
Sample records for control del chagas

  1. [Institutional insertion of Chagas' disease control]. (United States)

    Silveira, Antônio Carlos; Pimenta, Fabiano


    After the starting of the Center for studies and prophylaxis of Chagas disease in 1943, with the help of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in the city of Bambuí, state of Minas Gerais, technological and methodological basis for the extensive control of the disease were conceived. A main step to achieve success was the introduction of a new insecticide (gammexane, P 530) and the demonstration of its efficacy in the vector control. A consequence of these improvements was the official inauguration of the first prophylactic campaign for Chagas disease in Brazil, held in Uberaba in May, 1950. Even with the knowledge of how to control the vectorial transmission, financial resources were not available by this time, at a necessary degree to make it both regularly and in all the affected area. The institutional allocation of these activities is useful to understand the low priority given to them at that time. Several national services were created in 1941, for diseases as malaria, pest, smallpox, among others, but Chagas was included in a group of diseases with lower importance, inside a Division of Sanitary Organization. In 1956, the National Department of Rural endemies (DNERu) allocate all the major endemic diseases in a single institution, however this was not translated in an implementation program for the control of Chagas disease. After profound changes at the Ministry of Health, in 1970, the Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública (SUCAM) was in charge of all rural endemies including Chagas disease, which now could compete with other diseases transmitted by vectors, formerly priorities, included in the National Division. With this new status, more funds were available, as well as redistribution of personnel and expenses from the malaria program to the vectorial control of Chagas disease. In 1991 the Health National foundation was created to substitute SUCAM in the control of endemic diseases and it included all the units of the Ministry of Health related to

  2. Control del Chagas en comunidades guaraníes: conocimiento y hábitos higiénicos dentro del Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Viviendas en Bolivia Control of Chagas' disease in Guarani Communities: project to improve living conditions in Bolivia

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    J. Verdú


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue identificar el conocimiento y control del vector (Triatoma infestans transmisor de la enfermedad de Chagas en comunidades guaraníes de Bolivia, conocido como vinchuca. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de una serie de 98 casos mediante cuestionario semiestructurado sobre: conocimiento de la vinchuca, si produce alguna enfermedad, nombre de la enfermedad y sus consecuencias, así como las conductas de higiene: patio, vivienda, corrales. La vinchuca fue suficientemente conocida (98%, aunque sólo el 14,3% identificó el nombre de la enfermedad. Pese a ser ambientes apropiados para la proliferación de vinchucas, se limpian con poca frecuencia: el 28,6% limpia la vivienda, el 42,9% el patio y el 7,1% el corral. Se evidencia una división sexual del trabajo: mientras las mujeres limpian la vivienda y el patio, los varones limpian los corrales. La experiencia enseña el valor del proyecto de construcción de viviendas saludables y educación para la salud en la medida en que la comunidad los valora. Probablemente, las mujeres son el mejor grupo destinatario, pues realizan más tareas preventivas y no se ausentan con tanta frecuencia de la comunidad.The aim of this study was to identify knowledge and control of vectorial transmission (Triatoma infestans, known as vinchuca of Chagas' disease in Guaraní Communities in Bolivia. We performed a descriptive study of a series of 98 individuals through a semi-structured questionnaire. Interviewees were asked about their familiarity with vinchuca, whether they thought vinchuca produced disease, the name of the disease and its consequences, as well as behavior related to eliminating the domestic insect vectors, such as cleaning of the home, backyard and corral. The insect vector was sufficiently well known (98%, although the name of the disease was identified by only 14.3% of the interviewees. Although the dwellings favored insect proliferation, they were not frequently cleaned: 28.6% cleaned

  3. Control del Chagas en comunidades guaraníes: conocimiento y hábitos higiénicos dentro del Proyecto de Mejoramiento de Viviendas en Bolivia

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    Verdú J.


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue identificar el conocimiento y control del vector (Triatoma infestans transmisor de la enfermedad de Chagas en comunidades guaraníes de Bolivia, conocido como vinchuca. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de una serie de 98 casos mediante cuestionario semiestructurado sobre: conocimiento de la vinchuca, si produce alguna enfermedad, nombre de la enfermedad y sus consecuencias, así como las conductas de higiene: patio, vivienda, corrales. La vinchuca fue suficientemente conocida (98%, aunque sólo el 14,3% identificó el nombre de la enfermedad. Pese a ser ambientes apropiados para la proliferación de vinchucas, se limpian con poca frecuencia: el 28,6% limpia la vivienda, el 42,9% el patio y el 7,1% el corral. Se evidencia una división sexual del trabajo: mientras las mujeres limpian la vivienda y el patio, los varones limpian los corrales. La experiencia enseña el valor del proyecto de construcción de viviendas saludables y educación para la salud en la medida en que la comunidad los valora. Probablemente, las mujeres son el mejor grupo destinatario, pues realizan más tareas preventivas y no se ausentan con tanta frecuencia de la comunidad.

  4. Enfermedad de Chagas en Nicaragua

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    Carlos N. Talavera - López


    Full Text Available LA ENFERMEDAD DE CHAGAS ES UN PROBLEMA DE SALUD pública en toda Latinoamérica; alrededor de 20 millones de personas están infectadas y 200 millones están en riesgo de contraer la enfermedad. En 2006, la prevalencia en Centroamérica era del 7%. Actualmente no existe vacuna contra el protozoo y el tratamiento disponible resulta, aparte de poco efectivo, muy tóxico para el paciente. Los programas de control de vectores han ayudado a reducir los índices de infestación en Latinoamérica, pero aún falta mucho por hacer. En Nicaragua, la enfermedad de Chagas está subvalorada y los trabajos publicados son muy pocos. Es necesario investigar sobre esta enfermedad en nuestro país con otro enfoque, uno que no subvalore la enfermedad y ayude a desarrollar métodos diagnósticos y posibles tratamientos. Este artículo recopila información sobre los trabajos realizados porlos grupos más importantes de investigación en Chagas de Nicaragua en cuanto a epidemiología, control vectorial, diagnóstico y caracterización molecular.

  5. A Paratransgenic Strategy for the Control of Chagas Disease

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    Ivy Hurwitz


    Full Text Available Chagas disease results from infection with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. This disease remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in central and south America. Chagas disease now exists and is detected worldwide because of human migration. Control of Chagas disease has relied mainly on vector eradication however, the development of insect resistance to pesticides, coupled with cost and adverse health effects of insecticide treatments, has prompted our group to investigate novel methods of transmission control. Our laboratory has been instrumental in the development of the paratransgenic strategy to control vectorial transmission of T. cruzi. In this paper, we discuss various components of the paratransgenic approach. Specifically, we describe classes of molecules that can serve as effectors, including antimicrobial peptides, endoglucanases, and highly specific single chain antibodies that target surface glycoprotein tags on the surface of T. cruzi. Furthermore, we address evolving concepts related to field dispersal of engineered bacteria as part of the paratransgenic control strategy and attendant risk assessment evaluation.

  6. Representaciones sociales sobre la problemática de Chagas en un servicio de salud comunitaria del Gran La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (United States)

    Sanmartino, Mariana; Amieva, Carolina; Medone, Y Paula


    Hablar de Chagas es hablar de una problemática compleja, definida por elementos de carácter biomédico, epidemiológico, sociocultural y político, que se conjugan dinámicamente. En este trabajo buscamos identificar y analizar las representaciones sobre Chagas de los integrantes del equipo de salud de un centro de atención periurbano de la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina. Mediante un abordaje cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y se analizaron las respuestas con la técnica del análisis de contenido. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor parte de las personas entrevistadas no contempla al Chagas como una problemática en su contexto laboral cotidiano y manifiestan un fuerte sesgo biologicista en su formación profesional. Con este trabajo señalamos la urgente necesidad de reflexionar críticamente en torno a la formación de los profesionales de la salud en relación a problemáticas socioambientales complejas de importancia regional, como lo es el Chagas.

  7. Trypanosomiasis americana en el Perú: III. Importancia del cobayo como reservorio de la enfermedad de Chagas en la región sudoccidental

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    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available 1. En el Perú, a lo largo de toda la región infestada por el Triatoma infestans, la gente frecuentemente cría cobayos en las mismas habitaciones humanas o en corrales contiguos a éstas. 2. De la estrecha relación existente entre el cobayo y el T. infestans, en lo que concierne a la enfermedad de Chagas el citado roedor adquiere importancia como: a uno de los principales huéspedes del insecto; y b el reservorio más importante del Trypanosoma cruzi. 3. Debido al trasporte del cobayo de unas localidades a otras, deviene también este roedor como activo medio de diseminación del agente etiológico de la enfermedad de Chagas.

  8. La enfermedad de Chagas en las Américas: una perspectiva de ecosalud Chagas disease in the Americas: an ecohealth perspective

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    Roberto Briceño-León


    Full Text Available El proceso de transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas ha estado históricamente relacionado con los patrones de ocupación territorial de los asentamientos humanos. En las áreas rurales puede ocurrir más fácilmente el encuentro del vector, los agentes patógenos y los seres humanos, por las condiciones de la vivienda y la pobreza existente en estas zonas. Los procesos migratorios permanentes o estacionales han jugado un papel igualmente importante en el transporte de los vectores y en la infección de la población en las zonas urbanas. Las nuevas fronteras agrícolas del Amazonas se han establecido nuevas áreas de transmisión de la enfermedad. La atención dada a los bancos de sangre ha permitido disminuir la transmisión transfusional, pero la inmigración internacional ha cambiado la situación epidemiológica, pues en Estados Unidos y España viven miles de enfermos que habían sido infectados décadas antes y no encuentran adecuada atención. Los avances en el conocimiento y el control de la enfermedad son mostrados en el artículo, señalando las limitaciones existentes en cuanto al mejoramiento de las condiciones ambientales y de vivienda de los pobres.The historical processes involved in Chagas disease transmission relate to the patterns and conditions of human settlements, especially in rural areas, due to proximity to forest areas, where both vectors and Trypanosoma cruzi can occur, combined with precarious housing conditions and underlying poverty. However, seasonal and permanent rural-urban migration has played a major role in re-mobilizing vectors, T. cruzi, and Chagas-infected individuals. A new agricultural frontier in the Amazon has led to a new transmission pattern, especially with palm trees located close to houses. Improved blood bank surveillance has decreased transmission by blood transfusions. International migration also plays a role in Chagas disease epidemiology. The United States and Spain, where specific health

  9. La migrazione del chagas: Costruzione bio-medica e socio-politica delle malattie tropicali dimenticate


    Ciannameo, Anna


    Questo studio propone un'esplorazione dei nessi tra processi migratori ed esperienze di salute e malattia a partire da un'indagine sulle migrazioni provenienti dall'America latina in Emilia-Romagna. Contemporaneamente indaga i termini del dibattito sulla diffusione della Malattia di Chagas, “infezione tropicale dimenticata” endemica in America centro-meridionale che, grazie all'incremento dei flussi migratori transnazionali, viene oggi riconfigurata come 'emergente' in alcuni contesti di imm...

  10. Acute Chagas disease in El Salvador 2000-2012 - Need for surveillance and control

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    Emi Sasagawa


    Full Text Available Several parasitological studies carried out in El Salvador between 2000-2012 showed a higher frequency of acute cases of Chagas disease than that in other Central American countries. There is an urgent need for improved Chagas disease surveillance and vector control programs in the provinces where acute Chagas disease occurs and throughout El Salvador as a whole.

  11. The impact of Chagas disease control in Latin America: a review. (United States)

    Dias, J C P; Silveira, A C; Schofield, C J


    Discovered in 1909, Chagas disease was progressively shown to be widespread throughout Latin America, affecting millions of rural people with a high impact on morbidity and mortality. With no vaccine or specific treatment available for large-scale public health interventions, the main control strategy relies on prevention of transmission, principally by eliminating the domestic insect vectors and control of transmission by blood transfusion. Vector control activities began in the 1940s, initially by means of housing improvement and then through insecticide spraying following successful field trials in Brazil (Bambui Research Centre), with similar results soon reproduced in São Paulo, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. But national control programmes only began to be implemented after the 1970s, when technical questions were overcome and the scientific demonstration of the high social impact of Chagas disease was used to encourage political determination in favour of national campaigns (mainly in Brazil). Similarly, large-scale screening of infected blood donors in Latin America only began in the 1980s following the emergence of AIDS. By the end of the last century it became clear that continuous control in contiguous endemic areas could lead to the elimination of the most highly domestic vector populations - especially Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus - as well as substantial reductions of other widespread species such as T. brasiliensis, T. sordida, and T. dimidiata, leading in turn to interruption of disease transmission to rural people. The social impact of Chagas disease control can now be readily demonstrated by the disappearance of acute cases and of new infections in younger age groups, as well as progressive reductions of mortality and morbidity rates in controlled areas. In economic terms, the cost-benefit relationship between intervention (insecticide spraying, serology in blood banks) and the reduction of Chagas disease (in terms of medical and

  12. The impact of Chagas disease control in Latin America: a review

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    JCP Dias


    Full Text Available Discovered in 1909, Chagas disease was progressively shown to be widespread throughout Latin America, affecting millions of rural people with a high impact on morbidity and mortality. With no vaccine or specific treatment available for large-scale public health interventions, the main control strategy relies on prevention of transmission, principally by eliminating the domestic insect vectors and control of transmission by blood transfusion. Vector control activities began in the 1940s, initially by means of housing improvement and then through insecticide spraying following successful field trials in Brazil (Bambui Research Centre, with similar results soon reproduced in São Paulo, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile. But national control programmes only began to be implemented after the 1970s, when technical questions were overcome and the scientific demonstration of the high social impact of Chagas disease was used to encourage political determination in favour of national campaigns (mainly in Brazil. Similarly, large-scale screening of infected blood donors in Latin America only began in the 1980s following the emergence of AIDS. By the end of the last century it became clear that continuous control in contiguous endemic areas could lead to the elimination of the most highly domestic vector populations - especially Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus - as well as substantial reductions of other widespread species such as T. brasiliensis, T. sordida, and T. dimidiata, leading in turn to interruption of disease transmission to rural people. The social impact of Chagas disease control can now be readily demonstrated by the disappearance of acute cases and of new infections in younger age groups, as well as progressive reductions of mortality and morbidity rates in controlled areas. In economic terms, the cost-benefit relationship between intervention (insecticide spraying, serology in blood banks and the reduction of Chagas disease (in terms

  13. Chagas disease: control, elimination and eradication. Is it possible?

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    Jose Rodrigues Coura


    wild triatomines in that area. Finally, a characteristic that is greatly in evidence currently is the migration of people with Chagas disease from endemic areas of Latin America to non-endemic countries. This has created a new dilemma for these countries: the risk of transmission through blood transfusion and the onus of controlling donors and treating migrants with the disease. As an enzooty of wild animals and vectors, and as an anthropozoonosis, Chagas disease cannot be eradicated, but it must be controlled by transmission elimination to man.

  14. Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre la enfermedad de Chagas en población escolar de una zona endémica del Perú

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    Cabrera Rufino


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio es presentar los resultados obtenidos sobre conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas acerca de la enfermedad de Chagas, en 241 escolares de educación primaria en La Tinguiña, Ica, Perú (diciembre 2000 - enero 2001. Menos del 1% de los encuestados reconoce que los triatomas trasmiten la enfermedad de Chagas, y casi la cuarta parte reconoce la enfermedad por la formación de "ronchas" en la piel; el 35,27% sabe que la infestación por el vector se controla con insecticidas. El 26,56% reconoce a los estados adultos del vector y el 21,16% a las ninfas; el 14,11% lo conoce con el nombre de "chirimacha"; el 82,57% aceptaría una encuesta entomológica; el 66,80% permitiría un estudio serológico y el 63,90% participaría en la búsqueda de triatominos. Este estudio revela que la población, a pesar de tener conocimientos muy limitados sobre la enfermedad y su vector, muestra interés en colaborar. Por lo tanto, se recomienda que las estrategias de vigilancia y control de esta enfermedad, incluyan necesariamente programas educativos y de participación comunitaria, en la implantación de futuros programas de control.

  15. Seroprevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en el cantón Aguarico, Amazonía ecuatoriana Seroprevalence of Chagas disease in Aguarico canton in the Ecuadorian Amazon

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    Manuel Amunárriz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar el estado actual de la seroprevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en la población del cantón Aguarico, y comparar los resultados obtenidos con datos provenientes de otros estudios epidemiológicos. MÉTODOS: Desde septiembre de 2008 hasta octubre de 2009 se recogieron 2 033 sueros correspondientes a 36,6% de la población total del cantón Aguarico. Se empleó la técnica CHAGATEST/ELISA recombinante v.3.0 para determinar positividad a la enfermedad de Chagas. Los casos positivos se confirmaron con pruebas de hemoaglutinación indirecta y ELISA. RESULTADOS: De las 2 033 muestras de suero obtenidas, 73 fueron positivas para Chagas (3,6%. El rango de variación de seroprevalencia en las comunidades con casos positivos osciló entre 1,4% y 13,3%. Un 60,3% de los casos positivos se encontraron en el sexo femenino. Estos hallazgos son similares a los de estudios previos de comparación realizados en 1990. CONCLUSIONES: Los datos obtenidos confirman la existencia de un foco autóctono de la enfermedad de Chagas en la Amazonía ecuatoriana, con un porcentaje superior a la media de la región amazónica. No se detectaron cuadros clínicos agudos ni patologías crónicas. Es perentorio implementar un programa de control de la enfermedad culturalmente adaptado a la región.OBJECTIVE: Determine the current seroprevalence of Chagas disease in the population of Aguarico canton, and compare the findings with data from other epidemiological studies. METHODS: From September 2008 to October 2009, 2 033 serum samples were collected from 36.6% of the total population in Aguarico canton. The Chagatest recombinant ELISA v.3.0 was used to determine positivity to Chagas disease. Cases that tested positive were confirmed by indirect hemagglutination and ELISA. RESULTS: Of the 2 033 serum samples obtained, 73 tested positive for Chagas disease (3.6%. Seroprevalence in communities with positive cases ranged from 1.4% to 13.3%, with 60.3% of the

  16. A Multi-disciplinary Overview of Chagas in Periurban Peru

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    Sarah McCune


    Full Text Available There are between 8 and 11 million cases of America Human Trypanosomiasis, commonly known as Chagas disease, in Latin America. Chagas is endemic in southern Peru, especially the Arequipa region, where it has expanded from poor, rural areas to periurban communities. This paper summarizes the findings of four studies in periurban Arequipa: on determinants of disease-vector infestation; on prevalence, spatial patterns, and risk factors of Chagas; on links between migration, settlement patterns, and disease-vector infestation; and on the relationship between discordant test results and spatially clustered transmission hotspots. These studies identified two risk factors associated with the disease: population dynamics and the urbanization of poverty. Understanding the disease within this new urban context will allow for improved public health prevention efforts and policy initiatives. Discovered in 1909 by Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, American Human Trypanosomiasis is a chronic and potentially life-threatening illness found throughout Latin America (Moncayo, 2003. Indeed, it is estimated that there are between 8 and 11 million cases in Mexico and Central and South America (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2009. Chagas disease, as it is most commonly known, is endemic in southern Peru, especially in the region of Arequipa. Once thought to be limited to poor, rural areas, the disease is now appearing in the periurban communities that surround Arequipa City, the capital of the region (Cornejo del Carpio, 2003. Understanding the urbanization of Chagas disease will allow public health and medical professionals to better combat the further transmission of the disease. After providing an overview of Chagas and introducing the scope of the disease in Latin America, this paper will summarize the findings of four recent studies conducted in periurban districts in Arequipa. Ultimately, this paper seeks to identify the risk factors associated with Chagas


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    Hernando Groot Liévano


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    Artículo publicado en la revista Medicina Vol. 22 (2 del año 2000.

    A través de mis largos años, he vivido en el trópico y he visto el sufrimiento de nuestros campesinos por esta grave dolencia y, a la par que he sido testigo de tal situación, he presenciado también los esfuerzos extraordinarios realizados en Colombia para su estudio y para su control, que a todos nos deben enorgullecer. Estos fueron hechos en épocas recientes por personas como Augusto Corredor, Felipe Guhl y muchos otros investigadores que sería muy dispendioso enumerar. Años atrás, los nombres de Benjamín Otálora, Hernando Ucrós y especialmente Santiago Rengifo y César Uribe Piedrahita tienen que venir a nuestra mente. Santiago Rengifo, investigador infatigable de la enfermedad, fue además creador del Instituto Roberto Franco de Villavicencio y uno de los artífices más importantes de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Valle. A César Uribe Piedrahita, se debe el haber iniciado el interés en Colombia por el estudio de esta parasitosis; fue él quien identificó por primera vez el agente causal en nuestro país. Así mismo, formó un sinnúmero de investigadores que, con sus estudios, han dado luz sobre la dolencia y han sido lustre para la ciencia en América Latina.

    César Uribe Piedrahita, mi profesor y luego mi amigo, es una de las personas de la medicina nacional que se debe exaltar con más vehemencia porque era el individuo que no solamente dominaba el campo médico, sino que, como un Pico de la Mirándola del siglo XX, era experto en antropología, en arqueología, en botánica, habilísimo pintor y tallista, propulsor de las investigaciones sobre las bondades de las plantas, así como escritor de primera línea y dotado de excepcionales cualidades docentes para inculcar en sus estudiantes la disciplina por el estudio y la necesidad de trabajar cada vez más por este país.

    Parece oportuno que en estos

  18. Enfermedad de Chagas en poblaciones prehistóricas del norte de Chile Chagas disease in prehistoric populations of northern Chile

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    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Chagas es producida por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, el cual afecta tanto a seres humanos como a animales, en particular mamíferos marsupiales y placentarios. Las vías de transmisión son diversas, siendo una de las más importantes la vía vectorial, en la que participan insectos infectados con este parásito, animales y humanos. En este artículo de revisión discutimos los postulados sobre la vía de transmisión oral, los hallazgos de T. cruzi en momias de América y especialmente en las del norte de Chile. Presentamos además información que apunta a que la enfermedad de Chagas estuvo presente mucho antes de la conquista europea y de la construcción de viviendas de adobe. Comentamos las hipótesis sobre el vector domiciliado más importante de Sudamérica, Triatoma infestans, su antigüedad en la costa de Arica y los reportes más recientes de otros vectores silvestres. También se discute la información relacionada a la participación en el ciclo de T. cruzi de distintos mamíferos silvestres de Chile y asimismo proponemos el estudio paleoparasitológico en restos zooarqueológicos para conocer las especies de mamíferos reservónos de T. cruzi en la antigüedad.Chagas diseases is produced by a parasite named Trypanosoma cruzi, that affects humans and other marsupial and placental mammals. Transmission routes are diverse, but the most important transmission is the vector route, which involves the triatomine insects, wild and domestic infected animáis, and humans. Here we review the data about oral transmission route and the evidences of the etiological agent (Trypanosoma cruzi of Chagas disease in pre-Columbian American mummies, making a critical review of the infection in northern Chile. Moreover, we comment on the hypotheses suggested in relation to the most important vector of the infection in South América Triatoma infestans, its antiquity in the Arica coast, and the recent reports about other wild infected

  19. Area-wide control of Chagas disease vectors in Latin America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schofield, C.J.


    Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is now ranked by the World Bank as the most serious parasitic disease of the Americas, with a medical and economic impact far outranking even the combined effects of other parasitic diseases such as malaria and schistosomiasis (World Bank 1993). The infection is virtually impossible to cure and the disease is difficult and costly to treat. In contrast, transmission can be halted by eliminating the domestic insect vectors - large blood sucking reduviids of the subfamily Triatominae - and by improved screening of blood donors to minimise the risk of transfusional transmission (WHO 1991). Improved screening of blood banks requires appropriate legislation backed by a well-developed system of reference laboratories and standardised procedures, although to a large extent, this can be implemented in a progressive way from local to national levels (Schmunis 1991). By contrast, the key to success in Chagas disease vector control lies in the implementation of large-scale regional or international programmes coupled with long-term community-based vigilance. This is a classic intervention model beginning with a vertical intervention, the attack phase, in which all infested houses are sprayed by trained professionals, progressively backed by a more horizontal community-based system where householders themselves can report the presence of any residual infestations for retreatment where necessary. Elimination of domestic vectors of Chagas disease is facilitated by their slow reproductive rates and limited genetic variability, but is hampered by the ease of passive transport of the insects from one house to another, even across state and international boundaries (Schofield 1994). For this reason, international collaboration is particularly important in Chagas disease vector control. Since early trials in the 1940s, there have been many local and regional campaigns designed to control domestic populations of Triatominae, especially in

  20. A inserção institucional do controle da doença de Chagas

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    Antônio Carlos Silveira


    Full Text Available Em 1943, a partir da criação do "Centro de Estudos e Profilaxia da Moléstia de Chagas" da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz de Bambuí em Minas Gerais, são concebidas as bases tecnológicas e metodológicas para o controle extensivo da enfermidade. Para isso foi decisivo o advento de um novo inseticida (o gammexane, P 530 e a demonstração de sua eficácia no controle dos vetores da doença de Chagas. Como resultado prático desses acontecimentos em "maio de 1950 foi oficialmente inaugurada, em Uberaba, a primeira campanha de profilaxia da doença de Chagas, no Brasil". Mesmo que se dispusesse desde então de meios para fazer o controle da transmissão vetorial da endemia chagásica, não se dispunha dos recursos financeiros exigidos para fazê-lo de forma abrangente e regular. O baixo nível de prioridade conferida a essa atividade se expressava em sua inserção institucional. Em 1941, foram criados os Serviços Nacionais, de malária, peste, varíola, entre outros, enquanto a doença de Chagas fazia parte da Divisão de Organização Sanitária (DOS, que reunia enfermidades consideradas de menor importância. Em 1956 o Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais (DNERu incorporou todas as chamadas grandes endemias em uma única instituição, mas na prática isso não significou a implementação das ações de controle da doença de Chagas. Com a reestruturação do Ministério da Saúde em 1970, a Superintendência de Campanhas de Saúde Pública (SUCAM abarcou todas as endemias rurais, e a doença de Chagas passou a ter o status de Divisão Nacional, na mesma posição hierárquica daquelas outras doenças transmitidas por vetores antes consideradas prioritárias. Essa condição determinou a possibilidade de uma repartição de recursos mais equilibrada, o que efetivamente ocorreu, com a realocação de pessoal e insumos do programa de malária para o controle vetorial da doença de Chagas. Em 1991, a Fundação Nacional de Saúde sucedeu a SUCAM

  1. Enfermedad de Chagas o Tripanosomiasis Americana.

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    Felipe Guhl


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    Situación Actual de Colombia.

    La enfermedad de Chagas o tripanosomiasis americana es una enfermedad parasitaria crónica causada por un protozoario flagelado el Trypanosoma cruzi, descrito por primera vez por Carlos Chagas, médico brasileño, a comienzos de este siglo y en su honor se denominó la enfermedad que lleva su nombre.

    Este parásito normalmente se transmite al ser humano a través de insectos triatomíneos estrictamente hematófagos de la familia Reduviidae, en el momento en que perforan la piel para succionar la sangre que los alimenta.

    Sin embargo, no se inocula directamente por intermedio de las estructuras bucales del insecto en el momento de la picadura como en el caso de las tripanosomiasis africanas, si no que se deposita pasivamente en la piel a través de las heces del insecto, penetrando en el cuerpo por la herida que causa la picadura u otras abrasiones de la piel o de la mucosa. El T. cruzi, también puede transmitirse por infección congénita, por transfusión de sangre contaminada o por el transplante de órganos contaminados. El ciclo vital del parásito es largo y complejo y su desarrollo tiene varias etapas, tanto en el vector triatomineo como en el huésped vertebrado .

    La Enfermedad de Chagas constituye una amenaza permanente para casi la cuarta parte de toda la población de América Latina. Si bien la enfermedad se encuentra presente en toda América Central y del Sur, sus manifestaciones y características epidemiológicas son altamente variables entre una y otra zona endémica. Existe una gran diversidad en las tasas de prevalencia, formas de transmisión, características parasitarias, patología clínica, vectores y reservorios.

    Más que cualquier otra enfermedad parasitaria, la enfermedad de Chagas se relaciona con el desarrollo económico y social de la población: los insectos triatomineos y las enfermedades que ellos transmiten existirán mientras en

  2. Serodiagnosis of chronic Chagas infection by using EIE-Recombinant-Chagas-Biomanguinhos kit

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    Gomes Yara M


    Full Text Available A kit based on an enzyme immunoassay, EIE-Recombinant-Chagas-Biomanguinhos, developed by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, was evaluated for the serodiagnosis of chronic Chagas disease. Evaluation was performed with 368 serum samples collected from individuals living in an endemic area for Chagas disease: 131 patients in the chronic phase with confirmed clinical, epidemiological, and serological diagnosis (indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and 237 nonchagasic seronegative individuals were considered negative control. The EIE-Recombinant-Chagas-Biomanguinhos kit showed high sensitivity, 100% (CI 95%: 96.4-100% and high specificity, 100% (CI 95%: 98-100%. The data obtained were in full agreement with clinical and conventional serology data. In addition, no cross-reaction was observed with sera from patients with cutaneous (n=14 and visceral (n=3 leishmaniasis. However, when these sera were tested by conventional serological assays for Chagas disease, cross-reactions were detected in 14.3% and 33.3% of the patients with cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, respectively. No cross-reactions were observed when sera from nonchagasic seronegative patients bearing other infectious disease (syphilis, n=8; HTLV, n=8; HCV, n=7 and HBV, n=12 were tested. In addition, sera of patients with inconclusive results for Chagas disease by conventional serology showed results in agreement with clinical evaluation, when tested by the kit. These results are relevant and indicate that the refered kit provides a safe immunodiagnosis of Chagas disease and could be used in blood bank screening.

  3. [Control of Chagas disease in pregnant Latin-American women and her children]. (United States)

    Merino, Francisco J; Martínez-Ruiz, Rocío; Olabarrieta, Iciar; Merino, Paloma; García-Bujalance, Silvia; Gastañaga, Teresa; Flores-Chavez, María


    Chagas disease is a chronic and systemic infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. According to estimates from WHO, 10 million people are affected by this parasite. In the last years, birthrate among the immigrant women from Latin America settled in the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid has been increasing, and as T. cruzi can be transmitted from mother to child, in fact 11 cases of congenital Chagas disease have been confirmed. Therefore, the aim of this paper is encouraging improvements in the coverage of the anti-T. cruzi antibodies detection in pregnant women from endemic areas. By this strategy, an active search for infected pregnant women and early detection of her infected newborns could be conducted, and then an early specific treatment could be administrated. Thus, there could be an important contribution to the control of Chagas disease in non-endemic area.

  4. Reporte del primer caso de enfermedad de Chagas transplacentaria analizado por AP-PCR en Moniquirá, Boyacá

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    Concepción Judith Puerta


    Conclusiones. Éste es el primer caso de enfermedad de Chagas transplacentaria reportado en el municipio de Moniquirá, que demuestra que esta forma de transmisión ocurre en el país. La presencia de infección mixta por ambos grupos de T. cruzi en las muestras del recién nacido, sugiere infección mixta en la madre, con mayor prevalencia de T. cruzi I, al menos en el hemocultivo.

  5. A doença de Chagas e seu controle na América Latina: uma análise de possibilidades Chagas' disease and its control in Latin America: an analysis of possibilities

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    João Carlos P. Dias


    Full Text Available A doença de Chagas segue como importante agravo à saúde na maior parte da América Latina, afetando 16 milhões de pessoas e colocando sob risco outras dezenas de milhões de indivíduos, geralmente de origem rural, pobres e socialmente marginalizados. As estratégias e insumos ao controle da endemia concentram-se no controle do vetor e da transmissão transfusional, mostrando-se eficientes e estando disponíveis há pelo menos duas décadas. Sua implementação depende basicamente de vontade política e de disponibilidade técnica e orçamentária, como demonstrado no exemplo brasileiro. São discutidos aspectos epidemiológicos e operacionais da luta antichagásica, o que envolve um horizonte de reformulação e aprimoramento dos próprios sistemas de saúde dos países endêmicos. O controle da doença é viável, constituindo-se num desafio às autoridades sanitárias e à opção dos países pela esfera social. Em particular, a superação da doença de Chagas pode ser um importante fator de catálise para a almejada unidade latino-americana.Chagas' disease is still a major public health problem in Latin America, affecting about 15 million individuals and leaving tens of millions of others at risk, most of whom are from rural areas and are socially marginalized. The main strategies and tools for the control of the disease are related to the vectorial and transfusional transmission of the parasite. Regular programs have proven effective, as in Brazil, and they depend basically on political will and basic technical and financial conditions. Epidemiologic and operational aspects of Chagas' disease control are discussed in this study, involving the reformulation and improvement of the health systems in affected countries. The fact that control can be attained is emphasized as a challenge to Latin American governments and public health officials. Control of Chagas' disease may be an additional part of the dream of Latin American unity.

  6. O falso dilema sobre a luta antivetorial e as perspectivas de controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil: BHC ou BNH? The false dilemma about antivectorial strategies and possibilities for controlling Chagas' disease in Brazil: BHC or BNH?

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    José R. Coura


    Full Text Available As bases técnicas para o controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil foram estabelecidas com a criação do posto avançado de pesquisa do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz em Bambuí, no oeste de Minas Gerais, no começo da década de 40, sob a liderança de Emmanuel Dias. Entretanto, somente com a criação do Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais (DNERu, em março de 1956, sob a direção de Mario Pinotti, no governo de Juscelino Kubitschek, as medidas de controle foram implementadas. Das "campanhas" de controle das 12 endemias rurais estabelecidas pelo DNERu, a malária, pelo seu caráter de doença aguda e explosiva, sempre teve a maior parte orçamentária. A doença de Chagas e as outras endemias foram sempre relegadas a um plano secundário de prioridade. Por outro lado, a partir da década de 60, os "novos ecologistas" passaram a criticar o uso de inseticidas, com o slogan de que para controlar a doença de Chagas era necessário o BNH (construção de casas, e não o BHC (uso de inseticidas. Esta opinião, embora equivocada para o controle a curto prazo, teve uma enorme influência negativa sobre o controle dos vetores domiciliados. Apesar disso, algum progresso foi feito neste sentido. Na década de 70, a epidemia de meningite meningocócica e a priorização do Programa Especial de Controle da Esquistossomose (PECE, pelo Ministro Almeida Machado, com deslocamento de verbas e de pessoal da Superintendência de Campanhas (Sucam para esses programas, atrasaram ainda mais o controle da doença de Chagas. Somente na década de 80, com a decisão política do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES de alocar 10 bilhões de cruzeiros do Finsocial, o programa de controle da doença de Chagas teve um importante desenvolvimento em 2.000 municípios de 19 Estados brasileiros. Mais uma vez o programa sofre um atraso nesta década, com o deslocamento do pessoal da Sucam para a campanha contra a epidemia da dangue. Finalmente, conclu

  7. [Urbanization of Chagas disease in Peru: experiences in prevention and control]. (United States)

    Náquira, César


    In Peru, Chagas disease has an epidemiological significance in three macro-regions, one of them is the southern macro-region formed by the departments of Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna. In 1965 a successful control was performed by house spraying insecticides, however, the persistence of the vector made it necessary for a second control plan that was implemented in 2000 and followed the guidelines of CONAL Plan, based on the elimination of Triatoma infestans and screening in blood banks.This plan was successful in Tacna and Moquegua, therefore these departments were considered free of vectorial transmission by the Pan American Health Organization. A ssimilar situation has not been achieved in the department of Arequipa because of the presence, among other factors, of rural migration to the city, in this way the urbanization of Chagas disease is a new epidemiological scenario of which we need to know more.

  8. La enfermedad de Chagas congenita en la Provincia de Salta, Argentina, años 1980-1997

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    Zaidenberg Mario


    Full Text Available Se presenta la experiencia de 18 años en la provincia de Salta en el manejo de recién nacidos con enfermedad de Chagas congénita. Desde distintos ámbitos del sistema provincial de salud, el Hospital Materno-infantil de la ciudad de Salta, hospitales del interior y la atención ambulatoria se detectaron y diagnosticaron 102 recién nacidos (RN y lactantes con infección congénita. Los RN se dividieron en dos grupos mayores, el último subdivido, de acuerdo a la oportunidad diagnóstica. Se describe la metodología diagnóstica, presentación clínica, tratamiento y el seguimiento posterior de los niños tratados. Se analizan las características de la experiencia y se discuten las condiciones específicas del diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los niños estudiados. Se describen las recomendaciones empleadas en la provincia en el programa de control de Chagas perinatal así como las conclusiones derivadas de esta experiencia.

  9. Trypanosomiasis americana en el Perú: VI. Verificación de la enfermedad de Chagas en la cuenca del Marañón

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    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available Se informa de observaciones llevados a cabo tratando de verificar la presencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en las localidades de Yamón, Lonya Grande, Roblepampa y Nueva York, en la cuenca del río Marañón, donde anteriormente se había obtenido triatominos infectados por el Trypanosoma cruzi. Estas observaciones comprenden varias series de xenodiagnósticos, con un total de 338, y 292 gota gruesa de sangre, preparadas de las mismas personas en las que se practicara el xenodiagnóstico. Los principales resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: 1. Se verifica la presencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en la cuenca del Marañón, al obtener xenodiagnósticos positivos en todas las localidades donde se efectuaron las investigaciones. 2. De 338 xenodiagnósticos realizados en personas de diferentes edades, se obtuvo 22 positivos; y de las 292 láminas de sangre preparadas en las mismas personas, en tres se logró observar al T. cruzi. 3. Las cepa del T. cruzi obtenidas por intermedio de los xenodiagnósticos son de baja virulencia y corta parasitemia en la rata blanca. Estas características, así como la capacidad de infectar ratas tan sólo tiernas, son idénticas a las observadas con las cepas obtenidas a través del Panstrongylus herreri con infección natural procedentes de las mencionadas localidades de la cuenca del Marañón.

  10. Integrated control of Chagas disease for its elimination as public health problem--a review. (United States)

    Sosa-Estani, Sergio; Segura, Elsa Leonor


    Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is, together with geohelminths, the neglected disease that causes more loss of years of healthy life due to disability in Latin America. Chagas disease, as determined by the factors and determinants, shows that different contexts require different actions, preventing new cases or reducing the burden of disease. Control strategies must combine two general courses of action including prevention of transmission to prevent the occurrence of new cases (these measures are cost effective), as well as opportune diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals in order to prevent the clinical evolution of the disease and to allow them to recuperate their health. All actions should be implemented as fully as possible and with an integrated way, to maximise the impact. Chagas disease cannot be eradicated due because of the demonstrated existence of infected wild triatomines in permanent contact with domestic cycles and it contributes to the occurrence of at least few new cases. However, it is possible to interrupt the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in a large territory and to eliminate Chagas disease as a public health problem with a dramatic reduction of burden of the disease.

  11. Cardiomiopatía de Chagas.

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    Fernando Rosas A.


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    La cardiomiopatía de Chagas es la causa más frecuente de cardiomiopatía en América Latina. Se constituye en la cuarta enfermedad parasitaria del continente, y es uno de los mayores problemas de salud pública en Colombia estimándose que existen 1.200.000 personas infectadas y que de éstos proba-blemente 25% desarrollaran una miocardiopatia crónica.

    En nuestro país pocas series clínicas han sido descritas, generalmente asociadas a falla cardíaca secundaria a una cardiomiopatía dilatada. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una reseña histórica de la enfermedad en la que se incluyen los primeros trabajos clínicos desarrollados en nuestro medio. Así mismo, algunos aspectos de la fisiopatología y de la evolución clínica. Finalmente presentaremos la reciente experiencia acumulada en nuestro país en este campo por diferentes investigadores.

    Reseña Histórica
    En el año 1909 fue publicado el artículo original del Dr. Carlos Chagas, titulado “Nueva Trypanosomiasis Humana: estudios sobre la morfología y el ciclo evolutivo del Schizotrypanum Cruzi, agente etiológico de una nueva entidad mórbida en el hombre” (1. En él se describe como el Dr. Chagas, fue encomendado en 1907, por el Dr. Oswaldo Cruz (Director del instituto que posteriormente llevó su nombre, para ejecutar una campaña antipalúdica en los servicios de construcción de ferrocarriles en el norte del estado de Minas Gerais.

    En esa zona conoció la existencia de una hematófago denominado por los campesinos como “Barbeiro”, llamado así por que su picadura se localizaba usualmente en el rostro y era poco sintomática. El insecto habitaba en domicilios humanos, atacaba al hombre en la noche (después de apagar las luces, se ocultaba durante el día en las paredes y en los techos de las casas construidas en bahareque y paja. El hematófago fue identificado como perteneciente a la familia Reduviidae. Algunos de los

  12. Evidencias de compromiso cerebral en el estadio crónico de la enfermedad de Chagas obtenidas por medio del potencial P300 y de electroencefalografía cuantificada

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    Full Text Available Es reconocido el compromiso del sistema nervioso periférico en la etapa crónica de la enfermedad de Chagas, incorporándose últimamente evidencias tomográficas y neuropsicológicas de compromiso cerebral. Con el objetivo de evaluar dicho compromiso por medio del potencial P 300 y la electroencefalografía cuantificada (EEGc se estudiaron 35 pacientes (26 a 55 años, comparados con un grupo control de similar número y edad (29 a 55 años. Se observó: latencia de la onda P 3 mayor en el grupo en estudio (331,24 ± 24,02 contra 318,86 ± 23,18 (p=0,01716. El EEGc mostró diferencias en la potencia relativa de la banda Beta 1, menor en los pacientes (p=1,62834E5 y en la frecuencia dominante, 1 Hz menor en los chagasicos (p=0,01077. El análisis multivariado discrimina tres subpoblaciones: una normal, una de enfermos con incremento alfa y otra de enfermos con decremento alfa e incremento delta y theta (p=0,00004. La proporción de resultados patológicos fue del 20 % en los EEGc y el 11,43 % en los potenciales cognitivos. No se correlacionó el compromiso neurológico y el cardíaco. Se concluye que existen francos indicadores electrofisiológicos de compromiso cerebral en el estadio crónico de la enfermedad de Chagas, hallazgo que refuerza a los obtenidos por otros métodos.

  13. Progreso en la interrupción de la transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas en América Latina

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    Alvaro Moncayo


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    Alrededor de 18 millones de personas estaban infectadas en América Latina con el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, causante de la epidemia de Chagas. Estudios de prevalencia hechos en la década de los 80, mostraron además que un 25% de estas personas desarrollaron lesiones cardíacas crónicas y digestivas irreversibles.

    La Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Banco Mundial vienen adelantando invtigaciones por cerca de un cuarto de siglo, conducentes al control y eventual eliminación de esta patología en el sub-continente.

    Este artículo enumera las actividades desarrolladas por este programa hasta la fecha y describe tres iniciativas multinacionales que adelantan las actividades referentes a la Enfermedad de Chagas y que se denominan iniciativas del Cono Sur, de los países andinos y de los países centro americanos. Se calcula que un veinticinco por ciento de los 484 millones de habitantes de América Latina (1 , están en riesgo de contraer la infección por el Trypanosoma cruzi, el agente causal de la Enfermedad de Chagas que es transmitido por insectos hematófagos del género Triatoma. Estudios de prevalencia epidemiológica adelantados en la década de 1980-90, mostraron que existen en el Continente 16 – 18 millones de personas infectadas por el parásito y que cerca de un 25% de ellas desarrollará lesiones cardíacas crónicas y digestivas irreversibles.

    Desde su inicio en 1978, el componente de investigación y control de la Enfermedad de Chagas del Programa PNUD/Banco Mundial/OMS de Investigación y adiestramiento en Enfermedades Tropicales (TDR, ha financiado investigaciones conducentes al control y eventual eliminación de esta enfermedad en el Continente...

  14. Investigación de vectores y reservorios en brote de Chagas agudo por posible transmisión oral en Aguachica, Cesar, Colombia

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    Hugo Soto


    Full Text Available Colombia tiene un registro de 11 casos de Chagas agudo y 80 casos por contaminación oral con Trypanosoma cruzi. Este trabajo analiza los hallazgos entomológicos y parasitológicos del brote de Aguachica, Cesar, en 2010. Un grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud y de universidades regionales realizó las pruebas de laboratorio a los pacientes y el estudio del foco de transmisión. Se detectaron 11 casos agudos de enfermedad de Chagas en una sola familia con vivienda sin triatominos domiciliados y, Rhodnius pallescens, Pantrongylus geniculatus, Eratyrus cuspidatus y dos Didelphis marsupialis infectados con T. cruzi en palmas de Attalea butyracea y Elaeis oleifera del área urbana de Aguachica. Se analiza la participación del R. pallescens y el rol de las palmas en el ciclo silvestre de T. cruzi y para la transmisión oral de la enfermedad de Chagas. Incursiones esporádicas de R. pallescens, P. geniculatus y E. cuspidatus silvestres desde palmas cercanas al domicilio humano pueden provocar brotes cada vez más frecuentes de Chagas oral.

  15. Honduras stands out in fight against chagas disease | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Jan 25, 2011 ... The model is based on community involvement to both treat and prevent Chagas. ... treat children with Chagas and educate the population on how to control ... parents, children, and community leaders—monitored homes and ...

  16. Conocimientos y factores de riesgo relacionados con la enfermedad de Chagas en dos comunidades panameñas donde Rhodnius pallescens es el vector principal

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    Lisbeth A. Hurtado


    Full Text Available Introducción. La implementación de los programas de vigilancia, prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas requiere una aproximación integral. La sostenibilidad de los programas depende de la participación comunitaria amparada en un conocimiento básico del problema. Objetivo. Evaluar los conocimientos de los entrevistados que facilitan o limitan la vigilancia, prevención y control de la enfermedad de Chagas en dos comunidades endémicas de Panamá donde Rhodnius pallescens es el vector principal. Materiales y métodos. Mediante un cuestionario se evaluaron los conocimientos y los factores de riesgo relacionados con la enfermedad de Chagas en 201 personas mayores de 10 años de las comunidades endémicas de Las Pavas y Lagartera Grande, ubicadas en la ribera oeste del Canal de Panamá. Con ayuda de los moradores también se evaluó la presencia de chinches triatominos en 93 viviendas a lo largo de un año. Resultados. De las personas entrevistadas, 69,2 % (139/201 tenía pocos o muy pocos conocimientos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y 93 % (187/201 estaba expuesto a factores de riesgo moderados o altos. Se capturaron chinches triatominos en 20,4 % (19/93 de las viviendas evaluadas, de los cuales, el 86,8 % (66/76 era R. pallescens. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la presencia de chinches dentro de las viviendas y las viviendas catalogadas como precarias (p<0,01. Conclusión. A pesar de que en estas dos comunidades se han desarrollado programas de educación sanitaria, es necesario reforzar los conocimientos básicos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas antes de establecer medidas de prevención y vigilancia que involucren la participación activa de sus habitantes.

  17. Case-control study of factors associated with chronic Chagas heart disease in patients over 50 years of age

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    Silvana de Araújo Silva


    Full Text Available A case-control study on chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD was carried out between 1997 and 2005. Ninety patients over 50 years of age were examined for factors related to (CCHD. Fourty-six patients (51.1% with Chagas heart disease (anomalous ECG were assigned to the case group and 44 (48.9% were included in the control group as carriers of undetermined forms of chronic disease. Social, demographic (age, gender, skin color, area of origin, epidemiological (permanence within an endemic zone, family history of Chagas heart disease or sudden death, physical strain, alcoholism, and smoking, and clinical (systemic hypertension variables were analyzed. The data set was assessed through single-variable and multivariate analysis. The two factors independently associated with heart disease were age - presence of heart disease being three times higher in patients over 60 years of age (odds ratio, OR: 2.89; confidence interval of 95%: 1.09-7.61 - and family history of Chagas heart disease (OR: 2.833, CI 95%: 1.11-7.23. Systemic hypertension and gender did not prove to hold any association with heart disease, as neither did skin color, but this variable showed low statistical power due to reduced sample size.

  18. Urban outbreak of acute orally acquired Chagas disease in Táchira, Venezuela


    Benítez, Jesús A.; Araujo, Benjamín; Contreras, Krisell; Rivas, Marianela; Ramírez, Pedro; Guerra, Watermo; Calderón, Noél; Terren, Carlo Ascaso; Barrera, Reggie; Rodríguez Morales, Alfonso Javier


    Aguda por vía oral adquirió la enfermedad de Chagas (AOACD) se ha convertido en una amenaza importante en algunos países de América del Sur [1,2]. Hasta marzo de 2013, al menos cuatro han reportado brotes de la enfermedad de Chagas aguda adquirida por vía oral, en concreto Brasil [3], Venezuela [4], Colombia [5] y Bolivia [6]. Los brotes también se están produciendo probablemente en Argentina y Ecuador, según algunos informes antiguos [2]. En Venezuela, ha habido por lo menos tres informes ep...


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    Dutra Walderez O


    Full Text Available Durante los últimos años nuestro laboratorio ha estado interesado en la comprensión de los mecanismos que coordinan el establecimiento de la respuesta inmune protectora frente a patógenos en las enfermedades humanas. Tras la infección con un patógeno, ocurren una serie de eventos dentro del huesped que culminarán con el control del patógeno, lo que a menudo conduce a la curación de la infección o bien a la falta de un control adecuado y la cronificación de la infección. Debido a la alta adaptación del parásito a sus anfitriones, lo que refleja millones de años de coevolución, el resultado de una infección parasitaria es a menudo la cronificación. En este punto, tiene lugar un evento intrigante: a pesar del control de la parasitemia, la cronificación de la infección está aso- ciada con el desarrollo de enfermedad. En las poblaciones endémicas, la gran mayoría de los sujetos desarrollan lo que se puede considerar una forma clínica "leve" de la enfermedad, lo que también refleja la adaptación del parásito a su huesped. Sin embargo, un porcentaje im- portante de los individuos infectados desarrollan lo que se considera formas "graves" de la enfermedad. Esto es cierto para muchas enfermedades parasitarias como la leishmaniasis, la esquistosomiasis y la enfermedad de Chagas, la cual centra esta revisión. En este trabajo vamos a discutir los mecanismos que impulsan el establecimiento de la respuesta inmune protectora frente a patógenos, los cuales están directamente relacionados con el establecimiento de las formas leves o graves de la enfermedad de Chagas, teniendo en cuenta los factores relacionados con el huesped.

  20. Relevamiento de vectores de la Enfermedad de Chagas en peridomicilios del área rural del Departamento Ayacucho, San Luis, Argentina

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    Diego I. CHARTIER


    Full Text Available Debido a la importancia de las poblaciones peridomésticas en los procesos de reinfestación de las viviendas, el objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la presencia de triatominos en peridomicilios de la comuna de San Francisco del Monte de Oro, Dpto. Ayacucho, San Luis, Argentina. Se evaluó la presencia de triatominos en 18 peridomicilios entre los meses de Octubre a Marzo (2003/2004, para cada anexo se analizó: tipo de construcción, hospedador y número de triatominos. Los triatominos capturados fueron determinados taxonómicamente y se analizó su infectividad. El 98,3 % de los triatominos pertenecieron a la especie Triatoma infestans (Klug. El 79,3 % de los anexos evaluados fueron positivos. Los índices de infestación para corrales y gallineros fueron de 94,4? % y 54,5? %, respectivamente. No se encontraron insectos infectados con Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas. Los corrales se diferenciaron en: pirca, empalizada y troncos apilados horizontalmente. En cuanto al número de triatominos, sólo se halló diferencia significativa entre los corrales de pirca y empalizada, siendo el primero mayor (p< 0,05. Los corrales de pirca parecen ser los más aptos para refugios de los triatominos, probablemente debido a la gran cantidad de espacios vacíos que ofrece y a una mayor dificultad para el control químico.

  1. Aspectos del comportamiento de los triatominos (Hemiptera: Reduviidae, vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Diana Castillo


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión actualizada sobre los triatominos, vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas, en aspectos como la ubicación taxonómica de las especies actualmente reconocidas, asi como de las especies encontradas en los domicilios en Colombia y del ciclo de vida del grupo en general, todo lo cual involucra el tamaño de las poblaciones, su dispersión y situaciones antrópicas que las están llevando a procesos de domiciliación. Igualmente, se hace un llamado de atención sobre las consecuencias epidemiológicas que pueden derivarse de dichas alteraciones. En Colombia, el Trypanosoma cruziafecta el 3,3% de la población y, aproximadamente, el 10% se encuentra en riesgo de adquirir la infección. En esta parasitosis intervienen tres componentes biológicos: el protozoo T.cruzi, el vector triatomino Reduviidae y el reservorio vertebrado. Debido a la alteración de los ecótopos naturales a la acción devastadora de la tala de bosques, a la construcción de viviendas con hojas de palmas y a la cacería indiscriminada de animales silvestres, entre otros, la conducta de los triatominos, insectos originalmente silvestres, ha sufrido cambios con el resultado de invasiones esporádicas o permanentes a las viviendas, lo cual está originando un cambio sustancial del comportamiento de la triada vector-huésped-parásito y, consecuentemente. de la enfermedad.

  2. Chagas disease: What is known and what should be improved: a systemic review

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    José Rodrigues Coura


    Full Text Available This study consists of a broad review on what is known and what should be improved regarding knowledge of Chagas disease, not only through analysis on the main studies published on the topics discussed, but to a large extent based on experience of this subject, acquired over the past 50 years (1961-2011. Among the subjects covered, we highlight the pathogenesis and evolution of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi, drugs in use and new strategies for treating Chagas disease; the serological tests for the diagnosis and the controls of cure the infection; the regional variations in prevalence, morbidity and response to treatment of the disease; the importance of metacyclogenesis of T. cruzi in different species of triatomines and its capacity to transmit Chagas infection; the risks of adaptation of wild triatomines to human dwellings; the morbidity and need for a surveillance and control program for Chagas disease in the Amazon region and the need to prioritize initiatives for controlling Chagas disease in Latin America and Mexico and in non-endemic countries, which is today a major international dilemma. Finally, we raise the need for to create a new initiative for controlling Chagas disease in the Gran Chaco, which involves parts of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.

  3. Chagas disease and globalization of the Amazon La enfermedad de Chagas y la globalización de la Amazonia

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    Roberto Briceño-León


    Full Text Available The increasing number of autochthonous cases of Chagas disease in the Amazon since the 1970s has led to fear that the disease may become a new public health problem in the region. This transformation in the disease's epidemiological pattern in the Amazon can be explained by environmental and social changes in the last 30 years. The current article draws on the sociological theory of perverse effects to explain these changes as the unwanted result of the shift from the "inward" development model prevailing until the 1970s to the "outward" model that we know as globalization, oriented by industrial forces and international trade. The current article highlights the implementation of five new patterns in agriculture, cattle-raising, mining, lumbering, and urban occupation that have generated changes in the environment and the traditional indigenous habitat and have led to migratory flows, deforestation, sedentary living, the presence of domestic animals, and changes in the habitat that facilitate colonization of human dwellings by vectors and the domestic and work-related transmission of the disease. The expansion of Chagas disease is thus a perverse effect of the globalization process in the Amazon.El incremento de casos autóctonos de la enfermedad de Chagas en la Amazonia a partir de los años setenta hace temer que pueda convertirse en un novedoso problema de salud pública en la región. Este cambio del patrón epidemiológico de la enfermedad en la región amazónica debe ser explicado por las transformaciones ambientales y sociales que han ocurrido en los pasados treinta años. Este artículo utiliza la teoría sociológica de los efectos perversos para explicar esos cambios como el resultado indeseado del cambio de modelo de desarrollo "hacia adentro", que había existido hasta los años setenta, por otro "hacia fuera" que está orientado por las fuerzas de la producción y el comercio internacional que conocemos como globalización. El art

  4. Experimental Vaccines against Chagas Disease: A Journey through History. (United States)

    Rodríguez-Morales, Olivia; Monteón-Padilla, Víctor; Carrillo-Sánchez, Silvia C; Rios-Castro, Martha; Martínez-Cruz, Mariana; Carabarin-Lima, Alejandro; Arce-Fonseca, Minerva


    Chagas disease, or American trypanosomiasis, which is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is primarily a vector disease endemic in 21 Latin American countries, including Mexico. Although many vector control programs have been implemented, T. cruzi has not been eradicated. The development of an anti-T. cruzi vaccine for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes may significantly contribute to the transmission control of Chagas disease. Immune protection against experimental infection with T. cruzi has been studied since the second decade of the last century, and many types of immunogens have been used subsequently, such as killed or attenuated parasites and new DNA vaccines. This primary prevention strategy appears feasible, effective, safe, and inexpensive, although problems remain. The objective of this review is to summarize the research efforts about the development of vaccines against Chagas disease worldwide. A thorough literature review was conducted by searching PubMed with the terms "Chagas disease" and "American trypanosomiasis" together with "vaccines" or "immunization". In addition, reports and journals not cited in PubMed were identified. Publications in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were reviewed.

  5. Enfermedad de Chagas en Colombia

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


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    La tripanosomiasis americana o enfermedad de Chagas se halla ampliamente distribuida en Centro y Sur América. La Organización Mundial de la Salud considera que pueden haber doce millones de casos de esta dolencia en el continente (1, estudiados principalmente en Argentina, Brasil y Venezuela. Se calcula que en Colombia tendríamos una incidencia muy alta de casos, (Marinkelle (2 estima que 7.140/0 de la población podría estar infectada o sea cerca de dos millones de personas, distribuidos en las zonas rurales del nordeste del país (cuenca del Catatumbo Magdalena Medio y Llanos Orientales (Piedemonte, Macarena y Meta cercano (3 (4 (5 Y que seis millones de nuestros compatriotas -22.30/0 de la población total- (2 corren el riesgo de adquirir la enfermedad pues habitan en regiones donde se dan las condiciones para que ésta se propague.

    La existencia de casos de tripanosomiasis americana y de sus vectores fue comprobada en Colombia desde 1929 cuando César Uribe Piedrahita (6 encontró en Prado, Tolima, vectores del mal infectados con T.

    cruzi e Ignacio Moreno Pérez observó dicho hemoflagelado en sangre de seres humanos en Cali (4. En los años siguientes Hernando Ucrós, Benjamín Otálora, Hernando Groot, Santiago Renjifo, Hernando Osorno, Carlos Duarte Rangel, C.J. Marinkelle, Augusto Corredor, Ernesto Suescún y varios otros investigadores colomb iano s describieron diversos focos de la enfermedad en Colombia y estudiaron la distribución de sus vectores y huéspedes intermediarios. En 1947 1. Caicedo y C. Hernández publicaron su informe sobre los primeros casos crónicos de enfermedad de Chagas comprobados en nuestro país, procedentes de la región de Fusagasugá, Cundinamarca (7 en tanto que, en 1961, Marcos Duque inicia los estudios sobre cardiopatía chagásica (8 y Hernando Rocha, en 1971, comunica

  6. Evaluation of the Chagas disease control program in Açucena Municipality, Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. (United States)

    Santos, Adriana dos; Letro, Rejane Balmant; Lemos do Bem, Vitor Antônio; Azeredo, Bernardino Vaz de Melo; Coelho, George Luiz Lins Machado; Diotaiuti, Liléia; Machado-de-Assis, Girley Francisco; de Lana, Marta


    Açucena Municipality, Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil temporarily (2001-2005) interrupted epidemiological surveillance for Chagas disease. The objective of this work was to evaluate the Chagas Disease Control Program (CDCP) in Açucena and to offer suggestions for improving local epidemiological surveillance. This study was conducted in three phases: I) a serological investigation of schoolchildren aged 5 to 15 years using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test performed on blood collected on filter paper followed by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and indirect hemaglutination (IHA) on venous blood for borderline cases and those in the gray zone of reactivity; II) vector evaluation using the data obtained by local health agents during 2006-2010; and III) examination by ELISA, IIF and IHA of serum samples from the inhabitants of houses where infected Triatoma vitticeps was found and evaluation of their knowledge about Chagas disease. Five individuals had inconclusive results in the ELISA screening but were seronegative for Chagas disease. The triatomine evaluation revealed the presence of three species: Triatoma vitticeps, Panstrongylus megistus and Panstrongylus diasi. Triatoma vitticeps was the most prevalent and widespread, with a higher (67%) index of Trypanosoma cruzi flagellates and evidence of colonization. Most of the inhabitants of the infested houses recognized triatomines and had basic knowledge about Chagas disease. Although T. vitticeps is not clearly associated with Chagas disease transmission, these results highlight the importance of maintaining CDCP in endemic areas and the need for greater emphasis on epidemiological surveillance, especially in areas with important vectorial changes or that have been modified by human intervention.

  7. Recuerdo del descubrimiento de la enfermedad de Chagas.

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    Hernando Groot Liévano


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    A través de mis largos años he vivido en el trópico y he visto el sufrimiento de nuestros campesinos por esta grave dolencia y, a la par que he sido testigo de tal situación, he presenciado también los esfuerzos extraordinarios realizados en Colombia para su estudio y para su control, que a todos nos deben enorgullecer; estos fueron hechos en épocas recientes por personas como Augusto Corredor, Felipe Guhl y muchos otros investigadores que sería muy dispendioso enumerar.

    Años atrás los nombres de Benjamín Otálora, Hernando Ucrós y especialmente Santiago Renjifo y César Uribe Piedrahíta, tienen que venir a nuestra mente. Santiago Renjifo, investigador infatiga-ble de la enfermedad, fue además creador del Instituto “Roberto Franco” de Villavicencio y uno de los artífices más importantes de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad del Valle. A César Uribe Piedrahíta se debe, el haber iniciado el interés en Colombia por el estudio de esta parasitosis; fue él quien identificó por primera vez el agente causal en nuestro país. Así mismo formó un sinnúmero de investigadores que, con sus estudios, han dado luz sobre la dolencia y han sido lustre para la ciencia en América Latina.

    César Uribe Piedrahíta, mi profesor y luego mi amigo, es una de las personas de la medicina nacional que se debe exaltar con más vehemencia porque era el individuo que no solamente dominaba el campo médico sino que, como un Pico de la Mirán-dola del siglo XX, era experto en antropología, en arqueología, en botánica, habilísimo pintor y tallista, propulsor de las investigaciones sobre las bondades de las plantas, así como escritor de primera línea y dotado de excepcionales cualidades docentes para inculcar en sus estudiantes la disciplina por el estudio y la necesidad de trabajar cada vez más por este país.

    Parece oportuno que en estos momentos al rememorar a Carlos Chagas se haga un breve recuento de aquellas

  8. Chagas disease in prehistory. (United States)

    Ferreira, Luiz F; Jansen, Ana M; Araújo, Adauto


    The classical hypothesis proposes that Chagas disease has been originated in the Andean region among prehistoric people when they started domesticating animals, changing to sedentary habits, and adopting agriculture. These changes in their way of life happened nearly 6,000 years ago. However, paleoparasitological data based on molecular tools showed that Trypanosoma cruzi infection and Chagas disease were commonly found both in South and North American prehistoric populations long before that time, suggesting that Chagas disease may be as old as the human presence in the American continent. The study of the origin and dispersion of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among prehistoric human populations may help in the comprehension of the clinical and epidemiological questions on Chagas disease that still remain unanswered.

  9. Enfermedad de Chagas: correlación clínico-patológica. Serie de casos del Hospital Universitario de Santander - Departamento de Patología, Universidad Industrial de Santander Chagas disease: clinicopathologic correlation. Series of cases of the University Hospital of Santander - Department of Pathology, Universidad Industrial de Santander

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    Julio C Mantilla


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Chagas es un padecimiento que predomina en aquellas regiones del continente americano que combinan condiciones geográficas, climáticas y ecológicas para que el hombre, el Trypanosoma cruzi, sus reservorios y vectores, interactúen de manera ideal. Objetivo: presentar nueve casos de enfermedad de Chagas diagnosticados mediante autopsia en el Departamento de Patología de la Universidad Industrial de Santander entre 2002 y 2009, correlacionar los hallazgos pos-mortem con las manifestaciones clínicas y comparar los datos obtenidos con la información referida en la literatura mundial. Materiales y Métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo en casos de autopsias realizadas en el Departamento de Patología de la Universidad Industrial de Santander entre el primero de enero de 2002 y el 30 de junio de 2009. Resultados: de un total de 756 autopsias, nueve (1,2% correspondieron a pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de enfermedad de Chagas: siete hombres y dos mujeres. El rango de edad osciló entre 14 meses y 56 años. De los casos analizados cinco correspondieron a la forma aguda, dos a la forma crónica y dos a un proceso de reactivación. Todos tenían compromiso cardíaco, uno compromiso del colon y uno compromiso encefálico. La causa de muerte se relacionó de manera directa con estas afecciones. Conclusión: en zonas endémicas, ante la presencia de manifestaciones cardíacas, es necesario considerar la enfermedad de Chagas con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico precoz y oportuno que permita identificar casos y establecer medidas de manejo específico enfocado de acuerdo con su condición.Chagas disease is a condition that prevails in those regions of the Americas that combine geographical, climatic and ecological conditions so that man,Trypanosoma cruzi, their reservoirs and vectors may ideally interact. Objective: to present nine cases of Chagas disease diagnosed by autopsy at the Department of Pathology, Universidad

  10. Carlos Chagas Discoveries as a Drop Back to Scientific Construction of Chronic Chagas Heart Disease. (United States)

    Bestetti, Reinaldo B; Restini, Carolina Baraldi A; Couto, Lucélio B


    The scientific construction of chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD) started in 1910 when Carlos Chagas highlighted the presence of cardiac arrhythmia during physical examination of patients with chronic Chagas disease, and described a case of heart failure associated with myocardial inflammation and nests of parasites at autopsy. He described sudden cardiac death associated with arrhythmias in 1911, and its association with complete AV block detected by Jacquet's polygraph as Chagas reported in 1912. Chagas showed the presence of myocardial fibrosis underlying the clinical picture of CCHD in 1916, he presented a full characterization of the clinical aspects of CCHD in 1922. In 1928, Chagas detected fibrosis of the conductive system, and pointed out the presence of marked cardiomegaly at the chest X-Ray associated with minimal symptomatology. The use of serological reaction to diagnose CCHD was put into clinical practice in 1936, after Chagas' death, which along with the 12-lead ECG, revealed the epidemiological importance of CCHD in 1945. In 1953, the long period between initial infection and appearance of CCHD was established, whereas the annual incidence of CCHD from patients with the indeterminate form of the disease was established in 1956. The use of heart catheterization in 1965, exercise stress testing in 1973, Holter monitoring in 1975, Electrophysiologic testing in 1973, echocardiography in 1975, endomyocardial biopsy in 1981, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 1995, added to the fundamental clinical aspects of CCHD as described by Carlos Chagas.

  11. Carlos Chagas Discoveries as a Drop Back to Scientific Construction of Chronic Chagas Heart Disease

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    Bestetti, Reinaldo B., E-mail:; Restini, Carolina Baraldi A.; Couto, Lucélio B. [Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    The scientific construction of chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD) started in 1910 when Carlos Chagas highlighted the presence of cardiac arrhythmia during physical examination of patients with chronic Chagas disease, and described a case of heart failure associated with myocardial inflammation and nests of parasites at autopsy. He described sudden cardiac death associated with arrhythmias in 1911, and its association with complete AV block detected by Jacquet's polygraph as Chagas reported in 1912. Chagas showed the presence of myocardial fibrosis underlying the clinical picture of CCHD in 1916, he presented a full characterization of the clinical aspects of CCHD in 1922. In 1928, Chagas detected fibrosis of the conductive system, and pointed out the presence of marked cardiomegaly at the chest X-Ray associated with minimal symptomatology. The use of serological reaction to diagnose CCHD was put into clinical practice in 1936, after Chagas' death, which along with the 12-lead ECG, revealed the epidemiological importance of CCHD in 1945. In 1953, the long period between initial infection and appearance of CCHD was established, whereas the annual incidence of CCHD from patients with the indeterminate form of the disease was established in 1956. The use of heart catheterization in 1965, exercise stress testing in 1973, Holter monitoring in 1975, Electrophysiologic testing in 1973, echocardiography in 1975, endomyocardial biopsy in 1981, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 1995, added to the fundamental clinical aspects of CCHD as described by Carlos Chagas.

  12. Carlos Chagas Discoveries as a Drop Back to Scientific Construction of Chronic Chagas Heart Disease

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    Reinaldo B. Bestetti


    Full Text Available Abstract The scientific construction of chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD started in 1910 when Carlos Chagas highlighted the presence of cardiac arrhythmia during physical examination of patients with chronic Chagas disease, and described a case of heart failure associated with myocardial inflammation and nests of parasites at autopsy. He described sudden cardiac death associated with arrhythmias in 1911, and its association with complete AV block detected by Jacquet's polygraph as Chagas reported in 1912. Chagas showed the presence of myocardial fibrosis underlying the clinical picture of CCHD in 1916, he presented a full characterization of the clinical aspects of CCHD in 1922. In 1928, Chagas detected fibrosis of the conductive system, and pointed out the presence of marked cardiomegaly at the chest X-Ray associated with minimal symptomatology. The use of serological reaction to diagnose CCHD was put into clinical practice in 1936, after Chagas' death, which along with the 12-lead ECG, revealed the epidemiological importance of CCHD in 1945. In 1953, the long period between initial infection and appearance of CCHD was established, whereas the annual incidence of CCHD from patients with the indeterminate form of the disease was established in 1956. The use of heart catheterization in 1965, exercise stress testing in 1973, Holter monitoring in 1975, Electrophysiologic testing in 1973, echocardiography in 1975, endomyocardial biopsy in 1981, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in 1995, added to the fundamental clinical aspects of CCHD as described by Carlos Chagas.

  13. Mejoramiento de Vivienda como Estrategia de Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas.

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    Victor Manuel Ángulo


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    El Proceso en Colombia.

    La Constitución Política de 1991 en el artículo 51 estableció que todos los colombianos tienen derecho a una vivienda digna. Para dar cum-plimiento a este mandato se instituyó la ley 3 de 1991 que creó el subsidio de vivienda y el sistema SISBEN. El desarrollo estatutario de esta ley dejó en manos de la Red de Solidaridad Social (RSS y la Caja Agraria (CA la metodología para que las comunidades de los diferentes entes territoriales puedan acceder a los recursos del subsidio. Esta metodología permite a la colectividad formular los proyectos destinados a la consecución de recursos para los departamentos o regiones y concertar en una mesa colegiada de alcaldes, la focalización de éstos.

    Por otro lado, en 1994 se comenzó a diseñar el plan para la elaboración del Programa Nacional de Promoción, Prevención y Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas, al tiempo que en el departamento de Santander a través del CINTROP-UIS y la Secretaría de Salud, se realizaban estudios sobre la situación de infestación domiciliaria por triatominos y las características físicas de las viviendas en las comunidades rurales, con el fin de ejecutar un proyecto que le permitiera evaluar las estrategias de control del vector.

    Estos estudios mostraron la alta prevalencia de infestación domiciliaria por triatominos que aún existe en amplias zonas rurales. De igual manera, se pudo conocer la influencia que tiene la calidad de la vivienda como factor de riesgo para la domiciliación de triatominos. El desarrollo de la ley de descentralización municipal y el enfoque intersectorial e interinstitucional permitieron incluir dentro de la evaluación de estrate-gias para el control de triatominos, el mejoramiento de vivienda y dentro de los proyectos de mejoramiento de vivienda el concepto de salud: vivienda buena, salud para la familia.

    Los alcaldes como responsables de la focali-zación de los

  14. Control and management of congenital Chagas disease in Europe and other non-endemic countries: current policies and practices. (United States)

    Soriano-Arandes, Antoni; Angheben, Andrea; Serre-Delcor, Nuria; Treviño-Maruri, Begoña; Gómez I Prat, Jordi; Jackson, Yves


    Identifying pregnant women infected with Trypanosoma cruzi is one of the major challenges for preventing and controlling Chagas disease (CD) in non-endemic countries. The aim of this paper was to perform a policy evaluation of the current practices of congenital Chagas disease (CCD) control in non-endemic countries and to propose specific targets for enhanced interventions to tackle this emerging health problem outside the endemic areas of Latin America. We conducted a mixed method review of CCD policy strategies by searching the literature in the PubMed, Google Scholar and the World Health Organization (WHO) databases using the key terms 'CCD', 'paediatric Chagas disease' and 'non-endemic countries'; as free text and combined as one phrase to increase the search sensitivity. Reviews, recommendations, guidelines and control/surveillance programme reports were included. Of 427 CCD papers identified in non-endemic countries, 44 matched the inclusion. Although local programmes were launched in different countries with large numbers of Latin American immigrants, there were considerable disparities in terms of the programmes' distribution, delivery, integration and appropriated CCD control strategies. Moreover, Catalonia, Spain is the only region/country with an established systematic monitoring of CCD in pregnant women from Latin American countries. Given the worldwide dissemination of CD, the nature of its vertical transmission, and the gaps of the current strategies in non-endemic countries, there is an urgent need to standardise, expand and reinforce the control measures against CCD transmission. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Evaluation of the Chagas Disease Control Program in Açucena Municipality, Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Adriana dos Santos


    Full Text Available Introduction Açucena Municipality, Rio Doce Valley, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil temporarily (2001-2005 interrupted epidemiological surveillance for Chagas disease. The objective of this work was to evaluate the Chagas Disease Control Program (CDCP in Açucena and to offer suggestions for improving local epidemiological surveillance. Methods This study was conducted in three phases: I a serological investigation of schoolchildren aged 5 to 15 years using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA test performed on blood collected on filter paper followed by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence (IIF and indirect hemaglutination (IHA on venous blood for borderline cases and those in the gray zone of reactivity; II vector evaluation using the data obtained by local health agents during 2006-2010; and III examination by ELISA, IIF and IHA of serum samples from the inhabitants of houses where infected Triatoma vitticeps was found and evaluation of their knowledge about Chagas disease. Results Five individuals had inconclusive results in the ELISA screening but were seronegative for Chagas disease. The triatomine evaluation revealed the presence of three species: Triatoma vitticeps, Panstrongylus megistus and Panstrongylus diasi. Triatoma vitticeps was the most prevalent and widespread, with a higher (67% index of Trypanosoma cruzi flagellates and evidence of colonization. Most of the inhabitants of the infested houses recognized triatomines and had basic knowledge about Chagas disease. Conclusions Although T. vitticeps is not clearly associated with Chagas disease transmission, these results highlight the importance of maintaining CDCP in endemic areas and the need for greater emphasis on epidemiological surveillance, especially in areas with important vectorial changes or that have been modified by human intervention.

  16. La Enfermedad de Chagas y la Interrupción de su Transmisión en América Latina.

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    Alvaro Moncayo Medina


    La iniciativa de Centro América se inició en 1997 y todos los países están adelantando medidas concertadas de gran envergadura para el control vectorial y transfusional dirigidas a lograr la interrupción de la transmisión de la Enfermedad de Chagas en sus territorios antes del año 2010 como lo pide la Resolución emitida por la Asamblea Mundial de la Salud en 1998...

  17. Reactividad del antígeno GST-SAPA de Trypanosoma cruzi frente a sueros de pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas y leishmaniasis Reactivity of GST-SAPA antigen of Trypanosoma cruzi against sera from patients with Chagas disease and leishmaniasis

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    José Gil


    Full Text Available El diagnóstico serológico de la infección producida por Trypanosoma cruzi es de especial relevancia dado que los métodos parasitológicos tienen, en las fases indeterminada y crónica, una sensibilidad limitada. El antígeno SAPA fue usado en diversos estudios y demostró ser un buen candidato para el diagnóstico de la infección por T. cruzi. La enfermedad de Chagas y la leishmaniasis son endémicas en el norte de Salta, con posibles zonas de solapamiento. Este hecho suele dar lugar a infecciones mixtas T. cruzi-Leishmania spp., con la consecuente probabilidad de diagnóstico cruzado cuando se usan antígenos no específicos. Se evaluó la reactividad del antígeno GST-SAPA en la prueba de ELISA (ELISA-SAPA frente a sueros de personas infectadas por T. cruzi (n = 154, con leishmaniasis (n = 66, infecciones mixtas (n = 29 y controles negativos (n = 28, usando como pruebas de referencia para el diagnóstico de la infección por T. cruzi kits comerciales de ELISA y HAI. Se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad e índice de concordancia kappa de la prueba de ELISA-SAPA, para la detección de infección por T. cruzi. Entre los sueros de pacientes con leishmaniasis estudiados se detectó un 30.5% de infecciones mixtas. Para la detección de infección por T. cruzi, ELISA-SAPA mostró una sensibilidad del 97.1% (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 94.5-99.9, una especificidad del 100% (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 99.5-100 y un índice de concordancia kappa de 96 (intervalo de confianza del 95%:93-99%, comparado con las pruebas serológicas comerciales. Los valores de sensibilidad, especificidad y concordancia calculados muestran una alta eficiencia de ELISA-SAPA.Serologic diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection is important due to the limited sensitivity of direct parasitologic methods for diagnosis in the indeterminate and chronic phases of disease. SAPA antigen has been used in several studies and has been shown to be a good marker for use

  18. Controlled but not cured: Structural processes and explanatory models of Chagas disease in tropical Bolivia. (United States)

    Forsyth, Colin


    Dressler (2001:456) characterizes medical anthropology as divided between two poles: the constructivist, which focuses on the "meaning and significance that events have for people," and the structuralist, which emphasizes socioeconomic processes and relationships. This study synthesizes structuralist and constructivist perspectives by investigating how structural processes impact explanatory models of Chagas disease in a highly endemic area. The research took place from March-June 2013 through the Centro Medico Humberto Parra, a non-profit clinic servicing low income populations in Palacios, Bolivia and surrounding communities. Semistructured interviews (n = 68) and consensus analysis questionnaires (n = 48) were administered to people dealing with Chagas disease. In the interview narratives, respondents link Chagas disease with experiences of marginalization and rural poverty, and describe multilayered impediments to accessing treatment. They often view the disease as incurable, but this reflects inconsistent messages from the biomedical system. The consensus analysis results show strong agreement on knowledge of the vector, ethnomedical treatment, and structural factors related to Chagas disease. In interpreting Chagas disease, respondents account for the structural factors which place them at risk and impede access to care. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Scintigraphy for the detection of myocardial damage in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pedroso, Enio Roberto Pietra; Rezende, Nilton Alves de


    Background: non-invasive cardiological methods have been used for the identification of myocardial damage in Chagas disease. Objective: to verify whether the rest/stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is able to identify early myocardial damage in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease. Methods: eighteen patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas Disease and the same number of normal controls, paired by sex and age, underwent rest/stress myocardial scintigraphy using sestamibi-99mTc, aiming at detecting early cardiac damage. Results: the results did not show perfusion or ventricular function defects in patients at the indeterminate phase of Chagas disease and in the normal controls, except for a patient who presented signs of ventricular dysfunction in the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with electrocardiographic gating. Conclusion: the results of this study, considering the small sample size, showed that the rest/stress myocardial scintigraphy using sestamibi-99mTc is not an effective method to detect early myocardial alterations in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease (author)

  20. Scintigraphy for the detection of myocardial damage in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pedroso, Enio Roberto Pietra; Rezende, Nilton Alves de, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Abuhid, Ivana Moura [Instituto de Medicina Nuclear e Diagnostico Molecular, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    Background: non-invasive cardiological methods have been used for the identification of myocardial damage in Chagas disease. Objective: to verify whether the rest/stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is able to identify early myocardial damage in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease. Methods: eighteen patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas Disease and the same number of normal controls, paired by sex and age, underwent rest/stress myocardial scintigraphy using sestamibi-99mTc, aiming at detecting early cardiac damage. Results: the results did not show perfusion or ventricular function defects in patients at the indeterminate phase of Chagas disease and in the normal controls, except for a patient who presented signs of ventricular dysfunction in the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with electrocardiographic gating. Conclusion: the results of this study, considering the small sample size, showed that the rest/stress myocardial scintigraphy using sestamibi-99mTc is not an effective method to detect early myocardial alterations in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease (author)

  1. Chagas' disease in the Amazon Basin: V. Periurban palms as habitats of Rhodnius robustus and Rhodnius pictipes - triatomine vectors of Chagas' disease

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    M. A. Miles


    Full Text Available Trypanosoma cruzi infected Rhodnius robustus and/or Rhodnius pictipes were commonly found, in large numbers, in the Brazilian Amazonian palms Maximiliana regia ("inajá", Acrocomia sclerocarpa ("mucajá" and Orbignya speciosa ("babaçu". The common opossum, Didelphis marsupialis, was the animal most frequently associated with triatomine infested palms. R. pictipes, frequently light-attracted into houses from palm trees, was the probable source of an acute case of Chagas' disease in the vicinity of Belém. It is considered that triatomine infested palms are likely to cause some cases of acute Chagas' disease in the States of Amazonas and Rondônia. Possible control methods are suggested.Rhodnius robustus e/ou Rhodnius pictipes, infectados com Trypanosoma cruzi foram comumente encontrados, em grande numero, nas palmeiras Maximiliana regia (inaja, Acrocomia sclerocarpa (mucaja e Orbignya speciosa (babacu na Amazonia brasileira. O marsupial Didelphis marsupialis foi o animal encontrado mais frequentemente nas palmeiras associadas a alta prevalencia de triatomineos. R. pictipes que e atraido pela luz nas residencias de palmeiras vizinhas, provavelmente e a fonte de um caso agudo de doenca de Chagas nas vizinhancas de Belem. Sugere-se que as palmeiras albergando triatomineos poderiam ser relacionadas com infeccoes humanas de doenca de Chagas nos Estados de Amazonas e Rondonia. Sugere-se, tambem, possiveis metodos de controle.

  2. [Costs of Chagas' disease screening test in blood donors in two Colombian blood banks, 2015]. (United States)

    Alvis, Nelson José; Díaz, Diana Patricia; Castillo, Liliana; Alvis, Nelson Rafael; Bermúdez, María Isabel; Berrío, Olga Maritza; Beltrán, Mauricio; Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos Andrés


    Transfusion is a mechanism of transmission of Chagas' disease. There are no studies on the costs of the screening test in Colombian blood banks. To estimate the costs of the screening test for Chagas' disease among blood donors in two Colombian blood banks, 2015. We conducted a micro-costing study from the perspective of the health care provider to estimate the cost of Chagas' disease testing in two blood banks, Banco de Sangre de la Cruz Roja, Seccional Bolívar, and Banco de Sangre del Hospital de Yopal, Casanare, taking into account four cost categories: 1) Administrative costs: public services and insurance costs were calculated based on the blood bank area in square meters; 2) capital costs: building and equipment costs that were annualized using a 3% discount rate and a lifespan of 20 years for building and five for equipment; 3) costs of Chagas' disease test materials and reagents adjusted by blood bank production level, and 4) costs of staff in charge of Chagas' disease test processing. The costs of transfusion bagsand immunohematology tests are also reported. The cost of Chagas' disease test in the blood bank of Seccional Bolívar was COP$ 37,804 (USD$ 12), and the blood bag and immunohematology test costs were COP$ 25,941 (USD$ 8.2) and COP$ 6,800 (USD$ 2.2), respectively. In the blood bank of Yopal, Casanare, the costs were COP$ 77,384 (USD$ 24.6), COP$ 30,141 (USD$ 9.6) and COP$ 12,627 (USD$ 4), respectively. Personnel cost accounted for the highest percentage of the total cost for both blood banks (47.5% in Seccional Bolívar, and 55.7% in Yopal, Casanare). Our results are an important input for the planning of services and cost-effectiveness studies for screening tests for Chagas' disease in Colombian blood banks.

