
Sample records for cone medula relato

  1. Paraplegia como manifestação inicial de medula presa: relato de caso Paraplegia as initial manifestation of tethered spinal cord: case report

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    Full Text Available A medula presa (MP é entidade pouco frequente que ocorre quando há restrição da migração normal do cone medular por cistos, lipomas ou disrafismos espinhais. Esta patologia pode levar a paraplegia, distúrbios sensoriais e esficterianos. Relatamos o caso de uma menina de 22 meses que consultou com quadro de paraplegia. O diagnóstico de medula presa foi confirmado pela mielotomografia e a paciente foi submetida à cirurgia para liberação do filo terminal.Tethered spinal cord (TSC is a rare disorder; it occurs when the conus medularis is anchored to the base of the vertebral canal by thickened filum terminale cysts, lipoma and spinal dysraphia. This disorder may cause paraplegia, sensory and sphincter disturbance. We report a twenty-two months-old girl presenting with paraplegia. TSC diagnostic was confirmed by myelotomography. The patient was submitted to surgical relief of tethered filum terminale.

  2. Alterações neurorradiológicas cerebrais na degeneração combinada de medula: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available A carência da vitamina B12 em muitas situações manifesta-se também por alterações neuropsiquiátricas, sendo a mais comum a degeneração combinada subaguda da medula espinhal. No sistema nervoso central a repercussão maior é na mielina, sendo a degeneração esponjosa e a desmielinização difusa das colunas lateral e posterior da medula as mais típicas alterações patológicas. O mesmo ocorre nos hemisférios cerebrais, sendo que anormalidades nas imagens por ressonância magnética são esperadas. No entanto muito pouco tem sido relatado e a carência da cobalamina não figura habitualmente na lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de lesões desmielinizantes. Relatamos caso de anemia perniciosa com manifestações neurológicas em que a ressonância magnética mostrou alterações compatíveis com desmielinização do feixe piramidal, consequentes, possivelmente, à carência da vitamina B12. Discutimos os achados neuropatológicos da hipovitaminose. Sugerimos que a degeneração combinada subaguda da medula deve fazer parte do diagnóstico diferencial radiológico das lesões desmielinizantes no sistema nervoso central.

  3. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis Sclater, 1882: relato de caso

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    Kylma Lorena Saldanha


    Full Text Available A anestesia epidural é uma das técnicas anestésicas mais utilizadas devido à boa margem de segurança, eficiência e rapidez na aplicação. Decorrente de sua importância faz-se necessário ter conhecimento preciso da topografia do cone medular das espécies. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis, com o propósito de fornecer dados anatômicos úteis para a prática de anestesias epidurais. Foi utilizado um exemplar jovem, macho, após morte natural, proveniente da Área de Mina Bauxita de Paragominas-PA, o qual foi fixado e armazenado em solução aquosa de formaldeído a 10%. O animal Foi dissecado mediante afastamento da pele e da musculatura epiaxial, procedendo-se a secção e remoção dos arcos vertebrais favorecendo a visualização da medula espinhal. O Atelocynus microtis apresentou sete vértebras lombares e três sacrais. Após a individualização das estruturas anatômicas de interesse, foram tomadas as mensurações do cone medular com o auxílio de paquímetro. A intumescência lombar localizou-se entre as vértebras L3 e L6, o cone medular foi observado em nível da sétima vértebra lombar (L7 e seu ápice na terceira vértebra sacral (S3 totalizando um comprimento de 3,9 cm acompanhado pela cauda equina. Assim, sugerimos a região sacrocaudal como o local mais apropriado para realização de anestesia epidural no Atelocynus microtis.

  4. Anestesia subaracnóidea para cesariana em paciente portadora de esclerose múltipla: relato de caso


    Barbosa, Fabiano Timbó; Bernardo, Ronaldson Correia; Cunha, Rafael Martins da; Pedrosa, Maria do Socorro Melo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A esclerose múltipla é uma doença adquirida que se caracteriza por áreas desmielinizadas no encéfalo e na medula espinal. O quadro clínico depende das áreas anatômicas acometidas. As principais causas de morte são infecção, falência respiratória e estado de mal epiléptico. Ocorre em pacientes geneticamente predispostos após contato com fatores ambientais, principalmente os vírus. O objetivo desse relato foi apresentar a técnica anestésica adotada em paciente com esc...

  5. Anestesia subaracnóidea para cesariana em paciente portadora de esclerose múltipla: relato de caso Anestesia subaracnoidea para cesárea en paciente portadora de esclerosis múltiple: relato de caso Subarachnoid anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with multiple sclerosis: case report


    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa; Ronaldson Correia Bernardo; Rafael Martins da Cunha; Maria do Socorro Melo Pedrosa


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A esclerose múltipla é uma doença adquirida que se caracteriza por áreas desmielinizadas no encéfalo e na medula espinal. O quadro clínico depende das áreas anatômicas acometidas. As principais causas de morte são infecção, falência respiratória e estado de mal epiléptico. Ocorre em pacientes geneticamente predispostos após contato com fatores ambientais, principalmente os vírus. O objetivo desse relato foi apresentar a técnica anestésica adotada em paciente com esc...

  6. Topografia do cone medular da paca (Agouti paca, Linnaeus - 1766

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    Alessandra Regina Freixo Scavone


    Full Text Available Objetivamos neste trabalho determinar a esqueletopia da terminação do cone medular da paca relacionando com as vértebras lombares e sacrais, visando assim estabelecer parâmetros morfométricos e topográficos do cone medular nesta espécie. Para tanto, procedemos à dissecação, mediante incisão, rebatimento da pele, da tela subcutânea e da musculatura da região dorsal à coluna vertebral, com posterior secção e remoção dos arcos vertebrais para melhor visualização da medula espinhal. Após a individualização do cone medular, registramos os aspectos anatômicos de interesse, enfatizando seu início (base e seu término (ápice em relação às vértebras, e a partir de então efetuamos suas medidas com o auxílio de paquímetro; visando documentar nossos achados, realizamos fotografias e esquemas dos espécimes estudados.

  7. Sarcoma granulocítico de sistema nervoso central pós transplante de medula óssea: relato de caso

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    Tatsui Cláudio Esteves


    Full Text Available Sarcoma granulocítico é tumor sólido, constituído por células precursoras de granulócitos, localizado em sítio extra medular. Geralmente surge precedendo uma leucemia mielóide aguda ou concomitantemente a ela, sendo considerado fator de mau prognóstico. Tem como principais modalidades terapêuticas a radioterapia e a quimioterapia. Um caso de sarcoma granulocítico intracraniano ocorrido seis meses após transplante de medula óssea por leucemia mielóide aguda é relatado. A paciente apresentava cefaléia e hemiplegia esquerda, causada por extensa lesão fronto-parietal direita. Após a ressecção completa do tumor, houve total recuperação do déficit neurológico. A paciente completou o tratamento radio e quimioterápico, estando livre de doença após três meses de acompanhamento. O manejo cirúrgico do sarcoma granulocítico é modalidade adjuvante, indicada quando o efeito compressivo tumoral determina déficit neurológico. É o meio mais rápido de descompressão do tecido nervoso, possibilitando a chance de recuperação funcional, melhorando a qualidade de vida do paciente.

  8. Topografia do cone medular em gatos sem raça definida Topography of the medullar cone in the domestic non-defined breed cat

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    P.H.C. Silva


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a topografia post mortem do cone medular em 30 gatos adultos sem raça definida. Procedeu-se à remoção da pele e da musculatura dorsal da coluna vertebral e expuseram-se a medula espinhal e seus envoltórios, após a secção dos arcos vertebrais. O cone medular foi evidenciado e mensurado. Avaliou-se a sua relação com as vértebras lombares (L, sacrais (S e caudais (Cd. O cone medular variou de 3,40 a 8,00cm (média=5,08cm. A esqueletopia foi variável, pois em 24 (80% animais o cone medular iniciou-se na vértebra L6; em quatro (13,3%, na L7; e em dois (6,7%, na L5. Em 12 (40% animais terminou na vértebra S2; em 10 (33,3%, na S3; em cinco (16,7%, na Cd1; em dois (6,7%, na S1; e em um (3,3% na Cd2.It was studied the post mortem topography of the medullar cone in 30 adult non-defined breed cats. The dorsal skin and muscles from the vertebral column were removed and the spinal cord and its wrappers were visualized, after the section of the vertebral arcs. The medullar cone was then exposed and measured. Its relationship with lumbar (L, sacral (S, and caudal (Cd vertebrae was determined. The length of the medullar cone presented a variation from 3.40 to 8.00cm (average 5.08cm. Its skeletopy was variable; since in 24 animals (80%, the medullar cone began at the L6 vertebra; in four (13.3%, at the L7; and in two (6.7% at the L5 vertebra. It ended in 12 (40% animals at the S2 vertebra; in 10 (33,33%, at the S3; in five (16.7% at the caudal (Cd vertebra; in two (6.7%, at the S1; and in one (3.3%, at the Cd2.

  9. Achados de tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução em pneumonia pelo vírus parainfluenza pós-transplante de medula óssea: relato de caso

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    Emerson L. Gasparetto


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Paciente feminina, de 19 anos, transplantada de medula óssea devido a leucemia mielóide crónica, apresentando tosse seca e coriza no 67.º dia após o procedimento. A radiografia de tórax não evidenciou alterações. A tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax revelou consolidação subsegmentar na periferia do lobo inferior esquerdo e áreas de redução da atenuação nos terços superior e médio dos pulmões. O lavado broncoalveolar demonstrou pesquisa positiva por imunoflorescência direta para anticorpos anti-vírus parainfluenza. Foi instituído tratamento com ribavirina aerolizada durante 10 dias, havendo melhoria clínico-radiológica do quadro infeccioso.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (6: 485-489 ABSTRACT: Nineteen year-old female patient, who underwent bone marrow transplantation because of chronic myelogenous leukemia, presented with dry cough and coriza sixty-seven days after the procedure. The chest radiograph was normal. The high resolution computed tomography showed a subsegmental air-space consolidation at the periphery of the left inferior lobe and areas of low attenuation at the superior and middle lung zones. The bronchoalveolar lavage demonstrated positive direct fluorescence antibody testing against parainfluenza virus. Treatment with aerolizated ribavirin was instituted during 10 days and the patient showed clinical-radiological improvement.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (6: 485-489 Palavras-chave: Vírus parainfluenza, tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução, transplante de medula óssea, Key-words: Parainfluenza virus, high resolution computed tomography, bone marrow transplantation

  10. Hyperfibrotic myelodysplasia: case report with response to steroid therapy Mielodisplasia hiperfibrótica: relato de caso com resposta à terapia com corticosteróides

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    Maura Romeo


    acentuado aumento das fibras de reticulina tem sido sugerida, e o termo "síndrome mielodisplásica hiperfibrótica" é usado para sua definição. A biópsia de medula óssea mostra aumento das fibras de reticulina e hiperplasia megacariocítica com displasia. O diagnóstico diferencial com mielofibrose primária é difícil, e casos híbridos podem ocorrer. Pacientes com síndromes mielodisplásicas hiperfibróticas que respondem à terapia com corticosteróide têm sido descritos. Na maioria dos casos a remissão é apenas hematológica, mas resolução da fibrose de medula óssea já ocorreu em um paciente. Planejamento: Relato de caso. Relato: Paciente do sexo masculino, 62 anos de idade, apresentou-se, em junho de 1995, com história de seis meses de letargia e dispnéia. Ao exame, mostrou-se pálido, sem hepatoesplenomegalia. A concentração de hemoglobina foi de 3g/dl, com acentuada anisocitose, mas sem "células em lágrimas". Os aspirados de medula óssea mostraram-se "secos", enquanto a biópsia revelou hipercelularidade e fibrose grau IV, obliterando a arquitetura habitual. Os megacariócitos estavam em número aumentado, com morfologia anômala, reagindo com anticorpos antifator VIII e CD31. Com a introdução de prednisona 1mg/kg em junho de 1996, os sintomas reduziram, a hemoglobina elevou-se e a fibrose cedeu para grau II, tornando-se independente de transfusões até janeiro de 1999. Então, a hemoglobina caiu para 6g/dl e, com a introdução de prednisona, houve pronta elevação da hemoglobina.

  11. Comprometimento da medula óssea e eosinofilia na paracoccidioidomicose


    Shikanai-Yasuda,M.A.; Higaki,Y.; Uip,D.E.; Mori,N.S.; Del Negro,G.; Melo,N.T.; Hutzler,R.U.; Amato Neto,V.


    São descritos 3 casos de paracoccidioidomicose com a forma aguda da doença, nos quais formas leveduriformes de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis foram visualizadas ao exame direto de medula óssea, sendo a cultura também positiva em um caso. Salienta-se o acometimento do sistema fagocítico-mononuclear e a ausência de resposta às provas cutâneas de hipersensibilidade tardia a antígenos microbianos e de P. brasiliensis em todos, bem como a gravidade do quadro clínico e lesões ósseas generalizadas em...

  12. Relato literario, relato periodístico: el caso Elián González


    Lic. María Inés Loyola; Lic. Miriam Eugenia Villa


    Nos proponemos estudiar las relaciones entre relato literario y relato periodístico a partir del caso del niño balsero cubano, Elián González, que estuvo retenido en Estados Unidos durante siete meses. En este análisis, el principal objetivo es describir las diferencias y similitudes respecto a la construcción discursiva de la historia narrada, sus personajes y escenarios. La finalidad de la comparación es demostrar cómo los relatos "no ficcionales" que los medios imponen como verdaderos y ac...

  13. Diretrizes para diagnóstico morfológico em síndromes mielodisplásicas Guidelines for morphological diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Lígia Niero-Melo


    Full Text Available As síndromes mielodisplásicas são reconhecidas como doenças que se originam nas células-tronco da medula óssea e que requerem avaliação sistemática e criteriosa de sangue periférico e medula óssea para seu correto diagnóstico. O objetivo deste relato é estabelecer os critérios morfológicos (cito-histológicos como parâmetros para o diagnóstico de SMD em amostras de sangue periférico e medula óssea, com especial direcionamento aos hematologistas e patologistas clínicos que exercem a hematologia laboratorial na sua rotina de trabalho. Os principais achados morfológicos são listados no final deste relato, na forma de "check-list", objetivando a sistematização sobre estes achados.Myelodysplastic syndromes require both thorougly and systematic blood smear and bone marrow examinations. The main goal of this report is to establish criteria of the morphological ( cyto-histological features, as parameters for the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndromes ( MDS from peripheral blood smears and bone marrow samples, with especial address to hematology and pathology practitioners. The main features are listed ( checklist at the end of this report, in order to synthesize them.

  14. Leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA secundária à trombocitemia essencial (TE: um relato de caso

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    Marcelo Gil Cliquet


    Full Text Available Introdução: A trombocitemia essencial é classificada como pertencente ao grupo de distúrbios mieloproliferativos clássicos BCR/ABL negativos. A progressão para leucemia aguda é rara (<2% e é considerada, na maioria das vezes, no contexto da terapia leucemogênica. A transformação em leucemia pode demorar de 1,7 a 16 anos. Relato de caso: Paciente de 56 anos, do sexo feminino. Apresentou plaquetose de 655.000/mm3. Foram afastadas causas reacionais de plaquetose e solicitados exames como mutação da JAK2 (V617F presente, biópsia de medula óssea e cariótipo (Ph1 negativo, que mostraram-se compatíveis com diagnóstico de Trombocitemia Essencial. Em 2008 foi iniciado tratamento com Hidroxiureia mas a pedido da paciente houve mudança para Anagrelide. Como o controle com esse medicamento foi inadequado (plaquetose chegando a 1.000.000/mm3, foi reiniciando tratamento com Hidroxiureia, obtendo-se boa resposta, apesar do uso irregular.Em Maio de 2015 retornou ao serviço com hemograma de Março apresentando anemia (11,5g/dl, neutrófilos no limite inferior (1617/mm3 e plaquetas de 285.000/mm3. Apesar da suspensão da hydroxiureia por 1 semana, evoluiu com piora do hemograma, passando a apresentar pancitopenia. Foi solicitada avaliação de medula, resultando em diagnóstico de Leucemia Mielóide Aguda do tipo M6 com características de Síndrome Mieloproliferativa Crônica e de Síndrome Mielodisplasica e 20% de blastos Paciente veio a óbito por sangramentos e sepse após o primeiro ciclo. Conclusão: Apesar de pouco frequente, a transformação da Trombocitemia Essencial pode ocorrer e a observação constante desses pacientes deve sempre procurar alterações que possam sugerir esta complicação.

  15. Citoinclusão de capa leucocitária e medula óssea de cães: padronização da técnica

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    M.B. Paiva


    Full Text Available A técnica de citoinclusão é amplamente utilizada e reconhecida por profissionais da área da saúde, em particular médicos patologistas, porém as informações sobre a aplicação desse método em medicina veterinária ainda são raras. Análises citológicas de medula óssea e da capa leucocitária (porção do sangue formada por concentrados de leucócitos são amplamente utilizadas no diagnóstico de patologias de origem neoplásica e não neoplásica e de agentes infecciosos. Embora a importância do uso da técnica seja amplamente reconhecida, não há registro da utilização de amostras citológicas de medula óssea e capa leucocitária na confecção de citoinclusões em blocos de parafina, como meio de diagnóstico no segmento médico veterinário. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo elaborar um protocolo de citoinclusão em parafina para amostras citológicas de medula óssea e capa leucocitária de cães. Foram submetidas à técnica de citoinclusão 110 amostras de capa leucocitária e 44 de medula óssea de cães portadores ou não de enfermidade sistêmica, sendo que em 68% destas, tanto para a capa leucocitária quanto para a medula óssea, as amostras se mostraram viáveis. A utilização do álcool 95% como fixador e de etapas no processamento histológico de 20 minutos (álcool absoluto, xilol e parafina, três banhos cada foi crucial para a qualidade dos cortes histológicos e para a análise microscópica dos espécimes corados pela hematoxilina-eosina. A separação mecânica da capa leucocitária e a centrifugação do aspirado de medula óssea foram eficientes e de baixo custo no preparo das citoinclusões. Ressalta-se a importância na padronização da técnica de citoinclusão, em particular para amostras de capa leucocitária e medula óssea, visando à obtenção de espécimes de qualidade independentemente das limitações de equipamentos.

  16. Testes de função pulmonar no transplante de medula óssea: Revisão sistemática

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    Eliane Viana Mancuso


    Full Text Available Resumo: As complicações pulmonares constituem causa importante de morbidade e mortalidade em doentes submetidos a transplante de medula óssea. Os testes de função pulmonar são utilizados rotineiramente na avaliação antes e no acompanhamento após o transplante. A revisão sistemática da literatura mostrou que a presença de alterações nos testes de função pulmonar antes do transplante de medula não esteve relacionada com maior incidência de complicações pulmonares pós-transplante. Entretanto, alterações destes testes após o transplante estiveram relacionadas com maior incidência de complicações respiratórias. Desta forma, embora as alterações dos testes de função pulmonar pré-transplante não tenham sido de valor preditivo positivo na detecção precoce de complicações respiratórias pós-transplante, os mesmos podem ser úteis na comparação com os testes realizados após o transplante e devem fazer parte da avaliação de doentes candidatos ao transplante de medula óssea.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (1: 61-69 Abstract: The pulmonary function test plays an important role in the management of pulmonary complications after bone marrow transplantation. Although its utility in helping to predict the likelihood of developing post transplant pulmonary complications and mortality is not well established, current data indicate that pre-transplant pulmonary function tests are important as a reference for the interpretation of post transplant pulmonary function tests and for identifying patients at high risk of developing pulmonary complications and/or mortality after bone marrow transplantation.Rev Port Pneumol 2006; XII (1: 61-69 Palavras-chave: Transplante de medula óssea, testes de função pulmonar, revisão sistemática, Key-words: Bone marrow transplantation, respiratory function tests, systematic review

  17. ACTOS DE HABLA EN RELATOS DE TRADICION ORAL*: Notas sobre un relato oral cusqueño


    Espino Relucé, Gonzalo


    En este artículo se explora el comportamiento de los hablantes dela construcción de relatos orales a partir del texto Saqsaywaman, recogido por el autor en Cusco. Se propone una categoría operativa sobrelos actos del habla haciéndose lo propio con relatos orales. Se transcribe Saqsaywaman y se analiza el texto.

  18. Glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal (GESF colapsante associada ao parvovírus B19: relato de caso

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    Geraldo Rubens Ramos de Freitas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever quadro clínico-laboratorial de glomeruloesclerose segmentar e focal (GESF subtipo colapsante em associação com infecção por parvovírus B19 (PVB19. Relato do caso: Paciente feminino, 37 anos, parda, iniciou quadro de faringoalgia e febre aferida com melhora parcial após penicilina. Com uma semana, observou redução de débito urinário e edema de membros inferiores. Tabagista, com histórico familiar e pessoal negativos para hipertensão, diabetes ou nefropatias. À admissão, apresentava-se com oliguria, hipertensão e edema, associados à anemia microcítica e hipocrômica hipoproliferativa, proteinúria nefrótica, hematúria microscópica e alteração da função renal. A investigação reumatológica e sorologias para hepatites e HIV foram negativas. Ultrassonografia de rins e vias urinárias sem alterações. PCR foi positivo para PVB19 em aspirado de medula óssea e sangue. A biópsia renal conclusiva de GESF subtipo colapsante. Ocorreu remissão espontânea com duas semanas do quadro. Em retorno ambulatorial, o PCR em sangue periférico foi negativo para PVB19, sugerindo associação de GESF colapsante a fase aguda ou reativação da infecção viral. Conclusão : Este relato registra a associação temporal entre GESF colapsante e viremia pelo PVB19, seja por infecção aguda ou reativação de infecção latente. A associação GESF colapsante e PVB19 é descrita na literatura, com demonstração da presença do vírus em tecido renal, porém, a real relação do vírus na patogênese dessa glomerulopatia permanece indefinida.

  19. Topographic anatomy of the spinal cord and vertebromedullary relationships in Mazama gouazoubira Fisher, 1814 (Artiodactyla; Cervidae = Anatomia topográfica da medula espinal e relações vértebromedulares em Mazama gouazoubira Fisher, 1814 (Artiodactyla; Cervidae

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    Fabiano Campos Lima


    Full Text Available To gain an understanding of the detailed anatomical aspects of Mazamagouazoubira (brocket deer, this paper describes the relationships between its spinal cord and the vertebral canal, adding information with a clinical and surgical approach. Three specimens of M. gouazoubira were prepared following the methods normally used inanatomy. The epaxial muscles and vertebral arches were removed to expose the spinal cord and the spinal nerve roots. The dimensions of the medullary segments were measured using a pachymeter with 0.05 mm precision. The spinal cord is cylindroidal, dorsoventrally flattened, with an average craniosacral length of 656.27 mm, and has two dilatations corresponding to the cervical and lumbar intumescences. The cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrocaudal segments showed an average length of 175.07, 226.03, 123.47 and 43.63 mm, with indices of 28.02, 35.34, 19.68 and 6.93%, respectively. The medullary cone, whose average length is 46.27 mm, begins between L2 and L3 and ends between S1 and S2, with a mean index of 7.53%. The overall average distance between the nerve roots of the cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral segments was 2.23, 2.06 and 1.98 cm, respectively.Propondo conhecer os aspectos anatômicos pormenorizados de Mazama gouazoubira (veado catingueiro, o presente trabalho descreve as relações entre sua medula espinal e o canal vertebral, adicionando informações com enfoque clínico-cirúrgico. Utilizaram-se três espécimes de M. gouazoubira que foram preparados seguindo métodos usuais em anatomia. Retirou-se a musculatura epiaxial e os arcos vertebrais para a exposição da medula espinal e raízes dos nervos espinais. As dimensões dos segmentos medulares foram obtidas utilizando um paquímetro de precisão 0,05 mm. A medula espinal possui a forma cilindróide, aplanada dorsoventralmente, com comprimento crânio-sacral médio de 656,27 mm, possui duas dilatações correspondentes às intumescências cervical e lombar

  20. Padrão lesional da medula óssea na imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS

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    M. Barretto Netto


    Full Text Available O estudo da medula óssea em 20 casos de necrópsia de pacientes portadores da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida sugere que as alterações medulares são freqüentes e de valor diagnóstico no reconhecimento da Síndrome. É admitida a existência de um padrão lesional diagnóstico onde predominam os seguintes elementos: hipercelularidade, ausência ou redução da granulopoiese, plasmocitose, histiocitose e displasia megacariocítica.

  1. Relatos de pesquisas científicas

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    Congresso Internacional de Dislexia


    Full Text Available Relatos de pesquisas científicas apresentadas na terceira edição do Congresso Internacional de Dislexia (CID, realizado nas dependências do Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix, em maio de 2011. Tratam-se de relatos de resultados de pesquisas científicas, descritivas ou experimentais das áreas da Psicologia, Fonoaudiologia, Piscopedagogia, Pedagogia e Neurociências realizadas no contexto nacional e internacional em torno da temática dislexia. 

  2. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis Sclater, 1882): relato de caso


    Saldanha, Kylma Lorena; Lima, Ana Rita; Branco, Érika

    2011-01-01 A anestesia epidural é uma das técnicas anestésicas mais utilizadas devido à boa margem de segurança, eficiência e rapidez na aplicação. Decorrente de sua importância faz-se necessário ter conhecimento preciso da topografia do cone medular das espécies. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato-de-orelhas-pequenas (Atelocynus microtis), com o propósito de fornecer dados anatômicos...

  3. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766: relato de caso

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    Luane Lopes Pinheiro


    Full Text Available O cachorro-do-mato é o canídeo mais comum do continente sul-americano. De modo geral, tem sua dieta variada conforme a época do ano e a região habitada, o que permite a este uma ampla distribuição geográfica. Junto ao interesse na anatomia comparativa objetivou-se descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato com intuito de oferecer informações que possam dar subsídios para a prática de anestesia epidural, cuja eficiência depende do conhecimento da anatomia desta região. Foi utilizado um exemplar, macho, adulto, proveniente da Mina de Bauxita - Paragominas-PA, o qual foi dissecado na região lombo-sacral. O cone medular do cachorro-do-mato apresentou base ao nível de L6 e ápice em S3, apresentando comprimento de 10,13cm. Concluímos que a região sacrococcígea é a mais indicada para a anestesia epidural, considerando que o exemplar em estudo apresentou nove vértebras lombares e quatro vértebras sacrais.

  4. Osteopetrose maligna: transplante de medula óssea Malignant osteopetrosis: bone marrow transplantation

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    Maria L. Borsato


    Full Text Available A osteopetrose é uma osteopatia hereditária caracterizada pela deficiência na reabsorção óssea que ocorre por disfunção dos osteoclastos. Com o acúmulo de material osteóide que oblitera o canal medular, ocorre hematopoiese extramedular (hepato-esplenomegalia, obliteração dos forames dos nervos cranianos (cegueira, surdez, paralisias faciais, macrocefalia, protusão da fronte, hipertelorismo, exoftalmo, aumento da pressão intracraniana, retardo na erupção dentária, atraso no crescimento, atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, e a morte ocorre precocemente nos primeiros anos de vida. A única alternativa terapêutica curativa é o transplante de medula óssea (TMO de doador HLA idêntico, pois restabelece a hematopoiese e a função monócito-macrófago, com melhora das lesões ósseas e anormalidades hematopoiéticas, embora não reverta as alterações sensoriais já instaladas. Os autores relatam casos de duas crianças portadoras de osteopetrose maligna submetidas ao transplante de medula óssea com sucesso. A primeira encontra-se no dia +1260 do TMO, com melhora evidente da radiologia esquelética, sem progressão das deficiências neurológicas que apresentava, e com biópsia óssea sem sinais de osteopetrose. O segundo paciente encontra-se no dia + 700, com sinais de reabsorção óssea e sem progressão dos danos neurológicos. Os autores chamam a atenção para a necessidade de diagnóstico precoce da osteopetrose e o rápido encaminhamento para o transplante de medula óssea antes da instalação de seqüelas neurológicas definitivas.Osteopetrosis is an inherited disorder characterized by the inability to reabsorb and remodel bone due to osteoclast dysfunction. The encroachment by bone and mineralized cartilage of the medullary cavities leads to extramedullary hematopoiesis (hepatosplenomegaly and cranial-nerve foramina leads to blindness, auditory nerve damage, and occulomotor and facial nerve palsies. Defective

  5. Spinal cord tumor in a patient with multiple sclerosis: case report Tumor de medula espinal em paciente com esclerose múltipla: relato de caso

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    Mario Augusto Taricco


    Full Text Available The association between multiple (MS sclerosis and cerebral gliomas has been sporadically reported in the literature, causing a long lasting discussion if these lesions occur coincidentally or if MS plaques may actually lead to the genesis of gliomas. We report a 36 year old man who developed a rapid onset of right side weakness and loss of vision, having established a diagnosis of MS which was confirmed by CSF analysis and MRI. Nine years later he developed progressive tetraparesis, leading initially to suspicion of illness relapse and a demyelinating plaque in the spinal cord. However, after MRI investigation, a spinal cord tumor was diagnosed. The patient underwent cervical spine laminotomy for microsurgical removal of the spinal cord tumor diagnosed as ependimoma. The neurological deficits improved significantly.A associação entre esclerose múltipla (EM e gliomas cerebrais foi relatada esporadicamente na literatura, levando a longa discussão quanto à possibilidade das placas de esclerose estarem envolvidas na etiologia dos gliomas ou dessas lesões ocorrerem coincidentemente. Relatamos um paciente de 36 anos que desenvolveu hemiparesia direita rapidamente progressiva e perda visual, sendo estabelecido o diagnóstico de EM após análise do LCR e imagens de RM de encéfalo. Após nove anos o paciente desenvolveu tetraparesia lentamente progressiva, levantando inicialmente a hipótese de atividade da doença e aparecimento de placa de EM na medula espinal. Contudo, após investigação com RM de coluna, um tumor medular foi diagnosticado. Foi então submetido a laminectomia cervical para ressecção microcirúrgica do tumor, que foi diagnosticado como ependimoma. Os déficits neurológicos melhoraram significativamente.

  6. Estudo dos processos de mobilização, ativação e apoptose das células da medula óssea em modelo de morte encefálica em ratos


    Laura Menegat


    INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos experimentais suportam a evidência de leucopenia persistente desencadeada pela morte encefálica (ME). OBJETIVO: Esse estudo teve como objetivo investigar o comportamento leucocitário na medula óssea e no sangue após a morte encefálica em ratos. MÉTODOS: A morte encefálica foi induzida através da inserção e insuflação rápida de um cateter no espaço intracraniano. Ratos falso-operados (FO) foram apenas trepanados. Decorridas seis horas, as células da medula óssea, coletadas ...

  7. Cone Algorithm of Spinning Vehicles under Dynamic Coning Environment

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    Shuang-biao Zhang


    Full Text Available Due to the fact that attitude error of vehicles has an intense trend of divergence when vehicles undergo worsening coning environment, in this paper, the model of dynamic coning environment is derived firstly. Then, through investigation of the effect on Euler attitude algorithm for the equivalency of traditional attitude algorithm, it is found that attitude error is actually the roll angle error including drifting error and oscillating error, which is induced directly by dynamic coning environment and further affects the pitch angle and yaw angle through transferring. Based on definition of the cone frame and cone attitude, a cone algorithm is proposed by rotation relationship to calculate cone attitude, and the relationship between cone attitude and Euler attitude of spinning vehicle is established. Through numerical simulations with different conditions of dynamic coning environment, it is shown that the induced error of Euler attitude fluctuates by the variation of precession and nutation, especially by that of nutation, and the oscillating frequency of roll angle error is twice that of pitch angle error and yaw angle error. In addition, the rotation angle is more competent to describe the spinning process of vehicles under coning environment than Euler angle gamma, and the real pitch angle and yaw angle are calculated finally.

  8. Relato autobiográfico e identidad personal: Un modelo de análisis narrativo

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    Dante Duero


    Full Text Available En el siguiente trabajo analizamos cómo las estrategias narrativas que las personas emplean para construir relatos autobiográficos condiciona sus formas de pensar acerca de sí mismas, el mundo y sus propias acciones. Hemos partido del supuesto de que la organización y la coherencia de esta clase de relatos constituyen un aspecto clave para entender el problema de la identidad personal. Analizamos los relatos autobiográficos de dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios, pertenecientes a la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina a la Universidad Autónoma de México (México. Nos hemos propuesto, en primer lugar, describir y analizar los diferentes relatos autobiográficos que obtuvimos en ambas muestras a través de entrevistas en profundidad. A través de dicho análisis, hemos procurado caracterizar el proceso de construcción narrativa, estableciendo la estructura y las funciones que los elementos del relato cumplen en su organización, contribuyendo a su coherencia y composición. Teniendo en cuenta esto, y teniendo en cuenta los datos de ambos grupos, intentamos, por una parte, identificar diferentes tipos de relatos. Simultáneamente, analizamos cómo las características de las historias condicionaba el modo en que las personas construyen su propia identidad, en tanto personajes de tales relatos.

  9. Auto-relato e relato de informante secundário na avaliação da saúde em idosos


    Jardim, Renata; Barreto, Sandhi Maria; Giatti, Luana


    OBJETIVO: Analisar se o modelo explicativo para a avaliação da saúde do idoso com base no auto-relato é comparável com o modelo de relato do informante secundário e se a auto-avaliação de saúde do informante secundário influencia a avaliação da saúde do idoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 230 pares idoso-informante secundário realizado em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2007. Foram investigadas variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde dos idosos por meio de entrevista estruturada. Utilizou-se regress...

  10. Cold knife cone biopsy (United States)

    ... biopsy; Pap smear - cone biopsy; HPV - cone biopsy; Human papilloma virus - cone biopsy; Cervix - cone biopsy; Colposcopy - cone biopsy Images Female reproductive anatomy Cold cone biopsy Cold cone removal References Baggish ...

  11. Topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766): relato de caso


    Pinheiro, Luane Lopes; Lima, Ana Rita de; Souza, Ana Carla Barros de; Pereira, Luiza Corrêa; Branco, Érika Renata

    2011-01-01 O cachorro-do-mato é o canídeo mais comum do continente sul-americano. De modo geral, tem sua dieta variada conforme a época do ano e a região habitada, o que permite a este uma ampla distribuição geográfica. Junto ao interesse na anatomia comparativa objetivou-se descrever a topografia do cone medular do cachorro-do-mato com intuito de oferecer informações que possam dar subsídios para a prática de anestesia epidural, cuja eficiência depe...

  12. Análise quantitativa das células de Langerhans em mucosa bucal de pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea alogênico com doença enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica


    Érika Sinara Lenharo Orti-Raduan


    A doença enxerto contra hospedeiro é uma complicação comum nos pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea alogênico. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o esclarecimento da participação das células de Langerhans na doença enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica (GVHDc) quando de sua ocorrência na mucosa bucal, foram analisados 40 pacientes oncohematológicos e hematológicos submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea alogênico no Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú - SP. Cortes microscópicos de 3µm d...

  13. Geomorphometric variability of "monogenetic" volcanic cones: Evidence from Mauna Kea, Lanzarote and experimental cones (United States)

    Kervyn, M.; Ernst, G. G. J.; Carracedo, J.-C.; Jacobs, P.


    Volcanic cones are the most common volcanic constructs on Earth. Their shape can be quantified using two morphometric ratios: the crater/cone base ratio (W cr/W co) and the cone height/width ratio (H co/W co). The average values for these ratios obtained over entire cone fields have been explained by the repose angle of loose granular material (i.e. scoria) controlling cone slopes. The observed variability in these ratios between individual cones has been attributed to the effect of erosional processes or contrasting eruptive conditions on cone morphometry. Using a GIS-based approach, high spatial resolution Digital Elevation Models and airphotos, two new geomorphometry datasets for cone fields at Mauna Kea (Hawaii, USA) and Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) are extracted and analyzed here. The key observation in these datasets is the great variability in morphometric ratios, even for simple-shape and well-preserved cones. Simple analog experiments are presented to analyze factors influencing the morphometric ratios. The formation of a crater is simulated within an analog cone (i.e. a sand pile) by opening a drainage conduit at the cone base. Results from experiments show that variability in the morphometric ratios can be attributed to variations in the width, height and horizontal offset of the drainage point relative to the cone symmetry axis, to the dip of the underlying slope or to the influence of a small proportion of fine cohesive material. GIS analysis and analog experiments, together with specific examples of cones documented in the field, suggest that the morphometric ratios for well-preserved volcanic cones are controlled by a combination of 1) the intrinsic cone material properties, 2) time-dependent eruption conditions, 3) the local setting, and 4) the method used to estimate the cone height. Implications for interpreting cone morphometry solely as either an age or as an eruption condition indicator are highlighted.

  14. Foveal cone spacing and cone photopigment density difference: objective measurements in the same subjects. (United States)

    Marcos, S; Tornow, R P; Elsner, A E; Navarro, R


    Foveal cone spacing was measured in vivo using an objective technique: ocular speckle interferometry. Cone packing density was computed from cone spacing data. Foveal cone photopigment density difference was measured in the same subjects using retinal densitometry with a scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Both the cone packing density and cone photopigment density difference decreased sharply with increasing retinal eccentricity. From the comparison of both sets of measurements, the computed amounts of photopigment per cone increased slightly with increasing retinal eccentricity. Consistent with previous results, decreases in cone outer segment length are over-compensated by an increase in the outer segment area, at least in retinal eccentricities up to 1 deg.

  15. Bone marrow transplantation: graft versus host disease and oral changes = Transplante de medula óssea: doença enxerto versus hospedeiro e alterações orais

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    Lima, Emeline das Neves de Araújo


    Conclusão: Diante da prevalência de alterações orais relativamente alta associada à DEVH em pacientes submetidos ao TMO, o presente estudo confirma a necessidade de se considerar a odontologia no exame, diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico de possíveis complicações após o transplante de medula óssea

  16. Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas


    Casha Vida, Stephanie


    Esta tesis, Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de Paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas se realiza con el objetivo de estudiar los vínculos entre la idea de Edén, o Paraíso y la arquitectura. Siempre trabajando desde los tres niveles de representación, relato, imagen y proyecto. En la aproximación al objeto de estudio, se procede a estudiar el relato en sí, y se hallan, en la forma misma del relato, unas implicaciones relacionadas con el mundo mitológico y arquetípico. E...

  17. Quotient normed cones

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    general setting of the space CL(X, Y ) of all continuous linear mappings from a normed cone (X, p) to a normed cone (Y, q), extending several well-known results related to open continuous linear mappings between normed linear spaces. Keywords. Normed cone; extended quasi-metric; continuous linear mapping; bicom-.

  18. “Aspectos histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos das biópsias de medula óssea avaliadas no período de 2011 a 2013 em dois laboratórios gerais de anatomia patológica: dificuldades, facilidades e conclusões”

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    Maria Cecília Ferro


    Full Text Available A biópsia de medula óssea (BMO é parte integrante do estadiamento e seguimento de pacientes hematológicos e, a sua avaliação oferece uma análise precisa da celularidade (relação tecido adiposo/tecido hematopoético, organização topográfica dos diferentes elementos celulares da medula óssea, alterações do estroma (fibrose reticulínica e colagênica, alterações morfológicas/topográficas dos elementos maduros da linhagem megacariocítica e lesões focais (metástases, infiltração por Linfoma Hodgkin e Linfoma não Hodgkin, granulomas.1 Acrescido a este estudo anatomopatológico, a imunohistoquímica, com marcadores celulares na biópsia de medula óssea, fixada em parafina, representa uma poderosa ferramenta de diagnóstico, de forma que seus resultados podem ser facilmente correlacionados com os obtidos por outras técnicas como a citometria de fluxo e, acima de tudo, os achados clínicos.2 No entanto, apesar de todo o avanço tecnológico nos instrumentos usados no estudo anatomopatológico, mesmo os hematopatologistas treinados precisam de informações clínicas hematológicas precisas, oportunidades de inter-relação com os hematologistas e na maioria dos casos de estudo imuno-histoquímico do material em questão.3 O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os resultados dos casos de biópsia de MO nos últimos três anos, comparar os resultados da imuno-histoquímica com os dados da identificação (idade, gênero e das informações clínicas e hematológicas do paciente. Foi feito um levantamento retrospectivo das biópsias de medula óssea em dois laboratórios do município de Sorocaba (Laboratório de Patologia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde de Sorocaba – FCMS/PUC-SP, e Laboratório de Patologia e Citologia de Sorocaba. Foram analisados 190 resultados de exames anatomopatológicos de Medula Óssea, sendo 51,6% (n=98 de pacientes do sexo feminino e 48,4% (n=92 do sexo masculino. Apenas 141

  19. Reflexão Jornalística sobre o Relato Desportivo


    Nunes, João Miguel Santos


    Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação – Estudos dos Media e de Jornalismo O presente trabalho tem como objetivo refletir academicamente sobre o relato desportivo. O tema foi até hoje pouco estudado, embora a narração de acontecimentos desportivos seja presença assídua nas grelhas de programação das estações de rádio. Se na prática parece existir um consenso em relação à forma como o relato des...

  20. Berkeley Lighting Cone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lask, Kathleen [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Gadgil, Ashok [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    A lighting cone is a simple metal cone placed on the fuel bed of a stove during ignition to act as a chimney, increasing the draft through the fuel bed. Many stoves tend to be difficult to light due to poor draft through the fuel bed, so lighting cones are used in various parts of the world as an inexpensive accessory to help with ignition.

  1. Técnicas e sítios de coleta de medula óssea em cães e gatos Techniques and bone marrow sites sampling in dogs and cats

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    Daniel Curvello de Mendonça Müller


    Full Text Available Atualmente, o incremento das pesquisas enfoca a medula óssea como fonte potencial para o tratamento de doenças, uma vez que seu uso como diagnóstico já é largamente empregado. Os objetivos deste artigo são revisar os melhores acessos à medula óssea e destacar a importância desse material como diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças. São abordadas particularidades sobre as técnicas de coleta e as complicações observadas pelos autores, a fim de facilitar os procedimentos, tornando-os mais seguros.Currently, the research focuses on bone marrow as a potential source for the treatment of diseases, since its use as a diagnosis is already largely employed. This paper aims to promote a practical review on the best access to the bone marrow and the importance of this material as diagnosis and treatment. Sampling techniques are observed and detailed by the authors, in order to facilitate the procedures and make them safer.

  2. Os cuidados de enfermagem ao paciente pós-transplantado de medula óssea

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    Marina Assunção Rocha


    Full Text Available O transplante de medula óssea (TMO é um procedimento médico complexo utilizado atualmente no tratamento de uma série de enfermidades graves. É indicado no tratamento de patologias malignas ou não, modificando o prognóstico do paciente em questão. Porém, não é um método plenamente resolutivo, podendo curar o paciente ou levá-lo a morte. Este estudo tem como objetivos a elucidação dos principais conceitos relacionados ao tema e a identificação de um planejamento assistencial do enfermeiro que contemple a etapa de pós TMO. Os resultados obtidos relacionam a fase do pós-transplante às necessidades específicas dos pacientes e o plano assistencial de enfermagem, evidenciando a necessidade de um suporte profissional que englobe os âmbitos social e psicológico do paciente.

  3. Angioceratoma conjuntival canino: relato de caso

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    J.O.T. Souza

    Full Text Available RESUMO O angioceratoma é um tumor de origem vascular, semelhante ao hemangioma, que se diferencia deste por alterações histológicas epiteliais. A apresentação ocular do angioceratoma é pouco frequente em cães, sendo mais comum a ocorrência de hemangioma e hemangiossarcoma. Neste relato, é descrito o caso de um cão, macho, da raça Border Collie, que apresentava uma massa localizada, hiperêmica, bem vascularizada e protrusa, na região temporal da conjuntiva bulbar do olho direito (OD. Foi realizado exame oftalmológico completo e ultrassonografia ocular, tendo sido possível observar que a massa não envolvia outras estruturas oculares além da conjuntiva. Dessa forma, foi realizada a conjuntivectomia parcial, e o material foi encaminhado para análise histológica. O exame histopatológico foi conclusivo para um angioceratoma e mostrou que as margens da amostra estavam livres. O procedimento cirúrgico com margem de segurança foi eficiente no tratamento da neoplasia, sem recorrência até o momento do presente relato.

  4. Relatos audiovisuales de ficción sobre la identidad adolescente en contextos escolares

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    Laia Falcón Díaz-Aguado


    Full Text Available Los relatos audiovisuales que tienen a los adolescentes como audiencia y protagonistas son utilizados por éstos para buscar referencias con las que construir su identidad. Esta investigación busca comprender cómo es la identidad de los estudiantes adolescentes en distintos tipos de relatos audiovisuales de ficción, como punto de partida para la elaboración de materiales de alfabetización mediática que les ayude en dicho proceso. Para ello se seleccionaron tres narraciones europeas recientes sobre la vida escolar de adolescentes, con las que poder contrastar entre géneros, códigos y valores: la serie televisiva «Física o Química» y las películas «Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix» y «La clase». El método ha sido el análisis textual de tipo cualitativo, utilizando como categorías las de la morfología del relato clásico. Los resultados reflejan que dicho esquema, familiar para el profesorado de Literatura, permite detectar importantes coincidencias entre relatos (como la importancia de las relaciones de pareja y amistad…, que hacen más significativas las diferencias del contraste (como la orientación hacia el futuro o el valor del pensamiento y del profesorado en dicho proceso. Se concluye que la comparación entre los tres tipos de relatos representa un óptimo recurso para la alfabetización mediática así como para ayudarles a tomar conciencia de cuáles son los valores con los que quieren identificarse y los problemas que pueden obstaculizarlos.

  5. Relato de experiência em educação musical: questões básicas

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    José Nunes Fernandes


    Full Text Available Pretende-se discutir a divulgação, cada vez maior, de relatos de experiência pelos educadores em todas as áreas do conhecimento relacionadas ao ensino, considerando-os, muitas vezes, como pesquisa, e, no nosso caso, como pesquisa em educação musical. Com isso, questiona-se: os relatos de experiência não são trabalhos considerados científicos? Qual a sua contribuição para a área? Quais são as diferenças e semelhanças entre relato de experiência, pesquisa-ação e estudo de caso? Como podemos estruturar um relato de experiência? Para responder tais questões foi necessário iniciarmos com a verificação da situação do campo através da análise do quadro de teses e dissertações (de 1970 a 2010, dos Anais dos Congressos Nacionais da ABEM e da Revista da ABEM (de 2001 a 2011. Discutimos em seguida alguns aspectos do estudo de caso e da pesquisa ação, e finalizamos com uma reflexão sobre relato de experiência, incluindo sua definição, usos, indicações de estruturação, cuidados a serem tomados e redação.

  6. Progress in light cone physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preparata, G.


    A very brief review is given of the progress made in the physics of the light cone in the past year. Included are the light cone expansion, gauge invariance and the consequences of precocious scaling near threshold, the light cone description of the muon pair experiment, light cone expansions, and the assessment and exploitation of analyticity properties in both mass and energy of light cone amplitudes. (U.S.)

  7. Ejecta evolution during cone impact

    KAUST Repository

    Marston, Jeremy


    We present findings from an experimental investigation into the impact of solid cone-shaped bodies onto liquid pools. Using a variety of cone angles and liquid physical properties, we show that the ejecta formed during the impact exhibits self-similarity for all impact speeds for very low surface tension liquids, whilst for high-surface tension liquids similarity is only achieved at high impact speeds. We find that the ejecta tip can detach from the cone and that this phenomenon can be attributed to the air entrainment phenomenon. We analyse of a range of cone angles, including some ogive cones, and impact speeds in terms of the spatiotemporal evolution of the ejecta tip. Using superhydrophobic cones, we also examine the entry of cones which entrain an air layer.

  8. Anestesia subaracnóidea para cesariana em paciente portadora de esclerose múltipla: relato de caso Anestesia subaracnoidea para cesárea en paciente portadora de esclerosis múltiple: relato de caso Subarachnoid anesthesia for cesarean section in a patient with multiple sclerosis: case report

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    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A esclerose múltipla é uma doença adquirida que se caracteriza por áreas desmielinizadas no encéfalo e na medula espinal. O quadro clínico depende das áreas anatômicas acometidas. As principais causas de morte são infecção, falência respiratória e estado de mal epiléptico. Ocorre em pacientes geneticamente predispostos após contato com fatores ambientais, principalmente os vírus. O objetivo desse relato foi apresentar a técnica anestésica adotada em paciente com esclerose múltipla submetida à cesariana. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 32 anos, 60 kg, portadora de esclerose múltipla, tratada com metilprednisolona, deu entrada no centro obstétrico para realização de cesariana. Após monitoração foi realizada anestesia subaracnóidea com bupivacaína a 0,5% hiperbárica (12,5 mg associada à morfina (0,1 mg. O procedimento evoluiu sem intercorrências e a paciente recebeu alta hospitalar 48 horas após o parto sem piora dos sintomas preexistentes. CONCLUSÕES: O presente caso sugere que a raquianestesia pode ser administrada em paciente portador de esclerose múltipla sem a ocorrência obrigatória de exacerbações agudas dos sintomas no período pós-operatório.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad adquirida que se caracteriza por áreas desmielinizadas en el encéfalo y en la médula espinal. El cuadro clínico depende de las áreas anatómicas acometidas. Las principales causas de muerte son infección, falencia respiratoria y estado de mal epiléptico. Ocurre en pacientes genéticamente predispuestos después del contacto con factores ambientales, principalmente los virus. El objetivo de este relato fue presentar la técnica anestésica adoptada en paciente con esclerosis múltiple sometida a cesárea. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente con 32 anos, 60 kg, portadora de esclerosis múltiple, tratada con metilprednisolona, entró en el centro obstétrico para realizaci

  9. Paracoccidioidomicose de localização intramedular e cerebral

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    R. N. Morato-Fernandez


    Full Text Available O presente relato de caso, descreve nossa experiência diagnóstica e terapêutica com um paciente que apresentou manifestações clínicas, radiológicas e tomográficas de paracoccidioidomicose comprometendo os pulmões, cérebro e, particularmente, a medula espinhal. Além da raridade do caso, chama-se a atenção para a extrema dificuldade na elucidação diagnóstica definitiva, obtida somente após laminectomia e biópsia cirúrgica de tumoração intramedular ao nível de C5. O paciente recebeu duas séries de tratamento com, ketoconazol (400 a 600 mg/dia. No início de ambas apresentou crise convulsiva tônico-clônica. Especula-se sobre uma possível resposta inflamatória perigranulomatosa intracerebral, relacionada à intervenção terapêutica, ainda sem relato na literatura.

  10. Testes de função pulmonar no transplante de medula óssea: Revisão sistemática Pulmonary function testing in bone marrow transplantation: A systematic review

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    Eliane Viana Mancuso


    Full Text Available As complicações pulmonares constituem causa importante de morbidade e mortalidade em doentes submetidos a transplante de medula óssea. Os testes de função pulmonar são utilizados rotineiramente na avaliação antes e no acompanhamento após o transplante. A revisão sistemática da literatura mostrou que a presença de alterações nos testes de função pulmonar antes do transplante de medula não esteve relacionada com maior incidência de complicações pulmonares pós-transplante. Entretanto, alterações destes testes após o transplante estiveram relacionadas com maior incidência de complicações respiratórias. Desta forma, embora as alterações dos testes de função pulmonar pré-transplante não tenham sido de valor preditivo positivo na detecção precoce de complicações respiratórias pós-transplante, os mesmos podem ser úteis na comparação com os testes realizados após o transplante e devem fazer parte da avaliação de doentes candidatos ao transplante de medula óssea.The pulmonary function test plays an important role in the management of pulmonary complications after bone marrow transplantation. Although its utility in helping to predict the likelihood of developing post transplant pulmonary complications and mortality is not well established, current data indicate that pre-transplant pulmonary function tests are important as a reference for the interpretation of post transplant pulmonary function tests and for identifying patients at high risk of developing pulmonary complications and/or mortality after bone marrow transplantation.

  11. Correlation Between Cone Penetration Rate And Measured Cone Penetration Parameters In Silty Soils

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Rikke; Nielsen, Benjaminn Nordahl; Ibsen, Lars Bo


    This paper shows, how a change in cone penetration rate affects the cone penetration measurements, hence the cone resistance, pore pressure, and sleeve friction in silty soil. The standard rate of penetration is 20 mm/s, and it is generally accepted that undrained penetration occurs in clay while...... drained penetration occurs in sand. When lowering the penetration rate, the soil pore water starts to dissipate and a change in the drainage condition is seen. In intermediate soils such as silty soils, the standard cone penetration rate may result in a drainage condition that could be undrained......, partially or fully drained. However, lowering the penetration rate in silty soils has a great significance because of the soil permeability, and only a small change in penetration rate will result in changed cone penetration measurements. In this paper, analyses will be done on data from 15 field cone...

  12. Reconstrução do sulco interglúteo: relato de caso


    Almeida Junior, Genes Lopes de


    INTRODUÇÃO: O conceito de beleza feminina tem mudado ao longo dos anos, porém a forma e a projeção das nádegas permanecem como símbolos de máxima feminilidade. A exposição corporal, especialmente da região glútea, tem proporcionado aumento da procura pela cirurgia de gluteoplastia. OBJETIVO: O propósito deste relato é demonstrar a correção cirúrgica de uma deformidade do sulco interglúteo, utilizando a preservação do ligamento sacrocutâneo. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, com queix...

  13. Relatos de vivências educacionais

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    Congresso Internacional de Dislexia


    Full Text Available Relatos de experiências em educação, abrangendo a descrição de projeto ou vivência específica em sala de aula ou outro ambiente educacional, que envolva o trabalho com escolares com dislexia e outros transtornos da aprendizagem da leitura e escrita.Os trabalhos foram apresentados na terceira edição do Congresso Internacional de Dislexia (CID, realizado nas dependências do Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix, em maio de 2011. 

  14. Chloride currents in cones modify feedback from horizontal cells to cones in goldfish retina (United States)

    Endeman, Duco; Fahrenfort, Iris; Sjoerdsma, Trijntje; Steijaert, Marvin; ten Eikelder, Huub; Kamermans, Maarten


    In neuronal systems, excitation and inhibition must be well balanced to ensure reliable information transfer. The cone/horizontal cell (HC) interaction in the retina is an example of this. Because natural scenes encompass an enormous intensity range both in temporal and spatial domains, the balance between excitation and inhibition in the outer retina needs to be adaptable. How this is achieved is unknown. Using electrophysiological techniques in the isolated retina of the goldfish, it was found that opening Ca2+-dependent Cl− channels in recorded cones reduced the size of feedback responses measured in both cones and HCs. Furthermore, we show that cones express Cl− channels that are gated by GABA released from HCs. Similar to activation of ICl(Ca), opening of these GABA-gated Cl− channels reduced the size of light-induced feedback responses both in cones and HCs. Conversely, application of picrotoxin, a blocker of GABAA and GABAC receptors, had the opposite effect. In addition, reducing GABA release from HCs by blocking GABA transporters also led to an increase in the size of feedback. Because the independent manipulation of Ca2+-dependent Cl− currents in individual cones yielded results comparable to bath-applied GABA, it was concluded that activation of either Cl− current by itself is sufficient to reduce the size of HC feedback. However, additional effects of GABA on outer retinal processing cannot be excluded. These results can be accounted for by an ephaptic feedback model in which a cone Cl− current shunts the current flow in the synaptic cleft. The Ca2+-dependent Cl− current might be essential to set the initial balance between the feedforward and the feedback signals active in the cone HC synapse. It prevents that strong feedback from HCs to cones flood the cone with Ca2+. Modulation of the feedback strength by GABA might play a role during light/dark adaptation, adjusting the amount of negative feedback to the signal to noise ratio of the

  15. Critical condition for the transformation from Taylor cone to cone-jet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wei Cheng; Zhao Yang; Gang Tie-Qiang; Chen Li-Jie


    An energy method is proposed to investigate the critical transformation condition from a Taylor cone to a cone-jet. Based on the kinetic theorem, the system power allocation and the electrohydrodynamics stability are discussed. The numerical results indicate that the energy of the liquid cone tip experiences a maximum value during the transformation. With the proposed jetting energy, we give the critical transformation condition under which the derivative of jetting energy with respect to the surface area is greater than or equal to the energy required to form a unit of new liquid surface

  16. Review on resonance cone fields

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohnuma, Toshiro.


    Resonance cone fields and lower hybrid heating are reviewed in this report. The resonance cone fields were reported by Fisher and Gould, and they proposed the use of the measurement of resonance cones and structure as a diagnostic tool to determine the plasma density and electron temperature in magnetoplasma. After the resonance cone, a wave-like disturbance persists. Ohnuma et al. have measured bending, reflection and ducting of resonance cones in detail. The thermal modes in inhomogeneous magnetoplasma were seen. The reflection of thermal mode near an electron plasma frequency layer and an insulating plate has been observed. The non-linear effects of resonance cones is reported. Monochromatic electron beam produces the noise of broad band whistler mode. Lower hybrid waves have been the subject of propagation from the edge of plasma to the lower hybrid layer. Linear lower hybrid waves were studied. The lower hybrid and ion acoustic waves radiated from a point source were observed. The parametric decay of finite-extent, cold electron plasma waves was studied. The lower hybrid cone radiated from a point source going along magnetic field lines was observed. Several experimental data on the lower hybrid heating in tokamak devices have been reported. The theories on resonance cones and lower hybrid waves are introduced in this report. (Kato, T.)

  17. El envejecimiento como relato: Una invitación a la gerontología narrativa

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    Feliciano Villar


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una panorámica actual de la aplicación de un enfoque narrativo al estudio del envejecimiento. En primer lugar se delinea cuál es el objeto de conocimiento de la gerontología narrativa, que se extiende en un doble nivel interrelacionado: la identidad narrativa en la vejez por una parte, y los relatos culturales sobre el envejecimiento por otra. En segundo lugar, se describen las principales metodologías utilizadas en la gerontología narrativa, diferenciando entre aquellas interesadas en el contenido de los relatos (qué se narra de las interesadas en el proceso de elaboración dialogada de los relatos (cómo se narra. El artículo finaliza con algunas reflexiones sobre el futuro y desafíos a los que se enfrenta la gerontología narrativa.  

  18. Understanding the cone scale in Cupressaceae: insights from seed-cone teratology in Glyptostrobus pensilis. (United States)

    Dörken, Veit Martin; Rudall, Paula J


    Both wild-type and teratological seed cones are described in the monoecious conifer Glyptostrobus pensilis and compared with those of other Cupressaceae sensu lato and other conifers. Some Cupressaceae apparently possess a proliferation of axillary structures in their cone scales. In our interpretation, in Glyptostrobus each bract of both typical and atypical seed cones bears two descending accessory shoots, interpreted here as seed scales (ovuliferous scales). The primary seed scale is fertile and forms the ovules, the second is sterile and forms characteristic tooth-like structures. The bract and the two axillary seed scales are each supplied with a single distinct vascular bundle that enters the cone axis as a separate strand; this vasculature also characterises the descending accessory short shoots in the vegetative parts of the crown. In wild-type seed cones, the fertile seed scale is reduced to its ovules, and the ovules are always axillary. In contrast, the ovules of some of the teratological seed cones examined were located at the centre of the cone scale. An additional tissue found on the upper surface of the sterile lower seed scale is here interpreted as the axis of the fertile seed scale. Thus, the central position of the ovules can be explained by recaulescent fusion of the upper fertile and lower sterile seed scales. In several teratological cone scales, the ovules were enveloped by an additional sterile tissue that is uniseriate and represents an epidermal outgrowth of the fertile seed scale. Close to the ovules, the epidermis was detached from lower tissue and surrounded the ovule completely, except at the micropyle. These teratological features are potentially significant in understanding seed-cone homologies among extant conifers.

  19. ¿Fútbol de verdad? : Observaciones narratológicas sobre los relatos en vivo


    Martínez, Matías


    En el relato periodístico retrospectivo de un partido de futbol –el de Chile contra México por la Copa América, el 30 de junio de 1999- se puede observar el uso de diversos elementos narratológicos que lo vuelven interesante. Los reportajes de distintos diarios chilenos contienen crónicas, historias y esquemas narrativos construidos a partir del antagonismo entre adversarios, el protagonismo de ciertos personajes y los puntos culminantes que ellos viven. Además, hay en los relatos una identif...

  20. Diphyllobothrium latum: relato de caso no Brasil

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    Emmel Vanessa Erichsen


    Full Text Available Difilobotriose é causada em humanos pela infecção com vermes adultos do gênero Diphyllobothrium adquiridos pelo consumo de peixe cru ou mal cozido. Diphyllobothrium latum foi confirmado pelo exame dos proglotes grávidos e típicos ovos operculados nas fezes. O paciente havia comido crustáceos e peixes. É o relato do primeiro brasileiro infectado.

  1. Percepção da comunidade nipo-brasileira residente em Curitiba sobre o cadastro de medula óssea The perception of the bone marrow registry of Brazilian Japanese descendants living in the city of Curitiba, Brazil

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    Alexandra M. Watanabe


    Full Text Available O transplante de medula óssea é uma terapia de escolha utilizada para o tratamento de doenças hematológicas. Entrementes, a probabilidade de se encontrarem doadores compatíveis na população em geral é relativamente baixa. Felizmente, há uma maior probabilidade de se encontrar um doador compatível em doadores de grupos étnicos semelhantes aos do paciente. Especificamente quanto aos nipo-brasileiros, existem poucos virtuais doadores cadastrados no Hemepar de Curitiba. Frente a essa situação, este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a percepção dos nipo-brasileiros residentes em Curitiba sobre o Cadastro Nacional de Doadores de Medula Óssea e as possíveis causas da pequena adesão a este cadastro. O estudo foi realizado com 400 nipo-brasileiros, entrevistados aleatoriamente por meio de um questionário semiestruturado, no período de abril a junho de 2008. Os resultados foram tabelados pelo Microsoft Office Excel 2003, e as análises estatísticas realizadas pelo Software Statgraphics, versão 5.1. Constatou-se que, mesmo possuindo um bom nível cultural (56% e do bom entendimento sobre a medula óssea (77%, a baixa adesão apresentada para o cadastramento como potencial doador voluntário, principalmente pelas gerações nissei e sansei, deveu-se ao desconhecimento quanto aos locais onde se realizam os cadastros e sobre o processo de doação de medula óssea. Estratégias com vistas a melhorar ainda mais o repasse de informações e esclarecimentos sobre o tema podem ser elaboradas a fim de despertar o interesse e incentivar os potenciais doadores nipo-brasileiros residentes em Curitiba a participar do Cadastro Nacional de Doadores de Medula Óssea. Conhecer as características dos diferentes grupos étnicos que compõem a população brasileira é um indicador que poderá ser utilizado no processo de captação de doadores de medula óssea.Bone marrow transplantation is the therapy of choice for some hematological diseases

  2. Titanium pigment in tissues of drug addicts: report of 5 necropsied cases Pigmento de titânio em tecidos de toxicômanos: relatos de cinco casos necropsiados

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    Marcus Aurelho de Lima


    Full Text Available The aim of this report is to describe the anatomic-pathologic findings from necropsies of 5 drug addicts with titanium pigment in several organs after chronic intravenous injection of crushed propoxyphene hydrochloride tablets. Samples from liver, spleen, lungs, lymph nodes, and bone marrow were obtained, and after being grossly studied, they were submitted to evaluation using common light and polarized microscopy. In all 5 cases, a pigment with characteristics of titanium dioxide was found within tissue samples of the organs studied. Our findings suggest that research concerning titanium pigment within body tissues should be enhanced, considering the potential contribution of this morphologic data to forensic pathology.O objetivo deste relato é descrever os achados anatomopatológicos de cinco casos de toxicômanos com pigmento de titânio em vários órgãos, após injeção de comprimidos esmagados de cloridrato de propoxifeno. Foram obtidos fragmentos do fígado, baço, pulmões, linfonodos e medula óssea e, após a avaliação macroscópica, amostras foram submetidas à microscopia de luz comum e de luz polarizada. Em todos os cinco casos, foi encontrado um pigmento com características de dióxido de titânio nas amostras dos órgãos estudados. Nossos achados sugerem que a pesquisa sobre pigmento de titânio em tecidos corporais deva ser complementada, considerando-se a contribuição de dados morfológicos em Patologia Forense.

