
Sample records for corrosion inducida por

  1. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.

  2. Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral


    J Salas Salvado; A Recaséns Garica


    Liver disorders induced by parenteral nutrition Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral Liver disorders induced by parenteral nutrition Alteraciones hepáticas inducidas por la nutrición parenteral

  3. Agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol en pacientes con enfermedad de Graves

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    Helard Manrique-Hurtado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y epidemiológicas de los pacientes con enfermedad de Graves que presentaron agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, tipo serie de casos. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol, atendidos en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, entre enero 2002 y diciembre 2008. Se buscó asociación entre las variables demográficas y clínicas con la mortalidad y el tiempo de recuperación. Resultados: Treinta (0,60% pacientes con enfermedad de Graves fueron hospitalizados con el diagnóstico de agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol. La mediana de la edad fue 33,5 años y 86,67% fueron mujeres. Al ingreso, todos los pacientes presentaron fiebre y dolor de garganta. El manejo incluyó aislamiento invertido, suspensión del metimazol, administración de antibióticos y glucocorticoides. Doce (40% pacientes recibieron GM-CSF. El número de granulocitos se normalizó después de 10,59 días y cuatro (13,33% pacientes murieron por infecciones bacterianas y sepsis. En todos los casos, el tratamiento definitivo fue yodo radioactivo. No hubo diferencia significativa en la edad, sexo, dosis de metimazol, duración del tratamiento y uso de factor estimulante colonia, entre los pacientes fallecidos y los sobrevivientes. Además, el uso de factor estimulante de colonia no redujo el tiempo de recuperación de la agranulocitosis. Conclusión: La agranulocitosis inducida por metimazol es un evento adverso serio y potencialmente mortal. En este grupo de pacientes, la mortalidad fue elevada y el uso de factor estimulante de colonia no disminuyó el tiempo de recuperación.

  4. Estrategias para el tratamiento de la disfunción sexual inducida por la medicación antidepresiva

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    Matthew J. Taylor


    Conclusiones de los autores: Las pruebas actualmente disponibles son muy limitadas. En los hombres con disfunción eréctil inducida por antidepresivos, el agregado de sildenafil o tadalafil parece ser una estrategia eficaz. En las mujeres con disfunción sexual inducida por antidepresivos, el agregado de bupropión a dosis mayores parece ser el enfoque más alentador estudiado hasta el presente.

  5. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal Tumor-induced osteomalacia: rhinosinusal hemangiopericytoma

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.Tumor-induced osteomalacia is a rare disease of bone metabolism. The characteristic of this disease is an increase in phosphate excretion followed by hypophosphatemia, due to phosphaturic agents produced by different types of tumors. Tumor resection results in complete resolution of clinical, biochemical and radiological abnormalities. We present the case of a 61 year old man with signs, symptoms and laboratory findings consistent with oncogenic osteomalacia due to a rhino-sinusal mesenchymal tumor. The histological diagnosis showed a vascular neoplasm: hemangiopericytoma.

  6. Osteoporosis secundaria y Osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides (OIG

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    Elías Forero Illera


    Full Text Available La osteoporosis es un problema de salud pública importante a nivel mundial, y su prevalencia está aumentando. La osteoporosis secundaria se puede producir por varias patologías y el uso de ciertos medicamentos. Los glucocorticoides son un grupo de fármacos usados extensamente en la práctica médica debido a su indiscutible utilidad. La osteoporosis inducida por glucocorticoides es un problema de salud pública. Aunque la patogénesis de la pérdida producida por los glucocorticoides en el hueso no se conoce totalmente, investigaciones recientes han proporcionado nuevas conocimientos en los mecanismos de estos fármacos a nivel celular y molecular. Diversas guías han sido propuestas por diversos grupos para el tratamiento de la OIG; desafortunadamente, las guías del tratamiento no se utilizan adecuadamente en los pacientes.

  7. Cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés (Takotsubo en una paciente con anorexia nerviosa

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    Sabrina Vadalá


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una mujer con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa que desarrolló cardiomiopatía de takotsubo precipitada por estrés emocional y alteraciones del medio interno. Evolucionó favorablemente con manejo conservador. Los casos de cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés, descriptos en pacientes con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, suelen alcanzar mayor gravedad y se asocian con la prolongación del intervalo QT por desequilibrios electrolíticos, arritmias ventriculares e hipoglucemia. Se realiza una revisión del compromiso cardiovascular en pacientes con anorexia nerviosa.

  8. Disfunción tiroidea inducida por amiodarona en la práctica clínica

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    José Luis Paz-Ibarra


    Full Text Available La amiodarona (AMD es una droga antiarrítmica potente (clase III usada en la práctica clínica para la profilaxis y el tratamiento de muchos disturbios del ritmo cardiaco, desde la fibrilación auricular paroxística hasta las taquiarritmias ventriculares que amenazan la vida. Frecuentemente causa cambios en las pruebas de función tiroidea principalmente relacionados a la inhibición de la actividad de la 5'-deiodinasa, resultando en una disminución de la generación de T3 desde T4 y el consecuente incremento en la producción de T3 reversa y una disminución de su aclaramiento. En 14 a 18% de pacientes tratados con AMD hay una disfunción tiroidea manifiesta, ya sea tirotoxicosis inducida por amiodarona (TIA o hipotiroidismo inducido por amiodarona (HIA. Tanto TIA como HIA pueden desarrollarse en glándulas aparentemente normales o en glándulas con anormalidades preexistentes clínicamente silentes. La TIA está primariamente relacionada a la síntesis de hormonas tiroideas inducida por el exceso de yodo en una glándula tiroidea anormal (TIA tipo 1 o a una tiroiditis destructiva relacionada a la amiodarona (TIA tipo 2, aunque frecuentemente ocurren formas mixtas. La tiroiditis de Hashimoto preexistente es un factor de riesgo definido para la ocurrencia de HIA. La patogenia del HIA es la falla para escapar del efecto agudo de Wolff-Chaikoff inducido por el yodo, debido a los defectos en la hormonogénesis tiroidea y, en pacientes con pruebas de autoanticuerpos tiroideos positivos, para tiroiditis de Hashimoto concomitante. La TIA es más común en zonas deficientes de yodo mientras que el HIA es usualmente visto en zonas suficientes en yodo. En contraste al HIA, la TIA es una condición difícil de diagnosticar y tratar, y usualmente se recomienda la descontinuación de la amiodarona. En esta revisión se analiza, de acuerdo a los datos actuales, las alteraciones en las pruebas de función tiroidea vistas en pacientes eutirodeos bajo

  9. Paciente con trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por heparina en hemodiálisis: abordaje de la anticoagulación del circuito

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    Mirian García Martínez

    Full Text Available Resumen El tratamiento renal sustitutivo de hemodiálisis es una técnica de depuración sanguínea extraterrenal, que requiere proteger al circuito extracorpóreo del paciente. Actualmente la heparina es el anticoagulante endovenoso de elección para evitar este tipo de complicaciones intradiálisis, siendo necesaria la individualización de las dosis por paciente. La trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por heparina es uno de los posibles efectos secundarios producidos por la administración de heparina. La bivalirudina es un inhibidor directo y específico de la trombina, útil en diferentes procedimientos, siendo utilizado en pacientes con problemas con la heparina y con fracaso renal crónico terminal que requieren terapias de diálisis continuas. Caso clínico: Paciente de 46 años, con múltiples antecedentes personales. Al inicio de su proceso debutó con una Gangrena de Fournier secundaria a isquemia de extremidades inferiores, por lo que precisó tratamiento anticoagulante. Hasta la fecha no presentó alergias medicamentosas conocidas. Posteriormente se objetivó plaquetopenia progresiva con diagnóstico de trombocitopenia inducida por heparina tipo II por lo que se restringió la heparina de bajo peso molecular y la heparina sódica, indicándose anticoagulación con Sintrom y Bivalirudina en casos de procedimientos con alto riesgo de sangrado. Conclusiones: Los pacientes de hemodiálisis en nuestro hospital, tienen como pauta habitual de anticoagulación la heparina. En este caso el diagnostico precoz de la trombocitopenia trombótica inducida por la heparina, fue crucial para evitar daños mayores, siendo el equipo de enfermería la piedra angular en el tratamiento en la sala de hemodiálisis.

  10. Papel del endotelio en hipertensión inducida por el embarazo: ¿alteraciones comunes a las de la aterosclerosis?


    López-Jaramillo, Patricio; Sotomayor-Rubio, Katherine; Sotomayor-Rubio, Arístides; López-López, Cristina


    La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, cuya forma proteinúrica es denominada preeclampsia (PE), es una alteración que ocurre en el segundo trimestre del embarazo, y se caracteriza por la presencia de hipertensión y proteinuria. Durante el embarazo normal ocurren cambios fisiológicos adaptativos que incluyen insulino-resistencia (IR), hiperlipidemia, hipercoagulabilidad, inflamación y un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico. Estos cambios se expresan de una forma exagerada en las mujeres que d...

  11. Costo-efectividad de medios de contraste isoosmolales e hiposmolales en pacientes con alto riesgo de nefropatía inducida por medio de contraste

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    Liliana Alejandra Chicaíza-Becerra


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los medios de contraste pueden provocar falla renal aguda por toxicidad directa sobre las células tubulares e isquemia medular renal. Los pacientes diabéticos y los hospitalizados presentan mayor riesgo de desarrollar nefropatía inducida por medios de contraste que la población general. Objetivo. Establecer el costo-efectividad de los medios de contraste isosmolales e hiposmolales en pacientes con alto riesgo. Materiales and métodos. El análisis se basó en una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica, comparando los efectos nefrotóxicos de los medios isosmolales e hipoosmolales. Se consideraron sólo los costos directos, obtenidos del manual tarifario. Se calcularon las tasas del incremento del costoefectividad, las curvas de eficiencia y de aceptabilidad. Se hicieron análisis univariados de sensibilidad para costos y efectos, así como probabilísticos. Se aplicaron tasas de descuento de 0 y 3 % a losresultados. Se usó como umbral de costo-efectividad por año de vida ganado, el producto interno bruto per cápita. Resultados. Las alternativas con Iopamidol y Iodixanol dominan a las demás porque reducen el riesgo de nefropatía inducida por contraste a un menor costo. La razón del incremento del costo-efectividad del iodixanol comparado con el iopamidol es de US$ 14.660 por año de vida ganado que más que duplica el umbral. Conclusión. El medio de baja osmolalidad, iopamidol, parece ser costo-efectivo comparado con iohexol u otros medios hiposmolares (iopromide, iobitridol, iomeprol, iopentol y ioxilan, en pacientes con alto riesgo de nefropatía inducida por contraste. La elección del medio hiposmolar, depende de la disponibilidad a pagar o del costo por ampolleta.   doi:

  12. Efecto antihipertensivo del extracto de Piper aduncum ‘matico’ sobre la hipertensión inducida por L-NAME en ratones

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Introducción: El Piper aduncum es una planta conocida como matico. Se le atribuye efectos antihipertensivo, antiinflamatorio, cicatrizante. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto antihipertensivo del extracto de Piper aduncum ‘matico’, sobre la hipertensión inducida por L-NAME, en ratones. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Facultades de Medicina y de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto etanólico de las hojas de Piper aduncum y ratas. Intervenciones: Se utilizó seis grupos de seis ratones Muss musculus cada uno, uno sin hipertensión (control negativo y cuatro con hipertensión inducida por L-NAME: un control positivo y tres grupos para las dosis de 50, 150 y 300 mg/kg, respectivamente. El tratamiento se realizó por vía oral, una vez por día, durante 25 días. Las mediciones de la presión arterial sistólica (PAS, presión arterial diastólica (PAD y presión arterial media (PAM fueron realizadas dos veces por semana (martes y viernes y se consideró las mediciones entre los días 19 y 23 de iniciado el tratamiento. Principales medidas de resultados: Actividad antihipertensiva. Resultados: En los días 19 y 23 se observó los mejores niveles de presión arterial en el grupo control y los experimentales, correspondiendo a las mediciones 6 y 7. La eficacia antihipertensiva para enalapril fue 24,1 a 20,6%, respectivamente, seguida por matico, entre 24,9 y 13,7% (p<0,05. Conclusiones: En las condiciones experimentales, se demostró la actividad antihipertensiva del extracto etanólico de hojas de Piper aduncum ‘matico’.

  13. Capacidad antiteratogénica del resveratrol en diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina en ratas

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    Ninna Leslie Trejo-González

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar la capacidad antihiperglucémica y antiteratogénica del resveratrol en ratas inducidas a diabetes por estreptozotocina. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de tipo experimental. Se tuvieron tres grupos, de cinco ratas Wistar preñadas cada uno, dos de los cuales fueron tratados el cuarto día de gestación con una dosis de estreptozotocina de 50 mg/kg, disuelta en tampón de citratos, y el otro fue considerado como control, y solo se le administró el tampón de citratos. A uno de los grupos inducidos con estreptozotocina se le administró resveratrol a dosis de 100 mg/kg durante los días 8 al 12 de gestación, cuando sucede la neurulación. Los fetos se obtuvieron el día 19 de gestación y se les realizó un análisis morfológico, y en el hígado fetal se determinó la actividad de las enzimas depuradoras de especies reactivas catalasa, superóxido dismutasa y glutatión peroxidasa. Resultados. La administración de resveratrol (DM+R revierte los parámetros a valores similares a los del grupo control. Las actividades de catalasa y de glutatión peroxidasa, se vieron incrementadas en el grupo tratado con resveratrol con respecto al grupo diabético, en cuanto a la frecuencia de malformaciones en el grupo control y en el grupo tratado con resveratrol no presentaron malformaciones, mientras que en las ratas con diabetes inducida, se encontró una elevada frecuencia de malformaciones. Conclusiones. El resveratrol muestra propiedades antiteratogénicas a través de la disminución del estrés oxidativo que se presenta a causa de la hiperglucemia materna


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    L. Ugaz-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8 distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperlipídica, dosis 1 (35 mg/kg y dosis 2 (70 mg/kg. Se indujo EHNA con dieta hiperlipídica (Carbohidratos: 26%, Lípidos: 59% y Proteínas: 15% Calorías durante un período de 21 días, ad libitum. Luego, se administró el extracto acuoso de Gentianella alborosea por 4 días. Finalmente, se extrajeron los hígados para evaluar las alteraciones histopatológicas del parénquima hepático. Principales medidas de resultados: Se realizó el conteo microscópico de hepatocitos afectados con macrovacuolas, y los resultados fueron comparados mediante las pruebas de ANOVA (p<0,05 y HSD de Tukey (p<0,05. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas (p<0.05 en el porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados entre los grupos dosis 1 (3.25 ± 2.27 y el control positivo (7.50 ± 3.76. Además, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos dosis 1 y dosis 2. Conclusiones: No se pudo determinar el efecto de Gentianella alborosea sobre la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembra, por lo que se recomiendan estudios posteriores.

  15. Detección y estudio mediante Fluorescencia Inducida por Láser de radicales libres formados por Disociación Multifotónica Infrarroja (United States)

    Santos, M.; Díaz, L.; Torresano, J. A.; Rubio, L.; Samoudi, B.

    Una de las principales aplicaciones actuales de los procesos de disociación multifotónica inducidos por radiación láser infrarroja (DMI) es la producción de radiales libres, con el fin de estudiar sus propiedades cinéticas y espectroscópicas. La disociación de moléculas poliatómicas en el IR con láseres de CO2 tiene lugar desde la superficie de energía molecular mas baja y conduce generalmente a la formación de fragmentos en el estado electrónico fundamental, con diversos grados de excitación vibracional. En el Grupo de Procesos Multifotónicos del Instituto de Estructura de la Materia del C.S.I.C. hemos puesto a punto la técnica de Fluorescencia Inducida por Láser (LIF) para la detección y análisis en tiempo real de los fragmentos producidos en la DMI inducida mediante uno o dos campos láseres de diferentes longitudes de onda. Objetivos de nuestro trabajo han sido el estudio de los canales de disociación mayoritarios y de las especies transitoria producidas, así como de la distribución de energía interna con que éstas son generadas. En particular hemos detectado mediante LIF las especies: C2, CF, CH, SiH2, CF2, CH2, SiHCl, y CF3 a partir de la disociación de, entre otras, las siguientes moléculas: C2H3Br, C3F6, C4H8Si, C2H5ClSi y CH5ClSi. En este trabajo presentamos algunos de los resultados obtenidos mediante el estudio por LIF de estos radicales: estudio temporal de la señal LIF obtenida con determinación de tiempos de vida, espectros de excitación y fluorescencia, temperaturas vibracionales de formación, variación de la intensidad LIF con el tiempo de retraso entre los láseres de disociación y prueba, etc.

  16. Arteriopatía periférica crónica inducida por cocaína

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    Sonia Pankl


    Full Text Available La trombosis periférica aguda inducida por cocaína ha sido descripta en la literatura, siendo una complicación poco común. Si bien existen comunicaciones que reflejan los efectos crónicos de la cocaína sobre el sistema arterial periférico, no hay casos publicados de tal complicación en ausencia de otros factores de riesgo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 22 años de edad con antecedentes de consumo de cocaína intranasal de 3 gramos por semana durante un año, que consultó por claudicación intermitente a los 200 metros asociada a dolor y parestesias en miembro inferior izquierdo de 2 meses de evolución. El ecodoppler arterial evidenció una estenosis mayor del 70% en la arteria femoral superficial izquierda. Se realizaron estudios complementarios descartando otras etiologías probables. Se inició tratamiento con ácido acetilsalicílico, cilostazol y ejercicio reglado, asociado a terapia de apoyo para mantenimiento del cese del consumo de cocaína, con buena respuesta. Se destaca la importancia de la difusión de información a los pacientes, dado que la mayoría de la población desconoce las complicaciones cardiovasculares de dicha adicción. Es indispensable indagar sobre el consumo de cocaína en pacientes jóvenes con arteriopatía sin factores de riesgo aparentes.

  17. El tratamiento con progesterona previene las alteraciones motoras inducidas por la intoxicación con semillas de cícada (Dioon spinulosum) en la rata macho


    E Rivadeneyra-Domínguez; M Saavedra; JF Rodríguez-Landa


    El consumo crónico de semillas de cícadas ha sido asociado con enfermedades neurodegenerativas, las cuales predominan en el género masculino. En México, las semillas de cícada (Dioon spinulosum) son usadas como sustituto de maíz y a nivel experimental producen un déficit motor; probablemente causado por sus componentes neurotóxicos. En este sentido, la progesterona ejerce efectos neuroprotectores contra traumatismo cerebral, hipoxia, así como la muerte neuronal inducida por colchicina en el S...

  18. El aceite de pescado atenua las crisis convulsivas inducidas por hipertermia en ratas neonatas

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    Leopoldo E. Flores M.


    Full Text Available Un alto porcentaje (50-60% del cerebro en los mamíferos son principalmente grasas o lípidos, de éstos, el 35% son ácidos grasos esenciales, en particular los llamados omegas (O, como el Acido Docosahexanoico (DHA y el Eicosapentanoico (EPA llamados omega 3 (O-3. Diversos estudios han mostrado beneficios en la salud con la implementación de los O-3 como agentes terapéuticos en alteraciones cardiovasculares, renales, dérmicas, metabólicas, neurodegenerativas e inmunológicas. Evidencias experimentales sugieren un beneficio potencial del aceite de pescado (APE como neuroprotector debido al alto contenido de DHA y EPA. Sin embargo, es poco lo que se conoce en cuanto a los efectos que pudieran tener sobre alteraciones nerviosas, como las crisis convulsivas. En este contexto, se ha reportado que el tipo más común de trastorno epiléptico observado en los niños son las crisis convulsivas provocadas por fiebre (CF. La incidencia es de 3-5%, con ocurrencia entre los 5 meses y 5 años de edad, y se ha propuesto que esta alteración en la vida temprana pudiera tener efectos a largo plazo, manifestándose como un síndrome de epilepsia en la vida adulta. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del APE sobre las convulsiones inducidas por hipertermia experimental en un grupo de ratas Wistar macho de 5 días de edad (grupo SAPE cuyas madres consumieron una dieta base más un suplemento de APE (suministrado desde su infancia hasta la etapa de crianza. Este grupo se comparó con otro grupo de ratas de la misma edad y cepa (grupo SAPA cuyas madres consumieron una dieta base más un suplemento de aceite de palma (suministrado desde su infancia hasta la etapa de crianza, y con un tercer grupo de ratas (grupo CTRL cuyas madres consumieron la dieta base más agua bidestilada como suplemento. Las ratas tratadas con APE presentaron mayor resistencia a la elevación de la temperatura corporal inducida por la hipertermia, una menor frecuencia

  19. Efecto de Gentianella alborosea en esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas holtzman hembras


    L Ugaz-Soto; JH Zafra-Tanaka; María E. Tapia Vicente


    Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA)  inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8) distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperli...

  20. Pregancy-induced hypertension and birthweight Hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y peso de los productos al nacer

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    Nicolás Padilla Raygoza


    Full Text Available Objective. The objective of this work was to measure the existing association between preg­nancy-induced hypertension and birthweight at the Celaya General Hospital. Study design. Cross-sectional, observational, analytic study. Subjects: Registries of women admitted to the Celaya General Hospital for delivery during 2008. Variables: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher after 20 weeks of gestation, sub-classified as gestational hypertension (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher without proteinuria and toxemia (blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher with proteinuria; birthweight ( 3 500 g. Statistical analysis: it was calculated the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA test was performed between the status of arterial hypertension and birthweight, and was adjusted using gestational age. Results. From the sample of 5 478 registries, 14.73% (n = 807 of women had pregnancy-induced hypertension; from them, 10.92% (n = 598 had gestational hypertension and 3.82% (n = 209 preclampsia/eclampsia. Newborns from hypertensive mothers had an average birthweight of 3 049.27 ± 600.22 g, while the birth­weight of newborns from normotensive mothers was 3 104.94 ± 502.57 g, considering: ANOVA F = 1.49, p = 0.00001: adjusted by gestational age, F = 1.51, p = 0.0168. Conclu­sion. Newborns of normotensive and gestational hypertensive mothers showed differences in birthweight; gestational age acted as a confounder.Objetivo. Medir la asociación que existe entre la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y el peso al nacer de los neonatos, en el Hospital General de Celaya. Tipo de estudio. Observacio­nal, transversal y analítico. Sujetos: 1 Registros de mujeres embarazadas (n = 5 478, admi­tidas para su resolución obstétrica, en el Hospital General de Celaya durante el año 2008, y 2 registros del peso al nacer de los neonatos de estas mujeres. Variables: 1 Hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (presión arterial de 140/90 mmHg o

  1. Efecto hipoglucemiante del extracto etanólico de Geranium ruizii Hieron. (pasuchaca en la hiperglucemia inducida por aloxano en ratas

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    Oscar Herrera-Calderon


    Full Text Available Introducción: Geranium ruizii (Pasuchaca es una planta medicinal utilizada tradicionalmente como hipoglucemiante en el departamento de Ancash, Perú. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto hipoglucemiante del extracto etanólico de Geranium ruizii administrada en ratas con hiperglicemia inducida por aloxano. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología Experimental, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Planta entera de Geranium ruizii, ratas Holtzman hembras de ocho semanas con 200 ± 20 g de peso corporal. Intervenciones: La hiperglicemia fue inducida con aloxano. Las ratas incluidas en el estudio presentaron una glicemia > 200 mg/dL. Se formaron seis grupos de seis ratas cada uno. El grupo I recibió agua destilada 2 mL; los grupo II, III y IV recibieron Geranium ruizii 50 mg/kg; 150 mg/kg y 300 mg/kg, respectivamente (vía oral; al grupo V se administró glibenclamida 5 mg/kg y al grupo VI insulina 4UI/kg. Principales medidas de los resultados: Glucemia (mg/ dL, porcentaje de inhibición del radical DPPH, especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS (nmoles/mL, estudio histológico de páncreas. Resultados: La dosis de 150 mg/kg de G. ruizii redujo 65,58% los valores de glicemia a las 2 h post administración (Kruskal Wallis; p< 0,001, redujo TBARS en 22,34% e inhibió el radical DPPH en 23,66%; el tejido pancreático se mantuvo en buen estado de conservación. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico de Geranium ruizii (pasuchaca tuvo efecto hipoglicemiante en ratas con hiperglucemia inducida con aloxano.

  2. Efecto de Gentianella alborosea en esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas holtzman hembras

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    L Ugaz-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Gentianella alborosea como tratamiento contra esteatosis hepática no alcohólica (EHNA  inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembras. Métodos: Diseño: Estudio experimental incompleto. Lugar: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Ratas Holtzman hembras. Intervenciones: Se utilizó 32 ratas repartidas en 4 grupos (n=8 distribuidos aleatoriamente: grupo control negativo, control positivo con dieta hiperlipídica, dosis 1 (35 mg/kg y dosis 2 (70 mg/kg. Se indujo EHNA con dieta hiperlipídica (Carbohidratos: 26%, Lípidos: 59% y Proteínas: 15% Calorías durante un período de 21 días, ad libitum. Luego, se administró el extracto acuoso de Gentianella alborosea por 4 días. Finalmente, se extrajeron los hígados para evaluar las alteraciones histopatológicas del parénquima hepático. Principales medidas de resultados: Se realizó el conteo microscópico de hepatocitos afectados con macrovacuolas, y los resultados fueron comparados mediante las pruebas de ANOVA (p<0,05 y HSD de Tukey (p<0,05. Resultados: Se encontró diferencias significativas (p<0.05 en el porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados entre los grupos dosis 1 (3.25 ± 2.27 y el control positivo (7.50 ± 3.76. Además, no se encontró diferencia significativa entre los grupos dosis 1 y dosis 2. Conclusiones: No se pudo determinar el efecto de Gentianella alborosea sobre la esteatosis hepática no alcohólica inducida por dieta hiperlipídica en ratas Holtzman hembra, por lo que se recomiendan estudios posteriores.

  3. Determination of forces induced by steam flow in turbines; Determinacion de fuerzas inducidas por flujo de vapor en turbinas

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    Garcia Castrejon, Juan Carlos


    blades, has a harmonic pattern. The pressure field variation as time function is uniform: the peaks and valleys across the axial clearance are always in phase. However the instant picture of the pressure field it's different: the peaks and valleys are not in phase and the number of peaks and valley changed across the clearance. In the case of the forces acting on blades, a Fourier on the forces calculated was used to determine the coefficients and frequency of a Fourier equation which can be used to calculate the alternating stresses on the blade in order to predict the useful life blades. [Spanish] Las vibraciones inducidas por flujo de vapor en turbinas representan uno de los problemas que enfrenta la operacion de turbinas de vapor cuya capacidad rebasa los 300 MW. Ademas estas constituyen uno de los limites tecnologicos para el desarrollo de turbinas de vapor de mas de 1 GW. Este tipo de fenomeno tiene su origen en la interaccion del rotor con el fluido que se encuentra en sus proximidades. El flujo de vapor dentro de la turbina es complejo, ya que es turbulento e inestable. A medida que el flujo pasa una etapa de estator o de rotor, se generan secundarios, vortices en los filos de salida, estelas con caracteristicas de flujo diferentes al flujo principal en los pasajes. Estas variaciones en el flujo son las que inducen vibraciones forzadas en los alabes. Ademas existen varios factores que contribuyen a la aplicacion de vibraciones en alabes inducidas por flujo como son: inestabilidad del flujo de vapor en los claros de los sellos, secuencia de apertura de las valvulas, estelas de las toberas, obstrucciones en algunas de las toberas y diferente espaciamiento en las toberas. Las vibraciones por flujo pueden ser peligrosas si su frecuencia coincide con la frecuencia natural del sistema, provocando efectos mas nocivos que las vibraciones por desbalance o por desalineamiento, pues tienen amplitudes mas grandes y provocan esfuerzos alternantes en los componentes del

  4. Análisis proteómico de la resistencia inducida por micorrización al patógeno foliar Sclerotinia sclerotiorum en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris l.)


    Quintero Zamora, Edalhí


    En los últimos años se han reportado diversos estudios sobre la resistencia inducida por micorrización al ataque de patógenos, en éstos se han determinado los cambios de expresión de genes y proteínas que ocurren en las raíces de plantas colonizadas por hongos micorrízicos arbusculares. Recientemente, se han iniciado estudios para entender cómo afecta esta interacción a la parte aérea de la planta. En nuestro grupo de investigación se llevó a cabo el estudio del efecto de la micorrizaci...

  5. Detección de anticuerpos antiplasmodium por ELISA en donantes de sangre

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    Patricia Olaya de Morales


    Full Text Available La malaria, una enfermedad transmitida por mosquitos del genero anopheles, puede ser inducida a través de transfusiones de sangre infectada con alguna de las especies de Plasmodium que afectan al hombre. Con el objeto de determinar el riesgo potencial de infección inducida por transfusiones, se analizaron durante 9 meses y mediante la técnica de E.L.I.S.A., las muestras de suero tomadas a los donantes de sangre del Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá. El 8.6 por mil de las 3114 muestras analizadas, resultaron positivas para anticuerpos antimaláricos y durante el tiempo del estudio fueron detectados 3 casos de malaria inducida por transfusiones.

  6. Papel del endotelio en hipertensión inducida por el embarazo: ¿alteraciones comunes a las de la aterosclerosis?

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    Patricio López-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, cuya forma proteinúrica es denominada preeclampsia (PE, es una alteración que ocurre en el segundo trimestre del embarazo, y se caracteriza por la presencia de hipertensión y proteinuria. Durante el embarazo normal ocurren cambios fisiológicos adaptativos que incluyen insulino-resistencia (IR, hiperlipidemia, hipercoagulabilidad, inflamación y un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico. Estos cambios se expresan de una forma exagerada en las mujeres que desarrollan PE, alteraciones que están presentes también en el clúster de factores de riesgo que conforman el denominado síndrome metabólico (SM, el cual es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2 y enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV. En la presente revisión proponemos que la disfunción endotelial es la alteración común que explica la presencia de estas dos enfermedades comunes en América Latina.

  7. Mitogen activated protein kinases blockade improves lipopolysaccharide-induced ileal motor disturbances El bloqueo de las proteínas cinasas activadas por mitógenos mejora las alteraciones motoras inducidas por el lipopolisacárido en íleon

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    Sergio Gonzalo


    Full Text Available Background: several diseases such as sepsis can affect the ileum. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, an endotoxin present in the cell wall of gram negative bacteria, is a causative agent of sepsis. Objectives: the aims of this study were: a to investigate the role of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs in the effect of LPS on the acetylcholine-induced contractions of rabbit ileum; and b to study the localization of MAPKs in the ileum. Material and methods: ileal contractility was studied in an organ bath and MAPKs were localized by immunohistochemistry. Results: acetylcholine-induced contractions decreased with LPS. SB203580, SP600125 and U0126 blocked the effect of LPS on the acetylcholine-induced contractions. Phosphorylated p38 and ERK were detected in neurons of myenteric plexus and phosphorylated p38 and JNK in smooth muscle cells of ileum. Conclusion: we can suggest that p38, JNK, and ERK MAPKs are involved in the mechanism of action of LPS in the ileum.Introducción: varias enfermedades como la sepsis pueden afectar al íleon. El lipopolisacárido (LPS, una endotoxina presente en la pared celular de las bacterias gram-negativas, es un agente causal de la sepsis. Objetivos: los objetivos del presente estudio fueron: a investigar el papel de las proteína cinasas activadas por mitógenos (MAPKs en los efectos del LPS en las contracciones inducidas por acetilcolina en el íleon de conejo; y b estudiar la localización de las MAPKs en el íleon. Material y métodos: la contractilidad ileal se estudió en un baño de órganos y las MAPKs se localizaron mediante inmunohistoquímica. Resultados: el LPS disminuyó las contracciones inducidas por acetilcolina. El SB203580, el SP600125 y el U0126 bloquearon los efectos del LPS sobre las contracciones inducidas por acetilcolina. La p38 y la ERK fosforiladas se detectaron en las neuronas del plexo mientérico y la p38 y la JNK fosforiladas en las células del músculo liso del íleon. Conclusi

  8. “Corrosión Inducida por Bacterias Sulfato Reductoras Termófilas de 60°C en la Unión Soldada del Acero API 5L- X60.”


    Romero Romero, Justo Román


    En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la corrosión inducida por Bacterias Sulfato Reductoras (BSR) termófilas a 60oC en el metal base (MB) y la unión soldada (US) del acero API X-60. Las bacterias sulfato reductoras fueron aisladas en el medio sólido postgate con la técnica de estriado, y fueron resembradas hasta obtener la misma morfología. El medio postgate fue seleccionado entre otros medios de cultivo, por el óptimo crecimiento que presento la BSR. Se preparar...

  9. Cardiopatía inducida por estrés (Tako-Tsubo. Nueva hipótesis fisiopatológica

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    Carlos E. Gadda


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa miocardiopatía inducida por estrés tiene como factor común su casi exclusiva apariciónen mujeres posmenopáusicas que acaban de sufrir una situación de estrés de gran envergaduray que clínicamente presentan un evento coronario agudo muy similar a un infartoagudo de miocardio. Al ser estudiadas de urgencia por cateterismo o ecocardiografía, en elventrículo izquierdo se observa un área de acinesia o discinesia focalizada habitualmente enla “punta”, pero con coronarias angiográficamente normales o, a lo sumo, mínimamentecomprometidas.Las coronarias pronunciadamente flexuosas también son habituales en mujeresposmenopáusicas y las arterias con estas características, al acodarse en forma extrema,pueden generar kinkings. Durante una crisis adrenérgica, estos kinkings llegan a estrangularla arteria y comprometer el flujo más allá de la sístole, lo cual, sumado a los efectos de lascatecolaminas, generaría la alteración focal y transitoria de la contractilidad que caracterizaal Tako-Tsubo.Queda claro que para afirmar esta hipótesis deben explorarse futuros pacientes en búsquedade este patrón anatómico.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:43-45.

  10. Determinación de la profundidad y duración de la neutropenia inducida por ciclofosfamida en ratones hembras MPF de la cepa Udea: ICR(cd-1

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    Omar Vesga


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    El modelo murino de infección del muslo emplea animales neutropénicos para poder determinar la eficacia intrínseca de los antibióticos in vivo. Sin embargo, no se ha definido el número de neutrófilos y la duración de la neutropenia inducida por ciclofosfamida (CFM intraperitoneal (IP, información fundamental
    para valorar la reproducibilidad y confiabilidad del modelo.



  11. Efectos en ratas de los alcoholes de cera de abejas (D-002 sobre la colitis ulcerativa inducida por sulfato de dextrano y etanol

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    Vivian Molina-Cuevas

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Investigar los efectos del D-002, mezcla de seis alcoholes alifáticos primarios de alto peso molecular, obtenida de la cera de abejas (Apis mellifera, sobre la colitis ulcerativa (CU inflamatoria severa inducida por sulfato de dextrano (DSS y etanol en ratas (Ratus ratus. Materiales y métodos. Las ratas se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en seis grupos: un control cero al que no se provocó daño, y cinco a los que se les indujo la CU: un control negativo (vehículo, tres tratados con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg y un control positivo con sulfazalacina (200 mg/kg (sustancia de referencia. Se cuantificaron las manifestaciones clínicas (variación del peso corporal, presencia de diarrea y de sangrado rectal, el puntaje de daño macroscópico e histológico, y la actividad de mieoloperoxidasa (MPO. Resultados. El tratamiento oral con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg previno significativamente la disminución del peso corporal. La dosis de 400 mg/kg redujo la presencia de diarreas y sangrado rectal, aunque su comparación con el control negativo solo alcanzó significación estadística sobre las diarreas. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg redujo significativamente el puntaje de las lesiones macroscópicas (40,0; 43,3 y 47,2% de inhibición, respectivamente, el puntaje de daño histológico (31,5; 53,7 y 67,1% de inhibición, respectivamente y la actividad de MPO (73,2; 83,6 y 85,0% de inhibición, respectivamente, comparado con el grupo control negativo. La sulfazalacina redujo significativamente todas las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg protegió significativamente la mucosa colónica en ratas con CU inflamatoria severa inducida por DSS y etanol.

  12. Efectos en ratas de los alcoholes de cera de abejas (D-002 sobre la colitis ulcerativa inducida por sulfato de dextrano y etanol

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    Vivian Molina-Cuevas

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivos. Investigar los efectos del D-002, mezcla de seis alcoholes alifáticos primarios de alto peso molecular, obtenida de la cera de abejas (Apis mellifera, sobre la colitis ulcerativa (CU inflamatoria severa inducida por sulfato de dextrano (DSS y etanol en ratas (Ratus ratus. Materiales y métodos. Las ratas se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en seis grupos: un control cero al que no se provocó daño, y cinco a los que se les indujo la CU: un control negativo (vehículo, tres tratados con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg y un control positivo con sulfazalacina (200 mg/kg (sustancia de referencia. Se cuantificaron las manifestaciones clínicas (variación del peso corporal, presencia de diarrea y de sangrado rectal, el puntaje de daño macroscópico e histológico, y la actividad de mieoloperoxidasa (MPO. Resultados. El tratamiento oral con D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg previno significativamente la disminución del peso corporal. La dosis de 400 mg/kg redujo la presencia de diarreas y sangrado rectal, aunque su comparación con el control negativo solo alcanzó significación estadística sobre las diarreas. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg redujo significativamente el puntaje de las lesiones macroscópicas (40,0; 43,3 y 47,2% de inhibición, respectivamente, el puntaje de daño histológico (31,5; 53,7 y 67,1% de inhibición, respectivamente y la actividad de MPO (73,2; 83,6 y 85,0% de inhibición, respectivamente, comparado con el grupo control negativo. La sulfazalacina redujo significativamente todas las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones. El D-002 (25, 100 y 400 mg/kg protegió significativamente la mucosa colónica en ratas con CU inflamatoria severa inducida por DSS y etanol.

  13. Hipoglucemia inducida por carcinoma adrenal

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    Jimena Soutelo


    Full Text Available El carcinoma suprarrenal es una neoplasia maligna infrecuente y de mal pronóstico. La presentación clínica más común es originada por la producción hormonal excesiva, mientras que el desarrollo de hipoglucemia sintomática es excepcional. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 37 años que ingresó al hospital por síntomas de hipoglucemias graves, hipertensión arterial, hipopotasemia y amenorrea secundaria. En el laboratorio se halló hipoglucemia con insulina inhibida y niveles de andrógenos en rango tumoral. La tomografía computarizada (TC de abdomen y pelvis mostró voluminosa formación heterogénea de aspecto sólido sin plano de clivaje con respecto al parénquima hepático e intenso realce con contraste. Luego de la extirpación de la masa retroperitoneal, evolucionó con valores de glucemia y potasemia normales, estabilizó la presión arterial y recuperó los ciclos menstruales.

  14. Los niveles de anticuerpos anti factor plaquetario 4-heparina y el índice 4T para trombocitopenia inducida por heparina

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    Marta E. Martinuzzo


    Full Text Available La trombocitopenia inducida por heparina (HIT es un efecto adverso del tratamiento con heparina, mediada por anticuerpos anti complejo factor plaquetario 4 (PF4-heparina (HPIA. La HIT es frecuentemente moderada pero pueden desarrollarse complicaciones trombóticas. El diagnóstico precoz es importante. La detección de HPIA por ELISA tiene alta sensibilidad pero baja especificidad (títulos bajos sin significación clínica. El índice de las 4T (índice 4T puede detectar pacientes con alto riesgo de HIT. El propósito del estudio fue correlacionar los niveles de HPIA y el índice 4T de un grupo de pacientes derivados a nuestro centro. Evaluamos 84 pacientes, 34 de ellos desarrollaron trombosis. Cada médico completó un cuestionario clínico que fue remitido con la muestra a nuestro centro. Los cuestionarios fueron analizados por un investigador externo y el índice 4T se calculó previamente al ensayo. Los HPIA se determinaron por un ELISA (Asserachrom HPIA que detecta los 3 isotipos, IgG, IgM e IgA, único reactivo disponible en Argentina. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentaje de absorbancia (%ABS. La correlación del índice 4T con los HPIA fue 0.472 (rho spearman, p < 0.001. Los pacientes con índice 4T ≥ 6 presentaban %ABS mayores que los ≤ 5 (67 vs. 39, p < 0.001. Aquéllos con trombosis presentaron títulos mayores que los que no la desarrollaron (%ABS 59 vs. 39, p = 0.017. En conclusión: Los títulos altos de HPIA medidos por ELISA, que detecta los 3 isotipos, correlacionaron claramente con el índice 4T ≥ 6 y fueron más frecuentes en los pacientes con trombosis, coincidiendo con lo ya descripto para ensayos de ELISA específicos para isotipo IgG.

  15. Determinación del índice de resistencia a la insulina mediante homa y su relación con el riesgo de hipertensión inducida por el embarazo Insulin resistance index assessment by homa and its relation with the risk of pregnancy induced hypertension

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    Jesús Sierra-Laguado

    Full Text Available Objetivo: investigar si el grado de resistencia a la insulina determinado por el índice HOMA, predice de manera temprana el desarrollo de hipertensión inducida por el embarazo en gestantes colombianas. Diseño-métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles anidado en una cohorte prospectiva de 438 mujeres primigestantes, normotensas y con edad gestacional menor de 30 semanas. Se determinó el índice HOMA a partir de la medición de glucemia e insulina plasmática en ayunas, por métodos de glucosa oxidasa y quimioluminiscencia, respectivamente. Resultados: veintitrés mujeres desarrollaron hipertensión inducida por el embarazo (5,25%. Se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria dos embarazadas normotensas como controles por cada caso, pareadas por edad materna y gestacional al momento de su inclusión. Las mujeres que posteriormente desarrollaron hipertensión inducida por el embarazo presentaron mayores niveles de HOMA (1,48 ± 0,98 vs. 0,96 ± 0,70, pObjective: to assess whether insulin resistance determined by homeostatic model assessment (HOMA is an early predictor of the development of pregnancy induced hypertension in Colombian pregnant women. Methods: we conducted a nested case control study in a prospective cohort of four hundred and thirty eigth normotensive primigravidae women, with gestational age < 30 weeks. The HOMA was calculated using fasting plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin, determined by glucose-oxidase and chemoluminiscence methods, respectively. Results: twenty-three pregnant women developed pregnancy induced hypertension (5.25%. Two normotensive pregnant women were selected as controls for each case, matched by gestational and maternal age at enrollment. The women who subsequently developed pregnancy induced hypertension had higher levels of HOMA (1.48 ± 0.98 vs 0.96 ± 0.70, p<0.001, which was associated with an increased risk of developing pregnancy induced hypertension (OR: 3.8, IC95%: 1.1-12.8 p=0

  16. Protection against corrosion to high temperature by means of rich silicon coatings; Proteccion contra corrosion a alta temperatura por medio de recubrimientos ricos en silicio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porcayo Calderon, Jesus [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Temixco, Morelos (Mexico)


    In this research work the study of the process of corrosion by molten salts of sodium sulphate-vanadium pentoxide and its prevention by means of metallic coatings rich in silicon was contemplated. The research encompassed the development of the coating system, the chemical and thermochemical analysis of the system sodium sulphate - vanadium pentoxide, the evaluation of the resistance to the corrosion of the coating system by gravimetric and electrochemistry techniques, and the study of the stability of the coating system - substrate. [Spanish] En este trabajo de investigacion se contempla el estudio del proceso de corrosion por sales fundidas de sulfato de sodio - pentoxido de vanadio y su prevencion por medio de recubrimientos metalicos ricos en silicio. La investigacion abarca el desarrollo del sistema de recubrimientos, el analisis quimico y termoquimico del sistema sulfato de sodio - pentoxido de vanadio, la evaluacion de la resistencia a la corrosion del sistema de recubrimientos por tecnicas gravimetricas y electroquimicas, y el estudio de la estabilidad del sistema recubrimiento - sustrato.

  17. Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato


    Esteban, Miguel A.; Pérez, Miriam R.; Bracco, Anahí


    El Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato, "un trastorno ficticio, por el cual la enfermedad del niño es inducida, promovida o provocada por la persona más próxima a él, generalmente su madre", es todavía mal conocido y su génesis imperfectamente comprendida. Esta comunicación está destinada a esclarecer al pediatra esta patología, con elevada morbilidad y secuelas, como así también de altísima mo...

  18. El estrés oxidativo: detonante fisiopatológico en la cardiomiopatía dilatada inducida por doxorrubicina

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    Ronal Aroche Aportela


    Full Text Available

    La cardiomiopatía dilatada inducida por doxorrubicina constituye uno de los principales efectos indeseables del tratamiento de pacientes con tumores malignos. El estrés oxidativo constituye uno de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la instauración de la enfermedad causada por este antibiótico del grupo de las antraciclinas. La comprensión de estos mecanismos fisiopatológicos resulta de vital importancia para llevar a cabo estrategias de intervención farmacológica y nutricional para contribuir a palear los efectos nocivos de este antineoplásico. En el presente trabajo se realizó una actualización bibliográfica sobre el tema y se proponen ideas que pueden ser útiles para la comunidad científica que está enfrascada en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad crónica, y que se propone mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes que la padecen.

    Oxidative Stress: Pathophysiologic Trigger in Doxorubicin-induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy

    Doxorubicin-induced dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the main adverse effects in the treatment of patients with malignant tumours. Oxidative stress is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms that play a key role in the establishment of the disease caused by this anthracycline-type antibiotic. Understanding these pathophysiologic mechanisms becomes of vital importance in order to carry out pharmacological and nutritional intervention strategies to help paddling the harmful effects of this antineoplastic. As part of this research we conducted an updating literature review on the subject and provided ideas that can be useful for the scientific community engaged in the treatment of this chronic disease, which aims to improve the life quality of patients suffering from it.

  19. Manifestaciones reumáticas de la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH

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    Gloria María Vásquez Duque


    Full Text Available Con la aparición del VIH/SIDA se ha puesto de manifiesto un espectro de manifestaciones clínicas reumáticas. El compromiso articular incluye las artralgias, la artritis por VIH, el síndrome de Reiter, la artritis psoriásica y la espondiloartropatía indiferenciada. También se ha documentado una miopatía inducida por el VIH en cuyo diagnóstico diferencial se deben tener en cuenta la miopatía inducida por zidovudina y la debida a toxoplasmosis, cuya presentación clínica es más parecida a la miopatía inducida por el VIH que a otras afecciones musculares. El síndrome de linfocitosis con infiltración difusa es una entidad parecida al síndrome de Sjögren, que es exclusiva de los pacientes VIH positivos, con algunas diferencias en la presentación clínica e inmunológica. Por último, es frecuente la presencia de fenómenos autoinmunes el más común de los cuales es la hipergamaglobulinemia policlonal. También se han descrito diferentes tipos de vasculitis como parte de esta enfermedad.

  20. Hydrogen sulfide corrosion of weld regions in API X52 steel; Corrosion por acido sulfhidrico de las regiones de soldadura en acero API X52

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arenas-Martinez, L.F [Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Coahuila (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Garcia-Cerecero, G. [Corporacion Mexicana de Investigacion en Materiales S.A. de C.V., Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico)


    The corrosion behavior of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) regions has been studied using potentiodynamic polarization and polarization resistance (LPR) techniques. Experiments were conducted in hydrogen sulfide (H{sub 2}S)-containing brine and in H{sub 2}S-free brine. Welds were made on API 5L X52 steel. Due to differences in their microstructure, chemical composition and residual stress level, weld regions exhibited different responses under H{sub 2}S corrosion. Base metal exhibited the highest corrosion rate (CR) and the most cathodic corrosion potential. [Spanish] Se estudio el comportamiento ante la corrosion de las regiones de soldadura de un cordon realizado por arco metalico con gas (GMAW) sobre un acero grado API X52 mediante las tecnicas de polarizacion potencio dinamica y resistencia a la polarizacion (LPR). Los experimentos se realizaron utilizando salmuera con 300 ppm de acido sulfhidrico (H{sub 2}S) y salmuera libre de H{sub 2}S como electrolitos. Debido a las diferencias en su microestructura, composicion quimica y el nivel de esfuerzos residuales, las regiones de soldadura mostraron diferentes respuestas a la corrosion por H{sub 2}S. El metal base exhibio la velocidad de corrosion (VC) mas alta y el potencial de corrosion mas catodico.

  1. Vasculitis inducida por metimazol: Reporte de caso

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    Miguel Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente con enfermedad de Graves, que presentó vasculitis asociada al uso de metimazol. Mujer de 14 años, que acudió a consulta por presentar intolerancia al calor, tremor distal y palpitaciones. El examen físico mostró bocio difuso, y el perfil tiroideo, TSH suprimida y hormonas tiroideas elevadas. Los anticuerpos antiperoxidasa tiroidea fueron positivos. Se inició tratamiento con metimazol y beta bloqueadores. Después de 20 días, la paciente regresó por presentar malestar general, fiebre, poliartralgia, lesiones cutáneas maculopapulares y edema de miembros inferiores. Los anticuerpos antinucleares fueron negativos y los anticuerpos anticitoplasma de los neutrófilos (ANCA, positivos. Se suspendió el metimazol y se inició prednisona. Después de 10 días de tratamiento, las molestias desaparecieron y la paciente recibió I 131.Las vasculitis asociadas al uso de tionamidas son poco frecuentes, no dependen de la dosis y están asociadas a la presencia de anticuerpos tipo ANCA. Clásicamente, afectan a los vasos pequeños de la piel; sin embargo, también pueden afectar los riñones y pulmones. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por artralgias y mialgias. En algunos casos puede ocurrir insuficiencia renal de grado variable. En la mayoría de casos, el cuadro remite con la suspensión de la droga; pero, en algunos se requiere el uso de glucocorticoides o inmunosupresores.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:147-150.

  2. Corrosion detection and monitoring in steam generators by means of ultrasound; Deteccion y monitoreo de corrosion por medio de ultrasonido en generadores de vapor

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    Chacon Nava, Jose G; Calva, Mauricio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Fuentes Samaniego, Raul [Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Peraza Garcia, Alejandro [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The tube and component failures in steam generators due to corrosion cause huge economical losses. In this article the internal corrosion processes (hydrogen attack) and high temperature corrosion are described, as well as the ultrasound techniques used for its detection. The importance of obtaining corrosion rates, which are fundamental parameters for the detection of the tube`s residual life. The purpose is to prevent possible failures that would diminish the power plant availability. [Espanol] Las fallas de tuberia en componentes de generadores de vapor debidas a corrosion ocasionan considerables perdidas economicas. En este articulo se describen los procesos de corrosion interna (ataque por hidrogeno) y corrosion en alta temperatura, asi como tecnicas de ultrasonido empleadas para su deteccion. Se destaca la importancia de obtener valores de velocidad de corrosion, que es un parametro fundamental para la determinacion de la vida residual de tuberias. El proposito es poder prevenir posibles fallas que disminuyan la disponibilidad de centrales termoelectricas.

  3. Corrosion detection and monitoring in steam generators by means of ultrasound; Deteccion y monitoreo de corrosion por medio de ultrasonido en generadores de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chacon Nava, Jose G.; Calva, Mauricio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico); Fuentes Samaniego, Raul [Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (Mexico); Peraza Garcia, Alejandro [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The tube and component failures in steam generators due to corrosion cause huge economical losses. In this article the internal corrosion processes (hydrogen attack) and high temperature corrosion are described, as well as the ultrasound techniques used for its detection. The importance of obtaining corrosion rates, which are fundamental parameters for the detection of the tube`s residual life. The purpose is to prevent possible failures that would diminish the power plant availability. [Espanol] Las fallas de tuberia en componentes de generadores de vapor debidas a corrosion ocasionan considerables perdidas economicas. En este articulo se describen los procesos de corrosion interna (ataque por hidrogeno) y corrosion en alta temperatura, asi como tecnicas de ultrasonido empleadas para su deteccion. Se destaca la importancia de obtener valores de velocidad de corrosion, que es un parametro fundamental para la determinacion de la vida residual de tuberias. El proposito es poder prevenir posibles fallas que disminuyan la disponibilidad de centrales termoelectricas.

  4. Estudio de la influencia del Cu y Ni en la cinética de transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en fundiciones nodulares austemperadas

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    Guzmán, D.


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to study the influence of copper and nickel on the kinetics of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile cast iron. The austempered ductile cast irons were obtained from two ductile cast irons with different copper and nickel contents by means of austempering treatment. The deformation was carried out using a rolling mill. The quantification of the phases was obtained by means of X ray diffraction, while the microstructural characterization was carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy. It was proved that the kinetics of strain-induced martensite in austempered ductile cast iron can be modeled using the equations proposed by Olson- Cohen and Chang et al. Based on the results obtained from these analyses, it is possible to conclude that the nickel and copper complicate the martensite transformation because these elements increase the staking fault energy of the austenite and its thermodynamic stability.El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto del cobre y níquel en la cinética de la transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en fundiciones nodulares austemperadas. Las fundiciones utilizadas se fabricaron mediante austemperado, a partir de dos fundiciones nodulares, con diferentes contenidos de cobre y níquel. La deformación se realizó en un laminador de rodillo. La cuantificación de las fases se realizó mediante difracción de rayos X, mientras que la caracterización microestructural se efectuó utilizando microscopía óptica y electrónica de barrido. Se comprobó que la cinética de transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en fundiciones nodulares austemperadas puede ser modelada mediante los modelos de Olson-Cohen y Chang et al. Basándose en los resultados obtenidos de estos ajustes, se concluye que tanto el níquel como el cobre dificultan la transformación martensítica debido a que estos elementos aumentan la energía de falla de

  5. Osteonecrosis de hueso maxilar inducida por bisfosfonatos


    Vera Sempere, Francisco José


    Los bisfosfonatos son un grupo de fármacos, análogos de los pirofosfatos, utilizados en administración oral en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, así como en formulaciones intravenosas para el tratamiento del dolor óseo y de la hipercalcemia ligada a la enfermedad tumoral metastasica (generalmente en el contexto de mieloma múltiple / cáncer de mama o próstata avanzados), actuando como un inhibidor de la reabsorción ósea, mediada por osteoclastos, así como de la apoptosis de los osteobl...

  6. Trolox reduces the effect of ethanol on acetylcholine-induced contractions and oxidative stress in the isolated rabbit duodenum El Trolox reduce el efecto del etanol sobre las contracciones inducidas a la acetilcolina y el estrés oxidativo en duodeno aislado de conejo

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    Diego S. Fagundes


    Full Text Available Trolox is a hydrophilic analogue of vitamin E and a free radical scavenger. Ethanol diminishes the amplitude of spontaneous contractions and acetylcholine (ACh-induced contractions in rabbit duodenum. The aim of this work was to study the effect of Trolox on the alterations induced by ethanol on contractility and lipid peroxidation in the duodenum. The duodenal contractility studies in vitro were carried out in an organ bath and the levels of malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxyalkenals (MDA+4-HAD were measured by spectrophotometry. Trolox increased the reduction induced by ethanol on the amplitude of spontaneous contractions in longitudinal muscle but not in circular muscle. Trolox 4 mM decreased the effects of ethanol on ACh-induced contractions and on MDA+4-HDA concentrations. We conclude that Trolox might prevent oxidative stress induced by ethanol in the duodenum.El Trolox es un análogo hidrofílico de la vitamina E y un agente que secuestra radicales libres. El etanol disminuye la amplitud de las contracciones espontáneas y las contracciones inducidas a la acetilcolina en el duodeno de conejo. El objetivo de este trabajo era estudiar el efecto del Trolox en las alteraciones inducidas por el etanol sobre la contractilidad y la peroxidación lipídica en el duodeno. Los estudios de contractilidad duodenal in vitro se realizaron en un baño de órganos y los niveles de MDA+4-HDA se midieron por espectofotometría. El Trolox aumentó la reducción inducida por el etanol sobre la amplitud de las contracciones espontáneas en el músculo longitudinal pero no en el músculo circular de duodeno. El Trolox 4 mM redujo los efectos del etanol sobre las contracciones inducidas a la acetilcolina y sobre las concentraciones de MDA+4-HDA. Se concluye que el Trolox podría prevenir el estrés oxidativo inducido por el etanol en el duodeno.

  7. Períodos perturbados: disipación de energía y corrientes geomagnéticas inducidas

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    Patricia A. Larocca


    Full Text Available Se estudia, en un evento típico (12-13 de junio de 2005 las energías entrante y disipada en la magnetosfera ( y Ut respectivamente y el aumento de corrientes inducidas en un gasoducto ubicado en altas latitudes. Se analizan para el período citado los índices geomagnéticos AE y Dst, y la componente Bz del campo geomagnético interplanetario como indicadores del desarrollo del período perturbado. Se calculan los tiempos de decaimiento del anillo de corriente utilizando distintas aproximaciones de acuerdo con las fases de la tormenta. Durante este período se observaron variaciones geomagnéticas importantes que originaron corrientes geomagnéticas inducidas significativas sobre el gasoducto de la empresa Transcanada ubicado en la zona del valle del río Ottawa; pudiendo ser afectada la vida útil del mismo.In a typical event (12-13 June 2005, solar wind energy rate and total energy dissipation rate in the magnetosphere (e and Ut respectively and increased induced currents in a gas pipe located in the auroral zone are studied. For the period geomagnetic indices AE and Dst, and the Bz component of the interplanetary geomagnetic field are analyzed as indicators of the development of the troubled period. Ring current decay times are calculated using different approaches in accordance with the phases of the storm. During this period there were significant geomagnetic variations due to geomagnetic substorms and induced currents on the pipeline located in the Otawa River Valley, this fact could produce corrosion increases in its structure.


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    Fontenla M


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue diseñar un modelo experimental de Glomerulonefritis Membranosa (GM en ratas Wistar, inducida con Seroalbúmina Bovina (BSA, y validarlo mediante la determinación de parámetros bioquímicos, histológicos, ultraestructurales y detección de inmunocomplejos por inmunofluorescencia (IF. Los animales del grupo experimental fueron inmunizados por vía subcutánea, con dosis de 3 mg c/u de BSA/PBS con adyuvante de Freund. Se efectuaron diferentes esquemas de inmunización. Cuando el título de anticuerpos fue ≥1/2, comenzó la administración diaria de 2 mg, por vía endovenosa de BSA/PBS, durante 15 días. Se evaluó la funcionalidad renal por la proteinuria; después de la 5° semana, desde su aparición, se determinó: depuración (clearance de creatinina, uremia, proteinemia y perfil lipídico. Los dos riñones se usaron para estudios histológicos, ultraestructurales y detección de inmunocomplejos por IF. Los resultados mostraron que la inmunización fue efectiva con 5 R E S U M E N inoculaciones c/15 días. En los animales nefróticos la proteinuria, depuración (clearance de creatinina, proteinemia , uremia y el perfil lipídico presentaron alteraciones significativas (p<0.0001. Al microscopio óptico se observó hipercelularidad, engrosamiento difuso de las membranas basales de los capilares glomerulares y diferentes grados de atrofia, esclerosis e hialinización de los glomérulos. Por IF se detectó inmunocomplejos IgG en el 100 % de los glomérulos. Ultraestructuralmente, se observaron depósitos subepiteliales electrodensos en la membrana basal engrosada, compatibles con inmunocomplejos . Se encontraron alteraciones en la estructura de los podocitos. En conclusión, los estudios bioquímicos, estructurales y ultraestructurales permitieron inferir la inducción de un síndrome nefrótico experimental. Concluimos que el protocolo utilizado tiene validez para la inducción de una glomerulonefritis

  9. Disminución del daño oxidativo y efecto hipoglicemiante de la maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp en ratas con diabetes inducida por streptozotocina

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    María Elena Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Introducción: La maca es consumida desde tiempos ancestrales como parte de la dieta. Se le ha atribuido propiedades medicinales y se encuentra incluida en la medicina tradicional peruana. Estudios recientes describen que la admistración de maca reduce la glicemia en animales normoglicémicos, pero los mecanismos involucrados no están muy claros. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto hipoglicemiante y antioxidante de la harina de maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp del ecotipo amarillo, en ratas con diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Harina de maca amarilla y ratas albinas Holtzmann machos con diabetes inducida. Intervenciones: Se administró la harina de maca amarilla a las ratas distribuidas en 4 grupos: grupo I control (solo dieta; II, harina de maca 4 g/día; III, harina de maca 6 g/día; y IV, dieta + glibenclamida 10 mg/kg de peso; el experimento duró 46 días. Se evaluó diariamente la glicemia y el peso; al final del experimento se determinó en sangre los niveles de insulina, parámetros de daño oxidativo (vitamina C y se midió la peroxidación lipídica (TBARS, como indicador del proceso oxidativo. Principales medidas de los resultados: Modificación de los niveles de glicemia, insulina, vitamina C y formación del complejo MDA-TBARS. Resultados: La administración de harina de maca en la dieta (4 a 6 g/día de animales diabéticos redujo la glicemia en 50%, incrementó los niveles de insulina 22% y mejoró los niveles de vitamina C respecto al grupo control. La administración de maca 4 g/día disminuyó el daño oxidativo, pues redujo la formación del complejo MDA-TBARS en 54% con respecto al grupo control. Conclusiones: La administración de harina de maca amarilla a animales diabéticos mejoró el metabolismo de la glucosa, regulando la glicemia y

  10. Efecto protector en cirrosis hepática inducida en ratas del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Piper aduncum comparado con silimarina

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia protectora del extracto etanólico de hojas de Piper aduncum (matico y su fitomedicamento en cápsulas, en la cirrosis hepática inducida en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Facultad Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Hojas de Piper aduncum, y Rattus norvegicus, cepa Holtzman. Intervenciones: Las hojas fueron recolectadas en el distrito de Huariaca, departamento de Pasco. El fitomedicamento en cápsulas se preparó a partir del extracto etanólico de la planta. La cirrosis fue inducida con fenobarbital 0,5 mg/mL, diluida en el agua de beber por 15 días, y luego, tetracloruro de carbono 0,2mL/kg en aceite de oliva 1:1, oralmente por 7 días. Se colectó una muestra de sangre para determinar perfil hepático y malondialdehído; los animales fueron sacrificados extrayéndose el hígado para estudio histopatológico. Los datos fueron evaluados mediante técnicas multivariadas, con valor p < 0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Grado de lesión hepática, marcadores bioquímicos, estrés oxidativo. Resultados: El extracto y el fitomedicamento a 200 mg/kg disminuyeron los valores de TGP (p < 0,621, bilirrubina total (p < 0,385 y bilirrubina directa (p < 0,283 e incrementaron las proteínas totales (p < 0,539 y albúmina (p < 0,114, similar al grupo silimarina. El colágeno, la fibrosis y el nivel de daño hepático se vieron aumentados con tetracloruro de carbono; estos indicadores se redujeron con los diferentes tratamientos y la silimarina. El marcador de estrés oxidativo se redujo con los tratamientos aplicados (p < 0,002. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico de las hojas de Piper aduncum (matico y su fitomedicamento ejercieron efecto protector de la cirrosis inducida en ratas, comparativamente con la silimarina.

  11. Methodology for the accelerated simulation of the deterioration that by atmospheric corrosion appears in electronic equipment; Metodologia para la simulacion acelerada del deterioro que por corrosion atmosferica se presenta en equipo electronico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ortiz Prado, A.; Schouwenaars, R.; Cerrud Sanchez, S.M. [Facultad de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    The corrosion resistance of systems and electronic parts which are designed to work in atmospheric conditions have been tested for decades; some of these methods were the Cyclic Humidity Test, Field Tests and Salt Spray (Fog) Testing, the latter was one of the most popular methods. However, the salt spray test and most of the other existing methods do not show strong relationships with the real conditions of service. For this reason, it is necessary to develop appropriated methods and equipment for the accelerated simulation of real atmospheric corrosion phenomena. This article seeks to demonstrate the need to develop a test and the necessary equipment to reproduce the damage in electronic systems and equipment by atmospheric corrosion. [Spanish] Para la evaluacion de la resistencia a la corrosion de sistemas y equipo electronico que trabajaran bajo condiciones de deterioro generadas por el medio ambiente, se han aplicado una serie de ensayos, donde el mas popular es el de camara de niebla salina. Sin embargo, este y otros que se han elaborado para tal efecto no tienen ninguna relacion con las condiciones reales de servicio, por lo que es necesario un metodo de evaluacion que permita simular de forma acelerada los fenomenos de deterioro por efectos ambientales. Este articulo pretende demostrar la necesidad de desarrollar una prueba, que en forma acelerada, reproduzca el dano que sufre el material por efecto de la atmosfera; el cual se orienta a la evaluacion de equipo electrico y electronico.

  12. El coactivador de receptores nucleares RAC3 tiene un rol protector de la Apoptosis inducida por distintos estímulos RAC3 nuclear receptor co-activator has a protective role in the apoptosis induced by different stimuli

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    Georgina P. Coló


    Full Text Available RAC3 pertenece a la familia de coactivadores de receptores nucleares p160, y se encuentra sobreexpresado en varios tumores. Demostramos previamente que RAC3 es coactivador del factor de transcripción anti-apoptótico NF-kapa;B. En este trabajo investigamos su rol en la apoptosis inducida por H2O2 en una línea celular no tumoral derivada de riñón embrionario humano (HEK293, y por el ligando inductor de apoptosis relacionado a TNF (TRAIL en una línea de leucemia mieloide crónica humana (K562, naturalmente resistente a la muerte por este estímulo. Observamos que las células tumorales K562 poseen niveles altos de RAC3 comparados con las células no tumorales HEK293. La sobreexpresión normal de coactivador o por transfección, inhibe la apoptosis mediante una disminución de la activación de caspasas, translocación del factor inductor de apoptosis (AIF al núcleo, aumento de la actividad de NF-kapa;B y las quinasas AKT y p38 y disminución de la quinasa ERK. Lo opuesto fue observado por disminución de RAC3 mediante la técnica de ARN interferente (RNAi en K562, aumentando así la apoptosis inducida por TRAIL. Estas evidencias sugieren que una sobreexpresión de RAC3 contribuye al desarrollo de tumores, participando en las cascadas que controlan la muerte celular por mecanismos no estrictamente dependientes de hormonas esteroideas y/o de acetilación, constituyendo esto un posible blanco de ataque para el tratamiento de tumores.RAC3 belongs to the family of p160 nuclear receptors coactivators and it is over-expressed in several tumors. We have previously shown that RAC3 is a NF-kappa;B coactivator. In this paper, we investigated the role of RAC3 in cell-sensitivity to apoptosis, using H2O2 in the human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL in a human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line (K562 naturally resistant to TRAIL. We observed that the tumoral K562 cells have high levels


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    Full Text Available En este trabajo fue estudiado el sistema primer epoxico rico en zinc / acabado polisiloxano aplicado sobre laminas de acero al carbono laminado en caliente y sometido a camaras de corrosion acelerada (inmersion total, niebla salina, ciclo de corrosion y prohesion por un periodo de hasta 5000 horas. Las probetas bajo estudio se evaluaron cada 20 dias por medio de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica y al final de la prueba se realizaron chequeos visuales y microscopia optica para ver la morfologia de la interface metal-recubrimiento y microespectroscopia Raman para identificar la presencia de posibles productos de corrosion. Los resultados de impedancia fueron simulados por medio de circuitos electricos equivalentes. Para el sistema se encontraron modulos de impedancia del orden de 1011 ¿.cm2 en prohesion, 1010 ¿.cm2 en ciclo de corrosion, 109 ¿.cm2 tanto niebla salina como en las inmersiones totales (NaCl 10-2M y Na2SO4 10-2M. Este sistema tuvo durante el tiempo de pruebas un comportamiento excelente con altas resistencias de pelicula y de transferencia de carga y bajas capacitancias de pelicula y de doble capa.