  3. Epidemiología de la enfermedad de Chagas en el estado de Veracruz Epidemiology of Chagas disease in the state of Veracruz

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    Elsa L Segura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar la seroprevalencia de enfermedad de Chagas, los factores de riesgo de la vivienda e índices entomológicos, para proponer medidas de control en 11 jurisdicciones sanitarias del estado de Veracruz. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Entre 1997 y 2001 se hizo un estudio transversal cuya muestra quedó integrada por 281 localidades, 2 526 viviendas y 9 782 individuos. Se aplicó un cuestionario sobre factores de riesgo, se tomó sangre en papel filtro y se buscaron triatominos en el intra y peridomicilio. Se obtuvo la prevalencia de exposición a factores de riesgo y de seropositividad para la enfermedad. Se hizo análisis bivariado mediante la razón de momios, ji de Mantel y Haenszel e intervalo de confianza a 95% como prueba de significancia estadística. El análisis multivariado se hizo mediante la regresión logística no condicional y se incluyeron las variables que durante el análisis bivariado mostraron un valor de p hasta de 0.20. El impacto potencial se estimó con base en la fracción etiológica en expuestos. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de enfermedad de Chagas fluctuó entre 0 y 2.8%. Las jurisdicciones con mayor riesgo fueron Tuxpan, Pánuco y Córdoba, y sin riesgo, Orizaba. Los principales factores de riesgo de la vivienda fueron el techo y muro de palma/zacate y piso de tierra, así como la presencia del vector y la ventilación. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario realizar vigilancia epidemiológica basada en educación para la salud, mejoramiento de la vivienda y uso de insecticidas.OBJECTIVE: To assess the seroprevalence, household risk factors, and entomological indicators, in order to frame control measures in 11 Sanitary Jurisdictions of the state. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study included 281 towns, 2 526 households, and 9782 individuals. Data were collected using a questionnaire. Blood was obtained in filter paper and a search for triatomines was conducted inside of and around dwellings. Prevalence rates were used to

  4. Risk factors for Chagas disease among pregnant women in El Salvador. (United States)

    Sasagawa, Emi; Aiga, Hirotsugu; Corado, Edith Y; Cuyuch, Blanca L; Hernández, Marta A; Guevara, Ana V; Romero, José E; Ramos, Hector M; Cedillos, Rafael A; Misago, Chizuru; Kita, Kiyoshi


    To determine the seroprevalence of Chagas disease among pregnant women and estimate the risk factors for Chagas disease during pregnancies. Community-based serological tests on Trypanosoma cruzi and structured interviews on socio-demographic and socio-economic status were conducted with pregnant women registered at three health centres in Sonsonate province, El Salvador. Of 797 pregnant women participating in the study, 29 (3.6%) were infected with Chagas disease. None had clinical symptoms. The results of bivariate analyses showed the significant association between seropositivity and maternal age ≥35 years, anaemia, illiteracy, having no formal school education and having knowledge on Chagas disease (P < 0.05). The results of multivariate analysis indicate that age ≥35 years and anaemia were significantly associated with being infected with Chagas disease among pregnant women (OR = 3.541 and 5.197, respectively). We recommend that the national Chagas disease control programme be better coordinated with the national maternal and child health programme to introduce blood screening for T. cruzi during antenatal visits. If financial constraint allows systematic blood screening to be only partially implemented, resources should be focused on pregnant women ≥35 years and women who have anaemia. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. The chronic gastrointestinal manifestations of Chagas disease

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    Nilce Mitiko Matsuda


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease mainly affects the nervous system, digestive system and heart. The objective of this review is to revise the literature and summarize the main chronic gastrointestinal manifestations of Chagas disease. The chronic gastrointestinal manifestations of Chagas disease are mainly a result of enteric nervous system impairment caused by T. cruzi infection. The anatomical locations most commonly described to be affected by Chagas disease are salivary glands, esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter, stomach, small intestine, colon, gallbladder and biliary tree. Chagas disease has also been studied in association with Helicobacter pylori infection, interstitial cells of Cajal and the incidence of gastrointestinal cancer.

  6. Ventricular arrhythmias in Chagas disease

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    Marco Paulo Tomaz Barbosa


    Full Text Available Sudden death is one of the most characteristic phenomena of Chagas disease, and approximately one-third of infected patients develop life-threatening heart disease, including malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Fibrotic lesions secondary to chronic cardiomyopathy produce arrhythmogenic substrates that lead to the appearance and maintenance of ventricular arrhythmias. The objective of this study is to discuss the main clinical and epidemiological aspects of ventricular arrhythmias in Chagas disease, the specific workups and treatments for these abnormalities, and the breakthroughs needed to determine a more effective approach to these arrhythmias. A literature review was performed via a search of the PubMed database from 1965 to May 31, 2014 for studies of patients with Chagas disease. Clinical management of patients with chronic Chagas disease begins with proper clinical stratification and the identification of individuals at a higher risk of sudden cardiac death. Once a patient develops malignant ventricular arrhythmia, the therapeutic approach aims to prevent the recurrence of arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death by the use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators, antiarrhythmic drugs, or both. In select cases, invasive ablation of the reentrant circuit causing tachycardia may be useful. Ventricular arrhythmias are important manifestations of Chagas cardiomyopathy. This review highlights the absence of high-quality evidence regarding the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias in Chagas disease. Recognizing high-risk patients who require specific therapies, especially invasive procedures such as the implantation of cardioverter defibrillators and ablative approaches, is a major challenge in clinical practice.

  7. O falso dilema sobre a luta antivetorial e as perspectivas de controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil: BHC ou BNH?

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    José R. Coura


    Full Text Available As bases técnicas para o controle da doença de Chagas no Brasil foram estabelecidas com a criação do posto avançado de pesquisa do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz em Bambuí, no oeste de Minas Gerais, no começo da década de 40, sob a liderança de Emmanuel Dias. Entretanto, somente com a criação do Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais (DNERu, em março de 1956, sob a direção de Mario Pinotti, no governo de Juscelino Kubitschek, as medidas de controle foram implementadas. Das "campanhas" de controle das 12 endemias rurais estabelecidas pelo DNERu, a malária, pelo seu caráter de doença aguda e explosiva, sempre teve a maior parte orçamentária. A doença de Chagas e as outras endemias foram sempre relegadas a um plano secundário de prioridade. Por outro lado, a partir da década de 60, os "novos ecologistas" passaram a criticar o uso de inseticidas, com o slogan de que para controlar a doença de Chagas era necessário o BNH (construção de casas, e não o BHC (uso de inseticidas. Esta opinião, embora equivocada para o controle a curto prazo, teve uma enorme influência negativa sobre o controle dos vetores domiciliados. Apesar disso, algum progresso foi feito neste sentido. Na década de 70, a epidemia de meningite meningocócica e a priorização do Programa Especial de Controle da Esquistossomose (PECE, pelo Ministro Almeida Machado, com deslocamento de verbas e de pessoal da Superintendência de Campanhas (Sucam para esses programas, atrasaram ainda mais o controle da doença de Chagas. Somente na década de 80, com a decisão política do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES de alocar 10 bilhões de cruzeiros do Finsocial, o programa de controle da doença de Chagas teve um importante desenvolvimento em 2.000 municípios de 19 Estados brasileiros. Mais uma vez o programa sofre um atraso nesta década, com o deslocamento do pessoal da Sucam para a campanha contra a epidemia da dangue. Finalmente, conclu

  8. Ecoepidemiology, short history and control of Chagas disease in the endemic countries and the new challenge for non-endemic countries

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    José Rodrigues Coura


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is maintained in nature through the interchange of three cycles: the wild, peridomestic and domestic cycles. The wild cycle, which is enzootic, has existed for millions of years maintained between triatomines and wild mammals. Human infection was only detected in mummies from 4,000-9,000 years ago, before the discovery of the disease by Carlos Chagas in 1909. With the beginning of deforestation in the Americas, two-three centuries ago for the expansion of agriculture and livestock rearing, wild mammals, which had been the food source for triatomines, were removed and new food sources started to appear in peridomestic areas: chicken coops, corrals and pigsties. Some accidental human cases could also have occurred prior to the triatomines in peridomestic areas. Thus, triatomines progressively penetrated households and formed the domestic cycle of Chagas disease. A new epidemiological, economic and social problem has been created through the globalisation of Chagas disease, due to legal and illegal migration of individuals infected by Trypanosoma cruzi or presenting Chagas disease in its varied clinical forms, from endemic countries in Latin America to non-endemic countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, particularly to the United States of America and Spain. The main objective of the present paper was to present a general view of the interchanges between the wild, peridomestic and domestic cycles of the disease, the development of T. cruzi among triatomine, their domiciliation and control initiatives, the characteristics of the disease in countries in the Americas and the problem of migration to non-endemic countries.

  9. Estrategia para mejorar el acceso al tratamiento etiológico para la enfermedad de Chagas en el primer nivel de atención en Argentina

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    Karen Klein


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo Mejorar la distribución del tratamiento etiológico para la enfermedad de Chagas mediante la identificación de barreras para su descentralización al primer nivel de atención en Argentina. Métodos Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo, de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo, en base a entrevistas semiestructuradas a actores clave pertenecientes al Programa Nacional de Chagas y miembros de los equipos de salud del primer nivel de atención con el objetivo de identificar barreras para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas en diferentes niveles (administrativo, efectores de salud y comunidad que podrían afectar una estrategia descentralizada de distribución. Además, se implementó un piloto de descentralización en diez centros de atención primaria en una provincia argentina. Resultados Se realizaron 22 entrevistas semiestructuradas con responsables de programas y profesionales de la salud. Los principales obstáculos hallados fueron la falta de búsqueda sistemática de casos, la poca articulación entre los niveles de atención y los actores del sistema de salud, la falta de capacitación del equipo de salud respecto al tratamiento, el seguimiento de los pacientes y las barreras asociadas a los pacientes. Se llevó a cabo un programa piloto de descentralización y se evaluaron estrategias para optimizar la intervención a gran escala. Conclusiones Los resultados permitieron mejorar la implementación del plan de descentralización del tratamiento a través de una mejor articulación interprogramática, la capitalización de herramientas de monitoreo y de comunicación ya existentes, y la sensibilización de los equipos de salud. Además, se formularon recomendaciones tendientes a mejorar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas.

  10. Chagas disease, migration and community settlement patterns in Arequipa, Peru.

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    Angela M Bayer


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is one of the most important neglected tropical diseases in the Americas. Vectorborne transmission of Chagas disease has been historically rare in urban settings. However, in marginal communities near the city of Arequipa, Peru, urban transmission cycles have become established. We examined the history of migration and settlement patterns in these communities, and their connections to Chagas disease transmission.This was a qualitative study that employed focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Five focus groups and 50 in-depth interviews were carried out with 94 community members from three shantytowns and two traditional towns near Arequipa, Peru. Focus groups utilized participatory methodologies to explore the community's mobility patterns and the historical and current presence of triatomine vectors. In-depth interviews based on event history calendars explored participants' migration patterns and experience with Chagas disease and vectors. Focus group data were analyzed using participatory analysis methodologies, and interview data were coded and analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Entomologic data were provided by an ongoing vector control campaign. We found that migrants to shantytowns in Arequipa were unlikely to have brought triatomines to the city upon arrival. Frequent seasonal moves, however, took shantytown residents to valleys surrounding Arequipa where vectors are prevalent. In addition, the pattern of settlement of shantytowns and the practice of raising domestic animals by residents creates a favorable environment for vector proliferation and dispersal. Finally, we uncovered a phenomenon of population loss and replacement by low-income migrants in one traditional town, which created the human settlement pattern of a new shantytown within this traditional community.The pattern of human migration is therefore an important underlying determinant of Chagas disease risk in and around Arequipa. Frequent

  11. The costs of preventing and treating chagas disease in Colombia.

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    Marianela Castillo-Riquelme

    Full Text Available The objective of this study is to report the costs of Chagas disease in Colombia, in terms of vector disease control programmes and the costs of providing care to chronic Chagas disease patients with cardiomyopathy.Data were collected from Colombia in 2004. A retrospective review of costs for vector control programmes carried out in rural areas included 3,084 houses surveyed for infestation with triatomine bugs and 3,305 houses sprayed with insecticide. A total of 63 patient records from 3 different hospitals were selected for a retrospective review of resource use. Consensus methodology with local experts was used to estimate care seeking behaviour and to complement observed data on utilisation.The mean cost per house per entomological survey was $4.4 (in US$ of 2004, whereas the mean cost of spraying a house with insecticide was $27. The main cost driver of spraying was the price of the insecticide, which varied greatly. Treatment of a chronic Chagas disease patient costs between $46.4 and $7,981 per year in Colombia, depending on severity and the level of care used. Combining cost and utilisation estimates the expected cost of treatment per patient-year is $1,028, whereas lifetime costs averaged $11,619 per patient. Chronic Chagas disease patients have limited access to healthcare, with an estimated 22% of patients never seeking care.Chagas disease is a preventable condition that affects mostly poor populations living in rural areas. The mean costs of surveying houses for infestation and spraying infested houses were low in comparison to other studies and in line with treatment costs. Care seeking behaviour and the type of insurance affiliation seem to play a role in the facilities and type of care that patients use, thus raising concerns about equitable access to care. Preventing Chagas disease in Colombia would be cost-effective and could contribute to prevent inequalities in health and healthcare.

  12. Aspectos neurológicos da moléstia de chagas Neurological aspects of Chagas disease

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    Fritz Köberle


    Full Text Available Carlos Chagas related in more than two 200 cases, what he called "nervous forms" of trypanosomiasis, that is neurological manifestations from central origin (idiotism, infantilism, pseudo-bulbar paralysis, aphasia, cerebellar ataxia, atetosis, espostic or paralytic diplegia, disbasia. At that time Chagas expressed his concepts as follows: "In relation to the frequency of trypanosomiasis nervous forms we have performed many observations which allow us to state that this disease is the one which causes the largest number of organic affections of the central nervous system, in human pathology". We are plenty convinced by Chagas's statement. By experiments on animals of laboratory we have very often noticed a rather varied neurological symptomatology, being worth point out identical syndromes to those observed by Chagas. Our autopsy material non-rarely include chronic Chagas cases presenting a most varied symtomatology. Among them we have named only three cases of discerebral nanism, a rather rare affection in other parts of the world and relatively frequent in our material. The fact which we have demonstrated, i.e., a relatively great decreasing of number of nervous cells in the peripheral system could happen in the central nervous system as well. Provided that there are only two quantitative works on neuron number diminishing in the central nervous system in mice and rats we decline to go into further details about central neuropathies in man. We emphasized the necessity to perform researches on this field by means of intimate collaboration between clinicians and pathologists, as the only way to confirm on scientific basis all that was observed by the panoramic and genial vision of Carlos Chagas.

  13. [Chagas's disease and deep ecology: the anti-vectorial fight in question]. (United States)

    Siqueira-Batista, Rodrigo; Gomes, Andréia Patrícia; Rôças, Giselle; Cotta, Rosângela Minardi Mitre; Rubião, Eduardo Cárdenas Nogueira; Pissinatti, Alcides


    The inter-relations between man and the environment are among the main themes currently debated by the Brazilian public health. On such horizon, the questions concerning Chagas's disease are found to remain specially in the scope of the directed actions of control to the triatomine, the anti-vectorial fight , though already a century since its first description by Carlos Chagas, a major epidemiological problem in Latin America. Based on these considerations the present article will seek to discuss the main ecological aspects related to the American trypanosomiasis, emphasizing the control of the vectorial transmission in the context of the deep ecology.

  14. Enfermedad de Chagas y Colonización en el Alto Catatumbo

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    Felipe Guhr


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    El protozoario parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas, infecta alrededor de 10 millones de individuos en Latinoamérica pudiendo ocasionarse en algunos de ellos, patologías cardíacas o digestivas.

    En Colombia, el T.cruzi se detecta frecuentemente en el Valle del Río Magdalena en la región del Catatumbo, la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y los Llanos Orientales.

    Se estima que alrededor de17% de la población colombiana está infectada y cerca del 23% se encuentra bajo riesgo de adquirir la infección dependiendo de la distribución de los vectores (l.

    Se han reportado 17 especies de triatomineos en el país y en siete de ellas se ha demostrado la presencia del parásito. Rhodnius prolixus es el insecto vector de mayor distribución en las áreas endémicas debido a sus hábitos antropofílicos y domiciliarios (2.

    El esquema tradicional de la cadena epidemiológica de 1′. cruzi muestra que la transmisión estuvo primitivamente restringida a ciclos específicos en el ambiente selvático donde triatomineos silvestres acometían mamíferos pequeños y medianos en vastas extensiones del Continente Americano, sin que el hombre interviniera en este ciclo natural.

    Esta situación persiste hasta hoy en regiones vírgenes de América configurándose el carácter epidemiológico de una enzootia silvestre (figura 1.

    La presencia de T. cruzi parece no afectar significativamente a los triatomineos ni a los mamíferos silvestres naturales infectados, lo que sugiere un equilibrio entre las especies, fruto de largos períodos de adaptación. Es común encontrar mamíferos portadores de T. cruzi en el país; por ejemplo, se ha descrito más de un centenar de reservorios pertenecientes a especies diferentes (1.

    La existencia de la enfermedad de Chagas humana es un hecho puramente accidental. En la medida en que el hombre fue entrando en contacto con los focos

  15. Antioxidant effect of Morus nigra on Chagas disease progression. (United States)

    Montenote, Michelly Cristina; Wajsman, Vithor Zuccaro; Konno, Yoichi Takaki; Ferreira, Paulo César; Silva, Regildo Márcio Gonçalves; Therezo, Altino Luiz Silva; Silva, Luciana Pereira; Martins, Luciamáre Perinetti Alves


    Considering the widespread popular use of Morus nigra and the amount of scientific information on its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, the effectiveness of this phytotherapeutic compound in the parasitemia progression during the acute phase of Chagas disease and its role in the development of the inflammatory process as well as its effects on the oxidative damage in the chronic phase of infection were evaluated. Thus, 96 male Swiss mice were randomly divided into eight groups, four groups were uninfected controls, and four groups were intraperitoneally infected with 5.0 x 104 blood trypomastigotes forms of T. cruzi QM2 strain. Four batches composed of one uninfected and one infected group were respectively treated with 70% alcohol solution and 25 μL, 50 μL and 75 μL of the phytotherapeutic compound. Levels of antioxidant elements (TBARS, FRAP, GSH and Sulfhydryl groups) were measured in plasma samples. The phytotherapeutic compound's antioxidant activity was measured by polyphenol and total flavonoid quantification, DPPH, NO, and FRAP method. Our results showed that the vehicle influenced some of the results that may have physiological relevance in Chagas disease. However, an important action of M. nigra tincture was observed in the progression of Chagas disease, since our results demonstrated a reduction in parasitemia of treated groups when compared to controls, especially in the group receiving 25 µL. However, in the chronic phase, the 50-µL dosage presented a better activity on some antioxidant defenses and minimized the tissue inflammatory process. Results indicated an important action of M. nigra tincture on the Chagas disease progression.

  16. Chagas Disease Infection among Migrants at the Mexico/Guatemala Border. (United States)

    Conners, Erin E; Ordoñez, Teresa López; Cordon-Rosales, Celia; Casanueva, Carmen Fernández; Miranda, Sonia Morales; Brouwer, Kimberly C


    Chagas disease results in the largest burden, in terms of disability-adjusted-life-years, of any parasitic disease in the Americas. Monitoring Chagas disease among migrants is critical to controlling its spread and to serving the needs of the migrant community. Therefore, we determined the prevalence and correlates of Chagas disease in regional and international migrant populations at the Mexico/Guatemala border. Data were collected as part of a larger study of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and migration. Participants were a sample of recent regional and international migrants who used an illicit substance or had recent problem drinking. Trypanosoma cruzi infection was classified as testing positive on two different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). Interviewer-administered surveys captured sociodemographics, migration history, Chagas disease knowledge, and access to care. We enrolled 389 recent migrants, and the prevalence of Chagas disease was 3.1%. Only 19% of the participants reported having ever heard of the disease and less than 1% had been previously tested. Trypanosoma cruzi -positive participants were more likely to have been born in a rural area or town than a city (92% yes versus 59% no, P = 0.02) and have recently lived in a house with a makeshift roof (33% yes versus 8% no, P < 0.01), walls (42% yes versus 13% no, P < 0.01), or floor (50% yes versus 21% no, P < 0.02), or cinderblock walls (92% yes versus 63% no, P = 0.04). With migration rapidly changing the distribution of Chagas disease, more work needs to be done to create targeted surveillance programs and provide access to affordable treatment among Latin American migrants.

  17. Are the London Declaration's 2020 goals sufficient to control Chagas disease?: Modeling scenarios for the Yucatan Peninsula. (United States)

    Lee, Bruce Y; Bartsch, Sarah M; Skrip, Laura; Hertenstein, Daniel L; Avelis, Cameron M; Ndeffo-Mbah, Martial; Tilchin, Carla; Dumonteil, Eric O; Galvani, Alison


    The 2020 Sustainable Development goals call for 100% certified interruption or control of the three main forms of Chagas disease transmission in Latin America. However, how much will achieving these goals to varying degrees control Chagas disease; what is the potential impact of missing these goals and if they are achieved, what may be left? We developed a compartmental simulation model that represents the triatomine, human host, and non-human host populations and vector-borne, congenital, and transfusional T. cruzi transmission between them in the domestic and peridomestic settings to evaluate the impact of limiting transmission in a 2,000 person virtual village in Yucatan, Mexico. Interruption of domestic vectorial transmission had the largest impact on T. cruzi transmission and prevalence in all populations. Most of the gains were achieved within the first few years. Controlling vectorial transmission resulted in a 46.1-83.0% relative reduction in the number of new acute Chagas cases for a 50-100% interruption in domestic vector-host contact. Only controlling congenital transmission led to a 2.4-8.1% (30-100% interruption) relative reduction in the total number of new acute cases and reducing only transfusional transmission led to a 0.1-0.3% (30-100% reduction). Stopping all three forms of transmission resulted in 0.5 total transmission events over five years (compared to 5.0 with no interruption); interrupting all forms by 30% resulted in 3.4 events over five years per 2,000 persons. While reducing domestic vectorial, congenital, and transfusional transmission can successfully reduce transmission to humans (up to 82% in one year), achieving the 2020 goals would still result in 0.5 new acute cases per 2,000 over five years. Even if the goals are missed, major gains can be achieved within the first few years. Interrupting transmission should be combined with other efforts such as a vaccine or improved access to care, especially for the population of already

  18. Enfermedad de Chagas congenita en la Ciudad de Salta, Argentina Congenital Chagas' disease in Salta, Argentina

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    Mario Zaidenberg


    Full Text Available Se estudió la respuesta clínica y serológica a la infección chagásica de 937 embarazadas y sus 929 recién nacidos (RN vivos, grupo I; 4 RN de origen diverso, grupo II y 35 RN derivados de otros centros, grupo III. Las embarazadas se estudiaron con 3 reacciones serológicas; se definió infección cuando 2 o más reacciones eran positivas. En los RN el diagnóstico se confirmó por observación directa del T. cruzi en una muestra de sangre. Los RN con Chagas congénita (RN-ChC fueron tratados y seguidos con estudios clínicos y de laboratorio. Se detectaron 149 embarazadas chagásicas (15.9%, de las cuales se diagnosticaron 6 RN-ChC (4%. En el total de 968 RN estudiados se detectaron 12 RN infectados. El micro-hematócrito fue el método parasitológico de lectura rápida más efectivo para el diagnóstico de infección en nuestra serie. El par de reacciones serológicas específicas constituyó un criterio de mayor seguridad para el control y seguimiento de la infección congénita. Las expresiones clínicas más comunes de infección fueron hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia, ictericia, anemia y prematurez, con distintos grados de asociación. Se concluye que dadas las características clínicas de la enfermedad de Chagas congénita en nuestro medio, se impone como estrategia el diagnóstico serológico para la enfermedad de Chagas en todas las embarazadas y el control y seguimiento de sus RN hasta descartar o confirmar infección congénita.The immune response to Trypanosoma cruzi was studied in our hospital in 937 pregnant women (PW and their 929 newborns (NB, group I; 4 NB from this center not included in the first group, group II and 35 NB derived from other centers, group III. Two positive results among indirect hemagglutination (IHA, complement fixation (CF and indirect hemagglutination (IHA, complement fixation (CF and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF tests were considered as the criterion of previous infection with T. cruzi in PW. The

  19. Miradas Caleidoscópicas sobre el Chagas. Una experiencia educativa en el Museo de La Plata

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    Mariana Sanmartino


    Full Text Available Presentamos resultados y reflexiones en torno a la experiencia "Semana del Chagas en el Museo de La Plata" (La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina realizada en mayo de 2011. La propuesta tuvo como objetivo la difusión y sensibilización acerca de la problemática del Chagas desde una mirada integral. Las actividades incluyeron una muestra de obras plásticas; la proyección de materiales audiovisuales innovadores; talleres con estudiantes de escuelas primarias y secundarias de la zona; charlas abiertas a cargo de especialistas; la presentación y distribución de materiales didácticos a docentes de escuelas; así como el desarrollo de actividades destinadas al público general. La evaluación de la experiencia es altamente satisfactoria, y de la reflexión sobre lo transitado -durante la organización y en la implementación- surgen múltiples aprendizajes tanto para participantes como para organizadores, de lo cual se desprende el interés por compartir la propuesta y la posibilidad de adecuarla a otros contextos.

  20. Morphologic and morphometric evaluation of pancreatic islets in chronic Chagas' disease

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    Saldanha João Carlos


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Hyperglycemia and abnormal glucose tolerance tests observed in some patients with chronic Chagas' disease suggest the possibility of morphological changes in pancreatic islets and/or denervation. The purpose of this study was to describe the morphology and morphometry of pancreatic islets in chronic Chagas' disease. METHODS: Morphologic and computerized morphometric studies were performed in fragments of the head, body, and tail regions of the pancreas obtained at necropsies of 8 normal controls and 17 patients with chronic Chagas' disease: 8 with the digestive form (Megas and 9 with the congestive heart failure form. RESULTS: The Megas group had a larger (p < 0.05 pancreatic islet area in the tail of the pancreas (10649.3 ± 4408.8 µm² than the normal control (9481.8 ± 3242.4 µm² and congestive heart failure (9475.1 ± 2104.9 µm² groups; likewise, the density of the pancreatic islets (PI was greater (1.2 ± 0.7 vs. 0.9 ± 0.6 vs. 1.9 ± 1.0 PI/mm², respectively. In the tail region of the pancreas of patients with the Megas form, there was a significant and positive correlation (r = +0.73 between the area and density of pancreatic islets. Discrete fibrosis and leukocytic infiltrates were found in pancreatic ganglia and pancreatic islets of the patients with Chagas' disease. Trypanosoma cruzi nests were not observed in the examined sections. Individuals with the Megas form of Chagas' disease showed increased area and density of pancreatic islets in the tail of the pancreas. CONCLUSION: The observed morphometric and morphologic alterations are consistent with functional changes in the pancreas, including glycemia and insulin disturbances.

  1. Chagas disease, a risk factor for high blood pressure. (United States)

    Vicco, Miguel Hernán; Rodeles, Luz; Yódice, Agustina; Marcipar, Iván


    Chagas disease is a parasite infection caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. Its most common complications is chronic Chagas heart disease but impairments of the systemic vasculature also has been observed. Although the different mechanisms that regulate blood pressure are disrupted, to our knowledge data on the association of hypertension and chronic Chagas disease are scarce. In this regard we evaluate whether Chagas disease constitutes a high blood pressure risk factor. We recruited 200 individuals, half of them with positive serology for T. cruzi. They were subjected to a complete clinical examination. The mean age of sampled individuals was 46.7 ± 12.3, and the mean of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 124 ± 12 mmHg and 82 ± 10 mmHg, respectively. There were no between-group differences regarding age, sex distribution or body mass index. Chagas disease contributed significantly to high blood pressure (OR = 4, 95% CI 1.8323-7.0864, p = 0.0002). Our results reveal an important association between Chagas disease and high blood pressure, which should be contemplated by physicians in order to promote preventive cardiovascular actions in patients with Chagas disease.

  2. A history of chagas disease transmission, control, and re-emergence in peri-rural La Joya, Peru. (United States)

    Delgado, Stephen; Castillo Neyra, Ricardo; Quispe Machaca, Víctor R; Ancca Juárez, Jenny; Chou Chu, Lily; Verastegui, Manuela Renee; Moscoso Apaza, Giovanna M; Bocángel, César D; Tustin, Aaron W; Sterling, Charles R; Comrie, Andrew C; Náquira, César; Cornejo del Carpio, Juan G; Gilman, Robert H; Bern, Caryn; Levy, Michael Z


    The history of Chagas disease control in Peru and many other nations is marked by scattered and poorly documented vector control campaigns. The complexities of human migration and sporadic control campaigns complicate evaluation of the burden of Chagas disease and dynamics of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission. We conducted a cross-sectional serological and entomological study to evaluate temporal and spatial patterns of T. cruzi transmission in a peri-rural region of La Joya, Peru. We use a multivariate catalytic model and Bayesian methods to estimate incidence of infection over time and thereby elucidate the complex history of transmission in the area. Of 1,333 study participants, 101 (7.6%; 95% CI: 6.2-9.0%) were confirmed T. cruzi seropositive. Spatial clustering of parasitic infection was found in vector insects, but not in human cases. Expanded catalytic models suggest that transmission was interrupted in the study area in 1996 (95% credible interval: 1991-2000), with a resultant decline in the average annual incidence of infection from 0.9% (95% credible interval: 0.6-1.3%) to 0.1% (95% credible interval: 0.005-0.3%). Through a search of archival newspaper reports, we uncovered documentation of a 1995 vector control campaign, and thereby independently validated the model estimates. High levels of T. cruzi transmission had been ongoing in peri-rural La Joya prior to interruption of parasite transmission through a little-documented vector control campaign in 1995. Despite the efficacy of the 1995 control campaign, T. cruzi was rapidly reemerging in vector populations in La Joya, emphasizing the need for continuing surveillance and control at the rural-urban interface.

  3. Is endothelial microvascular function equally impaired among patients with chronic Chagas and ischemic cardiomyopathy? (United States)

    Borges, Juliana Pereira; Mendes, Fernanda de Souza Nogueira Sardinha; Lopes, Gabriella de Oliveira; Sousa, Andréa Silvestre de; Mediano, Mauro Felippe Felix; Tibiriçá, Eduardo


    Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) and cardiomyopathies due to other etiologies involve differences in pathophysiological pathways that are still unclear. Systemic microvascular abnormalities are associated with the pathogenesis of ischemic heart disease. However, systemic microvascular endothelial function in CCC remains to be elucidated. Thus, we compared the microvascular endothelial function of patients presenting with CCC to those with ischemic cardiomyopathy disease. Microvascular reactivity was assessed in 21 patients with cardiomyopathy secondary to Chagas disease, 21 patients with cardiomyopathy secondary to ischemic disease and 21 healthy controls. Microvascular blood flow was assessed in the skin of the forearm using laser speckle contrast imaging coupled with iontophoresis of acetylcholine (ACh). Peak increase in forearm blood flow with ACh iontophoresis in relation to baseline was greater in healthy controls than in patients with heart disease (controls: 162.7 ± 58.4% vs. ischemic heart disease: 74.1 ± 48.3% and Chagas: 85.1 ± 68.1%; p < 0.0001). Patients with Chagas and ischemic cardiomyopathy presented similar ACh-induced changes from baseline in skin blood flow (p = 0.55). Endothelial microvascular function was equally impaired among patients with CCC and ischemic cardiomyopathy. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Positive deviance study to inform a Chagas disease control program in southern Ecuador. (United States)

    Nieto-Sanchez, Claudia; Baus, Esteban G; Guerrero, Darwin; Grijalva, Mario J


    Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, which is mainly transmitted by the faeces of triatomine insects that find favourable environments in poorly constructed houses. Previous studies have documented persistent triatomine infestation in houses in the province of Loja in southern Ecuador despite repeated insecticide and educational interventions. We aim to develop a sustainable strategy for the interruption of Chagas disease transmission by promoting living environments that are designed to prevent colonisation of rural houses by triatomines. This study used positive deviance to inform the design of an anti-triatomine prototype house by identifying knowledge, attitudes and practices used by families that have remained triatomine-free (2010-2012). Positive deviants reported practices that included maintenance of structural elements of the house, fumigation of dwellings and animal shelters, sweeping with "insect repellent" plants and relocation of domestic animals away from the house, among others. Participants favoured construction materials that do not drastically differ from those currently used (adobe walls and tile roofs). They also expressed their belief in a clear connection between a clean house and health. The family's economic dynamics affect space use and must be considered in the prototype's design. Overall, the results indicate a positive climate for the introduction of housing improvements as a protective measure against Chagas disease in this region.

  5. Are the London Declaration’s 2020 goals sufficient to control Chagas disease?: Modeling scenarios for the Yucatan Peninsula (United States)

    Bartsch, Sarah M.; Skrip, Laura; Hertenstein, Daniel L.; Ndeffo-Mbah, Martial; Dumonteil, Eric O.; Galvani, Alison


    Background The 2020 Sustainable Development goals call for 100% certified interruption or control of the three main forms of Chagas disease transmission in Latin America. However, how much will achieving these goals to varying degrees control Chagas disease; what is the potential impact of missing these goals and if they are achieved, what may be left? Methods We developed a compartmental simulation model that represents the triatomine, human host, and non-human host populations and vector-borne, congenital, and transfusional T. cruzi transmission between them in the domestic and peridomestic settings to evaluate the impact of limiting transmission in a 2,000 person virtual village in Yucatan, Mexico. Results Interruption of domestic vectorial transmission had the largest impact on T. cruzi transmission and prevalence in all populations. Most of the gains were achieved within the first few years. Controlling vectorial transmission resulted in a 46.1–83.0% relative reduction in the number of new acute Chagas cases for a 50–100% interruption in domestic vector-host contact. Only controlling congenital transmission led to a 2.4–8.1% (30–100% interruption) relative reduction in the total number of new acute cases and reducing only transfusional transmission led to a 0.1–0.3% (30–100% reduction). Stopping all three forms of transmission resulted in 0.5 total transmission events over five years (compared to 5.0 with no interruption); interrupting all forms by 30% resulted in 3.4 events over five years per 2,000 persons. Conclusions While reducing domestic vectorial, congenital, and transfusional transmission can successfully reduce transmission to humans (up to 82% in one year), achieving the 2020 goals would still result in 0.5 new acute cases per 2,000 over five years. Even if the goals are missed, major gains can be achieved within the first few years. Interrupting transmission should be combined with other efforts such as a vaccine or improved access to

  6. Chagas disease: 100 years after its discovery. A systemic review. (United States)

    Coura, José Rodrigues; Borges-Pereira, José


    Although Chagas disease was only discovered in 1909, it began millions of years ago as an enzootic disease among wild animals. Its transmission to man began accidentally as an anthropozoonosis when mankind invaded wild ecotopes. Endemic Chagas disease became established as a zoonosis over the last 200-300 years through deforestation for agriculture and livestock rearing and adaptation of triatomines to dwellings and to humans and domestic animals as food sources. When T. cruzi is transmitted to man, it invades the bloodstream and lymphatic system and lodges in muscle and heart tissue, the digestive system and phagocytic cells. Through this, it causes inflammatory lesions and an immune response, particularly mediated by CD4(+), CD8(+), IL2 and IL4, with cell and neuron destruction and fibrosis. These processes lead to blockage of the heart's conductive system, arrhythmias, heart failure, aperistalsis and dilatation of hollow viscera, especially the esophagus and colons. Chagas disease is characterized by an acute phase with or without symptoms, with (or more often without) T. cruzi penetration signs (inoculation chagoma or Romaña's sign), fever, adenomegaly, hepatosplenomegaly and patent parasitemia; and a chronic phase: indeterminate (asymptomatic, with normal electrocardiogram and heart, esophagus and colon X-rays) or cardiac, digestive or cardiac/digestive forms. There is great regional variation in the morbidity caused by Chagas disease: severe cardiac or digestive forms may occur in 10-50%, and indeterminate forms in the remaining, asymptomatic cases. The epidemiological and control characteristics of Chagas disease vary according to each country's ecological conditions and health policies. 2010. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Recombinant Arthrobacter β-1, 3-glucanase as a potential effector molecule for paratransgenic control of Chagas disease. (United States)

    Jose, Christo; Klein, Nicole; Wyss, Sarah; Fieck, Annabeth; Hurwitz, Ivy; Durvasula, Ravi


    Chagas disease is most often transmitted to humans by Trypanosoma cruzi infected triatomine bugs, and remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in Central and South America. Control of Chagas disease has relied mainly on vector eradication. However, development of insect resistance has prompted us to develop a paratransgenic strategy to control vectorial transmission of T. cruzi. Here, the potential role of recombinant endoglucanases as anti-trypanosomal agents for paratransgenic application is examined. The surface of T. cruzi is covered by a thick coat of mucin-like glycoproteins that have been proposed to play a role in the binding of T. cruzi to the membrane surface of the vector gut. We hypothesize that disruption of these glycoconjugates could arrest parasite development in the vector and abort the transmission cycle. In this work, we examine the effects of recombinant Arthrobacter luteus β-1, 3-glucanase expressed via Rhodococcus rhodnii on T. cruzi Sylvio II strain. The coding sequence for β-1, 3-glucanase was cloned in-frame to a heterologous promoter/signal sequence from the Mycobacterium kansasii alpha antigen gene resident in an E. coli/R. rhodnii shuttle vector. The resulting construct was confirmed by sequencing, and electroporated into R. rhodnii. Expression products from positive clones were purified from log phase cultures followed by dialysis into physiological buffers. Lysates and media were quantitated by ELISA against rabbit antibody specific to β-1,3-glucanase. Glucanase-positive samples were applied to live T. cruzi parasites in culture and viability accessed by spectrophotometric and fluorescent microscopic measurements. R. rhodnii-expressed β-1,3-glucanase exhibited toxicity against T. cruzi compared to controls when applied at 5 and 10% of the total culture volume. The decrease in cell viability ranged from a maximum of 50% for the media treatments to 80% for the filtered lysates. These results suggest that recombinant

  8. Positive deviance study to inform a Chagas disease control program in southern Ecuador

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    Claudia Nieto-Sanchez


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, which is mainly transmitted by the faeces of triatomine insects that find favourable environments in poorly constructed houses. Previous studies have documented persistent triatomine infestation in houses in the province of Loja in southern Ecuador despite repeated insecticide and educational interventions. We aim to develop a sustainable strategy for the interruption of Chagas disease transmission by promoting living environments that are designed to prevent colonisation of rural houses by triatomines. This study used positive deviance to inform the design of an anti-triatomine prototype house by identifying knowledge, attitudes and practices used by families that have remained triatomine-free (2010-2012. Positive deviants reported practices that included maintenance of structural elements of the house, fumigation of dwellings and animal shelters, sweeping with "insect repellent" plants and relocation of domestic animals away from the house, among others. Participants favoured construction materials that do not drastically differ from those currently used (adobe walls and tile roofs. They also expressed their belief in a clear connection between a clean house and health. The family's economic dynamics affect space use and must be considered in the prototype's design. Overall, the results indicate a positive climate for the introduction of housing improvements as a protective measure against Chagas disease in this region.

  9. Cultural barriers to effective communication between Indigenous communities and health care providers in Northern Argentina: an anthropological contribution to Chagas disease prevention and control. (United States)

    Dell'Arciprete, Ana; Braunstein, José; Touris, Cecilia; Dinardi, Graciela; Llovet, Ignacio; Sosa-Estani, Sergio


    Ninety percent of the aboriginal communities of Argentina are located in areas of endemic vectorial transmission of Chagas disease. Control activities in these communities have not been effective. The goal of this research was to explore the role played by beliefs, habits, and practices of Pilaga and Wichi indigenous communities in their interaction with the local health system in the province of Formosa. This article contributes to the understanding of the cultural barriers that affect the communication process between indigenous peoples and their health care providers. Twenty-nine open ended interviews were carried out with members of four indigenous communities (Pilaga and Wichi) located in central Formosa. These interviews were used to describe and compare these communities' approach to health and disease as they pertain to Chagas as well as their perceptions of Western medicine and its incarnation in local health practice. Five key findings are presented: 1) members of these communities tend to see disease as caused by other people or by the person's violation of taboos instead of as a biological process; 2) while the Pilaga are more inclined to accept Western medicine, the Wichi often favour the indigenous approach to health care over the Western approach; 3) members of these communities do not associate the vector with the transmission of the disease and they have little awareness of the need for vector control activities; 4) indigenous individuals who undergo diagnostic tests and accept treatment often do so without full information and knowledge; 5) the clinical encounter is rife with conflict between the expectations of health care providers and those of members of these communities. Our analysis suggests that there is a need to consider the role of the cultural patterning of health and disease when developing interventions to prevent and control Chagas disease among indigenous communities in Northern Argentina. This is especially important when

  10. Epidemiología de la enfermedad de Chagas, Departamento General Paz, Argentina Chagas' disease epidemiology in the province of General Paz, Argentina

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    Elena B Oscherov


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue investigar la colonización por triatominos en ambientes domésticos y peridomésticos y evaluar la seroprevalencia de infectados chagásicos en localidades rurales. MÉTODOS: La investigación se realizó en General Paz, Corrientes, Argentina. Las viviendas y peridomicilios se seleccionaron mediante un muestreo simple al azar. La búsqueda de triatominos se efectuó por el método captura/hora/hombre. Los insectos se identificaron taxonómicamente y se clasificaron según sexo y edad. La infección por Trypanosoma cruzi se detectó por observación directa de las heces al microscopio y por la técnica de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR. Se evaluaron serológicamente a pobladores voluntarios mediante las técnicas de hemaglutinación indirecta (HAI y ensayo inmunoenzimático (ELISA. Se hallaron los índices de infestación, densidad, colonización, infección natural y dispersión. RESULTADOS: Se analizaron 42 viviendas y 50 peridomicilios. En el domicilio los índices de infestación e infección de Triatoma infestans fueron 23,8 y 19,4 respectivamente. Los índices de densidad, colonización y dispersión fueron 2,1; 47,0 y 50,0 respectivamente. La infestación del peridomicilio por T. infestans fue 5,9% y por T. sordida 11,8%. T. sordida resultó infectada por Trypanosoma cruzi en un 2,0%. La seroprevalencia al T. cruzi de los 85 pacientes fue del 22,3%. CONCLUSIONES: Se estima que en el área investigada la transmisión del T. cruzi está interrumpida. Sin embargo, la presencia de infectados humanos y de T. infestans parasitadas posibilitan el reinicio del ciclo de transmisión. Se proponen acciones de rociado con insecticidas con el objeto de eliminar las poblaciones del vector.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate triatomine colonization in domestic and peridomestic ecotopes and to assess the seroprevalence of Chagas' disease in rural areas. METHODS: The study was

  11. Doença de Chagas no Brasil Chagas disease in Brazil

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    Márcio C. Vinhaes


    Full Text Available Sumariam-se os dados da Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FNS sobre o estado atual dos vetores da doença de Chagas no Brasil, verificando-se que após vinte anos de controle químico continuado houve franca redução dos índices triatomínico-tripanosômicos, particularmente para esp��cies como Triatoma infestans e Panstrongylus megistus. Em paralelo, dados de sorologia escolar, de internações e de mortalidade pela doença indicam descenso nas taxas de incidência e impacto médico social da protozoose, restando áreas mais preocupantes, como o Nordeste e resíduos de T. infestans. Impõe-se urgente uma vigilância epidemiológica efetiva, a ser realizada por estados e municípios ante o processo de descentralização da FNS.This article presents the current situation for Chagas disease vectors in Brazil, based on data from the Brazilian National Health Foundation (FNS. Over the course of the last 20 years, continuous chemical control has resulted in a clear reduction of triatomine densities and Trypanosoma cruzi in Brazilian dwellings. Results have been particularly promising in relation to Triatoma infestans and Panstrongylus megistus, considered the most important species in the past. In parallel, data from school serological surveys, hospitalized patients, and mortality records show an important decrease in the disease. Nevertheless, some areas of the Brazilian Northeast and some residual foci of Triatoma infestans and Panstrongylus megistus remain as major challenges for public health authorities, requiring effective epidemiological surveillance. States and municipalities are required to assume this task at present, as the traditional Brazilian National Health Foundation is undergoing decentralization.

  12. Community resilience and Chagas disease in a rural region of Mexico. (United States)

    Rangel, José Antonio Santana; Monreal, Luz Arenas; Ramsey, Janine M


    óvenes, mujeres y hombres adultos. La investigación se efectúo en una localidad rural del Estado de Morelos, México, entre 2006 y 2007. Se efectuaron sesiones educativas con la población en general, para que los habitantes identificaran la relación entre el vector Triatoma pallidipennis, el parásito (Trypanosoma cruzi), la sintomatología y acciones preventivas para la enfermedad de Chagas. El registro etnográfico y los grupos fueron analizados con base en una modificación de Taylor y Bogdan, y el foco fue comprender los significados socioculturales que guían los discursos y actividades de los pobladores en relación a los pilares de la resiliencia comunitaria. La población se sentía orgullosa de pertenecer a esa localidad y se identificaron con claridad tres pilares de la resiliencia comunitaria: autoestima colectiva, identidad cultural y honestidad social. Tomando como base estos pilares, se impulsó la participación de la población en torno a la enfermedad de Chagas, y se formó un Grupo de Acción Comunitaria con jóvenes, hombres y mujeres adultos, y líderes sociales. Este Grupo inició acciones de vigilancia epidemiológica y entomológica en la comunidad para hacer frente a esta problemática. Es necesario generar más experiencias que profundicen en la comprensión de los pilares de resiliencia comunitaria, y en la manera en que estos contribuyen a potenciar la participación en salud para enfrentar la enfermedad de Chagas.

  13. CHARITY: Chagas cardiomyopathy bisoprolol intervention study: a randomized double-blind placebo force-titration controlled study with Bisoprolol in patients with chronic heart failure secondary to Chagas cardiomyopathy [NCT00323973

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    Casas Juan P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chagas' disease is the major cause of disability secondary to tropical diseases in young adults from Latin America, and around 20 million people are currently infected by T. cruzi. Heart failure due to Chagas cardiomyopathy is the main clinical presenation in Colombia. Heart failure due to Chagas' disease may respond to digoxin, diuretics and vasodilator therapy. Beta-adrenoreceptor antagonism seems to protect against the increased risk of cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death due to chronic sympathetic stimulation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of the selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocker Bisoprolol on cardiovascular mortality, hospital readmission due to progressive heart failure and functional status in patients with heart failure secondary to Chagas' cardiomyopathy. Methods/design A cohort of 500 T. cruzi seropositive patients (250 per arm will be selected from several institutions in Colombia. During the pretreatment period an initial evaluation visit will be scheduled in which participants will sign consent forms and baseline measurements and tests will be conducted including blood pressure measurements, twelve-lead ECG and left ventricular ejection fraction assessment by 2D echocardiography. Quality of life questionnaire will be performed two weeks apart during baseline examination using the "Minnesota living with heart failure" questionnaire. A minimum of two 6 minutes corridor walk test once a week over a two-week period will be performed to measure functional class. During the treatment period patients will be randomly assigned to receive Bisoprolol or placebo, initially taking a total daily dose of 2.5 mgrs qd. The dose will be increased every two weeks to 5, 7.5 and 10 mgrs qd (maximum maintenance dose. Follow-up assessment will include clinical check-up, and blood collection for future measurements of inflammatory reactants and markers. Quality of life measurements will be obtained at six

  14. Como as ações de saúde pensam o homem e como o homem as repensa: uma análise antropológica do controle da doença de Chagas How health activities view man and how man rethinks them: an anthropological analysis of Chagas disease control

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    Claudia Magnani


    Full Text Available Estudo antropológico sobre a percepção cultural de um grupo de residentes no Município de Bambuí, Minas Gerais, Brasil, em relação à experiência de doença de Chagas e ao impacto das ações de saúde na vida social. Foi realizada uma pesquisa etnográfica baseada no instrumento de entrevista aberta, buscando identificar a percepção individual de 35 habitantes de Bambuí (chagásicos e não que viveram na região desde os anos quarenta, quando as ações de saúde foram promovidas para combater a doença de Chagas. Dentro de uma ampla análise da percepção social do efeito das ações de saúde implementadas, procurou-se observar as representações culturais do processo do adoecer. O estudo pretende contribuir para que as intervenções de saúde possam atuar de forma integral, incluindo os aspectos sócio-culturais com a população à qual se dirigem. A perspectiva cultural assume um importante papel para evitar sofrimento social.This anthropological study addresses the cultural perceptions of a group of residents in the city of Bambuí, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in relation to experience with Chagas disease and the impact of health measures on social life. The ethnographic study was based on open interviews, seeking to identify individual perceptions among 35 inhabitants of Bambuí (with and without Chagas disease living in the region since the 1940s, when Chagas disease control activities were launched. Within a broad analysis of social perceptions concerning the effect of these health measures, the study sought to observe the cultural representations of the illness process. The study is intended to contribute to comprehensive work in health interventions, including the target population's socio-cultural characteristics. The cultural perspective plays an important role in preventing social distress.

  15. Quality assurance of the serologic diagnosis of Chagas' disease Garantía de calidad en el diagnóstico serológico de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Estela N. Cura


    Full Text Available A quality assurance program of the Chagas' disease laboratory network of Argentina has been conducted by the National Reference Center since 1988, with the aim of assessing the reliability of serologic test results. Chagas' disease is endemic in Argentina, but the prevalence of seropositivity for Trypanosoma cruzi among 18- to 20-year-old men decreased from 5.8% in 1981 to 1.8% in 1994. About 600 laboratories form the Chagas' disease laboratory network, with main central laboratories in each of the 24 provinces in Argentina. The quality assurance program promotes regular use of good laboratory practice and internal and external quality control to improve performance of the participants; it also provides technical assistance and guidelines. Eventual corrective measures are discussed in workshops. Results of the first external evaluation by proficiency testing of serum panels and confirmation of results for 58 of the main laboratories reveal that from 1988 to 1994 the rate of agreement has increased.El Centro Nacional de Referencia ha llevado a cabo desde 1988 un programa de garantía de calidad en la red de laboratorios para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Chagas en Argentina. El propósito ha sido evaluar la confiabilidad de los resultados de la prueba serológica. La enfermedad de Chagas es endémica en Argentina, pero la prevalencia de seropositividad a Trypanosoma cruzi en hombres de 18 a 24 años bajó de 5,8% en 1981 a 1,8% en 1994. Alrededor de 600 laboratorios forman la red para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Chagas, que cuenta con un laboratorio central en cada una de las 24 provincias argentinas. El programa para la garantía de la calidad promueve la aplicación continua de las buenas prácticas de laboratorio y se vale de controles de calidad internos y externos para mejorar el rendimiento de los participantes. También provee asistencia técnica y sienta parámetros normativos. Cualquier enmienda que resulte necesaria se

  16. Increased osmotic sensitivity for antidiuretic response in chronic chagas' disease

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    Joel Paulo Russomano Veiga


    Full Text Available The osmotic threshold for attaining the antidiuretic response to hypertonic saline infusion and Progressive dehydration was studied in 31 patients with the chronic form of Chagas' disease and 16 control patients. The chagasic patients exhibited enhanced osmoticsensitivity to the antidiuretic response. This was demonstrated by lower values of the increments in plasma osmolarity sufficient to induce a significant fall in water clearance, without alterations in the osmolar clearance or creatinine excretion. The time needed to attain the antidiuretic response was shorterfor chagasics in relation to normal subjects. The results suggest the existence of a disturbance in the fine control of osmoregulation in the chagasic patients. They are interpreted to be a consequence of the denervation in hypothalamic or extrahypothalamic areas that regulate the secretion of vasopressin in chronic Chagas' disease.O limiar de sensibilidade osmótíca para obtenção de resposta antídiurética foi avaliado em 31 pacientes com a forma crônica da moléstia de Chagas, através de infusão de salina hipertônica ou desidratação. Os resultados, quando comparados com os obtidos em 16 pacientes-controle, mostram uma sensibilidade osmótíca aumentada para os chagásicos, dados os menores valores do incremento na osmolaridade plasmática, suficiente para induzir uma queda significativa na depuração de água livre, sem alterações na depuração osmolar ou na excreção de creatínina. Também, o tempo necessário para atingir a antídiurese foi mais curto para os chagásicos do que para os controles. Os resultados sugerem a existência de um distúrbio na osmorregulação, nos pacientes chagásicos, caracterizado por uma sensibilidade osmótíca aumentada dos osmorreceptores para liberação da vasopressina. Estes dados interpretam-se como conseqüente à desnervação em áreas hipotalâmicas ou extra-hipotalâmicas, relacionadas com a secreção do horm

  17. Chagas disease. A new pathophysiological assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Redruello, M.; Masoli, O.; Hasson, I.; Cragnolino, D.; Traverso, S.; Perez Balino, N.; Sarmiento, R.; Lazzari, J.; Luluaga, E.


    Background: There is scarce information on myocardial perfusion abnormalities and on the coronary vasomotor condition in Chagas disease patients. Aims: To assess regional perfusion abnormalities and the coronary vasomotor response of patients in the chronic phase of Chagas disease. Methods: With the use of 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT imaging and cold pressor test and intracoronary acetylcoline (ACH) perfusion, we studied 9 patients aged 42,6±12 years, 4 males, in the chronic stage of Chagas disease (5 with the indeterminate form and 4 with heart lesion) with normal coronary arteries. Vasomotor responses to intracoronary increasing doses of ACH and to a single dose of nitroglycerine (NTG) were assessed with digital quantitative angiography. Regional myocardial perfusion was evaluated at rest and after cold pressor test by a semi quantitative score analysis in an 18-segment model with 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT images. Results were expressed as mean ± 2SD. Differences between continuous variables were measured by two tails Student's t test for paired variables and the significance level was set at 5 %. Results: All patients had regional perfusion defects and abnormal vasomotor response. The diameter of the left anterior descending artery decreased 34% from a basal diameter of 3.66∫0.95 mm down to 2.42±0.74 mm after maximal response to ACH (p<0.002). NTG infusion augmented its diameter to 3.86±0.77 mm (p<0.0002) that is a 60% increase from post ACH diameter. Myocardial perfusion score was 1∫2.66 at rest and 6.22±3.6 after cold pressor test (p<0.0001). Conclusions: This group of patients in the chronic phase of Chagas disease showed an abnormal vasoconstrictive response to intracoronary ACH and cold-induced perfusion defects suggesting that endothelial dysfunction plays a role in the pathophysiology of chronic Chagas heart disease

  18. American Trypanosomiasis (Also Known as Chagas Disease) Detailed FAQs (United States)

    ... I prevent infection? What is Chagas disease? Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi , which is transmitted to animals and people by insect vectors that are found only in the Americas (mainly, ...

  19. New evidence of spontaneous cure in human Chagas' disease Novas evidências da cura espontânea da doença de Chagas humana

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    Sonia S. Francolino


    Full Text Available A new case of spontaneous cure of human Chagas' disease is described in Uruguay. An 87-year-old man who had a typical acute phase of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in 1947 and never received specific treatment against the disease, when examined in 1998 revealed several completely negative parasitological and serological tests, including traditional serology, PCR and flow cytometry. As a whole, such findings fulfill the current criteria to define the cure of Chagas' disease. Clinical data suggest the possibility of a benign evolution of Chagas' disease in this case, but the basic findings (slight cardiac and esophageal impairment could also be due to the advanced age of the patient.Um novo caso de cura espontânea da doença de Chagas humana é descrito no Uruguai. Um homem de 87 anos de idade que teve um quadro típico de doença de Chagas aguda em 1947 e nunca recebeu tratamento específico, revelou-se em 1998 completamente negativo para exames sorológicos e parasitológicos, inclusive por PCR e citometria de fluxo. Estes achados, no conjunto, preenchem os critérios correntes para a definição de cura da doença de Chagas. O quadro clínico atual sugere a possiblidade de uma evolução benigna da doença de Chagas, mas os achados principais (comprometimento leve do coração e do esôfago poderiam também dever-se à avançada idade do paciente.

  20. Chagas disease vector blood meal sources identified by protein mass spectrometry.

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    Judith I Keller

    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a complex vector borne parasitic disease involving blood feeding Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae insects, also known as kissing bugs, and the vertebrates they feed on. This disease has tremendous impacts on millions of people and is a global health problem. The etiological agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae, is deposited on the mammalian host in the insect's feces during a blood meal, and enters the host's blood stream through mucous membranes or a break in the skin. Identifying the blood meal sources of triatomine vectors is critical in understanding Chagas disease transmission dynamics, can lead to identification of other vertebrates important in the transmission cycle, and aids management decisions. The latter is particularly important as there is little in the way of effective therapeutics for Chagas disease. Several techniques, mostly DNA-based, are available for blood meal identification. However, further methods are needed, particularly when sample conditions lead to low-quality DNA or to assess the risk of human cross-contamination. We demonstrate a proteomics-based approach, using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS to identify host-specific hemoglobin peptides for blood meal identification in mouse blood control samples and apply LC-MS/MS for the first time to Triatoma dimidiata insect vectors, tracing blood sources to species. In contrast to most proteins, hemoglobin, stabilized by iron, is incredibly stable even being preserved through geologic time. We compared blood stored with and without an anticoagulant and examined field-collected insect specimens stored in suboptimal conditions such as at room temperature for long periods of time. To our knowledge, this is the first study using LC-MS/MS on field-collected arthropod disease vectors to identify blood meal composition, and where blood meal identification was confirmed with more

  1. Coordinación de las Investigaciones Conducentes a la Eliminación de la Enfermedad de Chagas en América Latina

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    Alvaro Moncayo Medina


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    El Programa de Investigación y Adiestramiento en Enfermedades Tropicales (TDR fundado en 1976 está co-patrocinado por el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD, el Banco Mundial (BM y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS y además financiado por contribuciones voluntarias de países desarrollados y también de países en desarrollo.

    La Tripanosomiasis Americana o Enfermedad de Chagas es una de las enfermedades que constituyen el objetivo del TDR, siendo las otras las siguientes: Malaria, Filariasis, Esquistosomiasis, Leishmaniasis, Tripanosomiasis Africana y Lepra.

    El programa busca desarrollar nuevos medios de prevención, tratamiento y control de estas Enfermedades Tropicales y fortalecer la capacidad de investigación de las Instituciones dedicadas a la medicina tropical en los países endémicos.

    El Comité de Orientación sobre Enfermedad de Chagas encargado de manejar y financiar los proyectos de investigación sobre esta enfermedad se creó en 1978 y desde entonces ha desarrollado una labor de apoyo a la investigación fundamental y aplicada tendiente al cumplimiento del mandato primordial del TD, a saber, mejorar las herramientas de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Chagas.

    Una de las actividades más importantes del Comité ha sido la coordinación de las Investigaciones tanto básicas como aplicadas tendientes a la eliminación de esta enfermedad en el continente.

    Esta función de coordinación ha demostrado ser muy útil -por ejemplo- en la estandarización de técnicas serológicas para diagnóstico, en el desarrollo de un código electrocardiográfico y de criterios uniformes para su interpretación, en la evaluación doble ciego de moléculas recombinantes para diagnóstico serológico y pronóstico clínico y en la implementación de un protocolo común de investigación operativa de campo en seis países de Am

  2. Estudo clínico-epidemiológico da doença de Chagas no distrito de Serra Azul, Mateus Leme, centro-oeste do Estado de Minas Gerais Clinic and epidemiological study on Chagas disease in the Serra Azul district of Mateus Leme, central-western region of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Élvio Marques da Silva


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A doença de Chagas permanece como grave problema de saúde pública na América Latina, mesmo com o controle de sua transmissão. Esse estudo avaliou a prevalência da doença de Chagas no distrito de Serra Azul, Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais, identificando as anormalidades eletrocardiografias dos indivíduos com sorologia positiva. MÉTODOS: A sorologia para doença de Chagas foi realizada em 676 indivíduos (48% da população. O exame clínico e o eletrocardiograma (ECG foram realizados na população sorologicamente positiva. Selecionou-se um grupo controle para comparação dos dados do ECG. RESULTADOS: A população estudada residia principalmente em área rural, com baixo nível sóciocultural. Quatorze indivíduos foram positivos, com prevalência de 2,1%. Os indivíduos chagásicos eram de faixa etária mais avançada (67 vs 39 anos; p INTRODUCTION: Chagas disease remains a severe public health problem in Latin America, despite control over its transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of Chagas disease in the Serra Azul district, in the central-western region of the State of Minas Gerais, through identifying electrocardiographic (EKG abnormalities among serologically positive individuals. METHODS: Specific serological tests for Chagas disease were carried out on 676 individuals (48% of the population. Clinical examinations and EKGs were performed on the serologically positive population. A control group was selected for comparison with the EKG data. RESULTS: The study population lived mainly in rural areas, with low sociocultural level. Forty subjects were positive (prevalence of 2.1%. The individuals with Chagas disease were in an older age group (67 vs. 39 years; p < 0.001. EKG abnormalities were frequent among the individuals with Chagas disease (79%. Among the seropositive individuals, the EKGs showed greater prevalence of ventricular premature beats and conduction disorder of the right branch alone or in

  3. Esophageal striated muscle contractions in patients with Chagas' disease and idiopathic achalasia

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    R.O. Dantas


    Full Text Available Chagas' disease causes degeneration and reduction of the number of intrinsic neurons of the esophageal myenteric plexus, with consequent absent or partial lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and loss of peristalsis in the esophageal body. The impairment of esophageal motility is seen mainly in the distal smooth muscle region. There is no study about esophageal striated muscle contractions in the disease. In 81 patients with heartburn (44 with esophagitis taken as controls, 51 patients with Chagas' disease (21 with esophageal dilatation and 18 patients with idiopathic achalasia (11 with esophageal dilatation we studied the amplitude, duration and area under the curve of esophageal proximal contractions. Using the manometric method and a continuous perfusion system we measured the esophageal striated muscle contractions 2 to 3 cm below the upper esophageal sphincter after swallows of a 5-ml bolus of water. There was no significant difference in striated muscle contractions between patients with heartburn and esophagitis and patients with heartburn without esophagitis. There was also no significant difference between patients with heartburn younger or older than 50 years or between men and women or in esophageal striated muscle contractions between patients with heartburn and Chagas' disease. The esophageal proximal amplitude of contractions was lower in patients with idiopathic achalasia than in patients with heartburn. In patients with Chagas' disease there was no significant difference between patients with esophageal dilatation and patients with normal esophageal diameter. Esophageal striated muscle contractions in patients with Chagas' disease have the same amplitude and duration as seen in patients with heartburn. Patients with idiopathic achalasia have a lower amplitude of contraction than patients with heartburn.

  4. Chagas disease as a cause of heart failure and ventricular arrhythmias in patients long removed from endemic areas: an emerging problem in Europe. (United States)

    Vannucchi, Vieri; Tomberli, Benedetta; Zammarchi, Lorenzo; Fornaro, Alessandra; Castelli, Gabriele; Pieralli, Filippo; Berni, Andrea; Yacoub, Sophie; Bartoloni, Alessandro; Olivotto, Iacopo


    Chagas disease is a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. In endemic areas (South and Central America), Chagas disease represents a relevant public health issue, and is the most frequent cause of cardiomyopathy. In nonendemic areas, such as Europe, Chagas disease represents an emerging problem following the establishment of sizeable communities from Brazil and Bolivia. Chagas cardiomyopathy represents the most frequent and serious complication of chronic Chagas disease, affecting about 20-30% of patients, potentially leading to heart failure, arrhythmias, thromboembolism, stroke and sudden death. Because late complications of Chagas disease may develop several years or even decades after the acute infection, it may be extremely challenging to reach the correct diagnosis in patients long removed from the countries of origin. We report two examples of Chagas cardiomyopathy in South American women permanently residing in Italy for more than 20 years, presenting with cardiac manifestations ranging from left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure to isolated ventricular arrhythmias. The present review emphasizes that Chagas disease should be considered as a potential diagnosis in patients from endemic areas presenting with 'idiopathic' cardiac manifestations, even when long removed from their country of origin, with potential implications for treatment and control of Chagas disease transmission.

  5. Challenges and opportunities for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of Chagas' disease. (United States)

    Rassi, A; Dias, J C P; Marin-Neto, J A; Rassi, A


    A century after its discovery, Chagas' disease still represents a major public health challenge in Latin America. Moreover, because of growing population movements, an increasing number of cases of imported Chagas' disease have now been detected in non-endemic areas, such as North America and some European countries. This parasitic zoonosis, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is transmitted to humans by infected Triatominae insects, or occasionally by non-vectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion, mother to fetus, or oral ingestion of materials contaminated with parasites. Following the acute phase of the infection, untreated individuals enter a chronic phase that is initially asymptomatic or clinically unapparent. Usually, a few decades later, 40-50% of patients develop progressive cardiomyopathy and/or motility disturbances of the oesophagus and colon. In the last decades several interventions targeting primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of Chagas' disease have been attempted. While control of both vectorial and blood transfusion transmission of T cruzi (primary prevention) has been successful in many regions of Latin America, early detection and aetiological treatment of asymptomatic subjects with Chagas' disease (secondary prevention) have been largely underutilised. At the same time, in patients with established chronic disease, several pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions are currently available and have been increasingly used with the intention of preventing or delaying complications of the disease (tertiary prevention). In this review we discuss in detail each of these issues.

  6. Polaridades expoliadoras: La escritura sobre la colonización del cuerpo

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    Sá, Ana Lúcia


    Full Text Available The aim of this paper is to analyze the representation of the body as a verbal construction in three novels of the writer Castro Soromenho (A Chaga, Terra Morta y Viragem. They recount the Portuguese colonial system in Angola during the Estado Novo («New State», under the regimes of assimilation and forced labor. The colonized bodies are socially represented as products to be used, transformed and denied, a three element process based on the concept of race. In the selected texts, the strategies of belittling are presented through symbolic and written processes of deformation and dehumanization under the colonial machinery, considering the colonization as a system that controls the body and the identities.

    Este texto tiene como objetivo analizar la representación del cuerpo como una construcción verbal en tres novelas del escritor Castro Soromenho (A Chaga, Terra Morta y Viragem que relatan el sistema colonial portugués en Angola durante el Estado Nuevo, bajo los regímenes de la asimilación y del trabajo forzado. Los cuerpos de los colonizados se representan socialmente como productos para ser utilizados, transformados y negados, constituyendo estos tres elementos procesos utilitarios e imaginarios basados en el concepto de «raza». En los textos seleccionados, se presentan las estrategias de desvalorización del ser humano a través de procesos simbólicos y escritos de deformación y despersonalización bajo la maquinaria colonial, como un sistema controlador del cuerpo y de las identidades.

  7. La enfermedad de Chagas en la zona central de Honduras: conocimientos, creencias y prácticas Knowledge, beliefs and practices about Chagas' disease in central Honduras

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    Gustavo Ávila Montes


    Full Text Available En el período de noviembre a diciembre de 1991 y en marzo de 1993 se realizó una encuesta en 17 comunidades rurales de la parte central de Honduras. Las comunidades correspondían a dos zonas en las que la enfermedad de Chagas es endémica. En una de las zonas habían tenido lugar actividades de control de la enfermedad. Fueron entrevistados 849 adultos, uno en cada uno de otros tantos hogares familiares. El objetivo de la encuesta fue investigar y comparar en ambas zonas los conocimientos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y sus mecanismos de transmisión, las prácticas para evitar la presencia de triatómidos en las viviendas, las creencias acerca de los triatómidos y su control, y las fuentes a partir de las cuales la población obtiene información sobre la enfermedad. Se utilizó un cuestionario de 23 preguntas validado y precodificado. Casi 100% de los entrevistados pudieron reconocer el vector y conocían sus hábitos, pero solo 30,1% sabían que el Triatoma es vector transmisor de la enfermedad y apenas 6% pudieron mencionar su relación con una afección cardíaca crónica. El 47,9% de los entrevistados indicó que la responsabilidad de eliminar los triatómidos de la vivienda es personal, aunque 78% consideraron como medida de control la aplicación institucional de insecticidas. El contacto personal entre el funcionario institucional y los miembros de la comunidad fue la principal fuente de información entre los que mencionaron haber oído de la enfermedad de Chagas (41,0%. Los resultados sugieren que al planificar medidas de control se debe incluir el componente de educación sanitaria. Ha de ponerse énfasis en el papel que desempeñan los triatómidos en la transmisión, así como en la importancia de mejorar la vivienda como medida eficaz y sostenible mediante la participación de la comunidad. Este componente deberá ser desarrollado por canales de comunicación interpersonales para obtener un mayor impacto.From November to

  8. Chagas disease risk in Texas. (United States)

    Sarkar, Sahotra; Strutz, Stavana E; Frank, David M; Rivaldi, Chissa-Louise; Sissel, Blake; Sánchez-Cordero, Victor


    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, remains a serious public health concern in many areas of Latin America, including México. It is also endemic in Texas with an autochthonous canine cycle, abundant vectors (Triatoma species) in many counties, and established domestic and peridomestic cycles which make competent reservoirs available throughout the state. Yet, Chagas disease is not reportable in Texas, blood donor screening is not mandatory, and the serological profiles of human and canine populations remain unknown. The purpose of this analysis was to provide a formal risk assessment, including risk maps, which recommends the removal of these lacunae. The spatial relative risk of the establishment of autochthonous Chagas disease cycles in Texas was assessed using a five-stage analysis. 1. Ecological risk for Chagas disease was established at a fine spatial resolution using a maximum entropy algorithm that takes as input occurrence points of vectors and environmental layers. The analysis was restricted to triatomine vector species for which new data were generated through field collection and through collation of post-1960 museum records in both México and the United States with sufficiently low georeferenced error to be admissible given the spatial resolution of the analysis (1 arc-minute). The new data extended the distribution of vector species to 10 new Texas counties. The models predicted that Triatoma gerstaeckeri has a large region of contiguous suitable habitat in the southern United States and México, T. lecticularia has a diffuse suitable habitat distribution along both coasts of the same region, and T. sanguisuga has a disjoint suitable habitat distribution along the coasts of the United States. The ecological risk is highest in south Texas. 2. Incidence-based relative risk was computed at the county level using the Bayesian Besag-York-Mollié model and post-1960 T. cruzi incidence data. This risk is concentrated in south Texas. 3. The

  9. Chagas disease risk in Texas.

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    Sahotra Sarkar

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, remains a serious public health concern in many areas of Latin America, including México. It is also endemic in Texas with an autochthonous canine cycle, abundant vectors (Triatoma species in many counties, and established domestic and peridomestic cycles which make competent reservoirs available throughout the state. Yet, Chagas disease is not reportable in Texas, blood donor screening is not mandatory, and the serological profiles of human and canine populations remain unknown. The purpose of this analysis was to provide a formal risk assessment, including risk maps, which recommends the removal of these lacunae. METHODS AND FINDINGS: The spatial relative risk of the establishment of autochthonous Chagas disease cycles in Texas was assessed using a five-stage analysis. 1. Ecological risk for Chagas disease was established at a fine spatial resolution using a maximum entropy algorithm that takes as input occurrence points of vectors and environmental layers. The analysis was restricted to triatomine vector species for which new data were generated through field collection and through collation of post-1960 museum records in both México and the United States with sufficiently low georeferenced error to be admissible given the spatial resolution of the analysis (1 arc-minute. The new data extended the distribution of vector species to 10 new Texas counties. The models predicted that Triatoma gerstaeckeri has a large region of contiguous suitable habitat in the southern United States and México, T. lecticularia has a diffuse suitable habitat distribution along both coasts of the same region, and T. sanguisuga has a disjoint suitable habitat distribution along the coasts of the United States. The ecological risk is highest in south Texas. 2. Incidence-based relative risk was computed at the county level using the Bayesian Besag-York-Mollié model and post-1960 T. cruzi incidence data. This

  10. Insecticidal paint and fumigant canisters for Chagas' disease control: community acceptance in Honduras Pintura insecticida y botes de fumigación para el control de la enfermedad de Chagas: aceptación por la comunidad en Honduras

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    Gustavo Adolfo Ávila Montes


    dos nuevas técnicas de control de los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas: la pintura insecticida y los botes de fumigación. Ambas fueron comparadas con la tradicional pulverización con fenitrotión. Entre agosto y noviembre de 1992, un año después de la aplicación inicial de los tratamientos, se realizó en una zona endémica del centro de Honduras un estudio experimental de campo para determinar la aceptación de las nuevas técnicas por parte de la población cuyas casas fueron tratadas y por parte del personal que aplicó los tratamientos. El tamaño de la muestra se calculó de acuerdo con un protocolo uniforme aplicado en seis países de América Latina. Se encuestaron 651 cabezas de familia de 15 comunidades rurales y se utilizaron grupos de enfoque para obtener información sobre los motivos que llevaron a los participantes a aceptar o rechazar los tratamientos utilizados; en estos grupos, además de los cabezas de familia, también participaron los trabajadores de campo que aplicaron los tratamientos. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que la pintura insecticida tenía un bajo nivel de aceptación por la comunidad (28,2%; a los trabajadores les gustaba muy poco por los problemas relacionados con su transporte, aplicación, olor desagradable y muy baja efectividad frente a los triatominos y otros insectos. El insecticida tradicional fue más aceptable tanto para la comunidad (93,9% como para los trabajadores, sobre todo por su potente efecto frente a los triatominos y otros insectos. Para incrementar la aceptación de la pintura insecticida sería necesario hacer más fácil su transporte y aplicación e incrementar su efectividad. Debido a su muy baja efectividad, los botes de fumigación no representaron una alternativa aceptable para el control de los triatominos. Una iniciativa de educación pública debería ser un componente de cualquier nuevo método de control que se desarrolle.

  11. Chagas Disease Vector Control in Tupiza, Southern Bolivia

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    G Guillen


    Full Text Available Heavy domestic and peridomestic infestations of Triatoma infestans were controlled in two villages in southern Bolivia by the application of deltamethrin SC25 (2.5% suspension concentrate at a target dose of 25 mg a.i./m². Actual applied dose was monitored by HPLC analysis of filter papers placed at various heights on the house walls, and was shown to range from 0 to 59.6 about a mean of 28.5 mg a.i./m². Wall bioassays showed high mortality of T. infestans during the first month after the application of deltamethrin. Mortality declined to zero as summer temperatures increased, but reappeared with the onset of the following winter. In contrast, knockdown was apparent throughout the trial, showing no discernible temperature dependence. House infestation rates, measured by manual sampling and use of paper sheets to collect bug faeces, declined from 79% at the beginning of the trial to zero at the 6 month evaluation. All but one of the houses were still free of T. infestans at the final evaluation 12 months after spraying, although a small number of bugs were found at this time in 5 of 355 peridomestic dependencies. Comparative cost studies endorse the recommendation of large-scale application of deltamethrin, or pyrethroid of similar cost-effectiveness, as a means to eliminate domestic T. infestans populations in order to interrupt transmission of Chagas disease

  12. Fungi & Health: can polysaccharides from the fungus inonotus obliquus (CHAGA) inhibit tumor growth?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wold, C. W.; Corthay, A.; Kjeldsen, Christian

    Inonotus obliquus (Chaga) – a white rot fungus found on birch trees in the northern hemisphere –has been used in traditional medicine in Europe and Asia for centuries. Native peoples have made use of Chaga by brewing it as a tea to treat gastro-intestinal problems, to heal wounds and even to treat...... cancer. The last few decades, studies have found Chaga to contain biologically active substances such as polysaccharides, triterpenoids, polyphenols and melanin. In vivo effects such as tumor growth inhibition have been observed in mice receiving various Chaga extracts. The main hypothesis behind...... the tumor inhibiting effect is two-fold: i) fungal polysaccharides may inhibit tumor growth indirectly by activating certain immune cells such as macrophages and ii) triterpenoids and other steroids from Chaga may give a direct cytotoxic effect against cancer cells. While triterpenoids from Chaga have been...

  13. Historia de la enfermedad de Chagas en Argentina: evolución conceptual, institucional y política The history of Chagas' disease in Argentina: conceptual, institutional, and political evolution

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    Juan Pablo Zabala


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Chagas ha sufrido, a lo largo de sus cien años de reconocimiento, profundas modificaciones en su concepción científica, en su reconocimiento institucional y en su valoración política. Así, desde un punto de vista médico, se la ha concebido como causante del bocio, se han resaltado sus efectos agudos, y luego sus efectos sobre la salud cardiaca. Del mismo modo, la política sanitaria ha sucesivamente descartado la importancia de la enfermedad, luego elevado a nivel de una causa nacional y paulatinamente dejado en el margen de las agendas. El presente artículo presenta, de un modo resumido, los puntos centrales de esa trayectoria histórica en Argentina, dando cuenta de los aspectos cognitivos, políticos e institucionales que dieron sustento a la enfermedad, entendida como un hecho a la vez social y biológico.In the one hundred years since the identification of Chagas disease, major changes have occurred in its scientific conception, institutional recognition, and political weight. From a medical perspective, it was seen as the cause of goiter, next its acute effects were emphasized, and then its effects on cardiac health received greater attention. In similar fashion, sanitary policy first downplayed the disease's importance, then elevated it to the role of a national cause, and gradually relegated it to the bottom of the agenda. The article briefly presents the key points of this historical trajectory in Argentina, exploring the cognitive, political, and institutional underpinnings of the disease as both a social and biological fact.

  14. Globalização, iniqüidade e doença de Chagas Globalization, inequity and Chagas disease

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    João Carlos Pinto Dias


    Full Text Available A doença de Chagas (tripanossomíase americana, apresenta múltiplos aspectos sócio-culturais e político-econômicos que envolvem questões de iniqüidade e globalização. São relações presentes tanto nos processos de produção da doença como nas possibilidades de sua prevenção e manejo. Apesar da pobreza da região, envolvendo questões de iniqüidade e globalização, a doença tem sido controlada em várias áreas, o que reforça a auto-estima dos países. Para o futuro, problemas e desafios podem ser esperados, principalmente em termos da assistência médica para os indivíduos já infectados e da sustentação de uma vigilância epidemiológica permanente. Ambos estes pontos dependem de um melhor desempenho dos sistemas nacionais de saúde, principalmente em termos de sua competência e da superação de situações de iniqüidade. Particularmente, tem cabido à comunidade científica e acadêmica latino-americana um papel de grande destaque na implementação e sustentação de políticas de controle da doença, que hoje evoluíram para estratégias de ação compartida entre países, o que pode significar importante avanço no contexto político da região.Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis bears a close relationship to multiple social and political aspects involving issues of globalization and inequity. Such relations concern the process of disease production and control in parallel with medical management. Despite the poverty in Latin America and various problems related to inequities and globalization, Chagas disease has been controlled in several areas, a fact that reinforces the countries' self-reliance. Several problems and challenges related to the disease can be expected in the future, mainly concerning medical care for already infected individuals and the sustainability of effective epidemiological surveillance. Both points depend heavily on improved performance by the national health systems, principally in

  15. Challenges in the management of Chagas disease in Latin-American migrants in Europe. (United States)

    Monge-Maillo, B; López-Vélez, R


    Chagas disease is endemic in Latin America. Due to migration the infection has crossed borders and it is estimated that 68,000-120,000 people with Chagas disease are currently living in Europe and 30% of them may develop visceral involvement. However, up to 90% of Chagas disease cases in Europe remain undiagnosed. The challenges which have to be overcome in Chagas disease in non-endemic countries are focused on related downing barriers to health care access, and related to screening, diagnostic tools and therapeutic management. The aim of this review is to highlight how healthcare management for Latin American migrants with Chagas disease in Europe may be improved. Medical literature was searched using PubMed. No limits were placed with respect to the language or date of publication although most of the articles selected were articles published in the last five years. Chosen search terms were "Chagas disease" AND ("migrants" OR "screening" OR "transmission" OR "treatment"; OR "knowledge" OR "non-endemic countries"); migrants AND ("Public health" OR "Health Service Accessibility" OR "Delivery of Health care"); and "Congenital Chagas disease". Healthcare management of migrant populations with Chagas disease in Europe has to be improved: -Surveillance programmes are needed to measure the burden of the disease; -screening programmes are needed; -administrative and cultural barriers in the access to health care for migrants should be reduced; -education programmes on Chagas disease should be performed -research on new diagnostic tools and therapeutic options are required. This review highlights the needs of profound changes in the health care of Latin American migrants with Chagas disease in Europe. Copyright © 2017 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Biology, diversity and strategies for the monitoring and control of triatomines--Chagas disease vectors. (United States)

    Costa, Jane; Lorenzo, Marcelo


    Despite the relevant achievements in the control of the main Chagas disease vectors Triatoma infestans and Rhodnius prolixus, several factors still promote the risk of infection. The disease is a real threat to the poor rural regions of several countries in Latin America. The current situation in Brazil requires renewed attention due to its high diversity of triatomine species and to the rapid and drastic environmental changes that are occurring. Using the biology, behaviour and diversity of triatomines as a basis for new strategies for monitoring and controlling the vectorial transmission are discussed here. The importance of ongoing long-term monitoring activities for house infestations by T. infestans, Triatoma brasiliensis, Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma rubrovaria and R. prolixus is also stressed, as well as understanding the invasion by sylvatic species. Moreover, the insecticide resistance is analysed. Strong efforts to sustain and improve surveillance procedures are crucial, especially when the vectorial transmission is considered interrupted in many endemic areas.

  17. Towards Chagas disease elimination: Neonatal screening for congenital transmission in rural communities. (United States)

    Pennington, Pamela Marie; Juárez, José Guillermo; Arrivillaga, Margarita Rivera; De Urioste-Stone, Sandra María; Doktor, Katherine; Bryan, Joe P; Escobar, Clara Yaseli; Cordón-Rosales, Celia


    Chagas disease is a neglected tropical disease that continues to affect populations living in extreme poverty in Latin America. After successful vector control programs, congenital transmission remains as a challenge to disease elimination. We used the PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model to develop strategies for neonatal screening of congenital Chagas disease in rural communities of Guatemala. These communities have persistent high triatomine infestations and low access to healthcare. We used mixed methods with multiple stakeholders to identify and address maternal-infant health behaviors through semi-structured interviews, participatory group meetings, archival reviews and a cross-sectional survey in high risk communities. From December 2015 to April 2016, we jointly developed a strategy to illustratively advertise newborn screening at the Health Center. The strategy included socioculturally appropriate promotional and educational material, in collaboration with midwives, nurses and nongovernmental organizations. By March 2016, eight of 228 (3.9%) pregnant women had been diagnosed with T. cruzi at the Health Center. Up to this date, no neonatal screening had been performed. By August 2016, seven of eight newborns born to Chagas seropositive women had been parasitologically screened at the Health Center, according to international standards. Thus, we implemented a successful community-based neonatal screening strategy to promote congenital Chagas disease healthcare in a rural setting. The success of the health promotion strategies developed will depend on local access to maternal-infant services, integration with detection of other congenital diseases and reliance on community participation in problem and solution definition.