  3. Cones for dental radiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Butler, M J [National Radiological Protection Board, Harwell (UK)


    Dental radiographic techniques are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of both the conventional plastic pointer cone and the open-ended cylinders or divergent cones favoured both by the ICRP (Protection against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1973, ICRP Publication 15), and in the Code of Practice for the Protection of Persons against Ionizing Radiation arising from Medical and Dental Use (1972, 3rd edition, London, HMSO) are discussed. The use of the word 'should' in these recommendations to signify a desirable requirement, not an essential one, is noted. This wording is currently of interest both nationally and internationally in relation to regulations, standards and notes for guidance. The National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) has been reviewing the position, and has concluded that open-ended cones have disadvantages which may sometimes outweigh their advantages. Although open-ended cones are preferable under some circumstances, the recommendation that they should be used ought not to be followed without an understanding of the issues involved. The hazards associated with the use of interchangeable cones are considered. The NRPB now proposes that the requirement for the replacement of pointer cones (for both new and existing equipment) should be withdrawn.

  4. Relato policial y el crimen que lo habita

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    Francisco de Undurraga


    Full Text Available La aparición de publicidad y de novelas en serie en las portadas de periódicos franceses, apartir de 1836, marca la relación entre el género policial y los nuevos modos de visibilidad de la información en las sociedades industrializadas. Algunos ejemplos, tomados de un periódico de la época, la "Gazette des Tribunaux", permiten demostrar que la prensa estuvo desde sus comienzos vinculada a la literatura, si acaso no es una derivación de ella. E.A. Poe, creador del relato policial, conduce la retórica del morbo trabajada por Dante, Swift, Lautréamont y Baudelaire, de una apelación al lector, al orden del argumento y del procedimiento que lo estructura. En el relato policial conviven el discurso de lo que se cuenta, característico de la literatura, y el de la ciencia, pero solo en apariencia éste viene a suplantar a aquél, configurando de este modo su retórica.

  5. Understanding the cone scale in Cupressaceae: insights from seed-cone teratology in Glyptostrobus pensilis

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    Veit Martin Dörken


    Full Text Available Both wild-type and teratological seed cones are described in the monoecious conifer Glyptostrobus pensilis and compared with those of other Cupressaceae sensu lato and other conifers. Some Cupressaceae apparently possess a proliferation of axillary structures in their cone scales. In our interpretation, in Glyptostrobus each bract of both typical and atypical seed cones bears two descending accessory shoots, interpreted here as seed scales (ovuliferous scales. The primary seed scale is fertile and forms the ovules, the second is sterile and forms characteristic tooth-like structures. The bract and the two axillary seed scales are each supplied with a single distinct vascular bundle that enters the cone axis as a separate strand; this vasculature also characterises the descending accessory short shoots in the vegetative parts of the crown. In wild-type seed cones, the fertile seed scale is reduced to its ovules, and the ovules are always axillary. In contrast, the ovules of some of the teratological seed cones examined were located at the centre of the cone scale. An additional tissue found on the upper surface of the sterile lower seed scale is here interpreted as the axis of the fertile seed scale. Thus, the central position of the ovules can be explained by recaulescent fusion of the upper fertile and lower sterile seed scales. In several teratological cone scales, the ovules were enveloped by an additional sterile tissue that is uniseriate and represents an epidermal outgrowth of the fertile seed scale. Close to the ovules, the epidermis was detached from lower tissue and surrounded the ovule completely, except at the micropyle. These teratological features are potentially significant in understanding seed-cone homologies among extant conifers.

  6. Light-cone quantization of quantum chromodynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.; Pauli, H.C.


    We discuss the light-cone quantization of gauge theories from two perspectives: as a calculational tool for representing hadrons as QCD bound-states of relativistic quarks and gluons, and also as a novel method for simulating quantum field theory on a computer. The light-cone Fock state expansion of wavefunctions at fixed light cone time provides a precise definition of the parton model and a general calculus for hadronic matrix elements. We present several new applications of light-cone Fock methods, including calculations of exclusive weak decays of heavy hadrons, and intrinsic heavy-quark contributions to structure functions. A general nonperturbative method for numerically solving quantum field theories, ''discretized light-cone quantization,'' is outlined and applied to several gauge theories, including QCD in one space and one time dimension, and quantum electrodynamics in physical space-time at large coupling strength. The DLCQ method is invariant under the large class of light-cone Lorentz transformations, and it can be formulated such at ultraviolet regularization is independent of the momentum space discretization. Both the bound-state spectrum and the corresponding relativistic light-cone wavefunctions can be obtained by matrix diagonalization and related techniques. We also discuss the construction of the light-cone Fock basis, the structure of the light-cone vacuum, and outline the renormalization techniques required for solving gauge theories within the light-cone Hamiltonian formalism

  7. Light-cone quantization of quantum chromodynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brodsky, S.J. (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)); Pauli, H.C. (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany, F.R.))


    We discuss the light-cone quantization of gauge theories from two perspectives: as a calculational tool for representing hadrons as QCD bound-states of relativistic quarks and gluons, and also as a novel method for simulating quantum field theory on a computer. The light-cone Fock state expansion of wavefunctions at fixed light cone time provides a precise definition of the parton model and a general calculus for hadronic matrix elements. We present several new applications of light-cone Fock methods, including calculations of exclusive weak decays of heavy hadrons, and intrinsic heavy-quark contributions to structure functions. A general nonperturbative method for numerically solving quantum field theories, discretized light-cone quantization,'' is outlined and applied to several gauge theories, including QCD in one space and one time dimension, and quantum electrodynamics in physical space-time at large coupling strength. The DLCQ method is invariant under the large class of light-cone Lorentz transformations, and it can be formulated such at ultraviolet regularization is independent of the momentum space discretization. Both the bound-state spectrum and the corresponding relativistic light-cone wavefunctions can be obtained by matrix diagonalization and related techniques. We also discuss the construction of the light-cone Fock basis, the structure of the light-cone vacuum, and outline the renormalization techniques required for solving gauge theories within the light-cone Hamiltonian formalism.

  8. Dispositivos ventilatórios não invasivos em criança portadora de amiotrofia espinhal do tipo 1: relato de caso

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    Paulo André Freire Magalhães


    Full Text Available Resumo Introdução: amiotrofia espinhal do tipo 1 (AME 1 é uma doença genética autossômica recessiva que promove morte celular de neurônios motores localizados no corno anterior da medula e núcleos motores do tronco cerebral. A precoce morbimortalidade está associada à disfunção bulbar e insuficiência respiratória, necessitando de internamento hospitalar e de suporte ventilatório artificial. O objetivo do estudo foi divulgar a relevância da manutenção de paciente com AME 1 sem prótese ventilatória invasiva e com protocolo de fisioterapia individualizado, proporcionando melhor qualidade de vida e integração com seus familiares. Descrição: relato de caso de menor diagnosticado com AME 1 que aos 11 meses foi submetido à ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI por 76 dias, obtendo sucesso no desmame após aplicação de um protocolo de fisioterapia respiratória, incluindo a utilização de tosse mecanicamente assistida e ventilação não invasiva (VNI. Discussão: apesar das dificuldades e intercorrências observadas, a assistência proposta alcançou o objetivo de retirada da VMI e transferência para internação domiciliar com dispositivos ventilatórios não invasivos. A VMI por traqueostomia é considerada tratamento de eleição no Brasil, no entanto, as famílias precisam ser esclarecidas da irreversibilidade da doença e das possibilidades estratégicas das terapêuticas atuais (VMI, VNI e paliação para o manuseio de criança grave com AME 1.

  9. Raquitismo carencial: relato de caso


    Porto, Juliana Antola et al.


    Introdução: O raquitismo é uma doença do tecido ósseo em formação, onde há falha na calcificação e conseguinte acúmulo de tecido osteóide. O raquitismo carencial é decorrente da deficiência dos precursores da vitamina D, sendo a causa de raquitismo mais facilmente evitável e tratável. Objetivo: Relatar um caso, revisar a etiopatogenia e o tratamento do raquitismo carencial. Relato de caso: Paciente masculino com 2 anos de idade, previamente hígido, consulta com dificuldade de deambular progre...

  10. Anestesia em paciente com síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi: relato de caso


    Oliveira, Carlos Rogério Degrandi; Elias, Luciana


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Rubinstein-Taybi (SRT) é uma doença genética causada por uma mutação ou apagamento do cromossomo 16, caracterizada por retardo físico e mental, anormalidades craniofaciais e hálux e polegares largos. Há pouca informação sobre esta síndrome na literatura anestésica. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar a conduta anestésica em paciente submetido à cirurgia odontológica e discutir as características de interesse para a anestesia nesses pacientes. RELATO...

  11. Neuroblastoma na Criança: Relato de Caso/Neuroblastoma in Children: Case Report

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    Maysa Carla Mendonça Tame


    Full Text Available Introdução: o neuroblastoma é uma neoplasia maligna, que apresenta ampla variedade em termos de localização, característica histopatológica e biológica. A apresentação clínica, extremamente variável, reflete as possíveis localizações do tumor primário dentro do sistema nervoso simpático. Os sintomas mais frequentes incluem, dor e distensão abdominais, dores ósseas localizadas, sintomas sistêmicos (anorexia, mal-estar geral, febre e diarreia. É um tumor raro, com uma incidência de 10 casos por milhão de crianças entre zero e quatro anos de idade. Casuística: Relatou-se o caso de um paciente, atualmente com quatro anos e oito meses, com neuroblastoma, tumor primário de supra-adrenal esquerda, metastático para medula óssea bilateral e múltiplos ossos, que iniciou tratamento quimioterápico-neoadjuvante, imediatamente após o diagnóstico, com posterior avaliação para cirurgia, quimioterapia adjuvante e radioterapia, e transplante autólogo de medula óssea. O tratamento se baseia na estratificação do grupo de risco, podendo envolver: quimioterapia, radioterapia, cirurgia para ressecção do tumor e transplante autólogo de medula óssea. O prognóstico está relacionado com a idade da criança ao diagnóstico, determinadas características histológicas, estadiamento e com alterações genéticas do tumor. Discussão: Seguindo o protocolo, o tumor foi estadiado em nível 4, segundo o International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS, e proposto o tratamento com multimodalidade, que inclui quimioterapia intensiva com uma combinação de agentes, seguida de ressecção cirúrgica, doses elevadas de quimioterapia, e radioterapia para posterior transplante autólogo de medula óssea. Este tratamento foi iniciado pela paciente no dia 24/08/2011, e tem previsão de duração de no mínimo um ano. Introduction: Neuroblastoma is a malignant neoplasm that presents a wide variety in terms of location, histopathological and

  12. Auto-relato de erros em tarefas de leitura: efeitos de um treino de correspondência.


    Camila Domeniconi


    Quando crianças com história de fracasso escolar relatam seus resultados em leitura de palavras, a maioria delas tende a relatar a maior parte as respostas como corretas, mesmo que tenham cometido erros. Este estudo investigou as variáveis que influenciam a fidedignidade desses relatos e tentou treinar a correspondência para assegurar relatos correspondentes de erros, bem como de acertos. As sessões experimentais apresentaram diversas palavras em uma tela do computador. O compu...

  13. Dificuldade de intubação traqueal em paciente com craniossinostose: relato de caso


    Gifoni, Cláudia Luisa; Nascimento, Henrique S; Mizumoto, Nelson


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Existem formas complexas de craniossinostose acompanhadas de malformações da face e das vias aéreas, que podem levar a dificuldade de intubação traqueal (IOT). O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de intubação traqueal difícil, em criança submetida à cirurgia para correção da craniossinostose. RELATO DO CASO: Criança com 57 dias, 3700 gramas, perímetro cefálico 39 cm, ASA II, com craniossinostose, retrognatia, macroglosia e exoftalmo bilateral, dificuldade i...

  14. Alcoolismo após cirurgia bariátrica: relato de caso

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    Juliana Garbayo dos Santos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Discutir, a partir do relato de um caso de alcoolismo iniciado após tratamento cirúrgico de obesidade mórbida, a hipótese da “transferência de compulsão”. Segundo essa teoria, obesos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica tendem a transferir sua “compulsão” dos alimentos para o álcool ou outras drogas, aumentando o risco de desenvolvimento de transtornos relacionados a substâncias. Evidências de que a alimentação hedônica (caracterizada pelo consumo exagerado de alimentos palatáveis na ausência de fome é regulada pelos mesmos sistemas cerebrais envolvidos no alcoolismo, aliadas a relatos anedóticos de alcoolismo após cirurgia bariátrica, alimentam essa hipótese. Métodos Relato de caso individual. O paciente concordou com a publicação do relato de caso e assinou um Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Resultados Homem de 25 anos, sem histórico prévio de abuso de álcool, evoluiu com alcoolismo grave quatro anos após a cirurgia bariátrica. Havia antecedentes familiares de transtornos relacionados a substâncias. Conclusão A cirurgia bariátrica (particularmente com derivação em Y de Roux pode alterar o metabolismo do etanol e implicar mudanças no estilo de vida e no nível de estresse. Somados, esses fatores podem contribuir para o surgimento de padrões nocivos de consumo de álcool; entretanto, é incontestável que a correção da obesidade traz enormes benefícios para as diversas áreas da vida do paciente. A detecção de fatores de risco para abuso e dependência alcoólica, como história familiar positiva, é essencial para identificar pacientes que necessitarão maior aconselhamento pré-operatório e seguimento pós-operatório cuidadoso.

  15. Cone photoreceptor structure in patients with x-linked cone dysfunction and red-green color vision deficiency

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Patterson, Emily J.; Wilk, Melissa; Langlo, Christopher S.


    encoded by exon 4, and two with a novel insertion in exon 2. Foveal cone structure and retinal thickness was disrupted to a variable degree, even among related individuals with the same L/M array. CONCLUSIONS. Our findings provide a direct link between disruption of the cone mosaic and L/ M opsin variants......PURPOSE. Mutations in the coding sequence of the L and M opsin genes are often associated with X-linked cone dysfunction (such as Bornholm Eye Disease, BED), though the exact color vision phenotype associated with these disorders is variable. We examined individuals with L/ M opsin gene mutations...... to clarify the link between color vision deficiency and cone dysfunction.  METHODS. We recruited 17 males for imaging. The thickness and integrity of the photoreceptor layers were evaluated using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Cone density was measured using high-resolution images of the cone...

  16. The NLO jet vertex in the small-cone approximation for kt and cone algorithms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colferai, D.; Niccoli, A.


    We determine the jet vertex for Mueller-Navelet jets and forward jets in the small-cone approximation for two particular choices of jet algoritms: the kt algorithm and the cone algorithm. These choices are motivated by the extensive use of such algorithms in the phenomenology of jets. The differences with the original calculations of the small-cone jet vertex by Ivanov and Papa, which is found to be equivalent to a formerly algorithm proposed by Furman, are shown at both analytic and numerical level, and turn out to be sizeable. A detailed numerical study of the error introduced by the small-cone approximation is also presented, for various observables of phenomenological interest. For values of the jet “radius” R=0.5, the use of the small-cone approximation amounts to an error of about 5% at the level of cross section, while it reduces to less than 2% for ratios of distributions such as those involved in the measure of the azimuthal decorrelation of dijets.

  17. The NLO jet vertex in the small-cone approximation for kt and cone algorithms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colferai, D.; Niccoli, A. [Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Firenze and INFN, Sezione di Firenze, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Italy)


    We determine the jet vertex for Mueller-Navelet jets and forward jets in the small-cone approximation for two particular choices of jet algoritms: the kt algorithm and the cone algorithm. These choices are motivated by the extensive use of such algorithms in the phenomenology of jets. The differences with the original calculations of the small-cone jet vertex by Ivanov and Papa, which is found to be equivalent to a formerly algorithm proposed by Furman, are shown at both analytic and numerical level, and turn out to be sizeable. A detailed numerical study of the error introduced by the small-cone approximation is also presented, for various observables of phenomenological interest. For values of the jet “radius” R=0.5, the use of the small-cone approximation amounts to an error of about 5% at the level of cross section, while it reduces to less than 2% for ratios of distributions such as those involved in the measure of the azimuthal decorrelation of dijets.

  18. QCD on the light cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    The quantization of gauge theory at fixed light-cone time τ = t - z/c provides new perspectives for solving non-perturbative problems in quantum chromodynamics. The light-cone Fock state expansion provides both a precise definition of the relativistic wavefunctions of hadrons as bound-states of quarks and gluons and a general calculus for predicting QCD processes at the amplitude level. Applications to exclusive processes and weak decay amplitudes are discussed. The problem of computing the hadronic spectrum and the corresponding light-cone wavefunctions of QCD in one space and one time dimension has been successfully reduced to the diagonalization of a discrete representation of the light-cone Hamiltonian. The problems confronting the solution of gauge theories in 3 + 1 dimensions in the light-cone quantization formalism,, including zero modes and non-perturbative renormalization, are reviewed

  19. NMNAT1 variants cause cone and cone-rod dystrophy. (United States)

    Nash, Benjamin M; Symes, Richard; Goel, Himanshu; Dinger, Marcel E; Bennetts, Bruce; Grigg, John R; Jamieson, Robyn V


    Cone and cone-rod dystrophies (CD and CRD, respectively) are degenerative retinal diseases that predominantly affect the cone photoreceptors. The underlying disease gene is not known in approximately 75% of autosomal recessive cases. Variants in NMNAT1 cause a severe, early-onset retinal dystrophy called Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). We report two patients where clinical phenotyping indicated diagnoses of CD and CRD, respectively. NMNAT1 variants were identified, with Case 1 showing an extremely rare homozygous variant c.[271G > A] p.(Glu91Lys) and Case 2 compound heterozygous variants c.[53 A > G];[769G > A] p.(Asn18Ser);(Glu257Lys). The detailed variant analysis, in combination with the observation of an associated macular atrophy phenotype, indicated that these variants were disease-causing. This report demonstrates that the variants in NMNAT1 may cause CD or CRD associated with macular atrophy. Genetic investigations of the patients with CD or CRD should include NMNAT1 in the genes examined.

  20. Axoval neuropathy as initial manifestation of primary amyloidosis: report of a case submitted to bone marrow transplantation Neuropatia axonal como manifestação inicial de amiloidose primária: relato de caso submetido a transplante de medula óssea

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    Orlando G. Povoas Barsottini


    Full Text Available Amyloidosis is a syndrome characterized by deposition of a highly insoluble protein material in the extracellular space that may affect several organs. It may be generalized and idiopathic (primary amyloidosis. We describe the case of a 48 years-old woman with axonal neuropathy associated with proteinuria, whose final investigation resulted in diagnosis of primary amyloidosis (AL. She was submitted to autologous bone marrow transplantation. We discuss some aspects related to diagnosis of neuropathy and current treatment of AL.A amiloidose é uma síndrome caracterizada pela deposição no meio extracelular de material protéico altamente insolúvel e que pode afetar vários órgãos. Pode ocorrer como doença generalizada e pode ser idiopática (amiloidose primária. Descrevemos o caso de mulher de 48 anos com neuropatia axonal associada a proteinúria na qual a investigação final resultou no diagnóstico de amiloidose primária (AL. Foi submetida a transplante autólogo de medula óssea sem complicações. Discutiremos aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico da neuropatia e do tratamento atual da AL.

  1. Diffusion tensor imaging of the spinal cord: a review Imagen de difusión tensora de la médula espinal: una revisión Imagem da medula espinal por tensor de difusão

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    Aditya Vedantam


    Full Text Available Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI is a magnetic resonance technique capable of measuring the magnitude and direction of water molecule diffusion in various tissues. The use of DTI is being expanded to evaluate a variety of spinal cord disorders both for prognostication and to guide therapy. The purpose of this article is to review the literature on spinal cord DTI in both animal models and humans in different neurosurgical conditions. DTI of the spinal cord shows promise in traumatic spinal cord injury, cervical spondylotic myelopathy, and intramedullary tumors. However, scanning protocols and image processing need to be refined and standardized.La técnica de imagen por difusión tensora (DTI, Diffusion tensor imaging es una técnica de resonancia magnética que mide la magnitud y dirección de la difusión de moléculas de agua en varios tejidos. El uso de DTI se ha expandido para evaluar una variedad de disturbios de la columna vertebral tanto para pronóstico como para orientación de la terapia. La finalidad de este artículo es revisar la literatura sobre DTI de la médula espinal tanto en modelos animales como en humanos en diferentes condiciones neuroquirúrgicas. La DTI de la médula espinal se muestra promisora en las lesiones traumáticas de la médula, en la mielopatía espondilótica cervical y en los tumores intramedulares. Sin embargo, los protocolos de barrido y el procesamiento de imágenes necesitan ser refinados y estandarizados.O exame por imagem de ressonância magnética utilizando a técnica de tensores de difusão (DTI, Diffusion tensor imaging consegue medir a magnitude e direção da difusão de moléculas de água em vários tecidos. A DTI está começando a ser usada para avaliar uma série de patologias da medula espinal, tanto para prognósticos como para orientar o tratamento. O presente artigo revisa a literatura sobre DTI da medula espinhal, em modelos animais e humanos, em diferentes condições neurocirúrgicas. A

  2. Provável extrusão de núcleo pulposo aguda e não compressiva em um cão: relato de caso

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    G.G. Franco

    Full Text Available RESUMO A extrusão discal aguda e não compressiva é caracterizada pela extrusão de caráter agudo/hiperagudo e não compressivo do núcleo pulposo de um disco intervertebral não degenerado. Pode ser chamada de hérnia de disco de baixo volume e alta velocidade ou explosões discais e geralmente está associado a exercícios intensos ou episódios traumáticos. O núcleo pulposo é fortemente forçado através de uma pequena fissura no ânulo fibroso dorsal, provocando uma contusão espinhal. Este relato tem como objetivo apresentar um caso de provável extrusão aguda de núcleo pulposo não compressiva. Foi atendido um cão macho, três anos e seis meses de idade, maltês, pesando 4,1kg. Como queixa principal, o proprietário relatou dificuldade locomotora e dor à manipulação há um dia, sem histórico de trauma. Foi constatada paraparesia não ambulatória de início agudo com ausência de propriocepção e dor superficial em membros pélvicos e dor à palpação epaxial da coluna toracolombar. A ressonância magnética (RM evidenciou extensa área de hipersinal em segmento toracolombar da medula espinhal, sem sinais de compressão medular e de atenuação da intensidade do núcleo pulposo do disco intervertebral L1-L2. Foi feito diagnóstico presuntivo de mielopatia focal não compressiva com edema medular de todo segmento toracolombar, característico de uma extrusão aguda de núcleo pulposo não compressiva. Foi prescrito tratamento com anti-inflamatório esteroidal, analgésico, repouso absoluto e protocolo de reabilitação com acupuntura e fisioterapia. Após sete dias de tratamento, o animal recuperou a sensibilidade dolorosa superficial em membros pélvicos e evoluiu para paraparesia ambulatória. Os resultados deste relato sugerem que a RM pode ser útil para fazer um diagnóstico presuntivo em cães com histórico e sinais clínicos compatíveis. Além disso, o tratamento conservativo em extrusões discais não compressivas

  3. Mach cones in space and laboratory dusty magnetoplasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mamun, A.A.; Shukla, P.K


    We present a rigorous theoretical investigation on the possibility for the formation of Mach cones in both space and laboratory dusty magnetoplasmas. We find the parametric regimes for which different types of Mach cones, such as dust acoustic Mach cones, dust magneto-acoustic Mach cones, oscillonic Mach cones, etc. are formed in space and laboratory dusty magnetoplasmas. We also identify the basic features of such different classes of Mach cones (viz. dust- acoustic, dust magneto-acoustic, oscillonic Mach cones, etc.), and clearly explain how they are relevant to space and laboratory dusty manetoplasmas. (author)

  4. Clinical Course, Genetic Etiology, and Visual Outcome in Cone and Cone-Rod Dystrophy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thiadens, Alberta A. H. J.; Phan, T. My Lan; Zekveld-Vroon, Renate C.; Leroy, Bart P.; van den Born, L. Ingeborgh; Hoyng, Carel B.; Klaver, Caroline C. W.; Roosing, Susanne; Pott, Jan-Willem R.; van Schooneveld, Mary J.; van Moll-Ramirez, Norka; van Genderen, Maria M.; Boon, Camiel J. F.; den Hollander, Anneke I.; Bergen, Arthur A. B.; De Baere, Elfride; Cremers, Frans P. M.; Lotery, Andrew J.

    Objective: To evaluate the clinical course, genetic etiology, and visual prognosis in patients with cone dystrophy (CD) and cone-rod dystrophy (CRD). Design: Clinic-based, longitudinal, multicenter study. Participants: Consecutive probands with CD (N = 98), CRD (N = 83), and affected relatives (N =

  5. Potencial terapêutico das células-tronco de medula óssea no tratamento da epilepsia Therapeutic potential of bone marrow stem cells in epilepsy treatment

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    Maria Julia M. Carrion


    Full Text Available Epilepsia é uma patologia bastante prevalente no nosso meio. Há um número significativo de pacientes que não obtém resposta com a terapêutica medicamentosa, o que motivou a pesquisa de novas terapêuticas. O conceito de neurogênese no cérebro adulto, hoje já amplamente conhecida, principalmente a que ocorre na zona subventricular e na zona subgranular do giro denteado, motivou o desenvolvimeto de técnicas que aproveitassem esse mecanismo na tentativa de obtenção de efeitos antiepileptogênicos e reparadores. A maior parte dos estudos em vigência hoje, e que buscam tal finalidade, trabalha o uso de transplante de células progenitoras neurais ou de células fetais em modelos experimentais. No entanto, a terapêutica com células-tronco de medula óssea parece bastante interessante e promissora. Em doenças neurológicas nas quais os danos são frequentemente irreversíveis, as estratégias regenerativas podem representar um novo caminho. Em nosso laboratório, temos estudado o potencial terapêutico de células-tronco da medula óssea no controle de crises espontâneas recorrentes associadas ao modelo da pilocarpina com resultados excelentes. Também já está em andamento o primeiro estudo em humanos utilizando células-tronco de medula óssea para o tratatamento da epilepsia.Epilepsy is a prevalent pathology. A significative number of patients do not achieve an adequate response to pharmacological therapy. This observation has motivated the search for new strategies. The now well known concept of neurogenesis in the adult brain, in particular in the subventricular and dentate gyrus subgranular zones, has encouraged the development of strategies that might control this mechanism in order to obtain either antiepileptogenic or repair effects. Most studies focus on the transplantation of neural progenitor or fetal cells in experimental models, although bone marrow stem cell therapy is promising. In neurological diseases in which damage

  6. Development and degeneration of cone bipolar cells are independent of cone photoreceptors in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa.

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    Miao Chen

    Full Text Available Retinal photoreceptors die during retinal synaptogenesis in a portion of retinal degeneration. Whether cone bipolar cells establish regular retinal mosaics and mature morphologies, and resist degeneration are not completely understood. To explore these issues, we backcrossed a transgenic mouse expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP in one subset of cone bipolar cells (type 7 into rd1 mice, a classic mouse model of retinal degeneration, to examine the development and survival of cone bipolar cells in a background of retinal degeneration. Our data revealed that both the development and degeneration of cone bipolar cells are independent of the normal activity of cone photoreceptors. We found that type 7 cone bipolar cells achieved a uniform tiling of the retinal surface and developed normal dendritic and axonal arbors without the influence of cone photoreceptor innervation. On the other hand, degeneration of type 7 cone bipolar cells, contrary to our belief of central-to-peripheral progression, was spatially uniform across the retina independent of the spatiotemporal pattern of cone degeneration. The results have important implications for the design of more effective therapies to restore vision in retinal degeneration.

  7. Hidroxiapatita e quitosana isoladas e associadas à medula óssea no reparo do tecido ósseo em coelhos. Estudo histológico e morfométrico

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    Adílio Santos de Azevedo


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o processo de regeneração óssea em coelhos através da utilização da hidroxiapatita e da quitosana isoladas e associadas à medula óssea. Foram utilizados 20 coelhos adultos, de ambos os sexos, da raça Nova Zelândia e pesando em média 3,0±0,4kg. Os animais foram divididos ao acaso de acordo com dois momentos experimentais, sendo que 10 animais foram submetidos à eutanásia 30 dias após a cirurgia, e 10, 60 dias após a cirurgia. Foram utilizados quatro implantes que constituíram os grupos. Os materiais foram introduzidos em defeitos criados cirurgicamente na metáfise proximal (MP e distal (MD de cada fêmur, de modo que a quitosana foi introduzida na MP e a hidroxiapatita na MD do membro esquerdo e, no membro direito, além dos implantes, foi adicionada medula óssea. Na avaliação histológica descritiva comparativa, constatou-se que os grupos QUI e QUIMO, em ambos os momentos estudados, estimularam reações mais acentuadas e aceleraram o reparo ósseo. Na análise morfométrica, os grupos QUI e QUIMO diferiram estatisticamente dos outros grupos, tendo sido observada maior formação óssea (P<0,05.

  8. Design of a trichromatic cone array.

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    Patrick Garrigan


    Full Text Available Cones with peak sensitivity to light at long (L, medium (M and short (S wavelengths are unequal in number on the human retina: S cones are rare (<10% while increasing in fraction from center to periphery, and the L/M cone proportions are highly variable between individuals. What optical properties of the eye, and statistical properties of natural scenes, might drive this organization? We found that the spatial-chromatic structure of natural scenes was largely symmetric between the L, M and S sensitivity bands. Given this symmetry, short wavelength attenuation by ocular media gave L/M cones a modest signal-to-noise advantage, which was amplified, especially in the denser central retina, by long-wavelength accommodation of the lens. Meanwhile, total information represented by the cone mosaic remained relatively insensitive to L/M proportions. Thus, the observed cone array design along with a long-wavelength accommodated lens provides a selective advantage: it is maximally informative.

  9. Bloqueio bilateral do nervo pudendo para hemorroidectomia em paciente acondroplásico: relato de caso


    Morais, Bruno Salomé de; Cruvinel, Marcos Guilherme Cunha; Silva, Yerkes Pereira; Diniz, Dener Augusto; Castro, Carlos Henrique Viana de


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O nanismo acondroplásico ou acondroplasia é a forma mais comum de nanismo e ocorre na maioria dos casos por alteração genética espontânea. A anestesia desses pacientes apresenta várias particularidades. O objetivo do presente relato foi descrever um caso de paciente acondroplásico, com história prévia de intervenção cirúrgica da coluna para descompressão medular, submetido a hemorroidectomia através de bloqueio bilateral dos nervos pudendos. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente...

  10. Raquianestesia total após bloqueio do plexo lombar por via posterior: relato de caso


    Duarte, Leonardo Teixeira Domingues; Saraiva, Renato Ângelo


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O bloqueio do plexo lombar pode ser bastante útil em procedimentos cirúrgicos do quadril, da coxa e do joelho, mas exige prática do anestesiologista tendo em vista suas potenciais complicações. O presente relato tem por objetivo apresentar um caso de raquianestesia total após bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior e discutir o provável mecanismo fisiopatológico. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 34 anos, 97 kg, estado físico ASA I, programado para art...

  11. Cone and Seed Maturation of Southern Pines (United States)

    James P. Barnett


    If slightly reduced yields and viability are acceptable, loblolly and slash cone collections can begin 2 to 3 weeks before maturity if the cones are stored before processing. Longleaf(P. palestris Mill.) pine cones should be collected only when mature, as storage decreased germination of seeds from immature cones. Biochemical analyses to determine reducing sugar...

  12. Spectral characteristics of light sources for S-cone stimulation. (United States)

    Schlegelmilch, F; Nolte, R; Schellhorn, K; Husar, P; Henning, G; Tornow, R P


    Electrophysiological investigations of the short-wavelength sensitive pathway of the human eye require the use of a suitable light source as a S-cone stimulator. Different light sources with their spectral distribution properties were investigated and compared with the ideal S-cone stimulator. First, the theoretical background of the calculation of relative cone energy absorption from the spectral distribution function of the light source is summarized. From the results of the calculation, the photometric properties of the ideal S-cone stimulator will be derived. The calculation procedure was applied to virtual light sources (computer generated spectral distribution functions with different medium wavelengths and spectrum widths) and to real light sources (blue and green light emitting diodes, blue phosphor of CRT-monitor, multimedia projector, LCD monitor and notebook display). The calculated relative cone absorbencies are compared to the conditions of an ideal S-cone stimulator. Monochromatic light sources with wavelengths of less than 456 nm are close to the conditions of an ideal S-cone stimulator. Spectrum widths up to 21 nm do not affect the S-cone activation significantly (S-cone activation change < 0.2%). Blue light emitting diodes with peak wavelength at 448 nm and spectrum bandwidth of 25 nm are very useful for S-cone stimulation (S-cone activation approximately 95%). A suitable display for S-cone stimulation is the Trinitron computer monitor (S-cone activation approximately 87%). The multimedia projector has a S-cone activation up to 91%, but their spectral distribution properties depends on the selected intensity. LCD monitor and notebook displays have a lower S-cone activation (< or = 74%). Carefully selecting the blue light source for S-cone stimulation can reduce the unwanted L-and M-cone activation down to 4% for M-cones and 1.5% for L-cones.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Liliane de Almeida Maia


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: O raquitismo hipofosfatêmico precisa ser precocemente diagnosticado porque seu tratamento previne sequelas incapacitantes. Este relato alerta para a doença. Relato de caso: Relato de perfil metabólico, depuração de creatinina, estado nutricional e desenvolvimento pôndero-estatural de paciente com características clínico-laboratoriais de raquitismo hipofosfatêmico, atendido em ambulatório de tubulopatias por período de 12 meses. Chegou ao serviço após tempo prolongado acamado, dependente de ventilação mecânica e com perfil metabólico ósseo alterado. Terapêutica consistiu na administração de fósforo (inicial: 65 mg/kg/dia, final: 24,2 mg/kg/dia, cálcio (inicial: 127 mg/kg/dia, final: 48,4 mg/kg/dia e calcitriol (inicial: 0,06 mcg/kg/dia, final: 0,03 mcg/kg/dia, e a análise constou da descrição das consultas, utilizando-se mediana de exames laboratoriais e dados antropométricos. Observou-se nítida melhora inicial do padrão respiratório do paciente, que evoluiu com ventilação espontânea e deambulação autônoma; com exames laboratoriais: cálcio (mg/dL inicial 7,1, final 10,1; fósforo (mg/dL inicial 1,7, final 3,2; magnésio (mg/dL inicial 1,5, final 2,1; paratormônio (pg/L inicial 85,8, final 52,7; fosfatase alcalina (UI/L inicial 12660, final 938; e melhora do desenvolvimento pôndero-estatural (escore Z: E/I inicial: -6,05, final -3,64; P/I: inicial -2,92, final -1,57 com presença de litíase transitória. A depuração de creatinina (mL/min/1,73 m2sc foi constante durante o seguimento. O tratamento propiciou benefícios clínicos, bioquímicos e nutricionais, mas, apesar da boa resposta inicial, a família abandonou o seguimento por dois anos, apresentando o paciente piora da deambulação e das deformidades esqueléticas. Comentários: Não apenas diagnóstico precoce é necessário, como também a adesão ao tratamento é fundamental para o sucesso na condução dessa patologia.

  14. Light-cone observables and gauge-invariance in the geodesic light-cone formalism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Scaccabarozzi, Fulvio; Yoo, Jaiyul, E-mail:, E-mail: [Center for Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology, Institute for Computational Science, University of Zürich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057, Zürich (Switzerland)


    The remarkable properties of the geodesic light-cone (GLC) coordinates allow analytic expressions for the light-cone observables, providing a new non-perturbative way for calculating the effects of inhomogeneities in our Universe. However, the gauge-invariance of these expressions in the GLC formalism has not been shown explicitly. Here we provide this missing part of the GLC formalism by proving the gauge-invariance of the GLC expressions for the light-cone observables, such as the observed redshift, the luminosity distance, and the physical area and volume of the observed sources. Our study provides a new insight on the properties of the GLC coordinates and it complements the previous work by the GLC collaboration, leading to a comprehensive description of light propagation in the GLC representation.

  15. Plasma microinstabilities driven by loss-cone distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Summers, D.; Thorne, R.M.


    Electromagnetic and electrostatic instabilities driven by loss-cone particle distributions have been invoked to explain a variety of plasma phenomena observed in space and in the laboratory. In this paper we analyse how the loss-cone feature (as determined by the loss-cone index or indices) influences the growth of such instabilities in a fully ionized, homogeneous, hot plasma in a uniform magnetic field. Specifically, we consider three loss-cone distributions: a generalized Lorentzian (kappa) loss-cone distribution, the Dory-Guest-Harris distribution and the Ashour-Abdalla-Kennel distribution (involving a subtracted Maxwellian). Our findings are common to all three distributions. We find that, for parallel propagation, electromagnetic instabilities are only affected by the loss-cone indices in terms of their occurrence in the temperature anisotropy. However, for oblique propagation, even including propagation at small angles to the ambient magnetic field, the loss-cone indices do independently affect the growth of instabilities for electromagnetic waves, in contrast to certain claims in the literature. For electrostatic waves such that 1/2(κ perpendicular to ρ L σ 2 L σ is the Larmor radius for particle species σ, we find that the loss-cone indices only enter the dispersion equation via the temperature anisotropy, and so in this case the loss-cone feature and perpendicular effective thermal speed do not independently affect wave growth. (Author)

  16. Variability of silver fir (Abies alba Mill. cones – variability of cone parameters

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    Aniszewska Monika


    Full Text Available This study aimed at determining the shape of closed silver fir cones from the Jawor Forest District (Wroclaw, based purely on measurements of their length and thickness. Using these two parameters, the most accurate estimations were achieved with a fourth-degree polynomial fitting function. We then calculated the cones’ surface area and volume in three different ways: 1 Using the fourth-degree polynomial shape estimation, 2 Introducing indicators of compliance (k1, k2, k3 to calculate the volume and then comparing it to its actual value as measured in a pitcher filled with water, 3 Comparing the surface area of the cones as calculated with the polynomial function to the value obtained from ratios of indicators of compliance (ratios k4 and k5. We found that the calculated surface area and volume were substantially higher than the corresponding measured values. Test values of cone volume and surface area as calculated by our model were 8% and 5% lower, respectively, compared to direct measurements. We also determined the fir cones apparent density to be 0.8 g·cm-3on average. The gathered data on cone surface area, volume and bulk density is a valuable tool for optimizing the thermal peeling process in mill cabinets to acquire high quality seeds.

  17. Méthode analytique généralisée pour le calcul du coning. Nouvelle solution pour calculer le coning de gaz, d'eau et double coning dans les puits verticaux et horizontaux Generalized Analytical Method for Coning Calculation. New Solution to Calculation Both the Gas Coning, Water Coning and Dual Coning for Vertical and Horizontal Wells

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    Pietraru V.


    Full Text Available Une nouvelle méthode analytique d'évaluation du coning d'eau par bottom water drive et/ou de gaz par gas-cap drive dans les puits horizontaux et verticaux a été développée pour les réservoirs infinis [1]. Dans cet article, une généralisation de cette méthode est présentée pour les réservoirs confinés d'extension limitée dont le toit est horizontal. La généralisation proposée est basée sur la résolution des équations différentielles de la diffusivité avec prise en compte des effets de drainage par gravité et des conditions aux limites pour un réservoir confiné. La méthode est applicable aux réservoirs isotropes ou anisotropes. L'hypothèse de pression constante à la limite de l'aire de drainage dans l'eau et/ou dans le gaz a été adoptée. Les pertes de charge dans l'aquifère et dans le gas-cap sont donc négligées. Les principales contributions de cet article sont : - L'introduction de la notion de rayon de cône, différent du rayon de puits. La hauteur du cône et le débit critique dépendent du rayon de cône alors qu'ils sont indépendants du rayon du puits. - Une nouvelle corrélation pour le calcul du débit critique sous forme adimensionnelle en fonction de trois paramètres : le temps, la longueur du drain horizontal (nulle pour un puits vertical et le rayon de drainage. - Des corrélations pour le calcul du rapport des débits gaz/huile (GOR ou de la fraction en eau (fw, pendant les périodes critique et postcritique, qui tiennent compte de la pression capillaire et des perméabilités relatives. - Des corrélations pour le calcul des rapports de débits gaz/huile et eau/huile pendant les périodes pré, post et supercritique en double coning. - Des critères pour le calcul du temps de percée au puits en simple coning de gaz ou d'eau, ou en double coning de gaz et d'eau. A new analytical method for assessing water and/or gas coning in horizontal and vertical wells has been developed for infinite

  18. Differential astroglial responses in the spinal cord of rats submitted to a sciatic nerve double crush treated with local injection of cultured Schwann cell suspension or lesioned spinal cord extract: implications on cell therapy for nerve repair Respostas astrocitárias na medula espinal do rato submetido ao esmagamento duplo do nervo ciático e tratado com injeção local de suspensão de células de Schwann cultivadas ou de extrato de medula espinal lesada: implicações na terapia celular para o reparo do nervo

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    João Gabriel Martins Dallo


    ático poder alterar o padrão da ativação astrocitária nos cornos anterior e posterior da medula espinal do rato. MÉTODOS: Suspensão de CS cultivadas ou extrato homogeneizado de medula espinal lesada de rato foram inoculados num reservatório feito a partir de dois esmagamentos aplicados no nervo ciático do rato distantes 0,5mm entre si. Injeção local de salina tamponada serviu como controle. Os ratos foram mortos uma semana após e os astrócitos da medula espinal marcados por método imunohistoquímico e quantificados por análise de imagem. RESULTADOS: No corno anterior da medula, ipsilateral à lesão, ativação astrocitária leve foi vista após as injeções de tampão ou CS, entretanto, ativação celular intensa foi observada nesta região com a inoculação neural do extrato homogeneizado de tecido medular lesado. Adicionalmente, as inoculações de CS e de extrato homogeneizado de tecido medular promoveram forte reação astrocitária no corno dorsal da medula espinal, bilateralmente. CONCLUSÕES: Os astrócitos da medula espinal reagem em função do processo de reparo do nervo lesado, o que pode influenciar o resultado funcional esperado, algo que deve ser considerado durante o planejamento da estratégia neurocirúrgica.

  19. Use of RI-cone penetrometer in clay foundations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mimura, Mamoru; Shibata, Toru; Shrivastava, A.K.


    RI cone penetrometer tests are carried out at four different sites. The foundation grounds discussed here mainly consist of clayey materials. The measured results by RI cone penetrometers are shown for Kyobashi, Hachirougata, Kurihama and Kinkai Bay site. According to comparison of water content and density profiles by RI cone measurement with the conventional testing results, RI cone penetrometers are proved to be versatile tools for site investigation. Settlement assessment by RI cone penetrometer is also discussed by exemplifying the embankment at Kinkai Bay site. Elasto-vis-coplastic finite element analysis correspondingly performed strongly supports the RI cone based assessment. Repeated use of RI cone penetrometer with the advance of construction enables us to assess the consolidation process of the clay foundation. (author)

  20. Implementation of Tuy's cone-beam inversion formula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng, G.L.; Clack, R.; Gullberg, G.T.


    Tuy's cone-beam inversion formula was modified to develop a cone-beam reconstruction algorithm. The algorithm was implemented for a cone-beam vertex orbit consisting of a circle and two orthogonal lines. This orbit geometry satisfies the cone-beam data sufficiency condition and is easy to implement on commercial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) systems. The algorithm which consists of two derivative steps, one rebinning step, and one three-dimensional backprojection step, was verified by computer simulations and by reconstructing physical phantom data collected on a clinical SPECT system. The proposed algorithm gives equivalent results and is as efficient as other analytical cone-beam reconstruction algorithms. (Author)

  1. Handling data redundancy in helical cone beam reconstruction with a cone-angle-based window function and its asymptotic approximation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Xiangyang; Hsieh Jiang


    A cone-angle-based window function is defined in this manuscript for image reconstruction using helical cone beam filtered backprojection (CB-FBP) algorithms. Rather than defining the window boundaries in a two-dimensional detector acquiring projection data for computed tomographic imaging, the cone-angle-based window function deals with data redundancy by selecting rays with the smallest cone angle relative to the reconstruction plane. To be computationally efficient, an asymptotic approximation of the cone-angle-based window function is also given and analyzed in this paper. The benefit of using such an asymptotic approximation also includes the avoidance of functional discontinuities that cause artifacts in reconstructed tomographic images. The cone-angle-based window function and its asymptotic approximation provide a way, equivalent to the Tam-Danielsson-window, for helical CB-FBP reconstruction algorithms to deal with data redundancy, regardless of where the helical pitch is constant or dynamically variable during a scan. By taking the cone-parallel geometry as an example, a computer simulation study is conducted to evaluate the proposed window function and its asymptotic approximation for helical CB-FBP reconstruction algorithm to handle data redundancy. The computer simulated Forbild head and thorax phantoms are utilized in the performance evaluation, showing that the proposed cone-angle-based window function and its asymptotic approximation can deal with data redundancy very well in cone beam image reconstruction from projection data acquired along helical source trajectories. Moreover, a numerical study carried out in this paper reveals that the proposed cone-angle-based window function is actually equivalent to the Tam-Danielsson-window, and rigorous mathematical proofs are being investigated

  2. Double Dirac cones in phononic crystals

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Yan


    A double Dirac cone is realized at the center of the Brillouin zone of a two-dimensional phononic crystal (PC) consisting of a triangular array of core-shell-structure cylinders in water. The double Dirac cone is induced by the accidental degeneracy of two double-degenerate Bloch states. Using a perturbation method, we demonstrate that the double Dirac cone is composed of two identical and overlapping Dirac cones whose linear slopes can also be accurately predicted from the method. Because the double Dirac cone occurs at a relatively low frequency, a slab of the PC can be mapped onto a slab of zero refractive index material by using a standard retrieval method. Total transmission without phase change and energy tunneling at the double Dirac point frequency are unambiguously demonstrated by two examples. Potential applications can be expected in diverse fields such as acoustic wave manipulations and energy flow control.

  3. Double Dirac cones in phononic crystals

    KAUST Repository

    Li, Yan; Wu, Ying; Mei, Jun


    A double Dirac cone is realized at the center of the Brillouin zone of a two-dimensional phononic crystal (PC) consisting of a triangular array of core-shell-structure cylinders in water. The double Dirac cone is induced by the accidental degeneracy of two double-degenerate Bloch states. Using a perturbation method, we demonstrate that the double Dirac cone is composed of two identical and overlapping Dirac cones whose linear slopes can also be accurately predicted from the method. Because the double Dirac cone occurs at a relatively low frequency, a slab of the PC can be mapped onto a slab of zero refractive index material by using a standard retrieval method. Total transmission without phase change and energy tunneling at the double Dirac point frequency are unambiguously demonstrated by two examples. Potential applications can be expected in diverse fields such as acoustic wave manipulations and energy flow control.

  4. Thoracic spinal cord compression secondary to metastatic synovial sarcoma: case report Compresión de la medula espinal torácica por metástasis secundaria de sarcoma sinovial: relato de caso Compressão da medula espinhal torácica por metástase secundária de sarcoma sinovial: relato de caso

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    Paul M. Arnold


    . Aunque la descompresión y estabilización quirúrgica del canal vertebral no sea curativa, ese procedimiento puede ser necesario en los pacientes que presentan compresión de la médula espinal.O sarcoma sinovial é uma neoplasia rara dos tecidos moles que afeta adolescentes e adultos jovens. A sua maior prevalência é nas grandes articulações das extremidades e raramente acomete o tronco. As lesões metastáticas são raras e geralmente acometem os pulmões, e as metástases para a coluna torácica são raras. Relata-se o caso de um paciente de 47 anos de idade com 3 meses de história de dor lombar e que apresentava metástase de sarcoma sinovial na coluna lombar. A ressonância magnética demonstrava lesões contíguas do corpo vertebral e compressão do canal vertebral ao nível de T12. O paciente foi submetido à laminectomia de T11-T12, descompressão transpedicular, remoção tecido tumoral e artrodese e fixação posterior. O paciente foi a óbito após seis meses devido à progressão da doença. Embora a descompressão e estabilização cirúrgica do canal vertebral não sejam curativas, esses procedimentos podem ser necessários em pacientes que apresentam compressão da medula espinhal.

  5. Auto-relato e relato de informante secundário na avaliação da saúde em idosos

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    Renata Jardim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar se o modelo explicativo para a avaliação da saúde do idoso com base no auto-relato é comparável com o modelo de relato do informante secundário e se a auto-avaliação de saúde do informante secundário influencia a avaliação da saúde do idoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 230 pares idoso-informante secundário realizado em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2007. Foram investigadas variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde dos idosos por meio de entrevista estruturada. Utilizou-se regressão logística múltipla para analisar associação com auto-avaliação da saúde do idoso como ruim e com as informações prestadas pelo informante secundário. RESULTADOS: No modelo com base no auto-relato, a variável mais fortemente associada à avaliação da saúde do idoso como ruim foi a presença de restrições ou incapacidade para realizar atividades relacionadas à vida diária e/ou à mobilidade. No modelo baseado no informante secundário, a variável explicativa mais relevante foi o número de doenças crônicas apresentadas pelo idoso. Além disso, a chance de o informante secundário avaliar a saúde do idoso como ruim foi três vezes maior quando ele auto-avaliou sua saúde da mesma forma. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram diferenças importantes entre o modelo da avaliação da saúde do idoso com base nas respostas do próprio indivíduo e nas do informante secundário. O idoso tende a valorizar suas restrições ou incapacidade de realizar atividades da vida diária/mobilidade, enquanto o informante secundário tende a valorizar o diagnóstico de doenças crônicas. O informante secundário com pior auto-avaliação da saúde apresenta chance quase três vezes maior de relatar a saúde do idoso da mesma forma. Assim, informações auto-relatadas refletem melhor a condição de saúde do indivíduo do que se relatadas por informantes secundários.

  6. Cone-based Electrical Resistivity Tomography (United States)

    Pidlisecky, A.; Knight, R.; Haber, E.


    Determining the 3D spatial distribution of subsurface properties is a critical part of managing the clean-up of contaminated sites. Most standard hydrologic methods sample small regions immediately adjacent to wells or testing devices. This provides data which are not representative of the entire region of interest. Furthermore, at many contaminated sites invasive methods are not acceptable, due to the risks associated with contacting and spreading the contaminants. To address these issues, we have developed a minimally invasive technology that provides information about the 3D distribution of electrical conductivity. This new technique, cone-based electrical resistivity tomography (C-bert), involves placing several permanent current electrodes in the subsurface and using electrodes mounted on a cone penetrometer to measure the resultant potential field while advancing the cone into the subsurface. In addition to potential field measurements, we obtain the standard suite of cone-penetration measurements, including high resolution resistivity logs; these data can then be used to constrain the inversion of the potential field data. A major challenge of working with these data is that the cone penetrometer is highly conductive, and thus presents a large local perturbation around the measurement location. As the cone is very small (approximately 30mm in diameter) with respect to the total model space, explicitly modeling the cone is computationally demanding. We developed a method for solving the forward model that reduces computational time by an order of magnitude. This solution method, iteratively determined boundary conditions, makes it possible to correct for the cone effect before inversion of the data. Results from synthetic experiments suggest that the C-bert method of data acquisition can result in high quality electrical conductivity images of the subsurface. We tested the practicality of this technique by performing a field test of the C-bert system to image

  7. Dirac cones in isogonal hexagonal metallic structures (United States)

    Wang, Kang


    A honeycomb hexagonal metallic lattice is equivalent to a triangular atomic one and cannot create Dirac cones in its electromagnetic wave spectrum. We study in this work the low-frequency electromagnetic band structures in isogonal hexagonal metallic lattices that are directly related to the honeycomb one and show that such structures can create Dirac cones. The band formation can be described by a tight-binding model that allows investigating, in terms of correlations between local resonance modes, the condition for the Dirac cones and the consequence of the third structure tile sustaining an extra resonance mode in the unit cell that induces band shifts and thus nonlinear deformation of the Dirac cones following the wave vectors departing from the Dirac points. We show further that, under structure deformation, the deformations of the Dirac cones result from two different correlation mechanisms, both reinforced by the lattice's metallic nature, which directly affects the resonance mode correlations. The isogonal structures provide new degrees of freedom for tuning the Dirac cones, allowing adjustment of the cone shape by modulating the structure tiles at the local scale without modifying the lattice periodicity and symmetry.

  8. g-Weak Contraction in Ordered Cone Rectangular Metric Spaces

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    S. K. Malhotra


    Full Text Available We prove some common fixed-point theorems for the ordered g-weak contractions in cone rectangular metric spaces without assuming the normality of cone. Our results generalize some recent results from cone metric and cone rectangular metric spaces into ordered cone rectangular metric spaces. Examples are provided which illustrate the results.

  9. Singularities of plane complex curves and limits of Kähler metrics with cone singularities. I: Tangent Cones

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    Borbon Martin de


    Full Text Available The goal of this article is to provide a construction and classification, in the case of two complex dimensions, of the possible tangent cones at points of limit spaces of non-collapsed sequences of Kähler-Einstein metrics with cone singularities. The proofs and constructions are completely elementary, nevertheless they have an intrinsic beauty. In a few words; tangent cones correspond to spherical metrics with cone singularities in the projective line by means of the Kähler quotient construction with respect to the S1-action generated by the Reeb vector field, except in the irregular case ℂβ₁×ℂβ₂ with β₂/ β₁ ∉ Q.

  10. Dissecção da artéria basilar: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Relato de um caso de dissecção da artéria basilar, documentado com neuroimagem (tomografia computadorizada do crânio, ressonância magnética e angiografia digital com subtração de imagem.

  11. Relatos digitales: activando las competencias comunicativa, narrativa y digital en la formación inicial del profesorado

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    María Esther del Moral


    Full Text Available Los relatos digitales constituyen una técnica narrativa con gran potencial educativo al adoptar fórmulas creativas que integran información multiformato e instrumentos tecnológicos para comunicar ideas. Esta investigación evalúa el nivel de competencia comunicativa, narrativa y digital ligado al diseño de relatos en entornos digitales, alcanzado por estudiantes del Grado de Maestro de Primaria (N=143 -tras participar en una experiencia de creación colaborativa-, utilizando una rúbrica integrada por 28 indicadores: 12 relacionados con la competencia comunicativa (comunicación escrita y oral, 6 con la narrativa, y otros 10 específicos con la digital. Los resultados evidencian que si bien presentan gran destreza con las tecnologías, casi un tercio registra niveles medio-bajos en la competencia comunicativa. Se detectan dificultades en la elaboración y adaptación del guión escrito de los relatos al registro elegido -pobre vocabulario y precaria puntuación-, junto a limitaciones en la dicción al locutar los diálogos, no logrando imprimir expresividad al relato. Respecto a la competencia narrativa, solo un 40% muestra originalidad al resolver las tramas y construir personajes. Sin duda, este tipo de experiencias innovadoras ofrece un escenario idóneo para desarrollar habilidades narrativas y creativas en contextos digitales, y brinda numerosas oportunidades para la formación de los futuros docentes.

  12. Anestesia venosa total (AVT) em lactente com doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann: relato de caso


    Resende, Marco Antonio Cardoso de; Silva, Elizabeth Vaz da; Nascimento, Osvaldo José Moreira; Gemal, Alberto Esteves; Quintanilha, Giseli; Vasconcelos, Eliana Maria


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann é a causa mais comum de hipotonia no lactente e quando presente logo após o nascimento tem pior prognóstico. Fraqueza muscular simétrica, arreflexia e fasciculações da língua são característicos. A maioria dos lactentes morre antes dos dois anos por insuficiência respiratória. O presente relato apresenta um caso com técnica venosa total durante anestesia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente feminina, branca, um ano, 10 kg, estado físico ASA III, co...

  13. Light cone thermodynamics (United States)

    De Lorenzo, Tommaso; Perez, Alejandro


    We show that null surfaces defined by the outgoing and infalling wave fronts emanating from and arriving at a sphere in Minkowski spacetime have thermodynamical properties that are in strict formal correspondence with those of black hole horizons in curved spacetimes. Such null surfaces, made of pieces of light cones, are bifurcate conformal Killing horizons for suitable conformally stationary observers. They can be extremal and nonextremal depending on the radius of the shining sphere. Such conformal Killing horizons have a constant light cone (conformal) temperature, given by the standard expression in terms of the generalization of surface gravity for conformal Killing horizons. Exchanges of conformally invariant energy across the horizon are described by a first law where entropy changes are given by 1 /(4 ℓp2) of the changes of a geometric quantity with the meaning of horizon area in a suitable conformal frame. These conformal horizons satisfy the zeroth to the third laws of thermodynamics in an appropriate way. In the extremal case they become light cones associated with a single event; these have vanishing temperature as well as vanishing entropy.

  14. O papel da glutamina na terapia nutricional do transplante de medula óssea The role of glutamine in nutritional support of bone marrow transplantation

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    Silvia M. Albertini


    Full Text Available A glutamina (L-GLN é um aminoácido que localiza-se preferencialmente no músculo esquelético e é condicionalmente essencial nas situações onde ocorre hipercatabolismo, como no transplante de medula óssea. Nestas situações a suplementação com a L-GLN na terapia nutricional é segura e recomendada. O emprego do aminoácido com objetivo de reduzir os efeitos secundários no TMO como mucosite e manifestações digestivas parece existir. Existem dados que sugerem um efeito profilático da L-GLN em relação à doença veno-oclusiva hepática nos pacientes transplantados. O emprego do aminoácido em combinação com anti-oxidantes, o uso do mesmo via enteral e/ou parenteral, são respostas que devem ser obtidas através de estudos em grupos homogêneos e selecionados de pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea.Glutamine is an amino acid which is usually found in the skeletal muscles and it is conditionally essential where there is hyper cathabolism as in bone marrow transplantation. In these situations nutritional support therapy using L-GLN supplements is both safe and recommended. There seems to be a use for amino acid with the goal of reducing the secondary effects, such as mucositis and digestive tract manifestations, of these transplants. There are data which suggest a prophylactic effect of the L-GLN in relation to hepatic veno-occlusive disease in transplant patients. The utilisation of amino acid in combination with antioxidants either by enteral or parenteral means, are questions which should be answered through further study of selected and heterogeneous groups of bone marrow transplant patients.

  15. Cone dystrophy with "supernormal" rod ERG: psychophysical testing shows comparable rod and cone temporal sensitivity losses with no gain in rod function. (United States)

    Stockman, Andrew; Henning, G Bruce; Michaelides, Michel; Moore, Anthony T; Webster, Andrew R; Cammack, Jocelyn; Ripamonti, Caterina


    We report a psychophysical investigation of 5 observers with the retinal disorder "cone dystrophy with supernormal rod ERG," caused by mutations in the gene KCNV2 that encodes a voltage-gated potassium channel found in rod and cone photoreceptors. We compared losses for rod- and for cone-mediated vision to further investigate the disorder and to assess whether the supernormal ERG is associated with any visual benefit. L-cone, S-cone, and rod temporal acuity (critical flicker fusion frequency) were measured as a function of target irradiance; L-cone temporal contrast sensitivity was measured as a function of temporal frequency. Temporal acuity measures revealed that losses for vision mediated by rods, S-cones, and L-cones are roughly equivalent. Further, the gain in rod function implied by the supernormal ERG provides no apparent benefit to near-threshold rod-mediated visual performance. The L-cone temporal contrast sensitivity function in affected observers was similar in shape to the mean normal function but only after the mean function was compressed by halving the logarithmic sensitivities. The name of this disorder is potentially misleading because the comparable losses found across rod and cone vision suggest that the disorder is a generalized cone-rod dystrophy. Temporal acuity and temporal contrast sensitivity measures are broadly consistent with the defect in the voltage-gated potassium channel producing a nonlinear distortion of the photoreceptor response but after otherwise normal transduction processes.

  16. Doença de Moyamoya e anestesia com sevoflurano fora do centro cirúrgico: relato de caso


    Machado, Sheila Braga; Mendes, Florentino Fernandes; Angelini, Adriana de Campos


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Moyamoya é uma desordem cerebrovascular progressiva que representa um desafio anestésico em virtude da precária circulação cerebral destes pacientes, constituindo-se numa importante causa de acidente vascular cerebral em indivíduos jovens. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o caso de um paciente com doença de Moyamoya que foi submetido à anestesia geral com sevoflurano para procedimento diagnóstico fora do centro cirúrgico. RELATO DO CASO: Criança com ...

  17. Hemangioma de úvula: relato de um caso

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    G. Sobrinho Fernando P.


    Full Text Available O hemangioma é o mais comum tumor de origem vascular, benigno, freqüentemente diagnosticado em crianças, e com predileção pela cabeça e pescoço, mas que raramente tem origem na úvula. Neste órgão, apresenta risco de traumatismo local e sangramento. Este artigo relato um caso de hemangioma de úvula num adulto jovem com disfagia orofaríngea progressiva e sensação de corpo estranho na garganta, tratado com sucesso por ressecção cirúrgica do tumor com bisturi de radiofreqüência.

  18. Audiologia em comunidade: relato de experiência


    Barros,Paulo Marcelo Freitas de; Cavalcante,Tícia Cassiany Ferro; Andrade,Aline Fernanda de


    OBJETIVO: caracterizar queixas, sintomas e fatores de risco relacionados à perda auditiva em crianças com suspeita de perda auditiva no Distrito Sanitário I do Recife/Brasil. MÉTODOS: relato de experiência de atuação fonoaudiológica em parceria com Agentes Comunitários de Saúde - ACS que foram capacitados sobre saúde auditiva para identificar crianças com queixas de audição. Foram realizadas visitas aos domicílios indicados e ao posto de saúde e entrevistadas 80 mães obtendo-se informações a ...

  19. CRALBP supports the mammalian retinal visual cycle and cone vision. (United States)

    Xue, Yunlu; Shen, Susan Q; Jui, Jonathan; Rupp, Alan C; Byrne, Leah C; Hattar, Samer; Flannery, John G; Corbo, Joseph C; Kefalov, Vladimir J


    Mutations in the cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP, encoded by RLBP1) can lead to severe cone photoreceptor-mediated vision loss in patients. It is not known how CRALBP supports cone function or how altered CRALBP leads to cone dysfunction. Here, we determined that deletion of Rlbp1 in mice impairs the retinal visual cycle. Mice lacking CRALBP exhibited M-opsin mislocalization, M-cone loss, and impaired cone-driven visual behavior and light responses. Additionally, M-cone dark adaptation was largely suppressed in CRALBP-deficient animals. While rearing CRALBP-deficient mice in the dark prevented the deterioration of cone function, it did not rescue cone dark adaptation. Adeno-associated virus-mediated restoration of CRALBP expression specifically in Müller cells, but not retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, rescued the retinal visual cycle and M-cone sensitivity in knockout mice. Our results identify Müller cell CRALBP as a key component of the retinal visual cycle and demonstrate that this pathway is important for maintaining normal cone-driven vision and accelerating cone dark adaptation.

  20. Identidad y colonialidad en los relatos de Alberto Alabí

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    Irene López


    Full Text Available En este artículo proponemos un análisis de algunos relatos del escritor argentino Alberto Alabí desde la noción de colonialidad en sus tres dimensiones —del poder, del saber y del ser— y sus implicaciones en las formaciones identitarias. Consideramos que los conflictos que estos relatos textualizan nos permiten comprender algunas de las problemáticas sociales candentes en el espacio norteño, como la racialización de la diferencia y, consecuentemente, el color de piel, tanto en la subalternización de sujetos y prácticas como en la construcción de representaciones identitarias.In this paper we propose an analysis of short stories of an argentinean writter, Alberto Alabí, from the notion of coloniality of power, of knowledge and being and its implications for identity formations. We believe that the conflicts textualized in these short stories permit us to understand many of social problems in the north of Argentina, such as the role played by the racialization of difference and, consequently, the color of skin in the subalternization of subjects and practices as well as in construction of identity representations.

  1. A cone-beam reconstruction algorithm using shift-variant filtering and cone-beam backprojection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Defrise, M.; Clack, R.


