
Sample records for concretos espinelizados in-situ

  1. Concretos refratários engenheirados com expansão controlada para panelas de siderurgia Engineered refractory castables with controlled expansion for molten steel ladles

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    M. A. L. Braulio


    Full Text Available A seleção de revestimentos refratários para a siderurgia é dependente de fatores termodinâmicos e microestruturais. O emprego de óxidos termodinamicamente estáveis, como a alumina e a magnésia, é fundamental para o aumento de vida útil do produto, por meio da melhoria na resistência à corrosão. Em temperaturas elevadas, estes óxidos reagem entre si, resultando na formação de espinélio, um composto quimicamente adequado para o contato com escórias agressivas. Apesar desta vantagem, um extenso controle da espinelização in-situ é necessário, uma vez que esta reação possui caráter expansivo, podendo danificar a integridade estrutural do material. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é a análise do efeito das matérias-primas que constituem a matriz de concretos espinelizados sob a expansão residual resultante. Por meio deste estudo, concretos com microestruturas engenheiradas podem ser projetados, associando benefícios como elevada resistência à corrosão, devido à presença de espinélio, e tenacificação do sistema, decorrente de um estado de compressão gerado no revestimento da panela relacionado à expansão obtida em um espaço constrito. Sendo assim, concretos refratários adequados para esta aplicação podem ser produzidos, possibilitando vantagens econômicas associadas a um superior desempenho do revestimento refratário.Thermodynamics and microstructural analysis are of utmost importance to choose the best refractory lining for molten steel containers. In order to extend ladle lining life, thermodynamically stable oxides, such as alumina and magnesia, are essential. At higher temperatures, the in-situ reaction between these two oxides leads to the formation of spinel, which has an outstanding corrosion resistance. Due to this reaction, alumina-magnesia castables are liable to a great volume expansion. Because of this, controlling the spinel formation is fundamental to keep the integrity of the material

  2. Espinelização in-situ e seu efeito na resistência ao choque térmico de concretos refratários In-situ spinelization and thermal shock performance of refractory castables

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    G. B. Cintra


    Full Text Available O desempenho de uma panela siderúrgica está atrelado ao seu revestimento refratário. Devido à elevada agressividade da escória presente no aço fundido, é fundamental a utilização de revestimentos de alta resistência à corrosão. Concretos refratários aluminosos contendo espinélio são amplamente utilizados em tal aplicação por apresentarem esta característica. Neste contexto, destacam-se os concretos refratários do sistema alumina-magnésia, uma vez que a formação de espinélio in-situ é benéfica em termos termodinâmicos e microestruturais. Considerando-se que as panelas sofrem constantemente variações bruscas de temperatura, devido à ciclagem térmica, a análise da resistência ao choque térmico é um parâmetro fundamental para a correta seleção do revestimento refratário. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o efeito das variações dos componentes da matriz dos concretos Al2O3-MgO e suas conseqüências nos danos causados por choque térmico. Os resultados mostraram que os concretos com espinelização in-situ apresentaram desempenho inferior àqueles com adição de espinélio pré-formado em ambientes sem constrição. Adicionalmente, a presença de microssílica aumentou o dano sofrido pelos concretos. Porém, deve-se considerar que o ensaio de caracterização foi realizado em temperaturas inferiores às de transição vítrea, podendo influenciar no resultado. A associação destes conhecimentos possibilita encontrar a melhor solução termomecânica associada a uma elevada resistência à corrosão química, resultando em maior vida útil e superior desempenho das panelas siderúrgicas.The steel ladle working life is directly related with the refractory lining performance. Considering the great corrosion promoted by basic slags in the secondary steelmaking industry, the use of a high quality material is essential. The corrosion resistance is attained by the use of alumina

  3. Evaluación de técnicas no destructivas en elementos de concreto para puentes

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    Ricardo Alfredo Cruz


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las técnicas no destructivas de Velocidad de Pulso Ultrasónico (VPU, termografía infrarroja y martillo de rebote para su aplicación en elementos de puentes de concreto y para determinar su posible aplicación in situ. El estudio se desarrolló en dos etapas: diseño y elaboración de los elementos representativos de un puente de concreto y aplicación de los ensayos no destructivos sobre estos. La técnica de VPU mostró gran capacidad para evaluar la homogeneidad y calidad de la matriz de concreto, con baja sensibilidad para identificar los daños en los refuerzos. La termografía infrarroja permitió la identificación de delaminaciones ubicadas a profundidades de hasta el 50% del espesor de la losa evaluada. Con los resultados del martillo de rebote se estimó la resistencia a la compresión del concreto de las losas, cuyas lecturas obtenidas fueron afectadas por la presencia de agregado grueso.

  4. Desenvolvimento de concretos refratários multifuncionais

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    Studart A. R.


    Full Text Available A facilidade de aplicação dos concretos tem sido uma das principais justificativas da substituição de peças moldadas por refratários monolíticos. Todavia, as inúmeras técnicas disponíveis para aplicação dos monolíticos têm resultado em uma diversificação muito acentuada das classes de concreto refratário (p. ex., vibrados, projetados, auto-escoantes, "shotcreting". Em virtude disso, há atualmente uma crescente demanda por concretos de maior versatilidade, denominados multifuncionais, que possibilitem a utilização das mais variadas técnicas para aplicação. No entanto, ainda questiona-se se a versatilidade dos concretos multifuncionais durante a aplicação também implica em benefícios com relação à etapa de mistura e ao seu desempenho a altas temperaturas. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar os requisitos necessários para a obtenção de concretos multifuncionais, e comparar o seu comportamento reológico e resistência à fluência a quente com concretos normalmente aplicados com técnicas específicas de instalação. Os resultados indicam que a distribuição granulométrica é a principal determinante da característica multifuncional de concretos de alta alumina com ultra-baixo teor de cimento.


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    Sayonara Michelle Mesquita Paiva Paiva


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O concreto por ter ampla utilização na construção civil, é constantemente objeto de pesquisas entre os estudiosos, sempre com o intuito de melhorar suas propriedades e aumentar seu uso nas edificações. O concreto é uma mistura de aglomerantes, agregados, aditivos e água. O concreto trouxe para a construção civil a possibilidade de projetar e executar as mais variadas formas, no entanto sempre foi um desafio para arquitetos e engenheiros a questão da iluminação nos ambientes fechados. Foi diante dessa dificuldade que surgiu um novo material no mercado, um concreto capaz de aliar as propriedades do concreto convencional com a iluminação natural, o Concreto Translúcido. O Concreto Translúcido é composto por concreto convencional e fibras ópticas, são essas fibras que permitem a passagem de luz através do concreto, conferindo assim um material favorável ao meio ambiente, tendo em vista que o consumo de energia pode ser reduzido. Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar as características desse novo material, suas vantagens e desvantagens e suas aplicações no Brasil e no mundo.

  6. Utilização de agregadores reciclados de concreto na fabricação de tubos de concreto


    Davies, Fernando Souza


    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado a Banca Examinadora do Curso de Engenharia Civil de Infraestrutura da UNILA, como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do Grau de Bacharel em Engenharia Civil. Orientador: Profo. Drao. Ana Carolina Parapinski dos Santos. A utilização de agregado reciclado de concreto na fabricação de peças pré-moldadas de concreto reduz custos de fabricação e oferece um destino apropriado aos resíduos. Para viabilizar esta reutilização do concreto como resíduo, as n...

  7. Una Mirada Probabilística al Concreto de Alta Resistencia

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    Zaira A. Cerón S.


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el análisis probabilístico realizado a dos diseños de mezcla para concreto de alta resistencia como primer paso para obtener un modelo estadístico que logre expresar los resultados de una forma más útil y permita determinar la resistencia y la calidad potencial del concreto. El análisis de resultados del ensayo de resistencia a compresión del concreto se llevó a cabo mediante el uso de un software estadístico llamado SPSS, que a partir de las diferentes variables estadísticas permitió indagar si la distribución de frecuencias, correspondía a la distribución normal que sigue el concreto convencional. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la distribución o la tendencia de resistencia de cada uno de los diseños. El análisis cuantitativo evidencia que la variación de resistencia del concreto refleja con rigor la importancia que tiene conocer las propiedades de la mezcla de concreto y el proceso en los métodos de ensayo.

  8. Estudo comparativo da análise de ciclo de vida de concretos geopoliméricos e de concretos à base de cimento Portland composto (CP II

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    Paulo Henrique Ribeiro Borges

    Full Text Available A Análise de Ciclo de Vida (ACV é um método que inclui a compilação e avaliação das entradas, saídas e dos impactos de um produto ao longo do seu ciclo de vida. Os resultados desta análise são utilizados para escolher alternativas favoráveis para uma aplicação específica. Este artigo utilizou as ferramentas de ACV, apoiada pelo software Umberto, para comparar o processo de obtenção de concretos de cimento Portland com o de concretos geopoliméricos, obtidos da ativação alcalina de aluminossilicatos. O impacto ambiental foi avaliado considerando 1 m³ de cada concreto, sendo (i as emissões de CO2 (kg CO2/ m³ e (ii a demanda energética (MJ/m³ as variáveis para determinar o potencial sustentável de ambos materiais. O objetivo principal foi avaliar se os concretos geopoliméricos são mais sustentáveis do que os concretos tradicionais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o consumo energético é reduzido em 45,8% na produção do concreto geopolimérico, quando comparado à produção do concreto de cimento Portland de desempenho mecânico equivalente. Com relação às emissões de CO2, o concreto geopolimérico reduz as emissões em 72,4%, em comparação ao concreto tradicional de cimento Portland CPII. Assim, o primeiro se mostra uma alternativa a ser considerada, na produção de materiais de construção de menor impacto ambiental.

  9. In-situ spinelization and thermal shock performance of refractory castables


    Cintra, G. B.; Braulio, M. A. L.; Brito, M. A. M.; Bittencourt, L. R. M.; Pandolfelli, V. C.


    O desempenho de uma panela siderúrgica está atrelado ao seu revestimento refratário. Devido à elevada agressividade da escória presente no aço fundido, é fundamental a utilização de revestimentos de alta resistência à corrosão. Concretos refratários aluminosos contendo espinélio são amplamente utilizados em tal aplicação por apresentarem esta característica. Neste contexto, destacam-se os concretos refratários do sistema alumina-magnésia, uma vez que a formação de espinélio in-situ é benéfica...

  10. Una Mirada Probabilística al Concreto de Alta Resistencia


    Zaira A. Cerón S.; Juan Ruge; Álvaro Rodríguez


    Este artículo presenta el análisis probabilístico realizado a dos diseños de mezcla para concreto de alta resistencia como primer paso para obtener un modelo estadístico que logre expresar los resultados de una forma más útil y permita determinar la resistencia y la calidad potencial del concreto. El análisis de resultados del ensayo de resistencia a compresión del concreto se llevó a cabo mediante el uso de un software estadístico llamado SPSS, que a partir de las diferentes variables estadí...



    Díaz Cabrejos, Pablo; Universidad Señor de Sipán SAC


    Para mejorar las propiedades del concreto como la resistencia y la durabilidad ha sido investigado a través de los años. Con ayuda de la tecnología se han obtenido óptimos diseños para concretos reforzados con fibras pero su aplicación comercial aún está limitada debido a que estas fibras incrementan el costo.Con la presente investigación se pretende determinar el contenido óptimo de las fibras en el concreto teniendo en cuenta la inhibición causadas por la contracción plástica. Se estudiará ...

  12. Aditivos para concretos de projeção

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    Pileggi R. G.


    Full Text Available A crescente utilização de procedimentos automatizados para a instalação de concretos refratários, como bombeamento e projeção, deve-se ao entendimento simultâneo das solicitações de cada técnica de instalação e dos fatores que determinam a natureza reológica destes materiais. No caso dos concretos de projeção, importante ainda é avaliar a ação dos aditivos (floculantes, aceleradores de pega, etc. normalmente utilizados para auxiliar a consolidação e adesão do material na superfície aplicada, reduzindo o desperdício (rebote durante a aplicação. Contudo, os procedimentos convencionais de análise, baseados em ensaios de consistência ou em análises pós-cura, não permitem simular a influência dos aditivos na projeção do material. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvida uma nova técnica experimental baseada na reometria de concretos, a qual foi utilizada na análise de aditivos comerciais, além de outros que teoricamente possuem potencial para auxiliar a consolidação da aplicação de concretos por projeção. Os resultados comprovaram a eficácia da técnica de ensaio desenvolvida e possibilitaram a identificação de novos aditivos que elevam a eficiência da projeção.