  18. Assessment and epidemiology of Chagas' disease in patients treated in Araguaina - Tocantins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Correa, Valeria Rita


    Chagas disease (AD) was described by Carlos Chagas in 1909. It is caused by a parasite T. cruzi, transmitted by bugs, by blood transfusion, vertical and orally. The DC has two phases: acute and chronic. The evolution to the cardiac form occurs in about 30% of chronic cases and is the largest cause of mortality in chronic Chagas disease. The aim of this study was to Chagas' disease in patients of Tocantins, compared with other heart patients and asymptomatic from the standpoint of non-invasive exams using radiant energies such as echocardiography and ECG and RX. The descriptive study included 80 patients, 20 chronic form of Chagas disease, 20 indeterminate, 20 with other heart diseases, and 20 controls. There was a prevalence of 9.5% of chagasic patients treated in outpatient cardiology at Araguaina Tocantins, and 7.3% in chronic and 2.21% in the indeterminate. Of the chronic patients in the study 50% had mega esophagus and megacolon 4 (20%). Most patients had no family history of AD, nor was a smoker or drinker. Major electrocardiographic abnormalities found refer to driving. The evaluation of ICT, the chronic chagasic showed that increased by 40% of patients, 40% had esophageal changes and 20% of patients had megacolon s. The echocardiogram was abnormal in 42%). 27% of patients had EF below 55% changed. Changes in segmental contractility and Asynchrony septum were found in 80% of chronic Chagas disease. In 80% of the patients was observed diastolic dysfunction. The valvular changes occurred in 75%. Electrocardiographic abnormalities occurred in 80% of patients with CCC, while the other heart had ECG changes. Arterial hypertension had an incidence of 45% in patients with CCC and 40% in FCI. The systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction was more prevalent in groups that had an abnormal ECG and arrhythmia. Observed that the group of chagasic decreased ejection fraction is correlated to a higher incidence of arrhythmias besides diastolic dysfunction and related

  19. Chagas Parasite Detection in Blood Images Using AdaBoost

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    Víctor Uc-Cetina


    Full Text Available The Chagas disease is a potentially life-threatening illness caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi. Visual detection of such parasite through microscopic inspection is a tedious and time-consuming task. In this paper, we provide an AdaBoost learning solution to the task of Chagas parasite detection in blood images. We give details of the algorithm and our experimental setup. With this method, we get 100% and 93.25% of sensitivity and specificity, respectively. A ROC comparison with the method most commonly used for the detection of malaria parasites based on support vector machines (SVM is also provided. Our experimental work shows mainly two things: (1 Chagas parasites can be detected automatically using machine learning methods with high accuracy and (2 AdaBoost + SVM provides better overall detection performance than AdaBoost or SVMs alone. Such results are the best ones known so far for the problem of automatic detection of Chagas parasites through the use of machine learning, computer vision, and image processing methods.

  20. [The national survey of seroprevalence for evaluation of the control of Chagas disease in Brazil (2001-2008)]. (United States)

    Ostermayer, Alejandro Luquetti; Passos, Afonso Dinis Costa; Silveira, Antônio Carlos; Ferreira, Antonio Walter; Macedo, Vanize; Prata, Aluízio Rosa


    A survey for seroprevalence of Chagas disease was held in a representative sample of Brazilian individuals up to 5 years of age in all the rural areas of Brazil, with the single exception of Rio de Janeiro State. Blood on filter paper was collected from 104,954 children and screened in a single laboratory with two serological tests: indirect immunofluorescence and enzyme linked immunoassay. All samples with positive or indetermined results, as well as 10% of all the negative samples were submitted to a quality control reference laboratory, which performed both tests a second time, as well as the western blot assay of TESA (Trypomastigote Excreted Secreted Antigen). All children with confirmed final positive result (n = 104, prevalence = 0.1%) had a follow-up visit and were submitted to a second blood collection, this time a whole blood sample. In addition, blood samples from the respective mothers and familiar members were collected. The infection was confirmed in only 32 (0.03%) of those children. From them, 20 (0.025%) had maternal positive results, suggesting congenital transmission; 11 (0.01%) had non-infected mothers, indicating a possible vectorial transmission; and in one whose mother had died the transmission mechanism could not be elucidated. In further 41 visited children the infection was confirmed only in their mothers, suggesting passive transference of maternal antibodies; in other 18, both child and mother were negative; and in 13 cases both were not localized. The 11 children that acquired the infection presumably through the vector were distributed mainly in the Northeast region of Brazil (States of Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Alagoas), in addition to one case in Amazonas (North region) and another in Parana (South region). Remarkably, 60% of the 20 cases of probably congenital transmission were from a single State, Rio Grande do Sul, with the remaining cases distributed in other states. This is the first report demonstrating

  1. [Seroepidemiology of Chagas disease in Mexico]. (United States)

    Velasco-Castrejón, O; Valdespino, J L; Tapia-Conyer, R; Salvatierra, B; Guzmán-Bracho, C; Magos, C; Llausás, A; Gutiérrez, G; Sepúlveda, J


    The lack of information about Chagas disease in Mexico, as well as the controversy concerning its importance, was the basis for the seroprevalence study of Trypanosoma cruzi in the National Seroepidemiology Survey (NSS). This information was representative of the national situation with regard to disease prevalences and other factors related to the nation's health. Unfortunately the NSS was not a very good information source for the study of trypanosomiasis americana, because its coverage in the disperse rural areas was poor. Nevertheless, the results of the NSS indicated that Chagas disease has an irregular distribution in Mexico with seroprevalences of 1.6, 0.5 and 0.2 for the different dilution levels used in the evaluation. The survey data showed Chagas disease to be less important than that mentioned by other authors. The NSS data confirmed the areas of disease transmission already reported and identified some new ones in Hidalgo, Chiapas and Veracruz. The survey also detected migratory workers with Chagas antibodies in Baja California border cities, a situation which indicates a risk for blood transfusion in areas of the country presumed to be free of the disease. Three quarters (74.5%) of the seropositive population were less than 39 years old. Moreover, the fact that children of less than four years were infected suggests that natural transmission is still very important in some areas. Although the seroprevalences were greater in the lower socio-economic groups, some persons of the higher socio-economic level were also affected. This situation may be explained by the fact that many of these persons own vacation homes in tropical areas.

  2. Experimental Chagas' disease in dogs

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    Marta de Lana


    Full Text Available This paper describes the development of experimental Chagas' disease in 64 out-bred young dogs. Twenty-nine animals were inoculated with the Be-62 and 35 with Be-78 Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Twenty-six were infected with blood trypomastigotes by different inoculation routes and 38 with metacyclic trypomastigotes from the vector via the conjunctival route. Twenty of the 26 dogs infected with blood trypomastigotes were autopsied during the acute phase. Eleven died spontaneously and nine were sacrificed. Six remained alive until they died suddenly (two or were autopsied (four. Twelve of the 38 dogs infected with metacyclic trypomastigotes evolved naturally to the chronic phase and remained alive for 24-48 months. The parasitemia, clinical aspects and serology (IgM and IgG as well as electrocardiogram, hemogram and heart anatomo-histopathologic patterns of acute and chronic cardiac forms of Chagas' disease as seen in human infections, were reproduced. The most important finding is the reproductibility of diffuse fibrosing chronic chagasic cardiopathy in all dogs infected with Be-78 T. cruzi strain autopsied between the 90th and 864th days of infection. Thus, the dog can be considered as a suitable experimental model to study Chagas' disease according to the requisites of the World Health Organization (1984. Futhermore the animal is easily obtained and easy to handle and maintain in experimental laboratory conditions.

  3. Epidemiología de la enfermedad de Chagas en el municipio Andrés Eloy Blanco, Lara, Venezuela: infestación triatomínica y seroprevalencia en humanos Epidemiology of Chagas disease in Andrés Eloy Blanco, Lara, Venezuela: triatomine infestation and human seroprevalence

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    Claudina Rodríguez-Bonfante


    Full Text Available Se realizó un despistaje serológico y recolección de vectores en cuatro comunidades rurales del municipio Andrés Eloy Blanco, Estado Lara, Venezuela. La muestra fue escogida en forma sistemática y aleatoria basada en conglomerados familiares. Se muestrearon 869 habitantes para determinar anticuerpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi y anti-Leishmania sp. por inmunofluorescencia indirecta, aceptando como positivo diluciones > a 1:32 para anticuerpos anti-T. cruzi no reactivos para antígenos de Leishmania sp., obteniendo una frecuencia de anticuerpos en la muestra de 6,9% (n = 60; de los cuales 46,66% son femeninos, 53,33% masculinos y 60% mayores de 40 años. Se observó que 5 (8,33% de los seropositivos eran menores de 10 años y 10 (16,66% menores de 20 años. Rhodnius prolixus y Panstrongylus geniculatus fueron los triatominos capturados, con índice de infestación de 1,9 y 10,54%, índice de colonización, del 0 y 18,18% en las viviendas infestadas e índice de infección a T. cruzi del 20 y 5,07%, respectivamente. Los resultados sugieren que existe una transmisión activa de la enfermedad de Chagas en el Municipio Andrés Eloy Blanco en las últimas dos décadas y que P. geniculatus está substituyendo a R. prolixus como vector de la enfermedad de Chagas.A seroepidemiological survey and vector captures were performed in four rural communities in Andrés Eloy Blanco, Lara State, Venezuela. Systematic random sampling was based on family clusters, with samples drawn from 869 individuals to determine anti-Trypanosoma cruzi and anti-Leishmania sp. antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence. Positive individuals were defined as > 1:32 for anti-T. cruzi antibody and non-reactive to Leishmania sp. antigen, revealing an antibody frequency of 6.9% (n = 60, of whom 46.66% were females and 53.33% males and 60% were over 39 years of age. Some 5 (8.33% seropositive individuals were under 10 years of age and 10 (16.66% under 20 years. Rhodnius prolixus and

  4. Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography Safety in Chagas Disease Patients. (United States)

    Rassi, Daniela do Carmo; Vieira, Marcelo Luiz Campos; Furtado, Rogerio Gomes; Turco, Fabio de Paula; Melato, Luciano Henrique; Hotta, Viviane Tiemi; Nunes, Colandy Godoy de Oliveira; Rassi, Luiz; Rassi, Salvador


    A few decades ago, patients with Chagas disease were predominantly rural workers, with a low risk profile for obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). As urbanization has increased, they became exposed to the same risk factors for CAD of uninfected individuals. Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) has proven to be an important tool in CAD diagnosis. Despite being a potentially arrhythmogenic method, it is safe for coronary patients without Chagas disease. For Chagas disease patients, however, the indication of DSE in clinical practice is uncertain, because of the arrhythmogenic potential of that heart disease. To assess DSE safety in Chagas disease patients with clinical suspicion of CAD, as well as the incidence of arrhythmias and adverse events during the exam. Retrospective analysis of a database of patients referred for DSE from May/2012 to February/2015. This study assessed 205 consecutive patients with Chagas disease suspected of having CAD. All of them had their serology for Chagas disease confirmed. Their mean age was 64±10 years and most patients were females (65.4%). No patient had significant adverse events, such as acute myocardial infarction, ventricular fibrillation, asystole, stroke, cardiac rupture and death. Regarding arrhythmias, ventricular extrasystoles occurred in 48% of patients, and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia in 7.3%. DSE proved to be safe in this population of Chagas disease patients, in which no potentially life-threatening outcome was found. Até poucas décadas atrás, os pacientes chagásicos eram predominantemente trabalhadores rurais, com baixo perfil de risco para doença obstrutiva coronária. Com a crescente urbanização, passaram a ter os mesmos fatores de risco para doença aterosclerótica que indivíduos não infectados. O ecocardiograma sob estresse com dobutamina (EED) é uma importante ferramenta no diagnóstico de coronariopatia. É referido, porém, como um método potencialmente arritmogênico, mas

  5. High Resolution Esophageal Manometry in Patients with Chagas Disease: A Cross-Sectional Evaluation.

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    Adrián Sánchez-Montalvá


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal involvement affects 30-40% of the patients with chronic Chagas disease. Esophageal symptoms appear once the structural damage is established. Little is known about the usefulness of high resolution manometry to early identification of esophageal involvement.We performed a cross-sectional study at the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain between May 2011 and April 2012. Consecutive patients diagnosed with Chagas disease in the chronic phase were offered to participate. All patients underwent a structured questionnaire about digestive symptoms, a barium esophagogram (Rezende classification and an esophageal high resolution manometry (HRM. A control group of patients with heartburn who underwent an esophageal HRM in our hospital was selected.62 out of 73 patients that were included in the study fulfilled the study protocol. The median age of the Chagas disease group (CG was 37 (IQR 32-45 years, and 42 (67.7% patients were female. Twenty-seven (43.5% patients had esophageal symptoms, heartburn being the most frequent. Esophagogram was abnormal in 5 (8.77%. The esophageal HRM in the CG showed a pathological motility pattern in 14 patients (22.6%. All of them had minor disorders of the peristalsis (13 with ineffective esophageal motility and 1 with fragmented peristalsis. Hypotonic lower esophageal sphincter was found more frequently in the CG than in the control group (21% vs 3.3%; p<0.01. Upper esophageal sphincter was hypertonic in 22 (35.5% and hypotonic in 1 patient. When comparing specific manometric parameters or patterns in the CG according to the presence of symptoms or esophagogram no statistically significant association were seen, except for distal latency.The esophageal involvement measured by HRM in patients with chronic Chagas disease in our cohort is 22.6%. All the patients with esophageal alterations had minor disorders of the peristalsis. Symptoms and esophagogram results did not correlate with the HRM

  6. Towards Chagas disease elimination: Neonatal screening for congenital transmission in rural communities.

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    Pamela Marie Pennington


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a neglected tropical disease that continues to affect populations living in extreme poverty in Latin America. After successful vector control programs, congenital transmission remains as a challenge to disease elimination. We used the PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model to develop strategies for neonatal screening of congenital Chagas disease in rural communities of Guatemala. These communities have persistent high triatomine infestations and low access to healthcare. We used mixed methods with multiple stakeholders to identify and address maternal-infant health behaviors through semi-structured interviews, participatory group meetings, archival reviews and a cross-sectional survey in high risk communities. From December 2015 to April 2016, we jointly developed a strategy to illustratively advertise newborn screening at the Health Center. The strategy included socioculturally appropriate promotional and educational material, in collaboration with midwives, nurses and nongovernmental organizations. By March 2016, eight of 228 (3.9% pregnant women had been diagnosed with T. cruzi at the Health Center. Up to this date, no neonatal screening had been performed. By August 2016, seven of eight newborns born to Chagas seropositive women had been parasitologically screened at the Health Center, according to international standards. Thus, we implemented a successful community-based neonatal screening strategy to promote congenital Chagas disease healthcare in a rural setting. The success of the health promotion strategies developed will depend on local access to maternal-infant services, integration with detection of other congenital diseases and reliance on community participation in problem and solution definition.

  7. Aspectos neurológicos da moléstia de chagas

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    Fritz Köberle


    Full Text Available Carlos Chagas related in more than two 200 cases, what he called "nervous forms" of trypanosomiasis, that is neurological manifestations from central origin (idiotism, infantilism, pseudo-bulbar paralysis, aphasia, cerebellar ataxia, atetosis, espostic or paralytic diplegia, disbasia. At that time Chagas expressed his concepts as follows: "In relation to the frequency of trypanosomiasis nervous forms we have performed many observations which allow us to state that this disease is the one which causes the largest number of organic affections of the central nervous system, in human pathology". We are plenty convinced by Chagas's statement. By experiments on animals of laboratory we have very often noticed a rather varied neurological symptomatology, being worth point out identical syndromes to those observed by Chagas. Our autopsy material non-rarely include chronic Chagas cases presenting a most varied symtomatology. Among them we have named only three cases of discerebral nanism, a rather rare affection in other parts of the world and relatively frequent in our material. The fact which we have demonstrated, i.e., a relatively great decreasing of number of nervous cells in the peripheral system could happen in the central nervous system as well. Provided that there are only two quantitative works on neuron number diminishing in the central nervous system in mice and rats we decline to go into further details about central neuropathies in man. We emphasized the necessity to perform researches on this field by means of intimate collaboration between clinicians and pathologists, as the only way to confirm on scientific basis all that was observed by the panoramic and genial vision of Carlos Chagas.

  8. Chagas Disease (American trypanosomiasis) (United States)

    ... sheets/detail/chagas-disease-(american-trypanosomiasis)","@context":"","@type":"Article"}; العربية 中文 français русский español ... capacities, focusing on: strengthening world epidemiological surveillance and information systems; preventing transmission by blood transfusion and organ ...

  9. Potenciales evocados visuales en la enfermedad de chagas-mazza cronica

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    Raul F. Pelli-Noble


    Full Text Available Se efectuaron potenciales evocados visuales (PEV en sus variantes flash (F y pattern (P, en 17 pacientes afectados de enfermedad de Chagas crónica. La edad del grupo se halló comprendida entre los 21 y 65 anos. Se incluyeron pacientes con período de evolución mayor de 7 anos y dos serologías positivas como mínimo. La selección fue descartando a los portadores de diabetes, alcoholismo, lepra, sífilis y enfermedades degenerativas del sistema nervioso central, como así intoxicaciones de diversas etiologías y afecciones visuales detectadas en el exámen oftalmológico. Todos fueron estudiados con exámenes clínicos y complementarios de rutina, electrocardiograma, exámen oftalmológico y específicos como la reacción de Machado-Guerreiro, test de inmunofluorescência y test de hemoaglutinación. Los resultados de los PEV mostraron fundamentalmente alteraciones en la morfología del trazado y disminución de la amplitud dei potencial, en el 35% de los pacientes estudiados. Estas alteraciones electroneurofisiológicas permitirían inferir correlación a los hallazgos anatomopatológicos, que muestran perdida de grupos neuronales en autópsias de pacientes chagásicos crónicos.

  10. Trasplante cardíaco en pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas. Experiencia de un único centro

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    Alfredo Inácio Fiorelli


    Conclusiones: El trasplante cardíaco es el único tratamiento actual eficaz de tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas en fase terminal. La reactivación de la enfermedad es un problema real que es fácilmente revertido con la introducción de la terapéutica farmacológica específica, restaurando los padrones histológicos del miocardio sin dejar secuelas. La inmunosupresión, en especial los corticoides, predisponen al desarrollo de neoplasias y a la reactivación de la enfermedad, exigiendo una atención especial su interrupción o reducción precoz.

  11. Histological and endoscopic features of the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease in the era of Helicobacter pylori

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    Fernanda Machado Fonseca


    Full Text Available Introduction Most studies that have evaluated the stomachs of patients with Chagas disease were performed before the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and used no control groups. This study compared the gastric features of chagasic and non-chagasic patients and assessed whether gastritis could be associated with Chagas disease. Methods Gastric biopsy samples were taken from patients who underwent endoscopy for histological analysis according to the Updated Sydney System. H. pylori infection was assessed by histology, 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR, serology and the 13C-urea breath test. Patients were considered H. pylori-negative when all of these diagnostic tests were negative. Clinical and socio-demographic data were obtained by reviewing medical records and using a questionnaire. Results The prevalence of H. pylori infection (70.3% versus 71.7% and chronic gastritis (92.2% versus 85% was similar in the chagasic and non-chagasic groups, respectively; such as peptic ulcer, atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Gastritis was associated with H. pylori infection independent of Chagas disease in a log-binomial regression model. However, the chagasic H. pylori-negative patients showed a significantly higher grade of mononuclear (in the corpus and polymorphonuclear (PMN (in the antrum cell infiltration. Additionally, the patients with the digestive form of Chagas disease showed a significantly lower prevalence of corpus atrophy than those with other clinical forms. Conclusions The prevalence of H. pylori infection and of gastric histological and endoscopic features was similar among the chagasic and non-chagasic patients. Additionally, this is the first controlled study to demonstrate that H. pylori is the major cause of gastritis in patients with Chagas disease.

  12. Evaluation of oral mucosal transudate for immunodiagnosis of Chagas´ disease

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    BARROS Maria das Neves D. S.


    Full Text Available Anticorpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi (isotipo IgG foram detectados no transudato da mucosa oral (TMO através de um ensaio imunoenzimático. Foram estudados 21 indivíduos com doença de Chagas crônica comprovada através de diagnóstico clínico, eletrocardiográfico, epidemiológico e sorológico: 10 com forma cardíaca, 2 com forma digestiva, 6 com forma mista e 3 com forma assintomática. Sete indivíduos de área endêmica, com sorologia negativa, constituiram o grupo controle. O soro destes grupos foi armazenado a -20 oC. A coleta de TMO de ambos os grupos foi realizada com o dispositivo OraSureâ seguindo orientação do fabricante (OraSureâ , Epitope Inc., Beaverton, OR, USA. As amostras de TMO foram diluídas (1:2 e testadas em duplicata através de um ensaio imunoenzimático da Abbott Laboratories para detectar anticorpos IgG contra doença de Chagas. Vinte dos vinte e um pacientes chagásicos apresentaram densidade óptica acima do limiar de reatividade e foram considerados positivos para doença de Chagas. Nenhuma das amostras provenientes de indivíduos soronegativos foi positiva. A sensibilidade e especificidade foram de 95% e 100%, respectivamente. Estes resultados indicam que TMO poderá ser utilizado como um fluido biológico alternativo para o diagnóstico da doença de Chagas. Nós estamos aumentando o número de indivíduos para validar estes resultados incluindo a análise comparativa entre amostras de TMO e soro.

  13. Prova do esforço na forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas

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    Vanize Macedo


    Full Text Available Os autores realizaram a prova do esforço sub-máximo em 30 portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas e em 30 normais, a fim de avaliar a capacidade física e a função miocárdica. Os resultados não mostraram diferenciação do grupo positivo e do controle negativo, quanto a queixas, freqüência cardíaca ou respiratória, tensão arterial, consumo de oxigênio e alterações eletrocardiográficas.To evaluate the physical capacity and the myoeardial function in 30 patientes with latent Chagas' disease, the effort test was performed. 30 Controls mere used. According to complains, cardiac and respiratory rate, maximum oxigen consumption and eletrocardiographic changes there was no difference between both groups.

  14. Programas en la eliminación de la transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas en Colombia

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    Felipe Guhl


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    La enfermedad de Chagas o tripanosomiasis americana está considerada como la cuarta causa de mortalidad en América Latina, provocando 43.000 muertes por año, principalmente debidas a la cardiopatía ocasionada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi cuando se anida en las fibras cardíacas. La existencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en seres humanos es un hecho puramente accidental. En la medida en que el hombre fue entrando en contacto con los focos naturales y provocó desequilibrios ecológicos, forzó a los triatomíneos infectados a ocupar viviendas humanas, llevándose a cabo el proceso de domiciliación, ya que no solamente encuentran refugio sino también suficiente alimento en la sangre humana y de animales domésticos. De esta manera, entró el hombre a formar parte activa de la cadena epidemiológica de la enfermedad de Chagas.

    Así pues, en esta patología se presentan ciclos silvestres sin participación del hombre y ciclos domiciliarios con su participación, los cuales son integrados e interdependientes. En el proceso de la dispersión geográfica y biológica el parásito ha evolucionado hasta el punto que existen una gran diversidad de subpoblaciones o cepas, las cuales una vez aisladas de los diversos huéspedes y estudiadas en el laboratorio exhiben características bien diferenciadas.

    La enfermedad asociada a la pobreza y a las malas condiciones de vivienda se transmite además de los insectos triatomíneos, a través de transfusiones de sangre contaminadas por el parásito y también congénitamente de madre infectada a hijo.

    Se han adelantado acciones de prevención y control en diversos países latinoamericanos promovidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS y la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS conjuntamente con los Ministerios de Salud de los países respectivos. En 1991 nace, por ejemplo, la así llamada Iniciativa de los Países del Cono Sur, la cual tuvo como objetivo central

  15. Chagas disease: current epidemiological trends after the interruption of vectorial and transfusional transmission in the Southern Cone countries. (United States)

    Moncayo, Alvaro


    Chagas disease, named after Carlos Chagas who first described it in 1909, exists only on the American Continent. It is caused by a parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted to humans by blood-sucking triatomine bugs and by blood transfusion. Chagas disease has two successive phases, acute and chronic. The acute phase lasts 6 to 8 weeks. After several years of starting the chronic phase, 20% to 35% of the infected individuals, depending on the geographical area will develop irreversible lesions of the autonomous nervous system in the heart, esophagus, colon and the peripheral nervous system. Data on the prevalence and distribution of Chagas disease improved in quality during the 1980's as a result of the demographically representative cross-sectional studies carried out in countries where accurate information was not available. A group of experts met in Bras lia in 1979 and devised standard protocols to carry out countrywide prevalence studies on human T. cruzi infection and triatomine house infestation. Thanks to a coordinated multi-country program in the Southern Cone countries the transmission of Chagas disease by vectors and by blood transfusion has been interrupted in Uruguay in1997, in Chile in 1999, and in 8 of the 12 endemic states of Brazil in 2000 and so the incidence of new infections by T. cruzi in the whole continent has decreased by 70%. Similar control multi-country initiatives have been launched in the Andean countries and in Central America and rapid progress has been recorded to ensure the interruption of the transmission of Chagas disease by 2005 as requested by a Resolution of the World Health Assembly approved in 1998. The cost-benefit analysis of the investments of the vector control program in Brazil indicate that there are savings of US$17 in medical care and disabilities for each dollar spent on prevention, showing that the program is a health investment with good return. Since the inception in 1979 of the Steering Committee on Chagas Disease

  16. Intrusive versus domiciliated triatomines and the challenge of adapting vector control practices against Chagas disease

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    Etienne Waleckx


    Full Text Available Chagas disease prevention remains mostly based on triatomine vector control to reduce or eliminate house infestation with these bugs. The level of adaptation of triatomines to human housing is a key part of vector competence and needs to be precisely evaluated to allow for the design of effective vector control strategies. In this review, we examine how the domiciliation/intrusion level of different triatomine species/populations has been defined and measured and discuss how these concepts may be improved for a better understanding of their ecology and evolution, as well as for the design of more effective control strategies against a large variety of triatomine species. We suggest that a major limitation of current criteria for classifying triatomines into sylvatic, intrusive, domiciliary and domestic species is that these are essentially qualitative and do not rely on quantitative variables measuring population sustainability and fitness in their different habitats. However, such assessments may be derived from further analysis and modelling of field data. Such approaches can shed new light on the domiciliation process of triatomines and may represent a key tool for decision-making and the design of vector control interventions.

  17. II Consenso Brasileiro em Doença de Chagas, 2015

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    João Carlos Pinto Dias

    Full Text Available RESUMO A doença de Chagas é uma condição crônica negligenciada com elevada carga de morbimortalidade e impacto dos pontos de vista psicológico, social e econômico. Representa um importante problema de saúde pública no Brasil, com diferentes cenários regionais. Este documento traduz a sistematização das evidências que compõe o Consenso Brasileiro de Doença de Chagas. O objetivo foi sistematizar estratégias de diagnóstico, tratamento, prevenção e controle da doença de Chagas no país, de modo a refletir as evidências científicas disponíveis. Sua construção fundamentou-se na articulação e contribuição estratégica de especialistas brasileiros com conhecimento, experiência e atualização sobre diferentes aspectos da doença. Representa o resultado da estreita colaboração entre a Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical e o Ministério da Saúde. Espera-se com este documento fortalecer o desenvolvimento de ações integradas para enfrentamento da doença no país com foco em epidemiologia, gestão, atenção integral (incluindo famílias e comunidades, comunicação, informação, educação e pesquisas.

  18. Molecular Epidemiologic Source Tracking of Orally Transmitted Chagas Disease, Venezuela (United States)

    Segovia, Maikell; Martínez, Clara E.; Messenger, Louisa A.; Nessi, Anaibeth; Londoño, Juan C.; Espinosa, Raul; Martínez, Cinda; Alfredo, Mijares; Bonfante-Cabarcas, Rafael; Lewis, Michael D.; de Noya, Belkisyolé A.; Miles, Michael A.; Llewellyn, Martin S.


    Oral outbreaks of Chagas disease are increasingly reported in Latin America. The transitory presence of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites within contaminated foods, and the rapid consumption of those foods, precludes precise identification of outbreak origin. We report source attribution for 2 peri-urban oral outbreaks of Chagas disease in Venezuela via high resolution microsatellite typing. PMID:23768982

  19. Valoración comparativa de pruebas serodiagnósticas utilizadas para detectar enfermedad de Chagas en Venezuela


    Añez Reverol, Nestor Oswaldo; Romero, Maximiliano; Crisante R., Gladys E.; Bianchi Pérez, Guillermo Ricardo; Parada F., Henry


    Publicado en el Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental Vol. L, Nº 1, Enero-Julio, 2010 Se presenta la valoración comparativa de 8 técnicas de uso común en el despistaje serológico de la enfermedad de Chagas utilizando muestras de pacientes de diversas procedencias del occidente de Venezuela. En el estudio fueron utilizados métodos serológicos convencionales (TAD, IFI, ELISA) y pruebas de diagnóstico comercialmente expendidas en el país (Pharmatest®, Chagatest ELISA®, Chagatest ELISA Rec...

  20. Experimental Chagas disease-induced perturbations of the fecal microbiome and metabolome. (United States)

    McCall, Laura-Isobel; Tripathi, Anupriya; Vargas, Fernando; Knight, Rob; Dorrestein, Pieter C; Siqueira-Neto, Jair L


    Trypanosoma cruzi parasites are the causative agents of Chagas disease. These parasites infect cardiac and gastrointestinal tissues, leading to local inflammation and tissue damage. Digestive Chagas disease is associated with perturbations in food absorption, intestinal traffic and defecation. However, the impact of T. cruzi infection on the gut microbiota and metabolome have yet to be characterized. In this study, we applied mass spectrometry-based metabolomics and 16S rRNA sequencing to profile infection-associated alterations in fecal bacterial composition and fecal metabolome through the acute-stage and into the chronic stage of infection, in a murine model of Chagas disease. We observed joint microbial and chemical perturbations associated with T. cruzi infection. These included alterations in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) derivatives and in specific members of families Ruminococcaceae and Lachnospiraceae, as well as alterations in secondary bile acids and members of order Clostridiales. These results highlight the importance of multi-'omics' and poly-microbial studies in understanding parasitic diseases in general, and Chagas disease in particular.

  1. Chagas. From Exotic Tropical Disease to Pathology Globalized

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    Beatriz BASSO


    Full Text Available Chagas disease, whose aetiological agent is Trypanosoma cruzi, is one of the main endemic diseases in Latin America, ranking fourth regarding the number of lost life years due to death or disability in the area; nevertheless, it is among the so-called “neglected diseases”. Despite its rural origin, where it is transmitted through vector insects belonging to the Reduviidae family, it has nowadays also become a problem in urbanized areas and is becoming globalized through inter-human transmission, above all congenital, but also through transfusions and transplants. Chagas, a Hidden Affliction (Chagas, Un mal escondido, a documentary by Ricardo Preve, focuses on both aspects of the disease: the rural and the global one, including interviews with North American doctors and European researchers. A significant part of the film takes place in the USA, showing the worst consequence of the evolution of the disease, which is death by chagasic cardiopathy which, being a reality that takes place during filming, increases the sense of drama. In this paper we approach specific topics related to Chagas disease from a biomedical point of view, including comments related to the highlights of the film that are connected with such aspects. Towards the end, there is mention of the film Houses of Fire (Casas de fuego and of certain illustrative aspects concerning the life of Dr Salvador Mazza and the Argentine Mission of Regional Pathology Studies (MEPRA, topics that have already been dealt with in this. 

  2. Nuevas perspectivas en el manejo terapéutico de la enfermedad de chagas

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    Alfonso J Rodríguez-Morales


    Full Text Available Desde hace un par de décadas y más aun en los últimos cinco años, se ha desarrollado un gran número de estudios que demuestran la actividad tripanocida de diversas drogas, algunas nuevas, muchas viejas, lo cual aunado al conocimiento acerca de la persistencia parasitaria de Trypanosoma cruzi en tejido miocárdico, entre otros, durante las fases crónicas de la enfermedad, permiten hacer patente que existe un nuevo paradigma, nuevas aproximacio-nes al manejo terapéutico del paciente con enfermedad de Chagas. En el presente artículo se revisan las principales bases que sustentan dichas perspectivas terapéuticas en la tripanosomiasis americana.

  3. Prevalence of Chagas disease in pregnant women and congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in Brazil: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Martins-Melo, Francisco Rogerlândio; Lima, Mauricélia da Silveira; Ramos, Alberto Novaes; Alencar, Carlos Henrique; Heukelbach, Jörg


    To estimate the prevalence of Chagas disease in pregnant women and the risk of congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in Brazil, through a systematic review and meta-analysis. We searched electronic databases, grey literature and reference lists of included publications to identify epidemiological studies on the prevalence of Chagas disease in pregnant women and on the congenital transmission rate of T. cruzi infection in Brazil published between January 1980 and June 2013. Pooled estimates and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated using fixed- and random-effects models. Sixteen articles were included - 12 studies on the prevalence of Chagas disease in pregnant women (549,359 pregnant women) and nine on congenital transmission rates (1687 children born to infected mothers). Prevalence of Chagas disease in pregnant women ranged from 0.1% to 8.5%, and congenital transmission rates from 0% to 5.2%. The pooled prevalence of Chagas disease among pregnant women across studies was 1.1% (95% CI: 0.6-2.0); the pooled congenital transmission rate was 1.7% (95% CI: 0.9-3.1). In 2010, 34,629 pregnant women were estimated to be infected with T. cruzi, and 312-1073 children born (mean: 589 cases) with congenital infection. Congenital Chagas disease is a neglected public health problem in Brazil. Systematic congenital Chagas disease control programs through routine prenatal screening for T. cruzi should be widely implemented in Brazil's endemic areas, to identify infected pregnant women and newborns at risk of congenital infection. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Study of the hypothalamic - hypophyseal - thyroid axis by the administration of TRH to Chagas' disease patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abelin, N.M.A.


    The TSH and T 3 response to synthetic TRH was evaluated in two groups of patients: normal and with Chagas' disease, from the urban area of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Plasma T 4 , PBI and TSH values were within the normal range, when compared with those found in the controls: So were the thyroid uptakes of 2 and 24 hours; the basal levels of T 3 where within the normal range except in three subjects whose values were higher than normal. After TRH administration the amount of TSH secretion in patients with Chagas' disease was increased when compared to normal ones, while T 3 secretion was unaltered. It is suggested that in the Chagas' disease there is an increase in the pituitary TSH, while the thyroid reserve is preserved. This increase could be due to a difference in the regulation rate of TRH, which is determined by the neuronal degeneration caused by the disease itself. (author) [pt

  5. Chagas disease vector control in a hyperendemic setting: the first 11 years of intervention in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

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    Natalisisy Espinoza


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Chagas disease has historically been hyperendemic in the Bolivian Department of Cochabamba. In the early 2000s, an extensive vector control program was implemented; 1.34 million dwelling inspections were conducted to ascertain infestation (2000-2001/2003-2011, with blanket insecticide spraying in 2003-2005 and subsequent survey-spraying cycles targeting residual infestation foci. Here, we assess the effects of this program on dwelling infestation rates (DIRs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Program records were used to calculate annual, municipality-level aggregate DIRs (39 municipalities; very high values in 2000-2001 (median: 0.77-0.69 dropped to ∼0.03 from 2004 on. A linear mixed model (with municipality as a random factor suggested that infestation odds decreased, on average, by ∼28% (95% confidence interval [CI95] 6-44% with each 10-fold increase in control effort. A second, better-fitting mixed model including year as an ordinal predictor disclosed large DIR reductions in 2001-2003 (odds ratio [OR] 0.11, CI95 0.06-0.19 and 2003-2004 (OR 0.22, CI95 0.14-0.34. Except for a moderate decrease in 2005-2006, no significant changes were detected afterwards. In both models, municipality-level DIRs correlated positively with previous-year DIRs and with the extent of municipal territory originally covered by montane dry forests. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Insecticide-spraying campaigns had very strong, long-lasting effects on DIRs in Cochabamba. However, post-intervention surveys consistently detected infestation in ∼3% of dwellings, underscoring the need for continuous surveillance; higher DIRs were recorded in the capital city and, more generally, in municipalities dominated by montane dry forest--an eco-region where wild Triatoma infestans are widespread. Traditional strategies combining insecticide spraying and longitudinal surveillance are thus confirmed as very effective means for area-wide Chagas disease vector control; they

  6. Prevention of congenital Chagas disease by Benznidazole treatment in reproductive-age women. An observational study. (United States)

    Álvarez, María G; Vigliano, Carlos; Lococo, Bruno; Bertocchi, Graciela; Viotti, Rodolfo


    Since the decline in new cases of infection by insect/vector, congenital Chagas disease has become more relevant in the transmission of Chagas disease. Treatment with benznidazole significantly reduces the parasitemia, which constitutes an important factor linked to vertical transmission. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether treatment with benznidazole previously administered to women of childbearing age can prevent or reduce the incidence of new cases of congenital Chagas disease. An historical cohort study that included all women in reproductive age (15-45 years) assisted in our center was designed. We included 67 mothers with chronic Chagas disease; 35 women had not been treated prior to pregnancy, 15 had been treated prior to pregnancy and 17 gave birth prior and after treatment with benznidazole. Eight mothers gave birth to 16 children with congenital Chagas disease (8/67, 12%). The prevalence of congenital Chagas was 16/114 (14%) children born to untreated mothers and 0/42 (0%) children born to benznidazole- treated mothers, p=0.01. No significant differences were observed in clinical, serologic, epidemiological or socioeconomic baseline variables between mothers with and without children born with congenital Chagas. A 32% conversion rate to negative serology was observed in benznidazole-treated women after long-term follow up. Antiparasitic treatment administered to women in reproductive age can prevent the occurrence of congenital Chagas disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Seroprevalence and sociocultural conditionants of Chagas disease in school aged children of marginal zones of Asunción

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    Vera Ninfa I.


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is becoming a public health problem in Latin America due to the wide distribution, the high prevalence, the magnitude of the damage caused and the difficulties to control it. In Paraguay, the disease is mainly distributed in the departments of Paraguari, Cordillera and Central. Prevalence in marginal zones, where migrations from rural populations and endemic areas make possible the urbanization of the disease, has no been studied yet. This is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional sampling and a probabilistic system recruitment carried out in school aged children from marginal zones of Asuncion to determine the prevalence of Chagas' disease. Serological methods, parasite isolation and questionnaires were used to achieve the goals. Nine hundred and fifty three children were studied to determine the prevalence of Chagas' disease in marginal zones which was 1.4%.

  8. Chagas Disease: No Longer Exotic

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    This podcast is designed to inform health care providers about Chagas disease, diagnosis, and treatment and to assist in identifying infected patients.  Created: 4/3/2008 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/8/2008.

  9. Chagas Disease Knowledge and Risk Behaviors of the Homeless Population in Houston, TX. (United States)

    Ingber, Alexandra; Garcia, Melissa N; Leon, Juan; Murray, Kristy O


    Chagas disease is a parasitic infection, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, endemic in Latin America. Sylvatic T. cruzi-infected triatomine vectors are present in rural and urban areas in the southern USA and may transmit T. cruzi infection to at-risk populations, such as homeless individuals. Our study aimed to evaluate Chagas disease knowledge and behaviors potentially associated with transmission risk of Chagas disease among Houston, Texas' homeless population by performing interviews with 212 homeless individuals. The majority of the 212 surveyed homeless individuals were male (79%), African-American (43%), American-born individuals (96%). About 30% of the individuals reported having seen triatomines in Houston, and 25% had evidence of blood-borne transmission risk (IV drug use and/or unregulated tattoos). The median total time homeless was significantly associated with recognition of the triatomine vector. Our survey responses indicate that the homeless populations may exhibit potential risks for Chagas disease, due to increased vector exposure, and participation in blood-borne pathogen risk behaviors. Our findings warrant additional research to quantify the prevalence of Chagas disease among homeless populations.

  10. Identification and expression of the CCAP receptor in the Chagas' disease vector, Rhodnius prolixus, and its involvement in cardiac control.

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    Dohee Lee

    Full Text Available Rhodnius prolixus is the vector of Chagas' disease, by virtue of transmitting the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. There is no cure for Chagas' disease and therefore controlling R. prolixus is currently the only method of prevention. Understanding the physiology of the disease vector is an important step in developing control measures. Crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP is an important neuropeptide in insects because it has multiple physiological roles such as controlling heart rate and modulating ecdysis behaviour. In this study, we have cloned the cDNA sequence of the CCAP receptor (RhoprCCAPR from 5(th instar R. prolixus and found it to be a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR. The spatial expression pattern in 5(th instars reveals that the RhoprCCAPR transcript levels are high in the central nervous system, hindgut and female reproductive systems, and lower in the salivary glands, male reproductive tissues and a pool of tissues including the dorsal vessel, trachea, and fat body. Interestingly, the RhoprCCAPR expression is increased prior to ecdysis and decreased post-ecdysis. A functional receptor expression assay confirms that the RhoprCCAPR is activated by CCAP (EC50 = 12 nM but not by adipokinetic hormone, corazonin or an extended FMRFamide. The involvement of CCAP in controlling heartbeat frequency was studied in vivo and in vitro by utilizing RNA interference. In vivo, the basal heartbeat frequency is decreased by 31% in bugs treated with dsCCAPR. Knocking down the receptor in dsCCAPR-treated bugs also resulted in loss of function of applied CCAP in vitro. This is the first report of a GPCR knock-down in R. prolixus and the first report showing that a reduction in CCAPR transcript levels leads to a reduction in cardiac output in any insect.

  11. A mathematical model of Chagas disease transmission (United States)

    Hidayat, Dayat; Nugraha, Edwin Setiawan; Nuraini, Nuning


    Chagas disease is a parasitic infection caused by protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi which is transmitted to human by insects of the subfamily Triatominae, including Rhodnius prolixus. This disease is a major problem in several countries of Latin America. A mathematical model of Chagas disease with separate vector reservoir and a neighboring human resident is constructed. The basic reproductive ratio is obtained and stability analysis of the equilibria is shown. We also performed sensitivity populations dynamics of infected humans and infected insects based on migration rate, carrying capacity, and infection rate parameters. Our findings showed that the dynamics of the infected human and insect is mostly affected by carrying capacity insect in the settlement.

  12. Survey of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Members About Congenital Chagas Disease. (United States)

    Edwards, Morven S; Abanyie, Francisca A; Montgomery, Susan P


    Participants in a survey about congenital Chagas disease, distributed electronically to Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society members, perceived having limited knowledge about congenital Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Most rarely or never consider the diagnosis in infants born to parents from Latin America. Improved awareness of congenital Chagas disease and assessment of at-risk infants is needed.

  13. Omega-3 supplementation on inflammatory markers in patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy: a randomized clinical study. (United States)

    Silva, Paula Simplício da; Mediano, Mauro Felippe Felix; Silva, Gilberto Marcelo Sperandio da; Brito, Patricia Dias de; Cardoso, Claudia Santos de Aguiar; Almeida, Cristiane Fonseca de; Sangenis, Luiz Henrique Conde; Pinheiro, Roberta Olmo; Hasslocher-Moreno, Alejandro Marcel; Brasil, Pedro Emmanuel Alvarenga Americano do; Sousa, Andrea Silvestre de


    Several studies have been focusing on the effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on modulation of inflammatory markers in several cardiopathies. Although immunoregulatory dysfunction has been associated to the chronic cardiac involvement in Chagas disease, there is no study examining the effects of omega-3 supplementation in these patients. We investigated the effects of omega-3 PUFAs on markers of inflammation and lipid profile in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy patients. The present study was a single-center double-blind clinical trial including patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy. Patients were randomly assigned to receive omega-3 PUFAs capsules (1.8g EPA and 1.2g DHA) or placebo (corn oil) during an 8-week period. Cytokines, fasting glucose, lipid, and anthropometric profiles were evaluated. Forty-two patients (23 women and 19 men) were included in the study and there were only two losses to follow-up during the 8-week period. Most of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were similar between the groups at baseline, except for the cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-17α, and IFNγ. The omega-3 PUFAs group demonstrated greater improvements in serum triglycerides (-21.1 vs. -4.1; p = 0.05) and IL-10 levels (-10.6 vs. -35.7; p = 0.01) in comparison to controls after 8 weeks of intervention. No further differences were observed between groups. Omega-3 PUFAs supplementation may favorably affect lipid and inflammatory profile in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy patients, demonstrated by a decrease in triglycerides and improvements on IL-10 concentration. Further studies examining the clinical effects of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy are necessary. NCT01863576.

  14. Transformaciones del Estado y las nuevas exigencias del control de la corrupción: transparencia fiscal, control administrativo y control social


    Mileski, Helio Saul


    [ES] Tesis doctoral sobre las transformaciones del Estado y las nuevas exigencias del control de la corrupción: transparencia fiscal, control administrativo y control social. [EN] Dissertation on the transformations of the state and the new demands of control of corruption: fiscal transparency, administrative control and social control.

  15. Mapping of Chagas disease research: analysis of publications in the period between 1940 and 2009

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    José Manuel Ramos


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Publications are often used as a measure of success in research work. Chagas disease occurs in Central and Southern America. However, during the past years, the disease has been occurring outside Latin America due to migration from endemic zones. This article describes a bibliometric review of the literature on Chagas disease research indexed in PubMed during a 70-year period. METHODS: Medline was used via the PubMed online service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine from 1940 to 2009. The search strategy was: Chagas disease [MeSH] OR Trypanosoma cruzi [MeSH]. RESULTS: A total of 13,989 references were retrieved. The number of publications increased steadily over time from 1,361 (1940-1969 to 5,430 (2000-2009 (coefficient of determination for linear fit, R²=0.910. Eight journals contained 25% of the Chagas disease literature. Of the publications, 64.2% came from endemic countries. Brazil was the predominant country (37%, followed by the United States (17.6% and Argentina (14%. The ranking in production changed when the number of publications was normalized by estimated cases of Chagas disease (Panama and Uruguay, population (Argentina and Uruguay, and gross domestic product (Bolivia and Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: Several Latin American countries, where the prevalence of T. cruzi infection was not very high, were the main producers of the Chagas disease literature, after adjusting for economic and population indexes. The countries with more estimated cases of Chagas disease produced less research on Chagas disease than some developed countries.

  16. Mode of death on Chagas heart disease: comparison with other etiologies. a subanalysis of the REMADHE prospective trial.

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    Silvia M Ayub-Ferreira

    Full Text Available Sudden death has been considered the main cause of death in patients with Chagas heart disease. Nevertheless, this information comes from a period before the introduction of drugs that changed the natural history of heart failure. We sought to study the mode of death of patients with heart failure caused by Chagas heart disease, comparing with non-Chagas cardiomyopathy.We examined the REMADHE trial and grouped patients according to etiology (Chagas vs non-Chagas and mode of death. The primary end-point was all-cause, heart failure and sudden death mortality; 342 patients were analyzed and 185 (54.1% died. Death occurred in 56.4% Chagas patients and 53.7% non-Chagas patients. The cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality and heart failure mortality was significantly higher in Chagas patients compared to non-Chagas. There was no difference in the cumulative incidence of sudden death mortality between the two groups. In the Cox regression model, Chagas etiology (HR 2.76; CI 1.34-5.69; p = 0.006, LVEDD (left ventricular end diastolic diameter (HR 1.07; CI 1.04-1.10; p<0.001, creatinine clearance (HR 0.98; CI 0.97-0.99; p = 0.006 and use of amiodarone (HR 3.05; CI 1.47-6.34; p = 0.003 were independently associated with heart failure mortality. LVEDD (HR 1.04; CI 1.01-1.07; p = 0.005 and use of beta-blocker (HR 0.52; CI 0.34-0.94; p = 0.014 were independently associated with sudden death mortality.In severe Chagas heart disease, progressive heart failure is the most important mode of death. These data challenge the current understanding of Chagas heart disease and may have implications in the selection of treatment choices, considering the mode of NCT00505050 (REMADHE.

  17. Trypanosomiasis americana en el Perú: I. El insector vector y los animales que actúan de reservorio de la enfermedad de Chagas en la región sudoccidental

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    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available Como resultado de observaciones llevadas a cabo durante los meses de enero a marzo de 1952, sobre varios aspectos de la enfermedad de Chagas en la región sudoccidental del Perú, se informa lo siguiente: 1. El Triatoma infestans es el único vector de la enfermedad de Chagas en la mencionada región. Su actual distribución abarcaría la vertiente occidental de los Andes desde el paralelo 14 al 18 de latitud sur, y desde el nivel del mar hasta las proximidades de los 3.500 me tros de altitud. 2. En la mayoría de las localidades el T. infestans se encuentra infectado por el Trypanosoma cruzi variando la incidencia de la infección de acuerdo con los animales domésticos sobre los cuales se alimenta el triatomino. Los lugares donde se crían o encierra cobayos siempre ofrecen mayor incidencia de la infección. 3. En busca de infecciones naturales al T. cruzi, por medio de observaciones de sangre fueron revisados 356 animales domésticos, entre los que se encuentran 297 cobayos, 32 perros, 14 conejos, 8 gatos y 5 cerdos. De éstos, en 17 cobayos y un gato fué posible verificar la infección. 4. En el valle de Moquegua se observó un caso de asociación entre el T. infestans y ratones grises, en las proximidades de una casa que parecía no se encontraba infestada por este triatomino. Tanto los triatomas como también los ratones capturados se encontraban infectados por el T. cruzi. 5. Finalmente se presentan algunas consideraciones sobre el rol de reservorio de la enfermedad de Chagas que desempeñarían ciertos animales domésticos en la región sudoccidental del Perú.

  18. A Highly Sensitive Rapid Diagnostic Test for Chagas Disease That Utilizes a Recombinant Trypanosoma cruzi Antigen (United States)

    Barfield, C. A.; Barney, R. S.; Crudder, C. H.; Wilmoth, J. L.; Stevens, D. S.; Mora-Garcia, S.; Yanovsky, M. J.; Weigl, B. H.; Yanovsky, J.


    Improved diagnostic tests for Chagas disease are urgently needed. A new lateral flow rapid test for Chagas disease is under development at PATH, in collaboration with Laboratorio Lemos of Argentina, which utilizes a recombinant antigen for detection of antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi. To evaluate the performance of this test, 375 earlier characterized serum specimens from a region where Chagas is endemic were tested using a reference test (the Ortho T. cruzi ELISA, Johnson & Johnson), a commercially available rapid test (Chagas STAT-PAK, Chembio), and the PATH–Lemos rapid test. Compared to the composite reference tests, the PATH–Lemos rapid test demonstrated an optimal sensitivity of 99.5% and specificity of 96.8%, while the Chagas STAT-PAK demonstrated a sensitivity of 95.3% and specificity of 99.5%. These results indicate that the PATH–Lemos rapid test shows promise as an improved and reliable tool for screening and diagnosis of Chagas disease. PMID:21342808

  19. A doença de Chagas no Paraná Chagas disease in the state of Paraná

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    H. C. de Souza-Araujo


    Full Text Available In recent speech in Curitiba (May 22nd, 1954, Dr. Mario Pinotti, Director, Serviço Nacional da Malaria, informed that his personnel started on February, 1953, a survey upon chagas Disease in 23 counties of the State of Paraná, South Brazil. out of 895 places surveyed, 678, or 75.7%, were infected by Triatoma infestans klug 1834 and in 234 out of those 678, or 34.5%, this vector was infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The general natural infection of the insects examined reached 18.86%. The serological survey (Machado-Guerreiro test was positive in 10.7% of the persons examined in jacarezinho and in 28.3% of those living in Bôa Vista. These data suggested the author to actualise the subject. During his control of severe outbreack of malaria in the North part of Paraná, from march to June 1917 he worked in 8 counties. March 1917 he photographed in Boa Vista four girls, severe cases of chronic malaria, two of which showed bi-palpebral oedema, later on considered by Dr. Pinho Simões (1943 as Romanã syndrome (created in 1935 and Prof. Salvador Mazza (1946 classified as typical cases of Chagas' Disease. now, being elapsed 36 years, the National Service of Malaria confirmed the discovery. The region surveyed was populated, in the beginning of this century, by immigrants from the State of Minas Gerais, from where the author believes that were imported the disease and its vectors. In April 1917 the A. discovered that the old town Jatahy was a big focus of Triatoma megista (now Panstrongylus megistus0. All its 43 houses were strongly infested by such hematophagus and amongst the 200 inhabitants seen many were suspicious cases of chronic cases of Chagas's Disease. In the Indians town (three tribes of S. Pedro D' Alcantara, situated in front of Jatahy, in the left side of the river Tibagy, there were no Triatomas nor suspicious cases of trypanosomiasis. In 1919 the author started the control of the endemics by destroying the foci of Triatomas and reforming

  20. Conocimientos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y factores de riesgo en comunidades epidemiológicamente diferentes de Argentina

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    Sanmartino Mariana


    Full Text Available Actualmente, el control de la enfermedad de Chagas se basa en acciones químicas contra la vinchuca. Sin embargo, existen factores de riesgo como la falta de higiene y el desorden que serían responsables de la persistencia de focos de triatominos. Teniendo en cuenta que las comunidades expuestas al riesgo de contraer la enfermedad poseen escasos conocimientos sobre ella, se definió el nivel óptimo de conocimientos y se determinó el nivel medio de conocimientos de los habitantes de dos zonas epidemiológicamente diferentes de Argentina y se identificaron los factores de riesgo presentes en ambas. El nivel óptimo de conocimientos se definió por 25 "nociones elementales" sobre la enfermedad, a partir de las cuales se elaboraron los cuestionarios para evaluar el nivel medio de conocimientos. Los resultados obtenidos reflejaron un predominio de los factores de riesgo relacionados con la construcción de las viviendas y el desorden y un limitado nivel de conocimientos sobre la enfermedad. Resultó deficiente el conocimiento de información básica sobre la enfermedad, relacionada, por ejemplo, con el reconocimiento de las ninfas y el mecanismo de transmisión. Un mejor conocimiento del tema supondría un importante avance en la lucha contra la enfermedad de Chagas, conduciendo a los habitantes de áreas endémicas a una mejor comprensión de su realidad y a la adquisición de hábitos que les permitan ser los protagonistas de su propio bienestar.

  1. [Chagas disease Control Program in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: serological and entomological aspects of primary school-children surveys]. (United States)

    Carvalho, Maria Esther de; Silva, Rubens Antonio da; Wanderley, Dalva Marli Valério; Barata, José Maria Soares


    Two serological surveys were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of measures put into effect in the State of São Paulo (Brazil) to control Chagas disease vectors. The first one, during the period from 1968 to 1970; the complement fixation reaction was performed on serum samples from school-children resident in all municipalities of the State of São Paulo, with the exception of the Greater São Paulo. The second one, annually, from 1973 to 1983, involving school-children resident in municipalities with high trypanosomiasis prevalence values; the indirect immuno-fluorescence test was performed on filter paper total blood eluates. Data on the occurrence of triatomines and their infection with Trypanosoma cruzi in each municipality formed the basis of insight into the epidemiological situation associated with the school-children's dates of birth. Most positive serological results, as well as the highest proportion of autochthonous cases associated with Triatoma infestans were observed in the region of Sorocaba until the early 1970s, while the proportions of both autochthonous and imported cases were kept in equilibrium elsewhere. It has been inferred that as recently as 1974, vectorial transmission of Chagas disease could still be observed in the State of São Paulo. We emphasize that, even rather lacking in coverage, no seropositive cases have been observed in people inhabiting the regions included in the Control Program for the State of São Paulo and now aged less than 15 years.

  2. Cardiac beta-receptors in experimental Chagas' disease Receptores beta cardíacos na doença de Chagas experimental

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    Julio E. Enders


    Full Text Available Experimental Chagas' disease (45 to 90 days post-infection showed serious cardiac alterations in the contractility and in the pharmacological response to beta adrenergic receptors in normal and T. cruzi infected mice (post-acute phase. Chagasic infection did not change the beta receptors density (78.591 ± 3.125 fmol/mg protein and 73.647 ± 2.194 fmol/mg protein for controls but their affinity was significantly diminished (Kd = 7.299 ± 0.426 nM and Kd = 3.759 ± 0.212 nM for the control p Estudaram-se os receptores beta cardíacos de camundongos infectados pelo Trypanosoma cruzi na fase pós-aguda da doença de Chagas para estabelecer em que medida os mesmos contribuem a gerar respostas anômalas às catecolaminas observadas nestes miocardios. Utilizara-se 3-H/DHA para a marcação dos receptores beta cardíacos dos camundongos normais e dos infectados na fase pós-aguda (45 a 90 dias pós-infecção. O número dos sítios de fixação foi similar nos dois grupos, 78.591 ± 3.125 fmol/mg. Proteína nos chagásicos e 73.647 ± 2.194 fmol/mg. Proteína no grupo controle. Em vez disso, a afinidade verificou-se significativamente diminuida no grupo chagásico (Kd = 7.299 ± 0.426 nM respeito do controle (Kd = 3.759 ± 0.212 nM p < 0.001. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que as modificações observadas na estimulação adrenérgica do miocárdio chagásico se correlacionam com a menor afinidade dos receptores beta cardíacos e que estas alterações exerceriam uma parte determinante para as consequências funcionais que são detectadas na fase crônica.

  3. A case of megacolon in Rio Grande Valley as a possible case of Chagas disease

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    Karl Reinhard


    Full Text Available We have been searching for evidence of Chagas disease in mummified human remains. Specifically, we have looked for evidence of alteration of intestinal or fecal morphology consistent with megacolon, a condition associated with Chagas disease. One prehistoric individual recovered from the Chihuahuan Desert near the Rio Grande exhibits such pathology. We present documentation of this case. We are certain that this individual presents a profoundly altered large intestinal tract and we suggest that further research should focus on confirmation of a diagnosis of Chagas disease. We propose that the prehistoric activity and dietary patterns in Chihuahua Desert hunter/gatherers promoted the pathoecology of Chagas disease.

  4. Research priorities for Chagas disease, human African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis. (United States)


    This report provides a review and analysis of the research landscape for three diseases - Chagas disease, human African trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis - that disproportionately afflict poor and remote populations with limited access to health services. It represents the work of the disease reference group on Chagas Disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis and Leishmaniasis (DRG3) which was established to identify key research priorities through review of research evidence and input from stakeholders' consultations. The diseases, which are caused by related protozoan parasites, are described in terms of their epidemiology and diseases burden, clinical forms and pathogenesis, HIV coinfection, diagnosis, drugs and drug resistance, vaccines, vector control, and health-care interventions. Priority areas for research are identified based on criteria such as public health relevance, benefit and impact on poor populations and equity, and feasibility. The priorities are found in the areas of diagnostics, drugs, vector control, asymptomatic infection, economic analysis of treatment and vector control methods, and in some specific issues such as surveillance methods or transmission-blocking vaccines for particular diseases. This report will be useful to researchers, policy and decision-makers, funding bodies, implementation organizations, and civil society. This is one of ten disease and thematic reference group reports that have come out of the TDR Think Tank, all of which have contributed to the development of the Global Report for Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty, available at:

  5. Influence of the HLA class II polymorphism in chronic Chagas' disease. (United States)

    Fernandez-Mestre, M T; Layrisse, Z; Montagnani, S; Acquatella, H; Catalioti, F; Matos, M; Balbas, O; Makhatadze, N; Dominguez, E; Herrera, F; Madrigal, A


    Chagas' disease or American trypanosomiasis due to Trypanosoma cruzi has existed at least since the time of the Inca empire and contributes significantly to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in several countries of this continent. Due to the fundamental role of human class II molecules polymorphic residues in the control of the immune response, a study was designed to define by DNA typing HLA class II alleles in a sample of 67 serologically positive individuals with and without cardiomyopathy and in 156 healthy controls of similar ethnic origin. Genomic DNA extraction, PCR amplification of the HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 second exon regions and hybridization to labelled specific probes were carried out following the 11th International Histocompatibility Workshop reference protocol. Comparison of DRB1 and DQB1 allele frequencies among the patients and control subjects showed a decreased frequency of DRB1*14 and DQB1*0303 in the patients, suggesting independent protective effects to the chronic infection in this population. Allele frequencies comparison between patients with and without cardiomyopathy showed a higher frequency of DRB1*01, DRB1*08 and DQB1*0501 and a decreased frequency of DRB1*1501 in the patients with arrhythmia and congestive heart failure. The results suggest that HLA Class II genes may be associated with the development of a chronic infection and with heart damage in Chagas' disease.

  6. Evaluation of the Chagas Stat-Paktm Assay for Detection of Trypanosoma cruzi Antibodies in Wildlife Reservoirs (United States)

    Yabsley, Michael J.; Brown, Emily L.; Roellig, Dawn M.


    An immunochromatographic assay (Chagas Stat-Pak™) was evaluated for the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in 4 species of wildlife reservoirs. Antibodies to T. cruzi were detected in raccoons (Procyon lotor) (naturally and experimentally infected) and degus (Octodon degu) (experimentally-infected) using the Chagas Stat-Pak. In naturally exposed wild raccoons, the Chagas Stat-Pak had a sensitivity and specificity of 66.7–80.0% and 96.3%, respectively. Compared with indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay results, serocon-version as determined by Chagas Stat-Pak was delayed for experimentally infected raccoons, but occurred sooner in experimentally infected degus. The Chagas Stat-Pak did not detect antibodies in naturally or experimentally infected Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) or in experimentally infected short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica). These data suggest that the Chagas Stat-Pak might be useful in field studies of raccoons and degus when samples would not be available for more-conventional serologic assays. Because this assay did not work on either species of marsupial, the applicability of the assay should be examined before it is used in other wild species. PMID:19016578

  7. A scientometric evaluation of the Chagas disease implementation research programme of the PAHO and TDR.

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    Ana Laura Carbajal-de-la-Fuente


    Full Text Available The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR is an independent global programme of scientific collaboration cosponsored by the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization. TDR's strategy is based on stewardship for research on infectious diseases of poverty, empowerment of endemic countries, research on neglected priority needs, and the promotion of scientific collaboration influencing global efforts to combat major tropical diseases. In 2001, in view of the achievements obtained in the reduction of transmission of Chagas disease through the Southern Cone Initiative and the improvement in Chagas disease control activities in some countries of the Andean and the Central American Initiatives, TDR transferred the Chagas Disease Implementation Research Programme (CIRP to the Communicable Diseases Unit of the Pan American Health Organization (CD/PAHO. This paper presents a scientometric evaluation of the 73 projects from 18 Latin American and European countries that were granted by CIRP/PAHO/TDR between 1997 and 2007. We analyzed all final reports of the funded projects and scientific publications, technical reports, and human resource training activities derived from them. Results about the number of projects funded, countries and institutions involved, gender analysis, number of published papers in indexed scientific journals, main topics funded, patents inscribed, and triatomine species studied are presented and discussed. The results indicate that CIRP/PAHO/TDR initiative has contributed significantly, over the 1997-2007 period, to Chagas disease knowledge as well as to the individual and institutional-building capacity.

  8. Aspectos entomológicos de la enfermedad de Chagas en Huallaga y Picota, San Martín, Perú

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    Abraham G. Cáceres


    Full Text Available Introducción: Existe escasa información y no actualizada sobre la presencia de triatominos en el departamento de San Martín, zona amazónica de nuestro país, y es importante actualizarla, ya que hay reportes recientes de casos de enfermedad de Chagas procedentes de la amazonía peruana cuyos vectores serían triatominos silvestres. Objetivos: Conocer la distribución geográfica de triatominos hematófagos en Huallaga y Picota, San Martín, Perú. Determinar los índices entomológicos, sus hábitos alimenticios y caracterizar los tripanosomatídeos que portan. Diseño: Investigación descriptiva observacional. Lugar: Red de Salud Huallaga y Picota, Laboratorio Regional de la Región de Salud San Martín. Laboratorios del Instituto Nacional de Salud. Participantes: Viviendas de 6 distritos de las provincia de Huallaga y 9 de Picota, del Departamento de San Martín. Intervenciones: La búsqueda de triatominos fue en 3 362 viviendas de áreas periurbanas y rurales. Mediante la prueba de precipitina, se determinó la fuente de alimentación. Se aisló tripanosomatídeos mediante infección en ratones Balb/C e inoculación en medio agar sangre, y por PCR se caracterizó el genoma por amplificación del espaciador intergénico del gen miniexón. Principales medidas de resultados: Determinar si Huallaga y Picota, San Martín, Perú, son zonas de riesgo de enfermedad de Chagas. Resultados: En 46 viviendas, de 3 362 muestreadas se capturó 53 triatominos adultos pertenecientes a Rhodnius pictipes (56,6%, Panstrongylus geniculatus (41,5% y Eratyrus mucronatus (1,9%. Se reporta P. geniculatus por primera vez para las dos provincias. Los índices de infestación para ambas provincias fueron 1,4% y 3,8%, respectivamente, y corresponden al índice de infección natural; mientras que el índice de dispersión fue 30,1%. En R. pictipes se identificó cinco fuentes de alimentación (pollo, humano, perro, cobayo y gato y en P. geniculatus un perfil

  9. Determinants of the domiciliary density of Triatoma infestans, vector of Chagas disease. (United States)

    Gürtler, R E; Cecere, M C; Rubel, D N; Schweigmann, N J


    In two heavily infested rural villages of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, where no indoor-spraying with residual insecticides had ever been carried out by official control services, we studied the influence of roof and wall structure, domestic use of insecticide, family size and the number of domestic dogs, on the domiciliary density of Triatoma infestans (Klug). Bug density was significantly associated with (1) the interaction between insecticide use and type of roof, (2) the structure of indoor walls, (3) the number of dogs sharing sleeping areas of people (room-mate dogs), and (4) the number of people plus room-mate dogs, but not with just the number of people resident in the house. The interaction between insecticide use and a roof made of 'simbol', a locally available grass (Pennisetum sp.), also reflected a younger age structure of domestic bug populations. In infested houses, the density of bugs infected with Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas was significantly correlated with overall bug density. Our data suggest that the application of environmental management measures by the affected people, such as plastering of walls and modification of roofs, coupled with keeping dogs away from bedrooms and application of insecticides, should limit the domestic population density of T. infestans and thus reduce the transmission of T. cruzi to people.

  10. Effectiveness of Large-Scale Chagas Disease Vector Control Program in Nicaragua by Residual Insecticide Spraying Against Triatoma dimidiata. (United States)

    Yoshioka, Kota; Nakamura, Jiro; Pérez, Byron; Tercero, Doribel; Pérez, Lenin; Tabaru, Yuichiro


    Chagas disease is one of the most serious health problems in Latin America. Because the disease is transmitted mainly by triatomine vectors, a three-phase vector control strategy was used to reduce its vector-borne transmission. In Nicaragua, we implemented an indoor insecticide spraying program in five northern departments to reduce house infestation by Triatoma dimidiata. The spraying program was performed in two rounds. After each round, we conducted entomological evaluation to compare the vector infestation level before and after spraying. A total of 66,200 and 44,683 houses were sprayed in the first and second spraying rounds, respectively. The entomological evaluation showed that the proportion of houses infested by T. dimidiata was reduced from 17.0% to 3.0% after the first spraying, which was statistically significant (P vector control strategies, and implementation of sustainable vector surveillance. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  11. Prevalence of Chagas' Disease in Mulungu do Morro Northeastern Brazil

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    Roque Aras


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE - The aim of this paper is to describe the prevalence of T. Cruzi infection in patients of from Mulungu do Morro, a rural tropical region of Northeastern Brazil. METHODS - A cross-sectional study was performed. After randomly selecting samples of the population, and obtaining their consents , patients completed pretested epidemiological and clinical questionnaires. Serum samples from all patients were collected and screened for the presence of T. cruzi antibodies. RESULTS - Of 694 patients examined, 174 patients (25.1% tested had a positive serology for Chagas' disease. Of the study population, 341 patients were male with 27% Chagas' disease prevalence, without a statistical difference. Illiteracy was the only variable related to T. cruzi infection in our population. CONCLUSION - In conclusion, our study points to the high prevalence of Chagas' disease among patients in Mulungu do Morro, suggesting that this region has a high frequency of infection and probably active vectorial transmission.

  12. Chagas Disease: Challenges in Developing New Trypanocidal Lead Compounds [Doença de Chagas: Desafios no Desenvolvimento de Novas Substâncias Líderes Tripanomicidas


    Fernando de C. da Silva; Sabrina B. Ferreira; David R. da Rocha; Vitor F. Ferreira


    Chagas disease cycle was fully elucidated by Carlos Chagas in 1909, when he reported his discovery to the scientific community in two seminal papers. Today remains innumerous factors that limit its therapeutic treatment. One of them is the lack of new drugs in the market since is well known that the existing drugs are poorly active with low efficacy and considerable side effects. Nowadays, many efforts have been done in combinatorial chemistry and synthesis of new compounds searching for new ...

  13. Observaciones sobre la enfermedad de chagas en la provincia de Moyobamba: (Depto. de San Martín

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    Arístides Herrer


    Full Text Available Se ha realizado diversos estudios sobre la enfermedad de Chagas en las ciudades de Moyobamba, Calzada y Yantaló, de la provincia de Moyobamba, departamento de San Martín, estudios que han permitido conocer algunos aspectos epidemiológicos de esta endemia en la referida región selvática; pudiendo citarse los siguientes: 1. En las búsquedas de triatominos efectuadas se encontró tan, sólo el Panstrongy1us herreri, insecto de marcados hábitos domiciliarios y que tiene al hombre como principal huésped. Debido a la forma cómo en la selva crían a los animales domésticos el P. herreri no llega a establecer relaciones frecuentes con ellos. 2. Por lo general no es tan alta la infestación de las localidades, ni elevado el número de especímenes del insecto que se encuentra en las casas infestadas. 3. La infección del P. herreri por el Trypanosoma cruzi varió con las localidades entre 18.9 y 37.3 por ciento. La infección general para las tres localidades fué de 31.4 por ciento, determinada a base de 296 insectos observados. 4. En 204 xenodiagnósticos realizados en la población de Yantaló se obtuvo 10 positivos, la mayoría de los cuales correspondieron a niños. 5. En la referida ciudad de Yantaló se hicieron también 208 xenodiagnósticos en los animales domésticos, de los cuales se llegaron a observar tan sólo 198. En esta serie se obtuvo únicamente un caso positivo, el que correspondió a un perro. Tomando en cuenta los resultados de esta serie de xenodiagnósticos y los del censo de animales domésticos que se realizara previamente. se considera que los citados animales no desempeñarían gran papel como reservorio de la enfermedad de Chagas en localidades como las estudiadas.

  14. Chagas disease: national survey of seroprevalence in children under five years of age conducted in 2008. (United States)

    Russomando, Graciela; Cousiño, Blanca; Sanchez, Zunilda; Franco, Laura X; Nara, Eva M; Chena, Lilian; Martínez, Magaly; Galeano, María E; Benitez, Lucio


    Since the early 1990s, programs to control Chagas disease in South America have focused on eradicating domiciliary Triatoma infestans, the main vector. Seroprevalence studies of the chagasic infection are included as part of the vector control programs; they are essential to assess the impact of vector control measures and to monitor the prevention of vector transmission. To assess the interruption of domiciliary vector transmission of Chagas disease by T. infestans in Paraguay by evaluating the current state of transmission in rural areas. A survey of seroprevalence of Chagas disease was carried out in a representative sample group of Paraguayans aged one to five years living in rural areas of Paraguay in 2008. Blood samples collected on filter paper from 12,776 children were tested using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Children whose serology was positive or undetermined (n = 41) were recalled to donate a whole blood sample for retesting. Their homes were inspected for current triatomine infestation. Blood samples from their respective mothers were also collected and tested to check possible transmission of the disease by a congenital route. A seroprevalence rate of 0.24% for Trypanosoma cruzi infection was detected in children under five years of age among the country's rural population. Our findings indicate that T. cruzi was transmitted to these children vertically. The total number of infected children, aged one to five years living in these departments, was estimated at 1,691 cases with an annual incidence of congenital transmission of 338 cases per year. We determined the impact of vector control in the transmission of T. cruzi, following uninterrupted vector control measures employed since 1999 in contiguous T. infestans-endemic areas of Paraguay, and this allowed us to estimate the degree of risk of congenital transmission in the country.

  15. Chagas disease: national survey of seroprevalence in children under five years of age conducted in 2008

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    Graciela Russomando

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Since the early 1990s, programs to control Chagas disease in South America have focused on eradicating domiciliary Triatoma infestans, the main vector. Seroprevalence studies of the chagasic infection are included as part of the vector control programs; they are essential to assess the impact of vector control measures and to monitor the prevention of vector transmission. OBJECTIVE To assess the interruption of domiciliary vector transmission of Chagas disease by T. infestans in Paraguay by evaluating the current state of transmission in rural areas. METHODS A survey of seroprevalence of Chagas disease was carried out in a representative sample group of Paraguayans aged one to five years living in rural areas of Paraguay in 2008. Blood samples collected on filter paper from 12,776 children were tested using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Children whose serology was positive or undetermined (n = 41 were recalled to donate a whole blood sample for retesting. Their homes were inspected for current triatomine infestation. Blood samples from their respective mothers were also collected and tested to check possible transmission of the disease by a congenital route. FINDINGS A seroprevalence rate of 0.24% for Trypanosoma cruzi infection was detected in children under five years of age among the country’s rural population. Our findings indicate that T. cruzi was transmitted to these children vertically. The total number of infected children, aged one to five years living in these departments, was estimated at 1,691 cases with an annual incidence of congenital transmission of 338 cases per year. MAIN CONCLUSION We determined the impact of vector control in the transmission of T. cruzi, following uninterrupted vector control measures employed since 1999 in contiguous T. infestans-endemic areas of Paraguay, and this allowed us to estimate the degree of risk of congenital transmission in the country.

  16. Chagas Disease in Dogs from Endemic Areas of Costa Rica

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    Montenegro Victor M


    Full Text Available Dogs with the presumptive diagnosis of Chagas disease are commonly sent to our School of Veterinary Medicine by independent veterinarians. This prompted us to evaluate the prevalence of canine trypanosomiasis in some villages of the Central Valley of Costa Rica. A total of 54 dogs (21 males and 33 females from five rural villages, with ages between 3 months and 10 years old, were bled and submitted to three serological tests: indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination and ELISA. Among all animals, 15 (27.7% revealed antibodies (6 pure bred and 9 mongrels and in 3 of them the parasite was also demonstrated by xenodiagnosis. All positive animals except 1, and 9 negative animals (control group were examined by X-rays and electrocardiography, revealing different degrees of cardiomegaly and ECG alteration, consistent with Chagas disease pathology in one dog (SA-11 of the infected ones. Examination of 50 inhabitants living in the houses where dogs and Triatoma dimidiata were found, yielded negative serological reactions. This was assumed to support the hypothesis that dogs are commonly infected by the oral route, a more effective means of infection compared with the vector transmission mechanism that occurs in humans.

  17. Congenital Chagas disease as an ecological model of interactions between Trypanosoma cruzi parasites, pregnant women, placenta and fetuses. (United States)

    Carlier, Yves; Truyens, Carine


    The aim of this paper is to discuss the main ecological interactions between the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and its hosts, the mother and the fetus, leading to the transmission and development of congenital Chagas disease. One or several infecting strains of T. cruzi (with specific features) interact with: (i) the immune system of a pregnant woman whom responses depend on genetic and environmental factors, (ii) the placenta harboring its own defenses, and, finally, (iii) the fetal immune system displaying responses also susceptible to be modulated by maternal and environmental factors, as well as his own genetic background which is different from her mother. The severity of congenital Chagas disease depends on the magnitude of such final responses. The paper is mainly based on human data, but integrates also complementary observations obtained in experimental infections. It also focuses on important gaps in our knowledge of this congenital infection, such as the role of parasite diversity vs host genetic factors, as well as that of the maternal and placental microbiomes and the microbiome acquisition by infant in the control of infection. Investigations on these topics are needed in order to improve the programs aiming to diagnose, manage and control congenital Chagas disease. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Trypanosoma cruzi 80 kDa prolyl oligopeptidase (Tc80 as a novel immunogen for Chagas disease vaccine.

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    Augusto E Bivona


    Full Text Available Chagas disease, also known as American Trypanosomiasis, is a chronic parasitic disease caused by the flagellated protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi that affects about 8 million people around the world where more than 25 million are at risk of contracting the infection. Despite of being endemic on 21 Latin-American countries, Chagas disease has become a global concern due to migratory movements. Unfortunately, available drugs for the treatment have several limitations and they are generally administered during the chronic phase of the infection, when its efficacy is considered controversial. Thus, prophylactic and/or therapeutic vaccines are emerging as interesting control alternatives. In this work, we proposed Trypanosoma cruzi 80 kDa prolyl oligopeptidase (Tc80 as a new antigen for vaccine development against Chagas disease.In a murine model, we analyzed the immune response triggered by different immunization protocols based on Tc80 and evaluated their ability to confer protection against a challenge with the parasite. Immunized mice developed Tc80-specific antibodies which were able to carry out different functions such as: enzymatic inhibition, neutralization of parasite infection and complement-mediated lysis of trypomastigotes. Furthermore, vaccinated mice elicited strong cell-mediated immunity. Spleen cells from immunized mice proliferated and secreted Th1 cytokines (IL-2, IFN-γ and TNF-α upon re-stimulation with rTc80. Moreover, we found Tc80-specific polyfunctional CD4 T cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity against one Tc80 MHC-I peptide. Immunization protocols conferred protection against a T. cruzi lethal challenge. Immunized groups showed a decreased parasitemia and higher survival rate compared with non-immunized control mice. Moreover, during the chronic phase of the infection, immunized mice presented: lower levels of myopathy-linked enzymes, parasite burden, electrocardiographic disorders and inflammatory cells.Considering that

  19. Posible transmisión oral de la enfermedad de Chagas en trabajadores del sector de los hidrocarburos en Casanare, Colombia, 2014

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    Liliana Patricia Zuleta-Dueñas


    Conclusiones. Mediante el análisis de las características epidemiológicas, ambientales y sanitarias, se confirmó un brote agudo de enfermedad de Chagas por exposición ocupacional y de posible transmisión oral, que podría ser el de mayor proporción reportado hasta la fecha en Colombia.

  20. The effect of Ageratum fastigiatum extract on Rhodnius nasutus, vector of Chagas disease

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    Bethânia A. Avelar-Freitas


    Full Text Available Control of Chagas disease is based on insecticide spraying in domiciles in order to exterminate triatomine populations. However, since the vectors differ in susceptibility to currently used insecticides, the screening of the toxic potential of Brazilian flora may identify new molecules lethal to triatomines. This study evaluated the toxicity of ethanolic extract of Ageratum fastigiatum (Gardner R.M. King & H. Rob., Asteraceae, on Rhodnius nasutus, a known vector of Chagas disease. Ethanolic extracts of the aerial parts of A. fastigiatum were prepared at 25 and 50 mg/mL concentrations, and 5 µL was applied to fifth-instar nymphs of R. nasutus (n=30. Controls included nymphs that were treated with 5 µL ethanol (n=30 or left untreated (n=30. The percentage of dead insects in each group was observed at 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h after application. The extracts of A. fastigiatum showed a mortality rate of about 37% and 77% after 120 h, at concentrations of 25 and 50 mg/mL, respectively. In control groups, the mortality rate remained under 7%. The extract of A. fastigiatum contains a coumarin, a molecule with recognized toxicity in insects, and which may be responsible for killing the triatomines.

  1. La reforma del sector salud, descentralización, prevención y control de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores Health system, decentralization, and the control of vector-borne diseases

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    Gabriel A. Schmunis


    Full Text Available Con las nuevas macropolíticas mundiales, la salud en América Latina ha sufrido importante transición en direción a la decentralización, sin compatibilizar la salud pública con la lógica de las economías de mercado. Con esto, el control decentralizado de las enfermedades endémicas presenta dificultades políticas y operativas. Aunque la decentralización se justifica por los presupuestos teóricos, no hay tradición de este control en los niveles municipales, lo que dificulta la simple o burocrática transferencia de encargos para estos niveles. La falta de expertise, el turn-over político y la corrupción son dificultades adicionales, conllevando a una extinción de varias instituiciones y programas. La falta de efectividad en el enfrentamiento del dengue, de la malaria y de la enfermedad de Chagas son algunos ejemplos. Requierese una modernización con responsabilidad, con una transición compartida entre los niveles y garantizada por acciones continuadas. Sugierese mantener estructuras regionales para referencia, consolidación epidemiológica, normatización, capacitación y supervisión, incluso con reserva técnica para acciones finalísticas supletivas.Economic policies are changing Latin American health programs, particularly promoting decentralization. Numerous difficulties thus arise for the control of endemic diseases, since such activities traditionally depend on vertical, and centralized structures. Theoretical arguments in favor of decentralization notwithstanding, no such tradition exists at the county level. The lack of program expertise at peripheral levels, intensive staff turnover, and even corruption are additional difficulties. Hence, the simple bureaucratic transfer of activities from the Federal to county level is often irresponsible. The loss of priority for control of endemic diseases in Latin America may mean the inexorable extinction of traditional control services. Malaria, dengue fever, and Chagas disease

  2. Chagas disease in an area of recent occupation in Cochabamba, Bolivia

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    Albarracin-Veizaga Hugo


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: A descriptive, entomological and seroepidemiological study on Chagas disease was conducted in a place of recent occupation on the outskirts of Cochabamba, Bolivia: Avaroa/Primer de Mayo (population:3,000, where the socio-economic level is low and no control measures have been made available. METHODS: The immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT was used for IgG and IgM anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in filter paper bloodspot eluates from 128 subjects (73 females, 55 males selected by systematic sampling. Concerning each subject age, gender, birthplace, occupation, duration of residence and building materials used in their houses were recorded. Vectors were captured both in domestic and peridomestic environments. RESULTS: Seropositive, 12.5% (16/128: females, 15.1% (11/73; males, 9.1% (5/55. Average time of residence: 6.1 years for the whole population sample and 7.4 years for the seropositive subjects. Most houses had adobe walls (76.7% , n= 30, galvanized iron rooves (86.7% and earthen floors (53.4% 80% of the walls had crevices. One hundred forty seven specimens of Triatoma infestans were captured, of which 104 (70.7% were domestic, and 1 peridomestic Triatoma sordida. Precipitin host identification: birds, 67.5%; humans, 27.8%; rodents, 11.9%; dogs, 8.7%; cats, 1.6%. House infestation and density indices were 53.3 and 493.0 respectively. We found 21 (14.3% specimens of T. infestans infected with trypanosomes, 18 (85.7% of which in domestic environments. DISCUSSION: The elements for the vector transmission of Chagas disease are present in Avaroa/Primer de Mayo and the ancient custom of keeping guinea pigs indoors adds to the risk of human infection. In neighboring Cochabamba, due to substandard quality control, contaminated blood transfusions are not infrequent, which further aggravates the spread of Chagas disease. Prompt action to check the transmission of this infection, involving additionally the congenital and transfusional

  3. [Possible oral transmission of Chagas disease among hydrocarbons sector workers in Casanare, Colombia, 2014]. (United States)

    Zuleta-Dueñas, Liliana Patricia; López-Quiroga, Ángela Johana; Torres-Torres, Fernando; Castañeda-Porras, Oneida


    Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent for Chagas disease, can be transmitted by oral intake of contaminated food or drinks. During epidemiological week 14 of 2014, two cases of acute Chagas disease were notified among hydrocarbons sector workers in Paz de Ariporo, Casanare. To characterize the affected population, to establish control and prevention measures and to confirm the outbreak. We conducted an outbreak investigation that included the following components: a) Search for symptomatic people compatible with Chagas disease according to the case definition for their referral to medical services; b) entomological survey (192/197 houses); c) sanitary inspection and microbiological analysis of food samples; and d) study of reservoirs. Data management and analysis were done with Epi-Info 7.1.5 using descriptive statistics. We also calculated intradomicile and peridomicile triatomine infestation indexes. We detected 552 exposed people; 40 had the disease (7.2%), of whom seven were women (17,5%) and 33, men (82.5%), i.e., a male-female ratio of 5:1. The mean age was 39.1 ± 10.8 years; the attack rate was 7.2% and lethality, 5% (2/40). Symptoms included fever (100% of cases), headache (80%), myalgia and arthralgia (65%), facial edema (55%), and abdominal pain (37.5%). The mean incubation time was 17 days (range: 3-21). Rhodnius prolixus domiciliary infestation index was 3.3 % and 2.2% in the peridomicile. In the five restaurants inspected sanitary conditions were deficient and food samples were microbiologically non-conforming. We found a dog and two opossums positive for IgG antibodies by ELISA. Environmental, sanitary and epidemiological conditions at the place confirmed an outbreak of Chagas diseases related to occupational exposure, possibly by oral transmission, which may be the largest to date in Colombia.