    An exact inversion formula written in the form of shift-variant filtered-backprojection (FBP) is given for reconstruction from cone-beam data taken from any orbit satisfying Tuy's sufficiency conditions. The method is based on a result of Grangeat, involving the derivative of the three-dimensional (3-D) Radon transform, but unlike Grangeat's algorithm, no 3D rebinning step is required. Data redundancy, which occurs when several cone-beam projections supply the same values in the Radon domain, is handled using an elegant weighting function and without discarding data. The algorithm is expressed in a convenient cone-beam detector reference frame, and a specific example for the case of a dual orthogonal circular orbit is presented. When the method is applied to a single circular orbit, it is shown to be equivalent to the well-known algorithm of Feldkamp et al

  2. Cone rod dystrophies (United States)

    Hamel, Christian P


    Cone rod dystrophies (CRDs) (prevalence 1/40,000) are inherited retinal dystrophies that belong to the group of pigmentary retinopathies. CRDs are characterized by retinal pigment deposits visible on fundus examination, predominantly localized to the macular region. In contrast to typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP), also called the rod cone dystrophies (RCDs) resulting from the primary loss in rod photoreceptors and later followed by the secondary loss in cone photoreceptors, CRDs reflect the opposite sequence of events. CRD is characterized by primary cone involvement, or, sometimes, by concomitant loss of both cones and rods that explains the predominant symptoms of CRDs: decreased visual acuity, color vision defects, photoaversion and decreased sensitivity in the central visual field, later followed by progressive loss in peripheral vision and night blindness. The clinical course of CRDs is generally more severe and rapid than that of RCDs, leading to earlier legal blindness and disability. At end stage, however, CRDs do not differ from RCDs. CRDs are most frequently non syndromic, but they may also be part of several syndromes, such as Bardet Biedl syndrome and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 (SCA7). Non syndromic CRDs are genetically heterogeneous (ten cloned genes and three loci have been identified so far). The four major causative genes involved in the pathogenesis of CRDs are ABCA4 (which causes Stargardt disease and also 30 to 60% of autosomal recessive CRDs), CRX and GUCY2D (which are responsible for many reported cases of autosomal dominant CRDs), and RPGR (which causes about 2/3 of X-linked RP and also an undetermined percentage of X-linked CRDs). It is likely that highly deleterious mutations in genes that otherwise cause RP or macular dystrophy may also lead to CRDs. The diagnosis of CRDs is based on clinical history, fundus examination and electroretinogram. Molecular diagnosis can be made for some genes, genetic counseling is always advised. Currently

  3. Cone rod dystrophies

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    Hamel Christian P


    Full Text Available Abstract Cone rod dystrophies (CRDs (prevalence 1/40,000 are inherited retinal dystrophies that belong to the group of pigmentary retinopathies. CRDs are characterized by retinal pigment deposits visible on fundus examination, predominantly localized to the macular region. In contrast to typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP, also called the rod cone dystrophies (RCDs resulting from the primary loss in rod photoreceptors and later followed by the secondary loss in cone photoreceptors, CRDs reflect the opposite sequence of events. CRD is characterized by primary cone involvement, or, sometimes, by concomitant loss of both cones and rods that explains the predominant symptoms of CRDs: decreased visual acuity, color vision defects, photoaversion and decreased sensitivity in the central visual field, later followed by progressive loss in peripheral vision and night blindness. The clinical course of CRDs is generally more severe and rapid than that of RCDs, leading to earlier legal blindness and disability. At end stage, however, CRDs do not differ from RCDs. CRDs are most frequently non syndromic, but they may also be part of several syndromes, such as Bardet Biedl syndrome and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7 (SCA7. Non syndromic CRDs are genetically heterogeneous (ten cloned genes and three loci have been identified so far. The four major causative genes involved in the pathogenesis of CRDs are ABCA4 (which causes Stargardt disease and also 30 to 60% of autosomal recessive CRDs, CRX and GUCY2D (which are responsible for many reported cases of autosomal dominant CRDs, and RPGR (which causes about 2/3 of X-linked RP and also an undetermined percentage of X-linked CRDs. It is likely that highly deleterious mutations in genes that otherwise cause RP or macular dystrophy may also lead to CRDs. The diagnosis of CRDs is based on clinical history, fundus examination and electroretinogram. Molecular diagnosis can be made for some genes, genetic counseling is

  4. Indicadores de desempenho de bibliotecas no campo da saúde: relato de estudo piloto na Fiocruz

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    Maria Cristina S. Guimarães

    Full Text Available Relato de projeto de pesquisa, em curso, sobre a implantação de um programa de avaliação de desempenho de bibliotecas no campo da saúde. Uma equipe de pesquisadores e bibliotecários tomou como ponto de partida a Norma ISO 11620 para derivar um conjunto mínimo de indicadores adequados à avaliação de três diferentes bibliotecas especializadas da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. O relato enfatiza a importância do processo de cooperação entre os profissionais, ingrediente essencial para sustentabilidade da iniciativa e os desafios futuros que se avizinham.

  5. CRALBP supports the mammalian retinal visual cycle and cone vision


    Xue, Yunlu; Shen, Susan Q.; Jui, Jonathan; Rupp, Alan C.; Byrne, Leah C.; Hattar, Samer; Flannery, John G.; Corbo, Joseph C.; Kefalov, Vladimir J.


    Mutations in the cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP, encoded by RLBP1) can lead to severe cone photoreceptor-mediated vision loss in patients. It is not known how CRALBP supports cone function or how altered CRALBP leads to cone dysfunction. Here, we determined that deletion of Rlbp1 in mice impairs the retinal visual cycle. Mice lacking CRALBP exhibited M-opsin mislocalization, M-cone loss, and impaired cone-driven visual behavior and light responses. Additionally, M-cone dark ad...

  6. Hipomelanose de Ito - relato de um caso

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    Adriana S. de Almeida


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Os autores têm como objetivo relatar um caso de hipomelanose de Ito (HI, uma síndrome neurocutânea rara, com alterações neurológicas e cromossômicas associadas ao comprometimento cutâneo e pneumonias de repetição. Relato do caso: Este relato é referente a um paciente masculino, 1 ano e 11 meses, internado no Hospital Universitário São Vicente de Paulo por broncopneumonia bilateral. Ao exame foram observadas máculas hipocrômicas na pele compatíveis com HI, além de atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. O paciente foi submetido à biópsia incisional de pele das lesões do abdômen, eletroencefalograma, ressonância magnética e estudo citogenético. Resultados: Os exames histológico e imunoistoquímico evidenciaram ausência de melanina e diminuição de melanócitos em áreas focais da epiderme, respectivamente. O eletroencefalograma apresentou disfunção córtico-subcortical difusa. A ressonância magnética do encéfalo foi compatível com cisto aracnoídeo em região temporal. O cariótipo evidenciou mosaicismo cromossômico com uma linhagem normal (46,XY e uma linhagem celular que apresentava deleção intersticial nas bandas 22.2 - 24.2 do braço longo do cromossomo 10 (25%. Conclusões: Os autores, com o presente estudo, destacam a importância das lesões de pele na definição etiológica das desordens neuropediátricas.

  7. Heavy-to-light correlators beyond the light cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucha, W.; Melikhov, D. I.; Simula, S.


    We present the first systematic analysis of the off-light-cone effects in correlators relevant for the extraction of the heavy-to-light form factors within the method of light-cone sum rules. In a model with scalar constituents, the correlator is calculated in two different ways: (i) by performing the expansion of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude of the light meson near the light cone x 2 = 0 and (ii) by adopting the known solution for the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude which allows one to calculate the correlator without invoking any expansion. We demonstrate that the contributions to the correlator from the off-light-cone terms x 2 ≠ 0 are not suppressed by any large parameter compared to the contribution of the light-cone term x 2 0. For decays of heavy particles of mass in the range 1.5-5 GeV, the light-cone correlator is shown to systematically overestimate the full correlator, numerically the difference being 10-20%

  8. Heavy-to-light correlators beyond the light cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucha, W.; Melikhov, D. I.; Simula, S.


    We present the first systematic analysis of the off-light-cone effects in correlators relevant for the extraction of the heavy-to-light form factors within the method of light-cone sum rules. In a model with scalar constituents, the correlator is calculated in two different ways: (i) by performing the expansion of the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude of the light meson near the light cone x 2 = 0 and (ii) by adopting the known solution for the Bethe-Salpeter amplitude which allows one to calculate the correlator without invoking any expansion. We demonstrate that the contributions to the correlator from the off-light-cone terms x 2 ≠ 0 are not suppressed by any large parameter compared to the contribution of the light-cone term x 2 = 0. For decays of heavy particles of mass in the range 1.5–5 GeV, the light-cone correlator is shown to systematically overestimate the full correlator, numerically the difference being 10–20%.

  9. Strain engineering of Dirac cones in graphyne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Gaoxue; Kumar, Ashok; Pandey, Ravindra, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan 49931 (United States); Si, Mingsu [Key Laboratory for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000 (China)


    6,6,12-graphyne, one of the two-dimensional carbon allotropes with the rectangular lattice structure, has two kinds of non-equivalent anisotropic Dirac cones in the first Brillouin zone. We show that Dirac cones can be tuned independently by the uniaxial compressive strain applied to graphyne, which induces n-type and p-type self-doping effect, by shifting the energy of the Dirac cones in the opposite directions. On the other hand, application of the tensile strain results into a transition from gapless to finite gap system for the monolayer. For the AB-stacked bilayer, the results predict tunability of Dirac-cones by in-plane strains as well as the strain applied perpendicular to the plane. The group velocities of the Dirac cones show enhancement in the resistance anisotropy for bilayer relative to the case of monolayer. Such tunable and direction-dependent electronic properties predicted for 6,6,12-graphyne make it to be competitive for the next-generation electronic devices at nanoscale.

  10. Plate Tearing by a Cone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Bo Cerup


    The present paper is concerned with steady-state plate tearing by a cone. This is a scenario where a cone is forced through a ductile metal plate with a constant lateral tip penetration in a motion in the plane of the plate. The considered process could be an idealisaton of the damage, which...... as for the out-of-plane reaction force....

  11. DOS cones along atomic chains

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwapiński, Tomasz


    The electron transport properties of a linear atomic chain are studied theoretically within the tight-binding Hamiltonian and the Green’s function method. Variations of the local density of states (DOS) along the chain are investigated. They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains. It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures (DOS cones) along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically. DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin–orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. It is also shown that for imperfect chains (e.g. with a reduced coupling strength between two neighboring sites) a diamond-like structure of the local DOS along the chain appears. (paper)

  12. DOS cones along atomic chains (United States)

    Kwapiński, Tomasz


    The electron transport properties of a linear atomic chain are studied theoretically within the tight-binding Hamiltonian and the Green’s function method. Variations of the local density of states (DOS) along the chain are investigated. They are crucial in scanning tunnelling experiments and give important insight into the electron transport mechanism and charge distribution inside chains. It is found that depending on the chain parity the local DOS at the Fermi level can form cone-like structures (DOS cones) along the chain. The general condition for the local DOS oscillations is obtained and the linear behaviour of the local density function is confirmed analytically. DOS cones are characterized by a linear decay towards the chain which is in contrast to the propagation properties of charge density waves, end states and Friedel oscillations in one-dimensional systems. We find that DOS cones can appear due to non-resonant electron transport, the spin-orbit scattering or for chains fabricated on a substrate with localized electrons. It is also shown that for imperfect chains (e.g. with a reduced coupling strength between two neighboring sites) a diamond-like structure of the local DOS along the chain appears.

  13. Exposição ao vivo no tratamento de agorafobia: relato de caso

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    Gustavo J. Fonseca D'El Rey

    Full Text Available Relato de caso, em que a Exposição ao Vivo foi utilizada no tratamento de paciente com diagnóstico de agorafobia. O tratamento foi realizado em doze sessões, apresentando êxito no uso dessa técnica comportamental.

  14. Hanford waste tank cone penetrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seda, R.Y.


    A new tool is being developed to characterize tank waste at the Hanford Reservation. This tool, known as the cone penetrometer, is capable of obtaining chemical and physical properties in situ. For the past 50 years, this tool has been used extensively in soil applications and now has been modified for usage in Hanford Underground Storage tanks. These modifications include development of new ''waste'' data models as well as hardware design changes to accommodate the hazardous and radioactive environment of the tanks. The modified cone penetrometer is scheduled to be deployed at Hanford by Fall 1996. At Hanford, the cone penetrometer will be used as an instrumented pipe which measures chemical and physical properties as it pushes through tank waste. Physical data, such as tank waste stratification and mechanical properties, is obtained through three sensors measuring tip pressure, sleeve friction and pore pressure. Chemical data, such as chemical speciation, is measured using a Raman spectroscopy sensor. The sensor package contains other instrumentation as well, including a tip and side temperature sensor, tank bottom detection and an inclinometer. Once the cone penetrometer has reached the bottom of the tank, a moisture probe will be inserted into the pipe. This probe is used to measure waste moisture content, water level, waste surface moisture and tank temperature. This paper discusses the development of this new measurement system. Data from the cone penetrometer will aid in the selection of sampling tools, waste tank retrieval process, and addressing various tank safety issues. This paper will explore various waste models as well as the challenges associated with tank environment

  15. Doença de Moyamoya e anestesia com sevoflurano fora do centro cirúrgico: relato de caso Enfermedad de Moyamoya y anestesia con sevoflurano fuera del centro quirúrgico: relato de caso Moyamoya disease and sevoflurane anesthesia outside the surgery center: case report


    Sheila Braga Machado; Florentino Fernandes Mendes; Adriana de Campos Angelini


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Moyamoya é uma desordem cerebrovascular progressiva que representa um desafio anestésico em virtude da precária circulação cerebral destes pacientes, constituindo-se numa importante causa de acidente vascular cerebral em indivíduos jovens. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar o caso de um paciente com doença de Moyamoya que foi submetido à anestesia geral com sevoflurano para procedimento diagnóstico fora do centro cirúrgico. RELATO DO CASO: Criança com ...

  16. Raquianestesia total após bloqueio do plexo lombar por via posterior: relato de caso Raquianestesia total después del bloqueo del plexo lumbar por vía posterior: relato de caso Total spinal block after posterior lumbar plexus blockade: case report


    Leonardo Teixeira Domingues Duarte; Renato Ângelo Saraiva


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O bloqueio do plexo lombar pode ser bastante útil em procedimentos cirúrgicos do quadril, da coxa e do joelho, mas exige prática do anestesiologista tendo em vista suas potenciais complicações. O presente relato tem por objetivo apresentar um caso de raquianestesia total após bloqueio do plexo lombar pela via posterior e discutir o provável mecanismo fisiopatológico. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 34 anos, 97 kg, estado físico ASA I, programado para art...

  17. Terapias celulares do miocárdio com células da medula óssea: critérios de qualidade e perspectivas Myocardial cell therapy with bone marrow cells: criteria for quality and future perspectives

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    Maria Isabel D. Rossi


    Full Text Available A terapia celular pode ser uma nova opção terapêutica para pacientes cardíacos, modificando o processo de remodelamento cardíaco e prevenindo a falência cardíaca pós-infarto. Estudos clínicos até o presente usaram células mononucleadas de medula óssea, isoladas por centrifugação em gradiente de densidade a partir de aspirados de medula óssea da crista ilíaca. Embora esta nova estratégia revolucionária pareça ser segura e melhorar a função cardíaca, resultados negativos surgiram desafiando o futuro de terapias baseadas em células para o reparo cardíaco. Aqui discutimos alguns resultados laboratoriais que podem explicar, pelo menos parcialmente, as diferenças obtidas em protocolos similares. Uma análise da correlação entre a composição celular da fração mononuclear do aspirado da medula óssea e o êxito clínico da terapia indicou que os linfócitos não favorecem o reparo do miocárdio. Uma seleção negativa eliminando as linhagens do sistema imunitário pode ser proposta para melhorar a terapia celular do miocárdio.Cell therapy may provide a novel therapeutic option for cardiac patients, modifying myocardium remodeling processes and preventing post-infarction heart failure. Currently clinical studies predominantly use bone marrow mononuclear cells isolated by density gradient centrifugation of iliac crest bone marrow aspirates. Although this revolutionary new strategy seems to be safe and to improve myocardial function, negative data have emerged challenging the future of cell-based therapy for heart repair. Here we discuss some laboratory data that might explain, at least in part, variations in outcomes using similar protocols. Analysis of the correlation between the cell composition of the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow aspirates and the clinical outcome of the therapy has indicated that cells of the lymphocyte lineage are not beneficial in myocardial regeneration. A proposal of selection to eliminate

  18. Síndrome de Asperger: relato de um caso

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    Letícia Viana Pereira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como real objetivo o relato de um caso de Síndrome de Asperger comprado às características descritas na literatura. Metodologia: A partir de um relato de um caso atendido na Clínica Escola de Fonoaudiologia do Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix, determinadas características foram comparadas com o descrito na literatura pertinente. Os trabalhos foram lidos, fichados e agrupados, segundos algumas características de abordagem, para posterior análise e comparação com o caso clínico relatado. Discussão e resultados: As crianças com Síndrome de Asperger são, em geral, diferentes entre si. Freqüentemente procedimentos realizados que podem ser indicados para uma criança seriam inadequados para outra. Assim, sugestões apresentadas pela literatura devem ser consideradas para melhorar a assistência à criança, como a compreensão mais abrangente e a reflexão aprofundada em relação a cada caso em específico. Conclusão: O acompanhamento e tratamento fonoaudiológico nesses casos, é de suma importância para o desenvolvimento o mais próximo possível do considerado formal na linguagem e na comunicação destes indivíduos. Vivências clínicas mostram as estratégias que podem ser sugeridas para estas crianças, lembrando que casa criança possui suas particularidades, que devem sempre ser levadas em consideração.

  19. Plate Tearing by a Cone

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Simonsen, Bo Cerup


    The present paper is concerned with steady-state plate tearing by a cone. This is a scenario where a cone is forced through a ductile metal plate with a constant lateral tip penetration in a motion in the plane of the plate. The considered process could be an idealisation of the damage, which...... as for the out-of-plane reaction force. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved....

  20. Los Relatos Zapatistas y su Vínculo con la Oralidad Tradicional

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    Ezequiel Maldonado


    Full Text Available Se examina, en la primera parte, la presencia inherente de una tradición oral en las literaturas indias. Una oralidad que permite en el 2001 no sólo la continuidad cul tural en el seno comunitario sino que, en su forma escrita, trasmite relatos e historias que atrapan a escuchas y lectores sin demeritar planos estéticos. En la segunda parte se ejemplifica esta persistente oralidad en los relatos de El Viejo An tonio a través de variados recursos estilísticos: uso de frases recurrentes, trastocamiento de tiempo y espacio, improvisación, sentido de hu mor, ausencia de un orden cronológico etcétera. En sentido estricto, se habla de literatura in dia aquella relatada y escrita por los propios indios; sin em bargo, en el presente caso, Marcos será la voz, el comunicador o “traductor” de An tonio. El ¡Ya basta! indio de 1994 abrió sendas inéditas e impulsó la voz de los sin rostro en el pan orama de la literatura nacional.

  1. Derechos colectivos en el empleo público. Construcción de relatos en la justicia constitucional costarricense. 1990-2015


    Castro Méndez, Mauricio


    Resumen Este artículo propone una lectura crítica de la jurisprudencia de la Sala Constitucional sobre derechos colectivos del empleo público costarricense a partir de un análisis argumentativo y desde la perspectiva crítica del derecho. Más concretamente, el estudio se enfoca en el relato histórico mediante el cual la Sala Constitucional justifica su jurisprudencia y lo problematiza a partir de los estudios académicos disponibles. El análisis muestra que su relato se basa en opciones ideológ...

  2. Topology-optimized dual-polarization Dirac cones (United States)

    Lin, Zin; Christakis, Lysander; Li, Yang; Mazur, Eric; Rodriguez, Alejandro W.; Lončar, Marko


    We apply a large-scale computational technique, known as topology optimization, to the inverse design of photonic Dirac cones. In particular, we report on a variety of photonic crystal geometries, realizable in simple isotropic dielectric materials, which exhibit dual-polarization Dirac cones. We present photonic crystals of different symmetry types, such as fourfold and sixfold rotational symmetries, with Dirac cones at different points within the Brillouin zone. The demonstrated and related optimization techniques open avenues to band-structure engineering and manipulating the propagation of light in periodic media, with possible applications to exotic optical phenomena such as effective zero-index media and topological photonics.

  3. Demise of light cone field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hagen, C.R.


    It is shown that the massive spin one-half field is noncovariant in two dimensional light cone coordinates. It is shown that spin one-half is noncovariant in four dimensions as well. It is concluded that since the case of the spin one-half field is an absolute necessity if one is to build a world containing fermions. It seems safe to infer that light cone quantization cannot be useful in the quark binding problem as currently conceived. It is suggested that further work on light cone quantization be focused solely upon the questions of consistency as discussed rather than on applications to model building. 9 references

  4. Mapuche y ranqueles en la Argentina: relatos sobre su pasado y presente

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    Graciana Pérez Zavala


    Full Text Available En este artículo se planteo la reconstrucción de los relatos del pasado por parte de indígenas que viven en el territorio argentino, particularmente los mapuche y ronqueles. Para explicar estos variaciones en la interpretación del pasado por parte de las diferentes organizaciones indigenas, se examina la "Conquista del Desierto" (1878-1885, en tanto acontecimiento nodal en la estructuración de las relaciones interétnicas actuales en Argentina. En primer lugar, se sintetizan varios elementos de la historia de los indígenas de Pampa y Patagonia en los años previos a su sometimiento. Posteriormente, se describen los acontecimientos ligados a la "Conquista del Desierto", teniendo en cuenta al Estado argentino y a las diferentes "tribus". Luego, se caracteriza la situación de los indigenas después de 1885, y para finalizar, se analizan los relatos de los mapuche y ranqueles contemporaneos en el marco de su resurgimiento como pueblos preexistentes al Estado Nacional argentino.

  5. Integrity of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in oligocone trichromacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michaelides, Michel; Rha, Jungtae; Dees, Elise W


    Oligocone trichromacy (OT) is an unusual cone dysfunction syndrome characterized by reduced visual acuity, mild photophobia, reduced amplitude of the cone electroretinogram with normal rod responses, normal fundus appearance, and normal or near-normal color vision. It has been proposed that these...... that these patients have a reduced number of normal functioning cones (oligocone). This paper has sought to evaluate the integrity of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in four patients previously described as having OT....

  6. La ira de Dios: sobre ‘Relatos salvajes’ de Damián Szifrón

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    Gonzalo Aguilar


    Full Text Available “La ira de Dios (sobre ‘Relatos salvajes’ de Damián Szifrón” propone un debate sobre una de las películas argentinas más exitosas de todos los tiempos. En polémica con las lecturas que señalaban y cuestionaban el carácter prepolítico del film y su uso de las pasiones más bajas del público, este ensayo busca otro camino: por un lado, analizar la ira como uno de los capitales políticos más importantes y decisivos de la sociedad contemporánea. Por otro, investigar los vínculos entre la película Relatos salvajes y la pospolítica en la sociedad del espectáculo.

  7. Osteocondromatose em gato: relato de caso

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    S. Winter

    Full Text Available RESUMO A osteocondromatose é caracterizada por nódulos únicos ou múltiplos decorrentes de um crescimento ósseo excessivo benigno. É encontrada em cães, gatos, equinos e humanos. Em felinos, tem maior incidência dos dois aos quatro anos de idade. A etiologia em gatos está relacionada ao vírus da leucemia felina, e também já foi encontrada relação com o fibrossarcoma. A manifestação clínica depende do local acometido e do tamanho da lesão. O diagnóstico definitivo é por meio de histopatologia e o prognóstico é desfavorável, pois ocorrem muitas recidivas. Este relato de caso objetiva descrever a apresentação dessa enfermidade em um felino jovem.

  8. Mobilidade internacional na graduação em medicina: relato de experiência

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    Iago Gonçalves Ferreira


    Full Text Available Introdução: A mobilidade acadêmica nas universidades apresenta-se como uma ferramenta para a internacionalização do ensino superior brasileiro, promovendo a inserção dos estudantes universitários em diferentes contextos culturais e educacionais, agregando tanto novos conhecimentos teóricos como habilidades sociais e linguísticas. Relato de experiência: Este artigo trata‑se de um relato de experiência de um estudante de medicina viabilizado pelo programa de mobilidade internacional Ciência Sem Fronteiras, realizado no curso de Promoção da Saúde do Waterford Institute of Technology, na cidade de Waterford, Irlanda, no período de setembro de 2014 a julho de 2015. O relato apresenta as atividades acadêmicas desenvolvidas na instituição, bem como analisa a contribuição dos programas de intercâmbio para a graduação médica. Conclusão: A mobilidade internacional pode representar um importante instrumento para a formação médica, pois estimula o amadurecimento profissional e pessoal dos estudantes, ao expô‑los a um cenário diferenciado, no qual são incitados a refletir sobre suas práticas e seu conhecimento, ao se deparar com o novo e o diferente. Tais contribuições podem representar o aprimoramento das habilidades médicas e humanísticas dos graduandos, configurando-se como um avanço para o ensino médico no Brasi.


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    Vladimir R. Alekseyev


    Full Text Available In the Earth’s regions with cold climate, cryovolcanism is widespread. This phenomena is manifested as eruptions of material due to freezing of closed-type or open-type water-bearing systems which is accompanied by generation of effusive topographic forms, such as «pingo». The Patom cone is a typical structure created by cryovolcanism in fractured bedrocksof the Proterozoic age. The cone was shaped a result of the long-term, possibly multistage freezing of the hydrogeological structure during continuous and complicated phase of cryo- and speleo-genesis. The ice-saturated breccia containing limestone, sandstone and shale, which composed the cone, was subject to slow spreading due to its plastic properties; the top of the mound developed into a subsidence cone bordered by ring-shaped ramparts and a knoll in the middle, while thelongitudinal profile took on an asymmetric form. The absence of soil and vegetation cover on the surface of the cone, and a relatively weak degree of weathering of the rudaceous deposits bear no evidence that the geological object is young. The question as to the age of the cone is still open.

  10. A reconstruction algorithms for helical cone-beam SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weng, Y.; Zeng, G.L.; Gullberg, G.T.


    Cone-beam SPECT provides improved sensitivity for imaging small organs like the brain and heart. However, current cone-beam tomography with the focal point traversing a planar orbit does not acquire sufficient data to give an accurate reconstruction. In this paper, the authors employ a data-acquisition method which obtains complete data for cone-beam SPECT by simultaneously rotating the gamma camera and translating the patient bed, so that cone-beam projections can be obtained with the focal point traversing a helix surrounding the patient. An implementation of Grangeat's algorithm for helical cone-beam projections is developed. The algorithm requires a rebinning step to convert cone-beam data to parallel-beam data which are then reconstructed using the 3D Radon inversion. A fast new rebinning scheme is developed which uses all of the detected data to reconstruct the image and properly normalizes any multiply scanned data. This algorithm is shown to produce less artifacts than the commonly used Feldkamp algorithm when applied to either a circular planar orbit or a helical orbit acquisition. The algorithm can easily be extended to any arbitrary orbit

  11. Anestesia venosa total (AVT) em lactente com doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann: relato de caso Anestesia general intravenosa (AVT) en lactante con enfermedad de Werdnig-Hoffmann: relato de caso Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) in an infant with Werdnig-Hoffmann disease: case report


    Marco Antonio Cardoso de Resende; Elizabeth Vaz da Silva; Osvaldo José Moreira Nascimento; Alberto Esteves Gemal; Giseli Quintanilha; Eliana Maria Vasconcelos


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A doença de Werdnig-Hoffmann é a causa mais comum de hipotonia no lactente e quando presente logo após o nascimento tem pior prognóstico. Fraqueza muscular simétrica, arreflexia e fasciculações da língua são característicos. A maioria dos lactentes morre antes dos dois anos por insuficiência respiratória. O presente relato apresenta um caso com técnica venosa total durante anestesia. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente feminina, branca, um ano, 10 kg, estado físico ASA III, co...

  12. Integrity of the cone photoreceptor mosaic in oligocone trichromacy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Michaelides, Michel; Rha, Jungtae; Dees, Elise W


    Oligocone trichromacy (OT) is an unusual cone dysfunction syndrome characterized by reduced visual acuity, mild photophobia, reduced amplitude of the cone electroretinogram with normal rod responses, normal fundus appearance, and normal or near-normal color vision. It has been proposed that these......Oligocone trichromacy (OT) is an unusual cone dysfunction syndrome characterized by reduced visual acuity, mild photophobia, reduced amplitude of the cone electroretinogram with normal rod responses, normal fundus appearance, and normal or near-normal color vision. It has been proposed...

  13. Simulation analysis of the effects of an initial cone position and opening angle on a cone-guided implosion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yanagawa, T. [Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8602 (Japan); Sakagami, H. [Fundamental Physics Simulation Division, National Institute for Fusion Science, Oroshi-cho, Toki, Gifu 509-5292 (Japan); Nagatomo, H. [Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871 (Japan)


    In inertial confinement fusion, the implosion process is important in forming a high-density plasma core. In the case of a fast ignition scheme using a cone-guided target, the fuel target is imploded with a cone inserted. This scheme is advantageous for efficiently heating the imploded fuel core; however, asymmetric implosion is essentially inevitable. Moreover, the effect of cone position and opening angle on implosion also becomes critical. Focusing on these problems, the effect of the asymmetric implosion, the initial position, and the opening angle on the compression rate of the fuel is investigated using a three-dimensional pure hydrodynamic code.

  14. Bloqueio bilateral do nervo pudendo para hemorroidectomia em paciente acondroplásico: relato de caso Bloqueo bilateral del nervio pudendo para hemorroidectomía en paciente acondroplásico: relato de caso Bilateral blockade of the pudend nerve to hemorrhoidectomy in achondroplasic patient: case report


    Bruno Salomé de Morais; Marcos Guilherme Cunha Cruvinel; Yerkes Pereira Silva; Dener Augusto Diniz; Carlos Henrique Viana de Castro


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O nanismo acondroplásico ou acondroplasia é a forma mais comum de nanismo e ocorre na maioria dos casos por alteração genética espontânea. A anestesia desses pacientes apresenta várias particularidades. O objetivo do presente relato foi descrever um caso de paciente acondroplásico, com história prévia de intervenção cirúrgica da coluna para descompressão medular, submetido a hemorroidectomia através de bloqueio bilateral dos nervos pudendos. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente...

  15. Cone penetrometer moisture probe acceptance test report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnes, G.A.


    This Acceptance Test Report (ATR) documents the results of WHC-SD-WM-ATP-146 (Prototype Cone Penetrometer Moisture Probe Acceptance Test Procedure) and WHC-SD-WM-ATP-145 (Cone Penetrometer Moisture Probe Acceptance Test Procedure). The master copy of WHC-SD-WM-ATP-145 can be found in Appendix A and the master copy of WHC-SD-WM-ATP-146 can be found in Appendix B. Also included with this report is a matrix showing design criteria of the cone penetrometer moisture probe and the verification method used (Appendix C)

  16. Techniques for optimizing nanotips derived from frozen taylor cones (United States)

    Hirsch, Gregory


    Optimization techniques are disclosed for producing sharp and stable tips/nanotips relying on liquid Taylor cones created from electrically conductive materials with high melting points. A wire substrate of such a material with a preform end in the shape of a regular or concave cone, is first melted with a focused laser beam. Under the influence of a high positive potential, a Taylor cone in a liquid/molten state is formed at that end. The cone is then quenched upon cessation of the laser power, thus freezing the Taylor cone. The tip of the frozen Taylor cone is reheated by the laser to allow its precise localized melting and shaping. Tips thus obtained yield desirable end-forms suitable as electron field emission sources for a variety of applications. In-situ regeneration of the tip is readily accomplished. These tips can also be employed as regenerable bright ion sources using field ionization/desorption of introduced chemical species.

  17. An Analysis Model for Water Cone Subsidence in Bottom Water Drive Reservoirs (United States)

    Wang, Jianjun; Xu, Hui; Wu, Shucheng; Yang, Chao; Kong, lingxiao; Zeng, Baoquan; Xu, Haixia; Qu, Tailai


    Water coning in bottom water drive reservoirs, which will result in earlier water breakthrough, rapid increase in water cut and low recovery level, has drawn tremendous attention in petroleum engineering field. As one simple and effective method to inhibit bottom water coning, shut-in coning control is usually preferred in oilfield to control the water cone and furthermore to enhance economic performance. However, most of the water coning researchers just have been done on investigation of the coning behavior as it grows up, the reported studies for water cone subsidence are very scarce. The goal of this work is to present an analytical model for water cone subsidence to analyze the subsidence of water cone when the well shut in. Based on Dupuit critical oil production rate formula, an analytical model is developed to estimate the initial water cone shape at the point of critical drawdown. Then, with the initial water cone shape equation, we propose an analysis model for water cone subsidence in bottom water reservoir reservoirs. Model analysis and several sensitivity studies are conducted. This work presents accurate and fast analytical model to perform the water cone subsidence in bottom water drive reservoirs. To consider the recent interests in development of bottom drive reservoirs, our approach provides a promising technique for better understanding the subsidence of water cone.

  18. Relatos reconfiguradores de la violencia familiar en Antioquia (Colombia)*


    Builes Correa, María Victoria; López Serna, Lina María


    Introducción: La autoridad impuesta con sangre y lágrimas ha empezado a cuestionarse, debido a que se percibe como inefciente y plantea la necesidad de introducir el diálogo y la negociación en las prácticas de crianza. Objetivo: Reconocer los relatos de buen trato en la experiencia de las familias donde hay violencia. Método: En este estudio comprensivo, de tipo fenomenológico-hermenéutico, se privilegia la salida ética frente a la experiencia de violencia intrafamiliar y se preocupa por dev...

  19. Cone Penetrometer N Factor Determination Testing Results

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Follett, Jordan R.


    This document contains the results of testing activities to determine the empirical 'N Factor' for the cone penetrometer in kaolin clay simulant. The N Factor is used to releate resistance measurements taken with the cone penetrometer to shear strength.

  20. Preparation of Au cone for fast ignition target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Kai; Zhou Lan; Zhang Lin; Wan Xiaobo; Xiao Jiang


    Cone-shell target is typically used for the fast ignition experiments of inertial confinement fusion. In order to fabricate cone-shell target the Au cones with different angles were produced by electroplating and precise machining. The Au electroplating process was introduced in the paper, and the dependence of coating quality on the parameters, such as composition, temperature, pH of electroplating bath, current density and tip effect, were discussed. (author)

  1. Loss and gain of cone types in vertebrate ciliary photoreceptor evolution. (United States)

    Musser, Jacob M; Arendt, Detlev


    Ciliary photoreceptors are a diverse cell type family that comprises the rods and cones of the retina and other related cell types such as pineal photoreceptors. Ciliary photoreceptor evolution has been dynamic during vertebrate evolution with numerous gains and losses of opsin and phototransduction genes, and changes in their expression. For example, early mammals lost all but two cone opsins, indicating loss of cone receptor types in response to nocturnal lifestyle. Our review focuses on the comparison of specifying transcription factors and cell type-specific transcriptome data in vertebrate retinae to build and test hypotheses on ciliary photoreceptor evolution. Regarding cones, recent data reveal that a combination of factors specific for long-wavelength sensitive opsin (Lws)- cones in non-mammalian vertebrates (Thrb and Rxrg) is found across all differentiating cone photoreceptors in mice. This suggests that mammalian ancestors lost all but one ancestral cone type, the Lws-cone. We test this hypothesis by a correlation analysis of cone transcriptomes in mouse and chick, and find that, indeed, transcriptomes of all mouse cones are most highly correlated to avian Lws-cones. These findings underscore the importance of specifying transcription factors in tracking cell type evolution, and shed new light on the mechanisms of cell type loss and gain in retina evolution. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Algunos relatos sobre santería, magia y etnomedicina en Cuba


    Carrascosa Palomera, Cruz


    Este artículo presenta una colección de relatos sobre santería, magia y etnomedicina en Cuba. Incluye información sobre ritos y prácticas de iniciación, de purificación, de curación. This paper offers a selection of stories about santería, magic and folk medicine in Cuba. Includes reports on iniciation, purification and curation rites and practices

  3. Feedback-induced glutamate spillover enhances negative feedback from horizontal cells to cones

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vroman, Rozan; Kamermans, M.


    KEY POINTS: In the retina, horizontal cells feed back negatively to cone photoreceptors. Glutamate released from cones can spill over to neighbouring cones. Here we show that cone glutamate release induced by negative feedback can also spill over to neighbouring cones. This glutamate activates the

  4. Feedback-induced glutamate spillover enhances negative feedback from horizontal cells to cones

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vroman, Rozan; Kamermans, Maarten


    In the retina, horizontal cells feed back negatively to cone photoreceptors. Glutamate released from cones can spill over to neighbouring cones. Here we show that cone glutamate release induced by negative feedback can also spill over to neighbouring cones. This glutamate activates the glutamate

  5. Cardiac cone-beam CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manzke, Robert


    This doctoral thesis addresses imaging of the heart with retrospectively gated helical cone-beam computed tomography (CT). A thorough review of the CT reconstruction literature is presented in combination with a historic overview of cardiac CT imaging and a brief introduction to other cardiac imaging modalities. The thesis includes a comprehensive chapter about the theory of CT reconstruction, familiarizing the reader with the problem of cone-beam reconstruction. The anatomic and dynamic properties of the heart are outlined and techniques to derive the gating information are reviewed. With the extended cardiac reconstruction (ECR) framework, a new approach is presented for the heart-rate-adaptive gated helical cardiac cone-beam CT reconstruction. Reconstruction assessment criteria such as the temporal resolution, the homogeneity in terms of the cardiac phase, and the smoothness at cycle-to-cycle transitions are developed. Several reconstruction optimization approaches are described: An approach for the heart-rate-adaptive optimization of the temporal resolution is presented. Streak artifacts at cycle-to-cycle transitions can be minimized by using an improved cardiac weighting scheme. The optimal quiescent cardiac phase for the reconstruction can be determined automatically with the motion map technique. Results for all optimization procedures applied to ECR are presented and discussed based on patient and phantom data. The ECR algorithm is analyzed for larger detector arrays of future cone-beam systems throughout an extensive simulation study based on a four-dimensional cardiac CT phantom. The results of the scientific work are summarized and an outlook proposing future directions is given. The presented thesis is available for public download at

  6. Cone calorimeter tests of wood composites (United States)

    Robert H. White; Kuma Sumathipala


    The cone calorimeter is widely used for the determination of the heat release rate (HRR) of building products and other materials. As part of an effort to increase the availability of cone calorimeter data on wood products, the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory and the American Wood Council conducted this study on composite wood products in cooperation with the Composite...

  7. Cone penetrometer demonstration standard startup review checklist

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    KRIEG, S.A.


    Startup readiness for the Cone Penetrometer Demonstration in AX Tank Farm will be verified through the application of a Standard Startup Review Checklist. This is a listing of those items essential to demonstrating readiness to start the Cone Penetrometer Demonstration in AX Tank Farm

  8. Revision total knee arthroplasty with the use of trabecular metal cones

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Claus L; Petersen, Michael Mygind; Schrøder, Henrik


    "Trabecular Metal Cone" (TM Cone) (Zimmer, Inc, Warsaw, Ind) for reconstruction of bone loss in the proximal tibia during revision total knee arthroplasty is now optional. Forty patients were randomized to receive revision total knee arthroplasty with or without TM Cone (No TM Cone). The Anderson...

  9. Derivation of the gauge link in light cone gauge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Jianhua


    In light cone gauge, a gauge link at light cone infinity is necessary for transverse momentum-dependent parton distribution to restore the gauge invariance in some specific boundary conditions. We derive such transverse gauge link in a more regular and general method. We find the gauge link at light cone infinity naturally arises from the contribution of the pinched poles: one is from the quark propagator and the other is hidden in the gauge vector field in light cone gauge. Actually, in the amplitude level, we have obtained a more general gauge link over the hypersurface at light cone infinity which is beyond the transverse direction. The difference of such gauge link between semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering and Drell-Yan processes can also be obtained directly and clearly in our derivation.

  10. Viabilidade celular da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de equinos após o processo de congelamento e descongelamento Viability of equine bone marrow mononuclear fraction and adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction after freezing and thawing process

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    Gesiane Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Cinco cavalos adultos foram submetidos à coleta de medula óssea do esterno e de tecido adiposo da região glútea. As amostras foram processadas para obtenção da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo, o número de células obtidas e a viabilidade celular foram determinados. Em seguida, realizou-se o congelamento das amostras em solução contendo 20% de soro fetal bovino e 10% de dimetilsulfóxido. Depois de um mês, realizou-se o descongelamento das amostras e a viabilidade celular foi novamente mensurada. Os resultados revelaram que as técnicas utilizadas tanto para coleta de medula óssea quanto de tecido adiposo em equinos são simples, rápidas e seguras. As metodologias adotadas para o processamento das amostras foram eficientes, obtendo-se aproximadamente 95% de viabilidade celular. Após o descongelamento, a viabilidade média das amostras de células mononucleares da medula óssea foi de 86% e da fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de 64%. Frente à importância da terapia celular na clínica médica de equinos, concluiu-se que é necessária a realização de mais estudos, visando padronizar uma técnica de criopreservação que mantenha a integridade das células da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e da fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de equinos.In five adult horses, bone marrow was aspirated from the sternum and adipose tissue extracted from the gluteal region. The samples were processed to obtain the mononuclear fraction of bone marrow and stromal vascular fraction of adipose tissue, and the number of cells obtained and cell viability were determined. Next, the cell samples were frozen in medium containing 20% fetal bovine serum and 10% dimethylsulfoxide. After one month, the cells were thawed and cell viability was again determined. The results revealed that the techniques for collecting both bone marrow and adipose tissue in horses are simple, rapid and

  11. Venomics-Accelerated Cone Snail Venom Peptide Discovery (United States)

    Himaya, S. W. A.


    Cone snail venoms are considered a treasure trove of bioactive peptides. Despite over 800 species of cone snails being known, each producing over 1000 venom peptides, only about 150 unique venom peptides are structurally and functionally characterized. To overcome the limitations of the traditional low-throughput bio-discovery approaches, multi-omics systems approaches have been introduced to accelerate venom peptide discovery and characterisation. This “venomic” approach is starting to unravel the full complexity of cone snail venoms and to provide new insights into their biology and evolution. The main challenge for venomics is the effective integration of transcriptomics, proteomics, and pharmacological data and the efficient analysis of big datasets. Novel database search tools and visualisation techniques are now being introduced that facilitate data exploration, with ongoing advances in related omics fields being expected to further enhance venomics studies. Despite these challenges and future opportunities, cone snail venomics has already exponentially expanded the number of novel venom peptide sequences identified from the species investigated, although most novel conotoxins remain to be pharmacologically characterised. Therefore, efficient high-throughput peptide production systems and/or banks of miniaturized discovery assays are required to overcome this bottleneck and thus enhance cone snail venom bioprospecting and accelerate the identification of novel drug leads. PMID:29522462

  12. Venomics-Accelerated Cone Snail Venom Peptide Discovery

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    S. W. A. Himaya


    Full Text Available Cone snail venoms are considered a treasure trove of bioactive peptides. Despite over 800 species of cone snails being known, each producing over 1000 venom peptides, only about 150 unique venom peptides are structurally and functionally characterized. To overcome the limitations of the traditional low-throughput bio-discovery approaches, multi-omics systems approaches have been introduced to accelerate venom peptide discovery and characterisation. This “venomic” approach is starting to unravel the full complexity of cone snail venoms and to provide new insights into their biology and evolution. The main challenge for venomics is the effective integration of transcriptomics, proteomics, and pharmacological data and the efficient analysis of big datasets. Novel database search tools and visualisation techniques are now being introduced that facilitate data exploration, with ongoing advances in related omics fields being expected to further enhance venomics studies. Despite these challenges and future opportunities, cone snail venomics has already exponentially expanded the number of novel venom peptide sequences identified from the species investigated, although most novel conotoxins remain to be pharmacologically characterised. Therefore, efficient high-throughput peptide production systems and/or banks of miniaturized discovery assays are required to overcome this bottleneck and thus enhance cone snail venom bioprospecting and accelerate the identification of novel drug leads.

  13. Dor e Gozo: relatos de mulheres jovens sobre automutilações

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    José Juliano Cedaro


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute a prática da automutilação, destacando os relatos de mulheres jovens (entre 15 e 21 anos, atendidas em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS. Tais atitudes consistem em provocar, de forma consciente, feridas no próprio corpo, como cortes, arranhões, queimaduras ou perfurações, não havendo nessas ações o desejo manifesto de suicídio, embora seja comum aparecerem ideações nesse sentido nas falas das pacientes. Os relatos acerca de tal comportamento são apresentados por meio de fragmentos de falas, registrados após atendimentos psicológicos, que esboçam a descrição dos sentimentos expostos dentro do setting terapêutico. As questões suscitadas são discutidas a partir das concepções psicanalíticas a respeito do gozo e do masoquismo, com ênfase nas proposições de Freud e Lacan, focalizando a seguinte indagação: qual é a função da dor autoprovocada - e das marcas corporais autoinflingidas - na dinâmica psíquica das pacientes com histórico de automutilações?

  14. Avian cone photoreceptors tile the retina as five independent, self-organizing mosaics.

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    Yoseph A Kram


    Full Text Available The avian retina possesses one of the most sophisticated cone photoreceptor systems among vertebrates. Birds have five types of cones including four single cones, which support tetrachromatic color vision and a double cone, which is thought to mediate achromatic motion perception. Despite this richness, very little is known about the spatial organization of avian cones and its adaptive significance. Here we show that the five cone types of the chicken independently tile the retina as highly ordered mosaics with a characteristic spacing between cones of the same type. Measures of topological order indicate that double cones are more highly ordered than single cones, possibly reflecting their posited role in motion detection. Although cones show spacing interactions that are cell type-specific, all cone types use the same density-dependent yardstick to measure intercone distance. We propose a simple developmental model that can account for these observations. We also show that a single parameter, the global regularity index, defines the regularity of all five cone mosaics. Lastly, we demonstrate similar cone distributions in three additional avian species, suggesting that these patterning principles are universal among birds. Since regular photoreceptor spacing is critical for uniform sampling of visual space, the cone mosaics of the avian retina represent an elegant example of the emergence of adaptive global patterning secondary to simple local interactions between individual photoreceptors. Our results indicate that the evolutionary pressures that gave rise to the avian retina's various adaptations for enhanced color discrimination also acted to fine-tune its spatial sampling of color and luminance.

  15. Design of a cone target for fast ignition

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    Sunahara Atsushi


    Full Text Available We propose a new type of target for the fast ignition of inertial confinement fusion. Pre-formed plasma inside a cone target can significantly reduce the energy coupling efficiency from the ultra-high intense short-pulse laser to the imploded core plasma. Also, in order to protect the tip of the cone and reduce generation of pre-formed plasma, we propose pointed shaped cone target. In our estimation, the shock traveling time can be delayed 20–30 ps by lower-Z material with larger areal density compared to the conventional gold flat tip. Also, the jet flow can sweep the blow-off plasma from the tip of the cone, and the implosion performance is not drastically affected by the existence of pointed tip. In addition, the self-generated magnetic field is generated along the boundary of cone tip and surrounding CD or DT plasma. This magnetic field can confine fast electrons and focus to the implosion core plasma. Resultant heating efficiency is improved by 30% compared to that with conventional gold flat tip.

  16. Noise masking of S-cone increments and decrements. (United States)

    Wang, Quanhong; Richters, David P; Eskew, Rhea T


    S-cone increment and decrement detection thresholds were measured in the presence of bipolar, dynamic noise masks. Noise chromaticities were the L-, M-, and S-cone directions, as well as L-M, L+M, and achromatic (L+M+S) directions. Noise contrast power was varied to measure threshold Energy versus Noise (EvN) functions. S+ and S- thresholds were similarly, and weakly, raised by achromatic noise. However, S+ thresholds were much more elevated by S, L+M, L-M, L- and M-cone noises than were S- thresholds, even though the noises consisted of two symmetric chromatic polarities of equal contrast power. A linear cone combination model accounts for the overall pattern of masking of a single test polarity well. L and M cones have opposite signs in their effects upon raising S+ and S- thresholds. The results strongly indicate that the psychophysical mechanisms responsible for S+ and S- detection, presumably based on S-ON and S-OFF pathways, are distinct, unipolar mechanisms, and that they have different spatiotemporal sampling characteristics, or contrast gains, or both. © 2014 ARVO.

  17. Identifying Dirac cones in carbon allotropes with square symmetry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Jinying [College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); Huang, Huaqing; Duan, Wenhui [Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China); Liu, Zhirong, E-mail: [College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China); State Key Laboratory for Structural Chemistry of Unstable and Stable Species and Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences (BNLMS), Peking University, Beijing 100871 (China)


    A theoretical study is conducted to search for Dirac cones in two-dimensional carbon allotropes with square symmetry. By enumerating the carbon atoms in a unit cell up to 12, an allotrope with octatomic rings is recognized to possess Dirac cones under a simple tight-binding approach. The obtained Dirac cones are accompanied by flat bands at the Fermi level, and the resulting massless Dirac-Weyl fermions are chiral particles with a pseudospin of S = 1, rather than the conventional S = 1/2 of graphene. The spin-1 Dirac cones are also predicted to exist in hexagonal graphene antidot lattices.

  18. Conical Refraction: new observations and a dual cone model. (United States)

    Sokolovskii, G S; Carnegie, D J; Kalkandjiev, T K; Rafailov, E U


    We propose a paraxial dual-cone model of conical refraction involving the interference of two cones of light behind the exit face of the crystal. The supporting experiment is based on beam selecting elements breaking down the conically refracted beam into two separate hollow cones which are symmetrical with one another. The shape of these cones of light is a product of a 'competition' between the divergence caused by the conical refraction and the convergence due to the focusing by the lens. The developed mathematical description of the conical refraction demonstrates an excellent agreement with experiment.

  19. Conceptual Design of Deployment Structure of Morphing Nose Cone

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    Junlan Li


    Full Text Available For a reusable space vehicle or a missile, the shape of the nose cone has a significant effect on the drag of the vehicle. In this paper, the concept of morphing nose cone is proposed to reduce the drag when the reentry vehicle flies back into the atmosphere. The conceptual design of the structure of morphing nose cone is conducted. Mechanical design and optimization approach are developed by employing genetic algorithm to find the optimal geometric parameters of the morphing structure. An example is analyzed by using the proposed method. The results show that optimal solution supplies the minimum position error. The concept of morphing nose cone will provide a novel way for the drag reduction of reentry vehicle. The proposed method could be practically used for the design and optimization of the deployable structure of morphing nose cone.

  20. Full utilization of semi-Dirac cones in photonics (United States)

    Yasa, Utku G.; Turduev, Mirbek; Giden, Ibrahim H.; Kurt, Hamza


    In this study, realization and applications of anisotropic zero-refractive-index materials are proposed by exposing the unit cells of photonic crystals that exhibit Dirac-like cone dispersion to rotational symmetry reduction. Accidental degeneracy of two Bloch modes in the Brillouin zone center of two-dimensional C2-symmetric photonic crystals gives rise to the semi-Dirac cone dispersion. The proposed C2-symmetric photonic crystals behave as epsilon-and-mu-near-zero materials (ɛeff≈ 0 , μeff≈ 0 ) along one propagation direction, but behave as epsilon-near-zero material (ɛeff≈ 0 , μeff≠ 0 ) for the perpendicular direction at semi-Dirac frequency. By extracting the effective medium parameters of the proposed C4- and C2-symmetric periodic media that exhibit Dirac-like and semi-Dirac cone dispersions, intrinsic differences between isotropic and anisotropic materials are investigated. Furthermore, advantages of utilizing semi-Dirac cone materials instead of Dirac-like cone materials in photonic applications are demonstrated in both frequency and time domains. By using anisotropic transmission behavior of the semi-Dirac materials, photonic application concepts such as beam deflectors, beam splitters, and light focusing are proposed. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, semi-Dirac cone dispersion is also experimentally demonstrated for the first time by including negative, zero, and positive refraction states of the given material.


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    Ignacio Antonio Madera Vargas, SDS


    Full Text Available Alguns dos relatos sobre a relação de Jesus com a sua família nos possibilitam considerar o sentido que podemos encontrar nos mesmos para uma compreensão teológica que aponte para o sentido da experiência das relações no interior da mesma. Tanto o casal como a família constituem uma realidade que, interpretada à luz da experiência de fé que os evangelistas nos oferecem como a Boa Nova do Reino, orientam-se em direção a uma relação a se viver à imagem da comunhão trinitária. A liberdade e a capacidade de crescer em adultícia como sabedoria e graça caracterizam os relatos os quais nos apresentam Jesus e sua família ou familiares. Uma visão de Jesus de Nazaré que o apresenta não afetado pelos traumas e as limitações, que provoca a relação no interior das famílias, em qualquer um de nós, eco da visão que os relatos nos oferecem dEle à luz da ressurreição. Este artigo é resultado das investigações do Projeto Significado da linguagem teológica do Grupo de Investigação Teologia e Mundo Contemporâneo da Faculdade de Teologia da Pontifícia Universidade Javeriana.    ABSTRACT: Some of the tales about the relationship of Jesus to his family allow us enter to consider the sense that we can Knd in them for a theological under standing that in dicate the meaning of the experience of relations to the interior of the family. Both the couple and the family constitute a reality which, interpreted in the light of the experience of faith that the evangelists oVer us as the good news of the Kingdom, directed towards a relationship to living in the image of the Trinitarian communion. Freedom and the ability to grow in adulthood as wisdom and grace characterize the stories in which presents itself to Jesus and his family or relatives. A view of Jesus from Nazareth which presents it not aVected by trauma and limitations that causes the relationship to the interior of the families at any one of us, echo of the vision that the

  2. Cadmium Removal from Aqueous Solutions by Ground Pine Cone

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    H Izanloo, S Nasseri


    Full Text Available A study on the removal of cadmium ions from aqueous solutions by pine cone was conducted in batch conditions. Kinetic data and equilibrium removal isotherms were obtained. The influence of different experimental parameters such as contact time, initial concentration of cadmium, pine cone mass and particle size, and temperature on the kinetics of cadmium removal was studied. Results showed that the main parameters that played an important role in removal phenomenon were initial cadmium concentration, particle size and pine cone mass. The necessary time to reach equilibrium was between 4 and 7 hours based on the initial concentration of cadmium. The capacity of cadmium adsorption at equilibrium increased with the decrease of pine cone particle size. The capacity of cadmium adsorption at equilibrium by pine cone increased with the quantity of pine cone introduced (1–4 g/L. Temperature in the range of 20-30°C showed a restricted effect on the removal kinetics (13.56 mg/g at 20°C and a low capacity of adsorption about 11.48 mg/g at 30°C. The process followed pseudo second-order kinetics. The cadmium uptake of pine cone was quantitatively evaluated using adsorption isotherms. Results indicated that the Langmuir model gave a better fit to the experimental data in comparison with the Freundlich equation.

  3. JWFront: Wavefronts and Light Cones for Kerr Spacetimes (United States)

    Frutos Alfaro, Francisco; Grave, Frank; Müller, Thomas; Adis, Daria


    JWFront visualizes wavefronts and light cones in general relativity. The interactive front-end allows users to enter the initial position values and choose the values for mass and angular momentum per unit mass. The wavefront animations are available in 2D and 3D; the light cones are visualized using the coordinate systems (t, x, y) or (t, z, x). JWFront can be easily modified to simulate wavefronts and light cones for other spacetime by providing the Christoffel symbols in the program.

  4. Tracking blue cone signals in the primate brain. (United States)

    Jayakumar, Jaikishan; Dreher, Bogdan; Vidyasagar, Trichur R


    In this paper, we review the path taken by signals originating from the short wavelength sensitive cones (S-cones) in Old World and New World primates. Two types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) carrying S-cone signals (blue-On and blue-Off cells) project to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) in the thalamus. In all primates, these S-cone signals are relayed through the 'dust-like' (konis in classical Greek) dLGN cells. In New World primates such as common marmoset, these very small cells are known to form distinct and spatially extensive, koniocellular layers. Although in Old World primates, such as macaques, koniocellular layers tend to be very thin, the adjacent parvocellular layers contain distinct koniocellular extensions. It appears that all S-cone signals are relayed through such konio cells, whether they are in the main koniocellular layers or in their colonies within the parvocellular layers of the dLGN. In the primary visual cortex, these signals begin to merge with the signals carried by the other two principal parallel channels, namely the magnocellular and parvocellular channels. This article will also review the possible routes taken by the S-cone signals to reach one of the topographically organised extrastriate visual cortical areas, the middle temporal area (area MT). This area is the major conduit for signals reaching the parietal cortex. Alternative visual inputs to area MT not relayed via the primary visual cortex area (V1) may provide the neurological basis for the phenomenon of 'blindsight' observed in human and non-human primates, who have partial or complete damage to the primary visual cortex. Short wavelength sensitive cone (S-cone) signals to area MT may also play a role in directing visual attention with possible implications for understanding the pathology in dyslexia and some of its treatment options. © 2012 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Optometry © 2012 Optometrists Association Australia.

  5. Cinder cones of Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Igan S. SutawIdjaja


    Full Text Available Mount Slamet volcanic field in Central Java, Indonesia, contains thirty five cinder cones within an area of 90 sq. km in the east flank of the volcano. The cinder cones occur singly or in small groups, with diameter of the base ranges from 130 - 750 m and the height is around 250 m. Within the volcanic field, the cinder cones are spread over the volcanic area at the distance of 4 to 14 km from the eruption center of the Slamet Volcano. They are concentrated within latitudes 7°11’00” - 7°16’00” S,, and longitudes 109°15’00” - 109°18’00” E. The density of the cinder cones is about 1.5 cones/km2. Most of the cinder cones lie on the Tertiary sedimentary rocks along the NW-trending fault system and on radial fractures. The structural pattern may be related to the radial faults in this region. The cone surfaces are commonly blanketed by Slamet air-falls and lava flows. The deposits consist of poorly bedded, very coarse-grained, occasionally overlain by oxidized scoria, and large-sized of ballistic bombs and blocks. There are various kind of volcanic bombs originating from scoriae ballistic rock fragments. The other kind of volcanic bombs are breadcrust bomb, almond seed or contorted shape. All of the cinder cones have undergone degradation, which can be observed from the characters of gully density and surface morphology. By using Porter parameters, Hco is equal to 0.25 Wco, whilst Wcr is equal to 0.40 Wco. The Hco/Wco ratio is higher than Hco = 0.2 Wco reference line. A radiometric dating using K-Ar method carried out on a scoria bomb yields the age of 0.042 + 0.020 Ma.  

  6. Jordan's algebra of a facially homogeneous autopolar cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellissard, Jean; Iochum, Bruno


    It is shown that a Jordan-Banach algebra with predual may be canonically associated with a facially homogeneous autopolar cone. This construction generalizes the case where a trace vector exists in the cone [fr

  7. Scanning of Bone Marrow in Haematopoietic Disorders; Gammagraphie de la Moelle Osseuse dans les Troubles Hematopoietiques; Skennirovanie kostnogo mozga pri gematopoehticheskikh narusheniyakh; Exploracion de la Medula Osea en Casos de Trastornos Hematopoyeticos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kniseley, R. M.; Andrews, G. A.; Edwards, C. L.; Tanida, R. [Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, TN (United States)


    , polyglobulie vraie, myelofibrose, myelomes et lymphomes. Etant donne l'activite reticuloendotheliale dans le foie et la rate, la structure medullaire est obscurcie au milieu du tronc. Les vertebres, les disques intervertebraux, le bassin et les os longs apparaissent tres nettement ainsi que. - dans le thorax - le sternum et les vertebres thoraciques. On a aussi releve des lesions focales. En raison du mouvement respiratoire, on ne distingue pas les diverses cotes. Il a ete possible de mettre les scintigrammes en correlation avec des biopsies par aspiration et des scintigrammes lineaires. Comrrte il faut des doses de {sup 198}Au relativement importantes, on etudie actuellement certains autres radioisotopes. On essaie un appareil perfectionne de scintigraphie de l'ensemble du corps en vue d'obtenir des scintigrammes plus pratiques. (author) [Spanish] La centelleo- grafia puede constituir una ayuda valiosa para evaluar el tamaflo y la distribucion de la medula hematopoyetica, operacion dificil de realizar por aspiracion o por biopsia. Con el centelleografo del Oak Ridge National Laboratory (colimador de oro-wolframio enfocado, de 61 canales) los autores han podido delinear claramente la medula inyectando oro-198 coloidal por vfa endovenosa, ya que se sabe que la funcion reticuloendotelial de la medula esta relacionada con zonas de hematopoyesis. Han sometido a exploracion gammagrafica a pacientes con funcion hematopoyetica normal y a otros con diversos trastornos de la sangre: lesiones focales de la medula, leucemia aguda o cronica, policitemia vera, mielofibrosis, mieloma multiple y linfoma. La actividad reticuloendotelial del higado y del bazo no permiten distinguir bien la medula en la parte central del tronco. En los centelleogramas se perciben claramente las vertebras, los discos intervertebrales, la pelvis y los huesos largos y, en el torax, el esternon y las vertebras toracicas. Se han hallado tambien lesiones focales. Los movimientos respiratorios no permiten ver

  8. Modified superstring in light cone gauge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamimura, Kiyoshi; Tatewaki, Machiko.


    We analyze the covariant superstring theory proposed by Siegel in light cone gauge. The physical states are the direct product of those of Green-Schwarz Superstring and the additional internal space spanned by light cone spinors. At clasical level, there is no difference among observables in Siegel's modified Superstring theory (SMST) and Green-Schwarz's one (GSST). However SMST can not be quantized with additional constraints as the physical state conditions. (author)

  9. Comparison of the WSA-ENLIL model with three CME cone types (United States)

    Jang, Soojeong; Moon, Y.; Na, H.


    We have made a comparison of the CME-associated shock propagation based on the WSA-ENLIL model with three cone types using 29 halo CMEs from 2001 to 2002. These halo CMEs have cone model parameters as well as their associated interplanetary (IP) shocks. For this study we consider three different cone types (an asymmetric cone model, an ice-cream cone model and an elliptical cone model) to determine 3-D CME parameters (radial velocity, angular width and source location), which are the input values of the WSA-ENLIL model. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the arrival times for the asymmetric cone model is 10.6 hours, which is about 1 hour smaller than those of the other models. Their ensemble average of MAE is 9.5 hours. However, this value is still larger than that (8.7 hours) of the empirical model of Kim et al. (2007). We will compare their IP shock velocities and densities with those from ACE in-situ measurements and discuss them in terms of the prediction of geomagnetic storms.Abstract (2,250 Maximum Characters): We have made a comparison of the CME-associated shock propagation based on the WSA-ENLIL model with three cone types using 29 halo CMEs from 2001 to 2002. These halo CMEs have cone model parameters as well as their associated interplanetary (IP) shocks. For this study we consider three different cone types (an asymmetric cone model, an ice-cream cone model and an elliptical cone model) to determine 3-D CME parameters (radial velocity, angular width and source location), which are the input values of the WSA-ENLIL model. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the arrival times for the asymmetric cone model is 10.6 hours, which is about 1 hour smaller than those of the other models. Their ensemble average of MAE is 9.5 hours. However, this value is still larger than that (8.7 hours) of the empirical model of Kim et al. (2007). We will compare their IP shock velocities and densities with those from ACE in-situ measurements and discuss them in terms of the

  10. The light-cone Fock state expansion and hadron physics phenomenology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    The light-cone Fock expansion is defined in the following way: one first constructs the light-cone time evolution operator and the invariant mass operator in light-cone gauge from the QCD Lagrangian. The total longitudinal momentum and transverse momenta are conserved, i.e. are independent of the interactions. The matrix elements of the invariant mass operator on the complete orthonormal basis of the free theory can then be constructed. The matrix elements connect Fock states differing by 0, 1, or 2 quark or gluon quanta, and they include the instantaneous quark and gluon contributions imposed by eliminating dependent degrees of freedom in light-cone gauge. Applications of light-cone methods to QCD phenomenology are briefly described

  11. Rapid Recovery of Visual Function Associated with Blue Cone Ablation in Zebrafish (United States)

    Hagerman, Gordon F.; Noel, Nicole C. L.; Cao, Sylvia Y.; DuVal, Michèle G.; Oel, A. Phillip; Allison, W. Ted


    Hurdles in the treatment of retinal degeneration include managing the functional rewiring of surviving photoreceptors and integration of any newly added cells into the remaining second-order retinal neurons. Zebrafish are the premier genetic model for such questions, and we present two new transgenic lines allowing us to contrast vision loss and recovery following conditional ablation of specific cone types: UV or blue cones. The ablation of each cone type proved to be thorough (killing 80% of cells in each intended cone class), specific, and cell-autonomous. We assessed the loss and recovery of vision in larvae via the optomotor behavioural response (OMR). This visually mediated behaviour decreased to about 5% or 20% of control levels following ablation of UV or blue cones, respectively (Pvision recovery following UV cone ablation was robust, as measured by both assays, returning to control levels within four days. In contrast, robust functional recovery following blue cone ablation was unexpectedly rapid, returning to normal levels within 24 hours after ablation. Ablation of cones led to increased proliferation in the retina, though the rapid recovery of vision following blue cone ablation was demonstrated to not be mediated by blue cone regeneration. Thus rapid visual recovery occurs following ablation of some, but not all, cone subtypes, suggesting an opportunity to contrast and dissect the sources and mechanisms of outer retinal recovery during cone photoreceptor death and regeneration. PMID:27893779

  12. A remote control neutron cone scanner and measurement of the d(T,n) α neutron cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suwanakachorn, D.; Vilaithong, T.; Vilaithong, C.; Boonyawan, D.; Chimooy, T.; Sornphorm, P.; Hoyce, G.; Pairsuwan, W.; Singkarat, S.