  13. Avaliação de processos de misturas de concretos com agregados graúdos reciclados

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    Luciana de Nazaré Pinheiro Cordeiro

    Full Text Available Resumo A reutilização dos resíduos de construção civil vem sendo uma estratégia do setor para alcançar a sustentabilidade, mesmo sendo aplicada em um pequeno volume de obras. A variabilidade do resíduo de concreto é uma condição inerente do produto, que precisa ser levada em consideração, e o controle do processo produtivo de concretos produzidos com resíduos de concreto pode ser uma maneira de majorar a qualidade do compósito final. Nesse sentido, este artigo tem por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do processo de mistura e do tipo de misturador ante a fragilidade do desempenho de concretos com agregados graúdos reciclados de concreto e verificar a influência na resistência à compressão. Como objetivo específico tem-se o efeito do misturador no desempenho do concreto. O agregado graúdo reciclado de concreto foi usado em substituição total ao agregado graúdo natural. E os resultados mostraram que não há diferença significativa entre os concretos produzidos a partir de diferentes ordens de misturas; ambas promoveram resultados satisfatórios de resistência à compressão na idade de 28 dias. Porém, as misturas realizadas em misturador de eixo vertical se mostraram mais eficientes que as misturas produzidas em betoneiras de eixo inclinado, uma vez que os concretos produzidos pelas primeiras se mostram com menor coeficiente de variação. Acredita-se que as características do equipamento contribuíram para uma melhor homogeneidade, levando à menor variabilidade nos resultados do concreto.

  14. Efeitos deleterios dos cloretos em reservatorios de concreto


    Matoski, Adalberto


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico Caracterização dos reservatórios de água potável das regiões de Curitiba e Florianópolis, quanto às patologias apresentadas. Utilização do ensaio de potencial de eletrodo para a definição das linhas equipotenciais sobre a laje de concreto dos reservatórios. Análise dos efeitos do cloro adicionado à água, para sua desinfecção, sobre o concreto. Comparaçao entre os ensaios químico e de espectrometria de raio...

  15. Influencia de la temperatura ambiental en las propiedades del concreto hidráulico


    Ortiz Lozano, José Angel; Aguado de Cea, Antonio; Zermeño de León, M. E.; Alonso Farrera, Francisco Alberto


    Durante los meses de verano el concreto premezclado sufre efectos negativos sobre sus prestaciones en estado fresco y endurecido. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo principal es el de optimizar la dosificación de cemento en el concreto fabricado bajo condiciones elevadas de temperatura. Los estudios realizados comprenden principalmente campañas experimentales con concreto y con agregados, afectados por situaciones climáticas esp...


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    Ivan Franco Portela


    Full Text Available Não é de hoje que a preocupação com o meio ambiente é assunto debatido em diversos setores de produção de materiais para a construção civil. Afinal, este é o setor que mais desperdiça na utilização dos recursos naturais. Simultaneamente, construtoras de diversas regiões do país estudam e desenvolvem metodologias para a execução de empreendimentos com o menor nível de desperdício possível, seja no âmbito ambiental ou econômico, adotando um sistema de gerenciamento de resíduos. Partindo dessa premissa, este estudo busca uma metodologia para o reaproveitamento destes resíduos para revelar, hipoteticamente, a necessidade de se aumentar a porcentagem do cimento para a produção de um concreto com agregado graúdo reciclado mais eficiente e traçar um paralelo entre os dois tipos (concreto convencional e concreto reciclado, verificando assim, até quando o concreto reciclado pode ser considerado mais viável, economicamente.

  17. Modelagem da retração por secagem de concretos produzidos com agregados reciclados

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    A. E. B. Cabral

    Full Text Available A preocupação com a conservação dos recursos não renováveis tem levado o meio acadêmico a pesquisar sobre a utilização dos agregados reciclados na produção de concretos. A retração por secagem do concreto é um fenômeno que está intimamente ligado à perda de água da massa do concreto, a qual é quase inevitável, desde que o concreto esteja exposto a um ambiente de umidade abaixo da condição de saturação. Este artigo apresenta um estudo experimental, onde foram produzidos concretos variando-se a relação água/cimento (de 0,4 a 0,8 e o tipo e a proporção dos três principais constituintes do resíduo de construção e demolição (concreto, argamassa e cerâmica vermelha usados como agregados graúdos e miúdos reciclados, produzindo-se modelos matemáticos que correlacionam tais variáveis com a retração por secagem dos concretos aos 56 e 224 dias de idade. Os resultados apontam que, para a idade de 56 dias, o modelo apresentou uma excessiva variabilidade, manifestando somente 4 das 7 variáveis como termos significativos. Para a idade de 224 dias, o modelo proposto ainda apresentou uma elevada variabilidade, entretanto todas as variáveis foram tidas como significativas. Os resultados apontam que a substituição do agregado natural pelo reciclado propicia um acréscimo na retração por secagem, sendo este efeito mais sentido para a substituição do agregado miúdo. O efeito mais pronunciado está associado ao emprego do agregado miúdo reciclado de concreto e o menor, ao do agregado graúdo reciclado de concreto.

  18. Aplicaciones de las técnicas no destructivas Pull-Off y ultrasonidos en el control de calidad del refuerzo con materiales compuestos en estructuras de concreto

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    Victoriano González Fernández


    Full Text Available El sistema de refuerzo de estructuras de concreto mediante materiales compuestos se emplea de forma intensiva desde hace 50 años. Sin embargo, aún son numerosas las incógnitas respecto a su comportamiento a largo plazo, por lo cual es fundamental el control de la unión entre el concreto y el refuerzo para asegurar su calidad. Es un sistema de refuerzo que se rea-liza por adhesión, y como consecuencia de la incertidumbre sobre la tensión de adherencia, en la práctica se resuelve con anclajes que encarecen la obra y que resultan inviables en grandes superficies de refuerzo. Una correcta puesta en obra y con garantías del adecuado comportamiento del refuerzo optimiza y valoriza este sistema. La implantación de un plan de control de calidad apropiado garantiza la optimización del refuerzo y permite establecer los criterios de mantenimiento adecuados. En esta investigación se ha desarrollado un plan experimental para el control de calidad de la puesta en obra, basado en el estudio de la unión entre concreto y las bandas de refuerzo, teniendo en cuenta diferentes tipos de concreto y sistemas de preparación superficial. Un plan de control de calidad in situ con ensayos semidestructivos tipo pull-off y no destructivos tipo ultrasonidos permite verificar la efectividad del refuerzo.

  19. Utilização de caulim e meta-caulim em substituição à microssílica em concretos refratários aluminosos auto-escoantes

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    Gerotto M. V.


    Full Text Available O aprimoramento na aditivação e no empacotamento de partículas, associado ao surgimento de novas matérias-primas como microssílica e aluminas calcinadas especiais tem promovido um grande desenvolvimento tecnológico na classe dos materiais refratários. Em especial, a microssílica tem mostrado ser um importante componente na evolução dos concretos refratários. Seu tamanho micrométrico, forma arredondada e pureza proporcionam concretos com elevada densidade de empacotamento, possibilitam a auto-escoabilidade e ainda a formação da mulita in-situ em temperaturas próximas a 1400 ºC, melhorando consideravelmente as propriedades a altas temperaturas desses produtos. Neste trabalho foi investigada a possível substituição da microssílica em concretos aluminosos auto-escoantes e sem-cimento (0,07% de CaO de alto desempenho a quente, por caulim e meta-caulim, ambos de alta pureza e tamanho micrométrico, similares à microssílica. O menor custo destas matérias-primas, associado ao fato de formarem mulita em temperaturas próximas a 1200 ºC, muito inferiores à da microssílica, são fatores que os tornam muito promissores para aplicações em concretos aluminosos. Os resultados mostram que a utilização do caulim promove características de fluidez e empacotamento muito similares às dos concretos com microssílica, enquanto que o uso de meta-caulim não proporciona valores tão expressivos. A formação de mulita ocorre próximo a 1200 ºC, muito inferior àquela observada para a microssílica (1400 ºC. Contudo, a resistência mecânica a quente dos concretos com caulim/meta-caulim foi afetada pela formação de trincas na matriz, provavelmente decorrente da superior sinterabilidade dessas matérias-primas silico-aluminosas.

  20. A armação do concreto no Brasil: história da difusão da tecnologia do concreto armado e da construção de sua hegemonia


    Roberto Eustaquio dos Santos


    O sistema construtivo do concreto armado foi introduzido no Brasil na primeira década do século XX. De início, como um produto patenteado, aplicado somente em tarefas especiais, como pontes e viadutos. Graças às mudanças políticas, econômicas e sociais e ao conseqüente processo de industrialização e urbanização pós 1930, cresce o uso do concreto armado, especialmente, no setor de edificações da construção civil. Em meados do século XX, o concreto já hegemônico em todo o país, determinando não...

  1. Propiedades físicas y mecánicas de los agregados reciclados de concreto


    Gómez Soberón, José Manuel Vicente; Agulló Fité, Luís; Vázquez Ramonich, Enric


    Las propiedades a largo plazo, como la contracción y fluencia, de los concretos reciclados(CR) presentan algunas variaciones con los concretos usuales. Dichas variaciones son interpretadas por las diferencias de densidad, porosidad y absorción de los agregados reciclados procedentes de concreto (ARC), dada su constitución de carácter parcial. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis experimental de especimenes de CR con reemplazo de agregados naturales por ARC. Se proporcionan y discuten la...

  2. Agentes ligantes e seus efeitos em concretos refratários alumina-magnésia Binders and their effects on alumina-magnesia refratory castables

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    M. A. L. Braulio


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários alumina-magnésia são comumente ligados por cimentos de aluminato de cálcio. Estes materiais apresentam, em temperaturas elevadas, uma reação de caráter expansivo decorrente da espinelização in-situ (MgAl2O4. Quando ligados por cimentos, reações adicionais (formação de CA2 e CA6 contribuem para a expansão. Uma alternativa para controlar a estabilidade volumétrica é a substituição do cimento tipicamente utilizado (~30%-p CaO por outro de menor teor de cálcio (~20%-p CaO ou por alumina hidratável. Tais substituições podem afetar as propriedades dos concretos, como a resistência mecânica a frio, a hidratação da magnésia e as propriedades durante e após a sinterização. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto destes ligantes no processamento de concretos alumina-magnésia. Sendo assim, pretende-se utilizar a fonte de ligante como uma ferramenta para a obtenção de concretos refratários com expansão engenheirada, visando-se aumentar a flexibilidade na seleção de materiais aplicados em panelas de siderurgia.The usual binder of alumina-magnesia castables is the calcium aluminate cement. Due to in-situ spinel (MgAl2O4 formation at high temperatures, these materials present an expansive behavior. When bonded with cement, further reactions (CA2 and CA6 formation also contribute to the overall expansion. Changing the most common cement used (~ 30 wt.% CaO for other containing less calcia (~ 20 wt.% CaO or for hydratable alumina are suitable alternatives for controlling the castables' volumetric stability. Nevertheless, the binder replacement may affect castables properties, such as cold mechanical strength, MgO hydration degree and properties during and after sintering. Therefore, the objective of the present paper is to analyze the effects of these binders on the alumina-magnesia castables processing. As a result, the binder systems can be used as a tool for designing the alumina

  3. Proteção catódica de estruturas de concreto

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    A. Araujo

    Full Text Available A adoção de técnicas de proteção às estruturas do concreto é recomendada quando há preocupação com a corrosão das armaduras de aço-carbono. Dentre as principais técnicas, destaque-se a proteção catódica que pode tanto evitar a corrosão prematura como diminuir um processo corrosivo em curso. No exterior, a técnica de proteção catódica tem sido aplicada em vários tipos de estruturas de concreto, especialmente nas sujeitas à corrosão pelo ataque de íons cloreto. No Brasil, essa técnica é pouco usada em estruturas de concreto, o que decorre, em parte, do desconhecimento sobre o seu princípio de funcionamento e da ausência de sistemas disponíveis para aplicação ao concreto (armado ou protendido. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o princípio da proteção catódica para estruturas com armaduras de aço-carbono novas ou já em processo de corrosão. Os métodos de proteção catódica por corrente impressa e por anodo de sacrifício são discutidos. Um caso prático com uso de proteção catódica por corrente impressa, também, é apresentado.


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    Fabio Enrique Pulido Ortiz


    Full Text Available La Corte Constitucional colombiana está encargada de asegurar la supremacía e integridad de la Constitución a través de dos mecanismos: el juico de constitucionalidad de normas con fuera de ley y actos legislativos y la revisión de las decisiones judiciales relacionadas con la acción de tutela. Comúnmente se explica que, en cuanto al primer mecanismo, la Corte realiza un control abstracto de constitucionalidad, mientras que en el segundo, un control concreto. Tal distinción es deficiente si los criterios relevantes para hacerlo son la naturaleza normativa del primero y la existencia de un caso para el segundo. Las deficiencias en la tipificación de las funciones de control constitucional impactan en la concepción del precedente judicial pues deja sin fundamento la tesis según la cual los precedentes de la Corte en las sentencias de control abstracto deben ser de tipo maximalista mientras que las de control concreto de tipo minimalista.

