the villages of Campo Alegre and el Salto (Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia. The study employed aerial photos from 1950 and 1998, Landsat images from 2002, and base cartography of the zone. The processes within the methodology were purged. For example, the geo-referencing of photographs, and the creation of photo-mosaics to convey an image with a better visual appearance, and easier identification of the wetlands, in such a way that when making comparisons, they reveal changes

  4. Efecto del tipo de colocación en el comportamiento visual y la toma de decisiones en bloqueadores de voleibol

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    Sara Vila-Maldonado


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar el comportamiento visual y de la toma de decisiones de jugadores de voleibol en la acción del bloqueo, ante dos situaciones diferentes de colocación: en apoyo y en salto. La muestra estaba compuesta por siete jugadores (25,14 ± 3,98 años de edad de categoría absoluta, que participaban durante el juego en la acción del bloqueo. Todos los participantes competían en liga FEV. Se utilizó el sistema de registro de los movimientos oculares Mobile Eye de los laboratorios ASL para analizar el comportamiento visual, y el software Suberlab 4.0 para analizar la toma de decisiones. Los resultados muestran que los jugadores de voleibol usan diferentes estrategias visuales en los dos tipos de colocación analizadas; además la fijación balón-muñeca es la más repetida.

  5. Metal and trace element sediment assessment from Salto Grande reservoir, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, by instrumental neutron activation analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Soares, Walace A.A., E-mail: [Setor de Analises Toxicologicas. CETESB, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Favaro, Deborah I.T., E-mail: [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Lab. de Analise por Ativacao com Neutrons


    The Salto Grande Reservoir is used for electric generation, irrigation, fish farming, recreation and water supply for the region's cities. The reservoir belongs to the city of Americana, located in on the eastern region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It belongs to the Piracicaba River Hydrographic Basin, the second most important economic and populated region and one of the most polluted areas in the State. This basin is located in a highly industrialized and agricultural region. Due to urban, industrial and agricultural activities as well as sewage wastes the water and sediments of this reservoir and surroundings are extremely contaminated, mainly by metals, according to CETESB (Environmental Control Agency of the Sao Paulo State). In order to obtain better information about its sediment contamination the present study reports results of the concentration of some major (Ca, Fe, K and Na), trace (As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb, Sb, Se, Ta, Th, U, Zn and rare earth (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sc, Sm, Tb and Yb)) elements in sediments and Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb concentration in sediments and water from the Salto Grande Reservoir. Multielementar analysis was carried out by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Multielemental concentrations in the sediment samples were compared to NASC (North American Shale Composite) values. The concentration values for metals As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn were compared to the Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (CCME) oriented values (TEL and PEL) and adopted by CETESB, (author)

  6. Metal and trace element sediment assessment from Salto Grande reservoir, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, by instrumental neutron activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soares, Walace A.A.; Favaro, Deborah I.T.


    The Salto Grande Reservoir is used for electric generation, irrigation, fish farming, recreation and water supply for the region's cities. The reservoir belongs to the city of Americana, located in on the eastern region of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It belongs to the Piracicaba River Hydrographic Basin, the second most important economic and populated region and one of the most polluted areas in the State. This basin is located in a highly industrialized and agricultural region. Due to urban, industrial and agricultural activities as well as sewage wastes the water and sediments of this reservoir and surroundings are extremely contaminated, mainly by metals, according to CETESB (Environmental Control Agency of the Sao Paulo State). In order to obtain better information about its sediment contamination the present study reports results of the concentration of some major (Ca, Fe, K and Na), trace (As, Ba, Br, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Rb, Sb, Se, Ta, Th, U, Zn and rare earth (Ce, Eu, La, Lu, Nd, Sc, Sm, Tb and Yb)) elements in sediments and Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb concentration in sediments and water from the Salto Grande Reservoir. Multielementar analysis was carried out by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Multielemental concentrations in the sediment samples were compared to NASC (North American Shale Composite) values. The concentration values for metals As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn were compared to the Canadian Council of Minister of the Environment (CCME) oriented values (TEL and PEL) and adopted by CETESB, (author)

  7. Acción del cloro y carbón activado en polvo sobre la remoción de microcistinas en tratamientos de agua potable

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    R.J. Rosales


    Full Text Available Las floraciones (bloom de algas cianofíceas en el Lago de Salto Grande (Argentina- Uruguay son consecuencia del estado de eutrofización y las condiciones ambientales. Representan un problema ecológico, sanitario y económico porque afectan el turismo, producen aumento del costo de tratamiento de agua potable y, lo más importante, riesgos para la salud pública por exposición a productos de su metabolismo: las cianotoxinas. Las microcistinas son las toxinas halladas con mayor frecuencia y más tóxicas sobre el ser humano, y se ha detectado su presencia en todas las floraciones registradas en el Lago. Se estudió la acción del cloro y el carbón activado en polvo para la remoción de microcistinas, en condiciones de laboratorio, demostrándose mayor efectividad sobre la remoción de las mismas del tratamiento de oxidación con cloro respecto del método de adsorción con carbón activado en polvo.

  8. Novel insect leaf-mining after the end-Cretaceous extinction and the demise of cretaceous leaf miners, Great Plains, USA.

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    Michael P Donovan

    Full Text Available Plant and associated insect-damage diversity in the western U.S.A. decreased significantly at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg boundary and remained low until the late Paleocene. However, the Mexican Hat locality (ca. 65 Ma in southeastern Montana, with a typical, low-diversity flora, uniquely exhibits high damage diversity on nearly all its host plants, when compared to all known local and regional early Paleocene sites. The same plant species show minimal damage elsewhere during the early Paleocene. We asked whether the high insect damage diversity at Mexican Hat was more likely related to the survival of Cretaceous insects from refugia or to an influx of novel Paleocene taxa. We compared damage on 1073 leaf fossils from Mexican Hat to over 9000 terminal Cretaceous leaf fossils from the Hell Creek Formation of nearby southwestern North Dakota and to over 9000 Paleocene leaf fossils from the Fort Union Formation in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. We described the entire insect-feeding ichnofauna at Mexican Hat and focused our analysis on leaf mines because they are typically host-specialized and preserve a number of diagnostic morphological characters. Nine mine damage types attributable to three of the four orders of leaf-mining insects are found at Mexican Hat, six of them so far unique to the site. We found no evidence linking any of the diverse Hell Creek mines with those found at Mexican Hat, nor for the survival of any Cretaceous leaf miners over the K-Pg boundary regionally, even on well-sampled, surviving plant families. Overall, our results strongly relate the high damage diversity on the depauperate Mexican Hat flora to an influx of novel insect herbivores during the early Paleocene, possibly caused by a transient warming event and range expansion, and indicate drastic extinction rather than survivorship of Cretaceous insect taxa from refugia.

  9. Novel insect leaf-mining after the end-Cretaceous extinction and the demise of cretaceous leaf miners, Great Plains, USA. (United States)

    Donovan, Michael P; Wilf, Peter; Labandeira, Conrad C; Johnson, Kirk R; Peppe, Daniel J


    Plant and associated insect-damage diversity in the western U.S.A. decreased significantly at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary and remained low until the late Paleocene. However, the Mexican Hat locality (ca. 65 Ma) in southeastern Montana, with a typical, low-diversity flora, uniquely exhibits high damage diversity on nearly all its host plants, when compared to all known local and regional early Paleocene sites. The same plant species show minimal damage elsewhere during the early Paleocene. We asked whether the high insect damage diversity at Mexican Hat was more likely related to the survival of Cretaceous insects from refugia or to an influx of novel Paleocene taxa. We compared damage on 1073 leaf fossils from Mexican Hat to over 9000 terminal Cretaceous leaf fossils from the Hell Creek Formation of nearby southwestern North Dakota and to over 9000 Paleocene leaf fossils from the Fort Union Formation in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. We described the entire insect-feeding ichnofauna at Mexican Hat and focused our analysis on leaf mines because they are typically host-specialized and preserve a number of diagnostic morphological characters. Nine mine damage types attributable to three of the four orders of leaf-mining insects are found at Mexican Hat, six of them so far unique to the site. We found no evidence linking any of the diverse Hell Creek mines with those found at Mexican Hat, nor for the survival of any Cretaceous leaf miners over the K-Pg boundary regionally, even on well-sampled, surviving plant families. Overall, our results strongly relate the high damage diversity on the depauperate Mexican Hat flora to an influx of novel insect herbivores during the early Paleocene, possibly caused by a transient warming event and range expansion, and indicate drastic extinction rather than survivorship of Cretaceous insect taxa from refugia.

  10. Cretacic tectonics in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez Rifas, C.


    This work is about Cretacic tectonics in Uruguay, this formation is characterized by high level cortex because the basament is cratonized since Middle Devonian. There were formed two main grabens such as Santa Lucia and Mirim-Pelotas which are filled with basalt and sediments.

  11. La fine del mondo. Capitalismo e mutazione

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    Daniele Balicco


    Full Text Available Lo scopo di questo articolo è quello di mostrare un modo possibile di studiare la trasformazione radicale della vita quotidiana nelle società occidentali che, a partire da Pasolini, abbiamo iniziato a definire con il termine di mutazione. Proporrò tre ipotesi di ricerca possibili. Possiamo leggere la mutazione come un salto radicale nella storia dell’adattamento della specie umana all’habitat fisico e sociale nel quale vive? Oppure l’attuale trasformazione delle forme elementari della vita quotidiana, di cui tutti siamo testimoni, va interpretata, più semplicemente, come una metamorfosi culturale interna alla storia di lunga durata della “creatività distruttrice” del capitalismo? Infine, esiste un modo per provare a pensare la contemporaneità sovrapponendo queste due diverse logiche temporali? Interpretando il presente come risultato di una lotta fra temporalità a-sincrone, instabili, divergenti e in conflitto, interpreterò la ricorrenza sempre più frequente di rappresentazione estetiche della fine del mondo (in film, romanzi, teorie critiche come sintomo di una più generalizzata crisi della capacità umana di simbolizzare il tempo. In parallelo, l’analisi, in un’ottica antropologica di lungo periodo, di alcuni consumi simbolici di massa – come videogiochi, pornografia, droghe, tatuaggi, etc…. – mostrerà, nel ritorno compulsivo di riti di iniziazione bloccati, la richiesta inconsapevole di un’esperienza qualitativa del tempo che il nuovo presente microelettronico non conosce e non sa ancora pensare.

  12. Faunal turnover of marine tetrapods during the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition. (United States)

    Benson, Roger B J; Druckenmiller, Patrick S


    Marine and terrestrial animals show a mosaic of lineage extinctions and diversifications during the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition. However, despite its potential importance in shaping animal evolution, few palaeontological studies have focussed on this interval and the possible climate and biotic drivers of its faunal turnover. In consequence evolutionary patterns in most groups are poorly understood. We use a new, large morphological dataset to examine patterns of lineage diversity and disparity (variety of form) in the marine tetrapod clade Plesiosauria, and compare these patterns with those of other organisms. Although seven plesiosaurian lineages have been hypothesised as crossing the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, our most parsimonious topology suggests the number was only three. The robust recovery of a novel group including most Cretaceous plesiosauroids (Xenopsaria, new clade) is instrumental in this result. Substantial plesiosaurian turnover occurred during the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval, including the loss of substantial pliosaurid, and cryptoclidid diversity and disparity, followed by the radiation of Xenopsaria during the Early Cretaceous. Possible physical drivers of this turnover include climatic fluctuations that influenced oceanic productivity and diversity: Late Jurassic climates were characterised by widespread global monsoonal conditions and increased nutrient flux into the opening Atlantic-Tethys, resulting in eutrophication and a highly productive, but taxonomically depauperate, plankton. Latest Jurassic and Early Cretaceous climates were more arid, resulting in oligotrophic ocean conditions and high taxonomic diversity of radiolarians, calcareous nannoplankton and possibly ammonoids. However, the observation of discordant extinction patterns in other marine tetrapod groups such as ichthyosaurs and marine crocodylomorphs suggests that clade-specific factors may have been more important than overarching extrinsic drivers of faunal

  13. Late Cretaceous vicariance in Gondwanan amphibians.

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    Ines Van Bocxlaer

    Full Text Available Overseas dispersals are often invoked when Southern Hemisphere terrestrial and freshwater organism phylogenies do not fit the sequence or timing of Gondwana fragmentation. We used dispersal-vicariance analyses and molecular timetrees to show that two species-rich frog groups, Microhylidae and Natatanura, display congruent patterns of spatial and temporal diversification among Gondwanan plates in the Late Cretaceous, long after the presumed major tectonic break-up events. Because amphibians are notoriously salt-intolerant, these analogies are best explained by simultaneous vicariance, rather than by oceanic dispersal. Hence our results imply Late Cretaceous connections between most adjacent Gondwanan landmasses, an essential concept for biogeographic and palaeomap reconstructions.


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    F. Moreno


    Full Text Available

    El presente trabajo describe un sistema automático, portátil y de bajo costo para el control, valoración y entrenamiento en diferentes situaciones deportivas. El sistema se ha contrastado mediante su aplicación a algunos deportes sin interrumpir su normal ejecución. El producto ha sido calibrado y se ha determinado previamente su precisión con registros comparados y osciloscópios. Se ha adaptado a la salida de velocidad, de natación, el salto de voleibol y se ha aplicado en un trabajo intrasujeto con atletas, jugadores de voleibol y nadadores, todos ellos de élite,demostrandoempíricamentesu eficacia en la mejora del rendimiento. Es necesario señalar que se ha constatado la gran utilidad del sistema en el campo del entrenamiento deportivo, y los resultados iniciales son muy satisfactorios.


  15. Rates of morphological evolution are heterogeneous in Early Cretaceous birds (United States)

    Lloyd, Graeme T.


    The Early Cretaceous is a critical interval in the early history of birds. Exceptional fossils indicate that important evolutionary novelties such as a pygostyle and a keeled sternum had already arisen in Early Cretaceous taxa, bridging much of the morphological gap between Archaeopteryx and crown birds. However, detailed features of basal bird evolution remain obscure because of both the small sample of fossil taxa previously considered and a lack of quantitative studies assessing rates of morphological evolution. Here we apply a recently available phylogenetic method and associated sensitivity tests to a large data matrix of morphological characters to quantify rates of morphological evolution in Early Cretaceous birds. Our results reveal that although rates were highly heterogeneous between different Early Cretaceous avian lineages, consistent patterns of significantly high or low rates were harder to pinpoint. Nevertheless, evidence for accelerated evolutionary rates is strongest at the point when Ornithuromorpha (the clade comprises all extant birds and descendants from their most recent common ancestors) split from Enantiornithes (a diverse clade that went extinct at the end-Cretaceous), consistent with the hypothesis that this key split opened up new niches and ultimately led to greater diversity for these two dominant clades of Mesozoic birds. PMID:27053742

  16. Geological map of Uruguay Esc 1,100,000. Paso del Palmar Sheet N-19

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ford, I.; Montana, J.; Morales, H.


    This work is about the geological map of Uruguay Esc.1.100.000 (Paso del Palmar) and the explanatory memoranda which describes the geological , lithological and sedimentological characteristics soils belong to Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary period in San Gregorio, Arapey, Mercedes, Asencio and Fray Bentos formations

  17. A basal thunnosaurian from Iraq reveals disparate phylogenetic origins for Cretaceous ichthyosaurs (United States)

    Fischer, Valentin; Appleby, Robert M.; Naish, Darren; Liston, Jeff; Riding, James B.; Brindley, Stephen; Godefroit, Pascal


    Cretaceous ichthyosaurs have typically been considered a small, homogeneous assemblage sharing a common Late Jurassic ancestor. Their low diversity and disparity have been interpreted as indicative of a decline leading to their Cenomanian extinction. We describe the first post-Triassic ichthyosaur from the Middle East, Malawania anachronus gen. et sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous of Iraq, and re-evaluate the evolutionary history of parvipelvian ichthyosaurs via phylogenetic and cladogenesis rate analyses. Malawania represents a basal grade in thunnosaurian evolution that arose during a major Late Triassic radiation event and was previously thought to have gone extinct during the Early Jurassic. Its pectoral morphology appears surprisingly archaic, retaining a forefin architecture similar to that of its Early Jurassic relatives. After the initial latest Triassic radiation of early thunnosaurians, two subsequent large radiations produced lineages with Cretaceous representatives, but the radiation events themselves are pre-Cretaceous. Cretaceous ichthyosaurs therefore include distantly related lineages, with contrasting evolutionary histories, and appear more diverse and disparate than previously supposed. PMID:23676653


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    Juan Abel Nájera-Luna


    rendimiento en madera aserrada del 57.5 % sin corteza y 52.17 % con corteza. El tiempo promedio para aserrar 1,000 pies tablares se estimó en 25.09 minutos. La productividad fue de 7.57 m3.h-1 y la velocidad de alimentación de 46.47 m.min-1. Se encontró que el rendimiento en madera aserrada es afectado por el diámetro, largo y conicidad de las trozas.


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    Full Text Available Fragmentary cranial bones of dinosaur origin have been recently recovered from the Kem Kem beds (Upper Cretaceous, Cenomanian of Morocco. They include two incompletely preserved maxillary bones evidencing diagnostic features of abelisaurid theropods. These new finds provide further evidence of Abelisauridae in the Late Cretaceous of Morocco. 

  20. The mid-Cretaceous super plume, carbon dioxide, and global warming (United States)

    Caldeira, Ken; Rampino, Michael R.


    Carbon-dioxide releases associated with a mid-Cretaceous super plume and the emplacement of the Ontong-Java Plateau have been suggested as a principal cause of the mid-Cretaceous global warming. A carbonate-silicate cycle model is developed to quantify the possible climatic effects of these CO2 releases, utilizing four different formulations for the rate of silicate-rock weathering as a function of atmospheric CO2. CO2 emissions resulting from super-plume tectonics could have produced atmospheric CO2 levels from 3.7 to 14.7 times the modern preindustrial value of 285 ppm. Based on the temperature sensitivity to CO2 increases used in the weathering-rate formulations, this would cause a global warming of from 2.8 to 7.7 C over today's glogal mean temperature. Altered continental positions and higher sea level may have been contributed about 4.8 C to mid-Cretaceous warming. Thus, the combined effects of paleogeographic changes and super-plume related CO2 emissions could be in the range of 7.6 to 12.5 C, within the 6 to 14 C range previously estimated for mid-Cretaceous warming. CO2 releases from oceanic plateaus alone are unlikely to have been directly responsible for more than 20 percent of the mid-Cretaceous increase in atmospheric CO2.

  1. La universidad en la sociedad del conocimiento: hacia un modelo de producción y transferencia de conocimientos y aprendizajes

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    Axel Didriksson Takayanagui


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se argumenta sobre la urgente transformación de las políticas públicas y universitarias, de la investigación científica y tecnológica, en el contexto de una sociedad del conocimiento, con el fin de propiciar procesos sustentables de cognición, que pongan en el centro el desarrollo de capacidades para la investigación desde el contexto de su aplicación, y que haga posible dar un salto de calidad para transitar del actual modelo de educación y de universidad Modo 1, de tipo disciplinar, profesionalizante, lineal, centrado en la difusión de un conocimiento reiterado y repetitivo, hacia uno en donde la multiplicación de medios de aprendizaje hagan posible la indagación y el aprendizaje que construye soluciones centrado en la producción de conocimientos.

  2. Molecular fossils in Cretaceous condensate from western India (United States)

    Bhattacharya, Sharmila; Dutta, Suryendu; Dutta, Ratul


    The present study reports the biomarker distribution of condensate belonging to the early Cretaceous time frame using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The early Cretaceous palaeoenvironment was inscribed into these molecular fossils which reflected the source and conditions of deposition of the condensate. The saturate fraction of the condensate is characterized by normal alkanes ranging from n-C9 to n-C29 (CPI-1.13), cycloalkanes and C14 and C15 sesquiterpanes. The aromatic fraction comprises of naphthalene, phenanthrene, their methylated derivatives and cyclohexylbenzenes. Isohexylalkylnaphthalenes, a product of rearrangement process of terpenoids, is detected in the condensate. Several aromatic sesquiterpenoids and diterpenoids have been recorded. Dihydro- ar-curcumene, cadalene and ionene form the assemblage of sesquiterpenoids which are indicative of higher plant input. Aromatic diterpenoid fraction comprises of simonellite and retene. These compounds are also indicative of higher plants, particularly conifer source which had been a predominant flora during the Cretaceous time.

  3. Determinación de plaguicidas en la cuenca de Salto Grande : Incidencia de los procesos de potabilización sobre los niveles residuales


    Williman, Celia


    Los problemas de calidad de agua en los lagos y embalses de Argentina se han incrementado por las actividades agrícolas, deforestación, explotación forestal, cría de animales, actividades mineras, escurrimiento urbano y descargas de aguas residuales no tratadas. La región aledaña al embalse Salto Grande, presenta un importante desarrollo agrícola, donde se utilizan numerosos tipos de plaguicidas. Estos compuestos generan contaminación ambiental, ya sea por deriva y/o acumulación en ...

  4. Highly specialized mammalian skulls from the Late Cretaceous of South America. (United States)

    Rougier, Guillermo W; Apesteguía, Sebastián; Gaetano, Leandro C


    Dryolestoids are an extinct mammalian group belonging to the lineage leading to modern marsupials and placentals. Dryolestoids are known by teeth and jaws from the Jurassic period of North America and Europe, but they thrived in South America up to the end of the Mesozoic era and survived to the beginnings of the Cenozoic. Isolated teeth and jaws from the latest Cretaceous of South America provide mounting evidence that, at least in western Gondwana, dryolestoids developed into strongly endemic groups by the Late Cretaceous. However, the lack of pre-Late Cretaceous dryolestoid remains made study of their origin and early diversification intractable. Here we describe the first mammalian remains from the early Late Cretaceous of South America, including two partial skulls and jaws of a derived dryolestoid showing dental and cranial features unknown among any other group of Mesozoic mammals, such as single-rooted molars preceded by double-rooted premolars, combined with a very long muzzle, exceedingly long canines and evidence of highly specialized masticatory musculature. On one hand, the new mammal shares derived features of dryolestoids with forms from the Jurassic of Laurasia, whereas on the other hand, it is very specialized and highlights the endemic, diverse dryolestoid fauna from the Cretaceous of South America. Our specimens include only the second mammalian skull known for the Cretaceous of Gondwana, bridging a previous 60-million-year gap in the fossil record, and document the whole cranial morphology of a dryolestoid, revealing an unsuspected morphological and ecological diversity for non-tribosphenic mammals.

  5. Cretaceous to Recent Asymetrical Subsidence of South American and West African Conjugate Margins (United States)

    Kenning, J.; Mann, P.


    Two divergent interpretations have been proposed for South American rifted-passive margins: the "mirror hypothesis" proposes that the rifted margins form symmetrically from pure shear of the lithosphere while upper-plate-lower plate models propose that the rifted margins form asymmetrically by simple shear. Models based on seismic reflection and refraction imaging and comparison of conjugate, rifted margins generally invoke a hybrid stretching process involving elements of both end member processes along with the effects of mantle plumes active during the rift and passive margin phases. We use subsidence histories of 14, 1-7 km-deep exploration wells located on South American and West African conjugate pairs now separated by the South Atlantic Ocean, applying long-term subsidence to reveal the symmetry or asymmetry of the underlying, conjugate, rift processes. Conjugate pairs characterize the rifted margin over a distance of 3500 km and include: Colorado-South Orange, Punta Del Este-North Orange, South Pelotas-Lüderitz and the North Pelotas-Walvis Basins. Of the four conjugate pairs, more rapid subsidence on the South American plate is consistently observed with greater initial rift and syn-rift subsidence rates of >60m/Ma (compared to 100 m/Ma are observed offshore South Africa between approximately 120-80 Ma, compatible with onset of the post-rift thermal sag phase. During this period the majority of burial is completed and rates remain low at Argentina/Uruguay displays more gradual subsidence throughout the Cretaceous, consistently averaging a moderate 15-30m/Ma. By the end of this stage there is a subsequent increase to 25-60 m/Ma within the last 20 Ma, interpreted to reflect lithospheric loading due to increased sedimentation rates during the Cenozoic. This increase in subsidence rate is not seen in the African conjugate section where the majority of sediments bypassed the highly aggraded Cretaceous shelf. Initially greater on the Brazilian margin compared to

  6. Late Cretaceous seasonal ocean variability from the Arctic. (United States)

    Davies, Andrew; Kemp, Alan E S; Pike, Jennifer


    The modern Arctic Ocean is regarded as a barometer of global change and amplifier of global warming and therefore records of past Arctic change are critical for palaeoclimate reconstruction. Little is known of the state of the Arctic Ocean in the greenhouse period of the Late Cretaceous epoch (65-99 million years ago), yet records from such times may yield important clues to Arctic Ocean behaviour in near-future warmer climates. Here we present a seasonally resolved Cretaceous sedimentary record from the Alpha ridge of the Arctic Ocean. This palaeo-sediment trap provides new insight into the workings of the Cretaceous marine biological carbon pump. Seasonal primary production was dominated by diatom algae but was not related to upwelling as was previously hypothesized. Rather, production occurred within a stratified water column, involving specially adapted species in blooms resembling those of the modern North Pacific subtropical gyre, or those indicated for the Mediterranean sapropels. With increased CO(2) levels and warming currently driving increased stratification in the global ocean, this style of production that is adapted to stratification may become more widespread. Our evidence for seasonal diatom production and flux testify to an ice-free summer, but thin accumulations of terrigenous sediment within the diatom ooze are consistent with the presence of intermittent sea ice in the winter, supporting a wide body of evidence for low temperatures in the Late Cretaceous Arctic Ocean, rather than recent suggestions of a 15 degrees C mean annual temperature at this time.

  7. The mid-Cretaceous North Atlantic nutrient trap: black shales and OAEs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Trabucho Alexandre, J.; Tuenter, E.; Henstra, G.A.; Zwan, C.J. van der; Wal, R.S.W. van de; Dijkstra, H.A.; Boer, P.L. de


    Organic-rich sediments are the salient marine sedimentation product in the mid-Cretaceous of the ocean basins formed in the Mesozoic. Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) are discrete and particularly organic-rich intervals within these mid-Cretaceous organic-rich sequences and are defined by pronounced

  8. Palynological and iridium anomalies at Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, south-central Saskatchewan (United States)

    Nichols, D.J.; Jarzen, D.M.; Orth, C.J.; Oliver, P.Q.


    The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in south-central Saskatchewan is marked by coincident anomalies in abundance of iridium and fern spores at the extinction level of a suite of Cretaceous pollen taxa. Evidence of disruption of the terrestrial flora includes the fern-spore abundance anomaly and local extinction of as much as 30 percent of angiosperm species. The reorganized earliest Tertiary flora is made up largely of surviving species that assumed new roles of dominance. Persistence of climatically sensitive taxa across the boundary indicates that if paleoclimate was altered by the terminal Cretaceous event, it returned quickly to the pre-event condition.


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    Paulo Roberto Teixeira


    Full Text Available This paper is the outcome of a survey on environmental impacts due to visitors in a tourist attraction, using geotechnology as a tool. The study was carried out at Salto Ventoso, Farroupilha, Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil, a tourist attraction with major importance for the region. At the site, a private area, the attraction is a 60 meters (197 feet height cascade and its scenic landscape. Visitors can also hike through the trail that goes behind the waterfall. The trail was mapped using GPS (Global Positioning System and theodolite, and divided into twelve sections, which were evaluated on the issues of declivity, width, damage to natural resources and infrastructure, drainage problems, number of unofficial trails and amount of waste. The results showed that the site presents a series of environmental impacts resulting from both lack of planning and great amount of visitors. Some strategies for managing the site would be the installation of safety and signing infrastructure, as well as a work on environmental awareness of the visitors and their impacts on site.

  10. Tyrant dinosaur evolution tracks the rise and fall of Late Cretaceous oceans. (United States)

    Loewen, Mark A; Irmis, Randall B; Sertich, Joseph J W; Currie, Philip J; Sampson, Scott D


    The Late Cretaceous (∼95-66 million years ago) western North American landmass of Laramidia displayed heightened non-marine vertebrate diversity and intracontinental regionalism relative to other latest Cretaceous Laurasian ecosystems. Processes generating these patterns during this interval remain poorly understood despite their presumed role in the diversification of many clades. Tyrannosauridae, a clade of large-bodied theropod dinosaurs restricted to the Late Cretaceous of Laramidia and Asia, represents an ideal group for investigating Laramidian patterns of evolution. We use new tyrannosaurid discoveries from Utah--including a new taxon which represents the geologically oldest member of the clade--to investigate the evolution and biogeography of Tyrannosauridae. These data suggest a Laramidian origin for Tyrannosauridae, and implicate sea-level related controls in the isolation, diversification, and dispersal of this and many other Late Cretaceous vertebrate clades.

  11. Late Cretaceous restructuring of terrestrial communities facilitated the end-Cretaceous mass extinction in North America. (United States)

    Mitchell, Jonathan S; Roopnarine, Peter D; Angielczyk, Kenneth D


    The sudden environmental catastrophe in the wake of the end-Cretaceous asteroid impact had drastic effects that rippled through animal communities. To explore how these effects may have been exacerbated by prior ecological changes, we used a food-web model to simulate the effects of primary productivity disruptions, such as those predicted to result from an asteroid impact, on ten Campanian and seven Maastrichtian terrestrial localities in North America. Our analysis documents that a shift in trophic structure between Campanian and Maastrichtian communities in North America led Maastrichtian communities to experience more secondary extinction at lower levels of primary production shutdown and possess a lower collapse threshold than Campanian communities. Of particular note is the fact that changes in dinosaur richness had a negative impact on the robustness of Maastrichtian ecosystems against environmental perturbations. Therefore, earlier ecological restructuring may have exacerbated the impact and severity of the end-Cretaceous extinction, at least in North America.

  12. A avaliação do método “Salto Triplo” aplicado a estudantes do curso de Medicina

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    Isaac Farias Cansanção


    Full Text Available The present article aims to report an experience of tutors in performing a triple jump by evaluating the methodology of Problem-Based Learning (PBL in a group of 37 students of the second period of a medical school of the Federal University of São Francisco Valley - UNIVASF, campus Paulo Afonso, Bahia, Brazil.The "triple jump" occurred in a daylight period, and was divided into three tutorial groups of nine students, a group of ten students and eight tutors. The problem situation was prepared by the tutors involved and all students were previously informed about the methodology applied. The assessment was divided into three stages (1-presentation of the problem; 2- individualized study; 3- Oral Presentation. In the end of the triple jump , it was applied an evaluative questionnaire and the 27 students had consented previously to fill them out. The students who participated in this application were able to quickly identify the learning objectives (94.6%. However, a small part of the participants (about 5% suggested modifications on the time used to complete all the steps of the “Triple Jump”.The reported experience consolidate this evaluative tool has formative character and effective way in the measuring the teaching-learning process of students in health care in PBL methodby improving their educational background. O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência vivenciada por tutores na realização de um salto triplo avaliando a metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (ABP em um grupo de 37 estudantes do segundo período do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco-UNIVASF, campus de Paulo Afonso, Bahia, Brasil. O “salto triplo” ocorreu em um período diurno, e foi dividida em três grupos de tutoria de nove alunos, um grupo com dez alunos e oito docentes. A situação-problema foi elaborada pelos tutores envolvidos e todos os estudantes foram previamente informados sobre a metodologia

  13. Early Cretaceous greenhouse pumped higher taxa diversification in spiders. (United States)

    Shao, Lili; Li, Shuqiang


    The Cretaceous experienced one of the most remarkable greenhouse periods in geological history. During this time, ecosystem reorganizations significantly impacted the diversification of many groups of organisms. The rise of angiosperms marked a major biome turnover. Notwithstanding, relatively little remains known about how the Cretaceous global ecosystem impacted the evolution of spiders, which constitute one of the most abundant groups of predators. Herein, we evaluate the transcriptomes of 91 taxa representing more than half of the spider families. We add 23 newly sequenced taxa to the existing database to obtain a robust phylogenomic assessment. Phylogenetic reconstructions using different datasets and methods obtain novel placements of some groups, especially in the Synspermiata and the group having a retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA). Molecular analyses indicate an expansion of the RTA clade at the Early Cretaceous with a hunting predatory strategy shift. Fossil analyses show a 7-fold increase of diversification rate at the same period, but this likely owes to the first occurrences spider in amber deposits. Additional analyses of fossil abundance show an accumulation of spider lineages in the Early Cretaceous. We speculate that the establishment of a warm greenhouse climate pumped the diversification of spiders, in particular among webless forms tracking the abundance of insect prey. Our study offers a new pathway for future investigations of spider phylogeny and diversification. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  14. Influencia de la hipoxia sobre el metabolismo óseo: rol central del factor inducible por hipoxia

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    Elías Ernesto Aguirre Siancas


    Full Text Available El conocimiento de la influencia de la hipoxia sobre la fisiología humana dio un salto cualitativo cuando se descubrió al factor inducible por hipoxia (HIF. Las vías moleculares que este factor de transcripción regula son variadas y complejas, cuya comprensión continuamente se sigue profundizando. En la fisiología y en la fisiopatología del tejido óseo se desarrollan varios procesos característicos, como la osificación, la remodelación y la reparación. La disminución en la disposición de oxígeno determina la estabilización del HIF en muchos grupos celulares, entre los cuales destacan las células del linaje osteogénico. Este factor regula la expresión de múltiples genes, siendo, quizás, el más importante el que codifica al factor de crecimiento vascular del endotelio (VEGF, debido a su decisiva implicancia en el proceso de osteogénesis, directamente activando a las células osteoblásticas o indirectamente mediante su potente acción angiogénica. En este artículo, se hace una revisión actualizada sobre el rol central del HIF sobre la fisiología ósea, detallando la regulación de las principales vías moleculares dependientes de dicho factor de transcripción.

  15. An??lisis de la influencia de la competici??n sobre diversos factores de rendimiento en jugadores de f??tbol de categor??a juvenil = Analyse of the influence of competition on several performance facts in youth soccer players


    Guevara Guevara, Guillermo


    Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar c??mo afecta la competici??n a los factores de rendimiento de un grupo de 28 jugadores de f??tbol de categor??a juvenil. Se realizaron tres pruebas a los jugadores antes, al descanso y al final del partido, que consistieron en la medici??n de la velocidad de golpeo mediante un radar, un salto vertical (CMJ) medido mediante plataformas l??ser de salto, y un sprint de 40 m medido mediante fotoc??lulas laser. Los resultados iniciales fueron comparados e...

  16. From nappe stacking to exhumation: Cretaceous tectonics in the Apuseni Mountains (Romania) (United States)

    Reiser, Martin Kaspar; Schuster, Ralf; Spikings, Richard; Tropper, Peter; Fügenschuh, Bernhard


    New Ar-Ar muscovite and Rb-Sr biotite age data in combination with structural analyses from the Apuseni Mountains provide new constraints on the timing and kinematics of deformation during the Cretaceous. Time-temperature paths from the structurally highest basement nappe of the Apuseni Mountains in combination with sedimentary data indicate exhumation and a position close to the surface after the Late Jurassic emplacement of the South Apuseni Ophiolites. Early Cretaceous Ar-Ar muscovite ages from structurally lower parts in the Biharia Nappe System (Dacia Mega-Unit) show cooling from medium-grade conditions. NE-SW-trending stretching lineation and associated kinematic indicators of this deformation phase (D1) are overprinted by top-NW-directed thrusting during D2. An Albian to Turonian age (110-90 Ma) is proposed for the main deformation (D2) that formed the present-day geometry of the nappe stack and led to a pervasive retrograde greenschist-facies overprint. Thermochronological and structural data from the Bihor Unit (Tisza Mega-Unit) allowed to establish E-directed differential exhumation during Early-Late Cretaceous times (D3.1). Brittle detachment faulting (D3.2) and the deposition of syn-extensional sediments indicate general uplift and partial surface exposure during the Late Cretaceous. Brittle conditions persist during the latest Cretaceous compressional overprint (D4).

  17. Cretaceous rocks of the Western Interior basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molenaar, C.M.; Rice, D.D.


    The Cretaceous rocks of the conterminous United States are discussed in this chapter. Depositional facies and lithology are reviewed along with economic resources. The economic resources include coal, hydrocarbons, and uranium

  18. Small theropod teeth from the Late Cretaceous of the San Juan Basin, northwestern New Mexico and their implications for understanding latest Cretaceous dinosaur evolution. (United States)

    Williamson, Thomas E; Brusatte, Stephen L


    Studying the evolution and biogeographic distribution of dinosaurs during the latest Cretaceous is critical for better understanding the end-Cretaceous extinction event that killed off all non-avian dinosaurs. Western North America contains among the best records of Late Cretaceous terrestrial vertebrates in the world, but is biased against small-bodied dinosaurs. Isolated teeth are the primary evidence for understanding the diversity and evolution of small-bodied theropod dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous, but few such specimens have been well documented from outside of the northern Rockies, making it difficult to assess Late Cretaceous dinosaur diversity and biogeographic patterns. We describe small theropod teeth from the San Juan Basin of northwestern New Mexico. These specimens were collected from strata spanning Santonian - Maastrichtian. We grouped isolated theropod teeth into several morphotypes, which we assigned to higher-level theropod clades based on possession of phylogenetic synapomorphies. We then used principal components analysis and discriminant function analyses to gauge whether the San Juan Basin teeth overlap with, or are quantitatively distinct from, similar tooth morphotypes from other geographic areas. The San Juan Basin contains a diverse record of small theropods. Late Campanian assemblages differ from approximately coeval assemblages of the northern Rockies in being less diverse with only rare representatives of troodontids and a Dromaeosaurus-like taxon. We also provide evidence that erect and recurved morphs of a Richardoestesia-like taxon represent a single heterodont species. A late Maastrichtian assemblage is dominated by a distinct troodontid. The differences between northern and southern faunas based on isolated theropod teeth provide evidence for provinciality in the late Campanian and the late Maastrichtian of North America. However, there is no indication that major components of small-bodied theropod diversity were lost

  19. Treating residual water according to the demands of its ulterior use: case of Neuquen river, Patagonia, Argentina; Optimizacion de requisitos de tratamiento de aguas residuales basado en la calidad del agua de acuerdo con el uso del cuerpo receptor: caso rio Neuquen, Patagonia, Argentina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Polla, Gabriela Maria; Dufilho, Ana Cecilia; Horne, Federico [Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Argentina)


    A developed methodology allows making a regional pacification based on the river's water quality and their guide levels for different uses. To get this methodology it was used an optimization model that allows obtaining the best combination of town and industrial liquid treatments of the region, which can make cheaper their construction and maintenance costs. The established regional stages of economical development, were simulated with the QUAL2E model, from this model was obtained the restriction coefficients of the optimization model. More over, this model allowed to prognosticate the behavior of the principal water quality components (dissolved and biochemical demand of oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and others) for different proposed stages. This methodology was applied over a section of Neuquen River (Argentina) which receives urban, industrial and farming effluents of three cities Centenario (Plant 1), Cinco Saltos (Plant 2) and Parque Industrial (Plant 3). From results, it can be affirmed that under present situation, there is not contamination hazard. However, under future scenarios, advanced and secondary treatment is required to assure meeting the quality standards, particularly when river discharge approach it annual minimum. [Spanish] Se desarrollo una metodologia que permite hacer una planificacion regional basada en la calidad de agua del rio y sus niveles guias para distintos usos. Para ello se utilizo un modelo de optimizacion que permite obtener la mejor combinacion de tratamientos de liquidos municipales e industriales de la region que minimicen sus costos de construccion y mantenimiento. Los escenarios de desarrollo economico regional planteados se simularon con el modelo QUAL2E, de donde se obtuvieron los coeficientes de las restricciones del modelo de optimizacion. El modelo de simulacion permitio, ademas, pronosticar el comportamiento de los principales componentes de calidad del agua (oxigeno disuelto, demanda bioquimica de oxigeno

  20. El Canal del Atazar I

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    López de Berges y de los Santos, Emilio


    Full Text Available The Atazar Canal helps to supply Madrid with water, from the rivers Lozoya, Jarama and Sorbe. The section which operates at present starts at the Torrelaguna dam and finishes at the El Goloso reservoir. Later a further section will be added, from the Atazar dam, on the Lozoya river, to link up with the control dam at Torrelaguna. The canal capacity is 16 m3/sec, and it is 43.47 km long. It has a slope of 4/10.000. The cross section is similar to that of the Jarama canal, already built. There are interconnections between this canal and the Canal Alto, which previously supplied the high and medium part of Madrid. To overcome the ground unevenness 5 syphons have been built, the most important of which is the Colmenar Goloso syphon, which is 10.88 km in length. Construction commenced on December 10, 1962, and water reached Madrid on June 15th, 1966. The initial budget for this project was 1,500 million pesetas.El canal del Atazar refuerza considerablemente el abastecimiento de aguas a Madrid, procedentes de los ríos Lozoya, Jarama y, en un próximo futuro, del Sorbe. El tramo, actualmente en funcionamiento, empieza en el salto de Torrelaguna y finaliza en los depósitos de El Goloso. Más adelante se completará su trazado mediante un nuevo tramo que partirá del embalse de Atazar, en el Lozoya, para unirse al actual en el depósito regulador de Torrelaguna. Su capacidad es de 16 m3/s; su longitud, 43,471 km, y su pendiente, 4 diezmilésimas. La sección tipo es análoga a la del canal del Jarama, de construcción anterior. Mediante la oportuna obra de transvase se realizan intercambios entre este Canal y el Canal Alto que abastecía anteriormente la parte media y alta de la capital. Para salvar los desniveles del terreno se han construido 5 sifones, siendo el más importante el de Colmenar-Goloso, con una longitud de 10,8S4 km. El comienzo de las obras tuvo lugar el 10 de diciembre de 1962, y el agua llegó a Madrid el 15 de junio de 1966. Su

  1. Shallow magnetic inclinations in the Cretaceous Valle Group, Baja California: remagnetization, compaction, or terrane translation? (United States)

    Smith, Douglas P.; Busby, Cathy J.


    Paleomagnetic data from Albian to Turonian sedimentary rocks on Cedros Island, Mexico (28.2° N, 115.2° W) support the interpretation that Cretaceous rocks of western Baja California have moved farther northward than the 3° of latitude assignable to Neogene oblique rifting in the Gulf of California. Averaged Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from Cedros Island support 20 ± 10° of northward displacement and 14 ± 7° of clockwise rotation with respect to cratonic North America. Positive field stability tests from the Vizcaino terrane substantiate a mid-Cretaceous age for the high-temperature characteristic remanent magnetization in mid-Cretaceous strata. Therefore coincidence of characteristic magnetization directions and the expected Quaternary axial dipole direction is not due to post mid-Cretaceous remagnetization. A slump test performed on internally coherent, intrabasinal slump blocks within a paleontologically dated olistostrome demonstrates a mid-Cretaceous age of magnetization in the Valle Group. The in situ high-temperature natural remanent magnetization directions markedly diverge from the expected Quaternary axial dipole, indicating that the characteristic, high-temperature magnetization was acquired prior to intrabasinal slumping. Early acquisition of the characteristic magnetization is also supported by a regional attitude test involving three localities in coherent mid-Cretaceous Valle Group strata. Paleomagnetic inclinations in mudstone are not different from those in sandstone, indicating that burial compaction did not bias the results toward shallow inclinations in the Vizcaino terrane.

  2. Diverse dinosaur-dominated ichnofaunas from the Potomac Group (Lower Cretaceous) Maryland (United States)

    Stanford, Ray; Lockley, Martin G.; Weems, Robert E.


    Until recently fossil footprints were virtually unknown from the Cretaceous of the eastern United States. The discovery of about 300 footprints in iron-rich siliciclastic facies of the Patuxent Formation (Potomac Group) of Aptian age is undoubtedly one of the most significant Early Cretaceous track discoveries since the Paluxy track discoveries in Texas in the 1930s. The Patuxent tracks include theropod, sauropod, ankylosaur and ornithopod dinosaur footprints, pterosaur tracks, and miscellaneous mammal and other vertebrate ichnites that collectively suggest a diversity of about 14 morphotypes. This is about twice the previous maximum estimate for any known Early Cretaceous vertebrate ichnofauna. Among the more distinctive forms are excellent examples of hypsilophodontid tracks and a surprisingly large mammal footprint. A remarkable feature of the Patuxent track assemblage is the high proportion of small tracks indicative of hatchlings, independently verified by the discovery of a hatchling-sized dinosaur. Such evidence suggests the proximity of nest sites. The preservation of such small tracks is very rare in the Cretaceous track record, and indeed throughout most of the Mesozoic.This unusual preservation not only provides us with a window into a diverse Early Cretaceous ecosystem, but it also suggests the potential of such facies to provide ichnological bonanzas. A remarkable feature of the assemblage is that it consists largely of reworked nodules and clasts that may have previously been reworked within the Patuxent Formation. Such unusual contexts of preservation should provide intriguing research opportunities for sedimentologists interested in the diagenesis and taphonomy of a unique track-bearing facies.

  3. Explosive Radiation of Malpighiales Supports a Mid-Cretaceous Origin of Modern Tropical Rain Forests


    Wurdack, Kenneth J.; Jaramillo, Carlos A.; Davis, Charles; Webb, Campbell O.; Donoghue, Michael J.


    Fossil data have been interpreted as indicating that Late Cretaceous tropical forests were open and dry adapted and that modern closed-canopy rain forest did not originate until after the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary. However, some mid-Cretaceous leaf floras have been interpreted as rain forest. Molecular divergence-time estimates within the clade Malpighiales, which constitute a large percentage of species in the shaded, shrub, and small tree layer in tropical rain forests worldwide, p...

  4. Constraints on deformation of the Southern Andes since the Cretaceous from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (United States)

    Maffione, Marco; Hernandez-Moreno, Catalina; Ghiglione, Matias C.; Speranza, Fabio; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.; Lodolo, Emanuele


    The southernmost segment of the Andean Cordillera underwent a complex deformation history characterized by alternation of contractional, extensional, and strike-slip tectonics. Key elements of southern Andean deformation that remain poorly constrained, include the origin of the orogenic bend known as the Patagonian Orocline (here renamed as Patagonian Arc), and the exhumation mechanism of an upper amphibolite facies metamorphic complex currently exposed in Cordillera Darwin. Here, we present results of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) from 22 sites in Upper Cretaceous to upper Eocene sedimentary rocks within the internal structural domain of the Magallanes fold-and-thrust belt in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). AMS parameters from most sites reveal a weak tectonic overprint of the original magnetic fabric, which was likely acquired upon layer-parallel shortening soon after sedimentation. Magnetic lineation from 17 sites is interpreted to have formed during compressive tectonic phases associated to a continuous N-S contraction. Our data, combined with the existing AMS database from adjacent areas, show that the Early Cretaceous-late Oligocene tectonic phases in the Southern Andes yielded continuous contraction, variable from E-W in the Patagonian Andes to N-S in the Fuegian Andes, which defined a radial strain field. A direct implication is that the exhumation of the Cordillera Darwin metamorphic complex occurred under compressive, rather than extensional or strike-slip tectonics, as alternatively proposed. If we agree with recent works considering the curved Magallanes fold-and-thrust belt as a primary arc (i.e., no relative vertical-axis rotation of the limbs occurs during its formation), then other mechanisms different from oroclinal bending should be invoked to explain the documented radial strain field. We tentatively propose a kinematic model in which reactivation of variably oriented Jurassic faults at the South American continental margin controlled

  5. Paleomagnetism of the Cretaceous Galula Formation and implications for vertebrate evolution (United States)

    Widlansky, Sarah J.; Clyde, William C.; O'Connor, Patrick M.; Roberts, Eric M.; Stevens, Nancy J.


    This study uses magnetostratigraphy to help constrain the age of the paleontologically important Galula Formation (Rukwa Rift Basin, southwestern Tanzania). The formation preserves a Cretaceous vertebrate fauna, including saurischian dinosaurs, a putative gondwanatherian mammal, and notosuchian crocodyliforms. With better dating, the Galula Formation and its fossils help fill a temporal gap in our understanding of vertebrate evolution in continental Africa, enabling better evaluation of competing paleobiogeographic hypotheses concerning faunal exchange throughout Gondwana during the Cretaceous. Paleomagnetic samples for this study were collected from the Namba (higher in section) and Mtuka (lower in section) members of the Galula Formation and underwent stepwise thermal demagnetization. All samples displayed a strong normal magnetic polarity overprint, and maximum unblocking temperatures at approximately 690 °C. Three short reversed intervals were identified in the Namba Member, whereas the Mtuka Member lacked any clear reversals. Given the relatively limited existing age constraints, one interpretation correlates the Namba Member to Chron C32. An alternative correlation assigns reversals in the Namba Member to recently proposed short reversals near the end of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (Chron C34), a time that is traditionally interpreted as having stable normal polarity. The lack of reversals in the Mtuka Member supports deposition within Chron C34. These data suggest that the Namba Member is no older than Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Campanian), with the Mtuka Member less well constrained to the middle Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian). The paleomagnetic results are supported by the application of fold and reversal tests for paleomagnetic stability, and paleomagnetic poles for the Namba (246.4°/77.9°, α95 5.9°) and Mtuka (217.1°/72.2°, α95 11.1°) members closely matching the apparent polar wander path for Africa during the Late Cretaceous. These

  6. Treinamento de força com uso de correntes e potencialização pós-ativação do salto vertical Entrenamiento de fuerza con cadenas y la potenciación post-activación del salto vertical Chain resistance training and vertical jump post-activation potentiation

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    Jéderson Nunes


    Full Text Available A Potencialização Pós-Ativação (PPA é estratégia para melhora do desempenho com uso de carga fixa (RF, definida no ponto de falha mecânica (PFM. Por outro lado, o uso de correntes (CRT é estímulo com resistência variável (RV. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do CRT na altura e tempo de voo do salto vertical com contramovimento (CMJ. A partir de estudo de intervenção, 15 sujeitos foram avaliados quanto à carga máxima no agachamento (1RM e altura CMJ. Após isto, executaram três tipos de intervenções: i RF com 85% de 1RM; ii RV com 85% de 1RM posicionado no PFM (RV-TF e, iii RV com 85% de 1RM posicionado na maior extensão dos joelhos (RV-TV. Observou-se incremento do CMJ para RV-TF e RV-TV, mas não para RF. Conclui-se que houve PPA com os dois estímulos de CRT.La potenciación post-activación (PAP es estrategia para mejorar el rendimiento, utilizando una carga fija (RF, que se define en el punto de falla mecánica (PFM. Además, el uso de cadenas (CRT es estimulo con resistencia variable (RV. Así, el objetivo fue evaluar los efectos de la CRT en el salto vertical con contramovimiento (CMJ. Con estudio de intervención, 15 sujetos fueron evaluados acerca de la carga máxima en la sentadilla (1RM y altura en el CMJ. Después de eso, se realizaron tres tipos de intervenciones: i RF con el 85% de 1RM; ii RV con el 85% de 1RM en el PFM (RV-TF, y iii la RV en 1RM 85% situado en la mayor extensión de las rodillas (RV-TV. Se observó aumento de lo CMJ para RV-TF y RV-TV, pero no para la RF. Se concluye que existe PPA con los dos estímulos de RV.The Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP is a strategy to improve performance, using a fixed load (RF, defined at the sticking point (PFM. Moreover, the use of chains (CRT is an effort with variable resistance (RV. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effects of CRT in the countermovement jump (CMJ. With an intervention study, 15 subjects were evaluated for the maximum squat load (1

  7. A dinâmica de alteração das medidas de força e o efeito posterior duradouro de treinamento em basquetebolistas submetidos ao sistema de treinamento em bloco La dinamica de la alteracion de las medidas de fuerza y el efecto posterior duradero del entrenamiento en basquetbolistas sometidos al sistema de entrenamiento en bloque Dynamics of the power measures alterations and the posterior long-lasting training effect on basketball players submitted to the block training system

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    Alexandre Moreira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou examinar a dinâmica das alterações da força explosiva de salto vertical (SV, força explosiva de salto horizontal (SHP e da força rápida horizontal para a perna direita (STCD e para a perna esquerda (STCE nas distintas etapas da preparação em basquetebolistas adultos submetidos ao sistema de treinamento em bloco. O grupo estudado foi composto por 12 atletas participantes do campeonato paulista da divisão principal (A1. Oito realizaram o programa de forma integral e foram incluídos na análise. Os atletas submeteram-se a uma estrutura bicíclica de preparação (primeiro macrociclo com 23 semanas e o segundo macrociclo com 19 semanas. Na estruturação do modelo, o macrociclo de treinamento foi dividido em etapa básica (cargas concentradas de força, etapa especial e etapa de competição. A etapa básica teve a duração de oito semanas, no primeiro macrociclo de treinamento, e três semanas no segundo macrociclo. Os atletas foram avaliados em oito momentos distintos do ciclo anual, caracterizando uma investigação longitudinal. Os resultados demonstraram: 1 a eficácia do sistema de treinamento em bloco no basquetebol, evidenciada pela expressão pontual do efeito posterior duradouro de treinamento (EPDT, 2 que as cargas de competição exerceram diferentes efeitos para as SV e SHP e, ainda, 3 ocorrências diversas verificadas entre STCD e STCE, demonstrando a necessidade de avaliar e analisar minuciosamente os resultados dos diferentes testes de saltos quando utilizados como parâmetros de controle dos efeitos de treinamento.El presente estudio objetivó examinar la dinámica de las alteraciones de la fuerza explosiva del salto vertical (SV, fuerza explosiva del salto horizontal (SHP y de la fuerza rápida horizontal para la pierna derecha (STCD y para la pierna izquierda (STCE en las distintas etapas de la preparación en basquetbolistas adultos sometidos al sistema de entrenamiento en bloque. El grupo

  8. Marine reptiles from the Late Cretaceous of northern Patagonia (United States)

    Gasparini, Z.; Casadio, S.; Fernández, M.; Salgado, L.


    During the Campanian-Maastrichtian, Patagonia was flooded by the Atlantic and reduced to an archipelago. Several localities of northern Patagonia have yielded marine reptiles. Analysis of several assemblages suggests that the diversity and abundance of pelagic marine reptiles in northern Patagonia was higher by the end of the Cretaceous than previously thought. Several plesiosaurids, including Aristonectes parvidens and the polycotylid Sulcusuchus, and the first remains of mosasaurinae have been found. The Cretaceous marine reptile record from South America is scanty. Nevertheless, materials described here suggest that Tethyan and Weddelian forms converged in northern Patagonia, as seen with invertebrates.

  9. New Patagonian Cretaceous theropod sheds light about the early radiation of Coelurosauria

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    Fernando E Novas


    Full Text Available Here we describe a new theropod, Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp., from the early Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. It is represented by more than a hundred bones belonging to different sized individuals, which were buried together in disarticulation after little transportation. The available association of skeletal elements suggests a gregarious behaviour for Bicentenaria, an ethological trait also recorded among other theropod clades. Increasing documentation of monospecific assemblages of different groups of theropods suggests that a gregarious behaviour may have constituted the ancestral condition for Theropoda, at least. Bicentenaria characterizes for the surangular bone with a high dorsal margin and a prominent lateral shelf, a retroarticular process that is low, wide and spoon-shaped, and quadrate bone with its lateral condyle larger than the medial one. Phylogenetic analysis found the Chinese Tugulusaurus and the Patagonian Bicentenaria as successive sister taxa of all other coelurosaurs, thus revealing the importance of the new taxon in the understanding of the early diversification of Coelurosauria. In particular, Bicentenaria amplifies the array of basal coelurosaurs that inhabited Gondwana during the Cretaceous, also including compsognathids, Aniksosaurus and Santanaraptor. Although still restricted to a handful of forms, available information indicates that Gondwana was a cradle for the evolution of different lineages of basal coelurosaurs, different from those documented in Upper Cretaceous beds in the northern landmasses. Analysis of body size distribution in averostran theropods results in the identification of two main episodes of drastic size reduction in the evolutionary history of Coelurosauria: one occurred at the initial radiation of the group (as represented by Bicentenaria, Zuolong, Tugulusaurus, compsognathids, and Aniksosaurus, and a second episode occurred at the early diverification of Paraves or avialans

  10. A new genus and species of enantiornithine bird from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil

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    Ismar de Souza Carvalho

    Full Text Available The fossil record of birds in Gondwana is almost restricted to the Late Cretaceous. Herein we describe a new fossil from the Araripe Basin, Cratoavis cearensis nov. gen et sp., composed of an articulated skeleton with feathers attached to the wings and surrounding the body. The present discovery considerably extends the temporal record of the Enantiornithes birds at South America to the Early Cretaceous. For the first time, an almost complete and articulated skeleton of an Early Cretaceous bird from South America is documented.