    We have measured the neutron cone associated with alpha particles from the d(T,n)α reaction by using a remote-control cone scanner. This scanner has two principal parts. The first part is the neutron detector scanner which can move the detector in the horizontal and vertical axis using to stepping-motors. The neutron detector can be moved in 0.5 cm increments over the whole rage of 30 cm. The second part is the remote-control electronic circuit using digital ICs. The rotation of stepping-motors is controlled by pulse signals from this circuit and the position of the detector is known by counting the number of pulses. The position of the neutron detector is indicated directly on a 3 digit display at the control panel. The method of measuring the neutron cone by the Time-of-Flight technique is also described

  13. Development of a full ice-cream cone model for halo CME structures (United States)

    Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Yong-Jae


    The determination of three dimensional parameters (e.g., radial speed, angular width, source location) of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) is very important for space weather forecast. To estimate these parameters, several cone models based on a flat cone or a shallow ice-cream cone with spherical front have been suggested. In this study, we investigate which cone model is proper for halo CME morphology using 33 CMEs which are identified as halo CMEs by one spacecraft (SOHO or STEREO-A or B) and as limb CMEs by the other ones. From geometrical parameters of these CMEs such as their front curvature, we find that near full ice-cream cone CMEs (28 events) are dominant over shallow ice-cream cone CMEs (5 events). So we develop a new full ice-cream cone model by assuming that a full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths. This model is carried out by the following steps: (1) construct a cone for given height and angular width, (2) project the cone onto the sky plane, (3) select points comprising the outer boundary, (4) minimize the difference between the estimated projection points with the observed ones. We apply this model to several halo CMEs and compare the results with those from other methods such as a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model and a geometrical triangulation method.

  14. Exact cone beam CT with a spiral scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tam, K.C.; Samarasekera, S.; Sauer, F.


    A method is developed which makes it possible to scan and reconstruct an object with cone beam x-rays in a spiral scan path with area detectors much shorter than the length of the object. The method is mathematically exact. If only a region of interest of the object is to be imaged, a top circle scan at the top level of the region of interest and a bottom circle scan at the bottom level of the region of interest are added. The height of the detector is required to cover only the distance between adjacent turns in the spiral projected at the detector. To reconstruct the object, the Radon transform for each plane intersecting the object is computed from the totality of the cone beam data. This is achieved by suitably combining the cone beam data taken at different source positions on the scan path; the angular range of the cone beam data required at each source position can be determined easily with a mask which is the spiral scan path projected on the detector from the current source position. The spiral scan algorithm has been successfully validated with simulated cone beam data. (author)

  15. Light-cone averaging in cosmology: formalism and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gasperini, M.; Marozzi, G.; Veneziano, G.; Nugier, F.


    We present a general gauge invariant formalism for defining cosmological averages that are relevant for observations based on light-like signals. Such averages involve either null hypersurfaces corresponding to a family of past light-cones or compact surfaces given by their intersection with timelike hypersurfaces. Generalized Buchert-Ehlers commutation rules for derivatives of these light-cone averages are given. After introducing some adapted ''geodesic light-cone'' coordinates, we give explicit expressions for averaging the redshift to luminosity-distance relation and the so-called ''redshift drift'' in a generic inhomogeneous Universe

  16. Uma análise comportamentalista de relatos verbais e práticas educativas parentais: alcance e limites

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    Vanessa Barbosa Romera Leme


    Full Text Available O presente artigo discute a relevância de algumas estratégias metodológicas da Análise Aplicada do Comportamento para examinar práticas educativas parentais. Um instrumento e um conceito relacionados à coleta e análise de dados são discutidos sob a ótica teórica e aplicada: relatos verbais e análise funcional comportamental descritiva. Conclui-se que, consideradas as limitações dos relatos, as informações obtidas com essa estratégia e com a análise funcional comportamental descritiva permitem inferir algumas hipóteses sobre os comportamentos de pais e de filhos que podem ser utilizadas em ações que procuram investigar e intervir sobre os comportamentos problema e as habilidades sociais.

  17. Tokay gecko photoreceptors achieve rod-like physiology with cone-like proteins. (United States)

    Zhang, Xue; Wensel, Theodore G; Yuan, Ching


    The retinal photoreceptors of the nocturnal Tokay gecko (Gekko gekko) consist exclusively of rods by the criteria of morphology and key features of their light responses. Unlike cones, they display robust photoresponses and have relatively slow recovery times. Nonetheless, the major and minor visual pigments identified in gecko rods are of the cone type by sequence and spectroscopic behavior. In the ongoing search for the molecular bases for the physiological differences between cones and rods, we have characterized the molecular biology and biochemistry of the gecko rod phototransduction cascade. We have cloned cDNAs encoding all or part of major protein components of the phototransduction cascade by RT-PCR with degenerate oligonucleotides designed to amplify cone- or rod-like sequences. For all proteins examined we obtained only cone-like and never rod-like sequences. The proteins identified include transducin alpha (Galphat), phosphodiesterase (PDE6) catalytic and inhibitory subunits, cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (CNGalpha) and arrestin. We also cloned cDNA encoding gecko RGS9-1 (Regulator of G Protein Signaling 9, splice variant 1), which is expressed in both rods and cones of all species studied but is typically found at 10-fold higher concentrations in cones, and found that gecko rods contain slightly lower RGS9-1 levels than mammalian rods. Furthermore, we found that the levels of GTPase accelerating protein (GAP) activity and cyclic GMP (cGMP) phosphodiesterase activity were similar in gecko and mammalian rods. These results place substantial constraints on the critical changes needed to convert a cone into a rod in the course of evolution: The many features of phototransduction molecules conserved between those expressed in gecko rods and those expressed in cones cannot explain the physiological differences, whereas the higher levels of RGS9-1 and GAP activity in cones are likely among the essential requirements for the rapid photoresponses of cones.



    Rabin, Eliane Goldberg; UFCSPA; Waterkemper, Roberta; UFCSPA; Caregnato, Rita C. A.; UFCSPA; Souza, Emiliane Nogueira de; UFCSPA


    Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre atividade de extensão realizada por docentes e acadêmicos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem sobre sexualidade na adolescência. Atividade realizada com jovens de 10 a 19 anos, estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre. Foram utilizadas diferentes estratégias e dinâmicas para o desenvolvimento das atividades, com vistas à maior participação dos jovens escolares. Os temas abordados foram as mudanças corporais, por me...

  19. Analysis of macular cone photoreceptors in a case of occult macular dystrophy

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    Tojo N


    Full Text Available Naoki Tojo Tomoko Nakamura Hironori Ozaki Miyako Oka Toshihiko Oiwake Atsushi HayashiDepartment of Ophthalmology, University of Toyama, Toyama, JapanPurpose: To investigate changes in cone photoreceptors with adaptive optics (AO fundus imaging and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT in a case of occult macular dystrophy (OMD.Patient and methods: Both eyes of a 42-year-old woman diagnosed with OMD were examined. We used an AO fundus camera to obtain images of cone photoreceptors in the macula of the OMD subject and five healthy control subjects. Correlations between the AO images and the SD-OCT images were examined. Cone photoreceptors in eight areas in the macula of OMD and healthy control subjects were analyzed and compared.Results: SD-OCT showed a loss of the cone outer-segment tips line outside of the fovea in both eyes of the subject with OMD. The left eye with decreased visual acuity showed a discontinuous photoreceptor inner-segment and outer-segment line and cone outer-segment tips line at the fovea in SD-OCT and loss of cone mosaics as a dark spot in the AO image. In panoramic AO images and cone-density maps, less cone density was observed in a ring-like region outside the fovea than in the peripheral retina. In most of the areas examined, the cone densities were lower in the OMD eyes than in the healthy control eyes.Conclusions: Cone densities in the macula of the OMD patient were greatly decreased. AO images were found to be useful to evaluate morphologic changes in cone photoreceptors in patients with OMD.Keywords: occult macular dystrophy, adaptive optics, cone photoreceptor, cone analysis, optical coherence tomography

  20. A unified analysis of FBP-based algorithms in helical cone-beam and circular cone- and fan-beam scans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pan Xiaochuan; Xia Dan; Zou Yu; Yu Lifeng


    A circular scanning trajectory is and will likely remain a popular choice of trajectory in computed tomography (CT) imaging because it is easy to implement and control. Filtered-backprojection (FBP)-based algorithms have been developed previously for approximate and exact reconstruction of the entire image or a region of interest within the image in circular cone-beam and fan-beam cases. Recently, we have developed a 3D FBP-based algorithm for image reconstruction on PI-line segments in a helical cone-beam scan. In this work, we demonstrated that the 3D FBP-based algorithm indeed provided a rather general formulation for image reconstruction from divergent projections (such as cone-beam and fan-beam projections). On the basis of this formulation we derived new approximate or exact algorithms for image reconstruction in circular cone-beam or fan-beam scans, which can be interpreted as special cases of the helical scan. Existing algorithms corresponding to the derived algorithms were identified. We also performed a preliminary numerical study to verify our theoretical results in each of the cases. The results in the work can readily be generalized to other non-circular trajectories

  1. Determination of HCME 3-D parameters using a full ice-cream cone model (United States)

    Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Yong-Jae; Lee, Harim


    It is very essential to determine three dimensional parameters (e.g., radial speed, angular width, source location) of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) for space weather forecast. Several cone models (e.g., an elliptical cone model, an ice-cream cone model, an asymmetric cone model) have been examined to estimate these parameters. In this study, we investigate which cone type is close to a halo CME morphology using 26 CMEs: halo CMEs by one spacecraft (SOHO or STEREO-A or B) and as limb CMEs by the other ones. From cone shape parameters of these CMEs such as their front curvature, we find that near full ice-cream cone type CMEs are much closer to observations than shallow ice-cream cone type CMEs. Thus we develop a new cone model in which a full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths. This model is carried out by the following steps: (1) construct a cone for given height and angular width, (2) project the cone onto the sky plane, (3) select points comprising the outer boundary, and (4) minimize the difference between the estimated projection speeds with the observed ones. By applying this model to 12 SOHO/LASCO halo CMEs, we find that 3-D parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods (a geometrical triangulation method and a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model) based on multi-spacecraft data. We are developing a general ice-cream cone model whose front shape is a free parameter determined by observations.

  2. The uniqueness of the solution of cone-like inversion models for halo CMEs (United States)

    Zhao, X. P.


    Most of elliptic halo CMEs are believed to be formed by the Thompson scattering of the photospheric light by the 3-D cone-like shell of the CME plasma. To obtain the real propagation direction and angular width of the halo CMEs, such cone-like inversion models as the circular cone, the elliptic cone and the ice-cream cone models have been suggested recently. Because the number of given parameters that are used to characterize 2-D elliptic halo CMEs observed by one spacecraft are less than the number of unknown parameters that are used to characterize the 3-D elliptic cone model, the solution of the elliptic cone model is not unique. Since it is difficult to determine whether or not an observed halo CME is formed by an circular cone or elliptic cone shell, the solution of circular cone model may often be not unique too. To fix the problem of the uniqueness of the solution of various 3-D cone-like inversion models, this work tries to develop the algorithm for using the data from multi-spacecraft, such as the STEREO A and B, and the Solar Sentinels.

  3. Case of Unilateral Peripheral Cone Dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yujin Mochizuki


    Full Text Available Purpose: Peripheral cone dystrophy is a subgroup of cone dystrophy, and only 4 cases have been reported. We present a patient with unilateral peripheral cone dysfunction and report the functional changes determined by electrophysiological tests and ultrastructural changes determined by spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT. Case: A 34-year-old woman complained of blurred vision in both eyes. Our examination showed that her visual acuity was 0.05 OD and 0.2 OS. A relative afferent pupillary defect was present in her right eye. The results of slit-lamp examination, ophthalmoscopy, and fluorescein angiography were normal except for pallor of the right optic disc. SD-OCT showed a diffuse thinning of the retina in the posterior pole of the right eye. A severe constriction of the visual fields was found in both eyes but more in the right eye. The photopic full-field electroretinograms (ERGs were reduced in the right eye but normal in the left eye. The multifocal ERGs were severely reduced throughout the visual field except in the central area of the right eye. The multifocal ERGs from the left eye were normal. The pattern visual evoked responses were within the normal range in both eyes. She had a 5-year history of sniffing paint thinner. Results: Although the visual dysfunction was initially suspected to be due to psychological problems from the results of subjective tests, objective tests indicated a peripheral cone dysfunction in the right eye. The pathophysiological mechanism and the relationship with thinner sniffing were not determined. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that peripheral cone dysfunction can occur unilaterally. Electrophysiology and SD-OCT are valuable tests to perform to determine the pathogenesis of unusual ocular findings objectively.

  4. Human Blue Cone Opsin Regeneration Involves Secondary Retinal Binding with Analog Specificity. (United States)

    Srinivasan, Sundaramoorthy; Fernández-Sampedro, Miguel A; Morillo, Margarita; Ramon, Eva; Jiménez-Rosés, Mireia; Cordomí, Arnau; Garriga, Pere


    Human color vision is mediated by the red, green, and blue cone visual pigments. Cone opsins are G-protein-coupled receptors consisting of an opsin apoprotein covalently linked to the 11-cis-retinal chromophore. All visual pigments share a common evolutionary origin, and red and green cone opsins exhibit a higher homology, whereas blue cone opsin shows more resemblance to the dim light receptor rhodopsin. Here we show that chromophore regeneration in photoactivated blue cone opsin exhibits intermediate transient conformations and a secondary retinoid binding event with slower binding kinetics. We also detected a fine-tuning of the conformational change in the photoactivated blue cone opsin binding site that alters the retinal isomer binding specificity. Furthermore, the molecular models of active and inactive blue cone opsins show specific molecular interactions in the retinal binding site that are not present in other opsins. These findings highlight the differential conformational versatility of human cone opsin pigments in the chromophore regeneration process, particularly compared to rhodopsin, and point to relevant functional, unexpected roles other than spectral tuning for the cone visual pigments. Copyright © 2018 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Accessibility analysis in manufacturing processes using visibility cones

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    尹周平; 丁汉; 熊有伦


    Accessibility is a kind of important design feature of products,and accessibility analysis has been acknowledged as a powerful tool for solving computational manufacturing problems arising from different manufacturing processes.After exploring the relations among approachability,accessibility and visibility,a general method for accessibility analysis using visibility cones (VC) is proposed.With the definition of VC of a point,three kinds of visibility of a feature,namely complete visibility cone (CVC),partial visibility cone (PVC) and local visibility cone (LVC),are defined.A novel approach to computing VCs is formulated by identifying C-obstacles in the C-space,for which a general and efficient algorithm is proposed and implemented by making use of visibility culling.Lastly,we discuss briefly how to realize accessibility analysis in numerically controlled (NC) machining planning,coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) inspection planning and assembly sequence planning with the proposed methods.

  6. Testing the reliability of ice-cream cone model (United States)

    Pan, Zonghao; Shen, Chenglong; Wang, Chuanbing; Liu, Kai; Xue, Xianghui; Wang, Yuming; Wang, Shui


    Coronal Mass Ejections (CME)'s properties are important to not only the physical scene itself but space-weather prediction. Several models (such as cone model, GCS model, and so on) have been raised to get rid of the projection effects within the properties observed by spacecraft. According to SOHO/ LASCO observations, we obtain the 'real' 3D parameters of all the FFHCMEs (front-side full halo Coronal Mass Ejections) within the 24th solar cycle till July 2012, by the ice-cream cone model. Considering that the method to obtain 3D parameters from the CME observations by multi-satellite and multi-angle has higher accuracy, we use the GCS model to obtain the real propagation parameters of these CMEs in 3D space and compare the results with which by ice-cream cone model. Then we could discuss the reliability of the ice-cream cone model.

  7. Prescriptionless light-cone integrals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, A.T.; Schmidt, A.G.M.


    Perturbative quantum gauge field theory as seen within the perspective of physical gauge choices such as the light-cone gauge entails the emergence of troublesome poles of the type (k.n) -α in the Feynman integrals. These come from the boson field propagator, where α=1,2,.. and n μ is the external arbitrary four-vector that defines the gauge properly. This becomes an additional hurdle in the computation of Feynman diagrams, since any graph containing internal boson lines will inevitably produce integrands with denominators bearing the characteristic gauge-fixing factor. How one deals with them has been the subject of research over decades, and several prescriptions have been suggested and tried in the course of time, with failures and successes. However, a more recent development at this fronteer which applies the negative dimensional technique to compute light-cone Feynman integrals shows that we can altogether dispense with prescriptions to perform the calculations. An additional bonus comes to us attached to this new technique, in that not only it renders the light-cone prescriptionless but, by the very nature of it, it can also dispense with decomposition formulas or partial fractioning tricks used in the standard approach to separate pole products of the type (k.n) -α [(k-p).n] -β (β=1,2,..). In this work we demonstrate how all this can be done. (orig.)

  8. Familias homoparentales: relatos desde la perspectiva de los “conocimientos situados”.


    Buzaglo, Analía; Culla, Mónica; Morandi, Mariela


    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos indagar los aportes de la epistemología feminista en las investigaciones críticas en Ciencias Sociales. Partimos de una experiencia de investigación singular y situada: “Familias homoparentales: narrativas contrahegemónicas del parentesco” basada en la metodología de las producciones narrativas que retoma la propuesta de “conocimientos situados” de Donna Haraway (1995). Estos relatos, cuestionan teorías y prácticas hegemónicas con efectos concretos...

  9. Embolia pulmonar na sala de cirurgia: relato de caso Embolia pulmonar en sala operatoria: relato de caso Pulmonary embolism in the operating room: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karina Bernardi Pimenta


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Embolia pulmonar é uma complicação freqüente no período pós-operatório. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de embolia pulmonar ocorrida na sala de operação e chamar a atenção para a importância da profilaxia de trombose venosa em pacientes cirúrgicos. RELATO DO CASO: Trata-se de um paciente do sexo masculino, 55 anos e 83 kg com diagnóstico de câncer de próstata, submetido a prostatectomia supra-púbica sob anestesia geral. Ao final da cirurgia, o paciente já extubado e logo após sua passagem para a maca de transporte apresentou instabilidade hemodinâmica e diminuição da SpO2 para 80%. Foi reintubado e encaminhado para a UTI. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou imagens com aspecto de embolia pulmonar. O paciente evoluiu para óbito no 5º dia de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: O elevado índice de suspeita não é suficiente para firmar o diagnóstico pois a embolia pulmonar é uma doença silenciosa e a rotina de investigação não possui elevada sensibilidade. A profilaxia precoce e adequada é a melhor estratégia.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Embolia pulmonar es una complicación frecuente en el período pós-operatorio. El objetivo de este relato es presentar un caso de embolia pulmonar ocurrida en la sala de operación y llamar la atención para la importancia de la profilaxis de trombosis venosa en pacientes cirúrgicos. RELATO DE CASO: Se trata de un paciente del sexo masculino, 55 años y 83 kg con diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata, sometido a prostatectomia supra-púbica bajo anestesia general. Al final de la cirugía, el paciente ya entubado y luego después de pasar para la camilla de transporte presentó inestabilidad hemodinámica y diminución de la SpO2 para 80%. Fue reintubado y encaminado para la UTI. La tomografía computadorizada mostró imágenes con aspecto de embolia pulmonar. El paciente evolucionó para óbito en el 5º día de pós-operatorio. CONCLUSIONES: El

  10. Alopecia associated with unexpected leakage from electron cone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wen, B.C.; Pennington, E.C.; Hussey, D.H.; Jani, S.K.


    Excessive irradiation due to unexpected leakage was found on a patient receiving electron beam therapy. The cause of this leakage was analyzed and the amount of leakage was measured for different electron beam energies. The highest leakage occurred with a 6 x 6 cm cone using a 12 MeV electron beam. The leakage dose measured along the side of the cone could be as great as 40%. Until the cones are modified or redesigned, it is advised that all patient setups be carefully reviewed to assure that no significant patient areas are in the side scatter region.

  11. Development of pits and cones on ion bombarded copper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanovic, L.A.; Carter, G.; Nobes, M.J.; Whitton, I.L.; Williams, J.S.


    The formation of pits and cones on Ar ion bombarded copper has been studied. Carefully polished surfaces of large grained 99.999% pure copper crystals have been bombarded at normal incidence with 40 keV argon ions. The cone formation has been investigated for annealed and non-annealed crystals at room temperature and at 30 K and in the case of monocrystal and polycrystal samples. Although in the most other studies the presence of impurities is as a necessary condition for generation of cones and pits the obtained experimental results show that under certain conditions these features are formed on clean surfaces. It is shown that the dominant parameter in the production of cones on copper is the crystal orientation [ru

  12. Formation of shatter cones by symmetric fracture bifurcation: Phenomenological modeling and validation (United States)

    Kenkmann, Thomas; Hergarten, Stefan; Kuhn, Thomas; Wilk, Jakob


    Several models of shatter cone formation require a heterogeneity at the cone apex of high impedance mismatch to the surrounding bulk rock. This heterogeneity is the source of spherically expanding waves that interact with the planar shock front or the following release wave. While these models are capable of explaining the overall conical shape of shatter cones, they are not capable of explaining the subcone structure and the diverging and branching striations that characterize the surface of shatter cones and lead to the so-called horse-tailing effect. Here, we use the hierarchical arrangement of subcone ridges of shatter cone surfaces as key for understanding their formation. Tracing a single subcone ridge from its apex downward reveals that each ridge branches after some distance into two symmetrically equivalent subcone ridges. This pattern is repeated to form new branches. We propose that subcone ridges represent convex-curved fracture surfaces and their intersection corresponds to the bifurcation axis. The characteristic diverging striations are interpreted as the intersection lineations delimiting each subcone. Multiple symmetric crack branching is the result of rapid fracture propagation that may approach the Raleigh wave speed. We present a phenomenological model that fully constructs the shatter cone geometry to any order. The overall cone geometry including apex angle of the enveloping cone and the degree of concavity (horse-tailing) is largely governed by the convexity of the subcone ridges. Straight cones of various apical angles, constant slope, and constant bifurcation angles form if the subcone convexity is low (30°). Increasing subcone convexity leads to a stronger horse-tailing effect and the bifurcation angles increase with increasing distance from the enveloping cone apex. The model predicts possible triples of enveloping cone angle, bifurcation angle, and subcone angle. Measurements of these quantities on four shatter cones from different

  13. Direct cone beam SPECT reconstruction with camera tilt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jianying Li; Jaszczak, R.J.; Greer, K.L.; Coleman, R.E.; Zongjian Cao; Tsui, B.M.W.


    A filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm is derived to perform cone beam (CB) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) reconstruction with camera tilt using circular orbits. This algorithm reconstructs the tilted angle CB projection data directly by incorporating the tilt angle into it. When the tilt angle becomes zero, this algorithm reduces to that of Feldkamp. Experimentally acquired phantom studies using both a two-point source and the three-dimensional Hoffman brain phantom have been performed. The transaxial tilted cone beam brain images and profiles obtained using the new algorithm are compared with those without camera tilt. For those slices which have approximately the same distance from the detector in both tilt and non-tilt set-ups, the two transaxial reconstructions have similar profiles. The two-point source images reconstructed from this new algorithm and the tilted cone beam brain images are also compared with those reconstructed from the existing tilted cone beam algorithm. (author)

  14. Bright and durable field emission source derived from refractory taylor cones (United States)

    Hirsch, Gregory


    A method of producing field emitters having improved brightness and durability relying on the creation of a liquid Taylor cone from electrically conductive materials having high melting points. The method calls for melting the end of a wire substrate with a focused laser beam, while imposing a high positive potential on the material. The resulting molten Taylor cone is subsequently rapidly quenched by cessation of the laser power. Rapid quenching is facilitated in large part by radiative cooling, resulting in structures having characteristics closely matching that of the original liquid Taylor cone. Frozen Taylor cones thus obtained yield desirable tip end forms for field emission sources in electron beam applications. Regeneration of the frozen Taylor cones in-situ is readily accomplished by repeating the initial formation procedures. The high temperature liquid Taylor cones can also be employed as bright ion sources with chemical elements previously considered impractical to implement.

  15. Cone pigments in a North American marsupial, the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). (United States)

    Jacobs, Gerald H; Williams, Gary A


    Only two of the four cone opsin gene families found in vertebrates are represented in contemporary eutherian and marsupial species. Recent genetic studies of two species of South American marsupial detected the presence of representatives from two of the classes of cone opsin genes and the structures of these genes predicted cone pigments with respective peaks in the ultraviolet and long-wavelength portions of the spectrum. The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), a profoundly nocturnal animal, is the only marsupial species found in North America. The prospects for cone-based vision in this species were examined through recordings of the electroretinogram (ERG), a commonly examined retinal response to photic stimulation. Recorded under flickering-light conditions that elicit signals from cone photoreceptors, the spectral sensitivity of the opossum eye is well accounted for by contributions from the presence of a single cone pigment having peak absorption at 561-562 nm. A series of additional experiments that employed various chromatic adaptation paradigms were conducted in a search for possible contributions from a second (short-wavelength sensitive) cone pigment. We found no evidence that such a mechanism contributes to the ERG in this marsupial.

  16. Miastenia grave familiar: relato de caso em gêmeas idênticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elza Dias-Tosta


    Full Text Available Trata-se do sétimo relato da literatura mundial de casos de miastenia gravis em gêmeos homozigóticos em que ambos são acometidos. O homozigotismo foi provado com certeza por estudo de HLA e a forma adquirida da doença foi provada por determinação de níveis elevados de anticorpos anti-receptor de acetilcolina, havendo também níveis elevados de anticorpos antimúsculo estriado, sem outras evidências de timoma.

  17. Familias homoparentales: relatos desde la perspectiva de los “conocimientos situados”


    Buzaglo, Analía; Culla, Mónica; Morandi, Mariela


    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos indagar los aportes de la epistemología feminista en las investigaciones críticas en Ciencias Sociales. Partimos de una experiencia de investigación singular y situada: “Familias homoparentales: narrativas contrahegemónicas del parentesco” basada en la metodología de las producciones narrativas que retoma la propuesta de “conocimientos situados” de Donna Haraway (1995). Estos relatos, cuestionan teorías y prácticas hegemónicas con efectos concretos en la ...

  18. Instantaneous interactions of hadrons on the light cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hyer, T.


    Hadron wave functions are most naturally defined in the framework of light-cone quantization, a Hamiltonian formulation quantized at equal light-cone ''time'' τ≡t+z. One feature of the light-cone perturbation theory is the presence of instantaneous interactions, which complicate the consideration of processes involving bound states. We show that these interactions can be written in a simple and general form, parametrized by an instantaneous contribution ψ to the hadronic wave function. We use the rotational invariance of Feynman diagrams to relate this instantaneous piece of the meson wave function to the propagating part, and to obtain constraints relating wave functions and quark fragmentation amplitudes

  19. Chloride equilibrium potential in salamander cones

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    Bryson Eric J


    Full Text Available Abstract Background GABAergic inhibition and effects of intracellular chloride ions on calcium channel activity have been proposed to regulate neurotransmission from photoreceptors. To assess the impact of these and other chloride-dependent mechanisms on release from cones, the chloride equilibrium potential (ECl was determined in red-sensitive, large single cones from the tiger salamander retinal slice. Results Whole cell recordings were done using gramicidin perforated patch techniques to maintain endogenous Cl- levels. Membrane potentials were corrected for liquid junction potentials. Cone resting potentials were found to average -46 mV. To measure ECl, we applied long depolarizing steps to activate the calcium-activated chloride current (ICl(Ca and then determined the reversal potential for the current component that was inhibited by the Cl- channel blocker, niflumic acid. With this method, ECl was found to average -46 mV. In a complementary approach, we used a Cl-sensitive dye, MEQ, to measure the Cl- flux produced by depolarization with elevated concentrations of K+. The membrane potentials produced by the various high K+ solutions were measured in separate current clamp experiments. Consistent with electrophysiological experiments, MEQ fluorescence measurements indicated that ECl was below -36 mV. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that ECl is close to the dark resting potential. This will minimize the impact of chloride-dependent presynaptic mechanisms in cone terminals involving GABAa receptors, glutamate transporters and ICl(Ca.

  20. Effect of Drainage Conditions on Cone Penetration Testing in Silty Soils

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Rikke; Nielsen, Benjaminn Nordahl; Ibsen, Lars Bo


    This paper discusses the challenges that occur when performing Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) in silty soil due to changes in drainage conditions. In this paper, CPT results from various papers and researchers are collected and interpreted. Results from cone penetrations tests with various penetrat......This paper discusses the challenges that occur when performing Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) in silty soil due to changes in drainage conditions. In this paper, CPT results from various papers and researchers are collected and interpreted. Results from cone penetrations tests with various...

  1. Resonance in a Cone-Topped Tube

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angus Cheng-Huan Chia


    Full Text Available The relationship between ratio of the upper opening diameter of a cone-topped cylinder to the cylinder diameter,and the ratio of the length of the air column to resonant period was examined. Plastic cones with upper openings ranging from 1.3 cm to 3.6 cm and tuning forks with frequencies ranging from 261.6 Hz to 523.3 Hz were used. The transition from a standing wave in a cylindrical column to a Helmholtz-type resonance in a resonant cavity with a narrow opening was observed.

  2. Dysflective cones: Visual function and cone reflectivity in long-term follow-up of acute bilateral foveolitis

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    Joanna H. Tu


    Conclusions and importance: Fundus-referenced visual testing proved useful to identify functional cones despite apparent photoreceptor loss identified using AOSLO and SD-OCT. While AOSLO and SD-OCT appear to be sensitive for the detection of abnormal or absent photoreceptors, changes in photoreceptors that are identified with these imaging tools do not correlate completely with visual function in every patient. Fundus-referenced vision testing is a useful tool to indicate the presence of cones that may be amenable to recovery or response to experimental therapies despite not being visible on confocal AOSLO or SD-OCT images.

  3. Noninvasive gene delivery to foveal cones for vision restoration (United States)

    Khabou, Hanen; Garita-Hernandez, Marcela; Jaillard, Céline; Brazhnikova, Elena; Bertin, Stéphane; Forster, Valérie; Desrosiers, Mélissa; Winckler, Céline; Goureau, Olivier; Duebel, Jens; Sahel, José-Alain


    Intraocular injection of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors has been an evident route for delivering gene drugs into the retina. However, gaps in our understanding of AAV transduction patterns within the anatomically unique environments of the subretinal and intravitreal space of the primate eye impeded the establishment of noninvasive and efficient gene delivery to foveal cones in the clinic. Here, we establish new vector-promoter combinations to overcome the limitations associated with AAV-mediated cone transduction in the fovea with supporting studies in mouse models, human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived organoids, postmortem human retinal explants, and living macaques. We show that an AAV9 variant provides efficient foveal cone transduction when injected into the subretinal space several millimeters away from the fovea, without detaching this delicate region. An engineered AAV2 variant provides gene delivery to foveal cones with a well-tolerated dose administered intravitreally. Both delivery modalities rely on a cone-specific promoter and result in high-level transgene expression compatible with optogenetic vision restoration. The model systems described here provide insight into the behavior of AAV vectors across species to obtain safety and efficacy needed for gene therapy in neurodegenerative disorders. PMID:29367457

  4. Compensation of deformations in 3D cone beam tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Desbat, L.; Roux, S.; Roux, S.; Grangeat, P.


    In dynamic tomography, the measured objects or organs are no-longer supposed to be static in the scanner during the acquisition but are supposed to move or to be deformed. Our approach is the analytic deformation compensation during the reconstruction. Our work concentrates on 3-dimensional cone beam tomography. We introduce a new large class of deformations preserving the 3-dimensional cone beam geometry. We show that deformations from this class can be analytically compensated. We present numerical experiments on phantoms showing the compensation of these deformations in 3-dimensional cone beam tomography. (authors)

  5. Scientific designs of pine seeds and pine cones for species conservation (United States)

    Song, Kahye; Yeom, Eunseop; Kim, Hyejeong; Lee, Sang Joon


    Reproduction and propagation of species are the most important missions of every living organism. For effective species propagation, pine cones fold their scales under wet condition to prevent seeds from short-distance dispersal. They open and release their embedded seeds on dry and windy days. In this study, the micro-/macro-scale structural characteristics of pine cones and pine seeds are studied using various imaging modalities. Since the scales of pine cones consist of dead cells, the folding motion is deeply related to structural changes. The scales of pine cones consist of three layers. Among them, bract scales are only involved in collecting water. This makes pine cones reduce the amount of water and minimize the time spent on structural changes. These systems also involve in drying and recovery of pine cones. In addition, pine cones and pine seeds have advantageous structures for long-distance dispersal and response to natural disaster. Owing to these structural features, pine seeds can be released safely and efficiently, and these types of structural advantages could be mimicked for practical applications. This research was financially supported by the Creative Research Initiative of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea (Contract grant number: 2008-0061991).


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1 Mei 1971. S.-A. TYDSKRIF VIR OBSTETRIE EN GINEKOLOGIE. CONE BIOPSY ... of the abnormal cervix in pregnancy is also no longer in question following the .... the concept of cancer prophylaxis to the majority of women, many of whom ...

  7. Comparison of Asymmetric and Ice-cream Cone Models for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections (United States)

    Na, H.; Moon, Y.


    Halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) are major cause of the geomagnetic storms. To minimize the projection effect by coronagraph observation, several cone models have been suggested: an ice-cream cone model, an asymmetric cone model etc. These models allow us to determine the three dimensional parameters of HCMEs such as radial speed, angular width, and the angle between sky plane and central axis of the cone. In this study, we compare these parameters obtained from different models using 48 well-observed HCMEs from 2001 to 2002. And we obtain the root mean square error (RMS error) between measured projection speeds and calculated projection speeds for both cone models. As a result, we find that the radial speeds obtained from the models are well correlated with each other (R = 0.86), and the correlation coefficient of angular width is 0.6. The correlation coefficient of the angle between sky plane and central axis of the cone is 0.31, which is much smaller than expected. The reason may be due to the fact that the source locations of the asymmetric cone model are distributed near the center, while those of the ice-cream cone model are located in a wide range. The average RMS error of the asymmetric cone model (85.6km/s) is slightly smaller than that of the ice-cream cone model (87.8km/s).

  8. Functional complexity of the axonal growth cone: a proteomic analysis.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Estrada-Bernal

    Full Text Available The growth cone, the tip of the emerging neurite, plays a crucial role in establishing the wiring of the developing nervous system. We performed an extensive proteomic analysis of axonal growth cones isolated from the brains of fetal Sprague-Dawley rats. Approximately 2000 proteins were identified at ≥ 99% confidence level. Using informatics, including functional annotation cluster and KEGG pathway analysis, we found great diversity of proteins involved in axonal pathfinding, cytoskeletal remodeling, vesicular traffic and carbohydrate metabolism, as expected. We also found a large and complex array of proteins involved in translation, protein folding, posttranslational processing, and proteasome/ubiquitination-dependent degradation. Immunofluorescence studies performed on hippocampal neurons in culture confirmed the presence in the axonal growth cone of proteins representative of these processes. These analyses also provide evidence for rough endoplasmic reticulum and reveal a reticular structure equipped with Golgi-like functions in the axonal growth cone. Furthermore, Western blot revealed the growth cone enrichment, relative to fetal brain homogenate, of some of the proteins involved in protein synthesis, folding and catabolism. Our study provides a resource for further research and amplifies the relatively recently developed concept that the axonal growth cone is equipped with proteins capable of performing a highly diverse range of functions.

  9. Aprendizagem significativa: relato de experiência no ensino superior

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    Caren E. Studer


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como finalidade, o relato e a análise da prática de elaboração de relatórios semanais, a partir de textos pertinentes ao conteúdo de uma disciplina em cursos de nível superior em uma faculdade particular no interior do Estado de S. Paulo.Tendo como referencial teórico a Teoria Crítica da Educação, procura analisar a abrangência dessa experiência situada em um ambiente preponderantemente tradicional de ensino, utilizando-se como ferramentas de análise as categorias de aprendizagem significativa de Masetto (1998 e alienação desenvolvida por Castanho (1989.

  10. Nontraumatic tibial polyethylene insert cone fracture in mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty

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    Yohei Tanikake


    Full Text Available A 72-year-old male patient underwent mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. He experienced a nontraumatic polyethylene tibial insert cone fracture 27 months after surgery. Scanning electron microscopy of the fracture surface of the tibial insert cone suggested progress of ductile breaking from the posterior toward the anterior of the cone due to repeated longitudinal bending stress, leading to fatigue breaking at the anterior side of the cone, followed by the tibial insert cone fracture at the anterior side of the cone, resulting in fracture at the base of the cone. This analysis shows the risk of tibial insert cone fracture due to longitudinal stress in mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty in which an insert is designed to highly conform to the femoral component.

  11. Síndrome mieloproliferativa transitória associada à trissomia do 21 e fibrose hepática

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sant'Anna Anna L.


    Full Text Available Recém-nascidos com Síndrome de Down (SD podem apresentar uma proliferação transitória de células imaturas no sangue periférico e medula óssea. A leucometria pode estar muito elevada, impossibilitando o diagnóstico diferencial com leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA. Em contraste com a LMA, a SMT regride espontaneamente em quatro a oito semanas. Objetivo: Apresentar uma criança com SD, SMT e fibrose hepática, que resultou num prognóstico desfavorável. Relato do Caso: D.M.S., masculino, estigmas da SD, hepatoesplenomegalia, sopro sistólico. Hemograma: 95.000 leucócitos/mm³, 19% blastos, 170.000 plaquetas/mm³, hemoglobina 16,2g/dL. Bilirrubina total 35,86 mg/dL, GOT 184 UI, GPT 122 UI. Ecocardiograma: canal átrio-ventricular total, hipertensão pulmonar, persistência do canal arterial. Sorologias negativas. Biópsia hepática: colestase, fibrose portal e sinusoidal, elementos mielóides imaturos. Após normalização da leucometria, manteve plaquetopenia e disfunção hepática. No 50º dia de vida, quimioterapia com Daunoblastina e Citarabina. Evoluiu com pneumonia e insuficiência renal. Óbito no 61ºdia. Comentários: A história natural da SMT gera questões intrigantes a respeito de sua origem, evolução e desenvolvimento de leucemia subseqüente. A disfunção hepática e a fibrose têm impacto prognóstico. Em relato anterior, de cada oito casos de SMT com disfunção hepática, seis evoluíram para óbito, sendo que fibrose hepática difusa, associada a eritropoese extra-medular, foi encontrada em quatro casos. Acredita-se que a lesão hepática resulta da produção de citocinas pelos megacariócitos, por ser o fígado o segundo órgão hematopoético de células anormais, após a medula óssea.

  12. Hannah Arendt: importancia del relato histórico y ficticio como vía para la reflexión ética y política

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    Fonnegra Osorio, Claudia Patricia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta la importancia que le da Hannah Arendt al relato histórico y ficticio como vía para la reflexión ética y política. Se estudia, en primer lugar, cómo los relatos posibilitan la configuración de la identidad, tanto de un hombre como de una comunidad, ya que la narración permite dar sentido a la fragilidad y contingencia propia de las acciones humanas. En segundo lugar se analiza de qué manera la narración permite conservar en la memoria acciones para que no sean olvidadas. Finalmente se estudia cómo el seguimiento de relatos contribuye a la comprensión del mundo humano y a potenciar la facultad de juzgar para superar pensamientos solipsistas, elemento necesario para el ejercicio de una concepción ética y política basada en el reconocimiento de la pluralidad humana.

  13. Some Extensions of Banach's Contraction Principle in Complete Cone Metric Spaces

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    Raja P


    Full Text Available Abstract In this paper we consider complete cone metric spaces. We generalize some definitions such as -nonexpansive and -uniformly locally contractive functions -closure, -isometric in cone metric spaces, and certain fixed point theorems will be proved in those spaces. Among other results, we prove some interesting applications for the fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces.

  14. Paracoccidioidomicose e síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida: relato de necropsia

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    Godoy Pérsio


    Full Text Available Descrição de um caso de paracoccidioidomicose generalizada em homem de 59 anos com síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida, sem diagnóstico clínico prévio, observado à necropsia. Houve disseminação do fungo para vários órgãos, caracterizando-se, especialmente nos linfonodos, reativação aguda de processo antigo. O relato acrescenta-se ao número relativamente reduzido dos anotados na literatura médica.

  15. Loss-cone-driven ion cyclotron waves in the magnetosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denton, R.E.; Hudson, M.K.; Roth, I.


    The theoretical properties of linear ion cyclotron waves propagating in the magnetosphere at arbitrary angles to the background magnetic field are explored. It is found that in some cases the linear wave growth of modes with oblique propagation can dominate that of the parallel propagating electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) wave. In particular, when the hot ring current protons have a loss cone and their temperature anisotropy A ≡ T perpendicular /T parallel - 1 is reduced, the parallel propagating EMIC wave becomes stable, while the obliquely propagating loss-cone-driven mode persists. The growth rate of the loss-cone-driven model depends strongly on the depth of the loss cone. Unlike the parallel propagating EMIC wave, it can be unstable with A = 0. Other conditions that favor the loss-cone-driven mode in comparison to the parallel mode are stronger background magnetic field, lower density of cold hydrogen, and a lower temperature for the hot anisotropic component of hydrogen. A simple analytical theory is presented which explains the scaling of the growth rate of the oblique mode with respect to various parameters. The loss-cone-driven mode is an electromagnetic mode which is preferentially nearly linearly polarized. It is nearly electrostatic in the sense that the wave electric field is aligned with the perpendicular (to B 0 ) component of the wave vector k and k perpendicular > k parallel . Since the electric and magnetic wave fields are perpendicular to B 0 , they would be difficult to distinguish from those of a linearly polarized parallel propagating electromagnetic wave with the same k parallel

  16. Effect of loss cone on confinement in toroidal helical device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, K.; Itoh, S.-I.; Fukuyama, A.; Hanatani, K.


    Analytical estimation is given on the loss cone in the toroidal helical devices in the presence of the radial electric field and the modulation of the helical ripple. The minimum energy of particles entering the loss cone is calculated. The modulation is not always effective in reducing the loss in the presence of the radial electric field. The plasma loss due to the loss cone is estimated in the collisionless limit. The radial electric field is estimated in the presence of the loss cone. It is found that the transition to the solution with positive radial electric field, which is necessary to achieve the high-ion-temperature mode, becomes difficult. This difficulty is large for the systems with the small helical ripple. (author)

  17. Staphylococcus cohnii spp urealyticus: relato de caso de um patógeno incomum


    d'Azevedo,Pedro Alves; Antunes,Ana Lúcia Sousa; Martino,Marinês Dalla Valle; Pignatari,Antonio Carlos Campos


    Staphylococcus coagulase negativos tem surgido como importantes agentes em infecções de pacientes hospitalizados. Neste estudo, relatamos o caso de bacteremia associada a cateter venoso central devido a Staphylococcus cohnii spp urealyticus isolado em hemocultura de um paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, internado em hospital geral da cidade de São Paulo. Discutimos nesse relato a dificuldade em identificar rotineiramente esse microrganismo no Laboratório de Microbiologia Clínica. Staphyloco...

  18. Response of Spectral Reflectances and Vegetation Indices on Varying Juniper Cone Densities

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    Guillermo E. Ponce-Campos


    Full Text Available Juniper trees are widely distributed throughout the world and are common sources of allergies when microscopic pollen grains are transported by wind and inhaled. In this study, we investigated the spectral influences of pollen-discharging male juniper cones within a juniper canopy. This was done through a controlled outdoor experiment involving ASD FieldSpec Pro Spectroradiometer measurements over juniper canopies of varying cone densities. Broadband and narrowband spectral reflectance and vegetation index (VI patterns were evaluated as to their sensitivity and their ability to discriminate the presence of cones. The overall aim of this research was to assess remotely sensed phenological capabilities to detect pollen-bearing juniper trees for public health applications. A general decrease in reflectance values with increasing juniper cone density was found, particularly in the Green (545–565 nm and NIR (750–1,350 nm regions. In contrast, reflectances in the shortwave-infrared (SWIR, 2,000 nm to 2,350 nm region decreased from no cone presence to intermediate amounts (90 g/m2 and then increased from intermediate levels to the highest cone densities (200 g/m2. Reflectance patterns in the Red (620–700 nm were more complex due to shifting contrast patterns in absorptance between cones and juniper foliage, where juniper foliage is more absorbing than cones only within the intense narrowband region of maximum chlorophyll absorption near 680 nm. Overall, narrowband reflectances were more sensitive to cone density changes than the equivalent MODIS broadbands. In all VIs analyzed, there were significant relationships with cone density levels, particularly with the narrowband versions and the two-band vegetation index (TBVI based on Green and Red bands, a promising outcome for the use of phenocams in juniper phenology trait studies. These results indicate that spectral indices are sensitive to certain juniper phenologic traits that can potentially be

  19. Agonia de um mito pós-moderno: narrativas míticas arcaicas e o relato jornalístico do 11 de setembro


    Mario Geraldo Rocha da Fonseca


    Este é um trabalho de comparação entre o relato jornalístico e algumas narrativas antigas. O objetivo é encontrar afinidades estruturais entre as narrativas contemporâneas e as narrativas arcaicas. Para isso, tomou-se como objeto de estudo o relato dos atentados terroristas aos Estados Unidos da América (EUA) que ficaram conhecidos pelo dia e pelo mês - 11 de Setembro - em que ocorreram, em 2001. Para a análise, escolheu-se 15 primeiras - páginas de jornais de várias partes do mundo, a maiori...

  20. Pollen cone anatomy of Classostrobus crossii sp. nov. (Cheirolepidiaceae)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rothwell, Gar W.; Mapes, Gene [Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University, Athens OH 45701 (United States); Hilton, Jason [Department of Earth Sciences, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT (United Kingdom); Hollingworth, Neville T. [Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Winfrith Technology Centre, Winfrith Newburgh, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8ZD (United Kingdom)


    Discovery of a permineralized fossil cone in Mesozoic deposits of southern England provides an opportunity to document the first detailed evidence of internal pollen cone anatomy for the extinct conifer family Cheirolepidiaceae. The specimen, described here as Classostrobus crossii sp. nov., occurs in a calcareous nodule recovered from Middle Jurassic marine sediments of the Lower Callovian Sigaloceras calloviense biozone, Kellaways, near Cirencester, England. The cone is 2.0 cm long and 1.8 cm wide. Sporophylls diverge helically from the axis. Each sporophyll displays a narrow stalk and a distal lamina approx. 11 mm long that tapers to a pointed tip. There is also a basal keel that bends inward at the bottom and sides to form a shallow pocket. A single vascular bundle diverges from the cone axis, extends distally into the sporophyll stalk at the contact of two distinctly different histological zones, and further expands into the distal lamina as transfusion tracheids. Several pollen sacs are attached abaxially at the juncture of the sporophyll stalk and keel. Pollen is roughly spheroidal, 26-35 {mu}m in diameter, with unequal polar caps separated by a striated belt with a subequatorial furrow. This specimen helps clarify the range of variation in the morphology of Mesozoic conifer pollen cones. (author)

  1. Comparison of three-dimensional parameters of Halo CMEs using three cone models (United States)

    Na, H.; Moon, Y.; Jang, S.; Lee, K.


    Halo coronal mass ejections (HCMEs) are a major cause of geomagnetic storms and their three dimensional structures are important for space weather. In this study, we compare three cone models: an elliptical cone model, an ice-cream cone model, and an asymmetric cone model. These models allow us to determine the three dimensional parameters of HCMEs such as radial speed, angular width, and the angle (γ) between sky plane and cone axis. We compare these parameters obtained from three models using 62 well-observed HCMEs observed by SOHO/LASCO from 2001 to 2002. Then we obtain the root mean square error (RMS error) between maximum measured projection speeds and their calculated projection speeds from the cone models. As a result, we find that the radial speeds obtained from the models are well correlated with one another (R > 0.84). The correlation coefficients between angular widths are ranges from 0.04 to 0.53 and those between γ values are from -0.15 to 0.47, which are much smaller than expected. The reason may be due to different assumptions and methods. The RMS errors between the maximum measured projection speeds and the maximum estimated projection speeds of the elliptical cone model, the ice-cream cone model, and the asymmetric cone model are 213 km/s, 254 km/s, and 267 km/s, respectively. And we obtain the correlation coefficients between the location from the models and the flare location (R > 0.75). Finally, we discuss strengths and weaknesses of these models in terms of space weather application.

  2. Recurrent abnormalities in conifer cones and the evolutionary origins of flower-like structures. (United States)

    Rudall, Paula J; Hilton, Jason; Vergara-Silva, Francisco; Bateman, Richard M


    Conifer cones are reproductive structures that are typically of restricted growth and either exclusively pollen-bearing (male) or exclusively ovule-bearing (female). Here, we review two common spontaneous developmental abnormalities of conifer cones: proliferated cones, in which the apex grows vegetatively, and bisexual cones, which possess both male and female structures. Emerging developmental genetic data, combined with evidence from comparative morphology, ontogeny and palaeobotany, provide new insights into the evolution of both cones and flowers, and prompt novel strategies for understanding seed-plant evolution. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Predation and protection in the macroevolutionary history of conifer cones (United States)

    Leslie, Andrew B.


    Conifers are an excellent group in which to explore how changing ecological interactions may have influenced the allocation of reproductive tissues in seed plants over long time scales, because of their extensive fossil record and their important role in terrestrial ecosystems since the Palaeozoic. Measurements of individual conifer pollen-producing and seed-producing cones from the Pennsylvanian to the Recent show that the relative amount of tissue invested in pollen cones has remained constant through time, while seed cones show a sharp increase in proportional tissue investment in the Jurassic that has continued to intensify to the present day. Since seed size in conifers has remained similar through time, this increase reflects greater investment in protective cone tissues such as robust, tightly packed scales. This shift in morphology and tissue allocation is broadly concurrent with the appearance of new vertebrate groups capable of browsing in tree canopies, as well as a diversification of insect-feeding strategies, suggesting that an important change in plant–animal interactions occurred over the Mesozoic that favoured an increase in seed cone protective tissues. PMID:21345864

  4. Numerical Investigation of Double-Cone Flows with High Enthalpy Effects (United States)

    Nompelis, I.; Candler, G. V.


    A numerical study of shock/shock and shock/boundary layer interactions generated by a double-cone model that is placed in a hypersonic free-stream is presented. Computational results are compared with the experimental measurements made at the CUBRC LENS facility for nitrogen flows at high enthalpy conditions. The CFD predictions agree well with surface pressure and heat-flux measurements for all but one of the double-cone cases that have been studied by the authors. Unsteadiness is observed in computations of one of the LENS cases, however for this case the experimental measurements show that the flowfield is steady. To understand this discrepancy, several double-cone experiments performed in two different facilities with both air and nitrogen as the working gas are examined in the present study. Computational results agree well with measurements made in both the AEDC tunnel 9 and the CUBRC LENS facility for double-cone flows at low free-stream Reynolds numbers where the flow is steady. It is shown that at higher free- stream pressures the double-cone simulations develop instabilities that result in an unsteady separation.

  5. Meaning of visualizing retinal cone mosaic on adaptive optics images. (United States)

    Jacob, Julie; Paques, Michel; Krivosic, Valérie; Dupas, Bénédicte; Couturier, Aude; Kulcsar, Caroline; Tadayoni, Ramin; Massin, Pascale; Gaudric, Alain


    To explore the anatomic correlation of the retinal cone mosaic on adaptive optics images. Retrospective nonconsecutive observational case series. A retrospective review of the multimodal imaging charts of 6 patients with focal alteration of the cone mosaic on adaptive optics was performed. Retinal diseases included acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (n = 1), hydroxychloroquine retinopathy (n = 1), and macular telangiectasia type 2 (n = 4). High-resolution retinal images were obtained using a flood-illumination adaptive optics camera. Images were recorded using standard imaging modalities: color and red-free fundus camera photography; infrared reflectance scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. On OCT, in the marginal zone of the lesions, a disappearance of the interdigitation zone was observed, while the ellipsoid zone was preserved. Image recording demonstrated that such attenuation of the interdigitation zone co-localized with the disappearance of the cone mosaic on adaptive optics images. In 1 case, the restoration of the interdigitation zone paralleled that of the cone mosaic after a 2-month follow-up. Our results suggest that the interdigitation zone could contribute substantially to the reflectance of the cone photoreceptor mosaic. The absence of cones on adaptive optics images does not necessarily mean photoreceptor cell death. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Polynomial Primal-Dual Cone Affine Scaling for Semidefinite Programming

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.B. Berkelaar (Arjan); J.F. Sturm; S. Zhang (Shuzhong)


    textabstractIn this paper we generalize the primal--dual cone affine scaling algorithm of Sturm and Zhang to semidefinite programming. We show in this paper that the underlying ideas of the cone affine scaling algorithm can be naturely applied to semidefinite programming, resulting in a new

  7. Axial length and cone density as assessed with adaptive optics in myopia

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    Supriya Dabir


    Full Text Available Aim: To assess the variations in cone mosaic in myopia and its correlation with axial length (AL. Subjects and Methods: Twenty-five healthy myopic volunteers underwent assessment of photoreceptors using adaptive optics retinal camera at 2° and 3° from the foveal center in four quadrants superior, inferior, temporal and nasal. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 17 (IBM. Multivariable regression analysis was conducted to study the relation between cone density and AL, quadrant around the fovea and eccentricity from the fovea. Results: The mean cone density was significantly lower as the eccentricity increased from 2° from the fovea to 3° (18,560 ± 5455-16,404 ± 4494/mm 2 respectively. There was also a statistically significant difference between four quadrants around the fovea. The correlation of cone density and spacing with AL showed that there was a significant inverse relation of AL with the cone density. Conclusion: In myopic patients with good visual acuity cone density around the fovea depends on the quadrant, distance from the fovea as well as the AL. The strength of the relation of AL with cone density depends on the quadrant and distance.

  8. Performance of the coned-face end seal with regard to energy conservation (United States)

    Sehnal, J.; Sedy, J.; Zobens, A.; Etsion, I.


    The effects of face coning on seal performance are evaluated with particular regard to the energy saving potential of convex conedface end seals as indicated by torque reduction. Experiments were conducted using a conventional carbon flat-face pusher-type seal, a coned-face pusher-type seal, coned-face bellows-type seal, and a modified coned-face pusher-type seal intended for dynamically unstable operation, with shaft rotation at up to 8000 rpm, pressures of up to 2758 kPa, and a petroleum-based turbine oil as lubricant. Torque at the seal interface is found to be reduced by 42% when the standard flat-face seal is replaced by a coned seal, although the leakage of the cone-face seal was 11 times greater. Reduction of seal balance from 76.1 to 51.3% resulted in an additional 44% reduction in torque, although at the expense of excessive leakage, but did not produce unstable operation. Face temperatures were reduced by 33-56 C and wear was also reduced greatly on the cone face seals. Seal performance is noted to be in agreement with analytical calculations.

  9. Shape measurement and vibration analysis of moving speaker cone (United States)

    Zhang, Qican; Liu, Yuankun; Lehtonen, Petri


    Surface three-dimensional (3-D) shape information is needed for many fast processes such as structural testing of material, standing waves on loudspeaker cone, etc. Usually measurement is done from limited number of points using electrical sensors or laser distance meters. Fourier Transform Profilometry (FTP) enables fast shape measurement of the whole surface. Method is based on angled sinusoidal fringe pattern projection and image capturing. FTP requires only one image of the deformed fringe pattern to restore the 3-D shape of the measured object, which makes real-time or dynamic data processing possible. In our experiment the method was used for loudspeaker cone distortion measurement in dynamic conditions. For sound quality issues it is important that the whole cone moves in same phase and there are no partial waves. Our imaging resolution was 1280x1024 pixels and frame rate was 200 fps. Using our setup we found unwanted spatial waves in our sample cone.

  10. Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Hephaestus Fossae Cratered Cones, Mars (United States)

    Dapremont, A.; Wray, J. J.


    Hephaestus Fossae are a system of sub-parallel fractures on Mars (> 500 km long) interpreted as near-surface tensional cracks [1]. Images of the Martian surface from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment have revealed cratered cones within the Hephaestus Fossae region. A volcanic origin (cinder/tuff cones) has been proposed for these features based on morphometric measurements and fine-scale surface characteristics [2]. In an effort to further constrain the origin of these cones as the products of igneous or sedimentary volcanism, we use data from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM). We take advantage of CRISM's S (0.4 - 1.0 microns) and L (1.0 - 3.9 microns) detector wavelength ranges to investigate the presence or absence of spectral signatures consistent with previous identifications of igneous and mud volcanism products on Mars [3,4]. Hephaestus Fossae cratered cone rims exhibit a consistent nanophase ferric oxide signature. We also identify ferrous phases and 3-micron absorptions (attributed to fundamental vibrational stretch frequencies in H2O) on the crater rims of several cones. Mafic signatures on cratered cone rims support an igneous provenance for these features. The 3-micron absorptions are consistent with the presence of structurally bound or adsorbed water. Our CRISM observations are similar to those of small edifice features in Chryse Planitia, which were interpreted as mud volcanism products based on their enrichment of nanophase ferric minerals and 3-micron absorptions on summit crater rims [3]. Hydrothermal activity was invoked for a Coprates Chasma pitted cone (scoria/tuff cone) based on CRISM identification of partially dehydrated opaline silica, which we do not observe in Hephaestus Fossae [4]. Our spectral observations are more consistent with mud volcanism, but we do not definitively rule out an igneous volcanic origin for the cones in our study region. We demonstrate that VNIR spectroscopy is a valuable

  11. Relato autobiográfico e interpretación: una concepción narrativa de la identidad personal

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    Dante G. Duero


    Full Text Available En este trabajo analizo el lugar de la explicación y la interpretación dentro de las ciencias en general y de las ciencias sociales e históricas en particular. Expongo los argumentos de algunos autores en favor de la especificidad y la legitimidad del modelo narrativo dentro de las ciencias sociales e históricas. A continuación analizo la tesis que propone pensar a la identidad personal como parte de un relato que presenta grados diferentes de coherencia e integración. A partir de propuestas teóricas de diferentes autores, hago una caracterización de esta clase de narraciones y los elementos que la componen. Finalmente, reviso la tesis que afirma que la psicoterapia es un espacio para la reconstrucción y reelaboración de los relatos de los pacientes, con vistas a lograr narraciones más coherentes.

  12. Ablation and cone formation mechanism on CR-39 by ArF laser irradiation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shakeri Jooybari, B., E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute NSRT, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Afarideh, H., E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Lamehi-Rachti, M. [Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute NSRT, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Ghergherehchi, M. [Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of); College of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon (Korea, Republic of)


    In this work, chemical properties, surface modification, and micro structures formation on ablated polyallyl di-glycol carbonate (CR-39) polymer by ArF laser irradiation (λ = 193 nm) at various fluences and pulse number were investigated. CR-39 samples have been irradiated with an ArF laser (193 nm) at a repetition rate of 1 Hz. Threshold fluence of ablation and effective absorption coefficient of CR-39 were determined. Conical microstructures (Taylor cone) formed on laser-ablated CR-39 exhibit: smooth, Taylor cone shape walls and sharp tips together with interference and well defined fringe-structure with a period of 230 nm, around cone base. Mechanism of cone formation and cone evolution of CR-39 ablated surface were investigated by change of fluences (at a given pulse number) and pulse number (at a given fluence). Cone height, cone base, and region of interface were increased in micrometer steps by increasing the total fluence. Depression on the base of the cone and the circular fringe were simulated. FTIR spectra were measured and energy dispersive x-ray analysis of irradiated and un-irradiated samples was performed.

  13. On the geometry of null cones to infinity under curvature flux bounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexakis, Spyros; Shao, Arick


    The main objective of this paper is to control the geometry of a future outgoing truncated null cone extending smoothly toward infinity in an Einstein-vacuum spacetime. In particular, we wish to do this under minimal regularity assumptions, namely, at the (weighted) L 2 -curvature level. We show that if the curvature flux and the data on an initial sphere of the cone are sufficiently close to the corresponding values in a standard Minkowski or Schwarzschild null cone, then we can obtain quantitative bounds on the geometry of the entire infinite cone. The same bounds also imply the existence of limits at infinity, along the null cone, of naturally scaled geometric quantities. In Alexakis and Shao (2013 Bounds on the Bondi energy by a flux of curvature arXiv:1308.4170), we will apply these results in order to control various physical quantities—e.g., the Bondi energy and (linear and angular) momenta—associated with such infinite null cones in vacuum spacetimes. (paper)

  14. ZnO twin-cones: synthesis, photoluminescence, and catalytic decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. (United States)

    Sun, Xuefei; Qiu, Xiaoqing; Li, Liping; Li, Guangshe


    ZnO twin-cones, a new member to the ZnO family, were prepared directly by a solvothermal method using a mixed solution of zinc nitrate and ethanol. The reaction and growth mechanisms of ZnO twin-cones were investigated by X-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectra, infrared and ion trap mass spectra, and transmission electron microscopy. All as-prepared ZnO cones consisted of tiny single crystals with lengths of several micrometers. With prolonging of the reaction time from 1.5 h to 7 days, the twin-cone shape did not change at all, while the lattice parameters increased slightly and the emission peak of photoluminescence shifted from the green region to the near orange region. ZnO twin-cones are also explored as an additive to promote the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. The variations of photoluminescence spectra and catalytic roles in ammonium perchlorate decomposition were discussed in terms of the defect structure of ZnO twin-cones.

  15. Buckling behaviour of imperfect ring-stiffened cone-cylinder intersections under internal pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, Y.


