
Sample records for corderos post destete


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    Jaime Arroyo Ledezma


    Full Text Available El estudio se realizó con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de la restricción del contacto hembra-cordero en la duración del anestro posparto. Se utilizaron 28 ovejas Pelibuey adultas con sus crías. Un día después del parto, las hembras se asignaron aleatoriamente a dos condiciones de manejo. Amamantamiento restringido a 17 h/día (RS; n=17 ovejas; n=21 corderos, separación oveja-cría por 7 h/día (8:00 a 15:00 h. Amamantamiento continuo (US; n=11 ovejas; n=13 corderos, contacto e interacción oveja-cordero 24 h/día. Se colectaron muestras sanguíneas en las ovejas, del parto a los 105 días posparto y se determinó la concentración de progesterona por radioinmunoanálisis. Las ovejas y los corderos se pesaron cada 15 días y se registró la mortalidad durante el experimento. El intervalo parto - primera ovulación en las hembras, se analizó con un ANOVA; el peso al destete y la ganancia diaria de peso en los corderos se evaluaron con un Análisis de Covarianza y los cambios de peso en las hembras con un análisis multivariado para mediciones repetidas en el tiempo. La proporción de hembras ovulando a los 105 d posparto y la mortalidad de los corderos se evaluaron con una prueba de x2. El anestro posparto en RS (83.2 + 5.5 días fue mayor (P


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    Rafael Julio Macedo Barragán


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio en Tecomán, Colima, México con el objetivo de determinar la influencia del sistema de producción (intensivo, extensivo, de la época del año (lluvias, secas y del sexo (macho, hembra sobre la mortalidad neonatal de corderos Pelibuey. En ambos sistemas productivos se registró la causa de muerte, el sexo de la cría y la época del año durante la cual ocurrió y se determinaron los factores de riesgo de mortalidad neonatal por medio de Regresión Logística. Adicionalmente se determinó la prevalencia por causas mortalidad para las variables sistema de producción, época del año y sexo, mismos que fueron comparados por medio de pruebas Z para proporciones. La tasa de mortalidad en el sistema extensivo fue del 30.96% mientras que en el intensivo fue 4.61%. La principal causa de mortalidad fue el síndrome de inanición-exposición con una prevalencia del 20.36 y del 3.41% en el sistema extensivo e intensivo respectivamente con una baja prevalencia de pérdidas por enfermedades infecciosas. Los corderos nacidos en el sistema de producción extensivo presentaron 9.75 veces más probabilidades de morir antes del destete que aquellos nacidos en un sistema intensivo, mientras que los corderos nacidos en la época de secas y los machos tuvieron un 0.69 y un 0.68 más posibilidades de morir que aquellos nacidos durante la época de lluvias y las hembras respectivamente. No se observó efecto entre sexos o entre época del año sobre las distintas causas de mortalidad en ninguno de los dos sistemas de producción estudiados.

  3. International Commercial Contracts, by Giuditta Cordero Moss. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)

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    Lando, Ole


    Review of: Giuditta Cordero Moss, International Commercial Contracts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. XV + 329 pages. ISBN: 9781107684713......Review of: Giuditta Cordero Moss, International Commercial Contracts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. XV + 329 pages. ISBN: 9781107684713...


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    Gina Torres


    Full Text Available La maduración de la carne es causadapor reacciones metabólicas que producencambios en su calidad, mejorando las característicasorganolépticas como la terneza,la jugosidad y el color. El presenteestudio tuvo como objetivo encontrarlos cambios producidos en las proteínassarcoplasmáticas y miofibrilares durantela instauración del rigor mortis y lamaduración en carne de cordero semiestabulado(AS y cordero alimentado porpastoreo (AP. Para tal fin se tomaronmuestras del músculo Longissimus dorside corderos de raza Dorper x criollo ¾de diez semanas de edad. Las proteínassarcoplasmáticas se extrajeron con aguay solución salina diluida, y las proteínasmiofibrilares con solución salina concentrada.La cuantificación se hizo por elmétodo de Bradford y la separación porelectroforesis SDS-PAGE.En las proteínas sarcoplasmáticas seobservó la aparición de una banda de146 kDa a los cinco y trece días paralos corderos AS y AP, respectivamente.En las proteínas miofibrilares se encontróevidencia del rigor mortis a las 16h y una intensificación drástica de unabanda de 28 kDa a las 16 h en el corderoAS. Esta banda también se observóen el cordero AP a las 14 h. En todoel proceso se pudo ver la degradacióngradual de la DESMINA, ACTINA YTROPONINA T.

  5. Efecto del estrés asociado al destete sobre variables Clínico-Patológicas  y la integridad de la mucosa gástrica en Potros Pura Sangre de Carrera


    Chacón, Tony C.; Zerpa, Héctor; Cova, Francisco J.; Campos, Gerardo J


    El destete en los caballos Pura Sangre de carreras (PSC), se realiza regularmente a los seis meses de edad. Esta medida de manejo puede conllevar al desarrollo de estrés post-destete, con todos los potenciales efectos deletéreos que éste puede originar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar el efecto de dos tipos de destete sobre variables clínico-patológicas y hallazgos gastroscópicos, como indicadores de estrés en potros PSC. Se seleccionaron al azar doce potros de seis meses de edad, ...


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    Gustavo Ossa S


    Full Text Available Fueron analizados 1877 datos del peso al destete de terneros de la raza Romosinuano, relativos al período1980 a 2001. El peso medio al destete fue de 182,88 ± 0,67 kg, con una desviación estándar de 29,35kg y un coeficiente de variación del 16,02%. Los efectos del año, mes de nacimiento, el número del partoy el sexo del ternero, influyeron significativamente en el peso al destete. La heredabilidad estimada parael peso al destete según el efecto directo fue de 0,14 ± 0,05 y para el efecto materno fue de 0,12 ± 0,03.

  7. Estudio comparativo de tres aditivos zootécnicos en el comportamiento productivo y sanitario de cerdos en el período post-destete

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    Luis Gerardo Flores-Mancheno


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar el efecto de tres aditivos (dos probióticos y un antibiótico en el comportamiento productivo y la salud de cerdos en el período post- destete. Para esto se utilizaron 120 cerdos castrados, del cruce Landrace x Large White con padre Blanco Belga x Pietrain, de 28 d de edad y 6,87 kg, distribuidos en tres grupos experimentales según diseño completamente aleatorizado con cuatro repeticiones cada uno. Los tratamientos (T evaluados fueron: 1 kg de virginiamicina al 2% por tonelada de alimento (T1, 1 kg de probiótico con Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis y enzimas digestivas por tonelada de alimento (T2 y 15 mL de preparado ecuatoriano con bacterias lácticas, levaduras y enzimas por kg de peso vivo (PV de los animales (T3. En este último grupo fue donde se obtuvo el mayor peso vivo final (25,85 kg, P<0.0001 y la mejor ganancia de peso total (18,97 kg, P<0.0001 y diaria (451,75 g/d, P<0.0001. También, para el mismo grupo se encontraron las conversiones de materia seca, proteína bruta y energía metabolizable más eficientes (1,52 kg/kg de PV; 381,57 g/kg de PV y 22,99 MJ/kg de PV, respectivamente. El porcentaje de animales con diarreas difirió (P<0,0001 entre el grupo que recibió la virginiamicina (50,61% y los aditivos microbianos (27,98% y 21,39%, sin diferencias entre estos últimos. Se concluye que los aditivos microbianos mejoran el comportamiento productivo y sanitario de cerdos en post-destete con respecto a la virginiamicina, y este efecto fue mayor con el preparado microbiano ecuatoriano.

  8. Prácticas de destete ventilatorio en las unidades de cuidado intensivo de la ciudad de Cali

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    Vilma Muñoz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El destete temprano de la ventilación mecánica es uno de los objetivos primordiales en el manejo del paciente crítico. Existen diversas técnicas y parámetros de medida para realizarlo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir las prácticas del destete ventilatorio en unidades de cuidado intensivo adulto en la ciudad de Cali. Métodos: Una encuesta de 32 preguntas; algunas de múltiple escogencia, que evaluaron las prácticas del destete, fue distribuida entre los fisioterapeutas y terapeutas respiratorios que trabajaban en unidades de cuidado intensivo, para ser respondida de forma anónima. Resultados: La estrategia más frecuente para el registro de parámetros fue la combinación de presión positiva continua con presión de soporte (78%, con gran variabilidad en los niveles de presión, siendo el rango más frecuente de 6 a 8cmH2O. Los parámetros de destete más registrados fueron: el volumen corriente (92,6%, la frecuencia respiratoria (93,3% y la saturación de oxígeno (90,4%. El tiempo de espera más frecuente para el registro de los parámetros fue >15 minutos (40%. Las medidas se realizaron preferentemente con el display del ventilador. Conclusion: Existe una gran variabilidad sobre los métodos y la medición de los parámetros de destete ventilatorio. El método más utilizado fue presión positiva continua en la vía aérea más presión de soporte y los parámetros de destete más usados fueron la medición del volumen corriente y la frecuencia respiratoria.

  9. Comportamiento productivo y características de la canal en corderos provenientes de la cruza de ovejas Katahdin con machos de cuatro razas cárnicas especializadas

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    Edith Tatiana Vázquez Soria


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el desempeño productivo y las características de la canal en corderos procedentes de la cruza de borregas Katahdin (K con sementales Suffolk (S, Texel (T, Charollais (Ch y Dorper (D. Se emplearon 200 borregas que se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en cuatro lotes de 50, las cuales fueron inseminadas por laparoscopía con semenfresco. Las crías se pesaron al nacimiento, destete y cada 30 días hasta la matanza. Todos los animales recibieron una dieta integral con 14 % de proteína cruda (PC y 2.9 Mcal EM/kg MS. A los 137±3 días de edad, se sacrificaron 10 corderos de cada tratamiento para valorar en la canal la morfométría, la clasificación, el rendimiento, el pH 24 h, el color en músculo y grasa perirrenal, así como el índice de compacidad de la canal y las dimensiones del músculo L. dorsi. Además, se determinó la composición tisular de la espaldilla. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron como un diseño completamente al azar. Los animales KCh lograron el mayor peso de matanza (46.61±8.50 kg a los 137 días de edad, seguidos por la cruza KD, KS y KT en orden descendente. No se presentaron diferencias (P>0.05 entre KCh, KD y KS en la clasificación, conformación, rendimiento, área del ojo de chuleta e índice de compacidad de la canal, pero todos ellos superaron (P<0.05 a KT en esas mismas variables. Las cruzas KD, KS y KT presentaron mayor porcentaje de músculo (64.72±1.77 % y menor cantidad de grasa (13.83±2.80 % en promedio (P<0.05 que KCh (61.07±2.60 y 18.10±3.30 %, respectivamente.

  10. Descripción de los sistemas intensivos de engorda de corderos en Yucatán, México

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    Germani Adrián Muñoz-Osorio


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue describir los sistemas intensivos de engorda de corderos en el Estado de Yucatán, México. El estudio se desarrolló de marzo a junio de 2013. Se aplicó una encuesta a productores o responsables de 34 granjas, seleccionadas por conveniencia. La información fue analizada a través de tablas de frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central y análisis de varianza obtenidos con el paquete estadístico STATGRAPHICS® Centurion XV. Los resultados mostraron que los sistemas intensivos de engorda de corderos se diferencian básicamente por dos tipos de alojamiento: a corrales a nivel del suelo (SICS y b corrales elevados con piso de rejilla (SICE. Los genotipos están formados por la cruza de razas Pelibuey, Dorper y Katahdin, principalmente (93.94 %. La alimentación se basa en la utilización de concentrados de marcas comerciales (47.06 %, elaborados en la granja (47.06 % y elaborados por proveedores informales (5.88 %. El manejo sanitario consiste en la vacunación (79.41 % y desparasitación de los animales (100 %. Se encontró, un mejor comportamiento productivo de los corderos de engorda en SICE comparado con aquellos de SICS. La venta de corderos en pie (91.18 % es la principal fuente de ingresos económicos, con un precio de $29.75/kg. La mayoría de los productores (67.65 % comercializan a sus animales en la unidad de producción. Es necesario hacer una evaluación prospectiva de los SICE y los SICS desde el punto de vista productivo y económico.


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    Jhon Cañas Á


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estimar los componentes de varianza genético aditivo directo y materno para peso al destete en ganado criollo Blanco Orejinegro (BON. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 356 registros entre los años 1988 al 2007, del núcleo de animales BON puro de la hacienda Vegas de la Clara de la Universidad de Antioquia. El análisis fue realizado utilizando un modelo animal incluyendo los efectos fijos de sexo y época de destete, y como covariable la edad al destete y los efectos aleatorios genético directo, genético materno, ambiente permanente y residual. Resultados. El peso promedio al destete fue de 196.3 ± 31.4 kg, a una edad promedio de 271.8 ± 13.5 días. Se encontraron 21 animales endogámicos con un coeficiente de endogamia de 24.5%. La heredabilidad directa y materna fueron de 0.63 ± 0.36 y 0.22 ± 0.19 con una correlación entre el efecto directo y el materno de -0.78 ± 0.21. Conclusión. De acuerdo a los resultados, existe variabilidad genética en el núcleo BON para esta característica.

  12. Realización de un protocolo en el proceso de destete en pacientes sometidos a ventilación mecánica asistida


    Amo Simón, Sofía del


    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) sobre el establecimiento de un protocolo para el destete de los pacientes sometidos a ventilación mecánica invasiva consta de una introducción y un desarrollo acerca del tema de la ventilación mecánica invasiva y el proceso de retirada progresiva de la misma, también conocido como destete o “weaning”, para establecer el protocolo, objetivo final de este trabajo. La ventilación mecánica invasiva es uno de los procedimientos más emplea...

  13. Efecto del peso al sacrificio sobre la calidad de la canal y de la carne de corderos Corriedale puros y cruza Effect of live weight at slaughter on carcass and meat quality in pure Corriedale and crossbred lambs


    G Bianchi; G Garibotto; O Feed; O Bentancur; J Franco


    Se estudió el efecto del peso al sacrificio (45 corderos livianos: 22,3 ± 2,8 kg y 60 ± 2,4 días de edad y 21 corderos pesados: 43,1 ± 6,3 kg de peso vivo y 169 ± 8,9 días de edad) sobre la calidad de la canal y de la carne de 24 hembras, 23 machos criptórquidos y 19 corderos castrados Corriedale puros (n= 21), Hampshire Down x Corriedale (n= 23) y Southdown x Corriedale (n= 22). El peso al sacrificio afectó (P=0,05) todas las características de la canal evaluadas. Los corderos pesados presen...

  14. Cordero de Dios: el sacrificio, la justicia y el retorno de lo reprimido

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    Pablo Ortemberg


    Full Text Available 1. Cordero de Dios (Agnus Dei, en Francia es un drama familiar que se presenta indisociable del drama histórico argentino. Guillermina, una joven de 30 años, recibe el llamado de los secuestradores de su querido abuelo Arturo, un veterinario todavía en actividad. En la Argentina del 2002, donde los estragos de la crisis provocaron, entre otras cosas, un aumento de la criminalización, las razones del secuestro son puramente económicas. Guillermina pide a su madre, Teresa, que regrese de Parí...

  15. Factores asociados al destete precoz

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    Georgina Peraza Roque


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio descriptivo y transversal a 91 niños nacidos entre el 1ro de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 1993, en los 14 consultorios del médico de la familia, pertenecientes a un Grupo Básico de trabajo, del Policlínico Docente "Antonio Maceo" del municipio Cerro, en la Ciudad de La Habana. Se analizaron factores biopsicosociales relacionados con la madre y con el niño. Se confeccionó la base de datos mediante el programa Foxplus, realizándose comparaciones de media y se empleó el método comparativo de los porcentajes. Predominó el destete precoz en niños nacidos con bajo peso, hijos de madres estudiantes o amas de casa, con nivel de información sobre la lactancia materna bajo; la hipogalactia y "el niño que no se llena" fueron las causas más frecuentes de abandono.A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 91 children that were born between January, 1991, and December, 1993, at 14 family physicians´ offices corresponding to the Basic Working Group of the "Antonio Maceo" Teaching Polyclinic in Cerro municipality, Havana City, was conducted. Biopsychosocial factors related to the mother and the child were analyzed. The data base was made by the Foxplus program. Mean comparisons were also made and the comparative method of percentages was used. Early weaning predominated in children with low birth weight, and in children of student mothers or housewives with low level of information about lactation. The commonest causes for giving up breast feeding were hypogalactia and the fact that "the child is not fully satisfied".

  16. Lactancia materna, destete y ablactación: una encuesta en comunidades rurales de México

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las prevalencias de lactancia humana, uso de leches industrializadas y ablactación así como los factores asociados a la falta de alimentación al seno materno y al destete temprano. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal realizado por pasantes de medicina en Servicio Social en 222 localidades rurales de México, mediante entrevistas estructuradas en 5 409 familias con niños menores de un año. Resultados. Las proporciones de niños que nunca recibieron lactancia al seno materno fueron: en la zona norte (N de 21.4%; en la centro (C de 7.6% y la sur (S de 5.3%. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia al seno materno, ésta continuó en forma exclusiva o mixta hasta el tercer trimestre de vida en 35.6% (N, 67.6% (C y 77.5% (S; en el segundo trimestre de vida ya habían sido ablactados 67.2% (N, 40.9% (C y 51.6% (S. En la región N se encontró que la falta de alimentación al seno materno se asoció con la atención médica del parto, madres con escolaridad mínima de primaria o con menos de cuatro hijos, casa con piso de material permanente, dos o más enseres domésticos mayores y que el sostén económico no fuera el padre. El destete temprano se asoció con los mismos factores, incluyendo que el niño estuviera al cuidado de una persona distinta a la madre, la lactancia artificial decidida por los padres o por recomendación médica, la ablactación temprana y el uso de servicios médicos de seguridad social y/o privados. Conclusiones. La alimentación con sucedáneos de la leche y el destete temprano son propios de familias pequeñas, con mayor educación materna, mejores condiciones de la vivienda y la influencia de los médicos, sobre todo en el norte del país. Además, la ablactación se efectúa antes del segundo semestre de vida, por lo que es recomendable elaborar programas que promuevan la alimentación al seno materno y la ablactación correcta en la población infantil de las comunidades rurales de México.

  17. Caracterización del sacrificio de corderos de pelo a partir de cruces con razas criollas colombianas

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    William Albarracín H.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto genético del cruce de corderos Dorper con razas criollas colombianas, tiempo de ayuno y aturdimiento sobre los rendimientos del sacrificio; niveles de glucosa como medida de estrés y pH como calidad de la canal. Materiales y métodos. Se emplearon 60 corderos raza Dorper X criollo criados en pastoreo y semi-estabulación con 10 semanas de edad. Se aplicaron 3 tiempos de ayuno (6, 12 y 18 horas y 2 métodos de aturdimiento (electronarcosis y perno cautivo penetrante, evaluando los rendimientos de canal por pesaje de canales; glucosa en muestras antemortem y postmortem. Resultados. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el efecto combinado de ayuno y sistema de cría influencian los rendimientos de canal y subproductos. A tiempos prolongados de ayuno se aumenta la concentración de glucosa en sangre, aunque el tiempo de ayuno incide sobre el pH último. El efecto del aturdimiento, solo se presenta en el cambio de pH durante 24 horas, siendo un efecto de estimulación eléctrica por parte de la electronarcosis. Los animales de raza Dorper x criollo criados en sistema de pastoreo, presentaron mejores rendimientos en canal, pero menores porcentajes de vísceras blancas y rojas. Conclusiones. El porcentaje medio de rendimiento en canal es similar a los presentados en razas puras Dorper siendo viable y comparable este tipo de cruce.

  18. Comportamiento productivo y reproductivo al parto y al destete en cerdas de siete líneas genéticas

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    Carlos Alberto García-Munguía


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos de línea genética (LG, número de parto (NP y sala de parto (S en el tamaño de la camada nacida viva (TCNV, el número de lechones nacidos muertos por camada (LNM, e l tamaño de la camada al nacimiento (TCN y al destete (TCD, los pesos de la camada al nacimiento (PCN y al destete (PCD, el consumo diario de alimento de la cerda (CDA y las pérdidas de peso (PPL y grasa dorsal (PGD de la cerda en la lactancia. Además de los efectos fijos LG, NP y S, el modelo incluyó las covariables TCN para PCN y TCD para PCD. Se encontraron diferencias ( P< 0.0026 entre LG para TCN, TCNV, LNM y CDA. El NP sólo fue significativo ( P <0.0001 para CDA, S sólo lo fue ( P< 0.0380 para LNM. Las cerdas de tres o más partos tuvieron mayor CDA (4.5 ± 0.2 kg que las de primero o segundo partos (3.4 ± 0.2 kg. Se requiere reforzar la atención al parto y dura nte la lactancia para reducir la muerte de lechones al parto y en la lactancia; así como evitar que la cerda pierda d emasiado peso y grasa dorsal con el fin de reducir el deterioro del comportamiento productivo y reproductivo postd estete.


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    Gladis Morales-Terán


    Full Text Available Se determinó el efecto del amamantamiento y del efecto macho sobre la duración del anestro posparto en ovejas Pelibuey y sobre el peso corporal de éstas y sus crías. Siete días después del parto 56 ovejas adultas y sus crías fueron asignadas al azar a los tratamientos: T1 Amamantamiento continuo (CS; n=14; T2 Amamantamiento controlado (RS; n=14; T3 Amamantamiento continuo con carnero (CSR; n=14; y T4 Amamantamiento controlado con carnero (RSR; n=14. Un carnero con mandil fue introducido con las ovejas del día 7 al 60 posparto por 30 min dos veces al día. El peso corporal de ovejas y corderos se registró semanalmente del parto al destete. El porcentaje de ovulación en los primeros 60 días posparto fue mayor en RSR (100 %; P ≤ 0.05 que en RS, CSR y CS (57.1, 64.8 y 35.7 %, respectivamente. El control del amamantamiento redujo (P ≤ 0.05 el intervalo parto-primera ovulación (ILFO en RSR (42.07±2.8 días con respecto a RS, CSR y CS (51.07±3.24, 50.50±3.26 y 56.71±1.73 días, respectivamente. No hubo diferencias (P > 0.05 en peso corporal de ovejas y corderos. La interacción amamantamiento controlado-efecto macho aumentó el porcentaje de ovulación antes del día 60 posparto y redujo el ILFO, sin afectar el peso corporal de ovejas y corderos.

  20. Fatores que contribuem para o desmame precoce Factores que contribuyen para el destete precoz Factors that contribute to early weaning

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    Mirella Teixeira Joca


    Full Text Available A interrupção prematura da amamentação pode acarretar perigos, pois os alimentos a serem utilizados são inadequados do ponto de vista nutricional, além de expor a criança a organismos infecciosos. Torna-se relevante investigar os fatores relacionados ao desmame precoce. Pesquisa exploratória e quantitativa, realizada no Centro de Desenvolvimento da Família (CEDEFAM, no período de maio a junho/2003, com 20 nutrizes, no qual foi aplicado um questionário contendo 12 questões sobre os motivos que as levaram a desmamarem precocemente. Os resultados foram agrupados em três segmentos: fatores de desmame relacionados com o perfil; a assistência pré-natal e o parto; e prática do aleitamento materno, e apresentados em forma de tabelas. Concluímos que os profissionais e a sociedade podem não estar preparados para favorecer a mulher no exercício da amamentação. Enquanto isso, a política de saúde não cria condições para que todos tenham acesso à educação, melhoria de renda e conscientização do planejamento familiar.La interrupción precoz del destete puede resultar en peligros, pues los alimentos utilizados son considerados por los nuticionistas como inadecuados, además de exponer al niño a organismos infecciosos. Es muy importante investigar los factores relacionados al desmame. Investigación exploratoria y cuantitativa, realizada en una Unidad de Desarrollo de la Família (CEDEFAM, en el período de mayo hasta junio/2003, con 20 nutrices, cuando fue aplicado un cuestionardo com 12 cuestiones sobre los motivos que que las llevaron al destete precoz. Los resultados fueron agrupados en tres segmentos: factores de destete relacionados con el perfil; la asistencia prenatal y el parto; y práctica de la amamantación materna, y presentados en forma de tabelas. Concluimos que los profesionales y la sociedad pueden no estar preparados para faborecer la mujer en amamantación. Mientras eso ocurre, la política de salud no crea

  1. Feeding Dry Olive Cake Modifies Subcutaneous Fat Composition in Lambs, Noting Cake Resistance to Degradation and Peroxidation Alimentación con Alperujo Modifica la Composición de Grasa Subcutánea en Corderos, con una Nota en la Resistencia del Alperujo a Degradación y Peroxidación

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    Raúl Vera


    Full Text Available The purpose of this experiment was to determine the extent to which lamb carcass quality and fat composition could be altered by applying a dry olive cake-based ration instead of a conventional ration or pasture feeding. Three treatments were compared in a completely randomized experiment using 36 single male Suffolk Down lambs with an initial age and live weight of 80 d and 25 kg, respectively. The three treatments were: (a suckling lambs kept with their mothers on annual Mediterranean grassland (GRAZE; (b weaned stall-fed lambs on a control ration (CONC; and (c weaned stall-fed lambs on an olive cake-based ration (CAKE. At the end of the 28-d experimental period, lambs were slaughtered, carcass quality evaluated, and samples of subcutaneous fat analyzed for fatty acids. Treatments did not differ in weight gain or carcass weight and quality, but highly significant differences were found in several fatty acid contents. CAKE animals had reduced palmitic acid as well as increased oleic and stearic acid contents. Atherogenic and thrombogenic indices improved with cake feeding. Principal component and discriminant analyses clearly differentiated treatments suggesting they could be applicable for traceability purposes. A laboratory experiment demonstrated that with or without added vitamin E, the dry olive cake did not alter its lipid properties with increased storage time.El propósito del experimento aquí reportado fue determinar en qué grado se puede modificar la composición y calidad de la carcasa de corderos con el suministro de una ración basada en el alperujo de oliva, en comparación con una ración convencional o con el pastoreo directo. Se compararon tres tratamientos usando un diseño completamente al azar con 36 corderos machos Suffolk Down de partos únicos, y con edad y peso inicial de 80 d y 25 kg, respectivamente. Los tres tratamientos consistieron en; (a corderos lactantes mantenidos con sus madres en una pastura anual de tipo

  2. Composición de leche de vacas Criollo, Guzerat y sus cruzas F1 y su relación con el peso al destete de las crías

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    Guillermo Martínez Velázquez


    Full Text Available Se utilizaron 619 registros productivos generados entre 2001 y 2003 por vacas Guzerat (G, Criollo (C, Guzerat x Criollo (GC y Criollo x Guzerat (CG. Las variables estudiadas fueron porcentaje de grasa (%G, proteína (%P, lactosa (%L y sólidos no grasos (%SNG contenidos en la leche y kilogramos de grasa (GP, proteína (PP, lactosa (LP y sólidos no grasos (SNGP producidos por lactancia. También se evaluaron peso al nacer (PN y peso al destete ajustado a 210 días de edad (PA210 y se estimaron efectos genéticos directos, maternos, de heterosis y la relación entre componentes de la leche y PA210. Para %G, %P, %L, %SNG, GP, PP, LP y SNGP los modelos incluyeron los efectos fijos de grupo genético de la vaca (GEN, número de parto (NP, año de parto (A, época de parto (E, días posparto (D e interacciones de dos factores (F. Para PN y PA210 los modelos incluyeron GEN, NP, A, E y F. Se estimaron correlaciones residuales entre componentes de la leche y PA210. Heterosis fue importante (P<0.05 para GP (5.07+1.9 kg, PP (4.97+1.5 kg, LP (7.04+2.1 kg, SNGP (13.48+3.8 kg, PN (-1.30+0.6 kg y PA210 (12.65+4.2 kg. Los efectos genéticos directos para LP, SNGP, PN y PA210 fueron favorables (P<0.05 a G en 11.08+3.7, 16.98+6.6, 3.80+1.1 y 37.60+7.6 kg. Se detectaron correlaciones importantes (P<0.05 de PA210 con GP (0.16, LP (0.21 y SNGP (0.19. Las correlaciones sugieren que la cantidad de componentes en la leche fue importante para determinar el peso al destete de los becerros.

  3. Revisitando o desmame precoce através de recortes da história Revisando el destete precoz a través de recortes de la historia Revisiting early weaning through historical analysis

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    Sueli Mutsumi Tsukuda Ichisato


    Full Text Available A ação básica de saúde requer estratégia direcionada quanto à tomada de consciência da importância do aleitamento materno, principalmente para redução da morbi-mortalidade infantil. A história da amamentação mostra um hiato sobre como os povos lidaram com o desmame precoce. Objetiva-se, neste estudo, revisitar o desmame precoce através de recortes históricos. A revisão bibliográfica foi a estratégia utilizada para este estudo. A amostra constou de livros, monografias, teses, dissertações, textos publicados em revistas científicas e artigos captados via Internet, no período de 1978 a 1998, os quais retratam histórias desde a época mitológica até os séculos atuais. A revisão apontou que o desmame é sócio-culturalmente construído e determinado e que a mulher, para manter o aleitamento materno, necessita não só de suporte/apoio familiar e social, mas também governamental.La acción básica de salud requiere estrategias dirigidas hacia la toma de conciencia de la importancia del amamantamiento materno principalmente para la disminución de la morbi-mortalidad infantil. La historia del amamantamiento muestra un vacío acerca de cómo los pueblos lidiaron con el destete precoz. El presente estudio pretende revisar el destete precoz a través de recortes históricos. La revisión bibliográfica fue la estrategia utilizada para el estudio. La muestra estuvo compuesta por libros, monografías, tesis, disertaciones, textos publicados en las revistas científicas capturados a través de Internet en el periodo de 1978 a 1998, los cuales retratan la historia desde la época mitológica hasta los siglos más actuales. La revisión mostró que el destete es socialmente construido y determinado y que la mujer para mantener la lactancia materna necesita no solo de soporte familiar y social si no también del apoyo gubernamental.Basic health actions require strategies towards awareness development concerning the importance of

  4. Relación entre el consumo de frituras y estado nutricional en niños y niñas menores de cinco años que asisten al Centro de Desarrollo Infantil Gregorio Cordero Crespo de la ciudad de Azogues


    Aguirre, María


    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la relación entre el consumo de frituras y estado nutricional en un grupo de niños y niñas menores de cinco años matriculados en el Centro de Desarrollo Infantil (CDI) Gregorio Cordero Crespo de la ciudad de Azogues. En el estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, participaron 63 niños y niñas menores de cinco años (36 niños y 27 niñas). En el CDI no existió a la fecha de evaluación niños con desnutrición, el 92.1% presentó un estado nutricional normal, ...

  5. Heterosis para el peso y la ganancia de peso desde el nacimiento hasta los 18 meses en el cruce de bovinos aberdeen angus por cebú.

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    Arango Ulloa Astrid Johanna


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación se tuvieron en cuenta 2032 observaciones para el análisis de peso al nacimiento, ganancia predestete y peso al destete y 603 para ganancia de peso posdestete y peso a los 18 meses, de machos y hembras nacidas entre 1994 y 1996 en la "Hacienda Cuba", localizada en el municipio de Montelíbano, departamento de Córboba. Para determinar la influencia de los diferentes factores genéticos y no genéticos sobre las variables estudiadas, se utilizó el programa de mínimos cuadrados de Harvey (1988. En los modelos para el peso al nacimiento, ganancia diaria predestete, peso al destete, ganancia diaria posdestete y peso a los 18 meses fueron considerados los siguientes factores: año de nacimiento, época de nacimiento, grupo genético de la cría, (Aberdeen Angus x Cebú y Cebú Comercial,sexo de la cría, mes de destete, época de destete, año de destete, mes de pesaje a los 18 meses. Según el modelo estudiado se tuvieron en cuenta como variables al destete, el peso al nacimiento y el peso ajustado al destete. La mayor parte de los factores no genéticos tuvieron efecto significativo (P<0,05, no siendo significativa la época de destete para el modelo de peso a los 18 meses.


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    Flávia Corrêa Porto de Abreu


    Full Text Available El destete precoz es una realidad en nuestro país, aunque los esfuerzos en la promoción, protección y apoyo a lactancia materna. La presente revisión integradora de investigaciones cualitativas caracterizó intervinientes del destete precoz e identificó las áreas que colaboran para su prevención. Catorce investigaciones primarias integraron el estudio con búsqueda desarrollada junto a las bases de datos: BDENF, LILACS, MEDLINE y SCIENCE DIRECT, con los descriptores: lactancia materna, destete y enfermería. El destete precoz está asociado con el contexto socioeconómico, trabajo materno, experiencias previas y problemas mamarios. Estos son apreciados en la decisión cuanto al destete. Los profesionales de la salud deben rever sus prácticas de incentivo y apoyo, visando desarrollarlas de forma individualizada y dialogada junto a las mujeres y su familia.

  7. Lactancia materna, destete y ablactación: una encuesta en comunidades rurales de México A survey of breast-feeding and other infant feeding practices in rural Mexico

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    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las prevalencias de lactancia humana, uso de leches industrializadas y ablactación así como los factores asociados a la falta de alimentación al seno materno y al destete temprano. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal realizado por pasantes de medicina en Servicio Social en 222 localidades rurales de México, mediante entrevistas estructuradas en 5 409 familias con niños menores de un año. Resultados. Las proporciones de niños que nunca recibieron lactancia al seno materno fueron: en la zona norte (N de 21.4%; en la centro (C de 7.6% y la sur (S de 5.3%. Entre los niños que recibieron lactancia al seno materno, ésta continuó en forma exclusiva o mixta hasta el tercer trimestre de vida en 35.6% (N, 67.6% (C y 77.5% (S; en el segundo trimestre de vida ya habían sido ablactados 67.2% (N, 40.9% (C y 51.6% (S. En la región N se encontró que la falta de alimentación al seno materno se asoció con la atención médica del parto, madres con escolaridad mínima de primaria o con menos de cuatro hijos, casa con piso de material permanente, dos o más enseres domésticos mayores y que el sostén económico no fuera el padre. El destete temprano se asoció con los mismos factores, incluyendo que el niño estuviera al cuidado de una persona distinta a la madre, la lactancia artificial decidida por los padres o por recomendación médica, la ablactación temprana y el uso de servicios médicos de seguridad social y/o privados. Conclusiones. La alimentación con sucedáneos de la leche y el destete temprano son propios de familias pequeñas, con mayor educación materna, mejores condiciones de la vivienda y la influencia de los médicos, sobre todo en el norte del país. Además, la ablactación se efectúa antes del segundo semestre de vida, por lo que es recomendable elaborar programas que promuevan la alimentación al seno materno y la ablactación correcta en la población infantil de las comunidades rurales de M

  8. Efecto del clorhidrato de ractopamina en el comportamiento productivo y características de carne de ovinos en finalización.


    Romero Maya, Angel Martín


    Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento productivo y características de la canal de ovinos Suffolk x Hampshire y Pelibuey al adicionar clorhidrato de ractopamina (RAC) en la dieta de corderos en la etapa de finalización. Se realizaron dos experimentos, en el primero se utilizaron 20 corderos machos Suffolk x Hampshire (S x H) con un peso inicial promedio de 37.01 ± 1.04 kg, y en el segundo 28 corderos machos Pelibuey (PB) con un peso inicial promedio 28.37 ± 0.66 kg...


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    Ricardo del Carmen Chin Colli


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron los efectos de algunos factores ambientales y proporción racial en el peso al nacimiento (PN, peso al destete ajustado a 240 (PD240 días de edad y edad al primer parto (EPP en bovinos Suizo Pardo. El modelo estadístico utilizado para analizar las variables dependientes, después de eliminar factores e interacciones de primer orden no significativos (P>0.05, incluyó los efectos de rancho como efecto aleatorio anidado dentro de región y los efectos fijos de año (A y época (E de nacimiento, sexo de la cría (para PN y PD240, grado de pureza, la interacción AxE, así como las covariables edad de la vaca al parto en su función lineal y cuadrática (para PN y PD240. Los análisis se realizaron utilizando modelos de efectos mixtos. Las medias para PN, PD240 y EPP fueron 37.7 ± 5.1, 233.8 ± 46.9 kg y 1209.6 ± 338.0 días, respectivamente. Todos los efectos principales fueron significativos (P

  10. Efecto de la proporción de genes Bos indicus x Bos taurus sobre peso al destete y edad a primer parto en una población multirracial

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    Hugo O. Toledo Alvarado


    Full Text Available Se analizaron 1,289 registros de hembras de primer parto con diversas proporciones de genes Bos indicus y Bos taurus (Charolais, Suizo, Simmental, Holstein Friesian y Salers. Tanto animales puros y cruzados de un hato comercial, ubicado en el municipio de Hueytamalco, Puebla, nacidas entre 1966 a 2006, con el objetivo de estimar la combinación óptima de genes Cebú y la retención de heterosis (RVH sobre las características de peso al destete ajustado a 270 días (PD y edad a primer parto (EPP. A partir de modelos de regresión múltiple se identificó la proporción de Cebú con el mejor comportamiento para las dos características de acuerdo al coeficiente de determinación (R 2 y al estadístico de Mallow (CP. La mejor respuesta para PD se encontró en el rango de 42 a 70 % de genes Bos indicus ; mientras que las menores EPP se establecieron entre 27 al 40 % de proporción Cebú. La retención de heterosis que mostró mayor potencial para PD fue de 76 a 78 % y para EPP de 79 a 92 %. Estos resultados manifiestan la importancia de los efectos no aditivos en ambas características, así como la necesidad de realizar cruzamientos dirigidos.

  11. Influence of yeast culture on productive performance of intensively fattened Pelibuey lambs in Colima, México

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    R. Macedo


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la adición de la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre el peso vivo, la ganancia de peso, el consumo de materia seca y la conversión alimenticia de corderos engordados intensivamente. Veintiocho corderos Pelibuey fueron aleatoriamente asignados a dos grupos (balanceados por peso y alimentados ad libitum con una dieta concentrada basada en maíz quebrado (63.00%, con (CL o sin (C la inclusión de un cultivo de levadura (1%. La inclusión de levadura no afectó significativamente (p>0.05 el peso de los corderos 36.00 vs 36.75 kg, el consumo de materia seca 68.10 vs 69.50 kg, la ganancia diaria de peso 290 vs 300 g/d y la conversión alimenticia 4.22 vs 4.15 g MS/g PV para CL y C, respectivamente. La adición de un cultivo de levadura no influyó sobre el comportamiento productivo de corderos Pelibuey bajo engorda intensiva

  12. Fatores que influenciam o desmame precoce

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    Sandra Cristina Alvarenga


    Full Text Available Objetivos: identificar en la literatura científica los principales factores asociados al destete temprano. Materiales y método: se trata de una revisión sistemática realizada en las bases de datos LILACS y MEDLINE con artículos completos del periodo de 2004 a 2013, en inglés, español y portugués, desde la pregunta orientadora: “¿Cuáles son los factores que influyen el destete temprano?”. Resultados: se identificaron 1.481 artículos y 39 atendieron a los criterios de inclusión. Entre los principales factores que influyen el destete temprano, se encontraron trabajo materno (33,3 %; uso de chupo de entretención (30,8 %; leche materna débil (17,9 %; trauma y dolor mamilar (17,9 %; introducción de otros tipos de leche (15,4 % y nivel educacional de la madre o del padre (15,4 %. Conclusiones: diversos factores están relacionados al destete temprano, lo que apunta fuerte determinación sociocultural e histórica que se puede evidenciar por la comparación de los estándares de lactancia entre diferentes poblaciones y a través de los tiempos.

  13. Comportamiento productivo y niveles de ácidos grasos en la canal de corderos suplementados con Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Animal performance and fatty acids levels in lambs carcass suplemented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Adrian Gloria Trujillo


    Full Text Available Los ácidos grasos (AG saturados depositados en la canal de rumiantes representan un punto crítico en la alimentación humana por su relación con enfermedades cardiovasculares. Ante esto, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc representa una alternativa para modificar el perfil de AG en la carne debido a sus elevados niveles de AG insaturados. Con este antecedente, se realizó un experimento utilizando 30 corderos comerciales en crecimiento (20 ± 0.9 kg PV, distribuidos en tres grupos de 10 animales cada uno, y cada grupo fue asignado a uno de tres tratamientos evaluados: 0, 3 y 5g de Sc animal-1 d-1, respectivamente, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento productivo del animal, niveles plasmáticos de colesterol y AG depositados en la canal. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar, los datos se analizaron usando PROC GLM, considerando diez repeticiones por tratamiento, y las medias de tratamientos se compararon con la prueba de Tukey. La adición de 3g animal-1 d-1 de Sc disminuyó (p 0.05 la ganancia diaria de peso. Tampoco afectó (p > 0.05 el área del músculo Longissimus dorsi, espesor de grasa dorsal y colesterol total en sangre. Al incrementar la dosis de Sc, disminuyó (p < 0.05 el nivel de ácido mirístico, palmítico, oleico y linoleico. Se no afecta el comportamiento productivo del animal, tampoco mejora el perfil de AG insaturados en la canal; sin embargo, disminuye las concentraciones de AG saturados.

  14. Elaboración de una guía para el manejo de los pacientes portadores de una traqueotomía en las plantas de hospitalización


    Gil de Carlos, Nuria


    En aquellos pacientes de UCI en los que el destete de la ventilación mecánica (VM) ha fracasado y requieren VM durante un periodo de tiempo prolongado se recurre a la realización de una traqueotomía, cuyos objetivos principales consisten en facilitar el destete y disminuir las complicaciones asociadas a una intubación prolongada. La mayoría son decanulados en la UCI, siendo dados de alta sin la cánula presente, pero hay ocasiones (principalmente pacientes c...

  15. Efecto de la reinfección sobre la evolución de ratas infectadas con Trypanosoma cruzi


    Revelli,Silvia; Berra,Héctor; Valenti,José; Moreno,Hilda; Bernasconi,María; Poli,Hugo; Morini,Julio


    El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar si una de las variables medio-ambientales, la reinfección, puede modificar el comportamiento observado en un modelo de rata a nivel de parasitemia, anticuerpos séricos, manifestaciones electrocardiográficas y/o lesión miocárdica. Los grupos experimentales fueron: GI: ratas infectadas al destete con 1 x 10(6) T. cruzi; GR: igual a GI más reinfecciones cada 30 días hasta los 150 días post-infección inicial (p.i.i.); GI1 ratas de 51 días infectadas; GT: ...

  16. Efectos de la suplementación con bloques multinutricionales a base de nopal fermentado sobre la ganancia de peso de ovinos en crecimiento Efectos de la suplementación con bloques multinutricionales a base de nopal fermentado sobre la ganancia de peso de ovinos en crecimiento


    Isidro Guajardo Hernández; Ignacio Mejía Haro; José Luis Delgado Hernández; Mauricio Valencia Posadas; José Mejía Haro


    Este trabajo presenta una alternativa práctica del aprovechamiento del nopal mediante la elaboración de Bloques Multinutricionales (BM) y su utilización en la alimentación de corderos en crecimiento. Al nopal fresco picado se le adicionó sorgo, soya, urea, minerales y yogurt natural, se dejó fermentar por dos semanas a temperatura ambiente y se elaboraron los BM con un 25 % de nopal fermentado. Se utilizaron 20 corderos destetados con un peso vivo promedio de 17 Kg distribuidos en dos grupos ...

  17. Investigação da temporalidade das características definidoras do diagnóstico de resposta disfuncional ao desmame ventilatório La investigación de la temporalidad de las características definitorias de diagnóstico de la respuesta disfuncional para el destete ventilatorio Investigation of the temporality of the defining characteristics of the diagnostic response to dysfunctional ventilatory weaning

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    Fernanda Avellar Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Estudo que investigou a distribuição temporal das características definidoras da Resposta Disfuncional ao Desmame Ventilatório. Teve como objetivos: descrever a conformação da distribuição cronológica das características definidoras desse diagnóstico em pacientes sob ventilação prolongada na fase de interrupção da ventilação mecânica e verificar a existência de um padrão temporal predominante. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem quantitativa. Foram sujeitos os clientes adultos internados por causas clínicas no Centro de Terapia Intensiva do Hospital Pró-Cardíaco, sob ventilação mecânica prolongada e que estavam em desmame. Com os resultados se obteve a confirmação da hipótese de existência de uma distribuição temporal predominante na amostra observada. Foi possível distinguir os principais intervalos de observação/manifestação das Características Definidoras, a saber: precoce, intermediário e tardio. Em relação ao gerenciamento do processo de desmame foi possível indicar algumas contribuições ao aprimoramento das avaliações protocolares.Un estudio investigó la distribución temporal de las características definitorias de Respuesta Disfuncional al Destete Ventilatorio. Tuvo como objetivo describir la conformación de la distribución cronológica de las características definitorias de este diagnóstico en pacientes sometidos a ventilación prolongada durante el destete de la ventilación mecánica y para verificar la existencia de un patrón climático predominante. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de enfoque cuantitativo y exploratorio. Los sujetos fueron clientes adultos ingresados por razones clínicas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Pro-cardiaco, bajo ventilación mecánica prolongada y que habían de ser destetados. Con los resultados se obtuvo la confirmación de la hipótesis de una distribución temporal que prevalecen en la muestra

  18. Rentabilidad de la producción de carne de ovinos Katahdin x Pelibuey con tres tipos de alimentación

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    R. González-Garduño


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la rentabilidad económica de la producción de carne de ovino Katahdin x Pelibuey comparando diferentes tipos de alimentación. Los indicadores se obtuvieron de una unidad de producción con un sistema semi-intensivo tecnificado de estrato socioeconómico medio. Se utilizaron los registros productivos de ovinos en tres experimentos diferentes: a pastoreo con suplementación, b estabulación con una dieta integral de sacchasorgo y c estabulación con alimento comercial. En cada tipo de alimentación se registró el consumo diario individual, y el peso de los corderos cada quince días. Para determinar la rentabilidad se utilizó la Matriz de Análisis de Política (map, donde los ingresos y los costos fueron evaluados a precios de mercado. En la producción de un kilogramo de carne, los insumos comerciables representaron mayor porcentaje en ovinos estabulados (90% respecto de los ovinos en pastoreo (48%. El mayor costo correspondió a la alimentación en todos los casos. En estabulación, los factores internos representaron de 7 a 9% y los costos fijos cerca del 1%; mientras que en ovinos en pastoreo estos indicadores representaron el 38% y 14%, respectivamente. La rentabilidad privada fue de 132% en corderos en pastoreo, 4% en corderos alimentados con sacchasorgo, -11.70% en hembras alimentadas con sacchasorgo y -12.30% en los machos que recibieron alimento comercial. Se concluye que la producción de carne es rentable en corderos en pastoreo y en los machos alimentados con una dieta integral de sacchasorgo, ya que todos los indicadores resultaron positivos.


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    Rub\\u00E9n Dar\\u00EDo G\\u00F3ngora-P\\u00E9rez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la situación socioeconómica de la producción ovina en el estado de Yucatán México, durante el año 2007. El método de investigación consistió en el levantamiento de encuestas mediante cédulas de entrevista, estratificando las unidades de producción (UP por número de vientres (E1 de 1-20, E2 de 21-50 y E3 de más de 50. Las fuentes alimenticias son praderas, alimento concentrado, agostaderos y pasturas de corte, y se suplementa con minerales. El empadre continuo (76,7% es común, la inseminación artificial se realiza solo en E3 (2,2%. Las enfermedades frecuentes y con mayor incidencia en E1 son: la neumonía (37%, clostridio (27,7% y el carbón sintomático (20,2%. Los períodos de desparasitación se dan fuera de lo recomendado: cada seis meses (41,7% y anual (33,8%. El cuidado de la hembra próxima al parto y del cordero, se realizan en un 63,3%, y aumenta según el estrato; mientras que los abortos disminuyen al aumentar el estrato. La mortalidad presentó índices normales, solamente en E1, la mortalidad predestete fue elevada (12,2%. Los principales criterios para la venta de animales fueron: peso del animal y necesidad de dinero, y ésta se realizó comúnmente en la UP (83,7%. Los gastos de mayor magnitud son: mano de obra (23,7% y alimentación (21,9%. El ingreso proviene de la venta de animales con peso al mercado y destetes; la rentabilidad sólo fue positiva para el estrato 3, con ganancias promedio de $ 2,8 por kilogramo de carne en pie.

  20. Factores asociados al destete precoz


    Georgina Peraza Roque; Mercedes Soto Marcelo; Elina de la Llera Suárez; Soraya Alonso Suárez


    Se realiza un estudio descriptivo y transversal a 91 niños nacidos entre el 1ro de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 1993, en los 14 consultorios del médico de la familia, pertenecientes a un Grupo Básico de trabajo, del Policlínico Docente "Antonio Maceo" del municipio Cerro, en la Ciudad de La Habana. Se analizaron factores biopsicosociales relacionados con la madre y con el niño. Se confeccionó la base de datos mediante el programa Foxplus, realizándose comparaciones de media y se empleó el mé...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Teresa Oviedo


    Full Text Available Ovejas sin lana en diferentes estados reproductivos fueron inoculadas por vía intravenosa con taquizoítos deN. caninum muestra «NC-beef» con el fin de estudiar la patofisiología de la enfermedad en estos animales yverificar la posibilidad de ser usados como modelo experimental de neosporosis bovina. Se utilizaron cincoovejas gestantes (una con 15 días, dos con 30 días, dos con 90 días, tres no gestantes y dos con 10 díasposparto. Los animales eran serologicamente negativos para N.caninum y T. gondii. Dos ovejas gestantes, noinoculadas, fueron utilizadas como control negativo. Los corderos necropsiados, nacidos de ovejas inoculadasantes o durante la gestación presentaron alteraciones histopatológicas en diferentes tejidos, siendo las masseveras observadas en el sistema nervioso central, caracterizadas por la presencia de formas quísticas delparásito asociadas con infiltrado inflamatorio predominantemente mononuclear, áreas de necrosis y en algunoscasos presencia de calcificación. Los corderos nacidos de ovejas inoculadas 10 días después del parto nopresentaron signos clínicos de la enfermedad ni anticuerpos contra o parásito y a la necropsia no presentaronlesiones en ninguno de los tejidos analizados. Un cordero nacido de oveja no inoculada no presentó alteracionesmicroscópicas en ninguno de los tejidos analizados

  2. 78 FR 36635 - Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (United States)


    ..., Mexico; Paseo de los Parques No. 3995, Interior 7, Zapopan, Jalisco C.P. 45110, Mexico; Loreto Mendez...) (individual) [SDNTK]. 11. RIEBELING CORDERO, Hilda, 3888 Calle Paseo de los Parques, Colonia Colinas de San...

  3. Sistema de producción doble propósito efecto del zeranol y de 17-b estradiol sobre el peso al destete en terneros cruzados

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    Sánchez G. Hugo


    Full Text Available En la primera semana de vida se implantaron veinticuatro (24 terneros machos provenientes de una ganadería de doble propósito con 17 -8 estradiol (Compudose-200, zeranol (Ralgro con reimplante a los noventa días, zeranol una sola dosis y con el control. El peso al destete a los ocho meses y ganancia de peso diario fue de 135_3, 138.1, 1260 Y 124 kg Y de OA18, OA08, 0.368 y de 0.355 kg/día respectivamente con diferencias significativas (P < 0.05, atribuyéndose el mejor desempeño de los terneros implantados a la mayor eficiencia alimenticia de su dieta compuesta por leche y pasto exclusivamente. A los 10,52, 100, 134, 158,294 y 253 días la respuesta es de tipo parabólico con relación al grupo control, la máxima respuesta se obtienen con 17 -B estradiol y zeranol reimplante a los 120 días. El tratamiento con zeranol experimentó una brusca caída a los 90-100 días al terminar su efecto ya lo largo del trabajo el comportamiento fue bajo y errático, atribuido a un desajuste endocrino. Desde el punto de vista biológico y económico los anabólicos son favorables en la cría de los terneros en los sistemas de producción de doble propósito predominantes en el país.In its first week of age 24 males calves from a dual purpose herd were implanted as follows: (1 6 with estradiol17- B (Compudose-200l, (2 6 with zeranol (Ralgro reimplanted 90 days later, 6 with a single dose of zeranol, and (4 6 calves as control group. The weaning weight at eight months of age, and the average daily gains were 135.3, 138.1, 126.0, and 124.0 kg and OA 18, OA08, 0.368 and 0.355 kg/day for groups 1, 2,3 and 4 respectively (P < 0.05. The better perfomance of the implanted groups was asigned to a greater feeding efficiency, due to a diet made of milk and grass exclusively. At 10, 52, 100, 134, 158, 294 y 253 days of age the response is of parabolic type in relation to the control group. The largest response are obtained with treatments (1 and (2. The treatment

  4. Diabetes mellitus tipo 1: posible relación con la interrupción precoz de la lactancia materna

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    Dalila Teixeira Leal


    Full Text Available Introducción: La dieta es importante en la patogénesis de la diabetes tipo 1, los estudios indican una fuerte asociación entre la exposición temprana a la leche de vaca y la aparición de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Verificar la existencia de la relación entre el destete precoz de la lactancia materna, la exposición a otras leches antes de seis meses de vida y el desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación cuantitativa, a los padres respecto a los niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 1 que se registraron en el Departamento de Control de la Presión Arterial, Diabetes y Obesidad del Departamento Municipal de Salud de Juiz de Fora com una muestra total de 89 participantes. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de datos fue un cuestionario estructurado aplicado a estos padres, los sujetos de la investigación fueron de ambos sexos y de todas las razas. Cabe señalar que el origen de esta investigación son los usuarios de los servicios de Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1, pero sólo los padres o tutores fueron entrevistados.Resultados: Se presentan datos sobre la caracterización de la muestra, la aparición o no de destete precoz de la lactancia materna, período de la lactancia materna exclusiva, si se ofreció dieta después del destete y las razones que llevaron a esta ocurrencia. Discusión y Conclusiones: La relación entre el destete precoz de la lactancia materna, con la consiguiente introducción de sustitutos de la leche materna, podría conllevar al desarrollo de diabetes mellitus tipo 1. (Rev Cuid 2012;3(3:293-9.Palabras clave: Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1. Lactancia Materna. Enfermería. (Fuente: DeCS BIREME.