  11. Larger miliolids of the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene seen through space and time

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    Vlasta Ćosović


    Full Text Available Spatial and temporal occurrences of the larger (complex miliolids are discussed to give more light on biostratigraphy and paleobiogeographic provinces distribution. Seven generaand 47 species from the Late Cretaceous to Oligocene inhabited shallow marine settings in the Indo-Pacific, Tethyan and Caribbean regions. Of all genera only four (Idalina, Periloculina, Pseudolacazina, Lacazina widespread throughout Tethys in theLate Cretaceous and Paleogene. Single occurrence of Lacazina was recorded further to east (Moluccas. By now the Late Cretaceous genus Adrahentina is known only from the Spain. The newcomer’s Eocene genera were Fabularia and Lacazinella. Fabularia reachedhigh diversity in species term in the Central and Western Tethys and occured as unique genus in Caribbean realm, too. Conversely, during the same period, Lacazinella spread over the southern border of Neo-Tethys reaching New Guinea.On the Adriatic – Dinaric Carbonate Platform, larger miliolids occurred from the Late Cretaceous to Cuisian, having the same biostratigraphically trends and distribution as contemporaneous larger miliolids from the Tethys.

  12. Efeito do Uso do Estabilizador Active Ankle System® na Altura do Salto Vertical em Jogadores de Voleibol Effect of the Use of the Active Ankle System Stabilizer in The Vertical Jump Height in Volleyball Players

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    Marco Túlio Saldanha dos Anjos


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: Na prática do voleibol, as entorses de tornozelo representam 25 a 50% das lesões agudas. Medidas preventivas, como estabilizadores dinâmicos de tornozelo (EDT, são frequentemente utilizadas, porém, há controvérsias se esse dispositivo pode ou não interferir no desempenho esportivo. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito do EDT Active Ankle System® (AAS na altura do salto vertical em jogadoras de voleibol. MÉTODOS: Selecionou-se uma amostra de conveniência de 14 atletas entre 14 e 18 anos de idade, do gênero feminino. Estas foram instruídas a saltar simulando o gesto esportivo do ataque e do bloqueio com e sem o EDT, sobre placas de contato conectadas a um computador portátil que, através de um programa, calculava a altura do salto vertical. Previamente, foi feito um estudo-piloto para determinação do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse para as quatro condições de teste (n = 4, no qual os valores encontrados foram: ataque com EDT, 0,95; ataque sem EDT, 0,76; bloqueio com EDT, 0,92; bloqueio sem EDT, 0,89. Os dados de altura de cada tipo de salto vertical nas condições com e sem EDT foram comparadas através de testes t de Student para amostras pareadas. RESULTADOS: Para um nível de significância de α = 0,05, não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os saltos do ataque com o EDT (0,41 + 0,073m e sem o EDT (0,41 + 0,086m, p = 0,517. Também não foi encontrada diferença significativa para os saltos do bloqueio com o EDT (0,31 ± 0,048m e sem o EDT (0,32 ± 0,050m, p = 0,06. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do presente estudo apontam para não interferência do uso do EDT AAS no desempenho do salto vertical em atletas de voleibol.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: In volleyball practice, ankle sprains represent 25 to 50% of the acute injuries. Preventive measures such as dynamic ankle bracing (DAB are very often used; however, there is controversy on whether this would affect athletic

  13. Lamellaptychi from the Lower Cretaceous of south-east Spain (Murcia and Jaen provinces)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vašíček, Zdeněk; Company, M.; Měchová, L.


    Roč. 276, č. 3 (2015), s. 335-351 ISSN 0077-7749 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : Lower Cretaceous * aptychi * ammonite zonation * Betic Cordillera Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 0.719, year: 2015

  14. Evidence of reworked Cretaceous fossils and their bearing on the existence of Tertiary dinosaurs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Eaton, J.G. (Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff (USA)); Kirkland, J.I. (Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln (USA)); Doi, K. (Univ. of Colorado, Boulder (USA))


    The Paleocene Shotgun fauna of Wyoming includes marine sharks as well as mammals. It has been suggested that the sharks were introduced from the Cannonball Sea. It is more likely that these sharks were reworked from a Cretaceous rock sequence that included both marine and terrestrial deposits as there is a mixture of marine and freshwater taxa. These taxa have not been recorded elsewhere after the Cretaceous and are not known from the Cannonball Formation. Early Eocene localities at Raven Ridge, Utah, similarly contain teeth of Cretaceous marine and freshwater fish, dinosaurs, and Eocene mammals. The Cretaceous teeth are well preserved, variably abraded, and serve to cast doubts on criteria recently used to claim that dinosaur teeth recovered from the Paleocene of Montana are not reworked. Another Eocene locality in the San Juan Basin has produced an Eocene mammalian fauna with diverse Cretaceous marine sharks. Neither the nature of preservation nor the degree of abrasion could be used to distinguish reworked from contemporaneous material. The mixed environments represented by the fish taxa and recognition of the extensive pre-Tertiary extinction of both marine and freshwater fish were employed to recognize reworked specimens.

  15. A complete skull of an early cretaceous sauropod and the evolution of advanced titanosaurians.

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    Hussam Zaher

    Full Text Available Advanced titanosaurian sauropods, such as nemegtosaurids and saltasaurids, were diverse and one of the most important groups of herbivores in the terrestrial biotas of the Late Cretaceous. However, little is known about their rise and diversification prior to the Late Cretaceous. Furthermore, the evolution of their highly-modified skull anatomy has been largely hindered by the scarcity of well-preserved cranial remains. A new sauropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Brazil represents the earliest advanced titanosaurian known to date, demonstrating that the initial diversification of advanced titanosaurians was well under way at least 30 million years before their known radiation in the latest Cretaceous. The new taxon also preserves the most complete skull among titanosaurians, further revealing that their low and elongated diplodocid-like skull morphology appeared much earlier than previously thought.

  16. New ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs from the European Lower Cretaceous demonstrate extensive ichthyosaur survival across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary.

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    Valentin Fischer

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Ichthyosauria is a diverse clade of marine amniotes that spanned most of the Mesozoic. Until recently, most authors interpreted the fossil record as showing that three major extinction events affected this group during its history: one during the latest Triassic, one at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary (JCB, and one (resulting in total extinction at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. The JCB was believed to eradicate most of the peculiar morphotypes found in the Late Jurassic, in favor of apparently less specialized forms in the Cretaceous. However, the record of ichthyosaurs from the Berriasian-Barremian interval is extremely limited, and the effects of the end-Jurassic extinction event on ichthyosaurs remains poorly understood. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Based on new material from the Hauterivian of England and Germany and on abundant material from the Cambridge Greensand Formation, we name a new ophthalmosaurid, Acamptonectes densus gen. et sp. nov. This taxon shares numerous features with Ophthalmosaurus, a genus now restricted to the Callovian-Berriasian interval. Our phylogenetic analysis indicates that Ophthalmosauridae diverged early in its history into two markedly distinct clades, Ophthalmosaurinae and Platypterygiinae, both of which cross the JCB and persist to the late Albian at least. To evaluate the effect of the JCB extinction event on ichthyosaurs, we calculated cladogenesis, extinction, and survival rates for each stage of the Oxfordian-Barremian interval, under different scenarios. The extinction rate during the JCB never surpasses the background extinction rate for the Oxfordian-Barremian interval and the JCB records one of the highest survival rates of the interval. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: There is currently no evidence that ichthyosaurs were affected by the JCB extinction event, in contrast to many other marine groups. Ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs remained diverse from their rapid radiation in the Middle

  17. New Ophthalmosaurid Ichthyosaurs from the European Lower Cretaceous Demonstrate Extensive Ichthyosaur Survival across the Jurassic–Cretaceous Boundary (United States)

    Fischer, Valentin; Maisch, Michael W.; Naish, Darren; Kosma, Ralf; Liston, Jeff; Joger, Ulrich; Krüger, Fritz J.; Pérez, Judith Pardo; Tainsh, Jessica


    Background Ichthyosauria is a diverse clade of marine amniotes that spanned most of the Mesozoic. Until recently, most authors interpreted the fossil record as showing that three major extinction events affected this group during its history: one during the latest Triassic, one at the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary (JCB), and one (resulting in total extinction) at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. The JCB was believed to eradicate most of the peculiar morphotypes found in the Late Jurassic, in favor of apparently less specialized forms in the Cretaceous. However, the record of ichthyosaurs from the Berriasian–Barremian interval is extremely limited, and the effects of the end-Jurassic extinction event on ichthyosaurs remains poorly understood. Methodology/Principal Findings Based on new material from the Hauterivian of England and Germany and on abundant material from the Cambridge Greensand Formation, we name a new ophthalmosaurid, Acamptonectes densus gen. et sp. nov. This taxon shares numerous features with Ophthalmosaurus, a genus now restricted to the Callovian–Berriasian interval. Our phylogenetic analysis indicates that Ophthalmosauridae diverged early in its history into two markedly distinct clades, Ophthalmosaurinae and Platypterygiinae, both of which cross the JCB and persist to the late Albian at least. To evaluate the effect of the JCB extinction event on ichthyosaurs, we calculated cladogenesis, extinction, and survival rates for each stage of the Oxfordian–Barremian interval, under different scenarios. The extinction rate during the JCB never surpasses the background extinction rate for the Oxfordian–Barremian interval and the JCB records one of the highest survival rates of the interval. Conclusions/Significance There is currently no evidence that ichthyosaurs were affected by the JCB extinction event, in contrast to many other marine groups. Ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaurs remained diverse from their rapid radiation in the Middle Jurassic to

  18. Integrated geophysical and geological study and petroleum appraisal of Cretaceous plays in the Western Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia (United States)

    Dkhaili, Noomen; Bey, Saloua; El Abed, Mahmoud; Gasmi, Mohamed; Inoubli, Mohamed Hedi


    An integrated study of available seismic and calibrated wells has been conducted in order to ascertain the structural development and petroleum potential of the Cretaceous Formations of the Western Gulf of Gabes. This study has resulted in an understanding of the controls of deep seated Tethyan tectonic lineaments by analysis of the Cretaceous deposits distribution. Three main unconformities have been identified in this area, unconformity U1 between the Jurassic and Cretaceous series, unconformity U2 separating Early from Late Cretaceous and known as the Austrian unconformity and the major unconformity U3 separating Cretaceous from Tertiary series. The seismic analysis and interpretation have confirmed the existence of several features dominated by an NE-SW extensive tectonic regime evidenced by deep listric faults, asymmetric horst and graben and tilted blocks structures. Indeed, the structural mapping of these unconformities, displays the presence of dominant NW-SE fault system (N140 to N160) bounding a large number of moderate sized basins. A strong inversion event related to the unconformity U3 can be demonstrated by the mapping of the unconformities consequence of the succession of several tectonic manifestations during the Cretaceous and post-Cretaceous periods. These tectonic events have resulted in the development of structural and stratigraphic traps further to the porosity and permeability enhancement of Cretaceous reservoirs.

  19. High-resolution leaf-fossil record spanning the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (United States)

    Johnson, K.R.; Nichols, D.J.; Attrep, M.; Orth, C.J.


    THEORIES that explain the extinctions characterizing the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary1-3 need to be tested by analyses of thoroughly sampled biotas. Palynological studies are the primary means for stratigraphic placement of the terrestrial boundary and for estimates of plant extinction4-12, but have not been combined with quantitative analyses of fossil leaves (megaflora). Megafloral studies complement palynology by representing local floras with assemblages capable of high taxonomic resolution13, but have previously lacked the sample size and stratigraphic spacing needed to resolve latest Cretaceous floral history5,14-18. We have now combined megafloral data from a 100-m-thick composite K/T boundary section in North Dakota with detailed palynological analysis. Here the boundary is marked by a 30% palynofloral extinction coincident with iridium and shocked-mineral anomalies and lies ???2 m above the highest dinosaur remains. The megaflora undergoes a 79% turnover across the boundary, and smaller changes 17- and 25-m below it. This pattern is consistent with latest Cretaceous climatic warming preceding a bolide impact. ?? 1989 Nature Publishing Group.

  20. Equilíbrio e retração muscular em jovens estudantes usuárias de calçado de salto alto Equilibrium and muscle retraction in young female students users of high-heeled shoes

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    Dernival Bertoncello


    Full Text Available Verifica-se precocidade na utilização de calçado de salto alto, mas não há muitos estudos identificando suas conseqüências. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar alterações de equilíbrio e eventual retração muscular em estudantes universitárias habituadas a utilizar salto alto diariamente. Foram avaliadas 30 jovens (média de 20 anos de idade que anotaram, durante duas semanas, o tempo diário em que permaneciam com o calçado. Foram avaliadas quanto a desvios posturais, quanto às retrações musculares da cadeia posterior, pelo teste de alcance horizontal, e quanto ao equilíbrio, pelo teste de Romberg. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente. A média de estatura foi 1,63 m e a de massa corporal, 58,5 kg. O tempo médio de uso dos sapatos de salto alto foi de 34 h por semana. Ao relacionar o alcance horizontal com o tempo semanal de uso do salto alto, verificou-se forte correlação negativa (r=-0,8692; pPrecocity has been noticed in the use of high-heeled shoes. However, there are not many studies on its consequences. The aim of this work was to search for equilibrium alterations in young women used to daily wearing high-heeled shoes. Thirty female undergraduates (mean aged 20 years old were asked to write down, for two weeks, the number of hours per day they remained with the shoes on. They were then assessed as to posture deviations, as to muscle retractions of the posterior chain by means of the sit and reach test, and as to equilibrium by the Romberg test. Results were statistically analysed. Mean volunteers' height was 1.63 m and mean body mass, 58.5 kg. A negative, strong correlation (r=-0.8692; p<0.0001 was noticed between reach range and weekly time (in hours of high-heeled shoe wearing. No correlation was found between reach range and time of high-heel use in years. Seventeen out of the 30 volunteers presented positive test for loss of equilibrium when barefoot with closed eyes. A weak, negative correlation (r

  1. Paleoenvironments of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Oceans: Selected Highlights (United States)

    Ogg, J. G.


    There are many themes contributing to the sedimentation history of the Mesozoic oceans. This overview briefly examines the roles of the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) and the associated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, of the evolution of marine calcareous microplankton, of major transgressive and regressive trends, and of super-plume eruptions. Initiation of Atlantic seafloor spreading in the Middle Jurassic coincided with an elevated carbonate compensation depth (CCD) in the Pacific-Tethys mega-ocean. Organic-rich sediments that would become the oil wealth of regions from Saudi Arabia to the North Sea were deposited during a continued rise in CCD during the Oxfordian-early Kimmeridgian, which suggests a possible increase in carbon dioxide release by oceanic volcanic activity. Deep-sea deposits in near-equatorial settings are dominated by siliceous shales or cherts, which reflect the productivity of siliceous microfossils in the tropical surface waters. The end-Jurassic explosion in productivity by calcareous microplankton contributed to the lowering of the CCD and onset of the chalk ("creta") deposits that characterize the Tithonian and lower Cretaceous in all ocean basins. During the mid-Cretaceous, the eruption of enormous Pacific igneous provinces (Ontong Java Plateau and coeval edifices) increased carbon dioxide levels. The resulting rise in CCD terminated chalk deposition in the deep sea. The excess carbon was progressively removed in widespread black-shale deposits in the Atlantic basins and other regions - another major episode of oil source rock. A major long-term transgression during middle and late Cretaceous was accompanied by extensive chalk deposition on continental shelves and seaways while the oceanic CCD remained elevated. Pacific guyots document major oscillations (sequences) of global sea level superimposed on this broad highstand. The Cretaceous closed with a progressive sea-level regression and lowering of the CCD that again enabled

  2. The Late Cretaceous frog Gobiates from Central Asia: its evolutionary status and possible phylogenetic relationships

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Roček, Zbyněk


    Roč. 29, č. 4 (2008), s. 577-591 ISSN 0195-6671 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Amphibia * Anura * Gobiatidae * Cretaceous * Cretaceous (Mongolia) Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 0.938, year: 2008

  3. A new Early Cretaceous eutherian mammal from the Sasayama Group, Hyogo, Japan. (United States)

    Kusuhashi, Nao; Tsutsumi, Yukiyasu; Saegusa, Haruo; Horie, Kenji; Ikeda, Tadahiro; Yokoyama, Kazumi; Shiraishi, Kazuyuki


    We here describe a new Early Cretaceous (early Albian) eutherian mammal, Sasayamamylos kawaii gen. et sp. nov., from the 'Lower Formation' of the Sasayama Group, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Sasayamamylos kawaii is characterized by a robust dentary, a distinct angle on the ventral margin of the dentary at the posterior end of the mandibular symphysis, a lower dental formula of 3-4 : 1 : 4 : 3, a robust lower canine, a non-molariform lower ultimate premolar, and a secondarily reduced entoconid on the molars. To date, S. kawaii is the earliest known eutherian mammal possessing only four premolars, which demonstrates that the reduction in the premolar count in eutherians started in the late Early Cretaceous. The occurrence of S. kawaii implies that the relatively rapid diversification of eutherians in the mid-Cretaceous had already started by the early Albian.

  4. Rib fracture in Prognathodon saturator (Mosasauridae, Late Cretaceous)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schulp, Anne S.; Walenkamp, G. H I M; Hofman, P.A.M.; Rothschild, B. M.; Jagt, J. W M


    Two unusual bumps occur on the internal surface of a rib of the marine reptile Prognathodon saturator from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Maastricht, The Netherlands. These bumps are interpreted as stress fractures, possibly related to agonistic behaviour.

  5. Dinosaur trackways from the early Late Cretaceous of western Cameroon (United States)

    Martin, Jeremy E.; Menkem, Elie Fosso; Djomeni, Adrien; Fowe, Paul Gustave; Ntamak-Nida, Marie-Joseph


    Dinosaur trackways have rarely been reported in Cretaceous strata across the African continent. To the exception of ichnological occurrences in Morocco, Tunisia, Niger and Cameroon, our knowledge on the composition of Cretaceous dinosaur faunas mostly relies on skeletal evidence. For the first time, we document several dinosaur trackways from the Cretaceous of the Mamfe Basin in western Cameroon. Small and medium-size tridactyl footprints as well as numerous large circular footprints are present on a single horizon showing mudcracks and ripple marks. The age of the locality is considered Cenomanian-Turonian and if confirmed, this ichnological assemblage could be younger than the dinosaur footprints reported from northern Cameroon, and coeval with or younger than skeletal remains reported from the Saharan region. These trackways were left in an adjacent subsiding basin along the southern shore of the Benue Trough during a time of high-sea stand when the Trans-Saharan Seaway was already disconnecting West Africa from the rest of the continent. We predict that other similar track sites may be occurring along the margin of the Benue Trough and may eventually permit to test hypotheses related to provincialism among African dinosaur faunas.

  6. Platinum-group elements in the cores of potassium feldspar spherules from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Caravaca (Spain

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    Palomo, I.


    Full Text Available The abundant spherules present in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer at Caravaca are diagenetically transformed to potassium feldspar. Before our study no possible relicts of the precursor material had been reported. but in this paper we describe the presence of cores in these spherules that could represent a relict of the «unknown precursor». These cores are made up of C mixed with Si. Mg. AL Cr. Ca among other elements. Laser Ablation System analysis also reveals an enrichment in pe;E could suggest an extraterrestrial origin for this material. PI. Pd and Ir do not show a chondritic ratio: however. asevere modification of their concentration could be expected during the early diagenetic processes.Las esférulas existentes en la lámina de sedimento del tránsito Cretácico-Terciario de la sección de Caravaca han sido transformadas diagenéticamente a feldespato potásico. En este trabajo se describe la existencia de núcleos encontrados en el interior de las esférulas. los cuales' pueden representar relictos del material precursor. Dichos núcleos están constituidos por C. Si. Mg, AL Cr y Ca entre otros elementos. Se pone de relieve, por vez primera, su notable enriquecimiento en elementos del grupo del platino, cuyas relaciones no condríticas pueden ser debidas a la existencia de importantes modificaciones en su concentración inicial causadas por los procesos diagenéticos y por la existencia de materia orgánica.

  7. La estrategia de crecimiento en El Salto Social

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    López A. Gustavo


    Full Text Available Colombia es una de las economías latinoamericanas con mejores perspectivas de crecimiento en el futuro próximo. La apertura comercial, las mayores entradas de capital de largo plazo, la reforma del régimen cambiario y el cuidadoso manejo macroeconómico de los últimos años -que redujo la inflación y evitó revaluaciones de gran magnitud- propiciaron una mejora en las condiciones de oferta. Los resultados han sido apreciables: la inversión bruta fija ha pasado por uno de los períodos mas dinámicos de la historia colombiana, con crecimientos reales de 16.7, 33.1, Y 14.8 por ciento en 1992, 1993 Y 1994 respectivamente; la participación de las exportaciones en el Pib pasó de 20.7 por ciento en 1990 a 22.6 en 1994 y el ritmo de expansión del Pib fue superior al 5.0 por ciento en los dos años anteriores. Actualmente, la economía colombiana puede considerarse una economía medianamente abierta, a juzgar por la relación entre importaciones y Pib. Por su parte, los ingresos tributarios del Gobierno Central han crecido significativamente.

  8. Efecto de un calentamiento con estiramientos estáticos y dinámicos sobre el salto horizontal y la capacidad para repetir esprint con cambio de dirección. [Effect of warm-up with static and dynamic stretching on the horizontal jump and repeated sprint ability with changes of direction].

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    Javier Sánchez-Sánchez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido comparar el efecto de tres calentamientos diferentes (calentamiento aeróbico de baja intensidad, estiramiento estático y estiramiento dinámico sobre el salto horizontal y la capacidad de repetir esprint con cambios de dirección. Diecisiete practicantes de deportes de equipo de 20.8±1.1 años realizaron 3 tipos de calentamiento (10 min: ejercicio aeróbico sin estiramiento (CAE, con estiramiento estático (CAES y con estiramiento dinámico (CAED. Se estudió el efecto agudo de cada calentamiento sobre el rendimiento en una prueba de salto horizontal (SH y un test de repetición de esprint con cambio de dirección (RSCOD. No se obtuvieron diferencias significativas (p>0,05 en ninguna de las variables en función del calentamiento realizado. El tamaño del efecto (TE indicó que probablemente el RSCODmejor sea más sensible al CAE que al CAES (TE: 0,52 y al CAED (TE: 0,44. El escaso efecto de los estiramientos estáticos sobre el rendimiento en SH y RSCOD puede ser debido a la dosis, la intensidad y el tiempo de recuperación empleado. Los estiramientos dinámicos no mejoraron el rendimiento en SH y RSCOD. Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of three different warm-ups (low intensity aerobic warm-up, static stretching and dynamic stretching on the horizontal jump and repeated sprint ability with changes of direction. Seventeen players of team sports whose age was 20.8±1.1 years old performed three types of warm up (10 minutes: aerobic exercise without stretching (WU, with static stretching (WUSS and with dynamic stretching (WUDS. The acute effect of each warming over performance was studied in a test of horizontal jump (HJ and repeat sprint test with change of direction (RSCD. No significant differences were obtained (p>0.05 in any of the variables studied according to the warming developed. The effect size (ES indicated that probably RSCDbest was more sensitive to WU than WUDS (ES

  9. El estudio del profesorado universitario en la historia contemporánea

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    Jean-Louis Guereña


    Full Text Available Hoy en día, se puede afirmar que se halla plenamente consolidado como objeto historiográfico el mundo de la universidad española en los siglos xix y xx y en particular el profesorado universitario. En particular, el enfoque prosopográfico ya viene siendo una práctica relativamente habitual entre los investigadores que se acercan con algún detenimiento al estudio de la historia del profesorado universitario. La fecunda y ambiciosa iniciativa de elaborar un Diccionario de catedráticos españoles de Derecho (1847-1943 supone un salto cualitativo importante que merece destacarse en ese ámbito. También queremos recordar a continuación el interés que siguen teniendo los escalafones de antigüedad de catedráticos de universidad para un enfoque sociológico del conjunto del profesorado universitario en la época contemporánea, limitado desde luego al cuerpo de los catedráticos.En efecto, tanto el Diccionario como los escalafones adolecen de un «defecto» originario y comprensible ya que tan sólo enfocan el cuerpo de catedráticos. Dejan, pues, de lado no sólo a las «mujeres universitarias» (hasta 1953 ―salvo el caso aislado y no representativo de Emilia Pardo Bazán― que habían logrado ingresar en una universidad como profesoras auxiliares, sino, en general, a todos los profesores no catedráticos. Otra «variable» no contemplada es la de los orígenes sociales del profesorado universitario, a lo que podríamos añadir otros elementos referentes a la «condición universitaria». Desbordamos así la historia universitaria «académica» para ir hacia una historia «social» del profesorado universitario, taller inmenso que sólo puede llevarse a cabo de manera colectiva e interdisciplinar.  

  10. Preliminary study of the uranium favorability of the Jornada Del Muerto Basin and adjacent areas, South Central New Mexico

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Templain, C.J.; Dotterrer, F.E.


    Data indicate that possible uranium host rocks include the Precambrian rocks, the Ordovician Bat Cave Formation and Cable Canyon Sandstone, the Permian Abo Formation, Lower Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, and the Upper Cretaceous-lower Tertiary McRae Formation. The Cenozoic sequence contains possible host beds; little is known, however, about its stratigraphy. Secondary uranium mineralization is found associated with faults in the Jornada area. All fault zones there are possible sites for uranium deposition. Possible sources for uranium in the Jornada del Muerto area include uraniferous Precambrian rocks, tuffaceous beds in the McRae Formation, and the Tertiary Datil and Thurman Formations. Hydrothermal solutions may have deposited the veinlike fluorite deposits, of which the purple varieties were found to be radioactive during this study


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    F. Huertas


    Full Text Available
    Dentro de las rutinas de la gimnasia deportiva, un elemento común son las
    recepciones sobre la colchoneta. En este sentido, diversos han sido los estudios cinéticos y cinemáticos realizados sobre la recepción y cuyos resultados pueden han sido útiles para la mejora en la compresión de la recepción y diseño de colchonetas. No obstante, el estudio de las presiones plantares durante la recepción no ha sido desarrollado por ninguna
    investigación a pesar de que el pie transmite al cuerpo las cargas de reacción generadas en el contacto con la colchoneta y dependiendo de su magnitud, frecuencia y punto de aplicación se pueden producir diferentes lesiones. El conocimiento de dichas cargas es importante no solo para la prevención de lesiones o criterios en el diseño de colchonetas, sino también para la mejora del rendimiento deportivo, mejorando la estabilidad durante la recepción. El presente trabajo muestra cuales son las zonas del pie a analizar, el patrón y las magnitudes de las presiones plantares durante una recepción tras un salto.

  12. [Assessment of congenital malformation risk in the progeny of the military and civilian personnel of the Salto di Quirra military base: preliminary results]. (United States)

    Satta, G; Pilleri, M; Garofalo, E; Masala, E; Pili, C; Tocco, A; Ursi, M; D'Andrea, I; Campagna, M; Carta, W; Castellet y Ballarà, A; Chiodini, S; Nonne, T; Sartorello, A; Addis, M; Cocco, P


    We evaluated the congenital malformation rate in the progeny of the personnel of the Salto di Quirra military base in Sardinia. During 2011, we gathered questionnaire information on the reproductive history of 389 employees, more then 99% of those eligible for routine health surveillance. the observed congenital malformation rate (20.1 x 10(-3), 95% CI 6.3 - 33.8) was lower than that reported by the Italian Registries of Congenital Malformations, and it did not vary by exposure to radiofrequency, elf electromagnetic fields, and solvents, and by jobs associated with alleged exposure to nanoparticles or alpha radiation. Our findings suggest that the documented or alleged occupational exposures among the PISQ workforce did not increase the congenital malformation rate in the progeny.

  13. Translations on Telecommunications Policy, Research and Development, Number 53 (United States)


    Aguada, and provision of new service in housing complexes such as Parque Posadas, Carbe Aguada and Zapican. IDB Contract One of the milestones...Paysandu, Salto, La Paz, Fray Bentos, Maldonado, Peninsula, La Barra de Maldonado and Young; work began on networks for Parque del Plata, Salinas

  14. A diverse ant fauna from the mid-cretaceous of Myanmar (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.

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    Phillip Barden

    Full Text Available A new collection of 24 wingless ant specimens from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Albian-Cenomanian, 99 Ma comprises nine new species belonging to the genus Sphecomyrmodes Engel and Grimaldi. Described taxa vary considerably with regard to total size, head and body proportion, cuticular sculpturing, and petiole structure while all species are unified by a distinct shared character. The assemblage represents the largest known diversification of closely related Cretaceous ants with respect to species number. These stem-group ants exhibit some characteristics previously known only from their extant counterparts along with presumed plesiomorphic morphology. Consequently, their morphology may inform hypotheses relating to basal relationships and general patterns of ant evolution. These and other uncovered Cretaceous species indicate that stem-group ants are not simply wasp-like, transitional formicids, but rather a group of considerable adaptive diversity, exhibiting innovations analogous to what crown-group ants would echo 100 million years later.


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    E. Laterza


    Full Text Available

    Este artículo muestra un estudio biomecánico cinematográfico de la salida de doble mortal atrás agrupado en paralelas asimétricas por cuatro gimnastas durante el campeonato mundial celebrado en Sttugart en 1989. Los resultados muestran el instante del despegue, para todos los gimnastas; los instantes posteriores (unos 62 milisegundos de media y el instante en el que el centro de masas (CM alcanza su máxima velocidad de componente vertical (max. Vy. En los últimos 62 ms previos al despegue, mientras el CM recorría los últimos 14º de rotación sobre la banda superior, se observó una reducción de un 5% en la velocidad vertical del CM. A pesar de ello, durante ese corto período de tiempo el gimnasta obtenía, gracias al impulso de reacción vertical de la banda, un gran incremento de 0.15men la máxima altura obtenida por elCMdurante la fase de vuelo. Esto incrementa el importante rol que desempeñan las acciones ejecutadas en los instantes inmediatamente previos al despegue. Si el despegue hubiese ocurrido 62 ms antes, en el instante en que se obtiene la máxima Vy, el momento angular de los gimnastas podría haber sido superior, permitiendo una velocidad de rotación más elevada. Sin embargo, el ángulo de barrido en la fase aérea podría haber sido mayor y el tiempo de vuelo levemente menor (-1%.


  16. Hydrochemical characterization of recreational thermal regions in Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrión, R.; Massa, E.


    The deep drilling in Uruguay yields thermal groundwater aquifer formations contained in Mesozoic and Permo-Carboniferous in the North Basin. This paper characterizes thermal environments from the standpoint of physical-chemical, used primarily recreational, noting also the presence of heavy metals of natural origin. We worked over 62 analytical results from various information sources between 1946 and 2007. Using appropriate software the results were entered selected based on reliability and study area, 11 wells, analyzed different diagrams to characterize the water. Based on the drilling location and classification hydrogeochemistry thermal, thermal environments proposes five sorted from North to South: Arapey, Salto, Guaviyú, Guichon and Paso Ullestie. The proposed thermal environments were differentiated by the constitution hydrochemistry of waters, from north to south evolve bicarbonate calcium bicarbonate to sodium chloride, and increase the presence of sulfates. Groundwater Arapey environments and Salto aquifers are contained in Jurassic-Cretaceous, while for the remaining three environments (Guaviyú, Guichon and Paso Ullestie), aquifers are geological formations Permo - Carboniferous. In the past, it was determined the presence of As, funded by pre-Early Paleozoic formations Guarani Aquifer System: Buena Vista and Yaguarí Resumen ampliado Introducción

  17. Update of the conceptual geological model for the geothermal reservoir in Cerro Prieto, BC; Actualizacion del modelo geologico conceptual del yacimiento geotermico de Cerro Prieto, BC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lira Herrera, Hector [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexicali, B.C., (Mexico)


    An updated, conceptual geologic model is presented for the geothermal reservoir in Cerro Prieto geothermal field. The tectonic extension that formed the Basin and Range Province of the Western United States and Northwestern Mexico during Upper Tertiary in the Cerro Prieto area resulted in the formation of a half graben tectonic basin between the Cerro Prieto and Imperial faults. Called the Cerro Prieto basin, it includes listric faults, predominately northwest-southwest trending, stepped generally to the northeast. The zone of cortical weakness, formed during the Tertiary, allowed an intrusion of basic rock associated with the magnetic anomaly know as Nuevo Leon. The intrusive rock has been fed by new magmatic intrusions originated by the present tectonic extension of the Gulf of California. The oldest rocks identified in the area are gneiss and biotite-schists of Permian-Jurassic age and tonalities of Jurassic-Cretaceous age in contact with Cretaceous granites, all representing the regional basement. The lithologic column in the subsurface of the Cerro Prieto basin in formed by a basement of Cretaceous granites; an argillaceous package resting on the basement composed of gray shales with interleaves of sandstone, Tertiary brown-shales and mudstone, with an average thickness of 2700 m; clastic sediments of the Quaternary age deposited mainly by the Colorado River and alluvial fans of the Cucapa Range, comprised of gravel, sands and clays with an average thickness of 2500 m, covering the shales. The fluids feeding the geothermal reservoir heat as they pass though the zone where the basic intrusive is located (the heat source) and migrate through the listric faults toward the permeable layers of sandstone located within the gray shales. [Spanish] Se presenta el modelo geologico conceptual actualizado del yacimiento geotermico de Cerro Prieto. La tectonica extensional que origino la Provincia de Cuencas y Cordilleras (Basin and Range) del oeste de Estados Unidos y


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    Cíntia Fiorotti


    Full Text Available Neste texto nos concentramos em analisar parte das relações de trabalho vividas na fronteira Brasil-Paraguai, buscando compreender como trabalhadores envolvidos com o comércio e transporte de mercadorias na fronteira, interpretam e lidam com as mudanças ocorridas em suas atividades laborais entre 1980 e 2015. O local de estudo envolve algumas cidades da Costa Oeste do Paraná localizadas na fronteira com o Leste do Paraguai, dando ênfase à Guaíra-Pr, Salto del Guairá/PY e, também, Mundo Novo no estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Para tanto, utilizamos como fontes alguns autos criminais de comarcas regionais entre 1980 a 1990, legislações brasileiras, jornais locais e entrevistas com vendedores em lojas e ambulantes em Salto del Guairá, atravessadores de mercadorias na fronteira e ex-funcionários da receita federal que viveram e trabalharam nesta região de fronteira.

  19. Rhinochelys amaberti Moret (1935, a protostegid turtle from the Early Cretaceous of France

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    Isaure Scavezzoni


    Full Text Available Modern marine turtles (chelonioids are the remnants of an ancient radiation that roots in the Cretaceous. The oldest members of that radiation are first recorded from the Early Cretaceous and a series of species are known from the Albian-Cenomanian interval, many of which have been allocated to the widespread but poorly defined genus Rhinochelys, possibly concealing the diversity and the evolution of early marine turtles. In order to better understand the radiation of chelonioids, we redescribe the holotype and assess the taxonomy of Rhinochelys amaberti Moret (1935 (UJF-ID.11167 from the Late Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar Zone of the Vallon de la Fauge (Isère, France. We also make preliminary assessments of the phylogenetic relationships of Chelonioidea using two updated datasets that widely sample Cretaceous taxa, especially Rhinochelys. Rhinochelys amaberti is a valid taxon that is supported by eight autapomorphies; an emended diagnosisis proposed. Our phylogenetic analyses suggest that Rhinochelys could be polyphyletic, but constraining it as a monophyletic entity does not produce trees that are significantly less parsimonious. Moreover, support values and stratigraphic congruence indexes are fairly low for the recovered typologies, suggesting that missing data still strongly affect our understanding of the Cretaceous diversification of sea turtles.

  20. Arctic black shale formation during Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lenniger, Marc; Nøhr-Hansen, Henrik; Hills, Len V.


    The Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) represents a major perturbation of the global carbon cycle caused by the widespread deposition of organic-rich black shales. Although the paleoceanographic response and the spatial extent of bottom-water anoxia in low and mid-paleolatitudes are re......The Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) represents a major perturbation of the global carbon cycle caused by the widespread deposition of organic-rich black shales. Although the paleoceanographic response and the spatial extent of bottom-water anoxia in low and mid...... caused massive organic-carbon burial on the Arctic shelf in general, with important implications for hydrocarbon source-rock distribution in the Arctic region....

  1. Estratigrafía del Cretácico en el sondeo del Sifón de los Yesos (Torrelaguna y su correlación con afloramientos de superficie

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    Iglesias, J. A.


    Full Text Available Several hydrogeological boreholes for survey purposes have been drilled by the Canal de Isabel 11 near Torrelaguna (Madrid. One of those boreholes, at the Sifón de los Yesos, was drilled out with complete core recovering and cut across detrital and evaporitic rocks of Paleogene age and, partly, the Upper Cretaceous series mainly composed of dolostones, marls and sandstones. Six units have been distinguished in the Cretaceous of the borehole, from base to top: 1 Marls and dolostones with minor sandy intercalations (23.6 m; 2 Thick-bedded yellow dolostones (23.4 m; 3 marly dolostones and marls with minor dolostones (8 m; 4 thick-bedded yellow dolostones (17.4 m; 5 medium to thick-bedded white dolostones (21.3 m; and 6 Calcareous breccias alternating with white dolostones and red mudstones (28.5 m. These units have been correlated with the nearby Barranco de las Cuevas section, which is a key section in order to understand the stratigraphical relationships for the Cretaceous south of the Central System, because of several lithostratigraphical units are poorly dolomitized here and thus their facies and sedimentary environments of deposition can be studied and understood. From base to top borehole unit l is correlated with the Tranquera Fm.; borehole units 2, 3 and 4 (lower part are correlated with Hortezuelos Fm.; borehole units 4 (upper part and 5 are correlated with Hontoria del Pinar Fm.; and finally, borehole unit 6 is correlated with Burgo de Osma Fm. There are clear differences between these units in surface outcrop and in the borehole relating to colour, which is related to the organic matter content and its oxidation state, and appearance, marly intercalations are weak intervals in surface meanwhile correspond to harder and more compacted intervals in the borehole. The recognition of the borehole facies for the Cretaceous is a very useful stratigraphical tool for future drilling campaigns allowing a more detailed interpretation of the cores

  2. Source rock potential of middle cretaceous rocks in Southwestern Montana (United States)

    Dyman, T.S.; Palacas, J.G.; Tysdal, R.G.; Perry, W.J.; Pawlewicz, M.J.


    The middle Cretaceous in southwestern Montana is composed of a marine and nonmarine succession of predominantly clastic rocks that were deposited along the western margin of the Western Interior Seaway. In places, middle Cretaceous rocks contain appreciable total organic carbon (TOC), such as 5.59% for the Mowry Shale and 8.11% for the Frontier Formation in the Madison Range. Most samples, however, exhibit less than 1.0% TOC. The genetic or hydrocarbon potential (S1+S2) of all the samples analyzed, except one, yield less than 1 mg HC/g rock, strongly indicating poor potential for generating commercial amounts of hydrocarbons. Out of 51 samples analyzed, only one (a Thermopolis Shale sample from the Snowcrest Range) showed a moderate petroleum potential of 3.1 mg HC/g rock. Most of the middle Cretaceous samples are thermally immature to marginally mature, with vitrinite reflectance ranging from about 0.4 to 0.6% Ro. Maturity is high in the Pioneer Mountains, where vitrinite reflectance averages 3.4% Ro, and at Big Sky Montana, where vitrinite reflectance averages 2.5% Ro. At both localities, high Ro values are due to local heat sources, such as the Pioneer batholith in the Pioneer Mountains.

  3. New Mid-Cretaceous (Latest Albian) Dinosaurs from Winton, Queensland, Australia (United States)

    Hocknull, Scott A.; White, Matt A.; Tischler, Travis R.; Cook, Alex G.; Calleja, Naomi D.; Sloan, Trish; Elliott, David A.


    Background Australia's dinosaurian fossil record is exceptionally poor compared to that of other similar-sized continents. Most taxa are known from fragmentary isolated remains with uncertain taxonomic and phylogenetic placement. A better understanding of the Australian dinosaurian record is crucial to understanding the global palaeobiogeography of dinosaurian groups, including groups previously considered to have had Gondwanan origins, such as the titanosaurs and carcharodontosaurids. Methodology/Principal Findings We describe three new dinosaurs from the late Early Cretaceous (latest Albian) Winton Formation of eastern Australia, including; Wintonotitan wattsi gen. et sp. nov., a basal titanosauriform; Diamantinasaurus matildae gen. et sp. nov., a derived lithostrotian titanosaur; and Australovenator wintonensis gen. et sp. nov., an allosauroid. We compare an isolated astragalus from the Early Cretaceous of southern Australia; formerly identified as Allosaurus sp., and conclude that it most-likely represents Australovenator sp. Conclusion/Significance The occurrence of Australovenator from the Aptian to latest Albian confirms the presence in Australia of allosauroids basal to the Carcharodontosauridae. These new taxa, along with the fragmentary remains of other taxa, indicate a diverse Early Cretaceous sauropod and theropod fauna in Australia, including plesiomorphic forms (e.g. Wintonotitan and Australovenator) and more derived forms (e.g. Diamantinasaurus). PMID:19584929

  4. New Mid-Cretaceous (latest Albian dinosaurs fromWinton, Queensland, Australia.

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    Scott A Hocknull

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Australia's dinosaurian fossil record is exceptionally poor compared to that of other similar-sized continents. Most taxa are known from fragmentary isolated remains with uncertain taxonomic and phylogenetic placement. A better understanding of the Australian dinosaurian record is crucial to understanding the global palaeobiogeography of dinosaurian groups, including groups previously considered to have had Gondwanan origins, such as the titanosaurs and carcharodontosaurids. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We describe three new dinosaurs from the late Early Cretaceous (latest Albian Winton Formation of eastern Australia, including; Wintonotitan wattsi gen. et sp. nov., a basal titanosauriform; Diamantinasaurus matildae gen. et sp. nov., a derived lithostrotian titanosaur; and Australovenator wintonensis gen. et sp. nov., an allosauroid. We compare an isolated astragalus from the Early Cretaceous of southern Australia; formerly identified as Allosaurus sp., and conclude that it most-likely represents Australovenator sp. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The occurrence of Australovenator from the Aptian to latest Albian confirms the presence in Australia of allosauroids basal to the Carcharodontosauridae. These new taxa, along with the fragmentary remains of other taxa, indicate a diverse Early Cretaceous sauropod and theropod fauna in Australia, including plesiomorphic forms (e.g. Wintonotitan and Australovenator and more derived forms (e.g. Diamantinasaurus.

  5. Efectividad de un protocolo de entrenamiento nórdico sobre la fuerza explosiva en futbolistas del Club Deportivo La Equidad Seguros

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    Érica Mabel Mancera-Soto


    Full Text Available Introducción. El entrenamiento nórdico ha sido estudiado para optimizar el gesto deportivo y prevenir lesiones en fútbol. Sin embargo, no se han reportado estudios que evidencien su efectividad sobre la fuerza explosiva del deporte. Objetivo. Determinar la efectividad de un protocolo de entrenamiento nórdico sobre la fuerza explosiva de miembros inferiores en futbolistas. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un ensayo controlado y aleatorizado en el que 26 futbolistas masculinos fueron elegidos para hacer parte de un grupo intervención (n=12 y un grupo control (n=14. Al grupo intervención se le aplicó un protocolo de entrenamiento nórdico, mientras que el control realizó un programa de fortalecimiento convencional. Se evaluaron la fuerza explosiva de miembros inferiores, a través del Test de Bosco y Abalakov en una plataforma de salto, y el ángulo de mayor reclutamiento muscular del bíceps femoral durante la ejecución del ejercicio nórdico mediante de electromiografía de superficie. Resultados. Los dos grupos fueron homogéneos. Se evidenció una mejora en los componentes de la fuerza explosiva (p<0.05 para las variables de velocidad de despegue, de reclutamiento motor y de ángulo de registro del pico de reclutamiento motor en el grupo de intervención. Conclusión. La aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento en futbolistas demostró ser efectiva al influir de manera positiva en las variables involucradas en la fuerza explosiva.

  6. Efectos del entrenamiento con vibraciones mecánicas sobre la ‘performance’ neuromuscular

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    Marzo Edir Da Silva


    Full Text Available Hace ya varias décadas que se estudian los efectos de las vibraciones sobre el organismo humano. En un principio se evaluaban estos efectos con respecto a patologías producidas por la exposición prolongada de tipo ocupacional. Sin embargo, se empezaron a hacer estudios sobre el posible beneficio de la aplicación de la vibración en deportistas y a la luz de los primeros hallazgos se concluyó que se producía una mejora en la flexibilidad. Fue el ruso Nazarov quien realizó esos primeros estudios con atletas, aplicando una vibración local. Poco a poco fueron surgiendo diversos estudios sobre la vibración local o aplicada a todo el cuerpo (WBV pero en otras variables como son la fuerza, la potencia y la capacidad de salto. A pesar de que no hay un consenso en la aplicación de protocolos de entrenamiento y los resultados que se obtienen, el entrenamiento con WBV está en auge porque parece ofrecer unos resultados benéficos de manera más rápida que el entrenamiento convencional. El propósito del presente artículo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre la evolución del entrenamiento de WBV con sus aplicaciones y efectos sobre la performance muscular.

  7. Optimal portfolio and consumption decisions under exchange rate and interest rate risks. A jump-diffusion approach

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    Francisco Venegas Martínez


    Full Text Available Esta investigación desarrolla un modelo estocástico sobre las decisiones de los consumidores en un ambiente de riesgo e incertidumbre. En el modelo propuesto, los agentes perciben que la tasa de depreciación del tipo de cambio es conducida por un proceso de difusión con saltos y que la tasa de interés real es guiada por un proceso de difusión; se supone que estos procesos están correlacionados entre sí. Este trabajo generaliza las propuestas de Giuliano y Turnovsky (2003, Grinols y Turnovsky (1993 y Merton (1969 y 1971 a través de la inclusión de saltos repentinos e inesperados en la dinámica estocástica de las variables relevantes del modelo propuesto. Asimismo, se examina la dinámica de equilibrio del portafolio elegido, la demanda de consumo y la riqueza, en el equilibrio, asociados a las decisiones óptimas. Además, se evalúan los impactos que sobre el portafolio, el consumo y el bienestar tienen los cambios repentinos y permanentes en los parámetros que determinan las expectativas de la depreciación del tipo de cambio.

  8. Análisis y evaluación de la condición física en estudiantes de educación primaria de un medio rural y urbano

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    Alejandro Cruz Cumbreras


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar y evaluar la condición física de escolares estudiantes de educación primaria para conocer la diferencia que existe entre los alumnos que viven en un medio rural y los que viven en un medio urbano. Para ello se seleccionaron 253 estudiantes de segundo y tercer ciclo de educación primaria. La muestra fue clasificada según el tipo de colegio en dos grupos, urbano y rural. A todos los estudiantes se les realizó una valoración antropométrica (talla, masa, IMC, ratio CC, evaluación del salto vertical (CMJ, flexibilidad (test Sit and Reach, fuerza (dinamometría manual y resistencia (test course na­vette. Los resultados muestran diferencias a nivel antropométrico donde los alumnos del colegio rural han presentado mayores índices de sobrepeso. En cambio, los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación de la condición física muestran como en las pruebas de fuerza, resistencia y flexibilidad los alumnos del colegio rural obtienen mayores resultados que los alumnos del colegio urbano, mientras que en el salto vertical los alumnos rurales presentan mayores valores.

  9. Cretaceous magmatism in North-Eastern India and Gondwanaland ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Cretaceous magmatism of NEI: Major Objectives. • Age and duration of Sylhet Traps and its connection to Kerguelene hotspot and Gondwanaland breakup? • Age of carbonatite magmatism associated with the traps? • Relationship of basaltic-carbonatite magmatism with. Aptian (~116 Ma) Mass Extinction event? • Nature of ...

  10. Archeologia e storia del cantiere di costruzione

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    Mannoni, Tiziano


    Full Text Available The history of architecture, for more than two centuries, has tried to understand the buildings using written sources, reaching in this way an outstanding specialisation.The very most recent building archaeology is trying to make the built heritage itself speak about its history, even that of the construction site.The archaeological data (stratigraphic sequences, archaeological dating, materials and building techniques, put in dialogue with the archaeometric data (natural watches; characteristics, provenience and preciousness of the materials and following the rules of the “cultura materiale” - material culture - (empirical way of doing apprehension and transmission, allow us to begin the study of the builders choices, their possibilities and their motivations (archaeological critic. At this point, the research makes a real qualitative and quantitative jump if we read again, with an archaeological eye, all the written data coming from tenders, public permissions, construction site computations and from the ancient estimations and appraisals.La storia dell’architettura per più di duecento anni ha cercato di capire la costruzione attraverso le fonti scritte, raggiungendo in ciò una notevole specializzazione. La assai più recente archeologia dell’architettura sta cercando di far parlare il costruito stesso sulla sua storia, ivi compresa quella del cantiere di costruzione. I dati archeologici (sequenze stratigrafiche, datazioni archeologiche, materiali e tecniche costruttive, fatti dialogare con i dati archeometrici (orologi naturali, provenienze, caratteristiche e rarità dei materiali, secondo le regole della cultura materiale (apprendimento e trasmissione del saper fare empirico, permettono di affrontare la conoscenza delle scelte effettuate dai costruttori, le loro possibilità e le loro motivazioni (critica archeologica. E’ a questo punto che la ricerca fa un vero salto di qualità e di quantità se si rileggono con l

  11. Sedimentary basin analysis and petroleum potential of the Cretaceous and Tertiary strata in Korea.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Son, Jin-Dam; Kwak, Young-Hoon; Bong, Pil-Yoon [Korea Institute of Geology Mining and Materials, Taejon (KR)] (and others)


    Since 1992 sedimentary basin analysis to assess petroleum potential of the Cretaceous and Tertiary strata in the Korean onshore and continental shelf have been carried out. The Cretaceous non-marine strata mainly occupy the Gyeongsang Basin in southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula and small basins such as Haenam and Gyeokpo depressions in western coastal areas. The Tertiary strata are mostly distributed in Domi, Cheju, Socotra subbasins, and Okinawa Trough in the South Continental Shelf, and Kunsan and Heuksan basins in the West. The basin evolution and petroleum potential for each basins are characterized as follow. The Cretaceous Gyeongsang sediments were deposited in three subbasins including Milyang, Euisung and Yongyang subbasins. The black shales in Nakdong and Jinju formations are interpreted to contain abundant organic matter during the deposition, thermal maturity reaching up to the zone of dry gas formation. Because porosity and permeability are too low, the sandstones can act as a tight gas reservoir rather than conventional oil and gas reservoir. The latest Cretaceous strata of Haenam and Kyeokpo depressions in western coastal area are correlated into the Yuchon Volcanic Group of the Gyeongsang Basin. Petroleum potential of the Early Cretaceous basin in the West Continental Shelf could be relatively high in terms of sedimentary basin filled with thick lacustrine sediments. The Kunsan basin in the West Continental Shelf originated in the Early Cretaceous time expanded during the Paleocene time followed by regional erosion at the end of Paleocene on which Neogene sediment have been accumulated. The Paleocene-Eocene sublacustrine shales may play an major role as a source and cap rocks. South Continental Shelf Basin is subdivided by Cheju subbasin in the center, Socotra Subbasin to the west, Domi Subbasin to the northeast and Okinawa Trough to the East. The potential hydrocarbon traps associated with anticline, titled fault blocks, fault, unconformity

  12. Highly derived eutherian mammals from the earliest Cretaceous of southern Britain

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    Steven C. Sweetman


    Full Text Available Eutherian mammals (Placentalia and all mammals phylogenetically closer to placentals than to marsupials comprise the vast majority of extant Mammalia. Among these there is a phenomenal range of forms and sizes, but the origins of crown group placentals are obscure. They lie within the generally tiny mammals of the Mesozoic, represented for the most part by isolated teeth and jaws, and there is strongly conflicting evidence from phenomic and molecular data as to the date of origin of both Eutheria and Placentalia. The oldest purported eutherians are Juramaia from the Upper Jurassic of China, and Eomaia and Acristatherium from the Lower Cretaceous, also of China. Based on dental characters and analyses of other morphological and molecular data, doubt has recently been cast on the eutherian affinities of the Chinese taxa and consequently on the date of emergence of Eutheria. Until now, the only tribosphenic mammal recorded from the earliest Cretaceous (Berriasian Purbeck Group of Britain was the stem tribosphenidan Tribactonodon. Here we document two new tribosphenic mammals from the Purbeck Group, Durlstotherium gen. nov. and Durlstodon gen. nov., showing highly derived eutherian molar characters that support the early emergence of this clade, prior to the Cretaceous.

  13. A diplodocid sauropod survivor from the early cretaceous of South America.

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    Pablo A Gallina

    Full Text Available Diplodocids are by far the most emblematic sauropod dinosaurs. They are part of Diplodocoidea, a vast clade whose other members are well-known from Jurassic and Cretaceous strata in Africa, Europe, North and South America. However, Diplodocids were never certainly recognized from the Cretaceous or in any other southern land mass besides Africa. Here we report a new sauropod, Leikupal laticauda gen. et sp. nov., from the early Lower Cretaceous (Bajada Colorada Formation of Neuquén Province, Patagonia, Argentina. This taxon differs from any other sauropod by the presence of anterior caudal transverse process extremely developed with lateroventral expansions reinforced by robust dorsal and ventral bars, very robust centroprezygapophyseal lamina in anterior caudal vertebra and paired pneumatic fossae on the postzygapophyses in anterior-most caudal vertebra. The phylogenetic analyses support its position not only within Diplodocidae but also as a member of Diplodocinae, clustering together with the African form Tornieria, pushing the origin of Diplodocoidea to the Middle Jurassic or even earlier. The new discovery represents the first record of a diplodocid for South America and the stratigraphically youngest record of this clade anywhere.

  14. A new dinosaur ichnotaxon from the Lower Cretaceous Patuxent Formation of Maryland and Virginia (United States)

    Stanford, Ray; Weems, Robert E.; Lockley, Martin G.


    In recent years, numerous dinosaur footprints have been discovered on bedding surfaces within the Lower Cretaceous Patuxent Formation of Maryland and Virginia. Among these, distinctive small tracks that display a combination of small manus with five digit impressions and a relatively much larger pes with four toe impressions evidently were made by animals belonging to the ornithischian family Hypsilophodontidae. These tracks differ from any ornithischian ichnotaxon previously described. We here name them Hypsiloichnus marylandicus and provide a description of their diagnostic characteristics. Although hypsilophodontid skeletal remains have not been found in the Patuxent, their skeletal remains are known from Lower Cretaceous strata of similar age in both western North America and Europe. Therefore, it is not surprising to find that an Early Cretaceous representative of this family also existed in eastern North America.

  15. Paleomagnetic tests for tectonic reconstructions of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Woyla Group, Sumatra (United States)

    Advokaat, Eldert; Bongers, Mayke; van Hinsbergen, Douwe; Rudyawan, Alfend; Marshal, Edo


    SE Asia consists of multiple continental blocks, volcanic arcs and suture zones representing remnants of closing ocean basins. The core of this mainland is called Sundaland, and was formed by accretion of continental and arc fragments during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic. The former positions of these blocks are still uncertain but reconstructions based on tectonostratigraphic, palaeobiogeographic, geological and palaeomagnetic studies indicate the continental terranes separated from the eastern margin of Gondwana. During the mid-Cretaceous, more continental and arc fragments accreted to Sundaland, including the intra-oceanic Woyla Arc now exposed on Sumatra. These continental fragments were derived from Australia, but the former position of the Woyla Arc is unconstrained. Interpretations on the former position of the Woyla Arc fall in two end-member groups. The first group interprets the Woyla Arc to be separated from West Sumatra by a small back-arc basin. This back arc basin opened in the Late Jurassic, and closed mid-Cretaceous, when the Woyla Arc collided with West Sumatra. The other group interprets the Woyla Arc to be derived from Gondwana, at a position close to the northern margin of Greater India in the Late Jurassic. Subsequently the Woyla Arc moved northwards and collided with West Sumatra in the mid-Cretaceous. Since these scenarios predict very different plate kinematic evolutions for the Neotethyan realm, we here aim to place paleomagnetic constraints on paleolatitudinal evolution of the Woyla Arc. The Woyla Arc consists mainly of basaltic to andesitic volcanics and dykes, and volcaniclastic shales and sandstones. Associated limestones with volcanic debris are interpreted as fringing reefs. This assemblage is interpreted as remnants of an Early Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc. West Sumatra exposes granites, surrounded by quartz sandstones, shales and volcanic tuffs. These sediments are in part metamorphosed. This assemblage is interpreted as a Jurassic

  16. Palaeomagnetism of lower cretaceous tuffs from Yukon-Kuskokwim delta region, western Alaska (United States)

    Globerman, B.R.; Coe, R.S.; Hoare, J.M.; Decker, J.


