
Sample records for control settingfiltros robustos


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    Full Text Available en este artículo se presenta el diseño de un controlador robusto para un sistema masaresorteamortiguador . Con el fin de realizar un diseño simple, se tomó en cuenta únicamente la incertidumbre en los parámetros de la planta. Los cálculos del problema se realizaron con una interfaz gráfica desarrollada para el diseño de controladores robustos, disponible para la Toolbox de Control Robusto de Matlab Ò . Se pretende que este ejercicio sirva como tutorial de introducción al análisis y diseño de sistemas de control robusto mediante el uso de la interfaz gráfica.

  2. Aplicación de técnicas de control robusto QFT a sistemas navales

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    R. Muñoz-Mansilla


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de diferentes metodologías de control robusto basadas en la técnica denominada Teoría de la Realimentación Cuantitativa, QFT (Quantitative Feedback Theory para resolver diferentes problemáticas que surgen en los sistemas de control marinos. En concreto se estudia el posicionamiento dinámico de una plataforma marina fondeada, la estabilización de un buque de alta velocidad, y el seguimiento de referencia para un aerodeslizador. Estos problemas de control presentan grandes retos de diseño, dado que son sistemas no lineales, multivariables, subactuados y con grandes perturbaciones. Los diferentes tipos de diseño QFT obtenidos consiguen una implementación robusta con prevención de acoplamientos, reducción de perturbaciones ambientales, respuestas rápidas y precisión en el seguimiento, que demuestran finalmente que es una alternativa práctica y eficaz para la solución de problemas de control en vehículos navales Abstract: In this work an analysis of the application of the Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT technique to different marine systems is presented. Specifically, the problems of dynamic positioning of a moored platform, stabilization of a fast ferry and the tracking control of a hovercraft are studied. This control problem presents interesting questions to deal with, since the plants are non-linear, multivariable, underactuated and subject to large disturbances due to waves.Three multivariable nonlinear problems are solved using different sequential procedures. It is shown that the QFT controllers synthesis achieve robust performance, decoupling, environment disturbance reduction, quick answers and tracking precision. Therefore, it is shown that robust techniques based on QFT methodologies result feasible and very suitable, constituting an attractive alternative for robust design of marine vehicles. Palabras clave: Control robusto, sistema no lineal, vehículo subactuado

  3. Control lineal robusto de sistemas no lineales diferencialmente planos

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    Hebertt Sira-Ramirez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se proponen controladores basados en observadores lineales para el control robusto de una clase amplia de sistemas no lineales conocidos como sistemas diferencialmente planos, sean estos monovariables o multivariables. Se establece primeramente el modelo dinámico entrada - salida plana, simplificándolo a un modelo de carácter no fenomenológico que solamente considera como elementos claves en el diseño del controlador el orden de integración del sistema y el factor de ganancia de entrada, en el caso monovariable, y, los órdenes de los subsistemas de integración de Kronecker y la matriz de ganancias del vector de entradas en el caso multivariable. El resto de las no linealidades, dependientes del estado o de naturaleza exógena, son consideradas, en general, como perturbaciones desconocidas pero acotadas que toman valores en el tiempo. Se demuestra que estas perturbaciones son algebraicamente observables, permitiendo su determinación aproximada mediante observadores lineales de orden arbitrario. Estos observadores, llamados observadores GPI, incluyen modelos internos que representan polinomios en el tiempo, cuya actualización es de índole automática, permitiendo aproximaciones arbitrariamente cercanas a las perturbaciones desconocidas. El diseño del controlador se reduce entonces a lograr la cancelación de las perturbaciones aditivas a la vez de imponer una dinámica lineal en lazo cerrado mediante realimentación de estados estimados, los cuales se obtienen directamente del mismo observador lineal propuesto. Se presenta un ejemplo de simulación que considera un sistema físico no lineal de complejidad reconocida. También se incluyen resultados experimentales sobre dos prototipos de laboratorio. Palabras Clave: Rechazo a perturbaciones, Realimentación lineal de salida, Sistemas linealizables, Observadores, Sistemas no lineales

  4. Robust control decentralized by sliding ways of electrical of power multi-machines systems; Control robusto descentralizado por modos deslizantes de sistemas electricos de potencia multimaquinas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huerta Avila, Hector


    This work deals with the problem of robust decentralized control of multimachine electric power systems. These systems are subject to different perturbations, such as short circuits, connection and/or disconnection of loads, lines generators, mechanical torque variations, etc. Then, it is necessary controllers which guarantee robustness under those perturbations to provide electrical energy to the loads with admissible stability margins. Moreover, the controller must be robust under parametric variations due to model uncertainties, and other physical reasons. The electrical power systems are modeled as complex great scale nonlinear systems. Then, the controller design is a challenging problem. Thus, the decentralized control schemes enable to avoid these problems. This work proposes three novel robust nonlinear techniques. The first one is based on the block control and integral sliding modes. The second obtains a sliding manifold from the Hamiltonian model of a nonlinear system to use this manifold in the integral sliding modes. The third technique enables to apply the sliding mode technique to a nonlinear block controllable system, by using Lyapunov function in each block. Then, four control schemes for electric power systems are designed. The four control schemes are robust under the perturbations of electric power systems mentioned above. The controllers proposed can be implemented in any electric power system with n generators, m lines and k loads. [Spanish] Este trabajo esta dedicado al diseno de esquemas de control robustos descentralizados que sean capaces de responder satisfactoriamente en sistemas electricos de potencia multimaquinas. Estos sistemas estan sujetos a perturbaciones de diferentes tipos, como cortos circuitos, entrada y salida de lineas de cargas o de generadores. Es evidente la necesidad de controladores que puedan rechazar estas perturbaciones para proveer energia de calidad y sin interrupciones a todos los usuarios conectados a la red

  5. Control Robusto de Orden Fraccionario de la Presión del Vapor en el Domo Superior de una Caldera Bagacera

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    R. Rivas-Perez


    Full Text Available Resumen: En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un controlador de orden fraccionario del tipo IDα-1 para el control robusto de la presión de vapor en el domo superior de una caldera bagacera, el cual posibilita aumentar la efectividad en el control, así como la eficiencia energética de estos equipos. La aplicación de un controlador de orden fraccionario se justifica por el hecho de que la dinámica del proceso objeto de estudio puede cambiar de forma drástica con la variación del calor especifico de combustión (I. Se obtiene un modelo matemático nominal de la variación de la presión de vapor en el domo superior de la caldera bagacera. Los resultados de validación del modelo matemático obtenido muestran un elevado grado de adecuación. Mediante estudios experimentales se estimó el rango de variación de los parámetros dinámicos del modelo matemático obtenido cuando el calor específico de combustión varía en el rango de operación [Imin,-1Imax]. El diseño del controlador IDα se realiza en base a especificaciones en el dominio de la frecuencia. Se muestran los resultados comparativos de simulación del sistema de control desarrollado con controladores IDα-1 vs PI e IDα-1 vs PID, en el sentido de exhibir el mismo comportamiento dinámico en lazo cerrado para las especificaciones de la planta nominal y en presencia de perturbaciones. Estos resultados demuestran que cuando la ganancia de la presión del vapor en el domo superior de la caldera bagacera presenta variaciones en-1el rango [Kmin, Kmax] el controlador IDα diseñado exhibe mejores prestaciones, así como una mayor robustez. Abstract: This paper presents a fractional order controller of the class IDα-1 for robust control of the steam pressure in the steam drum of a bagasse boiler. The proposed controller improves the effectiveness on the control, and likewise the energy efficiency of this plant. The

  6. Aplicación de algoritmos de control clásico, adaptable y robusto a sistemas dinámicos de parámetros variables;Classic, adaptable and robust control algorithm application, to variant parameter dynamic system.

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    Orlando – Regalón Anias


    Full Text Available Existen múltiples sistemas dinámicos cuyos modelos matemáticos se caracterizan por ser de primer orden yparámetros variables con el tiempo. En estos casos las herramientas clásicas no siempre logran un sistema decontrol que sea estable, posea un buen desempeño dinámico y rechace adecuadamente las perturbaciones, cuandoel modelo de la planta se desvía del nominal, para el cual se realizó el diseño.En este trabajo se evalúa elcomportamiento de tres estrategias de control en presencia de variación de parámetros. Estas son: control clásico,control adaptable y control robusto. Se realiza un estudio comparativo de las mismas en cuanto a complejidad deldiseño, costo computacional de la implementación y sensibilidad ante variaciones en los parámetros y/o presencia dedisturbios. Se llega a conclusiones que permiten disponer de criterios para la elección más adecuada, endependencia de los requerimientos dinámicos que la aplicación demande, así como de los medios técnicos de que sedisponga.Many dynamic systems have first order mathematic models, with time variable parameters. In these cases, theclassical tools do not satisfy at all control system stability, good performance and perturbation rejection, when theplant model differs from the nominal one, for which the controller was designed.In this article, three control strategiesare evaluated in parameter variations and disturbance presence. The strategies are the followings: classical control,adaptive control and robust control. A comparative study is carried out, taking into account the design complexity, thecomputational cost and the sensitivity. The obtained conclusions helps to provide the criterion to choose the mostadequate control strategy, according to the necessary dynamic, as well as the available technical means.

  7. Active Perturbation Rejection in Motion Control of Milling Machine Tools

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    Francisco Beltrán Carbajal


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda el problema de control robusto de los ejes de movimiento de máquinas- herramienta fresadoras sujetos a fuerzas de perturbación que se inducen durante el proceso de maquinado del metal. Se propone un esquema de control por retroalimentación de la salida de posición para el rechazo robusto de fuerzas de perturbación de fricción y de corte desconocidas, y para tareas de seguimiento robusto de trayectorias de movimiento planificadas para una máquina-herramienta fresadora de tres ejes. Se considera la fricción de Coulomb, el amortiguamiento viscoso y las fuerzas de corte como términos de una señal de entrada de perturbación variable en el tiempo desconocida, la cual afecta la dinámica de los ejes de movimiento de la máquina fresadora. En el diseño del control de movimiento, se modela la señal de perturbación mediante una familia de polinomios en el tiempo de Taylor de cuarto grado. Entonces, se diseña un observador de estado para estimar las señales de velocidad y perturbación que se requieren para la implementación del controlador de movimiento propuesto. Se incluye resultados en simulación para mostrar el desempeño robusto del esquema de control de movimiento propuesto y la estimación efectiva y rápida de las señales de perturbación y velocidad.

  8. Aplicación de algoritmos de control clásico, adaptable y robusto a sistemas dinámicos de parámetros variables; Classic, adaptable and robust control algorithm application, to variant parameter dynamic system

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    Orlando Regalón Anias


    Full Text Available Existen múltiples sistemas dinámicos cuyos modelos matemáticos se caracterizan por ser de primer orden y parámetros variables con el tiempo. En estos casos las herramientas clásicas no siempre logran un sistema decontrol que sea estable, posea un buen desempeño dinámico y rechace adecuadamente las perturbaciones, cuando el modelo de la planta se desvía del nominal, para el cual se realizó el diseño.En este trabajo se evalúa el comportamiento de tres estrategias de control en presencia de variación de parámetros. Estas son: control clásico, control adaptable y control robusto. Se realiza un estudio comparativo de las mismas en cuanto a complejidad del diseño, costo computacional de la implementación y sensibilidad ante variaciones en los parámetros y/o presencia de disturbios. Se llega a conclusiones que permiten disponer de criterios para la elección más adecuada, en dependencia de los requerimientos dinámicos que la aplicación demande, así como de los medios técnicos de que se disponga.  Many dynamic systems have first order mathematic models, with time variable parameters. In these cases, the classical tools do not satisfy at all control system stability, good performance and perturbation rejection, when the plant model differs from the nominal one, for which the controller was designed.In this article, three control strategies are evaluated in parameter variations and disturbance presence. The strategies are the followings: classical control, adaptive control and robust control. A comparative study is carried out, taking into account the design complexity, the computational cost and the sensitivity. The obtained conclusions helps to provide the criterion to choose the mostadequate control strategy, according to the necessary dynamic, as well as the available technical means.

  9. Certificação ISO 9001:2015 e medição de desempenho: benefícios e desafios para implantação de um sistema de gestão robusto

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    José Henrique de Andrade


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar como a certificação na norma ABNT NBR ISO 9001:2015 pode ser combinada com a medição de desempenho a fim de se obter um sistema de gestão robusto. Nas últimas décadas as organizações têm enfrentado novas e constantes demandas provenientes do ambiente onde atuam, sejam elas de clientes, concorrentes e outras partes interessadas. A fim de responder essas demandas com eficiência e eficácia, cada vez mais, sistemas de gestão consistentes e alinhados ao novo cenário são necessários. Diante disto, no presente trabalho realizou-se uma revisão da literatura das certificações nos sistemas de medição e um estudo múltiplo de casos em duas empresas industriais do interior do estado de São Paulo. Como principais resultados observou-se que as empresas desfrutam de benefícios e desafios comuns relacionados aos temas e os autores recomendam a exploração dos pontos fortes das duas abordagens propostas, assim como a superação dos desafios observados, como forma de obter um sistema de gestão robusto.

  10. Un criterio robusto para la medida del margen –coeficiente– de seguridad

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    Cervera, J.


    Full Text Available This paper offers a brief analysis of the drawbacks that can be found with the usual partial security coefficients, as loads multipliers, when employed for the measurement of the distance to the collapse condition in such structures, as masonry arches, that have important anisotropies or lacks tensile strength. To deal with such difficulties the paper presents a simple and robust security criterium based on a contraction of the yield surface. That criterium, that performs identically in isotropic structures to those usually employed, can however deal consistently with situations where former criteria fail. The criterium is applied to sections with double symmetry under axial load and unsymmetrical bending, in materials with and without tension resistance. It is also applied to the prism stability problem, showing the advantages in the caracterization of such problems.

    En este trabajo se analizan en primer lugar algunos inconvenientes de los habituales coeficientes parciales de seguridad —factores multiplicadores de las cargas— como medida del alejamiento a las condiciones de colapso en el caso de las estructuras con anisotropías importantes, como son especialmente aquellas sin resistencia a la tracción —los arcos de fábrica, como ejemplo paradigmático— Para superar dichas dificultades se propone un criterio sencillo y robusto basado en la contracción de la superficie límite, criterio que aporta una medida coincidente con la habitual para los casos isótropos, pero que permite medir igualmente de forma consistente el alejamiento a las condiciones del colapso para el resto de las situaciones. Se aplica finalmente el modelo a la determinación de los márgenes de seguridad en secciones de doble simetría sometidas a compresión esviada para materiales sin, y con resistencia a tracción, así como al problema de la estabilidad de un prisma frente al vuelco, mostrando las mejoras que aporta para caracterizar dichos problemas.

  11. Active vibration control of vehicle suspension systems using sliding modes, differential flatness and generalized proportional-integral control

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    Esteban Chávez Conde


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un enfoque de diseño de esquemas de control activo robusto para sistemas de suspensión de vehículos, usando técnicas de control Proporcional-Integral Generalizado, modos deslizantes y planitud diferencial, para atenuar vibraciones indeseables inducidas por perturbaciones de terreno irregular. Se proponen dos esquemas de control: uno de ellos emplea mediciones de posición y de velocidad y el otro requiere únicamente mediciones de posición. Se propone la reconstrucción integral de las derivadas de la salida plana para evitar el uso de sensores de velocidad y de aceleración, así como la información de perturbaciones de terreno desconocidas.

  12. Robust Design in Multiobjective Systems using Taguchi’s Parameter Design Approach and a Pareto Genetic Algorithm

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    Enrique Canessa


    Full Text Available Se presenta un Algoritmo Genético de Pareto (AGP, que encuentra la frontera de Pareto en problemas de diseño robusto para sistemas multiobjetivo. El AGP fue diseñado para ser aplicado usando el método de Diseño de Parámetros de Taguchi, el cual es el método más frecuentemente empleado por profesionales para ejecutar diseño robusto. El AGP se probó con datos obtenidos de un sistema real con una respuesta y de un simulador de procesos multiobjetivo con muchos factores de control y ruido. En todos los casos, el AGP entregó soluciones óptimas que cumplen con los objetivos del diseño robusto. Además, la discusión de resultados muestra que tener dichas soluciones ayuda en la selección de las mejores a ser implementadas en el sistema bajo estudio, especialmente cuando el sistema tiene muchos factores de control y salidas.

  13. Robust velocity and load control of a steam turbine in a combined cycle thermoelectric power station; Control robusto de velocidad y carga de una turbina de vapor en una central termoelectrica de ciclo combinado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes Archundia, Enrique


    monovariable. El control robusto H{infinity} tiene las siguientes caracteristicas que le permiten aplicarse al proceso de turbina de vapor: el diseno se puede realizar para tener dos polos en el origen, con lo que se logra un buen seguimiento a referencias de tipo rampa; permite el manejo de incertidumbre, con lo que se esperan buenos resultados en todo un intervalo de operacion; y permite el diseno de controladores multivariables, con lo que se considera la interaccion existente entre las valvulas de control y del bypass. Es muy dificil el poder realizar pruebas con el proceso real, debido al costo y riesgos que ello implica, sin embargo, los desarrollos alcanzados en las areas de la computacion, los lenguajes de programacion y los metodos numericos permiten desarrollar modelos matematicos que simulen de manera aproximada los procesos a controlar, como es el caso de la central termoelectrica de ciclo combinado y de esta manera hacer posible la evaluacion de algoritmos de control moderno. En el capitulo I se da una descripcion funcional del proceso de la turbina de vapor. Dado que este pertenece a una central termoelectrica de ciclo combinado, se comienza por describir dicha central, para despues puntualizar el subsistema de la turbina de vapor y enfatizar cada uno de los elementos que forman parte de este ultimo.

  14. Control óptimo y robusto H∞ de sistemas no lineales aplicaciones a sistemas electromecánicos


    Vivas Venegas, Carlos


    La teoría de control automático ha experimentado un notable desarrollo en los últimos tiempos especialmente en el campo de los sistemas no lineales. Son aportaciones relativamente recientes los paradigmas de control basados en pasividad, teoría de sistema

  15. Control tolerante a fallos en un sitema de achique y separación de sentinas


    Cumelles, Laia


    El presente proyecto de final de carrera está enfocado al estudio de los fallos que pueden afectar a un sistema de achique y separación de los efluentes acumulados en las sentinas de la sal de máquinas de un buque RO-PAX, y a la detección automática de estos fallos, con el fin de conseguir una mejora de la automatización inicial del sistema y garantizar un control robusto y fiable del sistema, utilizando como referencia la Guía GEMMA.

  16. Seguimiento de Trayectorias en Robots Manipuladores: Revisión de Soluciones y Nuevas Propuestas

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    S. Torres


    Full Text Available Resumen: El problema del seguimiento de trayectoria en robots manipuladores ha sido abordado aplicando una gran variedad de controladores, desde estructuras sencillas basadas en PD hasta otras más complejas basadas en controladores adaptativos y robustos. Estas últimas técnicas presentan inconvenientes como la presunción de ciertas cotas en los términos de la ecuación dinámica del robot o la no inclusión de las ligaduras del sistema en el algoritmo de control. En el presente trabajo se hace una revisión de las técnicas clásicas de control de manipuladores y se introduce un conjunto de técnicas novedosas de control robusto y de control predictivo, con las que se evitan los problemas comentados. En particular se describe un controlador con una acción robusta autoadaptativa, necesaria para evitar los errores en la cancelación de términos no lineales de la dinámica del robot. Este esquema es mejorado mediante técnicas predictivas que permiten la inclusión de las ligaduras de movimiento del robot en el algoritmo de control. Se incluyen resultados reales y en simulación en un robot PUMA-560 de Unimation que prueban la bondad de dichos controladores. Palabras clave: Manipuladores robot, Control Robusto, Control Adaptativo, Control Autoadaptativo, Control Predictivo, Implementación, Tareas en tiempo real

  17. Implementación de técnicas de control distribuido, protocolo OSPF en redes inteligentes de energía


    Muñoz Calles, José Manuel


    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado titulado Implementación de técnicas de control distribuido, protocolo OSPF en redes inteligentes de energía, profundiza en la reconfiguración de los enlaces de las subestaciones secundarias en una red de distribución eléctrica inteligente, mediante la implementación de un protocolo robusto, sencillo y fiable, como el protocolo de enrutamiento OSPF. De esta forma, los Agentes virtuales podrán modificar dinámicamente el mapa de conexiones sin la intervención de ...

  18. Lqr Robusto Mediante Incertidumbre Acotada En Los Datos

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    C. Ramos


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta el sintonizado del Regulador Lineal Cuadrático (LQR mediante la técnica de incertidumbre acotada en los datos o Bounded Data Uncertainties (BDU con el fin de mejorar la robustez del sistema, planteándose como un Min-Max donde se busca la mejor solución en el peor escenario posible. Así se ofrece un nuevo método guiado de ajuste del LQR, considerando los límites de la incertidumbre. La aplicación a sistemas multidimensionales no es trivial, pues presenta la forma de un Two-Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP, el cual se resuelve iterativamente. : Técnicas Minimax, Regularización, Método de Control LQR, Robustez, Incertidumbre, Ecuaciones Matriciales de Riccati, Problema de Valor Límite, Sistemas Multidimensionales

  19. Control fraccionario: fundamentos y guía de uso

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    Blas M. Vinagre


    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo del presente tutorial de control fraccionario es presentar los fundamentos de esta disciplina y las principales herramientas computacionales disponibles para su uso y aplicación por parte del ingeniero de control. El enfoque escogido pretende hacer accesible desde el primer momento su ubicación en el control clásico y las bases para entender cómo cualquier estrategia de control que haga uso de los operadores derivada y/o integral (es decir, casi todas puede generalizarse al considerar la posibilidad de utilizar dichos operadores con un orden no necesariamente entero. Los casos de estudio considerados (el doble integrador y el servomecanismo de posición han sido elegidos no para exponer las bondades del control fraccionario, sino para mostrar la amplitud de posibilidades que proporciona su utilización incluso considerando sistemas extraordinariamente comunes en la literatura de control. Abstract: The purpose of this tutorial on fractional control is to present the foundations of this discipline and the main computational tools available for its use and application by the control engineer. The chosen approach aims to make accessible from the very beginning its location in the classical control and the foundations for a clear understanding on how any control strategy that makes use of the derivative and / or the integral operators (i.e., almost all can be generalized by considering these operators with not necessarily integer order. The case studies considered (the double integrator and the position servo have been chosen not to expose the benefits of fractional control, but to show the range of possibilities that provides remarkably even considering its application to systems of common use in the literature of control. Palabras clave: Control fraccionario, Sistemas fraccionarios, Control robusto, Keywords: Fractional Control, Fractional Systems, Robust Control

  20. Modelo de Revisión Periódica para el Control del Inventario en Artículos con Demanda Estacional una Aproximación desde la Simulación

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    Mario Vélez


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los modelos de control de inventarios han sido desarrollados para patrones de demanda determinísticos o probabilísticos, con media constante en el tiempo. En este artículo se describe como el modelo tradicional de control de inventarios (R, S genera altos niveles de inventario en épocas de baja demanda y bajos niveles de inventario en épocas de alta demanda, un comportamiento indeseable desde todo punto de vista. Se propone una variante al modelo (R, S de revisión periódica que permite su utilización en artículos con patrones de demanda estacional, y que corrige los problemas encontrados. Por último, se realiza un análisis de sensibilidad de los modelos frente a la estacionalidad y a la variabilidad de la demanda. El modelo propuesto es altamente sensible a la variabilidad de la demanda, pero muy robusto en lo que a la estacionalidad se refiere

  1. Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Different Grafted Varieties of Bell Pepper

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    Celia Chávez-Mendoza


    Full Text Available Grafting favors the presence of bioactive compounds in the bell pepper, but many species and varieties have not yet been analyzed in this sense, including commonly grafted varieties. The aim of the present study is to characterize the content in β-carotenes, vitamin C, lycopene, total phenols, and the antioxidant activity of bell pepper (Capsicum annum L. using the cultivar/rootstock combinations: Jeanette/Terrano (yellow, Sweet/Robusto (green, Fascinato/Robusto (red, Orangela/Terrano (orange, and Fascinato/Terrano (red. The plants were grown in a net-shading system and harvested on three sampling dates of the same crop cycle. The results show statistical differences (p ≤ 0.05 between cultivar/rootstock combinations and sampling dates for the content in bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity. Fascinato/Robusto presented the highest concentration of lycopene and total phenols as well as the greatest antioxidant activity of all cultivar/rootstock combinations evaluated. In addition, it was found that the best sampling time for the peppers to have the highest concentrations of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity was September.

  2. Predictor de Smith modificado mediante un modelo interno, robusto a perturbaciones externas no medibles.

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    Fernando Castillo García


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Se propone una modificación de la estructura del predictor de Smith mediante un modelo interno que posibilita aumentar su rechazo al efecto de las per-turbaciones externas no medibles en comparación con la estructura clásica del predictor de Smith. Los resultados obtenidos se aplican en el diseño de un sistema de control del proceso de variación de la temperatura del jugo en los calentadores de una fábrica de azúcar. Los resultados de la simulación del sistema diseñado mostraron su efectividad y robustez en cuanto al rechazo de perturbaciones externas no medibles. Palabras claves: Predictor de Smith, predictor de Smith modificado, rechazo a perturbaciones externas no medibles, robustez de los sistemas de control.

  3. Robust Signal Processing in Cardiac Signals: Applications in Heart Rate Variability, Heart Rate Turbulence and Fibrillatory Arrhythmias


    Barquero Pérez, Óscar


    Tesis Doctoral leída en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid en 2015. Directores de la Tesis: José Luis Rojo Álvarez e Inmaculada Mora Jiménez El principal objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral, en el campo del procesamiento digital de señales biomédicas, es el desarrollo de métodos robustos de análisis cardiaco. La Tesis tiene dos objetivos específicos, a saber, (1) caracterizar la fibrilación auricular y ventricular (FA, FV), y (2) evaluar, de forma no invasiva, el control del ...

  4. Construcción de una red social segura, fiable y escalable mediante Cloud Computing


    Wagner, Alan


    Treball fet a Ciclee Technologies S.L. Desarrollo de un "Social commerce" o marketplace social utilizando el framework de desarrolllo web Django. Diseño de un sistema distribuído escalable, robusto y seguro para la puesta en producción. Utilización de Cloud Computing, AWS.


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    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se muestra una metodología de diseño de observadores con entradas desconocidas para la solución del problema de Detección de Fallas. La técnica propuesta se basa principalmente en la observación de señales de error conocidas como residuos, las cuales se obtienen mediante la diferencia entre la salida actual del sistema y la salida estimada. Un observador con entradas desconocidas tiene la particularidad de que su vector de error de estimación tiende a cero asintóticamente, sin considerar la presencia de las entradas desconocidas o perturbaciones en el sistema. El algoritmo de detección se aplica satisfactoriamente en un sistema hidráulico de nivel de líquido tanto en simulación como en tiempo real.

  6. Análisis de contaminantes en aguas residuales industriales mediante espectrofotometría de absorción molecular y atómica


    Torres Andrés, Adrián


    Las aguas residuales suponen un grave problema incrementado con el desarrollo industrial. Las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales son muy importantes para preservar el medioambiente y eliminar compuestos contaminantes. Es interesante desarrollar métodos analíticos sencillos y robustos para determinar contaminantes como metales, amonio o cianuro y conocer la calidad del agua. Este trabajo recoge determinaciones de este tipo de compuestos en aguas residuales industriales mediante espectr...

  7. A robust neuro-fuzzy classifier for the detection of cardiomegaly in digital chest radiographies

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    Fabián Torres-Robles


    Full Text Available Presentamos un nuevo procedimiento que determina de forma automática y fiable la presencia de cardiomegalia en radiografías torácicas. El CTR muestra la relación entre el tamaño del corazón y el tamaño del tórax. El esquema propuesto utiliza un clasificador robusto difuso para encontrar los valores correctos del tamaño del tórax y los límites del corazón derecho e izquierdo para medir el agrandamiento del corazón para detectar cardiomegalia. El método propuesto utiliza operaciones clásicas de morfología para segmentar los pulmones proporcionando baja complejidad computacional y el método difuso propuesto es robusto para encontrar las medidas correctas del CTR proporcionando un cálculo rápido porque las reglas difusas usan operaciones aritméticas elementales para desempeñar una buena detección de cardiomegalia. Finalmente, se mejoran los resultados de clasificación del método difuso propuesto utilizando una red neuronal función de base radial (RBF en términos de precisión, sensibilidad y especificidad.

  8. Una estimación no paramétrica y robusta de la transformación Box-Cox para el modelo de regresión

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    Elkin Castaño


    Full Text Available Frecuentemente en el análisis de regresión es necesario transformar la variable dependiente con el fin de obtener aditividad y errores normales y de varianza constante. Box y Cox (1964 proponen una transformación paramétrica de potencia basada en el supuesto de normalidad con el propósito de lograr los objetivos anteriores. Sin embargo, algunos autores tales como Carroll (1980, 1982b, Bickel and Doksum (1981, Powell (1991, Chamberlain (1994, Buchinsky (1995, Marazzi y Yohai (2004 y Fitzenberger et al. (2005 han señalado que dicha transformación no es robusta cuando existen observaciones atípicas en la muestra y proponen estimadores robustos para el parámetro de transformación, reemplazando la verosimilitud normal con una función objetivo que es menos sensible a observaciones atípicas. Este artículo presenta un procedimiento alternativo no paramétrico y robusto que permite obtener la transformación de potencia en la familia de transformaciones de Box-Cox cuando existen observaciones atípicas en la variable dependiente. El procedimiento es una extensión de la propuesta de Castaño (1994, 1995 para una transformación de simetría de un conjunto de datos.


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    Marcia Werlang


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho utilizou-se a Transformada Discreta Ondaleta (TDO Daubechies, com 4 coeficientes (Daub4, para compactar a dimensão da matriz de dados espectrais, obtidos por espectroscopia no infravemelho com transformada de Fourier, através da reflectância total atenuada (FTIR-ATR de amostras de polióis de óleo de soja, visando a determinação do valor de hidroxilas (VOH. Através dos modelos de regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS, comparou-se o desempenho de cada um dos 5 conjuntos de dados compactados, com o original e/ou entre eles. O conjunto de dados dos espectros de polióis, compactado a 1/4 da sua dimensão original, foi considerado como o mais robusto apresentando um RMSEP 20,28% menor que o modelo com os espectros não compactados e uma correlação semelhante. Esse resultado implicou em um modelo de dimensões menores com a mesma capacidade preditiva, assim a TDO (Daub4, mostra ser um método robusto para a redução da dimensão da matriz de dados espectrais, quando pretende-se construir modelos de regressão multivariados.

  10. La legislación penal relativa a la protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual a nivel internacional


    Wang, Shizhou


    El gobierno chino está procurando construir un sistema legal robusto para la protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Este sistema debería tener alcance mundial y cumplir con estándares internacionales. Con el fi n de alcanzar este ambicioso objetivo, es necesario conocer y comprender la situación internacional. Este informe analiza los requisitos que emergen del Acuerdo sobre los Aspectos de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados ...

  11. Control Difuso con Estimador de Estados para Sistemas de Páncreas Artificial

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    Rodrigo González


    Full Text Available Resumen: Se propone la utilización de un controlador difuso sobre un modelo de estados mínimos con el fin de alcanzar un control de infusión de insulina continuo y eficiente en pacientes con T1DM. El sistema se apoya con un Filtro Extendido de Kalman para suplir las deficiencias de los dispositivos físicos actuales y estimar insulina remanente en el organismo con el fin de predecir su comportamiento futuro. El controlador sintonizado logra una respuesta restringida entre [80, 140] mgdl, con una media de 117, 6 mgdl y desviación estándar de 11, 3 mgdl sobre un conjunto de 365 realizaciones de 24 horas de control con 4 ingestas diarias. Estos resultados muestran que es posible diseñar controladores de baja complejidad que son fácilmente sintonizables por usuarios experimentados o médicos, con un nuevo enfoque de revisión en lazo cerrado. Además, la combinación de técnicas heurísticas con aquellas basadas en modelos permite sintentizar un controlador robusto frente al contexto real de aplicación y, también, administrar en forma eficiente el gasto de insulina. Aún así, la aplicacioón de un sistema completamente automatizado en un ser humano requerirá modelos de mayor dimensión para ajustarse a diferentes situaciones, un controlador de alta robustez y amplia adaptabilidad al organismo de cada paciente y su rutina de ingestas. Abstract: A fuzzy controller for a minimal states model is proposed to achieve a continuous and effcient insulin infusion in patients with Type 1 Diabetes. An Extended Kalman Filter is also applied to supply the deficiencies of the current glucose sensor technologies and estimate residual insulin in the system to predict future behavior. The controller is tuned manually and iteratively, and achieves closed-loop responses of glycemia constrained between [80,140] (mgdl, with a mean of 117, 6 (mgdl and a standard deviation of 11, 3 (mgdl over a whole year ensemble of 24-hour system responses with 4 meal intakes

  12. A discreet control of sliding ways of an induction motor; Control discreto de modos deslizantes de un motor de induccion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rivera Dominguez, Jorge


    son aplicadas al modelo discreto no lineal de un motor de induccion que se encontro aqui, que posee dinamicas electricas y mecanicas, en donde el par de carga se considera una perturbacion desconocida. Con mediciones completas de los estados, se satisfacen objetivos de seguimiento de la velocidad del rotor y de la amplitud del flujo magnetico del rotor, en donde la carga desconocida no afecta la regulacion de la velocidad. Luego, es implementado un observador de orden reducido en donde las mediciones de velocidad y de corriente se emplean para estimar el par de carga y los flujos que son muy dificiles de medir. El metodo propuesto tiene un diseno y procedimiento de estabilidad de analisis directos, conservando una estructura simple de la ley de control. Las simulaciones predicen que el sistema es robusto con respecto a varios tipos de pares de carga. Las respuestas de velocidad y de amplitud del flujo del rotor a las referencias de entrada se desempenaron muy bien. Estas referencias tienen una dinamica lineal de segundo orden con constantes de tiempo que pueden ser elegidas por el usuario del motor. Se consideran los aspectos practicos para una futura implementacion digital de la ley de control, incluyendo los sensores de velocidad y corrientes, el acondicionamiento de senales, la transformacion de la corriente al marco de referencia estacionario, PWM y modulos inversores, los cuales fueron vistos con detalle. Los resultados experimentales se dejan como trabajo futuro.

  13. Data envelopment analysis and Pareto genetic algorithm applied to robust design in multiresponse systems

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    Enrique Carlos Canessa-Terrazas


    Full Text Available Se presenta el uso de Análisis Envolvente de Datos (AED para priorizar y seleccionar soluciones encontradas por un Algoritmo Genético de Pareto (AGP a problemas de diseño robusto en sistemas multirespuesta con muchos factores de control y ruido. El análisis de eficiencia de las soluciones con AED muestra que el AGP encuentra una buena aproximación a la frontera eficiente. Además, se usa AED para determinar la combinación del nivel de ajuste de media y variación de las respuestas del sistema, y con la finalidad de minimizar el costo económico de alcanzar dichos objetivos. Al unir ese costo con otras consideraciones técnicas y/o económicas, la solución que mejor se ajuste con un nivel predeterminado de calidad puede ser seleccionada más apropiadamente.

  14. Escrituras académicas y literacidad: control de la escritura en la educación superior colombiana

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    Miguel Ángel Maldonado García


    Full Text Available En este artículo de reflexión se propone una lectura arqueológica de un archivo conformado por corpus de investigaciones publicadas en español en la última década, que analizan la producción escrita en la educación superior colombiana (ES y que están signados por dos discursos en tensión: los estudios del lenguaje de corte cognitivo y los estudios lingüístico-culturales. Mediante la lectura arqueológica de corte foucaultiano, se muestra la emergencia de dos escenarios polémicos: a el discurso de alfabetización académica (AA, que en un principio estaba más cerca de la perspectiva psicognitiva, y el de literacidad, más cercano a la perspectiva cultural; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, los teóricos que suscriben ambos discursos han reconocido la importancia tanto de lo cultural como de lo cognitivo, que se nutren mutuamente, generando, así, una opacidad y una fusión discursiva. b Estos dos discursos crearon un robusto campo investigativo que desestabilizó el modelo de enseñanza y la incompetencia escrituraria de los docentes colombianos para luego controlar la evaluación de la escritura.

  15. Avaliação dos Impactos Econômicos do Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento do Nordeste entre 2004 e 2010


    Guilherme Mendes Resende


    Este artigo visa avaliar os impactos econômicos do Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento do Nordeste (FNE). A abordagem utilizada neste estudo combina avaliações em várias escalas geográficas que fornecem resultados robustos acerca dos impactos dos empréstimos do FNE sobre o crescimento do produto interno bruto (PIB) per capita entre 2004 e 2010. Os resultados das estimações dos modelos em painel de efeito fixo mostraram que os recursos do FNE-total apresentaram impactos positivos sobre o cre...

  16. Caracterización del mercado accionario colombiano, 2001-2006: un análisis comparativo


    Jorge Mario Uribe Gil


    Partiendo de la base teórica de que existe una relación positiva entre el desarrollo del mercado de capitales y el crecimiento económico, se construyen indicadores de tamaño, liquidez, riesgo, integración y eficiencia, para el mercado accionario colombiano. Para esto, se usan medidas tradicionales de profundidad del mercado, además de modelos GARCH, estimadores de razones de varianzas heteroscedásticamente robustos y asintóticamente consistentes e indicadores de integración internacional basa...

  17. Análisis de métodos de validación cruzada para la obtención robusta de parámetros biofísicos

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    Ll. Pérez-Planells


    Full Text Available Los métodos de regresión no paramétricos son una gran herramienta estadística para obtener parámetros biofísicos a partir de medidas realizadas mediante teledetección. Pero los resultados obtenidos se pueden ver afectados por los datos utilizados en la fase de entrenamiento del modelo. Para asegurarse de que los modelos son robustos, se hace uso de varias técnicas de validación cruzada. Estas técnicas permiten evaluar el modelo con subconjuntos de la base de datos de campo. Aquí, se evalúan dos tipos de validación cruzada en el desarrollo de modelos de regresión no paramétricos: hold-out y k-fold. Los métodos de regresión lineal seleccionados fueron: Linear Regression (LR y Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR. Y los métodos no lineales: Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR y Gaussian Process Regression (GPR. Los resultados de la validación cruzada mostraron que LR ofrece los resultados más inestables, mientras KRR y GPR llevan a resultados más robustos. Este trabajo recomienda utilizar algoritmos de regresión no lineales (como KRR o GPR combinando con la validación cruzada k-fold con un valor de k igual a 10 para hacer la estimación de una manera robusta.

  18. Método de diagnóstico e análise do S&OP: uma ferramenta para mapeamento do nível de integração do processo e identificação de oportunidades de melhoria


    Silva, Rafael Bernardes da


    A integração entre os planos estratégico, tático e operacional é um relevante desafio para as organizações. Visando otimizar o alinhamento organizacional, empresas vêm implementando processos de Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) e desenvolvendo ações para torná-lo robusto. Entende-se o S&OP como um processo de consolidação dos diversos planos organizacionais e direcionamento estratégico do negócio, permitindo o alcance de vantagem competitiva de modo contínuo e integrando os planos de mark...

  19. Seguimiento de la productividad forrajera mediante teledetección : desarrollo de una herramienta de manejo para sistemas de producción ganaderos


    Grigera, Gonzalo


    La productividad forrajera (PF)es una variable crítica para el manejo y la planificación de los sistemas de producción ganaderos. Sin embargo, las dificultades para cuantificarla a campo y la necesidad de manejar un marco conceptual robusto para utilizarla en la toma de decisiones hacen que habitualmente los sistemas de producción se manejen con una caracterización rudimentaria de esta variable. En esta tesis se desarrolló un sistema de seguimiento de la PF en tiempo real y a la escala de lot...

  20. Una nueva especie de bolitoglossa (caudata: plethodontidae) de las selvas del magdalena medio en colombia


    Acosta Galvis, Andrés R.; Restrepo, Ana E.


    Se describe una nueva especie del genero Bolitoglossa del grupo alfa (sensu Wake & Lynch, 1976) denominada Bolitoglossa lozanoi de las selvas húmedas relictuales del valle del Río Magdalena en La Cordillera Central de Colombia (loe. typ.: Río La Miel, Mpio. La Victoria, Departamento de Caldas, 500 m.s.n.m.); la nueva especie es reconocible por su cuerpo robusto, las palmeaduras manuales y pediales extensas, su patrón cromático ventral café con punteaduras café más oscuras y crema, ojos no pro...

  1. Cloud Computing en salud: Sistema para Administrar Imagenes Biomedicas


    Alonso Calvo, Raul; Crespo del Arco, Jose; Maojo Garcia, Victor Manuel; Muñoz, Alberto; García Rojo, Marcial; Perez Jimenez, Libia; Azpiazu Cuenca, Javier Salvador


    En el campo de la biomedicina se genera una inmensa cantidad de imágenes diariamente. Para administrarlas es necesaria la creación de sistemas informáticos robustos y ágiles, que necesitan gran cantidad de recursos computacionales. El presente artículo presenta un servicio de cloud computing capaz de manejar grandes colecciones de imágenes biomédicas. Gracias a este servicio organizaciones y usuarios podrían administrar sus imágenes biomédicas sin necesidad de poseer grandes recursos informát...

  2. Semantically-enhanced advertisement recommender systems in social networks


    Pazahr, Ali


    El objetivo principal de la investigación es estudiar y diseñar un entorno de recomendación publicitaria en las redes sociales que puede ser enriquecido mediante tecnologías semánticas. A pesar de que existen muchas aplicaciones y soluciones para los sistemas de recomendación, en este estudio se diseña un framework robusto con un rendimiento adecuado para poder ser implementado en las redes sociales con el objetivo de ampliar los propósitos de negocio. De este objetivo principal se pueden ...

  3. Simulación hidrológica

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    Carlos A. González M.


    Full Text Available Las tendencias del modelamiento en hidrología dependen del problema a tratar. En general, se describe cualquier subsistema del ciclo hidrológico como un sistema y se representa en forma de modelo estocástico o determinístico; en ambos casos se puede realizar simulación en computador dependiendo del modelo propuesto. Con relación al modelamiento estocástico se hace énfasis en la búsqueda actual de modelos robustos para el análisis de caudales anuales máximos.

  4. Um metodo para modelagem de exceções em desenvolvimento baseado em componentes


    Patrick Henrique da Silva Brito


    Resumo: Devido a grande popularização do Desenvolvimento Baseado em Componentes (DBC), ele vem sendo empregado inclusive no desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais críticos. O emprego do DBC na construção de sistemas confiáveis evidencia a necessidade de se desenvolver componentes de software que sejam robustos e que possuam uma garantia maior do seu funcionamento correto. Tratamento de exceções é uma técnica bastante conhecida para a verificação e tratamento de erros em sistemas de softwa...

  5. Estimativa do sexo através de características métricas da mandíbula


    Alves, Carina Filipa Pinto


    Dissertação de mestrado em Medicina (Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses), apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra A diagnose sexual a partir da análise de restos ósseos humanos é um elemento capital na investigação forense. Um grande número de estudos tem mostrado a existência de dimorfismo sexual em quase todos os ossos do esqueleto humano. A mandíbula humana adulta é um elemento do esqueleto particularmente robusto, sólido e usualmente preservado em contextos foren...


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    Full Text Available En la última década se ha reportado la estrategia de control Zero Average Dynamics (ZAD como una alternativa al control de los convertidores de potencia, garantizando frecuencia fi ja de conmutación y bajo error. Sin embargo la estabilidad del sistema depende fuertemente de la carga, por lo cual no es robusto. Cuando se pierde la estabilidad la frecuencia fi ja de conmutación se pierde también. En este artículo se presenta la generalización de la técnica ZAD dentro del marco de la teoría de probabilidades. Usando este marco es posible recuperar el ZAD tal como ha sido analizado hasta ahora y se pueden generar nuevas estrategias de control, las cuales son más estables que las usadas en el ZAD. Por este motivo a esta técnica se le ha llamado Generalized Zero Average Dynamics (GZAD. Presentamos algunas simulaciones del GZAD aplicado a un convertidor de potencia reductor. Esta nueva estrategia no puede ser obtenida con el ZAD clásico. Las simulaciones numéricas muestran buen desempeño del controlador con bajo error de regulación y robustez ante cambio en la carga.

  7. Programación y Control de Sistemas de Fabricación Flexibles: un Enfoque Holónico

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    J.A. Araúzo


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los sistemas de fabricación holónicos constituyen un nuevo paradigma de producción. Incluidos dentro de las metodologías distribuidas, proponen nuevos esquemas de gestión de la fabricación que combinan auto-organización, jerarquías dinámicas y relaciones horizontales. Este enfoque es más cercano a la naturaleza de los sistemas de fabricación que las aproximaciones clásicas, centralizadas o estrictamente jerárquicas y permiten modelar los sistemas productivos de forma más realista, facilitando la implementación de sistemas más flexibles, escalables y robustos. En este artículo proponemos un sistema de programación y control para sistemas de fabricación flexibles desarrollado según el paradigma holónico. El sistema se basa en una nueva arquitectura que integra dos niveles de decisión: uno de programación basado en subastas, donde cada holón realiza su propio programa local; y otro de lanzamiento y control, a través del cual se coordinan las actividades de los holones. A diferencia de otros trabajos, donde los programas locales son integrados en un programa global que centraliza el sistema, en el sistema propuesto no ocurre así. Es el mecanismo de lanzamiento y control el que integra los programas locales. Además, el prototipo desarrollado puede funcionar con diferentes grados de descentralización, lo que permite valorar las ventajas que proporciona nuestra aproximación mediante simulación. Abstract: Holonic Manufacturing Systems are a new manufacturing paradigm. They are included into distributed methodologies and propose new manufacturing management schemes that combine self-organization, dynamic hierarchies and horizontal relationships. This approach is closer to manufacturing system nature than centralized or strictly traditional hierarchical approaches. It allows modeling manufacturing systems in a more realistic way. So, it make easier to implement more flexible, scalable, responsiveness, reconfigurable

  8. Simulación de un algoritmo para controlar el nivel en tolva ante alimentación discontinua de caña

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    Fabricio Garelli


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los actuales métodos de control del transporte y preparación de la materia prima provocan graves problemas de discontinuidad en la alimentación al tren de molinos de caña en la industria azucarera en Cuba. La introducción masiva de la tecnología de convertidores de frecuencia para el control de velocidad de motores asincrónicos permite proponer la utilización de la velocidad de las esteras como variable manipulada para el control del nivel de la tolva. Este trabajo presenta una variante de control por velocidad considerando la altura del colchón de caña en la estera elevadora como una perturbación multiplicativa a la entrada de la planta. Se propone un algoritmo de adaptación de set-point por modo deslizante para limitar los transitorios en el nivel de caña en tolva provocados por las fluctuaciones en la alimentación de caña. El método propuesto requiere realimentar únicamente variables accesibles y es robusto ante cambios en la densidad de caña y/o ruido de medición. Su implementación es extremadamente sencilla para lazos de control por velocidad tipo PID. Palabras Clave: molienda de caña de azúcar, estera transportadora, molinos de caña, control PID, control de velocidad, modo deslizante, set-point adaptivo


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    Luis P. Yapu Quispe


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta un método de estimación y simulación de un modelo aditivo a dos variables mediante splines robustos, el método general puede ser aplicado con varias variables. El software utilizado para las simulaciones es S+ y se utiliza explícitamente la función smooth.splineRob en una implementación del algoritmo de backfitting. La función smooth.splineRob ha sido escrita en base al trabajo de Cantoni y Ronchetti [3], en el cual se pone énfasis en la selección robusta del parámetro de suavizamiento utilizando una versión robusta del Cp de Mallows, RCp, y de la validación cruzada, RCV. La existencia de datos extremos o no-normales en la parte estocástica de un modelo aditivo puede provocar una mala estimación del parámetro de suavizamiento, lo que tendrá influencia global en la estimación por splines. Para la etapa de simulación se realizan las estimaciones por splines clásicos y robustos (con estimación robusta del parámetro. La estimación obtenida es muy convincente pero el tiempo de ejecución del programa es relativamente elevado tanto para RCp y RCV, aun cuando, en ciertos casos, con pocas iteraciones robustas se obtienen ya resultados más útiles que la estimación clásica.

  10. Produtividade agregada brasileira (1970-2000: declínio robusto e fraca recuperação

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    Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute o comportamento da Produtividade Total dos Fatores (PTF no Brasil entre 1970 e 1998. É feita uma análise de quanto da queda da PTF pode ser explicado a partir de mudanças na forma tradicional de cálculo desta variável. Entre as variações serão consideradas: utilização da capacidade instalada, modificações no uso do capital, mensuração do capital por meio do consumo de eletricidade, distorções no preço relativo, capital humano e investimento específico à determinada tecnologia. O único caso no qual a PTF apresenta uma modificação em seu comportamento é o de correção de distorções no preço relativo, em que a PTF se recupera mais rapidamente.This study explores the productivity performance of the Brazilian economy between 1970 and 1998. We assess how much of the TFP downfall can be explained by some departures from the standard procedure. We incorporate to the standard measure utilization of capacity, changes in the workweek of capital, services of capital from electricity consumption, relative prices distortions, human capital, and investment in specific technology. We conclude that the downfall in productivity is quite robust to those specifications. The only case that presents a marked difference from the standard TFP measure occurs when relative prices of capital are corrected. The implications of this finding are a topic for future research.

  11. Desenvolvimento e construção do prototipo de um microtrator articulado


    Valdiero, Antonio Carlos


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica Neste trabalho apresenta-se o desenvolvimento e a construção de um microtrator articulado de quatro rodas. Buscou-se, como uma alternativa à tração animal, uma solução mecanizada apropriada às pequenas propriedades, de fácil manobra, com velocidades de deslocamento apropriadas às diversas operações agrícolas, fácil operação e manutenção, baixo custo, robusto...



    Andréia Pisching Garcia Härter


    Este trabalho objetivou o desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões e nanocápsulas poliméricas contendo tioconazol para o tratamento tópico de micoses superficiais. Inicialmente, foi validado um método por cromatografia líquida com detecção UV para quantificação do tioconazol nas formulações nanoestruturadas. O método apresentou-se específico, linear, preciso, exato e robusto. As nanoemulsões e nanocápsulas de PCL contendo o tioconazol (1,0 mg/mL) foram preparadas pelos métodos de emulsificação espontâ...



    Laís Weber Righi


    Um método rápido usando cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência acoplada a espectrometria de massas (UPLC-MS/MS) foi implementado e otimizado para proporcionar a determinação completa de 36 micotoxinas em amostras de vinhos. A extração foi realizada com acetonitrila, aplicando o método QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, Safe; em português: Rápido, Fácil, Barato, Efetivo, Robusto e Seguro) modificado. Tradicionalmente, o método QuEChERS é muito conhecido na determinação de múlt...

  14. Aplicando Tolerancia a Fallas para la Implementación de Compensación de Saturación en Accionadores

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    Wilber Acuña-Bravo


    Full Text Available Resumen: En esta contribución se presenta un método para la implementación práctica de sistemas de control con compensación de saturación en los actuadores. La técnica se aplica en sistemas lineales, tomando como base un mecanismo de diagnóstico y detección de fallas. Para ello, la saturación en los actuadores es considerada como una falla en el sistema de control, la cual es detectada y aislada mediante un banco de filtros de diagnóstico de fallas, cuyos residuos son utilizados para efectuar la compensación de la saturación, proporcionando un esquema de control tolerante a esta falla particular. Así, el método exhibe ciertas propiedades de robustez frente a cambios en el funcionamiento de los actuadores. Para la síntesis de los filtros de detección de fallas se propone un método derivado de las técnicas de control óptimo robusto en H2/H∞, basado en desigualdades lineales matriciales. Para verificar las propiedades de la tećnica propuesta se presenta un ejemplo numeŕico. Palabras clave: Control tolerante a fallas, compensación anti-windup, filtros de detección defallas, desigualdades lineales matriciales

  15. Dimensionamento do eixo do impelidor em sistemas de agitação e mistura para processos industriais


    Eduardo Jose Barbosa


    Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma metodologia de cálculo, de uso simples, porém de caráter robusto, a ser utilizado na seleção de sistemas de agitação e mistura, que englobam: Cálculo/dimensionamento do eixo do agitador para torção e flexão tipo "eixo vazado" para conjunto unico e de multiplos impelidores; Verificação da Rotação Crítica para sistemas de agitação que possuem eixos em balanço; Estimar a potência consumi da em sistemas agitados que utilizam impelidor( es) para ...