  4. Chagas cardiomyopathy and serologic testing in a small rural hospital in Chiapas, Mexico Miocardiopatía chagásica y pruebas serológicas de enfermedad de Chagas en un hospital rural pequeño de Chiapas, México

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    Linnea Capps


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: To conduct a study in a small rural hospital located in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, to: (1 examine the prevalence of chagasic cardiomyopathy among patients with the diagnosis of congestive heart failure and (2 assess the prevalence of positive serologic results in blood donors in the hospital, in an attempt to ascertain whether Chagas' disease remains an important cause of heart failure at least in some areas of Mexico. METHODS: The study of patients with cardiomyopathy was conducted by retrospective chart review of patients with the diagnosis of congestive heart failure treated at the hospital during the years 2000­2002. With the blood donors, the results of their serologic screening were reviewed for a six-month period beginning in April 2002. Serologic testing was done in both groups with either indirect hemagglutination (IHA or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, or with both. RESULTS: Of 67 patients with heart failure and no risk factors for other causes of heart failure, 40 of them had serologic tests performed. Thirty-three of these 40 (82.5% were positive by ELISA, IHA, or both. With 97 blood donors, one or both serologic tests were positive in 17 of them (17.5%. CONCLUSIONS: This research adds to the evidence that Chagas' disease continues to be a major cause of heart failure in some areas of Mexico and that there continues to be a risk of transmission by blood transfusion if donated blood is not consistently screened.OBJETIVO: Llevar a cabo un estudio en un hospital rural pequeño del Estado de Chiapas, México, con el fin de: 1 examinar la prevalencia de miocardiopatía chagásica en pacientes con un diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva y 2 estimar la prevalencia de positividad serológica en donantes de sangre del hospital, con objeto de determinar si la enfermedad de Chagas sigue siendo una causa importante de insuficiencia cardíaca en algunas partes de México. MÉTODOS: El estudio de los

  5. Association of L-ficolin levels and FCN2 genotypes with chronic Chagas disease.

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    Paola R Luz

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: L-ficolin (encoded by FCN2 binds to acetylated sugar moieties of many pathogens, including Trypanosoma cruzi, promoting their phagocytosis and lysis by the complement system. METHODS: We investigated L-ficolin levels in 160 T. cruzi infected patients with chronic Chagas disease and 71 healthy individuals, and FCN2 polymorphisms (-986 G>A, -602 G>A, and -4 A>G in the promoter and A258S in exon 8 in 243 patients, being 88 indeterminate (asymptomatic, 96 with cardiac, 23 with digestive and 33 with cardiodigestive manifestations (two were unspecified and 305 controls (135 for A258S. RESULTS: Patients presented lower L-ficolin plasma levels than controls (p<0.0001. Among the different groups of cardiac commitment, individuals with moderate forms had higher L-ficolin levels than the severe forms (P = 0.039. Lower L-ficolin levels were found associated with the 258S variant in the patients (P = 0.034. We found less -4A/G heterozygotes in the cardiac patients, than in the controls (OR = 0.56 [95% CI = 0.33-0.94], P = 0.034. Heterozygote -4A/G genotypes with the 258S variant and 258SS homozygotes were nevertheless more frequent among cardiodigestive patients than in controls (OR = 14.1 [95% CI = 3.5-56.8], P = 0.0001 and in indeterminate patients (OR = 3.2 [95% CI = 1.1-9.4], P = 0.037. We also found an association of the allelic frequency of the 258S variant with cardiodigestive Chagas disease compared to controls (OR = 2.24 [95% CI = 1.1-4.5], P = 0.037. Thus, decreased patient levels of L-ficolin reflect not only protein consumption due to the disease process, but also the higher frequency of the 258S variant in patients with cardiodigestive symptoms. CONCLUSION: The very first study on Brazilian cohort associates both L-ficolin plasma levels and FCN2 variants to Chagas disease and subsequent disease progression. The prognostic value of L-ficolin levels and the FCN2*A258S polymorphism

  6. Genetic Susceptibility to Cardiac and Digestive Clinical Forms of Chronic Chagas Disease: Involvement of the CCR5 59029 A/G Polymorphism. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Amanda Priscila; Bernardo, Cássia Rubia; Camargo, Ana Vitória da Silveira; Ronchi, Luiz Sérgio; Borim, Aldenis Albaneze; de Mattos, Cinara Cássia Brandão; de Campos Júnior, Eumildo; Castiglioni, Lílian; Netinho, João Gomes; Cavasini, Carlos Eugênio; Bestetti, Reinaldo Bulgarelli; de Mattos, Luiz Carlos


    The clinical manifestations of chronic Chagas disease include the cardiac form of the disease and the digestive form. Not all the factors that act in the variable clinical course of this disease are known. This study investigated whether the CCR5Δ32 (rs333) and CCR5 59029 A/G (promoter region--rs1799987) polymorphisms of the CCR5 gene are associated with different clinical forms of chronic Chagas disease and with the severity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD). The antibodies anti-T. cruzi were identified by ELISA. PCR and PCR-RFLP were used to identify the CCR5Δ32 and CCR5 59029 A/G polymorphisms. The chi-square test was used to compare variables between groups. There was a higher frequency of the AA genotype in patients with CCHD compared with patients with the digestive form of the disease and the control group. The results also showed a high frequency of the AG genotype in patients with the digestive form of the disease compared to the other groups. The results of this study show that the CCR5Δ32 polymorphism does not seem to influence the different clinical manifestations of Chagas disease but there is involvement of the CCR5 59029 A/G polymorphism in susceptibility to the different forms of chronic Chagas disease. Besides, these polymorphisms do not influence left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with CCHD.

  7. Genetic Susceptibility to Cardiac and Digestive Clinical Forms of Chronic Chagas Disease: Involvement of the CCR5 59029 A/G Polymorphism.

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    Amanda Priscila de Oliveira

    Full Text Available The clinical manifestations of chronic Chagas disease include the cardiac form of the disease and the digestive form. Not all the factors that act in the variable clinical course of this disease are known. This study investigated whether the CCR5Δ32 (rs333 and CCR5 59029 A/G (promoter region--rs1799987 polymorphisms of the CCR5 gene are associated with different clinical forms of chronic Chagas disease and with the severity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD. The antibodies anti-T. cruzi were identified by ELISA. PCR and PCR-RFLP were used to identify the CCR5Δ32 and CCR5 59029 A/G polymorphisms. The chi-square test was used to compare variables between groups. There was a higher frequency of the AA genotype in patients with CCHD compared with patients with the digestive form of the disease and the control group. The results also showed a high frequency of the AG genotype in patients with the digestive form of the disease compared to the other groups. The results of this study show that the CCR5Δ32 polymorphism does not seem to influence the different clinical manifestations of Chagas disease but there is involvement of the CCR5 59029 A/G polymorphism in susceptibility to the different forms of chronic Chagas disease. Besides, these polymorphisms do not influence left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with CCHD.

  8. Chagas urbano en San Juan. Diagnóstico, revisión y propuesta para un sistema integrado de ataque

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    Mario Carrizo Páez


    Full Text Available La ciudad de San Juan, Argentina, inserta en un oasis bajo riego, es y fue un área de fuerte prevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas. Cambios ecológicos y socioambientales del complejo patógeno indican un avance significativo de su vector, Triatoma infestans, desde las zonas rurales, su hábitat tradicional, hacia el centro urbano. En este artículo se discuten los procedimientos empleados para medir este fenómeno, así como las técnicas de representación cartográfica. Tras un análisis geohistórico del problema, se revisa la situación actual a partir del vínculo entre vinchucas y palomas, estas últimas en su condición de reservorios, no facultados para albergar en su torrente sanguíneo el agente Trypanosoma cruzi pero sí para facilitar la movilidad del vector. Se concluye que resulta necesario atacar el problema a través de una estrategia integrada que considere el complejo patógeno con criterio transdisciplinario.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2008;76:480-487.

  9. Evolução tardia do transplante cardíaco na doença de Chagas: long-term evolution in cardiac transplantation Chagas' Disease

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    Alfredo I Fiorelli


    Full Text Available Nas formas cardíacas da doença de Chagas que evoluem com insuficiência cardíaca refratária ao tratamento clínico, o transplante é a única alternativa, ao lado da cardiomioplastia. Os autores apresentam a evolução tardia de seis pacientes com miocardiopatia chagásica terminal submetidos a transplante cardíaco ortotópico. O período médio de observação foi de 25,2 meses. O diagnóstico de reativação da doença de Chagas apoiou-se na observação clínica, na investigação laboratorial do parasita, nas biópsias endomiocárdicas e dos nódulos de subcutâneo. A análise dos resultados demonstra que: 1 os testes laboratoriais mostraram-se ineficazes no diagnóstico da reativação da doença, sendo que as biópsias mostraram maior índice de positividade; 2 a pulsoterapia com corticóide predispõe à reativação; 3 a doença linfoproliferativa apresenta alta incidência na doença de Chagas, sendo a principal complicação tardia. Possivelmente, o benzonidazol apresente seu efeito oncogênico potencializado. Tendo em vista o caráter endêmico da doença e a falta de alternativa terapêutica, tornou-se obrigatória a analise do esquema imunossupressor, do tratamento da reativação e a maior experiência clínica, para posições mais definidas.In the cardiac forms of Chagas' Disease that develop with refractory cardiac failure under clinical treatment, the transplant is the only alternative along with the cardiomyoplasty. The authors present the six patient late evolution with terminal chagasic myocardiopathy submitted under on orthopic heart transplantation. The average period of observation was of 25.2 months. The diagnosis of Chagas' Disease reativation relies on the clinical observation, laboratory investigation of parasito, endomyocardial biopsy and subcutaneous nodules. The analyses of the results show that: 1 the laboratory exams were useless in the diagnosis of the disease reativation, but the biopsy presented hight

  10. Technological innovation strategies for the specific treatment of Chagas disease based on Benznidazole. (United States)

    Ferraz, Leslie Raphael de Moura; Alves, Alinne Élida Gonçalves; Nascimento, Débora Dolores Souza da Silva; Amariz, Isabela Araújo E; Ferreira, Aline Silva; Costa, Salvana Priscylla Manso; Rolim, Larissa Araújo; Lima, Ádley Antonini Neves de; Rolim Neto, Pedro José


    Caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, Chagas disease is responsible for public health problems greater in magnitude than those attributed to malaria, schistosomiasis, or leishmaniasis. A factor in the socioeconomic development of poor countries, Chagas disease can cause death due to a high parasitic burden during its acute phase due and irreversible damage in organs such as the heart, esophagus, and colon during its chronic phase, even when the number of parasites is minimal. For treating Chagas disease, benznidazole (BNZ) remains the drug of choice and, in Latin America, the only drug on the market for treating the disease. However, BNZ has exhibited insufficient activity in the chronic phase of Chagas disease, required administration in large doses, prolonged treatment, and shown a high incidence of adverse reactions (vomiting, rash, peripheral neuropathy, and spinal cord depression), toxicity, and low solubility in water. As an antidote, pharmaceutical technologies have been introduced that can improve BNZ's solubility and dissolution, as well as reduce side effects in light of its bioavailability, all of which can enhance therapy for Chagas disease. In response to that trend, by conducting a literature review, we sought to identify current pharmaceutical technologies used in tandem with BNZ to improve therapy for Chagas disease. Documented techniques include emulsion and microemulsion formation, solutions, parenteral formulas, micronization, and drug delivery systems supported by the development of nanoparticles and cyclodextrins, solid dispersions, and the use of metal-organic frameworks as innovative excipients. Such technologies increase the water solubility of BNZ by 4-25-fold on dissolution and an 85% release with efficacy in only a few minutes, as recorded during a viability experiment with nanoparticle suspensions. That experiment demonstrated the need for a lower concentration of BNZ to kill 50% of trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi, described in terms of the

  11. A revision of thirteen species of Triatominae (Hemiptera: Reduviidae vectors of Chagas disease in Mexico

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    Salazar-Schettino Paz Maria


    Full Text Available Vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, parasite responsible for Chagas disease, are divided in intradomestic, peridomestic and sylvatic. The intradomestic are Triatoma barberi and Triatoma dimidiata, two species that represent the highest health risk among the Mexican population. Triatoma dimidiata is a species found mainly inside human habitats, but in Yucatan, it corresponds to the peridomicile vectors. Also in the peridomicile most of Chagas disease vectors are found: Meccus bassolsae, M. longipennis, M. mazzottii, M pallidipennis, M. phyllosomus, M picturata, Triatoma gerstaeckeri, T mexicana, T rubida, Dipetalogaster máxima (the last two are in the process of becoming adapted to the domicile, Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus which occasionally enters the domicile in its adult stage, and Rhodnius prolixus, which is practically controlled in the country. Peridomestic vectors are of lower risk in the transmission dynamics, as compared to the intradomestic ones. For the control of the intradomestic vectors, health education programs, improvements of housing, and the use of pesticides are essential To control the peridomestic vectors, health education programs are required, as well as the use of mosquito nets on doors and windows and around beds, aside from cementing the stone wall fences.

  12. [What is not searched, it is difficult to find: Chagas' disease]. (United States)

    Briceno, Luis; Mosca, Walter


    A conservative estimation indicates that more than 400 000 Latin American immigrants are living in Italy. Several studies have shown that among these, the prevalence of Chagas disease is between 3.9% and 17%, so it is not unlikely to find a patient with this disease during a cardiology visit. How many patients from Latin America are diagnosed with heart failure in Italy and no one has ever thought about a possible Chagas disease? This brief review describes the situation of the disease in Italy, its characteristics, the etiology of this disease and its treatment. The latter aspect will be discussed considering the recent published results of the BENEFIT study, where it was found that treatment with benznidazole in patients with Chagas' cardiomyopathy is able to reduce significantly the detection of parasites in the blood, but it is not able to prevent clinical deterioration during 5 years of follow-up. The possible implications of these results will be discussed.

  13. Homenaje de los Institutos de Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos a Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga en el centenario de su nacimiento

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    Alberto Pérez Pérez


    Full Text Available Nació hace cien años, pero su pensamiento sigue plenamente vigente.Su gran obra – verdadero tratado de Derecho Constitucional Uruguayo aunque él no le haya dado ese nombre –terminó de publicarse hace casi seis décadas, pero sigue siendo imprescindible obra de consulta para todos los juristas de nuestro país.Falleció en 1980, pero aún hoy – y sin duda por mucho tiempo más – no hay estudio serio de su especialidad que no comience por indagar lo que él pensaba al respecto.Ése es Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga, la grande, inmensa personalidad uruguaya de cuyo nacimiento se cumplen hoy cien años.Los Institutos de Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos, que me honro en dirigir, le rinden hoy un merecidísimo homenaje, que podemos sintetizar en cuatro afirmaciones:I.Justino Jiménez de Aréchaga hizo una obra maestraII.Fue un Maestro del Derecho y de la vida en democraciaIII.Como verdadero Maestro, también nos enseñó/incitó a tratar de continuar su obraIV.El homenaje que le debemos al Maestro Aréchaga consiste, precisamente, no en palabras sino en obras que lo honren.

  14. Behavioural alterations are independent of sickness behaviour in chronic experimental Chagas disease. (United States)

    Vilar-Pereira, Glaucia; Ruivo, Leonardo Alexandre de Souza; Lannes-Vieira, Joseli


    The existence of the nervous form of Chagas disease is a matter of discussion since Carlos Chagas described neurological disorders, learning and behavioural alterations in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected individuals. In most patients, the clinical manifestations of the acute phase, including neurological abnormalities, resolve spontaneously without apparent consequence in the chronic phase of infection. However, chronic Chagas disease patients have behavioural changes such as psychomotor alterations, attention and memory deficits, and depression. In the present study, we tested whether or not behavioural alterations are reproducible in experimental models. We show that C57BL/6 mice chronically infected with the Colombian strain of T. cruzi (150 days post-infection) exhibit behavioural changes as (i) depression in the tail suspension and forced swim tests, (ii) anxiety analysed by elevated plus maze and open field test sand and (iii) motor coordination in the rotarod test. These alterations are neither associated with neuromuscular disorders assessed by the grip strength test nor with sickness behaviour analysed by temperature variation sand weight loss. Therefore, chronically T. cruzi-infected mice replicate behavioural alterations (depression and anxiety) detected in Chagas disease patients opening an opportunity to study the interconnection and the physiopathology of these two biological processes in an infectious scenario.

  15. Autoevaluación del Sistema de Control Interno Autoevaluación del Sistema de Control Interno

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    Rubí Consuelo Mejía Quijano


    Full Text Available La autoevaluación del control es un elemento del Sistema de Control Interno que permiteel diagnóstico y el fortalecimiento organizacional. Se desarrolla en toda la entidad y supone el apoyo de la alta dirección, apoyo representado en recursos físicos y la orientación que lebrinde durante su aplicación.Dicho elemento genera mayor responsabilidad en los empleados, al involucrarlos en el análisisde fortalezas y debilidades del sistema de control, al comprometerlos con la recolección de la información que soporta el juicio sobre el estado del sistema y al permitirles proponer planesde mejoramiento que contribuyan al logro del objetivo del sistema de control, y por ende alde la organización.Las dificultades en su aplicación pueden provenir de aspectos relacionados con la culturaorganizacional: si el personal no está dispuesto a colaborar con los grupos de apoyo en elsuministro de la información, si existe apatía con el proceso y si no se cuenta con personas capacitadas para realizarlo.El proceso se efectúa en tres etapas; la primera consiste en la planeación, en la que el Comité de Autoevaluación compromete la gerencia y se asignan actividades y responsabilidades; sedefine el cronograma de trabajo, los recursos necesarios y se capacita a los grupos de apoyo;la segunda se refiere a la ejecución, consistente en el levantamiento de la información que soporta el análisis de cada uno de los elementos del sistema de control y permite emitir juicios objetivos sobre su desempeño; finalmente, la tercera, elaboración del informe, da cuenta delos resultados de la autoevaluación del sistema de control, de su desarrollo y sus dificultades, y establece las propuestas de mejora.Control Self-Assessment is an element of the Internal Control System which allows the organizational diagnose and strengthening. It is run throughout the entity and supposes the support from the high managerial circle. This support is in the form of physical

  16. Histopathologic identification of Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas' encephalitis in an AIDS patient

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    Dimath Alyemni


    Full Text Available Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas' encephalitis is an uncommon manifestation of T. cruzi infection, typically seen in immunocompromised patients. Encephalitis results from the reactivation of chronic infection predominately in individuals from endemic areas. Increased awareness of this complication is essential especially with increased migration of patients from endemic areas with concomitant HIV infection. Here we report a case of Chagas' encephalitis in an AIDS patient from Mexico in which there was no evidence of acute serologic, CSF, or blood infection by T. cruzi trypomastigotes.

  17. La reforma del sector salud, descentralización, prevención y control de enfermedades transmitidas por vectores

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    Gabriel A. Schmunis

    Full Text Available Con las nuevas macropolíticas mundiales, la salud en América Latina ha sufrido importante transición en direción a la decentralización, sin compatibilizar la salud pública con la lógica de las economías de mercado. Con esto, el control decentralizado de las enfermedades endémicas presenta dificultades políticas y operativas. Aunque la decentralización se justifica por los presupuestos teóricos, no hay tradición de este control en los niveles municipales, lo que dificulta la simple o burocrática transferencia de encargos para estos niveles. La falta de expertise, el turn-over político y la corrupción son dificultades adicionales, conllevando a una extinción de varias instituiciones y programas. La falta de efectividad en el enfrentamiento del dengue, de la malaria y de la enfermedad de Chagas son algunos ejemplos. Requierese una modernización con responsabilidad, con una transición compartida entre los niveles y garantizada por acciones continuadas. Sugierese mantener estructuras regionales para referencia, consolidación epidemiológica, normatización, capacitación y supervisión, incluso con reserva técnica para acciones finalísticas supletivas.

  18. The Prevalence of Chagas Heart Disease in a Central Bolivian Community Endemic for Trypanosoma Cruzi (United States)

    Yager, Jessica E.; Lozano Beltran, Daniel F.; Torrico, Faustino; Gilman, Robert H.; Bern, Caryn


    Background Though the incidence of new Trypanosoma cruzi infections has decreased significantly in endemic regions in the Americas, medical professionals continue to encounter a high burden of resulting Chagas disease among infected adults. The current prevalence of Chagas heart disease in a community setting is not known; nor is it known how recent insecticide vector control measures may have impacted the progression of cardiac disease in an infected population. Objectives and Methods Nested within a community serosurvey in rural and periurban communities in central Bolivia, we performed a cross-sectional cardiac substudy to evaluate adults for historical, clinical, and electrocardiographic evidence of cardiac disease. All adults between the ages of 20 and 60 years old with T. cruzi infection and those with a clinical history, physical exam, or ECG consistent with cardiac abnormalities were also scheduled for echocardiography. Results and conclusions Of the 604 cardiac substudy participants with definitive serology results, 183 were seropositive for infection with T. cruzi (30.3%). Participants who were seropositive for T. cruzi infection were more likely to have conduction system defects (1.6% versus 0 for complete right bundle branch block and 10.4% versus 1.9% for any bundle branch block; p=0.008 and p<0.001, respectively). However, there was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of bradycardia among seropositive versus seronegative participants. Echocardiogram findings were not consistent with a high burden of Chagas cardiomyopathy: valvulopathies were the most common abnormality, and few participants were found to have low ejection fraction or left ventricular dilatation. No participants had significant heart failure. Though almost one third of adults in the community were seropositive for T. cruzi infection, few had evidence of Chagas heart disease. PMID:26407509

  19. Cytokine profiling in Chagas disease: towards understanding the association with infecting Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units (a BENEFIT TRIAL sub-study.

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    Cristina Poveda

    Full Text Available Chagas disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is an important public health problem in Latin America. The immunological mechanisms involved in Chagas disease pathogenesis remain incompletely elucidated. The aim of this study was to explore cytokine profiles and their possible association to the infecting DTU and the pathogenesis of Chagas disease.109 sero-positive T. cruzi patients and 21 negative controls from Bolivia and Colombia, were included. Flow cytometry assays for 13 cytokines were conducted on human sera. Patients were divided into two groups: in one we compared the quantification of cytokines between patients with and without chronic cardiomyopathy; in second group we compared the levels of cytokines and the genetic variability of T. cruzi.Significant difference in anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines profiles was observed between the two groups cardiac and non-cardiac. Moreover, serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-12, IL-22 and IL-10 presented an association with the genetic variability of T.cruzi, with significant differences in TcI and mixed infections TcI/TcII.Expression of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines may play a relevant role in determining the clinical presentation of chronic patients with Chagas disease and suggests the occurrence of specific immune responses, probably associated to different T. cruzi DTUs.

  20. Cytokine profiling in Chagas disease: towards understanding the association with infecting Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units (a BENEFIT TRIAL sub-study). (United States)

    Poveda, Cristina; Fresno, Manuel; Gironès, Núria; Martins-Filho, Olindo A; Ramírez, Juan David; Santi-Rocca, Julien; Marin-Neto, José A; Morillo, Carlos A; Rosas, Fernando; Guhl, Felipe


    Chagas disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is an important public health problem in Latin America. The immunological mechanisms involved in Chagas disease pathogenesis remain incompletely elucidated. The aim of this study was to explore cytokine profiles and their possible association to the infecting DTU and the pathogenesis of Chagas disease. 109 sero-positive T. cruzi patients and 21 negative controls from Bolivia and Colombia, were included. Flow cytometry assays for 13 cytokines were conducted on human sera. Patients were divided into two groups: in one we compared the quantification of cytokines between patients with and without chronic cardiomyopathy; in second group we compared the levels of cytokines and the genetic variability of T. cruzi. Significant difference in anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines profiles was observed between the two groups cardiac and non-cardiac. Moreover, serum levels of IFN-γ, IL-12, IL-22 and IL-10 presented an association with the genetic variability of T.cruzi, with significant differences in TcI and mixed infections TcI/TcII. Expression of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines may play a relevant role in determining the clinical presentation of chronic patients with Chagas disease and suggests the occurrence of specific immune responses, probably associated to different T. cruzi DTUs.

  1. Panorama europeo del control de calidad del hormigón

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    García Meseguer, Álvaro


    Full Text Available The present state of the problem is presented with some detail, taking into account the work in course of the Editorial Committee CEB-CIB-FIP-RILEM on Statistical Quality Control of Concrete. In a comparative way the modus operandi, recently introduced in Spain through the new Code of Concrete EH 73, is also presented. The paper concludes commenting on the influence which the decrease of concrete strength has on the safety of the structure, a problem which is more complicated than it might appear at first sight.Se presenta con cierto detalle el estado actual del tema, a partir de los trabajos en curso del Comité Editorial CEB-CIB-FIP-RILEM sobre Control Estadístico de Calidad del Hormigón. De forma comparativa, se presenta también el modus operandi recientemente introducido en España por la nueva Instrucción del Hormigón EH 73. El artículo termina comentando la influencia que tiene un descenso de resistencia del hormigón en la seguridad de la estructura, tema éste más complejo de lo que puede parecer a primera vista.

  2. Chronic phase of Chagas disease: why should it be treated? A comprehensive review

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    José Rodrigues Coura


    Full Text Available The pathogenesis and evolutive pattern of Chagas disease suggests that the chronic phase should be more widely treated in order to (i eliminate Trypanosoma cruzi and prevent new inflammatory foci and the extension of tissue lesions, (ii promote tissue regeneration to prevent fibrosis, (iii reverse existing fibrosis, (iv prevent cardiomyopathy, megaoesophagus and megacolon and (v reduce or eliminate cardiac block and arrhythmia. All cases of the indeterminate chronic form of Chagas disease without contraindications due to other concomitant diseases or pregnancy should be treated and not only cases involving children or recently infected cases. Patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy grade II of the New York Heart Association classification should be treated with specific chemotherapy and grade III can be treated according to medical-patient decisions. We are proposing the following new strategies for chemotherapeutic treatment of the chronic phase of Chagas disease: (i repeated short-term treatments for 30 consecutive days and interval of 30-60 days for six months to one year and (ii combinations of drugs with different mechanisms of action, such as benznidazole + nifurtimox, benznidazole or nifurtimox + allopurinol or triazole antifungal agents, inhibition of sterol synthesis.

  3. Analysis of children's perception of triatomine vectors of chagas disease through drawings: opportunities for targeted health education. (United States)

    Yevstigneyeva, Violetta; Camara-Mejia, Javier; Dumonteil, Eric


    Chagas disease is a tropical parasitic disease affecting about 10 million people, mostly in the Americas, and transmitted mainly by triatomine bugs. Insect vector control with indoor residual insecticides and the promotion of housing improvement is the main control intervention. The success of such interventions relies on their acceptance and appropriation by communities, which depends on their knowledge and perceptions of both the disease and the vector. In this study, we investigated school-aged children's knowledge and perception on triatomine vectors and Chagas disease to further understand how communities view this vector and the disease in Yucatan, Mexico. We performed an analysis of children's drawings on the theme of triatomines and their house in several rural villages, to explore in an open-ended manner their views, understanding and misconceptions. A total of 261 drawings were collected from children ages 6-12 from four villages. We found that children are very familiar with triatomine vectors, and know very well many aspects of their biology and ecology, and in particular their blood-feeding habits. On the other hand, their drawings suggest that the role of triatomines as vectors of a chronic and severe cardiac disease is less understood, and the main perceived health threat appears limited to the bite itself, as previously observed in adults. These results have important implications for the specific design of future education materials and campaigns, and for the promotion of the inclusion of children in raising Chagas disease awareness in these endemic communities.

  4. Comprehensive analysis of three TYK2 gene variants in the susceptibility to Chagas disease infection and cardiomyopathy (United States)

    Carmona, F. David; Dolade, Nuria; Vargas, Sofia; Echeverría, Luis Eduardo; González, Clara Isabel; Martin, Javier


    Tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) is a member of the Janus kinases family implicated in the signal transduction of type I interferons and several interleukins. It has been described that genetic mutations within TYK2 lead to multiple deleterious effects in the immune response. In this work, we have analyzed three functional independent variants from the frequency spectrum on the TYK2 gene (common and low-frequency variants) suggested to reduce the function of the gene in mediating cytokine signaling and the susceptibility to infections by Trypanosoma cruzi and/or the development of Chagas cardiomyopathy in the Colombian population. A total of 1,323 individuals from a Colombian endemic region for Chagas disease were enrolled in the study. They were classified as seronegative (n = 445), seropositive asymptomatic (n = 336), and chronic Chagas Cardiomyopathy subjects (n = 542). DNA samples were genotyped using TaqMan probes. Our results showed no statistically significant differences between the allelic frequencies of the three analyzed variants when seropositive and seronegative individuals were compared, therefore these variants were not associated with susceptibility to Chagas disease. Moreover, when Chagas cardiomyopathy patients were compared to asymptomatic patients, no significant associations were found. Previous reports highlighted the association of this gene in immune-related disorders under an autoimmunity context, but not predisposing patients to infectious diseases, which is consistent with our findings. Therefore, according to our results, TYK2 gene variants do not seem to play an important role in Chagas disease susceptibility and/or chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy. PMID:29304122

  5. Evolution of Chagas' disease in Brazil. Epidemiological perspective and challenges for the future: a critical review. (United States)

    Bello Corassa, Rafael; Aceijas, Carmen; Alves, Paula Aryane Brito; Garelick, Hemda


    This article aimed to provide a critical review of the evolution of Chagas' disease (ChD) in Brazil, its magnitude, historical development and management, and challenges for the future. A literature search was performed using PubMed, SciELO and Google Scholar and throughout collected articles' references. Narrative analysis was structured around five main themes identified: vector transmission, control programme, transfusion, oral and congenital transmission. In Brazil, the Chagas' Disease Control Programme was fully implemented in the 1980s, when it reached practically all the endemic areas, and in 1991, the Southern Cone Initiative was created, aiming to control the disease transmission through eliminating the Triatoma infestans and controlling blood banks. As a result, the prevalence of chagasic donors in blood banks reduced from 4.4% in the 1980s to 0.2% in 2005. In 2006, Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) certified the interruption of transmission of ChD through this vector in Brazil. However, there are still challenges, such as the domiciliation of new vector species, the need for medical care of the infected individuals, the prevention of alternative mechanisms of transmission, the loss of political concern regarding the disease and the weakening of the control programme. Despite the progress towards control, there are still many challenges ahead to maintain and expand such control and minimise the risk of re-emergence.

  6. Scrutinizing the Biomarkers for the Neglected Chagas Disease: How Remarkable! (United States)

    Pinho, Rosa T; Waghabi, Mariana C; Cardillo, Fabíola; Mengel, José; Antas, Paulo R Z


    Biomarkers or biosignature profiles have become accessible over time in population-based studies for Chagas disease. Thus, the identification of consistent and reliable indicators of the diagnosis and prognosis of patients with heart failure might facilitate the prioritization of therapeutic management to those with the highest chance of contracting this disease. The purpose of this paper is to review the recent state and the upcoming trends in biomarkers for human Chagas disease. As an emerging concept, we propose a classification of biomarkers based on plasmatic-, phenotype-, antigenic-, genetic-, and management-related candidates. The available data revisited here reveal the lessons learned thus far and the existing challenges that still lie ahead to enable biomarkers to be employed consistently in risk evaluation for this disease. There is a strong need for biomarker validation, particularly for biomarkers that are specific to the clinical forms of Chagas disease. The current failure to achieve the eradication of the transmission of this disease has produced determination to solve this validation issue. Finally, it would be strategic to develop a wide variety of biomarkers and to test them in both preclinical and clinical trials.

  7. Post-mortem diagnosis of chronic Chagas's disease comparative evaluation of three serological tests on pericardial fluid. (United States)

    Lopes, E R; Chapadeiro, E; Batista, S M; Cunha, J G; Rocha, A; Miziara, L; Ribeiro, J U; Patto, R J


    In an attempt to improve the post-mortem diagnosis of Chagas's disease the authors performed haemagglutination tests (HAT), fluorescent Trypanosoma cruzi antibody tests (FAT), and complement fixation tests (CFT) on the pericardial fluid obtained at autopsy of 50 individuals with Chagas's heart disease, and 93 patients in whom this disease was not thought to be present. The results demonstrate that all three tests are efficient for the post-mortem diagnosis of Chagas's disease but suggest that their combined use would detect more cases than would one isolated reaction only.

  8. Association of caspase-1 polymorphisms with Chagas cardiomyopathy among individuals in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. (United States)

    Fu, Katherine Yih-Jia; Zamudio, Roxana; Henderson-Frost, Jo; Almuedo, Alex; Steinberg, Hannah; Clipman, Steven Joseph; Duran, Gustavo; Marcus, Rachel; Crawford, Thomas; Alyesh, Daniel; Colanzi, Rony; Flores, Jorge; Gilman, Robert Hugh; Bern, Caryn


    Trypanosoma cruzi (Tc) infection is usually acquired in childhood in endemic areas, leading to Chagas disease, which progresses to Chagas cardiomyopathy in 20-30% of infected individuals over decades. The pathogenesis of Chagas cardiomyopathy involves the host inflammatory response to T. cruzi, in which upstream caspase-1 activation prompts the cascade of inflammatory chemokines/cytokines, cardiac remodeling, and myocardial dysfunction. The aim of the present study was to examine the association of two caspase-1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with cardiomyopathy. We recruited infected (Tc+, n = 149) and uninfected (Tc-, n = 87) participants in a hospital in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Cardiac status was classified (I, II, III, IV) based on Chagas cardiomyopathy-associated electrocardiogram findings and ejection fractions on echocardiogram. Genotypes were determined using Taqman probes via reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction of peripheral blood DNA. Genotype frequencies were analyzed according to three inheritance patterns (dominant, recessive, additive) using logistic regression adjusted for age and sex. The AA allele for the caspase-1 SNP rs501192 was more frequent in Tc+ cardiomyopathy (classes II, III, IV) patients compared to those with a normal cardiac status (class I) [odds ratio (OR) = -2.18, p = 0.117]. This trend approached statistical significant considering only Tc+ patients in class I and II (OR = -2.64, p = 0.064). Caspase-1 polymorphisms may play a role in Chagas cardiomyopathy development and could serve as markers to identify individuals at higher risk for priority treatment.

  9. Embryology of Triatoma infestans (KLUG, (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, a Chagas' disease vector Embriología del Triatoma infestans, vector de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Laura E. Fichera


    Full Text Available This study reports the embryogenesis of T. infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae. Morphological parameters of growth sequences from oviposition until hatching (12-14 d 28ºC were established. Five periods, as percent of time of development (TD, were characterized from oviposition until hatching. The most important morphological features were: 1 formation of blastoderm within 7% of TD; 2 germ band and gastrulation within 30% of TD; 3 nerve cord, limb budding, thoracic and abdominal segmentation and formation of body cavity within 50% of TD; 4 nervous system and blastokinesis end, and development of embryonic cuticle within 65% of TD; 5 differentiation of the mouth parts, fat body, and Malphigian tubules during final stage and completion of embryo at day 12 to day 14 around hatching. These signals were chosen as appropriate morphological parameters which should enable the evaluation of embryologic modifications due to the action/s of different insecticidesEn este estudio se caracterizó el desarrollo embrionario del T. infestans (Hemiptera Reduviidae. Se establecieron parámetros morfológicos secuenciales de crecimiento desde la oviposición hasta la eclosión, (12-14 d 28ºC. Cinco períodos de crecimiento fueron determinados y expresados como fracciones porcentuales del tiempo total del desarrollo (TD hasta la eclosión. Los eventos morfológicos mas importantes fueron: 1 La formación del blastodermo hasta el 7% del TD; 2 La aparición de la banda germinativa y su gastrulación transcurridos un 30% del TD; 3 El comienzo de la formación del cordón nervioso, de las extremidades, la segmentación torácica y abdominal y la formación del mixocele cuando la embriogénesis alcanzó el 50% del TD; 4 La terminación de la blastoquinesis, el desarrollo completo del sistema nervioso y la aparición de la cutícula embrionaria hasta el 65% del TD; 5 En la etapa final de la embriogenesis se observó la diferenciación del aparato mandibular, el cuerpo graso

  10. Evolution of the clinical and epidemiological knowledge about Chagas disease 90 years after its discovery

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    Prata Aluízio


    Full Text Available Three different periods may be considered in the evolution of knowledge about the clinical and epidemiological aspects of Chagas disease since its discovery: (a early period concerning the studies carried out by Carlos Chagas in Lassance with the collaboration of other investigators of the Manguinhos School. At that time the disease was described and the parasite, transmitters and reservoirs were studied. The coexistence of endemic goiter in the same region generated some confusion about the clinical forms of the disease; (b second period involving uncertainty and the description of isolated cases, which lasted until the 1940 decade. Many acute cases were described during this period and the disease was recognized in many Latin American countries. Particularly important were the studies of the Argentine Mission of Regional Pathology Studies, which culminated with the description of the Romaña sign in the 1930 decade, facilitating the diagnosis of the early phase of the disease. However, the chronic phase, which was the most important, continued to be difficult to recognize; (c period of consolidation of knowledge and recognition of the importance of Chagas disease. Studies conducted by Laranja, Dias and Nóbrega in Bambuí updated the description of Chagas heart disease made by Carlos Chagas and Eurico Villela. From then on, the disease was more easily recognized, especially with the emphasis on the use of a serologic diagnosis; (d period of enlargement of knowledges on the disease. The studies on denervation conducted in Ribeirão Preto by Fritz Köberle starting in the 1950 decade led to a better understanding of the relations between Chagas disease and megaesophagus and other visceral megas detected in endemic areas.

  11. Genetic association study of NLRP1, CARD, and CASP1 inflammasome genes with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy among Trypanosoma cruzi seropositive patients in Bolivia. (United States)

    Clipman, Steven J; Henderson-Frost, Josephine; Fu, Katherine Y; Bern, Caryn; Flores, Jorge; Gilman, Robert H


    About 20-30% of people infected with Chagas disease present with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC), the most serious and frequent manifestation of the disease, while others remain asymptomatic and often do not experience Chagas-specific mortality. It is not currently well understood what causes these differential disease outcomes, but a genetic predisposition within the host could play an important role. This study examined variants in the NLRP1, CARD, and CASP1 inflammasome genes among 62 T. cruzi seropositive patients from Bolivia (38 cases with CCC and 24 asymptomatic controls) to uncover associations with CCC. All subjects underwent a complete medical examination including electrocardiogram (EKG) and echocardiogram. After genotype calling and quality control filtering with exclusion of 3 cases and 3 controls, association analysis was performed across 76 directly genotyped SNPs in NLRP1, CARD, and CASP1 genes, adjusting for age, sex, and population stratification. One SNP (rs11651270; Bonferroni-corrected p = 0.036) corresponding to a missense mutation in NLPR1 was found to be significant after adjustment for multiple testing, and a suggestive association was seen in CARD11 (rs6953573; Bonferroni-corrected p = 0.060). Although limited by sample size, the study results suggest variations in the inflammasome, particularly in NLRP1 and CARD11, may be associated with CCC.

  12. Spatiotemporal analysis of reported cases of acute Chagas disease in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, from 2002 to 2013

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    Fred Luciano Neves Santos


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Control strategies to eliminate the transmission of Chagas disease by insect vectors have significantly decreased the number of reported acute cases in Brazil. However, data regarding the incidence and distribution of acute Chagas disease cases in the State of Pernambuco are unavailable in the literature. METHODS: A geographical information system was used to delineate the spatiotemporal distribution profile of the cases from 2002 to 2013 in 185 municipalities of Pernambuco based on the municipality where notification occurred. The results were presented in digital maps generated by the TerraView software (INPE. RESULTS: A total of 302 cases of acute disease were recorded in 37.8% of the municipalities, for a total of 0.13 cases per 1,000,000 inhabitants per year. Out of the 302 cases, 99.3% were reported between 2002 and 2006. The most affected municipalities were Carnaubeira da Penha, Mirandiba and Terra Nova. The risk maps showed a significant decrease in the number of notifications and a concentration of cases in the Midwest region. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights a significant decrease in new cases of acute Chagas disease in Pernambuco starting in 2006 when Brazil received an international certification for the interruption of vectorial transmission by Triatoma infestans. However, control strategies should still be encouraged because other triatomine species can also transmit the parasite; moreover, other transmission modes must not be neglected.

  13. Follow up Evaluation of Air Force Blood Donors Screening Positive for Chagas Disease (United States)


    59 MDW/SGVU SUBJECT: Professional Presentation Approval 31 JULY2017 Your paper, entitled Follow-up Evaluation of Air Force Blood Donors Screening...PUBLISHED OR PRESENTED: Follow-up Evaluation of Air Force Blood Donors Screening Positive for Chagas Disease 7. FUNDING RECEIVED FOR THIS STUDY? 0...PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE 50. DATE Page 3 of 3 Pages Follow-up Evaluation of Air Force Blood Donors Screening Positive for Chagas Disease

  14. Triatominos (Reduviidae: Triatominae en un foco de enfermedad de Chagas en Talaigua Nuevo (Bolívar, Colombia.

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    Luis Alberto Corté


    Full Text Available Introducción. Se describen las características e importancia epidemiológica de los triatominos presentes en un foco de enfermedad de Chagas en el municipio de Talaigua Nuevo, departamento de Bolívar. Objetivo. Determinar y correlacionar características ecológicas de los triatominos presentes en un foco de Chagas en el municipio de Talaigua Nuevo, Bolívar. Materiales y métodos. La captura de los triatominos se realizó en 300 domicilios del casco urbano en los que se revisaron el intra y peridomicilio, así como ambientes extradomésticos (palmas de vino y cúmulos de madera y leña. Resultados. Se capturaron 103 triatominos pertenecientes a cuatro especies: Triatoma maculata, Eratyrus cuspidatus, Panstrongylus geniculatus y Rhodnius prolixus. T. maculata, fue la especie predominante (92,3%. El 93% de los triatominos fueron capturados en ambientes intradomiciliarios. Conclusión. Se reporta por primera vez en Bolívar la captura de individuos de T. maculata infectados naturalmente con Trypanosoma sp. Se amplía la distribución geográfica de P. geniculatus y R. prolixus. El análisis de correspondencias múltiples no encontró ninguna relación significativa entre las características físicas de las viviendas y la presencia de triatominos dentro de ellas.

  15. Primeira evidência de Trypanosoma rangeli no sudeste do Brasil, região endêmica para doença de Chagas First evidence of Trypanosoma rangeli in the southeast of Brazil, an endemic region to Chagas' disease

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    Luis Eduardo Ramirez


    Full Text Available Informa-se, pela primeira vez, os achados de Trypanosoma rangeli no Triângulo Mineiro, Sudeste do Brasil, área altamente endêmica para doença de Chagas, assim como a infecção natural da espécie Didelphis este mesmo tripanosoma. Estes foram demonstrados por esfregaços sangüíneos, xenodiagnóstico, hemocultura, microhematócrito e PCR. A PCR foi realizada nas fezes e hemolinfa de Triatoma infestans, usando como controle cepas de T. rangeli provenientes da Colômbia.This short communication informs the discovery of Trypanosoma rangeli for the first time at Triângulo Mineiro region, South-east of Brazil, a highly endemic area of Chagas'disease and also the natural infection of Didelphis albiventris with the same trypanosome. Both the findings were demonstrated through blood smears, xenodiagnosis, microhematocrit technics and PCR. The last one was realized in faeces and hemolymph of Triatoma infestans utilizing as controls strains of T. rangeli from Colombia.

  16. Helietta apiculata: a tropical weapon against Chagas disease. (United States)

    Elena Ferreira, Maria; Rojas de Arias, Antonieta; Yaluff, Gloria; Vera de Bilbao, Ninfa; Nakayama, Hector; Torres, Susana; Schinini, Alicia; Torres, Susana; Serna, Elva; Torrecilhas, Ana Claudia; Fournet, Alain; Cebrián-Torrejón, Gerardo


    The present study pretends to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of the crude chloroform bark extract of Helietta apiculata, then the activity will be compared with the reference drug, benznidazole, in acute Trypanosoma cruzi infected mice when administered by oral route. The chloroformic extract of Helieta apiculata was administered by oral route at 5, 10 and 50 mg/kg daily for two weeks. This study has shown a moderate efficacy of the H. apiculata bark extract in reducing T. cruzi parasitaemia in 42 to 54% after a monitoring of 60 days post-infection and when compared with control groups. Concerning mice mortality, only two only two mice died, one from the control group and the other one from the group threated with 10 mg of the chlorofom extract of H. apiculata, suggesting the potential of H. apiculta extracts as a safe and inexpensive treatment of Chagas disease.

  17. Community resilience and Chagas disease in a rural region of Mexico

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    José Antonio Santana Rangel


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To explore the pillars of community resilience in a region where Chagas disease is endemic, with the aim of promoting participatory processes to deal with this condition from the resilience of the population. METHODS Qualitative study using ethnographic record and six interviews of focus groups with young people, women and men. The research was carried out in a rural area of the state of Morelos, Mexico, between 2006 and 2007. We carried out educational sessions with the population in general, so that residents could identify the relationship between the vector Triatoma pallidipennis, the parasite (Trypanosoma cruzi, symptoms, and preventive actions for Chagas disease. The ethnographic record and groups were analyzed based on Taylor and Bogdan’s modification, and the focus was to understand the socio-cultural meanings that guide the speeches and activities of residents in relation to the pillars of community resilience. RESULTS The population felt proud of belonging to that location and three pillars of community resilience were clearly identified: collective self-esteem, cultural identity, and social honesty. Having these pillars as bases, we promoted the participation of the population concerning Chagas disease, and a Community Action Group was formed with young people, adult men and women, and social leaders. This Group initiated actions of epidemiological and entomological surveillance in the community to deal with this problem. CONCLUSIONS It is necessary to create more experiences that deepen the understanding of the pillars of community resilience, and how they contribute to enhance participation in health to deal with Chagas disease.

  18. Necroscopic study of a Chagas' disease chronic case with normal electrocardiograms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopes, E.R.; Rocha, A.; Adad, S.J.; Fernandes, E.L.; Chapadeiro, E.


    The morphological changes in the postmortem study of a man probably with the indeterminate form of Chagas' disease are described. The heart exhibited lesions of the epicardium, myocardium and endocardium, as well as of the conduction system, primarily small inflammatory foci. There was mild fibrosis of the myocardium, atrioventricular node, and left bundle branch (at its origin). These alterations, although mild, were similar, in quality, to those described in the other chronic forms of Chagas' disease, and suggest active lesions, with a potential for further development. In the esophagus, among other features, a striking reduction of the number of neurons was observed. (author)

  19. Drug discovery for Chagas disease should consider Trypanosoma cruzi strain diversity

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    Bianca Zingales


    Full Text Available This opinion piece presents an approach to standardisation of an important aspect of Chagas disease drug discovery and development: selecting Trypanosoma cruzi strains for in vitro screening. We discuss the rationale for strain selection representing T. cruzi diversity and provide recommendations on the preferred parasite stage for drug discovery, T. cruzi discrete typing units to include in the panel of strains and the number of strains/clones for primary screens and lead compounds. We also consider experimental approaches for in vitro drug assays. The Figure illustrates the current Chagas disease drug-discovery and development landscape.

  20. Role of T. cruzi exposure in the pattern of T cell cytokines among chronically infected HIV and Chagas disease patients

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    Tania Regina Tozetto-Mendoza

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The impact of Chagas disease (CD in HIV-infected patients is relevant throughout the world. In fact, the characterization of the adaptive immune response in the context of co-infection is important for predicting the need for interventions in areas in which HIV and Chagas disease co-exist. METHODS: We described and compared the frequency of cytokine-producing T cells stimulated with soluble antigen of Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi using a cytometric assay for the following groups: individuals with chronic Chagas disease (CHR, n=10, those with Chagas disease and HIV infection (CO, n=11, those with only HIV (HIV, n=14 and healthy individuals (C, n=15. RESULTS: We found 1 a constitutively lower frequency of IL-2+ and IFN-γ+ T cells in the CHR group compared with the HIV, CO and healthy groups; 2 a suppressive activity of soluble T. cruzi antigen, which down-regulated IL-2+CD4+ and IFN-γ+CD4+ phenotypes, notably in the healthy group; 3 a down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines on CD8+ T cells in the indeterminate form of Chagas disease; and 4 a significant increase in IL-10+CD8+ cells distinguishing the indeterminate form from the cardiac/digestive form of Chagas disease, even in the presence of HIV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our data suggest the presence of an immunoregulatory response in chronic Chagas disease, which seems to be driven by T. cruzi antigens. Our findings provide new insights into immunotherapeutic strategies for people living with HIV/AIDS and Chagas disease.

  1. Therapeutic effects of sphingosine kinase inhibitor N,N-dimethylsphingosine (DMS) in experimental chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Vasconcelos, Juliana Fraga; Meira, Cássio Santana; Silva, Daniela Nascimento; Nonaka, Carolina Kymie Vasques; Daltro, Pâmela Santana; Macambira, Simone Garcia; Domizi, Pablo Daniel; Borges, Valéria Matos; Ribeiro-Dos-Santos, Ricardo; de Freitas Souza, Bruno Solano; Soares, Milena Botelho Pereira


    Chagas disease cardiomyopathy is a parasite-driven inflammatory disease to which there are no effective treatments. Here we evaluated the therapeutic potential of N,N-dimethylsphingosine(DMS), which blocks the production of sphingosine-1-phosphate(S1P), a mediator of cellular events during inflammatory responses, in a model of chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy. DMS-treated, Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice had a marked reduction of cardiac inflammation, fibrosis and galectin-3 expression when compared to controls. Serum concentrations of galectin-3, IFNγ and TNFα, as well as cardiac gene expression of inflammatory mediators were reduced after DMS treatment. The gene expression of M1 marker, iNOS, was decreased, while the M2 marker, arginase1, was increased. DMS-treated mice showed an improvement in exercise capacity. Moreover, DMS caused a reduction in parasite load in vivo. DMS inhibited the activation of lymphocytes, and reduced cytokines and NO production in activated macrophage cultures in vitro, while increasing IL-1β production. Analysis by qRT-PCR array showed that DMS treatment modulated inflammasome activation induced by T. cruzi on macrophages. Altogether, our results demonstrate that DMS, through anti-parasitic and immunomodulatory actions, can be beneficial in the treatment of chronic phase of T. cruzi infection and suggest that S1P-activated processes as possible therapeutic targets for the treatment of Chagas disease cardiomyopathy.

  2. Distribución Espacial de Vectores de la Enfermedad de Chagas en el Estado de Guanajuato 1998-2000 Distribución Espacial de Vectores de la Enfermedad de Chagas en el Estado de Guanajuato 1998-2000

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    Francisco Ernesto González Bravo


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de llevar a cabo la verificación de la existencia y la ubicación de los vectores de la enfermedad de Chagas en los municipios del Estado de Guanajuato y a través de esto, delimitar áreas de distribución espacial de las especies dentro de este territorio, contribuyendo así, a establecer zonas de riesgo y al determinar la infección del Trypanosoma cruzi en los vectores, se conocerá el riesgo para la población humana. Esta investigación se realizó a través de la información del envío etiquetado de triatominos obtenidos por personal de campo de la Secretaría de Salud de Guanajuato y enviados para su clasificación taxonómica al Laboratorio Estatal de Salud Pública del mismo estado. Se recabó información de tres años (1998 - 2000 de los municipios donde se encuentran brigadas de trabajo y la ausencia reportada de vectores en algunos de ellos, probablemente se debe a la falta de búsqueda en los mismos. No se realizó el índice de infestación de vectores debido a que el método de búsqueda no tuvo la misma intensidad en todo el territorio, ni el método de muestreo lo permitió; sólo se estableció la localización de cada una de las especies según el área de donde fue colectada. Se encontraron 5 especies de triatominos: Triatoma mexicana, T. barberi, T. longipennis, T. pallidipennis y T. dimidiata, en 162 localidades de 25 municipios del estado; en alturas que fluctuaron desde los 870 metros sobre el nivel del mar (m.s.n.m., hasta los 2200. El sitio donde se encontró a los vectores con más frecuencia fue para T. mexicana, intradomicilio; T. barberi, corral; T. longipennis, intradomicilio; T. pallidipennis, intradomicilio; ninfas, intradomicilio y T. dimidiata que se colectó en una única ocasión, no reportó sitio de colecta. This study has been perfomed in order to verify the existence and location of vectors of Chagas disease in the entities of Guanajuato state to limit

  3. Chagas disease in Switzerland: history and challenges. (United States)

    Jackson, Y; Chappuis, F


    Chagas disease, endemic in Latin America, is an emerging health problem in Europe affecting an estimated 80,000 persons. Around 60,000 Latin American migrants live in Switzerland, and cases of Chagas disease have been reported since 1979. As of June 2011, 258 cases have been diagnosed, mostly adults in the indeterminate phase of the chronic stage of the disease. Vertical transmission has been identified and there is a high potential for blood- and organ-borne transmission in the absence of systematic screening. Major challenges include (i) raising awareness among migrants and healthcare professionals, (ii) developing national protocols for screening and treatment targeting high-risk groups such as pregnant woman, newborns, migrants from highly endemic areas (e.g. Bolivia), and immunocompromised migrants, (iii) preventing blood- and organ-borne transmission by appropriate screening strategies, (iv) taking into account the social vulnerability of individuals at risk in the design and implementation of public health programmes, and (v) facilitating contacts with the communities at risk through outreach programmes, for example in churches and cultural groups.

  4. Sperm Morphological Features Associated with Chronic Chagas Disease in the Semen of Experimentally Infected Dogs (United States)

    Rodríguez-Morales, Olivia; Pedro-Martínez, Elvia; Hernández-Pichardo, José Ernesto; Alejandre-Aguilar, Ricardo; Aranda-Fraustro, Alberto; Graullera-Rivera, Verónica; Arce-Fonseca, Minerva


    The presence of trypanosomatids in the reproductive systems of different mammals (causing genital lesions in the acute stage of the disease) may predispose the animals to low semen quality. However, there are no studies examining the alterations in the sperm morphological features in the chronic stage of Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Knowledge of these aspects is important to understand the other ways of transmission of the Chagas disease. Progressive motility, mass motility, concentration, and sperm morphology of 84 ejaculates of dogs that were chronically infected with T. cruzi were evaluated. Most of the findings were consistent with the reference values and with those obtained from healthy control dogs. The scrotal circumference was not correlated with spermatozoa concentration in the infected animals. In conclusion, the T. cruzi Ninoa (MHOM/MX/1994/Ninoa) strain does not cause significant alterations in the semen quality of dogs experiencing chronic Chagas disease (at concentrations of 5 × 104 to 1 × 106 parasites per animal). PMID:25114010

  5. Genómica del Trypanosoma cruzi. Nuevas oportunidades para tratar el mal de Chagas

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    Jorge A. Huete-Pérez


    Full Text Available LA SECUENCIACIÓN DEL GENOMA HUMANO PUBLICADA EN FEBRERO de 2001 ha sido considerada como el hito científico más importante del siglo XX. La secuenciación, cuatro años más tarde, de tres parásitos tripanosmatidas, entre ellos el Trypanosoma cruzi, podría ser también catalogada como uno de los acontecimientos científicos más importantes para la salud publica del continente americano. Aquí se presenta un panorama general sobre los resultados más significativos del estudio geonómico del T. cruzi, se abordan los trabajos realizados por nuestro laboratorio en la Universidad Centroamericana, finalizando con una discusión sobre las perspectivas del uso de la genómica en Nicaragua.

  6. Perfil clínico de pacientes chagásicos e não-chagásicos portadores de marca-passo cardíaco artificial Clinical profile of Chagas and non-Chagas' disease patients with cardiac pacemaker

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    Leonor Garcia Rincon


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi comparar pacientes chagásicos e não-chagásicos com marca-passo cardíaco artificial uni ou bicameral quanto à fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo, o limiar de estimulação ventricular e a incidência de arritmias cardíacas. Entre janeiro/2001 e novembro/2002 foram avaliados 45 pacientes chagásicos e 35 não-chagásicos portadores de marca-passo quanto à história clínica, radiografia do tórax, ecocardiograma, Holter 24h e análise telemétrica do marca-passo. Embora os chagásicos fossem mais jovens, os dois grupos foram semelhantes quanto a variáveis radiológicas e o limiar de estimulação ventricular direito. Os chagásicos apresentaram menor fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo ao ecocardiograma e maior incidência de arritmia ventricular ao Holter 24h. Observou-se correlação positiva entre a baixa fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo e a intensidade da arritmia ventricular ao Holter 24h. Em pacientes com marca-passo, a doença de Chagas está associada a marcadores cardíacos de prognóstico adverso.The aim of this study was to compare Chagas and non-Chagas' disease patients using single or dual-chamber pacemaker in relation to the ejection fraction of the left ventricle, the ventricular stimulation threshold and the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmia. From January, 2001 to November, 2002, 45 Chagas' disease patients and 35 non-Chagas' disease patients, all pacemaker users, were evaluated considering clinical history, echocardiographic study, Holter monitoring and analysis of the pacemaker telemetry data. Chagas' disease patients were significantly younger, but both groups were similar when chest X-Ray variables and right ventricular stimulation threshold were analyzed. Chagas' disease patients had a lower left ventricular ejection fraction and more frequent ventricular arrhythmia during Holter monitoring. A positive correlation between the low ejection fraction of the left

  7. Cultivation-independent methods reveal differences among bacterial gut microbiota in triatomine vectors of Chagas disease.

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    Fabio Faria da Mota

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Chagas disease is a trypanosomiasis whose agent is the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to humans by hematophagous bugs known as triatomines. Even though insecticide treatments allow effective control of these bugs in most Latin American countries where Chagas disease is endemic, the disease still affects a large proportion of the population of South America. The features of the disease in humans have been extensively studied, and the genome of the parasite has been sequenced, but no effective drug is yet available to treat Chagas disease. The digestive tract of the insect vectors in which T. cruzi develops has been much less well investigated than blood from its human hosts and constitutes a dynamic environment with very different conditions. Thus, we investigated the composition of the predominant bacterial species of the microbiota in insect vectors from Rhodnius, Triatoma, Panstrongylus and Dipetalogaster genera. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Microbiota of triatomine guts were investigated using cultivation-independent methods, i.e., phylogenetic analysis of 16s rDNA using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE and cloned-based sequencing. The Chao index showed that the diversity of bacterial species in triatomine guts is low, comprising fewer than 20 predominant species, and that these species vary between insect species. The analyses showed that Serratia predominates in Rhodnius, Arsenophonus predominates in Triatoma and Panstrongylus, while Candidatus Rohrkolberia predominates in Dipetalogaster. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The microbiota of triatomine guts represents one of the factors that may interfere with T. cruzi transmission and virulence in humans. The knowledge of its composition according to insect species is important for designing measures of biological control for T. cruzi. We found that the predominant species of the bacterial microbiota in triatomines form a group of low

  8. Cultivation-independent methods reveal differences among bacterial gut microbiota in triatomine vectors of Chagas disease. (United States)

    da Mota, Fabio Faria; Marinho, Lourena Pinheiro; Moreira, Carlos José de Carvalho; Lima, Marli Maria; Mello, Cícero Brasileiro; Garcia, Eloi Souza; Carels, Nicolas; Azambuja, Patricia


    Chagas disease is a trypanosomiasis whose agent is the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to humans by hematophagous bugs known as triatomines. Even though insecticide treatments allow effective control of these bugs in most Latin American countries where Chagas disease is endemic, the disease still affects a large proportion of the population of South America. The features of the disease in humans have been extensively studied, and the genome of the parasite has been sequenced, but no effective drug is yet available to treat Chagas disease. The digestive tract of the insect vectors in which T. cruzi develops has been much less well investigated than blood from its human hosts and constitutes a dynamic environment with very different conditions. Thus, we investigated the composition of the predominant bacterial species of the microbiota in insect vectors from Rhodnius, Triatoma, Panstrongylus and Dipetalogaster genera. Microbiota of triatomine guts were investigated using cultivation-independent methods, i.e., phylogenetic analysis of 16s rDNA using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and cloned-based sequencing. The Chao index showed that the diversity of bacterial species in triatomine guts is low, comprising fewer than 20 predominant species, and that these species vary between insect species. The analyses showed that Serratia predominates in Rhodnius, Arsenophonus predominates in Triatoma and Panstrongylus, while Candidatus Rohrkolberia predominates in Dipetalogaster. The microbiota of triatomine guts represents one of the factors that may interfere with T. cruzi transmission and virulence in humans. The knowledge of its composition according to insect species is important for designing measures of biological control for T. cruzi. We found that the predominant species of the bacterial microbiota in triatomines form a group of low complexity whose structure differs according to the vector genus.

  9. Defective production of interleukin 2 in patients with Chagas' disease: purified IL-2 augments in vitro response in patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy

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    Luis Briceno


    Full Text Available The production of interleukin 2 (IL-2 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells, from patients with different clinical forms of Chagas disease and healthy controls, was evaluated after stimulation with Trypanosoma cruzi antigen, PPD and PHA. PHA induced higher production of IL-2 in infected patients than healthy controls. No diferences were found between infected groups. With PPD the trend was similar, the only difference was that asymptomatic infected patients (INF showed higher levels of IL-2 production than patients with cardiomyopathy (CDM. With T. cruzi antigen, most patients showed little or no IL-2 production at 24 hr, a peak at 48 hr and an abrupt fall at 72 hr. A similar pattern of IL- 2 production was observed in INF and CDM. To evaluate the physiologic relevance of the deficit in IL-2 production, we studied the effect of non-mitogenic concentratios of IL-2 in the proliferative response to specific antigens. The addition of IL-2 only enhanced the proliferative response of CDM patients. These observations suggest that patients suffering Chagas' disease, particularly CDM, have a significant reduction in the capacity to produce IL-2. These findings could be of importance in the pathogenesis of Chagas' disease.

  10. Interactive Media on Chagas Disease: Development and Content

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    Claudinei Caetano de Souza


    Full Text Available An interactive media on Chagas disease was developed as an educational tool, on the context of the scientific research and dissemination actions of the National Institute of Structural Biotechnology and Medicinal Chemistry in Infectious Diseases (INBEQMeDI. Different computational resources were used either in terms of hardware and software. The media contains 13 videos that range from 30 seconds to 4 minutes, all with information about Chagas disease, showing the social and economic aspects; the research made by the INBEQMeDI group; different aspects of the disease illustrated by slides arranged in a mobile carousel, and radio programs, with funny skits. The target audience for use of this feature is students aged 10 to 17 years. Teachers of areas of science and biology, through a partnership with the Agency of Education of the State of São Paulo, will be invited to plan a strategy for media use with their students.

  11. Update on oral Chagas disease outbreaks in Venezuela: epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic approaches (United States)

    de Noya, Belkisyolé Alarcón; Díaz-Bello, Zoraida; Colmenares, Cecilia; Ruiz-Guevara, Raiza; Mauriello, Luciano; Muñoz-Calderón, Arturo; Noya, Oscar


    Orally transmitted Chagas disease has become a matter of concern due to outbreaks reported in four Latin American countries. Although several mechanisms for orally transmitted Chagas disease transmission have been proposed, food and beverages contaminated with whole infected triatomines or their faeces, which contain metacyclic trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, seems to be the primary vehicle. In 2007, the first recognised outbreak of orally transmitted Chagas disease occurred in Venezuela and largest recorded outbreak at that time. Since then, 10 outbreaks (four in Caracas) with 249 cases (73.5% children) and 4% mortality have occurred. The absence of contact with the vector and of traditional cutaneous and Romana’s signs, together with a florid spectrum of clinical manifestations during the acute phase, confuse the diagnosis of orally transmitted Chagas disease with other infectious diseases. The simultaneous detection of IgG and IgM by ELISA and the search for parasites in all individuals at risk have been valuable diagnostic tools for detecting acute cases. Follow-up studies regarding the microepidemics primarily affecting children has resulted in 70% infection persistence six years after anti-parasitic treatment. Panstrongylus geniculatus has been the incriminating vector in most cases. As a food-borne disease, this entity requires epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches that differ from those approaches used for traditional direct or cutaneous vector transmission. PMID:25946155

  12. Brain Chagas'disease: increasing differential diagnosis of brain mass in immunosuppressed patients - a case report and literature revision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batista, Laercio Leitao; centola, Crescencio A.P.; Kakudate, Milton Y.


    The authors present a case of Chagas'disease as tumor-like lesion of the brain, in a patient with Aids, simulating the lesions most frequently found in these patients, as toxoplasmosis, lymphoma and cryptococcosis. Furthermore, the case reported have peculiarity to be the only with lesion documented in cerebellum, and unusual due to be secondary by reactivation of chronic Chagas disease. Moreover, emphasize analysis of cerebrospinal fluid with realization of sorologic tests to Chagas's disease, as simple as effective method, to make use of biopsy with stereotaxia in unfinished cases and bad evolution. Finally, after a wide world literature review about Chagas'disease as a tumor-like lesion of the brain, emphasizing this publication as the first written in a radiology journal of specialty. (author). 40 refs., 3 figs., 1 tab

  13. "Estudo comparativo da função erétil em pacientes portadores da forma digestiva da Doença de Chagas"


    Valdi Camarcio Bezerra


    O objetivo deste estudo foi correlacionar as alterações causadas pela doença de Chagas no sistema nervoso autônomo e a possibilidade destas alterações provocarem disfunção erétil. Foram incluídos 60 pacientes, do sexo masculino, entre 40 e 70 anos, sendo 30 com a forma digestiva da doença de Chagas e 30 como grupo controle negativos para tripanossomíase; foram utilizados o questionário auto-aplicável do Índice Internacional de Função Erétil (IIFE) e o algoritmo de pontuação para análise e int...

  14. Chagas disease among the Latin American adult population attending in a primary care center in Barcelona, Spain.

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    Carme Roca


    Full Text Available The epidemiology of Chagas disease, until recently confined to areas of continental Latin America, has undergone considerable changes in recent decades due to migration to other parts of the world, including Spain. We studied the prevalence of Chagas disease in Latin American patients treated at a health center in Barcelona and evaluated its clinical phase. We make some recommendations for screening for the disease.We performed an observational, cross-sectional prevalence study by means of an immunochromatographic test screening of all continental Latin American patients over the age of 14 years visiting the health centre from October 2007 to October 2009. The diagnosis was confirmed by serological methods: conventional in-house ELISA (cELISA, a commercial kit (rELISA and ELISA using T cruzi lysate (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics (oELISA. Of 766 patients studied, 22 were diagnosed with T. cruzi infection, showing a prevalence of 2.87% (95% CI, 1.6-4.12%. Of the infected patients, 45.45% men and 54.55% women, 21 were from Bolivia, showing a prevalence in the Bolivian subgroup (n=127 of 16.53% (95% CI, 9.6-23.39%. ALL THE INFECTED PATIENTS WERE IN A CHRONIC PHASE OF CHAGAS DISEASE: 81% with the indeterminate form, 9.5% with the cardiac form and 9.5% with the cardiodigestive form. All patients infected with T. cruzi had heard of Chagas disease in their country of origin, 82% knew someone affected, and 77% had a significant history of living in adobe houses in rural areas.We found a high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in immigrants from Bolivia. Detection of T. cruzi-infected persons by screening programs in non-endemic countries would control non-vectorial transmission and would benefit the persons affected, public health and national health systems.

  15. Protective human leucocyte antigen haplotype, HLA-DRB1*01-B*14, against chronic Chagas disease in Bolivia.

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    Florencia del Puerto

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Chagas disease, caused by the flagellate parasite Trypanosoma cruzi affects 8-10 million people in Latin America. The mechanisms that underlie the development of complications of chronic Chagas disease, characterized primarily by pathology of the heart and digestive system, are not currently understood. To identify possible host genetic factors that may influence the clinical course of Chagas disease, Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA regional gene polymorphism was analyzed in patients presenting with differing clinical symptoms. METHODOLOGY: Two hundred and twenty nine chronic Chagas disease patients in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, were examined by serological tests, electrocardiogram (ECG, and Barium enema colon X-ray. 31.4% of the examinees showed ECG alterations, 15.7% megacolon and 58.1% showed neither of them. A further 62 seropositive megacolon patients who had undergone colonectomy due to acute abdomen were recruited. We analyzed their HLA genetic polymorphisms (HLA-A, HLA-B, MICA, MICB, DRB1 and TNF-alpha promoter region mainly through Sequence based and LABType SSO typing test using LUMINEX Technology. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The frequencies of HLA-DRB1*01 and HLA-B*14:02 were significantly lower in patients suffering from megacolon as well as in those with ECG alteration and/or megacolon compared with a group of patients with indeterminate symptoms. The DRB1*0102, B*1402 and MICA*011 alleles were in strong Linkage Disequilibrium (LD, and the HLA-DRB1*01-B*14-MICA*011 haplotype was associated with resistance against chronic Chagas disease. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of HLA haplotype association with resistance to chronic Chagas disease.

  16. Migração boliviana e doença de Chagas: limites na atuação do Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro (SUS

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    Nivaldo Carneiro Junior


    Full Text Available Migrações acarretam mudanças nos perfis epidemiológicos, impactando sistemas de saúde dos países receptores. O Brasil atrai imigrantes que se inserem precariamente nas metrópoles. Na Bolívia, a doença de Chagas é endêmica, fato relevante para o SUS brasileiro.O texto analisa a atuação e os limites dos profissionais de saúde no atendimento aos bolivianos no SUS, enfocando a doença de Chagas, por meio de entrevistas aplicadas nos serviços primário, secundário e terciário na região central da cidade de São Paulo, principal destino dos imigrantes bolivianos. As precárias condições de vida dos bolivianos caracterizam iniquidades em saúde. Idioma e cultura limitam a compreensão sobre o cuidado. Constata-se desconhecimento da clínica e epidemiologia da doença de Chagas entre os profissionais que atendem esses imigrantes. Faz-se necessária a revisão de estratégias assistenciais e de controle da doença de Chagas.

  17. Cultura delcontrol del miedo al delito” como estrategia de dominación del poder global


    Grosso García, Manuel Salvador


    Lo que propongo con el título es que el control del miedo al delito en las sociedades contemporáneas ha dejado de ser una estrategia represiva del Estado, para convertirse en uno de los rasgos más característicos de la cultura en la modernidad tardía. Controlar el delito se ha vuelto un asunto cotidiano, que atañe cada vez más a más personas. El control del delito es hoy un aspecto esencial en las agendas políticas2; forma parte de las propuestas de campaña de los candidatos y es uno de lo...

  18. Use of a Chagas Urine Nanoparticle Test (Chunap) to Correlate with Parasitemia Levels in T. cruzi/HIV Co-infected Patients (United States)

    Castro-Sesquen, Yagahira E.; Gilman, Robert H.; Mejia, Carolina; Clark, Daniel E.; Choi, Jeong; Reimer-McAtee, Melissa J.; Castro, Rosario; Valencia-Ayala, Edward; Flores, Jorge; Bowman, Natalie; Castillo-Neyra, Ricardo; Torrico, Faustino; Liotta, Lance; Bern, Caryn; Luchini, Alessandra


    Background Early diagnosis of reactivated Chagas disease in HIV patients could be lifesaving. In Latin America, the diagnosis is made by microscopical detection of the T. cruzi parasite in the blood; a diagnostic test that lacks sensitivity. This study evaluates if levels of T. cruzi antigens in urine, determined by Chunap (Chagas urine nanoparticle test), are correlated with parasitemia levels in T. cruzi/HIV co-infected patients. Methodology/Principal Findings T. cruzi antigens in urine of HIV patients (N = 55: 31 T. cruzi infected and 24 T. cruzi serology negative) were concentrated using hydrogel particles and quantified by Western Blot and a calibration curve. Reactivation of Chagas disease was defined by the observation of parasites in blood by microscopy. Parasitemia levels in patients with serology positive for Chagas disease were classified as follows: High parasitemia or reactivation of Chagas disease (detectable parasitemia by microscopy), moderate parasitemia (undetectable by microscopy but detectable by qPCR), and negative parasitemia (undetectable by microscopy and qPCR). The percentage of positive results detected by Chunap was: 100% (7/7) in cases of reactivation, 91.7% (11/12) in cases of moderate parasitemia, and 41.7% (5/12) in cases of negative parasitemia. Chunap specificity was found to be 91.7%. Linear regression analysis demonstrated a direct relationship between parasitemia levels and urine T. cruzi antigen concentrations (p 105 pg was chosen to determine patients with reactivation of Chagas disease (7/7). Antigenuria levels were 36.08 times (95% CI: 7.28 to 64.88) higher in patients with CD4+ lymphocyte counts below 200/mL (p = 0.016). No significant differences were found in HIV loads and CD8+ lymphocyte counts. Conclusion Chunap shows potential for early detection of Chagas reactivation. With appropriate adaptation, this diagnostic test can be used to monitor Chagas disease status in T. cruzi/HIV co-infected patients. PMID:26919324

  19. Pacemaker Implants in Children and Adolescents with Chagas Disease in Brazil: 18-Year Incidence. (United States)

    Mizzaci, Carolina Christianini; Souza, Thiago Gonçalves Schroder E; Targueta, Gabriel Pelegrineti; Tótora, Ana Paula Frederico; Mateos, Juan Carlos Pachón; Mateos, José Carlos Pachon


    Chagas disease continues to be a serious public health problem, and accounts for 25-30% of the indications for cardiac stimulation in Brazil. To assess clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with Chagas disease, younger than 18 years, who had undergone pacemaker implantation in Brazil between 1994 and 2011, and its temporal trend. This was a cross-sectional analysis of data from the Brazilian Pacemaker Registry database. The following variables were analyzed: year when pacemaker was implanted, location, age, sex, ethnic group, functional class and the main electrocardiographic findings at baseline. In a total of 183,123 implants performed between 1994 and 2011, 214 implants of cardiac stimulation device in Chagas disease patients aged younger than 18 years were identified. Mean age at implantation was 5.6 ± 6.2 years. Second- and third-degree atrioventricular blocks corresponded to 71% of indications for pacemaker implantation. Fifty-six percent of the procedures were performed in the southeast region. Regarding the total number of pacemaker implants per year, there was a remarkable increase in the implants for all causes. However, time series analysis of the implants in Chagas disease patients younger than 18 years revealed a significant reduction in the annual number of implants. There has been an important reduction in the number of pacemaker implantations among children and adolescents with Chagas disease, suggesting a reduction in the vertical transmission of the parasite. A doença de Chagas mantém-se como sério problema de saúde pública e tem sido responsável por aproximadamente 25% a 30% das indicações de estimulação cardíaca no Brasil. Estudar as características clínicas e epidemiológicas dos pacientes menores de 18 anos portadores de doença de Chagas submetidos a implante de marca-passo no território brasileiro entre 1994 e 2011, e sua tendência temporal. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo que utilizou informa

  20. Opportunity cost for early treatment of Chagas disease in Mexico.

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    Janine M Ramsey


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Given current neglect for Chagas disease in public health programs in Mexico, future healthcare and economic development policies will need a more robust model to analyze costs and impacts of timely clinical attention of infected populations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A Markov decision model was constructed to simulate the natural history of a Chagas disease cohort in Mexico and to project the associated short and long-term clinical outcomes and corresponding costs. The lifetime cost for a timely diagnosed and treated Chagas disease patient is US$ 10,160, while the cost for an undiagnosed individual is US$ 11,877. The cost of a diagnosed and treated case increases 24-fold from early acute to indeterminate stage. The major cost component for lifetime cost was working days lost, between 44% and 75%, depending on the program scenario for timely diagnosis and treatment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In the long term, it is cheaper to diagnose and treat chagasic patients early, instead of doing nothing. This finding by itself argues for the need to shift current policy, in order to prioritize and attend this neglected disease for the benefit of social and economic development, which implies including treatment drugs in the national formularies. Present results are even more relevant, if one considers that timely diagnosis and treatment can arrest clinical progression and enhance a chronic patient's quality of life.

  1. Opportunity cost for early treatment of Chagas disease in Mexico. (United States)

    Ramsey, Janine M; Elizondo-Cano, Miguel; Sanchez-González, Gilberto; Peña-Nieves, Adriana; Figueroa-Lara, Alejandro


    Given current neglect for Chagas disease in public health programs in Mexico, future healthcare and economic development policies will need a more robust model to analyze costs and impacts of timely clinical attention of infected populations. A Markov decision model was constructed to simulate the natural history of a Chagas disease cohort in Mexico and to project the associated short and long-term clinical outcomes and corresponding costs. The lifetime cost for a timely diagnosed and treated Chagas disease patient is US$ 10,160, while the cost for an undiagnosed individual is US$ 11,877. The cost of a diagnosed and treated case increases 24-fold from early acute to indeterminate stage. The major cost component for lifetime cost was working days lost, between 44% and 75%, depending on the program scenario for timely diagnosis and treatment. In the long term, it is cheaper to diagnose and treat chagasic patients early, instead of doing nothing. This finding by itself argues for the need to shift current policy, in order to prioritize and attend this neglected disease for the benefit of social and economic development, which implies including treatment drugs in the national formularies. Present results are even more relevant, if one considers that timely diagnosis and treatment can arrest clinical progression and enhance a chronic patient's quality of life.

  2. Biological Control of the Chagas Disease Vector Triatoma infestans with the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana Combined with an Aggregation Cue: Field, Laboratory and Mathematical Modeling Assessment.

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    Lucas Forlani


    Full Text Available Current Chagas disease vector control strategies, based on chemical insecticide spraying, are growingly threatened by the emergence of pyrethroid-resistant Triatoma infestans populations in the Gran Chaco region of South America.We have already shown that the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana has the ability to breach the insect cuticle and is effective both against pyrethroid-susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant T. infestans, in laboratory as well as field assays. It is also known that T. infestans cuticle lipids play a major role as contact aggregation pheromones. We estimated the effectiveness of pheromone-based infection boxes containing B. bassiana spores to kill indoor bugs, and its effect on the vector population dynamics. Laboratory assays were performed to estimate the effect of fungal infection on female reproductive parameters. The effect of insect exuviae as an aggregation signal in the performance of the infection boxes was estimated both in the laboratory and in the field. We developed a stage-specific matrix model of T. infestans to describe the fungal infection effects on insect population dynamics, and to analyze the performance of the biopesticide device in vector biological control.The pheromone-containing infective box is a promising new tool against indoor populations of this Chagas disease vector, with the number of boxes per house being the main driver of the reduction of the total domestic bug population. This ecologically safe approach is the first proven alternative to chemical insecticides in the control of T. infestans. The advantageous reduction in vector population by delayed-action fungal biopesticides in a contained environment is here shown supported by mathematical modeling.

  3. Deficient regulatory T cell activity and low frequency of IL-17-producing T cells correlate with the extent of cardiomyopathy in human Chagas' disease.

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    Paulo Marcos Matta Guedes

    -α is correlated with the severity of the Chagas' disease cardiomyopathy, and the immunological imbalance observed may be causally related with deficient suppressor activity of regulatory T cells that controls myocardial inflammation.

  4. Avances en la regulación y control del estado térmico del horno alto

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    Babich, A.


    Full Text Available An automated system of direction (SAD for the control of the thermal state of the hearth of the blast furnace is used, taking into account the interrelation existing between the pig iron temperature and its silicon content. By the magnitude of the thermal exergy of the process, which determines the heat work capacity the variations in the heating of the hearth can be valued and carried out the necessary control and regulation actions, such as the variations in the pulverized coal injection and in the sinter/coke relation in the melting bed of the blast furnace.

    Se utiliza un sistema automatizado de dirección (SAD para el control del estado térmico del crisol del horno alto, teniendo en cuenta la relación que existe entre la temperatura del arrabio y su contenido de silicio. Por la magnitud de la exergía térmica del proceso, que determina la capacidad de trabajo del calor, se pueden valorar las variaciones de calentamiento del crisol y realizar las acciones necesarias de control y regulación, como son las variaciones en la inyección de carbón pulverizado y en la relación sinterizado/coque en el lecho de fusión del horno alto.