    During the past decade, the prescient arguments1-3 for the allochthoneity of large portions of southern Alaska have been corroborated by detailed geological and palaeomagnetic studies in south-central Alaska 4-9 the Alaska Peninsula10, Kodiak Island11,12 and the Prince William Sound area13 (Fig. 1). These investigations have demonstrated sizeable northward displacements for rocks of late Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and early Tertiary age in those regions, with northward motion at times culminating in collision of the allochthonous terranes against the backstop of 'nuclear' Alaska14,15. A fundamental question is which parts of Alaska underwent significantly less latitudinal translation relative to the 'stable' North American continent, thereby serving as the 'accretionary nucleus' into which the displaced 'microplates'16 were eventually incorporated17,18? Here we present new palaeomagnetic results from tuffs and associated volcaniclastic rocks of early Cretaceous age from the Yukon-Kuskokwin delta region in western Alaska. These rocks were probably overprinted during the Cretaceous long normal polarity interval, although a remagnetization event as recent as Palaeocene cannot be ruled out. This overprint direction is not appreciably discordant from the expected late Cretaceous direction for cratonal North America. The implied absence of appreciable northward displacement for this region is consistent with the general late Mesozoic-early Tertiary tectonic pattern for Alaska, based on more definitive studies: little to no poleward displacement for central Alaska, though substantially more northward drift for the 'southern Alaska terranes' (comprising Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island, Prince William Sound area, and Matunuska Valley) since late Cretaceous to Palaeocene time. ?? 1983 Nature Publishing Group.

  17. The end-Cretaceous in the southwestern Tethys (Elles, Tunisia)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thibault, Nicolas Rudolph; Galbrun, Bruno; Gardin, Silvia


    An integrated study of magnetic mass susceptibility (MS), bulk stable isotopes and calcareous nannofossil paleoecological changes is undertaken on the late Maastrichtian of the Elles section, Tunisia, spanning the last ca. 1 Myr of the Cretaceous. A cyclostratigraphic analysis reveals the presenc...

  18. Explosive radiation of Malpighiales supports a mid-cretaceous origin of modern tropical rain forests. (United States)

    Davis, Charles C; Webb, Campbell O; Wurdack, Kenneth J; Jaramillo, Carlos A; Donoghue, Michael J


    Fossil data have been interpreted as indicating that Late Cretaceous tropical forests were open and dry adapted and that modern closed-canopy rain forest did not originate until after the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary. However, some mid-Cretaceous leaf floras have been interpreted as rain forest. Molecular divergence-time estimates within the clade Malpighiales, which constitute a large percentage of species in the shaded, shrub, and small tree layer in tropical rain forests worldwide, provide new tests of these hypotheses. We estimate that all 28 major lineages (i.e., traditionally recognized families) within this clade originated in tropical rain forest well before the Tertiary, mostly during the Albian and Cenomanian (112-94 Ma). Their rapid rise in the mid-Cretaceous may have resulted from the origin of adaptations to survive and reproduce under a closed forest canopy. This pattern may also be paralleled by other similarly diverse lineages and supports fossil indications that closed-canopy tropical rain forests existed well before the K/T boundary. This case illustrates that dated phylogenies can provide an important new source of evidence bearing on the timing of major environmental changes, which may be especially useful when fossil evidence is limited or controversial.

  19. Análise cinemática do salto do goleiro de futebol em cobranças de pênaltis: relação entre preferência lateral e desempenho


    Reinaldo Macari


    O termo lateralidade é usado para definir a preferência para executar os movimentos com uma das mãos ou um dos pés conhecidos como preferência lateral. Essa preferência pode acarretar a modificação no padrão de movimento em determinadas ações de jogo. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar a trajetória do Centro de Massa (CM) do salto com queda lateral de goleiros de futebol e avaliar possíveis assimetrias originadas pela preferência lateral. Participaram do estudo dez sujeitos do sexo masculino, ...

  20. Exhumation History Of Brasilian Highlands After Late Cretaceous Alcaline Magmatism (United States)

    Doranti Tiritan, Carolina; Hackspacher, Peter Christian; Carina Siqueira Ribeiro, Marli; Glasmacher, Ulrich Anton; Françoso de Godoy, Daniel


    The southeast Brazilian margin recorded a long history of tectonic and magmatic events after the Gondwana continent break up. The drifting of the South American Platform over a thermal anomaly generated a series of alkaline intrusions that are distributed from the interior to the coast from west to east. Several exhumation events are recorded on the region and we are providing insights on the landscape evolution of the region since Late Cretaceous, comparing low temperature thermochronology results from two alkaline intrusions regions. Poços de Caldas Alkaline Massif (PCAM), is lied in the interior, 300km from the coastline, covering over 800km2 intruding the Precambrian basement around 83Ma, nepheline syenites, phonolites and tinguaites intruded in a continuous and rapid sequence lasting between 1 to 2 Ma. São Sebastião Island (SSI) on the other hand is located at the coast, 200 km southeast of São Paulo. It is characterized by an intrusion in Precambrian/Brazilian orogen and intruded by Early Cretaceous sub-alkaline basic and acid dykes, as well as by Late Cretaceous alkaline stocks (syenites) and dykes (basanite to phonolite). Will be presenting the apatite fission track (AFT) and (U-Th)/He results that shows the main difference between the areas is that PCAM region register older history then the coastal area of SSI, where thermal history starts register cooling event after the South Atlantic rifting process, while in the PCAM area register a previous history, since Carboniferous. The results are giving support to studies that indicate the development of the relief in Brazil being strongly influenced by the local and regional tectonic movements and the lithological and structural settings. The landscape at the Late Cretaceous was witness of heating process between 90 and 60Ma due the intense uplift of South American Platform. The elevation of the isotherms is associated with the mantellic plumes and the crustal thickness that caused thermal anomalies due

  1. A nearly modern amphibious bird from the Early Cretaceous of northwestern China. (United States)

    You, Hai-Lu; Lamanna, Matthew C; Harris, Jerald D; Chiappe, Luis M; O'connor, Jingmai; Ji, Shu-An; Lü, Jun-Chang; Yuan, Chong-Xi; Li, Da-Qing; Zhang, Xing; Lacovara, Kenneth J; Dodson, Peter; Ji, Qiang


    Three-dimensional specimens of the volant fossil bird Gansus yumenensis from the Early Cretaceous Xiagou Formation of northwestern China demonstrate that this taxon possesses advanced anatomical features previously known only in Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic ornithuran birds. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Gansus within the Ornithurae, making it the oldest known member of the clade. The Xiagou Formation preserves the oldest known ornithuromorph-dominated avian assemblage. The anatomy of Gansus, like that of other non-neornithean (nonmodern) ornithuran birds, indicates specialization for an amphibious life-style, supporting the hypothesis that modern birds originated in aquatic or littoral niches.

  2. Extended Late-Cretaceous Magnetostratigraphy of the James Ross Basin Island, Antarctica (United States)

    Chaffee, T. M.; Mitchell, R.; Slotznick, S. P.; Buz, J.; Biasi, J.; O'Rourke, J.; Sousa, F.; Flannery, D.; Fu, R. R.; Kirschvink, J. L.


    Sediments in the James Ross Island Basin (JRB) in the West Antarctic Peninsula contain one of the world's highest-resolution records of the late Cretaceous period, including the end-Cretaceous (K-Pg) mass extinction event. However, the geological record of this region has been poorly studied, limited in the past only to the relative dating of local fossils. Recent studies of this region have provided only low-resolution data, with gaps of greater than 0.5 million years between samples where no data was collected. A high-resolution magnetostratigraphic sampling and analysis is necessary in order to accurately determine the age of the JRB sediments and connect them to the global time record. During the 2016 field season in Antarctica, our team collected nearly 1,300 sample cores from JRB sediments using a diamond-tipped, gasoline powered coring drill. Drill sites were densely clustered across bedding in order to obtain a high-resolution record of magnetostratigraphy, permitting the recognition of distinct, high-resolution units of time (group of over 300 of these samples from the Brandy Bay area which constrain the end of the Cretaceous Superchron (C34N) and the C34N/C34R reversal and allow us to investigate the presence of geomagnetic excursions before the end of superchron. These samples span in age from the top of C34N to the mid-Maastrichtian. We also test the Late Cretaceous True Polar Wander (TPW) hypothesis. Current theories on the global extent of TPW are not substantiated by any data sets that confirm the presence and similarity of the effect across multiple continents. Evidence of a rapid TPW oscillation in Antarctica can be correlated with other samples from the North American continent currently under study to provide evidence for the theory of global, short-timescale TPW.

  3. Análisis de los saques de lateral del Torneo de Rugby Seis Naciones 2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Mira Sánchez


    Full Text Available El saque de lateral es una de las formas de reinicio del juego o fases de conquista en un partido de rugby cuantitativa y cualitativamente importante. En este artículo se realizó un estudio descriptivo de los saques de lateral en un torneo internacional de alto nivel. En segundo lugar, se estudiaron las diferencias en esta fase de juego entre los distintos equipos participantes y, finalmente, determinamos las variables que inciden en la conquista de la pelota. A partir de un conjunto inicial de variables se desarrolló, mediante la validación con expertos, una herramienta para la observación de los factores clave. La muestra estuvo constituida por 358 saques de lateral del Torneo Seis Naciones de 2013 que se investigaron mediante análisis de vídeo. Los resultados han mostrado información relevante sobre las variables estudiadas (partido, equipo, casa/fuera, número del saque lateral, iluminación, lluvia, viento, tiempo, resultado, lado, zona, número de jugadores, estructura previa, estructura de salto, posición saltador, cambio de posición, movimiento, amague, ángulo, velocidad, tiempo vuelo, distancia, altura y conquista. Se encontraron diferencias entre los equipos en: el número de jugadores, el ángulo, el tiempo de vuelo y la altura. Por último, entre todas las variables investigadas, encontramos que hay una mayor probabilidad de conquista cuando el tiempo de vuelo dura entre 0,36 y 0,84 s, y la distancia es entre 5 y 10 m.

  4. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic exhumation history of the Malay Peninsula (United States)

    François, Thomas; Daanen, Twan; Matenco, Liviu; Willingshofer, Ernst; van der Wal, Jorien


    The evolution of Peninsular Malaysia up to the collisional period in the Triassic is well described but the evolution since the collision between Indochina and the Sukhothai Arc in Triassic times is less well described in the literature. The processes affecting Peninsular Malaysia during the Jurassic up to current day times have to explain the emplacement multiple intrusions (the Stong Complex, and the Kemahang granite), the Jurassic/Cretaceous onland basins, the Cenozoic offshore basins, and the asymmetric extension, which caused the exhumation of Taku Schists dome. The orogenic period in Permo-Triassic times, which also formed the Bentong-Raub suture zone, resulted in thickening of the continental crust of current day Peninsular Malaysia due to the collision of the Indochina continental block and the Sukhothai Arc, and is related to the subduction of oceanic crust once present between these continental blocks. The Jurassic/Cretaceous is a period of extension, resulting in the onland Jurassic/Cretaceous basins, synchronous melting of the crust, resulting in the emplacement Stong Complex and the Kemahang granite and thinning of the continental crust on the scale of the Peninsular, followed by uplift of the Peninsular. Different models can explain these observations: continental root removal, oceanic slab detachment, or slab delamination. These models all describe the melting of the lower crust due to asthenospheric upwelling, resulting in uplift and subsequent extension either due to mantle convective movements or gravitational instabilities related to uplift. The Cenozoic period is dominated by extension and rapid exhumation in the area as documented by low temperature thermocrological ages The extension in this period is most likely related to the subduction, which resumed at 45 Ma, of the Australian plate beneath the Eurasian plate after it terminated in Cretaceous times due to the collision of an Australian microcontinental fragment with the Sunda margin in the

  5. Patterns of larval development in Cretaceous pipid frogs

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Roček, Zbyněk; van Dijk, E.


    Roč. 51, č. 1 (2006), s. 111-126 ISSN 0567-7920 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3013206 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Anura * Pipidae * Cretaceous Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 1.076, year: 2006

  6. Evidence of cretaceous to recent West African intertropical vegetation from continental sediment spore-pollen analysis (United States)

    Salard-Cheboldaeff, M.; Dejax, J.

    The succession of spore-pollen assemblages during the Cretaceous and Tertiary, as defined in each of the basin from Senegal to Angola, gives the possibility to consider the intertropical African flora evolution for the past 120 M.a. During the Early Cretaceous, xeric-adapted gymnosperms and various ferns were predominant the flora which nevertheless comprises previously unknown early angiosperm pollen. During the Middle Cretaceous, gymnospers were gradually replaced by angiosperms; these became more and more abundant, along with the diversification of new genera and species. During the Paleocene, the radiation of the monocotyledons (mainly that of the palm-trees) as well as a greater diversification among the dicotyledons and ferms are noteworthy. Since gymnosperms had almost disappeared by the Eocene, the diversification of the dicotyledons went on until the neogene, when all extinct pollen types are already present. These important modifications of the vegetation reflect evolutionary trends as well as climatic changes during the Cretaceous: the climate, firstly hot, dry and perhaps arid, did probably induced salt deposition, and later became gradually more humid under oceanic influences which arose in connection with the Gondwana break-up.

  7. Evidence for global cooling in the Late Cretaceous (United States)

    Linnert, Christian; Robinson, Stuart A.; Lees, Jackie A.; Bown, Paul R.; Pérez-Rodríguez, Irene; Petrizzo, Maria Rose; Falzoni, Francesca; Littler, Kate; Arz, José Antonio; Russell, Ernest E.


    The Late Cretaceous ‘greenhouse’ world witnessed a transition from one of the warmest climates of the past 140 million years to cooler conditions, yet still without significant continental ice. Low-latitude sea surface temperature (SST) records are a vital piece of evidence required to unravel the cause of Late Cretaceous cooling, but high-quality data remain illusive. Here, using an organic geochemical palaeothermometer (TEX86), we present a record of SSTs for the Campanian–Maastrichtian interval (~83–66 Ma) from hemipelagic sediments deposited on the western North Atlantic shelf. Our record reveals that the North Atlantic at 35 °N was relatively warm in the earliest Campanian, with maximum SSTs of ~35 °C, but experienced significant cooling (~7 °C) after this to <~28 °C during the Maastrichtian. The overall stratigraphic trend is remarkably similar to records of high-latitude SSTs and bottom-water temperatures, suggesting that the cooling pattern was global rather than regional and, therefore, driven predominantly by declining atmospheric pCO2 levels. PMID:24937202

  8. Late Cretaceous neosuchian crocodiles from the Sultanate of Oman

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buscalioni, Angela D.; Schulp, Anne S.; Jagt, John W M; Hanna, Samir S.; Hartman, Axel Frans

    Two apparently new crocodilian taxa from the Late Cretaceous (Late Campanian-Maastrichtian) Al-Khod Conglomerate of the Sultanate of Oman are described. The fragmentary state of preservation precludes formal naming, yet enables comparisons to be made with other taxa. One is a short-snouted

  9. Sobre la existencia de una raíz unitaria en la serie de tiempo mensual del precio de la electricidad en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elkin Castaño


    Full Text Available Generalmente, las series de tiempo de precios de electricidad presentan cambios estructurales debido a las condiciones económicas relacionadas con la oferta, la demanda o las reglas del mercado donde se transan. Mientras algunas de las propuestas para modelar estas series están basadas en modelos de reversión a la media inspirados por la literatura financiera (Philipovic, 1998, sus saltos y cambios estructurales han evidenciado la existencia de regímenes con diferentes medias y varianzas (Huisman, 2003. En Colombia, estas series parecen mostrar una tendencia general de crecimiento. En este artículo se busca evidencia de si este crecimiento es debido a una tendencia puramente determinística, o a una raíz unitaria, o a la presencia de distintos cambios de nivel, los cuales podrían haber sido causados por eventos exógenos, tales como los fenómenos climáticos de El Niño y La Niña y las resoluciones de la Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas del país. Los resultados se inclinan a favor de un proceso estacionario alrededor de varios cambios de nivel, y señalan la importancia de contar con la información sobre los eventos ocurridos en la evolución del proceso.

  10. Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica: Implications for the Weddellia collage of crustal blocks (United States)

    Divenere, Vic; Kent, Dennis V.; Dalziel, Ian W. D.


    A new approximately 117 Ma paleomagnetic pole has been defined from the study of volcanic and plutonic rocks from the eastern portion Marie Byrd Land (MBL). The new pole (185.6 deg E/56.8 deg S, A(sub 95) = 8.7 deg) implies that the eastern portion of MBL was an integral part of Weddellia, which included the ancestral Antarctic Peninsula, Thurston Island, and Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains blocks of West Antarctica. This pole is generally similar to a approximately 125 Ma pole from Thurston Island. Both poles call for major clockwise rotation and poleward motion of eastern MBL and Thurston Island between the Early Cretaceous (125-117 Ma) and the mid-Cretaceous (110-100 Ma). We propose that in the Early Cretaceous, eastern MBL and the Eastern Province of New Zealand were part of a continuous active Pacific margin of Gondwana, connecting with the Antarctic Peninsula, and distinct from western MBL, the Western Province of New Zealand, and North Victoria Land. These western terranes are thought to have accreted to Gondwana in the Devonian. Eastern MBL and the Eastern Province of New Zealand amalgamated with western MBL and the Western Province of New Zealand by the mid-Cretaceous. Major Early Cretaceous motions of the Weddellia blocks postdate the estimated initiation of seafloor spreading in the Weddell Sea and therefore may be the result of plate reorganization during the Cretaceous Quiet Zone.

  11. ENSO-Type Signals Recorded in the Late Cretaceous Laminated Sediments of Songliao Basin, Northeast China (United States)

    Yu, E.; Wang, C.; Hinnov, L. A.; Wu, H.


    The quasi-periodic, ca. 2-7 year El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon globally influences the inter-annual variability of temperature and precipitation. Global warming may increase the frequency of extreme ENSO events. Although the Cretaceous plate tectonic configuration was different from today, the sedimentary record suggests that ENSO-type oscillations had existed at the time of Cretaceous greenhouse conditions. Cored Cretaceous lacustrine sediments from the Songliao Basin in Northeast China (SK-1 cores from the International Continental Drilling Program) potentially offer a partially varved record of Cretaceous paleoclimate. Fourteen polished thin sections from the depth interval 1096.12-1096.53 m with an age of 84.4 Ma were analyzed by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). ImageJ software was applied to extract gray scale curves from optical images at pixel resolution. We tracked minimum values of the gray scale curves to estimate the thickness of each lamina. Five sedimentary structures were recognized: flaser bedding, wavy bedding, lenticular bedding, horizontal bedding, and massive layers. The mean layer thicknesses with different sedimentary structures range from 116 to 162mm, very close to the mean sedimentation rate estimated for this sampled interval, 135mm/year, indicating that the layers bounded by pure clay lamina with the minimum gray values are varves. SEM images indicate that a varve is composed, in succession, of one lamina rich in coarse silt, one lamina rich in fine silt, one clay-rich lamina with some silt, and one clay-rich lamina. This suggests that a Cretaceous year featured four distinct depositional seasons, two of which were rainy and the others were lacking precipitation. Spectral analysis of extended intervals of the tuned gray scale curve indicates the presence of inter-annual periodicities of 2.2-2.7 yr, 3.5-6.1 year, and 10.1-14.5 year consistent with those of modern ENSO cycles and solar cycles, as well as

  12. The mid-cretaceous water bearer: Isotope mass balance quantification of the Albian hydrologic cycle (United States)

    Ufnar, David F.; Gonzalez, Luis A.; Ludvigson, Greg A.; Brenner, Richard L.; Witzke, B.J.


    A latitudinal gradient in meteoric ??18O compositions compiled from paleosol sphaerosiderites throughout the Cretaceous Western Interior Basin (KWIB) (34-75??N paleolatitude) exhibits a steeper, more depleted trend than modern (predicted) values (3.0??? [34??N latitude] to 9.7??? [75??N] lighter). Furthermore, the sphaerosiderite meteoric ??18O latitudinal gradient is significantly steeper and more depleted (5.8??? [34??N] to 13.8??? [75??N] lighter) than a predicted gradient for the warm mid-Cretaceous using modern empirical temperature-??18O precipitation relationships. We have suggested that the steeper and more depleted (relative to the modern theoretical gradient) meteoric sphaerosiderite ??18O latitudinal gradient resulted from increased air mass rainout effects in coastal areas of the KWIB during the mid-Cretaceous. The sphaerosiderite isotopic data have been used to constrain a mass balance model of the hydrologic cycle in the northern hemisphere and to quantify precipitation rates of the equable 'greenhouse' Albian Stage in the KWIB. The mass balance model tracks the evolving isotopic composition of an air mass and its precipitation, and is driven by latitudinal temperature gradients. Our simulations indicate that significant increases in Albian precipitation (34-52%) and evaporation fluxes (76-96%) are required to reproduce the difference between modern and Albian meteoric siderite ??18O latitudinal gradients. Calculations of precipitation rates from model outputs suggest mid-high latitude precipitation rates greatly exceeded modern rates (156-220% greater in mid latitudes [2600-3300 mm/yr], 99% greater at high latitudes [550 mm/yr]). The calculated precipitation rates are significantly different from the precipitation rates predicted by some recent general circulation models (GCMs) for the warm Cretaceous, particularly in the mid to high latitudes. Our mass balance model by no means replaces GCMs. However, it is a simple and effective means of obtaining

  13. Gateways and Water Mass Mixing in the Late Cretaceous North Atlantic (United States)

    Asgharian Rostami, M.; Martin, E. E.; MacLeod, K. G.; Poulsen, C. J.; Vande Guchte, A.; Haynes, S.


    Regions of intermediate/deep water formation and water-mass mixing in the North Atlantic are poorly defined for the Late Cretaceous, a time of gateway evolution and cooler conditions following the Mid Cretaceous greenhouse. Improved proxy data combined with modeling efforts are required to effectively evaluate the relationship between CO2, paleogeography, and circulation during this cooler interval. We analyzed and compiled latest Cretaceous (79 - 66 Ma) ɛNd and δ13C records from seven bathyal (paleodepths 0.2 - 2 km) and eight abyssal (paleodepths > 2 km) sites in the North Atlantic. Data suggest local downwelling of Northern Component Water (NCW; ɛNd -9.5 and δ13C 1.7 ‰) is the primary source of intermediate/deep water masses in the basin. As this water flows southward and ages, δ13C values decrease and ɛNd values increase; however, additional chemical changes at several sites require mixing with contributions from several additional water masses. Lower ɛNd ( -10) and higher δ13C ( 1.9 ‰) values in the deep NW part of the basin indicate proximal contributions from a region draining old continental crust, potentially representing deep convection following opening of the Labrador Sea. In the deep NE Iberian Basin, higher ɛNd ( -7) and lower δ13C ( 0.8 ‰) during the Campanian suggest mixing with a Tethyan source (ɛNd -7 and δ13C 0.1 ‰) whose importance decreased with restriction of that gateway in the Maastrichtian. Data from bathyal sites suggest additional mixing. In the SE Cape Verde region, observed ɛNd variations from -10 in the Campanian to -13 and -12 in the early and late Maastrichtian, respectively, may record variations in output rates of Tethyan and/or NCW sources and Demerara Bottom Water (ɛNd -16), a proposed warm saline intermediate water mass formed in shallow, equatorial seas. Pacific inflow through the Caribbean gateway impacts intermediate sites at Blake Nose (ɛNd values -8), particularly the shallowest site during the late

  14. Press/Pulse: Explaining selective terrestrial extinctions at the Cretaceous/Palaeogene boundary (United States)

    Arens, Nan Crystal


    Single-cause mass extinction scenarios require extreme conditions to generate sufficiently strong kill mechanisms. Such dire effects are commonly at odds with the taxonomic selectivity that characterizes most extinction events. In response, some researchers have proposed that the interaction of a variety of factors typify episodes of elevated extinction. Previous work (Arens & West 2008 Paleobiology 34:456-471) has shown that a combination of press and pulse disturbances increases the probability of elevated extinction. The press/pulse contrast is borrowed from community ecology, where researchers have long recognized that the ecological response to long-term stress differs from that of an instantaneous catastrophe. Scaled to the macroevolutionary level, press disturbances alter community composition by placing multigenerational stress on populations. Press disturbances do not necessarily cause mortality, but reduce population size by a variety of mechanisms such as curtailed reproduction. Pulse disturbances are sudden catastrophic events that cause extensive mortality. Either press or pulse disturbances of sufficient magnitude can cause extinction, however elevated extinction occurs more commonly during the coincidence of lower-magnitude press and pulse events. The Cretaceous/Palaeogene (K/P) extinction is one of the best examples of a press/pulse extinction. Deccan Trap volcanism, which straddled the K/P boundary, altered atmospheric composition and climate. This episodic volcanism likely contributed to the climate instability observed in terrestrial ecosystems and exerted press stress. Pulse disturbance was produced by bolide impact, which punctuated the end of the Cretaceous. The press/pulse mechanism also more effectively explains selectivity in terrestrial vertebrate and plant extinctions at the K/P boundary than do single-mechanisms scenarios. For example, why do environmentally sensitive vertebrates such as amphibians experience no extinction? And why do

  15. Efecto de un trabajo de técnica de desplazamiento y de un trabajo de cuestas sobre el desplazamiento en defensa y la capacidad de salto en voleibol

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    Vicente Ávila Gandía


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue comprobar el efecto de un trabajo de técnica de desplazamiento combinado o no con un trabajo de cuestas sobre la capacidad de desplazamiento general y específico y sobre la capacidad de alcance en jugadores de voleibol en periodo de formación. La muestra objeto de estudio fueron 36 jugadores de voleibol en formación (grupo A estuvo formado por 18 jugadores masculinos, y grupo B y C por nueve jugadoras cada uno. Se realizó un diseño cuasi-experimental intersujeto con una prueba pre, post, y re-test. La variable independiente fue el tipo de trabajo realizado para mejorar la capacidad de desplazamiento (nueve sesiones. Se distinguieron dos niveles de intervención: a realización de un trabajo de desplazamientos específicos (grupos A y B; y b realización de un trabajo de desplazamientos específicos y de un trabajo de fuerza en cuestas ascendentes (grupo C. Las variables dependientes fueron: la técnica y el tiempo de desplazamiento en bloqueo, y en defensa en campo, el tiempo en realización del test de 9-3-3-9, y la altura de alcance en un salto con y sin carrera de aproximación. El trabajo de técnica de desplazamientos mejora la calidad de ejecución de los desplazamientos específicos. En categoría masculina, el trabajo de técnica de desplazamiento mejora los tiempos de ejecución de los desplazamientos genéricos y de los desplazamientos específicos. En categoría femenina, el trabajo de técnica de desplazamiento no mejoró los tiempos de ejecución de los desplazamientos genéricos y de los desplazamientos específicos. En categoría femenina, el trabajo de técnica de desplazamiento realizado de forma conjunta con el trabajo de cuestas parece mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de los desplazamientos genéricos y de los desplazamientos específicos. El trabajo de técnica de desplazamiento con o sin el trabajo de cuestas no mejora la capacidad de alcance de los jugadores.

  16. Evaluación de la fuerza explosiva de extensión de las extremidades inferiores en escolares

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    Francisco José López Gallego


    Full Text Available Objetivo. El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la capacidad de fuerza explosiva de extensión de extremidades inferiores en escolares de educación primaria y analizar las diferencias que puedan existir tanto en capacidad de fuerza explosiva de extremidades inferiores como en composición corporal en función del sexo. Material y métodos. En este estudio han participado 90 estudiantes (54 niños y 36 niñas de educación primaria de un centro educativo urbano de la provincia de Jaén. La media de la edad de los sujetos es de 11,1 ± 0,7 años. Se ha realizado la valoración de la composición corporal y la evaluación de la capacidad de fuerza explosiva de extremidades inferiores mediante salto vertical. La evaluación de la composición corporal se llevó a cabo mediante la plataforma INBODY 230 (Microkaya, Spain. Para medir las variables de los saltos se utiliz ó una plataforma de fuerzas Quattro Jump (Kistler, Suiza y se realizaron los test de salto CMJ y ABK. Resultados y conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos en las variables de los test de salto por los participantes se encuentran entre los valores de referencia para sujetos de su edad. Las chicas poseen mayores picos de potencia y de fuerza que los chicos, mientras que estos poseen mayores alturas de vuelo en los saltos. En la impedancia los chicos obtienen mayores porcentajes de músculo y las chicas mayor masa y mayores porcentajes de grasa.

  17. Low ecological disparity in Early Cretaceous birds (United States)

    Mitchell, Jonathan S.; Makovicky, Peter J.


    Ecological divergence is thought to be coupled with evolutionary radiations, yet the strength of this coupling is unclear. When birds diversified ecologically has received much less attention than their hotly debated crown divergence time. Here, we quantify how accurately skeletal morphology can predict ecology in living and extinct birds, and show that the earliest known assemblage of birds (= pygostylians) from the Jehol Biota (≈ 125 Ma) was substantially impoverished ecologically. The Jehol avifauna has few representatives of highly preservable ecomorphs (e.g. aquatic forms) and a notable lack of ecomorphological overlap with the pterosaur assemblage (e.g. no large or aerially foraging pygostylians). Comparisons of the Jehol functional diversity with modern and subfossil avian assemblages show that taphonomic bias alone cannot explain the ecomorphological impoverishment. However, evolutionary simulations suggest that the constrained ecological diversity of the Early Cretaceous pygostylians is consistent with what is expected from a relatively young radiation. Regardless of the proximate biological explanation, the anomalously low functional diversity of the Jehol birds is evidence both for ecological vacancies in Cretaceous ecosystems, which were subsequently filled by the radiation of crown Aves, and for discordance between taxonomic richness and ecological diversity in the best-known Mesozoic ecosystem. PMID:24870044

  18. Sedimentary environments and hydrocarbon potential of cretaceous rocks of indus basin, Pakistan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheikh, S.A.; Naseem, S.


    Cretaceous rocks of Indus Basin of Pakistan are dominated by clastics with subordinate limestone towards the top. These rocks represent shelf facies and were deposited in deltaic to reducing marine conditions at variable depths. Indications of a silled basin with restricted circulation are also present. Cretaceous fine clastics/carbonates have good source and reservoir qualities. Variable geothermal gradients in different parts of basin have placed these rocks at different maturity levels; i.e. from oil to condensate and to gas. The potential of these rocks has been proved by several oil and gas discoveries particularly in the Central and Southern provinces of Indus Basin. (author)

  19. A sequence of events across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smit, J.; Romein, A.J.T.


    The lithological and biological sequence of events across the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T), as developed in thick and complete landbased sections and termed the standard K/T event sequence, is also found in many DSDP cores from all over the globe. Microtektite-like spherules have been found in

  20. Carbonate deposition and salt diapirism during the Cretaceous in the Persian Gulf, offshore Iran


    U. P. Baaske; M. Mutti; F. Baioni; R. Buonaguro; G. Bertozzi; M. A. Naini; C. M. Krawczyk; P. Kukla; R. Littke; H. Stollhofen; D. Schwarzer;  


    The Cretaceous deposits in the Persian Gulf area are part of one of the largest hydrocarbon systems in the world. The stratigraphic evolution of the northern part of the Gulf is, however, poorly constrained. Seismic data from offshore Iran reveal that the shallow water deposition is marked by topographic features like the NNE-SSW trending Qatar-Fars-Arch and salt-related structures (diapirs and salt walls) of smaller scale. These structures were active during the Cretaceous. To examine the ef...

  1. Astronomical calibration of the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Husson, Dorothée; Galbrun, Bruno; Laskar, Jacques


    /Pg boundary, considering the uncertainty of the long-term variation of the 405 ka eccentricity cycle. The first proposal provides a Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary age of 65.59 ± 0.07 Ma and the second an age of 66 ± 0.07 Ma, which is coherent with the most recent radio-isotopic datings. Magnetochron boundaries...... and the Campanian/Maastrichtian boundary are dated relative to these numerical ages of the K/Pg boundary....


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    Jessenia Hernández Elizondo


    Full Text Available Este estudio tuvo como propósito examinar el efecto global en las variables de fuerza, potencia y velocidad, luego de aplicar un entrenamiento específico. Participaron 56 hombres con edades entre 18 y 25 años. Los sujetos fueron divididos en tres grupos experimentales, donde un grupo (n=21 trabajó un programa específico de sentadilla (GF, otro grupo (n=15 basó su trabajo en ejercicios pliométricos (GP y el tercer grupo (n=20 trabajó con ejercicios de velocidad (GV. Los grupos experimentales recibieron un entrenamiento específico, de una hora, 2 veces a la semana, por un período de 16 semanas, al final de las cuales se encontró que hubo diferencia significativa (*p<.05 ,**p<.01 entre pre test y post test, para todos los grupos experimentales en las pruebas de sentadilla completa , 30m sin impulso y salto largo (SLSI. Este comportamiento también se presentó en la prueba de salto vertical (SVCM, para los grupos de fuerza y potencia, y en la prueba de 30 m lanzados, para el grupo de velocidad. Con el objetivo de visualizar el porcentaje de cambio que obtuvo cada grupo en cada prueba, se presenta la siguiente tabla: Pruebas Grupo Fuerza (GF % Potencia (GP % Velocidad(GV % Sentadilla Completa (lbs 21.87 20.13 17.10 30 lanzados (s -2.14 -2.99 -10.34* 30 sin impulso (s -5.38 -3.37 -6.43 SLSI (cm 4.66 18.81* 6.31 SVCM (cm 11.53* 12.33* 0.10 *:%  estadísticamente significativo. Uno de los hallazgos más importantes del estudio, es que para la prueba de sentadilla completa, no se presentó diferencia entre grupos, lo cuál indica que a pesar de que los grupos experimentales de velocidad y potencia realizaron trabajos diferentes, la mejora en la prueba de sentadilla, fue muy similar al grupo que entrenó únicamente sentadilla. Estos resultados implican cuestionamientos acerca de la especificidad del entrenamiento, el cual teóricamente no concuerda con lo que las experiencias en la práctica han demostrado, llegando a la conclusión de que

  3. Chemical Remagnetization of Jurassic Carbonates and a Primary Paleolatitude of Lower Cretaceous Volcaniclastic Rocks of the Tibetan Himalaya (United States)

    Huang, W.; Van Hinsbergen, D. J. J.; Dekkers, M. J.; Garzanti, E.; Dupont Nivet, G.; Lippert, P. C.; Li, X.; Maffione, M.; Langereis, C. G.; Hu, X.; Guo, Z.; Kapp, P. A.


    Paleolatitudes for the Tibetan Himalaya Zone based on paleomagnetic inclinations provide kinematic constraints of the passive northern Indian margin and the extent of 'Greater India' before the India-Asia collision. Here, we present a paleomagnetic investigation of the Jurassic (carbonates) to Lower Cretaceous (volcaniclastic rocks) Wölong section of the Tibetan Himalaya in the Everest region. The carbonates yield positive fold tests, suggesting that the remanent magnetizations have a pre-folding origin. However, detailed paleomagnetic analyses, rock magnetic tests, end-member modeling of acquisition curves of isothermal remanent magnetization, and petrographic studies reveal that the magnetic carrier of the Jurassic carbonates is authigenic magnetite, whereas the dominant magnetic carrier of the Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic rocks is detrital magnetite. We conclude that the Jurassic carbonates were remagnetized, whereas the Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastics retain a primary remanence. We hypothesize that remagnetization of the Jurassic carbonates was probably caused by the oxidation of early diagenetic pyrite to magnetite within the time interval at ~86-84 Ma during the latest Cretaceous Normal Superchron and earliest deposition of Cretaceous oceanic red beds in the Tibetan Himalaya. The remagnetization of the limestones prevents determining the size of 'Greater India' during Jurassic time. Instead, a paleolatitude of the Tibetan Himalaya of 23.8±2.1° S at ~86-84 Ma is suggested. This value is lower than the expected paleolatitude of India from apparent polar wander path (APWP). The volcaniclastic rocks with the primary remanence, however, yielded a Lower Cretaceous paleolatitude of Tibetan Himalaya of 55.5±3° S, fitting well with the APWP of India.

  4. Late Cretaceous origin of the rice tribe provides evidence for early diversification in Poaceae. (United States)

    Prasad, V; Strömberg, C A E; Leaché, A D; Samant, B; Patnaik, R; Tang, L; Mohabey, D M; Ge, S; Sahni, A


    Rice and its relatives are a focal point in agricultural and evolutionary science, but a paucity of fossils has obscured their deep-time history. Previously described cuticles with silica bodies (phytoliths) from the Late Cretaceous period (67-65 Ma) of India indicate that, by the latest Cretaceous, the grass family (Poaceae) consisted of members of the modern subclades PACMAD (Panicoideae-Aristidoideae-Chloridoideae-Micrairoideae-Arundinoideae-Danthonioideae) and BEP (Bambusoideae-Ehrhartoideae-Pooideae), including a taxon with proposed affinities to Ehrhartoideae. Here we describe additional fossils and show that, based on phylogenetic analyses that combine molecular genetic data and epidermal and phytolith features across Poaceae, these can be assigned to the rice tribe, Oryzeae, of grass subfamily Ehrhartoideae. The new Oryzeae fossils suggest substantial diversification within Ehrhartoideae by the Late Cretaceous, pushing back the time of origin of Poaceae as a whole. These results, therefore, necessitate a re-evaluation of current models for grass evolution and palaeobiogeography.

  5. Uruguay Hydrogeological map scale 1/1.000.000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heinzen, W.; Carrion, R.; Massa, E.; Pena, S.; Stapff, M.


    Between the main items the Uruguayan Hydrogeological map show us: aquifers productivity, geographical references, well information, depth, level, caudal, dry waste, from Hydrologic unit cuaternario differenced, Villa Soriano, Chuy, Raigon, Salto, Cretacico Superior, Tacuarembo, Las Arenas, Del Terciario, Cretacico Superior, Tres Islas, Cerrezuelo, Arapey, Neoproterozoico, Paleoproterozoico. It shows a brief map about Guarani Aquifer

  6. Palaeoenvironments and facies on a progressively flooded rocky island (Upper Cenomanian – Lower Turonian, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žítt, Jiří; Vodrážka, R.; Hradecká, L.; Svobodová, Marcela


    Roč. 179, - (2010), s. 223-234 ISSN 1802-6842 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Cretaceous island * weathering * geomorphology * sedimentary environments * biostratigraphy * Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian * Bohemian Cretaceous Basin Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy

  7. Soil development on loess overlying Cretaceous sediments and Devonian limestones

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žigová, Anna; Šťastný, Martin


    Roč. 12, č. 3 (2015), s. 267-278 ISSN 1214-9705 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : loess * Cretaceous and Devonian rocks * mineral composition * soil development * Luvic Chernozem * Albic Luvisol Subject RIV: DF - Soil Science Impact factor: 0.561, year: 2015

  8. Late Cretaceous paleosols as paleoclimate proxies of high-latitude Southern Hemisphere: Mata Amarilla Formation, Patagonia, Argentina (United States)

    Varela, Augusto N.; Raigemborn, M. Sol; Richiano, Sebastián; White, Tim; Poiré, Daniel G.; Lizzoli, Sabrina


    Although there is general consensus that a global greenhouse climate characterized the mid-Cretaceous, details of the climate state of the mid-Cretaceous Southern Hemisphere are less clearly understood. In particular, continental paleoclimate reconstructions are scarce and exclusively derived from paleontological records. Using paleosol-derived climofunction studies of the mid- to Upper Cretaceous Mata Amarilla Formation, southern Patagonia, Argentina, we present a reconstruction of the mid-Cretaceous climate of southern South America. Our results indicate that at 60° south paleolatitude during the Cenomanian-Santonian stages, the climate was subtropical temperate-warm (12 °C ± 2.1 °C) and humid (1404 ± 108 mm/yr) with marked rainfall seasonality. These results are consistent with both previous estimations from the fossil floras of the Mata Amarilla Formation and other units of the Southern Hemisphere, and with the previous observations of the displacement of tropical and subtropical floras towards the poles in both hemispheres. The data presented here show a more marked seasonality and slightly lower mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature values than those recorded at the same paleolatitudes in the Northern Hemisphere.

  9. Cine virtual y “presencialidad” teatral: El cine electrónico de Coppola y sus imbricaciones en la consolidación del género( Peter Jackson.

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    Antonio Cantos Ceballos


    Full Text Available El fenómeno del cine virtual busca colmar una vieja aspiración por aprehender la condición esencial del teatro: la vivencia de un acontecimiento único e irrepetible por parte del espectador que contempla a unos actores enfrentados a situaciones en ese preciso instante. Ya en los años cincuenta se abordan experimentos con el cine en relieve(primer sistema 3D o, también, se emprenden búsquedas con el sentido del olfato(el smell-vision. La llegada de la revolución informática y su motion control system implica una nueva conquista en las sensaciones visuales del espectador y preludia la irrupción de un auténtico visionario en este sentido: Francis Ford Coppola. Su “cine electrónico” es un vehículo experimental para rodar con telecámaras y soporte magnético y, además, prepara el terreno para la aparición de los infogramas y la ruptura definitiva de la secuencia imagen-ojo-objeto, verdadero salto cualitativo hacia la pluridimensionalidad de la imagen. La creación con infogramas de realidades imaginarias y la revitalización del cine de género (Ciencia Ficción y Fantasy Films tiene un momento clave en el año 1999 con dos productos emblemáticos: Matrix y La amenaza fantasma. La definitiva conquista de la emoción “teatral” del espectador “envuelto” por seres inexistentes(monstruos, robots o animales mitológicos, que habitan en lugares alejados en el tiempo o en el espacio es una realidad con Peter Jackson y la primera película de su trilogía tolkeniana: La Comunidad del Anillo.

  10. The reservoir properties of the upper Cretaceous productive deposits at the Pravoberezhnoe field. Kollektornyye svoystva verkhnemelovykh produktivnykh otlozheniy mestorozhdeniya Pravobeiezhnoye

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Merkulov, A.V.; Yengibarov, V.N.


    Based on a set of various studies, an evaluation of the type of upper Cretaceous reservoir in the Pravoberezhnoe field is given. Compared to other fields in the Chechen Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the upper Cretaceous productive deposits at this field are characterized by poorer reservoir properties. The set of all data indicates that the upper Cretaceous reservoir is analogous to reservoirs of equal age in existing fields in this republic and are cavernous fissured type.

  11. Estudio del valor artístico de los ejercicios de conjunto de Gimnasia Rítmica de la Copa del Mundo de Portimão 2007 y 2008

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    Lurdes Ávila-Carvalho


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de analizar la composición Artística de los ejercicios de competición de los conjuntos participantes en la Copa del Mundo 2007 y 2008 de Gimnasia Rítmica (GR en Portimão. La muestra fue constituida por Conjuntos Seniors de GR, 19 en 2007 y 16 en 2008. Cada conjunto realizó 2 ejercicios, uno con 5 cuerdas y otro con 3 aros/4 mazas. A través de los resultados obtenidos pudimos verificar que: en Maestría existe un predominio en la utilización de los lanzamientos, en los dos tipos de ejercicios analizados; predominan la utilización de colaboraciones sin lanzamiento y las RR1 (con lanzamiento y riesgo, con pérdida visual con el aparato, con pasaje por dentro o sobre el aparato, en los ejercicios de cuerda y en los ejercicios de aro/mazas predominan las colaboraciones simples con lanzamiento; los Caps (Características artísticas particulares en cuerda, podemos observar que los saltos por dentro de la cuerda, las escapadas y los manejos fueron los elementos más utilizados en la composiciones de los ejercicios de cuerda tanto en 2007 como en 2008. En el caso de los Caps de aro, fueron los manejos los elementos más utilizados tanto en 2007 como en 2008. En relación a las Caps de mazas, fueron los molinos los elementos técnicos más utilizados en 2007 y en 2008.

  12. El Pacto Social ¿un concenso traslapante?

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    María Teresa Lopera


    Full Text Available A medida que avanzan las teorías liberales que buscan sustentar la legitimidad del Estado en el orden de lo político, surge inmediatamente el problema de sustentar la legitimidad del Estado en su tarea distributiva y en su accionar en el orden económico. Este artículo realiza un ejercicio reflexivo buscando analizar las propuestas del actual gobierno Samper, conocidas como el Salto y el Pacto social, a la luz del concepto “consenso traslapante” (solapante o sobrepuesto de John Rawls precisando las novedades de esta concepción de política económica y de sus instrumentos.

  13. Geologic models and evaluation of undiscovered conventional and continuous oil and gas resources: Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk (United States)

    Pearson, Krystal


    The Upper Cretaceous Austin Chalk forms a low-permeability, onshore Gulf of Mexico reservoir that produces oil and gas from major fractures oriented parallel to the underlying Lower Cretaceous shelf edge. Horizontal drilling links these fracture systems to create an interconnected network that drains the reservoir. Field and well locations along the production trend are controlled by fracture networks. Highly fractured chalk is present along both regional and local fault zones. Fractures are also genetically linked to movement of the underlying Jurassic Louann Salt with tensile fractures forming downdip of salt-related structures creating the most effective reservoirs. Undiscovered accumulations should also be associated with structure-controlled fracture systems because much of the Austin that overlies the Lower Cretaceous shelf edge remains unexplored. The Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale is the primary source rock for Austin Chalk hydrocarbons. This transgressive marine shale varies in thickness and lithology across the study area and contains both oil- and gas-prone kerogen. The Eagle Ford began generating oil and gas in the early Miocene, and vertical migration through fractures was sufficient to charge the Austin reservoirs.

  14. Terpenoid composition and botanical affinity of Cretaceous resins from India and Myanmar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dutta, Suryendu; Mallick, Monalisa [Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay (India); Kumar, Kishor [Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Uttarakhand (India); Mann, Ulrich [Forschungzentrum Juelich (Germany). Institut fuer Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphaere; Greenwood, Paul F. [John De Laeter Mass Spectrometry and WA Biogeochemistry Centres (M090), University of Western Australia, Crawley (Australia)


    Fossil resins from the Cretaceous sediments of Meghalaya, India and Kachin, Myanmar (Burma) were analysed using Curie point pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and thermochemolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to help elucidate their botanical source. The major pyrolysis products and methyl-esterified thermochemolysis products of both the resins were abietane and labdane type diterpenoids with minor amount of sesquiterpenoids. The thermochemolysis products also included methyl-16,17-dinor callitrisate, methyl-16,17-dinor dehydroabietate and methyl-8-pimaren-18-oate - the latter two from just the Myanmarese resin. The exclusive presence of both labdane and abietane diterpenoids and the lack of phenolic terpenoids may suggest that the studied Cretaceous resins were derived from Pinaceae (pine family) conifers. (author)

  15. Aplicación de los clorofluorocarbonos y el hexafluoruro de azufre como trazadores hidrogeológicos en los acuíferos carbonatados del Parque Natural del Barranco del Río Dulce (Guadalajara

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    Martín-Loeches Garrido, M.


    Full Text Available Based on information from boreholes and springs of the aquifers associated with the Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonate materials near the Natural Park of the Barranco del Río Dulce (PNBRD a conceptual groundwater flow model has been established whose dynamics was validated with the interpretation of the contents of CFC and SF6, never before used in Spain for these purposes. At all points there is a fraction of pre-1950 water that is greater in the recharge areas of the Jurassic units, where the interpretation of the data via the exponential model reflects ages up to 100 years. The interpretation of the contents of CFCs from binary mixture model reflects ages greater than 17 years for the young fraction that may correspond with water that flow through the spaces of intermediate size between the rock matrix and karst conduits. Although not belonging to the same aquifer unit, the points with the highest proportion of water “post-1950” are located in the river valleys of the Cretaceous units. The results are consistent with the existence of generally poor hydraulic gradients, because of the high apparent ages obtained, the existence of multiple inlets and at least a double porosity. In the Cretaceous aquifers there are karst conduits that raise the flow of springs quickly after rainfall and whose influence is not reflected in the samples. CFCs can be useful to indicate the existence of phenomena of current urban pollution. Age values derived from SF6 concentrations are lower than those derived from CFCs, probable due to contribution of this gas from the rock invalidating its use as tracer. The future use of CFCs is compromised by the decreasing tendency of its concentration in the atmosphere, although the comparison of CFC-113 with SF6 of no geological origin, will maintain its utility.A partir de la información procedente de los puntos de agua de los acuíferos asociados a los materiales carbonatados jurásicos y cretácicos próximos al

  16. Calcium isotopes offer clues on resource partitioning among Cretaceous predatory dinosaurs. (United States)

    Hassler, A; Martin, J E; Amiot, R; Tacail, T; Godet, F Arnaud; Allain, R; Balter, V


    Large predators are overabundant in mid-Cretaceous continental dinosaur assemblages of North Africa. Such unbalanced ecosystem structure involves, among predatory dinosaurs, typical abelisaurid or carcharodontosaurid theropods co-occurring with long-snouted spinosaurids of debated ecology. Here, we report calcium (Ca) isotope values from tooth enamel (expressed as δ 44/42 Ca) to investigate resource partitioning in mid-Cretaceous assemblages from Niger (Gadoufaoua) and Morocco (Kem Kem Beds). In both assemblages, spinosaurids display a distinct isotopic signature, the most negative in our dataset. This distinct taxonomic clustering in Ca isotope values observed between spinosaurids and other predators provides unambiguous evidence for niche partitioning at the top of the trophic chains: spinosaurids foraged on aquatic environments while abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid theropods relied almost exclusively on terrestrial resources. © 2018 The Author(s).

  17. Mosquito-producing containers, spatial distribution, and relationship between Aedes aegypti population indices on the southern boundary of its distribution in South America (Salto, Uruguay). (United States)

    Basso, César; Caffera, Ruben M; García da Rosa, Elsa; Lairihoy, Rosario; González, Cristina; Norbis, Walter; Roche, Ingrid


    A study was conducted in the city of Salto, Uruguay, to identify mosquito-producing containers, the spatial distribution of mosquitoes and the relationship between the different population indices of Aedes aegypti. On each of 312 premises visited, water-filled containers and immature Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were identified. The containers were counted and classified into six categories. Pupae per person and Stegomyia indices were calculated. Pupae per person were represented spatially. The number of each type of container and number of mosquitoes in each were analyzed and compared, and their spatial distribution was analyzed. No significant differences in the number of the different types of containers with mosquitoes or in the number of mosquitoes in each were found. The distribution of the containers with mosquito was random and the distribution of mosquitoes by type of container was aggregated or highly aggregated.

  18. Mosquito-Producing Containers, Spatial Distribution, and Relationship between Aedes aegypti Population Indices on the Southern Boundary of its Distribution in South America (Salto, Uruguay) (United States)

    Basso, César; Caffera, Ruben M.; García da Rosa, Elsa; Lairihoy, Rosario; González, Cristina; Norbis, Walter; Roche, Ingrid


    A study was conducted in the city of Salto, Uruguay, to identify mosquito-producing containers, the spatial distribution of mosquitoes and the relationship between the different population indices of Aedes aegypti. On each of 312 premises visited, water-filled containers and immature Ae. aegypti mosquitoes were identified. The containers were counted and classified into six categories. Pupae per person and Stegomyia indices were calculated. Pupae per person were represented spatially. The number of each type of container and number of mosquitoes in each were analyzed and compared, and their spatial distribution was analyzed. No significant differences in the number of the different types of containers with mosquitoes or in the number of mosquitoes in each were found. The distribution of the containers with mosquito was random and the distribution of mosquitoes by type of container was aggregated or highly aggregated. PMID:23128295

  19. Biostratigraphy of the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Sirwan Valley (Sulaimani Region, Kurdistan, NE Iraq) (United States)

    Sharbazheri, Khalid Mahmood; Ghafor, Imad Mahmood; Muhammed, Qahtan Ahmad


    The Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary sequence, which crops out in the studied area is located within the High Folded Zone, in the Sirwan Valley, northeastern Iraq. These units mainly consist of flysch and flysch-type successions of thick clastic beds of Tanjero/Kolosh Formations. A detailed lithostratigraphic study is achieved on the outcropping uppermost part of the Upper Cretaceous successions (upper part of Tanjero Formation) and the lowermost part of the Kolosh Formation. On the basis of the identified planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, five biozones are recorded from the uppermost part of Tanjero Formation and four biozones from the lower part of the Kolosh Formation (Lower Paleocene) in the Sirwan section. The biostratigraphic correlations based on planktonic foraminiferal zonations showed a comparison between the biostratigraphic zones established in this study and other equivalents of the commonly used planktonic zonal scheme around the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in and outside Iraq.

  20. Hallazgo de un endocarpo del genero Acer en niveles del Cretácico superior del embalse de Pedrezuela (Guadalix de la Sierra

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lesiak, M. A.


    Full Text Available In this paper is described and discussed an endocarp of Acer genus that exhibits a morphology like the living species A. buergerianum Miquel. The fruit was met in the upper part of Cretaceous series from the Pedrezuela barrier of Madrid Community. We propose a new denomination for the plant that contains this endocarp: Acer palaeobuergerianum n. fsp. This name has only taxonomic value. The prefix is give in order to the age and -buergerianum by its similarity with the actual species.Se describe y discute un endocarpo fósil perteneciente al género Acer, encontrado en el Cretácico superior del embalse de Pedrezuela (Madrid. Este fruto muestra una marcada semejanza con los endocarpos de la especie actual Acer buergerianum Miquel. Se propone una nueva denominación, con valor taxonómico, para la planta: Acer palaeobuergerianum n. fsp. El prefijo palaeo sugiere su edad y la denominación - buergerianum su semejanza morfológica con la especie actual.

  1. Hallazgo de restos de la serpiente Dinilysia patagonica Smith-Woodward 1901 en una nueva localidad del Santoniano de Patagonia, Argentina

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    Triviño, L. N.


    Full Text Available In this study, we describe new remains of the cretaceous snake Dinilysia patagonica from beds of the locality Barreales Norte, Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Upper Santonian, Neuquén province, Argentina. The material comprises the back of a partially preserved skull, articulated with a fragment of the compound bone, atlas and axis. Additionally, six fragments of precloacal vertebrae have been preserved. The assignation to Dinilysia patagonica is based on: large skull, otooccipital with long paraoccipital process adjacent to an elongate supratemporal that extends farther the level of the occipital condyle; well developed sagital crest of parietal bone, continuously joined with the supraoccipital crest; italics I-like prootic; wide, short and robust vertebrae; prezygapophyses long and highly inclined above the horizontal; triangular section of vertebral centrum; reduced prezygapophyseal process; flattened neural arches with straight posterior edge. This material adds a new Upper Cretaceous location for the distribution of the species at the north of the Neuquén River.En este trabajo se describen nuevos restos de la serpiente cretácica Dinilysia patagonica recuperados en la localidad Barreales Norte, Formación Bajo de la Carpa (Santoniano superior, provincia del Neuquén, Argentina. El material comprende la parte posterior de un cráneo parcialmente conservado y articulado con un fragmento del hueso compuesto, atlas y axis. Además, se preservaron seis secciones de columna vertebral con vértebras precloacales. La asignación a Dinilysia patagonica se basa en: cráneo de tamaño grande, otooccipital con largo proceso paraoccipital adosado a un elongado supratemporal que se extiende más allá del nivel del cóndilo occipital; cresta sagital del parietal bien desarrollada y continua con la cresta del supraoccipital; proótico en forma de I cursiva; vértebras anchas, cortas y robustas; prezigapófisis largas y muy inclinadas sobre la horizontal

  2. Time scales of critical events around the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renne, P.R.; Deino, A.L.; Hilgen, F.J.; Kuiper, K.F.; Mark, D.F.; Mitchell III, W.S.; Morgan, L.; Mundil, R.; Smit, J.


    Mass extinctions manifest in Earth's geologic record were turning points in biotic evolution. We present 40Ar/39Ar data that establish synchrony between the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary and associated mass extinctions with the Chicxulub bolide impact to within 32,000 years. Perturbation of the

  3. Extraterrestrial cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarez, L.W.; Alvarez, W.; Asaro, F.; Michel, H.V.


    Platinum metals are depleted in the earth's crust relative to their cosmic abundance; concentrations of these elements in deep-sea sediments may thus indicate influxes of extraterrestrial material. Deep-sea limestones exposed in Italy, Denmark, and New Zealand show iridium increases of about 30, 160, and 20 times, respectively, above the background level at precisely the time of the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinctions, 65 million years ago. Reasons are given to indicate that this iridium is of extraterrestrial origin, but did not come from a nearby supernova. A hypothesis is suggested which accounts for the extinctions and the iridium observations. Impact of a large earth-crossing asteroid would inject about 60 times the object's mass into the atmosphere as pulverized rock; a fraction of this dust would stay in the stratosphere for several years and be distributed worldwide. The resulting darkness would suppress photosynthesis, and the expected biological consequences match quite closely the extinctions observed in the paleontological record. One prediction of this hypothesis has been verified: the chemical composition of the boundary clay, which is thought to come from the stratospheric dust, is markedly different from that of clay mixed with the Cretaceous and Tertiary limestones, which are chemically similar to each other. Four different independent estimates of the diameter of the asteroid give values that lie in the range 10 +- 4 kilometers

  4. Integrated stratigraphy of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences of the Kurovice Quarry, Outer Western Carpathians: correlations and tectonic implications

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pruner, Petr; Schnabl, Petr; Čížková, Kristýna; Elbra, Tiiu; Kdýr, Šimon; Svobodová, Andrea; Reháková, D.