  16. Winston Spencer Churchill. Sus Enfermedades y la Medicina de su Época.

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    Ricardo Rueda González


    El robusto y rosagante niño Winston fue bautizado en solemne ceremonia el 27 de diciembre de 1874 en la Capilla del Palacio de Blenheim, por el capellán de los duques, el Reverendo Henry Williams Lule y de inmediato fue entregado a la niñera Mrs. Elizabeth Anne Everest, quien se constituyó en su segunda mamá. Everest era una mujer inteligente y bondadosa que supo manejar con profundo cariño y habilidad a Winston hasta su edad adulta. Falleció de una peritonitis a los 68 años, en 1895 cuando su niño consentido contaba apenas con 21 años.

  17. Desenvolvimento de algorítmos matemáticos aplicados a confiabilidade estrutural


    Santos, Solange Regina dos


    Resumo: A resolução de problemas de confiabilidade estrutural pelo Método de Primeira Ordem requer a utilização de algoritmos de otimização para encontrar a menor distância entre a função de estado limite e a origem do espaço normal padrão. O algoritmo Hasofer-Lind- Rackwitz-Fiessler (HLRF), desenvolvido especificamente para este fim, tem sido eficiente, mas não robusto, pois não converge para um número significativo de problemas. Métodos de programação não linear, como por exemplo, Gradiente...

  18. Sistema de reconocimiento facial utilizando el análisis de componentes principales com una red neuronal Backpropagation desarrollada en C# y Matlab


    Blanco Iturralde, David Roberto; Chávez Sánchez, Juan Daniel


    Al desarrollar el sistema basados en las técnicas y métodos anteriormente descritos se considero el lenguaje de programación C Sharp para la creación de la interfaz del sistema por las características que brinda en el manejo de imágenes a través de sus librerías que son apropiadas para este tipo de trabajo y Matlab para la red neuronal backpropagation y cálculos matemáticos complejos por ser un lenguaje nativo en la resolución de problemas matemáticos obteniendo así un sistema robusto y de al...

  19. Sistema de servocontrol visual empleando redes neuronales y filtros en el dominio de CIELAB//Visual servo-control system using neural networks and filters based on CIELAB

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    Germán Buitrago Salazar


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un sistema servocontrol visual de un brazo robótico de seis grados de libertad. Para esto, se utiliza una red neuronal de tipo feed forward, entrenada por back propagation, para determinar la distancia entre el brazo robótico y un objeto de referencia, que permite ubicarlo en un espacio de trabajo. Las entradas de la red corresponden a la información obtenida de las imágenes capturadas por el Kinect, utilizando un filtro que discrimina la posición de los elementos, en el espacio de color CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*b components. El resultado de esta investigación demostró que la distancia estimada por la red tiene un margen de error menor, que el algoritmo propuesto en otros trabajos. Igualmente, se probó que el sistema de procesamiento de imágenes es más robusto a ruidos digitales, en comparación con los sistemas que utilizan filtros en el dominio RGB (Red-Green-Blue.Palabras claves: sistema de servocontrol visual, CIELAB, redes neuronales, filtrado de imágenes.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this paper the results of visual servo-control system for a robotic arm with six degrees of freedom are presented. For this purpose, a feed fordward neural network, which was trained by back propagation, is used to determine the distance between the robot arm and a reference object and sitting the robot in the workspace. The inputs of neural network correspond to the information obtained from the images captured by the Kinect, using a filter that discriminates the position of the elements in the CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*bcomponents color space. The result of this research showed that the estimated distance with the network has an errorless than the algorithm proposed in other works. Similarly, it was proved that the image processing system is more robust to digital noise, compared to

  20. I-Structure software cache for distributed applications

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    Alfredo Cristóbal Salas


    Full Text Available En este artículo, describimos el caché de software I-Structure para entornos de memoria distribuida (D-ISSC, lo cual toma ventaja de la localidad de los datos mientras mantiene la capacidad de tolerancia a la latencia de sistemas de memoria I-Structure. Las facilidades de programación de los programas MPI, le ocultan los problemas de sincronización al programador. Nuestra evaluación experimental usando un conjunto de pruebas de rendimiento indica que clusters de PC con I-Structure y su mecanismo de cache D-ISSC son más robustos. El sistema puede acelerar aplicaciones de comunicación intensiva regulares e irregulares.

  1. Cómo Afectan los Impuestos a la Calidad del Resultado? Evidencia Empírica en las Empresas Españolas no Cotizadas.

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    Amparo Sánchez Segura


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene por objeto analizar empíricamente en qué medida los impuestos afectan a la calidad del resultado en las compañías españolas no cotizadas. Tomando una amplia muestra de empresas, documentamos en qué circunstancias la tributación puede reducir la calidad de la información contable. No obstante, el objetivo de reducir costes fiscales está confinado a las compañías que no presentan riesgos derivados del endeudamiento. Nuestros resultados se mantienen robustos tras controlar las características corporativas que la literatura señala como determinantes innatos de la calidad contable y empleando especificaciones alternativas.This paper presents the results of an empirical analysis of the extent to which taxes affect the earnings quality disclosed by non-listed Spanish companies. Based on a large sample of firms, we document the circumstances in which taxation may reduce the quality of accounting information. Notwithstanding, the aim for diminishing fiscal expenses is restricted to companies that are not exposed to the risks associated to leverage. Our results are robust after controlling for those corporate characteristics found by the published literature as innate determinants of the quality of accounting information as well as in the presence of alternative functional specifications.

  2. Sensor Virtual Adaptable de Concentración de Etanol para Fermentadores Industriales

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    Boris Martínez


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los sistemas de control emplean sensores para observar el estado del proceso y tomar decisiones. En ocasiones, se necesita estimar las variables del proceso pues el sensor adecuado no existe, es prohibitivamente costoso o las mediciones son difíciles de realizar. Una solución consiste en inferir las variables no medidas a partir de otras variables mediante sensores virtuales o sensores por software (soft-sensors. En los procesos de fermentación alcohólica, la medición de la concentración del etanol es esencial. Sin embargo, no existen sensores baratos y confiables para medirla en línea ni existe una solución aceptada por todos del modelado de dicha variable. Además, las fermentaciones nunca son iguales pues los microorganismos son muy sensibles a pequeñas desviaciones en las variables involucradas. Por tanto, estos procesos requieren un sistema de estimación adaptable y altamente robusto. En este trabajo se presenta un sensor virtual adaptable para un proceso fermentativo de bioetanol empleando un modelo borroso evolutivo a partir de datos del proceso. Además, el modelo obtenido es compacto y presenta una estructura adecuada para su aplicación futura en estrategias de control, en aras de optimizar la productividad del proceso y disminuir los costos de producción. Palabras clave: bioetanol, procesos fermentativos, sensores virtuales o sensores software, sistemas adaptables, sistemas borrosos

  3. Coeficiente de Adversidad en aspirantes a soldados del Ejército Ecuatoriano

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    Ender Enrique Carrasquero Carrasquero


    Full Text Available Introducción: "Coeficiente de Adversidad" (Adversidad Quotient ® - AQ, en su versión original en inglés, es el producto más robusto y método ampliamente utilizado en el mundo para medir la resiliencia humana. Objetivo: determinar el Coeficiente de Adversidad en aspirantes a soldados del ejército. Método: se ejecutó una revisión del estado de la cuestión lo que llevó a adoptar las bases teóricas que sustentan el estudio. Metodológicamente fue de tipo transeccional, descriptivo de campo, teniendo como población 1 227 aspirantes a soldados y una muestra total de 332 unidades de información correspondientes a 10 pelotones seleccionados al azar, de los dos cursos académicos. El instrumento utilizado para la recolección de información fue el Coeficiente de Adversidad, compuesto por 75 ítems, los cuales evaluaron los factores control, propiedad, alcance y duración, así como determinaron el Coeficiente de Adversidad terreno de la muestra estudiada. Resultados: los más importantes permiten reportar, que el personal posee altos niveles de control, Propiedad y Duración, en referencia al Alcance, el nivel también es alto pero en menor medida que los anteriores. Conclusiones: en términos generales la muestra posee un alto nivel de coeficiente de adversidad.

  4. Estudio de Aplicación del Análisis Regional de Frecuencias Basado en L-Momentos al Caso de las Precipitaciones Anuales en la Provincia de Camagüey, Cuba

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    Raidel Báez Prieto

    Full Text Available Resumen En esta investigación se presenta un caso de estudio de aplicación del procedimiento conocido como Análisis Regional de Frecuencias basado en L-momentos, al estudio de las precipitaciones anuales en la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba. Se ha adoptado la mencionada metodología por ser un procedimiento estadísticamente robusto para compensar la carencia de registros históricos de larga data por su abundancia en el área de estudio. La aplicación de la metodología permitió la estimación de las probabilidades y períodos de retornos de las precipitaciones anuales (cuantil de interés así como la obtención de mapas de frecuencia.

  5. Incidencia fiscal en México ¿Es posible aumentar la recaudación sin afectar a la población?

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    Arturo Robles Valencia


    Full Text Available Este trabajo reseña la literatura teórica y empírica en relación con la incidencia fiscal y la posibilidad de generar una situación de mayor recaudación, en relación con un trato justo de los contribuyentes por el sistema fiscal; esto con el objetivo de alcanzar una equidad horizontal y con miras a una mejora en el estado de bienestar, acorde a un efecto redistributivo. Además, se considera la necesidad de una recaudación eficiente para generar un sistema robusto, el cual pueda solventar el gasto público para el caso mexicano. Se concluye con una serie de comentarios con base en la experiencia y la situación actual de la incidencia fiscal.

  6. Sinopsis de la arqueología y la bioantropología del poblamiento temprano del noroccidente de Sudamérica

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    Miguel Delgado


    Full Text Available Colombia representa un área importan - te para estudiar el poblamiento inicial de Suda mérica debido a su posición geográfi - ca y su marcada diversidad ecológica y cul - tural. Avances recientes en la investigación arqueológica, así como en el estudio de la diversidad molecular y en el análisis de res - tos óseos prehispánicos mediante métodos estadísticos, enfoques poblacionales y teóri - cos más robustos ameritan una revisión. En este trabajo se presenta un resumen general de las investigaciones arqueológicas y bioan - tropológicas realizadas sobre el poblamiento inicial de Colombia, al mismo tiempo que se discuten algunos aspectos relacionados con dicho proceso.

  7. El modelo neurobiológico de la conciencia

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    Luis Álvarez Munárriz


    Full Text Available El modelo neurobiológico de la conciencia está implantado y arraigado en la ciencia actual. En esta contribución se pretende probar que posee unos débiles cimientos que deben ser reforzados. Para mostrarlo se reflexiona críticamente sobre tres de sus dimensiones que se pueden considerar esenciales: (i la identificación de conciencia y cerebro; (ii la negación del libre albedrío; y (iii las escasas aplicaciones clínicas del modelo. Estas reflexiones nos indican la necesidad de construir un modelo más robusto. Se necesita un modelo predictivo cuyos resultados no solamente se puedan validar sino que además tengan aplicaciones prácticas que sirvan para mejorar el bienestar y la calidad de vida de las personas.


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    Miguel Chirinos G.


    Full Text Available En este artículo se mide la interrelación y trasmisión de choques que existe entre los mercados financieros de la América Latina. El indicador más utilizado ha sido el coeficiente de correlación; el principal problema de éste es que no es robusto a la heteroscedasticidad. En el trabajo empírico, muchos autores definen la mutua de-pendencia según el indicador y los objetivos que esperan alcanzar. Nuestro trabajo propone las cópulas y los eventos extremos como mediciones de la mutua (inter dependencia de los mercados; estos indicadores presentan ventajas, tanto para la diversificación como del valor en riesgo (VR de la cartera, frente al coeficiente de correlación cuando es utilizado para los fines mencionados.

  9. Servicios en comunicaciones de emergencia

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    Henry Zárate Ceballos


    Full Text Available Las telecomunicaciones han sufrido transformaciones a lo largo de los últimos años y han modificado a las sociedades y los modelos culturales del mundo. En la actualidad es necesario afrontar realidades adicionales como lo son el cambio climático y las situaciones de origen antrópico y no antrópico, apoyados en la tecnología. Es por ello que se deben modelar y simular sistemas de telecomunicaciones en emergencia garantizando la prestación de servicios de telecomunicaciones en situaciones de emergencia en sus diferentes etapas de prevención, atención y recuperación. El diseño de redes con modelos robustos es útil para el manejo de diferentes tipos de paquetes y el manejo de prioridades de tráfico de información.

  10. Research: an Illustrative Case and Some Guidelines

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    J. Ramón Gil-García


    Full Text Available Se muestran las ventajas y se describen los pasos para aplicar técnicas para datos tipo panel ( dp en ciencias sociales. Se argumenta que los investigadores deberían entender las oportunidades y beneficios que se derivan al usarlas, incluyendo análisis más robustos de fenómenos sociales complejos. Usando un set de datos longitudinal sobre subsidios para capacitación en empresas de Michigan , se presentan dos variedades de análisis estadístico usando métodos dp (efectos fijos y efectos aleatorios. El ejemplo es un caso usado en cursos de análisis cuantitativo en programas de educación superior en los Estados Unidos y alrededor del mundo. Modelos de efectos fijos, efectos aleatorios y regresión tradicional son presentados y discutidos.

  11. Dinámica de sistemas en la gestión de inventarios

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    Daniel Alejandro Agudelo Serna


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se estudia el proceso de gestión de inventarios por medio de la dinámica de sistemas, como herramienta metodológica que permite conocer el comportamiento de las variables de acuerdo a sus relaciones y a las decisiones que se tomen teniendo en cuenta su causalidad y realimentación. El desarrollo del documento está determinado por una revisión de conceptos teóricos relacionados con la gestión de inventarios y dinámica de sistemas, seguido por una revisión de literatura, en donde se analizan modelos dinámicos que relacionan las variables que afectan directa o indirectamente al inventario, resaltando la importancia de modelos robustos que permitan obtener mejores resultados y así poder establecer políticas de gestión y control del inventario. El objetivo fundamental es presentar una revisión de los modelos dinámicos relacionados con el inventario, en donde es posible observar los diagramas causales y de Forrester, variables, criterios y parámetros que influyen en cada uno de los sistemas presentados. Se supone una metodología basada en la búsqueda de información, para posteriormente desarrollar un análisis detallado de cada modelo encontrado.

  12. La política económica de las crisis financieras: Una aproximación empírica

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    Juan Ricardo Perilla Jiménez


    Full Text Available Se desarrolla un modelo de pérdida política para analizar la interacción entre la naturaleza política de las decisiones económicas y su efecto en la probabilidad de crisis financieras. Se utilizan dos definiciones diferentes de crisis, una en términos monetarios y la otra en términos de balanza de pagos, para contrastar el poder explicativo de factores de naturaleza estrictamente política sobre definiciones alternativas del evento de crisis. Además, se utiliza un modelo probit sobre una muestra de 63 países con observaciones entre 1985 y 2000. La evidencia estadística sugiere que aquellos factores de naturaleza política que son robustos en la explicación de crisis monetarias, son más ambiguos en la explicación de crisis de balanza de pagos.

  13. Bilateral Transport Cost, Infrastructure, Common Bilateral Ties and Political Stability.

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    Danielken Molina


    Full Text Available Los costos de transporte son una de las más importantes fuentes de barreras al comercio. Inspirados por este aspecto, utilizamos un modelo empírico ad-hoc con el fin de examinar los posibles determinantes de los costos de transporte. Utilizando una base de datos de costos de transporte bilaterales para el año 1990, replicamos el trabajo de Limao y Venables (2001 y encontramos que el efecto de su ´índice de infraestructura sobre los costos de transporte no es robusto. Siguiendo a Micco (2004 y Micco y Serebrinzky (2005 calculamos dos ´índices alternativos de infraestructura. Utilizando estos ´índices encontramos que aparte de la distancia, la infraestructura, la estabilidad política, las relaciones bilaterales comunes y los acuerdos de cielos abiertos son otros importantes canales mediante los cuales los costos de transporte pueden reducirse.

  14. Envelhecimento bem-sucedido: uma meta no curso da vida

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    Ilka Nicéia D'Aquino Oliveira Teixeira


    Full Text Available Não há definição consensual de envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Os termos envelhecimento ativo, robusto e bem-sucedido são usados de maneira indiscriminada para explicar o processo de envelhecer bem. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir o significado de envelhecimento bem-sucedido, enfatizando que a subjetividade do conceito está relacionada à individualidade e às diferenças socioculturais. A longevidade não deve ser o único componente para avaliar o envelhecimento bem-sucedido. Envelhecer bem envolve múltiplos fatores, incluindo individuais, psicológicos, biológicos e sociais. A conclusão é que o bem-estar subjetivo é o componente mais importante para avaliar o “sucesso”. O envelhecimento bem-sucedido assemelha-se a um princípio organizacional que pode ser alcançado estabelecendo-se metas pessoais realistas no curso de vida.

  15. Estudio transversal de los determinantes del trabajo infantil en Cartagena, año 2007

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    Karina Acevedo


    Full Text Available El trabajo infantil constituye una problemática compleja que tiene importantes repercusiones en las reservas de capital humano, en la salud de los niños y niñas, y en la persistencia de la pobreza. Nuestro principal objetivo en este artículo es dilucidar sus determinantes en la ciudad de Cartagena a través de la estimación de un modelo probit bivariado, con el cual analizamos conjuntamente las decisiones de trabajo y de asistencia escolar. Los resultados muestran que el trabajo infantil y la asistencia escolar son actividades excluyentes, siendo los determinantes más robustos de estas decisiones la educación del jefe de hogar, y la pobreza. Entre otros determinantes se encuentran las restricciones crediticias, la proximidad física a las escuelas y la tasa de ocupación de las personas adultas.

  16. Simulaciones hidrodinámicas de flujos complejos (United States)

    María Ibáñez Cabanell, José

    Son muchos los escenarios astrofísicos en que los procesos hidrodinámicos juegan un papel clave. En la complejidad que encierra la descripción de dichos procesos destaca el de la correcta simulación de flujos complejos donde la presencia de ondas de choque fuertes que, eventualmente, interaccionan entre ellas o también la presencia de inestabilidades (Kelvin-Helmholtz, Rayleigh-Taylor, etc.) suponen un verdadero desafío numérico. Los códigos hidrodinámicos basados en la solución de un problema de valores iniciales discontinuo (problema de Riemann) son, en la actualidad, los más robustos en el campo de la dinámica de fluidos computacional. En esta charla se dará un resumen de los fundamentos de dichas técnicas numéricas (esquemas de alta resolución de captura de choques) y se ilustrará su potencialidad mostrando una amplia gama de resultados en diferentes aplicaciones astrofísicas.

  17. Planeación de inventarios con demanda dinámica. Una revisión del estado del arte

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    Marisol Valencia-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available Una adecuada planeación de inventarios debe incorporar factores cambiantes en el tiempo, ya que los estáticos no son robustos ante esta evidente variabilidad. Además, en los modelos de inventarios es necesario reconocer la gran incertidumbre de la demanda. En este trabajo se revisa el Estado del Arte de los desarrollos más significativos relacionados con modelos de inventarios, especialmente los que consideran demanda dinámica. Se analizan métodos de pronóstico de demanda y algunas técnicas utilizadas para la optimización de inventarios, considerando costos y niveles de servicio, entre otros aspectos. En la revisión de literatura, se han detectado vacíos relacionados con el tratamiento de inventarios multiproducto, así como en el uso de la estadística bayesiana con el propósito de su optimización y del desarrollo de pronósticos de demanda.

  18. Construcción de una metodología para evaluar la sustentabilidad de las políticas de inversión en innovación

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    Tatiana Giraldo Pardo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende identificar a la luz de los indicadores de ciencia y tecnología, cuáles factores determinan la sustentabilidad de las políticas de inversión en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación dentro de los países iberoamericanos. Para ello se adoptan las cifras de los indicadores de la Ricyt (Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, y con base en los resultados, se construyen dos modelos de sustentabilidad, fundamentados en dos ecuaciones paralelas. El primer modelo, está en función de la sostenibilidad y la pertinencia de las actividades de Ciencia y Tecnología. El segundo modelo, hace depender la sustentabilidad de la responsabilidad social y la iniciativa a la estructura. Se espera que los resultados arrojados por este doble modelo, sean más robustos que aquellos formulados a partir de los resultados de cada uno de los métodos por separado.

  19. Validación del sistema ultramicroelisa en la certificación de placenta humana como materia prima farmacéutica y cosmética

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    Maydelin Trujillo Alfonso

    Full Text Available Introducción: el Laboratorio de Control Viral de la Planta Derivados de la Placenta realiza la certificación de la placenta humana como materia prima farmacéutica y cosmética mediante el sistema ultramicroanalítico. Objetivo: validar el sistema ultramicroelisa de determinación de antígeno de superficie del virus de la hepatitis B, anticuerpos contra el virus de la hepatitis C y virus de inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 y 2 en muestras de suero de cordón umbilical. Métodos: se realizó la calificación de la operación y la validación del desempeño analítico de los sistemas UMELISA HBsAg Plus, UMELISA HCV y UMELISA HIV 1+2 Recombinant empleandocomo sistemas de referencia el Hepanostika HBsAg Uni-FormII, Hepanostika HCV Ultra y Vironostika HIV-Uni-Form II Ag/Ab. Resultados: la calificación de la operación para las tres técnicas analíticas resultó satisfactoria. Los parámetros de especificidad diagnóstica y analítica fueron de 100 %, así como la concordancia con las técnicas de referencia. El coeficiente de variación fue menor del 10 % durante el estudio de precisión interensayo, menor que el 20 % intraensayo y se demostró la robustez de las técnicas para pequeños cambios en la temperatura de incubación. Conclusiones: los sistemas ultramicroelisa utilizados como método de control de la calidad de la placenta humana resultaron específicos, precisos y robustos en las condiciones ensayadas, por lo que pueden emplearse de manera segura y confiable.

  20. Determinantes da estrutura de capital das companhias abertas na América Latina: um estudo empírico considerando fatores macroeconômicos e institucionais

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    Douglas Dias Bastos


    Full Text Available Pesquisas recentes têm evidenciado que os fatores específicos dos países, como os ambientes legal, institucional e econômico, influenciam a estrutura de capital das empresas. O presente estudo investiga os determinantes da estrutura de capital, utilizando painel de dados, para uma amostra de 388 empresas pertencentes às sete maiores economias da América Latina (México, Brasil, Argentina, Chile e Peru, no período 2001-2006. A partir de seis indicadores do nível de endividamento, foi evidenciado que os fatores específicos da firma – liquidez corrente, rentabilidade, market to book value e tamanho – apresentam os resultados mais significantes. A teoria do pecking order é a que melhor explica os resultados obtidos. Os resultados para os fatores macroeconômicos e institucionais não foram tão robustos, exceto para as variáveis crescimento do PIB, e em menor grau para as proxies sobre relevância do mercado de capitais, carga fiscal e tempo de abertura de um novo negócio.


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    Luz Fátima Huallpa Vargas


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un procedimiento de autenticación de imágenes digitales combinando diversos métodos relacionados con watermarks (marcas de agua digitales y métodos de cifrado, con el fin de proteger los derechos de autor de imágenes digitales. Para que este procedimiento sea robusto, imperceptible y resistente a diferentes ataques intencionales o no intencionales se trabaja en el dominio de las frecuencias de la imagen utilizando la Transformada Discreta del Coseno (Discrete Cosine Transform, DCT. Para agregar mayor nivel de protección y seguridad a la imagen marcada, se cifra el mensaje insertado a partir de una clave del autor empleando el método de Autómatas Celulares. El mensaje insertado es resistente a la compresión JPEG, a los ruidos y filtros gaussiano y salt-and-pepper. La extracción del mensaje se realiza a partir de la imagen marcada para lo cual se hace uso estricto de la clave del autor para verificar la autenticidad del mismo.


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    Douglas B. Mazzinghy


    Full Text Available O circuito de remoagem do projeto Minas-Rio é atualmente o maior do mundo utilizando moinhos verticais. O circuito possui 16 Vertimill VTM-1500 da Metso e 8 baterias de ciclones. O início das operações ocorreu no final de 2014 e os moinhos têm se mostrado bem robustos para a aplicação selecionada. O minério processado é um itabirito que é concentrado através de flotação reversa. O circuito de remoagem tem como objetivo reduzir a granulometria do concentrado final para facilitar o transporte através de um mineroduto com mais de 525 km de extensão. O presente trabalho apresenta os dados obtidos através de amostragens do circuito industrial além de testes em escala de laboratório para estimativa de consumo energético. Estes resultados também são comparados com os testes em escala de laboratório e piloto executados para dimensionamento do circuito de remoagem.

  3. Aglomeración urbana en la estimación de escenarios de riesgo sanitario por emisiones de gasolineras: el caso de Ensenada, Baja California

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    Marco Antonio García-Zárate


    Full Text Available Objetivo: se propone una herramienta conceptual y metodológica mediante la cual es posible representar la contribución de los componentes sociales, económicos y territoriales en la aglomeración de personas dentro de una ciudad, para delimitar zonas de riesgo sanitario por la exposición a emisiones de gasolina en estaciones de servicio. Resultados: el modelo propuesto facilita la focalización, identificación y priorización las zonas de riesgo por contaminación ambiental por BTEX liberados por gasolineras. Discusión: la inclusión en modelos espaciales de riesgo, del número de personas que acuden a construcciones como escuelas y hospitales que generan aglomeración, trasciende el ámbito conceptual y ofrece aspectos metodológicos e instrumentales para lograr modelos más robustos y aplicables en otras ciudades. Las agencias gubernamentales deben considerar estos resultados para el establecimiento de reglas, permisos y procedimientos de ejecución con el fin de reducir la contaminación del medio ambiente y, con esto, mejorar las condiciones sanitarias en el entorno complejo de una zona urbana. Conclusiones: el análisis espacial integrado no resuelve las complicadas negociaciones políticas y sociales que se tienen que hacer en la toma de decisiones sobre los riesgo sanitario, lo que sí mejora es la capacidad de los científicos y tomadores de decisiones en la identificación, evaluación, control y reducción de estos riesgos asociados con las emisiones de las estaciones de servicio.

  4. Control rod position control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ubukata, Shinji.


    The present invention provides a control rod position control device which stores data such as of position signals and driving control rod instruction before and after occurrence of abnormality in control for the control rod position for controlling reactor power and utilized the data effectively for investigating the cause of abnormality. Namely, a plurality of individual control devices have an operation mismatching detection circuit for outputting signals when difference is caused between a driving instruction given to the control rod position control device and the control rod driving means and signals from a detection means for detecting an actual moving amount. A general control device collectively controls the individual control devices. In addition, there is also disposed a position storing circuit for storing position signals at least before and after the occurrence of the control rod operation mismatching. With such procedures, the cause of the abnormality can be determined based on the position signals before and after the occurrence of control rod mismatching operation stored in the position storing circuit. Accordingly, the abnormality cause can be determined to conduct restoration in an early stage. (I.S.)

  5. La estructura de las interrelaciones productivas de la economía del estado de Yucatán. Un enfoque de insumo-producto

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    Lilian Albornoz Mendoza


    Full Text Available Para evaluar los efectos de inversión pública y privada y los resultados de programas productivos y sociales de política pública, es imprescindible diseñar instrumentos de análisis económico robustos y sistemáticos. La matriz de insumo producto para la economía de Yucatán, base 2003, es la herramienta por excelencia, que contribuye a dilucidar la vinculación de los sectores de la economía, las actividades con potencial de arrastre y empuje, entender los efectos multiplicadores de alto impacto y es el idóneo para proponer objetivamente algunas líneas de acción, para incentivar un crecimiento económico equitativo y sostenido. El artículo cumple con dos objetivos: mostrar tanto el ejercicio académico de elaboración de la matriz de insumo producto, como la evidencia empírica de la economía de Yucatán, con la finalidad de asignar los recursos y programas de política pública a sus sectores clave.

  6. Aplicação de PHP, Javascript, CSS e MySQL na Criação do Portal de Agro@mbiente On-line. = Application of PHP, Javascript, CSS and MySQL in the creation of Agro@mbiente On-line’s web site.

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    Luciano S. Neucamp


    Full Text Available Descrevemos uma aplicação conjunta de PHP, Javascript, CSS e MySQL na criação do Portal de Agro@mbiente On-line, a revista científica eletrônica do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Roraima - Brasil. A metodologia de desenvolvimento do site foi planejada para construir uma interface de navegação simples, interativa e esteticamente amigável; assim como construir um banco de dados simples mais robusto para fornecer suporte quanto à estatística de gestão do periódico. = We described an application of PHP, Javascript, CSS and MySQL beside in the creation of Agro@mbiente On-line’s web site, the Scientific e-Magazine of the Centro de Ciências Agrárias of the Universidade Federal de Roraima - Brazil. The methodology of site’s development was planned to build an interface of simple sailing, iterative and esthetical friendly; as well as building a more robust simple database to supply support with relationship to the statistics of administration of themagazine.

  7. Enfoques de Aprendizaje en Estudiantes Universitarios Argentinos según el R-SPQ-2F: Análisis de sus Propiedades Psicométricas

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    Full Text Available Se presenta la adaptación del Cuestionario Re visado de Procesos de Estudio, Dos Factores R - SPQ -2 F , que evalúa enfoques de aprendizaje, para su uso en población estudiantil universitaria argentina. Tres ju eces expertos examinaron aspectos de validez de contenido y 20 estudiantes evaluaron la adecuación lingüística y las evidencias de validez aparente. Se recogieron, además, dos muestras independientes para analizar evidencias de validez de constructo: 204 estudiantes de 18 a 36 años ( M =23.57, DE = 3.67 para el estudio factorial exploratorio y de consiste ncia interna, y 528 alumnos de entre 17 y 36 años ( M =22.50, DE = 3.73 para el análisis factor ial confirmatorio, que comparó tres modelos, mediante el método de máxima verosimilitud robusto. El es tudio de confiabilidad test-retest incluyó 19 educandos. Los resultados indican mejor ajuste del modelo de dos factores, que representa los enfoques de aprendizaje profundo y superficial. Se discuten los hall azgos a la luz de la teoría y de implicaciones prácticas.

  8. Plantas medicinales en el tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2: una revisión

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    Gallego Muñoz C


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo de esta revisión es proporcionar a los farmacéuticos comunitarios información práctica para orientar a los pacientes con DM2 en tratamiento con plantas medicinales. Material y método: Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura publicada en las principales bases de datos hasta el 31 de marzo de 2014. Las revisiones y estudios seleccionados fueron sometidos a lectura crítica y a la evaluación de su calidad metodológica. Resultados: Los pacientes, a menudo, solicitan asesoramiento farmacéutico para el empleo de estas plantas en el tratamiento de DM2; sin embargo, no existen estudios robustos que ayuden a los farmacéuticos a ofrecer consejos con fiabilidad. Los estudios existentes incluyen pocos pacientes, están mal diseñados y los resultados son heterogéneos. Conclusión: El fenogreco o alholva posee un efecto hipoglucemiante con una fuerte evidencia científica. También existe buena evidencia en el caso de ivy gourd y gymnema en el manejo de la hiperglucemia.

  9. A different look over the financial depth nonlinearity: Evidence from Europe

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    José Alberto Fuinhas


    Full Text Available A relação não linear entre Crescimento Económico e Profundidade Financeira foi avaliada com recurso a um painel de 25 países europeus, para o período compreendido entre 1996 e 2011. Estes países partilham padrões espaciais comuns como foi confirmado pela presença de dependência seccional. Além disso, foi identificado heterocedasticidade e autocorrelação de primeira ordem no painel. O teste de Hausman suporta a presença de heterogeneidade, selecionando o modelo de efeitos fixos. Foi utilizado o estimador Driscoll e Kraay com efeitos fixos, que é robusto a estes fenómenos. A não linearidade da relação entre Crescimento Económico e Profundidade Financeira foi confirmada pelo U-teste de Lind e Mehlum. Pode-se concluir que o incremento na profundidade financeira restringe o Crescimento Economico para os países europeus. Como tal, a dimensão ótima do sector financeiro deve ser considerada pelos decisores de política económica.

  10. Distribucion hiperbolica generalizada: una aplicacion en la seleccion de portafolios y en cuantificacion de medidas de riesgo de mercado

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    Jose Luis Alayon


    Full Text Available La distribución Hiperbólica Generalizada ha sido usada por académicos y profesionales para eliminar los problemas de colas de distribución delgadas en finanzas, y por su utilidad en la modelación de los retornos de los activos y de las medidas de riesgo de mercado. En este trabajo, la distribución hiperbólica generalizada es usada para encontrar el portafolio óptimo y su riesgo de mercado. Igualmente, se desarrolla un método para la Selección de Portafolio Robusto la cual reduce la sensibilidad del portafolio ante variaciones de los parámetros de la distribución. Luego de esto, se muestra un esquema comparativo para determinar cómo la inclusión del nuevo método representa un avance respecto a la teoría de selección de portafolios de Markowitz. Por último, en algunos gráficos se muestra el efecto de los parámetros sobre la forma de la distribución, lo que se usa para generar escenarios de estrés y portafolios óptimos.

  11. Una aproximación para la construcción de una metodología para la evaluación de la competitividad empresarial en pymes

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    Julián Ramírez Angulo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: diseñar un instrumento que facilite la medición de la competitividad empresarial en pymes, de acuerdo con los antecedentes que indican la dificultad existente para medir este concepto y su grado de apropiación en este tipo de organizaciones. Diseño/metodología: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para determinar los factores antecedentes de la competitividad empresarial. De dicha revisión se obtuvieron las principales variables de medición, con las cuales se diseñó un instrumento tendente a evaluar la competitividad en las pymes, el cual ha sido ajustado mediante el método de análisis factorial por componentes principales, donde se han empleado criterios de validación de escalas para garantizar su calidad. Hallazgos: se presenta un instrumento con 72 ítems, el cual es robusto y confiable para la medición de la competitividad en pymes. También se presentan implicaciones y recomendaciones, no sólo respecto a este estudio sino a investigaciones futuras en el tema.

  12. La historia orbital de Deimos y la oblicuidad de Marte (United States)

    Brunini, A.; Yokoyama, T.

    Recientemente, se ha demostrado mediante extensas integraciones numéricas, que la rotación de Marte pasó repetidamente por estados caóticos de movimiento, debido al pasaje por zonas de resonancia spin - órbita. En dichas circunstancias, la oblicuidad marciana pudo haber sufrido grandes excursiones de varias decenas de grados. Las consecuencias de dichas variaciones son de extrema importancia en el contexto de la búsqueda de manifestaciones de vida fósil en dicho planeta. El estudio de la dinámica orbital del satélite más exterior de Marte, Deimos, nos ha permitido comprobar, en el marco de las distintas teorías sobre su orígen, que la oblicuidad de Marte dificilmente pudo haber sufrido variaciones que la aparten más de 10o respecto de actual valor. Este resultado parece ser mucho más robusto que las simulaciones numéricas de Touma y Wisdom asi como las de Laskar y Robutel, lo que permite poner cotas más severas a la evolución paleoclimática de Marte.

  13. ¿Los modelos basados en el CAPM valoran adecuadamente los emprendimientos familiares?

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    David Ernesto Wong Cam


    Full Text Available El presente artículo intenta mostrar la pertinencia del modelo VPN-CAPM (valor presente neto que adopta la tasa de descuento prescrita por el capital asset pricing model para valorar emprendimientos familiares (EPF. Este análisis se realiza bajo dos ópticas: (a la revisión de los supuestos del CAPM y su adecuación a las características de los emprendimientos, y (b la eficacia en la prescripción de un conjunto de emprendimientos gestionados por graduados universitarios en un mercado emergente. De un lado, la mayoría de los supuestos del CAPM no se ajustan a las características de los EPF; además, no se dispone de un modelo teórico robusto que permita valorarlos. Por otro lado, de una muestra de 147 emprendimientos solo 3 debieron implementarse bajo el criterio del VPN-CAPM; sin embargo, 17 operaron durante dos o más años. Un caso prescrito como fracaso, después de veinte años, vende rentablemente 184 millones de dólares anuales, y algunos otros casos, después del fracaso inicial, reiniciaron un negocio diferente

  14. Modelo digital del relieve original del yacimiento Punta Gorda

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    Luis F. Mena-Matos


    Full Text Available Se obtiene un MDT del relieve original del yacimiento de níquel Punta Gorda, transformado por veinte años de explotación minera. Se parte de tres fuentes de información: la red de exploración espaciada a 33,33 m, precisa pero poco densa; la red de explotación espaciada a 16,67 m, densa pero imprecisa, y la tercera es la carta topográfica a escala 1: 5 000, digitalizada con vectorización semiautomática sobre las imágenes rectificadas con polinomios de 2do y 3do órdenes; ésta es poco precisa, pero representativa de la variabilidad espacial del terreno. Se compararon las fuentes de información tomando como referencia la carta topográfica y en función de estas diferencias se planificó un levantamiento de campo para el control de errores. Se compararon los puntos de control con las fuentes de información y algunas de sus combinaciones, convertidas en grids espaciados a 2 m de distancia, estos grids fueron estimados mediante interpolación lineal con triangulación de Delaunay, Kriging Ordinario (KO y Kriging con Drift Externo (KDE. Se empleó también la técnica de Jackknife, y se tomaron como destino los puntos de comprobación. Los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con KDE tomando como variable la cota de la red de explotación y como drift la carta topográfica 1: 5 000, a ésta se agregó la red de explotación para densificar la información del drift. Se eliminaron los datos no robustos y se obtuvo un MDT usando la precisión de la red de exploración y la información del comportamiento espacial del relieve brindados por la red de explotación y la carta topográfica 1: 5 000.


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    Ruth Carvalho de Santana Pinho


    Full Text Available Com a crescente complexidade dos negócios, muitas entidades viram a necessidade de um controle maior sobre o risco para que seus objetivos pudessem ser atingidos. O presente trabalho discorre sobre a Auditoria Baseada em Risco (ABR, evidenciando suas principais características. O estudo apresenta-se relevante tanto para o meio empresarial, evidenciando as etapas de implantação dessa metodologia, como para o meio acadêmico, que possui poucos estudos relacionados ao tema, conforme observações empíricas. Assim, coube como pergunta de pesquisa: Quais fatores contribuem para a adequada implantação de uma Auditoria Baseada em Risco? Tem-se como objetivo geral deste estudo, identificar os fatores de sucesso na implantação da Auditoria Baseada em Risco (ABR. Escolheu-se como procedimento de pesquisa o estudo de caso. Os dados foram obtidos por intermédio da documentação oficial de implantação da ABR na entidade a qual descreve todas as etapas de implantação, além de aplicação de entrevista e questionário entre os auditores internos da empresa e gestores das áreas de Licitação, Contabilidade e Jurídico Concluiu-se que a ABR é uma ferramenta importante para empresas que desejam avaliação independente para a Gestão de Riscos, sendo necessário um plano bem estruturado de implantação para êxito desta. Destarte, uma Auditoria Interna Tradicional bem desenvolvida, ou seja, que mantém um controle interno eficaz, se torna uma característica facilitadora para a mudança de escopo, pois para a correta implantação da ABR é necessário um ambiente de gestão robusto e o efetivo envolvimento da equipe de auditoria.

  16. Prevalência e fatores associados ao sedentarismo em adolescentes de área urbana

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    Maria Helena Klee Oehlschlaeger


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência e fatores associados ao sedentarismo em adolescentes residentes em uma área urbana. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo transversal em uma amostra representativa de 960 adolescentes com idades entre 15 e 18 anos, em 2002, em Pelotas, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário anônimo e auto-aplicado. Foi definindo como sedentário o adolescente que participava de atividades físicas por um tempo menor do que 20 minutos diários e uma freqüência menor do que três vezes por semana. Variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais foram avaliadas. Para as comparações entre proporções, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado, e para a análise multivariada, a regressão de Poisson com ajuste robusto para as variâncias. Foi feito controle para efeito de delineamento. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 960 adolescentes, dos quais 39% foram considerados sedentários. As meninas foram mais sedentárias do que os meninos, 2,45 (IC 95% 2,06-2,92. Os adolescentes das classes sociais mais baixas foram mais sedentários, 1,35 (IC 95% 1,06-1,72. Escolaridade inferior a quatro anos de estudo do adolescente 1,30 (IC 95% 1,01-1,68 e da mãe 1,75 (IC 95% 1,31-2,23 apresentaram maior risco para o sedentarismo. Após controle para possíveis fatores de confusão, mostrou-se também positiva a associação entre o sedentarismo e a presença de transtornos psiquiátricos menores e relação inversa, fator de proteção para os sexualmente ativos 0,84 (IC 95% 0,71-0,99. CONCLUSÕES: Ser do sexo feminino, pertencer à classe social baixa, ter uma baixa escolaridade e ser filho de mãe com baixa escolaridade são fatores associados ao sedentarismo.

  17. The monetary transmission mechanism in Brazil: evidence from a var analysis

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    Viviane Luporini


    Full Text Available This article presents evidence on the interest channel of the monetary policy for the Brazilian economy of the 1990s analyzing the effects of an unexpected change in the baseline interest rate on output, prices and the exchange rate in a vector autoregression system. Our main results are: a a tightening in the monetary policy affects economic activity immediately, reducing the rate of growth of real GDP; b the exchange rate and prices are affected only after a time interval, with inflation assuming a downward trend only two months after the monetary shock; c results do not change when the specification is controlled for international conditions, commodity prices or other measures of inflation and economic activity; d monetary shocks have a significant impact on the volatility of output and inflation in the benchmark model e monetary shocks have a significant impact on the volatility of the debt/GDP ratio in the control-model.Esse artigo analisa o canal juros do mecanismo de transmissão monetária sobre o produto, preços e taxa de câmbio na economia brasileira dos anos 90 através dos efeitos de uma redução inesperada na taxa básica de juros em um sistema de vetores auto-regressivos. Os principais resultados obtidos são: a um choque monetário afeta imediatamente a atividade econômica, reduzindo a taxa de crescimento do PIB; b a inflação e a taxa de câmbio são afetadas somente após um intervalo de tempo, e a inflação assume uma tendência declinante somente dois meses após o choque de juros; c os resultados são robustos quando controlados para condições internacionais, preço das commodities ou outras medidas de inflação e atividade econômica; d choques monetários afetam significativamente a volatilidade do produto e da inflação no modelo padrão; e choques monetários afetam significativamente a volatilidade da relação dívida/PIB no modelo de controle.


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    Reni Cesar Gotta


    Full Text Available A evolução no uso da TI nas mais diversas áreas da sociedade seja na iniciativa privada ou pública tem ganhado contorno de indispensáveis, principalmente no que tange os processos internos que buscam incessantemente a modernização de seus procedimentos burocratizados e enfadados. Nesse contexto a inovação tecnológica é um aliado da administração publica municipal que necessita de sistemas modernos e robustos, nesse pressuposto vale um destaque para os sistemas disponibilizados via web. A Internet destaca-se entre as tecnologias que provoca mudanças no modo de funcionamento do setor público. Como o canal de comunicação mundial, ela começa a provocar mudanças na interação do governo com a sociedade, apresentando-se como uma ferramenta que pode tornar o governo mais eficiente por oferecer redução de custos e acesso rápido, e possibilitar a desburocratização da relação dos órgãos públicos com o cidadão. O referido artigo objetivou essa relação da modernidade tecnológica utilizadas pelo setor público brasileiro com o cidadão, a partir disso foi amplamente explanado no referencial teórico do objeto de estudo desse artigo. Ainda trouxe a discussão da utilização do sistema da nota fiscal eletrônica de serviços por prefeituras de todo país como uma ferramenta de combate a sonegação e evasão fiscal, assim como, esta esse mercado atualmente, para tanto, utilizou-se a técnica de se calcular o custo total de propriedade total cost of ownership (TCO no intuito principal de buscar a relação custo x beneficio num ente publico, que possibilitou ainda a realização de um estudo comparativo de custos no uso do sistema da nota fiscal eletrônica de serviços via software proprietário ou através de uma nova modalidade de contratação via software público. Nesse contexto observou-se que atualmente as prefeituras têm um novo formato de aquisição de tecnologia e que através desse hoje é possível contratar

  19. Porcentaje de artículos altamente citados: una medida comparable del impacto de revistas entre campos científicos

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    González-Betancor, Sara M.


    Full Text Available Currently the two most used bibliometric indicators for evaluating scholarly journals are the impact factor and the h-index. However, both indicators vary heavily depending on the scientific field, restricting comparability. In addition, the impact factor is not robust in dealing with articles with a large number of citations, while the h-index is dependent on the size of the journal. These limitations, when comparing journals of different sizes and fields, make it necessary to look to other journal impact factors that can be comparable between scientific fields, that are independent of the journal size, and that are also robust in the presence of items with a high number of citations. An alternative index is based on the percentage of highly cited articles in a journal. This paper empirically compares such an index with the impact factor and the h-index by using different time windows and levels of citation that can determine when a document can be considered as highly cited compared to others of the same year and discipline. The main outcome of this comparison suggests that the best index for obtaining data distributions that are comparable between scientific fields is by taking the 20% citation percentile over a three-year time frame for considering citations.Actualmente, los dos indicadores bibliométricos más empleados en la evaluación de revistas científicas son el índice de impacto y el índice h. Sin embargo, ambos indicadores dependen fuertemente del campo científico, lo que los hace no comparables entre campos. Además, el índice de impacto no es robusto a la presencia de artículos con un gran número de citas, mientras que el índice h depende del tamaño de la revista. Estas limitaciones a la hora de comparar revistas de diferentes tamaños y campos hace necesario considerar al mismo tiempo otros indicadores de impacto para revistas que sí puedan ser comparables entre campos, no dependan del tamaño de la revista y sean adem

  20. Minimum energy control and optimal-satisfactory control of Boolean control network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Fangfei; Lu, Xiwen


    In the literatures, to transfer the Boolean control network from the initial state to the desired state, the expenditure of energy has been rarely considered. Motivated by this, this Letter investigates the minimum energy control and optimal-satisfactory control of Boolean control network. Based on the semi-tensor product of matrices and Floyd's algorithm, minimum energy, constrained minimum energy and optimal-satisfactory control design for Boolean control network are given respectively. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the efficiency of the obtained results.

  1. Hierarchical Control of Thermostatically Controller Loads for Primary Frequency Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhao, Haoran; Wu, Qiuwei; Huang, Shaojun


    reserve references. At the middle level, distribution substations estimate the available power of TCLs based on the aggregated bin model, and dispatch control signals to individual TCLs. At the local level, a supplementary frequency control loop is implemented at the local controller, which makes TCLs...... respond to the frequency event autonomously. Case studies show that the proposed controller can efficiently respond to frequency events and fulfill the requirement specified by the system operator. The users’ comforts are not compromised and the short cycling of TCLs is largely reduced. Due...... to the autonomous control, the communication requirement is minimized....

  2. Incoherent control of locally controllable quantum systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Daoyi; Zhang Chenbin; Rabitz, Herschel; Pechen, Alexander; Tarn, T.-J.


    An incoherent control scheme for state control of locally controllable quantum systems is proposed. This scheme includes three steps: (1) amplitude amplification of the initial state by a suitable unitary transformation, (2) projective measurement of the amplified state, and (3) final optimization by a unitary controlled transformation. The first step increases the amplitudes of some desired eigenstates and the corresponding probability of observing these eigenstates, the second step projects, with high probability, the amplified state into a desired eigenstate, and the last step steers this eigenstate into the target state. Within this scheme, two control algorithms are presented for two classes of quantum systems. As an example, the incoherent control scheme is applied to the control of a hydrogen atom by an external field. The results support the suggestion that projective measurements can serve as an effective control and local controllability information can be used to design control laws for quantum systems. Thus, this scheme establishes a subtle connection between control design and controllability analysis of quantum systems and provides an effective engineering approach in controlling quantum systems with partial controllability information.

  3. Noise reduction in steam-vent points at the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, BC; Reduccion del ruido en puntos de desfogue en el campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto, BC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miranda Herrera, Carlos A [Comision Federal de Electricidad, Residencia General de Cerro Prieto, Mexicali, B.C (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    Steam silencers have been placed on the power units regulation system of the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, but not where the steam-pipes vent high-pressure steam (rupture disks). Moreover, the power-unit silencers are large and their abilities to reduce noise depend on an external, uncontrollable factor: pores sizes in the volcanic rocks they are made of. Thus a compact, economic and relatively easy to construct metallic silencer was designed to be used at several points of dry-steam venting to minimize the noise. The design was based on orifice-plate equations and a prototype was constructed and tested. It proved capable of reducing noise by 30 decibels for atmospheric discharges of primary steam at operating pressures. The size of the silencer can be adjusted to the particular needs of each vent case. [Spanish] En el campo geotermico de Cerro Prieto solo existen silenciadores de vapor en el sistema de regulacion de las plantas generadoras, pero no en los sitios de desfogue de vapor a alta presion en los vaporductos (discos de ruptura). Ademas, los silenciadores de las plantas son muy robustos y su capacidad de reduccion del ruido depende de un factor externo no controlable, como es el tamano del poro de la roca volcanica con el que estan construidos. Por lo tanto, se diseno un silenciador metalico compacto, economico y relativamente facil de fabricar, para utilizarse en diversos puntos de descarga de vapor seco a fin de minimizar el ruido. El diseno se realizo con base en las ecuaciones de la placa de orificio. Se construyo un prototipo cuyas pruebas demostraron que es capaz de reducir el ruido hasta en 30 decibeles, al descargar desde la presion de operacion de vapor primario hacia la presion atmosferica. Las dimensiones del silenciador pueden ajustarse a las necesidades particulares de cada caso de desfogue.

  4. Preference towards Control in Risk Taking: Control, No Control, or Randomize?


    Li, King King


    This paper experimentally investigates preference towards different methods of control in risk taking. Participants are asked to choose between different ways for choosing which numbers to bet on for a gamble. They can choose the numbers themselves (control), let the experimenter choose (no control), or randomize. It is found that in addition to the more conventional preference for control, some participants prefer not to control, or randomization. These preferences are robust as participants...

  5. Active vibration control by robust control techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lohar, F.A.


    This paper studies active vibration control of multi-degree-of-freedom system. The control techniques considered are LTR, H/sup 2/ and H/sup infinite/. The results show that LTR controls the vibration but its respective settling time is higher than that of the other techniques. The control performance of H/sup infinite/ control is similar to that of H/sup 2/ control in the case of it weighting functions. However, H/sup infinite/ control is superior to H/sup 2/ control with respect to robustness, steady state error and settling time. (author)

  6. Density control in ITER: an iterative learning control and robust control approach (United States)

    Ravensbergen, T.; de Vries, P. C.; Felici, F.; Blanken, T. C.; Nouailletas, R.; Zabeo, L.


    Plasma density control for next generation tokamaks, such as ITER, is challenging because of multiple reasons. The response of the usual gas valve actuators in future, larger fusion devices, might be too slow for feedback control. Both pellet fuelling and the use of feedforward-based control may help to solve this problem. Also, tight density limits arise during ramp-up, due to operational limits related to divertor detachment and radiative collapses. As the number of shots available for controller tuning will be limited in ITER, in this paper, iterative learning control (ILC) is proposed to determine optimal feedforward actuator inputs based on tracking errors, obtained in previous shots. This control method can take the actuator and density limits into account and can deal with large actuator delays. However, a purely feedforward-based density control may not be sufficient due to the presence of disturbances and shot-to-shot differences. Therefore, robust control synthesis is used to construct a robustly stabilizing feedback controller. In simulations, it is shown that this combined controller strategy is able to achieve good tracking performance in the presence of shot-to-shot differences, tight constraints, and model mismatches.

  7. Development the Controller Input Power of Peripheral Interfacing Controller Using Other Micro controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Syirrazie Che Soh; Harzawardi Hashim; Nor Arymaswati Abdullah; Nur Aira Abdul Rahman; Mohd Ashhar Khalid


    This Controller Input Power of a Peripheral Interfacing Controller was developed using the other micro controller. This paper discuss the switching technique are practiced using proper electronic device to develop the controller, thus enable to control the input power of a PIC in order to expand their interfacing capacity and control. This may allow the PIC could be used to acquire input and control output signal from electronic and electromechanical device and instrument as well as software in wide scale and application. (author)

  8. Researching on YH100 Numerical Control Servo Press Hydraulic Control System and Control Algorithm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kai LI


    Full Text Available In order to study the numerical control (NC servo press hydraulic control system and its control algorithm. The numerical control servo press performance and control principle of hydraulic control system are analyzed. According to the flow equation of the hydraulic control valve, hydraulic cylinder flow continuity equation and the force balance equation of the hydraulic cylinder with load press, the mathematical model of hydraulic control system is established. And the servo press hydraulic system transfer function is deduced. Introducing the suitable immune particle swarm control algorithm for servo press hydraulic system, and the control system block diagram is established. Immune algorithm is used to optimize new control parameters of the system and adopt the new optimization results to optimize the system simulation. The simulation result shows that the hydraulic system’s transition time controlled by the immune particle swarm algorithm is shorter than traditional ones, and the control performance is obviously improved. Finally it can be concluded that immune particle swarm PID control have these characteristics such as quickness, stability and accuracy. Applying this principle into application, the obtained YH100 numerical control servo press hydraulic control system meets the requirement.