    Cone-cylinder intersections are used commonly in pressure vessels and piping. In the case of a cone large end-to-cylinder intersection under internal pressure, the intersection is subject to a large circumferential compressive force. While both the cone and the cylinder may be locally thickened to strengthen the intersection, it is often desirable and convenient to provide an annular plate ring at the cone-to-cylinder joint to supplement local thickening or as an alternative strengthening measure, leading to a ring-stiffened cone-cylinder intersection. Only limited work has been carried out specifically on ring-stiffened cone-cylinder intersections under internal pressure. This paper presents the first experimental study on such intersections. In addition to the presentation of test results including geometric imperfections, failure behaviour and the determination of buckling mode and load based on displacement measurements, results from nonlinear bifurcation analysis using the perfect shape and nonlinear analysis using the measured imperfect shape are presented and compared with the experimental results

  16. Eruptive and Geomorphic Processes at the Lathrop Wells Scoria Cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    G. Valentine; D.J. Krier; F.V. Perry; G. Heiken


    The ∼80 ka Lathrop Wells volcano (southern Nevada, U.S.A.) preserves evidence for a range of explosive processes and emplacement mechanisms of pyroclastic deposits and lava fields in a small-volume basaltic center. Early cone building by Strombolian bursts was accompanied by development of a fan-like lava field reaching ∼800 m distance from the cone, built upon a gently sloping surface. Lava flows carried rafts of cone deposits, which provide indirect evidence for cone facies in lieu of direct exposures in the active quarry. Subsequent activity was of a violent Strombolian nature, with many episodes of sustained eruption columns up to a few km in height. These deposited layers of scoria lapilli and ash in different directions depending upon wind direction at the time of a given episode, reaching up to ∼20 km from the vent, and also produced the bulk of the scoria cone. Lava effusion migrated from south to north around the eastern base of the cone as accumulation of lavas successively reversed the topography at the base of the cone. Late lavas were emplaced during violent Strombolian activity and continued for some time after explosive eruptions had waned. Volumes of the eruptive products are: fallout--0.07 km 3 , scoria cone--0.02 km 3 , and lavas--0.03 km 3 . Shallow-derived xenolith concentrations suggest an upper bound on average conduit diameter of ∼21 m in the uppermost 335 m beneath the volcano. The volcano was constructed over a period of at least seven months with cone building occurring only during part of that time, based upon analogy with historical eruptions. Post-eruptive geomorphic evolution varied for the three main surface types that were produced by volcanic activity: (1) scoria cone, (2) low relief surfaces (including lavas) with abundant pyroclastic material, and (3) lavas with little pyroclastic material. The role of these different initial textures must be accounted for in estimating relative ages of volcanic surfaces, and failure to

  17. Eruptive and Geomorphic Processes at the Lathrop Wells Scoria Cone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    G. Valentine; D.J. Krier; F.V. Perry; G. Heiken


    The {approx}80 ka Lathrop Wells volcano (southern Nevada, U.S.A.) preserves evidence for a range of explosive processes and emplacement mechanisms of pyroclastic deposits and lava fields in a small-volume basaltic center. Early cone building by Strombolian bursts was accompanied by development of a fan-like lava field reaching {approx}800 m distance from the cone, built upon a gently sloping surface. Lava flows carried rafts of cone deposits, which provide indirect evidence for cone facies in lieu of direct exposures in the active quarry. Subsequent activity was of a violent Strombolian nature, with many episodes of sustained eruption columns up to a few km in height. These deposited layers of scoria lapilli and ash in different directions depending upon wind direction at the time of a given episode, reaching up to {approx}20 km from the vent, and also produced the bulk of the scoria cone. Lava effusion migrated from south to north around the eastern base of the cone as accumulation of lavas successively reversed the topography at the base of the cone. Late lavas were emplaced during violent Strombolian activity and continued for some time after explosive eruptions had waned. Volumes of the eruptive products are: fallout--0.07 km{sup 3}, scoria cone--0.02 km{sup 3}, and lavas--0.03 km{sup 3}. Shallow-derived xenolith concentrations suggest an upper bound on average conduit diameter of {approx}21 m in the uppermost 335 m beneath the volcano. The volcano was constructed over a period of at least seven months with cone building occurring only during part of that time, based upon analogy with historical eruptions. Post-eruptive geomorphic evolution varied for the three main surface types that were produced by volcanic activity: (1) scoria cone, (2) low relief surfaces (including lavas) with abundant pyroclastic material, and (3) lavas with little pyroclastic material. The role of these different initial textures must be accounted for in estimating relative ages of

  18. Topological Vector Space-Valued Cone Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Theorems

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    Radenović Stojan


    Full Text Available We develop the theory of topological vector space valued cone metric spaces with nonnormal cones. We prove three general fixed point results in these spaces and deduce as corollaries several extensions of theorems about fixed points and common fixed points, known from the theory of (normed-valued cone metric spaces. Examples are given to distinguish our results from the known ones.

  19. Anestesia em paciente com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne: relato de caso

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    Tonelli Deoclécio


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma afecção recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X, geralmente diagnosticada na infância, acentuando-se progressivamente até agravar a função respiratória. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de um paciente com distrofia muscular de Duchenne diagnosticada há 2 anos, submetido à postectomia, sob anestesia geral com cetamina S. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente com 9 anos de idade com Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne diagnosticada há 2 anos, submetido à anestesia geral com levo-cetamina (1,5, por via venosa, sob ventilação espontânea assistida manualmente por sistema de Baraka (Mapleson A e bloqueio peniano com bupivacaína a 0,5% (25 mg. Foram usados monitores de pressão arterial não invasiva, oximetria de pulso, cardioscopia e temperatura esofagiana. No decorrer da cirurgia, o caso evoluiu sem intercorrências, sendo que no período pós-operatório o paciente apresentou alguns episódios de vômitos sem outras alterações significativas. Permaneceu internado por 24 horas, tendo alta hospitalar assintomático. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação pré-anestésica cuidadosa, o uso de monitorização adequada e medicações que não predisponham o aparecimento de complicações tornam seguro o procedimento em pacientes portadores de Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne e seu pós-operatório.

  20. A Clinical Evaluation Of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (United States)


    A CLINICAL EVALUATION OF CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY by Bryan James Behm, D.D.S. Lieutenant, Dental Corps United States Navy A thesis... COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY " is appropriately acknowledged and, beyond brief excerpts, is with the permission of the copyright owner. ~mes Behm Endodontic...printed without the expressed written permission of the author. IV ABSTRACT A CLINICAL EVALUATION OF CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY BRYAN JAMES

  1. Neurosurgeon as innovator: William V. Cone (1897-1959). (United States)

    Preul, M C; Stratford, J; Bertrand, G; Feindel, W


    Neurosurgeons are well known for being productive researchers and innovators. Few, however, have possessed the prolific ingenuity of William Cone. In 1934, he and William Penfield were cofounders of the Montreal Neurological Institute where, until 1959, he filled the twin roles of neurosurgeon-in-chief and neuropathologist. Because he did not find writing easy, many of his technical inventions and refinements remained unpublished. His numerous innovations included the extensive use of twist-drill technique for biopsy, drainage for subdural hematoma and cerebral abscess, and ventriculography. In the mid-1940's, he developed power tools driven by nitrogen that led to the modern, universally used air-driven tool systems. He had a special interest in the treatment of spinal dysfunction, for which he invented the Cone-Barton skull-traction tongs along with the Cone spinal operating table. He also devised operative procedures for vertebral fracture-dislocation and craniospinal anomalies. For the maintenance of muscle tone in the paralyzed bladder, he constructed a tidal drainage system. He introduced and popularized ventriculoperitoneal shunting techniques and carried out some of the earliest experimental trails to treat brain infections with sulphonamide and antibiotic drugs. He designed his own set of surgical suction devices, bone rongeurs, and a personal suction "air-conditioning" system for each surgeon. He had a keen early interest in intracranial tumors, and also demonstrated on monkeys how subdural mass lesions caused pupillary dilation and mesial temporal lobe damage due to cerebral compression. His work for the military during World War II on effects of altitude on brain pressure remained classified for many years. The first clipping and excision of an intracranial aneurysm is attributed to Cone. Although Penfield was known as "the Chief," Cone was referred to as "the Boss." His fervent dedication to provide total care to his patients was expressed in round

  2. Direct numerical simulation of hypersonic boundary-layer flow on a flared cone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pruett, C.D. [James Madison Univ., Harrisonburg, VA (United States). Dept. of Math. and Comput. Sci.; Chang Chau-Lyan [High Technology Corporation, Hampton, VA 23666 (United States)


    The forced transition of the boundary layer on an axisymmetric flared cone in Mach 6 flow is simulated by the method of spatial direct numerical simulation (DNS). The full effects of the flared afterbody are incorporated into the governing equations and boundary conditions; these effects include nonzero streamwise surface curvature, adverse streamwise pressure gradient, and decreasing boundary-layer edge Mach number. Transition is precipitated by periodic forcing at the computational inflow boundary with perturbations derived from parabolized stability equation (PSE) methodology and based, in part, on frequency spectra available from physical experiments. Significant qualitative differences are shown to exist between the present results and those obtained previously for a cone without afterbody flare. In both cases, the primary instability is of second-mode type; however, frequencies are much higher for the flared cone because of the decrease in boundary-layer thickness in the flared region. Moreover, Goertler modes, which are linearly stable for the straight cone, are unstable in regions of concave body flare. Reynolds stresses, which peak near the critical layer for the straight cone, exhibit peaks close to the wall for the flared cone. The cumulative effect appears to be that transition onset is shifted upstream for the flared cone. However, the length of the transition zone may possibly be greater because of the seemingly more gradual nature of the transition process on the flared cone. (orig.) With 20 figs., 28 refs.


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    Eliane Goldberg Rabin


    Full Text Available Trata-se de um relato de experiência sobre atividade de extensão realizada por docentes e acadêmicos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem sobre sexualidade na adolescência. Atividade realizada com jovens de 10 a 19 anos, estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio de escolas públicas de Porto Alegre. Foram utilizadas diferentes estratégias e dinâmicas para o desenvolvimento das atividades, com vistas à maior participação dos jovens escolares. Os temas abordados foram as mudanças corporais, por meio da demonstração de moldes anatômicos, métodos contraceptivos, gravidez na adolescência e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. A atividade constitui-se num espaço de esclarecimento de dúvidas e discussão, possibilitando a ampliação de conhecimentos para todos os participantes. Palavras-chave: adolescente, anatomia humana, ensino básico. Talking on sexuality in adolescence: experience report Abstract: This is an experience report on extension activities undertaken by teachers and students of the Undergraduate Nursing Course on adolescent sexuality. The activity was carried out with young people from 10 to 19 years of age, students from elementary and secondary public schools in Porto Alegre. Different strategies and dynamics for the development of activities were applied, seeking for greater participation of young scholars. The topics covered were the body changes through the demonstration of anatomical models, contraceptive methods, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The activity constitutes a space for discussion and clarifying doubts, enabling the acquisition of information for all participants. Keywords: adolescent, human anatomy, primary education. Hablar de la sexualidad en la adolescencia: un relato de experiencia Resumen: se trata de un relato de experiencia en actividades de extensión realizadas por profesores y estudiantes de Enfermería sobre la sexualidad del adolescente. Actividad realizada con j

  4. The Na+/Ca2+, K+ exchanger NCKX4 is required for efficient cone-mediated vision. (United States)

    Vinberg, Frans; Wang, Tian; De Maria, Alicia; Zhao, Haiqing; Bassnett, Steven; Chen, Jeannie; Kefalov, Vladimir J


    Calcium (Ca 2+ ) plays an important role in the function and health of neurons. In vertebrate cone photoreceptors, Ca 2+ controls photoresponse sensitivity, kinetics, and light adaptation. Despite the critical role of Ca 2+ in supporting the function and survival of cones, the mechanism for its extrusion from cone outer segments is not well understood. Here, we show that the Na + /Ca 2+ , K + exchanger NCKX4 is expressed in zebrafish, mouse, and primate cones. Functional analysis of NCKX4-deficient mouse cones revealed that this exchanger is essential for the wide operating range and high temporal resolution of cone-mediated vision. We show that NCKX4 shapes the cone photoresponse together with the cone-specific NCKX2: NCKX4 acts early to limit response amplitude, while NCKX2 acts late to further accelerate response recovery. The regulation of Ca 2+ by NCKX4 in cones is a novel mechanism that supports their ability to function as daytime photoreceptors and promotes their survival.

  5. Raquitismo carencial: relato de caso = Vitamin D-dependent Rickets: Case report


    Porto, Juliana Antola


    Introdução: O raquitismo é uma doença do tecido ósseo em formação, onde há falha na calcificação e conseguinte acúmulo de tecido osteóide. O raquitismo carencial é decorrente da deficiência dos precursores da vitamina D, sendo a causa de raquitismo mais facilmente evitável e tratável. Objetivo: Relatar um caso, revisar a etiopatogenia e o tratamento do raquitismo carencial. Relato de caso: Paciente masculino com 2 anos de idade, previamente hígido, consulta com dificuldade de deambular ...

  6. Raquitismo carencial: relato de caso = Vitamin D-dependent rickets: case report


    Porto, Juliana Antola; Piccoli, Cláudia; Salerno, Margareth Rodrigues; Henrique, Iara


    Introdução: O raquitismo é uma doença do tecido ósseo em formação, onde há falha na calcificação e conseguinte acúmulo de tecido osteóide. O raquitismo carencial é decorrente da deficiência dos precursores da vitamina D, sendo a causa de raquitismo mais facilmente evitável e tratável. Objetivo: Relatar um caso, revisar a etiopatogenia e o tratamento do raquitismo carencial. Relato de caso: Paciente masculino com 2 anos de idade, previamente hígido, consulta com dificuldade de deambular progre...

  7. Large Scale Plasmonic nanoCones array For Spectroscopy Detection

    KAUST Repository

    Das, Gobind


    Advanced optical materials or interfaces are gaining attention for diagnostic applications. However, the achievement of large device interface as well as facile surface functionalization largely impairs their wide use. The present work is aimed to address different innovative aspects related to the fabrication of large area 3D plasmonic arrays, their direct and easy functionalization with capture elements and their spectroscopic verifications through enhanced Raman and enhanced fluorescence techniques. In detail we have investigated the effect of Au-based nanoCones array, fabricated by means of direct nanoimprint technique over large area (mm2), on protein capturing and on the enhancement in optical signal. A selective functionalization of gold surfaces was proposed by using a peptide (AuPi3) previously selected by phage display. In this regard, two different sequences, labeled with fluorescein and biotin, were chemisorbed on metallic surfaces. The presence of Au nanoCones array consents an enhancement in electric field on the apex of cone, enabling the detection of molecules. We have witnessed around 12-fold increase in fluorescence intensity and SERS enhancement factor around 1.75 ×105 with respect to the flat gold surface. Furthermore, a sharp decrease in fluorescence lifetime over nanoCones confirms the increase in radiative emission (i.e. an increase in photonics density at the apex of cones).

  8. Large Scale Plasmonic nanoCones array For Spectroscopy Detection

    KAUST Repository

    Das, Gobind; Battista, Edmondo; Manzo, Gianluigi; Causa, Filippo; Netti, Paolo; Di Fabrizio, Enzo M.


    Advanced optical materials or interfaces are gaining attention for diagnostic applications. However, the achievement of large device interface as well as facile surface functionalization largely impairs their wide use. The present work is aimed to address different innovative aspects related to the fabrication of large area 3D plasmonic arrays, their direct and easy functionalization with capture elements and their spectroscopic verifications through enhanced Raman and enhanced fluorescence techniques. In detail we have investigated the effect of Au-based nanoCones array, fabricated by means of direct nanoimprint technique over large area (mm2), on protein capturing and on the enhancement in optical signal. A selective functionalization of gold surfaces was proposed by using a peptide (AuPi3) previously selected by phage display. In this regard, two different sequences, labeled with fluorescein and biotin, were chemisorbed on metallic surfaces. The presence of Au nanoCones array consents an enhancement in electric field on the apex of cone, enabling the detection of molecules. We have witnessed around 12-fold increase in fluorescence intensity and SERS enhancement factor around 1.75 ×105 with respect to the flat gold surface. Furthermore, a sharp decrease in fluorescence lifetime over nanoCones confirms the increase in radiative emission (i.e. an increase in photonics density at the apex of cones).

  9. Light-cone gauge approach to arbitrary spin fields, currents and shadows

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Metsaev, R R


    Totally symmetric arbitrary spin fields in AdS space, conformal fields, conformal currents, and shadow fields in flat space are studied. Light-cone gauge formulations for such fields, currents and shadows are obtained. Use of the Poincaré parametrization of AdS space and ladder operators allows us to treat fields in flat and AdS spaces on an equal footing. Light-cone gauge realization of relativistic symmetries for fields, currents and shadows is also obtained. The light-cone gauge formulation for fields is obtained by using the gauge invariant Lagrangian which is presented in terms of modified de Donder divergence, while the light-cone gauge formulation for currents and shadows is obtained by using the gauge invariant approach to currents and shadows. This allows us to demonstrate explicitly how the ladder operators entering the gauge invariant formulation of fields, currents and shadows manifest themselves in the light-cone gauge formulation for fields, currents and shadows. (paper)

  10. Retinal cone photoreceptors of the deer mouse Peromyscus maniculatus: development, topography, opsin expression and spectral tuning.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick Arbogast

    Full Text Available A quantitative analysis of photoreceptor properties was performed in the retina of the nocturnal deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus, using pigmented (wildtype and albino animals. The aim was to establish whether the deer mouse is a more suitable model species than the house mouse for photoreceptor studies, and whether oculocutaneous albinism affects its photoreceptor properties. In retinal flatmounts, cone photoreceptors were identified by opsin immunostaining, and their numbers, spectral types, and distributions across the retina were determined. Rod photoreceptors were counted using differential interference contrast microscopy. Pigmented P. maniculatus have a rod-dominated retina with rod densities of about 450.000/mm(2 and cone densities of 3000-6500/mm(2. Two cone opsins, shortwave sensitive (S and middle-to-longwave sensitive (M, are present and expressed in distinct cone types. Partial sequencing of the S opsin gene strongly supports UV sensitivity of the S cone visual pigment. The S cones constitute a 5-15% minority of the cones. Different from house mouse, S and M cone distributions do not have dorsoventral gradients, and coexpression of both opsins in single cones is exceptional (<2% of the cones. In albino P. maniculatus, rod densities are reduced by approximately 40% (270.000/mm(2. Overall, cone density and the density of cones exclusively expressing S opsin are not significantly different from pigmented P. maniculatus. However, in albino retinas S opsin is coexpressed with M opsin in 60-90% of the cones and therefore the population of cones expressing only M opsin is significantly reduced to 5-25%. In conclusion, deer mouse cone properties largely conform to the general mammalian pattern, hence the deer mouse may be better suited than the house mouse for the study of certain basic cone properties, including the effects of albinism on cone opsin expression.

  11. Cones fabricated by 3D nanoimprint lithography for highly sensitive surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Wei; Hu Min; Ou Fungsuong; Li Zhiyong; Williams, R Stanley


    We demonstrated a cost-effective and deterministic method of patterning 3D cone arrays over a large area by using nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Cones with tip radius of less than 10 nm were successfully duplicated onto the UV-curable imprint resist materials from the silicon cone templates. Such cone structures were shown to be a versatile platform for developing reliable, highly sensitive surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates. In contrast to the silicon nanocones, the SERS substrates based on the Au coated cones made by the NIL offered significant improvement of the SERS signal. A further improvement of the SERS signal was observed when the polymer cones were imprinted onto a reflective metallic mirror surface. A sub-zeptomole detection sensitivity for a model molecule, trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)-ethylene (BPE), on the Au coated NIL cone surfaces was achieved.

  12. Laser bistatic two-dimensional scattering imaging simulation of lambert cone (United States)

    Gong, Yanjun; Zhu, Chongyue; Wang, Mingjun; Gong, Lei


    This paper deals with the laser bistatic two-dimensional scattering imaging simulation of lambert cone. Two-dimensional imaging is called as planar imaging. It can reflect the shape of the target and material properties. Two-dimensional imaging has important significance for target recognition. The expression of bistatic laser scattering intensity of lambert cone is obtained based on laser radar eauqtion. The scattering intensity of a micro-element on the target could be obtained. The intensity is related to local angle of incidence, local angle of scattering and the infinitesimal area on the cone. According to the incident direction of laser, scattering direction and normal of infinitesimal area, the local incidence angle and scattering angle can be calculated. Through surface integration and the introduction of the rectangular function, we can get the intensity of imaging unit on the imaging surface, and then get Lambert cone bistatic laser two-dimensional scattering imaging simulation model. We analyze the effect of distinguishability, incident direction, observed direction and target size on the imaging. From the results, we can see that the scattering imaging simulation results of the lambert cone bistatic laser is correct.

  13. Off-shell spinor-helicity amplitudes from light-cone deformation procedure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ponomarev, Dmitry [Theoretical physics group, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London,London, SW7 2AZ (United Kingdom)


    We study the consistency conditions for interactions of massless fields of any spin in four-dimensional flat space using the light-cone approach. We show that they can be equivalently rewritten as the Ward identities for the off-shell light-cone amplitudes built from the light-cone Hamiltonian in the standard way. Then we find a general solution of these Ward identities. The solution admits a compact representation when written in the spinor-helicity form and is given by an arbitrary function of spinor products, satisfying well-known homogeneity constraints. Thus, we show that the light-cone consistent deformation procedure inevitably leads to a certain off-shell version of the spinor-helicity approach. We discuss how the relation between the two approaches can be employed to facilitate the search of consistent interaction of massless higher-spin fields.

  14. A fast and efficient method for sequential cone-beam tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koehler, Th.; Proksa, R.; Grass, M.


    Sequential cone-beam tomography is a method that uses data of two or more parallel circular trajectories of a cone-beam scanner to reconstruct the object function. We propose a condition for the data acquisition that ensures that all object points between two successive circles are irradiated over an angular span of the x-ray source position of exactly 360 deg. in total as seen along the rotation axis. A fast and efficient approximative reconstruction method for the proposed acquisition is presented which uses data from exactly 360 deg. for every object point. It is based on the Tent-FDK method which was recently developed for single circular cone-beam CT. The measurement geometry does not provide sufficient data for exact reconstruction but it is shown that the proposed reconstruction method provides satisfying image quality for small cone angles

  15. Domain requirements for the Dock adapter protein in growth- cone signaling. (United States)

    Rao, Y; Zipursky, S L


    Tyrosine phosphorylation has been implicated in growth-cone guidance through genetic, biochemical, and pharmacological studies. Adapter proteins containing src homology 2 (SH2) domains and src homology 3 (SH3) domains provide a means of linking guidance signaling through phosphotyrosine to downstream effectors regulating growth-cone motility. The Drosophila adapter, Dreadlocks (Dock), the homolog of mammalian Nck containing three N-terminal SH3 domains and a single SH2 domain, is highly specialized for growth-cone guidance. In this paper, we demonstrate that Dock can couple signals in either an SH2-dependent or an SH2-independent fashion in photoreceptor (R cell) growth cones, and that Dock displays different domain requirements in different neurons.

  16. Clinical utility of dental cone-beam computed tomography: current perspectives

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    Jaju PP


    Full Text Available Prashant P Jaju,1 Sushma P Jaju21Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences and Research Center, Bhopal, IndiaAbstract: Panoramic radiography and computed tomography were the pillars of maxillofacial diagnosis. With the advent of cone-beam computed tomography, dental practice has seen a paradigm shift. This review article highlights the potential applications of cone-beam computed tomography in the fields of dental implantology and forensic dentistry, and its limitations in maxillofacial diagnosis.Keywords: dental implants, cone-beam computed tomography, panoramic radiography, computed tomography

  17. Multiple cone pathways are involved in photic regulation of retinal dopamine. (United States)

    Qiao, Sheng-Nan; Zhang, Zhijing; Ribelayga, Christophe P; Zhong, Yong-Mei; Zhang, Dao-Qi


    Dopamine is a key neurotransmitter in the retina and plays a central role in the light adaptive processes of the visual system. The sole source of retinal dopamine is dopaminergic amacrine cells (DACs). We and others have previously demonstrated that DACs are activated by rods, cones, and intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) upon illumination. However, it is still not clear how each class of photosensitive cells generates light responses in DACs. We genetically isolated cone function in mice to specifically examine the cone-mediated responses of DACs and their neural pathways. In addition to the reported excitatory input to DACs from light-increment (ON) bipolar cells, we found that cones alternatively signal to DACs via a retrograde signalling pathway from ipRGCs. Cones also produce ON and light-decrement (OFF) inhibitory responses in DACs, which are mediated by other amacrine cells, likely driven by type 1 and type 2/3a OFF bipolar cells, respectively. Dye injections indicated that DACs had similar morphological profiles with or without ON/OFF inhibition. Our data demonstrate that cones utilize specific parallel excitatory and inhibitory circuits to modulate DAC activity and efficiently regulate dopamine release and the light-adaptive state of the retina.

  18. Definiendo a los otros: relatos académicos sobre la diversidad en la escuela

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Luisa Jiménez-Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Este artículo indaga en los usos académicos del concepto diversidad en el ámbito escolar a partir del análisis de la literatura científica española. El método se basa en el análisis documental partiendo de una exhaustiva búsqueda y revisión de 218 artículos publicados entre 2006 y 2012 en revistas indexadas en CSIC-ISOC y DIALNET. Se aplicó un esquema estructural de análisis que permitió identificar diferentes configuraciones narrativas en torno a la definición del “otro” en la escuela. Los resultados señalan dos relatos hegemónicos: institucional, basado en las clasificaciones legislativas del alumnado en función de sus capacidades y rendimientos escolares; e intercultural, sustentado en categorizaciones en torno a las diferencias culturales derivadas de la condición inmigrante-extranjera. Concluimos que en ambos relatos se proyecta predominantemente una visión esencializadade la diversidad construida desde parámetros dicotómicos y excluyentes, sin apenas considerar otras categorías sociales y económicas en la conformación de las diferencias y desigualdades educativas.

  19. La función del relato en la producción social de sentido

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Palomar Verea


    Full Text Available Este artículo es una reflexión sobre la producción de sentido en las prácticas sociales a partir de la discusión en torno a la relación entre la historia, la investigación antropológica y la narrativa, intentando acercar esta discusión al análisis de las prácticas discursivas, entendidas como la puesta en acto del discurso en tanto vehículo primario a través del cual las relaciones sociales son producidas y reproducidas. La discursividad, entonces, hace referencia al conjunto de fenómenos en y a través de los cuales tiene lugar la producción de sentido que constituye a una sociedad como tal, mediante distintos relatos de las prácticas sociales que pueden ser vistas como textos narrativos más allá de la escritura. En este punto se retoman los planteamientos hermenéuticos de Paul Ricoeur sobre la noción de “texto”. Ricoeur se refiere al uso que hace Freud de esta noción: El relato del sueño es un texto ininteligible que el análisis sustituye por otro texto más inteligible.



    Poblete S,María Pía


    El propósito de este artículo es indagar en las percepciones y valoraciones de la experiencia escolar en un contexto interétnico. Presentamos información proveniente de 30 relatos sobre la educación y la experiencia escolar de personas mapuches de la precordillera de la Comuna de Panguipulli. Los resultados nos muestran que las experiencias en la escuela estuvieron marcadas por la discriminación étnica en la mayoría de los entrevistados. La discriminación se vivió en la interacción con profes...

  1. Multiple lymphoid nodules in bone marrow biopsy in immunocompetent patient with cytomegalovirus infection: an immunohistochemical analysis Múltiplos nódulos linfóides na medula óssea de paciente imunocompetente com infecção pelo citomegalovirus: uma análise imunohistoquímica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Maria Meire Magalhães


    Full Text Available In Brazil, a high prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV infection has been documented. In immunocompetent adults CMV infection is usually asymptomatic and therefore morphologic and immunophenotypic bone marrow changes have rarely been described. The authors report the case of a previously healthy patient who developed fever of undetermined origin. The diagnosis of acute CMV infection was based on serological testing. A computed tomographic scan showed mediastinal lymphadenopathy. A bone marrow biopsy revealed a hypercellular haematopoiesis with eosinophilia and large mixed T- and B-cell lymphoid aggregates. In spite of bcl-2 positivity, their reactive nature was demonstrated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR and immunohistochemistry were unable to detect CMV-DNA in paraffin-embedded bone marrow sections. Much like in other systemic disorders, the lymphoid nodules in this case seemed to be caused by immunological mechanisms, possibly due to cytokines released in response to the systemic infectious process.Uma elevada prevalência de infecção pelo citomegalovírus (CMV está documentada no Brasil. Em adultos imunocompetentes a infecção pelo CMV é, em geral, assintomática e, portanto, as alterações morfológicas e imunohistoquímicas na medula óssea têm sido raramente descritas. Relatamos o caso de um paciente previamente assintomático que desenvolveu febre de origem obscura. O diagnóstico de infecção aguda pelo CMV foi baseado em estudo sorológico. A tomografia computadorizada do tórax mostrou linfadenopatia mediastinal. A biópsia óssea revelou medula hipercelular com eosinofilia e grandes agregados linfóides mistos de células B e T. Apesar da positividade para bcl-2, a sua natureza reacional foi demostrada. A reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR e a imunohistoquímica não detectaram DNA viral nos cortes de medula óssea em parafina. Assim como em outros distúrbios sistêmicos, os nódulos linfóides no nosso caso parecem ser

  2. Cone pigments in a North American marsupial, the opossum (Didelphis virginiana)


    Jacobs, Gerald H.; Williams, Gary A.


    Only two of the four cone opsin gene families found in vertebrates are represented in contemporary eutherian and marsupial species. Recent genetic studies of two species of South American marsupial detected the presence of representatives from two of the classes of cone opsin genes and the structures of these genes predicted cone pigments with respective peaks in the ultraviolet and long-wavelength portions of the spectrum. The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), a profoundly nocturnal a...

  3. Extrafoveal Cone Packing in Eyes With a History of Retinopathy of Prematurity. (United States)

    Ramamirtham, Ramkumar; Akula, James D; Soni, Garima; Swanson, Matthew J; Bush, Jennifer N; Moskowitz, Anne; Swanson, Emily A; Favazza, Tara L; Tavormina, Jena L; Mujat, Mircea; Ferguson, R Daniel; Hansen, Ronald M; Fulton, Anne B


    To study the density and packing geometry of the extrafoveal cone photoreceptors in eyes with a history of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). We used a multimodal combination of adaptive optics (AO) scanning light ophthalmoscopy (SLO) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Cones were identified in subjects (aged 14-26 years) with a history of ROP that was either severe and treated by laser ablation of avascular peripheral retina (TROP; n = 5) or mild and spontaneously resolved, untreated (UROP; n = 5), and in term-born controls (CT; n = 8). The AO-SLO images were obtained at temporal eccentricities 4.5°, 9°, 13.5°, and 18° using both confocal and offset apertures with simultaneous, colocal OCT images. Effects of group, eccentricity, and aperture were evaluated and the modalities compared. In the SLO images, cone density was lower and the packing pattern less regular in TROP, relative to CT and UROP retinae. Although SLO image quality appeared lower in TROP, root mean square (RMS) wavefront error did not differ among the groups. In TROP eyes, cone discrimination was easier in offset aperture images. There was no evidence of cone loss in the TROP OCT images. Low cone density in TROP confocal SLO images may have resulted from lower image quality. Since AO correction in these eyes was equivalent to that of the control group, and OCT imaging showed no significant cone loss, the optical properties of the inner retina or properties of the cones themselves are likely altered in a way that affects photoreceptor imaging.

  4. Field Test Evaluation of Effect on Cone Resistance Caused by Change in Penetration Rate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Rikke; Nielsen, Benjaminn Nordahl; Ibsen, Lars Bo


    in the laboratory. A change in the measured cone resistance occurs by lowering the penetration rate. This is caused by the changes in drainage conditions. Compared to the normal penetration rate of 20 mm/s, this paper illustrates that lowering the penetration rate leads to an increase in the cone resistance from 1......This paper presents how a change in cone penetration rate affects the measured cone resistance during cone penetration testing in silty soils. Regardless of soil, type the standard rate of penetration is 20 mm/s and it is generally accepted that undrained penetration occurs in clay while drained...... penetration occurs in sand. In intermediate soils such as silty soils, the standard cone penetration rate may result in drainage conditions varying from undrained to partially or fully drained conditions. Field cone penetrations tests have been conducted with different penetration rates on a test site...

  5. O transplante de medula óssea na leucemia mielóide aguda: análise de 80 pacientes transplantados no complexo do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo


    Bueno,Nadjanara D.; Saboya,Rosaura; Martins,Maria Cristina; Silva,Roberto L.; Chamone,Dalton A. F.; Rocha,Isamara F.; Sturaro,Daniel; Dulley,Frederico L.


    Oitenta pacientes consecutivos portadores de Leucemia Mielóide Aguda (LMA) submetidos a transplante de medula óssea alogênico (TMO alo) e autogênico (TMO auto), foram selecionados entre 1989 e 2001. Quarenta por cento dos mesmos estavam vivos ao final do estudo; no TMO alo 37,9% e no TMO auto 45,4%. Fatores como sexo, classificação Franco-Americano-Britânica de LMA, tratamento de indução, número de células infundidas e regime de condicionamentos não tiveram significância estatística na sobrev...

  6. Efeito da utilização de um centrifugado de medula óssea no tratamento de lesão muscular: estudo experimental em coelhos Effect of use of bone-marrow centrifugate on muscle injury treatment: experimental study on rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Ferreira Fernandes Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi de avaliar o efeito de um centrifugado de medula óssea na cicatrização de lesão muscular em coelhos. MÉTODOS: Este estudo experimental envolveu a utilização de 15 coelhos machos, adultos, da raça Nova Zelândia Branco. Em cada animal, realizou-se uma lesão transversal na região média do músculo tibial anterior direito, onde se adicionou uma esponja de colágeno absorvível, embebida em um centrifugado de aspirado de medula óssea do osso ilíaco ipsilateral. O membro posterior esquerdo foi utilizado como controle, sendo submetido à mesma lesão; porém, neste caso, adicionando-se somente a esponja de colágeno absorvível. Após 30 dias, os animais foram sacrificados para o estudo da cicatrização muscular. As áreas de cicatrização muscular foram submetidas à análise histológica com histomorfometria, interessando-se a mensuração do número de células musculares em regeneração por micrômetro quadrado e a proporção de fibrose formada. RESULTADOS: O método de centrifugação utilizado neste estudo resultou em uma concentração média de células nucleadas maior que o número destas células nos aspirados originais, sem provocar destruição celular significativa. A adição do centrifugado de medula óssea não resultou em aumento significante do número de células musculares em regeneração em relação ao grupo controle. Também não houve diferença significante na proporção de fibrose formada em relação ao grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: A administração de centrifugado de medula óssea utilizada neste estudo não favoreceu a cicatrização de lesão muscular em coelhos.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bone-marrow centrifugate on the healing of muscle injuries in rabbits. METHODS: This experimental study involved use of fifteen adult male New Zealand White rabbits. Each animal received a transverse lesion in the middle of the right

  7. A comparison of neuronal growth cone and cell body membrane: electrophysiological and ultrastructural properties. (United States)

    Guthrie, P B; Lee, R E; Kater, S B


    This study investigated a broad set of general electrophysiological and ultrastructural features of growth cone and cell body membrane of individual neurons where membrane from different regions of the same neuron can be directly compared. Growth cones were surgically isolated from identified adult Helisoma neurons in culture and compared with the cell body using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. All isolated growth cones generated overshooting regenerative action potentials. Five neurons (buccal neurons B4, B5, and B19; pedal neurons P1 and P5) were selected that displayed distinctive action potential waveforms. In all cases, the growth cone action potential was indistinguishable from the cell body action potential and different from growth cones from other identified neurons. Two of these neurons (B5 and B19) were studied further using voltage-clamp procedures; growth cones and cell bodies again revealed major similarities within one neuron type and differences between neuron types. The only suggested difference between the growth cone and cell body was an apparent reduction in the magnitude of the A-current in the growth cone. Peak inward and outward current densities, as with other electrophysiological features, were different between neuron types, but were, again, similar between the growth cone and the cell body of the same neuron. Freeze-fracture analysis of intramembraneous particles (IMPs) was also performed on identified regions of the same neuron in culture. Both the density and the size distribution of IMPs were the same in growth cone, cell body, and neurite membranes. In these general electrophysiological and ultrastructural characteristics, therefore, growth cone membranes appear to retain the identity of the parent neuron cell body membrane.

  8. Hadronic wavefunctions in light-cone quantization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hyer, T.


    The analysis of light-cone wavefunctions seems the most promising theoretical approach to a detailed understanding of the structure of relativistic bound states, particularly hadrons. However, there are numerous complications in this approach. Most importantly, the light-cone approach sacrifices manifest rotational invariance in exchange for the elimination of negative-energy states. The requirement of rotational invariance of the full theory places important constraints on proposed light-cone wavefunctions, whether they are modelled or extracted from some numerical procedure. A formulation of the consequences of the hidden rotational symmetry has been sought for some time; it is presented in Chapter 2. In lattice gauge theory or heavy-quark effective theory, much of the focus is on the extraction of numerical values of operators which are related to the hadronic wavefunction. These operators are to some extent interdependent, with relations induced by fundamental constraints on the underlying wavefunction. The consequences of the requirement of unitarity are explored in Chapter 3, and are found to have startling phenomenological relevance. To test model light-cone wavefunctions, experimental predictions must be made. The reliability of perturbative QCD as a tool for making such predictions has been questioned. In Chapter 4, the author presents a computation of the rates for nucleon-antinucleon annihilation, improving the reliability of the perturbative computation by taking into account the Sudakov suppression of exclusive processes at large transverse impact parameter. In Chapter 5, he develops the analysis of semiexclusive production. This work focuses on processes in which a single isolated meson is produced perturbatively and recoils against a wide hadronizing system. At energies above about 10 GeV, semiexclusive processes are shown to be the most sensitive experimental probes of hadronic structure

  9. Enhanced photon production rate on the light-cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aurenche, P.; Grenoble-1 Univ., 74 - Annecy; Gelis, F.; Kobes, R.; Petitgirard, E.


    Recent studies of the high temperature soft photon production rate on the light cone using Braaten-Pisarski resummation techniques have found collinear divergences present. It is shown that there exist a class of terms outside the Braaten-Pisarski framework which, although also divergent, dominate over these previously considered terms. The divergences in these new terms may be alleviated by application of a recently developed resummation scheme for processes sensitive to the light-cone. (author)

  10. Bloqueio do nervo isquiático via médio lateral da coxa como opção anestésica no trauma: relato de caso


    Geier, Karl Otto


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Nos pacientes com trauma de membros inferiores e com estômago cheio, tantos os bloqueios de plexos nervosos como os bloqueios de nervos periféricos isolados são procedimentos incomuns, prevalecendo os bloqueios peridural e subaracnóideo como primeira indicação. Este relato de caso registrou a escolha do bloqueio do nervo isquiático, como melhor indicação para anestesia em paciente de estômago cheio e traumatismo grave de pé. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculin...

  11. Enhancement of the Number of Fast Electrons Generated in a Laser Inverse Cone Interaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan-Ling, Ji; Gang, Jiang; Wei-Dong, Wu; Ji-Cheng, Zhang; Yong-Jian, Tang


    Enhancement of the energy-conversion efficiency from laser to target electrons is demonstrated by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations in a laser-inverse cone interaction. When an intense short-pulse laser illuminates the inverse cone target, the electrons at the cone end are accelerated by the ponderomotive force. Then these electrons are guided and confined to transport along the inverse cone walls by the induced electromagnetic fields. A device consisting of inverse hollow-cone and multihole array plasma is proposed in order to increase the energy-conversion efficiency from laser to electrons. Particle-in-cell simulations present that the multiholes transpiercing the cone end help to enhance the number of fast electrons and the maximum electron energy significantly. (physics of gases, plasmas, and electric discharges)

  12. A new approximate algorithm for image reconstruction in cone-beam spiral CT at small cone-angles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaller, S.; Flohr, T.; Steffen, P.


    This paper presents a new approximate algorithm for image reconstruction with cone-beam spiral CT data at relatively small cone-angles. Based on the algorithm of Wang et al., our method combines a special complementary interpolation with filtered backprojection. The presented algorithm has three main advantages over Wang's algorithm: (1) It overcomes the pitch limitation of Wang's algorithm. (2) It significantly improves z-resolution when suitable sampling schemes are applied. (3) It avoids the waste of applied radiation dose inherent to Wang's algorithm. Usage of the total applied dose is an important requirement in medical imaging. Our method has been implemented on a standard workstation. Reconstructions of computer-simulated data of different phantoms, assuming sampling conditions and image quality requirements typical to medical CT, show encouraging results

  13. Effects of early cone collection and artificial ripening on white spruce and red pine germination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winston, D.A.; Haddon, B.D.


    Two experiments were conducted at the Petawawa National Forestry Institute. Chalk River, Ontario in 1978 to test the feasibility of early cone collection and to determine the optimum conditions for the artificial ripening of white spruce and red pine cones. Cones were collected at periodic intervals, commencing 7 weeks before natural cone ripeness, and stored under four storage conditions and three storage periods. White spruce cones collected August 1, 4 weeks before natural seed dispersal, and stored on open, screened trays for 12 weeks at 5 degrees Celcius and 75-95% relative humidity yielded seeds of high germinability. Seeds extracted from cones immediately after this collection failed to germinate. Cold storage of white spruce cones at 5 degrees Celcius for as little as 4 weeks eliminated dormancy and the subsequent need for seed stratification after extraction. Good germination of red pine seeds was obtained from cones collected August 16, 7 weeks before natural seed dispersal, and stored on screened trays in a well-ventilated, unheated building, for 4 weeks. Completion of embryo growth must be attained before artificial ripening can be successfully applied; it may be used as an index for commencement of cone collections provided subsequent cone handling includes artificial ripening. (Refs. 39).

  14. Generalized Fourier slice theorem for cone-beam image reconstruction. (United States)

    Zhao, Shuang-Ren; Jiang, Dazong; Yang, Kevin; Yang, Kang


    The cone-beam reconstruction theory has been proposed by Kirillov in 1961, Tuy in 1983, Feldkamp in 1984, Smith in 1985, Pierre Grangeat in 1990. The Fourier slice theorem is proposed by Bracewell 1956, which leads to the Fourier image reconstruction method for parallel-beam geometry. The Fourier slice theorem is extended to fan-beam geometry by Zhao in 1993 and 1995. By combining the above mentioned cone-beam image reconstruction theory and the above mentioned Fourier slice theory of fan-beam geometry, the Fourier slice theorem in cone-beam geometry is proposed by Zhao 1995 in short conference publication. This article offers the details of the derivation and implementation of this Fourier slice theorem for cone-beam geometry. Especially the problem of the reconstruction from Fourier domain has been overcome, which is that the value of in the origin of Fourier space is 0/0. The 0/0 type of limit is proper handled. As examples, the implementation results for the single circle and two perpendicular circle source orbits are shown. In the cone-beam reconstruction if a interpolation process is considered, the number of the calculations for the generalized Fourier slice theorem algorithm is O(N^4), which is close to the filtered back-projection method, here N is the image size of 1-dimension. However the interpolation process can be avoid, in that case the number of the calculations is O(N5).

  15. Fabrication and Application of Iron(III-Oxide Nanoparticle/Polydimethylsiloxane Composite Cone in Microfluidic Channels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheng-Chun Huang


    Full Text Available This paper presented the fabrication and applications of an iron(III-oxide nanoparticle/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS cone as a component integrated in lab on a chip. The two main functions of this component were to capture magnetic microbeads in the microfluid and to mix two laminar fluids by generating disturbance. The iron(III-oxide nanoparticle/PDMS cone was fabricated by automatic dispensing and magnetic shaping. Three consecutive cones of 300 μm in height were asymmetrically placed along a microchannel of 2 mm in width and 1.1 mm in height. Flow passing the cones was effectively redistributed for Renolds number lower than . Streptavidin-coated magnetic microbeads which were bound with biotin were successfully captured by the composite cones as inspected under fluorescence microscope. The process parameters for fabricating the composite cones were investigated. The fabricated cone in the microchannel could be applied in lab on a chip for bioassay in the future.

  16. Development of partial ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew in hop cones and its management implications.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Megan C Twomey

    Full Text Available Knowledge of processes leading to crop damage is central to devising rational approaches to disease management. Multiple experiments established that infection of hop cones by Podosphaera macularis was most severe if inoculation occurred within 15 to 21 days after bloom. This period of infection was associated with the most pronounced reductions in alpha acids, cone color, and accelerated maturation of cones. Susceptibility of cones to powdery mildew decreased progressively after the transition from bloom to cone development, although complete immunity to the disease failed to develop. Maturation of cone tissues was associated with multiple significant affects on the pathogen manifested as reduced germination of conidia, diminished frequency of penetration of bracts, lengthening of the latent period, and decreased sporulation. Cones challenged with P. macularis in juvenile developmental stages also led to greater frequency of colonization by a complex of saprophytic, secondary fungi. Since no developmental stage of cones was immune to powdery mildew, the incidence of powdery mildew continued to increase over time and exceeded 86% by late summer. In field experiments with a moderately susceptible cultivar, the incidence of cones with powdery mildew was statistically similar when fungicide applications were made season-long or targeted only to the juvenile stages of cone development. These studies establish that partial ontogenic resistance develops in hop cones and may influence multiple phases of the infection process and pathogen reproduction. The results further reinforce the concept that the efficacy of a fungicide program may depend largely on timing of a small number of sprays during a relatively brief period of cone development. However in practice, targeting fungicide and other management tactics to periods of enhanced juvenile susceptibility may be complicated by a high degree of asynchrony in cone development and other factors that are

  17. Avaliação de centrifugado osteogênico de medula óssea na consolidação de fratura em coelhos Evaluation of centrifuged osteogenic bone marrow in fracture consolidation in rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Eduardo Sanches Vaz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia de um centrifugado osteogênico de medula óssea em estimular a consolidação de osteotomias da fíbula em coelhos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dez coelhos machos adultos da raça Nova Zelândia albino. Realizou-se uma osteotomia transversa médio-diafisária da fíbula direita, seguida da adição local de uma esponja de colágeno absorvível embebida em um centrifugado osteogênico, obtido pela centrifugação de aspirado de medula óssea do osso ilíaco ipsilateral. A fíbula esquerda foi utilizada como controle, sendo feita a mesma osteotomia, porém neste caso adicionando-se somente a esponja de colágeno absorvível. Após quatro semanas os animais foram sacrificados para estudo dos calos ósseos formados. Os critérios de avaliação foram a mensuração da densidade mineral utilizando-se a densitometria óssea com DEXA, do volume do calo com tomografia computadorizada multi-slice e dos tecidos formados por meio de histomorfometria. RESULTADOS: A utilização do centrifugado osteogênico resultou em um aumento médio na densidade mineral óssea dos calos de 40,3% e da quantidade relativa de tecido ósseo de 9,4%, sem aumento significativo nas quantidades relativas de cartilagem ou fibrose nem no volume do calo ósseo. CONCLUSÃO: A administração do centrifugado osteogênico de medula óssea utilizado neste estudo favoreceu a consolidação óssea de osteotomias experimentais em coelhos.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a centrifuged osteogenic bone marrow aspirate to stimulate healing in rabbit fibular osteotomies. METHODS: Ten white New Zealand rabbits were used. A transverse medial diaphyseal fibular osteotomy was performed on the right fibula, where an absorbable collagen sponge embedded in osteogenic centrifuged bone marrow aspirate, obtained from the ipsilateral iliac bone, was inserted. The left fibula was used as the control group, where the collagen absorbable

  18. Chloride currents in cones modify feedback from horizontal cells to cones in goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Endeman, Duco; Fahrenfort, Iris; Sjoerdsma, Trijntje; Steijaert, Marvin; ten Eikelder, Huub; Kamermans, Maarten


    In neuronal systems, excitation and inhibition must be well balanced to ensure reliable information transfer. The cone/horizontal cell (HC) interaction in the retina is an example of this. Because natural scenes encompass an enormous intensity range both in temporal and spatial domains, the balance

  19. The nature of surround-induced depolarizing responses in goldfish cones

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaij, D. A.; Spekreijse, H.; Kamermans, M.


    Cones in the vertebrate retina project to horizontal and bipolar cells and the horizontal cells feedback negatively to cones. This organization forms the basis for the center/surround organization of the bipolar cells, a fundamental step in the visual signal processing. Although the surround

  20. Fundamental harmonic electron cyclotron emission for hot, loss-cone type distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bornatici, M.; Ruffina, U.; Westerhof, E.


    Electron cyclotron emission (ECE) is an important diagnostic tool for the study of hot plasmas. ECE can be used not only to measure the electron temperature but also to obtain information about non-thermal characteristics of the electron distribution function. One such a nonthermal characteristic is a loss-cone anisotropy. Loss-cone anisotropy can give rise to unstable growth of electro-magnetic waves around the harmonics of the electron cyclotron resonance and to increased emissivity of electron cyclotron waves. In case of high electron temperatures, also the dispersion properties of the extraordinary (X-) mode arond the fundamental electron cyclotron resonance are changed due to loss-cone anisotropy. The consequences of these dispersion properties for the emissivity of the fundamental harmonic X-mode are analyzed for perpendicular propagation. The emissivity, is calculated for two types of distribution functions having a loss-cone anisotropy. These distribution functions are a relativistic Dory-Guest-Harris type distribution function and modified relativistic Maxwellian distribution having a loss-cone with rounded edges (author). 9 refs.; 2 figs

  1. Pivotal roles of Fezf2 in differentiation of cone OFF bipolar cells and functional maturation of cone ON bipolar cells in retina. (United States)

    Suzuki-Kerr, Haruna; Iwagawa, Toshiro; Sagara, Hiroshi; Mizota, Atsushi; Suzuki, Yutaka; Watanabe, Sumiko


    During development of the retina, common retinal progenitor cells give rise to six classes of neurons that subsequently further diversify into more than 55 subtypes of neuronal subtypes. Here, we have investigated the expression and function of Fezf2, Fez zinc finger family of protein, in the developing mouse retina. Expression of Fezf2 transcripts was strongly observed in the embryonic retinal progenitors at E14.5 and declined quickly in subsequent development of retina. Then, in postnatal stage at around day 8, Fezf2 was transiently expressed then declined again. Loss-of-function analysis using retinas from mice in which Fezf2 coding region was substituted with β-galactosidase showed that Fezf2 is expressed in a subset of cone OFF bipolar cells and required for their differentiation. Using electroretinogram, we found that Fezf2 knockout retina exhibited significantly reduced photopic b-wave, suggesting functional abnormality of cone ON bipolar cells. Furthermore, reduced expression of synaptic protein Trpm1 and structural alteration of ON bipolar cell invagination, both of which affected cone photoreceptor terminal synaptic activity, was identified by transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Taken together, our results show that Fezf2 is indispensable in differentiation of bipolar precursors into cone OFF bipolar cells and in functional maturation of cone ON bipolar cells during development of mouse retina. These results contribute to our understanding of how diversity of neuronal subtypes and hence specificity of neuronal connections are established in the retina by intrinsic cues. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Chromatic detection from cone photoreceptors to V1 neurons to behavior in rhesus monkeys. (United States)

    Hass, Charles A; Angueyra, Juan M; Lindbloom-Brown, Zachary; Rieke, Fred; Horwitz, Gregory D


    Chromatic sensitivity cannot exceed limits set by noise in the cone photoreceptors. To determine how close neurophysiological and psychophysical chromatic sensitivity come to these limits, we developed a parameter-free model of stimulus encoding in the cone outer segments, and we compared the sensitivity of the model to the psychophysical sensitivity of monkeys performing a detection task and to the sensitivity of individual V1 neurons. Modeled cones had a temporal impulse response and a noise power spectrum that were derived from in vitro recordings of macaque cones, and V1 recordings were made during performance of the detection task. The sensitivity of the simulated cone mosaic, the V1 neurons, and the monkeys were tightly yoked for low-spatiotemporal-frequency isoluminant modulations, indicating high-fidelity signal transmission for this class of stimuli. Under the conditions of our experiments and the assumptions for our model, the signal-to-noise ratio for these stimuli dropped by a factor of ∼3 between the cones and perception. Populations of weakly correlated V1 neurons narrowly exceeded the monkeys' chromatic sensitivity but fell well short of the cones' chromatic sensitivity, suggesting that most of the behavior-limiting noise lies between the cone outer segments and the output of V1. The sensitivity gap between the cones and behavior for achromatic stimuli was larger than for chromatic stimuli, indicating greater postreceptoral noise. The cone mosaic model provides a means to compare visual sensitivity across disparate stimuli and to identify sources of noise that limit visual sensitivity.

  3. Technical factors influencing cone packing density estimates in adaptive optics flood illuminated retinal images.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Lombardo

    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the influence of various technical factors on the variation of cone packing density estimates in adaptive optics flood illuminated retinal images. METHODS: Adaptive optics images of the photoreceptor mosaic were obtained in fifteen healthy subjects. The cone density and Voronoi diagrams were assessed in sampling windows of 320×320 µm, 160×160 µm and 64×64 µm at 1.5 degree temporal and superior eccentricity from the preferred locus of fixation (PRL. The technical factors that have been analyzed included the sampling window size, the corrected retinal magnification factor (RMFcorr, the conversion from radial to linear distance from the PRL, the displacement between the PRL and foveal center and the manual checking of cone identification algorithm. Bland-Altman analysis was used to assess the agreement between cone density estimated within the different sampling window conditions. RESULTS: The cone density declined with decreasing sampling area and data between areas of different size showed low agreement. A high agreement was found between sampling areas of the same size when comparing density calculated with or without using individual RMFcorr. The agreement between cone density measured at radial and linear distances from the PRL and between data referred to the PRL or the foveal center was moderate. The percentage of Voronoi tiles with hexagonal packing arrangement was comparable between sampling areas of different size. The boundary effect, presence of any retinal vessels, and the manual selection of cones missed by the automated identification algorithm were identified as the factors influencing variation of cone packing arrangements in Voronoi diagrams. CONCLUSIONS: The sampling window size is the main technical factor that influences variation of cone density. Clear identification of each cone in the image and the use of a large buffer zone are necessary to minimize factors influencing variation of Voronoi

  4. The holographic entropy cone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bao, Ning [Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology,Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology,452-48, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Nezami, Sepehr [Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University,Stanford, CA 94305 (United States); Ooguri, Hirosi [Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology,452-48, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo,Kashiwa 277-8583 (Japan); Stoica, Bogdan [Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology,452-48, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Sully, James [Theory Group, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University,Menlo Park, CA 94025 (United States); Walter, Michael [Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University,Stanford, CA 94305 (United States)


    We initiate a systematic enumeration and classification of entropy inequalities satisfied by the Ryu-Takayanagi formula for conformal field theory states with smooth holographic dual geometries. For 2, 3, and 4 regions, we prove that the strong subadditivity and the monogamy of mutual information give the complete set of inequalities. This is in contrast to the situation for generic quantum systems, where a complete set of entropy inequalities is not known for 4 or more regions. We also find an infinite new family of inequalities applicable to 5 or more regions. The set of all holographic entropy inequalities bounds the phase space of Ryu-Takayanagi entropies, defining the holographic entropy cone. We characterize this entropy cone by reducing geometries to minimal graph models that encode the possible cutting and gluing relations of minimal surfaces. We find that, for a fixed number of regions, there are only finitely many independent entropy inequalities. To establish new holographic entropy inequalities, we introduce a combinatorial proof technique that may also be of independent interest in Riemannian geometry and graph theory.

  5. The holographic entropy cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bao, Ning; Nezami, Sepehr; Ooguri, Hirosi; Stoica, Bogdan; Sully, James; Walter, Michael


    We initiate a systematic enumeration and classification of entropy inequalities satisfied by the Ryu-Takayanagi formula for conformal field theory states with smooth holographic dual geometries. For 2, 3, and 4 regions, we prove that the strong subadditivity and the monogamy of mutual information give the complete set of inequalities. This is in contrast to the situation for generic quantum systems, where a complete set of entropy inequalities is not known for 4 or more regions. We also find an infinite new family of inequalities applicable to 5 or more regions. The set of all holographic entropy inequalities bounds the phase space of Ryu-Takayanagi entropies, defining the holographic entropy cone. We characterize this entropy cone by reducing geometries to minimal graph models that encode the possible cutting and gluing relations of minimal surfaces. We find that, for a fixed number of regions, there are only finitely many independent entropy inequalities. To establish new holographic entropy inequalities, we introduce a combinatorial proof technique that may also be of independent interest in Riemannian geometry and graph theory.

  6. An ice-cream cone model for coronal mass ejections (United States)

    Xue, X. H.; Wang, C. B.; Dou, X. K.


    In this study, we use an ice-cream cone model to analyze the geometrical and kinematical properties of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Assuming that in the early phase CMEs propagate with near-constant speed and angular width, some useful properties of CMEs, namely the radial speed (v), the angular width (α), and the location at the heliosphere, can be obtained considering the geometrical shapes of a CME as an ice-cream cone. This model is improved by (1) using an ice-cream cone to show the near real configuration of a CME, (2) determining the radial speed via fitting the projected speeds calculated from the height-time relation in different azimuthal angles, (3) not only applying to halo CMEs but also applying to nonhalo CMEs.

  7. Instantons on Calabi-Yau and hyper-Kähler cones (United States)

    Geipel, Jakob C.; Sperling, Marcus


    The instanton equations on vector bundles over Calabi-Yau and hyper-Kähler cones can be reduced to matrix equations resembling Nahm's equations. We complement the discussion of Hermitian Yang-Mills (HYM) equations on Calabi-Yau cones, based on regular semi-simple elements, by a new set of (singular) boundary conditions which have a known instanton solution in one direction. This approach extends the classic results of Kronheimer by probing a relation between generalised Nahm's equations and nilpotent pairs/tuples. Moreover, we consider quaternionic instantons on hyper-Kähler cones over generic 3-Sasakian manifolds and study the HYM moduli spaces arising in this set-up, using the fact that their analysis can be traced back to the intersection of three Hermitian Yang-Mills conditions.

  8. Development of a Full Ice-cream Cone Model for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Y.-J.; Lee, Harim, E-mail:, E-mail: [School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin (Korea, Republic of)


    It is essential to determine three-dimensional parameters (e.g., radial speed, angular width, and source location) of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) for the space weather forecast. In this study, we investigate which cone type represents a halo CME morphology using 29 CMEs (12 Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) /Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) halo CMEs and 17 Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory ( STEREO )/Sun–Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation COR2 halo CMEs) from 2010 December to 2011 June. These CMEs are identified as halo CMEs by one spacecraft ( SOHO or one of STEREO A and B ) and limb ones by the other spacecraft (One of STEREO A and B or SOHO ). From cone shape parameters of these CMEs, such as their front curvature, we find that the CME observational structures are much closer to a full ice-cream cone type than a shallow ice-cream cone type. Thus, we develop a full ice-cream cone model based on a new methodology that the full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths to estimate the three-dimensional parameters of the halo CMEs. This model is constructed by carrying out the following steps: (1) construct a cone for a given height and angular width, (2) project the cone onto the sky plane, (3) select points comprising the outer boundary, and (4) minimize the difference between the estimated projection speeds with the observed ones. By applying this model to 12 SOHO /LASCO halo CMEs, we find that 3D parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods (i.e., a triangulation method and a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model).

  9. Development of a Full Ice-cream Cone Model for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Y.-J.; Lee, Harim


    It is essential to determine three-dimensional parameters (e.g., radial speed, angular width, and source location) of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) for the space weather forecast. In this study, we investigate which cone type represents a halo CME morphology using 29 CMEs (12 Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) /Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) halo CMEs and 17 Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory ( STEREO )/Sun–Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation COR2 halo CMEs) from 2010 December to 2011 June. These CMEs are identified as halo CMEs by one spacecraft ( SOHO or one of STEREO A and B ) and limb ones by the other spacecraft (One of STEREO A and B or SOHO ). From cone shape parameters of these CMEs, such as their front curvature, we find that the CME observational structures are much closer to a full ice-cream cone type than a shallow ice-cream cone type. Thus, we develop a full ice-cream cone model based on a new methodology that the full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths to estimate the three-dimensional parameters of the halo CMEs. This model is constructed by carrying out the following steps: (1) construct a cone for a given height and angular width, (2) project the cone onto the sky plane, (3) select points comprising the outer boundary, and (4) minimize the difference between the estimated projection speeds with the observed ones. By applying this model to 12 SOHO /LASCO halo CMEs, we find that 3D parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods (i.e., a triangulation method and a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model).

  10. Development of a Full Ice-cream Cone Model for Halo Coronal Mass Ejections (United States)

    Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Y.-J.; Lee, Harim


    It is essential to determine three-dimensional parameters (e.g., radial speed, angular width, and source location) of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) for the space weather forecast. In this study, we investigate which cone type represents a halo CME morphology using 29 CMEs (12 Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) halo CMEs and 17 Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)/Sun-Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation COR2 halo CMEs) from 2010 December to 2011 June. These CMEs are identified as halo CMEs by one spacecraft (SOHO or one of STEREO A and B) and limb ones by the other spacecraft (One of STEREO A and B or SOHO). From cone shape parameters of these CMEs, such as their front curvature, we find that the CME observational structures are much closer to a full ice-cream cone type than a shallow ice-cream cone type. Thus, we develop a full ice-cream cone model based on a new methodology that the full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths to estimate the three-dimensional parameters of the halo CMEs. This model is constructed by carrying out the following steps: (1) construct a cone for a given height and angular width, (2) project the cone onto the sky plane, (3) select points comprising the outer boundary, and (4) minimize the difference between the estimated projection speeds with the observed ones. By applying this model to 12 SOHO/LASCO halo CMEs, we find that 3D parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods (I.e., a triangulation method and a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model).

  11. Holographic entanglement entropy for hollow cones and banana shaped regions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dorn, Harald [Institut für Physik und IRIS Adlershof, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,Zum Großen Windkanal 6, D-12489 Berlin (Germany)


    We consider banana shaped regions as examples of compact regions, whose boundary has two conical singularities. Their regularised holographic entropy is calculated with all divergent as well as finite terms. The coefficient of the squared logarithmic divergence, also in such a case with internally curved boundary, agrees with that calculated in the literature for infinite circular cones with their internally flat boundary. For the otherwise conformally invariant coefficient of the ordinary logarithmic divergence an anomaly under exceptional conformal transformations is observed. The construction of minimal submanifolds, needed for the entanglement entropy of cones, requires fine-tuning of Cauchy data. Perturbations of such fine-tuning leads to solutions relevant for hollow cones. The divergent parts for the entanglement entropy of hollow cones are calculated. Increasing the difference between the opening angles of their outer and inner boundary, one finds a transition between connected solutions for small differences to disconnected solutions for larger ones.



    Paola Emanuele Bragato; Lorena Pohl Fornazari; Keila Cristiane Deon


    As rugas são sulcos ou pregas cutâneas que se apresentam de forma progressiva pelo declínio da junção dermoepidérmica, em que ocorre um distúrbio nos componentes do tecido conjuntivo. O colágeno torna-se mais rígido e a elastina perde a sua elasticidade natural com a redução do número de fibras elásticas e de outros componentes do tecido. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar osefeitos da aplicação de eletrolifting em rugas. É um relato de caso, com uma participante do sexo feminino, de 54 anos,...

  13. Development of a cone-geometry positron moderator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynn, K.G.; Gramsch, E.; Usmar, S.G.; Sferlazzo, P.


    Results are presented on a new cone-shaped positron moderator which shows a high moderator efficiency (i.e., conversion of beta decay to emitted slow positrons). The moderator efficiencies for the cone moderators studied were found to be up to 0.14% compared to thin-foil measurements of 0.06% in the same experimental system including identical source and holder. These moderators are rugged and easily fabricated, however, they have a lower brightness than single-crystal foil moderators. Comparison of various geometries is presented as well as suggestions for further improvements to increase the total efficiencies

  14. Some Nonunique Fixed Point Theorems of Ćirić Type on Cone Metric Spaces

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    Erdal Karapınar


    Full Text Available Some results of (Ćirić, 1974 on a nonunique fixed point theorem on the class of metric spaces are extended to the class of cone metric spaces. Namely, nonunique fixed point theorem is proved in orbitally complete cone metric spaces under the assumption that the cone is strongly minihedral. Regarding the scalar weight of cone metric, we are able to remove the assumption of strongly minihedral.

  15. Insectos de cones y semillas de las coniferas de Mexico (United States)

    David Cibrián-Tovar; Bernard H. Ebel; Harry O. Yates; José Tulio Mhdez-Montiel


    The hosts, description, damage, life cycle, habits, and importance of 54 known cone and seed destroying insects attacking Mexican conifer trees are discussed. Distribution maps and color photos are provided. New species described are three species of Cydia (seedworm), four species of Dioryctria (coneworm), and four species of cone...

  16. Ejecta evolution during cone impact

    KAUST Repository

    Marston, Jeremy; Thoroddsen, Sigurdur T


    -similarity for all impact speeds for very low surface tension liquids, whilst for high-surface tension liquids similarity is only achieved at high impact speeds. We find that the ejecta tip can detach from the cone and that this phenomenon can be attributed

  17. Cone photopigment in older subjects: decreased optical density in early age-related macular degeneration (United States)

    Elsner, Ann E.; Burns, Stephen A.; Weiter, John J.


    We measured changes to cone photoreceptors in patients with early age-related macular degeneration. The data of 53 patients were compared with normative data for color matching measurements of long- and middle-wavelength-sensitive cones in the central macula. A four-parameter model quantified cone photopigment optical density and kinetics. Cone photopigment optical density was on average less for the patients than for normal subjects and was uncorrelated with visual acuity. More light was needed to reduce the photopigment density by 50% in the steady state for patients. These results imply that cone photopigment optical density is reduced by factors other than slowed kinetics.