  5. Factors affecting the occurrence of Porphyra vietnamensis Tanaka & Pham-Hoang Ho along the Goa coast

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Pereira, N.; Kakode, J.; Dhargalkar, V.K.

    on colour change of cultured lavers II. On the change of chlorophyll, carotenoid and other hydrochromes. Bull. T o hoku Region. Fish. Res. L ab ., 1955, 5 , 64 ? 78. 29. Flores Moya, A., Altamiriano, M., Cordero, M., Gonzalez, M. E. and Perez, M...

  6. Biology and Ecology of Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in the Middle East, with Special Emphasis on Phlebotomus Papatasi and Phlebotomus Alexandri (United States)


    leishmaniasis vector species. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 37: 10-14. Peterson, A. T., V. Sanchez-Cordero, C. B. Beard, and J. M...Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 37: 10-14. Peterson, A. T., C. Martinez-Campos, Y. Nakazawa, and E. Martinez-Meyer. 2005. Time-specific

  7. Young Adults' Food Selection Patterns: Relations with Binge Eating and Restraint (United States)

    Lydecker, Janet A.; Palmberg, Allison A.; Hill, Katherine Vatalaro; Mazzeo, Suzanne E.


    Binge eating is increasingly prevalent in college students (White, Reynolds-Malear, & Cordero, 2011). Binge episodes involve eating an objectively large quantity of food in a discrete amount of time and a perceived lost control over eating (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Strong negative affect commonly precedes and follows each…

  8. 77 FR 32665 - Notice of Invitation To Participate; Coal Exploration License Application WYW180763, Wyoming (United States)


    ... available for review during normal business hours in the following offices (case file number WYW180763): BLM... following addresses: Cordero Mining LLC, c/o Cloud Peak Energy, Attn: Mark Arambel, Caller Box 3009... Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800- 877-8339 to contact the above individual during normal business...

  9. Tratamientos diferenciados para sentenciados por delitos sexuales en contra de niñas y niños /


    Flores Díaz, Irma Leticia sustentante.


     tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Derecho, presenta Irma Leticia Flores Díaz ; asesor Juan N. Silva Meza, Olga María del Carmen Sánchez Cordero, Luciana Esther Ramos Lira. xv, 579 páginas : ilustraciones. Doctorado en Derecho UNAM, Facultad de Derecho, 2009

  10. Margus Laanet - erakust mässaja / Erle Selling

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Selling, Erle


    Eesti päritolu kunstnikust Margus Laanetist (s. 16. juulil 1965 Väike-Maarjas), kes peab oma kodumaaks Hondurast, elab peamiselt Guatemalas, korraldab näitusi ka teistes Ladina-Ameerika maades. Tema üheksast isiknäitusest (1989-2000), retseptsioonist. Mehhiko kunstiteadlase Karen Reiman Cordero, argentiina kunstiteadlase Laura Malosetti-Costa ja M. Laaneti kommentaarid.

  11. Evaluación genética preliminar de bovinos Angus en México mediante valores de cría genómicos / Preliminary genetic evaluation of Angus cattle in Mexico using genomic breeding values

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniela Elizabeth Briones Martín del Campo


    Full Text Available Con el objeto de evaluar genéticamente bovinos Angus importados a México como embriones, en comparación con una población de referencia internacional y bovinos concebidos localmente, se genotipificaron 143 animales Angus y Angus Rojo con la plataforma BeadChiplllumina BovineSNP50® y se predijeron sus valores de cría genómicos (MVP. En promedio fueron superiores a la media de la población de referencia para características de facilidad de parto directa y materna, habilidad lechera, crecimiento desde el destete hasta el año de edad, peso de la canal, desarrollo muscular, marmoleo y el índice económico de engorda en confinamiento. Los animales originados con germoplasma importado fueron superiores a los concebidos localmente para las características de crecimiento desde el destete hasta el año de edad, desarrollo muscular, marmoleo, terneza de la carne y el índice económico. La población de bovinos Angus evaluada mostró tener potencial genético para seleccionar y utilizar reproductores mejorados.

  12. Post retention and post/core shear bond strength of four post systems. (United States)

    Stockton, L W; Williams, P T; Clarke, C T


    As clinicians we continue to search for a post system which will give us maximum retention while maximizing resistance to root fracture. The introduction of several new post systems, with claims of high retentive and resistance to root fracture values, require that independent studies be performed to evaluate these claims. This study tested the tensile and shear dislodgment forces of four post designs that were luted into roots 10 mm apical of the CEJ. The Para Post Plus (P1) is a parallel-sided, passive design; the Para Post XT (P2) is a combination active/passive design; the Flexi-Post (F1) and the Flexi-Flange (F2) are active post designs. All systems tested were stainless steel. This study compared the test results of the four post designs for tensile and shear dislodgment. All mounted samples were loaded in tension until failure occurred. The tensile load was applied parallel to the long axis of the root, while the shear load was applied at 450 to the long axis of the root. The Flexi-Post (F1) was significantly different from the other three in the tensile test, however, the Para Post XT (P2) was significantly different to the other three in the shear test and had a better probability for survival in the Kaplan-Meier survival function test. Based on the results of this study, our recommendation is for the Para Post XT (P2).

  13. Efectos de la suplementación con bloques multinutricionales a base de nopal fermentado sobre la ganancia de peso de ovinos en crecimiento Efectos de la suplementación con bloques multinutricionales a base de nopal fermentado sobre la ganancia de peso de ovinos en crecimiento

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    Isidro Guajardo Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta una alternativa práctica del aprovechamiento del nopal mediante la elaboración de Bloques Multinutricionales (BM y su utilización en la alimentación de corderos en crecimiento. Al nopal fresco picado se le adicionó sorgo, soya, urea, minerales y yogurt natural, se dejó fermentar por dos semanas a temperatura ambiente y se elaboraron los BM con un 25 % de nopal fermentado. Se utilizaron 20 corderos destetados con un peso vivo promedio de 17 Kg distribuidos en dos grupos (con y sin BM, ambos grupos recibieron una dieta típica. Durante 57 días de experimentación se midió el consumo de alimento, consumo de BM y el peso de los corderos. Los pesos de los animales fueron analizados estadísticamente mediante un análisis de varianza con un diseño completamente al azar. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P > .05 en los pesos de los animales. El BM elaborado con nopal fermentado fue consumido adecuadamente por los animales.This paper presents a practical alternative use for the prickly pear cactus as a principalcomponent in the elaboration of multi-nutritional blocks (BMs used to feed growing sheep.Sorghum, soy bean, urea minerals, and natural yogurt were added to the cactus, the mixturewas fermented for two weeks at room temperature, and then the BMs were made consisting25 % of the fermented mixture. Twenty weaned sheep with an average weight of 17 kg wererandomly assigned to one of two groups (with or without BMs, and both were fed a typicaldiet for growing sheep. Feed intake, BM intake, and body weight were registered overa 57 day period. Body weight was analyzed statistically through ANOVA in a completelyrandomized design. No statistically significant differences were observed in body weight.BMs made with fermented prickly pear cactus were adequately consumed by the sheep.

  14. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Performance Improvements of a Cross-Flow Fan (United States)


    volume xvi HPC h High-pressure cavity—referred to as “Secondary Vortex Cavity” in Ref [11] Enthalpy IGV Inlet guide vane k Turbulent kinetic...Cordero [13], the pressure ratio. Assuming constant mass flow rate with the use of the inlet guide vane ( IGV ), the increase in pressure means higher...exit velocity and so higher thrust. The concept of using IGVs did not have the desired results because of higher losses being induced and the

  15. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Post Partum (United States)

    Schwab, W.; Marth, C.; Bergant, A. M.


    Traumatic birth experiences may lead to serious psychological impairment. Recent studies show that a considerable number of women can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in some cases in a subsyndromal form. Until now, the possibility that postpartum psychological symptoms might be a continuum of a pre-existing disorder in pregnancy has rarely been considered. This study therefore aimed to evaluate the proportion of women who develop post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of childbirth. Materials and Methods: 56 multiparous women were recruited for the study. The diagnosis of PTSD was made according to the criteria for psychological disorders in the DSM-IV (Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). The data were collected in structured interviews in the 30th to 38th week of gestation and in the 6th week post partum. Results: Of the 56 women participating, 52 (93 %) completed the survey. Uncontrolled results showed that 21.15 % of the multiparous women met the full diagnostic PTSD criteria in the 6th week post partum. After the exclusion of all cases already characterised by all criteria or a subsyndromal form of PTSD caused by previous traumatisation, the PTSD rate was below 8 % at 6 weeks postpartum (= incidence rate of PTSD post partum). Conclusions: The present study is the first prospective longitudinal study to demonstrate the occurrence of full criteria PTSD in multiparous women as a result of childbirth after having excluded pre-existing PTSD. The results of our study show a high prevalence rate of PTSD during pregnancy. A number of women report all aspects of post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of childbirth. PMID:25253905

  16. Presencia de Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) en nidos de golondrina (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae) en Argentina Presence of Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) in nests of swallows and martins (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae) in Argentina


    Diego L. Carpintero; Rosana M. Aramburú


    Se examinaron nidos de cuatro especies de golondrinas que nidifican en la República Argentina, en búsqueda de Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang), chinche conocida como ectoparásita de Furnarius rufus (Gmelin) (Furnaridae) («hornero») y de Passer domesticus (L.) (Ploceidae) («gorrión»), fue encontrada en nidos de tres especies de golondrinas: Progne chalybea (Gmelin) («golondrina doméstica»), Progne elegans Baird («golondrina negra») e Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert ...

  17. Microleakage of Different Post Systems and a Custom Adapted Fiber Post

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    Farideh Geramipanah


    Full Text Available Objective: The effects of closely adapting a prefabricated fiber to the post space remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to quantify the microleakages of a custom adapted fiber-reinforced post, a prefabricated quartz fiber post and a cast post using nondestructive methods.Materials and Methods: Sixty-five extracted human premolars were endodontically treated and randomly divided into three groups (n=15, which were restored using a cast post-and-core, a custom adapted fiber post (Refropost with a microhybrid microfiller resin composite (Gradia, or a prefabricated quartz fiber post (DT light post and two groups of control ( n=10. All groups were cemented using a dual polymerizing resin cement (Panavia F2.0. A composite core (Z100 was used for the fiber posts. The microleakage was calculated for the experimental and control groups before and after thermal cycling and cycling loading using a radiotracer solution (thallium 201 chloride and a gamma counter device. Data were subjected to statistical analysis of ANOVA and Tukey HSD at significant level of P< 0.05.Results: Significantly lower microleakage values were found for the cast post-and-core (mean value =16.04 ×104 and custom adapted fiber post groups (mean value=14.36×104. Thermal cycling and cyclic loading had no significant effect on the microleakage value of any tested group.Conclusion: Post systems with improved adaptation showed similar microleakage to casting post

  18. La Poste

    CERN Multimedia

    2004-01-01 The French Post Office has issued ten commemorative envelopes bearing original images depicting CERN and its history. This special fiftieth anniversary collector's edition will be available on the French Post Office (« La Poste ») stand at the Open Day on 16 October, in the CMS experiment hall at Cessy. Information for collectors: a pictorial postmark and date stamp have been specially designed and produced for the occasion with the assistance of CERN's graphics team. Sending a philatelic souvenir is a great way to commemorate the Open Day, so La Poste will be setting up a large post-box for that very purpose next to its stand. A perfect way to send images of CERN all around the world...

  19. Comportamiento predestete de cabritos cruzados en Guanajuato, México

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    Sonia Castillo-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Los pesos al nacimiento y al destete fueron registrados para evaluar el comportamiento pre-destete de cabritos cruzado en ocho pequeñas fincas de producción de leche de cabra en Guanajuato, México. Materiales y métodos. Se usaron 234 registros de cabritos, las cabras fueron mantenidas en condiciones de pastoreo con suplementación de un concentrado comercial. Los cabritos eran cruzados, de las razas Sannen, Alpina y Toggenburg, los datos fueron analizados con un modelo estadístico que considero los efectos de rebaño (RE, grupo contemporáneo (GC, número de parto (NP, tipo parto (TP y sexo del cabrito (SC. Resultados. Las medias de peso al nacer, peso a los 60 días de edad y la ganancia diaria de peso fueron 3.4±0.5 (rango 2.0 a 5.5, 13.7±1.8 (rango 8.0 a 17.5 y 0.17±0.02 (0.08 a 0.23 kg. El peso al nacimiento fue afectado (p<0.01 por RE, GC, NP, TP y SC. Sin embargo, el peso a 60 días y ganancia diaria de peso fueron afectadas (p<0.05 por RE y SC. Conclusiones. El rebaño afectó el comportamiento de los cabritos.

  20. Comparison of transcriptomic signature of post-Chernobyl and post radiotherapy thyroid tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ory, Catherine; Ugolin, Nicolas; Chevillard, Sylvie; Hofman, Paul; Schlumberger, Martin; Likhtarev, Illya A.


    We previously identified two highly discriminating and predictive radiation-induced transcriptomic signatures by comparing series of sporadic and post radiotherapy thyroid tumors (322-gene signature), and by reanalyzing a previously published data set of sporadic and post-Chernobyl thyroid tumors (106-gene signature). The aim of the present work was (i) to compare the two signatures in terms of gene expression de-regulations and molecular features/pathways, and (ii) to test the capacity of the post radiotherapy signature in classifying the post-Chernobyl series of tumors and reciprocally of the post-Chernobyl signature in classifying the post radiotherapy-induced tumors. We now explored if post radiotherapy and post-Chernobyl papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC) display common molecular features by comparing molecular pathways deregulated in the two tumor series, and tested the potential of gene subsets of the post radiotherapy signature to classify the post-Chernobyl series (14 sporadic and 12 post-Chernobyl PTC), and reciprocally of gene subsets of the post-Chernobyl signature to classify the post radiotherapy series (15 sporadic and 12 post radiotherapy PTC), by using conventional principal component analysis. We found that the five genes common to the two signatures classified the learning/training tumors (used to search these signatures) of both the post radiotherapy (seven PTC) and the post-Chernobyl (six PTC) thyroid tumor series as compared with the sporadic tumors (seven sporadic PTC in each series). Importantly, these five genes were also effective for classifying independent series of post radiotherapy (five PTC) and post-Chernobyl (six PTC) tumors compared to independent series of sporadic tumors (eight PTC and six PTC respectively; testing tumors). Moreover, part of each post radiotherapy (32 genes) and post-Chernobyl signature (16 genes) cross-classified the respective series of thyroid tumors. Finally, several molecular pathways deregulated in post

  1. Efecto del tiempo y temperatura de almacenamiento a corto plazo sobre el contenido de las proteínas en leche humana


    Materán Ramírez, Mariana; Laurentin O, Zully Zobeida; Materán Ramírez, Viviana; Ramírez de Materán, Mercedes; Moreno, Nigerma B


    La leche materna constituye el alimento ideal para el recién nacido y el lactante en forma exclusiva hasta los 6 meses de edad; y hasta los 2 años con alimentos complementarios. El destete precoz es de causa multifactorial: falta de control prenatal, desconocimiento de los beneficios de la leche materna, hipogalactia, prácticas hospitalarias inadecuadas, publicidad de alimentos infantiles, incorporación de la madre al trabajo y como desconocimiento sobre la extracción y preservación de la lec...

  2. Factores que inciden en la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva en una comunidad rural de Chile


    Pino V, José Luis; López E, Miguel Ángel; Medel I, Andrea Pilar; Ortega S, Alejandra


    Introducción. Según las directrices del Ministerio de Salud de Chile, la lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) se debe suministrar como único alimento hasta los 6 meses de vida del lactante; sin embargo, las cifras de destete precoz han aumentado, influyendo en este aspecto motivos de índole social, familiar y personal de salud. Objetivo. Determinar los factores que inciden en la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva hasta los seis meses en un centro de salud rural. Métodos. Estudio no exper...

  3. El bestiario de Cristo en los Autos Sacramentales de Calderón


    Alonso Rey, Maria Dolores


    communication en attente de publication. El maravilloso mundo de los autos sacramentales. Casa de Velázquez. Madrid. 2005; Del conjunto de figuras y símbolos con los que Calderón representa a Cristo nos interesa analizar los símbolos zoomórficos. Nos interrogaremos sobre su utilización, los contextos en los que aparecen, sus valores visuales y sus potencialidades expresivas. No se elige más que a cinco de ellos : ciervo, león, cordero, pelícano y serpiente.

  4. Interdiction de Genre: La Loi Qui Fait Taire le Corp

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    Renato Duro Dias


    Full Text Available Cette recherche discute les identités de genre avec la base dans l'analyse du travail La Ley no escrita (2012 d'Oihana Cordero. Le travail de l'artiste plasticien a comme l'objectif provoque la réflexion sur les lois et les normes juridiques-sociales qu'ils existent autour du caractère ficcional et le genre performatife, révélant de nouvelles lectures sur l'acte du corps. C'est un travail sculptural (KRAUSS, 1984, composé par une base blanche, une épée et un groupe de feuilles, dans lesquelles ils sont exprimés, par un contrat de genre, comme ils se prononcent, interseccionam et c'est des interdictions imposées aux possibilités de genre. Comme ceci, les règles et des règlements sont faits la preuve imposés par le binarisme du genre que la force soumet et ils arrêtent des identités pour le compte de la normalisation (normatisation des corps. Pour cette enquête les concepts de genre sont problematize, le corps subjugué, la normativité et de la performance dans le Butler (2012a, 2012b, 2013, Foucault (1997, 1998, 2014, Fraser (2002, 2006, 2009, Scott (2008, Cordero (2012 et Preciado (2011. Cordero (2012, dans son travail, nous présente les copies multiples d'un contrat de papier imprimé a passé par une épée. C'est une métaphore, une forme de représentation dogmatizé du corps par les actes visibles et invisibles qui compose et ils naturalisent les identités de genre dans une dualité obscurantiste homme/femme. Ce travail comme l'objet conceptuel (FREIRE 2006 produit la puissance exprimée pour en plus d'un document légal perforé, elle vise à provoquer les gens de contempler sur leurs pratiques et leurs corps, mais, par-dessus tout, réfléchir comme ces périmètres ont de transgression difficile. Lors de l'analyse de l'intersection possible des identités de genre et un objet artistique dans le domaine juridique est prévu pour gérer des éléments capables de révéler les technologies complexes corporels politiques

  5. A Theory’s Travelogue: Post-Colonial Theory in Post-Socialist Space

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hladík, Radim


    Roč. 33, č. 4 (2011), s. 561-590 ISSN 1210-0250 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP401/11/2338 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90090514 Keywords : post-socialism * post-colonialism * traveling theory * comparative perspective * post-communism Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  6. Stridor Post-Pneumonectomy - “The Post-pneumonectomy Syndrome”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Manoj Waghmare


    Full Text Available We report a case of a 33 year old lady who presented to our department with complaints of breathlessness and stridor. On enquiry she gave history of right pneumonectomy for right main bronchus carcinoid 15 years ago. Chest X-ray as initial investigation showed homogenous opacity in right hemothorax with mediastinal shift to right. Computed tomography of thorax showed post-pneumonectomy status with left lower lobe bronchus compression between the aorta and main pulmonary artery with post obstructive overinflation of left lower lobe. Spirometry was suggestive of an obstructive abnormality. Diagnosis of post-pneumonectomy syndrome was made and patient was treated with inhaled corticosteroids and inhaled long acting beta2 agonist.

  7. Aportes al conocimiento de la terapia antibiótica racional en producción porcina


    Soraci, Alejandro L.


    Se estudió el comportamiento del antibiótico fosfomicina (modelo de antibiótico hidrosoluble, de amplio espectro, elegido en función de su intensivo uso en esta producción) en el cerdo, abarcando las diferentes situaciones fisiológico productivas: cerdas durante el periparto y lactancia, lechones lactantes, lechones de destete, cerdos en crecimiento-desarrollo-terminación. Trabajo galardonado con el Premio Mención Fundación Pérez Companc, versión 2011 Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Ve...

  8. Carious measurement and pulps modifications in rats undergoing habitual and cariogenic diets treated with collagenase type II


    Kohli, Alicia; Pezzotto, Stella Maris; Poletto, Leonor; Dávila, Héctor


    El diente puede enfermar por caries, con destrucción de tejidos duros exponiéndolo a gérmenes, provocando inflamación y dolor, siendo factor de riesgo la dieta cariogénica. Nuestros objetivos fueron visualizar los componentes del órgano pulpodentinal en ratas, comparar métodos de medición de caries y observar modificaciones en pulpas sometidas a dieta cariogénica. Se utilizaron ratas endocriadas líneas “l” y “e” al destete, divididas en dos grupos (-G1 y -G2), alimentadas con balanceado rata-...

  9. Integración del uso de suelos y transporte para avanzar hacia la sostenibilidad de Guayaquil.


    Luis Alberto Proaño Sánchez; Fernando Xavier Proaño Sánchez; Francisco José Cedeño Morán


    El objetivo de la presente propuesta de investigación es demostrar que a través de una estrategia integrada de ordenamiento del territorio y transporte, mediante la rehabilitación y redesarrollo de la Parroquias Febres Cordero y Letamendi, se puede liberar a Guayaquil de las patologías ocasionadas por el transporte y crear un hábitat más saludable y socialmente integrado, con beneficios económicos para la ciudad y los inversionistas inmobiliarios. Para demostrar la hipótesis de estudio,...

  10. A Review of Post and Core Application with Emphasize on Non Metallic Posts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahroodi MH


    Full Text Available Many different methods are suggested to restore endodontically treated teeth. Prefabricated posts can not be indicated for all teeth and cast posts require extra time and cost. In addition, with the introduction of full ceramic restorations, achieving the ideal esthetic with metal post underneath them may be problematic or impossible because the darkness of the metallic posts may show through the highly translucent all ceramic restorations. In this article the review of litature and describiton of applied methods of different procedure in restoring the root canal therapied teeth and few techniques of non metallic posts fabrication such as fiber reinforced composite and zirconium oxide posts have been described.

  11. Context Specificity of Post-Error and Post-Conflict Cognitive Control Adjustments (United States)

    Forster, Sarah E.; Cho, Raymond Y.


    There has been accumulating evidence that cognitive control can be adaptively regulated by monitoring for processing conflict as an index of online control demands. However, it is not yet known whether top-down control mechanisms respond to processing conflict in a manner specific to the operative task context or confer a more generalized benefit. While previous studies have examined the taskset-specificity of conflict adaptation effects, yielding inconsistent results, control-related performance adjustments following errors have been largely overlooked. This gap in the literature underscores recent debate as to whether post-error performance represents a strategic, control-mediated mechanism or a nonstrategic consequence of attentional orienting. In the present study, evidence of generalized control following both high conflict correct trials and errors was explored in a task-switching paradigm. Conflict adaptation effects were not found to generalize across tasksets, despite a shared response set. In contrast, post-error slowing effects were found to extend to the inactive taskset and were predictive of enhanced post-error accuracy. In addition, post-error performance adjustments were found to persist for several trials and across multiple task switches, a finding inconsistent with attentional orienting accounts of post-error slowing. These findings indicate that error-related control adjustments confer a generalized performance benefit and suggest dissociable mechanisms of post-conflict and post-error control. PMID:24603900

  12. Post-traumatic stress disorder in U.S. soldiers with post-traumatic headache. (United States)

    Rosenthal, Jacqueline F; Erickson, Jay C


    To determine the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on headache characteristics and headache prognosis in U.S. soldiers with post-traumatic headache. PTSD and post-concussive headache are common conditions among U.S. Army personnel returning from deployment. The impact of comorbid PTSD on the characteristics and outcomes of post-traumatic headache has not been determined in U.S. Army soldiers. A retrospective cohort study was conducted among 270 consecutive U.S. Army soldiers diagnosed with post-traumatic headache at a single Army neurology clinic. All subjects were screened for PTSD at baseline using the PTSD symptom checklist. Headache frequency and characteristics were determined for post-traumatic headache subjects with and without PTSD at baseline. Headache measures were reassessed 3 months after the baseline visit, and were compared between groups with and without PTSD. Of 270 soldiers with post-traumatic headache, 105 (39%) met screening criteria for PTSD. There was no significant difference between subjects with PTSD and those without PTSD with regard to headache frequency (17.2 vs 15.7 headache days per month; P = .15) or chronic daily headache (58.1% vs 52.1%; P = .34). Comorbid PTSD was associated with higher headache-related disability as measured by the Migraine Disability Assessment Score. Three months after the baseline neurology clinic visit, the number of subjects with at least 50% reduction in headache frequency was similar among post-traumatic headache cases with and without PTSD (25.9% vs 26.8%). PTSD is prevalent among U.S. Army soldiers with post-traumatic headache. Comorbid PTSD is not associated with more frequent headaches or chronic daily headache in soldiers evaluated at a military neurology clinic for chronic post-traumatic headache. Comorbid PTSD does not adversely affect short-term headache outcomes, although prospective controlled trials are needed to better assess this relationship. © 2013 American Headache


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    Kirill M. Tovbin


    Full Text Available Aim of the study is to describe the phenomenon of post-religion as a specific spiritual sphere of the Post-modernity. Methodology. In the introduction analyzed a variety of methodological approaches, opening his inadequacy applied to the spiritual sphere of Post-modernity: «classic» religious studies, religious studies of traditional spiritual movements and the post-modern religious studies, partly produced Traditionalist school, could - according to the author's hypothesis - become a methodological basis for the most complete analysis of post-religion. Scientific novelty. In the main part of the article crystallized the authorized concept of post-religion, its relation with traditional and religious spiritual realms. Post-religion is positioned as the top of secularism enshrined in the departure from the straight and aggressive secularism of the Modernity, but without recourse to Tradition. Post-religion a simulation spirituality, skillfully imitating the outer areas of traditional spirituality and creates a planar religiosity, radically preventing attached to the vertical line of Traditions. In this regard, are the main artificially selected parameters of post-religion: deconstruction, splitting, virtualization, and collage. Deconstruction is a transformation of spirituality in semiotic set for egocentric selectivity of modern believer. Post-religion’s splitting is deprivation of spirituality center, destruction of sacral Center and the transformation of spirituality in the plane on which the intellectual and sensual wandering post-believer from one semiotic island to another. Virtualization is a displacement field of spiritual tension in a completely virtual area, isolated from the natural conditions of existence and created as his replacement, network discussion sites and galleries. Collage is an arbitrary combination of different semiotic pieces of Tradition with the aim of creating a believable picture of tradition; it is collage leads

  14. Teaching Post-Pornography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tim Gregory


    Full Text Available This article introduces the term ‘post-pornography’, drawing on diverse texts from the last three decades. We propose that ‘post-pornography’ expands Porn Studies beyond its focus on explicit representations of sex. First, we outline the history of post-pornography as a concept that emerged in the sex-positive, anti-censorship and queer/feminist moment in the United States in the 1980s and 1990s and has subsequently been taken up by a diverse group of artists, activists and scholars to describe practices that both reference and attempt to move beyond pornography. We define post-pornography as characterised by three aspects—the denaturalising of sex, the de-centring of the spectator and the recognition of media and technology as inseparable from sex. We examine the history of Porn Studies in the university, including in our own faculty at UNSW Art & Design, and the singular influence of Linda Williams in defining its place and setting out its pedagogical methods. We propose post-pornography as a framework that can confront prevailing assumptions about sex and sexuality that underpin Porn Studies and its critique of pornography, and outline a set of concepts that have emerged from the development of the second- and third-year art theory course Post-Pornographic Bodies.

  15. Post What? Disarticulating Post-Discourses in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delphine Gras


    Full Text Available In the midst of the proliferation of post-discourses, this essay investigates how Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child (2015 offers a timely exploration of the hurting Black female body that calls into question, if not outright refutes, whether Americans have entered a post-racial, post-Black, and post-feminist era. This essay opens with a critical context section that situates God Help the Child within and against post-discourses, before examining how resemblances with Morrison’s prior works like Beloved (1987 and The Bluest Eye (1970 confirm that the legacy of slavery still dictates the way Black female bodies are seen and treated in twenty-first-century America. Ultimately, what this study intends is to speak the unspeakable: race still matters despite the silencing effects of post-discourses.

  16. Retention of Root Canal Posts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sahafi, A; Benetti, Ana Raquel; Flury, S


    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the cement film thickness of a zinc phosphate or a resin cement on retention of untreated and pretreated root canal posts. Prefabricated zirconia posts (CosmoPost: 1.4 mm) and two types of luting cements (a zinc phosphate cement [DeTrey Zinc...... received tribochemical silicate coating according to the manufacturer's instructions. Posts were then luted in the prepared root canals (n=30 per group). Following water storage at 37°C for seven days, retention of the posts was determined by the pull-out method. Irrespective of the luting cement......, pretreatment with tribochemical silicate coating significantly increased retention of the posts. Increased cement film thickness resulted in decreased retention of untreated posts and of pretreated posts luted with zinc phosphate cement. Increased cement film thickness had no influence on retention...

  17. Post-Slavery? Post-Segregation? Post-Racial? A History of the Impact of Slavery, Segregation, and Racism on the Education of African Americans (United States)

    Span, Christopher M.


    This chapter details how slavery, segregation, and racism impacted the educational experiences of African Americans from the colonial era to the present. It argues that America has yet to be a truly post-slavery and post-segregation society, let alone a post-racial society.

  18. [Post-partum thyroiditis]. (United States)

    Neves, Celestino; Alves, Marta; Delgado, Luís; Medina, J Luís


    In the post-partum period the immune alterations are associated with the multiple autoimmune diseases relapse. After birth, immune-tolerance variation slowly disappear, and is observed a return to a normal state - after an exacerbation period - of autoimmune reactivity, during which a great increase in T cells and autoantibodies is observed. In this period - 3 to 9 months after birth - the thyroid autoimmune disease relapses or reappears. The reactivation of the immune system in the post-partum period unchains an acute phase of celular destruction which characterizes the post-partum thyroiditis.

  19. Post-Polio Syndrome (United States)

    ... You are here Home » Disorders » All Disorders Post-Polio Syndrome Information Page Post-Polio Syndrome Information Page What research is being done? ... behavior of motor neurons many years after a polio attack. Others are looking at the mechanisms of ...

  20. Subthreshold Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eylem Ozten


    Full Text Available Post-traumatic stress disorder is a very broad category among mental disorders. Since its inclusion in DSM-III, the diagnostic criteria of post-traumatic stress disorder has undergone a number of changes. The diagnosis and treatment of people who have some symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder without meeting full criteria still remains controversial. Although subthreshold post-traumatic stress disorder has been debated since it was first defined, the presence of subthreshold post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms has found to raise the risk for suicidal ideation significantly. This article overviews the definitions of trauma related disorders in history of psychiatry and highlights the need to define subthreshold post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms that were reported to be associated with impairment, comorbidity, and suicidal ideation. Clinical differences between subthreshold and full post-traumatic stress disorder will also be discussed.

  1. Effect of arginine and glutamine supplementation, dietary soluble fibre level and n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio on rabbit performance and intestinal health


    Delgado Morcillo, María Rebeca


    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral ha sido estudiar la capacidad que tienen varios nutrientes de mejorar la salud intestinal de los gazapos. Para lograr este objetivo general, se llevaron a cabo tres objetivos principales. El primer objetivo consistió en describir la evolución con la edad de la microbiota intestinal, el sistema inmune y la morfología de la mucosa tras el destete. Para ello se destetaron 100 gazapos de 20 camadas a los 26 d de edad con un peso de 429 ± 57 g y se sacrificó 1 a...

  2. Ireland – a test case of Post-colonialism / Post colonialism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brenda Murray


    Full Text Available Contextualisation This review attempts to set the stage for post-colonial theorising, in the light of alternative representations of ‘whiteness’, on issues of gender, race and language within the discourse of equality. In this paper Ireland and the Irish provide a backdrop against which the nature and impact of colonialism on the colonised and the coloniser are explored. Many challenging questions emerge about the ideological basis of post colonial theory, not least when traditional paradigms of racism, as conveyed by the black / white dichotomy, are examined: Ireland presents a context, it is argued, where subjugation is of white on white. Linked to this is the language of the coloniser, a powerful hegemonic force which, in some situations, has been nurtured by the colonised and later developed into a text which is unique, producing a new literature which, it is asserted, truly invokes the ‘post colonial’. Abstract: Post-colonialism – essentially a critique of colonialism, is characterised by a process of disengagement from the colonial epoch and has taken many forms. In this article a set of phenomena are examined that have become inscribed in the cultures of the colonised with a view to identifying alternative cultural origins and dispositions recovered in this post-colonial era. Ireland and the Irish provide the background context of this exploration into perspectives generated by the peripheral or post-colonial nations. Globalisation, too, has had a role to play in the increasing de-territorialisation of communities as a result of cross-frontier mobility, increased intra-community mobility and new communication technologies. A critical reflection on the process of disengagement leads the author to conclude that we must come to recognise new cultural forms which are accepting of a heterogeneous and inclusive society: one which is not characterised by difference.

  3. The Incoherence of Post-Truth


    Taylor, Dom


    Ostensibly, there has been a recent rise in ‘post-truth’ thinking (Higgins, 2016; Rochlin, 2017; Speed & Mannion, 2017; Suiter, 2016). The Oxford English Dictionary, which made ‘post-truth’ its word of the year for 2016, defines post-truth as “[r]elating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping political debate or public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief” (“Post-truth,” 2017). Going into more detail, post-truth is described not ju...

  4. Post-quantum cryptography (United States)

    Bernstein, Daniel J.; Lange, Tanja


    Cryptography is essential for the security of online communication, cars and implanted medical devices. However, many commonly used cryptosystems will be completely broken once large quantum computers exist. Post-quantum cryptography is cryptography under the assumption that the attacker has a large quantum computer; post-quantum cryptosystems strive to remain secure even in this scenario. This relatively young research area has seen some successes in identifying mathematical operations for which quantum algorithms offer little advantage in speed, and then building cryptographic systems around those. The central challenge in post-quantum cryptography is to meet demands for cryptographic usability and flexibility without sacrificing confidence.

  5. Post-quantum cryptography. (United States)

    Bernstein, Daniel J; Lange, Tanja


    Cryptography is essential for the security of online communication, cars and implanted medical devices. However, many commonly used cryptosystems will be completely broken once large quantum computers exist. Post-quantum cryptography is cryptography under the assumption that the attacker has a large quantum computer; post-quantum cryptosystems strive to remain secure even in this scenario. This relatively young research area has seen some successes in identifying mathematical operations for which quantum algorithms offer little advantage in speed, and then building cryptographic systems around those. The central challenge in post-quantum cryptography is to meet demands for cryptographic usability and flexibility without sacrificing confidence.

  6. Influencia de la memoria verbal y la memo-ria visual sobre el rendimiento académico en Educación Primaria


    Blanco-Cerro, Susana


    Objetivo. Estudiar la relación entre la memoria visual a corto y largo plazo, y la memoria verbal respecto al rendimiento académico en distintas áreas educativas en alumnos del ter-cer ciclo de Educación Primaria. Metodología. Para analizar las variables implicadas se ha aplicado el Test de la Figura Compleja de Rey (Meyer, 1995) y el Test de Memoria Auditiva Inmediata (Cordero, 2009) a una muestra de 30 alumnos de entre 10 y 12 años de Educa-ción Primaria. Para realizar los análisis estadíst...

  7. Ecuador 1980-1990: crisis, ajuste y cambio de régimen de desarrollo


    Julio Oleas-Montalvo


    En la década de 1980 terminó la industrialización dirigida por el Estado, comenzaron las reformas de mercado y cambió la forma de gestionar la política económica. En Ecuador los gobiernos de los presidentes Osvaldo Hurtado (1981-1984), León Febres Cordero (1984-1988), Rodrigo Borja (1988-1992) y la influencia del FMI promovieron este cambio adaptativo al régimen económico alentado por las emergentes doctrinas neoconservadoras de la época. Se estudian las cartas de intención remitidas al FMI y...

  8. Stance and strategy: post-structural perspective and post-colonial engagement to develop nursing knowledge. (United States)

    Sochan, Anne M


    How should nursing knowledge advance? This exploration contextualizes its evolution past and present. In addressing how it evolved in the past, a probable historical evolution of its development draws on the perspectives of Frank & Gills's World System Theory, Kuhn's treatise on Scientific Revolutions, and Foucault's notions of Discontinuities in scientific knowledge development. By describing plausible scenarios of how nursing knowledge evolved, I create a case for why nursing knowledge developers should adopt a post-structural stance in prioritizing their research agenda(s). Further, by adopting a post-structural stance, I create a case on how nurses can advance their disciplinary knowledge using an engaging post-colonial strategy. Given an interrupted history caused by influence(s) constraining nursing's knowledge development by power structures external, and internal, to nursing, knowledge development can evolve in the future by drawing on post-structural interpretation, and post-colonial strategy. The post-structural writings of Deleuze & Guattari's understanding of 'Nomadology' as a subtle means to resist being constrained by existing knowledge development structures, might be a useful stance to understanding the urgency of why nursing knowledge should advance addressing the structural influences on its development. Furthermore, Bhabha's post-colonial elucidation of 'Hybridity' as an equally discreet means to change the culture of those constraining structures is an appropriate strategy to enact how nursing knowledge developers can engage with existing power structures, and simultaneously influence that engagement. Taken together, 'post-structural stance' and 'post-colonial strategy' can refocus nursing scholarship to learn from its past, in order to develop relevant disciplinary knowledge in its future. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  9. Challenges to the Japan-U.S. Security Alliance in the Post-Post Cold War Era

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Nodomi, Mistsuru


    The Japan-U.S. security alliance experienced the Cold War and post Cold War during the twentieth century, and is now facing a post-post Cold War environment triggered by the September 11 terrorist attacks...

  10. Post-Secularism, Religious Knowledge and Religious Education (United States)

    Carr, David


    Post-secularism seems to follow in the wake of other (what are here called) "postal" perspectives--post-structuralism, postmodernism, post-empiricism, post-positivism, post-analytical philosophy, post-foundationalism and so on--in questioning or repudiating what it takes to be the epistemic assumptions of "modernism." To be sure, post-secularism…

  11. Influence of post pattern and resin cement curing mode on the retention of glass fibre posts. (United States)

    Poskus, L T; Sgura, R; Paragó, F E M; Silva, E M; Guimarães, J G A


    To evaluate the influence of post design and roughness and cement system (dual- or self-cured) on the retention of glass fibre posts. Two tapered and smooth posts (Exacto Cônico No. 2 and White Post No. 1) and two parallel-sided and serrated posts (Fibrekor 1.25 mm and Reforpost No. 2) were adhesively luted with two different resin cements--a dual-cured (Rely-X ARC) and a self-cured (Cement Post)--in 40 single-rooted teeth. The teeth were divided into eight experimental groups (n = 5): PFD--Parallel-serrated-Fibrekor/dual-cured; PRD--Parallel-serrated-Reforpost/dual-cured; TED--Tapered-smooth-Exacto Cônico/dual-cured; TWD--Tapered-smooth-White Post/dual-cured; PFS--Parallel-serrated-Fibrekor/self-cured; PRS--Parallel-serrated-Reforpost/self-cured; TES--Tapered-smooth-Exacto Cônico/self-cured; TWS--Tapered-smooth-White Post/self-cured. The specimens were submitted to a pull-out test at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm min(-1). Data were analysed using analysis of variance and Bonferroni's multiple comparison test (alpha = 0.05). Pull-out results (MPa) were: PFD = 8.13 (+/-1.71); PRD = 8.30 (+/-0.46); TED = 8.68 (+/-1.71); TWD = 9.35 (+/-1.99); PFS = 8.54 (+/-2.23); PRS = 7.09 (+/-1.96); TES = 8.27 (+/-3.92); TWS = 7.57 (+/-2.35). No statistical significant difference was detected for posts and cement factors and their interaction. The retention of glass fibre posts was not affected by post design or surface roughness nor by resin cement-curing mode. These results imply that the choice for serrated posts and self-cured cements is not related to an improvement in retention.

  12. Retention and failure morphology of prefabricated posts

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sahafi, Alireza; Peutzfeldt, Anne; Asmussen, Erik


    PURPOSE: This study evaluated the effect of cement, post material, surface treatment, and shape (1) on the retention of posts luted in the root canals of extracted human teeth and (2) on the failure morphology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Posts of titanium alloy (ParaPost XH), glass fiber (Para...... at 37 degrees C for 7 days, retention was determined by extraction of the posts. Failure morphology of extracted posts was analyzed and quantified stereomicroscopically. RESULTS: Type of luting cement, post material, and shape of post influenced the retention and failure morphology of the posts. Because...

  13. Post-Cruise Questionnaire - Legacy (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The Post-Cruise Questionnaire is a mandatory post trip legal document that observers fill out after every trip they have completed.

  14. Credibility improves topical blog post retrieval

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weerkamp, W.; de Rijke, M.


    Topical blog post retrieval is the task of ranking blog posts with respect to their relevance for a given topic. To improve topical blog post retrieval we incorporate textual credibility indicators in the retrieval process. We consider two groups of indicators: post level (determined using

  15. Efecto del retardo prenatal de crecimiento y la subnutrición postnatal en el crecimiento craneofacial / Craneofacial effect of prenatal growth retardation and postnatal undernutrition in craniofacial growth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Eugenia Luna


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue analizar en animales con retardo prenatal de crecimiento (RPC el efecto de la subnutrición proteico-calórica lactacional y postlactacional sobre la morfología craneofacial, particularizando en el crecimiento de los componentes funcionales neural y facial. Ratas Wistar fueron divididas en los grupos: Control, RPC (inducido por ligamiento parcial de ambas arterias uterinas el día 15 de gestación y Sham-operado (con igual técnica quirúrgica que RPC aunque sin ligamiento de las arterias. A su vez, el grupo RPC se dividió en: (a crías lactantes de madres con nutrición normal y a partir del destete alimentadas ad-libitum y (b crías lactantes de madres con restricción alimentaria del 25% y a partir del destete alimentadas con el 50% de lo consumido por un animal control. Se tomaron radiografías a las edades 1, 21, 42, 63 y 84 y se midieron longitud, ancho y altura de los componentes neural y facial. Se calcularon los índices volumétricos neural y facial y morfométrico neurofacial. Se aplicaron ANOVA y pruebas post-hoc y se calcularon diferencias porcentuales entre medias. Los resultados permitieron concluir que el estrés primario ocurrido durante la vida intrauterina resulta crítico en lo inmediato y en la vida postnatal, ya que aun mediando normonutrición postnatal el retardo de crecimiento perdura. Además, cuando al estrés prenatal le continúa restricción nutricional postnatal los efectos adversos son aditivos provocando retardo del crecimiento aún mayor. Finalmente, mientras que el componente neural es más resistente a las deficiencias nutricionales, el facial presenta mayor plasticidad, hecho que se evidencia en cambios de forma. Palabras clave: crecimiento craneofacial; desnutrición pre y postnatal; craneometría funcional    The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of protein-calorie malnutrition during lactation and post-lactation on craniofacial morphology in intrauterine growth-retarded (IUGR

  16. Post cardiac injury syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, S L; Nielsen, F E


    The post-pericardiotomy syndrome is a symptom complex which is similar in many respects to the post-myocardial infarction syndrome and these are summarized under the diagnosis of the Post Cardiac Injury Syndrome (PCIS). This condition, which is observed most frequently after open heart surgery, i...... on the coronary vessels, with cardiac tamponade and chronic pericardial exudate. In the lighter cases, PCIS may be treated with NSAID and, in the more severe cases, with systemic glucocorticoid which has a prompt effect....

  17. [Post-mortem microbiology analysis]. (United States)

    Fernández-Rodríguez, Amparo; Alberola, Juan; Cohen, Marta Cecilia


    Post-mortem microbiology is useful in both clinical and forensic autopsies, and allows a suspected infection to be confirmed. Indeed, it is routinely applied to donor studies in the clinical setting, as well as in sudden and unexpected death in the forensic field. Implementation of specific sampling techniques in autopsy can minimize the possibility of contamination, making interpretation of the results easier. Specific interpretation criteria for post-mortem cultures, the use of molecular diagnosis, and its fusion with molecular biology and histopathology have led to post-mortem microbiology playing a major role in autopsy. Multidisciplinary work involving microbiologists, pathologists, and forensic physicians will help to improve the achievements of post-mortem microbiology, prevent infectious diseases, and contribute to a healthier population. Crown Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  18. Post-irradiation diarrhea

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meerwaldt, J.H.


    In radiotherapy of pelvic cancers, the X-ray dose to be delivered to the tumour is limited by the tolerance of healthy surrounding tissue. In recent years, a number of serious complications of irradiation of pelvic organs were encountered. Modern radiotherapy necessitates the acceptance of a calculated risk of complications in order to achieve a better cure rate. To calculate these risks, one has to know the radiation dose-effect relationship of normal tissues. Of the normal tissues most at risk when treating pelvic tumours only the bowel is studied. In the literature regarding post-irradiation bowel complications, severe and mild complications are often mixed. In the present investigation the author concentrated on the group of patients with relatively mild symptoms. He studied the incidence and course of post-irradiation diarrhea in 196 patients treated for carcinoma of the uterine cervix or endometrium. The aims of the present study were: 1) to determine the incidence, course and prognostic significance of post-irradiation diarrhea; 2) to assess the influence of radiotherapy factors; 3) to study the relation of bile acid metabolism to post-irradiation diarrhea; 4) to investigate whether local factors (reservoir function) were primarily responsible. (Auth.)

  19. Post-human body and beauty. (United States)

    Russo, Maria Teresa; Di Stefano, Nicola


    The article calls into question the very possibility of a post-human aesthetics, starting from the following premise: rather than post-human, it is more correct to speak of post-natural, indicating by this expression a reality produced through a new type of evolution, which does not simply change human nature, but de-natures it, radically transforming it into an artefact. This post-nature which aspires to be perfect, immortal, invulnerable, is entirely devoid of beauty. In fact, while there may be an aesthetic of the artificial and of the artefact if it is in relation to objects, there is, however, no aesthetic of the post-human body. This is because is configured as a non-body and does not have the characteristics for what is commonly intended as beauty (harmony between matter and form, a reflection of inner life, uniqueness). Also in this case, it is more correct to speak of post-beauty, which in its properties appears to be the mirror image of beauty and ultimately, represents its complete dissolution.

  20. Adaptation of adhesive post and cores to dentin after in vitro occlusal loading: evaluation of post material influence. (United States)

    Dietschi, Dider; Ardu, Stefano; Rossier-Gerber, Anne; Krejci, Ivo


    Fatigue resistance of post and cores is critical to the long term behavior of restored nonvital teeth. The purpose of this in vitro trial was to evaluate the influence of the post material's physical properties on the adaptation of adhesive post and core restorations after cyclic mechanical loading. Composite post and cores were made on endodontically treated deciduous bovine teeth using 3 anisotropic posts (made of carbon, quartz, or quartz-and-carbon fibers) and 3 isotropic posts (zirconium, stainless steel, titanium). Specimens were submitted to 3 successive loading phases--250,000 cycles at 50 N, 250,000 at 75 N, and 500,000 at 100 N--at a rate of 1.5 Hz. Restoration adaptation was evaluated under SEM, before and during loading (margins) and after test completion (margins and internal interfaces). Six additional samples were fabricated for the characterization of interface micromorphology using confocal microscopy. Mechanical loading increased the proportion of marginal gaps in all groups; carbon fiber posts presented the lowest final gap proportion (7.11%) compared to other stiffer metal-ceramic or softer fiber posts (11.0% to 19.1%). For internal adaptation, proportions of debonding between dentin and core or cement varied from 21.69% (carbon post) to 47.37% (stainless steel post). Debonding at the post-cement interface occurred only with isotropic materials. Confocal microscopy observation revealed that gaps were generally associated with an incomplete hybrid layer and reduced resin tags. Regardless of their rigidity, metal and ceramic isotropic posts proved less effective than fiber posts at stabilizing the post and core structure in the absence of the ferrule effect, due to the development of more interfacial defects with either composite or dentin.

  1. Glove box posting system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McIntosh, A.E.


    A system for posting objects into closed containers, such as glove boxes, is described in which the bag used, preferably made of plastic, does not have to be fitted and sealed by the operator during each posting operation. (U.K.)



    Grandez R., Ricardo; Bowler T., Brenda; Miguel de Priego G., Claudia; Yi A., Pedro; Torres P., Luis; Valencia L., Roberto


    Un canino de la raza Perro sin Pelo del Perú, de dos meses de edad, fue atendido con historia de regurgitación por un mes y pérdida progresiva de su condición corporal desde el destete. Al examen clínico presentó un estado de alerta y baja condición corporal. El paciente recibió tratamiento de sostén y se le realizó estudios imagenológicos, radiografía cervical, torácica y esofagografía, evidenciando una dilatación de esófago craneal al corazón. Se realizó la eutanasia a solicitud del propiet...

  3. Gynecologic Malignancies Post-LeFort Colpocleisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rayan Elkattah


    Full Text Available Introduction. LeFort colpocleisis (LFC is a safe and effective obliterative surgical option for older women with advanced pelvic organ prolapse who no longer desire coital activity. A major disadvantage is the limited ability to evaluate for post-LFC gynecologic malignancies. Methods. We present the first case of endometrioid ovarian cancer diagnosed after LFC and review all reported gynecologic malignancies post-LFC in the English medical literature. Results. This is the second reported ovarian cancer post-LFC and the first of the endometrioid subtype. A total of nine other gynecologic malignancies post-LFC have been reported in the English medical literature. Conclusions. Gynecologic malignancies post-LFC are rare. We propose a simple 3-step strategy in evaluating post-LFC malignancies.

  4. Post-Session Authentication

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ahmed, Naveed; Jensen, Christian D.


    Entity authentication provides confidence in the claimed identity of a peer entity, but the manner in which this goal is achieved results in different types of authentication. An important factor in this regard is the order between authentication and the execution of the associated session....... In this paper, we consider the case of post-session authentication, where parties authenticate each other at the end of their interactive session. This use of authentication is different from session-less authentication (e.g., in RFID) and pre-session authentication (e.g., for access control.) Post......-session authentication, although a new term, is not a new concept; it is the basis of at least a few practical schemes. We, for the first time, systematically study it and present the underlying authentication model. Further, we show that an important class of problems is solvable using post-session authentication...

  5. Valor nutritivo y utilización para producción de leche del bagazo de alfalfa ensilado con diferentes aditivos


    Gonzalez, V.; Fernández, E.; González, G.; Remón, J.


    Mediante pruebas de ingestión, digestibilidad de la materia orgánica (DMO) y lactación se ha estudiado el valor nutritivo del bagazo de alfalfa ensilado sin aditivos (BST), tratado con ácido fórmico (BF) y con formaldehído-sulfúrico (BFS). En la prueba de lactación el bagazo de alfalfa se comparó con heno de alfalfa de calidad media.La ingestión de MO en corderos fue mayor para los bagazos BFS y BF, un 16,4 y 9,3 % respectivamente, que la de BST. La DMO fue 54,4; 60,7 y 61,8 % para BST, BF y ...

  6. Evaluation of Military Field-Water Quality. Volume 2. Constituents of Military Concern from Natural and Anthropogenic Sources. Part 1. Organic Chemical Contaminants (United States)


    2, Pt. 1 20. Cordero, A., B. Chacon, and A. Rodriguez, " Contaminacion del Rio Bermudez, Alajuela," Anron. CostaLT. 3, 109-113 (1979). 21. Krasner, S...34.................................. 0EXACHLO E-A 0 R 0H - V ? YLCHLORIDE . I t o RO-0 ORO - 7 L.CHLO +R@- L: TRACNLORO ,DICHLORO- 15 4 AC: PI ETAI C Ro- .1 IT; RJIBR ffi"PR...4*6-T CHL ORO ,1 00 N a MINIMUM 14 1 0 CAV RallCA D I7 H AE NTADIENER EXACHLORAT 0C C A4 C t 1 THEDJAIII f. .wc R,.oo.1 7I .a . ,. OCLORG- 0 0 0 I

  7. Computer Security: posting and mis-posting

    CERN Multimedia

    Stefan Lueders, Computer Security Team


    This is what can happen at CERN if you don't lock your computer screen...   “Hi, I am looking for a partner either male or female to attend salsa lessons. I have a great body and enjoy rubbing it against other people on the dance floor. I would consider dinner after with the right person. If you think you can keep up with me and enjoy getting sweaty send me a reply. Stay sexy…” This is the original text of a recent posting on the CERN Market webpage. Some people might find this appealing, some people think this is funny. Personally, I couldn’t care less. But professionally, we had to follow up as this text can be perceived as inappropriate and, thus, in violation of the Terms of Usage of the CERN Market as well as the CERN Computing Rules and its annex on private usage of the CERN computing facilities. We remind you that the CERN Market is a public website that can be used by people within but also outside CERN. All posts are visible world...

  8. Effects of post-growth annealing on InGaAs quantum posts embedded in Schottky diodes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schramm, A; Polojärvi, V; Hakkarainen, T V; Tukiainen, A; Guina, M


    We study effects of rapid thermal annealing on photoluminescence and electron confinement of InGaAs quantum posts by means of photoluminescence experiments and capacitance–voltage spectroscopy. The quantum posts are embedded in n-type Schottky diodes grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(1 0 0). The observed photoluminescence spectra arise from the quantum posts as well as from a contribution of a wetting-layer superlattice. With increasing annealing temperatures, the quantum-post photoluminescence blueshifts toward the wetting-layer superlattice, and upon the highest annealing step, the wetting-layer superlattice luminescence dominates. In capacitance–voltage experiments, we clearly observe a charge accumulation in the quantum-post layer as well as from the wetting-layer superlattice. Capacitance–voltage spectra and carrier-density profiles only experience slight changes upon annealing treatments. We suggest that the main electron accumulation takes place in the wetting-layer superlattice

  9. Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship Program. (United States)

    Cadbury, Jr., William E.