  14. Efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del Petroselinum sativum (perejil en ratas, con intoxicación hepática inducida por paracetamol

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    Luzmila Troncoso


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del perejil (Petroselinum sativum en ratas con intoxicación hepática inducida por paracetamol. Lugar: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición - "Laboratorio de Bioquímica Clínica y Nutricional "Leonidas Delgado Butrón" "Emilio Guija Poma" - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. Diseño: Estudio analítico, transversal, prospectivo y cuasi-experimental. Material: Ratas albinas Holtzman machos adultas. Métodos: Se utilizó 40 ratas de 2 meses de edad, con pesos entre 280 y 320 g, distribuidas aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos de 10 animales cada uno. Todos los grupos recibieron la misma dieta y agua ad libitum, además de los respectivos tratamientos, los cuales fueron administrados por vía oral diariamente, durante 5 días: paracetamol (administrado en una dosis de 200 mg/kg de peso corporal para inducir la intoxicación hepática y, al mismo tiempo, un hepatoprotector, ya fuera farmacológico (fármaco hepatoprotector (FHP: Purinor® o natural (perejil; además, un grupo de paracetamol solo y otro de control. Al término del período experimental, los animales fueron sacrificados. En suero sanguíneo se determinó aspartato aminotransferasa (AST, alanina aminotransferasa (ALT, gamma glutamil transferasa (GGT, grupos sulfhidrilo, proteínas totales y albúmina sérica; y en el homogenizado citosólico de hígado, fracción posmitocondrial, se determinó superóxido dismutasa, catalasa, glucosa-6-fosfato deshidrogenasa, grupos sulfidrilo, especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS o radicales libres y proteínas. Además, se realizó el estudio histopatológico del hígado, para identificar signos de necrosis y signos de regeneración posnecrótica. Principales medidas de resultados: Efecto antioxidante y hepatoprotector del perejil. Resultados: El perejil mostró un mejor efecto hepatoprotector que el FHP, frente a la acción nociva del

  15. Insuficiencia renal aguda inducida por mordedura de serpiente Bothrops

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    Gustavo A. Aroca Martínez


    Full Text Available Mujer de 58 años de edad, remitida a urgencias por presentar cuadro clínico de insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA secundaria a mordedura de serpiente (Bothrops Atrox. Ingresa hipotensa con elevación de azoados e hiperkalemia, ecografía renal dentro de parámetros normales. Se maneja terapia dialítica con lo cual presenta mejoría clínica. En este reporte se detallan aspectos del diagnóstico, manejo clínico y posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican el daño renal.

  16. Efecto del extracto del fruto de Physalis peruviana "tomatillo" en Mus musculus var. swis con hiperlipidemia inducida.

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    Julio Campos Florián


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente i nvestigación fue determinar la actividad hipolipidémica del fruto de Physalis peruviana “tomatillo” en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón. Se utilizaron Mus musculus var. swis machos como animales de experimentación. Se trabajó con cuatro grupos de ratones, el grupo blanco recibió agua destilada por vía oral y solución salina fisiológica por vía intraperitoneal, el grupo control recibió agua destilada por vía oral y tritón por vía intraperitoneal, el grupo problema 1 recibió por vía oral 0.05g/100g del extracto de Physalis peruviana y tritón por vía intraperitoneal y el grupo problema 2 recibió por vía oral 0.2g/100g del extracto de Physalis peruviana y tritón por vía intraperitoneal. Luego de 24 horas de administrar los tratamientos se re alizaron las mediciones en suero de las concentraciones de colesterol y triglicéridos. Los niveles promedio de colesterol (mg/dL fueron: 58.87±11.54 (blanco, 121.71±15.00 (control, 58.08±9. 21 (problema 1 y 66.78±16.77 (problema 2. Los niveles promedio de triglicéridos (g/L fueron: 0.48±0.07 (blanco, 1.84±0.18 (control, 0.34±0.10 (problema 1 y 0.94±0.25 (problema 2. Se encontró reducciones significativas (p<0.000, tanto de las concentraciones de colesterol como de triglicéridos en relación a las o btenidas en el grupo tratado sólo con tritón.

  17. Efecto hipolipidémico del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Artocarpus altilis "árbol del pan" en Rattus norvegicus con hiperlipidemia inducida


    Julio Campos Florián


    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo demostrar la actividad hipolipidémica del extracto acuoso de las hojas del árbol del pan, Artocarpus altilis, en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón X-305, utilizando como especímenes Rattus norvegicus machos, peso promedio 204,5 g, a los que se les administró por vía oral 0,05 g/100 g y 0,2 g/100 g del extracto acuoso de A. altilis; se incluyó un grupo control negativo que recibió solución salina fisiológica y un grupo control po...

  18. Efecto hipolipidémico del extracto acuoso de las hojas de Artocarpus altilis "árbol del pan" en Rattus norvegicus con hiperlipidemia inducida

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    Julio Campos Florián


    Full Text Available La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo demostrar la actividad hipolipidémica del extracto acuoso de las hojas del árbol del pan, Artocarpus altilis, en un modelo de hiperlipidemia aguda inducida con tritón X-305, utilizando como especímenes Rattus norvegicus machos, peso promedio 204,5 g, a los que se les administró por vía oral 0,05 g/100 g y 0,2 g/100 g del extracto acuoso de A. altilis; se incluyó un grupo control negativo que recibió solución salina fisiológica y un grupo control positivo hiperlipidémico. Luego de 24 horas de administrar los tratamientos, se realizaron las mediciones en suero de las concentraciones de colesterol y triglicéridos. Encontramos reducciones significativas (p < 0,01 tanto de las cifras de colesterol, como de triglicéridos en relación a las concentraciones obtenidas en el grupo control positivo. También encontramos diferencia significativa (p < 0,01 entre las concentraciones de triglicéridos de los animales tratados con las dos dosis del extracto acuoso de A. altilis. Concluimos que el extracto acuoso de las hojas de A. altilis presenta efecto hipolipidémico a las dosis ensayadas para el modelo de hiperlipidemia inducida con tritón X-305.

  19. Pérdida auditiva por contaminación acústica laboral en Santiago de Chile


    Salazar Bugueño, Ana María


    [spa] La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha estimado que, aproximadamente, 278 millones de personas presentan déficit auditivo en el mundo; que el 50% de las pérdidas auditivas podrían evitarse mediante prevención, un diagnóstico precoz y una gestión eficaz y que, más de 4.000.000 de años de vida saludable se perdieron debido a las pérdidas auditivas inducidas por ruido. Lo anterior hace necesario establecer un modelo para predecir la pérdida auditiva por contaminación acústica laboral...

  20. Efecto antioxidante del extracto acuoso de propóleos sobre la hepatotoxicidad inducida por el octilfenol en ratas macho Antioxidant effect of aqueous extract of propolis on hepatotoxicity induced by octylphenol in male rats

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    Eman M Saleh


    Full Text Available El 4-terc-octilfenol (4-terc-OP es un alquilfenol que afecta a la salud humana mediante la estimulación de la producción de radicales libres. El extracto acuoso de propóleos es un producto natural rico en favonoides que tienen actividad antioxidante. Este estudio fue diseñado para investigar la capacidad del extracto de propóleos de reducir la hepatotoxicidad inducida por el 4-terc-OP en ratas macho. Los animales fueron asignados a 5 grupos y tratados durante 6 semanas. Grupo 1: control; grupo 2: 100 mg de 4-terc-OP/kg/día; grupo 3: 100 mg de extracto de propóleos/kg/día; grupo 4: 100 mg de 4-terc-OP/ kg/día más 100 mg de extracto de propóleos/kg/día, grupo 5: 100 mg de 4-terc-OP/kg/día durante 6 semanas, seguidos de 100 mg de extracto de propóleos/kg/día durante 6 semanas. El grupo 4-terc-OP mostró niveles signifcativamente elevados de AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, bilirrubina, creatinina, urea, lípidos totales, colesterol total, triglicéridos, LDL-C y MDA, con una disminución signi-fcativa de proteínas totales, albúmina, globulina, HDL-C, la capacidad antioxidante total, SOD, CAT y GST, en comparación con el grupo control. La administración de extracto de propóleos, ya sea solo o combinado con 4-terc-OP redujo la hepatotoxicidad inducida por 4-terc-OP. Los estudios de fragmentación del ADN apoyan el efecto deletéreo observado por el tratamiento con 4-terc-OP y el efecto protector del extracto de propóleos, sobre las proteínas y las enzimas celulares hepáticas. Los resultados histopatológicos revelaron la hepatotoxicidad por 4-terc-OP y efecto protector inducido por el extracto de propóleos. En conclusión, el extracto de propóleos podría reducir el daño hepático y los efectos celulares de toxicidad en las células del hígado inducidos por 4-terc-OP.4-tertiary-octylphenol (4-tert-OP is an alkylphenol that affects human health by stimulating free radical production. Aqueous propolis extract is a natural product rich in

  1. Degeneracion axónica inducida por tratamiento local con diisopropilfluorofosfato


    Mauricio, María Cruz; Carrera, Victoria; Vilanova Gisbert, Eugenio; Juan Herrero, Joaquín de


    Existen especies animales, incluida la humana y las aves, susceptibles de manifestar una polineuropatía retardada tras una intoxicación accidental o la dosificación sistémica experimental con algunos compuestos organfosforados. En este estudio se planteó observar la existencia o no de lesiones nerviosas producidas tras la administración de diisopropilfluorofosfato por via local, siguiendo un modelo de dosificación "in situ". Aquí se describen las observaciones clínicas y lesiones morfológicas...

  2. Muerte súbita debida a cardiotoxicidad aguda inducida por antraciclinas

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    Orlando D. Navarro-Ulloa


    Full Text Available Antraciclinas como la doxorrubicina, así como anticuerpos monoclonales, como el trastuzumab, y agentes alquilantes, como la ciclofosfamida, son compuestos muy útiles como quimioterapia citotóxica al reducir en forma significativa la mortalidad relacionada con el cáncer. Sin embargo, su potencial cardiotoxicidad es un efecto adverso mayor que puede presentarse en cualquier momento de su administración o posterior a la misma, en especial cuando se usan combinados. La toxicidad cardiovascular por doxorrubicina suele ser dependiente de dosis e irreversible, mientras la ocasionada por trastuzumab no lo es. Se han encontrado cambios electrocardiográficos habituales durante la administración de quimioterapia, independiente de la dosis acumulada; a estos cambios agudos se les ha dado poca importancia, aunque pueden suceder hasta en el 40% de los pacientes. A pesar de la aparición documentada de arritmias tanto en humanos como en modelos animales, la muerte súbita cardiaca durante o inmediatamente después de la infusión de quimioterapia no está bien descrita. Se presenta el caso de un adulto joven sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, con linfoma no-Hodgkin y corazón con imagen ecocardiográfica muy sugestiva de infiltración linfomatosa del ventrículo izquierdo, quien desarrolla alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco que condicionan muerte súbita tras la infusión endovenosa lenta de doxorrubicina y trastuzumab.

  3. Respuesta del sistema antioxidante en varones sanos, frente a hiperglicemia aguda inducida

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    Raquel Oré


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la respuesta del sistema antioxidante en varones sanos, frente a la hiperglicemia aguda inducida. Diseño: estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, longitudinal, experimental. Lugar: Instituto Nacional de Biología Andina, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Sangre y suero de sujetos aparentemente sanos. Intervenciones: A 13 sujetos adultos clínicamente sanos, entre 20 y 41años, después de 10 horas de ayuno, se administró glucosa vía endovenosa, mediante el método de clamp hiperglicémico, a 125 mg/dL por encima del valor basal, durante 120 minutos. Se realizó mediciones de la glicemia a 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 y 120 minutos. Se tomó la muestra sanguínea con anticoagulante EDTA y otra de sangre total, para obtención de suero, para las pruebas bioquímicas a los 0, 60 y 120 minutos. Principales medidas de resultados: Modificaciones de la glicemia y lipoperoxidación en suero, glutatión y actividad superóxido dismutasa en glóbulos rojos lisados e índices de estrés oxidativo. Resultados: El nivel de glucosa durante el clamp hiperglicémico, luego de alcanzar el ‘equilibrio’, fue 197±17,58 mg/dL. La lipoperoxidación aumentó de 2,54 + 0,51 a 2,90 + 0,58 umol/L, de 0 a 60 minutos, y a 2,66 + 0,55 umol/L a los 120 minutos. El glutatión se redujo en 8,10% a la hora, aumentando 7,08% a los 120 minutos. La actividad superóxido dismutasa se elevó 0,54% a los 60 minutos y 5,66% a los 120 minutos, sobre el basal. Los índices de valoración del estrés oxidativo tuvieron correlación r Pearson positiva, en nivel alto a muy alto. Conclusiones: la hiperglicemia aguda inducida hasta 2 horas elevó el estrés oxidativo, promoviendo generación de defensa antioxidante, con síntesis de glutatión reducido de novo y mayor actividad de la superóxido dismutasa.

  4. Procesos de corrosión debidos a corrientes alternas inducidas (60 Hz

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    Vera, E.


    Full Text Available The phenomenon by which a sinusoidal a.c. signal damages a steel in contact with an aggressive electrolite was determined. Thus, a series of electrochemical tests was carried out, when a signal of the previously mentioned characteristics is present in the metal-electrolite interphase, both with cathodic protection and without it. The results allowed to postulate an empirical relationship that determines the corrosive process kinetics exerted by the action of an alternating signal. The phenomenon by which the AC signal generates a corrosion state over a probe was determined from the physical point of view.

    Se determinó el fenómeno por el que una señal de c.a. de tipo sinusoidal genera fenómenos de corrosión en un acero en contacto con un electrólito agresivo. Para ello, se realizaron pruebas electroquímicas cuando una señal de las anteriores características está presente en la interfase metal-electrólito, con y sin protección catódica. Los resultados permitieron postular una relación empírica que determina la cinética del proceso corrosivo ejercido por la acción de la señal alterna. Se determinó, desde un punto de vista físico, el fenómeno por el cual la señal de c.a. genera un estado de corrosión sobre la probeta.

  5. Efecto hepatoprotector del extracto hidroetanólico atomizado del maíz morado (Zea mays L. en lesiones hepáticas inducidas en ratas

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    Renán Hañari-Quispe


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Evaluar el efecto hepatoprotector del extracto hidroetanólico atomizado de Zea mays variedad morado sobre lesiones hepáticas inducidas en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología Experimental, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto hidroetanólico atomizado de maíz morado (EAM. Intervenciones: Se formó seis grupos de ratas machos (n=10, por cada grupo, se les administró fenobarbital a concentración de 0,5 g/L en agua potable ad líbitum por 15 días; posteriormente se administró tetracloruro de carbono (CCl a una dosis de 0,2 mL/kg, por vía oral. El diseño experimental fue el siguiente: G1: suero fisiológico (SSF; G2: CCl0,2 mL/kg (T;4G3: T+ 4 silimarina 25 mg/kg; G4: T + EAM 500 mg/kg; G5: T + EAM 1 000 mg/kg; G6: T + EAM 2 000 mg/kg. Principales medidas de resultados: Perfil hepático, especies reactivas al ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS en suero, índice hepático, observación histológica. Resultados: Se observó aumento significativo (p<0,05 en la actividad de alanina amino transferasa (ALT entre el grupo G2 y los grupos G3 y G4 (p<0,001. Hubo disminución significativa (p<0,05 de fosfatasa alcalina (FAL en el grupo G2 con respecto G1. El nivel de TBARS fue menor en el grupo que recibió 1 000 mg/kg de EAM con respecto al control. Las actividades de HDL-C y triglicéridos no mostraron diferencias significativas. Se ha observado la reducción de 60% de la lesión hepática, evidenciado con menor daño del hepatocito al estudio histológico. Conclusiones: El extracto hidroetanólico atomizado de maíz morado a la dosis de 1 000 mg/kg disminuyó las lesiones hepáticas inducidas en ratas.

  6. Hiperalgesia Inducida por Opioides


    Jiménez Salazar, Andrés


    Los opioides producen analgesia a través de un efecto inhibitorio sobre el sistema nociceptivo principalmente. Hasta la fecha, los opioides siguen siendo los analgésicos más potentes para el manejo de dolor moderado a severo. La Asociación Internacional del Estudio del Dolor (IASP, en inglés) define hiperalgesia como "un aumento de la respuesta a un estímulo que normalmente es doloroso". En contraste, está bien establecido que la terapia crónica con opioides se asocia con el desarrollo de ...

  7. Stray current induced corrosion in lightning rod cables of 525 kV power lines towers: a case study

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    Wojcicki, F. R.


    Full Text Available With the growth of several areas in modem society, the necessity to generate and carry electrical energy to big cities has greatly increased. Cables supported by power towers with galvanized steel foundation usually carry energy. As the foundations are underground they may cause high rates of corrosion. These are usually detected by a conventional potential measurement using a Cu/CuSO4 reference electrode. It is believed that corrosion results from stray currents that flow through the ground to close the loop between neighboring towers. Stray currents originate in the lightning rod cables of the power line towers, induced by the strong electromagnetic and electric fields of the energized power lines. The intensity and direction of those currents were measured, indicating substantial values of both their AC and DC components. The potential of the tower ground system, measured in the perpendicular direction of the main axis of the power line, was plotted as a function of the distance to the tower base. The results clearly indicated the tendency to corrosive attack in the anodic towers as reflected by the slope of the plot, whereas no signs of corrosion could be found in the reverse slope, confirming the visual inspection of the foundation. The profile of the potential plots could be changed providing the electric insulation of the lightning rod cable.

    Con el crecimiento de varias áreas en la sociedad moderna, la necesidad de generar y conducir la energía eléctrica a las grandes ciudades ha aumentado enormemente. La energía, normalmente, se transporta por cables sostenidos por torres de energía con base de acero galvanizado. Cuando las bases son subterráneas, pueden ocasionar altas tasas de corrosión. Estas, normalmente, se detectan por la medida convencional del potencial empleando un electrodo de referencia de Cu/CuSO4. Se cree que la corrosión es el resultado de corrientes perdidas que fluyen a través de la

  8. Epitelización inducida por células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo

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    M. Meruane


    Full Text Available El tratamiento de lesiones con pérdida de tejido cutáneo ha mejorado notablemente con el advenimiento de la bioingeniería tisular. Una alternativa en desarrollo es la utilización de sustitutos dérmicos combinados con células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo autólogo. Estudios previos nos muestran que con esta técnica es posible optimizar la angiogénesis y la síntesis de colágeno, sin embargo potenciar la epitelización es un tema pendiente por resolver. En el presente estudio evaluamos la progresión y diferenciación epitelial en un período de tiempo prologando. Obtuvimos las células troncales a partir del tejido adiposo (ASC de la región inguinal de 4 ratas Sprague Dawley. Cultivamos las células frescas en una matriz de Integra® durante un período total de 48 horas, y las marcamos con un vector lentiviral-GFP (proteína fluorescente verde. Posteriormente, injertamos en las mismas ratas la matriz dérmica con células troncales y un implante contralateral sin células, como control. A las 4 semanas, evaluamos el avance epitelial mediante planimetría de superficie e histología. Los resultados macroscópicos muestran que el cierre de la herida por contracción de los bordes no tiene diferencias significativas (82,63% ± 3,4% vs. 80,66% ± 3,89%; p=0,08, pero el cierre por epitelización fue significativamente mayor en el lado intervenido con ASCs (93,47% ± 5,98% vs. 79,88% ± 6,28%; p=0,0028. Todas las muestras obtuvieron tinción positiva para el anticuerpo anti-citoqueratina 34βE12 y el avance epitelial lineal cuantificado por microscopía resultó significativamente mayor en el lado con ASCs (6408 ± 275μm vs. 5375 ± 250μm; p < 0,001. Identificamos las células GFP positivas formando parte de la dermis regenerada, no así en la epidermis. En conclusión, las células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo autólogo sembradas en una matriz de Integra® aumentan la formación epitelial significativamente

  9. Frecuencia espontánea e inducida de micronúcleos transplacentarios en ratones Balb/c

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    Daniel Francisco Arencibia Arrebola


    Full Text Available Introducción: El ensayo de micronúcleos transplacentario, ha sido desarrollado con el objetivo de evaluar el potencial genotóxico en la descendencia y demostrar la capacidad de un agente de causar daños cromosómicos durante el período prenatal. Éste realiza el registro de aberraciones cromosómicas, demostrando si una sustancia determinada puede ser clastogénica o aneugénica en el feto, a través de la exposición materna. Objetivo: Por lo cual en el presente trabajo se tuvo como objetivo determinar la frecuencia espontánea e inducida de micronúcleos transplacentarios en ratones de la línea Balb/c. Pretendiendo vincular de esta forma el efecto genotóxico y reproductivo de una droga a evaluar por esta metodología. Materiales y métodos: Se formaron 4 grupos experimentales, el primero un control negativo (simulacro, el segundo control solvente NaCl (0,9%, en el tercero se utilizo la ciclofosfamida en dosis de 50 mg/kg, y el cuarto se utilizó la bleomicina en dosis de 20 mg/kg. Todos los grupos se administraron por vía intraperitoneal los días 14, 15 y 16 de la gestación y 24 h después de la última inoculación se procedió al sacrificio de las gestantes por dislocación cervical. Obteniéndose las muestras de médula ósea materna e hígado fetal. Resultados: Se obtuvo como resultado los valores espontáneos e inducidos de los índices de citotoxicidad y de genotoxicidad, así como el total de micronúcleos divididos según niveles de daños.Discusión y conclusiones: Se observo mayor inducción de daño en células hepáticas fetales que en médula ósea materna. Además se demostró que la ciclofosfamida es capaz de inducir mayor citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad que la bleomicina tanto en células de la médula ósea materna como en células hepáticas fetales. Por tanto se demostró el poder clastogénico transplacentario de ambos mutágenos vinculando este ensayo de genotoxicidad a la reproducción. Además estos resultados se

  10. Mecanismos de Defensa del Hospedero en Estomatitis Sub-Protesica Inducida por Candida


    Cardozo de Pardi, Elba Inés


    La Estomatitis Sub-Protésica (E.S.P.) es una entidad que se localiza principalmente en la mucosa del paladar que se encuentra por debajo de la superficie de ajuste de las prótesis removibles parciales y totales. Esta patología es más común en mujeres que en hombres y se observa más frecuentemente en sujetos con edades comprendidas entre 25 y 90 años. Diversos estudios han revelado que la E.S.P. está asociada con la detección de especies de Candida y de otros microorganismos, mientras que otro...

  11. Papel antioxidante de la vitamina E en la aterogénesis inducida por hiperfibrinogenemia

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    Mónica Moya


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de estudiar el efecto de la vitamina E sobre el estrés oxidativo desencade- nado por hiperfibrinogenemia (HF en un modelo experimental de aterogénesis y la posible normalización de los indicadores de estrés oxidativo, se evaluaron: óxido nítrico (NO, L-citrulina, superóxido dismutasa (SOD e involución de lesiones histopatológicas en la aorta torácica. El estudio se realizó en 36 ratas, cepa Wistar, que se dividieron en tres grupos (n = 12 cada uno: A, control; B, HF × 90 días; C, HF × 90 días + vitamina E. La HF se indujo mediante inyecciones de adrenalina (0,1 ml/día/rata por 90 días. La dosis de vitamina E fue de 2 mg/día/rata durante 75 días. Se dosaron en plasma los niveles de fibrinógeno (mg/dl, NO (uM y L-citrulina (mM y en lisado de glóbulos rojos, por espectrofotometría, se determinó la actividad de la SOD (U/ml. Se analizaron cortes de la aorta torácica por microscopia óptica (MO. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon MANOVA y la prueba de Fisher; se estableció un nivel de significación de p < 0,05. Se observó un aumento significativo de fibrinógeno en el grupo B (407 ± 8,9 mg/dl en comparación con los grupos A (203 ± 9 mg/dl y C (191,58 ± 17,79 mg/dl (p < 0,001. El NO disminuyó significativamente en el grupo B (13,73 ± 1,76 uM frente a los grupos A (23,58 ± 0,08 uM y C (26,64 ± 3,65 uM (p < 0,001. La L-citrulina aumentó en forma significativa en los grupos B (4,99 ± 0,18 mM y C (6,60 ± 0,16 mM en comparación con el grupo A (3,03 ± 0,13 mM (p < 0,001. El SOD incrementó su actividad en los grupos B (251,67 ± 10,34 U/ml y C (304,75 ± 10,43 U/ml frente al grupo A (139,44 ± 4,74 U/ml (p < 0,001. La microscopia óptica mostró denudación endotelial, engrosamiento intimal y protrusión de la pared en el grupo B (90% y recuperación de la denudación endotelial y disminución del 50% del engrosamiento intimal en el grupo C (p < 0,001. Niveles aumentados de SOD ser

  12. Nutrición parenteral total en una paciente gestante con pancreatitis aguda e hipertrigliceridemia por déficit de lipoproteín lipasa


    Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Valdivieso, Pedro; Olveira, Gabriel


    Presentamos un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa inducida por hipertrigliceridemia secundaria a déficit de lipoproteín lipasa (LPL) en una paciente gestante con diabetes gestacional, manejada inicialmente con dieta, siendo necesario posteriormente llevar a cabo medidas de soporte nutricional artificial: nutrición parenteral total. El déficit de LPL causa hipertrigliceridemia severa y, frecuentemente, pancreatitis aguda de repetición, situación de difícil manejo y de importante gravedad durant...

  13. Tratamiento de agua potable por filtración inducida en una laguna costera en el sur de Brasil Bank filtration drinking water treatment in a costal lagoon in south Brazil

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    Luis Guillermo Romero Esquivel


    Full Text Available La filtración inducida (FI consiste en obtener agua potable de pozos situados en acuíferos de aluvión u otro tipo de depósitos no consolidados conectados hidráulicamente con una fuente de agua superficial. La posibilidad de aplicar esta técnica en las riberas de la laguna Lagoa do Peri, Brasil, se evaluó a nivel piloto. Por medio de observación y de análisis granulométricos se determinó que el fondo de la laguna y el acuífero aledaño presentan una textura arenosa. Además, ensayos de permeámetro de carga constante, de tubo de carga variable y de bombeo, mostraron que la conductividad hidráulica en las mismas zonas se encuentra cercana a 10-4 m/s, misma magnitud encontrada en otras latitudes donde la FI se aplica con éxito. El agua captada en un pozo a 20 m de la Lagoa do Peri presentó valores de turbidez y color aparente acordes con los patrones de calidad locales. Se observó un aumento en la dureza y la alcalinidad, atribuido a la erosión de los materiales del subsuelo, sin llegar a superar lo estipulado en la legislación. Finalmente, el agua producida por la FI mostró ser de mejor calidad en términos de turbidez y color aparente que el agua de la laguna tratada por filtración directa en una estación de tratamiento (ETA ubicada en el lugar. El agua producida por la FI presentó condiciones anóxicas que harían necesario el postratamiento por aireación y filtración, proceso en el cual se podría aprovechar la infraestructura de la ETA existente.Bank filtration (BF consists in obtaining drinking water from wells in alluvial aquifers or other unconsolidated deposits hydraulically connected with a surface water source. The possibility of applying this technique was evaluated in a pilot scale on the banks of the Lagoa do Peri lagoon, Brazil. Observation and grain size analysis showed that the bottom of the lagoon and the adjacent aquifer have sandy texture. In addition, tests of constant head permeameter, standpipe falling

  14. The effect of corrosion on stained glass windows

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    Laissner, Johanna


    Full Text Available Stained glass windows belong to the most important cultural heritage of Europe. Within the last decades a disastrous deterioration took place. The wonderful stained glass windows and their glass paintings as pieces of art are acutely menaced by environmental corrosive influences. This corrosion process is a very complex reaction which is not only influenced by temperature and humidity changes but also by gaseous pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides or ozone, by dust and air, microorganisms as well as synergetic interactions. Strongly affected by these environmental attacks are medieval stained glasses due to their chemical composition. They have a low content in silica and high contents of modifier ions (e.g. potassium and calcium. The corrosion phenomena can range from predominantly pitting on the surface to the formation of thick corrosion crusts which are turning the panel opaque and thus reducing strongly the transparency of the windows. In order to set up a conservation and restoration concept, it is necessary to know about the environmental conditions to which the stained glass windows are exposed. For this purpose very corrosion sensitive model glasses (so called glass sensors were developed which have a similar chemical composition as historic stained glasses. They exhibit the same corrosion reactions but react much faster, and are now widely used to estimate corrosive stresses on stained glass windows to give basic information about the corrosive impacts which work on the historic glasses. In this paper principle corrosion mechanisms of stained glass windows and their enhancing factors are discussed. For the evaluation of the environmental impact, the application of glass sensors is demonstrated.

    Las vidrieras coloreadas pertenecen al legado cultural más importante de Europa. En las últimas décadas se ha producido en ellas un desastroso deterioro. Las maravillosas vidrieras coloreadas y sus policromías est

  15. El género afecta las propiedades contráctiles del músculo sóleo en diabetes inducida experimentalmente en ratas

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    Adolfo Virgen Ortiz


    Full Text Available Ratas hembras y machos, de tres meses de edad, fueron separados en dos grupos: no diabéticas (ND, peso corporal, 274 ± 9 g; nivel de glucosa en la sangre, 4,94 ± 0,22 mmol/L; n = 16 y diabéticas (D; peso corporal, 207 ± 8 g; nivel de glucosa en sangre, 28,39 ± 0,94 mmol/L; n = 16. La diabetes fue inducida por una sola dosis de 60 mg/Kg de estreptozotocina administrada intraperitonealmente. Las ratas ND recibieron el mismo volumen de vehículo. Después de 4 semanas los animales fueron considerados diabéticos si su nivel de glucosa era ≥ 20 mmol/L. La masa y la contracción del músculo sóleo fueron mayores en machos ND que en las hembras ND. En las ratas macho D disminuyó su masa muscular en un 34% y la fuerza de contracción disminuyó en un 33%; mientras que en las hembras D disminuyeron 15% y 10% respectivamente.

  16. Hiperalgesia asociada al tratamiento con opioides


    A. Gil Martín; M. Moreno García; J. Sánchez-Rubio Ferrández; T. Molina García


    La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides es una reacción paradójica caracterizada por una percepción intensificada de dolor relacionada con el uso de estos medicamentos en ausencia de progresión de la enfermedad o de síndrome de retirada. A diferencia de los casos de tolerancia, definida como pérdida de potencia analgésica durante el uso prolongado de opioides, no se produce mejoría con el escalado de dosis. La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides se ha manifestado en pacientes con dosis de manten...

  17. Luxación témporo-mandibular recurrente y secundaria a distonía por antipsicóticos.


    Cruzado, Lizardo; Núñez-Moscoso, Patricia; Garibay-Huamaní, Mercibel; Villar-Salas, Alicia


    La distonía aguda inducida por antipsicóticos sigue siendo una patología frecuente en los servicios de emergencia psiquiátrica. Sin embargo, la luxación de la articulación témporo-mandibular, como secuela de distonía oromandibular, es una presentación inusual dentro de esta casuística. Presentamos el caso de una paciente mujer de 20 años de edad, quien recibió haloperidol intramuscular tras sendas crisis de agitación psicomotriz y persistencia de riesgo suicida, y que luego desarrolló distoní...

  18. Epitelización inducida por células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo


    M. Meruane; S. Benítez; M. Rojas; A. Sagredo; K. Marcelain; B. Villalobos


    El tratamiento de lesiones con pérdida de tejido cutáneo ha mejorado notablemente con el advenimiento de la bioingeniería tisular. Una alternativa en desarrollo es la utilización de sustitutos dérmicos combinados con células troncales derivadas del tejido adiposo autólogo. Estudios previos nos muestran que con esta técnica es posible optimizar la angiogénesis y la síntesis de colágeno, sin embargo potenciar la epitelización es un tema pendiente por resolver. En el presente estudio evaluamos l...


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    Christiam Ochoa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprobar el efecto protector hepático del extracto acuoso de boldo (EAB (Peumus boldus al daño hepático inducido por acetaminofén (paracetamol. Diseño: Analítico, experimental, aleatorizado, completo – experimento verdadero. Realizado en el Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina de UNMSM. Material y método. 30 Ratas Holtzman macho de 250g y dos meses se dividieron en 5 grupos aleatoriamente, grupo blanco, control paracetamol 200mg/kg y 3 experimentales tratados con EAB a 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg respectivamente. Se administró EAB de 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg vía orogástrica. Luego de media hora se administró paracetamol 200mg/kg i.p. a los grupos control y experimentales. Este procedimiento se repitió por 5 días. Se tomó pruebas de transaminasas (TGP basal y final en sangre. Se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis para analizar la data y un p<0.05 fue considerado significante. Se estudió la anatomopatología de los hígados y se tomaron muestras de tejido teñidas con HE. Resultados: Existe diferencia significativa en los niveles de transaminasas (TGP entre grupos (p<0.05. El control obtuvo 196.6 U/L +- 38.1 (TGP mientras que los experimentales como máximo 55.6 U/l. Las muestras control evidencian signos de lesión hepática, degeneración grasa, congestión sinusoidal y centrolobulillar, y necrosis celular. Sin embargo los grupos experimentales no presentan signos de lesión celular y hay ausencia de inflamación. Conclusiones: El boldo tiene un efecto protector hepático al daño inducido por paracetamol en ratas Holtzmann.

  20. Estudio del D-004 sobre la defensa antioxidante endógena en ratas con hiperplasia prostática inducida por inyección de testosterona Study of D-004 on the endogenous antioxidant defence in rats presenting with prostate hyperplasia induced by testosterone injection

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    Yohani Pérez Guerra


    Full Text Available La hiperplasia prostática benigna, enfermedad común en hombres mayores de 50 años de edad, se caracteriza por el crecimiento incontrolado de la glándula prostática y la presencia de síntomas del tracto bajo urinario. El estrés oxidativo ha sido recientemente asociado con la causa de esta enfermedad. El D-004, extracto lipídico del fruto de la Roystonea regia, ha mostrado reducir la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores y producir efectos antioxidantes in vitro e in vivo, pero sus efectos sobre las enzimas del sistema antioxidante endógeno no han sido estudiados. Este trabajo investigó los efectos del tratamiento oral con D-004, durante 14 días, sobre las enzimas superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en ratas con hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona. Los animales se distribuyeron en 4 grupos: un control negativo y tres inyectados con testosterona: uno tratado con el vehículo (control positivo y dos con D-004 (400 y 800 mg/kg, respectivamente. Se determinó la capacidad antioxidante total del plasma y las actividades de las enzimas superóxido dismutasa y catalasa en eritocitos lisados y plasma, respectivamente. El tratamiento oral con D-004 (400 y 800 mg/kg previno de modo marcado y significativo el agrandamiento de la próstata inducido con testosterona en ratas, y aumentó significativamente la capacidad antioxidante del plasma y la actividad de la catalasa, sin modificar la actividad de la superóxido dismutasa. Estos resultados sugieren que la actividad antioxidante del D-004 está relacionada, al menos parcialmente, con la estimulación de algunas enzimas del sistema antioxidante endógeno.Benign prostatic hyperplasia, a common disease in men aged over 50 is characterized by uncontrolled growth of prostatic gland and the presence of low urinary tract symptoms. The oxidative stress has been recently associated with the disease cause. The D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia, reduces the

  1. Ensayo piloto de biorremediación de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos. Fase ll

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    Gloria Lucía Camargo Millán


    Full Text Available  El estudio de la biodegradación de los hidrocarburos compuestos,altamente contaminantes y tóxicos, es de interéspara la descontaminación de ambientes afectados por derramesde petróleo. Aunque este proceso se presenta demanera natural, es demasiado lento, razón por la que sehace necesario el uso de técnicas de biorremediación parafacilitar la acción microbiana sobre los contaminantes. Anivel experimental este proceso se realiza por etapas o ensayos,ya sean de laboratorio, pilotos, de campo oimplementación. Previamente a este estudio se trabajó unaetapa a nivel de laboratorio, donde se observó la remociónde hidrocarburo en un suelo contaminado de manera inducida,aislándose bacterias capaces de su degradación, loque mostró que el proceso es factible. El presente estudiocorresponde a la etapa a nivel piloto, cuyo objetivo eracuantificar la tasa de remoción de hidrocarburo en muestrasde suelo contaminadas con crudo de castilla provenientede diez terrarios, a los cuales se les inoculó bacteriastotales y bacterias Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

  2. Modificaciones hematológicas inducidas por eritropoyetina frente a hipoxia normobárica intermitente Hematologic changes induced by erythropoietin versus intermittent normobaric hypoxia

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    F. Sanchis-Gomar


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    Publicaciones recientes reflejan la preocupación de las autoridades antidopaje por el uso de sistemas simuladores de altitud y la posibilidad de considerarlos métodos dopantes. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue el de comparar las modificaciones hematológicas inducidas por dos tratamientos con eritropoyetina recombinante humana (rHuEpo a diferentes dosis, frente a un protocolo de hipoxia normobárica intermitente (HNI en un modelo animal.
    Veinticuatro ratas Wistar macho jóvenes fueron divididas en 3 grupos experimentales: grupo sometido a HNI (12h pO2 12% /12h pO2 21% (n=8; grupo tratado con una dosis de 300 UI de rHuEpo (n=8 y grupo tratado con 500 UI de rHuEpo (n=8. Se extrajeron dos muestras de sangre a cada uno de los grupos experimentales (antes y después de los tratamientos. Nuestros resultados muestran incrementos muy similares, y estadísticamente significativos, en los valores de hemoglobina, de hematocrito y de reticulocitos, tanto en el grupo HNI como en el grupo tratado con 300 UI de rHuEpo tras los 15 días de tratamiento. El tratamiento con 500 UI de rHuEpo produjo un incremento significativamente mayor.
    La principal conclusión de nuestro estudio es que las modificaciones de los parámetros hematológicos obtenidas mediante un protocolo de HNI son similares a las obtenidas con un tratamiento con 300 UI de rHuEpo.
    Palabras clave: Hemoglobina, hematocrito, reticulocitos, dopaje

    Recent publications reflect the anti-doping authorities’ concern about the use of altitude simulator systems, since these technologies could be considered as doping methods. The major aim of our study was to compare the effect of two different rHuEpo treatments with a normobaric intermittent hypoxic (NIH protocol regarding the modifications of hemoglobin, hematocrit and reticulocytes values in an animal model. Although these hematological parameters are of secondary nature, some international sport federations

  3. Efecto del extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg., en la disfunción eréctil inducida en ratas

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    Aldo Tinco


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll. Arg. ‘huanarpo macho’ en la disfunción eréctil inducida en ratas. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Laboratorio de Farmacología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú; Laboratorio de Farmacia, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú. Material biológico: Extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll Arg. ‘huanarpo macho’; ratas wistar de 300+/-50 g. Intervenciones: La obtención de la muestra se realizó en la Provincia de Vilcas Huamán - Ayacucho. Se evaluó el comportamiento sexual y la concentración de óxido nítrico y el efecto vasorrelajante en el cuerpo cavernoso aislado de pene de ratas, siendo los grupos de estudio: grupo 1 agua 10 mL/kg; grupo 2 sildenafilo 5 mg/kg; grupos 3, 4 y 5 extracto metanólico 100, 200 y 300 mg/kg. Se aisló órganos en los grupos de 50, 100 y 300 ug/mL de extracto, L- arginina 300 uM, acetilcolina 30uM, epinefrina u/mL y sildenafilo (3,2 × 10-5 mg/mL. Principales medidas de resultados: Flavonoides aislados, comportamiento sexual de ratas, niveles plasmáticos de óxido nítrico y relajación del músculo cavernoso. Resultados: Por cromatografía se encontró estructuras tipo flavonas, y mediante espectroscopia UV y reacciones de desplazamiento se identificó 6-hidroxi-4’,5,7-trimetoxi flavona, 4’,7-dihidroxi-5,6-dimetoxiflavona, 7-hidroxi-3’,4’,5’,5,8 pentametoxiflavona, 4’,7-dihidroxi-3’,5,6-trimetoxiflavona, DL50 1357 mg/kg. El comportamiento sexual fue dosis dependiente; la administración de 300 mg/kg de la planta por vía oral incrementó la frecuencia de monta en 75% y elevó los niveles de óxido nítrico en 85%, en tanto que la dosis de 200 mg/kg lo hizo en 71,1% y 32,4%, respectivamente (p<0,05. Conclusiones: En ratas con disfunción eréctil inducida, el extracto metanólico de Jatropha macrantha Müll Arg.



    Figueroa D.,Horacio; Marusic B.,Elisa T.; González N.,Magdalena; Barcos M.,Francisca; Yungue V.,Paola


    La capacidad contráctil del útero puede ser evaluada in vitro por medio del método isométrico. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la efectividad de la administración simultánea de oxitocina e insulina en la contractilidad uterina. La comparación entre ambas hormonas se realizó en úteros aislados de dos modelos experimentales: ratas hembras adultas en diferentes fases del ciclo estral y ratas preñadas en fase final de preñez. Los úteros de estos animales fueron sometidos, in vitro, a la ...


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    Oscar Francisco López Núñez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La utilidad clínica de la gentamicina se ve limitada por sus efectos deletéreos renales, causados principalmente por daño oxidativo. Dado que el dimetilsulfóxido posee propiedades antioxidantes, se plantea su uso como agente nefroprotector en un modelo animal. Métodos: Se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria 24 conejos en 3 grupos (A, B y C, se administró durante 5 días solución salina normal 0,9%(SSN para el grupo A, gentamicina más SSN par el grupo B y gentamicina más dimetilsulfóxido al 25% para el grupo C. Se determinaron los parámetros: creatinina sérica, actividad enzimática (n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria e histopatología renal. Resultados: La creatinina aumentó respecto al valor basal en los grupos B y C (p=0,009. La comparación del incremento entre grupo A vs C mostró significancia estadística (p=0,0194. La clasifica- ción para lesión renal aguda RIFLE fue del 25% y 50% en estadío Riesgo para los grupos C y B respectivamente y 12,5% en estadío Injuria para el grupo B. La actividad de n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria presentó incrementos en todas sus mediciones (p<0,05. La histopatología reveló necrosis mayor del 50% de los túbulos proximales en el 25% del grupo C y 87,5% del grupo B, así como necrosis total en 12,5% del grupo B. Se observaron diferencias entre el grupo A vs B (p<0,001 y C (p<0,05. Conclusiones: El modelo planteado induce nefrotoxicidad. El uso de dimetilsulfóxido no redujo el incremento en los niveles de creatinina y en actividad enzimática, mientras que la Lesión Renal Aguda (LRA por evaluación histopatológica presentó una leve mejoría que carece de respaldo estadístico.

  6. Efecto Protector de Peumus Boldus en ratas con toxicidad hepática inducida por Paracetamol

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    Christiam Ochoa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Comprobar el efecto protector hepático del extracto acuoso de boldo (EAB (Peumus boldus al daño hepático inducido por acetaminofén (paracetamol. Diseño: Analítico, experimental, aleatorizado, completo ¿ experimento verdadero. Realizado en el Instituto de Patología de la Facultad de Medicina de UNMSM. Material y método. 30 Ratas Holtzman macho de 250g y dos meses se dividieron en 5 grupos aleatoriamente, grupo blanco, control paracetamol 200mg/kg y 3 experimentales tratados con EAB a 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg respectivamente. Se administró EAB de 80 mg/kg, 120 mg/kg y 160 mg/kg vía orogástrica. Luego de media hora se administró paracetamol 200mg/kg i.p. a los grupos control y experimentales. Este procedimiento se repitió por 5 días. Se tomó pruebas de transaminasas (TGP basal y final en sangre. Se utilizó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis para analizar la data y un p<0.05 fue considerado significante. Se estudió la anatomopatología de los hígados y se tomaron muestras de tejido teñidas con HE. Resultados: Existe diferencia significativa en los niveles de transaminasas (TGP entre grupos (p<0.05. El control obtuvo 196.6 U/L +- 38.1 (TGP mientras que los experimentales como máximo 55.6 U/l. Las muestras control evidencian signos de lesión hepática, degeneración grasa, congestión sinusoidal y centrolobulillar, y necrosis celular. Sin embargo los grupos experimentales no presentan signos de lesión celular y hay ausencia de inflamación. Conclusiones: El boldo tiene un efecto protector hepático al daño inducido por paracetamol en ratas Holtzmann.

  7. La fragmentación territorial inducida por el centralismo fiscal, Colombia (1984-2013

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    Oscar Alfredo Alfonso Roa


    Full Text Available Los debates a la organización del Estado en América Latina son inagotables, porque la universalización de los bienes públicos y la consecuente elevación del nivel de vida de los ciudadanos es un desafío inalcanzado. Los excesos de centralismo en Colombia limitan la eficacia del modelo territorial de Estado mientras que el avance de la corrupción es innegable y, por tanto, la necesidad de nuevas reglas de distribución del poder es inaplazable. Uno de los efectos más duraderos de ese tipo de intervención es la fragmentación territorial en heterogéneos regímenes espaciales que van más allá de la mera regionalización con criterios naturalistas o de contigüidad geográfica.

  8. Cuidando de paciente com câncer de mama e osteonecrose mandibular induzida por bisfostonato: relato de experiência Cuidando de pacientes con cáncer de mama y osteonecrosis mandibular inducida por bisfosfonatos: relato de experiencia Providing care for patients with breast cancer and mandible ostheonecrosis induced by bisphosphonates: an experience report

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    Verônica Paula Torel de Moura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as ações desenvolvidas pela enfermeira junto a uma paciente com câncer de mama e metástase óssea que apresentou necrose mandibular induzida pelo uso de bisfosfonato. RESULTADOS: As intervenções de enfermagem incluíram o ensino e reforço das orientações sobre higiene oral, destacando a escovação adequada, bochechos com solução antisséptica sem álcool, bem como sobre o controle da dor. CONCLUSÃO: Destaca-se a importância da atuação multiprofissional e da consulta de enfermagem no seguimento dessas pacientes para detecção precoce e controle dessa complicação.OBJETIVO: Describir las acciones de enfermería implementadas por la enfermera a una paciente con cáncer con metástasis ósea que presentó necrosis mandibular inducida por el uso de bisfosfonatos. RESULTADOS: Las intervenciones de enfermería incluyeron la enseñanza y el refuerzo de las orientaciones sobre la higiene oral, dando destaque al adecuado cepillado de los dientes, gárgaras con solución antiséptica sin alcohol y al control del dolor. CONCLUSIÓN: Es destacada el importancia de la actuación multiprofesional y de la consulta de enfermería en el seguimiento de esas pacientes, visando la detección temprana y el control de esa complicación.OBJECTIVE: To describe a nurse experience in providing care for a patient with cancer of the breast and bone metastasis who presented mandibular ostheonecrosis induced by the use of bisphosphonates. RESULTS: Nursing interventions included the re-enforcement of the guidelines for oral hygiene, highlighting the appropriate teeth-brushing technique, gargling with antiseptic solution without alcohol, as approach to pain management. CONCLUSION: There is a need for multidisciplinary and nursing consultations for early detection and control of potential complications.

  9. Compuestos fenólicos de la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa, sobre la neoplasia gástrica, inducida en ratas

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    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica conteniendo compuestos fenólicos y flavonoides de la planta entera de Bidens pilosa L sobre la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas con N-nitroso-N-metilurea (NMU. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas-Bioterio Facultad de Medicina UNMSM. Material biológico: Ratas albinas cepa Holtzmann machos. Intervenciones: Según Ferraz de Souza y col., 2002, se dispuso de un grupo control normal, un grupo con NMU y grupos de NMU más tratamientos de extracto etanólico y fracción metanólica, a dosis de 300 mg/kg. Para la significancia estadística se consideró la p<0,05. Principales medidas de resultados: Progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas. Resultados: Indican displasia y estadios iniciales de carcinoma en los estómagos de las ratas, lo que fue menos evidente en los animales con tratamiento, siendo mejor el grupo que recibió fracción metanólica. El marcador de estrés oxidativo disminuyó en los grupos que recibieron tratamiento con la planta, resultando mejor la fracción metabólica. Se observó menor cantidad de micronúcleos (genotoxicidad en los animales que recibieron tratamiento. Conclusiones: El extracto etanólico y la fracción metanólica de Bidens pilosa L en las condiciones experimentales han detenido la progresión de la neoplasia gástrica inducida en ratas.

  10. Corrosion of high temperature resisting alloys exposed to heavy fuel ash; Corrosion de aleaciones resistentes a altas temperaturas expuestas a ceniza de combustoleo pesado

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    Wong Moreno, Adriana del Carmen


    content of vanadium and very low content of sulfur at temperatures near the point of fusion of he vanadium compounds that constitute them. The development of the processes of metallic deterioration that are included in the proposed model was documented through this investigation, for an alloy range, from low alloy steels to nickel based super alloys, as well as for a series of ash deposits whose composition covers a part of the spectra of combinations of sodium/sulfate vanadates that little has been explored. Among the more relevant aspects that were documented and included in the proposed global mechanism, stand out the following ones: The global mechanism of corrosion by ashes of heavy fuel oil based on 3 primary processes of alloy degradation is described: metallic dissolution, accelerated oxidation and sulfidazation. The influence that the temperature and the composition of the ash on the predominance of one or another degradation mechanism has. It is also analyzed how the transformation of the underlying zone to the metal/deposit interphase by diffusion processes and precipitation accelerates the kinetics of degradation of the alloy, particularly, it has been considered the change in the concentrations of Cr, Al and Si, and the sulfide precipitation. Finally, the results obtained contribute in addition with practical information on the alloy performance, which allows to establish an order of merit among the evaluated alloys as far as its resistance to the corrosion, and on the roll of the main alloyings in its behavior of corrosion by fuel oil ash deposits. [Espanol] El objetivo de la investigacion realizada fue estudiar el proceso de degradacion por corrosion a alta temperatura de aleaciones expuestas a cenizas de combustoleo pesado a traves de una evaluacion experimental comparativa de su desempeno que permitio establecer los mecanismos involucrados en el fenomeno. La experimentacion llevada a cabo involucro la determinacion de la resistencia a la corrosion de 14

  11. El péptido ? A [25-35] y el hierro promueven apoptosis en linfocitos por un mecanismo de estrés oxidativo: contribución del H202,, caspasa 3, fn- kb, p53 y c-Jun

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    Marlene Jiménez


    Full Text Available El depósito del beta-amiloide (βA en las placas neuríticas es
    uno de los principales marcadores neuropatológicos de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA. Estudios in vitro han demostrado que el fragmento βA25-35, el cual contiene la secuencia funcionalmente citotóxica del péptido amiloide, induce neurotoxicidad y muerte celular por apoptosis (1. A pesar de las intensas investigaciones, no se ha dado una descripción completa de la cascada de eventos moleculares que conducen a muerte inducida por βA25-35 en un modelo celular único. Por lo tanto, nuestro objetivo principal es evidenciar una cascada de eventos moleculares ordenados inducidos por el bA25-35 y el hierro en un modelo celular.

  12. Dictionary corrosion and corrosion control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This dictionary has 13000 entries in both languages. Keywords and extensive accompanying information simplify the choice of word for the user. The following topics are covered: Theoretical principles of corrosion; Corrosion of the metals and alloys most frequently used in engineering. Types of corrosion - (chemical-, electro-chemical, biological corrosion); forms of corrosion (superficial, pitting, selective, intercrystalline and stress corrosion; vibrational corrosion cracking); erosion and cavitation. Methods of corrosion control (material selection, temporary corrosion protection media, paint and plastics coatings, electro-chemical coatings, corrosion prevention by treatment of the corrosive media); Corrosion testing methods. (orig./HP) [de

  13. Estatus de parámetros oxidativos y del gen p53 en sangre de niños en edad escolar de zonas afectadas por el accidente nuclear de Chernobyl.


    García Mora, Mª Carmen


    RESUMEN Tras el accidente nuclear de Chernobyl producido el 26 de abril de 1986 se liberaron muchos radioisótopos, produciendo la contaminación del medio ambiente, con la consiguiente implicación sobre la salud de las personas afectadas. La irradiación produce su efecto sobre el material biológico de manera directa, como consecuencia inmediata de la ionización inducida por la irradiación y de manera indirecta, que al interaccionar sobre cualquier estructura celular, esencialmente el agua t...


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    Oscar Francisco López Núñez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: La utilidad clínica de la gentamicina se ve limitada por sus efectos deletéreos renales, causados principalmente por daño oxidativo. Dado que el dimetilsulfóxido posee propiedades antioxidantes, se plantea su uso como agente nefroprotector en un modelo animal. Métodos: Se distribuyeron de forma aleatoria 24 conejos en 3 grupos (A, B y C, se administró durante 5 días solución salina normal 0,9%(SSN para el grupo A, gentamicina más SSN para el grupo B y gentamicina más dimetilsulfóxido al 25% para el grupo C. Se determinaron los parámetros: creatinina sérica, actividad enzimática (n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria e histopatología renal. Resultados: La creatinina aumentó respecto al valor basal en los grupos B y C (p=0,009. La comparación del incremento entre grupo A vs C mostró significancia estadística (p=0,0194. La clasificación para lesión renal aguda RIFLE fue del 25% y 50% en estadío Riesgo para los grupos C y B respectivamente y 12,5% en estadío Injuria para el grupo B. La actividad de n-acetyl-b-d-glucosaminidasa urinaria presentó incrementos en todas sus mediciones (p<0,05. La histopatología reveló necrosis mayor del 50% de los túbulos proximales en el 25% del grupo C y 87,5% del grupo B, así como necrosis total en 12,5% del grupo B. Se observaron diferencias entre el grupo A vs B (p<0,001 y C (p<0,05. Conclusiones: El modelo planteado induce nefrotoxicidad. El uso de dimetilsulfóxido no redujo el incremento en los niveles de creatinina y en actividad enzimática, mientras que la Lesión Renal Aguda (LRA por evaluación histopatológica presentó una leve mejoría que carece de respaldo estadístico. Palabras Clave: Dimetilsulfóxido, gentamicina, lesión renal aguda, radicales libres

  15. Ant-nest corrosion of copper tubing in air-conditioning units

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    Bastidas, D. M.


    Full Text Available Ant-nest corrosion is a specific type of premature failure (2-3 months of copper tubes used in air-conditioning units causing the loss of refrigerant liquid and the consequent environment pollution. It is known that attack requires the simultaneous presence of moisture, oxygen and a corrodent, usually an organic acid, such as formic, acetic, propionic or butyric acid or other volatile organic substances like methanol, ethanol, formaldehyde or acetoaldehyde. Approximately 10% of all premature failures of copper tubes used in the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC industry are the result of ant-nest corrosion. This type of corrosion usually occurs in thin-wall copper pipes, especially when copper is de-sulphurised, and is known by several names: formicary corrosion, unusual corrosion, branched pits, pinhole corrosion, etc.

    Corrosión por “nido de hormigas” es un tipo específico de fallo prematuro (2-3 meses que tiene lugar en tubos de cobre utilizados en sistemas de aire acondicionado originando la pérdida de líquido refrigerante y la consecuente contaminación ambiental. Es conocido que este tipo de ataque requiere la presencia simultánea de humedad, oxígeno y un medio agresivo, habitualmente un ácido orgánico, como fórmico, acético  propiónico o butírico u otras sustancias orgánicas volátiles tales como metanol, etanol, formaldehido o acetoaldehido. Aproximadamente el 10% de los fallos prematuros en tubos de cobre utilizados en calefacción, ventilación y en la industria de aire acondicionado son el resultado de corrosión por nido de hormigas. Frecuentemente, este tipo de corrosión tiene lugar en tubos de cobre de pared delgada, especialmente cuando el cobre es del tipo desulfurizado, y se conoce con varios nombres: corrosión por ácido fórmico, corrosión no habitual, picaduras ramificadas, corrosión con forma de alfiler, etc.

  16. Efectos del extracto de semillas de uva sobre la cistopatia diabética inducida por estreptozotocina en ratas


    María Lourdes Arruzazabala; Yazmín Ravelo; Daisy Carbajal; Vivian Molina; Rosa Mas


    La diabetes por estreptozotocina (STZ) en ratas se produce como consecuencia de la necrosis subtotal de los islotes pancreáticos y provoca hiperglicemia, hipoinsulinemia, disminución de la ganancia en peso y aumento del peso de la vejiga, así como hipercontractilidad al carbacol por sobreexpresión de los ARNm-receptores muscarínicos M2 y M3 del detrusor y el urotelio. El extracto de semillas de uva (ESU), rico en flavonoides, ha mostrado efectos antioxidantes y neuroprotectores en modelos exp...

  17. Microbiological corrosion in low carbon steels; Corrosion microbiologica en aceros de bajo carbono

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medina-Custodio, O; Ortiz-Prado, A; Jacobo-Armendariz, V. H; Schouwenaars-Franssens, R [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)]. E-mail:;;;


    The Microbiologically Induced Corrosion affects several industries, such as oil industry where it is estimated that 20% to 30% pipes failures are related with microorganism. The chemical reactions generate ions transfer, this validate the use of electrochemical technique for its analysis. Coupons submerged in a nutritional medium with presence and absence of three different microorganisms during two periods, 48 hours and 28 days were studied. Polarization resistance (Rp) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) techniques were applied to determine the corrosively of the systems. The results show a greater corrosive effect of abiotic systems, this indicates a microorganisms protection effect to the metal, opposite to the first hypothesis. This result was ratified observing surface coupons by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique. A possible mechanism based on Evans - Tafel graph is proposed to explain inhibitor microorganism effect. [Spanish] La corrosion microbiologica es un tipo comun de deterioro que afecta diversas industrias, una de ellas es la petrolera en la que se estiman que el 20% o 30% de fallas en las tuberias de trasporte de hidrocarburos es favorecida por microorganismos. Las reacciones quimicas que sustentan estos, generan transferencia de iones, lo que justifica el empleo de tecnicas electroquimicas para su analisis. En este trabajo, se estudiaron probetas de acero de bajo carbono SAE 1018, sumergidas en un medio nutritivo rico en cloruros en presencia y ausencia de tres diferentes cargas microbianas, en tiempos de exposicion de 48 horas y 28 dias. Se realizaron ensayos de resistencia a la polarizacion (Rp) y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquimica (EIS) para determinar el efecto corrosivo de los diferentes sistemas. Los resultados muestran que el medio abiotico causa el mayor efecto corrosivo, lo que indica un efecto protector de los microorganismos al metal contradiciendo la hipotesis inicialmente propuesta. La observacion

  18. Six-month oral toxicity of D-004, a lipid extract from Roystonea regia fruits, in Sprague Dawley rats


    Balia Pardo; Ariadne Gutiérrez; Rafael Gámez; Miriam Noa; Gisela Marrero; Yohany Pérez; Rosa María González; Dayisell Curveco; Haydée García; Eddy Goicochea


    El D-004 es un extracto lipídico obtenido del fruto de la palma real (Roystonea regia) que consiste en una mezcla de ácidos grasos, en la cual los ácidos oleico, palmítico, láurico y mirístico son los más abundantes. El tratamiento oral con D-004 inhibe significativamente la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores. Este ensayo se realizó para investigar la toxicidad inducida por el D-004 en ratas Sprague Dawley (SD). Las ratas de ambos sexos fueron distribuidas al azar en...

  19. Dengue virus infection down-regulates differentiation markers in neuroblastoma cells


    Rincón Forero, Verónica; Alvear Gómez, Diana; Solano Orjuela, Oscar; Prada-Arismendy, Jeanette; Castellanos Parra, Jaime Eduardo


    Introducción: cerca del 5% de los pacientes con dengue hemorrágico pueden presentar manifestaciones neurológicas; sin embargo, existe poca información sobre la infección directa por el virus dengue (DENV) en neuronas. Objetivo: determinar el papel del fenotipo neuronal en la infección por DENV en células de neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y inducidas o no a la diferenciación con ácido retinoico (AR). Materiales y métodos: células SH-SY5Y fueron inducidas con AR a diferenciarse e infectadas con DENV. Post...

  20. La celda Avesta: Un método para evitar problemas de corrosión por resquicios en los ensayos electroquímicos de corrosión por picaduras

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    Fosca, C.


    Full Text Available A very common problem, that occurs during the electrochemical pitting corrosion tests of CRAs (corrosion resistant alloys as stainless steels, is the simultaneous occurrence of crevice corrosion that difficults the evaluation of the electrochemical behaviour in presence of pitting corrosion mechanism only. Crevice corrosion appears as a consequence of the formation of crevices during the mountage of the specimen in the electrochemical cell. Several forms have been developed to avoid the presence of crevice during the electrochemical pitting corrosion test, but without satisfactory results. In the present study a relatively new and innovative method to eliminate the risk of crevice corrosion in the electrochemical tests is evaluated the Avesta cell. Anodic polarization electrochemical tests were carried out in a high alloy stainless steel in 3 % NaCl solution. The experimental results obtained using the Avesta cell were more reliable, reproducible and representative of the electrochemical behaviour of the material that those obtained using other methods of samples preparation to avoid the crevice formation.

    Uno de los grandes problemas que suelen presentarse en los ensayos electroquímicos ideados para evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión por picaduras de materiales como los aceros inoxidables es la presencia simultánea de corrosión por resquicios, que suele dificultar e impedir muchas veces la interpretación de los resultados electroquímicos. Este mecanismo de corrosión localizada se produce como consecuencia de la presencia de resquicios en el ensamble de la muestra con la celda electroquímica de ensayo. Se han ideado numerosas formas de evitar este inconveniente, pero ninguna ha resultado completamente satisfactoria. En el presente estudio se evalúa uno de los más nuevos e ingeniosos procedimientos para eliminar el riesgo de corrosión por resquicios en los ensayos de corrosión por picaduras: la celda Avesta. Se efectuaron

  1. Basic aspects of the carbon dioxide corrosion in oil and gas production; Aspectos basicos de la corrosion por dioxido de carbono en la produccion de petroleo y gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Angulo Macias, J.


    Carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) is a non-corrosive gas within the driven conditions in the oil and gas industry, but the presence of water converts it, maybe, in the most important component in the corrosive processes in this industry. Corrosion has an important impact inside the oil and gas companies, no only in economics but also in safety, environmental and social aspects. After several decades of investigation of these corrosion processes, there are still several mechanisms not fully understood. (Author) 19 refs.

  2. Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad en la ciudad de México

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    Carrillo-Rodríguez José G.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre la zona urbana de origen del paciente en la ciudad de México y la prevalencia de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad inducida por antígeno aviario. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de casos y controles realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, en la ciudad de México, en el año de 1999. Se estudiaron 109 casos con neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y 184 controles: de éstos, 39, con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática; 63, con tuberculosis pulmonar, y 82, con asma. La ciudad de México y las zonas conurbadas se dividieron en cinco zonas geográficas: centro, noreste, sureste, noroeste y el suroeste. Se calcularon las prevalencias de las diferentes enfermedades por zona urbana de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio; como medida de asociación, se estimó la razón de momios, con un intervalo de confianza al 95%. Asimismo, se realizó regresión logística múltiple ajustando por edad, sexo y estrato socioeconómico. RESULTADOS: Ochenta casos de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad se concentraron en el sur del noreste de las zonas conurbadas y la parte norte del sureste de la ciudad de México, 48 y 32, respectivamente (RM= 3.86, IC 95% 2.17-6.96. Treinta y seis controles de asma se localizaron en el suroeste de la ciudad de México, zona donde se ubica el Intituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (p<0.05 y cuatro en la zona conurbada. Los controles de tuberculosis pulmonar y fibrosis pulmonar idiopática estuvieron dispersos en la ciudad de México y en las zonas conurbadas. CONCLUSIONES: La zona sur del noreste y el norte de la sureste están asociadas a la neumonitis por hipersensibilidad. Las causas de esta asociación no parece ser geográfica, pero existe el antecedente de que esa zona fue basurero de la ciudad, por lo que partículas orgánicas en el ambiente pudieran coadyuvar a la aparición de esta enfermedad.