  9. Solid state controller three axes controller (United States)

    Bailey, C. L., Jr. (Inventor)


    The reported flight controller features a handle grip which is mounted on a longitudinally extending control element. The handle grip is pivotally mounted on the control element about a pitch axis which is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis through the control element. The pivotal mounting includes a resilient force mounting mechanism which centers the grip relative to the control element. Rotation of the handle grip produces a direct rotation of a transducer element in a transducer which provides an electrical indication of the rotative movement about three mutually perpendicular axes.

  10. Intermittent control: a computational theory of human control. (United States)

    Gawthrop, Peter; Loram, Ian; Lakie, Martin; Gollee, Henrik


    The paradigm of continuous control using internal models has advanced understanding of human motor control. However, this paradigm ignores some aspects of human control, including intermittent feedback, serial ballistic control, triggered responses and refractory periods. It is shown that event-driven intermittent control provides a framework to explain the behaviour of the human operator under a wider range of conditions than continuous control. Continuous control is included as a special case, but sampling, system matched hold, an intermittent predictor and an event trigger allow serial open-loop trajectories using intermittent feedback. The implementation here may be described as "continuous observation, intermittent action". Beyond explaining unimodal regulation distributions in common with continuous control, these features naturally explain refractoriness and bimodal stabilisation distributions observed in double stimulus tracking experiments and quiet standing, respectively. Moreover, given that human control systems contain significant time delays, a biological-cybernetic rationale favours intermittent over continuous control: intermittent predictive control is computationally less demanding than continuous predictive control. A standard continuous-time predictive control model of the human operator is used as the underlying design method for an event-driven intermittent controller. It is shown that when event thresholds are small and sampling is regular, the intermittent controller can masquerade as the underlying continuous-time controller and thus, under these conditions, the continuous-time and intermittent controller cannot be distinguished. This explains why the intermittent control hypothesis is consistent with the continuous control hypothesis for certain experimental conditions.

  11. Covariance upperbound controllers for networked control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ko, Sang Ho


    This paper deals with designing covariance upperbound controllers for a linear system that can be used in a networked control environment in which control laws are calculated in a remote controller and transmitted through a shared communication link to the plant. In order to compensate for possible packet losses during the transmission, two different techniques are often employed: the zero-input and the hold-input strategy. These use zero input and the latest control input, respectively, when a packet is lost. For each strategy, we synthesize a class of output covariance upperbound controllers for a given covariance upperbound and a packet loss probability. Existence conditions of the covariance upperbound controller are also provided for each strategy. Through numerical examples, performance of the two strategies is compared in terms of feasibility of implementing the controllers

  12. Control device for the withdrawal of control rod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ando, Masaki.


    Purpose: To significantly suppress the maximum value of the control-rod worth upon control rod withdrawal. Constitution: At first, a signal for designating the first class is sent from a class-control section to the group-control section. In the group-control section, the peripheral group among the first class is designated by which the withdrawal of the control rods other than the peripheral group is inhibited and the control-rods in the peripheral group are withdrawn one by one. When all of them have been withdrawn, the group-control section designates the central group of the first class. All the control rods of the central group have been withdrawn, then the group-control section designates the peripheral group of the second class. Thereafter, the central group in the second class is designated. The control rods are thus withdrawn in the same manner hereinafter. The maximum value for the control-rod worth can be decreased by such a withdrawing sequence for the control rods. (Horiuchi, T.)

  13. Controllable circuit

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    A switch-mode power circuit comprises a controllable element and a control unit. The controllable element is configured to control a current in response to a control signal supplied to the controllable element. The control unit is connected to the controllable element and provides the control...

  14. A Comparative Study on Temperature Control of CSTR using PI Controller, PID Controller and PID (Two Degree of Freedom) Controller


    Bikash Dey; Lusika Roy


    This paper present three different control strategies based on PI Control, PID control and Two degree of freedom PID control for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR).CSTR which offers a diverse range of application in the field of chemical engineering as well as in the control engineering and is an attractive research area for process control researchers. Our objective is to control the temperature of CSTR in presence of the set point. MATLAB SIMULINK software is used for mo...

  15. A metamorphic controller for plant control system design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomasz Klopot


    Full Text Available One of the major problems in the design of industrial control systems is the selection and parameterization of the control algorithm. In practice, the most common solution is the PI (proportional-integral controller, which is simple to implement, but is not always the best control strategy. The use of more advanced controllers may result in a better efficiency of the control system. However, the implementation of advanced control algorithms is more time-consuming and requires specialized knowledge from control engineers. To overcome these problems and to support control engineers at the controller design stage, the paper describes a tool, i.e., a metamorphic controller with extended functionality, for selection and implementation of the most suitable control algorithm. In comparison to existing solutions, the main advantage of the metamorphic controller is its possibility of changing the control algorithm. In turn, the candidate algorithms can be tested through simulations and the total time needed to perform all simulations can be less than a few minutes, which is less than or comparable to the design time in the concurrent design approach. Moreover, the use of well-known tuning procedures, makes the system easy to understand and operate even by inexperienced control engineers. The application was implemented in the real industrial programmable logic controller (PLC and tested with linear and nonlinear virtual plants. The obtained simulation results confirm that the change of the control algorithm allows the control objectives to be achieved at lower costs and in less time.

  16. Control panel for CMC 8080 crate controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masayuki Inokuchi


    The main features of Control Panel for CAMAC Crate Controller CMC 8080 are described. The control panel can be directly connected with CRATE CONTROLLER's front panel connector with a 50 lines cable without any changes in CMC 8080 system circuits. (author)

  17. Control rod control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seiji, Takehiko; Obara, Kohei; Yanagihashi, Kazumi


    The present invention provides a device suitable for switching of electric motors for driving each of control rods in a nuclear reactor. Namely, in a control rod controlling device, a plurality of previously allotted electric motors connected in parallel as groups, and electric motors of any selected group are driven. In this case, a voltage of not driving predetermined selected electric motors is at first applied. In this state an electric current supplied to the circuit of predetermined electric motors is detected. Whether integration or failure of a power source and the circuit of the predetermined electric motors are normal or not is judged by the detected electric current supplied. After they are judged normal, the electric motors are driven by a regular voltage. With such procedures, whether the selected circuit is normal or not can be accurately confirmed previously. Since the electric motors are not driven just at the selected time, the control rods are not operated erroneously. (I.S.)

  18. Interaction between production control and quality control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bij, van der J.D.; Ekert, van J.H.W.


    Describes a qualitative study on interaction between systems for production control and quality control within industrial organisations. Production control and quality control interact in a sense. Good performance for one aspect often influences or frustrates the performance of the other. As far as

  19. Prototyping qualitative controllers for fuzzy-logic controller design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakhtiari, S.; Jabedar-Maralani, P.


    Qualitative controls can be designed for linear and nonlinear models with the same computational complexity. At the same time they show the general form of the proper control. These properties can help ease the design process for quantitative controls. In this paper qualitative controls are used as prototypes for the design of linear or nonlinear, and in particular Sugeno-type fuzzy, controls. The LMS identification method is used to approximate the qualitative control with the nearest fuzzy control. The method is applied to the problem of position control in a permanent magnet synchronous motor; moreover, the performance and the robustness of the two controllers are compared

  20. Contagio financiero entre economías: análisis exploratorio desde la econometría Caso Colombia-Estados Unidos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luís Ángel Meneses Cerón


    Full Text Available El artículo, estudia las relaciones de dependencia entre los mercados financieros internacionales, indagando sobre el efecto del contagio financiero entre dos series de retornos de índices accionarios: el Dow Jones (DJ y el índice general de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (IGBC. Lo anterior, gracias a que Estados Unidos es el principal país con el que Colombia mantiene unfuerte nexo comercial y económico. Se hará uso de información histórica de carácter público, comprendida entre enero 1 de 2007 y diciembre 31 de 2010, proveniente de fuentes objetivas y reconocidas en el mercado. Se desarrollará un ejercicio de tipo econométrico, en el cual se establece el nivel de relacionamientoexistente entre los dos índices mencionados. El principal aportede este trabajo es la implementación de la econometría como técnica para el análisis del contagio, que permite inferir las relaciones de causalidad entre los mercados y determinar modelos de predicción robustos que generan un mayor acervo informativo e interpretativo sobre la dinámica implícita en los retornos de los diferentes activos financieros.

  1. Una nueva especie de Bolitoglossa (Caudata: Plethodontidae de las selvas del Magdalena Medio en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Acosta Galvis Andrés R.


    Full Text Available Se describe una nueva especie del genero Bolitoglossa del grupo alfa (sensu Wake & Lynch, 1976 denominada Bolitoglossa lozanoi de las selvas húmedas relictuales del valle del Río Magdalena en La Cordillera Central de Colombia (loe. typ.: Río La Miel, Mpio. La Victoria, Departamento de Caldas, 500 m.s.n.m.; la nueva especie es reconocible por su cuerpo robusto, las palmeaduras manuales y pediales extensas, su patrón cromático ventral café con punteaduras café más oscuras y crema, ojos no protuberantes y la talla corporal relativamente grande entre las especies de salamandras del país. A new species of the genus Bolitoglossa, of the alpha group (sensu Wake & Lynch, 1976 named Bolitoglossa lozanoi from the relictual humid forest from the Magdalena Valley on the eastern slope ofthe central Andes Mountain range in Colombia (type locality: La Miel River, Mpio. La Victoria, Dept. of Caldas, 500 m.s.n.m.. The new species is mainly recognized by the presence of a robust body, extensively webbed hands and toes, a brownish ventral chromatic pattern with small darker brown and cream dots, non-protuberant eyes and a relatively large size.

  2. Crenças de autoeficácia de professores: um fator motivacional crítico na educação inclusiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Aloyseo Bzuneck


    Full Text Available Além de habilidades de ensino, professores devem ter crenças de autoeficácia bem desenvolvidas, que consistem nas crenças de que podem atuar com êxito até em classes com clientela diversificada. Pesquisas têm comprovado a proposta de Bandura de que professores com tais crenças mais robustas consideram que todos os alunos podem aprender e, assim, são mais comprometidos e motivados para criar condições propícias ao desenvolvimento de cada aluno em classe. São mais persistentes e mais resilientes após fracassos. Dados de pesquisa também têm produzido apoio à proposta de Bandura de que professores numa escola acabam por desenvolver um senso de eficácia coletiva que, quanto mais robusto, influencia cada indivíduo a ter mais persistência nas dificuldades e a ter expectativas mais elevadas quanto a seus alunos. No presente artigo, são apresentadas as condições por meio das quais são incrementadas, na Educação Inclusiva, tanto a autoeficácia como a eficácia coletiva, assim como suas consequências para os alunos.

  3. Estandarización de los métodos electroforéticos en geles de poliacrilamida en el Phast System y cromatográficos para la caracterización de nuevos antígenos vacunales y componentes de medios de cultivo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ileana Martínez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se realizó un análisis de diferentes parámetros que caracterizan la estandarización para la determinación del tamaño molecular de nuevos antígenos de interés vacunal, a través de electroforesis en “Phast System” y de distintas matrices cromatográficas. La evaluación electroforética de la linealidad en las curvas de patrones indicó valores de coeficientes de correlación y determinación superiores a 0,98, con una adecuada repetibilidad; no se manifestaron diferencias entre los resultados obtenidos por varios analistas, en días diferentes y el método resultó ser exacto y robusto en las condiciones recomendadas. Se evaluaron los parámetros que caracterizan la eficiencia en el empaquetamiento de cuatro matrices cromatográficas (Superosa 12, Sephacryl S-100, Sepharosa CL- 4B y Sephacryl S-1000. Los resultados obtenidos para ambos sistemas de determinación permitieron la evaluación satisfactoria de muestras de proteínas de membrana externa y lipopolisacárido, procedentes de Vibrio cholerae, Leptospira ssp, Pseudomona aeruginosa y Shigella ssp

  4. New species of Rhinoleucophenga, a potential predator of pineapple mealybugs Nova espécie de Rhinoleucophenga, potencial predadora da cochonilha-do-abacaxizeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark Paul Culik


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to describe a new species of Rhinoleucophenga (Diptera: Drosophilidae. Rhinoleucophenga capixabensis sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from pineapple (Ananas comosus var. comosus infested with Dysmicoccus brevipes (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Distinguishing characters of R. capixabensis sp. nov. include hyaline wings, a strong seta on the second antennal segment, body length of about 2-3 mm, uniformly dark brown scutellum, one pair of strong prescutellar setae, ventral epandrial lobes with about 17-18 teeth, and female cerci with approximately 20 long setae.O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever uma nova espécie de Rhinoleucophenga (Diptera: Drosophilidae. Rhinoleucophenga capixabensis sp. nov. foi descrita com base em espécimes coletados em associação com Dysmicoccus brevipes (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae em Ananas comosus var. comosus, no Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. As principais características de R. capixabensis sp. nov. incluem asas hialinas, uma seta forte no segundo segmento da antena, comprimento do corpo de aproximadamente 2-3 mm, escutelo uniformemente castanho-escuro, um par robusto de setas prescutelares, lobos epadriais ventrais com aproximadamente 17-18 dentes e cercos da fêmea com aproximadamente 20 setas longas.

  5. Numerical modelling of Alto Verde landslide using the material point method

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Alejandro Llano-Serna


    Full Text Available Finalizando el año 2008 en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, ocurrió un deslizamiento de tierra en la urbanización Alto Verde provocando la muerte de doce personas y la destrucción de seis viviendas. Los deslizamientos se destacan por el elevado nivel de deformaciones en una masa de suelo. El presente trabajo utilizó el método del punto material (MPM, método basado en partículas que utiliza una doble discretización Lagrangiano-Euleriana. La doble discretización genera un marco numérico robusto que permite la simulación de grandes distorsiones. El modelo numérico planteó una simplificación de las condiciones geotécnicas, morfológicas y estructurales de las edificaciones envueltas en Alto Verde. El estado de deformación final de la simulación se acomodó satisfactoriamente a las características geométricas finales observadas en campo. Los resultados obtenidos generan aplicaciones como el diseño de barreras, análisis de riesgo o la determinación de la distancia mínima de retiro a una ladera susceptible de deslizamiento.

  6. Emergency Flight Control Using Computer-Controlled Thrust (United States)

    Burcham, Frank W., Jr.; Fullerton, C. Gordon; Stewart, James F.; Gilyard, Glenn B.; Conley, Joseph A.


    Propulsion Controlled Aircraft (PCA) systems are digital electronic control systems undergoing development to provide limited maneuvering ability through variations of individual engine thrusts in multiple-engine airplanes. Provide landing capability when control surfaces inoperable. Incorporated on existing and future airplanes that include digital engine controls, digital flight controls, and digital data buses, adding no weight for additional hardware to airplane. Possible to handle total failure of hydraulic system, depending on how surfaces respond to loss of hydraulic pressure, and broken control cables or linkages. Future airplanes incorporate data from Global Positioning System for guidance to any suitable emergency runway in world.

  7. Integrated Control Using the SOFFT Control Structure (United States)

    Halyo, Nesim


    The need for integrated/constrained control systems has become clearer as advanced aircraft introduced new coupled subsystems such as new propulsion subsystems with thrust vectoring and new aerodynamic designs. In this study, we develop an integrated control design methodology which accomodates constraints among subsystem variables while using the Stochastic Optimal Feedforward/Feedback Control Technique (SOFFT) thus maintaining all the advantages of the SOFFT approach. The Integrated SOFFT Control methodology uses a centralized feedforward control and a constrained feedback control law. The control thus takes advantage of the known coupling among the subsystems while maintaining the identity of subsystems for validation purposes and the simplicity of the feedback law to understand the system response in complicated nonlinear scenarios. The Variable-Gain Output Feedback Control methodology (including constant gain output feedback) is extended to accommodate equality constraints. A gain computation algorithm is developed. The designer can set the cross-gains between two variables or subsystems to zero or another value and optimize the remaining gains subject to the constraint. An integrated control law is designed for a modified F-15 SMTD aircraft model with coupled airframe and propulsion subsystems using the Integrated SOFFT Control methodology to produce a set of desired flying qualities.

  8. Embedded controllers for local board-control

    CERN Document Server

    Neufeld, Niko; Mini, Giuseppe; Sannino, Mario; Guzik, Zbigniew; Jacobsson, Richard; Jost, Beat


    The LHCb experiment at CERN has a large number of custom electronic boards performing high-speed data-processing. Like in any large experiment the control and monitoring of these crate-mounted boards must be integrated into the overall control-system. Traditionally this has been done by using buses like VME on the back-plane of the crates. LHCb has chosen to equip every board with an embedded micro-controller and connecting them in a large Local Area Network. The intelligence of these devices allows complex (soft) real-time control and monitoring, required for modern powerful FPGA driven electronics. Moreover each board has its own, isolated control access path, which increases the robustness of the entire system. The system is now in pre-production at several sites and will go into full production during next year. The hardware and software will be discussed and experiences from the R&D and pre-production will be reviewed, with an emphasis on advantages and difficulties of this approach to board-control.

  9. Uniting Control Lyapunov and Control Barrier Functions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Romdlony, Zakiyullah; Jayawardhana, Bayu


    In this paper, we propose a nonlinear control design for solving the problem of stabilization with guaranteed safety. The design is based on the merging of a Control Lyapunov Function and a Control Barrier Function. The proposed control method allows us to combine the design of a stabilizer based on


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    O. Shevchuk


    Full Text Available The article investigates ways to improve the effectiveness of exchange control as an indispensable element of creating systems of financial control. S definition proposed exchange control, interpretation of its functional purpose, the isolation of areas and currency control. Proved that only the presence of effective interconnected and interdependent budget, tax, customs and currency control ensure formation of an effective integrated system of financial control.

  11. Colon cancer controls versus population controls in case-control studies of occupational risk factors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaerlev, Linda; Lynge, Elsebeth; Sabroe, Svend


    are interchangeable with the experience for population controls. Patient controls may even be preferable from population controls under certain conditions. In this study we examine if colon cancer patients can serve as surrogates for proper population controls in case-control studies of occupational risk factors...... about occupational, medical and life style conditions. RESULTS: No statistical significant difference for educational level, medical history or smoking status was seen between the two control groups. There was evidence of a higher alcohol intake, less frequent work as a farmer and less exposure...... to pesticides among colon cancer controls. CONCLUSIONS: Use of colon cancer controls may provide valid exposure estimates in studies of many occupational risk factors for cancer, but not for studies on exposure related to farming....

  12. A new controllable damper with neuro controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, N.; Kobayashi, H.; Saito, O.; Yokoi, R.; Morishita, S.


    A new controllable damper is proposed for suppressing the vibration of the piping system for wide frequency range. Electro-Rheological fluid (ER fluid) is enclosed in the damper casing in place of oil, and the apparent viscosity of ER fluid can be varied by applying electric field strength (E.F.S.), which is controlled by an adaptive neural network controller. The shaking test is conducted about a simplified L-shaped piping model with a prototype controllable damper. The test results show the effectiveness of the presented controllable damper for suppressing very small amplitude vibration of the piping system. Furthermore an application of neural network is discussed to control E.F.S. of the electrode. (author)

  13. PID control with robust disturbance feedback control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kawai, Fukiko; Vinther, Kasper; Andersen, Palle


    Disturbance Feedback Control (DFC) is a technique, originally proposed by Fuji Electric, for augmenting existing control systems with an extra feedback for attenuation of disturbances and model errors. In this work, we analyze the robustness and performance of a PID-based control system with DFC...... and performance (if such gains exist). Finally, two different simulation case studies are evaluated and compared. Our numerical studies indicate that better performance can be achieved with the proposed method compared with a conservatively tuned PID controller and comparable performance can be achieved when...... compared with an H-infinity controller....

  14. Unfalsified Control; Application to automatic flight control system design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrian-Mihail STOICA


    Full Text Available Unfalsified Control Theory has been developed to provide a way for avoiding modeling uncertainties in controller design. It belongs to the class of control methods called Adaptive Supervisory Switching Control, which work by introducing in the control scheme a supervisory unit which chooses, from a set of candidate controllers the one most suited for the current plant. Unfalsified Control works by using a switching logic that dispenses with the need for a-priori knowledge of the dynamic model. At discrete moments of time, using the input/output data recorded up to that point, the supervisory calculates for each candidate controller a performance index, and compares it to a given threshold. Controllers surpassing that threshold are removed from the candidate controller set. This process is called falsification. If the controller in the loop is one such falsified controller it is replaced. In this paper we investigate the suitability of this method for aeronautical control applications. We review the theory behind this control scheme and adapt it to the case of controlling a fighter aircraft. We also provide a case study, where we test this control scheme on a simulated fighter aircraft.

  15. DC motor speed control using fuzzy logic controller (United States)

    Ismail, N. L.; Zakaria, K. A.; Nazar, N. S. Moh; Syaripuddin, M.; Mokhtar, A. S. N.; Thanakodi, S.


    The automatic control has played a vital role in the advance of engineering and science. Nowadays in industries, the control of direct current (DC) motor is a common practice thus the implementation of DC motor controller speed is important. The main purpose of motor speed control is to keep the rotation of the motor at the present speed and to drive a system at the demand speed. The main purpose of this project is to control speed of DC Series Wound Motor using Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The expectation of this project is the Fuzzy Logic Controller will get the best performance compared to dc motor without controller in terms of settling time (Ts), rise time (Tr), peak time (Tp) and percent overshoot (%OS).

  16. Dream controller (United States)

    Cheng, George Shu-Xing; Mulkey, Steven L; Wang, Qiang; Chow, Andrew J


    A method and apparatus for intelligently controlling continuous process variables. A Dream Controller comprises an Intelligent Engine mechanism and a number of Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) controllers, each of which is suitable to control a process with specific behaviors. The Intelligent Engine can automatically select the appropriate MFA controller and its parameters so that the Dream Controller can be easily used by people with limited control experience and those who do not have the time to commission, tune, and maintain automatic controllers.

  17. Water pressure control device for control rod drive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Hideyuki.


    Purpose: To minimize the fluctuations in the reactor water level upon occurrence of abnormality by inputting the level signal of the reactor to an arithmetic unit for controlling the pressure of control rod drive water to thereby enable effective reactor level control. Constitution: Signal from a flow rate transmitter is inputted into an arithmetic unit to perform constant flow rate control upon normal operation. While on the other hand, if abnormality occurs such as feedwater pump trips, the arithmetic unit is switched from the constant flow rate control to the reactor water level control. Reactor water level signal is inputted into the arithmetic unit and the control valve is most suitably controlled, whereby water is fed from CST to the reactor by way of control rod drive water system to secure the reactor water level if feedwater to the reactor is interrupted by loss of coolants on the feedwater system. Since this enables to minimize the fluctuations in the reactor water level upon abnormality, the reactor water level can be controlled most suitably by the reactor water level signal. (Moriyama, K.)

  18. Output Control Using Feedforward And Cascade Controllers (United States)

    Seraji, Homayoun


    Report presents theoretical study of open-loop control elements in single-input, single-output linear system. Focus on output-control (servomechanism) problem, in which objective is to find control scheme that causes output to track certain command inputs and to reject certain disturbance inputs in steady state. Report closes with brief discussion of characteristics and relative merits of feedforward, cascade, and feedback controllers and combinations thereof.

  19. Comparison Analysis of Model Predictive Controller with Classical PID Controller For pH Control Process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Balaji


    Full Text Available pH control plays a important role in any chemical plant and process industries. For the past four decades the classical PID controller has been occupied by the industries. Due to the faster computing   technology in the industry demands a tighter advanced control strategy. To fulfill the needs and requirements Model Predictive Control (MPC is the best among all the advanced control algorithms available in the present scenario. The study and analysis has been done for First Order plus Delay Time (FOPDT model controlled by Proportional Integral Derivative (PID and MPC using the Matlab software. This paper explores the capability of the MPC strategy, analyze and compare the control effects with conventional control strategy in pH control. A comparison results between the PID and MPC is plotted using the software. The results clearly show that MPC provide better performance than the classical controller.

  20. Control fast or control smart: When should invading pathogens be controlled?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robin N Thompson


    Full Text Available The intuitive response to an invading pathogen is to start disease management as rapidly as possible, since this would be expected to minimise the future impacts of disease. However, since more spread data become available as an outbreak unfolds, processes underpinning pathogen transmission can almost always be characterised more precisely later in epidemics. This allows the future progression of any outbreak to be forecast more accurately, and so enables control interventions to be targeted more precisely. There is also the chance that the outbreak might die out without any intervention whatsoever, making prophylactic control unnecessary. Optimal decision-making involves continuously balancing these potential benefits of waiting against the possible costs of further spread. We introduce a generic, extensible data-driven algorithm based on parameter estimation and outbreak simulation for making decisions in real-time concerning when and how to control an invading pathogen. The Control Smart Algorithm (CSA resolves the trade-off between the competing advantages of controlling as soon as possible and controlling later when more information has become available. We show-using a generic mathematical model representing the transmission of a pathogen of agricultural animals or plants through a population of farms or fields-how the CSA allows the timing and level of deployment of vaccination or chemical control to be optimised. In particular, the algorithm outperforms simpler strategies such as intervening when the outbreak size reaches a pre-specified threshold, or controlling when the outbreak has persisted for a threshold length of time. This remains the case even if the simpler methods are fully optimised in advance. Our work highlights the potential benefits of giving careful consideration to the question of when to start disease management during emerging outbreaks, and provides a concrete framework to allow policy-makers to make this decision.

  1. Control fast or control smart: When should invading pathogens be controlled? (United States)

    Thompson, Robin N; Gilligan, Christopher A; Cunniffe, Nik J


    The intuitive response to an invading pathogen is to start disease management as rapidly as possible, since this would be expected to minimise the future impacts of disease. However, since more spread data become available as an outbreak unfolds, processes underpinning pathogen transmission can almost always be characterised more precisely later in epidemics. This allows the future progression of any outbreak to be forecast more accurately, and so enables control interventions to be targeted more precisely. There is also the chance that the outbreak might die out without any intervention whatsoever, making prophylactic control unnecessary. Optimal decision-making involves continuously balancing these potential benefits of waiting against the possible costs of further spread. We introduce a generic, extensible data-driven algorithm based on parameter estimation and outbreak simulation for making decisions in real-time concerning when and how to control an invading pathogen. The Control Smart Algorithm (CSA) resolves the trade-off between the competing advantages of controlling as soon as possible and controlling later when more information has become available. We show-using a generic mathematical model representing the transmission of a pathogen of agricultural animals or plants through a population of farms or fields-how the CSA allows the timing and level of deployment of vaccination or chemical control to be optimised. In particular, the algorithm outperforms simpler strategies such as intervening when the outbreak size reaches a pre-specified threshold, or controlling when the outbreak has persisted for a threshold length of time. This remains the case even if the simpler methods are fully optimised in advance. Our work highlights the potential benefits of giving careful consideration to the question of when to start disease management during emerging outbreaks, and provides a concrete framework to allow policy-makers to make this decision.

  2. Model predictive control for a thermostatic controlled system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shafiei, Seyed Ehsan; Rasmussen, Henrik; Stoustrup, Jakob


    This paper proposes a model predictive control scheme to provide temperature set-points to thermostatic controlled cooling units in refrigeration systems. The control problem is formulated as a convex programming problem to minimize the overall operating cost of the system. The foodstuff temperat......This paper proposes a model predictive control scheme to provide temperature set-points to thermostatic controlled cooling units in refrigeration systems. The control problem is formulated as a convex programming problem to minimize the overall operating cost of the system. The foodstuff...

  3. Chaos control via a simple fractional-order controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tavazoei, Mohammad Saleh; Haeri, Mohammad


    In this Letter, we propose a fractional-order controller to stabilize the unstable fixed points of an unstable open-loop system. Also, we show that this controller has strong ability to eliminate chaotic oscillations or reduce them to regular oscillations in the chaotic systems. This controller has simple structure and is designed very easily. To determine the control parameters, one needs only a little knowledge about the plant and therefore, the proposed controller is a suitable choice in the control of uncertain chaotic systems

  4. Use of UPFC device controlled by fuzzy logic controllers for decoupled power flow control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivković Sanja


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the possibility of decoupled active and reactive power flow control in a power system using a UPFC device controlled by fuzzy logic controllers. A Brief theoretical review of the operation principles and applications of UPFC devices and design principles of the fuzzy logic controller used are given. A Matlab/Simulink model of the system with UPFC, the fuzzy controller setup, and graphs of the results are presented. Conclusions are drawn regarding the possibility of using this system for decoupled control of the power flow in power systems based on analysis of these graphs.

  5. Digital control programmer for temperature control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rajore, S.B.; Kumar, S.V.


    This report describes a PC based digital control programmer for controlling and programming temperature of a high vacuum resistance heating furnace and the software developed to control power using PID algorithm. It also describes the amplifier specially developed to suit the input requirement of the non-standard W5 thermocouple and the software and hardware protections introduced in the system. (author). 5 refs., 8 figs., 1 appendix

  6. Plug-and-Play Control – Modifying Control Systems Online

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendtsen, Jan Dimon; Trangbæk, K; Stoustrup, Jakob


    Often, when new sensor or actuator hardware be- comes available for use in a control system, it is desirable to retain the existing control system and apply the new control capabilities in a gradual fashion rather than decommissioning the entire existing system and replacing it with an altogether...... new control system. However, this requires that the existing controller remains in action, and the new control law component is added to the existing system. This paper formally introduces the concept of Plug-and-Play control and proposes two different methods of introducing new control components...

  7. The Robust Control Mixer Module Method for Control Reconfiguration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Yang, Z.; Blanke, M.


    into a LTI dynamical system, and furthermore multiple dynamical control mixer modules can be employed in our consideration. The H_{\\infty} control theory is used for the analysis and design of the robust control mixer modules. Finally, one practical robot arm system as benchmark is used to test the proposed......The control mixer concept is efficient in improving an ordinary control system into a fault tolerant one, especially for these control systems of which the real-time and on-line redesign of the control laws is very difficult. In order to consider the stability, performance and robustness...... of the reconfigurated system simultaneously, and to deal with a more general controller reconfiguration than the static feedback mechanism by using the control mixer approach, the robust control mixer module method is proposed in this paper. The form of the control mixer module extends from a static gain matrix...

  8. Automobile control technology and traffic control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takaba, Sadao [Univ. of Tokyo (Japan)


    In the field of automobile control technology, electronic was first adopted for the electronic fuel control as an answer to the exhaust gas regulations. The operations of the driving system, frame system or the automobile itself which is the combination of the two were optimized by adding sensors, computers, actuators, etc. to alleviate the burden of the driver, offering easier drivability and confortableness. For local driving control, measurement of distance up to obstacle has been practiced using the ultrasonic radar sensor. Research and development of microwave radar sensor have been carried out for years. Automatic driving has been a dream technology, and the study for the technology was started since early times. Remarkable progress was made recently in the navigation system for traffic control in wide area. New automobile traffic information communication and other systems are being developed. Historical description is made on the control and information systems for road transportation, dividing the period into the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations. 10 references.

  9. Intelligent control schemes applied to Automatic Generation Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dingguo Chen


    Full Text Available Integrating ever increasing amount of renewable generating resources to interconnected power systems has created new challenges to the safety and reliability of today‟s power grids and posed new questions to be answered in the power system modeling, analysis and control. Automatic Generation Control (AGC must be extended to be able to accommodate the control of renewable generating assets. In addition, AGC is mandated to operate in accordance with the NERC‟s Control Performance Standard (CPS criteria, which represent a greater flexibility in relaxing the control of generating resources and yet assuring the stability and reliability of interconnected power systems when each balancing authority operates in full compliance. Enhancements in several aspects to the traditional AGC must be made in order to meet the aforementioned challenges. It is the intention of this paper to provide a systematic, mathematical formulation for AGC as a first attempt in the context of meeting the NERC CPS requirements and integrating renewable generating assets, which has not been seen reported in the literature to the best knowledge of the authors. Furthermore, this paper proposes neural network based predictive control schemes for AGC. The proposed controller is capable of handling complicated nonlinear dynamics in comparison with the conventional Proportional Integral (PI controller which is typically most effective to handle linear dynamics. The neural controller is designed in such a way that it has the capability of controlling the system generation in the relaxed manner so the ACE is controlled to a desired range instead of driving it to zero which would otherwise increase the control effort and cost; and most importantly the resulting system control performance meets the NERC CPS requirements and/or the NERC Balancing Authority’s ACE Limit (BAAL compliance requirements whichever are applicable.

  10. Intelligent control-III: fuzzy control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagrial, M.H.


    During the last decade or so, fuzzy logic control (FLC) has emerged as one of the most active and fruitful areas of research and development. The applications include industrial process control to medical diagnostic and financial markets. Many consumer products using this technology are available in the market place. FLC is best suited to complex ill-defined processes that can be controlled by a skilled human operator without much knowledge of their underlying dynamics. This lecture will cover the basic architecture and the design methodology of fuzzy logic controllers. FLC will be strongly based on the concepts of fuzzy set theory, introduced in first lecture. Some practical applications will also be discussed and presented. (author)

  11. Output Power Control of Wind Turbine Generator by Pitch Angle Control using Minimum Variance Control (United States)

    Senjyu, Tomonobu; Sakamoto, Ryosei; Urasaki, Naomitsu; Higa, Hiroki; Uezato, Katsumi; Funabashi, Toshihisa

    In recent years, there have been problems such as exhaustion of fossil fuels, e. g., coal and oil, and environmental pollution resulting from consumption. Effective utilization of renewable energies such as wind energy is expected instead of the fossil fuel. Wind energy is not constant and windmill output is proportional to the cube of wind speed, which cause the generated power of wind turbine generators (WTGs) to fluctuate. In order to reduce fluctuating components, there is a method to control pitch angle of blades of the windmill. In this paper, output power leveling of wind turbine generator by pitch angle control using an adaptive control is proposed. A self-tuning regulator is used in adaptive control. The control input is determined by the minimum variance control. It is possible to compensate control input to alleviate generating power fluctuation with using proposed controller. The simulation results with using actual detailed model for wind power system show effectiveness of the proposed controller.

  12. Controlling chaotic systems via nonlinear feedback control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Ju H.


    In this article, a new method to control chaotic systems is proposed. Using Lyapunov method, we design a nonlinear feedback controller to make the controlled system be stabilized. A numerical example is given to illuminate the design procedure and advantage of the result derived

  13. Control and optimal control theories with applications

    CERN Document Server

    Burghes, D N


    This sound introduction to classical and modern control theory concentrates on fundamental concepts. Employing the minimum of mathematical elaboration, it investigates the many applications of control theory to varied and important present-day problems, e.g. economic growth, resource depletion, disease epidemics, exploited population, and rocket trajectories. An original feature is the amount of space devoted to the important and fascinating subject of optimal control. The work is divided into two parts. Part one deals with the control of linear time-continuous systems, using both transfer fun

  14. Implications of the degree of controllability of controlled plants in the sense of LQR optimal control (United States)

    Xia, Yaping; Yin, Minghui; Zou, Yun


    In this paper, the relationship between the degree of controllability (DOC) of controlled plants and the corresponding quadratic optimal performance index in LQR control is investigated for the electro-hydraulic synchronising servo control systems and wind turbine systems, respectively. It is shown that for these two types of systems, the higher the DOC of a controlled plant is, the better the quadratic optimal performance index is. It implies that in some LQR controller designs, the measure of the DOC of a controlled plant can be used as an index for the optimisation of adjustable plant parameters, by which the plant can be controlled more effectively.

  15. Control room philosophy: Principles of control room design and control room work

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skriver, Jan; Ramberg, Jasmine; Allwin, Pernilla


    In order to provide insights for improvement of work in control rooms several factors have to be considered. Knowledge of principles including control room philosophies will guide the recommended improvements. In addition to knowledge about specific principles an advantage for an organization can be an understanding of similarities and policies used in other high risk industry. The report has been developed on the basis of a document analysis of international standards and other guiding documents. (NUREG 0711, ISO 11064, ISO 6385, IEC 60964). In addition to the document analysis which has strived to compare the documents to see similarities in important principals, experience from working with control room design, modifications and evaluations in other high risk industries has pervaded the report. Important principles have been identified which are recommended to be included in a control room philosophy. Many of these are similar to the principles identified in the international standards. An additional principal which is regarded as important is the utilization of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which can be used as a measure to target preventative means. Further more it is critical that the control room philosophy is easy to access and comprehend for all users. One of the challenges that remain after having developed a control room philosophy is how to utilize it in the daily work situation. It is vital that the document remains as a living document, guiding the continual improvement of the control room in the various life cycle stages

  16. Output controllability of nonlinear systems with bounded control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia, Rafael; D'Attellis, Carlos


    The control problem treated in this paper is the output controllability of a nonlinear system in the form: x = f(x) + g(x)u(t); y = h(x), using bounded controls. The approach to the problem consists of a modification in the system using dynamic feedback in such a way that the input/output behaviour of the closed loop matches the input/output behaviour of a completely output-controllable system with bounded controls. Sufficient conditions are also put forward on the system so that a compact set in the output space may be reached in finite time using uniformally bounded controls, and a result on output regulation in finite time with asymptotic state stabilization is obtained. (Author)

  17. Multimodal Perception and Multicriterion Control of Nested Systems. 1; Coordination of Postural Control and Vehicular Control (United States)

    Riccio, Gary E.; McDonald, P. Vernon


    The purpose of this report is to identify the essential characteristics of goal-directed whole-body motion. The report is organized into three major sections (Sections 2, 3, and 4). Section 2 reviews general themes from ecological psychology and control-systems engineering that are relevant to the perception and control of whole-body motion. These themes provide an organizational framework for analyzing the complex and interrelated phenomena that are the defining characteristics of whole-body motion. Section 3 of this report applies the organization framework from the first section to the problem of perception and control of aircraft motion. This is a familiar problem in control-systems engineering and ecological psychology. Section 4 examines an essential but generally neglected aspect of vehicular control: coordination of postural control and vehicular control. To facilitate presentation of this new idea, postural control and its coordination with vehicular control are analyzed in terms of conceptual categories that are familiar in the analysis of vehicular control.

  18. Connecting inventory control and repair shop control : a differentiated control structure for repairable spare parts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Driessen, M.A.; Rustenburg, W.D.; Houtum, van G.J.J.A.N.; Wiers, V.C.S.


    This paper presents a control structure for integrating decisions on spare parts inventory control and the control of repair shops for maintenance spare parts. A dierentiated control structure is proposed for the various repair shop types recognized in practice. Decisions functions are mapped and

  19. Constrained control allocation for systems with redundant control effectors


    Bordignon, Kenneth A


    Control allocation is examined for linear time-invariant problems that have more controls than degrees of freedom. The controls are part of a physical system and are subject to limits on their maximum positions. A control allocation scheme commands control deflections in response to some desired output. The ability of a control allocation scheme to produce the desired output without violating the physical position constraints is used to compare allocation schemes. Methods are develop...

  20. Neurofuzzy Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Jan


    These notes are for a course in fuzzy control and neural networks. By neural networks we more precisely mean neurofuzzy systems rather than pure neural network theory. The notes are an extension to the existing notes on fuzzy control (Jantzen, Fuzzy Control, 1994).......These notes are for a course in fuzzy control and neural networks. By neural networks we more precisely mean neurofuzzy systems rather than pure neural network theory. The notes are an extension to the existing notes on fuzzy control (Jantzen, Fuzzy Control, 1994)....

  1. Resolving Actuator Redundancy - Control Allocation vs. Linear Quadratic Control


    Härkegård, Ola


    When designing control laws for systems with more inputs than controlled variables, one issue to consider is how to deal with actuator redundancy. Two tools for distributing the control effort among a redundant set of actuators are control allocation and linear quadratic control design. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between these two design tools when a quadratic performance index is used for control allocation. We show that for a particular class of linear systems, they give...

  2. Fuzzy Logic Based Set-Point Weighting Controller Tuning for an Internal Model Control Based PID Controller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maruthai Suresh


    Full Text Available Controller tuning is the process of adjusting the parameters of the selected controller to achieve optimum response for the controlled process. For many of the control problems, a satisfactory performance is obtained by using PID controllers. One of the main problems with mathematical models of physical systems is that the parameters used in the models cannot be determined with absolute accuracy. The values of the parameters may change with time or various effects. In these cases, conventional controller tuning methods suffer when trying a lot to produce optimum response. In order to overcome these difficulties a fuzzy logic based Set- Point weighting controller tuning method is proposed. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is analyzed through computer simulation using SIMULINK software and the results are presented. The fuzzy logic based simulation results are compared with Cohen-Coon (CC, Ziegler- Nichols (ZN, Ziegler – Nichols with Set- Point weighting (ZN-SPW, Internal Model Control (IMC and Internal model based PID controller responses (IMC-PID. The effects of process modeling errors and the importance of controller tuning have been brought out using the proposed control scheme.

  3. Control of beam halo-chaos using fuzzy logic controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Yuan; Yuan Haiying; Tan Guangxing; Luo Wenguang


    Considering the ion beam with initial K-V distribution in the periodic focusing magnetic filed channels (PFCs) as a typical sample, a fuzzy control method for control- ling beam halo-chaos was studied. A fuzzy proportional controller, using output of fuzzy inference as a control factor, was presented for adjusting exterior focusing magnetic field. The stability of controlled system was proved by fuzzy phase plane analysis. The simulation results demonstrate that the chaotic radius of envelope can be controlled to the matched radius via controlling magnetic field. This method was also applied to the multi-particle model. Under the control condition, the beam halos and its regeneration can be eliminated effectively, and that both the compactness and the uniformity of ion beam are improved evidently. Since the exterior magnetic field can be rather easily adjusted by proportional control and the fuzzy logic controller is independent to the mathematical model, this method has adaptive ability and is easily realized in experiment. The research offers a valuable reference for the design of the PFCs in the high- current linear ion accelerators. (authors)

  4. Reactor control device for controlling load of nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirota, Tadakuni; Yokoyama, Terukuni; Masuda, Jiro.


    Purpose: To improve the load follow-up capacity of a nuclear reactor by automatically controlling the width of the not-sensing band of a control rod inserting and removing discriminator circuit. Constitution: When load control operations such as automatic load control, automatic frequency control, governor free operation and so forth are conducted, the width of a not sensing band of a control rod inserting and removing discriminator circuit is ao automatically controlled that the not sensing band width may return to ordinary value in a normal operation by avoiding the fast repetition of inserting and removing control rods by increasing the width of the insensing band if the period of a control deviation signal produced due to the variation in the load is quickly repeated and varied in correspondence to the control deviation signal. That is, a circuit for varying the insensing band of the control circuit for driving a control mechanism is provided to reduce the amount of driving the control rods in a load control operation and to reduce the strain of the power distribution of the nuclear reactor, thereby improving the load control capacity. (Yoshihara, H.)

  5. Geodetic Control Points - Multi-State Control Point Database (United States)

    NSGIC State | GIS Inventory — The Multi-State Control Point Database (MCPD) is a database of geodetic and mapping control covering Idaho and Montana. The control were submitted by registered land...

  6. Aircraft Landing and Attitude Control Using Dynamic Matrix Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George Cristian Calugaru


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a method for an efficient control of the aircraft landing and attitude through Dynamic Matrix Control. The idea of MPC structures used in aircraft control has been well established during the last few years, but some aspects require further investigation. With this in mind, the paper proposes structures for aircraft landing and aircraft attitude control by using single DMC controllers for landing and respectively one DMC controller for each of the attitude axis (pitch attitude hold, bank angle hold and heading hold. The model used for analysis of the aircraft landing structure is based on the last phase of landing. Also, the model used to illustrate the attitude control is that of a pitch attitude hold system of a N250-100 aircraft. Simulations are performed for a variety of control and prediction horizons, taking into account the possibility of adding a weighting factor for the control actions. Apart from separate studies on step reference variations, for some use cases, a generic reference trajectory is provided as a control purpose of the system. Results show a better performance of the proposed method in terms of control surface transition and protection of the actuators involved and a better time response in stabilizing the aircraft attitude. Overall, the aspects shown ensure an improved aircraft attitude control and landing stabilization.

  7. Unidirectional Quantum Remote Control:Teleportation of Control-State

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZHENG Yi-Zhuang; GU Yong-Jian; WU Gui-Chu; GUO Guang-Can


    We investigate the problem of teleportation of unitary operations by unidirectional control-state telepor-tation and propose a scheme called unidirectional quantum remote control. The scheme is based on the isomorphismbetween operation and state. It allows us to store a unitary operation in a control state, thereby teleportation of theunitary operation can be implemented by unidirectional teleportation of the control-state. We find that the probabilityof success for implementing an arbitrary unitary operation on arbitrary M-qubit state by unidirectional control-stateteleportation is 4-M, and 2M ebits and 4M cbits are consumed in each teleportation.

  8. Control of a mechanical gripper with a fuzzy controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alberdi, J.; Barcala, J.M.; Gamero, E.; Navarrete, J.J.


    A fuzzy logic system is used to control a mechanical gripper. System is based in a NLX230 fuzzy micro controller. Control rules are programmed by a 68020 microprocessor in the micro controller memory. Stress and its derived are used as feedback signals in the control. This system can adapt its effort to the mechanical resistance of the object between the fingers. (Author)

  9. Control integral systems; Sistemas integrales de control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burgos, Estrella [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Almost two third of the electric power generation in Mexico are obtained from hydrocarbons, for that reasons Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) dedicated special commitment in modernizing the operation of fossil fuel central stations. In attaining this objective the control systems play a fundamental roll, from them depend a good share of the reliability and the efficiency of the electric power generation process, as well as the extension of the equipment useful life. Since 1984 the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been working, upon the request of CFE, on the development of digital control systems. To date it has designed and implemented a logic control system for gas burners, which controls 32 burners of the Unit 4 boiler of the Generation Central of Valle de Mexico and two systems for distributed control for two combined cycle central stations, which are: Dos Bocas, Veracruz Combined cycle central, and Gomez Palacio, Durango combined cycle central. With these two developments the IIE enters the World tendency of implementing distributed control systems for the fossil fuel power central update [Espanol] Casi las dos terceras partes de la generacion electrica en Mexico se obtienen a partir de hidrocarburos, es por eso que la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) puso especial empeno en modernizar la operacion de las centrales termoelectricas de combustibles fosiles. En el logro de este objetivo los sistemas de control desempenan un papel fundamental, de ellos depende una buena parte la confiabilidad y la eficiencia en el proceso de generacion de energia electrica, asi como la prolongacion de la vida util de los equipos. Desde 1984 el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha trabajado, a solicitud de la CFE, en el desarrollo de sistemas digitales de control. A la fecha se han disenado e implantado un sistema de control logico de quemadores de gas, el cual controla 32 quemadores de la caldera de la unidad 4 de la central de generacion

  10. Control integral systems; Sistemas integrales de control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burgos, Estrella [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    Almost two third of the electric power generation in Mexico are obtained from hydrocarbons, for that reasons Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) dedicated special commitment in modernizing the operation of fossil fuel central stations. In attaining this objective the control systems play a fundamental roll, from them depend a good share of the reliability and the efficiency of the electric power generation process, as well as the extension of the equipment useful life. Since 1984 the Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) has been working, upon the request of CFE, on the development of digital control systems. To date it has designed and implemented a logic control system for gas burners, which controls 32 burners of the Unit 4 boiler of the Generation Central of Valle de Mexico and two systems for distributed control for two combined cycle central stations, which are: Dos Bocas, Veracruz Combined cycle central, and Gomez Palacio, Durango combined cycle central. With these two developments the IIE enters the World tendency of implementing distributed control systems for the fossil fuel power central update [Espanol] Casi las dos terceras partes de la generacion electrica en Mexico se obtienen a partir de hidrocarburos, es por eso que la Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) puso especial empeno en modernizar la operacion de las centrales termoelectricas de combustibles fosiles. En el logro de este objetivo los sistemas de control desempenan un papel fundamental, de ellos depende una buena parte la confiabilidad y la eficiencia en el proceso de generacion de energia electrica, asi como la prolongacion de la vida util de los equipos. Desde 1984 el Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas (IIE) ha trabajado, a solicitud de la CFE, en el desarrollo de sistemas digitales de control. A la fecha se han disenado e implantado un sistema de control logico de quemadores de gas, el cual controla 32 quemadores de la caldera de la unidad 4 de la central de generacion

  11. Study on Design of Control Module and Fuzzy Control System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Chang Kyu; Sohn, Chang Ho; Kim, Jung Seon; Kim, Min Kyu


    Performance of control unit is improved by introduction of fuzzy control theory and compensation for input of control unit as FLC(Fuzzy Logic Controller). Here, FLC drives thermal control system by linguistic rule-base. Hence, In case of using compensative PID control unit, it doesn't need to revise or compensate for PID control unit. Consequently, this study shows proof that control system which implements H/W module and then uses fuzzy algorism in this system is stable and has reliable performance

  12. Method for automatic control rod operation using rule-based control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinoshita, Mitsuo; Yamada, Naoyuki; Kiguchi, Takashi


    An automatic control rod operation method using rule-based control is proposed. Its features are as follows: (1) a production system to recognize plant events, determine control actions and realize fast inference (fast selection of a suitable production rule), (2) use of the fuzzy control technique to determine quantitative control variables. The method's performance was evaluated by simulation tests on automatic control rod operation at a BWR plant start-up. The results were as follows; (1) The performance which is related to stabilization of controlled variables and time required for reactor start-up, was superior to that of other methods such as PID control and program control methods, (2) the process time to select and interpret the suitable production rule, which was the same as required for event recognition or determination of control action, was short (below 1 s) enough for real time control. The results showed that the method is effective for automatic control rod operation. (author)

  13. Real Time Implementation of a DC Motor Speed Control by Fuzzy Logic Controller and PI Controller Using FPGA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Sakthivel


    Full Text Available Fuzzy logic control has met with growing interest in many motor control applications due to its non-linearity, handling features and independence of plant modelling. The hardware implementation of fuzzy logic controller (FLC on FPGA is very important because of the increasing number of fuzzy applications requiring highly parallel and high speed fuzzy processing. Implementation of a fuzzy logic controller and conventional PI controller on an FPGA using VHDL for DC motor speed control is presented in this paper. The proposed scheme is to improve tracking performance of D.C. motor as compared to the conventional (PI control strategy .This paper describes the hardware implementation of two inputs (error and change in error, one output fuzzy logic controller based on PI controller and conventional PI controller using VHDL. Real time implementation FLC and conventional PI controller is made on Spartan-3A DSP FPGA (XC3SD1800A FPGA for the speed control of DC motor. It is observed that fuzzy logic based controllers give better responses than the conventional PI controller for the speed control of dc motor.

  14. Control rods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maruyama, Hiromi.


    Purpose: To realize effective utilization, cost reduction and weight reduction in neutron absorbing materials. Constitution: Residual amount of neutron absorbing material is averaged between the top end region and other regions of a control rod upon reaching to the control rod working life, by using a single kind of neutron absorbing material and increasing the amount of the neutron absorber material at the top end region of the control rod as compared with that in the other regions. Further, in a case of a control rod having control rod blades such as in a cross-like control rod, the amount of the neutron absorbing material is decreased in the middle portion than in the both end portions of the control rod blade along the transversal direction of the rod, so that the residual amount of the neutron absorbing material is balanced between the central region and both end regions upon reaching the working life of the control rod. (Yoshihara, H.)

  15. Adaptive Extremum Control and Wind Turbine Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ma, Xin


    This thesis is divided into two parts, i.e., adaptive extremum control and modelling and control of a wind turbine. The rst part of the thesis deals with the design of adaptive extremum controllers for some processes which have the behaviour that process should have as high e ciency as possible...... in parameters, and thus directly lends itself to parameter estimation and adaptive control. The extremum control law is derived based on static optimization of a performance function. For a process with nonlinearity at output the intermediate signal between the linear part and nonlinear part plays an important....... Firstly, it is assumed that the nonlinear processes can be divided into a dynamic linear part and static nonlinear part. Consequently the processes with input nonlinearity and output nonlinearity are treated separately. With the nonlinearity at the input it is easy to set up a model which is linear...