    The Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship Program provides an opportunity for students who went to college with inferior preparation to supplement their education by studying for 1 year at an academically demanding liberal arts college before entering graduate or professional school. The post-baccalaureate fellows take regular courses in a program that is…

  10. fistules perilymphatiques post-traumatiques post-traumatic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    (1, 18, 27, 28). CONCLUSION. La fistule péri-lymphatique post-traumatique est de diagnos- tic difficile. Celui-ci est étayé par un faisceau d'arguments cliniques et paracliniques et n'est confirmé qu'en per-opéra- toire. L'indication d'une exploration chirurgicale et son délai dépendent essentiellement de la symptomatologie ...

  11. Post-caesarean analgesia: What is new?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sukhyanti Kerai


    Full Text Available Adequate post-operative analgesia after caesarean section (CS is vital as it impacts the distinct surgical recovery requirements of the parturient. Although newer analgesic modalities and drugs for post-caesarean analgesia have been introduced over the recent years, review of the literature suggests suggests that we are far from achieving the goals of optimum post-operative analgesia. We conducted a systematic review of recent advances in modalities for post-caesarean analgesia. After systematic search and quality assessment of studies, we included a total of 51 randomised controlled trials that evaluated the role of opioids, transversus abdominis plane (TAP block, wound infiltration/infusion, ketamine, gabapentin and ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block (II-IH NB for post-caesarean analgesia. Administration of opioids still remains the gold standard for post-operative analgesia, but the associated troublesome side effects have led to the mandatory incorporation of non-opioid analgesics in post-CS analgesia regime. Among the non-opioid techniques, TAP block is the most investigated modality of the last decade. The analgesic efficacy of TAP block as a part of multimodal analgesia is established in post-CS cases where intrathecal morphine is not employed and in CS under general anaesthesia. Among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-I inhibitors and intravenous paracetamol are found to be useful in post-operative analgesic regimen. The perioperative use of ketamine is found useful only in CS done under spinal anaesthesia; no benefit is seen where general anaesthesia is employed. Wound infiltration with local anaesthetics, systemic gabapentin and II-IH NB need further trials to assess their efficacy.

  12. Evaluation of Salivary Flow Rate, pH and Buffer in Pre, Post & Post Menopausal Women on HRT. (United States)

    D R, Mahesh; G, Komali; K, Jayanthi; D, Dinesh; T V, Saikavitha; Dinesh, Preeti


    Climateric is considered to be a natural phase of life which by definition is the period of life starting from decline in ovarian activity until after the end of ovarian function. It is accompanied by various health consequences that include the changes in saliva too. This study was carried out to evaluate the salivary flow rate, pH, buffering capacity in pre-menopausal, post-menopausal and post-menopausal women on HRT. (1) To evaluate the salivary flow rate, pH of resting saliva and stimulated saliva and buffer capacity of stimulated saliva in pre-menopausal, post-menopausal and post-menopausal women on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). (2) To compare the above salivary findings between pre-menopausal, post-menopausal and post-menopausal women on HRT. The study was carried out on 60 patients. These patients were divided into three groups of 20 patients: Group 1: Pre-menopausal women (control), Group 2: post-menopausal women (case), Group 3: post-menopausal women on HRT (case). The control group consisted of 20 women volunteers, having regular ovulatory menstrual cycles with no known systemic illness and deleterious habits and Group 2 consists of 20 post-menopausal women and Group 3 will consist of 20 post-menopausal women on HRT. After clearing the mouth by swallowing, stimulated saliva was collected after chewing paraffin for 10 mins in to a glass centrifuge tube graded in 0.1 mL increments up to rare cases the collection time will be reduced or extended (5-15 min), salivary flow rate will be determined as ml/min, immediately after collection, pH was determined by dipping pH test paper directly into the sample of oral fluid, salivary buffer capacity was determined by using saliva check buffer kit (GC corporation). The data obtained was statistically evaluated using chi-square test, fisher exact test ANOVA analysis. In our study we found salivary flow rate significantly lower in the post-menopausal women in comparison with the menstruating women and also

  13. LHC magnet support post

    CERN Multimedia


    A prototype magnet support for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The magnet supports have to bridge a difference in temperature of 300 degrees. Electrical connections, instrumentation and the posts on which the magnets stand are the only points where heat transfer can happen through conduction. They are all carefully designed to draw off heat progressively. The posts are made of 4 mm thick glass-fibre– epoxy composite material. Each post supports 10 000 kg of magnet and leaks just 0.1 W of heat. This piece required a long development period which started in the early ’90s and continued until the end of the decade. The wires next to the support post are wires from strain gauges, which are employed to measure the stress level in the material when the support is mechanically loaded. These supports are mechanically optimized to withstand a weight of up to 100Kn (10 tons) while being as thin as possible to minimize conduction heat to magnets. This is the reason why the stress measurement was extensively done...

  14. Post-Conflict Strategic Requirements Workshop

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Menk, Peter


    ... nations and the United Nations. The purpose of the Post-Conflict Strategic Requirements Workshop was to examine the United States military ground forces role in the post-conflict phase of operations...

  15. 75 FR 74108 - Post Office Closing (United States)


    ... the closing of the Eugene Post Office's University Station in Eugene, Oregon, has been filed. It... the Eugene Post Office's University Station located in Eugene, Oregon. The petition, which was filed.... Categories of issues apparently raised. The categories of issues raised include: Failure to follow the post...

  16. 37 CFR 2.81 - Post publication. (United States)


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Post publication. 2.81 Section 2.81 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE RULES OF PRACTICE IN TRADEMARK CASES Publication and Post Publication § 2.81 Post publication. (a...

  17. Post-human Viewing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blaagaard, Bolette


    to become part of a global cultural flow, thus calling into question the physical connection between viewer and image. This article analyses what happens to that connection when not only the image but also the physical body is mediated and challenged in post-human relations, and examines the ensuing ethical...... implications. The author takes photojournalism and, in particular, mobile phone footage as a starting point for an exploration of the (post-human) body as evidence and sign of authenticity in the modern age of digital communications and journalism....

  18. Post-Newtonian gravitational bremsstrahlung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, M.; Will, C.M.


    Formulae and numerical results are presented for the gravitational radiation emitted during a low-deflection encounter between two massive bodies. Results are valid through post-Newtonian order within general relativity. The gravitational waveform, the total luminosity and total emitted energy, the angular distribution of emitted energy, and the frequency spectrum are discussed in detail. A method boosting the accuracy of these quantities to post Newtonian order is also presented. A numerical comparison of results with those of Peters, and of Kovacs and Thorne shows that the post Newtonian method is reliable to better than 0.1 percent at v = 0.1 c, to a few percent at v = 0.35 c, and to 10 to 20 percent at v = 0.5 c

  19. Development of new radiopaque glass fiber posts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Furtos, Gabriel, E-mail: [Raluca Ripan Institute of Research in Chemistry, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Baldea, Bogdan [Dep. of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Timisoara (Romania); Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Laura [Raluca Ripan Institute of Research in Chemistry, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


    The aim of this study was to analyze the radiopacity and filler content of three experimental glass fiber posts (EGFP) in comparison with other glass/carbon fibers and metal posts from the dental market. Three EGFP were obtained by pultrusion of glass fibers in a polymer matrix based on 2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxypropoxy)-phenyl]propane (bis-GMA) and triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) monomers. Using intraoral sensor disks 27 posts, as well as mesiodistal sections of human molar and aluminum step wedges were radiographed for evaluation of radiopacity. The percentage compositions of fillers by weight and volume were investigated by combustion analysis. Two EGFP showed radiopacity higher than enamel. The commercial endodontic posts showed radiopacity as follows: higher than enamel, between enamel and dentin, and lower than dentin. The results showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) when evaluated with one-way ANOVA statistical analysis. According to combustion analyses, the filler content of the tested posts ranges between 58.84 wt.% and 86.02 wt.%. The filler content of the tested EGFP ranged between 68.91 wt.% and 79.04 wt.%. EGFP could be an alternative to commercial glass fiber posts. Future glass fiber posts are recommended to present higher radiopacity than dentin and perhaps ideally similar to or higher than that of enamel, for improved clinical detection. The posts with a lower radiopacity than dentin should be considered insufficiently radiopaque. The radiopacity of some glass fiber posts is not greatly influenced by the amount of filler. - Highlights: • AR glass fibers for dental applications • AR glass fibers have a great potential for obtaining radiopaque glass fiber posts. • Experimental AR glass fiber posts could be an alternative to commercial glass fiber posts for clinical application.

  20. Development of new radiopaque glass fiber posts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furtos, Gabriel; Baldea, Bogdan; Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Laura


    The aim of this study was to analyze the radiopacity and filler content of three experimental glass fiber posts (EGFP) in comparison with other glass/carbon fibers and metal posts from the dental market. Three EGFP were obtained by pultrusion of glass fibers in a polymer matrix based on 2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloyloxypropoxy)-phenyl]propane (bis-GMA) and triethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) monomers. Using intraoral sensor disks 27 posts, as well as mesiodistal sections of human molar and aluminum step wedges were radiographed for evaluation of radiopacity. The percentage compositions of fillers by weight and volume were investigated by combustion analysis. Two EGFP showed radiopacity higher than enamel. The commercial endodontic posts showed radiopacity as follows: higher than enamel, between enamel and dentin, and lower than dentin. The results showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) when evaluated with one-way ANOVA statistical analysis. According to combustion analyses, the filler content of the tested posts ranges between 58.84 wt.% and 86.02 wt.%. The filler content of the tested EGFP ranged between 68.91 wt.% and 79.04 wt.%. EGFP could be an alternative to commercial glass fiber posts. Future glass fiber posts are recommended to present higher radiopacity than dentin and perhaps ideally similar to or higher than that of enamel, for improved clinical detection. The posts with a lower radiopacity than dentin should be considered insufficiently radiopaque. The radiopacity of some glass fiber posts is not greatly influenced by the amount of filler. - Highlights: • AR glass fibers for dental applications • AR glass fibers have a great potential for obtaining radiopaque glass fiber posts. • Experimental AR glass fiber posts could be an alternative to commercial glass fiber posts for clinical application.

  1. Post-Flight Data Analysis Tool (United States)

    George, Marina


    A software tool that facilitates the retrieval and analysis of post-flight data. This allows our team and other teams to effectively and efficiently analyze and evaluate post-flight data in order to certify commercial providers.

  2. [Research progress in post-fire debris flow]. (United States)

    Di, Xue-ying; Tao, Yu-zhu


    The occurrence of the secondary disasters of forest fire has significant impacts on the environment quality and human health and safety. Post-fire debris flow is one of the most hazardous secondary disasters of forest fire. To understand the occurrence conditions of post-fire debris flow and to master its occurrence situation are the critical elements in post-fire hazard assessment. From the viewpoints of vegetation, precipitation threshold and debris flow material sources, this paper elaborated the impacts of forest fire on the debris flow, analyzed the geologic and geomorphic conditions, precipitation and slope condition that caused the post-fire debris flow as well as the primary mechanisms of debris-flow initiation caused by shallow landslide or surface runoff, and reviewed the research progress in the prediction and forecast of post-fire debris flow and the related control measures. In the future research, four aspects to be focused on were proposed, i. e., the quantification of the relationships between the fire behaviors and environmental factors and the post-fire debris flow, the quantitative research on the post-fire debris flow initiation and movement processes, the mechanistic model of post-fire debris flow, and the rapid and efficient control countermeasures of post-fire debris flow.

  3. Post-partum acute kidney injury

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naresh Pahwa


    Full Text Available To determine the risk factors, course of hospital stay and mortality rate among women with post-partum acute kidney injury (AKI, we studied (of 752 patients with AKI admitted to a tertiary care center during the study period between November 2009 and August 2012 27 (3.59% women with post-partum AKI. The data regarding age, parity, cause of renal failure, course of hospital stay and requirement of dialysis were recorded. Sepsis was the major cause (70.3% of post-partum AKI. Other causes included disseminated intravascular coagulation (55.5%, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (40.7%, ante- and post-partum hemorrhage (40.7% and 22.2% and hemolytic anemia and elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome (29.6%; most patients had more than one cause of AKI. We found a very high prevalence (18.5% of cortical necrosis in our study patients. A significant correlation was also found between the creatinine level on admission and the period of onset of disease after delivery. In conclusion, several factors are involved in causing post-partum AKI in our population, and sepsis was the most common of them.

  4. Presencia de Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae en nidos de golondrina (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae en Argentina Presence of Caminicimex furnarii (Hemiptera: Cimicidae in nests of swallows and martins (Passeriformes: Hirundinidae in Argentina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego L. Carpintero


    Full Text Available Se examinaron nidos de cuatro especies de golondrinas que nidifican en la República Argentina, en búsqueda de Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang, chinche conocida como ectoparásita de Furnarius rufus (Gmelin (Furnaridae («hornero» y de Passer domesticus (L. (Ploceidae («gorrión», fue encontrada en nidos de tres especies de golondrinas: Progne chalybea (Gmelin («golondrina doméstica», Progne elegans Baird («golondrina negra» e Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert («golondrina tijerita». El parásito no fue hallado en cajas-nido de Tachycineta leucorrhoa Vieillot («golondrina de ceja blanca». Nuestros resultados constituyen la primera cita de Caminicimex furnarii para golondrinas. La interacción poblacional entre estas aves, asociada al hábito de usar nidos ajenos, explicaría la presencia de la misma especie de chinche en sus nidos. En función de esta idea, se sugieren otros posibles huéspedes para C. furnarii.Nests of four species of Hirundinidae that nest in Argentina were prospected for Cimicidae. Caminicimex furnarii (Cordero & Vogelsang, a parasite of Furnarius rufus (Gmelin (Furnaridae («oven bird» and Passer domesticus (L. (Ploceidae («house sparrow» was found in nests of three species of Hirundinidae: Progne chalybea (Gmelin («gray-breasted martin», Progne elegans Baird («southern martin» and Hirundo rustica erythrogaster Boddaert («barn swallow». The parasite was not found in nest boxes of Tachycineta leucorrhoa Vieillot («white-rumped swallow». Caminicimex furnarii is recorded for first time parasitizing swallows and martins. Interaction among these bird populations, associated with usurpation nests behavior, may explain the presence of the same cimicid species at the nests. According this idea, other possible C. furnarii hosts are suggested.

  5. Catecholamines in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (United States)


    CONTRACT NUMBER Catecholamines in post - traumatic stress disorder 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-08-1-0327 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d...emotionally arousing experiences are typically vivid and persistent. The recurrent, intrusive memories of traumatic events in post - traumatic stress disorder ...AD_________________ Award Number: W81XWH-08-1-0327 TITLE: Catecholamines in post - traumatic stress

  6. Miocarditis eosinofílica como causa de disfunción ventricular izquierda reversible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Juliana Rodríguez-González


    Se logra el destete del soporte circulatorio, presenta mejoría de la función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo con recuperación total del cuadro clínico. Este caso es relevante en cuanto a diagnóstico de disfunción ventricular aguda, con una asociación previamente no descrita con antimoniato de meglumina (glucantime, nos recuerda la importancia de realizar: la biopsia endomiocárdica para definir la etiología, la toma de decisiones de terapias avanzadas, conociendo que en ciertas circunstancias puede presentarse reversibilidad de la disfunción miocárdica y mejoría del cuadro clínico.

  7. Philosophy and Post-Totalitarian Practices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Serhii Yosypenko


    Full Text Available This writing aims to outline the principles of researches on philosophy in Central and Eastern European countries, preferably USSR, in the latest soviet and post-soviet periods. In author’s opinion, the crucial points for such kind of research are: a to discover a correlation between philosophy and the phenomenon of totalitarianism; b to correlate a soviet philosophy with totalitarian experience. The article considers methodological and axiological problems in research of post-totalitarian practices in general as such as in philosophy. In author’s opinion the main problem in development of the post-soviet philosophy is interiorisation of intellectual, cultural and social practices, which were formed concerning to totalitarian experience. This became a reason of “cynicism” and “nihilism” of post-soviet philosophy. It’s impossible to cast mentioned phenomena off without consideration of totalitarian phenomenon and critical reconsideration of the own totalitarian experience.

  8. Encuesta sobre las actitudes médicas ante un caso hipotético de encefalopatía post-reanimación Survey of medical attitudes towards a "case scenario" of encephalopathy after cardiac arrest

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernán C. Doval


    Full Text Available Estudios recientes muestran que el momento de la muerte está a menudo bajo el control de los médicos que cuidan pacientes en una unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI, donde la muerte suele estar precedida por decisiones de no comenzar una terapéutica agresiva o discontinuar una terapia para sostener la vida. El objetivo fue estudiar las actitudes de los cardiólogos en las decisiones médicas al final de la vida de pacientes terminales en UCI. Durante 2007 se realizó una encuesta vía correo electrónico a 967 cardiólogos de la Argentina. Se planteó el caso hipotético de una paciente en coma vegetativo y sin familiares para participar en una serie de decisiones al final de la vida. El 72.7% respondió el cuestionario; el 72.0% prefirió compartir las decisiones con colegas o un comité de bioética, aunque sólo el 6% dio participación al personal de enfermería; además, el 85.4% optaría por la orden "No Resucitar" (NR y el 8% elegiría el "destete o extubación terminal". Estos resultados se asemejaron a los encontrados en estudios previos en Europa meridional. En conclusión, el análisis de las actitudes de los cardiólogos mostró una tendencia a compartir con colegas o un comité de bioética las decisiones sobre el final de la vida, así como a aplicar la orden NR y a no elegir el "destete terminal", con diferencias según el sexo y actividad laboral. La variabilidad de las opiniones locales e internacionales en las encuestas, hace difícil alcanzar un consenso sobre el tratamiento al final de la vida.Recent studies have shown that the timing of death is often under the control of the physicians who treat the patient in intensive care unit (ICU, where death is commonly preceded by decisions either not to start an aggressive therapy or to discontinue life-sustaining therapy. The objective was to study end-of-life decisions and attitudes of Argentinian cardiologists when treating terminal patients in the ICU. During 2007, a survey by

  9. In-Hospital Risk Prediction for Post-stroke Depression. Development and Validation of the Post-stroke Depression Prediction Scale

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir; Roelof G.A. Ettema; Diederick Grobbee; Prof. Dr. Marieke J. Schuurmans; Janneke van Man-van Ginkel; Eline Lindeman


    Background and Purpose—The timely detection of post-stroke depression is complicated by a decreasing length of hospital stay. Therefore, the Post-stroke Depression Prediction Scale was developed and validated. The Post-stroke Depression Prediction Scale is a clinical prediction model for the early

  10. Effects of endodontic post surface treatment, dentin conditioning, and artificial aging on the retention of glass fiber-reinforced composite resin posts. (United States)

    Albashaireh, Zakereyya S; Ghazal, Muhamad; Kern, Matthias


    Several post surface treatments with or without the application of a bonding agent have been recommended to improve the bond strength of resin cements to posts. A regimen that produces the maximum bond strength of glass fiber-reinforced composite resin posts has not been verified. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of post surface conditioning methods and artificial aging on the retention and microleakage of adhesively luted glass fiber-reinforced composite resin posts. Seventy-two endodontically treated single-rooted teeth were prepared for glass fiber-reinforced composite resin posts. The posts were submitted to 3 different surface treatments (n=24), including no treatment, etching with phosphoric acid, and airborne-particle abrasion. Subgroups of the posts (n=8) were then allocated for 3 different experimental conditions: no artificial aging, no bonding agent; no artificial aging, bonding agent; or artificial aging, bonding agent. The posts were luted with resin cement (Calibra). Post retention was measured in tension at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min. The posts assigned for microleakage investigation were placed in fuchsin dye for 72 hours. The dislodged posts and the post spaces were examined microscopically to evaluate the mode of failure and explore the microleakage. Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD test (alpha=.05). The mean (SD) retention values for test groups ranged from 269 (63.8) to 349 (52.2) N. The retention values of the airborne-particle-abrasion group were significantly higher than those of the acidic-treatment and no-treatment groups. The application of bonding agent on the post surface produced no significant influence on retention. The mean retention values after artificial aging were significantly higher than without artificial aging. Microscopic evaluation demonstrated that the failure mode was primarily mixed. Treating the surface of the posts with phosphoric acid for 15 seconds before cementation

  11. IRSN-Ancli seminar on the post-accident context

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Didier, Damien; Leroyer, Veronique; Gariel, Jean-Christophe; Meier, Christine; Petitfrere, Michael; Meraux-Netillard, Isabelle; Lerouxel, Roland; Gandouen, Gael; Boutin, Dominique; Charre, Jean-Pierre; Noe, Maite; Quenneville, Celine; Farandeau, Sebastien; Mouchet, Chantal; Pineau, Coralie; Rollinger, Francois; GARIEL, Jean-Christophe; Ando, Ryoko; Nishida, Shoshi; Miazaki, Makoto; Hayano, Ryugo; Lheureux, Yves; Lochard, Jacques; Boilley, David; Godet, Jean-Luc


    The first session addressed the context of post-accident management: main challenges of radiation protection in case of nuclear accident, management of energy situations (specific intervention plans of nuclear plants), elements of doctrine for the post-accident management of an accident. The second session addressed the preparedness of territories to post-accident management: preparation to post-accident management in the Montbeliard district, emergency and post-accidental situation (preparedness at the district scale, example of Loiret), and return on experience from the post-accident exercise in Cattenom. The third session addressed the action undertaken by the ANCCLI and IRSN for the awareness of post-accidental problematic (experiments in Saclay, Marcoule, Gravelines and Golfech, lessons learned from the pilot phase and perspectives). The last session addressed the post-accidental management of the Fukushima accident: approach of the IRSN to learn lessons from the dialogue initiative in Fukushima, round table on challenges on the long term of post-accidental management, Japanese witnesses

  12. Post-tensioning system surveillance program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drew, G.E.


    Nuclear power plant containment structure post-tensioning system tendon surveillance program is described in detail. Data collected over three yearly post-tensioning system Surveillance Programs is presented and evaluated to correlate anticipated stress losses with actual losses. In addition corrosion protected system performance is analyzed

  13. Marijuana-Related Posts on Instagram (United States)

    Krauss, Melissa J.; Sowles, Shaina J.; Bierut, Laura J.


    Instagram is a highly visual social networking site whose audience continues to grow, especially among young adults. In the present study, we examine marijuana-related content on Instagram to better understand the varied types of marijuana-related social networking occurring on this popular social media platform. We collected 417,561 Instagram posts with marijuana-related hashtags from November 29 to December 12, 2014. We assessed content of a random sample (n = 5000) of these posts with marijuana-related hashtags. Approximately 2136 (43 %) were explicit about marijuana and further analyzed. Of the 2136 marijuana-related posts, images of marijuana were common (n = 1568). Among these 1568 marijuana images, traditional forms (i.e., buds/leaves) were the most common (63 %), followed by some novel forms of marijuana, including marijuana concentrates (20 %). Among the 568 posts that displayed marijuana being ingested, 20 % showed someone dabbing marijuana concentrates. Marijuana-related advertisements were also observed among the 2136 marijuana-related posts (9 %). Our findings signal the promotion of marijuana use in its traditional plant-based form; trendy and novel modes of marijuana ingestion were also endorsed. This content along with the explicit marketing of marijuana that we observed on Instagram have potential to influence social norms surrounding marijuana use. PMID:27262456

  14. Marijuana-Related Posts on Instagram. (United States)

    Cavazos-Rehg, Patricia A; Krauss, Melissa J; Sowles, Shaina J; Bierut, Laura J


    Instagram is a highly visual social networking site whose audience continues to grow, especially among young adults. In the present study, we examine marijuana-related content on Instagram to better understand the varied types of marijuana-related social networking occurring on this popular social media platform. We collected 417,561 Instagram posts with marijuana-related hashtags from November 29 to December 12, 2014. We assessed content of a random sample (n = 5000) of these posts with marijuana-related hashtags. Approximately 2136 (43 %) were explicit about marijuana and further analyzed. Of the 2136 marijuana-related posts, images of marijuana were common (n = 1568). Among these 1568 marijuana images, traditional forms (i.e., buds/leaves) were the most common (63 %), followed by some novel forms of marijuana, including marijuana concentrates (20 %). Among the 568 posts that displayed marijuana being ingested, 20 % showed someone dabbing marijuana concentrates. Marijuana-related advertisements were also observed among the 2136 marijuana-related posts (9 %). Our findings signal the promotion of marijuana use in its traditional plant-based form; trendy and novel modes of marijuana ingestion were also endorsed. This content along with the explicit marketing of marijuana that we observed on Instagram have potential to influence social norms surrounding marijuana use.

  15. Pilot prospective study of post-surgery sleep and EEG predictors of post-operative delirium. (United States)

    Evans, Joanna L; Nadler, Jacob W; Preud'homme, Xavier A; Fang, Eric; Daughtry, Rommie L; Chapman, Joseph B; Attarian, David; Wellman, Samuel; Krystal, Andrew D


    Delirium is a common post-operative complication associated with significant costs, morbidity, and mortality. We sought sleep/EEG predictors of delirium present prior to delirium symptoms to facilitate developing and targeting therapies. Continuous EEG data were obtained in 12 patients post-orthopedic surgery from the day of surgery until delirium assessment on post-operative day 2 (POD2). Diminished total sleep time (r=-0.68; pdelirium severity. Patients experiencing delirium slept 2.4h less and took 2h longer to fall asleep. Greater waking EEG delta power (r=0.84; pdelirium severity. Loss of sleep on night1 post-surgery is an early predictor of subsequent delirium. EEG Delta Power alterations in waking and sleep appear to be later indicators of impending delirium. Further work is needed to evaluate reproducibility/generalizability and assess whether sleep loss contributes to causing delirium. This first study to prospectively collect continuous EEG data for an extended period prior to delirium onset identified EEG-derived indices that predict subsequent delirium that could aid in developing and targeting therapies. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  16. Finite elements study of the Flexi Post and Flexi Flange post systems in a maxillary central incisor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lewgoy Hugo Roberto


    Full Text Available The use of post and core systems has become an excellent alternative for restoring endodontically treated teeth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the von Mises, maximal compressive and tensile stresses distribution using the Finite Element Method (FEM on human teeth restored with different post and core systems. The analysis was made on endodontically treated maxillary central incisors. The post systems used in this investigation were the stainless steel or titanium Flexi Post/Flexi Flange. Composite resin was used as core material and resin cement was the cement material of choice to seat a full porcelain crown. The bi-dimensional mathematical model was created from pictures taken from an intact human maxillary central incisor and prefabricated posts. This image was transferred to a personal computer in the MSC/Nastran 4.5 software. A static and linear analysis treatment was performed when a 45º load of 100 N was applied on the lingual surface of the tooth. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the post design and its material can alter the stress pattern distribution.

  17. [Post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth]. (United States)

    Korábová, I; Masopustová, Z


    The aim of this paper is to introduce the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth to health care professionals. The text focuses on the diagnostic definition of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth, symptoms, physiological background, prevalence, course, risk factors and consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth for a woman, her child and her partner. Options for interventions and therapy are outlined as well.

  18. Posts, pics, or polls? Which post type generates the greatest engagement in a Facebook physical activity intervention? (United States)

    Edney, Sarah; Looyestyn, Jemma; Ryan, Jillian; Kernot, Jocelyn; Maher, Carol


    Social networking websites have attracted considerable attention as a delivery platform for physical activity interventions. Current evidence highlights a need to enhance user engagement with these interventions to actualize their potential. The purpose of this study was to determine which post type generates the most engagement from participants and whether engagement was related to change in physical activity in an intervention delivered via Facebook. Subgroup analysis of the intervention condition of a randomized controlled trial was conducted. The group moderator posted a new message to the private Facebook group each day of the program. The Facebook posts (n = 118) were categorized into the following types: moderator-initiated running program, multimedia, motivational, opinion polls, or discussion question and participant-initiated experience shares, or questions. Four metrics were used to measure volume of engagement with each post type, "likes," "comments," "poll votes," and "photo uploads." One-way ANOVA was used to determine whether engagement differed by post type and an independent samples t-test to determine differences in engagement between moderator and participant-initiated posts. Pearson correlation was used to examine associations between total engagement and change in physical activity. Engagement varied by post type. Polls elicited the greatest engagement (p ≤ .01). The most common form of engagement was "likes," and engagement was higher for moderator-initiated rather than participant-initiated posts (mean = 8.0 [SD 6.8] vs. 5.3 [SD 3.2]; p ≤ .01). Total engagement with the Facebook group was not directly associated with change in physical activity (r = -.13, p = .47). However, engagement was associated with compliance with the running program (r = .37, p = .04) and there was a nonsignificant positive association between compliance and change in physical activity (r = .32, p = .08). Posts requiring a simple response generated the most

  19. The ethics of DeCSS posting: towards assessing the morality of the Internet posting of DVD copyright circumvention software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.R. Eschenfelder


    Full Text Available Introduction. We investigate the conditions under which posting software known as 'DeCSS' on the Internet is ethical. DeCSS circumvents the access and copy control protection measures on commercial DVDs. Through our investigation, we point to limitations in current frameworks used to assess ethical computer based civil disobedience. Method. The paper draws on empirical findings of actual DeCSS posting to consider the limitations of current frameworks. Findings were generated from content analysis of Web sites that post DeCSS using search engine sampling with file name, language, and server location delimiters. Content analysis examined the number of Websites hosting DeCSS, the presence or absence of speech related to DeCSS and Free or Open Source software, and the arguments explaining DeCSS posting. Analysis. Drawing on theorizing from political philosophy and the existing frameworks, the paper compares characteristics of actual DeCSS posting to the existing frameworks. Results. The paper points out six areas that require further attention in ethical frameworks: determining motivation for posting, deciding whether some groups have more moral standing to post, assessing knowledge of the laws related to circumvention and posting, determining if protesters have taken related political actions, the legality of various formats of circumvention devices, and the physical geography of the participants.

  20. 5 CFR 1304.4605 - Post-employment restrictions. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Post-employment restrictions. 1304.4605 Section 1304.4605 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES POST EMPLOYMENT CONFLICT OF INTEREST § 1304.4605 Post-employment restrictions. (a) General Restrictions Applicable...

  1. FEMME- post-Fire Emergency ManageMEnt tool. (United States)

    Vieira, Diana; Serpa, Dalila; Rocha, João; Nunes, João; Keizer, Jacob


    Wildfires can have important impacts on hydrological and soil erosion processes in forest catchments, due to the destruction of vegetation cover and changes to soil properties. The involved processes however, are non-linear and not fully understood. This has severely limited the understanding on the impacts of wildfires, and, as a consequence, current runoff-erosion models are poorly adapted to recently burned forest conditions. Furthermore, while post-fire forestry operations and, to a lesser extent, post-fire soil conservation measures are commonly applied, their hydrological and erosion impacts continue poorly known, hampering decision-making by land owners and managers. Past post-wildfire research in Portugal has involved simple adaptations of plot-scale runoff-erosion models to post-fire conditions. This follow-up study focusses on model adaptation to selected post-fire soil conservation measures. To this end, full stock is taken of various datasets collected by several (past and ongoing research projects. The selected model is the Morgan-Morgan-Finney model (MMF, Morgan,2001), which already proved its suitability for post-fire conditions in Portugal (Vieira et al, 2010, 2014) as well as NW-Spain ( Fernández et al., 2010). The present results concerned runoff and erosion different burn severities and various post-fire mitigation treatments (mulch, hydromulch, needle cast, barriers), focussing on the plot and field scale. The results for both the first and the second year following the wildfire revealed good model efficiency, not only for burned and untreated conditions but also for burned and treated conditions. These results thus reinforced earlier findings that MMF is a suitable model for the envisaged post-fire soil erosion assessment tool, coined "FEMME". The data used for post-fire soil erosion calibration with the MMF already allows the delineation of the post-fire management FEMME tool. Nevertheless, further model assessment will address additional

  2. Effect of disinfecting teats post-milking or pre- and post-milking on intramammary infection and somatic cell count. (United States)

    Williamson, J H; Lacy-Hulbert, S J


    To determine the effects of (a) post-milking teat disinfection compared with no disinfection and (b) pre- and post-milking teat disinfection compared with post-milking disinfection alone, on the incidence of new intramammary infection (IMI), somatic cell count (SCC) and teat skin abnormalities in dairy cows. In Experiment 1, dairy cows in five dairy herds were randomly allocated to a post-milking teat disinfection group (n=230), that was sprayed with an iodine-based disinfectant (TeatguardPlus) for a complete lactation, or to a non-disinfected group (n=239). In Experiment 2, cows were randomly allocated to post-milking teat disinfection (n=239) or both pre- and post-milking teat disinfection (n=235), using a chloramine-T-based disinfectant (Teatsweet) for both treatments, from calving to 118-127 days in milk. The incidence of new IMI was determined by aseptic sampling of all quarters at calving, during lactation, and at trial end or at drying-off, with clinical mastitis cases sampled on detection. SCC and teat skin abnormalities were measured at 2-monthly intervals during lactation. In both experiments, disinfectant was applied by spray application. Cows that received post-milking teat disinfection had a lower incidence of new IMI caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus uberis, Corynebacterium spp and coagulase negative staphylococci, had lower bulk milk SCC during lactation, and had fewer teat skin abnormalities compared with the non-disinfected cows (p disinfection, in addition to post-milking teat disinfection, did not reduce the incidence of new IMI for any pathogens and did not reduce SCC (p> 0.05). Post-milking teat disinfection applied as a spray is a key component in mastitis control in New Zealand. There was no benefit from the addition of pre-milking disinfection. This study confirms previous findings of the effectiveness of post-milking teat disinfection in reducing the incidence of IMI caused by the common mastitis-causing pathogens in New

  3. Post-epilepsy stroke: A review. (United States)

    Jin, Jing; Chen, Rong; Xiao, Zheng


    Stroke and epilepsy are two of the most common neurological disorders and share a complicated relationship. It is well established that stroke is one of the most important causes of epilepsy, particularly new-onset epilepsy among the elderly. However, post-epilepsy stroke has been overlooked. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that epilepsy patients have increased risk and mortality from stroke when compared with the general population. Additionally, it was proposed that post-epilepsy stroke might be associated with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), epileptic seizures and the lifestyle of epileptic patients. Here, we comprehensively review the epidemiology, causes and interventions for post-epilepsy stroke.

  4. Post-menopausal breast abscess.


    Raju, G. C.; Naraynsingh, V.; Jankey, N.


    Thirty post-menopausal women with breast abscess were treated at Port of Spain General Hospital, Trinidad, between 1976 and 1980. In this age group, breast abscess can be confused with cancer due to a lack of inflammatory features. History and physical examination are often not helpful in differentiating an abscess from carcinoma. Although the usual treatment of an abscess is incision and drainage, in post-menopausal women, excision of the lesion is helpful for accurate histological diagnosis.

  5. Post-menopausal breast abscess. (United States)

    Raju, G. C.; Naraynsingh, V.; Jankey, N.


    Thirty post-menopausal women with breast abscess were treated at Port of Spain General Hospital, Trinidad, between 1976 and 1980. In this age group, breast abscess can be confused with cancer due to a lack of inflammatory features. History and physical examination are often not helpful in differentiating an abscess from carcinoma. Although the usual treatment of an abscess is incision and drainage, in post-menopausal women, excision of the lesion is helpful for accurate histological diagnosis. PMID:3628144

  6. Post-Newtonian gravitational bremsstrahlung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, M.; Will, C.M.


    We present formulae and numerical results for the gravitational radiation emitted during a low-deflection encounter between two massive bodies (''gravitational bremsstrahlung''). Our results are valid through post-Newtonian order within general relativity. We discuss in detail the gravitational waveform (transverse-traceless part of the metric perturbation tensor), the toal luminosity and total emitted energy, the angular distribution of emitted energy (antenna pattern), and the frequency spectrum. We also present a method of ''boosting'' the accuracy of these quantities to post-3/2-Newtonian order. A numerical comparison of our results with those of Peters and of Kovacs and Thorne shows that the post-Newtonian method is reliable to better than 0.1% at v=0.1c, to a few percent at v=0.35c, and to 10--20% at v=0.5c. We also compare our results with those of Smarr

  7. [In vivo evaluation of carbon fiber posts]. (United States)

    Lai, V; Lugliè, P F; Chessa, G


    The use of carbon fiber posts allows morpho-functional restoration of endodontically treated teeth with an assembly of materials of a modulus of elasticity similar to that of dentin. The study clinically evaluated the percentage of survival of dental elements treated and reconstructed with endocanal carbon fiber posts. At the Dentistry Clinic of the University of Sassari 60 dental elements were selected from 46 subjects. The teeth, which had been treated endodontically with success for at least six months, were classified by parameters taken from the international literature and reconstructed using Tech 2000 carbon fiber posts and adhesive resinous systems recommended by the post manufacturer. The success rate was 98.4%. Almost half (49%) of the samples were single-rooted elements, 37.4% of the posts were 1.2 mm in diameter; in 78.3% the opposing contact was with a natural tooth; 100% of the elements had a type A dental structure. Third generation posts are a valid alternative to metallic posts and improve the prognosis of the treated element. The carbon fiber posts fixed with the composite, forming a single unit with the dental element, thus improving mid-term RESULTS. The technique is easy to use under clinical conditions and can be performed in a single session. So far, the method has provided promising clinical results, as this study demonstrated.

  8. VAGINAL ECONOMY: Cinema and Globalization in the Post-Marcos Post-Brocka Era

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rolando B. Tolentino


    Full Text Available This essay explores the trope of the vaginal economy that is proliferated in the political economy and nature of Philippine migration. The vaginal economy is both receptacle and symptom of Philippine development. It represents the discourse through cinema, and historicizes the primal debate in the Marcos and Brocka contestation for image-building of the nation. Primarily through the sex-oriented (bomba films and their permutations in the various political life of the contemporary nation, the vaginal economy is historicized even in the after-life of the post-Marcos and post-Brocka era.

  9. Unwaged Posts in UK Universities: Controversies and Campaigns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kirsten Forkert


    Full Text Available This article examines unwaged posts at UK universities, using recent examples of advertised job posts. While unpaid work is common in the UK higher education system, unwaged posts are not. The posts under scrutiny in this article differ from traditional honorary titles as they target early career academics, who are unlikely to have a paid position elsewhere, rather than established scholars. The article contextualizes the appearance of these posts in a climate of increasing marketization of higher education, entrenching managerialism in higher education institutions, and the casualization of academic work. We also discuss resistance to the posts, arguing that the controversy surrounding unpaid internships in the creative industries created a receptive environment for resisting unwaged posts in academia. We analyze the campaigns that were fought against the advertisement of the posts, mostly through social media and the University and College Union. We explore the tactics used and discuss the advantages and limitations of the use of social media, as well as the role of trade unions in the campaigns against these posts, and we reflect on what future campaigns can learn from these experiences.

  10. Contemporary Welfare Regimes in Baltic States: Adapting Post-Communist Conditions to Post-Modern Challenges

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anu Toots


    Full Text Available This article revises the conventional approach to welfare state development in the post-communist world, according to which the main challenge for the Eastern European states is to catch up with Western European welfare regimes. The article argues that adjustment to the new social risks and volatile markets is more important today than the catching-up scenario. Based on social and labour market statistics for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the article analyses how the Baltic States are coping with this adjustment challenge. Adaptation to the post-modern conditions can be regarded as successful if the stability of welfare spending is accompanied by the expanding and flexible employment and by the stable or decreasing level of poverty. The findings suggest that the opportunities to increase the flexibility and equality of the labour market provided by the breakdown of the communist regime were not used. Instead, the Baltic welfare states continue to focus on protecting against the old social risks by combining neoliberal and post-communist principles. Poor performance in meeting new social risks poses a greater challenge for the post-communist welfare states than their lag in terms of gross welfare expenditure.

  11. Post-digital Books and Disruptive Literary Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pold, Søren Bro; Andersen, Christian Ulrik


    Abstract The e-book has been launched several times during the last decades and the book’s demise has often been predicted. Furthermore networked and electronic literature has already established a long history. However, currently we witness several interesting artistic and literary experiments...... of –and critical reflection on post- or semio-capitalism, and furthermore we will discuss how literature functions in a post-industrial software culture such as the one presented by Apple, Amazon and Google. Keywords: digital literature, Kindle, Apple, Ubermorgen, Korabiewski, post-digital, post...

  12. 76 FR 76449 - Post Office Closing (United States)


    ... the closing of the Spring Dale, West Virginia post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary... Postal Service's determination to close the Spring Dale post office in Spring Dale, West Virginia. The...

  13. Compare Client Satisfaction in the Public Health Posts and Outsourced Health Posts Affiliated to Qom University of Medical Sciences in 2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leila Riahi


    Full Text Available Abstract Background: Client satisfaction as an important indicator to assess the quality of provided services has found a special place over the past few decades. The main purpose of this study is to compare the client satisfaction in the public health posts and outsourced health posts affiliated to Qom university of medical Sciences in 2014. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive analytic (cross- sectional study.The participants were 216 clients, who had referred to 10 public health posts and outsourced health posts of Qom province. Health posts were selected by cluster sampling from different urban areas and participants were selected by simple sampling methods. A researcher made questionnaire was used to measure the data on a 5-point Likert scale, which it's validity and reliability were confirmed by experts panel and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, respectively. After collection, the data were analyzed by SPSS 20, and descriptive statistical methods, Mann-Whitney test, chi-square, with 0.05 significant level. Results: Among 60 health posts, 20 health posts (33.33% were outsourced and 40 (66.66% were managed by the public sector. Results showed that in health centers outsourced , overall satisfaction of the child care and vaccinations and maternity care were respectively, 64.5 and 55.42 and 67.43 percent and in public health posts were respectively, 35.5 and 44.58 and 37.66 percent and this difference was significant. Client satisfaction in the public health posts of the vaccination (57.1% compared with client satisfaction in the outsourced health posts (47.2% was higher, also at public health posts, satisfaction of the scientific skill employees (55.1 percent assigned to the outsourced health posts (44.9% was even greater, that this difference was significant. Conclusion: Results of the present study showed that, there is a significant difference in satisfaction of clients in public health posts and outsourced health posts It seems

  14. Content analysis of cancer blog posts. (United States)

    Kim, Sujin


    The efficacy of user-defined subject tagging and software-generated subject tagging for describing and organizing cancer blog contents was explored. The Technorati search engine was used to search the blogosphere for cancer blog postings generated during a two-month period. Postings were mined for relevant subject concepts, and blogger-defined tags and Text Analysis Portal for Research (TAPoR) software-defined tags were generated for each message. Descriptive data were collected, and the blogger-defined tags were compared with software-generated tags. Three standard vocabularies (Opinion Templates, Basic Resource, and Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] Resource) were used to assign subject terms to the blogs, with results compared for efficacy in information retrieval. Descriptive data showed that most of the studied cancer blogs (80%) contained fewer than 500 words each. The numbers of blogger-defined tags per posting (M = 4.49 per posting) were significantly smaller than the TAPoR keywords (M = 23.55 per posting). Both blogger-defined subject tags and software-generated subject tags were often overly broad or overly narrow in focus, producing less than effective search results for those seeking to extract information from cancer blogs. Additional exploration into methods for systematically organizing cancer blog postings is necessary if blogs are to become stable and efficacious information resources for cancer patients, friends, families, or providers.

  15. 12 CFR 360.7 - Post-insolvency interest. (United States)


    ... becomes proven. (4) Post-insolvency interest shall be determined using a simple interest method of... 12 Banks and Banking 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Post-insolvency interest. 360.7 Section 360.7... RESOLUTION AND RECEIVERSHIP RULES § 360.7 Post-insolvency interest. (a) Purpose and scope. This section...

  16. Imaging Neuroinflammation in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (United States)


    Post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) is a complex...several central nervous system conditions including post - traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Microglia represent over...trials. We have subsequently identified a better agent for interrogating TSPO in post - traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) subjects, 18-F PBR111, a

  17. Bio-reconstruction of root canal using dentin post

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Navin Mishra


    Full Text Available This case report describes the successful management of complicated crown fracture of left maxillary central incisor (#21 of 23-year-old male using dentin (biological post made from human tooth. Endodontic treatment was initiated and sectional obturation was done using ProTaper gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer. The coronal space was modified to receive a human dentin post. A two-step procedure comprising direct and indirect technique of post fabrication was done to achieve the accuracy of biological post. A maxillary cuspid from an institutional tooth bank was taken, sectioned mesiodistally using a diamond disc simulating the length and thickness of mock post. Dentin post was first verified on the plaster model and then cemented in tooth #21. Core build up was done with composite and porcelain fused to metal (PFM crown was luted. On the follow-up visits, patient was asymptomatic and radiographic evaluation revealed normal periradicular architecture. Biological posts may be good alternatives to conventional post systems as they preserve internal dentin walls, provide excellent adhesion, and resilience similar to natural tooth structure.

  18. This Is My (Post) Truth, Tell Me Yours (United States)

    Powell, Martin


    This is a commentary on the article ‘The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy.’ It critically examines two of its key concepts: populism and ‘post truth.’ This commentary argues that there are different types of populism, with unclear links to impacts, and that in some ways, ‘post-truth’ has resonances with arguments advanced in the period at the beginning of the British National Health Service (NHS). In short, ‘post-truth’ populism’ may be ‘déjà vu all over again,’ and there are multiple (post) truths: this is my (post) truth, tell me yours. PMID:29172380

  19. 6 CFR 13.36 - Post-hearing briefs. (United States)


    ... 6 Domestic Security 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Post-hearing briefs. 13.36 Section 13.36 Domestic Security DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES § 13.36 Post-hearing briefs. The ALJ may require the parties to file post-hearing briefs. In any event...

  20. 30 CFR 44.9 - Posting of petition. (United States)


    ... 30 Mineral Resources 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Posting of petition. 44.9 Section 44.9 Mineral... REQUIREMENTS RULES OF PRACTICE FOR PETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION OF MANDATORY SAFETY STANDARDS General § 44.9 Posting of petition. An operator of a mine for which there is no representative of miners shall post a...

  1. Experimental result of BWR post-CHF tests. Critical heat flux and post-CHF heat transfer coefficient. Contract research

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iguchi, Tadashi; Anoda, Yoshinari


    Authors performed post-CHF experiments under wider pressure ranges of 2 MPa - 18 MPa, wider mass flux ranges of 33 kg/m 2 s - 1651 kg/m 2 s and wider superheat of heaters up to 500 K in comparison to experimental ranges at previous post-CHF experiments. Data on boiling transition, critical heat flux and post-CHF heat transfer coefficient were obtained. Used test section was 4x4-rod bundle with heaters, which diameter and length were the same as those of BWR nuclear fuels. As the result of the experiments, it was found that the boiling transition occurred just below several grid spacers, and that the fronts of the boiling transition region proceeded lower with increase of heated power. Heat transfer was due to nucleate boiling above grid spacers, while it was due to film boiling below grid spacers. Consequently, critical heat flux is affected on the distance from the grid spacers. Critical heat flux above the grid spacers was about 15% higher than that below the grid spacers, by comparing them under the same local condition. Heat transfer by steam turbulent flow was dominant to post-CHF heat transfer, when superheat of heaters was sufficiently high. Then, post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was predicted with heat transfer correlations for single-phase flow. On the other hand, when superhead of heaters was not sufficiently high, post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was higher than the prediction with heat transfer correlations for single-phase flow. Mass flux effect on post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was described by standardization of post-CHF heat transfer coefficient with the prediction for single-phase flow. However, pressure effect, superheat effect and effect of position were not described. Authors clarified that those effects could be described with functions of heater temperature and position. Post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was lowest just blow the grid spacers, and it increased with the lower positions. It increased by about 30% in one span of the grid

  2. Experimental result of BWR post-CHF tests. Critical heat flux and post-CHF heat transfer coefficient. Contract research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iguchi, Tadashi; Anoda, Yoshinari [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Iwaki, Chikako [Toshiba Corp., Tokyo (Japan)


    Authors performed post-CHF experiments under wider pressure ranges of 2 MPa - 18 MPa, wider mass flux ranges of 33 kg/m{sup 2}s - 1651 kg/m{sup 2}s and wider superheat of heaters up to 500 K in comparison to experimental ranges at previous post-CHF experiments. Data on boiling transition, critical heat flux and post-CHF heat transfer coefficient were obtained. Used test section was 4x4-rod bundle with heaters, which diameter and length were the same as those of BWR nuclear fuels. As the result of the experiments, it was found that the boiling transition occurred just below several grid spacers, and that the fronts of the boiling transition region proceeded lower with increase of heated power. Heat transfer was due to nucleate boiling above grid spacers, while it was due to film boiling below grid spacers. Consequently, critical heat flux is affected on the distance from the grid spacers. Critical heat flux above the grid spacers was about 15% higher than that below the grid spacers, by comparing them under the same local condition. Heat transfer by steam turbulent flow was dominant to post-CHF heat transfer, when superheat of heaters was sufficiently high. Then, post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was predicted with heat transfer correlations for single-phase flow. On the other hand, when superhead of heaters was not sufficiently high, post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was higher than the prediction with heat transfer correlations for single-phase flow. Mass flux effect on post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was described by standardization of post-CHF heat transfer coefficient with the prediction for single-phase flow. However, pressure effect, superheat effect and effect of position were not described. Authors clarified that those effects could be described with functions of heater temperature and position. Post-CHF heat transfer coefficient was lowest just blow the grid spacers, and it increased with the lower positions. It increased by about 30% in one span of

  3. Optimized endogenous post-stratification in forest inventories (United States)

    Paul L. Patterson


    An example of endogenous post-stratification is the use of remote sensing data with a sample of ground data to build a logistic regression model to predict the probability that a plot is forested and using the predicted probabilities to form categories for post-stratification. An optimized endogenous post-stratified estimator of the proportion of forest has been...

  4. STS, symmetry and post-truth. (United States)

    Lynch, Michael


    This essay takes up a series of questions about the connection between 'symmetry' in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and 'post-truth' in contemporary politics. A recent editorial in this journal by Sergio Sismondo argues that current discussions of 'post-truth' have little to do with conceptions of 'symmetry' or with concerns about 'epistemic democracy' in STS, while others, such as Steve Fuller and Harry Collins, insist that there are such connections. The present essay discusses a series of questions about the meaning of 'post-truth' and 'symmetry', and the connections of those concepts to each other and to 'epistemic democracy'. The essay ends with a series of other questions about STS and contemporary politics, and an invitation to further discussions.

  5. Post-colonial identity in Greenland?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gad, Ulrik Pram


    could be furthered by bringing politics back in. Based on a discourse analysis of the Greenlandic debate on language, this paper makes three claims: First, the identity projects promoted in Greenland are based on an essentialist conception of identity. Secondly, Greenlandic identity discourse combines......In the gradual unravelling of Greenland’s colonial relationship to Denmark, an essentialist conceptualization of Greenlandic identity has played a significant role. However, both our scholarly understanding of post-colonial Greenlandic identity and the process towards independence for Greenland...... elements of traditional Inuit culture and elements of colonial modernity. Thirdly, monolingual Greenlanders are those with the most to gain from abandoning the dichotomy of essentialist identities. Strategically, the paper suggests a post-post-colonial Greenlandic identity as a means of avoiding...

  6. Water Vapor Adsorption on Biomass Based Carbons under Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Conditions: Effect of Post-Treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nausika Querejeta


    Full Text Available The effect of post-treatment upon the H2O adsorption performance of biomass-based carbons was studied under post-combustion CO2 capture conditions. Oxygen surface functionalities were partially replaced through heat treatment, acid washing, and wet impregnation with amines. The surface chemistry of the final carbon is strongly affected by the type of post-treatment: acid treatment introduces a greater amount of oxygen whereas it is substantially reduced after thermal treatment. The porous texture of the carbons is also influenced by post-treatment: the wider pore volume is somewhat reduced, while narrow microporosity remains unaltered only after acid treatment. Despite heat treatment leading to a reduction in the number of oxygen surface groups, water vapor adsorption was enhanced in the higher pressure range. On the other hand acid treatment and wet impregnation with amines reduce the total water vapor uptake thus being more suitable for post-combustion CO2 capture applications.

  7. A Short Course in Post-Structuralism. (United States)

    Tompkins, Jane


    Asserts that post-structuralism cannot be applied to literary texts because to talk about applying post-structuralism assumes: (1) free-standing subjects; (2) free-standing objects of investigation; (3) free-standing methods; and (4) free-standing interpretation. (RAE)

  8. Post-Colonial Theory and Action Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jim Parsons


    Full Text Available This essay explores connections between post-colonial theory and action research. Post-colonial theory is committed to addressing the plague of colonialism. Action research, at its core, promises to problematize uncontested ‘colonial’ hegemonies of any form. Both post-colonial theory and action research engage dialogic, critically reflective and collaborative values to offer a fuller range of human wisdom. The authors contend that post-colonialism theory calls for justice and seeks to speak to social and psychological suffering, exploitation, violence and enslavement done to the powerless victims of colonization around the world by challenging the superiority of dominant perspectives and seeking to re-position and empower the marginalized and subordinated. In similar ways, action research works to eradicate oppression, powerlessness and worthlessness by affirming solidarity with the oppressed, helping humans move from passive to active and by fundamentally reshaping power. Because both post-colonial theory and action research position the insider or oppressed in an ethic of efficacy, it values community, relationships, communication and equality, and is committed to reciprocity, reflexivity and reflection. Thus, both hold the potential to help reconstruct conditions for a more democratic and just society

  9. Post-Colonial Theory and Action Research

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jim B. Parsons


    Full Text Available This essay explores connections between post-colonial theory and action research. Post-colonial theory is committed to addressing the plague of colonialism. Action research, at its core, promises to problematize uncontested ‘colonial’ hegemonies of any form. Both post-colonial theory and action research engage dialogic, critically reflective and collaborative values to offer a fuller range of human wisdom. The authors contend that post-colonialism theory calls for justice and seeks to speak to social and psychological suffering, exploitation, violence and enslavement done to the powerless victims of colonization around the world by challenging the superiority of dominant perspectives and seeking to re-position and empower the marginalized and subordinated. In similar ways, action research works to eradicate oppression, powerlessness and worthlessness by affirming solidarity with the oppressed, helping humans move from passive to active and by fundamentally reshaping power. Because both post-colonial theory and action research position the insider or oppressed in an ethic of efficacy, it values community, relationships, communication and equality, and is committed to reciprocity, reflexivity and reflection. Thus, both hold the potential to help reconstruct conditions for a more democratic and just society.