    Roč. 120 (2017), s. 216-216 ISSN 1017-8880. [International Symposium on the Cretaceous /10./. 21.08.2017-26.08.2017, Vienna] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-09979S Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : stratigraphy * Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences * Western Carpathians Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy

  5. Algunos aspectos de la estructura de la Zona Subbética (Cordilleras Béticas. España meridional

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    Hermes, Jacobus J.


    Full Text Available Analysis of sedimentation and tectonics of the Subbetic zone of the Betic Cordilleras leads to the conclusion that sedimentation and subsequent deformation are largely governed by a Wilson cycle (Wilson, 1966, 1968 that began the opening of the Tethyan rift in the Pangaea continent during the Pliensbachian, 180 Ma ago. The resulting ocean began to close again in the Cretaceous, a process that led to a collision between Iberia and African elements in the Burdigalian, which was followed by strike-slip movement along a shear zone between the two plates which continues to this day. It is argued that the collision led to general uplift of the Subbetic zone as shown by the termination of deep water pelagic and hemipelagic sedimentation in the entire zone, and that the subsequent strike-slip movements along a system of anastomosing faults loo to very intense deformation localized along separate fault zones, and to the opening of pull-apart basins with characteristic sedimentation sequences.

    El análisis de la sedimentación y la tectónica de la Zona Subbética (Cordilleras Béticas conduce a la conclusión de que la sedimentación y la deformación posterior han sido ampliamente determinadas por un ciclo de Wilson (Wilson, 1966, 1968; Mitchell y Reading, 1978 que comenzó con la apertura del Tethys en el continente de Pangaea durante el Pliensbaquiense, hace 180 ID. a. El océano resultante empezó a cerrarse de nuevo en el Cretácico. Este proceso condujo a la colisión entre Iberia y elementos africanos en el Burdigaliense y fue seguido por un movimiento de salto en dirección a favor de una zona de cizalla que aún continúa en la actualidad. La colisión provocó el levantamiento general del la Zona Subbética, como lo demuestra el cese de la sedimentación pelágica y hemipelágica profundas por toda ella. Los movimientos subsiguientes de salto en 'dirección a favor de un sistema de fallas anastomosadas produjeron una deformación muy

  6. El núcleo de la lectura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ciriaco Morón Arroyo


    Full Text Available Se define la lectura como esfuerzo por entender un texto y se trata de describir el momento en que se produce el estallido del significado, o sea, el salto del paso opaco por el texto a la transparencia de la exposición. La conciencia refleja del contenido y valor estético del texto -o la clara conciencia de que no lo entendemos- constituye la recepción por parte del lector. Se procura explicar los diferentes sentidos del término recepción. El estudio aquí intentado, si en alguna medida logra su objetivo, podría servir de base para entender mejor estudios de historia, sociología, psicología y política de la lectura.

  7. Causes and consequences of short-term sea-level changes in the Cretaceous green- and "hothouse": Topics and context of IGCP Project 609 (United States)

    Sames, Benjamin; Wagreich, Michael


    In contrast to the well-understood process of glacial eustasy, controlled mainly by waxing and waning of continental ice sheets, significant short-term, i.e. 10s kyr to a few myr (3rd to 4th order cycles) sea-level changes during the Cretaceous major greenhouse episode remain enigmatic. Such cyclic changes are often explained by the presence of ephemeral ice sheets even during the hottest greenhouse phases ("hothouse periods"), such as the mid-Cretaceous. Though Cretaceous global eustasy involves processes like brief glacial episodes (glacio-eustasy) for which evidence was given - at least for the Early Cretaceous and the late Late Cretaceous - other mechanisms have to be taken into consideration for the "hothouse periods" during which continental ice shields are highly improbable, like the storage and release of groundwater (termed "limno-eustasy" or "aquifer-eustasy"), the possible effect and magnitude of which might have been highly underestimated. Investigation of the timing, the causes, and the consequences of significant short-term (i.e. mainly kyr to 100s of kyr) sea-level changes during the last major greenhouse episode of Earth history, the Cretaceous, is the ultimate goal of the UNESCO IGCP (International Geoscience Programme) project number 609 "Climate-environmental deteriorations during greenhouse phases: Causes and consequences of short-term Cretaceous sea-level changes" (2013-2017; This also comprises the global versus regional correlation and extent of the sequences, their cyclicities, as well as the processes and triggering mechanisms for these, and marine to non-marine correlations. Recent refinements of the geological time scale have made major advances for the Cretaceous to yield a resolution comparable to that of younger Earth history. It is now for the first time possible to correlate and date short-term Cretaceous sea-level records with a resolution appropriate for their detailed analysis. Recognized


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    Jessenia Hernández Elizondo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal el encontrar por medio de pruebas en las variables de fuerza, potencia y velocidad, la relación matemática existente entre estos tres constructos. Participaron 56 sujetos varones con edades entre 18 y 25 años. Con el fin de responder al objetivo del estudio, se les aplicaron pruebas de campo de fuerza (1RM de sentadilla completa y repeticiones máximas al 80% 60% 40% y 20%, de velocidad (30 metros lanzados y 30 metros sin impulso, y de potencia (salto vertical con contra-movimiento SVCM, salto vertical sin impulso SVSI y salto vertical con caída SVCC, para correlacionar las diferentes pruebas entre sí. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de la correlación de Pearson (r, para correlacionar parejas de pruebas y correlación canónica (Rc para correlacionar grupos de variables. A partir de cada correlación se obtuvo la varianza explicada (r2 la cual indica el porcentaje de relación compartida en escala de 0-100 que existe entre las pruebas. Según los datos obtenidos, no existe relación significativa (2.1% entre las pruebas de salto-sentadilla, ni relación significativa (5.1% entre las pruebas de velocidad- sentadilla, mientras que la relación salto- velocidad (62%, fue estadísticamente significativa (p < 0.05. La implicación de estos resultados podrían respaldar la idea de que la relación teórica que existe entre estos constructos, no es completamente cierta cuando éstos son medidos por medio de pruebas de campo.

  9. Dental Disparity and Ecological Stability in Bird-like Dinosaurs prior to the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction. (United States)

    Larson, Derek W; Brown, Caleb M; Evans, David C


    The causes, rate, and selectivity of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction continue to be highly debated [1-5]. Extinction patterns in small, feathered maniraptoran dinosaurs (including birds) are important for understanding extant biodiversity and present an enigma considering the survival of crown group birds (Neornithes) and the extinction of their close kin across the end-Cretaceous boundary [6]. Because of the patchy Cretaceous fossil record of small maniraptorans [7-12], this important transition has not been closely examined in this group. Here, we test the hypothesis that morphological disparity in bird-like dinosaurs was decreasing leading up to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, as has been hypothesized in some dinosaurs [13, 14]. To test this, we examined tooth morphology, an ecological indicator in fossil reptiles [15-19], from over 3,100 maniraptoran teeth from four groups (Troodontidae, Dromaeosauridae, Richardoestesia, and cf. Aves) across the last 18 million years of the Cretaceous. We demonstrate that tooth disparity, a proxy for variation in feeding ecology, shows no significant decline leading up to the extinction event within any of the groups. Tooth morphospace occupation also remains static over this time interval except for increased size during the early Maastrichtian. Our data provide strong support that extinction within this group occurred suddenly after a prolonged period of ecological stability. To explain this sudden extinction of toothed maniraptorans and the survival of Neornithes, we propose that diet may have been an extinction filter and suggest that granivory associated with an edentulous beak was a key ecological trait in the survival of some lineages. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Noble metals in cretaceous/tertiary sediments from El Kef

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuslys, M.; Kraehenbuehl, U.


    Sediments from El Kef, Tunisia, were analysed by RNAA for Au, Ir and Os. All three elements show a 10-20 fold enrichment at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. This enrichment must be the result of the addition of material with a high concentration of noble metals. It is plausible that this exotic material has an extra-terrestrial origin. (orig.)

  11. Noble metals in Cretaceous/Tertiary sediments from El Kef

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuslys, M.; Kraehenbuehl, U.


    Sediments from El Kef, Tunisia, were analysed by RNAA for Au, Ir and Os. All three elements show a 10-20 fold enrichment at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. This enrichment must be the result of the addition of material with a high concentration of noble metals. It is plausible that this exotic material has an extraterrestrial origin. (orig.)

  12. Calibrating Late Cretaceous Terrestrial Cyclostratigraphy with High-precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Qingshankou Formation of the Songliao Basin, China (United States)

    Wang, T.; Ramezani, J.; Wang, C.


    A continuous succession of Late Cretaceous lacustrine strata has been recovered from the SK-I south (SK-Is) and SKI north (SK-In) boreholes in the long-lived Cretaceous Songliao Basin in Northeast China. Establishing a high-resolution chronostratigraphic framework is a prerequisite for integrating the Songliao record with the global marine Cretaceous. We present high-precision U-Pb zircon geochronology by the chemical abrasion isotope dilution thermal-ionization mass spectrometry method from multiple bentonite core samples from the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation in order to assess the astrochronological model for the Songliao Basin cyclostratigraphy. Our results from the SK-Is core present major improvements in precision and accuracy over the previously published geochronology and allow a cycle-level calibration of the cyclostratigraphy. The resulting choronostratigraphy suggest a good first-order agreement between the radioisotope geochronology and the established astrochronological time scale over the corresponding interval. The dated bentonite beds near the 1780 m depth straddle a prominent oil shale layer of the Qingshankou Formation, which records a basin-wide lake anoxic event (LAE1), providing a direct age constraint for the LAE1. The latter appears to coincide in time with the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) global sea level change event Tu4 presently constrained at 91.8 Ma.

  13. Sedimentary Provenance Constraints on the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous Paleogeography of the Sichuan Basin, SW China (United States)

    Li, Y.; He, D.; Li, D.; Lu, R.


    Sedimentary provenance of the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous sediments in the Sichuan Basin is constrained by sandstone petrology and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, which provides critical insights into mid-late Mesozoic paleogeographic evolution of the Sichuan Basin. Petrographic analyses of 22 sandstone samples indicate moderate to high mature sediments and are primarily derived from cratonic or recycled sources. U-Pb age data for the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous detrital zircons generally show populations at 130-200, 200-330, 400-490, 680-890, 1730-1960, and 2360-2600 Ma, with up-section variations. The Middle Jurassic sediments contain a relatively high density of 1.85 and 2.5 Ga zircons and a low density of the 800 Ma zircons, which are consistent with derivation mainly from the Songpan-Ganzi terrane and the South Qinling belt, and secondarily from the Western Jiangnan Orogen. The Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous sedimentation with a scattered age distribution shared common multiple-source to sink systems that were predominantly draining towards the south and southeast, but increasingly drained southward, and were later disrupted by a synchronous northeastward drainage capture. Late Cretaceous sediments have a distinct reduction in Block.

  14. Mid-Cretaceous aeolian desert systems in the Yunlong area of the Lanping Basin, China: Implications for palaeoatmosphere dynamics and paleoclimatic change in East Asia (United States)

    Li, Gaojie; Wu, Chihua; Rodríguez-López, Juan Pedro; Yi, Haisheng; Xia, Guoqing; Wagreich, Michael


    The mid-Cretaceous constitutes a period of worldwide atmospheric and oceanic change associated with slower thermohaline circulation and ocean anoxic events, possible polar glaciations and by a changing climate pattern becoming controlled by a zonal planetary wind system and an equatorial humid belt. During the mid-Cretaceous, the subtropical high-pressure arid climate belt of the planetary wind system controlled the palaeolatitude distribution of humid belts in Asia as well as the spatial distribution of rain belts over the massive continental blocks at mid-low latitudes in the southern and northern hemispheres. Additionally, the orographic effect of the Andean-type active continental margin in East Asia hindered the transportation of ocean moisture to inland regions. With rising temperatures and palaeoatmospheric conditions dominated by high pressure systems, desert climate environments expanded at the inland areas of East Asia including those accumulated in the mid-Cretaceous of the Simao Basin, the Sichuan Basin, and the Thailand's Khorat Basin, and leading the Late Cretaceous erg systems in the Xinjiang Basin and Jianghan Basin. This manuscript presents evidences that allow to reinterpret previously considered water-laid sediments to be accumulated as windblown deposits forming part of extensive erg (sandy desert) systems. Using a multidisciplinary approach including petrological, sedimentological and architectural observations, the mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Turonian) Nanxin Formation from the Yunlong region of Lanping Basin, formerly considered to aqueous deposits is here interpreted as representing aeolian deposits, showing local aeolian-fluvial interaction deposits. The palaeowind directions obtained from the analysis of aeolian dune cross-beddings indicates that inland deserts were compatible with a high-pressure cell (HPC) existing in the mid-low latitudes of East Asia during the mid-Cretaceous. Compared with the Early Cretaceous, the mid-Cretaceous had

  15. A critical transition in leaf evolution facilitated the Cretaceous angiosperm revolution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, H.J. de; Eppinga, M.B.; Wassen, M.J.; Dekker, S.C.


    The revolutionary rise of broad-leaved (flowering) angiosperm plant species during the Cretaceous initiated a global ecological transformation towards modern biodiversity. Still, the mechanisms involved in this angiosperm radiation remain enigmatic. Here we show that the period of rapid

  16. Late cretaceous aquatic plant world in Patagonia, Argentina.

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    N Rubén Cúneo

    Full Text Available In this contribution, we describe latest Cretaceous aquatic plant communities from the La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina, based on their taxonomic components and paleoecological attributes. The La Colonia Formation is a geological unit deposited during a Maastrichtian-Danian transgressive episode of the South Atlantic Ocean. This event resulted in the deposition of a series of fine-grained sediments associated with lagoon systems occurring along irregular coastal plains in northern Patagonia. These deposits preserved a diverse biota, including aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. The aquatic macrophytes can be broadly divided into two groups: free-floating and rooted, the latter with emergent or floating leaves. Free-floating macrophytes include ferns in Salviniaceae (Azolla and Paleoazolla and a monocot (Araceae. Floating microphytes include green algae (Botryoccocus, Pediastrum and Zygnemataceae. Among the rooted components, marsileaceous water ferns (including Regnellidium and an extinct form and the eudicot angiosperm Nelumbo (Nelumbonaceae are the dominant groups. Terrestrial plants occurring in the vegetation surrounding the lagoons include monocots (palms and Typhaceae, ferns with affinities to Dicksoniaceae, conifers, and dicots. A reconstruction of the aquatic plant paleocommuniy is provided based on the distribution of the fossils along a freshwater horizon within the La Colonia Formation. This contribution constitutes the first reconstruction of a Cretaceous aquatic habitat for southern South America.

  17. Late Cretaceous Aquatic Plant World in Patagonia, Argentina (United States)

    Cúneo, N. Rubén; Gandolfo, María A.; Zamaloa, María C.; Hermsen, Elizabeth


    In this contribution, we describe latest Cretaceous aquatic plant communities from the La Colonia Formation, Patagonia, Argentina, based on their taxonomic components and paleoecological attributes. The La Colonia Formation is a geological unit deposited during a Maastrichtian-Danian transgressive episode of the South Atlantic Ocean. This event resulted in the deposition of a series of fine-grained sediments associated with lagoon systems occurring along irregular coastal plains in northern Patagonia. These deposits preserved a diverse biota, including aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. The aquatic macrophytes can be broadly divided into two groups: free-floating and rooted, the latter with emergent or floating leaves. Free-floating macrophytes include ferns in Salviniaceae (Azolla and Paleoazolla) and a monocot (Araceae). Floating microphytes include green algae (Botryoccocus, Pediastrum and Zygnemataceae). Among the rooted components, marsileaceous water ferns (including Regnellidium and an extinct form) and the eudicot angiosperm Nelumbo (Nelumbonaceae) are the dominant groups. Terrestrial plants occurring in the vegetation surrounding the lagoons include monocots (palms and Typhaceae), ferns with affinities to Dicksoniaceae, conifers, and dicots. A reconstruction of the aquatic plant paleocommuniy is provided based on the distribution of the fossils along a freshwater horizon within the La Colonia Formation. This contribution constitutes the first reconstruction of a Cretaceous aquatic habitat for southern South America. PMID:25148081

  18. Thyasirid bivalves from Cretaceous and Paleogene cold seeps

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    Krzysztof Hryniewicz


    Full Text Available We present a systematic study of thyasirid bivalves from Cretaceous to Oligocene seep carbonates worldwide. Eleven species of thyasirid bivalves are identified belonging to three genera: Conchocele, Maorithyas, and Thyasira. Two species are new: Maorithyas humptulipsensis sp. nov. from middle Eocene seep carbonates in the Humptulips Formation, Washington State, USA, and Conchocele kiritachiensis sp. nov. from the late Eocene seep deposit at Kiritachi, Hokkaido, Japan. Two new combinations are provided: Conchocele townsendi (White, 1890 from Maastrichtian strata of the James Ross Basin, Antarctica, and Maorithyas folgeri (Wagner and Schilling, 1923 from Oligocene rocks from California, USA. Three species are left in open nomenclature. We show that thyasirids have Mesozoic origins and appear at seeps before appearing in “normal” marine environments. These data are interpreted as a record of seep origination of thyasirids, and their subsequent dispersal to non-seep environments. We discuss the age of origination of thyasirids in the context of the origin of the modern deep sea fauna and conclude that thyasirids could have deep sea origins. This hypothesis is supported by the observed lack of influence of the Cretaceous and Paleogene Oceanic Anoxic Events on the main evolutionary lineages of the thyasirids, as seen in several other members of the deep sea fauna.

  19. Lower Cretaceous Source Rock and its Implication for the Gulf of Guinea Petroleum System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frost, B.R.; Griffith, R.C.


    Current petroleum system models for the Gulf of Guinea propose Tertiary-age deltaic organic material as the principal source for the hydrocarbons found there. Although previous workers recognized numerous difficulties and inconsistencies, no alternative model has been resented to adequately explain the complete petroleum system. We propose that the principal source rock for the Gulf of Guinea system occurs in upper lower Cretaceous-age shales at the rift-drift transition. Tertiary loading and the consequent maturation of this lower Cretaceous source rock can explain the controls on tap formation, reservoir distribution and hydrocarbon types found in the Gulf of Guinea

  20. Evolution of anuran assemblages in the Late Cretaceous of Utah, USA

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Roček, Zbyněk; Eaton, J. G.; Gardner, J.; Přikryl, Tomáš


    Roč. 90, č. 4 (2010), s. 341-393 ISSN 1867-1594 R&D Projects: GA MŠk ME08066 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Anura * evolution * Late Cretaceous * fossil frogs * stratigraphy * Utah Subject RIV: EG - Zoology

  1. The Hunt for Pristine Cretaceous Astronomical Rhythms at Demerara Rise (Cenomanian-Coniacian) (United States)

    Ma, C.; Meyers, S. R.


    Rhythmic Upper Cretaceous strata from Demerara Rise (ODP leg 207) preserve a strong astronomical signature, and this attribute has facilitated the development of continuous astrochronologies to refine the geologic time scale and calibrate Late Cretaceous biogeochemical events. While the mere identification of astronomical rhythms is a crucial first step in many deep-time paleoceanographic investigations, accurate evaluation of often subtle amplitude and frequency modulations are required to: (1) robustly constrain the linkage between climate and sedimentation, and (2) evaluate the plausibility of different theoretical astrodynamical models. The availability of a wide range of geophysical, lithologic and geochemical data from multiple sites drilled at Demerara Rise - when coupled with recent innovations in the statistical analysis of cyclostratigraphic data - provides an opportunity to hunt for the most pristine record of Cretaceous astronomical rhythms at a tropical Atlantic location. To do so, a statistical metric is developed to evaluate the "internal" consistency of hypothesized astronomical rhythms observed in each data set, particularly with regard to the expected astronomical amplitude modulations. In this presentation, we focus on how the new analysis yields refinements to the existing astrochronologies, provides constraints on the linkages between climate and sedimentation (including the deposition of organic carbon-rich sediments at Demerara Rise), and allows a quantitative evaluation of the continuity of deposition across sites at multiple temporal scales.

  2. Early cretaceous zircon SHRIMP U-Pb age of the trachyte and its significances of the Gan-Hang belt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Feiyu; Wu Jianhua; Liu Shuai


    The Shixi basin was located at Gan-Hang tectonic volcanic uranium deposit of rock-magma belt which belong to a part of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the northeastern of China. The appearance of the trachyte in Shixi basin have the majoy elements characteristic of the shoshonite series volcanic rocks. To determine the geological age of trachyte have very important significance on the geodynamics research and the study on the cause of uranium mineralization. The zircons of the trachyte have clear ring and high Th/U ratio which belong to the typical magmatic zircons. The zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating resules show that 14points' age range is very smaller is 132-144 Ma and the weighted average age is (137.00±0.94)Ma which represents the diagenetic age of volcanic rocks. Accronding to the latest International Stratigraphic Chart the boundary of Jurassic and Cretaceous is (145.4±4.0)Ma. So the trachyte of Shixi Group belong to early Cretaceous. The large-scale acidic volcanic activity occurred in the Early Cretaceous in Southeastern China, and the Volcanic uranium deposit of Gan-Hang tectonic belt relate to Alkali metasomatism Uranium mineralization also occurred in the Early Cretaceous (120-130 Ma). The determined of trachyte in Shixi Group in the Early Cretaceous show that the acidic volcanic activity have connection with magma activity and the early Uranium mineralization consistent with the Alkali magma activity. (authors)

  3. Late Cretaceous extension and exhumation of the Stong Complex and Taku Schist, NE Peninsular Malaysia (United States)

    François, Thomas; Afiq Md, Muhammad; Matenco, Liviu; Willingshofer, Ernst; Fatt Ng, Tham; Iskandar Taib, N.; Kamal Shuib, Mustaffa


    Dismembering large continental areas by post-orogenic extension requires favourable geodynamic conditions and frequently occurs along pre-existing suture zones or nappe contacts as exemplified by the Stong Complex and Taku Schist of northern Peninsular Malaysia. For this particular case we have employed a field and microstructural kinematic study combined with low temperature thermo-chronology to analyse the tectonic and exhumation history. The results show that the late Palaeozoic - Triassic Indosinian orogeny created successive phases of burial related metamorphism, shearing and contractional deformation. This orogenic structure was then dismembered during a Cretaceous thermal event that culminated in the formation of a large scale late Santonian - early Maastrichtian extensional detachment, genetically associated with crustal melting, the emplacement of syn-kinematic plutons and widespread migmatisation. The emplacement of these magmatic rocks led to an array of simultaneously formed structures that document deformation conditions over a wide temperature range, represented by amphibolite-facies mylonites and more brittle structures, such as cataclastic zones and normal faults that formed during exhumation in the footwall of the detachment. The formation of this detachment and a first phase of Late Cretaceous cooling was followed by renewed Eocene - Oligocene exhumation evidenced from our apatite fission track ages. We infer that an initial Cretaceous thermal anomaly was responsible for the formation of an extensional gneiss dome associated with simple shear and normal fault rotation. These Cretaceous processes played a critical role in the establishment of the presently observed crustal structure of Peninsular Malaysia.

  4. Trace element patterns at a non-marine cretaceous-tertiary boundary (United States)

    Gilmore, J.S.; Knight, J.D.; Orth, C.J.; Pillmore, C.L.; Tschudy, R.H.


    At the fossil-pollen-defined Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin of New Mexico and Colorado, an iridium abundance anomaly and excess scandium, titanium, and chromium are associated with a thin ash or dust fallout bed (now kaolinitic clay) that was preserved in freshwater coal swamps. ?? 1984 Nature Publishing Group.

  5. Origin of Cretaceous phosphorites from the onshore of Tamil Nadu ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Cretaceous phosphorites occur as light brown to yellow- ish brown or white nodules in Karai Shale of the Uttatur Group in the onshore Cauvery basin. Nodules exhibit phosphatic nucleus encrusted by a chalky shell of carbonate. The nucleus of the nodules consists of light and dark coloured laminae, phosphate ...

  6. Evidence of Egg Diversity in Squamate Evolution from Cretaceous Anguimorph Embryos

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fernandez, V.; Buffetaut, E.; Suteethorn, V.; Rage, J. C.; Tafforeau, P.; Kundrát, Martin


    Roč. 10, č. 7 (2015), e0128610 E-ISSN 1932-6203 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP302/12/1207 Institutional support: RVO:67985823 Keywords : squamates * egg * fossils * cretaceous Subject RIV: EA - Cell Biology Impact factor: 3.057, year: 2015

  7. Stratigraphy of Guichon Formation (lower cretaceous) in litoral basin, Uruguay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goso, C.; Perea, D.; Perinotto, J.


    This report is about the stratigraphic al analysis of the Guichon Formation (lower cretaceous, litoral basin in Uruguay). The facies association is represented by conglomerates mainly fine sandstones and mud stones wi ch is interpreted as an alluvial system. A regional palaeogeography and a new geochronological alternative are established for this formation. (author).

  8. New fossil ants in French Cretaceous amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) (United States)

    Perrichot, Vincent; Nel, André; Néraudeau, Didier; Lacau, Sébastien; Guyot, Thierry


    Recent studies on the ant phylogeny are mainly based on the molecular analyses of extant subfamilies and do not include the extinct, only Cretaceous subfamily Sphecomyrminae. However, the latter is of major importance for ant relationships, as it is considered the most basal subfamily. Therefore, each new discovery of a Mesozoic ant is of high interest for improving our understanding of their early history and basal relationships. In this paper, a new sphecomyrmine ant, allied to the Burmese amber genus Haidomyrmex, is described from mid-Cretaceous amber of France as Haidomyrmodes mammuthus gen. and sp. n. The diagnosis of the tribe Haidomyrmecini is emended based on the new type material, which includes a gyne (alate female) and two incomplete workers. The genus Sphecomyrmodes, hitherto known by a single species from Burmese amber, is also reported and a new species described as S. occidentalis sp. n. after two workers remarkably preserved in a single piece of Early Cenomanian French amber. The new fossils provide additional information on early ant diversity and relationships and demonstrate that the monophyly of the Sphecomyrminae, as currently defined, is still weakly supported.

  9. Evolución y perspectivas del registro de medicamentos en Cuba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celeste A Sánchez González


    Full Text Available Se realizó una evaluación de las autoridades sanitarias a cargo de la autorización para la comercialización de medicamentos en Cuba desde 1959 hasta el 2001 y de su nivel de subordinación. Se describió la evolución de los documentos normativos y legales que dan la base al Registro de Medicamentos en Cuba y a su evaluación, con lo que se caracterizó el enfoque nacional de los requerimientos y procedimientos exigidos para registrar un medicamento. Se identificaron etapas en la evolución de las autoridades y se enumeraron los aspectos que han marcado saltos de calidad en la espiral de desarrollo de la actividad. Se identificó la situación actual y perspectivas para garantizar la elevación del nivel normativo y legal del Sistema Regulador de Medicamentos.The health authorities in charge of authorizing the commercialization of drugs in Cuba from 1959 to 2001, as well as their subordination level were evaluated. The evolution of the normative and legal documents, which are the basis of the Drug Registry in Cuba and of its evaluation, was described in order to characterize the national approach of the requirements and procedures demanded to register a drug. Some stages in the evolution of the authorities were identified and those aspects considered as quality leaps in the development spiral of this activity were approached. Emphasis was made on the present situation and on the outlooks to guarantee the improvement of the normative and legal level of the Drug Control System.

  10. Preliminary magnetostratigraphy and environmental magnetism of the Lower Cretaceous from the Italian Dolomites (United States)

    Savian, J. F.; Jovane, L.; Florindo, F.; Lukeneder, A.


    The Lower Cretaceous (~146 to 100 Ma) represents an enigmatic time interval for paleoclimatic, paleogeography and paleomagnetic evolution of the Earth's history. The climatic changes include global oceanic anoxic events (OAEs), biotic changes, global excursions of carbon and strontium isotopes, rises in eustatic sea level and paleotemperature. Paleoceanography was marked by a rapid rate of ocean spreading in the Atlantic. The opening of the Atlantic Ocean was wide enough to allow significant circulation of masses of waters across the equator. This period is furthermore important for the oceanographic events occurring at the base of the Aptian (Selli Level). This period also present one of the most intriguing geomagnetic events: the long normal Cretaceous superchron, lasted for almost 40 million years. We study here the lower Cretaceous deposits of the Puez section in the Dolomites (northern Italy) which represents a continuous section during this period. The samples collected represent marine sedimentary materials of the Biancone and Puez formations. The Puez section consists essentially of green-grey to red limestones and calcareous marls. We present preliminary results of integrated magnetostratigraphic analysis, including a detailed lithostratigraphy and environmental magnetism. We recognize magnetic behavior that are relative to normal polarity (the normal Cretaceous superchron), with a short reverse interval that might represent the M-1r event. We also recognize a series of normal and reverse polarities (below the normal Cretaceous superchron) which can be referred to the magnetozones M1/M5. The environmental magnetic data consists of magnetic susceptibility (χ), natural remanent magnetization (NRM), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) at 900 mT and backfield isothermal remanent magnetization (BIRM) at 100 mT and 300 mT. Derived parameters, such as S-ratio (S300=BIRM300/IRM900) and hard isothermal remanent

  11. The last dinosaurs of Brazil: The Bauru Group and its implications for the end-Cretaceous mass extinction

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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The non-avian dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous, ~66 million years ago, after an asteroid impact. The prevailing hypothesis is that the effects of the impact suddenly killed the dinosaurs, but the poor fossil record of latest Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian dinosaurs from outside Laurasia (and even more particularly, North America makes it difficult to test specific extinction scenarios. Over the past few decades, a wealth of new discoveries from the Bauru Group of Brazil has revealed a unique window into the evolution of terminal Cretaceous dinosaurs from the southern continents. We review this record and demonstrate that there was a diversity of dinosaurs, of varying body sizes, diets, and ecological roles, that survived to the very end of the Cretaceous (Maastrichtian: 72-66 million years ago in Brazil, including a core fauna of titanosaurian sauropods and abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid theropods, along with a variety of small-to-mid-sized theropods. We argue that this pattern best fits the hypothesis that southern dinosaurs, like their northern counterparts, were still diversifying and occupying prominent roles in their ecosystems before the asteroid suddenly caused their extinction. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested with more refined paleontological and geochronological data, and we give suggestions for future work.

  12. The last dinosaurs of Brazil: The Bauru Group and its implications for the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. (United States)

    Brusatte, Stephen L; Candeiro, Carlos R A; Simbras, Felipe M


    The non-avian dinosaurs died out at the end of the Cretaceous, ~66 million years ago, after an asteroid impact. The prevailing hypothesis is that the effects of the impact suddenly killed the dinosaurs, but the poor fossil record of latest Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) dinosaurs from outside Laurasia (and even more particularly, North America) makes it difficult to test specific extinction scenarios. Over the past few decades, a wealth of new discoveries from the Bauru Group of Brazil has revealed a unique window into the evolution of terminal Cretaceous dinosaurs from the southern continents. We review this record and demonstrate that there was a diversity of dinosaurs, of varying body sizes, diets, and ecological roles, that survived to the very end of the Cretaceous (Maastrichtian: 72-66 million years ago) in Brazil, including a core fauna of titanosaurian sauropods and abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid theropods, along with a variety of small-to-mid-sized theropods. We argue that this pattern best fits the hypothesis that southern dinosaurs, like their northern counterparts, were still diversifying and occupying prominent roles in their ecosystems before the asteroid suddenly caused their extinction. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested with more refined paleontological and geochronological data, and we give suggestions for future work.

  13. A New Sail-Backed Styracosternan (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Early Cretaceous of Morella, Spain. (United States)

    Gasulla, José Miguel; Escaso, Fernando; Narváez, Iván; Ortega, Francisco; Sanz, José Luis


    A new styracosternan ornithopod genus and species is here described based on a partial postcranial skeleton and an associated dentary tooth of a single specimen from the Arcillas de Morella Formation (Early Cretaceous, late Barremian) at the Morella locality, (Castellón, Spain). Morelladon beltrani gen. et sp. nov. is diagnosed by eight autapomorphic features. The set of autapomorphies includes: very elongated and vertical neural spines of the dorsal vertebrae, midline keel on ventral surface of the second to fourth sacral vertebrae restricted to the anterior half of the centrum, a posterodorsally inclined medial ridge on the postacetabular process of the ilium that meets its dorsal margin and distal end of the straight ischial shaft laterally expanded, among others. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the new Iberian form is more closely related to its synchronic and sympatric contemporary European taxa Iguanodon bernissartensis and Mantellisaurus atherfieldensis, known from Western Europe, than to other Early Cretaceous Iberian styracosternans (Delapparentia turolensis and Proa valdearinnoensis). The recognition of Morelladon beltrani gen. et sp. nov. indicates that the Iberian Peninsula was home to a highly diverse medium to large bodied styracosternan assemblage during the Early Cretaceous.

  14. Stratigraphy, provenance, and diagenesis of the Cretaceous Horse Range Formation, east Otago, New Zealand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitchell, M.; Craw, D.; Landis, C.A.; Frew, R.


    The Horse Range Formation is a structurally controlled late Early Cretaceous to early Late Cretaceous nonmarine unit in east Otago, South Island, New Zealand, containing immature lithic debris. Clasts are generally rounded, with only minor subangular material. The formation contains clasts derived from two principal basement sources: schist and greywacke. Schist debris is most abundant at the base of the described section, and this material is dominated (>60%) by quartz from the greenschist facies core of the Otago Schist belt. Conglomerates with >70% greywacke clasts constitute most of the upper part of the Horse Range Formation. These greywacke conglomerates have a matrix of sand derived mainly from schist. A 60 m thick wedge of quartz-rich, locally carbonaceous sand occurs interlayered with greywacke conglomerates. The Horse Range Formation rests on sub-greenschist facies semischist, which forms only a small proportion ( 18 O SMOW near +24 permil and δ 13 C PDB near -2 permil, and was partly dissolved and redeposited from the immature basement debris (metamorphic calcite) and partly introduced from overlying Late Cretaceous and Teriary marine sediments by groundwater. (author). 43 refs., 11 figs., 1 tab.

  15. Possible markers of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Mediterranean Tethys: A review and state of art

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    Jozef Michalík


    Full Text Available During the last decades, several integrated studies of Tethyan Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary sections from different countries were published with the objective to indicate problems for the selection of biological, chemical or physical markers suitable for identification of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary – the only system boundary within the Phanerozoic still not fixed by GSSP. Drawing the boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous systems is a matter of global scale discussions. The problem of proposing possible J/K boundary stratotypes results from lack of a global index fossils, global sea level drop, paleogeographic changes causing development of isolated facies areas, as well as from the effect of Late Cimmerian Orogeny. This contribution summarizes and comments data on J/K boundary interval obtained from several important Tethyan sections and shows still existing problems and discrepancies in its determination.

  16. Hadrosauroid dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of the Sultanate of Oman

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buffetaut, Eric; Hartman, Axel Frans; Al-Kindi, Mohammed; Schulp, Anne S.


    Fragmentary post-cranial remains (femora, tibia, vertebrae) of ornithischian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of the Sultanate of Oman are described and referred to hadrosauroids. The specimens come from the Al-Khod Conglomerate, of latest Campanian to Maastrichtian age, in the north-eastern part

  17. A Late Cretaceous theropod caudal vertebra from the Sultanate of Oman

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schulp, Anne S.; Hanna, Samir S.; Hartman, Axel Frans; Jagt, John W M


    A caudal vertebra collected from conglomerates of the Al-Khod Formation (Late Cretaceous) in the Al-Khod area, Sultanate of Oman, is assigned to a medium-sized theropod dinosaur. The Al-Khod discovery represents one of the very few dinosaur records from the Middle East.

  18. Cretaceous sedimentology of the Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India


    Beaumont, Hazel


    The Barmer Basin, western India, is a well-known and prospected petroleum system. However, the Lower Cretaceous Ghaggar-Hakra Formation has not been recognised as basin fill and not documented prior to this study. The formation outcrops in rotational fault blocks at the Sarnoo Hills and surrounding areas, on the eastern Barmer Basin margin. The thesis here describes and analyses the nature and evolution of the formation at both outcrop and within the subsurface, producing facies and depositio...

  19. The first reported ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Owl Creek Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Mississippi, USA). (United States)

    Farke, Andrew A; Phillips, George E


    Ceratopsids ("horned dinosaurs") are known from western North America and Asia, a distribution reflecting an inferred subaerial link between the two landmasses during the Late Cretaceous. However, this clade was previously unknown from eastern North America, presumably due to limited outcrop of the appropriate age and depositional environment as well as the separation of eastern and western North America by the Western Interior Seaway during much of the Late Cretaceous. A dentary tooth from the Owl Creek Formation (late Maastrichtian) of Union County, Mississippi, represents the first reported occurrence of Ceratopsidae from eastern North America. This tooth shows a combination of features typical of Ceratopsidae, including a double root and a prominent, blade-like carina. Based on the age of the fossil, we hypothesize that it is consistent with a dispersal of ceratopsids into eastern North America during the very latest Cretaceous, presumably after the two halves of North America were reunited following the retreat of the Western Interior Seaway.

  20. The first reported ceratopsid dinosaur from eastern North America (Owl Creek Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Mississippi, USA

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    Andrew A. Farke


    Full Text Available Ceratopsids (“horned dinosaurs” are known from western North America and Asia, a distribution reflecting an inferred subaerial link between the two landmasses during the Late Cretaceous. However, this clade was previously unknown from eastern North America, presumably due to limited outcrop of the appropriate age and depositional environment as well as the separation of eastern and western North America by the Western Interior Seaway during much of the Late Cretaceous. A dentary tooth from the Owl Creek Formation (late Maastrichtian of Union County, Mississippi, represents the first reported occurrence of Ceratopsidae from eastern North America. This tooth shows a combination of features typical of Ceratopsidae, including a double root and a prominent, blade-like carina. Based on the age of the fossil, we hypothesize that it is consistent with a dispersal of ceratopsids into eastern North America during the very latest Cretaceous, presumably after the two halves of North America were reunited following the retreat of the Western Interior Seaway.

  1. Fundamentos teóricos de la estrategia de internacionalización en plan de desarrollo 1994-1998

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    García Isaza José Guillermo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo examina los objetivos en el área de comercio exterior de El Salto Social y los elementos teóricos que fundamentan su selección de prioridades estratégicas. Identifica las fuentes directas e indirectas de la estrategia de internacionalización y revisa los desarrollos teóricos que, a juicio del autor, sustentan la concepción del Plan o tienen relevancia analítica para la formulación de esta estrategia y de algunos de sus elementos particulares.

  2. Métodos de entrenamiento de la fuerza para la mejora de las acciones en el fútbol [Strength Training Methods for Improving Actions in Football


    Raya González, Javier; Sánchez Sánchez, Javier


    Debido a las características específicas del fútbol, donde las acciones de alta intensidad como saltos y cambios de dirección pueden llegar a ser factores determinantes para conseguir el éxito deportivo, incluir el entrenamiento de fuerza en las planificaciones de entrenamiento en fútbol se hace imprescindible. En función de las variables sobre las que se quiera incidir y del momento de la temporada, se deberá elegir un método de entrenamiento de la fuerza concreto, por lo que el conocimiento...

  3. Ecological impact of the end-Cretaceous extinction on lamniform sharks.

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    Rachel A Belben

    Full Text Available Lamniform sharks are apex marine predators undergoing dramatic local and regional decline worldwide, with consequences for marine ecosystems that are difficult to predict. Through their long history, lamniform sharks have faced widespread extinction, and understanding those 'natural experiments' may help constrain predictions, placing the current crisis in evolutionary context. Here we show, using novel morphometric analyses of fossil shark teeth, that the end-Cretaceous extinction of many sharks had major ecological consequences. Post-extinction ecosystems supported lower diversity and disparity of lamniforms, and were dominated by significantly smaller sharks with slimmer, smoother and less robust teeth. Tooth shape is intimately associated with ecology, feeding and prey type, and by integrating data from extant sharks we show that latest Cretaceous sharks occupied similar niches to modern lamniforms, implying similar ecosystem structure and function. By comparison, species in the depauperate post-extinction community occupied niches most similar to those of juvenile sand tigers (Carcharias taurus. Our data show that quantitative tooth morphometrics can distinguish lamniform sharks due to dietary differences, providing critical insights into ecological consequences of past extinction episodes.

  4. Ecological impact of the end-Cretaceous extinction on lamniform sharks. (United States)

    Belben, Rachel A; Underwood, Charlie J; Johanson, Zerina; Twitchett, Richard J


    Lamniform sharks are apex marine predators undergoing dramatic local and regional decline worldwide, with consequences for marine ecosystems that are difficult to predict. Through their long history, lamniform sharks have faced widespread extinction, and understanding those 'natural experiments' may help constrain predictions, placing the current crisis in evolutionary context. Here we show, using novel morphometric analyses of fossil shark teeth, that the end-Cretaceous extinction of many sharks had major ecological consequences. Post-extinction ecosystems supported lower diversity and disparity of lamniforms, and were dominated by significantly smaller sharks with slimmer, smoother and less robust teeth. Tooth shape is intimately associated with ecology, feeding and prey type, and by integrating data from extant sharks we show that latest Cretaceous sharks occupied similar niches to modern lamniforms, implying similar ecosystem structure and function. By comparison, species in the depauperate post-extinction community occupied niches most similar to those of juvenile sand tigers (Carcharias taurus). Our data show that quantitative tooth morphometrics can distinguish lamniform sharks due to dietary differences, providing critical insights into ecological consequences of past extinction episodes.

  5. Mountain building triggered late cretaceous North American megaherbivore dinosaur radiation.

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    Terry A Gates

    Full Text Available Prior studies of Mesozoic biodiversity document a diversity peak for dinosaur species in the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous, yet have failed to provide explicit causal mechanisms. We provide evidence that a marked increase in North American dinosaur biodiversity can be attributed to dynamic orogenic episodes within the Western Interior Basin (WIB. Detailed fossil occurrences document an association between the shift from Sevier-style, latitudinally arrayed basins to smaller Laramide-style, longitudinally arrayed basins and a well substantiated decreased geographic range/increased taxonomic diversity of megaherbivorous dinosaur species. Dispersal-vicariance analysis demonstrates that the nearly identical biogeographic histories of the megaherbivorous dinosaur clades Ceratopsidae and Hadrosauridae are attributable to rapid diversification events within restricted basins and that isolation events are contemporaneous with known tectonic activity in the region. SymmeTREE analysis indicates that megaherbivorous dinosaur clades exhibited significant variation in diversification rates throughout the Late Cretaceous. Phylogenetic divergence estimates of fossil clades offer a new lower boundary on Laramide surficial deformation that precedes estimates based on sedimentological data alone.

  6. Mountain building triggered late cretaceous North American megaherbivore dinosaur radiation. (United States)

    Gates, Terry A; Prieto-Márquez, Albert; Zanno, Lindsay E


    Prior studies of Mesozoic biodiversity document a diversity peak for dinosaur species in the Campanian stage of the Late Cretaceous, yet have failed to provide explicit causal mechanisms. We provide evidence that a marked increase in North American dinosaur biodiversity can be attributed to dynamic orogenic episodes within the Western Interior Basin (WIB). Detailed fossil occurrences document an association between the shift from Sevier-style, latitudinally arrayed basins to smaller Laramide-style, longitudinally arrayed basins and a well substantiated decreased geographic range/increased taxonomic diversity of megaherbivorous dinosaur species. Dispersal-vicariance analysis demonstrates that the nearly identical biogeographic histories of the megaherbivorous dinosaur clades Ceratopsidae and Hadrosauridae are attributable to rapid diversification events within restricted basins and that isolation events are contemporaneous with known tectonic activity in the region. SymmeTREE analysis indicates that megaherbivorous dinosaur clades exhibited significant variation in diversification rates throughout the Late Cretaceous. Phylogenetic divergence estimates of fossil clades offer a new lower boundary on Laramide surficial deformation that precedes estimates based on sedimentological data alone.

  7. Inversion of the Erlian Basin (NE China) in the early Late Cretaceous: Implications for the collision of the Okhotomorsk Block with East Asia (United States)

    Guo, Zhi-Xin; Shi, Yuan-Peng; Yang, Yong-Tai; Jiang, Shuan-Qi; Li, Lin-Bo; Zhao, Zhi-Gang


    A significant transition in tectonic regime from extension to compression occurred throughout East Asia during the mid-Cretaceous and has stimulated much attention. However, the timing and driving mechanisms of the transition remain disputed. The Erlian Basin, a giant late Mesozoic intracontinental petroliferous basin located in the Inner Mongolia, Northeast China, contains important sedimentary and structural records related to the mid-Cretaceous compressional event. The stratigraphical, sedimentological and structural analyses reveal that a NW-SE compressional inversion occurred in the Erlian Basin between the depositions of the Lower Cretaceous Saihan and Upper Cretaceous Erlian formations, causing intense folding of the Saihan Formation and underlying strata, and the northwestward migration of the depocenters of the Erlian Formation. Based on the newly obtained detrital zircon U-Pb data and previously published paleomagnetism- and fossil-based ages, the Saihan and Erlian formations are suggested as latest Aptian-Albian and post-early Cenomanian in age, respectively, implying that the inversion in the Erlian Basin occurred in the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian time). Apatite fission-track thermochronological data record an early Late Cretaceous cooling/exhuming event in the basin, corresponding well with the aforementioned sedimentary, structural and chronological analyses. Combining with the tectono-sedimentary evolutions of the neighboring basins of the Erlian Basin, we suggest that the early Late Cretaceous inversional event in the Erlian Basin and the large scale tectonic transition in East Asia shared the common driving mechanism, probably resulting from the Okhotomorsk Block-East Asia collisional event at about 100-89 Ma.

  8. Latest Cretaceous climatic and environmental change in the South Atlantic region

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Woelders, L.; Vellekoop, J.; Kroon, D.; Smit, J.; Casadío, S.; Prámparo, M. B.; Dinarès-Turell, J.; Peterse, F.; Sluijs, A.; Lenaerts, J.T.M.; Speijer, R. P.

    Latest Maastrichtian climate change caused by Deccan volcanism has been invoked as a cause of mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (~66.0 Ma). Yet late Maastrichtian climate and ecological changes are poorly documented, in particular on the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present

  9. Latest Cretaceous climatic and environmental change in the South Atlantic region

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Woelders, L.; Vellekoop, J.; Kroon, D.; Smit, J.; Casadío, S.; Prámparo, M. B.; Dinarès-Turell, J.; Peterse, F.; Sluijs, A.; Lenaerts, J. T.M.; Speijer, R. P.


    Latest Maastrichtian climate change caused by Deccan volcanism has been invoked as a cause of mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (~66.0 Ma). Yet late Maastrichtian climate and ecological changes are poorly documented, in particular on the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present

  10. «Complejo náutico Jesús Revuelta», de la sociedad deportiva «Grupo de Cultura Covadonga» - Gijón (España

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    Miranda, Alfredo


    Full Text Available This article describes the swimming facilities which form part of the overall athletics complex of the Covadonga Cultural Group. These facilities include covered pool, olympic- sized pool, children's pool, diving pool with board, general dressing rooms, and artificial lighting of the complex. The heavy load zones are of pile foundations; the lesser zones are of reinforced flooring. The structure contains «preflex» beams, reinforced concrete, air conditioning, water purification equipment and various different installations.En este artículo se describen, dentro del plan general deportivo para el Grupo Cultural Covadonga, las instalaciones de piscinas. Estas comprenden: piscina cubierta; piscina olímpica; piscina infantil; foso de saltos; torre de saltos; vestuarios generales, e iluminación artificial del conjunto. En las zonas de cargas importantes la cimentación se ha realizado a base de pilotes, y en las de cargas menores, de zapatas armadas. La estructura es porticada, de hormigón armado y vigas «preflex» de acero preflectado, de 30 m de luz en la cubierta de la piscina; acondicionamiento de aire, equipos de depuración de aguas e instalaciones varias.


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    J. A. de Paz Fernández


    Full Text Available


    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue valorar las adaptaciones inducidas por un programa de entrenamiento pliométrico del tren inferior de 4 semanas de duración (12 sesiones, aplicado a 9 estudiantes de educación física (19.33±1.38 años, 74.89±6.89Kg, contando también con un grupo control (N=8. El grupo experimental mostró mejoras en la altura de salto vertical en diferentes test (SJ, CMJ y Abalakov, fuerza máxima isométrica de extensión de rodilla y potencia pico en cicloergómetro (test de Wingate, si bien ninguno de estos incrementos fue estadísticamente significativo. El grupo control no mostró mejoras en ningún test. El hecho de que los incrementos no alcanzasen significación estadística pudo deberse a la escasa duración del programa aplicado, en comparación con los programas citados en la literatura.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Pliometría, Drop Jump, capacidad de salto, test de Wingate.

  12. Valoración de la influencia de la práctica del fútbol en la evolución de la fuerza, la flexibilidad y la velocidad en población infantil

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    Silvia Sedano Campo*


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio es valorar la influencia que la práctica regular del fútbol tiene sobre algunos aspectos de la condición física (fuerza explosiva del tren inferior, flexibilidad y velocidad en niños de entre 7 y 14 años. Por otro lado también pretendemos determinar la correlación existente entre las tres capacidades evaluadas, comparar los resultados con población infantil general y analizar las posibles influencias que la práctica de este deporte puede tener en el desarrollo evolutivo. La muestra se compone de 106 niños que practican fútbol federado en clubes de la comunidad de Castilla y León. En primer lugar determinamos el peso y la talla de cada participante en el estudio y posteriormente pasamos tres pruebas de valoración de la condición física que forman parte de la batería EUROFIT: Flexión de tronco desde posición de sentados, salto horizontal y carrera de 10 X 5 m ida y vuelta. Se observa la importante influencia que la práctica del fútbol tiene en la flexibilidad y la velocidad cuando comparamos los datos con los obtenidos en escolares de la misma comunidad autónoma. Se observa también la correlación fuerte y positiva existente entre la fuerza y la velocidad

  13. Discovery of a new stonefly genus with three new species from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Plecoptera: Perlidae). (United States)

    Chen, Zhi-Teng; Wang, Bo; Du, Yu-Zhou


    A new fossil stonefly genus of the subfamily Acroneuriinae Klapálek, 1914 (Plecoptera: Perlidae), Largusoperla gen. nov. is reported based on three well-preserved specimens in mid-Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar. Three new species of this new genus, L. acus sp. nov, L. flata sp. nov and L. arcus sp. nov. are described and illustrated. This is the first report of stonefly specimens from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. The taxonomic placement of the new genus is discussed.

  14. La equidad como propósito del desarrollo

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    Corredor Consuelo


    Full Text Available Los nocivos efectos sociales de la política seguida en el cuatrenio anterior, la persistencia de diferentes formas de violencia y el potencial democrático de la Constitución Política, que otorga un lugar central a lo social, son factores objetivos que explican la propuesta formulada en el plan de desarrollo El Salto Social, así como las expectativas y el respaldo de la opinión pública a algunas de sus iniciativas.

  15. Earth history. U-Pb geochronology of the Deccan Traps and relation to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. (United States)

    Schoene, Blair; Samperton, Kyle M; Eddy, Michael P; Keller, Gerta; Adatte, Thierry; Bowring, Samuel A; Khadri, Syed F R; Gertsch, Brian


    The Chicxulub asteroid impact (Mexico) and the eruption of the massive Deccan volcanic province (India) are two proposed causes of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction, which includes the demise of nonavian dinosaurs. Despite widespread acceptance of the impact hypothesis, the lack of a high-resolution eruption timeline for the Deccan basalts has prevented full assessment of their relationship to the mass extinction. Here we apply uranium-lead (U-Pb) zircon geochronology to Deccan rocks and show that the main phase of eruptions initiated ~250,000 years before the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary and that >1.1 million cubic kilometers of basalt erupted in ~750,000 years. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the Deccan Traps contributed to the latest Cretaceous environmental change and biologic turnover that culminated in the marine and terrestrial mass extinctions. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  16. Construction of the seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve for the Cenozoic and Cretaceous: supporting data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koepnick, R.B.; Burke, W.H.; Denison, R.E.; Hetherington, E.A.; Nelson, H.F.; Otto, J.B.; Waite, L.E.


    We present the data used to construct the Cenozoic and Cretaceous portion of the Phanerozoic curve of seawater 87 Sr/ 86 Sr that had been given in summary form by W.H. Burke and coworkers. All Cenozoic samples (128) and 22 Cretaceous samples are foram-nannofossil oozes and limestones from DSDP cores distributed among 13 sites in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and the Caribbean Sea. Non-DSDP Cretaceous samples (126) include limestone, anhydrite and phosphate samples from North America, Europe and Asia. Determination of the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr value of seawater at particular times in the past is based on comparison of ratios derived from coeval marine samples from widely separated geographic areas. The general configuration of the Cenozoic and Cretaceous curve appears to be strongly influenced by the history of plate interactions and sea-floor spreading. Specific rises and falls in the 87 Sr/ 86 Sr of seawater, however, may be caused by a variety of factors such as variation in lithologic composition of the crust exposed to weathering, configuration and topographic relief of continents, volcanic activity, rate of sea-floor spreading, extent of continental inundation by epeiric seas, and variations in both climate and paleo-oceanographic conditions. Many or all of these factors are probably related to global tectonic processes, yet their combined effect on the temporal variation of seawater 87 Sr/ 86 Sr can complicate a direct plate-tectonic interpretation for portions of the seawater curve. (Auth.)


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    Ali SARI


    Full Text Available - Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Akkuyu formation was deposited in a marine carbonate platform in Central Tarurids. The organic material of the unit is composed of Type III kerogen which is woody material transported from the land. Late Jurassic- Early Cretaceous is an important period which great anoxic events in deep sea bottom occurred due to the primary organic productivity in global sea surface. Use of several trace elements values (Ni, V, U, Cr, Co, Th revealed that Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Akkuyu formation shows oxic, disoxic and anoxic paleoredox conditions. In this period the primary productivity was considerably high. Examination of specimen derived from Akkuyu formation revealed that there exists a very good positive relationship between the major oxides of Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, and K2O. These combinations of major oxides indicate a detrital origin of source rock. Chemical weathering evaluations of Central Taurids in the Jurassic-Cretaceous period indicated moderate and strong weathering of source rock. K2O/Na2O versus SiO2; SiO2/Al2O3 versus K2O/Na2O; Al2O3/ SiO2 versus Fe2O3 + MgO ve TiO2 versus Fe2O3 + MgO diagrams indicated that Akkuyu formation was deposited along active and/or passive continental margin and derived from basalt and basalt+granite mixed rocks.

  18. Análisis comparativo de la capacidad de salto en gimnastas de trampolín españoles. (Comparative analysis of the jumping capacity in Spanish trampoline gymnasts.

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    Mercedes Vernetta Santana


    Full Text Available ResumenSe realizó un estudio para analizar la capacidad de salto en gimnastas de trampolín españoles y comparar distintas categorías entre sí, mediante un diseño descriptivo y transversal.La muestra estuvo compuesta por 60 gimnastas de trampolín pertenecientes a la élite nacional, agrupados según su grupo de edad y categoría competitiva, diferenciando en total 4 grupos: grupo de edad Sub-15 masculino (GM1, n = 23; 11,95 ± 1,79 años y femenino (GF1, n = 9; 11,44 ± 1,23 años; grupo de edad Absoluto masculino (GM2, n = 18; 20,72 ± 4,66 años y femenino (GF2, n = 10; 16,1 ± 2,02 años. Para evaluar la capacidad de salto se midió la altura en el SJ y CMJ, mediante plataforma de contacto; además se estimó la potencia mecánica según la fórmula de Sayers et al. (1991.Las diferencias significativas (pAbstractA study was conducted to analyze the jump capacity jump in Spanish trampoline gymnasts and compare different categories with each other, through a descriptive cross-sectional design.The sample consisted of 60 trampoline gymnasts belonging to the national elite, grouped by age and sex in different competitive categories, differentiating finally 4 groups: age group male Under-15 (GM1 n = 23; 11,95 ± 1,79 years and female (GF1 n = 9; 11,44 ± 1,23 years; age group male Absolute (GM2 n = 18; 20,72 ± 4,66 years and female (GF2 n = 10; 16,1 ± 2,02 years.To assess the jump capacity was measured height in the SJ and CMJ, through contact platform; additionally mechanical power was estimated according to the formula of Sayers et al. (1991.Significant differences were found (p

  19. Palinology and stratigraphic sequences of the well ELS-1, Laguna Salada, B.C., Mexico; Palinologia y secuencias estratigraficas del pozo ELS-1, Laguna Salada, B.C., Mexico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Helenes Escamilla, Javier [CICESE, Ensenada, B.C. (Mexico)


    Palinological analysis of 16 samples from the well ELS-1 in Laguna Salada, allows recognition of environmental changes in the drilled section. No age assignments are made because of the low diversity of the palinological assemblages recovered. These assemblages include species with ages from Campanian to Pleistocene. The cretaceous forms indicate reworking from a cretaceous unit within the Colorado river drainage basin. Integration of the palinological, lithological and well log data permit the recognition of three main cycles. The lower one is regressive and contains mostly fluvial to deltaic shallow marine sediments. The intermediate cycle is transgressive-regressive, contains the maximum flooding surface of the section studied and represents an interval of strong tectonic movements with well developed marine transgressions. The upper cycle is also transgressive-regressive, with lagoon and distal alluvial fan deposits. [Spanish] El analisis palinologico de 16 muestras del pozo: ELS-1 del proyecto geotermico de Laguna Salada permite reconocer cambios ambientales en la seccion perforada. La baja diversidad de los conjuntos palinologicos recuperados impide determinar edades. Se observan especies indicadoras de edades desde Campaniese hasta Pleistoceno. Las formas cretacicas indican retrabajo de alguna unidad cretacica dentro de la cuenca del rio Colorado. La integracion de datos palinologicos, litologicos y de registros geofisicos, permite reconocer tres ciclos principales. El ciclo inferior es regresivo y contiene principalmente sedimentos fluviales a deltaicos de niveles bajos del mar. El ciclo intermedio, es transgresivo-regresivo, contiene la superficie de inundacion maxima de toda la seccion estudiada y representa una etapa de movimientos tectonicos fuertes con transgresiones marinas bien desarrolladas. El ciclo superior tambien es transgresivo-regresivo, con depositos lagunares y de abanicos aluviales distales.