  5. Permeabilidade de concretos refratários multifuncionais Permeability of multifunctional refractory castables

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    M. D. M. Innocentini


    Full Text Available Concretos multifuncionais oferecem como principal vantagem a possibilidade de aplicação do material refratário através de diversas técnicas de instalação (p.e. socagem, vibração, projeção, auto-escoamento variando-se apenas o teor de água. Essa versatilidade durante a etapa de aplicação associada à necessidade de redução do estoque de materiais refratários nas indústrias siderúrgicas têm resultado em uma crescente demanda por concretos multifuncionais. No entanto, cabe avaliar se a versatilidade desse tipo de concreto durante a aplicação também é observada em etapas posteriores à instalação, particularmente nos processos de secagem e aquecimento do revestimento refratário. A permeabilidade é uma das principais características que influenciam a velocidade de secagem dos concretos e a possibilidade de explosão do revestimento durante o aquecimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a permeabilidade de concretos refratários multifuncionais com composições normalmente aplicadas com técnicas específicas de instalação. Os resultados indicam que a distribuição granulométrica e o teor de água adicionada são os principais fatores determinantes da permeabilidade de concretos de alta alumina com ultra-baixo teor de cimento.The main advantage of multifunctional castables is their ability of being applied using different installation techniques (i.e., ramming, vibration, gunning, self-flowing, etc.. Such versatility during the placing procedure associated to the necessity of reducing the amount of spare refractory material in the steel-making industries have resulted in an increasing demand for multifunctional castables. However, it is important to evaluate whether the benefits of these castables during installation are also observed after the start-up of equipment, particularly along the drying and heating processes of the refractory lining. Permeability is one of the main properties that influences the

  6. Comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com ripas de bambu cravejadas de pinos


    Braga Filho,Antonio C.; Lima Júnior,Humberto C.; Barbosa,Normando P.; Willrich,Fabio L.


    Uma das deficiências do bambu reforçando vigas de concreto armado está relacionada com deslocamentos relativos entre os dois materiais. A investigação aqui reportada teve como objetivo avaliar experimentalmente a possibilidade de se melhorar o trabalho conjunto bambu-concreto, através do cravejamento de pinos nas ripas de bambu usadas como reforço. Para tanto, oito vigas de concreto foram ensaiadas, das quais seis foram reforçadas com ripas de bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro cravejadas de...

  7. Dosagem de concretos produzidos com agregado miúdo reciclado de resíduo da construção civil

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    Clarissa Ribeiro de Sá Rodrigues

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa apresenta uma investigação sobre concretos confeccionados com agregado reciclado de resíduo da construção civil (RCC, com a finalidade de observar a influência da utilização desse material nas características mecânicas dos concretos. O material utilizado foi coletado em uma obra na Região Metropolitana do Recife, PE, na fase de estrutura, constituído por cerca de 70% de concreto. Foi realizado um estudo de dosagem experimental em concretos com 0%, 50% e 100% de substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo reciclado, em massa. Foram analisadas as características dos concretos no estado fresco e endurecido. Após a obtenção dos resultados dos ensaios, foram construídos diagramas de dosagem, em que foi possível estudar as correlações entre as propriedades mecânicas dos concretos e as variáveis que influenciam esses parâmetros. Observou-se que os concretos reciclados apresentaram um aumento de volume de argamassa seca, devido às diferenças existentes nos valores de massa específica entre o material natural e o reciclado. Percebeu-se, ainda, que com a substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo reciclado houve um incremento na absorção de água e consumo de cimento do concreto reciclado. Houve a diminuição do módulo de elasticidade, o que, contudo não causou grandes prejuízos à resistência à compressão do concreto reciclado, sendo o teor de 50% em massa de substituição do agregado miúdo natural pelo reciclado o mais adequado.

  8. Análise de vigas mistas de aço e concreto pertencentesa pisos de baixa altura em situação de incêndio: ênfase à influência dos modelos constitutivos do concreto

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    F. M. Rocha

    Full Text Available A incorporação do perfil de aço na laje de concreto, como ocorre nos pisos mistos de baixa altura (slim floor, garante revestimento contrafogo ao aço, melhorando o desempenho da viga de aço frente às ações da corrosão e do incêndio. Com a finalidade de avaliar o desempenhotérmico e estrutural desse sistema construtivo foram desenvolvidos modelos numéricos de vigas mistas de aço e concreto parcialmente revestidas com o uso do pacote computacional DIANA. No que diz respeito aos modelos constitutivos dos materiais, não foi possível representaras relações apresentadas no EUROCODE 4 e na ABNT NBR 14323:2013, por incompatibilidade dessas com o DIANA, sendo então adotadosmodelos alternativos. Em seguida, foram construídos modelos numéricos à temperatura ambiente e em temperatura elevada, contemplandoas opções disponíveis e convenientes para as relações constitutivas do aço e do concreto. Também foram avaliados parâmetros como: (a onível de interação entre o aço e concreto, bem como (b a melhor configuração para os parâmetros térmicos do concreto a fim de se obter umaresposta mais realista do comportamento das vigas pertencentes ao sistema slim floor em situação de incêndio.

  9. Avaliação da influência da cinza de casca de arroz no comportamento de concretos com agregado reciclado de concreto em relação a propriedades mecânicas e de durabilidade, com ênfase no transporte de íons cloreto


    Fedumenti, Mariana Battisti


    O concreto é o material de construção mais empregado no mundo, consumindo grandes volumes de recursos naturais não renováveis, além da obtenção de matérias primas para sua produção causar grandes impactos ambientais. Deficiências do concreto relativas às propriedades de durabilidade podem diminuir a vida útil das estruturas, gerando resíduos precocemente, ou então necessitando de intervenções não previstas. A incorporação de agregados reciclados de concreto na produção de concreto vem sendo p...

  10. Estimativa da profundidade de carbonatação do concreto com o uso de redes neurais


    Carlos Alberto Cavalcanti Martins


    O fenômeno da carbonatação, como agente desencadeador do processo de corrosão de armaduras, assume especial importância quando as estruturas de concreto armado estão expostas a ambientes urbanos e à atmosfera poluída de gases como o CO2. O controle da profundidade de carbonatação do concreto exige o uso de ferramentas (modelos matemáticos) que representem o comportamento das variáveis que interagem no processo da carbonatação do concreto de forma clara e objetiva no sentido de auxiliar ...

  11. Corrosión por cloruros del acero de refuerzo embebido en concreto con agregado grueso reciclado y materiales cementantes suplementarios

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    Ramón Corral H


    Full Text Available Como estrategias contributivas de sustentabilidad en la industria del concreto, en la actualidad se está investigando en mejorar la durabilidad de las estructuras de concreto reforzado, como así también en el reemplazo parcial o total de sus componentes por materiales reciclados. En el caso de las barras de acero, la corrosión se considerada el principal problema de durabilidad del concreto reforzado. En esta investigación, se utilizó agregado grueso de concreto reciclado y materiales cementantes suplementarios subproductos de procesos industriales tales como las cenizas volantes y el humo de sílice para la fabricación de concretos con características de sustentabilidad y para la evaluación de su comportamiento ante la exposición a cloruros. De los especímenes de prueba resultantes, se determinaron los parámetros de resistencia a compresión, resistividad eléctrica, resistencia a la transferencia de carga y resistencia a la penetración del ión cloruro, que especifican los mínimos de las propiedades exigibles a los concreto en acuerdo a normativa para garantizar su durabilidad ante la acción de los cloruros. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que el concreto fabricado con 100% de agregado grueso reciclado y materiales cementantes suplementarios mejora su desempeño, en cuanto a resistencia y durabilidad al ser comparado con el concreto convencional.


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    Luis Octavio González Salcedo


    Full Text Available En diseño y construcción de estructuras de concreto, la resistencia a la compresión a 28 días de curado es la especificación de control de estabilidad de la obra. La inclusión de fibras como reforzamiento de la matriz cementicia permite una ganancia en sus propiedades, además de obtener un material de alto desempeño. En las normativas, se plantean formulaciones predictivas de la resistencia a la compresión basadas en unos pocos parámetros de composición del concreto, tales como la relación agua/cemento y el contenido de cemento Portland. Por otra parte, también se han planteado métodos de diseños de concreto para definir la ponderación de sus materiales componentes, teniendo como referencia la resistencia a la compresión del concreto simple. Además, las redes neuronales artificiales, como un símil de las neuronas biológicas, han sido utilizadas como herramientas de predicción de la resistencia a la compresión en el concreto, también con referencia al concreto simple, sin reforzamiento con fibras. Los antecedentes en este uso muestran que es interesante desarrollar aplicaciones en los concretos reforzados con fibras. En el presente trabajo se elaboraron redes neuronales artificiales para predecir la resistencia a la compresión en concretos reforzados con fibras de acero. Los resultados de los indicadores de desempeño mostraron que las redes neuronales artificiales elaboradas pueden realizar una aproximación adecuada al valor real de la propiedad mecánica.

  13. Eficacia de inhibidores de nitrito de calcio (CNI en concreto agrietado

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    Pedro Montes-Garcia


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se investigó la eficacia de un inhibidor a base de nitrito de calcio como método para prevenir la corrosión de acero de refuerzo en losas de concreto agrietado. Para tal efecto se desarrolló un diseño factorial para evaluar el efecto del agrietamiento en concreto considerando ancho de grieta y relación agua/cemento como factores. Luego, se evaluó el efecto de una dosis constante de 25 l/m³ de inhibidor de nitrito de calcio(CNI en concreto con una relación A/C de 0.4 que contenía diferentes anchos de grieta. La variable respuesta fue la densidad de corrosión obtenida mediante lecturas de resistencia de polarización lineal en losas pequeñas de concreto armado que tenían recubrimiento de 20 mm. Las losas fueron expuestas a un ambiente marino natural durante cinco años con dos ciclos de humedecimiento y secado por día en la bahía de Fundy, Maine, EE.UU. Las muestras también fueron inspeccionadas visualmente de manera regular y el daño en la superficie registrado. Se constató que para la mayoría de los casos, el uso de inhibidor a base de CNI fue benéfico tanto en concreto agrietado como en no agrietado.The effectiveness of calcium nitrite based corrosión inhibitor as a prevention method of steel reinforcing bars embedded in cracked concrete slabs was investigated. A factorial design was deveioped to evalúate the effect of cracking in concrete considering crack width and water-to-cement ratio as factors. Then, the effect of a constant dosage of 25 L/m3 of Calcium Nitrate Inhibitor (CNI on different crack sizes for 0.4 w/c ratio concrete was evaluated. The response was the corrosión current density using linear polarization resistance of small-scale concrete slabs containing steel reinforcement with a cover depth of 20 mm. The slabs were exposed to a natural marine environment during five years with two cycles of wetting and drying per day at the Fundy Bay Maine, U. S. A. The specimens were also visually

  14. Desenvolvimentos recentes no domínio da conexão aço concreto no contexto das estruturas mistas


    Cruz, Paulo J. S.; Valente, Isabel; Veríssimo, G. S.; Paes, J. L. R.; Fakury, R. H.


    Este trabalho apresenta desenvolvimentos recentes sobre conexão aço-concreto para estruturas mistas. Os estudos realizados envolvem campanhas experimentais com diversos tipos de conectores de cisalhamento, utilizando-se concreto normal e concretos leves de alta resistência. A caracterização do comportamento das conexões tem sido realizada através de ensaios tipo push-out. Os resultados experimentais recentemente obtidos são comparados com resultados de outros autores. Os resultados das pesqui...


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    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento frente a la corrosión de barras de acero de refuerzo de un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente. La escoria de alto horno fue activada mediante el uso de silicato sódico al 5% obteniéndose un material con buenas propiedades cementantes. Las probetas de concreto fueron fabricadas a partir de este cemento, después de mezclar con los agregados fueron reforzadas con barras de acero sismoresistente ASTMA706. Las probetas de concreto reforzado estuvieron sometidas en ambientes contaminados con iones cloruro para simular condiciones marinas. La evaluación electroquímica se realizo aplicando las técnicas de resistencia a la polarización lineal (LPR y espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS. Se logra determinar el comportamiento de la capa pasiva del acero y electroquímico del metal cuando está inmerso en estos materiales cerámicos novedosos.

  16. Modelagem numérica de vigas mistas aço-concreto

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    L. R. Marconcin

    Full Text Available A utilização de estruturas mistas está cada vez mais presente nas obras de Engenharia Civil. As vigas mistas, em particular, são estruturas compostas por dois materiais, um perfil metálico, situado em região predominantemente tracionada, e uma seção de concreto, situada em região predominantemente comprimida, ligados entre si através de dispositivos metálicos denominados de conectores de cisalhamento. As funções prin- cipais dos conectores são: permitir o trabalho solidário da laje-viga, restringir o escorregamento longitudinal e o deslocamento vertical na interface dos elementos e, absorver forças de cisalhamento. Nesse contexto, apresentam-se neste trabalho, modelos numéricos tridimensionais de vigas mistas aço-concreto, com a finalidade de simular o seu comportamento estrutural, enfatizando a interface laje-viga. As simulações foram feitas através do software ANSYS versão 10.0, que tem como base o Método de Elementos Finitos. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os previstos por norma e com referências encontradas na revisão bibliográfica, verificando-se que a modelagem numérica é uma ferramenta válida para a análise de vigas mistas aço-concreto.