  10. Monitoring post

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Pelle Guldborg; Jespersen, Andreas Maaløe


    This blog reports on the rumour that White House considers establishing a nudge unit similar to the UK Behavioural Insights Team. Given The Nudging Networks purpose and the work of the iNudgeYou-team this post is updated continuously to follow the US debate as it unfolds. Which issues are raised...

  11. Vistas of the post-industrial city.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malcolm Miles


    prosperity, as redundant industrial buildings are re-coded as sites of culture. But if the post-industrial city is a post-modern site of abundance, its benefits are unevenly distributed; centres of affluence construct margins of deprivation. Just as public art lent a veneer of cultural value to urban development in the 1980s, so the re-coding of industrial buildings as sites of culture in the ’90s contributes to a continuing aestheticisation of the city which affirms a dominant spatial order. What strategies, then, are appropriate for art in post-industrial cities?

  12. Post-myelogram headache - physiological or psychological?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, T.; Maynard, N.; Briggs, M.; Anslow, P.; McPherson, K.; Northover, J.


    Psychological aspects of post-lumbar puncture headache have hitherto received little attention. A hundred consecutive patients admitted for elective myelography were studied. Post-myelogram headache was assessed by an independent observer and found to be strongly associated with normality of the test (P<0.001). Psychological testing showed a trend between Hospital Anxiety Depression score and normality of myelogram as well as development of headache, although this did not achieve statistical significance. This study suggestet that there is a large psychological as well as organic component to post-myelogram headache. (orig.)

  13. Video segmentation for post-production (United States)

    Wills, Ciaran


    Specialist post-production is an industry that has much to gain from the application of content-based video analysis techniques. However the types of material handled in specialist post-production, such as television commercials, pop music videos and special effects are quite different in nature from the typical broadcast material which many video analysis techniques are designed to work with; shots are short and highly dynamic, and the transitions are often novel or ambiguous. We address the problem of scene change detection and develop a new algorithm which tackles some of the common aspects of post-production material that cause difficulties for past algorithms, such as illumination changes and jump cuts. Operating in the compressed domain on Motion JPEG compressed video, our algorithm detects cuts and fades by analyzing each JPEG macroblock in the context of its temporal and spatial neighbors. Analyzing the DCT coefficients directly we can extract the mean color of a block and an approximate detail level. We can also perform an approximated cross-correlation between two blocks. The algorithm is part of a set of tools being developed to work with an automated asset management system designed specifically for use in post-production facilities.

  14. Post-Secularism or Liberal-Democratic Constitutionalism?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    V. Bader (Veit)


    markdownabstract__Abstract__ The increasingly fashionable concept and framing of post-secularism aims to construct simplistic dichotomies and clear-cut ruptures between pre-secular, secular and post-secular ages or epochs, in order to paint generalised and homogenised pictures of societies and

  15. Gender-Sensitive Post-Disaster Assessments


    World Bank


    This note on gender-sensitive post-disaster assessments is the eighth in a series of guidance notes on gender issues in disaster risk management (DRM) in the East Asia and the Pacific region. Targeting World Bank staff, clients and development partners, this note gives an overview of the main reasons for assessing gender impacts as part of a post-disaster needs assessment, identifies the k...

  16. To evaluate and compare the effect of different Post Surface treatments on the Tensile Bond Strength between Fiber Posts and Composite Resin.


    Shori, Deepa; Pandey, Swapnil; Kubde, Rajesh; Rathod, Yogesh; Atara, Rahul; Rathi, Shravan


    Background: Fiber posts are widely used for restoration of mutilated teeth that lack adequate coronal tooth structure to retain a core for definitive restoration, bond between the fiber post and composite material depends upon the chemical reaction between the post surface and the resin material used for building up the core. In attempt to maximize the resin bonding with fiber post, different post surface conditioning is advocated. Therefore the purpose of the study is to examine the interfac...

  17. Patients' quality of life post thyroidectomy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cashman, E C


    This study was designed to evaluate health related quality of life post thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism with respect to clinical benefit and patient satisfaction. This is one of the first such studies in the literature evaluating quality of life post thyroidectomy for hyperthyroidism.

  18. Post-Modern Perspectives on Orthodox Positivism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Venzke, I.


    This contribution explains the travails of international legal positivism (ILP) from post-modern perspectives. It identifies conventional precepts of orthodox ILP and shows how variants of post-modern thinking unravel them. The focus rests on three main such precepts and their critique: first,

  19. Post-Secularism or Liberal-Democratic Constitutionalism?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bader, V.


    The increasingly fashionable concept and framing of post-secularism aims to construct simplistic dichotomies and clear-cut ruptures between pre-secular, secular and post-secular ages or epochs, in order to paint generalised and homogenised pictures of societies and their inevitable evolution. This

  20. "#Factsmustfall"?--Education in a Post-Truth, Post-Truthful World (United States)

    Horsthemke, Kai


    Taking its inspiration from the name of the recent "#FeesMustFall" movement on South African university campuses, this paper takes stock of the apparent disrepute into which truth, facts and also rationality have fallen in recent times. In the post-truth world, the blurring of borders between truth and deception, truthfulness and…

  1. Post-stroke cognitive impairment: epidemiology, mechanisms and management (United States)

    Sun, Jia-Hao


    Post-stroke cognitive impairment occurs frequently in the patients with stroke. The prevalence of post-stroke cognitive impairment ranges from 20% to 80%, which varies for the difference between the countries, the races, and the diagnostic criteria. The risk of post-stroke cognitive impairment is related to both the demographic factors like age, education and occupation and vascular factors. The underlying mechanisms of post-stroke cognitive impairment are not known in detail. However, the neuroanatomical lesions caused by the stroke on strategic areas such as the hippocampus and the white matter lesions (WMLs), the cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) due to the small cerebrovascular diseases and the mixed AD with stroke, alone or in combination, contribute to the pathogenesis of post-stroke cognitive impairment. The treatment of post-stroke cognitive impairment may benefit not only from the anti-dementia drugs, but also the manage measures on cerebrovascular diseases. In this review, we will describe the epidemiological features and the mechanisms of post-stroke cognitive impairment, and discuss the promising management strategies for these patients. PMID:25333055

  2. Characterizing JUUL-related posts on Twitter. (United States)

    Allem, Jon-Patrick; Dharmapuri, Likhit; Unger, Jennifer B; Cruz, Tess Boley


    As vaping rapidly becomes more prevalent, social media data can be harnessed to capture individuals' discussions of e-cigarette products quickly. The JUUL vaporizer is the latest advancement in e-cigarette technology, which delivers nicotine to the user from a device that is the size and shape of a thumb drive. Despite JUUL's growing popularity, little research has been conducted on JUUL. Here we utilized Twitter data to determine the public's early experiences with JUUL describing topics of posts. Twitter posts containing the term "JUUL" were obtained for 1 April 2107 to 14 December 2017. Text classifiers were used to identify topics in posts (n = 81,689). The most prevalent topic wasPerson Tagging (use of @username to tag someone in a post) at 20.48% followed by Pods (mentions of JUUL's refill cartridge) at 14.72% and Buying (mentions of purchases) at 10.49%. The topic School (posts indicative of using JUUL or seeing someone use JUUL while at elementary, middle, or high school) comprised 3.66% of posts. The topic of Quit Smoking was rare at 0.29%. Data from social media may be used to extend the surveillance of newly introduced vaping products. Findings suggest Twitter users are bonding around, and inquiring about, JUUL on social media. JUUL's discreetness may facilitate its use in places where vaping is prohibited. Educators may be in need of training on how to identify JUUL in the classroom. Despite JUUL's branding as a smoking alternative, very few Twitter users mentioned smoking cessation with JUUL. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Post-Newtonian reference ellipsoid for relativistic geodesy (United States)

    Kopeikin, Sergei; Han, Wenbiao; Mazurova, Elena


    We apply general relativity to construct the post-Newtonian background manifold that serves as a reference spacetime in relativistic geodesy for conducting a relativistic calculation of the geoid's undulation and the deflection of the plumb line from the vertical. We chose an axisymmetric ellipsoidal body made up of a perfect homogeneous fluid uniformly rotating around a fixed axis, as a source generating the reference geometry of the background manifold through Einstein's equations. We then reformulate and extend hydrodynamic calculations of rotating fluids done by a number of previous researchers for astrophysical applications to the realm of relativistic geodesy to set up algebraic equations defining the shape of the post-Newtonian reference ellipsoid. To complete this task, we explicitly perform all integrals characterizing gravitational field potentials inside the fluid body and represent them in terms of the elementary functions depending on the eccentricity of the ellipsoid. We fully explore the coordinate (gauge) freedom of the equations describing the post-Newtonian ellipsoid and demonstrate that the fractional deviation of the post-Newtonian level surface from the Maclaurin ellipsoid can be made much smaller than the previously anticipated estimate based on the astrophysical application of the coordinate gauge advocated by Bardeen and Chandrasekhar. We also derive the gauge-invariant relations of the post-Newtonian mass and the constant angular velocity of the rotating fluid with the parameters characterizing the shape of the post-Newtonian ellipsoid including its eccentricity, a semiminor axis, and a semimajor axis. We formulate the post-Newtonian theorems of Pizzetti and Clairaut that are used in geodesy to connect the geometric parameters of the reference ellipsoid to the physically measurable force of gravity at the pole and equator of the ellipsoid. Finally, we expand the post-Newtonian geodetic equations describing the post-Newtonian ellipsoid to

  4. Post-Traumatic Cognition Mediates the Relationship between a History of Sexual Abuse and the Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Sexual Assault Victims (United States)


    More than half of all sexual assault victims report experiencing sexual victimization more than once. The aim of this paper was to determine the role post-traumatic cognition plays in the relationship between a history of sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress symptoms in sexual assault victims. The relationship between a history of sexual assault and the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms was investigated retrospectively using data from a sexual assault crisis center in Korea. Data on psychological symptoms were collected in person at the initial assessment and by telephone 1 month later using the Post-traumatic Cognitions Inventory and the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Scale: Self-report Version. Of 105 women included in the analysis, 10 (9.5%) reported prior sexual abuse and were classified as sexually revictimized. Revictimized women had more post-traumatic negative cognition at initial assessment (t = −2.98; P = 0.004) and more post-traumatic symptoms at 1 month follow-up (t = −2.39; P = 0.019) than singly victimized women. At 1 month follow-up, the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms had increased in revictimized women but had decreased slightly in singly victimized women. Negative post-traumatic cognition fully mediated the association between a history of sexual abuse and the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms. Early detection of sexually revictimized women and tailored service and treatment intervention is needed to better serve this group of victims. Interventions targeted at preventing revictimization or post crime victimization may also help victims recover from the trauma and prevent future abuse. PMID:28875614

  5. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the stress distribution in the endodontically treated maxillary central incisor by glass fiber post and dentin post

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarfaraz Memon


    Conclusion: The FEA results showed that the stress in the cervical area of the dentin was more for fiber post when compared to dentin post, and maximum displacement values were less for dentin post in comparison to fiber post.

  6. Diagnostic Uncertainties in Post-stroke Pain

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roosink, M.; Renzenbrink, G.J.; Van Dongen, R.T.M.; Buitenweg, Jan R.; Geurts, A.C.H.; IJzerman, Maarten Joost


    Aim of Investigation Pain is a common complication after stroke. The etiology of post-stroke pain is largely unknown and classification of post-stroke pain subtypes is primarily based on neurological examination and pain assessment. Classification could probably be improved by a better understanding

  7. Post-heroic warfare revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frisk, Kristian


    killed during World War II (1940-1945) and the military campaign in Afghanistan (2002-2014), the paper shows that a ‘good’ military death is no longer conceived of as a patriotic sacrifice, but instead legitimised by an appeal to the unique moral worth, humanitarian goals and high professionalism...... of the fallen. The paper concludes that fatalities in transnational military interventions have invoked a sense of post-patriotic heroism instead of a post-heroic crisis, and argues that the social order of modern society has underpinned, rather than undermined, ideals of military self-sacrifice and heroism...

  8. Post-inflationary brane cosmology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mazumdar, Anupam


    The brane cosmology has invoked new challenges to the usual Big Bang cosmology. In this paper we present a brief account on thermal history of the post-inflationary brane cosmology. We have realized that it is not obvious that the post-inflationary brane cosmology would always deviate from the standard Big Bang cosmology. However, if it deviates some stringent conditions on the brane tension are to be satisfied. In this regard we study various implications on gravitino production and its abundance. We discuss Affleck-Dine mechanism for baryogenesis and make some comments on moduli and dilaton problems in this context

  9. Is Asia a 'Post-Religional' Society? The Post-Religional Paradigm and its Others

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Franklin Estepa Pilario


    Full Text Available This article discusses the relevance and applicability of the 'post-religional paradigm' as proposed by EATWOT (Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians in the Asian contexts. It also inquires on how the Asian phenomenon and its interpretations relate to the crisis of religions in Western societies. It attempts to answer this problematic through four steps: a summary of the theological proposal and its relationship with the Western sociologies of religion; a search for a viable framework with which to understand religions in post-secular societies; discussion on the "discourses of Asia" and the corresponding view on religion; an elaboration of my preferred framework with some examples from the Asian situation. I argue that a viable theological proposal on post-religional paradigm should start from the analysis of how religious discourses and practices navigate with concrete socio-historical forces on the ground. Consequent to this view is the assertion that there is no universal sociology/theology of religion's development but multiple and complex religious discourses in specific contexts.

  10. Intricate Estimation and Assessment of Surface Conditioning of Posts to improve Interfacial Adhesion in Post-core Restorations: An in vitro Study. (United States)

    Gupta, Priyanka; Sharma, Amil; Pathak, Vivek K; Mankeliya, Saurabh; Bhardwaj, Shivanshu; Dhanare, Poorvasha


    Post and core restorations are routinely used for restoring grossly decayed tooth structures. Various chemical agents are known to affect the interfacial adhesions between the post and the core. Hence, we planned the present study to evaluate the effect of various post-surface treatments on the interfacial strength between the posts and composite materials that are used for building up the core portion. The present study included assessment of the effect of surface conditioning of posts on the interfacial adhesion in post-core restorations. A total of 80 clear post-tapers were included and were divided broadly into four study groups based on the type of chemical testing protocols used. Various chemical treatments included alkaline potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, and phosphoric acid. The fourth group was the control group. The composite core material was used for building up the core. Testing of the tensile load was done on a universal testing machine. All the results were analyzed by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The highest bond strength was observed in the study group treated with alkaline potassium permanganate, while the lowest was observed in the control group followed by the hydrogen peroxide group. While comparing the mean bond strength in between various study groups, significant results were obtained. Chemical treatment protocol significantly alters the mean bond strength of the post and core restoration. Potassium permanganate significantly increases the bond strength between the fiber post and core restoration.

  11. Post-traumatic growth among the UK veterans following treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. (United States)

    Murphy, Dominic; Palmer, E; Lock, R; Busuttil, W


    The aim of this paper was to examine levels of post-traumatic growth (PTG) in a sample of the UK veterans who had received treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study followed-up 149 UK veterans after they had completed standardised treatment for PTSD provided by Combat Stress. Data had previously been collected on a range of mental health outcomes before treatment, and then repeated 6 months after the end of treatment. For the current study, participants completed the post-traumatic growth inventory (PTGI) measure. Analysis was conducted to explore levels of PTG and whether there were any relationships between pretreatment and post-treatment ratings of mental health and PTG. The mean score on the PTGI was 32.6. Evidence of a treatment effect on levels of PTG was observed. There appeared to be a relationship between improvements in symptoms of PTSD and depression and higher levels of PTG. This study observed the presence of PTG following exposure to traumatic events within a sample of the UK veterans following their treatment for PTSD. PTG scores were moderately low in comparison to similar studies in the USA. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  12. In first-time mothers, post-partum depressive symptom prospectively predict symptoms of post-traumatic stress. (United States)

    Shahar, Golan; Herishanu-Gilutz, Shirley; Holcberg, Gershon; Kofman, Ora


    Symptoms of both depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are prevalent among first-time mothers following birth. However, the direction of the association between the two types of symptoms is unclear. Ninety six first-time mothers giving birth via vaginal delivery (N=38), emergency C-Section (N=27) and planned C-Section (N=21) were assessed for depression and PTSD twice: Six weeks post-partum and six-weeks later. Cross-lagged Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analyses revealed a prospective effect of depressive symptoms on PTSD symptoms. No moderating factors were identified. A relatively modest sample size and only two assessment waves. An early detection and intervention with symptoms of post-partum depression might also prevent the development of PTSD symptoms. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Does brand posting behaviour influence follower engagement on Instagram?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Balan Carmen


    Full Text Available The Instagram application captured the attention of hundreds of millions of users. The goal of this paper was to study whether there is a statistically significant relationship between the posting behaviour of corporate retail brands on Instagram and follower engagement. The proxy variables used to describe the posting behaviour were: number of days with posts, number of posts and existence of calls to action within posts. The proxy variables for engagement were the number of likes, as well as the sum of likes and comments for each post. The study referred to the Instagram activity of the top fifty global specialty retailers. Lately, the researchers’ interest in social media grew substantially. In contrast, the studies relative to the posting behaviour of companies on Instagram are rather scarce. At present, scientific research on this topic is in an preliminary state. In addition, there are no published findings of scientific research on the use of Instagram by top global specialty retailers. The paper aimed to answer the following research questions: (a “Is posting on Instagram a common behaviour of the top fifty global specialty retailers?”; (b “How active are these companies in posting own photo and video content?”; (c “Are there statistically significant relationships between the variables describing the posting behaviour and those reflecting the follower engagement?”. The data were collected by monitoring verified badge Instagram accounts of the top fifty global specialty retailers. The t test was applied on data from the online study of 612 posts. Findings reveal statistical significant relationships between the analysed variables. There is a strong correlation between the number of posts and engagement. To the best of our knowledge, this article is the first to approach this topic. As a direct implication for retailers, an intense posting activity may lead to an increased engagement of followers.

  14. No filter: A characterization of #pharmacist posts on Instagram. (United States)

    Hindman, F Mark; Bukowitz, Alison E; Reed, Brent N; Mattingly, T Joseph

    The primary objective was to characterize the underlying intent of Instagram posts using the hashtag metadata term "#pharmacist" over a 1-year period. The secondary objective was to determine whether statistically significant relationships existed between the categories and the 2 dichotomous variables tested, self-portrayed images, and relation to health care. Retrospective, cross-sectional, mixed methods, exploratory, descriptive study. A review of available Instagram posts using the hashtag metadata "#pharmacist" from November 4, 2014, to November 3, 2015. Data were collected using software provided by NEXT Analytics. A sample of 14 random days was selected. Six hundred sixty-one Instagram posts containing "#pharmacist" in the caption. Categorization of post (including both picture and primary caption), self-portrayed images (i.e., "selfie"), and health care-related images. One thousand three hundred thirty-eight posts were collected from the 14-day sample. Of the posts, 661 (49.4%) were analyzed; the remainder were excluded for being written in a non-English language or containing "#pharmacist" in the comments of the post, rather than the primary caption; 19.7% of all posts fell into the Celebration category, followed by Work Experience and Advertisement with 18.6% and 12.6%, respectively. The remainder of the categories contained 10% or fewer posts. Less than 25% of posts were self-portrayed images, and 88% of posts were deemed health care-related. Instagram is an emerging social media platform that can be used to expand patient education, professional advocacy, and public health outreach. In this study, the majority of #pharmacist posts were celebratory in nature, and the majority were determined to be related to health care. Posts containing #pharmacist may provide the opportunity to educate the public regarding the knowledge and capabilities of pharmacists. Copyright © 2017 American Pharmacists Association®. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Plane wave scattering by bow-tie posts (United States)

    Lech, Rafal; Mazur, Jerzy


    The theory of scattering in free space by a novel structure of a two-dimensional dielectric-metallic post is developed with the use of a combination of a modified iterative scattering procedure and an orthogonal expansion method. The far scattered field patterns for open structures are derived. The rotation of the post affects its scattered field characteristic, which permits to make adjustments in characteristic of the posts arrays.

  16. The Nature and Design of Post-Industrial Organizations


    George P. Huber


    This paper describes the nature and design of post-industrial organizations. It begins with an assessment of the popular literature on post-industrial society, and finds that this literature is an inappropriate basis for inferring the nature of post-industrial organizations. Partly as a consequence of this finding, the paper turns to systems theory as a basis for determining both the nature of post-industrial society and the nature of the increased demands that this environment would impose o...

  17. 76 FR 67498 - Post Office Closing (United States)


    ... POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. A2012-17; Order No. 918] Post Office Closing AGENCY: Postal Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This document informs the public that an appeal of the closing of the Venice, California post office has been filed. It identifies preliminary steps and...

  18. From Academic to Post-Academic Science

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammad Amin Ghaneirad


    Full Text Available This paper studies the cultural change in science from academic science to post-academic science by the use of documentary studying and analytical reasoning. The aim of this study is determining the direction of cultural change in science and comparing it with cultural change in society.The knowledge production which surrounds academy has little relationship with the values of society and epistemological norms regulate scientists' behavior from within the scientific system. But in post-academic science the relationship between science and society operates in the same line with market and government and science produce within the social context and scientists' behavior controlled by the norms out of the scientific system. So the culture of science has changed because science applied to meet the requirements of market and industry. The result is that contrary to cultural change in society that goes from materialism to post-materialism, cultural change in science moves from post-materialism to materialism.

  19. Post-communism: postmodernity or modernity revisited? (United States)

    Ray, L


    Coinciding with the popularity of postmodern theory, the fall of communism appeared to offer further evidence of the exhaustion of modernity. Such analysis is grounded in a view that the Soviet system was the epitome of modernity. An alternative approach regards post-communism as opening new terrains of struggle for modernity. Thus Habermas and others suggest that post-communist societies are rejoining the trajectory of western modernity whose problems they now recapitulate. This alternative view implies that Soviet systems were something other than 'modern', although their nature is not always clearly defined. However, even if post-communist societies do encounter problems of modernity, they do so in new circumstances where modernist notions of social development have become problematic. This article argues that, contrary to those who regard modernization or postmodernization as irresistible trends, core post-communist societies are likely to develop along an alternative path to that of western modernity. This is tentatively described as 'neo-mercantilist'.

  20. Swiss post office on the Meyrin site

    CERN Multimedia


    As of 4 September 2006, the post office on the Meyrin site will be open to the public from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m non-stop Mondays to Fridays. NB: the Meyrin 1 post office (23, avenue de Feuillasse) is open from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and the Meyrin 2 Village post office (3, chemin Antoine-Verchère) from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. For further information, please contact the Meyin Site post office on 72798. Relations with the Host States Service Tel. 72848


    CERN Multimedia


    As of 4 September 2006, the post office on the Meyrin site will be open to the public from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m non-stop Mondays to Fridays. NB: the Meyrin 1 post office (23, avenue de Feuillasse) is open from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. and the Meyrin 2 Village post office (3, chemin Antoine-Verchère) from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. and from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. For further information, please contact the Meyin Site post office on 72798. Relations with the Host States Service Tel. 72848

  2. Post-infectious sequelae of travelers' diarrhea. (United States)

    Connor, Bradley A; Riddle, Mark S


    Travelers' diarrhea (TD) has generally been considered a self-limited disorder which resolves more quickly with expeditious and appropriate antibiotic therapy given bacteria are the most frequently identified cause. However, epidemiological, clinical, and basic science evidence identifying a number of chronic health conditions related to these infections has recently emerged which challenges this current paradigm. These include serious and potentially disabling enteric and extra-intestinal long-term complications. Among these are rheumatologic, neurologic, gastrointestinal, renal, and endocrine disorders. This review aims to examine and summarize the current literature pertaining to three of these post-infectious disorders: reactive arthritis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome and the relationship of these conditions to diarrhea associated with travel as well as to diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis which may not be specifically travel related but relevant by shared microbial pathogens. It is hoped this review will allow clinicians who see travelers to be aware of these post-infectious sequelae thus adding to our body of knowledge in travel medicine. Data for this article were identified by searches of PubMed and MEDLINE, and references from relevant articles using search terms "travelers' diarrhea" "reactive arthritis" "Guillain-Barré syndrome" "Post-Infectious Irritable Bowel Syndrome." Abstracts were included when related to previously published work. A review of the published literature reveals that potential consequences of travelers' diarrhea may extend beyond the acute illness and these post-infectious complications may be more common than currently recognized. In addition since TD is such a common occurrence it would be helpful to be able to identify those who might be at greater risk of post-infectious sequelae in order to target more aggressive prophylactic or therapeutic approaches to such individuals. It is

  3. Management of rigid post-traumatic kyphosis. (United States)

    Wu, S S; Hwa, S Y; Lin, L C; Pai, W M; Chen, P Q; Au, M K


    Rigid post-traumatic kyphosis after fracture of the thoracolumbar and lumbar spine represents a failure of initial management of the injury. Kyphosis moves the center of gravity anterior. The kyphosis and instability may result in pain, deformity, and increased neurologic deficits. Management for symptomatic post-traumatic kyphosis always has presented a challenge to orthopedic surgeons. To evaluate the surgical results of one stage posterior correction for rigid symptomatic post-traumatic kyphosis of the thoracolumbar and lumbar spine. The management for post-traumatic kyphosis remains controversial. Anterior, posterior, or combined anterior and posterior procedures have been advocated by different authors and show various degrees of success. One vertebra immediately above and below the level of the deformity was instrumented posteriorly by a transpedicular system (internal fixator AO). Posterior decompression was performed by excision of the spinal process and bilateral laminectomy. With the deformed vertebra through the pedicle, the vertebral body carefully is removed around the pedicle level, approximating a wedge shape. The extent to which the deformed vertebral body should be removed is determined by the attempted correction. Correction of the deformity is achieved by manipulation of the operating table and compression of the adjacent Schanz screws above and below the lesion. Thirteen patients with post-traumatic kyphosis with symptoms of fatigue and pain caused by slow progression of kyphotic deformities received posterior decompression, correction, and stabilization as a definitive treatment. The precorrection kyphosis ranged from 30-60 degrees, with a mean of 40 degrees +/- 10.8 degrees. After correction, kyphosis was reduced to an average of 1.5 degrees +/- 3.8 degrees, with a range from -5 degrees to 5 degrees. The average angle of correction was 38.8 degrees +/- 10.4 degrees, with a range from 25 degrees to 60 degrees. Significant difference was found

  4. Post-Traumatic Cognition Mediates the Relationship between a History of Sexual Abuse and the Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Sexual Assault Victims. (United States)

    Shin, Kyoung Min; Chung, Young Ki; Shin, Yee Jin; Kim, Miran; Kim, Nam Hee; Kim, Kyoung Ah; Lee, Hanbyul; Chang, Hyoung Yoon


    More than half of all sexual assault victims report experiencing sexual victimization more than once. The aim of this paper was to determine the role post-traumatic cognition plays in the relationship between a history of sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress symptoms in sexual assault victims. The relationship between a history of sexual assault and the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms was investigated retrospectively using data from a sexual assault crisis center in Korea. Data on psychological symptoms were collected in person at the initial assessment and by telephone 1 month later using the Post-traumatic Cognitions Inventory and the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Scale: Self-report Version. Of 105 women included in the analysis, 10 (9.5%) reported prior sexual abuse and were classified as sexually revictimized. Revictimized women had more post-traumatic negative cognition at initial assessment (t = -2.98; P = 0.004) and more post-traumatic symptoms at 1 month follow-up (t = -2.39; P = 0.019) than singly victimized women. At 1 month follow-up, the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms had increased in revictimized women but had decreased slightly in singly victimized women. Negative post-traumatic cognition fully mediated the association between a history of sexual abuse and the severity of post-traumatic stress symptoms. Early detection of sexually revictimized women and tailored service and treatment intervention is needed to better serve this group of victims. Interventions targeted at preventing revictimization or post crime victimization may also help victims recover from the trauma and prevent future abuse. © 2017 The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences.

  5. Toward a Post-Modern Agenda in Instructional Technology. (United States)

    Solomon, David L.


    Discusses the concept of post-modernism and relates it to the field of instructional technology. Topics include structuralism; semiotics; poststructuralism; deconstruction; knowledge and power; critical theory; self-concept; post-modern assumptions; and potential contributions of post-modern concepts in instructional technology. (Contains 80…

  6. A Linguistic Analysis of Suicide-Related Twitter Posts. (United States)

    O'Dea, Bridianne; Larsen, Mark E; Batterham, Philip J; Calear, Alison L; Christensen, Helen


    Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. Identifying those at risk and delivering timely interventions is challenging. Social media site Twitter is used to express suicidality. Automated linguistic analysis of suicide-related posts may help to differentiate those who require support or intervention from those who do not. This study aims to characterize the linguistic profiles of suicide-related Twitter posts. Using a dataset of suicide-related Twitter posts previously coded for suicide risk by experts, Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) and regression analyses were conducted to determine differences in linguistic profiles. When compared with matched non-suicide-related Twitter posts, strongly concerning suicide-related posts were characterized by a higher word count, increased use of first-person pronouns, and more references to death. When compared with safe-to-ignore suicide-related posts, strongly concerning suicide-related posts were characterized by increased use of first-person pronouns, greater anger, and increased focus on the present. Other differences were found. The predictive validity of the identified features needs further testing before these results can be used for interventional purposes. This study demonstrates that strongly concerning suicide-related Twitter posts have unique linguistic profiles. The examination of Twitter data for the presence of such features may help to validate online risk assessments and determine those in need of further support or intervention.



    M. Mala; Dr. G. Vasanthi


    Financial inclusion means connecting all individuals, who are in the remote rural areas, to a well-functioning financial system. During post liberalization period the Indian post offices are providing banking services to the all section of people of the society since 1882. Indian post served Indian villagers as banker much before financial inclusion become buzzword and Indian post claims to be the pioneer of financial inclusion in India. The paper aims to focus on utilizing the India Post Off...

  8. Post-Colonialism Perspectives on Educational Competition (United States)

    Yeh, Chuan-Rong


    Educational competition has always been the puzzle issue of educational researches. In this article, I analyze several aspects of educational competition within the perspective of post-colonialism discourse. In the political aspect, Taiwanese education is linked with political power, to present the post-colonial spirit by continuing dynastic…

  9. 39 CFR 241.3 - Discontinuance of post offices. (United States)


    ... CLASSIFICATION, AND DISCONTINUANCE § 241.3 Discontinuance of post offices. (a) Introduction—(1) Coverage. This... justify in sufficient detail to Postal Service management and affected customers the proposed service... inspection during normal business hours at each post office where the Final Determination is posted for 30...

  10. 77 FR 33788 - Proposed Post Office Structure Plan (United States)


    ... Plan AGENCY: Postal Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The Commission is noticing a recently-filed Postal Service request for an advisory opinion regarding its Post Office Structure Plan... Commission for an advisory opinion under 39 U.S.C. 3661 regarding its Post Office Structure Plan (POStPlan...

  11. Event-Related Potentials for Post-Error and Post-Conflict Slowing (United States)

    Chang, Andrew; Chen, Chien-Chung; Li, Hsin-Hung; Li, Chiang-Shan R.


    In a reaction time task, people typically slow down following an error or conflict, each called post-error slowing (PES) and post-conflict slowing (PCS). Despite many studies of the cognitive mechanisms, the neural responses of PES and PCS continue to be debated. In this study, we combined high-density array EEG and a stop-signal task to examine event-related potentials of PES and PCS in sixteen young adult participants. The results showed that the amplitude of N2 is greater during PES but not PCS. In contrast, the peak latency of N2 is longer for PCS but not PES. Furthermore, error-positivity (Pe) but not error-related negativity (ERN) was greater in the stop error trials preceding PES than non-PES trials, suggesting that PES is related to participants' awareness of the error. Together, these findings extend earlier work of cognitive control by specifying the neural correlates of PES and PCS in the stop signal task. PMID:24932780

  12. Post-Concussion Syndrome (United States)

    ... psychological factors, especially since the most common symptoms — headache, dizziness and sleep problems — are similar to those often experienced by people diagnosed with depression, anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. In many cases, both physiological effects of ...

  13. This Is My (Post) Truth, Tell Me Yours


    Powell, Martin


    This is a commentary on the article ‘The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy.’ It critically examines two of its key concepts: populism and ‘post truth.’ This commentary argues that there are different types of populism, with unclear links to impacts, and that in some ways, ‘post-truth’ has resonances with arguments advanced in the period at the beginning of the British National Health Service (NHS). In short, ‘post-truth’ populism’ may b...

  14. Prevalence and treatment of post partum urinary incontinence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siv Mørkved


    Full Text Available  SUMMARYChildbirth is often considered the main etiological factor in the development of female urinary incontinence(UI. For that reason women in the western countries have been encouraged to engage in post partumpelvic floor muscle (PFM exercise in order to strengthen the pelvic floor. However, the effect of post partumPFM exercise has been sparsely documented. The aim of this article is to review and discuss literaturerelated to prevalence of post partum UI and effect of post partum PFM exercise in the treatment of UI. Thereported prevalence of UI post partum varies from 0.7% to 44%. The variation may be explained bydifferent definitions of UI used in the questionnaires and that the registration of incontinence was done atdifferent intervals after delivery. A few studies have tried to evaluate the effect of post natal PFM exercise.Some have evaluated PFM strength, others the frequency of UI. PFM strength is difficult to measure andthe reliability and validity of the methods used is open to question. Another flaw in some of the previousstudies is the training protocol applied to improve PFM strength. Mørkved and Bø tried to take intoaccount the above mentioned methodological considerations, in a study aiming to evaluate the effect ofpost partum PFM exercise. The results demonstrate that post partum PFM exercise is effective instrengthening the PFM and in the treatment of UI. However, success of PFM exercise is dependent uponboth the training frequency and intensity. This requires a closer follow up of the post partum women, thanthe written information that usually serves this purpose at the present time.Key words  : physiotherapy, pelvic floor muscles, urinary incontinence, post partum exercise, prevalence

  15. Post-event processing in social anxiety. (United States)

    Dannahy, Laura; Stopa, Lusia


    Clark and Wells' [1995. A cognitive model of social phobia. In: R. Heimberg, M. Liebowitz, D.A. Hope, & F.R. Schneier (Eds.) Social phobia: Diagnosis, assessment and treatment (pp. 69-93). New York: Guildford Press.] cognitive model of social phobia proposes that following a social event, individuals with social phobia will engage in post-event processing, during which they conduct a detailed review of the event. This study investigated the relationship between self-appraisals of performance and post-event processing in individuals high and low in social anxiety. Participants appraised their performance immediately after a conversation with an unknown individual and prior to an anticipated second conversation task 1 week later. The frequency and valence of post-event processing during the week following the conversation was also assessed. The study also explored differences in the metacognitive processes of high and low socially anxious participants. The high socially anxious group experienced more anxiety, predicted worse performance, underestimated their actual performance, and engaged in more post-event processing than low socially anxious participants. The degree of negative post-event processing was linked to the extent of social anxiety and negative appraisals of performance, both immediately after the conversation task and 1 week later. Differences were also observed in some metacognitive processes. The results are discussed in relation to current theory and previous research.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esha Pradnyana


    Full Text Available Pregnancy and the first child birth is an influential complex event for a mother, which is where everything including phsycal and psyological aspects. This change can make mother psyological disorder, that can lead into depression after childbearing that call post childbearing depression or post partum depression. A wide review at 59 study make a result that 13% among primipara can suffer post partum depression 12 weeks after childbearing. Estabilishmet of this diagnosis, besides from history and symptoms, and can be supported through test Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale( EPDS . Patient with post partum depression, given treatment with antidepressant drug. Breastfeeding is not only to reduce stress for the mother, but also reduce the level of stress on a baby when his mother suffered depression

  17. Politics of Ethno-Nationalism: a Post-Colonial and Post-Socialist Schema

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The present paper aims to propose a schema for analysing the contemporary politics of national and ethnic identity in post-colonial and post-socialist states. To this end it will seek: (a to provide a comprehensive operational definition of nationalism, (b to qualify that definition by the addition of the adjective ‘ethnic,' (c to assess the extent to which the concept ‘ethnic nationalism' can help us to understand some of the politics of ethnicity and national identity in a post-independence setting, and (d to problematize the notion of ‘false consciousness' in ethno-national political appeals. My argument will be situated within the broad theoretical framework of a non-reductionist, neo-Marxist class analysis, for it is my conviction that ethno-national consciousness and politics are better understood if we are able to trace the concrete class interests and motives of their promoters. In other words, whether as sentiment or as movement, nationalism cannot be divorced from the class interests of its leading promoters. But one must be cautious when absolutizing the class claim, for in the specific case of ethnic nationalism, for example, Robin Williams has noted that "to dismiss ethnicity as false consciousness ignores the clear evidence that ethnies often sacrifice economic interests in favour of symbolic gains" (1994:64-65, and even beyond this, as Ronaldo Munck reminds us, "nationalism matters because people die for it" (1986:2..

  18. Marijuana-Related Posts on Instagram


    Cavazos-Rehg, Patricia A.; Krauss, Melissa J.; Sowles, Shaina J.; Bierut, Laura J.


    Instagram is a highly visual social networking site whose audience continues to grow, especially among young adults. In the present study, we examine marijuana-related content on Instagram to better understand the varied types of marijuana-related social networking occurring on this popular social media platform. We collected 417,561 Instagram posts with marijuana-related hashtags from November 29 to December 12, 2014. We assessed content of a random sample (n = 5000) of these posts with mari...

  19. Multicultural Media in a Post-Multicultural Canada? Rethinking Integration

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    Augie Fleras


    Full Text Available This paper addresses the post-multicultural challenges that confront the integrative logic of Canada’s multicultural media. Multicultural (or ethnic media once complemented the integrative agenda of Canada’s official multiculturalism, but the drift toward a post-multicultural Canada points to the possibility of a post-multicultural media that capitalizes on the positive aspects of multicultural media. The argument is predicated on the following assumption: an evolving context that no longer is multicultural but increasingly transnational, multiversal, and post-ethnic exposes the shortcomings of a multicultural media when applied to the lived-realities of those who resent being boxed into ethnic silos that gloss over multiple connections and multidimensional crossings. According to this line of argument, both diversity governance and ethnic media must reinvent themselves along more post-multicultural lines to better engage the transnational challenges and multiversal demands of a post-multicultural turn. Time will tell if a post-multicultural media can incorporate the strengths of a multicultural media, yet move positively forward in capturing the nuances of complex diversities and diverse complexities. Evidence would suggest “yes”, and that a post-multicultural media may well represent an ideal that reflects and reinforces the new integrative realities of a post-ethnic Canada.

  20. God and religion in post-modern philosophers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José J. Queiroz


    Full Text Available This paper is an essay on the positions of some post-modern philosophers on religion, with the debate about post-modernity as a background. Its preliminary objective is to situate post-modernity taking a position between plain acceptance and categorical refusal in contemporary society. In this polemical field, the paper focuses on three important post-modern philosophers by pointing their contributions for a new thinking about religion today. The procedure consists in the reading of the authors´ texts looking for an interpretation of their discourses on God, religion and the sacred. The conclusion is that post-modernity is not as new era overcoming modernity, but that it is comprised of new themes  that are on the fringes  or even  in opposite directions of modernity´s parameters . One can find these themes in many fields of human knowledge including theology and science of religion. On Derrida´s position, who is the most focused philosopher, the text is still embryonic as it comes from ongoing research.  

  1. Issues and Solutions for Command Post Simulations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Stytz, Martin R; Banks, Sheila B


    .... Unfortunately, the modeling of joint command post teams is still very much in its infancy and this lack of foundational research hinders our ability to assess the performance of command post teams...

  2. The Post-Newtonian Approximation for Relativistic Compact Binaries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Futamase Toshifumi


    Full Text Available We discuss various aspects of the post-Newtonian approximation in general relativity. After presenting the foundation based on the Newtonian limit, we show a method to derive post-Newtonian equations of motion for relativistic compact binaries based on a surface integral approach and the strong field point particle limit. As an application we derive third post-Newtonian equations of motion for relativistic compact binaries which respect the Lorentz invariance in the post-Newtonian perturbative sense, admit a conserved energy, and are free from any ambiguity.

  3. Commemorating the future in post-war Chernivtsi. (United States)

    Frunchak, Svetlana


    Throughout the Second World War and the post-war period, the city of Chernivtsi was transformed from a multiethnic and borderland urban microcosm into a culturally uniform Soviet socialist city. As the Soviets finally took power in this onetime capital of a Hapsburg province in 1944, they not only sponsored further large-scale population transfers but also "repopulated" its history, creating a new urban myth of cultural uniformity. This article examines the connection between war commemoration in Chernivtsi in the era of post-war, state-sponsored anti-Semitism and the formation of collective memory and identities of the city's post-war population. The images of homogeneously Ukrainian Chernivtsi and Bukovina were created through the art of monumental propaganda, promoting public remembrance of certain events and personalities while making sure that others were doomed to oblivion. Selective commemoration of the wartime events was an important tool of drawing the borders of Ukrainian national identity, making it exclusivist and ethnic-based. Through an investigation of the origins of the post-war collective memory in the region, this article addresses the problem of perceived discontinuity between all things Soviet and post-Soviet in Ukraine. It demonstrates that it is, on the contrary, the continuity between Soviet and post-Soviet eras that defines today's dominant culture and state ideology in Ukraine and particularly in its borderlands.

  4. NaIrO3-A pentavalent post-perovskite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bremholm, M.; Dutton, S.E.; Stephens, P.W.; Cava, R.J.


    Sodium iridium (V) oxide, NaIrO 3, was synthesized by a high pressure solid state method and recovered to ambient conditions. It is found to be isostructural with CaIrO 3 , the much-studied structural analog of the high-pressure post-perovskite phase of MgSiO 3 . Among the oxide post-perovskites, NaIrO 3 is the first example with a pentavalent cation. The structure consists of layers of corner- and edge-sharing IrO 6 octahedra separated by layers of NaO 8 bicapped trigonal prisms. NaIrO 3 shows no magnetic ordering and resistivity measurements show non-metallic behavior. The crystal structure, electrical and magnetic properties are discussed and compared to known post-perovskites and pentavalent perovskite metal oxides. -- Graphical abstract: Sodium iridium(V) oxide, NaIrO 3 , synthesized by a high pressure solid state method and recovered to ambient conditions is found to crystallize as the post-perovskite structure and is the first example of a pentavalent ABO 3 post-perovskite. Research highlights: → NaIrO 3 post-perovskite stabilized by pressure. → First example of a pentavalent oxide post-perovskite. → Non-metallic and non-magnetic behavior of NaIrO 3 .

  5. Post-Structuralism and Marxism: Education as Knowledge Capitalism. (United States)

    Peters, Michael


    Argues for "post-structural Marxism" as the pedagogical practice of reading and rereading Marx in a critical manner. Briefly discusses the concept of the social in the post-modern condition before reviewing relations between post-structuralism and Marxism. Provides an account of Deleuze's Marxism, using it to analyze education as a form…

  6. Indicial response test for the support post structure of VHTR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Futakawa, Masatoshi; Kikuchi, Kenji; Tachibana, Katsumi; Muto, Yasushi


    Fuel blocks and removable reflector blocks, which constitute a core of VHTR, are supported by support posts. Each support post is in contact with a hot plenum block at the top end and with a lower plenum block at the bottom end through hemispherical seats to absorb a relative displacement generated by the lateral movement of both blocks by means of small inclination or rotation of support posts. Indicial response tests have been carried out by using a specified one-dimensional vibration model in order to estimate the effects of the support post length, the mass of hot plenum block and the hemispherical radii of both support and post seat on the vibrational characteristics in the support post structure. Futhermore the experimental results have been compared with the analytical ones obtained from the Lagrange's equation. The following are the conclusions derived. (1) The hemispherical radii of support post and post seat have a large effect on the frequency of vibration in the support post structure. (2) The frequency of vibration in the support post structure is predictable using the Lagrange's equation. (author)

  7. Post petroleum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urry, John


    In this original book-object, John Urry describes a world conditioned by an all-oil system. Our movement, possessions, and even our social relationships are entirely dependent on this rapidly-depleting energy source. He shows that the 20. century created the illusion of a future that, today, proves untenable, even in the medium term. While everyone's attention is still focused on just how long this reprieve will last, John Urry shifts the debate, asking the much more fundamental question: 'What happens next?' What would a world without oil look like? How would our lives as producers and consumers play out in a world deprived of this resource? In spite of growing awareness of the depletion of oil reserves, these questions remain unanswered. That is why the author alerts us to the need to prepare for post-oil now, and asks: without political awareness, how can our societies radically reinvent their relationship to energy and movement? John Urry thus imagines what will become of 'disconnected' societies in the form of four 'post-oil' scenarios, and calls us to action. His work is of particular importance to the Mobile Lives Forum, which aims to imagine good mobile lives for the future and prepare for the mobility transition. This text is transcript of a lecture given by John Urry to the Mobile Lives Forum's Scientific Steering Committee. Table of contents: 1 - Illusion: Understanding the energization of a social phenomenon; The birth of a new socio-technical system; United states: founders of an all-energy society; The emergence of an oil-based civilisation; Increasing difficulties in the use of oil; The role of oil in the current economic crisis; Can oil-dependency be deleted?; 2 - 4 scenarios: The Magic bullet future; digital lives; Unplugging: a post-car society; Warlordism in a world of shortages; 3 - Conclusion

  8. An overview of post infectious coughs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samrad Mehrabi


    Full Text Available Coughs lasting more than 3 weeks after airway infections are likely regarded as post-infectious coughs. A normal chest radiography unfavors possibility of pulmonary infection. These coughs are selflimited. This study reviews conducted studies in order to identify and define prevalence, pathogenesis, and cure of post-infectious constant coughs. The necessary data and guidelines are gained from English articles in PubMed website. Post-infectious and cough are searched. Post-infectious cough pathogenesis are not known; nevertheless, inflammation, epithelial damages of upper and lower airways, increased mucus secretion, and an increased reactivity of airways can cause these coughs. Despite self-limitedness of these coughs; dextromethorphan, antihistamines, ipratropium bromide, and decongestant are usually prescribed for cure of these coughs. Conversely, antibiotics play no significant role in this regard. These coughs constitutes smaller percentage of chronic coughs and are primarily classified in subacute coughs. Further studies should cover sub-acute and chronic properties of these coughs as well as their prevalence in different age groups and their determinants.

  9. [Legal aspects of post-mortem radiology in the Netherlands]. (United States)

    Venderink, W; Dute, J C J


    In the Netherlands, the application of post-mortem radiology (virtual autopsy) is on the rise. Contrary to conventional autopsy, with post-mortem radiology the body remains intact. There is uncertainty concerning the legal admissibility of post-mortem radiology, since the Dutch Corpse Disposal Act does not contain any specific regulations for this technique. Autopsy and post-mortem radiology differ significantly from a technical aspect, but these differences do not have far-reaching legal consequences from a legal perspective. Even though the body remains intact during post-mortem radiology, the bodily integrity of a deceased person is breached if it would be applied without previously obtained consent. This permission can only be obtained after the relatives are fully informed about the proposed activity. In this respect, it is not relevant which technique is used, be it post-mortem radiology or autopsy. Therefore, the other legal conditions for post-mortem radiology are essentially identical to those for autopsy.

  10. Managing Post-Disaster Needs Assessments (PDNA)


    Jones, Brett


    This knowledge note provides an overview of the post-disaster assessment process, extracting lessons learned in the East Asia Pacific Region (EAP) and presenting best practices from recent assessments. The note explains the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) methodology, and outlines: (i) the assessment triggers, (ii) key steps in assessment planning, and (iii) dos and don'ts in assessm...

  11. Battery Post-Test Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — Post-test diagnostics of aged batteries can provide additional information regarding the cause of performance degradation, which, previously, could be only inferred...

  12. [Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis: Two post-traumatic complications mimicking cellulitis]. (United States)

    Moulin, C; Barthélémy, I; Emering, C; D'Incan, M

    Dermal and subcutaneous inflammation following direct trauma is initially evocative of soft-tissue infection. However, two differential diagnoses must be considered: Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis. Case 1: a 51-year-old woman fell off her motorbike and had dermabrasions on her right and left tibial ridges that rapidly developed into dermo-hypodermitis of the entire limb. There was no improvement after 3 weeks of antibiotics. The patient was apyretic. She had a soft, non-inflammatory tumefaction on the inner aspect of her left knee. Ultrasound revealed subcutaneous collection in both legs. The surgeons confirmed a diagnosis of Morel-Lavallée syndrome and drained the two collections. Progress was good and the patient healed without major consequences. Case 2: following a fall on her stairs, a 40-year-old woman presented dermabrasions and haematomas on her left leg. Antibiotic therapy failed to prevent the progression of dermo-hypodermitis. The patient remained apyretic and there was no inflammatory syndrome. A CT scan showed thickening of a subcutaneous fat and fluid collection, resulting in diagnosis of post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis. Management was surgical and the outcome was good. These two cases show two post-traumatic cutaneous complications: Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis. Morel-Lavallée syndrome occurs after tangential trauma next to richly vascularized tissue. Post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis is defined as necrosis of adipocytes. In both cases, diagnosis is confirmed by imagery (Ultrasonography, tomography). Our two case reports show that inflammatory presentation of both Morel-Lavallée syndrome and post-traumatic nodular fat necrosis can lead to diagnostic and therapeutic errors while a surgical procedure is necessary since tissue necrosis can occur. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Late post-operative hypoxaemia and organ dysfunction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kehlet, H; Rosenberg, J


    an adverse effect of tissue hypoxia on wound healing and on resistance to bacterial wound infections. Finally, mental confusion and surgical delirium may be related to inadequate arterial oxygenation during the late post-operative period. Late post-operative constant and episodic hypoxaemia may therefore......Constant and episodic hypoxaemia are common after major operations in the late post-operative period in the surgical ward. Recent studies have shown that hypoxaemia may be related to the development of myocardial ischaemia and cardiac arrhythmias. Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated...

  14. Post-Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-Industrial Scandinavia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klemp, Marc; Møller, Niels Framroze


    that England was characterized by post-Malthusian dynamics preceding the Industrial Revolution. However, given England's special position as the forerunner of the Industrial Revolution, it is unclear if a transitory post-Malthusian period is a general phenomenon. Using data from Denmark, Norway and Sweden......Theories of economic growth hypothesize that the transition from pre-industrial stagnation to sustained growth is associated with a post-Malthusian phase in which technological progress raises income and spurs population growth while offsetting diminishing returns to labor. Evidence suggests...

  15. Communication from La Poste

    CERN Multimedia


    We should like to remind users that post sent to the CERN site must be correctly addressed in order to reach the right destination as quickly as possible: Correspondence (goods subject to Swiss VAT): Surname, first name CERN (Department, Building & Mailbox) Route de Meyrin 385 Case Postale 1211 Genève 23 CERN (Switzerland) Official orders (goods not subject to Swiss VAT): CERN Goods Reception Order number ( Ca, Ct, Cl....) For the attention of: (surname, first name) Route de Meyrin 385 Case Postale 1211 Genève 23 CERN (Switzerland) Please inform your suppliers of the above addresses. Last minute Swiss motorway sticker on sale at the POST OFFICE, Main Building (63 R 02) 40.- CHF

  16. Ion nitriding post-oxidation as an alternative technique to electrolytic chromium; Nitruracion post-oxidacion ionica como tecnica alternativa al cromado electrolitico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz-Guillen, J. C.; Granda-Gutierrez, E.E.; Campa-Castilla, A.; Perez-Aguilar, S.I.; Garza-Gomez, A.; Candelas-Ramirez, J.; Mendez-Mendez, R. [COMIMSA. Corporacion Mexicana de Investigacion en Materiales S.A. de C.V., Saltillo, Coahuila (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The effect of temperature and processing time during post-oxidation on hardness and corrosion resistance of AISI 1045 samples treated through nitriding and post-oxidation in a pulsed plasma discharge is evaluated in this paper. Also, a comparative analysis of the mechanical properties obtained with the dual nitriding - post oxidation process versus those properties of typical hard chrome coatings was performed with an aim to propose an alternative technique to the processes of galvanic coatings. The latter revealed that the process of ion nitriding and post-oxidation provides similar properties in hardness and improves the corrosion resistance compared to the hard chrome case. It is conclude that the technique of ion nitriding and post-oxidation is a non environmental harmful technology with strong potential to replace highly polluting electroplating techniques for application of hard chrome coatings. [Spanish] En el presente trabajo se evalua el efecto del tiempo y la temperatura de post-oxidacion sobre las propiedades de dureza y resistencia a la corrosion de muestras de acero AISI 1045 sometido al proceso de nitruracion post-oxidacion ionica en plasmas pulsados. Asi mismo, con el objetivo de fundamentar la propuesta de utilizacion de la nitruracion post-oxidacion ionica como una tecnica alternativa a los procesos galvanicos para aplicacion de recubrimientos de cromo duro, se realizo un analisis comparativo de propiedades, evidenciando que, mediante el proceso nitruracion postoxidacion ionica, es posible obtener caracteristicas similares en dureza y mejores en resistencia a la corrosion que las tipicas obtenidas para el cromo duro. Los resultados obtenidos permiten postular una tecnica que no dana al medio ambiente, como lo es la nitruracion post-oxidacion ionica, como candidata potencial para sustituir las tecnicas galvanicas altamente contaminantes para aplicacion de cromo duro.