  16. The neural optimal control hierarchy for motor control (United States)

    DeWolf, T.; Eliasmith, C.


    Our empirical, neuroscientific understanding of biological motor systems has been rapidly growing in recent years. However, this understanding has not been systematically mapped to a quantitative characterization of motor control based in control theory. Here, we attempt to bridge this gap by describing the neural optimal control hierarchy (NOCH), which can serve as a foundation for biologically plausible models of neural motor control. The NOCH has been constructed by taking recent control theoretic models of motor control, analyzing the required processes, generating neurally plausible equivalent calculations and mapping them on to the neural structures that have been empirically identified to form the anatomical basis of motor control. We demonstrate the utility of the NOCH by constructing a simple model based on the identified principles and testing it in two ways. First, we perturb specific anatomical elements of the model and compare the resulting motor behavior with clinical data in which the corresponding area of the brain has been damaged. We show that damaging the assigned functions of the basal ganglia and cerebellum can cause the movement deficiencies seen in patients with Huntington's disease and cerebellar lesions. Second, we demonstrate that single spiking neuron data from our model's motor cortical areas explain major features of single-cell responses recorded from the same primate areas. We suggest that together these results show how NOCH-based models can be used to unify a broad range of data relevant to biological motor control in a quantitative, control theoretic framework.

  17. Success Stories in Control: Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Control (United States)

    Bosworth, John T.


    NASA plays an important role in advancing the state of the art in flight control systems. In the case of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (NDI) NASA supported initial implementation of the theory in an aircraft and demonstration in a space vehicle. Dr. Dale Enns of Honeywell Aerospace Advanced Technology performed this work in cooperation with NASA and under NASA contract. Honeywell and Lockheed Martin were subsequently contracted by AFRL to create "Design Guidelines for Multivariable Control Theory". This foundational work directly contributed to the advancement of the technology and the credibility of the control law as a design option. As a result Honeywell collaborated with Lockheed Martin to produce a Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion controller for the X-35 and subsequently Lockheed Martin did the same for the production Lockheed Martin F-35 vehicle. The theory behind NDI is to use a systematic generalized approach to controlling a vehicle. Using general aircraft nonlinear equations of motion and onboard aerodynamic, mass properties, and engine models specific to the vehicle, a relationship between control effectors and desired aircraft motion can be formulated. Using this formulation a control combination is used that provides a predictable response to commanded motion. Control loops around this formulation shape the response as desired and provide robustness to modeling errors. Once the control law is designed it can be used on a similar class of vehicle with only an update to the vehicle specific onboard models.

  18. Fractional order PID controller for load frequency control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sondhi, Swati; Hote, Yogesh V.


    Highlights: • The manuscript shows the design of FOPID controller for the load frequency control. • Performance of FOPID is given for non-reheated, reheated and hydro turbine. • Performance of FOPID is compared to IMC-PID and reduced order IMC-PID design scheme. • Performance of FOPID is better than the existing techniques. - Abstract: Load frequency control (LFC) plays a very important role in providing quality power both in the case of isolated as well as interconnected power systems. In order to maintain good quality power supply, the LFC should possess robustness toward the parametric uncertainty of the system and good disturbance rejection capability. The fractional order controller has the properties such as, eliminating steady state error, robustness toward plant gain variations and also good disturbance rejection. This makes the fractional order PID (FOPID) controller quite suitable for the LFC. Therefore, in this paper a FOPID is designed for single area LFC for all three types of turbines i.e., non-reheated, reheated and hydro turbines. It is observed that the FOPID controller shows better robustness toward ±50% parametric uncertainty and disturbance rejection capability than the existing techniques. Finally, the optimization of controller parameters and robustness evaluation of the control technique is done on the basis of the integral error criterion

  19. Structural controllability and controlling centrality of temporal networks. (United States)

    Pan, Yujian; Li, Xiang


    Temporal networks are such networks where nodes and interactions may appear and disappear at various time scales. With the evidence of ubiquity of temporal networks in our economy, nature and society, it's urgent and significant to focus on its structural controllability as well as the corresponding characteristics, which nowadays is still an untouched topic. We develop graphic tools to study the structural controllability as well as its characteristics, identifying the intrinsic mechanism of the ability of individuals in controlling a dynamic and large-scale temporal network. Classifying temporal trees of a temporal network into different types, we give (both upper and lower) analytical bounds of the controlling centrality, which are verified by numerical simulations of both artificial and empirical temporal networks. We find that the positive relationship between aggregated degree and controlling centrality as well as the scale-free distribution of node's controlling centrality are virtually independent of the time scale and types of datasets, meaning the inherent robustness and heterogeneity of the controlling centrality of nodes within temporal networks.

  20. Kinematics and Dynamics of Motion Control Based on Acceleration Control (United States)

    Ohishi, Kiyoshi; Ohba, Yuzuru; Katsura, Seiichiro

    The first IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control was held in 1990 pointed out the importance of physical interpretation of motion control. The software servoing technology is now common in machine tools, robotics, and mechatronics. It has been intensively developed for the numerical control (NC) machines. Recently, motion control in unknown environment will be more and more important. Conventional motion control is not always suitable due to the lack of adaptive capability to the environment. A more sophisticated ability in motion control is necessary for compliant contact with environment. Acceleration control is the key technology of motion control in unknown environment. The acceleration control can make a motion system to be a zero control stiffness system without losing the robustness. Furthermore, a realization of multi-degree-of-freedom motion is necessary for future human assistance. A human assistant motion will require various control stiffness corresponding to the task. The review paper focuses on the modal coordinate system to integrate the various control stiffness in the virtual axes. A bilateral teleoperation is a good candidate to consider the future human assistant motion and integration of decentralized systems. Thus the paper reviews and discusses the bilateral teleoperation from the control stiffness and the modal control design points of view.

  1. Generalized Predictive Control and Neural Generalized Predictive Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sadhana CHIDRAWAR


    Full Text Available As Model Predictive Control (MPC relies on the predictive Control using a multilayer feed forward network as the plants linear model is presented. In using Newton-Raphson as the optimization algorithm, the number of iterations needed for convergence is significantly reduced from other techniques. This paper presents a detailed derivation of the Generalized Predictive Control and Neural Generalized Predictive Control with Newton-Raphson as minimization algorithm. Taking three separate systems, performances of the system has been tested. Simulation results show the effect of neural network on Generalized Predictive Control. The performance comparison of this three system configurations has been given in terms of ISE and IAE.

  2. Power control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukawa, Naohiro.


    Purpose: To alleviate the load of an operator by automatically operating the main controller, the speed controller, etc. of a recirculation control system and safely operating them without erroneous operation for long period of time, thereby improving the efficiency of a plant. Constitution: An electric type hydraulic control device controls loads of a turbine and a generator and outputs a control signal also to the main controller of a recirculation flow rate control system. At this time, the main controller is set at an automatic position, and the speed controller receives a recirculation pump speed signal from the main controller at the automatic position. The speed controller outputs a pump speed control signal to the recirculation pump system, and a reactor generates a power corresponding thereto. When the power control is automatically performed by the recirculation flow rate control, an operator sets a rate of change of the recirculation pump speed and the rate of change of the mean power range monitor at a change rate setting unit. Therefore, the control of the recirculation flow rate under the power control can be substantially entirely automated. (Yoshigara, H.)

  3. Seleção de parâmetros através do método Taguchi para soldagem de revestimento com ligas de níquel pelo processo MIG/MAG Using the Taguchi method to select welding parameters for weld overlay with nickel alloy through the GMAW process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio Rodolfo Paulino Pessoa


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho utilizou-se o método Taguchi (planejamento Robusto de experimentos, para cumprir com um reduzido número de ensaios, dois objetivos: obter a influência dos fatores de controle sobre as variáveis respostas e determinar as condições ideais para aplicação das ligas de níquel nas soldagens de revestimentos através do processo MIG/MAG com transferência metálica por curto-circuito. Foram escolhidos seis fatores de controle com três níveis cada: Tensão de referência, Velocidade de soldagem, Tipo de tecimento, Técnica da tocha, Gás de proteção e o Material de adição. Por sua vez as variáveis respostas escolhidas foram: Diluição (D e Razão entre o reforço e a largura (R/L. As soldagens foram realizadas na posição plana por simples deposição sobre chapas de aço ASTM 516 Gr60 com dimensões de 200 x 50 x 12,7 mm. O uso do tecimento proporcionou cordões com baixos valores da razão R/L e obteve valores bastante baixos de diluição chegando à ordem de 5%. A combinação dos níveis dos fatores de controle apontados como ótimos pelo método Taguchi resultaram em valores para as variáveis repostas consideradas adequadas para a soldagem de revestimento.In this work aim the Taguchi method (Robust design of experiments was chosen to achieve with a limited number of tests two objectives: the first was to the influence of the control factors (welding parameters on quality characteristics (weld bead geometry and the second was to determine optimal conditions for weld overlay with nickel alloy through the GMAW process in a short circuiting transfer mode. Six control factors were employed with three levels each: Reference voltage, Welding speed, Arc oscillation, welding gun orientation (Perpendicular, forehand and backhand, Shielding gas and filler metal. Already the employed quality characteristics were: Percent dilution (D and the ration between reinforcement and bead width (R/L. The weldings were accomplished using

  4. Digital linear control theory for automatic stepsize control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, A.; Beelen, T.G.J.; Hautus, M.L.J.; Maten, ter E.J.W.; Anile, A.M.; Ali, G.; Mascali, G.


    In transient analysis of electrical circuits the solution is computed by means of numerical integration methods. Adaptive stepsize control is used to control the local errors of the numerical solution. For optimization purposes smoother stepsize controllers can ensure that the errors and stepsizes

  5. A Lyapunov theory based UPFC controller for power flow control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zangeneh, Ali; Kazemi, Ahad; Hajatipour, Majid; Jadid, Shahram [Center of Excellence for Power Systems Automation and Operation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran (Iran)


    Unified power flow controller (UPFC) is the most comprehensive multivariable device among the FACTS controllers. Capability of power flow control is the most important responsibility of UPFC. According to high importance of power flow control in transmission lines, the proper controller should be robust against uncertainty and disturbance and also have suitable settling time. For this purpose, a new controller is designed based on the Lyapunov theory and its stability is also evaluated. The Main goal of this paper is to design a controller which enables a power system to track reference signals precisely and to be robust in the presence of uncertainty of system parameters and disturbances. The performance of the proposed controller is simulated on a two bus test system and compared with a conventional PI controller. The simulation results show the power and accuracy of the proposed controller. (author)

  6. Control rod drives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayakawa, Hiroyasu.


    Purpose: To enable rapid control in a simple circuit by providing a motor control device having an electric capacity capable of simultaneously driving all of the control rods rapidly only in the inserting direction as well as a motor controlling device capable of fine control for the insertion and extraction at usual operation. Constitution: The control rod drives comprise a first motor control device capable of finely controlling the control rods both in inserting and extracting directions, a second motor control device capable of rapidly driving the control rods only in the inserting direction, and a first motor switching circuit and a second motor switching circuit switched by switches. Upon issue of a rapid insertion instruction for the control rods, the second motor switching circuit is closed by the switch and the second motor control circuit and driving motors are connected. Thus, each of the control rod driving motors is driven at a high speed in the inserting direction to rapidly insert all of the control rods. (Yoshino, Y.)

  7. Indirect control and power in mutual control structures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karos, D.; Peters, H.J.M.


    In a mutual control structure agents exercise control over each other. Typical examples occur in the area of corporate governance: firms and investment companies exercise mutual control, in particular by owning each others’ stocks. In this paper we formulate a general model for such situations.

  8. Reactor control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukami, Haruo; Morimoto, Yoshinori.


    Purpose: To operate a reactor always with safety operation while eliminating the danger of tripping. Constitution: In a reactor control device adapted to detect the process variants of a reactor, control a control rod drive controlling system based on the detected signal to thereby control the driving the control rods, control the reactor power and control the electric power generated from an electric generator by the output from the reactor, detection means is provided for the detection of the electric power from said electric generator, and a compensation device is provided for outputting control rod driving compensation signals to the control rod driving controlling system in accordance with the amount of variation in the detected value. (Seki, T.)

  9. Bangbang controller design and implementation for EAST vertical instability control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Yuehang, E-mail: [University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei (China); Xiao, Bingjia, E-mail: [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei (China); University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei (China); Liu, Lei, E-mail: [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei (China); Yuan, Qiping, E-mail: [Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei (China)


    Highlights: • The linearized plasma vertical response model is designed and analysed. • The Bangbang controller for EAST vertical displacement is designed. • The Bangbang controller is optimized for time delay of control system. • We investigate efficacy of Bangbang controller with simulations. • Performance of the controller is roughly given by experiments. - Abstract: In the EAST 2014 campaign, a new internal coil (IC) power supply was used in order to enhance the control over the plasma’s vertical instabilities. The IC power supply now allows for current and voltage working modes with much higher peak voltages and currents and faster response time. In comparison the previous power supply only allowed for the current mode. A Bangbang and PID composite controller has been designed for the voltage mode based on optimal control theory and the RZIP rigid plasma response model. This paper will demonstrate that faster and enhanced controllability are realized with the combination of Bangbang and PID controller. For the large z position drift, the Bangbang controller will export the maximum voltage to achieve much faster power supply response and slow the vertical displacement events (VDEs). The PID controller is used for the small z drifts which will finally stabilize the VDEs with minimum z position oscillation. Furthermore, to evaluate the time latency of this control system and power supply, the stability and performance of the closed loop were simulated and analysed. This controller was finally implementation and test on EAST using the Quasi-snowflake shape which achieved growth rates of 500 s{sup −1}. This paper shows that the new power supply using the bangbang + PID controller can significantly enhance the control over vertical instabilities.

  10. Tracking Control Based on Control Allocation with an Innovative Control Effector Aircraft Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chaoyang Dong


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a control allocation method for the tracking control problem of a class of morphing aircraft with special actuators which are different from the conventional actuation surfaces. This design of actuators can bring about some potential advantages to the flight vehicles; however, due to the integral constraints, the desired control cannot be performed accurately; therefore, it leads to undesirable tracking errors, so influencing the performance of the system. Because the system could be control allocated, based on the designed cost function that describes the tracking errors, the cuckoo search algorithm (CSA is introduced to search for the optimum solution within the calculated actuator execution commands that are equivalent to the desired commands. Several improvement measures are proposed for boosting the efficiency of the CSA and ensuring reasonable solutions. Simulation results show that the proposed control allocation method is necessary and effective, and the improvement measures are helpful in obtaining the optimum solution.

  11. Hydraulic pressure control unit for control rod drive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watabe, Yukio.


    The pressure invention concerns a hydraulic pressure control unit for control rod drives in BWR type reactors. The space above a floating piston possessed by an accumulator and the housing of control rod drives are connected by means of a pipeline. The pipeline has a scram valve which is opened upon occurrence of reactor scram. A pump is disposed between the accumulator and the scram valve for communicating a discharge port to apply a high pressure water to the accumulator. According to the present invention, a control unit is disposed between the scram valve and the housing of the control rod drives in the hydraulic pressure control unit for maintaining the cross sectional area of the flow channel of the pipeline to a usual size when the pressure in a pressure vessel is under a rated operation pressure, while limiting the cross sectional area of the flow channel when the pressure is lower than that in the rated operation. Thus, whole insertion of the control rod substantially at a constant speed is enabled irrespective of the level of the pressure in the pressure vessel. (I.S.)

  12. Control Areas (United States)

    Department of Homeland Security — This feature class represents electric power Control Areas. Control Areas, also known as Balancing Authority Areas, are controlled by Balancing Authorities, who are...

  13. Active control versus recursive backstepping control of a chaotic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this paper active controllers and recursive backstepping controllers are designed for a third order chaotic system. The performances of these controllers in the control of the dynamics of the chaotic system are investigated numerically and are found to be effective. Comparison of their transient performances show that the ...

  14. Tuning method for multi-variable control system with PID controllers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, Toshitaka


    Control systems, including thermal and nuclear power plants, generally and mainly use PID controllers consisting of proportional, integral and differential actions. These systems consist of multiple control loops which interfere with each other. Therefore, it is present status that the fine control of the system is carried out by the trial and error method because the adjusting procedure for a single control loop cannot be applied to a multi-loop system in most cases. In this report, a method to effectively adjust PID controller parameters in a short time in a control system which consists of multi-loops that interfere with each other. This method makes adjustment by using the control area as the evaluation function, which is the time-dependent integration of control deviation, the input to the PID controllers. In other words, the evaluation function is provided for each control result for every parameter (gain constant, reset rate, and differentiation time), and all parameters are simultaneously changed in the direction of minimizing the values of these evaluation functions. In the report, the principle of tuning method, the evaluation function for each of three parameters, and the adjusting system configuration for separately using for actual plant tuning and for control system design are described. It also shows the examples of application to the actual tuning of the control system for a thermal power plant and to a control system design. (Wakatsuki, Y.)

  15. Cascade control of superheated steam temperature with neuro-PID controller. (United States)

    Zhang, Jianhua; Zhang, Fenfang; Ren, Mifeng; Hou, Guolian; Fang, Fang


    In this paper, an improved cascade control methodology for superheated processes is developed, in which the primary PID controller is implemented by neural networks trained by minimizing error entropy criterion. The entropy of the tracking error can be estimated recursively by utilizing receding horizon window technique. The measurable disturbances in superheated processes are input to the neuro-PID controller besides the sequences of tracking error in outer loop control system, hence, feedback control is combined with feedforward control in the proposed neuro-PID controller. The convergent condition of the neural networks is analyzed. The implementation procedures of the proposed cascade control approach are summarized. Compared with the neuro-PID controller using minimizing squared error criterion, the proposed neuro-PID controller using minimizing error entropy criterion may decrease fluctuations of the superheated steam temperature. A simulation example shows the advantages of the proposed method. Copyright © 2012 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. 46 CFR 111.70-3 - Motor controllers and motor-control centers. (United States)


    ... 46 Shipping 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Motor controllers and motor-control centers. 111.70-3... ELECTRIC SYSTEMS-GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Motor Circuits, Controllers, and Protection § 111.70-3 Motor controllers and motor-control centers. (a) General. The enclosure for each motor controller or motor-control...

  17. Temperature uniformity control in RTP using multivariable adaptive control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales, S.; Dahhou, B.; Dilhac, J.M. [Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), 31 - Toulouse (France); Morales, S.


    In Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) control of the wafer temperature during all processing to get good trajectory following, together with spatial temperature uniformity, is essential. It is well know as RTP process is nonlinear, classical control laws are not very efficient. In this work, the authors aim at studying the applicability of MIMO (Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs) adaptive techniques to solve the temperature control problems in RTP. A multivariable linear discrete time CARIMA (Controlled Auto Regressive Integrating Moving Average) model of the highly non-linear process is identified on-line using a robust identification technique. The identified model is used to compute an infinite time LQ (Linear Quadratic) based control law, with a partial state reference model. This reference model smooths the original setpoint sequence, and at the same time gives a tracking capability to the LQ control law. After an experimental open-loop investigation, the results of the application of the adaptive control law are presented. Finally, some comments on the future difficulties and developments of the application of adaptive control in RTP are given. (author) 13 refs.

  18. Design of controller for control rod of research reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abou-Zaid, R.M.F.M


    Designing and testing digital control system for any nuclear research reactor can be costly and time consuming. In this thesis, a rapid, low-cost proto typing and testing procedure for digital controller design is proposed using the concept of Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL). Some of the control loop components are real hardware components and the others are simulated. First, the whole system is modeled and tested by Real-Time Simulation (RTS) using conventional simulation techniques such as MATLAB / SIMULINK. Second the Hardware-in-the-loop simulation is tested using Real-Time Windows Target in MATLAB and Visual C ++ . The control parts are included as hardware components which are the reactor control rod and its drivers. Three kinds of controllers are studied, Proportional-Derivative (PD), Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) and Fuzzy controller. An experimental setup for the hardware used in HIL concept for the control of the nuclear research reactor has been realized. Experimental results are obtained and compared with the simulation results. The experimental results indicate the validation of HIL method in this domain.

  19. SODR Memory Control Buffer Control ASIC (United States)

    Hodson, Robert F.


    The Spacecraft Optical Disk Recorder (SODR) is a state of the art mass storage system for future NASA missions requiring high transmission rates and a large capacity storage system. This report covers the design and development of an SODR memory buffer control applications specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The memory buffer control ASIC has two primary functions: (1) buffering data to prevent loss of data during disk access times, (2) converting data formats from a high performance parallel interface format to a small computer systems interface format. Ten 144 p in, 50 MHz CMOS ASIC's were designed, fabricated and tested to implement the memory buffer control function.

  20. Observer-Based Robust Control for Hydraulic Velocity Control System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Shen


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the problems of robust stabilization and robust control for the secondary component speed control system with parameters uncertainty and load disturbance. The aim is to enhance the control performance of hydraulic system based on Common Pressure Rail (CPR. Firstly, a mathematical model is presented to describe the hydraulic control system. Then a novel observer is proposed, and an observed-based control strategy is designed such that the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable and satisfies the disturbance attenuation level. The condition for the existence of the developed controller can by efficiently solved by using the MATLAB software. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  1. Improved fuzzy PID controller design using predictive functional control structure. (United States)

    Wang, Yuzhong; Jin, Qibing; Zhang, Ridong


    In conventional PID scheme, the ensemble control performance may be unsatisfactory due to limited degrees of freedom under various kinds of uncertainty. To overcome this disadvantage, a novel PID control method that inherits the advantages of fuzzy PID control and the predictive functional control (PFC) is presented and further verified on the temperature model of a coke furnace. Based on the framework of PFC, the prediction of the future process behavior is first obtained using the current process input signal. Then, the fuzzy PID control based on the multi-step prediction is introduced to acquire the optimal control law. Finally, the case study on a temperature model of a coke furnace shows the effectiveness of the fuzzy PID control scheme when compared with conventional PID control and fuzzy self-adaptive PID control. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Hardware design of a microcomputer controlled diagnostic vacuum controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsala, R.J.


    The TFTR diagnostic vacuum controller (DVC) has been designed and built to control and monitor the pumps, valves and gauges which comprise a diagnostic vacuum system. The DVC is a microcomputer based self-contained controller with battery backup which may be controlled manually from front panel controls or remotely via CICADA. The DVC implements all pump and valve sequencing and provides protection against incorrect operation. There are presently two versions of the DVC operating on TFTR and a third version being used on the S-1 machine

  3. Fuzzy control. Fundamentals, stability and design of fuzzy controllers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Michels, K. [Fichtner GmbH und Co. KG, Stuttgart (Germany); Klawonn, F. [Fachhochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbuettel (Germany). Fachbereich Informatik; Kruse, R. [Magdeburg Univ. (Germany). Fakultaet Informatik, Abt. Wiss.- und Sprachverarbeitung; Nuernberger, A. (eds.) [California Univ., Berkeley, CA (United States). Computer Science Division


    The book provides a critical discussion of fuzzy controllers from the perspective of classical control theory. Special emphases are placed on topics that are of importance for industrial applications, like (self-) tuning of fuzzy controllers, optimisation and stability analysis. The book is written as a textbook for graduate students as well as a comprehensive reference book about fuzzy control for researchers and application engineers. Starting with a detailed introduction to fuzzy systems and control theory the reader is guided to up-to-date research results. (orig.)

  4. Velocity control of a secondary controlled closed-loop hydrostatic transmission system using an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Do, Hoang Thinh; Ahn, Kyoung Kwan [University of Ulsan, Ulsan (Korea, Republic of)


    A secondary-controlled hydrostatic transmission system (SC-HST), which considered being an energy-saving system, can recuperate most of the lost vehicle kinetic energy in decelerating and braking time and it shows advantage in fuel economy improvement of vehicle. Almost secondary control units (SCU) in SC-HST inherently contain nonlinear characteristics such as dead-zone input. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain precise position or velocity control by conventional linear controllers. This problem limits the application of SC-HST in industry and mobile vehicle. This paper gives a description of SC-HST and proposes an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller (AFSMC) for velocity control of SCU. Experiments were carried out in the condition of disturbance load by using both the proposed controller and PID controller for the comparison and evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed controller. The experimental results showed that the proposed controller was excellent from the standpoints of performance and stability for the velocity control of SC-HST.

  5. COPD - control drugs (United States)

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - control drugs; Bronchodilators - COPD - control drugs; Beta agonist inhaler - COPD - control drugs; Anticholinergic inhaler - COPD - control drugs; Long-acting inhaler - COPD - control drugs; ...

  6. Real-time control of Tokamak plasmas: from control of physics to physics-based control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felici, F. A. A.


    Stable, high-performance operation of a tokamak requires several plasma control problems to be handled simultaneously. Moreover, the complex physics which governs the tokamak plasma evolution must be studied and understood to make correct choices in controller design. In this thesis, the two subjects have been merged, using control solutions as experimental tool for physics studies, and using physics knowledge for developing new advanced control solutions. The TCV tokamak at CRPP-EPFL is ideally placed to explore issues at the interface between plasma physics and plasma control, by combining a digital realtime control system with a flexible and powerful set of actuators, in particular the electron cyclotron heating and current drive system (ECRH/ECCD). This experimental platform has been used to develop and test new control strategies for three plasma physics instabilities: sawtooth, edge localized mode (ELM) and neoclassical tearing mode (NTM). The period of the sawtooth crash, a periodic MHD instability in the core of a tokamak plasma, can be varied by localized deposition of ECRH/ECCD near the q = 1 surface (q: safety factor). A sawtooth pacing controller was developed which is able to control the time of appearance of the next sawtooth crash. Each individual sawtooth period can be controlled in real-time. A similar scheme is applied to H-mode plasmas with type-I ELMs, where it is shown that pacing regularizes the ELM period. The regular, reproducible and therefore predictable sawtooth crashes have been used to study the relationship between sawteeth and NTMs. Postcrash MHD activity can provide the ‘seed’ island for an NTM, which then grows under its neoclassical bootstrap drive. The seeding of 3/2 NTMs by long sawtooth crashes can be avoided by preemptive, crash-synchronized EC power injection pulses at the q = 3/2 rational surface location. NTM stabilization experiments in which the ECRH deposition location is moved in real-time with steerable mirrors have

  7. Arbitrating Control of Control and Display Units (United States)

    Sugden, Paul C.


    The ARINC 739 Switch is a computer program that arbitrates control of two multi-function control and display units (MCDUs) between (1) a commercial flight-management computer (FMC) and (2) NASA software used in research on transport aircraft. (MCDUs are the primary interfaces between pilots and FMCs on many commercial aircraft.) This program was recently redesigned into a software library that can be embedded in research application programs. As part of the redesign, this software was combined with software for creating custom pages of information to be displayed on a CDU. This software commands independent switching of the left (pilot s) and right (copilot s) MCDUs. For example, a custom CDU page can control the left CDU while the FMC controls the right CDU. The software uses menu keys to switch control of the CDU between the FMC or a custom CDU page. The software provides an interface that enables custom CDU pages to insert keystrokes into the FMC s CDU input interface. This feature allows the custom CDU pages to manipulate the FMC as if it were a pilot.

  8. Mosquito Control (United States)

    ... Labs and Research Centers Contact Us Share Mosquito Control About Mosquitoes General Information Life Cycle Information from ... Repellent that is Right for You DEET Mosquito Control Methods Success in mosquito control: an integrated approach ...

  9. Control room, emergency control system and local control panels in nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The requirements on planning and construction of control boards including ergonomic-technical designing are specified in this rule. The specifications put the requirements on the design of place, process and environment of work, which are mentioned in the sections 90 and 91 of the labor-management relations act, into more concrete terms for the safety-relevant control panels as work places in a nuclear power station. The work places at control panels are not considered as video workstations in the sense of the 'Safety Rules for Video Workstations in the Office Sector' published by the General Association of the Industrial Trade Associations. The requirements are based on the operation and information technology realized at present in control panels of stationary nuclear power plants. (orig./HP) [de

  10. Multicopter control with Navio using REX control system (United States)

    Golembiovsky, Matej; Dedek, Jan; Ozana, Stepan


    This article deals with study of possible connection of the REXcontrols platform with Raspberry Pi based control system and Navio2 expansion board. This board is designed for development of autonomous robotic platforms type car, plane or multicopter. In this article, control system REXcontrols is introduced and its integration possibilities for control board Navio2 are discussed. The main discussed aspects are communication possibilities of the REXcontrols system with external scripts which further on allow control of this board. The main reasons for this undertaking are vast possibilities of archiving, visualization, signal processing and control which REXcontrols system allows. The control itself of the navio2 board is done through numerous interfaces. Specifically it is a pair of SPI data buses, an I2C data bus, UART and multiple GPIO pins. However, since REXcontrols control system has only limited access to these data buses, it is necessary to establish the communication through external scripts. For this purpose REXcontrols is equipped with mechanisms; SILO, EPC and REXLANG which are described in the article. Due to its simple implementation into REXcontrols and the option to utilize available libraries for communication with Navio2 board in external script, an EPC block was selected for the final implementation.

  11. Robust hydraulic position controller by a fuzzy state controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, T.; Van der Wal, A.J.


    In nuclear industry, one of the most important design considerations of controllers is their robustness. Robustness in this context is defined as the ability of a system to be controlled in a stable way over a wide range of system parameters. Generally the systems to be controlled are linearized, and stability is subsequently proven for this idealized system. By combining classical control theory and fuzzy set theory, a new kind of state controller is proposed and successfully applied to a hydraulic position servo with excellent robustness against variation of system parameters

  12. Robust motion control of oscillatory-base manipulators h∞-control and sliding-mode-control-based approaches

    CERN Document Server

    Toda, Masayoshi


    This book provides readers with alternative robust approaches to control design for an important class of systems characteristically associated with ocean-going vessels and structures. These systems, which include crane vessels, on-board cranes, radar gimbals, and a conductivity temperature and depth winch, are modelled as manipulators with oscillating bases. One design approach is based on the H-infinity control framework exploiting an effective combination of PD control, an extended matrix polytope and a robust stability analysis method with a state-dependent coefficient form. The other is based on sliding-mode control using some novel nonlinear sliding surfaces. The model demonstrates how successful motion control can be achieved by suppressing base oscillations and in the presence of uncertainties. This is important not only for ocean engineering systems in which the problems addressed here originate but more generally as a benchmark platform for robust motion control with disturbance rejection. Researche...

  13. Delta-Domain Predictive Control and Identification for Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauritsen, Morten Bach


    The present thesis is concerned with different aspects of modelling, control and identification of linear systems. Traditionally, discrete-time sampled-data systems are represented using shift-operator parametrizations. Such parametrizations are not suitable at fast sampling rates. An alternative...... minimum-variance predictor as a special case and to have a well-defined continuous-time limit. By means of this new prediction method a unified framework for discrete-time and continuous-time predictive control algorithms is developed. This contains a continuous-time like discrete-time predictive...... controller which is insensitive to the choice of sampling period and has a well-defined limit in the continuous-time case. Also more conventional discrete-time predictive control methods may be described within the unified approach. The predictive control algorithms are extended to frequency weighted...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rubén Faúndez


    Full Text Available Las aplicaciones de simulación tienden a ser cada vez más cercanas a usuarios e industrias. Sin embargo, muchas de ellas no poseen ni la capacidad ni el conocimiento como para desarrollar internamente sus modelos de simulación. Por este motivo, y como una forma de apoyar la toma de decisiones basándose en modelos de simulación, se presenta la plataforma SOL (Simulación On Line. La metodología completa de trabajo, así como la interacción entre SOL, Empresa y Asesor, son presentadas. Su base de datos, los niveles de usuarios, sus funcionalidades, y la creación automatizada de información grafica y visual, también son explicadas. En el caso de aplicación, el uso de SOL para apoyar la toma de decisiones en una operación de movimiento de material, permite a los tomadores de decisión acceder a análisis robustos basados en información extraída de los modelos de simulación. SOL, al almacenar información, funcionar vía web, generar análisis automatizados y crear visualizaciones, permite cumplir con las expectativas de los usuarios respecto a una solución integral en simulación.

  15. Modelación CFD de casos básicos de convección en ambientes cerrados: Necesidades de principiantes en CFD para adquirir habilidades y confianza en la modelación CFD

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Magdalena Cortés


    Full Text Available La predicción de patrones de flujo de aire, velocidad, temperatura, humedad y concentración de contaminantes son requeridos para el diseño de ambientes interiores saludables y confortables. La Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD es la técnica más avanzada para modelar y predecir los flujos de aire en ambientes cerrados. Sin embargo, los principales errores en los modelos CFD y en sus resultados están relacionados con el factor humano. Los principiantes en modelación CFD no cuentan con las habilidades, experiencia y juicio ingenieril para generar modelos robustos y confiables. Este proceso no es intuitivo y los nuevos usuarios necesitan orientación. Este artículo busca proveer información más completa sobre la modelación CFD de casos básicos de convección natural, forzados y mixtos que permitirán a los nuevos usuarios adquirir las habilidades y confianza. La modelación CFD incluye la generación de malla, definición de criterios de convergencia y factores de relajación, y la evaluación de modelos de turbulencia para cada caso. Los resultados muestran que es necesaria la experiencia de los usuarios en cada paso de la modelación CFD, incluso para casos simples de convección.

  16. Factor de la reflectancia bi-cónica en especies vegetales contrastantes: modelación de los ángulos cenitales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Cano González


    Full Text Available La información multi-angular de las reflectancias de las clases de la vegetación natural ha sido planteada, para su discriminación, bajo diferentes enfoques de caracterización. Aunque en apariencia este enfoque permite definir en forma confiable firmas espectrales multi-angulares típicas, su uso generalizado no ha sido analizado. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de los efectos del ángulo cenital de visión e iluminación en las reflectancias y se valida en un conjunto de experimentos de ocho especies vegetales con arquetipos contrastantes más suelo desnudo, bajo condiciones de iluminación-visión bi-cónicas. Los resultados muestran que el modelo propuesto es robusto y confiable, por lo que puede usarse en forma operacional. Los análisis realizados para el efecto del suelo y la densidad de plantas muestran que hay importantes zonas de confusión (traslape de información entre las especies, al considerar efectos combinados para diferentes ángulos acimutales. Estos resultados ponen en duda el uso en forma generalizada de la información espectral multi-angular y solo justifican este enfoque de clasificación si se dejan fijos el fondo de la vegetación y la densidad de plantas (cantidad de follaje.

  17. Avaliação do CAPM Condicional Não Paramétrico no Mercado de Ações do Brasil

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    Daniel Reed Bergmann


    Full Text Available Esse artigo analisa a evolução do retorno e risco sistemático das carteiras de 11 setores da economia brasileira através do modelo do CAPM condicional não paramétrico, proposto por Wang (2002. São utilizadas quatro variáveis explicativas: (i o nível da produção industrial brasileira; (ii o agregado monetário M4; (iii a inflação, representada pelo Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA; e (iv a taxa de câmbio real-dólar, obtida pela cotação do dólar PTAX. A amostra compreendeu ações listadas na BOVESPA no período de janeiro de 2002 a dezembro de 2009. Os testes do modelo Wang seguiram também a metodologia de Castillo-Spíndola (2006 para economias emergentes. Os resultados encontrados indicam que o CAPM condicional não paramétrico de Wang é robusto para a explicação dos retornos das carteiras da amostra considerada, sendo que duas das quatro variáveis testadas, i.e., M4 e dólar PTAX, foram significativas ao nível de 5%.

  18. Gestión de impacto socio-ambiental: hacia una sustentabilidad integral

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    Daniel Zavala-Araiza


    Full Text Available La propagación de conflictos socio-ambientales a partir de los megaproyectos y el extractivismo da lugar a la polarización y enfrentamiento entre las partes involucradas, generalmente eclipsando las esferas sociales intangibles y erosionando los derechos humanos a nivel local. En el caso específico de México, cambios legislativos recientes derivados de una reforma energética abrieron la puerta a las Evaluaciones de Impacto Social (“EVIS” como medida de mitigación a este problema.  Si bien esto es un avance relevante, a criterio de los autores el alcance actual de esta figura mantiene un enfoque reduccionista que demerita la búsqueda de una sustentabilidad integral. Partiendo de la premisa que en su momento dio pie al nacimiento del derecho ambiental de interiorizar las externalidades, el presente artículo propone complementar los mecanismos actualmente exigibles en materia social y ambiental con mecanismos robustos que permitan la evaluación y gestión del impacto social de manera transdisciplinaria y transparente, incluyendo por lo menos, factores antropológicos, sociológicos, cuantitativos, jurídicos y de derechos humanos, así como un diálogo-acompañamiento abierto y continuo con las comunidades involucradas, tendiente a generar un estándar crítico que favorezca la gobernanza de las distintas dimensiones del desarrollo.

  19. Responsabilidad social corporativa vs. responsabilidad contable

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    Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si las empresas socialmente responsables muestran tendencia al uso demejores prácticas contables, identificadas estas mediante una menor tendencia a la manipulación de resultados.Esta relación es contrastada para una muestra no‑balanceada de 1.960 compañías multinacionales, nofinancieras y cotizadas, pertenecientes a 26 países para el período 2002‑2010. La utilización en el análisis dedatos de panel, mediante la aplicación del estimador método generalizador de momentos de Arellano yBond (1991, permite evidenciar la existencia de una relación negativa entre ambas variables. Los resultadosobtenidos son robustos para distintas medidas de la manipulación contable y la responsabilidad social corporativa.The aim of this paper is to analyze if sustainable companies show a higher quality of the accountinginformation, identified by the lower tendency to carry out earnings management. This relationship is testedfor an unbalanced sample of 1960 multinational non‑financial listed companies from 26 countries for theperiod 2002‑2010.The use of simultaneous equations for panel data, via the GMM estimator proposed byArellano and Bond (1991, highlights the existence of a negative relationship between both variables. Theresults obtained are robust for different measures of earnings management and corporate social responsibility.

  20. Programas de incentivos fiscais são eficazes?: evidência a partir da avaliação do impacto do programa nota fiscal paulista sobre a arrecadação de ICMS

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    Enlinson Mattos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar o impacto do Programa Nota Fiscal Paulista sobre a arrecadação do Estado de São Paulo. Observa-se um efeito positivo e significativo do Programa sobre a arrecadação real do setor terciário entre 5% e 10% comparativamente aos outros Estados do Brasil. Não é encontrado efeito robusto sobre a arrecadação real total, nem efeitos não lineares do Programa. Quando a análise é restrita somente ao Estado de São Paulo, a evidência sugere que o Programa não produziu efeitos diferenciados entre os setores. Contudo, quando o aumento de arrecadação do setor terciário é comparado com a estimativa dos prêmios concedidos tem-se um aumento de no máximo 2% da arrecadação média do setor terciário para São Paulo. Conclui-se, então, que o impacto do Programa parece ter sido limitado. É preciso levar em conta que a análise feita é bastante agregada. Uma análise mais desagregada permitiria uma melhor identificação do efeito da Nota Fiscal Paulista sobre setores específicos, mas infelizmente dados desta natureza não estão disponíveis.

  1. Royalties do petróleo e emprego público nos municípios Brasileiros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lauro Carnicelli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é investigar se as transferências do petróleo (royalties e participações especiais levaram as prefeituras beneficiadas a aumentar a contratação de funcionários públicos, em desacordo com as recomendações legais. Para isto, aplicou-se o método Duplamente Robusto a um painel de municípios observados entre 2000 e 2009. O método compõe-se de dois estágios. Primeiramente, estimaram-se as probabilidades de recepção de receitas do petróleo condicionadas a variáveis observáveis; em um segundo estágio, estimou-se um painel de efeitos fixos no conjunto de observações pertencentes a um suporte comum construído a partir dos propensity scores estimados no primeiro estágio. Os resultados mostram que as prefeituras elevam o seu quadro de funcionários diante do usufruto de rendas do petróleo, mas a despesa média com pessoal não aumenta nas cidades pertencentes ao grupo de tratamento. No Rio de Janeiro, sujeito a determinações mais específicas de seu Tribunal de Contas, o efeito não é significativo, indicando a aderência das prefeituras às regras.

  2. Conhecimento de preservativo masculino entre adolescentes: estudo de base populacional no semiárido nordestino, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Mano Hartmann


    Full Text Available Buscou-se determinar a prevalência e identificar fatores associados ao não conhecimento de preservativo masculino entre adolescentes, em dois municípios do semiárido piauiense, Brasil, em meados de 2008. Entrevistadores treinados aplicaram questionário padronizado a todos adolescentes (13-19 anos, nos domicílios. Investigaram-se características demográficas, socioeconômicas e conhecimento sobre contracepção e doenças de transmissão sexual (DST. O desfecho foi o não conhecimento de preservativo masculino. Na análise multivariada, utilizou-se regressão de Poisson com ajuste robusto da variância. Dos 2.241 adolescentes, 18,8% disseram não conhecer preservativo. A prevalência de não conhecimento variou de 4% para os com nove anos ou mais de escolaridade a 74% entre os que não conheciam DST. Na análise ajustada, ser do sexo feminino, ter pouca idade, baixa escolaridade, não ter namorada, desconhecer contracepção oral e DST aumentava a probabilidade de não conhecer preservativo em relação às demais categorias. Os dados mostram a urgente necessidade de intervenção entre adolescentes desses municípios.

  3. Deficiencias del índice de fragilidad ambiental en la valoración de las amenazas naturales para la planificación territorial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barrantes Castillo, Gustavo


    Full Text Available Las amenazas naturales son incorporadas en la planificación territorial por medio de una metodología oficial que pretende incorporar la variable ambiental en el ordenamiento territorial, denominada Índice de Fragilidad Ambiental (IFA. Por tratarse de un índice que agrupa mucha información corre el riesgo de ocultar las amenazas que están presentes en un espacio concreto. Así mismo, los métodos mínimos aportados para estimar las variables con que se valoran las amenazas resultan poco robustos pudiendo llevar a una subestimación de la amenaza. La revisión realizada, por medio de una simulación hipotética, mostró que este índice no es apropiado para incorporar las amenazas naturales en la planificación territorial The natural hazards are incorporated on the territorial plans for a official methodology that include the environment topic on the land use planning, called "Indice de Fragilidad Ambiental". That Index groups a lot of information, so it can hide the hazards present on some space. Also, the minimum methods given to estimate the variables, and asses the hazards, come to be weak, so that can undervalue the actual hazard. The review which was made per hypothetical simulation, showed that the index isn´t appropriate to incorporate the natural hazards on the land use planning

  4. Add Control: plant virtualization for control solutions in WWTP. (United States)

    Maiza, M; Bengoechea, A; Grau, P; De Keyser, W; Nopens, I; Brockmann, D; Steyer, J P; Claeys, F; Urchegui, G; Fernández, O; Ayesa, E


    This paper summarizes part of the research work carried out in the Add Control project, which proposes an extension of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) models and modelling architectures used in traditional WWTP simulation tools, addressing, in addition to the classical mass transformations (transport, physico-chemical phenomena, biological reactions), all the instrumentation, actuation and automation & control components (sensors, actuators, controllers), considering their real behaviour (signal delays, noise, failures and power consumption of actuators). Its ultimate objective is to allow a rapid transition from the simulation of the control strategy to its implementation at full-scale plants. Thus, this paper presents the application of the Add Control simulation platform for the design and implementation of new control strategies at the WWTP of Mekolalde.

  5. Dynamic control of quadruped robot with hierarchical control structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Yu-Zhang; Furusho, Junji; Okajima, Yosuke.


    For moving on irregular terrain, such as the inside of a nuclear power plant and outer space, it is generally recognized that the multilegged walking robot is suitable. This paper proposes a hierarchical control structure for the dynamic control of quadruped walking robots. For this purpose, we present a reduced order model which can approximate the original higher order model very well. Since this reduced order model does not require much computational time, it can be used in the real-time control of a quadruped walking robot. A hierarchical control experiment is shown in which the optimal control algorithm using a reduced order model is calculated by one microprocessor, and the other control algorithm is calculated by another microprocessor. (author)

  6. Control Valve Stiction Identification, Modelling, Quantification and Control - A Review

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    Srinivasan Arumugam


    Full Text Available Most of the processes found in process industries exhibit undesirable nonlinearity due to backlash, saturation, hysteresis, stiction (friction, dead-zone and stuck-fault existing in control valves. The control valve is the actuator for most process control loops and, as the only moving part in the loop, its function is to implement the control action. If the control valve malfunctions, the performance of the control loop is likely to deteriorate, no matter how good the controller is. Commonly encountered control valve problems include nonlinear responses to the demand signal caused by effects such as stiction, dead-band or saturation. Because of these problems, the control loop may be oscillatory, which in turn may cause oscillations in many process variables causing a range of operational problems including increased valve wear. Understanding nonlinear behaviour of control valves in order to maintain the quality of the end products in the industry, this review article surveys the identification, modelling, estimation and design of dynamic models of stiction nonlinearity and providing appropriate controller to obtain optimum responses of the process. The primary objective of this work is to present state-of-art-review of common nonlinear problems associated with mechanical and chemical processes for encouraging researchers, practicing engineers working in this field, so that readers can invent their goals for future research work on nonlinear systems identification and control.

  7. Hospital visitors as controls in case-control studies

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    Gulnar Azevedo S Mendonça


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Selecting controls is one of the most difficult tasks in the design of case-control studies. Hospital controls may be inadequate and random controls drawn from the base population may be unavailable. The aim was to assess the use of hospital visitors as controls in a case-control study on the association of organochlorinated compounds and other risk factors for breast cancer conducted in the main hospital of the "Instituto Nacional de Câncer" -- INCA (National Cancer Institute in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil. METHODS: The study included 177 incident cases and 377 controls recruited among female visitors. Three different models of control group composition were compared: Model 1, with all selected visitors; Model 2, excluding women visiting relatives with breast cancer; and Model 3, excluding all women visiting relatives with any type of cancer. Odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals were calculated to test the associations. RESULTS: Age-adjusted OR for breast cancer associated with risk factors other than family history of cancer, except smoking and breast size, were similar in the three models. Regarding family history of all cancers, except for breast cancer, there was a decreased risk in Models 1 and 2, while in Model 3 there was an increased risk, but not statistically significant. Family history of breast cancer was a risk factor in Models 2 and 3, but no association was found in Model 1. In multivariate analysis a significant risk of breast cancer was found when there was a family history of breast cancer in Models 2 and 3 but not in Model 1. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that while investigating risk factors unrelated to family history of cancer, the use of hospital visitors as controls may be a valid and feasible alternative.

  8. Automatic control design procedures for restructurable aircraft control (United States)

    Looze, D. P.; Krolewski, S.; Weiss, J.; Barrett, N.; Eterno, J.


    A simple, reliable automatic redesign procedure for restructurable control is discussed. This procedure is based on Linear Quadratic (LQ) design methodologies. It employs a robust control system design for the unfailed aircraft to minimize the effects of failed surfaces and to extend the time available for restructuring the Flight Control System. The procedure uses the LQ design parameters for the unfailed system as a basis for choosing the design parameters of the failed system. This philosophy alloys the engineering trade-offs that were present in the nominal design to the inherited by the restructurable design. In particular, it alloys bandwidth limitations and performance trade-offs to be incorporated in the redesigned system. The procedure also has several other desirable features. It effectively redistributes authority among the available control effectors to maximize the system performance subject to actuator limitations and constraints. It provides a graceful performance degradation as the amount of control authority lessens. When given the parameters of the unfailed aircraft, the automatic redesign procedure reproduces the nominal control system design.

  9. Wind turbine control with constraint handling: a model predictive control approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henriksen, Lars Christian; Hansen, Morten Hartvig; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad


    on model predictive control, a control method well suited for constraint handling. The performance of the presented controller during an extreme operating gust is compared to that of a proportional-integral controller with integrator anti-windup. Furthermore, the presented controller-s capability...

  10. Advanced Emissions Control Development Program: Mercury Control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, A.P.; Redinger, K.W.; Holmes, M.J.


    McDermott Technology, Inc. (a subsidiary of Babcock ampersand Wilcox) is conducting the Advanced Emissions Control Development Project (AECDP) which is aimed at the development of practical, cost-effective strategies for reducing the emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPS) from coal-fired electric utility plants. The need for such controls may arise as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proceeds with implementation of requirements set forth in the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA's) of 1990. Promulgation of air toxics emissions regulations for electric utility plants could dramatically impact utilities burning coal, their industrial and residential customers, and the coal industry. AECDP project work will supply the information needed by utilities to respond to potential HAPs regulations in a timely, cost-effective, enviromnentally-sound manner which supports the continued use of the Nation's abundant reserves of coal, such as those in the State of Ohio. The development work is being carried out using the 10 MW Clean Environment Development Facility wherein air toxics emissions control strategies can be developed under controlled conditions. The specific objectives of the project are to (1) measure and understand production and partitioning of air toxics species for a variety of coals, (2) optimize the air toxics removal performance of conventional flue gas cleanup systems, (3) develop advanced air toxics emissions control concepts, (4) develop and validate air toxics emissions measurement and monitoring techniques, and (5) establish a comprehensive, self-consistent air toxics data library. This project is supported by the Department of Energy, the Ohio Coal Development Office within the Ohio Department of Development and Babcock ampersand Wilcox. A comprehensive assessment of HAP emissions from coal-fired electric utility boilers sponsored by the Department of Energy and the Electric Power Research Institute concluded that with the exception of

  11. Device for coupling a control rod and control rod drive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishioka, Kazuya.


    Object: To obtain simple and reliable coupling between a control rod and control rod drive by equipping the lower end of the control rod with an extension provided with lateral protuberances and forming the upper end of an index tube with a recess provided with lateral holes. Structure: The tapering central extension of the control rod is inserted into the recess by lowering the control rod, and then it is further inserted by causing frictional movement of the inclined surfaces of lateral protuberances in frictional contact with guide surfaces. When the lateral protuberances are brought into contact with a stepped portion, the control rod is rotated to fit the lateral protuberances into the lateral holes. In this way, the control rod is coupled to the index tube of the control rod drive. (Yoshino, Y.)

  12. A four-axis hand controller for helicopter flight control (United States)

    Demaio, Joe


    A proof-of-concept hand controller for controlling lateral and longitudinal cyclic pitch, collective pitch and tail rotor thrust was developed. The purpose of the work was to address problems of operator fatigue, poor proprioceptive feedback and cross-coupling of axes associated with many four-axis controller designs. The present design is an attempt to reduce cross-coupling to a level that can be controlled with breakout force, rather than to eliminate it entirely. The cascaded design placed lateral and longitudinal cyclic in their normal configuration. Tail rotor thrust was placed atop the cyclic controller. A left/right twisting motion with the wrist made the control input. The axis of rotation was canted outboard (clockwise) to minimize cross-coupling with the cyclic pitch axis. The collective control was a twist grip, like a motorcycle throttle. Measurement of the amount of cross-coupling involved in pure, single-axis inputs showed cross coupling under 10 percent of full deflection for all axes. This small amount of cross-coupling could be further reduced with better damping and force gradient control. Fatigue was not found to be a problem, and proprioceptive feedback was adequate for all flight tasks executed.

  13. Control rod drives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Akira.


    Purpose: To enable to monitor the coupling state between a control rod and a control rod drive. Constitution: After the completion of a control rod withdrawal, a coolant pressure is applied to a control rod drive being adjusted so as to raise only the control rod drive and, in a case where the coupling between the control rod drive and the control rod is detached, the former is elevated till it contacts the control rod and then stopped. The actual stopping position is detected by an actual position detection circuit and compared with a predetermined position stored in a predetermined position detection circuit. If both of the positions are not aligned with each other, it is judged by a judging circuit that the control rod and the control rod drives are not combined. (Sekiya, K.)