  20. First record of Elasmosaurid Plesiosaurs (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria in upper levels of the Dorotea Formation, Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian, Puerto Natales, Chilean Patagonia Primer Registro de Plesiosaurios Elasmosáuridos (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria en estratos superiores de la Formación Dorotea, Cretácico Tardío (Maastrichtiano, Puerto Natales, Patagonia Chilena

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    Rodrigo A Otero


    Full Text Available New remains of plesiosaurs (Diapsida; Sauropterygia found in a transported block correlated with upper levels of the Dorotea Formation, Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian are describedherein. They were collected on the southern slopes of Sierra Dorotea located northeast of Puerto Natales (51 °41 '20,4"S, 72°26'07,4"W, Magallanes Región, Chile. This is the first disco very of the family Elasmosauridae in high latitudes of South America, complementing the previously known paleodistribution of this group in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Antarctic during the latest Cretaceous.Se describen nuevos restos de plesiosaurios (Diapsida; Sauropterygia incluidos en un bloque rodado correlacionado con estratos superiores de la Formación Dorotea (Cretácico Tardío, Maastrichtiano, recolectados en la parte sur de la sierra homómma, ubicada al noreste de Puerto Natales (51°41'20,4"S, 72°26'07,4"W, Región de Magallanes, Chile. Se reconoce por primera vez la presencia de la familia Elasmosauridae en altas latitudes de Sudamérica, complementando así la paleodistribution previamente conocida de este grupo en el margen oriental del Océano Pacífico y de la Antartica durante la última parte del Cretácico Tardío.

  1. Preliminary vitrinite and bitumen reflectance, total organic carbon, and pyrolysis data for samples from Upper and Lower Cretaceous strata, Maverick Basin, south Texas (United States)

    Hackley, Paul C.; Dennen, Kristin O.; Gesserman, Rachel M.; Ridgley, Jennie L.


    The Lower Cretaceous Pearsall Formation, a regionally occurring limestone and shale interval of 500-600-ft maximum thickness (Rose, 1986), is being evaluated as part of an ongoing U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessment of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources in onshore Lower Cretaceous strata of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of this report is to release preliminary vitrinite and bitumen reflectance, total organic carbon, and pyrolysis data for Pearsall Formation, Glen Rose Formation, Hosston Formation, Austin Group, and Eagle Ford Group samples from the Maverick Basin in south Texas in order to aid in the characterization of these strata in this area. The preliminary nature of this report and the data contained herein reflect that the assessment and characterization of these samples is a work currently in progress. Pearsall Formation subdivisions are, in ascending stratigraphic order, the Pine Island Shale, James Limestone, and Bexar Shale Members (Loucks, 2002). The Lower Cretaceous Glen Rose Formation is also part of the USGS Lower Cretaceous assessment and produces oil in the Maverick Basin (Loucks and Kerans, 2003). The Hosston Formation was assessed by the USGS for undiscovered oil and gas resources in 2006 (Dyman and Condon, 2006), but not in south Texas. The Upper Cretaceous Austin Group is being assessed as part of the USGS assessment of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources in the Upper Cretaceous strata of the northern Gulf of Mexico and, along with the Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group, is considered to be an important source rock in the Smackover-Austin-Eagleford Total Petroleum System (Condon and Dyman, 2006). Both the Austin Group and the Eagle Ford Group are present in the Maverick Basin in south Texas (Rose, 1986).

  2. Kinematics of Late Cretaceous subduction initiation in the Neo-Tethys Ocean reconstructed from ophiolites of Turkey, Cyprus, and Syria (United States)

    Maffione, Marco; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.; de Gelder, Giovanni I. N. O.; van der Goes, Freek C.; Morris, Antony


    Formation of new subduction zones represents one of the cornerstones of plate tectonics, yet both the kinematics and geodynamics governing this process remain enigmatic. A major subduction initiation event occurred in the Late Cretaceous, within the Neo-Tethys Ocean between Gondwana and Eurasia. Suprasubduction zone ophiolites (i.e., emerged fragments of ancient oceanic lithosphere formed at suprasubduction spreading centers) were generated during this subduction event and are today distributed in the eastern Mediterranean region along three E-W trending ophiolitic belts. Several models have been proposed to explain the formation of these ophiolites and the evolution of the associated intra-Neo-Tethyan subduction zone. Here we present new paleospreading directions from six Upper Cretaceous ophiolites of Turkey, Cyprus, and Syria, calculated by using new and published paleomagnetic data from sheeted dyke complexes. Our results show that NNE-SSW subduction zones were formed within the Neo-Tethys during the Late Cretaceous, which we propose were part of a major step-shaped subduction system composed of NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE segments. We infer that this subduction system developed within old (Triassic?) lithosphere, along fracture zones and perpendicular weakness zones, since the Neo-Tethyan spreading ridge formed during Gondwana fragmentation would have already been subducted at the Pontides subduction zone by the Late Cretaceous. Our new results provide an alternative kinematic model of Cretaceous Neo-Tethyan subduction initiation and call for future research on the mechanisms of subduction inception within old (and cold) lithosphere and the formation of metamorphic soles below suprasubduction zone ophiolites in the absence of nearby spreading ridges.

  3. Geologic assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources—Lower Cretaceous Albian to Upper Cretaceous Cenomanian carbonate rocks of the Fredericksburg and Washita Groups, United States Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain and State Waters (United States)

    Swanson, Sharon M.; Enomoto, Catherine B.; Dennen, Kristin O.; Valentine, Brett J.; Cahan, Steven M.


    In 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessed Lower Cretaceous Albian to Upper Cretaceous Cenomanian carbonate rocks of the Fredericksburg and Washita Groups and their equivalent units for technically recoverable, undiscovered hydrocarbon resources underlying onshore lands and State Waters of the Gulf Coast region of the United States. This assessment was based on a geologic model that incorporates the Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous-Tertiary Composite Total Petroleum System (TPS) of the Gulf of Mexico basin; the TPS was defined previously by the USGS assessment team in the assessment of undiscovered hydrocarbon resources in Tertiary strata of the Gulf Coast region in 2007. One conventional assessment unit (AU), which extends from south Texas to the Florida panhandle, was defined: the Fredericksburg-Buda Carbonate Platform-Reef Gas and Oil AU. The assessed stratigraphic interval includes the Edwards Limestone of the Fredericksburg Group and the Georgetown and Buda Limestones of the Washita Group. The following factors were evaluated to define the AU and estimate oil and gas resources: potential source rocks, hydrocarbon migration, reservoir porosity and permeability, traps and seals, structural features, paleoenvironments (back-reef lagoon, reef, and fore-reef environments), and the potential for water washing of hydrocarbons near outcrop areas.In Texas and Louisiana, the downdip boundary of the AU was defined as a line that extends 10 miles downdip of the Lower Cretaceous shelf margin to include potential reef-talus hydrocarbon reservoirs. In Mississippi, Alabama, and the panhandle area of Florida, where the Lower Cretaceous shelf margin extends offshore, the downdip boundary was defined by the offshore boundary of State Waters. Updip boundaries of the AU were drawn based on the updip extent of carbonate rocks within the assessed interval, the presence of basin-margin fault zones, and the presence of producing wells. Other factors evaluated were the middle

  4. New tyrannosaur from the mid-Cretaceous of Uzbekistan clarifies evolution of giant body sizes and advanced senses in tyrant dinosaurs. (United States)

    Brusatte, Stephen L; Averianov, Alexander; Sues, Hans-Dieter; Muir, Amy; Butler, Ian B


    Tyrannosaurids--the familiar group of carnivorous dinosaurs including Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus--were the apex predators in continental ecosystems in Asia and North America during the latest Cretaceous (ca. 80-66 million years ago). Their colossal sizes and keen senses are considered key to their evolutionary and ecological success, but little is known about how these features developed as tyrannosaurids evolved from smaller basal tyrannosauroids that first appeared in the fossil record in the Middle Jurassic (ca. 170 million years ago). This is largely because of a frustrating 20+ million-year gap in the mid-Cretaceous fossil record, when tyrannosauroids transitioned from small-bodied hunters to gigantic apex predators but from which no diagnostic specimens are known. We describe the first distinct tyrannosauroid species from this gap, based on a highly derived braincase and a variety of other skeletal elements from the Turonian (ca. 90-92 million years ago) of Uzbekistan. This taxon is phylogenetically intermediate between the oldest basal tyrannosauroids and the latest Cretaceous forms. It had yet to develop the giant size and extensive cranial pneumaticity of T. rex and kin but does possess the highly derived brain and inner ear characteristic of the latest Cretaceous species. Tyrannosauroids apparently developed huge size rapidly during the latest Cretaceous, and their success in the top predator role may have been enabled by their brain and keen senses that first evolved at smaller body size.

  5. New tyrannosaur from the mid-Cretaceous of Uzbekistan clarifies evolution of giant body sizes and advanced senses in tyrant dinosaurs (United States)

    Brusatte, Stephen L.; Averianov, Alexander; Sues, Hans-Dieter; Muir, Amy; Butler, Ian B.


    Tyrannosaurids-the familiar group of carnivorous dinosaurs including Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus-were the apex predators in continental ecosystems in Asia and North America during the latest Cretaceous (ca. 80-66 million years ago). Their colossal sizes and keen senses are considered key to their evolutionary and ecological success, but little is known about how these features developed as tyrannosaurids evolved from smaller basal tyrannosauroids that first appeared in the fossil record in the Middle Jurassic (ca. 170 million years ago). This is largely because of a frustrating 20+ million-year gap in the mid-Cretaceous fossil record, when tyrannosauroids transitioned from small-bodied hunters to gigantic apex predators but from which no diagnostic specimens are known. We describe the first distinct tyrannosauroid species from this gap, based on a highly derived braincase and a variety of other skeletal elements from the Turonian (ca. 90-92 million years ago) of Uzbekistan. This taxon is phylogenetically intermediate between the oldest basal tyrannosauroids and the latest Cretaceous forms. It had yet to develop the giant size and extensive cranial pneumaticity of T. rex and kin but does possess the highly derived brain and inner ear characteristic of the latest Cretaceous species. Tyrannosauroids apparently developed huge size rapidly during the latest Cretaceous, and their success in the top predator role may have been enabled by their brain and keen senses that first evolved at smaller body size.

  6. Palynology of uppermost Jurassic and lowermost Cretaceous strata in the Eastern Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burger, D.


    The present investigation is a systematical treatment of the sporomorphs from strata at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the eastern Netherlands Twente area, and an attempt to apply palynology to detailed stratigraphical study, by making use of quantitative pollen analyses. The rock samples used

  7. Traces of a large crocodylian from the Lower Cretaceous Sousa Formation, Brazil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Campos, Herbert B.N.; da Silva, Rafael C.; Milàn, Jesper


    Body imprints and tracks attributed to large crocodylians from the Lower Cretaceous Sousa Formation of Brazil are described and interpreted as having been produced in a subaqueous environment. In addition to the crocodylian tracks, the assemblage also comprises isolated tracks from medium-sized t...

  8. Similarities and differences in the ilia of Late Cretaceous anurans and urodeles

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Roček, Zbyněk; Gardner, J. D.; Eaton, J. G.; Přikryl, Tomáš


    Roč. 183, č. 6 (2012), s. 529-535 ISSN 0037-9409 R&D Projects: GA MŠk ME08066 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : Anura * Cretaceous * Ilium * North America * Postcranial skeleton * Urodela Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 1.182, year: 2012

  9. New and revised maimetshid wasps from Cretaceous ambers (Hymenoptera, Maimetshidae

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    Vincent Perrichot


    Full Text Available New material of the wasp family Maimetshidae (Apocrita is presented from four Cretaceous amber deposits – the Neocomian of Lebanon, the Early Albian of Spain, the latest Albian/earliest Cenomanian of France, and the Campanian of Canada. The new record from Canadian Cretaceous amber extends the temporal and paleogeographical range of the family. New material from France is assignable to Guyotemaimetsha enigmatica Perrichot et al. including the first females for the species, while a series of males and females from Spain are described and figured as Iberomaimetsha Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot, and Engel gen. n., with the two new species Iberomaimetsha rasnitsyni Ortega-Blanco, Perrichot, and Engel sp. n. and I. nihtmara Ortega-Blanco, Delclòs, and Engel sp. n.; a single female from Lebanon is described and figured as Ahiromaimetsha najlae Perrichot, Azar, Nel, and Engel gen. et sp. n., and a single male from Canada is described and figured as Ahstemiam cellula McKellar and Engel gen. et sp. n. The taxa are compared with other maimetshids, a key to genera and species is given, and brief comments made on the family.

  10. Cretaceous origin and repeated tertiary diversification of the redefined butterflies. (United States)

    Heikkilä, Maria; Kaila, Lauri; Mutanen, Marko; Peña, Carlos; Wahlberg, Niklas


    Although the taxonomy of the ca 18 000 species of butterflies and skippers is well known, the family-level relationships are still debated. Here, we present, to our knowledge, the most comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the superfamilies Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea and Hedyloidea to date based on morphological and molecular data. We reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships using parsimony and Bayesian approaches. We estimated times and rates of diversification along lineages in order to reconstruct their evolutionary history. Our results suggest that the butterflies, as traditionally understood, are paraphyletic, with Papilionidae being the sister-group to Hesperioidea, Hedyloidea and all other butterflies. Hence, the families in the current three superfamilies should be placed in a single superfamily Papilionoidea. In addition, we find that Hedylidae is sister to Hesperiidae, and this novel relationship is supported by two morphological characters. The families diverged in the Early Cretaceous but diversified after the Cretaceous-Palaeogene event. The diversification of butterflies is characterized by a slow speciation rate in the lineage leading to Baronia brevicornis, a period of stasis by the skippers after divergence and a burst of diversification in the lineages leading to Nymphalidae, Riodinidae and Lycaenidae.

  11. Adaptaciones cinemáticas, cinéticas y antropométricas tras un entrenamiento de corta duración con arrastres de trineo en atletas entrenados

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    Pedro E. Alcaraz Ramón


    Full Text Available Introducción El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar las adaptaciones cinemáticas, cinéticas y antropométricas tras un entrenamiento de 4 semanas con arrastres de trineo en la fase de aceleración y de máxima velocidad del sprint, en atletas entrenados. Método 8 mujeres y 14 hombres de nivel nacional divididos en 2 grupos realizaron una fase inicial de 3 semanas de familiarización, integradas por 2 sesiones de entrenamiento de musculación, combinado con otras 2 sesiones de entrenamiento de velocidad y saltos. Tras esta fase, y después de dividir aleatoriamente la muestra en 2 grupos denominados grupo experimental (GE y grupo control (GC, se realizó una segunda fase de 4 semanas de entrenamiento diferenciado formado por 2 sesiones semanales de velocidad y saltos, 1 sesión de regeneración y 2 sesiones de musculación. La única diferencia en el entrenamiento fue que el GE realizaba las series de velocidad arrastrando un trineo que producía el 7,5% de pérdida de la máxima velocidad. Al inicio y al final de las 4 semanas de entrenamiento específico, los atletas realizaron los siguientes test: sprints de 15 m, 30 m y 50 m; test de salto vertical: salto en sentadilla a 90º (SJ y 120º (SJM, salto con contramovimiento (CMJ y salto con caída de 50 cm (DJ; 1-RM y potencia (POW al 30%, 45%, 60%, 70% y 80% de 1-RM en media sentadilla; y fuerza isocinética concéntrica (FIC de los flexores y extensores de la cadera a velocidades de 60º· s-1, 180º· s-1, 270º· s-1 y 450º· s-1. Se realizó un estudio fotogramétrico de la técnica de carrera en la fase de aceleración (AC y de la fase de máxima velocidad (MAX. También se ealizó un estudio antropométrico. Para conocer las diferencias intra-grupos se realizó un T-test para muestras relacionadas. Para determinar las diferencias inter-grupos se realizó un T-test para muestras independientes (p 0,05. Resultados En el GE se observaron diferencias estad

  12. Post Cretaceous cooling trend documented in the gastropods (Turritella Sp.) from the Cenozoic startigraphic successions of India (United States)

    Banerjee, Y.; Ghosh, P.; Halder, K.; Malarkodi, N.; Pathak, P.


    The aftermath of the Himalyan orogeny and subsequent cooling is documented in the deep sea sedimentary record from the Oceanic realm (1). Here we attempt to reconstruct the temperature pattern based on marine gastropods i.e. Turritella sp. which became abundant during the post Cretaceous period and have successfully been used for the reconstruction of climate by measuring the stable isotopic composition (2,3,4). Well preserved specimens of Cretaceous Turritella from the Rajamundry Infratrappean beds and those from the Miocene, Holocene succession of Kutch, western India were analysed along with specimen from the modern time scale (also from Kutch). The Cretaceous, early to mid Miocene, early Holocene and modern shells recorded δ13C variability from 0.36 to 4.94‰, -1.83 to -4.83‰, -3.26 to 0.40‰, -1.47 to -4.70‰ respectively suggesting drop in the productivity during mid Miocene and subsequent period of rapid growth. The Variability in terms of δ18O ranges from -2.28 to -4.99‰, -2.66 to -7.06‰, -2.86 to 0.96‰, -1.05 to -3.23‰ for the Cretaceous, early to mid Miocene, early Holocene and modern shells respectively. Corbula sp. collected from the same strata with that of the early to mid Holocene Turritella showed a similar δ13C and δ18O values denoting similar environmental condition during deposition. Absence of any significant correlation between δ13C vs δ18O support equilibrium precipitation of shell growth bands. We used Epstein oxygen isotope thermometry to derive temperature from the oxygen isotope of carbonate and adopted water isotopic composition (1‰ for the Cretaceous and -0.7‰ for the Miocene) from the literature. Our observation captured an overall cooling trend from the Cretaceous to the Holocene time period (especially in between mid Miocene to Holocene) and a subsequent warming trend in modern time. Validation with other thermometry method will be displayed at the time of presentation. References: [1] Zachos et al., 2001

  13. High geomagnetic intensity during the mid-Cretaceous from Thellier analyses of single plagioclase crystals. (United States)

    Tarduno, J A; Cottrell, R D; Smirnov, A V


    Recent numerical simulations have yielded the most efficient geodynamo, having the largest dipole intensity when reversal frequency is low. Reliable paleointensity data are limited but heretofore have suggested that reversal frequency and paleointensity are decoupled. We report data from 56 Thellier-Thellier experiments on plagioclase crystals separated from basalts of the Rajmahal Traps (113 to 116 million years old) of India that formed during the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron. These data suggest a time-averaged paleomagnetic dipole moment of 12.5 +/- 1.4 x 10(22) amperes per square meter, three times greater than mean Cenozoic and Early Cretaceous-Late Jurassic dipole moments when geomagnetic reversals were frequent. This result supports a correlation between intervals of low reversal frequency and high geomagnetic field strength.

  14. High diversity in cretaceous ichthyosaurs from Europe prior to their extinction.

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    Valentin Fischer

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Ichthyosaurs are reptiles that inhabited the marine realm during most of the Mesozoic. Their Cretaceous representatives have traditionally been considered as the last survivors of a group declining since the Jurassic. Recently, however, an unexpected diversity has been described in Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits, but is widely spread across time and space, giving small clues on the adaptive potential and ecosystem control of the last ichthyosaurs. The famous but little studied English Gault Formation and 'greensands' deposits (the Upper Greensand Formation and the Cambridge Greensand Member of the Lower Chalk Formation offer an unprecedented opportunity to investigate this topic, containing thousands of ichthyosaur remains spanning the Early-Late Cretaceous boundary. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To assess the diversity of the ichthyosaur assemblage from these sedimentary bodies, we recognized morphotypes within each type of bones. We grouped these morphotypes together, when possible, by using articulated specimens from the same formations and from new localities in the Vocontian Basin (France; a revised taxonomic scheme is proposed. We recognize the following taxa in the 'greensands': the platypterygiines 'Platypterygius' sp. and Sisteronia seeleyi gen. et sp. nov., indeterminate ophthalmosaurines and the rare incertae sedis Cetarthrosaurus walkeri. The taxonomic diversity of late Albian ichthyosaurs now matches that of older, well-known intervals such as the Toarcian or the Tithonian. Contrasting tooth shapes and wear patterns suggest that these ichthyosaurs colonized three distinct feeding guilds, despite the presence of numerous plesiosaur taxa. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Western Europe was a diversity hot-spot for ichthyosaurs a few million years prior to their final extinction. By contrast, the low diversity in Australia and U.S.A. suggests strong geographical disparities in the diversity pattern of Albian

  15. Estado actual del registro de escamados extinguidos de América del Sur y sus implicancias paleoambientales

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    Albino, Adriana María


    Full Text Available The record of the South American fossil Squamata extends from the Late Cretaceous to the Holocene. The recorded families are Iguanidae s.l., Teiidae, Gekkonidae, ?Scincidae, Amphisbaenidae, Boidae, Aniliidae, Colubridae and Viperidae Dinilysiidae from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia and Palaeopheidae from the Late Eocene of Ecuador are the only known extinct recorded families. The families distribution during the Cretaceous and most of the Tertiary apparently was more extensive than at present, due to more generalized subtropical climatic conditions. The geological events during the Cenozoic would have caused climatic and environmental changes that would have favoured the appeareance of new adaptative types and the restriction in the distribution of many forms.

  16. Geochemical evolution of Cenozoic-Cretaceous magmatism and its relation to tectonic setting, southwestern Idaho, U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norman, M.D.; Leeman, W.P.


    Magmatism in the western United States spanned a change in tectonic setting from Mesozoic and early Tertiary plate convergence to middle and late Tertiary crustal extension. This paper presents new major element, trace element, and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) data on a diverse suite of Cretaceous to Neogene igneous rocks from the Owyhee area of southwestern Idaho to evaluate possible relationships between the evolving tectonic regime and temporal changes in igneous activity. The oldest studied rocks are Cretaceous granitic intrusives that probably formed by large-scale mixing of Precambrian crust with subduction-related magmas. Silicic Eocene tuffs are also rich in crustal components, but have isotopic compositions unlike the Cretaceous intrusives. These data require at least two crustal sources that may correspond to domains of significantly different age (Archean vs. Proterozoic). The oldest mafic lavas in the study area are Oligocene andesites and basalts compositionally similar to subduction-related magmas derived from asthenospheric mantle and erupted through thick continental crust. Direct crustal involvement during oligocene time was limited to minor interaction with the mafic magmas. Miocene activity produced bimodal basalt-rhyolite suites and minor volumes of hybrid lavas. Compositions of Miocene basalts demonstrate the decline of subduction-related processes, and increased involvement of subcontinental lithospheric mantle as a magma source. Crustally-derived Miocene rhyolites have isotopic compositions similar to those of the Cretaceous granitic rocks but trace element abundances more typical of within-plate magmas. (orig./WB)

  17. A large Cretaceous theropod from Patagonia, Argentina, and the evolution of carcharodontosaurids (United States)

    Novas, Fernando E.; Valais, Silvina; Vickers-Rich, Pat; Rich, Tom


    The Cretaceous Carcharodontosauridae is the latest clade of carnosaurs, including the largest predatory dinosaurs yet recorded. Albeit spectacular for their size, the skeletal anatomy of these theropods remains poorly-known, and their diversity was until recently restricted to two Cenomanian species: the highly derived Giganotosaurus carolinii, from southern South America, and the incompletely known Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, from northern Africa. Here we describe an older and basal member of the group, Tyrannotitan chubutensis gen. et sp. nov., from Aptian strata of Patagonia, Argentina. The new taxon gives new insights into the systematics and evolution of carcharodontosaurids and offers a better understanding of the evolution of Southern theropod faunas. We suggest that carcharodontosaurids radiated in Gondwana sharing with spinosaurids the role of top-predators until their extinction in Cenomanian Turonian times. During this interval, the diplodocoid sauropods and giant titanosaurians went extinct (probably as part of a global-scale crisis), and the smaller abelisaurid theropods took dominance, reigning until the end of the Cretaceous. Electronic Supplementary Material is available.

  18. Eocene and not Cretaceous origin of spider wasps: Fossil evidence from amber

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    Juanita Rodriguez


    Full Text Available Spider wasps had long been proposed to originate in the mid-Cretaceous based on the Burmese amber fossil Bryopompilus interfector Engel and Grimaldi, 2006. We performed a morphological examination of this fossil and determined it does not belong to Pompilidae or any other described hymenopteran family. Instead, we place it in the new family Bryopompilidae. The oldest verifiable member of the Pompilidae is from Baltic amber, which suggests the family probably originated in the Eocene, not in the mid-Cretaceous as previously proposed. The origin of spider wasps appears to be correlated with an increase in spider familial diversity in the Cenozoic. We also we add two genera to the extinct pompilid fauna: Tainopompilus gen. nov., and Paleogenia gen. nov., and describe three new species of fossil spider wasps: Anoplius planeta sp. nov., from Dominican amber (Burdigalian to Langhian; Paleogenia wahisi sp. nov., from Baltic amber (Lutetian to Priabonian; and Tainopompilus argentum sp. nov, from Dominican amber (Chattian to Langhian.

  19. Depositional environments and oil potential of Jurassic/Cretaceous source rocks within the Seychelles microcontinent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plummer, P.S.; Joseph, P.R.; Samson, P.J. [Seychelles National Oil Co., Mahe (Seychelles)


    The Seychelles microcontinent became isolated between the Somali, Mascarene and Arabian basins of the Indian Ocean as a result of the Mesozoic fragmentation of Gondwana. Major rifting events occurred during the Triassic-Middle Jurassic and Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Santonian and Maastrichtian) during which shaly source rock facies accumulated in principally marginal marine/deltaic environments. Between these times, post-rift passive margin deposition within restricted to open marine environments produced shaly source rocks during late Middle Jurasic-Early Cretaceous, Campanian-Maastrichtian and Paleocene times. Recent geochemical analysis of cuttings from the Seagull Shoals-1 well has identified an oil-prone liptinitic (Type II) coaly shale within early Middle Jurassic abandoned deltaic deposits. This coaly source rock is regionally developed, having also been identified in the Majunja and Morondava basins of Madagascar. Oil-prone Type II organic matter has also been identified in the Owen Bank A-1 well within restricted marine shales of late Middle Jurassic age. These shales are part of a thick post-rift source rock sequence that extends into the Early Cretaceous and is in part correlative with the proven Late Jurassic Uarandab Shale of Somalia. Analysis of Campanian marine shales from Reith Bank-1 well identified significant dilution of total organic carbon content in composite, compared to picked, well cuttings samples. This finding supports a published inference that these post-rift shales have source rock potential. (author)

  20. Cretaceous plutonic rocks in the Donner Lake-Cisco Grove area, northern Sierra Nevada, California (United States)

    Kulow, Matthew J.; Hanson, Richard E.; Girty, Gary H.; Girty, Melissa S.; Harwood, David S.


    The northernmost occurrences of extensive, glaciated exposures of the Sierra Nevada batholith occur in the Donner Lake-Cisco Grove area of the northern Sierra Nevada. The plutonic rocks in this area, which are termed here the Castle Valley plutonic assemblage, crop out over an area of 225 km2 and for the most part are shown as a single undifferentiated mass on previously published geological maps. In the present work, the plutonic assemblage is divided into eight separate intrusive units or lithodemes, two of which each consist of two separate plutons. Compositions are dominantly granodiorite and tonalite, but diorite and granite form small plutons in places. Spectacular examples of comb layering and orbicular texture occur in the diorites. U-Pb zircon ages have been obtained for all but one of the main units and range from ~120 to 114 Ma, indicating that the entire assemblage was emplaced in a narrow time frame in the Early Cretaceous. This is consistent with abundant field evidence that many of the individual phases were intruded penecontemporaneously. The timing of emplacement correlates with onset of major Cretaceous plutonism in the main part of the Sierra Nevada batholith farther south. The emplacement ages also are similar to isotopic ages for gold-quartz mineralization in the Sierran foothills west of the study area, suggesting a direct genetic relationship between the voluminous Early Cretaceous plutonism and hydrothermal gold mineralization.

  1. Curstal evolution and sedimentation history of the Bay of Bengal since the cretaceous

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Rao, D.G.; Krishna, K.S.; Sar, D.

    on three latitudinal profiles) in the Bay of Bengal. The trend of the fracture zones, the locations of the magnetic chron 34, and the Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone suggest that Greater India separated from Antarctica after a period of transform motion...

  2. A Triassic to Cretaceous Sundaland-Pacific subduction margin in West Sarawak, Borneo (United States)

    Breitfeld, H. Tim; Hall, Robert; Galin, Thomson; Forster, Margaret A.; BouDagher-Fadel, Marcelle K.


    Metamorphic rocks in West Sarawak are poorly exposed and studied. They were previously assumed to be pre-Carboniferous basement but had never been dated. New 40Ar/39Ar ages from white mica in quartz-mica schists reveal metamorphism between c. 216 to 220 Ma. The metamorphic rocks are associated with Triassic acid and basic igneous rocks, which indicate widespread magmatism. New U-Pb dating of zircons from the Jagoi Granodiorite indicates Triassic magmatism at c. 208 Ma and c. 240 Ma. U-Pb dating of zircons from volcaniclastic sediments of the Sadong and Kuching Formations confirms contemporaneous volcanism. The magmatic activity is interpreted to represent a Triassic subduction margin in westernmost West Sarawak with sediments deposited in a forearc basin derived from the magmatic arc at the Sundaland-Pacific margin. West Sarawak and NW Kalimantan are underlain by continental crust that was already part of Sundaland or accreted to Sundaland in the Triassic. One metabasite sample, also previously assumed to be pre-Carboniferous basement, yielded Early Cretaceous 40Ar/39Ar ages. They are interpreted to indicate resumption of subduction which led to deposition of volcaniclastic sediments and widespread magmatism. U-Pb ages from detrital zircons in the Cretaceous Pedawan Formation are similar to those from the Schwaner granites of NW Kalimantan, and the Pedawan Formation is interpreted as part of a Cretaceous forearc basin containing material eroded from a magmatic arc that extended from Vietnam to west Borneo. The youngest U-Pb ages from zircons in a tuff layer from the uppermost part of the Pedawan Formation indicate that volcanic activity continued until c. 86 to 88 Ma when subduction terminated.

  3. Micropaleontology and palaeoclimate during the early Cretaceous in the Lishu depression, Songliao basin, Northeast China

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    Wei Yan


    Full Text Available Diverse and abundant microfossils, such as palynomorphs, algae and Ostracoda, were collected from lower Cretaceous strata of Lishu depression, located in southeastern Songliao basin, and were identified and classified in order to provide relevant, detailed records for paleoclimate research. The early Cretaceous vegetation and climate of southeastern Songliao basin have been inferred from the analysis of palynomorph genera, algae and Ostracoda of the LS1 and SW110 wells. The lower Cretaceous strata include, in ascending stratigraphic order, the Shahezi, Yingcheng and Denglouku formations. Palynological assemblages for each formation, based on biostratigraphic and statistical analyses, provide an assessment of their longitudinal variations. During deposition of the Shahezi Formation, the climate was mid-subtropical. Vegetation consisted of coniferous forest and herbage. During deposition of the Yingcheng Formation, the climate was south Asian tropical. Vegetation consisted mainly of coniferous forest and herbal shrub. In addition, fresh and saline non-marine water dominated the lacustrine setting during deposition of these formations. Deposition of the Denglouku Formation, however, occurred under a hot and dry tropical climate. The vegetation was mostly coniferous forest and lake waters became saline. Palaeoclimate variation is correlated by the lake level change and the development of sedimentary facies. Palaeoclimate contribute to the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks and reservoir.

  4. Progress in Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal stable isotope paleoecology and implications for paleoceanographic reconstructions (United States)

    Petrizzo, Maria Rose; Falzoni, Francesca; Huber, Brian T.; MacLeod, Kenneth G.


    Paleoecological preferences proposed for Cretaceous planktonic foraminiferal taxa have traditionally been based on morphological analogies with depth-stratified modern species, on biofacies comparison in continental margin and deepwater settings, and limited oxygen and carbon stable isotope data. These studies concluded that large-sized, keeled and heavily calcified planktonic foraminifera generally lived at deeper levels in the surface waters than small-sized, thinner-walled non-keeled species. Stable isotope data have been used to infer information on paleotemperature, paleoceanography and paleoproductivity of ancient oceans and constrain biological paleo-activities (i.e. photosymbiosis and respiration) of fossil species. These studies have suggested that the depth-distribution model based on analogy with modern taxa might not be fully applicable for Cretaceous species, and found particularly 13C-enriched values in some Maastrichtian multiserial taxa that have been related to the activity of photosymbionts. We have collected about 1500 δ18O and δ13C species-specific analyses on glassy preserved planktonic foraminifera from Tanzania (Tanzania Drilling Project TDP sites 23, 28 and 32) and well-preserved planktonic foraminifera from other mid-low latitude localities (Shatsky Rise, northwestern Pacific Ocean, ODP Leg 198 Hole 1210B; Exmouth Plateau, eastern Indian Ocean, ODP Leg 122, Hole 762C; Eratosthenes Seamount, eastern Mediterranean, ODP Leg 160, Hole 967E; Blake Nose, central Atlantic Ocean, ODP Leg 171B, holes 1050C and 1052E) to investigate Late Cretaceous species paleoecological preferences, life strategies and depth distribution in the surface water column. Our results indicates that several large-sized (> 500 μm) double-keeled species belonging to the genera Dicarinella, Marginotruncana and Contusotruncana, generally interpreted as deep to thermocline dwellers, instead occupied shallow/warm layers of the water column, whilst not all biserial species

  5. Monitoring tools and early warning system for harmful cyanobacterial blooms: Río Uruguay and Río de la Plata

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    Carla Kruk


    Full Text Available Potentially hazardous cyanobacterial blooming constitutes one of the most widespread problems experienced by aquatic systems worldwide. However, there are not any monitoring methods sensitive enough to be directly applicable to predict and manage blooming events. In order to fulfill this goal, both ecological and genetic concepts were combined to generate cyanobacteria monitoring tools. Two approaches were used: grouping organisms into functional groups and utilizing molecular analysis (real time quantitative PCR as indicators of the presence of genes that encode the expression of cyanotoxins (mcy. Six bi-monthly sampling campaigns were performed to evaluate the suitability of these tools (2013-2014 at six locations composed of two sites each one, ranging downstream from Salto Grande, at the River Uruguay, to Punta del Este, at the Estuary River Plate. A remarkable gradient was observed in the meteorological, physical and chemical variables, as well as higher abundances in planktonic organisms both in Salto Grande and in Punta del Este. The most abundant population of toxic species in the whole gradient were found in Salto, and in particular those belonging to the Microcystis aeruginosa complex (MAC. The most relevant environmental variables to determine the gradient and the variation in biological variables were: salinity, temperature, wind and turbidity. The results of the new indicators (presence of MAC in the plankton net and mcy genes were in agreement with the traditional ones (v.g. chlorophyll-a demonstrating being much more sensitive in cases of the most severe blooming events than in the low abundance situations. The conjunction of results was applied to the construction of a monitoring and early warning system protocol.

  6. First complete sauropod dinosaur skull from the Cretaceous of the Americas and the evolution of sauropod dentition. (United States)

    Chure, Daniel; Britt, Brooks B; Whitlock, John A; Wilson, Jeffrey A


    Sauropod dinosaur bones are common in Mesozoic terrestrial sediments, but sauropod skulls are exceedingly rare--cranial materials are known for less than one third of sauropod genera and even fewer are known from complete skulls. Here we describe the first complete sauropod skull from the Cretaceous of the Americas, Abydosaurus mcintoshi, n. gen., n. sp., known from 104.46 +/- 0.95 Ma (megannum) sediments from Dinosaur National Monument, USA. Abydosaurus shares close ancestry with Brachiosaurus, which appeared in the fossil record ca. 45 million years earlier and had substantially broader teeth. A survey of tooth shape in sauropodomorphs demonstrates that sauropods evolved broad crowns during the Early Jurassic but did not evolve narrow crowns until the Late Jurassic, when they occupied their greatest range of crown breadths. During the Cretaceous, brachiosaurids and other lineages independently underwent a marked diminution in tooth breadth, and before the latest Cretaceous broad-crowned sauropods were extinct on all continental landmasses. Differential survival and diversification of narrow-crowned sauropods in the Late Cretaceous appears to be a directed trend that was not correlated with changes in plant diversity or abundance, but may signal a shift towards elevated tooth replacement rates and high-wear dentition. Sauropods lacked many of the complex herbivorous adaptations present within contemporaneous ornithischian herbivores, such as beaks, cheeks, kinesis, and heterodonty. The spartan design of sauropod skulls may be related to their remarkably small size--sauropod skulls account for only 1/200th of total body volume compared to 1/30th body volume in ornithopod dinosaurs.

  7. Late Cretaceous extension and exhumation of the Stong and Taku magmatic and metamorphic complexes, NE Peninsular Malaysia (United States)

    François, T.; Md Ali, M. A.; Matenco, L.; Willingshofer, E.; Ng, T. F.; Taib, N. I.; Shuib, M. K.


    Fragmentation of large continental areas by post-orogenic extension requires favourable geodynamic conditions and frequently occurs along pre-existing suture zones or nappe contacts, as exemplified by the Stong and Taku magmatic and metamorphic complexes of northern Peninsular Malaysia. For this case, we have employed a field and microstructural kinematic study combined with low temperature thermo-chronology to analyse the tectonic and exhumation history. The results show that the Late Palaeozoic - Triassic Indosinian orogeny created successive phases of burial related metamorphism, shearing and contractional deformation. This orogenic structure was subsequently dismembered during a Cretaceous thermal event that culminated in the formation of a large scale Late Santonian - Early Maastrichtian extensional detachment, genetically associated with crustal melting, the emplacement of syn-kinematic plutons and widespread migmatisation. The emplacement of these magmatic rocks led to an array of simultaneously formed structures that document deformation conditions over a wide temperature range, represented by amphibolite- and greenschist- facies mylonites and as well as brittle structures, such as cataclastic zones and normal faults that formed during exhumation in the footwall of the detachment. The formation of this detachment and a first phase of Late Cretaceous cooling was followed by renewed Eocene - Oligocene exhumation, as evidenced from our fission track ages. We infer that an initial Cretaceous thermal anomaly was responsible for the formation of an extensional gneiss dome associated with simple shear and rotation of normal faults. These Cretaceous processes played a critical role in the establishment of the presently observed crustal structure of Peninsular Malaysia.

  8. Arco del milenio

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    Adell, Josep Mª


    the most significant stages in the erection of the Millennium Arch outside the Palacio de Congresos, venue for the 12th IBMAC.
    These pictures are divided into six chapters: Background, Components, Springline, Piers, Arch, Centring Erection and Removal, and Trimming.

    A lo largo de la historia, el Arco de fábrica ha sido el componente constructivo más característico de la Arquitectura y la Ingeniería desde que después de sus inicios etruscos en la época romana fuera desarrollado adelantándose con ello a la cultura helénica.
    El Arco, desde entonces, viene empleándose como una solución constructiva eficiente para cubrir espacios con materiales que no soportan tracciones. La originalidad técnica del Arco lo ha llevado a imponerse como símbolo de las hazañas bélicas como era el Arco de Triunfo.
    En el cambio de siglo y milenio en el que nos encontramos, un salto técnico fundamental se desvela en este Congreso, el Sistema de Albañilería Integral, que abre la posibilidad de ampliar el campo de aplicación de la albañilería con la incorporación del acero, a través de las perforaciones de las piezas, lográndose por fin armar en las tres direcciones del espacio cualquier muro de fábrica que se desee.
    El Arco del Milenio conmemoró el 12th IBMAC de Madrid, mostrando en él los avances técnicos que el Sistema de Albañilería Integral permite, al tratarse de un arco inclinado en el espacio y, por tanto, el primer arco de fábrica construido fuera de la vertical, mediante fábrica de Ladriflor aparejada a tizón, reforzada con barras y cercos.
    El Arco del Milenio, diseñado por J.M. Adell (Presidente del 12th IBMAC, parte de un cilindro de 14 m de diámetro, inclinado 30º sobre el terreno, y construido con fábrica de ladrillo de un pie de grueso, alternando una hilada de color amarillo de cada seis en rojo. El hueco deja un paso libre de 10 m de lado y 5,5 m de altura. La fábrica está armada regularmente por tendeles con cerchas cada

  9. A Cretaceous origin for fire adaptations in the Cape flora. (United States)

    He, Tianhua; Lamont, Byron B; Manning, John


    Fire has had a profound effect on the evolution of worldwide biotas. The Cape Floristic Region is one of the world's most species-rich regions, yet it is highly prone to recurrent fires and fire-adapted species contribute strongly to the overall flora. It is hypothesized that the current fire regimes in the Cape could be as old as 6-8 million years (My), while indirect evidence indicates that the onset of fire could have reached 18 million years ago (Ma). Here, we trace the origin of fire-dependent traits in two monocot families that are significant elements in the fire-prone Cape flora. Our analysis shows that fire-stimulated flowering originated in the Cape Haemodoraceae 81 Ma, while fire-stimulated germination arose in the African Restionaceae at least 70 Ma, implying that wildfires have been a significant force in the evolution of the Cape flora at least 60 My earlier than previous estimates. Our results provide strong evidence for the presence of fire adaptations in the Cape from the Cretaceous, leading to the extraordinary persistence of a fire-adapted flora in this biodiversity hotspot, and giving support to the hypothesis that Cretaceous fire was a global phenomenon that shaped the evolution of terrestrial floras.

  10. Middle Jurassic - Early Cretaceous rifting of the Danish Central Graben

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeller, J.J.; Rasmussen, E.S.


    During the Jurassic-early Cretaceous, the Danish Central Graben developed as a N-S to NNW-SSE trending Graben bounded by the Ringkoebing-Fyn High towards the east and the Mid North Sea High towards the west. The Graben consists of a system of half-Grabens and evolved by fault-controlled subsidence; three main rift pulses have been recognized. The first pulse ranged from the Callovian to the early Oxfordian, the second pulse was initiated in the latest Late Kimmeridgian and Early Volgian, and the third and final pulse occurred within the Valanginian in the Early Cretaceous. The first pulse was characterized by subsidence along N-S trending faults. During the second pulse, in early Volgian times, subsidence was concentrated along new NNW-SSE trending faults and the main depocentre shifted westward, being most marked within the Tail End Graben, the Arne-Elin Graben, and the Feda Graben. This tectonic event was accompanied by the accumulation of a relatively thick sediment load resulting in the development of salt diapers, especially within the Salt Dome Province. The third tectonic pulse was essentially a reactivation of the NNW-SSE trending structures. This tectonic pulse also shows clear evidence of combined fault-controlled subsidence and salt movements. (EG) 12 figs.; 45 refs.

  11. El trabajo con cuerdas en los niños

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    Maureen Meneses Montero


    Full Text Available En la actualidad los niños se ven expuestos a diferentes situaciones ambientales que pueden poner en peligro su salud y conducirlos a manifestar hábitos con tendencias hacia el sedentarismo. Lo fundamental en esta etapa de la vida es mejorar sus destrezas básicas de movimiento, promoviendo una adecuada condición física desde edades tempranas. Se hace necesario entonces, apoyar programas que impliquen el mejoramiento de la aptitud física y motriz, principalmente los factores de coordinación, la resistencia cardiorrespiratoria, la fuerza y la flexibilidad. Estos componentes se deben fortalecer con el fin de satisfacer diferentes necesidades, de acuerdo con los objetivos planteados y con actividades variadas, que toman mayor importancia cuando se realizan de una forma divertida y con una metodología apropiada, como es el caso del salto de la cuerda, mediante la cual se tiende a incrementar la disposición de los niños hacia la práctica de estas actividades tradicionales, fundamentales para las siguientes etapas de desarrollo. El propósito principal del presente trabajo es plantear la importancia de la práctica del salto con la cuerda y estimular su enseñanza, tomando en cuenta aspectos técnicos, de organización y metodología, para promover el mejoramiento de la condición física de los niños por medio de las actividades propuestas

  12. 15N/14N variations in Cretaceous Atlantic sedimentary sequences: implication for past changes in marine nitrogen biogeochemistry (United States)

    Rau, G.H.; Arthur, M.A.; Dean, W.E.


    At two locations in the Atlantic Ocean (DSDP Sites 367 and 530) early to middle Cretaceous organic-carbon-rich beds ("black shales") were found to have significantly lower ??15N values (lower 15N/14N ratios) than adjacent organic-carbon-poor beds (white limestones or green claystones). While these lithologies are of marine origin, the black strata in particular have ??15N values that are significantly lower than those previously found in the marine sediment record and most contemporary marine nitrogen pools. In contrast, black, organic-carbon-rich beds at a third site (DSDP Site 603) contain predominantly terrestrial organic matter and have C- and N-isotopic compositions similar to organic matter of modern terrestrial origin. The recurring 15N depletion in the marine-derived Cretaceous sequences prove that the nitrogen they contain is the end result of an episodic and atypical biogeochemistry. Existing isotopic and other data indicate that the low 15N relative abundance is the consequence of pelagic rather than post-depositional processes. Reduced ocean circulation, increased denitrification, and, hence, reduced euphotic zone nitrate availability may have led to Cretaceous phytoplankton assemblages that were periodically dominated by N2-fixing blue-green algae, a possible source of this sediment 15N-depletion. Lack of parallel isotopic shifts in Cretaceous terrestrially-derived nitrogen (Site 603) argues that the above change in nitrogen cycling during this period did not extend beyond the marine environment. ?? 1987.

  13. Intense acidic volcanism at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Javoy, M.; Courtillot, V.


    A 87 Sr/ 86 Sr spike in seawater strontium with amplitude 2 x 10 -4 and duration of order 2 Ma is superimposed on longer-term variations at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The anomaly has been attributed to increased continental runoff due either to meteorite impact-related acid rain or sea-level regression. We speculate here that the spike could have resulted from intense, explosive acid volcanism preceding the development of the Deccan traps. A good model, both in tectonic position and geochemical characteristics, for these as yet elusive acidic products is provided by granites in the Seychelles Islands and particularly Mahe. (orig.)

  14. Reworked Middle Jurassic sandstones as a marker for Upper Cretaceous basin inversion in Central Europe—a case study for the U-Pb detrital zircon record of the Upper Cretaceous Schmilka section and their implication for the sedimentary cover of the Lausitz Block (Saxony, Germany) (United States)

    Hofmann, Mandy; Voigt, Thomas; Bittner, Lucas; Gärtner, Andreas; Zieger, Johannes; Linnemann, Ulf


    The Saxonian-Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Elbsandsteingebirge, E Germany and Czech Republic, Elbtal Group) comprises Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from Upper Cenomanian to Santonian age. These sandstones were deposited in a narrow strait of the sea linking the northern Boreal shelf to the southern Tethyan areas. They were situated between the West Sudetic Island in the north and the Mid-European Island in the south. As known by former studies (e.g. Tröger, Geologie 6/7:717-730, 1964; Tröger, Geologie von Sachsen, Schweizerbart, 311-358, 2008; Voigt and Tröger, Proceedings of the 4th International Cretaceous Symposium, 275-290, 1996; Voigt, Dissertation, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 1-130, 1995; Voigt, Zeitschrift der geologischen Wissenschaften 37(1-2): 15-39, 2009; Wilmsen et al., Freiberger Forschungshefte C540: 27-45, 2011) the main sedimentary input came from the north (Lausitz Block, southern West-Sudetic Island). A section of Turonian to Coniacian sandstones was sampled in the Elbsandsteingebirge near Schmilka (Elbtal Group, Saxony, Germany). The samples were analysed for their U-Pb age record of detrital zircon using LA-ICP-MS techniques. The results show main age clusters typical for the Bohemian Massif (local material) and are interpreted to reflect the erosion of uniform quartz-dominated sediments and basement rocks. Surprisingly, these rocks lack an expected Upper Proterozoic to Lower Palaeozoic age peak, which would be typical for the basement of the adjacent Lausitz Block (c. 540-c. 560 Ma). Therefore, the Lausitz Block basement must have been covered by younger sediments that acted as source rocks during deposition of the Elbtal Group. The sandstones of the Elbe valley (Elbtal Group, Schmilka section) represent the re-deposited sedimentary cover of the Lausitz Block in inverse order. This cover comprised Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits, which are eroded already today and cannot be investigated. Within the samples of the

  15. The Jurassic-Cretaceous basaltic magmatism of the Oued El-Abid syncline (High Atlas, Morocco): Physical volcanology, geochemistry and geodynamic implications (United States)

    Bensalah, Mohamed Khalil; Youbi, Nasrrddine; Mata, João; Madeira, José; Martins, Línia; El Hachimi, Hind; Bertrand, Hervé; Marzoli, Andrea; Bellieni, Giuliano; Doblas, Miguel; Font, Eric; Medina, Fida; Mahmoudi, Abdelkader; Beraâouz, El Hassane; Miranda, Rui; Verati, Chrystèle; De Min, Angelo; Ben Abbou, Mohamed; Zayane, Rachid


    Basaltic lava flows, dykes and sills, interbedded within red clastic continental sedimentary sequences (the so called "Couches Rouges") are widespread in the Oued El-Abid syncline. They represent the best candidates to study the Jurassic-Cretaceous magmatism in the Moroccan High Atlas. The volcanic successions were formed during two pulses of volcanic activity, represented by the Middle to Upper Jurassic basaltic sequence B1 (1-4 eruptions) and the Lower Cretaceous basaltic sequence B2 (three eruptions). Whether belonging to the B1 or B2, the lava flows present morphology and internal structures typical of inflated pahoehoe. Our geochemical data show that, at least for Jurassic magmatism, the dykes, and sills cannot be considered as strictly representing the feeders of the sampled lava flows. The Middle to Upper Jurassic pulse is moderately alkaline in character, while the Lower Cretaceous one is transitional. Crustal contamination plays a minor role in the petrogenesis of these magmas, which were generated by variable partial melting degrees of a garnet-bearing mantle source. Magmatism location was controlled by pre-existing Hercynian fault systems reactivated during a Middle to Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous rifting event. The associated lithospheric stretching induced melting, by adiabatic decompression, of enriched low-solidus infra-lithospheric domains.

  16. Diet and trophic ecomorphology of the silverside, Odontesthes bonariensis, of the Salto Caxias reservoir, rio Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil

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    Fernanda Aparecida da Silva Cassemiro

    Full Text Available This study aims to analyze the diet and trophic ecomorphology of Odontesthes bonariensis, relating these features with species' abundance in the natural environment and in the Salto Caxias reservoir (at Iguaçu river after the reservoir's formation. The samples were carried out before (from March 1997 to February 1998- pre and after (from October 1998 to February 2001 - post 1 and 2 the damming. The stomach contents of 218 individuals were analyzed by occurrence and volumetric methods. O. bonariensis' diet is based on insects, scales, plants and detritus. Microcrustaceans (Cladocera and Copepoda were the main items, allowing the characterization of the species as zooplanktivore. The species has a superior position and protractible mouth, with small teeth, creating a serrated pattern, uniformly lined side by side. There are many gill rakers, that are long and close together (typical of filtering fishes; the stomach is ill defined and the intestine is short. There was a gradual increase of O. bonariensis' abundance during the period of field study, mainly after the second year of damming. This fact seems to be closely related with the high abundance and availability of zooplankton in the dammed environment, and also with the ability of the species to exploit this resource.

  17. Hadrosauroid Dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of the Sultanate of Oman.

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    Eric Buffetaut

    Full Text Available Fragmentary post-cranial remains (femora, tibia, vertebrae of ornithischian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of the Sultanate of Oman are described and referred to hadrosauroids. The specimens come from the Al-Khod Conglomerate, of latest Campanian to Maastrichtian age, in the north-eastern part of the country. Although the fragmentary condition of the fossils precludes a precise identification, various characters, including the shape of the fourth trochanter of the femur and the morphology of its distal end, support an attribution to hadrosauroids. With the possible exception of a possible phalanx from Angola, this group of ornithopod dinosaurs, which apparently originated in Laurasia, was hitherto unreported from the Afro-Arabian plate. From a paleobiogeographical point of view, the presence of hadrosauroids in Oman in all likelihood is a result of trans-Tethys dispersal from Asia or Europe, probably by way of islands in the Tethys shown on all recent paleogeographical maps of that area. Whether hadrosauroids were widespread on the Afro-Arabian landmass in the latest Cretaceous, or where restricted to the « Oman island » shown on some paleogeographical maps, remains to be determined.

  18. Hadrosauroid Dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of the Sultanate of Oman. (United States)

    Buffetaut, Eric; Hartman, Axel-Frans; Al-Kindi, Mohammed; Schulp, Anne S


    Fragmentary post-cranial remains (femora, tibia, vertebrae) of ornithischian dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of the Sultanate of Oman are described and referred to hadrosauroids. The specimens come from the Al-Khod Conglomerate, of latest Campanian to Maastrichtian age, in the north-eastern part of the country. Although the fragmentary condition of the fossils precludes a precise identification, various characters, including the shape of the fourth trochanter of the femur and the morphology of its distal end, support an attribution to hadrosauroids. With the possible exception of a possible phalanx from Angola, this group of ornithopod dinosaurs, which apparently originated in Laurasia, was hitherto unreported from the Afro-Arabian plate. From a paleobiogeographical point of view, the presence of hadrosauroids in Oman in all likelihood is a result of trans-Tethys dispersal from Asia or Europe, probably by way of islands in the Tethys shown on all recent paleogeographical maps of that area. Whether hadrosauroids were widespread on the Afro-Arabian landmass in the latest Cretaceous, or where restricted to the « Oman island » shown on some paleogeographical maps, remains to be determined.

  19. Cretaceous origin of dogwoods: an anatomically preserved Cornus (Cornaceae fruit from the Campanian of Vancouver Island

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    Brian A. Atkinson


    Full Text Available Background Cornaceae consists of 58 species, all within the genus Cornus. The Cenozoic record of Cornus is extensive and well documented. Molecular divergence-time studies suggest that crown-group Cornus may have originated by the Late Cretaceous. However, there has been no formal report of Cornus from Cretaceous deposits. Here, we characterize a permineralized fossil fruit assignable to Cornus subg. Cornus from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian Shelter Point locality of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Methods Serial sections of the specimen were made using the cellulose acetate peel technique. Peels were mounted onto microscope slides and studied by light microscopy. Results The fossil fruit consists of a tri-locular woody endocarp with dorsal germination valves. The locules are sub-triangular to ellipsoidal in transverse section and are separated by thin septa. Endocarp tissue consists of elongated and isodiametric sclereids and secretory cavities. Internal vascular tissue was not observed, but is interpreted to have been located along the outer periphery of the septa for some length, common in many cornalean taxa. There is one seed in each locule, one of which was found to have endosperm and a dicotyledonous embryo. Discussion Woody endocarps with germination valves, without central vascular bundles, and with one seed per locule are characteristic of several families within the order Cornales. The interpreted vascular pattern and presence of secretory cavities indicates that the fossil fruit is assignable to Cornus subg. Cornus. Comparative analysis suggests that the fossil is most similar to Cornus piggae, a species described from the Paleocene of North Dakota. This fossil is the first evidence of crown-group Cornaceae from the Cretaceous and sheds light on both the plesiomorphic fruit characters and the timing of the initial diversification of the family and basal asterid lineage, Cornales.