  17. Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Post-Socialist Countries of the European Union: Motives and Patterns of Entrepreneurship of Post-Soviet Immigrants in Hungary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanja Tepavcevic


    Full Text Available This paper explores the relationship between migration, entrepreneurship, and foreign direct investments by focusing on entrepreneurial activities of post-Soviet (immigrants in Hungary in periods between 1991 and 2016. Post-Soviet migrants are in focus because between 1956 and 1989 the Soviet Union coercively kept Hungary in the Socialist bloc. Based on surveys and in-depth interviews, this paper reveals that there are considerable differences in patterns of entrepreneurship among post-Soviet immigrant entrepreneurs depending mostly on time of their arrival to Hungary. Similarly, motives for entrepreneurship among the first-wave migrants combine negative factors in the former Soviet Union with positive factors encountered in Hungary, while factors in Hungary recognized as positive by most post-Soviets prevail in motives for later waves of post-Soviet migration and entrepreneurship in Hungary. The paper also demonstrates that many relatively small investments have been conducted since 2000 by citizens of post-Soviet countries to Hungary. Some of them are transforming into an entrepreneurial activity, serving also as a basis for immigration to Hungary.

  18. The longitudinal course of post-traumatic stress after childbirth. (United States)

    Söderquist, Johan; Wijma, Barbro; Wijma, Klaas


    Post-traumatic stress was assessed in early and late pregnancy, and 1, 4, 7, and 11 months postpartum by means of questionnaires among 1224 women. Thirty-seven women (3%) had post-traumatic stress (meeting criteria B, C, and D for PTSD) at least once within 1-11 months postpartum. In pregnancy, depression, severe fear of childbirth, 'pre'-traumatic stress, previous counseling related to pregnancy/childbirth, and self-reported previous psychological problems were associated with an increased risk of having post-traumatic stress within 1-11 months postpartum. Sum-scores of post-traumatic stress did not decrease over time among women who at least once had post-traumatic stress (criteria B, C, and D) within 1-11 months postpartum. Women with post-traumatic stress also showed a decrease in perceived social support over time postpartum.

  19. Direct restoration of endodontically treated maxillary central incisors: post or no post at all? (United States)

    von Stein-Lausnitz, Manja; Bruhnke, M; Rosentritt, M; Sterzenbach, G; Bitter, K; Frankenberger, R; Naumann, M


    The aim of this ex-vivo study was to evaluate the impact of cavity size and glass-fiber post (GFP) placement on the load capability of endodontically treated maxillary incisors directly restored with resin composite. Ninety-six extracted human maxillary central incisors were endodontically treated and distributed to four groups (n = 24): access cavity (A), access cavity and uni-proximal class III cavity (U), access cavity and bi-proximal class III cavity (B), and decoronated tooth (D). Specimens were restored with resin composite, and 12 specimen of each group received an adhesively placed glass-fiber post (P). Prior to linear loading, specimens were exposed to thermo-mechanical loading (TCML). Statistical analysis was performed using log-rank test after TCML, Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U test to compare load capabilities (F max) . Significantly more failures occurred in group D for specimens without GFP during TCML (p = 0.001). F max (mean (SD) in N was (A) 513 (124), (AP) 554 (201), (U) 438 (171), (UP) 537 (232) (B) 483 (219), (BP) 536 (281), D 143 (181), and DP 500 (331), and differed significantly among groups (p = 0.003). Pair-wise comparison revealed lower F max values for group D compared to all other groups (p central incisors with cavity sizes up to bi-proximal class III may be successfully directly restored with resin composite. Post placement shows no additional effect except for decoronated endodontically treated incisors. Endodontically treated incisors with access cavities to class III cavities can be successfully restored with resin composite. Post placement for decoronated ETT is recommended.

  20. Job share a consultant post.


    Thornicroft, G.; Strathdee, G.


    Job sharing offers advantages to both employer and employee but it is still uncommon in medicine. Based on the experiences of two psychiatrists sharing a consultant post this article describes some of the problems in obtaining a job share. The most difficult part can be getting an interview, and once a post has been obtained the terms and conditions of service may have to be modified to suit job sharing. Getting on well with your job sharing partner and good communication will not only help o...

  1. Post-traumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease. (United States)

    Edmondson, Donald; von Känel, Roland


    In this paper, a first in a Series of two, we look at the evidence for an association of post-traumatic stress disorder with incident cardiovascular disease risk and the mechanisms that might cause this association, as well as the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder due to cardiovascular disease events and its associated prognostic risk. We discuss research done after the publication of previous relevant systematic reviews, and survey currently funded research from the two most active funders in the field: the National Institutes of Health and the US Veterans Administration. We conclude that post-traumatic stress disorder is a risk factor for incident cardiovascular disease, and a common psychiatric consequence of cardiovascular disease events that might worsen the prognosis of the cardiovascular disease. There are many candidate mechanisms for the link between post-traumatic stress disorder and cardiovascular disease, and several ongoing studies could soon point to the most important behavioural and physiological mechanisms to target in early phase intervention development. Similarly, targets are emerging for individual and environmental interventions that might offset the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder after cardiovascular disease events. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Síndrome post-aborto. Reacciones psicológicas post-aborto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ximena Fuentes Martínez


    Las distintas investigaciones y la experiencia clínica describen desde reacciones ansiosas, depresivas, sentimientos de vacío y dolor, hasta un síndrome específico, el síndrome post-aborto, el cual presentaría casi las mismas características del estrés pos-traumático

  3. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S Seedat


    Full Text Available Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD is among the most prevalentanxiety disorders, both in terms of lifetime and 12-month prevalencerates documented in epidemiological studies worldwide.

  4. Broad-Scale Environmental Conditions Responsible for Post-Fire Vegetation Dynamics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stuart E. Marsh


    Full Text Available Ecosystem response to disturbance is influenced by environmental conditions at a number of scales. Changes in climate have altered fire regimes across the western United States, and have also likely altered spatio-temporal patterns of post-fire vegetation regeneration. Fire occurrence data and a vegetation index (NDVI derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR were used to monitor post-fire vegetation from 1989 to 2007. We first investigated differences in post-fire rates of vegetation regeneration between ecoregions. We then related precipitation, temperature, and elevation records at four temporal scales to rates of post-fire vegetation regeneration to ascertain the influence of climate on post-fire vegetation dynamics. We found that broad-scale climate factors are an important influence on post-fire vegetation regeneration. Most notably, higher rates of post-fire regeneration occurred with warmer minimum temperatures. Increases in precipitation also resulted in higher rates of post-fire vegetation growth. While explanatory power was slight, multiple statistical approaches provided evidence for real ecological drivers of post-fire regeneration that should be investigated further at finer scales. The sensitivity of post-disturbance vegetation dynamics to climatic drivers has important ramifications for the management of ecosystems under changing climatic conditions. Shifts in temperature and precipitation regimes are likely to result in changes in post-disturbance dynamics, which could represent important feedbacks into the global climate system.

  5. Extra-institutional changes under pressure from posting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Arnholtz, Jens; Andersen, Søren Kaj


    The posting of workers has become a key topic in debates about how national labour relations respond to pressures from EU market making. While most prior studies have shown that national employment relations are under pressure from above (via EU regulation) and from below (due to increasing use...... of posting), the question is whether these pressures will lead to erosion of employment relations or adaptation at the national level. Taking the case of posting in the Danish construction sector, the article shows that, while formal institutions stay the same through minor adaptation, the increasing use...

  6. Mixed Psychological Changes Following Mastectomy: Unique Predictors and Heterogeneity of Post-traumatic Growth and Post-traumatic Depreciation. (United States)

    Kroemeke, Aleksandra; Bargiel-Matusiewicz, Kamilla; Kalamarz, Magdalena


    Objectives: Post-traumatic growth (PTG) and its opposite-post-traumatic depreciation (PTD)-may be treated as important indicators of the patient quality of life. In the absence of studies on both, PTG and PTD in cancer patients, we investigated (1) coping strategies and support effectiveness as predictors of PTG and PTD in post-mastectomy women, (2) homogeneous classes with different intensity of PTG and PTD symptoms, and (3) correlates of class membership. Methods: Coping strategies (Brief COPE), support effectiveness (SSE-Q), PTG (PTGI), and PTD (negatively reworded items of PTGI) were measured in 84 post-mastectomy women (mean age = 62.27, SD = 8.38). Multiple regression, two-step cluster, and multinomial logistic regression were applied. Results: PTG and PTD had unique predictors: time since diagnosis and positive emotion-focused coping predicted PTG ( R 2 = 0.24), while negative emotion-focused and avoidance-focused coping and low support effectiveness were linked to PTD ( R 2 = 0.14). Four groups of PTG × PTD symptoms were identified: high PTG low PTD group (52.4%), low PTG low PTD group (17.9%), high PTG high PTD group (15.5%), and low PTG high PTD group (14.3%). Higher emotion- and avoidance-focused coping was characteristic for the high PTD low PTG group ( R 2 = 0.41). Conclusion: Our findings shed light on the coexistence and unique predictors of PTG and PTD after mastectomy, indicating heterogeneity in PTG and PTD levels among post-mastectomy women.

  7. A snapshot of catastrophic post-disaster health expenses post-Haiyan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noel Espallardo


    Full Text Available Introduction: This paper provides a snapshot of the health-care costs, out-of-pocket expenditures and available safety nets post-Typhoon Haiyan. Methods: This descriptive study used a survey and document review to report direct and indirect health-care costs and existing financial protection mechanisms used by households in two municipalities in the Philippines at one week and at seven months post-Haiyan. Results: Reported out-of-pocket health-care expenses were high immediately after the disaster and increased after seven months. The mean reported out-of-pocket expenses were higher than the reported average household income (US$ 24 to US$ 59. Discussion: The existing local and national mechanisms for health financing were promising and should be strengthened to reduce out-of-pocket expenses and protect people from catastrophic expenditures. Longer-term mechanisms are needed to ensure financial protection, especially among the poorest, beyond three months when most free services and medicines have ended. Preparedness should include prior registration of households that would ensure protection when a disaster comes.

  8. Post-traumatic cervical pneumorrhachis--a rare entity. (United States)

    Gill, Maneet; Sreenivas, Mukkamala; Beniwal, Rajveer Singh


    Pneumorrhachis(PR) is a rare phenomenon and post traumatic PR even more so. Presentation can vary from asymptomatic to significant neurological deficit and so the management has to be individualised. We present a case of post-traumatic cervical PR.

  9. Evaluation of an attention and memory intervention post-childhood acquired brain injury: Preliminary efficacy, immediate and 6 months post-intervention. (United States)

    Catroppa, Cathy; Stone, Kate; Hearps, Stephen J C; Soo, Cheryl; Anderson, Vicki; Rosema, Stefanie


    Impairments in attention and memory are common sequelae following paediatric acquired brain injury (ABI). While it has been established that such impairments are long-term and, therefore, affect quality-of-life, there is a scarcity of evidence-based interventions to treat these difficulties. The current study aimed to pilot the efficacy of the Amsterdam Memory and Attention Training for Children (Amat-c: English version) using both neuropsychological and ecologically sensitive measures. It was expected that children with attention and memory difficulties post-ABI would show improved performance post-intervention on cognitive and ecological measures, with maintenance at 6 months post-intervention. Ten children with an ABI, between the ages of 8-13 years at the time of recruitment were identified through audits of presentations to a metropolitan paediatric hospital. Each child underwent screening, the 18 week intervention programme, pre-intervention, immediate and 6 month post-intervention assessments. Findings supported the hypothesis that children would show post-intervention (immediate and 6 month) improvement in areas of attention and memory, with generalization to everyday life. Preliminary results provide support for the efficacy of the Amat-c post-childhood ABI. A larger study is needed to confirm these findings, as a reduction in attention and memory difficulties will enhance everyday functioning.

  10. [Comparison of clinical effects of Co-Cr alloy cast post-core and everStick fiber post in restoration of labially or lingually inclined maxillary central incisor]. (United States)

    Qian, Yu-Mei; Zhong, Qun; Chen, Shuang


    To compare the clinical effect of Co-Cr alloy cast post-core and everStick fiber post in restoration of maxillary central incisor with labial or lingual inclination, and provide theoretical basis for clinical application. Ninety-seven labially or lingually inclined maxillary central incisors were treated in our hospital from March 2012 to March 2014. The patients were randomly divided into group A (n=49) and group B (n=48), and received post -core and crown restoration. Patients in group A underwent Co-Cr alloy cast post and core restoration and patients in group B underwent everStick fiber post and core restoration. After two-year of follow-up, root fracture, post break, crown or post dislodgment and gingival marginal discoloration were recorded and analyzed using SPSS 19.0 software package. Chi-square test showed that the success rate of restoration was significantly different between 2 groups (P<0.05). The incidence of root fracture and gingival marginal discoloration of Co-Cr alloy cast post-core was higher than that of everStick fiber post, but there was no significant difference in the incidence of post break, crown or post dislodgment. EverStick fiber post is better than Co-Cr alloy cast post and core to prevent root fracture and gingival marginal discoloration. Its fracture pattern is repairable and favorable for preserving tooth.

  11. Investigating the real translucency of the endodontic fiber posts (United States)

    Camilotti, Fernando; Bonardi, Cláudia; Somer, Aloisi; Novatski, Andressa; Szesz, Anna Luiza; Loguércio, Alessandro Dourado; Kniphoff da Cruz, Gerson


    Researchers have been investigating the light intensity scattered by a translucent fiber post with application in dentistry by different methods. In this work, we introduce a new system capable to record a light scattered profile, step-by-step, as a function of the length of the translucent fiber post. To support our studies, an extensive characterization of the system was carried out and this is presented and discussed here. The system was implemented using the phase sensitive detection. The equipment measures the light scattered without the need of any preparing parts and the fiber post is fixed directly in the fiber post holder becoming ready for measurement. Measures can be recorded with a spatial resolution smaller than 0.01 mm throughout the length of the fiber post being investigated. The system was implemented by using a photomultiplier tube that improves sensitivity for the optical detection. The recorded result is a signal directly proportional to the scattered light and it allows us to obtain a normalized profile that can be used as a map of the scattered light of the fiber post in study. Furthermore, we are able to demonstrate a low intensity of light in the tip region of the fiber post, along with the dependency of the light attenuation with the fiber post body volume and shape. This new system will certainly contribute to achieve better results in fiber post designing and in restoration of endodontic treated teeth because it provides a more well-founded choice of the fiber post to be used, and of the time of exposure to the curing light.

  12. Investigating the real translucency of the endodontic fiber posts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Camilotti


    Full Text Available Researchers have been investigating the light intensity scattered by a translucent fiber post with application in dentistry by different methods. In this work, we introduce a new system capable to record a light scattered profile, step-by-step, as a function of the length of the translucent fiber post. To support our studies, an extensive characterization of the system was carried out and this is presented and discussed here. The system was implemented using the phase sensitive detection. The equipment measures the light scattered without the need of any preparing parts and the fiber post is fixed directly in the fiber post holder becoming ready for measurement. Measures can be recorded with a spatial resolution smaller than 0.01 mm throughout the length of the fiber post being investigated. The system was implemented by using a photomultiplier tube that improves sensitivity for the optical detection. The recorded result is a signal directly proportional to the scattered light and it allows us to obtain a normalized profile that can be used as a map of the scattered light of the fiber post in study. Furthermore, we are able to demonstrate a low intensity of light in the tip region of the fiber post, along with the dependency of the light attenuation with the fiber post body volume and shape. This new system will certainly contribute to achieve better results in fiber post designing and in restoration of endodontic treated teeth because it provides a more well-founded choice of the fiber post to be used, and of the time of exposure to the curing light.

  13. the occurrence of post partum anoestrus in bonsmara cows

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    duration of post partum anoestrus than gain in body mass. Post pactum ... and Bos Taurus cattle to improve fertility and milk pro- duction in high .... The occurrence of post partum anoestrus in beef cows under ranching conditions. Proc.

  14. Post-operative pain prevalence, predictors, management practices ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    developing countries however, the prevalence of post-operative pain is relatively very high and pain control strategies ... Keywords: post-operative pain, prevalence, predictors, pain management, satisfaction, Tanzania. Introduction ..... perception and patterns of cerebral activation during noxious heat stimulation in humans.

  15. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Mild-Moderate Blast-Induced Traumatic Brain Injury Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (United States)


    Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Paul G. Harch, M.D. CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION...Traumatic Brain Injury Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR...injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affect 11-28% and 13-17%, respectively, of U.S. combat troops returning from Iraq and

  16. Conducta alimentaria y perfil glucémico en dos líneas de ratas con diabetes genética: eSS y eSMT.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvana Marisa Montenegro


    Full Text Available Introducción. La alimentación puede agravar la diabetes de humanos y modelos animales. Entre ellos, la rata eSMT presenta un curso más exacerbado y mayor biomasa que la línea parental eSS. Objetivo. Estudiar la conducta alimentaria de ratas macho eSMT y eSS ante oferta ilimitada y bajo restricción alternada, analizando su incidencia sobre el peso y la glucemia. Materiales y métodos. Se registró el consumo ad libitum en etapas de crecimiento y mantenimiento. Un grupo de eSMT recibió durante 5 semanas a partir del destete, una dieta restringida intermitente seguida de oferta ilimitada, y otro fue restringido hasta el año de edad, midiéndose el peso y el perfil glucémico en distintas edades. Resultados. Durante el crecimiento, eSMT aumentó de peso más que eSS con ingestas similares, y en la etapa de mantenimiento sustentó mayor biomasa con menor consumo. La restricción intermitente posterior al destete indujo un patrón de crecimiento más lento y menor peso adulto. A los 5 meses presentaron valores de G0 normales (85±12 mg/dl y los controles mostraron cifras alteradas (119±14 mg/dl. En los animales restringidos la posterior oferta ilimitada produjo glucemias de ayuno compatibles con diabetes (163±25 mg/dl y un incremento ponderado 75% superior a los alimentados ad libitum. Conclusión. La alternancia prolongada hambre-saciedad indujo en eSMT desaceleración de su metabolopatía mientras que la realimentación se asoció con incrementos superiores de peso y glucemia, atribuibles a un aumento de la eficiencia de conversión inducida por el ayuno. Estos resultados enfatizan la importancia de mejorar el conocimiento sobre las relaciones entre crecimiento, alimentación y diabetes.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Prisciliano Z\\u00E1rate-Mart\\u00EDnez


    Full Text Available El trabajo se realizó en el Campo Experimental La Posta, en Paso del Toro, municipi o de Me dellín de Bravo, Veracruz, México. El objetivo fue determinar el comportamie nto productivo y económico de un sistema tropical especializado (SLT. Este es un sistema de producción de leche en el trópico con ganado Holstein (Hs, Suizo Pardo (SP y sus cruzas con cebú (C. El genotip o, sexo, época, peso al nacimie nto (PNAC , ganancia diaria de peso (GDP al destete GDP1, GDP2 destete-año, GDP3 año- 18 meses, edad a la concepción (ECONC , días en lactancia, producción/lactancia (PL y su error estándar de la media (EEM , se utilizaron para evaluar el comportamie nto productivo. La inversión inicial, egresos, ingresos, costos variables (CV, utilidad neta, rentabilidad (R, costos totales, punto de equilibrio y margen de ganancia (MG para el financiero. El mayor (P<0,05 peso al nacimie nto de machos fue el genotip o 80-99% SP (41,62 kg; EEM 2,85; la menor (P<0,05 GDP1 de hembras fue las SP (0,423 kg; EEM 0,083. La ECONC fue (P<0,05 a favor de los genotip os SP y 50% Hs (25,73; EEM 4,20 y 26,67; EEM 9,082 meses, respectivamente. La mejor PL (P<0,05 para el genotip o 80-99% Hs (3796 litros; EEM 246,35. La inversión inicial fue de US$78660.5, los conceptos que más impactaron para CV fueron; alimentación (26,24% y mano de obra (16,70%. La utilidad neta fue de US$2971.6 y su relación beneficio costo de 1:1.11. Un SLT puede alcanzar 4000 litros por lactancia y ser autofinanciable.

  18. Comorbid Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Opioid Dependence. (United States)

    Patel, Rikinkumar S; Elmaadawi, Ahmed; Nasr, Suhayl; Haskin, John


    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is predominant amongst individuals addicted to opioids and obscures the course of illness and the treatment outcome. We report the case of a patient with major depressive disorder and opioid dependence, who experienced post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms during a recent visit to the inpatient unit. The similarity of symptoms between post-traumatic stress disorder and opioid dependence is so high that, sometimes, it is a challenge to differentiate between these conditions. Since opioid withdrawal symptoms mimic hyper vigilance, this results in an exaggeration of the response of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. This comorbidity is associated with worse health outcomes, as its pathophysiology involves a common neurobiological circuit. Opioid substitution therapy and psychotherapeutic medications in combination with evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy devised for individuals with comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder and opioid dependence may improve treatment outcomes in this population. Therefore, we conclude that the screening for post-traumatic stress disorder in the opioid-abusing population is crucial. To understand the underlying mechanisms for this comorbidity and to improve the treatment response, further research should be encouraged.

  19. Recurred Post-intubation Tracheal Stenosis Treated with Bronchoscopic Cryotherapy (United States)

    Jung, Ye-Ryung; Taek Jeong, Joon; Kyu Lee, Myoung; Kim, Sang-Ha; Joong Yong, Suk; Jeong Lee, Seok; Lee, Won-Yeon


    Post-intubation tracheal stenosis accounts for the greatest proportion of whole-cause tracheal stenosis. Treatment of post-intubation tracheal stenosis requires a multidisciplinary approach. Surgery or an endoscopic procedure can be used, depending on the type of stenosis. However, the efficacy of cryotherapy in post-intubation tracheal stenosis has not been validated. Here, we report a case of recurring post-intubation tracheal stenosis successfully treated with bronchoscopic cryotherapy that had previously been treated with surgery. In this case, cryotherapy was effective in treating web-like fibrous stenosis, without requiring more surgery. Cryotherapy can be considered as an alternative or primary treatment for post-intubation tracheal stenosis. PMID:27853078

  20. Post-War Research on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Part I. Research before 1989. (United States)

    Rutkowski, Krzysztof; Dembińska, Edyta


    The paper presents the post-war history of post-traumatic research conducted at the Department of Psychiatry of the Jagiellonian University and the analysis of the main research approaches and selected publications. The time after World War II passed in Poland in two directions: coping with the finished war trauma and simultaneously the experience of communist persecution trauma. First scientific publications appeared in the fifties and were focused on the research of former concentration camps prisoners (KZ-Syndrome). Between 1962 and 1989 a special edition of Przegląd Lekarski, which concentrated entirely on war trauma research, was published. The journal was nominated for the Peace Nobel Prize twice. The research team from the Department of Psychiatry headed by Professor Antoni Kępiński made a very extensive description of KZ-Syndrome issues. The paper summarizes the most important contemporary research findings on psychopathology of KZ-Syndrome (Szymusik), reaction dynamics (Teutsch), after camp adjustment (Orwid), paroxysmal hypermnesia (Półtawska), somatic changes (Gatarski, Witusik). The result of the study was the basis for the development of a methodology and a new look at the classification of the consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as the development of ethical attitudes towards patients.

  1. Currently used systems of dental posts for endodontic treatment


    Machado, Joana; Almeida, Paulo; Fernandes, Sampaio; Marques, Arcelina; Vaz, Mário


    An advanced stage of a tooth decay promotes an extremely damaged tooth that needs endodontic treatment to be restored. When satisfactory coronal tooth structure remains, an artificial crown can be placed without a post. On the other hand, the treatment of seriously damaged teeth often require an endodontic post. The main reason for using post is to enable rebuilding of the tooth structure prior to crown restoration. Dentists believe that endodontic posts provide a stable ...

  2. Post-stroke Movement Disorders: Clinical Manifestations and Pharmacological Management


    Siniscalchi, Antonio; Gallelli, Luca; Labate, Angelo; Malferrari, Giovanni; Palleria, Caterina; Sarro, Giovambattista De


    Involuntary abnormal movements have been reported after ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke. Post stroke movement disorders can appear as acute or delayed sequel. At the moment, for many of these disorders the knowledge of pharmacological treatment is still inadequate. Dopaminergic and GABAergic systems may be mainly involved in post-stroke movement disorders. This article provides a review on drugs commonly used in post-stroke movement disorders, given that some post-stroke movement disorders ...

  3. Post-duralpunktur hovedpine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, J B; Rosenberg, J


    Post dural puncture headache is one of the major complications of spinal anaesthesia. In order to establish this diagnosis, the headache must be dependent on the position of the patient. The symptoms are probably due to leakage of cerebro-spinal fluid from the subarachnoid space to the epidural...

  4. Post irradiation examination technology exchange

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sozawa, Shizuo; Ito, Masayasu; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Nakagawa, Tetsuya; Lee, Hyung-Kwon


    Under the KAERI and JAEA agreement, in a part of the program 18 (Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) and Evaluation Technique of Irradiated Materials), an eddy current test was proposed as a round robin test, and it has been being progressed in both organizations in order to enhance the post irradiation examination technology. Up to now, several data are obtained by both PIE facilities. In this paper, the round robin test program is shown, and also shown obtained data with discussion from applicability as a nondestructive test in the hot cell. (author)

  5. Post-emergency response resources guide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    On August 28 and September 18, 1990, the States of Louisiana and Mississippi, Gulf States Utilities, five local parishes, six Federal agencies, and the American Nuclear Insurers participated in a post-emergency TABLETOP exercise in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. One of the products developed from that experience is this guide for understanding the responsibilities and obtaining resources for specific needs from the various participants, particularly those organizations within the federal government. This guide should assist state and local government organizations with identifying and obtaining those resources for the post-emergency response when theirs have been exhausted

  6. Post-traumatic psychiatric disorders: PTSD is not the only diagnosis. (United States)

    Auxéméry, Yann


    Traumatic events and their consequences are often hidden or minimised by patients for reasons linked to the post-traumatic stress disorder itself (inexpressibility, shame, depressive thoughts, fear of stigmatisation, etc.). Although post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) remains the most widely known disorder, chronic post-traumatic psychiatric disorders are many and varied. After a trauma, the practitioner has to check for the different clinical forms of post-traumatic psychological consequences: PTSD is not the only diagnosis. Based on our own clinical experience compared to the international literature, we think necessary to build a didactic classification describing chronic post-traumatic symptoms and syndromes. Post traumatic depressions and bereavement lead to high risk of suicidal crisis and self-harm behaviours. Re-experiencing are felt with anxiety, hyper arousal increases anxious reactivity, and avoidance strategies increase anticipatory anxiety, indicating post-traumatic anxiety disorders (agoraphobia, specific phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, separation anxiety, social phobia). Characterising an often-severe clinical picture, the co-occurrence of post-traumatic and chronic psychotic symptoms is not unusual (post-traumatic schizophrenia, post-traumatic depression with mood-congruent psychotic features, non-schizophrenic post-traumatic psychotic disorder, and bipolar reaction to trauma). A physical injury occurring at the same time as a traumatic exposure increases the risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder later which, in turn, afflicts the subjective perception of the physical health (development of somatoform and psychosomatic disorders, comorbidity with a post-concussion syndrome). The trauma may cause a rupture in the biography of a person, also in his/her internal physiological functioning as in his/her social activities (impacts of instinctive functions and behaviours, personality changes, and adjustment difficulties on professional

  7. A survey of failed post-retained restorations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peutzfeldt, A; Sahafi, A; Asmussen, E


    Survival of endodontically treated, post-restored teeth depends on a multitude of factors, all of which are practically impossible to include in a randomized, controlled clinical study. The purpose of this survey was to characterize and analyze reported failures of post-retained restorations...

  8. Post-modern career assessment for traditionally disadvantaged ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Post-modern career assessment for traditionally disadvantaged South African learners: Moving away from the 'expert opinion' ... Perspectives in Education ... This article explores the perceptions of learners from a disadvantaged community regarding the limitations and advantages of traditional and post-modern career ...

  9. Post-Digital Literary Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florian Cramer


    Full Text Available Digital humanities and digital literary studies face much the same challenges as contemporary media art: what will become of them once their media are no longer “new”, and the limitations of processing art as data have become more clearly and widely understood? This paper revisits information aesthetics and computer poetics from the 1960s and 1970s, casting them as precursors of today’s digital humanities, with many of the same issues, achievements and failures, and with their own hype cycles of boom and bust. Conversely, “post-digital” and “Post-Internet” trends in music, graphic design and visual arts may anticipate possible futures of digital humanities and literary studies after the hype has passed.

  10. Radiographic analysis of 1000 cast posts in Sergipe state, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caroline Garcez MENDONÇA


    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction Endodontically treated teeth with extensive coronary destruction require posts and cores to enable prosthetic restoration. Despite the increasing use of prefabricated posts, cast metal posts and cores are still widely used. The quality of the latter is important for the longevity of restorative treatment, and failure can occur if the fundamental principles are not followed. Objective To radiographically evaluate the prosthetic principles of 1000 cast metal post-and-core restorations performed in single-rooted teeth and their coherence with the principles used for their confection. Material and method Digital periapical radiographs of 1000 endodontically treated, single-rooted teeth with cast metal posts and cores were selected from the collection of a radiology clinic (Centro de Imagem, Aracaju/SE, Brazil. The images were analyzed using a measurement software (ImageJ, USA in accordance with the fundamental prosthetic principles: length and diameter of the post, ratio between post and bone crest, contiguity of post to the root canal, gap between post and the remaining root canal filling, amount of remaining root canal filling, and absence of periapical lesion. The data were qualitatively analyzed, classified into ideal and not ideal, and submitted to the chi-square test (α=0.05. Result Only 6.7% of the cast metal posts analyzed were satisfactorily fabricated. Conclusion Many prosthetic criteria are neglected during the manufacturing of cast metal post and cores, resulting in inadequate work that may compromise the longevity of restorative treatments.

  11. Effect of ultraviolet light irradiation on bond strength of fiber post: Evaluation of surface characteristic and bonded area of fiber post with resin cement


    Reza, Fazal; Ibrahim, Nur Sukainah


    Objective: Fiber post is cemented to a root canal to restore coronal tooth structure. This research aims to evaluate the effect of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on bond strength of fiber post with resin cement. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 of the two types of fiber posts, namely, FRC Prostec (FRC) and Fiber KOR (KOR), were used for the experiment. UV irradiation was applied on top of the fiber post surface for 0, 15, 20, and 30 min. The irradiated surface of the fiber posts (n = 5) wer...

  12. Post-transfusion hemoglobin values and patient blood management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moerman, Jan; Vermeulen, Edith; Van Mullem, Mia


    Objectives: The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the added value of communicating post-transfusion hemoglobin values to clinicians as a strategy to improve RBC utilization in a 500-bed hospital. Methods: The total number of RBC transfusions, the mean number of RBC units...... transfused per patient, the mean pre- and post-transfusion hemoglobin values, the ratio of patients transfused and the ratio of patients with a post-transfusion hemoglobin > 10.5 g/dL were calculated per service and per department for six months. The data were reported to each service and compared...... with the data of the department as peer group. The impact of this communication strategy was evaluated in the following six months. Results: In the six months pre-intervention, the mean post-transfusion hemoglobin value was 9.2 g/dL. Post-transfusion hemoglobin was > 10.5 g/dL in 13.4% of patients (112...

  13. Posting of workers : Enforcement problems and challenges

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cremers, Jan


    Expert contribution to a final conference. According to the author, monitoring the process of posting and controlling the regular character of the cross-border provision of services with posted workers has proven to be a problematic area. Recent joint activities of the labour inspectorate have

  14. Post-quantum security of the sponge construction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Czajkowski, J.; Groot Bruinderink, L.; Hülsing, A.T.; Schaffner, C.; Unruh, D.


    We investigate the post-quantum security of hash functions based on the sponge construction. A crucial property for hash functions in the post-quantum setting is the collapsing property (a strengthening of collision-resistance). We show that the sponge construction is collapsing (and in consequence

  15. Post-quantum security of the sponge construction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Czajkowski, Jan; Groot Bruinderink, Leon; Hülsing, Andreas; Schaffner, Christian; Unruh, Dominique


    We investigate the post-quantum security of hash functions based on the sponge construction. A crucial property for hash functions in the post-quantum setting is the collapsing property (a strengthening of collision-resistance). We show that the sponge construction is collapsing (and in consequence

  16. 47 CFR 1.1604 - Post-selection hearings. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Post-selection hearings. 1.1604 Section 1.1604 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION GENERAL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Random Selection Procedures for Mass Media Services General Procedures § 1.1604 Post-selection hearings. (a) Following the random...

  17. 13 CFR 302.18 - Post-approval requirements. (United States)


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Post-approval requirements. 302.18 Section 302.18 Business Credit and Assistance ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE... Federal cost principles (collectively, “Post-Approval Requirements”). A Recipient's failure to comply with...

  18. Knowledge of human immunodeficiency virus post-exposure ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    May 21, 2011 ... Appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis is an integral part of prevention, control and workplace safety. This study was undertaken to assess the level of knowledge of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among doctors in Federal Medical Centre, Gombe, Nigeria.

  19. Post-thaw non-cultured and post-thaw cultured equine cord blood mesenchymal stromal cells equally suppress lymphocyte proliferation in vitro.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lynn B Williams

    Full Text Available Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC are receiving increased attention for their non-progenitor immunomodulatory potential. Cryopreservation is commonly used for long-term storage of MSC. Post-thaw MSC proliferation is associated with a lag-phase in vitro. How this lag-phase affect MSC immunomodulatory properties is unknown. We hypothesized that in vitro there is no difference in lymphocyte suppression potential between quick-thawed cryopreserved equine cord blood (CB MSC immediately included in mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR and same MSC allowed post-thaw culture time prior to inclusion in MLR. Cryopreserved CB-MSC from five unrelated foals were compared using two-way MLR. For each of the five unrelated MSC cultures, paired MLR assays of MSC allowed five days of post-thaw culture and MSC included in MLR assay immediately post-thawing were evaluated. We report no difference in the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation by CB-MSC that had undergone post-thaw culture and MSC not cultured post-thaw (p<0.0001. Also, there was no inter-donor variability between the lymphocyte suppressive properties of MSC harvested from the five different donors (p = 0.13. These findings suggest that cryopreserved CB-MSC may have clinical utility immediately upon thawing. One implication hereof is the possibility of using cryopreserved CB-MSC at third party locations without the need for cell culture equipment or competencies.

  20. A strategy to compute plastic post-buckling of structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Combescure, A.


    All the methods presented here give in some cases, some interesting computed solutions. It has been remarked that the different strategies do not always give the same post buckling path. More foundamentally, it has been observed that the post buckling path, when buckling is unstable, is characterized by a dynamic movement. All inertial effects are neglected in all the approaches presented here. So that the post buckling load deflections curve is valid only if there is a very little kinetic energy associated with the post buckling. The method is also, as it is presented, limited to a load depending of a simple parameter lambda. The case of more than one parameter is not very clear yet. In conclusion, the method presented here gives a way to solve class of the post buckling behavior of a structure. If the post buckling occurs with a small kinetic energy (displacement controlled buckling) and if the loads depend of only one parameter. These methods should give good results even into the plastic range. If the buckling is unstable and that a large kinetic energy is involved with the post buckling these methods are not realistic. (orig./RW)

  1. Post-stroke Movement Disorders: Clinical Manifestations and Pharmacological Management. (United States)

    Siniscalchi, Antonio; Gallelli, Luca; Labate, Angelo; Malferrari, Giovanni; Palleria, Caterina; Sarro, Giovambattista De


    Involuntary abnormal movements have been reported after ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke. Post stroke movement disorders can appear as acute or delayed sequel. At the moment, for many of these disorders the knowledge of pharmacological treatment is still inadequate. Dopaminergic and GABAergic systems may be mainly involved in post-stroke movement disorders. This article provides a review on drugs commonly used in post-stroke movement disorders, given that some post-stroke movement disorders have shown a partial benefit with pharmacological approach.

  2. Religious Globalisms in the Post-Secular Age

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilson, E.K.; B. Steger, Manfred


    This article explores the interconnections between mounting global crises and the emergence of the post-secular. Specifically, the article argues that the post-secular is both a description of and a response to shifting global realities in the twenty-first century. It describes the crisis of secular

  3. Post-mortem CT evaluation of atlanto-occipital dissociation. (United States)

    Madadin, Mohammed; Samaranayake, Ravindra Priyalal; O'Donnell, Chris; Cordner, Stephen


    Atlanto-occipital dissociation injury is an important injury in forensic pathology practice. Radiological diagnosis of atlanto-occipital dissociation clinically is assessed by direct measurement of occipito-vertebral skeletal relationships. Different measurements may be used to diagnose atlanto-occipital dissociation, including the basion-dens interval (BDI) and basion-axial interval (BAI). It is not known whether the normal ante-mortem measurements of BDI and BAI described in the literature are applicable to post-mortem CT images of the occipito-cervical junction (OCJ) or whether these measurements could be affected by early post-mortem changes. This study aims to compare post-mortem BDI and BAI measurements with ante-mortem values. Post-mortem CT scans of the cervical spines of 100 deceased adults were reviewed, and the BDI and BAI were measured. Different parameters were recorded in each case. The results from this study suggest that there are no effects of post-mortem changes on the measurement of BAI as relied upon clinically. There appear to be some effects of fully established rigor mortis on BDI measurement, shortening it. This may have consequences for the post mortem diagnosis of atlanto-occipital dissociation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.

  4. Post-Disaster Social Justice Group Work and Group Supervision (United States)

    Bemak, Fred; Chung, Rita Chi-Ying


    This article discusses post-disaster group counseling and group supervision using a social justice orientation for working with post-disaster survivors from underserved populations. The Disaster Cross-Cultural Counseling model is a culturally responsive group counseling model that infuses social justice into post-disaster group counseling and…

  5. Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, and Neo-Liberalism: Assessing Foucault's Legacy. (United States)

    Olssen, Mark


    Traces Foucault's distinctive commitment to "post-structuralism." Argues that under the influence of Nietzsche, Foucault's approach marks a distinct break with structuralism in several crucial aspects. What results is a materialist post-structuralism that is also distinctively different from the post-structuralism of Derrida, Lyotard,…

  6. Active non-volatile memory post-processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kannan, Sudarsun; Milojicic, Dejan S.; Talwar, Vanish


    A computing node includes an active Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) component which includes memory and a sub-processor component. The memory is to store data chunks received from a processor core, the data chunks comprising metadata indicating a type of post-processing to be performed on data within the data chunks. The sub-processor component is to perform post-processing of said data chunks based on said metadata.

  7. Post-Retrieval Extinction Attenuates Cocaine Memories


    Sartor, Gregory C; Aston-Jones, Gary


    Recent studies have shown that post-retrieval extinction training attenuates fear and reward-related memories in both humans and rodents. This noninvasive, behavioral approach has the potential to be used in clinical settings to treat maladaptive memories that underlie several psychiatric disorders, including drug addiction. However, few studies to date have used a post-retrieval extinction approach to attenuate addiction-related memories. In the current study, we attempted to disrupt cocaine...

  8. Embedding Evidence-based Practice Education into a Post-graduate Physiotherapy Program: Eight Years of pre-Post Course Evaluations. (United States)

    Perraton, L; Machotka, Z; Grimmer, K; Gibbs, C; Mahar, C; Kennedy, K


    Little has been published about the effectiveness of training postgraduate physiotherapy coursework students in research methods and evidence-based practice (EBP) theory. Graduate qualities in most universities include lifelong learning. Inclusion of EBP in post-graduate coursework students' training is one way for students to develop the knowledge and skills needed to implement current best evidence in their clinical practice after graduation, thereby facilitating lifelong learning. This paper reports on change in confidence and anxiety in knowledge of statistical terminology and concepts related to research design and EBP in eight consecutive years of post-graduate physiotherapy students at one Australian university. Pre-survey/post-survey instruments were administered to students in an intensive 3-week post-graduate course, which taught health research methods, biostatistics and EBP. This course was embedded into a post-graduate physiotherapy programme from 2007 to 2014. The organization and delivery of the course was based on best pedagogical evidence for effectively teaching adult physiotherapists. The course was first delivered each year in the programme, and no other course was delivered concurrently. There were significant improvements in confidence, significantly decreased anxiety and improvements in knowledge of statistical terminology and concepts related to research design and EBP, at course completion. Age, gender and country of origin were not confounders on learning outcomes, although there was a (non-significant) trend that years of practice negatively impacted on learning outcomes (p = 0.09). There was a greater improvement in confidence in statistical terminology than in concepts related to research design and EBP. An intensive teaching programme in health research methods and biostatistics and EBP, based on best practice adult physiotherapy learning principles, is effective immediately post-course, in decreasing anxiety and increasing

  9. First records of parasitoids attacking the Asian citrus psyllid in Ecuador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego E. Portalanza

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT First records of parasitoids attacking the Asian citrus psyllid in Ecuador. The objective of the current study was to investigate the presence of natural enemies of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae (the Asian citrus psyllid in Ecuador. Incidence of parasitoid Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae was assessed between November 2015 and March 2016, in Letamendi, Febres-Cordero and Tarqui, urban districts of Guayaquil. Highest incidence of parasitism occurred in those regions and seasons of the year with the highest temperatures commensurate with increase of citrus plant shoots. Similar to their host, these parasitoids appear to have established in Ecuador by accident, and were not the result of purposeful introduction. This fortuitous introduction is a potentially helpful tool in controlling the Asian citrus psyllid, and potentially Huanglongbing.

  10. One-Body Potential Theory of Molecules and Solids Modified Semiempirically for Electron Correlation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    March, N.H.


    The study of Cordero, March and Alonso (CMA) for four spherical atoms, Be,Ne,Mg and Ar, semiempirically fine-tunes the Hartree-Fock (HF) ground-state electron density by inserting the experimentally determined ionization potentials. The present Letter, first of all, relates this approach to the very recent work of Bartlett 'towards an exact correlated orbital theory for electrons'. Both methods relax the requirement of standard DFT that a one-body potential shall generate the exact ground-state density, though both work with high quality approximations. Unlike DFT, the CMA theory uses a modified HF non-local potential. It is finally stressed that this potential generates also an idempotent Dirac density matrix. The CMA approach is thereby demonstrated to relate, albeit approximately, to the DFT exchange-correlation potential. (author)

  11. Post-Retirement Satisfaction among Ghanaian Workers –The Case ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The general purpose of this study was to find out the factors that contributed to or accounted for post-retirement satisfaction among Ghanaian workers; and whether teacher retirees and non-teacher retirees differ in their post-retirement satisfaction with all those factors that account for post-retirement satisfaction.

  12. [Unusual leukoencephalopathy of post-partum]. (United States)

    Hsaini, Y; Karouache, A; Bourazza, A


    Neurologic complications of post-partum are serious and usually secondary to eclampsia or stroke. We here report a 26-year-old female who presented with severe headaches, blurred vision, and repeated generalized seizures secondary to posterior reversible encephalopathy that occurred after a caesarean section for fetal death in utero. Outcome was favourable. Although uncommon, this neurologic complication of the post-partum should be discussed in the presence of any sign of encephalopathy occurring in the context of acute hypertension. Copyright © 2010 Société nationale française de médecine interne (SNFMI). Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Reviviendo la consulta post-mortem.


    Armando Cortés


    Por estos días se inaugura el “Centro de consulta post-mortem del Hospital Universitario del Valle”, una denominación más apropiada para la autopsia «ver por sí mismo» o cualquiera de sus sinónimos necropsia, examen post-mortem, necroscopia, o tanatopsia; todos ellos no aceptados y condicionados por factores culturales, sociales o religiosos. Estos términos han alcanzado una connotación claramente negativa en el ambiente médico y en el público general. Quizás, el mejor término sea «consulta p...

  14. Photon imaging using post-processed CMOS chips

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Melai, J.


    This thesis presents our work on an integrated photon detector made by post-processing of CMOS sensor arrays. The aim of the post-processing is to combine all elements of the detector into a single monolithic device. These elements include a photocathode to convert photon radiation into electronic

  15. Post-Adoption Services: Needs of the Family (United States)

    Anderson, Denise


    This study, conducted in an agency providing post-adoption services, describes the demographic characteristics of parents and children in post-adoptive families and assesses the differences in perceptions between mothers and fathers, as well as other characteristics of families who adopt children with special needs. (Contains 3 tables.)

  16. Testing post-editing guidelines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Flanagan, Marian; Christensen, Tina Paulsen


    guidelines to use in translator training programmes. Recently, the first set of publicly available industry-focused PE guidelines (for ‘good enough’ and ‘publishable’ quality) were developed by Translation Automation User Society (TAUS) in partnership with the Centre for Global Intelligent Content (CNGL......), which can be used as a basis on which to instruct post-editors in professional environments. This paper reports on a qualitative study that investigates how trainee translators on an MA course, which is aimed at preparing the trainees for the translation industry, interpret these PE guidelines...... for publishable quality. The findings suggest trainees have difficulties interpreting the guidelines, primarily due to trainee competency gaps, but also due to the wording of the guidelines. Based on our findings we propose training measures to address these competency gaps. Furthermore, we provide post...

  17. Post-Acquisition IT Integration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henningsson, Stefan; Yetton, Philip


    The extant research on post-acquisition IT integration analyzes how acquirers realize IT-based value in individual acquisitions. However, serial acquirers make 60% of acquisitions. These acquisitions are not isolated events, but are components in growth-by-acquisition programs. To explain how...... serial acquirers realize IT-based value, we develop three propositions on the sequential effects on post-acquisition IT integration in acquisition programs. Their combined explanation is that serial acquirers must have a growth-by-acquisition strategy that includes the capability to improve...... IT integration capabilities, to sustain high alignment across acquisitions and to maintain a scalable IT infrastructure with a flat or decreasing cost structure. We begin the process of validating the three propositions by investigating a longitudinal case study of a growth-by-acquisition program....

  18. Post-traumatic syringomyelia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Freund, M.; Sartor, K.; Aschoff, A.; Spahn, B.


    The improvement of preclinical emergency medicine, better surgical and conservative therapies, and the development of intensive care units and specialized centers have improved the survival rate for patients with serious spinal cord injuries. Therefore, more sequelae of chronic spinal cord injuries such as post-traumatic spinal cord cavitations also occur. The first such case was described by Bastian in 1867. Generally, these cavitations were diagnosed from 2 months up to 32 years after the trauma. The overall prevalence of post-traumatic syringomyelia (PTS) is not known; however, with the increasing use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), its diagnosis has increased, ranging from 2.3% of paraplegic and tetraplegic patients in 1976 and 3.2% in 1985, to nearly 50% in a selected group of patients in 1991 and 1993. In 1995, a 4.45% incidence was reported. In our clinic we are currently treating 440 cases of syringomyelia, 140 of which are PTS. Several observations suggest more than one potential mechanism for the evolution of a post-traumatic cyst or PTS. Various factors, such as hemorrhage or, in particular, ischemia within the spinal cord, blockage of the cerebrosinal fluid (CSF) pathways around the cord or localized meningeal fibrosis either alone or in combination with other factors, may be involved. Clinically, sensory disturbances, loss of motor function, pain, and modification of the deep tendon reflexes are observed in most patients. On MRI, PTS is seen as a longitudinal, cystic cavity within the spinal cord, giving a hypointense signal on T 1 -weighted images and a hyperintense signal on T 2 -weighted images. For treatment planning it is mandatory to identify the lower and upper end of the PTS on the MRI. (orig.) [de

  19. Efecto antitumoral in vitro del aceite esencial de Piper aduncum L. (matico y su toxicidad oral en ratones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Arroyo


    Full Text Available Introducción: Piper aduncum (matico es una especie utilizada por sus propiedades medicinales en desórdenes gastrointestinales y genitourinarios. Objetivos: Evaluar el efecto antitumoral del aceite esencial de Piper aduncum (matico in vitro en siete líneas celulares tumorales humanas y determinar la toxicidad oral en ratones. Diseño: Experimental. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Líneas celulares tumorales humanas H460, DU-145, ME-180, K562, HT-29, MCF 7, M14, K562; fibroblastos normales de ratón 3T3 y ratones albinos machos Balb/C53. Intervenciones: Las líneas celulares fueron expuestas a cuatro concentraciones del aceite esencial de P. aduncum y 5-fluorouracilo (5-FU. Para la toxicidad oral se utilizó ratones albinos machos Balb C/53 de 40 días post destete, a cinco dosis de tratamiento, evaluándose el número de muertes en cada dosis. Principales medidas de los resultados: Porcentaje de inhibición del crecimiento celular (IC50, dosis letal 50 (DL50. Resultados: El aceite esencial mostró IC50 mayor a 250 ug/mL para las líneas celulares M-14 (r = -0,99; p 2 000 mg /kg. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial de P. aduncum no presentó efecto antitumoral in vitro para las siete líneas celulares tumorales humanas y no fue tóxico.

  20. Adolf Hitler had post-encephalitic Parkinsonism. (United States)

    Lieberman, A


    Adolf Hitler had Parkinson symptoms in 1934, at age 45 years. He may have had transient symptoms in 1923, at age 34 years. Young-onset parkinsonism, during the 1920s, favored a diagnosis of post-encephalitic rather than idiopathic parkinsonism. Hitler had oculogyric crises, phenomena only associated with post-encephalitic parkinsonism. In addition, he had dystonic facial spasms, palilalia and a sleep disorder, phenomena more likely to be associated with post-encephalitic than idiopathic parkinsonism. In November 1918, at age 29 years, Hitler may have had von Economo's encephalitis, while he was a patient in a hospital, recovering from poison gas. This paper looks at the possible relationship of von Economo's encephalitis to Hitler's asocial behavior; his obsessions and compulsions, his cruelty and rages. The influence of Hitler's parkinsonism on his conduct during World War II is discussed.

  1. Insulin sensitivity in post-obese women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Toubro, S; Western, P; Bülow, J


    1. Both increased and decreased sensitivity to insulin has been proposed to precede the development of obesity. Therefore, insulin sensitivity was measured during a 2 h hyperinsulinaemia (100 m-units min-1 m-2) euglycaemic (4.5 mmol/l) glucose clamp combined with indirect calorimetry in nine weight......-1 kg-1, not significant). Basal plasma concentrations of free fatty acids were similar, but at the end of the clamp free fatty acids were lower in the post-obese women than in the control women (139 +/- 19 and 276 +/- 48 mumol/l, P = 0.02). 3. We conclude that the insulin sensitivity of glucose...... metabolism is unaltered in the post-obese state. The study, however, points to an increased antilipolytic insulin action in post-obese subjects, which may favour fat storage and lower lipid oxidation rate postprandially.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)...

  2. 49 CFR 663.33 - Description of post-delivery audit. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Description of post-delivery audit. 663.33 Section 663.33 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRE-AWARD AND POST-DELIVERY AUDITS OF ROLLING STOCK PURCHASES Post-Delivery Audits § 663.33 Description of...

  3. Diabetes insípida post-parotiditis


    Pila Pérez, Rafael; Rivero Sánchez, Miguel; Peralta Ventura, Ricardo; Carbonell Perdomo, Diego; Pila Peláez, Rafael; Guerra Rodríguez, Carmen


    Se describe un caso de diabetes insípida post parotiditis, entidad sumamente rara en nuestro medio. Se destaca el diagnóstico y la terapéutica de esta entidad, así como la causa etiológico y forma de presentación. A case of diabetes insipidus post-parotiditis is described entity totally rare in our midicu. Diagnostics and therapeutics are stressed a well as the ethiologic antecedent and way of presentation.

  4. Evaluation of human health risk from in situ recovery uranium mining, pre-and post-mining, and post-restoration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruedig, E.; Bhattacharyya, A.; Borch, T.; Johnson, T. [Colorado State University (United States); Till, J. [Risk Assessment Corporation (United States)


    In the United States, the restoration of in situ recovery (ISR) uranium mines is aimed at returning sites to pre-mining conditions. While this may seem an appropriate goal, little or no scientific information is available to justify utilizing baseline conditions for regulatory compliance. The chemical and radiological contaminants monitored for restoration compliance have not been evaluated to ensure they are proper indicators of the mitigation of risk. Pre-mining aquifers do not meet minimum United States drinking water standards, and must have an aquifer exemption in place prior to mining. Under these conditions, returning groundwater to near the original concentrations of contaminants may be unnecessary. Post-mining groundwater is also unlikely to meet standards for drinking water, but may be depleted in at least some toxic species as a result of the mining process. Here, we examine the risk to representative person from the personal use of groundwater sourced from an Uranium ISR mine. Water samples were collected from Cameco Resource's Smith Ranch-Highlands ISR Uranium mine near Casper, Wyoming, USA. Samples were acquired pre-mining, post-mining, and post-restoration. Concentrations of heavy metals and radionuclides were assessed by appropriate analytical techniques (e.g., mass spectroscopy or alpha spectroscopy) and these concentrations were used to estimate human health risk for three exposure scenarios: a scenario with high exposure, a scenario with medium exposure, and a scenario with low exposure. A simple biosphere transport model was constructed for each scenario to estimate the risk to humans from the use of contaminated waters for subsistence-related activities. Chemical and radiological risks were harmonized according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's guidance for superfund sites. Each exposure scenario and its subsequent risk were evaluated individually for pre-mining, post-mining, and post-restoration aquifer waters

  5. Bubbles, Post-Crash Dynamics, and the Housing Market


    Crocker H. Liu; Adam Nowak; Stuart Rosenthal


    This paper documents and explains previously unrecognized post-crash dynamics following the collapse of a housing bubble. A simple model predicts that speculative developers ensure stable pre-crash relative prices between small and large homes while their post-crash exit allows small-home relative values to fall. Evidence from Phoenix supports the model. Although home prices doubled 2004-2006, relative prices of small-to-large homes remained nearly constant but then plummeted post-crash. As s...