  5. Morbidity of Chagas heart disease in the microregion of Rio Negro, Amazonian Brazil: a case-control study

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    Jose Rodrigues Coura


    Full Text Available A case-control study on the morbidity of Chagas heart disease was carried out in the municipality of Barcelos in the microregion of the Rio Negro, state of Amazonas. One hundred and six individuals, who were serologically positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection, as confirmed by at least two techniques with different principles, were matched according to age and sex with an equal number of seronegative individuals. The cases and controls were evaluated using an epidemiological questionnaire and clinical, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph examinations. In the seroepidemiological evaluation, 62% of the interviewees recognised triatomines and most of them confirmed that they had seen these insects in the piassava plantations of the riverside communities of the Negro River tributaries. Of the seropositive patients, 25.8% affirmed that they had been stung by the triatomines and 11.7% denied having been stung. The principal clinical manifestations of the seropositive individuals were palpitations, chest pain and dyspnoea upon effort. Cardiac auscultation revealed extrasystoles, bradycardia and systolic murmurs. The electrocardiographic alterations were ventricular extrasystoles, left and right bundle branch block, atrioventricular block and primary T wave alterations. The echocardiogram was altered in 22.6% of the seropositive individuals and in 8.5% of the seronegative individuals.


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    Laíse dos Santos PEREIRA


    Full Text Available By controlling the transmission of Chagas disease, the challenge of providing assistance to millions of infected patients that reach old age arises. In this study, the socioeconomic, demographic and comorbidity records of all elderly chagasic patients followed at the Pharmaceutical Care Service of the Chagas Disease Research Laboratory were assessed. The information related to the clinical form of the disease was obtained from medical records provided by the Walter Cantídio University Hospital. The profile of the studied population was: women (50.5%; mean age of 67 years; retired (54.6%; married (51.6 %; high illiteracy rate (40.2%; and family income equal to the minimum wage (51.5%. The predominant clinical forms of Chagas disease were cardiac (65.3% and indeterminate (14.7%. The main electrocardiographic changes were the right bundle branch block (41.0%, associated or not with the anterosuperior left bundle branch block (27.4%. The average number of comorbidities per patient was 2.23 ± 1.54, with systemic arterial hypertension being the main one found (67.0%. It was found that the elderly comprise a vulnerable group of patients that associate aging with cardiac and/or digestive disorders resulting from the evolution of Chagas disease and other comorbidities, which requires special attention from health services to ensure more appropriate medical and social care.

  7. Serological and molecular inquiry of Chagas disease in an Afro-descendant settlement in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil.

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    Mariana Furquim da Silva Martins

    Full Text Available Furnas do Dionísio is a Brazilian Afro-descendant settlement in the city of Jaraguari, 21.4 miles from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Approximately 96 families live in this quilombola (Maroon settlement, also known in Brazil as a remnant community of descendants of African slaves. Recent studies found 20% of households were infested by triatomines, 18% of insects captured in the community were infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, and 22.7% of dogs presented T. cruzi antibodies. The low prevalence of Chagas disease observed in humans in Mato Grosso do Sul State is attributed to its arrival via colonist migration and subsequent transplacental transmission. In order to gain a better understanding of the T. cruzi cycle in residents of the study community, serological and molecular tests were carried out to diagnose Chagas disease. In the present study, 175 residents between 2 and 80 years old were included. A total of 175 participants were interviewed and 170 provided blood samples, which were tested for T. cruzi antibodies with serological tests. Molecular diagnosis was performed in 167 participants by PCR (KDNA and NPCR (satellite DNA tests. One of the 170 samples tested positive for all serological tests performed. The overall frequency of Chagas disease in the community was low (0.6%. Interview responses revealed that 66.3% knew of triatomine insects and 65.7% reported having had no contact with them. Physical improvements to residences, together with vector surveillance and control by the State and municipal governments and local ecological conservation contribute to the low frequency of the Chagas disease in this quilombola community.

  8. Serological and molecular inquiry of Chagas disease in an Afro-descendant settlement in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. (United States)

    Martins, Mariana Furquim da Silva; Pereira, Mariane Barroso; Ferreira, Juliana de Jesus Guimarães; França, Adriana de Oliveira; Cominetti, Marlon Cézar; Ferreira, Eduardo de Castro; Dorval, Maria Elizabeth Moraes Cavalheiros; Rossi, Cláudio Lúcio; Mazon, Sílvia de Barros; de Almeida, Eros Antonio; Costa, Sandra Cecília Botelho; Marcon, Gláucia Elisete Barbosa


    Furnas do Dionísio is a Brazilian Afro-descendant settlement in the city of Jaraguari, 21.4 miles from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Approximately 96 families live in this quilombola (Maroon) settlement, also known in Brazil as a remnant community of descendants of African slaves. Recent studies found 20% of households were infested by triatomines, 18% of insects captured in the community were infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, and 22.7% of dogs presented T. cruzi antibodies. The low prevalence of Chagas disease observed in humans in Mato Grosso do Sul State is attributed to its arrival via colonist migration and subsequent transplacental transmission. In order to gain a better understanding of the T. cruzi cycle in residents of the study community, serological and molecular tests were carried out to diagnose Chagas disease. In the present study, 175 residents between 2 and 80 years old were included. A total of 175 participants were interviewed and 170 provided blood samples, which were tested for T. cruzi antibodies with serological tests. Molecular diagnosis was performed in 167 participants by PCR (KDNA) and NPCR (satellite DNA) tests. One of the 170 samples tested positive for all serological tests performed. The overall frequency of Chagas disease in the community was low (0.6%). Interview responses revealed that 66.3% knew of triatomine insects and 65.7% reported having had no contact with them. Physical improvements to residences, together with vector surveillance and control by the State and municipal governments and local ecological conservation contribute to the low frequency of the Chagas disease in this quilombola community.

  9. Combining Public Health Education and Disease Ecology Research: Using Citizen Science to Assess Chagas Disease Entomological Risk in Texas.

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    Rachel Curtis-Robles


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a zoonotic parasitic disease well-documented throughout the Americas and transmitted primarily by triatomine 'kissing bug' vectors. In acknowledgment of the successful history of vector control programs based on community participation across Latin America, we used a citizen science approach to gain novel insight into the geographic distribution, seasonal activity, and Trypanosoma cruzi infection prevalence of kissing bugs in Texas while empowering the public with information about Chagas disease.We accepted submissions of kissing bugs encountered by the public in Texas and other states from 2013-2014 while providing educational literature about Chagas disease. In the laboratory, kissing bugs were identified to species, dissected, and tested for T. cruzi infection. A total of 1,980 triatomines were submitted to the program comprised of at least seven species, of which T. gerstaeckeri and T. sanguisuga were the most abundant (85.7% of submissions. Triatomines were most commonly collected from dog kennels and outdoor patios; Overall, 10.5% of triatomines were collected from inside the home. Triatomines were submitted from across Texas, including many counties which were not previously known to harbor kissing bugs. Kissing bugs were captured primarily throughout April-October, and peak activity occurred in June-July. Emails to our dedicated account regarding kissing bugs were more frequent in the summer months (June-August than the rest of the year. We detected T. cruzi in 63.3% of tested bugs.Citizen science is an efficient approach for generating data on the distribution, phenology, and infection prevalence of kissing bugs-vectors of the Chagas disease parasite-while educating the public and medical community.

  10. Evaluación del rendimiento diagnóstico de técnicas ELISA para la Enfermedad de Chagas en Colombia


    Caicedo DIaz, Ricardo Andrés


    Introducción: La enfermedad de Chagas es producida por el Trypanosoma cruzi, endémica en América Latina. El diagnóstico es complejo, lo cual constituye una barrera al acceso actualmente. El método recomendado por la OMS en fase crónica es una combinación de dos pruebas inmunoserológicas con diferentes configuraciones antigénicas. El procedimiento actual en Colombia es la tamización con una ELISA y la confirmación con una IFI. Objetivo: Evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de siete pruebas de...

  11. Current and developing therapeutic agents in the treatment of Chagas disease

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    Werner Apt


    Full Text Available Werner AptUniversity of Chile, Faculty of Medicine, Santiago, ChileAbstract: Chagas disease must be treated in all its stages: acute, indeterminate, chronic, and initial and middle determinant chronic, due to the fact that DNA of the parasite can be demonstrated by PCR in chronic cases, where optical microscopy does not detect parasites. Nifurtimox (NF and benznidazole (BNZ are the drugs accepted to treat humans based upon ethical considerations and efficiency. However, both the drugs produce secondary effects in 30% of the cases, and the treatment must be given for at least 30–60 days. Other useful drugs are itraconazole and posaconazole. The latter may be the drug to treat Chagas disease in the future when all the investigations related to it are finished. At present, there is no criterion of cure for chronic cases since in the majority, the serology remains positive, although it may decrease. In acute cases, 70% cure with NF and 75% with BNZ is achieved. In congenital cases, 100% cure is obtained if the treatment is performed during the first year of life. In chronic acquired cases, 20% cure and 50% improvement of the electrocardiographic changes are obtained with itraconazole.Keywords: Chagas disease, treatment, nifurtimox, benznidazole, allopurinol, itraconazole, posaconazole

  12. Antagonistic Effect of Atorvastatin on High Fat Diet Induced Survival during Acute Chagas Disease (United States)

    Zhao, Dazhi; Lizardo, Kezia; Cui, Min Hui; Ambadipudi, Kamalakar; Lora, Jose; Jelicks, Linda A; Nagajyothi, Jyothi F


    Chagasic cardiomyopathy, which is seen in Chagas Disease, is the most severe and life-threatening manifestation of infection by the kinetoplastid Trypanosoma cruzi. Adipose tissue and diet play a major role in maintaining lipid homeostasis and regulating cardiac pathogenesis during the development of Chagas cardiomyopathy. We have previously reported that T. cruzi has a high affinity for lipoproteins and that the invasion rate of this parasite increases in the presence of cholesterol, suggesting that drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis, such as statins, could affect infection and the development of Chagasic cardiomyopathy. The dual epidemic of diabetes and obesity in Latin America, the endemic regions for Chagas Disease, has led to many patients in the endemic region of infection having hyperlipidemia that is being treated with statins such as atorvastatin. The current study was performed to examine using mice fed on either regular or high fat diet the effect of atorvastatin on T. cruzi infection-induced myocarditis and to evaluate the effect of this treatment during infection on adipose tissue physiology and cardiac pathology. Atorvastatin was found to regulate lipolysis and cardiac lipidopathy during acute T. cruzi infection in mice and to enhance tissue parasite load, cardiac LDL levels, inflammation, and mortality in during acute infection. Overall, these data suggest that statins, such as atorvastatin, have deleterious effects during acute Chagas disease. PMID:27416748

  13. Accelerating the development of a therapeutic vaccine for human Chagas disease: rationale and prospects. (United States)

    Dumonteil, Eric; Bottazzi, Maria Elena; Zhan, Bin; Heffernan, Michael J; Jones, Kathryn; Valenzuela, Jesus G; Kamhawi, Shaden; Ortega, Jaime; de Leon Rosales, Samuel Ponce; Lee, Bruce Y; Bacon, Kristina M; Fleischer, Bernhard; Slingsby, B T; Cravioto, Miguel Betancourt; Tapia-Conyer, Roberto; Hotez, Peter J


    Chagas disease is a leading cause of heart disease affecting approximately 10 million people in Latin America and elsewhere worldwide. The two major drugs available for the treatment of Chagas disease have limited efficacy in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected adults with indeterminate (patients who have seroconverted but do not yet show signs or symptoms) and determinate (patients who have both seroconverted and have clinical disease) status; they require prolonged treatment courses and are poorly tolerated and expensive. As an alternative to chemotherapy, an injectable therapeutic Chagas disease vaccine is under development to prevent or delay Chagasic cardiomyopathy in patients with indeterminate or determinate status. The bivalent vaccine will be comprised of two recombinant T. cruzi antigens, Tc24 and TSA-1, formulated on alum together with the Toll-like receptor 4 agonist, E6020. Proof-of-concept for the efficacy of these antigens was obtained in preclinical testing at the Autonomous University of Yucatan. Here the authors discuss the potential for a therapeutic Chagas vaccine as well as the progress made towards such a vaccine, and the authors articulate a roadmap for the development of the vaccine as planned by the nonprofit Sabin Vaccine Institute Product Development Partnership and Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development in collaboration with an international consortium of academic and industrial partners in Mexico, Germany, Japan, and the USA.

  14. Usefulness of FC-TRIPLEX Chagas/Leish IgG1 as confirmatory assay for non-negative results in blood bank screening of Chagas disease. (United States)

    Campos, Fernanda Magalhães Freire; Repoles, Laura Cotta; de Araújo, Fernanda Fortes; Peruhype-Magalhães, Vanessa; Xavier, Marcelo Antônio Pascoal; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira; de Freitas Carneiro Proietti, Anna Bárbara; Andrade, Mariléia Chaves; Teixeira-Carvalho, Andréa; Martins-Filho, Olindo Assis; Gontijo, Célia Maria Ferreira


    A relevant issue in Chagas disease serological diagnosis regards the requirement of using several confirmatory methods to elucidate the status of non-negative results from blood bank screening. The development of a single reliable method may potentially contribute to distinguish true and false positive results. Our aim was to evaluate the performance of the multiplexed flow-cytometry anti-T. cruzi/Leishmania IgG1 serology/(FC-TRIPLEX Chagas/Leish IgG1) with three conventional confirmatory criteria (ELISA-EIA, Immunofluorescence assay-IIF and EIA/IIF consensus criterion) to define the final status of samples with actual/previous non-negative results during anti-T. cruzi ELISA-screening in blood banks. Apart from inconclusive results, the FC-TRIPLEX presented a weak agreement index with EIA, while a strong agreement was observed when either IIF or EIA/IIF consensus criteria were applied. Discriminant analysis and Spearman's correlation further corroborates the agreement scores. ROC curve analysis showed that FC-TRIPLEX performance indexes were higher when IIF and EIA/IIF consensus were used as a confirmatory criterion. Logistic regression analysis further demonstrated that the probability of FC-TRIPLEX to yield positive results was higher for inconclusive results from IIF and EIA/IIF consensus. Machine learning tools illustrated the high level of categorical agreement between FC-TRIPLEX versus IIF or EIA/IIF consensus. Together, these findings demonstrated the usefulness of FC-TRIPLEX as a tool to elucidate the status of non-negative results in blood bank screening of Chagas disease. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. [Knowledge of vector-borne diseases (dengue, rickettsiosis and Chagas disease) in physicians]. (United States)

    Lugo-Caballero, César I; Dzul-Rosado, Karla; Dzul-Tut, Irving; Balam-May, Ángel; Zavala-Castro, Jorge


    The ecological conditions of Yucatan made it a suitable region for the acquisition of vector-borne diseases such as dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. As the epidemiological burden of these diseases shows an alarming increase of severe cases, the early establishment of diagnosis and therapeutics by first-contact physicians is a critical step that is not being fulfilled due to several reasons, including poor knowledge. To determine the level of knowledge related to dengue, Chagas disease, and rickettsiosis among rural first-contact physicians of Yucatan. A survey was applied to 90 first-contact physicians from rural clinics of Yucatan, which included 32 items related to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dengue, rickettsiosis, and Chagas disease. Answers were analyzed by central tendency statistics. Differences were observed among every category, however; diagnosis and therapeutics showed the lower values. Globally, 62.5% of respondents showed moderate knowledge, 37.5% poor knowledge, and 0% adequate knowledge. Results suggest that a strong campaign for a continuous diffusion of knowledge regarding these diseases is needed. In regions with high prevalence of these kinds of diseases, like Yucatan, the impact of these results on the epidemiological burden of these diseases must be evaluated.

  16. Integrating an infectious disease programme into the primary health care service: a retrospective analysis of Chagas disease community-based surveillance in Honduras. (United States)

    Hashimoto, Ken; Zúniga, Concepción; Nakamura, Jiro; Hanada, Kyo


    Integration of disease-specific programmes into the primary health care (PHC) service has been attempted mostly in clinically oriented disease control such as HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis but rarely in vector control. Chagas disease is controlled principally by interventions against the triatomine vector. In Honduras, after successful reduction of household infestation by vertical approach, the Ministry of Health implemented community-based vector surveillance at the PHC services (health centres) to prevent the resurgence of infection. This paper retrospectively analyses the effects and process of integrating a Chagas disease vector surveillance system into health centres. We evaluated the effects of integration at six pilot sites in western Honduras during 2008-2011 on; surveillance performance; knowledge, attitude and practice in schoolchildren; reports of triatomine bug infestation and institutional response; and seroprevalence among children under 15 years of age. The process of integration of the surveillance system was analysed using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model for health programme planning. The model was employed to systematically determine influential and interactive factors which facilitated the integration process at different levels of the Ministry of Health and the community. Overall surveillance performance improved from 46 to 84 on a 100 point-scale. Schoolchildren's attitude (risk awareness) score significantly increased from 77 to 83 points. Seroprevalence declined from 3.4% to 0.4%. Health centres responded to the community bug reports by insecticide spraying. As key factors, the health centres had potential management capacity and influence over the inhabitants' behaviours and living environment directly and through community health volunteers. The National Chagas Programme played an essential role in facilitating changes with adequate distribution of responsibilities, participatory modelling, training and, evaluation and advocacy. We found that Chagas

  17. La enfermedad de Chagas en la zona central de Honduras: conocimientos, creencias y prácticas

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    Gustavo Ávila Montes


    Full Text Available En el período de noviembre a diciembre de 1991 y en marzo de 1993 se realizó una encuesta en 17 comunidades rurales de la parte central de Honduras. Las comunidades correspondían a dos zonas en las que la enfermedad de Chagas es endémica. En una de las zonas habían tenido lugar actividades de control de la enfermedad. Fueron entrevistados 849 adultos, uno en cada uno de otros tantos hogares familiares. El objetivo de la encuesta fue investigar y comparar en ambas zonas los conocimientos sobre la enfermedad de Chagas y sus mecanismos de transmisión, las prácticas para evitar la presencia de triatómidos en las viviendas, las creencias acerca de los triatómidos y su control, y las fuentes a partir de las cuales la población obtiene información sobre la enfermedad. Se utilizó un cuestionario de 23 preguntas validado y precodificado. Casi 100% de los entrevistados pudieron reconocer el vector y conocían sus hábitos, pero solo 30,1% sabían que el Triatoma es vector transmisor de la enfermedad y apenas 6% pudieron mencionar su relación con una afección cardíaca crónica. El 47,9% de los entrevistados indicó que la responsabilidad de eliminar los triatómidos de la vivienda es personal, aunque 78% consideraron como medida de control la aplicación institucional de insecticidas. El contacto personal entre el funcionario institucional y los miembros de la comunidad fue la principal fuente de información entre los que mencionaron haber oído de la enfermedad de Chagas (41,0%. Los resultados sugieren que al planificar medidas de control se debe incluir el componente de educación sanitaria. Ha de ponerse énfasis en el papel que desempeñan los triatómidos en la transmisión, así como en la importancia de mejorar la vivienda como medida eficaz y sostenible mediante la participación de la comunidad. Este componente deberá ser desarrollado por canales de comunicación interpersonales para obtener un mayor impacto.

  18. Epilepsia e doença de chagas cronica

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    Edymar Jardim


    Full Text Available A síndrome epiléptica em chagásicos crônicos, foi referida raramente na literatura especializazda, não tendo sido feito até o momento, um estudo detalhado das suas manifestações. Partindo-se da premissa de que a moléstia de Chagas tem por substrato anatômico uma destruição neuronal, procurou-se comparar dois grupos de epilépticos, um dos quais com moléstia de Chagas crônica. Foram estudados 167 pacientes epilépticos, dos quais 44 eram comprovadamente chagásicos. O estudo permitiu coletar dados referentes à procedência dos pacientes, resultado soro-lógico, sexo, idade, época de incidência das manifestações epilépticas, elementos dos exames neurológicos, do líquido cefalorraqueano, eletrencefalográfico e os resultados da terapêutica anticonvulsivante. Como resultados principais destacamos o início tardio da epilepsia nos chagásicos, e o predomínio acentuado das crises parciais com sintomatologia elementar de tipo autonômico. O exame neurológico e o do líquido cefalorraqueano, apesar de apresentarem percentualmente nos seus resultados, taxas moderadamente mais elevadas na incidência de alterações, não caracterizaram síndromes neurológicas bem definidas. O exame eletrencefalográfico, revelou alterações sugestivas de comprometimento orgânico cerebral difuso. A terapêutica anticonvulsivante, baseada na utilização de hidantoinatos, barbitúricos, primidona e benzodiazepínicos, mostrou que o controle das crises foi mais difícil nos chagásicos, exigindo maiores quantidades de medicação, com resultados menos satisfatórios.

  19. Impact of Helminth Infection on the Clinical and Microbiological Presentation of Chagas Diseases in Chronically Infected Patients.

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    Fernando Salvador


    Full Text Available Helminth infections are highly prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries, coexisting in Chagas disease endemic areas. Helminth infections in humans may modulate the host immune system, changing the Th1/Th2 polarization. This immunological disturbance could modify the immune response to other infections. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between clinical, microbiological and epidemiological characteristics of Chagas disease patients, with the presence of helminth infection.A prospective observational study was conducted at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain. Inclusion criteria were: age over 18 years, diagnosis of Chagas disease, and not having received specific treatment for Chagas disease previously to the inclusion. The study protocol included Chagas disease assessment (cardiac and digestive evaluation, detection of T. cruzi DNA measured by PCR in peripheral blood, and helminth infection diagnosis (detection of IgG anti-Strongyloides stercoralis by ELISA, microscopic examination of stool samples from three different days, and specific faecal culture for S. stercoralis larvae.Overall, 65 patients were included, median age was 38 years, 75.4% were women and most of them came from Bolivia. Cardiac and digestive involvement was present in 18.5% and 27.7% of patients respectively. T. cruzi PCR was positive in 28 (43.1% patients. Helminth infection was diagnosed in 12 (18.5% patients. No differences were observed in clinical and epidemiological characteristics between patients with and without helminth infection. Nevertheless, the proportion of patients with positive T. cruzi PCR was higher among patients with helminth infection compared with patients without helminth infection (75% vs 35.8%, p = 0.021.We observed a high prevalence of S. stercoralis infection among chronic Chagas disease patients attended in our tropical medicine unit. Strongyloidiasis was associated with significantly higher proportion of

  20. Potential for entomopathogenic fungi to control Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae, a vector of Chagas disease in Mexico

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    María Guadalupe Vázquez-Martínez


    Full Text Available Introduction The use of entomopathogenic fungi to control disease vectors has become relevant because traditional chemical control methods have caused damage to the environment and led to the development of resistance among vectors. Thus, this study assessed the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi in Triatoma dimidiata. Methods Preparations of 108 conidia/ml of Gliocladium virens, Talaromyces flavus, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were applied topically on T. dimidiata nymphs and adults. Controls were treated with the 0.0001% Tween-80 vehicle. Mortality was evaluated and recorded daily for 30 days. The concentration required to kill 50% of T. dimidiata (LC50 was then calculated for the most pathogenic isolate. Results Pathogenicity in adults was similar among B. bassiana, G. virens and T. flavus (p>0.05 and differed from that in triatomine nymphs (p=0.009. The most entomopathogenic strains in adult triatomines were B. bassiana and G. virens, which both caused 100% mortality. In nymphs, the most entomopathogenic strain was B. bassiana, followed by G. virens. The native strain with the highest pathogenicity was G. virens, for which the LC50 for T. dimidiata nymphs was 1.98 x108 conidia/ml at 13 days after inoculation. Conclusions Beauveria bassiana and G. virens showed entomopathogenic potential in T. dimidiata nymphs and adults. However, the native G. virens strain presents a higher probability of success in the field, and G. virens should thus be considered a potential candidate for the biological control of triatomine Chagas disease vectors.

  1. Modeling horizontal gene transfer (HGT in the gut of the Chagas disease vector Rhodnius prolixus

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    Durvasula Ravi V


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Paratransgenesis is an approach to reducing arthropod vector competence using genetically modified symbionts. When applied to control of Chagas disease, the symbiont bacterium Rhodococcus rhodnii, resident in the gut lumen of the triatomine vector Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae, is transformed to export cecropin A, an insect immune peptide. Cecropin A is active against Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease. While proof of concept has been achieved in laboratory studies, a rigorous and comprehensive risk assessment is required prior to consideration of field release. An important part of this assessment involves estimating probability of transgene horizontal transfer to environmental organisms (HGT. This article presents a two-part risk assessment methodology: a theoretical model predicting HGT in the gut of R. prolixus from the genetically transformed symbiont R. rhodnii to a closely related non-target bacterium, Gordona rubropertinctus, in the absence of selection pressure, and a series of laboratory trials designed to test the model. Results The model predicted an HGT frequency of less than 1.14 × 10-16 per 100,000 generations at the 99% certainty level. The model was iterated twenty times, with the mean of the ten highest outputs evaluated at the 99% certainty level. Laboratory trials indicated no horizontal gene transfer, supporting the conclusions of the model. Conclusions The model treats HGT as a composite event, the probability of which is determined by the joint probability of three independent events: gene transfer through the modalities of transformation, transduction, and conjugation. Genes are represented in matrices and Monte Carlo method and Markov chain analysis are used to simulate and evaluate environmental conditions. The model is intended as a risk assessment instrument and predicts HGT frequency of less than 1.14 × 10-16 per 100,000 generations. With laboratory studies that

  2. Next-generation ELISA diagnostic assay for Chagas Disease based on the combination of short peptidic epitopes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mucci, Juan; Carmona, Santiago J.; Volcovich, Romina


    Chagas Disease, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major health and economic problem in Latin America for which no vaccine or appropriate drugs for large-scale public health interventions are yet available. Accurate diagnosis is essential for the early identification and follow up....... cruzi linear B-cell epitopes using high-density peptide chips, leading to the identification of several hundred novel sequence signatures associated to chronic Chagas Disease. Here, we performed a serological assessment of 27 selected epitopes and of their use in a novel multipeptide-based diagnostic...... method. A combination of 7 of these peptides were finally evaluated in ELISA format against a panel of 199 sera samples (Chagas-positive and negative, including sera from Leishmaniasis-positive subjects). The multipeptide formulation displayed a high diagnostic performance, with a sensitivity of 96...

  3. Transmissão oral da doença de Chagas pelo consumo de açaí: um desafio para a Vigilância Sanitária / Oral transmission of Chagas disease by consumption of açaí: a challenge for Health Surveillance

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    Renata Trotta Barroso Ferreira


    Full Text Available Até o ano de 2004, a ocorrência de doença de Chagas aguda (DCA por transmissão oral, relacionada ao consumo de alimentos, constituía um evento pouco conhecido ou investigado. Atualmente tornou-se frequente na região amazônica e está relacionada à ocorrência de surtos recentes em diversos estados brasileiros. Os casos recentes notificados no Brasil de DCA estão relacionados ao consumo do suco de açaí, considerado um alimento essencial na dieta da população da Região Norte e muito apreciado nos demais estados brasileiros e em outros países. O objetivo deste trabalho foi destacar os novos desafios a serem enfrentados pelos órgãos de saúde pública na prevenção da transmissão da doença de Chagas pelo consumo de açaí. Apesar de existirem importantes estratégias sendo implementadas pelo Brasil no combate à doença de Chagas transmitida via alimento, ainda há a necessidade de incentivos à pesquisa para que conhecimentos gerados auxiliem na compreensão da transmissão oral e sua melhor interpretação epidemiológica, de prevenção e controle. A implementação das Boas Práticas de Higiene, Boas Práticas de Manufatura e a aproximação entre instituições de ciência e os produtores de açaí também poderão contribuir na solução deste problema. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The occurrence of acute Chagas disease (ACD by oral transmission related to food consumption, untill 2004, was a little known or investigated event. Currently becomes frequent in the Amazon region and is related to the occurrence of recent outbreaks in several states. Recent cases in Brazil of ACD are related to the consumption of acai juice, considered essencial food in the diet of the population in the Northern Region. The acai berry has been appreciated both for its nutritional value, as by its characteristic flavor, ceasing to be consumed in the producing regions, extending

  4. Transmissão oral da doença de Chagas pelo consumo de açaí: um desafio para a Vigilância Sanitária / Oral transmission of Chagas disease by consumption of açaí: a challenge for Health Surveillance

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    Maria Regina Branquinho


    Full Text Available Até o ano de 2004, a ocorrência de doença de Chagas aguda (DCA por transmissão oral, relacionada ao consumo de alimentos, constituía um evento pouco conhecido ou investigado. Atualmente tornou-se frequente na região amazônica e está relacionada à ocorrência de surtos recentes em diversos estados brasileiros. Os casos recentes notificados no Brasil de DCA estão relacionados ao consumo do suco de açaí, considerado um alimento essencial na dieta da população da Região Norte e muito apreciado nos demais estados brasileiros e em outros países. O objetivo deste trabalho foi destacar os novos desafios a serem enfrentados pelos órgãos de saúde pública na prevenção da transmissão da doença de Chagas pelo consumo de açaí. Apesar de existirem importantes estratégias sendo implementadas pelo Brasil no combate à doença de Chagas transmitida via alimento, ainda há a necessidade de incentivos à pesquisa para que conhecimentos gerados auxiliem na compreensão da transmissão oral e sua melhor interpretação epidemiológica, de prevenção e controle. A implementação das Boas Práticas de Higiene, Boas Práticas de Manufatura e a aproximação entre instituições de ciência e os produtores de açaí também poderão contribuir na solução deste problema. ========================================== The occurrence of acute Chagas disease (ACD by oral transmission related to food consumption, untill 2004, was a little known or investigated event. Currently becomes frequent in the Amazon region and is related to the occurrence of recent outbreaks in several states. Recent cases in Brazil of ACD are related to the consumption of acai juice, considered essencial food in the diet of the population in the Northern Region. The acai berry has been appreciated both for its nutritional value, as by its characteristic flavor, ceasing to be consumed in the producing regions, extending throughout the brazilian territory and even exported to

  5. Prevalence of Chagas disease in medical students from 16 Latin American countries attending

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    Miguel A. Serra Valdés


    Full Text Available Introduction: One of the infectious illnesses that have repercussion in Latin America are the Chagas illness. Objective: with the objective of identifying the students with positive serology for the illness of Chagas and describe the characteristics in the same thing with focussing epidemiological carried out to him the present study. Method: It become fulfilled a observational investigation, descriptive and prospectival. It decided the prevalencial in the Latin American students of medicine that resides in the school Salvador Allende in the period understanded between October of the 2009 to January of the 2010 by means of serology, other clinical studieses and examination. They took shelter the variables of the clinical records and of personal interview.. Results: Affected 50 of the Bolivian delegation. The prevalence went of 6.6% of this delegation. Have clinical symptoms. The detected alterations went the ventricular hypertrophy left and the disorders of transportation and of the rhythm for electrocardiogram. It predominated the masculine sex and the rural origin. It found variability in the results of laboratory, being positive in their country and negative in Cuba and vice versa. Single 56% fulfilled the treatment. The adverse reactions went minims. Conclusion: It constitutes a sanitary problem and demands a better diagnosis, control and follow-up.

  6. A doença de Chagas em Minas Gerais: esbôco crítico dos trabalhos publicados até 1951 Chagas' disease in Minas Geraes: a critical sudy of the papers published up to 1951

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    J. Pellegrino


    Full Text Available O grande impulso que têm tornado, nestes últimos anos, as investigações sôbre a doença de Chagas, não sòmente em Minas Gerais, como também em outros Estados do Brasil e países do novo continente atingidos pela endemia; o interêsse cada vez mais crescente por parte dos médicos em geral e a facilidade com que vêm sendo por êles assimiladas as recentes contribuições ao estudo desta entidade mórbida; a importância médico-social e a repercussão econômica que tem sido atribuída à esquizotripanose como fator de letalidade e de incapacidade relativa ou total para o trabalho, depois de conhecidos os resultados de inquéritos clínico-epidemiológicos realizados em zonas infestadas por triatomíneos; a recente adoção, por parte das autoridades responsáveis pela saúde publica, de medidas concretas de contrôle da doença pelo combate aos seus transmissores domiciliares, por meio de inseticidas de ação residual aplicados em larga escala; e, principalmente, a escassez de trabalhos de conjunto e de fácil acesso, com referencias bibliográficas adequadas e extensas, que facilitassem aos não especializados no assunto, o conhecimento e a consulta das investigações já realizadas sôbre êste importante problema de medicina tropical; tais são os principais motivos que sugeriram a elaboração de um esbôço crítico do desenvolvimento dos trabalhos até agora publicados sôbre a esquizotripanose em Minas Gerais. De fato, foi aí descoberta a nova entidade mórbida do homem, foram aí estudados e esclarecidos problemas relativos à etiologia, epidemiologia, aspectos clínicos e anatomo-patológicos da esquizotripanose, foram aí realizadas investigações experimentais e desenvolvidos métodos de profilaxia, constituindo, em conjunto, os trabalhos realizados sôbre a esquizotripanose em Minas Gerais, fundamentados nos alicerces sólidos legados pelo seu grande descobridor, uma obra verdadeiramente monumental, que tanto orgulha e

  7. Transmissão da doença de Chagas por transplante renal: ocorrência da forma aguda da doença em dois receptores de um mesmo doador Transmission of Chagas' disease through transplantede kidney: occurrence of the acute form of the disease in two recipients from the same donor

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    A.S. Ferraz


    Full Text Available São apresentados dois casos de doença de Chagas aguda, adquiridos através de transplante de rins originários de um mesmo doador. O presente relato confirma a transmissão da doença de Chagas a partir do transplante renal e reforça a necessidade de exclusão de doadores renais infectados pelo Trypanosoma cruzi.Two cases of acute Chagas' disease acquired after renal transplantation are reported. The two patients received the kidney from the same donor. The present paper confirms this form of transmission of Chagas' disease and reinforces the need to exclude kidney donors with Trypanosoma cruzi infection.


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    Iván Darío BRAVO-TOBAR


    Full Text Available SUMMARY Chagas disease is a public health problem worldwide. The availability of diagnostic tools to predict the development of chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy is crucial to reduce morbidity and mortality. Here we analyze the prognostic value of adenosine deaminase serum activity (ADA and C-reactive protein serum levels (CRP in chagasic individuals. One hundred and ten individuals, 28 healthy and 82 chagasic patients were divided according to disease severity in phase I (n = 35, II (n = 29, and III (n = 18. A complete medical history, 12-lead electrocardiogram, chest X-ray, and M-mode echocardiogram were performed on each individual. Diagnosis of Chagas disease was confirmed by ELISA and MABA using recombinant antigens; ADA was determined spectrophotometrically and CRP by ELISA. The results have shown that CRP and ADA increased linearly in relation to disease phase, CRP being significantly higher in phase III and ADA at all phases. Also, CRP and ADA were positively correlated with echocardiographic parameters of cardiac remodeling and with electrocardiographic abnormalities, and negatively with ejection fraction. CRP and ADA were higher in patients with cardiothoracic index ≥ 50%, while ADA was higher in patients with ventricular repolarization disturbances. Finally, CRP was positively correlated with ADA. In conclusion, ADA and CRP are prognostic markers of cardiac dysfunction and remodeling in Chagas disease.

  9. Inhibition of Autoimmune Chagas-Like Heart Disease by Bone Marrow Transplantation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Guimaro, M.C.; Alves, R. J. V.; Rose, E.; Sousa, A.O.; Rosa, A.D.; Hecht, M.M.; Sousa, M.V.; Andrade, R.R.; Vital, T.; Plachý, Jiří; Nitz, N.; Hejnar, Jiří; Gomes, C.C.; Teixeira, A.R.L.


    Roč. 8, č. 12 (2014) ISSN 1935-2735 Institutional support: RVO:68378050 Keywords : Chagas disease * inbred chicken * adoptive transfer of immunity Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 4.446, year: 2014

  10. Chagas' disease: an algorithm for donor screening and positive donor counseling

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    Nelson Hamerschlak


    Full Text Available Classical serological screening assays for Chagas' disease are time consuming and subjective. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the enzyme immuno-assay (ELISA methodology and to propose an algorithm for blood banks to be applied to Chagas' disease. Seven thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine blood donor samples were screened by both reverse passive hemagglutination (RPHA and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA. Samples reactive on RPHA and/or IFA were submitted to supplementary RPHA, IFA and complement fixation (CFA tests. This strategy allowed us to create a panel of 60 samples to evaluate the ELISA methodology from 3 different manufacturers. The sensitivity of the screening by IFA and the 3 different ELISA's was 100%. The specificity was better on ELISA methodology. For Chagas disease, ELISA seems to be the best test for blood donor screening, because it showed high sensitivity and specificity, it is not subjective and can be automated. Therefore, it was possible to propose an algorithm to screen samples and confirm donor results at the blood bank.Os testes sorológicos clássicos utilizados na triagem de doadores de sangue são trabalhosos e subjetivos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é o de avaliar a metodologia imuno-enzimática (ELISA e propor um algorítmo para doença de Chagas em bancos de sangue. Foram estudados 7999 doadores de sangue e/ou componentes cujas amostras foram testadas com o objetivo de tria-las sorologicamente para doença de Chagas utilizando hemaglutinação passiva reversa (RPHA e imunofluorescência indireta (IFA. As amostras reativas em pelo menos uma destas metodologias, foram retestadas com reativos diferentes por RPHA, IFA e fixação de complemento (CFA. Esta estratégia nos permitiu criar um painel de 60 amostras com as quais tornou-se possível a avaliação do método imunoenzimático (ELISA. A sensibilidade da triagem dos doadores pelos métodos ELISA e IFA foi de 100%. A especificidade

  11. Access to benznidazole for Chagas disease in the United States-Cautious optimism?

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    Jonathan D Alpern


    Full Text Available Drugs for neglected tropical diseases (NTD are being excessively priced in the United States. Benznidazole, the first-line drug for Chagas disease, may become approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA and manufactured by a private company in the US, thus placing it at risk of similar pricing. Chagas disease is an NTD caused by Trypanosoma cruzi; it is endemic to Latin America, infecting 8 million individuals. Human migration has changed the epidemiology causing nonendemic countries to face increased challenges in diagnosing and managing patients with Chagas disease. Only 2 drugs exist with proven efficacy: benznidazole and nifurtimox. Benznidazole has historically faced supply problems and drug shortages, limiting accessibility. In the US, it is currently only available under an investigational new drug (IND protocol from the CDC and is provided free of charge to patients. However, 2 companies have stated that they intend to submit a New Drug Application (NDA for FDA approval. Based on recent history of companies acquiring licensing rights for NTD drugs in the US with limited availability, it is likely that benznidazole will become excessively priced by the manufacturer-paradoxically making it less accessible. However, if the companies can be taken at their word, there may be reason for optimism.

  12. Access to benznidazole for Chagas disease in the United States-Cautious optimism? (United States)

    Alpern, Jonathan D; Lopez-Velez, Rogelio; Stauffer, William M


    Drugs for neglected tropical diseases (NTD) are being excessively priced in the United States. Benznidazole, the first-line drug for Chagas disease, may become approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and manufactured by a private company in the US, thus placing it at risk of similar pricing. Chagas disease is an NTD caused by Trypanosoma cruzi; it is endemic to Latin America, infecting 8 million individuals. Human migration has changed the epidemiology causing nonendemic countries to face increased challenges in diagnosing and managing patients with Chagas disease. Only 2 drugs exist with proven efficacy: benznidazole and nifurtimox. Benznidazole has historically faced supply problems and drug shortages, limiting accessibility. In the US, it is currently only available under an investigational new drug (IND) protocol from the CDC and is provided free of charge to patients. However, 2 companies have stated that they intend to submit a New Drug Application (NDA) for FDA approval. Based on recent history of companies acquiring licensing rights for NTD drugs in the US with limited availability, it is likely that benznidazole will become excessively priced by the manufacturer-paradoxically making it less accessible. However, if the companies can be taken at their word, there may be reason for optimism.

  13. Metallothionein-1 and nitric oxide expression are inversely correlated in a murine model of Chagas disease

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    Martha Elba Gonzalez-Mejia


    Full Text Available Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, represents an endemic among Latin America countries. The participation of free radicals, especially nitric oxide (NO, has been demonstrated in the pathophysiology of seropositive individuals with T. cruzi. In Chagas disease, increased NO contributes to the development of cardiomyopathy and megacolon. Metallothioneins (MTs are efficient free radicals scavengers of NO in vitro and in vivo. Here, we developed a murine model of the chronic phase of Chagas disease using endemic T. cruzi RyCH1 in BALB/c mice, which were divided into four groups: infected non-treated (Inf, infected N-monomethyl-L-arginine treated (Inf L-NAME, non-infected L-NAME treated and non-infected vehicle-treated. We determined blood parasitaemia and NO levels, the extent of parasite nests in tissues and liver MT-I expression levels. It was observed that NO levels were increasing in Inf mice in a time-dependent manner. Inf L-NAME mice had fewer T. cruzi nests in cardiac and skeletal muscle with decreased blood NO levels at day 135 post infection. This affect was negatively correlated with an increase of MT-I expression (r = -0.8462, p < 0.0001. In conclusion, we determined that in Chagas disease, an unknown inhibitory mechanism reduces MT-I expression, allowing augmented NO levels.

  14. Mapping of Chagas disease research: analysis of publications in the period between 1940 and 2009 Mapeamento de pesquisa da doença de Chagas: análise da produção de publicações no período entre 1940 e 2009

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    José Manuel Ramos


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Publications are often used as a measure of success in research work. Chagas disease occurs in Central and Southern America. However, during the past years, the disease has been occurring outside Latin America due to migration from endemic zones. This article describes a bibliometric review of the literature on Chagas disease research indexed in PubMed during a 70-year period. METHODS: Medline was used via the PubMed online service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine from 1940 to 2009. The search strategy was: Chagas disease [MeSH] OR Trypanosoma cruzi [MeSH]. RESULTS: A total of 13,989 references were retrieved. The number of publications increased steadily over time from 1,361 (1940-1969 to 5,430 (2000-2009 (coefficient of determination for linear fit, R²=0.910. Eight journals contained 25% of the Chagas disease literature. Of the publications, 64.2% came from endemic countries. Brazil was the predominant country (37%, followed by the United States (17.6% and Argentina (14%. The ranking in production changed when the number of publications was normalized by estimated cases of Chagas disease (Panama and Uruguay, population (Argentina and Uruguay, and gross domestic product (Bolivia and Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: Several Latin American countries, where the prevalence of T. cruzi infection was not very high, were the main producers of the Chagas disease literature, after adjusting for economic and population indexes. The countries with more estimated cases of Chagas disease produced less research on Chagas disease than some developed countries.INTRODUÇÃO: Publicações são frequentemente utilizadas como uma medida de sucesso do trabalho de pesquisa. A doença de Chagas (DCh ocorre na América Central e do Sul. Porém, durante os últimos anos, a doença tem ocorrido fora da América Latina, devido à migração das zonas endêmicas. Este artigo descreve uma análise bibliométrica da literatura sobre as pesquisas da doença de

  15. Discrete typing units of Trypanosoma cruzi detected by real-time PCR in Chilean patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Muñoz-San Martín, Catalina; Zulantay, Inés; Saavedra, Miguel; Fuentealba, Cristián; Muñoz, Gabriela; Apt, Werner


    Chagas disease is a major public health problem in Latin America and has spread to other countries due to immigration of infected persons. 10-30% of patients with chronic Chagas disease will develop cardiomyopathy. Chagas cardiomyopathy is the worst form of the disease, due to its high morbidity and mortality. Because of its prognostic value and adequate medical monitoring, it is very important to identify infected people who could develop Chagas cardiomyopathy. The aim of this study was to determine if discrete typing units (DTUs) of Trypanosoma cruzi are related to the presence of heart disease in patients with chronic Chagas disease. A total of 86 untreated patients, 41 with cardiomyopathy and 45 without heart involvement were submitted to clinical study. Electrocardiograms and echocardiograms were performed on the group of cardiopaths, in which all important known causes of cardiomyopathy were discarded. Sinus bradycardia and prolonged QTc interval were the most frequent electrocardiographic alterations and patients were classified in group I (46%) and group II (54%) of New York Hearth Association. In all cases real-time PCR genotyping assays were performed. In the group with cardiomyopathy, the most frequent DTU was TcI (56.1%), followed by TcII (19.5%). Mixed infections TcI + TcII were observed in 7.3% of the patients. In the group without cardiac pathologies, TcI and TcII were found at similar rates (28.9 and 31.1%, respectively) and mixed infections TcI + TcII in 17.8% of the cases. TcIII and TcIV were not detected in any sample. Taken together, our data indicate that chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy in Chile can be caused by strains belonging to TcI and TcII. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Chagas disease: what is known and what is needed - A background article

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    José Rodrigues Coura


    Full Text Available Chagas disease began millions of years ago as an enzootic disease of wild animals and started to be transmitted to man accidentally in the form of an anthropozoonosis when man invaded wild ecotopes. Endemic Chagas disease became established as a zoonosis over the last 200-300 years through forest clearance for agriculture and livestock rearing and adaptation of triatomines to domestic environments and to man and domestic animals as a food source. It is estimated that 15 to 16 million people are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi in Latin America and 75 to 90 million people are exposed to infection. When T. cruzi is transmitted to man through the feces of triatomines, at bite sites or in mucosa, through blood transfusion or orally through contaminated food, it invades the bloodstream and lymphatic system and becomes established in the muscle and cardiac tissue, the digestive system and phagocytic cells. This causes inflammatory lesions and immune responses, particularly mediated by CD4+, CD8+, interleukin-2 (IL and IL-4, with cell and neuron destruction and fibrosis, and leads to blockage of the cardiac conduction system, arrhythmia, cardiac insufficiency, aperistalsis, and dilatation of hollow viscera, particularly the esophagus and colon. T. cruzi may also be transmitted from mother to child across the placenta and through the birth canal, thus causing abortion, prematurity, and organic lesions in the fetus. In immunosuppressed individuals, T. cruzi infection may become reactivated such that it spreads as a severe disease causing diffuse myocarditis and lesions of the central nervous system. Chagas disease is characterized by an acute phase with or without symptoms, and with entry point signs (inoculation chagoma or Romaña's sign, fever, adenomegaly, hepatosplenomegaly, and evident parasitemia, and an indeterminate chronic phase (asymptomatic, with normal results from electrocardiogram and x-ray of the heart, esophagus, and colon or with a

  17. Further genetic characterization of the two Trypanosoma cruzi Berenice strains (Be-62 and Be-78) isolated from the first human case of Chagas disease (Chagas, 1909). (United States)

    Cruz, R E; Macedo, A M; Barnabé, C; Freitas, J M; Chiari, E; Veloso, V M; Carneiro, C M; Bahia, M T; Tafuri, Washington L; Lana, M


    We describe here an extension of a previous genetic characterization of Trypanosoma cruzi strains (Be-62 and Be-78) isolated from the patient Berenice, the first human case of Chagas disease [Chagas, C., 1909. Nova Tripanomíase humana. Estudos sobre morfologia e o ciclo evolutivo do Schizotrypanum cruzi, n. gen., n. sp., agente etiolójico da nova entidade morbida do homem. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 1, 159-218]. We wanted to verify the composition of T. cruzi populations originated from these two isolates. In the present work, 22 enzymatic loci (MLEE), nine RAPD primers and 7 microsatellite loci were analyzed. Clones from both strains were also characterized to verify whether these strains are mono or polyclonal. Be-62 and Be-78 strains were different in 3 out of 22 enzymatic systems, in 3 out of 9 RAPD primers tested and in all microsatellite loci investigated. However, our data suggests that both strains are phylogenetically closely related, belonging to genetic group 32 from Tibayrenc and Ayala [Tibayrenc, M., Ayala, F.J., 1988. Isoenzime variability in Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease: genetical, taxonomical, and epidemiological significance. Evolution 42, 277-292], equivalent to zymodeme 2 and T. cruzi II major lineage which, in Brazil, comprises parasites from the domestic cycle of the disease. Microsatellite analyses showed differences between the parental strains but suggested that both populations are monoclonal since each strain and their respective clones showed the same amplification products.

  18. Implementación del control interno en la gestión institucional del Cuerpo General de Bomberos Voluntarios del Perú


    Barbarán Barragán, Gloria María


    La importancia del presente trabajo de investigación es una de las principales herramientas para dar a conocer el Control Interno basado en el Informe del comité de organizaciones patrocinadoras de la comisión de Treadway (committe of sponsoring organizations of the treadway commission), (COSO-ERM) Enterprise risk management (la gestión del riesgo) en una entidad gubernamental. Los controles internos fomentan la eficiencia, eficacia y economía de los recursos, reducen el riesgo de pérdida de ...

  19. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chagas Disease in Pregnant Women in Casanare, Colombia (United States)

    Cucunubá, Zulma M.; Flórez, Astrid C.; Cárdenas, Ángela; Pavía, Paula; Montilla, Marleny; Aldana, Rodrigo; Villamizar, Katherine; Ríos, Lyda C.; Nicholls, Rubén S.; Puerta, Concepción J.


    Knowledge of the prevalence and risk factors associated with maternal infection is the first step to develop a surveillance system for congenital transmission of Chagas disease. We conducted a cross-sectional study in Casanare, a disease-endemic area in Colombia. A total of 982 patients were enrolled in the study. A global prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection of 4.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.8–5.3%) was found. Multivariate analysis showed that the most important risk-associated factors were age > 29 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 3.4, 95% CI = 0.9–12.4), rural residency (aOR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.0–4.6), low education level (aOR = 10.2, 95% CI = 1.6–82.7), and previous knowledge of the vector (aOR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.0–4.9). Relatives and siblings of infected mothers showed a prevalence of 9.3%. These findings may help physicians to investigate congenital cases, screen Chagas disease in siblings and relatives, and provide early treatment to prevent the chronic complications of Chagas disease. PMID:23033397

  20. Triatominae Biochemistry Goes to School: Evaluation of a Novel Tool for Teaching Basic Biochemical Concepts of Chagas Disease Vectors (United States)

    Cunha, Leonardo Rodrigues; de Oliveria Cudischevitch, Cecília; Carneiro, Alan Brito; Macedo, Gustavo Bartholomeu; Lannes, Denise; da Silva-Neto, Mário Alberto Cardoso


    We evaluate a new approach to teaching the basic biochemistry mechanisms that regulate the biology of Triatominae, major vectors of "Trypanosoma cruzi," the causative agent of Chagas disease. We have designed and used a comic book, "Carlos Chagas: 100 years after a hero's discovery" containing scientific information obtained by…

  1. Apuntes antropológicos para el estudio del control social


    Pablo Quintero


    La cuestión delcontrol social” ha sido abordada ampliamente por las ciencias sociales desde principios del siglo XX; comúnmente estos abordajes se han realizado desde una perspectiva sociológica que trata esta cuestión sólo a lo interno de una sociedad determinada. Partiendo del concepto de sociabilidad este articulo pretende generar una aproximación teórica al estudio delcontrol social” desde una perspectiva antropológica que dé cuenta de la amplia gama de posibilidades que genera su est...

  2. La modificacion del biotopo perihabitacional en la profilaxis de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Miguel Eduardo Jörg


    Full Text Available La modification del biotopo perihabitacional consiste en crear alrededor de la vivienda humana, rural, selvática o suburbuna, un espado perimetral limpio, totalmente libre de malezas y chaparral, despojado de nidos, madrigueras o refúgios de animales silvestres y de habitáculos de animales domésticos; de suficiente magnitud para evitar que tras desinsectación, queden focos peridomiciliarios de proliferation de triatomineos, vectores del Trypanosoma cruzi, focos inmediatos y habituales de reinfestación domiciliaria por estos redúvidos hematófagos. Los trabajos de rociado entomicida y aún el mejoramiento de la vivienda se reducen extremadamente si no son complementadas con la modificación del biotopo perihabitacional. Se expone una experiencia piloto sobre un barrio de la ciudad Villa Carlos Paz, provinda Córdoba, Argentina, que en 2 anos de aplicación permitió verificar la desaparición de vinchucas en un area de baja desindad de vectores y hospedadores.

  3. Chagas' disease: IgG isotypes against cytoplasmic (CRA) and flagellar (FRA) recombinant repetitive antigens of Trypanosoma cruzi in chronic Chagasic patients. (United States)

    Verçosa, A F A; Lorena, V M B; Carvalho, C L; Melo, M F A D; Cavalcanti, M G A; Silva, E D; Ferreira, A G P; Pereira, V R A; Souza, W V; Gomes, Y M


    The wide range of clinical Chagas' disease manifestations, of which heart involvement is the most significant, because of its characteristics, frequency and consequences, and lack of treatment and cure, justify research in this area. Specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody subclasses have been associated with human Chagas' disease. Thus, in this study, the profile of IgG subclasses against cytoplasmic (CRA) and flagellar (FRA) recombinant repetitive T. cruzi-specific antigens was correlated with cardiac (CARD, n=33), cardiodigestive (CD, n=7), and indeterminate (IND, n=20) forms of Chagas' disease by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). IgG subclasses were detected in almost all Chagas patients studied. Nevertheless, only specific IgG2 isotype FRA was found with a significant statistical difference in CARD patients when compared to IND patients. This result suggests the potential use of this isotype for prognostic purposes, for monitoring the progression of chronic Chagas' disease, and for predicting the risk of CARD damage. This is important information, as it could help physicians to evaluate and manage the treatment of their patients. However, a follow-up study is necessary to confirm our result. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  4. Avaliação eletromanométrica do esfíncter superior do esôfago em portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas Manometric evaluation of upper esophageal sphincter in patients with indeterminate form of Chagas' disease

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    Eduardo Crema


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar as alterações do esfíncter superior esofágico pela eletromanometria em 37 pacientes portadores da forma clínica indeterminada da doença de Chagas. Foram encontrados 18 (48,6% pacientes portadores de ondas sincrônicas. A média das pressões máximas do esfíncter foi significativamente maior entre os portadores de ondas sincrônicas. Assim, alguns indivíduos portadores da forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas possuem alterações funcionais caracterizadas pelo aumento da pressão do esfíncter superior do esôfago, que podem ser detectadas à eletromanometria.The objective was to study the disorders of upper esophageal sphincter in 37 patients with indeterminate clinical form of Chagas' disease. Eighty (48.6% patients with synchronic waves were found. The average maximum pressure value of the upper esophageal sphincter was significantly higher in the synchronic group. Subjects with indeterminate clinical form of Chagas' disease may have functional disorders demonstrated by an increase in the pressure of the upper esophageal sphincter.

  5. Tendência da mortalidade relacionada à doença de Chagas, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 1985 a 2006: estudo usando causas múltiplas de morte Chagas disease-related mortality trends, state of São Paulo, Brazil, 1985 to 2006: a study using multiple causes of death

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    Augusto Hasiak Santo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar a tendência da mortalidade relacionada à doença de Chagas informada em qualquer linha ou parte do atestado médico da declaração de óbito. MÉTODOS: Os dados provieram dos bancos de causas múltiplas de morte da Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados de São Paulo (SEADE entre 1985 e 2006. As causas de morte foram caracterizadas como básicas, associadas (não-básicas e total de suas menções. RESULTADOS: No período de 22 anos, ocorreram 40 002 óbitos relacionados à doença de Chagas, dos quais 34 917 (87,29% como causa básica e 5 085 (12,71% como causa associada. Foi observado um declínio de 56,07% do coeficiente de mortalidade pela causa básica e estabilidade pela causa associada. O número de óbitos foi 44,5% maior entre os homens em relação às mulheres. O fato de 83,5% dos óbitos terem ocorrido a partir dos 45 anos de idade revela um efeito de coorte. As principais causas associadas da doença de Chagas como causa básica foram as complicações diretas do comprometimento cardíaco, como transtornos da condução, arritmias e insuficiência cardíaca. Para a doença de Chagas como causa associada, foram identificadas como causas básicas as doenças isquêmicas do coração, as doenças cerebrovasculares e as neoplasias. CONCLUSÕES: Para o total de suas menções, verificou-se uma queda do coeficiente de mortalidade de 51,34%, ao passo que a queda no número de óbitos foi de apenas 5,91%, tendo sido menor entre as mulheres, com um deslocamento das mortes para as idades mais avançadas. A metodologia das causas múltiplas de morte contribuiu para ampliar o conhecimento da história natural da doença de Chagas.OBJECTIVES: To study mortality trends related to Chagas disease taking into account all mentions of this cause listed on any line or part of the death certificate. METHODS: Mortality data for 1985-2006 were obtained from the multiple cause-of-death database maintained by the São Paulo

  6. Perfil sorológico para doença de Chagas dos doadores de sangue do Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba Serological profile concerning Chagas' disease of blood donors at Uberaba Blood Center

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    Helio Moraes-Souza


    Full Text Available Atualmente, um dos maiores problemas na triagem sorológica de doadores de sangue para doença de Chagas é a alta freqüência de reações indeterminadas, o que faz com que muitos indivíduos sadios sejam rotulados como portadores de uma doença grave. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o comportamento sorológico para doença de Chagas dos doadores do Hemocentro Regional de Uberaba, MG e propor mecanismos para reduzir o índice de inaptidão sorológica para essa doença. Através de estudo retrospectivo, foi analisado o resultado sorológico de 79.729 amostras obtidas de doações de sangue realizadas neste Serviço entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2004. Os resultados foram analisados quanto às variáveis: tipo de doador (novo e de retorno, gênero e idade (inferior ou igual a 30 anos e superior a 30 anos. Para a análise estatística foram realizados os testes do Qui-Quadrado e de comparação de proporções (Z. A ocorrência de doações com sorologia não negativa para doença de Chagas entre doadores novos foi significativamente superior aos de retorno, com pCurrently one of the major problems in the serological selection of blood donors in respect to Chagas' disease is the high incidence of indeterminate reactions, making a large number of healthy individuals incorrectly diagnosed as seriously ill. This paper aims at evaluating the serological pattern of Chagas' disease of donors of the Uberaba Blood Center and also to propose mechanisms to reduce the rate of serological ineligibility due to suspicion of this disease. A retrospective study of the serological results of 79,729 samples of blood was carried out between January 2000 and December 2004. The results were analyzed according to the following variables: type of donor (first-time and multiple, gender and age (less than or equal to 30 or more than 30 years old. The statistical analysis was made using the chi-square test and a comparison of proportions (Z

  7. Synthetic Medicinal Chemistry in Chagas' Disease: Compounds at The Final Stage of "Hit-To-Lead" Phase. (United States)

    Cerecetto, Hugo; González, Mercedes


    Chagas' disease, or American trypanosomosiasis, has been the most relevant illness produced by protozoa in Latin America. Synthetic medicinal chemistry efforts have provided an extensive number of chemodiverse hits at the "active-to-hit" stage. However, only a more limited number of these have been studied in vivo in models of Chagas' disease. Herein, we survey some of the cantidates able to surpass the "hit-to-lead" stage discussing their limitations or merit to enter in clinical trials in the short term.

  8. The current screening programme for congenital transmission of Chagas disease in Catalonia, Spain. (United States)

    Basile, L; Oliveira, I; Ciruela, P; Plasencia, A


    Due to considerable numbers of migrants from Chagas disease-endemic countries living in Catalonia, the Catalonian Health Department has recently implemented a screening programme for preventing congenital transmission, targeting Latin American pregnant women who attend antenatal consultations. Diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in women is based on two positive serological tests. Screening of newborns from mothers with positive serology is based on a parasitological test during the first 48 hours of life and/or conventional serological analysis at the age of nine months. If either of these tests is positive, treatment with benznidazole is started following the World Health Organization's recommendations. The epidemiological surveillance of the programme is based on the Microbiological Reporting System of Catalonia, a well established network of laboratories. Once a positive case is reported, the responsible physician is asked to complete a structured epidemiological questionnaire. Clinical and demographic data are registered in the Voluntary Case Registry of Chagas Disease, a database administered by the Catalonian Health Department. It is expected that this programme will improve the understanding of the real burden of Chagas disease in the region. Furthermore, this initiative could encourage the implementation of similar programmes in other regions of Spain and even in other European countries.

  9. Chagas disease: modulation of the inflammatory response by acetylcholinesterase in hematological cells and brain tissue. (United States)

    Silva, Aniélen D; Bottari, Nathieli B; do Carmo, Guilherme M; Baldissera, Matheus D; Souza, Carine F; Machado, Vanessa S; Morsch, Vera M; Schetinger, Maria Rosa C; Mendes, Ricardo E; Monteiro, Silvia G; Da Silva, Aleksandro S


    Chagas disease is an acute or chronic illness that causes severe inflammatory response, and consequently, it may activate the inflammatory cholinergic pathway, which is regulated by cholinesterases, including the acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme is responsible for the regulation of acetylcholine levels, an anti-inflammatory molecule linked to the inflammatory response during parasitic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate whether Trypanosoma cruzi infection can alter the activity of acetylcholinesterase and acetylcholine levels in mice, and whether these alterations are linked to the inflammatory cholinergic signaling pathway. Twenty-four mice were divided into two groups: uninfected (control group, n = 12) and infected by T. cruzi, Y strain (n = 12). The animals developed acute disease with a peak of parasitemia on day 7 post-infection (PI). Blood, lymphocytes, and brain were analyzed on days 6 and 12 post-infection. In the brain, acetylcholine and nitric oxide levels, myeloperoxidase activity, and histopathology were analyzed. In total blood and brain, acetylcholinesterase activity decreased at both times. On the other hand, acetylcholinesterase activity in lymphocytes increased on day 6 PI compared with the control group. Infection by T. cruzi increased acetylcholine and nitric oxide levels and histopathological damage in the brain of mice associated to increased myeloperoxidase activity. Therefore, an intense inflammatory response in mice with acute Chagas disease in the central nervous system caused an anti-inflammatory response by the activation of the cholinergic inflammatory pathway.

  10. Assessment and epidemiology of Chagas' disease in patients treated in Araguaina - Tocantins; Avaliacao e epidemiologia da cardiopatia chagasica em pacientes atendidos em Araguaina - Tocantins

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    Correa, Valeria Rita


    Chagas disease (AD) was described by Carlos Chagas in 1909. It is caused by a parasite T. cruzi, transmitted by bugs, by blood transfusion, vertical and orally. The DC has two phases: acute and chronic. The evolution to the cardiac form occurs in about 30% of chronic cases and is the largest cause of mortality in chronic Chagas disease. The aim of this study was to Chagas' disease in patients of Tocantins, compared with other heart patients and asymptomatic from the standpoint of non-invasive exams using radiant energies such as echocardiography and ECG and RX. The descriptive study included 80 patients, 20 chronic form of Chagas disease, 20 indeterminate, 20 with other heart diseases, and 20 controls. There was a prevalence of 9.5% of chagasic patients treated in outpatient cardiology at Araguaina Tocantins, and 7.3% in chronic and 2.21% in the indeterminate. Of the chronic patients in the study 50% had mega esophagus and megacolon 4 (20%). Most patients had no family history of AD, nor was a smoker or drinker. Major electrocardiographic abnormalities found refer to driving. The evaluation of ICT, the chronic chagasic showed that increased by 40% of patients, 40% had esophageal changes and 20% of patients had megacolon s. The echocardiogram was abnormal in 42%). 27% of patients had EF below 55% changed. Changes in segmental contractility and Asynchrony septum were found in 80% of chronic Chagas disease. In 80% of the patients was observed diastolic dysfunction. The valvular changes occurred in 75%. Electrocardiographic abnormalities occurred in 80% of patients with CCC, while the other heart had ECG changes. Arterial hypertension had an incidence of 45% in patients with CCC and 40% in FCI. The systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction was more prevalent in groups that had an abnormal ECG and arrhythmia. Observed that the group of chagasic decreased ejection fraction is correlated to a higher incidence of arrhythmias besides diastolic dysfunction and

  11. Chronic gastritis and Helicobacter pylori in digestive form of Chagas' disease Gastrite crônica e Helicobacter Pylori na forma digestiva da doença de Chagas

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    A. J. A. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Patients with the digestive form of Chagas'disease frequently present chronic gastritis. As the microorganism Helicobacter pylori is now accepted as the most common cause of human chronic gastritis, the present work was undertaken to verify a possible relationship between the presence of this bacterium and inflammatory changes of antral mucosa in chagasic patients. Seventeen chagasics, with megaesophagus and or megacolon were studied. Fragments from two different regions of antral mucosa were obtained by endoscopy, fixed in 4% neutral formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. The sections were stained by haematoxylin and eosin for histology analysis, and by carbolfuchsin for H. pylori identification. H. pylori was found in 16 (94.1% chagasic patients, all of them presenting chronic gastritis. Superficial gastritis was seen in 9 (52.9% while atrophic gastritis was present in 8 (47.1% patients. H. pylori was present on gastric mucosa of 8 (100% patients with atrophic gastritis and of 8 (88.8% patients with superficial gastritis. We concluded that the microorganism H. pylori should be considered a possible factor connected with the etiopathogenesis of chronic superficial and atrophic gastritis frequently observed in patients with the digestive form of Chagas' disease.Pacientes com a forma digestiva da doença de Chagas frequentemente apresentam gastrite crônica. Tendo em vista que o microrganismo Helicobacter pylori é hoje considerado a causa mais comum de gastrite crônica no homem, propôs-se a realização deste trabalho para se verificar a possibilidade de esta bactéria estar também associada com as alterações inflamatórias da mucosa gástrica em pacientes com a forma digestiva da doença de Chagas. Fragmentos de duas regiões diferentes da mucosa antral foram obtidos endoscopicamente de 17 pacientes chagásicos com megaesôfago e ou megacolon. Os fragmentos foram processados rotineiramente para inclusão em parafina e cortes de 5 |im de

  12. Aplicaciones de la tecnologia de control termico y de madurez del concreto en Colombia


    Quimbay Herrera, Rodrigo


    La Tecnología del control térmico y de madurez del concreto (TCTM) tiene un potencial muy amplio en la industria del cemento y del concreto en Colombia, tanto por sus múltiples aplicaciones en los procesos de control de calidad en obra (instrumentación de elementos, control de probetas), como en el control de calidad de recepción en planta para la materia prima (control en tiempo real del cemento). Igualmente, en el control de producción de las diferentes mezclas (e...

  13. A Multi-species Bait for Chagas Disease Vectors (United States)

    Mota, Theo; Vitta, Ana C. R.; Lorenzo-Figueiras, Alicia N.; Barezani, Carla P.; Zani, Carlos L.; Lazzari, Claudio R.; Diotaiuti, Liléia; Jeffares, Lynne; Bohman, Björn; Lorenzo, Marcelo G.


    Background Triatomine bugs are the insect vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. These insects are known to aggregate inside shelters during daylight hours and it has been demonstrated that within shelters, the aggregation is induced by volatiles emitted from bug feces. These signals promote inter-species aggregation among most species studied, but the chemical composition is unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings In the present work, feces from larvae of the three species were obtained and volatile compounds were identified by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS). We identified five compounds, all present in feces of all of the three species: Triatoma infestans, Panstrongylus megistus and Triatoma brasiliensis. These substances were tested for attractivity and ability to recruit insects into shelters. Behaviorally active doses of the five substances were obtained for all three triatomine species. The bugs were significantly attracted to shelters baited with blends of 160 ng or 1.6 µg of each substance. Conclusions/Significance Common compounds were found in the feces of vectors of Chagas disease that actively recruited insects into shelters, which suggests that this blend of compounds could be used for the development of baits for early detection of reinfestation with triatomine bugs. PMID:24587457

  14. El proyecto “Cardiovascular Health Investigation and Collaboration to Assess the Markers and Outcomes of Chagas disease” (CHICAMOCHA): 15 años construyendo un activo institucional de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga-UNAB / Cardiovascular Health Investigation and Collaboration to Assess the Markers and Outcomes of Chagas Disease Project. CHICAMOCHA: 15 Years Building an Asset for The Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga-UNAB / O Projeto Cardiovascular Investigação de Saúde e colaboração para avaliar os marcadores e resultados da doença de Chagas CHICAMOCHA: 15 anos construindo um ativo institucional na Universidade Autônoma de Bucaramanga-UNAB


    Juan Carlos Villar-Centeno, MD., Esp., MSc., PhD


    El 3 de mayo del año 2000 asistió a una oficina de la entonces naciente Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB), quien fuera el primer participante de un proyecto llamado “Cardiovascular Health Investigation and Collaboration to Assess the Markers and Outcomes of Chagas disease” (CHICAMOCHA). Su estudio piloto, planeado para un año, fue financiado por el departamento de ayudas a la comunidad de ECOPETROL (a través de un convenio con el ISABU, firmado por el enton...

  15. Técnicas de Control del Confort en Edificios

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    M. Castilla


    Full Text Available Resumen: La mayor parte del tiempo, las personas realizan sus actividades cotidianas en el interior de edificios, siendo por tanto preciso controlar las condiciones de confort (térmico, visual y calidad de aire en el interior de los mismos, intentando minimizar el consumo energético simultáneamente. Este trabajo presenta una revisión de técnicas de control del confort en edificios. También muestra los resultados obtenidos en la implementación de un sistema de control jerárquico, que permite obtener situaciones de confort térmico adecuadas en el interior del CDdI-CIESOL-ARFRISOL (Contenedor Demostrador de Investigación - Centro de Investigación de la Energía Solar - Proyecto Singular Estratégico ARFRISOL de la Universidad de Almería. Palabras Clave: Control jerárquico, Confort térmico, Confort visual, Calidad de aire

  16. Increased levels of IgA antibodies against CRA and FRA recombinant antigens of Trypanosoma cruzi differentiate digestive forms of Chagas disease. (United States)

    Vasconcelos, Romero H T; Amaral, Fábio N; Cavalcanti, Maria G A M; Silva, Edimilson D; Ferreira, Antonio G P; Morais, Clarice N L; Gomes, Yara M


    In the chronic phase of Chagas disease, individuals infected by Trypanosoma cruzi may be asymptomatic or may present cardiac and/or digestive complications. Our aim here was to analyze the relationship between the presence of specific immunoglobulin A antibodies and the different chronic clinical forms of Chagas disease using two recombinant antigens of Trypanosoma cruzi, cytoplasmatic repetitive antigen and flagellar repetitive antigen. The association of this immunoglobulin isotype with the digestive and cardio-digestive forms of the disease determined by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, strongly suggests that IgA antibodies against these recombinant antigens of T. cruzi can be used as an immunological marker of the digestive alterations caused by Chagas disease. The tests performed in this study show that it is possible to differentiate digestive forms of Chagas disease. The knowledge provided by these results may help physicians to manage early alterations in the digestive tract of patients with the indeterminate or cardiac forms of Chagas disease. Prospective studies, however, with follow-up of the patients that presenting with high levels of immunoglobulin A against cytoplasmatic repetitive antigen and flagellar repetitive antigen recombinant antigens, need to be conducted to confirm this hypothesis. 2010 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. A ciência como profissão: entrevista com Carlos Chagas Filho Science as a profession: an interview with Carlos Chagas Filho

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    Nara Azevedo


    Full Text Available A edição desta entrevista privilegia aspectos da extensa trajetória profissional de Carlos Chagas Filho, fundador do Instituto de Biofísica da Universidade do Brasil, atual Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Evidencia seu papel científico e político na ciência brasileira e no cenário internacional. As memórias de Chagas Filho abrangem a vivência no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, onde iniciou seu treinamento científico; os esforços para estruturar o Laboratório de Física Biológica, sucedido pelo Instituto de Biofísica; a atuação no Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas e na Academia Brasileira de Ciências; a participação na Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura; a presidência da Academia Pontifícia do Vaticano, que o leva a tecer considerações sobre a relação entre ciência e religião.The editing of this interview focuses on aspects of the extensive professional career of Carlos Chagas Filho, who was the founder of the Instituto de Biofísica of the Universidade do Brasil, currently the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. It highlights the scientific and political role he played in Brazilian science and on the international scene. His memoirs include his experience at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, where he began his scientific training; the efforts to create the Laboratório de Física Biológica, succeeded by the Instituto de Biofísica; his work on the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas and the Academia Brasileira de Ciências; the part he played at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; his time as president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences of the Vatican, which led him to ponder questions about the relationship between science and religion.

  18. Community-Based Entomological Surveillance Reveals Urban Foci of Chagas Disease Vectors in Sobral, State of Ceará, Northeastern Brazil.

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    Cynara Carvalho Parente

    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to explore the potential risk of vector-borne Chagas disease in urban districts in northeastern Brazil, by analyzing the spatiotemporal distributions and natural infection rates with Trypanosoma cruzi of triatomine species captured in recent years. The main motivation of this work was an acute human case of Chagas disease reported in 2008 in the municipality of Sobral.We analyzed data from community-based entomological surveillance carried out from 2010 to 2014. Triatomine natural T. cruzi infection was assessed by examination of insect feces by optical microscopy. Sites of triatomine capture were georeferenced through Google Earth and analyzed with ArcGIS. A total of 191 triatomines were collected, consisting of 82.2% Triatoma pseudomaculata, 7.9% Rhodnius nasutus, 5.8% T. brasiliensis, 3.7% Panstrongylus lutzi, and 0.5% P. megistus, with an overall natural infection index of 17.8%. Most infestations were reported in the districts of Dom José (36.2%, Padre Palhano (24.7%, and Alto do Cristo (10.6%. The overwhelming majority of insects (185/96.9% were captured inside houses, and most insects tended to be collected in intermittent peaks. Moreover, captured triatomines tended to constitute colonies. The acute case reported in 2008 was found to be situated within a T. pseudomaculata hotspot.The triatomine collection events carried out by dwellers were aggregated in time and space into distinct foci, suggesting that insects are intermittently and artificially introduced into the city, possibly via accidental migration from their natural reservoirs. The relatively high T. cruzi infection rate indicates considerable circulation of the parasite in these areas, increasing the risk of vector-borne Chagas disease infection. These data suggest a need to strengthen epidemiological surveillance and integrate appropriate control actions targeting triatomines, T. cruzi reservoirs, and human populations. Our data also identify Chagas

  19. Agrochemicals against malaria, sleeping sickness, leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. (United States)

    Witschel, Matthias; Rottmann, Matthias; Kaiser, Marcel; Brun, Reto


    In tropical regions, protozoan parasites can cause severe diseases with malaria, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, and Chagas disease standing in the forefront. Many of the drugs currently being used to treat these diseases have been developed more than 50 years ago and can cause severe adverse effects. Above all, resistance to existing drugs is widespread and has become a serious problem threatening the success of control measures. In order to identify new antiprotozoal agents, more than 600 commercial agrochemicals have been tested on the pathogens causing the above mentioned diseases. For all of the pathogens, compounds were identified with similar or even higher activities than the currently used drugs in applied in vitro assays. Furthermore, in vivo activity was observed for the fungicide/oomyceticide azoxystrobin, and the insecticide hydramethylnon in the Plasmodium berghei mouse model, and for the oomyceticide zoxamide in the Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense STIB900 mouse model, respectively.

  20. Next-generation ELISA diagnostic assay for Chagas Disease based on the combination of short peptidic epitopes.

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    Juan Mucci


    Full Text Available Chagas Disease, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is a major health and economic problem in Latin America for which no vaccine or appropriate drugs for large-scale public health interventions are yet available. Accurate diagnosis is essential for the early identification and follow up of vector-borne cases and to prevent transmission of the disease by way of blood transfusions and organ transplantation. Diagnosis is routinely performed using serological methods, some of which require the production of parasite lysates, parasite antigenic fractions or purified recombinant antigens. Although available serological tests give satisfactory results, the production of reliable reagents remains laborious and expensive. Short peptides spanning linear B-cell epitopes have proven ideal serodiagnostic reagents in a wide range of diseases. Recently, we have conducted a large-scale screening of T. cruzi linear B-cell epitopes using high-density peptide chips, leading to the identification of several hundred novel sequence signatures associated to chronic Chagas Disease. Here, we performed a serological assessment of 27 selected epitopes and of their use in a novel multipeptide-based diagnostic method. A combination of 7 of these peptides were finally evaluated in ELISA format against a panel of 199 sera samples (Chagas-positive and negative, including sera from Leishmaniasis-positive subjects. The multipeptide formulation displayed a high diagnostic performance, with a sensitivity of 96.3% and a specificity of 99.15%. Therefore, the use of synthetic peptides as diagnostic tools are an attractive alternative in Chagas' disease diagnosis.

  1. The health and economic impact of dengue in Latin America El impacto sanitario y económico del dengue en Latinoamérica

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    Jaime R. Torres


    Full Text Available In the last two decades, all countries in the tropical regions of Latin America have experienced marked increases in the incidence of both classic dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Major risk factors for the occurrence of dengue in the region, as well as some regional peculiarities in its clinical expression, such as the extensive involvement of older age groups, have been defined. While little information exists on the economic impact of dengue in the region in terms of disease burden, the estimated loss associated with the disease is on the same order of magnitude as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases (excluding HIV/AIDS, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, or intestinal helminths. Therefore, similar priority should be given in the allocation of resources for dengue research and control. Data on cost-efficacy and cost-benefit analysis of dengue control programs in Latin America are scarce; however, the cost per DALY averted by control programs during endemic periods appears low, as compared to other mosquito-borne diseases like yellow fever, leishmaniasis, or malaria. Additionally, the cost-benefit ratio of the control programs has proven to be positive.En las últimas dos décadas, todos los países de las regiones tropicales de Latinoamérica han registrado un fuerte aumento en la incidencia de dengue clásica y dengue hemorrágica. Ya fueron identificados los principales factores de riesgo para la ocurrencia de dengue en la región, así como algunas peculiaridades regionales en su expresión clínica, como el comprometimiento frecuente de grupos de la tercera edad. Pese a la falta de información sobre el impacto económico del dengue en la región en términos de gastos por la enfermedad, las pérdidas estimadas asociadas con la misma son del mismo orden de magnitud que los de la tuberculosis, enfermedades sexualmente transmisibles (excluyendo VIH/SIDA, enfermedad de Chagas, leishmaniasis o parasitosis intestinales. Por tanto, la

  2. Hosts and vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi discrete typing units in the Chagas disease endemic region of the Paraguayan Chaco




    SUMMARY Active Trypanosoma cruzi transmission persists in the Gran Chaco region, which is considered hyperendemic for Chagas disease. Understanding domestic and sylvatic transmission cycles and therefore the relationship between vectors and mammalian hosts is crucial to designing and implementing improved effective control strategies. Here we describe the species of triatomine vectors and the sylvatic mammal reservoirs of T. cruzi, in different localities of the Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco....

  3. Miocárdio não compactado, Doença de Chagas e disfunção: relato de caso Miocardio no compactado, Enfermedad de Chagas y disfunción: caso clínico Noncompaction of the myocardium, Chagas' disease and dysfunction: a case report

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    Ronaldo Peixoto de Mello


    Full Text Available Relatamos a associação entre a cardiopatia associada ao miocárdio não compactado do ventrículo esquerdo (MNCVE à cardiopatia chagásica crônica (CCC em paciente com clínica de insuficiência cardíaca, acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico e arritmia cardíaca. As imagens típicas de MNCVE e CCC foram documentadas pela ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC.Relatamos la asociación entre la cardiopatía asociada al miocardio no compactado del ventrículo izquierdo (MNCVI con la cardiopatía chagásica crónica (CCC en paciente con clínica de insuficiencia cardíaca, accidente vascular cerebral isquémico y arritmia cardíaca. Las imágenes típicas de MNCVI y CCC fueron documentadas por resonancia magnética cardíaca (RMC.We report the association between heart disease associated with noncompaction of the left ventricular myocardium (NCLVM and chronic Chagas' heart disease (CCHD in a patient with heart failure, ischemic stroke and cardiac arrhythmia. Images typical of NCLVM and CCHD were documented by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI.

  4. Mapas de ruido: mecanismo de control del ruido ambiental


    Chávez García, Kelvin


    Los primeros mecanismos de control del ruido ambiental fueron los mapas acústicos. La Directiva Europea 2002149/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de Evatuacián y Gestión del Ruido Ambiental, exige, a los estados miembros,  se midan los niveles de ruido, en su entorno local, con  el fin de contar con indicadores de ruido comunes. elaborar mapas de ruido y planes de acción destinados a reducir los efectos nocivos de ruido ambiental.  Las directrices para la elaboración de l...

  5. Feeding sources and trypanosome infection index of Rhodnius pallescens in a Chagas disease endemic area of Amador County, Panama Fontes de alimentação de R. pallescens e índice de infecção por Trypanosoma em área endêmica da doença de Chagas em Amador, região central do Panamá

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    Vanessa Pineda


    Full Text Available The sylvatic triatomine Rhodnius pallescens is considered to be the most important and widespread vector of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli in Panama. However, its behavior and biological characteristics have only been partially investigated. Thus, to achieve sustainable and efficient control over Chagas disease in Panama, a better understanding of the ecology and biology of R. pallescens is essential. In this study we evaluated R. pallescens host feeding sources using a dot-blot assay, and the trypanosome infection index by PCR analysis in a Chagas disease endemic area of central Panama. It was found that in peridomestic palm trees, 20.3% of the examined bugs had fed on opossums (Didelphis marsupialis. However, we observed an increased anthropophagy (25.4% for those bugs collected inside houses. Considering the domestic and peridomestic habitats as a whole, the proportion of collected R. pallescens infected with trypanosomes was 87.4%. In the two habitats the predominant infection was with T. cruzi (80-90%. Between 47-51% of the analyzed triatomines were infected with T. rangeli. Mixed infections (40-51% were also detected. These findings provide a better basis for the implementation of a rational control and surveillance program for Chagas disease in regions where R. pallescens is endemic.O triatomíneo silvestre Rhodnius pallescens é considerado o mais importante vetor do Trypanosoma cruzi e Trypanosoma rangeli no Panamá. Entretanto, seu comportamento e características biológicas são pouco estudados. Para controlar a doença de Chagas no Panamá é necessário melhorar a compreensão dos aspectos eco-biológicos do R. pallescens. Neste estudo, investigaram-se as fontes de alimentação de R. pallescens usando dot-blot e o índice de infecção por Trypanosoma por metodologia molecular, em área endêmica da doença de Chagas na região central do Panamá. Foi observado que 20,3% dos barbeiros coletados em palmeiras peridom

  6. [Carlos Chagas Filho: an articulator of the history of sciences in Brazil]. (United States)

    Domingues, Heloisa Maria Bertol


    A letter sent in 1982 by a group of scientists to the president of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico appealed for a policy of preservation of Brazilian scientific culture. The name of Carlos Chagas Filho topped the list of signatures thereby proving his commitment to that proposal, the ideological structure of which was part of his experience in scientific policy in Brazil and abroad. This document harks back to the practice of the history of the sciences in Brazil and the creation of places for the safeguard and organization of scientific memory, such as the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz and the Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência, of which Carlos Chagas Filho was an inaugural member of the board of directors.