  3. Efectos del policosanol en los modelos de pleuresía inducida por carragenina y granuloma por algodón

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    Daisy Carbajal Quintana

    Full Text Available Introducción: el policosanol, mezcla de alcoholes alifáticos primarios superiores purificada de la cera de caña, inhibe la actividad de la cicloxigenasa-1 (COX-1 in vitro, efecto que pudiera sustentar su acción antiagregante plaquetaria. Sin embargo, sus posibles efectos en modelos experimentales de inflamación no se habían investigado. Objetivo: determinar el efecto antinflamatorio in vivo del policosanol en un modelo de inflamación aguda (pleuresía por carragenina y crónico (granuloma por algodón. Métodos: se distribuyeron las ratas Sprague Dawley en siete grupos para el modelo de inflamación aguda: un control negativo (vehículo y seis a los que se les indujo la inflamación: un control positivo (vehículo, cuatro tratados con policosanol (50-800 mg/kg y uno con aspirina (100 mg/kg. Se cuantificaron a las 5 h el volumen de exudado pleural, la concentración de proteínas y actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa. Se distribuyeron las ratas en seis grupos para el modelo crónico: un control (vehículo, cuatro tratados con policosanol (50-800 mg/kg y uno con aspirina (100 mg/kg. Se extrajo el granuloma para determinar los pesos húmedo y seco seis días después de implantado el pellet. Resultados: dosis orales únicas de policosanol (200, 400 y 800 mg/kg redujeron significativa y moderadamente el volumen, la actividad de la enzima mieloperoxidasa (» 12 % y la concentración de proteínas (» 20 % del exudado pleural, mientras la aspirina redujo estos indicadores en un 35,3, 19,9 y 19,1%, respectivamente. La administración oral de policosanol (400 y 800 mg/kg durante 6 días disminuyó significativa y moderadamente el peso húmedo del granuloma (16,4 y 16,2 %, y el peso seco (28,4 y 34,4 %. La aspirina 100 mg/kg redujo estas variables en un 18,5 % (peso húmedo y 34,4 % (peso seco. Ambos tratamientos produjeron mayores reducciones del peso seco que del peso húmedo del granuloma. Conclusiones: la administración oral de policosanol

  4. Corrosion and corrosion control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khanna, A.S.; Totlani, M.K.


    Corrosion has always been associated with structures, plants, installations and equipment exposed to aggressive environments. It effects economy, safety and product reliability. Monitoring of component corrosion has thus become an essential requirement for the plant health and safety. Protection methods such as appropriate coatings, cathodic protection and use of inhibitors have become essential design parameters. High temperature corrosion, especially hot corrosion, is still a difficult concept to accommodate in corrosion allowance; there is a lack of harmonized system of performance testing of materials at high temperatures. In order to discuss and deliberate on these aspects, National Association for Corrosion Engineers International organised a National Conference on Corrosion and its Control in Bombay during November 28-30, 1995. This volume contains papers presented at the symposium. Paper relevant to INIS is indexed separately. refs., figs., tabs

  5. Prevalencia de la pérdida auditiva y factores correlacionados en una industria cementera

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    Hernández-Gaytán Sendy Isarel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Documentar el impacto de la exposición laboral al ruido, así como sus relaciones con otros factores que pueden inducir pérdidas auditivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante enero y febrero de 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en una planta productora de cemento en el estado de Morelos. Se realizaron una sonometría, dosimetría y pruebas audiométricas a 85 trabajadores para identificar las fuentes que generan ruido en las áreas de proceso, evaluar los niveles de ruido en dichas áreas (monitoreo de área y de personal y para determinar la prevalencia de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido entre los trabajadores. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central, análisis bivariado y modelos de regresión politómica. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de trituración, molinos de crudo y molinos de cemento se encontraron niveles elevados de ruido. La dosis personal más alta correspondió al puesto de envasador. En 55% de la población estudiada se presentó pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido, y el área de proceso con el porcentaje más alto de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido fue la de calcinación, con 85%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados mostraron que el ruido es un serio riesgo en algunas áreas, y que algunos casos de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido hayan sido desarrollados por exposición ocupacional en esta industria. Se sugiere el diseño e implantación de un programa de conservación de la audición para proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.

  6. Compactación inducida por el tránsito vehicular sobre un suelo en producción hortícola Induced compaction by the vehicular traffic in a soil for horticultural crop production

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    Antonino Marcelo Terminiello


    Full Text Available Se realizaron ensayos en campo con el objeto de caracterizar el estado de compactación de un suelo en producción hortícola inducida por el tránsito, luego del desarrollo del ciclo de un cultivo de repollo (Brassica oleracea L. grupo capitata y su incidencia sobre el rendimiento. Se efectuaron determinaciones de resistencia a la penetración, densidad aparente y humedad gravimétrica sobre el suelo y biomasa aérea al finalizar el ciclo del cultivo en los sectores de mayor y menor número de pasajes de vehículos. Los valores de resistencia a la penetración fueron de 1,7 y 1,3 MPa, significativamente mayores para el tratamiento de más de 7 y 3 pasadas respectivamente en el rango de profundidad de 0-100 mm . No se manifestaron diferencias en el parámetro densidad aparente en la totalidad del perfil. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en biomasa aérea, para el tratamiento de 3 pasadas (1902.6 g planta-1, en relación al de mas de 7 pasadas (1447,9 g planta-1. El pasaje repetido sobre los surcos originan incrementos en la resistencia a la penetración a nivel superficial. El peso fresco y la materia seca del cultivo son afectados por el número de pasadas de los tractores y máquinas agrícolas.Field test were carried out with the objective of characterizing the state of compaction in horticultural soil induced by traffic, after the development of a cabbage crop (Brassica oleracea L. group capitata cycle, and its incidence on yield. Measurements of penetration resistance, bulk density, and moisture content in soil were made and aeread biomass at the end of the cycle crop in sectors with larger and smaller number of vehicles passes. Values of penetration resistance of 1.7 and 1.3 MPa were found for treatment with more than 7 passes and 3 passes respectively in the depth range of 0-100 mm. No significant differences were found in bulk density parameter in the entire soil profile. Statistically significant differences

  7. Efecto del Propóleos Chileno sobre el Metabolismo de Glucosa en Ratones Diabéticos


    Pacheco, Alejandro; Daleprane, Julio B; Freitas, Vanessa S; Ferderbar, Simone; Hirabara, Sandro; Cuevas, Alejandro; Saavedra, Nicolás; Curi, Rui; Abdalla, Dulcineia S. P; Salazar, Luis A


    En el presente estudio se evaluó el efecto del propóleos sobre el metabolismo de la glucosa en ratones C57/BL-6 con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 inducida por dieta alta en grasa. Se midieron los cambios en las concentraciones séricas de lípidos, glucosa e insulina, y el efecto sobre la captación de 2-deoxi-[2,6-3H]-D-glucosa, síntesis de [14C]-glicógeno y descarboxilación de [U-14C]-D-glucosa inducida por insulina en músculo aislado. Los resultados muestran que en ratones diabéticos, el tratamien...

  8. Corrosion of metallic materials. Dry corrosion, aqueous corrosion and corrosion by liquid metal, methods of protection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Helie, Max


    This book is based on a course on materials given in an engineering school. The author first gives an overview of metallurgy issues: metallic materials (pure metals, metallic alloys), defects of crystal lattices (point defects, linear defects or dislocations), equilibrium diagrams, steels and cast, thermal processing of steels, stainless steels, aluminium and its alloys, copper and its alloys. The second part addresses the properties and characterization of surfaces and interfaces: singularity of a metal surface, surface energy of a metal, energy of grain boundaries, adsorption at a material surface, metal-electrolyte interface, surface oxide-electrolyte interface, techniques of surface analysis. The third chapter addresses the electrochemical aspects of corrosion: description of the corrosion phenomenon, free enthalpy of a compound and free enthalpy of a reaction, case of dry corrosion (thermodynamic aspect, Ellingham diagram, oxidation mechanisms, experimental study, macroscopic modelling), case of aqueous corrosion (electrochemical thermodynamics and kinetics, experimental determination of corrosion rate). The fourth part addresses the different forms of aqueous corrosion: generalized corrosion (atmospheric corrosion, mechanisms and tests), localized corrosion (galvanic, pitting, cracking, intergranular, erosion and cavitation), particular cases of stress cracking (stress corrosion, fatigue-corrosion, embrittlement by hydrogen), and bi-corrosion (of non alloyed steels, of stainless steels, and of aluminium and copper alloys). The sixth chapter addresses the struggle and the protection against aqueous corrosion: methods of prevention, scope of use of main alloys, geometry-based protection of pieces, use of corrosion inhibitors, use of organic or metallic coatings, electrochemical protection. The last chapter proposes an overview of corrosion types in industrial practices: in the automotive industry, in the oil industry, in the aircraft industry, and in the

  9. 78 FR 59652 - Certain Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products From the Republic of Korea: Notice of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-580-816] Certain Corrosion-Resistant... corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products (``CORE'') from the Republic of Korea (``Korea''), pursuant... administrative review of the antidumping duty order on CORE from Korea covering the period of review (``POR'') of...

  10. 78 FR 59651 - Certain Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products From the Republic of Korea: Notice of... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration [A-580-816] Certain Corrosion-Resistant... duty order on certain corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products (``CORE'') from the Republic of... covering the period of review (``POR'') of August 1, 2006 through July 31, 2007, with respect to the...

  11. Agroquímicos en Argentina: Genotoxicidad y citotoxicidad inducida por principios activos y sus formulaciones comerciales


    Larramendy, Marcelo L; Molinari, Gabriela; González, Norma V; Pilili, Juan P; Candioti, Josefina Vera; Reigosa, Miguel A; Soloneski, Sonia


    Uno de los objetivos principales de nuestro laboratorio es evaluar comparativamente los efectos geno-citotóxicos ejercidos in vitro e in vivo sobre células de vertebrados por principios activos de agroquímicos y sus formulaciones comerciales de uso masivo en Argentina. Entre los mismos caben mencionarse, los herbicidas 2,4-D y 2,4-D DMA®, dicamba y Banvel®, el fungicida zineb y Azzurro®, los insecticidas carbofurán y Furadan®, pirimicarb y Aficida®, como también el endectocida ivermectina e I...

  12. Reacción posquirúrgica del lecho vascular inducida por el campo magnético de ultra-alta frecuencia

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    Armando Hidalgo de Paz


    Full Text Available En 82 ratas blancas adultas se estudió el efecto posoperatorio del campo magnético de ultra- -alta frecuencia (CMUAF sobre el volumen del lecho intramuscular, durante el período de formación de colaterales. El CMUAF se aplicó con el aparato portátil UVCHE-30, con frecuencia de 40,68 MHz y potencias fijas de salida de 15 y 30 W. Luego de seccionar quirúrgicamente las arterias femorales, se aplicó el campo magnético por 2, 6, 10 y 16 semanas. En estos plazos se inyectó mezcla de tinta china-gelatina en el lecho vascular y se obtuvieron cortes micrométricos que se transparentaron y fueron posteriormente leídos por microfotometría. Se observó un marcado aumento del volumen del lecho vascular intramuscular por acción del CMUAF, particularmente en los períodos de 2 y 6 semanas posteriores al inicio del tratamiento. También se evidenció mayor reacción vascular a la acción del CMUAF con potencia de 15 W, en comparación con los resultados en 30 W

  13. Síndrome metabólico y preeclampsia: los aportes realizados por el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia Metabolic syndrome and pre-eclampsia: contributions realized by the research Institute of the Colombian Cardiovascular Foundation


    Patricio López-Jaramillo; Federico Silva; Paul A Camacho; Lina P Pradilla; Ronald García; Christian Rueda-Clausen; Yalil Bracho; Sandra Silva; Ligia Rueda; Narella Rodríguez; Juan G Zarruk; Mayaris Mendoza; Mario Arenas; William Arenas; Isabel C Bolívar


    Durante los últimos años, el Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia ha centrado sus proyectos en el estudio de las diferencias en los mecanismos etiofisiopatológicos de la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo y del síndrome metabólico en poblaciones de países desarrollados y en vía de desarrollo, así como en el peso específico de los factores de riesgo que determinan la presentación de estas enfermedades. Los resultados obtenidos de las investigaciones realiz...

  14. Inducción de la enzima triptófano 2,3 dioxigenasa por glucocorticoides y su papel en la tolerancia materna al feto

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    Angela Cadavid


    Full Text Available

    El mecanismo por el cual la madre no rechaza al feto, sigue siendo una incógnita en la inmunología de la reproducción. Una de las hipótesis planteadas es la inmunosupresión mediada por el catabolismo del triptófano, el cual es un amino ácido sencial para la proliferación de los linfocitos T. Una de las nzimas que cataboliza el triptófano es la triptófano 2,3 ioxigenasa (TDO.
    La TDO es inducida por los glucocorticoides en el hígado, pero aún no se conoce si estos inducen la producción de la TDO n la interfase materno fetal al interactuar con los receptores resentes en células estromales y NK; En un modelo murino, e observó que la TDO se expresa en la interfase materno etal con un pico que coincide con el de mayor actividad de egradación del triptófano, sugiriendo entonces que esta nzima puede estar involucrada en la tolerancia materna al feto.



  15. Comparative study in the induced corrosion by sulfate reducing microorganisms, in a stainless steel 304L sensitized and a carbon steel API X65; Estudio comparativo de la corrosion inducida por microorganismos sulfatorreductores, en un acero inoxidable 304L sensibilizado y un acero al carbono API X65

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz S, A.; Gonzalez F, E.; Arganis J, C.; Luna C, P.; Carapia M, L. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca Km. 36.5, 52045 Estado de Mexico (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    In spite of the operational experience related with the presence of the phenomenon of microbiological corrosion (MIC) in industrial components, it was not but until the decade of the 80 s when the nuclear industry recognized its influence in some systems of Nuclear Generating Power plants. At the moment, diverse studies that have tried to explain the generation mechanism of this phenomenon exist; however, they are even important queries that to solve, especially those related with the particularities of the affected metallic substrates. Presently work, the electrochemical behavior of samples of stainless steel AISI 304L sensitized is evaluated and the carbon steel APIX65, before the action of sulfate reducing microorganisms low the same experimental conditions; found that for the APIX65 the presence of this type of bacteria promoted the formation of a stable biofilm that allowed the maintenance of the microorganisms that damaged the material in isolated places where stings were generated; while in the AISI 304L, it was not detected damage associated to the inoculated media. The techniques of Resistance to the Polarization and Tafel Extrapolation, allowed the calculation of the speed of uniform corrosion, parameter that doesn't seem to be influenced by the presence of the microorganisms; while that noise electrochemical it distinguished in real time, the effect of the sulfate reducing in the steel APIX65. (Author)

  16. Respuesta inmune y expresión de genes en el camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei) inducida por inmunoestimulantes microbianos


    Moreno Herrera, Jesús Tomás


    En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto inmunoestimulante de bacterias ácido lácticas y levaduras muertas por calor en Litopenaeus vannamei, cultivado en el laboratorio. La mezcla inmunoestimulante (MI) en polvo se adicionó en el alimento. Se realizó un bioensayo de 26 días en tinas de plástico con 80 L de agua de mar filtrada, aireación constante y 10 organismos por tina. La alimentación se realizó dos veces al día, la limpieza diariamente y la determinación de parámetros fisicoquímicos cada 3 d...

  17. Neurotoxicity and aggressiveness triggered by low-level lead in children: a review Neurotoxicidad y agresividad desencadenadas por bajos niveles de plomo en niños: una revisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelly Polido Kaneshiro Olympio


    Full Text Available Lead-induced neurotoxicity acquired by low-level long-term exposure has special relevance for children. A plethora of recent reports has demonstrated a direct link between low-level lead exposure and deficits in the neurobehavioral-cognitive performance manifested from childhood through adolescence. In many studies, aggressiveness and delinquency have also been suggested as symptoms of lead poisoning. Several environmental, occupational and domestic sources of contaminant lead and consequent health risks are largely identified and understood, but the occurrences of lead poisoning remain numerous. There is an urgent need for public health policies to prevent lead poisoning so as to reduce individual and societal damages and losses. In this paper we describe unsuspected sources of contaminant lead, discuss the economic losses and urban violence possibly associated with lead contamination and review the molecular basis of lead-induced neurotoxicity, emphasizing its effects on the social behavior, delinquency and IQ of children and adolescents.La neurotoxicidad adquirida inducida por la exposición prolongada a bajos niveles de plomo tiene una importancia especial en los niños. Una plétora de publicaciones recientes ha demostrado el vínculo directo existente entre la exposición a bajos niveles de plomo y el déficit en el desempeño neuroconductual-cognitivo manifestado desde la infancia hasta el final de la adolescencia. En numerosos estudios, la agresividad y la delincuencia juvenil también se han considerado síntomas de la intoxicación por plomo. Se han identificado y explicado ampliamente varias fuentes ambientales, laborales y domésticas de contaminación por plomo y los riesgos resultantes para la salud, pero aún son numerosos los casos de intoxicación por plomo. Se necesitan urgentes políticas de salud pública para prevenir la intoxicación por plomo de manera de reducir los daños y las pérdidas, tanto individuales como para la

  18. Actividad inducida por androsterona y hemisuccinato de androsterona sobre la presión de perfusión y la resistencia vascular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lauro Figueroa


    Conclusiones. Los efectos inducidos por androsterona y hemisuccinato de androsterona sobre la presión de perfusión y la resistencia vascular pueden depender de su estructura química. En el caso de la actividad ejercida por el análogo de androsterona, podría involucrar la interacción del esteroide-receptor androgénico e, indirectamente, la activación del canal de calcio y, consecuentemente, inducir variaciones en la presión de perfusión.

  19. Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la cardiotoxicidad inducida por quimioterapia: ¿qué estamos haciendo?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lázaro de la Cruz Avilés


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades del corazón y los tumores malignos constituyen las dos primeras causas de muerte en Cuba, con tasas de mortalidad de 197,5 y 193,6 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente, en el año 2011. En Cienfuegos los tumores malignos fueron la primera causa de muerte con una tasa de 115,2 seguida de las enfermedades del corazón con 102,6 por 100 000 habitantes. Las mejoras alcanzadas en la detección y el tratamiento del cáncer han dado origen a una nueva cohorte de pacientes que alcanzan una supervivencia suficiente para que puedan aparecer complicaciones cardíacas derivadas del tratamiento. Lamentablemente, el abundante conocimiento sobre las vías bioquímicas involucradas en el tratamiento dirigido del cáncer no se ha visto acompañado de un conocimiento paralelo de las consecuencias cardíacas de su modulación.

  20. Producción de IFN−γ en cultivos de linfocitos humanos por efecto de los extractos metanólicos de cuatro ecotipos de Lepidium peruvianum, Chacón (Brassicaceae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Libertad Alzamora


    Full Text Available Se estudió la actividad inmunoduladora sobre cultivos de linfocitos T humanos de sangre periférica. Se evaluó la producción de IFN−γ inducida por los extractos metanólicos (EM de los ecotipos blanco, negro, rojo y morado de Lepidium peruvianum (conocida también como Lepidium meyenii Walp. maca. Luego de cultivar los linfocitos con los respectivos EM de maca durante 14 horas sólo el EM del ecotipo morado indujo la producción significativa de IFN−γ cuantificada mediante Elispot. El extracto metanólico del ecotipo morado de maca posee propiedades inmunoestimuladoras importantes, desencadenando la activación de linfocitos T humanos.

  1. Corrosion (United States)

    Slabaugh, W. H.


    Presents some materials for use in demonstration and experimentation of corrosion processes, including corrosion stimulation and inhibition. Indicates that basic concepts of electrochemistry, crystal structure, and kinetics can be extended to practical chemistry through corrosion explanation. (CC)

  2. Finite element model for expansive stress due to corrosion of reinforced concrete structures; Analisis con elemento finito de los esfuerzos expansivos por corrosion en las estructuras de concreto reforzado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Castorena Gonzalez, J.H.; Calderon Guillen, J.A. [Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Mexico)]. E-mail:;; Almeraya Calderon, F.; Gaona Tiburcio, C. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S.C., Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)]. E-mail:;; Almaral Sanchez, J.L. [Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Martinez Villafane, A. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S.C., Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The corrosion in the reinforcement steel is a problem that diminishes the useful life of reinforced concrete structures, reside committing its structural security. In the available models to estimate the mechanical effect of the corrosion, it is assumed that the corroded steel, through the oxides that grow to its surroundings, exercises a pressure on the surrounding concrete supposing a problem of plane stress or plane strain. In this work, the problem is modeled with three-dimensional finite element starting from an experiment on a subjected cylinder to accelerated corrosion, with strain gage to measure the pressure indirectly in the interface steel-concrete. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the effect of the length of corroded steel, anodic length, has a significant effect on the magnitude of the pressure in the interface steel-concrete, fact that can be used to improve the existing models. [Spanish] La corrosion en el acero de refuerzo es un problema que disminuye la vida util en las estructuras de concreto reforzado, ademas de comprometer su seguridad estructural. En los modelos disponibles para estimar el efecto mecanico de la corrosion, se supone que el acero corroido, a traves de los oxidos que crecen a su alrededor, ejercen una presion sobre el concreto circundante suponiendo un problema de esfuerzos o deformaciones planas, En el presente trabajo, se modela el problema con elemento finito tridimensional a partir de un experimento sobre un cilindro de concreto reforzado sometido a corrosion acelerada, instrumentado para medir indirectamente la presion en la interfase acero-concreto. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el efecto de la longitud de acero corroido, longitud anodica, tiene un efecto significativo sobre la magnitud de la presion en la interfase acero-concreto, hecho que puede ser utilizado para mejorar los modelos existentes.

  3. Corrosion in airframes




    The introductory chapter provides a brief reference to the issue of corrosion and corrosion damage to aircraft structures. Depending on the nature and dimensions of this non uniformity, three different categories of corrosion are defined: uniform, selective and localized corrosion. The following chapters present the forms of corrosion that can occur in three defined categories of corrosion. Conditions that cause certain types of corrosion in various corrosive environments are discussed. Examp...

  4. Corrosion engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontana, M.G.


    This book emphasizes the engineering approach to handling corrosion. It presents corrosion data by corrosives or environments rather than by materials. It discusses the corrosion engineering of noble metals, ''exotic'' metals, non-metallics, coatings, mechanical properties, and corrosion testing, as well as modern concepts. New sections have been added on fracture mechanics, laser alloying, nuclear waste isolation, solar energy, geothermal energy, and the Statue of Liberty. Special isocorrosion charts, developed by the author, are introduced as a quick way to look at candidates for a particular corrosive.

  5. Achievments of corrosion science and corrosion protection technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fontana, M.; Stehjl, R.


    Problems of corrosion-mechanical strength of metals, effect of corrosive media on creep characteristics are presented. New concepts of the mechanism of corrosion cracking and its relation to hydrogen embrittlement are described. Kinetics and mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement effect on the process of corrosion cracking of different steels and alloys are considered. The dependence of such types of failure on various structural factors is shown. Data on corrosion cracking of high-strength aluminium and titanium alloys, mechanism of the processes and protective methods are given

  6. Detection of taste aversion induced by weak unconditioned stimluli such as rotation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Maldonado


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este estudio fue el desarrollo de un procedimiento conductual suficientemente potente para detectar aversiones inducidas en un único ensayo por estímulos aversivos débiles, concretamente rotación corporal y dosis bajas de LiCl, en ratas wistar. Dicho procedimiento implica el uso de una prueba de elección entre estímulos con diferentes preferencias previas. El experimento 1a demostró que utilizando una solución de café descafeinado y otra de vinagre de sidra, la aversión adquirida a la solución preferida (café mediante rotación corporal sólo aparece en una prueba de elección posterior entre ambos estímulos, cuando se anula la neofobia al estímulo menos preferido (vinagre. Una única preexposición antes de la prueba de elección, es suficiente para anular el efecto de neofobia a dicho sabor (experimento 1b. En el experimento 2 el mismo procedimiento permitió detectar consistentemente aversiones inducidas por inyecciones intraperitoneales (i.p. de cloruro de litio (LiCl cuando se aplican dosis reducidas (0.2%p.c., peso corporal, 0.15Molar. La importancia de este procedimiento reside en que permite un mejor estudio de los procesos psicobiológicos implicados en el aprendizaje aversivo gustativo y por ello se propone como una herramienta comportamental especialmente sensible para la detección de aversiones inducidas por estímulos incondicionados débiles de distinta naturaleza.

  7. Erosion–corrosion and corrosion properties of DLC coated low temperature Erosion–corrosion and corrosion properties of DLC coated low temperature

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jellesen, Morten Stendahl; Christiansen, Thomas; Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel


    of AISI 316 as substrate for DLC coatings are investigated. Corrosion and erosion–corrosion measurements were carried out on low temperature nitrided stainless steel AISI 316 and on low temperature nitrided stainless steel AISI 316 with a top layer of DLC. The combination of DLC and low temperature...... nitriding dramatically reduces the amount of erosion–corrosion of stainless steel under impingement of particles in a corrosive medium....

  8. Corrosion Evaluation and Corrosion Control of Steam Generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeng, W. Y.; Kim, U. C.; Sung, K. W.; Na, J. W.; Lee, Y. H.; Lee, D. H.; Kim, K. M.


    Corrosion damage significantly influences the integrity and efficiency of steam generator. Corrosion problems of steam generator are unsolved issues until now even though much effort is made around world. Especially the stress corrosion cracking of heat exchange materials is the first issue to be solved. The corrosion protection method of steam generator is important and urgent for the guarantee of nuclear plant's integrity. The objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate the corrosion properties of steam generator materials, 2) to optimize the water chemistry of steam generator and 3) to develop the corrosion protection method of primary and secondary sides of steam generator. The results will be reflected to the water chemistry guideline for improving the integrity and efficiency of steam generator in domestic power plants

  9. Deformation induced martensite in AISI 316 stainless steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Solomon, N.


    Full Text Available The forming process leads to a considerable differentiation of the strain field within the billet, and finally causes the non-uniform distribution of the total strain, microstrusture and properties of the material over the product cross-section. This paper focus on the influence of stress states on the deformation-induced a’ martensitic transformation in AISI Type 316 austenitic stainless steel. The formation of deformation-induced martensite is related to the austenite (g instability at temperatures close or below room temperature. The structural transformation susceptibility is correlated to the stacking fault energy (SFE, which is a function not only of the chemical composition, but also of the testing temperature. Austenitic stainless steels possess high plasticity and can be easily cold formed. However, during cold processing the hardening phenomena always occurs. Nevertheless, the deformation-induced martensite transformation may enhance the rate of work-hardening and it may or may not be in favour of further material processing. Due to their high corrosion resistance and versatile mechanical properties the austenitic stainless steels are used in pressing of heat exchanger plates. However, this corrosion resistance is influenced by the amount of martensite formed during processing. In order to establish the links between total plastic strain, and martensitic transformation, the experimental tests were followed by numerical simulation.

    El proceso de conformación da a lugar a una considerable diferenciación del campo de tensiones dentro de una barra de extrusión y, finalmente, causa una distribución no uniforme de la tensión total, la microestructura y propiedades del material sobre el corte transversal. En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de los estados de tensión sobre la transformación martensítica inducida por deformación en un acero inoxidable austenítico tipo AISI 316. La formación de martensita inducida por

  10. Corrosion-Activated Micro-Containers for Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Protective Coatings (United States)

    Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, J. W.; Zhang, X.; Johnsey, M. N.; Pearman, B. P.; Jolley, S. T.; Calle, L. M.


    This work concerns the development of environmentally friendly encapsulation technology, specifically designed to incorporate corrosion indicators, inhibitors, and self-healing agents into a coating, in such a way that the delivery of the indicators and inhibitors is triggered by the corrosion process, and the delivery of self-healing agents is triggered by mechanical damage to the coating. Encapsulation of the active corrosion control ingredients allows the incorporation of desired autonomous corrosion control functions such as: early corrosion detection, hidden corrosion detection, corrosion inhibition, and self-healing of mechanical damage into a coating. The technology offers the versatility needed to include one or several corrosion control functions into the same coating.The development of the encapsulation technology has progressed from the initial proof-of-concept work, in which a corrosion indicator was encapsulated into an oil-core (hydrophobic) microcapsule and shown to be delivered autonomously, under simulated corrosion conditions, to a sophisticated portfolio of micro carriers (organic, inorganic, and hybrid) that can be used to deliver a wide range of active corrosion ingredients at a rate that can be adjusted to offer immediate as well as long-term corrosion control. The micro carriers have been incorporated into different coating formulas to test and optimize the autonomous corrosion detection, inhibition, and self-healing functions of the coatings. This paper provides an overview of progress made to date and highlights recent technical developments, such as improved corrosion detection sensitivity, inhibitor test results in various types of coatings, and highly effective self-healing coatings based on green chemistry. The NASA Kennedy Space Centers Corrosion Technology Lab at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, U.S.A. has been developing multifunctional smart coatings based on the microencapsulation of environmentally friendly corrosion

  11. Review on stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue failure of centrifugal compressor impeller (United States)

    Sun, Jiao; Chen, Songying; Qu, Yanpeng; Li, Jianfeng


    Corrosion failure, especially stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue, is the main cause of centrifugal compressor impeller failure. And it is concealed and destructive. This paper summarizes the main theories of stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue and its latest developments, and it also points out that existing stress corrosion cracking theories can be reduced to the anodic dissolution (AD), the hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC), and the combined AD and HIC mechanisms. The corrosion behavior and the mechanism of corrosion fatigue in the crack propagation stage are similar to stress corrosion cracking. The effects of stress ratio, loading frequency, and corrosive medium on the corrosion fatigue crack propagation rate are analyzed and summarized. The corrosion behavior and the mechanism of stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue in corrosive environments, which contain sulfide, chlorides, and carbonate, are analyzed. The working environments of the centrifugal compressor impeller show the behavior and the mechanism of stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue in different corrosive environments. The current research methods for centrifugal compressor impeller corrosion failure are analyzed. Physical analysis, numerical simulation, and the fluid-structure interaction method play an increasingly important role in the research on impeller deformation and stress distribution caused by the joint action of aerodynamic load and centrifugal load.

  12. Corrosion Evaluation and Corrosion Control of Steam Generators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maeng, W. Y.; Kim, U. C.; Sung, K. W.; Na, J. W.; Lee, Y. H.; Lee, D. H.; Kim, K. M


    Corrosion damage significantly influences the integrity and efficiency of steam generator. Corrosion problems of steam generator are unsolved issues until now even though much effort is made around world. Especially the stress corrosion cracking of heat exchange materials is the first issue to be solved. The corrosion protection method of steam generator is important and urgent for the guarantee of nuclear plant's integrity. The objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate the corrosion properties of steam generator materials, 2) to optimize the water chemistry of steam generator and 3) to develop the corrosion protection method of primary and secondary sides of steam generator. The results will be reflected to the water chemistry guideline for improving the integrity and efficiency of steam generator in domestic power plants.

  13. Corrosion cracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goel, V.S.


    This book presents the papers given at a conference on alloy corrosion cracking. Topics considered at the conference included the effect of niobium addition on intergranular stress corrosion cracking, corrosion-fatigue cracking in fossil-fueled-boilers, fracture toughness, fracture modes, hydrogen-induced thresholds, electrochemical and hydrogen permeation studies, the effect of seawater on fatigue crack propagation of wells for offshore structures, the corrosion fatigue of carbon steels in seawater, and stress corrosion cracking and the mechanical strength of alloy 600

  14. Autoantibody and environmental damage to the brain


    Arango, María-Teresa


    Las anormalidades de comportamiento y disfunciones cognitivas pueden presentarse en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes. Estos síntomas pueden fluctuar de leves hasta eventos potencialmente mortales. En su gran mayoría los mecanismos responsables de estas manifestaciones neuropsiquiatricas siguen siendo desconocidas, sin embargo se han identificado varias vías patogénicas. Por ejemplo; neurotoxicidad mediada por anticuerpos, vasculopatía inducida por anticuerpos anti-fosfolípidos, neurotox...

  15. Pipeline corrosion prevention by pH stabilization or corrosion inhibitors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nyborg, Rolf [Institute for Energy Technology, Oslo (Norway)


    In many offshore oil and gas projects the pipeline costs are a considerable part of the investment and can become prohibitively high if the corrosivity of the fluid necessitates the use of corrosion resistant alloys instead of carbon steel. Development of more robust and reliable methods for internal corrosion control can increase the application range of carbon steel and therefore have a large economic impact. Corrosion control of carbon steel pipelines has traditionally often been managed by the use of corrosion inhibitors. The pH stabilization technique has been successfully used for corrosion control of several large wet gas pipelines in the last years. This method has advantages over film forming corrosion inhibitors when no or little formation water is produced. The use of corrosion inhibitors in multiphase pipelines implies several challenges which are not fully accounted for in traditional corrosion inhibitor testing procedures. Specialized test procedures have been developed to take account for the presence of emulsions dispersions and sand and clay particles in corrosion inhibitor testing. (author)

  16. Underground pipeline corrosion

    CERN Document Server

    Orazem, Mark


    Underground pipelines transporting liquid petroleum products and natural gas are critical components of civil infrastructure, making corrosion prevention an essential part of asset-protection strategy. Underground Pipeline Corrosion provides a basic understanding of the problems associated with corrosion detection and mitigation, and of the state of the art in corrosion prevention. The topics covered in part one include: basic principles for corrosion in underground pipelines, AC-induced corrosion of underground pipelines, significance of corrosion in onshore oil and gas pipelines, n

  17. The external beam facility used to characterize corrosion products in metallic statuettes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rizzutto, M.A.; Tabacniks, M.H.; Added, N.; Barbosa, M.D.L.; Curado, J.F.; Santos, W.A.; Lima, S.C.; Melo, H.G.; Neiva, A.C.


    To open new possibilities in nuclear applied physics research, mainly for the analysis of art objects in air, an external beam facility was installed at LAMFI (Laboratorio de Analise de Materiais por Feixes Ionicos) of University of Sao Paulo. PIXE measurements were made using an XR-100CR (Si-PIN) X-ray detector pointed to the sample mounted after an approximate 11 mm air path, hence with effective beam energy of 0.9 MeV. This setup was used to characterize the corrosion products of two ethnological metallic statuettes from the African collection of the Museum of Archaeology and Etnology. PIXE analysis of the corrosion free base of one statuette showed that Cu and Zn are the main components of the alloy, while Pb is present in smaller amount. The analysis of some corrosion products showed a Zn:Cu relationship higher than that of the base, evidencing selective corrosion. The main components of the other statuette were Cu and Pb, while S and Zn were found in smaller amounts

  18. Monitoring corrosion rates and localised corrosion in low conductivity water

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel


    Monitoring of low corrosion rates and localised corrosion in a media with low conductivity is a challenge. In municipal district heating, quality control may be improved by implementing on-line corrosion monitoring if a suitable technique can be identified to measure both uniform and localised...... corrosion. Electrochemical techniques (LPR, EIS, crevice corrosion current) as well as direct measurement techniques (high-sensitive electrical resistance, weight loss) have been applied in operating plants. Changes in the corrosion processes are best monitored in non-aggressive, low conductivity media...

  19. Review of corrosion causes and corrosion control in a technical facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charng, T.; Lansing, F.


    Causes of corrosion of metals and their alloys are reviewed. The corrosion mechanism is explained by electrochemical reaction theory. The causes and methods of controlling of both physiochemical corrosion and biological corrosion are presented. Factors which influence the rate of corrosion are also discussed

  20. Protección inducida por nanococleatos derivados de proteoliposomas de Leptospira interrogans serovar Canicola

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Tamargo


    Full Text Available Desde los años 20 del pasado siglo, hasta el presente, en el mundo se han desarrollado y empleado vacunas de células enteras contra la leptospirosis que confieren una corta inmunidad; la mayoría no adyuvadas y dirigidas, fundamentalmente, contra los diferentes serogrupos de la especie Leptospira interrogans, contenidos en las preparaciones. Numerosos han sido los intentos realizados para lograr una formulación vacunal más pura, efectiva, de amplio espectro y duración de la protección que las bacterinas de células enteras inactivadas. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se ha registrado ninguna vacuna con tales características. En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron antígenos de membrana externa a partir de una cepa cubana autóctona (Cepa 87, L. interrogans serovar Canicola, mediante una modificación de la tecnología para la producción de vesículas de membrana, patentada por investigadores del Instituto Finlay. Estos antígenos con estructura nanoproteoliposómica fueron formulados/adyuvados mediante diferentes estrategias, logrando cinco preparaciones con estructura coclear, que constituyen nanopartículas de aproximadamente 100 a 150 nm de largo y entre 15 a 30 nm de diámetro. Los inmunógenos se inocularon en el biomodelo Mesocrisetus aureatus, con dos dosis e intervalo de seis semanas. El reto fue realizado con 100.000 DL 50 . Los resultados demuestran que las nuevas formulaciones vacunales confieren protección frente al reto homólogo y fueron capaces de eliminar el estado de portador, lo que unido a la robustez del método de preparación, el mayor nivel de pureza, en comparación con las bacterinas, y la no necesidad del hidróxido de aluminio, las convierten en una alternativa de interés para continuar su desarrollo.

  1. Corrosion/95 conference papers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The papers in this conference represent the latest technological advances in corrosion control and prevention. The following subject areas are covered: cathodic protection in natural waters; materials for fossil fuel combustion and conversion systems; modern problems in atmospheric corrosion; innovative ideas for controlling the decaying infrastructure; deposits and their effects on corrosion in industry; volatile high temperature and non aqueous corrosion inhibitors; corrosion of light-weight and precoated metals for automotive application; refining industry corrosion; corrosion in pulp and paper industry; arctic/cold weather corrosion; materials selection for waste incinerators and associated equipment; corrosion measurement technology; environmental cracking of materials; advancing technology in the coating industry; corrosion in gas treating; green inhibition; recent advances in corrosion control of rail equipment; velocity effects and erosion corrosion in oil and gas production; marine corrosion; corrosion of materials in nuclear systems; underground corrosion control; corrosion in potable and industrial water systems in buildings and its impact on environmental compliance; deposit related boiler tube failures; boiler systems monitoring and control; recent developments and experiences in reactive metals; microbiologically influenced corrosion; corrosion and corrosion control for steel reinforced concrete; international symposium on the use of 12 and 13 Cr stainless steels in oil and gas production environments; subsea corrosion /erosion monitoring in production facilities; fiberglass reinforced pipe and tubulars in oilfield service; corrosion control technology in power transmission and distribution; mechanisms and methods of scale and deposit control; closing the loop -- results oriented cooling system monitoring and control; and minimization of aqueous discharge

  2. EUROCORR 2007 - The European corrosion congress - Progress by corrosion control. Book of Abstracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This book of abstracts contains lectures, workshops and posters which were held on the European Corrosion Congress 2007 in Freiburg (Germany). The main topics of the sessions and posters are: 1. Corrosion and scale inhibition; 2. Corrosion by hot gases and combustion products; 3. Nuclear corrosion; 4. Environment sensitive fracture; 5. Surface Science; 6. Physico-chemical methods of corrosion testing; 7. Marine corrosion; 8. Microbial corrosion; 9. Corrosion of steel in concrete; 10. Corrosion in oil and gas production; 11. Coatings; 12. Corrosion in the refinery industry; 13. Cathodic protection; 14. Automotive Corrosion; 15. Corrosion of polymer materials. The main topics of the workshops are: 1. High temperature corrosion in the chemical, refinery and petrochemical industries; 2. Bio-Tribocorrosion; 3. Stress corrosion cracking in nuclear power plants; 4. Corrosion monitoring in nuclear systems; 5. Cathodic protection for marine and offshore environments; 6. Self-healing properties of new surface treatments; 7. Bio-Tribocorrosion - Cost 533/Eureka-ENIWEP-Meeting; 8. Drinking water systems; 9. Heat exchangers for seawater cooling

  3. Study of sulphate-reducing bacteria corrosion in the weld joint for API X-70 steel

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    Flores, J. E.


    Full Text Available The corrosion behavior originated by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB was studied in two regions of welded API X-70 steel pipeline. The studies were focused on base material (BM and heat affected zone (HAZ, from the internal region of the pipe. SRB were extracted from oil and grown in a Postgate medium. Corrosion was evaluated at 60 °C for times between 5 and 64 days. Potentiodynamic polarization curves, obtained by electrochemical techniques, indicated surface activation at short times. Structural and morphological characterizations were carried out by scanning electron microscopy (SEM and optical microscopy (OM. H2S concentration and pH were also measured. Results showed an important increase in the corrosion damage up to 20 days, influenced by the SRB activity, which lead to a maximum of H2S (pH minimum. It was found a localized corrosion attack in the HAZ in a higher quantity compared to BM; and the formation of a thin film on the steel surface, originated by corrosion products and bacterial activity.

    El comportamiento ante la corrosión, originada por bacterias sulfato-reductoras (SRB, fue estudiado en dos regiones de un tubo de acero soldado API X-70. Los estudios se enfocaron en el material base (BM y la zona afectada térmicamente (HAZ, en la parte interna del tubo. Las SRB fueron extraídas del petróleo y cultivadas en un medio Postgate. El comportamiento a la corrosión fue evaluado a una temperatura de 60 °C, por periodos comprendidos entre 5 y 64 días. El análisis de las curvas de polarización potenciodinámicas, obtenidas por técnicas electroquímicas, indicó la activación de la superficie para tiempos cortos. La superficie fue caracterizada estructural y morfológicamente mediante microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM, así como mediante microscopía óptica (OM. La concentración de H2S y el pH también fueron medidos. Los resultados mostraron un aumento importante de la corrosi

  4. Distribución de los genotipos de fimA en cepas de Porphyromonas gingivalis aisladas de placas subgingivales y de sangre durante bacteriemias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martine Bonnaure-Mallet


    Conclusión. En los aislamientos de sangre y de placa subgingival de pacientes con periodontitis el fimA más frecuente fue el tipo II; no fue posible correlacionar el tipo de fimA con la bacteriemia inducida por el alisado radicular. Los resultados de la secuenciación del gen fimA no concuerdan con los obtenidos por PCR.

  5. Evaluación de la reacción acrosomal en espermatozoides humanos inducida por oligosacáridos

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    Angela Cadavid


    Full Text Available

    La capacitación es un proceso necesario que debe sufrir el espermatozoide para poder llevar a cabo la fertilización del ocito. Este evento se da durante su paso a través del tracto reproductor femenino, donde ocurre la interacción entre los espermatozoides y las células del epitelio oviductal, la cual es dependiente de carbohidratos. Adicionalmente, el espermatozoide necesita interactuar con una serie de moléculas presentes en la zona pelúcida, que permiten un reconocimiento específico entre el espermatozoide y el oocito. La interacción entre gametos es específica de especie; ésto indica que la zona pelúcida posee ligandos que son reconocidos por los espermatozoides y que éstos poseen receptores que le permiten la unión al oocito (1.



  6. Corrosion and stress corrosion cracking in supercritical water (United States)

    Was, G. S.; Ampornrat, P.; Gupta, G.; Teysseyre, S.; West, E. A.; Allen, T. R.; Sridharan, K.; Tan, L.; Chen, Y.; Ren, X.; Pister, C.


    Supercritical water (SCW) has attracted increasing attention since SCW boiler power plants were implemented to increase the efficiency of fossil-based power plants. The SCW reactor (SCWR) design has been selected as one of the Generation IV reactor concepts because of its higher thermal efficiency and plant simplification as compared to current light water reactors (LWRs). Reactor operating conditions call for a core coolant temperature between 280 °C and 620 °C at a pressure of 25 MPa and maximum expected neutron damage levels to any replaceable or permanent core component of 15 dpa (thermal reactor design) and 100 dpa (fast reactor design). Irradiation-induced changes in microstructure (swelling, radiation-induced segregation (RIS), hardening, phase stability) and mechanical properties (strength, thermal and irradiation-induced creep, fatigue) are also major concerns. Throughout the core, corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and the effect of irradiation on these degradation modes are critical issues. This paper reviews the current understanding of the response of candidate materials for SCWR systems, focusing on the corrosion and stress corrosion cracking response, and highlights the design trade-offs associated with certain alloy systems. Ferritic-martensitic steels generally have the best resistance to stress corrosion cracking, but suffer from the worst oxidation. Austenitic stainless steels and Ni-base alloys have better oxidation resistance but are more susceptible to stress corrosion cracking. The promise of grain boundary engineering and surface modification in addressing corrosion and stress corrosion cracking performance is discussed.

  7. Corrosion/96 conference papers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Topics covered by this conference include: cathodic protection in natural waters; cleaning and repassivation of building HVAC systems; worldwide opportunities in flue gas desulfurization; advancements in materials technology for use in oil and gas service; fossil fuel combustion and conversion; technology of corrosion inhibitors; computers in corrosion control--modeling and information processing; recent experiences and advances of austenitic alloys; managing corrosion with plastics; corrosion measurement technology; corrosion inhibitors for concrete; refining industry; advances in corrosion control for rail and tank trailer equipment; CO 2 corrosion--mechanisms and control; microbiologically influenced corrosion; corrosion in nuclear systems; role of corrosion in boiler failures; effects of water reuse on monitoring and control technology in cooling water applications; methods and mechanisms of scale and deposit control; corrosion detection in petroleum production lines; underground corrosion control; environmental cracking--relating laboratory results and field behavior; corrosion control in reinforced concrete structures; corrosion and its control in aerospace and military hardware; injection and process addition facilities; progress reports on the results of reinspection of deaerators inspected or repaired per RP0590 criteria; near 100% volume solids coating technology and application methods; materials performance in high temperature environments containing halides; impact of toxicity studies on use of corrosion/scale inhibitors; mineral scale deposit control in oilfield related operations; corrosion in gas treating; marine corrosion; cold climate corrosion; corrosion in the pulp and paper industry; gaseous chlorine alternatives in cooling water systems; practical applications of ozone in recirculating cooling water systems; and water reuse in industry. Over 400 papers from this conference have been processed separately for inclusion on the data base

  8. Corrosion/94 conference papers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The approximately 500 papers from this conference are divided into the following sections: Rail transit systems--stray current corrosion problems and control; Total quality in the coatings industry; Deterioration mechanisms of alloys at high temperatures--prevention and remediation; Research needs and new developments in oxygen scavengers; Computers in corrosion control--knowledge based system; Corrosion and corrosivity sensors; Corrosion and corrosion control of steel reinforced concrete structures; Microbiologically influenced corrosion; Practical applications in mitigating CO 2 corrosion; Mineral scale deposit control in oilfield-related operations; Corrosion of materials in nuclear systems; Testing nonmetallics for life prediction; Refinery industry corrosion; Underground corrosion control; Mechanisms and applications of deposit and scale control additives; Corrosion in power transmission and distribution systems; Corrosion inhibitor testing and field application in oil and gas systems; Decontamination technology; Ozone in cooling water applications, testing, and mechanisms; Corrosion of water and sewage treatment, collection, and distribution systems; Environmental cracking of materials; Metallurgy of oil and gas field equipment; Corrosion measurement technology; Duplex stainless steels in the chemical process industries; Corrosion in the pulp and paper industry; Advances in cooling water treatment; Marine corrosion; Performance of materials in environments applicable to fossil energy systems; Environmental degradation of and methods of protection for military and aerospace materials; Rail equipment corrosion; Cathodic protection in natural waters; Characterization of air pollution control system environments; and Deposit-related problems in industrial boilers. Papers have been processed separately for inclusion on the data base

  9. Corrosion technology. V. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, I.H.


    This book has been produced for dissemination of information on corrosion technology, corrosion hazards and its control. Chapter one of this book presents an overall view of the subject and chapter 2-5 deals with electrochemical basics, types of corrosion, pourbaix diagrams and form of corrosion. The author explains polarization/kinetics of corrosion, passivity, aqueous corrosion and corrosion testing and monitoring in 6-11 chapters. The author hopes it will provide incentive to all those interested in the corrosion technology. (A.B.)

  10. A review on pipeline corrosion, in-line inspection (ILI), and corrosion growth rate models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vanaei, H.R.; Eslami, A.; Egbewande, A.


    Pipelines are the very important energy transmission systems. Over time, pipelines can corrode. While corrosion could be detected by in-line inspection (ILI) tools, corrosion growth rate prediction in pipelines is usually done through corrosion rate models. For pipeline integrity management and planning selecting the proper corrosion ILI tool and also corrosion growth rate model is important and can lead to significant savings and safer pipe operation. In this paper common forms of pipeline corrosion, state of the art ILI tools, and also corrosion growth rate models are reviewed. The common forms of pipeline corrosion introduced in this paper are Uniform/General Corrosion, Pitting Corrosion, Cavitation and Erosion Corrosion, Stray Current Corrosion, Micro-Bacterial Influenced Corrosion (MIC). The ILI corrosion detection tools assessed in this study are Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), Circumferential MFL, Tri-axial MFL, and Ultrasonic Wall Measurement (UT). The corrosion growth rate models considered in this study are single-value corrosion rate model, linear corrosion growth rate model, non-linear corrosion growth rate model, Monte-Carlo method, Markov model, TD-GEVD, TI-GEVD model, Gamma Process, and BMWD model. Strengths and limitations of ILI detection tools, and also corrosion predictive models with some practical examples are discussed. This paper could be useful for those whom are supporting pipeline integrity management and planning. - Highlights: • Different forms of pipeline corrosion are explained. • Common In-Line Inspection (ILI) tools and corrosion growth rate models are introduced. • Strength and limitations of corrosion growth rate models/ILI tools are discussed. • For pipeline integrity management programs using more than one corrosion growth rate model/ILI tool is suggested.

  11. Erosion and erosion-corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isomoto, Yoshinori


    It is very difficult to interpret the technical term of erosion-corrosion' which is sometimes encountered in piping systems of power plants, because of complicated mechanisms and several confusing definitions of erosion-corrosion phenomena. 'FAC (flow accelerated corrosion)' is recently introduced as wall thinning of materials in power plant systems, as a representative of 'erosion-corrosion'. FAC is, however, not necessarily well understood and compared with erosion-corrosion. This paper describes firstly the origin, definition and fundamental understandings of erosion and erosion-corrosion, in order to reconsider and reconfirm the phenomena of erosion, erosion-corrosion and FAC. Next, typical mapping of erosion, corrosion, erosion-corrosion and FAC are introduced in flow velocity and environmental corrosiveness axes. The concept of damage rate in erosion-corrosion is finally discussed, connecting dissolution rate, mass transfer of metal ions in a metal oxide film and film growth. (author)

  12. Tiroiditis autoinmune inducida por interferón en pacientes con infección por virus de la hepatitis C. Interferon-induced autoimmune thyroiditis in a patient with hepatitis C virus infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José L. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un varón de 43 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos de importancia, que acudió por elevación asintomática de la alanino aminotransferasa (ALT. El paciente negó ser bebedor crónico de alcohol. Se hizo el diagnóstico serológico de infección activa por hepatitis C y la biopsia de hígado reveló inflamación crónica activa. Con estos resultados, se inició tratamiento con interferón-alfa y ribavirina. Durante el tratamiento de 48 semanas, el paciente presentó anticuerpos antitiroideos positivos con variaciones en sus niveles de tirotropina (TSH y hormonas tiroideas. En el seguimiento postratamiento, el paciente continuó con hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. La tiroiditis autoinmune es una complicación frecuente del uso de interferón en pacientes con hepatitis C. En algunos casos se presenta como hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves. Se debe evaluar la función tiroidea y los anticuerpos antitiroideos antes y durante el tratamiento con interferón.A 43 year old man presented with asymptomatic elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT and no relevant past history. The patient denied being a chronic alcohol drinker. Work-up revealed an active hepatitis C, and liver biopsy showed active inflammation. Treatment was started with interferon-alfa and ribavirin. During the 48 weeks of treatment, the patient developed positive thyroid antibodies with varying level of thyrotropin (TSH and thyroid hormones. At follow-up after treatment, the patient continued with hyperthyroidism due to Graves’ disease. Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common complication of using interferon in patients with hepatitis C. In some cases, it is presented as hyperthyroidism because of Graves’ disease. Thyroid function and thyroid antibodies should be evaluated before and during treatment with interferon.

  13. Comportamiento de la corrosión de aleaciones de magnesio AZ31-B en ambiente marino, modificadas por el proceso de fricción-agitación Corrosion behavior in marine environment of magnesium alloy AZ31-B welded by friction-agitation process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willian Aperador Chaparro


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se estudia el comportamiento de la corrosión de la aleación de magnesio AZ31-B en ambiente marino simulado, modificada mediante el proceso de fricción-agitación (PFA, con el fin de determinar el efecto de las variables del proceso, velocidad de rotación y velocidad de avance. Se llevaron a cabo análisis mediante espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica y curvas de polarización potencio-dinámicas (Tafel. Adicionalmente, se determinó la microestructura en las zonas del cordón de soldadura a través de metalografía óptica. Finalmente, se analizaron los productos de corrosión formados en la superficie de las muestras por medio del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM equipado con el analizador químico por EDS. Se observó que una relación de velocidad de avance/velocidad de rotación mayor produce menor velocidad de corrosión y con ello mayor resistencia a la corrosión en medios salinos, al parecer relacionados con el gran tamaño de grano en la zona agitada, que corresponde a más entrada de calor.The corrosion behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy modified by friction stir processing (FSP was studied in simulated marine environment, in order to determine the effect of process variables rotation speed and travel speed. The corrosion analysis was carried upon by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and potentiodynamic polarization curves (Tafel, metallographic analysis of the welded zones was done by optical microscopy and the chemical analysis of the corrosion products were done by using scanning electron microscope (SEM, equipped with EDS analyzer. It was observed that the increase of the rate rotation speed/travel speed of the process produces a decrease in the corrosion rate and the corresponding increase of the corrosion resistance in marine environment, apparently related to the higher grain size found in the stir zone, corresponding to a higher heat input.

  14. Accelerated Corrosion Testing (United States)


    Treaty Organization, Brussels, 1971), p. 449. 14. D. 0. Sprowls, T. J. Summerson, G. M. Ugianski, S. G. Epstein, and H. L. Craig , Jr., in Stress...National Association of Corrosion Engineers Houston, TX, 1972). 22. H. L. Craig , Jr. (ed.), Stress Corrosion-New Approaches, ASTM-STP- 610 (American...62. M. Hishida and H. Nakada, Corrosion 33 (11) 403 (1977). b3. D. C. Deegan and B. E. Wilde, Corrosion 34 (6), 19 (1978). 64. S. Orman, Corrosion Sci

  15. Concrete cover cracking with reinforcement corrosion of RC beam during chloride-induced corrosion process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ruijin; Castel, Arnaud; Francois, Raoul


    This paper deals with the evolution of the corrosion pattern based on two beams corroded by 14 years (beam B1CL1) and 23 years (beam B2CL1) of conservation in a chloride environment. The experimental results indicate that, at the cracking initiation stage and the first stage of cracking propagation, localized corrosion due to chloride ingress is the predominant corrosion pattern and pitting corrosion is the main factor that influences the cracking process. As corrosion cracking increases, general corrosion develops rapidly and gradually becomes predominant in the second stage of cracking propagation. A comparison between existing models and experimental results illustrates that, although Vidal et al.'s model can better predict the reinforcement corrosion of beam B1CL1 under localized corrosion, it cannot predict the corrosion of beam B2CL1 under general corrosion. Also, Rodriguez's model, derived from the general corrosion due to electrically accelerated corrosion experiments, cannot match natural chloride corrosion irrespective of whether corrosion is localized or general. Thus, for natural general corrosion in the second stage of cracking propagation, a new model based on the parameter of average steel cross-section loss is put forward to predict steel corrosion from corrosion cracking.

  16. Pitting corrosion behaviour study of aluminium matrix composites (A3xx.x/SiCp); Estudio del comportamiento a la corrosion por picadura de materiales compuestos de matriz de aluminio (A3xx.x/SiCp)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pardo, A.; Merino, M. C.; Merino, S.; Lopez, M. D.; Viejo, F.; Carboneras, M.; Arrabal, R.


    The influence of the SiCp proportion on the pitting corrosion of A3xx.x/SiC/xxp composites was studies by means of potenciodinamic polarization and double cyclic polarization in saline environment at 25 degree centigree A360/SiC/xxp matrix does not contain copper, whereas the A380/SiC/xxp matric contains 1,39-1,44 wt %Cu. The kinetic study was carried out by gravimetric measurements. The nature of corrosion products was analysed by low angle XRD and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The corrosion is due to nucleation and growth of Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}-3H{sub 2}O on the material surface. The corrosion increases with the reinforcement proportion, chloride concentration and copper content. (Author) 10 refs.

  17. Humid-air and aqueous corrosion models for corrosion-allowance barrier material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, J.H.; Atkins, J.E.; Andrews, R.W.


    Humid-air and aqueous general and pitting corrosion models (including their uncertainties) for the carbon steel outer containment barrier were developed using the corrosion data from literature for a suite of cast irons and carbon steels which have similar corrosion behaviors to the outer barrier material. The corrosion data include the potential effects of various chemical species present in the testing environments. The atmospheric corrosion data also embed any effects of cyclic wetting and drying and salts that may form on the corroding specimen surface. The humid-air and aqueous general corrosion models are consistent in that the predicted humid-air general corrosion rates at relative humidities between 85 and 100% RH are close to the predicted aqueous general corrosion rates. Using the expected values of the model parameters, the model predicts that aqueous pitting corrosion is the most likely failure mode for the carbon steel outer barrier, and an earliest failure (or initial pit penetration) of the 100-mm thick barrier may occur as early as about 500 years if it is exposed continuously to an aqueous condition at between 60 and 70 degrees C

  18. Quantitative measures of corrosion and prevention: application to corrosion in agriculture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schouten, J.C.; Gellings, P.J.


    The corrosion protection factor (c.p.f.) and the corrosion condition (c.c.) are simple instruments for the study and evaluation of the contribution and efficiency of several methods of corrosion prevention and control. The application of c.p.f. and c.c. to corrosion and prevention in agriculture in

  19. Evaluation of corrosive behavior of SAE 5155 by corrosion environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    An, Jae Pil; Park, Keyung Dong


    In this study, the influence of shot peening and corrosive condition for corrosion property was investigated on immersed in 3.5% NaCl, 10% HNO 3 + 3% HF, 6% FeCl 3 . The immersion test was performed on two kinds of specimen. The immersion periods was performed 30days. Corrosion potential, weight loss were investigated from experimental results. From test results, the effect of shot peening on the corrosion was evaluated

  20. Synergy effect of naphthenic acid corrosion and sulfur corrosion in crude oil distillation unit (United States)

    Huang, B. S.; Yin, W. F.; Sang, D. H.; Jiang, Z. Y.


    The synergy effect of naphthenic acid corrosion and sulfur corrosion at high temperature in crude oil distillation unit was studied using Q235 carbon-manganese steel and 316 stainless steel. The corrosion of Q235 and 316 in corrosion media containing sulfur and/or naphthenic acid at 280 °C was investigated by weight loss, scanning electron microscope (SEM), EDS and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) analysis. The results showed that in corrosion media containing only sulfur, the corrosion rate of Q235 and 316 first increased and then decreased with the increase of sulfur content. In corrosion media containing naphthenic acid and sulfur, with the variations of acid value or sulfur content, the synergy effect of naphthenic acid corrosion and sulfur corrosion has a great influence on the corrosion rate of Q235 and 316. It was indicated that the sulfur accelerated naphthenic acid corrosion below a certain sulfur content but prevented naphthenic acid corrosion above that. The corrosion products on two steels after exposure to corrosion media were investigated. The stable Cr5S8 phases detected in the corrosion products film of 316 were considered as the reason why 316 has greater corrosion resistance to that of Q235.

  1. Degradation of aged plants by corrosion: 'Long cell action' in unresolved corrosion issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saji, Genn


    In a series of previously published papers the author has identified that 'long cell action' corrosion plays a pivotal role in practically all unresolved corrosion issues for all types of nuclear power plants (e.g. PWR/VVER, BWR/RBMK and CANDU). Some of these unresolved issues are IGSCC, PWSCC, AOA and FAC (erosion-corrosion). In conventional corrosion science it is well established that 'long cell action' can seriously accelerate or suppress the local cell corrosion activities. Although long cell action is another fundamental mechanism of corrosion, especially in a 'soil corrosion' arena, potential involvement of this corrosion process has never been studied in nuclear and fossil power plants as far as the author has been able to establish. The author believes that the omission of this basic corrosion mechanism is the root cause of practically all un-resolved corrosion issues. In this paper, the author further elaborated on his assessment to other key corrosion issues, e.g. steam generator and turbine corrosion issues, while briefly summarizing previous discussions for completeness purposes, as well as introducing additional experimental and theoretical evidence of this basic corrosion mechanism. Due to the importance of this potential mechanism the author is calling for institutional review activities and further verification experiments in the form of a joint international project.

  2. Applied methods for mitigation of damage by stress corrosion in BWR type reactors; Metodos aplicados para la mitigacion del dano por corrosion bajo esfuerzo en reactores BWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez C, R.; Diaz S, A.; Gachuz M, M.; Arganis J, C. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Gerencia de Ciencia de Materiales, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The Boiling Water nuclear Reactors (BWR) have presented stress corrosion problems, mainly in components and pipes of the primary system, provoking negative impacts in the performance of energy generator plants, as well as the increasing in the radiation exposure to personnel involucred. This problem has caused development of research programs, which are guided to find solution alternatives for the phenomena control. Among results of greater relevance the control for the reactor water chemistry stands out particularly in the impurities concentration and oxidation of radiolysis products; as well as the supervision in the materials selection and the stresses levels reduction. The present work presents the methods which can be applied to diminish the problems of stress corrosion in BWR reactors. (Author)

  3. Corrosion Testing Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Corrosion Testing Facility is part of the Army Corrosion Office (ACO). It is a fully functional atmospheric exposure site, called the Corrosion Instrumented Test...

  4. Meteorites as space probes for cosmic rays; Les meteorites en tant que sondes spatiales pour les rayons cosmiques; Meteority v kachestve prob mezhplanetnogo prostranstva dlya izucheniya kosmicheskikh luchej; Los meteoritos como sondas espaciales para evaluar la actividad inducida por los rayos cosmicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schaeffer, O A; Stoenner, R W; Davis, R Jr [Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, L. I., NY (United States)


    'activite imputable a l'argon-37 (periode: 35 jours) et a l'argon-39 (periode: 325 ans). Ils comparent ces activites relatives aux taux de production de ces isotopes que l'on obtient en bombardant un echantillon de la meteorite avec des protons ayant une energie de 3 GeV. Les auteurs concluent que, dans les limites d'erreur, le flux de rayons cosmiques est le meme dans la ceinture asteroide que dans le voisinage de l'orbite terrestre. (author) [Spanish] Para determinar la constancia espacial de la radiacion cosmica de elevada energia en el interior del sistema solar, los autores midieron la radiactividad, inducida por los rayos cosmicos, de un elemento de periodo corto y de un elemento de periodo largo en un meteorito caido recientemente. El experimento se basa en el hecho de que los meteoritos siguen orbitas muy excetricas y, por ello, pueden ser utilizados como sondas espaciales en la region situada entre la orbita terrestre y el cinturon de asteroides. La actividad de periodo corto se produce mientras el meteorito se encuentra en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre, en tanto que la actividad de periodo largo es inducida en toda la orbita descrita por el meteorito. Los autores efectuaron las mediciones en el condrito Hamlet que cayo en Indiana el 13 de octubre de 1.959. Evaluaron las actividades astribuibles al argon-37 (periodo: 35 dias) y al argon-39 (periodo: 325 anos). Compararon los valores relativos de estas actividades con los indices de produccion de esos isotopos que se alcanzan bombardeando una muestra del meteorito con protones de 3 GeV. Se llega a la conclusion de que la intensidad de la radiacion cosmica es igual, dentro de los limites de error, en el cinturon de asteroides que en las proximidades de la orbita terrestre. (author) [Russian] Byl proizveden opyt ispytaniya prostranstvennogo postoyanstva kosmicheskogo izlucheniya vysokikh ehnergij v solnechnoj sisteme putem zamera iskusstvennoj korotkozhivushchej i dol- gozhivushchej radioaktivnosti kosmicheskikh

  5. Synergy effect of naphthenic acid corrosion and sulfur corrosion in crude oil distillation unit

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, B.S., E-mail: [College of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, Chengdu, 610500 (China); Yin, W.F. [College of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, Chengdu, 610500 (China); Sang, D.H. [Sheng Li Construction Group International Engineering Department, Shandong, Dongying, 257000 (China); Jiang, Z.Y. [College of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Sichuan, Chengdu, 610500 (China)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The corrosion of a carbon-manganese steel and a stainless steel in sulfur and/or naphthenic acid media was investigated. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The corrosion rate of the carbon-manganese steel increased with the increase of the acid value and sulfur content. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The critical values of the concentration of sulfur and acid for corrosion rate of the stainless steel were ascertained respectively. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer The stainless steel is superior to the carbon-manganese steel in corrosion resistance because of the presence of stable Cr{sub 5}S{sub 8} phases. - Abstract: The synergy effect of naphthenic acid corrosion and sulfur corrosion at high temperature in crude oil distillation unit was studied using Q235 carbon-manganese steel and 316 stainless steel. The corrosion of Q235 and 316 in corrosion media containing sulfur and/or naphthenic acid at 280 Degree-Sign C was investigated by weight loss, scanning electron microscope (SEM), EDS and X-ray diffractometer (XRD) analysis. The results showed that in corrosion media containing only sulfur, the corrosion rate of Q235 and 316 first increased and then decreased with the increase of sulfur content. In corrosion media containing naphthenic acid and sulfur, with the variations of acid value or sulfur content, the synergy effect of naphthenic acid corrosion and sulfur corrosion has a great influence on the corrosion rate of Q235 and 316. It was indicated that the sulfur accelerated naphthenic acid corrosion below a certain sulfur content but prevented naphthenic acid corrosion above that. The corrosion products on two steels after exposure to corrosion media were investigated. The stable Cr{sub 5}S{sub 8} phases detected in the corrosion products film of 316 were considered as the reason why 316 has greater corrosion resistance to that of Q235.

  6. Erosion-corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aghili, B.


    A literature study on erosion-corrosion of pipings in the nuclear industry was performed. Occurred incidents are reviewed, and the mechanism driving the erosion-corrosion is described. Factors that influence the effect in negative or positive direction are treated, as well as programs for control and inspection. Finally, examples of failures from databases on erosion-corrosion are given in an attachment

  7. Corrosion behaviors and effects of corrosion products of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AZ31 magnesium alloy under the salt spray corrosion test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yan; Huang, Zhiquan; Yan, Qin; Liu, Chen; Liu, Peng; Zhang, Yi; Guo, Changhong; Jiang, Guirong; Shen, Dejiu


    Highlights: • Corrosion behaviors of a PEO coating was investigated after the salt spray test. • Corrosion products have significant effects on corrosion behaviors of the coating. • An electrochemical corrosion model is proposed. - Abstract: The effects of corrosion products on corrosion behaviors of AZ31 magnesium alloy with a plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coating were investigated under the salt spray corrosion test (SSCT). The surface morphology, cross-sectional microstructure, chemical and phase compositions of the PEO coating were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), respectively. Further, the corrosion process of the samples under the SSCT was examined in a non-aqueous electrolyte (methanol) using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) coupled with equivalent circuit. The results show that the inner layer of the coating was destroyed firstly and the corrosion products have significant effects on the corrosion behaviors of the coating. The results above are discussed and an electrochemical corrosion model is proposed in the paper.

  8. Corrosion behaviors and effects of corrosion products of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AZ31 magnesium alloy under the salt spray corrosion test

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Yan; Huang, Zhiquan; Yan, Qin; Liu, Chen; Liu, Peng; Zhang, Yi [State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004 (China); Guo, Changhong; Jiang, Guirong [College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004 (China); Shen, Dejiu, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004 (China)


    Highlights: • Corrosion behaviors of a PEO coating was investigated after the salt spray test. • Corrosion products have significant effects on corrosion behaviors of the coating. • An electrochemical corrosion model is proposed. - Abstract: The effects of corrosion products on corrosion behaviors of AZ31 magnesium alloy with a plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coating were investigated under the salt spray corrosion test (SSCT). The surface morphology, cross-sectional microstructure, chemical and phase compositions of the PEO coating were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), respectively. Further, the corrosion process of the samples under the SSCT was examined in a non-aqueous electrolyte (methanol) using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) coupled with equivalent circuit. The results show that the inner layer of the coating was destroyed firstly and the corrosion products have significant effects on the corrosion behaviors of the coating. The results above are discussed and an electrochemical corrosion model is proposed in the paper.