  20. The asteroid genus Haccourtaster (Echinodermata, Goniasteridae) in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žítt, Jiří


    Roč. 26, č. 2 (2005), s. 225-237 ISSN 0195-6671 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA206/01/1580 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Cretaceous * Asteroidea * New species Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 0.981, year: 2005

  1. Debris-carrying camouflage among diverse lineages of Cretaceous insects. (United States)

    Wang, Bo; Xia, Fangyuan; Engel, Michael S; Perrichot, Vincent; Shi, Gongle; Zhang, Haichun; Chen, Jun; Jarzembowski, Edmund A; Wappler, Torsten; Rust, Jes


    Insects have evolved diverse methods of camouflage that have played an important role in their evolutionary success. Debris-carrying, a behavior of actively harvesting and carrying exogenous materials, is among the most fascinating and complex behaviors because it requires not only an ability to recognize, collect, and carry materials but also evolutionary adaptations in related morphological characteristics. However, the fossil record of such behavior is extremely scarce, and only a single Mesozoic example from Spanish amber has been recorded; therefore, little is known about the early evolution of this complicated behavior and its underlying anatomy. We report a diverse insect assemblage of exceptionally preserved debris carriers from Cretaceous Burmese, French, and Lebanese ambers, including the earliest known chrysopoid larvae (green lacewings), myrmeleontoid larvae (split-footed lacewings and owlflies), and reduviids (assassin bugs). These ancient insects used a variety of debris material, including insect exoskeletons, sand grains, soil dust, leaf trichomes of gleicheniacean ferns, wood fibers, and other vegetal debris. They convergently evolved their debris-carrying behavior through multiple pathways, which expressed a high degree of evolutionary plasticity. We demonstrate that the behavioral repertoire, which is associated with considerable morphological adaptations, was already widespread among insects by at least the Mid-Cretaceous. Together with the previously known Spanish specimen, these fossils are the oldest direct evidence of camouflaging behavior in the fossil record. Our findings provide a novel insight into early evolution of camouflage in insects and ancient ecological associations among plants and insects.

  2. Terrestrial catastrophe caused by cometary impact at the end of Cretaceous (United States)

    Hsü, Kenneth J.


    Evidence is presented indicating that the extinction, at the end of the Cretaceous, of large terrestrial animals was caused by atmospheric heating during a cometary impact and that the extinction of calcareous marine plankton was a consequence of poisoning by cyanide released by the fallen comet and of a catastrophic rise in calcite-compensation depth in the oceans after the detoxification of the cyanide.

  3. Lower Cretaceous smarl turbidites of the Argo Abyssal Plain, Indian Ocean (United States)

    Dumoulin, Julie A.; Stewart, Sondra K.; Kennett, Diana; Mazzullo, Elsa K.


    Sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 123 from the Argo Abyssal Plain (AAP) consist largely of turbidites derived from the adjacent Australian continental margin. The oldest abundant turbidites are Valanginian-Aptian in age and have a mixed (smarl) composition; they contain subequal amounts of calcareous and siliceous biogenic components, as well as clay and lesser quartz. Most are thin-bedded, fine sand to mud-sized, and best described by Stow and Piper's model (1984) for fine-grained biogenic turbidites. Thicker (to 3 m), coarser-grained (medium-to-coarse sand-sized) turbidites fit Bouma's model (1962) for sandy turbidites; these generally are base-cut-out (BCDE, BDE) sequences, with B-division parallel lamination as the dominant structure. Parallel laminae most commonly concentrate quartz and/or calcispheres vs. lithic clasts or clay, but distinctive millimeter to centimeter-thick, radiolarian-rich laminae occur in both fine and coarse-grained Valanginian-Hauterivian turbidites.AAP turbidites were derived from relatively deep parts of the continental margin (outer shelf, slope, or rise) that lay below the photic zone, but above the calcite compensation depth (CCD). Biogenic components are largely pelagic (calcispheres, foraminifers, radiolarians, nannofossils); lesser benthic foraminifers are characteristic of deep-water (abyssal to bathyal) environments. Abundant nonbiogenic components are mostly clay and clay clasts; smectite is the dominant clay species, and indicates a volcanogenic provenance, most likely the Triassic-Jurassic volcanic suite exposed along the northern Exmouth Plateau.Lower Cretaceous smarl turbidites were generated during eustatic lowstands and may have reached the abyssal plain via Swan Canyon, a submarine canyon thought to have formed during the Late Jurassic. In contrast to younger AAP turbidites, however, Lower Cretaceous turbidites are relatively fine-grained and do not contain notably older reworked fossils. Early

  4. Paleolatitudes of the Tibetan Himalaya from primary and secondary magnetizations of Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks (United States)

    Huang, Wentao; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. J.; Dekkers, Mark J.; Garzanti, Eduardo; Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume; Lippert, Peter C.; Li, Xiaochun; Maffione, Marco; Langereis, Cor G.; Hu, Xiumian; Guo, Zhaojie; Kapp, Paul


    The Tibetan Himalaya represents the northernmost continental unit of the Indian plate that collided with Asia in the Cenozoic. Paleomagnetic studies on the Tibetan Himalaya can help constrain the dimension and paleogeography of "Greater India," the Indian plate lithosphere that subducted and underthrusted below Asia after initial collision. Here we present a paleomagnetic investigation of a Jurassic (limestones) and Lower Cretaceous (volcaniclastic sandstones) section of the Tibetan Himalaya. The limestones yielded positive fold test, showing a prefolding origin of the isolated remanent magnetizations. Detailed paleomagnetic analyses, rock magnetic tests, end-member modeling of acquisition curves of isothermal remanent magnetization, and petrographic investigation reveal that the magnetic carrier of the Jurassic limestones is authigenic magnetite, whereas the dominant magnetic carrier of the Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic sandstones is detrital magnetite. Our observations lead us to conclude that the Jurassic limestones record a prefolding remagnetization, whereas the Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic sandstones retain a primary remanence. The volcaniclastic sandstones yield an Early Cretaceous paleolatitude of 55.5°S [52.5°S, 58.6°S] for the Tibetan Himalaya, suggesting it was part of the Indian continent at that time. The size of "Greater India" during Jurassic time cannot be estimated from these limestones. Instead, a paleolatitude of the Tibetan Himalaya of 23.8°S [21.8°S, 26.1°S] during the remagnetization process is suggested. It is likely that the remagnetization, caused by the oxidation of early diagenetic pyrite to magnetite, was induced during 103-83 or 77-67 Ma. The inferred paleolatitudes at these two time intervals imply very different tectonic consequences for the Tibetan Himalaya.

  5. Tectonostratigraphic reconstruction Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary in the northwestern Andes: from extensional tectonics to arc accretion. (United States)

    Zapata, S.; Patino, A. M.; Cardona, A.; Mejia, D.; Leon, S.; Jaramillo, J. S.; Valencia, V.; Parra, M.; Hincapie, S.


    Active continental margins characterized by continuous convergence experienced overimposed tectonic configurations that allowed the formation of volcanic arcs, back arc basins, transtensional divergent tectonics or the accretion of exotic volcanic terranes. Such record, particularly the extensional phases, can be partially destroyed and obscure by multiple deformational events, the accretion of exotic terranes and strike slip fragmentation along the margin. The tectonic evolution of the northern Andes during the Mesozoic is the result of post Pangea extension followed by the installation of a long-lived Jurassic volcanic arc (209 - 136 ma) that apparently stops between 136 Ma and 110 Ma. The Quebradagrande Complex has been define as a single Lower Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary unit exposed in the western flank of the Central Cordillera of the Colombian Andes that growth after the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous magmatic hiatus. The origin of this unit have been related either to an oceanic volcanic arc or a marginal basin environment. The existence of such contrasting models reflect the regional perspective followed in published studies and the paucity of detail analysis of the volcano-sedimentary sequences.We integrate multiple approaches including structural mapping, stratigraphy, geochemistry, U-Pb provenance and geochronology to improve the understanding of this unit and track the earlier phases of accumulation that are mask on the overimposed tectonic history. Our preliminary results suggest the existence of different volcano-sedimentary units that accumulated between 100 Ma and 82 Ma.The older Lower Cretaceous sequences was deposited over Triassic metamorphic continental crust and include a upward basin deepening record characterized by thick fan delta conglomerates, followed by distal turbidites and a syn-sedimentary volcanic record at 100 ma. The other sequence include a 85 - 82 Ma fringing arc that was also formed close to the continental margin or

  6. Latest Cretaceous climatic and environmental change in the South Atlantic region (United States)

    Woelders, L.; Vellekoop, J.; Kroon, D.; Smit, J.; Casadío, S.; Prámparo, M. B.; Dinarès-Turell, J.; Peterse, F.; Sluijs, A.; Lenaerts, J. T. M.; Speijer, R. P.


    Latest Maastrichtian climate change caused by Deccan volcanism has been invoked as a cause of mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary ( 66.0 Ma). Yet late Maastrichtian climate and ecological changes are poorly documented, in particular on the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present upper Maastrichtian-lower Danian climate and biotic records from the Bajada del Jagüel (BJ) shelf site (Neuquén Basin, Argentina), employing the TEX86 paleothermometer, marine palynology (dinoflagellate cysts), and micropaleontology (foraminifera). These records are correlated to the astronomically tuned Ocean Drilling Program Site 1262 (Walvis Ridge). Collectively, we use these records to assess climatic and ecological effects of Deccan volcanism in the Southern Atlantic region. Both the TEX86-based sea surface temperature (SST) record at BJ and the bulk carbonate δ18O-based SST record of Site 1262 show a latest Maastrichtian warming of 2.5-4°C, at 450 to 150 kyr before the K-Pg boundary, coinciding with the a large Deccan outpouring phase. Benthic foraminiferal and dinocyst assemblage changes indicate that this warming resulted in enhanced runoff and stratification of the water column, likely resulting from more humid climate conditions in the Neuquén Basin. These climate conditions could have been caused by an expanding and strengthening thermal low over the South American continent. Biotic changes in response to late Maastrichtian environmental changes are rather limited, when compared to the major turnovers observed at many K-Pg boundary sites worldwide. This suggests that environmental perturbations during the latest Maastrichtian warming event were less severe than those following the K-Pg boundary impact.

  7. Proximal Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary impact deposits in the Caribbean (United States)

    Hildebrand, Alan R.; Boynton, Willam V.


    Trace element, isotopic, and mineralogic studies indicate that the proposed impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary occurred in an ocean basin, although a minor component of continental material is required. The size and abundance of shocked minerals and the restricted geographic occurrence of the ejecta layer and impact-wave deposits suggest an impact between the Americas. Coarse boundary sediments at sites 151 and 153 in the Colombian Basin and 5- to 450-meter-thick boundary sediments in Cuba may be deposits of a giant wave produced by a nearby oceanic impact.

  8. Un nuevo reto del derecho en la edad de la información

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    Ernesto Rengifo García


    Full Text Available En este artículo, el autor resalta cómo la nueva economía basada en la información ha reclamado mayor protección, alcanzando incluso al derecho penal, que ha tenido que adecuar su ámbito de protección y recoger nuevas realidades propias de una economía que gira en torno del conocimiento y de la producción de bienes inmateriales e intangibles. Luego de plantear un marco conceptual sobre el derecho de autor y la equilibrada institución de los límites y excepciones, se advierte en este artículo que la relación entre tecnología y derechos de autor no ha sido pacífica y se describen varias circunstancias relevantes. Se analiza si la institución de los límites y excepciones al derecho de autor, creada bajo la tecnología análoga, se puede extrapolar a la moderna tecnología digital. El autor describe ampliamente la problemática creada por la vasta protección que las normas penales y las normas de propiedad intelectual otorgan a las llamadas medidas tecnológicas de protección (mtp, y adicionalmente se plantea cómo el tlc discutido con el gobierno estadounidense hizo un salto cualitativo, pues no contiene un acápite dedicado a los límites y excepciones en el entorno digital, pero sí establece las medidas de protección y sus límites. Finalmente, el autor advierte cómo estas vienen a constituir un nuevo derecho de autor, o mejor, un nuevo derecho en el área de la tecnología, que ha erosionado radicalmente el sistema tradicional del derecho de autor.

  9. El Salto Social ¿una nueva concepción de la seguridad ciudadana?


    Zuluaga Nieto Jaime


    La sociedad colombiana ha experimentado en los últimos años un acelerado proceso modernizador. La Constitución de 1991 creó condiciones para la democratización política, la participación ciudadana y el pluripartidismo, contribuyendo a superar la crisis del excluyente régimen político heredado del Frente Nacional [Aguilar 1994]. La creciente exposición a la competencia internacional, iniciada con la administración Barco, propició cambios en el comportamiento de los agentes económicos, indujo p...

  10. Una nueva oleada de modernismo

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    Sarmiento Anzola Libardo


    Full Text Available El Gobierno entregó al Congreso de la República el proyecto definitivo de El Salto Social. El nuevo proyecto del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 1995-1998 incluye la recomendación que le hiciera el Consejo Nacional de Planeación, CNP: “el más grave de todos los problemas colombianos y el que requiere la primera atención de la sociedad civil y del Estado es el de las violencias. La impunidad generalizada ha llevado a que la gente desconfíe del sistema judicial y se multipliquen las formas privadas violentas de arreglar conflictos. El Consejo invita a que se dé prioridad al fortalecimiento de la justicia” [CNP 1995, Presentación].

  11. The clasts of Cretaceous marls in the conglomerates of the Konradsheim Formation (Pöchlau quarry, Gresten Klippen Zone, Austria) (United States)

    Ślączka, Andrzej; Gasiñski, M. Adam; Bąk, Marta; Wessely, Godfrid


    Investigations were carried out on foraminiferids and radiolaria from redeposited clasts within the conglomerates of the Konradsheim Formation (Gresten Klippen Zone) in the area of the Pöchlau hill, east of Maria Neustift. These shales and marls are of Middle to Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age. In the latter clasts, foraminiferal assemblages with Tritaxia ex gr. gaultina as well as radiolaria species Angulobracchia portmanni Baumgartner, Dictyomitra communis (Squinabol), Hiscocapsa asseni (Tan), Pseudodictyomitra lodogaensis Pessagno, Pseudoeucyrtis hanni (Tan), Rhopalosyringium fossile (Squinabol) were found. In one block from the uppermost part of the sequence there is an assemblage with Caudammina (H) gigantea, Rotalipora appenninica and Globotruncana bulloides. However, the brecciated character of this block and occurrence near a fault suggest that it was probably wedged into the conglomerates of the Konradsheim Formation during tectonic movements. In pelitic siliceous limestones below the Konradsheim Limestone radiolarian assemblages of Middle Callovian to Early Tithonian age were found. They enable correlation with the Scheibbsbach Formation. In a marly sequence, above the conglomeratic limestone, the foraminiferal assemblages contain taxa from mid-Cretaceous up to Paleocene. The present biostratigraphic investigation confirmed the previous stratigraphic assignments and imply clearly that the sedimentation of deposits similar to the Konradsheim Formation also occurred at the end of the Early Cretaceous and deposition of conglomeratic limestones within the Gresten Klippen Zone, and especially within the Konradsheim Formation, was repeated several times during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.

  12. Genetic stratigraphy of Coniacian deltaic deposits of the northwestern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nádaskay, R.; Uličný, David


    Roč. 165, č. 4 (2014), s. 547-575 ISSN 1860-1804 Institutional support: RVO:67985530 Keywords : genetic stratigraphy * well log * Bohemian Cretaceous Basin Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 0.569, year: 2014

  13. Total petroleum systems of the Pelagian Province, Tunisia, Libya, Italy, and Malta; the Bou Dabbous, Tertiary and Jurassic-Cretaceous composite (United States)

    Klett, T.R.


    Undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources were assessed within total petroleum systems of the Pelagian Province (2048) as part of the U.S. Geological Survey World Petroleum Assessment 2000. The Pelagian Province is located mainly in eastern Tunisia and northwestern Libya. Small portions of the province extend into Malta and offshore Italy. Although several petroleum systems may exist, only two ?composite? total petroleum systems were identified. Each total petroleum system comprises a single assessment unit. These total petroleum systems are called the Bou Dabbous?Tertiary and Jurassic-Cretaceous Composite, named after the source-rock intervals and reservoir-rock ages. The main source rocks include mudstone of the Eocene Bou Dabbous Formation; Cretaceous Bahloul, Lower Fahdene, and M?Cherga Formations; and Jurassic Nara Formation. Known reservoirs are in carbonate rocks and sandstone intervals throughout the Upper Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary sections. Traps for known accumulations include fault blocks, low-amplitude anticlines, high-amplitude anticlines associated with reverse faults, wrench fault structures, and stratigraphic traps. The estimated means of the undiscovered conventional petroleum volumes in total petroleum systems of the Pelagian Province are as follows: [MMBO, million barrels of oil; BCFG, billion cubic feet of gas; MMBNGL, million barrels of natural gas liquids] Total Petroleum System MMBO BCFG MMBNGL Bou Dabbous?Tertiary 667 2,746 64 Jurassic-Cretaceous Composite 403 2,280 27

  14. The trace fossil Lepidenteron lewesiensis (Mantell, 1822) from the Upper Cretaceous of southern Poland (United States)

    Jurkowska, Agata; Uchman, Alfred


    Jurkowska, A. and Uchman, A. 2013. The trace fossil Lepidenteron lewesiensis (Mantell, 1822) from the Upper Cretaceous of southern Poland. Acta Geologica Polonica, 63(4), 611-623. Warszawa. Lepidenteron lewesiensis (Mantell, 1822) is an unbranched trace fossil lined with small fish scales and bones, without a constructed wall. It is characteristic of the Upper Cretaceous epicontinental, mostly marly sediments in Europe. In the Miechow Segment of the Szczecin-Miechow Synclinorium in southern Poland, it occurs in the Upper Campanian-Lower Maastrichtian deeper shelf sediments, which were deposited below wave base and are characterized by total bioturbation and a trace fossil assemblage comprising Planolites, Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides , Trichichnus, Phycosiphon, Zoophycos and Helicodromites that is typical of the transition from the distal Cruziana to the Zoophycos ichnofacies. L. lewesiensis was produced by a burrowing predator or scavenger of fishes. The tracemaker candidates could be eunicid polychaetes or anguillid fishes.

  15. Evidence for Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary bolide "impact winter" conditions from New Jersey, USA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vellekoop, J.; Esmeray-Senlet, S.; Miller, K.G.; Browning, J.V.; Sluijs, A.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/311474748; van de Schootbrugge, B.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/376758562; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/07401370X; Brinkhuis, H.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/095046097


    Abrupt and short-lived “impact winter” conditions have commonly been implicated as the main mechanism leading to the mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (ca. 66 Ma), marking the end of the reign of the non-avian dinosaurs. However, so far only limited evidence has been

  16. The contribution of the young Cretaceous Caribbean Oceanic Plateau to the genesis of late Cretaceous arc magmatism in the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador (United States)

    Allibon, J.; Monjoie, P.; Lapierre, H.; Jaillard, E.; Bussy, F.; Bosch, D.; Senebier, F.


    The eastern part of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador comprises thick buoyant oceanic plateaus associated with island-arc tholeiites and subduction-related calc-alkaline series, accreted to the Ecuadorian Continental Margin from Late Cretaceous to Eocene times. One of these plateau sequences, the Guaranda Oceanic Plateau is considered as remnant of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Province (CCOP) accreted to the Ecuadorian Margin in the Maastrichtien. Samples studied in this paper were taken from four cross-sections through two arc-sequences in the northern part of the Cordillera Occidental of Ecuador, dated as (Río Cala) or ascribed to (Macuchi) the Late Cretaceous and one arc-like sequence in the Chogòn-Colonche Cordillera (Las Orquídeas). These three island-arcs can clearly be identified and rest conformably on the CCOP. In all four localities, basalts with abundant large clinopyroxene phenocrysts can be found, mimicking a picritic or ankaramitic facies. This mineralogical particularity, although not uncommon in island arc lavas, hints at a contribution of the CCOP in the genesis of these island arc rocks. The complete petrological and geochemical study of these rocks reveals that some have a primitive island-arc nature (MgO values range from 6 to 11 wt.%). Studied samples display marked Nb, Ta and Ti negative anomalies relative to the adjacent elements in the spidergrams characteristic of subduction-related magmatism. These rocks are LREE-enriched and their clinopyroxenes show a tholeiitic affinity (FeO T-TiO 2 enrichment and CaO depletion from core to rim within a single crystal). The four sampled cross-sections through the island-arc sequences display homogeneous initial Nd, and Pb isotope ratios that suggest a unique mantellic source for these rocks resulting from the mixing of three components: an East-Pacific MORB end-member, an enriched pelagic sediment component, and a HIMU component carried by the CCOP. Indeed, the ankaramite and Mg

  17. Revisión sistemática de la evidencia actual de la aplicación de ejercicios excéntricos en la tendinopatía crónica aquílea


    Inda Iraceburu, Jaione


    Introducción y antecedentes: La tendinopatía crónica Aquílea se determina por la aparición de dolor, inflamación y pérdida de la función del tendón de Aquíles. Es una patología desarrollada por uso excesivo del tendón siendo frecuente en los deportes que implican carrera y salto. Objetivos y/o hipótesis a alcanzar: Observar la evidencia científica actual de los ejercicios excéntricos como tratamiento de dicha patología, analizando los cambios fisiológicos que se dan intentan...

  18. Hipertexto y edición en la "cultura digital". (Apuntes en torno a la convergencia comunicativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lda. Marta Graupera Sanz


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se centra en las posibilidades del hipertexto y la edición on line pero teniendo muy en cuenta el macroentorno cultural en el que se desarrollan las transformaciones sociales, económicas, científicas, tecnológicas, etc. La autora anticipa una de las conclusiones mayores de esta indagación (las restantes son de fácil localización a través del texto. El "salto" tecnológico actual cuestiona la capacidad de adaptación humana; ante los desequilibrios suscitados entre ambos es patente la necesidad de desarrollar nuestras capacidades multidisciplinares.

  19. Crocodilian Nest in a Late Cretaceous Sauropod Hatchery from the Type Lameta Ghat Locality, Jabalpur, India.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahul Srivastava

    Full Text Available The well-known Late Cretaceous Lameta Ghat locality (Jabalpur, India provides a window of opportunity to study a large stable, near shore sandy beach, which was widely used by sauropod dinosaurs as a hatchery. In this paper, we revisit the eggs and eggshell fragments previously assigned to lizards from this locality and reassign them to crocodylomorphs. Several features point to a crocodilian affinity, including a subspherical to ellipsoidal shape, smooth, uneven external surface, discrete trapezoid shaped shell units with wide top and narrow base, basal knobs and wedge shaped crystallites showing typical inverted triangular extinction under crossed nicols. The crocodylomorph eggshell material presented in this paper adds to the skeletal data of these most probably Cretaceous-Eocene dryosaurid crocodiles.

  20. Teeth of embryonic or hatchling sauropods from the Berriasian (Early Cretaceous of Cherves-de-Cognac, France

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul M. Barrett


    Full Text Available The Cherves-de-Cognac site (Charente, France has yielded a diverse continental microvertebrate fauna of Berriasian (earliest Cretaceous age. Dinosaur remains are rare, but include three teeth that are referrable to an indeterminate sauropod, which might represent either a titanosauriform, a non-titanosauriform macronarian or a non-neosauropod. The small size of these teeth (with a maximum length of 3 mm, as preserved and the almost complete absence of emanel wrinkling suggests that they pertained to embryonic or hatchling individuals. The Cherves-de-Cognac sauropod represents a rare occurrence of sauropod embryos/hatchlings, a new sauropod record from the poorly-known terrestrial Berriasian and another possible instance of the persistence of non-diplodocoid, non-titanosauriform sauropods into the Cretaceous.

  1. Late Cenomanian - Early Turonian Hardgrounds and nearshore Depositional Environments (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žítt, Jiří; Bosák, Pavel; Hradecká, L.; Svobodová, Marcela

    Colloque sur le Cénomanien/Colloquium on the Cenomanian Stage, - (2001), s. 105-107 ISSN 0766-5946. [Colloque sur le Cénomanien/Colloquium on the Cenomanian Stage. Rouen, 20.10.2001-21.10.2001] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/99/1315 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3013912 Keywords : Upper Cretaceous * Hardgrounds Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy

  2. Petrological-geochemical characteristics of coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rocks of Quantou Formation, Cretaceous in Songliao basin and their geological significance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Gan; Zhang Bangtong


    Clastic sedimentary rocks of Quantou Formation, Cretaceous in Qing-an area, Songliao basin are mainly composed of sandstone, mudstone and siltstone. The petrological-chemical analysis of clastic sedimentary rocks from Quantou Formation, Cretaceous indicates that their lithology mainly consists of arkose, shale and minor rock debris sandstone and greywacke by chemical classification of bulk elements. REE distribution pattern displays the apparent enrichment of LREE and negative anomaly of Eu and is similar to that of NASC and PAAS. The ratio of trace-element in sedimentary rocks to that of upper crust shows gentle character. All the above features indicate that these sedimentary rocks were slowly deposited under weakly active tectonic setting. They are sediments typical for passive continental margin and active continental margin. It is suggested that material source of clastic sediments of Quantou Formation, Cretaceous in Qing-an area, Songliao basin was originated from Hercynian granite of Zhangguangchai Mountain, and the granite was originated from upper crust. (authors)

  3. Review of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy in Western Cameros basin, Northern Spain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vidal, Maria del Pilar Clemente


    The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Cameros basin has been reviewed. In Western Cameros the stratigraphic sections are condensed but they have a parallel development with the basin depocentre and the same groups have been identified. The Tera Group consists of two formations: ...

  4. Oxygen isotopes from biogenic apatites suggest widespread endothermy in Cretaceous dinosaurs (United States)

    Amiot, Romain; Lécuyer, Christophe; Buffetaut, Eric; Escarguel, Gilles; Fluteau, Frédéric; Martineau, François


    The much debated question of dinosaur thermophysiology has not yet been conclusively solved despite numerous attempts. We used the temperature-dependent oxygen isotope fractionation between vertebrate body water (δ 18O body water) and phosphatic tissues (δ 18O p) to compare the thermophysiology of dinosaurs with that of non-dinosaurian ectothermic reptiles. Present-day δ 18O p values of vertebrate apatites show that ectotherms have higher δ 18O p values than endotherms at high latitudes due to their lower body temperature, and conversely lower δ 18O p values than endotherms at low latitudes. Using a data set of 80 new and 49 published δ 18O p values, we observed similar and systematic differences in δ 18O p values (Δ 18O) between four groups of Cretaceous dinosaurs (theropods, sauropods, ornithopods and ceratopsians) and associated fresh water crocodiles and turtles. Expressed in terms of body temperatures ( Tb), these Δ 18O values indicate that dinosaurs maintained rather constant Tb in the range of endotherms whatever ambient temperatures were. This implies that high metabolic rates were widespread among Cretaceous dinosaurs belonging to widely different taxonomic groups and suggest that endothermy may be a synapomorphy of dinosaurs, or may have been acquired convergently in the studied taxa.

  5. EVOLUTION. A four-legged snake from the Early Cretaceous of Gondwana. (United States)

    Martill, David M; Tischlinger, Helmut; Longrich, Nicholas R


    Snakes are a remarkably diverse and successful group today, but their evolutionary origins are obscure. The discovery of snakes with two legs has shed light on the transition from lizards to snakes, but no snake has been described with four limbs, and the ecology of early snakes is poorly known. We describe a four-limbed snake from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian) Crato Formation of Brazil. The snake has a serpentiform body plan with an elongate trunk, short tail, and large ventral scales suggesting characteristic serpentine locomotion, yet retains small prehensile limbs. Skull and body proportions as well as reduced neural spines indicate fossorial adaptation, suggesting that snakes evolved from burrowing rather than marine ancestors. Hooked teeth, an intramandibular joint, a flexible spine capable of constricting prey, and the presence of vertebrate remains in the guts indicate that this species preyed on vertebrates and that snakes made the transition to carnivory early in their history. The structure of the limbs suggests that they were adapted for grasping, either to seize prey or as claspers during mating. Together with a diverse fauna of basal snakes from the Cretaceous of South America, Africa, and India, this snake suggests that crown Serpentes originated in Gondwana. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  6. Diversification of Rosaceae since the Late Cretaceous based on plastid phylogenomics. (United States)

    Zhang, Shu-Dong; Jin, Jian-Jun; Chen, Si-Yun; Chase, Mark W; Soltis, Douglas E; Li, Hong-Tao; Yang, Jun-Bo; Li, De-Zhu; Yi, Ting-Shuang


    Phylogenetic relationships in Rosaceae have long been problematic because of frequent hybridisation, apomixis and presumed rapid radiation, and their historical diversification has not been clarified. With 87 genera representing all subfamilies and tribes of Rosaceae and six of the other eight families of Rosales (outgroups), we analysed 130 newly sequenced plastomes together with 12 from GenBank in an attempt to reconstruct deep relationships and reveal temporal diversification of this family. Our results highlight the importance of improving sequence alignment and the use of appropriate substitution models in plastid phylogenomics. Three subfamilies and 16 tribes (as previously delimited) were strongly supported as monophyletic, and their relationships were fully resolved and strongly supported at most nodes. Rosaceae were estimated to have originated during the Late Cretaceous with evidence for rapid diversification events during several geological periods. The major lineages rapidly diversified in warm and wet habits during the Late Cretaceous, and the rapid diversification of genera from the early Oligocene onwards occurred in colder and drier environments. Plastid phylogenomics offers new and important insights into deep phylogenetic relationships and the diversification history of Rosaceae. The robust phylogenetic backbone and time estimates we provide establish a framework for future comparative studies on rosaceous evolution. © 2017 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2017 New Phytologist Trust.

  7. Ecomorphological selectivity among marine teleost fishes during the end-Cretaceous extinction. (United States)

    Friedman, Matt


    Despite the attention focused on mass extinction events in the fossil record, patterns of extinction in the dominant group of marine vertebrates-fishes-remain largely unexplored. Here, I demonstrate ecomorphological selectivity among marine teleost fishes during the end-Cretaceous extinction, based on a genus-level dataset that accounts for lineages predicted on the basis of phylogeny but not yet sampled in the fossil record. Two ecologically relevant anatomical features are considered: body size and jaw-closing lever ratio. Extinction intensity is higher for taxa with large body sizes and jaws consistent with speed (rather than force) transmission; resampling tests indicate that victims represent a nonrandom subset of taxa present in the final stage of the Cretaceous. Logistic regressions of the raw data reveal that this nonrandom distribution stems primarily from the larger body sizes of victims relative to survivors. Jaw mechanics are also a significant factor for most dataset partitions but are always less important than body size. When data are corrected for phylogenetic nonindependence, jaw mechanics show a significant correlation with extinction risk, but body size does not. Many modern large-bodied, predatory taxa currently suffering from overexploitation, such billfishes and tunas, first occur in the Paleocene, when they appear to have filled the functional space vacated by some extinction victims.

  8. A molecular genetic time scale demonstrates Cretaceous origins and multiple diversification rate shifts within the order Galliformes (Aves). (United States)

    Stein, R Will; Brown, Joseph W; Mooers, Arne Ø


    The phylogeny of Galliformes (landfowl) has been studied extensively; however, the associated chronologies have been criticized recently due to misplaced or misidentified fossil calibrations. As a consequence, it is unclear whether any crown-group lineages arose in the Cretaceous and survived the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg; 65.5 Ma) mass extinction. Using Bayesian phylogenetic inference on an alignment spanning 14,539 bp of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data, four fossil calibrations, and a combination of uncorrelated lognormally distributed relaxed-clock and strict-clock models, we inferred a time-calibrated molecular phylogeny for 225 of the 291 extant Galliform taxa. These analyses suggest that crown Galliformes diversified in the Cretaceous and that three-stem lineages survived the K-Pg mass extinction. Ideally, characterizing the tempo and mode of diversification involves a taxonomically complete phylogenetic hypothesis. We used simple constraint structures to incorporate 66 data-deficient taxa and inferred the first taxon-complete phylogenetic hypothesis for the Galliformes. Diversification analyses conducted on 10,000 timetrees sampled from the posterior distribution of candidate trees show that the evolutionary history of the Galliformes is best explained by a rate-shift model including 1-3 clade-specific increases in diversification rate. We further show that the tempo and mode of diversification in the Galliformes conforms to a three-pulse model, with three-stem lineages arising in the Cretaceous and inter and intrafamilial diversification occurring after the K-Pg mass extinction, in the Paleocene-Eocene (65.5-33.9 Ma) or in association with the Eocene-Oligocene transition (33.9 Ma). Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. A new species of Cretalamna sensu stricto (Lamniformes, Otodontidae) from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) of Alabama, USA (United States)

    Ehret, Dana J.


    Decades of collecting from exposures of the Upper Cretaceous Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation and Mooreville Chalk in Alabama, USA has produced large numbers of isolated Cretalamna (sensu stricto) teeth. Many of these teeth had formerly been assigned to the extinct Late Cretaceous shark Cretalamna appendiculata (Agassiz, 1843), a taxon that is now considered largely restricted to the Turonian of Europe. Recent studies have shed light on the diversity of Late Cretaceous Cretalamna (s.s.) taxa, and here we recognize a new species from Alabama, Cretalamna bryanti. The teeth of C. bryanti sp. nov. appear aligned with the members of the Cretalamna borealis species group, but can be distinguished from these other species by a combination of the following: anterior teeth with a more pronounced and triangular lingual root protuberance, broader triangular cusp, and a taller root relative to the height of the crown; anteriorly situated lateroposterior teeth have a distally inclined or hooked main cusp and more than one pair of lateral cusplets; and lateroposterior teeth have a strong distally hooked main cusp and a root that is largely symmetrical in basal view. At present, C. bryanti sp. nov. is stratigraphically confined to the Santonian/Campanian Dicarinella asymetrica Sigal, 1952 and Globotruncanita elevata Brotzen, 1934 Planktonic Foraminiferal Zones within the Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation and Mooreville Chalk, and teeth have been collected from only four counties in central and western Alabama. The recognition of C. bryanti sp. nov. in Alabama adds to our knowledge on the diversity and distribution of Late Cretaceous otodontids in the region. PMID:29333348

  10. A new species of Cretalamna sensu stricto (Lamniformes, Otodontidae from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian of Alabama, USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jun A. Ebersole


    Full Text Available Decades of collecting from exposures of the Upper Cretaceous Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation and Mooreville Chalk in Alabama, USA has produced large numbers of isolated Cretalamna (sensu stricto teeth. Many of these teeth had formerly been assigned to the extinct Late Cretaceous shark Cretalamna appendiculata (Agassiz, 1843, a taxon that is now considered largely restricted to the Turonian of Europe. Recent studies have shed light on the diversity of Late Cretaceous Cretalamna (s.s. taxa, and here we recognize a new species from Alabama, Cretalamna bryanti. The teeth of C. bryanti sp. nov. appear aligned with the members of the Cretalamna borealis species group, but can be distinguished from these other species by a combination of the following: anterior teeth with a more pronounced and triangular lingual root protuberance, broader triangular cusp, and a taller root relative to the height of the crown; anteriorly situated lateroposterior teeth have a distally inclined or hooked main cusp and more than one pair of lateral cusplets; and lateroposterior teeth have a strong distally hooked main cusp and a root that is largely symmetrical in basal view. At present, C. bryanti sp. nov. is stratigraphically confined to the Santonian/Campanian Dicarinella asymetrica Sigal, 1952 and Globotruncanita elevata Brotzen, 1934 Planktonic Foraminiferal Zones within the Tombigbee Sand Member of the Eutaw Formation and Mooreville Chalk, and teeth have been collected from only four counties in central and western Alabama. The recognition of C. bryanti sp. nov. in Alabama adds to our knowledge on the diversity and distribution of Late Cretaceous otodontids in the region.

  11. Calibration of the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene geomagnetic polarity and astrochronological time scales: new results from high-precision U-Pb geochronology (United States)

    Ramezani, Jahandar; Clyde, William; Wang, Tiantian; Johnson, Kirk; Bowring, Samuel


    Reversals in the Earth's magnetic polarity are geologically abrupt events of global magnitude that makes them ideal timelines for stratigraphic correlation across a variety of depositional environments, especially where diagnostic marine fossils are absent. Accurate and precise calibration of the Geomagnetic Polarity Timescale (GPTS) is thus essential to the reconstruction of Earth history and to resolving the mode and tempo of biotic and environmental change in deep time. The Late Cretaceous - Paleocene GPTS is of particular interest as it encompasses a critical period of Earth history marked by the Cretaceous greenhouse climate, the peak of dinosaur diversity, the end-Cretaceous mass extinction and its paleoecological aftermaths. Absolute calibration of the GPTS has been traditionally based on sea-floor spreading magnetic anomaly profiles combined with local magnetostratigraphic sequences for which a numerical age model could be established by interpolation between an often limited number of 40Ar/39Ar dates from intercalated volcanic ash deposits. Although the Neogene part of the GPTS has been adequately calibrated using cyclostratigraphy-based, astrochronological schemes, the application of these approaches to pre-Neogene parts of the timescale has been complicated given the uncertainties of the orbital models and the chaotic behavior of the solar system this far back in time. Here we present refined chronostratigraphic frameworks based on high-precision U-Pb geochronology of ash beds from the Western Interior Basin of North America and the Songliao Basin of Northeast China that places tight temporal constraints on the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene GPTS, either directly or by testing their astrochronological underpinnings. Further application of high-precision radioisotope geochronology and calibrated astrochronology promises a complete and robust Cretaceous-Paleogene GPTS, entirely independent of sea-floor magnetic anomaly profiles.

  12. Fossil mega- and microflora from the Březno Beds s.s. (Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Coniacian)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Halamski, A. T.; Kvaček, J.; Svobodová, Marcela


    Roč. 253, June 2018 (2018), s. 123-138 ISSN 0034-6667 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : fossil plant * Cretaceous * taxonomy * paleobotany * Coniacian * Czech Republic Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy OBOR OECD: Paleontology Impact factor: 1.817, year: 2016

  13. A Late Cretaceous diversification of Asian oviraptorid dinosaurs: evidence from a new species preserved in an unusual posture (United States)

    Lü, Junchang; Chen, Rongjun; Brusatte, Stephen L.; Zhu, Yangxiao; Shen, Caizhi


    Oviraptorosaurs are a bizarre group of bird-like theropod dinosaurs, the derived forms of which have shortened, toothless skulls, and which diverged from close relatives by developing peculiar feeding adaptations. Although once among the most mysterious of dinosaurs, oviraptorosaurs are becoming better understood with the discovery of many new fossils in Asia and North America. The Ganzhou area of southern China is emerging as a hotspot of oviraptorosaur discoveries, as over the past half decade five new monotypic genera have been found in the latest Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) deposits of this region. We here report a sixth diagnostic oviraptorosaur from Ganzhou, Tongtianlong limosus gen. et sp. nov., represented by a remarkably well-preserved specimen in an unusual splayed-limb and raised-head posture. Tongtianlong is a derived oviraptorid oviraptorosaur, differentiated from other species by its unique dome-like skull roof, highly convex premaxilla, and other features of the skull. The large number of oviraptorosaurs from Ganzhou, which often differ in cranial morphologies related to feeding, document an evolutionary radiation of these dinosaurs during the very latest Cretaceous of Asia, which helped establish one of the last diverse dinosaur faunas before the end-Cretaceous extinction.

  14. Paleomagnetism of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks in central Patagonia: a key to constrain the timing of rotations during the breakup of southwestern Gondwana? (United States)

    Geuna, Silvana E.; Somoza, Rubén; Vizán, Haroldo; Figari, Eduardo G.; Rinaldi, Carlos A.


    A paleomagnetic study in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks from the Cañadón Asfalto basin, central Patagonia, indicates the occurrence of about 25-30° clockwise rotation in Upper Jurassic-lowermost Cretaceous rocks, whereas the overlying mid-Cretaceous rocks do not show evidence of rotation. This constrains the tectonic rotation to be related to a major regional unconformity in Patagonia, which in turn seems to be close in time with the early opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. The sense and probably the timing of this rotation are similar to those of other paleomagnetically detected rotations in different areas of southwestern Gondwana, suggesting a possible relationship between these and major tectonic processes related with fragmentation of the supercontinent. On the other hand, the mid-Cretaceous rocks in the region yield a paleopole located at Lat. 87° South, Long. 159° East, A95=3.8°. This pole position is consistent with coeval high-quality paleopoles of other plates when transferred to South American coordinates, implying it is an accurate determination of the Aptian (circa 116 Ma) geomagnetic field in South America.

  15. The bivalve Anopaea (Inoceramidae) from the Upper Jurassic-lowermost Cretaceous of Mexico (United States)

    Zell, Patrick; Crame, J. Alistair; Stinnesbeck, Wolfgang; Beckmann, Seija


    In Mexico, the Upper Jurassic to lowermost Cretaceous La Casita and coeval La Caja and La Pimienta formations are well-known for their abundant and well-preserved marine vertebrates and invertebrates. The latter include conspicuous inoceramid bivalves of the genus Anopaea not formally described previously from Mexico. Anopaea bassei (Lecolle de Cantú, 1967), Anopaea cf. stoliczkai (Holdhaus, 1913), Anopaea cf. callistoensis Crame and Kelly, 1995 and Anopaea sp. are rare constituents in distinctive Tithonian-lower Berriasian levels of the La Caja Formation and one Tithonian horizon of the La Pimienta Formation. Anopaea bassei was previously documented from the Tithonian of central Mexico and Cuba, while most other members of Anopaea described here are only known from southern high latitudes. The Mexican assemblage also includes taxa which closely resemble Anopaea stoliczkai from the Tithonian of India, Indonesia and the Antarctic Peninsula, and Anopaea callistoensis from the late Tithonian to ?early Berriasian of the Antarctic Peninsula. Our new data expand the palaeogeographical distribution of the high latitude Anopaea to the Gulf of Mexico region and substantiate faunal exchange, in the Late Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous, between Mexico and the Antarctic Realm.

  16. Modern mammal origins: evolutionary grades in the Early Cretaceous of North America. (United States)

    Jacobs, L L; Winkler, D A; Murry, P A


    Major groups of modern mammals have their origins in the Mesozoic Era, yet the mammalian fossil record is generally poor for that time interval. Fundamental morphological changes that led to modern mammals are often represented by small samples of isolated teeth. Fortunately, functional wear facets on teeth allow prediction of the morphology of occluding teeth that may be unrepresented by fossils. A major step in mammalian evolution occurred in the Early Cretaceous with the evolution of tribosphenic molars, which characterize marsupials and placentals, the two most abundant and diverse extant groups of mammals. A tooth from the Early Cretaceous (110 million years before present) of Texas tests previous predictions (based on lower molars) of the morphology of upper molars in early tribosphenic dentitions. The lingual cusp (protocone) is primitively without shear facets, as expected, but the cheek side of the tooth is derived (advanced) in having distinctive cusps along the margin. The tooth, although distressingly inadequate to define many features of the organism, demonstrates unexpected morphological diversity at a strategic stage of mammalian evolution and falsifies previous claims of the earliest occurrence of true marsupials.

  17. Cenozoic to Cretaceous paleomagnetic dataset from Egypt: New data, review and global analysis (United States)

    Perrin, Mireille; Saleh, Ahmed


    Different phases of igneous activity took place in Egypt during the Mesozoic and the Cenozoic and oriented samples were collected from three Cenozoic localities (Baharya oasis in the Western Desert, Abu Had in the Eastern Desert and Quseir along the Red Sea coast), and four Cretaceous localities (Toshki & Abu Simbel south of Aswan, and Shalaten & Abu Shihat along the Red Sea coast). Rock magnetic properties of the samples indicate magnetite and titanomagnetite as the main carrier of the remanent magnetization. Following stepwise demagnetization, characteristic remanent directions were identified only for 62% of the samples, a fairly low rate for that type of samples, and 8 new paleomagnetic poles were calculated. All our Cenozoic poles fall clearly off Master Polar Wander Paths proposed for South Africa. Therefore, all paleomagnetic results, previously published for Egypt, were compiled from Cretaceous to Quaternary. The published poles largely overlap, blurring the Egyptian Apparent Polar Wander Path. A new analysis at the site level was then carried out. Only poles having a kappa larger than 50 were selected, and new pole positions were calculated by area and by epoch, when at least 3 sites were available. Even though the selection drastically reduced the number of considered poles, it allows definition of a reliable Cenozoic apparent polar wander trend for Egypt that differs from the South African Master Polar Wander Path by about 10-15 °. If the Cretaceous igneous poles are in good agreement with the rest of the African data, the sedimentary poles plot close to the Cenozoic portion of the South African Master Polar Wander Path, a discrepancy that could be related either to inclination flattening and/or error on age and/or remagnetization in the Cenozoic.

  18. Astronomically Forced Hydrology of the Late Cretaceous Sub-tropical Potosí Basin, Bolivia (United States)

    Tasistro-Hart, A.; Maloof, A. C.; Schoene, B.; Eddy, M. P.


    Orbital forcings paced the ice ages of the Pleistocene, demonstrating that periodic variations in the latitudinal distribution of insolation amplified by ice-albedo feedbacks can guide global climate. How these forcings operate in the hot-houses that span most of the planet's history, however, is unknown. The lacustrine El Molino formation of the late Cretaceous-early Paleogene Potosí Basin in present-day Bolivia contains carbonate-mud parasequences that record fluctuating hydrological conditions from 73 to 63 Ma. This study presents the first cyclostratigraphic analysis using high-resolution drone-derived imagery and 3D elevation models, combined with conventional stratigraphic measurements and magnetic susceptibility data. The drone-derived data are integrated over the entire outcrop at two field areas using a novel application of stratigraphic potential field modeling that increases signal-to-noise ratios prior to spectral analysis. We demonstrate that these parasequences exhibit significant periodicities consistent with eccentricity (400 and 100 kyr), obliquity (50 kyr, 40 kyr, and 29 kyr), precession (17-23 kyr), and semi-precession (9-11 kyr). New U-Pb ID-TIMS zircon ages from intercalacted ash beds corroborate the interpreted sedimentation rates at two sites, indicating that the Potosí Basin contains evidence for hot-house astronomical forcing of sub-tropical lacustrine hydrology. Global climate simulations of late Cretaceous orbital end-member configurations demonstrate precessional-eccentricity and obliquity driven modulation of basin hydrology. In model simulations, the forcings drive long-term shifts in the location of the intertropical convergence zone, changing precipitation along the northern extent of the Potosí Basin's catchment area. This study is the first to demonstrate orbital forcing of a lacustrine system during the Maastrichtian and could ultimately contribute to a precise age for the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary.

  19. Mantle dynamics and Cretaceous magmatism in east-central China: Insight from teleseismic tomograms (United States)

    Jiang, Guoming; Zhang, Guibin; Zhao, Dapeng; Lü, Qingtian; Li, Hongyi; Li, Xinfu


    Both the rich mineralization in the Lower Yangtze Block (LYB) and the post-collisional mafic rocks in the Dabie Orogen (DBO) are closely related to the Cretaceous magmatism in east-central China. Various geodynamic models have been proposed for explaining the mechanism of the Cretaceous magmatism, but these models are controversial and even contradictory with each other, especially on the mechanism of adakites. A unified geodynamic model is required for explaining the magmatism in east-central China, in particular, the spatial and temporal correlations of magmatic activity in the DBO and that in the LYB. For this purpose, we apply teleseismic tomography to study P-wave velocity structure down to 800 km depth beneath east-central China. A modified multiple-channel cross-correlation method is used to collect 28,805 high-quality P-wave arrival-time data from seismograms of distant earthquakes recorded by permanent seismic stations and our temporary stations in the study region. To remove the influence of crustal heterogeneity on the mantle tomography, we used the CRUST1.0 model to correct the teleseismic relative residuals. Our tomography revealed distinct high-velocity (high-V) anomalies beneath the DBO and two flanks of the LYB, and low-velocity (low-V) anomalies above the high-V zones. Combining our tomographic images with previous geological, geochemical and geophysical results, we infer that these high-V and low-V anomalies reflect the detached lithosphere and upwelling asthenospheric materials, respectively, which are associated with the Late Mesozoic dynamic process and the Cretaceous magmatism. We propose a double-slab subduction model that a ridge subduction yielded the adakitic rocks in the LYB during 150-135 Ma and the subsequent Pacific Plate subduction played a crucial role in not only the formation of igneous rocks in the LYB but also remelting of the subducted South China Block beneath the DBO during 135-101 Ma.

  20. The uranium potential of the continental Cretaceous of Patagonia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olsen, H.; Berizzo, J.


    The geological features of the fluvial sedimentation of the Cretaceous of Patagonia - the Grupo Chubut Formation in the provinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz, underlined this environment as one of high favourability for discovering uranium deposits. The area has been explored by the CNEA who found two outstanding levels of fluvial sediments that are today the target of further studies to find new deposits. The general geological features are given, together with the results of the exploration up to date, distribution of radiometric anomalies, deposits discovered and an estimation of the uraniferous potential of the Formation. (author)

  1. Early and late cretaceous magmatism from Sao Sebastiao island (SE-Brazil): geochemistry and petrology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellieni, G.; Cavazzini, G.; Montes-Lauar, C.R.; Melfi, A.J.; Pacca, I.G.; De Min, A.; Piccirillo, E.M.


    The Sao Sebastiao island (236 km 2 ), located along the coast of the Sao Paulo State (Southern Brazil), is characterized by precambrian granitic affected by the Brasiliano tectonic-metamorphic cycle. This crystalline basement is intruded by Early Cretaceous (EC) sub alkaline basic and acid dykes, as well as by Late Cretaceous (LC) alkaline stocks (syenites) and dykes (basanite to phonolite). Geochemical, Sr-isotopic and mineral chemistry data point out that: EC-dykes reveal a basic-acid bimodal character, similar to that of the 'coeval' Parana basin flood volcanics; the acid dykes correspond, in composition, to the acid volcanics of the northern Parana basin: the EC-dykes can represent the eastern extension of the inland Santos-Rio de Janeiro dyke swarm, and LC alkaline stocks and dykes constitute distinct groups, characterized by different Sr-isotope initial ratios (syenites: av. 0.7052 and basanites + tephrites = av. 0.7045), which indicate that they are related to different time-integrated mantle source materials. (author)

  2. Molecular evidence of keratin and melanosomes in feathers of the Early Cretaceous bird Eoconfuciusornis. (United States)

    Pan, Yanhong; Zheng, Wenxia; Moyer, Alison E; O'Connor, Jingmai K; Wang, Min; Zheng, Xiaoting; Wang, Xiaoli; Schroeter, Elena R; Zhou, Zhonghe; Schweitzer, Mary H


    Microbodies associated with feathers of both nonavian dinosaurs and early birds were first identified as bacteria but have been reinterpreted as melanosomes. Whereas melanosomes in modern feathers are always surrounded by and embedded in keratin, melanosomes embedded in keratin in fossils has not been demonstrated. Here we provide multiple independent molecular analyses of both microbodies and the associated matrix recovered from feathers of a new specimen of the basal bird Eoconfuciusornis from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota of China. Our work represents the oldest ultrastructural and immunological recognition of avian beta-keratin from an Early Cretaceous (∼130-Ma) bird. We apply immunogold to identify protein epitopes at high resolution, by localizing antibody-antigen complexes to specific fossil ultrastructures. Retention of original keratinous proteins in the matrix surrounding electron-opaque microbodies supports their assignment as melanosomes and adds to the criteria employable to distinguish melanosomes from microbial bodies. Our work sheds new light on molecular preservation within normally labile tissues preserved in fossils.

  3. Lower Cretaceous Luscar group (revised) of the northern and north-central foothills of Alberta

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Langenberg, C W; McMechan, M E


    Lower Cretaceous coal-bearing strata exposed in the northern and north-central foothills of Alberta form part of a predominantly nonmarine succession that extends from Montana to northeastern British Columbia. The Luscar Group (revised) forms the sequence of coal bearing Lower Cretaceous strata that disconformably overlies marine and nonmarine strata of the Nikanassin Formation or Minnes Group and disconformably underlies marine shales of the Blackstone or Shaftesbury formations. It includes a thin, basal conglomerate, a predominantly nonmarine sandstone and shale unit that locally contains coal; a marine shale and sandstone unit, and an upper nonmarine sandstone and shale unit that contains thick commercial coal seams. These units form the Cadomin, Gladstone, Moosebar and Gates formations, respectively. The Luscar Group is exposed from Kakwa River to Clearwater River in the Foothills of Alberta. It represents a slight modification, by the inclusion of the thin basal conglomerate, from the previous usage of the term Luscar in the northern Foothills of Alberta. 25 references.

  4. Seawater strontium isotopes, acid rain, and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (United States)

    Macdougall, J. D.


    A large bolide impact at the end of the Cretaceous would have produced significant amounts of nitrogen oxides by shock heating of the atmosphere. The resulting acid precipitation would have increased continental weathering greatly and could be an explanation for the observed high ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 in seawater at about this time, due to the dissolution of large amounts of strontium from the continental crust. Spikes to high values in the seawater strontium isotope record at other times may reflect similar episodes.

  5. The formation of the Late Cretaceous Xishan Sn-W deposit, South China: Geochronological and geochemical perspectives (United States)

    Zhang, Lipeng; Zhang, Rongqing; Hu, Yongbin; Liang, Jinlong; Ouyang, Zhixia; He, Junjie; Chen, Yuxiao; Guo, Jia; Sun, Weidong


    The Xishan Sn-W deposit is spatially related to K-feldspar granites in the Yangchun basin, western Guangdong Province, South China. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating for the Xishan pluton defines an emplacement age of 79 Ma (78.1 ± 0.9 Ma; 79.0 ± 1.2 Ma; 79.3 ± 0.8 Ma), consistent with the mineralization age of the Xishan Sn-W deposit constrained by molybdenite Re-Os isochron age (79.4 ± 4.5 Ma) and LA-ICP-MS cassiterite U-Pb ages (78.1 ± 0.9 Ma and 79.0 ± 1.2 Ma) for the cassiterite-quartz vein. These indicate a close genetic relationship between the granite and Sn-W mineralization. The Xishan K-feldspar granites have geochemical characteristics of A-type granites, e.g., high total alkali (Na2O + K2O = 7.88-10.07 wt.%), high Ga/Al ratios (10000*Ga/Al > 2.6) and high Zr + Nb + Ce + Y concentrations (> 350 ppm). They are further classified as A2-type granites. The whole-rock isotopic compositions of K-feldspar granites (initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.705256-0.706181; εNd(t) = - 5.4 to - 4.8) and zircon εHf(t) values (- 7.8 to 2.0) suggest a mixed magma source. The low zircon Ce4 +/Ce3 + ratios (12-88) of K-feldspar granites suggest low oxygen fugacities, which is key for enrichment of tin in primary magmas. The K-feldspar granites have experienced strong differentiation as indicated by their high Rb/Sr and K/Rb ratios, and low Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios, which play an important role in ore-forming element transportation and concentration. A-type granite characteristics of the Xishan pluton show that it formed in an extensional environment. The high F and low Cl characteristics of the K-feldspar granite are most probably attributed to slab rollback. In the Late Cretaceous, the Xishan Sn-W deposit was located near the interaction of the circum-Pacific and the Tethys tectonic realms. Late Cretaceous Sn-W deposits, including the Xishan deposit, form an EW-trending belt from Guangdong to Yunnan Province in South China. This belt is in accordance with the direction of the Neo

  6. Post-early cretaceous landform evolution along the western margin of the banca~nnia trough, western nsw (United States)

    Gibson, D.L.


    Previously undated post-Devonian sediments outcropping north of Fowlers Gap station near the western margin of the Bancannia Trough are shown by plant macro- and microfossil determinations to be of Early Cretaceous (most likely Neocomian and/or Aptian) age, and thus part of the Eromanga Basin. They are assigned to the previously defined Telephone Creek Formation. Study of the structural configuration of this unit and the unconformably underlying Devonian rocks suggests that the gross landscape architecture of the area results from post-Early Cretaceous monoclinal folding along blind faults at the western margin of the trough, combined with the effects of differential erosion. This study shows that, while landscape evolution in the area has been dynamic, the major changes that have occurred are on a geological rather than human timescale.