  7. Evaluación del efecto insecticida de tierra de diatomeas sobre Triatoma infestans (Hemíptera, Reduviidae

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    Mariana L Bilbao


    Full Text Available El Triatoma infestans es el principal vector de la enfermedad de Chagas en Argentina. La tierra de diatomeas (TD es un producto natural que se comercializa actualmente con fines insecticidas y que produce la muerte por deshidratación. Se evaluó la eficacia insecticida de TD al 60% de pureza, proveniente del yacimiento La Iglesiana (San Juan, Argentina sobre ninfas V y adultos de T.infestans. Se ensayaron dos dosis: 112,5 g/m2 (T1 y 225 g/m2 (T2, con cuatro réplicas por tratamiento, con cinco ejemplares, incluyendo los controles (TC en el laboratorio. Se contaron los individuos vivos y muertos durante cinco días. No se encontró diferencias en la mortalidad (ANOVA, p>0,05 en los adultos (T1: 40%, T2: 25% y TC: 30% ni en las ninfas V (T1: 10%, T2: 15% y TC: 10%. Se concluye que la tierra de diatomeas del yacimiento La Iglesiana, en las condiciones de laboratorio evaluadas, no posee capacidad insecticida sobre T.infestans.

  8. Congenital Chagas's disease in an urban population: investigation of infected twins. (United States)

    Hoff, R; Mott, K E; Milanesi, M L; Bittencourt, A L; Barbosa, H S


    In the Nordeste de Amaralina suburb of Salvador Bahia, Brazil, 47 of 285 pregnant women surveyed had complement fixing antibodies to Trypanosoma cruzi. At delivery T. cruzi was detected in one of 17 placentas from the sero-positive women. The offspring of this case were premature twins and T. cruzi was detected in the peripheral blood of each before death. At autopsy the gastro-intestinal tract and urinary bladder of both were severely affected. Immunofluorescence tests on cord sera, including the single case with T. cruzi in the placenta, were negative for IgM antibodies to T. cruzi. The mother of the infected twins and three of her living children, who were born and have resided in the city, were also infected with T. cruzi. Although the children had visited an area endemic for Chagas's disease for short periods, the mode of transmission in this family may have been transplacental. The value of the immunofluorescence test in the diagnosis of congenital Chagas's disease is discussed.

  9. Chagas disease study using satellite image processing: A Bolivian case (United States)

    Vargas-Cuentas, Natalia I.; Roman-Gonzalez, Avid; Mantari, Alicia Alva; Muñoz, Luis AnthonyAucapuma


    Remote sensing is the technology that has enabled us to obtain information about the Earth's surface without directly contacting it. For this reason, currently, the Bolivian state has considered a list of interesting applications of remote sensing in the country, including the following: biodiversity and environment monitoring, mining and geology, epidemiology, agriculture, water resources and land use planning. The use of satellite images has become a great tool for epidemiology because with this technological advance we can determine the environment in which transmission occurs, the distribution of the disease and its evolution over time. In that context, one of the important diseases related to public health in Bolivia is Chagas disease, also known as South American Trypanosomiasis. Chagas is caused by a blood-sucking bug or Vinchuca, which causes serious intestinal and heart long term problems and affects 33.4% of the Bolivian population. This disease affects mostly humble people, so the Bolivian state invests millions of dollars to acquire medicine and distribute it for free. Due to the above reasons, the present research aims to analyze some areas of Bolivia using satellite images for developing an epidemiology study. The primary objective is to understand the environment in which the transmission of the disease happens, and the climatic conditions under which occurs, observe the behavior of the blood-sucking bug, identify in which months occur higher outbreaks, in which months the bug leaves its eggs, and under which weather conditions this happens. All this information would be contrasted with information extracted from the satellite images and data from the Ministry of Health, and the Institute of Meteorology in Bolivia. All this data will allow us to have a more integrated understanding of this disease and promote new possibilities to prevent and control it.

  10. How universal is coverage and access to diagnosis and treatment for Chagas disease in Colombia? A health systems analysis. (United States)

    Cucunubá, Zulma M; Manne-Goehler, Jennifer M; Díaz, Diana; Nouvellet, Pierre; Bernal, Oscar; Marchiol, Andrea; Basáñez, María-Gloria; Conteh, Lesong


    Limited access to Chagas disease diagnosis and treatment is a major obstacle to reaching the 2020 World Health Organization milestones of delivering care to all infected and ill patients. Colombia has been identified as a health system in transition, reporting one of the highest levels of health insurance coverage in Latin America. We explore if and how this high level of coverage extends to those with Chagas disease, a traditionally marginalised population. Using a mixed methods approach, we calculate coverage for screening, diagnosis and treatment of Chagas. We then identify supply-side constraints both quantitatively and qualitatively. A review of official registries of tests and treatments for Chagas disease delivered between 2008 and 2014 is compared to estimates of infected people. Using the Flagship Framework, we explore barriers limiting access to care. Screening coverage is estimated at 1.2% of the population at risk. Aetiological treatment with either benznidazol or nifurtimox covered 0.3-0.4% of the infected population. Barriers to accessing screening, diagnosis and treatment are identified for each of the Flagship Framework's five dimensions of interest: financing, payment, regulation, organization and persuasion. The main challenges identified were: a lack of clarity in terms of financial responsibilities in a segmented health system, claims of limited resources for undertaking activities particularly in primary care, non-inclusion of confirmatory test(s) in the basic package of diagnosis and care, poor logistics in the distribution and supply chain of medicines, and lack of awareness of medical personnel. Very low screening coverage emerges as a key obstacle hindering access to care for Chagas disease. Findings suggest serious shortcomings in this health system for Chagas disease, despite the success of universal health insurance scale-up in Colombia. Whether these shortcomings exist in relation to other neglected tropical diseases needs investigating

  11. Clínica e terapêutica da doença de Chagas

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    Francisco S. Laranja


    Full Text Available 1 - Baseados na experiência adquirida nos últimos cinco anos em Bambuí, Minas Gerais, onde mais de seiscentos casos de doença de Chagas tém sido estudados, os autores fazem uma revisão das manifestações clínicas desta doença. mencionam alguns dados sôbre a incidência da esquizotripanose e chamam a atenção para a importância social desta moléstia. 2 - Sugerem a seguinte sistematização das fórmas clinicas da esquizotripanose: a Forma aguda; b Formas crônicas: 1 - Forma indeterminada (cardiacos potenciais, 2 - Forma cardíaca (cardiopatia crônica. Os autores não encontraram no material estudado em Bambuí casos classificaveis como forma nervosa crônica. 3 - Apresentam evidências de ordem clínica e experimental que justificam admitir-se a cardiopatia crônica da doença de Chagas como entidade clinica definida. 4 - As manifestações da infecção aguda são estudadas à luz da experiência adquirida com os 103 casos agudos diagnosticados em Bambuí. Dois tipos de fenômenos edematosos podem ocorrer em pacientes com esquizotripanose aguda: o edema local, de porta de entrada do parasito, e o edema generalizado (o chamado "mixedema". A patogenia dêste último é revista e sugere-se que ele seja devido a uma hipoproteinemia. O edema local parece de natureza inflamatória. As manifestações da cardiopatia aguda da doença de Chagas são descritas. Ritmo de galope, aumento da area cardíaca (em alguns casos devido a transudato pericárdico, prolongamento do espaço P-R, alterações primárias da onda T e extra-sístoles ventriculares - constituem os sinais mais importantes para o diagnóstico da cardiopatia aguda. Bloqueio de ramo direito foi encontrado em três casos fatais de cardiopatia aguda, um dos quais apresentou também pronunciado desnivelamento de ST (padrão de injúria. A morte durante a infecção aguda é usualmente precedida por manifestações convulsivas. Na maioria dos casos as manifestações, da infec

  12. Avaliação do impacto das ações de controle vetorial da doença de Chagas através do inquérito sorológico em Mambaí/Buritinópolis, Goiás Evaluation of the impact of vector control programs through serological testing in Mambaí/Buritinópolis, Goiás State

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    Rosaura Peñaranda-Carrillo


    Full Text Available Em 1999, realizamos a avaliação do impacto das medidas de controle vetorial sobre a transmissão da doença de Chagas nas áreas endêmicas Mambaí e Bruritinópolis (GO. Após o recenseamento populacional foram realizados os inquéritos entomológico das unidades domiciliares e sorológico da população. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas por punção digital, em papel de filtro. O teste sorológico utilizado inicialmente para detectar anticorpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi foi a reação de imunofluorescência indireta (IFI quantitativa com ponto de corte a diluição 1/20 e, os reagentes realizaram a reação de hemaglutinação indireta (HAI. A prevalência da IFI reagente foi 12,3% (95% IC: 11,5-13,2%. Triatoma infestans não foi encontrado nas habitações. A ausência de infecção de indivíduos menores de 14 anos e a ausência de T. infestans no inquérito entomológico demonstra o sucesso do programa de controle da doença de Chagas nessas áreas, podendo ser considerada interrompida a transmissão vetorial.In 1999, we performed serological and entomological surveys to evaluate the impact of vectorial control measures against transmission of Chagas' disease in the endemic area of Mambaí and Buritinópolis (GO. A census was undertaken of the population, after which the entomological survey was performed regarding the dwelling units and serological evaluation of the human population. Blood samples were collected by digital puncture in filter paper. The first serologic test performed to detect antibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi was the indirect immunofluorescence test (IFI with 1/20 positive dilution as cut-off point and, positive samples were further evaluated with indirect hemagglutination reaction (HAI. The prevalence of positive IFI reactions was 12.3% (95%CL: 11.5-13.2. Triatoma infestans was not found within the dwellings. The absence of infection among individuals younger than 14 years and, the absence of T. infestans during

  13. Efectos del control del picudo negro (Cosmopolites sordidus en el plátano.

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    Ignacio Armendáriz


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue comprobar el efecto en el plátano de las capturas masivas de adultos con feromonas y de la aplicación de hongos entomopatógenos sobre Cosmopolites sordidus. La investigación se realizó en el Carmen, Manabí, Ecuador, de diciembre 2013 a octubre 2014 en una parcela de nueva plantación de plátano Barraganete y se valoró el efecto de la eliminación de restos vegetales de las parcelas. El diseño experimental fue al azar con tres repeticiones. En laboratorio se comprobó la infectividad de la cepa de Beauveria bassiana sobre adultos del picudo negro y del picudo café (Metamasius hemipterus (92,80 y 100% en M. hemipterus frente a 46,70 y 16,20% en C. sordidus. Las capturas de adultos fueron continuas a lo largo del ensayo, con una media de 0,37 adultos/trampa/día. Los datos agronómicos indicaron una diferencia positiva y significativa (análisis de la varianza de los tratamientos frente al control en el perímetro del pseudotallo (F de 4,982 y en el peso de los racimos entre las parcelas limpias con feromonas y con hongos limpias frente al control (F= 3,994. Al comparar los tratamientos el peso del racimo y la longitud de los dedos fueron significativamente mayores en las parcelas de feromonas frente a las de hongos (F = 4,508. Las capturas de adultos con feromonas no estuvieron condicionadas por la limpieza de las parcelas, aunque esta sí incidió en la altura de las plantas (F= 4,245.

  14. Enfermedad de Chagas: correlación clínico-patológica. Serie de casos del Hospital Universitario de Santander - Departamento de Patología, Universidad Industrial de Santander

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    Julio C. Mantilla, MD


    Conclusión: en zonas endémicas, ante la presencia de manifestaciones cardíacas, es necesario considerar la enfermedad de Chagas con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico precoz y oportuno que permita identificar casos y establecer medidas de manejo específico enfocado de acuerdo con su condición.

  15. Longitudinal study of the indirect immunofluorescence and complement fixation tests for diagnosis of chagas' disease in immunosuppressed patients submitted to renal transplantation

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    José Fernando de Castro Figueiredo


    Full Text Available Clinical and serological follow-up of 7 patients submitted to renal transplantation and presenting positive serological reactions to Chagas 'disease before immunossupression did not show significant changes in indirect immunofluorescence and complement fixation titres for Chagas ' disease, or signs and symptoms indicating exacerbation of the disease during follow- up. In addition, 18 of 66 recipients of renal transplants considered to be non-chagasic before immunosuppression showed at least one positive result to the indirect immunofluorescence test for Chagas ' disease during the study period. The results suggest that the immunosuppression State induced in chagasic patients submitted to renal transplant did notpromoted exacerbation of the chronic infection in these patients and not interfere with the serological response of chronic chagasics, thus permitting the use of these serologic reactions for diagnostic purposes in these cases. However, the positive results ofthe indirect immunofluorescence test in non- chagasic patients indicate the needforjudicious interpretation ofthe indirect immunofluorescence test for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease in renal transplanted patients.

  16. Evaluación del nivel de madurez y capacidad del sistema integrado de control hidrocarburífero (SICOHI) del Ministerio de Minas y Petróleos aplicando el marco de referencia Cobit.


    Jiménez Amoroso, María Belén; Pallo Navas, Carlos Andrés


    Conceptualización del sistema integrado de control hidrocarburífero (Secohi). Descripción del proceso de gestión tecnológica y soporte al sistema integrado de control hidrocarburífero. Descripción de los procesos usuarios. Marco teórico. Modelo de madurez. Requerimientos del negocio. Nivel de madurez del sistema. Manejo de metodología COBIT. Evaluación del sistema integrado de control hidrocarburífero (SICOHI).

  17. The Trypanosoma cruzi satellite DNA OligoC-TesT and Trypanosoma cruzi kinetoplast DNA OligoC-TesT for diagnosis of Chagas disease: a multi-cohort comparative evaluation study.

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    Koen De Winne

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The Trypanosoma cruzi satellite DNA (satDNA OligoC-TesT is a standardised PCR format for diagnosis of Chagas disease. The sensitivity of the test is lower for discrete typing unit (DTU TcI than for TcII-VI and the test has not been evaluated in chronic Chagas disease patients. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We developed a new prototype of the OligoC-TesT based on kinetoplast DNA (kDNA detection. We evaluated the satDNA and kDNA OligoC-TesTs in a multi-cohort study with 187 chronic Chagas patients and 88 healthy endemic controls recruited in Argentina, Chile and Spain and 26 diseased non-endemic controls from D.R. Congo and Sudan. All specimens were tested in duplicate. The overall specificity in the controls was 99.1% (95% CI 95.2%-99.8% for the satDNA OligoC-TesT and 97.4% (95% CI 92.6%-99.1% for the kDNA OligoC-TesT. The overall sensitivity in the patients was 67.9% (95% CI 60.9%-74.2% for the satDNA OligoC-TesT and 79.1% (95% CI 72.8%-84.4% for the kDNA OligoC-Test. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Specificities of the two T. cruzi OligoC-TesT prototypes are high on non-endemic and endemic controls. Sensitivities are moderate but significantly (p = 0.0004 higher for the kDNA OligoC-TesT compared to the satDNA OligoC-TesT.

  18. The Trypanosoma cruzi Satellite DNA OligoC-TesT and Trypanosoma cruzi Kinetoplast DNA OligoC-TesT for Diagnosis of Chagas Disease: A Multi-cohort Comparative Evaluation Study (United States)

    De Winne, Koen; Büscher, Philippe; Luquetti, Alejandro O.; Tavares, Suelene B. N.; Oliveira, Rodrigo A.; Solari, Aldo; Zulantay, Ines; Apt, Werner; Diosque, Patricio; Monje Rumi, Mercedes; Gironès, Nuria; Fresno, Manuel; Lopez-Velez, Rogelio; Perez-Molina, José A.; Monge-Maillo, Begoña; Garcia, Lineth; Deborggraeve, Stijn


    Background The Trypanosoma cruzi satellite DNA (satDNA) OligoC-TesT is a standardised PCR format for diagnosis of Chagas disease. The sensitivity of the test is lower for discrete typing unit (DTU) TcI than for TcII-VI and the test has not been evaluated in chronic Chagas disease patients. Methodology/Principal Findings We developed a new prototype of the OligoC-TesT based on kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) detection. We evaluated the satDNA and kDNA OligoC-TesTs in a multi-cohort study with 187 chronic Chagas patients and 88 healthy endemic controls recruited in Argentina, Chile and Spain and 26 diseased non-endemic controls from D.R. Congo and Sudan. All specimens were tested in duplicate. The overall specificity in the controls was 99.1% (95% CI 95.2%–99.8%) for the satDNA OligoC-TesT and 97.4% (95% CI 92.6%–99.1%) for the kDNA OligoC-TesT. The overall sensitivity in the patients was 67.9% (95% CI 60.9%–74.2%) for the satDNA OligoC-TesT and 79.1% (95% CI 72.8%–84.4%) for the kDNA OligoC-Test. Conclusions/Significance Specificities of the two T. cruzi OligoC-TesT prototypes are high on non-endemic and endemic controls. Sensitivities are moderate but significantly (p = 0.0004) higher for the kDNA OligoC-TesT compared to the satDNA OligoC-TesT. PMID:24392177

  19. Lineage Analysis of Circulating Trypanosoma cruzi Parasites and Their Association with Clinical Forms of Chagas Disease in Bolivia (United States)

    del Puerto, Ramona; Nishizawa, Juan Eiki; Kikuchi, Mihoko; Iihoshi, Naomi; Roca, Yelin; Avilas, Cinthia; Gianella, Alberto; Lora, Javier; Gutierrez Velarde, Freddy Udalrico; Renjel, Luis Alberto; Miura, Sachio; Higo, Hiroo; Komiya, Norihiro; Maemura, Koji; Hirayama, Kenji


    Background The causative agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, is divided into 6 Discrete Typing Units (DTU): Tc I, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId and IIe. In order to assess the relative pathogenicities of different DTUs, blood samples from three different clinical groups of chronic Chagas disease patients (indeterminate, cardiac, megacolon) from Bolivia were analyzed for their circulating parasites lineages using minicircle kinetoplast DNA polymorphism. Methods and Findings Between 2000 and 2007, patients sent to the Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Tropicales for diagnosis of Chagas from clinics and hospitals in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, were assessed by serology, cardiology and gastro-intestinal examinations. Additionally, patients who underwent colonectomies due to Chagasic magacolon at the Hospital Universitario Japonés were also included. A total of 306 chronic Chagas patients were defined by their clinical types (81 with cardiopathy, 150 without cardiopathy, 100 with megacolon, 144 without megacolon, 164 with cardiopathy or megacolon, 73 indeterminate and 17 cases with both cardiopathy and megacolon). DNA was extracted from 10 ml of peripheral venous blood for PCR analysis. The kinetoplast minicircle DNA (kDNA) was amplified from 196 out of 306 samples (64.1%), of which 104 (53.3%) were Tc IId, 4 (2.0%) Tc I, 7 (3.6%) Tc IIb, 1 (0.5%) Tc IIe, 26 (13.3%) Tc I/IId, 1 (0.5%) Tc I/IIb/IId, 2 (1.0%) Tc IIb/d and 51 (25.9%) were unidentified. Of the 133 Tc IId samples, three different kDNA hypervariable region patterns were detected; Mn (49.6%), TPK like (48.9%) and Bug-like (1.5%). There was no significant association between Tc types and clinical manifestations of disease. Conclusions None of the identified lineages or sublineages was significantly associated with any particular clinical manifestations in the chronic Chagas patients in Bolivia. PMID:20502516

  20. Mapas de ruido: mecanismo de control del ruido ambiental

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    Kelvin Chávez García


    Full Text Available Los primeros mecanismos de control del ruido ambiental fueron los mapas acústicos. La Directiva Europea 2002149/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de Evatuacián y Gestión del Ruido Ambiental, exige, a los estados miembros,  se midan los niveles de ruido, en su entorno local, con  el fin de contar con indicadores de ruido comunes. elaborar mapas de ruido y planes de acción destinados a reducir los efectos nocivos de ruido ambiental.  Las directrices para la elaboración de los  mapas  acústicos son en base a la normativa  Española sobre ruido. Los requerimientos  en base a la normativa, garantizan los resultados, lo cual permitirá elaborar los planes de acción. El estudio busca comunicar la necesidad de utilizar herramientas como  los  mapas  acústicos y ejercer un control de los  impactos por ruido ambiental.

  1. La enfermedad de Chagas ya no es tan exótica

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Este podcast tiene el propósito de informar a los profesionales de la salud sobre la enfermedad de Chagas, su diagnóstico y tratamiento, así como orientar en la identificación de pacientes infectados.

  2. Dynamics of sylvatic Chagas disease vectors in coastal Ecuador is driven by changes in land cover.

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    Mario J Grijalva


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a serious public health problem in Latin America where about ten million individuals show Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Despite significant success in controlling domiciliated triatomines, sylvatic populations frequently infest houses after insecticide treatment which hampers long term control prospects in vast geographical areas where vectorial transmission is endemic. As a key issue, the spatio-temporal dynamics of sylvatic populations is likely influenced by landscape yet evidence showing this effect is rare. The aim of this work is to examine the role of land cover changes in sylvatic triatomine ecology, based on an exhaustive field survey of pathogens, vectors, hosts, and microhabitat characteristics' dynamics.The study was performed in agricultural landscapes of coastal Ecuador as a study model. Over one year, a spatially-randomized sampling design (490 collection points allowed quantifying triatomine densities in natural, cultivated and domestic habitats. We also assessed infection of the bugs with trypanosomes, documented their microhabitats and potential hosts, and recorded changes in landscape characteristics. In total we collected 886 individuals, mainly represented by nymphal stages of one triatomine species Rhodnius ecuadoriensis. As main results, we found that 1 sylvatic triatomines had very high T. cruzi infection rates (71% and 2 densities of T. cruzi-infected sylvatic triatomines varied predictably over time due to changes in land cover and occurrence of associated rodent hosts.We propose a framework for identifying the factors affecting the yearly distribution of sylvatic T. cruzi vectors. Beyond providing key basic information for the control of human habitat colonization by sylvatic vector populations, our framework highlights the importance of both environmental and sociological factors in shaping the spatio-temporal population dynamics of triatomines. A better understanding of the dynamics of such socio

  3. A Practical Green Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Benzimidazoles Against Two Neglected Tropical Diseases: Chagas and Leishmaniasis. (United States)

    Bandyopadhyay, Debashis; Samano, Selina; Villalobos-Rocha, Juan Carlos; Sanchez-Torres, Luvia Enid; Nogueda-Torres, Benjamin; Rivera, Gildardo; Banik, Bimal K


    Antimicrobial resistance is an ever-increasing problem throughout the world and has already reached severe proportions. Two very common neglected tropical diseases are Chagas' disease and leishmaniasis. Chagas' disease is a severe health problem, mainly in Latin America, causing approximately 50000 deaths a year and millions of people are infected. About 25-30% of the patients infected with Trypanosoma cruzi develop the chronic form of the disease. On the other hand, Leishmaniasis represents complex diseases with an important clinical and epidemiological diversity. It is endemic in 88 countries 72 of which are developing countries and it has been estimated that are 12 million people infected and 350 million are in areas with infection risk. On this basis, research on organic compounds that can be used against these two diseases is an important target. A very simple, green, and efficient protocol is developed in which bismuth nitrate pentahydrate is employed as a Lewis acid catalyst in aqueous media under microwave irradiation for the synthesis of various 2-aryl substituted benzimidazoles from aldehydes and o-phenylenediamine. Other salient features of this protocol include milder conditions, atom-economy, easy extraction, and no wastes. Nine 1H-benzimidazole derivatives (1-9) with substituents at positions 2 and 5 were synthesized and the structure of the compounds was elucidated by spectroscopic methods. The compounds were screened to identify whether they posses pharmacological activity against Chagas' disease and leishmaniasis. Compound 8 showed better activity than the control Nifurtimox against INC-5 Trypanosoma cruzi strain whereas compounds 3 and 9 have demonstrated potent leshmanicidal activity. A systematic green synthetic procedure and in vitro biological evaluation of nine 1H-benzimidazoles are described. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  4. Doença de Chagas: Desafios no Desenvolvimento de Novas Substâncias Líderes Tripanomicidas


    Fernando de C. da Silva; Universidade Federal Fluminense; Sabrina B. Ferreira; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; David R. da Rocha; Universidade Federal Fluminense; Vitor F. Ferreira; Universidade Federal Fluminense


    A doença de Chagas teve seu ciclo completamente elucidado em 1909 por Carlos Chagas, quando ele relatou sua descoberta para a comunidade científica em dois artigos seminais. Hoje ainda existem inúmeros fatores que limitam o seu tratamento terapêutico. Um deles é a falta de novas drogas no mercado, pois é bem conhecido que as drogas existentes são fracamente ativas e tem baixa eficácia e consideráveis efeitos colaterais. Atualmente muitos esforços têm sido feito em química combinatória e sínte...

  5. Control activo del ruido en una instalación hidráulica

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    Angel Arribas-Nebra


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este artículo describe la experimentación con diversas estrategias de control activo del ruido en una instalación hidráulica, caracterizada por su dinámica no lineal de elevada variabilidad. El objetivo preliminar del control es la eliminación del ruido en el fluido que origina vibraciones indeseadas en la tubería situada aguas abajo de la ubicación de una bomba radial de aceite. La acción de control se ejerce mediante un generador de ondas de presión de aceite acoplado a la citada tubería. La comparación entre las distintas estrategias de control se realiza atendiendo a tres parámetros: estabilidad, velocidad y éxito en la compensación del ruido. La experimentación, tanto por simulación como a través de un entorno hardware-in-the-loop que interacciona con un banco de pruebas, permiten validar las estrategias propuestas. Palabras clave: Sistema hidráulico, control activo del ruido, control automático, Matlab/Simulink, tribología

  6. Polymorphisms in the gene for lymphotoxin-alpha predispose to chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Ramasawmy, Rajendranath; Fae, Kellen C; Cunha-Neto, Edecio; Müller, Natalie G; Cavalcanti, Vanessa L; Ferreira, Renata C; Drigo, Sandra A; Ianni, Barbara; Mady, Charles; Goldberg, Anna C; Kalil, Jorge


    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi infection, displays clinical heterogeneity and may be attributable to differential genetic susceptibility. Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) develops only in a subset of T. cruzi-infected individuals and may lead to heart failure that has a worse clinical course and that leads to reduced life expectancy, compared with heart failure of other etiologies. Proinflammatory cytokines play a key role in the development of CCC. Clinical, genetic, and epidemiological studies have linked lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA), a proinflammatory cytokine, to coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. We used polymerase chain reaction to genotype the LTA +80A-->C and LTA +252A-->G variants in 169 patients with CCC and in 76 T. cruzi-infected asymptomatic (ASY) patients. Homozygosity with respect to the LTA +80C and LTA +252G alleles was significantly more frequent in the patients with CCC than in the ASY patients (homozygosity for LTA +80C, 47% vs. 33%; homozygosity for LTA +252G, 16% vs. 8%). Haplotype LTA +80A-252A was associated with protection against CCC, whereas haplotype LTA +80C-252G was associated with susceptibility to CCC. Furthermore, homozygosity for the LTA +80A allele correlated with the lowest levels of plasmatic tumor-necrosis factor-alpha. Our results suggest that the study of genetic variations in patients with Chagas disease may help in the identification of individuals at increased risk of progressing to CCC and, by providing early treatment, reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease.

  7. Ordenamiento territorial: del control a la democratización

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    Patricia Azucena Sacipa


    Full Text Available Ordenamiento Territorial: del control a la democratización. (Resumen Las políticas públicas de ordenamiento territorial adquieren importancia hoy desde diferentes perspectivas, entre ellas, dentro de los actuales procesos de agudización de los conflictos socioterritoriales expresados cada vez más en hechos intranacionales violentos. En Colombia, algunas de estas políticas contemplan la posibilidad de democratizar el Estado colombiano a través de las mismas; con el fin de analizar la posibilidad de democratización del Estado colombiano - en el que fuerzas paralelas al Estado se disputan el control territorial a través de la fuerza -, a partir de la implementación de las políticas públicas de ordenamiento territorial, como estrategia de control y regulación de los conflictos socioterritoriales, se propone observar a través de un caso especifico (el departamento del Guaviare, la importancia de la existencia de un efectivo control a largo plazo, como condición preliminar para garantizar la democracia.

  8. Description of an oral Chagas disease outbreak in Venezuela, including a vertically transmitted case. (United States)

    Noya, Belkisyolé Alarcón de; Pérez-Chacón, Gladymar; Díaz-Bello, Zoraida; Dickson, Sonia; Muñoz-Calderón, Arturo; Hernández, Carlos; Pérez, Yadira; Mauriello, Luciano; Moronta, Eyleen


    We describe the eleventh major outbreak of foodborne Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in urban Venezuela, including evidence for vertical transmission from the index case to her fetus. After confirming fetal death at 24 weeks of gestation, pregnancy interruption was performed. On direct examination of the amniotic fluid, trypomastigotes were detected. T. cruzi specific-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) also proved positive when examining autopsied fetal organs. Finally, microscopic fetal heart examination revealed amastigote nests. Acute orally transmitted Chagas disease can be life threatening or even fatal for pregnant women and unborn fetuses owing to vertical transmission. There is therefore an urgent need to improve national epidemiologic control measures.

  9. Epidemiology of Chagas disease in Ecuador. A brief review

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    Aguilar V H Marcelo


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a complex public health problem that has been underestimated in Ecuador. Here we review the relevant published information, and present unpublished and new data that help to understand the current Chagas disease epidemiological situation and its evolution in the country. Three main characteristics have been identified: (i persistence of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in already known foci; (ii a marked endemicity in some urban areas of Guayaquil; and (iii the transformation of new Amazon foci into truly endemic areas. The situation in other suspect areas remains uncertain. Five Triatominae species have been implicated in the transmission of T. cruzi to people in Ecuador (Triatoma dimidiata, Rhodnius ecuadoriensis, R. pictipes, R. robustus and Panstrongylus geniculatus, but some others may also play a role in some areas (P. rufotuberculatus, P. howardi, T. carrioni and P. chinai. Other Triatominae reported seem to have little or no epidemiological relevance (T. venosa, T. dispar, Eratyrus mucronatus, E. cuspidatus, P. lignarius and Cavernicola pilosa. High frequency of acute cases and severe chronic disease has been observed. Although cardiomyopathy is more frequent, serious digestive disease is also present. It is estimated that around 120,000-200,000 people may be infected. 2.2 to 3.8 million people are estimated to live under transmission risk conditions.

  10. [Management of Chagas disease in Europe. Experiences and challenges in Spain, Switzerland and Italy]. (United States)

    Jackson, Y; Angheben, A; Carrilero Fernandez, B; Jansa i Lopez del Vallado, J M; Jannin, J G; Albajar-Viñas, P


    The intention of this article is not to describe the illness or evaluate the number of cases diagnosed in Spain, Switzerland and Italy, nor to analyse the protocols followed in various centres. The authors rather seek to examine the main technical, local and national challenges involved in the care of patients with Chagas disease. To this end, they review concisely a number of themes which are common to the three countries. These are: the detection of disease; confirmation of the diagnosis; treatment; response to treatment; follow-up; the risk of transmission by transfusion, by organ donation and from mother to child; the psychosocial and socio-economic aspects of Chagas disease outside endemic areas; and what progress needs to be made in improving information about the condition.

  11. Lutte contre la maladie de Chagas en Amérique centrale | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Guatemala,. En Amérique centrale, les insectes qui transmettent la maladie de Chagas sont nombreux. Les équipes de chercheurs mettent la démarche écosanté à l'épreuve dans 15 emplacements différents se trouvant dans les ...

  12. Real-Time PCR in HIV/Trypanosoma cruzi Coinfection with and without Chagas Disease Reactivation: Association with HIV Viral Load and CD4+ Level (United States)

    de Freitas, Vera Lúcia Teixeira; da Silva, Sheila Cristina Vicente; Sartori, Ana Marli; Bezerra, Rita Cristina; Westphalen, Elizabeth Visone Nunes; Molina, Tatiane Decaris; Teixeira, Antonio R. L.; Ibrahim, Karim Yaqub; Shikanai-Yasuda, Maria Aparecida


    Background Reactivation of chronic Chagas disease, which occurs in approximately 20% of patients coinfected with HIV/Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), is commonly characterized by severe meningoencephalitis and myocarditis. The use of quantitative molecular tests to monitor Chagas disease reactivation was analyzed. Methodology Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of kDNA sequences, competitive (C-) PCR and real-time quantitative (q) PCR were compared with blood cultures and xenodiagnosis in samples from 91 patients (57 patients with chronic Chagas disease and 34 with HIV/T. cruzi coinfection), of whom 5 had reactivation of Chagas disease and 29 did not. Principal Findings qRT-PCR showed significant differences between groups; the highest parasitemia was observed in patients infected with HIV/T. cruzi with Chagas disease reactivation (median 1428.90 T. cruzi/mL), followed by patients with HIV/T. cruzi infection without reactivation (median 1.57 T. cruzi/mL) and patients with Chagas disease without HIV (median 0.00 T. cruzi/mL). Spearman's correlation coefficient showed that xenodiagnosis was correlated with blood culture, C-PCR and qRT-PCR. A stronger Spearman correlation index was found between C-PCR and qRT-PCR, the number of parasites and the HIV viral load, expressed as the number of CD4+ cells or the CD4+/CD8+ ratio. Conclusions qRT-PCR distinguished the groups of HIV/T. cruzi coinfected patients with and without reactivation. Therefore, this new method of qRT-PCR is proposed as a tool for prospective studies to analyze the importance of parasitemia (persistent and/or increased) as a criterion for recommending pre-emptive therapy in patients with chronic Chagas disease with HIV infection or immunosuppression. As seen in this study, an increase in HIV viral load and decreases in the number of CD4+ cells/mm3 and the CD4+/CD8+ ratio were identified as cofactors for increased parasitemia that can be used to target the introduction of early, pre-emptive therapy. PMID

  13. Chagas disease transmission by consumption of game meat: systematic review. (United States)

    Sangenis, Luiz Henrique Conde; Nielebock, Marco Antonio Prates; Santos, Ceumara da Silva; Silva, Mateus Curty Carriello da; Bento, Glauber Motta Ribeiro


    To evaluate the influence of game meat consumption in Chagas disease (CD) transmission, the conditions under which it occurs and the frequency of reports in the literature. Through systematic review, databases PubMed, LILACS, MEDLINE, and SciELO were consulted, and articles written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish were included, with no limitation over publication date. We used the following descriptors: oral, transmission, meat, wild animals, hunt, carnivory, and Chagas disease. Articles that mentioned consumption of animal meat as a form of human transmission of CD were included. We used epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory evidence criteria to confirm cases. Among the 298 articles identified, only six met the eligibility criteria. Only five episodes of oral transmission through wild animal meat or blood consumption were identified. However, in two of them, the possibility of vectorial transmission could not be ruled out. Most reports met the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory evidence criteria established to support the transmission. Though CD transmission is uncommon, hunting and consumption of wild mammals that serve as Trypanosoma cruzi reservoirs should be discouraged in endemic countries in light of the risks inherent to these practices.

  14. Diet Quality of patients with chronic Chagas disease in a tertiary hospital: a case-control study

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    Mariana Pereira de Castilhos

    Full Text Available Abstract INTRODUCTION: Nutritional status has been implicated in the modulation of the immune response, possibly augmenting the pathogenesis of Chagas disease (Cd. We evaluated diet quality and nutritional status in adults and elderly patients with chronic Cd in a tertiary hospital. METHODS: A case-control study of Cd patients was conducted, paired for gender, age, and co-morbidities with non-Cd patients. Anthropometric measurements and food frequency questionnaire was used, and diet quality was assessed by the Brazilian Healthy Eating Index-Revised (BHEI-R. The Estimated Average Requirement cut-off points were used to determine the dietary micronutrient adequacy. The Cd group was further grouped according to Los Andes classification. RESULTS: The study participants were 67 ± 10 years old, 73.6% elderly and 63% female. The prevalence of overweight/obesity and abdominal fat was high in both groups; however, Cd group showed a lower prevalence of obesity and increased risk of disease according to waist circumference classification. There was no difference in BHEI-R score between groups (p=0.145. The Cd group had sodium and saturated fat intake above recommendations and low intake of unsaturated fat, vitamin D, E, selenium, magnesium, and dairy products; but higher intake of iron. According to Los Andes classification, group III presented lower intake of whole fruit and dietary fiber. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with Cd were overweight and the quality of their diet was unsatisfactory based on the recommended diet components for age and sex.

  15. Molecular diagnostics for Chagas disease: up to date and novel methodologies. (United States)

    Alonso-Padilla, Julio; Gallego, Montserrat; Schijman, Alejandro G; Gascon, Joaquim


    Chagas disease is caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. It affects 7 million people, mainly in Latin America. Diagnosis is usually made serologically, but at some clinical scenarios serology cannot be used. Then, molecular detection is required for early detection of congenital transmission, treatment response follow up, and diagnosis of immune-suppression reactivation. However, present tests are technically demanding and require well-equipped laboratories which make them unfeasible in low-resources endemic regions. Areas covered: Available molecular tools for detection of T. cruzi DNA, paying particular attention to quantitative PCR protocols, and to the latest developments of user-friendly molecular diagnostic methodologies. Expert commentary: In the absence of appropriate biomarkers, molecular diagnosis is the only option for the assessment of treatment response. Besides, it is very useful for the early detection of acute infections, like congenital cases. Since current Chagas disease molecular tests are restricted to referential labs, research efforts must focus in the implementation of easy-to-use diagnostic tools in order to overcome the access to diagnosis gap.

  16. Acute Chagas' cardiopathy in a polar bear (Ursus maritimus in Guadalajara, Mexico

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    J. Jaime-Andrade G.


    Full Text Available We report a 24 year old female polar bear (Ursus maritimus who contracted Chagas' infection at the Guadalajara Zoo, in Jalisco, México, and died of acute Chagas' carditis 15 days later. The histopathological findings are described, as well as the presence of triatomines (Triatoma longipennis Usinger infected with Trypanosoma cruzi collected within 5 meters from the place where the animal lived in the city of Guadalajara.Relatamos o caso de uma ursa polar (Ursus maritimus de 24 anos de idade, que contraiu a infecção chagásica no Zoológico de Guadalajara, em Jalisco, no México, e morreu de cardite chagásica aguda 15 dias após o início da sintomatologia. Os achados histopatológicos são descritos, bem como a presença de triatomíneos (Triatoma longipennis Usinger infectados por Trypanosoma cruzi coletados a 5 metros do local onde o animal vivia, na cidade de Guadalajara.

  17. Control funcional de la red de radares del INM


    Aguado Encabo, Fernando


    Ponencia presentada en: IV Simposio Nacional de Predicción del Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, celebrado en 1999 en Madrid Se describe una modificación introducida en la aplicación informática que controla el radar que hace que señale explícitamente la generación de los volúmenes cartesianos en ambos modos de operación. Esa información se usa posteriormente como base para realizar un control bastante completo del funcionamiento del sistema radar.

  18. Scientific authorships and collaboration network analysis on Chagas disease: papers indexed in PubMed (1940-2009). (United States)

    González-Alcaide, Gregorio; Park, Jinseo; Huamaní, Charles; Gascón, Joaquín; Ramos, José Manuel


    Chagas disease is a chronic, tropical, parasitic disease, endemic throughout Latin America. The large-scale migration of populations has increased the geographic distribution of the disease and cases have been observed in many other countries around the world. To strengthen the critical mass of knowledge generated in different countries, it is essential to promote cooperative and translational research initiatives. We analyzed authorship of scientific documents on Chagas disease indexed in the Medline database from 1940 to 2009. Bibliometrics was used to analyze the evolution of collaboration patterns. A Social Network Analysis was carried out to identify the main research groups in the area by applying clustering methods. We then analyzed 13,989 papers produced by 21,350 authors. Collaboration among authors dramatically increased over the study period, reaching an average of 6.2 authors per paper in the last five-year period. Applying a threshold of collaboration of five or more papers signed in co-authorship, we identified 148 consolidated research groups made up of 1,750 authors. The Chagas disease network identified constitutes a "small world," characterized by a high degree of clustering and a notably high number of Brazilian researchers.

  19. Panorama epidemiológico y clínico de la cardiopatía chagásica crónica en México Epidemiological and clinical outlook of chronic Chagas' heart disease in Mexico

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    Justo Sierra-Johnson


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVO: Comparar las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de la cardiopatía chagásica crónica con otras miocardiopatías dilatadas. MÉTODOS: Se incluyeron a 128 pacientes consecutivos en un hospital de espcialidad, de 1993 a 2003 con miocardiopatías dilatadas, donde 51 (40% con anti Tripanosoma cruzi. Se recopiló información epidemiológica por entrevista directa, y datos clínicos en los servicios asistenciales. Se utilizaron la prueba de la Chi-cuadrado o prueba exacta de Fischer, prueba t de Student ó la prueba de U de Mann Whitney y análisis multivariado. RESULTADOS: Los pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica crónica, eran más viejos (55±10 años que los pacientes con miocardiopatías (42±17 años, nacieron en zonas rurales (90% vs 68%, en viviendas precarias (75% vs 16%, con hacinamiento (45% vs 20%, convivencia con animales domésticos (71% vs 61% y conocían al vector (73% vs 25%. Los trastornos del ritmo y de la conducción, así como la colocación de marcapaso definitivo fueron frecuentes en los pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica crónica (84% vs 55%, 78% vs 64% Y 24% vs 10% respectivamente. La insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva venosa fue más frecuente en los pacientes con miocardiopatía seronegativa (88% vs 71% y la perfusión miocárdic anormal con arterias epicárdicas normales fue igual en ambos grupos. Con respecto a co-morbilidad, los pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica crónica tenían sólo dos padecimientos, mientras que en el otro grupo era más amplia. CONCLUSIÓNES: La enfermedad de Chagas causa la miocardiopatía dilatada específica más común. Debido a su distribución regional en la República Mexicana, merece atención y se recomienda a nivel público adoptar medidas de prevención que ya probaron eficacia en otros países.OBJECTIVE: To compare the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of chronic Chagas' heart disease to other dilated cardiomyopathies. METHODS: A study comprising

  20. Different infective forms trigger distinct immune response in experimental Chagas disease.

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    Paula Melo de Abreu Vieira

    Full Text Available Although metacyclic and blood trypomastigotes are completely functional in relation to parasite-host interaction and/or target cell invasion, they differ in the molecules present on the surface. Thus, aspects related to the variability that the forms of T. cruzi interacts with host cells may lead to fundamental implications on the immune response against this parasite and, consequently, the clinical evolution of Chagas disease. We have shown that BT infected mice presented higher levels of parasitemia during all the acute phase of infection. Moreover, the infection with either MT or BT forms resulted in increased levels of total leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes, specifically later for MT and earlier for BT. The infection with BT forms presented earlier production of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α and later of IFN-γ by both T cells subpopulations. This event was accompanied by an early cardiac inflammation with an exacerbation of this process at the end of the acute phase. On the other hand, infection with MT forms result in an early production of IFN-γ, with subsequent control in the production of this cytokine by IL-10, which provided to these animals an immunomodulatory profile in the end of the acute phase. These results are in agreement with what was found for cardiac inflammation where animals infected with MT forms showed intense cardiac inflammation later at infection, with a decrease in the same at the end of this phase. In summary, our findings emphasize the importance of taking into account the inoculums source of T. cruzi, since vectorial or transfusional routes of T. cruzi infection may trigger distinct parasite-host interactions during the acute phase that may influence relevant biological aspects of chronic Chagas disease.

  1. Present situation and new strategies for Chagas disease chemotherapy: a proposal

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    José Rodrigues Coura


    Full Text Available Treatments for Chagas disease have been administered since the first attempts by Mayer & Rocha Lima (1912, 1914 and up to the drugs currently in use (nifurtimox and benznidazole, along with potential drugs such as allopurinol and first, second and third-generation antifungal agents (imidazoles and triazoles, in separate form. Several diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy and AIDS only came under control after they were treated with associations of drugs with different mechanisms of action. This not only boosts the action of the different compounds, but also may avoid the development of parasite resistance .To this end, over the short term, we propose experimental studies on laboratory animals and clinical trials with the following associations: (i nifurtimox (8 mg/kg/day + benznidazole (5 mg/kg/day x 60 consecutive days; (ii nifurtimox (8 mg/kg/day or benznidazole (5 mg/kg/day + allopurinol (8-10 mg/kg/day x 60 days and (iii nifurtimox (8 mg/kg/day or benznidazole (5 mg/kg/day + ketoconazole, fluconazole or itraconazole (5-6 mg/kg/day x 60 consecutive days. The doses of the drugs and the treatment schedules for the clinical trials must be adapted according to the side effects. From these, other double or triple associations could be made, using drugs with different mechanisms of action. This proposal does not exclude investigations on new drugs over the median and long terms, targeting other aspects of the metabolism of Trypanosoma cruzi. Until such time as the ideal drug for specific treatment of Chagas disease might be discovered, we need to develop new strategies for achieving greater efficacy with the old drugs in associations and to develop rational experimentation with new drugs.

  2. Advanced megaesophagus (Group III secondary to vector-borne Chagas disease in a 20-month-old infant

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    Anis Rassi


    Full Text Available The authors report the case of a female infant with Group III (or Grade III megaesophagus secondary to vector-borne Chagas disease, resulting in severe malnutrition that reversed after surgery (Heller technique. The infant was then treated with the antiparasitic drug benznidazole, and the infection was cured, as demonstrated serologically and parasitologically. After follow-up of several years without evidence of disease, with satisfactory weight and height development, the patient had her first child at age 23, in whom serological tests for Chagas disease yielded negative results. Thirty years after the initial examination, the patient's electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and chest radiography remained normal.

  3. Estudo longitudinal do eletrocardiograma na doença de Chagas desde a fase aguda

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    Roberto C. Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Vários trabalhos com eletrocardiograma na doença de Chagas têm sido feitos. Alguns referindo-se a grupos selecionados de casos, outros a estudos longitudinais, relatam as características da mortalidade nas diversas fases da doença. Com o objetivo de avaliar o valor do eletrocardiograma como índice de avaliação terapêutica e de seu comportamento na doença de Chagas desde a fase aguda, no presente trabalho, analisou-se evolutivamente o eletrocardiograma de 42 pacientes (18 mulheres e 24 homens procedentes da zona rural do Norte de Minas Gerais; predomínio etário foi nas duas primeiras décadas; todos com comprometimento cardíaco; todos receberam tratamento específico. O acompanhamento dos 42 pacientes foi de 9 anos dos quais 3 pacientes tiveram seguimento de 20 anos. Foram analisados 270 eletrocardiogramas. Nós utilizamos os seguintes critérios para a análise do ECG: código de Minnesota modificado para doença de Chagas; WHO/I. S. F. C. TASK FORCE para condução intraventricular e critérios de Pieretti para área eletricamente inativa. Concluímos que as alterações eletrocardiográficas agravam com a evolução da doença e que o eletrocardiograma não serve de índice de avaliação terapêutica.Several studies have been done to analyse the relationship between the characteristics of the electrocardiogram (ECG and mortality in the several stages of the disease, using different methods like multiple case and longitudinal studies. We anatysed the ECGfrom the acute stage up to twenty years of follow-up (±9 years in 42 patients with Chagas ' disease to determine their evolution and it 's value like an indexfor therapeutic evaluation. The 42 patients (18 female, 24 males were originalty from the North of the State of Minas Gerais (Brazil and the initial stage was mainly in the first two decades of age. All bad cardiac involvementand received fiill specific treatment. We utilized the following criteria for the ECG analyses

  4. Rhodnius prolixus en Nicaragua: distribución geográfica, control y vigilancia entre 1998 y 2009 Rhodnius prolixus in Nicaragua: geographical distribution, control, and surveillance, 1998-2009

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    Kota Yoshioka


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Presentar la perspectiva general del control de Rhodnius prolixus, el principal vector en la transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas en Centroamérica, durante el período 1998-2009 en Nicaragua. Describir el control vectorial realizado y presentar la distribución geográfica de las localidades infestadas. MÉTODOS: Se estudió y analizó la información disponible en el Ministerio de Salud de Nica ragua. Se visualizó la distribución geográfica de R. prolixus mediante el programa visualiza dor de mapas Quantum GIS 1.5.0. RESULTADOS: Se determinó que 59 localidades en 14 municipios de 8 departamentos presen taron antecedentes de infestación con R. prolixus entre 1998 y 2009. La altitud de las locali dades infestadas oscila entre 160 y 1 414 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Se han tratado con más de dos ciclos de control químico 56 localidades. En el segundo ciclo de rociamiento se detectó la presencia del vector, pero durante el tercer ciclo no se lo encontró en ninguna localidad. CONCLUSIONES: La mayor concentración geográfica de R. prolixus se observó en dos depar tamentos de la región norte: Madriz y Nueva Segovia. La cantidad de localidades infestadas es menor en Nicaragua que en otros países centroamericanos. El control químico ha sido exitoso en las localidades intervenidas, pero es necesario fortalecer el sistema de vigilancia institucio nal y comunitaria tanto para vigilar la reinfestación con R. prolixus como para ampliar la cobertura del control vectorialOBJECTIVE: Present an overview of the control of Rhodnius prolixus, the principal vector in the transmission of Chagas' disease in Central America, during the period 1998-2009 in Nicaragua. Describe the vector control carried out and the geographical distribution of the infested localities. METHODS: The available information in Nicaragua's Ministry of Health was studied and analyzed. The geographical distribution of R. prolixus was visualized using the Quantum

  5. Control activo del ruido en una instalación hidráulica


    Angel Arribas-Nebra; Jose A. Castellanos; E. Goenechea


    Resumen: Este artículo describe la experimentación con diversas estrategias de control activo del ruido en una instalación hidráulica, caracterizada por su dinámica no lineal de elevada variabilidad. El objetivo preliminar del control es la eliminación del ruido en el fluido que origina vibraciones indeseadas en la tubería situada aguas abajo de la ubicación de una bomba radial de aceite. La acción de control se ejerce mediante un generador de ondas de presión de aceite acoplado a la citada t...

  6. Comparison of parasite loads in serum and blood samples from patients in acute and chronic phases of Chagas disease. (United States)

    Hernández, Carolina; Teherán, Aníbal; Flórez, Carolina; Ramírez, Juan David


    Molecular methods have been developed for the detection and quantification of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA in blood samples from patients with Chagas disease. However, aspects of sample processing necessary for quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), such as the addition of guanidine hydrochloride to whole blood samples, may limit timely access to molecular diagnosis. We analysed 169 samples from serum and guanidine-EDTA blood (GEB) obtained from patients in acute and chronic phases of Chagas disease. We applied qPCR targeted to the satellite DNA region. Finally, we compared the parasite loads and cycle of threshold values of the qPCR. The results confirmed the usefulness of serum samples for the detection and quantification of parasite DNA in patients with Chagas disease, especially in the acute phase. However, the parasite loads detected in serum samples from patients in the chronic phase were lower than those detected in GEB samples. The epidemiological implications of the findings are herein discussed.

  7. Control integrado del marchitamiento vascular del clavel ocasionado por Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi

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    León Jorge


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades vasculares del clavel, ocasionadas,
    principalmente, por Fusarium oxysporumf.sp. dianthi, y en menor grado por Phialophora cinerescens, constituyen un factor limitante del cultivo del clavel en Colombia. Estas enfermedades se introdujeron aColombia, en material de propagación infectado, procedente de diversos paIses desde hace más de quince anos, y su incidencia ha aumentado progresivamente, ocasionando pérdidas muy importantes y con un incremento muy significativo de los costos de producción. La alta incidencia de las enfermedades vasculares
    se debe a su fácil propagación a través de esquejes
    infectados, a su rápida diseminación por formas diversas, a la alta persistencia del patógeno en el suelo y al alto costo y la baja eficiencia de las medidas de control utilizadas (Arbeláez, 1987a.

  8. Estudo longitudinal do eletrocardiograma na doença de Chagas desde a fase aguda

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    Roberto C. Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Vários trabalhos com eletrocardiograma na doença de Chagas têm sido feitos. Alguns referindo-se a grupos selecionados de casos, outros a estudos longitudinais, relatam as características da mortalidade nas diversas fases da doença. Com o objetivo de avaliar o valor do eletrocardiograma como índice de avaliação terapêutica e de seu comportamento na doença de Chagas desde a fase aguda, no presente trabalho, analisou-se evolutivamente o eletrocardiograma de 42 pacientes (18 mulheres e 24 homens procedentes da zona rural do Norte de Minas Gerais; predomínio etário foi nas duas primeiras décadas; todos com comprometimento cardíaco; todos receberam tratamento específico. O acompanhamento dos 42 pacientes foi de 9 anos dos quais 3 pacientes tiveram seguimento de 20 anos. Foram analisados 270 eletrocardiogramas. Nós utilizamos os seguintes critérios para a análise do ECG: código de Minnesota modificado para doença de Chagas; WHO/I. S. F. C. TASK FORCE para condução intraventricular e critérios de Pieretti para área eletricamente inativa. Concluímos que as alterações eletrocardiográficas agravam com a evolução da doença e que o eletrocardiograma não serve de índice de avaliação terapêutica.

  9. Bibliometric assessment of the contributions of literature on Chagas disease in Latin America and the Caribbean. (United States)

    Delgado-Osorio, Nathalia; Vera-Polania, Felipe; Lopez-Isaza, Andres F; Martinez-Pulgarin, Dayron F; Murillo-Abadia, Jonathan; Munoz-Urbano, Marcela; Cardona-Ospina, Jaime A; Bello, Ricardo; Lagos-Grisales, Guillermo J; Villegas-Rojas, Soraya; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J


    Chagas disease, considered a parasitic neglected disease, is endemic in Latin America. Although, its mortality rate has decreased over time, it still represents a public health problem in the region. A bibliometric evaluation of the Latin American contributions on this disease was done. This study used SCI (1980-2013), MEDLINE/GOPUBMED (1802-2013), Scopus (1959-2013), SCIELO (2004-2013), and LILACS (1980-2013). Different study types have been characterized by years, origin city/country, journals and most productive authors, by country, cites and H-index. 2988 articles were retrieved from SCI (30.85% of total). Brazil was found to be the highest producer (31.22%), followed by Argentina (18.14%) and México (9.57%); the region received 47241 citations, 28.60% for Brazil (H-index=52), 18.26% of Argentina (Hindex= 43), 11.40% Bolivia (H-index=37). 4484 were retrieved from Scopus (30.20% of the total), 38.58% of which were from Brazil, 12.40% from Argentina and 8.90% from Mexico. From Medline, 6647 records were retrieved (45.58% Brazil). From SciELO, 917 articles (47.66% Brazil). From LILACS, 2165 articles (60.05% Brazil). Brazil has the highest output in the region. Despite advances in controlling Chagas disease, scientific production is low, particularly for regional bibliographic databases, which calls for more research on this disease.

  10. Modeling the spatial distribution of Chagas disease vectors using environmental variables and people´s knowledge. (United States)

    Hernández, Jaime; Núñez, Ignacia; Bacigalupo, Antonella; Cattan, Pedro E


    Chagas disease is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to mammal hosts by triatomine insect vectors. The goal of this study was to model the spatial distribution of triatomine species in an endemic area. Vector's locations were obtained with a rural householders' survey. This information was combined with environmental data obtained from remote sensors, land use maps and topographic SRTM data, using the machine learning algorithm Random Forests to model species distribution. We analysed the combination of variables on three scales: 10 km, 5 km and 2.5 km cell size grids. The best estimation, explaining 46.2% of the triatomines spatial distribution, was obtained for 5 km of spatial resolution. Presence probability distribution increases from central Chile towards the north, tending to cover the central-coastal region and avoiding areas of the Andes range. The methodology presented here was useful to model the distribution of triatomines in an endemic area; it is best explained using 5 km of spatial resolution, and their presence increases in the northern part of the study area. This study's methodology can be replicated in other countries with Chagas disease or other vectorial transmitted diseases, and be used to locate high risk areas and to optimize resource allocation, for prevention and control of vectorial diseases.

  11. Evasion and Immuno-Endocrine Regulation in Parasite Infection: Two Sides of the Same Coin in Chagas Disease? (United States)

    Morrot, Alexandre; Villar, Silvina R; González, Florencia B; Pérez, Ana R


    Chagas disease is a serious illness caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Nearly 30% of chronically infected people develop cardiac, digestive, or mixed alterations, suggesting a broad range of host-parasite interactions that finally impact upon chronic disease outcome. The ability of T. cruzi to persist and cause pathology seems to depend on diverse factors like T. cruzi strains, the infective load and the route of infection, presence of virulence factors, the parasite capacity to avoid protective immune response, the strength and type of host defense mechanisms and the genetic background of the host. The host-parasite interaction is subject to a constant neuro-endocrine regulation that is thought to influence the adaptive immune system, and as the infection proceeds it can lead to a broad range of outcomes, ranging from pathogen elimination to its continued persistence in the host. In this context, T. cruzi evasion strategies and host defense mechanisms can be envisioned as two sides of the same coin, influencing parasite persistence and different outcomes observed in Chagas disease. Understanding how T. cruzi evade host's innate and adaptive immune response will provide important clues to better dissect mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of Chagas disease.

  12. Importancia del manual de los sistemas contables en el sistema de control interno.


    Nicolás Valdés Rodríguez


    La dirección administrativa del país en los últimos 3 años ha insistido en la necesidad de profundizar en los mecanismos de control económico –financiero de las entidades, el presente trabajo va dirigido a contribuir en alguna medida a lograr ese propósito. El sistema contable de una Entidad forma parte indisoluble del Sistema de Control Interno de la misma, por la vinculación tan estrecha que existe entre los mismos. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo ”Importancia del Manual de ...

  13. Value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dysfunction in Chagas' disease

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    Perez Amanda Arantes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dilation and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with Chagas' disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 166 consecutive patients with Chagas' disease and no other associated diseases. The patients underwent cardiac assessment with chest radiography and Doppler echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of chest radiography were calculated to detect left ventricular dysfunction and the accuracy of the cardiothoracic ratio in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction with the area below the ROC curve. The cardiothoracic ratio was correlated with the left ventricular ejection fraction and the left ventricular diastolic diameter. RESULTS: The abnormal chest radiogram had a sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 80.5%, and positive and negative predictive values of 51.2% and 79.8%, respectively, in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction. The cardiothoracic ratio showed a weak correlation with left ventricular ejection fraction (r=-0.23 and left ventricular diastolic diameter (r=0.30. The area calculated under the ROC curve was 0.734. CONCLUSION: The radiological study of the thorax is not an accurate indicator of left ventricular dysfunction; its use as a screening method to initially approach the patient with Chagas' disease should be reevaluated.

  14. Validación del Cuestionario de Lugar de Control del Dolor en estudiantes argentinos con cefaleas recurrentes

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    Luciana Sofía Moretti


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Validar el Cuestionario de Lugar de Control del Dolor (CLCD en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios argentinos con cefaleas recurrentes. Método. Se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico intencional de 382 estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina, que en los últimos seis meses habían sufrido de cefaleas. El 77.7% de la muestra fueron mujeres y el 22.3% varones, con una media de edad de 22.4 años (DE = 4.2. Se realizaron estudios para evaluar la estructura interna, consistencia interna y la validez externa del cuestionario. Resultados. El análisis factorial exploratorio mostró tres factores que explicaban un 39.79% de la varianza: (1 locus de control externo por profesionales de la salud, (2 locus de control externo por azar y (3 locus de control interno. Asimismo, los valores alfa de Cronbach para evaluar la consistencia interna de los factores resultaron óptimos (valores α comprendidos entre 0.80 y 0.86.Los análisis realizados para evaluar la validez externa del cuestionario, mediante el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, revelaron que los factores locus de control externo por profesionales de la salud y los factores locus de control externo por azar correlacionaron positivamente con la intensidad del dolor (r = 0.15, p < 0.01; r = 0.23, p < 0.01, respectivamente, no obstante los valores obtenidos fueron bajos. Conclusión. Aunque presenta limitaciones en su validez externa, los estudios psicométricos realizados permiten concluir que el CLCD es un instrumento confiable y válido para evaluar locus de control en población universitaria argentina con dolor crónico ocasionado por cefaleas.

  15. Urban transmission of Chagas disease in Cochabamba, Bolivia

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    N Medrano-Mercado


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a major public health problem in Bolivia. In the city of Cochabamba, 58% of the population lives in peripheral urban districts ("popular zones" where the infection prevalence is extremely high. From 1995 to 1999, we studied the demographics of Chagas infections in children from five to 13 years old (n = 2218 from the South zone (SZ and North zone (NZ districts, which differ in social, environmental, and agricultural conditions. Information gathered from these districts demonstrates qualitative and quantitative evidence for the active transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in urban Cochabamba. Seropositivity was high in both zones (25% in SZ and 19% in NZ. We observed a high risk of infection in children from five to nine years old in SZ, but in NZ, a higher risk occurred in children aged 10-13, with odds ratio for infection three times higher in NZ than in SZ. This difference was not due to triatomine density, since more than 1,000 Triatoma infestans were captured in both zones, but was possibly secondary to the vector infection rate (79% in SZ and 37% in NZ. Electrocardiogram abnormalities were found to be prevalent in children and pre-adolescents (SZ = 40%, NZ = 17%, indicating that under continuous exposure to infection and re-infection, a severe form of the disease may develop early in life. This work demonstrates that T. cruzi infection should also be considered an urban health problem and is not restricted to the rural areas and small villages of Bolivia.

  16. Clinical manifestations of peripheral nervous system involvement in human chronic chagas disease Manifestaciones clinicas de compromiso del sistema nervioso periférico en el estádio crônico de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Osvaldo Genovese


    Full Text Available We conducted a clinical and electromyographical study in patients with Chagas' disease in the indeterminate or chronic stages of the illness. Altogether 841 patients were examined. Only 511 were admitted within the protocol; the remainder patients were rejected because they showed other causes able to damage the nervous system. Fifty two (10.17% out of the 511 patients showed signs and symptoms of peripheral nervous system involvement in the form of sensory impairment and diminished tendon jerks suggesting the presence of neuropathy. Forty five of them were submitted to a conventional electromyographical examination. Fifteen of mem showed normal results, while the remainder 30 disclosed a reduced interference pattern, being most of the remaining motor unit potentials fragmented or poliphasic, reduced sensory and motor conduction velocities and diminished amplitude of the sensory action potential. The findings suggest that some chagasic patients in the indeterminate or chronic stages of the disease may develop a clinical mild sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy.El estúdio presente fue diseftado con ei objeto de pesquizar Ia existência de manifestaciones clinicas en pacientes afectados por enfermedad de Chagas, en estádio indeterminado o crônico, que tuviesen, ai menos, 2 reacciones serologicas positivas. En total fueron examinados 841 enfermos. De ellos solo 511 fueron admitidos en ei protocolo; los restantes fueron rechazados por mostrar Ia presencia de otras causas que hubiesen podido danar su sistema nervioso. Dentro de los 511 pacientes admitidos, 52 (10.17% evidenciaron alteraciones objetivas y subjetivas de Ia sensibilidad y disminucion de los reflejos osteotendinosos. Estos signos y sintomas, que sugieren la presencia de neuropatia, podian combinarse de diferente manera. Como complemento dei examen clinico, se efectuo estúdio electromiografico convencional en 45 de estos pacientes. En 15 los hallazgos fueron normales, en tanto que en

  17. Molecular phylogeography of the Chagas' disease vector Triatoma infestans in Argentina (United States)

    Pérez de Rosas, A R; Segura, E L; García, B A


    Triatoma infestans is the main vector of Chagas' disease in South America between latitudes 10°S and 46°S. A multilocus microsatellite data set of 836 individuals from 27 populations of T. infestans, from all its range of distribution in Argentina, was analyzed. Our results favor the hypothesis of two independent migration events of colonization in Argentina and secondary contacts. The majority of the populations of the western provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan and the west of Cordoba province, had almost no shared ancestry with the rest of the populations analyzed. Probably those populations, belonging to localities close to the Andean region, could have been established by the dispersal line of T. infestans that would have arrived to Argentina through the Andes, whereas most of the rest of the populations analyzed may have derived from the dispersal line of T. infestans in non-Andean lowlands. Among them, those from the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe shared different percentages of ancestry and presented lower degree of genetic differentiation. The migratory movement linked to regional economies and possibly associated with passive dispersal, would allow a higher genetic exchange among these populations of T. infestans. This study, using microsatellite markers, provides a new approach for evaluating the validity of the different hypotheses concerning the evolutionary history of this species. Two major lineages of T. infestans, an Andean and non-Andean, are suggested. PMID:21224874

  18. Molecular phylogeography of the Chagas' disease vector Triatoma infestans in Argentina. (United States)

    Pérez de Rosas, A R; Segura, E L; García, B A


    Triatoma infestans is the main vector of Chagas' disease in South America between latitudes 10°S and 46°S. A multilocus microsatellite data set of 836 individuals from 27 populations of T. infestans, from all its range of distribution in Argentina, was analyzed. Our results favor the hypothesis of two independent migration events of colonization in Argentina and secondary contacts. The majority of the populations of the western provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan and the west of Cordoba province, had almost no shared ancestry with the rest of the populations analyzed. Probably those populations, belonging to localities close to the Andean region, could have been established by the dispersal line of T. infestans that would have arrived to Argentina through the Andes, whereas most of the rest of the populations analyzed may have derived from the dispersal line of T. infestans in non-Andean lowlands. Among them, those from the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe shared different percentages of ancestry and presented lower degree of genetic differentiation. The migratory movement linked to regional economies and possibly associated with passive dispersal, would allow a higher genetic exchange among these populations of T. infestans. This study, using microsatellite markers, provides a new approach for evaluating the validity of the different hypotheses concerning the evolutionary history of this species. Two major lineages of T. infestans, an Andean and non-Andean, are suggested.

  19. Enfermedad de Chagas en Argentina: herramientas para que los escolares vigilen y determinen la presencia de factores de riesgo en sus viviendas Chagas disease in Argentina: tools for schoolchildren to exercise vector surveillance and identify household risk factors

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    Liliana Crocco


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue validar herramientas para que escolares puedan vigilar sus viviendas. Se desarrollaron dos tipos de planillas, una sobre la presencia de factores de riesgos y otra para registrar la presencia de vinchucas en las viviendas. Estas planillas fueron puestas a prueba en campo por 100 escolares de escuelas de áreas endémicas de Argentina y validadas en campo por personal técnico. Los resultados obtenidos por los escolares sobre porcentajes de viviendas que presentan factores de riesgos y viviendas positivas fueron similares a los obtenidos por el personal técnico. La información recabada permitió a los docentes caracterizar las viviendas como "con mucho riesgo", "de riesgo" o "sin riesgo". Esta información sobre nivel de riesgo de las viviendas puede ser una importante ayuda para los agentes primarios de salud. Por lo tanto, se recomienda incluir estas estrategias educativas en los programas de control, en especial para la fase de vigilancia.The objective of this paper was to validate tools for schoolchildren to help control Chagas disease vectors in their own homes. Two types of tables were produced, one reporting on the presence of risk factors in residences and the other to record the presence of triatomines. The materials were tested in the field by 100 students from an endemic area in Argentina and validated by technical personnel. The results obtained by students concerning the percentage of households with risk factors and vector-positive residences were similar to those obtained by the technical personnel. This information allowed teachers to classify the risk levels in the residences as at "high-risk", "risk", or "no risk". The information provides an important aid for health workers, and it is therefore recommended to include this educational strategy in the surveillance phase of the Chagas disease control program.

  20. Distantiae transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi: a new epidemiological feature of acute Chagas disease in Brazil.

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    Samanta Cristina das Chagas Xavier


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The new epidemiological scenario of orally transmitted Chagas disease that has emerged in Brazil, and mainly in the Amazon region, needs to be addressed with a new and systematic focus. Belém, the capital of Pará state, reports the highest number of acute Chagas disease (ACD cases associated with the consumption of açaí juice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The wild and domestic enzootic transmission cycles of Trypanosoma cruzi were evaluated in the two locations (Jurunas and Val-de Cães that report the majority of the autochthonous cases of ACD in Belém city. Moreover, we evaluated the enzootic cycle on the three islands that provide most of the açaí fruit that is consumed in these localities. We employed parasitological and serological tests throughout to evaluate infectivity competence and exposure to T. cruzi. In Val-de-Cães, no wild mammal presented positive parasitological tests, and 56% seroprevalence was observed, with low serological titers. Three of 14 triatomines were found to be infected (TcI. This unexpected epidemiological picture does not explain the high number of autochthonous ACD cases. In Jurunas, the cases of ACD could not be autochthonous because of the absence of any enzootic cycle of T. cruzi. In contrast, in the 3 island areas from which the açaí fruit originates, 66.7% of wild mammals and two dogs displayed positive hemocultures, and 15.6% of triatomines were found to be infected by T. cruzi. Genotyping by mini-exon gene and PCR-RFLP (1f8/Akw21I targeting revealed that the mammals and triatomines from the islands harbored TcI and Trypanosoma rangeli in single and mixed infections. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings show that cases of Chagas disease in the urban area of Belém may be derived from infected triatomines coming together with the açaí fruits from distant islands. We term this new epidemiological feature of Chagas disease as "Distantiae transmission".

  1. O perfil dos portadores de doença de Chagas, com ênfase na forma digestiva, em hospital terciário de Ribeirão Preto, SP Features of Chagas' disease patients with emphasis on digestive form, in a tertiary hospital of Ribeirão Preto, SP

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    Mayra Mayumi Kamiji


    Full Text Available Para caracterizar o perfil clínico e demográfico dos portadores da forma digestiva da doença de Chagas atualmente atendidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, foram revistos 377 prontuários de pacientes com resultado positivo para reação sorológica para a doença de Chagas atendidos entre janeiro de 2002 a março de 2003. A idade mediana dos pacientes era de 67 anos e 210 (56% eram mulheres. Megaesôfago e/ou megacólon chagásicos estavam presentes em 135 pacientes, dos quais, 59% apresentavam cardiopatia. Para 49% dos pacientes com doença digestiva, havia prescrição de pelo menos dois medicamentos para tratamento de doença cardiovascular. Em 66 pacientes, foram detectadas comorbidades crônicas. A população de portadores da forma digestiva da doença de Chagas do HCFMRP é majoritariamente geriátrica e apresenta freqüência elevada de doenças cardiovasculares, o que sugere risco elevado das modalidades de tratamento cirúrgico do megaesôfago e megacólon.In order to characterize the demographic and clinical profile of patients with digestive manifestations of Chagas' disease, the medical records were reviewed of patients (n = 377 currently attended at Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto with positive serologic reaction for Chagas' disease and admitted from January 2002 to March 2003. Median age was 67 years and 210 (56% were women. Megaesophagus and/or megacolon were present in 135 patients, 59% of these had cardiopathy. For 49% of patients with digestive disease, at least two medical prescriptions of medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases were found. In 66 patients, chronic comorbidities were detected. The population with digestive manifestation of Chagas' disease referred to HCFMRP is mostly geriatric, with an elevated frequency of cardiopathy, which may indicate a high risk for surgical approach to the treatment of chagasic megaesophagus and

  2. Aplicaciones de la teoría del control a la economía

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    Wolf Kerpel S.


    Full Text Available La teoría del control se ha desarrollado y aplicado ampliamente en muchas áreas de la Ingeniería. En los últimos años se ha venido aplicando también, en campos diferentes a los de la ingeniería como por ejemplo en Ecología, Economía, diversas áreas de Biología, Sicología, etc.; con excelentes resultados. Los éxitos conseguidos derivan entre otros del hecho de que dichos campos encierran procesos claramente identificables como de control, y, evidentemente también, del gran avance logrado en el desarrollo de la teoría del control. En este articulo nos ocuparemos de las aplicaciones de la teoría del control a la Economía, específicamente a los modelos macroeconómicos. El trabajo es básicamente una recopilación de información relacionada con el tema, y pretende despertar el interés por él en nuestro medio. Al final se presenta una bibliografía extensa.

  3. La modificacion del biotopo perihabitacional en la profilaxis de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Miguel Eduardo Jörg


    Full Text Available La modification del biotopo perihabitacional consiste en crear alrededor de la vivienda humana, rural, selvática o suburbuna, un espado perimetral limpio, totalmente libre de malezas y chaparral, despojado de nidos, madrigueras o refúgios de animales silvestres y de habitáculos de animales domésticos; de suficiente magnitud para evitar que tras desinsectación, queden focos peridomiciliarios de proliferation de triatomineos, vectores del Trypanosoma cruzi, focos inmediatos y habituales de reinfestación domiciliaria por estos redúvidos hematófagos. Los trabajos de rociado entomicida y aún el mejoramiento de la vivienda se reducen extremadamente si no son complementadas con la modificación del biotopo perihabitacional. Se expone una experiencia piloto sobre un barrio de la ciudad Villa Carlos Paz, provinda Córdoba, Argentina, que en 2 anos de aplicación permitió verificar la desaparición de vinchucas en un area de baja desindad de vectores y hospedadores.In zones endemic for the American trypanosomiasis the modification of the biotopes surrounding human, rural, sylvatic or suburban housing, involves the arrangement of a clean perimetral area completely free of shrubs and chaparral, devoid of dens of wild animals and dwellings of domestic animals, to hinder the persistence of peridomestic foci where the proliferation of Triatomine bugs encourage the reinfestation of the human lodgings. The success of insecticide spraying campaigns, even with simultaneous amelioration of housing, are enhanced by tne modification of the biotopes. A pilot field experience is presented; a 2 year active campaign in a suburban area of Villa Carlos Paz, province Cordoba, Argentina, confirming the methods to eliminate reinfestation of houses from peridomestic sites, in an area of low vector density.

  4. Eficiencia del extracto de Ricinus communis para el control del mosquito Culex

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    Diego Tomás Corradine Mora


    Full Text Available Este artículo evaluó el efecto insecticida del extracto de Ricinus communis sobre larvas de mosquitos Culex. A las 24 h la mortalidad es de 8.33 % con dosis de 1 mL del extracto en una concentración de 500 ppm; 35 % en dosis de 1 mL de una concentración de 1000 ppm; 65 % en dosis de 5 mL de una concentración de 1000 ppm; 98.33 % con 10 mL en concentración de 1000 ppm; testigos 3.3 %. Cuando se evaluó el efecto insecticida del extracto aplicado por aspersión en concentraciones de 500, 750 y 1000 ppm, se consiguieron mortalidades de 18.33, 36.66 y 48.32 %, respectivamente. Ninguna de las concentraciones evaluadas alcanzó el cien por ciento de letalidad. En la prueba de semicampo, solo se logró una mortalidad de 9 %. Se evidenció que el extracto tiene un mejor efecto insecticida para el control de ejemplares inmaduros en estado larvario que sobre los adultos.

  5. Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e parasitológicos da doença de Chagas em Mato Grosso do Sul Epidemiological, clinical and parasitological aspects of Chagas' disease in Mato Grosso do Sul State

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    Maurício Antonio Pompilio


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e parasitológicos da doença de Chagas crônica, em pacientes do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, realizamos um estudo seccional envolvendo 120 chagásicos e 120 controles não-chagásicos, de ambos os sexos, com idades de 16 a 82 anos. Os aspectos epidemiológicos foram avaliados por questionário, a cardiopatia por exame clínico, eletrocardiograma convencional, radiologia e ecodopplercardiograma e a presença de Trypanosoma cruzi no sangue por xenodiagnóstico e teste da reação em cadeia da polimerase. Os resultados mostraram predominância de alóctones com baixa escolaridade e referência de contato prévio com triatomíneos entre os chagásicos. Abortamento espontâneo foi mais freqüente nas mulheres chagásicas. A cardiopatia devido ao componente chagásico foi estimada em 20,2%. Apresentou-se com 7,5% de cardiomegalia, 6,2% de aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo e com predominância de dispnéia, palpitações e hipertensão arterial. O xenodiagnóstico foi positivo em 26,1% dos chagásicos enquanto a PCR foi positiva em 53,7%. A análise dos resultados indicou que a doença de Chagas no grupo estudado apresenta características clínicas e parasitológicas que revelam peculiaridades regionais.With the objective of evaluating epidemiologic, clinical and parasitologic aspects of chronic Chagas' disease in patients from the University Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, a cross-sectional study was performed with groups of 120 chagasic and non-chagasic patients aged from 16 to 82 years. Epidemiologic aspects were evaluated by means of a questionnaire, cardiopathy by clinical examination, conventional electrocardiogram, radiology and Doppler echocardiograms (only in chagasic patients and the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in the blood stream by way of xenodiagnosis and polymerase chain reaction test. The results

  6. Antigenicity and diagnostic potential of vaccine candidates in human Chagas disease.

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    Shivali Gupta

    Full Text Available Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is endemic in Latin America and an emerging infectious disease in the US and Europe. We have shown TcG1, TcG2, and TcG4 antigens elicit protective immunity to T. cruzi in mice and dogs. Herein, we investigated antigenicity of the recombinant proteins in humans to determine their potential utility for the development of next generation diagnostics for screening of T. cruzi infection and Chagas disease.Sera samples from inhabitants of the endemic areas of Argentina-Bolivia and Mexico-Guatemala were analyzed in 1(st-phase for anti-T. cruzi antibody response by traditional serology tests; and in 2(nd-phase for antibody response to the recombinant antigens (individually or mixed by an ELISA. We noted similar antibody response to candidate antigens in sera samples from inhabitants of Argentina and Mexico (n=175. The IgG antibodies to TcG1, TcG2, and TcG4 (individually and TcG(mix were present in 62-71%, 65-78% and 72-82%, and 89-93% of the subjects, respectively, identified to be seropositive by traditional serology. Recombinant TcG1- (93.6%, TcG2- (96%, TcG4- (94.6% and TcG(mix- (98% based ELISA exhibited significantly higher specificity compared to that noted for T. cruzi trypomastigote-based ELISA (77.8% in diagnosing T. cruzi-infection and avoiding cross-reactivity to Leishmania spp. No significant correlation was noted in the sera levels of antibody response and clinical severity of Chagas disease in seropositive subjects.Three candidate antigens were recognized by antibody response in chagasic patients from two distinct study sites and expressed in diverse strains of the circulating parasites. A multiplex ELISA detecting antibody response to three antigens was highly sensitive and specific in diagnosing T. cruzi infection in humans, suggesting that a diagnostic kit based on TcG1, TcG2 and TcG4 recombinant proteins will be useful in diverse situations.

  7. Relationship between Fibrosis and Ventricular Arrhythmias in Chagas Heart Disease Without Ventricular Dysfunction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tassi, Eduardo Marinho, E-mail: [Instituto de Cardiologia Edson Saad - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Continentino, Marcelo Abramoff [Hospital Frei Galvão, Guaratinguetá, SP (Brazil); Nascimento, Emília Matos do; Pereira, Basílio de Bragança [Instituto de Cardiologia Edson Saad - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Coppe - Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Pedrosa, Roberto Coury [Instituto de Cardiologia Edson Saad - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Patients with Chagas disease and segmental wall motion abnormality (SWMA) have worse prognosis independent of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is currently the best method to detect SWMA and to assess fibrosis. To quantify fibrosis by using late gadolinium enhancement CMR in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function (> 45%), and to detect patterns of dependence between fibrosis, SWMA and LVEF in the presence of ventricular arrhythmia. Electrocardiogram, treadmill exercise test, Holter and CMR were carried out in 61 patients, who were divided into three groups as follows: (1) normal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (2) abnormal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (3) CMR with SWMA independently of electrocardiogram. The number of patients with ventricular arrhythmia in relation to the total of patients, the percentage of fibrosis, and the LVEF were, respectively: Group 1, 4/26, 0.74% and 74.34%; Group 2, 4/16, 3.96% and 68.5%; and Group 3, 11/19, 14.07% and 55.59%. Ventricular arrhythmia was found in 31.1% of the patients. Those with and without ventricular arrhythmia had mean LVEF of 59.87% and 70.18%, respectively, and fibrosis percentage of 11.03% and 3.01%, respectively. Of the variables SWMA, groups, age, LVEF and fibrosis, only the latter was significant for the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, with a cutoff point of 11.78% for fibrosis mass (p < 0.001). Even in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function, electrical instability can be present. Regarding the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, fibrosis is the most important variable, its amount being proportional to the complexity of the groups.

  8. Relationship between Fibrosis and Ventricular Arrhythmias in Chagas Heart Disease Without Ventricular Dysfunction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tassi, Eduardo Marinho; Continentino, Marcelo Abramoff; Nascimento, Emília Matos do; Pereira, Basílio de Bragança; Pedrosa, Roberto Coury


    Patients with Chagas disease and segmental wall motion abnormality (SWMA) have worse prognosis independent of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is currently the best method to detect SWMA and to assess fibrosis. To quantify fibrosis by using late gadolinium enhancement CMR in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function (> 45%), and to detect patterns of dependence between fibrosis, SWMA and LVEF in the presence of ventricular arrhythmia. Electrocardiogram, treadmill exercise test, Holter and CMR were carried out in 61 patients, who were divided into three groups as follows: (1) normal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (2) abnormal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (3) CMR with SWMA independently of electrocardiogram. The number of patients with ventricular arrhythmia in relation to the total of patients, the percentage of fibrosis, and the LVEF were, respectively: Group 1, 4/26, 0.74% and 74.34%; Group 2, 4/16, 3.96% and 68.5%; and Group 3, 11/19, 14.07% and 55.59%. Ventricular arrhythmia was found in 31.1% of the patients. Those with and without ventricular arrhythmia had mean LVEF of 59.87% and 70.18%, respectively, and fibrosis percentage of 11.03% and 3.01%, respectively. Of the variables SWMA, groups, age, LVEF and fibrosis, only the latter was significant for the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, with a cutoff point of 11.78% for fibrosis mass (p < 0.001). Even in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function, electrical instability can be present. Regarding the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, fibrosis is the most important variable, its amount being proportional to the complexity of the groups

  9. [Pancreatic neuronal loss in chronic Chagas' disease patients]. (United States)

    Rocha, A; de Oliveira, L C; Alves, R S; Lopes, E R


    We have not found any anatomical studies about the intrapancreatic ganglia in the chronic Chagas' disease. The lesions in these structures could explain at least in part the functional disturbances in the exocrine and endocrine pancreas described in this form of the disease. Thus we decided to morphologically analyze these ganglia. For this analysis, we studied transversal segments of the head, body and tail of the pancreas of twelve chronic chagasics whose mean age were 46.5 +/- 9.1 years and fourteen controls, mean age 41.2 +/- 11.0 years. These segments were histologically processed and cut into sections in a serial form up to the end and one cut of each seven was analyzed. For statistical analysis we used the non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney. In the head of the pancreas, the mean count of neurons was 57.3 +/- 50.8 in the chagasic group and 117.5 +/- 99.0 for the control group (p < 0.05); in the body 25.9 +/- 19.4 for the chagasic group and 54.7 +/- 47.8 for the control group (p < 0.05); in the tail 23.4 +/- 16.3 for the chagasic group and 54.1 +/- 29.2 for the control group (p < 0.01), the total count being 106.6 +/- 71.1 for the chagasic group and 226.3 +/- 156.5 for the controls (p < 0.01). Our data permitted us to conclude that: a) there was a statistically significant neuronal depopulation in the chagasic group, as compared to the control group, in each pancreatic segment that was analyzed, as well as in the organ as a whole; b) 50% of the chagasics had the total number of neurons smaller than the lowest number observed in the controls (80); c) 75% and 91.6% of the chagasics had the number of neurons smaller than, respectively, the median (171) and the mean (226) of the control group; d) therefore, the pancreatic neuronal depopulation was common, but not constant; e) the variable age was apparently not responsible for the neuronal depopulation of the chagasics.