  9. Stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue crack growth monitoring in metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senadheera, T.; Shipilov, S.A.


    Environmentally assisted cracking (including stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue) is one of the major causes for materials failure in a wide variety of industries. It is extremely important to understand the mechanism(s) of environmentally assisted crack propagation in structural materials so as to choose correctly from among the various possibilities-alloying elements, heat treatment of steels, parameters of cathodic protection, and inhibitors-to prevent in-service failures due to stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue. An important step towards understanding the mechanism of environmentally assisted crack propagation is designing a testing machine for crack growth monitoring and that simultaneously provides measurement of electrochemical parameters. In the present paper, a direct current (DC) potential drop method for monitoring crack propagation in metals and a testing machine that uses this method and allows for measuring electrochemical parameters during stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue crack growth are described. (author)

  10. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of Waste Package Outer Barrier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    K.G. Mon


    The waste package design for the License Application is a double-wall waste package underneath a protective drip shield (BSC 2004 [DIRS 168489]; BSC 2004 [DIRS 169480]). The purpose and scope of this model report is to document models for general and localized corrosion of the waste package outer barrier (WPOB) to be used in evaluating waste package performance. The WPOB is constructed of Alloy 22 (UNS N06022), a highly corrosion-resistant nickel-based alloy. The inner vessel of the waste package is constructed of Stainless Steel Type 316 (UNS S31600). Before it fails, the Alloy 22 WPOB protects the Stainless Steel Type 316 inner vessel from exposure to the external environment and any significant degradation. The Stainless Steel Type 316 inner vessel provides structural stability to the thinner Alloy 22 WPOB. Although the waste package inner vessel would also provide some performance for waste containment and potentially decrease the rate of radionuclide transport after WPOB breach before it fails, the potential performance of the inner vessel is far less than that of the more corrosion-resistant Alloy 22 WPOB. For this reason, the corrosion performance of the waste package inner vessel is conservatively ignored in this report and the total system performance assessment for the license application (TSPA-LA). Treatment of seismic and igneous events and their consequences on waste package outer barrier performance are not specifically discussed in this report, although the general and localized corrosion models developed in this report are suitable for use in these scenarios. The localized corrosion processes considered in this report are pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking is discussed in ''Stress Corrosion Cracking of the Drip Shield, the Waste Package Outer Barrier, and the Stainless Steel Structural Material'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 169985]).

  11. Corrosion and anticorrosion. Industrial practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beranger, G.; Mazille, H.


    This book comprises 14 chapters written with the collaboration of about 50 French experts of corrosion. It is complementary to another volume entitled 'corrosion of metals and alloys' and published by the same editor. This volume comprises two parts: part 1 presents the basic notions of corrosion phenomena, the properties of surfaces, the electrochemical properties of corrosion etc.. Part 2 describes the most frequent forms of corrosion encountered in industrial environments and corresponding to specific problems of protection: marine environment, atmospheric corrosion, galvanic corrosion, tribo-corrosion, stress corrosion etc.. The first 8 chapters (part 1) treat of the corrosion problems encountered in different industries and processes: oil and gas production, chemical industry, phosphoric acid industry, PWR-type power plants, corrosion of automobile vehicles, civil engineering and buildings, corrosion of biomaterials, non-destructive testing for the monitoring of corrosion. The other chapters (part 2) deal with anticorrosion and protective coatings and means: choice of materials, coatings and surface treatments, thick organic coatings and enamels, paints, corrosion inhibitors and cathodic protection. (J.S.)

  12. Corrosion principles and surface modification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kruger, J.


    This chapter examines the important strategies provided by the newer ideas of corrosion science and engineering that surface modification techniques must utilize to help prevent corrosion, especially the most damaging kind of aqueous corrosion, localized corrosion. Provides a brief introduction to the principles underlying the phenomenon of corrosion in order to use them to discuss surface modification strategies to combat corrosion. Discusses the electrochemistry of corrosion; the thermodynamics of corrosion; the kinetics of corrosion; thermodynamic strategies; and kinetic strategies (formation of more protective passive films; resistance to breakdown; ductility; repassivation)

  13. The corrosion resistance of materials used for the manufacture of ear piercing studs

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    Correa, O. V.


    Full Text Available Nickel containing alloys have been widely used as substrates for the manufacture of studs used for ear piercing. Unfortunately, nickel has also been related to the development of allergic contact dermatitis caused by skin sensitization due to Ni2+ ions. Nickel ions can be leached out into the body fluids due to corrosion reactions. Defect free coatings are very difficult to produce, and therefore nickel free materials should be used as substrates of ear piercing studs, although the commercial alloys used usually contain this element. In this study, the corrosion resistance of two kinds of commercial studs prepared with nickel containing substrates and a titanium laboratory made stud was determined in a culture medium. The corrosion resistance of the studs was investigated by means of potentiodynamic polarization tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a function of immersion time in the culture medium. The elements that leached out into the medium due to corrosion reactions were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The surfaces of the commercial gold-coated studs were examined by scanning electron microscopy and analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy, both before and after exposure to the culture medium. The cytotoxicity of the tested studs was also determined in the culture medium.

    Aleaciones conteniendo níquel se han utilizado como substratos para la fabricación de aretes perforantes para orejas. Desafortunadamente, el níquel ha sido relacionado con el desarrollo de una reacción alérgica conocida como dermatitis de contacto, causada por la sensibilización debido a los iones de Ni2+. Estos iones pueden ser liberados hacia los fluidos corporales debido a las reacciones de corrosión. Los aretes, habitualmente, se revisten con películas de oro. Sin embargo, es muy difícil hacer los revestimientos libres de defectos superficiales. Por lo tanto, materiales sin níquel deber

  14. Development of Copper Corrosion Products and Relation between Surface Appearance and Corrosion Rate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lan, Tran Thi Ngoc; Binh, Nguyen Thi Thanh; Tru, Nguyen Nhi; Yoshino, Tsujino; Yasuki, Maeda


    Copper was exposed unsheltered and sheltered in four humid tropical sites, representing urban, urban-industrial, urban-marine and rural environments. The corrosion rates and the sequence of corrosion product formation are presented and discussed in relation with climatic and atmospheric pollution parameters. Chemical compositions of corrosion products were found to depend on environments and duration of exposure. In all environments, cuprite was the predominating corrosion product that formed first and continuously increased during the exposure. Among the sulphur-containing corrosion products, posnjakite and brochantite were more frequently found and the first formed earlier. Nantokite was the most common chlorine-containing products for most cases, except the high-chloride environment, where atacamite was detected instead. The corrosion rate of copper was well indicated by the colour of patina. The red-purple colour corresponded to the high corrosion rate and the greenish grey colour corresponded to the low corrosion rate. Corrosion rate of sheltered copper in urban-marine environment increased with the exposure time

  15. Evaluation of the problematic of corrosion in bottoms of tanks of crude oil storage; Evaluacion de la problematica de corrosion en fondos de tanques de almacenamiento de petroleo crudo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malo T, Jose M; Uruchurtu C, Jorge; Meza, Beatriz [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico); Lopez C, Luis F [Region Marina Suroeste, Pemex (Mexico)


    resultados relacionados con la agresividad corrosiva de los fluidos de agua de crudo de la Terminal Maritima de Dos Bocas (TMDB), sobre la efectividad de los metodos de control anticorrosivo y sobre medidas de control que podrian adoptarse. Asimismo, este articulo forma parte de un trabajo realizado por personal del Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) durante el ano 2002. La corrosion en tanques es de naturaleza electroquimica y tiene su origen en la fase acuosa que acompana al crudo al ser extraido del subsuelo. En el caso de los tanques de almacenamiento, la fase acuosa se separa en el fondo, ocasionado el mojado de las placas de acero del fondo y su degradacion. Debido al limitado acceso al interior del tanque durante su operacion, se diseno un dispositivo de pruebas que fue conectado a una valvula de drenado de un tanque de la terminal. El trabajo experimental busco evaluar la agresividad de los fluidos, el tipo de productos de corrosion formados y la eficacia de la proteccion catodica y de los recubrimientos. Adicionalmente, se recolectaron muestras de fluidos para analizar el nivel de agresividad natural que presenta el agua de los tres tipos de crudos: Maya, Olmeca e Istmo, manejados en la terminal, estudiando muestras de acero y de fluidos de planta bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio. La agresividad se obtuvo de mediciones de velocidades de reaccion de corrosion y de analisis de actividad microbiana. Se analizo la factibilidad de aplicar el metodo de proteccion catodica, observando su efectividad, asi como formas particulares de corrosion como la que ocurre en los pontones. Los resultados del estudio conducen a proponer un esquema de monitoreo para el seguimiento de la integridad de los recubrimientos, la operacion de la proteccion catodica y la corrosion en tanques, con el que se podria tener un mejor control de la operacion de los metodos anticorrosivos y de la degradacion que ocurre por corrosion.

  16. Corrección de vórtices en dársenas de grandes estaciones de bombeo


    Carner, José Luis; Lucino, Cecilia Verónica; Liscia, Sergio Oscar


    La formación de vórtices de superficie libre y sumergidos es un problema que puede afectar severamente el funcionamiento de las bombas, por ser causales de: vibraciones que se traducen en desgaste de los cojinetes, caída de rendimiento por el ingreso de aire, caída de rendimiento por existir componentes tangenciales del flujo en el ingreso a las bombas, eventualmente, cavitación inducida por los vórtices de fondo y posibles sobrepresiones en la impulsión por la compresión rápida del aire inco...

  17. Effect of Flow Velocity on Corrosion Rate and Corrosion Protection Current of Marine Material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Seong Jong [Kunsan National University, Kunsan (Korea, Republic of); Han, Min Su; Jang, Seok Ki; Kim, Seong Jong [Mokpo National Maritime University, Mokpo (Korea, Republic of)


    In spite of highly advanced paint coating techniques, corrosion damage of marine metal and alloys increase more and more due to inherent micro-cracks and porosities in coatings formed during the coating process. Furthermore, flowing seawater conditions promote the breakdown of the protective oxide of the materials introducing more oxygen into marine environments, leading to the acceleration of corrosion. Various corrosion protection methods are available to prevent steel from marine corrosion. Cathodic protection is one of the useful corrosion protection methods by which the potential of the corroded metal is intentionally lowered to an immune state having the advantage of providing additional protection barriers to steel exposed to aqueous corrosion or soil corrosion, in addition to the coating. In the present investigation, the effect of flow velocity was examined for the determination of the optimum corrosion protection current density in cathodic protection as well as the corrosion rate of the steel. It is demonstrated from the result that the material corrosion under dynamic flowing conditions seems more prone to corrosion than under static conditions.

  18. NASA's Beachside Corrosion Test Site and Current Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Control Initiatives (United States)

    Russell, Richard W.; Calle, Luz Marina; Johnston, Frederick; Montgomery, Eliza L.; Curran, Jerome P.; Kolody, Mark R.


    NASA began corrosion studies at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in 1966 during the Gemini/Apollo Programs with the evaluation of long-term corrosion protective coatings for carbon steel. KSC's Beachside Corrosion Test Site (BCTS), which has been documented by the American Society of Materials (ASM) as one of the most corrosive, naturally occurring, environments in the world, was established at that time. With the introduction of the Space Shuttle in 1981, the already highly corrosive conditions at the launch pad were rendered even more severe by the acid ic exhaust from the solid rocket boosters. In the years that followed, numerous studies have identified materials, coatings, and maintenance procedures for launch hardware and equipment exposed to the highly corrosive environment at the launch pad. This paper presents a historical overview of over 45 years of corrosion and coating evaluation studies and a description of the BCTS's current capabilities. Additionally, current research and testing programs involving chromium free coatings, environmentally friendly corrosion preventative compounds, and alternates to nitric acid passivation will be discussed.

  19. NASA's Corrosion Technology Laboratory at the Kennedy Space Center: Anticipating, Managing, and Preventing Corrosion (United States)

    Calle, Luz Marina


    The marine environment at NASAs Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has been documented by ASM International (formerly American Society for Metals) as the most corrosive in North America. With the introduction of the Space Shuttle in 1981, the already highly corrosive conditions at the launch pads were rendered even more severe by the highly corrosive hydrochloric acid (HCl) generated by the solid rocket boosters (SRBs). Numerous failures at the launch pads are caused by corrosion. The structural integrity of ground infrastructure and flight hardware is critical to the success, safety, cost, and sustainability of space missions. NASA has over fifty years of experience dealing with unexpected failures caused by corrosion and has developed expertise in corrosion control in the launch and other environments. The Corrosion Technology Laboratory at KSC evolved, from what started as an atmospheric exposure test site near NASAs launch pads, into a capability that provides technical innovations and engineering services in all areas of corrosion for NASA, external partners, and customers.This paper provides a chronological overview of NASAs role in anticipating, managing, and preventing corrosion in highly corrosive environments. One important challenge in managing and preventing corrosion involves the detrimental impact on humans and the environment of what have been very effective corrosion control strategies. This challenge has motivated the development of new corrosion control technologies that are more effective and environmentally friendly. Strategies for improved corrosion protection and durability can have a huge impact on the economic sustainability of human spaceflight operations.

  20. Effect of rofecoxib on colon chemical carcinogenesis at colonic anastomotic area in the rat Influencia del rofecoxib en la carcinogénesis cólica perianastomótica inducida en ratas

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    J. F. Noguera Aguilar


    durante 18 semanas y se analizaron los tumores cólicos inducidos en la semana 20 del postoperatorio. El principal parámetro evaluado fue el porcentaje de tejido cólico neoplásico, que relaciona la superficie tumoral con la superficie del colon. Resultados: el rofecoxib a dosis de 0,0058 ppm redujo significativamente la carcinogénesis cólica inducida en ratas, tanto a nivel perianastomótico como en el resto del colon (p < 0,01. A nivel extraanastomótico, el rofecoxib a dosis de 2,5 mg/kg fue significativamente superior en su efecto inhibidor al rofecoxib a dosis de 1,2 mg/kg o 0,0027 ppm (p < 0,005. Conclusiones: el rofecoxib produce una disminución en la carcinogénesis cólica farmacológicamente inducida en ratas. Este efecto se mantiene en el área perianastomótica, por lo que puede ser interesante investigar su implicación en el cáncer colorrectal intervenido con riesgo de recidiva locorregional.

  1. Fighting corrosion in India

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rajagopalan, K S; Rangaswamy, N S


    A survey covers the cost of corrosion in India; methods of preventing corrosion in industrial plants; some case histories, including the prevention of corrosion in pipes through which fuels are pumped to storage and the stress-corrosion cracking of evaporators in fertilizer plants; estimates of the increase in demand in 1979-89 for anticorrosion products and processes developed by the Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CECRI) at Karaikudi, India; industries that may face corrosion problems requiring assistance from CECRI, including the light and heavy engineering structural, and transport industries and the chemical industry; and some areas identified for major efforts, including the establishment of a Corrosion Advisory Board with regional centers and the expansion of the Tropical Corrosion Testing Station at Mandapam Camp, Tamil Nadu.

  2. Corrosion evaluation technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Uh Chul; Han, Jeong Ho; Nho, Kye Ho; Lee, Eun Hee; Kim, Hong Pyo; Hwang, Seong Sik; Lee, Deok Hyun; Hur, Do Haeng; Kim, Kyung Mo.


    A multifrequency ACPD system was assembled which can measure very small crack. Stress corrosion cracking test system with SSRT operating high temperature was installed. Stress corrosion cracking test of newly developed alloy 600 and existing alloy 600 was carried out in steam atmosphere of 400 deg C. No crack was observed in both materials within a test period of 2,000 hrs. Corrosion fatigue test system operating at high temperature was installed in which fatigue crack was measured by CDPD. Lead enhanced the SCC of the Alloy 600 in high temperature water, had a tendency to modify a cracking morphology from intergranular to transgranular. Pit initiation preferentially occurred at Ti-rich carbide. Resistance to pit initiation decreased with increasing temperature up to 300 deg C. Test loop for erosion corrosion was designed and fabricated. Thin layer activation technique was very effective in measuring erosion corrosion. Erosion corrosion of a part of secondary side pipe was evaluated by the Check Family Codes of EPRI. Calculated values of pipe thickness by Check Family Codes coincided with the pipe thickness measured by UT with an error of ± 20%. Literature review on turbine failure showed that failure usually occurred in low pressure turbine rotor disc and causes of failure are stress corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue. (author). 12 refs., 20 tabs., 77 figs

  3. Efecto terapéutico del extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca spp. en anemia ferropénica inducida en ratas Holtzman macho

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    Evelyn F. Gonzales-Carazas


    Full Text Available Introducción: La hoja de coca ha sido usada tradicionalmente con fines medicinales y contiene altos niveles de hierro. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto del extracto etanólico de Erythroxylum coca spp. frente a anemia ferropénica inducida por dieta deficiente en hierro, en ratas Holtzman macho. Diseño: Experimental. Lugar: Laboratorio del Instituto de Patología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Dieciocho ratas Holtzman macho de 16 días de edad recién destetadas. Intervenciones: Se formó tres grupos de seis ratas cada uno: a grupo hierro suficiente (HS, recibió 25 g/d de alimento balanceado durante 7 semanas; b grupo hierro deficiente (HD, recibió 25 g/d de dieta ferropénica durante 7 semanas; y, c el grupo hierro deficiente - extracto E. coca (HD-EC, recibió 25 g/d de dieta ferropénica durante 7 semanas y a partir de la semana 5 se agregó 18 g/d de extracto de E. coca. Principales medidas de resultados: Nivel sérico de hemoglobina, peso y talla. Resultados: Al finalizar el tratamiento, se observó aumento significativo de la hemoglobina en el grupo HD-EC (p=0,04. Se encontró diferencia significativa en los niveles séricos de hemoglobina entre los grupos HD-EC y HD (p=0,0062. No se encontró diferencia significativa en los valores de hemoglobina entre los grupos HD-EC y HS (p= 0,06. No se evidenció diferencia en el peso y la talla entre los grupos HD y HD-EC (p=0,20 y p=0,23, respectivamente. Conclusiones: E. coca presenta efecto antianémico experimental, sustentado en los resultados de los niveles de hemoglobina.

  4. Corrosion Cost and Corrosion Map of Korea - Based on the Data from 2005 to 2010

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Y. S.; Lim, H. K.; Kim, J. J.; Hwang, W. S.; Park, Y. S.


    Corrosion of metallic materials occurs by the reaction with corrosive environment such as atmosphere, marine, soil, urban, high temperature etc. In general, reduction of thickness and cracking and degradation are resulted from corrosion. Corrosion in all industrial facilities and infrastructure causes large economic losses as well as a large number of accidents. Economic loss by corrosion has been reported to be nearly 1-6% of GNP or GDP. In order to reduce corrosion damage of industrial facilities, corrosion map as well as a systematic investigation of the loss of corrosion in each industrial sector is needed. The Corrosion Science Society of Korea in collaboration with 15 universities and institutes has started to survey on the cost of corrosion and corrosion map of Korea since 2005. This work presents the results of the survey on cost of corrosion by Uhlig, Hoar, and input-output methods, and the evaluation of atmospheric corrosion rate of carbon steel, weathering steel, galvanized steel, copper, and aluminum in Korea. The total corrosion cost was estimated in terms of the percentage of the GDP of industry sectors and the total GDP of Korea. According to the result of Input/output method, corrosion cost of Korea was calculated as 2.9% to GDP (2005). Time of wetness was shown to be categories 3 to 4 in all exposure areas. A definite seasonal difference was observed in Korea. In summer and fall, time of wetness was higher than in other seasons. Because of short exposure period (12 months), significant corrosion trends depending upon materials and exposure corrosion environments were not revealed even though increased mass loss and decreased corrosion rate by exposure time

  5. Toxicidad hepática por medicamentos antituberculosos Hepatotoxicity induced by antituberculosis drugs

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    Isabel Eugenia Escobar Toledo


    Full Text Available

    El fenómeno de la toxicidad hepática inducida por medicamentos cobró relevancia hace algunos años con el estudio de las reacciones adversas a medicamentos. El daño producido en el hígado por un xenobiótico que altera su función es lo que se conoce como toxicidad hepática. La importancia de reconocer y diagnosticar la toxicidad hepática por medicamentos estriba en su gravedad potencial; no en vano es la causa más frecuente por la que la industria farmacéutica retira medicamentos. La tuberculosis es una pandemia que afecta a gran parte de la población mundial y junto con el VIH es una enfermedad cada vez más frecuente en Colombia. Esta enfermedad se puede considerar como una situación especial porque para su tratamiento es preciso suministrar, por largos períodos, medicamentos con potencial tóxico para el hígado.


    El objetivo de este artículo es revisar algunos aspectos relacionados con la toxicidad hepática secundaria a medicamentos antituberculosos, tales como: epidemiología, factores de riesgo, mecanismos de toxicidad, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento.

    Hepatotoxicity is the alteration of liver structure and function induced by either drugs or other substances. The importance of its proper diagnosis rests on its potential severity. It is the most frequent reason by which the pharmaceutical industry withdraws its products. Tuberculosis is a pandemic infection affecting a large proportion of the world population. Together with HIV infection it is becoming ever more frequent in Colombia. Tuberculosis poses

  6. Exploratory shaft liner corrosion estimate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duncan, D.R.


    An estimate of expected corrosion degradation during the 100-year design life of the Exploratory Shaft (ES) is presented. The basis for the estimate is a brief literature survey of corrosion data, in addition to data taken by the Basalt Waste Isolation Project. The scope of the study is expected corrosion environment of the ES, the corrosion modes of general corrosion, pitting and crevice corrosion, dissimilar metal corrosion, and environmentally assisted cracking. The expected internal and external environment of the shaft liner is described in detail and estimated effects of each corrosion mode are given. The maximum amount of general corrosion degradation was estimated to be 70 mils at the exterior and 48 mils at the interior, at the shaft bottom. Corrosion at welds or mechanical joints could be significant, dependent on design. After a final determination of corrosion allowance has been established by the project it will be added to the design criteria. 10 refs., 6 figs., 5 tabs

  7. Dictionary corrosion and corrosion control. English-German/German-English. Fachwoerterbuch Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz. Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    This dictionary has 13000 entries in both languages. Keywords and extensive accompanying information simplify the choice of word for the user. The following topics are covered: Theoretical principles of corrosion; Corrosion of the metals and alloys most frequently used in engineering. Types of corrosion - (chemical-, electro-chemical, biological corrosion); forms of corrosion (superficial, pitting, selective, intercrystalline and stress corrosion; vibrational corrosion cracking); erosion and cavitation. Methods of corrosion control (material selection, temporary corrosion protection media, paint and plastics coatings, electro-chemical coatings, corrosion prevention by treatment of the corrosive media); Corrosion testing methods.

  8. Efecto del estrés durante diferentes etapas del ciclo vital sobre el desarrollo de obesidad inducida por la dieta


    Paternain, L. (Laura); Martinez, J.A. (José Alfredo); Campión-Zabalza, J. (Javier)


    La creciente prevalencia de la obesidad no puede ser atribuible únicamente a factores genéticos o a una mala nutrición como pueden ser las dietas altas en grasa, sino también al estilo de vida y a factores ambientales adversos. Dentro del estilo de vida, la sociedad actual se caracteriza por tener un ritmo acelerado, lo que produce una elevación de la tasa de estrés en la población. Este aumento paralelo tanto de las tasas de obesidad como del estrés, hace necesario el estudio de la interacci...

  9. Penetration of corrosion products and corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced cementitious materials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michel, Alexander; Pease, Brad J.; Peterova, Adela


    This paper describes experimental investigations on corrosion-induced deterioration in reinforced cementitious materials and the subsequent development and implementation of a novel conceptual model. Rejnforced mortar specimens of varying water-to-cement ratios were subjected to current-induced c......This paper describes experimental investigations on corrosion-induced deterioration in reinforced cementitious materials and the subsequent development and implementation of a novel conceptual model. Rejnforced mortar specimens of varying water-to-cement ratios were subjected to current......-dependent concentrations of corrosion products averaged through the specimen thickness. Digital image correlation (DIC) was used to measure corrosion-induced deformations including deformations between steel and cementitious matrix as well as formation and propagation of corrosion-induced cracks. Based on experimental...... observations, a conceptual model was developed to describe the penetration of solid corrosion products into capillary pores of the cementitious matrix. Only capillary pores within a corrosion accommodating region (CAR), i.e. in close proximity of the steel reinforcement, were considered accessible...

  10. Efecto hipotensor del extracto de ajo (Allium sativum macerado por 18 semanas en un modelo experimental in vivo

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    David Chaupis-Meza

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar si el extracto de ajo (Allium sativum macerado por 18 semanas tiene igual o mejor efecto hipotensor que el captopril en ratas. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio experimental in vivo con ratas machos Holtzman, clasificados en cinco grupos: 100, 500 y 1000 mg/kg de extracto de ajo, Captopril de 100 mg/kg y un grupo vehículo. El L-NAME (N- -nitro L-arginina-metil-éster administrado vía intraperitoneal 50 mg/kg desde el inicio del experimento, elevó la presión arterial desde el tercer día. El análisis estadístico consistió en las pruebas T de Student para medias pareadas, ANOVA y comparación múltiple de Scheffe. Resultados. El ajo macerado extraído por un proceso hidroalcohólico durante 18 semanas provocó una disminución de la presión arterial en animales de experimentación. El análisis de los tratamientos sobre la presión arterial media (PAM, obtuvieron diferencias significativas desde el tercer día. La comparación sobre la PAM final versus PAM basal (medias no diferentes y el efecto hipotensor (% fueron: ajo-100 (p=0,008, 59,8%; ajo-500 (p=0,021, 80,6%; ajo-1000 (p=0,034, 88,5%, Captopril (p=0,437, 99,9% y vehículo (p=0,001, 0%. Conclusiones. El ajo macerado a un periodo de 18 semanas resultó eficaz para producir un efecto hipotensor en ratas, inducidas a hipertensión arterial por L-NAME

  11. NASA's Corrosion Technology Laboratory at the Kennedy Space Center: Anticipating, Managing, and Preventing Corrosion (United States)

    Calle, Luz Marina


    Corrosion is the degradation of a material that results from its interaction with the environment. The marine environment at NASAs Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has been documented by ASM International (formerly American Society for Metals) as the most corrosive in the United States. With the introduction of the Space Shuttle in 1981, the already highly corrosive conditions at the launch pads were rendered even more severe by the 70 tons of highly corrosive hydrochloric acid that were generated by the solid rocket boosters. Numerous failures at the launch pads are caused by corrosion.The structural integrity of ground infrastructure and flight hardware is critical to the success, safety, cost, and sustainability of space missions. As a result of fifty years of experience with launch and ground operations in a natural marine environment that is highly corrosive, NASAs Corrosion Technology Laboratory at KSC is a major source of corrosion control expertise in the launch and other environments. Throughout its history, the Laboratory has evolved from what started as an atmospheric exposure facility near NASAs launch pads into a world-wide recognized capability that provides technical innovations and engineering services in all areas of corrosion for NASA and external customers.This presentation will provide a historical overview of the role of NASAs Corrosion Technology in anticipating, managing, and preventing corrosion. One important challenge in managing and preventing corrosion involves the detrimental impact on humans and the environment of what have been very effective corrosion control strategies. This challenge has motivated the development of new corrosion control technologies that are more effective and environmentally friendly. Strategies for improved corrosion protection and durability can have a huge impact on the economic sustainability of human spaceflight operations.

  12. Corrosion behavior of corrosion resistant alloys in stimulation acids

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheldi, Tiziana [ENI E and P Division, 20097 San Donato Milanese Milano (Italy); Piccolo, Eugenio Lo; Scoppio, Lucrezia [Centro Sviluppo Materiali, via Castel Romano 100, 00128 Rome (Italy)


    In the oil and gas industry, selection of CRAs for downhole tubulars is generally based on resistance to corrosive species in the production environment containing CO{sub 2}, H{sub 2}S, chloride and in some case elemental sulphur. However, there are non-production environments to which these materials must also be resistant for either short term or prolonged duration; these environments include stimulation acids, brine and completion fluids. This paper reports the main results of a laboratory study performed to evaluate the corrosion and stress corrosion behaviour to the acidizing treatments of the most used CRAs for production tubing and casing. Laboratory tests were performed to simulate both 'active' and 'spent' acids operative phases, selecting various environmental conditions. The selected steel pipes were a low alloyed steel, martensitic, super-martensitic, duplex 22 Cr, superduplex 25 Cr and super-austenitic stainless steels (25 Cr 35 Ni). Results obtained in the 'active' acid environments over the temperature range of 100-140 deg. C, showed that the blend acids with HCl at high concentration and HCl + HF represented too much severe conditions, where preventing high general corrosion and heavy localised corrosion by inhibition package becomes very difficult, especially for duplex steel pipe, where, in some case, the specimens were completely dissolved into the solution. On the contrary, all steels pipes were successfully protected by inhibitor when organic acid solution (HCOOH + CH{sub 3}COOH) were used. Furthermore, different effectiveness on corrosion protection was showed by the tested inhibitors packages: e.g. in the 90% HCl at 12% + 10 CH{sub 3}COOH acid blend. In 'spent' acid environments, all steel pipes showed to be less susceptible to the localised and general corrosion attack. Moreover, no Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSC) was observed. Only one super-austenitic stainless steel U-bend specimen showed

  13. Corrosion failure analysis as related to prevention of corrosion failures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suss, H.


    The factors and conditions which have contributed to many of the corrosion related service failures are discussed based on a review of actual case histories. The anti-corrosion devices which developed as a result of these failure analyses are reviewed, and the method which must be adopted and used to take advantage of the available corrosion prevention techniques is discussed

  14. Corrosion and corrosion fatigue of airframe aluminum alloys (United States)

    Chen, G. S.; Gao, M.; Harlow, D. G.; Wei, R. P.


    Localized corrosion and corrosion fatigue crack nucleation and growth are recognized as degradation mechanisms that effect the durability and integrity of commercial transport aircraft. Mechanically based understanding is needed to aid the development of effective methodologies for assessing durability and integrity of airframe components. As a part of the methodology development, experiments on pitting corrosion, and on corrosion fatigue crack nucleation and early growth from these pits were conducted. Pitting was found to be associated with constituent particles in the alloys and pit growth often involved coalescence of individual particle-nucleated pits, both laterally and in depth. Fatigue cracks typically nucleated from one of the larger pits that formed by a cluster of particles. The size of pit at which fatigue crack nucleates is a function of stress level and fatigue loading frequency. The experimental results are summarized, and their implications on service performance and life prediction are discussed.

  15. Atmospheric corrosion of uranium-carbon alloys; Corrosion atmospherique des alliages uranium-carbone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rousset, P; Accary, A [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The authors study the corrosion of uranium-carbon alloys having compositions close to that of the mono-carbide; they show that the extent of the observed corrosion effects increases with the water vapour content of the surrounding gas and they conclude that the atmospheric corrosion of these alloys is due essentially to the humidity of the air, the effect of the oxygen being very slight at room temperature. They show that the optimum conditions for preserving U-C alloys are either a vacuum or a perfectly dry argon atmosphere. The authors have also established that the type of corrosion involved is a corrosion which 'cracks under stress' and is transgranular (it can also be intergranular in the case of sub-stoichiometric alloys). They propose, finally, two hypotheses for explaining this mechanism, one of which is illustrated by the existence, at the fissure interface, of corrosion products which can play the role of 'corners' in the mono-carbide grains. (authors) [French] Les auteurs etudient la corrosion des alliages uranium-carbone de composition voisine du monocarbure; ils montrent que l'importance des effets de la corrosion observee augmente avec la teneur en vapeur d'eau du milieu gazeux ambiant et concluent que la corrosion atmospherique de ces alliages est due essentiellement a l'humidite de l'air, l'action de l'oxygene de l'air etant tres faible a la temperature ambiante. Ils indiquent que les conditions optimales de conservation des alliages U-C sont le vide ou une atmosphere d'argon parfaitement desseches. D'autre part, les auteurs etablissent que le type de corrosion mis en jeu est une corrosion 'fissurante sous contrainte', transgranulaire (pouvant egalement etre intergranulaire dans le cas d'alliages sous-stoechiometriques). Ils proposent enfin deux hypotheses pour rendre compte de ce mecanisme, dont l'une est illustree par la mise en evidence, a l'interface des fissures, de produits de corrosion pouvant jouer le role de 'coins' dans les grains de

  16. Corrosion and corrosion protection of support structures for offshore wind energy devices (OWEA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Momber, A. [Muehlhan AG, Schlinckstrasse 3, D-21107 Hamburg (Germany)


    The paper provides a review about the corrosion and corrosion protection of offshore wind energy devices (OWEA). Firstly, special features resulting from location and operation of OWEA are being discussed. Secondly, types of corrosion and corrosion phenomena are summarized in a systematic way. Finally, practical solutions to the corrosion protection of OWEA, including steel allowances, cathodic protection and coatings and linings, are discussed. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  17. Corrosion behaviors and effects of corrosion products of plasma electrolytic oxidation coated AZ31 magnesium alloy under the salt spray corrosion test (United States)

    Wang, Yan; Huang, Zhiquan; Yan, Qin; Liu, Chen; Liu, Peng; Zhang, Yi; Guo, Changhong; Jiang, Guirong; Shen, Dejiu


    The effects of corrosion products on corrosion behaviors of AZ31 magnesium alloy with a plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coating were investigated under the salt spray corrosion test (SSCT). The surface morphology, cross-sectional microstructure, chemical and phase compositions of the PEO coating were determined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), respectively. Further, the corrosion process of the samples under the SSCT was examined in a non-aqueous electrolyte (methanol) using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) coupled with equivalent circuit. The results show that the inner layer of the coating was destroyed firstly and the corrosion products have significant effects on the corrosion behaviors of the coating. The results above are discussed and an electrochemical corrosion model is proposed in the paper.

  18. Brief psychosis induced by methylphenidate in a child with attention deficit disorder: a case report and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Martínez-Aguayo


    Full Text Available Resumen La psicosis inducida por metilfenidato ha sido escasamente estudiada debido a los problemas bioéticos y neurobiológicos relacionados con su investigación. Si bien evidenciaría una vulnerabilidad a largo plazo para el desarrollo de un trastorno psiquiátrico mayor, no hay consenso sobre su valor predictivo en la población infanto-juvenil, mientras que su origen es incierto. Se ha sugerido que los mayores niveles de dopamina en ciertas zonas cerebrales y el antecedente familiar de algunos trastornos mentales, aumentaría el riesgo de presentar psicosis secundaria a psicoestimulantes. Presentamos el caso de un niño de nueve años de edad, con diagnóstico de trastorno por déficit de atención comórbido a una oposición desafiante, que durante el tratamiento con metilfenidato presentó alucinaciones visuales y auditivas e ideas deliriosas de daño que cedieron con la suspensión del fármaco. Se discuten los principales aspectos relacionados con el origen, la causalidad, el manejo y el pronóstico de la psicosis inducida por psicoestimulantes.

  19. Long-term corrosion studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gdowski, G.


    The scope of this activity is to assess the long-term corrosion properties of metallic materials under consideration for fabricating waste package containers. Three classes of metals are to be assessed: corrosion resistant, intermediate corrosion resistant, and corrosion allowance. Corrosion properties to be evaluated are general, pitting and crevice corrosion, stress-corrosion cracking, and galvanic corrosion. The performance of these materials will be investigated under conditions that are considered relevant to the potential emplacement site. Testing in four aqueous solutions, and vapor phases above them, and at two temperatures are planned for this activity. (The environmental conditions, test metals, and matrix are described in detail in Section 3.0.) The purpose and objective of this activity is to obtain the kinetic and mechanistic information on degradation of metallic alloys currently being considered for waste package containers. This information will be used to provide assistance to (1) waste package design (metal barrier selection) (E-20-90 to E-20-92), (2) waste package performance assessment activities (SIP-PA-2), (3) model development (E-20-75 to E-20-89). and (4) repository license application

  20. Corrosion of beryllium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, J.J.; Adolphson, D.R.


    The corrosion behavior of beryllium in aqueous and elevated-temperature oxidizing environments has been extensively studied for early-intended use of beryllium in nuclear reactors and in jet and rocket propulsion systems. Since that time, beryllium has been used as a structural material in les corrosive environments. Its primary applications include gyro systems, mirror and reentry vehicle structures, and aircraft brakes. Only a small amount of information has been published that is directly related to the evaluation of beryllium for service in the less severe or normal atmospheric environments associated with these applications. Despite the lack of published data on the corrosion of beryllium in atmospheric environments, much can be deduced about its corrosion behavior from studies of aqueous corrosion and the experiences of fabricators and users in applying, handling, processing, storing, and shipping beryllium components. The methods of corrosion protection implemented to resist water and high-temperature gaseous environments provide useful information on methods that can be applied to protect beryllium for service in future long-term structural applications

  1. Initiation and inhibition of pitting corrosion on reinforcing steel under natural corrosion conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abd El Wanees, S., E-mail: [Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, Tabuk (Saudi Arabia); Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519 (Egypt); Bahgat Radwan, A. [Center for Advanced Materials, Qatar University, Doha 2713 (Qatar); Alsharif, M.A. [Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, Tabuk (Saudi Arabia); Abd El Haleem, S.M. [Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig 44519 (Egypt)


    Initiation and inhibition of pitting corrosion on reinforcing steel in saturated, naturally aerated Ca(OH){sub 2} solutions, under natural corrosion conditions, are followed through measurements of corrosion current, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and SEM investigation. Induction period for pit initiation and limiting corrosion current for pit propagation are found to depend on aggressive salt anion and cation-types, as well as, concentration. Ammonium chlorides and sulfates are more corrosive than the corresponding sodium salts. Benzotriazole and two of its derivatives are found to be good inhibitors for pitting corrosion of reinforcing steel. Adsorption of these compounds follows a Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The thermodynamic functions ΔE{sup ∗}, ΔH{sup ∗} and ΔS{sup ∗} for pitting corrosion processes in the absence and presence of inhibitor are calculated and discussed. - Highlights: • Cl{sup −} and SO{sub 4} {sup 2-} induce pitting corrosion on passive reinforcing steel. • Initiation and propagation of pitting depend on cation and anion types. • Inhibition is based on adsorption according to Langmuir isotherm.

  2. Real time corrosion monitoring in atmosphere using automated battery driven corrosion loggers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Prosek, T.; Kouril, M.; Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel


    diminishes due to corrosion. Zinc, iron, copper and nickel sensors at several thicknesses are available. Sensitivity of the corrosion measurement varies from 1 to 10 nm depending on the type and thickness of the sensor. Changes in the air corrosivity can be thus detected within hours or even tens of minutes......A logger enabling continuous measurement of corrosion rate of selected metals in indoor and outdoor atmospheres has been developed. Principle of the measurement method is based on the increasing electrical resistance of a measuring element made of the material concerned as its cross-sectional area....... The logger lifetime in medium corrosive environments is designed to be 2 years with full autonomy. Data on the sensor corrosion rate are available any time through GPRS connection or by a non-contact inductive reading without the need of retracting the logger from the exposure site....

  3. The corrosion behaviour of nanograined metals and alloys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herrasti, P.


    Full Text Available There has been considerable interest in the properties of nanocrystalline materials over the last decade. Such materials include metals and alloys with a crystal size within the order of 1 to 100 nm. The interest arises due to the substantial differences in electrical, optical and magnetic properties and also due to their high adsorption capability and chemical reactivity compared to their larger grained counterparts. In this paper, the corrosion of nanocrystalline metals and alloys is investigated and compared to the corrosion of microcrystalline materials having a similar composition. The focus is on the corrosion of nickel, copper, cobalt and iron alloys. Key aspects of different corrosion behaviour such grain boundaries and size are identified.

    En la última década ha habido un gran interes en las propiedades de materiales nanocristalinos. Estos materiales incluyen metales y aleaciones con un tamaño de cristal del orden de 1 a 100 nm. El interes por estos materiales es debido a las grandes diferencias en cuanto a sus propiedades electricas, opticas y magneticas, asi como a su alta capacidad de adsorción y reactividad química en relación a los mismos materiales con tamaños de grano mayores. En este trabajo se ha investigado y comparado la corrosión de materiales nano y microcristalinos de similar composición química. Principalmente se ha centrado en la corrosión de metales tales como niquel, cobre, cobalto y aleaciones de hierro. Se ha comprobado que los diferentes comportamientos frente al proceso de corrosión están intimamente ligados con los bordes de grano y el tamaño de dichos granos.

  4. Corrosion-resistant metal surfaces (United States)

    Sugama, Toshifumi [Wading River, NY


    The present invention relates to metal surfaces having thereon an ultrathin (e.g., less than ten nanometer thickness) corrosion-resistant film, thereby rendering the metal surfaces corrosion-resistant. The corrosion-resistant film includes an at least partially crosslinked amido-functionalized silanol component in combination with rare-earth metal oxide nanoparticles. The invention also relates to methods for producing such corrosion-resistant films.

  5. Las “respuestas lentas” a la angiotensina II, la activación de la proteína Src y del factor de crecimiento epidérmico en la génesis de la hipertensión esencial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabas Iván Gómez


    Full Text Available La hipertensión esencial es inducida por disfunción renal. Receptores normotensos de riñones de hipertensos desarrollan hipertensión y viceversa. La alteración renal más importante es el desacople del SRA respecto del nivel de sodio. El estrés oxidativo (ST-OX es estimulado cuando los niveles de angiotensina II (Ang II son inapropiados respecto del sodio corporal total. El ST-OX potencia el efecto vasoconstrictor de la Ang II por disminución del óxido nítrico (NO y/o por incremento de los vasoconstrictores, como isoprostanos, ET1 y otros. Estos efectos se ponen de manifiesto en la “respuesta lenta a la Ang II” en la que la infusión en dosis pequeñas (subpresoras induce retención de sodio y consecuente estímulo del STOX, con vasoconstricción. Estos efectos están mediados por señales intracelulares como la activación de proteína Src y del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico por la Ang II, que parecen ser un mecanismo de vasoconstricción importante. Las especies reactivas de oxígeno inducidas por estos factores sostendrían una reacción autocatalítica, responsable de la producción sostenida de vasoconstrictores, con lo que se perpetúa la hipertensión.

  6. Corrosion testing facilities in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Viswanathan, R.; Subramanian, Venu


    Major types of corrosion tests, establishment of specifications on corrosion testing and scope of their application in practice are briefly described. Important organizations in the world which publish specifications/standards are listed. Indian organizations which undertake corrosion testing and test facilities available at them are also listed. Finally in an appendix, a comprehensive list of specifications relevant to corrosion testing is given. It is arranged under the headings: environmental testing, humidity tests, salt spray/fog tests, immersion tests, specification corrosion phenomena, (tests) with respect to special corrosion media, (tests) with respect to specific corrosion prevention methods, and specific corrosion tests using electrical and electrochemical methods (principles). Each entry in the list furnishes information about: nature of the test, standard number, and its specific application. (M.G.B.)

  7. Corrosion characteristics of K-claddings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, J. Y.; Choi, B. K.; Jung, Y. H.; Jung, Y. H.


    The Improvement of the corrosion resistance of nuclear fuel claddings is the critical issue for the successful development of the high burn-up fuel. KAERI have developed the K-claddings having a superior corrosion resistance by controlling the alloying element addition and optimizing the manufacturing process. The comparative evaluation of the corrosion resistance for K-claddings and the foreign claddings was performed and the effect of the heat treatment on the corrosion behavior of K-claddings was also examined. Corrosion tests were carried out in the conditions of 360 .deg. C pure water, PWR-simulating loop and 400 .deg. C steam, From the results of the corrosion tests, it was found that the corrosion resistance of K-claddings is superior to those of Zry4 and A claddings and K6 showed a better corrosion resistance than K3. The corrosion behavior of K-cladding was strongly influenced by the final annealing rather than the intermediate annealing, and the corrosion resistance increased with decreasing the final annealing temperature

  8. Corrosion control. 2. ed.

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bradford, S.A.


    The purpose of this text is to train engineers and technologists not just to understand corrosion but to control it. Materials selection, coatings, chemical inhibitors, cathodic and anodic protection, and equipment design are covered in separate chapters. High-temperature oxidation is discussed in the final two chapters ne on oxidation theory and one on controlling oxidation by alloying and with coatings. This book treats corrosion and high-temperature oxidation separately. Corrosion is divided into three groups: (1) chemical dissolution including uniform attack, (2) electrochemical corrosion from either metallurgical or environmental cells, and (3) stress-assisted corrosion. Corrosion is logically grouped according to mechanisms rather than arbitrarily separated into different types of corrosion as if they were unrelated. For those university students and industry personnel who approach corrosion theory very hesitantly, this text will present the electrochemical reactions responsible for corrosion summed up in only five simple half-cell reactions. When these are combined on a polarization diagram, which is also explained in detail, the electrochemical processes become obvious. For those who want a text stripped bare of electrochemical theory, several noted sections can be omitted without loss of continuity. However, the author has presented the material in such a manner that these sections are not beyond the abilities of any high school graduate who is interested in technology

  9. Corrosion in the oil industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brondel, D [Sedco Forex, Montrouge (France); Edwards, R [Schlumberger Well Services, Columbus, OH (United States); Hayman, A [Etudes et Productions Schlumberger, Clamart (France); Hill, D [Schlumberger Dowell, Tulsa, OK (United States); Mehta, S [Schlumberger Dowell, St. Austell (United Kingdom); Semerad, T [Mobil Oil Indonesia, Inc., Sumatra (Indonesia)


    Corrosion costs the oil industry billions of dollars a year, a fact that makes the role of the corrosion engineer an increasingly important one. Attention is paid to how corrosion affects every aspect of exploration and production, from offshore rigs to casing. Also the role of corrosion agents such as drilling and production fluids is reviewed. Methods of control and techniques to monitor corrosion are discussed, along with an explanation of the chemical causes of corrosion. 21 figs., 32 refs.

  10. Phytochemicals as Green Corrosion Inhibitors in Various Corrosive ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    There is an intensive effort underway to develop new plant origin corrosion inhibitors for metal subjected to various environmental conditions. These efforts have been motivated by the desire to replace toxic inhibitors used for mitigation of corrosion of various metals and alloys in aqueous solutions. Plants represent a class ...

  11. Monitoring Microbially Influenced Corrosion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel

    and diffusional effects and unreliable corrosion rates, when biofilm and ferrous sulphide corrosion products cover the steel surface. Corrosion rates can be overestimated by a factor of 10 to 100 by electrochemical techniques. Weight loss coupons and ER are recommended as necessary basic monitoring techniques......Abstract Microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) of carbon steel may occur in media with microbiological activity of especially sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The applicability and reliability of a number of corrosion monitoring techniques for monitoring MIC has been evaluated in experiments....... EIS might be used for detection of MIC as the appearance of very large capacitances can be attributed to the combined ferrous sulphide and biofilm formation. Capacitance correlates directly with sulphide concentration in sterile sulphide media. Keywords: Corrosion monitoring, carbon steel, MIC, SRB...

  12. SRB seawater corrosion project (United States)

    Bozack, M. J.


    The corrosion behavior of 2219 aluminum when exposed to seawater was characterized. Controlled corrosion experiments at three different temperatures (30, 60 and 100 C) and two different environments (seawater and 3.5 percent salt solution) were designed to elucidate the initial stages in the corrosion process. It was found that 2219 aluminum is an active catalytic surface for growth of Al2O3, NaCl, and MgO. Formation of Al2O3 is favored at lower temperatures, while MgO is favored at higher temperatures. Visible corrosion products are formed within 30 minutes after seawater exposure. Corrosion characteristics in 3.5 percent salt solution are different than corrosion in seawater. Techniques utilized were: (1) scanning electron microscopy, (2) energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and (3) Auger electron spectroscopy.

  13. Corrosion of circulating water pipings in thermal and nuclear power stations and corrosion prevention measures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hachiya, Minoru


    In the age of energy conservation at present, the power generation facilities have been examined from the viewpoint of performance, endurance and economy, and in particular, the prevention of the loss due to the corrosion of various facilities is one of most important problems. Since circulating water pipings are in contact with sea water and soil, the peculiar corrosion phenomena are brought about on their external and internal surfaces. Namely, the pitting corrosion due to the environment of soil quality difference, the defects of coating and the contact with reinforcing bars in concrete occurs on the external surface, and the overall corrosion due to the increase of flow velocity and the pitting corrosion due to the defects of coating, the contact with different kinds of metals and the gap in corrosion-resistant steel occur on the internal surface. As the measures for corrosion prevention, corrosion-preventive coating and electric corrosion prevention are applied. The principle, the potential and current density, the system, the design procedure and the examples of application of electric corrosion prevention are described. (Kako, I.)

  14. Endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclampsia


    Pacheco Romero, José


    Desconocemos aún la etiología de la preeclampsia, pero ahora sabemos que no es sólo una hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, sino que existe interacción entre una perfusión placentaria disminuida y la alteración en la función endotelial materna, probablemente por razones inmunológicas de rechazo parcial a la placentación normal. La contribución materna es de factores que anteceden al embarazo, influenciados por las adaptaciones metabólicas usuales. No existe un gen único que pueda explicar ...

  15. Mobile evaporator corrosion test results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rozeveld, A.; Chamberlain, D.B.


    Laboratory corrosion tests were conducted on eight candidates to select a durable and cost-effective alloy for use in mobile evaporators to process radioactive waste solutions. Based on an extensive literature survey of corrosion data, three stainless steel alloys (304L, 316L, AL-6XN), four nickel-based alloys (825, 625, 690, G-30), and titanium were selected for testing. The corrosion tests included vapor phase, liquid junction (interface), liquid immersion, and crevice corrosion tests on plain and welded samples of candidate materials. Tests were conducted at 80 degrees C for 45 days in two different test solutions: a nitric acid solution. to simulate evaporator conditions during the processing of the cesium ion-exchange eluant and a highly alkaline sodium hydroxide solution to simulate the composition of Tank 241-AW-101 during evaporation. All of the alloys exhibited excellent corrosion resistance in the alkaline test solution. Corrosion rates were very low and localized corrosion was not observed. Results from the nitric acid tests showed that only 316L stainless steel did not meet our performance criteria. The 316L welded interface and crevice specimens had rates of 22.2 mpy and 21.8 mpy, respectively, which exceeds the maximum corrosion rate of 20 mpy. The other welded samples had about the same corrosion resistance as the plain samples. None of the welded samples showed preferential weld or heat-affected zone (HAZ) attack. Vapor corrosion was negligible for all alloys. All of the alloys except 316L exhibited either open-quotes satisfactoryclose quotes (2-20 mpy) or open-quotes excellentclose quotes (<2 mpy) corrosion resistance as defined by National Association of Corrosion Engineers. However, many of the alloys experienced intergranular corrosion in the nitric acid test solution, which could indicate a susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in this environment

  16. The corrosion and corrosion mechanical properties evaluation for the LBB concept in VVERs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruscak, M.; Chvatal, P.; Karnik, D.


    One of the conditions required for Leak Before Break application is the verification that the influence of corrosion environment on the material of the component can be neglected. Both the general corrosion and/or the initiation and, growth of corrosion-mechanical cracks must not cause the degradation. The primary piping in the VVER nuclear power plant is made from austenitic steels (VVER 440) and low alloy steels protected with the austenitic cladding (VVER 1000). Inspection of the base metal and heterogeneous weldments from the VVER 440 showed that the crack growth rates are below 10 m/s if a low oxygen level is kept in the primary environment. No intergranular cracking was observed in low and high oxygen water after any type of testing, with constant or periodic loading. In the framework of the LBB assessment of the VVER 1000, the corrosion and corrosion mechanical properties were also evaluated. The corrosion and corrosion mechanical testing was oriented predominantly to three types of tests: stress corrosion cracking tests corrosion fatigue tests evaluation of the resistance against corrosion damage. In this paper, the methods used for these tests are described and the materials are compared from the point of view of response on static and periodic mechanical stress on the low alloyed steel 10GN2WA and weld metal exposed in the primary circuit environment. The slow strain rate tests and static loading of both C-rings and CT specimens were performed in order to assess the stress corrosion cracking characteristics. Cyclic loading of CT specimens was done to evaluate the kinetics of the crack growth under periodical loading. Results are shown to illustrate the approaches used. The data obtained were evaluated also from the point of view of comparison of the influence of different structure on the stress corrosion cracking appearance. The results obtained for the base metal and weld metal of the piping are presented here.

  17. An evaluation of corrosion resistant alloys by field corrosion test in Japanese refuse incineration plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawahara, Yuuzou; Nakamura, Masanori; Shibuya, Eiichi; Yukawa, Kenichi


    As the first step for development of the corrosion resistant superheater tube materials of 500 C, 100 ata used in high efficient waste-to-energy plants, field corrosion tests of six conventional alloys were carried out at metal temperatures of 450 C and 550 C for 700 and 3,000 hours in four typical Japanese waste incineration plants. The test results indicate that austenitic alloys containing approximately 80 wt% [Cr+Ni] show excellent corrosion resistance. When the corrosive environment is severe, intergranular corrosion of 40∼200 microm depth occurs in stainless steel and high alloyed materials. It is confirmed quantitatively that corrosion behavior is influenced by environmental corrosion factors such as Cl concentration and thickness of deposits on tube surface, metal temperature, and flue gas temperature. The excellent corrosion resistance of high [Cr+Ni+Mo] alloys such as Alloy 625 is explained by the stability of its protective oxide, such that the time dependence of corrosion nearly obeys the parabolic rate law

  18. Modelling reinforcement corrosion in concrete

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michel, Alexander; Geiker, Mette Rica; Stang, Henrik


    A physio-chemical model for the simulation of reinforcement corrosion in concrete struc-tures was developed. The model allows for simulation of initiation and subsequent propaga-tion of reinforcement corrosion. Corrosion is assumed to be initiated once a defined critical chloride threshold......, a numerical example is pre-sented, that illustrates the formation of corrosion cells as well as propagation of corrosion in a reinforced concrete structure....

  19. Understanding corrosion via corrosion product characterization: II. Role of alloying elements in improving the corrosion resistance of Zn-Al-Mg coatings on steel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Volovitch, P.; Vu, T.N.; Allely, C.; Abdel Aal, A.; Ogle, K.


    Highlights: → Origins of better corrosion resistance of ZnAlMg coatings than galvanized steel. → Comparative study of corrosion products formed on ZnAlMg, ZnMg and Zn coatings. → Modeling of dissolution and precipitation stages of corrosion. → At early stages Mg stabilizes protective zinc basic salts during dry-wet cycling. → At later stages Al dissolves at high pH forming protective layered double hydroxides. - Abstract: Corrosion products are identified on Zn, ZnMg and ZnAlMg coatings in cyclic corrosion tests with NaCl or Na 2 SO 4 containing atmospheres. For Mg-containing alloys the improved corrosion resistance is achieved by stabilization of protective simonkolleite and zinc hydroxysulfate. At later stages, the formation of layered double hydroxides (LDH) is observed for ZnAlMg. According to thermodynamic modeling, Mg 2+ ions bind the excess of carbonate or sulfate anions preventing the formation of soluble or less-protective products. A preferential dissolution of Zn and Mg at initial stages of corrosion is confirmed by in situ dissolution measurement. The physicochemical properties of different corrosion products are compared.

  20. Modelling of Corrosion Cracks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thoft-Christensen, Palle

    Modelling of corrosion cracking of reinforced concrete structures is complicated as a great number of uncertain factors are involved. To get a reliable modelling a physical and mechanical understanding of the process behind corrosion in needed.......Modelling of corrosion cracking of reinforced concrete structures is complicated as a great number of uncertain factors are involved. To get a reliable modelling a physical and mechanical understanding of the process behind corrosion in needed....

  1. Exposure testing of fasteners in preservative treated wood: Gravimetric corrosion rates and corrosion product analyses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zelinka, Samuel L., E-mail: szelinka@fs.fed.u [USDA Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, WI 53726 (United States); Sichel, Rebecca J. [College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 (United States); Stone, Donald S. [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 (United States)


    Research highlights: {yields} The composition of the corrosion products was similar for the nail head and shank. {yields} Reduced copper was not detected on any of the fasteners. {yields} Measured corrosion rates were between 1 and 35 {mu}m year{sup -1}. - Abstract: Research was conducted to determine the corrosion rates of metals in preservative treated wood and also understand the mechanism of metal corrosion in treated wood. Steel and hot-dip galvanized steel fasteners were embedded in wood treated with one of six preservative treatments and exposed to 27 {sup o}C at 100% relative humidity for 1 year. The corrosion rate was determined gravimetrically and the corrosion products were analyzed with scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Although the accepted mechanism of corrosion in treated wood involves the reduction of cupric ions from the wood preservative, no reduced copper was found on the corrosion surfaces. The galvanized corrosion products contained sulfates, whereas the steel corrosion products consisted of iron oxides and hydroxides. The possible implications and limitations of this research on fasteners used in building applications are discussed.

  2. Management of Reinforcement Corrosion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Küter, André; Geiker, Mette Rica; Møller, Per

    Reinforcement corrosion is the most important cause for deterioration of reinforced concrete structures, both with regard to costs and consequences. Thermodynamically consistent descriptions of corrosion mechanisms are expected to allow the development of innovative concepts for the management...... of reinforcement corrosion....

  3. Microbiologically induced corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stein, A.A.


    Biological attack is a problem that can affect all metallic materials in a variety of environments and systems. In the power industry, corrosion studies have focused on condensers and service water systems where slime, barnacles, clams, and other macro-organisms are easily detected. Efforts have been made to eliminate the effect of these organisms through the use of chlorination, backflushing, organic coating, or thermal shock. The objective is to maintain component performance by eliminating biofouling and reducing metallic corrosion. Recently, corrosion of power plant components by micro-organisms (bacteria) has been identified even in very clean systems. A system's first exposure to microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) occurs during its first exposure to an aqueous environment, such as during hydrotest or wet layup. Corrosion of buried pipelines by sulfate-reducing bacteria has been studied by the petrochemical industry for years. This paper discusses various methods of diagnosing, monitoring, and controlling MIC in a variety of systems, as well as indicates areas where further study is needed


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alina Crina CIUBOTARIU


    Full Text Available Corrosion in the marine environment is an important issue because the costs causes by marine corrosion increased year upon year. It is necessary a correctly approach to materials selection, protection and corrosion control to reduce this burden of wasted materials, wasted energy and wasted money. Many different types of corrosion attack can be observed to structures, ships and other equipment used in sea water service. Shipping containers are exposed to various corrosive mediums like as airborne salt, industrial pollutants, rain and saltwater. Transport damage during loading onto and unloading off trucks, train beds and ships breaches the paint coating which further contributes to corrosion. The result is shortened container life and high costs for container repair or replacement. The paper intends to evaluate, by gravimetric method, the corrosion rate and corrosion penetration rate of two types of carbon steel DX51D and S220GD. Carbon steel DX51D and hot-dip galvanized steel S220GD are used in marine and industrial applications for buildings cargo vessels, container ships and oil tankers. For testing it was used different corrosive environments: 5% NaOH solution; 5% HCL solution and 0.5M NaCl solution. The samples were immersed in 400mL of testing solution for exposure period of 28 days. Periodically at 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days and 28 days was measured de mass loss and evaluate the corrosion rate and corrosion stability coefficient. The steel DX51D was stable in 5% NaOH solution for 28 days, the values of corrosion stability coefficient was 7 after 3 days and 6 after 28 days of immersion in corrosive medium. In 5% HCL solution steels DX51D and S220GD was completely corroded in 21 days with a corrosion stability coefficient equal with 9 for 7 days and 8 for 21 days of immersion in corrosive solution. It was observed a good resistance for 3 days in 0.5M NaCl solution with a corrosion stability coefficient equal with 5, but after that

  5. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of the Drip Shield

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    F. Hua


    The repository design includes a drip shield (BSC 2004 [DIRS 168489]) that provides protection for the waste package both as a barrier to seepage water contact and a physical barrier to potential rockfall. The purpose of the process-level models developed in this report is to model dry oxidation, general corrosion, and localized corrosion of the drip shield plate material, which is made of Ti Grade 7. This document is prepared according to ''Technical Work Plan For: Regulatory Integration Modeling and Analysis of the Waste Form and Waste Package'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 171583]). The models developed in this report are used by the waste package degradation analyses for TSPA-LA and serve as a basis to determine the performance of the drip shield. The drip shield may suffer from other forms of failure such as the hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) or stress corrosion cracking (SCC), or both. Stress corrosion cracking of the drip shield material is discussed in ''Stress Corrosion Cracking of the Drip Shield, the Waste Package Outer Barrier, and the Stainless Steel Structural Material'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 169985]). Hydrogen induced cracking of the drip shield material is discussed in ''Hydrogen Induced Cracking of Drip Shield'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 169847]).

  6. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of the Drip Shield

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    F. Hua


    The repository design includes a drip shield (BSC 2004 [DIRS 168489]) that provides protection for the waste package both as a barrier to seepage water contact and a physical barrier to potential rockfall. The purpose of the process-level models developed in this report is to model dry oxidation, general corrosion, and localized corrosion of the drip shield plate material, which is made of Ti Grade 7. This document is prepared according to ''Technical Work Plan For: Regulatory Integration Modeling and Analysis of the Waste Form and Waste Package'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 171583]). The models developed in this report are used by the waste package degradation analyses for TSPA-LA and serve as a basis to determine the performance of the drip shield. The drip shield may suffer from other forms of failure such as the hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) or stress corrosion cracking (SCC), or both. Stress corrosion cracking of the drip shield material is discussed in ''Stress Corrosion Cracking of the Drip Shield, the Waste Package Outer Barrier, and the Stainless Steel Structural Material'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 169985]). Hydrogen induced cracking of the drip shield material is discussed in ''Hydrogen Induced Cracking of Drip Shield'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 169847])

  7. Estimulación de la actividad péptica del jugo gástrico, inducida por látex de Croton palanostigma (sangre de grado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Sanvodal


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar si la administración del látex de Croton palanostigma (sangre de grado, vía digestiva, modifica la actividad péptica de la secreción gástrica. Diseño: Estudio experimental. Institución: Centro de Investigación de Bioquímica y Nutrición Alberto Guzmán Barrón, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Material biológico: Ratas albinas machos adultos y sangre de grado. Métodos: Se usó 50 ratas albinas machos adultos, entre 200 y 250 g de peso, que fueron distribuidas aleatoriamente en 5 grupos, a los que se administró por vía oro-gástrica, y en dosis única, como sigue: grupo I: 0,8 mL/kg de sangre de grado; grupo II: 0,8 mL/kg de sangre de grado neutralizada; grupo III: ranitidina 50 mg/kg; grupo IV: control, con solución salina 0,9 g% (sin histamina; grupo V: control con solución salina 0,9 g%. Se realizó ligadura pilórica, por laparotomía, con anestesia de éter etílico. Se utilizó histamina, aplicada por vía subcutánea, para estimular la secreción, excepto al grupo IV. Cuatro horas después, se extrajo el jugo gástrico, se midió el volumen, el pH por potenciometría y la actividad de la pepsina, por el método de Anson modificado, expresado como µg de tirosina/mL. Principales medidas de resultados: Modificación de la actividad péptica de la secreción gástrica. Resultados: El volumen del jugo gástrico fue significativamente menor en los grupos II y III; que en los otros, entre los que no hubo diferencia estadística. El pH del grupo III (con ranitidina fue significativamente mayor que los otros, demostrando el efecto del fármaco. La actividad péptica fue: con sangre de grado 5,34+1,04; sangre de grado neutralizada 2,69+1,27; grupo ranitidina 2,57+0,88; el control sin histamina 3,29+0,94 y control con histamina 3,58+1,18. La actividad péptica fue significativamente mayor (+49,2% en el grupo con sangre de grado (p<0,01 que en los otros grupos. Conclusiones

  8. Catastrophes caused by corrosion




    For many years, huge attention has been paid to the problem of corrosion damage and destruction of metallic materials. Experience shows that failures due to corrosion problems are very important, and statistics at the world level shows that the damage resulting from the effects of various forms of corrosion is substantial and that, for example, in industrialized countries it reaches 4-5% of national incomes. Significant funds are determined annually for the prevention and control of corrosion...

  9. An overview of erosion corrosion models and reliability assessment for corrosion defects in piping system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srividya, A.; Suresh, H.N.; Verma, A.K.; Gopika, V.; Santosh


    Piping systems are part of passive structural elements in power plants. The analysis of the piping systems and their quantification in terms of failure probability is of utmost importance. The piping systems may fail due to various degradation mechanisms like thermal fatigue, erosion-corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and vibration fatigue. On examination of previous results, erosion corrosion was more prevalent and wall thinning is a time dependent phenomenon. The paper is intended to consolidate the work done by various investigators on erosion corrosion in estimating the erosion corrosion rate and reliability predictions. A comparison of various erosion corrosion models is made. The reliability predictions based on remaining strength of corroded pipelines by wall thinning is also attempted. Variables in the limit state functions are modelled using normal distributions and Reliability assessment is carried out using some of the existing failure pressure models. A steady state corrosion rate is assumed to estimate the corrosion defect and First Order Reliability Method (FORM) is used to find the probability of failure associated with corrosion defects over time using the software for Component Reliability evaluation (COMREL). (author)

  10. Corrosion protection and control using nanomaterials

    CERN Document Server

    Cook, R


    This book covers the use of nanomaterials to prevent corrosion. The first section deals with the fundamentals of corrosion prevention using nanomaterials. Part two includes a series of case studies and applications of nanomaterials for corrosion control.$bCorrosion is an expensive and potentially dangerous problem in many industries. The potential application of different nanostructured materials in corrosion protection, prevention and control is a subject of increasing interest. Corrosion protection and control using nanomaterials explores the potential use of nanotechnology in corrosion control. The book is divided into two parts. Part one looks at the fundamentals of corrosion behaviour and the manufacture of nanocrystalline materials. Chapters discuss the impact of nanotechnology in reducing corrosion cost, and investigate the influence of various factors including thermodynamics, kinetics and grain size on the corrosion behaviour of nanocrystalline materials. There are also chapters on electrodeposition ...

  11. Monitoring and modeling stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue damage in nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Andresen, P.L.; Ford, F.P.; Solomon, H.D.; Taylor, D.F.


    Stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue are significant problems in many industries, causing economic penalties from decreased plant availability and component repair or replacement. In nuclear power reactors, environmental cracking occurs in a wide variety of components, including reactor piping and steam generator tubing, bolting materials and pressure vessels. Life assessment for these components is complicated by the belief that cracking is quite irreproducible. Indeed, for conditions which were once viewed as nominally similar, orders of magnitude variability in crack growth rates are observed for stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue of stainless steels and low-alloy steels in 288 degrees C water. This paper shows that design and life prediction approaches are destined to be overly conservative or to risk environmental failure if life is predicted by quantifying only the effects of mechanical parameters and/or simply ignoring or aggregating environmental and material variabilities. Examples include the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) disposition line for stress-corrosion cracking of stainless steel in boiling water reactor (BWR) water and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Section XI lines for corrosion fatigue

  12. Recognition and Analysis of Corrosion Failure Mechanisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Steven Suess


    Full Text Available Corrosion has a vast impact on the global and domestic economy, and currently incurs losses of nearly $300 billion annually to the U.S. economy alone. Because of the huge impact of corrosion, it is imperative to have a systematic approach to recognizing and mitigating corrosion problems as soon as possible after they become apparent. A proper failure analysis includes collection of pertinent background data and service history, followed by visual inspection, photographic documentation, material evaluation, data review and conclusion procurement. In analyzing corrosion failures, one must recognize the wide range of common corrosion mechanisms. The features of any corrosion failure give strong clues as to the most likely cause of the corrosion. This article details a proven approach to properly determining the root cause of a failure, and includes pictographic illustrations of the most common corrosion mechanisms, including general corrosion, pitting, galvanic corrosion, dealloying, crevice corrosion, microbiologically-influenced corrosion (MIC, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion cracking (SCC, intergranular corrosion, fretting, erosion corrosion and hydrogen damage.

  13. Corrosion of PWR steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garnsey, R.


    Some designs of pressurized water reactor (PWR) steam generators have experienced a variety of corrosion problems which include stress corrosion cracking, tube thinning, pitting, fatigue, erosion-corrosion and support plate corrosion resulting in 'denting'. Large international research programmes have been mounted to investigate the phenomena. The operational experience is reviewed and mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the corrosion damage are presented. The implications for design development and for boiler and feedwater control are discussed. (author)

  14. Archaeological analogs and corrosion; Analogues archeologiques et corrosion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    David, D


    In the framework of the high level and long life radioactive wastes disposal deep underground, the ANDRA built a research program on the material corrosion. In particular they aim to design containers for a very long time storage. Laboratory experiments are in progress and can be completed by the analysis of metallic archaeological objects and their corrosion after hundred years. (A.L.B.)

  15. The Corrosion Inhibition Characteristics of Sodium Nitrite Using an On-line Corrosion Rate Measurement System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Mal-Yong; Kang, Dae-Jin; Moon, Jeon-Soo


    An on-line corrosion rate measurement system was developed using a personal computer, a data acquisition board and program, and a 2-electrode corrosion probe. Reliability of the developed system was confirmed with through comparison test. With this system, the effect of sodium nitrite (NaNO 2 ) as a corrosion inhibitor were studied on iron and aluminum brass that were immersed in sodium chloride (NaCl) solution. Corrosion rate was measured based on the linear polarization resistance method. The corrosion rates of aluminum brass and iron in 1% NaCl solutions were measured to be 0.290 mm per year (mmpy) and 0.2134 mmpy, respectively. With the addition of 200 ppm of NO 2 - , the corrosion rates decreased to 0.0470 mmpy and 0.0254 mmpy. The addition of NO 2 - caused a decrease in corrosion rates of both aluminum brass and iron, yet the NO 2 - acted as a more effective corrosion inhibitor for iron. than aluminum brass

  16. Corrosion Engineering. (United States)

    White, Charles V.

    A description is provided for a Corrosion and Corrosion Control course offered in the Continuing Engineering Education Program at the General Motors Institute (GMI). GMI is a small cooperative engineering school of approximately 2,000 students who alternate between six-week periods of academic study and six weeks of related work experience in…

  17. Some observations on phosphate based corrosion inhibitors in preventing carbon steel corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anupkumar, B.; Satpathy, K.K.


    Among the various types of phosphonic acid based inhibitors assayed, namely HEDP, ATMP and a commercial corrosion inhibitor (code named Betz), it was found that Betz has the maximum amount of organic phosphate followed by HEDP and ATMP. The corrosion rate studies show that Betz gives the highest inhibition efficiency followed by HEDP and ATMP. This shows that organic phosphate plays a significant role in corrosion protection. However, it was observed that due to synergestic effect, HEDP in the presence of Zn 2+ gave a better corrosion protection than Betz. The results are discussed in the light of available literature. (author)

  18. Corrosion and alteration of materials from the nuclear industry; La Corrosion et l'alteration des materiaux du nucleaire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beauvy, M.; Berthoud, G.; Defranceschi, M.; Ducros, G.; Feron, D.; Guerin, Y.; Latge, C.; Limoge, Y.; Madic, C.; Santarini, G.; Seiler, J.M.; Vernaz, E.; Richet, C.


    The control of the corrosion phenomenon is of prime importance for the nuclear industry. The efficiency and the safety of facilities can be affected by this phenomenon. The nuclear industry has to face corrosion for a large variety of materials submitted to various environments. Metallic corrosion operates in the hot and aqueous environment of water reactors which represent the most common reactor type in the world. Progresses made in the control of the corrosion of the different components of these reactors allow to improve their safety. Corrosion is present in the facilities of the back-end of the fuel cycle as well (corrosion in acid environment in fuel reprocessing plants, corrosion of waste containers in disposal and storage facilities, etc). The future nuclear systems will widen even more the range of materials to be studied and the situations in which they will be placed (corrosion by liquid metals or by helium impurities). Very often, corrosion looks like a patchwork of particular cases in its description. The encountered corrosion problems and their study are presented in this book according to chapters representing the main sectors of the nuclear industry and classified with respect to their phenomenology. This monograph illustrates the researches in progress and presents some results of particular importance obtained recently. Content: 1 - Introduction: context, stakes and goals; definition of corrosion; a complex science; corrosion in the nuclear industry; 2 - corrosion in water reactors - phenomenology, mechanisms, remedies: A - uniform corrosion: mechanisms, uniform corrosion of fuel cladding, in-situ measurement of generalized corrosion rate by electrochemical methods, uniform corrosion of nickel alloys, characterization of the passive layer and growth mechanisms, the PACTOLE code - an integrating tool, influence of water chemistry on corrosion and contamination, radiolysis impact on uniform corrosion; B - stress corrosion: stress corrosion cracking

  19. Smart Coatings for Corrosion Protection (United States)

    Calle, Luz Marina; Li, Wendy; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Johnsey, Marissa N.


    Nearly all metals and their alloys are subject to corrosion that causes them to lose their structural integrity or other critical functionality. It is essential to detect corrosion when it occurs, and preferably at its early stage, so that action can be taken to avoid structural damage or loss of function. Protective coatings are the most commonly used method of corrosion control. However, progressively stricter environmental regulations have resulted in the ban of many commercially available corrosion protective coatings due to the harmful effects of their solvents or corrosion inhibitors. This work concerns the development of a multifunctional, smart coating for the autonomous control of corrosion. This coating is being developed to have the inherent ability to detect the chemical changes associated with the onset of corrosion and respond autonomously to indicate it and control it.

  20. Corrosion studies on PREPP waste form

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welch, J.M.; Neilson, R.M. Jr.


    Deformation or Failure Test and Accelerated Corrosion Test procedures were conducted to investigate the effect of formulation variables on the corrosion of oversize waste in Process Experimental Pilot Plant (PREPP) concrete waste forms. The Deformation or Failure Test did not indicate substantial waste form swelling from corrosion. The presence or absence of corrosion inhibitor was the most significant factor relative to measured half-cell potentials identified in the Accelerated Corrosion Test. However, corrosion inhibitor was determined to be only marginally beneficial. While this study produced no evidence that corrosion is of sufficient magnitude to produce serious degradation of PREPP waste forms, the need for corrosion rate testing is suggested. 11 references, 4 figures, 8 tables

  1. Desarrollo de métodos para la evaluación integrada de propiedades mecánicas y superficiales inducidas en materiales metálicos mediante tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque generadas por láser


    Ruiz de Lara de Luis, Leonardo


    El tratamiento superficial por ondas de choque generadas por láser, LSP, es una técnica cuyo principal objetivo es el de la modificación del estado tensional de las primeras micras en profundidad de materiales metálicos. En sus comienzos está técnica fue empleada para inducir tensiones residuales de compresión en superficie, pero mientras se avanzaba en su desarrollo se empezaron a observar otros efectos. Profundizando en ellos se llega a la conclusión de que existe una fuerte relación entre ...

  2. DPC materials and corrosion environments.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ilgen, Anastasia Gennadyevna; Bryan, Charles R.; Teich-McGoldrick, Stephanie; Hardin, Ernest


    After an exposition of the materials used in DPCs and the factors controlling material corrosion in disposal environments, a survey is given of the corrosion rates, mechanisms, and products for commonly used stainless steels. Research needs are then identified for predicting stability of DPC materials in disposal environments. Stainless steel corrosion rates may be low enough to sustain DPC basket structural integrity for performance periods of as long as 10,000 years, especially in reducing conditions. Uncertainties include basket component design, disposal environment conditions, and the in-package chemical environment including any localized effects from radiolysis. Prospective disposal overpack materials exist for most disposal environments, including both corrosion allowance and corrosion resistant materials. Whereas the behavior of corrosion allowance materials is understood for a wide range of corrosion environments, demonstrating corrosion resistance could be more technically challenging and require environment-specific testing. A preliminary screening of the existing inventory of DPCs and other types of canisters is described, according to the type of closure, whether they can be readily transported, and what types of materials are used in basket construction.

  3. Pipe Lines – External Corrosion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dan Babor


    Full Text Available Two areas of corrosion occur in pipe lines: corrosion from the medium carried inside the pipes; corrosion attack upon the outside of the pipes (underground corrosion. Electrolytic processes are also involved in underground corrosion. Here the moisture content of the soil acts as an electrolyte, and the ions required to conduct the current are supplied by water-soluble salts (chlorides, sulfates, etc. present in the soil. The nature and amount of these soluble materials can vary within a wide range, which is seen from the varying electrical conductivity and pH (varies between 3 and 10. Therefore the characteristics of a soil will be an important factor in under-ground corrosion.

  4. Automated Methods Of Corrosion Measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech-Nielsen, Gregers; Andersen, Jens Enevold Thaulov; Reeve, John Ch


    The chapter describes the following automated measurements: Corrosion Measurements by Titration, Imaging Corrosion by Scanning Probe Microscopy, Critical Pitting Temperature and Application of the Electrochemical Hydrogen Permeation Cell.......The chapter describes the following automated measurements: Corrosion Measurements by Titration, Imaging Corrosion by Scanning Probe Microscopy, Critical Pitting Temperature and Application of the Electrochemical Hydrogen Permeation Cell....

  5. Corrosion and Corrosion Fatigue of Aluminum Alloys: Chemistry, Micromechanics and Reliability

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Wei, Robert


    ... No. F49620-98-1-0198, to further develop a basic mechanistic understanding of the damage evolution processes of localized corrosion and corrosion fatigue crack nucleation and growth in aluminum alloys...

  6. Corrosion in Electronics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ambat, Rajan; Gudla, Helene Virginie Conseil; Verdingovas, Vadimas


    Electronic control units, power modules, and consumer electronics are used today in a wide variety of varying climatic conditions. Varying external climatic conditions of temperature and humidity can cause an uncontrolled local climate inside the device enclosure. Uncontrolled humidity together...... and high density packing combined with the use of several materials, which can undergo electrochemical corrosion in the presence of water film formed due to humidity exposure and bias conditions on the PCBA surface. This article provides a short review of the corrosion reliability issues of electronics due...... to the use of electronics under varying humidity conditions. Important PCBA aspects, which are fundamental to the corrosion cell formation under humid conditions, are discussed. Effect of hygroscopic residues from the process and service and their role in assisting water film build up and corrosion...

  7. Assessing resistance of stabilized corrosion resistant steels to intergranular corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karas, A.; Cihal, V. Jr.; Vanek, V.; Herzan, J.; Protiva, K.; Cihal, V.


    Resistance to intergranular corrosion was determined for four types of titanium-stabilized steels from the coefficients of stabilization efficiency according to the degree the chemical composition was known. The ATA SUPER steel showed the highest resistance parameter value. The resistance of this type of steel of a specific composition, showing a relatively low value of mean nitrogen content was compared with steel of an optimized chemical composition and with low-carbon niobium stabilized, molybdenum modified steels. The comparison showed guarantees of a sufficient resistance of the steel to intergranular corrosion. The method of assessing the resistance to intergranular corrosion using the calculation of the minimum content of Cr', i.e., the effective chromium content, and the maximum effective carbon content C' giving the resistance parameter k seems to be prospective for practical use in the production of corrosion resistant steels. (author). 1 tab., 5 figs., 15 refs


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    J. A. de Paz Fernández


    Full Text Available


    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue valorar las adaptaciones inducidas por un programa de entrenamiento pliométrico del tren inferior de 4 semanas de duración (12 sesiones, aplicado a 9 estudiantes de educación física (19.33±1.38 años, 74.89±6.89Kg, contando también con un grupo control (N=8. El grupo experimental mostró mejoras en la altura de salto vertical en diferentes test (SJ, CMJ y Abalakov, fuerza máxima isométrica de extensión de rodilla y potencia pico en cicloergómetro (test de Wingate, si bien ninguno de estos incrementos fue estadísticamente significativo. El grupo control no mostró mejoras en ningún test. El hecho de que los incrementos no alcanzasen significación estadística pudo deberse a la escasa duración del programa aplicado, en comparación con los programas citados en la literatura.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Pliometría, Drop Jump, capacidad de salto, test de Wingate.

  9. Microbiological corrosion of metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vladislavlev, V.V.


    Problems is considered of development of the microbiological corrosion of the NPP equipment. The main attention is paid to the selective character of microbiological corrosion in zones of welded joints of austenitic steels. It is noted that the presence of technological defects promotes growth of corrosional damages. Methods for microbiological corrosion protection are discussed

  10. Las defensas inducidas en trigos comerciales


    Càrdenas, David; Giménez, Daniel O.; Castro, Ana María


    Las plantas presentan múltiples tipos de estrategias de defensas ante sus patógenos y plagas y frente a estreses ambientales. En muchos casos las defensas constitutivas acarrean costos metabólicos altos que provocan mermas del rendimiento cuando no ocurren en el ciclo de cultivo ataquesde plagas o patógenos. Las defensas inducibles en cambio sólo se activan ante elicitores específicos producidos por la interacción con los agresores bióticos, si bien conllevan gastos energéticos sólo ocurre an...

  11. Corrosion control for low-cost reliability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This conference was held September 19-24, 1993 in Houston, Texas to provide a forum for exchange of state-of-the-art information on corrosion. Topics of interest focus on the following: atmospheric corrosion; chemical process industry corrosion; high temperature corrosion; and corrosion of plant materials. Individual papers have been processed separately for inclusion in the appropriate data bases

  12. Radio-tracer techniques in the study of corrosion by molten fluorides; Etude, a l'aide d'indicateurs radioactifs, de la corrosion provoquee par les fluorures fondus; Primenenie metodov radioaktivnykh indikatorov nrn izuchenii korrozii, prichinyaemoj rasplavlennymi ftoristymi soedineniyami; Estudio con indicadores radiactivos de la corrosion ocasionada por fluoruros fundidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grimes, W R; Watson, G M; DeVan, J H; Evans, R B [Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (United States)


    coefficients de diffusion mesures experimentalement; il est permis d'en conclure que le coefficient d'autodiffusion du chrome est insensible aux modifications de la teneur en chrome de l'alliage Inor-8. (author) [Spanish] Si se someten el Inconel o el Inor-8 a la accion de una mezcla de fluoruros fundidos, que contenga sustancias reducibles, el cromo sufre una oxidacion selectiva y es extraido de la aleacion. Con ayuda del indicador radiactivo {sup 51}Cr, los autores han evaluado los coeficientes de autodifusion del cromo en el Inconel y en el lnor-8, y han comprobado que los datos obtenidos son validos para las aleaciones expuestas a la corrosion. Han calculado los coeficientes globales 1) midiendo el paso del {sup 51}Cr de las capsulas de aleacion (empleado en forma do CrF{sub 2}) a los fluoruros no corrosivos fundidos, y 2) comparando la radiactividad total medida en las muestras de aleacion expuestas con la radiactividad de la sal a cuya accion fueron sometidas. Ademas, calcularon los coeficientes midiendo los perfiles do concentracion del indicador por pulidos electroliticos sucesivos de las muestras. Los coeficientes globales y los obtenidos por pulido electrolitico concuerdan satisfactoriamente para el Inconel a temperaturas elevadas, y para el lnor-8 a todas las temperaturas. Los valores obtenidos por pulido electrolitico del Inconel tratado a temperaturas inferiores a 760{sup o} C superan a los valores globales; en este caso, el proceso de difusion masica no es uniforme. Los coeficientes medios de difusion encontrados concuerdan siempre con los que se calculan por extrapolacion de los valores publicados, que fueron obtenidos con aleaciones de Cr-Ni similares, a temperaturas mas elevadas. Los autores se sirvieron de un par de buees politermicos de Inor-8 para hacer circular una masa de fluoruros no corrosivos fundidos que contenian {sup 51}Cr (en forma de CrF{sub 2}). Sacrificaron uno de estos bucles para evaluar la cantidad de {sup 51}Cr absorbida por la aleacion; el

  13. A Multifunctional Coating for Autonomous Corrosion Control (United States)

    Calle, Luz M.; Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Jolley, Scott t.


    Nearly all metals and their alloys are subject to corrosion that causes them to lose their structural integrity or other critical functionality. Protective coatings are the most commonly used method of corrosion control. However, progressively stricter environmental regulations have resulted in the ban of many commercially available corrosion protective coatings due to the harmful effects of their solvents or corrosion inhibitors. This work concerns the development of a multifunctional smart coating for the autonomous control of corrosion. This coating is being developed to have the inherent ability to detect the chemical changes associated with the onset of corrosion and respond autonomously to indicate it and control it. The multi-functionality of the coating is based on microencapsulation technology specifically designed for corrosion control applications. This design has, in addition to all the advantages of existing microcapsulation designs, the corrosion controlled release function that triggers the delivery of corrosion indicators and inhibitors on demand, only when and where needed. Microencapsulation of self-healing agents for autonomous repair of mechanical damage to the coating is also being pursued. Corrosion indicators, corrosion inhibitors, as well as self-healing agents, have been encapsulated and dispersed into several paint systems to test the corrosion detection, inhibition, and self-healing properties of the coating. Key words: Corrosion, coating, autonomous corrosion control, corrosion indication, corrosion inhibition, self-healing coating, smart coating, multifunctional coating, microencapsulation.

  14. New technologies - new corrosion problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heitz, E.


    Adequate resistance of materials to corrosion is equally important for classical and for new technologies. This article considers the economic consequences of corrosion damage and, in addition to the long-known GNP orientation, presents a new approach to the estimation of the costs of corrosion and corrosion protection via maintenance and especially corrosion-related maintenance. The significance of ''high-tech'', ''medium-tech'' and ''low-tech'' material and corrosion problems is assessed. Selected examples taken from new technologies in the areas of power engineering, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, and biotechnology demonstrate the great significance of the problems. It is concluded that corrosion research and corrosion prevention technology will never come to an end but will constantly face new problems. Two technologies are of particular interest since they focus attention on new methods of investigation: microelectronics and final disposal of radioactive wastes. The article closes by considering the importance of the transfer of experience and technology. Since the manufacturs and operators of machines and plant do not generally have access to the very latest knowledge, they should be kept informed through advisory services, experimental studies, databases, and further education. (orig.) [de

  15. Corrosion probe. Innovative technology summary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Over 253 million liters of high-level waste (HLW) generated from plutonium production is stored in mild steel tanks at the Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site. Corrosion monitoring of double-shell storage tanks (DSTs) is currently performed at Hanford using a combination of process knowledge and tank waste sampling and analysis. Available technologies for corrosion monitoring have progressed to a point where it is feasible to monitor and control corrosion by on-line monitoring of the corrosion process and direct addition of corrosion inhibitors. The electrochemical noise (EN) technique deploys EN-based corrosion monitoring probes into storage tanks. This system is specifically designed to measure corrosion rates and detect changes in waste chemistry that trigger the onset of pitting and cracking. These on-line probes can determine whether additional corrosion inhibitor is required and, if so, provide information on an effective end point to the corrosion inhibitor addition procedure. This report describes the technology, its performance, its application, costs, regulatory and policy issues, and lessons learned

  16. Corrosion behaviors of ceramics against liquid sodium. Sodium corrosion characteristics of sintering additives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tachi, Yoshiaki; Kano, Shigeki; Hirakawa, Yasushi; Yoshida, Eiichi


    It has been progressed as the Frontier Materials Research to research and develop ceramics to apply for several components of fast breeder reactor using liquid sodium as coolant instead of metallic materials. Grain boundary of ceramics has peculiar properties compared with matrix because most of ceramics are produced by hardening and firing their raw powders. Some previous researchers indicated that ceramics were mainly corroded at grain boundaries by liquid sodium, and ceramics could not be used under corrosive environment. Thus, it is the most important for the usage of ceramics in liquid sodium to improve corrosion resistance of grain boundaries. In order to develop the advanced ceramics having good sodium corrosion resistance among fine ceramics, which have recently been progressed in quality and characteristics remarkably, sodium corrosion behaviors of typical sintering additives such as MgO, Y 2 O 3 and AlN etc. have been examined and evaluated. As a result, the followings have been clarified and some useful knowledge about developing advanced ceramics having good corrosion resistance against liquid sodium has been obtained. (1) Sodium corrosion behavior of MgO depended on Si content. Samples containing large amount of Si were corroded severely by liquid sodium, whereas others with low Si contents showed good corrosion resistance. (2) Both Y 2 O 3 and AlN, which contained little Si, showed good sodium corrosion resistance. (3) MgO, Y 2 O 3 and AlN are thought to be corroded by liquid sodium, if they contain some SiO 2 . Therefore, in order to improve sodium corrosion resistance, it is very important for these ceramics to prevent the contamination of matrix with SiO 2 through purity control of their raw powders. (author)

  17. Shadow Corrosion Mechanism of Zircaloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ullberg, Mats; Lysell, Gunnar; Nystrand, Ann-Charlotte


    Local corrosion enhancement appears on zirconium-base alloys in-core in boiling water reactors when the zirconium alloy is in close proximity to another metal. The visual appearance often resembles a shadow of the other component. The phenomenon is therefore referred to as 'shadow corrosion'. Shadow corrosion has been known for more than 25 years. Mechanisms based on either galvanic corrosion or local radiolysis effects have been proposed as explanations. Both types of mechanism have seemed to explain some facets of the phenomenon. Normally, shadow corrosion is of no practical significance. However, an enhanced and potentially serious form of shadow corrosion was discovered in 1996. This discovery stimulated new experiments that fully supported neither of the longstanding theories. Thus, there is till now no generally accepted understanding of the shadow corrosion phenomenon. The aim of the present investigation was to analyse the available data and to identify, if possible, a plausible mechanism of shadow corrosion. It was found that the experimental evidence is, with a few exceptions, remarkably consistent with a galvanic mechanism. The main exception is that shadow corrosion may occur also when the two metals are nominally electrically insulated. One way to account for the main exception could be to invoke the effect of photoconductivity. Photoconductivity results when a semiconductor or an insulator is irradiated with photons of UV or higher energy. The photons elevate electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, thereby raising the electron conductivity of the solid. In particular, photoconductivity lowers the electrical resistance of the normally insulating oxide on zirconium base alloys. Photoconductivity therefore also has the potential to explain why shadow corrosion is only seen in, or in proximity to, a nuclear reactor core. The suggested mechanism of shadow corrosion can be tested in a reasonably simple experiment in a research reactor

  18. Effect of flow on corrosion in catenary risers and its corrosion inhibitor performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Pedro Altoe; Magalhaes, Alvaro Augusto Oliveira; Silva, Jussara de Mello [PETROBRAS S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Kang, Cheolho; More, Parimal P. [Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Oslo (Norway)


    In oil and gas production, multiphase flow is often encountered and a range of different flow patterns can be experienced in pipelines. The flow regime transition and flow characteristics can be changed with the change of pipeline topography, which affects the corrosion and the performance of corrosion inhibitor in these multiphase pipelines. This paper outlines on the effect of inclination on the flow characteristics and their subsequent effect on corrosion rates. Also, this paper presents on the performance of three candidate corrosion inhibitors under severe slugging conditions at low water cut. For the simulation of offshore flow lines and risers, the experiments were carried out in a 44 m long, 10 cm diameter, three different pipeline inclinations of 0, 3 and 45 degrees. Light condensate oil with a viscosity of 2.5 cP at room temperature was used and water cut was 20%. The results indicated that the baseline corrosion rate in 45 degrees showed higher than other inclinations. Each corrosion inhibitor showed a different inhibitor performance. (author)

  19. CHECWORKS integrated software for corrosion control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schefski, C.; Pietralik; Hazelton, T.


    CHECWORKS, a comprehensive software package for managing Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC, also called erosion-corrosion and flow-assisted corrosion) concerns, is expanding to include other systems and other aspects of corrosion control in CANDU reactors. This paper will outline CHECWORKS applications at various CANDU stations and further plans for CHECWORKS to become a code for comprehensive corrosion control management. (author)

  20. The resistance of titanium to pitting, microbially induced corrosion and corrosion in unsaturated conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shoesmith, D.W.; Ikeda, B.M.


    Titanium and its alloys (Grades-2, -12, -16) are candidate materials for Canadian nuclear waste containers on the basis of their apparent immunity to many localized corrosion processes. This simplifies markedly the effort needed to justify the use of these materials and to develop models to predict the lifetimes of containers. Here we review the pitting, microbially influenced corrosion (MIC), and corrosion under unsaturated conditions, of titanium. For all these processes, the properties of the passive oxide film are paramount in determining the metal's resistance to corrosion. A review of these oxide properties is included and the conditions to which the metal must be exposed if localized corrosion is to occur are defined. Since these conditions cannot be achieved under Canadian waste vault conditions, it can be concluded that pitting and MIC will not occur and that corrosion under unsaturated conditions is extremely unlikely. (author)

  1. The Effects of Corrosive Chemicals on Corrosion Rate of Steel Reinforcement Bars: II. Swamp Sludges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henki Ashadi


    Full Text Available A polluted environment will influence the building age. The objective of this research was to find out the influence of corrosive chemicals within the sludge swamp area with the corrosion rate of steel concrete. Corrosion in steel concrete usually occur in acid area which contain of SO42-, Cl- and NO3-. The research treatment used by emerging ST 37 andST 60 within 60 days in 'polluted' sludge swamp area. Three variation of 'polluted' swamp sludge were made by increasing the concentration a corrosive unsure up to 1X, 5X and 10X. The corrosion rate measured by using an Immersion Method. The result of Immersion test showed that sulphate had a greatest influence to corrosion rate of ST 37 and ST 60 and followed by chloride and nitrate. Corrosion rate value for ST 37 was 17.58 mpy and for ST 60 was 12.47 mpy.

  2. Microanálisis de capas pictóricas en esculturas policromadas


    Mendoza Cuevas, Ariadna


    RESUMEN Se analizan muestras de secciones transversales de esculturas en madera policromadas por los métodos de microanálisis: Microscopía óptica, las técnicas nucleares: microfluorescencia de rayos X y microemisión de rayos X inducida por protones con sistema de detección por dispersión de Rutherford acoplado y el método tradicional de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido con detección de fluorescencia de rayos X dispersiva en energía acoplada. Se enfatiza en la microfluorescencia de rayos X p...

  3. Protecting solar collector systems from corrosion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The main cause of the reduced life of a solar heating system is corrosion of the exterior parts and the internal components. This report outlines ways of reducing the cost of solar heating by reducing the corrosion in solar heating systems, and hence increasing the system's service life. Mechanisms for corrosion are discussed: these include galvanic corrosion and crevice corrosion. Means of minimizing corrosion at the design stage are then described. Such methods, when designing the solar collector, involve ensuring proper drainage of exterior water; eliminating situations where moisture, dirt and pollutants may collect; preventing condensation inside the collector; using proper gaskets and sealants at appropriate places; and selecting optimum materials and coatings. Interior corrosion can be minimized at the design stage by choosing a good heat transfer fluid and corrosion inhibitor, in the case of systems where liquids are used; ensuring a low enough flow rate to avoid erosion; designing the system to avoid crevices; and avoiding situations where galvanic corrosion could occur. Other procedures are given for minimizing corrosion in the construction and operation of solar heating systems. 7 figs., 7 tabs.

  4. Prediction of reinforcement corrosion using corrosion induced cracks width in corroded reinforced concrete beams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, Inamullah; François, Raoul; Castel, Arnaud


    This paper studies the evolution of reinforcement corrosion in comparison to corrosion crack width in a highly corroded reinforced concrete beam. Cracking and corrosion maps of the beam were drawn and steel reinforcement was recovered from the beam to observe the corrosion pattern and to measure the loss of mass of steel reinforcement. Maximum steel cross-section loss of the main reinforcement and average steel cross-section loss between stirrups were plotted against the crack width. The experimental results were compared with existing models proposed by Rodriguez et al., Vidal et al. and Zhang et al. Time prediction models for a given opening threshold are also compared to experimental results. Steel cross-section loss for stirrups was also measured and was plotted against the crack width. It was observed that steel cross-section loss in the stirrups had no relationship with the crack width of longitudinal corrosion cracks. -- Highlights: •Relationship between crack and corrosion of reinforcement was investigated. •Corrosion results of natural process and then corresponds to in-situ conditions. •Comparison with time predicting model is provided. •Prediction of load-bearing capacity from crack pattern was studied

  5. A non-destructive test method to monitor corrosion products and corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced cement based materials

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michel, Alexander; Pease, Bradley Justin; Peterova, Adela


    ) was conducted to describe the impact of water-to-cement ratio and corrosion current density (i.e., corrosion rate) on the reinforcement corrosion process. Focus was placed, in particular on the determination of the corrosion accommodating region (CAR) and time to corrosion-induced cracking. Experimental results...... showed that x-ray attenuation measurements allow determination of the actual concentrations of corrosion products averaged through the specimen thickness. The total mass loss of steel measured by x-ray attenuation was found to be in very good agreement with the calculated mass loss obtained by Faraday......’s law. Furthermore, experimental results demonstrated that the depth of penetration of corrosion products as well as time to corrosion-induced cracking is varying for the different water-to-cement ratios and applied corrosion current densities....

  6. Corrosion and protection of magnesium alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ghali, E. [Laval Univ., Quebec City, PQ (Canada). Dept. of Mining and Metallurgy


    The oxide film on magnesium offers considerable surface protection in rural and some industrial environments and the corrosion rate lies between that of aluminum and low carbon steels. Galvanic coupling of magnesium alloys, high impurity content such as Ni, Fe, Cu and surface contamination are detrimental for corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys. Alloying elements can form secondary particles which are noble to the Mg matrix, thereby facilitating corrosion, or enrich the corrosion product thereby possibly inhibiting the corrosion rate. Bimetallic corrosion resistance can be increased by fluxless melt protection, choice of compatible alloys, insulating materials, and new high-purity alloys. Magnesium is relatively insensible to oxygen concentration. Pitting, corrosion in the crevices, filiform corrosion are observed. Granular corrosion of magnesium alloys is possible due to the cathodic grain-boundary constituent. More homogeneous microstructures tend to improve corrosion resistance. Under fatigue loading conditions, microcrack initiation in Mg alloys is related to slip in preferentially oriented grains. Coating that exclude the corrosive environments can provide the primary defense against corrosion fatigue. Magnesium alloys that contain neither aluminum nor zinc are the most SCC resistant. Compressive surface residual stresses as that created by short peening increase SCC resistance. Cathodic polarization or cladding with a SCC resistant sheet alloy are good alternatives. Effective corrosion prevention for magnesium alloy components and assemblies should start at the design stage. Selective surface preparation, chemical treatment and coatings are recommended. Oil application, wax coating, anodizing, electroplating, and painting are possible alternatives. Recently, it is found that a magnesium hydride layer, created on the magnesium surface by cathodic charging in aqueous solution is a good base for painting. (orig.)

  7. High Temperature Corrosion under Laboratory Conditions Simulating Biomass-Firing: A Comprehensive Characterization of Corrosion Products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okoro, Sunday Chukwudi; Montgomery, Melanie; Jappe Frandsen, Flemming


    characterization of the corrosion products. The corrosion products consisted of three layers: i) the outermost layer consisting of a mixed layer of K2SO4 and FexOy on a partly molten layer of the initial deposit, ii) the middle layer consists of spinel (FeCr2O4) and Fe2O3, and iii) the innermost layer is a sponge......-like Ni3S2 containing layer. At the corrosion front, Cl-rich protrusions were observed. Results indicate that selective corrosion of Fe and Cr by Cl, active oxidation and sulphidation attack of Ni are possible corrosion mechanisms....

  8. Corrosion of X65 Pipeline Steel Under Deposit and Effect of Corrosion Inhibitor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    XU Yun-ze


    Full Text Available Effect of the deposit on the electrochemical parameters of X65 pipeline steel in oxygen contained sodium chloride solution was studied by EIS and PDS methods. The galvanic corrosion behavior under deposit and effect of different concentration of corrosion inhibitor PBTCA were studied by electrical resistance (ER method combined with ZRA. The results show that the corrosion potential of X65 steel shifts negatively as SiO2 covering its surface and the corrosion rate becomes lower. When the galvanic couple specimen with deposit is electrically connected with the specimen without deposit, anodic polarization occurs on X65 steel under deposit and the galvanic current density decreases from 120μA/cm2 to 50μA/cm2 and keeps stable. As 5×10-5, 8×10-5 and 3×10-4 PBTCA were introduced into the solution, the galvanic current density reaches the highest 1300μA/cm2 and then decreases to 610μA/cm2 keeping stable around 610μA/cm2, corrosion rate of X65 steel under deposit reaches 6.11mm/a. PBTCA accelerates the corrosion of X65 steel under deposit in oxygen contained solution. Through the investigation on the surface of the specimens, serious local corrosion occurs on the X65 steel surface under deposit.

  9. The resistance of titanium to pitting, microbially induced corrosion and corrosion in unsaturated conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shoesmith, D W; Ikeda, B M


    Titanium and its alloys (Grades-2, -12, -16) are candidate materials for Canadian nuclear waste containers on the basis of their apparent immunity to many localized corrosion processes. This simplifies markedly the effort needed to justify the use of these materials and to develop models to predict the lifetimes of containers. Here we review the pitting, microbially influenced corrosion (MIC), and corrosion under unsaturated conditions, of titanium. For all these processes, the properties of the passive oxide film are paramount in determining the metal`s resistance to corrosion. A review of these oxide properties is included and the conditions to which the metal must be exposed if localized corrosion is to occur are defined. Since these conditions cannot be achieved under Canadian waste vault conditions, it can be concluded that pitting and MIC will not occur and that corrosion under unsaturated conditions is extremely unlikely. (author) 114 refs., 1 tab., 18 figs.

  10. Corrosion fatigue of steels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spaehn, H.; Wagner, G.H.


    Corrosion fatigue phenomena can be classified into two main groups according to the electrochemical state of the metal surface in the presence of electrolytes: the active and the passive state with an important sub-group of corrosion fatigue in the unstable passive state. The allowable stress for structures exposed to the conjoint action of corrosion and fatigue is influenced by many factors: kind of media, number of cycles, frequency, mean stress, size, notches, loading mode, alloy composition and mechanical strength. A critical literature review shows contradictory results if a classification by the electrochemical surface state is not applied. Case histories and counter measures illustrate the practical importance of corrosion fatigue in many branches of industry as well as the urgent need for a better knowledge about the mutual influence of the phenomena to get rules by which the engineer can appraise the risk of corrosion fatigue. (orig.) [de

  11. Cathodic corrosion: Part 2. Properties of nanoparticles synthesized by cathodic corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanson, A.I.; Yanson, Yu.I.


    We demonstrate how cathodic corrosion in concentrated aqueous solutions enables one to prepare nanoparticles of various metals and metal alloys. Using various characterization methods we show that the composition of nanoparticles remains that of the starting material, and the resulting size distribution remains rather narrow. For the case of platinum we show how the size and possibly even the shape of the nanoparticles can be easily controlled by the parameters of corrosion. Finally, we discuss the advantages of using the nanoparticles prepared by cathodic corrosion for applications in (electro-)catalysis.

  12. Corrosion of high-density sintered tungsten alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batten, J.J.; Moore, B.T.


    In comparative corrosion tests, the corrosion resistance of an Australian tungsten alloy (95% W, 3.5% Ni, 1.5% Fe) was found to be superior to three other tungsten alloys and, under certain conditions, even more corrosion-resistant than pure tungsten. Corrosion resistance was evaluated after immersion in both distilled water and 5% sodium chloride solutions, and in cyclic humidity and salt mist environments. For all but the Australian alloy, the rate of corrosion in sodium chloride solution was markedly less than that in distilated water. In all cases, alloys containing copper had the greatest corrosion rates. Corrosion mechanisms were investigated using a scanning electron microscope, analysis of corrosion products and galvanic corrosion studies. For the alloys, corrosion was attributed primarily to a galvanic reaction. Whether the tungsten or binder phase of the alloy became anodic, and thus was attacked preferentially, depended upon alloy composition and corrosion environment. 16 refs., 4 tabs., 4 figs

  13. Nefropatía por contraste en el síndrome coronario agudo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Carnevalini


    Full Text Available La nefropatía inducida por contraste (NIC es una de las causas más frecuentes de insuficiencia renal en pacientes internados. En el síndrome coronario agudo (SCA, la presencia de NIC aumenta la morbimortalidad. Las medidas de profilaxis y los factores de riesgo intervinientes de NIC en SCA no han sido determinados con exactitud. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la incidencia de NIC y los factores asociados a su desarrollo en pacientes ingresados en unidad coronaria con requerimiento de cinecoronariografía (CCG. Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes consecutivos cursando SCA estudiados con CCG dentro de las 72 horas de su admisión. Se definió NIC al aumento del 25% del valor de creatinina a las 48 h sobre el nivel basal de ingreso. El período de inclusión fue entre el 1° de enero de 2004 hasta el 30 de junio de 2010. Se analizaron 125 casos. La incidencia de NIC fue del 10.4% (n = 13. En el análisis multivariado, los factores asociados independientemente a su desarrollo fueron la edad [OR 1.05 (IC 95% 1.004 - 1.11 p = 0.034], la angioplastia a múltiple vaso [OR 2.2 (IC 95% 1.07 - 4.8, p = 0.03] y el volumen de contraste utilizado [OR 1.007 (IC 95% 1.001 - 1.01, p = 0.014].

  14. Internal corrosion control of northern pipelines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Papavinasam, S.


    The general causes of internal corrosion in pipelines were discussed along with the methods to control them. Efficient methods are needed to determine chemical efficiency for mitigating internal corrosion in transmission pipelines, particularly those used in environmentally sensitive regions in the Arctic where harsh environmental conditions prevail. According to the Office of Pipeline Safety, 15 per cent of pipeline failures in the United States from 1994 to 2000 were caused by internal corrosion. Since pipelines in the United States are slightly older than Canadian pipelines, internal corrosion is a significant issue from a Canadian perspective. There are 306,618 km of energy-related pipelines in western Canada. Between April 2001 and March 2002 there were 808 failures, of which 425 failures resulted from internal corrosion. The approach to control internal corrosion comprises of dehydrating the gases at production facilities; controlling the quality of corrosive gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide; and, using internal coatings. The approaches to control internal corrosion are appropriate, when supplemented by adequate integrity management program to ensure that corrosive liquids do not collect, over the operational lifetime of the pipelines, at localized areas. It was suggested that modeling of pipeline operations may need improvement. This paper described the causes, prediction and control of internal pitting corrosion. It was concluded that carbon steel equipment can continue to be used reliably and safely as pipeline materials for northern pipelines if the causes that lead to internal corrosion are scientifically and accurately predicted, and if corrosion inhibitors are properly evaluated and applied. 5 figs.

  15. Corrosion '98: 53. annual conference and exposition, proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This conference was divided into the following sections: Corrosion in Gas Treating; Problems and Solutions in Commercial Building Water Systems; Green Corrosion/Scale Inhibitors; Atmospheric Corrosion; AIRPOL Update/98; Rubber Lining--Answers to Many Problems; Interference Problems; Environmental Assisted Cracking: Fundamental Research and Industrial Applications; Corrosion in Nuclear Systems; New Developments in Scale and Deposit Control; Corrosion and Corrosion Protection in the Transportation Industries; What's All the Noise About--Electrochemical That Is; Refining Industry Corrosion; Corrosion Problems in Military Hardware: Case Histories, Fixes and Lessons Learned; Cathodic Protection Test Methods and Instrumentation for Underground and On-grade Pipelines and Tanks; Recent Developments in Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors; Corrosion in Supercritical Fluids; Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion; Advances in Understanding and Controlling CO 2 Corrosion; Managing Corrosion with Plastics; Material Developments for Use in Exploration and Production Environments; Corrosion in Cold Regions; The Effect of Downsizing and Outsourcing on Cooling System Monitoring and Control Practices; New Developments in Mechanical and Chemical Industrial Cleaning; Mineral Scale Deposit Control in Oilfield Related Operations; Biocides in Cooling Water; Corrosion and Corrosion Control of Reinforced Concrete Structures; Materials Performance for Fossil Energy Conversion Systems; Marine corrosion; Thermal Spray--Coating and Corrosion Control; Flow Effects on Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production; Corrosion Measurement Technologies; Internal Pipeline Monitoring--Corrosion Monitoring, Intelligent Pigging and Leak Detection; Cathodic Protection in Natural Waters; Corrosion in Radioactive Liquid Waste Systems; On-line Hydrogen Permeation Monitoring Equipment and Techniques, State of the Art; Water Reuse and Recovery; Performance of Materials in High Temperature Environments; Advances in Motor

  16. Screening of soil corrosivity by field testing: Results and design of an electrochemical soil corrosion probe

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lars vendelbo; Bruun, Niels Kåre


    The corrosivity of different types of soil have been assessed by exposing carbon-steel plates at 50 different locations in Denmark for an extended period of time. The investigations included weight loss measurements and analysis of the chemical compositions of the corrosion products formed...... on the plates during exposure. An electrochemical soil corrosion probe has been designed and manufactured allowing for simultaneous measurements of several qauntities to predict corrosion. The probe consists of individual sections capable of measuring redox-potential, corrosion potential, soil resistivity...

  17. Corrosion behaviour of the UO2 pellet in corrosive solutions using electrochemical Technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taftanzani, A.; Sucipto; Lahagu, F.; Irianto, B.


    The UO 2 electrodes has been made from the local product of UO 2 pellets. The corrosion behaviour of the UO 2 pellets is affected by solution, by pH value and by concentration of salt solution. Investigation into corrosion behaviour of UO 2 electrodes have been carried out in saturated salt solutions using electrochemical technique. The saturated solutions have been made from salts NaCl, Na 2 CO 3 , Na 2 SO 4 and Na 3 PO 4 . The pH value have been done over range 1 pH 10 and the salt concentration (C) over range 0,001 mol/l C 1,0 mol/l, Na 2 CO 3 solution produced the lowest corrosion rates of UO 2 pellets. Those rates were relative constant in the range of pH = 4 - 8. The results indicate an influence of the Na 2 CO 3 concentrations on the corrosions on the corrosion rate, and the lowest rates occur in 0,10 mol/l Na 2 CO 3 . The lowest corrosion rate was 0.3388 mil/year in 0.10 mol/l Na 2 CO 3 by pH = 4. (author)

  18. Relationship between Corrosion Level of Rebar Embedded in Concrete, Corrosion Potential and Current Density Measured by Non-destructive Test Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chung, Lan; Cho, Seung Ho; Roh, Young Sook; Kim, Joong Koo


    The purpose of this study is to identify corrosion mechanism and develop qualitative measurement method of corrosion level. Fist of all, structural behavior of each different level of corrosion states have been evaluated. And mathematical models that can predict corrosion level in terms of electric potential and corrosion intensity are proposed. Corrosion rate in reinforcing bar was investigated in this study using accelerated corrosion method due to electric potential differences based on Faradays law. Total 288 measurement spots were designed in terms of corrosion rates, diameter of reinforcing bars, and concrete cover thickness. Corrosion current densities and corrosion potentials of concrete were measured on these specimens using Gecor device. This study suggested the relationship between corrosion levels, and measured electric current density as follows

  19. Modeling of Corrosion-induced Concrete Damage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thybo, Anna Emilie A.; Michel, Alexander; Stang, Henrik


    In the present paper a finite element model is introduced to simulate corrosion-induced damage in concrete. The model takes into account the penetration of corrosion products into the concrete as well as non-uniform formation of corrosion products around the reinforcement. To ac-count for the non...... of corrosion products affects both the time-to cover cracking and the crack width at the concrete surface.......In the present paper a finite element model is introduced to simulate corrosion-induced damage in concrete. The model takes into account the penetration of corrosion products into the concrete as well as non-uniform formation of corrosion products around the reinforcement. To ac-count for the non......-uniform formation of corrosion products at the concrete/reinforcement interface, a deterministic approach is used. The model gives good estimates of both deformations in the con-crete/reinforcement interface and crack width when compared to experimental data. Further, it is shown that non-uniform deposition...

  20. Bridging of inspection with corrosion management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zamaluddin Ali; Mohd Hawari Hassan; Rohana Jaafar


    Formerly, Inspection and Corrosion Engineers have less interaction and sharing of information to each other even they are working in the same plant or organization. Inspection finding either from visual inspection or NDT techniques rarely shared with corrosion engineers. Similarly corrosion engineers rarely discussed their corrosion prediction and potential damage mechanism with inspection engineers. A demanding request of more holistic plant safety and asset integrity promoted the introduction and implementation of Risk Based Inspection (RBI). RBI analysis demands the input mainly from both disciplines i.e. Inspection and Corrosion Engineers. Most of RBI methodologies are once-off analysis approach which also promoted once-off interaction between Inspection and Corrosion Engineers. PETRONAS has developed a methodology with supporting software, integrating both Inspection and Corrosion disciplines. PETRONAS Risk Based Inspection (PRBI) is intended to promote continuous integration of Inspection and Corrosion management of the plant through out the whole life cycle starting from the design stage to fabrication, operation and decommissions stage. (author)

  1. Steam generator corrosion 2007; Dampferzeugerkorrosion 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Born, M. (ed.)


    Between 8th and 9th November, 2007, SAXONIA Standortentwicklungs- und -verwertungsgesellschaft GmbH (Freiberg, Federal Republic of Germany) performed the 3rd Freiberger discussion conference ''Fireside boiler corrosion''. The topics of the lectures are: (a) Steam generator corrosion - an infinite history (Franz W. Alvert); (b) CFD computations for thermal waste treatment plants - a contribution for the damage recognition and remedy (Klaus Goerner, Thomas Klasen); (c) Experiences with the use of corrosion probes (Siegfried R. Horn, Ferdinand Haider, Barbara Waldmann, Ragnar Warnecke); (d) Use of additives for the limitation of the high temperature chlorine corrosion as an option apart from other measures to the corrosion protection (Wolfgang Spiegel); (e) Current research results and aims of research with respect to chlorine corrosion (Ragnar Warnecke); (f) Systematics of the corrosion phenomena - notes for the enterprise and corrosion protection (Thomas Herzog, Wolfgang Spiegel, Werner Schmidl); (g) Corrosion protection by cladding in steam generators of waste incinerators (Joerg Metschke); (h) Corrosion protection and wear protection by means of thermal spraying in steam generators (Dietmar Bendix); (i) Review of thick film nickelized components as an effective protection against high-temperature corrosion (Johann-Wilhelm Ansey); (j) Fireproof materials for waste incinerators - characteristics and profile of requirement (Johannes Imle); (k) Service life-relevant aspects of fireproof linings in the thermal recycling of waste (Till Osthoevener and Wolfgang Kollenberg); (l) Alternatives to the fireproof material in the heating space (Heino Sinn); (m) Cladding: Inconal 625 contra 686 - Fundamentals / applications in boiler construction and plant construction (Wolfgang Hoffmeister); (n) Thin films as efficient corrosion barriers - thermal spray coating in waste incinerators and biomass firing (Ruediger W. Schuelein, Steffen Hoehne, Friedrich

  2. Future and benefits of corrosion research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Staehle, Roger W.


    The subject of corrosion is a design science. The subject of stress analysis is a design science as is the subject of heat transfer. When the subject of corrosion is considered in the framework design a clear framework of the priorities and objectives becomes apparent. Further, corrosion becomes a more explicit and important subject in the overall design, manufacturing, and operation phases of equipment: in this framework, the funding and support of corrosion work is necessary to the designers and users of equipment. The subject of corrosion is usually less important in the early stages of operation of equipment: in these early stages, the subjects. Corrosion becomes important to the longer term reliability and safety of equipment. Corrosion is often a principal determiner of design life. Corrosion is often more important after the manufacturing warranty is expired: therefore the subject is often more important to the user than to the manufacturer. In order that the subject of corrosion is considered and incorporated in the design as well as in user specifications, there must be a language and means of easily understood communication between the design-operation community and the corrosion community. For example, the designers do not understand the language of 'pitting potential': rather, they understand design life and permissible stress. Thus, corrosion must be put into terms that can be understood and utilized by designers and operators. Two methodologies have been developed for communicating effectively between the corrosion and the design communities: these are the 'Corrosion Based Design Approach' and the 'Location for Analysis Matrix.' These provide simple check off lists to designers for asking questions and assuring that credible answers have been obtained on issues that affect reliable and economic performance. Both of these subject are discussed in this presentation. The future of corrosion research is its effective linkage with design and operation of

  3. Modelamiento y simulación de la contracción muscular mediante la estimulación magnética externa


    Bermeo Moyano, Juan Pablo; Sánchez Sánchez, Carlos Felipe


    El proyecto inicia revisando las ecuaciones de Maxwell, para simular y estimar las corrientes inducidas en un tejido muscular por un campo magnético mediante el MEF: M. Elementos Finitos. Se simula la fuerza muscular con el modelo de seis parámetros y optimizado por algoritmos genéticos para ajustar el modelo teórico con las medidas experimentales. The present project begins with the revision of the Maxwell equations, to simulate and estimate the currents induced in a muscle tissue by a ma...

  4. Stochastic theory of fatigue corrosion (United States)

    Hu, Haiyun


    A stochastic theory of corrosion has been constructed. The stochastic equations are described giving the transportation corrosion rate and fluctuation corrosion coefficient. In addition the pit diameter distribution function, the average pit diameter and the most probable pit diameter including other related empirical formula have been derived. In order to clarify the effect of stress range on the initiation and growth behaviour of pitting corrosion, round smooth specimen were tested under cyclic loading in 3.5% NaCl solution.

  5. Zircaloy-4 corrosion in PWR's

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fyfitch, S.; Smalley, W.R.; Roberts, E.


    Zircaloy-4 waterside corrosion has been studied extensively in the nuclear industry for a number of years. Following the early crud-related corrosion failures in the Saxton test reactor, Westinghouse undertook numerous programs to minimize crud deposition on fuel rods in power reactors through primary coolant chemistry control. Modern plants today are operating with improved coolant chemistry guidelines, and crud deposition levels are very low in proportion to earlier experience. Zircaloy-4 corrosion under a variety of coolant chemistry, heat flux and exposure conditions has been studied extensively. Experience to date, even in relatively high coolant temperature plants, has indicated that -for both fuel cladding and structural components- Zircaloy-4 waterside corrosion performance has been excellent. Recognizing future industry trends, however, which will result in Zircaloy-4 being subjected to ever increasing corrosion duties, Westinghouse will continue accumulating Zircaloy-4 corrosion experience in large power plants. 13 refs.

  6. Nuclear corrosion science and engineering

    CERN Document Server


    Understanding corrosion mechanisms, the systems and materials they affect, and the methods necessary for accurately measuring their incidence is of critical importance to the nuclear industry for the safe, economic and competitive running of its plants. This book reviews the fundamentals of nuclear corrosion. Corrosion of nuclear materials, i.e. the interaction between these materials and their environments, is a major issue for plant safety as well as for operation and economic competitiveness. Understanding these corrosion mechanisms, the systems and materials they affect, and the methods to accurately measure their incidence is of critical importance to the nuclear industry. Combining assessment techniques and analytical models into this understanding allows operators to predict the service life of corrosion-affected nuclear plant materials, and to apply the most appropriate maintenance and mitigation options to ensure safe long term operation. This book critically reviews the fundamental corrosion mechani...

  7. Detection and evaluation of corrosion zones at high temperature in steam generators; Deteccion y evaluacion de zonas de corrosion en alta temperatura de generadoras de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Villafane, Alberto; Chacon Nava, Jose G; Huerta Espino, Mario; Mojica Calderon, Cecilio; Castillo Viveros, Antonio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper presents the methodology for the detection and evaluation of high corrosion zones at high temperature. The results found up to now, show a critical zone in the Babcock Hitachi design, specifically in the high temperature reheater in the zone nearby the outlet header. In the normalized design CE (Mitsubishi) of 300 MW and CE (Canada) of 300 MW, the results found in recent years show small thickness reduction, therefore a good operation of these steam generators is recognized. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presenta la metodologia para la deteccion y evaluacion de zonas de corrosion en alta temperatura. Los resultados encontrados hasta el momento muestran una zona critica en el diseno Babcock Hitachi, especificamente en el recalentador de alta temperatura en la zona cercana al cabezal de salida. En el diseno normalizado CE (Mitsubishi) de 300 MW y CE (Canada) de 300 MW, los resultados encontrados en anos recientes muestran poca disminucion de espesor, por lo que se considera una buena operacion de estos generadores de vapor.

  8. Detection and evaluation of corrosion zones at high temperature in steam generators; Deteccion y evaluacion de zonas de corrosion en alta temperatura de generadoras de vapor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez Villafane, Alberto; Chacon Nava, Jose G.; Huerta Espino, Mario; Mojica Calderon, Cecilio; Castillo Viveros, Antonio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    This paper presents the methodology for the detection and evaluation of high corrosion zones at high temperature. The results found up to now, show a critical zone in the Babcock Hitachi design, specifically in the high temperature reheater in the zone nearby the outlet header. In the normalized design CE (Mitsubishi) of 300 MW and CE (Canada) of 300 MW, the results found in recent years show small thickness reduction, therefore a good operation of these steam generators is recognized. [Espanol] En este trabajo se presenta la metodologia para la deteccion y evaluacion de zonas de corrosion en alta temperatura. Los resultados encontrados hasta el momento muestran una zona critica en el diseno Babcock Hitachi, especificamente en el recalentador de alta temperatura en la zona cercana al cabezal de salida. En el diseno normalizado CE (Mitsubishi) de 300 MW y CE (Canada) de 300 MW, los resultados encontrados en anos recientes muestran poca disminucion de espesor, por lo que se considera una buena operacion de estos generadores de vapor.

  9. Papel de la proteína supresora de la señalización por citocinas-3 (SOCS 3 en la resistencia a la hormona de crecimiento inducida por malnutrición.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Umaña


    Full Text Available La nutrición es un regulador importante de las acciones de la hormona de crecimiento (GH. Se ha demostrado que el déficit de nutrientes induce un estado de resistencia a la hormona, en el cual están involucrados, entre otros factores, alteraciones post-receptor en la vía de señalización, pero se desconocen los mecanismos responsables. En este trabajo se investigó la participación de algunos miembros de la familia de proteínas supresoras de la señalización por citocinas (SOCS en la resistencia causada por malnutrición, que inhibe la activación de la señalización a través de Janus cinasa 2/transductor de señal y activador de la transcripción 5 (JK2/STAT5. Se estudiaron los cambios en la expresión génica del receptor de GH (RGH, IGF-I y SOCS3 en el hígado de ratas alimentadas con una dieta baja en proteína (8% y estimuladas con GH. La restricción en el consumo de proteína disminuyó significativamente (p

  10. Corrosion management in nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamachi Mudali, U.


    Corrosion is a major degradation mechanism of metals and alloys which significantly affects the global economy with an average loss of 3.5% of GDP of several countries in many important industrial sectors including chemical, petrochemical, power, oil, refinery, fertilizer etc. The demand for higher efficiency and achieving name plate capacity, in addition to ever increasing temperatures, pressures and complexities in equipment geometry of industrial processes, necessitate utmost care in adopting appropriate corrosion management strategies in selecting, designing, fabricating and utilising various materials and coatings for engineering applications in industries. Corrosion control and prevention is an important focus area as the savings achieved from practicing corrosion control and prevention would bring significant benefits to the industry. Towards this, advanced corrosion management strategies starting from design, manufacturing, operation, maintenance, in-service inspection and online monitoring are essential. At the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) strategic corrosion management efforts have been pursued in order to provide solutions to practical problems emerging in the plants, in addition to innovative efforts to provide insight into mechanism and understanding of corrosion of various engineering materials and coatings. In this presentation the author highlights how the nuclear industry benefited from the practical approach to successful corrosion management, particularly with respect to fast breeder reactor programme involving both reactor and associated reprocessing plants. (author)

  11. Corrosion control in nuclear fuel reprocessing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steele, D.F.


    This article looks in detail at tribology-related hazards of corrosion in irradiated fuel reprocessing plants and tries to identify and minimize problems which could contribute to disaster. First, the corrosion process is explained. Then the corrosion aspects at each of four stages in reprocessing are examined, with particular reference to oxide fuel reprocessing. The four stages are fuel receipt and storage, fuel breakdown and dissolution, solvent extraction and product concentration and waste management. Results from laboratory and plant corrosion trails are used at the plant design stage to prevent corrosion problems arising. Operational procedures which minimize corrosion if it cannot be prevented at the design stage, are used. (UK)

  12. Carbon Dioxide Corrosion:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fosbøl, Philip Loldrup


    CO2 corrosion is a general problem in the industry and it is expensive. The focus of this study is an oil gas production related problem. CO2 corrosion is observed in offshore natural gas transportation pipelines. A general overview of the problem is presented in chapter 1. The chemical system...... with the basic thermodynamics of electrolytes in chapter 2, the extension and general description of electrolyte mass transport in chapter 3, and the electrochemical kinetics of corrosion in chapter 4. A literature overview of CO2 corrosion is shown in chapter 5 and possible extensions of the models...... and validated against heat capacity data. The model is also fitted to experimental data produced and shown in chapter 8 for SLE in the Na2CO3-NaHCO3-MEG-H2O system. The application of the above model is shown in chapter 9. Here the thermodynamic correction factors are calculated. These show how the diffusion...

  13. Biotribocorrosion-an appraisal of the time dependence of wear and corrosion interactions: I. The role of corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan, Y; Neville, A; Dowson, D


    With the increasing interest in metal-on-metal (MoM) joint implants, studies have been focused on their wear and corrosion behaviour. Integrated electrochemical tests have been conducted and are reported in this paper. The corrosion, wear and wear-corrosion behaviour for three materials (high carbon CoCrMo, low carbon CoCrMo and UNS S31603) have been discussed. Corrosion effects on the overall performance for the three materials are analysed. Two distinct regimes have been found for the three materials: (a) the running-in regime and (b) the steady state regime, in line with other research. Even in the steady state regime, 20%-30% of the material degradation can be attributed to corrosion-related damage. High carbon CoCrMo showed excellent corrosion, wear and corrosion-wear resistance and therefore it delivered the best overall performance in terms of a lower wear rate, a lower friction coefficient and a higher resistance to corrosion

  14. Corrosion inhibitors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Ashry, El Sayed H.; El Nemr, Ahmed; Esawy, Sami A.; Ragab, Safaa


    The corrosion inhibition efficiencies of some triazole, oxadiazole and thiadiazole derivatives for steel in presence of acidic medium have been studied by using AM1, PM3, MINDO/3 and MNDO semi-empirical SCF molecular orbital methods. Geometric structures, total negative charge on the molecule (TNC), highest occupied molecular energy level (E HOMO ), lowest unoccupied molecular energy level (E LUMO ), core-core repulsion (CCR), dipole moment (μ) and linear solvation energy terms, molecular volume (V i ) and dipolar-polarization (π *), were correlated to corrosion inhibition efficiency. Four equations were proposed to calculate corrosion inhibition efficiency. The agreement with the experimental data was found to be satisfactory; the standard deviations between the calculated and experimental results ranged between ±0.03 and ±4.18. The inhibition efficiency was closely related to orbital energies (E HOMO and E LUMO ) and μ. The correlation between quantum parameters and experimental inhibition efficiency has been validated by single point calculations for the semi-empirical AM1 structures using B3LYP/6-31G** as a higher level of theory. The proposed equations were applied to predict the corrosion inhibition efficiency of some related structures to select molecules of possible activity from a presumable library of compounds

  15. Evaluation of steel corrosion by numerical analysis


    Kawahigashi, Tatsuo


    Recently, various non-destructive and numerical methods have been used and many cases of steel corrosion are examined. For example, methods of evaluating corrosion through various numerical methods and evaluating macrocell corrosion and micro-cell corrosion using measurements have been proposed. However, there are few reports on estimating of corrosion loss with distinguishing the macro-cell and micro-cell corrosion and with resembling an actuality phenomenon. In this study, for distinguishin...

  16. Corrosion on Mars: An Investigation of Corrosion Mechanisms Under Relevant Simulated Martian Environments (United States)

    Calle, Luz M.; Li, Wenyan; Johansen, Michael R.; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Calle, Carlos I.


    This one-year project was selected by NASA's Science Innovation Fund in FY17 to address Corrosion on Mars which is a problem that has not been addressed before. Corrosion resistance is one of the most important properties in selecting materials for landed spacecraft and structures that will support surface operations for the human exploration of Mars. Currently, the selection of materials is done by assuming that the corrosion behavior of a material on Mars will be the same as that on Earth. This is understandable given that there is no data regarding the corrosion resistance of materials in the Mars environment. However, given that corrosion is defined as the degradation of a metal that results from its chemical interaction with the environment, it cannot be assumed that corrosion is going to be the same in both environments since they are significantly different. The goal of this research is to develop a systematic approach to understand corrosion of spacecraft materials on Mars by conducting a literature search of available data, relevant to corrosion in the Mars environment, and by performing preliminary laboratory experiments under relevant simulated Martian conditions. This project was motivated by the newly found evidence for the presence of transient liquid brines on Mars that coincided with the suggestion, by a team of researchers, that some of the structural degradation observed on Curiosity's wheels may be caused by corrosive interactions with the brines, while the most significant damage was attributed to rock scratching. An extensive literature search on data relevant to Mars corrosion confirmed the need for further investigation of the interaction between materials used for spacecraft and structures designed to support long-term surface operations on Mars. Simple preliminary experiments, designed to look at the interaction between an aerospace aluminum alloy (AA7075-T73) and the gases present in the Mars atmosphere, at 20degC and a pressure of 700 Pa

  17. Corrosion Control in the Aerospace Industry (United States)

    Calle, Luz Marina; Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Johnsey, Marissa N.


    Nearly all metals and their alloys are subject to corrosion that causes them to lose their structural integrity or other critical functionality. It is essential to detect corrosion when it occurs, and preferably at its early stage, so that action can be taken to avoid structural damage or loss of function. Protective coatings are the most commonly used method of corrosion control. However, progressively stricter environmental regulations have resulted in the ban of many commercially available corrosion protective coatings due to the harmful effects of their solvents or corrosion inhibitors. This work concerns the development of a multifunctional, smart coating for the autonomous control of corrosion. This coating is being developed to have the inherent ability to detect the chemical changes associated with the onset of corrosion and respond autonomously to indicate it and control it..

  18. The effects of corrosion conditions and cold work on the nodular corrosion of zircaloy-4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    You, Gil Sung


    The nodular corrosion of Zircaloy-4 was investigated on the effects of corrosion conditions and cold work. Variation of steam pressures, heat-up environments and prefilms were considered and cold work effects were also studied. The corrosion rate of Zircaloy-4 was dependent on pressure between 1 and 100 atm and it followed the cubic law as W=16.85 x P 0.31 for plate specimens and W=12.69 x P 0.27 for tube specimens, where W is weight gain (mg/dm 2 ) and P is the steam pressure (atm). The environment variation in autoclave during heat-up period did not affect the early stage of nodular corrosion. The prefilm, which was formed at 500 .deg. C under 1 atm steam for 4 hours, restrained the formation of the initial small nodules. The oxide film formed under 1 atm steam showed no difference of electrical resistivity from the oxides formed under 100 atm steam pressure. Cold work specimens showed the higher resistivity against nodular corrosion than as-received specimens. The corrosion resistance arising from cold work seems to be due to the texture changes by the cold work. The results showed that cold work can affect the later stage of uniform corrosion and the early stage of nodular corrosion, namely, the nodule initiation stage

  19. Experiments and models of general corrosion and flow-assisted corrosion of materials in nuclear reactor environments (United States)

    Cook, William Gordon

    Corrosion and material degradation issues are of concern to all industries. However, the nuclear power industry must conform to more stringent construction, fabrication and operational guidelines due to the perceived additional risk of operating with radioactive components. Thus corrosion and material integrity are of considerable concern for the operators of nuclear power plants and the bodies that govern their operations. In order to keep corrosion low and maintain adequate material integrity, knowledge of the processes that govern the material's breakdown and failure in a given environment are essential. The work presented here details the current understanding of the general corrosion of stainless steel and carbon steel in nuclear reactor primary heat transport systems (PHTS) and examines the mechanisms and possible mitigation techniques for flow-assisted corrosion (FAC) in CANDU outlet feeder pipes. Mechanistic models have been developed based on first principles and a 'solution-pores' mechanism of metal corrosion. The models predict corrosion rates and material transport in the PHTS of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) and the influence of electrochemistry on the corrosion and flow-assisted corrosion of carbon steel in the CANDU outlet feeders. In-situ probes, based on an electrical resistance technique, were developed to measure the real-time corrosion rate of reactor materials in high-temperature water. The probes were used to evaluate the effects of coolant pH and flow on FAC of carbon steel as well as demonstrate of the use of titanium dioxide as a coolant additive to mitigated FAC in CANDU outlet feeder pipes.

  20. Corrosion test by low-temperature coal tar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ando, S; Yamamoto, S


    Corrosive actions of various fractions of low-temperature coal tar against mild steel or Cr 13-steel were compared at their boiling states. Corrosions became severe when the boiling points exceeded 240/sup 0/. The acidic fractions were more corrosive. In all instances, corrosion was excessive at the beginning of immersion testing and then gradually became mild; boiling accelerated the corrosion. Cr 13-steel was corrosion-resistant to low-temperature coal-tar fractions.