  7. Evidence for subduction-related magmatism during the Cretaceous and Cenozoic in Myanmar (United States)

    Sevastjanova, Inga; Sagi, David Adam; Webb, Peter; Masterton, Sheona; Hill, Catherine; Davies, Clare


    Myanmar's complex geological history, numerous controversies around its tectonic evolution and the presence of prospective hydrocarbon basins make it a key area of interest for geologists. Understanding whether a passive or an active margin existed in the region during the Cenozoic is particularly important for the production of accurate basin models; active Cenozoic subduction would imply that hydrocarbon basins in the forearc experienced extension due to slab rollback. The geology of Myanmar was influenced by the regional tectonics associated with the Cretaceous and Cenozoic closure of the Neotethys Ocean. During this time, India travelled rapidly from Gondwana to Asia at speeds up to 20 cm/yr. To accommodate the north-eastward motion of India, the Neotethys Ocean was consumed at the subduction zone along the southern margin of Eurasia. Based on our Global Plate Model, this subduction zone can reasonably be expected to extend for the entire width of the Neotethys Ocean as far as Myanmar and Southeast Asia at their eastern extent. Moreover, a) Cretaceous volcanism onshore Myanmar, b) the middle Cenozoic arc-related extension in the Present Day eastern Andaman Sea and c) the late Cenozoic uplift of the Indo-Burman Ranges are all contemporaneous with the subduction ages predicted by the global plate motions. However, because of the geological complexity of the area, additional evidence would augment interpretations that are based on structural data. In an attempt to reduce the uncertainty in the existing interpretations, we have compiled published zircon geochronological data from detrital and igneous rocks in the region. We have used published zircon U-Pb ages and, where available, published Hf isotope data and CL images (core/rim) in order to distinguish 'juvenile' mantle-derived zircons from those of reworked crustal origin. The compilation shows that Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic zircons, which are interpreted to have a volcanic provenance, are common across the

  8. Bolide impact and long- and short term environmental change across the cretaceous-paleogene boundary

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vellekoop, J.


    The Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary mass extinction, ~66 million years ago, was one of the most devastating events in the history of life, marking the end of the dinosaur era. This mass extinction event is now widely acknowledged to be related to the global environmental consequences of the

  9. Tectonics and Volcanism During the Cretaceous Normal Superchron Seafloor in the Western Pacific Ocean (United States)

    O'Brien, E.


    We have conducted an integration study on the origin and evolution of the tectonics and volcanism of seafloor in the Western Pacific Ocean that took place during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (CNS) where sparse data has so far precluded detailed investigation. We have compiled the latest satellite-based gravity, gravity gradient, and magnetic grids (EMAG2 v.3) for this region. These crustal-scale high-resolution grids suggest that the CNS seafloor contains fossilized lithospheric morphology possibly attributed to the interaction between Cretaceous supervolcanism activity and Mid-Cretaceous Pacific mid ocean ridge systems that have continuously expanded the Pacific Plate. We recognize previously identified fossilized microplates west of the Magellan Rise, short-lived abandoned propagating rifts and fracture zones, all of which show significant rotation of seafloor fabric. In addition to these large scale observations, we have also compiled marine geological information from previously drilled cores and new data from a Kongsberg Topas PS18 Parametric Sub-Bottom Profiler collected on a transect from Honolulu, Hawaii to Apra, Guam acquired during research cruise SKQ2014S2. In particular, the narrow beam and high bandwidth signal of the Topas PS18 sub-bottom profiler provides sonar data of the seabed with a resolution and depth penetration that is unprecedented compared with previously available surveys in the region. A preliminary assessment of this high resolution Topas data allows us to better characterize sub-seafloor sediment properties and identify features, including the Upper Transparent Layer with identifiable pelagic clay and porcelanite-chert reflectors as well as tectonic features such as the westernmost tip of the Waghenaer Fracture Zone.

  10. Modelación de caudales en función de los macroporos del suelo en una microcuenca forestal de Durango, México

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Návar


    Full Text Available La predicción de caudales en suelos forestales y el efecto potencial de la silvicultura son importantes en el manejo forestal. En este reporte de investigación se probó el efecto de la presencia y ausencia de macroporos en el suelo en la producción de caudales utilizando un balance hidrológico de masas. Con mediciones de la precipitación diaria (P y la evaporación en evaporímetros (Et, desde 1945 hasta 2007 y utilizando submodelos para estimar la interceptación (I y la evapotranspiración potencial (Etp, se calcularon las descargas superficiales (Qs, subsuperficiales (Qp, y los cambios en el contenido de humedad del suelo (θ para la microcuenca La Rosilla II del Salto, Pueblo Nuevo en el Estado de Durango, México. Los resultados del análisis matemático mostraron que la falta de macroporos aumentó Qs en 149 mm pero disminuyó Qp a 0; así mismo la evapotranspiración actual (Eta aumentó de 506 mm hasta 541 mm y el valor promedio de θ cambió de 0.43 a 0.38 cm cm‑1. Como consecuencia, la ausencia de macroporos trae consigo la falta de caudales de infiltración profunda por la eliminación de la recarga y el aumento de la escorrentía superficial durante la época de lluvias y un aumento en el agua disponible para Eta. Es por estas razones que las prácticas de manejo forestal deben de estar encaminadas al mantenimiento de los bosques que cumplan al mismo tiempo con los objetivos del manejo forestal, destinado a la producción de bienes, y con su efecto regulador en la hidrología de los suelos forestales para cumplir con uno de los objetivos de los servicios que prestan los ecosistemas forestales.

  11. The Rise of Flowering Plants and Land Surface Physics: The Cretaceous and Eocene Were Different (United States)

    Upchurch, G. R.; Feild, T.


    The Cretaceous and Eocene have served as the poster children of past greenhouse climates. One difference between the two time periods is that angiosperms (flowering plants) underwent a major diversification and rise to dominance during the mid-Cretaceous to Paleocene. Flowering plants differ from all other living and fossil plants in having significantly higher rates of transpiration and photosynthesis, which in modern leaves correlate with the density of venation (Dv), a feature that can be measured directly from fossils. This increase in Dv, coupled with an increase in the abundance of angiosperms, is thought to have had major impact on the climate system. This is, in part, because transpiration plays an important role in determining the ratio of sensible to latent heat flux from the land surface and in determining precipitation rate in regions such as the equatorial rainforest. Analysis of Dv in fossil leaves indicates two phases of increase in transpiration rate for angiosperms during the Cretaceous-Paleocene. The oldest known angiosperms (Aptian-early Albian) have a low Dv characteristic of extant and fossil ferns and gymnosperms. At this time angiosperms are low-stature plants of minor importance in terms of relative abundance and diversity (ferns, and maximum Dv reaches levels characteristic of many trees from the temperate zone. This first phase coincides with the first local dominance of angiosperms, the first occurrence of moderate to large angiosperm trees (up to 1 m in diameter) , and the first common occurrence of angiosperms in the Arctic. The second phase of Dv increase occurs during the Maastrichtian to Paleocene, where average Dv reaches levels characteristic of modern tropical forests and maximum Dv reaches the level found in highly productive modern vegetation. This second phase coincides with the rise to dominance of angiosperms in regional vegetation, a corresponding decline of conifers and ferns, and the modernization of hydraulic architecture


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    Full Text Available A Jurassic- Cretaceous carbonate succession crops out along the Zyghosti Rema, Kozani (Northern Greece. The substratum consists of the ophiolitic succession of the Vourinos Massif (Pelagonian Domain: serpentinites tectonically overlain by basalts, with thin lenses of radiolarian cherts of middle Bathonian age. The contact with the overlying Jurassic limestones is tectonic. Eight informal units have been distinguished within the Mesozoic limestones, from the base upwards. (A bioclastic, intraclastic and oolitic packstone (Callovian- Oxfordian. (B bioclastic packstone and coral boundstone (Oxfordian . (C bioclastic and oncoidal wackestone with Clypeina jurassica (Oxfordian- Upper Kimmeridgian. (D (Upper Kimmeridgian- Portlandian: oncoidal packstone and rudstone (facies D1; intraclastic and bioclastic grainstone and packstone (facies D2; neptunian dykes with intraclastic and bioclastic wackestone and packstone filling (facies D3; neptunian dykes with Fe-Mn rich laterite filling and with pink silty filling of early Late Cretaceous age. An unconformity surface, due to emersion and erosion of the platform during the latest Jurassic- Early Cretaceous, is overlain by (E intraclastic, bioclastic packstone and grainstone (Cenomanian. (F massive body of debrites with coral, echinoderm, algae and rudist large clasts (facies F1 (Cenomanian; turbiditic beds of bioclastic, intraclastic and lithoclastic rudstone and grainstone (facies F2. (G thin bedded bioclastic mudstone and wackestone with planktonic foraminifers and radiolarians, alternating with turbiditic beds of bioclastic, intraclastic packstone and rudstone and with conglomeratic levels and slumped beds of the previous turbidites (upper Santonian- lower Campanian. (H: bioclastic packstone with planktonic foraminifers (facies H1 (lower Campanian - ?Maastrichtian; amalgamated turbiditic beds of bioclastic wackestone and packstone with planktonic foraminifers (facies H2; turbiditic beds of bioclastic

  13. Severity of ocean acidification following the end-Cretaceous asteroid impact. (United States)

    Tyrrell, Toby; Merico, Agostino; Armstrong McKay, David Ian


    Most paleo-episodes of ocean acidification (OA) were either too slow or too small to be instructive in predicting near-future impacts. The end-Cretaceous event (66 Mya) is intriguing in this regard, both because of its rapid onset and also because many pelagic calcifying species (including 100% of ammonites and more than 90% of calcareous nannoplankton and foraminifera) went extinct at this time. Here we evaluate whether extinction-level OA could feasibly have been produced by the asteroid impact. Carbon cycle box models were used to estimate OA consequences of (i) vaporization of up to 60 × 10(15) mol of sulfur from gypsum rocks at the point of impact; (ii) generation of up to 5 × 10(15) mol of NOx by the impact pressure wave and other sources; (iii) release of up to 6,500 Pg C as CO2 from vaporization of carbonate rocks, wildfires, and soil carbon decay; and (iv) ocean overturn bringing high-CO2 water to the surface. We find that the acidification produced by most processes is too weak to explain calcifier extinctions. Sulfuric acid additions could have made the surface ocean extremely undersaturated (Ωcalcite ocean very rapidly (over a few days) and if the quantity added was at the top end of literature estimates. We therefore conclude that severe ocean acidification might have been, but most likely was not, responsible for the great extinctions of planktonic calcifiers and ammonites at the end of the Cretaceous.

  14. Vertebrate assemblages from the early Late Cretaceous of southeastern Morocco: An overview (United States)

    Cavin, L.; Tong, H.; Boudad, L.; Meister, C.; Piuz, A.; Tabouelle, J.; Aarab, M.; Amiot, R.; Buffetaut, E.; Dyke, G.; Hua, S.; Le Loeuff, J.


    Fossils of vertebrates have been found in great abundance in the continental and marine early Late Cretaceous sediments of Southeastern Morocco for more than 50 years. About 80 vertebrate taxa have so far been recorded from this region, many of which were recognised and diagnosed for the first time based on specimens recovered from these sediments. In this paper, we use published data together with new field data to present an updated overview of Moroccan early Late Cretaceous vertebrate assemblages. The Cretaceous series we have studied encompasses three Formations, the Ifezouane and Aoufous Formations, which are continental and deltaic in origin and are often grouped under the name "Kem Kem beds", and the Akrabou Formation which is marine in origin. New field observations allow us to place four recognised vertebrate clusters, corresponding to one compound assemblage and three assemblages, within a general temporal framework. In particular, two ammonite bioevents characterise the lower part of the Upper Cenomanian ( Calycoceras guerangeri Zone) at the base of the Akrabou Formation and the upper part of the Lower Turonian ( Mammites nodosoides Zone), that may extend into the Middle Turonian within the Akrabou Formation, and allow for more accurate dating of the marine sequence in the study area. We are not yet able to distinguish a specific assemblage that characterises the Ifezouane Formation when compared to the similar Aoufous Formation, and as a result we regard the oldest of the four vertebrate "assemblages" in this region to be the compound assemblage of the "Kem Kem beds". This well-known vertebrate assemblage comprises a mixture of terrestrial (and aerial), freshwater and brackish vertebrates. The archosaur component of this fauna appears to show an intriguingly high proportion of large-bodied carnivorous taxa, which may indicate a peculiar trophic chain, although collecting biases alter this palaeontological signal. A small and restricted assemblage, the

  15. Neutron activation analysis in geochemical characterization of Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from the Nordvik Peninsula

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mizera, Jiří; Řanda, Zdeněk; Košťák, M.


    Roč. 284, č. 1 (2010), s. 211-219 ISSN 0236-5731 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary * Nordvik Peninsula * Iridium anomaly Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 0.777, year: 2010

  16. Valoración de cambios hidrológicos en la cuenca del río Bogotá/Assessment of Hydrologic Changes in the Bogotá River Basin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mario A. Díaz-Granados Ortiz


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan reflexiones sobre el diseño hidrológico asociado a eventos extremos, algunas consideraciones sobre la suposición de estacionaridad, e implicaciones de la no estacionaridad en el diseño hidrológico. Se muestran algunos análisis que pretenden ilustrar variaciones hidrológicas en la cuenca del río Bogotá, mediante pruebas estadísticas de tendencias y saltos; cambios en el uso del suelo y procesos de urbanización; agradación del fondo del cauce en algunos tramos, e inclusión de fenómenos macroclimáticos en el análisis de frecuencia de caudales máximos. Por último, se presentan algunas consideraciones finales sobre las diferentes influencias naturales y antrópicas que afectan los sistemas hidrológicos. Asimismo, plantea la necesidad de análisis de los registros hidrológicos existentes, junto con información contextual, y la importancia de incrementar los esfuerzos de medición, análisis y modelación en la cuenca del río Bogotá.In this article some reflections are presented about hydrologic design related to extreme events, with some considerations regarding stationarity, and implications of the nonstationarity on hydrologic design. Some analyses are shown to illustrate hydrologic variations in the Bogotá river basin, using statistical tests for trends and step jumps in the mean, changes in soil uses and urbanization processes, sedimentation of streams in some reaches, and inclusion of macroclimatic phenomena in frequency analysis of maximum flows. Finally, some remarks are presented regarding the different natural and anthropogenic influences that affect hydrologic systems. Likewise, it presents the need of historical data analysis with contextual supporting information, and the importance of incrementing hydrologic measurements, analysis and modeling in the Bogotá river basin.

  17. Early Cretaceous ribbed aptychi - a proposal for a new systematic classification

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Měchová, L.; Vašíček, Zdeněk; Houša, Václav


    Roč. 85, č. 2 (2010), s. 219-274 ISSN 1214-1119 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518; CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Late Jurassic * J/K boundary * Early Cretaceous * aptychi Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 1.202, year: 2010


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    Adriana Alvarado


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio fue determinar si las técnicas del masaje y el estiramiento activo influyen en el rendimiento físico. Participaron voluntariamente 28 sujetos físicamente activos (14 hombres y 14 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 37 años, los cuales realizaron tres pruebas de rendimiento físico: el salto Sargent, la prueba de velocidad de 30 m y una prueba sub-máxima de fuerza para extensión de rodilla. Para la realización de estas pruebas se designaron seis diferentes secuencias de las mismas, que luego se aleatorizaron a los participantes. Los sujetos se debían presentar una vez a la semana durante dos semanas de forma tal que participaran en ambos tratamientos, después de realizar un calentamiento de 10 minutos de trote, los sujetos procedieron a realizar el pretest en la secuencia que aleatoriamente se les asignó, posterior a esto se realizaron los tratamientos: un tratamiento consistía en un masaje tipo effleurage de 20 minutos en total en ambos miembros inferiores (10 minutos, en cada pierna, 5 minutos prono y 5 minutos supino y el tratamiento de estiramiento consistía de un estiramiento estático dirigido de 10 minutos tanto para miembros inferiores como para tronco. Una vez finalizado los tratamientos los sujetos realizaban el post test, en la misma secuencia de pruebas del pretest.: Para el análisis de los datos se realizaron tres ANOVAs 2 x 2 x 2 (mediciones x tratamiento x género y de acuerdo con esto se encontró una interacción triple significativa en la prueba de velocidad (p < 0.05 y diferencias estadísticamente significativas con relación al sexo (p < 0.05 en las tres pruebas físicas. Los resultados obtenidos por este estudio muestran que no existe diferencia entre el realizar un estiramiento activo o recibir un masaje antes de realizar actividad física, es decir, pueden ser utilizados como forma de calentamiento previo al ejercicio o simplemente se puede prescindir de ellos, sin que

  19. El Salto Social ¿una nueva concepción de la seguridad ciudadana?

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    Zuluaga Nieto Jaime


    Full Text Available La sociedad colombiana ha experimentado en los últimos años un acelerado proceso modernizador. La Constitución de 1991 creó condiciones para la democratización política, la participación ciudadana y el pluripartidismo, contribuyendo a superar la crisis del excluyente régimen político heredado del Frente Nacional [Aguilar 1994]. La creciente exposición a la competencia internacional, iniciada con la administración Barco, propició cambios en el comportamiento de los agentes económicos, indujo procesos de reconversión industrial y abrió a la competencia privada espacios tradicionalmente reservados a la acción estatal.

  20. High resolution stratigraphy of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval in the Gresten Klippenbelt (Austria)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lukeneder, A.; Halásová, E.; Kroh, A.; Mayrhofer, S.; Pruner, Petr; Reháková, D.; Schnabl, Petr; Sprovieri, M.; Wagreich, M.


    Roč. 61, č. 5 (2010), s. 365-381 ISSN 1335-0552 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/07/1365 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary * Penninic Ocean, * paleoecology * paleogeography * environmental changes Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 0.909, year: 2010

  1. Evidence for Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary bolide “impact winter” conditions from New Jersey, USA

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vellekoop, J.; Esmeray-Senlet, S.; Miller, K.G.; Browning, J.V.; Sluijs, A.; van de Schootbrugge, B.; Sinninghe Damsté, J.S.; Brinkhuis, H.


    Abrupt and short-lived “impact winter” conditions have commonly been implicated as the main mechanism leading to the mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary (ca. 66 Ma), marking the end of the reign of the non-avian dinosaurs. However, so far only limited evidence has been

  2. Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous continental convergence and intracontinental orogenesis in East Asia: A synthesis of the Yanshan Revolution (United States)

    Dong, Shuwen; Zhang, Yueqiao; Zhang, Fuqin; Cui, Jianjun; Chen, Xuanhua; Zhang, Shuanhong; Miao, Laicheng; Li, Jianhua; Shi, Wei; Li, Zhenhong; Huang, Shiqi; Li, Hailong


    The basic tectonic framework of continental East Asia was produced by a series of nearly contemporaneous orogenic events in the late Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Commonly, the Late Mesozoic orogenic processes were characterized by continent-continent collision, large-scale thrusting, strike-slip faulting and intense crustal shortening, crustal thickening, regional anatexis and metamorphism, followed by large-scale lithospheric extension, rifting and magmatism. To better understand the geological processes, this paper reviews and synthesizes existing multi-disciplinary geologic data related to sedimentation, tectonics, magmatism, metamorphism and geochemistry, and proposes a two-stage tectono-thermal evolutionary history of East Asia during the late Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (ca. 170-120 Ma). In the first stage, three orogenic belts along the continental margins were formed coevally at ca. 170-135 Ma, i.e., the north Mongol-Okhotsk orogen, the east paleo-Pacific coastal orogen, and the west Bangong-Nujiang orogen. Tectonism related to the coastal orogen caused extensive intracontinental folding and thrusting that resulted in a depositional hiatus in the Late Jurassic, as well as crustal anatexis that generated syn-kinematic granites, adakites and migmatites. The lithosphere of the East Asian continent was thickened, reaching a maximum during the latest Jurassic or the earliest Cretaceous. In the second stage (ca. 135-120 Ma), delamination of the thickened lithosphere resulted in a remarkable (>120 km) lithospheric thinning and the development of mantle-derived magmatism, mineralization, metamorphic core complexes and rift basins. The Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous subduction of oceanic plates (paleo-Pacific, meso-Tethys, and Mongol-Okhotsk) and continent-continent collision (e.g. Lhasa and Qiangtang) along the East Asian continental margins produced broad coastal and intracontinental orogens. These significant tectonic activities, marked by

  3. The origin of oil in the Cretaceous succession from the South Pars Oil Layer of the Persian Gulf (United States)

    Rahmani, Omeid; Aali, Jafar; Junin, Radzuan; Mohseni, Hassan; Padmanabhan, Eswaran; Azdarpour, Amin; Zarza, Sahar; Moayyed, Mohsen; Ghazanfari, Parviz


    The origin of the oil in Barremian-Hauterivian and Albian age source rock samples from two oil wells (SPO-2 and SPO-3) in the South Pars oil field has been investigated by analyzing the quantity of total organic carbon (TOC) and thermal maturity of organic matter (OM). The source rocks were found in the interval 1,000-1,044 m for the Kazhdumi Formation (Albian) and 1,157-1,230 m for the Gadvan Formation (Barremian-Hauterivian). Elemental analysis was carried out on 36 samples from the source rock candidates (Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations) of the Cretaceous succession of the South Pars Oil Layer (SPOL). This analysis indicated that the OM of the Barremian-Hauterivian and Albian samples in the SPOL was composed of kerogen Types II and II-III, respectively. The average TOC of analyzed samples is less than 1 wt%, suggesting that the Cretaceous source rocks are poor hydrocarbon (HC) producers. Thermal maturity and Ro values revealed that more than 90 % of oil samples are immature. The source of the analyzed samples taken from Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations most likely contained a content high in mixed plant and marine algal OM deposited under oxic to suboxic bottom water conditions. The Pristane/nC17 versus Phytane/nC18 diagram showed Type II-III kerogen of mixture environments for source rock samples from the SPOL. Burial history modeling indicates that at the end of the Cretaceous time, pre-Permian sediments remained immature in the Qatar Arch. Therefore, lateral migration of HC from the nearby Cretaceous source rock kitchens toward the north and south of the Qatar Arch is the most probable origin for the significant oils in the SPOL.

  4. Geology, mineralization, Rb-Sr & Sm-Nd geochemistry, and U–Pb zircon geochronology of Kalateh Ahani Cretaceous intrusive rocks, southeast Gonabad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Hassan Karimpour


    Full Text Available Kalateh Ahani is located 27 km southeast of Gonabad within the Khorasan Razavi province. The area is part of Lut Block. Sub-volcanic monzonitic rocks intruded regional metamorphosed Shemshak Formation (Jurassic age. Magnetic susceptibility of less altered monzonitic rocks is 0.6%., As, Pb and Zn > 1%, Au up to 150 ppb and Sn = 133 ppm. The Sn content of vein in the northern part of Kalateh Ahani (Rud Gaz is > 1%. Based on mineralization, alteration and geochemistry, it seems that Sn mineralization is associated with the Cretaceous monzonitic rocks. Zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the age of the monzonitic rocks associated with mineralization is 109 Ma (Lower Cretaceous. Based on (87Sr/86Sri = 0.71089-0.710647 and (143Nd/144Ndi = 0.512113-0.51227 of the monzonitic rocks, the magma for these rocks were originated from the continental crust. This research has opened new window with respect to Sn-Cu mineralization and exploration within the Lut Block which is associated with Cretaceous granitoid rocks (reduced type, ilmenite series originated from the continental crust.

  5. Fire-adapted Gondwanan Angiosperm floras evolved in the Cretaceous

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lamont Byron B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Fires have been widespread over the last 250 million years, peaking 60−125 million years ago (Ma, and might therefore have played a key role in the evolution of Angiosperms. Yet it is commonly believed that fireprone communities existed only after the global climate became more arid and seasonal 15 Ma. Recent molecular-based studies point to much earlier origins of fireprone Angiosperm floras in Australia and South Africa (to 60 Ma, Paleocene but even these were constrained by the ages of the clades examined. Results Using a molecular-dated phylogeny for the great Gondwanan family Proteaceae, with a 113-million-year evolutionary history, we show that the ancestors of many of its characteristic sclerophyll genera, such as Protea, Conospermum, Leucadendron, Petrophile, Adenanthos and Leucospermum (all subfamily Proteoideae, occurred in fireprone habitats from 88 Ma (83−94, 95% HPD, Mid-Upper Cretaceous. This coincided with the highest atmospheric oxygen (combustibility levels experienced over the past 150 million years. Migration from non-fireprone (essentially rainforest-climate-type environments was accompanied by the evolution of highly speciose clades with a range of seed storage traits and fire-cued seed release or germination mechanisms that was diagnostic for each clade by 71 Ma, though the ant-dispersed lineage (as a soil seed-storage subclade was delayed until 45 Ma. Conclusions Focusing on the widespread 113-million-year-old family Proteaceae, fireproneness among Gondwanan Angiosperm floras can now be traced back almost 90 million years into the fiery Cretaceous. The associated evolution of on-plant (serotiny and soil seed storage, and later ant dispersal, affirms them as ancient adaptations to fire among flowering plants.

  6. Physical behaviour of Cretaceous calcareous nannofossil ooze

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buls, Toms; Anderskouv, Kresten; Friend, Patrick L.


    Geomorphic features such as drifts, sediment waves and channels have been documented in the Upper Cretaceous of north-west Europe. These features are interpreted to result from bottom currents and have been used to refine chalk depositional models and quantify palaeocirculation patterns. Chalk...... was first deposited as calcareous nannofossil ooze and geomorphic features are the result of sediment reworking after deposition. There is limited knowledge on the processes that govern nannofossil ooze mobility, thus forcing uncertainty onto numerical models based on sedimentological observations...... of deposition thresholds (τcd) from ca 0·04 to 0·13 Pa reflects the influence of variable suspended sediment concentration and τ0 on settling particle size due to the identified potential for chalk ooze aggregation and flocculation. Additionally, deposition thresholds seem to be affected by the size of eroded...

  7. Tectonic evolution of the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain inferred from stratigraphic and petrographic evidences of Lower Cretaceous and Oligocene flysch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Puglisi Diego


    Full Text Available The occurrence of a Lower Cretaceous flysch group, cropping out from the Gibraltar Arc to the Balkans with a very similar structural setting and sedimentary provenance always linked to the dismantling of internal areas, suggests the existence of only one sedimentary basin (Alpine Tethys s.s., subdivided into many other minor oceanic areas. The Maghrebian Basin, mainly developed on thinned continental crust, was probably located in the westernmost sector of the Alpine Tethys. Cretaceous re-organization of the plates triggered one (or more tectonic phases, well recorded in almost all the sectors of the Alpine Tethys. However, the Maghrebian Basin seems to have been deformed by Late- or post-Cretaceous tectonics, connected with a “meso-Alpine” phase (pre-Oligocene, already hypothesized since the beginning of the nineties. Field geological evidence and recent biostratigraphic data also support this important meso- Alpine tectonic phase in the Sicilian segment of the Maghrebian Chain, indicated by the deformations of a Lower Cretaceous flysch sealed by Lower Oligocene turbidite deposits. This tectonic development is emphasized here because it was probably connected with the onset of rifting in the southern paleomargin of the European plate, the detaching of the so-called AlKaPeCa block (Auct.; i.e. Alboran + Kabylian + Calabria and Peloritani terranes and its fragmentation into several microplates. The subsequent early Oligocene drifting of these microplates led to the progressive closure of the Maghrebian Basin and the opening of new back-arc oceanic basins, strongly controlled by extensional processes, in the western Mediterranean (i.e. Gulf of Lion, Valencia Trough, Provençal Basin and Alboran Sea.

  8. Early Cretaceous Archaeamphora is not a carnivorous angiosperm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William Oki Wong


    Full Text Available Archaeamphora longicervia H.Q.Li was described as an herbaceous, Sarraceniaceae-like pitcher plant from the mid Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, northeastern China. Here, a re-investigation of A. longicervia specimens from the Yixian Formation provides new insights into its identity and the morphology of pitcher plants claimed by Li. We demonstrate that putative pitchers of Archaeamphora are insect-induced leaf galls that consist of three components: (1 an innermost larval chamber with a distinctive outer wall; (2 an intermediate zone of nutritive tissue; and (3 an outermost zone of sclerenchyma. Archaeamphora is not a carnivorous, Sarraceniaceae-like angiosperm, but represents insect-galled leaves of the formerly reported gymnosperm Liaoningocladus boii G.Sun et al. from the Yixian Formation.

  9. Depositional and palaeoenvironmental variation of lower Turonian nearshore facies in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žítt, Jiří; Vodrážka, R.; Hradecká, L.; Svobodová, Marcela; Šťastný, Martin; Švábenická, L.


    Roč. 56, September/December (2015), s. 293-315 ISSN 0195-6671 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : phosphatic particle accumulations * organic matter * micropalaeontology * biostratigraphy * condensed sedimentation * Upper Cretaceous Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 2.196, year: 2015

  10. Neutron activation analysis in geochemical characterization of Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary rocks from the Nordvik Peninsula

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mizera, Jiří; Řanda, Z.; Košťák, M.


    Roč. 284, č. 1 (2010), s. 211-219 ISSN 0236-5731 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30460519 Keywords : Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary * Nordvik Peninsula * Iridium anomaly Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders OBOR OECD: Geology Impact factor: 0.777, year: 2010

  11. Isotopic evaluation of ocean circulation in the Late Cretaceous North American seaway (United States)

    Coulson, Alan B.; Kohn, Matthew J.; Barrick, Reese E.


    During the mid- and Late Cretaceous period, North America was split by the north-south oriented Western Interior Seaway. Its role in creating and maintaining Late Cretaceous global greenhouse conditions remains unclear. Different palaeoceanographic reconstructions portray diverse circulation patterns. The southward extent of relatively cool, low-salinity, low-δ18O surface waters critically distinguishes among these models, but past studies of invertebrates could not independently assess water temperature and isotopic compositions. Here we present oxygen isotopes in biophosphate from coeval marine turtle and fish fossils from western Kansas, representing the east central seaway, and from the Mississippi embayment, representing the marginal Tethys Ocean. Our analyses yield precise seawater isotopic values and geographic temperature differences during the main transition from the Coniacian to the early Campanian age (87-82 Myr), and indicate that the seaway oxygen isotope value and salinity were 2‰ and 3‰ lower, respectively, than in the marginal Tethys Ocean. We infer that the influence of northern freshwater probably reached as far south as Kansas. Our revised values imply relatively large temperature differences between the Mississippi embayment and central seaway, explain the documented regional latitudinal palaeobiogeographic zonation and support models with relatively little inflow of surface waters from the Tethys Ocean to the Western Interior Seaway.

  12. Organic matter in North Bohemian Tertiavy and Cretaceous sediments with uranium mineralization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simanek, V.


    Significant variability was found in the qualitative and the quantitative compositions of dispersed organic matter in Tertiary rocks with uranium ore content between hundredths and units of percentage of the rocks. In Cretaceous rocks with similar proportion of uranium in w.% the variability is much smaller. In rocks with higher organic carbon and uranium levels the organic matter is in a more advanced stage of carbonification metamorphosis than in rocks with lower levels of the components. A statistical correlation test showed free positive correlation between the levels of uranium and organic carbon and the levels of uranium and strongly carbonified organic components and negative correlation between uranium level and humic substances on one hand and the uranium level and bitumens on the other. In Cretaceous sediments, the individual organic compounds were analytically determined in addition to the total level of organic carbon, the strongly carbonified organic components, humic substances and bitumens. Higher fatty acids in ppm concentrations were also found. Their distribution corresponds to the usual distribution in sediments. Rocks with lower contents of organic matter and uranium usually contain phenol aldehydes bound to glycosides while those with higher contents of uranium and organic carbon contain higher amounts of free phenol aldehydes. The composition of amino acids indicates genetic links to the microbial activity. (author)

  13. Syn-sedimentary tectonics and facies analysis in a rift setting: Cretaceous Dalmiapuram Formation, Cauvery Basin, SE India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nivedita Chakraborty


    Full Text Available The Cretaceous (Albian–Cenomanian Dalmiapuram Formation is one of the economically significant constituents in the hydrocarbon-producing Cauvery rift basin, SE India that opened up during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Gondwanaland fragmentation. The fossil-rich Dalmiapuram Formation, exposed at Ariyalur within the Pondicherry sub-basin of Cauvery Basin, rests in most places directly on the Archean basement and locally on the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian Basal Siliciclastic Formation. In the Dalmiapuram Formation, a facies association of tectonically-disturbed phase is sandwiched between two drastically quieter phases. The early syn-rift facies association (FA 1, records the first carbonate marine transgression within the basin, comprising a bar–lagoon system with occasionally storms affecting along the shore and a sheet-like non-recurrent biomicritic limestone bed on the shallow shelf that laterally grades into pyrite–glauconite-bearing dark-colored shale in the deeper shelf. Spectacular breccias together with varied kinds of mass-flow products comprise the syn-rift facies association (FA 2. While the breccias occur at the basin margin area, the latter extend in the deeper inland sea. Clast composition of the coarse clastics includes large, even block-sized limestone fragments and small fragments of granite and sandstone from the basement. Marl beds of quieter intervals between tectonic pulses occur in alternation with them. Faulted basal contact of the formation, and small grabens filled by multiple mass-flow packages bear the clear signature of the syntectonic activity localized contortions, slump folds, and pillow beds associated with mega slump/slide planes and joints, which corroborates this contention further. This phase of tectonic intervention is followed by another relatively quieter phase and accommodates the late syn-rift facies association (FA 3. A tidal bar–interbar shelf depositional system allowed a

  14. The oldest known snakes from the Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous provide insights on snake evolution. (United States)

    Caldwell, Michael W; Nydam, Randall L; Palci, Alessandro; Apesteguía, Sebastián


    The previous oldest known fossil snakes date from ~100 million year old sediments (Upper Cretaceous) and are both morphologically and phylogenetically diverse, indicating that snakes underwent a much earlier origin and adaptive radiation. We report here on snake fossils that extend the record backwards in time by an additional ~70 million years (Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous). These ancient snakes share features with fossil and modern snakes (for example, recurved teeth with labial and lingual carinae, long toothed suborbital ramus of maxillae) and with lizards (for example, pronounced subdental shelf/gutter). The paleobiogeography of these early snakes is diverse and complex, suggesting that snakes had undergone habitat differentiation and geographic radiation by the mid-Jurassic. Phylogenetic analysis of squamates recovers these early snakes in a basal polytomy with other fossil and modern snakes, where Najash rionegrina is sister to this clade. Ingroup analysis finds them in a basal position to all other snakes including Najash.

  15. Are glendonites reliable indicators of cold conditions? Evidence from the Lower Cretaceous of Spitsbergen (United States)

    Vickers, Madeleine; Price, Gregory; Watkinson, Matthew; Jerrett, Rhodri


    Glendonites are pseudomorphs after the mineral ikaite, and have been found in marine sediments throughout geological time. Ikaite is a metastable, hydrated form of calcium carbonate, which is only stable under specific conditions: between -2 and +5 °C, and with high alkalinity and phosphate concentrations. Glendonites are often associated with cold climates due to the strong temperature control on ikaite growth, and the coincidence in the geological record with episodes of global cooling. Glendonites are found in the Lower Cretaceous succession in Spitsbergen. During the Early Cretaceous, Spitsbergen was at a palaeolatitude of 60°N, and was part of a shallow epicontinental sea that formed during the Mesozoic as Atlantic rifting propagated northwards. Though the Early Cretaceous was generally characterised by greenhouse climate conditions, episodic cold snaps occurred during the Valanginian (the "Weissert Event") and during Aptian-Albian. Using high resolution carbon-isotope stratigraphy, we show that the first occurrences of glendonites are in the upper Lower Hauterivian and in the very upper Upper Hauterivian, stratigraphically higher than the Valanginian cooling event. Glendonites are also found in horizons in the Upper Aptian, coincident with the Aptian-Albian cold snap. Petrological analysis of the glendonite structure reveals differences between the Hauterivian and Aptian glendonites, with evidence for multiple diagenetic phases of growth in the Hauterivian glendonites, suggesting oscillating chemical conditions. This evidence suggests that local environmental conditions may have a stronger control on glendonite formation and preservation than global climate. We present a new model for ikaite growth and slow transformation to glendonite in marine sediments, which points to a more complex suite of diagenetic transformations than previously modelled. Furthermore, we critically assess whether such pseudomorphs after marine sedimentary ikaite may be indicators

  16. Geologic framework of nonmarine cretaceous-tertiary boundary sites, raton basin, new mexico and colorado (United States)

    Pillmore, C.L.; Tschudy, R.H.; Orth, C.J.; Gilmore, J.S.; Knight, J.D.


    Indium concentrations are anomalously high at the palynological Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in fluvial sedimentary rocks of the lower part of the Raton Formation at several localities in the Raton Basin of New Mexico and Colorado. The iridium anomaly is associated with a thin bed of kaolinitic claystone in a discontinuous carbonaceous shale and coal sequence.

  17. Dinosaur Footprints and Other Ichnofauna from the Cretaceous Kem Kem Beds of Morocco (United States)

    Ibrahim, Nizar; Varricchio, David J.; Sereno, Paul C.; Wilson, Jeff A.; Dutheil, Didier B.; Martill, David M.; Baidder, Lahssen; Zouhri, Samir


    We describe an extensive ichnofossil assemblage from the likely Cenomanian-age ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ units of the ‘Kem Kem beds’ in southeastern Morocco. In the lower unit, trace fossils include narrow vertical burrows in cross-bedded sandstones and borings in dinosaur bone, with the latter identified as the insect ichnotaxon Cubiculum ornatus. In the upper unit, several horizons preserve abundant footprints from theropod dinosaurs. Sauropod and ornithischian footprints are much rarer, similar to the record for fossil bone and teeth in the Kem Kem assemblage. The upper unit also preserves a variety of invertebrate traces including Conichnus (the resting trace of a sea-anemone), Scolicia (a gastropod trace), Beaconites (a probable annelid burrow), and subvertical burrows likely created by crabs for residence and detrital feeding on a tidal flat. The ichnofossil assemblage from the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem beds contributes evidence for a transition from predominantly terrestrial to marine deposition. Body fossil and ichnofossil records together provide a detailed view of faunal diversity and local conditions within a fluvial and deltaic depositional setting on the northwestern coast of Africa toward the end of the Cretaceous. PMID:24603467

  18. Specialized proteinine rove beetles shed light on insect-fungal associations in the Cretaceous. (United States)

    Cai, Chenyang; Newton, Alfred F; Thayer, Margaret K; Leschen, Richard A B; Huang, Diying


    Insects and fungi have a long history of association in shared habitats. Fungus-feeding, or mycophagy, is remarkably widespread in beetles (Coleoptera) and appears to be a primitive feeding habit that preceded feeding on plant tissues. Numerous Mesozoic beetles belonging to extant fungus-associated families are known, but direct fossil evidence elucidating mycophagy in insects has remained elusive. Here, we report a remarkable genus and species, Vetuproteinus cretaceus gen. et sp. nov., belonging to a new tribe (Vetuproteinini trib. nov.) of the extant rove beetle subfamily Proteininae (Staphylinidae) in Mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. The mouthparts of this beetle have a markedly enlarged protruding galea bearing an apparent spore brush, a specialized structure we infer was used to scrape spores off surfaces and direct them into the mouth, as in multiple modern spore-feeding beetles. Considering the long evolutionary history of Fungi, the Mid-Cretaceous beetles likely fed on ancient Basidiomycota and/or Ascomycota fungi or spore-producing organisms such as slime moulds (Myxomycetes). The discovery of the first Mesozoic proteinine illustrates the antiquity of the subfamily, and suggests that ancestral Proteininae were already diverse and widespread in Pangaea before the supercontinent broke up. © 2016 The Author(s).

  19. Carbon isotope geochemistry of the Cretaceous-Tertiary section of the Wasserfallgraben, Lattengebirge, southeast Germany

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arneth, J.D.; Matzigkeit, U.; Boos, A.


    Carbonates and organic matter in sediments of the Cretaceous-Tertiary (C/T) section of the Wasserfallgraben, Lattengebirge (Bavaria) have been investigated. All parameters - the carbonate content (Csub(carb)), its isotopic composition (delta 13 Csub(carb),delta 18 Osub(carb)) as well as the organic carbon content (Csub(org)), its isotopic composition (delta 13 Csub(org)) and the H/C ratio of the sedimentary organic matter - display systematic variations across the C/T boundary which cannot be attributed to a single cause. The boundary zone as a whole is tectonically disturbed and shows significant features of detrital contaminations. Unidirectional shift in delta 13 Csub(carb) and delta 13 Csub(org) are observed when directly comparing Maastrichtian (latest Cretaceous) and Danian (earliest Tertiary) sediments. These synchronous isotope displacements towards more negative readings are interpreted to reflect the reduced photosynthetic activity as consequence of the mass extinction at the C/T boundary. The results may have some bearings on other C/T profiles investigated where measurements on the reduced carbon species are still lacking. (orig.)

  20. Características musculares y producción de fuerza máxima/explosiva durante acciones isométricas/dinámicas de los músculos extensores de los miembros inferiores en jóvenes no entrenados


    Izquierdo, M.; Aguado, X.; González, J. L.; López, J. L.; Ribas, T.; Linares, F.; Vila, L.; Voces, J. A.; Álvarez, A. I.; Prieto, J. G.


    Participaron en el estudio, de forma voluntaria cinco sujetos de sexo masculino, estudiantes de educación Física (22-26 años). El objetivo fue observar las relaciones entre el test de salto horizontal con los tests de salto vertical con contramovimiento y con flexión previa, tests de fuerza isométrica máxima y la distribución de los tipos de fibras musculares. Los resultados en la distancia y altura de vuelo conseguidas en los tests de salto horizontal, salto desde flexión previa sin cont...

  1. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the Late Cretaceous

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaylor, Jonathan


    As part of the wider European GTS Next project, I propose new constraints on the ages of the Late Cretaceous, derived from a multitude of geochronological techniques, and successful stratigraphic interpretations from Canada and Japan. In the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, we propose a new constraint on the age of the K/Pg boundary in the Red Deer River section (Alberta, Canada). We were able to cyclo-stratigraphically tune sediments in a non-marine, fluvial environment utilising high-resolution proxy records suggesting a 11-12 precession related cyclicity. Assuming the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method is inter-calibrated with the cyclo-stratigraphy, the apparent age for C29r suggests that the K/Pg boundary falls between eccentricity maxima and minima, yielding an age of the C29r between 65.89 ± 0.08 and 66.30 ± 0.08 Ma. Assuming that the bundle containing the coal horizon represents a precession cycle, the K/Pg boundary is within the analytical uncertainty of the youngest zircon population achieving a revised age for the K/Pg boundary as 65.75 ± 0.06 Ma. The Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary is preserved in the sedimentary succession of the Horseshoe Canyon Formation and has been placed 8 m below Coal nr. 10. Cyclo-stratigraphic studies show that the formation of these depositional sequences (alternations) of all scales are influenced directly by sea-level changes due to precession but more dominated by eccentricity cycles proved in the cyclo-stratigraphic framework and is mainly controlled by sand horizons, which have been related by auto-cyclicity in a dynamic sedimentary setting. Our work shows that the Campanian - Maastrichtian boundary in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin coincides with 2.5 eccentricity cycles above the youngest zircon age population at the bottom of the section and 4.9 Myr before the Cretaceous - Palaeogene boundary (K/Pg), and thus corresponds to an absolute age of 70.65 ± 0.09 Ma producing an 1.4 Myr younger age than recent published ages

  2. Phymosoma maastrichtensis spec. nov., a fossil echinoid from the Cretaceous of Maastricht (Echinacea, Phymosomatoida, Phymosomatidae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Engel, H.


    A beautifully preserved fragment of the test of a fossil Echinoid from the Maestrichtian Cretaceous, found at Belvédère, Caberg and kept in the Natuurhistorisch Museum, Maastricht under no. 1340, differs from the other species of the genus Phymosoma, hitherto described (cf. Fell & Pawson, 1966: U

  3. Exploring Early Angiosperm Fire Feedbacks using Coupled Experiments and Modelling Approaches to Estimate Cretaceous Palaeofire Behaviour (United States)

    Belcher, Claire; Hudpsith, Victoria


    Using the fossil record we are typically limited to exploring linkages between palaeoecological changes and palaeofire activity by assessing the abundance of charcoals preserved in sediments. However, it is the behaviour of fires that primarily governs their ecological effects. Therefore, the ability to estimate variations in aspects of palaeofire behaviour such as palaeofire intensity and rate of spread would be of key benefit toward understanding the coupled evolutionary history of ecosystems and fire. The Cretaceous Period saw major diversification in land plants. Previously, conifers (gymnosperms) and ferns (pteridophytes) dominated Earth's ecosystems until flowering plants (angiosperms) appear in the fossil record of the Early Cretaceous (~135Ma). We have created surface fire behaviour estimates for a variety of angiosperm invasion scenarios and explored the influence of Cretaceous superambient atmospheric oxygen levels on the fire behaviour occurring in these new Cretaceous ecosystems. These estimates are then used to explore the hypothesis that the early spread of the angiosperms was promoted by the novel fire regimes that they created. In order to achieve this we tested the flammability of Mesozoic analogue fuel types in controlled laboratory experiments using an iCone calorimeter, which measured the ignitability as well as the effective heat of combustion of the fuels. We then used the BehavePlus fire behaviour modelling system to scale up our laboratory results to the ecosystem scale. Our results suggest that fire-angiosperm feedbacks may have occurred in two phases: The first phase being a result of weedy angiosperms providing an additional easily ignitable fuel that enhanced both the seasonality and frequency of surface fires. In the second phase, the addition of shrubby understory fuels likely expanded the number of ecosystems experiencing more intense surface fires, resulting in enhanced mortality and suppressed post-fire recruitment of gymnosperms

  4. The evolution of Early Cretaceous shallow-water carbonate platforms in times of frequent oceanic anoxia (United States)

    Föllmi, Karl; Morales, Chloé; Stein, Melody; Bonvallet, Lucie; Antoine, Pictet


    The Early Cretaceous greenhouse world witnessed different episodes of pronounced paleoenvironmental change, which were associated with substantial shifts in the global carbon and phosphorus cycles. They impacted the growth of carbonate platforms on the shelf, lead to the development of widespread anoxic zones in deeper water, and influenced evolutionary pattern in general. A first phase (the Weissert episode) occurred during the Valanginian, which is indicated by a positive shift in the carbon-isotope record, widespread platform drowning, and evolutionary change. The spreading of anoxic conditions was limited to marginal basins and the positive change in carbon isotopes is linked to the storage of vegetal carbon in coal deposits rather than to organic matter in marine sediments. A second phase (the Faraoni episode) of important environmental change is observed near the end of the Hauterivian, where short and repetitive episodes of anoxia occurred in the Tethyan realm. This phase goes along with a decline in platform growth, but is barely documented in the carbon-isotope record. A third and most important episode (the Selli episode) took place in the early Aptian, and resulted in the widespread deposition of organic-rich sediments, a positive carbon-isotope excursion and the disappearance of Urgonian-type carbonate platforms. Often considered to represent short and singular events, these Early Cretaceous phases are in fact preceded by periods of warming, increased continental weathering, and increased nutrient throughput. These preludes in environmental change are important in that they put these three Early Cretaceous episodes into a longer-term, historic perspective, which allow us to better understand the mechanisms leading to these periods of pronounced global change.

  5. Comentario a la Ponencia Presentada por el Académico Carlos A. León Saltos

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    Humberto Roselli Quijano


    Full Text Available

    Agradezco el honor de haber sido designado para comentar el trabajo del Profesor Carlos A. León con motivo de su posesión como Miembro Honorario de la Academia Nacional de Medicina.

    He tenido la buena fortuna de conocer y de alternar con el profesor León casi desde su vinculación al país en 1955, cuando fue seleccionado como docente de Psiquiatría de la recién fundada Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Valle. La designación que entonces hizo el profesor Gabriel Velásquez Palau, como la de casi todos los profesores que escogió en esa época, demostró haber sido por demás acertada, dada la brillante trayectoria del entonces joven Profesor y los logros sobresalientes del Departamento de Psiquiatría por él fundado y sostenido desde entonces.

    El Profesor León estudió medicina en la Universidad Central del Ecuador, su país natal, y fue discípulo entonces del Profesor de Psiquiatría doctor Julio Endara, siendo su interno al finalizar la carrera. Como estudiante de medicina tuve la ocasión de conocer al Profesor Endara en su visita a Bogotá en 1944 y de oírle sus conferencias. Fue el primero que habló en Colombia del Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach, lo que, de paso, indujo la Tesis de nuestro recordado expresidente Juan Jacobo Muñoz: “El Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach y sus aplicaciones clínicas” (1947.

    Al graduarse de médico el doctor León pasó enseguida a los Estados Unidos en donde culminó su formación como psiquiatra y psicoanalista en la Universidad de Tulane (New Orleans bajo la dirección del Profesor Robert G. Health. Una de sus primeras actividades en el campo profesional fue su vinculación con la psiquiatría colombiana en la Universidad del Valle, a la cual ha sido invariablemente fiel desde entonces. Le he considerado siempre como el primero de los psiquiatras colombianos contemporáneos y, desde el merecido puesto de liderazgo que ha ocupado sin proponérselo, ha propiciado

  6. Lower Cretaceous Xigaze ophiolites formed in the Gangdese forearc : Evidence from paleomagnetism, sediment provenance, and stratigraphy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huang, Wentao; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J J; Maffione, Marco; Orme, Devon A.; Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume; Guilmette, Carl; Ding, Lin; Guo, Zhaojie; Kapp, Paul


    The India-Asia suture zone of southern Tibet exposes Lower Cretaceous Xigaze ophiolites and radiolarian cherts, and time-equivalent Asian-derived clastic forearc sedimentary rocks (Xigaze Group). These ophiolites have been interpreted to have formed in the forearc of the north-dipping subduction

  7. Maastrichtian or Maestrichtian? A proposal to the Subcommision on Cretaceous Stratigraphy (IUGS, International Commission on Stratigraphy)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herngreen, G.F.W.


    This contribution deals with the dual spelling of the terminal Cretaceous Stage, the Maastrichtian or Maestrichtian. From a historical point of view and in agreement with the recommendations of the International Stratigraphic Guide (1st and 2nd editions) only Maestrichtian is justified.

  8. Kilop Cretaceous Hardground (Kale, Gümüshane, NE Turkey):description and origin (United States)

    Eren, Muhsin; Tasli, Kemal


    A hardground surface is well exposed in the Kilop area of Kale (Gümüshane, NE Turkey) which forms part of the Eastern Pontides. Here, the hardground is underlain by shallow water Lower Cretaceous limestones, and overlain by Upper Cretaceous red limestones/marls which contains a planktonic microfauna including Globotruncanidae. In the field, the recognition of the hardground is based on the presence of extensive burrows (especially vertical burrows), the encrusting rudistid bivalve Requienia, neptunian-dykes with infills of pelagic sediments and synsedimentary faults. Skolithos and Thalassinoides-type burrows are present. Some burrow walls show iron hydroxide-staining. The extensive burrowing occurred prior to lithification. On the other hand, the neptunian-dykes and synsedimentary faults, which cut the hard ground, occurred after the lithification. These features indicate the progressive hardening of the substrate. The burrowed limestone consists of an intrabioclastic peloidal grainstone which was deposited in an intertidal to shallow, subtidal, moderate to relatively high energy environment. The peloidal limestone shows little or no evidence of submarine cementation, characterized by only scarce relics of isopachous cement rims of bladed calcite spar. The grainstone cement is composed predominantly of blocky calcite and overgrowth calcite cements on the echinoid-fragments. The origin of this cement is controversial. Biostratigraphic analysis of the limestones demonstrates that there is a marked stratigraphic gap (hiatus), spanning the Aptian to the Santonian, in the Cretaceous of the Kilop area. The formation of the Kilop Hardground is related to the break-up and subsidence of the Eastern Pontides carbonate platform during the formation of the Black Sea backarc basin. Hardground development was initiated in a shallow marine environment of slow sedimentation and with moderate to high energy indicating slow subsidence. Later, the hardground subsided abruptly, as

  9. Ichnofabric and substrate consistency in Upper Turonian carbonates of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mikuláš, Radek


    Roč. 57, č. 2 (2006), s. 79-90 ISSN 1335-0552 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/04/0151 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516 Keywords : Cretaceous * ichnofossils * firmground Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 0.364, year: 2006

  10. High-precision U-Pb geochronologic constraints on the Late Cretaceous terrestrial cyclostratigraphy and geomagnetic polarity from the Songliao Basin, Northeast China (United States)

    Wang, Tiantian; Ramezani, Jahandar; Wang, Chengshan; Wu, Huaichun; He, Huaiyu; Bowring, Samuel A.


    The Cretaceous continental sedimentary records are essential to our understanding of how the terrestrial geologic and ecologic systems responded to past climate fluctuations under greenhouse conditions and our ability to forecast climate change in the future. The Songliao Basin of Northeast China preserves a near-complete, predominantly lacustrine, Cretaceous succession, with sedimentary cyclicity that has been tied to Milankocitch forcing of the climate. Over 900 meters of drill-core recovered from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian to Campanian) of the Songliao Basin has provided a unique opportunity for detailed analyses of its depositional and paleoenvironmental records through integrated and high-resolution cyclostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic and geochronologic investigations. Here we report high-precision U-Pb zircon dates (CA-ID-TIMS method) from four interbedded bentonites from the drill-core that offer substantial improvements in accuracy, and a ten-fold enhancement in precision, compared to the previous U-Pb SIMS geochronology, and allow a critical evaluation of the Songliao astrochronological time scale. The results indicate appreciable deviations of the astrochronologic model from the absolute radioisotope geochronology, which more likely reflect cyclostratigraphic tuning inaccuracies and omitted cycles due to depositional hiatuses, rather than suspected limitations of astronomical models applied to distant geologic time. Age interpolation based on our new high-resolution geochronologic framework and the calibrated cyclostratigraphy places the end of the Cretaceous Normal Superchon (C34n-C33r chron boundary) in the Songliao Basin at 83.07 ± 0.15 Ma. This date also serves as a new and improved estimate for the global Santonian-Campanian stage boundary.

  11. Reinvestigating an enigmatic Late Cretaceous monocot: morphology, taxonomy, and biogeography of Viracarpon

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    Kelly K.S. Matsunaga


    Full Text Available Angiosperm-dominated floras of the Late Cretaceous are essential for understanding the evolutionary, ecological, and geographic radiation of flowering plants. The Late Cretaceous–early Paleogene Deccan Intertrappean Beds of India contain angiosperm-dominated plant fossil assemblages known from multiple localities in central India. Numerous monocots have been documented from these assemblages, providing a window into an important but poorly understood time in their diversification. One component of the Deccan monocot diversity is the genus Viracarpon, known from anatomically preserved infructescences. Viracarpon was first collected over a century ago and has been the subject of numerous studies. However, resolution of its three-dimensional (3D morphology and anatomy, as well as its taxonomic affinities, has remained elusive. In this study we investigated the morphology and taxonomy of genus Viracarpon, combining traditional paleobotanical techniques and X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT. Re-examination of type and figured specimens, 3D reconstructions of fruits, and characterization of structures in multiple planes of section using μCT data allowed us to resolve conflicting interpretations of fruit morphology and identify additional characters useful in refining potential taxonomic affinities. Among the four Viracarpon species previously recognized, we consider two to be valid (Viracarpon hexaspermum and Viracarpon elongatum, and the other two to be synonyms of these. Furthermore, we found that permineralized infructescences of Coahuilocarpon phytolaccoides from the late Campanian of Mexico correspond closely in morphology to V. hexaspermum. We argue that Viracarpon and Coahuilocarpon are congeneric and provide the new combination, Viracarpon phytolaccoides (Cevallos-Ferriz, Estrada-Ruiz & Perez-Hernandez Matsunaga, S.Y. Smith, & Manchester comb. nov. The significant geographic disjunction between these two occurrences indicates that the

  12. A new pterosaur (Pterodactyloidea: Azhdarchidae from the Upper Cretaceous of Morocco.

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    Nizar Ibrahim

    Full Text Available The Kem Kem beds in South Eastern Morocco contain a rich early Upper (or possibly late Lower Cretaceous vertebrate assemblage. Fragmentary remains, predominantly teeth and jaw tips, represent several kinds of pterosaur although only one species, the ornithocheirid Coloborhynchus moroccensis, has been named. Here, we describe a new azhdarchid pterosaur, Alanqa saharica nov. gen. nov. sp., based on an almost complete well preserved mandibular symphysis from Aferdou N'Chaft. We assign additional fragmentary jaw remains, some of which have been tentatively identified as azhdarchid and pteranodontid, to this new taxon which is distinguished from other azhdarchids by a remarkably straight, elongate, lance-shaped mandibular symphysis that bears a pronounced dorsal eminence near the posterior end of its dorsal (occlusal surface. Most remains, including the holotype, represent individuals of approximately three to four meters in wingspan, but a fragment of a large cervical vertebra, that probably also belongs to A. saharica, suggests that wingspans of six meters were achieved in this species. The Kem Kem beds have yielded the most diverse pterosaur assemblage yet reported from Africa and provide the first clear evidence for the presence of azhdarchids in Gondwana at the start of the Late Cretaceous. This, the relatively large size achieved by Alanqa, and the additional evidence of variable jaw morphology in azhdarchids provided by this taxon, indicates a longer and more complex history for this clade than previously suspected.