  14. Controllability analysis of decentralised linear controllers for polymeric fuel cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serra, Maria; Aguado, Joaquin; Ansede, Xavier; Riera, Jordi [Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, C. Llorens i Artigas 4, 08028 Barcelona (Spain)


    This work deals with the control of polymeric fuel cells. It includes a linear analysis of the system at different operating points, the comparison and selection of different control structures, and the validation of the controlled system by simulation. The work is based on a complex non linear model which has been linearised at several operating points. The linear analysis tools used are the Morari resiliency index, the condition number, and the relative gain array. These techniques are employed to compare the controllability of the system with different control structures and at different operating conditions. According to the results, the most promising control structures are selected and their performance with PI based diagonal controllers is evaluated through simulations with the complete non linear model. The range of operability of the examined control structures is compared. Conclusions indicate good performance of several diagonal linear controllers. However, very few have a wide operability range. (author)

  15. Controlling You Watching Me: Measuring Perception Control on Social Media. (United States)

    Keep, Melanie; Attrill-Smith, Alison


    Online self-presentation assumes that individuals intentionally control how others perceive them based on their online behaviors. Existing tools are limited in their ability to measure this notion of perception control and there is little understanding around factors which may affect the desire for perception control. This article reports on the development of a perception control scale and comparisons of perception control across age and between genders. A total of 222 participants completed an online survey with items measuring perception control and participant demographics. A principal component analysis revealed a one-factor, 12-item scale explaining 41.14% of the variance. Perception control was found to increase with age and did not differ between genders. Results are consistent with existing impression management research suggesting that while participants of both genders desire to control how others perceive them, as a person's sense of self stabilizes over time, they are less motivated to change their behaviors to control others' impressions of them.

  16. Predictive Function Control for Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bing Bu


    Full Text Available In Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC systems, random transmission delays and packet drops are inevitable in the wireless networks, which could result in unnecessary traction, brakes or even emergency brakes of trains, losses of line capacity and passenger dissatisfaction. This paper applies predictive function control technology with a mixed H2/∞ control approach to improve the control performances. The controller is in the state feedback form and satisfies the requirement of quadratic input and state constraints. A linear matrix inequality (LMI approach is developed to solve the control problem. The proposed method attenuates disturbances by incorporating H2/∞ into the control scheme. The control command from the automatic train operation (ATO is included in the reward function to optimize the train's running profile. The influence of transmission delays and packet drops is alleviated through improving the performances of the controller. Simulation results show that the method is effective to improve the performances and robustness of CBTC systems.

  17. Birth Control (United States)

    Birth control, also known as contraception, is designed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control methods may work in a number of different ... eggs that could be fertilized. Types include birth control pills, patches, shots, vaginal rings, and emergency contraceptive ...

  18. Integrated controls

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hollaway, F.W.


    During 1984, all portions of the Nova control system that were necessary for the support of laser activation and completion of the Nova project were finished and placed in service on time. The Nova control system has been unique in providing, on schedule, the capabilities required in the central control room and in various local control areas throughout the facility. The ambitious goal of deploying this system early enough to use it as an aid in the activation of the laser was accomplished; thus the control system made a major contribution to the completion of Nova activation on schedule. Support and enhancement activities continued during the year on the VAX computer systems, central control room, operator consoles and displays, Novanet data communications network, system-level software for both the VAX and LSI-11 computers, Praxis control system computer language, software management tools, and the development system, which includes office terminals. Computational support was also supplied for a wide variety of test fixtures required by the optical and mechanical subsystems. Significant new advancements were made in four areas in integrated controls this year: the integration software (which includes the shot scheduler), the Praxis language, software quality assurance audit, and software development and data handling. A description of the accomplishments in each of these areas follows

  19. Evaluation of voice control, touch panel control and assistant control during steering of an endoscope

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Punt, Marius M.; Stefels, Coen N.; Grimbergen, Cornelis A.; Dankelman, Jenny


    The increasing amount of equipment used in the Operating Room ( OR) asks for ergonomical user interfaces. The aim of this study was to investigate in a pelvi-trainer setting the efficiency, reliability and user satisfaction of voice control, touch panel control and conventional manual control by an

  20. Model Predictive Controller Combined with LQG Controller and Velocity Feedback to Control the Stewart Platform

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nadimi, Esmaeil Sharak; Bak, Thomas; Izadi-Zamanabadi, Roozbeh


    The main objective of this paper is to investigate the erformance and applicability of two GPC (generalized predictive control) based control methods on a complete benchmark model of the Stewart platform made in MATLAB V6.5. The first method involves an LQG controller (Linear Quadratic Gaussian...

  1. Coordinate control of integral reactor based on single neuron PID controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Yan; Xia Hong


    As one of the main type of reactors in the future, the development of the integral reactor has attracted worldwide attention. On the basis of understanding the background of the integral reactor, the author will be familiar with and master the power control of reactor and the feedwater flow control of steam generator, and the speed control of turbine (turbine speed control is associated with the turbine load control). According to the expectative program 'reactor power following turbine load' of the reactor, it will make coordinate control of the three and come to a overall control scheme. The author will use the supervisory learning algorithm of Hebb for single neuron PID controller with self-adaptation to study the coordinate control of integral reactor. Compared with conventional PI or PID controller, to a certain extent, it solves the problems that traditional PID controller is not easy to tune real-time parameters and lack of effective control for a number of complex processes and slow-varying parameter systems. It improves the security, reliability, stability and flexibility of control process and achieves effective control of the system. (authors)

  2. Control apparatus

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doll, D.W.


    A nuclear reactor system is described in which flexible control rods are used to enable insertion of the control rods into guide holes in the core which are distributed over an area larger than the cross section of the control rod penetration in the reactor pressure vessel. Guide tubes extend from the penetration and fan out to the guide holes for guiding the control rods from the penetration to the guide holes

  3. Control strategies for demand controlled ventilation in dwellings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Toke Rammer; Drivsholm, Christian


    and efficient fans is becoming the standard solution. The building regulation requirement for air change in dwellings is often a constant value that has been chosen to avoid moisture related problems in the indoor environment. This required air change is sometimes sufficient, sometimes too low and sometimes too....... In the studied house two control strategies were tested. A simple strategy where all sensors and controls were located in the air handling unit and only the speed of the fans can be controlled, and a complex strategy where sensors were placed in each room and where individual control of air flow in each room...

  4. Fusion Control of Flexible Logic Control and Neural Network

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lihua Fu


    Full Text Available Based on the basic physical meaning of error E and error variety EC, this paper analyzes the logical relationship between them and uses Universal Combinatorial Operation Model in Universal Logic to describe it. Accordingly, a flexible logic control method is put forward to realize effective control on multivariable nonlinear system. In order to implement fusion control with artificial neural network, this paper proposes a new neuron model of Zero-level Universal Combinatorial Operation in Universal Logic. And the artificial neural network of flexible logic control model is implemented based on the proposed neuron model. Finally, stability control, anti-interference control of double inverted-pendulum system, and free walking of cart pendulum system on a level track are realized, showing experimentally the feasibility and validity of this method.

  5. Control of Bioprocesses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huusom, Jakob Kjøbsted


    The purpose of bioprocess control is to ensure that the plant operates as designed. This chapter presents the fundamental principles for control of biochemical processes. Through examples, the selection of manipulated and controlled variables in the classical reactor configurations is discussed, so...... are control objectives and the challenges in obtaining good control of the bioreactor. The objective of this chapter is to discuss the bioreactor control problems and to highlight some general traits that distinguish operation of bioprocesses from operation of processes in the conventional chemical process...... industries. It also provides a number of typical control loops for different objectives. A brief introduction to the general principles of process control, the PID control algorithm is discussed, and the design and effect of tuning are shown in an example. Finally, a discussion of novel, model-free control...

  6. Power control method for load-frequency control operation in BWRs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ie, Shin-ichiroo; Ohgo, Yu-kiharu; Itou, Tetsuo; Shida, Tooichi


    The preliminary design of an advanced power control method for fast load-following [load frequency control (LFC)] maneuvers in a boiling water reactor (BWR) is described in this paper. Application of a multivariable control method using an optimal linear quadratic (LQ) regulator theory effectively improves control system performance when system variables have significant interactions such as in BWRs. The control problem, however, demands strict constraints on system variable from the standpoint of plant operation. These constraints require the control system to have a nonlinear property for better improvement. Therefore, the effectiveness of LQ control is limited by these constraints, because it is based on a linear model. A new method is needed to compensate for the nonlinear property. In this study, the authors propose a new method using fuzzy reasoning with LQ control to achieve nonlinear compensation

  7. Pressure control of hydraulic servo system using proportional control valve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Kyong Uk; Oh, In Ho; Lee, Ill Yeong


    The purpose of this study is to develop a control scheme for the hydraulic servo system which can rapidly control the pressure in a hydraulic cylinder with very short stroke. Compared with the negligible stroke of the cylinder in the system, the flow gain of the proportional pressure control valve constituting the hydraulic servo system is relatively large and the time delay on the response of the valve is quite long. Therefore, the pressure control system, in this study tends to get unstable during operations. Considering the above mentioned characteristics of the system, a two-degree-of-freedom control scheme, composed of the I-PDD 2 ... feedback compensator and the feedforward controller, is proposed. The reference model scheme is used in deciding the parameters of the controllers. The validity of the proposed control scheme is confirmed through the experiments

  8. The SNS Resonance Control Cooling System Control Valve Upgrade Performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, Derrick C.; Schubert, James Phillip; Tang, Johnny Y.


    The normal-conducting linac of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) uses 10 separate Resonance Control Cooling System (RCCS) water skids to control the resonance of 6 Drift Tube Linac (DTL) and 4 Coupled Cavity Linac (CCL) accelerating structures. The RCCS water skids use 2 control valves; one to regulate the chilled water flow and the other to bypass water to a chilled water heat exchanger. These valves have hydraulic actuators that provide position and feedback to the control system. Frequency oscillations occur using these hydraulic actuators due to their coarse movement and control of the valves. New pneumatic actuator and control positioners have been installed on the DTL3 RCCS water skid to give finer control and regulation of DTL3 cavity temperature. This paper shows a comparison of resonance control performance for the two valve configurations.

  9. Control rod assembly

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Akio.


    Purpose: To enable reliable insertion and drops of control rods, as well as insure a sufficient flow rate of coolants flowing through the control rods for attaining satisfactory cooling thereof to enable relexation of thermal stress resulted to rectifying mechanisms or the likes. Constitution: To the outer circumference of a control rod contained vertically movably within a control rod guide tube, resistive members are retractably provided in such a way as to project to close the gap between outer circumference of the control rod and the inner surface of the control rod guide tube upon engagement of a gripper of control rod drives, and retract upon release of the engagement of the gripper. Thus, since the resistive members project to provide a greater resistance to the coolants flowing between them and the control rod guide tube in the normal operation where the gripper is engaged to drive the control rod by the control rod drives, a major part of the coolant flowing into the control rod guide tube flows into the control rod. This enables to cool the control rod effectively and make the temperature distribution uniform for the coolant flowing from the upper end of the control rod guide tube to thereby attain the relaxation of the thermal stress resulted in the rectifying mechanisms or the likes. (Moriyama, K.)

  10. Nuclear power plant control room operator control and monitoring tasks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bovell, C.R.; Beck, M.G.; Carter, R.J.


    Oak Ridge National Laboratory is conducting a research project the purpose of which is to develop the technical bases for regulatory review criteria for use in evaluating the safety implications of human factors associated with the use of artificial intelligence and expert systems, and with advanced instrumentation and control (I and C) systems in nuclear power plants (NPP). This report documents the results from Task 8 of that project. The primary objectives of the task was to identify the scope and type of control and monitoring tasks now performed by control-room operators. Another purpose was to address the types of controls and safety systems needed to operate the nuclear plant. The final objective of Task 8 was to identify and categorize the type of information and displays/indicators required to monitor the performance of the control and safety systems. This report also discusses state-of-the-art controls and advanced display devices which will be available for use in control-room retrofits and in control room of future plants. The fundamental types of control and monitoring tasks currently conducted by operators can be divided into four classifications: function monitoring tasks, control manipulation tasks, fault diagnostic tasks, and administrative tasks. There are three general types of controls used in today's NPPs, switches, pushbuttons, and analog controllers. Plant I and C systems include components to achieve a number of safety-related functions: measuring critical plant parameters, controlling critical plant parameters within safety limits, and automatically actuating protective devices if safe limits are exceeded. The types of information monitored by the control-room operators consist of the following parameters: pressure, fluid flow and level, neutron flux, temperature, component status, water chemistry, electrical, and process and area radiation. The basic types of monitoring devices common to nearly all NPP control rooms include: analog meters

  11. Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Multiple Distributed Generators Microgrids (United States)

    Babqi, Abdulrahman Jamal

    This dissertation proposes two control strategies for AC microgrids that consist of multiple distributed generators (DGs). The control strategies are valid for both grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. In general, microgrid can operate as a stand-alone system (i.e., islanded mode) or while it is connected to the utility grid (i.e., grid connected mode). To enhance the performance of a micrgorid, a sophisticated control scheme should be employed. The control strategies of microgrids can be divided into primary and secondary controls. The primary control regulates the output active and reactive powers of each DG in grid-connected mode as well as the output voltage and frequency of each DG in islanded mode. The secondary control is responsible for regulating the microgrid voltage and frequency in the islanded mode. Moreover, it provides power sharing schemes among the DGs. In other words, the secondary control specifies the set points (i.e. reference values) for the primary controllers. In this dissertation, Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control (FCS-MPC) was proposed for controlling microgrids. FCS-MPC was used as the primary controller to regulate the output power of each DG (in the grid-connected mode) or the voltage of the point of DG coupling (in the islanded mode of operation). In the grid-connected mode, Direct Power Model Predictive Control (DPMPC) was implemented to manage the power flow between each DG and the utility grid. In the islanded mode, Voltage Model Predictive Control (VMPC), as the primary control, and droop control, as the secondary control, were employed to control the output voltage of each DG and system frequency. The controller was equipped with a supplementary current limiting technique in order to limit the output current of each DG in abnormal incidents. The control approach also enabled smooth transition between the two modes. The performance of the control strategy was investigated and verified using PSCAD/EMTDC software

  12. Plasma control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takase, Haruhiko.


    Purpose: To obtain the optimum controllability for the plasmas and the thermonuclear device by selectively executing control operation for proportion, integration and differentiation (PID) by first and second controllers respectively based on selection instruction signals. Constitution: Deviation between a vertical direction equilibrium position: Zp as the plasma status amount measured in a measuring section and an aimed value Zref thereof is inputted to a first PID selection controller. The first controller selectively executes one of the PID control operations in accordance with the first selection signal instruction instructed by a PID control operation instruction circuit. Further, Zp is also inputted to a second PID selection controller, which selectively executes one of the PID control operations in accordance with the second selection instruction signal in the same manner as in the first controller. The deviation amount u between operations signals u1 and u2 from the first and second PID selection controllers is inputted to a power source to thereby supply a predetermined current value to control coils that generate equilibrium magnetic fields for making the vertical direction equilibrium position of plasmas constant. (Kamimura, M.)

  13. Applied predictive control

    CERN Document Server

    Sunan, Huang; Heng, Lee Tong


    The presence of considerable time delays in the dynamics of many industrial processes, leading to difficult problems in the associated closed-loop control systems, is a well-recognized phenomenon. The performance achievable in conventional feedback control systems can be significantly degraded if an industrial process has a relatively large time delay compared with the dominant time constant. Under these circumstances, advanced predictive control is necessary to improve the performance of the control system significantly. The book is a focused treatment of the subject matter, including the fundamentals and some state-of-the-art developments in the field of predictive control. Three main schemes for advanced predictive control are addressed in this book: • Smith Predictive Control; • Generalised Predictive Control; • a form of predictive control based on Finite Spectrum Assignment. A substantial part of the book addresses application issues in predictive control, providing several interesting case studie...

  14. Generic device controller for accelerator control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mariotti, R.; Buxton, W.; Frankel, R.; Hoff, L.


    A new distributed intelligence control system has become operational at the AGS for transport, injection, and acceleration of heavy ions. A brief description of the functionality of the physical devices making up the system is given. An attempt has been made to integrate the devices for accelerator specific interfacing into a standard microprocessor system, namely, the Universal Device Controller (UDC). The main goals for such a generic device controller are to provide: local computing power; flexibility to configure; and real time event handling. The UDC assemblies and software are described

  15. Controlling chaos in Internet congestion control model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Liang; Wang Xiaofan; Han Zhengzhi


    The TCP end-to-end congestion control plus RED router queue management can be modeled as a discrete-time dynamical system, which may create complex bifurcating and chaotic behavior. Based on the basic features of the TCP-RED model, we propose a time-dependent delayed feedback control algorithm to control chaos in the system by perturbing the accessible RED parameter p max . This method is able to stabilized a router queue occupancy at a level without knowing the exact knowledge of the network. Further, we study the situation of the presence of the UDP traffic

  16. Associational control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hvid, Helge Søndergaard; Lund, Henrik Lambrecht; Grosen, Sidsel Lond


    Over the last 30 years, the concept of control has had a central position in research into the psychological working environment. Control has been understood as individual autonomy and individual opportunities for development. This article examines whether the concept of control has the same key...

  17. Rail Vehicle Vibrations Control Using Parameters Adaptive PID Controller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Muzaffer Metin


    Full Text Available In this study, vertical rail vehicle vibrations are controlled by the use of conventional PID and parameters which are adaptive to PID controllers. A parameters adaptive PID controller is designed to improve the passenger comfort by intuitional usage of this method that renews the parameters online and sensitively under variable track inputs. Sinusoidal vertical rail misalignment and measured real rail irregularity are considered as two different disruptive effects of the system. Active vibration control is applied to the system through the secondary suspension. The active suspension application of rail vehicle is examined by using 5-DOF quarter-rail vehicle model by using Manchester benchmark dynamic parameters. The new parameters of adaptive controller are optimized by means of genetic algorithm toolbox of MATLAB. Simulations are performed at maximum urban transportation speed (90 km/h of the rail vehicle with ±5% load changes of rail vehicle body to test the robustness of controllers. As a result, superior performance of parameters of adaptive controller is determined in time and frequency domain.

  18. Tube Model Predictive Control with an Auxiliary Sliding Mode Controller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miodrag Spasic


    Full Text Available This paper studies Tube Model Predictive Control (MPC with a Sliding Mode Controller (SMC as an auxiliary controller. It is shown how to calculate the tube widths under SMC control, and thus how much the constraints of the nominal MPC have to be tightened in order to achieve robust stability and constraint fulfillment. The analysis avoids the assumption of infinitely fast switching in the SMC controller.

  19. Control rod drives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Futatsugi, Masao.


    Purpose: To secure the reactor operation safety by the provision of a fluid pressure detecting section for control rod driving fluid and a control rod interlock at the midway of the flow pass for supplying driving fluid to the control rod drives. Constitution: Between a driving line and a direction control valve are provided a pressure detecting portion, an alarm generating device, and a control rod inhibition interlock. The driving fluid from a driving fluid source is discharged by way of a pump and a manual valve into the reactor in which the control rods and reactor fuels are contained. In addition, when the direction control valve is switched and the control rods are inserted and extracted by the control rod drives, the pressure in the driving line is always detected by the pressure detection section, whereby if abnormal pressure is resulted, the alarm generating device is actuated to warn the abnormality and the control rod inhibition interlock is actuated to lock the direction control valve thereby secure the safety operation of the reactor. (Seki, T.)

  20. Control rod drive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okutani, Tetsuro.


    Purpose: To provide a simple and economical control rod drive using a control circuit requiring no pulse circuit. Constitution: Control rods in a BWR type reactor are driven by hydraulic pressure and inserted or withdrawn in the direction of applying the hydraulic pressure. The direction of the hydraulic pressure is controlled by a direction control valve. Since the driving for the control rod is extremely important in view of the operation, a self diagnosis function is disposed for rapid inspection of possible abnormality. In the present invention, two driving contacts are disposed each by one between the both ends of a solenoid valve of the direction control valve for driving the control rod and the driving power source, and diagnosis is conducted by alternately operating them. Therefore, since it is only necessary that the control circuit issues a driving instruction only to one of the two driving contacts, the pulse circuit is no more required. Further, since the control rod driving is conducted upon alignment of the two driving instructions, the reliability of the control rod drive can be improved. (Horiuchi, T.)

  1. Neural PID Control Strategy for Networked Process Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianhua Zhang


    Full Text Available A new method with a two-layer hierarchy is presented based on a neural proportional-integral-derivative (PID iterative learning method over the communication network for the closed-loop automatic tuning of a PID controller. It can enhance the performance of the well-known simple PID feedback control loop in the local field when real networked process control applied to systems with uncertain factors, such as external disturbance or randomly delayed measurements. The proposed PID iterative learning method is implemented by backpropagation neural networks whose weights are updated via minimizing tracking error entropy of closed-loop systems. The convergence in the mean square sense is analysed for closed-loop networked control systems. To demonstrate the potential applications of the proposed strategies, a pressure-tank experiment is provided to show the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed design method in network process control systems.

  2. A Robust H∞ Controller for an UAV Flight Control System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. López


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is the implementation and validation of a robust H∞ controller for an UAV to track all types of manoeuvres in the presence of noisy environment. A robust inner-outer loop strategy is implemented. To design the H∞ robust controller in the inner loop, H∞ control methodology is used. The two controllers that conform the outer loop are designed using the H∞ Loop Shaping technique. The reference vector used in the control architecture formed by vertical velocity, true airspeed, and heading angle, suggests a nontraditional way to pilot the aircraft. The simulation results show that the proposed control scheme works well despite the presence of noise and uncertainties, so the control system satisfies the requirements.

  3. Control rod displacement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakazato, S.


    This patent describes a nuclear reactor including a core, cylindrical control rods, a single support means supporting the control rods from their upper ends in spaced apart positions and movable for displacing the control rods in their longitudinal direction between a first end position in which the control rods are fully inserted into the core and a second end position in which the control rods are retracted from the core, and guide means contacting discrete regions of the outer surface of each control rod at least when the control rods are in the vicinity of the second end position. The control rods are supported by the support means for longitudinal movement without rotation into and out of the core relative to the guide means to thereby cause the outer surface of the control rods to experience wear as a result of sliding contact with the guide means. The support means are so arranged with respect to the core and the guide means that it is incapable of rotation relative to the guide means. The improvement comprises displacement means being operatively coupled to a respective one of the control rods for periodically rotating the control rod in a single angular direction through an angle selected to change the locations on the outer surfaces of the control rods at which the control rods are contacted by the guide means during subsequent longitudinal movement of the control rods

  4. Robust sampled-data control of hydraulic flight control actuators


    Kliffken, Markus Gustav


    In todays flight-by-wire systems the primary flight control surfaces of modern commercial and transport aircraft are driven by electro hydraulic linear actuators. Changing flight conditions as well as nonlinear actuator dynamics may be interpreted as parameter uncertainties of the linear actuator model. This demands a robust design for the controller. Here the parameter space design is used for the direct sampled-data controller synthesis. Therefore, a static output controller is choosen, the...

  5. The relationship between administrative court control and legislative control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckmann, M.


    The legislator can determine the extent of control of administrative courts by reduction of substantive conditions. The author has the opinion that the judicial control cannot be stricter than the legislative control. For the range of the control of administrative courts is decisive, to what extent the legislator is forced to proper legislative settlements. In this context the author discusses the Kalkar-decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of 1978. (CW) [de

  6. Feedback control and adaptive control of the energy resource chaotic system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Mei; Tian Lixin; Jiang Shumin; Xu Jun


    In this paper, the problem of control for the energy resource chaotic system is considered. Two different method of control, feedback control (include linear feedback control, non-autonomous feedback control) and adaptive control methods are used to suppress chaos to unstable equilibrium or unstable periodic orbits. The Routh-Hurwitz criteria and Lyapunov direct method are used to study the conditions of the asymptotic stability of the steady states of the controlled system. The designed adaptive controller is robust with respect to certain class of disturbances in the energy resource chaotic system. Numerical simulations are presented to show these results

  7. Near Optimal Decentralized H-infinity Control: Bounded vs. Unbounded Controller Order

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stoustrup, Jakob; Niemann, H.H.


    It is shown that for a class of decentralized control problems there does not exist a sequence of controllers of bounded order which obtains near optimal control. Neither does there exist an infinite dimensional optimal controller. Using the insight of the line of proof of these results, a heuris......It is shown that for a class of decentralized control problems there does not exist a sequence of controllers of bounded order which obtains near optimal control. Neither does there exist an infinite dimensional optimal controller. Using the insight of the line of proof of these results...

  8. Structural Pest Control. (United States)

    Kahn, M. S.; Hoffman, W. M.

    This manual is designed for those who seek certification as pesticide applicators for industrial, institutional, structural, and health-related pest control. It is divided into six sections covering general pest control, wood-destroying organisms, bird control, fumigation, rodent control, and industrial weed control. The manual gives information…

  9. Quality control in diagnostic immunohistochemistry: integrated on-slide positive controls. (United States)

    Bragoni, A; Gambella, A; Pigozzi, S; Grigolini, M; Fiocca, R; Mastracci, L; Grillo, F


    Standardization in immunohistochemistry is a priority in modern pathology and requires strict quality control. Cost containment has also become fundamental and auditing of all procedures must take into account both these principles. Positive controls must be routinely performed so that their positivity guarantees the appropriateness of the immunohistochemical procedure. The aim of this study is to develop a low cost (utilizing a punch biopsy-PB-tool) procedure to construct positive controls which can be integrated in the patient's tissue slide. Sixteen frequently used control blocks were selected and multiple cylindrical samples were obtained using a 5-mm diameter punch biopsy tool, separately re-embedding them in single blocks. For each diagnostic immunoreaction requiring a positive control, an integrated PB-control section (cut from the appropriate PB-control block) was added to the top right corner of the diagnostic slide before immunostaining. This integrated control technique permitted a saving of 4.75% in total direct lab costs and proved to be technically feasible and reliable. Our proposal is easy to perform and within the reach of all pathology labs, requires easily available tools, its application costs is less than using external paired controls and ensures that a specific control for each slide is always available.

  10. Reactor control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kameda, Akiyuki.


    Purpose: To enable three types of controls, that is, level control, scram control and excess reactivity control required for a reactor by a same mechanism by feeding neutron absorber liquid and pressure control gas to several blind pipes provided in the reactor core. Constitution: A plurality of blind pipes are disposed spaced apart in a reactor core and connected by way of injection pipes to a neutron absorber liquid tank. A pressure regulator is connected to the blind pipes, to which pressure control gas is supplied. The neutron absorber liquid used herein consists of sodium, potassium or their alloy, or mercury as a basic substance incorporated with one or more selected from boron, tantalum, rhenium, europium or their compounds. The level control, scram control and excess reactivity control can be attained by moderating the pressure changes in the pressure control gas or by regulating the fluctuation in the liquid level. (Horiughi, T.)

  11. Optimal control

    CERN Document Server

    Aschepkov, Leonid T; Kim, Taekyun; Agarwal, Ravi P


    This book is based on lectures from a one-year course at the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia) as well as on workshops on optimal control offered to students at various mathematical departments at the university level. The main themes of the theory of linear and nonlinear systems are considered, including the basic problem of establishing the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimal processes. In the first part of the course, the theory of linear control systems is constructed on the basis of the separation theorem and the concept of a reachability set. The authors prove the closure of a reachability set in the class of piecewise continuous controls, and the problems of controllability, observability, identification, performance and terminal control are also considered. The second part of the course is devoted to nonlinear control systems. Using the method of variations and the Lagrange multipliers rule of nonlinear problems, the authors prove the Pontryagin maximum principle for prob...

  12. Documenting control system functionality for digital control implementations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harber, J.; Borairi, M.; Tikku, S.; Josefowicz, A.


    In past CANDU designs, plant control was accomplished by a combination of digital control computers, analogue controllers, and hardwired relay logic. Functionality for these various control systems, each using different hardware, was documented in varied formats such as text based program specifications, relay logic diagrams, and other various specification documents. The choice of formats was influenced by the hardware used and often required different specialized skills for different applications. The programmable electronic systems in new CANDU designs are realized in a manner consistent with latest international standards (e.g., the IEC 61513 standard). New CANDU designs make extensive use of modern digital control technology, with the benefit that functionality can be implemented on a limited number of control platforms, reducing development and maintenance cost. This approach can take advantage of tools that allow the plant control system functional and performance requirements to be documented using graphical representations. Modern graphical methods supplemented by information databases can be used to provide a clear and comprehensive set of requirements for software and system development. Overview diagrams of system functionality provide a common understanding of the system boundaries and interfaces. Important requirements are readily traced through the development process. This improved reviewability helps to ensure consistency with the safety and and production design requirements of the system. Encapsulation of commonly used functions into custom-defined function blocks, such as typical motor control centre interfaces, process interlocks, median selects etc, eases the burden on designers to understand and analyze the detailed functionality of each instance of use of this logic. A library of encapsulated functions will be established for complex functions that are reused in the control logic development. By encapsulation and standardisation of such

  13. Population-based versus hospital-based controls: are they comparable? Controles poblaciones frente a controles hospitalarios: ¿son comparables?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Ruano-Ravina


    Full Text Available Objective: To compare whether there are differences among hospital and population controls. Methods: Two case-control studies were conducted on lung cancer risk factors in the Santiago de Compostela Public Health District. Whereas one used randomly chosen census-based population controls, the other used consecutive hospital controls that went to the reference hospital for non-smoking-related trivial interventions. The differences were analyzed using logistic regression. The dependent variable was type of control (hospital or population. Results: Hospital controls had a similar tobacco habit than population controls, but consumed more alcohol. For those consuming more than 50 ml daily, the risk of being a hospital control was 4.83 (95%CI: 2.55-9.14. Conclusions: There may be some differences between hospital and population-based controls, which must be taken into account in the design of case-control studies. It is necessary to ascertain whether such differences are reproduced at other geographic locations and whether they can affect estimation of exposure-disease.Objetivo: Comparar si hay diferencias entre los controles poblacionales y los hospitalarios. Métodos: Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios de casos y controles sobre factores de riesgo de cáncer de pulmón en el Área Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela. En uno de los estudios los controles fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente entre la población general, y en el otro los controles hospitalarios fueron incluidos de manera consecutiva entre los individuos que acudían al hospital por intervenciones quirúrgicas banales no relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. Las diferencias fueron analizadas mediante regresión logística. La variable dependiente fue el tipo de control (hospitalario o poblacional. Resultados: Los controles hospitalarios y los poblacionales tenían un hábito tabáquico similar, pero los controles hospitalarios consumían más alcohol. Para los que consumían más de 50 ml

  14. Supervisory control system implemented in programmable logical controller web server


    Milavec, Simon


    In this thesis, we study the feasibility of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system realisation in a web server of a programmable logic controller. With the introduction of Ethernet protocol to the area of process control, the more powerful programmable logic controllers obtained integrated web servers. The web server of a programmable logic controller, produced by Siemens, will also be described in this thesis. Firstly, the software and the hardware equipment used for real...

  15. Application of robust fuzzy control in power control of nuclear reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Lei; Luan Xiuchun; Jin Guangyuan; Yu Tao; Rao Su


    Robust-fuzzy controller based on T-S fuzzy model was designed for real-time controlling of nuclear reactor power and adapting to the load changing of power grid. Local controller was designed by means of state feedback technique, and the global controller was designed by parallel distributed compensation (PDC) method. The result of solving linear matrix inequalities (LMI) proves that this controller is stable. The simulation shows that the nuclear power can be well controlled in three typical conditions by this controller. (authors)

  16. Adaptive control of discrete-time chaotic systems: a fuzzy control approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Gang; Chen Guanrong


    This paper discusses adaptive control of a class of discrete-time chaotic systems from a fuzzy control approach. Using the T-S model of discrete-time chaotic systems, an adaptive control algorithm is developed based on some conventional adaptive control techniques. The resulting adaptively controlled chaotic system is shown to be globally stable, and its robustness is discussed. A simulation example of the chaotic Henon map control is finally presented, to illustrate an application and the performance of the proposed control algorithm

  17. Notions of local controllability and optimal feedforward control for quantum systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chakrabarti, Raj


    Local controllability is an essential concept for regulation and control of time-varying nonlinear dynamical systems; in the classical control logic it is at the foundation of neighboring optimal feedback and feedforward control. We introduce notions of local controllability suited to feedforward control of classical input disturbances in bilinear quantum systems evolving on projective spaces and Lie groups. Tests for local controllability based on a Gramian matrix analogous to the nonlinear local controllability Gramian, which allow assessment of which trajectories can be regulated by perturbative feedforward in the presence of classical input noise, are presented. These notions explicitly incorporate system bilinearity and the geometry of quantum states into the definition of local controllability of quantum systems. Associated feedforward strategies are described.

  18. Notions of local controllability and optimal feedforward control for quantum systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chakrabarti, Raj, E-mail: [School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 (United States)


    Local controllability is an essential concept for regulation and control of time-varying nonlinear dynamical systems; in the classical control logic it is at the foundation of neighboring optimal feedback and feedforward control. We introduce notions of local controllability suited to feedforward control of classical input disturbances in bilinear quantum systems evolving on projective spaces and Lie groups. Tests for local controllability based on a Gramian matrix analogous to the nonlinear local controllability Gramian, which allow assessment of which trajectories can be regulated by perturbative feedforward in the presence of classical input noise, are presented. These notions explicitly incorporate system bilinearity and the geometry of quantum states into the definition of local controllability of quantum systems. Associated feedforward strategies are described.

  19. Time-delay effects and simplified control fields in quantum Lyapunov control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yi, X X; Wu, S L; Wu, Chunfeng; Feng, X L; Oh, C H


    Lyapunov-based quantum control has the advantage that it is free from the measurement-induced decoherence and it includes the instantaneous information of the system in the control. The Lyapunov control is often confronted with time delay in the control fields and difficulty in practical implementations of the control. In this paper, we study the effect of time delay on the Lyapunov control and explore the possibility of replacing the control field with a pulse train or a bang-bang signal. The efficiency of the Lyapunov control is also presented through examining the convergence time of the system. These results suggest that the Lyapunov control is robust against time delay, easy to realize and effective for high-dimensional quantum systems.

  20. Otimização e validação do método analítico volumétrico para quantificação do carbonato de cálcio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. K.M. Santana


    Full Text Available

    A osteoporose é definida pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como uma doença metabólica óssea sistêmica, caracterizada por diminuição da massa óssea e deterioração da microarquitetura do tecido ósseo, com conseqüente aumento da fragilidade do osso e da suscetibilidade a fraturas. A suplementação de cálcio pode ser realizada utilizando-se diferentes sais de cálcio. O mais recomendado é o carbonato de cálcio, que apresenta a maior quantidade de cálcio elementar (40%. Atualmente, quando todos os caminhos levam à busca da qualidade total, torna-se indispensável conhecer perfeitamente cada fase de um processo produtivo. Neste caso, a validação é uma ferramenta da qualidade adequada para garantir a confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade de um método analítico, pois é um ato documentado que atesta que o mesmo conduz a resultados esperados. A escolha de uma metodologia é de fundamental importância para o procedimento do controle de qualidade da substância ativa ou da forma farmacêutica. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo desenvolver e validar o método de doseamento da matéria-prima carbonato de cálcio por titulometria. As características de desempenho investigadas no processo de validação foram: exatidão, precisão, limite de detecção, limite de quantificação, linearidade e robustez. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o método é robusto, exato e preciso, apresentando resultados reprodutíveis e confiáveis. Palavras-chave: validação; titulometria; carbonato de cálcio.

  1. Que é gueto? Construindo um conceito sociológico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loïc Wacquant


    Full Text Available Ao invés de produzirem um conceito analiticamente robusto de "gueto", as Ciências Sociais utilizam o termo de maneira descritiva, não raro lhes conferindo significados do senso comum emprestados das sociedades em que o fenômeno é identificado. A partir da produção historiográfica sobre a diáspora judaica na Europa renascentista, da Sociologia da experiência negra na metrópole fordista dos EUA e da Antropologia da marginalidade étnica na Ásia Oriental, este artigo constrói um conceito relacional de gueto como um instrumento bifacetado [Janus faced] de cercamento e controle etno-racial. Por meio desse procedimento, o gueto revela-se como um dispositivo sócio-organizador composto de quatro elementos (estigma, limite, confinamento espacial e encapsulamento institucional que emprega o espaço para reconciliar seus dois propósitos contraditórios: exploração econômica e ostracismo social. O gueto não é uma "área natural", produto da "história da migração" (como Louis Wirth defendia, mas sim uma forma especial de violência coletiva concretizada no espaço urbano. A articulação do conceito de gueto possibilita o desvelamento da relação entre "guetização", pobreza urbana e segregação, assim como o esclarecimento das diferenças estruturais e funcionais entre guetos e aglomerações étnicas. Esse proceder também possibilita que realcemos o papel do gueto como matriz e incubador simbólico da produção de uma identidade maculada, indicando que seu estudo seja feito por analogia a outras instituições voltadas para o confinamento forçado de grupos despossuídos e desonrados como o campo de refugiados, a reserva e a prisão.

  2. Control rod drive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hawke, B.C.


    A reactor core, one or more control rods, and a control rod drive are described for selectively inserting and withdrawing the one or more control rods into and from the reactor core, which consists of: a support structure secured beneath the reactor core; control rod positioning means supported by the support structure for movably supporting the control rod for movement between a lower position wherein the control rod is located substantially beneath the reactor core and an upper position wherein at least an upper portion of the control rod extends into the reactor core; transmission means; primary drive means connected with the control rod positioning means by the transmission means for positioning the control rod under normal operating conditions; emergency drive means for moving the control rod from the lower position to the upper position under emergency conditions, the emergency drive means including a weight movable between an upper and a lower position, means for movably supporting the weight, and means for transmitting gravitational force exerted on the weight to the control rod positioning means to move the control rod upwardly when the weight is pulled downwardly by gravity; the transmission means connecting the control rod positioning means with the emergency drive means so that the primary drive means effects movement of the weight and the control rod in opposite directions under normal conditions, thus providing counterbalancing to reduce the force required for upward movement of the control rod under normal conditions; and restraint means for restraining the fall of the weight under normal operating conditions and disengaging the primary drive means to release the weight under emergency conditions

  3. Optimal control of inverted pendulum system using PID controller, LQR and MPC (United States)

    Varghese, Elisa Sara; Vincent, Anju K.; Bagyaveereswaran, V.


    Inverted pendulum is a highly nonlinear system. Here we propose an optimal control technique for the control of an inverted Pendulum - cart system. The system is modeled, linearized and controlled. Here, the control objective is to control the system such that when the cart reaches a desired position the inverted pendulum stabilizes in the upright position. Initially PID controller is used to control the system. Later, Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) a well-known optimal control technique which makes use of the states of the dynamical system and control input to frame the optimal control decision is used. Various combinations of both PID and LQR controllers are implemented. To validate the robustness of the controller, the system is simulated with and without disturbance. Finally the system is also controlled using Model Predictive controller (MPC). MPC has well predictive ability to calculate future events and implement necessary control actions. The performance of the system is compared and analyzed.

  4. Gaining control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Enden, van der E.; Laan, van der R.


    The article reports on the efforts of companies to find a solution for tax risk management, tax accounting and being in control. In trying to find a solution, companies work towards an integrated tax control framework (TCF), a tax risk management and control environment embedded in the internal

  5. Applying model predictive control to power system frequency control


    Ersdal, AM; Imsland, L; Cecilio, IM; Fabozzi, D; Thornhill, NF


    16.07.14 KB Ok to add accepted version to Spiral Model predictive control (MPC) is investigated as a control method which may offer advantages in frequency control of power systems than the control methods applied today, especially in presence of increased renewable energy penetration. The MPC includes constraints on both generation amount and generation rate of change, and it is tested on a one-area system. The proposed MPC is tested against a conventional proportional-integral (PI) cont...

  6. Control of a mechanical gripper with a fuzzy controller; Control de una garra robotizada mediante un controlador borroso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alberdi, J.; Barcala, J.M.; Gamero, E.; Navarrete, J.J.


    A fuzzy logic system is used to control a mechanical gripper. System is based in a NLX230 fuzzy micro controller. Control rules are programmed by a 68020 microprocessor in the micro controller memory. Stress and its derived are used as feedback signals in the control. This system can adapt its effort to the mechanical resistance of the object between the fingers.

  7. Control of a mechanical gripper with a fuzzy controller; Control de una garra robotizada mediante un controlador borroso

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alberdi, J.; Barcala, J.M.; Gamero, E.; Navarrete, J.J.


    A fuzzy logic system is used to control a mechanical gripper. System is based in a NLX230 fuzzy micro controller. Control rules are programmed by a 68020 microprocessor in the micro controller memory. Stress and its derived are used as feedback signals in the control. This system can adapt its effort to the mechanical resistance of the object between the fingers. (Author)

  8. Control rod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawakami, Kazuo; Shimoshige, Takanori; Nishimura, Akira


    Purpose: A control rod has been developed, which provided a plurality of through-holes in the vicinity of the sheath fitting position, in order to flatten burn-up, of fuel rods in positions confronting a control rod. Thereby to facilitate the manufacture of the control rods and prevent fuel rod failures. Constitution: A plurality of through-holes are formed in the vicinity of the sheath fitting position of a central support rod to which a sheath for the control rod is fitted. These through-holes are arranged in the axial direction of the central support rod. Accordingly, burn-up of fuel rods confronting the control rods can be reduced by through-holes and fuel rod failures can be prevented. (Yoshino, Y.)

  9. Distributed control software of high-performance control-loop algorithm

    CERN Document Server

    Blanc, D


    The majority of industrial cooling and ventilation plants require the control of complex processes. All these processes are highly important for the operation of the machines. The stability and reliability of these processes are leading factors identifying the quality of the service provided. The control system architecture and software structure, as well, are required to have high dynamical performance and robust behaviour. The intelligent systems based on PID or RST controllers are used for their high level of stability and accuracy. The design and tuning of these complex controllers require the dynamic model of the plant to be known (generally obtained by identification) and the desired performance of the various control loops to be specified for achieving good performances. The concept of having a distributed control algorithm software provides full automation facilities with well-adapted functionality and good performances, giving methodology, means and tools to master the dynamic process optimization an...

  10. Micro controller application as x-ray machine's high voltage controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiranto Budi Santoso; Beny Syawaludin


    The micro controller application as x-ray machine's high voltage controller has been carried out. The purpose of this micro controller application is to give an accurate high voltage supply to the x-ray tube so that the x ray machine could produce the result as expected. The micro controller based X-ray machine's high voltage controller receives an input voltage from the keypad. This input value is displayed in the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen. Then micro controller uses this input data to drive the stepper motor. The stepper motor adjusts the high voltage auto transformer's output according to the input value. The micro controller is programmed using BASCOM-B051 compiler. The test results show that the stepper motor could rotate according to an input value. (author)

  11. Future control room design (modernization of control room systems)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reischl, Ludwig; Freitag, Timo; Dergel, Rene


    In the frame of lifetime extension for nuclear power plants the modernization of the complete safety and operational control technology will be digitalized. It is also recommended to modernize the operator facilities, monitoring systems in the control room, the back-up shut-down center and the local control stations. The authors summarize the reasons for the modernization recommendations and discuss possible solutions for display-oriented control rooms. A concept for control room backfitting includes generic requirements, requirements of the local authorities, ergonomic principles information content and information density, and the design process. The backfitting strategy should include a cooperation with the operational personnel, The quality assurance and training via simulator needs sufficient timing during the implementation of the backfitting.

  12. Motion control report

    CERN Document Server


    Please note this is a short discount publication. In today's manufacturing environment, Motion Control plays a major role in virtually every project.The Motion Control Report provides a comprehensive overview of the technology of Motion Control:* Design Considerations* Technologies* Methods to Control Motion* Examples of Motion Control in Systems* A Detailed Vendors List

  13. Predistortion control device and method, assembly including a predistortion control device

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kokkeler, Andre B.J.


    A predistortion control device (1). The device has a first predistortion control input connectable to a power amplifier output (21); a second predistortion control input (11) connectable to a signal contact of a predistortion device; and a predistortion control output (12) connectable to a control

  14. A Wireless Low Power Valve Controller for Drip Irrigation Control Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haijiang Tai


    Full Text Available Drip irrigation control systems in fields generally include a large number of sensors and valves; controlling these devices efficiently can be achieved by using distributed irrigation control (DIC, which has the advantages of reduced wiring and piping costs and easier installation and maintenance. In this study, a wireless low power valve controller for drip irrigation control systems was developed and tested. The specific tasks included the controller design (hardware and software, energy consumption tests, and field tests. The controller uses the highly integrated JN5139 module, which is based on IEEE802.15.4, for hardware design; low power consumption sleep algorithms for software design; and two alkaline batteries for supply of power to the valve controller. Results of laboratory and field tests show continuous working days of the valve controller powered by two alkaline batteries are at least 3 months under different sleep periods and frequencies of valve control. The controller described here is characterized as reliable, low cost, easy to install, and having low power consumption.

  15. Control switching in high performance and fault tolerant control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Niemann, Hans Henrik; Poulsen, Niels Kjølstad


    The problem of reliability in high performance control and in fault tolerant control is considered in this paper. A feedback controller architecture for high performance and fault tolerance is considered. The architecture is based on the Youla-Jabr-Bongiorno-Kucera (YJBK) parameterization. By usi...

  16. Controller for computer control of brushless dc motors. [automobile engines (United States)

    Hieda, L. S. (Inventor)


    A motor speed and torque controller for brushless d.c. motors provides an unusually smooth torque control arrangement. The controller provides a means for controlling a current waveform in each winding of a brushless dc motor by synchronization of an excitation pulse train from a programmable oscillator. Sensing of torque for synchronization is provided by a light beam chopper mounted on the motor rotor shaft. Speed and duty cycle are independently controlled by controlling the frequency and pulse width output of the programmable oscillator. A means is also provided so that current transitions from one motor winding to another is effected without abrupt changes in output torque.

  17. Control room design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zinke, H.


    To control a 1300 megawatt nuclear power plant, about 15000 plant parameters must be collected together to control and operate the plant. The control room design therefore is of particular importance. The main design criteria are: Required functions of the power plant process - Level of Automation - Ergonomics - Available Technology. Extensive analysis has resulted in a control room design method. This ensures that an objective solution will be reached. Resulting from this methodical approach are: 1. Scope, position and appearance of the instrumentation. 2. Scope, position and appearance of the operator controls. Process analysis dictates what instrumentation and operator controls are needed. The priority and importance of the control and instrumentation (this we define as the utilisation areas), dictates the rough layout of the control room. (orig./RW)

  18. Fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control based on adaptive control approach

    CERN Document Server

    Shen, Qikun; Shi, Peng


    This book provides recent theoretical developments in and practical applications of fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for complex dynamical systems, including uncertain systems, linear and nonlinear systems. Combining adaptive control technique with other control methodologies, it investigates the problems of fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control for uncertain dynamic systems with or without time delay. As such, the book provides readers a solid understanding of fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control based on adaptive control technology. Given its depth and breadth, it is well suited for undergraduate and graduate courses on linear system theory, nonlinear system theory, fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control techniques. Further, it can be used as a reference source for academic research on fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control, and for postgraduates in the field of control theory and engineering. .

  19. Controlling chaos in Internet congestion control model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Liang E-mail:; Wang Xiaofan; Han Zhengzhi


    The TCP end-to-end congestion control plus RED router queue management can be modeled as a discrete-time dynamical system, which may create complex bifurcating and chaotic behavior. Based on the basic features of the TCP-RED model, we propose a time-dependent delayed feedback control algorithm to control chaos in the system by perturbing the accessible RED parameter p{sub max}. This method is able to stabilized a router queue occupancy at a level without knowing the exact knowledge of the network. Further, we study the situation of the presence of the UDP traffic.

  20. Control cards as a statistical quality control resource

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandar Živan Drenovac


    Full Text Available Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 This paper proves that applying of statistical methods can significantly contribute increasing of products and services quality, as well as increasing of institutions rating. Determining of optimal, apropos anticipatory and limitary values, is based on sample`s statistical analyze. Control cards represent very confident instrument, which is simple for use and efficient for control of process, by which process is maintained in set borders. Thus, control cards can be applied in quality control of procesess of weapons and military equipment production, maintenance of technical systems, as well as for seting of standards and increasing of quality level for many other activities.

  1. Determination Of Adaptive Control Parameter Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omur Can Ozguney


    Full Text Available The robot industry has developed along with the increasing the use of robots in industry. This has led to increase the studies on robots. The most important part of these studies is that the robots must be work with minimum tracking trajectory error. But it is not easy for robots to track the desired trajectory because of the external disturbances and parametric uncertainty. Therefore adaptive and robust controllers are used to decrease tracking error. The aim of this study is to increase the tracking performance of the robot and minimize the trajectory tracking error. For this purpose adaptive control law for robot manipulator is identified and fuzzy logic controller is applied to find the accurate values for adaptive control parameter. Based on the Lyapunov theory stability of the uncertain system is guaranteed. In this study robot parameters are assumed to be unknown. This controller is applied to a robot model and the results of simulations are given. Controller with fuzzy logic and without fuzzy logic are compared with each other. Simulation results show that the fuzzy logic controller has improved the results.

  2. Relative controllability and null controllability of linear delay systems ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Necessary and sufficient conditions are established for the relative, absolute controllability and null controllability of the generalized linear delay system and its discrete prototype. The paper presents illuminating examples on previous controllability results by Manitius and Olbrot [7] and carries over the results of Onwuatu [8] ...

  3. Noninteracting control of nonlinear systems based on relaxed control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jayawardhana, B.


    In this paper, we propose methodology to solve noninteracting control problem for general nonlinear systems based on the relaxed control technique proposed by Artstein. For a class of nonlinear systems which cannot be stabilized by smooth feedback, a state-feedback relaxed control can be designed to

  4. Robust position control of induction motor using fuzzy logic control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sei Chan; Kim, Duk Hun; Yang, Seung Ho; Won, Chung Yuen


    In recent years, fuzzy logic or fuzzy set theory has reveived attention of a number of researchers in the area of power electronics and motion control. The paper describes a vector-controlled induction motor position servo drive where fuzzy control is used to get robustness against parameter variation and load torque disturbance effects. Both coarse and fine control with the help of look-up rule tables are used to improve transient response and system settling time. The performance characteristics are then compared with those of proportional-integral(PI) control. The simulation results clearly indicate the superiority of fuzzy control with larger number of rules. The fuzzy controller was implemented with a 16-bit microprocessor and tested in laboratory on a 3-hp IGBT inverter induction motor drive system. The test results verify the simulation performance. (Author)

  5. Nonlinear control strategy based on using a shape-tunable neural controller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, C.; Peng, S. [Feng Chia Univ, Taichung (Taiwan, Province of China). Department of chemical Engineering; Chang, W. [Feng Chia Univ, Taichung (Taiwan, Province of China). Department of Automatic Control


    In this paper, a nonlinear control strategy based on using a shape-tunable neural network is developed for adaptive control of nonlinear processes. Based on the steepest descent method, a learning algorithm that enables the neural controller to possess the ability of automatic controller output range adjustment is derived. The novel feature of automatic output range adjustment provides the neural controller more flexibility and capability, and therefore the scaling procedure, which is usually unavoidable for the conventional fixed-shape neural controllers, becomes unnecessary. The advantages and effectiveness of the proposed nonlinear control strategy are demonstrated through the challenge problem of controlling an open-loop unstable nonlinear continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). 14 refs., 11 figs.

  6. Design of Multi Objectives Control Systems to Control Nuclear Reactor Power

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdelaal, M.M.Z.


    The Egyptian Testing Research Reactor (ETRR-2) nonlinear twelfth order model is linearized and reduced to lower order model. Model order reduction methodologies such as balanced truncation, Schur reduction method, Hankel approximation and Coprime factorization have been used in the reduction process. The reactor actually controlled by PD controller with fixed tuning parameters. LMI state feedback, LMI-pool assignment, H ∞ and observer based controllers based third order model are proposed to be used in the reactor power control instead of the PD controller. A comparison of LMI, LMI-Pole placement,H ∞ control systems and those of based observer relative to the PD controller has been performed which showed better response and disturbance rejection for the proposed controllers.

  7. An accurate reactive power control study in virtual flux droop control (United States)

    Wang, Aimeng; Zhang, Jia


    This paper investigates the problem of reactive power sharing based on virtual flux droop method. Firstly, flux droop control method is derived, where complicated multiple feedback loops and parameter regulation are avoided. Then, the reasons for inaccurate reactive power sharing are theoretically analyzed. Further, a novel reactive power control scheme is proposed which consists of three parts: compensation control, voltage recovery control and flux droop control. Finally, the proposed reactive power control strategy is verified in a simplified microgrid model with two parallel DGs. The simulation results show that the proposed control scheme can achieve accurate reactive power sharing and zero deviation of voltage. Meanwhile, it has some advantages of simple control and excellent dynamic and static performance.

  8. Process and apparatus for controlling control rods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gebelin, B.; Couture, R.