  17. El cemento y el concreto de los mayas


    Horacio Ramírez de Alba; Ramiro Pérez Campos; Heriberto Díaz Coutiño


    Se realiza un estudio técnico sobre los materiales utilizados por los constructores mayas, quienes lograron obras cuyos vestigios maravillan hoy al mundo. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos al realizar pruebas físicas y químicas en muestras de estucos, morteros y concretos provenientes de zonas arqueológicas, principalmente Palenque y Yaxchilán, en el estado de Chiapas, México.

  18. Aplicaciones de la tecnologia de control termico y de madurez del concreto en Colombia


    Quimbay Herrera, Rodrigo


    La Tecnología del control térmico y de madurez del concreto (TCTM) tiene un potencial muy amplio en la industria del cemento y del concreto en Colombia, tanto por sus múltiples aplicaciones en los procesos de control de calidad en obra (instrumentación de elementos, control de probetas), como en el control de calidad de recepción en planta para la materia prima (control en tiempo real del cemento). Igualmente, en el control de producción de las diferentes mezclas (e...

  19. El cemento y el concreto de los mayas

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    Horacio Ramírez de Alba


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio técnico sobre los materiales utilizados por los constructores mayas, quienes lograron obras cuyos vestigios maravillan hoy al mundo. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos al realizar pruebas físicas y químicas en muestras de estucos, morteros y concretos provenientes de zonas arqueológicas, principalmente Palenque y Yaxchilán, en el estado de Chiapas, México.

  20. Influencia de los componentes del concreto reforzado con fibras en sus propiedades mecánicas


    González Salcedo, Luis Octavio


    El concreto es un material de construcción y estructural por excelencia, elaborado con cemento, agua, agregados, adiciones minerales y aditivos químicos. Sin embargo, es conocido también como un material quebradizo, característica que es contrarrestada con la incorporación de un volumen de fibra como reforzamiento de su matriz basada en cemento. La incorporación de fibra hace que se denomine como concreto reforzado con fibra, o simplemente fibrorreforzado, y se caracteriza c...

  1. Variabilidade da aderência e das propriedades mecânicas do concreto auto-adensável

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    F. M. Almeida Filho

    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a variabilidade das propriedades mecânicas (resistência à compressão, módulo de elasticidade longitudinal e resistência à tração e da resistência de aderência do concreto auto-adensável (CAA, com resistência à compressão do concreto de 50 MPa aos 28 dias, variando o tamanho máximo do agregado graúdo e sua fluidez. Os ensaios foram realizados em corposde- prova de 15 x 30 cm e em vigas padronizadas de acordo com o Rilem-Ceb-Fib (1973. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a variabilidade do concreto auto-adensável é pequena para o módulo de elasticidade e para a resistência à compressão e grande para a resistência à tração por causa do modo de ruptura do modelo. Com relação à resistência de aderência, a variabilidade foi pequena mostrando que o concreto auto-adensável é material confiável com grande potencial de utilização no mercado da construção civil.


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    M. Rincon, H. Bolognini,


    Full Text Available En los últimos años en Venezuela se ha presentado una crisis en la demanda, comercialización y producción del cemento, material necesario para la construcción, por lo cual se han venido utilizando cementos adicionados sin ningún tipo de regulación. En este trabajo se presenta la caracterización físico-mecánica de tres mezclas de concreto con relación agua/cemento de 0,45 y relación agua/cemento de 0,60 con diferentes tipos de cemento Portland, Tipo I, Tipo CPCA1, y la tercera mezcla corresponde a Tipo CPCA1 retribuyéndole el 15% de adición en su propio peso, desarrollando una mezcla de mejor calidad. Estos concretos se caracterizaron según: asentamiento, tiempo de fraguado, porcentaje de porosidad total, porcentaje de absorción de agua y resistencia mecánica a la compresión. Los resultados demostraron que la mezcla de concreto elaborada con CPCA1 no cumple con los requisitos mínimos establecidos en la norma venezolana para su uso en la elaboración de concreto estructural, ya que entre otros parámetros su resistencia a la compresión está por debajo del valor de diseño. En cuanto al CPCA1 retribuyéndole el 15% de adición en su propio peso cumple con los requisitos establecidos, y puede ser utilizado en la fabricación de elementos estructurales de concreto.

  3. Análise da interface entre agregados reciclados de concreto e argamassas de concretos com cinza de casca de arroz e fíler basáltico por nanoindentação

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    Daniel Gustavo Brusius Wilbert

    Full Text Available Resumo Os agregados provenientes da reciclagem de concreto geralmente possuem propriedades inferiores às dos agregados naturais, o que limita suas alternativas de reciclagem. Entretanto, muitos estudos vêm demonstrando seu potencial de utilização na confecção de concretos, a partir de avaliações de propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais, e de melhorias na forma de mistura dos agregados. O presente trabalho analisa a viabilidade de utilização da técnica de nanoindentação para a avaliação da interface que se forma entre a pasta e o agregado reciclado em concretos com esse tipo de agregado. Foram produzidos corpos de prova que representam a região de interface em concretos em que os agregados reciclados foram adicionados à mistura no estado seco, método que vem sendo utilizado com o intuito de melhorar a zona de transição em função da absorção do excesso de água da pasta e de partículas de aglomerante pelos poros vazios do agregado reciclado. Os corpos de prova de referência foram comparados com outros em que foi realizada a adição de fíler basáltico e de cinza de casca de arroz. A técnica de nanoindentação possibilitou verificar que a utilização de agregado no estado seco gera zonas de transição de elevada qualidade e que a adição de cinza de casca de arroz aumenta a dureza da região de interface.

  4. Modos de ruptura e padrões de fissuração de vigas pré-moldadas de concreto armado geopolimérico: Estudo de caso


    Pires, Eliane Fernandes Côrtes; Azevedo, Cláudio Mesquita Coutinho de; Mounzer, Elie Chahdan; Silva, Felipe José da; Darwish, Fathi Aref Ibrahim


    RESUMO Esse trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo do comportamento mecânico de vigas pré-moldadas de concreto armado convencional (CCP), fabricadas por uma empresa local e de concretos geopolimérico de metacaulim (CCG) e geopolimérico com 20% de cinza volante e silicato de cinza de casca de arroz (CCG-20CVCCA), como matrizes substitucionais. Os resultados mostraram que os concretos geopoliméricos apresentaram comportamento similar ao do CCP, na mesma classe de resistência do concreto, taxa...



    de Faria, Flávia Castro; da Silva, Amilton Rodrigues


    Resumo. O concreto é o material mais utilizado na confecção de elementos estruturais para a construção civil no mundo. Devido à sua baixa resistência à tração ele é reforçado com barras de aço formando o concreto armado. Elementos lineares de concreto armado são comuns em edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos, pontes, galpões industriais, entre outros. O objetivo desse trabalho é utilizar um algoritmo de otimização para definir a quantidade de aço e sua posição dentro de uma seção poligonal qualq...

  6. Ensaio de migração de cloretos para concreto: influência do número de fatias extraídas


    Medeiros,Marcelo Henrique Farias de; Borba,André Yukio; Hoppe Filho,Juarez; Helene,Paulo Roberto do Lago


    Ensaios de migração de cloretos são usados para mensurar a capacidade do concreto em inibir o ataque por cloretos. Muitos pesquisadores realizam esse ensaio em uma fatia de concreto extraída da parte central dos corpos de prova cilíndricos, descartando cerca de 75% do concreto usado para moldar os corpos de prova. Esse fato gerou a questão: Seria possível extrair mais fatias de um mesmo corpo de prova sem se perder a confiança nos resultados? O principal objetivo desse trabalho é responder a ...

  7. Ensaio de migração de cloretos para concreto: influência do número de fatias extraídas


    Medeiros, Marcelo Henrique Farias de; Hoppe Filho, Juarez; Borba, André Yukio; Helene, Paulo Roberto do Lago


    p. 475-481 Ensaios de migração de cloretos são usados para mensurar a capacidade do concreto em inibir o ataque por cloretos. Muitos pesquisadores realizam esse ensaio em uma fatia de concreto extraída da parte central dos corpos de prova cilíndricos, descartando cerca de 75% do concreto usado para moldar os corpos de prova. Esse fato gerou a questão: Seria possível extrair mais fatias de um mesmo corpo de prova sem se perder a confiança nos resultados? O principal objetivo desse trabalho ...

  8. Aplicabilidad de un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente como material protector del acero de refuerzo

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    Robinson de Jesús Torres Gómez, William A. Aperador Ch., Enrique Vera López,Rubi Mejía de Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los resultados del análisis electroquímico de las  barras  de  acero  embebidas  en  un  concreto  no convencional usado internacionalmente para reparación de estructuras. Este concreto utiliza materiales de desecho de otros procesos; en este caso específico se empleó escoria siderúrgica de  la empresa Acerías Paz del Río S.A. Se estudio el comportamiento frente a la corrosión generada por  los iones cloruro, con el uso de la técnica de resistencia lineal a la polarización LPR y pulso galvanostático GPT. Simultáneamente, se compararon los resultados con otras probetas  fabricadas  con  cemento  Portland  tipo  I.  Se realizaron mediciones con  intervalos de veinte días durante nueve  meses  y  finalmente  se  establecieron  las características protectoras del concreto.

  9. Vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus. I: análise experimental


    Lima Júnior,Humberto C.; Mesquita,Ligia P.; Fabro,Gilmar; Willrich,Fábio L.; Czarnieski,Cleber J.


    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se e se discute um estudo experimental sobre o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu. Ensaiaram-se dez vigas de concreto armado, sendo oito vigas armadas longitudinalmente com varas de bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus e duas vigas de referência, armadas com barras de aço. Duas variáveis foram estudadas: a taxa de armadura longitudinal (1,6 e 3,2%) e a relação área/perímetro das varas de bambu (0,25 e 0,33 cm). Para cada combinação de variáve...

  10. Comportamiento lineal y no lineal de las deflexiones en vigas de concreto reforzado

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    Wilmer Alfredo Martínez Maldonado, Oscar Javier Gutiérrez Junco


    Full Text Available El  objetivo  del  trabajo  que  aquí  se  presenta  fue determinar el comportamiento lineal y no lineal de las deflexiones en vigas de concreto reforzado, producidas por la aplicación de una carga puntual en el centro de la  luz, y comparar los comportamientos hasta y más allá  del  estado  elástico,  con  base  en modelosexperimentales, teóricos y computacionales mediante el  programa  Xtrac.  Esta  simulación  considera deformaciones  y  comportamientos  en  diferentes estados  progresivos  de  carga  y  determina modelos gráficos de daño y plasticidad del material de concreto y acero.

  11. Influência da forma dos agregados miúdos nas propriedades do concreto

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    F. Fabro

    Full Text Available Os agregados miúdos utilizados na produção de concretos são basicamente as areias naturais provenientes dos leitos dos rios e os agregados artificiais oriundos da britagem de rocha. A principal diferença entre estes dois agregados está no formato de seus grãos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o formato dos grãos de agregados miúdos por meio de diferentes parâmetros, analisando as diferenças entre as formas dos agregados, e suas conseqüências nas propriedades das argamassas e concretos confeccionadas com estes materiais. Para medição dos grãos dos agregados empregou-se a análise digital de imagens e foram calculados os seguintes parâmetros: relação de aspecto, esfericidade, indicador de lamelaridade e coeficiente de forma, sendo que os dois últimos foram os que melhor avaliaram a forma dos agregados. Observou-se que o formato dos grãos dos agregados artificiais depende do tipo de britador empregado pelas pedreiras no processo de britagem das rochas. Os agregados oriundos do britador do tipo vertical de impacto possuem grãos mais arredondados, semelhantes aos grãos da areia natural. Verificou-se que o formato dos grãos dos agregados tem influência direta sobre a consistência das argamassas e concretos, porém não apresentou influência nos resultados de resistência à compressão.