  6. New advance in the research of post-remote sensing application technology. Series of 'proposition and consideration of post-remote sensing application technology'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Dechang; Ye Fawang


    Based on deep consideration in post-remote sensing application technology, this article pays more attention to its technological meaning. The application idea of post-remote sensing application technology to uranium exploration is also discussed. The proposition and research on new concept of post-remote sensing application technology is an important search and of important theoretical and practical significance to uranium exploration. (authors)

  7. Post-Cam Design and Contact Stress on Tibial Posts in Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Prostheses: Comparison Between a Rounded and a Squared Design. (United States)

    Watanabe, Toshifumi; Koga, Hideyuki; Horie, Masafumi; Katagiri, Hiroki; Sekiya, Ichiro; Muneta, Takeshi


    The post-cam mechanism in posterior stabilized (PS) prostheses plays an important role in total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The purpose of this study is to clarify the difference of the contact stress on the tibial post between a rounded post-cam design and a squared design during deep knee flexion and at hyperextension using the three-dimensional (3D) finite element models. We created 2 types of 3D, finite element models of PS prostheses (types A and B), whose surfaces were identical except for the post-cam geometries: type A has a rounded post-cam design, while type B has a squared design. Both types have a similar curved-shape intercondylar notch of the femoral component. Stress distributions, peak contact stresses, and contact areas on the tibial posts at 90°, 120°, and 150° flexion with/without 10° tibial internal rotation and at 10° hyperextension were compared between the 2 models. Type B demonstrated more concentrated stress distribution compared to type A. The peak contact stresses were similar in both groups during neutral flexion; however, the stresses were much higher in type B during flexion with 10° rotation and at hyperextension. The higher peak contact stresses corresponded to the smaller contact areas in the tibial post. A rounded post-cam design demonstrated less stress concentration during flexion with rotation and at hyperextension compared with a squared design. The results would be useful for development of implant designs and prediction of the contact stress on the tibial post in PS total knee arthroplasty. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Exploratory experimental investigations on post-tensioned structural glass beams

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Louter, C.; Nielsen, Jens Henrik; Belis, J.


    This paper discusses two projects on post-tensioned glass beams, performed at EPFL and DTU, respectively. In these projects small scale glass beams (length of 1.5m and 1m) are post-tensioned by means of steel threaded rods tensioned at the beam ends. The purpose of post-tensioning glass beams...

  9. Photoelastic stress analysis of different prefabricated post-and-core materials. (United States)

    Asvanund, Pattapon; Morgano, Steven M


    The purpose of this study was to investigate stress developed by a combination of a stainless steel post or a fiber-reinforced resin post with a silver amalgam core or a composite resin core. Two-dimensional photoelastic models were used to simulate root dentin. Posts (ParaPost XT and ParaPost-FiberWhite) were cemented with a luting agent (RelyX Unicem). Silver amalgam cores and composite resin cores were fabricated on the posts. Complete crowns were fabricated and cemented on the cores. Each model was analyzed with 2 force magnitudes and in 2 directions. Fringe orders were recorded and compared using ANOVA (p=0.05) and the Scheffe's test. With vertical force, no stress differences occurred among the 4 groups (p=0.159). With a 30-degree force, there was stress differences among the 4 groups (p<0.001). The combination of a fiber-reinforced post and composite resin core could potentially reduce stresses within the radicular dentin when angled loads are applied.

  10. Scholarships for scientific initiation encourage post-graduation degree. (United States)

    Pinto, Gabriela S; Nascimento, Gustavo G; Mendes, Matheus S; Ogliari, Fabrício A; Demarco, Flávio F; Correa, Marcos B


    This study aimed to evaluate the factors associated with the decision to attend an academic post-graduation program by dental students. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012, last-year undergraduate students from Dental Schools of Southern Brazil. A closed questionnaire was applied including questions grouped in three different blocks: pre-graduate, undergraduate period and future perspectives. The outcome was the decision to pursuit an academic post-graduation degree. Associations were tested using chi-squared test and chi-squared test for linear trends when appropriate. Multivariate Poisson regression was also performed. The sample was composed by 671 students (response rate of 69.9%, n=467). In relation to future perspectives, 68% of the interviewed students intended to attend a post-graduation program, but only 17.5% would choose a program with academic and research post-graduation program (Master and PhD programs). In the final model, students from public universities (PR 2.08, 95%CI 1.41-3.08) and students that received scientific initiation scholarship (PR 1.93 95%CI 1.14-3.27) presented a twice greater prevalence to seek academic post-graduate programs. Students with higher family incomes showed a lower prevalence to seek these programs (PR 0.50, 95%IC 0.28-0.90). Scholarships seem to encourage undergraduate students to pursue stricto sensu post-graduation.

  11. 39 CFR 10.3 - Post-employment activities. (United States)


    ... 39 Postal Service 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Post-employment activities. 10.3 Section 10.3 Postal Service UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE RULES OF CONDUCT FOR POSTAL SERVICE GOVERNORS (ARTICLE X) § 10.3 Post-employment activities. Governors are subject...

  12. The one-year attributable cost of post-stroke dysphagia. (United States)

    Bonilha, Heather Shaw; Simpson, Annie N; Ellis, Charles; Mauldin, Patrick; Martin-Harris, Bonnie; Simpson, Kit


    With the recent emphasis on evidence-based practice and healthcare reform, understanding the cost of dysphagia management has never been more important. It is helpful for clinicians to understand and objectively report the costs associated with dysphagia when they advocate for their services in this economy. Having carefully estimated cost of illness, inputs are needed for cost-effectiveness analyses that help support the value of treatments. This study sought to address this issue by examining the 1-year cost associated with a diagnosis of dysphagia post-stroke in South Carolina. Furthermore, this study investigated whether ethnicity and residence differences exist in the cost of dysphagia post-stroke. Data on 3,200 patients in the South Carolina Medicare database from 2004 who had ICD-9 codes for ischemic stroke, 434 and 436, were retrospectively included in this study. Differences between persons with and without dysphagia post-stroke were compared with respect to age, gender, ethnicity, mortality, length of stay, comorbidity, rurality, discharge disposition, and cost to Medicare. Univariate analyses and a gamma-distributed generalized linear multivariable model with a log link function were completed. We found that the 1-year cost to Medicare for persons with dysphagia post ischemic stroke was $4,510 higher than that for persons without dysphagia post ischemic stroke when controlling for age, comorbidities, ethnicity, and proportion of time alive. Univariate analysis revealed that rurality, ethnicity, and gender were not statistically significantly different in comparisons of individuals with or without dysphagia post-stroke. Post-stroke dysphagia significantly increases post-stroke medical expenses. Understanding the expenditures associated with post-stroke dysphagia is helpful for optimal allocation and use of resources. Such information is needed to conduct cost-effectiveness studies.

  13. The One-Year Attributable Cost of Post-Stroke Dysphagia (United States)

    Bonilha, Heather Shaw; Simpson, Annie N.; Ellis, Charles; Mauldin, Patrick; Martin-Harris, Bonnie; Simpson, Kit


    With the recent emphasis on evidence-based practice and healthcare reform, understanding the cost of dysphagia management has never been more important. It is helpful for clinicians to understand and objectively report the costs associated with dysphagia when they advocate for their services in this economy. Having carefully estimated cost of illness, inputs are needed for cost-effectiveness analyses that help support the value of treatments. This study sought to address this issue by examining the 1-year cost associated with a diagnosis of dysphagia post-stroke in South Carolina. Furthermore, this study investigated whether ethnicity and residence differences exist in the cost of dysphagia post-stroke. Data on 3,200 patients in the South Carolina Medicare database from 2004 who had ICD-9 codes for ischemic stroke, 434 and 436, were retrospectively included in this study. Differences between persons with and without dysphagia post-stroke were compared with respect to age, gender, ethnicity, mortality, length of stay, comorbidity, rurality, discharge disposition, and cost to Medicare. Univariate analyses and a gamma-distributed generalized linear multivariable model with a log link function were completed. We found that the 1-year cost to Medicare for persons with dysphagia post ischemic stroke was $4,510 higher than that for persons without dysphagia post ischemic stroke when controlling for age, comorbidities, ethnicity, and proportion of time alive. Univariate analysis revealed that rurality, ethnicity, and gender were not statistically significantly different in comparisons of individuals with or without dysphagia post-stroke. Post-stroke dysphagia significantly increases post-stroke medical expenses. Understanding the expenditures associated with post-stroke dysphagia is helpful for optimal allocation and use of resources. Such information is needed to conduct cost-effectiveness studies. PMID:24948438

  14. MRI characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kijowski, Richard; Rosas, Humberto; Liu, Fang [University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Department of Radiology, Madison, WI (United States); Williams, Adam [Radiology and Imaging Consultants, Colorado Springs (United States)


    To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci. The study group consisted of 140 patients with 148 partially resected menisci who were evaluated with a repeat knee MRI examination and subsequent repeat arthroscopic knee surgery. Two musculoskeletal radiologists retrospectively assessed the following MRI characteristics of the post-operative meniscus: contour (smooth or irregular), T2 line through the meniscus (no line, intermediate signal line, intermediate-to-high signal line, and high fluid-like signal line), displaced meniscus fragment, and change in signal pattern through the meniscus compared with baseline MRI. Positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were calculated using arthroscopy as the reference standard. All 36 post-operative menisci with no T2 line were untorn at surgery (100% NPV), whereas 46 of the 79 post-operative menisci with intermediate T2 line, 16 of the 18 post-operative menisci with intermediate-to-high T2 line, and 14 of the 15 post-operative menisci with high T2 line were torn at surgery (58.2%, 88.9%, and 93.3% PPV respectively). Additional MRI characteristics associated with torn post-operative meniscus at surgery were irregular meniscus contour (PPV 85.7%), displaced meniscus fragment (PPV 100%), and change in signal pattern through the meniscus (PPV 99.4%). Post-operative menisci with no T2 signal line were untorn at surgery. The most useful MRI characteristics for predicting torn post-operative menisci at surgery were change in signal pattern through the meniscus compared with baseline MRI, and displaced meniscus fragment followed by high T2 line through the meniscus, intermediate-to-high T2 line through the meniscus, and irregular meniscus contour. (orig.)

  15. MRI characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kijowski, Richard; Rosas, Humberto; Liu, Fang; Williams, Adam


    To compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of torn and untorn post-operative menisci. The study group consisted of 140 patients with 148 partially resected menisci who were evaluated with a repeat knee MRI examination and subsequent repeat arthroscopic knee surgery. Two musculoskeletal radiologists retrospectively assessed the following MRI characteristics of the post-operative meniscus: contour (smooth or irregular), T2 line through the meniscus (no line, intermediate signal line, intermediate-to-high signal line, and high fluid-like signal line), displaced meniscus fragment, and change in signal pattern through the meniscus compared with baseline MRI. Positive predictive values (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) were calculated using arthroscopy as the reference standard. All 36 post-operative menisci with no T2 line were untorn at surgery (100% NPV), whereas 46 of the 79 post-operative menisci with intermediate T2 line, 16 of the 18 post-operative menisci with intermediate-to-high T2 line, and 14 of the 15 post-operative menisci with high T2 line were torn at surgery (58.2%, 88.9%, and 93.3% PPV respectively). Additional MRI characteristics associated with torn post-operative meniscus at surgery were irregular meniscus contour (PPV 85.7%), displaced meniscus fragment (PPV 100%), and change in signal pattern through the meniscus (PPV 99.4%). Post-operative menisci with no T2 signal line were untorn at surgery. The most useful MRI characteristics for predicting torn post-operative menisci at surgery were change in signal pattern through the meniscus compared with baseline MRI, and displaced meniscus fragment followed by high T2 line through the meniscus, intermediate-to-high T2 line through the meniscus, and irregular meniscus contour. (orig.)

  16. The Huffington Post - maailma digimeedia eesotsas / Eero Loonurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loonurm, Eero


    Uudisteplatvorm The Huffington Post (kasutatakse ka nime HuffPost ja HuffPo). Tegevjuhi Jimmy Maymanni sõnavõtust väljaande tegevuse, eesmärkide ja edu kohta European Communication Summit 2014 konverentsil

  17. Decentralized Planning for Pre-Conflict and Post-Conflict ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Decentralized Planning for Pre-Conflict and Post-Conflict Management in the Bawku Municipal ... institutional arrangements for conflict monitoring and evaluation. Such processes are 'sine qua non' to pre-conflict and post-conflict prevention.

  18. Post-mortem MRI of the foetal spine and spinal cord

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Widjaja, E.; Whitby, E.H.; Cohen, M.; Paley, M.N.J.; Griffiths, P.D.


    Aims: To compare the findings of post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the foetal spine with autopsy with a view to using post-mortem MRI as an alternative or adjunct to autopsy, particularly in foetal and neonatal cases. Materials and Methods: The brains and spines of 41 foetuses, with a gestational age range of 14-41 weeks, underwent post-mortem MRI before autopsy. Post-mortem MRI of the brain consisted of T2-weighted sequences in three orthogonal planes and MRI of the spine consisted of T2-weighted sequence in the sagittal and axial planes in all cases and coronal planes in selected cases. Results: Thirty of 41 (78%) foetal spines were found to be normal at autopsy and on post-mortem MRI. Eleven of 41 (22%) foetal spines were abnormal: eight foetuses had myelomeningocoeles and Chiari 2 deformities, one foetus had limited dorsal myeloschisis, one foetus had caudal regression syndrome, and one had diastematomyelia. The post-mortem MRI findings concurred with the autopsy findings in 10/11 of the abnormal cases, the disagreement being the case of diastematomyelia that was shown on post-mortem MRI but was not diagnosed at autopsy. Conclusions: In this series, post-mortem MRI findings agreed with the autopsy findings in 40/41(98%) cases and in one case the post-mortem MRI demonstrated an abnormality not demonstrated at autopsy

  19. Global or local construction materials for post-disaster reconstruction? Sustainability assessment of 20 post-disaster shelter designs


    Zea Escamilla, E.; Habert, G.


    This data article presents the life cycle inventories of 20 transitional shelter solutions. The data was gathered from the reports 8 shelter designs [1]; 10 post-disaster shelter designs [2]; the environmental impact of brick production outside of Europe [3]; and the optimization of bamboo-based post-disaster housing units for tropical and subtropical regions using LCA methodologies [4]. These reports include bill of quantities, plans, performance analysis, and lifespan of the studied shelter...

  20. Eesti meister peresõbralikkuses : Eesti Post / Sulev Oll

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oll, Sulev, 1964-


    Äripäeva ning ajakirja Pere ja Kodu konkursil pälvis Eesti kõige peresõbralikuma firma tiitli Eesti Post. Tabel: 30 peresõbralikumat firmat. Tabel: Eesti Post toetuste jagamisel keskmisest heldem

  1. [Post-operative infections after cosmetic tourism]. (United States)

    Holst-Albrechtsen, Sine; Sørensen, Lene Birk; Juel, Jacob


    Cosmetic tourism is defined as patient mobility across borders, typically constituted by patients seeking cosmetic surgery at lower costs abroad. The most common procedures are abdominoplasty, fat grafting and breast augmentation. Very little is known about the complication rates after cosmetic tourism, and there is a paucity of evidence in all aspects of cosmetic tourism. In this review, we focus on post-operative complications i.e. post-operative infections, in particular with rare microorganisms such as mycobacteria.

  2. Cantilever steel post damaged by wind

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Sha


    Full Text Available An analysis for the cause of fracture failure of a cantilever steel sign post damaged by wind has been carried out. An unusual cause of failure has been identified, which is the subject of this paper. Microscopy and microanalysis of the fracture surface showed that the failure was due to pre-existing cracks, from the fabrication of the post. This conclusion was reached after detecting and analysing a galvanised layer on the fracture surfaces.

  3. Mentality of nuclear energy and industry experts from post-socialist and post-capitalist countries and a problem of cooperation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gavrilov, S.D.; Kremnev, V.A.


    The disintegration of the Socialist Community and thereafter Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia has led to the establishment of more than 20 post-socialist states. Their economies differ widely, and yet a mentality of the overwhelming majority of various strata of the population, including scientists and engineers, is almost invariable so far. The processes have had an effect on the mentality of nuclear experts, especially those who deal with nuclear weapon. The superposition of general crises of post-socialist countries and an availability of nuclear facilities and installations and nuclear technologies have already had an adverse effect on the specialists' mentality. On the other hand, experts from the post-capitalist countries have other mentalities and their socioeconomic position is cardinally distinguished. Thus, at most they may barely perceive the post-socialist specialists' envelope of mentality. It doesn't only prevent individuals' collaboration and organizations' cooperation by the lack of socio-culture-psychological misunderstanding,. In some instances it has already resulted in the interruption or cancellation of joint projects at the early stages of their implementation. The report is devoted to the problem of mutually beneficial interaction between experts and organizations from recently antagonistic systems, promoting better understanding, and a different rank specialists mentality convergence. The mentality and economic situation for experts from both the post-socialist countries and the Western industrial economies are discussed

  4. [Hypertension and pregnancy: Post-partum period]. (United States)

    Hugon-Rodin, Justine; Plu-Bureau, Geneviève


    Post-partum period is associated with specific characteristics in women with gestational disorders or preeclampsia. For breastfeeding women, the choice of antihypertensive treatment should take into account the impact on child health. The impact of breastfeeding on health mother must be also discussed. Moreover, for lactation inhibition, bromocriptine should not be used, especially in the context of gestational disorders. In post-partum period, the best contraceptive strategy is only-progestin contraception or non-hormonal contraceptives use. However, this choice will depend on the stabilization or normalization of blood pressure in early post-partum period. Finally, several consultations should be suggested: an information and announcement to explain the consequences of these gestational disorders and organize their multidisciplinary management and follow-up. A preconceptional consultation takes its place to anticipate potential recurrent preeclampsia or gestational hypertension and to schedule a future pregnancy in optimal conditions. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  5. Post-Newtonian Jeans Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nazari, Elham; Kazemi, Ali; Roshan, Mahmood; Abbassi, Shahram


    The Jeans analysis is studied in the first post-Newtonian limit. In other words, the relativistic effects on local gravitational instability are considered for systems whose characteristic velocities and corresponding gravitational fields are higher than those permitted in the Newtonian limit. The dispersion relation for the propagation of small perturbations is found in the post-Newtonian approximation using two different techniques. A new Jeans mass is derived and compared to the standard Jeans mass. In this limit, the relativistic effects make the new Jeans mass smaller than the Newtonian Jeans mass. Furthermore, the fractional difference between these two masses increases when the temperature/pressure of the system increases. Interestingly, in this limit, pressure can enhance gravitational instability instead of preventing it. Finally, the results are applied to high-temperature astrophysical systems, and the possibility of local fragmentation in some relativistic systems is investigated.

  6. The post-secular city

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Greve, Anni

    ) elements in ritual and ceremonies. Second, emergent spaces of post-secular practices are not only connected to traditional religious sites. With Schmautz (1998) it is necessary to understand a sacred site in its original social and cultural setting, and in the present experience of it. With a point...... in research on trans-national identity making (Fortier 2002). This paper suggests a displacement of focus from trans-national to international identity making and the possible role of religious societies. It is argued that an international culture is not mainstream culture however there are (universal......’ the paper argues for a possible potential of storytelling and mutual recognition. Third, it offers an argument for detecting ‘post-secular sites’ at the urban level from two angles: From architecture (the iconic consciousness) and from performance (the sacred drama). Fourth, the paper closes with a case...

  7. Post-Newtonian Jeans Analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nazari, Elham; Kazemi, Ali; Roshan, Mahmood; Abbassi, Shahram, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 1436, Mashhad (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    The Jeans analysis is studied in the first post-Newtonian limit. In other words, the relativistic effects on local gravitational instability are considered for systems whose characteristic velocities and corresponding gravitational fields are higher than those permitted in the Newtonian limit. The dispersion relation for the propagation of small perturbations is found in the post-Newtonian approximation using two different techniques. A new Jeans mass is derived and compared to the standard Jeans mass. In this limit, the relativistic effects make the new Jeans mass smaller than the Newtonian Jeans mass. Furthermore, the fractional difference between these two masses increases when the temperature/pressure of the system increases. Interestingly, in this limit, pressure can enhance gravitational instability instead of preventing it. Finally, the results are applied to high-temperature astrophysical systems, and the possibility of local fragmentation in some relativistic systems is investigated.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, Ramses M.; Kaltenegger, Lisa


    Once a star leaves the main sequence and becomes a red giant, its Habitable Zone (HZ) moves outward, promoting detectable habitable conditions at larger orbital distances. We use a one-dimensional radiative-convective climate and stellar evolutionary models to calculate post-MS HZ distances for a grid of stars from 3700 to 10,000 K (∼M1 to A5 stellar types) for different stellar metallicities. The post-MS HZ limits are comparable to the distances of known directly imaged planets. We model the stellar as well as planetary atmospheric mass loss during the Red Giant Branch (RGB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phases for super-Moons to super-Earths. A planet can stay between 200 million years up to 9 Gyr in the post-MS HZ for our hottest and coldest grid stars, respectively, assuming solar metallicity. These numbers increase for increased stellar metallicity. Total atmospheric erosion only occurs for planets in close-in orbits. The post-MS HZ orbital distances are within detection capabilities of direct imaging techniques.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez, Ramses M.; Kaltenegger, Lisa [Carl Sagan Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (United States)


    Once a star leaves the main sequence and becomes a red giant, its Habitable Zone (HZ) moves outward, promoting detectable habitable conditions at larger orbital distances. We use a one-dimensional radiative-convective climate and stellar evolutionary models to calculate post-MS HZ distances for a grid of stars from 3700 to 10,000 K (∼M1 to A5 stellar types) for different stellar metallicities. The post-MS HZ limits are comparable to the distances of known directly imaged planets. We model the stellar as well as planetary atmospheric mass loss during the Red Giant Branch (RGB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phases for super-Moons to super-Earths. A planet can stay between 200 million years up to 9 Gyr in the post-MS HZ for our hottest and coldest grid stars, respectively, assuming solar metallicity. These numbers increase for increased stellar metallicity. Total atmospheric erosion only occurs for planets in close-in orbits. The post-MS HZ orbital distances are within detection capabilities of direct imaging techniques.

  10. Positron emission CT on post-traumatic epilepsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsukiyama, Takashi; Tsubokawa, Takashi; Doi, Nobuyasu; Sato, Kohten; Iio, Masaaki.


    Six patients suffering from post-traumatic epilepsy were checked by encephalography (EEG), X-ray CT and cerebral positron emission computed tomography (PECT) using 11 C-carbon dioxide ( 11 CO 2 ) and 11 C-glucoses as indicators of the local cerebral circulation and local cerebral glucose utilization, in order to assess the diagnostic value of PECT in post-traumatic epilepsy. In those patients (4 cases) who had focal electrical abnormalities or X-ray CT lesions, PECT clearly revealed localized regions of decreased cerebral circulation and glucose utilization. A focal hypometabolic zone also appeared in the post-traumatic epilepsy (1 case) which had a normal X-ray CT. One case, who had been treated for several years by medication but showed no EEG change and no abnormality on X-ray CT, revealed a normal circulation and metabolism by RECT. This case did not require any further medication for epilepsy. It is concluded that positron emission CT represents a useful diagnostic method for post-traumatic epilepsy which does not demonstrate any abnormality on X-ray CT. (author)

  11. Post-traumatic stress disorder: medicine and politics. (United States)

    Stein, Dan J; Seedat, Soraya; Iversen, Amy; Wessely, Simon


    Regrettably, exposure to trauma is common worldwide, and can have serious adverse psychological results. The introduction of the notion of post-traumatic stress disorder has led to increasing medicalisation of the problem. This awareness has helped popular acceptance of the reality of post-traumatic psychiatric sequelae, which has boosted research into the pathogenesis of the disorder, leading to improved pharmacological and psychological management. The subjective experience of trauma and subsequent expression of symptoms vary considerably over space and time, and we emphasise that not all psychological distress or psychiatric disorders after trauma should be termed post-traumatic stress disorder. There are limits to the medicalisation of distress and there is value in focusing on adaptive coping during and after traumas. Striking a balance between a focus on heroism and resilience versus victimhood and pathological change is a crucial and constant issue after trauma for both clinicians and society. In this Review we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of medicalising trauma response, using examples from South Africa, the Armed Services, and post-disaster, to draw attention to our argument.

  12. Hydrodynamics of post CHF region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, M.; De Jarlais, G.


    Among various two-phase flow regimes, the inverted flow in the post-dryout region is relatively less well understood due to its special heat transfer conditions. The review of existing data indicates further research is needed in the areas of basic hydrodynamics related to liquid core disintegration mechanisms, slug and droplet formations, entrainment, and droplet size distributions. In view of this, the inverted flow is studied in detail both analytically and experimentally. Criteria for initial flow regimes in the post-dryout region are given. Preliminary models for subsequent flow regime transition criteria are derived together with correlations for a mean droplet diameter based on the adiabatic simulation data

  13. Limbic encephalitis presenting as a post-partum psychiatric condition. (United States)

    Gotkine, Marc; Ben-Hur, Tamir; Vincent, Angela; Vaknin-Dembinsky, Adi


    We describe a woman who presented with a psychiatric disorder post-partum and subsequently developed seizures and cognitive dysfunction prompting further investigation. A diagnosis of limbic encephalitis (LE) was made and antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channel complex (VGKC) detected. These antibodies are found in many non-paraneoplastic patients with LE. Although antibody-mediated conditions tend to present or relapse post-partum, VGKC-LE in the post-partum period has not been described. Case report. Clinical and imaging data were consistent with limbic encephalitis. High titres of anti-VGKC-complex antibodies confirmed the diagnosis of VGKC-LE. The similarities between the psychiatric symptomatology of VGKC-LE and post-partum psychiatric disorders raise the possibility that some instances of post-partum psychiatric conditions are manifestations of immune-mediated, non-paraneoplastic LE. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    If you receive a suspicious letter or package in the post, please do not open it and contact the Fire Brigade Tel. 74444. They will contact the CERN Medical Service. This is especially important in today's current situation with regard to the Anthrax scare. For further information, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the International Organisations in Geneva recommends the following web sites:

  15. Void redistribution in sand under post-earthquake loading

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boulanger, R.W.; Truman, S.P.


    A mechanism for void redistribution in an infinite slope under post-earthquake loading conditions is described by consideration of the in situ loading paths that can occur under post-earthquake conditions and the results of triaxial tests designed to represent specific in situ post-earthquake loading paths. The mechanism is illustrated by application to an example problem. Void redistribution is shown to be a phenomena that may be more pronounced at the field scale than at the laboratory scale. (author). 12 refs., 4 figs

  16. Studies on post-partum anoestrus in Alentejano beef cows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horta, A.E.M.; Vasques, M.I.; Leitao, R.M.; Robalo Silva, J.


    Post-partum ovarian activity in Alentejano beef cows maintained on natural pastures was monitored by measuring plasma progesterone levels using the radioimmunoassay method. Post-partum anoestrus was compared in cows calving in two different seasons (winter and summer). Differences between primiparous and multiparous cows, the effect of short term nursing interruption (72 hours by the 20th day post-partum) and the dam's body weight at calving (BWC) were also considered with respect to their influence on the onset of post-partum ovarian activity. Fertility after two breeding seasons of natural mating (April-May) and November-December) was also studied. Post-partum anoestrus was significantly longer in winter calving cows than in those calving in summer, in both multiparous and primiparous cows (73.9 versus 33.1 and 111.1 versus 35.6 days, respectively; P 2 =0.41; P<0.03). Because of a longer post-partum anoestrus, fertility was reduced in cows calving during the winter season compared with those calving in summer in all three years of the study (63.9 versus 76.9%, 57.8 versus 62.9% and 36.5 versus 60.6%, for 1984, 1985 and 1986, respectively). The results presented show that the winter period in Portugal impairs the return to ovarian activity post-partum in this breed. 19 refs, 2 figs, 4 tabs

  17. 21 CFR 872.3810 - Root canal post. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Root canal post. 872.3810 Section 872.3810 Food... DEVICES DENTAL DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 872.3810 Root canal post. (a) Identification. A root canal... of the platinum group intended to be cemented into the root canal of a tooth to stabilize and support...

  18. Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) (United States)

    ... Child Transmission of HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) HIV Treatment HIV Treatment: The Basics Just ... to HIV frequently. Another HIV prevention method, called pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP, is when people at high risk ...

  19. Pionerserien - Jytte Post

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holck, Ulla


    Ethvert ungt fag hviler på en række pionerers arbejde med at bane vejen, udbrede kendskabet, overbevise politikere og embedsmænd, forsøge sig frem, støde panden mod en mur og forsøge igen. Hele tiden drevet af troen, lysten og glæden ved faget. Jytte Post Petersen er en af musikterapiens store...

  20. Post-burn scars and scar contractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Goel Arun


    Full Text Available The mortality and morbidity from burns have diminished tremendously over the last six to seven decades. However, these do not truly reflect whether the victim could go back to society as a useful person or not and lead a normal life because of the inevitable post-burn scars, contractures and other deformities which collectively have aesthetic and functional considerations. This article gives an overview of the post-burn scars and scar contractures, especially their prevention, minimisation and principles of management.

  1. An analysis of post-event processing in social anxiety disorder. (United States)

    Brozovich, Faith; Heimberg, Richard G


    Research has demonstrated that self-focused thoughts and negative affect have a reciprocal relationship [Mor, N., Winquist, J. (2002). Self-focused attention and negative affect: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 128, 638-662]. In the anxiety disorder literature, post-event processing has emerged as a specific construction of repetitive self-focused thoughts that pertain to social anxiety disorder. Post-event processing can be defined as an individual's repeated consideration and potential reconstruction of his performance following a social situation. Post-event processing can also occur when an individual anticipates a social or performance event and begins to brood about other, past social experiences. The present review examined the post-event processing literature in an attempt to organize and highlight the significant results. The methodologies employed to study post-event processing have included self-report measures, daily diaries, social or performance situations created in the laboratory, and experimental manipulations of post-event processing or anticipation of an upcoming event. Directions for future research on post-event processing are discussed.

  2. This Is My (Post) Truth, Tell Me Yours Comment on "The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy". (United States)

    Powell, Martin


    This is a commentary on the article 'The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy.' It critically examines two of its key concepts: populism and 'post truth.' This commentary argues that there are different types of populism, with unclear links to impacts, and that in some ways, 'post-truth' has resonances with arguments advanced in the period at the beginning of the British National Health Service (NHS). In short, 'post-truth' populism' may be 'déjà vu all over again,' and there are multiple (post) truths: this is my (post) truth, tell me yours. © 2017 The Author(s); Published by Kerman University of Medical Sciences. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

  3. How to make progress post-Kyoto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document provides papers presented during the workshop on ''how to make progress post-Kyoto'', hold at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) in Paris on march 19, 2003. The following topics were presented: reflections on Kyoto, guidance for the future, how to make progress post-kyoto, the lessons from the past; the Bonn voyage; US climate policy after Kyoto, elements of success; preparing for widening and deepening the kyoto protocol; capping emissions and costs; absolute versus intensity-based emissions caps; intensity targets in perspective; negotiating commitments for further emission reductions; exploring new tools; defining meaningful participation of developing countries in climate change mitigation; economic and environmental effectiveness of a technology-based climate regime; US participation in the linkage between research and development and climate cooperation; designing a technology strategy; ''greening'' economic development; some critical comments post-Kyoto; the foreign policy perspective of climate negotiations; Kyoto and the double spiral; burden-sharing rules for stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations and their equity implications. (A.L.B.)

  4. Post CHF heat transfer and quenching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.A.; Condie, K.G.


    This paper describes quantitatively new mechanisms in the post-CHF regime which provide understanding and predictive capability for several current two-phase forced convective heat transfer problems. These mechanisms are important in predicting rod temperature turnaround and quenching during the reflood phase of either a hypothetical loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) or the FLECHT and Semiscale experiments. The mechanisms are also important to the blowdown phase of a LOCA or the recent Loss-of-Fluid Test (LOFT) experiments L2-2 and L2-3, which were 200% cold leg break transients. These LOFT experiments experienced total core quenching in the early part of the blowdown phase at high (1000 psia) pressures. The mechanisms are also important to certain pressurized water reactor (PWR) operational transients where the reactor may operate in the post-CHF regime for short periods of time. Accurate prediction of the post-CHF heat transfer including core quench during these transients is of prime importance to limit maximum cladding temperatures and prevent cladding deformation

  5. Global or local construction materials for post-disaster reconstruction? Sustainability assessment of 20 post-disaster shelter designs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Zea Escamilla


    Full Text Available This data article presents the life cycle inventories of 20 transitional shelter solutions. The data was gathered from the reports 8 shelter designs [1]; 10 post-disaster shelter designs [2]; the environmental impact of brick production outside of Europe [3]; and the optimization of bamboo-based post-disaster housing units for tropical and subtropical regions using LCA methodologies [4]. These reports include bill of quantities, plans, performance analysis, and lifespan of the studied shelters. The data from these reports was used to develop the Life Cycle Inventories (LCI. All the amounts were converted from their original units (length, volume and amount into mass (kg units and the transport distance into ton×km. These LCIs represent the production phases of each shelter and the transportation distances for the construction materials. Two types of distances were included, local (road and international (freight ship, which were estimated based on the area of the country of study. Furthermore, the digital visualization of the shelters is presented for each of the 20 designs. Moreover, this data article presents a summary of the results for the categories Environment, Cost and Risk and the contribution to the environmental impact from the different building components of each shelter. These results are related to the article “Global or local construction materials for post-disaster reconstruction? Sustainability assessment of 20 post-disaster shelter designs”[5

  6. Global or local construction materials for post-disaster reconstruction? Sustainability assessment of 20 post-disaster shelter designs. (United States)

    Zea Escamilla, E; Habert, G


    This data article presents the life cycle inventories of 20 transitional shelter solutions. The data was gathered from the reports 8 shelter designs [1]; 10 post-disaster shelter designs [2]; the environmental impact of brick production outside of Europe [3]; and the optimization of bamboo-based post-disaster housing units for tropical and subtropical regions using LCA methodologies [4]. These reports include bill of quantities, plans, performance analysis, and lifespan of the studied shelters. The data from these reports was used to develop the Life Cycle Inventories (LCI). All the amounts were converted from their original units (length, volume and amount) into mass (kg) units and the transport distance into ton×km. These LCIs represent the production phases of each shelter and the transportation distances for the construction materials. Two types of distances were included, local (road) and international (freight ship), which were estimated based on the area of the country of study. Furthermore, the digital visualization of the shelters is presented for each of the 20 designs. Moreover, this data article presents a summary of the results for the categories Environment, Cost and Risk and the contribution to the environmental impact from the different building components of each shelter. These results are related to the article "Global or local construction materials for post-disaster reconstruction? Sustainability assessment of 20 post-disaster shelter designs"[5].

  7. Post-silicon and runtime verification for modern processors

    CERN Document Server

    Wagner, Ilya


    The purpose of this book is to survey the state of the art and evolving directions in post-silicon and runtime verification. The authors start by giving an overview of the state of the art in verification, particularly current post-silicon methodologies in use in the industry, both for the domain of processor pipeline design and for memory subsystems. They then dive into the presentation of several new post-silicon verification solutions aimed at boosting the verification coverage of modern processors, dedicating several chapters to this topic. The presentation of runtime verification solution


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    W. Jiang


    Full Text Available This paper briefly describes the post-processing influence assessment experiment, the experiment includes three steps: the physical simulation, image processing, and image quality assessment. The physical simulation models sampled imaging system in laboratory, the imaging system parameters are tested, the digital image serving as image processing input are produced by this imaging system with the same imaging system parameters. The gathered optical sampled images with the tested imaging parameters are processed by 3 digital image processes, including calibration pre-processing, lossy compression with different compression ratio and image post-processing with different core. Image quality assessment method used is just noticeable difference (JND subject assessment based on ISO20462, through subject assessment of the gathered and processing images, the influence of different imaging parameters and post-processing to image quality can be found. The six JND subject assessment experimental data can be validated each other. Main conclusions include: image post-processing can improve image quality; image post-processing can improve image quality even with lossy compression, image quality with higher compression ratio improves less than lower ratio; with our image post-processing method, image quality is better, when camera MTF being within a small range.

  9. Post-traumatic stress disorder due to childbirth: the aftermath. (United States)

    Beck, Cheryl Tatano


    Childbirth qualifies as an extreme traumatic stressor that can result in post-traumatic stress disorder. The reported prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth ranges from 1.5% to 6%. The aim of this phenomenologic study was to describe the essence of mothers' experiences of post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth. The qualitative research design used for this study was descriptive phenomenology. The main recruitment approach was via the Internet through the help of Trauma and Birth Stress, a charitable trust in New Zealand. Purposive sampling was used and resulted in 38 mothers participating from the countries of New Zealand, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. The participants were asked to describe their experiences with post-traumatic stress disorder after childbirth. Their stories were analyzed using Colaizzi's method of data analysis. Mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder attributable to childbirth struggle to survive each day while battling terrifying nightmares and flashbacks of the birth, anger, anxiety, depression, and painful isolation from the world of motherhood. This glimpse into the lives of mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder attributable to childbirth provides an impetus to increase research efforts in this neglected area.

  10. Sustainable Mining Environment: Technical Review of Post-mining Plans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Restu Juniah


    Full Text Available The mining industry exists because humans need mining commodities to meet their daily needs such as motor vehicles, mobile phones, electronic equipment and others. Mining commodities as mentioned in Government Regulation No. 23 of 2010 on Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities are radioactive minerals, metal minerals, nonmetallic minerals, rocks and coal. Mineral and coal mining is conducted to obtain the mining commodities through production operations. Mining and coal mining companies have an obligation to ensure that the mining environment in particular after the post production operation or post mining continues. The survey research aims to examine technically the post-mining plan in coal mining of PT Samantaka Batubara in Indragiri Hulu Regency of Riau Province towards the sustainability of the mining environment. The results indicate that the post-mining plan of PT Samantaka Batubara has met the technical aspects required in post mining planning for a sustainable mining environment. Postponement of post-mining land of PT Samantaka Batubara for garden and forest zone. The results of this study are expected to be useful and can be used by stakeholders, academics, researchers, practitioners and associations of mining, and the environment.

  11. Critical heat flux, post dry-out and their augmentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Celata, G.P.; Mariani, A. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Dipt. Energia


    The report shows the state of art review on the critical heat flux and the post-dryout heat transfer. The work, which is a merge of original researches carried out at the Institute of Thermal Fluid Dynamic of ENEA (National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment) and a thorough review of the recent literature, is divided in four chapters: critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling; critical heat flux in saturated flow boiling; post-dryout heat transfer; enhancement of critical heat flux and post-dryout heat transfer. [Italian] Si passa in rassegna lo stato dell'arte sulla crisi termica e sullo scambio termico post-crisi, che compendia studi tradizionali condotti dall'ENEA. Il rapporto e' suddiviso in quattro parti: crisi termica in ebollizione sottoraffreddata; crisi termica in ebollizione satura; scambio termico dopo la crisi termica; incremento del flusso termico critico e dello scambio termico post-crisi.

  12. Critical heat flux, post dry-out and their augmentation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Celata, G P; Mariani, A [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Dipt. Energia


    The report shows the state of art review on the critical heat flux and the post-dryout heat transfer. The work, which is a merge of original researches carried out at the Institute of Thermal Fluid Dynamic of ENEA (National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment) and a thorough review of the recent literature, is divided in four chapters: critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling; critical heat flux in saturated flow boiling; post-dryout heat transfer; enhancement of critical heat flux and post-dryout heat transfer. [Italian] Si passa in rassegna lo stato dell'arte sulla crisi termica e sullo scambio termico post-crisi, che compendia studi tradizionali condotti dall'ENEA. Il rapporto e' suddiviso in quattro parti: crisi termica in ebollizione sottoraffreddata; crisi termica in ebollizione satura; scambio termico dopo la crisi termica; incremento del flusso termico critico e dello scambio termico post-crisi.

  13. Post-harvest loss reduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gogh, van Bart; Boerrigter, Henry; Noordam, Maryvon; Ruben, Ruerd; Timmermans, Toine


    This paper was written by experts from Wageningen University & Research (WUR), representing their combined expertise on food chains, post-harvest technology, sustainability, food security, economics, and food safety. The paper was drafted at the request of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs

  14. [Post-traumatic tics]. (United States)

    Alegre, S; Chacón, J; Redondo, L; Navarro-Busto, C; Solana, B


    Secondary tics are those in which an aetiology justifying them can be found, as compared to idiopathic tics, which make up the majority, and the Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (SGT), which is, at the moment, of unknown origin. Of the possible aetiologies described as causing tics, craneo-encephalic trauma has been mentioned on very few occasions. We present a case of post-traumatic tics (verbal and neck) in a young man of 24, and review the published cases which can be considered to be of post-traumatic tics. We have found six cases of tics secondary to traumas, all craneo-encephalic, like ours (the one under study). The time interval between the blow and the appearance of the tic or tics varied between 2 weeks and 3 months. The absence of significant lesions seen in the complementary investigations make it impossible for us to discover the site of the lesion caused by the trauma. However, the presence in some cases of other tics before the trauma, and of family histories of tics, supports the idea of a genetic basis or predisposition to suffer this disorder.

  15. Corrosion resistance of grouted post-tensioning systems : [summary]. (United States)


    The increased popularity of post-tensioned bridge construction in the United States has led to concerns about corrosion and its impact on the life cycle of these bridges. Although the vast majority of post-tensioned bridges in the United States have ...

  16. Systems Biology Approach to Understanding Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (United States)


    Post - traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) is a psychological disorder a???ecting individuals that have experienced life-changing... post - traumatic stress disorder 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER W911NF-10-2-0111 & USAMRMC 09284002 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S...challenges As stated in the Introduction, post - traumatic stress disorder is the only psychological disorder for which the onset of the

  17. Clinical Outcomes of Zirconium-Oxide Posts: Up-to-Date Systematic Review. (United States)

    Al-Thobity, Ahmad M


    The aim of this systematic review was to investigate the clinical outcomes of the use of zirconium-oxide posts in the past 20 years. The addressed question was: Do zirconium-oxide posts maintain the long-term survival rate of endodontically treated teeth? A database search was made of articles from January 1995 to December 2014; it included combinations of the following keywords: "zirconia," "zirconium oxide," "dowel/dowels," "post/posts," and "post and core." Exclusion criteria included review articles, experimental studies, case reports, commentaries, and articles published in a language other than English. Articles were reviewed by the titles, followed by the abstracts, and, finally, the full text of the selected studies. Four studies were included after filtering the selected studies according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In one study, the prefabricated zirconia posts with indirect glass-ceramic cores had significantly higher failure rates than other posts with direct composite cores. In two studies, no failure of the cemented posts was observed throughout the follow-up period. Due to the limited number of clinical studies, it can be concluded that the long-term success rate of prefabricated zirconium-oxide posts is unclear.

  18. Valorisation of post-sorption materials: Opportunities, strategies, and challenges. (United States)

    Harikishore Kumar Reddy, D; Vijayaraghavan, K; Kim, Jeong Ae; Yun, Yeoung-Sang


    Adsorption is a facile, economic, eco-friendly and low-energy requiring technology that aims to separate diverse compounds (ions and molecules) from one phase to another using a wide variety of adsorbent materials. To date, this technology has been used most often for removal/recovery of pollutants from aqueous solutions; however, emerging post-sorption technologies are now enabling the manufacture of value-added key adsorption products that can subsequently be used for (i) fertilizers, (ii) catalysis, (iii) carbonaceous metal nanoparticle synthesis, (iv) feed additives, and (v) biologically active compounds. These new strategies ensure the sustainable valorisation of post-sorption materials as an economically viable alternative to the engineering of other green chemical products because of the ecological affability, biocompatibility, and widespread accessibility of post-sorption materials. Fertilizers and feed additives manufactured using sorption technology contain elements such as N, P, Cu, Mn, and Zn, which improve soil fertility and provide essential nutrients to animals and humans. This green and effective approach to managing post-sorption materials is an important step in reaching the global goals of sustainability and healthy human nutrition. Post-sorbents have also been utilized for the harvesting of metal nanoparticles via modern catalytic pyrolysis techniques. The resulting materials exhibited a high surface area (>1000m 2 /g) and are further used as catalysts and adsorbents. Together with the above possibilities, energy production from post-sorbents is under exploration. Many of the vital 3E (energy, environment, and economy) problems can be addressed using post-sorption materials. In this review, we summarize a new generation of applications of post-adsorbents as value-added green chemical products. At the end of each section, scientific challenges, further opportunities, and issues related to toxicity are discussed. We believe this critical

  19. Alcohol-Related Posts from Young People on Social Networking Sites: Content and Motivations. (United States)

    Hendriks, Hanneke; Gebhardt, Winifred A; van den Putte, Bas


    Many young people place alcohol-related posts on social networking sites (SNS) which can result in undesirable effects. Although several recent studies have investigated the occurrence of alcohol-related SNS use, it is neither clear (a) what type of alcohol posts are placed on SNS, (b) the motivations to place alcohol posts, nor (c) which young people are most likely to place alcohol posts. This study addressed these three goals. A large cross-sectional study among young participants (12-30 years; N = 561) assessed the posting of different types of alcohol posts, the motivations to (not) post these posts, and potential differences in posting between subgroups (i.e., in terms of age, gender, and religion). Participants reported that they most often placed moderate, instead of more extreme, alcohol posts, in particular, when alcohol was present in the post "by chance". Furthermore, they indicated to post alcohol-related content mostly for entertainment reasons. Finally, we found differences in self-reported posting and motivations to post according to age, gender, and religion. These findings provide relevant implications for future interventions aiming to decrease alcohol posts, for example, by making participants aware of their posting behavior and by targeting specific at risk groups. Future research should explore the effectiveness of such intervention strategies and should investigate whether alcohol posts lead to an underestimation of alcohol-related risks.

  20. Pilgrimage as post-secular therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisbeth Mikaelsson


    Full Text Available This article describes the institutionalized pilgrim role and then turns to the therapeutic discourse which is so prominent in the modern pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. Both the role and the discourse can be related to the concept of post-secularity, demonstrating that complex cultural fields such as religion and therapy, become intertwined in new ways through modern pilgrimage. This article also shows that churches cooperating in this type of pilgrimage are adapting to the post-secular age, finding a new sort of raison d’être in a multi-religious, international world. Here the author refers to the Church of Norway and its role in Norwegian pilgrimage. The latter is modelled upon the Santiago example.

  1. Comparison between three glass fiber post cementation techniques. (United States)

    Migliau, Guido; Piccoli, Luca; Di Carlo, Stefano; Pompa, Giorgio; Besharat, Laith Konstantinos; Dolci, Marco


    The aim of this experimental study was to compare the traditional cement systems with those of the latest generation, to assess if indeed these could represent of viable substitutes in the cementation of indirect restorations, and in the specific case of endodontic posts. The assessment of the validity of the cementing methods was performed according to the test of the push-out, conducted on sections obtained from the roots of treated teeth. The samples were divided into three groups. Group A (10 samples): etching for 30 seconds with 37% orthophosphoric acid (Superlux-Thixo-etch-DMG) combined with a dual-curing adhesive system (LuxaBond-Total Etch-DMG), dual-cured resin-composite cement (LuxaCore-DMG) and glass fiber posts (LuxaPost-DMG). Group B (10 samples): self-adhesive resin cement (Breeze-Pentron Clinical) and glass fiber posts (LuxaPost-DMG). Group C (10 samples): 3 steps light-curing, self-etching, self-conditioning bonding agent (Contax-Total-etch-DMG), dual-cured resin-composite cement (LuxaCore-DMG) and glass fiber posts (LuxaPost-DMG). The survey was conducted by examining the breaking resistance of the post-cement-tooth complex, subjected to a mechanical force. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Inc. ver. 13.0, Chicago, IL, USA. Group A values of bond strenth ranged from a minimum of 10.14 Mpa to a maximum value of 14.73 Mpa with a mean value of 12.58 Mpa. In Group B the highest value of bond strength was 6.54 Mpa and the minimum 5.55 Mpa. The mean value of the bond strength for the entire group was 6.58 Mpa. In Group C the highest bond strength was 6.59 Mpa whereas the lowest bond strength was 4.84 Mpa. Mean value of the bond strength of Group C was calculated at 5.7 Mpa. Etching with orthophosphoric acid combined with a dual-curing adhesive system and a dual-cured resin-composite cement was the technique that guaranteed the highest bond strength. Lowest bond strength values were obtained when dual self-adhesive cement was used.

  2. Síndrome post


    Avalos, Raquel


    ¿Qué sigue luego de que una mujer terminara su relación con el último hombre que amaba? Eso, dicen ellas, depende de cuanto duró el romance o cómo sea la psiquis de cada amante. Lo cierto es que el escenario post convierte a algunas en depresivas, caletas, indiferentes y hasta amnésicas. ¿Qué te parece, varón?

  3. High-pressure physical properties of magnesium silicate post ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    MgSiO3) post-perovskite at high pressure are investigated with quasi-harmonic Debye model and ab initio method based on the density functional theory (DFT). The calculated structural parameters of MgSiO3 post-perovskite are consistent with the ...

  4. Galectin-3 and post-myocardial infarction cardiac remodeling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijers, Wouter C.; van der Velde, A. Rogier; Pascual-Figal, Domingo A.; de Boer, Rudolf A.


    This review summarizes the current literature regarding the involvement and the putative role(s) of galectin-3 in post-myocardial infarction cardiac remodeling. Post-myocardial infarction remodeling is characterized by acute loss of myocardium, which leads to structural and biomechanical changes in

  5. Postkolonialismi pealetung post -sovetoloogias: kas paradigmamuutuse künnisel? The Rise of Post-Colonialism in Post-Soviet Studies: Witnessing the Paradigm Change

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Epp Annus


    Full Text Available This article analyses the current state of research in studies of Soviet colonialism and considers inner tensions within this emerging field. By now, dozens of monographs and hundreds of articles touch upon the various aspects of Soviet postcolonialism, yet the field is fragmented and full of inner contradictions and unanswered questions: What is the relationship of research in Soviet colonialism to postcolonial studies in general? What is its relationship to traditional Sovietology? Areas of tension are found through historical and geographical perspectives, in the Russian neglect of its own Soviet imperialism, and in the long-distance scholarship dominant in the area. This paper argues that what we are witnessing now is the pains of a paradigm change, further aggravated by special complexities within the field. The article offers a historical overview of the development of studies of Soviet colonialism and shows that a decisive turn took place in the first decade of the twenty-first century. In 1990s, postcolonial perspectives were more widely employed in analyses of Tsarist-era Russian history. In the 2000s, several important monographs about the Soviet Union were published, yet, interestingly, their main focus was the inter-war period, before the Baltic states were annexed to the Soviet Union. Thus, for research into Baltic Soviet history, these collections and monographs can only provide background information. As for the post-WWII era, most important work from the perspective of Baltic studies – that is, general arguments about the developments in Soviet Union – remain on the level of single articles, the best known of these being David Chioni Moore’s „Is the Post- in Postcolonial the Post- in Post-Soviet? Toward a Global Postcolonial Critique“ (2001. The article makes a distinction between the general term „empire-studies“ and the more restricted notion of „studies of colonialism“; it further distuinguishes post colonial


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Candra Kusuma Negara


    Full Text Available Penyakit DM merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sangat penting karena berkaitan dengan tingginya kejadian komplikasi dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Bagi kebanyakan orang penyakit DM adalah suatu penyakit yang sangat mengkhawatirkan dan masyarakat sadar akan besarnya potensi bahaya yang ditimbulkannya. Bagi individu yang menderita DM dengan pasca amputasi, kehidupan selanjutnya merupakan babak baru yang penuh tantangan dan perubahan serta akan melalui proses koping terhadap proses perubahan tersebut. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai pengalaman pasien DM pasca amputasi tentang respon dan koping yang dialaminya. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi fenomenologi. Pengambilan data menggunakan indepth interview pada empat orang partisipan yang dirawat jalan di Poli kaki diabetic RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin yang dilengkapi dengan pedoman wawancara dan informed consent. Metode analisis yang terstruktur dari Creswell menjadi 6 langkah. Terdapat 2 Tema yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu berbagai respon post amputasi dan Berbagai koping pasien DM post amputasi. Berbagai respon post amputasi terdiri dari tiga Sub-Tema yaitu: (1 Mengalami hambatan fisik, (2 Mengalami perubahan peran, (3 Mengalami proses berduka, dan Terdapat empat Sub-Tema yang menggambarkan berbagai koping pasien DM post amputasi yaitu: (1 Lebih banyak beribadah, (2 Menerima keadaan, (3 Motivasi yang kuat, (4 Mencari dukungan sosial.

  7. Astrophysical applications of the post-Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff formalism (United States)

    Glampedakis, Kostas; Pappas, George; Silva, Hector O.; Berti, Emanuele


    The bulk properties of spherically symmetric stars in general relativity can be obtained by integrating the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations. In previous work [K. Glampedakis, G. Pappas, H. O. Silva, and E. Berti, Phys. Rev. D 92, 024056 (2015)], we developed a "post-TOV" formalism—inspired by parametrized post-Newtonian theory—which allows us to classify in a parametrized, phenomenological form all possible perturbative deviations from the structure of compact stars in general relativity that may be induced by modified gravity at second post-Newtonian order. In this paper we extend the formalism to deal with the stellar exterior, and we compute several potential astrophysical observables within the post-TOV formalism: the surface redshift zs, the apparent radius Rapp, the Eddington luminosity at infinity LE∞ and the orbital frequencies. We show that, at leading order, all of these quantities depend on just two post-TOV parameters μ1 and χ , and we discuss the possibility to measure (or set upper bounds on) these parameters.

  8. 40 CFR 158.1060 - Post-application exposure-criteria for testing (United States)


    ...) Occupational human post-application exposure to pesticide residues on plants or in soil could occur as the...) Residential human post-application exposure to pesticide residues on plants or in soil could occur. Such uses... and industrial or manufacturing facilities. (ii) Residential human post-application exposure to...

  9. Post-midnight occurrence of equatorial plasma bubbles (United States)

    Ajith, K. K.; Otsuka, Yuichi; Yamamoto, Mamoru; Yokoyama, Tatsuhiro; Tulasiram, S.