  18. On Krasnoselskii's Cone Fixed Point Theorem

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    Man Kam Kwong


    Full Text Available In recent years, the Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem for cone maps and its many generalizations have been successfully applied to establish the existence of multiple solutions in the study of boundary value problems of various types. In the first part of this paper, we revisit the Krasnoselskii theorem, in a more topological perspective, and show that it can be deduced in an elementary way from the classical Brouwer-Schauder theorem. This viewpoint also leads to a topology-theoretic generalization of the theorem. In the second part of the paper, we extend the cone theorem in a different direction using the notion of retraction and show that a stronger form of the often cited Leggett-Williams theorem is a special case of this extension.

  19. Manejo nutricional em paciente cirúrgico com adenocarcinoma de pâncreas: Um relato de caso

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    Caroline Otoni da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse relato de caso é demonstrar como o manejo nutricional pode ser realizado em pacientes idosos com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de pâncreas e submetidos a cirurgia eletiva. Resultados: A dieta proposta supria a necessidade energética e calórica da paciente, o objetivo de recuperação do estado nutricional e preparo da paciente para o procedimento cirúrgico foi atingido, tendo em vista o prazo em que ocorreram os fatos. Foi ofertado o suplemento com imunonutrientes por um período de 12 dias no pré-operatório, sendo continuada no pós-operatório, conforme recomendado pelo DITEN, 2011. Nota se através desse relato a importância do uso das ferramentas de triagem e diagnóstico nutricional, para detecção precoce dos indivíduos desnutridos ou em risco nutricional, otimizando assim o planejamento para a oferta de calorias e nutrientes específicos a fim de melhorar o estado nutricional e prepara-los para a cirurgia. Descritores: Terapia nutricional; Neoplasias pancreáticas; Dietoterapia.

  20. Nontraumatic tibial polyethylene insert cone fracture in mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty


    Tanikake, Yohei; Hayashi, Koji; Ogawa, Munehiro; Inagaki, Yusuke; Kawate, Kenji; Tomita, Tetsuya; Tanaka, Yasuhito


    A 72-year-old male patient underwent mobile-bearing posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. He experienced a nontraumatic polyethylene tibial insert cone fracture 27 months after surgery. Scanning electron microscopy of the fracture surface of the tibial insert cone suggested progress of ductile breaking from the posterior toward the anterior of the cone due to repeated longitudinal bending stress, leading to fatigue breaking at the anterior side of the cone, followed...

  1. The DAL10 gene from Norway spruce (Picea abies) belongs to a potentially gymnosperm-specific subclass of MADS-box genes and is specifically active in seed cones and pollen cones. (United States)

    Carlsbecker, Annelie; Sundström, Jens; Tandre, Karolina; Englund, Marie; Kvarnheden, Anders; Johanson, Urban; Engström, Peter


    Transcription factors encoded by different members of the MADS-box gene family have evolved central roles in the regulation of reproductive organ development in the flowering plants, the angiosperms. Development of the stamens and carpels, the pollen- and seed-bearing organs, involves the B- and C-organ-identity MADS-box genes. B- and C-type gene orthologs with activities specifically in developing pollen- and seed-bearing organs are also present in the distantly related gymnosperms: the conifers and the gnetophytes. We now report on the characterization of DAL10, a novel MADS-box gene from the conifer Norway spruce, which unlike the B- and C-type conifer genes shows no distinct orthology relationship to any angiosperm gene or clade in phylogenetic analyses. Like the B- and C-type genes, it is active specifically in developing pollen cones and seed cones. In situ RNA localization experiments show DAL10 to be expressed in the cone axis, which carry the microsporophylls of the young pollen cone. In contrast, in the seed cone it is expressed both in the cone axis and in the bracts, which subtend the ovuliferous scales. Expression data and the phenotype of transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing DAL10 suggest that the gene may act upstream to or in concert with the B- and C-type genes in the establishment of reproductive identity of developing cones.

  2. Monte-Carlo Simulation of Hydrogen Adsorption in Single-Wall Carbon Nano-Cones

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    Zohreh Ahadi


    Full Text Available The properties of hydrogen adsorption in single-walled carbon nano-cones are investigated in detail by Monte Carlo simulations. A great deal of our computational results show that the hydrogen storage capacity in single-walled carbon nano-cones is slightly smaller than the capacity of single-walled carbon nanotubes at any time at the same conditions. This indicates that the hydrogen storage capacity of single-walled carbon nano-cones is related to angles of carbon nano-cones. It seems that these type of nanotubes could not exceed the 2010 goal of 6 wt%, which is presented by the U.S. Department of Energy. In addition, these results are discussed in theory.

  3. Fixed Points of α-Admissible Mappings in Cone Metric Spaces with Banach Algebra

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    S.K. Malhotra


    Full Text Available In this paper, we introduce the $\\alpha$-admissible mappings in the setting of cone metric spaces equipped with Banach algebra and solid cones. Our results generalize and extend several known results of metric and cone metric spaces. An example is presented which illustrates and shows the significance of results proved herein.

  4. Improved image quality for asymmetric double-focal cone-beam SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao, Z.J.; Tsui, B.M.W.


    To optimize both spatial resolution and detection efficiency in brain SPECT imaging using a rectangular camera, an asymmetric double-focal cone-beam collimator is proposed with the focal points located near the base plane of the patient's head. To fit the entire head into the field-of-view of the collimator with dimensions of 50cmx40cm and at a radius-of-rotation of 15 cm, the focal lengths of the collimator are 55 and 70 cm, respectively, in the transverse and axial directions. With this geometry, the artifacts in the reconstructed image produced by the Feldkamp algorithm are more severe compared to those in a symmetric cone-beam geometry, due to the larger vertex angle between the top of the head and the base plane. To improve the reconstructed image quality, a fully three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction algorithm developed previously for single-focal cone-beam SPECT was extended to the asymmetric double-focal cone-beam geometry. The algorithm involves nonstationary 2D filtering and a reprojection technique for estimation of the missing data caused by a single-orbit cone-beam geometry. The results from simulation studies with the 3D Defrise slab phantom demonstrated that the fully 3D algorithm provided a much improved image quality in terms of reduced slice-to-slice cross talks and shape elongation compared to that produced by the conventional Feldkamp algorithm

  5. The photocurrent response of human cones is fast and monophasic

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    Lamb TD


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The precise form of the light response of human cone photoreceptors in vivo has not been established with certainty. To investigate the response shape we compare the predictions of a recent model of transduction in primate cone photoreceptors with measurements extracted from human cones using the paired-flash electroretinogram method. As a check, we also compare the predictions with previous single-cell measurements of ground squirrel cone responses. Results The predictions of the model provide a good description of the measurements, using values of parameters within the range previously determined for primate retina. The dim-flash response peaks in about 20 ms, and flash responses at all intensities are essentially monophasic. Three time constants in the model are extremely short: the two time constants for inactivation (of visual pigment and of transducin/phosphodiesterase are around 3 and 10 ms, and the time constant for calcium equilibration lies in the same range. Conclusion The close correspondence between experiment and theory, using parameters previously derived for recordings from macaque retina, supports the notion that the electroretinogram approach and the modelling approach both provide an accurate estimate of the cone photoresponse in the living human eye. For reasons that remain unclear, the responses of isolated photoreceptors from the macaque retina, recorded previously using the suction pipette method, are considerably slower than found here, and display biphasic kinetics.

  6. Cone beam tomography of the heart using single-photon emission-computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gullberg, G.T.; Christian, P.E.; Zeng, G.L.; Datz, F.L.; Morgan, H.T.


    The authors evaluated cone beam single-photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) of the heart. A new cone beam reconstruction algorithm was used to reconstruct data collected from short scan acquisitions (of slightly more than 180 degrees) of a detector anteriorally traversing a noncircular orbit. The less than 360 degrees acquisition was used to minimize the attenuation artifacts that result from reconstructing posterior projections of 201T1 emissions from the heart. The algorithm includes a new method for reconstructing truncated projections of background tissue activity that eliminates reconstruction ring artifacts. Phantom and patient results are presented which compare a high-resolution cone beam collimator (50-cm focal length; 6.0-mm full width at half maximum [FWHM] at 10 cm) to a low-energy general purpose (LEGP) parallel hole collimator (8.2-mm FWHM at 10 cm) which is 1.33 times more sensitive. The cone beam tomographic results are free of reconstruction artifacts and show improved spatial and contrast resolution over that obtained with the LEGP parallel hole collimator. The limited angular sampling restrictions and truncation problems associated with cone beam tomography do not deter from obtaining diagnostic information. However, even though these preliminary results are encouraging, a thorough clinical study is still needed to investigate the specificity and sensitivity of cone beam tomography


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    Graciela Hernández


    Full Text Available Proponemos conocer el origen e ir identificando los sentidos de una de las manifestaciones de la religiosidad popular que se producen en Bahía Blanca: las festividades en honor a la Virgende Urkupiña. Es una devoción mariana surgida en Bolivia y profesada por migrantes bolivianos y de las provincias del noroeste argentino, como jujeños, salteños y tucumanosradicados en esta ciudad y la zona de influencia.Se trata de una investigación realizada con metodología cualitativa etnográfica. Del trabajo de campo hemos seleccionados relatos de vida que nos resultan significativos en tanto encontramos en ellos las explicaciones que los sujetos entrevistados dan de los procesos sociales. El relato de vida es el fragmento del texto oral que da cuenta de aquellos temas que nos hemos propuesto conocer.Realizamos un breve recorrido por la bibliografía de la última década que toma el tema la fiesta de la Virgen de Urkupiña en distintos lugares del país. Hemos visto que cada uno de los autores focaliza en distintos aspectos de la festividad o en las distintas perspectivas teóricas;nosotros queremos aportar nuevas explicaciones sobre el origen de estas celebraciones y rituales a partir de la interpretación de los relatos de vida seleccionados

  8. Intussuscepção jejunojejunal em potro: relato de caso

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    Paulo Ari Tiethböl Leiria


    Full Text Available As intussuscepções são acidentes intestinais incomuns e que podem resultar em desconforto abdominal agudo e progressivo ou recorrente em potros. Esta condição afeta potros neonatos de forma assintomática e de 3 a 12 meses são emergências cirúrgicas quando envolvem o intestino delgado, principalmente o jejuno. A avaliação ultrassonográfica transabdominal é um importante para o exame desses animais devido às limitações de seu tamanho para avaliações do abdômen agudo. O presente relato de caso mostra a importância da utilização do ultrassom transabdominal em potros com abdômen agudo

  9. The Effects of Gx, Gy and Gz Forces on Cone Mesopic Vision (United States)


    of duration less than 1.0 seconds (time frame may vary depending on the source referred to). macular degeneration - Atrophy of the macula of the...rela- 7 tive number of cones itrcreases. In the macula , the visual center of the eye, there is virtually only cones. There are other anatomic...the cones in the center of the macula having a 1:1 synaptic ratio). These features allow small stimuli with minimal separated distances to activate

  10. Anestesia em paciente com síndrome de Marshall-Smith: relato de caso


    Mandim, Beatriz Lemos da Silva; Fonseca, Neuber Martins; Ruzi, Roberto Araújo; Temer, Paulo Cezar Silva


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome Marshall-Smith é uma doença rara, caracterizada por dismorfismo facial, acelerada maturação óssea, atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e anormalidade das vias aéreas. Os pacientes com essa síndrome apresentam grande probabilidade de complicações anestésicas, sobretudo com relação ao manejo das vias aéreas. Há poucos dados na literatura anestésica a respeito desta síndrome. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar as dificuldades e a conduta anestésica...

  11. Presentación del Libro: Cuasi una Fantasía. Cuentos y Relatos.


    Efraím Otero Ruiz


    Meses y varios huesos rotos después puedo, al fin, presentar ante ustedes mi libro de cuentos y relatos, salido de las prensas de Kimpres -con el generoso apoyo de esta Academia desde septiembre del año pasado. Afortunadamente, por tratarse de “Cuasi una fantasía” son narraciones que solo están parcialmente ancladas en el tiempo y comprenden una vivencia de medio siglo, no sólo por los personajes-hoy casi todos desaparecidos- sino por los sucesos, que a veces -aunque tomados ...

  12. Síndrome de Isaacs: relato de um caso

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    Hélio Ghizoni Teive


    Full Text Available Relato do caso de paciente do sexo feminino com 40 anos de idade, com quadro progressivo de diminuição de força, disfonia, disfagia, dispnéia e hiperidrose. O exame físico revelava contratura em flexão das mãos, déficit de força muscular, fasciculações, mioquimia facial e pseudomiotonia nas mãos, A eletromiografia mostrou atividade elétrica contínua em repouso. O estudo histoquímico muscular revelou atrofia de fibras do tipo II, enquanto a microscopia eletrônica mostrou dilatação importante das cisternas do retículo sarcoplasmático. O diagnóstico de síndrome de Isaacs foi firmado. Excelente resposta clínica ao emprego de carbamazepina foi observada. São discutidos e revistos vários aspectos relacionados a essa rara síndrome.

  13. Maison de verre / Zonestraal. Relato de dos edificios

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    Jan Molema


    Full Text Available Desde los años sesenta del siglo XX el sanatorio Zonnestraal de Hilversum y la Maison de Verre en París han sido descritos extensamente en la literatura de la arquitectura moderna. Sin embargo, no se ha hecho ningún esfuerzo por colocarlos juntos en un mismo relato. Este ensayo es un esfuerzo para enmendar ese vacío. Ambos están relacionados íntimamente por sus autores: Bernard Bijvoet, como codiseñador de los planos de la Maison, y Johannes Duiker, quien trabajó con el anterior en los preliminares de Zonnestraal, aunque lo finalizó en solitario, al mismo tiempo que se terminó el diseño de la casa. En el trabajo se cuestiona además, ofreciendo fundadas conjeturas, la creencia establecida de que se precisó una nueva estructura metálica para sustentar la inalterada vivienda situada encima de la Maison de Verre.

  14. El relato corto en el cine. Literatura en 3-D: ‘Memento' de Christopher Nolan (2000

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    David Caldevilla Domínguez


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} La narrativa literaria y la cinematográfica se erigen como dos lenguajes separados por la sustancia expresiva en la que se basan. En el caso de las adaptaciones literarias, estas diferencias se manifiestan otorgando una especial ventaja al cine ya que existen licencias expresivas imposibles para el texto. En el presente artículo se analiza una de las adaptaciones más sorprendentes, innovadoras y rupturantes de la historia del cine, ‘Memento’, que explota, como ninguna otra antes, la posibilidad de romper el hilo narrativo llamado convencional o lineal, para pasar a generar una trama en la que el espectador se erige en lecto-autor. Este tropo cinematográfico halla sus mejores capacidades de expresión en dos géneros (entendiendo género no sólo en su aspecto formal, sino en el temático tan antiguos como el cine mismo: el de ciencia-ficción y el negro, género este último al que pertenece la película analizada, elegida para mejor demostrar esas posibilidades que el cine ofrece a la literatura a través de las adaptaciones. El hecho de  que ‘Memento’ esté basada en un relato corto permite que, además, se consideren las ventajas que este tipo de relatos ofrece a los adaptadores-guionistas frente a los relatos largos como las novelas o las obras teatrales.

  15. Evaluation of mechanical and thermal properties of Pine cone fibers reinforced compatibilized polypropylene

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arrakhiz, F.Z.; El Achaby, M.; Benmoussa, K.; Bouhfid, R.; Essassi, E.M.; Qaiss, A.


    Highlights: ► Pine cone fibers are used as reinforcement in thermoplastic matrix. ► Pine cone fiber was alkali treated to remove waxes and non cellulosic component. ► Fiber–matrix adhesion was assured by the use of a SEBS-g-MA as a compatibilizer. -- Abstract: Pine cone fibers are a cellulosic material readily available and can be used as reinforcement in a thermoplastic-based composite. A solid knowledge of their fibrillar morphology and structure is required to evaluate their usefulness as a substitute to other abundant natural fibers. Pine cone fibers were alkali treated prior usage to remove waxes and non cellulosic surface component. Fiber–matrix adhesion was assured by both a styrene–(ethylene–butene)–styrene triblock copolymer grafted with maleic anhydride (SEBS-g-MA) and a linear block copolymer based on styrene and butadiene compatibilizer. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction, Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), tensile and torsional tests were employed for Pine cone polypropylene composite and compatibilized composite at different fiber content. Results show a clear improvement in mechanical properties from the use of both alkali treated Pine cone and Pine cone compatibilized with maleic anhydride, a gain of 43% and 49% respectively in the Young’s modulus, as a results of improved adhesion between fibers and matrix at the interface.

  16. ℮-conome: an automated tissue counting platform of cone photoreceptors for rodent models of retinitis pigmentosa

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    Clérin Emmanuelle


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Retinitis pigmentosa is characterized by the sequential loss of rod and cone photoreceptors. The preservation of cones would prevent blindness due to their essential role in human vision. Rod-derived Cone Viability Factor is a thioredoxin-like protein that is secreted by rods and is involved in cone survival. To validate the activity of Rod-derived Cone Viability Factors (RdCVFs as therapeutic agents for treating retinitis Pigmentosa, we have developed e-conome, an automated cell counting platform for retinal flat mounts of rodent models of cone degeneration. This automated quantification method allows for faster data analysis thereby accelerating translational research. Methods An inverted fluorescent microscope, motorized and coupled to a CCD camera records images of cones labeled with fluorescent peanut agglutinin lectin on flat-mounted retinas. In an average of 300 fields per retina, nine Z-planes at magnification X40 are acquired after two-stage autofocus individually for each field. The projection of the stack of 9 images is subject to a threshold, filtered to exclude aberrant images based on preset variables. The cones are identified by treating the resulting image using 13 variables empirically determined. The cone density is calculated over the 300 fields. Results The method was validated by comparison to the conventional stereological counting. The decrease in cone density in rd1 mouse was found to be equivalent to the decrease determined by stereological counting. We also studied the spatiotemporal pattern of the degeneration of cones in the rd1 mouse and show that while the reduction in cone density starts in the central part of the retina, cone degeneration progresses at the same speed over the whole retinal surface. We finally show that for mice with an inactivation of the Nucleoredoxin-like genes Nxnl1 or Nxnl2 encoding RdCVFs, the loss of cones is more pronounced in the ventral retina. Conclusion The automated

  17. ℮-conome: an automated tissue counting platform of cone photoreceptors for rodent models of retinitis pigmentosa. (United States)

    Clérin, Emmanuelle; Wicker, Nicolas; Mohand-Saïd, Saddek; Poch, Olivier; Sahel, José-Alain; Léveillard, Thierry


    Retinitis pigmentosa is characterized by the sequential loss of rod and cone photoreceptors. The preservation of cones would prevent blindness due to their essential role in human vision. Rod-derived Cone Viability Factor is a thioredoxin-like protein that is secreted by rods and is involved in cone survival. To validate the activity of Rod-derived Cone Viability Factors (RdCVFs) as therapeutic agents for treating retinitis Pigmentosa, we have developed e-conome, an automated cell counting platform for retinal flat mounts of rodent models of cone degeneration. This automated quantification method allows for faster data analysis thereby accelerating translational research. An inverted fluorescent microscope, motorized and coupled to a CCD camera records images of cones labeled with fluorescent peanut agglutinin lectin on flat-mounted retinas. In an average of 300 fields per retina, nine Z-planes at magnification X40 are acquired after two-stage autofocus individually for each field. The projection of the stack of 9 images is subject to a threshold, filtered to exclude aberrant images based on preset variables. The cones are identified by treating the resulting image using 13 variables empirically determined. The cone density is calculated over the 300 fields. The method was validated by comparison to the conventional stereological counting. The decrease in cone density in rd1 mouse was found to be equivalent to the decrease determined by stereological counting. We also studied the spatiotemporal pattern of the degeneration of cones in the rd1 mouse and show that while the reduction in cone density starts in the central part of the retina, cone degeneration progresses at the same speed over the whole retinal surface. We finally show that for mice with an inactivation of the Nucleoredoxin-like genes Nxnl1 or Nxnl2 encoding RdCVFs, the loss of cones is more pronounced in the ventral retina. The automated platform ℮-conome used here for retinal disease is a tool that

  18. Cone-beam CT in paediatric dentistry. DIMITRA project position statement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oenning, Anne Caroline; Jacobs, Reinhilde; Pauwels, Ruben; Stratis, Andreas; Hedesiu, Mihaela; Salmon, Benjamin


    DIMITRA (dentomaxillofacial paediatric imaging: an investigation towards low-dose radiation induced risks) is a European multicenter and multidisciplinary project focused on optimizing cone-beam CT exposures for children and adolescents. With increasing use of cone-beam CT for dentomaxillofacial diagnostics, concern arises regarding radiation risks associated with this imaging modality, especially for children. Research evidence concerning cone-beam CT indications in children remains limited, while reports mention inconsistent recommendations for dose reduction. Furthermore, there is no paper using the combined and integrated information on the required indication-oriented image quality and the related patient dose levels. In this paper, therefore, the authors initiate an integrated approach based on current evidence regarding image quality and dose, together with the expertise of DIMITRA's members searching for a state of the art. The aim of this DIMITRA position statement is to provide indication-oriented and patient-specific recommendations regarding the main cone-beam CT applications in the pediatric field. The authors will review this position statement document when results regarding multidisciplinary approaches evolve, in a period of 5 years or earlier. (orig.)

  19. Characteristics of cones and seeds of Pinus sibirica Du Tour at tree line in the Central Altai

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. O. Filimonova


    Full Text Available We studied the cones of Siberian stone pine (Pinus sibirica Du Tour at its treeline in the forest tundra ecotone in the Severo-Chuisky Range, the Altai Mountains, Russia. We have registered length, diameter and form of apophysis, the number of sterile and fertile scales in the cones, the number of ovules and the number of seeds, including developed and underdeveloped seeds, and the developed seeds/ovules ratio. The cones and seeds are produced below 2350 m a. s. l under arid conditions (east-south-eastern slope and below 2390 m a. s. l. under more humid conditions (west-north-western slope. These altitudes are reproductive line of Siberian stone pine. The predominant forms of the cones near this line are cone-like, spherical and cylindrical. Apophyses are mostly tuberous, hook-like and flat. The most (50% of the sampled cones have the cylindrical form. The number of ovules varied from 84.6 to 102.4 per cone, the number of seeds were from 76.7 to 98.9 per cone, and the developed seeds were 74.5 to 95.7 per cone. The lowest proportion of developed seeds was registered for cones sampled on arid east-south-eastern slope in 2011. The cones with tuberous apophysis have the highest number of seeds (up to 103.6–110 per cone under more humid and 87.3–104.4 per cone under more arid conditions. Cones gathered at 2235–2390 m a. s. l. have low presence of underdeveloped seeds (1.0 to 3.2 % and high developed seeds/ovules ratio (87.2 to 93.7 %.

  20. Correlated cone noise decreases rod signal contributions to the post-receptoral pathways. (United States)

    Hathibelagal, Amithavikram R; Feigl, Beatrix; Zele, Andrew J


    This study investigated how invisible extrinsic temporal white noise that correlates with the activity of one of the three [magnocellular (MC), parvocellular (PC), or koniocellular (KC)] post-receptoral pathways alters mesopic rod signaling. A four-primary photostimulator provided independent control of the rod and three cone photoreceptor excitations. The rod contributions to the three post-receptoral pathways were estimated by perceptually matching a 20% contrast rod pulse by independently varying the LMS (MC pathway), +L-M (PC pathway), and S-cone (KC pathway) excitations. We show that extrinsic cone noise caused a predominant decrease in the overall magnitude and ratio of the rod contributions to each pathway. Thus, the relative cone activity in the post-receptoral pathways determines the relative mesopic rod inputs to each pathway.

  1. Polymorphic New World monkeys with more than three M/L cone types (United States)

    Jacobs, Gerald H.; Deegan, Jess F.


    Most New World (platyrrhine) monkeys have M/L cone photopigment polymorphisms that map directly into individual variations in visual sensitivity and color vision. We used electroretinogram flicker photometry to examine M/L cone photopigments in the New World monkey Callicebus moloch (the dusky Titi). Like other New World monkeys, this species has an M/L cone photopigment polymorphism that reflects the presence of X-chromosome opsin gene alleles. However, unlike other platyrrhines in which three M/L photopigments are typical, Callicebus has a total of five M/L cone photopigments. The peak sensitivity values for these pigments extend across the range from 530 to 562 nm. The result is an enhanced array of potential color vision phenotypes in this species.

  2. On the zero mode problem of the light-cone quantization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Suzhou; Lin, Wei


    The light-cone quantization for theories involving arbitrarily interacting scalars is studied systematically. The zero mode, which plays a special role in the light-cone quantization, is treated explicitly. The arguments utilize a lattice regularization and the constrained path-integral method. It is shown, to all orders in coupling constants or the loop expansion, that the ghost fields, introduced to enforce the constraints, decouple from all the virtual processes in the infinite-volume limit. The only possibility for the light-cone quantization to deviate from the equal-time quantization is when the interaction is such that the bosonic ghost fields develop expectation values and consequently alter the location of the minimum point of the effective potential. 24 refs

  3. Kornwell-Norton moments and electromagnetic current commutator expansion on light cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vitsorek, Eh.; Motts, G.


    Relations have been obtained between the asymptotic behaviour of moments and the commutator of electromagnetic currents on the light cone. The existence of the operator decomposition on the light cone and the applicability of Fourier transformation to it has not been assumed

  4. Genetics Home Reference: cone-rod dystrophy (United States)

    ... common cause of autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy , accounting for 30 to 60 percent of cases. At ... dystrophy play essential roles in the structure and function of specialized light receptor cells (photoreceptors) in the ...

  5. Spectral sensitivity of the feedback signal from horizontal cells to cones in goldfish retina

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kraaij, D. A.; Kamermans, M.; Spekreijse, H.


    The spectral sensitivity of cones in isolated goldfish retina was determined with whole-cell recording techniques. Three spectral classes of cones were found with maximal sensitivities around 620 nm, 540 nm, and 460 nm. UV-cones were not found because our stimulator did not allow effective

  6. The sine-Gordon model and the small κ+ region of light- cone perturbation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, P.A.


    The non-perturbative ultraviolet divergence of the sine-Gordon model is used to study the k + = 0 region of light-cone perturbation theory. The light-cone vacuum is shown to be unstable at the non- perturbative β 2 = 8π critical point by a light-cone version of Coleman's variational method. Vacuum bubbles, which are k + = 0 diagram in light-cone field theory and are individually finite and non-vanishing for all β, conspire to generate ultraviolet divergences of the light-cone energy density. The k + = 0 region of momentum also contributed to connected Green's functions: the connected two point function will not diverge, as it should, at the critical point unless diagrams which contribute only at k + = 0 are properly included. This analysis shows in a simple way how the k + = 0 region cannot be ignored even for connected diagrams. This phenomenon is expected to occur in higher dimensional gauge theories starting at two loop order in light-cone perturbation theory

  7. Non-dissipative electromagnetic media with two Lorentz null cones

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dahl, Matias F.


    We study Maxwell’s equations on a 4-manifold where the electromagnetic medium is modeled by an antisymmetric (2/2 )-tensor with 21 real coefficients. In this setting the Fresnel surface is a fourth-order polynomial surface that describes the dynamical response of the medium in the geometric optics limit. For example, in an isotropic medium the Fresnel surface is a Lorentz null cone. The contribution of this paper is the pointwise description of all electromagnetic medium tensors κ with real coefficients that satisfy the following three conditions: (i)medium κ is invertible, (ii)medium κ is skewon-free, or non-dissipative, (iii)the Fresnel surface of κ is the union of two distinct Lorentz null cones. We show that there are only three classes of media with these properties and give explicit expressions in local coordinates for each class. - Highlights: ► We find two new electromagnetic media classes for which the Fresnel surface decomposes into two light cones. ► In a suitable setting we classify all electromagnetic media where this is the case. ► We find an electromagnetic medium tensor with three different signal speeds in one direction. ► The work is related to [5], which classifies all media with one light cone (in a suitable setting).

  8. Determination of the Resistance of Cone-Shaped Solid Electrodes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Henrik Lund; Hendriksen, Peter Vang; Koch, Søren


    during processing can be avoided. Newman's formula for current constriction in the electrolyte is then used to deduce the active contact area based on the ohmic resistance of the cell, and from this the surface specific electro-catalytic activity. However, for electrode materials with low electrical......A cone-shaped electrode pressed into an electrolyte can with advantage be utilized to characterize the electro-catalytic properties of the electrode, because it is less dependent on the electrode microstructure than e.g. thin porous composite electrodes, and reactions with the electrolyte occurring...... conductivity (like Ce1-xPrxO2-δ), the resistance of the cell is significantly influenced by the ohmic resistance of the cone electrode, wherefore it must be included. In this work the ohmic resistance of a cone is modelled analytically based on simplified geometries. The two analytical models only differ...

  9. Effect of inlet cone pipe angle in catalytic converter (United States)

    Amira Zainal, Nurul; Farhain Azmi, Ezzatul; Arifin Samad, Mohd


    The catalytic converter shows significant consequence to improve the performance of the vehicle start from it launched into production. Nowadays, the geometric design of the catalytic converter has become critical to avoid the behavior of backpressure in the exhaust system. The backpressure essentially reduced the performance of vehicles and increased the fuel consumption gradually. Consequently, this study aims to design various models of catalytic converter and optimize the volume of fluid flow inside the catalytic converter by changing the inlet cone pipe angles. Three different geometry angles of the inlet cone pipe of the catalytic converter were assessed. The model is simulated in Solidworks software to determine the optimum geometric design of the catalytic converter. The result showed that by decreasing the divergence angle of inlet cone pipe will upsurge the performance of the catalytic converter.

  10. Light-cone quantized QCD and novel hadron phenomenology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.


    The authors reviews progress made in solving gauge theories such as collinear quantum chromodynamics using light-cone Hamiltonian methods. He also shows how the light-cone Fock expansion for hadron wavefunctions can be used to compute operator matrix elements such as decay amplitudes, form factors, distribution amplitudes, and structure functions, and how it provides a tool for exploring novel features of QCD. The author also reviews commensurate scale relations, leading-twist identities which relate physical observables to each other, thus eliminating renormalization scale and scheme ambiguities in perturbative QCD predictions

  11. Design and development of new collimator cones for fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in Samsung Medical Center. (United States)

    Ahn, Y C; Ju, S G; Kim, D Y; Choi, D R; Huh, S J; Park, Y H; Lim, D H; Kim, M K


    In stereotactic radiotherapy using X-Knife system, the commercially supplied collimator cone system had a few mechanical limitations. The authors have developed new collimator cones to overcome these limitations and named them "SMC type" collimator cones. We made use of cadmium-free cerrobend alloy within the stainless steel cylinder housing. We made nine cones of relatively larger sizes (3.0 cm to 7.0 cm in diameter) and of shorter length with bigger clearance from the isocenter than the commercial cones. The cone housing and the collimator cones were designed to insert into the wedge mount of the gantry head to enable double-exposure linac-gram taking. The mechanical accuracy of pointing to the isocenter was tested by ball test and cone rotation test, and the dosimetric measurements were performed, all of which were with satisfactory results. A new innovative quality assurance procedure using linac-grams on the patients at the actual treatment setup was attempted after taking 10 sets of AP and lateral linac-grams and the overall mechanical isocenter accuracy was excellent (average error = 0.4 +/- 0.2 mm). We have developed the SMC type collimator cone system mainly for fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy use with our innovative ideas. The new cones' mechanical accuracy and physical properties were satisfactory for clinical use, and the verification of the isocenter accuracy on the actual treatment setup has become possible.

  12. Chapter 51: How to Build a Simple Cone Search Service Using a Local Database (United States)

    Kent, B. R.; Greene, G. R.

    The cone search service protocol will be examined from the server side in this chapter. A simple cone search service will be setup and configured locally using MySQL. Data will be read into a table, and the Java JDBC will be used to connect to the database. Readers will understand the VO cone search specification and how to use it to query a database on their local systems and return an XML/VOTable file based on an input of RA/DEC coordinates and a search radius. The cone search in this example will be deployed as a Java servlet. The resulting cone search can be tested with a verification service. This basic setup can be used with other languages and relational databases.

  13. Los huicholes, de Fernando Benítez: un relato de viaje

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    Lucero Margarita Aguirre-Valdés


    Full Text Available El género relato de viaje cuenta con una nueva apertura para su campo de estudio gracias a las investigaciones del español Luis Alburquerque García. Haciendo uso de sus aportaciones teóricas, este trabajo busca aplicarlas al texto Los huicholes , del escritor y periodista Fernando Benítez. Se demostró que en la construcción de dicha obra participan de igual manera lo referencial y la literatura gracias al constante uso del lenguaje poético; al mismo tiempo que se mantiene en el límite entre dos disciplinas, una objetiva e informativa, y otra, subjetiva y estética.

  14. Internal Reflection Sensor for the Cone Penetrometer. Innovative Technology Summary Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The Internal Reflection Sensor, developed by EIC Laboratories, Inc. as a cone penetrometer based technology, provides real-time detection of subsurface non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs). The internal reflection element is positioned against the wall of the cone penetrometer probe such that its sensing face is in contact with the soil or groundwater as the cone is pushed into the subsurface. When NAPL is present and in contact with the sensing face, the internally reflected light is diminished. This results in a decrease in the signal output by the detector - a positive indicator of NAPL presence

  15. A model for precessing helical vortex in the turbine discharge cone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuibin, P A; University Politehnica Timişoara, Bv. Mihai Viteazu 1, RO-300222, Timişoara (Romania))" data-affiliation=" (Department of Hydraulic Machinery, University Politehnica Timişoara, Bv. Mihai Viteazu 1, RO-300222, Timişoara (Romania))" >Susan-Resiga, R F; Muntean, S


    The decelerated swirling flow in the discharge cone of hydraulic turbine develops various self-induced instabilities and associated low frequency phenomena when the turbine is operated far from the best efficiency regime. In particular, the precessing helical vortex ( v ortex rope ) developed at part-load regimes is notoriously difficult and expensive to be computed using full three-dimensional turbulent unsteady flow models. On the other hand, modern design and optimization techniques require robust, tractable and accurate a-priori assessment of the turbine flow unsteadiness level within a wide operating range before actually knowing the runner geometry details. This paper presents the development and validation of a quasi-analytical model of the vortex rope in the discharge cone. The first stage is the computing of the axisymmetrical swirling flow at runner outlet with input information related only to the operating point and to the blade outlet angle. Then, the swirling flow profile further downstream is computed in successive cross-sections through the discharge cone. The second stage is the reconstruction of the precessing vortex core parameters in successive cross-sections of the discharge cone. The final stage lies in assembling 3D unsteady flow field in the discharge cone. The end result is validated against both experimental and numerical data

  16. Quantitative and Topographical Analysis of the Losses of Cone Photoreceptors and Retinal Ganglion Cells Under Taurine Depletion. (United States)

    Hadj-Saïd, Wahiba; Froger, Nicolas; Ivkovic, Ivana; Jiménez-López, Manuel; Dubus, Élisabeth; Dégardin-Chicaud, Julie; Simonutti, Manuel; Quénol, César; Neveux, Nathalie; Villegas-Pérez, María Paz; Agudo-Barriuso, Marta; Vidal-Sanz, Manuel; Sahel, Jose-Alain; Picaud, Serge; García-Ayuso, Diego


    Taurine depletion is known to induce photoreceptor degeneration and was recently found to also trigger retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss similar to the retinal toxicity of vigabatrin. Our objective was to study the topographical loss of RGCs and cone photoreceptors, with a distinction between the two cone types (S- and L- cones) in an animal model of induced taurine depletion. We used the taurine transporter (Tau-T) inhibitor, guanidoethane sulfonate (GES), to induce taurine depletion at a concentration of 1% in the drinking water. Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and electroretinograms (ERG) were performed on animals after 2 months of GES treatment administered through the drinking water. Retinas were dissected as wholemounts and immunodetection of Brn3a (RGC), S-opsin (S-cones), and L-opsin (L-cones) was performed. The number of Brn3a+ RGCs, and L- and S-opsin+ cones was automatically quantified and their retinal distribution studied using isodensity maps. The treatment resulted in a significant reduction in plasma taurine levels and a profound dysfunction of visual performance as shown by ERG recordings. Optical coherence tomography analysis revealed that the retina was thinner in the taurine-depleted group. S-opsin+cones were more affected (36%) than L-opsin+cones (27%) with greater cone cell loss in the dorsal area whereas RGC loss (12%) was uniformly distributed. This study confirms that taurine depletion causes RGC and cone loss. Electroretinograms results show that taurine depletion induces retinal dysfunction in photoreceptors and in the inner retina. It establishes a gradient of cell loss depending on the cell type from S-opsin+cones, L-opsin+cones, to RGCs. The greater cell loss in the dorsal retina and of the S-cone population may underline different cellular mechanisms of cellular degeneration and suggests that S-cones may be more sensitive to light-induced retinal toxicity enhanced by the taurine depletion.

  17. Lrit1, a Retinal Transmembrane Protein, Regulates Selective Synapse Formation in Cone Photoreceptor Cells and Visual Acuity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akiko Ueno


    Full Text Available Summary: In the vertebrate retina, cone photoreceptors play crucial roles in photopic vision by transmitting light-evoked signals to ON- and/or OFF-bipolar cells. However, the mechanisms underlying selective synapse formation in the cone photoreceptor pathway remain poorly understood. Here, we found that Lrit1, a leucine-rich transmembrane protein, localizes to the photoreceptor synaptic terminal and regulates the synaptic connection between cone photoreceptors and cone ON-bipolar cells. Lrit1-deficient retinas exhibit an aberrant morphology of cone photoreceptor pedicles, as well as an impairment of signal transmission from cone photoreceptors to cone ON-bipolar cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Lrit1 interacts with Frmpd2, a photoreceptor scaffold protein, and with mGluR6, an ON-bipolar cell-specific glutamate receptor. Additionally, Lrit1-null mice showed visual acuity impairments in their optokinetic responses. These results suggest that the Frmpd2-Lrit1-mGluR6 axis regulates selective synapse formation in cone photoreceptors and is essential for normal visual function. : Ueno et al. finds that Lrit1 plays an important role in regulating the synaptic connection between cone photoreceptors and cone ON-bipolar cells. The Frmpd2-Lrit1-mGluR6 axis is crucial for selective synapse formation in cone photoreceptors and for development of normal visual function. Keywords: retina, circuit, synapse formation, cone photoreceptor cell, ON-bipolar cell, visual acuity

  18. Anestesia em paciente com síndrome de Gilbert: relato de caso Anestesia en paciente con síndrome de Gilbert: relato de caso Anesthesia in a patient with Gilbert's syndrome: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiano Timbó Barbosa


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Gilbert é uma doença crônica benigna, a qual leva à icterícia recorrente com grande aumento da bilirrubina não conjugada, que pode levar à toxicidade após o uso de medicações utilizadas na prática diária. O objetivo deste relato é descrever a conduta anestésica em uma paciente com síndrome de Gilbert, submetida à cirurgia videolaparoscópica. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, com 22 anos, portadora da síndrome de Gilbert, submetida à cirurgia videolaparoscópica sob anestesia geral com propofol, alfentanil, succinilcolina, atracúrio e isoflurano. Não houve sinais de toxicidade durante a anestesia. A paciente apresentou recuperação pós-operatória sem intercorrências e recebeu alta hospitalar após três dias. CONCLUSÕES: O paciente portador da síndrome de Gilbert pode ser submetido à anestesia geral de forma segura sem o aparecimento de toxicidade desde que sejam evitados os fatores que possam levar à diminuição da atividade da glicuroniltransferase.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La síndrome de Gilbert es una enfermedad crónica benigna la cual lleva a la ictericia recurrente con grande aumento de la bilirrubina no conjugada, que puede llevar a la toxicidad después del uso de medicamentos utilizadas en la práctica diaria. El objetivo de este relato es describir la conducta anestésica en una paciente con síndrome de Gilbert, sometida a cirugía videolaparoscópica. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo femenino, con 22 años, portadora de la síndrome de Gilbert fue sometida a cirugía videolaparoscópica bajo anestesia general con propofol, alfentanil, succinilcolina, atracúrio e isoflurano. No hubo señales de toxicidad durante la anestesia. La paciente presentó recuperación pós-operatoria sin intercurrencias y recibió alta hospitalar después de tres días. CONCLUSIONES: El paciente portador del síndrome de Gilbert puede ser sometido a la anestesia general de

  19. Effective lifetime of minority carriers in black silicon nano-textured by cones and pyramids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Onyshchenko, V.F.; Karachevtseva, L.A.; Lytvynenko, O.O.


    We calculated the dependence of effective lifetime of minority carriers in black silicon nano-textured by cones and pyramids on the diameter of the cone base, the side of the pyramid base, the height of cone and pyramid. The numerical calculation shows that n-type polished plate of single crystal...

  20. Analysis of New Aerodynamic Design of the Nose Cone Section Using CFD and SPH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bogdan-Alexandru BELEGA


    Full Text Available A new nose cones concept that promises a gain in performance over existing conventional nose cones is discussed in this paper. It is shown that significant performance gains result from the adaptation of the exhaust flow to the ambient pressure. For this complex work, it was necessary to collect and study the various nose cone shapes and the equations describing them? The paper objective was to identify the types of nose cones with ejector channels and specific aerodynamic characteristics of different types of nose cones. The scope of this paper is to develop some prototype profiles with outstanding aerodynamic qualities and low cost for use in construction projects for missile increasing their range and effect on target. The motivation for such a work is caused by a lack of data on aerodynamics for profiles of some nose cones and especially improved aerodynamic qualities that can be used in designing missiles/ rockets. This design method consists of a geometry creation step in which a three-dimensional geometry is generated, a mathematical model presented and a simple flow analysis (FLUENT Simulation from SolidWorks2012 and ANSYS Simulation with SPH for fluid-structure interaction, step which predicts the air intake mass flow rate. Flow phenomena observed in numerical simulations during different nose cone operations are highlighted, critical design aspects and operation conditions are discussed, and performance characteristics of the selected nose cone are presented.

  1. Bulk Fluidity and Apparent Wall Slip of Aqueous Kaolin Suspensions Studied Using the Cone-cone (KK) Sensor: The Effect of Concentration and Temperature.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pěnkavová, Věra; Tihon, Jaroslav; Wein, Ondřej


    Roč. 511, DEC 20 (2016), s. 272-284 ISSN 0927-7757 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LD13018 Grant - others:COST- European Coperation in Science and Technology(XE) MP1305; COST- European Coperation in Science and Technology(XE) MP1106 Program:LD COST Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : aqueous kaolin suspensions * apparent wall slip * cone-cone (KK) sensor Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry , Chemical Engineering Impact factor: 2.714, year: 2016

  2. Determination of CME 3D parameters based on a new full ice-cream cone model (United States)

    Na, Hyeonock; Moon, Yong-Jae


    In space weather forecast, it is important to determine three-dimensional properties of CMEs. Using 29 limb CMEs, we examine which cone type is close to a CME three-dimensional structure. We find that most CMEs have near full ice-cream cone structure which is a symmetrical circular cone combined with a hemisphere. We develop a full ice-cream cone model based on a new methodology that the full ice-cream cone consists of many flat cones with different heights and angular widths. By applying this model to 12 SOHO/LASCO halo CMEs, we find that 3D parameters from our method are similar to those from other stereoscopic methods (i.e., a triangulation method and a Graduated Cylindrical Shell model). In addition, we derive CME mean density (ρmean=Mtotal/Vcone) based on the full ice-cream cone structure. For several limb events, we determine CME mass by applying the Solarsoft procedure (e.g., to SOHO/LASCO C3 images. CME volumes are estimated from the full ice-cream cone structure. From the power-law relationship between CME mean density and its height, we estimate CME mean densities at 20 solar radii (Rs). We will compare the CME densities at 20 Rs with their corresponding ICME densities.

  3. The development of cones and associated features on ion bombarded copper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitton, J.L.; Carter, G.; Nobes, M.J.; Williams, J.S.


    Observations of ion-bombardment-induced surface modifications on crystalline copper substrates have been made using scanning electron microscopy. The delineation and development of grain boundary edges, faceted and terraced etch pits and small-scale ripple structure, together with the formation of faceted conical features, have all been observed on low and high purity polycrystalline substrates. In general, the density of such surface morphological features, although variable from grain to grain, is higher in the proximity of grain boundaries. In particular, cones are only found within regions where other surface erosional features are present and it would appear that the development of these other features is a pre-requisite to cone generation in high-purity crystalline substrates. We suggest the operation of a defect-induced mechanism of cone formation whereby sputter elaboration of bulk defects (either pre-existing or bombardment-induced) leads to the formation and development of surface features which, in turn, may intersect and result in the generation of cones. (author)

  4. The development of cones and associated features on ion bombarded copper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Whitton, J.L.; Williams, J.S.


    Observations of ion-bombardment-induced surface modifications on crystalline copper substrates have been made using scanning electron microscopy. The delineation and development of grain boundary edges, faceted and terraced etch pits and small-scale ripple structure, together with the formation of faceted conical features have all been observed on low and high purity polycrystalline substrates. In general, the density of such surface morphological features, although variable from grain to grain, is higher in the proximity of grain boundaries. In particular, cones are only found within regions where other surface erosional features are present and it would appear that the development of these other surface features is a pre-requisite to cone generation in high-purity crystalline substrates. The authors suggest the operation of a defect-induced mechanism of cone formation whereby sputter elaboration of bulk defects (either preexisting or bombardment-induced) leads to the formation and development of surface features which, in turn, may intersect and result in the generation of cones. (Auth.)

  5. Point spread function modeling and image restoration for cone-beam CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Hua; Shi Yikai; Huang Kuidong; Xu Zhe


    X-ray cone-beam computed tomography (CT) has such notable features as high efficiency and precision, and is widely used in the fields of medical imaging and industrial non-destructive testing, but the inherent imaging degradation reduces the quality of CT images. Aimed at the problems of projection image degradation and restoration in cone-beam CT, a point spread function (PSF) modeling method is proposed first. The general PSF model of cone-beam CT is established, and based on it, the PSF under arbitrary scanning conditions can be calculated directly for projection image restoration without the additional measurement, which greatly improved the application convenience of cone-beam CT. Secondly, a projection image restoration algorithm based on pre-filtering and pre-segmentation is proposed, which can make the edge contours in projection images and slice images clearer after restoration, and control the noise in the equivalent level to the original images. Finally, the experiments verified the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methods. (authors)

  6. Anestesia para paciente portador da equência de moebius: relato de caso Anestesia para Paciente Portador de la Secuencia de Moebius: relato de Caso Anesthesia in a patient with moebius sequence: case report

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    Adriano Bechara de Souza Hobaika


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A sequência de Moebius (SM é uma rara paralisia do VI e VII nervos cranianos. Alterações craniofaciais estão presentes em aproximadamente 90% destes pacientes, o que pode tornar a intubação traqueal muito difícil. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 2 anos e 5 meses, portador de SM, submetido à broncoscopia flexível para avaliação de laringotraqueomalácia. Comorbidades: crises de broncoespasmo e comunicação interventricular. Realizou-se indução anestésica com sevoflurano em O2 a 100% e venóclise. Introduziu-se máscara laríngea AMBU® número 2,5 e o fibrobroncoscópio foi introduzido através da mesma. O procedimento foi realizado sem complicações e a broncoscopia revelou-se normal. O paciente recebeu alta para casa após duas horas. CONCLUSÕES: O controle das vias aéreas é o grande desafio nestes pacientes, havendo relato de falha ou dificuldade de intubação em 13 pacientes de uma série de 41 casos analisados. Micrognatia, retrognatia, hipoplasia mandibular e fenda palatina são algumas características destes pacientes. Em outra grande série com 106 anestesias em pacientes com SM há descrição do uso da máscara laríngea em um caso. Parece não haver contra-indicação a realizar o procedimento em regime ambulatorial. Há relato de aspiração pulmonar e obstrução respiratória na sala de recuperação devido à dificuldade em deglutir e eliminar as secreções da boca e recomenda-se administrar antisialogogos.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La secuencia de Moebius (SM es una rara parálisis del VI y VII nervios cranianos. Las alteraciones craneofaciales están presentes en aproximadamente un 90% de esos pacientes, lo que puede hacer con que la intubación traqueal sea muy difícil. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente del sexo masculino, 2 años y 5 meses, portador de SM, sometido a la broncoscopia flexible para la evaluación de laringotraqueomalacia. Comorbidades: crisis de broncoespasmo

  7. Conceptual design of a Raman probe for inclusion in the in-tank cone penetrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kyle, K.R.


    Currently, tank wastes are to be characterized by drilling and physically removing core samples. The cores are analyzed in laboratories in a hot cell environment. The purpose of the cone penetrometer is to bring the interrogative methods to the sample in its native environment, providing faster, safer, and more cost effective tank characterization, both in terms of time and effort. Probes currently exist for the physical characterization of tank wastes in terms of porosity, density, temperature, and electrical conductivity. The main tool for chemical analysis in the in-tank cone penetrometer will be a fiber optic Raman spectroscopy probe, which will be used to collect information about the molecular chemical constituents of the tank wastes. This report addresses the design and implementation of a Raman probe with the in-tank cone penetrometer. The scope of this document includes design specifications and recommendations for the following aspects of the in-tank Raman cone penetrometer probe: cone penetrometer probe interface--an unit for the inclusion of a Raman probe in the in-tank cone penetrometer will be described; window materials--chemically resistant and mechanically stable materials for the cone penetrometer probe interface window will be considered; Raman probes--Raman probes for inclusion in the penetrometer will be discussed

  8. Weather effects on the success of longleaf pine cone crops (United States)

    Daniel J. Leduc; Shi-Jean Susana Sung; Dale G. Brockway; Mary Anne Sword Sayer


    We used National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data and historical records of cone crops from across the South to relate weather conditions to the yield of cones in 10 longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) stands. Seed development in this species occurs over a three-year time period and weather conditions during any part of this...

  9. Anestesia em paciente portadora de síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman: relato de caso


    Hobaika,Adriano Bechara de Souza; Borges,Ziltomar Donizetti; Teixeira,Vera Coelho


    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome de Mckusick-Kaufman é uma doença rara, caracterizada tipicamente por hidrometrocolpos, polidactilia e defeitos cardíacos congênitos. Pacientes portadores desta doença podem ser submetidos a diversos procedimentos cirúrgicos durante a sua vida e o anestesiologista deve estar preparado para possíveis alterações. O objetivo deste artigo é relatar a conduta anestésica adotada em uma paciente portadora desta síndrome. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino ...

  10. Abdome agudo obstrutivo pela veia porta - relato de caso

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    Celeste Gomes Sardinha Oshiro


    Full Text Available Introdução: A veia porta pré-duodenal é uma anomalia congênita rara, sintomática em apenas 50% dos casos, sendo que seu diagnóstico é feito por laparotomia exploradora. O tratamento de escolha é cirúrgico, com bom prognóstico. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de Abdome Agudo Obstrutivo por Veia Porta Pré Doudenal (VPPD no período neonatal no Conjunto Hospitalar de Sorocaba. Metodologia: Descrição do referido caso e revisão de literatura. Relato de Caso: Recém-nascido de F.S.S., feminino, de parto normal em 30/05/2016, cuja mãe com 21 anos, apresentou durante pré-natal Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional e polihidrâmnio; negou consanguinidade, vícios e infecções. Ao nascimento, idade gestacional 38 1/7 semanas, peso 2865g, comprimento 47 cm, Apgar 9/9. Durante rotinas de sala de parto, à aspiração gástrica, saída de 55 ml de líquido claro com grumos (LCCG. No 4o dia de vida, episódios de vômito com sangue e distensão abdominal. No 11° dia de vida, realizada Laparotomia Exploradora que identificou dilatação gástrica e duodenal, principalmente na 3° porção, onde passa anteriormente a Veia Porta, comprimindo parcialmente a borda antimesentérica duodenal, o que comprometia seu esvaziamento. Realizada anastomose duodeno-jejunal. Recebeu alimentação parenteral por 15 dias. RN apresentou infecções fúngica e bacteriana, tratadas durante internação. Recebe alta com 46 dias de vida em aleitamento materno e boa recuperação clínica. Conclusão: Existem poucos relatos sobre a formação anômala da veia porta e suas consequências. O diagnóstico pré-natal ou pré-operatório de VPPD raramente é feito. Boa evolução pós correção cirúrgica.

  11. Light cone sum rules in nonabelian gauge field theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mallik, S [Bern Univ. (Switzerland). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik


    The author examines, in the context of nonabelian gauge field theory, the derivation of the light cone sum rules which were obtained earlier on the assumption of dominance of canonical singularity in the current commutator on the light cone. The retarded scaling functions appearing in the sum rules are numbers known in terms of the charges of the quarks and the number of quarks and gluons in the theory. Possible applications of the sum rules are suggested.

  12. Pheromones in White Pine Cone Beetle, Conophthorus coniperdu (Schwarz) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) (United States)

    Goran Birgersson; Gary L. DeBarr; Peter de Groot; Mark J. Dalusky; Harold D. Pierce; John H. Borden; Holger Meyer; Wittko Francke; Karl E. Espelie; C. Wayne Berisford


    Female white pine cone beetles, Conophrhorus coniperda, attacking second-year cones of eastern white pine, Pinus strobus L., produced a sex-specific pheromone that attracted conspecific males in laboratory bioassays and to field traps. Beetle response was enhanced by host monoterpenes. The female-produced compound was identified in...

  13. Insuficiência respiratória aguda durante anestesia pediátrica: atelectasia e pneumotórax hipertensivo: relato de caso

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    Joel Massari Rezende


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A tarefa primordial do anestesiologista é garantir a adequada oxigenação do paciente. O objetivo deste relato é des crever o diagnóstico e conduta em um caso de insuficiência respiratória aguda durante anestesia, com finalidade didática. RELATO DO CASO: Criança de três anos submetida à anestesia para cirurgia urológica apresentou insuficiência respiratória por obstruções de brônquios por secreção, evoluindo com atelectasia e pneumotórax hipertensivo. Apresentamos o desenrolar do caso, e os meios de tratamento aplicado, com destaque para a urgência e técnica da drenagem no pneumotórax hipertensivo. CONCLUSÕES: A atenção do anestesiologista para o diagnóstico precoce de complicações respiratórias e o conhecimento das medidas prioritárias em cada momento pode evitar efeitos adversos graves

  14. Novel Animal Model of Crumbs-Dependent Progressive Retinal Degeneration That Targets Specific Cone Subtypes. (United States)

    Fu, Jinling; Nagashima, Mikiko; Guo, Chuanyu; Raymond, Pamela A; Wei, Xiangyun


    Human Crb1 is implicated in some forms of retinal degeneration, suggesting a role in photoreceptor maintenance. Multiple Crumbs (Crb) polarity genes are expressed in vertebrate retina, although their functional roles are not well understood. To gain further insight into Crb and photoreceptor maintenance, we compared retinal cell densities between wild-type and Tg(RH2-2:Crb2b-sfEX/RH2-2:GFP)pt108b transgenic zebrafish, in which the extracellular domain of Crb2b-short form (Crb2b-sfEX) is expressed in the retina as a secreted protein, which disrupts the planar organization of RGB cones (red, green, and blue) by interfering with Crb2a/2b-based cone-cone adhesion. We used standard morphometric techniques to assess age-related changes in retinal cell densities in adult zebrafish (3 to 27 months old), and to assess effects of the Crb2b-sfEX transgene on retinal structure and photoreceptor densities. Linear cell densities were measured in all retinal layers in radial sections with JB4-Feulgen histology. Planar (surface) densities of cones were determined in retinal flat-mounts. Cell counts from wild-type and pt108b transgenic fish were compared with both a "photoreceptor maintenance index" and statistical analysis of cell counts. Age-related changes in retinal cell linear densities and cone photoreceptor planar densities in wild-type adult zebrafish provided a baseline for analysis. Expression of Crb2b-sfEX caused progressive and selective degeneration of RGB cones, but had no effect on ultraviolet-sensitive (UV) cones, and increased numbers of rod photoreceptors. These differential responses of RGB cones, UV cones, and rods to sustained exposure to Crb2b-sfEX suggest that Crb-based photoreceptor maintenance mechanisms are highly selective.

  15. Cone-beam tomography with discrete data sets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrett, H.H.


    Sufficiently conditions for cone-beam data are well known for the case of continuous data collection along a cone-vortex curve with continuous detectors. These continuous conditions are inadequate for real-world data where discrete vertex geometries and discrete detector arrays are used. In this paper we present a theoretical formulation of cone-beam tomography with arbitrary discrete arrays of detectors and vertices. The theory models the imaging system as a linear continuous-to-discrete mapping and represents the continuous object exactly as a Fourier series. The reconstruction problem is posed as the estimation of some subset of the Fourier coefficients. The main goal of the theory is to determine which Fourier coefficients can be reliably determined from the data delivered by a specific discrete design. A fourier component will be well determined by the data if it satisfies two conditions: it makes a strong contribution to the data, and this contribution is relatively independent of the contribution of other Fourier components. To make these considerations precise, we introduce a concept called the cross-talk matrix. A diagonal element of this matrix measures the strength of a Fourier component in the data, while an off-diagonal element quantifies the dependence or aliasing of two different components. (Author)

  16. Perturbation theory in light-cone gauge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vianello, Eliana


    Perturbation calculations are presented for the light-cone gauge Schwinger model. Eigenstates can be calculated perturbatively but the perturbation theory is nonstandard. We hope to extend the work to QCD 2 to resolve some outstanding issues in those theories

  17. Effectiveness of 2% peracetic acid for the disinfection of gutta-percha cones

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    Ana Carolina Rodrigues Danzi Salvia


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 2% peracetic acid for the disinfection of gutta-percha cones contaminated in vitro with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans and Bacillus subtilus (in spore form. Two hundred and twenty-five gutta-percha cones were contaminated with standardized suspensions of each microorganism and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The cones were divided into 10 experimental groups (n = 15, according to the microorganism tested and disinfection testing times. The disinfection procedure consisted of immersing each cone in a plastic tube containing the substance. The specimens remained in contact with the substance for 1 or 2.5 minutes. Afterwards, each cone was transferred to a 10% sodium thiosulphate solution (Na2S2O3 to neutralize the disinfectant. Microbial biofilms adhering to the cones were dispersed by agitation. Aliquots of 0.1 ml of the suspensions obtained were plated on Sabouraud dextrose agar, or brain and heart infusion agar, and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The results were expressed in colony forming units (CFU/ml and the data were submitted to the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (level of significance at 0.05. A significant reduction was observed, after 1 minute of exposure, in the test solution for C. albicans (p = 0.0190, S. aureus (p = 0.0001, S. mutans (p = 0.0001, B. subtilis (p = 0.0001, and E. coli (p = 0.0001. After 2.5 minutes of exposure, 100% of the microbial inocula were eliminated. It was concluded that the 2% peracetic acid solution was effective against the biofilms of the tested microorganisms on gutta-percha cones at 1 minute of exposure.

  18. Effectiveness of 2% peracetic acid for the disinfection of gutta-percha cones. (United States)

    Salvia, Ana Carolina Rodrigues Danzi; Teodoro, Guilherme Rodrigues; Balducci, Ivan; Koga-Ito, Cristiane Yumi; Oliveira, Simone Helena Gonçalves de


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 2% peracetic acid for the disinfection of gutta-percha cones contaminated in vitro with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans and Bacillus subtilus (in spore form). Two hundred and twenty-five gutta-percha cones were contaminated with standardized suspensions of each microorganism and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The cones were divided into 10 experimental groups (n = 15), according to the microorganism tested and disinfection testing times. The disinfection procedure consisted of immersing each cone in a plastic tube containing the substance. The specimens remained in contact with the substance for 1 or 2.5 minutes. Afterwards, each cone was transferred to a 10% sodium thiosulphate solution (Na(2)S(2)O(3)) to neutralize the disinfectant. Microbial biofilms adhering to the cones were dispersed by agitation. Aliquots of 0.1 ml of the suspensions obtained were plated on Sabouraud dextrose agar, or brain and heart infusion agar, and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. The results were expressed in colony forming units (CFU/ml) and the data were submitted to the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (level of significance at 0.05). A significant reduction was observed, after 1 minute of exposure, in the test solution for C. albicans (p = 0.0190), S. aureus (p = 0.0001), S. mutans (p = 0.0001), B. subtilis (p = 0.0001), and E. coli (p = 0.0001). After 2.5 minutes of exposure, 100% of the microbial inocula were eliminated. It was concluded that the 2% peracetic acid solution was effective against the biofilms of the tested microorganisms on gutta-percha cones at 1 minute of exposure.

  19. Optical imaging of human cone photoreceptors directly following the capture of light.

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    Phillip Bedggood

    Full Text Available Capture of light in the photoreceptor outer segment initiates a cascade of chemical events that inhibit neurotransmitter release, ultimately resulting in vision. The massed response of the photoreceptor population can be measured non-invasively by electrical recordings, but responses from individual cells cannot be measured without dissecting the retina. Here we used optical imaging to observe individual human cones in the living eye as they underwent bleaching of photopigment and associated phototransduction. The retina was simultaneously stimulated and observed with high intensity visible light at 1 kHz, using adaptive optics. There was marked variability between individual cones in both photosensitivity and pigment optical density, challenging the conventional assumption that photoreceptors act as identical subunits (coefficient of variation in rate of photoisomerization = 23%. There was also a pronounced inverse correlation between these two parameters (p<10(-7; the temporal evolution of image statistics revealed this to be a dynamic relationship, with cone waveguiding efficiency beginning a dramatic increase within 3 ms of light onset. Beginning as early as 2 ms after light onset and including half of cells by ∼7 ms, cone intensity showed reversals characteristic of interference phenomena, with greater delays in reversal corresponding to cones with more photopigment (p<10(-3. The timing of these changes is argued to best correspond with either the cessation of dark current, or to related events such as changes in intracellular cGMP. Cone intensity also showed fluctuations of high frequency (332±25 Hz and low amplitude (3.0±0.85%. Other groups have shown similar fluctuations that were directly evoked by light; if this corresponds to the same phenomenon, we propose that the amplitude of fluctuation may be increased by the use of a bright flash followed by a brief pause, to allow recovery of cone circulating current.

  20. An Alternating Direction Method for Convex Quadratic Second-Order Cone Programming with Bounded Constraints

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    Xuewen Mu


    quadratic programming over second-order cones and a bounded set. At each iteration, we only need to compute the metric projection onto the second-order cones and the projection onto the bound set. The result of convergence is given. Numerical results demonstrate that our method is efficient for the convex quadratic second-order cone programming problems with bounded constraints.

  1. Analytical fan-beam and cone-beam reconstruction algorithms with uniform attenuation correction for SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Qiulin; Zeng, Gengsheng L; Gullberg, Grant T


    In this paper, we developed an analytical fan-beam reconstruction algorithm that compensates for uniform attenuation in SPECT. The new fan-beam algorithm is in the form of backprojection first, then filtering, and is mathematically exact. The algorithm is based on three components. The first one is the established generalized central-slice theorem, which relates the 1D Fourier transform of a set of arbitrary data and the 2D Fourier transform of the backprojected image. The second one is the fact that the backprojection of the fan-beam measurements is identical to the backprojection of the parallel measurements of the same object with the same attenuator. The third one is the stable analytical reconstruction algorithm for uniformly attenuated Radon data, developed by Metz and Pan. The fan-beam algorithm is then extended into a cone-beam reconstruction algorithm, where the orbit of the focal point of the cone-beam imaging geometry is a circle. This orbit geometry does not satisfy Tuy's condition and the obtained cone-beam algorithm is an approximation. In the cone-beam algorithm, the cone-beam data are first backprojected into the 3D image volume; then a slice-by-slice filtering is performed. This slice-by-slice filtering procedure is identical to that of the fan-beam algorithm. Both the fan-beam and cone-beam algorithms are efficient, and computer simulations are presented. The new cone-beam algorithm is compared with Bronnikov's cone-beam algorithm, and it is shown to have better performance with noisy projections

  2. Relationship between foveal cone specialization and pit morphology in albinism. (United States)

    Wilk, Melissa A; McAllister, John T; Cooper, Robert F; Dubis, Adam M; Patitucci, Teresa N; Summerfelt, Phyllis; Anderson, Jennifer L; Stepien, Kimberly E; Costakos, Deborah M; Connor, Thomas B; Wirostko, William J; Chiang, Pei-Wen; Dubra, Alfredo; Curcio, Christine A; Brilliant, Murray H; Summers, C Gail; Carroll, Joseph


    Albinism is associated with disrupted foveal development, though intersubject variability is becoming appreciated. We sought to quantify this variability, and examine the relationship between foveal cone specialization and pit morphology in patients with a clinical diagnosis of albinism. We recruited 32 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of albinism. DNA was obtained from 25 subjects, and known albinism genes were analyzed for mutations. Relative inner and outer segment (IS and OS) lengthening (fovea-to-perifovea ratio) was determined from manually segmented spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) B-scans. Foveal pit morphology was quantified for eight subjects from macular SD-OCT volumes. Ten subjects underwent imaging with adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO), and cone density was measured. We found mutations in 22 of 25 subjects, including five novel mutations. All subjects lacked complete excavation of inner retinal layers at the fovea, though four subjects had foveal pits with normal diameter and/or volume. Peak cone density and OS lengthening were variable and overlapped with that observed in normal controls. A fifth hyper-reflective band was observed in the outer retina on SD-OCT in the majority of the subjects with albinism. Foveal cone specialization and pit morphology vary greatly in albinism. Normal cone packing was observed in the absence of a foveal pit, suggesting a pit is not required for packing to occur. The degree to which retinal anatomy correlates with genotype or visual function remains unclear, and future examination of larger patient groups will provide important insight on this issue. Copyright 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.