  12. Determinação da tensão de aderência do bambu-concreto Determination of the bamboo-concrete bond stress

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    Ligia P. Mesquita


    Full Text Available Apresenta-se e se discute, neste trabalho, o estudo da aderência entre o bambu e o concreto; através de dois estudos baseados em uma programação estatística de experimento, em que no primeiro se investigaram as influências da dimensão da seção transversal das varetas de bambu e da resistência do concreto na aderência bambu-concreto e, no segundo, avaliou-se o efeito da colocação de pinos artificiais nas varetas de bambu. Em cada estudo realizaram-se 10 réplicas para cada combinação de fatores, resultando no total de 159 ensaios de arrancamento. Curvas tensão de aderência versus deslocamento relativo bambu-concreto, são apresentadas e discutidas, e a tensão de aderência de cálculo é calculada e comparada com os valores sugeridos por normas internacionais para barras lisas de aço. Constatou-se, na primeira fase da investigação, que apenas a resistência do concreto influencia na aderência bambu-concreto e que esta tensão é apenas 20% inferior que a do aço liso-concreto; já na segunda fase verificou-se que os pinos de bambu e de aço elevam a capacidade de transferência de tensões bambu-concreto, de forma significativa.This paper presents and discusses a study about the bamboo-concrete bond stress. Based on a statistical design of experiment, the investigation was divided in two steps: the first one, where the effects of the concrete compressive strength and the dimensions of the bamboo-splint cross-section were investigated; and the second, where the effect of artificial pins studding in the bamboo splints were evaluated. In both steps, ten replicates for each factor combination were done, resulting in 159 push-out tests. Bond stress versus relative displacement curves were presented and discussed. In addition, the design bond stresses of bamboo-concrete were calculated and their values were compared with those specified by International Building Codes for smooth steel and concrete. In the first step, it was

  13. Análisis de sensibilidad de las variables que influyen en los esfuerzos de alabeo por temperatura en losas de concreto hidráulico

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    Carlos Hernando Higuera Sandoval


    Full Text Available  Se presenta el análisis de sensibilidad de cada una de lasvariables que influyen en el cálculo de los esfuerzos dealabeo producidos por la diferencia de temperatura de lascaras de la losa de concreto hidráulico; las variablesanalizadas fueron: el módulo de elasticidad del concreto,el coeficiente de dilatación del concreto, la diferencia detemperatura entre caras de la losa, el espesor de la losa deconcreto, la relación de Poisson del concreto, el módulode reacción del apoyo de la losa, la longitud de la losa y elancho de la losa de concreto. Por medio del análisis desensibilidad es posible definir el grado de importancia delas variables e identificar las más sensibles, o que afectanen mayor o menor grado el comportamiento mecánico delas losas de concreto debido al efecto de los cambios detemperatura, para así tener herramientas que les permitan alos Ingenieros de diseño de pavimentos tener certeza delas variables que deben modificarse para conseguir que elmodelo estructural cumpla con los requisitos de diseño yasegure un buen comportamiento mecánico de la losadurante su vida de servicio.

  14. Aplicabilidad de un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente como material protector del acero de refuerzo


    Robinson de Jesús Torres Gómez, William A. Aperador Ch., Enrique Vera López,Rubi Mejía de Gutiérrez


    Se presentan los resultados del análisis electroquímico de las  barras  de  acero  embebidas  en  un  concreto  no convencional usado internacionalmente para reparación de estructuras. Este concreto utiliza materiales de desecho de otros procesos; en este caso específico se empleó escoria siderúrgica de  la empresa Acerías Paz del Río S.A. Se estudio el comportamiento frente a la corrosión generada por  los iones cloruro, con el uso de la técnica de resistencia lineal a la polarización LPR y ...

  15. Evaluación del comportamiento de vigas en voladizo de concreto reforzado con fibras ante la aplicación de cargas cíclicas

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    Daniel Ruiz


    Full Text Available El concreto es un material frágil con poca resistencia a la tensión y que no desarrolla grandes deformaciones en el rango inelástico. Para mejorar estas propiedades mecánicas del concreto, en las últimas décadas se han usado adiciones de fibras en aplicaciones estructurales en Colombia, Suramérica. En este documento los autores presentan el comportamiento mecánico de vigas en voladizo hechas con tres diferentes mezclas de concreto: una de concreto normal y dos con dos diferentes porcentajes de adición de fibras de acero (adiciones de fibras metálicas en una proporción de 15 kg/m³ y 30 kg/m³. Todas las vigas fueron ensayadas con desplazamientos cíclicos que fueron aplicados con un actuador dinámico. Todas las vigas fueron ensayadas para evaluar sus ciclos de histéresis y su capacidad de disipación de energía. Con base en los resultados y para el mismo nivel de desplazamiento, las vigas de concreto reforzado adicionado con fibras disiparon 160% más energía que las elaboradas con concreto reforzado normal. Adicionalmente las fibras metálicas disminuyeron la cantidad y la longitud de las grietas y las fisuras para grandes desplazamientos. Estas características pueden ser benéficas para aplicaciones estructurales específicamente para mejorar el desempeño sísmico de estructuras de concreto.

  16. Análise da influência das cinzas do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar no comportamento mecânico de concretos

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    Z. L. M. Sampaio

    Full Text Available O concreto é o segundo produto mais consumido no mundo e a incorporação de resíduos agroindustriais, tais como a Cinza do Bagaço da Cana-de-açúcar (CBC, a este material pode apresentar soluções para o aproveitamento de subprodutos de outros setores, reduzindo assim o impacto ambiental. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi de analisar o comportamento mecânico dos concretos contendo incorporações de CBC de três diferentes espécies de cana-de-açúcar (SP911049, RB92579 e SP816949, mediante ensaios de consistência, índice de vazios, absorção, porosidade total e resistência à compressão. Foram produzidos 13 corpos de prova para o concreto padrão e para cada teor de incorporação de CBC (10%, 20% e 30% das três variedades coletadas, totalizando 130 amostras de concreto. Foi empregado o traço 1:2:3 (cimento:areia:brita em relação à massa do cimento com um fator água/cimento de 0,532 e 1% de aditivo Tec Mult 400 também baseado na massa do cimento. Os resultados mostraram que a variedade da cana-de-açúcar, utilizada na produção das CBC, influenciou no comportamento mecânico dos concretos resultantes. Todos os concretos com adição de CBC apresentaram uma redução de no mínimo 10% nas propriedades relacionadas à permeabilidade e um incremento na resistência à compressão de até 20% em relação ao concreto padrão aos 28 dias. O uso da CBC em adição ao concreto se mostrou uma opção bastante viável na melhoria das propriedades mecânicas do concreto para uso em construção civil em geral e também uma destinação adequada ao subproduto agro-industrial.

  17. Utilização de pós residuais e fibra de sisal em blocos de concreto


    Indara Soto Izquierdo


    A pesquisa tem como enfoque fundamental a aplicação de novos materiais alternativos para uma construção sustentável. Pós residuais, provenientes do resíduo orgânico e do setor mineral, e fibras de sisal constituem bons exemplos de materiais não convencionais. Dessa forma, o objetivo principal foi avaliar a incorporação dos pós residuais e da fibra de sisal no concreto para a fabricação de blocos de concreto e elementos de alvenaria. Foram estudados três relações cimento: agregado, de 1:15, 1:...

  18. Variáveis críticas no processo de secagem de concretos refratários

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    Arnosti Jr. S.


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários são materiais essenciais no revestimento de instalações submetidas a altas temperaturas, encontradas principalmente nas indústrias siderúrgicas e petroquímicas. No processamento dos concretos, a secagem é de vital importância, uma vez que nesta etapa as características estruturais do material começam a se definir. Uma secagem inadequada pode, muitas vezes, trazer conseqüências desastrosas ao material, chegando ao extremo de ocasionar a explosão do corpo, causando perdas econômicas e problemas de segurança no trabalho. A importância do processo de secagem de concretos refratários tem levado grupos de pesquisa a se dedicarem ao assunto. Pesquisas neste tema visam a obtenção de modelos matemáticos que possam descrever o processo de forma a evitar a ocorrência de problemas similares aos citados anteriormente, através da previsão de picos de pressão no poro que podem, por sua vez, exceder o limite estrutural suportável do material. Para que esses modelos sejam confiáveis, antes são necessários dados experimentais precisos, que só podem ser obtidos através da utilização de técnicas apropriadas. É necessário, além disso, o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia adequada que permita a obtenção de dados e de respostas que possam servir de base para a aplicação prática, sempre porém, com fundamentação teórica. Diante de tal cenário, o objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma análise do processo de secagem de concretos refratários com base nos estudos encontrados na literatura, buscando ressaltar alguns dos problemas encontrados e mostrar quais as tendências atuais no assunto.

  19. Reemplazo del agregado fino por escoria de horno de cubilote para la fabricación de concreto

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    Ricardo Alfredo Cruz Hernández


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta las propiedades físico-mecánicas obtenidas de un concreto fabricado con escoria de horno de cubilote (EHC, la cual se utilizó como sustituto del agregado fino (arena en diferentes proporciones: 0, 10, 15 y 20 %. La evaluación de la granulometría, densidad, absorción, humedad natural y contenido de material férrico de la EHC permitió caracterizarla como arena gruesa bien gradada, con poca cantidad de finos. Para una resistencia de diseño de 14 MPa del concreto modificado (CM se realizaron ensayos de resistencia a la compresión, módulo de rotura, absorción, módulo de elasticidad y densidad de material endurecido. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian un comportamiento favorable del CM en su resistencia a compresión, al sustituir el 20 % de arena por escoria. Asimismo, se encontró que la densidad mantiene una relación proporcional con el porcentaje de sustitución y el valor de su masa unitaria se encuentra dentro del rango de valores aceptable para un concreto de peso normal.



    Marcelo Adriano Duart


    O uso de adições minerais em concretos é um tema bastante estudado por vários pesquisadores que buscam características como: redução do consumo de cimento para redução de custos, aumento da durabilidade, aumento da resistência mecânica e aproveitamento de resíduos industriais para redução da poluição ambiental. Este estudo pretende analisar a microestrutura dos concretos dosados com adição de cinza de casca de arroz residual sem controle de queima e sem moagem (CCAN), em substitui...

  1. Contribuição à obtenção do módulo de elasticidade do concreto utilizando modelagem micromecânica

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    A. H. Barbosa

    Full Text Available Expressões presentes nas normas nacionais e internacionais relacionam o módulo de elasticidade do concreto com a resistência à compressão. O concreto, considerado como material compósito trifásico, tem suas propriedades elásticas diretamente influenciadas pela zona de transição (ITZ, a qual é caracterizada por sua maior porosidade em relação à pasta de cimento. Modelos de micromecânica como os de Mori-Tanaka e esfera de três fases podem ser aplicados com bons resultados quando utilizados para a análise do concreto. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento evolutivo do módulo de elasticidade do concreto, tal estudo é feito mediante a aplicação das expressões normativas e de modelos de micromecânica. Comparado-se com os valores experimentais produzidos percebe-se uma boa concordância quando a modelagem micromecânica leva em conta a ITZ. Também é confirmada a qualidade das expressões da NBR 6118:2003 e do CEB-90.

  2. Concreto leve com pérolas de EPS: estudo de dosagens e de características mecânicas


    Bianca Pereira Moreira Ozório


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento do concreto leve com pérolas de poliestireno expandido (expanded polystyrene – EPS), para posterior utilização em estruturas pré-moldadas constituídas, por exemplo, por painéis de paredes e lajes sujeitas a ações mecânicas. Também foram considerados parâmetros de durabilidade e mecanismos de redução da porosidade. Dentre um universo de solicitações a que as estruturas de concreto leve podem estar submetidas, analisaram-se, para d...

  3. Conector de cisalhamento tipo pino com cabeça para viga mista aço-concreto com laje alveolar


    Sales, Marcel Willian Reis


    As vigas mistas de aço e concreto são estudadas há bastante tempo. O mecanismo de transferência de tensões de cisalhamento longitudinais pela interface entre a viga e a laje normalmente se dá por meio de conectores de cisalhamento. Nesse caso, o comportamento conjunto dos dois materiais depende da resistência e da rigidez do conector na interface, sendo bem conhecido para os conectores do tipo pino com cabeça associados com laje maciça de concreto. Entretanto, há pouca informaç...

  4. Desarrollo de un modelo de redes neuronales artificiales para predecir la resistencia a la compresión y la resistividad eléctrica del concreto


    Lizarazo Marriaga, Juan Manuel; Gómez Cortés, José Gabriel


    En esta investigación se busca obtener un método para predecir la resistencia a la compresión mediante el peso unitario y la velocidad de pulso ultrasónico usando 41 mezclas de concreto diferentes. El estudio ha sido por la necesidad de obtener un método rápido para predecir la resistencia a la compresión del concreto. De la misma manera, la investigación también busca predecir la resistividad eléctrica del concreto mediante el peso unitario, la velocidad de pulso ultrasónico y la resisten...

  5. Efeito de altas temperaturas na resistência à compressão, resistência à tração e módulo de deformação do concreto

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    A. A. A. de Souza

    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação experimental do comportamento do concreto quando submetido a elevadas temperaturas. Um concreto de utilização comum em nossa região, com cimento e agregados usuais, misturados em proporções também usuais (traço, foi submeti- do a temperaturas de 300 °C, 600°C e 900 °C , de maneira a se avaliar prováveis alterações na resistência à compressão, na resistência à tração e no módulo de deformação deste concreto. O efeito do resfriamento rápido do concreto, usual em intervenções de combate a incêndios, foi avaliado; alguns dos corpos-de-prova submetidos às altas temperaturas estipuladas foram resfriados rapidamente e outros foram resfriados len- tamente (ao ambiente. A recuperação provável das propriedades mecânicas analisadas, com a reidratação do concreto - com possível redução após o efeito das altas temperaturas aplicadas - também foi avaliada; corpos-de-prova submetidos às altas temperaturas estipuladas e resfriados lentamente, foram parte imersos em água e parte envoltos em filme plástico e a seguir, cada parte correspondente foi avaliada, em relação às propriedades do concreto pesquisadas, para as idades do concreto de 28, 56, 112 e 224 dias após o resfriamento lento. Ao final deste trabalho, importantes resultados sobre o efeito de altas temperaturas nas propriedades mecânicas do concreto puderam ser obtidos; contribuindo, em muito, para o estabelecimento de parâmetros para o projeto de recuperação de estruturas submetidas ao efeito do fogo.