  10. Importancia del manual de los sistemas contables en el sistema de control interno.

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    Nicolás Valdés Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La dirección administrativa del país en los últimos 3 años ha insistido en la necesidad de profundizar en los mecanismos de control económico –financiero de las entidades, el presente trabajo va dirigido a contribuir en alguna medida a lograr ese propósito. El sistema contable de una Entidad forma parte indisoluble del Sistema de Control Interno de la misma, por la vinculación tan estrecha que existe entre los mismos. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo ”Importancia del Manual de los Sistemas Contables en el Sistema de Control Interno”, es destacar la utilidad práctica, técnica y organizativa que tiene el Manual para elevar la eficiencia del trabajo contable de las Entidades y su repercusión positiva en la eficiencia el sistema de Control Interno establecido. Los beneficios que aporta el Manual radican en que crea una base normativa contable adecuada a las características de cada entidad. Como se sabe en las transformaciones económicas realizadas en el país, la existencia de dos monedas en el trabajo económico-contable de muchas entidades, la puntualización del objeto social y la cartera de productos y servicios han complejizado el trabajo contable, requiriendo una mayor adecuación a las características propias de cada entidad, lo cual se logra con la realización del Manual.

  11. Actualización de la distribución geográfica y ecoepidemiología de la fauna de triatominos (Reduviidae: Triatominae en Colombia

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    Felipe Guhl


    Se resalta la importancia de la vigilancia entomológica como herramienta indispensable para reforzar las estrategias de control de la transmisión de la enfermedad de Chagas, permitiendo también la evaluación del riesgo que representan las especies de triatominos silvestres en Colombia.

  12. Health Care Seeking Behavior of Persons with Acute Chagas Disease in Rural Argentina: A Qualitative View

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    Ignacio Llovet


    Full Text Available Chagas disease (CD is a tropical parasitic disease largely underdiagnosed and mostly asymptomatic affecting marginalized rural populations. Argentina regularly reports acute cases of CD, mostly young individuals under 14 years old. There is a void of knowledge of health care seeking behavior in subjects experiencing a CD acute condition. Early treatment of the acute case is crucial to limit subsequent development of disease. The article explores how the health outcome of persons with acute CD may be conditioned by their health care seeking behavior. The study, with a qualitative approach, was carried out in rural areas of Santiago del Estero Province, a high risk endemic region for vector transmission of CD. Narratives of 25 in-depth interviews carried out in 2005 and 2006 are analyzed identifying patterns of health care seeking behavior followed by acute cases. Through the retrospective recall of paths for diagnoses, weaknesses of disease information, knowledge at the household level, and underperformance at the provincial health care system level are detected. The misdiagnoses were a major factor in delaying a health care response. The study results expose lost opportunities for the health care system to effectively record CD acute cases.

  13. A serological, parasitological and clinical evaluation of untreated Chagas disease patients and those treated with benznidazole before and thirteen years after intervention (United States)

    Machado-de-Assis, Girley Francisco; Diniz, Glaucia Alessio; Montoya, Roberto Araújo; Dias, João Carlos Pinto; Coura, José Rodrigues; Machado-Coelho, George Luiz Lins; Albajar-Viñas, Pedro; Torres, Rosália Morais; de Lana, Marta


    The etiological treatment of Chagas disease is recommended for all patients with acute or recent chronic infection, but controversies remain regarding the benefit of chemotherapy and interpretations of the parasitological cure after etiological treatment. This study compares the laboratory and clinical evaluations of Chagas disease patients who were diagnosed 13 years earlier. Fifty-eight Chagas disease patients (29 treated with benznidazole and 29 untreated) were matched at the time of treatment based on several variables. Conventional serology revealed the absence of seroconversion in all patients. However, lower serological titres were verified in the treated group, primarily among patients who had the indeterminate form of the disease. Haemoculture performed 13 years after the intervention was positive for 6.9% and 27.6% of the treated and untreated patients, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction tests were positive for 44.8% and 13.8% of the treated and untreated patients, respectively. Patients who presented with the indeterminate form of the disease at the beginning of the study exhibited less clinical progression (17.4%) compared with the untreated group (56.5%). Therefore, this global analysis revealed that etiological treatment with benznidazole may benefit patients with respect to the clinical progression of Chagas disease and the prognosis, particularly when administered to patients with the indeterminate form of the disease. PMID:24037109

  14. Doença de chagas aguda em mulher de 80 anos no México. Relato anatomopatológico

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    Felipe Lozano Kasten


    Full Text Available Mulher de 80 anos de idade, com doença de Chagas aguda diagnosticada à necrópsia, adquirida, provavelmente, através de triatomíneos no município de Zacoelo de Torres, no Estado de Jalisco, México. Assinala-se a raridade do encontro de casos de doença de Chagas agudo, na faixa etária da paciente. O exame anatomopatológico mostrou comprometimento do coração, esôfago e intestino grosso. Encontrou-se lesões no sistema nervoso autônomo intramural do esôfago e do intestino grosso, sendo estes achados de interesse, por ocorrer em área geográfica onde os megas tem sido pouco relatados.A case of acute Chagas' disease, diagnosed by necropsy, in a 80-year-old woman, is reported. lt is assumed that infection was acquired through triatomine bite in Zacoelo de Torres, Jalisco State, Mexico. There were lesions due to american trypanosomiasis in the heart, esophagus and bowel. Autonomic nervous lesions were detected in the esophagus and bowel. lt is emphasized the importance of these findings in an area where few cases of megas were reported

  15. Efecto del sacrificio de perros vagabundos en el control de la rabia canina

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    Ricardo Castillo-Neyra

    Full Text Available En la ciudad de Arequipa, Perú, se han detectado perros con rabia desde marzo de 2015, señal de la reintroducción del virus de la rabia (VR en esta zona previamente declarada libre de esta enfermedad. La alta densidad de perros vagabundos ha sido considerada una de las causas de la continua transmisión del VR en el brote de la ciudad de Arequipa, alentando el sacrificio de perros como medida de salud pública. Sin embargo, la efectividad de esta medida de control no ha sido evaluada. El objetivo de esta revisión fue determinar la efectividad del sacrificio de perros vagabundos como medida de control de la rabia urbana. Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos sobre control de rabia canina o urbana en las bases de datos de Medline, Scopus y LILACS. Se incluyeron estudios originales y revisiones que hayan evaluado algún efecto del sacrificio de perros en la transmisión del VR. Veinte de 21 artículos concluyen que el sacrificio de perros vagabundos es inefectivo en reducir la trasmisión del VR e, incluso, puede tener consecuencias imprevistas que empeoren el problema. En conclusión, la evidencia disponible indica que sacrificar perros vagabundos no es efectivo para controlar la rabia urbana. Además, las diversas consecuencias negativas del sacrificio de los perros vagabundos reportadas en otras partes del mundo sugieren que el sistema de rabia urbana es altamente complejo y todos sus componentes deben ser tomados en cuenta durante la implementación de actividades de control.

  16. One Health Interactions of Chagas Disease Vectors, Canid Hosts, and Human Residents along the Texas-Mexico Border.

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    Melissa N Garcia


    Full Text Available Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi infection is the leading cause of non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy in Latin America. Texas, particularly the southern region, has compounding factors that could contribute to T. cruzi transmission; however, epidemiologic studies are lacking. The aim of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of T. cruzi in three different mammalian species (coyotes, stray domestic dogs, and humans and vectors (Triatoma species to understand the burden of Chagas disease among sylvatic, peridomestic, and domestic cycles.To determine prevalence of infection, we tested sera from coyotes, stray domestic dogs housed in public shelters, and residents participating in related research studies and found 8%, 3.8%, and 0.36% positive for T. cruzi, respectively. PCR was used to determine the prevalence of T. cruzi DNA in vectors collected in peridomestic locations in the region, with 56.5% testing positive for the parasite, further confirming risk of transmission in the region.Our findings contribute to the growing body of evidence for autochthonous Chagas disease transmission in south Texas. Considering this region has a population of 1.3 million, and up to 30% of T. cruzi infected individuals developing severe cardiac disease, it is imperative that we identify high risk groups for surveillance and treatment purposes.

  17. Treatment of Chagas' disease with itraconazole: electrocardiographic and parasitological conditions after 20 years of follow-up. (United States)

    Apt, Werner; Arribada, Arturo; Zulantay, Inés; Rodríguez, Jorge; Saavedra, Miguel; Muñoz, Andrea


    To evaluate cases of chronic Chagas' disease for the long-term effects of treatment with itraconazole on Trypanosoma cruzi infections and the regression or development of ECG abnormalities. In March 1992, we treated 46 patients with chronic Chagas' disease with 6 mg/kg/day of itraconazole for 120 days in a blind evaluation. The patients came from an area of Chile where the disease was endemic and were checked for ECG abnormalities and with xenodiagnosis (XD) or real-time XD-quantitative PCR (XD-qPCR) for Trypanosoma cruzi infection before treatment and once a year for 20 years. Twenty-one patients proved to be uninfected after 20 years and 15 of the patients had a normal ECG. Of the latter cases, 32.6% could be considered cured, although all of them had positive serology. Itraconazole prevents the development of ECG abnormalities, because after 20 years of treatment only 10.86% of patients developed ECG abnormalities (Z = 1.70, P = 0.046). XD-qPCR performed on 16 patients demonstrated 10 cases with XD; these cases correspond to therapy failure, since re-infection was ruled out. In one case, XD-qPCR did not present amplification. Itraconazole is useful in the treatment of chronic Chagas' disease as it prevented the development of ECG abnormalities and cured 32.6% of patients.

  18. [Control of Chagas' disease in Guarani communities: knowledge and hygiene habits within the Project to Improve Living Conditions in Bolivia]. (United States)

    Verdú, J; Ruiz, M T


    The aim of this study was to identify knowledge and control of vectorial transmission (Triatoma infestans, known as vinchuca) of Chagas' disease in Guaraní Communities in Bolivia. We performed a descriptive study of a series of 98 individuals through a semi-structured questionnaire. Interviewees were asked about their familiarity with vinchuca, whether they thought vinchuca produced disease, the name of the disease and its consequences, as well as behavior related to eliminating the domestic insect vectors, such as cleaning of the home, backyard and corral.The insect vector was sufficiently well known (98%), although the name of the disease was identified by only 14.3% of the interviewees. Although the dwellings favored insect proliferation, they were not frequently cleaned: 28.6% cleaned their homes while and 42.9% cleaned the backyard and 7.1% cleaned the corral. Gender differences were found in the division of labor: women cleaned the homes and backyards, while men clean the corral. Experience has shown that the usefulness of projects for building healthy living areas and for health education depends on the value given to these projects by the community. Women are probably the best target group, because they perform a greater number of preventive tasks and seldom leave the community for extended periods of time.

  19. Epidemiologia de um caso de doença de Chagas na Ilha do Mosqueiro - Pará

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    Adelson A.A. de Souza


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam os resultados do estudo epidemiológico de um caso autóctone da fase aguda da doença de Chagas na ilha do Mosqueiro, Estado do Pará, aproximadamente 75km da capital, Belém. 0 caso já havia sido objeto de uma publicação anterior. Agora são apresentadas informações epidemiológicas. Nas proximidades da casa do paciente foram capturados em duas palmeiras de Inajá ('Maximilian regi ay e em uma de Mucajá (Acrocomia sclerocarpia 114 triatomíneos: Rhodnius pictipes, R. robustus, Panstrongylus lignarius, P. geniculatus e Microtriatoma trinidadensis, com tripanossomas em 31 deles. Na casa do paciente foram encontrados exemplares de Rhodnius pictipes, infectados com formas metacíclicas do Trypanosoma cruzi. Em 14 marsupiais, capturados na localidade, haviam 3 infectados com organismos semelhantes ao T. cruzi. A eletroforese dos isoenzimas nos tripanossomas isolados do paciente, de R. pictipes e de Didelphis marsupialis os classificou como zimodema 1. Os autores concluem que a doença de Chagas do paciente teve origem silvestre.The authors present the results of an epidemiological study relating to a case of acute Chagas' disease acquired in the island of Mosqueiro, State of Para, approximately 75 km from the capital Belem. The patient has been the object of a previous publication but now epidemiological information is reported. Near the house of the patient in two Inaja palm trees (Maximilian regia and one Mucaja palm (Acrocomia sclerocarpia 114 triatomine bugs were captured of the following species: Rhodnius pictipes, R. robustus, Panstrongylus lignarius, P. geniculatus and Microtriatoma trinidadensis. Trypanosomes were found in 31 bugs. In the house of the patient specimens of R. pictipes were captured infected with metacyclic forms óf Trypanosoma cruzi. In 14 marsupials captured in the locality three had infections with cruzi like trypanosomes. Enzyme electrophoresis of the trypanosomes isolated from the patient, R

  20. Plasma cytokine expression is associated with cardiac morbidity in chagas disease.

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    Giovane Rodrigo Sousa

    Full Text Available The expression of immune response appears to be associated with morbidity in Chagas disease. However, the studies in this field have usually employed small samples of patients and statistical analyses that do not consider the wide dispersion of cytokine production observed in these patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the plasma cytokine levels in well-defined clinical polar groups of chagasic patients divided into categories that better reflect the wide cytokine profile and its relationship with morbidity. Patients infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi were grouped as indeterminate (IND and cardiac (CARD forms ranging from 23 to 69 years of age (mean of 45.6±11.25. The IND group included 82 individuals, ranging from 24 to 66 years of age (mean of 39.6±10.3. The CARD group included 94 patients ranging from 23 to 69 years of age (mean of 48±12.52 presenting dilated cardiomyopathy. None of the patients have undergone chemotherapeutic treatment, nor had been previously treated for T. cruzi infection. Healthy non-chagasic individuals, ranging from 29 to 55 years of age (mean of 42.6±8.8 were included as a control group (NI. IND patients have a higher intensity of interleukin 10 (IL-10 expression when compared with individuals in the other groups. By contrast, inflammatory cytokine expression, such as interferon gamma (IFN-γ, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α, interleukin 6 (IL-6, and interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β, proved to be the highest in the CARD group. Correlation analysis showed that higher IL-10 expression was associated with better cardiac function, as determined by left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular diastolic diameter values. Altogether, these findings reinforce the concept that a fine balance between regulatory and inflammatory cytokines represents a key element in the establishment of distinct forms of chronic Chagas disease.

  1. Trypanosoma cruzi in the chicken model: Chagas-like heart disease in the absence of parasitism

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Teixeira, A.R.L.; Gomes, C.; Nitz, N.; Sousa, A.O.; Alvez, R.M.; Guimaro, M.C.; Cordeiro, C.; Bernal, F.M.; Rosa, A.C.; Hejnar, Jiří; Leonardecz, E.; Hecht, M.M.


    Roč. 5, č. 3 (2011), e1000 ISSN 1935-2735 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50520514 Keywords : Chagas disease * Trypanosoma cruzi * kDNA minicircles * inbred chicken Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 4.716, year: 2011

  2. Evolución del Programa de Control de Tuberculosis en el Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta

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    Pedro Pablo Velásquez Rico


    Full Text Available

    La Academia Nacional de Medicina y el Ministerio de Salud patrocinaron en la sede de nuestra Corporación, un Seminario Coordinado por el académico doctor Gilberto Rueda Pérez, para estudiar el estado actual de la Campana contra la Tuberculosis en el país y optimizar las labores que en este caso se adelantan.
    Corno reconocimiento y estímulo al trabajo más completo y objetivo de los presentados en este certamen. publicamos el estudio que sobre la lucha anti-tuberculosa en el Meta. realizó la delegación de este Departamento. Médico Coordinador:’ Dr. Velásquez.

    Dentro del marco del XII CURSO DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA y CONTROL DE LA TUBERCULOSIS, para médicos, enfermeras y bacteriólogas realizado del 3 al 30 de octubre de 1988, en el Hospital Santa Clara, organizado por la sección de Transmisibles del Ministerio de Salud a cargo del Doctor Guido Chaves Montagno; se llevó también a cabo el XVIII SEMINARIO NACIONAL DE EVALUACION DEL PROGRAMA DE TUBERCULOSIS, en el cual cada Servicio Seccional de Salud presentó un trabajo para concurso, mostrando la evolución del programa del año 1982 a 1987.

    Concurso en el cual el primer puesto le fue otorgado al Programa de Control de Tuberculosis del Servicio Seccional de Salud del Meta: este trabajo es el que a continuación se presenta. Quiere el Coordinador del Programa en el Meta, presentar agradecimientos al Ministerio de Salud y al Instituto Nacional de Salud por el gran apoyo que siempre se le ha brindado; lo mismo ljue a todos los funcionarios del Servicio Seccional de Salud, como a los de los diferentes organismos de salud del Departamento y un reconocimiento muy especial a todo el grupo de Tuberculosis del Hospital San Antonio de Villavicencio, donde funciona el Consultorio de Vías Respiratorias; ya que gracias a su activa participación en las diferentes actividades del Programa es quc se

  3. Uso de sistemas de control de versiones en el seguimiento continuo del trabajo del alumno


    Riesco Albizu, Miguel; Díaz Fondón, M. Ángeles


    El seguimiento continuo del trabajo del alumno suele ser complicado cuando se trata prácticas de desarrollo de software. Además de ser tedioso y de difícil realización, puede ser una tarea considerablemente larga cuando el número de alumnos es elevado. En este trabajo se propone una combinación de técnicas, basadas en la utilización de un sistema de control de versiones, para hacer posible este seguimiento incluso con un número alto de alumnos. Peer Reviewed...

  4. Aglutinina anti-T (Thomsen-Friedenreich na doença de Chagas

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    Marcos Palatnik


    Full Text Available Uma amostra de soros de pacientes e controles de uma área endêmica da Doença de Chagas do País foi titulada contra hemácias de grupo O tratadas pela neuraminidase (células OT ativadas e hemacias normais de grupo A e B (sistema ABO. Também foram feitos alguns testes de aglutinação de hemácias de pacientes com cardiomiopatia com as lectinas de amendoim (anti-T + anti-Tk e com anticorpo humano anti-T. O escore médio da aglutinina anti-T dos pacientes foi similar ao do grupo controle. En- tretanto, o escore médio dos indivíduos com a forma cardíaca íoi significantemente maior que o dos pacientes assintomáticos e também maior que o do grupo controle. A comparação entre indivíduos com sorologia diagnóstica positiva versus negativa foi não significante. Nem a sorologia para Chagas nem as variáveis raça, sexo, idade, idade ao quadrado, in-fecção intestinal parasitária, teor de proteínas do soro, volume globular eritrocitário (hema-tócrito, grau de palidez da mucosa bucal, cardíomiopatia e os termos de interação sexo x idade, sexo x idade ao quadrado, estão associados significativamente com o logaritmo do título ou com o logaritmo do escore de aglutinação. Os escores de aglutinação das aglutininas anti-A e anti-B do sistema de grupo sangüíneo ABO estão dentro da faixa de variação normal. As hemácias de pacientes com a forma cardíaca não são aglutinadas nem pelas lectinas de amendoim (antiT + anti-Tk e da soja (anti-T nem pela aglutinina anti-T de origem humana. A prova de Coombs direta foi negativa em todos os pacientes, demonstrando a aparente ausência de imunoglobulinas IgG e IgM na superfície eritrocitária. O fato de que o aumento dos níveis de anti-T só foi detectado em uma das formas clínicas da doença em pacientes da mesma área endêmica constitui um argumento contra a possibilidade de que a variação observada seja produzida por uma infecção concomitante.

  5. Geographic Distribution of Chagas Disease Vectors in Brazil Based on Ecological Niche Modeling

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    Rodrigo Gurgel-Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Although Brazil was declared free from Chagas disease transmission by the domestic vector Triatoma infestans, human acute cases are still being registered based on transmission by native triatomine species. For a better understanding of transmission risk, the geographic distribution of Brazilian triatomines was analyzed. Sixteen out of 62 Brazilian species that both occur in >20 municipalities and present synanthropic tendencies were modeled based on their ecological niches. Panstrongylus geniculatus and P. megistus showed broad ecological ranges, but most of the species sort out by the biome in which they are distributed: Rhodnius pictipes and R. robustus in the Amazon; R. neglectus, Triatoma sordida, and T. costalimai in the Cerrado; R. nasutus, P. lutzi, T. brasiliensis, T. pseudomaculata, T. melanocephala, and T. petrocchiae in the Caatinga; T. rubrovaria in the southern pampas; T. tibiamaculata and T. vitticeps in the Atlantic Forest. Although most occurrences were recorded in open areas (Cerrado and Caatinga, our results show that all environmental conditions in the country are favorable to one or more of the species analyzed, such that almost nowhere is Chagas transmission risk negligible.

  6. Mannose-Binding Lectin and Toll-Like Receptor Polymorphisms and Chagas Disease in Chile (United States)

    Zulantay, Inés; Danquah, Ina; Hamann, Lutz; Schumann, Ralf R.; Apt, Werner; Mockenhaupt, Frank P.


    Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and Toll-like receptor (TLR) polymorphisms may influence susceptibility and manifestation of Trypanosoma cruzi infection. In northern Chile, we examined 61 asymptomatic patients with chronic Chagas disease (CD), 64 patients with chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC), and 45 healthy individuals. Low-producer MBL2*B genotypes were more common in CD patients (48%) than healthy individuals (31%; adjusted odds ratio = 2.3, 95% confidence interval = 1.01–5.4, P = 0.047) but did not differ with manifestation. In contrast, the heterozygous Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-deficiency genotype D299G/T399I occurred more frequently in asymptomatic (14.8%) than CCC patients (3.1%; P = 0.02). TLR1-I602S, TLR2-R753Q, TLR6-S249P, and MAL/TIRAP-S180L did not associate with CD or CCC. These findings support the complement system to be involved in defense against Trypanosoma cruzi infection and indicate that curbed TLR4 activation might be beneficial in preventing CCC. PMID:22302853

  7. Genetic Susceptibility to Cardiac and Digestive Clinical Forms of Chronic Chagas Disease: Involvement of the CCR5 59029 A/G Polymorphism


    de Oliveira, Amanda Priscila; Bernardo, C?ssia Rubia; Camargo, Ana Vit?ria da Silveira; Ronchi, Luiz S?rgio; Borim, Aldenis Albaneze; Brand?o de Mattos, Cinara C?ssia; de Campos J?nior, Eumildo; Castiglioni, L?lian; Netinho, Jo?o Gomes; Cavasini, Carlos Eug?nio; Bestetti, Reinaldo Bulgarelli; de Mattos, Luiz Carlos


    The clinical manifestations of chronic Chagas disease include the cardiac form of the disease and the digestive form. Not all the factors that act in the variable clinical course of this disease are known. This study investigated whether the CCR5Δ32 (rs333) and CCR5 59029 A/G (promoter region--rs1799987) polymorphisms of the CCR5 gene are associated with different clinical forms of chronic Chagas disease and with the severity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with chronic C...

  8. On the possibility of autochthonous Chagas disease in Roraima, Amazon region, Brazil, 2000-2001 Sobre a possibilidade da ocorrência de doença de Chagas autóctone em Roraima, Amazônia brasileira, 2000-2001

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    José Francisco Luitgards-Moura


    Full Text Available Chagas disease has been almost entirely eradicated from the arid zones in Central and Northeastern Brazil where rare or no autochthonous cases have been reported. However, in the last 10 years the disease has increasingly been registered in the Amazon Region. Aiming to investigate the possibility of the occurrence of autochthonous cycle of Chagas disease in Roraima, triatomine collections, vectorial susceptibility studies (this one to be shown elsewhere, parasitological and serological analyses were conducted in three agricultural settlement areas (Rorainópolis, Passarão Project and Ilha Community. Blood-donor candidates were also investigated. This is the first epidemiological survey on Chagas disease conducted in agricultural settlements in Roraima. Triatomine species found were Triatoma maculata, Rhodnius pictipes, Rhodnius robustus and Panstrongylus geniculatus. Trypanosoma cruzi detection analyses included xenodiagnosis, indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemaglutination, ELISA and kinetoplast PCR amplification. Natural triatomine infection was not found in intestinal contents. Twenty-five adult settlers (1.4% out of 1821, all > 15 year-old, 20 migrants presented anti-T. cruzi antibodies. Two migrant settlers (from Minas Gerais and Maranhão tested positive for more than two serological tests, besides either being positive for xenodiagnosis or PCR. Results show that Chagas disease is not endemic in the areas studied. However, all elements of the transmission cycle are present, demanding for an adequate and continuous vigilance.A doença de Chagas foi quase inteiramente erradicada das zonas áridas do Brasil Central e Nordeste, onde ciclos autóctones de transmissão praticamente inexistem. Contudo, na última década a doença vem sendo registrada na Região Amazônica. Objetivando investigar a possibilidade da ocorrência de ciclos autóctones de transmissão em áreas de colonização agrícola no Estado de Roraima, foram realizadas

  9. Carvedilol Enhances the Antioxidant Effect of Vitamins E and C in Chronic Chagas Heart Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Budni, Patrícia; Pedrosa, Roberto Coury; Dalmarco, Eduardo Monguilhott; Dalmarco, Juliana Bastos; Frode, Tânia Sílvia; Wilhelm, Danilo Filho


    Chagas disease is still an important endemic disease in Brazil, and the cardiac involvement is its more severe manifestation. To verify whether the concomitant use of carvedilol will enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins E and C in reducing the systemic oxidative stress in chronic Chagas heart disease. A total of 42 patients with Chagas heart disease were studied. They were divided into four groups according to the modified Los Andes classification: 10 patients in group IA (normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no cardiac involvement); 20 patients in group IB (normal electrocardiogram and abnormal echocardiogram; mild cardiac involvement); eight patients in group II (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no heart failure; moderate cardiac involvement); and four patients in group III (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram with heart failure; severe cardiac involvement). Blood levels of markers of oxidative stress were determined before and after a six-month period of treatment with carvedilol, and six months after combined therapy of carvedilol with vitamins E and C. The markers analyzed were as follows: activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase and reductase, myeloperoxidade and adenosine deaminase; and the levels of reduced glutathione, thiobarbituric-acid reactive substances, protein carbonyls, vitamin E, and nitric oxide. After treatment with carvedilol, all groups showed significant decrease in protein carbonyls and reduced glutathione levels, whereas nitric oxide levels and adenosine activity increased significantly only in the less severely affected group (IA). In addition, the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes was decreased in the less severely affected groups (IA and IB). By combining the vitamins with carvedilol, a reduction in protein damage, in glutathione levels, and in the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes were observed. The decrease in oxidative

  10. Carvedilol Enhances the Antioxidant Effect of Vitamins E and C in Chronic Chagas Heart Disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Budni, Patrícia, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC (Brazil); Pedrosa, Roberto Coury [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Dalmarco, Eduardo Monguilhott; Dalmarco, Juliana Bastos; Frode, Tânia Sílvia; Wilhelm, Danilo Filho [Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, SC (Brazil)


    Chagas disease is still an important endemic disease in Brazil, and the cardiac involvement is its more severe manifestation. To verify whether the concomitant use of carvedilol will enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins E and C in reducing the systemic oxidative stress in chronic Chagas heart disease. A total of 42 patients with Chagas heart disease were studied. They were divided into four groups according to the modified Los Andes classification: 10 patients in group IA (normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no cardiac involvement); 20 patients in group IB (normal electrocardiogram and abnormal echocardiogram; mild cardiac involvement); eight patients in group II (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no heart failure; moderate cardiac involvement); and four patients in group III (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram with heart failure; severe cardiac involvement). Blood levels of markers of oxidative stress were determined before and after a six-month period of treatment with carvedilol, and six months after combined therapy of carvedilol with vitamins E and C. The markers analyzed were as follows: activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase and reductase, myeloperoxidade and adenosine deaminase; and the levels of reduced glutathione, thiobarbituric-acid reactive substances, protein carbonyls, vitamin E, and nitric oxide. After treatment with carvedilol, all groups showed significant decrease in protein carbonyls and reduced glutathione levels, whereas nitric oxide levels and adenosine activity increased significantly only in the less severely affected group (IA). In addition, the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes was decreased in the less severely affected groups (IA and IB). By combining the vitamins with carvedilol, a reduction in protein damage, in glutathione levels, and in the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes were observed. The decrease in oxidative

  11. Training the Next Generation of Scientists: System Dynamics Modeling of Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) transmission. (United States)

    Goff, P.; Hulse, A.; Harder, H. R.; Pierce, L. A.; Rizzo, D.; Hanley, J.; Orantes, L.; Stevens, L.; Justi, S.; Monroy, C.


    A computational simulation has been designed as an investigative case study by high school students to introduce system dynamics modeling into high school curriculum. This case study approach leads users through the forensics necessary to diagnose an unknown disease in a Central American village. This disease, Chagas, is endemic to 21 Latin American countries. The CDC estimates that of the 110 million people living in areas with the disease, 8 million are infected, with as many as 300,000 US cases. Chagas is caused by the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, and is spread via blood feeding insect (vectors), that feed on vertebrates and live in crevasses in the walls and roofs of adobe homes. One-third of the infected people will develop chronic Chagas who are asymptomatic for years before their heart or GI tract become enlarged resulting in death. The case study has three parts. Students play the role of WHO field investigators and work collaboratively to: 1) use genetics to identify the host(s) and vector of the disease 2) use a STELLA™ SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) system dynamics model to study Chagas at the village scale and 3) develop management strategies. The simulations identify mitigation strategies known as Ecohealth Interventions (e.g., home improvements using local materials) to help stakeholders test and compare multiple optima. High school students collaborated with researchers from the University of Vermont, Loyola University and Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala, working in labs, interviewing researchers, and incorporating mulitple field data as part of a NSF-funded multiyear grant. The model displays stable equilibria of hosts, vectors, and disease-states. Sensitivity analyses show measures of household condition and presence of vertebrates were significant leverage points, supporting other findings by the University research team. The village-scale model explores multiple solutions to disease mitigation for the purpose of producing

  12. Lecciones aprendidas en el control del tabaquismo en España Lessons learned from tobacco control in Spain


    Esteve Fernández; Joan R. Villalbí; Rodrigo Córdoba


    En España ha sido visible la creciente implicación de la sociedad civil en la demanda de políticas de control del tabaquismo. Las bases para la creación del Comité Nacional para la Prevención del Tabaquismo (CNPT) fueron asentadas en 2004. A finales de ese año la intensa actuación para concretar las acciones reguladoras del incipiente Plan Nacional para la Prevención del Tabaquismo culminó en una ley que permitió un salto cualitativo, aprovechando la trasposición legal de la directiva europea...

  13. Desbravamento, agricultura e doença: a doença de Chagas no Estado de São Paulo

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    Luiz Jacintho da Silva


    Full Text Available Faz-se uma reconstrução do processo de surgimento, disseminação e desaparecimento da endemia chagásica no Estado de São Paulo, interpretando-se as informações epidemiológicas existentes, dentro de uma perspectiva histórico-materialista. Parte-se dos conceitos clássicos que procuram explicar a distribuição da doença, demonstrando sua insuficiência. Com a incorporação de conceitos e métodos de análise utilizados em Geografia, chega-se a uma compreensão do que foi o processo de evolução da doença em São Paulo, e quais os seus determinantes, mostrando que se tratou de um processo peculiar ao Centro-Sul brasileiro, num período histórico bem determinado. A doença de Chagas, ainda que uma endemia de expressão nacional, não pode ser vista como um todo indistinto, existindo diferentes padrões epidemiológicos em períodos históricos diferentes.A reconstruction of the emergence, distribution and disappearence of Chagas' disease in the State of São Paulo (Brazil is undertaken by interpretating existing epidemiological data through historical-materialism. Classical concepts concerning the distribution of the disease are shown inadequate to explain the epidemiology of Chagas'disease in São Paulo. By incorporating an analitical methodology and concepts used in geographical studies, an understanding of the evolution of the disease is achieved. The process is demonstrated peculiar to Central-South Brazil in a particular historical period. Chagas'disease, inasmuch as parasitosis of national expression, must be seen as having distinct epidemiological patterns occuring in differente historical periods.

  14. Nuclear angiocardiographic evaluation of effect of the isosorbide dinitrate in chronic Chagas' patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marin Neto, J.A.; Souza, A.C.S.; Maciel, B. C.; Gallo Junior, L.; Iazigi, N.


    The cardiovascular effects of a systemic vasodilator therapy (isosorbide dinitrate - ID) were studied in 13 normal individuals and in 40 chronic Chagas' patients, grouped as follows: 13 in the indeterminate phase of the disease; 14 with the chronic cardiac form and 13 presenting only clinical and laboratory findings of megaesophagus and/or megacolon (digestive form). The LV pump function was studied by means of radionuclide angiography in baseline condition and after 5-10 min of sublingual administration of 5mg of ID.Ejection fraction (EF), peak velocity of LV emptying (Vmax), heart rate (HR) and blood pressure BP) were determined under each condition. All groups showed comparable mean HR and BP values. Only the cardiac group exhibited lower values of EF and Vmax, as compared to normal controls. The vasodilator drug elicited significant comparable (p [pt

  15. La enfermedad de Chagas ya no es tan exótica

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Este podcast tiene el propósito de informar a los profesionales de la salud sobre la enfermedad de Chagas, su diagnóstico y tratamiento, así como orientar en la identificación de pacientes infectados.  Created: 4/3/2008 by National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (NCZVED).   Date Released: 4/9/2008.

  16. Population differentiation of the Chagas disease vector Triatoma maculata (Erichson, 1848) from Colombia and Venezuela. (United States)

    Monsalve, Yoman; Panzera, Francisco; Herrera, Leidi; Triana-Chávez, Omar; Gómez-Palacio, Andrés


    The emerging vector of Chagas disease, Triatoma maculata (Hemiptera, Reduviidae), is one of the most widely distributed Triatoma species in northern South America. Despite its increasing relevance as a vector, no consistent picture of the magnitude of genetic and phenetic diversity has yet been developed. Here, several populations of T. maculata from eleven Colombia and Venezuela localities were analyzed based on the morphometry of wings and the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) gene sequences. Our results showed clear morphometric and genetic differences among Colombian and Venezuelan populations, indicating high intraspecific diversity. Inter-population divergence is suggested related to East Cordillera in Colombia. Analyses of other populations from Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil from distinct eco-geographic regions are still needed to understand its systematics and phylogeography as well as its actual role as a vector of Chagas disease. © 2016 The Society for Vector Ecology.

  17. Chagas disease cardiomyopathy: current concepts of an old disease Cardiomiopatia chagásica: conceitos atuais de doença antiga

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    Angelina M.B. Bilate


    Full Text Available Chagas disease continues to be a significant public health problem, as ca. 10 million people are still infected with T. cruzi in Latin America. Decades after primary infection, 30% of individuals can develop a form of chronic inflammatory cardiomyopathy known as Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC. Data from both murine models and human studies support the view that an autoimmune response as well as a parasite-driven immune response involving inflammatory cytokines and chemokines may both play a role in generating the heart lesions leading to CCC. This review aims to summarize recent advances in the understanding of the immunopathogenesis of Chagas disease cardiomyopathy.A doença de Chagas continua sendo importante problema de saúde pública uma vez que cerca de 10 milhões de indivíduos ainda estão infectados pelo T. cruzi. Décadas após a infecção primária, aproximadamente 30% dos indivíduos podem desenvolver uma cardiomiopatia inflamatória crônica, a chamada Cardiomiopatia Chagásica Crônica (CCC. Dados de modelos murinos e de estudos em humanos apóiam a visão de que tanto respostas auto-imunes como as determinadas pelo parasita em conjunto com citocinas e quimiocinas inflamatórias participam da geração das lesões cardíacas típicas da CCC. A presente revisão tem como objetivo sumarizar os recentes avanços no entendimento da imunopatogênese da Cardiomiopatia Chagásica Crônica.

  18. Training Systems Modelers through the Development of a Multi-scale Chagas Disease Risk Model (United States)

    Hanley, J.; Stevens-Goodnight, S.; Kulkarni, S.; Bustamante, D.; Fytilis, N.; Goff, P.; Monroy, C.; Morrissey, L. A.; Orantes, L.; Stevens, L.; Dorn, P.; Lucero, D.; Rios, J.; Rizzo, D. M.


    The goal of our NSF-sponsored Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences grant is to create a multidisciplinary approach to develop spatially explicit models of vector-borne disease risk using Chagas disease as our model. Chagas disease is a parasitic disease endemic to Latin America that afflicts an estimated 10 million people. The causative agent (Trypanosoma cruzi) is most commonly transmitted to humans by blood feeding triatomine insect vectors. Our objectives are: (1) advance knowledge on the multiple interacting factors affecting the transmission of Chagas disease, and (2) provide next generation genomic and spatial analysis tools applicable to the study of other vector-borne diseases worldwide. This funding is a collaborative effort between the RSENR (UVM), the School of Engineering (UVM), the Department of Biology (UVM), the Department of Biological Sciences (Loyola (New Orleans)) and the Laboratory of Applied Entomology and Parasitology (Universidad de San Carlos). Throughout this five-year study, multi-educational groups (i.e., high school, undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral) will be trained in systems modeling. This systems approach challenges students to incorporate environmental, social, and economic as well as technical aspects and enables modelers to simulate and visualize topics that would either be too expensive, complex or difficult to study directly (Yasar and Landau 2003). We launch this research by developing a set of multi-scale, epidemiological models of Chagas disease risk using STELLA® software v.9.1.3 (isee systems, inc., Lebanon, NH). We use this particular system dynamics software as a starting point because of its simple graphical user interface (e.g., behavior-over-time graphs, stock/flow diagrams, and causal loops). To date, high school and undergraduate students have created a set of multi-scale (i.e., homestead, village, and regional) disease models. Modeling the system at multiple spatial scales forces recognition that

  19. New Scenarios of Chagas Disease Transmission in Northern Colombia

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    Catalina Tovar Acero


    Full Text Available Chagas disease (CD is a systemic parasitic infection caused by the flagellated form of Trypanosoma cruzi. Córdoba department, located in the Colombian Caribbean Coast, was not considered as a region at risk of T. cruzi transmission. In this article, we describe the first acute CD case in Salitral village in Sahagún, Córdoba, confirmed by microscopy and serological tests. Our results draw attention to a new scenario of transmission of acute CD in nonendemic areas of Colombia and highlight the need to include CD in the differential diagnosis of febrile syndromes in this region.

  20. Suicide risk and alcohol and drug abuse in outpatients with HIV infection and Chagas disease. (United States)

    Guimarães, Patrícia M; Passos, Sonia R; Calvet, Guilherme A; Hökerberg, Yara H; Lessa, José L; Andrade, Carlos A de


    To evaluate psychiatric comorbidities in outpatients receiving care for HIV and Chagas disease at Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas (IPEC), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cross-sectional study with a consecutive sample of 125 patients referred to an outpatient psychiatric clinic from February to December 2010. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) was used. Factors associated with more frequent mental disorders were estimated by odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) by multiple logistic regression. Seventy-six (60.8%) patients with HIV, 40 (32%) patients with Chagas disease, and nine (7.2%) patients with human T-lymphotropic virus were interviewed. The majority were women (64%), with up to 8 years of formal education (56%), and unemployed (81.6%). The median age was 49 years. Suicide risk (n=71) (56%), agoraphobia (n=65) (52%), major depressive episode (n=56) (44.8%), and alcohol/drug abuse (n=43) (34.4%) predominated, the latter being directly associated with lower family income (OR = 2.64; 95%CI 1.03-6.75) and HIV infection (OR = 5.24; 95%CI 1.56-17.61). Suicide risk was associated with non-white skin color (OR = 2.21; 95%CI 1.03-4.75), unemployment (OR = 2.72; 95%CI 1.01-7.34), and diagnosis of major depression (OR = 3.34; 95%CI 1.54-7.44). Measures targeting adverse socioeconomic conditions and psychiatric and psychological monitoring and care should be encouraged in this population, considering the association with abuse of alcohol/other psychoactive drugs and suicide risk.

  1. Comunicación preliminar sobre la presencia de Trypanosoma cruzi en departamentos del norte y nororiente del Perú

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    Hilda Solís


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Realizar un estudio epidemiológico de la zona norte y nororiental del Perú sobre la presencia de enfermedad de Chagas y sus vectores. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Institución: Instituto de Medicina Tropical Daniel A. Carrión, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Material biológico: Triatominos positivos a Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas 1909, ratones machos Swiss-Webster de un mes de edad. Intervenciones: En septiembre de 2008, se visitó las localidades de Chilete, Paredones, en la Provincia de Contumazá, Cajamarca, y las localidades de Pampa Larca, La Puerta, Guitarras y Suyo en la provincia de Ayabaca, Piura, colectándose 10 especímenes de Panstrongylus chinai (Del Ponte, 1929 en Piura y 12 especímenes de Panstrongylus herreri (Wygodzinsky, 1948, en Chilete, Cajamarca. Se aisló las cepas de Trypanosoma en ratones blancos, machos, de un mes de edad, cepa Swiss webster, siendo estos mantenidos en el laboratorio por traspasos sucesivos. Se hizo la curva de parasitemia y el estudio morfométrico de los tripomastigotes sanguíneos. Los ratones infectados fueron sacrificados a los 30 días de inoculados, se separó las vísceras y en estas se hizo el estudio anatomopatológico. Se tomó 59 muestras de sangre a los habitantes de las zonas en estudio, de pulpa digital, en papel filtro, para búsqueda de anticuerpos IgG anti-T. cruzi por ELISA y reacción de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI. Principales medidas de resultados: Identificación de los triatominos y determinar su infección por Trypanosoma cruzi; presencia de anticuerpos IgG anti- T. cruzi en los pobladores. Resultados: De los especímenes de triatominos colectados, se encontró dos especímenes de P. chinai y uno de P. herreri positivos a Trypanosoma cruzi. El pico máximo de la curva de parasitemia, ocurrió a los 20 días y se halló nidos de amastigotes de T. cruzi en miocardio y músculo esquelético de los ratones

  2. Probable brote de transmisión oral de enfermedad de Chagas en Turbo, Antioquia

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    Juan Fernando Ríos


    Conclusión. Se identificó un probable brote agudo de enfermedad de Chagas en Antioquia y se plantea como hipótesis la transmisión por vía oral, mediante la ingestión de T. cruzi en alimentos contaminados con restos de triatominos o excrementos de marsupiales.

  3. Detección de anticuerpos circulantes en donantes de sangre en México Detection of antibodies present in blood donors in Mexico

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    José J. Serrano Machuca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Detectar anticuerpos circulantes contra seis infecciones transmisibles por sangre en donantes de una institución de seguridad social en Querétaro, México. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo retrospectivo con datos del Banco de Sangre del Hospital General Regional No. 1, del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. Se registraron 6 929 donantes, entre los cuales se identificó a los diagnosticados con cualquier anticuerpo circulante contra brucelosis, enfermedad de Chagas, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, sífilis y VIH. Los casos identificados con cualquiera de estas infecciones se analizaron según edad, género, estado civil, escolaridad, lugar de residencia y número de donaciones. Para estimar la prevalencia total se dividió el número de personas identificadas con cualquiera de los anticuerpos circulantes por el total de donantes, y luego por cada una de las diferentes infecciones. RESULTADOS: De los 6 929 donantes, 144 fueron detectados con algún tipo de anticuerpo circulante de las seis infecciones potencialmente transmisibles por sangre, lo cual da una prevalencia total de 2,07% (0-4,4. Las prevalencias más altas por tipo de anticuerpo circulante correspondieron a la hepatitis C, con 0,721% (IC 95%, 0,522-0,920, y a la enfermedad de Chagas, con 0,649% (IC 95%, 0,460-0,838. CONCLUSIÓN: La identificación de la prevalencia de donantes de sangre con anticuerpos circulantes de alguna de estas seis infecciones potencialmente transmisibles por vía sanguínea permite establecer un perfil epidemiológico propio del banco de sangre del Hospital General Regional No. 1. La enfermedad de Chagas se presenta como emergente, dando pauta a dirigir los esfuerzos para su control.OBJECTIVE: To detect antibodies to six potentially blood-borne infections in blood donors at a social security institute in Querétaro, Mexico. METHODS: A cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive study was performed using data from the blood

  4. Mortalidad por enfermedad de Chagas: A propósito de los brotes de Chagas agudo como enfermedad reemergente de transmisión alimentaria


    Rísquez, Alejandro


    Tras la ocurrencia de los primeros brotes de Chagas agudos en la capital (diciembre 2007) y Estado Vargas (marzo 2009) por trasmisión oral, se procedió a una revisión de la mortalidad por la enfermedad registrada entre 1997 y 2006, cuyos datos se analizaron de acuerdo a la edad, sexo y forma de presentación. El número absoluto de muertes sigue siendo elevado con promedio de 796 muertes anuales, de predominio en el sexo masculino, la mayoría en después de los 60 años de edad. Llama la atención...

  5. NRE58/2: Programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el 2012


    Universidad de Granada


    Programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el 2012. Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el 2012

  6. Aportes para la comprensión del fenómeno del control social sobre las mujeres

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    Mariana Malet Vázquez


    Full Text Available Contenido: introducción. Precisiones sobre algunos conceptos. Control social. Enfoques feministas del derecho penal. Análisis de algunas normas penales desde la perspectiva de la mujer. Obra abierta

  7. Modelización del control metabólico: cursos basados en el autoaprendizaje


    Aguilera Mochón, Juan Antonio; Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología molecular, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid


    Introducción. La necesidad de un análisis cuantitativo de las rutas bioquímicas y de su control llevó al desarrollo del Análisis del Control Metabólico (MCA, por las siglas en inglés). Por otro lado, dada la extraordinaria complejidad de los procesos biológicos a nivel molecular, su comprensión es imposible sin el auxilio de procedimientos de modelización. En la actualidad, los alumnos de Bioquímica se quedan lejos de la comprensión o visualización del funcionamiento real –siquiera en término...

  8. Soro-epidemiologia da doença de Chagas em Santa Catarina

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    BR Schlemper Jr


    Full Text Available Em Santa Catarina, o Inquérito Sorológico Nacional para doença de Chagas (CNPq-SUCAM revelou positividade de 1,3% em cerca de 74.000 amostras de soro processadas pela reação de imunofluorescência indireta em papel de filtro, com 15 municípios apresentando prevalências de 5,4% a 41,3%. Na presente investigação, em 9 dos municípios com alta prevalência, foram obtidas amostras de sangue, por punção venosa, de 222 indivíduos dos quais 140 haviam sido sorologicamente positivos e 58 negativos no Inquérito Nacional. Em 24 outros indivíduos a reação foi executada pela primeira vez. Os testes sorológicos (imunofluorescência indireta, hemaglutinação indireta, aglutinação direta com e sem 2-mercaptoetanol e fixação do complemento realizados em 3 diferentes laboratórios evidenciaram 220 soros negativos e apenas 2 positivos. Dados epidenúológicos obtidos nas áreas trabalhadas confirmaram estes resultados negativos. Os resultados discordam daqueles encontrados pelo Inquérito Sorológico Nacional e confirmam a inexistência de focos domiciliares de transmissão da doença de Chagas em Santa Catarina.

  9. Host-seeking behavior and dispersal of Triatoma infestans, a vector of Chagas disease, under semi-field conditions.

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    Ricardo Castillo-Neyra


    Full Text Available Chagas disease affects millions of people in Latin America. The control of this vector-borne disease focuses on halting transmission by reducing or eliminating insect vector populations. Most transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, involves insects living within or very close to households and feeding mostly on domestic animals. As animal hosts can be intermittently present it is important to understand how host availability can modify transmission risk to humans and to characterize the host-seeking dispersal of triatomine vectors on a very fine scale. We used a semi-field system with motion-detection cameras to characterize the dispersal of Triatoma infestans, and compare the behavior of vector populations in the constant presence of hosts (guinea pigs, and after the removal of the hosts. The emigration rate - net insect population decline in original refuge - following host removal was on average 19.7% of insects per 10 days compared to 10.2% in constant host populations (p = 0.029. However, dispersal of T. infestans occurred in both directions, towards and away from the initial location of the hosts. The majority of insects that moved towards the original location of guinea pigs remained there for 4 weeks. Oviposition and mortality were observed and analyzed in the context of insect dispersal, but only mortality was higher in the group where animal hosts were removed (p-value <0.01. We discuss different survival strategies associated with the observed behavior and its implications for vector control. Removing domestic animals in infested areas increases vector dispersal from the first day of host removal. The implications of these patterns of vector dispersal in a field setting are not yet known but could result in movement towards human rooms.

  10. El Sistema Penal como Instrumento de Control Social: El Papel del Encarcelamiento

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    Kelly Ribeiro Felix de Souza


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el sistema penal con el fin de encontrar elementos capaces de entenderlo como una técnica de control social de los considerados indeseables para la vida en sociedad. Adoptando como marco teórico la criminología crítica, más especificamente las contribuciones de autores como Massimo Pavarini y Michel Foucault, así como el método de investigación dialéctico, se busca, desde un enfoque jurídico y sociológico, indicar las transformaciones del poder disciplinario hasta su diseño actual, así como demostrar sus relaciones con uno de los principales instrumentos del poder punitivo hoy en día - la privación de libertad. En este sentido, parece que la selectividad del ejercicio del poder punitivo se muestra como un importante instrumento de control social de los excluidos.

  11. Doença de chagas aguda em mulher de 80 anos no México. Relato anatomopatológico

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    Felipe Lozano Kasten


    Full Text Available Mulher de 80 anos de idade, com doença de Chagas aguda diagnosticada à necrópsia, adquirida, provavelmente, através de triatomíneos no município de Zacoelo de Torres, no Estado de Jalisco, México. Assinala-se a raridade do encontro de casos de doença de Chagas agudo, na faixa etária da paciente. O exame anatomopatológico mostrou comprometimento do coração, esôfago e intestino grosso. Encontrou-se lesões no sistema nervoso autônomo intramural do esôfago e do intestino grosso, sendo estes achados de interesse, por ocorrer em área geográfica onde os megas tem sido pouco relatados.

  12. Acerca del ciclo evolutivo del Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum cruzi Chagas 1909, en sus fases tisular y hematica

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    Cecilio Romaña


    Full Text Available El autor pasa en revista los trabajos publicados sobre el ciclo evolutivo del Trypanosoma (S. cruzi en el huésped vertebrado, desde el descubrimiento de la enfermedad hasta nuestros días. Luego analiza las ideas de los autores modernos, fundadas en gran parte en las observaciones que ya en 1914 realizaron MAYER y ROCHA LIMA de las cuales participan actualmente ROMAÑA y MEYER, ELKELES y WOOD. Finalmente expressa que a partir de los tripanosomas infectantes los parásitos que penetram en el protoplasma celular pueden seguir dos mecanismos en su evolución hacia cuerpos leishmanioides: 1.º Por "regresión fusiforme" y 2.º por "regresión orbicular"; llegados a la forma leishmanioide los parásitos se multiplican por división binaria, una vez lleno el protoplasma celular, siguen un processo inverso de transformación hacia tripanosoma que puede seguir igualmente dos mecanismos diversos: 1. "progresión fusiforme" y 2.º "progresión orbicular". Estos diversos mecanismos de transformación están esquematizados en la fig. N.º 1 del trabajo.The author reviews published works about the evolutive cycle of the Trypanosoma cruzi in the vertebrate host, from the discovery of the disease to our days. Then, he analyzes the ideas of the modern authors who based themselves on the observations made formerly, in 1914, by MAYER & ROCHA LIMA, ideas that ROMAÑA and MEYER, ELKELES and WOOD agree at the present time. Last, he states that, from the infective trypanosomas, the parasites which enter the cellular protoplasma may follow two systems to perform their evolution up to leishmanioid bodies: 1.] by fusiform regression, 2.º by an orbicular regression. Once the parasites reach the leishmanioid forms, they multiply by binary division. When the celular protoplasm is filled up with the parasites, these follow an inverted transformation up to trypanosoma state, following also two systems; similar to the repression 1.º a fusiform progression, 2.º an

  13. Echocardiographic parameters and survival in Chagas heart disease with severe systolic dysfunction. (United States)

    Rassi, Daniela do Carmo; Vieira, Marcelo Luiz Campos; Arruda, Ana Lúcia Martins; Hotta, Viviane Tiemi; Furtado, Rogério Gomes; Rassi, Danilo Teixeira; Rassi, Salvador


    Echocardiography provides important information on the cardiac evaluation of patients with heart failure. The identification of echocardiographic parameters in severe Chagas heart disease would help implement treatment and assess prognosis. To correlate echocardiographic parameters with the endpoint cardiovascular mortality in patients with ejection fraction Celular em Cardiopatias) - Chagas heart disease arm. The following parameters were collected: left ventricular systolic and diastolic diameters and volumes; ejection fraction; left atrial diameter; left atrial volume; indexed left atrial volume; systolic pulmonary artery pressure; integral of the aortic flow velocity; myocardial performance index; rate of increase of left ventricular pressure; isovolumic relaxation time; E, A, Em, Am and Sm wave velocities; E wave deceleration time; E/A and E/Em ratios; and mitral regurgitation. In the mean 24.18-month follow-up, 27 patients died. The mean ejection fraction was 26.6 ± 5.34%. In the multivariate analysis, the parameters ejection fraction (HR = 1.114; p = 0.3704), indexed left atrial volume (HR = 1.033; p 70.71 mL/m2 were associated with a significant increase in mortality (log rank p < 0.0001). The indexed left atrial volume was the only independent predictor of mortality in this population of Chagasic patients with severe systolic dysfunction.

  14. Alfabetización científica en el ámbito preescolar: primeros conocimientos como herramientas para la promoción de la salud y la prevención de la Enfermedad de Chagas

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    Ivana Amelotti


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe una experiencia educativa realizada en cuatro Jardines preescolares (Kindergarten de un área rural de la provincia de La Rioja (Argentina. Esta zona es endémica para la enfermedad de Chagas, considerada uno de los principales problemas de salud pública de Latinoamérica. La experiencia involucró a un total de 198 alumnos de nivel inicial, de entre de 3 y 5 años de edad. Los niños, por medio de juegos y actividades recreativas, recibieron los primeros conocimientos científicos relacionados a la forma de transmisión de esta grave enfermedad y pautas de cómo prevenirla. Al mismo tiempo, se inculcaron contenidos procedimentales propios del trabajo en ciencia como el manejo de lupas binoculares, la comparación, la elaboración de conclusiones en base a indagaciones guiadas. Los contenidos conceptuales consistieron en conocer e identificar a los insectos que transmiten el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, el cual es causante de la enfermedad de Chagas. Utilizando prácticas lúdicas se pretende dar un enfoque innovador para la apropiación de pautas de conducta que favorezcan la promoción de la salud y, al mismo tiempo, conseguir el acercamiento de los niños a la ciencia desde el nivel inicial.

  15. Suicide risk and alcohol and drug abuse in outpatients with HIV infection and Chagas disease

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    Patrícia M. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate psychiatric comorbidities in outpatients receiving care for HIV and Chagas disease at Instituto de Pesquisa Clínica Evandro Chagas (IPEC, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a consecutive sample of 125 patients referred to an outpatient psychiatric clinic from February to December 2010. The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI was used. Factors associated with more frequent mental disorders were estimated by odds ratios (OR with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI by multiple logistic regression. Results: Seventy-six (60.8% patients with HIV, 40 (32% patients with Chagas disease, and nine (7.2% patients with human T-lymphotropic virus were interviewed. The majority were women (64%, with up to 8 years of formal education (56%, and unemployed (81.6%. The median age was 49 years. Suicide risk (n=71 (56%, agoraphobia (n=65 (52%, major depressive episode (n=56 (44.8%, and alcohol/drug abuse (n=43 (34.4% predominated, the latter being directly associated with lower family income (OR = 2.64; 95%CI 1.03-6.75 and HIV infection (OR = 5.24; 95%CI 1.56-17.61. Suicide risk was associated with non-white skin color (OR = 2.21; 95%CI 1.03-4.75, unemployment (OR = 2.72; 95%CI 1.01-7.34, and diagnosis of major depression (OR = 3.34; 95%CI 1.54-7.44. Conclusion: Measures targeting adverse socioeconomic conditions and psychiatric and psychological monitoring and care should be encouraged in this population, considering the association with abuse of alcohol/other psychoactive drugs and suicide risk.

  16. O problema da hemossiderose pulmonar na doença de Chagas

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    Leila Andrade Siqueira


    Full Text Available Os autores estudaram a existência de hemosiderose pulmonar em 60 casou de autopsia, 20 dos quais chagásicos crônicos com cardiopatia, 20 pacientes com cardiopatia não chagásica e 20 casos sem nenhuma manifestação de doença cardíaca. A incidência de hemossiderose pulmonar foi de 75% entre os chagásicos e de 80% entre os pacientes de cardiopatia não chagásica. Nos casos controle sem cardiopatia a incidência foi relativamente baixa (45% e, guando presente, o grau de intensidade era mínimo. Com esses achados, conclui-se que a hemossiderose pulmonar na Doença de Chagas é uma conseqüência da congestão crônica passiva, resultante da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, do mesmo modo que ocorre em outras condições mórbidas tais como Estenose mitral e Cor-pulmonar crônico, não havendo evidências de uma pneumopatia peculiar em chagásicos.

  17. Chagas disease in an area of recent occupation in Cochabamba, Bolivia Doença de Chagas numa área de ocupação recente em Cochabamba, Bolívia

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    Hugo Albarracin-Veizaga


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: A descriptive, entomological and seroepidemiological study on Chagas disease was conducted in a place of recent occupation on the outskirts of Cochabamba, Bolivia: Avaroa/Primer de Mayo (population:3,000, where the socio-economic level is low and no control measures have been made available. METHODS: The immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT was used for IgG and IgM anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies in filter paper bloodspot eluates from 128 subjects (73 females, 55 males selected by systematic sampling. Concerning each subject age, gender, birthplace, occupation, duration of residence and building materials used in their houses were recorded. Vectors were captured both in domestic and peridomestic environments. RESULTS: Seropositive, 12.5% (16/128: females, 15.1% (11/73; males, 9.1% (5/55. Average time of residence: 6.1 years for the whole population sample and 7.4 years for the seropositive subjects. Most houses had adobe walls (76.7% , n= 30, galvanized iron rooves (86.7% and earthen floors (53.4% 80% of the walls had crevices. One hundred forty seven specimens of Triatoma infestans were captured, of which 104 (70.7% were domestic, and 1 peridomestic Triatoma sordida. Precipitin host identification: birds, 67.5%; humans, 27.8%; rodents, 11.9%; dogs, 8.7%; cats, 1.6%. House infestation and density indices were 53.3 and 493.0 respectively. We found 21 (14.3% specimens of T. infestans infected with trypanosomes, 18 (85.7% of which in domestic environments. DISCUSSION: The elements for the vector transmission of Chagas disease are present in Avaroa/Primer de Mayo and the ancient custom of keeping guinea pigs indoors adds to the risk of human infection. In neighboring Cochabamba, due to substandard quality control, contaminated blood transfusions are not infrequent, which further aggravates the spread of Chagas disease. Prompt action to check the transmission of this infection, involving additionally the congenital and transfusional

  18. High similarity of Trypanosoma cruzi kDNA genetic profiles detected by LSSP-PCR within family groups in an endemic area of Chagas disease in Brazil

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    Sandra Maria Alkmim-Oliveira


    Full Text Available Introduction Determining the genetic similarities among Trypanosoma cruzi populations isolated from different hosts and vectors is very important to clarify the epidemiology of Chagas disease. Methods An epidemiological study was conducted in a Brazilian endemic area for Chagas disease, including 76 chronic chagasic individuals (96.1% with an indeterminate form; 46.1% with positive hemoculture. Results T. cruzi I (TcI was isolated from one child and TcII was found in the remaining (97.1% subjects. Low-stringency single-specific-primer-polymerase chain reaction (LSSP-PCR showed high heterogeneity among TcII populations (46% of shared bands; however, high similarities (80-100% among pairs of mothers/children, siblings, or cousins were detected. Conclusions LSSP-PCR showed potential for identifying similar parasite populations among individuals with close kinship in epidemiological studies of Chagas disease.

  19. Ruthenium complex with benznidazole and nitric oxide as a new candidate for the treatment of chagas disease.

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    Renata Sesti-Costa


    Full Text Available Chagas disease remains a serious medical and social problem in Latin America and is an emerging concern in nonendemic countries as a result of population movement, transfusion of infected blood or organs and congenital transmission. The current treatment of infected patients is unsatisfactory due to strain-specific drug resistance and the side effects of the current medications. For this reason, the discovery of safer and more effective chemotherapy is mandatory for the successful treatment and future eradication of Chagas disease.We investigated the effect of a ruthenium complex with benznidazole and nitric oxide (RuBzNO2 against Trypanosoma cruzi both in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrated that RuBzNO2 was more effective than the same concentrations of benznidazole (Bz in eliminating both the extracellular trypomastigote and the intracellular amastigote forms of the parasite, with no cytotoxic effect in mouse cells. In vivo treatment with the compound improved the survival of infected mice, inhibiting heart damage more efficiently than Bz alone. Accordingly, tissue inflammation and parasitism was significantly diminished after treatment with RuBzNO2 in a more effective manner than that with the same concentrations of Bz.The complexation of Bz with ruthenium and nitric oxide (RuBzNO2 increases its effectiveness against T. cruzi and enables treatment with lower concentrations of the compound, which may reduce the side effects of Bz. Our findings provide a new potential candidate for the treatment of Chagas disease.

  20. Acute myocardial infarction in chronic Chagas' cardiomyopathy: report of two cases with no obstructive coronary artery lesions

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    Silvia G. Lage


    Full Text Available This report describes two patients with chronic Chagas' Heart Disease who developed clinical and laboratorial signs of myocardial infarction. Both patients presented sudden oppressive chest pain, without precipitating factor. In the first case, the highest MB-CK value was 65 IU, 22 hours after the beginning of the pain. On the second case, it was 77 IU at 18 hours after the beginning of the pain. In both cases ECG changes suggesting non-transmural infarction were present. The 99mTc PYP myocardial scintigram of the first case was positive. Coronary angiograms performed on the 18th and 9th day, respectively, after the acute infarction did not display obstructive lesions. Possible mechanisms causing myocardial infarction with normal coronary arteries in Chagas' Disease may include: embolic event's, particularly when there is associated congestive heart failure; coronary thrombosis and coronary spasms.

  1. Normas de control interno recogidas en el reglamento de la dirección del giro del Banco de San Carlos (1789

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    Francisco Mayordomo García-Chicote


    Full Text Available En el Reglamento de la Dirección del Giro, de 1789, se resumieron todas las disposiciones relativas a esta sección del Banco de San Carlos emitidas con posterioridad a la publicación de su Real Cédula fundacional de 1782; observándose en dicho Reglamento que en él se abordaron los aspectos básicos del control interno, tales como, la asignación de funciones y su reparto entre el personal, el establecimiento de normas y procedimientos operativos, describiendo las funciones del personal de correspondencia y de libros, y el detalle las tareas de autorización, ejecución, registro y custodia confiadas a dicho personal; de lo cual se deduce que los objetivos de esta norma —como los de cualquier manual de control interno— fueron los de optimizar la gestión de la Dirección del Giro, prevenir errores en sus registros contables y conferir fiabilidad a la información final que se derivaba de ellos, así como la protección de los activos vinculados a esta Dirección.

  2. Clinical findings and prognosis of patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure: Analysis of the influence of Chagas etiology and ventricular function (United States)

    Moreira, Henry Fukuda; Ayub-Ferreira, Silvia Moreira; Conceição-Souza, Germano Emilio; Salemi, Vera Maria Cury; Chizzola, Paulo Roberto; Oliveira, Mucio Tavares; Lage, Silvia Helena Gelas; Bocchi, Edimar Alcides; Issa, Victor Sarli


    Aims Explore the association between clinical findings and prognosis in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) and analyze the influence of etiology on clinical presentation and prognosis. Methods and results Prospective cohort of 500 patients admitted with ADHF from Aug/2013-Feb/2016; patients were predominantly male (61.8%), median age was 58 (IQ25-75% 47–66 years); etiology was dilated cardiomyopathy in 141 (28.2%), ischemic heart disease in 137 (27.4%), and Chagas heart disease in 113 (22.6%). Patients who died (154 [30.8%]) or underwent heart transplantation (53[10.6%]) were younger (56 years [IQ25-75% 45–64 vs 60 years, IQ25-75% 49–67], P = 0.032), more frequently admitted for cardiogenic shock (20.3% vs 6.8%, Pheart transplant was higher among patients with Chagas (50.5%). Conclusions A physical exam may identify patients at higher risk in a contemporaneous population. Our findings support specific therapies targeted at Chagas patients in the setting of ADHF. PMID:29432453

  3. Infectious agents and inflammation in donated hearts and dilated cardiomyopathies related to cardiovascular diseases, Chagas' heart disease, primary and secondary dilated cardiomyopathies. (United States)

    Mangini, Sandrigo; Higuchi, Maria de Lourdes; Kawakami, Joyce Tiyeko; Reis, Marcia Martins; Ikegami, Renata Nishiyama; Palomino, Suely Aparecida Pinheiro; Pomerantzeff, Pablo Maria Alberto; Fiorelli, Alfredo Inácio; Marcondes-Braga, Fabiana Goulart; Bacal, Fernando; Ferreira, Sílvia Moreira Ayub; Issa, Victor Sarli; Souza, Germano Emílio Conceição; Chizzola, Paulo Roberto; Bocchi, Edimar Alcides


    Clinical and experimental conflicting data have questioned the relationship between infectious agents, inflammation and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of infectious agents and inflammation in endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) specimens from patients with idiopathic DCM, explanted hearts from different etiologies, including Chagas' disease, compared to donated hearts. From 2008 to 2011, myocardial samples from 29 heart donors and 55 patients with DCMs from different etiologies were studied (32 idiopathic, 9 chagasic, 6 ischemic and 8 other specific etiologies). Inflammation was investigated by immunohistochemistry and infectious agents by immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, in situ hybridization and electron microscopy. There were no differences regarding the presence of macrophages, expression of HLA class II and ICAM-I in donors and DCM. Inflammation in Chagas' disease was predominant. By immunohistochemistry, in donors, there was a higher expression of antigens of enterovirus and Borrelia, hepatitis B and C in DCMs. By molecular biology, in all groups, the positivity was elevated to microorganisms, including co-infections, with a higher positivity to adenovirus and HHV6 in donors towards DCMs. This study was the first to demonstrate the presence of virus in the heart tissue of chagasic DCM. The presence of inflammation and infectious agents is frequent in donated hearts, in the myocardium of patients with idiopathic DCM, myocardial dysfunction related to cardiovascular diseases, and primary and secondary cardiomyopathies, including Chagas' disease. The role of co-infection in Chagas' heart disease physiopathology deserves to be investigated in future studies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Análisis epidemiológico de pacientes coinfectados con enfermedad de Chagas y cisticercosis

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    Ana Carolina Guimaraes


    Conclusión. En teoría, todos los pacientes tuvieron un riesgo similar de exposición para ambos parásitos. Sin embargo, este trabajo demuestra que, en la población estudiada, la enfermedad de Chagas fue, aproximadamente, 10 veces más frecuente en los casos coinfectados con cisticercosis.

  5. Factores de necesidad asociados al uso adecuado del control prenatal

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    Clarybel Miranda Mellado


    Full Text Available Introducción: Por las implicaciones sociales de la mortalidad y morbilidad materna es importante determinar los factores de necesidad que influyen en el uso adecuado del control prenatal en gestantes de Sincelejo. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio analítico de corte transversal, que incluyó 730 gestantes, seleccionadas mediante muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados, de las comunas de la ciudad. La información fue recolectada por medio de una encuesta sociodemográfica, una ficha de uso de control prenatal y un Cuestionario para evaluar los factores de necesidad  propuestos por el Modelo de Promoción de la Salud de Nola Pender. Las gestantes fueron contactadas en sus domicilios y diligenciaron los instrumentos. Los datos fueron analizados aplicando estadística descriptiva e inferencial para determinar las asociaciones entre variables. Resultados: El 97,7% (713 de las gestantes asistía al control prenatal, con una mediana de 4 controles prenatales. Un 2,3% (17 no lo habían iniciado al momento de la encuesta y 24,4% (178 hizo uso inadecuado. El 80,7% (589 de las gestantes califican su estado de salud como bueno o muy bueno, 94,8% (692 percibieron beneficios del control prenatal. Se encontró asociación significativa entre la percepción de beneficios y el uso adecuado de control prenatal [OR=5,5 (IC 95%: 2,8 - 10,8]. Discusión y Conclusiones: La percepción que las mujeres tienen sobre los buenos resultados que reporta la asistencia al control prenatal, es el principal factor que puede explicar la adherencia al control y el cumplimiento regular de las consultas. Cómo citar este artículo: Miranda C, Castillo IY. Factores de necesidad asociados al uso adecuado del control prenatal. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(2: 1345-51.

  6. Trypanosoma cruzi III from armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus novemcinctus) from Northeastern Venezuela and its biological behavior in murine model. Risk of emergency of Chagas' disease. (United States)

    Morocoima, Antonio; Carrasco, Hernán J; Boadas, Johanna; Chique, José David; Herrera, Leidi; Urdaneta-Morales, Servio


    Trypanosoma cruzi, etiological agent of Chagas' disease, was isolated from armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus novemcinctus) captured in rural communities Northeastern Venezuela from Nueva Esparta State (no endemic for Chagas' disease), Monagas and Anzoátegui States (endemics). The isolates, genetically typed by PCR-RFLP as belonging to the TcIII DTU, have demonstrated in murine model heterogenic parasitemia, mortality and histotropism with marked parasitism in cardiac, skeletal, and smooth myocytes that showed correlation with lymphobasophilic inflammatory infiltrates. Our finding of T. cruzi infected armadillos in Isla Margarita (Nueva Esparta State), together with reports of triatomine vectors in this region, the accentuated synanthropy of armadillos, intense economic activity, migration due to tourism and the lack of environmental education programs all of them represent risks that could cause the emergence of Chagas' disease in this area. This is the first report of the TcIII DTU in Northeastern Venezuela, thus widening the geographic distribution of this DTU. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Control biológico del hongo Sclerotium cepivorum utilizando Trichoderma asperellum en el cultivo del ajo en Costa Rica.


    Rivera-Méndez, William; Zúñiga-Vega, Claudia; Brenes-Madriz, Jaime


    En este trabajo se evaluó la efectividad del hongo antagonista Trichoderma asperellum, previamente aislado e identificado, para el control del agente causante de la pudrición blanca del ajo y la cebolla, Sclerotium cepivorum. Para ello se realizaron ensayos de campo en seis parcelas experimentales cultivadas con ajo, donde se determinó el inóculo inicial de cada parcela. Posteriormente se aplicaron dos tratamientos distintos, uno basado en una suspensión de esporas de T. asperellum a una conc...

  8. Soroprevalência de infecção chagásica em área de Triatoma infestans após medidas de controle Seroprevalence of Chagas disease in an area of Triatoma infestans after vector control measures

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    Maria Esther Carvalho


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Como parte de projeto que busca resgatar informações sobre sorologia da infecção chagásica no Estado de São Paulo durante a vigência das atividades oficiais de controle de vetores, foram selecionados dados relativos ao município de Taquarituba, região de Sorocaba, de importante passado chagásico. A despeito da campanha de combate instituída na década de 50, ainda persistiam aí populações de triatomíneos vetores intradomiciliares na década de 70. MÉTODOS: De amostras das populações de cinco localidades do Município de Taquarituba, Estado de São Paulo, foram analisados os dados de idade, sexo, tempo de moradia na casa que ocupavam e naturalidade. A possível relação entre idade e soropositividade foi investigada utilizando-se o cálculo de probitos. De 1974 e 1976, a prevalência da infecção chagásica foi estimada por meio de reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi. RESULTADOS: A proporção total de soropositivos foi de 13,6% (n = 2.784, sem diferença significativa entre os sexos (p = 0,538. Os naturais de Taquarituba contribuíram com 62,9% das amostras examinadas e 62,4% dos soropositivos (n = 380. Ausente em crianças de menos de 6 anos, a soropositividade aumentou de 2,7% no grupo etário de 6 a 9 anos para 30,3% no de 30 a 39 anos. Dentro desse intervalo encontrou-se, por meio do cálculo de probitos, associação positiva entre idade e soropositividade. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados das provas sorológicas sugeriram haver associação entre as medidas contra Triatoma infestans e o declínio da transmissão da doença de Chagas durante os anos 60, seguido de ulterior controle. Sugere-se a realização de pesquisa para investigar a ocorrência de infecção congênita em população feminina com mais de 14 anos, sorologicamente positivas.INTRODUCTION: The study is part of a project intended to retrieve information about the serology of the

  9. An entomoepidemiological investigation of Chagas disease in the state of Ceará, Northeast Region of Brazil

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    Carolina Fausto de Souza Coutinho


    Full Text Available The seroprevalence of Chagas disease in humans and the presence of triatomines were investigated in a rural locality in the State of Ceará, Brazil, an historically endemic region. Approximately 80% of the surveyed residents agreed to undergo serological tests. Intradomestic and peridomestic environments were searched for triatomines in both the dry and rainy seasons. The prevalence rate of Chagas disease was 1.2% and the majority of individuals confirmed with the disease over 50 years of age. A total of 761 specimens of triatomines were captured, most of which were from colonies composed of nymphs and adult bugs, and the majority of specimens were obtained in the dry season. Triatoma brasiliensis was the predominant species. Analysis using light microscopy revealed that 28.6% of the insects were Trypanosoma cruzi positive. Results suggest that peridomestic man-made structures, such as animal shelters, improper storage of timber and uninhabited dwellings contribute to the high rate of triatomine infestation in the area.

  10. [Brazilian scientists visit the Amazon: The scientific journeys of Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas (1910-13)]. (United States)

    Schweickardt, Júlio César; Lima, Nísia Trindade


    The article analyzes reports from two scientific journeys into the Amazon conducted by the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1910 and 1913, under the leadership of Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas, respectively. These reports contributed to the construction of representations and images of the region. Field observations not only provided data for the study and control of tropical diseases but also had a hand in the movement to denounce the serious sanitation conditions under which rubber workers labored. Journeys through the Amazon valley put the scientists in direct contact with the environment and with sick populations; these travels also made them face the huge challenges of learning about malaria and trying to control it. Analyses of these reports are part of studies on 'portraits of Brazil', which raise issues within the history of public health policies. In this endeavor to reveal the process by which scientific records are constructed, we worked with primary sources,from manuscripts to official texts.

  11. El control de la limpieza de las arenas por medio del ensayo del azul de metileno

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    Ramírez Ortiz, J. L.


    Full Text Available In the first part of this work, the main lines of the investigation work developed at LABEIN on the «Influence of the limy and clayey slimes from calcareous crushed sands on concrete properties» are presented. As a consequence of it, new limits are proposed to consideration regarding the admissible content of slime in crushed sands, reaching a limit higher than 15%, controling the slime nature by means of an equivalent of normal sand and specially by Methylene Blue. The second part of the work is devoted to the development of the methodology for the obtention of Methylene Blue, in sands used in the elaboration of concrete which have a little amount of clay, taking as a base the method applied by French normative, duly adapted and with different expression of the results.Se muestran, en la primera parte del artículo, las líneas fundamentales del trabajo de investigación desarrollado en LABEIN, sobre la «Influencia de los finos calizos y arcillosos de arenas calizas de machaqueo, en las propiedades del hormigón». Como consecuencia del mismo, se proponen nuevos límites a considerar respecto al contenido admisible de finos en las arenas calizas de machaqueo, llegando a un límite superior del 15%, controlando la naturaleza de los finos por medio del equivalente de arena a vista, y, sobre todo, por el Azul de Metileno. En la segunda parte del artículo, se desarrolla la metodología utilizada para obtener el Azul de Metileno, en arenas utilizadas en la confección de hormigón, que poseen poca arcilla, basándose en el método aplicado por la normativa francesa, adaptado convenientemente y con diferente expresión de resultados.

  12. Migração interna e a distribuição da mortalidade por doença de Chagas, Brasil, 1981/1998


    Drumond João Augusto Guimarães; Marcopito Luiz Francisco


    No Brasil, observa-se mortalidade por doença de Chagas até em áreas reconhecidas como livres da transmissão vetorial. Considerando que as taxas de mortalidade referem-se a residentes, e que houve imenso movimento migratório interno no país, este estudo objetiva quantificar a participação dos migrantes brasileiros no obituário por doença de Chagas de 1981 a 1998. Por outro lado, se os trabalhos da Iniciativa do Cone Sul alcançaram o sucesso que se propaga, espera-se que tenha havido redução da...

  13. Eficacia del Fipronil en el control del ciclo peridomiciliario de Triatoma infestans en un área con resistencia a la Deltametrina

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    Alberto G. Gentile


    Full Text Available Se investigó la eficacia del Fipronil líquido al 1,0% contra T. infestans, administrado pour on en aves y mamíferos, tanto en condiciones de laboratorio como en el terreno. En laboratorio se trataron con Fipronil una gallina, un perro y un caprino y se alimentaron sobre ellos ninfas III resistentes a Deltametrina. Como grupo control se utilizaron ninfas del mismo estadio criadas en laboratorio. Durante la fase de terreno se impregnaron con Fipronil 4 perros, 1 gato y 2 gallinas cluecas. La infestación intradomiciliaria fue tratada mediante Aerotermia. En laboratorio la mortalidad ninfaria fue del 100,0% a los 7 días y del 88,8% a los 30 días. En terreno, la disminución del Índice de Densidad Triatomínea - medida a los 30 días - fue del 65,4%.

  14. Le Honduras se démarque dans la lutte contre la maladie de Chagas

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 janv. 2011 ... ... en partenariat avec la fondation nationale du logement, ont grandement contribué à la lutte contre la transmission de la maladie de Chagas. À ce jour, 45 % des habitants du comté vivent dans de nouvelles maisons faites de matériaux − murs d'adobe, planchers de ciment, toits de zinc − qui n'attirent pas ...

  15. Human Chagas Disease and Migration in the Context of Globalization: Some Particular Aspects

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    João Carlos Pinto Dias


    Full Text Available Human Chagas disease originated in Latin America, being spread around the world in relation with multiple bioecological, sociocultural, and political factors. The process of the disease production and dispersion is discussed, emphasizing the human migration and correlated aspects, in the context of globalization. Positive and negative consequences concern the future of this trypanosomiasis, mainly in terms of the ecologic and sociopolitical characteristics of the endemic and nonendemic countries.

  16. Follow-up Evaluation of Air Force Blood Donors Screening Positive for Chagas Disease (United States)


    Blood Donors Screening Positive for Cbagas Disease presented at/published to Military Health System Research Symposium (Florida, 27-30 Aug 2017) in...disease upon blood donation at JBSA -Lackland 6. TITLE OF MATERIAL TO BE PUBLISHED OR PRESENTED: Follow-up evaluation of Air Force blood donors ...Designated Exempt Reviewer Follow-up evaluation of Air Force blood donors screening positive for Chagas disease Joseph Marcus1, Bryant Webber2, Leo Cropper2

  17. Índice cronotrópico-metabólico na doença de Chagas

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    Rocha Ana Luiza Lunardi


    Full Text Available A insuficiência cronotrópica constitui achado comum entre os pacientes chagásicos. Novas metodologias estão sendo empregadas na avaliação da resposta cronotrópica em vários grupos de pacientes. O índice cronotrópico-metabólico, um desses novos métodos, quantifica a relação entre o aumento da freqüência cardíaca e o consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 max durante o teste ergométrico. A resposta normal é linear, com índice em torno de 1,0. Objetivamos avaliar a resposta cronotrópica e em indivíduos saudáveis e pacientes chagásicos com e sem disfunção ventricular esquerda, utilizando-se do índice cronotrópico-metabólico. Foram avaliados 171 pacientes com doença de Chagas sem doenças associadas e 24 controles submetidos a protocolo clínico e ao teste ergométrico máximo. Os chagásicos foram divididos em dois grupos: Ch1= pacientes com fração de ejeção (FE > 39% e Ch 2= FE<40%. A análise e o cálculo do índice cronotrópico-metabólico foram feitos pelo método de Wilkoff. Os pacientes chagásicos apresentaram maior idade e maior prevalência de bloqueio completo de ramo direito, assim como menor VO2 max ao teste ergométrico. Ambos os grupos de chagásicos apresentaram menor inclinação do índice cronotrópico-metabólico (Ch1: 0,91±0,10, Ch2: 0,89±0,08 do que os controles (1,0±0,12, p< 0,001. Pacientes com doença de Chagas com e sem disfunção ventricular esquerda podem apresentar resposta cronotrópica deprimida, manifesta por menor inclinação do índice cronotrópico-metabólico.

  18. Lesión celular del miocardio y actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial en ratas infectadas con una cepa colombiana de Trypanosoma cruzi


    Dairo Alonso Rendón; Carlos M. Genes; Omar Triana


    Introducción. La enfermedad de Chagas es la principal causa de cardiomiopatía crónica en regiones endémicas de Latinoamérica. Alteraciones en el metabolismo energético mitocondrial cardiaco causadas por Trypanosoma cruzi pueden estar involucradas en el desarrollo de esta cardiomiopatía. Objetivo. En este trabajo se investigó la lesión celular del miocardio de ratas durante una infección por la cepa colombiana Mg8 de Trypanosoma cruzi y la actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial para correl...

  19. Lesión celular del miocardio y actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial en ratas infectadas con una cepa colombiana de Trypanosoma cruzi


    Rendón, Dairo Alonso; Genes, Carlos M; Triana, Omar


    Introducción. La enfermedad de Chagas es la principal causa de cardiomiopatía crónica en regiones endémicas de Latinoamérica. Alteraciones en el metabolismo energético mitocondrial cardiaco causadas por Trypanosoma cruzi pueden estar involucradas en el desarrollo de esta cardiomiopatía. Objetivo. En este trabajo se investigó la lesión celular del miocardio de ratas durante una infección por la cepa colombiana Mg8 de Trypanosoma cruzi y la actividad de la ATPsintasa mitocondrial para correlaci...