  3. Modulation of rod photoreceptor output by HCN1 channels is essential for regular mesopic cone vision. (United States)

    Seeliger, Mathias W; Brombas, Arne; Weiler, Reto; Humphries, Peter; Knop, Gabriel; Tanimoto, Naoyuki; Müller, Frank


    Retinal photoreceptors permit visual perception over a wide range of lighting conditions. Rods work best in dim, and cones in bright environments, with considerable functional overlap at intermediate (mesopic) light levels. At many sites in the outer and inner retina where rod and cone signals interact, gap junctions, particularly those containing Connexin36, have been identified. However, little is known about the dynamic processes associated with the convergence of rod and cone system signals into ON- and OFF-pathways. Here we show that proper cone vision under mesopic conditions requires rapid adaptational feedback modulation of rod output via hyperpolarization-activated and cyclic nucleotide-gated channels 1. When these channels are absent, sustained rod responses following bright light exposure saturate the retinal network, resulting in a loss of downstream cone signalling. By specific genetic and pharmacological ablation of key signal processing components, regular cone signalling can be restored, thereby identifying the sites involved in functional rod-cone interactions.

  4. Composition and structure of ion-bombardment-induced growth cones on InP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malherbe, J.B.; Lakner, H.; Gries, W.H.


    The previously reported effect of low-energy (several keV) ion bombardment on the surface topography of InP was investigated by scanning transmission electron microscopy. Convergent beam electron diffraction patterns of the surface growth 'cones' induced by argon ion bombardment of (100) InP between 7 and 10 keV proved the cones to consist of crystalline InP (and not metallic indium, as has sometimes been claimed). The investigation showed that the irradiated surface region is not rendered completely amorphous but that it recrystallizes from the crystalline/amorphous interface in a columnar growth pattern, often terminating in growth cones protruding above the surface. Weak beam investigations revealed that the overwhelming majority of the cones have the orientation of the substrate. These phenomena were observed at all dose densities from 7 x 10 15 to 2 x 10 17 cm -2 . (author)

  5. Beryllium satellite thrust cone design, manufacture and test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneiter, H.; Chandler, D.


    Pre-formed beryllium sheet material has been used in the design, manufacturing and test of a satellite thrust cone structure. Adhesive bonding was used for attachment of aluminium flanges and conical segment lap strips. Difficulties in beryllium structure design such as incompatibilities with aluminium and handling problems are discussed. Testing to optimize beryllium-beryllium and beryllium-aluminium adhesive bonds is described. The completed thrust cone assembly has been subjected to static load testing and the results are presented. A summary of the relative merits of the use of beryllium in satellite structures is given with recommendations for future users. (author)

  6. Psicologia e Práticas Restaurativas na Socioeducação: Relato de Experiência

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iara da Silva Ferrão

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de experiência de profissional da área da Psicologia, dentro de uma Unidade de Internação de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Ainda pretendeu-se relacionar práticas restaurativas com possibilidade de experiência exitosa ao sistema socioeducativo. O relato tem como cenário uma unidade de Atendimento Socioeducativo de uma cidade no interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados obtidos são frutos da experiência profissional da autora e fazem parte de um estudo maior intitulado “Um Estudo dos Fatores de Risco e de Proteção em Jovens que Cumprem Medida Socioeducativa”. Os resultados mostraram que as práticas restaurativas realizadas nesta instituição foram apenas os círculos de compromisso. O tema da Justiça Restaurativa (JR, por ser novo e por não ter sido originalmente um modelo criado no cenário brasileiro, ainda é difícil de avaliar possíveis resultados e impactos. As experiências apresentadas sugerem que há possibilidade da JR ser uma experiência exitosa para o Sistema Socioeducativo. Indica-se a necessidade de realização de mais pesquisas com relação a essa temática.

  7. A bricolage na pesquisa em educação em enfermagem: Relato de experiência

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    Leonara Raddai Gunther de Campos


    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: Este artigo apresenta um relato de experiência sobre a utilização da bricolage em uma pesquisa educacional em enfermagem. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência do uso da bricolage. Métodos: Primeiramente, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o termo e sua utilização em meio científico, em seguida, as autoras apresentam a experiência da aplicação do método em uma pesquisa de Mestrado em Enfermagem. A bricolage possibilitou a combinação de estratégias para a construção dos dados, como a observação participante, entrevista semiestruturada, análise documental e gravação em áudio das sessões tutoriais. A análise dos dados foi uma etapa bem peculiar e criativa, onde as autoras, amparadas pela bricolage criaram seu próprio processo de análise. Conclusões: Dentre os principais resultados são ressaltados as vantagens proporcionadas pela utilização da bricolage, como a captação dos aspectos multilógicos dos fenômenos e desafios. Implicações para a prática: Este relato contribui com novas opções metodológicas para estudos em enfermagem.

  8. 3D algebraic iterative reconstruction for cone-beam x-ray differential phase-contrast computed tomography. (United States)

    Fu, Jian; Hu, Xinhua; Velroyen, Astrid; Bech, Martin; Jiang, Ming; Pfeiffer, Franz


    Due to the potential of compact imaging systems with magnified spatial resolution and contrast, cone-beam x-ray differential phase-contrast computed tomography (DPC-CT) has attracted significant interest. The current proposed FDK reconstruction algorithm with the Hilbert imaginary filter will induce severe cone-beam artifacts when the cone-beam angle becomes large. In this paper, we propose an algebraic iterative reconstruction (AIR) method for cone-beam DPC-CT and report its experiment results. This approach considers the reconstruction process as the optimization of a discrete representation of the object function to satisfy a system of equations that describes the cone-beam DPC-CT imaging modality. Unlike the conventional iterative algorithms for absorption-based CT, it involves the derivative operation to the forward projections of the reconstructed intermediate image to take into account the differential nature of the DPC projections. This method is based on the algebraic reconstruction technique, reconstructs the image ray by ray, and is expected to provide better derivative estimates in iterations. This work comprises a numerical study of the algorithm and its experimental verification using a dataset measured with a three-grating interferometer and a mini-focus x-ray tube source. It is shown that the proposed method can reduce the cone-beam artifacts and performs better than FDK under large cone-beam angles. This algorithm is of interest for future cone-beam DPC-CT applications.

  9. Analytic treatment of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation for diffusion in a cone model (United States)

    Sitnitsky, A. E.


    We consider nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate resulted from a diffusion equation for rotational wobbling in a cone. We show that the widespread point of view that there are no analytical expressions for correlation functions for wobbling in a cone model is invalid and prove that nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in this model is exactly tractable and amenable to full analytical description. The mechanism of relaxation is assumed to be due to dipole-dipole interaction of nuclear spins and is treated within the framework of the standard Bloemberger, Purcell, Pound-Solomon scheme. We consider the general case of arbitrary orientation of the cone axis relative the magnetic field. The BPP-Solomon scheme is shown to remain valid for systems with the distribution of the cone axes depending only on the tilt relative the magnetic field but otherwise being isotropic. We consider the case of random isotropic orientation of cone axes relative the magnetic field taking place in powders. Also we consider the cases of their predominant orientation along or opposite the magnetic field and that of their predominant orientation transverse to the magnetic field which may be relevant for, e.g., liquid crystals. Besides we treat in details the model case of the cone axis directed along the magnetic field. The latter provides direct comparison of the limiting case of our formulas with the textbook formulas for free isotropic rotational diffusion. The dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate on the cone half-width yields results similar to those predicted by the model-free approach.

  10. The generalized back projection theorem for cone beam reconstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peyrin, F.C.


    The use of cone beam scanners raises the problem of three dimensional reconstruction from divergent projections. After a survey on bidimensional analytical reconstruction methods we examine their application to the 3D problem. Finally, it is shown that the back projection theorem can be generalized to cone beam projections. This allows to state a new inversion formula suitable for both the 4 π parallel and divergent geometries. It leads to the generalization of the ''rho-filtered back projection'' algorithm which is outlined

  11. Scattering of wedges and cones with impedance boundary conditions

    CERN Document Server

    Lyalinov, Mikhail


    This book is a systematic and detailed exposition of different analytical techniques used in studying two of the canonical problems, the wave scattering by wedges or cones with impedance boundary conditions. It is the first reference on novel, highly efficient analytical-numerical approaches for wave diffraction by impedance wedges or cones. The applicability of the reported solution procedures and formulae to existing software packages designed for real-world high-frequency problems encountered in antenna, wave propagation, and radar cross section.

  12. Sindrome peri-silviana bilateral não relacionada a malformações: relato de dois casos


    Grasel, Ralf Paulo; Carvalho Neto, Arnolfo; Bruck, Isac; Antoniuk, Sérgio A.


    In this case report we present the neuroimaging findings and clinical features of two patients with a bilateral perisylvian syndrome not related to malformations, but probably to ischemic etiology. Evaluations including history, general and neurologic examinations, electroencephalograms, and imaging data were reviewed as recent literature about the subject.Neste relato de caso, apresentamos os achados de neuroimagem e os aspectos clínicos de dois pacientes com síndrome peri-silviana bilateral...

  13. Del metafísico al parapsicólogo: el estereotipo del chino en dos relatos modernistas

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    Siwen Ning


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo examina los recursos narrativos y el tratamiento de dos personajes chinos que aparecen en dos relatos de la revista La Ilustración Española y Americana, publicados a finales del siglo xix el primero, a principios del xx el segundo. Este estudio tiene como finalidad comprobar la evolución del estereotipo chino en la literatura española en el contexto del fin de siglo.

  14. Exotismo e autenticidade: relatos de viajantes à procura de sexo Exoticism and authenticity: tales of travelers in search of sex

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    Adriana Piscitelli


    Full Text Available A produção sócio-antropológica que trata do turismo discute a oposição entre o caráter de massa atribuído ao olhar dos turistas contemporâneos e o caráter individual vinculado à "viagem". Este texto dialoga com argumentos presentes nessa oposição, a partir da análise etnográfica de relatos de viajantes à procura de sexo que freqüentam pontos do circuito internacional de turismo sexual. Centrando-se em narrativas ficcionais/experienciais, Plateforme, romance de Michel Houellebecq, recentemente publicado, os relatos de viagem de Mattioli Ross e histórias contadas por viajantes à procura de sexo, no marco de uma pesquisa sobre turismo sexual internacional no Nordeste do Brasil, o texto estabelece esse diálogo considerando as noções centrais presentes nesse conjunto de relatos atravessados por gênero: exotismo, sexualidade e autenticidade.The socio-anthropological production on tourism opposes the mass character imputed to the views of contemporary tourists to the individual character attributed to the "trip". This text establishes a dialogue with arguments present in that opposition, based on ethnographic analyses of tales by travelers in search of sex used to places in the international circuit of sexual tourism. Centering on fictional/experiential accounts, Plateforme, recently published novel by Michel Houellebecq, Mattioli Ross' travel accounts and tales told by travelers in search of sex, framed by a research on international sexual tourism in Brazil's Northeast, the text establishes such a dialogue considering the notions central to those accounts crisscrossed by gender: exoticism, sexuality, authenticity.

  15. The discrete cones method for two-dimensional neutron transport calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Y.; Maynard, C.W.


    A novel method, the discrete cones method (DC/sub N/), is proposed as an alternative to the discrete ordinates method (S/sub N/) for solutions of the two-dimensional neutron transport equation. The new method utilizes a new concept, discrete cones, which are made by partitioning a unit spherical surface that the direction vector of particles covers. In this method particles in a cone are simultaneously traced instead of those in discrete directions so that an anomaly of the S/sub N/ method, the ray effects, can be eliminated. The DC/sub N/ method has been formulated for X-Y geometry and a program has been creaed by modifying the standard S/sub N/ program TWOTRAN-II. Our sample calculations demonstrate a strong mitigation of the ray effects without a computing cost penalty

  16. Vertical microbial community variability of carbonate-based cones may provide insight into ancient conical stromatolite formation (United States)

    Bradley, James; Daille, Leslie; Trivedi, Christopher; Bojanowski, Caitlin; Nunn, Heather; Stamps, Blake; Johnson, Hope; Stevenson, Bradley; Berelson, Will; Corsetti, Frank; Spear, John


    Stromatolite morphogenesis is poorly understood, and the process by which microbial mats become mineralized is a primary question in microbialite formation. Ancient conical stromatolites are primarily carbonate-based whereas the few modern analogues in hot springs are either non-mineralized or mineralized by silica. A team from the 2015 International GeoBiology Course investigated carbonate-rich microbial cones from near Little Hot Creek (LHC), Long Valley Caldera, California, to investigate how conical stromatolites might form in a hot spring carbonate system. The cones rise up from a layered microbial mat on the east side of a 45° C pool with very low flow that is super-saturated with respect to CaCO3. Cone structures are 8-30 mm in height, are rigid and do not deform when removed from the pool. Morphological characterization through environmental scanning electronic microscopy revealed that the cone structure is maintained by a matrix of intertwining microbial filaments around carbonate grains. This matrix gives rise to cone-filaments that are arranged vertically or horizontally, and provides further stability to the cone. Preliminary 16S rRNA gene analysis indicated variability of community composition between different vertical levels of the cone. The cone tip had comparatively greater abundance of filamentous cyanobacteria including Leptolingbya, Phormidium and Isosphaera and fewer heterotrophs (e.g. Chloroflexi) compared to the cone bottom. This supports the hypothesis that cone formation may depend on the differential abundance of the microbial community and their potential functional roles. Metagenomic analyses of the cones revealed potential genes related to chemotaxis and motility. Specifically, a genomic bin identified as a member of the genus Isosphaera contained an hmp chemotaxis operon implicated in gliding motility in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. Isosphaera is a Planctomycete shown to have phototactic capabilities, and may play a role in

  17. Co-construyendo historias: a la búsqueda de hechos luminosos en los relatos familiares sobre el consumo de drogas

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    Ayme Pacheco Trejo


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se ubica bajo el marco teórico del construccionismo social. Los relatos familiares sobre el consumo de drogas se exploraron con un enfoque comprensivo-interpretativo, ya que se parte del supuesto de que las personas se relacionan y construyen sus realidades a través de la interacción dialógica entre los participantes, donde se incluye al propio investigador. El propósito del presente estudio fue identificar los hechos que iluminan las contradicciones y potenciar la emergencia de historias alternativas, por medio de puntuar aspectos poco atendidos de la experiencia, y cuestionar prácticas y discursos sociales hegemónicos. Para tal fin se presenta el caso de una familia con un miembro consumidor. Los espacios conversacionales fueron tres y se utilizo la entrevista semi-estructurada con base en la propuesta narrativa de Michael White (2002a, 2002b. Los resultados permiten observar el quebranto del relato dominante; un relato plagado de problemas, de etiquetas que devienen de una relación de saber-poder que se articulan con una red de controles y normas sociales. Un aprendizaje cultural que se materializa en formas de consumo, formas de relacionarse, formas de enfermar, curarse, y morir; esto es, un aprendizaje que penetra la conciencia y la relación con el consumidor, sin que necesariamente se perciba como un mecanismo de control negativo. Se concluye sobre la importancia de una reconstrucción colectiva, que representa una visión de la realidad como producto de una acción reflexiva de los participantes, a través de saberes sociales compartidos, que dan cuenta de la riqueza y complejidad de las narraciones familiares sobre el consumo de drogas.

  18. Manipulation of Dirac cones in metal-intercalated epitaxial graphene (United States)

    Wang, Cai-Zhuang; Kim, Minsung; Tringides, Michael; Ho, Kai-Ming

    Graphene is one of the most attractive materials from both fundamental and practical points of view due to its characteristic Dirac cones. The electronic property of graphene can be modified through the interaction with substrate or another graphene layer as illustrated in few-layer epitaxial graphene. Recently, metal intercalation became an effective method to manipulate the electronic structure of graphene by modifying the coupling between the constituent layers. In this work, we show that the Dirac cones of epitaxial graphene can be manipulated by intercalating rare-earth metals. We demonstrate that rare-earth metal intercalated epitaxial graphene has tunable band structures and the energy levels of Dirac cones as well as the linear or quadratic band dispersion can be controlled depending on the location of the intercalation layer and density. Our results could be important for applications and characterizations of the intercalated epitaxial graphene. Supported by the U.S. DOE-BES under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11358.

  19. Cone visual pigments are present in gecko rod cells. (United States)

    Kojima, D; Okano, T; Fukada, Y; Shichida, Y; Yoshizawa, T; Ebrey, T G


    The Tokay gecko (Gekko gekko), a nocturnal lizard, has two kinds of visual pigments, P467 and P521. In spite of the pure-rod morphology of the photoreceptor cells, the biochemical properties of P521 and P467 resemble those of iodopsin (the chicken red-sensitive cone visual pigment) and rhodopsin, respectively. We have found that the amino acid sequence of P521 deduced from the cDNA was very similar to that of iodopsin. In addition, P467 has the highest homology with the chicken green-sensitive cone visual pigment, although it also has a relatively high homology with rhodopsins. These results give additional strength to the transmutation theory of Walls [Walls, G. L. (1934) Am. J. Ophthalmol. 17, 892-915], who proposed that the rod-shaped photoreceptor cells of lizards have been derived from ancestral cone-like photoreceptors. Apparently amino acid sequences of visual pigments are less changeable than the morphology of the photoreceptor cells in the course of evolution.

  20. A practical attenuation compensation method for cone beam spect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manglos, S.H.; Jaszczak, R.J.; Floyd, C.E.; Greer, K.L.; Coleman, R.E.


    An algorithm for attenuation compensation of cone beam SPECT images has been developed and implemented. The algorithm is based on a multiplicative post-processing method previously used for parallel and fan beam geometries. This method computes the compensation from the estimated average attenuation of photons originating from each image pixel. In the present development, a uniform attenuation coefficient inside of the body contour is assumed, although the method could be extended to include a non-uniform attenuation map. The algorithm is tested with experimental projections of a phantom obtained using a cone beam collimator. Profiles through the reconstructed images are presented as a quantitative test of the improvement due to the compensation. The algorithm provides adequate compensation for attenuation in a simple uniform cylindrical phantom, and the computational time is short compared to that expected for iterative reconstruction techniques. Also observed are image distortions in some reconstructed slices when the source distribution extends beyond the edge of the cone beam axial field-of-view

  1. Archivo y relato en el Río de la Plata Colonial. El difícil discurso de la violencia

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    Loreley El Jaber


    Full Text Available La propuesta en esta ocasión es la de abordar la relación entre archivo y relato en el Río de la Plata durante el siglo XVI y, para esto, se analizará una información levantada por Cabeza de Vaca en su defensa, fechada en 1544, porque en ella se da lugar a la aparición de un conjunto de voces de españoles que denuncian los atropellos, gravámenes y “vejaciones” sufridas por parte de sus pares en procura de la cobranza del quinto. Estos discursos, no reproducidos por otros textos impresos durante el mencionado siglo, plantean una problemática compleja: la relación entre ley, violencia y espacio conquistado; pero también, otra de distinto orden: los alcances y efectos de discursividades como estas, devenires de un relato cruel detenido en el tiempo del archivo judicial. El presente trabajo busca abordar ambas problemáticas así como darle un lugar a esta serie de voces olvidadas.

  2. Comprometimento da medula óssea e eosinofilia na paracoccidioidomicose Bone marrow involvement associated with eosinophilia in paracoccidioidomycosis

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    M.A. Shikanai-Yasuda


    Full Text Available São descritos 3 casos de paracoccidioidomicose com a forma aguda da doença, nos quais formas leveduriformes de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis foram visualizadas ao exame direto de medula óssea, sendo a cultura também positiva em um caso. Salienta-se o acometimento do sistema fagocítico-mononuclear e a ausência de resposta às provas cutâneas de hipersensibilidade tardia a antígenos microbianos e de P. brasiliensis em todos, bem como a gravidade do quadro clínico e lesões ósseas generalizadas em um caso, com 20.260 eosinófilos/mm³ no sangue periférico. Os autores discutem o possível papel do eosinófilo na interação hospedeiro-parasita na paracoccidioidomicose, sugerindo que a ativação de subpopulação TH 2 e o aumento de secreção de IL 5 e de GM-CSF possam estar relacionados à grande eosinofilia presente no caso mais graveThe authors described three acute paracoccidioidomycosis patients with bone marrow involvement. P. brasiliensis yeast forms were observed in bone marrow smears of all them, and in one case, culture also revealed fungus growth. The mononuclear phagocytic sistem involvement, the blood eosinophilia and the negative skin hipersensibility responses were emphasized in all of them, as well as the severity of the disease in one case, with disseminated bone lesions and 20.260 eosinophils/mm³ in peripheral blood. The authors discuss the possible role of eosinophil in the host-parasite interaction in paracoccidioidomycosis, suggesting that TH 2 subpopulation activation and increased IL 5 and GM-CSF secretions may be responsible by eosinophilia in the most severe case

  3. Basic principle of cone beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Yong Suk; Kim, Gyu Tae; Hwang, Eui Hwan


    The use of computed tomography for dental procedures has increased recently. Cone beam computed tomography(CBCT) systems have been designed for imaging hard tissues of the dentomaxillofacial region. CBCT is capable of providing high resolution in images of high diagnostic quality. This technology allows for 3-dimensional representation of the dentomaxillofacial skeleton with minimal distortion, but at lower equipment cost, simpler image acquisition and lower patient dose. Because this technology produces images with isotropic sub-millimeter spatial resolution, it is ideally suited for dedicated dentomaxillofacial imaging. In this paper, we provide a brief overview of cone beam scanning technology and compare it with the fan beam scanning used in conventional CT and the basic principles of currently available CBCT systems

  4. Analog Experiment for rootless cone eruption (United States)

    Noguchi, R.; Hamada, A.; Suzuki, A.; Kurita, K.


    Rootless cone is a unique geomorphological landmark to specify igneous origin of investigated terrane, which is formed by magma-water interaction. To understand its formation mechanism we conducted analog experiment for heat-induced vesiculation by using hot syrup and sodium bicarbonate solution.

  5. The light-cone gauge at two loops: The scalar anomalous dimension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Capper, D.M.; Suzuki, A.T.; Jones, D.R.T.


    We demonstrate that the light-cone gauge is a feasible tool for multi-loop computations by using it to evaluate the two-loop scalar anomalous dimension, γsup((2)), in a general gauge theory. In the special case of supersymmetry we obtain agreement with previous results which were derived using nonlight-cone techniques. (orig.)

  6. Adaptive optics fundus images of cone photoreceptors in the macula of patients with retinitis pigmentosa. (United States)

    Tojo, Naoki; Nakamura, Tomoko; Fuchizawa, Chiharu; Oiwake, Toshihiko; Hayashi, Atsushi


    The purpose of this study was to examine cone photoreceptors in the macula of patients with retinitis pigmentosa using an adaptive optics fundus camera and to investigate any correlations between cone photoreceptor density and findings on optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence. We examined two patients with typical retinitis pigmentosa who underwent ophthalmological examination, including measurement of visual acuity, and gathering of electroretinographic, optical coherence tomographic, fundus autofluorescent, and adaptive optics fundus images. The cone photoreceptors in the adaptive optics images of the two patients with retinitis pigmentosa and five healthy subjects were analyzed. An abnormal parafoveal ring of high-density fundus autofluorescence was observed in the macula in both patients. The border of the ring corresponded to the border of the external limiting membrane and the inner segment and outer segment line in the optical coherence tomographic images. Cone photoreceptors at the abnormal parafoveal ring were blurred and decreased in the adaptive optics images. The blurred area corresponded to the abnormal parafoveal ring in the fundus autofluorescence images. Cone densities were low at the blurred areas and at the nasal and temporal retina along a line from the fovea compared with those of healthy controls. The results for cone spacing and Voronoi domains in the macula corresponded with those for the cone densities. Cone densities were heavily decreased in the macula, especially at the parafoveal ring on high-density fundus autofluorescence in both patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Adaptive optics images enabled us to observe in vivo changes in the cone photoreceptors of patients with retinitis pigmentosa, which corresponded to changes in the optical coherence tomographic and fundus autofluorescence images.

  7. Enhanced proton acceleration by intense laser interaction with an inverse cone target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bake, Muhammad Ali; Aimidula, Aimierding; Xiaerding, Fuerkaiti; Rashidin, Reyima


    The generation and control of high-quality proton bunches using focused intense laser pulse on an inverse cone target is investigated with a set of particle-in-cell simulations. The inverse cone is a high atomic number conical frustum with a thin solid top and open base, where the laser impinges onto the top surface directly, not down the open end of the cone. Results are compared with a simple planar target, where the proton angular distribution is very broad because of transverse divergence of the electromagnetic fields behind the target. For a conical target, hot electrons along the cone wall surface induce a transverse focusing sheath field. This field can effectively suppress the spatial spreading of the protons, resulting in a high-quality small-emittance, low-divergence proton beam. A slightly lower proton beam peak energy than that of a conventional planar target was also found.

  8. Enhanced proton acceleration by intense laser interaction with an inverse cone target

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bake, Muhammad Ali; Aimidula, Aimierding, E-mail:; Xiaerding, Fuerkaiti; Rashidin, Reyima [School of Physics Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046 (China)


    The generation and control of high-quality proton bunches using focused intense laser pulse on an inverse cone target is investigated with a set of particle-in-cell simulations. The inverse cone is a high atomic number conical frustum with a thin solid top and open base, where the laser impinges onto the top surface directly, not down the open end of the cone. Results are compared with a simple planar target, where the proton angular distribution is very broad because of transverse divergence of the electromagnetic fields behind the target. For a conical target, hot electrons along the cone wall surface induce a transverse focusing sheath field. This field can effectively suppress the spatial spreading of the protons, resulting in a high-quality small-emittance, low-divergence proton beam. A slightly lower proton beam peak energy than that of a conventional planar target was also found.

  9. Heavy-to-light form factors: Sum rules on the light cone and beyond

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lucha, Wolfgang; Melikhov, Dmitri; Simula, Silvano


    We report the first systematic analysis of the off-light-cone effects in sum rules for heavy-to-light form factors. These effects are investigated in a model based on scalar constituents, which allows a technically rather simple analysis but has the essential features of the analogous QCD calculation. The correlator relevant for the extraction of the heavy-to-light form factor is calculated in two different ways: first, by adopting the full Bethe-Salpeter amplitude of the light meson and, second, by performing the expansion of this amplitude near the light cone x 2 =0. We demonstrate that the contributions to the correlator from the light-cone term x 2 =0 and the off-light-cone terms x 2 ≠0 have the same order in the 1/m Q expansion. The light-cone correlator, corresponding to x 2 =0, is shown to systematically overestimate the full correlator, the difference being ∼Λ QCD /δ, with δ the continuum subtraction parameter of order 1 GeV. Numerically, this difference is found to be 10 divide 20%

  10. Comparative evaluation of tensile strength of Gutta-percha cones with a herbal disinfectant. (United States)

    Mahali, Raghunandhan Raju; Dola, Binoy; Tanikonda, Rambabu; Peddireddi, Suresh


    To evaluate and compare the tensile strength values and influence of taper on the tensile strength of Gutta-percha (GP) cones after disinfection with sodium hypochlorite (SH) and Aloe vera gel (AV). Sixty GP cones of size 110, 2% taper, 60 GP cones F3 ProTaper, and 60 GP of size 30, 6% taper were obtained from sealed packs as three different groups. Experimental groups were disinfected with 5.25% SH and 90% AV gel except the control group. Tensile strengths of GP were measured using the universal testing machine. The mean tensile strength values for Group IA, IIA and IIIA are 11.8 MPa, 8.69 MPa, and 9.24 MPa, respectively. Results were subjected to statistical analysis one-way analysis of variance test and Tukey post-hoc test. 5.25% SH solutions decreased the tensile strength of GP cones whereas with 90% AV gel it was not significantly altered. Ninety percent Aloe vera gel as a disinfectant does not alter the tensile strength of GP cones.

  11. Cardiac single-photon emission-computed tomography using combined cone-beam/fan-beam collimation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gullberg, Grant T.; Zeng, Gengsheng L.


    The objective of this work is to increase system sensitivity in cardiac single-photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) studies without increasing patient imaging time. For imaging the heart, convergent collimation offers the potential of increased sensitivity over that of parallel-hole collimation. However, if a cone-beam collimated gamma camera is rotated in a planar orbit, the projection data obtained are not complete. Two cone-beam collimators and one fan-beam collimator are used with a three-detector SPECT system. The combined cone-beam/fan-beam collimation provides a complete set of data for image reconstruction. The imaging geometry is evaluated using data acquired from phantom and patient studies. For the Jaszazck cardiac torso phantom experiment, the combined cone-beam/fan-beam collimation provided 1.7 times greater sensitivity than standard parallel-hole collimation (low-energy high-resolution collimators). Also, phantom and patient comparison studies showed improved image quality. The combined cone-beam/fan-beam imaging geometry with appropriate weighting of the two data sets provides improved system sensitivity while measuring sufficient data for artifact free cardiac images

  12. A reconstruction method for cone-beam differential x-ray phase-contrast computed tomography. (United States)

    Fu, Jian; Velroyen, Astrid; Tan, Renbo; Zhang, Junwei; Chen, Liyuan; Tapfer, Arne; Bech, Martin; Pfeiffer, Franz


    Most existing differential phase-contrast computed tomography (DPC-CT) approaches are based on three kinds of scanning geometries, described by parallel-beam, fan-beam and cone-beam. Due to the potential of compact imaging systems with magnified spatial resolution, cone-beam DPC-CT has attracted significant interest. In this paper, we report a reconstruction method based on a back-projection filtration (BPF) algorithm for cone-beam DPC-CT. Due to the differential nature of phase contrast projections, the algorithm restrains from differentiation of the projection data prior to back-projection, unlike BPF algorithms commonly used for absorption-based CT data. This work comprises a numerical study of the algorithm and its experimental verification using a dataset measured with a three-grating interferometer and a micro-focus x-ray tube source. Moreover, the numerical simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can deal with several classes of truncated cone-beam datasets. We believe that this feature is of particular interest for future medical cone-beam phase-contrast CT imaging applications.

  13. An analytical simulation technique for cone-beam CT and pinhole SPECT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Xuezhu; Qi Yujin


    This study was aimed at developing an efficient simulation technique with an ordinary PC. The work involved derivation of mathematical operators, analytic phantom generations, and effective analytical projectors developing for cone-beam CT and pinhole SPECT imaging. The computer simulations based on the analytical projectors were developed by ray-tracing method for cone-beam CT and voxel-driven method for pinhole SPECT of degrading blurring. The 3D Shepp-Logan, Jaszczak and Defrise phantoms were used for simulation evaluations and image reconstructions. The reconstructed phantom images were of good accuracy with the phantoms. The results showed that the analytical simulation technique is an efficient tool for studying cone-beam CT and pinhole SPECT imaging. (authors)

  14. Numerical simulation of axisymmetric valve operation for different outer cone angle (United States)

    Smyk, Emil

    One of the method of flow separation control is application of axisymmetric valve. It is composed of nozzle with core. Normally the main flow is attached to inner cone and flow by preferential collector to primary flow pipe. If through control nozzle starts flow jet (control jet) the main flow is switched to annular secondary collector. In both situation the main flow is deflected to inner or outer cone (placed at the outlet of the valve's nozzle) by Coanda effect. The paper deals with the numerical simulation of this axisymetric annular nozzle with integrated synthetic jet actuator. The aim of the work is influence examination of outer cone angle on deflection on main stream.

  15. Lrit1, a Retinal Transmembrane Protein, Regulates Selective Synapse Formation in Cone Photoreceptor Cells and Visual Acuity. (United States)

    Ueno, Akiko; Omori, Yoshihiro; Sugita, Yuko; Watanabe, Satoshi; Chaya, Taro; Kozuka, Takashi; Kon, Tetsuo; Yoshida, Satoyo; Matsushita, Kenji; Kuwahara, Ryusuke; Kajimura, Naoko; Okada, Yasushi; Furukawa, Takahisa


    In the vertebrate retina, cone photoreceptors play crucial roles in photopic vision by transmitting light-evoked signals to ON- and/or OFF-bipolar cells. However, the mechanisms underlying selective synapse formation in the cone photoreceptor pathway remain poorly understood. Here, we found that Lrit1, a leucine-rich transmembrane protein, localizes to the photoreceptor synaptic terminal and regulates the synaptic connection between cone photoreceptors and cone ON-bipolar cells. Lrit1-deficient retinas exhibit an aberrant morphology of cone photoreceptor pedicles, as well as an impairment of signal transmission from cone photoreceptors to cone ON-bipolar cells. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Lrit1 interacts with Frmpd2, a photoreceptor scaffold protein, and with mGluR6, an ON-bipolar cell-specific glutamate receptor. Additionally, Lrit1-null mice showed visual acuity impairments in their optokinetic responses. These results suggest that the Frmpd2-Lrit1-mGluR6 axis regulates selective synapse formation in cone photoreceptors and is essential for normal visual function. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Proceedings of the nuclear and particle physics on the light cone workshop

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, M.B.; Kisslinger, L.


    This book deals with phenomena in nuclear and particle physics that occur at high energy and at high momentum transfer. At high energy, particles move near the light cone, and the topics covered deal with the physics from this perspective. The light-cone description is familiar in particle physics, but until recently it has not been used in nuclear physics. In view of the fact that nuclear physicists are increasingly looking to questions that can be answered only by experiments in the range of energy where the light-cone description seems to be of advantage, and that the ideas involved are new to many people in the nuclear physics community, efforts were made to ensure that each main speaker would give an introduction to the subject as well as present recent developments. The book should, therefore, be valuable to those who want to learn about light-cone approaches, in particular experimentalists and students, as well as to specialists. The volume is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the meeting and an introduction to the subject of light-cone physics. The remaining chapters encompass various applications and current topics in nuclear and particle physics where use of light-cone methods leads to understanding of high-energy phenomena and their connection to the quark and mesonic substructure of the nucleus. These include the main talks containing the introductory material, as well as shorter papers on the more specialized topics of current interest in both experimental and theoretical aspects of the subject. 38 papers have been cataloged separately

  17. Characterization of the full cone pressure swirl spray nozzles for the nuclear reactor containment spray system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jain, Manish [Department of Mechanical Engineering, I.I.T., Bombay, Powai, Mumbai (India); John, Benny [Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai (India); Iyer, K.N. [Department of Mechanical Engineering, I.I.T., Bombay, Powai, Mumbai (India); Prabhu, S.V., E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, I.I.T., Bombay, Powai, Mumbai (India)


    Highlights: • Full cone spray pressure swirl nozzle with X-Vane is studied. • Laser illuminated imaging technique is used. • Correlations for coefficient of discharge, spray cone angle and SMD are suggested. • Droplet size and mass fraction distribution is measured. • Inviscid theory predicts the coefficient of discharge. - Abstract: The objective of the present study is to characterize a full cone pressure swirl nozzle for the Containment Spray System (CSS) of Indian Pressurized heavy Water reactors (IPHWR). The influence of Reynolds number and geometric parameters on the coefficient of discharge, spray cone angle, mass flux density distribution, droplet size distribution, Sauter mean diameter (SMD is studied for full cone pressure swirl full cone nozzles. The nozzles of orifice diameter range from 1.3 to 7.2 mm are studied. Experiments are conducted with water at room temperature as the working medium. The nozzles are operated with the pressure ranging from 1 to 8 bar. The measurements of the drop size distributions are performed with laser illuminated imaging technique. The spray cone-angle of the full cone nozzles is measured by the evaluation of images recorded with a camera using IMAGE J software. Correlations for coefficient of discharge, spray cone angle and Sauter mean diameter are suggested on the basis of the experimental results. Rosin–Rammler model and Nukiyama–Tanasawa distributions predict the mass fraction distribution reasonably well. However, the droplet size distribution is predicted by Nukiyama-Tanasawa model only.

  18. A study on properties of a cone-type brake for motor vehicle winch

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongxu Li


    Full Text Available The brake of winch is to prevent the occurrence of reverse slipping at working time. Based on the analysis of two types of brake, this article establishes the relationship model of the brake force and the angle of the screw thread on the brake shaft and builds the model of the relationship of the brake force and the height of the cone and found that the brake force is the largest when the angle of the screw is 45°. Also found that the brake force increases with the increase in the load, and the brake force is positively related to the height of the cone. Two brake mechanisms are manufactured and arranged in the same winch to conduct the experimental performance comparison. The experimental results show that the temperature of the winch with cone brake finally reaches about 60°C, which is 33% lower than the 90°C of the disk brake, and the no-load current of the cone brake winch is under 60 A, while in the disk brake winch it is over 90 A after 7 min, which consumes 33% energy than cone brake. The cone brake can reduce the occurrence of harmful friction and enhance the efficiency of winch and is able to solve the winch safety problem caused by nylon cable damage because of the heat accumulation.

  19. Full data consistency conditions for cone-beam projections with sources on a plane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clackdoyle, Rolf; Desbat, Laurent


    Cone-beam consistency conditions (also known as range conditions) are mathematical relationships between different cone-beam projections, and they therefore describe the redundancy or overlap of information between projections. These redundancies have often been exploited for applications in image reconstruction. In this work we describe new consistency conditions for cone-beam projections whose source positions lie on a plane. A further restriction is that the target object must not intersect this plane. The conditions require that moments of the cone-beam projections be polynomial functions of the source positions, with some additional constraints on the coefficients of the polynomials. A precise description of the consistency conditions is that the four parameters of the cone-beam projections (two for the detector, two for the source position) can be expressed with just three variables, using a certain formulation involving homogeneous polynomials. The main contribution of this work is our demonstration that these conditions are not only necessary, but also sufficient. Thus the consistency conditions completely characterize all redundancies, so no other independent conditions are possible and in this sense the conditions are full. The idea of the proof is to use the known consistency conditions for 3D parallel projections, and to then apply a 1996 theorem of Edholm and Danielsson that links parallel to cone-beam projections. The consistency conditions are illustrated with a simulation example. (paper)

  20. Mitogenomic phylogeny of cone snails endemic to Senegal. (United States)

    Abalde, Samuel; Tenorio, Manuel J; Afonso, Carlos M L; Zardoya, Rafael


    Cone snails attain in Senegal one of their highest peaks of species diversity throughout the continental coast of Western Africa. A total of 15 endemic species have been described, all placed in the genus Lautoconus. While there is ample data regarding the morphology of the shell and the radular tooth of these species, virtually nothing is known regarding the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships of one of the most endangered groups of cones. In this work, we determined the complete or near-complete (only lacking the control region) mitochondrial (mt) genomes of 17 specimens representing 11 endemic species (Lautoconus belairensis, Lautoconus bruguieresi, Lautoconus cacao, Lautoconus cloveri, Lautoconus cf. echinophilus, Lautoconus guinaicus, Lautoconus hybridus, Lautoconus senegalensis, Lautoconus mercator, Lautoconus taslei, and Lautoconus unifasciatus). We also sequenced the complete mt genome of Lautoconus guanche from the Canary Islands, which has been related to the cones endemic to Senegal. All mt genomes share the same gene arrangement, which conforms to the consensus reported for Conidae, Neogastropoda and Caenogastropoda. Phylogenetic analyses using probabilistic methods recovered three major lineages, whose divergence coincided in time with sea level and ocean current changes as well as temperature fluctuations during the Messinian salinity crisis and the Plio-Pleistocene transition. Furthermore, the three lineages corresponded to distinct types of radular tooth (robust, small, and elongated), suggesting that dietary specialization could be an additional evolutionary driver in the diversification of the cones endemic to Senegal. The reconstructed phylogeny showed several cases of phenotypic convergence (cryptic species) and questions the validity of some species (ecotypes or phenotypic plasticity), both results having important taxonomic and conservation consequences. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Two lepidopteran pests and damage on the cones of Abies koreana (Pinaceae in Jeju Island, Korea

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    Young-Min Shin


    Full Text Available In the present study, we report two lepidopteran pests and their damage on the cones of Abies koreana E. H. Wilson from Mt. Halla, Jeju, South Korea: Cydia kamijoi Oku and Dioryctria abietella (Denis & Schiffermüller. The former is new to Korea, and the latter is well known as an insect pest on cones of various coniferous trees. Larvae of these species bore into the immature cones of the host tree. Damaged cones can be easily distinguished by reddish brown frass piled around the holes that were made by the moths, and the cones that are severely damaged become crooked and eventually are folded in half. The average damage rate on the cones was 75.3±2.34% from the survey sites in 2014, but the insect damage could not be found again from the sites as the host did not bear any cones in 2015. Descriptions and images of C. kamijoi and D. abietella are provided along with a list of host species and distribution.

  2. Multi-mounted X-ray cone-beam computed tomography (United States)

    Fu, Jian; Wang, Jingzheng; Guo, Wei; Peng, Peng


    As a powerful nondestructive inspection technique, X-ray computed tomography (X-CT) has been widely applied to clinical diagnosis, industrial production and cutting-edge research. Imaging efficiency is currently one of the major obstacles for the applications of X-CT. In this paper, a multi-mounted three dimensional cone-beam X-CT (MM-CBCT) method is reported. It consists of a novel multi-mounted cone-beam scanning geometry and the corresponding three dimensional statistical iterative reconstruction algorithm. The scanning geometry is the most iconic design and significantly different from the current CBCT systems. Permitting the cone-beam scanning of multiple objects simultaneously, the proposed approach has the potential to achieve an imaging efficiency orders of magnitude greater than the conventional methods. Although multiple objects can be also bundled together and scanned simultaneously by the conventional CBCT methods, it will lead to the increased penetration thickness and signal crosstalk. In contrast, MM-CBCT avoids substantially these problems. This work comprises a numerical study of the method and its experimental verification using a dataset measured with a developed MM-CBCT prototype system. This technique will provide a possible solution for the CT inspection in a large scale.

  3. Infecção cutânea rara por Acinetobacter baumannii em imunocompetente: relato de um caso


    Cirino,Pablo Vitoriano; Guimarães,Newton Sales; Follador,Ivonise


    O Acinetobacter baumanni é patógeno oportunista antigamente considerado de baixa virulência. Atualmente está envolvido em processos infecciosos que acometem pacientes imunocomprometidos,grandes queimados e pacientes em unidades de terapia intensiva que fazem uso de ventilação mecânica. Esse relato de caso chama atenção para infecção cutânea rara por essa bactéria em paciente imunocompetente.

  4. Plasmocitoma extramedular em bulbo peniano de cão: relato de caso

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    T.G. Gorenstein


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste relato de caso é descrever a ocorrência de plasmocitoma em bulbo peniano de um cão, classificado como uma doença extramedular não cutânea de localização rara e casuística inédita. Um cão, sem raça definida, com sete anos de idade e pesando 15kg, não castrado, apresentou histórico clínico de anorexia, vômitos, anúria e constipação. Ao exame específico da genitália externa, foi encontrada uma massa em bulbo peniano durante a inspeção do prepúcio, aderida à pele e encapsulada, extremamente firme e arredondada, medindo cerca de 6cm de diâmetro. Por meio da ultrassonografia dessa estrutura, foi observado aumento do volume regional com ecotextura heterogênea e ecogenicidade mista, além de neovascularização tecidual ao Doppler colorido. Foi realizada biópsia da massa, sendo verificada a presença de neoplasia de células redondas. A caracterização do tumor foi realizada pela imuno-histoquímica, e as células neoplásicas foram imunoexpressas para CD79a e MUM1, indicando o diagnóstico de plasmocitoma extramedular. Embora os tumores penianos em cães sejam os predominantemente venéreos transmissíveis (TVT, e os plasmocitomas sejam neoplasias raras nessa localização, este relato de caso fornece com ineditismo a ocorrência de plasmocitoma extramedular em bulbo peniano de cão, condição ainda não descrita em veterinária.

  5. Ruy González de Clavijo. La embajada a Tamorlán. Relato del viaje hasta Samarcanda y regreso (1403-1406

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    López Estrada, Francisco


    Full Text Available El presente relato es una narración, puesta en boca de los embajadores enviados por Enrique III, rey de Castilla y León, que cuenta el viaje que hicieron hasta Samarcanda, capital del Imperio logrado por Tamorlán al cabo de su vida. Este viaje fue en parte por mar, hasta Trebisonda; luego, por tierra, hasta Samarcanda, y duró cerca de tres años. Los embajadores llegaron a su destino, pero poco después murió Tamorlán, y los enviados del rey castellano regresaron a Alcalá de Henares, donde informaron acerca de su cometido. La narración es uno de los primeros viajes que se cuenta como tal en la literatura española, y representa una obra lograda, situada en los comienzos del siglo XV, en lengua castellana; en lo histórico es un relato verídico del hecho acontecido.…

  6. Síndrome de Hopkins no diagnóstico diferencial das paralisias flácidas na infância: aspectos clínicos e neurofisiológicos. Relato de caso Hopkins' syndrome in the differential diagnosis of flaccid paralysis in children: clinical and neurophysiological features. Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel B. Nora


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A síndrome de Hopkins (SH é caracterizada por monoplegia ou diplegia, decorrente de lesão no corno anterior da medula, que se segue a um ataque agudo de asma, ocorre geralmente em crianças e sua etiologia ainda não está definida. Há 34 casos descritos no mundo, sendo este o primeiro relato na América do Sul e durante o primeiro ano de vida. CASO: Criança internada aos 4 meses de idade com quadro de sibilância e insuficiência respiratória. Cerca de 3 dias após melhora do quadro respiratório, observou-se perda de força nos membros inferiores. Teve alta hospitalar com regressão do quadro respiratório mantendo a paraparesia. Reinternada aos 9 meses de idade por novo quadro de broncoespasmo, demonstrando paralisia flácida assimétrica (E>D e atrofia nos membros inferiores. EXAME NEUROLÓGICO: força e reflexos miotáticos normais nos membros superiores, arreflexia miotática nos membros inferiores e sensibilidade preservada. Exames de líquor, ressonância magnética de coluna lombossacra e potencial evocado somatossensitivo dos membros inferiores: normais. BIÓPSIA MUSCULAR: Grupamento de fibras. A eletroneuromiografia demonstrou sinais de lesão do neurônio motor do corno anterior da medula nos metâmeros lombossacros. CONCLUSÃO: A Síndrome de Hopkins, apesar de rara, deve ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial de paralisias flácidas, quando houver concomitância com asma.INTRODUCTION: Hopkins syndrome is a motor neuron disease which leads to a flaccid paralysis affecting one or more limbs resembling poliomyelites. It follows an asthmatic attack and the prognosis is poor. All the 34 related cases occured after 13 months of age and there is no report in South America. Our objective is to describe a case of Hopkins Syndrome in Brazil affecting a patient younger than 1 year. CASE: Male 4 months-old infant, started presenting wheezing that turned into respiratory failure which required mecanical ventilation. Three

  7. Light cone sum rules for single-pion electroproduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mallik, S.


    Light cone dispersion sum rules (of low energy and superconvergence types) are derived for nucleon matrix elements of the commutator involving electromagnetic and divergence of axial vector currents. The superconvergence type sum rules in the fixed mass limit are rewritten without requiring the knowledge of Regge subtractions. The retarded scaling functions occurring in these sum rules are evaluated within the framework of quark light cone algebra of currents. Besides a general consistency check of the framework underlying the derivation, the author infers, on the basis of crude evaluation of scaling functions, an upper limit of 100 MeV for the bare mass of nonstrange quarks. (Auth.)

  8. Adaptive optics fundus images of cone photoreceptors in the macula of patients with retinitis pigmentosa

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    Tojo N


    Full Text Available Naoki Tojo, Tomoko Nakamura, Chiharu Fuchizawa, Toshihiko Oiwake, Atsushi HayashiDepartment of Ophthalmology, Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama, Toyama, JapanBackground: The purpose of this study was to examine cone photoreceptors in the macula of patients with retinitis pigmentosa using an adaptive optics fundus camera and to investigate any correlations between cone photoreceptor density and findings on optical coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence.Methods: We examined two patients with typical retinitis pigmentosa who underwent ophthalmological examination, including measurement of visual acuity, and gathering of electroretinographic, optical coherence tomographic, fundus autofluorescent, and adaptive optics fundus images. The cone photoreceptors in the adaptive optics images of the two patients with retinitis pigmentosa and five healthy subjects were analyzed.Results: An abnormal parafoveal ring of high-density fundus autofluorescence was observed in the macula in both patients. The border of the ring corresponded to the border of the external limiting membrane and the inner segment and outer segment line in the optical coherence tomographic images. Cone photoreceptors at the abnormal parafoveal ring were blurred and decreased in the adaptive optics images. The blurred area corresponded to the abnormal parafoveal ring in the fundus autofluorescence images. Cone densities were low at the blurred areas and at the nasal and temporal retina along a line from the fovea compared with those of healthy controls. The results for cone spacing and Voronoi domains in the macula corresponded with those for the cone densities.Conclusion: Cone densities were heavily decreased in the macula, especially at the parafoveal ring on high-density fundus autofluorescence in both patients with retinitis pigmentosa. Adaptive optics images enabled us to observe in vivo changes in the cone photoreceptors of

  9. LA COSA Y LA PALABRA. RELATO Y EMOCIONALIDAD EN UN MUSEO POLICIAL / The thing and the words. Story and emotion in a police museum

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    Mariana Sirimarco


    Full Text Available Es a todas luces claro que un museo brinda un relato: vuelve lo material en patrón cultural significativo. Idéntico ejercicio le cabe al Museo de la Policía Federal Argentina. Los artefactos que en él se despliegan ponen en escena discursos, vivencias y valorizaciones a partir de los cuales pensarse como institución. Este trabajo pretende bucear en la construcción de algunos de estos relatos, entendiéndolos como narrativas que no sólo involucran un universo de sentidos políticos y sociales, sino un universo ético y moral. Un relato no se conforma por la descripción aséptica de un evento, sino por la conversión de un acontecimiento en un mensaje. Esto es, por una narrativización que porta carga emocional. Desarmar estos relatos en su clave emotiva supone, en el contexto de un museo, prestar atención a su carácter de registros pluri-modales, donde la semantización de un evento interpela diversos modos comunicativos. ¿Qué elementos se seleccionan para comportar sentimientos significativos? ¿Cómo se vinculan, estos distintos registros, en la producción de la emotividad? Y sobre todo: ¿cómo se construye lo emotivo desde la materialidad de un artefacto? ¿Cómo logra conmover un objeto?   Palabras clave: museo policial, relato, emocionalidad, objetos, palabras    Abstract It is clear that a museum offers stories: turns what it is material into a cultural significant pattern. The same exercise carries out the Museum of Argentine Federal Police. The artifacts there stage discourses, experiences and values that allow police agency to think about itself as institution. This paper intends to analyze the construction of some of these stories, understanding them as narratives that imply not only political and social senses, but also ethic and moral ones. A story is not shaped by the aseptic description of an event, but by the transformation of it into a message. That is to say, by a narrative operation that carries emotional charge

  10. Cone structure imaged with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in eyes with nonneovascular age-related macular degeneration. (United States)

    Zayit-Soudry, Shiri; Duncan, Jacque L; Syed, Reema; Menghini, Moreno; Roorda, Austin J


    To evaluate cone spacing using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) in eyes with nonneovascular AMD, and to correlate progression of AOSLO-derived cone measures with standard measures of macular structure. Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images were obtained over 12 to 21 months from seven patients with AMD including four eyes with geographic atrophy (GA) and four eyes with drusen. Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images were overlaid with color, infrared, and autofluorescence fundus photographs and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) images to allow direct correlation of cone parameters with macular structure. Cone spacing was measured for each visit in selected regions including areas over drusen (n = 29), at GA margins (n = 14), and regions without drusen or GA (n = 13) and compared with normal, age-similar values. Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy imaging revealed continuous cone mosaics up to the GA edge and overlying drusen, although reduced cone reflectivity often resulted in hyporeflective AOSLO signals at these locations. Baseline cone spacing measures were normal in 13/13 unaffected regions, 26/28 drusen regions, and 12/14 GA margin regions. Although standard clinical measures showed progression of GA in all study eyes, cone spacing remained within normal ranges in most drusen regions and all GA margin regions. Adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy provides adequate resolution for quantitative measurement of cone spacing at the margin of GA and over drusen in eyes with AMD. Although cone spacing was often normal at baseline and remained normal over time, these regions showed focal areas of decreased cone reflectivity. These findings may provide insight into the pathophysiology of AMD progression. ( number, NCT00254605).

  11. Three-dimensional single-photon emission computed tomography using cone beam collimation (CB-SPECT)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaszczak, R.J.; Floyd, C.E. Jr.; Manglos, S.H.; Greer, K.L.; Coleman, R.E.


    A simple and economically practical method of improving the sensitivity of camera-based SPECT was developed using converging (cone-beam) collimation. This geometry is particularly advantageous for SPECT devices using large field-of-view cameras in imaging smaller, centrally located activity distributions. Geometric sensitivities, spatial resolutions, and fields-of-view of a cone-beam collimator having a focal length of 48 cm and a similarly designed parallel hole collimator were compared analytically. At 15 cm from the collimator surface the point-source sensitivity of the cone-beam collimator was 2.4 times the sensitivity of the parallel-hole collimator. SPECT projection data (simulated using Monte Carlo methodology) were reconstructed using a 3-D filtered backprojection algorithm. Cone-beam emission CT (CB-SPECT) seems potentially useful for animal investigations, pediatric studies, and for brain imaging

  12. Clinical utility of dental cone-beam computed tomography: current perspectives


    Jaju, Prashant P; Jaju, Sushma P


    Prashant P Jaju,1 Sushma P Jaju21Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Rishiraj College of Dental Sciences and Research Center, Bhopal, IndiaAbstract: Panoramic radiography and computed tomography were the pillars of maxillofacial diagnosis. With the advent of cone-beam computed tomography, dental practice has seen a paradigm shift. This review article highlights the potential applications of cone-beam computed tomography in the fields of dental implantology an...

  13. Ghost number anomaly in the Polyakov's light-cone gauge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Hiroshi.


    The conformal (Weyl) anomaly of the ghost-anti-ghost system in the two-dimentional quantum gravity is calculated. A background covariant formalism allows us to treat the Polyakov's light-cone gauge in a systematic way. The anomaly gives a contribution to the central charge, -28, which agrees with the result of Kniznik, Polyakov and Zamolodchikov. The ghost number anomaly is also calculated, and the metric corrections to the naive ghost number current are given. It is suggested that a general scalar density in the light-cone gauge carries a screening ghost number. (author)

  14. A strong-topological-metal material with multiple Dirac cones


    Ji, Huiwen; Pletikosić, I; Gibson, Q. D.; Sahasrabudhe, Girija; Valla, T.; Cava, R. J.


    We report a new, cleavable, strong-topological-metal, Zr2Te2P, which has the same tetradymite-type crystal structure as the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se. Instead of being a semiconductor, however, Zr2Te2P is metallic with a pseudogap between 0.2 and 0.7 eV above the fermi energy (EF). Inside this pseudogap, two Dirac dispersions are predicted: one is a surface-originated Dirac cone protected by time-reversal symmetry (TRS), while the other is a bulk-originated and slightly gapped Dirac cone...

  15. Light Cone 2017 : Frontiers in Light Front Hadron Physics : Theory and Experiment.

    CERN Document Server


    LC2017 belongs to a series of Light-Cone conferences, which started in 1991. Light Cone conferences are held each year under the auspices of the International Light Cone Advisory Committee (ILCAC) ( The main objective of the Light Cone conference series is to provide a timely update of the progress in light-front theory and its phenomenological applications. Light-front theory provides a suitable framework to calculate observables such as scattering amplitudes, decay rates, spin effects, parton distributions, and other hadronic observables. One of the themes of the conference will be the interface between theory and experiment in hadron physics. The main topics of the program are: o Hadron Physics at present and future colliders o Light Front Field Theory in QED and QCD o AdS/QCD, D Branes and Strings o Hadron Structure : TMDs, GPDs and PDFs o Lattice QCD o QCD at high temperature and density o Higher order QCD corrections

  16. Morphology and nanomechanics of sensory neurons growth cones following peripheral nerve injury.

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    Marta Martin

    Full Text Available A prior peripheral nerve injury in vivo, promotes a rapid elongated mode of sensory neurons neurite regrowth in vitro. This in vitro model of conditioned axotomy allows analysis of the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to an improved neurite re-growth. Our differential interference contrast microscopy and immunocytochemistry results show that conditioned axotomy, induced by sciatic nerve injury, did not increase somatic size of adult lumbar sensory neurons from mice dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons but promoted the appearance of larger neurites and growth cones. Using atomic force microscopy on live neurons, we investigated whether membrane mechanical properties of growth cones of axotomized neurons were modified following sciatic nerve injury. Our data revealed that neurons having a regenerative growth were characterized by softer growth cones, compared to control neurons. The increase of the growth cone membrane elasticity suggests a modification in the ratio and the inner framework of the main structural proteins.

  17. Laboratory studies of the dynamic of resonance cones formation in magnetized plasmas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nazarov, V. V.; Starodubtsev, M. V.; Kostrov, A. V. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation)


    The paper is devoted to experimental studies of formation of resonance cones in magnetized plasmas by pulsed RF source in the lower-hybrid (whistler) and the upper-hybrid frequency ranges. It is shown that in both frequency ranges, resonance cones exhibit similar dynamics after switching-on the RF source: at first, wide maxima of radiation are formed in non-resonance directions, which then become narrower, with their direction approaching the resonance one. While the resonance cones are being formed, one observes a fine structure in the form of secondary radiation maxima. It is shown that the characteristic formation time of stationary resonance cones is determined by the minimal value of the group velocity of the quasi-electrostatic waves excited by the antenna. In the low-temperature plasma, this value is limited in the lower-hybrid frequency range by the spatial spectrum of the emitting antenna and in the upper-hybrid range, by the effects of spatial plasma dispersion.

  18. Avaliação funcional de relatos de disfunção erétil.


    Domingos, Vania Gomes Machado


    O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar funcionalmente o comportamento verbal de uma pessoa diagnosticado com disfunção erétil. O participante, do sexo masculino de 37anos é casado. Para o controle dos procedimentos foram empregados dois delineamentos experimentais: o de múltiplos elementos e o de tratamentos alternados. Para avaliar os antecedentes e consequentes dos relatos de disfunção erétil, foi usado processo de avaliação funcional que incluiu (1) observação indiret...

  19. Color opponency in cone-driven horizontal cells in carp retina. Aspecific pathways between cones and horizontal cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kamermans, M.; van Dijk, B. W.; Spekreijse, H.


    The spectral and dynamic properties of cone-driven horizontal cells in carp retina were evaluated with silent substitution stimuli and/or saturating background illumination. The aim of this study was to describe the wiring underlying the spectral sensitivity of these cells. We will present

  20. Physical properties of new collimator cone system for stereotactic radiation therapy developed in samsung medical center. (United States)

    Kim, D Y; Ahn, Y C; Oh, D G; Choi, D R; Ju, S G; Yeo, I H; Huh, S J


    A new collimator cone system has been developed at the Samsung Medical Center that overcomes some of the limitations of present commercially supplied collimator cones. The physical properties of the newly developed cone system are described in this report. The new cones have relatively larger aperture sizes (3.0-7.0 cm in diameter) and are 16 cm in length. Each new cone is fabricated with cerrobend alloy melted and poured into a stainless steel housing that is permanently fixed to a mounting plate. The mounting plate of the new cone is designed to insert into the wedge mount slot of the gantry head. The mechanical accuracy of the central axis of the cone pointing to the isocenter was tested using film, a steel ball positioned at the isocenter by the mechanical isocenter device. For the evaluation of beam flatness and penumbra, off-axis ratios at 5 cm depth were measured by film dosimetry using polystyrene phantom. The average error of the mechanical isocenter was 0.27 mm (+/- 0.16 mm). The beam flatness was excellent in the central region of the beam, and the average penumbra width was 3.35 mm (+/- 0.25 mm). The new cone design has more clearance between the patient's head and the gantry, and can more easily be removed from the gantry head because it slides in and out of the wedge slot. This facilitates changing cone sizes during one treatment session, and makes the process of double exposure port films easier. A new collimator cone system for stereotactic radiation therapy has been developed. The mechanical accuracy and physical properties are satisfactory for clinical use, and the new design permits a wider range of clinical applications for stereotactic radiation therapy.

  1. Range to cone length relations for light ions in CR-39

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gil, L.R.; Marques, A.


    Curves ''range x cone lenght'' and ''diameter x cone lenght'' are calculated for tracks left by low energy light ions in CR-39. The calculations cover ions from helium to iron and are performed for 6.25 N NaOH at 70 0 C and a standard etching time but can be easily extended to other etching conditions. (author) [pt

  2. Visual pigment coexpression in all cones of two rodents, the Siberian hamster, and the pouched mouse. (United States)

    Lukáts, Akos; Dkhissi-Benyahya, Ouria; Szepessy, Zsuzsanna; Röhlich, Pál; Vígh, Béla; Bennett, Nigel C; Cooper, Howard M; Szél, Agoston


    To decide whether the identical topography of short- and middle-wavelength cone photoreceptors in two species of rodents reflects the presence of both opsins in all cone cells. Double-label immunocytochemistry using antibodies directed against short-wavelength (S)-and middle- to long-wavelength (M/L)-sensitive opsin were used to determine the presence of visual pigments in cones of two species of rodents, the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) and the pouched mouse (Saccostomus campestris) from South Africa. Topographical distribution was determined from retinal whole-mounts, and the colocalization of visual pigments was examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Opsin colocalization was also confirmed in consecutive semithin tangential sections. The immunocytochemical results demonstrate that in both the Siberian hamster and the pouched mouse all retinal cones contain two visual pigments. No dorsoventral gradient in the differential expression of the two opsins is observed. The retina of the Siberian hamster and the pouched mouse is the first example to show a uniform coexpression of M and S cone opsins in all cones, without any topographical gradient in opsin expression. This finding makes these two species good models for the study of molecular control mechanisms in opsin coexpression in rodents, and renders them suitable as sources of dual cones for future investigations on the role and neural connections of this cone type.

  3. Temporal and spatial characteristics of male cone development in Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng. (United States)

    Jin, Biao; Tang, Liang; Lu, Yan; Wang, Di; Zhang, Min; Ma, Jiuxia


    Metasequoia glyptostroboides, a famous relic species of conifer that survived in China, has been successfully planted in large numbers across the world. However, limited information on male cone development in the species is available. In this study, we observed the morphological and anatomical changes that occur during male cone development in M. glyptostroboides using semi-thin sections and scanning electron microscopy. The male cones were borne oppositely on one-year-old twigs that were mainly located around the outer and sunlit parts of crown. Male cones were initiated from early September and shed pollen in the following February. Each cone consisted of spirally arranged microsporophylls subtended by decussate sterile scales, and each microsporophyll commonly consisted of three microsporangia and a phylloclade. The microsporangial wall was composed of an epidermis, endothecium, and tapetum. In mid-February, the endothecium and tapetum layers disintegrated, and in the epidermal layer the cell walls were thickened with inner protrusions. Subsequently, dehiscence of the microsporangia occurred through rupturing of the microsporangial wall along the dehiscence line. These results suggest that the structure, morphology, architecture and arrangement of male cones of M. glyptostroboides are mainly associated with the production, protection and dispersal of pollen for optimization of wind pollination.