  1. Electrochemical characterisation speeds up prediction of corrosion behaviour

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuring, E.W.; Hooijmans, J.W. [ECN Environment and Energy Engineering, Petten (Netherlands)


    The contents of this presentation show the following elements: Introduction; Corrosion in real life; Why Electrochemical characterisation of corrosion; Applications (corrosion resistance coatings, corrosion behaviour (brazed) joints); Available electrochemical corrosion techniques; Standards; Conclusions. In the Conclusions the corrosion screening method is summarized: ECN method fast; within 1h -1 week results depending on test method; Fast pre-selection of promising materials/combinations (cost savings); Determining of corrosion initiation; Determination of corrosion mechanisms and propagation; Life time predictions possible; Strong combination with metallographic post-investigation; Ranking materials / constructions for corrosion performance.

  2. Microencapsulation Technology for Corrosion Mitigation by Smart Coatings (United States)

    Buhrow, Jerry; Li, Wenyan; Jolley, Scott; Calle, Luz M.


    A multifunctional, smart coating for the autonomous control of corrosion is being developed based on micro-encapsulation technology. Corrosion indicators as well as corrosion inhibitors have been incorporated into microcapsules, blended into several paint systems, and tested for corrosion detection and protection effectiveness. This paper summarizes the development, optimization, and testing of microcapsules specifically designed to be incorporated into a smart coating that will deliver corrosion inhibitors to mitigate corrosion autonomously. Key words: smart coating, corrosion inhibition, microencapsulation, microcapsule, pH sensitive microcapsule, corrosion inhibitor, corrosion protection pain

  3. Characterization of Corrosion Products on Carbon Steel Exposed to Natural Weathering and to Accelerated Corrosion Tests

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato Altobelli Antunes


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to compare the corrosion products formed on carbon steel plates submitted to atmospheric corrosion in urban and industrial atmospheres with those formed after accelerated corrosion tests. The corrosion products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The specimens were exposed to natural weathering in both atmospheres for nine months. The morphologies of the corrosion products were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy. The main product found was lepidocrocite. Goethite and magnetite were also found on the corroded specimens but in lower concentrations. The results showed that the accelerated test based on the ASTM B117 procedure presented poor correlation with the atmospheric corrosion tests whereas an alternated fog/dry cycle combined with UV radiation exposure provided better correlation.

  4. 49 CFR 172.442 - CORROSIVE label. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false CORROSIVE label. 172.442 Section 172.442... SECURITY PLANS Labeling § 172.442 CORROSIVE label. (a) Except for size and color, the CORROSIVE label must... CORROSIVE label must be white in the top half and black in the lower half. [Amdt. 172-123, 56 FR 66259, Dec...

  5. Emerging Corrosion Inhibitors for Interfacial Coating

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mona Taghavikish


    Full Text Available Corrosion is a deterioration of a metal due to reaction with environment. The use of corrosion inhibitors is one of the most effective ways of protecting metal surfaces against corrosion. Their effectiveness is related to the chemical composition, their molecular structures and affinities for adsorption on the metal surface. This review focuses on the potential of ionic liquid, polyionic liquid (PIL and graphene as promising corrosion inhibitors in emerging coatings due to their remarkable properties and various embedment or fabrication strategies. The review begins with a precise description of the synthesis, characterization and structure-property-performance relationship of such inhibitors for anti-corrosion coatings. It establishes a platform for the formation of new generation of PIL based coatings and shows that PIL corrosion inhibitors with various heteroatoms in different form can be employed for corrosion protection with higher barrier properties and protection of metal surface. However, such study is still in its infancy and there is significant scope to further develop new structures of PIL based corrosion inhibitors and coatings and study their behaviour in protection of metals. Besides, it is identified that the combination of ionic liquid, PIL and graphene could possibly contribute to the development of the ultimate corrosion inhibitor based coating.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    BOOMER, K.D.


    The Hanford reservation Tank Farms in Washington State has 177 underground storage tanks that contain approximately 50 million gallons of liquid legacy radioactive waste from cold war plutonium production. These tanks will continue to store waste until it is treated and disposed. These nuclear wastes were converted to highly alkaline pH wastes to protect the carbon steel storage tanks from corrosion. However, the carbon steel is still susceptible to localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. The waste chemistry varies from tank to tank, and contains various combinations of hydroxide, nitrate, nitrite, chloride, carbonate, aluminate and other species. The effect of each of these species and any synergistic effects on localized corrosion and stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel have been investigated with electrochemical polarization, slow strain rate, and crack growth rate testing. The effect of solution chemistry, pH, temperature and applied potential are all considered and their role in the corrosion behavior will be discussed

  7. Microencapsulation of Corrosion Indicators for Smart Coatings (United States)

    Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Jolley, Scott T.; Calle, Luz M.; Hanna,Joshua S.; Rawlins, James W.


    A multifunctional smart coating for the autonomous detection, indication, and control of corrosion is been developed based on microencapsulation technology. This paper summarizes the development, optimization, and testing of microcapsules specifically designed for early detection and indication of corrosion when incorporated into a smart coating. Results from experiments designed to test the ability of the microcapsules to detect and indicate corrosion, when blended into several paint systems, show that these experimental coatings generate a color change, indicative of spot specific corrosion events, that can be observed with the naked eye within hours rather than the hundreds of hours or months typical of the standard accelerated corrosion test protocols.. Key words: smart coating, corrosion detection, microencapsulation, microcapsule, pH-sensitive microcapsule, corrosion indicator, corrosion sensing paint

  8. Estado del arte en hipertensión pulmonar y cateterismo cardiaco derecho

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Dueñas V.


    Full Text Available La definición universalmente aceptada de hipertensión pulmonar corresponde a todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media igual o mayor a 25 mm Hg en reposo, medida por cateterismo cardíaco derecho, sin olvidar que la presión promedio normal de la arteria pulmonar es de máximo 20 mm Hg, lo cual obliga a seguir a los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar media entre 20 y 24 mm Hg. También cabe recordar ser claros al diferenciar entre hipertensión pulmonar e hipertensión arterial pulmonar. La hipertensión pulmonar incluye cinco grupos, entre los cuales la hipertensión arterial pulmonar constituye el grupo 1. El concepto de hipertensión arterial pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio puede definirse como todos los pacientes con presión arterial pulmonar por encima de los 30 mm Hg a un gasto cardíaco menor de 10 l, o una resistencia pulmonar total de más de 3 unidades Wood. La hipertensión pulmonar inducida por el ejercicio es un campo de investigación hasta ahora poco explorado. La clasificación continúa con los cinco grupos, y es dinámica de acuerdo con el progreso en entender la fisiopatología de cada enfermedad.

  9. Scanning reference electrode techniques in localized corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Isaacs, H.S.; Vyas, B.


    The principles, advantages, and implementations of scanning reference electrode techniques are reviewed. Data related to pitting, intergranular corrosion, welds and stress corrosion cracking are presented. The technique locates the position of localized corrosion and can be used to monitor the development of corrosion and changes in the corrosion rate under a wide range of conditions

  10. Accelerated Stress-Corrosion Testing (United States)


    Test procedures for accelerated stress-corrosion testing of high-strength aluminum alloys faster and provide more quantitative information than traditional pass/fail tests. Method uses data from tests on specimen sets exposed to corrosive environment at several levels of applied static tensile stress for selected exposure times then subsequently tensile tested to failure. Method potentially applicable to other degrading phenomena (such as fatigue, corrosion fatigue, fretting, wear, and creep) that promote development and growth of cracklike flaws within material.

  11. Influencia del material de aporte en la resistencia a corrosión por picadura en uniones soldadas de un acero inoxidable dúplex 2205

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Múnez, C. J.


    Full Text Available In this work, it has been studied the pitting corrosion resistance of welding duplex stainless steel 2205. Unions were made by GMAW process with different fillers: duplex ER 2209 and two austenitic (ER 316LSi and ER 308LSi. The microstructure obtained with the duplex ER 2209 filler is similar to the duplex 2205 base material, but the unions produced with the austenitic fillers cause a decrease of the phases relation a/g. To evaluate the influence of the filler on the weld, the pitting corrosion resistance was determined by electrochemical critical pitting temperature test (TCP and the mechanical properties by the hardness. The phases imbalance produced for the dissimilar fillers bring out a variation of the pitting corrosion resistance and the mechanical properties.

    En este trabajo se ha estudiado la resistencia a la corrosión localizada por picadura, de soldaduras realizadas sobre un acero inoxidable dúplex 2205. Se hicieron uniones mediante el proceso GMAW, utilizando como material de aporte un hilo dúplex ER 2209 y dos austeníticos ER 316LSi y ER 308LSi. Metalúrgicamente, se observa como para el hilo ER 2209 las microestructuras que se obtienen son similares a la del dúplex 2205, mientras que en las uniones con hilo austenítico, pueden verse microestructuras muy diferentes en las que la relación de fases a/g disminuye. Al evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión por picadura, mediante la Temperatura Crítica de Picadura (TCP, se comprobó como el desequilibrio entre las fases, generado por el aporte, provoca la variación en la resistencia a la corrosión localizada por picadura. También, se estudió la variación en las propiedades mecánicas del material mediante ensayos de dureza.

  12. Aspects of high temperature corrosion of boiler tubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spiegel, M.; Bendick, W. [Salzgitter-Mannesmann-Forschung GmbH, Duisburg (Germany)


    The development of new boiler steels for power generation has to consider significant creep strength as well as oxidation and corrosion resistance. High temperature corrosion of boiler materials concerns steam oxidation as well as fireside corrosion of parts, in contact with the flue gas. It will be shown that depending on the quality of the fuel, especially chlorine and sulphur are responsible for most of the fireside corrosion problems. Corrosion mechanisms will be presented for flue gas induced corrosion (HCl) and deposit induced corrosion (chlorides and sulfates). Especially for the 700 C technology, deposit induced corrosion issues have to be considered and the mechanisms of corrosion by molten sulfates 'Hot Corrosion' will be explained. Finally, an overview will be given on the selection of suitable materials in order to minimise corrosion relates failures. (orig.)

  13. Análisis Ultraestructural del Efecto Neuroprotector de la Melatonina sobre las lesiones del Cortex Cerebeloso del Embrión de Pollo inducidas por Glutamato Monosódico.


    García de la Oliva, Alejandro


    En el presente estudio analizamos el efecto neuroprotector que la administración exógena de la melatonina ejerce sobre las lesiones neurodegenerativas de la corteza cerebelosa del embrión de pollo causadas por excitotoxicidad glutamatérgica. Para ello hemos diseñado un modelo experimental que nos permite: por un lado, evaluar y seguir la evolución de las lesiones que sobre el desarrollo de la corteza cerebelosa produce la administración de gl...

  14. Corrosion strength monitoring of NPP component residual lifetime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denisov, V.G.; Belous, V.N.; Arzhaev, A.I.; Shuvalov, V.A.


    Importance of corrosion and fatigue monitoring; types of corrosion determine the NPP equipment life; why automated on-line corrosion and fatigue monitoring is preferable; major stages of lifetime monitoring system development; major groups of sensors for corrosion and strength monitoring system; high temperature on-line monitoring of water chemistry and corrosion; the RBMK-1000 NPP unit automatic water chemistry and corrosion monitoring scheme; examples of pitting, crevice and general corrosion forecast calculations on the basis of corrosion monitoring data; scheme of an experimental facility for water chemistry and corrosion monitoring sensor testing. 2 figs., 4 tabs

  15. Influence of temperature on corrosion rate and porosity of corrosion products of carbon steel in anoxic bentonite environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stoulil, J.; Kaňok, J.; Kouřil, M.; Parschová, H.; Novák, P.


    Highlights: •The corrosion rate is not significantly dependent on temperature. •Corrosion products at higher temperatures have different color. •Corrosion products at higher temperatures are more compact. •The change in corrosion products nature is reversible. -- Abstract: The study focuses on the porosity of layers of corrosion products and its impact on corrosion rate of carbon steel in moist bentonite. Measurements were performed in an aggressive Czech type of bentonite – Rokle B75 at temperatures of 90 and 40 °C. Aggressiveness of B75 bentonite consists in low content of chlorides. Presence of chlorides in pore solution allows formation of more protective magnetite. The evaluation was made by electrochemical techniques (red/ox potential, open circuit potential, linear polarization resistance, impedance spectroscopy) and resistometric sensor measurements. The result imply that the higher the temperature the more compact is the layer of corrosion products that slightly decelerates corrosion rate compared to the state at 40 °C. The state of corrosion products at both temperatures is reversible

  16. Influence of temperature on corrosion rate and porosity of corrosion products of carbon steel in anoxic bentonite environment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stoulil, J., E-mail: [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic); Kaňok, J.; Kouřil, M. [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic); Parschová, H. [Department of Power Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic); Novák, P. [Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (Czech Republic)


    Highlights: •The corrosion rate is not significantly dependent on temperature. •Corrosion products at higher temperatures have different color. •Corrosion products at higher temperatures are more compact. •The change in corrosion products nature is reversible. -- Abstract: The study focuses on the porosity of layers of corrosion products and its impact on corrosion rate of carbon steel in moist bentonite. Measurements were performed in an aggressive Czech type of bentonite – Rokle B75 at temperatures of 90 and 40 °C. Aggressiveness of B75 bentonite consists in low content of chlorides. Presence of chlorides in pore solution allows formation of more protective magnetite. The evaluation was made by electrochemical techniques (red/ox potential, open circuit potential, linear polarization resistance, impedance spectroscopy) and resistometric sensor measurements. The result imply that the higher the temperature the more compact is the layer of corrosion products that slightly decelerates corrosion rate compared to the state at 40 °C. The state of corrosion products at both temperatures is reversible.

  17. High temperature corrosion during biomass firing: improved understanding by depth resolved characterisation of corrosion products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okoro, Sunday Chukwudi; Montgomery, Melanie; Jappe Frandsen, Flemming


    changes within the near surface region (covering both the deposit and the steel surface). Such cross-section analysis was further complemented by plan view investigations (additionally involving X-ray diffraction) combined with removal of the corrosion products. Improved insights into the nature......The high temperature corrosion of an austenitic stainless steel (TP 347H FG), widely utilised as a superheater tube material in Danish power stations, was investigated to verify the corrosion mechanisms related to biomass firing. KCl coated samples were exposed isothermally to 560 degrees C...... of the corrosion products as a function of distance from the deposit surface were revealed through this comprehensive characterisation. Corrosion attack during simulated straw-firing conditions was observed to occur through both active oxidation and sulphidation mechanisms....

  18. Corrosion measurement using flux gate magnetometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rashdi Shah Ahmad; Chong Cheong Wei


    The ability of fluxgate magnetometer to detect and measure quantitatively the magnetic field generated by electrochemical corrosion is presented. In this study, each sample (iron plate) was exposed to a range of increasingly corrosive environment. During the exposure, we measured the magnetic field above the sample for specific duration of time. The result shows that there is a clear relationship between corrosivity of the environment and the change in magnitude of magnetic field that was generated by the corrosion reaction. Therefore, the measurement of magnetic field might be used to determine the corrosion rates. (Author)

  19. Nodular Corrosion Characteristics of Zirconium Alloys

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Hyun Gil; Jeong, Y. H.; Park, S. Y.; Lee, D. J


    This study was reported the effect of the nodular corrosion on the nuclear reactor environmental along with metallurgical influence, also suggested experimental scheme related to evaluate nodular corrosion characteristics of Zr-1 Nb alloy. Remedial strategies against the nodular corrosion should firstly develop plan to assess the effect of the water quality condition (Oxygen, Hydrogen) as well as the boiling on the nodular corrosion, secondarily establish plan to control heat treatment process to keep a good resistance on nodular corrosion in Zr-1Nb alloy as former western reactor did.

  20. Measurement of weak magnetic field of corrosion current of isolated corrosion center

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. V. Bardin


    Full Text Available A very small magnetic field of corrosion current, of the order of 10−4 Oe, generated by isolated zinc inclusion in a copper platelet placed in electrolyte has been measured for the first time with a highly sensitive giant magneto-impedance magnetometer. The total corrosion current of the inclusion is estimated comparing the measured magnetic field distribution with corresponding theoretical calculation. The estimated value of the total corrosion current turns out to be in reasonable agreement with that one obtained in the standard gravimetric measurement.

  1. Rhenium corrosion in chloride melts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanov, A.D.; Shkol'nikov, S.N.; Vetyukov, M.M.


    The results investigating rhenium corrosion in chloride melts containing sodium, potassium and chromium ions by a gravimetry potentials in argon atmosphere in a sealing quarth cell are described. Rhenium corrosion is shown to be rather considerable in melts containing CrCl 2 . The value of corrosion rate depending on temperature is determined

  2. Stochastic process corrosion growth models for pipeline reliability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bazán, Felipe Alexander Vargas; Beck, André Teófilo


    Highlights: •Novel non-linear stochastic process corrosion growth model is proposed. •Corrosion rate modeled as random Poisson pulses. •Time to corrosion initiation and inherent time-variability properly represented. •Continuous corrosion growth histories obtained. •Model is shown to precisely fit actual corrosion data at two time points. -- Abstract: Linear random variable corrosion models are extensively employed in reliability analysis of pipelines. However, linear models grossly neglect well-known characteristics of the corrosion process. Herein, a non-linear model is proposed, where corrosion rate is represented as a Poisson square wave process. The resulting model represents inherent time-variability of corrosion growth, produces continuous growth and leads to mean growth at less-than-one power of time. Different corrosion models are adjusted to the same set of actual corrosion data for two inspections. The proposed non-linear random process corrosion growth model leads to the best fit to the data, while better representing problem physics

  3. Corrosion-Resistant High-Entropy Alloys: A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yunzhu Shi


    Full Text Available Corrosion destroys more than three percent of the world’s gross domestic product. Therefore, the design of highly corrosion-resistant materials is urgently needed. By breaking the classical alloy-design philosophy, high-entropy alloys (HEAs possess unique microstructures, which are solid solutions with random arrangements of multiple elements. The particular locally-disordered chemical environment is expected to lead to unique corrosion-resistant properties. In this review, the studies of the corrosion-resistant HEAs during the last decade are summarized. The corrosion-resistant properties of HEAs in various aqueous environments and the corrosion behavior of HEA coatings are presented. The effects of environments, alloying elements, and processing methods on the corrosion resistance are analyzed in detail. Furthermore, the possible directions of future work regarding the corrosion behavior of HEAs are suggested.

  4. Spatial distribution of crystalline corrosion products formed during corrosion of stainless steel in concrete

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serdar, Marijana [Department of Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Meral, Cagla [Middle East Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Ankara (Turkey); Kunz, Martin [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Bjegovic, Dubravka [Department of Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Wenk, Hans-Rudolf [Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Monteiro, Paulo J.M., E-mail: [Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States)


    The mineralogy and spatial distribution of nano-crystalline corrosion products that form in the steel/concrete interface were characterized using synchrotron X-ray micro-diffraction (μ-XRD). Two types of low-nickel high-chromium reinforcing steels embedded into mortar and exposed to NaCl solution were investigated. Corrosion in the samples was confirmed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). μ-XRD revealed that goethite (α-FeOOH) and akaganeite (β-FeOOH) are the main iron oxide–hydroxides formed during the chloride-induced corrosion of stainless steel in concrete. Goethite is formed closer to the surface of the steel due to the presence of chromium in the steel, while akaganeite is formed further away from the surface due to the presence of chloride ions. Detailed microstructural analysis is shown and discussed on one sample of each type of steel. - Highlights: • Synchrotron micro-diffraction used to map the distribution of crystalline phases. • Goethite and akaganeite are the main corrosion products during chloride induced corrosion in mortar. • Layers of goethite and akaganeite are negatively correlated. • EDS showed Cr present in corrosion products identified by SEM.

  5. Spatial distribution of crystalline corrosion products formed during corrosion of stainless steel in concrete

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Serdar, Marijana; Meral, Cagla; Kunz, Martin; Bjegovic, Dubravka; Wenk, Hans-Rudolf; Monteiro, Paulo J.M.


    The mineralogy and spatial distribution of nano-crystalline corrosion products that form in the steel/concrete interface were characterized using synchrotron X-ray micro-diffraction (μ-XRD). Two types of low-nickel high-chromium reinforcing steels embedded into mortar and exposed to NaCl solution were investigated. Corrosion in the samples was confirmed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). μ-XRD revealed that goethite (α-FeOOH) and akaganeite (β-FeOOH) are the main iron oxide–hydroxides formed during the chloride-induced corrosion of stainless steel in concrete. Goethite is formed closer to the surface of the steel due to the presence of chromium in the steel, while akaganeite is formed further away from the surface due to the presence of chloride ions. Detailed microstructural analysis is shown and discussed on one sample of each type of steel. - Highlights: • Synchrotron micro-diffraction used to map the distribution of crystalline phases. • Goethite and akaganeite are the main corrosion products during chloride induced corrosion in mortar. • Layers of goethite and akaganeite are negatively correlated. • EDS showed Cr present in corrosion products identified by SEM

  6. The dual role of microbes in corrosion. (United States)

    Kip, Nardy; van Veen, Johannes A


    Corrosion is the result of a series of chemical, physical and (micro) biological processes leading to the deterioration of materials such as steel and stone. It is a world-wide problem with great societal and economic consequences. Current corrosion control strategies based on chemically produced products are under increasing pressure of stringent environmental regulations. Furthermore, they are rather inefficient. Therefore, there is an urgent need for environmentally friendly and sustainable corrosion control strategies. The mechanisms of microbially influenced corrosion and microbially influenced corrosion inhibition are not completely understood, because they cannot be linked to a single biochemical reaction or specific microbial species or groups. Corrosion is influenced by the complex processes of different microorganisms performing different electrochemical reactions and secreting proteins and metabolites that can have secondary effects. Information on the identity and role of microbial communities that are related to corrosion and corrosion inhibition in different materials and in different environments is scarce. As some microorganisms are able to both cause and inhibit corrosion, we pay particular interest to their potential role as corrosion-controlling agents. We show interesting interfaces in which scientists from different disciplines such as microbiology, engineering and art conservation can collaborate to find solutions to the problems caused by corrosion.

  7. The dual role of microbes in corrosion (United States)

    Kip, Nardy; van Veen, Johannes A


    Corrosion is the result of a series of chemical, physical and (micro) biological processes leading to the deterioration of materials such as steel and stone. It is a world-wide problem with great societal and economic consequences. Current corrosion control strategies based on chemically produced products are under increasing pressure of stringent environmental regulations. Furthermore, they are rather inefficient. Therefore, there is an urgent need for environmentally friendly and sustainable corrosion control strategies. The mechanisms of microbially influenced corrosion and microbially influenced corrosion inhibition are not completely understood, because they cannot be linked to a single biochemical reaction or specific microbial species or groups. Corrosion is influenced by the complex processes of different microorganisms performing different electrochemical reactions and secreting proteins and metabolites that can have secondary effects. Information on the identity and role of microbial communities that are related to corrosion and corrosion inhibition in different materials and in different environments is scarce. As some microorganisms are able to both cause and inhibit corrosion, we pay particular interest to their potential role as corrosion-controlling agents. We show interesting interfaces in which scientists from different disciplines such as microbiology, engineering and art conservation can collaborate to find solutions to the problems caused by corrosion. PMID:25259571

  8. A New Corrosion Sensor to Determine the Start and Development of Embedded Rebar Corrosion Process at Coastal Concrete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weiliang Jin


    Full Text Available The corrosion of reinforcements induced by chloride has resulted to be one of the most frequent causes of their premature damage. Most corrosion sensors were designed to monitor corrosion state in concrete, such as Anode-Ladder-System and Corrowatch System, which are widely used to monitor chloride ingress in marine concrete. However, the monitoring principle of these corrosion sensors is based on the macro-cell test method, so erroneous information may be obtained, especially from concrete under drying or saturated conditions due to concrete resistance taking control in macro-cell corrosion. In this paper, a fast weak polarization method to test corrosion state of reinforcements based on electrochemical polarization dynamics was proposed. Furthermore, a new corrosion sensor for monitoring the corrosion state of concrete cover was developed based on the proposed test method. The sensor was tested in cement mortar, with dry-wet cycle tests to accelerate the chloride ingress rate. The results show that the corrosion sensor can effectively monitor chloride penetration into concrete with little influence of the relative humidity in the concrete. With a reasonable corrosion sensor electrode arrangement, it seems the Ohm-drop effect measured by EIS can be ignored, which makes the tested electrochemical parameters more accurate.

  9. A new corrosion sensor to determine the start and development of embedded rebar corrosion process at coastal concrete. (United States)

    Xu, Chen; Li, Zhiyuan; Jin, Weiliang


    The corrosion of reinforcements induced by chloride has resulted to be one of the most frequent causes of their premature damage. Most corrosion sensors were designed to monitor corrosion state in concrete, such as Anode-Ladder-System and Corrowatch System, which are widely used to monitor chloride ingress in marine concrete. However, the monitoring principle of these corrosion sensors is based on the macro-cell test method, so erroneous information may be obtained, especially from concrete under drying or saturated conditions due to concrete resistance taking control in macro-cell corrosion. In this paper, a fast weak polarization method to test corrosion state of reinforcements based on electrochemical polarization dynamics was proposed. Furthermore, a new corrosion sensor for monitoring the corrosion state of concrete cover was developed based on the proposed test method. The sensor was tested in cement mortar, with dry-wet cycle tests to accelerate the chloride ingress rate. The results show that the corrosion sensor can effectively monitor chloride penetration into concrete with little influence of the relative humidity in the concrete. With a reasonable corrosion sensor electrode arrangement, it seems the Ohm-drop effect measured by EIS can be ignored, which makes the tested electrochemical parameters more accurate.

  10. Corrosion engineering in nuclear power industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prazak, M.; Tlamsa, J.; Jirousova, D.; Silber, K.


    Corrosion problems in nuclear power industry are discussed from the point of view of anticorrosion measures, whose aim is not only increasing the lifetime of the equipment but, first of all, securing ecological safety. A brief description is given of causes of corrosion damage that occurred at Czechoslovak nuclear power plants and which could have been prevented. These involve the corrosion of large-volume radioactive waste tanks made of the CSN 17247 steel and of waste piping of an ion exchange station made of the same material, a crack in a steam generator collector, contamination of primary circuit water with iron, and corrosion of CrNi corrosion-resistant steel in a spent fuel store. It is concluded that if a sufficient insight into the corrosion relationships exists and a reasonable volume of data is available concerning the corrosion state during the nuclear facility performance, the required safety can be achieved without adopting extremely costly anticorrosion measures. (Z.M.)

  11. High temperature corrosion of metals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quadakkers, W.J.; Schuster, H.; Ennis, P.J.


    This paper covers three main topics: 1. high temperature oxidation of metals and alloys, 2. corrosion in sulfur containing environments and 3. structural changes caused by corrosion. The following 21 subjects are discussed: Influence of implanted yttrium and lanthanum on the oxidation behaviour of beta-NiA1; influence of reactive elements on the adherence and protective properties of alumina scales; problems related to the application of very fine markers in studying the mechanism of thin scale formation; oxidation behaviour of chromia forming Co-Cr-Al alloys with or without reactive element additions; growth and properties of chromia-scales on high-temperature alloys; quantification of the depletion zone in high temperature alloys after oxidation in process gas; effects of HC1 and of N2 in the oxidation of Fe-20Cr; investigation under nuclear safety aspects of Zircaloy-4 oxidation kinetics at high temperatures in air; on the sulfide corrosion of metallic materials; high temperature sulfide corrosion of Mn, Nb and Nb-Si alloys; corrosion behaviour or NiCrAl-based alloys in air and air-SO2 gas mixtures; sulfidation of cobalt at high temperatures; preoxidation for sulfidation protection; fireside corrosion and application of additives in electric utility boilers; transport properties of scales with complex defect structures; observations of whiskers and pyramids during high temperature corrosion of iron in SO2; corrosion and creep of alloy 800H under simulated coal gasification conditions; microstructural changes of HK 40 cast alloy caused by exploitation in tubes in steam reformer installation; microstructural changes during exposure in corrosive environments and their effect on mechanical properties; coatings against carburization; mathematical modeling of carbon diffusion and carbide precipitation in Ni-Cr-based alloys. (MM)

  12. Evaluation of corrosion products formed by sulfidation as inhibitors of the naphthenic corrosion of AISI-316 steel (United States)

    Sanabria-Cala, J. A.; Montañez, N. D.; Laverde Cataño, D.; Y Peña Ballesteros, D.; Mejía, C. A.


    Naphthenic acids present in oil from most regions worldwide currently stand as the main responsible for the naphthenic corrosion problems, affecting the oil-refining industry. The phenomenon of sulfidation, accompanying corrosion processes brought about by naphthenic acids in high-temperature refining plant applications, takes place when the combination of sulfidic acid (H2S) with Fe forms layers of iron sulphide (FeS) on the material surface, layers with the potential to protect the material from attack by other corrosive species like naphthenic acids. This work assessed corrosion products formed by sulfidation as inhibitors of naphthenic corrosion rate in AISI-316 steel exposed to processing conditions of simulated crude oil in a dynamic autoclave. Calculation of the sulfidation and naphthenic corrosion rates were determined by gravimetry. The surfaces of the AISI-316 gravimetric coupons exposed to acid systems; were characterized morphologically by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Fluorescence by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). One of the results obtained was the determination of an inhibiting effect of corrosion products at 250 and 300°C, where lower corrosion rate levels were detected. For the temperature of 350°C, naphthenic corrosion rates increased due to deposition of naphthenic acids on the areas where corrosion products formed by sulfidation have lower homogeneity and stability on the surface, thus accelerating the destruction of AISI-316 steel. The above provides an initial contribution to oil industry in search of new alternatives to corrosion control by the attack of naphthenic acids, from the formation of FeS layers on exposed materials in the processing of heavy crude oils with high sulphur content.

  13. Downhole corrosion mechanisms and mitigation strategies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McDougall, D. [Baker Hughes Canada, Calgary, AB (Canada)


    Pipeline corrosion refers to its deterioration because of a reaction with its environment. Although the physical condition of the metal at the anode initiates the corrosion process, it is the chemistry and composition of the electrolyte that controls the rate of the corrosion reaction and the severity of the corrosion. This presentation described the role of corrosion rate accelerators, with particular reference to dissolved gases such as oxygen, hydrogen sulfides and carbon dioxide, as well as pH levels, salinity, flow rate, temperature and presence of solids such as iron sulfides and sulfur. The effects of these accelerators were shown to be additive. Mitigation strategies include using materials such as resistant metal alloys or fiberglass, and applying coatings and chemical inhibitors. The importance of corrosion monitoring was also emphasized, with particular reference to the value of examining the number of corrosion related failures that have occurred over a fixed period of time. It was concluded that the ability to analyze samples of failed materials results in a better understanding of the cause of the failure, and is an integral part of designing any successful corrosion control program. tabs., figs.

  14. Corrosion of Carbon Steel and Corrosion-Resistant Rebars in Concrete Structures Under Chloride Ion Attack (United States)

    Mohamed, Nedal; Boulfiza, Mohamed; Evitts, Richard


    Corrosion of reinforced concrete is the most challenging durability problem that threatens reinforced concrete structures, especially structures that are subject to severe environmental conditions (i.e., highway bridges, marine structures, etc.). Corrosion of reinforcing steel leads to cracking and spalling of the concrete cover and billions of dollars are spent every year on repairing such damaged structures. New types of reinforcements have been developed to avoid these high-cost repairs. Thus, it is important to study the corrosion behavior of these new types of reinforcements and compare them to the traditional carbon steel reinforcements. This study aimed at characterizing the corrosion behavior of three competing reinforcing steels; conventional carbon steel, micro-composite steel (MMFX-2) and 316LN stainless steel, through experiments in carbonated and non-carbonated concrete exposed to chloride-laden environments. Synthetic pore water solutions have been used to simulate both cases of sound and carbonated concrete under chloride ions attack. A three-electrode corrosion cell is used for determining the corrosion characteristics and rates. Multiple electrochemical techniques were applied using a Gamry PC4™ potentiostat manufactured by Gamry Instruments (Warminster, PA). DC corrosion measurements were applied on samples subjected to fixed chloride concentration in the solution.

  15. Corrosion problems of PWR steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urbancik, L.; Kostal, M.

    Literature data are assessed on corrosion failures of steam generator tubes made of INCONEL 600 or INCOLOY 800. It was found that both alloys with high nickel content showed good stability in a corrosion environment while being sensitive to carbide formation on grain boundaries. The gradual depletion of chromium results from the material and corrosion resistance deteriorates. INCOLOY 800 whose chromium carbide precipitation on grain boundaries in pure water and steam is negligible up to 75O degC and which is not subject to corrosion attacks in the above media and in an oxidizing environment at a temperature to about 700 degC shows the best corrosion resistance. Its favourable properties were tested in long-term operation in the Peach Bottom 1 nuclear power plant where no failures due to corrosion of this material have been recorded since 1967. In view of oxygenic-acid surface corrosion, it is necessary to work in a neutral or slightly basic environment should any one of the two alloys be used for steam generator construction. The results are summed up of an analysis conducted for the Beznau I NOK reactor. Water treatment with ash-free amines can be used as prevention against chemical corrosion mechanisms, although the treatment itself does not ensure corrosion resistance of steam generator key components. (J.B.)

  16. Boric Acid Corrosion of Concrete Rebar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang L.


    Full Text Available Borated water leakage through spent fuel pools (SFPs at pressurized water reactors is a concern because it could cause corrosion of reinforcement steel in the concrete structure and compromise the integrity of the structure. Because corrosion rate of carbon steel in concrete in the presence of boric acid is lacking in published literature and available data are equivocal on the effect of boric acid on rebar corrosion, corrosion rate measurements were conducted in this study using several test methods. Rebar corrosion rates were measured in (i borated water flowing in a simulated concrete crack, (ii borated water flowing over a concrete surface, (iii borated water that has reacted with concrete, and (iv 2,400 ppm boric acid solutions with pH adjusted to a range of 6.0 to 7.7. The corrosion rates were measured using coupled multielectrode array sensor (CMAS and linear polarization resistance (LPR probes, both made using carbon steel. The results indicate that rebar corrosion rates are low (~1 μm/yr or lesswhen the solution pH is ~7.1 or higher. Below pH ~7.1, the corrosion rate increases with decreasing pH and can reach ~100 μm/yr in solutions with pH less than ~6.7. The threshold pH for carbon steel corrosion in borated solution is between 6.8 and 7.3.

  17. BWR steel containment corrosion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, C.P.; Bagchi, G.


    The report describes regulatory actions taken after corrosion was discovered in the drywell at the Oyster Creek Plant and in the torus at the Nine Mile Point 1 Plant. The report describes the causes of corrosion, requirements for monitoring corrosion, and measures to mitigate the corrosive environment for the two plants. The report describes the issuances of generic letters and information notices either to collect information to determine whether the problem is generic or to alert the licensees of similar plants about the existence of such a problem. Implementation of measures to enhance the containment performance under severe accident conditions is discussed. A study by Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) of the performance of a degraded containment under severe accident conditions is summarized. The details of the BNL study are in the appendix to the report.

  18. Research on corrosion mechanism of suspension insulator steel foot of direct current system and measures for corrosion inhibition (United States)

    Chen, He; Yang, Yueguang; Su, Guolei; Wang, Xiaoqing; Zhang, Hourong; Sun, Xiaoyu; Fan, Youping


    There are increasingly serious electrocorrosion phenomena on insulator hardware caused by direct current transmission due to the wide-range popularization of extra high voltage direct current transmission engineering in our country. Steel foot corrosion is the main corrosion for insulators on positive polarity side of transmission lines. On one hand, the corrosion leads to the tapering off of steel foot diameter, having a direct influence on mechanical property of insulators; on the other hand, in condition of corrosion on steel foot wrapped in porcelain ware, the volume of the corrosion product is at least 50% more than that of the original steel foot, leading to bursting of porcelain ware, threatening safe operation of transmission lines. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the phenomenon and propose feasible measures for corrosion inhibition. Starting with the corrosion mechanism, this article proposes two measures for corrosion inhibition, and verifies the inhibition effect in laboratory conditions, providing reference for application in engineering.

  19. Corrosion Monitoring System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dr. Russ Braunling


    The Corrosion Monitoring System (CMS) program developed and demonstrated a continuously on-line system that provides real-time corrosion information. The program focused on detecting pitting corrosion in its early stages. A new invention called the Intelligent Ultrasonic Probe (IUP) was patented on the program. The IUP uses ultrasonic guided waves to detect small defects and a Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) algorithm to provide an image of the pits. Testing of the CMS demonstrated the capability to detect pits with dimensionality in the sub-millimeter range. The CMS was tested in both the laboratory and in a pulp and paper industrial plant. The system is capable of monitoring the plant from a remote location using the internet.

  20. Rol de las células estrelladas hepáticas en la respuesta inflamatoria-fibrótica de la esquistosomiasis murina | Role of hepatic stellate cells in the inflammatory-fibrotic response murine schistosomiasis


    Eva Velásquez Bolívar; Ángel Castillo Corujo; Emilia Barrios; Miguel Cosenza; Génesis Ochoa


    Las Células Estrelladas Hepáticas (HSCs) son una de las principales fuentes de colágeno en el hígado y juegan un papel crucial en la fibrogénesis inducida por los esquistosomas. Las HSCs en reposo funcionan principalmente almacenando la vitamina A, pero en respuesta a la lesión del tejido hepático, se activan y sufren transdiferenciación a miofibroblastos, que se caracterizan por la producción de la matriz extracelular (ECM), componentes ricos en colágenos fibrilares. En la esquistosomiasis, ...

  1. Evaluación del riesgo de desarrollar hipoacusia en el colectivo de alumnos de conservatorios de música.


    Santirso-Sánchez, Sara


    El presente trabajo analiza el riesgo de desarrollar hipoacusia inducida por el ruido en el colectivo de estudiantes de música como consecuencia de su propia actividad de práctica, estudio y ensayo con el instrumento, al estar expuestos de forma prolongada a sonidos de elevada intensidad. Por una parte se ha examinado la literatura sobre los problemas de audición en los músicos y se han revisado los conceptos físico-biológicos básicos en la audición, con objeto de identifica...

  2. Anti-inflammatory effects of an aqueous extract of Capraria biflora L.


    Acosta, Sulay Loy; Muro, Liliana Vicet; López Sacerio, Arelys; Lorenzo Monteagudo, Geidy; Reinoso Peña, Ania; Okwei, Samuel Narku


    Se investigaron los efectos antinflamatorios de las hojas de Capraria biflora L. El extracto acuoso fue preparado al 10% y se administró a ratas en el modelo del edema plantar inducido por carragenina y a ratones en el modelo de peritonitis inducida por el mismo agente. En ambos ensayos, la dosis de 200 mg kg -1 del extracto mostró un efecto similar a la indometacina y el efecto fue dosis-dependiente. Los efectos antinflamatorios de esta planta podrían obedecer a diversos mecanismos y los fla...

  3. Enfermedad celiaca en niños del noroeste de México: características clínicas de 24 casos


    N. Sotelo Cruz; A.M. Calderón de la Barca; J.G. Hurtado Valenzuela


    Antecedentes: La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía autoinmune inducida por el gluten del trigo dietético, con serias consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata tempranamente. Hay además otras alteraciones asociadas a la ingestión de gluten, que es importante conocer, por su multiplicidad de presentaciones clínicas. Objetivos: Describir los patrones más comunes de presentación de EC y alteraciones asociadas al gluten en niños de la región noroeste de México, con incipiente conocimi...

  4. Longitud del ciclo estral en ratas Sprague Dawley tratadas in útero con extracto de Roystonea regia Estrus cycle length in Sprague Dawley rats in uterus using Roystonea regia extract


    Ariadne Gutiérrez Martínez; Rafael Gámez Menéndez; Balia Pardo Acosta; Gisela Marrero Cofiño


    El D-004 consiste en una mezcla de ácidos grasos que inhibe significativamente la hiperplasia prostática inducida por testosterona en roedores. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evidenciar los posibles efectos adversos sobre el ciclo estral de hembras F1 expuestas in útero al D-004. Se utilizaron ratas Sprague Dawley, distribuidas aleatoriamente en 4 grupos: un control y 3 tratados con D-004 a las dosis de 500, 750 y 1 000 mg/kg; las hembras recibieron la administración de la dosis por vía...

  5. Effect of zinc injection on BWR fuel cladding corrosion. Pt. 1. Study on an accelerated corrosion condition to evaluate corrosion resistance of zircaloy-2 fuel cladding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawamura, Hirotaka; Kanbe, Hiromu; Furuya, Masahiro


    Japanese BWR utilities have a plan to apply zinc injection to the primary coolant in order to reduce radioactivity accumulation on the structure. Prior to applying the zinc injection to BWR plants, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of zinc injection on corrosion resistance of fuel cladding. The objective of this report was to examine the accelerated corrosion condition for evaluation of BWR fuel cladding corrosion resistance under non-irradiated conditions, as the first step of a zinc injection evaluation study. A heat transfer corrosion test facility, in which a two phase flow condition could be achieved, was designed and constructed. The effects of heat flux, void fraction and solution temperature on BWR fuel cladding corrosion resistance were quantitatively investigated. The main findings were as follows. (1) In situ measurements using high speed camera and a void sensor together with one dimensional two phase flow analysis results showed that a two phase flow simulated BWR core condition can be obtained in the corrosion test facility. (2) The heat transfer corrosion test results showed that the thickness of the zirconium oxide layer increased with increasing solution temperature and was independent of heat flux and void fraction. The corrosion accelerating factor was about 2.5 times in the case of a temperature increase from 288degC to 350degC. (author)

  6. Current status of studies on nodular corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasuda, Takayoshi; Kawasaki, Satoru; Echigoya, Hironori; Kinoshita, Yutaka; Kubota, Hiroyuki; Konishi, Takao; Yamanaka, Tuneyasu.


    The studies on nodular corrosion formed on the outer surface of BWR fuel cladding tubes were reviewed. Main factors affecting the corrosion behavior were material and environmental conditions and combined effect. The effects of such material conditions as fabrication process, alloy elements, texture and surface treatment and environmental factors as neutron irradiation, thermo-hydrodynamic, water chemistry, purity of the coolant and contact with foreign metals on the corrosion phenomena were surveyed. Out-of-reactor corrosion test methods and models for the corrosion mechanism were also reviewed. Suppression of the accumulated annealing temperature during tube reduction process improved the nodular corrosion resistance of Zircaloys. Improved resistance for the nodular corrosion was reported for the unirradiated Zircaloys with some additives. Detailed irradiation test under the BWR conditions is needed to confirm the trend. Concerning the environmental factors, boiling on the cladding surface due to heat flux reduces the nodular corrosion susceptibility, while oxidizing radical generated from dissolved oxygen accelerates the corrosion. Concerning corrosion mechanisms, importance of such phenomena as the depleted zone of alloying elements in zirconium matrix, reduction of H + to H 2 in oxide layer, electrochemical property of precipitates, crystallographic anisotropy of oxidation rates were revealed. (author) 59 refs

  7. Corrosion problems in light water nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Berry, W.E.


    The corrosion problems encountered during the author's career are reviewed. Attention is given to the development of Zircaloys and attendant factors that affect corrosion; the caustic and chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of austenitic stainless steel steam generator tubing; the qualification of Inconel Alloy 600 for steam generator tubing and the subsequent corrosion problem of secondary side wastage, caustic SCC, pitting, intergranular attack, denting, and primary side SCC; and SCC in weld and furnace sensitized stainless steel piping and internals in boiling water reactor primary coolants. Also mentioned are corrosion of metallic uranium alloy fuels; corrosion of aluminum and niobium candidate fuel element claddings; crevice corrosion and seizing of stainless steel journal-sleeve combinations; SCC of precipitation hardened and martensitic stainless steels; low temperature SCC of welded austenitic stainless steels by chloride, fluoride, and sulfur oxy-anions; and corrosion problems experienced by condensers

  8. Corrosion chemistry closing comments: opportunities in corrosion science facilitated by operando experimental characterization combined with multi-scale computational modelling. (United States)

    Scully, John R


    Recent advances in characterization tools, computational capabilities, and theories have created opportunities for advancement in understanding of solid-fluid interfaces at the nanoscale in corroding metallic systems. The Faraday Discussion on Corrosion Chemistry in 2015 highlighted some of the current needs, gaps and opportunities in corrosion science. Themes were organized into several hierarchical categories that provide an organizational framework for corrosion. Opportunities to develop fundamental physical and chemical data which will enable further progress in thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of corrosion were discussed. These will enable new and better understanding of unit processes that govern corrosion at the nanoscale. Additional topics discussed included scales, films and oxides, fluid-surface and molecular-surface interactions, selected topics in corrosion science and engineering as well as corrosion control. Corrosion science and engineering topics included complex alloy dissolution, local corrosion, and modelling of specific corrosion processes that are made up of collections of temporally and spatially varying unit processes such as oxidation, ion transport, and competitive adsorption. Corrosion control and mitigation topics covered some new insights on coatings and inhibitors. Further advances in operando or in situ experimental characterization strategies at the nanoscale combined with computational modelling will enhance progress in the field, especially if coupling across length and time scales can be achieved incorporating the various phenomena encountered in corrosion. Readers are encouraged to not only to use this ad hoc organizational scheme to guide their immersion into the current opportunities in corrosion chemistry, but also to find value in the information presented in their own ways.

  9. A Theoretical Model for Metal Corrosion Degradation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David V. Svintradze


    Full Text Available Many aluminum and stainless steel alloys contain thin oxide layers on the metal surface which greatly reduce the corrosion rate. Pitting corrosion, a result of localized breakdown of such films, results in accelerated dissolution of the underlying metal through pits. Many researchers have studied pitting corrosion for several decades and the exact governing equation for corrosion pit degradation has not been obtained. In this study, the governing equation for corrosion degradation due to pitting corrosion behavior was derived from solid-state physics and some solutions and simulations are presented and discussed.

  10. Effect of sewage sludge ash (SSA on the mechanical performance and corrosion levels of reinforced Portland cement mortars

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andión, L. G.ª


    Full Text Available The article describes a study conducted to determinecorrosion in reinforcement embedded in Portland cement(PC mortars with different percentages of sewage sludgeash (SSA admixtures. The polarization resistancetechnique was used to determine the steel corrosion rate(Icorr in the test specimens. The samples were subjectedto different environmental conditions and aggressiveagents: 100% relative humidity (RH, accelerated carbonationat 70% RH and seawater immersion. Portlandcement was partially substituted for SSA in the mixes atrates of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 60% (by mass to make thedifferent mortars. The results show that where cementwas replaced by SSA at rates of up to 10% by mass,mortar corrosion performance was comparable to thebehaviour observed in SSA-free mortars (control mortar:0% SSA. Data for higher rates are also shown. From themechanical standpoint, SSA exhibited moderate pozzolanicactivity and the best performance when SSA wasadded at a rate of 10% to mixes with a water/(binder:PC + SSA (w/b ratio of 0.5.Se ha estudiado el nivel de corrosion que presentan lasarmaduras embebidas en morteros fabricados con cementoPortland (CP con diferentes porcentajes de sustitucion deceniza de lodo de depuradora (CLD. Se ha utilizado la tecnicade la Resistencia a la Polarizacion para determinar lavelocidad de corrosion del acero embebido en las muestrasestudiadas. Las muestras se han sometido a diferentes condicionesambientales y agentes agresivos: 100% de humedadrelativa (HR, carbonatacion acelerada al 70% HR einmersion en agua de mar. Para la fabricacion de los distintosmorteros, el cemento Portland ha sido parcialmente sustituidopor CLD en los siguientes porcentajes en masa: 0,10, 20, 30 y 60%. Los resultados muestran que sustitucionesde cemento por CLD de hasta el 10% en masa no alteranel comportamiento frente a la corrosion de los morterosal compararlos con los morteros libres de CLD (morteroscontrol: 0% de sustitucion de cemento por CLD. Se

  11. Muerte celular inducida por condiciones ambientales adversas en Calibrachoa parviflora (Petunia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Montes Berrueta


    Full Text Available Se ha descrito que condiciones ambientales extremas tales como altas temperaturas, luz ultravioleta y el efecto invernadero, alteran la tasa de crecimiento de las plantas. En este trabajo se investigó el efecto agudo de dos condiciones ambientales extremas tales como la limitación de nutrientes y la acidificación del suelo con ácido sulfúrico, un compuesto comúnmente depositado en los suelos como consecuencia de la llamada lluvia ácida, sobre la tasa de muerte y proliferación celular en petunias (Calibrachoa parviflora. Para tales efectos, grupos de petunias fueron sometidas a tres condiciones diferentes: grupo A o control, mantenida en condiciones óptimas y de suministro de nutrientes, grupo B en ausencia de nutrientes y de luz natural, y grupo C expuestas a agua acidificada con ácido sulfúrico. En un seguimiento hasta 72 horas, se analizaron muestras de pétalos, hojas y tallos de cada una de las plantas y, posterior a la extracción de los núcleos, estos fueron teñidos con ioduro de propidio, un agente intercalante del ADN, y analizados mediante citometría de flujo y microscopía de fluorescencia. Los resultados muestran que ambas condiciones extremas generan un desbalance en el proceso de muerte/sobrevida de las petunias, pero a diferencia de las plantas del grupo B, las plantas del grupo C no incrementaron la tasa de proliferación celular. Estos resultados sugieren que las plantas que crecen en suelos ácidos pierden la capacidad compensatoria ante la señal de estrés que se genera a consecuencia de la exposición aguda a concentraciones tóxicas de ácido sulfúrico. Cell death induced by adverse environmental conditions in Calibrachoa parviflora (petunia Abstract It has been previously reported that extreme environmental conditions such as high temperatures, ultraviolet light and the greenhouse effect, alter the rate of growth in plants. In this study we investigated the acute effect of two extreme environmental conditions: nutrient deprivation and soil acidification with sulfuric acid, a compound commonly deposited in the soil, as a result of acid rain, on the rate of death and cell proliferation in petunias (Calibrachoa parviflora. For this purpose, a group of petunias was subjected to three different conditions: group A or control, kept in optimum conditions and nutrient supply, group B in the absence of nutrients and natural light and group C, exposed to water acidified with sulfuric acid. In continuous observations for up to 72 hours, samples from petals, leaves and stems of each plant were analyzed and after nuclei extraction; these were treated with propidium iodide, a DNA intercalator compound, and analyzed by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. The results show that both extreme conditions generate an imbalance in the process of death/survival of petunias, but unlike plants from group B, plants in group C, did not increase their rate of cell proliferation. These results suggest that plants growing in acid soils lose their ability to compensate the stress signal generated as a result of acute exposure to toxic concentrations of sulfuric acid.

  12. A Multifunctional Smart Coating for Autonomous Corrosion Control (United States)

    Calle, Luz Marina; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Jolley, Scott T.


    Corrosion is a destructive process that often causes failure in metallic components and structures. Protective coatings are the most commonly used method of corrosion control. However, progressively stricter environmental regulations have resulted in the ban of many commercially available corrosion protective coatings due to the harmful effects of their solvents or corrosion inhibitors. This work concerns the development of a multifunctional, smart coating for the autonomous control of corrosion. This coating is being developed to have the inherent ability to detect the chemical changes associated with the onset of corrosion and respond autonomously to control it. The multi-functionality of the coating is based on micro-encapsulation technology specifically designed for corrosion control applications. This design has, in addition to all the advantages of other existing microcapsules designs, the corrosion controlled release function that allows the delivery of corrosion indicators and inhibitors on demand only when and where needed. Corrosion indicators as well as corrosion inhibitors have been incorporated into microcapsules, blended into several paint systems, and tested for corrosion detection and protection efficacy. This

  13. Aspergilosis pulmonar secundaria a neutropenia inducida por metimazol: reporte de un caso Pulmonary aspergillosis due to methimazole-induced neutropenia: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel E. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 48 años de edad con diagnóstico reciente de enfermedad de Graves, quien acudió a emergencia por presentar fiebre, palpitaciones y dolor faríngeo. Su tratamiento regular incluía metimazol. Al ingreso, los análisis mostraron TSH suprimido, T4 libre elevado y neutropenia. La paciente fue hospitalizada, se administraron antibióticos y factor estimulante de colonia. Después de diez días de tratamiento, la paciente presentó leucocitosis, fiebre y hemoptisis. La tomografía de tórax mostró una cavidad con múltiples nódulos en el lóbulo superior derecho. Los cultivos fueron positivos a Aspergillus fumigatus y Aspergillus flavus. Se inició tratamiento con anfotericina B y luego se cambió a voriconazol, a pesar de lo cual no hubo mejoría del cuadro. La paciente falleció por falla multiorgánica.A 48-year old woman with a recent diagnosis of Graves’ disease arrived at the emergency room with fever, palpitations, and a sore throat. Her regular treatment included methimazole. On admission, laboratory results showed suppressed TSH, elevated free thyroxine, and neutropenia. She was admitted and started on antibiotics and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (gm-csf. After ten days, the patient developed leukocytosis, fever, and hemoptysis. Chest CT scan showed a lung cavity with multiple nodules in the upper right lobe. Cultures from a lung biopsy were positive for Aspergillus Fumigatus and Aspergillus Flavus. Amphotericin B was started but then switched to voriconazole, with both treatments failing to result in clinical improvement. The patient died of multi-organ failure.

  14. Corrosion in power industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ventakeshwarlu, K.S.


    A brief account of the problem areas encountered as a result of corrosion in the electrical power industry including nuclear power industry is given and some of the measures contemplated and/or implemented to control corrosion are outlined. The corrosion problems in the steam generators and cladding tubes of the nuclear power plant have an added dimension of radioactivation which leads to contamination and radiation field. Importance of monitoring water quality and controlling water chemistry by addition of chemicals is emphasised. (M.G.B.)

  15. Corrosion investigations of high-alloyed steels carried out in different marine area organized by European Federation of Corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Birn, J.; Skalski, I.


    Research works arranged by EFC Working Party on Marine Corrosion are described. The research was performed in sea areas of Norway, Finland, Sweden, France, Italy, Poland and Netherlands. Subjected to test were three corrosion resistant steel grades; 316, 904 and UNS S 31524. Two corrosion tests were carried out in the years 1993 and 1994 each of min. 6 month duration. The results show that chemical composition of water at salinity level of more than 0.7% has not great effect on corrosion aggressivity in relation to corrosion resistant steels. On the other hand temperature of sea water has great influence on corrosion process. (author)

  16. Citotoxicidad del cadmio en hepatocitos de ratón albino y sus posibles implicaciones en ambientes tropicales


    Letty Marcano; Clarisa de R. Faría; Ingrid Carruyo; Xiomara Montiel


    Se realizó un análisis de las alteraciones fenotípicas, estructurales y ultraestructurales inducidas por Cd+2 en hepatocitos de ratón albino suizo. El metal fue suministrado vía oral en solución acuosa de CdCl2 durante 100 días a concentraciones de 50 ppm, 100 ppm y 150 ppm, en los controles la solución de cadmio fue sustituida por agua destilada. Las muestras fueron procesadas utilizando la técnica de inclusión en parafina y teñidas con hematoxilina- eosina para microscopía óptica y por la t...

  17. Corrosion and alteration of materials from the nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beauvy, M.; Berthoud, G.; Defranceschi, M.; Ducros, G.; Feron, D.; Guerin, Y.; Latge, C.; Limoge, Y.; Madic, C.; Santarini, G.; Seiler, J.M.; Vernaz, E.; Richet, C.


    The control of the corrosion phenomenon is of prime importance for the nuclear industry. The efficiency and the safety of facilities can be affected by this phenomenon. The nuclear industry has to face corrosion for a large variety of materials submitted to various environments. Metallic corrosion operates in the hot and aqueous environment of water reactors which represent the most common reactor type in the world. Progresses made in the control of the corrosion of the different components of these reactors allow to improve their safety. Corrosion is present in the facilities of the back-end of the fuel cycle as well (corrosion in acid environment in fuel reprocessing plants, corrosion of waste containers in disposal and storage facilities, etc). The future nuclear systems will widen even more the range of materials to be studied and the situations in which they will be placed (corrosion by liquid metals or by helium impurities). Very often, corrosion looks like a patchwork of particular cases in its description. The encountered corrosion problems and their study are presented in this book according to chapters representing the main sectors of the nuclear industry and classified with respect to their phenomenology. This monograph illustrates the researches in progress and presents some results of particular importance obtained recently. Content: 1 - Introduction: context, stakes and goals; definition of corrosion; a complex science; corrosion in the nuclear industry; 2 - corrosion in water reactors - phenomenology, mechanisms, remedies: A - uniform corrosion: mechanisms, uniform corrosion of fuel cladding, in-situ measurement of generalized corrosion rate by electrochemical methods, uniform corrosion of nickel alloys, characterization of the passive layer and growth mechanisms, the PACTOLE code - an integrating tool, influence of water chemistry on corrosion and contamination, radiolysis impact on uniform corrosion; B - stress corrosion: stress corrosion cracking

  18. Development of Flow Accelerated Corrosion Reduction Technology

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heo, Min Bum; Choi, Won Yeol; Lee, Jong Chan; Lim, Dong Seok; Kwon, Byung Il; Ku, Hee Kwon; Kim, Jong Uk [FNC Tech, Yongin (Korea, Republic of)


    Development of flow accelerated corrosion reduction technology is necessary for prevent this kind of accidents. This study deals with development of flow accelerated corrosion reduction technology through platinum injection and developed of flow accelerated corrosion reduction technology by imitating water chemical condition in PWR secondary system in practice. In addition, in order to get reliability of water chemical simulator in PWR secondary system, analyzed and compared with test result through CFD analysis. This study composed test device that can simulate water chemical environment in PWR secondary system, in order to develop flow accelerated corrosion reduction , and evaluated the ratio of corrosion in water chemical environment in PWR secondary system. In conclusion, corrosion ratio of low alloy steel material that includes more Cr and Mo was lower. And the results were confirmed to be the maximum corrosion rate in the case that replicate the 90 elbow. Additionally, inserted Pt nano particle for developing flow accelerated corrosion rate reduction technology, the test results, it was confirmed for about 80% of the flow accelerated corrosion rate reduction than before input.

  19. The Effects of Corrosive Chemicals on Corrosion Rate of Steel Reinforcement Bars: I. Swamp Water

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sulistyoweni Widanarko


    Full Text Available Most of infrastructures using steel concrete to reinforce the strength of concrete. Steel concrete is so vulnerable to chemical compounds that can cause corrosion. It can happen due to the presence of chemical compounds in acid environment in low pH level. These chemical compounds are SO42-, Cl-, NO3-. There are many swamp area in Indonesia. The acid contents and the concentration of ion sulphate, chlorides, and nitrate are higher in the swamp water than in the ground water .The objective of this research was to find out the influence of corrosive chemicals in the swamp water to the steel concrete corrosion rate. There were two treatment used: (1 emerging ST 37 and ST 60 within 60 days in the 'polluted' swamp water, (2 moving the ST 37 up and down periodically in the ' polluted' swamp water. Three variation of 'polluted' swamp water were made by increasing the concentration of corrosive chemical up to 1X, 5X and 10X respectively. The corrosion rate was measured by using an Immersion Method. The result of Immersion test showed that chloride had the greatest influence to corrosion rate of ST 37 and ST 60 and followed by sulphate and Nitrate. Corrosion rate value for ST 37 is 24.29 mpy and for ST 60 is 22.76 mpy. By moving the sample up and down, the corrosion rate of ST 37 increase up to 37.59 mpy, and chloride still having the greatest influence, followed by sulphate and nitrate.

  20. Critical Study of Corrosion Damaged Concrete Structures


    Sallehuddin Shah Ayop; John Cairns


    Corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete is one of the major problems with respect to the durability of reinforced concrete structures. The degradation of the structure strength due to reinforcement corrosion decreases its design life. This paper presents the literature study on the influence of the corrosion on concrete structure starting from the mechanism of the corrosion until the deterioration stage and the structural effects of corrosion on concrete structures.

  1. Graphene: corrosion-inhibiting coating. (United States)

    Prasai, Dhiraj; Tuberquia, Juan Carlos; Harl, Robert R; Jennings, G Kane; Rogers, Bridget R; Bolotin, Kirill I


    We report the use of atomically thin layers of graphene as a protective coating that inhibits corrosion of underlying metals. Here, we employ electrochemical methods to study the corrosion inhibition of copper and nickel by either growing graphene on these metals, or by mechanically transferring multilayer graphene onto them. Cyclic voltammetry measurements reveal that the graphene coating effectively suppresses metal oxidation and oxygen reduction. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements suggest that while graphene itself is not damaged, the metal under it is corroded at cracks in the graphene film. Finally, we use Tafel analysis to quantify the corrosion rates of samples with and without graphene coatings. These results indicate that copper films coated with graphene grown via chemical vapor deposition are corroded 7 times slower in an aerated Na(2)SO(4) solution as compared to the corrosion rate of bare copper. Tafel analysis reveals that nickel with a multilayer graphene film grown on it corrodes 20 times slower while nickel surfaces coated with four layers of mechanically transferred graphene corrode 4 times slower than bare nickel. These findings establish graphene as the thinnest known corrosion-protecting coating.

  2. An electrochemical investigation of the corrosion behavior of Al-Si-Cu hypereutectic alloys in alcoholic environments

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Traldi, S. M.


    Full Text Available Al-Si-Cu hypereutetic alloys produced by spray forming are mostly used in the automotive industry, especially for cylinder liners. They have the advantage of low weight associated with low coefficient of thermal expansion and excellent mechanical properties - mainly wear resistance at high temperatures. The corrosion resistance of these alloys in fuels, particularly alcoholic media, however is not yet known. In this investigation, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS and potentiodynamic polarisation have been used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of a hypereutectic Al-Si-Cu alloy in alcoholic environments. The EIS tests were carried out in pure ethanol, and ethanol with small additions (1 mM of acid and chloride, to investigate the effect of these contaminants on corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance of a grey cast iron has also been evaluated in pure ethanol for comparison. The Al-Si-Cu alloy showed high corrosion resistance in pure ethanol, far superior to that of grey cast iron in the same medium.

    Aleaciones hipereutécticas producidas por conformación por spray son muy empleadas en la industria automovilística, especialmente en los revestimientos de los cilindros. Tienen la ventaja de añadir menos peso con bajo coeficiente de expansión térmica y excelentes propiedades mecánicas, sobre todo resistencia al desgaste en altas temperaturas. Todavía, la resistencia a la corrosión de estas aleaciones en combustibles no es conocida. En este estudio fueron utilizadas las técnicas de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica y polarización potenciodinámica, para evaluar la resistencia a la corrosión de una aleación hipereutéctica Al-Si-Cu en medio alcohólico. Las pruebas fueron conducidas en etanol puro y etanol con pequeñas adiciones (1 mM de ácido y cloruro, con la finalidad de investigar el efecto de estos contaminantes en la resistencia a la corrosión. Hierro fundido gris, también fue

  3. Colorimetric visualization of tin corrosion: A method for early stage corrosion detection on printed circuit boards

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Verdingovas, Vadimas; Jellesen, Morten Stendahl; Ambat, Rajan


    A majority of printed circuit board surfaces are covered with tin, therefore tin corrosion under humid conditions and movement of tin ions under the influence of an electric field plays an important role in the corrosion failure development. Tracking tin corrosion products spread on the printed c...

  4. Corrosion in the nuclear power industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Danko, J.C.


    This article reviews the major corrosion problems in light water reactors, the research on the corrosion mechanism(s), and the development of engineering solutions and their implementation. To understand the occurrence of corrosion problems, a brief historical perspective of the corrosion design basis of commercial light water reactors, boiling water, and pressurized water reactors is necessary. Although corrosion was considered in the plant designs, it was not viewed as a serious problem. This was based on the results of laboratory experiments and in-reactor tests that did not indicate any major corrosion problems with the materials selected for the plant construction. However, the laboratory tests did not necessarily reproduce the reactor operating conditions and the early in-reactor test did not fully represent the commercial reactor conditions in all cases, and, finally, the test times were indeed of short duration relative to the plant design lifetime of 40 years. Thus, the design basis for the materials selection was determined on the favorable but limited test data that were available, and corrosion limitations on component integrity were therefore not anticipated

  5. Marine atmospheric corrosion of carbon steels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morcillo, M.; Alcantara, J.; Diaz, I.; Chico, B.; Simancas, J.; Fuente, D. de la


    Basic research on marine atmospheric corrosion of carbon steels is a relatively young scientific field and there continue to be great gaps in this area of knowledge. The presence of akaganeite in the corrosion products that form on steel when it is exposed to marine atmospheres leads to a notable increase in the corrosion rate. This work addresses the following issues: (a) environmental conditions necessary for akaganeite formation; (b) characterisation of akaganeite in the corrosion products formed; (c) corrosion mechanisms of carbon steel in marine atmospheres; (d) exfoliation of rust layers formed in highly aggressive marine atmospheres; (e) long-term corrosion rate prediction; and (f) behaviour of weathering steels. Field research has been carried out at Cabo Vilano wind farm (Camarinas, Galicia) in a wide range of atmospheric salinities and laboratory work involving the use of conventional atmospheric corrosion techniques and near-surface and bulk sensitive analytical techniques: scanning electron microscopy (SEM)/energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Mossbauer spectroscopy and SEM/μRaman spectroscopy. (Author)

  6. Study on influence of native oxide and corrosion products on atmospheric corrosion of pure Al

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Yanjie; Wang, Zhenyao; Ke, Wei


    Highlights: •Corrosion products layer is only formed in coastal atmosphere. •In coastal atmosphere, rate controlling step is diffusion process. •In rural atmosphere, rate controlling step is charge transfer process. •Pitting area increases greatly in coastal site, but slightly in rural site. -- Abstract: Effects of native oxide and corrosion products on atmospheric corrosion of aluminium in rural and coastal sites were studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), open-circuit potential (OCP) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) techniques after outdoor exposure. In the rural atmosphere, only the compact, adhesive native oxide layer exists, and the rate controlling step is diffusion process, while in the coastal atmosphere, another loose, inadhesive corrosion products layer exists, and a charge transfer process controls the corrosion process. The pitting area in the coastal atmosphere increases over time more obviously than that in the rural atmosphere

  7. Corrosive wear. Evaluation of wear and corrosive resistant materials; Noetningskorrosion. Utvaerdering av noetnings- och korrosionsbestaendiga material

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Persson, H.; Hjertsen, D.; Waara, P.; Prakash, B.; Hardell, J.