    The equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs)/equatorial spread F (ESF) irregularities are an important topic of space weather interest because of their impact on transionospheric radio communications, satellite-based navigation and augmentation systems. This local plasma depleted structures develop at the bottom side F layer through Rayleigh-Taylor instability and rapidly grow to topside ionosphere via polarization electric fields within them. The steep vertical gradients due to quick loss of bottom side ionization and rapid uplift of equatorial F layer via prereversal enhancement (PRE) of zonal electric field makes the post-sunset hours as the most preferred local time for the formation of EPBs. However, there is a different class of irregularities that occurs during the post-midnight hours of June solstice reported by the previous studies. The occurrence of these post-midnight EPBs maximize during the low solar activity periods. The growth characteristics and the responsible mechanism for the formation of these post-midnight EPBs are not yet understood. Using the rapid beam steering ability of 47 MHz Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) at Kototabang (0.2°S geographic latitude, 100.3°E geographic longitude, and 10.4°S geomagnetic latitude), Indonesia, the spatial and temporal evolution of equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) were examined to classify the evolutionary-type EPBs from those which formed elsewhere and drifted into the field of view of radar. The responsible mechanism for the genesis of summer time post-midnight EPBs were discussed in light of growth rate of Rayleigh-Taylor instability using SAMI2 model.

  10. Post-mortem radiology-a new sub-speciality?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Donnell, C.; Woodford, N.


    Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations of deceased individuals are increasingly being utilized in the field of forensic pathology. However, there are differences in the interpretation of post-mortem and clinical imaging. Radiologists with only occasional experience in post-mortem imaging are at risk of misinterpreting the findings if they rely solely on clinical experience. Radiological specialists working in a co-operative environment with pathologists are pivotal in the understanding of post-mortem CT and MRI, and its appropriate integration into the autopsy. This has spawned a novel subspecialty called post-mortem radiology or necro-radiology (radiology of the deceased). In the future it is likely that whole-body CT will be incorporated into the routine forensic autopsy due its ability to accurately detect and localise abnormalities commonly seen in forensic practice, such as haematoma, abnormal gas collections, fractures, and metallic foreign bodies. In the next 5-10 years most forensic institutes will seek regular access to such CT facilities or install machines into their own mortuaries. MRI is technically more problematic in the deceased but the improved tissue contrast over CT means that it is also very useful for investigation of pathology in the cranial, thoracic, and abdominal cavities, as well as the detection of haematoma in soft tissue. In order for radiologists to be an integral part of this important development in forensic investigation, radiological organizations must recognize the subspecialty of post-mortem radiology and provide a forum for radiologists to advance scientific knowledge in the field

  11. Delayed-Onset Post-Stroke Delusional Disorder: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raíssa B. Barboza


    Full Text Available Although the prevalence of neuropsychiatric disorders among patients with cerebrovascular illness is relatively high, there are only few case reports describing post-stroke psychotic symptoms. In general, post-stroke psychoses have been reported to emerge few days after the vascular event and to vanish soon afterwards. In this report, we describe delayed-onset post-stroke delusional disorder, persecutory type. A middle-aged female patient developed a persistent delusional disorder with homicidal behavior about one year after a cerebrovascular accident affecting the right fronto-temporo-parietal region and a long period of chronic post-stroke mixed anxiety and depressive symptoms. Our case suggests that there might be long intervals between stroke and the appearance of psychotic symptoms.

  12. All-ceramic posts and cores: the state of the art. (United States)

    Koutayas, S O; Kern, M


    Metal posts used to restore endodontically treated teeth may shine through all-ceramic crowns and thin gingival tissue. When nonprecious alloys are used, corrosion products may lead to discoloration. All-ceramic posts and cores can be used in combination with all-ceramic crowns to prevent these problems. All-ceramic posts and cores are highly biocompatible and will almost always increase the translucency of an all-ceramic restoration. The purpose of this article is to describe the fabrication of all-ceramic posts and cores, using high-toughness ceramic materials such as alumina or zirconia ceramics, through 4 different techniques: the slip-casting technique; the copy-milling technique; the 2-piece technique, which involves a prefabricated zirconia ceramic post and a copy-milled alumina or zirconia ceramic core; and the heat-press technique, which involves a prefabricated zirconia ceramic post and a heat-pressed glass-ceramic core. Indications, contraindications, advantages, and disadvantages of the different techniques are compared.

  13. What is 'Post-digital?' : typewriters vs. imageboard memes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F. Cramer


    The term "post-digital" was coined in 2000 for electronic music, but reflecting on larger developments in technology and culture, to describe a perspective on digital information technology that is no longer focused on technical innovation or improvement. In the meantime, "post-digital" has acquired

  14. [Risk factors in post partum depression]. (United States)

    Marino, Monica; Battaglia, Eliana; Massimino, Marta; Aguglia, Eugenio


    It is commonly believed that pregnancy is a time of good mental health. However it has been observed, until recently, that many pregnant women, above all in post partum period, manifest depressive symptoms like sadness, social withdrawal and lack of motivation. The consequences are enormous, for mother mental health and for the psychical development of the baby. It becomes therefore necessary to screening and to precociously intervene on these pathological conditions and thanks also to the suitable knowledge of the risk factors for the potential development of depression post partum.

  15. Knowledge-sharing Behavior and Post-acquisition Integration Failure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelgaard, Jens; Husted, Kenneth; Michailova, Snejina


    AbstractNot achieving the anticipated synergy effects in the post-acquisition integration context is a serious causefor the high acquisition failure rate. While existing studies on failures of acquisitions exist fromeconomics, finance, strategy, organization theory, and human resources management......, this paper appliesinsights from the knowledge-sharing literature. The paper establishes a conceptual link between obstaclesin the post-acquisition integration processes and individual knowledge-sharing behavior as related toknowledge transmitters and knowledge receivers. We argue that such an angle offers...... important insights toexplaining the high failure rate in acquisitions.Descriptors: post-acquisition integration, acquisition failure, individual knowledge-sharing behavior...

  16. Exposure to war traumatic experiences, post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic growth among nurses in Gaza. (United States)

    Shamia, N A; Thabet, A A M; Vostanis, P


    What is known on the subject? This study builds on existing research on war-related factors that may affect health-care staff by particularly focusing on trauma exposure in both professional and everyday life, as well as on correlates of later positive psychological changes. What this paper adds to existing knowledge? It shows that one in five nursing staff working in Gaza experienced post-traumatic stress symptoms within the clinical range, 2 years after an incursion on Gaza and after being exposed to substantial trauma during this period. Participants appeared to develop a variety of post-traumatic growth responses following trauma exposure. Although nurses experienced traumatic events both as civilians and in their health-care capacity, personal exposure was strongly associated with PTSD symptoms. What are the implications for practice? Support to nursing and other health-care professionals in war situations should entail different levels, remain available well after an acute conflict, and take into consideration both personal and practice-related traumatic events. Mental health nursing practitioners can play a pivotal role in this. To establish the association between war traumatic experiences, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and post-traumatic growth among nurses in the Gaza Strip, 2 years after an incursion on Gaza, and during a period of ongoing trauma exposure. This study builds on existing evidence by considering exposure to personal and work-related traumatic events, and on factors associated with later positive psychological adaptation. The sample consisted of 274 randomly selected nurses in Gaza who completed the Gaza Traumatic Events Checklist, PTSD Checklist, and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. Of the nurses, 19.7% reported full PTSD. There was a significant relationship between traumatic events and PTSD scores; as well as between community-related traumatic events and post-traumatic growth. Participants reported a range of traumatic

  17. Shared consultant physician posts.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cooke, J


    Our aim was to assess the acceptability and cost-efficiency of shared consultancy posts. Two consultant physicians worked alternate fortnights for a period of twelve months. Questionnaires were distributed to general practitioners, nurses, consultants and junior doctors affected by the arrangement. Patients or their next of kin were contacted by telephone. 1\\/17 of consultants described the experience as negative. 14\\/19 junior doctors reported a positive experience. 11 felt that training had been improved while 2 felt that it had been adversely affected. 17\\/17 GPs were satisfied with the arrangement. 1\\/86 nurses surveyed reported a negative experience. 1\\/48 patients were unhappy with the arrangement. An extra 2.2 (p<0.001) patients were seen per clinic. Length of stay was shortened by 2.49 days (p<0.001). A saving of 69,212 was made due to decreased locum requirements. We present data suggesting structured shared consultancy posts can be broadly acceptable and cost efficient in Ireland.

  18. Perbedaan Post Purchase Regret Berdasarkan Perilaku Pada Konsumen Wanita


    Fardhani, Diah


    Post purchase regret is a negative emotion of consumer after evaluating the purchase decision has been made, the evaluation is conducted based on the outcome and process of consumer decision making. This study was a comparative quantitative study aimed to determine differences on post purchase regret based on unplanned and substitute purchasing behavior. The research hypothesis was the differences in post purchase regret based on unplanned behavior and substitute purchasing. The study involve...

  19. Limbic encephalitis presenting as a post-partum psychiatric condition.


    Gotkine, Marc; Ben-Hur, Tamir; Vincent, Angela; Vaknin-Dembinsky, Adi


    OBJECTIVE: We describe a woman who presented with a psychiatric disorder post-partum and subsequently developed seizures and cognitive dysfunction prompting further investigation. A diagnosis of limbic encephalitis (LE) was made and antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channel complex (VGKC) detected. These antibodies are found in many non-paraneoplastic patients with LE. Although antibody-mediated conditions tend to present or relapse post-partum, VGKC-LE in the post-partum period has not b...

  20. Soleus H-reflex excitability during pedaling post-stroke

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schindler-Ivens, Sheila; Brown, David A.; Lewis, Gwyn N.


    A major contributor to impaired locomotion post-stroke is abnormal phasing of paretic muscle activity, but the mechanisms remain unclear. Previous studies have shown that, in the paretic limb of people post-stroke, Group Ia reflexes are abnormally elevated and fail to decrease in amplitude during...

  1. Millennial Instructional Preferences in Post-Secondary Business Programs (United States)

    West, Cynthia Elaine


    The purpose of this mixed method study was to examine the instructional preferences of millennial learners and how their instructional preferences affect their choice in post-secondary business programs. The instructional preferences of millennial learners are an important question for post-secondary business programs enrolling learners from…

  2. Antagonistic properties of Trichoderma viride on post harvest ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effective in vitro screening tests of Trichoderma viride for antagonism against post harvest pathogens of cassava roots (Manihot esculenta Crantz) rot together with its competitive and mycoparasitic abilities informs its selection as the most promising candidate for the biocontrol of post harvest cassava root rot pathogens.

  3. Post-targeting strategy for ready-to-use targeted nanodelivery post cargo loading. (United States)

    Zhu, J Y; Hu, J J; Zhang, M K; Yu, W Y; Zheng, D W; Wang, X Q; Feng, J; Zhang, X Z


    Based on boronate formation, this study reports a post-targeting methodology capable of readily installing versatile targeting modules onto a cargo-loaded nanoplatform in aqueous mediums. This permits the targeted nanodelivery of broad-spectrum therapeutics (drug/gene) in a ready-to-use manner while overcoming the PEGylation-dilemma that frequently occurs in conventional targeting approaches.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Alberto Elizondo-Salazar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue presentar los requerimientos nutricionales de energía para terneras de lechería a partir de la publicación del National Research Council (2001: Requerimientos Nutricionales para Ganado de Leche, durante el año 2012 en la Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata, con el fin de hacer esta información más accesible a usuarios potenciales de Costa Rica y América Latina. La ternera siempre ha requerido cuidado y atención especial para que pueda sobrevivir desde el nacimiento al destete y más allá. Desde el punto de vista nutricional, establecer los requerimientos energéticos de la ternera puede ayudar a los productores a proveer dietas que llenen las demandas para un óptimo desarrollo y buena salud.

  5. Prácticas de crianza en madres de estratos socioeconómico medio y bajo de Lima

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alegría Majluf


    Full Text Available Con 90 madres de niños de 6 y 7 años se encuentran diferencias significativas en las prácticas de crianza; siendo las madres de clase media más democráticas, y las de clase baja, más autoritarias. Con el Informe de Prácticas de Crianza, de Block, se observan diferencias tanto en control autoritario, control por ansiedad y supervisión (Autoritarismo como en estimulaci6n de independencia, expresi6n de afecto, y uso de la razón (Democracia. También se apreciaron diferencias en el goce del rol materno, el destete, control de los esfínteres y represi6n sexual. Las madres de clase media y baja no difirieron en expectativas y afán de logros del hijo.

  6. 5 CFR 591.204 - Who can receive COLAs and post differentials? (United States)


    ... REGULATIONS ALLOWANCES AND DIFFERENTIALS Cost-of-Living Allowance and Post Differential-Nonforeign Areas Cost-Of-Living Allowances and Post Differentials § 591.204 Who can receive COLAs and post differentials...

  7. 5 CFR 591.203 - Why does the Government pay post differentials? (United States)


    ... REGULATIONS ALLOWANCES AND DIFFERENTIALS Cost-of-Living Allowance and Post Differential-Nonforeign Areas Cost-Of-Living Allowances and Post Differentials § 591.203 Why does the Government pay post differentials...

  8. Post-exceptionalism in public policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Daugbjerg, Carsten; Feindt, Peter H.


    Framing the special issue on the transformation of Food and Agricultural Policy, this article introduces the concept of post-exceptionalism in public policies. The analysis of change in agri-food policy serves as a generative example to conceptualize current transformations in sectoral policy...... arrangements in democratic welfare states. Often these arrangements have been characterized by an exceptionalist ideational framework that legitimizes a sector’s special treatment through compartmentalized, exclusive and producer-centered policies and politics. In times of internationalization of policy......-making, increasing interlinkage of policy areas and trends towards self-regulation, liberalization and performance-based policies, policy exceptionalism is under pressure to either transform or give way to (neo-)liberal policy arrangements. Post-exceptionalism denotes a partial transformation of exceptionalist ideas...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alex Yang


    The majority of hospitalizations (∼2/3 had considerable post-hosp Hb drops (mean >1g/dL, with >50% permanently reduced. ∼1.5 months were needed to recover Hb, with elevated ESA doses for >2 months. ESA dose was permanently elevated in 27% of hospitalizations that recovered Hb. Strategies to address post-hosp anemia may mitigate the protracted recovery time and increased ESA use. fx1

  10. the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among sexually ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Oct 10, 2013 ... Background: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops ... like child sexual abuse can develop post-traumatic stress disorder ... MATERIALS AND METHODS ..... abuse and development of behavior problem ranging.

  11. How to make progress post-Kyoto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document provides papers presented during the workshop on ''how to make progress post-Kyoto'', hold at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) in Paris on march 19, 2003. The following topics were presented: reflections on Kyoto, guidance for the future, how to make progress post-kyoto, the lessons from the past; the Bonn voyage; US climate policy after Kyoto, elements of success; preparing for widening and deepening the kyoto protocol; capping emissions and costs; absolute versus intensity-based emissions caps; intensity targets in perspective; negotiating commitments for further emission reductions; exploring new tools; defining meaningful participation of developing countries in climate change mitigation; economic and environmental effectiveness of a technology-based climate regime; US participation in the linkage between research and development and climate cooperation; designing a technology strategy; ''greening'' economic development; some critical comments post-Kyoto; the foreign policy perspective of climate negotiations; Kyoto and the double spiral; burden-sharing rules for stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations and their equity implications. (A.L.B.)

  12. Interactions between pre- and post-emergence weed harrowing in spring cereals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandsæter, L.O.; Mangerud, K.; Rasmussen, Jesper


    that pre- and post-emergence harrowing interact positively, that a combination gives more stable weed control effects than pre- and post-emergence weed harrowing used alone, and that a harrow type with bent tines is more aggressive and suitable on hard-packed soils than a harrow with strait tines...... the average effect of post-emergence harrowing was 47% on weed density and 41% on weed biomass. The combined effect of pre- and post-emergence weed harrowing was 61% on weed density and 54% on weed biomass. The combination did not give more stable weed control effects than pre- and post-emergence weed...... harrowing used alone. Pre-emergence harrowing increased the average crop yield by 6.2%, post-emergence harrowing by 4.0% and the combined effect was 10%. Crop yield was mainly increased on hard-packed soils. Weed and crop responses varied strongly among experiments, but the efficacy of pre- and post...

  13. Delayed Post Mortem Predation in Lightning Strike Carcasses ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Campbell Murn

    An adult giraffe was struck dead by lightning on a game farm outside. Phalaborwa, South Africa in March 2014. Interestingly, delayed post-mortem predation occurred on the carcass, which according to the farm owners was an atypical phenomenon for the region. Delayed post-mortem scavenging on lightning strike ...

  14. Branding Your Post-School Outcomes Data Collection Process (United States)

    National Post-School Outcomes Center, 2013


    The purpose of "Branding your Post-School Outcomes Data Collection Process" is to help state education agencies create brand recognition with youths, families, and school personnel for the post-school outcomes survey. Recognition--paired with information about the survey purpose, who is conducting the interview, and how the information…

  15. Characterization of immobilized post-carbohydrate meal salivary α ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The effect of experimental parameters like pH, temperature and substrate concentration on the activity of the immobilized post-carbohydrate meal salivary ... of immobilized post-carbohydrate meal salivary α-amylase in this study show that immobilization had no significant effect on the enzyme and compared to kinetic ...

  16. Update on the management of post-traumatic stress disorder. (United States)

    Wallace, Duncan; Cooper, John


    Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in people exposed to life-threatening trauma. GPs may be seeing more patients with post-traumatic stress disorder as military personnel return from overseas deployments. The condition can present in various ways. To reduce the likelihood of missed or delayed diagnosis GPs can screen at-risk populations. A comprehensive assessment is recommended. Specialist referral may be required, particularly if there are other mental health problems. Trauma-focused psychological therapies should be offered as the first line of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. Usually 8-12 sessions are needed for a therapeutic effect. If drug treatment is needed, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the first line. Other drugs used in post-traumatic stress disorder include antipsychotics, anticonvulsants and prazosin.

  17. Integración del uso de suelos y transporte para avanzar hacia la sostenibilidad de Guayaquil.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Proaño Sánchez


    Para demostrar la hipótesis de estudio, se bosquejó un sistema de espacios libres en la ciudad, además de nuevas líneas de transporte y morfologías como estrategia de renovación en las parroquias Febres Cordero y Letamendi, aplicando criterios de urbanismo sostenible desde una perspectiva local. Producto de esta propuesta integrada, la ciudad contaría con un ambiente libre de contaminación vehicular en las parroquias intervenidas, aproximadamente 1.500 hectáreas adicionales de áreas verdes, 76.000 viviendas, 90.000 locales comerciales, 115.000 oficinas, 255 hectáreas de equipamientos públicos, y beneficio privado que bordearía los US$2.000 millones de dólares en términos de Valor Presente Neto.

  18. Post-Polio Health International including International Ventilator Users Network (United States)

    ... PHI Annual Reports Contact Us Copyright EDUCATION Post-Polio Health newsletter Health Care Considerations Handbook on the Late Effects ... Late Effects of Polio Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) About Acute Polio Major ...

  19. Fighting and preventing post-earthquake fires in nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lu Xuefeng; Zhang Xin


    Nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires will cause not only personnel injury, severe economic loss, but also serious environmental pollution. For the moment, nuclear power is in a position of rapid development in China. Considering the earthquake-prone characteristics of our country, it is of great engineering importance to investigate the nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires. This article analyzes the cause, influential factors and development characteristics of nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires in details, and summarizes the three principles should be followed in fighting and preventing nuclear power plant post-earthquake fires, such as solving problems in order of importance and urgency, isolation prior to prevention, immediate repair and regular patrol. Three aspects were pointed out that should be paid attention in fighting and preventing post-earthquake fires. (authors)

  20. In Situ Measurements of the Post-Spinel and Post-Garnet Phase Boundaries in Pyrolite at 17-32 GPa and 1500-2400 K (United States)

    Ye, Y.; Gu, C.; Shim, S. H.; Prakapenka, V.; Meng, Y.


    Recent seismic studies have revealed complex structures near 660-km depth. In order to understand the effects of composition and temperature, we measured the depth and Clapeyron slope of the post-spinel and post-garnet boundaries at the pressure-temperature conditions of 600-700 km depths in pyrolitic compositions: (1) MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) and (2) CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-FeO (CMASF). Glass starting materials were mixed with either gold or platinum powder (10 wt%) for laser coupling and internal pressure scale. Cold compressed foils of the mixtures were loaded in the diamond-anvil cell together with Ar or KCl for thermal insulation and pressure transmission. X-ray diffraction patterns were measured for the samples in the diamond-anvil cell at in situ high pressure and high temperature combined with double side laser heating at beamlines 13-IDD (GSECARS) and 16-IDB (HPCAT) in the Advanced Photon Source. Within 5 to 8 minutes of heating, stable crystalline phase assemblages were formed and persisted with further heating for 20 to 30 minutes. A total of 160 heating cycles were conducted at different pressures and temperatures, providing tight constrains on the phase boundaries. Our data show that the post-spinel transition occurs at 23.6-24.5 GPa and 1850 K with a Clapeyron slope of -2.5(4) MPa/K if the Pt pressure scales are used, consistent with the seismic observation of the 660 discontinuity. The post-garnet boundary occurs at 24.2-27.5 GPa and 1900 - 2450 K. We found that the Clapeyron slope of the post-garnet transition increases with Fe: from 2.4 MPa/K for MAS to 6.2 MPa/K for CMASF. Below 1900 K, garnet disappears near the post-spinel boundary within the resolution of our measurements. Our new data supports the notion that the 660 discontinuity is dominated by the post-spinel phase transition below 1900 K while dominated by the post-garnet phase transition above 1900 K. However, our data indicate much larger Clapeyron slope of the post-garnet transition, suggesting

  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Post-ICU Family Members: Review and Methodological Challenges. (United States)

    Petrinec, Amy B; Daly, Barbara J


    Family members of intensive care unit (ICU) patients are at risk for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following ICU discharge. The aim of this systematic review is to examine the current literature regarding post-ICU family PTSD symptoms with an emphasis on methodological issues in conducting research on this challenging phenomenon. An extensive review of the literature was performed confining the search to English language studies reporting PTSD symptoms in adult family members of adult ICU patients. Ten studies were identified for review published from 2004 to 2012. Findings demonstrate a significant prevalence of family PTSD symptoms in the months following ICU hospitalization. However, there are several methodological challenges to the interpretation of existing studies and to the conduct of future research including differences in sampling, identification of risk factors and covariates of PTSD, and lack of consensus regarding the most appropriate PTSD symptom measurement tools and timing. © The Author(s) 2014.

  2. Fracture strength of flared bovine roots restored with different intraradicular posts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Grover Rene Clavijo


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength and failure mode of flared bovine roots restored with different intraradicular posts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty bovine incisors with similar dimensions were selected and their roots were flared until 1.0 mm of dentin wall remained. Next, the roots were allocated into five groups (n=10: GI- cast metal post-and-core; GII- fiber posts plus accessory fiber posts; GIII- direct anatomic post; GIV- indirect anatomic post and GV- control (specimens without intraradicular post. A polyether impression material was used to simulate the periodontal ligament. After periodontal ligament simulation, the specimens were subjected to a compressive load at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min in a servo-hydraulic testing machine (MTS 810 applied at 135º to the long axis of the tooth until failure. The data (N were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (α=0.05. RESULTS: GI and GIV presented higher fracture strength (p0.05 from GI, GII and GIV. Control specimens (GV produced the lowest fracture strength mean values (p<0.05. Despite obtaining the highest mean value, GI presented 100% of unfavorable failures. GII presented 20% of unfavorable failures. GIII, GIV and GV presented only favorable failures. CONCLUSIONS: Although further in vitro and in vivo studies are necessary, the results of this study showed that the use of direct and indirect anatomic posts in flared roots could be an alternative to cast metal post-and-core.

  3. In-hospital risk prediction for post-stroke depression: development and validation of the Post-stroke Depression Prediction Scale. (United States)

    de Man-van Ginkel, Janneke M; Hafsteinsdóttir, Thóra B; Lindeman, Eline; Ettema, Roelof G A; Grobbee, Diederick E; Schuurmans, Marieke J


    The timely detection of post-stroke depression is complicated by a decreasing length of hospital stay. Therefore, the Post-stroke Depression Prediction Scale was developed and validated. The Post-stroke Depression Prediction Scale is a clinical prediction model for the early identification of stroke patients at increased risk for post-stroke depression. The study included 410 consecutive stroke patients who were able to communicate adequately. Predictors were collected within the first week after stroke. Between 6 to 8 weeks after stroke, major depressive disorder was diagnosed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Multivariable logistic regression models were fitted. A bootstrap-backward selection process resulted in a reduced model. Performance of the model was expressed by discrimination, calibration, and accuracy. The model included a medical history of depression or other psychiatric disorders, hypertension, angina pectoris, and the Barthel Index item dressing. The model had acceptable discrimination, based on an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.78 (0.72-0.85), and calibration (P value of the U-statistic, 0.96). Transforming the model to an easy-to-use risk-assessment table, the lowest risk category (sum score, depression, which increased to 82% in the highest category (sum score, >21). The clinical prediction model enables clinicians to estimate the degree of the depression risk for an individual patient within the first week after stroke.

  4. Finite element analysis and fracture resistance testing of a new intraradicular post

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eron Toshio Colauto Yamamoto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The objective of the present study was to evaluate a prefabricated intraradicular threaded pure titanium post, designed and developed at the São José dos Campos School of Dentistry - UNESP, Brazil. This new post was designed to minimize stresses observed with prefabricated post systems and to improve cost-benefits. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fracture resistance testing of the post/core/root complex, fracture analysis by microscopy and stress analysis by the finite element method were used for post evaluation. The following four prefabricated metal post systems were analyzed: group 1, experimental post; group 2, modification of the experimental post; group 3, Flexi Post, and group 4, Para Post. For the analysis of fracture resistance, 40 bovine teeth were randomly assigned to the four groups (n=10 and used for the fabrication of test specimens simulating the situation in the mouth. The test specimens were subjected to compressive strength testing until fracture in an EMIC universal testing machine. After fracture of the test specimens, their roots were sectioned and analyzed by microscopy. For the finite element method, specimens of the fracture resistance test were simulated by computer modeling to determine the stress distribution pattern in the post systems studied. RESULTS: The fracture test presented the following averages and standard deviation: G1 (45.63±8.77, G2 (49.98±7.08, G3 (43.84±5.52, G4 (47.61±7.23. Stress was homogenously distributed along the body of the intraradicular post in group 1, whereas high stress concentrations in certain regions were observed in the other groups. These stress concentrations in the body of the post induced the same stress concentration in root dentin. CONCLUSIONS: The experimental post (original and modified versions presented similar fracture resistance and better results in the stress analysis when compared with the commercial post systems tested (08/2008-PA/CEP.

  5. Towards a post-traumatic subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder. (United States)

    Fontenelle, Leonardo F; Cocchi, Luca; Harrison, Ben J; Shavitt, Roseli G; do Rosário, Maria Conceição; Ferrão, Ygor A; de Mathis, Maria Alice; Cordioli, Aristides V; Yücel, Murat; Pantelis, Christos; Mari, Jair de Jesus; Miguel, Euripedes C; Torres, Albina R


    We evaluated whether traumatic events are associated with a distinctive pattern of socio-demographic and clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We compared socio-demographic and clinical features of 106 patients developing OCD after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; termed post-traumatic OCD), 41 patients developing OCD before PTSD (pre-traumatic OCD), and 810 OCD patients without any history of PTSD (non-traumatic OCD) using multinomial logistic regression analysis. A later age at onset of OCD, self-mutilation disorder, history of suicide plans, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and compulsive buying disorder were independently related to post-traumatic OCD. In contrast, earlier age at OCD onset, alcohol-related disorders, contamination-washing symptoms, and self-mutilation disorder were all independently associated with pre-traumatic OCD. In addition, patients with post-traumatic OCD without a previous history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) showed lower educational levels, greater rates of contamination-washing symptoms, and more severe miscellaneous symptoms as compared to post-traumatic OCD patients with a history of OCS. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Pneumococcal meningitis post-cochlear implantation: preventative measures. (United States)

    Wei, Benjamin P C; Shepherd, Robert K; Robins-Browne, Roy M; Clark, Graeme M; O'Leary, Stephen J


    Both clinical data and laboratory studies demonstrated the risk of pneumococcal meningitis post-cochlear implantation. This review examines strategies to prevent post-implant meningitis. Medline/PubMed database; English articles after 1980. Search terms: cochlear implants, pneumococcus meningitis, streptococcus pneumonia, immunization, prevention. Narrative review. All articles relating to post-implant meningitis without any restriction in study designs were assessed and information extracted. The presence of inner ear trauma as a result of surgical technique or cochlear implant electrode array design was associated with a higher risk of post-implant meningitis. Laboratory data demonstrated the effectiveness of pneumococcal vaccination in preventing meningitis induced via the hematogenous route of infection. Fibrous sealing around the electrode array at the cochleostomy site, and the use of antibiotic-coated electrode array reduced the risk of meningitis induced via an otogenic route. The recent scientific data support the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommendation of pneumococcal vaccination for the prevention of meningitis in implant recipients. Nontraumatic cochlear implant design, surgical technique, and an adequate fibrous seal around the cochleostomy site further reduce the risk of meningitis. Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Density Effects on Post-shock Turbulence Structure (United States)

    Tian, Yifeng; Jaberi, Farhad; Livescu, Daniel; Li, Zhaorui; Michigan State University Collaboration; Los Alamos National Laboratory Collaboration; Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Collaboration


    The effects of density variations due to mixture composition on post-shock turbulence structure are studied using turbulence-resolving shock-capturing simulations. This work extends the canonical Shock-Turbulence Interaction (STI) problem to involve significant variable density effects. The numerical method has been verified using a series of grid and LIA convergence tests, and is used to generate accurate post-shock turbulence data for a detailed flow study. Density effects on post-shock turbulent statistics are shown to be significant, leading to an increased amplification of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Eulerian and Lagrangian analyses show that the increase in the post-shock correlation between rotation and strain is weakened in the case with significant density variations (referred to as the ``multi-fluid'' case). Similar to previous single-fluid results and LIA predictions, the shock wave significantly changes the topology of the turbulent structures, exhibiting a symmetrization of the joint PDF of second and third invariant of the deviatoric part of velocity gradient tensor. In the multi-fluid case, this trend is more significant and mainly manifested in the heavy fluid regions. Lagrangian data are also used to study the evolution of turbulence structure away from the shock wave and assess the accuracy of Lagrangian dynamical models.



    E. Steinmeyer


    The ancient myth of Electra seems to be of particular interest to South African writers and playwrights. This article focuses on the adaptation by Mervyn McMurtry, entitled Electra, which was produced in Durban in 2000. The underlying theme of his adaptation, which is based on the four Greek “Electra” tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, is the question of truth. This question — an important post-modern one — was of particular relevance for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission ...

  9. Post-apartheid nostalgia and the sadomasochistic pleasures of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The burgeoning genre of archival art practice in post-apartheid South Africa has catalysed the evocation of nostalgia in abundance. The archive has been at the centre of numerous exhibitions in contemporary art. This paper explores the meaning of an emerging nostalgic turn in post-apartheid South Africa. The discussion ...

  10. Chylous ascites post open cholecystectomy after severe pancreatitis.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cheung, Cherry X


    Chylous ascites a rare complication post cholecystectomy. There are to our knowledge only 3 reported cases in the literature. We describe a case of chylous ascites post open cholecystectomy in a patient with recent severe pancreatitis. We propose a potential relationship between acute biliary pancreatitis and the development of chylous ascites.

  11. An Alternative Technique for Cementation of Cast Post and Core Restoration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bhushan Satish Gaikwad


    Full Text Available Cementation of cast post and core restoration involves the application of luting cement in the prepared post space which is intra radicular. Commonly an endodontic instrument, lentulo spiral, and rotary hand piece at slow speed is used. Occasionally, the luting cement does not reach the base or is not uniformly spread on to the walls of the prepared post space. The inefficiency of the luting cement to cover all the surfaces of the prepared post space results in a compromised post and core treatment. An alternate procedure using a disposable syringe and needle has been described to achieve better results.

  12. Does Feedback Influence Student Postings to Online Discussions?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Katrina A. Meyer, Ph.D.


    Full Text Available Feedback theory proposes that feedback influences the behavior of a system and its parts and that is governed by rules. This exploratory study attempts to test this theory in a graduate-level class on leadership theory. Twelve students were asked to participate in five online discussions, each lasting one week. The questions for each discussion were selected to be provocative and rich, without having any correct answer. At the end of the discussion, students were asked to indicate which posting and poster they felt was “best” or most valuable and why they felt the posting was “best.” There is mixed evidence that the voting influenced subsequent postings; some individuals did improve while others were consistently good or poor posters. Students selected postings that were (in declining frequency of occurrence: thoughtful or thought-provoking, well written or justified, uplifting, presented new information, same as their own opinions, changed me, or complex. These reasons are similar to those of the instructor, although the students’ difficulty in choosing and rationalizing a choice and the frequency at which students chose posts that captured their own thoughts and opinions are of some concern. This study provides some evidence that these graduate students could evaluate their own discussions without the instructor intruding or dictating an evaluation scheme, although this may not be true for other groups of online students.


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    V.K. Tatochenko


    Full Text Available The article focuses on immunological prevention of varicella, particularly efficacy and advisability of vaccinating contact individuals in a pocket (post-exposure vaccination: its role in reducing the epidemiological process and economic burden of the infection, in achieving control over outbreak disease incidence. It features data obtained by foreign researchers and own research results. It demonstrates that vaccination of children and adults immediately after contact with the individual suffering from varicella allows significant reduction in disease incidence. Key words: varicella, vaccination, post-exposure immunological prevention, children. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(4:30-33

  14. Tool post modification allows easy turret lathe cutting-tool alignment (United States)

    Fouts, L.


    Modified tool holder and tool post permit alignment of turret lathe cutting tools on the center of the spindle. The tool is aligned with the spindle by the holder which is kept in position by a hydraulic lock in feature of the tool post. The tool post is used on horizontal and vertical turret lathes and other engine lathes.

  15. Ketamine as a Rapid Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (United States)


    Post - traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) is a debilitating anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive re-experiences of the traumatic events...08-1-0602 TITLE: Ketamine as a Rapid Treatment for Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dennis Charney...dissociative effects of ketamine but not have any sustained anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. Forty individuals diagnosed with post - traumatic

  16. Post-acute referral patterns for hospitals and implications for bundled payment initiatives. (United States)

    Lau, Christopher; Alpert, Abby; Huckfeldt, Peter; Hussey, Peter; Auerbach, David; Liu, Hangsheng; Sood, Neeraj; Mehrotra, Ateev


    Under new bundled payment models, hospitals are financially responsible for post-acute care delivered by providers such as skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) and home health agencies (HHAs). The hope is that hospitals will use post-acute care more prudently and better coordinate care with post-acute providers. However, little is known about existing patterns in hospitals׳ referrals to post-acute providers. Post-acute provider referrals were identified using SNF and HHA claims within 14 days following hospital discharge. Hospital post-acute care network size and concentration were estimated across hospital types and regions. The 2008 Medicare Provider Analysis and Review claims for acute hospitals and SNFs, and the 100% HHA Standard Analytic Files were used. The mean post-acute care network size for U.S. hospitals included 57.9 providers with 37.5 SNFs and 23.4 HHAs. The majority of these providers (65.7% of SNFs, 60.9% of HHAs) accounted for 1 percent or less of a hospital׳s referrals and classified as "low-volume". Other post-acute providers we classified as routine. The mean network size for routine providers was greater for larger hospitals, teaching hospitals and in regions with higher per capita post-acute care spending. The average hospital works with over 50 different post-acute providers. Moreover, the size of post-acute care networks varies considerably geographically and by hospital characteristics. These results provide context on the complex task hospitals will face in coordinating care with post-acute providers and cutting costs under new bundled payment models. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Post traumatic stress disorder among former child soldiers attending ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Post traumatic stress disorder among former child soldiers attending a rehabilitative service ... school in northern Uganda with a case of mass psychotic behavior. ... Methods: Data on post-traumatic stress disorder, depressed mood, physical ...

  18. Students and Social Networking Sites: The Posting Paradox (United States)

    Miller, Robert; Parsons, Kristine; Lifer, David


    This article reports the results of a field study in which undergraduate students were questioned about their use of social networking sites and the appropriateness of the content that they post. The responses indicate that students routinely post content that they realise is not appropriate for all audiences, especially potential employers.…

  19. Human Rights Education and the Post Secular Turn (United States)

    Bowie, Bob


    This article questions whether human rights education (HRE) scholarship is responding adequately to the post secular turn in thinking about the place and nature of religion in society. Here the post secular turn is used to describe the discrediting of secularisation theory, the recognition of religion as an enduring and pervasive global cultural…

  20. Update on the management of post-traumatic stress disorder (United States)

    Wallace, Duncan; Cooper, John


    Summary Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in people exposed to life-threatening trauma. GPs may be seeing more patients with post-traumatic stress disorder as military personnel return from overseas deployments. The condition can present in various ways. To reduce the likelihood of missed or delayed diagnosis GPs can screen at-risk populations. A comprehensive assessment is recommended. Specialist referral may be required, particularly if there are other mental health problems. Trauma-focused psychological therapies should be offered as the first line of treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder. Usually 8–12 sessions are needed for a therapeutic effect. If drug treatment is needed, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the first line. Other drugs used in post-traumatic stress disorder include antipsychotics, anticonvulsants and prazosin. PMID:26648617

  1. Eesti Post ei saanud laenajate tuvastamisest keelduda / Dannar Leitmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leitmaa, Dannar, 1982-


    Eesti Post vastab kriitikale seoses kiirlaenuettevõtete klientide tuvastamisega, et isikutuvastamine on Eesti Posti hinnakirjaline teenus. Poliitikud nõuavad aru majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumilt, mille haldusesse Eesti Post kuulub. Lisa: SMS Laen ärritas Eesti Posti

  2. Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder among homeless adults in Sydney. (United States)

    Taylor, Kathryn M; Sharpe, Louise


    International studies indicate high prevalence rates of post-traumatic stress disorder within homeless populations. In Australia, studies indicate high rates of trauma among homeless adults, yet post-traumatic stress disorder has not been investigated in homeless Australian adults. The primary aim of this project was to determine the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among homeless adults in Sydney. Further, another aim of the study was to determine whether the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder preceded the first episode of homelessness or was a consequence of homelessness. The sample consisted of 70 homeless men and women aged 18-73 years, who were randomly sampled through eight homeless services. A computer-assisted face-to-face structured clinical interview was conducted with each participant. Lifetime prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder was determined via the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. The majority of the sample had experienced at least one traumatic event in their lifetime (98%). Indeed, the mean number of traumas per person was six. The 12 month prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder was higher among homeless adults in Sydney in comparison to the Australian general population (41% vs 1.5%). But 79% of the sample had a lifetime prevalence of post-traumatic stress. In 59% of cases, the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder preceded the age of the first reported homeless episode. Homeless adults in Sydney frequently experience trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. The study found that trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder more often precede homelessness, but re-victimization is common. These findings highlight the high mental health needs among homeless people and have implications for services for homeless people.

  3. Prevalence and risk factors of childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms. (United States)

    Modarres, Maryam; Afrasiabi, Sedigheh; Rahnama, Parvin; Montazeri, Ali


    There is evidence that traumatic birth experiences are associated with psychological impairments. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of childbirth-related post-traumatic stress symptoms and its obstetric and perinatal risk factors among a sample of Iranian women. This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Bushehr, Iran during a 3-months period from July to September 2009. Data were collected from all women attending eleven healthcare centers for postnatal care 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth. Those who had a traumatic delivery were identified and entered into the study. In order to assess childbirth-related post-traumatic stress, the Post-traumatic Symptom Scale-Interview (PSS-I) was administered. Data on demographic, obstetric and perinatal characteristics also were collected. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to examine the association between childbirth-related post-traumatic stress and demographic and obstetric and perinatal variables. In all, 400 women were initially evaluated. Of these, 218 women (54.5%) had a traumatic delivery and overall, 80 women (20%) were found to be suffering from post-partum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that post-partum PTSD was associated with educational level, gestational age at delivery, number of prenatal care visits, pregnancy complications, pregnancy intervals, labor duration, and mode of delivery. The findings indicated that the prevalence of traumatic birth experiences and post-partum PTSD were relatively high among Iranian women. The findings also indicated that obstetric and perinatal variables were independently the most significant contributing factors to women's post-partum PTSD. It seems that a better perinatal care and supportive childbirth might help to reduce the burden of post-partum PTSD among this population.

  4. Quasi-periodic oscillations from post-shock accretion column of polars (United States)

    Bera, Prasanta; Bhattacharya, Dipankar


    A set of strongly magnetized accreting white dwarfs (polars) shows quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with frequency about a Hz in their optical luminosity. These Hz-frequency QPOs are thought to be generated by intensity variations of the emitted radiation originating at the post-shock accretion column. Thermal instability in the post-shock region, triggered by efficient cooling process at the base, is believed to be the primary reason behind the temporal variability. Here, we study the structure and the dynamical properties of the post-shock accretion column including the effects of bremsstrahlung and cyclotron radiation. We find that the presence of significant cyclotron emission in optical band reduces the overall variability of the post-shock region. In the case of a larger post-shock region above the stellar surface, the effects of stratification due to stellar gravity become important. An accretion column, influenced by the strong gravity, has a smaller variability as the strength of the thermal instability at the base of the column is reduced. On the other hand, the cool, dense plasma, accumulated just above the stellar surface, may enhance the post-shock variability due to the propagation of magnetic perturbations. These characteristics of the post-shock region are consistent with the observed properties of V834 Cen and in general with cataclysmic variable sources that exhibit QPO frequency of about a Hz.

  5. RNA-binding proteins involved in post-transcriptional regulation in bacteria

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    Elke eVan Assche


    Full Text Available Post-transcriptional regulation is a very important mechanism to control gene expression in changing environments. In the past decade, a lot of interest has been directed towards the role of small RNAs in bacterial post-transcriptional regulation. However, small RNAs are not the only molecules controlling gene expression at this level, RNA-binding proteins play an important role as well. CsrA and Hfq are the two best studied bacterial proteins of this type, but recently, additional proteins involved in post-transcriptional control have been identified. This review focuses on the general working mechanisms of post-transcriptionally active RNA-binding proteins, which include (i adaptation of the susceptibility of mRNAs and sRNAs to RNases, (ii modulating the accessibility of the ribosome binding site of mRNAs, (iii recruiting and assisting in the interaction of mRNAs with other molecules and (iv regulating transcription terminator / antiterminator formation, and gives an overview of both the well-studied and the newly identified proteins that are involved in post-transcriptional regulatory processes. Additionally, the post-transcriptional mechanisms by which the expression or the activity of these proteins is regulated, are described. For many of the newly identified proteins, however, mechanistic questions remain. Most likely, more post-transcriptionally active proteins will be identified in the future.

  6. The effect of meniscus on the permeability of micro-post arrays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Byon, Chan; Kim, Sung Jin


    This study aims to investigate the effect of meniscus curvature on the permeability of the micro-post arrays, which are widely used for applications of microfluidics. An analytical model that accounts for the meniscus curvature is developed. The model considers two common array types: quadratic and hexagonal arrays. The permeability of micro-post arrays is estimated using the capillary rate of rise experiment and numerical simulation. The results obtained from the analytical model match the experimental and numerical results within the error of 5% over the range of parameters commonly found in microfluidic applications (0.06 0.2), where d * and H * are the post-diameter and the post-height, respectively, which are normalized by the pitch. Based on the analytic results, the effects of the post-diameter, post-height and the contact angle on the permeability of post-arrays are investigated. It is shown that the previous permeability models based on the flat meniscus assumption overestimate the experimental value by 26% for the quadratic array and 24% for the hexagonal array when cos θ = 1, d * = 0.5 and H *=1. The effect of the meniscus curvature is shown to become more pronounced as the contact angle or the post-height decreases.

  7. Post-retail Responsibility of Garments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvass, Kerli Kant


    have engaged with reuse and recycling practices and which opportunities and challenges they face. Design/methodology/approach – The study relies on the qualitative multiple explorative case study method. The data were collected from 12 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with seven fashion companies......Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the reuse and recycling of garments from the fashion industry's perspective. Through multiple case studies the paper maps the emerging organizational field of post-retail responsibility of garments, describing how and why several fashion companies...... and in-depth understanding. Findings – The findings demonstrate that post-retail responsibility of fashion is an emerging field in the fashion industry that offers several business opportunities to fashion companies, but also requires rethinking of existing value propositions and engagement of a wider...

  8. VA Health Care: VA Spends Millions on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Research and Incorporates Research Outcomes into Guidelines and Policy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Services (United States)


    post - traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) and...Veterans Affairs (VA) Intramural Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ) Research Funding and VA’s Medical and Prosthetic Research Appropriation...Table 6: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Centers and Programs That Conduct or Support Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ) Research

  9. The Effect of Post-Racial Theory on Education (United States)

    Warren, Christopher A.


    The proliferation of post-racial theory (PRT) in both social and political spheres of dominant American hegemony has illustrated a desire among academic circles to move past race and racial categories in social analysis. However, absent within post-racial rhetoric is critical language on how to abolish racism and racial inequality. (Samad 2009) It…

  10. original article assessment of hiv post-exposure prophylaxis use

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    showing the clear picture about HIV post exposure prophylaxis in the work place were non-existent. ... formal (separate) HIV post-exposure prophylaxis centre with proper guideline was non-existent in ..... related challenges at work and home.

  11. Reintegration of National Guard Soldiers with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (United States)


    Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ). An alarming number of soldiers returning from our current wars in Iraq...veterans have been diagnosed with the invisible wounds of Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ). An alarming number of soldiers returning from our current...returning veterans have been diagnosed with the invisible wounds of Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ). These veterans’ coping skills have

  12. Arterial embolization for treating post-transplanted renal failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Xizhang; Yang Li; Chen Ziqian; Yang Yongyan


    Objective: To investigate the significance of renal arterial embolization nephrectomy for treating post-transplanted renal failure. Methods: 15 cases of post-transplanted renal failure received renal arterial embolization. The post-procedural efficacies were followed up for about 6 months to 4 years. Results: Among the 15 cases, 11 showed blood pressure decreasing to normal level, 3 with reduction of the drug dose for anti-hypertension and 1 of no response. In addition, 12 suffered from postprocedural anuria, and 3 with obvious hypourocrinia associated with significant decrease of proteinuia; 5 with positive lymphcytic population response antigen (PRA > 20%), but turning negative with 3 of them after 3 weeks. All the transplanted kidneys revealed different degrees of atrophy but 4 of them obtained chances of successful retransplantation 3- 6 months after the procedure, 3 of them with follow up of 1-3 years were being well. Conclusions: Renal arterial embolization is a safe, efficient measure for treating post-transplanted renal failure with obvious decrease of correlative clinical symptoms and providing conditions for renal retransplantation. (authors)

  13. Regionalization of post-processed ensemble runoff forecasts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. O. Skøien


    Full Text Available For many years, meteorological models have been run with perturbated initial conditions or parameters to produce ensemble forecasts that are used as a proxy of the uncertainty of the forecasts. However, the ensembles are usually both biased (the mean is systematically too high or too low, compared with the observed weather, and has dispersion errors (the ensemble variance indicates a too low or too high confidence in the forecast, compared with the observed weather. The ensembles are therefore commonly post-processed to correct for these shortcomings. Here we look at one of these techniques, referred to as Ensemble Model Output Statistics (EMOS (Gneiting et al., 2005. Originally, the post-processing parameters were identified as a fixed set of parameters for a region. The application of our work is the European Flood Awareness System (, where a distributed model is run with meteorological ensembles as input. We are therefore dealing with a considerably larger data set than previous analyses. We also want to regionalize the parameters themselves for other locations than the calibration gauges. The post-processing parameters are therefore estimated for each calibration station, but with a spatial penalty for deviations from neighbouring stations, depending on the expected semivariance between the calibration catchment and these stations. The estimated post-processed parameters can then be used for regionalization of the postprocessing parameters also for uncalibrated locations using top-kriging in the rtop-package (Skøien et al., 2006, 2014. We will show results from cross-validation of the methodology and although our interest is mainly in identifying exceedance probabilities for certain return levels, we will also show how the rtop package can be used for creating a set of post-processed ensembles through simulations.

  14. Impact of post-kidney transplant parathyroidectomy on allograft function (United States)

    Parikh, Samir; Nagaraja, Haikady; Agarwal, Anil; Samavedi, Srinivas; Von Visger, Jon; Nori, Uday; Andreoni, Kenneth; Pesavento, Todd; Singh, Neeraj


    Background The impact of parathyroidectomy on allograft function in kidney transplant patients is unclear. Methods We conducted a retrospective, observational study of all kidney transplant recipients from 1988 to 2008 who underwent parathyroidectomy for uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism (n = 32). Post-parathyroidectomy, changes in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and graft loss were recorded. Cross-sectional associations at baseline between eGFR and serum calcium, phosphate, and parathyroid hormone (PTH), and associations between their changes within subjects during the first two months post-parathyroidectomy were assessed. Results Post-parathyroidectomy, the mean eGFR declined from 51.19 mL/min/1.73 m2 at parathyroidectomy to 44.78 mL/min/1.73 m2 at two months (p < 0.0001). Subsequently, graft function improved, and by 12 months, mean eGFR recovered to 49.76 mL/min/1.73 m2 (p = 0.035). Decrease in serum PTH was accompanied by a decrease in eGFR (p = 0.0127) in the first two months post-parathyroidectomy. Patients whose eGFR declined by ≥ 20% (group 1) in the first two months post-parathyroidectomy were distinguished from the patients whose eGFR declined by <20% (group 2). The two groups were similar except that group 1 had a higher baseline mean serum PTH compared with group 2, although not significant (1046.7 ± 1034.2 vs. 476.6 ± 444.9, p = 0.14). In group 1, eGFR declined at an average rate of 32% (p < 0.0001) during the first month post-parathyroidectomy compared with 7% (p = 0.1399) in group 2, and the difference between these two groups was significant (p = 0.0003). The graft function recovered in both groups by one yr. During median follow-up of 66.00 ± 49.45 months, 6 (18%) patients lost their graft with a mean time to graft loss from parathyroidectomy of 37.2 ± 21.6 months. The causes of graft loss were rejection (n = 2), pyelonephritis (n = 1) and chronic allograft nephropathy (n = 3). No graft loss occurred during the first-year post

  15. Effects of Sustained Otolith-Only Stimulation on Post-Rotational Nystagmus. (United States)

    Shaikh, Aasef G; Solomon, David


    Constant velocity rotations in darkness evoke vestibulo-ocular reflex in form of pre- and post-rotational nystagmus under cerebellar supervision. Reorientation of the head with respect to gravity, stimulating otolith and semicircular canal, during post-rotational phase rapidly suppresses the post-rotational nystagmus. We asked if pure otolith stimulation without semicircular canal signal is sufficient for the suppression of post-rotational nystagmus. The experimental paradigm comprised of on-axis rotations in the horizontal plane when the subject was sitting upright, followed by a novel stimulus that combined off-axis centrifugation in the horizontal plane with amplitude matched, yet out-of-phase, on-axis horizontal rotation-double centrifugation. The resultant effect of double centrifugation was pure otolith stimulation that constantly changed direction, yet completely canceled out angular velocity (no horizontal semicircular canal stimulation). Double centrifugation without pre-existing on-axis rotations evoked mixture of horizontal and vertical eye movements, latter reflected the known uncertainty of the vestibular system to differentiate whether the sensory signal is related to low-frequency translations in horizontal plane or head tilts relative to the gravity. Double centrifugation during post-rotational phase suppressed the peak slow phase eye velocity of the post-rotational nystagmus, hence affecting the vestibular ocular reflex gain (eye velocity/head velocity) matrix. The decay time constant, however, was unchanged. Amount of suppression of the peak slow phase eye velocity of the post-rotational nystagmus during double centrifugation correlated with the peak vertical eye velocity evoked by the pure otolith stimuli in the absence of pre-existing on axis rotations. In post-rotational phase, the pure otolith signal affects vestibular ocular reflex gain matrix but does not affect the time constant.

  16. Beyond Marikana: The Post-Apartheid South African State Jenseits von Marikana: Der Post-Apartheid-Staat in Südafrika

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vishwas Satgar


    Full Text Available This article situates the Marikana massacre, in which 34 mine workers were gunned down by police in South Africa, in the context of what the South African state has become, and questions the characterisation of the post-Apartheid state as a “developmental state”. This contribution first highlights what is at stake when the post-Apartheid state is portrayed as a “developmental state” and how this misrecognition of the state is ideologically constituted. Second, it argues for an approach to understanding the post-Apartheid state by locating it within the context of the rise of transnational neoliberalism and the process of indigenising neoliberalism on the African continent. Third, it examines the actual economic practices of the state that constitute it as an Afro-neoliberal state. Such economic practices are historicised to show the convergence between the post-Apartheid state and the ideal type neoliberal state coming to the fore in the context of global neoliberal restructuring and crisis management. The article concludes by recognising that South Africa’s deep globalisation and globalised state affirm a form of state practice beyond utilising market mechanisms that includes perpetrating violence to secure its existence. Marikana makes this point.Dieser Beitrag setzt das Marikana-Massaker, bei dem 34 Bergarbeiter von der Polizei erschossen wurden, in Bezug zum derzeitigen Zustand des südafrikanischen Staates. Gleichzeitig wird die Charakterisierung des Post-Apartheid-Staates als „Entwicklungsstaat“ infrage gestellt. Der Autor beleuchtet zunächst, was diese Charakterisierung impliziert und inwieweit diese Fehlinterpretation ideologisch begründet ist. Er plädiert dann für einen Ansatz, der den Zustand des Post-Apartheid-Staates im Kontext des wachsenden Einflusses des Neoliberalismus sowie der „Indigenisierung“ des Neoliberalismus auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent erklärt. Schließlich analysiert er die aktuellen

  17. Post-stroke rehabilitation in Italy: inconsistencies across regional strategies. (United States)

    Guidetti, D; Spallazzi, M; Baldereschi, M; Di Carlo, A; Ferro, S; Rota E Morelli, N; Immovilli, P; Toni, D; Polizzi, B M; Inzitari, D


    Remarkable differences among European countries have been found in stroke rehabilitation models, owing to the fact that stroke rehabilitation services are embedded in health care systems. Comprehensive data on service utilization by stroke survivors in Italy are lacking, but would be instrumental in improving efficiency and effectiveness of post-acute stroke care, and consequently, in containing costs and improving outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to survey the Italian regional legislations in order to examine the provision of rehabilitation services for stroke survivors in Italy. This is a cross-sectional, observational study. Post-stroke intra- and extra-hospital rehabilitation. All decrees and resolutions as to post-acute stroke rehabilitation were collected from each Italian region. All decrees and resolutions were examined by the means of a check list including quantitative and qualitative characteristics, selected in accordance with national official recommendations. Each completed check list was then sent to each regional reference person, who filled in the section on the implementation of the indications and compliance. The study was carried out from November 2009 to September 2010. The documents were collected from 19 out of the 20 Italian regions. The results of the study indicate that there are many, remarkable regional variations in health policies concerning post-stroke care. Instruments for evaluation and criteria for allocating stroke patients to proper rehabilitation setting vary across regions, but data on the potential impact of these variations on clinical outcomes are still lacking. The study highlights the issue that, in Italy, delivery of post-stroke rehabilitation services is not uniform nation-wide and varies substantially across regions. The lack of a comprehensive post-acute stroke strategy is a major obstacle to service availability. The study results advocate the need for a consistent and comprehensive strategic planning of

  18. 5 CFR 1601.32 - Timing and posting dates. (United States)


    ... participant service representative at the participant's request, at or before 12:00 noon eastern time of any... after 12:00 noon eastern time of any business day will ordinarily be posted on the next business day. (2... ordinarily be posted under the rules in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, based on when the TSP record keeper...