    This process and apparatus is characterized by 2 methods, for examination of cluster of nuclear control rods. Foucault current analyzer which examines fraction by fraction all the control rods. This examination is made by rotation of the cluster. Doubtful rods are then analysed by ultrasonic probe [fr

  9. Predictive IP controller for robust position control of linear servo system. (United States)

    Lu, Shaowu; Zhou, Fengxing; Ma, Yajie; Tang, Xiaoqi


    Position control is a typical application of linear servo system. In this paper, to reduce the system overshoot, an integral plus proportional (IP) controller is used in the position control implementation. To further improve the control performance, a gain-tuning IP controller based on a generalized predictive control (GPC) law is proposed. Firstly, to represent the dynamics of the position loop, a second-order linear model is used and its model parameters are estimated on-line by using a recursive least squares method. Secondly, based on the GPC law, an optimal control sequence is obtained by using receding horizon, then directly supplies the IP controller with the corresponding control parameters in the real operations. Finally, simulation and experimental results are presented to show the efficiency of proposed scheme. Copyright © 2016 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Relationship between antigravity control and postural control in young children. (United States)

    Sellers, J S


    The purposes of this study were 1) to determine the relationship between antigravity control (supine flexion and prone extension) and postural control (static and dynamic balance), 2) to determine the quality of antigravity and postural control, and 3) to determine whether sex and ethnic group differences correlate with differences in antigravity control and postural control in young children. I tested 107 black, Hispanic, and Caucasian children in a Head Start program, with a mean age of 61 months. The study results showed significant relationships between antigravity control and postural control. Subjects' supine flexion performance was significantly related to the quantity and quality of their static and dynamic balance performance, whereas prone extension performance was related only to the quality of dynamic balance performance. Quality scale measurements (r = .90) indicated that the children in this study had not yet developed full antigravity or postural control. The study results revealed differences between sexes in the quality of static balance and prone extension performance and ethnic differences in static balance, dynamic balance, and prone extension performance.

  11. A modelling and control structure for product quality control in climate-controlled processing of agro-material

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verdijck, G.J.C.; Straten, van G.


    In this paper a modelling and control structure for product quality control is presented for a class of operations that processes agro-material. This class can be characterised as climate-controlled operations, such as storage, transport and drying. The basic model consists of three parts. These are

  12. Integrated Biological Control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Biological control is any activity taken to prevent, limit, clean up, or remediate potential environmental, health and safety, or workplace quality impacts from plants, animals, or microorganisms. At Hanford the principal emphasis of biological control is to prevent the transport of radioactive contamination by biological vectors (plants, animals, or microorganisms), and where necessary, control and clean up resulting contamination. Other aspects of biological control at Hanford include industrial weed control (e.g.; tumbleweeds), noxious weed control (invasive, non-native plant species), and pest control (undesirable animals such as rodents and stinging insects; and microorganisms such as molds that adversely affect the quality of the workplace environment). Biological control activities may be either preventive (apriori) or in response to existing contamination spread (aposteriori). Surveillance activities, including ground, vegetation, flying insect, and other surveys, and apriori control actions, such as herbicide spraying and placing biological barriers, are important in preventing radioactive contamination spread. If surveillance discovers that biological vectors have spread radioactive contamination, aposteriori control measures, such as fixing contamination, followed by cleanup and removal of the contamination to an approved disposal location are typical response functions. In some cases remediation following the contamination cleanup and removal is necessary. Biological control activities for industrial weeds, noxious weeds and pests have similar modes of prevention and response

  13. Strike Point Control on EAST Using an Isoflux Control Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xing Zhe; Xiao Bingjia; Luo Zhengping; Walker, M. L.; Humphreys, D. A.


    For the advanced tokamak, the particle deposition and thermal load on the divertor is a big challenge. By moving the strike points on divertor target plates, the position of particle deposition and thermal load can be shifted. We could adjust the Poloidal Field (PF) coil current to achieve the strike point position feedback control. Using isoflux control method, the strike point position can be controlled by controlling the X point position. On the basis of experimental data, we establish relational expressions between X point position and strike point position. Benchmark experiments are carried out to validate the correctness and robustness of the control methods. The strike point position is successfully controlled following our command in the EAST operation. (paper)

  14. Development and comparison of integrated dynamics control systems with fuzzy logic control and sliding mode control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Jeong Hoon


    In this study, four integrated dynamics control (IDC) systems abbreviated as IDCB, IDCS, IDCF, and IDCR are developed, evaluated and compared. IDC systems were integrated with brake and steer control systems to enhance lateral stability and handling performance. To construct the IDC systems, a vehicle model with fourteen degrees of freedom, a fuzzy logic controller, and a sliding mode ABS controller were used. They were tested with various steering inputs when excessive full brake pressure or no brake pressure was applied on dry asphalt, wet asphalt, a snow-covered paved road, and a split-µ road. The results showed that an IDC-equipped vehicle improved lateral stability and controllability in every driving condition compared to an ABS-equipped vehicle. Under all road conditions, IDC controllers enabled the yaw rate to follow the reference yaw rate almost perfectly and reduced the body slip angle. On a split-µ road, IDCB, IDCS, IDCF, and IDCR vehicles drove straight ahead with only very small deviations.

  15. Fault Tolerant Control Using Gaussian Processes and Model Predictive Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yang Xiaoke


    Full Text Available Essential ingredients for fault-tolerant control are the ability to represent system behaviour following the occurrence of a fault, and the ability to exploit this representation for deciding control actions. Gaussian processes seem to be very promising candidates for the first of these, and model predictive control has a proven capability for the second. We therefore propose to use the two together to obtain fault-tolerant control functionality. Our proposal is illustrated by several reasonably realistic examples drawn from flight control.

  16. A nuclear reactor power controller using a receding horizon control method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Man Gyun; Sim, Young Rok


    A receding horizon control method is applied to design a fully automatic controller for thermal power in a reactor core. The basic concept of the receding horizon control is to solve an optimization problem for a finite future at current time and to implement as the current control input the first optimal control input among the solutions of the finite time steps. The procedure is then repeated at each subsequent instant. The receding horizon controller is designed so that the difference between the output and the desired output is minimized and the variation of the control rod position is small. The nonlinear PWR plant model (nonlinear point kinetics equation with six delayed neutron groups and the lumped thermal-hydraulic balance equations) was used to verify the proposed controller of reactor power. And a controller design model used for designing the receding horizon controller was obtained by applying a parameter estimation algorithm. From numerical simulation results, the performances of this controller for the 5%/min ramp increase or decrease of a desired load and its 10% step increase or decrease which are design requirements are proved to be excellent

  17. Adaptive control method for core power control in TRIGA Mark II reactor (United States)

    Sabri Minhat, Mohd; Selamat, Hazlina; Subha, Nurul Adilla Mohd


    The 1MWth Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP) Mark II type has undergone more than 35 years of operation. The existing core power control uses feedback control algorithm (FCA). It is challenging to keep the core power stable at the desired value within acceptable error bands to meet the safety demand of RTP due to the sensitivity of nuclear research reactor operation. Currently, the system is not satisfied with power tracking performance and can be improved. Therefore, a new design core power control is very important to improve the current performance in tracking and regulate reactor power by control the movement of control rods. In this paper, the adaptive controller and focus on Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) and Self-Tuning Control (STC) were applied to the control of the core power. The model for core power control was based on mathematical models of the reactor core, adaptive controller model, and control rods selection programming. The mathematical models of the reactor core were based on point kinetics model, thermal hydraulic models, and reactivity models. The adaptive control model was presented using Lyapunov method to ensure stable close loop system and STC Generalised Minimum Variance (GMV) Controller was not necessary to know the exact plant transfer function in designing the core power control. The performance between proposed adaptive control and FCA will be compared via computer simulation and analysed the simulation results manifest the effectiveness and the good performance of the proposed control method for core power control.

  18. BSF control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irie, Y.; Ishii, K.; Ninomiya, S.; Sasaki, H.; Sakai, I.


    The booster synchrotron utilization facility (BSF) is a facility which utilizes the four fifths of available beam pulses from the KEK booster synchrotron. The BSF control system includes the beam line control, interactions with the PS central control room and the experimental facilities, and the access control system. A brief description of the various components in the control system is given. (author)

  19. Does Self-Control Training Improve Self-Control? A Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Friese, Malte; Frankenbach, Julius; Job, Veronika; Loschelder, David D


    Self-control is positively associated with a host of beneficial outcomes. Therefore, psychological interventions that reliably improve self-control are of great societal value. A prominent idea suggests that training self-control by repeatedly overriding dominant responses should lead to broad improvements in self-control over time. Here, we conducted a random-effects meta-analysis based on robust variance estimation of the published and unpublished literature on self-control training effects. Results based on 33 studies and 158 effect sizes revealed a small-to-medium effect of g = 0.30, confidence interval (CI 95 ) [0.17, 0.42]. Moderator analyses found that training effects tended to be larger for (a) self-control stamina rather than strength, (b) studies with inactive compared to active control groups, (c) males than females, and (d) when proponents of the strength model of self-control were (co)authors of a study. Bias-correction techniques suggested the presence of small-study effects and/or publication bias and arrived at smaller effect size estimates (range: g corrected = .13 to .24). The mechanisms underlying the effect are poorly understood. There is not enough evidence to conclude that the repeated control of dominant responses is the critical element driving training effects.

  20. Transition from natural-convection-controlled freezing to conduction-controlled freezing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sparrow, E.M.; Ramsey, J.W.; Harris, J.S.


    Experiments were performed to study the transition between freezing controlled by natural convection in the liquid adjacent to a freezing interface and freezing controlled by heat conduction in the solidified material. The freezing took place on a cooled vertical tube immersed in an initially superheated liquid contained in an adiabatic-walled vessel. At early and intermediate times, temperature differences throughout the liquid induce a vigorous natural convection motion which retards freezing, but the temperature differences diminish with time and natural convection ebbs. At large times, the freezing rate is fully controlled by heat conduction in the solidified material. The frozen specimens for short and intermediate freezing times are smooth-surfaced and tapered, while those for large times are straight-sided and have surfaces that are overlaid with a thicket of large discrete crystals. These characteristics correspond respectively to those of natural-convection- controlled freezing and conduction-controlled freezing. At early times, the measured mass of the frozen material is identical to that for natural-convection-controlled freezing and conduction-controlled freezing. At early times, the measured mass of the frozen material is identical to that for natural-convection-controlled freezing. At later times, the frozen mass tends to approach that for conduction-controlled freezing, but a residual deficit remains

  1. A fast PID controller Design for Modern PLC for Process Control Application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirza, A.; Nafis, A.; Anees, R.M.; Idris, S.


    PID is the most widely used control scheme in the process industry. Pill controllers are utilized for the control of such varied parameters as pressure, flow, temperature, etc. One characteristic of these parameters is that they posses slow dynamics. Most of the available digital controllers can manipulate only a single parameter- multiple controllers are required for control of more than one parameter. The Fast PID Controller for Modem PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) developed by the authors, provides control of several parameters at a time (through a single Pill control element), enhanced programmability including variable sampling period, parameter monitoring and data storage, which may be easily implemented in a PLC. (author)

  2. Design of fuzzy learning control systems for steam generator water level control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Gee Yong


    A fuzzy learning algorithm is developed in order to construct the useful control rules and tune the membership functions in the fuzzy logic controller used for water level control of nuclear steam generator. The fuzzy logic controllers have shown to perform better than conventional controllers for ill-defined or complex processes such as nuclear steam generator. Whereas the fuzzy logic controller does not need a detailed mathematical model of a plant to be controlled, its structure is to be made on the basis of the operator's linguistic information experienced from the plant operations. It is not an easy work and also there is no systematic way to translate the operator's linguistic information into quantitative information. When the linguistic information of operators is incomplete, tuning the parameters of fuzzy controller is to be performed for better control performance. It is the time and effort consuming procedure that controller designer has to tune the structure of fuzzy logic controller for optimal performance. And if the number of control inputs is many and the rule base is constructed in multidimensional space, it is very difficult for a controller designer to tune the fuzzy controller structure. Hence, the difficulty in putting the experimental knowledge into quantitative (or numerical) data and the difficulty in tuning the rules are the major problems in designing fuzzy logic controller. In order to overcome the problems described above, a learning algorithm by gradient descent method is included in the fuzzy control system such that the membership functions are tuned and the necessary rules are created automatically for good control performance. For stable learning in gradient descent method, the optimal range of learning coefficient not to be trapped and not to provide too slow learning speed is investigated. With the optimal range of learning coefficient, the optimal value of learning coefficient is suggested and with this value, the gradient

  3. Good control practices underlined by an on-line fuzzy control database

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alonso, M. V.


    Full Text Available In the olive oil trade, control systems that automate extraction processes, cutting production costs and increasing processing capacity without losing quality, are always desirable. The database structure of an on-line fuzzy control of centrifugation systems and the algorithms used to attain the best control conditions are analysed. Good control practices are suggested to obtain virgin olive oil of prime quality.

    In the olive oil trade, control systems that automate extraction processes, cutting production costs and increasing processing capacity without losing quality, are always desirable. The database structure of an on-line fuzzy control of centrifugation systems and the algorithms used to attain the best control conditions are analysed. Good control practices are suggested to obtain virgin olive oil of prime quality.

  4. Simulation Analysis of Computer-Controlled pressurization for Mixture Ratio Control (United States)

    Alexander, Leslie A.; Bishop-Behel, Karen; Benfield, Michael P. J.; Kelley, Anthony; Woodcock, Gordon R.


    A procedural code (C++) simulation was developed to investigate potentials for mixture ratio control of pressure-fed spacecraft rocket propulsion systems by measuring propellant flows, tank liquid quantities, or both, and using feedback from these measurements to adjust propellant tank pressures to set the correct operating mixture ratio for minimum propellant residuals. The pressurization system eliminated mechanical regulators in favor of a computer-controlled, servo- driven throttling valve. We found that a quasi-steady state simulation (pressure and flow transients in the pressurization systems resulting from changes in flow control valve position are ignored) is adequate for this purpose. Monte-Carlo methods are used to obtain simulated statistics on propellant depletion. Mixture ratio control algorithms based on proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller methods were developed. These algorithms actually set target tank pressures; the tank pressures are controlled by another PID controller. Simulation indicates this approach can provide reductions in residual propellants.

  5. Efficacy of internal control and controlling business risks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luminiţa IONESCU


    Full Text Available Companies can gain additional efficiency in designing and implementing or assessing internal control by focusing on only those financial reporting objectives directly applicable to the company’s activities and circumstances, taking a risk based approach to internal control. It is important for any organization to have reliable financial data for internal decision-making purpose. Financial information is often useful in many internal decisions such as product or service pricing. This is why the most important function of the controller is to create and maintain the corporate financial control system. Today’s corporation operates in an increasingly complex environment and the controller’s role is to advice the management of current or future problems of the business environment or to prevent the fraud.

  6. Heat control in HVDC resistive divider by PID and NN controllers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yilmaz, S.; Dincer, H.; Eksin, I.; Kalenderli, O.


    In this study, a control system is presented that is devised to increase measurement precisions within a prototype high voltage DC resistive divider (HVDC-RD). Since one of the major sources of measurement errors in such devices is the self heating effect, a system controlling the temperature within the high voltage DC resistive divider is devised so that suitable and stable temperature conditions are maintained that, in return, will decrease the measurement errors. The resistive divider system is cooled by oil, and PID and neural network (NN) controllers try to keep the temperature within the prescribed limits. The system to be controlled exhibits a nonlinear character, and therefore, a control approach based on NN controllers is proposed. Thus, a system that can fulfill the various requirements dictated by the designer is constructed. The performance of the NN controller is compared with that of the PID controller developed for the same purpose, and the values of the performance indices indicate the superiority of the NN controller over that of the classical PID controller

  7. Modernization of control system using the digital control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carrasco, J. A.; Fernandez, L.; Jimenez, A.


    Nowadays, all plant automation tendencies are based on the use of Digital Control System. In big industrial plants the control systems employed are Distributed Control Systems (DCS). The addition of these systems in nuclear power plants,implies an important adaptation process, because most of them were installed using analog control systems. This paper presents the objectives and the first results obtained, in a modernization project, focused in obtaining an engineering platform for making test and analysis of changes prior to their implementation in a nuclear plant. Modernization, Upgrade, DCS, Automation, Simulation, Training. (Author)

  8. Robust tracking control of uncertain Duffing-Holmes control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Y.-J.


    In this paper, the notion of virtual stabilizability for dynamical systems is introduced and the virtual stabilizability of uncertain Duffing-Holmes control systems is investigated. Based on the time-domain approach with differential inequality, a tracking control is proposed such that the states of uncertain Duffing-Holmes control system track the desired trajectories with any pre-specified exponential decay rate and convergence radius. Moreover, we present an algorithm to find such a tracking control. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the use of the main results.

  9. A CAMAC based knob controller for the LAMPF control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, W.; Bjorklund, E.


    The control computer for the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) has been recently upgraded from an SEL-840 to a VAX 11/780 running the VMS operating system. As part of this upgrade, a CAMAC-based knob controller was developed for the new control system. The knobs allow the facility operators to have slew control over software selectable accelerator devices. An alphanumeric display associated with each knob monitors the progress of the selected device. This paper describes the system requirements for the new LAMPF knob controller, and the resulting hardware and software design

  10. Trust and controlling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bieńkowska Agnieszka


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to discuss the trust within and towards an organisation in the context of implementation of controlling therein. In this context the essence of trust and its importance in organisation management was presented, as well as trust in the contemporary management methods and concepts. Controlling as a trust-building factor inside an organisation was pointed out. Especially controlling and control were described. Moreover management by considering deviations in controlling and the teamwork in controlling were described. The role of controlling in process of trust-building to an organisation was presented. Establishing relations with the environment and systems of measurement of organisation’s achievements were presented, too.

  11. Control of SMES

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murakami, Y.; Sugita, M.; Kiuchi, T.; Okuda, H.


    The use of a thyristor Graetz bridge as the interface between the 3-phase ac source and the superconducting magnet (SM) has become standard in superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES). In the future, the bridge will be DDC (direct digital control) controlled by microprocessors and the higher computations, such as the strategy for economical operation of the SMES plant will be computed by a large-scale computer resulting in a hierarchical control scheme. Some of the problems of DDC control of a SM are discussed, control schemes for effective and reactive power are compared, and the control system for the sequential control of a 0.5 MJ pulsed magnet, which is under construction, is described

  12. Programmable Digital Controller (United States)

    Wassick, Gregory J.


    An existing three-channel analog servo loop controller has been redesigned for piezoelectric-transducer-based (PZT-based) etalon control applications to a digital servo loop controller. This change offers several improvements over the previous analog controller, including software control over proportional-integral-derivative (PID) parameters, inclusion of other data of interest such as temperature and pressure in the control laws, improved ability to compensate for PZT hysteresis and mechanical mount fluctuations, ability to provide pre-programmed scanning and stepping routines, improved user interface, expanded data acquisition, and reduced size, weight, and power.

  13. Control of a deareador level of a thermoelectric power station using modern control techniques; Control de nivel de un deareador de una central termoelectrica utilizando tecnicas de control moderno

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chavez Estrada, Jose Israel


    The present work shows the implementation of the scheme of predictive control IMC (Internal Model Control) in order to control the level of the deareador of a combined cycle thermoelectric power station of (C.C.T.S.). The implementation has the purpose of looking for alternative strategies of control to the classic ones (PID`s) that more efficiently control the variables of interest, in addition to getting into the new control techniques of control. Following the philosophy of predictive control IMC the form to applying this technique is shown, as well as the implementation of this type of controllers. A comparison of predictive control IMC is made with the scheme of conventional control (three control elements PID`s ) used at present to control the level of the deareador in the Combined Cycle Thermoelectric Power stations of Dos Bocas, Veracruz, Mexico and of Gomez Palacio, Durango, Mexico. [Espanol] El presente trabajo muestra la implementacion del esquema de control predictivo IMC (Control con Modelo Interno) con el objeto de controlar el nivel del deareador de una Central Termoelectrica de Ciclo Combinado (C.T.C.C.). La implementacion tiene la finalidad de buscar estrategias de control alternas a las clasicas (PID`s) que controlen mas eficientemente la variable de interes, ademas de incursionar en las nuevas tecnicas de control. Siguiendo la filosofia del control predictivo IMC se muestra la forma de aplicar esta tecnica, asi como la implementacion de este tipo de controladores. Se hace una comparacion del control predictivo IMC con el esquema de control convencional (control de tres elementos PID`s) utilizando actualmente para controlar el nivel del deareador en las centrales termoelectricas de ciclo combinado de Dos Bocas, Veracruz y de Gomez Palacio, Durango en Mexico.

  14. Pneumatic control technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tae, Seong Gil; Kim, Won Hoe; Nam, Dae Hyun


    This book contains property of pneumatic pressure drive, pneumatic pressure device like air cleaning, pressure control, lubricators, air pressure pipe, kinds and function of pneumatic pressure equipment like pneumatic cylinders, pneumatic motor, flow control valve, direction control valve, design of pneumatic control circuit, pneumatic system design, cause and measurement of pneumatic circuit failure, PLC and pneumatic control like introduction and system application and method of PLC programing.

  15. Accounting for control mislabeling in case-control biomarker studies. (United States)

    Rantalainen, Mattias; Holmes, Chris C


    In biomarker discovery studies, uncertainty associated with case and control labels is often overlooked. By omitting to take into account label uncertainty, model parameters and the predictive risk can become biased, sometimes severely. The most common situation is when the control set contains an unknown number of undiagnosed, or future, cases. This has a marked impact in situations where the model needs to be well-calibrated, e.g., when the prediction performance of a biomarker panel is evaluated. Failing to account for class label uncertainty may lead to underestimation of classification performance and bias in parameter estimates. This can further impact on meta-analysis for combining evidence from multiple studies. Using a simulation study, we outline how conventional statistical models can be modified to address class label uncertainty leading to well-calibrated prediction performance estimates and reduced bias in meta-analysis. We focus on the problem of mislabeled control subjects in case-control studies, i.e., when some of the control subjects are undiagnosed cases, although the procedures we report are generic. The uncertainty in control status is a particular situation common in biomarker discovery studies in the context of genomic and molecular epidemiology, where control subjects are commonly sampled from the general population with an established expected disease incidence rate.

  16. Robust control charts in statistical process control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nazir, H.Z.


    The presence of outliers and contaminations in the output of the process highly affects the performance of the design structures of commonly used control charts and hence makes them of less practical use. One of the solutions to deal with this problem is to use control charts which are robust

  17. Disturbance observer based current controller for vector controlled IM drives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Teodorescu, Remus; Dal, Mehmet


    induction motor (IM) drives. The control design, based on synchronously rotating d-q frame model of the machine, has a simple structure that combines the proportional portion of a conventional PI control and output of the observer. The observer is predicted to estimate the disturbances caused by parameters...... coupling effects and increase robustness against parameters change without requiring any other compensation strategies. The experimental implementation results are provided to demonstrate validity and performance of the proposed control scheme.......In order to increase the accuracy of the current control loop, usually, well known parameter compensation and/or cross decoupling techniques are employed for advanced ac drives. In this paper, instead of using these techniques an observer-based current controller is proposed for vector controlled...

  18. High-Precision Control of a Piezo-Driven Nanopositioner Using Fuzzy Logic Controllers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohammed Altaher


    Full Text Available This paper presents single- and dual-loop fuzzy control schemes to precisely control the piezo-driven nanopositioner in the x- and y-axis directions. Various issues are associated with this control problem, such as low stability margin due to the sharp resonant peak, nonlinear dynamics, parameter uncertainty, etc. As such, damping controllers are often utilised to damp the mechanical resonance of the nanopositioners. The Integral Resonant Controller (IRC is used in this paper as a damping controller to damp the mechanical resonance. A further inherent problem is the hysteresis phenomenon (disturbance, which leads to degrading the positioning performance (accuracy of the piezo-driven stage. The common approach to treat this disturbance is to invoke tracking controllers in a closed-loop feedback scheme in conjunction with the damping controllers. The traditional approach uses the Integral Controller (I or Proportional Integral (PI as a tracking controller, whereas this paper introduces the Proportional and Integral (PI-like Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC as a tracking controller. The effectiveness of the proposed control schemes over conventional schemes is confirmed through comparative simulation studies, and results are presented. The stability boundaries of the proposed control schemes are determined in the same way as with a conventional controller. Robustness against variations in the resonant frequency of the proposed control schemes is verified.

  19. Spacecraft attitude control using neuro-fuzzy approximation of the optimal controllers (United States)

    Kim, Sung-Woo; Park, Sang-Young; Park, Chandeok


    In this study, a neuro-fuzzy controller (NFC) was developed for spacecraft attitude control to mitigate large computational load of the state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) controller. The NFC was developed by training a neuro-fuzzy network to approximate the SDRE controller. The stability of the NFC was numerically verified using a Lyapunov-based method, and the performance of the controller was analyzed in terms of approximation ability, steady-state error, cost, and execution time. The simulations and test results indicate that the developed NFC efficiently approximates the SDRE controller, with asymptotic stability in a bounded region of angular velocity encompassing the operational range of rapid-attitude maneuvers. In addition, it was shown that an approximated optimal feedback controller can be designed successfully through neuro-fuzzy approximation of the optimal open-loop controller.

  20. Revisão sistemática dos estudos epidemiológicos sobre discriminação interpessoal e saúde mental Revisión sistemática de estudios epidemiológicos sobre la discriminación interpersonal y salud mental Systematic review of epidemiological studies on interpersonal discrimination and mental health

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Francisco Mastella Couto


    Full Text Available Foram caracterizados estudos epidemiológicos que avaliaram a relação entre discriminação interpessoal e condições de saúde mental, atualizando revisões prévias sobre o tema. Identificaram-se 34 artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2010 no PubMed, dos quais 68% utilizaram amostras de conveniência e 82% o delineamento transversal. Observaram-se associações positivas e estatisticamente significativas entre discriminação e condições adversas de saúde mental, especialmente uso de substâncias, depressão e transtornos associados ao uso de álcool. Somente um terço dos estudos explicitou um referencial teórico para interpretar as relações examinadas. Similarmente às revisões anteriores, pode-se afirmar que as experiências discriminatórias se associam positiva e consistentemente com desfechos adversos de saúde mental. Entretanto, investigações futuras deverão empregar delineamentos mais robustos para a inferência causal, utilizar instrumentos de discriminação com boas propriedades psicométricas e adotar referencial teórico específico para interpretar os resultados produzidos.Fueron caracterizados los estudios epidemiológicos que evaluaron la relación entre la discriminación interpersonal y salud mental, actualizando revisiones previas sobre el tema. Se identificaron 34 artículos publicados entre 2000 y 2010 a través del PubMed, de los cuales el 68% utilizaron muestras de conveniencia y el 82% fueron estudios transversales. Se observaron asociaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre la discriminación y condiciones adversas de salud mental, especialmente consumo de substancias, depresión y los trastornos asociados al consumo de alcohol. Sólo un tercio de los estudios explicitó un marco teórico para interpretar las relaciones examinadas. Al igual que en las revisiones anteriores, se puede afirmar que las experiencias discriminatorias se asocian positiva y consistentemente con resultados adversos

  1. Induction machine Direct Torque Control system based on fuzzy adaptive control (United States)

    Li, Shi-ping; Yu, Yan; Jiao, Zhen-gang; Gu, Shu-sheng


    Direct Torque Control technology is a high-performance communication control method, it uses the space voltage vector method, and then to the inverter switch state control, to obtain high torque dynamic performance. But none of the switching states is able to generate the exact voltage vector to produce the desired changes in torque and flux in most of the switching instances. This causes a high ripple in torque. To solve this problem, a fuzzy implementation of Direct Torque Control of Induction machine is presented here. Error of stator flux, error of motor electromagnetic torque and position of angle of flux are taken as fuzzy variables. In order to further solve nonlinear problem of variation parameters in direct torque control system, the paper proposes a fuzzy parameter PID adaptive control method which is suitable for the direct torque control of an asynchronous motor. The generation of its fuzzy control is obtained by analyzing and optimizing PID control step response and combining expert's experience. For this reason, it carries out fuzzy work to PID regulator of motor speed to achieve to regulate PID parameters. Therefore the control system gets swifter response velocity, stronger robustness and higher precision of velocity control. The computer simulated results verify the validity of this novel method.

  2. Reactor control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Takao; Inoue, Toyokazu.


    Purpose: To protect the reactor floor by alleviating the shock imparted to the reactor floor by a dropped control rod when a wire rope accidentally breaks. Constitution: A control rod is hung by wire rope from a control rod drive, and shock absorbers are mounted at the upper and lower portions of the control rod. The outer diameter of the upper shock absorber is made larger than the inner diameter of a control rod inserting hole formed in the reactor core. If the control rod drops, the upper absorber is stopped at the upper tapered portion of the inserting hole. Thus, the dropping energy of the control rod can be sufficiently absorbed by the upper and lower shock absorbers. (Kamimura, M.)

  3. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller for mold level control in continuous casting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zolghadri Jahromi, M.; Abolhassan Tash, F.


    Mold variations in continuous casting are believed to be the main cause of surface defects in the final product. Although a Pid controller is well capable of controlling the level under normal conditions, it cannot prevent large variations of mold level when a disturbance occurs in the form of nozzle unclogging. In this paper, dual controller architecture is presented, a Pid controller is used as the main controller of the plant and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy controller is used as an auxiliary controller to help the Pid during disturbed phases. The control is passed back to the Pid controller after the disturbance is being dealt with. Simulation results prove the effectiveness of this control strategy in reducing mold level variations during the unclogging period

  4. A Robust Practical Generalized Predictive Control for BoilerSuper Heater Temperature Control


    Zaki Maki Mohialdeen


    A practical method of robust generalized predictive controller (GPC) application is developed using a combination of Ziegler-Nichols type functions relating the GPC controller parameters to a first order with time delay process parameters and a model matching controller. The GPC controller and the model matching controller are used in a master/slave configuration, with the GPC as the master controller and the model matching controller as the slave controlle...

  5. Switching Fuzzy Guaranteed Cost Control for Nonlinear Networked Control Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Linqin Cai


    Full Text Available This paper deals with the problem of guaranteed cost control for a class of nonlinear networked control systems (NCSs with time-varying delay. A guaranteed cost controller design method is proposed to achieve the desired control performance based on the switched T-S fuzzy model. The switching mechanism is introduced to handle the uncertainties of NCSs. Based on Lyapunov functional approach, some sufficient conditions for the existence of state feedback robust guaranteed cost controller are presented. Simulation results show that the proposed method is effective to guarantee system’s global asymptotic stability and quality of service (QoS.

  6. Stability, Power Sharing, & Distributed Secondary Control in Droop-Controlled Microgrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simpson-Porco, John; Dorfler, Florian; Bullo, Francesco


    Motivated by the recent and growing interest in microgrids, we study the operation of droop-controlled DC/AC inverters in an islanded inductive microgrid. We present a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a synchronized steady state that is unique and locally exponentially stable....... We discuss a selection of controller gains which leads to a sharing of power among the generators, and show that this proportional selection enforces actuation constraints for the inverters. Moreover, we propose a distributed integral controller based on averaging algorithms which dynamically...... regulates the system frequency in the presence of a time-varying load. Remarkably, this distributed-averaging integral controller has the additional property that it maintains the power sharing properties of the primary droop controller. Finally, we present experimental results validating our controller...

  7. Trust and controlling


    Bieńkowska Agnieszka; Zabłocka-Kluczka Anna


    The purpose of this study is to discuss the trust within and towards an organisation in the context of implementation of controlling therein. In this context the essence of trust and its importance in organisation management was presented, as well as trust in the contemporary management methods and concepts. Controlling as a trust-building factor inside an organisation was pointed out. Especially controlling and control were described. Moreover management by considering deviations in controll...

  8. Control rod drives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayakawa, Hiroyasu; Kawamura, Atsuo.


    Purpose: To reduce pellet-clad mechanical interactions, as well as improve the fuel safety. Constitution: In the rod drive of a bwr type reactor, an electric motor operated upon intermittent input such as of pulse signals is connected to a control rod. A resolver for converting the rotational angle of the motor to electric signals is connected to the rotational shaft of the motor and the phase difference between the output signal from the resolver and a reference signal is adapted to detect by a comparator. Based on the detection result, the controller is actuated to control a motor for control rod drive so that fine control for the movement of the control rod is made possible. This can reduce the moving distance of the control rod, decrease the thermal stress applied to the control rod and decrease the pellet clad mechanical interaction failures due to thermal expansion between the cladding tube and the pellets caused by abrupt changes in the generated power. (Furukawa, Y.)

  9. Process control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Toshifumi; Kobayashi, Hiroshi.


    A process control device comprises a memory device for memorizing a plant operation target, a plant state or a state of equipments related with each other as control data, a read-only memory device for storing programs, a plant instrumentation control device or other process control devices, an input/output device for performing input/output with an operator, and a processing device which conducts processing in accordance with the program and sends a control demand or a display demand to the input/output device. The program reads out control data relative to a predetermined operation target, compares and verify them with actual values to read out control data to be a practice premise condition which is further to be a practice premise condition if necessary, thereby automatically controlling the plant or requiring or displaying input. Practice presuming conditions for the operation target can be examined succesively in accordance with the program without constituting complicated logical figures and AND/OR graphs. (N.H.)

  10. Fuzzy Coordinated PI Controller: Application to the Real-Time Pressure Control Process

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. Kanagaraj


    Full Text Available This paper presents the real-time implementation of a fuzzy coordinated classical PI control scheme for controlling the pressure in a pilot pressure tank system. The fuzzy system has been designed to track the variation parameters in a feedback loop and tune the classical controller to achieve a better control action for load disturbances and set point changes. The error and process inputs are chosen as the inputs of fuzzy system to tune the conventional PI controller according to the process condition. This online conventional controller tuning technique will reduce the human involvement in controller tuning and increase the operating range of the conventional controller. The proposed control algorithm is experimentally implemented for the real-time pressure control of a pilot air tank system and validated using a high-speed 32-bit ARM7 embedded microcontroller board (ATMEL AT91M55800A. To demonstrate the performance of the fuzzy coordinated PI control scheme, results are compared with a classical PI and PI-type fuzzy control method. It is observed that the proposed controller structure is able to quickly track the parameter variation and perform better in load disturbances and also for set point changes.

  11. Location of external state financial control in national control system of Ukraine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N.G. Vygovska


    Full Text Available The article estimates the theoretical basis of the external state financial control in Ukraine in the context of defining its place in the formation of the functional areas of internal and external controls in order to eliminate duplication of a single national control system. The authors have investigated the scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «external state financial control», «internal financial control», «public audit» in order to eliminate terminological confusion. It were found the differences between the external and internal financial control on the basis of comparative characteristics of such features as the entity controlling entities, controlled objects, object methods, and direction control. The concept of internal and external controls are considered to expedient to communicate with the system in which this control is identified. «Internal» in this case is identical intra-control, that is located within the executive branch, while an external control is not included in it and is external to the executive bodies of the controlled institution, and is not related to them and, as a consequence, independent. The authors suggest to form a unified system of state financial control, a clear distinction between internal and external powers of species. The authors consider that appropriate in this context will be the adoption of a single legislative act «About State Financial Control», the proposed structure is introduced in the article. Implementation of this law will contribute to the clear division of functional areas of the state control (internal and external, the elimination of departmental conflicts, and promote the formation of a single integrated control system in Ukraine, able to counteract abuses and prevent the possible loss of budgetary funds.

  12. Control of equipment isolation system using wavelet-based hybrid sliding mode control (United States)

    Huang, Shieh-Kung; Loh, Chin-Hsiung


    Critical non-structural equipment, including life-saving equipment in hospitals, circuit breakers, computers, high technology instrumentations, etc., is vulnerable to strong earthquakes, and on top of that, the failure of the vibration-sensitive equipment will cause severe economic loss. In order to protect vibration-sensitive equipment or machinery against strong earthquakes, various innovative control algorithms are developed to compensate the internal forces that to be applied. These new or improved control strategies, such as the control algorithms based on optimal control theory and sliding mode control (SMC), are also developed for structures engineering as a key element in smart structure technology. The optimal control theory, one of the most common methodologies in feedback control, finds control forces through achieving a certain optimal criterion by minimizing a cost function. For example, the linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) was the most popular control algorithm over the past three decades, and a number of modifications have been proposed to increase the efficiency of classical LQR algorithm. However, except to the advantage of simplicity and ease of implementation, LQR are susceptible to parameter uncertainty and modeling error due to complex nature of civil structures. Different from LQR control, a robust and easy to be implemented control algorithm, SMC has also been studied. SMC is a nonlinear control methodology that forces the structural system to slide along surfaces or boundaries; hence this control algorithm is naturally robust with respect to parametric uncertainties of a structure. Early attempts at protecting vibration-sensitive equipment were based on the use of existing control algorithms as described above. However, in recent years, researchers have tried to renew the existing control algorithms or developing a new control algorithm to adapt the complex nature of civil structures which include the control of both structures and non

  13. Controlling Separation in Turbomachines (United States)

    Evans, Simon; Himmel, Christoph; Power, Bronwyn; Wakelam, Christian; Xu, Liping; Hynes, Tom; Hodson, Howard


    Four examples of flow control: 1) Passive control of LP turbine blades (Laminar separation control). 2) Aspiration of a conventional axial compressor blade (Turbulent separation control). 3) Compressor blade designed for aspiration (Turbulent separation control). 4.Control of intakes in crosswinds (Turbulent separation control).

  14. control of a dc motor using fuzzy logic control algorithm

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    controller in the control performance of an industrial type DC motor using MATLAB. The fuzzy logic .... controlled separately excited permanent magnet DC motor (PMDC). ... When the field current is constant, the flux induced by the field ...

  15. Different control applications on a vehicle using fuzzy logic control

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Vehicle vibrations; active suspensions; fuzzy logic control; vehicle model. 1. .... The general expression of the mathematical model is shown below: .... Figure 5a presents the time history of the control force when the controller exists only under.

  16. Performance Comparison of Controllers with Fault-Dependent Control Allocation for UAVs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørgaard Sørensen, Mikkel Eske; Hansen, Søren; Breivik, Morten


    This paper combines fault-dependent control allocation with three different control schemes to obtain fault tolerance in the longitudinal control of unmanned aerial vehicles. The paper shows that fault-dependent control allocation is able to accommodate actuator faults that would otherwise be cri...

  17. Robust Control of a Hydraulically Actuated Manipulator Using Sliding Mode Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Michael Rygaard; Andersen, Torben Ole; Pedersen, Henrik Clemmensen


    This paper presents an approach to robust control called sliding mode control (SMC) applied to the a hydraulic servo system (HSS), consisting of a servo valve controlled symmetrical cylinder. The motivation for applying sliding mode control to hydraulically actuated systems is its robustness...

  18. Discrete Control Processes, Dynamic Games and Multicriterion Control Problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dumitru Lozovanu


    Full Text Available The discrete control processes with state evaluation in time of dynamical system is considered. A general model of control problems with integral-time cost criterion by a trajectory is studied and a general scheme for solving such classes of problems is proposed. In addition the game-theoretical and multicriterion models for control problems are formulated and studied.

  19. Electricity sequence control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Heung Ryeol


    The contents of the book are introduction of control system, like classification and control signal, introduction of electricity power switch, such as push-button and detection switch sensor for induction type and capacitance type machinery for control, solenoid valve, expression of sequence and type of electricity circuit about using diagram, time chart, marking and term, logic circuit like Yes, No, and, or and equivalence logic, basic electricity circuit, electricity sequence control, added condition, special program control about choice and jump of program, motor control, extra circuit on repeat circuit, pause circuit in a conveyer, safety regulations and rule about classification of electricity disaster and protective device for insulation.

  20. Mathematical control theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agrachev, A.A.


    This volume is based on the lecture notes of the minicourses given in the frame of the school on Mathematical Control Theory held at the Abdus Salam ICTP from 3 to 28 September 2001. Mathematical Control Theory is a rapidly growing field which provides strict theoretical and computational tools for dealing with problems arising in electrical and aerospace engineering, automatics, robotics, applied chemistry, and biology etc. Control methods are also involved in questions pertaining to the development of countries in the South, such as wastewater treatment, agronomy, epidemiology, population dynamics, control of industrial and natural bio-reactors. Since most of these natural processes are highly nonlinear, the tools of nonlinear control are essential for the modelling and control of such processes. At present regular courses in Mathematical Control Theory are rarely included in the curricula of universities, and very few researchers receive enough background in the field. Therefore it is important to organize specific activities in the form of schools to provide the necessary background for those embarking on research in this field. The school at the Abdus Salam ICTP consisted of several minicourses intended to provide an introduction to various topics of Mathematical Control Theory, including Linear Control Theory (finite and infinite-dimensional), Nonlinear Control, and Optimal Control. The last week of the school was concentrated on applications of Mathematical Control Theory, in particular, those which are important for the development of non-industrialized countries. The school was intended primarily for mathematicians and mathematically oriented engineers at the beginning of their career. The typical participant was expected to be a graduate student or young post-doctoral researcher interested in Mathematical Control Theory. It was assumed that participants have sufficient background in Ordinary Differential Equations and Advanced Calculus. The volume

  1. Mathematical control theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Agrachev, A A [Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow (Russian Federation); SISSA, Trieste [Italy; ed.


    This volume is based on the lecture notes of the minicourses given in the frame of the school on Mathematical Control Theory held at the Abdus Salam ICTP from 3 to 28 September 2001. Mathematical Control Theory is a rapidly growing field which provides strict theoretical and computational tools for dealing with problems arising in electrical and aerospace engineering, automatics, tics, applied chemistry, and biology etc. Control methods are also involved in questions pertaining to the development of countries in the South, such as wastewater treatment, agronomy, epidemiology, population dynamics, control of industrial and natural bio-reactors. Since most of these natural processes are highly nonlinear, the tools of nonlinear control are essential for the modelling and control of such processes. At present regular courses in Mathematical Control Theory are rarely included in the curricula of universities, and very few researchers receive enough background in the field. Therefore it is important to organize specific activities in the form of schools to provide the necessary background for those embarking on research in this field. The school at the Abdus Salam ICTP consisted of several minicourses intended to provide an introduction to various topics of Mathematical Control Theory, including Linear Control Theory (finite and infinite-dimensional), Nonlinear Control, and Optimal Control. The last week of the school was concentrated on applications of Mathematical Control Theory, in particular, those which are important for the development of non-industrialized countries. The school was intended primarily for mathematicians and mathematically oriented engineers at the beginning of their career. The typical participant was expected to be a graduate student or young post-doctoral researcher interested in Mathematical Control Theory. It was assumed that participants have sufficient background in Ordinary Differential Equations and Advanced Calculus. The volume contains

  2. A Robust H ∞ Controller for an UAV Flight Control System. (United States)

    López, J; Dormido, R; Dormido, S; Gómez, J P


    The objective of this paper is the implementation and validation of a robust H ∞ controller for an UAV to track all types of manoeuvres in the presence of noisy environment. A robust inner-outer loop strategy is implemented. To design the H ∞ robust controller in the inner loop, H ∞ control methodology is used. The two controllers that conform the outer loop are designed using the H ∞ Loop Shaping technique. The reference vector used in the control architecture formed by vertical velocity, true airspeed, and heading angle, suggests a nontraditional way to pilot the aircraft. The simulation results show that the proposed control scheme works well despite the presence of noise and uncertainties, so the control system satisfies the requirements.

  3. Description of a research reactor control system using a programmable controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Battle, R.E.


    This paper describes the design features, testing methods, and operational experience of a programmable controller (PC) installed as a neutron flux controller in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor (ORR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The PC was designed to control neutron flux from 1 to 105% for three selectable ranges. The PC generates a flux setpoint under operator control, calculates the reactor heat power from flow and temperature signals, calculates a neutron flux calibration factor based on the heat power, and positions a control rod based on the flux-setpoint difference. The programmable controller was tested by controlling an analog computer model of the ORR. The equipment was installed in August 1985, and except for some startup problems, the system has performed well

  4. Remote controlled gate controller using a GSM network and Arduino platform

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pospisilik Martin


    Full Text Available Most remote controllers for entrance gates operate on free frequencies 433 or 868 MHz. However, this technology limits the user comfort, as it is usually not common that bi-directional communication is established. A higher comfort of controlling the entrance gates can be achieved by employing the GSM network for transmission of commands and messages between the gate controller and the user. In this case, only a conventional GSM cellular phone is needed to control the gate. A description of such a controller based on the GSM module and Arduino controller is provided in this paper.

  5. Slug control system; Sistema de controle de golfadas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Borges Filho, Alvaro de Miranda; Meira, Marco Antonio Alves de; Vaz, Celio Eduardo Martins [PETROBRAS, Macae, RJ (Brazil). Unidade de Negocios da Bacia de Campos


    Due to the characteristics of flow, gas can separate from oil in the pipelines and risers that link subsea manifolds to production offshore platforms, forming liquid and gas slugs in the production separator. Liquid slugs can cause overflow in the separators. Gas slugs can cause burning in the flare due to the limitation in the turbo-compressors acceleration. In both cases the consequences are loss of production or shut-downs. This paper presents a Slug Control System designed to attenuate severe gas and liquid flow variations. The system consist of a control valve installed in the separator inlet, transmitters, a controller, control algorithm and a monitoring station. This system is operating since October 2003 in a production offshore platform, in Campus Basin, Brazil, with excellent results, reducing the gas burning in 45% without oil production loss. (author)

  6. PLMPC - supervisor predictive control; PLMPC - controle supervisorio preditivo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Amalia Burger Santa Brigida; Matuck, Fuad Jorge [White Martins S.A., Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    MPC is the latest and most sophisticated technology for controlling chemical plants with several interactive variables. Since 1984, over 2000 MPC systems have been installed worldwide, mostly at oil refineries and large petrochemical facilities. Praxair was the first company to apply MPC technology to the air separation industry. MPC technology is now Praxair's standard platform for supervisory control of cryogenic air separation plants. Most new Praxair plants are controlled by MPC systems. The Pipeline MPC (PLMPC) drives at least 2 plants, A and B, GO2 production towards optimum targets during the pipeline variations. The purpose of the PLMPC is to optimize gas oxygen (GO2) production according to demand, while ensuring a quickly pipeline response. It is implemented using AspenTech DMCPlus software, which is configured with a model file and a controller configuration file, that executes periodically. (author)

  7. Birth control, population control, and family planning: an overview. (United States)

    Critchlow, D T


    This overview of the US birth control movement reflects on the emergence of family planning policy due to the efforts of Margaret Sanger, feminists, and the civil rights movement, the eugenics motive to limit "deviant" populations, and the population control movement, which aims to solve social and economic problems through fertility control. Population control moved through three stages: from the cause of "voluntary motherhood" to advance suffrage and women's political and social status, to the concept of "birth control" promoted by socialist feminists to help empower women and the working class, to, from 1920 on, a liberal movement for civil rights and population control. Physicians such as Dr. Robert Latou Dickinson legitimized the movement in the formation of the Committee on Maternal Health in 1925, but the movement remained divided until 1939, when Sanger's group merged with the American Birth Control League, the predecessor of the present Planned Parenthood Federation of America. A key legal decision in 1939 in the United States v. One Package amended the Comstock Act and allowed for the distribution of birth control devices by mail to physicians. Sanger, after a brief retirement, formed the International Planned Parenthood Federation and supported research into the pill. Eugenicists through the Committee on Maternal Health supported Christopher Tietze and others developing the pill. Final constitutional access to contraception based on the right to privacy was granted in Griswold v. Connecticut. The ruling in Eisenstadt v. Baird in 1972 extended this right to unmarried persons. The right to privacy was further extended in the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 on legal abortion. The argument for improving the quality of the population remained from the formation of the Population Reference Bureau in 1929 through the 1960s. Under the leadership of Rockefeller, population control was defined as justified on a scientific and humanitarian basis. US government support

  8. The Design of Optimal PID Control Method for Quadcopter Movement Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanum Arrosida


    Full Text Available Nowadays, quadcopter motion control has become a popular research topic because of its versatile ability as an unmanned aircraft can be used to alleviate human labor and also be able to reach dangerous areas or areas which is unreachable to humans. On the other hand, the Optimal PID control method, which incorporates PID and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR control methods, has also been widely used in industry and research field because it has advantages that are easy to operate, easy design, and a good level of precision. In the PID control method, the main problem to be solved is the accuracy of the gain value Kp, Ki, and Kd because the inappropriateness of those value will result in an imprecise control action. Based on these problems and referring to the previous study, the optimal PID control method was developed by using PID controller structure with tuning gain parameter of PID through Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR method. Through the integration of these two control methods, the optimum solutions can be obtained: easier controller design process for quadcopter control when crossing the determined trajectories, steady state error values less than 5% and a stable quadcopter movement with roll and pitch angle stabilization at position 0 radians with minimum energy function.

  9. Current control of PMSM based on maximum torque control reference frame (United States)

    Ohnuma, Takumi


    This study presents a new method of current controls of PMSMs (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors) based on a maximum torque control reference frame, which is suitable for high-performance controls of the PMSMs. As the issues of environment and energy increase seriously, PMSMs, one of the AC motors, are becoming popular because of their high-efficiency and high-torque density in various applications, such as electric vehicles, trains, industrial machines, and home appliances. To use the PMSMs efficiently, a proper current control of the PMSMs is necessary. In general, a rotational coordinate system synchronizing with the rotor is used for the current control of PMSMs. In the rotating reference frame, the current control is easier because the currents on the rotating reference frame can be expressed as a direct current in the controller. On the other hand, the torque characteristics of PMSMs are non-linear and complex; the PMSMs are efficient and high-density though. Therefore, a complicated control system is required to involve the relation between the torque and the current, even though the rotating reference frame is adopted. The maximum torque control reference frame provides a simpler way to control efficiently the currents taking the torque characteristics of the PMSMs into consideration.

  10. Real-time measurement and control at Jet. Experiment Control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felton, R.; Zabeo, L.; Sartori, F.; Piccolo, F.; Farthing, J.; Budd, T.; Dorling, S.; McCullen, P.; Harling, J.; Dalley, S.; Goodyear, A.; Stephen, A.; Card, P.; Bright, M.; Lucock, R.; Jones, E.; Griph, S.; Hogben, C.; Beldishevski, M.; Buckley, M.; Davis, J.; Young, I.; Hemming, O.; Wheatley, M.; Heesterman, P.; Lloyd, G.; Walters, M.; Bridge, R.; Leggate, H.; Howell, D.; Zastrow, K.D.; Giroud, C.; Coffey, I.; Hawkes, N.; Stamp, M.; Barnsley, R.; Edlington, T.; Guenther, K.; Gowers, C.; Popovichef, S.; Huber, A.; Ingesson, C.; Joffrin, E.; Mazon, D.; Moreau, D.; Murari, A.; Riva, M.; Barana, O.; Bolzonella, T.; Valisa, M.; Innocente, P.; Zerbini, M.; Bosak, K.; Blum, J.; Vitale, E.; Crisanti, F.; La Luna, E. de; Sanchez, J.