    With a new purchase of a waste conveyer screw at hand, for the 'A-warehouse' at the combined power and heating plant at E.ON Norrkoeping, the request for improved construction materials was raised. The previous screw required maintenance with very short intervals due to the difficult operation conditions. With the new screw the expectation is to manage 6 months of operation without interruption. The environment for the screw has two main components that sets the demand on the materials, on one hand the corrosive products that comes along and which forms at digestion of the waste and on the other hand the abrasive content in the waste. The term of the mechanism is wear-corrosion and can give considerably higher material loss than the two mechanisms wear and corrosion separately. Combination of a strong corrosive environment together with extensive wear is something that we today have limited knowledge about. The overall objective of the project has been to establish better wear and corrosive resistant construction materials for a waste conveyer screw that will lead to reduced operational disturbance costs. The evaluation has been performed in both controlled laboratory environments and in field tests, which has given us a better understanding of what materials are more suitable in this tough environment and has given us a tool for future predictions of the wear rate of the different material. The new conveyer screw, installed in February 2007 and with which the field test have been performed, has considerably reduced the wear of the construction and the target of 6 month maintenance-free operation is met with this screw for all the evaluated materials. The wear along the screw varies very much and with a clear trend for all the materials to increase towards the feeding direction of the screw. As an example, the wear plate SS2377 (stainless duplex steel) has a useful life at the most affected areas that is calculated to be 1077 days of operation with the

  8. Corrosion-resistant coating development

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stinton, D.P.; Kupp, D.M.; Martin, R.L. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)


    SiC-based heat exchangers have been identified as the prime candidate material for use as heat exchangers in advanced combined cycle power plants. Unfortunately, hot corrosion of the SiC-based materials created by alkali metal salts present in the combustion gases dictates the need for corrosion-resistant coatings. The well-documented corrosion resistance of CS-50 combined with its low (and tailorable) coefficient of thermal expansion and low modulus makes CS-50 an ideal candidate for this application. Coatings produced by gelcasting and traditional particulate processing have been evaluated.

  9. Virtual Instrumentation Corrosion Controller for Natural Gas Pipelines (United States)

    Gopalakrishnan, J.; Agnihotri, G.; Deshpande, D. M.


    Corrosion is an electrochemical process. Corrosion in natural gas (methane) pipelines leads to leakages. Corrosion occurs when anode and cathode are connected through electrolyte. Rate of corrosion in metallic pipeline can be controlled by impressing current to it and thereby making it to act as cathode of corrosion cell. Technologically advanced and energy efficient corrosion controller is required to protect natural gas pipelines. Proposed virtual instrumentation (VI) based corrosion controller precisely controls the external corrosion in underground metallic pipelines, enhances its life and ensures safety. Designing and development of proportional-integral-differential (PID) corrosion controller using VI (LabVIEW) is carried out. When the designed controller is deployed at field, it maintains the pipe to soil potential (PSP) within safe operating limit and not entering into over/under protection zone. Horizontal deployment of this technique can be done to protect all metallic structure, oil pipelines, which need corrosion protection.

  10. Características de la estructura molecular de las proteínas E del virus del Zika y E1 del virus de la rubéola y posibles implicaciones en el neurotropismo y en las alteraciones del sistema nervioso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Gómez


    Conclusión. La comparación de las proteínas E-ZIKV y E1-RV es un paso necesario hacia la definición de otros factores moleculares determinantes del neurotropismo y la patogenia del ZIKV, el cual puede contribuir a generar estrategias de diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de las complicaciones neurológicas inducidas por el ZIKV.

  11. 49 CFR 193.2631 - Internal corrosion control. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Internal corrosion control. 193.2631 Section 193... GAS FACILITIES: FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS Maintenance § 193.2631 Internal corrosion control. Each component that is subject to internal corrosive attack must be protected from internal corrosion by— (a...

  12. Fatigue and Corrosion in Metals

    CERN Document Server

    Milella, Pietro Paolo


    This textbook, suitable for students, researchers and engineers, gathers the experience of more than 20 years of teaching fracture mechanics, fatigue and corrosion to professional engineers and running experimental tests and verifications to solve practical problems in engineering applications. As such, it is a comprehensive blend of fundamental knowledge and technical tools to address the issues of fatigue and corrosion. The book initiates with a systematic description of fatigue from a phenomenological point of view, since the early signs of submicroscopic damage in few surface grains and continues describing, step by step, how these precursors develop to become mechanically small cracks and, eventually, macrocracks whose growth is governed by fracture mechanics. But fracture mechanics is also introduced to analyze stress corrosion and corrosion assisted fatigue in a rather advanced fashion. The author dedicates a particular attention to corrosion starting with an electrochemical treatment that mechanical e...

  13. Benchmarking of Zinc Coatings for Corrosion Protection: A Detailed Characterization of Corrosion and Electrochemical Properties of Zinc Coatings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wijesinghe, Sudesh L; Zixi, Tan [Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Nanyang Drive (Singapore)


    Due to various types of Zn coatings for many decades for various applications, it is imperative to study and compare their corrosion resistance properties of some of these. Here, we introduce a systematic methodology for evaluation and validation of corrosion protection properties of metallic coatings. According to this methodology, samples are were exposed in an advanced cyclic corrosion test chamber according to ISO 14993, and removed at the end of each withdrawal for respective corrosion and electrochemical characterization to evaluate both barrier and galvanic protection properties. Corrosion protection properties of coatings were evaluated by visual examination according to ISO 10289, mass loss and subsequent corrosion rate measurements, electrochemical properties, and advanced electrochemical scanning techniques. In this study, corrosion protection properties of a commercial zinc rich coating (ZRC) on AISI 1020 mild steel substrates were evaluated and benchmarked against hot dip galvanized (HDG). Results were correlated, and corrosion protection capabilities of the two coatings were compared. The zinc rich coating performed better than hot dip galvanized coating in terms of overall corrosion protection properties, according to the exposure and experimental conditions used in this study. It proved to be a suitable candidate to replace hot dip galvanized coatings for desired applications.

  14. Corrosion Rate Monitoring in District Heating Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel; Nielsen, Lars Vendelbo; Andersen, A.


    be applicable, and if on-line monitoring could improve the quality control. Water quality monitoring was applied as well as corrosion rate monitoring with linear polarization resistance (LPR), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), electrical resistance (ER) technique, mass loss and a crevice corrosion......Quality control in district heating systems to keep uniform corrosion rates low and localized corrosion minimal is based on water quality control. Side-stream units equipped with carbon steel probes for online monitoring were mounted in district heating plants to investigate which techniques would...... cell for localized corrosion risk estimation. Important variations in corrosion rate due to changes in make-up water quality were detected with the continuous monitoring provided by ER and crevice cell, while LPR gave unreliable corrosion rates. The acquisition time of two-three days for EIS...

  15. Variación en la actividad microbiana por cambio de uso en suelos en sabanas, Llanos Orientales, Venezuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yrma Gómez


    Full Text Available En los llanos orientales de Venezuela la forma tradicional de uso de las sabanas de Trachypogon ha sido el pastoreo extensivo. La presión sobre éstas para obtener una mayor productividad animal ha estimulado la introducción de plantas exóticas para forrajes, tales como: Brachiaria brizantha y Andropogon gayanus. A pesar de que grandes extensiones de sabanas están siendo sometidas a este cambio de uso de la tierra, es escasa la información acerca del efecto que estas pasturas y la actividad de pastoreo tienen sobre la actividad microbiana en el suelo; por lo que el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el impacto que el pastoreo extensivo y la substitución de la cobertura nativa tienen sobre la actividad microbiana en estos suelos. El muestreo fue llevado a cabo durante las temporadas de sequía y lluvias. Los parámetros empleados para determinar cambios en la actividad microbiana fueron la respiración inducida por sustrato (RIS, la respiración basal (RB, la actividad de la deshidrogenasa (DHS, la hidrólisis del diacetato de fluorisceína (DAF y la amonificación de la arginina (AA. La similitud de las características estructurales de los suelos estudiados nos permite inferir, que las diferencias en los parámetros microbiológicos, están determinadas por las condiciones climáticas y el manejo del suelo. Los resultados muestran que en estos suelos existe una baja actividad microbiana. La temporada lluviosa provocó un incremento en todos los parámetros microbiológicos determinados. B. brizantha hizo un mayor aporte de carbono al suelo y promovió una mayor actividad heterotrófica. El pastoreo extensivo y la baja carga animal en las sabanas de los llanos orientales de Venezuela no afectaron la actividad microbiana del suelo.

  16. 49 CFR 192.477 - Internal corrosion control: Monitoring. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Internal corrosion control: Monitoring. 192.477... Control § 192.477 Internal corrosion control: Monitoring. If corrosive gas is being transported, coupons... internal corrosion. Each coupon or other means of monitoring internal corrosion must be checked two times...

  17. Corrosion testing and prediction in SCWO environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kriksunov, L.B.; Macdonald, D.D.


    The authors review recent advances in corrosion monitoring and modeling in SCWO systems. Techniques and results of experimental corrosion measurements at high temperatures are presented. Results of modeling corrosion in high subcritical and supercritical aqueous systems indicate the primary importance of density of water in corrosion processes. A phenomenological model has been developed to simulate corrosion processes at nearcritical and supercritical temperatures in SCWO systems. They discuss as well the construction of Pourbaix diagrams for metals in SCW

  18. Corrosion monitoring during a chemical cleaning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delepine, J.; Feron, D.; Roy, M.


    In order to estimate the possible corrosion induced by the chemical cleaning, a corrosion monitoring has been realized during the cleaning of the secondary circuit (including the model boiler) of ORION loop. It included coupons and electrodes and has required a preliminary setting in laboratory. The electrochemical device which was used during the chemical cleaning included two reference electrodes (Ag/AgCl) and eight metallic electrodes (carbon steel, stainless steel, Alloy 600 and Alloy 690) for free corrosion potential monitoring, three other carbon steel electrodes for instantaneous corrosion rate measurements by polarization resistance and three coupling devices with different surface ratios between carbon steel and Alloy 600. The results showed a good agreement between corrosion rates measured by weight losses on coupons or by electrochemistry (polarization resistance), and an increase of the carbon steel corrosion rate when it was coupled with Alloy 600. (authors). 5 figs., 2 tabs., 3 refs

  19. Localized Corrosion Behavior of Type 304SS with a Silica Layer Under Atmospheric Corrosion Environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    E. Tada; G.S. Frankel


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed a potential repository for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste at the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada. [I] The temperature could be high on the waste packages, and it is possible that dripping water or humidity could interact with rock dust particulate to form a thin electrolyte layer with concentrated ionic species. Under these conditions, it is possible that highly corrosion-resistant alloys (CRAs) used as packages to dispose the nuclear waste could suffer localized corrosion. Therefore, to better understand long-term corrosion performance of CRAs in the repository, it is important to investigate localized corrosion under a simulated repository environment. We measured open circuit potential (OCP) and galvanic current (i g ) for silica-coated Type 304SS during drying of salt solutions under controlled RH environments to clarify the effect of silica layer as a dust layer simulant on localized corrosion under atmospheric environments. Type 304SS was used as a relatively susceptible model CRA instead of the much more corrosion resistant alloys, such as Alloy 22, that are being considered as, waste package materials

  20. Demystifying Controlling Copper Corrosion (United States)

    The LCR systematically misses the highest health and corrosion risk sites for copper. Additionally, there are growing concerns for WWTP copper in sludges and discharge levels. There are many corrosion control differences between copper and lead. This talk explains the sometimes c...

  1. Corrosion protection with eco-friendly inhibitors (United States)

    Shahid, Muhammad


    Corrosion occurs as a result of the interaction of a metal with its environment. The extent of corrosion depends on the type of metal, the existing conditions in the environment and the type of aggressive ions present in the medium. For example, CO3-2 and NO-3 produce an insoluble deposit on the surface of iron, resulting in the isolation of metal and consequent decrease of corrosion. On the other hand, halide ions are adsorbed selectively on the metal surface and prevent formation of the oxide phase on the metal surface, resulting in continuous corrosion. Iron, aluminum and their alloys are widely used, both domestically and industrially. Linear alkylbenzene and linear alkylbenzene sulfonate are commonly used as detergents. They have also been found together in waste water. It is claimed that these chemicals act as inhibitors for stainless steel and aluminum. Release of toxic gases as a result of corrosion in pipelines may lead in certain cases to air pollution and possible health hazards. Therefore, there are two ways to look at the relationship between corrosion and pollution: (i) corrosion of metals and alloys due to environmental pollution and (ii) environmental pollution as a result of corrosion protection. This paper encompasses the two scenarios and possible remedies for various cases, using 'green' inhibitors obtained either from plant extracts or from pharmaceutical compounds. In the present study, the effect of piperacillin sodium as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel was investigated using a weight-loss method as well as a three-electrode dc electrochemical technique. It was found that the corrosion rate decreased as the concentration of the inhibitor increased up to 9×10-4 M 93% efficiency was exhibited at this concentration.

  2. Prediction of corrosion rates of water distribution pipelines according to aggressive corrosive water in Korea. (United States)

    Chung, W S; Yu, M J; Lee, H D


    The drinking water network serving Korea has been used for almost 100 years. Therefore, pipelines have suffered various degrees of deterioration due to aggressive environments. The pipe breaks were caused by in-external corrosion, water hammer, surface loading, etc. In this paper, we focused on describing corrosion status in water distribution pipes in Korea and reviewing some methods to predict corrosion rates. Results indicate that corrosive water of lakes was more aggressive than river water and the winter was more aggressive compared to other seasons. The roughness growth rates of Dongbok lake showed 0.23 mm/year. The high variation of corrosion rates is controlled by the aging pipes and smaller diameter. Also the phenolphthalein test on a cementitious core of cement mortar lined ductile cast iron pipe indicated the pipes over 15 years old had lost 50-100% of their lime active cross sectional area.

  3. Corrosion of carbon steel under waste disposal conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsh, G.


    The corrosion of carbon steel has been studied in the United Kingdom under granitic groundwater conditions, with pH between 5 and 10 and possibly substantial amounts of Cl - , SO 4 2- and HCO 3 - /CO 3 2- . Corrosion modes considered include uniform corrosion under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions; passive corrosion; localized attack in the form of pitting or crevice corrosion; and environmentally assisted cracking - hydrogen embrittlement or stress corrosion cracking. Studies of these processes are being carried out in order to predict the metal thicknesses required to give container lifetimes of 500 to 1000 years. A simple uniform corrosion model predicts a corrosion rate of around 13.4 μm/a at 20C, rising to 69 μm/a at 50C and 208 μm/a at 90C. A radiation dose of 10 5 rad/h and a G-value of 2.8 for the production of oxidizing species would account for an increase in corrosion rate of 7 μm/a. This model overestimates slightly the results actually achieved for experimental samples exposed for two years, the difference being due to a protective film formed on the samples. These corrosion rates predict that the container must be 227 mm thick to withstand uniform corrosion; however, they predict very high levels of hydrogen production. Conditions will be favourable for localized or pitting corrosion for about 125 years, leading to a maximum penetration of 160 mm. Since the exposure environment cannot be predicted precisely, one cannot state that stress corrosion cracking is impossible. Thus the container must be stress relieved. Other corrosion mechanisms such as microbial corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement are not considered significant

  4. Exercício físico previne alterações cardiometabólicas induzidas pelo uso crônico de glicocorticóides Ejercicio físico previene alteraciones cardiometabólicas inducidas por el uso crónico de glucocorticoides Exercise prevents cardiometabolic alterations induced by chronic use of glucocorticoids

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Hermano da Justa Pinheiro


    , diabetes, dislipidemia, esteatosis hepática e hipertensión arterial. OBJETIVOS: Evaluar el efecto de la práctica regular de ejercicio físico aeróbico sobre las alteraciones cardiometabólicas inducidas por administración crónica de dexametasona (Dex - 0,5 mg/kg/día i.p en ratones. MÉTODOS: Se dividieron ratones Wistar machos (n = 24 en cuatro grupos: Grupo control; Grupo entrenado; Grupo tratado con Dex y Grupo tratado con Dex y entrenado. El entrenamiento físico (iniciado 72 horas después de la primera dosis de Dex se realizó 3 veces por semana, hasta el final del tratamiento. Al final de ese período, se realizaron las siguientes evaluaciones bioquímicas: glicemia en ayunas, test de tolerancia a la glucosa y análisis del perfil lipídico en sangre que incluyó colesterol total (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, VLDL-c y triglicéridos (TG. También se evaluaron, el peso del músculo gastrocnemio, análisis histopatológico del hígado y los índices cardiometabólicos (CT/HDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c y TG/HDL-c. RESULTADOS: Se observó hiperglicemia, menor tolerancia a la glucosa, elevación de CT, LDL-c, VLDL-c y TG, disminución del HDL-c, presencia de esteatosis hepática, hipotrofia muscular y elevación de los índices CT/HDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c y TG/HDL-c en los animales tratados con Dex. El ejercicio físico redujo la hiperglicemia, mejoró la tolerancia a la glucosa, redujo la dislipidemia y previno la esteatosis hepática, la hipotrofia muscular y redujo los índices CT/HDL-c, LDL-c/ HDL-c ye TG/HDL-c. Con todo, no hubo efecto significativo del entrenamiento físico sobre el HDL-c. CONCLUSIÓN: El ejercicio físico aeróbico tiene efecto protector con las alteraciones cardiometabólicas inducidas por el uso crónico de glucocorticoides.BACKGROUND: Chronically, glucocorticoids induce adverse cardiometabolic alterations including insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, liver steatosis and arterial hypertension. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of regular practice of aerobic

  5. The corrosion behavior of DWPF glasses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebert, W.L.; Bates, J.K.


    The authors analyzed the corroded surfaces of reference glasses developed for the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) to characterize their corrosion behavior. The corrosion mechanism of nuclear waste glasses must be known in order to provide source terms describing radionuclide release for performance assessment calculations. Different DWPF reference glasses were corroded under conditions that highlighted various aspects of the corrosion process and led to different extents of corrosion. The glasses corroded by similar mechanisms, and a phenomenological description of their corrosion behavior is presented here. The initial leaching of soluble glass components results in the formation of an amorphous gel layer on the glass surface. The gel layer is a transient phase that transforms into a layer of clay crystallites, which equilibrates with the solution as corrosion continues. The clay layer does not act as a barrier to either water penetration or glass dissolution, which continues beneath it, and may eventually separate from the glass. Solubility limits for glass components may be established by the eventual precipitation of secondary phases; thus, corrosion of the glass becomes controlled by the chemical equilibrium between the solution and the assemblage of secondary phases. In effect, the solution is an intermediate phase through which the glass transforms to an energetically more favorable assemblage of phases. Implications regarding the prediction of long-term glass corrosion behavior are discussed

  6. Hanford transuranic storage corrosion review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, J.L.; Divine, J.R.


    The rate of atmospheric corrosion of the transuranic (TRU) waste drums at the US Department of Energy's Hanford Project, near Richland, Washington, was evaluated by Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). The rate of corrosion is principally contingent upon the effects of humidity, airborne pollutants, and temperature. Results of the study indicate that actual penetration of barrels due to atmospheric corrosion will probably not occur within the 20-year specified recovery period. Several other US burial sites were surveyed, and it appears that there is sufficient uncertainty in the available data to prevent a clearcut statement of the corrosion rate at a specific site. Laboratory and site tests are recommended before any definite conclusions can be made. The corrosion potential at the Hanford TRU waste site could be reduced by a combination of changes in drum materials (for example, using galvanized barrels instead of the currently used mild steel barrels), environmental exposure conditions (for example, covering the barrels in one of numerous possible ways), and storage conditions

  7. Corrosion of Zircaloy-clad fuel rods in high-temperature PWRs: Measurement of waterside corrosion in North Anna Unit 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balfour, M.G.; Kilp, G.R.; Comstock, R.J.; McAtee, K.R.; Thornburg, D.R.


    Twenty-four peripheral rods and two interior rods from North Anna Unit 1, End-of-Cycle 7, were measured at poolside for waterside corrosion on four-cycle Region 6 assemblies F35 and F66, with rod average burnups of 60 GWD/MTU. Similar measurements were obtained on 24 two-cycle fuel rods from Region 8A assemblies H02 and H10 with average burnups of about 40 GWD/MTU. The Region 6 peripheral rods had been corrosion measured previously after three cycles, at 45 GWD/MTU average burnup. The four-cycle Region 6 fuel rods showed high corrosion, compared to only intermediate corrosion level after three cycles. The accelerated corrosion rate in the fourth cycle was accompanied by extensive laminar cracking and spalling of the oxide film in the thickest regions. The peak corrosion of the two-cycle region 8A rods was 32 μm to 53 μm, with some isolated incipient oxide spalling. In conjunction with the in-reactor corrosion measurements, extensive characterization tests plus long-term autoclave corrosion tests were performed on archive samples of the three major tubing lots represented in the North Anna measurements. The autoclave tests generally showed the same ordering of corrosion by tubing lot as in the reactor; the chief difference between the archive tubing samples was a lower tin content (1.38 percent) for the lot with the lowest corrosion rate compared with a higher tin content (1.58) for the lot with the highest corrosion rate. There was no indication in the autoclave tests of an accelerated rate of corrosion as observed in the reactor

  8. Events as Power Source: Wireless Sustainable Corrosion Monitoring


    Sun, Guodong; Qiao, Guofu; Zhao, Lin; Chen, Zhibo


    This study presents and implements a corrosion-monitoring wireless sensor platform, EPS (Events as Power Source), which monitors the corrosion events in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, while being powered by the micro-energy released from the corrosion process. In EPS, the proposed corrosion-sensing device serves both as the signal source for identifying corrosion and as the power source for driving the sensor mote, because the corrosion process (event) releases electric energy; this is ...

  9. Prevalencia de la pérdida auditiva y factores correlacionados en una industria cementera Prevalence and correlates of hearing loss

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sendy Isarel Hernández-Gaytán


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Documentar el impacto de la exposición laboral al ruido, así como sus relaciones con otros factores que pueden inducir pérdidas auditivas. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Durante enero y febrero de 1997 se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal en una planta productora de cemento en el estado de Morelos. Se realizaron una sonometría, dosimetría y pruebas audiométricas a 85 trabajadores para identificar las fuentes que generan ruido en las áreas de proceso, evaluar los niveles de ruido en dichas áreas (monitoreo de área y de personal y para determinar la prevalencia de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido entre los trabajadores. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon medidas de tendencia central, análisis bivariado y modelos de regresión politómica. RESULTADOS: En las áreas de trituración, molinos de crudo y molinos de cemento se encontraron niveles elevados de ruido. La dosis personal más alta correspondió al puesto de envasador. En 55% de la población estudiada se presentó pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido, y el área de proceso con el porcentaje más alto de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido fue la de calcinación, con 85%. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados mostraron que el ruido es un serio riesgo en algunas áreas, y que algunos casos de pérdida auditiva inducida por el ruido hayan sido desarrollados por exposición ocupacional en esta industria. Se sugiere el diseño e implantación de un programa de conservación de la audición para proteger la salud y seguridad de los trabajadores.OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of occupational exposure to noise, as well as its relationship with other factors that can induce hearing loss. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In January and February 1997, we conducted sonometry and dosimetry tests in a cement factory, as well as audiometric test in 85 cement workers, to identify sources of noise and evaluate the effect to noise exposure and other factors, of the prevalence of occupational

  10. Corrosion Monitors for Embedded Evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Robinson, Alex L. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Pfeifer, Kent B. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Casias, Adrian L. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Howell, Stephen W. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sorensen, Neil R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Missert, Nancy A. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    We have developed and characterized novel in-situ corrosion sensors to monitor and quantify the corrosive potential and history of localized environments. Embedded corrosion sensors can provide information to aid health assessments of internal electrical components including connectors, microelectronics, wires, and other susceptible parts. When combined with other data (e.g. temperature and humidity), theory, and computational simulation, the reliability of monitored systems can be predicted with higher fidelity.

  11. Environmentally Friendly Coating Technology for Autonomous Corrosion Control (United States)

    Calle, Luz M.; Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Johnsey, Marissa N.; Jolley, Scott T.; Pearman, Benjamin P.; Zhang, Xuejun; Fitzpatrick, Lilliana; Gillis, Mathew; Blanton, Michael; hide


    This work concerns the development of environmentally friendly encapsulation technology, specifically designed to incorporate corrosion indicators, inhibitors, and self-healing agents into a coating, in such a way that the delivery of the indicators and inhibitors is triggered by the corrosion process, and the delivery of self-healing agents is triggered by mechanical damage to the coating. Encapsulation of the active corrosion control ingredients allows the incorporation of desired autonomous corrosion control functions such as: early corrosion detection, hidden corrosion detection, corrosion inhibition, and self-healing of mechanical damage into a coating. The technology offers the versatility needed to include one or several corrosion control functions into the same coating.The development of the encapsulation technology has progressed from the initial proof-of-concept work, in which a corrosion indicator was encapsulated into an oil-core (hydrophobic) microcapsule and shown to be delivered autonomously, under simulated corrosion conditions, to a sophisticated portfolio of micro carriers (organic, inorganic, and hybrid) that can be used to deliver a wide range of active corrosion ingredients at a rate that can be adjusted to offer immediate as well as long-term corrosion control. The micro carriers have been incorporated into different coating formulas to test and optimize the autonomous corrosion detection, inhibition, and self-healing functions of the coatings. This paper provides an overview of progress made to date and highlights recent technical developments, such as improved corrosion detection sensitivity, inhibitor test results in various types of coatings, and highly effective self-healing coatings based on green chemistry.

  12. The corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel in cooling tower water containing a biocide and a corrosion inhibitor. (United States)

    Minnoş, Bihter; Ilhan-Sungur, Esra; Çotuk, Ayşın; Güngör, Nihal Doğruöz; Cansever, Nurhan


    The corrosion behaviour of galvanized steel in cooling tower water containing a biocide and a corrosion inhibitor was investigated over a 10-month period in a hotel. Planktonic and sessile numbers of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and heterotrophic bacteria were monitored. The corrosion rate was determined by the weight loss method. The corrosion products were analyzed by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. A mineralized, heterogeneous biofilm was observed on the coupons. Although a biocide and a corrosion inhibitor were regularly added to the cooling water, the results showed that microorganisms, such as SRB in the mixed species biofilm, caused corrosion of galvanized steel. It was observed that Zn layers on the test coupons were completely depleted after 3 months. The Fe concentrations in the biofilm showed significant correlations with the weight loss and carbohydrate concentration (respectively, p < 0.01 and p < 0.01).

  13. Investigations on Microstructure and Corrosion behavior of Superalloy 686 weldments by Electrochemical Corrosion Technique (United States)

    Arulmurugan, B.; Manikandan, M.


    In the present study, microstructure and the corrosion behavior of Nickel based superalloy 686 and its weld joints has been investigated by synthetic sea water environment. The weldments were fabricated by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) and Pulsed Current Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (PCGTAW) techniques with autogenous mode and three different filler wires (ERNiCrMo-4, ERNiCrMo-10 and ERNiCrMo-14). Microstructure and Scanning electron microscope examination was carried out to evaluate the structural changes in the fusion zones of different weldments. Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis was carried out to evaluate the microsegregation of alloying elements in the different weld joints. Potentiodynamic polarization study was experimented on the base metal and weld joints in the synthetic sea water environment to evaluate the corrosion rate. Tafel’s interpolation technique was used to obtain the corrosion rate. The microstructure examination revealed that the fine equiaxed dendrites were observed in the pulsed current mode. EDS analysis shows the absence of microsegregation in the current pulsing technique. The corrosion rates of weldments are compared with the base metal. The results show that the fine microstructure with the absence of microsegregation in the PCGTA weldments shows improved corrosion resistance compared to the GTAW. Autogenous PCGTAW shows higher corrosion resistance irrespective of all weldments employed in the present study.

  14. Atmospheric corrosion of metals in industrial city environment. (United States)

    Kusmierek, Elzbieta; Chrzescijanska, Ewa


    Atmospheric corrosion is a significant problem given destruction of various materials, especially metals. The corrosion investigation in the industrial city environment was carried out during one year exposure. Corrosion potential was determined using the potentiometric method. The highest effect of corrosion processes was observed during the winter season due to increased air pollution. Corrosion of samples pre-treated in tannic acid before the exposure was more difficult compared with the samples without pretreatment. The corrosion products determined with the SEM/EDS method prove that the most corrosive pollutants present in the industrial city air are SO2, CO2, chlorides and dust.

  15. Acid corrosion inhibitor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, N G


    An acid corrosion inhibitor is prepared by a 2-stage vacuum evaporation of effluents obtained from the ammonia columns of the coking oven plant. The effluent, leaving a scrubber in which the phenols are removed at a temperature of 98$C, passes through a quartz filter and flows into a heated chamber in which it is used for preheating a solution circulating through a vacuum unit, maintaining the temperature of the solution at 55$ to 60$C. The effluent enters a large tank in which it is boiled at 55$ to 60$C under 635 to 640 mm Hg pressure. Double evaporation of this solution yields a very effective acid corrosion inhibitor. Its corrosion-preventing effect is 97.9% compared with 90.1% for thiourea and 88.5% for urotropin under identical conditions.

  16. Natural analogues of nuclear waste glass corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abrajano, T.A. Jr.; Ebert, W.L.; Luo, J.S.


    This report reviews and summarizes studies performed to characterize the products and processes involved in the corrosion of natural glasses. Studies are also reviewed and evaluated on how well the corrosion of natural glasses in natural environments serves as an analogue for the corrosion of high-level radioactive waste glasses in an engineered geologic disposal system. A wide range of natural and experimental corrosion studies has been performed on three major groups of natural glasses: tektite, obsidian, and basalt. Studies of the corrosion of natural glass attempt to characterize both the nature of alteration products and the reaction kinetics. Information available on natural glass was then compared to corresponding information on the corrosion of nuclear waste glasses, specifically to resolve two key questions: (1) whether one or more natural glasses behave similarly to nuclear waste glasses in laboratory tests, and (2) how these similarities can be used to support projections of the long-term corrosion of nuclear waste glasses. The corrosion behavior of basaltic glasses was most similar to that of nuclear waste glasses, but the corrosion of tektite and obsidian glasses involves certain processes that also occur during the corrosion of nuclear waste glasses. The reactions and processes that control basalt glass dissolution are similar to those that are important in nuclear waste glass dissolution. The key reaction of the overall corrosion mechanism is network hydrolysis, which eventually breaks down the glass network structure that remains after the initial ion-exchange and diffusion processes. This review also highlights some unresolved issues related to the application of an analogue approach to predicting long-term behavior of nuclear waste glass corrosion, such as discrepancies between experimental and field-based estimates of kinetic parameters for basaltic glasses

  17. Natural analogues of nuclear waste glass corrosion.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abrajano, T.A. Jr.; Ebert, W.L.; Luo, J.S.


    This report reviews and summarizes studies performed to characterize the products and processes involved in the corrosion of natural glasses. Studies are also reviewed and evaluated on how well the corrosion of natural glasses in natural environments serves as an analogue for the corrosion of high-level radioactive waste glasses in an engineered geologic disposal system. A wide range of natural and experimental corrosion studies has been performed on three major groups of natural glasses: tektite, obsidian, and basalt. Studies of the corrosion of natural glass attempt to characterize both the nature of alteration products and the reaction kinetics. Information available on natural glass was then compared to corresponding information on the corrosion of nuclear waste glasses, specifically to resolve two key questions: (1) whether one or more natural glasses behave similarly to nuclear waste glasses in laboratory tests, and (2) how these similarities can be used to support projections of the long-term corrosion of nuclear waste glasses. The corrosion behavior of basaltic glasses was most similar to that of nuclear waste glasses, but the corrosion of tektite and obsidian glasses involves certain processes that also occur during the corrosion of nuclear waste glasses. The reactions and processes that control basalt glass dissolution are similar to those that are important in nuclear waste glass dissolution. The key reaction of the overall corrosion mechanism is network hydrolysis, which eventually breaks down the glass network structure that remains after the initial ion-exchange and diffusion processes. This review also highlights some unresolved issues related to the application of an analogue approach to predicting long-term behavior of nuclear waste glass corrosion, such as discrepancies between experimental and field-based estimates of kinetic parameters for basaltic glasses.

  18. Atmospheric corrosion of uranium-carbon alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rousset, P.; Accary, A.


    The authors study the corrosion of uranium-carbon alloys having compositions close to that of the mono-carbide; they show that the extent of the observed corrosion effects increases with the water vapour content of the surrounding gas and they conclude that the atmospheric corrosion of these alloys is due essentially to the humidity of the air, the effect of the oxygen being very slight at room temperature. They show that the optimum conditions for preserving U-C alloys are either a vacuum or a perfectly dry argon atmosphere. The authors have also established that the type of corrosion involved is a corrosion which 'cracks under stress' and is transgranular (it can also be intergranular in the case of sub-stoichiometric alloys). They propose, finally, two hypotheses for explaining this mechanism, one of which is illustrated by the existence, at the fissure interface, of corrosion products which can play the role of 'corners' in the mono-carbide grains. (authors) [fr

  19. Corrosion mechanism of copper in palm biodiesel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fazal, M.A.; Haseeb, A.S.M.A.; Masjuki, H.H.


    Highlights: ► Corrosion of copper in biodiesel increases with the increase of immersion time. ► The corrosion patina is found to be composed of CuO, Cu 2 O, CuCO 3 and Cu(OH) 2 . ► Green CuCO 3 was found as the major corrosion product. ► The mechanisms governing corrosion of copper in palm biodiesel are discussed. - Abstract: Biodiesel is a promising alternative fuel. However, it causes enhanced corrosion of automotive materials, especially of copper based components. In the present study, corrosion mechanism of copper was investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Compositional change of biodiesel due to the exposure of copper was also investigated. Corrosion patina on copper is found to be composed of Cu 2 O, CuO, Cu(OH) 2 and CuCO 3. Dissolved O 2 , H 2 O, CO 2 and RCOO − radical in biodiesel seem to be the leading factors in enhancing the corrosiveness of biodiesel.

  20. Electrochemical corrosion testing of metal waste forms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abraham, D. P.; Peterson, J. J.; Katyal, H. K.; Keiser, D. D.; Hilton, B. A.


    Electrochemical corrosion tests have been conducted on simulated stainless steel-zirconium (SS-Zr) metal waste form (MWF) samples. The uniform aqueous corrosion behavior of the samples in various test solutions was measured by the polarization resistance technique. The data show that the MWF corrosion rates are very low in groundwaters representative of the proposed Yucca Mountain repository. Galvanic corrosion measurements were also conducted on MWF samples that were coupled to an alloy that has been proposed for the inner lining of the high-level nuclear waste container. The experiments show that the steady-state galvanic corrosion currents are small. Galvanic corrosion will, hence, not be an important mechanism of radionuclide release from the MWF alloys

  1. Comparison between the corrosion forecast based on the potential measurement and the determination of the corrosion rate of the reinforcement bar by means of electrochemical techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Castaneda, A.


    Full Text Available The ASTA4 876-91 standard establishes a corrosion forecast of concrete reinforced bar by measuring the electrochemical potential. This forecast is based on thermodynamic considerations without taking into account the kinetic of the corrosion process. A comparison was made between the results obtained based on this standard and others using electrochemical techniques (Tafel, Rp, EIS, Electrochemical Noise. These techniques allows to obtain the corrosion rate in samples having 0.4, 0.5 and 0.66 water/cement ratios submitted to salt spray outdoors and by immersion in 3% saline solution during a test time of 20 months. Differences were detected between the results obtained using the ASTM standard and the electrochemical techniques used. The main difference is that samples submitted to immersion shows a higher probability of corrosion than samples submitted to salt spray; however, the electrochemical techniques showed the contrary concerning the corrosion kinetic process .A comparison respecting corrosion rate was also made between the results obtained by the different electrochemical techniques. It is very well known that all electrochemical techniques supposed always general corrosion except electrochemical noise. Using the technique the pitting index can be calculated. It shows that localized corrosion is the most predominant

    La norma ASTM 876-91 establece un pronóstico de corrosión de la barra de refuerzo del hormigón armado mediante la determinación de potenciales electroquímicos. Este pronóstico se basa en consideraciones termodinámicas, sin tener en cuenta la cinética del proceso de corrosión. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos aplicando esta norma con técnicas electroquímicas (Tafel, Rp, EIS, Ruido Electroquímico que permiten calcular la velocidad de corrosión en probetas con relaciones agua/cemento 0,4, 0,5 y 0,66 sometidas a niebla salina en condiciones naturales y en inmersión en solución salina al 3% durante un

  2. Corrosion behaviour of non-ferrous metals in sea water

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birn, Jerzy; Skalski, Igor [Ship Design and Research Centre, Al. Rzeczypospolitej 8, 80-369 Gdansk (Poland)


    The most typical kinds of corrosion of brasses are selective corrosion (dezincification) and stress corrosion. Prevention against these kinds of corrosion lies in application of arsenic alloy addition and appropriate heat treatment removing internal stresses as well as in maintaining the arsenic and phosphorus contents on a proper level. The most typical corrosion of cupronickels is the local corrosion. Selective corrosion occurs less often and corrosion cracking caused by stress corrosion in sea water does not usually occur. Crevice corrosion is found especially in places of an heterogeneous oxidation of the surface under inorganic deposits or under bio-film. Common corrosive phenomena for brasses and cupronickels are the effects caused by sea water flow and most often the impingement attack. Alloy additions improve resistance to the action of intensive sea water flow but situation in this field requires further improvement, especially if the cheaper kinds of alloys are concerned. Contaminants of sea water such as ammonia and hydrogen sulphide are also the cause of common corrosion processes for all copper alloys. Corrosion of copper alloys may be caused also by sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB). Galvanic corrosion caused by a contact with titanium alloys e.g. in plate heat exchangers may cause corrosion of both kinds copper alloys. Bronzes belong to copper alloys of the highest corrosion resistance. Failures that sometimes occur are caused most often by the cavitation erosion, by an incorrect chemical composition of alloys or at last by their inadequate structure. The main problems of aluminium alloys service in sea water are following phenomena: local corrosion (pitting and crevice corrosion), galvanic corrosion, exfoliation and corrosion in the presence of OH- ions. The cause of local corrosion are caused by presence of passive film on the alloy's surface and presence of chlorides in sea water which are able to damage the passive film. Galvanic corrosion is

  3. Improvement of PWR reliability by corrosion prevention

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamatsu, Hiroshi


    Since first PWR in Japan started commercial operation in 1970, we have encountered the various modes of corrosion on primary and secondary side components. We have paid much efforts for resolving these corrosion problems, that is, investigating the causes of corrosion and establishing the countermeasures for these corrosion. We summarize these efforts in this article. (author)

  4. New corrosion issues in gas sweetening plants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asperger, R.G. (CLI International and Asperger Technologies, Houston, TX (United States))

    Gas treating plants are experiencing corrosion problems which impact on efficiency and safety. While general corrosion is not particularly hazardous in the gas processing industry, local corrosion is very dangerous since it has several different mechanisms, all of which have dangerously high rates, and it occurs at locations which are hard to find and hard to predict. A newly discovered, velocity-dependent type of corrosion is reported. It is related to yet-undefined species which cause excessively high corrosion in areas of turbulence. This accelerated corrosion is not due to erosion or cavitation, but to a diffusion-limited reaction accelerated by turbulence. A full-flow test loop was built to evaluate the corrosiveness of gas plant solutions at their normal temperature and flow rates. Test runs were conducted with Co[sub 2]-loaded amine solutions for periods of 12 days. Carbon steel specimens mounted in the test loop were examined and corrosion rates calculated. Chromium alloys were shown to be attacked by corrodents in the low-velocity part of the loop and very aggressively attacked in the high-velocity part. The tests demonstrate the need for rigorous monitoring of corrosion in areas of higher velocity such as piping elbows and other points of turbulence. 5 refs., 2 figs., 3 tabs.

  5. General Corrosion and Localized Corrosion of Waste Package Outer Barrier

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farmer, J.C.; McCright, R.D.


    Alloy 22 is an extremely Corrosion Resistant Material, with a very stable passive film. Based upon exposures in the LTCTF, the GC rates of Alloy 22 are typically below the level of detection, with four outliers having reported rates up to 0.75 #mu#m per year. In any event, over the 10,000 year life of the repository, GC of the Alloy 22 (assumed to be 2 cm thick) should not be life limiting. Because measured corrosion potentials are far below threshold potentials, localized breakdown of the passive film is unlikely under plausible conditions, even in SSW at 120 deg C. The pH in ambient-temperature crevices formed from Alloy 22 have been determined experimentally, with only modest lowering of the crevice pH observed under plausible conditions. Extreme lowering of the crevice pH was only observed under situations where the applied potential at the crevice mouth was sufficient to result in catastrophic breakdown of the passive film above the threshold potential in non-buffered conditions not characteristic of the Yucca Mountain environment. In cases where naturally ocurring buffers are present in the crevice solution, little or no lowering of the pH was observed, even with significant applied potential. With exposures of twelve months, no evidence of crevice corrosion has been observed in SDW, SCW and SAW at temperatures up to 90 deg C. An abstracted model has been presented, with parameters determined experimentally, that should enable performance assessment to account for the general and localized corrosion of this material. A feature of this model is the use of the materials specification to limit the range of corrosion and threshold potentials, thereby making sure that substandard materials prone to localized attack are avoided. Model validation will be covered in part by a companion SMR on abstraction of this model.

  6. Corrosion of Metal-Matrix Composites with Aluminium Alloy Substrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    B. Bobic


    Full Text Available The corrosion behaviour of MMCs with aluminium alloy matrix was presented. The corrosion characteristics of boron-, graphite-, silicon carbide-, alumina- and mica- reinforced aluminium MMCs were reviewed. The reinforcing phase influence on MMCs corrosion rate as well as on various corrosion forms (galvanic, pitting, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion fatique, tribocorrosion was discussed. Some corrosion protection methods of aluminium based MMCs were described

  7. Corrosion study in molten fluoride salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keny, S.J.; Kumbhar, A.G.; Rangarajan, S.; Gupta, V.K.; Maheshwari, N.K.; Vijayan, P.K.


    Corrosion behaviors of two alloys viz. Inconel 625 and Inconel 617 were tested in molten fluoride salts of lithium, sodium and potassium (FLiNaK) in the temperature range of 550-750 ℃ in a nickel lined Inconel vessel. Electrochemical polarization (Tafel plot) technique was used for this purpose. For both alloys, the corrosion rate was found to increase sharply beyond 650 ℃ . At 600 ℃ , Inconel 625 showed a decreasing trend in the corrosion rate over a period of 24 hours, probably due to changes in the surface conditions. After fifteen days, re-testing of Inconel 625 in the same melt showed an increase in the corrosion rate. Inconel 625 was found to be more corrosion resistant than Inconel 617. (author)

  8. Corrosion mechanism applicable to biodegradable magnesium implants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Atrens, Andrej, E-mail: [University of Queensland, Division of Materials, Brisbane, Qld 4072 (Australia); Liu Ming; Zainal Abidin, Nor Ishida [University of Queensland, Division of Materials, Brisbane, Qld 4072 (Australia)


    Much of our understanding of the Mg corrosion mechanism is based on research using aggressive chloride based solutions like 3% NaCl, which are appropriate for understand the corrosion for applications such as auto construction. The chloride ions tend to cause break down of the partly protective surface film on the Mg alloy surface. The corrosion rate increases with exposure time until steady state is reached, which may take several weeks. An overview is provided of the aspects which determine the corrosion of Mg alloys: (i) measurement details; (ii) impurity elements Fe, Ni, Cu and Co; (iii) second phases; (iv) surface films and surface condition and (v) stress corrosion cracking (SCC). This understanding is used to help understand Mg corrosion for Mg as a biodegradable implant for medical applications. Solutions that elucidate these applications tend to form surface films and the corrosion rate tends to decrease with immersion time.

  9. Corrosion of fuel assembly materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noe, M.; Frejaville, G.; Beslu, P.


    Corrosion of zircaloy-4 is reviewed in relation with previsions of improvement in PWRs performance: higher fuel burnup; increase coolant temperature, implying nucleate boiling on the hot clad surfaces; increase duration of the cycle due to load-follow operation. Actual knowledge on corrosion rates, based partly on laboratory tests, is insufficient to insure that external clad corrosion will not constitute a limitation to these improvements. Therefore, additional testing within representative conditions is felt necessary [fr

  10. Experiences of corrosion and corrosion protection in seawater systems in the Nordic countries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henrikson, S.


    A summary is given of the experience of the corrosion resistance of pumps, heat exchangers, valves and pipings in different seawater cooling systems in Scandinavia, including power reactor cooling systems in Finland and Sweden. For pumps and heat exchangers the experience has been so extensive that a clear picture of today's standing can be given. Owing to scanty data concerning valves and pipes, the survey of the corrosion in these components is less well supported. Vertically extended centrifugal pumps are the pumps in general use in power plant cooling systems. To counteract corrosion on pump riser and pump casing having an organic surface coating, and on stainless steel shafts and impellers, these components should be provided with internal and external cathodic protection. For tube and plate type heat exchangers, titanium has proved to be the best material choice. Rubber-enclosed carbon steel pipings, or pipings having a thick coating of epoxy plastic, have shown very strong corrosion resistance in power plant seawater cooling systems. Valves in seawater systems have primarily been affected by corrosion due to poorly executed or damaged organic coating on cast iron. Different seawater-resistant bronzes (red bronze, tin bronze and aluminium bronze) are therefore preferable as valve materials

  11. Bacillus sp. Acting as Dual Role for Corrosion Induction and Corrosion Inhibition with Carbon Steel (CS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santosh K. Karn


    Full Text Available Present work investigated the role of five different bacteria species as a corrosion inducer as well as corrosion inhibitor with carbon steel (CS. We observed the ability of different bacteria species on the metal surface attachment, biofilm formation, and determined Peroxidase, Catalase enzyme activity in the detached biofilm from the CS surface. We found that each strain has diverse conduct for surface attachment like DS1 3.3, DS2 2.5, DS3 4.3, DS4 4.0, and DS5 4.71 log cfu/cm2 and for biofilm 8.3 log cfu/cm2. The enzyme Peroxidase, Catalase was found in huge concentration inside the biofilm Peroxidase was maximum for DS4 36.0 U/ml and least for DS3 19.54 U/ml. Whereas, Catalase was highest for DS4, DS5 70.14 U/ml and least 57.2 U/ml for DS2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM was conducted to examine the biofilm and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS were utilized to observe corrosion in the presence of bacteria. The electrochemical results confirmed that DS1, DS3, DS4, and DS5 strains have statistically significant MIC-factors (Microbially Influenced Corrosion of 5.46, 8.51, 2.36, and 1.04, while DS2 protective effect factor of 0.89. Weight reduction results with carbon steel likewise supports that corrosion was initiated by DS1 and DS3, while DS2 and DS5 have no any impact though with DS4 we watched less weight reduction however assumed no role in the corrosion. We established the relation of Peroxidase enzyme activity of the isolates. DS1, DS3 and having Peroxidase in the range 22.18, 19.54 U/ml which induce the corrosion whereas DS2 and DS5 having 28.57 and 27.0 U/ml has no any effect and DS4 36 U/ml has inhibitory effect, increasing concentration inhibiting the corrosion. For Catalase DS1, DS3 have 67.28, 61.57 U/ml which induce corrosion while DS2 and DS5 57.71 and 59.14 U/ml also has no effect whereas DS4 70.14 U/ml can inhibit corrosion. Results clearly express that in a specific range both enzymes can induce the corrosion


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Acacia senegal) exhibit good inhibition characteristics to corrosion on mild steel under fresh water medium and the ... as corrosion inhibitors for metals in various corrosive media ..... alloy corrosion in chloride solution", J. Appl. Electrochem.

  13. Atmospheric corrosion of metals in industrial city environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elzbieta Kusmierek


    Full Text Available Atmospheric corrosion is a significant problem given destruction of various materials, especially metals. The corrosion investigation in the industrial city environment was carried out during one year exposure. Corrosion potential was determined using the potentiometric method. The highest effect of corrosion processes was observed during the winter season due to increased air pollution. Corrosion of samples pre-treated in tannic acid before the exposure was more difficult compared with the samples without pretreatment. The corrosion products determined with the SEM/EDS method prove that the most corrosive pollutants present in the industrial city air are SO2, CO2, chlorides and dust.

  14. Materials corrosion and protection at high temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balbaud, F.; Desgranges, Clara; Martinelli, Laure; Rouillard, Fabien; Duhamel, Cecile; Marchetti, Loic; Perrin, Stephane; Molins, Regine; Chevalier, S.; Heintz, O.; David, N.; Fiorani, J.M.; Vilasi, M.; Wouters, Y.; Galerie, A.; Mangelinck, D.; Viguier, B.; Monceau, D.; Soustelle, M.; Pijolat, M.; Favergeon, J.; Brancherie, D.; Moulin, G.; Dawi, K.; Wolski, K.; Barnier, V.; Rebillat, F.; Lavigne, O.; Brossard, J.M.; Ropital, F.; Mougin, J.


    This book was made from the lectures given in 2010 at the thematic school on 'materials corrosion and protection at high temperatures'. It gathers the contributions from scientists and engineers coming from various communities and presents a state-of-the-art of the scientific and technological developments concerning the behaviour of materials at high temperature, in aggressive environments and in various domains (aerospace, nuclear, energy valorization, and chemical industries). It supplies pedagogical tools to grasp high temperature corrosion thanks to the understanding of oxidation mechanisms. It proposes some protection solutions for materials and structures. Content: 1 - corrosion costs; macro-economical and metallurgical approach; 2 - basic concepts of thermo-chemistry; 3 - introduction to the Calphad (calculation of phase diagrams) method; 4 - use of the thermodynamic tool: application to pack-cementation; 5 - elements of crystallography and of real solids description; 6 - diffusion in solids; 7 - notions of mechanics inside crystals; 8 - high temperature corrosion: phenomena, models, simulations; 9 - pseudo-stationary regime in heterogeneous kinetics; 10 - nucleation, growth and kinetic models; 11 - test experiments in heterogeneous kinetics; 12 - mechanical aspects of metal/oxide systems; 13 - coupling phenomena in high temperature oxidation; 14 - other corrosion types; 15 - methods of oxidized surfaces analysis at micro- and nano-scales; 16 - use of SIMS in the study of high temperature corrosion of metals and alloys; 17 - oxidation of ceramics and of ceramic matrix composite materials; 18 - protective coatings against corrosion and oxidation; 19 - high temperature corrosion in the 4. generation of nuclear reactor systems; 20 - heat exchangers corrosion in municipal waste energy valorization facilities; 21 - high temperature corrosion in oil refining and petrochemistry; 22 - high temperature corrosion in new energies industry. (J.S.)

  15. Long Term Corrosion/Degradation Test Six Year Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    M. K. Adler Flitton; C. W. Bishop; M. E. Delwiche; T. S. Yoder


    The Subsurface Disposal Area (SDA) of the Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC) located at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) contains neutron-activated metals from non-fuel, nuclear reactor core components. The Long-Term Corrosion/Degradation (LTCD) Test is designed to obtain site-specific corrosion rates to support efforts to more accurately estimate the transfer of activated elements to the environment. The test is using two proven, industry-standard methods—direct corrosion testing using metal coupons, and monitored corrosion testing using electrical/resistance probes—to determine corrosion rates for various metal alloys generally representing the metals of interest buried at the SDA, including Type 304L stainless steel, Type 316L stainless steel, Inconel 718, Beryllium S200F, Aluminum 6061, Zircaloy-4, low-carbon steel, and Ferralium 255. In the direct testing, metal coupons are retrieved for corrosion evaluation after having been buried in SDA backfill soil and exposed to natural SDA environmental conditions for times ranging from one year to as many as 32 years, depending on research needs and funding availability. In the monitored testing, electrical/resistance probes buried in SDA backfill soil will provide corrosion data for the duration of the test or until the probes fail. This report provides an update describing the current status of the test and documents results to date. Data from the one-year and three-year results are also included, for comparison and evaluation of trends. In the six-year results, most metals being tested showed extremely low measurable rates of general corrosion. For Type 304L stainless steel, Type 316L stainless steel, Inconel 718, and Ferralium 255, corrosion rates fell in the range of “no reportable” to 0.0002 mils per year (MPY). Corrosion rates for Zircaloy-4 ranged from no measurable corrosion to 0.0001 MPY. These rates are two orders of magnitude lower than those specified in

  16. Evaluation of Encapsulated Inhibitor for Autonomous Corrosion Protection (United States)

    Johnsey, M. N.; Li, W.; Buhrow, J. W.; Calle, L. M.; Pearman, B. P.; Zhang, X.


    This work concerns the development of smart coating technologies based on microencapsulation for the autonomous control of corrosion. Microencapsulation allows the incorporation of corrosion inhibitors into coating which provides protection through corrosion-controlled release of these inhibitors.One critical aspect of a corrosion protective smart coating is the selection of corrosion inhibitor for encapsulation and comparison of the inhibitor function before and after encapsulation. For this purpose, a systematic approach is being used to evaluate free and encapsulated corrosion inhibitors by salt immersion. Visual, optical microscope, and Scanning Electron Microscope (with low-angle backscatter electron detector) are used to evaluate these inhibitors. It has been found that the combination of different characterization tools provide an effective method for evaluation of early stage localized corrosion and the effectiveness of corrosion inhibitors.

  17. Liquid metal corrosion considerations in alloy development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tortorelli, P.F.; DeVan, J.H.


    Liquid metal corrosion can be an important consideration in developing alloys for fusion and fast breeder reactors and other applications. Because of the many different forms of liquid metal corrosion (dissolution, alloying, carbon transfer, etc.), alloy optimization based on corrosion resistance depends on a number of factors such as the application temperatures, the particular liquid metal, and the level and nature of impurities in the liquid and solid metals. The present paper reviews the various forms of corrosion by lithium, lead, and sodium and indicates how such corrosion reactions can influence the alloy development process

  18. Recent Developments on Autonomous Corrosion Protection Through Encapsulation (United States)

    Li, W.; Buhrow, J. W.; Calle, L. M.; Gillis, M.; Blanton, M.; Hanna, J.; Rawlins, J.


    This paper concerns recent progress in the development of a multifunctional smart coating, based on microencapsulation, for the autonomous detection and control of corrosion. Microencapsulation has been validated and optimized to incorporate desired corrosion control functionalities, such as early corrosion detection and inhibition, through corrosion-initiated release of corrosion indicators and inhibitors, as well as self-healing agent release triggered by mechanical damage. While proof-of-concept results have been previously reported, more recent research and development efforts have concentrated on improving coating compatibility and synthesis procedure scalability, with a targeted goal of obtaining easily dispersible pigment-grade type microencapsulated materials. The recent progress has resulted in the development of pH-sensitive microparticles as a corrosion-triggered delivery system for corrosion indicators and inhibitors. The synthesis and early corrosion indication results obtained with coating formulations that incorporate these microparticles are reported. The early corrosion indicating results were obtained with color changing and with fluorescent indicators.

  19. Corrosion of carbon steel in contact with bentonite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dobrev, D.; Vokal, A.; Bruha, P.


    Document available in extended abstract form only. Carbon steel canisters were chosen in a number of disposal concepts as reference material for disposal canisters. The corrosion rates of carbon steels in water solution both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions are well known, but only scarce data are available for corrosion behaviour of carbon steels in contact with bentonite. A special apparatus, which enables to measure corrosion rate of carbon steels under conditions simulating conditions in a repository, namely in contact with bentonite under high pressure and elevated temperatures was therefore prepared to study: - Corrosion rate of carbon steels in direct contact with bentonite in comparison with corrosion rate of carbon steels in synthetic bentonite pore water. - Influence of corrosion products on bentonite. The apparatus is composed of corrosion chamber containing a carbon steel disc in direct contact with compacted bentonite. Synthetic granitic water is above compacted bentonite under high pressure (50 - 100 bar) to simulate hydrostatic pressure in a repository. The experiments can be carried out under various temperatures. Bentonites used for experiments were Na-type of bentonite Volclay KWK 80 - 20 and Ca-Mg Czech bentonite from deposit Rokle. Before adding water into corrosion system the corrosion chamber was purged by nitrogen gas. The saturation of bentonite and corrosion rate were monitored by measuring consumption of water, pressure increase caused by swelling pressure of bentonite and by generation of hydrogen. Corrosion rate was also determined after corrosion experiments from weight loss of samples. The results of experiments show that the corrosion behaviour of carbon steels in contact with bentonite is very different from corrosion of carbon steels in water simulating bentonite pore water solution. The corrosion rates of carbon steel in contact with bentonite reached after 30 days of corrosion the values approaching 40 mm/yr contrary to values

  20. Aluminum Corrosion and Turbidity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Longtin, F.B.


    Aluminum corrosion and turbidity formation in reactors correlate with fuel sheath temperature. To further substantiate this correlation, discharged fuel elements from R-3, P-2 and K-2 cycles were examined for extent of corrosion and evidence of breaking off of the oxide film. This report discusses this study

  1. Kinetics of steel corrosion in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vettegren', V.I.; Bashkarev, A.Ya.; Danchukov, K.G.; Morozov, G.I.


    Kinetics of corrosion damage accumulation in steels of different composition (Cr-Ni-Mo-Ti, Cr-Ni-Mn-N-V, Cr-Ni-N-Mn-Mo, Cr-Ni-Nb, Cr-Ni-Ti, Cr-Mn-Ni, Mn-Al-Nb-Si, Mn-Cr-Al-Si and Mn-Al-Si) in NaCl solution and in sea water was studied. It is shown that degree of corrosion damage relates to time according to the first order reaction expression. The values of corrosion activation energy and of parameter characterizing protection properties of corrosion film are determined [ru

  2. Corrosion inhibition

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fisher, A O


    An acid corrosion-inhibiting composition consists essentially of a sugar, and an alkali metal salt selected from the group consisting of iodides and bromides. The weight ratio of the sugar to the alkali metal salt is between 2:1 and about 20,000:1. Also, a corrosion- inhibited phosphoric acid composition comprising at least about 20 wt% of phosphoric acid and between about 0.1 wt% and about 10 wt% of molasses, and between about 0.0005 wt% and about 1 wt% of potassium iodide. The weight ratio of molasses to iodide is greater than about 2:1. (11 claims)

  3. Corrosion protection of reusable surgical instruments. (United States)

    Shah, Sadiq; Bernardo, Mildred


    To understand the corrosion properties of surgical scissors, 416 stainless steel disks and custom electrodes were used as simulated surfaces under various conditions. These simulated surfaces were exposed to tap water and 400-ppm synthetic hard water as Ca2CO3 under different conditions. The samples were evaluated by various techniques for corrosion potential and the impact of environmental conditions on the integrity of the passive film. The electrodes were used to monitor the corrosion behavior by potentiodynamic polarization technique in water both in the presence and absence of a cleaning product. The surface topography of the 416 stainless steel disks was characterized by visual observations and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the surface chemistry of the passive film on the surface of the scissors was characterized by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results suggest that surgical instruments made from 416 stainless steel are not susceptible to uniform corrosion; however, they do undergo localized corrosion. The use of suitable cleaning products can offer protection against localized corrosion during the cleaning step. More importantly, the use of potentiodynamic polarization techniques allowed for a quick and convenient approach to evaluate the corrosion properties of surgical instruments under a variety of simulated-use environmental conditions.

  4. Corrosion of aluminium in soft drinks. (United States)

    Seruga, M; Hasenay, D


    The corrosion of aluminium (Al) in several brands of soft drinks (cola- and citrate-based drinks) has been studied, using an electrochemical method, namely potentiodynamic polarization. The results show that the corrosion of Al in soft drinks is a very slow, time-dependent and complex process, strongly influenced by the passivation, complexation and adsorption processes. The corrosion of Al in these drinks occurs principally due to the presence of acids: citric acid in citrate-based drinks and orthophosphoric acid in cola-based drinks. The corrosion rate of Al rose with an increase in the acidity of soft drinks, i.e. with increase of the content of total acids. The corrosion rates are much higher in the cola-based drinks than those in citrate-based drinks, due to the facts that: (1) orthophosphoric acid is more corrosive to Al than is citric acid, (2) a quite different passive oxide layer (with different properties) is formed on Al, depending on whether the drink is cola or citrate based. The method of potentiodynamic polarization was shown as being very suitable for the study of corrosion of Al in soft drinks, especially if it is combined with some non-electrochemical method, e.g. graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS).

  5. Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Predicting Atmospheric Corrosion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amine Marref


    Full Text Available Corrosion occurs in many engineering structures such as bridges, pipelines, and refineries and leads to the destruction of materials in a gradual manner and thus shortening their lifespan. It is therefore crucial to assess the structural integrity of engineering structures which are approaching or exceeding their designed lifespan in order to ensure their correct functioning, for example, carrying ability and safety. An understanding of corrosion and an ability to predict corrosion rate of a material in a particular environment plays a vital role in evaluating the residual life of the material. In this paper we investigate the use of genetic programming and genetic algorithms in the derivation of corrosion-rate expressions for steel and zinc. Genetic programming is used to automatically evolve corrosion-rate expressions while a genetic algorithm is used to evolve the parameters of an already engineered corrosion-rate expression. We show that both evolutionary techniques yield corrosion-rate expressions that have good accuracy.

  6. Predicting the Performance of Organic Corrosion Inhibitors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David A. Winkler


    Full Text Available The withdrawal of effective but toxic corrosion inhibitors has provided an impetus for the discovery of new, benign organic compounds to fill that role. Concurrently, developments in the high-throughput synthesis of organic compounds, the establishment of large libraries of available chemicals, accelerated corrosion inhibition testing technologies, and the increased capability of machine learning methods have made discovery of new corrosion inhibitors much faster and cheaper than it used to be. We summarize these technical developments in the corrosion inhibition field and describe how data-driven machine learning methods can generate models linking molecular properties to corrosion inhibition that can be used to predict the performance of materials not yet synthesized or tested. We briefly summarize the literature on quantitative structure–property relationships models of small organic molecule corrosion inhibitors. The success of these models provides a paradigm for rapid discovery of novel, effective corrosion inhibitors for a range of metals and alloys in diverse environments.

  7. Improvements in zirconium alloy corrosion resistance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kilp, G.R.; Thornburg, D.R.; Comstock, R.J.


    The corrosion rates of a series of Zircaloy 4 and Zr-Nb alloys were evaluated in long-term (exceeding 500 days in some cases) autoclave tests. The testing was done at various conditions including 633 K (680 F) water, 633 K (650 F) water, 633 k (680 F) lithiated water (70 PPM/0.01 molal lithium), and 673 K (750 F) steam. Materials evaluated are from the following three groups: (1) standard Zircaloy 4; (2) Zircaloy 4 with tightened controls on chemistry limits and heat-treatment history; and (3) Zr-Nb alloys. To optimize the corrosion resistance of the Zircaloy 4 material, the effects of specific chemistry controls (tighter limits on nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, carbon and tin) were evaluated. Also the effects of the thermal history, as measured by integrated annealing of ''A'' time were determined. The ''A'' times ranged from 0.1x10 -18 (h) to 46x10 -18 (h). A material referred to as ''Improved Zircaloy 4'', having optimized chemistry and ''A'' time levels for reduced corrosion, has been developed and tested. This material has a reduced and more uniform corrosion rate compared to the prior Zircaloy 4 material. Alternative alloys were also evaluated for potential improvement in cladding corrosion resistance. ZIRLO TM material was chosen for development and has been included in the long-term corrosion testing. Demonstration fuel assemblies using ZIRLO cladding are now operating in a commercial reactor. The results for the various test conditions and compositions are reported and the relative corrosion characteristics summarized. Based on the BR-3 data, there is a ranking correspondence between in-reactor corrosion and autoclave testing in lithiated water. In particular, the ZIRLO material has significantly improved relative corrosion resistance in the lithiated water tests. Reduced Zircaloy-4 corrosion rates are also obtained from the tighter controls on the chemistry (specifically lower tin, nitrogen, and carbon; higher silicon; and reduced oxygen variability) and ''A

  8. Characterization and corrosion behavior of phytic acid coatings, obtained by chemical conversion on magnesium substrates in physiological solution; Caracterizacion y comportamiento frente a la corrosion de recubrimientos de acido fitico, obtenidos por conversion quimica, sobre substratos de magnesio en solucion fisiologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez-Alvarado, L. A.; Lomeli, M. A.; Hernandez, L. S.; Miranda, J. M.; Narvaez, L.; Diaz, I.; Garcia-Alonso, M. C.; Escudero, M. L.


    In order to improve the corrosion resistance of biodegradable magnesium and AZ31 magnesium alloy implants, a phytic acid coating has been applied on both substrates and their protective effect against corrosion has been assessed. The morphology and the chemical nature of the conversion coating were analyzed by SEM/EDX, XRD and FTIR. The spectra showed that the conversion coating was amorphous, and it was composed of Mg, O, and P on magnesium surface, along with Al, Zn and C on AZ31 alloy. The main coating components were chelate compounds formed by phytic acid and metallic ions. The corrosion resistance of bare and coated samples was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization technique in Hank's solution at 37 degree centigrade. The results indicate that phytic acid conversion coatings provided a very effective protection to the magnesium substrates studied. (Author)

  9. Corrosion of reactor materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Much operational experience and many experimental results have accumulated in recent years regarding corrosion of reactor materials, particularly since the 1958 Geneva Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, where these problems were also discussed. It was, felt that a survey and critical appraisal of the results obtained during this period had become necessary and, in response to this need, IAEA organized a Conference on the Corrosion of Reactor Materials at Salzburg, Austria (4-9 June 1962). It covered many of the theoretical, experimental and engineering problems relating to the corrosion phenomena which occur in nuclear reactors as well as in the adjacent circuits

  10. Crevice Corrosion on Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    P. Jakupi; D. Zagidulin; J.J. Noel; D.W. Shoesmith


    Ni-Cr-Mo alloys were developed for their exceptional corrosion resistance in a variety of extreme corrosive environments. An alloy from this series, Alloy-22, has been selected as the reference material for the fabrication of nuclear waste containers in the proposed Yucca Mountain repository located in Nevada (US). A possible localized corrosion process under the anticipated conditions at this location is crevice corrosion. therefore, it is necessary to assess how this process may, or may not, propagate if the use of this alloy is to be justified. Consequently, the primary objective is the development of a crevice corrosion damage function that can be used to assess the evolution of material penetration rates. They have been using various electrochemical methods such as potentiostatic, galvanostatic and galvanic coupling techniques. Corrosion damage patterns have been investigated using surface analysis techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. All crevice corrosion experiments were performed at 120 C in 5M NaCl solution. Initiating crevice corrosion on these alloys has proven to be difficult; therefore, they have forced it to occur under either potentiostatic or galvanostatic conditions

  11. Corrosion of porous silicon in tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai, Chuan; Li, Xue-Ming; Zou, Li-Ke; Chen, Qiang; Xie, Bin; Li, Yu-Lian; Li, Xiao-Lin; Tao, Zhi


    Highlights: • The corrosion of porous silicon in (CH 3 ) 4 NOH solution was studied. • The residue of corrosion products was a mixture of [(CH 3 ) 4 N] 2 SiO 3 and SiO 2 . • The effect factors for porous silicon corrosion were elaborately investigated. • The additive of ethanol in (CH 3 ) 4 NOH solution could reduce the corrosion rate. • The 1.0 M (CH 3 ) 4 NOH could act as an applicable and novel corrosion solution. - Abstract: Corrosion of porous silicon in tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution was studied using weight loss measurements and scanning electron microscope. The effects of temperature, concentration of TMAH and volume ratio of ethanol in 1.0 M TMAH on corrosion rate and corrosion time were elaborately investigated. The residue of corrosion products were characterized as a mixture of [(CH 3 ) 4 N] 2 SiO 3 and SiO 2 . A comparative test among TMAH, KOH and NaOH illustrated that the 1.0 M TMAH could act as an applicable and novel corrosion solution to remove porous silicon layer for determining the porosity of porous silicon

  12. Passive Corrosion Behavior of Alloy 22

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    R.B. Rebak; J.H. Payer


    Alloy 22 (NO6022) was designed to stand the most aggressive industrial applications, including both reducing and oxidizing acids. Even in the most aggressive environments, if the temperature is lower than 150 F (66 C) Alloy 22 would remain in the passive state having particularly low corrosion rates. In multi-ionic solutions that may simulate the behavior of concentrated ground water, even at near boiling temperatures, the corrosion rate of Alloy 22 is only a few nano-meters per year because the alloy is in the complete passive state. The corrosion rate of passive Alloy 22 decreases as the time increases. Immersion corrosion testing also show that the newer generation of Ni-Cr-Mo alloys may offer a better corrosion resistance than Alloy 22 only in some highly aggressive conditions such as in hot acids

  13. High Temperature Corrosion on Biodust Firing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okoro, Sunday Chukwudi

    The high content of alkali metals and chlorine in biomass gives rise to fouling/slagging and corrosion of heat exchange components, such as superheaters, in biomass fired power plants. Increasing the lifetime of these components, and in addition, preventing unwarranted plant shutdowns due...... to their failure, requires understanding of the complex corrosion mechanisms, as well as development of materials that are resistant to corrosion under biomass firing conditions, thereby motivating the current work. To understand the mechanisms of corrosion attack, comprehensive analysis of corrosion products...... by the combined use of complementary information from microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and various X-ray diffraction characterization techniques. In light of the wide variation in operating conditions in biomass fired power plants, systematic and well-controlled, but realistic laboratory scale...