  6. Comparación de las propiedades del concreto utilizando escoria de alto horno como reemplazo parcial y total del cemento Pórtland ordinario

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    I. Escalante


    Full Text Available Se realizó una investigación con dos tipos de concreto siguiendo la norma ACI 211.1: a concretos sustituidos al 30, 50 y 70 % con escoria de alto horno (EAH y b concretos 100 % EAH activada con 4, 6 y 8 % de óxido de sodio (Na2O en forma de silicato de sodio de módulo 2.0. Todos los sistemas se caracterizaron mecánicamente de 1 a 28 días. Se utilizó microscopía electrónica de barrido y espectroscopía por dispersión de energía para analizar la microestructura, grado de avance de la reacción y productos formados. La sustitución parcial del cemento Pórtland (CPO por EAH no fue benéfica para las propiedades mecánicas, contrario a la sustitución total por EAH activada, la cual resultó en propiedades mecánicas superiores que las de concretos de puro CPO. La activación de la escoria con 8 % de Na2O resultó más efectiva, seguido de 6 y 4 % de Na2O.

  7. Nem todo material concreto é igual: a importância dos referentes na resolução de problemas Not all concrete materials are the same: the importance of referents in problem solving

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    Adriana Maria da Silva Barbosa Batista


    Full Text Available A partir da distinção entre material concreto definido e material concreto indefinido, examinou-se como diferentes suportes concretos de representação influenciam a resolução de problemas de divisão e de multiplicação. Quarenta crianças de 8 anos resolveram os mesmos problemas. Às crianças do Grupo 1 (concreto indefinido foram disponibilizadas fichas plásticas; e às do Grupo 2 (concreto definido objetos que tinham relação com os referentes das quantidades presentes no enunciado dos problemas (jarros e flores, carrinhos e caixas. O material concreto definido favoreceu a compreensão das relações lógico-matemáticas, facilitando o desempenho e o uso de procedimentos apropriados, o mesmo não ocorrendo com o material concreto indefinido. Concluiu-se que a compreensão da criança é influenciada pelos suportes de representação e que nem todo material concreto tem o mesmo efeito sobre a resolução de problemas, sendo necessário considerar, além de seu caráter manipulativo, a relação entre os referentes das quantidades e o material disponibilizado.This study examines how different types of concrete materials (specific and non-specific influence children's comprehension when solving multiplication and division problems. Forty 8-year-old children were divided into two groups, and asked to solve the same problems. The children in Group 1 (non-specific were given plastic tokens. The children in Group 2 (specific were given objects which had a direct relation to the referents of the quantities mentioned in the problems (e.g., vases and flowers, toy cars and boxes. The specific concrete materials favoured performance and the use of more appropriate procedures than non-specific concrete materials. The conclusion was that the child's comprehension is influenced by the representational support available to him/her, and that not all concrete materials have the same effect on problem solving. It is necessary to consider not only the

  8. Comparison of the weathering behavior of a very high strength concrete with that of a standard concrete Comparação do comportamento climatizado de um concreto de alta resistência com o de um concreto padrão

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    A. Blandine


    Full Text Available We studied the weathering process of a very high strength concrete (VHSC and compared it with that of a usual concrete. VHSC has compressive strengths much above 100 MPa after seven days of curing. The compressive strength is increased by lowering the value of the water/cement ratio and by improving the particle size distribution of the numerous residual anhydrous grains of clinker and of the quartz aggregates. A proportion of 15% of the cement is replaced by non-condensed silica fume, which consists of spherical particles of amorphous silica, 0.1 µm in diameter. This has the advantage to fill the space between clinker particles. Another advantage is to densify the interfacial zone between cement paste and aggregates. Afters 28 days of curing, the VHSC samples consist of quartz aggregates and residual anhydrous clinker particles linked to each other with a paste mainly composed of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H. Samples of VHSC were immersed in continuously renewed distilled water under inert atmosphere. After two months of exposure, chemical, mineralogical and textural changes have occurred in a superficial zone. The depth of the degraded zone is 300 µm. This value is much lower than the depth of the degraded zone formed in an usual mortar (800 µm or in a common paste (1500 µm leached in the same condition. At the surface of the weathered samples of VHSC, the anhydrous clinker particles have dissolved and the resulting holes of 10 µm diameter remained empty. At the frontier between the safe core and the weathered superficial zone, the holes resulting from the dissolution of clinker particles were filled with secondary C-S-H. As a conclusion, the low porosity of VHSC is a benefit for the compressive strength but also for the durability. The presence of numerous anhydrous clinker particles is not a problem.O processo de climatizacao de um concreto de alta resistencia mecanica (VHSC foi estudado e comparado com o de um concreto comum. O

  9. Vigas mistas com laje de concreto e perfis laminados tipo I: análise comparativa do comportamento estrutural entre conectores


    RIBEIRO NETO, Juliano Geraldo


    Dentre os diversos sistemas estruturais e construtivos existentes, destacam-se os sistemas formados por elementos mistos aço-concreto, cuja combinação de perfis de aço e concreto visa aproveitar as vantagens de cada material, tanto em termos estruturais como construtivos. Um fato corriqueiro que pode ser observado na execução de obras metálicas é a substituição de perfis especificados em projeto por outros equivalentes. Essa substituição, muitas vezes motivada pela falta do material especific...

  10. Momentos fletores em vigas de edifícios de concreto armado

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    F. A. N. Silva

    Full Text Available Edifícios residenciais compostos de sistema de lajes maciças apoiadas em vigas de concreto armado são largamente utilizados na indústria da construção civil. Na prática, o cálculo das reações destas lajes sobre as vigas é feito através de processos simplificados, nos quais os painéis de laje são analisados de forma isolada. A NBR 6118 [1] mantém em seu texto o mesmo teor da antiga NB-1 [2] permitindo que, no caso de lajes maciças retangulares com carga uniforme, as reações possam ser calculadas admitindo-se que elas correspondem às cargas atuantes nos triângulos ou trapézios determinados através do método das charneiras plásticas. De maneira aproximada, a norma brasileira permite ainda que estas reações possam ser consideradas como uniformemente distribuídas sobre as vigas de apoio. O trabalho demonstra através de exemplos práticos que tal recomendação pode conduzir a resultados contrários à segurança e propõe uma correção para o cálculo das reações de apoio em lajes maciças sobre as vigas de concreto armado.

  11. Modelos de fissuração distribuída em vigas de concreto armado pelo método dos elementos finitos

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    R.C.G. Menin

    Full Text Available O objetivo principal do trabalho é apresentar uma comparação entre distintas estratégias de simulação computacional de estruturas de concreto armado utilizando modelos de fissuração distribuída. Em uma primeira abordagem, foi adotado o modelo multidirecional de fissuração distribuída do programa DIANA empregando-se diferentes regras de amolecimento para o material fissurado (frágil, linear e não-lineares de Moelands-Reinhardt e de Hordijk. Posteriormente, foi utilizada a formulação DSFM - Disturbed Stress Field Model, modelando o concreto fissurado como um material ortotrópico com fissuras distribuídas do tipo rotacionais. Os programas DIANA e VecTor2 foram utilizados como ferramentas para avaliar a eficácia dos diferentes modelos no estudo de vigas de concreto armado submetidas a esforços de flexão.

  12. Influência do tempo máximo de mistura e transporte especificado pela ABNT NBR 7212:2012 na resistência a compressão de concretos usinados

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    Lucas da Silva Barboza


    Full Text Available A ABNT NBR 7212:2012, estipula o tempo máximo para a entrega e lançamento total do concreto em 150 minutos; porém, na prática por vários fatores como logística, congestionamento, problemas com caminhão, entre outros, o tempo limite é extrapolado. Geralmente, por falta de conhecimento técnico, adiciona-se água ao concreto como forma de alterar sua consistência dando a trabalhabilidade desejada, a fim de facilitar o lançamento e obter adequado acabamento do concreto. Este artigo tem como objetivo principal avaliar, em situação real, a variação da consistência do concreto e a percentagem de perda de sua resistência à compressão, no decorrer de um período de 6 horas após o início da hidratação do cimento Portland, ocasionado pela adição de água para correção da fluidez perdida. Os resultados, como esperados, mostram uma redução na trabalhabilidade do concreto com o passar do tempo, obtendo-se, já nas 2 primeiras horas de mistura, um abatimento médio de 105 mm, ou seja, 11,54% inferior ao abatimento médio encontrado no tempo T(0 de 118,7 mm. A correção do abatimento do concreto através da adição de água, no tempo T(6, resultou no aumento do fator água/cimento ocasionando perda de 57,47% de resistência à compressão, quando comparada com as amostras do tempo T(0, aos 28 dias. As soluções oferecidas para este problema são: instruir os funcionários relacionados à concretagem; melhora da logística e utilização de aditivos, garantindo a resistência à compressão prevista na dosagem do concreto.

  13. Algunas consideraciones sobre el origen de los términos hormigón y concreto

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    Solesio de la Presa, M. Teresa


    Full Text Available In this work there is studied, in the frst place a certain manner of constructing which was practiced by the ancient inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula, and which was seen by the Romans on their arrival. This form of constructing consisted in making walls of earth called "formaceos", and which are the basis of a rudimentary concrete. Through the ages this word "formaceos" was modified to "formicare", as a synonim of "formare"; in turn this word "formicare", for different phonetic reasons, gives us the term "hormigar" (to make concrete, and by adding the augmentative prefix ON (in the Spanish language we have the term "hormigón" (concrete. On the other hand, in this work there is likewise studied the term "CONCRET", (concrete a word increasingly used in Spanish speaking countries, through the infiuence of the English speaking countries. The word "concreto" (concrete has neve been used to designate a building material, and it is only from the 19th century when, surely, it is used for this object, in order to give this material a more scientific nuance. For this reason, this work, with the object of clarifying the matter, states that as our language accepts the word "hormigón"(concrete —referring to building material— and which is included in our dictionaries since the year 1516, we should not accept the word "Concreto" (concrete and, above all, we should try to prevent its use being generalized in the Spanish speaking countries.

    En este trabajo se estudia, en primer lugar, una cierta manera de construir que practicaban los antiguos habitantes de la Península Ibérica, y que vieron los romanos a su llegada. Esta forma de construir consistía en hacer paredes de tierra llamadas "formaceos" y que son la base de un rudimentario hormigonado. A través de los tiempos esta palabra "formaceos" fue derivando hasta llegar a 'formicare'*, como sinónimo de 'formare"; a su vez este "formicare", por diferentes motivos fonéticos, nos

  14. Monitoreo mediante EIS del acero embebido en un concreto de escoria activada alcalinamente expuesto a carbonatación EIS monitoring of embedded steel in alkali activated concrete exposed to carbonation

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    Willian Aperador


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se utilizó la técnica de espectroscopia de impedancia electroquímica (EIS para evaluar la acción del dióxido de carbono sobre la corrosión de un acero estructural ASTM A 706 embebido en un concreto de escoria activado alcalinamente (AAS, el concreto AAS es una mezcla de escoria molida granulada, agregados finos y gruesos y solución alcalina (silicato de sodio en la cantidad requerida para la mezcla de concreto. El estudio se realizó comparativamente con especímenes expuestos a condiciones naturales con una baja concentración de CO2 (0,03% CO2. La carbonatación del concreto se obtuvo de forma acelerada bajo condiciones controladas (3% CO2, 65% de humedad relativa y 20°C de temperatura. Los datos de Impedancia fueron adquiridos en un rango de 1mHz hasta 100kHz. A las frecuencias altas se encontró la respuesta de la interfase medio de exposición-concreto y a frecuencias bajas la respuesta de la interfase correspondiente al concreto - acero. Mediante EIS se estableció la capacidad de lograr la pasivación del acero embebido en concreto AAS, en condiciones ambientales naturales y aceleradas.In this work the technique of impedance spectroscopy electrochemistry (EIS was used to evaluate the effects of carbon dioxide on the corrosion of ASTM A 706 structural steel embedded in concrete with alkali activated slag (AAS, AAS concrete is a mixture of ground granulated slag, fine and coarse aggregates and alkaline solution (sodium silicate in the amount required for the concrete mix. The study was conducted in comparison with specimens exposed to natural conditions with a low concentration of CO2 (0.03% CO2. The carbonation of the concrete was obtained through accelerated carbonation under controlled conditions (3% CO2, 65% of relative humidity and 20°C of temperature. The data of Impedance in the middle frequency region 1mHz - 100KHz. A high frequency response was found using the interface-specific exposure and low frequency