  19. 76 FR 54179 - Appeals of Post Office Closings (United States)


    ... speedier decisions. Although by law the Commission has up to 120 days to issue its decision in these cases... invitation to comment must also be posted at those facilities. 39 CFR 241.3(d)(1); 76 FR 41423. Customers... that petitioner is served by the post office will be treated as a Petition for Review. The latter is a...

  20. Performance assessment of EMR systems based on post-relational database. (United States)

    Yu, Hai-Yan; Li, Jing-Song; Zhang, Xiao-Guang; Tian, Yu; Suzuki, Muneou; Araki, Kenji


    Post-relational databases provide high performance and are currently widely used in American hospitals. As few hospital information systems (HIS) in either China or Japan are based on post-relational databases, here we introduce a new-generation electronic medical records (EMR) system called Hygeia, which was developed with the post-relational database Caché and the latest platform Ensemble. Utilizing the benefits of a post-relational database, Hygeia is equipped with an "integration" feature that allows all the system users to access data-with a fast response time-anywhere and at anytime. Performance tests of databases in EMR systems were implemented in both China and Japan. First, a comparison test was conducted between a post-relational database, Caché, and a relational database, Oracle, embedded in the EMR systems of a medium-sized first-class hospital in China. Second, a user terminal test was done on the EMR system Izanami, which is based on the identical database Caché and operates efficiently at the Miyazaki University Hospital in Japan. The results proved that the post-relational database Caché works faster than the relational database Oracle and showed perfect performance in the real-time EMR system.

  1. Post-Session Authentication


    Ahmed , Naveed; Jensen , Christian ,


    Part 1: Full Papers; International audience; Entity authentication provides confidence in the claimed identity of a peer entity, but the manner in which this goal is achieved results in different types of authentication. An important factor in this regard is the order between authentication and the execution of the associated session. In this paper, we consider the case of post-session authentication, where parties authenticate each other at the end of their interactive session. This use of a...

  2. From bureaucratic tot post-bureaucratic: the difficulties of transition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Josserand, E.; Teo, S.; Clegg, S.R.


    Purpose - Modern bureaucracies are under reconstruction, bureaucracy being no longer "modern"; they are becoming "post" bureaucratic. Defining the post-bureaucratic organization as a hybrid form provides insight into the intrinsic difficulties involved in the refurbishment of large complex

  3. Chocolate milk: a post-exercise recovery beverage for endurance sports. (United States)

    Pritchett, Kelly; Pritchett, Robert


    An optimal post-exercise nutrition regimen is fundamental for ensuring recovery. Therefore, research has aimed to examine post-exercise nutritional strategies for enhanced training stimuli. Chocolate milk has become an affordable recovery beverage for many athletes, taking the place of more expensive commercially available recovery beverages. Low-fat chocolate milk consists of a 4:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio (similar to many commercial recovery beverages) and provides fluids and sodium to aid in post-workout recovery. Consuming chocolate milk (1.0-1.5•g•kg(-1) h(-1)) immediately after exercise and again at 2 h post-exercise appears to be optimal for exercise recovery and may attenuate indices of muscle damage. Future research should examine the optimal amount, timing, and frequency of ingestion of chocolate milk on post-exercise recovery measures including performance, indices of muscle damage, and muscle glycogen resynthesis. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. Posted wait times an added advantage to multi-facility systems? (United States)


    Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, TN, is investigating whether posting ED wait times via the internet can positively impact patient flow in the six EDs the health system operates in the Memphis region. The health system began posting wait times in August 2010, resulting in increases in ED volume ranging from 6% to 10%. The health system is monitoring ED arrivals by zip code to assess any impact on load balancing between its busy EDs. One marketing challenge is that a competitor is posting ED wait times as well, but it is posting the time it takes for a patient to be placed in a bed as opposed to the door-to-provider time that Methodist Le Bonheur is posting. The approach has the most impact on lower-acuity patients, but experts worry that in the future, payers may not be reimbursed for ED care for these patients.

  5. Tilted hexagonal post arrays: DNA electrophoresis in anisotropic media. (United States)

    Chen, Zhen; Dorfman, Kevin D


    Using Brownian dynamics simulations, we show that DNA electrophoresis in a hexagonal array of micron-sized posts changes qualitatively when the applied electric field vector is not coincident with the lattice vectors of the array. DNA electrophoresis in such "tilted" post arrays is superior to the standard "un-tilted" approach; while the time required to achieve a resolution of unity in a tilted post array is similar to an un-tilted array at a low-electric field strengths, this time (i) decreases exponentially with electric field strength in a tilted array and (ii) increases exponentially with electric field strength in an un-tilted array. Although the DNA dynamics in a post array are complicated, the electrophoretic mobility results indicate that the "free path," i.e. the average distance of ballistic trajectories of point-sized particles launched from random positions in the unit cell until they intersect the next post, is a useful proxy for the detailed DNA trajectories. The analysis of the free path reveals a fundamental connection between anisotropy of the medium and DNA transport therein that goes beyond simply improving the separation device. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Differences in sampling techniques on total post-mortem tryptase. (United States)

    Tse, R; Garland, J; Kesha, K; Elstub, H; Cala, A D; Ahn, Y; Stables, S; Palmiere, C


    The measurement of mast cell tryptase is commonly used to support the diagnosis of anaphylaxis. In the post-mortem setting, the literature recommends sampling from peripheral blood sources (femoral blood) but does not specify the exact sampling technique. Sampling techniques vary between pathologists, and it is unclear whether different sampling techniques have any impact on post-mortem tryptase levels. The aim of this study is to compare the difference in femoral total post-mortem tryptase levels between two sampling techniques. A 6-month retrospective study comparing femoral total post-mortem tryptase levels between (1) aspirating femoral vessels with a needle and syringe prior to evisceration and (2) femoral vein cut down during evisceration. Twenty cases were identified, with three cases excluded from analysis. There was a statistically significant difference (paired t test, p sampling methods. The clinical significance of this finding and what factors may contribute to it are unclear. When requesting post-mortem tryptase, the pathologist should consider documenting the exact blood collection site and method used for collection. In addition, blood samples acquired by different techniques should not be mixed together and should be analyzed separately if possible.

  7. A strategy to compute plastic post-buckling of structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Combescure, A.


    The paper gives a general framework to the different strategies used to compute the post-buckling of structures. Two particular strategies are studied in more details and it is shown how they can be applied in the plastic regime. All the methods suppose that the loads F are proportional to a simple parameter lambda; more precisely: eq (1) F = lambda F 0 . The paper shows how these methods can be implemented in a very simple way. In the elastic case we show the application of the method to the calculation of post buckling response of a clamped arch. The method is also applied to a very simple case of two bars which can be calculated analytically. In the plastic range, the method is applied to the post-buckling of an imperfect ring which can be calculated analytically. Another example is the comparison of the comparison of the computed post-buckling of a thin cylinder under axial compression, and of the experimental behavior on the same cylinder. The limitation of these types of strategies are also mentionned and the physical signifiance of calculations in the post-buckling regime are discussed

  8. 18 CFR 37.6 - Information to be posted on the OASIS. (United States)


    ... resale transmission capacity they have purchased must post relevant information to the same OASIS as used... making; (3) Post, view, upload and download information regarding available products and desired services... by the Standards and Communications Protocols Document. (b) Posting transfer capability. The...

  9. [Post-Lyme disease syndrome]. (United States)

    Błaut-Jurkowska, Justyna; Jurkowski, Marcin


    Lyme disease is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria, spirochete of the Borrelia type. Skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and heart may be involved in the course of the disease. The prognosis for properly treated Lyme disease is usually good. However, in about 5% of patients so called Post-Lyme disease syndrome (PLSD) develops. It is defined as a syndrome of subjective symptoms persisting despite proper treatment of Borrelia burgdorferi infection. The most common symptoms include: fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and problems with memory and concentration. Pathogenesis of PLDS remains unknown. The differential diagnosis should include neurological, rheumatic and mental diseases. Till now there is no causative treatment of PLDS. In relieving symptom rehabilitation, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antidepressants medicines are recommended. Emotional and psychological supports are also necessary. Non-specific symptoms reported by patients with post- Lyme disease syndrome raise the suspicion of other pathologies. This can lead to misdiagnosis and implementation of unnecessary, potentially harmful to the patient's therapy. An increase in tick-borne diseases needs to increase physicians awareness of these issues. © 2016 MEDPRESS.

  10. Stability of post-fertilization traveling waves (United States)

    Flores, Gilberto; Plaza, Ramón G.

    This paper studies the stability of a family of traveling wave solutions to the system proposed by Lane et al. [D.C. Lane, J.D. Murray, V.S. Manoranjan, Analysis of wave phenomena in a morphogenetic mechanochemical model and an application to post-fertilization waves on eggs, IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol. 4 (4) (1987) 309-331], to model a pair of mechanochemical phenomena known as post-fertilization waves on eggs. The waves consist of an elastic deformation pulse on the egg's surface, and a free calcium concentration front. The family is indexed by a coupling parameter measuring contraction stress effects on the calcium concentration. This work establishes the spectral, linear and nonlinear orbital stability of these post-fertilization waves for small values of the coupling parameter. The usual methods for the spectral and evolution equations cannot be applied because of the presence of mixed partial derivatives in the elastic equation. Nonetheless, exponential decay of the directly constructed semigroup on the complement of the zero eigenspace is established. We show that small perturbations of the waves yield solutions to the nonlinear equations decaying exponentially to a phase-modulated traveling wave.

  11. Speech, time and suffering: Rosenstock-Huessy’s Post-Goethean, Post-Christian sociology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristaudo Wayne


    Full Text Available Abstract Five years ago, a new three volume edition of Eugen Rosenstock- Huessy (to translate In the Cross of Reality: A Post-Goethean Sociology appeared in Germany. As with the two prior editions of the work (a one volume version in 1925, and a much revised and expanded two volume version 1956/8 it met with almost no critical response. This is perhaps not surprising - and it barely mentions any other sociologists, its approach is highly idiosyncratic, it is as much anthropology and history as it is sociology. Indeed, the second and third volumes mainly focus on the social formations of antiquity, and the role of Christianity and the messianic revolutions of the last millennium in creating a universal history. In this paper I take the relationship between speech, time and suffering as the key to Rosenstock-Huessy’s argument for why a theoretical grasp of Christianity as a social power is so important for social theory, and why he sees Sociology as a post-Christian form of knowledge. I also make the case for why Rosenstock-Huessy is an interesting and important social theorist.

  12. Post-secular religious practices entering traditional religion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Urszula Pękala


    Full Text Available Nowadays we can observe complex interactions between the religious and secular spheres. Several different processes take place simultaneously: the traditionally religious elements function in the secular sphere as if they were part of secular culture; elements of the secular sphere build a specific kind of post-secular religiosity; finally, this post-secular religiosity influences traditional religions. This article focuses on the last stage of these changes. The author's purpose is to describe and interpret the practices we can observe. Because of the complexity of this issue, the analyses are limited to examples taken from the Catholic Church in Germany, where this process seems to be as popular as it is paradoxical. Catholicism realises that the post-secular forms of religiosity are very popular and that many people choose them instead of the traditional Church. It could offer them spirituality based on ages of experience. But instead of making its own spiritual tradition competitive on the spiritual market, Catholicism seems to offer Christianised post-secular goods, or its own traditional elements represented in a secularised form. It seems difficult to predict how it will all end. However, we observe an interesting encounter and interaction between an ‘old’ religion and a new religiosity, which will certainly have impact on further presence of the Church in the society.

  13. Critical heat flux, post dry-out and their augmentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Celata, G.P.; Mariani, A.


    The report shows the state of art review on the critical heat flux and the post-dryout heat transfer. The work, which is a merge of original researches carried out at the Institute of Thermal Fluid Dynamic of ENEA (National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment) and a thorough review of the recent literature, is divided in four chapters: critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling; critical heat flux in saturated flow boiling; post-dryout heat transfer; enhancement of critical heat flux and post-dryout heat transfer [it

  14. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PDQ) (United States)

    ... stress (PTS) is a lot like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but not as severe. Patients have a ... PTS) are a lot like symptoms of other stress-related disorders. PTS has many of the same symptoms as ...

  15. The Root Cause of Post-traumatic and Developmental Stress Disorder (United States)


    Post - traumatic and Developmental Stress Disorder PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Keith A...28 Feb 2013 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The Root Cause of Post - traumatic and Developmental Stress Disorder 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER W81XWH-­‐07-­‐1-­‐0244...goal of Project 1 is to describe the progression of post -deployment stress disorders ( PTSD , major depression, suicidality) in active duty troops

  16. Mission Connect Mild TBI Translational Research Consortium, Post Traumatic Hypopituitarism (United States)


    10 Aug 2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE The Mission Connect MTBI Translational Research Consortium 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Post traumatic hypopituitarism 5b...distribution unlimited 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to identify the incidence of post traumatic hypopituitarism ...June 21, 2010; however, none have reached the six month milestone for blood testing 15. SUBJECT TERMS post traumatic hypopituitarism 16. SECURITY

  17. Predictors of post-partum stress in Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan. (United States)

    Lee, Li-Chun; Hung, Chich-Hsiu


    The post-partum period is a stressful time of change, particularly for immigrant women, but, to the best of the present authors' knowledge, the subject has not been explored. This study aimed to examine immigrant women's post-partum stress, depression, and levels of social support, and to determine the predictors of post-partum stress for Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan. A cross-sectional design was used. In this descriptive survey, 208 Vietnamese immigrant women were telephone interviewed by a trained Vietnamese research assistant during one of their 6 weeks post-partum. Data were collected through telephone interviews using three questionnaires, including the Hung Postpartum Stress Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Social Support Scale. The result shows that Vietnamese women had low level post-partum stress scores. Participants' family support rated higher than friend support. The incidence of depression was 0.5%. Social support, number of post-partum days, and family income were found to be predictors for post-partum stress, accounting for 26.6% of the variance. The Vietnamese immigrant women experienced significant stress regarding their maternal roles and received most of their support from their families rather than from friends. Nurses caring for this cohort should therefore consider these factors in order to help them cope with their post-partum stress. Healthcare providers should offer available resources to these immigrant women and their spouses during this critical period in their lives. For instance, antenatal education classes could be provided to help immigrant women manage and overcome post-partum issues. © 2015 Japan Academy of Nursing Science.

  18. Nursing students' post-traumatic growth, emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. (United States)

    Li, Y; Cao, F; Cao, D; Liu, J


    Nursing students in the present sample who have experienced childhood adversity have a certain level of post-traumatic growth. If introduced into nursing curricula, emotional intelligence interventions may increase emotional coping resources and enhance social skills for nurses, which may benefit their long-term occupational health. As researchers consider personal resilience a strategy for responding to workplace adversity in nurses, resilience building should be incorporated into nursing education. This is a preliminary study that may guide future investigations of the curvilinear relationship rather than linear relationship between post-traumatic growth and positive factors in the special sample of nursing students. Resilience, emotional intelligence and post-traumatic growth may benefit nursing students' careers and personal well-being in clinical work. Developing both their emotional intelligence and resilience may assist their individual post-traumatic growth and enhance their ability to cope with clinical stress. To investigate the relationships among post-traumatic growth, emotional intelligence and psychological resilience in vocational school nursing students who have experienced childhood adversities, a cross-sectional research design with anonymous questionnaires was conducted and self-report data were analysed. The Childhood Adversities Checklist (Chinese version), Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, Emotional Intelligence Scale and the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale were used. Survey data were collected from 202 Chinese vocational school nursing students during 2011. Post-traumatic growth was associated with emotional intelligence and psychological resilience. Results indicated a curvilinear relationship between emotional intelligence and post-traumatic growth, and between psychological resilience and post-traumatic growth. Moderate-level emotional intelligence and psychological resilience were most associated with the greatest levels of growth

  19. Post-operative urinary retention in a general surgical population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dreijer, Bjørn; Møller, Morten H; Bartholdy, Jens


    Post-operative urine retention is a frequent and serious complication. The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of post-operative urinary retention in a general surgical population and to identify the perioperative risk factors for developing this condition....

  20. "ComPost": A Writing Program Newsletter and Its Rationale. (United States)

    Hall, Dennis R.


    Discusses the development and rationale of "ComPost," a weekly newsletter of the Composition Program at the University of Louisville. Suggests that a vehicle like ComPost can promote the communications that contribute to accomplishing collegiality and genuine program consensus. (RS)

  1. Combining Post-Harvest Fish Value Chain and Social Change ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    , they are not achieving their full potential in Africa. This project will examine interventions to reduce poverty and to improve food and nutrition security using post-harvest innovations in the fish value chain. Post-harvest handling in Zambia and ...

  2. Posted Price Mechanisms for a Random Stream of Customers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Correa, José R.; Foncea, Patricio; Hoeksma, Ruben; Oosterwijk, Tim; Vredeveld, Tjark


    Posted price mechanisms constitute a widely used way of selling items to strategic consumers. Although suboptimal, the attractiveness of these mechanisms comes from their simplicity and easy implementation. In this paper, we investigate the performance of posted price mechanisms when customers

  3. Brain structure in post-traumatic stress disorder: A voxel-based morphometry analysis. (United States)

    Tan, Liwen; Zhang, Li; Qi, Rongfeng; Lu, Guangming; Li, Lingjiang; Liu, Jun; Li, Weihui


    This study compared the difference in brain structure in 12 mine disaster survivors with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, 7 cases of improved post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and 14 controls who experienced the same mine disaster but did not suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, using the voxel-based morphometry method. The correlation between differences in brain structure and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms was also investigated. Results showed that the gray matter volume was the highest in the trauma control group, followed by the symptoms-improved group, and the lowest in the chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group. Compared with the symptoms-improved group, the gray matter volume in the lingual gyrus of the right occipital lobe was reduced in the chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group. Compared with the trauma control group, the gray matter volume in the right middle occipital gyrus and left middle frontal gyrus was reduced in the symptoms-improved group. Compared with the trauma control group, the gray matter volume in the left superior parietal lobule and right superior frontal gyrus was reduced in the chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group. The gray matter volume in the left superior parietal lobule was significantly positively correlated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory subscale score in the symptoms-improved group and chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group (r = 0.477, P = 0.039). Our findings indicate that (1) chronic post-traumatic stress disorder patients have gray matter structural damage in the prefrontal lobe, occipital lobe, and parietal lobe, (2) after post-traumatic stress, the disorder symptoms are improved and gray matter structural damage is reduced, but cannot recover to the trauma-control level, and (3) the superior parietal lobule is possibly associated with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder patients exhibit gray matter abnormalities.

  4. Brain structure in post-traumatic stress disorder: A voxel-based morphometry analysis (United States)

    Tan, Liwen; Zhang, Li; Qi, Rongfeng; Lu, Guangming; Li, Lingjiang; Liu, Jun; Li, Weihui


    This study compared the difference in brain structure in 12 mine disaster survivors with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder, 7 cases of improved post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and 14 controls who experienced the same mine disaster but did not suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, using the voxel-based morphometry method. The correlation between differences in brain structure and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms was also investigated. Results showed that the gray matter volume was the highest in the trauma control group, followed by the symptoms-improved group, and the lowest in the chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group. Compared with the symptoms-improved group, the gray matter volume in the lingual gyrus of the right occipital lobe was reduced in the chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group. Compared with the trauma control group, the gray matter volume in the right middle occipital gyrus and left middle frontal gyrus was reduced in the symptoms-improved group. Compared with the trauma control group, the gray matter volume in the left superior parietal lobule and right superior frontal gyrus was reduced in the chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group. The gray matter volume in the left superior parietal lobule was significantly positively correlated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory subscale score in the symptoms-improved group and chronic post-traumatic stress disorder group (r = 0.477, P = 0.039). Our findings indicate that (1) chronic post-traumatic stress disorder patients have gray matter structural damage in the prefrontal lobe, occipital lobe, and parietal lobe, (2) after post-traumatic stress, the disorder symptoms are improved and gray matter structural damage is reduced, but cannot recover to the trauma-control level, and (3) the superior parietal lobule is possibly associated with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder patients exhibit gray matter abnormalities. PMID:25206550

  5. Post coital hemoperitoneum: The pain of love

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Subramanian Senthilkumaran


    Full Text Available Acute abdominal pain in women of reproductive age is common and frequent cause for visit to emergency department which warrants emergent evaluation. We present the case of a 23-year-old nulliparous women presenting with post-coital haemoperitoneum secondary to a ruptured corpus luteum cyst. This is a rare case demonstrating the need to elicit sexual history in patients presenting with an acute abdomen in emergency department. Keywords: Post coital, Haemoperitoneum, Corpus luteum cyst, Sexual history, Acute abdominal pain

  6. Ideology and Post-structuralism after Bernard Stiegler


    Turner, Ben


    What is the objective of ideology critique today? A unique answer to this question can be found in the work of Bernard Stiegler: the object of ideology critique is stupidity. Stiegler’s work will be situated with regard to the study of ideology and post-structuralism, reframed as respective versions of a dichotomy between critical and neutral theories, to show how Stiegler’s conception of ideology encompasses both. How he thinks ideology 'after' post-structuralism will be explored through his...

  7. The SPOOKI post production system (United States)

    Beauchemin, M.; Klasa, M.; Fortier, S.; Fortin, F.; Hardy, G.; Pelletier, L.; Edouard, S.; Archambault, B.; Yazidi, H.


    The Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) delivers a large number of numerical weather prediction products to the various weather offices and clients throughout Canada and abroad. The current post production system was built according to the needs and ideology of the 1980's and it is becoming obsolete with time. Its cumbersome architecture is difficult to maintain and requires a lot of human and computing resources. The "Weather Elements" section of CMC is aware of the problems associated with its maintenance in the long term and has therefore decided to review in depth the whole approach to the operational post production. The analysis of present and future needs have led to the development of an innovative concept in the operational production field inspired by the "Plug and Play" process. SPOOKI (Système de Production Orienté-Objet contennant une Kyrielle d'Informations - Object oriented production system containing a myriad of information) was created in its present form in 2007. It is based on a modular approach where each plug-in component is specialized, reusable and autonomous. These object oriented programming characteristics greatly simplify the maintenance of the system. Particular attention was also given to create a user-friendly system for novice users. An experimental version of SPOOKI is currently running in development mode and an operational one is planned to be implemented in the coming year. The poster presentation will describe SPOOKI, the future CMC operational post production system. Several examples of usage will be shown.

  8. Teaching Post Keynesian Economics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Denne bog har gør gældende, at post keynesiansk økonomi har sit egen metodiske og didaktiske grundlag, og dens realistisk analyse er tiltrængt i den aktuelle økonomiske og finansielle krise. På et tidspunkt hvor det oprindelige indhold i Keynes 'General Theory ikke længere er til stede i de flest...

  9. Effect of post space treatment with adhesives on the push-out bond strength of fiber posts luted with self-adhesive resin cements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tufan Can Okay


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the push-out bond strength of fiber posts used in the restoration of endodontically-treated teeth with extreme material loss, luted with two different self-adhesive resin cements alone or with the combination of an adhesive. Materials and Method: The post spaces of 80 extracted mandibular first premolar roots were prepared and divided into 4 experimental groups according to fiber post (RelyX Fiber Post luting material. Group 1 was luted with RelyX Unicem, Group 2 was luted with RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One, Group 3 was luted with Clearfil SA Cement, and Group 4 was luted with Clearfil SA Cement + S3 Bond. After 24 h and 1 month, horizontal sections of 1 mm thickness were made from the coronal, middle and apical root parts of the fiber posts, and push-out tests were performed. Groups were compared by using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD post hoc tests and storage periods were compared by using independent samples t-test (α=0.05. Results: For both evaluation time periods, RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One showed the highest bond strength. Regarding the 24 h period, the lowest bond strength values were found for the apical sections followed by middle and coronal sections. One month results revealed similar bond strength values for the middle and apical sections (p>0.05 which were significantly lower than the values found for the coronal sections (p<0.05. RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One exhibited greater push-out bonding strength compared to other groups in the middle and apical sections (p<0.05. Conclusion: According to the results of this in vitro study it can be concluded that, using an adhesive system in combination with a self-adhesive resin cement during post cementation may improve the bond strength.

  10. Síndrome post-aborto. Reacciones psicológicas post-aborto


    Ximena Fuentes Martínez


    El efecto que el aborto produce en la salud mental de la mujer que lo vivencia, sobre todo si es provocado, es un tema preocupante. Numerosas investigaciones y la experiencia clínica demuestran que las reacciones psicológicas varían de una mujer a otra, pero que en ningún caso es inocuo. Las distintas investigaciones y la experiencia clínica describen desde reacciones ansiosas, depresivas, sentimientos de vacío y dolor, hasta un síndrome específico, el síndrome post-aborto, el cual present...

  11. Post-conflict affiliation as conflict management in captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). (United States)

    Yamamoto, Chisato; Morisaka, Tadamichi; Furuta, Keisuke; Ishibashi, Toshiaki; Yoshida, Akihiko; Taki, Michihiro; Mori, Yoshihisa; Amano, Masao


    Post-conflict affiliation between former opponents or between one of the former opponents and bystanders might have the function of conflict management, which reduces the costs associated with aggressions. One of the suggested functions of post-conflict affiliation is decreased renewed aggressions directed from aggressors to victims. However, the effect of post-conflict affiliation on renewed aggressions by victims has not been investigated. We examined whether post-conflict affiliations decreased the number of renewed aggressions initiated by winners or losers in captive bottlenose dolphins. Both winners and losers initiated renewed aggressions. However, these aggressions decreased after post-conflict affiliation between former opponents, initiated by bystanders to winners, initiated by losers to bystanders, and initiated by bystanders to losers. Post-conflict affiliation between former opponents is suggested to function as reconciliation. Post-conflict affiliation initiated by losers to bystanders is suggested to function as the protection of losers. Post-conflict affiliations initiated by bystanders to one of former opponents are suggested to function as both appeasement and protection of the opponent who affiliates with bystanders.

  12. Post accidental small breaks analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Depond, G.; Gandrille, J.


    EDF ordered to FRAMATOME by 1977 to complete post accidental long term studies on 'First Contrat-Programme' reactors, in order to demonstrate the safety criteria long term compliance, to get information on NSSS behaviour and to improve the post accidental procedures. Convenient analytical models were needed and EDF and FRAMATOME respectively developped the AXEL and FRARELAP codes. The main results of these studies is that for the smallest breaks, it is possible to manually undertake cooling and pressure reducing actions by dumping the steam generators secondary side in order to meet the RHR operating specifications and perform long term cooling through this system. A specific small breaks procedure was written on this basis. The EDF and FRAMATOME codes are continuously improved; the results of a French set of separate effects experiments will be incorporated as well as integral system verification

  13. Discussion on the post-project assessment of environmental impact for nuclear facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shang Zhaorong


    The paper introduces the background of post-project assessment of environmental impact in the world and focuses on the characteristic of environmental impact assessment for Chinese nuclear facilities construction projects, analyzes the necessity, principle and contents of post-project assessment of environmental impact on current Chinese nuclear facilities operation. It is considered that to start the post-project assessment of environmental impact, perfect the post-project assessment mechanism, introduce the post-project assessment into environmental impact assessment system are just at the night time. (author)

  14. Vacationers and eWOM: who posts, and why, where, and what?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bronner, F.; de Hoog, R.


    Vacationers not only read and use information from the Internet during their choice process, but also post information on the Internet. This posted information is described as eWOM (electronic word of mouth). The central questions are, which type of vacationers do post, with which motivations do

  15. Demographic, maternal, and infant health correlates of post-partum depression in Jordan. (United States)

    Safadi, Reema R; Abushaikha, Lubna A; Ahmad, Muayyad M


    This cross-sectional correlational study examined post-partum depression and its relationship with demographic, maternal, and infant health problems in urban Jordanian women. Participants (n = 315) were selected from five maternal child healthcare centers and one major hospital in Amman, Jordan. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 was used to measure post-partum depression within 12 weeks of birth. A number of socio-demographic and health problems were examined for an association with post-partum depression. Results showed that 25% of post-partum women suffered moderate to severe depression and 50% of the sample had mild depression. None of the socio-demographic variables (age, education, employment, income) were significantly related to post-partum depression; however, two obstetric/infant variables (mode of birth and breastfeeding), were significantly associated with post-partum depression. There was a significant association between post-partum depression and 15 health problems of obstetric, gynecologic (i.e. episiotomy pain, infection), and general health conditions (i.e. fatigue, headache). Nurses and midwives need to emphasize post-partum depression screening, follow-up, and proper management of maternal and infant health factors predisposing to post-partum depression rather than merely focusing on women's inherent demographic factors. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  16. “The Other”in Feminism and Post-colonialism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    “The other” is one of the key terms of Western literary theory. The political critique of “the other” is most obvious in feminism and post-colonialism. This essay intends to ilustrate their different application of “the other”. With the enrichment of its concept, feminists and post-colonial theorists tend to emphasize difference, fighting against sexism or racism.

  17. Building Post-Crisis Capacity in the Solomon Islands


    Laura Bailey


    This capacity development brief summarizes the results of a multi-donor team review of four examples of post-crisis capacity development interventions in the Solomon Islands in 2005-08 whose performance was frequently cited as successful by local stakeholders. Although not based on post-project evaluations, the review found a number of patterns and potential lessons: (1) responding to imme...

  18. Understory succession in post-agricultural oak plantations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brunet, Jörg; Valtinat, Karin; Mayr, Marian Lajos


    The herbaceous understory forms the richest stratum in temperate broadleaved forests in terms of plant diversity. Understanding the process of understory succession is thus of critical importance for the development of management guidelines for biodiversity restoration in post-agricultural planta......The herbaceous understory forms the richest stratum in temperate broadleaved forests in terms of plant diversity. Understanding the process of understory succession is thus of critical importance for the development of management guidelines for biodiversity restoration in post...... forested stands, which maintained differences in species composition. The development of a shrub layer seemed to imply a competitive advantage for forest specialists compared to generalist species. For successful recovery of a rich understory, we suggest that post-arable plantations should be established......, and woody species. The group of forest specialists may approach the richness of continuously forested sites after 60-80 years in non-fragmented plantations, but many forest species were sensitive to habitat fragmentation. Open-land species richness decreased during succession, while the richness of woody...

  19. Post-material values and environmental policy change

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watts, N. (International Inst. for Environmental and Society, Berlin, Germany); Wandesforde-Smith, G.

    Environmental policy may be particularly suited as a vehicle to articulate post-material values in advanced industrial societies, and recognition of this is likely to prove enormously helpful in future comparative and cross-national research into the origins of environmentalism and the causes of environmental policy change. The paper notes the salient characteristics of post-materialism and the overlap of these with the leading indicators of environmentalism. Possible structural causes for this overlap are noted and opposed to the prevailing socialization explanation for the adoption of post-material and environmental values. To help understand the impact of environmentalism on policy, an idealized development of the movement is sketched. This leads to the description of a set of general factors likely to be related to the way environmentalism finds political expressions in various countries. In the final section, the focus is on what we might want to know about the policy process in order to be able to gauge environmentalist influence on policy outputs. 20 references.

  20. Post-load hyperglycaemia and diagnostic criteria for diabetes

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Qing Qiao


    The evolution of 2 h post-load glucose tolerance test for diagnosis of diabetes and its clinical implication was reviewed and discussed.Post-load hyperglycemia is a risk factor for both micro-and macro-vascular diseases.According to its relationship with retinopathy,the current cut-off values for diabetes was defined since 1979.Recently,strong evidence has shown that post-load hyperglycemia is also an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease(CVD),the relation is linear and no a threshold was found.There are large discrepancies between fasting and 2 h glucose criteria in the classification of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance(IGT)/impaired fasting glucose(IFG).For early diagnosis and intervention administrating a 2 h OGTT to suspect individuals is necessary.

  1. Urinary tract infections and post-operative fever in percutaneous nephrolithotomy. (United States)

    Gutierrez, Jorge; Smith, Arthur; Geavlete, Petrisor; Shah, Hemendra; Kural, Ali Riza; de Sio, Marco; Amón Sesmero, José H; Hoznek, András; de la Rosette, Jean


    To review the incidence of UTIs, post-operative fever, and risk factors for post-operative fever in PCNL patients. Between 2007 and 2009, consecutive PCNL patients were enrolled from 96 centers participating in the PCNL Global Study. Only data from patients with pre-operative urine samples and who received antibiotic prophylaxis were included. Pre-operative bladder urine culture and post-operative fever (>38.5°C) were assessed. Relationship between various patient and operative factors and occurrence of post-operative fever was assessed using logistic regression analyses. Eight hundred and sixty-five (16.2%) patients had a positive urine culture; Escherichia coli was the most common micro-organism found in urine of the 350 patients (6.5%). Of the patients with negative pre-operative urine cultures, 8.8% developed a fever post-PCNL, in contrast to 18.2% of patients with positive urine cultures. Fever developed more often among the patients whose urine cultures consisted of Gram-negative micro-organisms (19.4-23.8%) versus those with Gram-positive micro-organisms (9.7-14.5%). Multivariate analysis indicated that a positive urine culture (odds ratio [OR] = 2.12, CI [1.69-2.65]), staghorn calculus (OR = 1.59, CI [1.28-1.96]), pre-operative nephrostomy (OR = 1.61, CI [1.19-2.17]), lower patient age (OR for each year of 0.99, CI [0.99-1.00]), and diabetes (OR = 1.38, CI [1.05-1.81]) all increased the risk of post-operative fever. Limitations include the use of fever as a predictor of systemic infection. Approximately 10% of PCNL-treated patients developed fever in the post-operative period despite receiving antibiotic prophylaxis. Risk of post-operative fever increased in the presence of a positive urine bacterial culture, diabetes, staghorn calculi, and a pre-operative nephrostomy.

  2. Post Implementation Review Framework and Procedures (United States)

    Social Security Administration — This template outlines the Social Security Administration's (SSA) approach to initiating, conducting, and completing Post Implementation Reviews (PIRs). The template...

  3. Differential genetic basis for pre-menopausal and post-menopausal salt-sensitive hypertension. (United States)

    Herrera, Victoria L M; Pasion, Khristine A; Moran, Ann Marie; Ruiz-Opazo, Nelson


    Essential hypertension affects 75% of post-menopausal women in the United States causing greater cardiovascular complications compared with age-matched men and pre-menopausal women. Hormone replacement and current anti-hypertensive therapies do not correct this post-menopausal increased risk suggesting a distinct pathogenic framework. We investigated the hypothesis that distinct genetic determinants might underlie susceptibility to salt sensitive hypertension in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal states. To determine whether distinct genetic loci contribute to post-menopausal salt-sensitive hypertension, we performed a genome-wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting blood pressure (BP) in 16-month old post-menopausal F2 (Dahl S×R)-intercross female rats characterized for blood pressure by radiotelemetry. Given identical environments and high salt challenge, post-menopausal BP levels were significantly higher than observed in pre-menopausal (post-menopausal versus pre-menopausal SBP, P<0.0001) and ovariectomized (post-menopausal versus ovariectomized SBP, P<0.001) F2-intercross female rats. We detected four significant to highly significant BP-QTLs (BP-pm1 on chromosome 13, LOD 3.78; BP-pm2 on chromosome 11, LOD 2.76; BP-pm3 on chromosome 2, LOD 2.61; BP-pm4 on chromosome 4, LOD 2.50) and two suggestive BP-QTLs (BP-pm5 on chromosome 15, LOD 2.37; BP-f1 on chromosome 5, LOD 1.65), four of which (BP-pm2, BP-pm3, BP-pm4, BP-pm5) were unique to this post-menopausal cohort. These data demonstrate distinct polygenic susceptibility underlying post-menopausal salt-sensitive hypertension providing a pathway towards the identification of mechanism-based therapy for post-menopausal hypertension and ensuing target-organ complications.

  4. Evaluation of the pattern dimensions of cast-metal posts in uniradicular teeth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rafael de Assunção Vital

    Full Text Available Introduction Accurate dimensions of cast-metal posts are relevant to the survival of dental prostheses. Objective The aim of this study was to verify if the dimensions of cast-metal posts accord with ideal clinical criteria. Material and method For the evaluation, 285 periapical radiographs, from a total of 80 teeth, were taken from the charts of patients that attended the clinics at the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiás, from March 2008 to October 2012. Only periapical radiographs of single-rooted teeth with post and core were included in the study. The radiographic evaluation was conducted with the assistance of a magnifying glass and a view box, in a room with low luminosity. The dimensions of the post and core were established with the help of a digital caliper, and the following measurements were considered: a LR (Length Remnant; b LP (Length Post; c BS (Bone Support; d DR (Diameter Root; e DP (mesiodistal diameter post. The post and core were classified as acceptable or deficient by reference values with a margin of error of 0.2 mm. For descriptive analysis, the data were cataloged using SPSS software (version 17.0. Result With regard to the length of the post and core, only 26.25% and 43.75% of the post and core were classified as acceptable according to the two-thirds rule and fulcrum dental rule, respectively. With regard to the mesiodistal diameter of the post and core, 55% were classified as acceptable. Conclusion Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that the cast-metal posts evaluated do not accord with the ideal clinical criteria.

  5. Fracture of a Polyethylene Tibial Post in a Scorpio Posterior-Stabilized Knee Prosthesis


    Lim, Hong Chul; Bae, Ji Hoon; Hwang, Jin Ho; Kim, Seung Joo; Yoon, Ji Yeol


    We report the case of a polyethylene tibial post fracture in a 72-year-old woman 14 months after a Scorpio posterior-stabilized (PS) total knee arthroplasty. The polyethylene wear was found around the fracture site of the post, especially over the anterior aspect of the post base. The failure mechanism of the post fracture in the present case was anterior impingement with excessive wear over the base of the anterior aspect of the tibial post, which became a stress-riser of post and cam articu...

  6. Leukoencephalopaty post chemo and radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Potente, G.; Iozzino, M.; Amici, A.; Vitturini, A.; Capua, A.; Tombolini, V.


    22 patients submitted to radio chemotherapy of the central nervous system have been examined. 6 of them (28%) showed at Ct signs of post radiochemotherapic lekoencephalopathy 4 of them suffered of acute myeloid leukemia and 2 of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

  7. Post-placement temperature reduction techniques

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Wei; Nannarelli, Alberto


    With technology scaled to deep submicron era, temperature and temperature gradient have emerged as important design criteria. We propose two post-placement techniques to reduce peak temperature by intelligently allocating whitespace in the hotspots. Both methods are fully compliant with commercial...

  8. Social Media Listening for Routine Post-Marketing Safety Surveillance. (United States)

    Powell, Gregory E; Seifert, Harry A; Reblin, Tjark; Burstein, Phil J; Blowers, James; Menius, J Alan; Painter, Jeffery L; Thomas, Michele; Pierce, Carrie E; Rodriguez, Harold W; Brownstein, John S; Freifeld, Clark C; Bell, Heidi G; Dasgupta, Nabarun


    Post-marketing safety surveillance primarily relies on data from spontaneous adverse event reports, medical literature, and observational databases. Limitations of these data sources include potential under-reporting, lack of geographic diversity, and time lag between event occurrence and discovery. There is growing interest in exploring the use of social media ('social listening') to supplement established approaches for pharmacovigilance. Although social listening is commonly used for commercial purposes, there are only anecdotal reports of its use in pharmacovigilance. Health information posted online by patients is often publicly available, representing an untapped source of post-marketing safety data that could supplement data from existing sources. The objective of this paper is to describe one methodology that could help unlock the potential of social media for safety surveillance. A third-party vendor acquired 24 months of publicly available Facebook and Twitter data, then processed the data by standardizing drug names and vernacular symptoms, removing duplicates and noise, masking personally identifiable information, and adding supplemental data to facilitate the review process. The resulting dataset was analyzed for safety and benefit information. In Twitter, a total of 6,441,679 Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA(®)) Preferred Terms (PTs) representing 702 individual PTs were discussed in the same post as a drug compared with 15,650,108 total PTs representing 946 individual PTs in Facebook. Further analysis revealed that 26 % of posts also contained benefit information. Social media listening is an important tool to augment post-marketing safety surveillance. Much work remains to determine best practices for using this rapidly evolving data source.

  9. (Post-Yugoslav anti-war engagement: A research topic awaiting attention

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bilić Bojan


    Full Text Available (Post-Yugoslav anti-war contention has remained an under-theorised topic almost twenty years after the end of the wars of Yugoslav succession. Rather than focusing on the “ontogenesis” of individual pacifist enterprises, this paper examines the reasons for which (post-Yugoslav anti-war activisms have been marginalised in recent East European sociological scholarship. I argue that a thorough appreciation of these phenomena requires a Yugoslav/regional approach which has not been favoured by post-Yugoslav social science scholars. This article also offers a critical reading of the existing attempts to theorise (post- Yugoslav anti-war activisms. It criticises their failure to draw upon the rich conceptual ap­paratus of social movement theories developed within Western political sociology over the last couple of decades. In spite of the fact that the concept of “social movement” may be contested in the context of post-Yugoslav anti-war engagement on the basis of its quantitative marginality, this should not deter (post-Yugoslav social scientists from applying and refining Anglo-Saxon social movement theories in a culturally sensitive manner. Specific dynamics of anti-war activism occurring within an armed conflict has not been sufficiently studied. This is an important knowledge lacuna where regional sociologists could offer a substantive contribution.

  10. A Framework for ERP Post-Implementation Amendments: A Literature Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Taiwo Oseni


    Full Text Available Post-implementation amendments to ERP systems (ERP-PIA are of importance for advancing ERP research, but more importantly essential if ERP systems are to be used as a strategic and competitive business tool. For ease of clarity, we have adopted the term “amendments” to encompass the main forms of post implementation activities: maintenance, enhancements and upgrades. The term ‘amendments’ is used to counteract one of the major findings from this research - the inconsistency of terms used by many authors to explain post implementation activities. This paper presents a review of the ERP post-implementation amendment literature in order to provide answers to two specific questions: first, what is the current state of research in the field of ERP-PIA; and second, what are the future research directions that need to be explored in the field of ERP-PIA. From the review, we develop a framework to identify: (a major themes concerning ERP post-implementation amendments, (b inherent gaps in the post-implementation amendments literature, and (c specific areas that require further research attention influencing the uptake of amendments. Suggestions on empirical evaluation of research directions and their relevance in the extension of existing literature is presented.

  11. Post-digital Books and Disruptive Literary Machines

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pold, Søren Bro; Andersen, Christian Ulrik

    The e-book has been launched several times during the last decades and the book’s demise has often been predicted. Furthermore networked and electronic literature has already established a long history. However, currently we witness several interesting artistic and literary experiments exploring...... to sketch out how contemporary literary technologies is integral to develop and reflect critically on post- or semio-capitalism, and furthermore we will discuss how literature functions in a post-industrial software culture such as the one presented by Apple, Amazon and Google....

  12. Towards an exposure-dependent model of post-traumatic stress: longitudinal course of post-traumatic stress symptomatology and functional impairment after the 2011 Oslo bombing. (United States)

    Solberg, Ø; Birkeland, M S; Blix, I; Hansen, M B; Heir, T


    Our understanding of the dynamics of post-traumatic stress symptomatology and its link to functional impairment over time is limited. Post-traumatic stress symptomatology (Post-traumatic Checklist, PCL) was assessed three times in 1-year increments (T1, T2, T3) following the Oslo bombing of 22 July, 2011, in directly (n = 257) and indirectly exposed (n = 2223) government employees, together with demographics, measures of exposure and work and social adjustment. The dynamics of post-traumatic stress disorder symptom cluster interplay were examined within a structural equation modelling framework using a cross-lagged autoregressive panel model. Intrusions at T1 played a prominent role in predicting all symptom clusters at T2 for the directly exposed group, exhibiting especially strong cross-lagged relationships with avoidance and anxious arousal. For the indirectly exposed group, dysphoric arousal at T1 played the most prominent role in predicting all symptom clusters at T2, exhibiting a strong relationship with emotional numbing. Emotional numbing seemed to be the main driver behind prolonged stress at T3 for both groups. Functional impairment was predominately associated with dysphoric arousal and emotional numbing in both groups. For directly exposed individuals, memories of the traumatic incident and the following intrusions seem to drive their post-traumatic stress symptomatology. However, as these memories lose their potency over time, a sequela of dysphoric arousal and emotional numbing similar to the one reported by the indirectly exposed individuals seems to be the main driver for prolonged post-traumatic stress and functional impairment. Findings are discussed using contemporary models within an exposure-dependent perspective of post-traumatic stress.

  13. Drowning - post-mortem imaging findings by computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Christe, Andreas; Aghayev, Emin; Jackowski, Christian; Thali, Michael J.; Vock, Peter


    The aim of this study was to identify the classic autopsy signs of drowning in post-mortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT). Therefore, the post-mortem pre-autopsy MSCT- findings of ten drowning cases were correlated with autopsy and statistically compared with the post-mortem MSCT of 20 non-drowning cases. Fluid in the airways was present in all drowning cases. Central aspiration in either the trachea or the main bronchi was usually observed. Consecutive bronchospasm caused emphysema aquosum. Sixty percent of drowning cases showed a mosaic pattern of the lung parenchyma due to regions of hypo- and hyperperfused lung areas of aspiration. The resorption of fresh water in the lung resulted in hypodensity of the blood representing haemodilution and possible heart failure. Swallowed water distended the stomach and duodenum; and inflow of water filled the paranasal sinuses (100%). All the typical findings of drowning, except Paltau's spots, were detected using post-mortem MSCT, and a good correlation of MSCT and autopsy was found. The advantage of MSCT was the direct detection of bronchospasm, haemodilution and water in the paranasal sinus, which is rather complicated or impossible at the classical autopsy. (orig.)

  14. Post-2014 Afghanistan and its Impact in Northeast Asia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Godehardt, Nadine; Shim, David


    The economic, political, and social situation in post-2014 Afghanistan remains uncertain, particularly because the effects of the US drawback from Afghanistan on national and regional stability are rather difficult to foresee. In this article, we explore how the debates about post-2014 Afghanistan

  15. Demand for abortion and post abortion care in Ibadan, Nigeria. (United States)

    Awoyemi, Bosede O; Novignon, Jacob


    While induced abortion is considered to be illegal and socially unacceptable in Nigeria, it is still practiced by many women in the country. Poor family planning and unsafe abortion practices have daunting effects on maternal health. For instance, Nigeria is on the verge of not meeting the Millennium development goals on maternal health due to high maternal mortality ratio, estimated to be about 630 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Recent evidences have shown that a major factor in this trend is the high incidence of abortion in the country. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the factors determining the demand for abortion and post-abortion care in Ibadan city of Nigeria. The study employed data from a hospital-based/exploratory survey carried out between March to September 2010. Closed ended questionnaires were administered to a sample of 384 women of reproductive age from three hospitals within the Ibadan metropolis in South West Nigeria. However, only 308 valid responses were received and analysed. A probit model was fitted to determine the socioeconomic factors that influence demand for abortion and post-abortion care. The results showed that 62% of respondents demanded for abortion while 52.3% of those that demanded for abortion received post-abortion care. The findings again showed that income was a significant determinant of abortion and post-abortion care demand. Women with higher income were more likely to demand abortion and post-abortion care. Married women were found to be less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Older women were significantly less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Mothers' education was only statistically significant in determining abortion demand but not post-abortion care demand. The findings suggest that while abortion is illegal in Nigeria, some women in the Ibadan city do abort unwanted pregnancies. The consequence of this in the absence of proper post

  16. Demand for abortion and post abortion care in Ibadan, Nigeria (United States)


    Background While induced abortion is considered to be illegal and socially unacceptable in Nigeria, it is still practiced by many women in the country. Poor family planning and unsafe abortion practices have daunting effects on maternal health. For instance, Nigeria is on the verge of not meeting the Millennium development goals on maternal health due to high maternal mortality ratio, estimated to be about 630 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Recent evidences have shown that a major factor in this trend is the high incidence of abortion in the country. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the factors determining the demand for abortion and post-abortion care in Ibadan city of Nigeria. Methods The study employed data from a hospital-based/exploratory survey carried out between March to September 2010. Closed ended questionnaires were administered to a sample of 384 women of reproductive age from three hospitals within the Ibadan metropolis in South West Nigeria. However, only 308 valid responses were received and analysed. A probit model was fitted to determine the socioeconomic factors that influence demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Results The results showed that 62% of respondents demanded for abortion while 52.3% of those that demanded for abortion received post-abortion care. The findings again showed that income was a significant determinant of abortion and post-abortion care demand. Women with higher income were more likely to demand abortion and post-abortion care. Married women were found to be less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Older women were significantly less likely to demand for abortion and post-abortion care. Mothers’ education was only statistically significant in determining abortion demand but not post-abortion care demand. Conclusion The findings suggest that while abortion is illegal in Nigeria, some women in the Ibadan city do abort unwanted pregnancies. The consequence of this

  17. Effect of surface treatment of FRC-Post on bonding strength to resin cements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chan-Hyun Park,


    Full Text Available Objectives The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of surface treatment of FRC-Post on bonding strength to resin cements. Materials and Methods Pre-surface treated LuxaPost (DMG, Rely-X Fiber Post (3M ESPE and self adhesive resin cement Rely-X Unicem (3M ESPE, conventional resin cement Rely-X ARC (3M ESPE, and Rely-X Ceramic Primer (3M ESPE were used. After completing the surface treatments of the posts, posts and resin cement were placed in clear molds and photo-activation was performed. The specimens were sectioned perpendicular to the FRC-Post into 2 mm-thick segments, and push-out strength were measured. The results of bond strength value were statistically analyzed using independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons using Scheffe's test. Results Silanization of posts affect to the bond strength in LuxaPost, and did not affect in Rely-X Fiber Post. Rely-X ARC showed higher value than Rely-X Unicem. Conclusions Silanization is needed to enhance the bond strength between LuxaPost and resin cements.

  18. Gender and post-ischemic recovery of hypertrophied rat hearts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Popov Kirill M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Gender influences the cardiac response to prolonged increases in workload, with differences at structural, functional, and molecular levels. However, it is unknown if post-ischemic function or metabolism of female hypertrophied hearts differ from male hypertrophied hearts. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that gender influences post-ischemic function of pressure-overload hypertrophied hearts and determined if the effect of gender on post-ischemic outcome could be explained by differences in metabolism, especially the catabolic fate of glucose. Methods Function and metabolism of isolated working hearts from sham-operated and aortic-constricted male and female Sprague-Dawley rats before and after 20 min of no-flow ischemia (N = 17 to 27 per group were compared. Parallel series of hearts were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing 5.5 mM [5-3H/U-14C]-glucose, 1.2 mM [1-14C]-palmitate, 0.5 mM [U-14C]-lactate, and 100 mU/L insulin to measure glycolysis and glucose oxidation in one series and oxidation of palmitate and lactate in the second. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way analysis of variance. The sequential rejective Bonferroni procedure was used to correct for multiple comparisons and tests. Results Female gender negatively influenced post-ischemic function of non-hypertrophied hearts, but did not significantly influence function of hypertrophied hearts after ischemia such that mass-corrected hypertrophied heart function did not differ between genders. Before ischemia, glycolysis was accelerated in hypertrophied hearts, but to a greater extent in males, and did not differ between male and female non-hypertrophied hearts. Glycolysis fell in all groups after ischemia, except in non-hypertrophied female hearts, with the reduction in glycolysis after ischemia being greatest in males. Post-ischemic glycolytic rates were, therefore, similarly accelerated in hypertrophied male and female hearts and higher in

  19. Leadership: professional communities of leadership practice in post-compulsory education


    Jameson, Jill


    Summary: This is a paper that reviews and outlines the academic basis behind leadership in the post-compulsory setting.\\ud Description: Leadership has been for some years a key area of strategic and operational importance in the UK post-compulsory sector - this publication aims to addresss some of the issues surrounding this topic. It discusses theories and definitions of leadership, leader professionalism and post-compulsory education. A collaborative model of professional leadership is reco...

  20. Broad-Scale Environmental Conditions Responsible for Post-Fire Vegetation Dynamics


    Casady, Grant M.; Marsh, Stuart E.


    Ecosystem response to disturbance is influenced by environmental conditions at a number of scales. Changes in climate have altered fire regimes across the western United States, and have also likely altered spatio-temporal patterns of post-fire vegetation regeneration. Fire occurrence data and a vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) were used to monitor post-fire vegetation from 1989 to 2007. We first investigated differences in post-fi...