    Over the past few ears, the preparation of ITER-relevant plasma scenarios has been the main focus experimental activity on tokamaks. The development of integrated, simultaneous, real-time controls of plasma shape, current, pressure, temperature, radiation, neutron profiles, and also impurities, ELMs (edge localized modes) and MHD are now seen to be essential for further development of quasi-steady state conditions with feedback, or the stabilisation of transient phenomena with event-driven actions. For this thrust, the EFDA JET Real Time Project has developed a set of real-time plasma measurements, experiment control, and communication facilities. The Plasma Diagnostics used for real-time experiments are Far Infra Red interferometry, polarimetry, visible, UV and X-ray spectroscopy, LIDAR, bolometry, neutron and magnetics. Further analysis systems produce integrated results such as temperature profiles on geometry derived from MHD equilibrium solutions. The Actuators include toroidal, poloidal and divertor coils, gas and pellet fuelling, neutral beam injection, radiofrequency (ICRH) waves and microwaves (LH). The Heating/Fuelling Operators can either define a power or gas request waveform or select the real-time instantaneous power/gas request from the Real Time Experiment Central Control (RTCC) system. The Real Time Experiment Control system provides both a high-level, control-programming environment and interlocks with the actuators. A MATLAB facility is being developed for the development of more complex controllers. The plasma measurement, controller and plant control systems communicate in ATM network. The EFDA Real Time project is essential groundwork for future reactors such as ITER. It involves many staff from several institutions. The facility is now frequently used in experiments. (authors)

  11. Digital control for turbogas units; Control digital para unidades turbogas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia Beltran, Carlos Daniel


    The present thesis deals with the rehabilitation of the control system for the gas turbines W501 of the Gomez Palacio Combined Cycle Power Station in the state of Durango, Mexico. The first part of the development deals with a re-engineering process of software applied to the digital control system of the gas turbines of the Gomez Palacio Combined Cycle Power Station. This process was developed using concepts of several branches of engineering: a) involved the knowledge of the software engineering, using formal methods for the analysis of the original system and the redesign of the new system; b) The control engineering was used in the analysis of diverse control and automation strategies employed for gas turbines control, with the objective of verifying the type of instructions and existing routines within the software. The final product of this stage is a modulated programmatic system, based on structured design that is functionally a mirror image of the original system. The system obtained conformed by five main modules which are based on a model proposed originally for control by batch: i) Man Machine Interface, ii) Regulatory Control, iii) Protections, iv) Logic sequences and v) Supervision. The second stage of development was the improvement of the speed control of the turbine. When a turbogas unit is controlled, it must be taken into account several operation stages such as the starting, the control in stable state and the shut down. The real behavior of the turbine during the starting, and mainly the great number of backward movements produced, proposed by itself the search of a new controller who more closely maintained the acceleration specifications whereupon the turbine was designed. The development of a new control algorithm began with the analysis of the process, trying to identify which are the critical stages of this one and be able to evaluate in an objective form the advantages of an algorithm upon the other. It was continued with the

  12. Real-time tracking control of electro-hydraulic force servo systems using offline feedback control and adaptive control. (United States)

    Shen, Gang; Zhu, Zhencai; Zhao, Jinsong; Zhu, Weidong; Tang, Yu; Li, Xiang


    This paper focuses on an application of an electro-hydraulic force tracking controller combined with an offline designed feedback controller (ODFC) and an online adaptive compensator in order to improve force tracking performance of an electro-hydraulic force servo system (EHFS). A proportional-integral controller has been employed and a parameter-based force closed-loop transfer function of the EHFS is identified by a continuous system identification algorithm. By taking the identified system model as a nominal plant model, an H ∞ offline design method is employed to establish an optimized feedback controller with consideration of the performance, control efforts, and robustness of the EHFS. In order to overcome the disadvantage of the offline designed controller and cope with the varying dynamics of the EHFS, an online adaptive compensator with a normalized least-mean-square algorithm is cascaded to the force closed-loop system of the EHFS compensated by the ODFC. Some comparative experiments are carried out on a real-time EHFS using an xPC rapid prototype technology, and the proposed controller yields a better force tracking performance improvement. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  13. Controller for control of pulsed electron linear accelerator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryazgin, A.A.; Faktorovich, B.L.


    The controller is based on the K1816VE31 microprocessor and contains 22-channel integrating 10-digital two-wire analog-to-digital converter, 8-channel 12-digit digital-to-analog converter, 24-digit output register, 16-digit input register pulse generator in the range of 0.5 - 50 Hz with the regulation step of 0.05 Hz and delayed pulse generator. The controller is used for pulsed electron linear accelerator control and is reduced to regulation of the electron beam pulse repetition rate and beam energy. 1 ref., 1 fig

  14. Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control for Generator Excitation Control System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhang Xiu-yu


    Full Text Available For the generator excitation control system which is equipped with static var compensator (SVC and unknown parameters, a novel adaptive dynamic surface control scheme is proposed based on neural network and tracking error transformed function with the following features: (1 the transformation of the excitation generator model to the linear systems is omitted; (2 the prespecified performance of the tracking error can be guaranteed by combining with the tracking error transformed function; (3 the computational burden is greatly reduced by estimating the norm of the weighted vector of neural network instead of the weighted vector itself; therefore, it is more suitable for the real time control; and (4 the explosion of complicity problem inherent in the backstepping control can be eliminated. It is proved that the new scheme can make the system semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded. Simulation results show the effectiveness of this control scheme.

  15. Cybernetical Physics From Control of Chaos to Quantum Control

    CERN Document Server

    Fradkov, Alexander L


    The control of complex systems is one of the most important aspects in dealing with systems exhibiting nonlinear behaviour or similar features that defy traditional control techniques. This specific subject is gradually becoming known as cybernetical physics, borrowing methods from both theoretical physics and control engineering. This book is, perhaps, the first attempt to present a unified exposition of the subject and methodology of cybernetical physics as well as solutions to some of its problems. Emphasis of the book is on the examination of fundamental limits on energy transformation by means of control procedures in both conservative and dissipative systems. A survey of application in physics includes the control of chaos, synchronisation of coupled oscillators, pendulum chains, reactions in physical chemistry and of quantum systems such as the dissociation of diatomic molecules. This book has been written having researchers from various backgrounds in physics, mathematics and engineering in mind and i...

  16. Dynamics and control of quadcopter using linear model predictive control approach (United States)

    Islam, M.; Okasha, M.; Idres, M. M.


    This paper investigates the dynamics and control of a quadcopter using the Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach. The dynamic model is of high fidelity and nonlinear, with six degrees of freedom that include disturbances and model uncertainties. The control approach is developed based on MPC to track different reference trajectories ranging from simple ones such as circular to complex helical trajectories. In this control technique, a linearized model is derived and the receding horizon method is applied to generate the optimal control sequence. Although MPC is computer expensive, it is highly effective to deal with the different types of nonlinearities and constraints such as actuators’ saturation and model uncertainties. The MPC parameters (control and prediction horizons) are selected by trial-and-error approach. Several simulation scenarios are performed to examine and evaluate the performance of the proposed control approach using MATLAB and Simulink environment. Simulation results show that this control approach is highly effective to track a given reference trajectory.

  17. Force Control for a Pneumatic Cylinder Using Generalized Predictive Controller Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad ’Athif Mohd Faudzi


    Full Text Available Pneumatic cylinder is a well-known device because of its high power to weight ratio, easy use, and environmental safety. Pneumatic cylinder uses air as its power source and converts it to a possible movement such as linear and rotary movement. In order to control the pneumatic cylinder, controller algorithm is needed to control the on-off solenoid valve with encoder and pressure sensor as the feedback inputs. In this paper, generalized predictive controller (GPC is proposed as the control strategy for the pneumatic cylinder force control. To validate and compare the performance, proportional-integral (PI controller is also presented. Both controllers algorithms GPC and PI are developed using existing linear model of the cylinder from previous research. Results are presented in simulation and experimental approach using MATLAB-Simulink as the platform. The results show that the GPC is capable of fast response with low steady state error and percentage overshoot compared to PI.

  18. Association between product quality control and process quality control of bulk milk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Velthuis, A.; Asseldonk, van M.A.P.M.


    Assessment of dairy-milk quality is based on product quality control (testing bulk-milk samples) and process quality control (auditing dairy farms). It is unknown whether process control improves product quality. To quantify possible association between product control and process control a

  19. A Compatible Control Algorithm for Greenhouse Environment Control Based on MOCC Strategy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bingkun Zhu


    Full Text Available Conventional methods used for solving greenhouse environment multi-objective conflict control problems lay excessive emphasis on control performance and have inadequate consideration for both energy consumption and special requirements for plant growth. The resulting solution will cause higher energy cost. However, during the long period of work and practice, we find that it may be more reasonable to adopt interval or region control objectives instead of point control objectives. In this paper, we propose a modified compatible control algorithm, and employ Multi-Objective Compatible Control (MOCC strategy and an extant greenhouse model to achieve greenhouse climate control based on feedback control architecture. A series of simulation experiments through various comparative studies are presented to validate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm. The results are encouraging and suggest the energy-saving application to real-world engineering problems in greenhouse production. It may be valuable and helpful to formulate environmental control strategies, and to achieve high control precision and low energy cost for real-world engineering application in greenhouse production. Moreover, the proposed approach has also potential to be useful for other practical control optimization problems with the features like the greenhouse environment control system.

  20. A compatible control algorithm for greenhouse environment control based on MOCC strategy. (United States)

    Hu, Haigen; Xu, Lihong; Zhu, Bingkun; Wei, Ruihua


    Conventional methods used for solving greenhouse environment multi-objective conflict control problems lay excessive emphasis on control performance and have inadequate consideration for both energy consumption and special requirements for plant growth. The resulting solution will cause higher energy cost. However, during the long period of work and practice, we find that it may be more reasonable to adopt interval or region control objectives instead of point control objectives. In this paper, we propose a modified compatible control algorithm, and employ Multi-Objective Compatible Control (MOCC) strategy and an extant greenhouse model to achieve greenhouse climate control based on feedback control architecture. A series of simulation experiments through various comparative studies are presented to validate the feasibility of the proposed algorithm. The results are encouraging and suggest the energy-saving application to real-world engineering problems in greenhouse production. It may be valuable and helpful to formulate environmental control strategies, and to achieve high control precision and low energy cost for real-world engineering application in greenhouse production. Moreover, the proposed approach has also potential to be useful for other practical control optimization problems with the features like the greenhouse environment control system.

  1. Transformaciones del Estado y las nuevas exigencias del control de la corrupción: transparencia fiscal, control administrativo y control social


    Mileski, Helio Saul


    [ES] Tesis doctoral sobre las transformaciones del Estado y las nuevas exigencias del control de la corrupción: transparencia fiscal, control administrativo y control social. [EN] Dissertation on the transformations of the state and the new demands of control of corruption: fiscal transparency, administrative control and social control.

  2. Pharmacologic Rhythm Control versus Rate Control in Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gladys Gladys


    Full Text Available Heart failure (HF with atrial fibrillation (AF is correlated with worse prognosis requiring special approach.Rate control has been the first line of treatment in cases of HF and HF. On the other hand, rhythm controlhas been proven to be effective in returning sinus rhythm resulting in better prognosis for patients with HFbut not HF. Its role in cocurring cases of HF and AF is not fully understood. Thus, this study aims to analysewhether pharmacologic rhythm control can be applied to cases of HF and AF to reduce mortality. A searchwas conducted via PubMed, Medline, ProQuest, and Cochrane Database on January 2016. One study wasselected after filtering process by inclusion and exclusion criteria and critical appraisal was performed. It wasfound that there was rhythm control and rate control do no have favouring effect towards mortality shown byRR 1.03 (95% CI 0.90-1.17, p=0.69. Rate control has protective effect towards hospitalizations by RR of 0.92(95% CI 0.86 – 0.98, p=0.008, NNT=19. To conclude, rhythm control is not superior to rate control in reducingmortality and rate control should be still be considered as first line treatment of HF and AF. Keywords: heart failure, pharmacologic rhythm control, rate control, atrial fibrillation   Farmakologis Rhythm Control Dibandingkan dengan Rate Control padaKasus Gagal Jantung dan Atrial Fibrilasi Abstrak Gagal jantung dengan atrial fibrilasi berhubungan dengan prognosis yang lebih buruk dan membutuhkanpenanganan khusus. Saat ini strategi rate control merupakan terapi lini pertama pada kasus gagal jantungdan atrial fibrilasi. Rhythm control memberikan prognosis yang lebih baik pada pasien gagal jantung denganmengembalikan sinus ritme. Kegunaan rhythm control pada kasus gagal jantung dan atrial fibrilasi sampaisaat ini belum sepenuhnya dimengerti. Tujuan studi ini adalah menelaah apakah terapi farmakologis rhythmcontrol dapat menurunkan mortalitas gagal jantung dan atrial fibrilasi. Pencarian data

  3. A controllability approach to the control of a class of chaotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bowong, Samuel; Moukam Kakmeni, F.M.; Tchawoua, Clement; Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste


    In this paper the exponential control problem for a class of chaotic systems with affine dependence on the control is addressed and solved by the controllability approach. It is shown that the controllability approach in conjunction with Lyapunov Direct Method yields a promising way of controlling chaotic dynamics. The proposed strategy is an input-output control scheme which comprises a state estimator and an exponential linearizing feedback. The proposed output feedback controller allows chaos suppression and can be applied to a large class of chaotic systems. Explicit expression of the control time is given. Computer simulations confirm the feasibility of the proposed approach. (author)

  4. Wide-range nuclear reactor temperature control using automatically tuned fuzzy logic controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramaswamy, P.; Edwards, R.M.; Lee, K.Y.


    In this paper, a fuzzy logic controller design for optimal reactor temperature control is presented. Since fuzzy logic controllers rely on an expert's knowledge of the process, they are hard to optimize. An optimal controller is used in this paper as a reference model, and a Kalman filter is used to automatically determine the rules for the fuzzy logic controller. To demonstrate the robustness of this design, a nonlinear six-delayed-neutron-group plant is controlled using a fuzzy logic controller that utilizes estimated reactor temperatures from a one-delayed-neutron-group observer. The fuzzy logic controller displayed good stability and performance robustness characteristics for a wide range of operation

  5. Proxemic-aware controls

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ledo, David; Greenberg, Saul; Marquardt, Nicolai


    Remote controls facilitate interactions at-a-distance with appliances. However, the complexity, diversity, and in-creasing number of digital appliances in ubiquitous com-puting ecologies make it increasingly difficult to: (1) dis-cover which appliances are controllable; (2) select a par-ticular a......Remote controls facilitate interactions at-a-distance with appliances. However, the complexity, diversity, and in-creasing number of digital appliances in ubiquitous com-puting ecologies make it increasingly difficult to: (1) dis-cover which appliances are controllable; (2) select a par......-ticular appliance from the large number available; (3) view information about its status; and (4) control the ap-pliance in a pertinent manner. To mitigate these problems we contribute proxemic-aware controls, which exploit the spatial relationships between a person's handheld de-vice and all surrounding appliances...... to create a dynamic appliance control interface. Specifically, a person can discover and select an appliance by the way one orients a mobile device around the room, and then progressively view the appliance's status and control its features in in-creasing detail by simply moving towards it. We illus...

  6. Control rod drives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oonuki, Koji.


    Purpose: To increase the driving speed of control rods at rapid insertion with an elongate control rod and an extension pipe while ensuring sufficient buffering performance in a short buffering distance, by providing a plurality of buffers to an extension pipe between a control rod drive source and a control rod in LMFBR type reactor. Constitution: First, second and third buffers are respectively provided to an acceleration piston, an extension pipe and a control rod respectively and the insertion positions for each of the buffers are displaced orderly from above to below. Upon disconnection of energizing current for an electromagnet, the acceleration piston, the extension pipe and the control rod are rapidly inserted in one body. The first, second and third buffers are respectively actuated at each of their falling strokes upon rapid insertion respectively, and the acceleration piston, the extension pipe and the control rod receive the deceleration effect in the order correspondingly. Although the compression force is applied to the control rod only near the stroke end, it does not cause deformation. (Kawakami, Y.)

  7. Plasma position control device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takase, Haruhiko.


    Purpose: To conduct position control stably to various plasmas and reduce the burden on the control coil power source. Constitution: Among the proportional, integration and differentiation controls, a proportional-differentiation control section and an integration control section are connected in parallel. Then, a signal switching circuit is disposed to the control signal input section for the proportional-differentiation control section such that either a present position of plasmas or deviation between the present plasma position and an aimed value can be selected as a control signal depending on the control procedures or the state of the plasmas. For instance, if a rapid response is required for the control, the deviation between the present plasma position and the aimed value is selected as the input signal to conduct proportional, integration and differentiation controls. While on the other hand, if it is intended to reduce the burden on the control coil power source, it is adapted such that the control signal inputted to the proportional-differentiation control section itself can select the present plasma position. (Yoshihara, H.)

  8. Controllable dose; Dosis controlable

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alvarez R, J T; Anaya M, R A [ININ, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    With the purpose of eliminating the controversy about the lineal hypothesis without threshold which found the systems of dose limitation of the recommendations of ICRP 26 and 60, at the end of last decade R. Clarke president of the ICRP proposed the concept of Controllable Dose: as the dose or dose sum that an individual receives from a particular source which can be reasonably controllable by means of any means; said concept proposes a change in the philosophy of the radiological protection of its concern by social approaches to an individual focus. In this work a panorama of the foundations is presented, convenient and inconveniences that this proposal has loosened in the international community of the radiological protection, with the purpose of to familiarize to our Mexican community in radiological protection with these new concepts. (Author)

  9. Pressure control of a pneumatic control system with a long transmission line

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Ji Seong; Lee, Kwang Kuk; Choi, Myung Soo


    In this study, a robust controller to control pressure in a pneumatic pressure vessel with a long transmission line is proposed. Frequency response of transmission line using compressible fluid is changed by the flowing state of the fluid. So, if a fixed gain controller designed based on a model supposed the flowing state to a specific state, the performance of the control system could be degraded because of the modelling error. The controller designed in this study is composed of two parts. One is a feedback controller to improve a feedback characteristics and to compensate the influence of the variation of transfer characteristics of a transmission line owing to the change of flowing state and the other is a feed forward controller to regulate command following performance. The experimental results with the designed controller show that the robustness of the control system is achieved regardless of the change of the model of the transmission line. Therefore, the designed controller can be utilized for the performance improvement of a pressure control system with a long transmission line using compressible fluid

  10. Feedback control of acoustic musical instruments: collocated control using physical analogs. (United States)

    Berdahl, Edgar; Smith, Julius O; Niemeyer, Günter


    Traditionally, the average professional musician has owned numerous acoustic musical instruments, many of them having distinctive acoustic qualities. However, a modern musician could prefer to have a single musical instrument whose acoustics are programmable by feedback control, where acoustic variables are estimated from sensor measurements in real time and then fed back in order to influence the controlled variables. In this paper, theory is presented that describes stable feedback control of an acoustic musical instrument. The presentation should be accessible to members of the musical acoustics community who may have limited or no experience with feedback control. First, the only control strategy guaranteed to be stable subject to any musical instrument mobility is described: the sensors and actuators must be collocated, and the controller must emulate a physical analog system. Next, the most fundamental feedback controllers and the corresponding physical analog systems are presented. The effects that these controllers have on acoustic musical instruments are described. Finally, practical design challenges are discussed. A proof explains why changing the resonance frequency of a musical resonance requires much more control power than changing the decay time of the resonance. © 2012 Acoustical Society of America.

  11. Phase and gain control policies for robust active vibration control of flexible structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, K; Ichchou, M N; Scorletti, G; Mieyeville, F


    The interest of this paper is to develop a general and systematic robust control methodology for active vibration control of flexible structures. For this purpose, first phase and gain control policies are proposed to impose qualitative frequency-dependent requirements on the controller to consider a complete set of control objectives. Then the proposed control methodology is developed by employing phase and gain control policies in the dynamic output feedback H ∞  control: according to the set of control objectives, phase and gain control policies incorporate necessary weighting functions and determine them in a rational and systematic way; on the other hand, with the appropriate weighting functions efficient H ∞  control algorithms can automatically realize phase and gain control policies and generate a satisfactory H ∞  controller. The proposed control methodology can be used for both SISO and MIMO systems with collocated or non-collocated sensors and actuators. In this paper, it is validated on a non-collocated piezoelectric cantilever beam. Both numerical simulations and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control methodology. (paper)

  12. Catastrophes control problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velichenko, V.V.


    The problem of catastrophe control is discussed. Catastrophe control aims to withdraw responsible engineering constructions out of the catastrophe. The mathematical framework of catastrophes control systems is constructed. It determines the principles of systems filling by the concrete physical contents and, simultaneously, permits to employ modern control methods for the synthesis of optimal withdrawal strategy for protected objects

  13. An approach of partial control design for system control and synchronization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Wuhua; Wang Jiang; Li Xiumin


    In this paper, a general approach of partial control design for system control and synchronization is proposed. It turns control problems into simpler ones by reducing their control variables. This is realized by utilizing the dynamical relations between variables, which are described by the dynamical relation matrix and the dependence-influence matrix. By adopting partial control theory, the presented approach provides a simple and general way to stabilize systems to their partial or whole equilibriums, or to synchronize systems with their partial or whole states. Further, based on this approach, the controllers can be simplified. Two examples of synchronizing chaotic systems are given to illustrate its effectiveness.

  14. Controlling chaos faster

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bick, Christian; Kolodziejski, Christoph; Timme, Marc


    Predictive feedback control is an easy-to-implement method to stabilize unknown unstable periodic orbits in chaotic dynamical systems. Predictive feedback control is severely limited because asymptotic convergence speed decreases with stronger instabilities which in turn are typical for larger target periods, rendering it harder to effectively stabilize periodic orbits of large period. Here, we study stalled chaos control, where the application of control is stalled to make use of the chaotic, uncontrolled dynamics, and introduce an adaptation paradigm to overcome this limitation and speed up convergence. This modified control scheme is not only capable of stabilizing more periodic orbits than the original predictive feedback control but also speeds up convergence for typical chaotic maps, as illustrated in both theory and application. The proposed adaptation scheme provides a way to tune parameters online, yielding a broadly applicable, fast chaos control that converges reliably, even for periodic orbits of large period

  15. Controlling chaos faster. (United States)

    Bick, Christian; Kolodziejski, Christoph; Timme, Marc


    Predictive feedback control is an easy-to-implement method to stabilize unknown unstable periodic orbits in chaotic dynamical systems. Predictive feedback control is severely limited because asymptotic convergence speed decreases with stronger instabilities which in turn are typical for larger target periods, rendering it harder to effectively stabilize periodic orbits of large period. Here, we study stalled chaos control, where the application of control is stalled to make use of the chaotic, uncontrolled dynamics, and introduce an adaptation paradigm to overcome this limitation and speed up convergence. This modified control scheme is not only capable of stabilizing more periodic orbits than the original predictive feedback control but also speeds up convergence for typical chaotic maps, as illustrated in both theory and application. The proposed adaptation scheme provides a way to tune parameters online, yielding a broadly applicable, fast chaos control that converges reliably, even for periodic orbits of large period.

  16. Controlling chaos faster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bick, Christian [Network Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 Göttingen (Germany); Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN), 37077 Göttingen (Germany); Institute for Mathematics, Georg–August–Universität Göttingen, 37073 Göttingen (Germany); Kolodziejski, Christoph [Network Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 Göttingen (Germany); III. Physical Institute—Biophysics, Georg–August–Universität Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen (Germany); Timme, Marc [Network Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 Göttingen (Germany); Institute for Nonlinear Dynamics, Georg–August–Universität Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen (Germany)


    Predictive feedback control is an easy-to-implement method to stabilize unknown unstable periodic orbits in chaotic dynamical systems. Predictive feedback control is severely limited because asymptotic convergence speed decreases with stronger instabilities which in turn are typical for larger target periods, rendering it harder to effectively stabilize periodic orbits of large period. Here, we study stalled chaos control, where the application of control is stalled to make use of the chaotic, uncontrolled dynamics, and introduce an adaptation paradigm to overcome this limitation and speed up convergence. This modified control scheme is not only capable of stabilizing more periodic orbits than the original predictive feedback control but also speeds up convergence for typical chaotic maps, as illustrated in both theory and application. The proposed adaptation scheme provides a way to tune parameters online, yielding a broadly applicable, fast chaos control that converges reliably, even for periodic orbits of large period.

  17. Controlling: controllersopleiding en rol en positie van de (register) controller

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meer-Kooistra, J. van der; Vosselman, E.G.J.


    Het themanummer Controlling richt zich op het overkoepelende vakgebied Controlling en meer in het bijzonder op de postinitiële Controllersopleiding oftewel Executive Master of Finance and Control, de opleiding waarin dit vakgebied centraal staat, en op de rol en positie van de afgestudeerden van

  18. Inventory control in case of unknown demand and control parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Janssen, E.


    This thesis deals with unknown demand and control parameters in inventory control. Inventory control involves decisions on what to order when and in what quantity. These decisions are based on information about the demand. Models are constructed using complete demand information; these models ensure

  19. MTPA control of mechanical sensorless IPMSM based on adaptive nonlinear control. (United States)

    Najjar-Khodabakhsh, Abbas; Soltani, Jafar


    In this paper, an adaptive nonlinear control scheme has been proposed for implementing maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) control strategy corresponding to interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) drive. This control scheme is developed in the rotor d-q axis reference frame using adaptive input-output state feedback linearization (AIOFL) method. The drive system control stability is supported by Lyapunov theory. The motor inductances are online estimated by an estimation law obtained by AIOFL. The estimation errors of these parameters are proved to be asymptotically converged to zero. Based on minimizing the motor current amplitude, the MTPA control strategy is performed by using the nonlinear optimization technique while considering the online reference torque. The motor reference torque is generated by a conventional rotor speed PI controller. By performing MTPA control strategy, the generated online motor d-q reference currents were used in AIOFL controller to obtain the SV-PWM reference voltages and the online estimation of the motor d-q inductances. In addition, the stator resistance is online estimated using a conventional PI controller. Moreover, the rotor position is detected using the online estimation of the stator flux and online estimation of the motor q-axis inductance. Simulation and experimental results obtained prove the effectiveness and the capability of the proposed control method. Copyright © 2016 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Secondary Control Scheme for Voltage Unbalance Compensation in an Islanded Droop-Controlled Microgrid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Savaghebi, Mehdi; Jalilian, Alireza; Vasquez, Juan Carlos


    The concept of microgrid hierarchical control is presented recently. In this paper, a hierarchical scheme is proposed which includes primary and secondary control levels. The primary level comprises distributed generators (DGs) local controllers. The local controllers mainly consist of power......, voltage and current controllers, and virtual impedance control loop. The central secondary controller is designed to manage the compensation of voltage unbalance at the point of common coupling (PCC) in an islanded microgrid. Unbalance compensation is achieved by sending proper control signals to the DGs...... local controllers. The design procedure of the control system is discussed in detail and the simulation results are presented. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed control structure in compensating the voltage unbalance....

  1. Riot Control Agents (United States)

    ... Submit What's this? Submit Button Facts About Riot Control Agents Interim document Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir What riot control agents are Riot control agents (sometimes referred to ...

  2. Internet congestion control

    CERN Document Server

    Varma, Subir


    Internet Congestion Control provides a description of some of the most important topics in the area of congestion control in computer networks, with special emphasis on the analytical modeling of congestion control algorithms. The field of congestion control has seen many notable advances in recent years and the purpose of this book, which is targeted towards the advanced and intermediate reader, is to inform about the most important developments in this area. The book should enable the reader to gain a good understanding of the application of congestion control theory to a number of applic

  3. More efficient purifying scheme via controlled-controlled NOT gate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metwally, N.; Obada, A.-S.


    A new modified version of the Oxford purification protocol is proposed. This version is based on the controlled-controlled NOT gate instead of controlled NOT in the original one. Comparisons between the results of the new version and the original and an earlier modification are given. It is found that the new version converges faster and consumes fewer initial qubit pairs of low fidelity per final qubit pair of high fidelity

  4. Heat Control via Torque Control in Friction Stir Welding (United States)

    Venable, Richard; Colligan, Kevin; Knapp, Alan


    In a proposed advance in friction stir welding, the torque exerted on the workpiece by the friction stir pin would be measured and controlled in an effort to measure and control the total heat input to the workpiece. The total heat input to the workpiece is an important parameter of any welding process (fusion or friction stir welding). In fusion welding, measurement and control of heat input is a difficult problem. However, in friction stir welding, the basic principle of operation affords the potential of a straightforward solution: Neglecting thermal losses through the pin and the spindle that supports it, the rate of heat input to the workpiece is the product of the torque and the speed of rotation of the friction stir weld pin and, hence, of the spindle. Therefore, if one acquires and suitably processes data on torque and rotation and controls the torque, the rotation, or both, one should be able to control the heat input into the workpiece. In conventional practice in friction stir welding, one uses feedback control of the spindle motor to maintain a constant speed of rotation. According to the proposal, one would not maintain a constant speed of rotation: Instead, one would use feedback control to maintain a constant torque and would measure the speed of rotation while allowing it to vary. The torque exerted on the workpiece would be estimated as the product of (1) the torque-multiplication ratio of the spindle belt and/or gear drive, (2) the force measured by a load cell mechanically coupled to the spindle motor, and (3) the moment arm of the load cell. Hence, the output of the load cell would be used as a feedback signal for controlling the torque (see figure).

  5. Position control device for a control rod

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ono, Takehiko; Kusaka, Shuji.


    Purpose: To reliably prevent dangerous operation in the control of the position of the control rod by checking for abnormal pulse motor coil excitation voltage and, at the time of occurrence of abnormality, immediately holding the control rod stationary lest it should be moved to an unsafe position, this being accomplished excitation from a compensating excitation system. Constitution: In an FBR reactor, a circuit for memorizing the correct output states of individual drive signals at arbitrary instants and consequtively producing the memorized results is provided, and the output of the circuit and the actual drive signal are compared at all times to discriminate whether the drive signal being compared is normal or not. When the actual drive signal is abnormal, a series signal varying after a predetermined pattern is shifted to enable replacement of the actual drive signal, so that irrespective of whether the problem drive signal is ''on'' or ''off'', a drive signal of the correct pattern may be supplied to the pulse motor to hold the control rod and prevent it from being moved toward the dangerous side due to its own weight or other causes. (Horiuchi, T.)

  6. Force Control for a Pneumatic Cylinder Using Generalized Predictive Controller Approach


    Mohd Faudzi, Ahmad ’Athif; Mustafa, Nu’man Din; Osman, Khairuddin


    Pneumatic cylinder is a well-known device because of its high power to weight ratio, easy use, and environmental safety. Pneumatic cylinder uses air as its power source and converts it to a possible movement such as linear and rotary movement. In order to control the pneumatic cylinder, controller algorithm is needed to control the on-off solenoid valve with encoder and pressure sensor as the feedback inputs. In this paper, generalized predictive controller (GPC) is proposed as the control st...

  7. Remote Control of an Inverted Pendulum System for Intelligent Control Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seul Jung


    Full Text Available This paper presents a remote control task of an inverted pendulum system for intelligent control education. The inverted pendulum moving on the guided rail is required to maintain balancing while it follows the desired trajectory commanded remotely by a joystick operated by a user. Position commands for the inverted pendulum system are given by a joystick through the network. The inverted pendulum system is controlled by a neural network control method. The corresponding control results are confirmed through experimental studies.

  8. Fault tolerant control of multivariable processes using auto-tuning PID controller. (United States)

    Yu, Ding-Li; Chang, T K; Yu, Ding-Wen


    Fault tolerant control of dynamic processes is investigated in this paper using an auto-tuning PID controller. A fault tolerant control scheme is proposed composing an auto-tuning PID controller based on an adaptive neural network model. The model is trained online using the extended Kalman filter (EKF) algorithm to learn system post-fault dynamics. Based on this model, the PID controller adjusts its parameters to compensate the effects of the faults, so that the control performance is recovered from degradation. The auto-tuning algorithm for the PID controller is derived with the Lyapunov method and therefore, the model predicted tracking error is guaranteed to converge asymptotically. The method is applied to a simulated two-input two-output continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with various faults, which demonstrate the applicability of the developed scheme to industrial processes.

  9. Control rod shutdown system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyamoto, Yoshiyuki; Higashigawa, Yuichi.


    The present invention provides a control rod terminating system in a BWR type nuclear power plant, which stops an induction electric motor as rapidly as possible to terminate the control rods. Namely, the control rod stopping system controls reactor power by inserting/withdrawing control rods into a reactor by driving them by the induction electric motor. The system is provided with a control device for controlling the control rods and a control device for controlling the braking device. The control device outputs a braking operation signal for actuating the braking device during operation of the control rods to stop the operation of the control rods. Further, the braking device has at least two kinds of breaks, namely, a first and a second brakes. The two kinds of brakes are actuated by receiving the brake operation signals at different timings. The brake device is used also for keeping the control rods after the stopping. Even if a stopping torque of each of the breaks is small, different two kinds of brakes are operated at different timings thereby capable of obtaining a large stopping torque as a total. (I.S.)

  10. A Robust Cooperated Control Method with Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive H∞ Control (United States)

    Obayashi, Masanao; Uchiyama, Shogo; Kuremoto, Takashi; Kobayashi, Kunikazu

    This study proposes a robust cooperated control method combining reinforcement learning with robust control to control the system. A remarkable characteristic of the reinforcement learning is that it doesn't require model formula, however, it doesn't guarantee the stability of the system. On the other hand, robust control system guarantees stability and robustness, however, it requires model formula. We employ both the actor-critic method which is a kind of reinforcement learning with minimal amount of computation to control continuous valued actions and the traditional robust control, that is, H∞ control. The proposed system was compared method with the conventional control method, that is, the actor-critic only used, through the computer simulation of controlling the angle and the position of a crane system, and the simulation result showed the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  11. Introduction to geometric nonlinear control; Controllability and lie bracket

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jakubczyk, B [Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)


    We present an introduction to the qualitative theory of nonlinear control systems, with the main emphasis on controllability properties of such systems. We introduce the differential geometric language of vector fields, Lie bracket, distributions, foliations etc. One of the basic tools is the orbit theorem of Stefan and Sussmann. We analyse the basic controllability problems and give criteria for complete controllability, accessibility and related properties, using certain Lie algebras of ve fields defined by the system. A problem of path approximation is considered as an application of the developed theory. We illustrate our considerations with examples of simple systems or systems appearing in applications. The notes start from an elementary level and are self-contained. (author)

  12. Wind turbine control and model predictive control for uncertain systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thomsen, Sven Creutz

    as disturbance models for controller design. The theoretical study deals with Model Predictive Control (MPC). MPC is an optimal control method which is characterized by the use of a receding prediction horizon. MPC has risen in popularity due to its inherent ability to systematically account for time...

  13. Reactor control system. PWR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    At present, 23 units of PWR type reactors have been operated in Japan since the start of Mihama Unit 1 operation in 1970 and various improvements have been made to upgrade operability of power stations as well as reliability and safety of power plants. As the share of nuclear power increases, further improvements of operating performance such as load following capability will be requested for power stations with more reliable and safer operation. This article outlined the reactor control system of PWR type reactors and described the control performance of power plants realized with those systems. The PWR control system is characterized that the turbine power is automatic or manually controlled with request of the electric power system and then the nuclear power is followingly controlled with the change of core reactivity. The system mainly consists of reactor automatic control system (control rod control system), pressurizer pressure control system, pressurizer water level control system, steam generator water level control system and turbine bypass control system. (T. Tanaka)

  14. Robotic excavator trajectory control using an improved GA based PID controller (United States)

    Feng, Hao; Yin, Chen-Bo; Weng, Wen-wen; Ma, Wei; Zhou, Jun-jing; Jia, Wen-hua; Zhang, Zi-li


    In order to achieve excellent trajectory tracking performances, an improved genetic algorithm (IGA) is presented to search for the optimal proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller parameters for the robotic excavator. Firstly, the mathematical model of kinematic and electro-hydraulic proportional control system of the excavator are analyzed based on the mechanism modeling method. On this basis, the actual model of the electro-hydraulic proportional system are established by the identification experiment. Furthermore, the population, the fitness function, the crossover probability and mutation probability of the SGA are improved: the initial PID parameters are calculated by the Ziegler-Nichols (Z-N) tuning method and the initial population is generated near it; the fitness function is transformed to maintain the diversity of the population; the probability of crossover and mutation are adjusted automatically to avoid premature convergence. Moreover, a simulation study is carried out to evaluate the time response performance of the proposed controller, i.e., IGA based PID against the SGA and Z-N based PID controllers with a step signal. It was shown from the simulation study that the proposed controller provides the least rise time and settling time of 1.23 s and 1.81 s, respectively against the other tested controllers. Finally, two types of trajectories are designed to validate the performances of the control algorithms, and experiments are performed on the excavator trajectory control experimental platform. It was demonstrated from the experimental work that the proposed IGA based PID controller improves the trajectory accuracy of the horizontal line and slope line trajectories by 23.98% and 23.64%, respectively in comparison to the SGA tuned PID controller. The results further indicate that the proposed IGA tuning based PID controller is effective for improving the tracking accuracy, which may be employed in the trajectory control of an actual excavator.

  15. Olivo-Cerebellar Controller

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Bandyopadhyay, Promode R


    ...) used in a maneuvering controller or control system of an underwater vehicle. In order to attain the objects described, the present invention provides closed-loop control of multiple inferior olives (IOs...

  16. Control Measure Dataset (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — The EPA Control Measure Dataset is a collection of documents describing air pollution control available to regulated facilities for the control and abatement of air...

  17. Integrated control systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, D.J.


    This paper reports that instrument manufacturers must develop standard network interfaces to pull together interrelated systems such as automatic start-up, optimization programs, and online diagnostic systems. In the past individual control system manufacturers have developed their own data highways with proprietary hardware and software designs. In the future, electric utilities will require that future systems, irrespective of manufacturer, should be able to communicate with each other. Until now the manufactures of control systems have not agreed on the standard high-speed data highway system. Currently, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in conjunction with several electric utilities and equipment manufactures, is working on developing a standard protocol for communicating between various manufacturers' control systems. According to N. Michael of Sargent and Lundy, future control room designs will require that more of the control and display functions be accessible from the control room through CRTs. There will be less emphasis on traditional hard-wired control panels

  18. Comparison of pulsed fluoroscopy by direct control using a grid-controlled x-ray tube with pulsed fluoroscopy by primary control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chida, Koichi; Zuguchi, Masayuki; Ito, Daisuke; Sato, Kunihiko; Shimura, Hirotaka; Sasaki, Masatoshi


    Interventional radiology (IVR) procedures may involve high radiation doses that are potentially harmful to the patient. In IVR procedures, pulsed fluoroscopy can greatly decrease the radiation that the physician and patient receive. There are two types of pulsed fluoroscopy: direct control and primary (indirect) control. The purpose of this study was to compare pulsed fluoroscopy by direct control, using a grid-controlled x-ray tube, with pulsed fluoroscopy using primary control. For both types of pulsed fluoroscopy, we measured the waveforms (x-ray tube voltage, x-ray tube current, and x-ray output) and the relative radiation dose. In addition, we compared the decrease in radiation during pulsed fluoroscopy using a care filter. The studies were performed using a Siemens Bicor Plus x-ray System (direct control) and a Siemens Multistar Plus x-ray System (primary control). Using primary pulse control, a 50% decrease in the x-ray output waveform took approximately 0.5-1.0 msec, or longer with a lower x-ray tube current. Using direct pulse control, a 50% decrease in the x-ray output waveform took approximately 0.1 msec, and was independent of x-ray tube current. The rate of radiation reduction with primary pulse control using the care filter with a lower x-ray tube current had a slope exceeding 10%. Pulsed fluoroscopy by direct control using a grid-controlled x-ray tube permits an optimal radiation dose. To decrease the radiation in primary pulse control, a care filter must be used, particularly with a lower x-ray tube current. (author)

  19. Flight Control of Biomimetic Air Vehicles Using Vibrational Control and Averaging (United States)

    Tahmasian, Sevak; Woolsey, Craig A.


    A combination of vibrational inputs and state feedback is applied to control the flight of a biomimetic air vehicle. First, a control strategy is developed for longitudinal flight, using a quasi-steady aerodynamic model and neglecting wing inertial effects. Vertical and forward motion is controlled by modulating the wings' stroke and feather angles, respectively. Stabilizing control parameter values are determined using the time-averaged dynamic model. Simulations of a system resembling a hawkmoth show that the proposed controller can overcome modeling error associated with the wing inertia and small parameter uncertainties when following a prescribed trajectory. After introducing the approach through an application to longitudinal flight, the control strategy is extended to address flight in three-dimensional space.

  20. Application of adaptive fuzzy control technology to pressure control of a pressurizer

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    YANG Ben-kun; BIAN Xin-qian; GUO Wei-lai


    A pressurizer is one of important equipment in a pressurized water reactor plant. It is used to maintain the pressure of primary coolant within allowed range because the sharp change of coolant pressure affects the security of reactor,therefor,the study of pressurizer's pressure control methods is very important. In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy controller is presented for pressure control of a pressurizer in a nuclear power plant. The controller can on-line tune fuzzy control rules and parameters by self-learning in the actual control process, which possesses the way of thinking like human to make a decision. The simulation results for a pressurized water reactor plant show that the adaptive fuzzy controller has optimum and intelligent characteristics, which prove the controller is effective.

  1. A Novel Pitch Control System of a Large Wind Turbine Using Two-Degree-of-Freedom Motion Control with Feedback Linearization Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ching-Sung Wang


    Full Text Available Pitch Control plays a significant role for a large wind turbine. This study investigates a novel robust hydraulic pitch control system of a large wind turbine. The novel hydraulic pitch control system is driven by a novel high efficiency and high response hydraulic servo system. The pitch controller, designed by two degree-of-freedom (2-DOF motion control with feedback linearization, is developed to enhance the controllability and stability of the pitch control system. Furthermore, the full-scale testbed of the hydraulic pitch control system of a large wind turbine is developed for practically experimental verification. Besides, the wind turbine simulation software FAST is used to analyze the motion of the blade which results are given to the testbed as the disturbance load command. The 2-DOF pitch controller contains a feedforward controller with feedback linearization theory to overcome the nonlinearities of the system and a feedback controller to improve the system robustness for achieving the disturbance rejection. Consequently, the novel hydraulic pitch control system shows excellent path tracking performance in the experiments. Moreover, the robustness test with a simulated disturbance load generated by FAST is performed to validate the reliability of the proposed pitch control system.

  2. Application of fuzzy logic control system for reactor feed-water control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iijima, T.; Nakajima, Y.


    The successful actual application of a fuzzy logic control system to the a nuclear Fugen nuclear power reactor is described. Fugen is a heavy-water moderated, light-water cooled reactor. The introduction of fuzzy logic control system has enabled operators to control the steam drum water level more effectively in comparison to a conventional proportional-integral (PI) control system

  3. Model based controls and the AGS booster controls system architecture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casella, R.A.


    For the past three years the Accelerator Controls Section has been responsible for the development of the Heavy Ion Transfer Line (HITL) used to inject heavy ions created at the Tandem Van de Graaff into the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS). This was recognized as an opportunity to test new ideas for control of a beam line, which if successful, could be implemented in an upgrade of the existing control system for the AGS. The in place control system for the AGS consisted of DEC PDP10 computer as the primary computer interface to the accelerator via three control room consoles, and keeper of the device database. For the HITL project it was decided to make the control system a true distributed network putting more computing power down at the device level via intelligent subsystems. A network of Apollo workstations was added at the host level. Apollos run a distributed operating system and are connected to each other by the Domain Token Ring Network. The Apollos were seen as the new primary computers for consoles with each console containing at least one Apollo. These hosts and all other subsystems are connected to each other via an in house developed LAN (RELWAY). The design of the control system developed for HITL was mostly successful. The proposed AGS Booster is designed to be a synchrotron injector for the AGS. With the forthcoming development of the Booster for the AGS an opportunity has again developed to implement new ideas for accelerator control. One weakness of the HITL control system is the limited cpu power and poor debugging facilities of the stations

  4. Bi-Objective Optimal Control Modification Adaptive Control for Systems with Input Uncertainty (United States)

    Nguyen, Nhan T.


    This paper presents a new model-reference adaptive control method based on a bi-objective optimal control formulation for systems with input uncertainty. A parallel predictor model is constructed to relate the predictor error to the estimation error of the control effectiveness matrix. In this work, we develop an optimal control modification adaptive control approach that seeks to minimize a bi-objective linear quadratic cost function of both the tracking error norm and predictor error norm simultaneously. The resulting adaptive laws for the parametric uncertainty and control effectiveness uncertainty are dependent on both the tracking error and predictor error, while the adaptive laws for the feedback gain and command feedforward gain are only dependent on the tracking error. The optimal control modification term provides robustness to the adaptive laws naturally from the optimal control framework. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive control approach.

  5. Robust Control for the Segway with Unknown Control Coefficient and Model Uncertainties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Byung Woo Kim


    Full Text Available The Segway, which is a popular vehicle nowadays, is an uncertain nonlinear system and has an unknown time-varying control coefficient. Thus, we should consider the unknown time-varying control coefficient and model uncertainties to design the controller. Motivated by this observation, we propose a robust control for the Segway with unknown control coefficient and model uncertainties. To deal with the time-varying unknown control coefficient, we employ the Nussbaum gain technique. We introduce an auxiliary variable to solve the underactuated problem. Due to the prescribed performance control technique, the proposed controller does not require the adaptive technique, neural network, and fuzzy logic to compensate the uncertainties. Therefore, it can be simple. From the Lyapunov stability theory, we prove that all signals in the closed-loop system are bounded. Finally, we provide the simulation results to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.

  6. Model Predictive Control for Integrating Traffic Control Measures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hegyi, A.


    Dynamic traffic control measures, such as ramp metering and dynamic speed limits, can be used to better utilize the available road capacity. Due to the increasing traffic volumes and the increasing number of traffic jams the interaction between the control measures has increased such that local

  7. Feed Forward Neural Network and Optimal Control Problem with Control and State Constraints (United States)

    Kmet', Tibor; Kmet'ová, Mária


    A feed forward neural network based optimal control synthesis is presented for solving optimal control problems with control and state constraints. The paper extends adaptive critic neural network architecture proposed by [5] to the optimal control problems with control and state constraints. The optimal control problem is transcribed into a nonlinear programming problem which is implemented with adaptive critic neural network. The proposed simulation method is illustrated by the optimal control problem of nitrogen transformation cycle model. Results show that adaptive critic based systematic approach holds promise for obtaining the optimal control with control and state constraints.

  8. Artificial locomotion control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Azevedo, Christine; Poignet, Philippe; Espiau, Bernard


    of postural and walking control; use of evolutive optimization objectives; on-line event handling and environment adaptation and anticipation. This leads to the synthesis of an original control scheme based on non-linear model predictive control: Trajectory Free NMPC. The movement is specified implicitly......This paper concerns the simultaneous synthesis and control of walking gaits for biped robots. The goal is to propose an adaptable and reactive control law for two-legged machines. The problem is addressed with human locomotion as a reference. The starting point of our work is an analysis of human...... walking from descriptive (biomechanics) as well as explicative (neuroscience and physiology) points of view, the objective being to stress the relevant elements for the approach of robot control. The adopted principles are then: no joint trajectory tracking; explicit distinction and integration...

  9. Sistemas de controle administrativo no Franchising: aliando controle e flexibilidade estratégica Administrative control systems in Franchising: combining control and strategic flexibility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Lúcia Simas Paulino


    Full Text Available O presente estudo objetivou verificar como o franqueador alia controle e flexibilidade estratégica, identificando os sistemas de controle que utiliza para monitorar, mensurar, avaliar incertezas, validar estratégias, promover mudanças, fazer emergir iniciativas estratégicas e contribuir com o aprendizado da rede, tendo em vista a melhoria contínua da posição competitiva da franquia. O referencial teórico teve como suporte o relacionamento entre franqueador e franqueado proposto na literatura, os custos de transação, a teoria de agência e os sistemas de controle administrativo definidos e categorizados por Simons (1994. Visando o cumprimento do objetivo proposto, utilizou-se a pesquisa do tipo exploratória e a estratégia de estudo de caso único tendo como unidade de análise a área de Marketing e Vendas de uma franqueadora. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semi-estruturada realizada com 4 executivos da área, escolhidos em razão dos temas pesquisados. Através da identificação dos sistemas de controle interativo utilizados pela franqueadora, verificou-se que ela agrega na administração estratégica da franquia, as abordagens gerenciais de minimização de custos e maximização de oportunidades, aliando controle e flexibilidade estratégica.This study aimed to verify how the franchisor combines control and strategic flexibility, identifying control systems it uses to monitor, measure, assess uncertainty, validate strategies, promote change, strategic initiatives to emerge and contribute to the learning network in order continuous improvement of the competitive position of the franchise. The theoretical framework was to support the relationship between franchiser and franchisee proposed in the literature, transaction costs, the agency theory and management control systems defined and categorized by Simons (1994. To fulfill the objective proposed, we used the exploratory research and the strategy of a single

  10. Robust control design for the plasma horizontal position control on J-TEXT Tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, W.Z.; Chen, Z.P.; Zhuang, G.; Wang, Z.J.


    It is extremely important for tokamak to control the plasma position during routine discharge. However, the model of plasma in tokamak usually contains much of the uncertainty, such as structured uncertainties and unmodeled dynamics. Compared with the traditional PID control approach, robust control theory is more suitable to handle this problem. In the paper, we propose a H ∞ robust control scheme to control the horizontal position of plasma during the flat-top phase of discharge on Joint Texas Experimental Tokamak (J-TEXT) tokamak. First, the model of our plant for plasma horizontal position control is obtained from the position equilibrium equations. Then the H ∞ robust control framework is used to synthesize the controller. Based on this, an H ∞ controller is designed to minimize the regulation/tracking error. Finally, a comparison study is conducted between the optimized H ∞ robust controller and the traditional PID controller in simulations. The simulation results of the H ∞ robust controller show a significant improvement of the performance with respect to those obtained with traditional PID controller, which is currently used on our machine

  11. Real Time Implementation of Incremental Fuzzy Logic Controller for Gas Pipeline Corrosion Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gopalakrishnan Jayapalan


    Full Text Available A robust virtual instrumentation based fuzzy incremental corrosion controller is presented to protect metallic gas pipelines. Controller output depends on error and change in error of the controlled variable. For corrosion control purpose pipe to soil potential is considered as process variable. The proposed fuzzy incremental controller is designed using a very simple control rule base and the most natural and unbiased membership functions. The proposed scheme is tested for a wide range of pipe to soil potential control. Performance comparison between the conventional proportional integral type and proposed fuzzy incremental controller is made in terms of several performance criteria such as peak overshoot, settling time, and rise time. Result shows that the proposed controller outperforms its conventional counterpart in each case. Designed controller can be taken in automode without waiting for initial polarization to stabilize. Initial startup curve of proportional integral controller and fuzzy incremental controller is reported. This controller can be used to protect any metallic structures such as pipelines, tanks, concrete structures, ship, and offshore structures.


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    An artificial neural network(ANN) and a self-adjusting fuzzy logic controller(FLC) for modeling and control of gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW) process are presented. The discussion is mainly focused on the modeling and control of the weld pool depth with ANN and the intelligent control for weld seam tracking with FLC. The proposed neural network can produce highly complex nonlinear multi-variable model of the GTAW process that offers the accurate prediction of welding penetration depth. A self-adjusting fuzzy controller used for seam tracking adjusts the control parameters on-line automatically according to the tracking errors so that the torch position can be controlled accurately.

  13. Memory-type control charts in statistical process control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abbas, N.


    Control chart is the most important statistical tool to manage the business processes. It is a graph of measurements on a quality characteristic of the process on the vertical axis plotted against time on the horizontal axis. The graph is completed with control limits that cause variation mark. Once

  14. Controllability of switched singular mix-valued logical control networks with constraints (United States)

    Deng, Lei; Gong, Mengmeng; Zhu, Peiyong


    The present paper investigates the controllability problem of switched singular mix-valued logical control networks (SSMLCNs) with constraints on states and controls. First, using the semi-tenser product (STP) of matrices, the SSMLCN is expressed in an algebraic form, based on which a necessary and sufficient condition is given for the uniqueness of solution of SSMLCNs. Second, a necessary and sufficient criteria is derived for the controllability of constrained SSMLCNs, by converting a constrained SSMLCN into a parallel constrained switched mix-valued logical control network. Third, an algorithm is presented to design a proper switching sequence and a control scheme which force a state to a reachable state. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the efficiency of the results obtained in this paper.

  15. Control rod velocity limiter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cearley, J.E.; Carruth, J.C.; Dixon, R.C.; Spencer, S.S.; Zuloaga, J.A. Jr.


    This patent describes a velocity control arrangement for a reciprocable, vertically oriented control rod for use in a nuclear reactor in a fluid medium, the control rod including a drive hub secured to and extending from one end therefrom. The control device comprises: a toroidally shaped control member spaced from and coaxially positioned around the hub and secured thereto by a plurality of spaced radial webs thereby providing an annular passage for fluid intermediate the hub and the toroidal member spaced therefrom in coaxial position. The side of the control member toward the control rod has a smooth generally conical surface. The side of the control member away from the control rod is formed with a concave surface constituting a single annular groove. The device also comprises inner and outer annular vanes radially spaced from one another and spaced from the side of the control member away from the control rod and positioned coaxially around and spaced from the hub and secured thereto by spaced radial webs thereby providing an annular passage for fluid intermediate the hub and the vanes. The vanes are angled toward the control member, the outer edge of the inner vane being closer to the control member and the inner edge of the outer vane being closer to the control member. When the control rod moves in the fluid in the direction toward the drive hub the vanes direct a flow of fluid turbulence which provides greater resistance to movement of the control rod in the direction toward the drive hub than in the other direction

  16. Personal exposure control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanabe, Ken-ichi; Akashi, Michio


    Nuclear power stations are under strict radiation control. Exposure control for nuclear workers is the most important operation, and so carefully thought out measures are taken. This paper introduces Fuji Electric's personal exposure control system that meets strict exposure control and rationalizes control operations. The system has a merit that it can provide required information in an optimum form using the interconnection of a super minicomputer and exposure control facilities and realizes sophisticated exposure control operations. (author)

  17. Introduction of digital control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sang Jin


    This book is one of mechatronics series. It deals with digital control, which includes what is digital control?, display way of control system, output of primary system, secondary system like example of system and display way of the system, stabilizing of control system such as method to decide stability and system out of control, displaying equation of state into vector, good control such as the right characteristic, transient behavior and design of position control system using DC servo motor.