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    Heber Martins de Paula


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A produção de concreto em usinas dosadoras está em crescimento e, com isso, há também o aumento de resíduos inerentes do processo produtivo. O objetivo deste artigo, é verificar o panorama das pesquisas relacionadas com a lama residual de concreto, com ênfase na sua reciclagem em unidades de alvenaria. Para tanto, foi realizado o mapeamento sistêmico com a finalidade de encontrar as principais publicações e estudos referentes a vertente desejada, através da base de dados Periódicos CAPES, sendo as buscas pertencentes a dois tópicos principais: utilização de resíduos em alvenarias de concreto e estudos relacionados com a lama residual de concreto. Em linhas gerais, pode-se observar que há uma grande variedade de resíduos aplicados em alvenarias, sendo o mais estudado a utilização de cinzas volantes e resíduos de construção e demolição. Em contrapartida, ainda são poucos os estudos que utilizam a lama residual em produtos de concreto, sobretudo para produção de alvenarias. Nesse contexto, entende-se que não há um consenso quanto à melhor utilização da lama residual de concreto, ressaltando a necessidade de pesquisas que corroborem ou contradigam os resultados obtidos. Por fim, esse trabalho aponta um resíduo ainda pouco estudado, mas com possíveis aplicações em novas pesquisas. Suas características como, por exemplo, presença de SiO2 e CaO apontam um potencial para uso como aglomerante, o que pode gerar uma redução no consumo de cimento. ABSTRACT: The production of concrete in dosing plants is growing and, with this, there is also an increase of inherent residues of the production process. The objective of this paper is to verify the panorama of the research related to residual sludge of concrete with emphasis on its recycling in masonry units. In order to do so, the systemic mapping was performed with the purpose of finding main publications and studies referring to the desired slope, through the

  16. Concreto autoadensável reforçado com fibras de aço: comportamento à flexão

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    A. R. Barros

    Full Text Available Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar o comportamento de vigas de concreto autoadensável (CAA reforçado com fibras de aço submetidas à flexão. Para tal, foram utilizadas fibras de aço com fator l/d = 50, em uma fração volumétrica de 1%. Foram confeccionadas vigas armadas de dimensões (12,5 x 23,5 x 132 cm, as quais foram ensaiadas por flexão a quatro pontos, aos 28 dias de idade, sendo feitas medições das deformações apresentadas nos estribos e armadura longitudinal, além de medições das deformações do concreto na região comprimida e das flechas no meio do vão. Os resultados dos ensaios mostraram que a adição das fibras de aço ao CAA promoveu sensível ganho na capacidade resistente da viga, com menores flechas, menores deformações das armaduras, longitudinal e transversal, e melhorado controle da fissuração, em comparação às demais vigas produzidas com concretos convencionais, com e sem fibras de aço.

  17. Aderência aço-concreto: simulação numéricadosensaios de arranchamento pull-out e APULOT usando o programa ATENA

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    A. J. Tavares

    Full Text Available A aderência entre o aço e o concreto é fundamental para a existência das estruturas de concreto armado, uma vez que os dois materiais atuamem conjunto para absorver os esforços solicitantes. O fenômeno da aderência é considerado complexo no que se refere aos vários fatores queo influenciam. Vários tipos de ensaios de aderência foram propostos ao longo dos anos. Um deles é a proposta modificada do ensaio de arrancamento pull-out-test, que foi elaborada por Lorrain e Barbosa [1] denominado de ensaio APULOT (Appropriete Pull-Out-Test. Com basenos resultados experimentais obtidos por Vale Silva [2] para os ensaios pull-out convencionais e para o ensaio pull-out modificado, APULOT,procura-se conhecer o comportamento numérico da aderência aço-concreto através de uma simulação numérica utilizando um código decálculo chamado ATENA que é baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF. A simulação numérica permitiu melhor avaliar a fissuraçãoe a distribuição de tensões que ocorre durante o ensaio de arrancamento, tornando-se com isso, uma ferramenta de apoio preciosa ao projeto experimental que visa à validação, validação parcial, ou não recomendação do ensaio de aderência aço-concreto modificado - EnsaioAPULOT - como ensaio de controle de qualidade do concreto armado. Os resultados numéricos obtidos apresentaram boa representatividadequando comparados aos resultados experimentais.

  18. Estudo de ligações em estruturas mistas de concreto-madeira


    Elias Antonio Nicolas


    Resumo: Esta pesquisa se refere ao estudo do comportamento mecânico de conectores empregados em estruturas mistas de concreto e madeira, estruturas estas normalmente utilizadas em construções civis tais como pontes, pisos e coberturas residenciais. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo teórico-experimental sobre os conectores onde se determinou o valor do módulo de deslizamento (K) através de curvas cargas x deslizamentos obtidas a partir ensaios de laboratório. Os corpos-de-prova foram mold...

  19. Comportamento de conectores de cisalhamento em vigas mistas aço-concreto com análise da resposta numérica


    Gustavo Alves Tristão


    As vigas mistas aço-concreto têm sido bastante utilizadas na engenharia civil, tanto no Brasil como no contexto mundial. O comportamento adequado deste elemento estrutural faz-se pela interação entre ambos os materiais, a qual é garantida por conectores de cisalhamento. O presente trabalho apresenta uma visão geral do comportamento das vigas mistas aço-concreto, e, principalmente o estudo do comportamento estrutural de conectores de cisalhamento. Para tanto, faz-se uma simulação numérica dos ...

  20. Uso de aisladores de base en puentes de concreto simplemente apoyados


    Rico Pradilla, Leocadio; Chio Cho, Gustavo


    En el presente artículo se presenta una comparación del comportamiento sísmico de puentes de concreto reforzado simplemente apoyados, usando aisladores de base de tres tipos, los aisladores de elastoméricos de alto amortiguamiento HDRB por sus siglas en inglés (High Damping Rubber Bearings), los aisladores elastoméricos con núcleo de plomo LRB (Lead Rubber Bearings) y el sistema de péndulo de fricción FPS (Friction Pendulum System). Se tomó como caso de estudio el viaducto la flora, definiénd...

  1. Emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para recebimento do revestimento de argamassas.


    Mirella Pennacchi Assali


    As estruturas de concreto são moldadas em formas tratadas com desmoldantes e sua presença dificulta a adesão da argamassa fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo com...


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    I. Miranda Pasos


    Full Text Available La industria de la construcción cada vez más consciente de la necesidad de ejecutar obras con materiales que se obtengan y/o utilicen procesos industriales que minimicen la contaminación y, que contribuyan en el comportamiento de un producto como lo es el concreto hidráulico en la construcción, ha estado buscando alternativas de materiales que sustituyan total o parcialmente al cemento por otro cementante que contamine menos en su procesos de obtención y que conserve las propiedades o las mejore. Una alternativa para sustitución parcial del cemento es la zeolita, es un mineral que se obtiene por proceso de excavación y molienda de puzolana. La norma ASTM-618, define a las puzolanas como materiales silíceo o aluminio-silíceo que por sí solo poseen poco a ningún valor cementante, pero cuando se han dividido finamente y en presencia de agua e hidróxido de calcio (Cal reaccionan químicamente a temperatura ambiente para formar cementantes (Miranda, 2008. Recientemente se ha estudiado el efecto de adicionar mineral Cal-Zeolita para la elaboración del concreto, cuyos resultados son favorables al comportamiento mecánico y su durabilidad (Dopico J.J., et al. 2009. Para la elaboración de morteros para recubrimientos al incorporar arenas zeolíticas como sustituto de la arena tradicional (Tiburcio et al. 2008. El presente proyecto evaluó el comportamiento del concreto hidráulico en estado fresco y endurecido al sustituir de manera parcial cemento por zeolita. Se enfocó a la evaluación del comportamiento mecánico como al diseño de la mezcla de concreto hidráulico fabricado con cemento normal y con cemento-zeolita. Tomando en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, la zeolita incorporada en porcentajes entre el 5% y 10 % tiende a valores de resistencias muy cercanos al concreto normal, los modelos obtenidos así lo corroboran, por lo que se puede concluir la factibilidad de sustitución parcial de cemento por zeolita tomando en cuenta el

  3. O material concreto na educação musical infantil: uma análise das concepções docentes


    Daniela Vilela de Morais


    Esta pesquisa tem como objeto a busca por uma definição, função e aplicação do material concreto utilizado para educar musicalmente crianças entre três e cinco anos, bem como por uma associação do uso desses materiais com o jogo e o brinquedo. A fundamentação teórica abrange um estudo sobre as definições de jogo, brinquedo e material concreto surgidas no século XX, por meio do qual foi possível conceituar esses termos no campo da educação musical. Também abrange um estudo histórico-evolutivo ...

  4. Viabilidade do emprego de cinza de casca de arroz natural em concreto estrutural. Parte I: propriedades mecânicas e microestrutura

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    Geraldo Cechella Isaia

    Full Text Available A casca de arroz, para ser utilizada em concreto estrutural, necessita de queima com temperatura controlada e de moagem prévia para lhe conferir maior reatividade pozolânica. Este trabalho discute o emprego da cinza de casca de arroz (CCA natural e residual, queimada sem controle de temperatura e sem moagem, de forma a simplificar o processamento da CCA e ampliar seu uso em concretos convencionais, em locais próximos onde é produzido, Estudou-se a sequência de colocação e o tempo de mistura dos materiais na betoneira, para obtenção do melhor desempenho da automoagem no tambor. Foram testadas misturas de concreto de referência com cimento Portland e com 15% e 25% de substituição de cimento, em massa, por CCA natural e moída. Foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, tração por compressão diametral, módulo de elasticidade, retração total, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, água quimicamente combinada e MEV. A análise dos resultados revela a viabilidade da substituição de 15% de cimento por CCA natural, com perda não significativa de resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade a 28 dias, com recuperação total a 91 dias, para concretos com resistências à compressão entre 25 MPa e 40 MPa.

  5. Concepção interativa e parametrizada de edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos em concreto armado

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    Felipe Tavares da Silva


    Full Text Available O uso dos algoritmos gerativos vêm crescendo bastante sobretudo agora com a maior popularidade das ferramentas de programação visual. A geração automática de componentes de uma edificação aliada à parametrização permite uma significativa melhora na procura de soluções ótimas e mais adequadas durante o processo de projeto. Propõe-se neste artigo a parametrização e criação de algoritmos gerativos de estruturas de edificações aporticadas de múltiplos pavimentos em concreto armado. Para isto, foram desenvolvidas expressões matemáticas de pré-dimensionamento com base nos critérios dos Estados Limites e em expressões analíticas simplificadas. Estas equações de pré-dimensionamento foram implementadas na ferramenta digital Grasshopper, tendo os resultados validados pelo sistema de cálculo e detalhamento estrutural TQS. Este algoritmo paramétrico de geração estruturas aporticadas tem por objetivo auxiliar o processo de concepção e projeto, oferecendo ao projetista em tempo real as dimensões da estrutura, o modelo tridimensional e a taxa de consumo de concreto. O algoritmo proposto também pode ser utilizado como instrumento de aprendizagem no estudo de sistemas estruturais aporticados de múltiplos pavimentos em concreto armado.

  6. Influencia de la adición de escoria de alto horno en la penetración de los cloruros en el concreto

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    Juan Lizarazo Marriaga


    Full Text Available Debido a que en estructuras de concreto hechas con cemento Portland la penetración del ion cloruro es la principal causa de deterioro por corrosión del refuerzo, el estudio y prevención de los mecanismos que generan corrosión en el concreto son fuentes de constante investigación. En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación analítica y experimental sobre la influencia de la adición de la escoria de alto horno en las propiedades que gobiernan los fenómenos de transporte iónico del concreto, especialmente los del ion cloruro. Las relaciones entre los coeficientes de difusión con la resistividad eléctrica, la carga pasada y la resistencia a la compresión, fueron evaluadas para mezclas con diferentes porcentajes de remplazo de escoria. De la misma forma, mediante un modelo computacional y un ensayo de migración eléctrica se obtuvieron los coeficientes intrínsecos de difusión, la porosidad, la capacidad de fijación de cloruros y la concentración química de la solución de poros. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la escoria aporta importantes beneficios en la penetración del ion cloruro, obteniéndose un concreto menos vulnerable a la corrosión.



    Barbosa, Wallison Carlos de Souza; Chater, Latif C; e Cavalcante, Otávio R de Oliveira; Bezerra, Luciano Mendes


    Resumo. As estruturas mistas apresentam grandes vantagens quanto a aspectos estruturais e construtivos, sendo os conectores de cisalhamento determinantes para a obtenção da interação entre os materiais (aço e concreto). Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um conector de cisalhamento com barras de aço CA50-A, proposto para uso em viga mista de aço e concreto. O conector proposto é de fácil execução e pode servir como alternativa viável ao uso dos conectores stud e ‘U’. Foi idealizada ...

  8. Comparação entre métodos de análise estrutural para reservatórios retangulares de concreto armado


    Kuehn, Adriana


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil. Atualmente o concreto armado é um dos materiais mais utilizados na execução de reservatórios para o armazenamento de água e outros líquidos. A grande incidência de manifestações patológicas nos reservatórios de concreto armado no Brasil, causadas principalmente pela falta de controle de fissuração e por impermeabilização inadequada, motivou o desenvolvimento d...