  14. Corrosion and Corrosion-Fatigue Behavior of 7075 Aluminum Alloys Studied by In Situ X-Ray Tomography (United States)

    Stannard, Tyler

    7XXX Aluminum alloys have high strength to weight ratio and low cost. They are used in many critical structural applications including automotive and aerospace components. These applications frequently subject the alloys to static and cyclic loading in service. Additionally, the alloys are often subjected to aggressive corrosive environments such as saltwater spray. These chemical and mechanical exposures have been known to cause premature failure in critical applications. Hence, the microstructural behavior of the alloys under combined chemical attack and mechanical loading must be characterized further. Most studies to date have analyzed the microstructure of the 7XXX alloys using two dimensional (2D) techniques. While 2D studies yield valuable insights about the properties of the alloys, they do not provide sufficiently accurate results because the microstructure is three dimensional and hence its response to external stimuli is also three dimensional (3D). Relevant features of the alloys include the grains, subgrains, intermetallic inclusion particles, and intermetallic precipitate particles. The effects of microstructural features on corrosion pitting and corrosion fatigue of aluminum alloys has primarily been studied using 2D techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) surface analysis along with post-mortem SEM fracture surface analysis to estimate the corrosion pit size and fatigue crack initiation site. These studies often limited the corrosion-fatigue testing to samples in air or specialized solutions, because samples tested in NaCl solution typically have fracture surfaces covered in corrosion product. Recent technological advancements allow observation of the microstructure, corrosion and crack behavior of aluminum alloys in solution in three dimensions over time (4D). In situ synchrotron X-Ray microtomography was used to analyze the corrosion and cracking behavior of the alloy in four dimensions to elucidate crack initiation at corrosion pits

  15. Corrosion and Wear Analysis in Marine Transport Constructions


    Urbahs, A; Savkovs, K; Rijkuris, G; Andrejeva, D


    Corrosion is one of the most common naturally occurring processes studied by thermodynamics, which includes oxidation process, metal disruption, and its chemical and electrochemical effects under environmental influence. Corrosion of metal and equipment accounts for a considerable proportion of total corrosion losses, thus providing the impetus for further investigation and developments related to corrosion protection in order to provide transport systems and industry with corrosion preventiv...

  16. Causes and effects of the corrosion of a plumbing galvanised steel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandre Sánchez, F. J.


    Full Text Available Hot dip galvanising life as a corrosion protective coatings on steel depends basically on three factors: coatings quality (thickness, correct installation of the galvanised article, and weathering effects. The aim of this research it is to study the decaying causes and effects of a plumbing installation made with hot dip galvanised steel tubes. The mentioned installation was of use during 30 years in the water supply system of the Parque Alcosa market (Sevilla, Spain. The research was divided in three parts: in the first one, shape analysis and XDR of internal decayed products was carried out: in the second one, physical properties were determined according to UNE 37- 505-89, corrosion morphology was conducted by metalographic microscopy, and it was evaluated also water quality: and finally, in the third one, diameter, section, and internal volume decrease was calculated in order to evaluate friction increase and pressure decrease in the installation. The results obtained show the correct plumbing installation according to quality requirements (UNE 37-509-89, so corrosion causes are mainly attributed to an aggressive environment for the hot dip galvanising.

    La durabilidad de los galvanizados en caliente como recubrimientos protectores de la corrosión del acero dependen básicamente de tres factores: la calidad del recubrimiento (espesor, la correcta instalación del elemento galvanizado, y la agresividad del medio al que se encuentren expuestos. En este trabajo se estudian las causas y consecuencias del deterioro sufrido por una tubería de acero galvanizado, destinada durante unos 30 años a la conducción de agua potable de la red en el mercado del Parque Al cosa (Sevilla. La investigación se ha dividido en tres etapas: en la primera, se ha realizado el análisis formal y la caracterización mediante DRX de los productos de alteración generados en el interior del tubo: en la segunda, se han determinado las características f

  17. Corrosion detection of nanowires by magnetic sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Kosel, Jü rgen; Amara, Selma; Ivanov, Iurii; Blanco, Mario


    Disclosed are various embodiments related to a corrosion detection device for detecting corrosive environments. A corrosion detection device comprises a magnetic sensor and at least one magnetic nanowire disposed on the magnetic sensor. The magnetic sensor is configured to detect corrosion of the one or more magnetic nanowires based at least in part on a magnetic field of the one or more magnetic nanowires.

  18. Corrosion detection of nanowires by magnetic sensors

    KAUST Repository

    Kosel, Jürgen


    Disclosed are various embodiments related to a corrosion detection device for detecting corrosive environments. A corrosion detection device comprises a magnetic sensor and at least one magnetic nanowire disposed on the magnetic sensor. The magnetic sensor is configured to detect corrosion of the one or more magnetic nanowires based at least in part on a magnetic field of the one or more magnetic nanowires.

  19. Corrosion potential monitoring in nuclear power environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molander, A.


    Full text of publication follows: corrosion monitoring. The corrosion potential is usually an important parameter or even the prime parameter for many types of corrosion processes. One typical example of the strong influence of the corrosion potential on corrosion performance is stress corrosion of sensitized stainless steel in pure high temperature water corresponding to boiling water conditions. The use of in-plant monitoring to follow the effect of hydrogen addition to mitigate stress corrosion in boiling water reactors is now a well-established technique. However, different relations between the corrosion potential of stainless steel and the oxidant concentration have been published and only recently an improved understanding of the electrochemical reactions and other conditions that determine the corrosion potential in BWR systems have been reached. This improved knowledge will be reviewed in this paper. Electrochemical measurements has also been performed in PWR systems and mainly the feedwater system on the secondary side of PWRs. The measurements performed so far have shown that electrochemical measurements are a very sensitive tool to detect and follow oxygen transients in the feedwater system. Also determinations of the minimum hydrazine dosage to the feedwater have been performed. However, PWR secondary side monitoring has not yet been utilized to the same level as BWR hydrogen water chemistry surveillance. The future potential of corrosion potential monitoring will be discussed. Electrochemical measurements are also performed in other reactor systems and in other types of reactors. Experiences will be briefly reviewed. In a BWR on hydrogen water chemistry and in the PWR secondary system the corrosion potentials show a large variation between different system parts. To postulate the material behavior at different locations the local chemical and electrochemical conditions must be known. Thus, modeling of chemical and electrochemical conditions along

  20. Monitoring reinforcement corrosion and corrosion-induced cracking using non-destructive x-ray attenuation measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michel, Alexander; Pease, Bradley Justin; Geiker, Mette Rica


    To test the applicability of the x-ray attenuation method to monitor the movement of corrosion products as well as the formation and propagation of cracks in cementitious materials reinforced mortar samples were prepared and tested under accelerated corrosion conditions. It is evident from the ex...... of the corrosion products averaged through the specimen thickness. The total mass loss of steel, obtained by the x-ray attenuation method, was found to be in very good agreement with the mass loss obtained by gravimetric method as well as Faraday's law....

  1. The multimedia corrosion guide, 2. edition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Audisio, S.


    Collecting the knowledge and experience of 26 international experts, the Multimedia Corrosion Guide is a reference book in the field of corrosion, for scientists, engineers, technicians and students. Also available in English, the second edition is more than just an update; it contains new chapters, new corrosion case studies and new smart functions. When knowledge is combined with experience, the result is a work of unprecedented quality and detail. Under the supervision of Professor Dr. S. Audisio of the Industrial Physical Chemistry Laboratory, INSA de Lyon, France, leading corrosion specialists from industry (Aerospatiale, CEA, EDF, ELF, Fragema, GDF, Pechiney, Renault, Rhone-Poulenc, Ugine...) have joined forces with experts from renowned French universities (INSA, UTC, ENSEEP, ENSCP, ENSAM...) to produce this book. In addition to the Corrosion Treatise, this program also contains a Case Studies Library, a corrosion database to which users can add their own experience base. New cases are automatically inserted alongside the existing ones, with the same selection criteria. Numerous other advanced functions make this second edition a unique, intelligent, professional and invaluable reference tool. (authors)

  2. High Temperature Corrosion in Biomass-Fired Boilers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Niels; Montgomery, Melanie; Hede Larsen, Ole


    condense on superheater components. This gives rise to specific corrosion problems not previously encountered in coal-fired power plants. The type of corrosion attack can be directly ascribed to the composition of the deposit and the metal surface temperature. To avoid such high corrosion rates, woodchip...... has also been utilised as a fuel. Combustion of woodchip results in a smaller amount of ash, and potassium and chlorine are present in lesser amounts. However, significant corrosion rates were still seen. A case study of a woodchip fired boiler is described. The corrosion mechanisms in both straw-fired...... and woodchip fired boilers are discussed....

  3. Launch Pad Coatings for Smart Corrosion Control (United States)

    Calle, Luz M.; Hintze, Paul E.; Bucherl, Cori N.; Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry W.; Curran, Jerome P.; Whitten, Mary C.


    Corrosion is the degradation of a material as a result of its interaction with the environment. The environment at the KSC launch pads has been documented by ASM International (formerly American Society for Metals) as the most corrosive in the US. The 70 tons of highly corrosive hydrochloric acid that are generated by the solid rocket boosters during a launch exacerbate the corrosiveness of the environment at the pads. Numerous failures at the pads are caused by the pitting of stainless steels, rebar corrosion, and the degradation of concrete. Corrosion control of launch pad structures relies on the use of coatings selected from the qualified products list (QPL) of the NASA Standard 5008A for Protective Coating of Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, and Aluminum on Launch Structures, Facilities, and Ground Support Equipment. This standard was developed to establish uniform engineering practices and methods and to ensure the inclusion of essential criteria in the coating of ground support equipment (GSE) and facilities used by or for NASA. This standard is applicable to GSE and facilities that support space vehicle or payload programs or projects and to critical facilities at all NASA locations worldwide. Environmental regulation changes have dramatically reduced the production, handling, use, and availability of conventional protective coatings for application to KSC launch structures and ground support equipment. Current attrition rate of qualified KSC coatings will drastically limit the number of commercial off the shelf (COTS) products available for the Constellation Program (CxP) ground operations (GO). CxP GO identified corrosion detection and control technologies as a critical, initial capability technology need for ground processing of Ares I and Ares V to meet Constellation Architecture Requirements Document (CARD) CxP 70000 operability requirements for reduced ground processing complexity, streamlined integrated testing, and operations phase affordability

  4. Non-destructive elecrochemical monitoring of reinforcement corrosion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Peter Vagn

    been widely accepted as a non-destructive ”state of the art” technique for detection of corrosion in concrete structures. And, over the last decade, the trend in corrosion monitoring has moved towards quantitative non-destructive monitoring of the corrosion rate of the steel reinforcement. A few...... corrosion rate measurement instruments have been developed and are commercially available. The main features of these instruments are the combined use of an electrochemical technique for determining the corrosion rate and a so-called ”confinement technique”, which in principle controls the polarised surface...... area of the reinforcement, i.e. the measurement area. Both on-site investigations and laboratory studies have shown that varying corrosion rates are obtained when the various commercially available instruments are used. And in the published studies, conflicting explanations are given illustrating...

  5. A New Corrosion Sensor to Determine the Start and Development of Embedded Rebar Corrosion Process at Coastal Concrete


    Xu, Chen; Li, Zhiyuan; Jin, Weiliang


    The corrosion of reinforcements induced by chloride has resulted to be one of the most frequent causes of their premature damage. Most corrosion sensors were designed to monitor corrosion state in concrete, such as Anode-Ladder-System and Corrowatch System, which are widely used to monitor chloride ingress in marine concrete. However, the monitoring principle of these corrosion sensors is based on the macro-cell test method, so erroneous information may be obtained, especially from concrete u...

  6. Effects of prior cold work on corrosion and corrosive wear of copper in HNO3 and NaCl solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yin Songbo; Li, D.Y.


    Effects of prior cold work on corrosion and corrosive wear behavior of copper in 0.1 M HNO 3 and 3.5% NaCl solutions, respectively, were investigated using electrochemical tests, electron work function measurements, and sliding corrosive wear tests with and without cathodic protection. Optical microscope and SEM were employed to examine the microstructure and worn surfaces. It was shown that, in general, the prior cold work raised the corrosion rate, but the effect differed in different corrosive media. In both the solutions, pure mechanical wear decreased with an increase in cold work. The prior cold work had a significant influence on the corrosive wear of copper, depending on the corrosive solution and the applied load. In the 0.1 M HNO 3 solution, the ratio of the wear loss caused by corrosion-wear synergism to the total wear loss increased with the cold work and became saturated when the cold work reached a certain level. In the 3.5% NaCl solution, however, this ratio decreased initially and then became relatively stable with respect to the cold work. It was observed that wear of copper in the 3.5% NaCl solution was larger than that in 0.1 M HNO 3 solution, although copper showed lower corrosion rate in the former solution. The experimental observations and the possible mechanisms involved are discussed

  7. Flow accelerated corrosion and erosion-corrosion of RAFM steel in liquid breeders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kondo, Masatoshi; Muroga, Takeo; Sagara, Akio


    Corrosion experiments for RAFM, JLF-1 steel (Fe-9Cr-2w-0.1C) in 3types of flowing liquid breeders (i.e. Li, Pb-17Li and Flinak) were performed at the same conditions, and the compatibility was compared with each other. The weight loss of the specimens in the fluids was evaluated by the corrosion model based on mass transfer. The model can be applied to different test systems with different quantity of liquid breeders and different surface area of the systems. The flow enhanced the dissolution of element of the steel in the fluids. The mechanism of an erosion-corrosion in the liquid breeders was the peeling off of the corroded steel surface by the flow. (author)

  8. Assessing Level and Effectiveness of Corrosion Education in the UAE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hwee Ling Lim


    Full Text Available The consequences of corrosion can be minimized by an engineering workforce well trained in corrosion fundamentals and management. Since the United Arab Emirates incurs the second highest cost of corrosion after Saudi Arabia, this paper examined the quality of corrosion education in the UAE. Surveys with academia and industry respondents showed that dedicated corrosion courses and engineering courses that integrated corrosion into the curricula were available in UAE universities, but graduates had insufficient knowledge of corrosion engineering and superficial understanding of corrosion in real-life design contexts. The effectiveness of corrosion education is determined by both competence in corrosion knowledge/skills and availability of resources (faculty and research. Though most departments would not hire new corrosion-specialist faculty, department research efforts and industry partnerships in corrosion research were present. The paper concluded with recommendations for improving knowledge and skills of future engineers in corrosion and enhancing corrosion instruction to better meet industry needs.

  9. Evaluación de la reproducción inducida del blanquillo ( Sorubim cuspicaudus Littmann, Burr Nass, 2000 con ovaprim®.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Víctor Atencio G


    Full Text Available El blanquillo ( Sorubim suspicaudus Littmann, Burr &Nass, 2000 presenta características de importanciapara la acuicultura, destacándose la calidad de sucarne y el alto valor comercial. No se reproduce enconfinamiento, por lo que es necesario sureproducción inducida con sustancias hormonales.Responde bien a la inducción con extracto de pituitariade capa (EPC; sin embargo, no se ha evaluado suinducción con extracto de análogos deGonodotropine Releasing Hormone de salmón(sGnRH-a y domperidone en un vehículo inerte. Porlo tanto, entre mayo y noviembre/02, se evaluó eldesempeño reproductivo del blanquillo inducido condiferentes dosificaciones de Ovaprim®: 0.25 (T2,0.050 (T3 y 0.75 ml/kg de peso vivo (T4, aplicadoen una sola dosificación, por inyección en la basede la aleta pectoral. Además, un grupo fue inducidocon 8 mg EPC/kg de peso vivo (TI, en dos inyeccionesde 10 y7 90% de la dosis total, con intervalo de 6horas, por vía intramuscular. Se indujeron entre seisy nueve hembras por tratamiento con igual númerode machos. El desempeño reproductivo fue evaluadomediante el índice de ovulación (hembras ovuladas/hembras tratadas, tasa de fertilización medida a las4 horas pos-eclosión (HPF, tasa de eclosión medidaa las 10 HPF y la fecundidad tanto absoluta comorelativa. El Ovaprim® mostró ser efectivo para inducirla ovulación del blanquillo en las dosificacionesevaluadas (0.25 a 0.75 mL/kg, con respuestassimilares en el desempeño reproductivo a lasobtenidas en EPC. La ovulación con Ovaprim® seobtuvo entre las 12.8 y 14.0 horas con temperaturapromedio del agua de 27.3ºC. El índice de ovulaciónosciló entre 66.7% (T2 y 83.3% (T3; la tasa defertilización osciló entre 88.0% (T3 y 42.0% (T1; latasa de eclosión osciló entre 83.7% (T3 y 40.3%(T1;la fecundidad absoluta osciló entre 40370.6 (T1 y82992.5 ovocitos/hembra (T2; la fecundad relativa,expresada en gramos de ovocitos/kg de hembra,osciló entre 32.1 (T3 y 63.1(T2; el di

  10. Atmospheric corrosion of metals in industrial city environment


    Kusmierek, Elzbieta; Chrzescijanska, Ewa


    Atmospheric corrosion is a significant problem given destruction of various materials, especially metals. The corrosion investigation in the industrial city environment was carried out during one year exposure. Corrosion potential was determined using the potentiometric method. The highest effect of corrosion processes was observed during the winter season due to increased air pollution. Corrosion of samples pre-treated in tannic acid before the exposure was more difficult compared with the s...

  11. General corrosion, irradiation-corrosion, and environmental-mechanical evaluation of nuclear-waste-package structural-barrier materials. Progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Westerman, R.E.; Pitman, S.G.; Nelson, J.L.


    Pacific Northwest Laboratory is studying the general corrosion, irradiation-corrosion, and environmentally enhanced crack propagation of five candidate materials in high-temperature aqueous environments simulating those expected in basalt and tuff repositories. The materials include three cast ferrous materials (ductile cast iron and two low-alloy Cr-Mo cast steels) and two titanium alloys, titanium Grade 2 (commercial purity) and Grade 12 (a Ti-Ni-Mo alloy). The general corrosion results are being obtained by autoclave exposure of specimens to slowly replenished simulated ground water flowing upward through a bed of the appropriate crushed rock (basalt or tuff), which is maintained at the desired test temperature (usually 250 0 C). In addition, tests are being performed in deionized water. Metal penetration rates of iron-base alloys are being derived by stripping off the corrosion product film and weighing the specimen after the appropriate exposure time. The corrosion of titanium alloy specimens is being determined by weight gain methods. The irradiation-corrosion studies are similar to the general corrosion tests, except that the specimen-bearing autoclaves are held in a 60 Co gamma radiation field at dose rates up to 2 x 10 6 rad/h. For evaluating the resistance of the candidate materials to environmentally enhanced crack propagation, three methods are being used: U-bend and fracture toughness specimens exposed in autoclaves; slow strain rate studies in repository-relevant environments to 300 0 C; and fatigue crack growth rate studies at ambient pressure and 90 0 C. The preliminary data suggest a 1-in. corrosion allowance for iron-base barrier elements intended for 1000-yr service in basalt or tuff repositories. No evidence has yet been found that titanium Grade 2 or Grade 12 is susceptible to environmentally induced crack propagation or, by extension, to stress corrosion cracking

  12. On-line Corrosion Monitoring in District Heating Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Richter, Sonja; Thorarinsdottir, R.I.; Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel


    The corrosion control in district heating systems is today performed primarily with control of the water quality. The corrosion rate is kept low by assuring low dissolved oxygen concentration, high pH and low conductivity. Corrosion failures can occur, e.g. as a result of unknown oxygen ingress, ......, precipitation of deposits or crevices. The authors describe methods used for on-line monitoring of corrosion, cover the complications and the main results of a Nordic project.......The corrosion control in district heating systems is today performed primarily with control of the water quality. The corrosion rate is kept low by assuring low dissolved oxygen concentration, high pH and low conductivity. Corrosion failures can occur, e.g. as a result of unknown oxygen ingress...

  13. Corrosion problems in PWR steam generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, J.; Suery, P.


    Examinations on pulled steam generator tubes from the Swiss nuclear power plants Beznau I and II, together with some laboratory tests, may be summarized as follows: Corrosion problems in vertical U-tube steam generators with Alloy 600 as tube material are localized towards relatively narrow regions above the tube sheet where thermohydraulic conditions and, as a consequence thereof, chemical conditions are uncontrolled. Within these zones Alloy 600 is not sufficienthy resistent to caustic or phosphate attack (caustic stress corrosion cracking and general corrosion, resp.). The mechanisms of several corrosion phenomena are not fully understood. (orig.) [de

  14. Exfoliation Corrosion and Pitting Corrosion and Their Role in Fatigue Predictive Modeling: State-of-the-Art Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David W. Hoeppner


    Full Text Available Intergranular attack (IG and exfoliation corrosion (EC have a detrimental impact on the structural integrity of aircraft structures of all types. Understanding the mechanisms and methods for dealing with these processes and with corrosion in general has been and is critical to the safety of critical components of aircraft. Discussion of cases where IG attack and exfoliation caused issues in structural integrity in aircraft in operational fleets is presented herein along with a much more detailed presentation of the issues involved in dealing with corrosion of aircraft. Issues of corrosion and fatigue related to the structural integrity of aging aircraft are introduced herein. Mechanisms of pitting nucleation are discussed which include adsorption-induced, ion migration-penetration, and chemicomechanical film breakdown theories. In addition, pitting corrosion (PC fatigue models are presented as well as a critical assessment of their application to aircraft structures and materials. Finally environmental effects on short crack behavior of materials are discussed, and a compilation of definitions related to corrosion and fatigue are presented.

  15. Astrakhan-Mangyshlak water main (pipeline): corrosion state of the inner surface, and methods for its corrosion protection. Part III. The effects of KW2353 inhibitor. Part IV. Microbiological corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reformatskaya, I.I.; Ashcheulova, I.I.; Barinova, M.A.; Kostin, D.V.; Prutchenko, S.G.; Ivleva, G.A.; Taubaldiev, T.S.; Murinov, K.S.; Tastanov, K.Kh.


    The effect of the KW2353 corrosion inhibitor, applied on the Astrakhan-Mangyshlak water main (pipeline) since 1997, on the corrosion processes, occurring on the 17G1S steel surface, is considered. The properties of the surface sediments are also considered. The role of the microbiological processes in the corrosion behavior of the water main (pipeline) inner surface is studied. It is shown, that application of the polyphosphate-type inhibitors, including the KW2353 one, for the anticorrosive protection of the inner surface of the extended water main (pipelines) is inadmissible: at the temperature of ∼20 deg C this corrosion inhibitor facilitates the development of the local corrosion processes on the water main (pipeline) inner surface. At the temperature of ∼8 deg C the above inhibitor discontinues to effect the corrosive stability of the 17G1S steel. The optimal way of the anticorrosive protection of the steel equipment, contacting with the water media, is the increase in the oxygen content therein [ru

  16. High temperature corrosion in straw-fired power plants: Influence of steam/metal temperature on corrosion rates for TP347H

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Montgomery, Melanie; Biede, O; Larsen, OH


    The corrosion in straw-fired boilers has been investigated at various straw-fired power plants in Denmark. Water/air-cooled probes, a test superheater and test sections removed from the actual superheater have been utilised to characterise corrosion and corrosion rates. This paper describes...... the corrosion rates measured for the TP347H type steel. The corrosion morphology at high temperature consists of grain boundary attack and selective attack of chromium. The corrosion rate increases with calculated metal temperature (based on steam temperature), however there is great variation within....... The difference in the results could be traced back to a lower flue gas temperature on one side of the boiler. Although metal temperature is the most important parameter with respect to corrosion rate, flue gas temperature also plays an important role. Efforts to quantify the effect of flue gas temperature...

  17. Radiation-induced corrosion of stellite-6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Behazin, M.; Wren, J.C.


    Stellite-6 is a Co-based (58%) alloy that is used for components that require high wear-resistance, such as valve facings and ball bearings in nuclear reactors. In the reactor core, stable 59 Co can be neutron activated by absorption of a neutron to become the radioactive isotope, 60 Co. The 60 Co that is created constitutes a safety hazard for plant workers who have to perform maintenance on the reactor. One of the operational and safety issues in a nuclear reactor is the potential corrosion of Co-based alloys and the introduction of dissolved Co ions into the reactor core. While the corrosion of Stellite-6 has been studied its corrosion behaviour with ionizing radiation present has not been well established. Corrosion kinetics depend on both the aqueous redox conditions and the physical and chemical nature of the alloy surface. The high radiation fields present in a reactor core will cause water to decompose to a range of redox-active species (both highly oxidizing (e.g., ·OH, H 2 O 2 ) and highly reducing (e.g., ·eaq - , ·O 2 - )). These species can significantly influence corrosion kinetics. The effect of γ-radiation on the corrosion of Stellite-6 at pH 10.6 was investigated at temperatures ≤ 150 deg. C. Since the corrosion rate depends strongly on the type of oxide that is present on the material surface, the focus of this corrosion study was to establish the mechanism by which radiolysis affects the nature of the oxide that is present on Stellite-6. The results show that γ-radiation (at a dose rate of 5.5 kGy.h -1 ) increases the corrosion potential on Stellite-6 from -0.7 VSCE to 0.12 VSCE . The corrosion potential without irradiation present is in a potential range where oxidation is limited to the formation of a Co (OH) 2 and CoCr 2 O 4 outer oxide layer on a pre-existing Cr 2 O 3 film. The corrosion potential with irradiation is in a potential range where further oxidation of Co (OH) 2 to CoOOH also occurs. However, since CoOOH is less soluble than

  18. Water side corrosion prevention in boilers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeid, A.


    Corrosion may be defined as a naturally occurring physical and chemical deterioration of a material due to reaction with the environment or surrounding atmosphere. In boilers the material is subjected on both sides to two different media which may cause severe corrosion. At the water side the content of O 2 considered one of the principal factors which determine the extent of corrosion in the boiler tubes. This paper deals with certain conditions that result in the increase of O 2 in the boiler water and hence increase the corrosion rate, to minimize the effect of these conditions a chemical treatment was carried out the results obtained indicated the success of the treatment procedure in corrosion prevention and boiler material protection. The treatment is traditional. But the study indicates how a simple mean could be applied to solve a serious problem. 4 tab

  19. Disfunción endotelial en la preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Pacheco Romero


    Full Text Available Desconocemos aún la etiología de la preeclampsia, pero ahora sabemos que no es sólo una hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, sino que existe interacción entre una perfusión placentaria disminuida y la alteración en la función endotelial materna, probablemente por razones inmunológicas de rechazo parcial a la placentación normal. La contribución materna es de factores que anteceden al embarazo, influenciados por las adaptaciones metabólicas usuales. No existe un gen único que pueda explicar la preeclampsia, pero conocer la predisposición materna permite prevenir la preeclampsia en un grupo de mujeres.

  20. Impacto del síndrome metabólico en la resistencia a la recanalización arterial y en el pronóstico de los pacientes con oclusión aguda de la arteria cerebral media tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno


    Dorado Bouix, Laura


    La recanalización arterial precoz es un punto clave para alcanzar un buen pronóstico funcional tras un ictus isquémico. El síndrome metabólico (SM) podría jugar un papel en la evolución de los pacientes con ictus isquémico tratados con activador tisular del plasminógeno (tPA) por vía sistémica (a) por su asociación a un estado protrombótico que podría interferir en la recanalización arterial inducida por tPA y (b) porque varias de las alteraciones metabólicas que acompañan al SM podrían contr...

  1. Vehicle accelerated corrosion test procedures for automotive in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anuar Liza


    Full Text Available An accelerated corrosion test, known as proving ground accelerated test, is commonly performed by automotive manufacturers to evaluate the corrosion performance of a vehicle. The test combines corrosion and durability inputs to detect potential failures that may occur during in-service conditions. Currently, the test is conducted at an external test center overseas. Such test is aimed to simulate the effects of one year accelerated corrosion in severe corrosive environment of the north-east and south east of America. However, the test results obtained do not correlate with the actual corrosion conditions observed in the Malaysian market, which is likely attributed to the different test environment of the tropical climate of vehicles in service. Therefore, a vehicle accelerated corrosion test procedure that suits the Malaysian market is proposed and benchmarked with other global car manufacturers that have their own dedicated corrosion test procedure. In the present work, a test track is used as the corrosion test ground and consists of various types of roads for structural durability exposures. Corrosion related facilities like salt trough, mud trough and gravel road are constructed as addition to the existing facilities. The establishment of accelerated corrosion test facilities has contributed to the development of initial accelerated corrosion test procedure for the national car manufacturer. The corrosion exposure is monitored by fitting test coupons at the underbody of test vehicle using mass loss technique so that the desired corrosion rate capable of simulating the real time corrosion effects for its target market.

  2. Corrosión por depósitos salinos de los aceros SA213-T22 y SA213-TP347H en presencia de una mezcla 80%V2O5-20%Na2SO4-20%Na2SO4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Romero, M. A.


    Full Text Available Many hot corrosion problems in industrial and utility boilers are caused by molten salts. The corrosion processes which occur in salts are of an electrochemical nature, and so they can be studied using electrochemical test methods. In this research, electrochemical techniques in molten salt systems have been used for the measurements of molten corrosion processes. Electrochemical test methods are described here for a salt mixture of 80%V2O5-20%Na2SO4 at 540-680°C. To establish better the electrochemical corrosion rate mearurements for molten salt systems, information from electrochemical potentiodynamic polarization curves, such as polarization resistance and Tafel slopes were used in this study to generate corrosion rate data. The salt was contained in a quartz crucible inside a stainless steel retort. The atmosphere used was air. A thermocouple sheathed with quartz glass was introduced into the molten salt for temperature monitoring and control. Two materials were tested in the molten mixture: SA213-T22 and SA213-TP347H steels. The corrosion rates values obtained using electrochemical methods were around 0.58-7.14 mm/yr (22.9-281 mpy. The corrosion rate increase with time.Muchos problemas de corrosión por depósitos salinos en la industria eléctrica, especialmente en los generadores de vapor, se deben al ataque por sales fundidas. El proceso de corrosión en sales fundidas es de naturaleza electroquímica; así, puede estudiarse empleando técnicas electroquímicas. Este proceso de corrosión en un sistema de sales fundidas, mezcla de 80%V2O5 y 20%Na2SO4 a temperaturas comprendidas entre 540 y 680°C, se evaluó en esta investigación por medio de técnicas electroquímicas. Para medir la velocidad de corrosión por depósitos salinos se parte de curvas de polarización potenciodinámicas determinando la resistencia de polarización por extrapolación de las pendientes de Tafel. Las sales se fundieron en un crisol de cuarzo dentro de un

  3. Aproximación a un modelo de costo eficacia de protectores auditivos en el ambiente laboral


    Ivonne Valero-Pacheco; Martha Isabel Riaño-Casallas; Frady Rodríguez-Páez


    Introducción: La escasa información disponible en relación con modelos de evaluación de costo efectividad de la protección auditiva, para la prevención de la hipoacusia neurosensorial inducida por el ruido laboral en Colombia, así como la confiabilidad de la información del nivel de atenuación de ruido que es suministrada por los fabricantes de elementos de protección auditiva, justificaron el desarrollo de esta investigación. Objetivos: Proponer un modelo de evaluación de costo eficacia de p...

  4. Evaluación y actuación podológica ante el síndrome de estrés tibial medial


    Mazuelas Álvarez, Sergio; Lluch Fruns, Joan


    El síndrome de estrés tibial medial (SEMT) fue nombrado por primera vez en 1.982. El SEMT tiene la incidencia más alta de lesiones en corredores. Los posibles mecanismos de acción pueden ser desde una periostitis inducida por tracción muscular, hasta una disfun­ción muscular. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) Revisar cuales son los factores de riesgo más susceptibles de provocar el SEMT. 2) Comprobar las tendencias actuales en cuanto al diagnóstico, la prevención y el pronóstico del SEMT....

  5. Inflamación crónica granulomatosa en el pez teleósteo Piaractus mesopotamicus: modelo de estudio histopatológico


    G Manrique, Wilson; AP Figueiredo, Mayra; Belo, Marco AA; Martins, Maurício L; Moraes, Flávio R


    Objetivo. Este estudio evaluó la cinética celular y la formación de granuloma durante la inflamación crónica inducida por el Bacilo Calmette-Guérin (BCG) en el músculo esquelético de Piaractus mesopotamicus, como modelo histopatológico para estudiar la inmunidad innata. Materiales y métodos. Sesenta peces fueron divididos en dos grupos: peces inoculados con BCG y no inoculados y la respuesta inflamatoria analizada en 3, 7, 14, 21 y 33 días post-inóculo (DPI) por medio del análisis histopatoló...

  6. Reparaciones en la producción oral: un estudio sobre aprendices de español en Filipinas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sibayan, Anna Marie


    Full Text Available Suplemento del número 13 de marcoELE (julio - diciembre de 2011 Esta memoria presenta un estudio sobre la interlengua española de aprendices filipinos adultos, en una clase conversacional en la Universidad de Filipinas, mediante el análisis de sus autorreparaciones inducidas y no inducidas. Si bien los errores indican progreso en la interlengua (Corder, 1981, las reparaciones de dichos errores, aparte de indicar progreso, representan el límite máximo del mismo sistema interlingüístico (van Hest, 1996. Las cinco transcripciones analizadas, con una duración de 50 minutos cada una, se han examinado a partir de cuatro criterios: según el tipo de error, el tipo de corrección del profesor, las incorporaciones de la corrección por parte del alumno y los tipos de autorreparación. Los resultados incluyen la frecuencia y distribución de autorreparaciones inducidas —tanto las que se han realizado con éxito como las fallidas— en relación con los errores más frecuentes. También se ha observado que los alumnos, con la ayuda del profesor, pueden autocorregir exitosamente los errores «biopcionales» (por ejemplo: subjuntivo-indicativo, ser–estar. Asimismo, los alumnos son capaces de detectar y reparar satisfactoriamente sin la ayuda del profesor los errores de concordancia nominal y verbal, y el uso inadecuado de lexemas del mismo campo semántico. Otros errores que aparecen tan frecuentemente como estos, sin embargo, no reciben la misma atención. El análisis sugiere que la excesiva atención a la forma funciona siempre y cuando tanto el profesor como los alumnos coincidan en la conveniencia de incorporar esa retroalimentación correctiva en la práctica y uso de la L2.

  7. Corrosion resistant cemented carbide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hong, J.


    This paper describes a corrosion resistant cemented carbide composite. It comprises: a granular tungsten carbide phase, a semi-continuous solid solution carbide phase extending closely adjacent at least a portion of the grains of tungsten carbide for enhancing corrosion resistance, and a substantially continuous metal binder phase. The cemented carbide composite consisting essentially of an effective amount of an anti-corrosion additive, from about 4 to about 16 percent by weight metal binder phase, and with the remaining portion being from about 84 to about 96 percent by weight metal carbide wherein the metal carbide consists essentially of from about 4 to about 30 percent by weight of a transition metal carbide or mixtures thereof selected from Group IVB and of the Periodic Table of Elements and from about 70 to about 96 percent tungsten carbide. The metal binder phase consists essentially of nickel and from about 10 to about 25 percent by weight chromium, the effective amount of an anti-corrosion additive being selected from the group consisting essentially of copper, silver, tine and combinations thereof

  8. Corrosion in seawater systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henrikson, S.


    Highly alloyed stainless steels have been exposed to natural chlorinated and chlorine-free seawater at 35 deg. C. Simulated tube-tubesheet joints, weld joints and galvanic couples with titanium, 90/10 CuNi and NiAl bronze were tested and evaluated for corrosion. The corrosion rates of various anode materials - zinc, aluminium and soft iron - were also determined. Finally the risk of hydrogen embrittlement of tubes of ferritic stainless steels and titanium as a consequence of cathodic protection was studied. An attempt was also made to explain the cracking mechanism of the ferritic steels by means of transmission electron microscopy. One important conclusion of the project is that chlorinated seawater is considerably more corrosive to stainless steels than chlorine-free water, whereas chlorination reduces the rate of galvanic corrosion of copper materials coupled to stainless steels. Hydrogen embrittlement of ferritic stainless steels and titanium as a consequence of cathodic protection of carbon steel or cast iron in the same structure can be avoided by strict potentiostatic control of the applied potential. (author)

  9. Corrosion behavior of 2205 duplex stainless steel. (United States)

    Platt, J A; Guzman, A; Zuccari, A; Thornburg, D W; Rhodes, B F; Oshida, Y; Moore, B K


    The corrosion of 2205 duplex stainless steel was compared with that of AISI type 316L stainless steel. The 2205 stainless steel is a potential orthodontic bracket material with low nickel content (4 to 6 wt%), whereas the 316L stainless steel (nickel content: 10 to 14 wt%) is a currently used bracket material. Both stainless steels were subjected to electrochemical and immersion (crevice) corrosion tests in 37 degrees C, 0.9 wt% sodium chloride solution. Electrochemical testing indicates that 2205 has a longer passivation range than 316L. The corrosion rate of 2205 was 0.416 MPY (milli-inch per year), whereas 316L exhibited 0.647 MPY. When 2205 was coupled to 316L with equal surface area ratio, the corrosion rate of 2205 reduced to 0.260 MPY, indicating that 316L stainless steel behaved like a sacrificial anode. When 316L is coupled with NiTi, TMA, or stainless steel arch wire and was subjected to the immersion corrosion test, it was found that 316L suffered from crevice corrosion. On the other hand, 2205 stainless steel did not show any localized crevice corrosion, although the surface of 2205 was covered with corrosion products, formed when coupled to NiTi and stainless steel wires. This study indicates that considering corrosion resistance, 2205 duplex stainless steel is an improved alternative to 316L for orthodontic bracket fabrication when used in conjunction with titanium, its alloys, or stainless steel arch wires.

  10. Plastics for corrosion inhibition

    CERN Document Server

    Goldade, Victor A; Makarevich, Anna V; Kestelman, Vladimir N


    The development of polymer composites containing inhibitors of metal corrosion is an important endeavour in modern materials science and technology. Corrosion inhibitors can be located in a polymer matrix in the solid, liquid or gaseous phase. This book details the thermodynamic principles for selecting these components, their compatibility and their effectiveness. The various mechanisms of metal protection – barrier, inhibiting and electromechanical – are considered, as are the conflicting requirements placed on the structure of the combined material. Two main classes of inhibited materials (structural and films/coatings) are described in detail. Examples are given of structural plastics used in friction units subjected to mechano-chemical wear and of polymer films/coatings for protecting metal objects against corrosion.

  11. Microencapsulation Technologies for Corrosion Protective Coating Applications (United States)

    Li, Wenyan; Buhrow, Jerry; Jolley, Scott; Calle, Luz; Pearman, Benjamin; Zhang, Xuejun


    Microencapsulation technologies for functional smart Coatings for autonomous corrosion control have been a research area of strong emphasis during the last decade. This work concerns the development of pH sensitive micro-containers (microparticles and microcapsules) for autonomous corrosion control. This paper presents an overview of the state-of-the-art in the field of microencapsulation for corrosion control applications, as well as the technical details of the pH sensitive microcontainer approach, such as selection criteria for corrosion indicators and corrosion inhibitors; the development and optimization of encapsulation methods; function evaluation before and after incorporation of the microcontainers into coatings; and further optimization to improve coating compatibility and performance.

  12. Ferritic stainless steels: corrosion resistance + economy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Remus, A.L.


    Ferritic stainless steels provide corrosion resistance at lower cost. They include Type 409, Type 439, 18SR, 20-Mo (1.6 Mo), 18-2 (2 Mo), 26-1S, E-Brite 26-1, 29 Cr-4 Mo, and 29 Cr-4 Mo-2 Ni. Their corrosion and mechanical properties are examined. Resistance to stress-corrosion cracking is an advantage compared to austenitic types

  13. Recent Natural Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel: An Overview

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marko Chigondo


    Full Text Available Traditionally, reduction of corrosion has been managed by various methods including cathodic protection, process control, reduction of the metal impurity content, and application of surface treatment techniques, as well as incorporation of suitable alloys. However, the use of corrosion inhibitors has proven to be the easiest and cheapest method for corrosion protection and prevention in acidic media. These inhibitors slow down the corrosion rate and thus prevent monetary losses due to metallic corrosion on industrial vessels, equipment, or surfaces. Inorganic and organic inhibitors are toxic and costly and thus recent focus has been turned to develop environmentally benign methods for corrosion retardation. Many researchers have recently focused on corrosion prevention methods using green inhibitors for mild steel in acidic solutions to mimic industrial processes. This paper provides an overview of types of corrosion, corrosion process, and mainly recent work done on the application of natural plant extracts as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel.

  14. Corrosion problems and solutions in oil refining and petrochemical industry

    CERN Document Server

    Groysman, Alec


    This book addresses corrosion problems and their solutions at facilities in the oil refining and petrochemical industry, including cooling water and boiler feed water units. Further, it describes and analyzes corrosion control actions, corrosion monitoring, and corrosion management. Corrosion problems are a perennial issue in the oil refining and petrochemical industry, as they lead to a deterioration of the functional properties of metallic equipment and harm the environment – both of which need to be protected for the sake of current and future generations. Accordingly, this book examines and analyzes typical and atypical corrosion failure cases and their prevention at refineries and petrochemical facilities, including problems with: pipelines, tanks, furnaces, distillation columns, absorbers, heat exchangers, and pumps. In addition, it describes naphthenic acid corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen damages, sulfidic corrosion, microbiologically induced corrosion, erosion-corrosion, and corrosion...

  15. Neumonitis por hipersensibilidad en la ciudad de México Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in Mexico City

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José G. Carrillo-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la asociación entre la zona urbana de origen del paciente en la ciudad de México y la prevalencia de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad inducida por antígeno aviario. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio de casos y controles realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, en la ciudad de México, en el año de 1999. Se estudiaron 109 casos con neumonitis por hipersensibilidad y 184 controles: de éstos, 39, con fibrosis pulmonar idiopática; 63, con tuberculosis pulmonar, y 82, con asma. La ciudad de México y las zonas conurbadas se dividieron en cinco zonas geográficas: centro, noreste, sureste, noroeste y el suroeste. Se calcularon las prevalencias de las diferentes enfermedades por zona urbana de los pacientes que participaron en el estudio; como medida de asociación, se estimó la razón de momios, con un intervalo de confianza al 95%. Asimismo, se realizó regresión logística múltiple ajustando por edad, sexo y estrato socioeconómico. RESULTADOS: Ochenta casos de neumonitis por hipersensibilidad se concentraron en el sur del noreste de las zonas conurbadas y la parte norte del sureste de la ciudad de México, 48 y 32, respectivamente (RM= 3.86, IC 95% 2.17-6.96. Treinta y seis controles de asma se localizaron en el suroeste de la ciudad de México, zona donde se ubica el Intituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (pOBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between the urban area of origin of patients and the prevalence of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP, induced by avian antigens. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in 1999 at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (NIRD. Cases were 109 consecutive HP patients and controls were 184 patients: 39 with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF, 63 with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB, and 82 with asthma. Mexico City and surrounding counties (SC were divided into 5 geographical areas: 1 Downtown; 2 North-East (NE; 3

  16. On-line corrosion monitoring in district heating systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Richter, Sonja; Thorarinsdottir, R.I.; Hilbert, Lisbeth Rischel


    ), Electrochemical Noise (EN) and Zero Resistance Ammetry (ZRA). Electrochemical Resistance (ER) has also been used to measure corrosion. The method traditionally only measures corrosion off-line but with newly developed high-sensitive ER technique developed by MetriCorr in Denmark, on-line monitoring is possible...... complicates the chemistry of the environment. Hydrogen sulphide is present in geothermal systems and can be formed as a by-product of sulphate-reducing-bacteria (SRB). The application of electrochemical methods makes on-line monitoring possible. These methods include: Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR....... In order to assess both general corrosion and localized corrosion, it is necessary to apply more than one monitoring technique simultaneously, ZRA or EN for measuring localized corrosion and LPR or ER for measuring general corrosion rate. The advantage of monitoring localized corrosion is indisputable...

  17. 49 CFR 192.475 - Internal corrosion control: General. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Internal corrosion control: General. 192.475... Control § 192.475 Internal corrosion control: General. (a) Corrosive gas may not be transported by... taken to minimize internal corrosion. (b) Whenever any pipe is removed from a pipeline for any reason...

  18. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: Causative Organisms and Mechanisms (United States)


    enviromental composition as a potential method for reversing microbiologically influenced corrosion, Corrosion (NAC’E) International. Houston. Texas...International fellow and associate editor for Biofouling, The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research. J. Lee is a Materials and Corrosion Engineer

  19. pitting corrosion susceptibility pitting corrosion susceptibility of aisi

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF BENIN, BENIN- CITY, EDO STATE, NIGERIA. E-mail addresses: ... fluids and aggressive chemicals. Pitting corrosion ... the kitchen, food manufacturing and dispensing and.

  20. Corrosion effects on friction factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Magleby, H.L.; Shaffer, S.J.


    This paper presents the results of NRC-sponsored material specimen tests that were performed to determine if corrosion increases the friction factors of sliding surfaces of motor-operated gate valves, which could require higher forces to close and open safety-related valves when subjected to their design basis differential pressures. Friction tests were performed with uncorroded specimens and specimens subjected to accelerated corrosion. Preliminary tests at ambient conditions showed that corrosion increased the friction factors, indicating the need for additional tests duplicating valve operating parameters at hot conditions. The additional tests showed friction factors of corroded specimens were 0.1 to 0.2 higher than for uncorroded specimens, and that the friction factors of the corroded specimens were not very dependent on contact stress or corrosion film thickness. The measured values of friction factors for the three corrosion films tested (simulating three operating times) were in the range of 0.3 to 0.4. The friction factor for even the shortest simulated operating time was essentially the same as the others, indicating that the friction factors appear to reach a plateau and that the plateau is reached quickly

  1. A new corrosion monitoring technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, Gerald K.


    Internal Corrosion Monitoring has relied upon 5 basic techniques. Little improvement in performance has been achieved in any of these. Many newer internal corrosion monitoring techniques have proved of little value in the field although some have instances of success in the laboratory. Industry has many high value hydrocarbon applications requiring corrosion rate monitoring for real-time problem solving and control. The high value of assets and the cost of asset replacement makes it necessary to practice cost effective process and corrosion control with sensitivity beyond the 5 basic techniques. This new metal loss technology offers this sensitivity. Traditional metal loss technology today provides either high sensitivity with short life, or conversely, long life but with substantially reduced sensitivity. The new metal loss technology offers an improved working life of sensors without significantly compromising performance. The paper discusses the limitations of existing on-line technologies and describes the performance of a new technology. This new metal loss technology was introduced at NACE Corrosion 99'. Since that time several field projects have been completed or are ongoing. This paper will discuss the new metal loss technology and report on some of the data that has been obtained.(author)

  2. Survey of Water Chemistry and Corrosion of NPP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Ki Sok; Hong, Bong Geon


    Status of water chemistry of nuclear power plant and materials corrosion has been surveyed. For PWR, system chemistry of primary coolant and secondary coolant as well as the related corrosion of materials was surveyed. For BWR, system chemistry as whole has been surveyed with its accompanying corrosion problems. Radiolysis of coolant water and activation of corrosion products also was surveyed. Future NPP such as supercritical water cooled reactor and fusion reactor has also been surveyed for their water chemistry and corrosion problems. As a result, proposal for some research items has been suggested. Some related corrosion research techniques and electrochemical fundamentals are also presented.

  3. Survey of Water Chemistry and Corrosion of NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Ki Sok; Hong, Bong Geon


    Status of water chemistry of nuclear power plant and materials corrosion has been surveyed. For PWR, system chemistry of primary coolant and secondary coolant as well as the related corrosion of materials was surveyed. For BWR, system chemistry as whole has been surveyed with its accompanying corrosion problems. Radiolysis of coolant water and activation of corrosion products also was surveyed. Future NPP such as supercritical water cooled reactor and fusion reactor has also been surveyed for their water chemistry and corrosion problems. As a result, proposal for some research items has been suggested. Some related corrosion research techniques and electrochemical fundamentals are also presented

  4. Electrochemical noise based corrosion monitoring: FY 2001 final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    EDGAR, C.


    Underground storage tanks made of mild steel are used to contain radioactive waste generated by plutonium production at the Hanford Site. Corrosion of the walls of these tanks is a major issue. Corrosion monitoring and control are currently provided at the Hanford Site through a waste chemistry sampling and analysis program. In this process, tank waste is sampled, analyzed and compared to a selection of laboratory exposures of coupons in simulated waste. Tank wall corrosion is inferred by matching measured tank chemistries to the results of the laboratory simulant testing. This method is expensive, time consuming, and does not yield real-time data. Corrosion can be monitored through coupon exposure studies and a variety of electrochemical techniques. A small number of these techniques have been tried at Hanford and elsewhere within the DOE complex to determine the corrosivity of nuclear waste stored in underground tanks [1]. Coupon exposure programs, linear polarization resistance (LPR), and electrical resistance techniques have all been tried with limited degrees of success. These techniques are most effective for monitoring uniform corrosion, but are not well suited for early detection of localized forms of corrosion such as pitting and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Pitting and SCC have been identified as the most likely modes of corrosion failure for Hanford Double Shell Tanks (DST'S) [2-3]. Over the last 20 years, a new corrosion monitoring system has shown promise in detecting localized corrosion and measuring uniform corrosion rates in process industries [4-20]. The system measures electrochemical noise (EN) generated by corrosion. The term EN is used to describe low frequency fluctuations in current and voltage associated with corrosion. In their most basic form, EN-based corrosion monitoring systems monitor and record fluctuations in current and voltage over time from electrodes immersed in an environment of interest. Laboratory studies and field

  5. Surface films and corrosion of copper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilden, J.; Laitinen, T.; Maekelae, K.; Saario, T.; Bojinov, M.


    In Sweden and Finland the spent nuclear fuel is planned to be encapsulated in cast iron canisters that have an outer shield made of copper. The copper shield is responsible for the corrosion protection of the canister construction. General corrosion of the copper is not expected to be the limiting factor in the waste repository environment when estimating the life-time of the canister construction. However, different forms of localised corrosion, i.e. pitting, stress corrosion cracking, or environmentally assisted creep fracture may cause premature failure of the copper shield. Of the probable constituents in the groundwater, nitrites, chlorides, sulphides and carbonates have been suggested to promote localised corrosion of copper. The main assumption made in planning this research program is that the surface films forming on copper in the repository environment largely determine the susceptibility of copper to the different forms of localised corrosion. The availability of reactants, which also may become corrosion rate limiting, is investigated in several other research programs. This research program consists of a set of successive projects targeted at characterising the properties of surface films on copper in repository environment containing different detrimental anions. A further aim was to assess the significance of the anion-induced changes in the stability of the oxide films with regard to localised corrosion of copper. This report summarises the results from a series of investigations on properties of surface films forming on copper in water of pH = 8.9 at temperature of 80 deg C and pressure of 2 MPa. The main results gained so far in this research program are as follows: The surface films forming on copper in the thermodynamic stability region of monovalent copper at 80 deg C consist of a bulk part (about 1 mm thick) which is a good ionic and electronic conductor, and an outer, interfacial layer (0.001 - 0.005 mm thick) which shows p-type semiconductor

  6. Study on the corrosion assessment of overpack welds-III (Joint research)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitsui, Hiroyuki; Takahashi, Rieko; Otsuki, Akiyoshi; Asano, Hidekazu; Taniguchi, Naoki; Yui, Mikazu


    There is some possibility that the corrosion resistance of overpack welds is different from that of base metal due to the differences of material properties. In this study, corrosion behavior of welded joint for carbon steel was compared with base metal using the specimens taken from welded joint model fabricated by TIG, MAG and EBW respectively. The corrosion tests were performed for following four items. Passivation behavior and corrosion type. Propagation of general corrosion, pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion under aerobic condition. Stress corrosion cracking susceptibility. Propagation of general corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement under anaerobic condition. The results of these corrosion tests indicated that the corrosion resistance of welded metal by TIG and MAG was inferior to base metal for general corrosion, pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. It was implied that the filler materials used for welding affected the corrosion resistance. No deterioration of corrosion resistance was observed in any corrosion modes for EBW, which does not need filler material. The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of welded metal and heat affected zone was lower than that of base metal. (author)

  7. Stress corrosion in high-strength aluminum alloys (United States)

    Dorward, R. C.; Hasse, K. R.


    Report describes results of stress-corrosion tests on aluminum alloys 7075, 7475, 7050, and 7049. Tests compare performance of original stress-corrosion-resistant (SCR) aluminum, 7075, with newer, higher-strength SCR alloys. Alloys 7050 and 7049 are found superior in short-transverse cross-corrosion resistance to older 7075 alloy; all alloys are subject to self-loading effect caused by wedging of corrosion products in cracks. Effect causes cracks to continue to grow, even at very-low externally applied loads.

  8. Evaluation of corrosion attack of chimney liners

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blahetová M.


    Full Text Available The case study of chimney liner corrosion addresses three specific cases of damage of chimney systems from of stainless steels. These systems were used for flue of gas arising from the combustion of brown coal in small automatic boilers, which are used for heating. Detailed analyzes implied that the cause of devastating corrosion of the steel AISI 316 and 304 steel (CSN 17349, 17241 was particularly high content of halides (chlorides and fluorides, which caused a severe pitting corrosion, which led up to the perforation of the liner material. Simultaneous reduction of the thickness of the used sheets was due to by the general corrosion, which was caused by the sulfur in the solid fuel. The condensation then led to acid environment and therefore the corrosion below the dew point of the sulfuric acid has occurred. All is documented by metallographic analysis and microanalysis of the corrosion products.

  9. Microbially influenced corrosion of stainless steel by marine bacterium Vibrio natriegens: (I) Corrosion behavior

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheng Sha; Tian Jintao [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 (China); Chen Shougang, E-mail: [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 (China); Lei Yanhua; Chang Xueting; Liu Tao [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 (China); Yin Yansheng, E-mail: [Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100 (China)


    The microbially influenced corrosion of stainless steel (SS) by marine bacterium Vibrio natriegens (V. natriegens) was investigated using surface analysis (atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA)) and electrochemical techniques (the open circuit potential, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and potentiodynamic polarization curves ). AFM images corroborated the results from the EIS models which show biofilm attachment and subsequent detachment over time. The SEM images revealed the occurrence of micro-pitting corrosion underneath the biofilms on the metal surface after the biofilm removal. The presence of carbon, oxygen, phosphor and sulfur obtained from EDXA proved the formation of biofilm. The electrochemical results showed that the corrosion of SS was accelerated in the presence of V. natriegens based on the decrease in the resistance of the charge transfer resistance (R{sub ct}) obtained from EIS and the increase in corrosion current densities obtained from potentiodynamic polarization curves.

  10. Electrochemical Corrosion Investigations on Anaerobic Treated Distillery Effluent (United States)

    Ram, Chhotu; Sharma, Chhaya; Singh, A. K.


    Present study is focused on the corrosivity of anaerobic treated distillery effluent and corrosion performance of mild steel and stainless steels. Accordingly, electrochemical polarization tests were performed in both treated distillery and synthetic effluents. Polarization tests were also performed in synthetic solutions and it was observed that Cl- and K+ increase whereas SO4 -, PO4 -, NO3 -, and NO2 - decrease the corrosivity of effluent at alkaline pH. Further, comparison in corrosivity of distillery and synthetic effluents shows the former to be less corrosive and this is assigned due to the presence of amino acids and melanoidins. Mild steel experienced to have the highest corrosion rate followed by stainless steels—304L and 316L and lowest in case of SAF 2205. Relative corrosion resistance of stainless steels is observed to depend upon Cr, Mo, and N content.

  11. Corrosion and Environmental Degradation, 2 Volume Set (United States)

    Schütze, Michael; Cahn, Robert W.; Haasen, Peter; Kramer, E. J.


    Corrosion and corrosion protection is one of most important topics in applied materials science. Corrosion science is not only important from an economic point of view, but, due to its interdisciplinary nature combining metallurgy, materials physics and electrochemistry, it is also of high scientific interest. Nowadays corrosion science even gets new impetus from surface science and polymer chemistry. This two-volume reference work belonging to the well renown series Materials Science and Tehcnology provides the reader with a sound and broad survey on the whole subject - from the fundamentals to the latest research results. Written by a team of international top-experts it will become an indispensable reference for any materials scientist, physicist or chemist involved in corrosion science.

  12. Double shell slurry low-temperature corrosion tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Divine, J.R.; Bowen, W.M.; McPartland, S.A.; Elmore, R.P.; Engel, D.W.


    A series of year-long tests have been completed on potential double shell slurry (DSS) compositions at temperatures up to 100 0 C. These tests have sought data on uniform corrosion, pitting, and stress-corrosion cracking. No indication of the latter two types of corrosion were observed within the test matrix. Corrosion rates after four months were generally below the 1 mpy (25 μm/y) design limit. By the end of twelve months all results were below this limit and, except for very concentrated mixtures, all were below 0.5 mpy. Prediction equations were generated from a model fitted to the data. The equations provide a rapid means of estimating the corrosion rate for proposed DSS compositions

  13. Corrosion Performance of Inconel 625 in High Sulphate Content (United States)

    Ismail, Azzura


    Inconel 625 (UNS N06625) is a type of nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with excellent corrosion resistance in a wide range of corrosive media, being especially resistant to pitting and crevice corrosion. However, in aggressive environment, Inconel 625 will suffer corrosion attack like other metals. This research compared the corrosion performance of Inconel 625 when exposed to higher sulphate content compared to real seawater. The results reveal that Inconel 625 is excellent in resist the corrosion attack in seawater. However, at increasing temperature, the corrosion resistance of this metal decrease. The performance is same in seawater with high sulphate content at increasing temperature. It can be concluded that sulphate promote perforation on Inconel 625 and become aggressive agents that accelerate the corrosion attack.

  14. Flow-induced corrosion behavior of absorbable magnesium-based stents. (United States)

    Wang, Juan; Giridharan, Venkataraman; Shanov, Vesselin; Xu, Zhigang; Collins, Boyce; White, Leon; Jang, Yongseok; Sankar, Jagannathan; Huang, Nan; Yun, Yeoheung


    The aim of this work was to study corrosion behavior of magnesium (Mg) alloys (MgZnCa plates and AZ31 stents) under varied fluid flow conditions representative of the vascular environment. Experiments revealed that fluid hydrodynamics, fluid flow velocity and shear stress play essential roles in the corrosion behavior of absorbable magnesium-based stent devices. Flow-induced shear stress (FISS) accelerates the overall corrosion (including localized, uniform, pitting and erosion corrosions) due to the increased mass transfer and mechanical force. FISS increased the average uniform corrosion rate, the localized corrosion coverage ratios and depths and the removal rate of corrosion products inside the corrosion pits. For MgZnCa plates, an increase of FISS results in an increased pitting factor but saturates at an FISS of ∼0.15Pa. For AZ31 stents, the volume loss ratio (31%) at 0.056Pa was nearly twice that (17%) at 0Pa before and after corrosion. Flow direction has a significant impact on corrosion behavior as more severe pitting and erosion corrosion was observed on the back ends of the MgZnCa plates, and the corrosion product layer facing the flow direction peeled off from the AZ31 stent struts. This study demonstrates that flow-induced corrosion needs be understood so that Mg-based stents in vascular environments can be effectively designed. Copyright © 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Corrosion of reinforcement induced by environment containing ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    carbonation and chlorides causing corrosion of steel reinforcement. ... interesting and important when the evaluation of the service life of the ... preferably in the areas of industrial and transport activities. ... For controlling the embedded corrosion sensors, elec- .... danger of corrosion of reinforcement seems to be more.

  16. Topical problems of corrosion research for nuclear power purposes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eremias, B.


    Currently, research is focused on stress corrosion, intergranular corrosion, corrosion in water and steam, hydrogen-induced corrosion and corrosion in liquid sodium. The effort to limit stress corrosion resulted in the application of high nickel content austenitic steels. In these steels, the susceptibility to stress corrosion is mainly affected by previous heat treatment and the presence of chloride ions. Attention is also paid to medium and high-alloy chromium steels and susceptibility is studied to intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion. Of low-alloy steels the 21/4Cr-1Mo type steels stabilized with Nb or nonstabilized are studied with respect to decarburization kinetics and changes in mechanical properties in the presence of hydrogen. Of nonferrous metals zirconium alloys are studied used as cladding materials for fuel elements, mainly Zircaloy 2 and 4, with regard to their resistance to high-temperature oxidation, high-pressure steam action, etc. (J.F.)

  17. Archaeological analogs and corrosion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    David, D.


    In the framework of the high level and long life radioactive wastes disposal deep underground, the ANDRA built a research program on the material corrosion. In particular they aim to design containers for a very long time storage. Laboratory experiments are in progress and can be completed by the analysis of metallic archaeological objects and their corrosion after hundred years. (A.L.B.)

  18. Testing and prediction of erosion-corrosion for corrosion resistant alloys used in the oil and gas production industry (United States)

    Rincon, Hernan E.

    The corrosion behavior of CRAs has been thoroughly investigated and documented in the public literature by many researchers; however, little work has been done to investigate erosion-corrosion of such alloys. When sand particles are entrained in the flow, the degradation mechanism is different from that observed for sand-free corrosive environment. There is a need in the oil and gas industry to define safe service limits for utilization of such materials. The effects of flow conditions, sand rate, pH and temperature on the erosion-corrosion of CRAs were widely studied. An extensive experimental work was conducted using scratch tests and flow loop tests using several experimental techniques. At high erosivity conditions, a synergistic effect between erosion and corrosion was observed. Under the high sand rate conditions tested, erosivity is severe enough to damage the passive layer protecting the CRA thereby enhancing the corrosion rate. In most cases there is likely a competition between the rates of protective film removal due to mechanical erosion and protective film healing. Synergism occurs for each of the three alloys examined (13Cr and Super13Cr and 22Cr); however, the degree of synergism is quite different for the three alloys and may not be significant for 22Cr for field conditions where erosivities are typically much lower that those occurring in the small bore loop used in this research. Predictions of the corrosion component of erosion-corrosion based on scratch test data compared reasonably well to test results from flow loops for the three CRAs at high erosivity conditions. Second order behavior appears to be an appropriate and useful model for representing the repassivation process of CRAs. A framework for a procedure to predict penetration rates for erosion-corrosion conditions was developed based on the second order model behavior observed for the re-healing process of the passive film of CRAs and on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations

  19. Assessing corrosion in oil refining and petrochemical processing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Randy C. John


    Full Text Available This paper summarizes the development of an information system used to manage corrosion of metals and alloys by high temperature gases found in many different oil refining, petrochemical, power generation, and chemical processes. The database currently represents about 7.9 million h of exposure time for about 5,500 tests with 89 commercial alloys for a temperature range of 200 - 1,200°C. The system manages corrosion data from well-defined exposures and determines corrosion product stabilities. New models used in the analysis of thermochemical data for the Fe-Ni-Cr-Co-C-O-S-N-H system are being compiled. All known phases based upon combinations of the elements have been analyzed to allow complete assessments of corrosion product stabilities. Use of these data allows prediction of stable corrosion products and hence identification of the possible dominant corrosion mechanisms. The system has the potential to be used in corrosion research, alloy development, failure analysis, lifetime prediction, and process operations evaluations. The corrosion mechanisms emphasized are oxidation, sulfidation, sulfidation/oxidation, and carburization.

  20. Steel corrosion in radioactive waste storage tanks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carranza, Ricardo M.; Giordano, Celia M.; Saenz, E.; Weier, Dennis R.


    A collaborative study is being conducted by CNEA and USDOE (Department of Energy of the United States of America) to investigate the effects of tank waste chemistry on radioactive waste storage tank corrosion. Radioactive waste is stored in underground storage tanks that contain a combination of salts, consisting primarily of sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite and sodium hydroxide. The USDOE, Office of River Protection at the Hanford Site, has identified a need to conduct a laboratory study to better understand the effects of radioactive waste chemistry on the corrosion of waste storage tanks at the Hanford Site. The USDOE science need (RL-WT079-S Double-Shell Tanks Corrosion Chemistry) called for a multi year effort to identify waste chemistries and temperatures within the double-shell tank (DST) operating limits for corrosion control and operating temperature range that may not provide the expected corrosion protection and to evaluate future operations for the conditions outside the existing corrosion database. Assessment of corrosion damage using simulated (non-radioactive) waste is being made of the double-shell tank wall carbon steel alloy. Evaluation of the influence of exposure time, and electrolyte composition and/or concentration is being also conducted. (author) [es