  13. Monitoring artificially stimulated fluid movement in the Cretaceous Dakota aquifer, western Kansas (United States)

    Macfarlane, Allen; Förster, Andrea; Merriam, Daniel; Schrötter, Jörg; Healey, John


    Aquifer properties can be evaluated by monitoring artificially stimulated fluid movements between wells, if the fluid is heated. Changes in the temperature profile recorded in observation wells indicate the flow path of the heated fluid, which in effect acts as a tracer. A fluid-flow experiment in the Cretaceous Dakota Formation at the Hodgeman County site, west-central Kansas, demonstrated the advantage of using the distributed optical-fiber temperature sensing method for monitoring transient temperature conditions in this hydrological application. The fluid flow in the aquifer was increased by producing water from a pumping well and injecting heated water in an injection well 13 m (43 ft) distant from the pumping well. The time-temperature series data obtained and compared with results from previous pumping tests point to interwell heterogeneity of the aquifer and to a zone in the sandstone aquifer of high hydraulic conductivity. However, the experiment would have allowed further clarification of aquifer heterogeneity and thermal properties if at least one observation well had been present between the injection and production wells. Résumé. Les caractéristiques d'un aquifère peuvent être évaluées en effectuant un suivi des mouvements du fluide stimulés artificiellement entre des puits, si le fluide est chauffé. Les variations de profils de température enregistrés dans les puits d'observation donnent des informations sur les directions d'écoulement du fluide chauffé, qui en fait se comporte comme un traceur. Réalisée dans la formation crétacée de Dakota, sur le site du Comté de Hodgeman (centre-ouest du Kansas), une expérience a démontré l'intérêt d'utiliser la méthode de détection distribuée de température par fibres optiques pour suivre les variations de température dans cette application hydrologique. L'écoulement du fluide dans l'aquifère a été favorisé en extrayant de l'eau par pompage et en injectant de l'eau chaude dans un

  14. Pinaceae-like reproductive morphology in Schizolepidopsis canicularis sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) of Mongolia. (United States)

    Leslie, Andrew B; Glasspool, Ian; Herendeen, Patrick S; Ichinnorov, Niiden; Knopf, Patrick; Takahashi, Masamichi; Crane, Peter R


    Seed cone scales assigned to the genus Schizolepidopsis are widespread in Late Triassic to Cretaceous Eurasian deposits. They have been linked to the conifer family Pinaceae based on associated vegetative remains, but their exact affinities are uncertain. Recently discovered material from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia reveals important new information concerning Schizolepidopsis cone scales and seeds, and provides support for a relationship between the genus and extant Pinaceae. Specimens were collected from Early Cretaceous (probable Aptian-Albian) lignite deposits in central Mongolia. Lignite samples were disaggregated, cleaned in hydrofluoric acid, and washed in water. Specimens were selected for further study using light and electron microscopy. Schizolepidopsis canicularis seed cones consist of loosely arranged, bilobed ovulate scales subtended by a small bract. A single inverted seed with an elongate micropyle is borne on each lobe of the ovulate scale. Each seed has a wing formed by the separation of the adaxial surface of the ovulate scale. Schizolepidopsis canicularis produced winged seeds that formed in a manner that is unique to Pinaceae among extant conifers. We do not definitively place this species in Pinaceae pending more complete information concerning its pollen cones and vegetative remains. Nevertheless, this material suggests that Schizolepidopsis may be important for understanding the early evolution of Pinaceae, and may potentially help reconcile the appearance of the family in the fossil record with results based on phylogenetic analyses of molecular data.

  15. Early Cretaceous trypanosomatids associated with fossil sand fly larvae in Burmese amber

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    George Poinar Jr


    Full Text Available Early Cretaceous flagellates with characters typical of trypanosomatids were found in the gut of sand fly larvae, as well as in surrounding debris, in Burmese amber. This discovery supports a hypothesis in which free-living trypanosomatids could have been acquired by sand fly larvae in their feeding environment and then carried transtadially into the adult stage. At some point in time, specific genera were introduced into vertebrates, thus establishing a dixenous life cycle.

  16. Modern mammal origins: evolutionary grades in the Early Cretaceous of North America.


    Jacobs, L L; Winkler, D A; Murry, P A


    Major groups of modern mammals have their origins in the Mesozoic Era, yet the mammalian fossil record is generally poor for that time interval. Fundamental morphological changes that led to modern mammals are often represented by small samples of isolated teeth. Fortunately, functional wear facets on teeth allow prediction of the morphology of occluding teeth that may be unrepresented by fossils. A major step in mammalian evolution occurred in the Early Cretaceous with the evolution of tribo...

  17. Extended mitogenomic phylogenetic analyses yield new insight into crocodylian evolution and their survival of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. (United States)

    Roos, Jonas; Aggarwal, Ramesh K; Janke, Axel


    The mitochondrial genomes of the dwarf crocodile, Osteolaemus tetraspis, and two species of dwarf caimans, the smooth-fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, and Cuvier's dwarf caiman, Paleosuchus palpebrosus, were sequenced and included in a mitogenomic phylogenetic study. The phylogenetic analyses, which included a total of ten crocodylian species, yielded strong support to a basal split between Crocodylidae and Alligatoridae. Osteolaemus fell within the Crocodylidae as the sister group to Crocodylus. Gavialis and Tomistoma, which joined on a common branch, constituted a sister group to Crocodylus/Osteolaemus. This suggests that extant crocodylians are organized in two families: Alligatoridae and Crocodylidae. Within the Alligatoridae there was a basal split between Alligator and a branch that contained Paleosuchus and Caiman. The analyses also provided molecular estimates of various divergences applying recently established crocodylian and outgroup fossil calibration points. Molecular estimates based on amino acid data placed the divergence between Crocodylidae and Alligatoridae at 97-103 million years ago and that between Alligator and Caiman/Paleosuchus at 65-72 million years ago. Other crocodilian divergences were placed after the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Thus, according to the molecular estimates, three extant crocodylian lineages have their roots in the Cretaceous. Considering the crocodylian diversification in the Cretaceous the molecular datings suggest that the extinction of the dinosaurs was also to some extent paralleled in the crocodylian evolution. However, for whatever reason, some crocodylian lineages survived into the Tertiary.

  18. The conchostracan subgenus Orthestheria (Migransia) from the Tacuarembó Formation (Late Jurassic-?Early Cretaceous, Uruguay) with notes on its geological age (United States)

    Yanbin, Shen; Gallego, Oscar F.; Martínez, Sergio


    Conchostracans from the Tacuarembó Formation s.s. of Uruguay are reassigned to the subgenus Orthestheria (Migransia) Chen and Shen. They show more similarities to genera of Late Jurassic age in the Congo Basin and China than to those of Early Cretaceous age. On the basis of the character of the conchostracans, we suggest that the Tacuarembó Formation is unlikely to be older than Late Jurassic. It is probably Kimmeridgian, but an Early Cretaceous age cannot be excluded. This finding is consistent with isotopic dating of the overlying basalts, as well as the age range of recently described fossil freshwater sharks.

  19. New details of bio- and magnetostratigraphical correlations in the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary interval: Lókút (Transdanubial Range, Hngary), Veliky Kamenets (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Ukraine), Barlya (Western Balkan, Bulgaria)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Grabowski, J.; Bakhmutov, V.; Haas, J.; Krobicki, M.; Lakova, I.; Petrova, S.; Reháková, D.; Schnabl, Petr; Stoykova, K.; Sobien, K.


    Roč. 120 (2017), s. 100-100 ISSN 1017-8880. [International Symposium on the Cretaceous /10./. 21.08.2017-26.08.2017, Vienna] Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : magnetostratigraphy * Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary interval * Transdanubian Range * Pieniny Klippen Belt * Western Balkan Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

  20. Sea water strontium isotopes, acid rain, and the cretaceous-tertiary boundary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    MacDougall, J.D.


    A large bolide impact at the end of the Cretaceous would have produced significant amounts of nitrogen oxides by shock heating of the atmosphere. The resulting acid precipitation would have increased continental weathering greatly and could be an explanation for the observed high ratio of strontium-87 to strontium-86 in sea water at about this time, due to the dissolution of large amounts of strontium from the continental crust. Spikes to high values in the sea water strontium isotope record at other times may reflect similar episodes. 17 references, 1 figure, 1 table

  1. Comparación de las adaptaciones producidas por el entrenamiento con electroestimulación concéntrica y el entrenamiento voluntario

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    Juan Azael Herrero Alonso


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los efectos del entrenamiento con electroestimulación neuromuscular (EENM concéntrica frente al entrenamiento voluntario. 28 estudiantes fueron divididos en tres grupos: EENM (GE; n = 10, entrenamiento voluntario (GV; n = 8 y grupo control (GC; n = 10. Se realizaron 16 entrenamientos del cuádriceps en 4 semanas. Cada sesión consistió en 8 series de 10 repeticiones al 80% de la fuerza máxima isométrica (FMI en una máquina de extensión de cuádriceps. El ritmo de ejecución fue de 1:1:1 (fases concéntrica, excéntrica y reposo, respectivamente. Al GE se le aplicaba EENM durante la fase concéntrica. Antes y después del entrenamiento (T1 y T2, respectivamente y tras dos semanas de desentrenamiento (T3 se midió el tiempo de carrera en 20 m (T-20, tres saltos verticales (SJ, CMJ y ABK y la FMI. Entre T1 y T2 se produjo un incremento significativo de la FMI tanto en GE como en GV (39,2 % y 30,1 %, p < 0,001, disminuyendo el CMJ (–6,2%, p < 0,01 y el ABK (–7,5 %, p < 0,01 en GE. El entrenamiento con EENM concéntrica es igual de eficaz que el entrenamiento voluntario para la mejora de la fuerza máxima isométrica, pudiendo resultar perjudicial para el rendimiento de determinados tipos de saltos verticales.

  2. El Derecho a la Intimidad y las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información.


    Volpato, Samira


    Hubo un tiempo que las fronteras de la intimidad estuvieron defendidas por el tiempo y por el espacio. No hace mucho eran, precisamente, el tiempo y la distancia los que mantenían indemne a la intimidad. La sociedad era otra.   Los medios de transporte evolucionaron poco a poco. En los últimos años las comunicaciones dieron un salto hacia el futuro de manera asombrosa. Con los avances se despertó, la ambición del ser humano por el conocimiento y la ...

  3. Diversity patterns amongst herbivorous dinosaurs and plants during the Cretaceous: implications for hypotheses of dinosaur/angiosperm co-evolution. (United States)

    Butler, R J; Barrett, P M; Kenrick, P; Penn, M G


    Palaeobiologists frequently attempt to identify examples of co-evolutionary interactions over extended geological timescales. These hypotheses are often intuitively appealing, as co-evolution is so prevalent in extant ecosystems, and are easy to formulate; however, they are much more difficult to test than their modern analogues. Among the more intriguing deep time co-evolutionary scenarios are those that relate changes in Cretaceous dinosaur faunas to the primary radiation of flowering plants. Demonstration of temporal congruence between the diversifications of co-evolving groups is necessary to establish whether co-evolution could have occurred in such cases, but is insufficient to prove whether it actually did take place. Diversity patterns do, however, provide a means for falsifying such hypotheses. We have compiled a new database of Cretaceous dinosaur and plant distributions from information in the primary literature. This is used as the basis for plotting taxonomic diversity and occurrence curves for herbivorous dinosaurs (Sauropodomorpha, Stegosauria, Ankylosauria, Ornithopoda, Ceratopsia, Pachycephalosauria and herbivorous theropods) and major groups of plants (angiosperms, Bennettitales, cycads, cycadophytes, conifers, Filicales and Ginkgoales) that co-occur in dinosaur-bearing formations. Pairwise statistical comparisons were made between various floral and faunal groups to test for any significant similarities in the shapes of their diversity curves through time. We show that, with one possible exception, diversity patterns for major groups of herbivorous dinosaurs are not positively correlated with angiosperm diversity. In other words, at the level of major clades, there is no support for any diffuse co-evolutionary relationship between herbivorous dinosaurs and flowering plants. The diversification of Late Cretaceous pachycephalosaurs (excluding the problematic taxon Stenopelix) shows a positive correlation, but this might be spuriously related to

  4. Comunicazione breve, Coinfezione da parvovirus felino e canino in un gatto

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    Mara Battilani


    Full Text Available In questo studio si riporta un caso di coinfezione da parvovirus canino (CPV di tipo 2a e da virus della panleucopenia felina (FPV in un gatto di 3 mesi, con la presenza di una variante di parvovirus avente caratteristiche genetiche intermedie tra CPV e FPV. Il riscontro di una variante virale caratterizzata da epitopi specifici sia per il FPV che per il CPV avvalora l'importanza del meccanismo evolutivo per mutazioni multistep nella produzione di nuove varianti e nell'emergenza di nuovi virus. Questo tipo di adattamento progressivo è già stato riscontrato durante l'emergenza del CPV. Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti, è possibile ipotizzare che il CPV abbia presumibilmente iniziato un nuovo processo di riadattamento nell'ospite felino, confermando l'importanza del salto d'ospite nell'emergenza di nuovi virus.

  5. Mineralogical characteristics of Cretaceous-Tertiary kaolins of the Douala Sub-Basin, Cameroon (United States)

    Bukalo, Nenita N.; Ekosse, Georges-Ivo E.; Odiyo, John O.; Ogola, Jason S.


    As a step in evaluating the quality of Cretaceous-Tertiary kaolins of the Douala Sub-Basin, their mineralogical characteristics were determined. The X-ray diffractometry technique was used to identify and quantify the mineral phases present in bulk and smectite > illite, with mean values of 33.01 > 11.20 > 4.41 wt %; and 72.23 > 10.69 > 4.69 wt %, in bulk and <2 μm fractions, respectively. The kaolins, micromorphologically, consisted of pseudo-hexagonal and thin platy particles; swirl-textured particles; and books or stacks of kaolinite particles. Three main reactions occurred during heating of the kaolins: a low temperature endothermic reaction, observed between 48 and 109 °C; a second low temperature peak, observed between 223 and 285 °C; and a third endothermic peak was found between 469 and 531 °C. In addition, an exothermic reaction also occurred between 943 and 988 °C in some of the samples. The absence of primary minerals such as feldspars and micas in most of these kaolins is an indication of intensive weathering, probably due to the humid tropical climate of the region. The different morphologies suggested that these kaolins might have been transported. Therefore, a humid tropical climate was responsible for the formation of Cretaceous-Tertiary kaolins of the Douala Sub-Basin through intense weathering of surrounding volcanic and metamorphic rocks.

  6. La historiografia catalana, ante la necesidad de un salto

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    José Luis MARTIN RAMOS


    Full Text Available En los últimos ocho años se han publicado una setentena larga de libros de historiadores catalanes sobre la Guerra Civil en Cataluña; incluyen obras producto directo de investigaciones académicas, ensayos documentados y algún trabajo de divulgación no estrictamente comercial y de calidad suficiente como para poder ser considerado entre la bibliografía de referencia. El primer balance que conviene hacer es que la historiografía catalana sigue mostrando algunas lagunas importantes; lagunas que desdibujan los avances que se realizan en la investigación concreta y que no son todavía suficientes para que la mejora del producto académico se traslade a la sociedad y a una mejor comprensión de su pasado, o al menos más independiente de los tópicos y las manipulaciones políticas.

  7. Seismic sequence stratigraphy and platform to basin reservoir structuring of Lower Cretaceous deposits in the Sidi Aïch-Majoura region (Central Tunisia) (United States)

    Azaïez, Hajer; Bédir, Mourad; Tanfous, Dorra; Soussi, Mohamed


    In central Tunisia, Lower Cretaceous deposits represent carbonate and sandstone reservoir series that correspond to proven oil fields. The main problems for hydrocarbon exploration of these levels are their basin tectonic configuration and their sequence distribution in addition to the source rock availability. The Central Atlas of Tunisia is characterized by deep seated faults directed northeast-southwest, northwest-southeast and north-south. These faults limit inherited tectonic blocks and show intruded Triassic salt domes. Lower Cretaceous series outcropping in the region along the anticline flanks present platform deposits. The seismic interpretation has followed the Exxon methodologies in the 26th A.A.P.G. Memoir. The defined Lower Cretaceous seismic units were calibrated with petroleum well data and tied to stratigraphic sequences established by outcrop studies. This allows the subsurface identification of subsiding zones and thus sequence deposit distribution. Seismic mapping of these units boundary shows a structuring from a platform to basin blocks zones and helps to understand the hydrocarbon reservoir systems-tract and horizon distribution around these domains.

  8. Propuesta conceptual de un modelo de gestión de contenidos y del conocimiento en la empresa radiofónica

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    Rodríguez-Pallares, Miriam


    Full Text Available This paper presents a theoretical and conceptual proposal for a content and knowledge management model for the Spanish radio sector. The perspective is integrative and transversal and is in line with the theory of organizational intelligence. This article stems from the results of fieldwork that analysed the content and knowledge management models applied by the main Spanish radio broadcasters, with an epistemological foundation in quantitative and qualitative methods (in-depth interviews, direct observation, surveys…. On the basis of the results obtained we observe an under-exploitation of content management policies and an absence of knowledge management services. Because of this, we present a model that can take greater advantage of the intangible assets in radio broadcasting, necessary for making a qualitative shift toward an advantageous position among the competition.El objeto de este trabajo es presentar un modelo teórico-conceptual de gestión de contenidos y del conocimiento en el entorno radiofónico español, desde una perspectiva transversal e integradora y de acuerdo a la teoría de la inteligencia organizacional. Este artículo surge a partir de un trabajo de campo en el que se analizaron los modelos de gestión de contenidos y del conocimiento de las principales marcas radiofónicas en España y cuya base epistemológica se basó en métodos cualitativos-cuantitativos (entrevistas en profundidad, observación directa, encuestas…. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se percibe una infraexplotación de los servicios de gestión de contenidos y la inexistencia de políticas de gestión del conocimiento; esto motiva el diseño de un modelo que explote estos capitales intangibles en el entorno radiofónico, obligado a dar un salto cualitativo que le otorgue una posición confortable en su entorno competitivo.

  9. A Late Cretaceous Piper (Piperaceae) from Colombia and diversification patterns for the genus. (United States)

    Martínez, Camila; Carvalho, Mónica R; Madriñán, Santiago; Jaramillo, Carlos A


    Documented fossil floras in the neotropics are sparse, yet their records provide evidence on the spatial and temporal occurrence of taxa, allowing for testing of biogeographical and diversification scenarios on individual lineages. A new fossil Piper from the Late Cretaceous of Colombia is described here, and its importance for assessing diversification patterns in the genus is addressed. Leaf architecture of 32 fossil leaf compressions from the Guaduas Formation was compared with that of 294 extant angiosperm species. The phylogenetic position of the fossil named Piper margaritae sp. nov. was established based on leaf traits and a molecular scaffold of Piper. The age of the fossil was independently used as a calibration point for divergence time estimations. Natural affinities of P. margaritae to the Schilleria clade of Piper indicate that the genus occurred in tropical America by the Late Cretaceous. Estimates of age divergence and lineage accumulation reveal that most of the extant diversity of the genus accrued during the last ∼30 Myr. The recent radiation of Piper is coeval with both the Andean uplift and the emergence of Central America, which have been proposed as important drivers of diversity. This pattern could exemplify a recurrent theme among many neotropical plant lineages. © 2015 Botanical Society of America, Inc.

  10. Diversification of the Genus Anopheles and a Neotropical Clade from the Late Cretaceous.

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    Lucas A Freitas

    Full Text Available The Anopheles genus is a member of the Culicidae family and consists of approximately 460 recognized species. The genus is composed of 7 subgenera with diverse geographical distributions. Despite its huge medical importance, a consensus has not been reached on the phylogenetic relationships among Anopheles subgenera. We assembled a comprehensive dataset comprising the COI, COII and 5.8S rRNA genes and used maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference to estimate the phylogeny and divergence times of six out of the seven Anopheles subgenera. Our analysis reveals a monophyletic group composed of the three exclusively Neotropical subgenera, Stethomyia, Kerteszia and Nyssorhynchus, which began to diversify in the Late Cretaceous, at approximately 90 Ma. The inferred age of the last common ancestor of the Anopheles genus was ca. 110 Ma. The monophyly of all Anopheles subgenera was supported, although we failed to recover a significant level of statistical support for the monophyly of the Anopheles genus. The ages of the last common ancestors of the Neotropical clade and the Anopheles and Cellia subgenera were inferred to be at the Late Cretaceous (ca. 90 Ma. Our analysis failed to statistically support the monophyly of the Anopheles genus because of an unresolved polytomy between Bironella and A. squamifemur.

  11. Geochemistry and environmental isotope of groundwater from the upper Cretaceous aquifer of Orontes basin (Syria)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Charideh, A.


    Chemical and environmental isotopes have been used for studying the Upper Cretaceous aquifer systems in the Middle Orontes basin. The results indicate that the salinity of groundwater (0.2 to 2 g/l) reveals the dissolution of evaporate rocks is the main factor of high salinity especially in the Homes depression. The degree of salinity and its spaces distribution are basically related to the pattern of groundwater movement in the Upper cretaceous aquifer. The stable isotopes composition of groundwater in the Homes depression are more depleted by -2.5% and -17.0% for δ 18 O and δ 2 H respectively, than the groundwater from Hama elevation, suggested different origin and recharge time between this two groundwater groups. Estimates of their mean subsurface residence times have been constrained on the basis of 14 C D IC. The corrected ages of groundwater are recent and less to 10 thousand years in Hama uplift. However, the corrected age of groundwater in the Homs depression range between 10 to 25 thousand years indicate late Pleistocene recharge period. (author)

  12. A gravid lizard from the Cretaceous of China and the early history of squamate viviparity (United States)

    Wang, Yuan; Evans, Susan E.


    Although viviparity is most often associated with mammals, roughly one fifth of extant squamate reptiles give birth to live young. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that the trait evolved more than 100 times within Squamata, a frequency greater than that of all other vertebrate clades combined. However, there is debate as to the antiquity of the trait and, until now, the only direct fossil evidence of squamate viviparity was in Late Cretaceous mosasauroids, specialised marine lizards without modern equivalents. Here, we document viviparity in a specimen of a more generalised lizard, Yabeinosaurus, from the Early Cretaceous of China. The gravid female contains more than 15 young at a level of skeletal development corresponding to that of late embryos of living viviparous lizards. This specimen documents the first occurrence of viviparity in a fossil reptile that was largely terrestrial in life, and extends the temporal distribution of the trait in squamates by at least 30 Ma. As Yabeinosaurus occupies a relatively basal position within crown-group squamates, it suggests that the anatomical and physiological preconditions for viviparity arose early within Squamata.

  13. A study on uranium metallogenetic prospects of ground water oxidation zone type in the lower cretaceous, north Shanganning basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jinping


    Lower Cretaceous is developed well in the north part of Shanganning basin. The area was widely uplifting vertically after their deposited. Based on the features of lithology, lithophase and Neotectonic forms, two main periods of oxidation-erosion of K2-E1 and N1-present can be distinguished. During these two periods, large scale horizontal oxidation were occurred. It is significant that the ground water oxidation related to the uranium mineralization and has been proved by the field investigation and the data of γ-logging in drill hole for oil. Meanwhile, according to the hydrodynamic features of present Shanganning plateau type artesian basin, it seems that uranium mineralization main related to the ground water oxidation the upper parts of the Lower Cretaceous

  14. Dinosaur footprint assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Khok Kruat Formation, Khorat Group, northeastern Thailand

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    Shohei Kozu


    Full Text Available The Khok Kruat Formation is the upper part of the Khorat Group, which consists of upper Lower Cretaceous non-marine sedimentary rocks in northeastern Thailand. Many dinosaur footprints have been known from the upper Lower Cretaceous (Aptian–Albian Khok Kruat Formation at the Huai Dam Chum (Tha Uthen site, northeastern Thailand. Approximately 600 tracks occur in thin mudstone layer of the northern part of the outcrop at the Huai Dam Chum track site. Two types of footprints, small-sized theropod and crocodylomorph are imprinted with mud cracks and ripple marks on the thin mud layer. Most of footprints are referred to cf. Asianopodus, and are imprinted by small-sized theropoda, probably ornithomimosauria. Theropod tracks are mainly separated into two groups, Group A and Group B. From ichnological viewpoints, the small-sized theropod track assemblage indicates the herd behaviour and its idiosyncratic group composition. In particular, the histogram of size-frequency measurements of Group A shows the anomalous bimodal distribution. We consider that there are two hypotheses; the first one is due to the male-female difference, and the second is a result of the different growing stage.

  15. The first freshwater mosasauroid (Upper Cretaceous, Hungary and a new clade of basal mosasauroids.

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    László Makádi

    Full Text Available Mosasauroids are conventionally conceived of as gigantic, obligatorily aquatic marine lizards (1000s of specimens from marine deposited rocks with a cosmopolitan distribution in the Late Cretaceous (90-65 million years ago [mya] oceans and seas of the world. Here we report on the fossilized remains of numerous individuals (small juveniles to large adults of a new taxon, Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov. from the Csehbánya Formation, Hungary (Santonian, Upper Cretaceous, 85.3-83.5 mya that represent the first known mosasauroid that lived in freshwater environments. Previous to this find, only one specimen of a marine mosasauroid, cf. Plioplatecarpus sp., is known from non-marine rocks in Western Canada. Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus gen. et sp. nov. uniquely possesses a plesiomorphic pelvic anatomy, a non-mosasauroid but pontosaur-like tail osteology, possibly limbs like a terrestrial lizard, and a flattened, crocodile-like skull. Cladistic analysis reconstructs P. inexpectatus in a new clade of mosasauroids: (Pannoniasaurus (Tethysaurus (Yaguarasaurus, Russellosaurus. P. inexpectatus is part of a mixed terrestrial and freshwater faunal assemblage that includes fishes, amphibians turtles, terrestrial lizards, crocodiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds.

  16. Time scales of critical events around the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. (United States)

    Renne, Paul R; Deino, Alan L; Hilgen, Frederik J; Kuiper, Klaudia F; Mark, Darren F; Mitchell, William S; Morgan, Leah E; Mundil, Roland; Smit, Jan


    Mass extinctions manifest in Earth's geologic record were turning points in biotic evolution. We present (40)Ar/(39)Ar data that establish synchrony between the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary and associated mass extinctions with the Chicxulub bolide impact to within 32,000 years. Perturbation of the atmospheric carbon cycle at the boundary likely lasted less than 5000 years, exhibiting a recovery time scale two to three orders of magnitude shorter than that of the major ocean basins. Low-diversity mammalian fauna in the western Williston Basin persisted for as little as 20,000 years after the impact. The Chicxulub impact likely triggered a state shift of ecosystems already under near-critical stress.

  17. Timing of the deposition of uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene coal-bearing deposits in the Greater Glendive area, Montana and North Dakota

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With the aid of a grant from the National Geographic Society, a cooperative agreement with the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and contract with the U.S. Department of Energy, Late Cretaceous and Paleocene geologic and paleontologic field studies were undertaken in Makoshika, State Park and vicinity, Dawson County, Montana. This region was chosen as a study area because of its potential for yielding new fossil localities and extensive exposures both above and below the K/T boundary, as suggested by previous research by David W. Krause and Joseph H. Hartman. Related field studies were also undertaken in areas adjacent to the Cedar Creek Anticline in North Dakota. This work was part of ongoing research to document change in the composition of mammalian and molluscan faunas during the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene and to relate observed patterns to floral and invertebrate changes in composition. This study focuses on the record of mammals and mollusks in the Makoshika stratigraphic section and places old and new observations into a paleomagnetic and palynomorph framework. Of particular interest is the appearance and diversification of archaic ungulate mammals. Simultaneous dinosaur extinction with ungulate radiation has been invoked in gradual, as opposed to catastrophic, models of faunal change at the K/T boundary. However, supposed Cretaceous localities bearing archaic ungulates and other mammals of {open_quotes}Paleocene aspect{close_quotes} may be the product of faunal reworking. Elsewhere in the Williston Basin (e.g., Garfield and McCone Counties, Montana), the molluscan record of uppermost Cretaceous and Paleocene strata indicates the extinction of all of the highly sculptured unionid bivalves just prior to the onset of coal swamps and subsequent coal formation.

  18. A new ornithurine from the Early Cretaceous of China sheds light on the evolution of early ecological and cranial diversity in birds

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    Jiandong Huang


    Full Text Available Despite the increasing number of exceptional feathered fossils discovered in the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous of northeastern China, representatives of Ornithurae, a clade that includes comparatively-close relatives of crown clade Aves (extant birds and that clade, are still comparatively rare. Here, we report a new ornithurine species Changzuiornis ahgmi from the Early Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation. The new species shows an extremely elongate rostrum so far unknown in basal ornithurines and changes our understanding of the evolution of aspects of extant avian ecology and cranial evolution. Most of this elongate rostrum in Changzuiornis ahgmi is made up of maxilla, a characteristic not present in the avian crown clade in which most of the rostrum and nearly the entire facial margin is made up by premaxilla. The only other avialans known to exhibit an elongate rostrum with the facial margin comprised primarily of maxilla are derived ornithurines previously placed phylogenetically as among the closest outgroups to the avian crown clade as well as one derived enantiornithine clade. We find that, consistent with a proposed developmental shift in cranial ontogeny late in avialan evolution, this elongate rostrum is achieved through elongation of the maxilla while the premaxilla remains only a small part of rostral length. Thus, only in Late Cretaceous ornithurine taxa does the premaxilla begin to play a larger role. The rostral and postcranial proportions of Changzuiornis suggest an ecology not previously reported in Ornithurae; the only other species with an elongate rostrum are two marine Late Cretacous taxa interpreted as showing a derived picivorous diet.

  19. Terebella phosphatica Leriche (Polychaeta) associated with phosphatic crusts and particles (Lower Turonian, Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Žítt, Jiří; Vodrážka, R.


    Roč. 41, April (2013), s. 111-126 ISSN 0195-6671 Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : Terebella phosphatica tubes * Atreta-Bdelloidina encrusting community * Faecal pellet accumulations * phosphogenesis * Lower Turonian * Bohemian Cretaceous Basin Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy Impact factor: 2.390, year: 2013

  20. The Ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites and its Tracemakers from Firmgrounds of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mikuláš, Radek; Žítt, Jiří; Nekovařík, Č.


    Roč. 10, - (2003), s. 13-21 ISSN 1042-0940 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/99/1315 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3013912 Keywords : Mollusc traces * Gastrochaenolites * Cretaceous Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy colors =7&lang=en&jour_id=41560

  1. Early Cretaceous I-type granites in the Tengchong terrane: New constraints on the late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of southwestern China

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    Yi Fang


    Full Text Available The Early Cretaceous granitoids that are widespread in the Tengchong terrane of Southwest China play a critical role in understanding the tectonic framework associated with the Tethyan oceans. In this study, we present a detailed description of zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock geochemistry and Hf isotopes for the Laoxiangkeng pluton in the eastern Tengchong terrane and elucidate their petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. Zircon U–Pb dating of the Laoxiangkeng pluton yields ages of 114 ± 1 Ma and 115 ± 1 Ma, which imply an Early Cretaceous magmatic event. The Laoxiangkeng pluton enriched in Si and Na, is calc-alkaline and metaluminous, and has the characteristics of highly fractionated I-type granites. Zircons from the pluton have calculated εHf(t values of −12.7 to −3.7 and two-stage model ages of 1327–1974 Ma, respectively, indicating a mixed source of partial melting of Paleo-Neoproterozoic crust-derived compositions with some inputs of mantle-derived magmas. By integrating all available data for the regional tectonic evolution of the eastern Tethys tectonic domain, we conclude that the Early Cretaceous magmatism in the Tengchong terrane was produced by the northeastward subduction of the Meso-Tethyan Bangong–Nujiang Ocean.

  2. Early Cretaceous paleomagnetic and geochronologic results from the Tethyan Himalaya: Insights into the Neotethyan paleogeography and the India-Asia collision. (United States)

    Ma, Yiming; Yang, Tianshui; Bian, Weiwei; Jin, Jingjie; Zhang, Shihong; Wu, Huaichun; Li, Haiyan


    To better understand the Neotethyan paleogeography, a paleomagnetic and geochronological study has been performed on the Early Cretaceous Sangxiu Formation lava flows, which were dated from ~135.1 Ma to ~124.4 Ma, in the Tethyan Himalaya. The tilt-corrected site-mean characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) direction for 26 sites is Ds = 296.1°, Is = -65.7°, ks = 51.7, α95 = 4.0°, corresponding to a paleopole at 5.9°S, 308.0°E with A95 = 6.1°. Positive fold and reversal tests prove that the ChRM directions are prefolding primary magnetizations. These results, together with reliable Cretaceous-Paleocene paleomagnetic data observed from the Tethyan Himalaya and the Lhasa terrane, as well as the paleolatitude evolution indicated by the apparent polar wander paths (APWPs) of India, reveal that the Tethyan Himalaya was a part of Greater India during the Early Cretaceous (135.1-124.4 Ma) when the Neotethyan Ocean was up to ~6900 km, it rifted from India sometime after ~130 Ma, and that the India-Asia collision should be a dual-collision process including the first Tethyan Himalaya-Lhasa terrane collision at ~54.9 Ma and the final India-Tethyan Himalaya collision at ~36.7 Ma.

  3. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous (Campanian - Maastrichtian) sequences in the Peri-Tethys basin; Moghan area, NW Iran (United States)

    Omidvar, Mahboobeh; Safari, Amrollah; Vaziri-Moghaddam, Hossain; Ghalavand, Hormoz


    The Upper Cretaceous sediments in the Moghan area, NW Iran, contain diverse planktonic and benthic foraminifera, with a total of 33 genera and 53 species (17 genera and 38 species of planktonic foraminifera and 16 genera and 15 species from benthic foraminifera), which led to the identification of six biozones spanning the middle Campanian to late Maastrichtian. A detailed paleontological study and biostratigraphic zonation of these sequences has been carried out in four surface sections. This study shows that there are two different facies in the Moghan area, based on the faunal content. A deep open marine condition exists in the Molok, Selenchai and Nasirkandi sections. In these sections, Upper Cretaceous sequences have diverse planktonic foraminiferal species including the Globotruncana ventricosa (middle to late Campanian), Globotruncanella havanensis (late Campanian), Globotruncana aegyptiaca (latest Campanian), Gansserina gansseri (latest Campanian to early Maastrichtian), Contusotruncana contusa- Racemiguembelina fructicosa (early to late Maastrichtian) and Abathomphalus mayaroensis (late Maastrichtian) zones. This deep open marine setting grades laterally into shallower marine condition dominated by large benthic foraminifera such as Orbitoides media, Orbitoides gruenbachensis, Orbitoides cf. apiculata, Lepidorbitoides minor, Pseudosiderolites sp., Siderolites praecalcitrapoides, Siderolites aff. calcitrapoides and Siderolites calcitrapoides. This facies is mainly recorded in the Hovay section. A detailed biostratigraphic zonation scheme is presented for the studied sections and correlated with the results of other studies in the Tethyan realm. This is the first biozonation scheme for Upper Cretaceous sequences of the Moghan area that can be used as a basis for ongoing studies in this area and other parts of Tethys basin.

  4. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction and evolution of an Upper Cretaceous lacustrine-fluvial-deltaic sequence in the Parecis Basin, Brazil (United States)

    Rubert, Rogerio R.; Mizusaki, Ana Maria Pimentel; Martinelli, Agustín G.; Urban, Camile


    The Cretaceous in the Brazilian Platform records events of magmatism, tectonism and sedimentation coupled to the Gondwana breakup. Some of these events are registered as sedimentary sequences in interior basins, such as in the Cretaceous sequence of the Alto Xingu Sub-basin, Parecis Basin, Central Brazil. This article proposes the faciologic characterization and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Cretaceous sequence of the eastern portion of the Parecis Basin and its relation with some reactivated structures as, for instance, the Serra Formosa Arch. Based on both data from outcrops and core drillings a paleoenvironmental and evolutionary reconstruction of the sequence is herein presented. The base of the studied section is characterized by chemical and low energy clastic sedimentation of Lake Bottom and Shoreline, in a context of fast initial subsidence and low sedimentation rate. As the subsidence process decreased, a deltaic progradation became dominant with deposition in a prodelta environment, followed by a deltaic front and deltaic plain interbedded with fluvial plain, and aeolian deposition completing the sequence. The inferred Coniacian-Santonian age is based on vertebrate (fishes and notosuchians) and ostracod fossils with regional chrono-correlates in the Adamantina (Bauru Group), Capacete (Sanfranciscana Basin), and Bajo de la Carpa (Neuquén Group, in Argentina) formations. The formation of a Coniacian depocenter in the Alto Xingu Sub-basin is associated to the Turonian-Coniacian reactivation event in the Peruvian Orogenic Phase of the Andean Orogeny, with the transference of stresses to interplate setting, reactivating Proterozoic structures of the basement.

  5. ) Geochemistry and Hydrocarbon Potential of Cretaceous Shales in the Chad Basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alalade, B.; Ogunyemi, A. T.; Abimbola, A.F.; Olugbemiro, R. O.


    The Chad Basin is the largest intracratonic basin in Africa and is filled with more than 400m of Cretaceous to Recent sediments. Geochemical and petrographic studies of Cretaceous shales form the Bima, Gongola and Fika Formations were carried out to establish their hydrocarbon potential and thermal maturity. Ditch cuttings of the shales were collected from the Wa di and Karen's exploration wells located in the Nigerian sector of the Chad Basin.The geochemical analysis of the shales indicate that, except for Si02 and K20, all other oxides (Mg O, Fe2O3, AL2O3, CaO) are more abundant in the Fika shale than the Gongola shale. This suggests a more marine condition for the Fika shale compared to the Gongola shale. The Fika and Gongola shales were further classified into Iron shale and shale respectively. Organic carbon contents of the Bima, Gongola and exceed the minimum (0.5wt%) usually required for siliciclastic petroleum source rock. However, the soluble organic matter (SOM) and saturated hydrocarbon (SHC) contents of the shales, which ranges from 108pm to 743ppm and 23ppm to 100ppm respectively, are generally low and are therefore, organically lean. The organic matter of the shales is predominantly terrestrially derived, vitrinite rich, Type III kerogen and are therefore, gas prone. Thermal maturity assessed from SOM/TOC, SHC/TOC ratios and spore color index (SCI) indicate that the Fika shale is immature while the Gongola and Bima shales are within the oil window

  6. Geological and technological characterization of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous clay deposits (Jebel Ammar, northeastern Tunisia) for ceramic industry (United States)

    Ben M'barek-Jemaï, Moufida; Sdiri, Ali; Ben Salah, Imed; Ben Aissa, Lassaad; Bouaziz, Samir; Duplay, Joelle


    Late Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous clays of the Jebel Ammar study site were used as raw materials for potential applications in ceramic industry. Physico-chemical characterization of the collected samples was performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry and dilatometry (Bugot's curve). Geotechnical study was also undertaken by the assessment of plasticity and liquidity limits. It was found that high concentrations of silica, alumina with SiO2/Al2O3 ratio characterized the studied clays; its high amounts of CaO and Fe2O3 in the Late Jurassic clays indicated their calcareous nature. In addition, technological tests indicated moderate to low plasticity values for the Late Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous clays, respectively. Clay fraction (<2 μm) reached 50% of the natural clay in some cases. Mineralogical analysis showed that Jurassic clays were dominated by smectite, illite and kaolinite, as clay mineral species; calcite was the main associated mineral. Lower Cretaceous clays were mainly composed of abundant illite accompanied by well-crystallized smectite and kaolinite. Kaolinite gradually increased upwards, reaching 70% of the total clay fraction (i.e. <2 μm). Quartz, calcite and feldspar were the main non-clay minerals. Based on these analyses, the clays meet technological requirements that would allow their use in the ceramic industry and for the manufacturing of ceramic tiles.

  7. Lower Cretaceous fossils from China shed light on the ancestral body plan of crown softshell turtles (Trionychidae, Cryptodira). (United States)

    Brinkman, Donald; Rabi, Márton; Zhao, Lijun


    Pan-trionychids or softshell turtles are a highly specialized and widespread extant group of aquatic taxa with an evolutionary history that goes back to the Early Cretaceous. The earliest pan-trionychids had already fully developed the "classic" softshell turtle morphology and it has been impossible to resolve whether they are stem members of the family or are within the crown. This has hindered our understanding of the evolution of the two basic body plans of crown-trionychids. Thus it remains unclear whether the more heavily ossified shell of the cyclanorbines or the highly reduced trionychine morphotype is the ancestral condition for softshell turtles. A new pan-trionychid from the Early Cretaceous of Zhejiang, China, Perochelys hengshanensis sp. nov., allows a revision of softshell-turtle phylogeny. Equal character weighting resulted in a topology that is fundamentally inconsistent with molecular divergence date estimates of deeply nested extant species. In contrast, implied weighting retrieved Lower Cretaceous Perochelys spp. and Petrochelys kyrgyzensis as stem trionychids, which is fully consistent with their basal stratigraphic occurrence and an Aptian-Santonian molecular age estimate for crown-trionychids. These results indicate that the primitive morphology for soft-shell turtles is a poorly ossified shell like that of crown-trionychines and that shell re-ossification in cyclanorbines (including re-acquisition of peripheral elements) is secondary.

  8. Avaliação da simetria e descarga de peso entre os membros inferiores de atletas de futebol da categoria de base

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    Daniel Lucas Spagnuolo


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A avaliação instrumentada dos saltos verticais informa sobre as capacidades funcionais e variáveis neuromusculares, auxiliando no atendimento dos atletas. Essencial dar atenção maior para as categorias de base, pois contém fases importantes do desenvolvimento dos atletas que serão o futuro do esporte. Objetivo: Avaliar as características funcionais e neuromusculares de atletas de futebol da categoria de base, no desempenho em saltos verticais. METODOLOGIA: Foram avaliados atletas de futebol com idade entre 15 e 17 anos. Foram realizados em duas plataformas de força os seguintes saltos verticais: salto em agachamento, salto em contramovimento, salto pliométrico de 40 cm de altura. Para análise das variáveis das forças concêntrica, excêntrica, impacto e altura dos saltos utilizou-se a prova estatística de Shapiro-Wilk, descrição das variáveis em média e desvio padrão, considerando quando p 0,05. Sem diferença na força concêntrica entre as categorias e os tipos de saltos. Maior força de impacto no contramovimento. Maior força em membro inferior direito em todos os saltos e variáveis de força. CONCLUSÕES: Encontramos assimetria entre os membros inferiores, podendo correlacionar com um déficit de potência muscular, má desaceleração do movimento e erros biomecânicos. Fatores predisponentes a lesões musculoesqueléticas, os quais podem ser prevenidos. A avaliação instrumentada da força através desses testes pode subsidiar os profissionais do clube como uma ferramenta de trabalho, capaz de aprimorar o treinamento, preparação e reabilitação. Entretanto, são necessárias mais pesquisas, de forma que momentos distintos da idade e da temporada do atleta sejam avaliados.

  9. Observación y análisis del ataque y la defensa de primera línea en voleibol

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    Cristòfol Salas i Santandreu


    desarrollo de la acción defensiva (estructura formal, responsabilidad y opción frente al atacante rápido, responsabilidad del colocador, número de bloqueadores, fijación, verticalidad de salto y posiciones de brazos tanto del bloqueador auxiliar como del principal. La incidencia de la posición defensiva en la resolución final de ésta es más débil. Finalmente, también se ha podido detectar pequeños patrones conductuales asociados a las conductas correspondientes a la eficacia de la acción defensiva. La aplicación de la tesis consiste en detectar estructuras ocultas que suceden en la fugacidad del enfrentamiento entre el ataque y la defensa, y con ello contribuir a la metodología del entrenamiento técnico-táctico de la acción defensiva de primera línea. También se proponen potenciales cambios a las reglas oficiales de juego que inciden tanto en parámetros estructurales como directamente en las posibilidades funcionales de los atacantes, todo ello para contribuir al reequilibrio entre el ataque y la defensa tan deseado en el voleibol.

  10. Provenance and U-Pb geochronology of the Upper Cretaceous El Chanate Group, northwest Sonora, Mexico, and its tectonic significance (United States)

    Jacques-Ayala, C.; Barth, A.P.; Wooden, J.L.; Jacobson, C.E.


    The Upper Cretaceous El Chanate Group, northwest Sonora, Mexico, is a 2.8km thick clastic sedimentary sequence deposited in a continental basin closely related to volcanic activity. It consists of three formations: the Pozo Duro (oldest), the Anita, and the Escalante (youngest). Petrographic study, conglomerate pebble counts, and U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons were performed to determine the source and age of this sequence, and to interpret its tectonic setting. In the sandstones of all three formations, the most abundant grains are those of volcanic composition (Q38F22L 40, Q35F19L46, and Q 31F22L47, respectively). The Pozo Duro Formation includes well-rounded quartz-arenite clast conglomerates, whereas conglomerates of the two upper units have clasts predominantly of andesitic and rhyolitic composition. The most likely source for these sediments was the Jurassic volcanic arc exposed in northern Sonora and southern Arizona. Zircons from five sandstone samples define two main age groups, Proterozoic and Mesozoic. The first ranges mostly from 1000 to 1800Ma, which suggests the influence of a cratonic source. This zircon suite is interpreted to be recycled and derived from the same source area as the quartz-rich sandstone clasts in the basal part of the section. Mesozoic zircons range from Triassic to Late Cretaceous, which confirms the proposed Late Cretaceous age for the sequence, and also corroborates Jurassic felsic source rocks. Another possible source was the Alisitos volcanic arc, exposed along the western margin of the Baja California Peninsula. Of regional significance is the great similarity between the El Chanate Group and the McCoy Mountains Formation of southeastern California and southwestern Arizona. Both are Cretaceous, were deposited in continental environments, and have similar zircon-age patterns. Also, both exhibit intense deformation and locally display penetrative foliation. These features strongly suggest that both units underwent

  11. Inventário arbóreo-urbano do município de Salto de Pirapora, SP

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    Daniele Porto Benatti


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por objetivo realizar o inventário arbóreo-urbano em 24 bairros do Município de Salto de Pirapora, SP, por meio da avaliação quali-quantitativa. Para tanto, foram obtidas informações relacionadas à: espécie arbórea, situação da copa e do tronco, orientação do tronco, fitossanidade, interceptação das raízes no passeio, necessidade de tratos silviculturais, altura total e altura da primeira bifurcação, assim como características do espaço viário. Foram registrados 868 indivíduos, dos quais 679 foram catalogados em 71 espécies arbóreas. A espécie de maior frequência foi Caesalpinia pluviosa, representando 13,6% do total, seguida de Ficus benjamin (10,4%, Lagerstroemia indica (5,0% e Terminalia catappa (4,8%. Quanto à condição do tronco, 68,8% dos indivíduos arbóreos não apresentaram problemas; 85,7% das árvores observadas possuíam orientação simpodial adequada; poucas árvores apresentavam danos relacionados à fitossanidade que poderiam interferir em sua integridade e, ou, longevidade; 69,6% não interferiam, de forma direta, na calçada; 32,8% das árvores necessitavam de podas por estarem acima da fiação elétrica; 0,5% necessitava de substituição; e 5,7% precisavam ser removidas. Com relação à altura total das árvores, 63,0% apresentavam crescimento menor que 5 m; e 65,3% com altura da primeira bifurcação do tronco inferior a 1,80 m. O Bairro Primavera destacou-se pelo maior número de árvores em sua urbanização. Em contrapartida, o Jardim Amélia apresentou apenas um indivíduo. Dessa forma, observou-se que cada bairro possuía sua particularidade, e ações de manutenção e enriquecimento, tanto relacionadas ao número de espécies quanto à quantidade de indivíduos, deveriam ser consideradas no planejamento urbano-arbóreo daquele município.

  12. Estabilización de precios e ingreso laboral incierto: un enfoque estocástico


    Francisco Venegas-Martínez


    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo estocástico de estabilización temporal de precios con un ancla nominal en el tipo de cambio. El modelo reconoce explícitamente la incertidumbre en la dinámica esperada tanto de la tasa de devaluación como del ingreso laboral. Bajo este marco, las expectativas de devaluación son conducidas por un proceso de difusión con saltos y el ingreso laboral es gobernado por un movimiento geométrico browniano. Se supone que no existe un mercado de productos derivados...

  13. Un concepto emergente de planeación


    Jorge Sánchez Buitrago


    El propósito de este artículo es sustentar un concepto emergente de planeación derivado del desarrollo de la investigación titulada: “Hacia un paradigma emergente de la planeación: Resignificación desde las instituciones universitarias”. El principal objetivo es el de aportar en el sostenimiento de una racionalidad alternativa de la planeación, a partir de la lectura de algunos de los principales conceptos que están  determinando el salto paradigmático de la ciencia contemporánea. En este sen...

  14. Espinas dérmicas del dinosaurio anquilosaurio Polacanthus en las facies Weald de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos, España

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    Urién, V.


    Full Text Available Ankylosaurian dermal armour elements from the Fuente Espudia locality, near Salas de los Infantes (Burgos Province, are described. These remains have been recovered from red clays of the Urbion Group, which belong to the Weald facies of the western Cameros Basin, of possible Barremian-Aptian age (Lower Cretaceous. Based on their general form, two caudal spines are here assigned to the nodosaurid Polacanthus. This represents the first mention of this genus in the Iberian Peninsula. Previous finds in the same area could also be assigned to this armoured dinosaur.Se describen elementos dermatoesqueléticos de un anquilosaurio procedentes del yacimiento de Fuente Espudia, cerca de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos. Los restos fósiles se localizan en arcillas rojas del Grupo Urbión, que forman parte de las facies Weald del sector occidental de la Cuenca de Cameros, de posible edad Barremiense-Aptiense (Cretácico inferior. Dos espinas proceden de la región caudal y, por su forma general, se atribuyen al nodosáurido Polacanthus. Se trata de la primera cita de este género en la Península Ibérica. Hallazgos previos en el mismo área pueden también asignarse a este dinosaurio acorazado.


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    María del Pilar San Pablo Moreno


    Full Text Available Resumen: El estreno de la película Matrix, (Larry y Andy Wachowsky 1999, ha supuesto uno de los mayores hitos cinematográficos de estos últimos veinte años. Esta película, primera de una trilogía, introdujo cambios notables en el género de ciencia-ficción. Sin embargo, el impacto, que aún hoy sigue produciendo el film, no fue puramente formal. El trasfondo de su guión interpeló a toda una generación sobre la necesidad de revisar profundamente el concepto de realidad. Esta llamada se produce, precisamente, en el instante del despliegue masivo del uso de los computadores y de la extensión de la red mundial de Internet. Un contexto inmejorable que aprovecha Matrix para revisar aspectos esenciales de la filosofía perenne y proponer un salto más allá hacia la transformación de la percepción de la conciencia. // Abstract: Matrix movie premiere of Larry and Andy Wachowski brothers in 1999, represented a significant milestone film of the past twenty years. This film, first of a trilogy, introduced fundamental changes in the genre of science fiction. However, the impact, which is still producing the film was not purely formal. The background of his script summons an entire generation about the need to review completely the concept of reality. This call comes just at the moment the massive deployment of the use of computers and the extent of the global Internet network. Matrix uses a memorable backdrop to review key aspects of the perennial philosophy and propose a leap beyond the transformation of perception of consciousness.

  16. Peces del Noroeste del Ecuador


    Barriga, Ramiro


    La ictiofauna del occidente del Ecuador es poco conocida. Los peces del noroccidente son diferentes a los del suroccidente del Ecuador. 34 familias y 82 especies fueron colectadas que equivale al 11 % de las especies de peces continentales registradas en el Ecuador. Icteogeográficamente se sabe que la costa ecuatoriana posee dos provincias: la del Pacifico Norte y la del Guayas, se determinó que el límite de las dos provincias es el río Santiago ya que las especies del mencionado río so...

  17. Cretaceous alkaline volcanism in south Marzanabad, northern central Alborz, Iran: Geochemistry and petrogenesis

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    Roghieh Doroozi


    Full Text Available The alkali-basalt and basaltic trachy-andesites volcanic rocks of south Marzanabad were erupted during Cretaceous in central Alborz, which is regarded as the northern part of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt. Based on petrography and geochemistry, en route fractional crystallization of ascending magma was an important process in the evolution of the volcanic rocks. Geochemical characteristics imply that the south Marzanabad alkaline basaltic magma was originated from the asthenospheric mantle source, whereas the high ratios of (La/YbN and (Dy/YbN are related to the low degree of partial melting from the garnet bearing mantle source. Enrichment pattern of Nb and depletion of Rb, K and Y, are similar to the OIB pattern and intraplate alkaline magmatic rocks. The K/Nb and Zr/Nb ratios of volcanic rocks range from 62 to 588 and from 4.27 to 9 respectively, that are some higher in more evolved samples which may reflect minor crustal contamination. The isotopic ratios of Sr and Nd respectively vary from 0.70370 to 0.704387 and from 0.51266 to 0.51281 that suggest the depleted mantle as a magma source. The development of south Marzanabad volcanic rocks could be related to the presence of extensional phase, upwelling and decompressional melting of asthenospheric mantle in the rift basin which made the alkaline magmatism in Cretaceous, in northern central Alborz of Iran.

  18. Cretaceous and Eocene Adakites in the Sikhote-Alin area (Russian Far East) and their correlation with adakitic rocks in the East Asia continental margin (United States)

    Wu, T. J.; Jahn, B. M.


    Adakitic rocks of the Sikhote-Alin area were emplaced during two main periods: the Cretaceous (132-98 Ma) and Eocene (46-39 Ma). These rocks primarily occur in the Khanka Block and, less commonly, in the Sikhote-Alin Orogenic Belt. The adakitic rocks record the following chemical compositions: SiO2 = 57-74%, Al2O3 = 15-18%, Na2O = 3.5-6.1%, K2O = 0.7-3.2%, Na2O/K2O = 1.1-3.9, Sr/Y = 33-145, and (La/Yb)N = 11-53. The HREE and HFSE in these rocks are remarkably depleted. The Early Cretaceous adakites record ɛNd(T) = -1.0 to +3.2 and ISr = 0.7040-0.7090, and the Eocene adakitic rocks record Nd(T) = -2.0 to +2.2 and ISr = 0.7042-0.7058. Adakitic features suggest different modes of magma generation; a comparison of the Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and geochemical data on Harker diagrams between the two periods of adakitic rocks reveals differences in their petrogenesis. The Cretaceous adakites may have been generated by the partial melting of meta-basic rocks in a subduction zone, accompanied by the emplacement of volcanic arc granitoids. Therefore, the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Sikhote-Alin was probably initiated during this time. The Eocene rocks, which record increasing adakitic features with increasing silica content, are most likely the product of andesite that underwent fractionation of mineral assemblage including clinopyoxene, orthopyroxene, garnet and amphibole. These rocks and associated basalts and rhyolite were formed after Cretaceous arc magmatism in the Sikhote-Alin area and were most likely generated by rollback of the subducting Pacific Plate after the Eocene. Abundant adakitic granitoids of Early Cretaceous and Eocene age occur in the Kitakami and Abukuma Mountains of NE Japan. Consequently, it is highly probable that a geological correlation existed between Sikhote-Alin and North Japan, particularly before the opening of the Japan Sea.

  19. Paleomagnetism and the Alpine tectonics of Eurasia IV : Jurassic, Cretaceous and Eocene pole positions from northeastern Turkey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voo, R. van der

    In April 1965 and May 1966 several groups of samples were collected by the author in northern and eastern Turkey in view of a study of their magnetic properties. The characteristic magnetizations of four groups of Eocene and Cretaceous volcanic rocks and sediments had the following directions of

  20. Basin analysis in the Southern Tethyan margin: Facies sequences, stratal pattern and subsidence history highlight extension-to-inversion processes in the Cretaceous Panormide carbonate platform (NW Sicily) (United States)

    Basilone, Luca; Sulli, Attilio


    In the Mediterranean, the South-Tethys paleomargin experienced polyphased tectonic episodes and paleoenvironmental perturbations during Mesozoic time. The Cretaceous shallow-water carbonate successions of the Panormide platform, outcropping in the northern edge of the Palermo Mountains (NW Sicily), were studied by integrating facies and stratal pattern with backstripping analysis to recognize the tectonics vs. carbonate sedimentation interaction. The features of the Requienid limestone, including geometric configuration, facies sequence, lithological changes and significance of the top-unconformity, highlight that at the end of the Lower Cretaceous the carbonate platform was tectonically dismembered in various rotating fault-blocks. The variable trends of the subsidence curves testify to different responses, both uplift and downthrow, of various platform-blocks impacted by extensional tectonics. Physical stratigraphic and facies analysis of the Rudistid limestone highlight that during the Upper Cretaceous the previously carbonate platform faulted-blocks were subjected to vertical movements in the direction opposite to the displacement produced by the extensional tectonics, indicating a positive tectonic inversion. Comparisons with other sectors of the Southern Tethyan and Adria paleomargins indicate that during the Cretaceous these areas underwent the same extensional and compressional stages occurring in the Panormide carbonate platform, suggesting a regional scale significance, in time and kinematics, for these tectonic events.