  20. Estudo de fatores pró-trombóticos e pró-inflamatórios na cardiomiopatia chagásica Study of pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory factors in chagas cardiomyopathy

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    Leila Maria Magalhães Pessoa de Melo


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A relação entre atividade inflamatória e pró-trombótica na cardiomiopatia chagásica e em outras etiologias é obscura. OBJETIVO: Estudar o perfil de marcadores pró-trombóticos e pró-inflamatórios em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca chagásica e compará-los com os de etiologia não chagásica. MÉTODOS: Coorte transversal. Critérios de inclusão: fração de ejeção do VE (FEVE um mês. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (G1 - sorologias positivas para Chagas - e grupo 2 (G2 - sorologias negativas para Chagas. Fator pró-inflamatório: PCR ultrassensível. Fatores pró-trombóticos: fator trombina-antitrombina, fibrinogênio, antígeno do fator de von Willebrand, P-selectina plasmática e tromboelastograma. Amostra calculada para poder de 80%, assumindo-se diferença de 1/3 de desvio-padrão; p significativo se BACKGROUND: The relationship between inflammatory and prothrombotic activity in chagas cardiomyopathy and in other etiologies is unclear. OBJECTIVE: To study the profile of pro-thrombotic and pro-inflammatory markers in patients with Chagas' heart failure and compare them with patients of non-chagas etiology. METHODS: Cross-sectional cohort. Inclusion criteria: left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF one month. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (G1 - seropositive for Chagas - and group 2 (G2 - seronegative for Chagas. Pro-inflammatory factor: Ultra-sensitive CRP. Pro-thrombotic factors: thrombin-antithrombin factor, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor antigen, plasma P-selectin and thromboelastography. Sample calculated for 80% power, assuming a standard deviation difference of 1/3; significant p if it is < 0.05. Statistical analysis: Fisher's exact test for categorical variables; unpaired Student's t-test for parametric continuous variables and Mann-Whitney test for nonparametric continuous variables. RESULTS: Between January and June 2008, 150 patients were included, 80 in G1

  1. Estrategia para determinar la línea base en áreas de interrupción vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Diego Montenegro

    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivos Presentar una estrategia para determinar la línea de base en áreas endémicas en el proceso de interrupción vectorial de la enfermedad de Chagas (ECh. Métodos Con un cuestionario socioambiental y una encuesta entomológica, se evaluaron las condiciones físicas de los domicilios, el conocimiento de los habitantes sobre la ECh, los indicadores entomológicos de triatominos y la relación estadística entre estas variables. Resultados Existe colonización e infección natural con Trypanosoma cruzi en Rhodnius prolixus, el principal vector de la ECh en Colombia. La colonización estuvo relacionada con casas de techos de hojas de palma y paredes de adobe o bahareque. Se encontró el vector Panstrongylus geniculatus con hábitos de colonización. Casi 50% de la población encuestada asociaba el término ECh con una enfermedad humana y 37%, con los triatominos. Conclusiones R. prolixus puede considerarse el principal vector de T. cruzi en ambientes domésticos y el proceso de interrupción vectorial es factible dentro del municipio priorizado. Se necesitan nuevos estudios que comprueben la existencia de poblaciones silvestres de R. prolixus que puedan afectar las etapas futuras del proceso y demostrar si hay una participación de P. geniculatus en la dinámica de transmisión de T. cruzi. Los anteriores escenarios pueden ser viabilizados con la inclusión de los habitantes en todo el proceso, ya que han sido altamente sensibles en la detección de vectores dentro de sus casas. El diseño del estudio aquí presentado puede ser adaptado en otras áreas endémicas de la Región de las Américas.

  2. Soroprevalência da doença de Chagas em crianças em idade escolar do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil, em 1999-2000 Chagas' disease seroprevalence among school-age children in Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 1999-2000

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    Paulo Augusto Sessa


    Full Text Available Embora o Estado do Espírito Santo não seja considerado endêmico para a doença de Chagas, triatomíneos silvestres que lá ocorrem freqüentemente invadem as casas, com chances de transmissão da doença às pessoas. Avaliou-se o padrão epidemiológico da moléstia no Estado por meio de um inquérito sorológico realizado em 5.243 escolares de 7 a 14 anos de idade, residentes em 17 municípios. Os testes de Imunofluorescência Indireta, Hemaglutinação Indireta e Imunoenzimático (ELISA foram positivos em apenas uma pessoa, representando 0,019% do total. O resultado foi semelhante aos encontrados por outros autores em investigações anteriores. Concluiu-se que, apesar da intensa destruição da Mata Atlântica ocorrida nas últimas décadas, o padrão epidemiológico da doença de Chagas permanece estável, a julgar pelo resultado dos testes sorológicos.Although the Brazilian State of Espírito Santo is not considered endemic for Chagas' disease, the sylvatic triatomines occurring there frequently invade houses, increasing the chances of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission to man. The epidemiological pattern of the disease in Espírito Santo was evaluated by a serological survey of 5,243 schoolchildren ages 7 to 14 years, residents of 17 municipalities. Indirect immunofluorescence, indirect hemagglutination, and immunoenzymatic (ELISA tests were positive in only one person, representing only 0.019% of the total. This result was similar to those found by other authors in previous studies. Based on the results of serological tests it is concluded that the epidemiological pattern of Chagas' disease in Espírito Santo remains stable, despite the intensive destruction of the Atlantic Forest that has occurred in recent decades.

  3. Aspectos raciais dos "megas" e da cardiopatia na doença de Chagas crônica

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    Lineu José Miziara


    Full Text Available O estudo de 724 pacientes chagásicos crônicos mostrou que a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva é mais freqüente e de aparecimento mais precoce nos pacientes de raça negra do que nos brancos. A ocorrência de "megas" foi ligeiramente inferior nos chagásicos negros não sendo estatisticamente significativa a diferença observada. A maior freqüência de insuficiência cardíaca nos pretos parece estar relacionada a características biológicas do tecido conjuntivo que condicionam uma resposta fibrosante mais acentuada no miocârdio agredido pela Tripanossomose. Estas observações estariam de acordo com outros estudos sobre a doença de Chagas que admitem ser a denervação o fator mais importante para o aparecimento dos "megas" e a inflamação com fibrose miocârdica acentuada um elemento básico para explicar a insuficiência cardíaca.The study of 724 patients with chronic chagas's disease showed that the cardiac faiture is more frequent and appears earlier in negroes patients when compared to white patients. The occurrence of "megas" was slightly lover in the negroes but the difference was not statisticaiiy significant. The higher frequency of cardiac faiture in the negrões seems to be caused by biological characteristics of the conective tissue which respond to trypanossomiasis with a more severe degree of fibrosis. These findings agree with other reports on Chagas's disease in which it is admitted that the "megas" are chiefly the result of dennervation and cardiac faiture is principally caused by infiammation with myocardial fibrosis.

  4. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance-Verified Myocardial Fibrosis in Chagas Disease: Clinical Correlates and Risk Stratification

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    Marly Uellendahl

    Full Text Available Abstract Background: Chagas disease (CD is an important cause of heart failure and mortality, mainly in Latin America. This study evaluated the morphological and functional characteristics of the heart as well the extent of myocardial fibrosis (MF in patients with CD by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR. The prognostic value of MF evaluated by myocardial-delayed enhancement (MDE was compared with that via Rassi score. Methods: This study assessed 39 patients divided into 2 groups: 28 asymptomatic patients as indeterminate form group (IND; and symptomatic patients as Chagas Heart Disease (CHD group. All patients underwent CMR using the techniques of cine-MRI and MDE, and the amount of MF was compared with the Rassi score. Results: Regarding the morphological and functional analysis, significant differences were observed between both groups (p < 0.001. Furthermore, there was a strong correlation between the extent of MF and the Rassi score (r = 0.76. Conclusions: CMR is an important technique for evaluating patients with CD, stressing morphological and functional differences in all clinical presentations. The strong correlation with the Rassi score and the extent of MF detected by CMR emphasizes its role in the prognostic stratification of patients with CD.

  5. Diagnostic electrocardiography in epidemiological studies of Chagas' disease: multicenter evaluation of a standardized method

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    Lázzari Julio O.


    Full Text Available An electrocardiographic recording method with an associated reading guide, designed for epidemiological studies on Chagas' disease, was tested to assess its diagnostic reproducibility. Six cardiologists from five countries each read 100 electrocardiographic (ECG tracings, including 30 from chronic chagasic patients, then reread them after an interval of 6 months. The readings were blind, with the tracings numbered randomly for the first reading and renumbered randomly for the second reading. The physicians, all experienced in interpreting ECGs from chagasic patients, followed printed instructions for reading the tracings. Reproducibility of the readings was evaluated using the kappa (k index for concordance. The results showed a high degree of interobserver concordance with respect to the diagnosis of normal vs. abnormal tracings (k = 0.66; SE 0.02. While the interpretations of some categories of ECG abnormalities were highly reproducible, others, especially those having a low prevalence, showed lower levels of concordance. Intraobserver concordance was uniformly higher than interobserver concordance. The findings of this study justify the use by specialists of the recording of readings method proposed for epidemiological studies on Chagas' disease, but warrant caution in the interpretation of some categories of electrocardiographic alterations.

  6. Diagnostic electrocardiography in epidemiological studies of Chagas' disease: multicenter evaluation of a standardized method

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    Julio O. Lázzari


    Full Text Available An electrocardiographic recording method with an associated reading guide, designed for epidemiological studies on Chagas' disease, was tested to assess its diagnostic reproducibility. Six cardiologists from five countries each read 100 electrocardiographic (ECG tracings, including 30 from chronic chagasic patients, then reread them after an interval of 6 months. The readings were blind, with the tracings numbered randomly for the first reading and renumbered randomly for the second reading. The physicians, all experienced in interpreting ECGs from chagasic patients, followed printed instructions for reading the tracings. Reproducibility of the readings was evaluated using the kappa (k index for concordance. The results showed a high degree of interobserver concordance with respect to the diagnosis of normal vs. abnormal tracings (k = 0.66; SE 0.02. While the interpretations of some categories of ECG abnormalities were highly reproducible, others, especially those having a low prevalence, showed lower levels of concordance. Intraobserver concordance was uniformly higher than interobserver concordance. The findings of this study justify the use by specialists of the recording of readings method proposed for epidemiological studies on Chagas' disease, but warrant caution in the interpretation of some categories of electrocardiographic alterations.

  7. Health-related quality of life in patients with Chagas disease: a review of the evidence

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    Giovane Rodrigo Sousa


    Full Text Available Chagas disease (ChD, a neglected tropical disease caused by infection with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi, remains a serious public health issue in Latin America and is an emerging disease in several non-endemic countries, where knowledge of the condition and experience with its clinical management are limited. Regionally, the disease is the major cause of disability secondary to tropical diseases in young adults. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL impairment is common in patients with ChD, especially in those with Chagas dilated cardiomyopathy, the most severe manifestation of the disease, which frequently leads to heart failure. The aim of this review was to conduct a literature search for studies that have evaluated the determining factors of HRQoL in ChD patients. We included cross-sectional, case-control, cohort, and experimental studies, as well as clinical trials that evaluated the HRQoL in ChD patients aged 18 to 60 years and are presenting an explicit description of statistical analysis. Using a combination of keywords based on Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH for searches in PubMed and the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO, 148 studies were found. After exclusions, 12 studies were selected for analysis. Three main findings were extracted from these studies: 1 cardiac involvement is associated with a worse HRQoL in ChD patients; 2 HRQoL is associated with the patients' functional capacity; and 3 simple and inexpensive therapeutic measures are effective for improving HRQoL in ChD patients. Hence, ChD patients' functional capacity, the effectiveness of non-surgical conservative treatment, and cardiac involvement are important determining factors for the HRQoL in ChD patients.

  8. A Deep Insight Into the Sialotranscriptome of the Chagas Disease Vector, Panstrongylus megistus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ribeiro, J.M.C.; Schwarz, Alexandra; Francischetti, I.M.B.


    Roč. 52, č. 3 (2015), s. 351-358 ISSN 0022-2585 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LH12002; GA ČR GPP302/11/P798 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Chagas disease * vector biology * salivary gland * transcriptome * medical entomology Subject RIV: FN - Epidemiology, Contagious Diseases ; Clinical Immunology Impact factor: 1.712, year: 2015

  9. Control de los recursos locales a través de la contabilidad pública: la transformación del proceso del antiguo al nuevo régimen

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    María Soledad Campos Lucena


    Full Text Available Durante mucho tiempo, la precariedad financiera del Estado colisionaba con la bonanza de las arcas locales. Esto se vio agravado en la postrimería del Antiguo Régimen con la pérdida de las colonias, principal fuente de ingresos del Estado, así como por los conflictos bélicos en los que el país se vio inmerso, que incrementaron los gastos. Esta situación motivó que los distintos gobiernos que se sucedieron en España desde mitad del siglo XVII hasta finales del XIX tuvieran un objetivo común: el control de los recursos locales. Con este trabajo se demuestra que el sistema de información contable fue utilizado para tal fin, convirtiéndose en herramienta de control de los recursos locales por parte del gobierno.

  10. Composición del locus de control en dos ciudades latinoamericanas

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    Jesús Francisco Laborín Álvarez


    Full Text Available El locus de control es un rasgo de personalidad vinculado con la atribución que hacen los individuos acerca de sus éxitos y fracasos. Los estudios en diferentes naciones y sociedades han demostrado que existen características generales y particulares respecto a la percepción de control y donde la cultura juega un papel importante. Se partió del objetivo de conocer la composición factorial del locus de control en dos poblaciones, Hermosillo, Sonora (México (n=600 y João Pessoa, Paraíba (Brasil (n=600; y establecer las diferencias en cuanto a dicho constructo en ambas poblaciones con respecto a las variables atributivas: edad, escolaridad, ocupación y ciudad. Los resultados revelan tres dimensiones comunes a las dos poblaciones: locus de control interno, locus de control afiliativo y locus de control externo. Los datos en general hacen ver que las muestras poblacionales de las ciudades hacen juicios de control en relación a los esfuerzos y el trabajo personal, en la afiliación a colectivos y grupos de interés como los fundamentos de explicación para éxitos y fracasos.

  11. Insecticide resistance in vector Chagas disease: evolution, mechanisms and management. (United States)

    Mougabure-Cueto, Gastón; Picollo, María Inés


    Chagas disease is a chronic parasitic infection restricted to America. The disease is caused by the protozoa Trypanosoma cruzi, which is transmitted to human through the feces of infected triatomine insects. Because no treatment is available for the chronic forms of the disease, vector chemical control represents the best way to reduce the incidence of the disease. Chemical control has been based principally on spraying dwellings with insecticide formulations and led to the reduction of triatomine distribution and consequent interruption of disease transmission in several areas from endemic region. However, in the last decade it has been repeatedly reported the presence triatomnes, mainly Triatoma infestans, after spraying with pyrethroid insecticides, which was associated to evolution to insecticide resistance. In this paper the evolution of insecticide resistance in triatomines is reviewed. The insecticide resistance was detected in 1970s in Rhodnius prolixus and 1990s in R. prolixus and T. infestans, but not until the 2000s resistance to pyrthroids in T. infestans associated to control failures was described in Argentina and Bolivia. The main resistance mechanisms (i.e. enhanced metabolism, altered site of action and reduced penetration) were described in the T. infestans resistant to pyrethrods. Different resistant profiles were demonstrated suggesting independent origin of the different resistant foci of Argentina and Bolivia. The deltamethrin resistance in T. infestans was showed to be controlled by semi-dominant, autosomally inherited factors. Reproductive and developmental costs were also demonstrated for the resistant T. infestans. A discussion about resistance and tolerance concepts and the persistence of T. infestans in Gran Chaco region are presented. In addition, theoretical concepts related to toxicological, evolutionary and ecological aspects of insecticide resistance are discussed in order to understand the particular scenario of pyrethroid

  12. Triatoma dimidiata infestation in Chagas disease endemic regions of Guatemala: comparison of random and targeted cross-sectional surveys.

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    Raymond J King

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Guatemala is presently engaged in the Central America Initiative to interrupt Chagas disease transmission by reducing intradomiciliary prevalence of Triatoma dimidiata, using targeted cross-sectional surveys to direct control measures to villages exceeding the 5% control threshold. The use of targeted surveys to guide disease control programs has not been evaluated. Here, we compare the findings from the targeted surveys to concurrent random cross-sectional surveys in two primary foci of Chagas disease transmission in central and southeastern Guatemala. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Survey prevalences of T. dimidiata intradomiciliary infestation by village and region were compared. Univariate logistic regression was used to assess the use of risk factors to target surveys and to evaluate indicators associated with village level intradomiciliary prevalences >5% by survey and region. Multivariate logistic regression models were developed to assess the ability of random and targeted surveys to target villages with intradomiciliary prevalence exceeding the control threshold within each region. Regional prevalences did not vary by survey; however, village prevalences were significantly greater in random surveys in central (13.0% versus 8.7% and southeastern (22.7% versus 6.9% Guatemala. The number of significant risk factors detected did not vary by survey in central Guatemala but differed considerably in the southeast with a greater number of significant risk factors in the random survey (e.g. land surface temperature, relative humidity, cropland, grassland, tile flooring, and stick and mud and palm and straw walls. Differences in the direction of risk factor associations were observed between regions in both survey types. The overall discriminative capacity was significantly greater in the random surveys in central and southeastern Guatemala, with an area under the receiver-operator curve (AUC of 0.84 in the random surveys and

  13. Here, There and Everywhere: The Ubiquitous Distribution of the Immunosignaling Molecule Lysophosphatidylcholine and its Role on Chagas Disease

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    Mario Alberto Cardoso Silva-Neto


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is a severe illness, which can lead to death if the patients are not promptly treated. The disease is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is mostly transmitted by a triatomine insect vector. There are 8-10 million people infected with T. cruzi in the world, but the vector-borne transmission occurs only in the Americas, especially Latin America. About 30 % of chronically infected people develop cardiac diseases and up to 10 % develop digestive, neurological or mixed disorders. Lysophosphatydilcholine (LPC is the major phospholipid component of oxidized low-density lipoproteins associated with atherosclerosis-related tissue damage. Insect-derived LPC is a powerful chemoattractant for inflammatory cells at the site of the insect bite, enhances parasite invasion, and inhibits the production of nitric oxide (NO by T. cruzi-stimulated macrophages. The recognition of the ubiquitous presence of LPC on the vector saliva, its production by the parasite itself and its presence both on patient plasma as well as its role on diverse host x parasite interaction systems lead us to compare its distribution in nature with the title of the famous Beatles song Here, There and Everywhere recorded exactly 50 years ago in 1966. Here, we review the major findings pointing out the role of such molecule as an immunosignaling modulator of Chagas disease transmission. Also, we believe that future investigation of the connection of this ubiquity and the immune role of such molecule may lead in the future to novel methods to control parasite transmission, infection and pathogenesis.

  14. Here, There, and Everywhere: The Ubiquitous Distribution of the Immunosignaling Molecule Lysophosphatidylcholine and Its Role on Chagas Disease. (United States)

    Silva-Neto, Mário Alberto C; Lopes, Angela H; Atella, Georgia C


    Chagas disease is a severe illness, which can lead to death if the patients are not promptly treated. The disease is caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which is mostly transmitted by a triatomine insect vector. There are 8-10 million people infected with T. cruzi in the world, but the transmission of such disease by bugs occurs only in the Americas, especially Latin America. Chronically infected patients will develop cardiac diseases (30%) and up digestive, neurological, or mixed disorders (10%). Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) is the major phospholipid component of oxidized low-density lipoproteins associated with atherosclerosis-related tissue damage. Insect-derived LPC powerfully attracts inflammatory cells to the site of the insect bite, enhances parasite invasion, and inhibits the production of nitric oxide by T. cruzi-stimulated macrophages. The recognition of the ubiquitous presence of LPC on the vector saliva, its production by the parasite itself and its presence both on patient plasma and its role on diverse host × parasite interaction systems lead us to compare its distribution in nature with the title of the famous Beatles song "Here, There and Everywhere" recorded exactly 50 years ago in 1966. Here, we review the major findings pointing out the role of such molecule as an immunosignaling modulator of Chagas disease transmission. Also, we believe that future investigation of the connection of this ubiquity and the immune role of such molecule may lead in the future to novel methods to control parasite transmission, infection, and pathogenesis.

  15. Aspectos da padronização de testes sorológicos para a doença de Chagas: um teste imunoenzimático para a triagem de doadores de sangue Standardization of serological tests in Chagas' disease: immunoenzimatic test for screening of blood bank donnors

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    A. Walter Ferreira


    Full Text Available No diagnóstico sorológico da doença de Chagas podem ser encontradas acentuadas divergências mesmo entre laboratórios de grande experiência. Para a padronização de um teste imunoenzimático destinado primariamente à seleção de doadores de sangue foram cuidadosamente escolhidos painéis de soros que se buscaram como representativos das populações de chagásicos e de não chagásicos. Produzido para máxima sensibilidade e estabilidade, o novo reagente (bioELISA - cruzi* foi testado em 1648 soros, com diagnóstico clínico de doença de Chagas em 219 e de outras afecções em 104. O teste foi comparado com testes já bem padronizados, de imunofluorescência (IF e de hemaglutinação (HA, em 1325 soros. O limiar de reatividade (cut off, estabelecido como ideal, foi indicado nos testes pela absorbância de um soro de reatividade mínima. A sensibilidade do teste imunoenzimático foi de 0,9954 e a especificidade, como conegatividade, de 0,9969. Não foram vistos resultados falso-positivos em casos de sífilis, toxoplasmose, mononucleose e de soros com altos títulos de anti-estreptolisina 0, mas foram encontrados em 5 de 15 casos de leishmaniose tegumentar, 10 de 24 casos de calazar, 1 de 15 casos de artrite reumatóide e 1 de 12 casos de lupus eritematoso sistêmico. Os altos índices de sensibilidade em chagásicos e de especificidade na população geral, traduzem a elevada confiabilidade do teste para triagem de doadores de sangue e para a confirmação de suspeita clínica de doença de Chagas.In the serological diagnosis of Chagas disease large divergences may be found even between laboratories with experience, as a consequence of different criteria for the standardization of the tests. To standardize a immunoenzimatic test developed primarily for screening blood donors, serum panels were carefully chosen so as to best represent chagasic and non-chagasic populations. Produced for the highest sensibility and stability, the new

  16. Evolution of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibody production in patients with chronic Chagas disease: Correlation between antibody titers and development of cardiac disease severity.

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    Ingebourg Georg


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is one of the most important endemic infections in Latin America affecting around 6-7 million people. About 30-50% of patients develop the cardiac form of the disease, which can lead to severe cardiac dysfunction and death. In this scenario, the identification of immunological markers of disease progression would be a valuable tool for early treatment and reduction of death rates. In this observational study, the production of anti-Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies through a retrospective longitudinal follow-up in chronic Chagas disease patients´ cohort and its correlation with disease progression and heart commitment was evaluated. Strong inverse correlation (ρ = -0.6375, p = 0.0005 between anti-T. cruzi IgG1 titers and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF in chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC patients were observed after disease progression. Elevated levels of anti-T. cruzi IgG3 titers were detected in all T. cruzi-infected patients, indicating a lack of correlation of this IgG isotype with disease progression. Furthermore, low levels of anti-T. cruzi IgG2, IgG4, and IgA were detected in all patients through the follow-up. Although without statistical significance anti-T. cruzi IgE tends to be more reactive in patients with the indeterminate form (IND of the disease (p = 0.0637. As this study was conducted in patients with many years of chronic disease no anti-T. cruzi IgM was detected. Taken together, these results indicate that the levels of anti-T. cruzi IgG1 could be considered to seek for promising biomarkers to predict the severity of chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy.

  17. 2b-RAD genotyping for population genomic studies of Chagas disease vectors: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis in Ecuador.

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    Luis E Hernandez-Castro


    Full Text Available Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is the main triatomine vector of Chagas disease, American trypanosomiasis, in Southern Ecuador and Northern Peru. Genomic approaches and next generation sequencing technologies have become powerful tools for investigating population diversity and structure which is a key consideration for vector control. Here we assess the effectiveness of three different 2b restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD genotyping strategies in R. ecuadoriensis to provide sufficient genomic resolution to tease apart microevolutionary processes and undertake some pilot population genomic analyses.The 2b-RAD protocol was carried out in-house at a non-specialized laboratory using 20 R. ecuadoriensis adults collected from the central coast and southern Andean region of Ecuador, from June 2006 to July 2013. 2b-RAD sequencing data was performed on an Illumina MiSeq instrument and analyzed with the STACKS de novo pipeline for loci assembly and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP discovery. Preliminary population genomic analyses (global AMOVA and Bayesian clustering were implemented. Our results showed that the 2b-RAD genotyping protocol is effective for R. ecuadoriensis and likely for other triatomine species. However, only BcgI and CspCI restriction enzymes provided a number of markers suitable for population genomic analysis at the read depth we generated. Our preliminary genomic analyses detected a signal of genetic structuring across the study area.Our findings suggest that 2b-RAD genotyping is both a cost effective and methodologically simple approach for generating high resolution genomic data for Chagas disease vectors with the power to distinguish between different vector populations at epidemiologically relevant scales. As such, 2b-RAD represents a powerful tool in the hands of medical entomologists with limited access to specialized molecular biological equipment.

  18. Treatment with Fenofibrate plus a low dose of Benznidazole attenuates cardiac dysfunction in experimental Chagas disease

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    Ágata C. Cevey


    Full Text Available Trypanosoma cruzi induces serious cardiac alterations during the chronic infection. Intense inflammatory response observed from the beginning of infection, is critical for the control of parasite proliferation and evolution of Chagas disease. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR-α, are known to modulate inflammation.In this study we investigated whether a PPAR-α agonist, Fenofibrate, improves cardiac function and inflammatory parameters in a murine model of T. cruzi infection. BALB/c mice were sequentially infected with two T. cruzi strains of different genetic background. Benznidazole, commonly used as trypanocidal drug, cleared parasites but did not preclude cardiac pathology, resembling what is found in human chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy. Fenofibrate treatment restored to normal values the ejection and shortening fractions, left ventricular end-diastolic, left ventricular end-systolic diameter, and isovolumic relaxation time. Moreover, it reduced cardiac inflammation and fibrosis, decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory (IL-6, TNF-α and NOS2 and heart remodeling mediators (MMP-9 and CTGF, and reduced serum creatine kinase activity. The fact that Fenofibrate partially inhibited NOS2 expression and NO release in the presence of a PPAR-α non-competitive inhibitor, suggested it also acted through PPAR-α-independent pathways. Since IκBα cytosolic degradation was inhibited by Fenofibrate, it can be concluded that the NFκB pathway has a role in its effects. Thus, we demonstrate that Fenofibrate acts through PPAR-α-dependent and -independent pathways.Our study shows that combined treatment with Fenofibrate plus Benznidazole is able both to reverse the cardiac dysfunction associated with the ongoing inflammatory response and fibrosis and to attain parasite clearance in an experimental model of Chagas disease. Keywords: Trypanosoma cruzi, Heart dysfunction, PPAR-α, Fenofibrate treatment, Inflammatory mediators

  19. 2b-RAD genotyping for population genomic studies of Chagas disease vectors: Rhodnius ecuadoriensis in Ecuador. (United States)

    Hernandez-Castro, Luis E; Paterno, Marta; Villacís, Anita G; Andersson, Björn; Costales, Jaime A; De Noia, Michele; Ocaña-Mayorga, Sofía; Yumiseva, Cesar A; Grijalva, Mario J; Llewellyn, Martin S


    Rhodnius ecuadoriensis is the main triatomine vector of Chagas disease, American trypanosomiasis, in Southern Ecuador and Northern Peru. Genomic approaches and next generation sequencing technologies have become powerful tools for investigating population diversity and structure which is a key consideration for vector control. Here we assess the effectiveness of three different 2b restriction site-associated DNA (2b-RAD) genotyping strategies in R. ecuadoriensis to provide sufficient genomic resolution to tease apart microevolutionary processes and undertake some pilot population genomic analyses. The 2b-RAD protocol was carried out in-house at a non-specialized laboratory using 20 R. ecuadoriensis adults collected from the central coast and southern Andean region of Ecuador, from June 2006 to July 2013. 2b-RAD sequencing data was performed on an Illumina MiSeq instrument and analyzed with the STACKS de novo pipeline for loci assembly and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) discovery. Preliminary population genomic analyses (global AMOVA and Bayesian clustering) were implemented. Our results showed that the 2b-RAD genotyping protocol is effective for R. ecuadoriensis and likely for other triatomine species. However, only BcgI and CspCI restriction enzymes provided a number of markers suitable for population genomic analysis at the read depth we generated. Our preliminary genomic analyses detected a signal of genetic structuring across the study area. Our findings suggest that 2b-RAD genotyping is both a cost effective and methodologically simple approach for generating high resolution genomic data for Chagas disease vectors with the power to distinguish between different vector populations at epidemiologically relevant scales. As such, 2b-RAD represents a powerful tool in the hands of medical entomologists with limited access to specialized molecular biological equipment.

  20. [Immunofluorescence assay with Crithidia luciliae for the detection of anti-DNA antibodies. Atypical images and their relationship with Chagas' disease and leishmaniasis]. (United States)

    Griemberg, Gloria; Ferrarotti, Nidia F; Svibel, Graciela; Ravelli, Maria R; Taranto, Nestor J; Malchiodi, Emilio L; Pizzimenti, Maria C


    Anti-native DNA antibodies can be detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay with Crithidia luciliae, displaying an annular image due to a kinetoplast containing double stranded DNA. Other structures such as membrane, flagellum and basal corpuscle can be stained as well, showing what is called atypical fluorescent images. As C. luciliae belongs to the Trypanosomatidae family, which include the human pathogens Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania spp., it was considered that these atypical images could be caused by cross-reactions. Serological studies for Chagas' disease were performed in 105 serum samples displaying atypical images. Sixty four percent of the samples from non endemic and 78.3% from endemic areas for Chagas' disease showed fluorescence in both, membrane and flagellum (joint image). Fifty samples from normal blood donors and 57 samples from patients with conective tissue diseases were tested with C. luciliae. None of them presented the joint image except for two patients with lupus who were also chagasic. In addition, 54 samples from chagasic patients were studied and all of them presented the joint image. We also studied 46 samples from patients with leishmaniasis from whom 28 were coinfected with T. cruzi. The joint image was observed in 88.0% of the samples with leishmaniasis and in 89.3% of the co-infected samples. The results suggest that C. luciliae could be used as an economical, and of low risk, alternative substrate for the serological diagnosis of Chagas' disease, even though it does not discriminate for Leishmania spp. infection. This study also suggests that whenever atypical images are observed in C. luciliae during the search for anti-DNA antibodies, it would be convenient to submit the patient to clinical and serological tests for the diagnosis of leishmaniosis and Chagas' disease.

  1. Representações, mitos e comportamentos do paciente submetido ao implante de marcapasso na doença de Chagas Representations, myths, and behaviors among Chagas disease patients with pacemakers

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    Claudia Magnani


    Full Text Available Estudo antropológico sobre o modo de incorporação e as repercussões do implante do marcapasso na vida do indivíduo portador da doença de Chagas. Foi realizada uma pesquisa etnográfica baseada no instrumento de entrevista aberta, buscando identificar a percepção do estado de saúde de um grupo de 15 pacientes portadores de cardiopatia Chagásica crônica que necessitaram de implante de marcapasso, atendidos no Ambulatório de Marcapasso do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Utilizou-se o referencial da qualidade de vida para observar os recursos culturais, físicos e psicológicos que os pacientes utilizam para enfrentar, explicar e aceitar o processo de adoecimento, incluindo as representações mentais que constroem o sentido cultural da doença e definem as relações sociais. O estudo pretende contribuir para que os profissionais de saúde atendam seus pacientes em sua integralidade. A orientação decodificada e integrada no âmbito cultural assume um papel importante para evitar que a desinformação perpetue a difusão de mitos populares, que, por vezes, se tornam preconceitos e elementos sociais ativos de estigma do indivíduo portador de cardiopatia.This anthropological study aimed to evaluate the incorporation of pacemakers into the lives of individuals with Chagas disease. An ethnographic methodology was used, based on an open interview focusing on the personal perceptions of 15 patients with chronic Chagas cardiopathy who had required pacemaker implants at the Federal University Hospital in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. As part of a broader quality of life analysis, the study investigated the cultural, physical, and psychological resources used by patients to confront, explain, and accept the disease process, including mental representations on the cultural perception of the illness and definition of social relations. The study was intended to

  2. Modeling and simulation of the generation automatic control of electric power systems; Modelado y simulacion del control automatico de generacion de sistemas electricos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caballero Ortiz, Ezequiel


    . [Spanish] Este trabajo es dedicado al analisis del Control Automatico de Generacion de Sistemas Electricos de Potencia, a partir de la informacion que generan el lazo de Control Carga Frecuencia y el lazo del Regulador Automatico de Voltaje. Para realizar el analisis, se aplican los conceptos teoricos y fisicos del control automatico de generacion; dividiendolo en los lazos de control carga frecuencia y regulador automatico de voltaje. Se establecen los modelos matematicos de los dos lazos de control. Posteriormente se interconectan los modelos de los elementos para integrar el lazo de control carga frecuencia y se lleva a cabo la simulacion digital del sistema. Se analizan en primera instancia la funcion del control primario en sistemas de potencia de un area - una maquina, un area - multimaquina y multiarea - multimaquina. Posteriormente se estudia el control automatico de generacion de los sistemas de potencia de un area y multiarea. Se establece el concepto de despacho economico y con este esquema se simula el sistema de potencia multiarea, posteriormente se estudia el intercambio de energia entre areas en estado estacionario. Se interconectan los modelos matematicos de los elementos componentes del lazo de control del regulador automatico de voltaje, se generan datos de acuerdo a la naturaleza de cada componente y se simula su comportamiento para analizar la respuesta del sistema. Se interconectan los dos lazos de control y se realiza una simulacion con los datos generados anteriormente, examinando el desempeno del control automatico de generacion y la interaccion entre los dos lazos de control. Finalmente se aplican las tecnicas de Posicionamiento de Polos y el Control Optimo, de la teoria moderna de control, al control automatico de generacion de un area.

  3. Gas exchange during exercise in different evolutional stages of chronic Chagas' heart disease

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    Fátima Palha de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To compare gas exchange at rest and during exercise in patients with chronic Chagas' heart disease grouped according to the Los Andes clinical/hemodynamic classification. METHODS: We studied 15 healthy volunteers and 52 patients grouped according to the Los Andes clinical/hemodynamic classification as follows: 17 patients in group IA (normal electrocardiogram/echocardiogram, 9 patients in group IB (normal electrocardiogram and abnormal echocardiogram, 14 patients in group II (abnormal electrocardiogram/echocardiogram, without congestive heart failure, and 12 patients in group III (abnormal electrocardiogram/echocardiogram with congestive heart failure. The following variables were analyzed: oxygen consumption (V O2, carbon dioxide production (V CO2, gas exchange rate (R, inspiratory current volume (V IC, expiratory current volume (V EC, respiratory frequency, minute volume (V E, heart rate (HR, maximum load, O2 pulse, and ventilatory anaerobic threshold (AT. RESULTS: When compared with the healthy group, patients in groups II and III showed significant changes in the following variables: V O2peak, V CO2peak, V ICpeak, V ECpeak, E, HR, and maximum load. Group IA showed significantly better results for these same variables as compared with group III. CONCLUSION: The functional capacity of patients in the initial phase of chronic Chagas' heart disease is higher than that of patients in an advanced phase and shows a decrease that follows the loss in cardiac-hemodynamic performance.

  4. Gas exchange during exercise in different evolutional stages of chronic Chagas' heart disease. (United States)

    Oliveira, F P; Pedrosa, R C; Giannella-Neto, A


    To compare gas exchange at rest and during exercise in patients with chronic Chagas' heart disease grouped according to the Los Andes clinical hemodynamic classification. We studied 15 healthy volunteers and 52 patients grouped according to the Los Andes clinical and hemodynamic classification as follows: 17 patients in group IA (normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram), 9 patients in group IB (normal electrocardiogram and abnormal echocardiogram), 14 patients in group II (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram, without congestive heart failure), and 12 patients in group III (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram with congestive heart failure). The following variables were analyzed: oxygen consumption (V O2), carbon dioxide production (V CO2), gas exchange rate (R), inspiratory current volume (V IC), expiratory current volume (V EC), respiratory frequency, minute volume (V E), heart rate (HR), maximum load, O2 pulse, and ventilatory anaerobic threshold (AT). When compared with the healthy group, patients in groups II and III showed significant changes in the following variables: V O2 peak, V CO2 peak, V IC peak, V EC peak, E, HR, and maximum load. Group IA showed significantly better results for these same variables as compared with group III. The functional capacity of patients in the initial phase of chronic Chagas' heart disease is higher than that of patients in an advanced phase and shows a decrease that follows the loss in cardiac-hemodynamic performance.

  5. Análisis político del Programa de Control del dengue en Morelos, México

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    Mariana I González Fernández


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analizar medidas municipales implementadas para el control de la epidemia del dengue, sobretodo las de coordinación sectorial, gobernanza y participación de grupos sociales. MÉTODOS: Estudio de observación, realizado en Morelos, México, 2007. Los datos colectados en entrevistas y observaciones directas fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido y mapeo político. El software Policy Marker fue utilizado para evaluar los pesos atribuidos a los datos de desempeño (e.g. criterios alto, medio y bajo y el papel de actores (acciones realizadas sean ellas de vigilancia, control o administrativas. Se realizó análisis estratégico de las oportunidades y desafíos en el cumplimiento de las políticas públicas y control del dengue. RESULTADOS: Las bases jurídicas indican que la respuesta a la epidemia es una tarea multisectorial. Sin embargo, la respuesta está centrada en actividades de los servicios de la salud, que están forzados a dar mayor apoyo financiero y derivar los recursos humanos necesarios, en contraste con la contribución de otros sectores (e.g. agua y saneamiento básico, que desconocen sus responsabilidades. El sector de la salud presenta alto nivel de factibilidad para la vinculación intra?institucional, en términos de optimización de recursos y cumplimiento de objetivos, particularmente entre autoridades de salud en los niveles estatal, jurisdiccional, municipal y local. CONCLUSIONES: El abordaje multidisciplinario y el fortalecimiento de las responsabilidades políticas permitirán la respuesta eficaz ante la epidemia del dengue, sustentada en la coordinación sectorial e involucramiento activo de la población afectada.

  6. Estudo comparativo da freqüência da morte súbita inesperada por doença de Chagas, em Uberaba, nos anos de 1980 e 1990

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    Edison Reis Lopes


    Full Text Available Realizou-se estudo comparativo da freqüência e etiologia das mortes súbitas ocorridas no Município de Uberaba, Minas Gerais, em maiores de 15 anos de idade, nos anos de 1980 e de 1990, com o objetivo fundamental de analisar a freqüência atual do óbito súbito em nossa região e o eventual papel de medidas profiláticas e terapêuticas na morte súbita por doença de Chagas. Dos 1226 óbitos de 1980, 54 (4,4% foram súbitos e destes, 13 (24,1% etiologia atribuída à doença de Chagas. Em 1990foram pesquisados 1740 óbitos, dos quais 44 (2,5% foram súbitos; destes, somente 3 (6,8% devidos â tripanosomose cruzi. Os resultados indicam redução significativa na freqüência tanto da morte súbita em geral, como daquela devida à doença de Chagas, no ano de 1990, em relação ao de 1980, discutindo-se suas prováveis razões.

  7. Estrategias del plan nacional de control del cáncer y participación comunitaria

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    Herlinda Torres-Nieto


    Full Text Available Introducción: el cáncer, enfermedad crónica de origen multifactorial no transmisible, se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública, lo que implica abordarlo desde los cambios sociodemográficos de la población y los determinantes sociales de la salud, para implementar estrategias de prevención primaria e intervenciones oportunas y coordinadas a nivel político, servicios de salud, con movilización social y participación comunitaria. Metodología: se realizó una revisión sistemática de 50 artículos científicos, documentos de normatividad y diferentes publicaciones acerca de los planes de control del cáncer a nivel mundial y regional, en el periodo del año 2010 al 2015. Las bases de datos utilizadas, Proquest, LILACS, los índices bibliográficos Scielo y la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron: cáncer, factores de riesgo y prevención primaria. Resultados: los planes de control de cáncer buscan integrar los sistemas de salud existentes para aplicar estrategias en forma transversal, tanto de prevención primaria como de tratamiento del cáncer. Conclusión: la promoción de la salud constituye una estrategia de difusión y de educación para la comunidad en general. Las organizaciones que apoyan a los pacientes con cáncer realizan una labor significativa, porque logran una movilización social importante frente a esta problemática de salud pública.

  8. Population structure of the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma infestans, at the urban-rural interface


    Foley, Erica A.; Khatchikian, Camilo E.; Hwang, Josephine; Ancca-Juárez, Jenny; Borrini-Mayori, Katty; Quıspe-Machaca, Victor R.; Levy, Michael Z.; Brisson, Dustin


    The increasing rate of biological invasions resulting from human transport or human-mediated changes to the environment have had devastating ecologic and public health consequences. The kissing bug, Triatoma infestans, has dispersed through the Peruvian city of Arequipa. The biological invasion of this insect has resulted in a public health crisis, putting thousands of residents of this city at risk of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi and subsequent development of Chagas disease. Here we show t...

  9. Utilizing Chemical Genomics to Identify Cytochrome b as a Novel Drug Target for Chagas Disease.

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    Shilpi Khare


    Full Text Available Unbiased phenotypic screens enable identification of small molecules that inhibit pathogen growth by unanticipated mechanisms. These small molecules can be used as starting points for drug discovery programs that target such mechanisms. A major challenge of the approach is the identification of the cellular targets. Here we report GNF7686, a small molecule inhibitor of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, and identification of cytochrome b as its target. Following discovery of GNF7686 in a parasite growth inhibition high throughput screen, we were able to evolve a GNF7686-resistant culture of T. cruzi epimastigotes. Clones from this culture bore a mutation coding for a substitution of leucine by phenylalanine at amino acid position 197 in cytochrome b. Cytochrome b is a component of complex III (cytochrome bc1 in the mitochondrial electron transport chain and catalyzes the transfer of electrons from ubiquinol to cytochrome c by a mechanism that utilizes two distinct catalytic sites, QN and QP. The L197F mutation is located in the QN site and confers resistance to GNF7686 in both parasite cell growth and biochemical cytochrome b assays. Additionally, the mutant cytochrome b confers resistance to antimycin A, another QN site inhibitor, but not to strobilurin or myxothiazol, which target the QP site. GNF7686 represents a promising starting point for Chagas disease drug discovery as it potently inhibits growth of intracellular T. cruzi amastigotes with a half maximal effective concentration (EC50 of 0.15 µM, and is highly specific for T. cruzi cytochrome b. No effect on the mammalian respiratory chain or mammalian cell proliferation was observed with up to 25 µM of GNF7686. Our approach, which combines T. cruzi chemical genetics with biochemical target validation, can be broadly applied to the discovery of additional novel drug targets and drug leads for Chagas disease.

  10. Traducción y validación del Cuestionario de Beneficios y Barreras del Control Prenatal en embarazadas de México Translation and Validation of the "Cuestionario de Beneficios y Barreras del Control Prenatal" in Mexican pregnant women

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    Ana María Quelopana del Valle


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El propósito principal del presente artículo es describir el proceso de adaptación y validación del Questionnaire of Barriers, Motivators and Facilitators of Prenatal Care Utilization al Modelo de Promoción en Salud (MPS y a población Mexicana. Metodología: El cuestionario original fue inicialmente traducido al español. Se realizó una revisión minuciosa del contenido del instrumento para asegurar validez y congruencia con el MPS. Los reactivos fueron agrupados por subescalas de acuerdo al modelo. El instrumento en español "Cuestionario de Beneficios y Barreras del Control Prenatal" fue puesto a prueba con 253 mujeres embarazadas que asistían a la Consulta de Obstetricia en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey, México. Se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio para identificar los grupos o conglomerados de variables relacionadas. Se obtuvieron los coeficientes de confiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach para cada una de las subescalas. Resultados: La subescala de beneficios reveló un solo factor con varianza explicada de 41%; Barreras reveló siete factores con varianza explicada de 68%; y Actitud hacia el embarazo reveló tres factores con varianza explicada de 58%. Todos los factores por subescala mantuvieron Valores Característicos (eigenvalues por arriba de 1.0. Conclusión: Se concluye que el Cuestionario de Beneficios y Barreras del Control Prenatal obtuvo validez de sus constructos, con base en el MPS. Las subescalas obtuvieron coeficientes de confiabilidad sobre .70 lo que es aceptable para nuevas escalas psicosociales, confirmándose que las mediciones mantienen una congruencia interna y una homogeneidad integrada de sus reactivos.Objective: The main purpose of the present article is to describe the adaptation and validation process of the questionnaire of "Barriers, Motivators and Facilitators of Prenatal Care Utilization" to the Health Promotion Model (HPM and to Mexican population. Methods: The original questionnaire

  11. Behavioural biology of Chagas disease vectors. (United States)

    Lazzari, Claudio Ricardo; Pereira, Marcos Horácio; Lorenzo, Marcelo Gustavo


    Many arthropod species have adopted vertebrate blood as their main food source. Blood is rich in nutrients and, except for the presence of parasites, sterile. However, this food source is not freely available, nor is obtaining it devoid of risk. It circulates inside vessels hidden underneath the skin of mobile hosts that are able to defend themselves and even predate the insects that try to feed on them. Thus, the haematophagous lifestyle is associated with major morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations that have accumulated throughout the evolutionary history of the various lineages of blood-sucking arthropods. These adaptations have significant consequences for the evolution of parasites as well as for the epidemiology of vector-transmitted diseases. In this review article, we analyse various aspects of the behaviour of triatomine bugs to illustrate how each behavioural trait represents a particular adaptation to their close association with their hosts, which may easily turn into predators. Our aim is to offer to the reader an up-to-date integrative perspective on the behaviour of Chagas disease vectors and to propose new research avenues to encourage both young and experienced colleagues to explore this aspect of triatomine biology.

  12. Behavioural biology of Chagas disease vectors

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    Claudio Ricardo Lazzari


    Full Text Available Many arthropod species have adopted vertebrate blood as their main food source. Blood is rich in nutrients and, except for the presence of parasites, sterile. However, this food source is not freely available, nor is obtaining it devoid of risk. It circulates inside vessels hidden underneath the skin of mobile hosts that are able to defend themselves and even predate the insects that try to feed on them. Thus, the haematophagous lifestyle is associated with major morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations that have accumulated throughout the evolutionary history of the various lineages of blood-sucking arthropods. These adaptations have significant consequences for the evolution of parasites as well as for the epidemiology of vector-transmitted diseases. In this review article, we analyse various aspects of the behaviour of triatomine bugs to illustrate how each behavioural trait represents a particular adaptation to their close association with their hosts, which may easily turn into predators. Our aim is to offer to the reader an up-to-date integrative perspective on the behaviour of Chagas disease vectors and to propose new research avenues to encourage both young and experienced colleagues to explore this aspect of triatomine biology.

  13. Historia de la Tripanosomiasis Americana en Colombia

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    Fernando Serpa Florez


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    La Academia Nacional de Medicina de Colombia rinde homenaje a Carlos Chagas, opónimo médico brasileño, nacido en Oliveira en 1879 y fallecido en Río de Janeiro en 1934, con motivo del nonagésimo aniversario del descubrimiento realizado por él del Trypanosoma cruzi, hazaña científica que bautizó en memoria de su maestro Osvaldo Cruz (1872 – 1917, fundador del Instituto de Manquinhos que hoy lleva el nombre de este sanitarista. (1

    Carlos Chagas fue miembro correspondiente de nuestra Corporación, elegido hace ochenta años, durante la presidencia del profesor Miguel Rueda Acosta, lo que hace que celebremos el triunfo de quien, honrosamente, podemos considerar como uno de los nuestros. (2 Chagas encontró en 1909 la relación existente entre la Tripanosomiasis Americana y el agente de esta dolencia descubierto por él, que por ello hoy se llama Enfermedad de Chagas.

    La tripanosomiasis americana o enfermedad de Chagas, es una entidad autóctona de nuestro continente que, como tantas otras, en un principio fue una zoonosis (enfermedad de los animales que se transmite al hombre tal cual la hidrofobia o rabia, la fiebre amarilla, la encefalitis equina, el carbón bacteridiano, la enfermedad de Lyme… para citar unas cuantas.

    La dolencia se extendió a la especie humana cuando ésta irrumpió en la hábitat del huésped intermedio del mal y se ha hecho cada vez más aparente con el aumento de la población y el desequilibrio ecológico que se presenta con la deforestación.

    Recordemos que sus reservorios (es decir los hospederos que le sirven de depósito, son algunos animales domésticos como el perro, el cerdo o el cobayo y peridomésticos y silvestres como las ratas, los murciélagos, los armadillos, monos y zarigüeyas. Al hombre, desde luego, podemos considerarlo como reservorio de esta dolencia. En Colombia los primeros informes científi-cos sobre animales domésticos y silvestres reservorios del Trypanosoma

  14. Automática marina: una revisión desde el punto de vista del control

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    Jesús M. de la Cruz García


    Full Text Available Resumen: La Automática es una disciplina horizontal muchos de cuyos temas se aplican en el campo del sector marítimo, como son: la robótica, la ingeniería de control, la inteligencia artificial, el modelado y la simulación, los sensores y los actuadores. En este trabajo hacemos una revisión de los avances que han tenido lugar en los últimos años desde el punto de vista del modelado, la identificación y el control de los vehículos marinos Abstract: Automatic control is an horizontal subject and many of their branches are applied in the marine fields: robotics, control engineering, artificial intelligence, modeling and simulation, sensors and actuators. The paper presents an overview of some of the major advances that have taken place from the point of view of marine vehicles modeling, identification and control.^p Palabras clave: Sistemas marinos, autopilotos, posicionamiento dinámico, estabilización del alabeo, modelado, identificación y control de vehículos marinos, sistemas sub actuados, hidrodinámica, Keywords: Marine systems, autopilots, dynamic positioning, roll stabilization, control, modeling, identification, underactuated autonomous vehicles, hydrodynamics^p

  15. A modification of a conventional feed water three-element control strategy to solve problems of drum level control; Una modificacion de un sistema convencional de control de agua de alimentacion de tres elementos para resolver problemas de control de nivel del tambor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delgadillo Valencia, Miguel Angel; Hernandez Cuellar, Maria Aurora [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    A control strategy for the drum level control of a combined cycle power plant is presented. This strategy is based on the conventional three element system with variable proportional gain in the master and slave controllers. The dynamic behavior of the proposed strategy is compared with a former one showing a better answer especially at full load (generated electric energy) with the supplementary fire (duct burners or after burners) in operation. When the feed water control valve is near its full opening, this strategy can avoid as much as possible the saturation of the control signal to the valve, with elimination of the permanent oscillation of the controlled variable (drum level). The control system behavior also shows good stability from start up to full load, including the transition from one to three elements operating mode and vice verse, as well as the duct burners' ignition. Similar stability is shown during the stop of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) from full load with duct fire in operation to the HRSG out of service. Due to the performance of the blocks communication software of the commercial equipment in use, a transition band of the steam flow signal is proposed, in order to assure a three to one or one to three element bump less transfer operation. Simulation laboratory tests were applied to the proposed control strategy with a simplified dynamic process model, before the control system was put into operation in site. Real process runs and the control-tune parameters are presented. [Spanish] Estudios de investigacion muestran interes en resolver problemas de inestabilidad de control de nivel, en generadores de vapor de plantas generadoras de energia electrica, disenando modelos del fenomeno del nivel del domo, para establecer una estrategia de control para sistemas de control de agua de alimentacion. Sin embargo, una estrategia de control basada en un modelo puede ser dificil de entender para los ingenieros de control, especialmente

  16. Un Modelo dinámico empresarial como aplicación del control óptimo

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    Albert Biayna Mulet


    Full Text Available Este trabajo se sitúa en el ámbito de la Teoría Dinámica de la Empresa y modeliza la actuación de esta última mediante la metodología del control óptimo. Se propone buscar las políticas dinámicas óptimas de inversión y de dividendos que debe seguir una empresa cuyo objetivo es maximizar su valor desde la perspectiva de los accionistas en un periodo de tiempo determinado. El objetivo del modelo propuesto se expresa a través de dos fines: el primero, maximizar la corriente actualizada de dividendos repartidos durante el horizonte temporal de planificación; el segundo, maximizar la cuantía actualizada de los recursos propios al final de este periodo. Para la consecución de su objetivo la empresa decide acerca del uso que hace del beneficio y elige las trayectorias de dos variables de control: la inversión y los dividendos. A través de ellas, administra la evolución de las variables que representan el estado corriente del stock de bienes de capital y de los recursos propios. Consideramos como fuentes de financiación de la empresa los beneficios retenidos, la deuda ajena y las subvenciones a la inversión. La acción del Estado sobre la firma se contempla a través de una tasa impositiva sobre beneficios y de las subvenciones a la inversión, condicionadas a realizar nueva inversión. Desde la perspectiva de los accionistas el Estado interviene gravando los dividendos y las ganancias de capital. Para la resolución del modelo se derivan las condiciones de optimalidad mediante el enfoque del Principio del Máximo de Pontryaguin y se determinan las trayectorias optimales a partir del procedimiento de enganche de senderos. Se interpretan económicamente las expresiones obtenidas y se analizan las políticas óptimas de la trayectoria maestra.

  17. Modeling the effects of palm-house proximity on the theoretical risk of Chagas disease transmission in a rural locality of the Orinoco basin, Colombia

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    Diana Erazo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chagas disease is a major public health concern in Latin America and it is transmitted by insects of the subfamily Triatominae, including Rhodnius spp. Since palm trees are ubiquitous in Colombia and a habitat for Rhodnius spp., the presence of palms near villages could increase contact rates between vectors and humans. Therefore, knowing whether a relationship exists between the proximity of palms to villages and the abundance and distribution of vectors therein, may be critical for Chagas disease prevention programs. Adapting a mathematical model for R. prolixus population dynamics in a small village, we model the implications of changing distances between palms and dwellings, to the risk of Chagas disease infection. Methods We implemented a mathematical model that reflects R. prolixus population dynamics in a small village located in the department of Casanare (Colombia to study the role of palm-house proximity. We varied the distance between palms and houses by monitoring the network global efficiency metric. We constructed 1,000 hypothetical villages varying distances and each one was run 100 times. Results According to the model, as palm-house proximity increases, houses were more likely to be visited by triatomine bugs. The number of bugs per unit time increased progressively in a non-linear fashion with high variability. We stress the importance of village configuration on the model output. Conclusions From a theoretical perspective, palm-house proximity may have a positive effect on the incidence of Chagas disease. The model predicts a 1% increase in new human cases per year when houses and palms are brought closer by 75%.

  18. Esophageal motor disorders in subjects with incidentally discovered Chagas disease: a study using high-resolution manometry and the Chicago classification. (United States)

    Remes-Troche, J M; Torres-Aguilera, M; Antonio-Cruz, K A; Vazquez-Jimenez, G; De-La-Cruz-Patiño, E


    In patients with chronic indeterminate Chagas disease, conventional manometry has shown that 25-48% had esophageal motor disorders. Recently, esophageal high-resolution manometry (HRM) has revolutionized the assessment of esophageal motor function. In this study, we performed esophageal HRM in a group of subjects with incidentally positive serological findings for Trypanosoma cruzi. In this prospective observational study, we evaluated subjects who had positive serological tests for Chagas disease detected during a screening evaluation for blood donation. All subjects underwent symptomatic evaluation and esophageal HRM with a 36 solid-state catheter. Esophageal abnormalities were classified using the Chicago classification. Forty-two healthy subjects (38 males) aged 18-61 years (mean age, 40.7 years) were included. When specific symptoms questionnaire was applied, 14 (33%) subjects had esophageal symptoms. Esophageal high-resolution manometry revealed that 28 (66%) of the subjects had an esophageal motility disorder according to the Chicago classification. Most common findings were hypocontractile disorders in 18 subjects (43%) and esophagogastric junction (EGJ) outflow obstruction in 6 (15%). Esophageal high-resolution manometry reveals that up to two thirds of the subjects with an incidental diagnosis of Chagas disease have esophageal abnormalities. This technology increases the detection and allows a more complete assessment of esophageal motor function in subjects infected with T. cruzi even in the early stages of the disease. © 2012 Copyright the Authors. Journal compilation © 2012, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

  19. Improved Completion Rates and Characterization of Drug Reactions with an Intensive Chagas Disease Treatment Program in Rural Bolivia (United States)

    Tornheim, Jeffrey A.; Lozano Beltran, Daniel F.; Gilman, Robert H.; Castellon, Mario; Solano Mercado, Marco A.; Sullca, Walter; Torrico, Faustino; Bern, Caryn


    Background Chagas disease treatment is limited by drug availability, adverse side effect profiles of available medications, and poor adherence. Methods Adult Chagas disease patients initiating 60-days of benznidazole were randomized to weekly or twice-weekly evaluations of medication adherence and screening for adverse drug events (ADEs). Mid-week evaluations employed phone-based evaluations. Adherence was measured by self-report, pill counts with intentional over-distribution, and Medication Event Monitoring Systems (MEMS). Prospective data were compared to historical controls treated with benznidazole at the same hospital. Results 162 prospective patients were compared to 172 historical patients. Pill counts correlated well with MEMS data (R = 0.498 for 7-day intervals, R = 0.872 for intervals >7 days). Treatment completion rates were higher among prospective than historical patients (82.1% vs. 65.1%), primarily due to lower abandonment rates. Rates of ADEs were lower among prospective than historical patients (56.8% vs. 66.9%). Twice-weekly evaluations increased identification of mild ADEs, prompting higher suspension rates than weekly evaluations. While twice-weekly evaluations identified ADEs earlier, they did not reduce incidence of moderate or severe ADEs. Many dermatologic ADEs were moderately severe upon presentation (35.6%), were not reduced by use of antihistamines, occurred among adult patients of all ages, and occurred throughout treatment, rather than the first few weeks alone. Conclusions Intensive management improved completion and identified more ADEs, but did not reduce moderate or severe ADEs. Risk of dermatologic ADEs cannot be reduced by selecting younger adults or monitoring only during the first few weeks of treatment. Pill counts and phone-based encounters are reliable tools for treatment programming in rural Bolivia. PMID:24069472

  20. El control constitucional de las resoluciones antidumping y los paneles del artículo 1904 del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte


    Cruz Barney, Óscar


    Este artículo trata de la aparente contradicción existente entre el juicio de amparo y el mecanismo de solución de diferencias contemplado en el artículo 1904 del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN). Se aborda el tema de la improcedencia de dicho mecanismo de control constitucional cuando se ha optado por el medio alternativo ante una resolución antidumping emitida por la autoridad mexicana. This article is about the apparent contradiction existing between the Trial of G...

  1. [Acute Chagas' disease: transmission routes, clinical aspects and response to specific therapy in diagnosed cases in an urban center]. (United States)

    Shikanai-Yasuda, M A; Lopes, M H; Tolezano, J E; Umezawa, E; Amato Neto, V; Barreto, A C; Higaki, Y; Moreira, A A; Funayama, G; Barone, A A


    The authors report clinical features and therapeutic response of 24 outpatients with acute Chagas' disease, and 3 in the initial chronic phase, referred to the Clinic for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of the FMUSP "Clínicas" Hospital between 1974 and 1987. The following transmission routes were involved: triatominae in 7 cases, blood transfusion in 9, kidney transplantation and/or blood transfusion in 4, accidental in 1, oral route in 3, probably breast feeding in 1, congenital or breast feeding in 1, and congenital or blood transfusion in 1. Six patients infected by triatominac acquired the disease between 1974 and 1980 and one in 1987. The blood transfusion infected patients acquired the disease in Greater São Paulo, seven of whom after 1983. The acute phase Chagas' disease was oligosymptomatic in 4 patients: three of such patients being immunocompromised by drugs or other diseases. Another two adult immunocompromised patients developed myocarditis and congestive heart failure. Clinical features were severe in 5 from 6 children under two years, irrespective of the transmission route. Evaluation of the acute phase patients treated with benznidazol (4-10 mg/kg/day) showed: therapeutic failure in 4/16 (25.0%); possible cure in 9/16 (53.2%) and inconclusive results in 3/16 (18.8%). The antibody and complement-mediated lysis reaction was in keeping with the xenodiagnosis in 18/22 cases, having shown negative results after treatment earlier than classical serological reactions. One aplastic anaemia patient receiving corticosteroid presented lymphoproliferative disease 6 years after being treated with benznidazol for acute Chagas' disease.

  2. Autoeficacia y locus de control: variables predictoras de la autorregulación del peso en personas obesas

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    Zoraide Lugli Rivero


    Full Text Available Objetivo. La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la capacidad predictiva de la autoeficacia percibida y el locus del control en la autorregulación del peso, en personas obesas que asisten a tratamiento médico en diferentes centros de salud privados de la ciudad de Maracay, Venezuela. Método. Concretamente, se realizó una investigación no experimental, bajo un diseño correlacional, de corte transversal, en una muestra de 243 personas obesas. Se administraron, de forma individual y en formato papel y lápiz, el Inventario de autorregulación del peso, Inventario de autoeficacia percibida en la regulación del peso e Inventario de locus de control del peso. Resultados. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que las personas obesas que se sienten capaces de controlar su peso, y a la vez tienen creencias débiles de que su peso depende de sus acciones, son aquellas que reportan mayor autorregulación del peso. Conclusión. Estos resultados sugieren aspectos a considerar en los tratamientos cognitivo-conductuales dirigidos al control de la obesidad. Específicamente,las intervenciones deben dirigirse a entrenar a personas en tratamiento de la obesidad en habilidades de autorregulación y cambio de creencias relacionadas con su peso.

  3. A Field Trial of Alternative Targeted Screening Strategies for Chagas Disease in Arequipa, Peru (United States)

    Hunter, Gabrielle C.; Borrini-Mayorí, Katty; Ancca Juárez, Jenny; Castillo Neyra, Ricardo; Verastegui, Manuela R.; Malaga Chavez, Fernando S.; Cornejo del Carpio, Juan Geny; Córdova Benzaquen, Eleazar; Náquira, César; Gilman, Robert H.; Bern, Caryn; Levy, Michael Z.


    Background Chagas disease is endemic in the rural areas of southern Peru and a growing urban problem in the regional capital of Arequipa, population ∼860,000. It is unclear how to implement cost-effective screening programs across a large urban and periurban environment. Methods We compared four alternative screening strategies in 18 periurban communities, testing individuals in houses with 1) infected vectors; 2) high vector densities; 3) low vector densities; and 4) no vectors. Vector data were obtained from routine Ministry of Health insecticide application campaigns. We performed ring case detection (radius of 15 m) around seropositive individuals, and collected data on costs of implementation for each strategy. Results Infection was detected in 21 of 923 (2.28%) participants. Cases had lived more time on average in rural places than non-cases (7.20 years versus 3.31 years, respectively). Significant risk factors on univariate logistic regression for infection were age (OR 1.02; p = 0.041), time lived in a rural location (OR 1.04; p = 0.022), and time lived in an infested area (OR 1.04; p = 0.008). No multivariate model with these variables fit the data better than a simple model including only the time lived in an area with triatomine bugs. There was no significant difference in prevalence across the screening strategies; however a self-assessment of disease risk may have biased participation, inflating prevalence among residents of houses where no infestation was detected. Testing houses with infected-vectors was least expensive. Ring case detection yielded four secondary cases in only one community, possibly due to vector-borne transmission in this community, apparently absent in the others. Conclusions Targeted screening for urban Chagas disease is promising in areas with ongoing vector-borne transmission; however, these pockets of epidemic transmission remain difficult to detect a priori. The flexibility to adapt to the epidemiology that

  4. A field trial of alternative targeted screening strategies for Chagas disease in Arequipa, Peru.

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    Gabrielle C Hunter


    Full Text Available Chagas disease is endemic in the rural areas of southern Peru and a growing urban problem in the regional capital of Arequipa, population ∼860,000. It is unclear how to implement cost-effective screening programs across a large urban and periurban environment.We compared four alternative screening strategies in 18 periurban communities, testing individuals in houses with 1 infected vectors; 2 high vector densities; 3 low vector densities; and 4 no vectors. Vector data were obtained from routine Ministry of Health insecticide application campaigns. We performed ring case detection (radius of 15 m around seropositive individuals, and collected data on costs of implementation for each strategy.Infection was detected in 21 of 923 (2.28% participants. Cases had lived more time on average in rural places than non-cases (7.20 years versus 3.31 years, respectively. Significant risk factors on univariate logistic regression for infection were age (OR 1.02; p = 0.041, time lived in a rural location (OR 1.04; p = 0.022, and time lived in an infested area (OR 1.04; p = 0.008. No multivariate model with these variables fit the data better than a simple model including only the time lived in an area with triatomine bugs. There was no significant difference in prevalence across the screening strategies; however a self-assessment of disease risk may have biased participation, inflating prevalence among residents of houses where no infestation was detected. Testing houses with infected-vectors was least expensive. Ring case detection yielded four secondary cases in only one community, possibly due to vector-borne transmission in this community, apparently absent in the others.Targeted screening for urban Chagas disease is promising in areas with ongoing vector-borne transmission; however, these pockets of epidemic transmission remain difficult to detect a priori. The flexibility to adapt to the epidemiology that emerges during screening is key to

  5. Factores asociados al cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo del niño menor de un año en establecimientos de salud de Amazonas, Loreto y Pasco

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    Elena Gonzales-Achuy

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Identificar los factores asociados al cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo (CRED del niño menor de 1 año, en establecimientos de salud del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA de Amazonas, Loreto y Pasco, Perú, de enero a diciembre de 2012. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de casos-controles pareados. Se definió como caso al niño que no completó 11 controles CRED hasta cumplir 11 meses de edad, y como control, aquel niño con 11 controles CRED para la misma edad. La relación entre cada factor con el cumplimiento del CRED se estableció mediante la prueba de McNemar (p<0,05 y como medida de fuerza de asociación el odds ratio (OR para muestras pareadas (IC 95%. Resultados. Siete factores, luego del control de diversas variables, están asociados significativamente al cumplimiento de los controles CRED. El factor común, en las tres regiones, fue que se dejó de atender alguna vez al niño; lo que se asoció, de tres a cinco veces, con la chance de no cumplir los controles CRED en Loreto y Pasco, mientras que en Amazonas se presentó un efecto opuesto (OR 0,58; IC 95% 0,41-0,81. Conclusiones. Existen factores relacionados con el cumplimiento del CRED en niños menores de un año que varían según región. Uno de los principales obstáculos identificados son las múltiples funciones que deben desarrollar los profesionales que laboran en CRED, por lo que se pierden oportunidades de atención al niño; en tal sentido debe garantizarse la dotación suficiente de personal e inculcar permanentemente el buen trato que debe brindarse a los pacientes.

  6. Especificaciones del servicio de medición y control del riesgo vascular

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    Full Text Available En abril de 2013, la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Familiar y Comunitaria (SEFAC pr esentó su propuesta sobre servicios profesionales farmacéuticos (SPF, cuyo fin es cubrir las necesidades relacionadas tanto con la atención de los pacientes que utilizan medicamentos como con la salud pública. Esta propuesta ofrece un planteamiento sobre la implantación y desarrollo de los SPF con el objetivo de impulsar su prestación por las farmacias comunitarias en los próximos años. De acuerdo con dicha propuesta, todos los SPF que constituyen el catálogo de servicios contarán con un documento de especificaciones. El objeto de este documento de especificaciones es definir y caracterizar el servicio de prevención y control del riesgo vascular con un doble objeto: • Apoyar al farmacéutico comunitario y a sus colaboradores en el ofrecimiento, prestación, difusión, financiación y concertación de este servicio. • Servir de guía a los farmacéuticos comunitarios que desean implantar este servicio en la farmacia o elaborar un procedimiento normalizado de trabajo para su realización. Este documento se complementa con la Guía de actuación para el farmacéutico comunitario en pacientes con hipertensión arterial (HTA y riesgo cardiovascular (RCV. Documento de consenso GIAF-UGR, SEFAC y SEH-LELHA y con el programa impacHta: formación SEFAC y SEH-LELHA en hipertensión y riesgo vascular. Se recomienda también el uso de las tablas para el cálculo del riesgo vascular Framingham, SCORE (Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation y Regicor (Registre Gironí del Cor.

  7. Programa de vigilancia y control de la piscina del Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt

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    Martha Lucía Acosta Otálora


    Full Text Available El objetivo del proyecto realizado en la Especialización de Gesti ón en Rehabilitación fue implementar un programa de vigilancia y control del área de la piscina del Instituto de Ortopedia Infantil Roosevelt, para mejorar las condiciones sanitarias del agua y evitar la aparición y reproducción de agentes patógenos en el medio y en los usuarios que ingresan a ella. El Instituto Roosevelt es una entidad prestadora de servicios de salud ubicada en Bogotá, en donde la hidroterapia hace parte de la intervención fisioterapéutica. Al realizar un diagnóstico del área se evidenció que no se estaban haciendo los procesos indispensables que aseguraran las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias del agua de la piscina, razón por la cual se vio la necesidad de realizar una serie de actividades encaminadas a garantizar la calidad del agua y el adecuado funcionamiento del área para la protección de la salud de los pacientes, acompañantes, estudiantes, fisioterapeutas y operadores. Finalmente se logró en un alto porcentaje la implementación del Programa, siendo evidente el compromiso e interés institucional por éste.

  8. Effect of hypercortisolism control on high blood pressure in Cushing's syndrome Efecto del control del hipercortisolismo sobre la hipertensión arterial en el síndrome de Cushing

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    Reynaldo M. Gómez


    Full Text Available Many hypertensive patients affected by endogenous Cushing's syndrome (CS persist with high blood pressure (HBP despite good control of cortisol excess. We assessed the effect of preoperative ketoconazole administration and of definitive treatment of CS on arterial hypertension and analysed the factors involved in the persistence of hypertension. We assessed retrospectively 71 patients with CS and HBP (60 women, 11 men; 50 pituitary, 21 adrenal successfully treated by surgery and/or radiotherapy; 19 of them received ketoconazole (KNZ before surgery. After treatment, patients were divided into those with persistent high blood pressure (PHBP and those with normal blood pressure (NBP. As possible predictive factors for PHBP we analysed age, duration and family history of HBP, pre-treatment 24 hour urinary free cortisol (24h-UFC and body mass index (BMI. HBP normalized in 53 out of 71 patients (74.6%, regardless of the origin of Cushing's syndrome. PHBP patients were older (p=0.003, had longer duration (p=0.007 and higher systolic blood pressure before treatment (p=0.046 than NBP patients. Thirteen out of 19 patients (68.4% treated with ketoconazole, normalized their hypertension and remained normotensive after successful surgery. Five patients became normotensive only after surgery. In conclusion: a blood pressure levels normalized in most patients after remission of CS; b ketoconazole was effective for the control of HBP, and seems to be a good indicator of post-surgical outcome, and c higher age at presentation, longer duration of hypertension and higher systolic blood pressure figures before treatment negatively influence normalization of blood pressure after resolution of Cushing's syndrome.Muchos pacientes con síndrome de Cushing (SC permanecen hipertensos a pesar del control del exceso glucocorticoideo. Investigamos el efecto de la administración de ketoconazol (KNZ y del tratamiento definitivo del SC sobre la hipertensión arterial (HTA

  9. Epidemiologia de um caso de doença de Chagas na Ilha do Mosqueiro - Pará

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    Adelson A.A. de Souza


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentam os resultados do estudo epidemiológico de um caso autóctone da fase aguda da doença de Chagas na ilha do Mosqueiro, Estado do Pará, aproximadamente 75km da capital, Belém. 0 caso já havia sido objeto de uma publicação anterior. Agora são apresentadas informações epidemiológicas. Nas proximidades da casa do paciente foram capturados em duas palmeiras de Inajá ('Maximilian regi ay e em uma de Mucajá (Acrocomia sclerocarpia 114 triatomíneos: Rhodnius pictipes, R. robustus, Panstrongylus lignarius, P. geniculatus e Microtriatoma trinidadensis, com tripanossomas em 31 deles. Na casa do paciente foram encontrados exemplares de Rhodnius pictipes, infectados com formas metacíclicas do Trypanosoma cruzi. Em 14 marsupiais, capturados na localidade, haviam 3 infectados com organismos semelhantes ao T. cruzi. A eletroforese dos isoenzimas nos tripanossomas isolados do paciente, de R. pictipes e de Didelphis marsupialis os classificou como zimodema 1. Os autores concluem que a doença de Chagas do paciente teve origem silvestre.

  10. Sistema de Información para el Control de Inventarios del Almacén del ITS. Reporte de Proyecto


    Maricela Sánchez López; Marcelino Vargas López; Blanca Alicia Reyes Luna; Olga Lidia Vidal Vásquez


    El proyecto está dirigido a hacer mejoras en el Instituto Tecnológico de Saltillo (ITS), en el Departamento de Recursos Materiales y Servicios, en el área de Almacén. En base a las Tecnologías de Información se desarrolló un sistema de información, el cual se encuentra en la etapa de implementación en un proceso de pruebas y correcciones, como un soporte de apoyo administrativo que permita llevar el control de inventarios del almacén del ITS con la finalidad de ofrecer rapidez y seguridad en...

  11. Trypanocide Treatment of Women Infected with Trypanosoma cruzi and Its Effect on Preventing Congenital Chagas (United States)

    Fabbro, Diana L.; Danesi, Emmaria; Olivera, Veronica; Codebó, Maria Olenka; Denner, Susana; Heredia, Cecilia; Streiger, Mirtha; Sosa-Estani, Sergio


    With the control of the vectorial and transfusional routes of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, congenital transmission has become an important source of new cases. This study evaluated the efficacy of trypanocidal therapy to prevent congenital Chagas disease and compared the clinical and serological evolution between treated and untreated infected mothers. We conducted a multicenter, observational study on a cohort of mothers infected with T. cruzi, with and without trypanocidal treatment before pregnancy. Their children were studied to detect congenital infection. Among 354 “chronically infected mother-biological child” pairs, 132 were treated women and 222 were untreated women. Among the children born to untreated women, we detected 34 infected with T. cruzi (15.3%), whose only antecedent was maternal infection. Among the 132 children of previously treated women, no infection with T. cruzi was found (0.0%) (p<0.05). Among 117 mothers with clinical and serological follow up, 71 had been treated and 46 were untreated. The women were grouped into three groups. Group A: 25 treated before 15 years of age; Group B: 46 treated at 15 or more years of age; Group C: untreated, average age of 29.2±6.2 years at study entry. Follow-up for Groups A, B and C was 16.3±5.8, 17.5±9.2 and 18.6±8.6 years respectively. Negative seroconversion: Group A, 64.0% (16/25); Group B, 32.6% (15/46); Group C, no seronegativity was observed. Clinical electrocardiographic alterations compatible with chagasic cardiomyopathy: Group A 0.0% (0/25); B 2.2% (1/46) and C 15.2% (7/46). The trypanocidal treatment of women with chronic Chagas infection was effective in preventing the congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to their children; it had also a protective effect on the women's clinical evolution and deparasitation could be demonstrated in many treated women after over 10 years of follow up. PMID:25411847

  12. Trypanocide treatment of women infected with Trypanosoma cruzi and its effect on preventing congenital Chagas. (United States)

    Fabbro, Diana L; Danesi, Emmaria; Olivera, Veronica; Codebó, Maria Olenka; Denner, Susana; Heredia, Cecilia; Streiger, Mirtha; Sosa-Estani, Sergio


    With the control of the vectorial and transfusional routes of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, congenital transmission has become an important source of new cases. This study evaluated the efficacy of trypanocidal therapy to prevent congenital Chagas disease and compared the clinical and serological evolution between treated and untreated infected mothers. We conducted a multicenter, observational study on a cohort of mothers infected with T. cruzi, with and without trypanocidal treatment before pregnancy. Their children were studied to detect congenital infection. Among 354 "chronically infected mother-biological child" pairs, 132 were treated women and 222 were untreated women. Among the children born to untreated women, we detected 34 infected with T. cruzi (15.3%), whose only antecedent was maternal infection. Among the 132 children of previously treated women, no infection with T. cruzi was found (0.0%) (p<0.05). Among 117 mothers with clinical and serological follow up, 71 had been treated and 46 were untreated. The women were grouped into three groups. Group A: 25 treated before 15 years of age; Group B: 46 treated at 15 or more years of age; Group C: untreated, average age of 29.2 ± 6.2 years at study entry. Follow-up for Groups A, B and C was 16.3 ± 5.8, 17.5 ± 9.2 and 18.6 ± 8.6 years respectively. Negative seroconversion: Group A, 64.0% (16/25); Group B, 32.6% (15/46); Group C, no seronegativity was observed. Clinical electrocardiographic alterations compatible with chagasic cardiomyopathy: Group A 0.0% (0/25); B 2.2% (1/46) and C 15.2% (7/46). The trypanocidal treatment of women with chronic Chagas infection was effective in preventing the congenital transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi to their children; it had also a protective effect on the women's clinical evolution and deparasitation could be demonstrated in many treated women after over 10 years of follow up.

  13. NRE102/2: Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2016.


    Universidad de Granada


    Resoluci??n de la Rectora de la Universidad de Granada, de 28 de enero de 2016, por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2016. Se incluye la Memoria de Actividades y un seguimiento del Plan Anueal de Control Interno.

  14. Inositol metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi: potential target for chemotherapy against Chagas' disease

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    Full Text Available Chagas' disease is a debilitating and often fatal disease caused by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The great majority of surface molecules in trypanosomes are either inositol-containing phospholipids or glycoproteins that are anchored into the plasma membrane by glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors. The polyalcohol myo-inositol is the precursor for the biosynthesis of these molecules. In this brief review, recent findings on some aspects of the molecular and cellular fate of inositol in T. cruzi life cycle are discussed and identified some points that could be targets for the development of parasite-specific therapeutic agents.

  15. A regional fight against Chagas disease: lessons learned from a successful collaborative partnership. (United States)

    Salerno, Rosina; Salvatella, Roberto; Issa, Julie; Anzola, Maria Carolina


    To identify the intangible elements that characterize the successful effort to fight Chagas disease in the Americas, determine how they contributed to the overall success of the partnership, and learn lessons from the experience that could be applied to other programs. This study was based on the Partnership Assessment Tool (PAT) developed by the Nuffield Institute for Health ("the Institute") at the University of Leeds (London). The PAT draws heavily on scientific literature and the extensive experience of sociologists and health experts working for the Institute. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) modified the tool slightly to adapt it to its needs and provide a general structure for the study. The six key principles of the PAT framework were applied in the design of the research questionnaires. The findings show that a successful collaboration requires a clear objective; a good-quality pool of data; and comprehensive qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the problem, its dimensions, and its impact. The collaboration was elaborated from a common idea and a shared, quantified plan based on data gathered by independent scientists plus a strategy with explicit milestones. The clarity of purpose allowed for an improved synergy of efforts and made it possible to resolve differences in opinions and approaches. PAHO's experience with effective collaborations such as the joint initiative to fight Chagas disease provides a rich knowledge base for analysis of the advantages, limitations, and paradigms of community involvement, collaborative practices, and partnerships.

  16. A regional fight against Chagas disease: lessons learned from a successful collaborative partnership

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    Rosina Salerno


    Full Text Available Objective. To identify the intangible elements that characterize the successful effort to fight Chagas disease in the Americas, determine how they contributed to the overall success of the partnership, and learn lessons from the experience that could be applied to other programs. Methods. This study was based on the Partnership Assessment Tool (PAT developed by the Nuffield Institute for Health ("the Institute" at the University of Leeds (London. The PAT draws heavily on scientific literature and the extensive experience of sociologists and health experts working for the Institute. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO modified the tool slightly to adapt it to its needs and provide a general structure for the study. The six key principles of the PAT framework were applied in the design of the research questionnaires. Results. The findings show that a successful collaboration requires a clear objective; a good-quality pool of data; and comprehensive qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the problem, its dimensions, and its impact. The collaboration was elaborated from a common idea and a shared, quantified plan based on data gathered by independent scientists plus a strategy with explicit milestones. The clarity of purpose allowed for an improved synergy of efforts and made it possible to resolve differences in opinions and approaches. Conclusions. PAHO's experience with effective collaborations such as the joint initiative to fight Chagas disease provides a rich knowledge base for analysis of the advantages, limitations, and paradigms of community involvement, collaborative practices, and partnerships.

  17. Control de velocidad del motor de indución empleando linealización por realimentación de estados Speed control of induction motor using state feedback linearization

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    Eduardo Giraldo Suárez


    Full Text Available Este documento presenta la aplicación de la técnica de control no lineal clásica llamada linealización por realimentación de variables de estado. Se hace una aplicación en el motor de inducción, la variable a controlar es la velocidad del eje del motor, el sistema emplea el esquema de control vectorial para máquinas de corriente alterna desarrollado en las últimas décadas; este método es análogo a la técnica de control del motor de corriente directa. El modelo del motor de inducción se describe en el sistema de coordenadas de campo orientado del flujo de rotor y se muestra una introducción al producto y la derivada de Lie, empleados en el diseño del controlador no lineal.This articles shows the application of a classic non-linear control technique called "linearization by feedback of status variables." An application on the induction engine is made. Variable to be controlled is speed of the engine shaft. The system employs a vectorial control scheme for AC engines developed during the last decades. This is a method analogous to the DC engine control technique. Induction engine model is described in the guided field coordinate system of rotor flow. Introduction to the product and Lie derivative used for designing the non-linear controller are shown.

  18. Control de velocidad del motor de indución empleando linealización por realimentación de estados Speed control of induction motor using state feedback linearization


    Eduardo Giraldo Suárez; Santiago Sánchez Acevedo


    Este documento presenta la aplicación de la técnica de control no lineal clásica llamada linealización por realimentación de variables de estado. Se hace una aplicación en el motor de inducción, la variable a controlar es la velocidad del eje del motor, el sistema emplea el esquema de control vectorial para máquinas de corriente alterna desarrollado en las últimas décadas; este método es análogo a la técnica de control del motor de corriente directa. El modelo del motor de inducción se descri...

  19. NRE92/3: Programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2015


    Universidad de Granada


    Resoluci??n del Rectorado de la Universidad de Granada, de 3 de febrero de 2015, por la que se aprueba la programaci??n del Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la Oficina de Control Interno durante el ejercicio 2015.

  20. Genetically Determined MBL Deficiency Is Associated with Protection against Chronic Cardiomyopathy in Chagas Disease.

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    Paola Rosa Luz


    Full Text Available Chagas disease (CD is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, whose sugar moieties are recognized by mannan binding lectin (MBL, a soluble pattern-recognition molecule that activates the lectin pathway of complement. MBL levels and protein activity are affected by polymorphisms in the MBL2 gene. We sequenced the MBL2 promoter and exon 1 in 196 chronic CD patients and 202 controls. The MBL2*C allele, which causes MBL deficiency, was associated with protection against CD (P = 0.007, OR = 0.32. Compared with controls, genotypes with this allele were completely absent in patients with the cardiac form of the disease (P = 0.003. Furthermore, cardiac patients with genotypes causing MBL deficiency presented less heart damage (P = 0.003, OR = 0.23, compared with cardiac patients having the XA haplotype causing low MBL levels, but fully capable of activating complement (P = 0.005, OR = 7.07. Among the patients, those with alleles causing MBL deficiency presented lower levels of cytokines and chemokines possibly implicated in symptom development (IL9, p = 0.013; PDGFB, p = 0.036 and RANTES, p = 0.031. These findings suggest a protective effect of genetically determined MBL deficiency against the development and progression of chronic CD cardiomyopathy.