  4. Evaluation of radiosurgery techniques–Cone-based linac radiosurgery vs tomotherapy-based radiosurgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yip, Ho Yin; Mui, Wing Lun A.; Lee, Joseph W.Y.; Fung, Winky Wing Ki; Chan, Jocelyn M.T.; Chiu, G.; Law, Maria Y.Y.


    Performances of radiosurgery of intracranial lesions between cone-based Linac system and Tomotherapy-based system were compared in terms of dosimetry and time. Twelve patients with single intracranial lesion treated with cone-based Linac radiosurgery system from 2005 to 2009 were replanned for Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery treatment. The conformity index, homogeneity index (HI), and gradient score index (GSI) of each case was calculated. The Wilcoxon matched-pair test was used to compare the 3 indices between both systems. The cases with regular target (n = 6) and those with irregular target (n = 6) were further analyzed separately. The estimated treatment time between both systems was also compared. Significant differences were found in HI (p = 0.05) and in GSI (p = 0.03) for the whole group. Cone-based radiosurgery was better in GSI whereas Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery was better in HI. Cone-based radiosurgery was better in conformity index (p = 0.03) and GSI (p = 0.03) for regular targets, whereas Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery system performed significantly better in HI (p = 0.03) for irregular targets. The estimated total treatment time for Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery ranged from 24 minutes to 35 minutes, including 15 minutes of pretreatment megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) and image registration, whereas that for cone-based radiosurgery ranged from 15 minutes for 1 isocenter to 75 minutes for 5 isocenters. As a rule of thumb, Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery system should be the first-line treatment for irregular lesions because of better dose homogeneity and shorter treatment time. Cone-based Linac radiosurgery system should be the treatment of choice for regular targets because of the better dose conformity, rapid dose fall-off, and reasonable treatment time

  5. Evaluation of radiosurgery techniques–Cone-based linac radiosurgery vs tomotherapy-based radiosurgery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yip, Ho Yin, E-mail: [Department of Radiotherapy, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong (China); Mui, Wing Lun A.; Lee, Joseph W.Y.; Fung, Winky Wing Ki; Chan, Jocelyn M.T.; Chiu, G. [Department of Radiotherapy, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong (China); Law, Maria Y.Y. [Medical Physics and Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong (China)


    Performances of radiosurgery of intracranial lesions between cone-based Linac system and Tomotherapy-based system were compared in terms of dosimetry and time. Twelve patients with single intracranial lesion treated with cone-based Linac radiosurgery system from 2005 to 2009 were replanned for Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery treatment. The conformity index, homogeneity index (HI), and gradient score index (GSI) of each case was calculated. The Wilcoxon matched-pair test was used to compare the 3 indices between both systems. The cases with regular target (n = 6) and those with irregular target (n = 6) were further analyzed separately. The estimated treatment time between both systems was also compared. Significant differences were found in HI (p = 0.05) and in GSI (p = 0.03) for the whole group. Cone-based radiosurgery was better in GSI whereas Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery was better in HI. Cone-based radiosurgery was better in conformity index (p = 0.03) and GSI (p = 0.03) for regular targets, whereas Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery system performed significantly better in HI (p = 0.03) for irregular targets. The estimated total treatment time for Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery ranged from 24 minutes to 35 minutes, including 15 minutes of pretreatment megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) and image registration, whereas that for cone-based radiosurgery ranged from 15 minutes for 1 isocenter to 75 minutes for 5 isocenters. As a rule of thumb, Tomotherapy-based radiosurgery system should be the first-line treatment for irregular lesions because of better dose homogeneity and shorter treatment time. Cone-based Linac radiosurgery system should be the treatment of choice for regular targets because of the better dose conformity, rapid dose fall-off, and reasonable treatment time.

  6. Seleção de doador de medula óssea ou sangue periférico Bone marrow or peripheral blood donor selection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noemi F. Pereira


    Full Text Available A compatibilidade HLA é o fator mais valorizado na escolha do doador de medula óssea voluntário, preconizando-se a realização de HLA de alta resolução nos locos HLA-A,B,C, DRB1 e DQB1. Tem sido dado preferência para o doador com consanguinidade alélica 8x8 (A,B,C, DRB1. Na presença de incompatibilidade na classe-I sugere-se a busca de doador com compatibilidade DQB1 (9x10. Já as incompatibilidades dos locos DPB1 não constituem critério de exclusão de doador, exceto quando existir presença de anticorpo contra o loco HLA-DP do doador.The HLA system is considered the most important factor in choosing a volunteer bone marrow donor with the recommendation of performing high resolution HLA tests for the HLA-A, B, C, DRB1 and DQB1 loci. A preference has been given for donor 8x8 (A, B, C, DRB1 allele matching. In the presence of class-I incompatibility a search for DQB1 (9x10 donor compatibility is suggested. The incompatibility of the DPB1 locus does not constitute exclusion of the donor, except when there is the presence of antibodies against the HLA-DP locus of the donor.

  7. Amyloidotic muscle pseudohypertrophy: case report Pseudo-hipertrofia muscular associada com amiloidose: relato de caso

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    Rosana Herminia Scola


    Full Text Available The authors report one case of amyloidosis associated with muscular pseudohypertrophy in a 46-year-old woman, who developed weakness, macroglossia and muscle hypertrophy associated with primary systemic amyloidosis. Electromyography showed a myopathic pattern and bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. The muscle biopsy presented with a type I and II fiber hypertrophy and infiltration of amyloid material in the interstitious space and artery walls. She underwent bone marrow transplantation with stabilization and subjective improvement of the clinical picture.Descreve-se um caso de pseudo-hipertrofia muscular associada a amiloidose primária em uma paciente do sexo feminino, com 46 anos, que apresentava astenia e macroglossia. O estudo eletromiográfico mostrou padrão miopático e síndrome do túnel do carpo, bilateral. A biópsia muscular revelou hipertrofia de fibras tipo I e II, com infiltração de material amilóide no interstício e parede dos vasos, principalmente arteriais. A paciente foi submetida a transplante autólogo de medula óssea, evoluindo com estabilização do quadro e um sentimento subjetivo de melhora.

  8. Necrotic enlargement of cone photoreceptor cells and the release of high-mobility group box-1 in retinitis pigmentosa (United States)

    Murakami, Y; Ikeda, Y; Nakatake, S; Tachibana, T; Fujiwara, K; Yoshida, N; Notomi, S; Nakao, S; Hisatomi, T; Miller, J W; Vavvas, DG; Sonoda, KH; Ishibashi, T


    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) refers to a group of inherited retinal degenerations resulting form rod and cone photoreceptor cell death. The rod cell death due to deleterious genetic mutations has been shown to occur mainly through apoptosis, whereas the mechanisms and features of the secondary cone cell death have not been fully elucidated. Our previous study showed that the cone cell death in rd10 mice, an animal model of RP, involves necrotic features and is partly mediated by the receptor interacting protein kinase. However, the relevancy of necrotic cone cell death in human RP patients remains unknown. In the present study, we showed that dying cone cells in rd10 mice exhibited cellular enlargement, along with necrotic changes such as cellular swelling and mitochondrial rupture. In human eyes, live imaging of cone cells by adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy revealed significantly increased percentages of enlarged cone cells in the RP patients compared with the control subjects. The vitreous of the RP patients contained significantly higher levels of high-mobility group box-1, which is released extracellularly associated with necrotic cell death. These findings suggest that necrotic enlargement of cone cells is involved in the process of cone degeneration, and that necrosis may be a novel target to prevent or delay the loss of cone-mediated central vision in RP. PMID:27551484

  9. Study on the performance improvement of multiblade fans. Effects of suction cones; Tayoku fan no seino kaizen ni kansuru kenkyu. Suction cone no eikyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kuratani, F.; Ogawa, T. [Hyogo University of Teacher Education, Hyogo (Japan); Yamamoto, S.


    In order to improve the performance of a multiblade fan, the effects of three types of suction cones of the fan casing on the fan efficiency and noise are investigated experimentally. The first type of the suction cone is the insertion type, which is inserted into the inside of the fan impeller. The second type is the extrusion type, which extrudes outside from the casing surface. The third type is the combination type of two types. The results of those three types are compared with those of the commonly used suction cone. The followings are made clear: (1) The insertion type and the extrusion type are effective in improving the efficiency and reducing noise. (2) The optimal lengths of the insertion and the extrusion exist. (3) The combination type is more effective in improving the efficiency. (4) The combination type with the skewed cutoff of the fan casing shows the best effect. (author)

  10. A proton point source produced by laser interaction with cone-top-end target

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Jinqing; Jin, Xiaolin; Zhou, Weimin; Zhao, Zongqing; Yan, Yonghong; Li, Bin; Hong, Wei; Gu, Yuqiu


    In this paper, we propose a proton point source by the interaction of laser and cone-top-end target and investigate it by two-dimensional particle-in-cell (2D-PIC) simulations as the proton point sources are well known for higher spatial resolution of proton radiography. Our results show that the relativistic electrons are guided to the rear of the cone-top-end target by the electrostatic charge-separation field and self-generated magnetic field along the profile of the target. As a result, the peak magnitude of sheath field at the rear surface of cone-top-end target is higher compared to common cone target. We test this scheme by 2D-PIC simulation and find the result has a diameter of 0.79λ 0 , an average energy of 9.1 MeV and energy spread less than 35%.

  11. Effect of flow conditions on spray cone angle of a two-fluid atomizer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shafaee, Maziar; Banitabaei, Sayed Abdolhossein; Ashjaee, Mehdi; Esfahanian, Vahid [Tehran University, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    A visual study is conducted to determine the effects of operating conditions on the spray cone angle of a two-fluid atomizer. The liquid (water) jets exit from peripheral inclined orifices and are introduced into a high-speed gas (air) stream in the gravitational direction. Using a high-speed imaging system, the spray cone angle is determined for Reynolds numbers ranging from 4x10{sup 4} to 9x10{sup 4} and different Weber numbers up to 140. The droplet sizes (Sauter mean diameter) and their distributions are determined using a Malvern Mastersizer X. The results show that the spray cone angle depends on the operating conditions, especially in lower values of Reynolds and Weber numbers. An empirical correlation is also obtained to predict the spray cone angle in terms of these two parameters.

  12. A combination-weighted Feldkamp-based reconstruction algorithm for cone-beam CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Shinichiro; Endo, Masahiro; Komatsu, Shuhei; Kandatsu, Susumu; Yashiro, Tomoyasu; Baba, Masayuki


    The combination-weighted Feldkamp algorithm (CW-FDK) was developed and tested in a phantom in order to reduce cone-beam artefacts and enhance cranio-caudal reconstruction coverage in an attempt to improve image quality when utilizing cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Using a 256-slice cone-beam CT (256CBCT), image quality (CT-number uniformity and geometrical accuracy) was quantitatively evaluated in phantom and clinical studies, and the results were compared to those obtained with the original Feldkamp algorithm. A clinical study was done in lung cancer patients under breath holding and free breathing. Image quality for the original Feldkamp algorithm is degraded at the edge of the scan region due to the missing volume, commensurate with the cranio-caudal distance between the reconstruction and central planes. The CW-FDK extended the reconstruction coverage to equal the scan coverage and improved reconstruction accuracy, unaffected by the cranio-caudal distance. The extended reconstruction coverage with good image quality provided by the CW-FDK will be clinically investigated for improving diagnostic and radiotherapy applications. In addition, this algorithm can also be adapted for use in relatively wide cone-angle CBCT such as with a flat-panel detector CBCT

  13. Synaptojanin 1 is required for endolysosomal trafficking of synaptic proteins in cone photoreceptor inner segments.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashley A George

    Full Text Available Highly polarized cells such as photoreceptors require precise and efficient strategies for establishing and maintaining the proper subcellular distribution of proteins. The signals and molecular machinery that regulate trafficking and sorting of synaptic proteins within cone inner segments is mostly unknown. In this study, we show that the polyphosphoinositide phosphatase Synaptojanin 1 (SynJ1 is critical for this process. We used transgenic markers for trafficking pathways, electron microscopy, and immunocytochemistry to characterize trafficking defects in cones of the zebrafish mutant, nrc(a14 , which is deficient in phosphoinositide phosphatase, SynJ1. The outer segments and connecting cilia of nrc(a14 cone photoreceptors are normal, but RibeyeB and VAMP2/synaptobrevin, which normally localize to the synapse, accumulate in the nrc(a14 inner segment. The structure of the Endoplasmic Reticulum in nrc(a14 mutant cones is normal. Golgi develop normally, but later become disordered. Large vesicular structures accumulate within nrc(a14 cone photoreceptor inner segments, particularly after prolonged incubation in darkness. Cone inner segments of nrc (a14 mutants also have enlarged acidic vesicles, abnormal late endosomes, and a disruption in autophagy. This last pathway also appears exacerbated by darkness. Taken altogether, these findings show that SynJ1 is required in cones for normal endolysosomal trafficking of synaptic proteins.

  14. A general exact method for synthesizing parallel-beam projections from cone-beam projections via filtered backprojection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Liang; Chen Zhiqiang; Xing Yuxiang; Zhang Li; Kang Kejun; Wang Ge


    In recent years, image reconstruction methods for cone-beam computed tomography (CT) have been extensively studied. However, few of these studies discussed computing parallel-beam projections from cone-beam projections. In this paper, we focus on the exact synthesis of complete or incomplete parallel-beam projections from cone-beam projections. First, an extended central slice theorem is described to establish a relationship between the Radon space and the Fourier space. Then, data sufficiency conditions are proposed for computing parallel-beam projection data from cone-beam data. Using these results, a general filtered backprojection algorithm is formulated that can exactly synthesize parallel-beam projection data from cone-beam projection data. As an example, we prove that parallel-beam projections can be exactly synthesized in an angular range in the case of circular cone-beam scanning. Interestingly, this angular range is larger than that derived in the Feldkamp reconstruction framework. Numerical experiments are performed in the circular scanning case to verify our method


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    Carla Simone Moreira de FREITAS


    Full Text Available O câncer de bexiga é a neoplasia mais comum do sistema urinário, sendo raro ocorrer casos de resposta completa a quimioterapia em tumores avançados, quando não realizado cirurgia com intuito curativo. Objetivo: relatar o caso de um paciente que apresentou resposta completa da neoplasia vesical em estadio IV após quimioterapia de 2ª linha. Metodologia: relato de caso. 

  16. Esquistossomose do sistema nervoso central relato de um caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. S. Ferreira


    Full Text Available O comprometimento do sistema nervoso na esquistossomose mansônica é evento raramente diagnosticado na evolução desta parasitose. Os autores descrevem o caso de uma paciente de 23 anos, natural de São Francisco-MG, que apresentava há duas semanas quadro de ceíaléia, vômitos em jato, febre e sonolência; o exame neurológico mostrava rigidez de nuca, paresia com hipertonia muscular bilateral em membros superiores, perda de motricidade e sensibilidade em membros inferiores. Não se palpava hepato-esplenomegalia. O exame do liqüido cefalorraquidiano (LCR mostrou hipoglicorraquia (28 mg%, hiperproteinorraquia (113 mg% e pleocitose acentuada (949 células/mm3, com predomínio de neutrófilos (70%, além de eosinofilorraquia (9%. A reação de imunofluorescência indireta para esquistossomose, no LCR, realizada em cortes de fígado com granuloma peri-ovular foi reagente (IgG: 1/16; IgM: 1/4. As pesquisas de fungos e b.a.a.r. no LCR, assim como a cultura para b.a.a.r. (após 60 dias e as reações imunológicas para neurocisticercose foram negativas. Uma tomografia computadorizada do cérebro e medula espinhal não evidenciou anormalidades. No exame parasitologico das fezes foi identificada a presença de ovos viáveis de S. mansoni. Instituiu-se tratamento com corticóides e praziquantel (60 mg/kg/dia; 7 dias tendo havido regressão das alterações do LCR, permanecendo entretanto seqüelas neurológicas graves (paraplegia e bexiga neurogênica.

  17. Síndrome de Cogan: relato de caso Cogan's Syndrome: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabricio Witzel de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Ceratite intersticial não luética, surdez e vertigem caracterizam a síndrome de Cogan. Os achados oculares mais comuns no início da síndrome são opacidades corneanas numulares periféricas bilaterais. O tratamento desta rara doença utiliza imunossupressão sistêmica com agentes citotóxicos e corticosteróides. O relato de caso apresenta uma paciente com a evolução da forma clássica da síndrome de Cogan.Non-luetic interstitial keratitis, deafness and vertigo characterize Cogan's syndrome. The most common ocular findings in early Cogan's syndrome are bilateral, peripheral, subepithelial numular corneal opacities. The report presents a patient with the evolution of the classic form of Cogan's syndrome.

  18. Seawave Slot-Cone Generator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vicinanza, Diego; Margheritini, Lucia; Contestabile, Pasquale


    This paper discusses a new type of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) named Seawave Slot-Cone Generator (SSG). The SSG is a WEC of the overtopping type. The structure consists of a number of reservoirs one on the top of each others above the mean water level in which the water of incoming waves is store...... on sloping walls constituting the structure. The research is intended to be of direct use to engineers analyzing design and stability of this peculiar kind of coastal structure....

  19. Cistopexia videoassistida em cadela com cistocele após prolapso uterino: relato de caso


    Krebs, T.; Brun, M.V.; Linhares, M.T.; Dalmolin, F.; Pohl, V.H.; Feranti, J.P.S.


    O prolapso de vesícula urinária associado ao prolapso uterino é condição rara em cães e gatos. O tratamento preconizado para essa afecção é o reposicionamento anatômico das estruturas afetadas. No presente relato é descrito o manejo por meio de ovariossalpingo-histerectomia por celiotomia e, após dois dias, cistopexia videoassistida. Essa condição, conforme o conhecimento dos autores, não havia sido previamente descrita. A operação apresentou-se como possibilidade viável de tratamento, sem co...

  20. General surface reconstruction for cone-beam multislice spiral computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Laigao; Liang Yun; Heuscher, Dominic J.


    A new family of cone-beam reconstruction algorithm, the General Surface Reconstruction (GSR), is proposed and formulated in this paper for multislice spiral computed tomography (CT) reconstructions. It provides a general framework to allow the reconstruction of planar or nonplanar surfaces on a set of rebinned short-scan parallel beam projection data. An iterative surface formation method is proposed as an example to show the possibility to form nonplanar reconstruction surfaces to minimize the adverse effect between the collected cone-beam projection data and the reconstruction surfaces. The improvement in accuracy of the nonplanar surfaces over planar surfaces in the two-dimensional approximate cone-beam reconstructions is mathematically proved and demonstrated using numerical simulations. The proposed GSR algorithm is evaluated by the computer simulation of cone-beam spiral scanning geometry and various mathematical phantoms. The results demonstrate that the GSR algorithm generates much better image quality compared to conventional multislice reconstruction algorithms. For a table speed up to 100 mm per rotation, GSR demonstrates good image quality for both the low-contrast ball phantom and thorax phantom. All other performance parameters are comparable to the single-slice 180 deg. LI (linear interpolation) algorithm, which is considered the 'gold standard'. GSR also achieves high computing efficiency and good temporal resolution, making it an attractive alternative for the reconstruction of next generation multislice spiral CT data

  1. ON Cone Bipolar Cell Axonal Synapses in the OFF Inner Plexiform Layer of the Rabbit Retina (United States)

    Lauritzen, J. Scott; Anderson, James R.; Jones, Bryan W.; Watt, Carl B.; Mohammed, Shoeb; Hoang, John V.; Marc, Robert E.


    Analysis of the rabbit retinal connectome RC1 reveals that the division between the ON and OFF inner plexiform layer (IPL) is not structurally absolute. ON cone bipolar cells make non-canonical axonal synapses onto specific targets and receive amacrine cell synapses in the nominal OFF layer, creating novel motifs, including inhibitory crossover networks. Automated transmission electron microscope (ATEM) imaging, molecular tagging, tracing, and rendering of ≈ 400 bipolar cells reveals axonal ribbons in 36% of ON cone bipolar cells, throughout the OFF IPL. The targets include GABA-positive amacrine cells (γACs), glycine-positive amacrine cells (GACs) and ganglion cells. Most ON cone bipolar cell axonal contacts target GACs driven by OFF cone bipolar cells, forming new architectures for generating ON-OFF amacrine cells. Many of these ON-OFF GACs target ON cone bipolar cell axons, ON γACs and/or ON-OFF ganglion cells, representing widespread mechanisms for OFF to ON crossover inhibition. Other targets include OFF γACs presynaptic to OFF bipolar cells, forming γAC-mediated crossover motifs. ON cone bipolar cell axonal ribbons drive bistratified ON-OFF ganglion cells in the OFF layer and provide ON drive to polarity-appropriate targets such as bistratified diving ganglion cells (bsdGCs). The targeting precision of ON cone bipolar cell axonal synapses shows that this drive incidence is necessarily a joint distribution of cone bipolar cell axonal frequency and target cell trajectories through a given volume of the OFF layer. Such joint distribution sampling is likely common when targets are sparser than sources and when sources are coupled, as are ON cone bipolar cells. PMID:23042441

  2. O que se faz e o que se diz: auto-relatos emitidos por terapeutas comportamentais


    Oliveira, Wilton de


    O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as relações entre os auto-relatos emitidos por terapeutas comportamentais sobre seus próprios comportamentos na interação com seus clientes e os respectivos comportamentos que de fato ocorreram. Como sujeitos da pesquisa foram selecionados três terapeutas analítico-comportamentais com tempo de experiência distintos (seis meses Ta, cinco anos Tb, e oito anos Tc). Cada terapeuta atendeu três clientes (uma sessão cada), de modo a perfazer um total ...

  3. La comprensión del relato periodístico: ¿qué son los hechos?


    Saharrea, Juan Manuel


    El objetivo de este trabajo echar luz acerca de la comprensión del relato periodístico planteando el debate filosófico acerca del estatus de los hechos. Tomando algunas distinciones de la filosofía del lenguaje y la epistemología contemporáneas definimos nuestra propia posición en relación con los hechos. De acuerdo con nuestra perspectiva los hechos, no son, bajo ningún aspecto, independientes de descripción. Planteamos las tesis del realismo y el relativismo en torno a los hechos y de cada ...

  4. Assessment of Different Sampling Methods for Measuring and Representing Macular Cone Density Using Flood-Illuminated Adaptive Optics. (United States)

    Feng, Shu; Gale, Michael J; Fay, Jonathan D; Faridi, Ambar; Titus, Hope E; Garg, Anupam K; Michaels, Keith V; Erker, Laura R; Peters, Dawn; Smith, Travis B; Pennesi, Mark E


    To describe a standardized flood-illuminated adaptive optics (AO) imaging protocol suitable for the clinical setting and to assess sampling methods for measuring cone density. Cone density was calculated following three measurement protocols: 50 × 50-μm sampling window values every 0.5° along the horizontal and vertical meridians (fixed-interval method), the mean density of expanding 0.5°-wide arcuate areas in the nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior quadrants (arcuate mean method), and the peak cone density of a 50 × 50-μm sampling window within expanding arcuate areas near the meridian (peak density method). Repeated imaging was performed in nine subjects to determine intersession repeatability of cone density. Cone density montages could be created for 67 of the 74 subjects. Image quality was determined to be adequate for automated cone counting for 35 (52%) of the 67 subjects. We found that cone density varied with different sampling methods and regions tested. In the nasal and temporal quadrants, peak density most closely resembled histological data, whereas the arcuate mean and fixed-interval methods tended to underestimate the density compared with histological data. However, in the inferior and superior quadrants, arcuate mean and fixed-interval methods most closely matched histological data, whereas the peak density method overestimated cone density compared with histological data. Intersession repeatability testing showed that repeatability was greatest when sampling by arcuate mean and lowest when sampling by fixed interval. We show that different methods of sampling can significantly affect cone density measurements. Therefore, care must be taken when interpreting cone density results, even in a normal population.

  5. Transtorno de estresse pós-traumático de início tardio? Reflexões diagnósticas baseadas em um relato de caso

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    Márcia Freitas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Neste estudo, o objetivo foi relatar o caso de uma paciente com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (TEPT de início aparentemente tardio e os diferentes dilemas surgidos durante seu diagnóstico. MÉTODO: Relato de caso. RESULTADOS: Paciente feminina, de 34 anos, casada e do lar, apresentou TEPT 25 anos após o desabamento de sua residência durante uma enchente. O quadro surgiu após relatos na imprensa de eventos semelhantes associados ao soterramento de dezenas de vítimas em um município vizinho. CONCLUSÃO: Este caso sugere que pacientes podem desenvolver quadros semelhantes ao TEPT de início tardio após a reexposição a eventos previamente desprovidos de impacto emocional.

  6. Case histories of roller cone core bit application in crystalline rock

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dahlem, J.S.


    The increased interest in deep crystalline rock drilling projects has resulted in a requirement for premium coring bits which are effective in such a harsh and abrasive environment. Hard formation roller cone insert bits have traditionally and constantly performed well in crystalline rock. As a result, the application of state of the art roller cone rock bit technology to the design and development of core bits has made crystalline coring projects more viable than ever before. This paper follows the development of roller cone core bits by examining their use on project such as HDR (Hot Dry Rock, Los Alamos); NAGRA (Nuclear Waste Disposal Wells in Switzerland); Camborne School of Mines Geothermal Project in Cornwall, UK; Deep Gas Project in Sweden; and the KTB Deep Drilling Project in West Germany

  7. Light-cone expansion of the Dirac sea in the presence of chiral and scalar potentials (United States)

    Finster, Felix


    We study the Dirac sea in the presence of external chiral and scalar/pseudoscalar potentials. In preparation, a method is developed for calculating the advanced and retarded Green's functions in an expansion around the light cone. For this, we first expand all Feynman diagrams and then explicitly sum up the perturbation series. The light-cone expansion expresses the Green's functions as an infinite sum of line integrals over the external potential and its partial derivatives. The Dirac sea is decomposed into a causal and a noncausal contribution. The causal contribution has a light-cone expansion which is closely related to the light-cone expansion of the Green's functions; it describes the singular behavior of the Dirac sea in terms of nested line integrals along the light cone. The noncausal contribution, on the other hand, is, to every order in perturbation theory, a smooth function in position space.

  8. “Veo a los humanos como a árboles”: aproximación exegética al relato de curación del Ciego de Betsaida (Mc 8:22-26

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    Juan Alberto Casas Ramírez


    Full Text Available Este artículo propone un análisis exegético del relato bíblico de la curación del ciego de Betsaida (Mc 8:22-26 a partir del desarrollo de tres aproximaciones sucesivas, interdependientes y acumulativas. En primer lugar se aborda la perícopa mediante la presentación de la versión griega, su estructura narrativa y su traducción, de corte literal. En segundo lugar se abordan los contextos narrativos del texto desde su marco literario y narrativo. Finalmente, se analiza cada una de las escenas del relato tratando de dilucidar su sentido simbólico.

  9. Ardnamurchan 3D cone-sheet architecture explained by a single elongate magma chamber. (United States)

    Burchardt, Steffi; Troll, Valentin R; Mathieu, Lucie; Emeleus, Henry C; Donaldson, Colin H


    The Palaeogene Ardnamurchan central igneous complex, NW Scotland, was a defining place for the development of the classic concepts of cone-sheet and ring-dyke emplacement and has thus fundamentally influenced our thinking on subvolcanic structures. We have used the available structural information on Ardnamurchan to project the underlying three-dimensional (3D) cone-sheet structure. Here we show that a single elongate magma chamber likely acted as the source of the cone-sheet swarm(s) instead of the traditionally accepted model of three successive centres. This proposal is supported by the ridge-like morphology of the Ardnamurchan volcano and is consistent with the depth and elongation of the gravity anomaly underlying the peninsula. Our model challenges the traditional model of cone-sheet emplacement at Ardnamurchan that involves successive but independent centres in favour of a more dynamical one that involves a single, but elongate and progressively evolving magma chamber system.

  10. Iterative reconstruction with attenuation compensation from cone-beam projections acquired via nonplanar orbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zeng, G.L.; Weng, Y.; Gullberg, G.T.


    Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging with cone-beam collimators provides improved sensitivity and spatial resolution for imaging small objects with large field-of-view detectors. It is known that Tuy's cone-beam data sufficiency condition must be met to obtain artifact-free reconstructions. Even though Tuy's condition was derived for an attenuation-free situation, the authors hypothesize that an artifact-free reconstruction can be obtained even if the cone-beam data are attenuated, provided the imaging orbit satisfies Tuy's condition and the exact attenuation map is known. In the authors' studies, emission data are acquired using nonplanar circle-and-line orbits to acquire cone-beam data for tomographic reconstructions. An extended iterative ML-EM (maximum likelihood-expectation maximization) reconstruction algorithm is derived and used to reconstruct projection data with either a pre-acquired or assumed attenuation map. Quantitative accuracy of the attenuation corrected emission reconstruction is significantly improved

  11. Pressure-sensitive paint on a truncated cone in hypersonic flow at incidences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, L.; Erdem, E.; Zare-Behtash, H.; Kontis, K.; Saravanan, S.


    Highlights: ► Global pressure map over the truncated cone is obtained at various incidence angles in Mach 5 flow. ► Successful application of AA-PSP in hypersonic flow expands operation area of this technique. ► AA-PSP reveals complex three-dimensional pattern which is difficult for transducer to obtain. ► Quantitative data provides strong correlation with colour Schlieren and oil flow results. ► High spatial resolution pressure mappings identify small scale vortices and flow separation. - Abstract: The flow over a truncated cone is a classical and fundamental problem for aerodynamic research due to its three-dimensional and complicated characteristics. The flow is made more complex when examining high angles of incidence. Recently these types of flows have drawn more attention for the purposes of drag reduction in supersonic/hypersonic flows. In the present study the flow over a truncated cone at various incidences was experimentally investigated in a Mach 5 flow with a unit Reynolds number of 13.5 × 10 6 m −1 . The cone semi-apex angle is 15° and the truncation ratio (truncated length/cone length) is 0.5. The incidence of the model varied from −12° to 12° with 3° intervals relative to the freestream direction. The external flow around the truncated cone was visualised by colour Schlieren photography, while the surface flow pattern was revealed using the oil flow method. The surface pressure distribution was measured using the anodized aluminium pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) technique. Both top and sideviews of the pressure distribution on the model surface were acquired at various incidences. AA-PSP showed high pressure sensitivity and captured the complicated flow structures which correlated well with the colour Schlieren and oil flow visualisation results.

  12. The Mythical Retention Chart and the Corruption of Dale's Cone of Experience (United States)

    Subramony, Deepak Prem; Molenda, Michael; Betrus, Anthony K.; Thalheimer, Will


    In response to the wide-scale proliferation of "the cone of learning"--a fanciful retention chart confounded with Dale's Cone of Experience--the authors make four major claims debunking this fantasy and provide documentary evidence to support these claims. The first claim is that the data in the mythical retention chart do not make…

  13. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Cone-Beam CT in Conjunction with DSA for Identifying Prostatic Arterial Anatomy. (United States)

    Wang, Mao Qiang; Duan, Feng; Yuan, Kai; Zhang, Guo Dong; Yan, Jieyu; Wang, Yan


    Purpose To describe findings in prostatic arteries (PAs) at digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and cone-beam computed tomography (CT) that allow identification of benign prostatic hyperplasia and to determine the value added with the use of cone-beam CT. Materials and Methods This retrospective single-institution study was approved by the institutional review board, and the requirement for written informed consent was waived. From February 2009 to December 2014, a total of 148 patients (mean age ± standard deviation, 70.5 years ± 14.5) underwent DSA of the internal iliac arteries and cone-beam CT with a flat-detector angiographic system before they underwent prostate artery embolization. Both the DSA and cone-beam CT images were evaluated by two interventional radiologists to determine the number of independent PAs and their origins and anastomoses with adjacent arteries. The exact McNemar test was used to compare the detection rate of the PAs and the anastomoses with DSA and with cone-beam CT. Results The PA anatomy was evaluated successfully by means of cone-beam CT in conjunction with DSA in all patients. Of the 296 pelvic sides, 274 (92.6%) had only one PA. The most frequent PA origin was the common gluteal-pudendal trunk with the superior vesicular artery in 118 (37.1%), followed by the anterior division of the internal iliac artery in 99 (31.1%), and the internal pudendal artery in 77 (24.2%) pelvic sides. In 67 (22.6%) pelvic sides, anastomoses to adjacent arteries were documented. The numbers of PA origins and anastomoses, respectively, that could be identified were significantly higher with cone-beam CT (301 of 318 [94.7%] and 65 of 67 [97.0%]) than with DSA (237 [74.5%] and 39 [58.2%], P < .05). Cone-beam CT provided essential information that was not available with DSA in 90 of 148 (60.8%) patients. Conclusion Cone-beam CT is a useful adjunctive technique to DSA for identification of the PA anatomy and provides information to help treatment planning

  14. The melt/shrink effect of low density thermoplastics insulates: Cone calorimeter tests

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    Xu Qiang


    Full Text Available The melt/shrink effects on the fire behavior of low density thermoplastic foam have been studied in a cone calorimeter. The experiments have been performed with four samples of expanded polystyrene foams having different thicknesses and two extruded polystyrene foams. Decrease in surface area and increase in density, characterizing the melt/shrink effect have been measured at different incident heat fluxes. Three of these foams tested have been also examined by burning tests at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/m2. It was assessed that the fire behavior predictions based the current literature models provided incorrect results if the cone test results were applied directly. However, the correct models provided adequate results when the initial burning area and the density of the molten foam were used to correct the initial cone calorimeter data. This communication refers to the fact that both the effective burning area and the density of the molten foam affect the cone calorimeter data, which requires consequent corrections to attain adequate predictions of models about the materials fire behavior.

  15. Silvia Mistral, Constancia de la Mora y Dolores Martí: Relatos y memorias del exilio de 1939

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domínguez Prats, Pilar


    Full Text Available This article discusses the autobiographical accounts of three Republican women from the first generation of Republican exiles, born between 1900 and 1910. The stories are those of Constancia de la Mora, Silvia Mistral and Dolores Martí, all written just following the Spanish Civil War, between 1939 and 1940, although for two of the authors this was the first stage of exile that finally took them on to Mexico. These accounts are examined within the framework of the socio-political context in which the authors lived during the first three decades of the twentieth century. The stories mix the personal and individual with the collective memory. The women harbour very contrary political views - communist and anarchist - within the Republican cause but the fact that they are women with a common plight helps to overcome these differences. The political nature of these narratives also provides a common theme, which forms a collective testimony in the Republican exile period.

    Este artículo analiza las narraciones autobiográficas de tres mujeres republicanas, pertenecientes a la primera generación del exilio (nacidas entre 1900 y 1910. Se trata de los relatos de Constancia de la Mora, Silvia Mistral y Dolores Martí. Todos ellos tienen en común la circunstancia de haberse escrito en Francia entre 1939 y 1940, aunque para dos de las autoras esta fue la primera etapa del exilio que las llevó definitivamente a México. El análisis de los relatos se enmarca en el contexto sociopolítico en el que vivieron sus autoras en las tres primeras décadas del siglo XX. Aparece en ellos el fruto de una memoria personal e individual, pero insertada en la memoria colectiva de su grupo de referencia, el colectivo exiliado. Las autoras representan tendencias políticas opuestas dentro del bando republicano: el comunismo y el anarquismo, aunque su condición femenina y las circunstancias comunes que atraviesan matizan esas diferencias en sus relatos. El car

  16. Homeostatic Plasticity Mediated by Rod-Cone Gap Junction Coupling in Retinal Degenerative Dystrophic RCS Rats (United States)

    Hou, Baoke; Fu, Yan; Weng, Chuanhuang; Liu, Weiping; Zhao, Congjian; Yin, Zheng Qin


    Rod-cone gap junctions open at night to allow rod signals to pass to cones and activate the cone-bipolar pathway. This enhances the ability to detect large, dim objects at night. This electrical synaptic switch is governed by the circadian clock and represents a novel form of homeostatic plasticity that regulates retinal excitability according to network activity. We used tracer labeling and ERG recording in the retinae of control and retinal degenerative dystrophic RCS rats. We found that in the control animals, rod-cone gap junction coupling was regulated by the circadian clock via the modulation of the phosphorylation of the melatonin synthetic enzyme arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT). However, in dystrophic RCS rats, AANAT was constitutively phosphorylated, causing rod-cone gap junctions to remain open. A further b/a-wave ratio analysis revealed that dystrophic RCS rats had stronger synaptic strength between photoreceptors and bipolar cells, possibly because rod-cone gap junctions remained open. This was despite the fact that a decrease was observed in the amplitude of both a- and b-waves as a result of the progressive loss of rods during early degenerative stages. These results suggest that electric synaptic strength is increased during the day to allow cone signals to pass to the remaining rods and to be propagated to rod bipolar cells, thereby partially compensating for the weak visual input caused by the loss of rods. PMID:28473754

  17. On the co-derivative of normal cone mappings to inequality systems

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Henrion, R.; Outrata, Jiří; Surowiec, T.


    Roč. 71, 3-4 (2009), s. 1213-1226 ISSN 0362-546X R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA1030405 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10750506 Keywords : Mordukhovich coderivative * Normal cone mapping * Calmness * Inequality constraints Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 1.487, year: 2009 the co-derivative of normal cone mappings to inequality systems.pdf

  18. Null cone superspace supergravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Downes-Martin, S.G.


    The null cone formalism is used to derive a 2(N-1) parameter family of constraints for O(N) extended superspace supergravity. The invariance groups of these constraints is analysed and is found to be [subgroup U submanifold] contains GL(4,R) for N = 1, the submanifold being eliminated for N > 1. The invariance group defines non-Weyl rotations on the superbein which combine to form Weyl transformations on the supertangent space metric. The invariance of the supergravity Lagrangian under these transformations is discussed. (Auth.)

  19. Auto calibration of a cone-beam-CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gross, Daniel; Heil, Ulrich; Schulze, Ralf; Schoemer, Elmar; Schwanecke, Ulrich


    Purpose: This paper introduces a novel autocalibration method for cone-beam-CTs (CBCT) or flat-panel CTs, assuming a perfect rotation. The method is based on ellipse-fitting. Autocalibration refers to accurate recovery of the geometric alignment of a CBCT device from projection images alone, without any manual measurements. Methods: The authors use test objects containing small arbitrarily positioned radio-opaque markers. No information regarding the relative positions of the markers is used. In practice, the authors use three to eight metal ball bearings (diameter of 1 mm), e.g., positioned roughly in a vertical line such that their projection image curves on the detector preferably form large ellipses over the circular orbit. From this ellipse-to-curve mapping and also from its inversion the authors derive an explicit formula. Nonlinear optimization based on this mapping enables them to determine the six relevant parameters of the system up to the device rotation angle, which is sufficient to define the geometry of a CBCT-machine assuming a perfect rotational movement. These parameters also include out-of-plane rotations. The authors evaluate their method by simulation based on data used in two similar approaches [L. Smekal, M. Kachelriess, S. E, and K. Wa, “Geometric misalignment and calibration in cone-beam tomography,” Med. Phys. 31(12), 3242–3266 (2004); K. Yang, A. L. C. Kwan, D. F. Miller, and J. M. Boone, “A geometric calibration method for cone beam CT systems,” Med. Phys. 33(6), 1695–1706 (2006)]. This allows a direct comparison of accuracy. Furthermore, the authors present real-world 3D reconstructions of a dry human spine segment and an electronic device. The reconstructions were computed from projections taken with a commercial dental CBCT device having two different focus-to-detector distances that were both calibrated with their method. The authors compare their reconstruction with a reconstruction computed by the manufacturer of the

  20. Evaluation of cone function by a handheld non-mydriatic flicker electroretinogram device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nakamura N


    Full Text Available Natsuko Nakamura,1 Kaoru Fujinami,1 Yoshinobu Mizuno,2 Toru Noda,2 Kazushige Tsunoda11Laboratory of Visual Physiology, Division of Vision Research, National Institute of Sensory Organs, 2Department of Ophthalmology, National Hospital Organization, National Tokyo Medical Center, Tokyo, JapanPurpose: Full-field electroretinograms (ERGs are used to evaluate retinal function in patients with various types of hereditary and acquired retinal diseases. However, ERG recordings require relatively invasive procedures, including pupillary dilation and the use of contact lens electrodes. Thus, it would be helpful to have a simpler and noninvasive screening method. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a new, handheld, portable ERG device, RETeval™, can be used to screen patients for cone dysfunction.Patients and methods: Thirty-five eyes of 35 patients who had reduced cone responses ascertained by a conventional ERG system using contact lens electrodes were studied. The causative diseases included achromatopsia, cone dystrophy, cone-rod dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, choroidal dystrophy, autoimmune retinopathy, and Stargardt disease. The flicker ERGs were recorded with the RETeval™ under undilated conditions with skin electrodes (stimulus strength, 3.0 cd·s/m2; frequency, 28.3 Hz, and the responses were compared to that of 50 healthy eyes. The amplitudes and implicit times of the fundamental component of the flicker ERGs were analyzed in three age groups: Group A, ≤20 years; Group B, 21–40 years; and Group C, ≥41 years.Results: In all of the age groups, the amplitudes of the ERGs were significantly smaller and the implicit times significantly longer in patients with cone dysfunction than in the control eyes. All but one of the patients had flicker amplitudes lower than the mean −2.0 standard deviation of control eyes.Conclusion: The RETeval™ has a potential of being used to screen for cone dysfunction. The entire examination

  1. Estudo dos elementos celulares na medula humana dos adultos I. linhagem plasmocitária

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    M. R. Q de Kastner


    Full Text Available Examinando o conjunto dos resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa e os dados pela literatura, observamos que o aumento numérico de células plasmáticas na medula óssea é um fenômeno relativamente freqüente. Todo hematologista habituado pode facilmente fazer o diagnóstico do estado da célula plasmocitária pela sua morfologia, seu tamanho e sua coloração. Nos quadros mais proeminentes de predominância de células de linhagem plasmocitária, os exames hematológicos e clínicos aliados ao mielograma, auxiliarão no diagnóstico do plasmocitoma. A nosso ver, os sinais (qualitativos, distintivos, de natureza citológica, que aparecem nos mielogramas no caso de plasmocitoma são: a Pleomorfismo e dismorfismo na célula plasmática; b "Rouleaux" de hemácias, já visível no hemograma; c Aumento das dimensões de alguns metamielócitos e bastonetes, acompanhados geralmente de atipias nucleares. Atipias e plurissegmentação nos segmentados; d No setor plaquetogenético aparecem plaquetas grandes e certo grau de perturbação nos megacarióticos, traduzido ás vezes pela presença de núcleos nus.Two hundred fifty bone marrow specimens, including twenty seven from hematologically normal patients, were examined hitologically. The Wright's and Brachet's stains were used. Plasma cells were rarely seen in the peripheral blood and bone marrow of normal individuals, but they were prominent constituents in some pathological states. A number significantly increased of plasma cells or mieloma cells were usually recognized in bone marrow from patients with plasmacytoma. These cells ranged from a very anaplastic immature form to closely resembling plasma cell. Even in the same patient, considerable pleomorphism often occured, and variation in cell size, number of nuclei and degree of nuclear immaturity were common. Although the results report certain observations regarding to the other cell series in patients with plasmacytoma. The most suggestive evidences

  2. Birth order dependent growth cone segregation determines synaptic layer identity in the Drosophila visual system. (United States)

    Kulkarni, Abhishek; Ertekin, Deniz; Lee, Chi-Hon; Hummel, Thomas


    The precise recognition of appropriate synaptic partner neurons is a critical step during neural circuit assembly. However, little is known about the developmental context in which recognition specificity is important to establish synaptic contacts. We show that in the Drosophila visual system, sequential segregation of photoreceptor afferents, reflecting their birth order, lead to differential positioning of their growth cones in the early target region. By combining loss- and gain-of-function analyses we demonstrate that relative differences in the expression of the transcription factor Sequoia regulate R cell growth cone segregation. This initial growth cone positioning is consolidated via cell-adhesion molecule Capricious in R8 axons. Further, we show that the initial growth cone positioning determines synaptic layer selection through proximity-based axon-target interactions. Taken together, we demonstrate that birth order dependent pre-patterning of afferent growth cones is an essential pre-requisite for the identification of synaptic partner neurons during visual map formation in Drosophila.

  3. Análise clínica e epidemiológica do transplante de medula óssea em um serviço de oncologia pediátrica Clinical and epidemiological analysis of bone marrow transplantation in a pediatric oncology unit

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cláudio Galvão de Castro Jr.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever o perfil e as complicações agudas mais importantes das crianças que receberam transplante de medula óssea no serviço de oncologia pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de 41 pacientes, menores de 21 anos, transplantados entre agosto de 1997 até junho de 2002. Deste total, 20 pacientes receberam transplante alogênico, e 21 transplante autogênico. RESULTADOS: No transplante de medula óssea alogênico, a média de idade foi de 8,9 + 5,4 anos, sendo 12 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram: medula óssea, 12; sangue periférico, 5; e sangue de cordão umbilical não aparentado, 3. As doenças tratadas foram: leucemia linfóide aguda em 7 pacientes, leucemia mielóide crônica em 2, leucemia mielóide aguda em 4, síndrome mielodisplásica em 2, linfoma de Burkitt em 1, anemia aplástica grave em 1, anemia de Fanconi em 1, síndrome Chediak-Higashi em 1, e imunodeficiência congênita combinada grave em 1. Um paciente desenvolveu doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro aguda grau 2, três pacientes grau 4, e outros três desenvolveram doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro crônica. Todos haviam recebido sangue periférico como fonte de células. A sobrevida global aos 4 anos foi de 70,0 + 10,3%. A principal causa do óbito foi doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro, em três pacientes, e sepse, em outros três. Todos os óbitos ocorreram antes do centésimo dia. Um dos pacientes que recebeu sangue de cordão umbilical não aparentado está vivo, em bom estado e sem uso de medicações 3 anos e 6 meses pós-transplante. No transplante de medula óssea autogênico, a média de idade foi de 8,7 + 4,3 anos, sendo 11 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram: sangue periférico, 16; medula óssea, 3; sangue periférico mais medula óssea, 2. As doenças tratadas foram: tumor de Wilms em 5 pacientes, tumores da família do sarcoma de

  4. Partial volume and aliasing artefacts in helical cone-beam CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zou Yu; Sidky, Emil Y; Pan, Xiaochuan


    A generalization of the quasi-exact algorithms of Kudo et al (2000 IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 19 902-21) is developed that allows for data acquisition in a 'practical' frame for clinical diagnostic helical, cone-beam computed tomography (CT). The algorithm is investigated using data that model nonlinear partial volume averaging. This investigation leads to an understanding of aliasing artefacts in helical, cone-beam CT image reconstruction. An ad hoc scheme is proposed to mitigate artefacts due to the nonlinear partial volume and aliasing artefacts

  5. Particularidades discursivas de los relatos de la memoria: los años 70

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Paulinelli


    Full Text Available This article proposes to point out the discourse distinctiveness from memory stories, but centered in one enunciation: the episodes related to the 70’s in Argentina; particularly the Last Military Dictatorship event. It is inscribed within the investigations about argentine memory discourses, particularized in Córdoba as a cultural space. On this sense, it is form the consideration about the possibility/ impossibility to narrate and the incommensurable aspect of some of the experiences, that a series of considerations are structured to characterize the enunciations and-fundamentally- the enunciation processes. The marking of some determined resources related to the narrative structure, the enunciating voice/s, the plurality and the overlay of times, the metaphors, etc., which show the reminiscence work and ratify-simultaneously- a correspondence between aesthetics and politics, between memory and resistance.//El artículo se propone señalar las particularidades discursivas de los relatos de memoria pero centrados en un enunciado: los acontecimientos vinculados a los años setenta en Argentina, más puntualmente, al acontecimiento de la Última Dictadura Militar. Se inscribe dentro de las investigaciones realizadas sobre los trabajos de la memoria en los discursos argentinos particularizados en Córdoba como espacio cultural. Es así como, a partir de reflexiones sobre la posibilidad/ imposibilidad de relatar y lo inconmensurable de algunas experiencias, se estructuran una serie de consideraciones que buscan caracterizar los enunciados y- fundamentalmente- los procesos de enunciación. De allí el señalamiento de determinados recursos vinculados a la estructura narrativa la/s voz/voces enunciadoras, la pluralidad y superposición de tiempos, las metaforizaciones, etc., que muestran el trabajo de la memoria y ratifican- a su vez- una correspondencia entre estética y política entre relato de memoria y resistencia.

  6. Anestesia venosa total para timectomia em paciente com Miastenia Gravis: relato de caso

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    Rezer Gabrielle


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Pacientes com doenças neuromusculares, como Miastenia Gravis, respondem de maneira anormal aos anestésicos, conforme a técnica e as drogas administradas. O objetivo deste relato é mostrar um caso de paciente portadora de Miastenia Gravis, submetida a timectomia sob anestesia venosa total com propofol e remifentanil. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente feminina, 52 anos, 72 kg, com história de Miastenia Gravis submetida a timectomia transesternal, sob anestesia venosa total, com o uso de propofol em infusão alvo controlada (3 e remifentanil contínuo (0,3 µ Para a intubação traqueal foi utilizada succinilcolina (50 mg, sendo realizada sem dificuldade. Com a finalidade de realizar a analgesia pós-operatória, foram utilizados tramadol (50 mg, cetoprofeno (100 mg e dipirona (1 g, no per-operatório. Após a cirurgia, a infusão de propofol e remifentanil foi encerrada e, 15 minutos depois, a paciente foi extubada. A paciente apresentava-se eupnéica, acordada, sem dor, movimentando membros, com freqüência respiratória de 14 mpm e mantendo saturação de oxigênio de 97%. Permaneceu com cateter nasal de O2 a 2 L.min-1 na UTI intermediária, durante 36 horas, e recebeu alta hospitalar no 4º dia do pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: A anestesia venosa total, com agentes anestésicos de curta duração e sem metabólitos ativos, favoreceu a recuperação e a extubação precoce da paciente

  7. Efetividade do treinamento auditivo na plasticidade do sistema auditivo central: relato de caso

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    Tatiana Rocha Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi descrever, por meio de relato de caso, a efetividade do treinamento auditivo na modificação do sistema auditivo central de uma criança com queixas de alteração de fala e linguagem. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, por meio de relato de caso, de uma criança do gênero masculino de 02 anos e 06 meses com queixas de alteração de fala e/ou linguagem. Na avaliação de potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico observou-se presença de ondas eletrofisiológicas I, III e V com latência absoluta e intervalos interpicos dentro da normalidade na orelha direita e presença de ondas I, III e V com latência absoluta da onda V elevada e intervalos interpicos III-V e I-V elevados na orelha esquerda. O limiar eletrofisiológico foi de 70dBNA à direita e 40dBNA à esquerda. Após a avaliação a criança foi encaminhada para terapia fonoaudiológica baseada no treinamento auditivo informal. Para monitorar a função auditiva, após 06 meses de terapia fonoaudiológica, a criança foi encaminhada para reavaliação auditiva. Na reavaliação auditiva os resultados foram presença de ondas eletrofisiológicas I, III e V com latência absoluta e intervalos interpicos dentro da normalidade em ambas as orelhas com limiares eletrofisiológicos de 20dBNA bilateral. O programa de treinamento auditivo foi eficaz na reabilitação das habilidades auditivas.

  8. Mandibular condyle position in cone beam computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Hyoung Joo; Kim, Gyu Tae; Choi, Yong Suk; Hwang, Eui Hwan [Kyung Hee Univ. School of Dentistry, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate position of the mandibular condyle within articular fossa in an asymptomatic population radiographically by a cone beam computed tomography. Cone beam computed tomography of 60 temporomandibular joints was performed on 15 males and 15 females with no history of any temporomandibular disorders, or any other orthodontic or photoconductors treatments. Position of mandibular condyle within articular fossa at centric occlusion was evaluated. A statistical evaluation was done using a SPSS. In the sagittal views, mandibular condyle within articular fossa was laterally located at central section. Mandibular condyles in the right and left sides were showed asymmetric positional relationship at medial, central, and lateral sections. Mandibular condyle within articular fossa in an asymptomatic population was observed non-concentric position in the sagittal and coronal views.

  9. Development of Efficient Sludge Collection Cones for Concentration of Raceway-Derived Solids in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Michael R.; Laursen, Jesper; McLean, E


    The efficiency of sludge cones in raceways was studied using both physical and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. A sludge cone installed at a commercial trout farm was used as a model for the experiments. A scale 1:4 model of the commercial cone was constructed. In order to describe flui...... removal but will also reduce water loss....

  10. Influence of the number of cones on speckle patterns in the Laser MegaJoule configuration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Cain, A.; Riazuelo, G.; Sajer, J. M.


    This paper investigates statistical properties of hot spots when speckle patterns are generated by the superimposition of multiple laser beams in a 2 cone and a 3 cone Laser MegaJoule configuration in the zone where all the beams overlap. Three different cases of polarizations are investigated: P polarization, S polarization and the case of Double Polarization Smoothing (DPS). It is found that the sizes of the speckles depend on the choice of the polarization and that DPS seems to be the best option in both configurations. It is shown that the longitudinal radius of the hot spots in a 2 cone configuration is bigger than in a 3 cone configuration. (authors)

  11. Light-cone quantization and QCD phenomenology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brodsky, S.J.; Robertson, D.G.


    In principle, quantum chromodynamics provides a fundamental description of hadronic and nuclear structure and dynamics in terms of their elementary quark and gluon degrees of freedom. In practice, the direct application of QCD to reactions involving the structure of hadrons is extremely complex because of the interplay of nonperturbative effects such as color confinement and multi-quark coherence. A crucial tool in analyzing such phenomena is the use of relativistic light-cone quantum mechanics and Fock state methods to provide tractable and consistent treatments of relativistic many-body systems. In this article we present an overview of this formalism applied to QCD, focusing in particular on applications to the final states in deep inelastic lepton scattering that will be relevant for the proposed European Laboratory for Electrons (ELFE), HERMES, HERA, SLAC, and CEBAF. We begin with a brief introduction to light-cone field theory, stressing how it many allow the derivation of a constituent picture, analogous to the constituent quark model, from QCD. We then discuss several applications of the light-cone Fock state formalism to QCD phenomenology. The Fock state representation includes all quantum fluctuations of the hadron wavefunction, including far off-shell configurations such as intrinsic charm and, in the case of nuclei, hidden color. In some applications, such as exclusive processes at large momentum transfer, one can make first-principle predictions using factorization theorems which separate the hard perturbative dynamics from the nonpertubative physics associated with hadron binding. The Fock state components of the hadron with small transverse size, which dominate hard exclusive reactions, have small color dipole moments and thus diminished hadronic interactions. Thus QCD predicts minimal absorptive corrections, i.e., color transparency for quasi-elastic exclusive reactions in nuclear targets at large momentum transfer

  12. Concentration of membrane antigens by forward transport and trapping in neuronal growth cones. (United States)

    Sheetz, M P; Baumrind, N L; Wayne, D B; Pearlman, A L


    Formation of the nervous system requires that neuronal growth cones follow specific paths and then stop at recognition signals, sensed at the growth cone's leading edge. We used antibody-coated gold particles viewed by video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy to observe the distribution and movement of two cell surface molecules, N-CAM and the 2A1 antigen, on growth cones of cultured cortical neurons. Gold particles are occasionally transported forward at 1-2 microns/s to the leading edge where they are trapped but continue to move. Concentration at the edge persists after cytochalasin D treatment or ATP depletion, but active movements to and along edges cease. We also observed a novel outward movement of small cytoplasmic aggregates at 1.8 microns/s in filopodia. We suggest that active forward transport and trapping involve reversible attachment of antigens to and transport along cytoskeletal elements localized to edges of growth cones.

  13. Motion tolerant iterative reconstruction algorithm for cone-beam helical CT imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takahashi, Hisashi; Goto, Taiga; Hirokawa, Koichi; Miyazaki, Osamu [Hitachi Medical Corporation, Chiba-ken (Japan). CT System Div.


    We have developed a new advanced iterative reconstruction algorithm for cone-beam helical CT. The features of this algorithm are: (a) it uses separable paraboloidal surrogate (SPS) technique as a foundation for reconstruction to reduce noise and cone-beam artifact, (b) it uses a view weight in the back-projection process to reduce motion artifact. To confirm the improvement of our proposed algorithm over other existing algorithm, such as Feldkamp-Davis-Kress (FDK) or SPS algorithm, we compared the motion artifact reduction, image noise reduction (standard deviation of CT number), and cone-beam artifact reduction on simulated and clinical data set. Our results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm dramatically reduces motion artifacts compared with the SPS algorithm, and decreases image noise compared with the FDK algorithm. In addition, the proposed algorithm potentially improves time resolution of iterative reconstruction. (orig.)

  14. Attenuation maps for SPECT determined using cone beam transmission computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manglos, S.H.; Bassano, D.A.; Duxbury, C.E.; Capone, R.B.


    This paper presents a new method for measuring non-uniform attenuation maps, using a cone beam geometry CT scan acquired on a standard rotating gamma camera normally used for SPECT imaging. The resulting map is intended for use in non-uniform attenuation compensation of SPECT images. The method was implemented using a light-weight point source holder attached to the camera. A cone beam collimator may be used on the gamma camera, but the cone beam CT scans may also be acquired without collimator. In either implementation, the advantages include very high efficiency and resolution limited not by the collimator but by the intrinsic camera resolution (about 4 mm). Several phantoms tested the spatial uniformity, noise, linearity as a function of attenuation coefficient, and spatial resolution. Good quality attenuation maps were obtained, at least for the central slices where no truncation was present

  15. Evolution, Development and Function of Vertebrate Cone Oil Droplets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthew B. Toomey


    Full Text Available To distinguish colors, the nervous system must compare the activity of distinct subtypes of photoreceptors that are maximally sensitive to different portions of the light spectrum. In vertebrates, a variety of adaptations have arisen to refine the spectral sensitivity of cone photoreceptors and improve color vision. In this review article, we focus on one such adaptation, the oil droplet, a unique optical organelle found within the inner segment of cone photoreceptors of a diverse array of vertebrate species, from fish to mammals. These droplets, which consist of neutral lipids and carotenoid pigments, are interposed in the path of light through the photoreceptor and modify the intensity and spectrum of light reaching the photosensitive outer segment. In the course of evolution, the optical function of oil droplets has been fine-tuned through changes in carotenoid content. Species active in dim light reduce or eliminate carotenoids to enhance sensitivity, whereas species active in bright light precisely modulate carotenoid double bond conjugation and concentration among cone subtypes to optimize color discrimination and color constancy. Cone oil droplets have sparked the curiosity of vision scientists for more than a century. Accordingly, we begin by briefly reviewing the history of research on oil droplets. We then discuss what is known about the developmental origins of oil droplets. Next, we describe recent advances in understanding the function of oil droplets based on biochemical and optical analyses. Finally, we survey the occurrence and properties of oil droplets across the diversity of vertebrate species and discuss what these patterns indicate about the evolutionary history and function of this intriguing organelle.

  16. A fixed point theorem for uniformly locally contractive mappings in a C-chainable cone rectangular metric space

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bessem Samet


    Full Text Available Recently, Azam, Arshad and Beg [ Banach contraction principle on cone rectangular metric spaces, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 2009] introduced the notion of cone rectangular metric spaces by replacing the triangular inequality of a cone metric space by a rectangular inequality. In this paper, we introduce the notion of c-chainable cone rectangular metric space and we establish a fixed point theorem for uniformly locally contractive mappings in such spaces. An example is given to illustrate our obtained result.

  17. Bi-cone vacuum chamber in the ISR

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN PhotoLab


    The "bi-cone" vacuum chamber in ISR intersection I-7, for experiment R702. Made from 0.28 mm thick titanium, it was at its time the most transparent chamber ever built. Ian Wilson is standing next to the chamber. See also 7609219.

  18. Generation and Transport of Hot Electrons in Cone-Wire Targets (United States)

    Beg, Farhat


    We present results from a series of experiments where cone-wire targets in various configurations were employed both to assess hot electron coupling efficiency, and to reveal the source temperature of the hot electrons. Initial experiments were performed on the Vulcan petawatt laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Titan laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Results with aluminum cones joined to Cu wires of diameters from 10 to 40 μm show that the laser coupling efficiency to electron energy within the wire is proportional to the cross sectional area of the wire. In addition, coupling into the wire was observed to decrease with the laser prepulse and cone-wall thickness. More recently, this study was extended, using the OMEGA EP laser. The resulting changes in coupling energy give indications of the scaling as we approach FI-relevant conditions. Requirements for FI scale fast ignition cone parameters: tip thickness, wall thickness, laser prepulse and laser pulse length, will be discussed. In collaboration with T. Yabuuchi, T. Ma, D. Higginson, H. Sawada, J. King, M.H. Key, K.U. Akli, Al Elsholz, D. Batani, H. Chen, R.R. Freeman, L. Gizzi, J. Green, S. Hatchett, D. Hey, P. Jaanimagi, J. Koch, K. L. Lancaster, D.Larson, A.J. MacKinnon, H. McLean, A. MacPhee, P.A. Norreys, P.K Patel, R. B. Stephens, W. Theobald, R. Town, M. Wei, S. Wilks, Roger Van Maren, B. Westover and L. VanWoerkom.

  19. Hormone-like peptides in the venoms of marine cone snails (United States)

    Robinson, Samuel D.; Li, Qing; Bandyopadhyay, Pradip K.; Gajewiak, Joanna; Yandell, Mark; Papenfuss, Anthony T.; Purcell, Anthony W.; Norton, Raymond S.; Safavi-Hemami, Helena


    The venoms of cone snails (genus Conus) are remarkably complex, consisting of hundreds of typically short, disulfide-rich peptides termed conotoxins. These peptides have diverse pharmacological targets, with injection of venom eliciting a range of physiological responses, including sedation, paralysis and sensory overload. Most conotoxins target the prey’s nervous system but evidence of venom peptides targeting neuroendocrine processes is emerging. Examples include vasopressin, RFamide neuropeptides and recently also insulin. To investigate the diversity of hormone/neuropeptide-like molecules in the venoms of cone snails we systematically mined the venom gland transcriptomes of several cone snail species and examined secreted venom peptides in dissected and injected venom of the Australian cone snail Conus victoriae. Using this approach we identified several novel hormone/neuropeptide-like toxins, including peptides similar to the bee brain hormone prohormone-4, the mollusc ganglia neuropeptide elevenin, and thyrostimulin, a member of the glycoprotein hormone family, and confirmed the presence of insulin. We confirmed that at least two of these peptides are not only expressed in the venom gland but also form part of the injected venom cocktail, unambiguously demonstrating their role in envenomation. Our findings suggest that hormone/neuropeptide-like toxins are a diverse and integral part of the complex envenomation strategy of Conus. Exploration of this group of venom components offers an exciting new avenue for the discovery of novel pharmacological tools and drug candidates, complementary to conotoxins. PMID:26301480

  20. Hormone-like peptides in the venoms of marine cone snails. (United States)

    Robinson, Samuel D; Li, Qing; Bandyopadhyay, Pradip K; Gajewiak, Joanna; Yandell, Mark; Papenfuss, Anthony T; Purcell, Anthony W; Norton, Raymond S; Safavi-Hemami, Helena


    The venoms of cone snails (genus Conus) are remarkably complex, consisting of hundreds of typically short, disulfide-rich peptides termed conotoxins. These peptides have diverse pharmacological targets, with injection of venom eliciting a range of physiological responses, including sedation, paralysis and sensory overload. Most conotoxins target the prey's nervous system but evidence of venom peptides targeting neuroendocrine processes is emerging. Examples include vasopressin, RFamide neuropeptides and recently also insulin. To investigate the diversity of hormone/neuropeptide-like molecules in the venoms of cone snails we systematically mined the venom gland transcriptomes of several cone snail species and examined secreted venom peptides in dissected and injected venom of the Australian cone snail Conus victoriae. Using this approach we identified several novel hormone/neuropeptide-like toxins, including peptides similar to the bee brain hormone prohormone-4, the mollusc ganglia neuropeptide elevenin, and thyrostimulin, a member of the glycoprotein hormone family, and confirmed the presence of insulin. We confirmed that at least two of these peptides are not only expressed in the venom gland but also form part of the injected venom cocktail, unambiguously demonstrating their role in envenomation. Our findings suggest that hormone/neuropeptide-like toxins are a diverse and integral part of the complex envenomation strategy of Conus. Exploration of this group of venom components offers an exciting new avenue for the discovery of novel pharmacological tools and drug candidates, complementary to conotoxins. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.