  18. Application of 2DOF controller for reactor power control. Verification by numerical simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishikawa, Nobuyuki; Suzuki, Katsuo


    In this report the usefulness of the two degree of freedom (2DOF) control is discussed to improve the reference response characteristics and robustness for reactor power control system. The 2DOF controller consists of feedforward and feedback elements. The feedforward element was designed by model matching method and the feedback element by solving the mixed sensitivity problem of H ∞ control. The 2DOF control gives good performance in both reference response and robustness to disturbance and plant perturbation. The simulation of reactor power control was performed by digitizing the 2DOF controller with the digital control periods of 10[msec]. It is found that the control period of 10[msec] is enough not to make degradation of the control performance by digitizing. (author)

  19. Foundations Of Fuzzy Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jantzen, Jan

    The objective of this textbook is to acquire an understanding of the behaviour of fuzzy logic controllers. Under certain conditions a fuzzy controller is equivalent to a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. Using that equivalence as a link, the book applies analysis methods from...... linear and nonlinear control theory. In the linear domain, PID tuning methods and stability analyses are transferred to linear fuzzy controllers. The Nyquist plot shows the robustness of different settings of the fuzzy gain parameters. As a result, a fuzzy controller is guaranteed to perform as well...... as any PID controller. In the nonlinear domain, the stability of four standard control surfaces is analysed by means of describing functions and Nyquist plots. The self-organizing controller (SOC) is shown to be a model reference adaptive controller. There is a possibility that a nonlinear fuzzy PID...

  20. EPICS Controlled Collimator for Controlling Beam Sizes in HIPPO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Napolitano, Arthur Soriano [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Vogel, Sven C. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Controlling the beam spot size and shape in a diffraction experiment determines the probed sample volume. The HIPPO - High-Pressure-Preferred Orientation– neutron time-offlight diffractometer is located at the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center in Los Alamos National Laboratories. HIPPO characterizes microstructural parameters, such as phase composition, strains, grain size, or texture, of bulk (cm-sized) samples. In the current setup, the beam spot has a 10 mm diameter. Using a collimator, consisting of two pairs of neutron absorbing boron-nitride slabs, horizontal and vertical dimensions of a rectangular beam spot can be defined. Using the HIPPO robotic sample changer for sample motion, the collimator would enable scanning of e.g. cylindrical samples along the cylinder axis by probing slices of such samples. The project presented here describes implementation of such a collimator, in particular the motion control software. We utilized the EPICS (Experimental Physics Interface and Control System) software interface to integrate the collimator control into the HIPPO instrument control system. Using EPICS, commands are sent to commercial stepper motors that move the beam windows.

  1. Motor control and learning with lower-limb myoelectric control in amputees. (United States)

    Alcaide-Aguirre, Ramses E; Morgenroth, David C; Ferris, Daniel P


    Advances in robotic technology have recently enabled the development of powered lower-limb prosthetic limbs. A major hurdle in developing commercially successful powered prostheses is the control interface. Myoelectric signals are one way for prosthetic users to provide feedforward volitional control of prosthesis mechanics. The goal of this study was to assess motor learning in people with lower-limb amputation using proportional myoelectric control from residual-limb muscles. We examined individuals with transtibial amputation and nondisabled controls performing tracking tasks of a virtual object. We assessed how quickly the individuals with amputation improved their performance and whether years since amputation correlated with performance. At the beginning of training, subjects with amputation performed much worse than control subjects. By the end of a short training period, tracking error did not significantly differ between subjects with amputation and nondisabled subjects. Initial but not final performance correlated significantly with time since amputation. This study demonstrates that although subjects with amputation may initially have poor volitional control of their residual lower-limb muscles, training can substantially improve their volitional control. These findings are encouraging for the future use of proportional myoelectric control of powered lower-limb prostheses.

  2. Performance Analysis of Phase Controlled Unidirectional and Bidirectional AC Voltage Controllers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdul Sattar Larik


    Full Text Available AC voltage controllers are used to vary the output ac voltage from a fixed ac input source. They are also commonly called ac voltage regulators or ac choppers. The output voltage is either controlled by PAC (Phase Angle Control method or on-off control method. Due to various advantages of ac voltage controllers, such as high efficiency, simplicity, low cost and ability to control large amount of power they efficiently control the speed of ac motors, light dimming and industrial heating, etc. These converters are variable structure systems and generate harmonics during the operation which will affect the power quality when connected to system network. During the last couple of years, a number of new semiconductor devices and various power electronic converters has been introduced. Accordingly the subject of harmonics and its problems are of great concern to power industry and customers. In this research work, initially the simulation models of single phase unidirectional and bidirectional ac voltage controllers were developed by using MATLAB software. The harmonics of these models are investigated by simulation. In the end, the harmonics were also analyzed experimentally. The simulated as well as experimental results are presented.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mustafa Berkant SELEK


    Full Text Available In this study, a new microcontroller circuit was designed and new computer software was implemented to control power flow currents of renewable energy system, which is established in Solar Energy Institute, Ege University, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey. PIC18F452 microcontroller based electronic circuit was designed to control another electronic circuit that includes power electronic switching components. Readily available standard control circuits are designed for switching single level inverters. In contrary, implemented circuit allows to switch multilevel inverters. In addition, because the efficiency of solar energy panels is considerably low, solar panels should be operated under the maximum power point (MPP. Therefore, MPP algorithm is included in the designed control circuit. Next, the control circuit also includes a serial communication interface based on RS232 standard. Using this interface enables the user to choose all functions available in the control circuit and take status report via computer software. Last, a general purpose command set was designed to establish communication between the computer software and the microcontroller-based control circuit. As a result, it is aimed that this study supply a basis for the researchers who want to develop own control circuits or more visual software.

  4. Capabilities of a New Pressure Controller for Gas-Controlled Heat Pipes (United States)

    Giunta, S.; Merlone, A.; Marenco, S.; Marcarino, P.; Tiziani, A.


    Pressure control is used in many metrological applications and for the control of thermodynamic quantities. At the Italian National Research Institute of Metrology (INRiM), a new pressure controller has been designed and assembled, operating in the pressure range between 4 kPa and 400 kPa. This innovative instrument uses a commercial pressure transducer with a sensitivity of 10-4 and several electro-valves interposed among calibrated volumes of different dimensions in order to realize known ratios for very fine pressure changes. The device is provided with several circuits to drive the electro-valve actions, for signal processing and transmission, and for both manual and automatic control. Input/output peripherals, such as a 4 × 20 dot matrix display and a 4 × 4 keyboard, allow setting of the parameters and data visualization, while a remote control port allows interfacing with a computer. The operating principle of this pressure controller has been recently applied, with excellent results, to control the pressure in gas-controlled heat pipes by using a standard platinum resistance thermometer as a temperature/pressure sensor, achieving in this case a relative sensitivity better than 10-6 in pressure. Several tests were also made to control the pressure by means of a commercial sensor. The device, its main components, and its capabilities are here reported, together with application tests and results.

  5. Testing a Constrained MPC Controller in a Process Control Laboratory (United States)

    Ricardez-Sandoval, Luis A.; Blankespoor, Wesley; Budman, Hector M.


    This paper describes an experiment performed by the fourth year chemical engineering students in the process control laboratory at the University of Waterloo. The objective of this experiment is to test the capabilities of a constrained Model Predictive Controller (MPC) to control the operation of a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger (DPHE) in real time.…

  6. Distributed Secondary Control for Islanded MicroGrids – A Networked Control Systems Approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shafiee, Qobad; Vasquez, Juan Carlos; Guerrero, Josep M.


    This paper presents a novel approach to conceive the secondary control in droop-controlled MicroGrids. The conventional approach is based on restoring the frequency and amplitude deviations produced by the local droop controllers by using a MicroGrid Central Controller. A distributed networked...... control system is used in order to implement a distributed secondary control thus avoiding the use of a MicroGrid Central Control. The proposed approach is not only able to restore frequency and voltage of the MicroGrid but also ensures reactive power sharing. The distributed secondary control do...

  7. Tautological control systems

    CERN Document Server

    Lewis, Andrew D


    This brief presents a description of a new modelling framework for nonlinear/geometric control theory. The framework is intended to be—and shown to be—feedback-invariant. As such, Tautological Control Systems provides a platform for understanding fundamental structural problems in geometric control theory. Part of the novelty of the text stems from the variety of regularity classes, e.g., Lipschitz, finitely differentiable, smooth, real analytic, with which it deals in a comprehensive and unified manner. The treatment of the important real analytic class especially reflects recent work on real analytic topologies by the author. Applied mathematicians interested in nonlinear and geometric control theory will find this brief of interest as a starting point for work in which feedback invariance is important. Graduate students working in control theory may also find Tautological Control Systems to be a stimulating starting point for their research.

  8. An ultrasonic sensor controller for mapping and servo control in robotic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drotning, W.D.; Garcia, P. Jr.


    An ultrasonic sensor controller has been developed and applied in a variety of robotic systems for operation in hazardous environments. The controller consists of hardware and software that control multiple ultrasonic range sensors and provide workspace information to robot controllers for rapid, safe, and reliable operation in hazardous and remote environments. The hardware consists of a programmable multichannel controller that resides on a VMEbus for high speed communication to a multiprocessor architecture. The sensor controller has been used in a number of applications, which include providing high precision range information for proximity servo control of robots, and performing surface and obstacle mapping functions for safe path planning of robots in unstructured environments

  9. Nonlinear analysis of vehicle control actuations based on controlled invariant sets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Németh Balázs


    Full Text Available In the paper, an analysis method is applied to the lateral stabilization problem of vehicle systems. The aim is to find the largest state-space region in which the lateral stability of the vehicle can be guaranteed by the peak-bounded control input. In the analysis, the nonlinear polynomial sum-of-squares programming method is applied. A practical computation technique is developed to calculate the maximum controlled invariant set of the system. The method calculates the maximum controlled invariant sets of the steering and braking control systems at various velocities and road conditions. Illustration examples show that, depending on the environments, different vehicle dynamic regions can be reached and stabilized by these controllers. The results can be applied to the theoretical basis of their interventions into the vehicle control system.

  10. Two Reconfigurable Flight-Control Design Methods: Robust Servomechanism and Control Allocation (United States)

    Burken, John J.; Lu, Ping; Wu, Zheng-Lu; Bahm, Cathy


    Two methods for control system reconfiguration have been investigated. The first method is a robust servomechanism control approach (optimal tracking problem) that is a generalization of the classical proportional-plus-integral control to multiple input-multiple output systems. The second method is a control-allocation approach based on a quadratic programming formulation. A globally convergent fixed-point iteration algorithm has been developed to make onboard implementation of this method feasible. These methods have been applied to reconfigurable entry flight control design for the X-33 vehicle. Examples presented demonstrate simultaneous tracking of angle-of-attack and roll angle commands during failures of the fight body flap actuator. Although simulations demonstrate success of the first method in most cases, the control-allocation method appears to provide uniformly better performance in all cases.

  11. H-Infinity Control Design Considering Packet Loss as a Disturbance for Networked Control Systems


    OGURA, Takashi; KOBAYASHI, Kentaro; OKADA, Hiraku; KATAYAMA, Masaaki


    This paper studies H∞ control for networked control systems with packet loss. In networked control systems, packet loss is one of major weakness because the control performance deteriorates due to packet loss. H∞ control, which is one of robust control, can design a controller to reduce the influence of disturbances acting on the controlled object. This paper proposes an H∞ control design that considers packet loss as a disturbance. Numerical examples show that the proposed H∞ control design ...

  12. Controllability of partial differential equations governed by multiplicative controls

    CERN Document Server

    Khapalov, Alexander Y


    The goal of this monograph is to address the issue of the global controllability of partial differential equations in the context of multiplicative (or bilinear) controls, which enter the model equations as coefficients. The mathematical models we examine include the linear and nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic PDE's, the Schrödinger equation, and coupled hybrid nonlinear distributed parameter systems modeling the swimming phenomenon. The book offers a new, high-quality and intrinsically nonlinear methodology to approach the aforementioned highly nonlinear controllability problems.

  13. Control rods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koga, Isao; Masuoka, Ryuzo.


    Purpose: To prevent fuel element failures during power conditioning by removing liquid absorbents in poison tubes of control rods in a fast power up step and extracting control rods to slightly increase power in a medium power up step. Constitution: A plurality of poison tubes are disposed in a coaxial or plate-like arrangement and divided into a region capable of compensating the reactivity from the initial state at low temperature to 40% power operation and a region capable of compensating the reactivity in the power up above 40% power operation. Soluble poisons are used as absorbers in the poison tubes corresponding to above 40% power operation and they are adapted to be removed independently from the driving of control rods. The poison tubes filled with the soluble absorbers are responsible for the changes in the reactivity from the initial state at low temperature to the medium power region and the reactivity control is conducted by the elimination of liquid absorbers from the poison tubes. In the succeeding slight power up region above the medium power, power up is proceeding by extracting the control rods having remaining poison tubes filled with solid or liquid absorbers. (Seki, T.)

  14. ISABELLE control system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Humphrey, J.W.; Frankel, R.S.; Niederer, J.A.


    Design principles for the Brookhaven ISABELLE control intersecting storage ring accelerator are described. Principal features include a locally networked console and control computer complex, a system wide process data highway, and intelligent local device controllers. Progress to date is summarized

  15. Profile control simulations and experiments on TCV: a controller test environment and results using a model-based predictive controller (United States)

    Maljaars, E.; Felici, F.; Blanken, T. C.; Galperti, C.; Sauter, O.; de Baar, M. R.; Carpanese, F.; Goodman, T. P.; Kim, D.; Kim, S. H.; Kong, M.; Mavkov, B.; Merle, A.; Moret, J. M.; Nouailletas, R.; Scheffer, M.; Teplukhina, A. A.; Vu, N. M. T.; The EUROfusion MST1-team; The TCV-team


    The successful performance of a model predictive profile controller is demonstrated in simulations and experiments on the TCV tokamak, employing a profile controller test environment. Stable high-performance tokamak operation in hybrid and advanced plasma scenarios requires control over the safety factor profile (q-profile) and kinetic plasma parameters such as the plasma beta. This demands to establish reliable profile control routines in presently operational tokamaks. We present a model predictive profile controller that controls the q-profile and plasma beta using power requests to two clusters of gyrotrons and the plasma current request. The performance of the controller is analyzed in both simulation and TCV L-mode discharges where successful tracking of the estimated inverse q-profile as well as plasma beta is demonstrated under uncertain plasma conditions and the presence of disturbances. The controller exploits the knowledge of the time-varying actuator limits in the actuator input calculation itself such that fast transitions between targets are achieved without overshoot. A software environment is employed to prepare and test this and three other profile controllers in parallel in simulations and experiments on TCV. This set of tools includes the rapid plasma transport simulator RAPTOR and various algorithms to reconstruct the plasma equilibrium and plasma profiles by merging the available measurements with model-based predictions. In this work the estimated q-profile is merely based on RAPTOR model predictions due to the absence of internal current density measurements in TCV. These results encourage to further exploit model predictive profile control in experiments on TCV and other (future) tokamaks.

  16. Temperature control of functionally graded plates using a feedforward-feedback controller based on the inverse solution and proportional-derivative controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golbahar Haghighi, M.R.; Eghtesad, M.; Necsulescu, D.S.; Malekzadeh, P.


    As a first endeavor, an approach for the two- and three-dimensional temperature control of functionally graded (FG) plates by using the inverse solution and the proportional-differential (PD) controller is provided. For this purpose, firstly, having the desired temperatures at different locations and times, heat fluxes at the boundaries of the plates are estimated by inverse solution techniques offline. Then, the estimated heat fluxes as feedforward control inputs are combined with a PD controller to introduce a hybrid feedforward-feedback control input to the FG domain in the presence of disturbance and noise. In order to show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed (inverse + PD) controller in two- and three-dimensional domains, different distinct examples, which include different boundary conditions, material properties and disturbance sources are presented. It is shown that the presented approach can adjust heat fluxes for control of the temperature accurately; also, the PD controller gains do not need to be re-adjusted for different problems.

  17. Temperature control of functionally graded plates using a feedforward-feedback controller based on the inverse solution and proportional-derivative controller

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Golbahar Haghighi, M.R. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr 75168 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Eghtesad, M. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz 71348-51154 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Necsulescu, D.S. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 (Canada); Malekzadeh, P., E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr 75168 (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Center of Excellence for Computational Mechanics, Shiraz University, Shiraz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    As a first endeavor, an approach for the two- and three-dimensional temperature control of functionally graded (FG) plates by using the inverse solution and the proportional-differential (PD) controller is provided. For this purpose, firstly, having the desired temperatures at different locations and times, heat fluxes at the boundaries of the plates are estimated by inverse solution techniques offline. Then, the estimated heat fluxes as feedforward control inputs are combined with a PD controller to introduce a hybrid feedforward-feedback control input to the FG domain in the presence of disturbance and noise. In order to show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed (inverse + PD) controller in two- and three-dimensional domains, different distinct examples, which include different boundary conditions, material properties and disturbance sources are presented. It is shown that the presented approach can adjust heat fluxes for control of the temperature accurately; also, the PD controller gains do not need to be re-adjusted for different problems.

  18. Computer simulation of nuclear reactor control by means of heuristic learning controller

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bubak, M.; Moscinski, J.


    A trial of application of two techniques of Artificial Intelligence: heuristic Programming and Learning Machines Theory for nuclear reactor control is presented. Considering complexity of the mathematical models describing satisfactorily the nuclear reactors, value changes of these models parameters in course of operation, knowledge of some parameters value with too small exactness, there appear diffucluties in the classical approach application for these objects control systems design. The classical approach consists in definition of the permissible control actions set on the base of the set performance index and the object mathematical model. The Artificial Intelligence methods enable construction of the control system, which gets during work an information being a priori inaccessible and uses it for its action change for the control to be the optimum one. Applying these methods we have elaborated the reactor power control system. As the performance index there has been taken the integral of the error square. For the control system there are only accessible: the set power trajectory, the reactor power and the control rod position. The set power trajectory has been divided into time intervals called heuristic intervals. At the beginning of every heuristic interval, on the base of the obtained experience, the control system chooses from the control (heuristic) set the optimum control. The heuristic set it is the set of relations between the control rod rate and the state variables, the set and the obtained power, similar to simplifications applied by nuclear reactors operators. The results obtained for the different control rod rates and different reactor (simulated on the digital computer) show the proper work of the system. (author)

  19. Active Vibration Control of Plate Partly Treated with ACLD Using Hybrid Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongdong Zhang


    Full Text Available A finite element model of plate partly treated with ACLD treatments is developed based on the constitutive equations of elastic, piezoelectric, viscoelastic materials and Hamilton’s principle. The Golla-Hughes-Mctavish (GHM method is employed to describe the frequency-dependent characteristics of viscoelastic material (VEM. A model reduction is completed by using iterative dynamic condensation and balance model reduction method to design an effective control system. The emphasis is concerned on hybrid (combined feedback/feedforward control system to attenuate the vibration of plates with ACLD treatments. The optimal linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG controller is considered as a feedback channel and the adaptive filtered-reference LMS (FxLMS controller is used as a feedforward channel. They can be utilized individually or in a hybrid way to suppress the vibration of plate/ACLD system. The results show that the hybrid controller which combines feedback/feedforward together can reduce the displacement amplitude of plate/ACLD system subjected to a complicated disturbance substantially without requiring more control effort. Furthermore, the hybrid controller has more rapid and stable convergence rate than the adaptive feedforward FxLMS controller. Meanwhile, perfect robustness to phase error of the cancellation path in feedforward controller and the weight matrices in feedback LQG controller is demonstrated in proposed hybrid controller. Therefore, its application in structural engineering can be highly appreciated.

  20. Composite control for raymond mill based on model predictive control and disturbance observer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dan Niu


    Full Text Available In the raymond mill grinding process, precise control of operating load is vital for the high product quality. However, strong external disturbances, such as variations of ore size and ore hardness, usually cause great performance degradation. It is not easy to control the current of raymond mill constant. Several control strategies have been proposed. However, most of them (such as proportional–integral–derivative and model predictive control reject disturbances just through feedback regulation, which may lead to poor control performance in the presence of strong disturbances. For improving disturbance rejection, a control method based on model predictive control and disturbance observer is put forward in this article. The scheme employs disturbance observer as feedforward compensation and model predictive control controller as feedback regulation. The test results illustrate that compared with model predictive control method, the proposed disturbance observer–model predictive control method can obtain significant superiority in disturbance rejection, such as shorter settling time and smaller peak overshoot under strong disturbances.

  1. Controlling Hypertension

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    A recent study found an increase in self-reported high blood pressure among U.S. adults, and an increase in the use of medications to control high blood pressure. This podcast discusses the importance of controlling high blood pressure.

  2. Gain scheduling controller for pitch control of a TRMS system (United States)

    Bhagyalakshmi, R.; Rashmi, GP; Jaganatha Pandian, B.


    Gain scheduling is a control technique which is applied for the control of non-linear systems by using a family of linear controllers at different operating points so as to increase the range of operation of the process. The dynamics of any nonlinear system changes with respect to operating points. These operating points are characterized by one or more variables known as scheduling variables. In such cases, we linearize the system at different equilibrium points. Due to the high amount of non-linearities and complexity in the aerodynamic design, modelling of other unmanned aerial vehicles have been replaced here with twin rotor system. The linearized system is then controlled by using PID controllers which are designed with respect to the obtained operating points. Linearizing of the non-linear system, designing and tuning of PID are being implemented using different MATLAB functions.

  3. Organizational Control: Two Functions (United States)

    Ouchi, William G.; Maguire, Mary Ann


    Distinguishes between two modes of organizational control, personal surveillance (behavior control) and the measurement of outputs (output control). Output control occurs in response to a manager's need to provide legitimate evidence of performance, while behavior control is exerted when means-ends relations are known and appropriate instruction…

  4. Fuzzy Control Tutorial

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dotoli, M.; Jantzen, Jan


    The tutorial concerns automatic control of an inverted pendulum, especially rule based control by means of fuzzy logic. A ball balancer, implemented in a software simulator in Matlab, is used as a practical case study. The objectives of the tutorial are to teach the basics of fuzzy control......, and to show how to apply fuzzy logic in automatic control. The tutorial is distance learning, where students interact one-to-one with the teacher using e-mail....

  5. Quality Control Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Chorafas, Dimitris N


    Quality control is a constant priority in electrical, mechanical, aeronautical, and nuclear engineering – as well as in the vast domain of electronics, from home appliances to computers and telecommunications. Quality Control Applications provides guidance and valuable insight into quality control policies; their methods, their implementation, constant observation and associated technical audits. What has previously been a mostly mathematical topic is translated here for engineers concerned with the practical implementation of quality control. Once the fundamentals of quality control are established, Quality Control Applications goes on to develop this knowledge and explain how to apply it in the most effective way. Techniques are described and supported using relevant, real-life, case studies to provide detail and clarity for those without a mathematical background. Among the many practical examples, two case studies dramatize the importance of quality assurance: A shot-by-shot analysis of the errors made ...

  6. Undergraduate reactor control experiment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, R.M.; Power, M.A.; Bryan, M.


    A sequence of reactor and related experiments has been a central element of a senior-level laboratory course at Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) for more than 20 yr. A new experiment has been developed where the students program and operate a computer controller that manipulates the speed of a secondary control rod to regulate TRIGA reactor power. Elementary feedback control theory is introduced to explain the experiment, which emphasizes the nonlinear aspect of reactor control where power level changes are equivalent to a change in control loop gain. Digital control of nuclear reactors has become more visible at Penn State with the replacement of the original analog-based TRIGA reactor control console with a modern computer-based digital control console. Several TRIGA reactor dynamics experiments, which comprise half of the three-credit laboratory course, lead to the control experiment finale: (a) digital simulation, (b) control rod calibration, (c) reactor pulsing, (d) reactivity oscillator, and (e) reactor noise

  7. Precision digital control systems (United States)

    Vyskub, V. G.; Rozov, B. S.; Savelev, V. I.

    This book is concerned with the characteristics of digital control systems of great accuracy. A classification of such systems is considered along with aspects of stabilization, programmable control applications, digital tracking systems and servomechanisms, and precision systems for the control of a scanning laser beam. Other topics explored are related to systems of proportional control, linear devices and methods for increasing precision, approaches for further decreasing the response time in the case of high-speed operation, possibilities for the implementation of a logical control law, and methods for the study of precision digital control systems. A description is presented of precision automatic control systems which make use of electronic computers, taking into account the existing possibilities for an employment of computers in automatic control systems, approaches and studies required for including a computer in such control systems, and an analysis of the structure of automatic control systems with computers. Attention is also given to functional blocks in the considered systems.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tina Vuko


    Full Text Available Managing business successfully in dynamic environment requires effective controlling system. Controlling is the process of defining objectives, planning and management control so that every decision maker can act in accordance with agreed objectives. Controlling function as a separate department contributes business efficiency trough ensuring transparency of business result and business processes. Controlling takes place when manager and controller cooperate. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of controlling function (i.e. controlling department in Croatian companies and to address the specific features of the function that contribute significantly to overall business performance. The research is conducted on the sample of companies listed on the Regulated market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. Survey is used as a method to collect the data regarding the controlling function, while financial data necessary for the research are extracted from the published financial statements. Results of the research indicate that controlling department has positive effects on the business performance.

  9. Control of a Robotic Hand Using a Tongue Control System-A Prosthesis Application. (United States)

    Johansen, Daniel; Cipriani, Christian; Popovic, Dejan B; Struijk, Lotte N S A


    The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using an inductive tongue control system (ITCS) for controlling robotic/prosthetic hands and arms. This study presents a novel dual modal control scheme for multigrasp robotic hands combining standard electromyogram (EMG) with the ITCS. The performance of the ITCS control scheme was evaluated in a comparative study. Ten healthy subjects used both the ITCS control scheme and a conventional EMG control scheme to complete grasping exercises with the IH1 Azzurra robotic hand implementing five grasps. Time to activate a desired function or grasp was used as the performance metric. Statistically significant differences were found when comparing the performance of the two control schemes. On average, the ITCS control scheme was 1.15 s faster than the EMG control scheme, corresponding to a 35.4% reduction in the activation time. The largest difference was for grasp 5 with a mean AT reduction of 45.3% (2.38 s). The findings indicate that using the ITCS control scheme could allow for faster activation of specific grasps or functions compared with a conventional EMG control scheme. For transhumeral and especially bilateral amputees, the ITCS control scheme could have a significant impact on the prosthesis control. In addition, the ITCS would provide bilateral amputees with the additional advantage of environmental and computer control for which the ITCS was originally developed.

  10. Control-oriented modeling and adaptive backstepping control for a nonminimum phase hypersonic vehicle. (United States)

    Ye, Linqi; Zong, Qun; Tian, Bailing; Zhang, Xiuyun; Wang, Fang


    In this paper, the nonminimum phase problem of a flexible hypersonic vehicle is investigated. The main challenge of nonminimum phase is the prevention of dynamic inversion methods to nonlinear control design. To solve this problem, we make research on the relationship between nonminimum phase and backstepping control, finding that a stable nonlinear controller can be obtained by changing the control loop on the basis of backstepping control. By extending the control loop to cover the internal dynamics in it, the internal states are directly controlled by the inputs and simultaneously serve as virtual control for the external states, making it possible to guarantee output tracking as well as internal stability. Then, based on the extended control loop, a simplified control-oriented model is developed to enable the applicability of adaptive backstepping method. It simplifies the design process and releases some limitations caused by direct use of the no simplified control-oriented model. Next, under proper assumptions, asymptotic stability is proved for constant commands, while bounded stability is proved for varying commands. The proposed method is compared with approximate backstepping control and dynamic surface control and is shown to have superior tracking accuracy as well as robustness from the simulation results. This paper may also provide a beneficial guidance for control design of other complex systems. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Time under control: time perspective and desire for control in substance use. (United States)

    Fieulaine, Nicolas; Martinez, Frederic


    To investigate the role of time perspective and desire for control in self-reported substance use and to test for a moderating effect of desire for control in the relation between time perspective and substance use. A random sample of 240 persons, aged 15 years and over, selected in various public spaces in an urban region in central France. Time perspective was measured using subscales of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI, Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999), Desire for control was measured using a translated version of the Desire for Control Scale (DCS, Burger & Cooper, 1979), and substance use was self-reported. After controlling for age and gender, significant links were found between time perspective and substance use. Desire for control did not appear to be directly related to substance use. The interaction effect between TP and desire for control appeared to be related to substance use. There was evidence that the relation between TP and substance use is buffered by low desire for control. This study converges with previous studies demonstrating the relation between TP and substance use, but provides evidence of the moderating role played by desire for control. Desire for control thus appears as worthy of interest in the analysis of self-regulatory process, and further research on the links between TP and various aspects of control is required. In order to be more effective, the design of future studies and interventions based on time-related issues should consider how desire for control plays a part in establishing vulnerability profiles. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Control of control charts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sri Nurdiati, S.N.


    Although the Shewhart chart is widely used in practice because of its simplicity, applying this control chart to monitor the mean of a process may lead to two types of problems. The first concerns the typically unknown parameters involved in the distribution, while the second concerns the validity

  13. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-Based Predictive Control

    KAUST Repository

    Siddiqui, Bilal A.; El-Ferik, Sami; Abdelkader, Mohamed


    In this work, a cascade structure of a time-scale separated integral sliding mode and model predictive control is proposed as a viable alternative for fault-tolerant control. A multi-variable sliding mode control law is designed as the inner loop of the flight control system. Subspace identification is carried out on the aircraft in closed loop. The identified plant is then used for model predictive controllers in the outer loop. The overall control law demonstrates improved robustness to measurement noise, modeling uncertainties, multiple faults and severe wind turbulence and gusts. In addition, the flight control system employs filters and dead-zone nonlinear elements to reduce chattering and improve handling quality. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed controller using conventional fighter aircraft without control redundancy.

  14. Fault Tolerant Flight Control Using Sliding Modes and Subspace Identification-Based Predictive Control

    KAUST Repository

    Siddiqui, Bilal A.


    In this work, a cascade structure of a time-scale separated integral sliding mode and model predictive control is proposed as a viable alternative for fault-tolerant control. A multi-variable sliding mode control law is designed as the inner loop of the flight control system. Subspace identification is carried out on the aircraft in closed loop. The identified plant is then used for model predictive controllers in the outer loop. The overall control law demonstrates improved robustness to measurement noise, modeling uncertainties, multiple faults and severe wind turbulence and gusts. In addition, the flight control system employs filters and dead-zone nonlinear elements to reduce chattering and improve handling quality. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed controller using conventional fighter aircraft without control redundancy.

  15. Motion Normalized Proportional Control for Improved Pattern Recognition-Based Myoelectric Control. (United States)

    Scheme, Erik; Lock, Blair; Hargrove, Levi; Hill, Wendy; Kuruganti, Usha; Englehart, Kevin


    This paper describes two novel proportional control algorithms for use with pattern recognition-based myoelectric control. The systems were designed to provide automatic configuration of motion-specific gains and to normalize the control space to the user's usable dynamic range. Class-specific normalization parameters were calculated using data collected during classifier training and require no additional user action or configuration. The new control schemes were compared to the standard method of deriving proportional control using a one degree of freedom Fitts' law test for each of the wrist flexion/extension, wrist pronation/supination and hand close/open degrees of freedom. Performance was evaluated using the Fitts' law throughput value as well as more descriptive metrics including path efficiency, overshoot, stopping distance and completion rate. The proposed normalization methods significantly outperformed the incumbent method in every performance category for able bodied subjects (p < 0.001) and nearly every category for amputee subjects. Furthermore, one proposed method significantly outperformed both other methods in throughput (p < 0.0001), yielding 21% and 40% improvement over the incumbent method for amputee and able bodied subjects, respectively. The proposed control schemes represent a computationally simple method of fundamentally improving myoelectric control users' ability to elicit robust, and controlled, proportional velocity commands.

  16. Implementation and performance evaluation open-source controller for precision control of gripper (United States)

    Lee, Seung-Yong; Ham, Un-Hyeong; Park, Young-Woo; Jung, Hak-Sang; Jung, Il-Kyun; Lim, Sun


    This paper proposes integrating gripper embedded operating system, which consist of external interface structure for sophisticated gripper control. This system has multiple functions that control the gripping module and measure the pose of the gripper body with respect to contact environment. A controller based on open source only for the gripper is developed and an external communication interface between robot controller and gripper controller is designed. An experimental environment for the fixed-cycle test consists of integrating magic gripper software system and hardware on commercial business. As a result, a deviation is measured approximately 2% and the system were verified for gripper control.

  17. Application of H∞ control theory to power control of a nonlinear reactor model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Katsuo; Shimazaki, Junya; Shinohara, Yoshikuni


    The H∞ control theory is applied to the compensator design of a nonlinear nuclear reactor model, and the results are compared with standard linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control. The reactor model is assumed to be provided with a control rod drive system having the compensation of rod position feedback. The nonlinearity of the reactor model exerts a great influence on the stability of the control system, and hence, it is desirable for a power control system of a nuclear reactor to achieve robust stability and to improve the sensitivity of the feedback control system. A computer simulation based on a power control system synthesized by LQG control was performed revealing that the control system has some stationary offset and less stability. Therefore, here, attention is given to the development of a methodology for robust control that can withstand exogenous disturbances and nonlinearity in view of system parameter changes. The developed methodology adopts H∞ control theory in the feedback system and shows interesting features of robustness. The results of the computer simulation indicate that the feedback control system constructed by the developed H∞ compensator possesses sufficient robustness of control on the stability and disturbance attenuation, which are essential for the safe operation of a nuclear reactor

  18. Computer Controlled Portable Greenhouse Climate Control System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (United States)

    Datsenko, Anthony; Myer, Steve; Petties, Albert; Hustek, Ryan; Thompson, Mark


    This paper discusses a student project at Kettering University focusing on the design and construction of an energy efficient greenhouse climate control system. In order to maintain acceptable temperatures and stabilize temperature fluctuations in a portable plastic greenhouse economically, a computer controlled climate control system was developed to capture and store thermal energy incident on the structure during daylight periods and release the stored thermal energy during dark periods. The thermal storage mass for the greenhouse system consisted of a water filled base unit. The heat exchanger consisted of a system of PVC tubing. The control system used a programmable LabView computer interface to meet functional specifications that minimized temperature fluctuations and recorded data during operation. The greenhouse was a portable sized unit with a 5' x 5' footprint. Control input sensors were temperature, water level, and humidity sensors and output control devices were fan actuating relays and water fill solenoid valves. A Graphical User Interface was developed to monitor the system, set control parameters, and to provide programmable data recording times and intervals.

  19. Neural network-based nonlinear model predictive control vs. linear quadratic gaussian control (United States)

    Cho, C.; Vance, R.; Mardi, N.; Qian, Z.; Prisbrey, K.


    One problem with the application of neural networks to the multivariable control of mineral and extractive processes is determining whether and how to use them. The objective of this investigation was to compare neural network control to more conventional strategies and to determine if there are any advantages in using neural network control in terms of set-point tracking, rise time, settling time, disturbance rejection and other criteria. The procedure involved developing neural network controllers using both historical plant data and simulation models. Various control patterns were tried, including both inverse and direct neural network plant models. These were compared to state space controllers that are, by nature, linear. For grinding and leaching circuits, a nonlinear neural network-based model predictive control strategy was superior to a state space-based linear quadratic gaussian controller. The investigation pointed out the importance of incorporating state space into neural networks by making them recurrent, i.e., feeding certain output state variables into input nodes in the neural network. It was concluded that neural network controllers can have better disturbance rejection, set-point tracking, rise time, settling time and lower set-point overshoot, and it was also concluded that neural network controllers can be more reliable and easy to implement in complex, multivariable plants.

  20. Global marketing control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    John Rance; Galina Zhiltsova


    The reasoning issue of this work is to research and define the efficient methods of global marketing control. The report is focused on the following aspects: the importance of the control systems in global marketing environment, the relationship between planning and controlling, types and the

  1. Control system and method for payload control in mobile platform cranes (United States)

    Robinett, III, Rush D.; Groom, Kenneth N.; Feddema, John T.; Parker, Gordon G.


    A crane control system and method provides a way to generate crane commands responsive to a desired payload motion to achieve substantially pendulation-free actual payload motion. The control system and method apply a motion compensator to maintain a payload in a defined payload configuration relative to an inertial coordinate frame. The control system and method can further comprise a pendulation damper controller to reduce an amount of pendulation between a sensed payload configuration and the defined payload configuration. The control system and method can further comprise a command shaping filter to filter out a residual payload pendulation frequency from the desired payload motion.

  2. Stepless control system for reciprocating compressors: energy savings + process control improvement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grande, Alvaro; Wenisch, Markus [Hoerbiger Ventilwerke GmbH and Co KG, Wien (Austria); Jacobs, Denis [HOERBIGER do Brasil Industria de Equipamentos, Cajamar, SP (Brazil)


    In the past, the capacity of reciprocating compressors was typically controlled by on/off unloaders (step-control) and recycle valves. But due to the fact that the power ratings of new reciprocating compressors for the oil and gas industry increase significantly, advanced control systems are required to reduce power costs and save energy. On top of that, multi-stage compressors are frequently integrated into complex process plants that demand precise control and operational flexibility. There are several solutions for this equation, but maybe the most successful is the use of the reverse flow principle applied to an electronically controlled and hydraulically actuated suction valve unloaders system. (author)

  3. Infinite horizon optimal impulsive control with applications to Internet congestion control (United States)

    Avrachenkov, Konstantin; Habachi, Oussama; Piunovskiy, Alexey; Zhang, Yi


    We investigate infinite-horizon deterministic optimal control problems with both gradual and impulsive controls, where any finitely many impulses are allowed simultaneously. Both discounted and long-run time-average criteria are considered. We establish very general and at the same time natural conditions, under which the dynamic programming approach results in an optimal feedback policy. The established theoretical results are applied to the Internet congestion control, and by solving analytically and nontrivially the underlying optimal control problems, we obtain a simple threshold-based active queue management scheme, which takes into account the main parameters of the transmission control protocols, and improves the fairness among the connections in a given network.

  4. Balancing Trust and Control

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jagd, Søren

    This paper focuses on the leadership challenge of balancing trust and control. The relation between trust and control has for a long time been a puzzling issue for management researchers. In the paper I first show that there has been a dramatic change in the way the relation between trust...... and control has been conceptualized in trust research. While the relation between trust and control earlier was conceptualized as a more or less stable balance between trust and control, more recent research conceptualizes the relation between trust and control more as a dynamical process that involves...... an ongoing process of balancing the relation between trust and control. Second, taking the departure in the recent conceptualization of the balance between trust and control as an interactive process I discuss the challenges for management in handling this more subtle balancing of trust and control...

  5. Direct product quality control for energy efficient climate controlled transport of agro-material

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verdijck, G.J.C.; Preisig, H.A.; Straten, van G.


    A (model-based) Product Quality Controller is presented for climate controlled operations involving agro-material, such as storage and transport. This controller belongs to the class of Model Predictive Controllers and fits in a previously developed hierarchical control structure. The new Product

  6. CAMMESA control center controllers qualification; Habilitacion de operadores del centro de control de CAMMESA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaller, Daniel J [CAMMESA, Compania Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Electrico S.A., Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    The safety and quality of the Interconnection Argentine System (IAS) operation, basically depend on the personnel performance in the CAMMESA Operation Control Center (COC), which is the IAS maximum operative hierarchy, and whose mission is to coordinate the IAS and the dispatch of the AWEM (Argentine Wholesale Electric Market) in real time. With the goal of improving the COC controllers' qualification in order to prevent critical situations and to solve the emergences based on an efficient way, in 1999 the process of 'Habilitation of OCC Controllers' was accomplished according to the resolution number 208/98 from the Energy General Office. This technical contribution describes the executed stages and the acquired experiences when applying the mentioned procedure indicating the main found difficulties, reached results and obtained benefits.

  7. Wisdom Appliance Control System (United States)

    Hendrick; Jheng, Jyun-Teng; Tsai, Chen-Chai; Liou, Jia-Wei; Wang, Zhi-Hao; Jong, Gwo-Jia


    Intelligent appliances wisdom involves security, home care, convenient and energy saving, but the home automation system is still one of the core unit, and also using micro-processing electronics technology to centralized and control the home electrical products and systems, such as: lighting, television, fan, air conditioning, stereo, it composed of front-controller systems and back-controller panels, user using front-controller to control command, and then through the back-controller to powered the device.

  8. Dimensional consistency achieved in high-performance synchronizing hubs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    García, P.


    Full Text Available The tolerances of parts produced for the automotive industry are so tight that any small process variation may mean that the product does not fulfill them. As dimensional tolerances decrease, the material properties of parts are expected to be improved. Depending on the dimensional and material requirements of a part, different production routes are available to find robust processes, minimizing cost and maximizing process capability. Dimensional tolerances have been reduced in recent years, and as a result, the double pressing-double sintering production via (“2P2S” has again become an accurate way to meet these increasingly narrow tolerances. In this paper, it is shown that the process parameters of the first sintering have great influence on the following production steps and the dimensions of the final parts. The roles of factors other than density and the second sintering process in defining the final dimensions of product are probed. All trials were done in a production line that produces synchronizer hubs for manual transmissions, allowing the maintenance of stable conditions and control of those parameters that are relevant for the product and process.

    Las tolerancias en componentes fabricados para la industria del automóvil son tan estrechas que cualquier modificación en las variables del proceso puede provocar que no se cumplan. Una disminución de las tolerancias dimensionales, puede significar una mejora en las propiedades de las piezas. Dependiendo de los requerimientos dimensionales y del material, distintas rutas de procesado pueden seguirse para encontrar un método de procesado robusto, que minimice costes y maximice la capacidad del proceso. En los últimos años, la tolerancia dimensional se ha ajustado gracias a métodos de procesado como el doble prensado/doble sinterizado (“2P2S”, método de gran precisión para conseguir estrechas tolerancias. En este trabajo, se muestra que los parámetros de procesado

  9. Cell Control Engineering

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lynggaard, Hans Jørgen Birk; Alting, Leo


    The engineering process of creating cell control systems is described, and a Cell Control Engineering (CCE) concept is defined. The purpose is to assist people, representing different disciplines in the organisation, to implement cell controllers by addressing the complexity of having many systems...... in physically and logically different and changing manufacturing environments. The defined CCE concept combines state-of-the-art of commercially available enabling technologies for automation system software development, generic cell control models and guidelines for the complete engineering process...

  10. Computer control versus manual control of systemic hypertension during cardiac surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoeksel, S.A.A.P.; Blom, J.A.; Jansen, J.R.C.; Maessen, J.G.; Schreuder, J.J.


    Keywords:Cardiac surgery;hypertension;closed-loop controlBackground: We recently demonstrated the feasibility of computer controlled infusion of vasoactive drugs for the control of systemic hypertension during cardiac surgery. The objective of the current study was to investigate the effects of


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mardiyono Mardiyono


    Full Text Available Background. Perceived control is a personality characteristic that contributes psychological adjustment. It was derived from various theories, so that definitions of perceived control were ambiguous meaning. Disclosing concept of perceived control is required.Objective. The analysis aims to identify definition and use of perceived control, examine the basic attributes of perceived control, and the measurements of perceived control.Method. Databases searched for electronic journals and books that were published from 1994 to 2010 were analyzed.Result. Perceived control is personal belief that refers to controllability on behalf of one’s self and ability to control threats or events. The use of perceived control includes maternal, pediatric, medical, surgical, psychiatric, community nursing, and pain management. Perceived control was composed of two dimensions: belief about controllability and belief about ability to control to threats.Conclusion. Instrument of Anxiety Control Questionnaire most closely corresponds to two dimensions: belief about controllability and ability to control. Defining attributes and dimensions of perceived control are useful for developing tool.Keywords: perceived control, controllability, ability to control, and agency

  12. Wake flow control using a dynamically controlled wind turbine (United States)

    Castillo, Ricardo; Wang, Yeqin; Pol, Suhas; Swift, Andy; Hussain, Fazle; Westergaard, Carsten; Texas Tech University Team


    A wind tunnel based "Hyper Accelerated Wind Farm Kinematic-Control Simulator" (HAWKS) is being built at Texas Tech University to emulate controlled wind turbine flow physics. The HAWKS model turbine has pitch, yaw and speed control which is operated in real model time, similar to that of an equivalent full scale turbine. Also, similar to that of a full scale wind turbine, the controls are developed in a Matlab Simulink environment. The current diagnostic system consists of power, rotor position, rotor speed measurements and PIV wake characterization with four cameras. The setup allows up to 7D downstream of the rotor to be mapped. The purpose of HAWKS is to simulate control strategies at turnaround times much faster than CFD and full scale testing. The fundamental building blocks of the simulator have been tested, and demonstrate wake steering for both static and dynamic turbine actuation. Parameters which have been studied are yaw, rotor speed and combinations hereof. The measured wake deflections for static yaw cases are in agreement with previously reported research implying general applicability of the HAWKS platform for the purpose of manipulating the wake. In this presentation the general results will be introduced followed by an analysis of the wake turbulence and coherent structures when comparing static and dynamic flow cases. The outcome of such studies could ultimately support effective wind farm wake flow control strategies. Texas Emerging Technology Fund (ETF).

  13. Control Multivariable por Desacoplo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Morilla


    Full Text Available Resumen: La interacción entre variables es una característica inherente de los procesos multivariables, que dificulta su operación y el diseño de sus sistemas de control. Bajo el paradigma de Control por desacoplo se agrupan un conjunto de metodologías, que tradicionalmente han estado orientadas a eliminar o reducir la interacción, y que recientemente algunos investigadores han reorientado con objetivos de solucionar un problema tan complejo como es el control multivariable. Parte del material descrito en este artículo es bien conocido en el campo del control de procesos, pero la mayor parte de él son resultados de varios años de investigación de los autores en los que han primado la generalización del problema, la búsqueda de soluciones de fácil implementación y la combinación de bloques elementales de control PID. Esta conjunción de intereses provoca que no siempre se pueda conseguir un desacoplo perfecto, pero que sí se pueda conseguir una considerable reducción de la interacción en el nivel básico de la pirámide de control, en beneficio de otros sistemas de control que ocupan niveles jerárquicos superiores. El artículo resume todos los aspectos básicos del Control por desacoplo y su aplicación a dos procesos representativos: una planta experimental de cuatro tanques acoplados y un modelo 4×4 de un sistema experimental de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado. Abstract: The interaction between variables is inherent in multivariable processes and this fact may complicate their operation and control system design. Under the paradigm of decoupling control, several methodologies that traditionally have been addressed to cancel or reduce the interactions are gathered. Recently, this approach has been reoriented by several researchers with the aim to solve such a complex problem as the multivariable control. Parts of the material in this work are well known in the process control field; however, most of them are

  14. Analysis of explicit model predictive control for path-following control. (United States)

    Lee, Junho; Chang, Hyuk-Jun


    In this paper, explicit Model Predictive Control(MPC) is employed for automated lane-keeping systems. MPC has been regarded as the key to handle such constrained systems. However, the massive computational complexity of MPC, which employs online optimization, has been a major drawback that limits the range of its target application to relatively small and/or slow problems. Explicit MPC can reduce this computational burden using a multi-parametric quadratic programming technique(mp-QP). The control objective is to derive an optimal front steering wheel angle at each sampling time so that autonomous vehicles travel along desired paths, including straight, circular, and clothoid parts, at high entry speeds. In terms of the design of the proposed controller, a method of choosing weighting matrices in an optimization problem and the range of horizons for path-following control are described through simulations. For the verification of the proposed controller, simulation results obtained using other control methods such as MPC, Linear-Quadratic Regulator(LQR), and driver model are employed, and CarSim, which reflects the features of a vehicle more realistically than MATLAB/Simulink, is used for reliable demonstration.

  15. Analysis of explicit model predictive control for path-following control (United States)


    In this paper, explicit Model Predictive Control(MPC) is employed for automated lane-keeping systems. MPC has been regarded as the key to handle such constrained systems. However, the massive computational complexity of MPC, which employs online optimization, has been a major drawback that limits the range of its target application to relatively small and/or slow problems. Explicit MPC can reduce this computational burden using a multi-parametric quadratic programming technique(mp-QP). The control objective is to derive an optimal front steering wheel angle at each sampling time so that autonomous vehicles travel along desired paths, including straight, circular, and clothoid parts, at high entry speeds. In terms of the design of the proposed controller, a method of choosing weighting matrices in an optimization problem and the range of horizons for path-following control are described through simulations. For the verification of the proposed controller, simulation results obtained using other control methods such as MPC, Linear-Quadratic Regulator(LQR), and driver model are employed, and CarSim, which reflects the features of a vehicle more realistically than MATLAB/Simulink, is used for reliable demonstration. PMID:29534080

  16. Fluid control valves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rankin, J.


    A fluid control valve is described in which it is not necessary to insert a hand or a tool into the housing to remove the valve seat. Such a valve is particularly suitable for the control of radioactive fluids since maintenance by remote control is possible. (UK)

  17. Guaranteed Cost Fault-Tolerant Control for Networked Control Systems with Sensor Faults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qixin Zhu


    Full Text Available For the large scale and complicated structure of networked control systems, time-varying sensor faults could inevitably occur when the system works in a poor environment. Guaranteed cost fault-tolerant controller for the new networked control systems with time-varying sensor faults is designed in this paper. Based on time delay of the network transmission environment, the networked control systems with sensor faults are modeled as a discrete-time system with uncertain parameters. And the model of networked control systems is related to the boundary values of the sensor faults. Moreover, using Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequalities (LMI approach, the guaranteed cost fault-tolerant controller is verified to render such networked control systems asymptotically stable. Finally, simulations are included to demonstrate the theoretical results.

  18. Stator Current Harmonic Control with Resonant Controller for Doubly Fed Induction Generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Changjin; Blaabjerg, Frede; Chen, Wenjie


    rotor current control loop for harmonic suppression. The overall control scheme is implemented in dq frame. Based on a mathematical model of the DFIG control system, the effects on system stability using the resonant controller, an analysis of the steady-state error, and the dynamic performance......, are discussed in this paper. Taking these effects into account, the parameters of the resonant controller can be designed and effectively damp the influence from the grid voltage harmonics. As a result, the impacts of the negative sequence fifth- and positive sequence seventh-order voltage harmonics...... harmonics, especially low-order harmonics. This paper proposes a stator current harmonic suppression method using a sixth-order resonant controller to eliminate negative sequence fifth- and positive sequence seventh-order current harmonics. A stator current harmonic control loop is added to the conventional...

  19. Controllable sliding bearings and controllable lubrication principles-an overview

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Santos, Ilmar F.


    -mechanical actuators have been coupled to such bearings. Depending on (i) the actuator type; (ii) the actuation principle, i.e., hydraulic, pneumatic, piezoelectric or magnetic among others; and (iii) how such an actuator is coupled to the sliding bearings, different regulation and control actions of fluid film...... bearing gap and its preload via moveable and compliant sliding surfaces; and (d) the control of the lubricant viscosity. All four parameters, i.e., pressure, flow (velocity profiles), gap and viscosity, are explicit parameters in the modified form of Reynolds' equations for active lubrication....... In this framework, this paper gives one main original contribution to the state-of-the-art of radial sliding bearings and controllable lubrication: a comprehensive overview about the different types of controllable sliding bearings and principles used by several authors. The paper ends with some conclusive remarks...

  20. Decoupled Modulation Control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Shaobu; Huang, Renke; Huang, Zhenyu; Diao, Ruisheng


    The objective of this research work is to develop decoupled modulation control methods for damping inter-area oscillations with low frequencies, so the damping control can be more effective and easier to design with less interference among different oscillation modes in the power system. A signal-decoupling algorithm was developed that can enable separation of multiple oscillation frequency contents and extraction of a “pure” oscillation frequency mode that are fed into Power System Stabilizers (PSSs) as the modulation input signals. As a result, instead of introducing interferences between different oscillation modes from the traditional approaches, the output of the new PSS modulation control signal mainly affects only one oscillation mode of interest. The new decoupled modulation damping control algorithm has been successfully developed and tested on the standard IEEE 4-machine 2-area test system and a minniWECC system. The results are compared against traditional modulation controls, which demonstrates the validity and effectiveness of the newly-developed decoupled modulation damping control algorithm.