  9. Estudo de inibidores de corrosão em concreto armado


    Vieira,Daniel Venâncio; Pelisser,Fernando; Paula,Marcos Marques da Silva; Mohamad,Gihad; Nóbrega,Ana Cecília Vieira da


    A corrosão é um fenômeno que afeta toda a sociedade, atribuindo-se uma grande importância sócio-econômica aos seus efeitos. Na área da engenharia, existem diversas conseqüências do processo corrosivo, como ocorre no aço de reforço das estruturas de concreto. Na intenção de oferecer segurança e durabilidade às estruturas, empresas do ramo químico e de produtos para construção civil disponibilizam no mercado diferentes formas de proteção à corrosão. Este trabalho apresenta análises de medidas d...

  10. Viabilidade do emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para aplicação de argamassas de revestimento

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    Mirella Pennacchi Assali

    Full Text Available N presença do desmoldante na superfície estruturas de concreto armado pode dificultar a adesão da argamassa quando fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para a obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo comparativo a resistência de aderência à tração da argamassa e do chapisco aplicados sobre placas de concreto moldadas com formas de madeira plastificada tratadas com agente retardador e com desmoldante convencional. O ensaio de aderência mostrou que a utilização de produtos retardadores possibilitou maior facilidade para a remoção da camada superficial do concreto, resultando em um aumento de rugosidade e absorção superficial. Posteriormente, foram avaliados produtos retardadores existentes no mercado para os quais foram observados desempenho na aplicação sobre as formas, impacto dos produtos na saúde do trabalhador e no meio ambiente. O estudo mostrou que o uso de desmoldante retardador pode ser uma técnica viável para evitar os problemas de descolamento do revestimento aplicado sobre superfícies de concreto.


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    Tatiana Figueroa


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los principales resultados de una investigación que abordó el aspecto constructivo del concreto arquitectónico y cuyo producto final fue un manual de construcción con ese material aplicable para la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia. El concreto arquitectónico es aquel que cumple simultáneamente con los requisitos de estabilidad estructural y de acabado definitivo. El estudio empezó por definir los defectos existentes, la forma de medirlos y sus tolerancias. Mediante un análisis estadístico se determinaron los defectos más comunes en las superficies de concreto en Medellín, para los cuales se plantearon las posibles causas y a partir del análisis de éstas se propusieron soluciones generales enfocadas en los materiales, equipos y procesos constructivos. También se presentaron soluciones particulares para cada defecto. Con esta investigación se avanza en el desarrollo de una norma regional que permita la estandarización de los procesos empleados en la construcción del concreto arquitectónicoThis paper discusses the most important results of a research focused on the construction process of architectonical concrete, presenting as a final result a handbook with recommendations on how to build architectonical concrete elements in the city of Medellin (Colombia. Architectonical concrete is a construction material which is able to supply both structural stability and definitive finishing. The research started by the definition of existing defects as well as their measuring techniques and tolerances. A statistical study was made in order to determine the most common defects on concrete surfaces in Medellin city. Possible causes of the most common defects were determined and, as a result of the analysis of each cause, general and particular solutions were given. General solutions focused on materials, equipment and the building process whereas particular solutions were given to each defect. Finally, the results

  12. Influencia de los ciclos hielo-deshielo en la resistencia del concreto (caso Tunja Influence of freeze-thaw cycles in the resistance concrete (Tunja case

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    Diego Fernando Páez Moreno


    Full Text Available El presente artículo contiene el análisis de afectación de un agente de deterioro del concreto, conocido como ciclo hielo-deshielo, que se presenta en Tunja en época de heladas. En él se explica cómo el fenómeno afecta al concreto tanto cualitativa como cuantitativamente en propiedades físicas y mecánicas como porosidad, absorción y resistencia, y en su apariencia física. En la etapa de experimentación se empleó un grupo de 24 probetas cilíndricas de concreto, y se manejaron como variables de experimentación la relación agua/cemento y el tipo de curado, con las que se planteó una matriz de distribución. Para obtener resultados inmediatos se hizo la simulación de este proceso de forma acelerada, llevando los especímenes de concreto a períodos de hielo en la noche y de deshielo en el día, durante un tiempo continuo, en los que se manejaron dos ambientes: uno artificial (refrigerador - temperatura baja y uno natural (ambiente.This article refers to the analysis of a concrete deterioration agent affectation, known as cycle ice - defrosting, which appears in Tunja at time of frosts. It is explained how the phenomenon qualitative and quantitatively affects the concrete in physical and mechanical properties like porosity, absorption, and resistance, as well as in its physical appearance. In the experimentation stage, a group of 24 cylindrical test tubes of concrete was used. Water/cement relation and type fop curing were used as experimentation variables, with them a distribution matrix was proposed. In order to obtain immediate results, a simulation of this process in an accelerated way was made: concrete parts were taken to frosting periods at night and to defrosting periods during the day, at a continuous time in which two environments were used, an artificial one (refrigerator - low temperature and a natural one (the environment.

  13. Modelagem numérica de vigas mistas aço-concreto


    Marconcin, L. R.; Machado, R. D.; Marino, M. A.


    A utilização de estruturas mistas está cada vez mais presente nas obras de Engenharia Civil. As vigas mistas, em particular, são estruturas compostas por dois materiais, um perfil metálico, situado em região predominantemente tracionada, e uma seção de concreto, situada em região predominantemente comprimida, ligados entre si através de dispositivos metálicos denominados de conectores de cisalhamento. As funções prin- cipais dos conectores são: permitir o trabalho solidário da laje-viga, rest...


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    Juan Andrés Oviedo


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the influence of the story stiffness of reinforced concrete (R/C frame on the seismic response of R/C buildings with proportional hysteretic dampers. For this purpose, non-linear time-history analyses were conducted on a series of multi-degree-of-freedom system models that include a wide range of structural parameters and vertical distributions of story stiffnesses and strengths of R/C main frame and dampers. Although the basic purpose of damper installation is to reduce deformation demands, the results of analyses indicate that the story-drift demand on an entire system could be larger than that of the structure without dampers, depending highly on the stiffness and response period of R/C main frame. Moreover, dampers are shown to be more efficient in reducing the story-drift demand when installed into a flexible R/C main frame.Este artículo investiga la influencia de la rigidez de piso del pórtico de concreto reforzado sobre la respuesta sísmica de edificaciones de concreto equipadas con disipadores histeréticos proporcionales. Para esto, fueron llevados a cabo análisis cronológicos no lineales sobre una serie de modelos de sistemas de múltiples grados de libertad. Los modelos incluyen un amplio rango de parámetros estructurales y diferentes distribuciones en altura de rigideces y resistencias de piso del pórtico principal de concreto y de los disipadores. Aunque el objetivo básico de instalar disipadores sea reducir la demanda de deformación en la estructura, los resultados de los análisis indican que la demanda de deriva de piso del sistema completo puede ser incluso más grande que la de la edificación sin disipadores, dependiendo en gran medida de la rigidez y del período de respuesta del pórtico principal de concreto. Por otra parte, se muestra que los disipadores son más eficientes para reducir la demanda de deriva de piso cuando se instalan en pórticos flexibles de concreto.Este artigo pesquisa a



    Armas Aguilar, César Hugo; Universidad Señor de Sipán SAC


    Se estudió experimentalmente los efectos de la adición de fibra de polipropileno en las propiedades plásticas (asentamiento, contenido de aire, peso unitario, temperatura y potencial de fisuración) y mecánicas (compresión y flexión) del concreto hidráulico en la región Lambayeque, mediante adiciones de fibra en dosis de 0, 200, 300 y 400 gr/m³ de concreto de resistencias a la compresión de 175, 210 y 280 kg/cm². Se utilizó agregado fino y grueso (piedra de ½ pulg.) de las canteras La Victoria...

  16. Análise de sistema de contraventamento híbrido aço/concreto para edifícios de múltiplos andares


    Alexandre Luiz Vasconcellos


    Resumo: Sistemas mistos e híbridos aço/concreto tem sido objeto de diversos estudos pela comunidade científica. Estruturas de aço e de concreto armado tem vantagens que podem ser maximizadas e desvantagens que podem ser minimizadas por meio da associação de ambos, não apenas em termos estruturais, mas também nos aspectos construtivos, funcionais e estéticos. O resultado da eficácia dessa associação é um número crescente de edifícios de múltiplos andares com estruturas híbridas, principalmente...

  17. Dimensionamento automático de vigas pré-fabricadas em concreto protendido


    Momm, Joel Netto


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil. O dimensionamento e o detalhamento de vigas pré-moldadas protendidas é um processo repetitivo que demanda muito tempo. Nesta dissertação foi realizado um estudo do comportamento de vigas em concreto protendido pré-tracionado, através da elaboração de um programa computacional, para dimensionamento e detalhamento automático dos cabos, agilizando e otimizando es...

  18. Concretos refratários preparados com alumina hidratável: efeito dos dispersantes Refractory castables prepared with hydratable alumina: the dispersant effect

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    I. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Uma alumina de transição capaz de formar fases hidratadas em água tem sido utilizada como ligante hidráulico alternativo para concretos refratários. Entretanto, têm-se observado que a secagem de concretos preparados com este ligante é normalmente mais lenta do que no caso de composições contendo cimento. Essa característica pode favorecer a pressurização do vapor de água gerado no interior do concreto durante a secagem, podendo culminar na explosão do revestimento refratário. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo relacionar o tipo de aditivo utilizado no processamento de concretos refratários com seu comportamento de secagem e resistência mecânica, por meio da atuação do aditivo na dispersão da matriz do concreto e no mecanismo de hidratação do ligante. Embora a dispersão das partículas do ligante mostre-se primordial no desenvolvimento das fases hidratadas, o total recobrimento da superfície das partículas pelo aditivo ácido cítrico desfavoreceu a hidratação gerando defeitos nos corpos e comprometendo a sua aplicação. Por outro lado, os aditivos poliméricos foram apontados como os mais efetivos para conciliar dispersão e desenvolvimento de fases hidratadas com conseqüente ganho de resistência mecânica.A reactive alumina able of forming hydrated phases in water has been used as an alternative hydraulic binder in refractory castables. However, it has been observed that the drying of these materials is usually slower comparing to cement containing compositions. Due to reduction of the permeability, this aspect increases the difficult of the vapor migration and can promote water vapor pressurization inside the structure and, eventually, explosion of refractories. Additives usually used in refractory castables, in order to promote matrix dispersion, are shown to affect the hydratable alumina hydration mechanism. The dispersion of binder particles presents a main role in the development of hydratable phases but


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la simulación computacional del flujo de los principales iones presentes (Cl-, OH-, Na+, y K+ en un ensayo ASTM C1202: "Indicación eléctrica de la resistencia del concreto a la penetración de Iones cloruro". Para la modelación se utilizó un esquema de diferencias finitas definido mediante la ecuación de Nernst - Plank con un campo eléctrico variable, la cual describe los movimientos iónicos en un material poroso saturado. Para lograr esto, los resultados de un nuevo ensayo electroquímico diseñado para medir el potencial de membrana, en compañía de la corriente eléctrica, fueron optimizados para obtener los coeficientes intrínsicos de difusión, la composición inicial de la solución de poros, la capacidad de fijación de cloruros y la porosidad de la mezcla de concreto.

  20. Análise da durabilidade do concreto de alto desempenho com adição de cinza de casca de arroz e borracha de pneu

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    Antonio Rogério Brizante de Vasconcelos

    Full Text Available Desde a década de 70 o Brasil vem apresentando uma crescente degradação nas suas estruturas de concreto armado. Por esta razão, inúmeras pesquisas relacionadas à durabilidade destas estruturas têm sido realizadas, visando a contribuir com a qualidade e com a redução dos custos com manutenção e reparos. Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento da durabilidade do concreto de alto desempenho com adições, substituindo parte de cimento e agregados presentes no concreto pela cinza da casca de arroz e borracha de pneu respectivamente. Foram realizados ensaios de durabilidade submetendo o concreto a diversos processos de degradação, como a ação da água, temperatura, sais e solução ácida. O estudo indicou que a durabilidade não foi comprometida com adição de sílica ativa ou cinza da casca de arroz, com a adição de borracha de pneu. De fato, a borracha mostrou-se muito eficaz no combate a ação de agentes químicos, a altas temperaturas e à entrada de água. Com a cinza da casca de arroz, apesar do maior diâmetro de suas partículas, conseguiu-se resultados similares em relação à sílica ativa.

  1. Determinação de parâmetros reológicos de argamassas e concreto através de técnicas alternativas

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    M. P. Barbosa

    Full Text Available As pastas, juntamente com as argamassas e os concretos, são suspensões reativas, cuja consistência é modificada ao longo do tempo, sobretudo pela atuação do cimento. Eles apresentam um comportamento de fluido não-newtoniano e exibem uma viscosidade que varia com a tensão aplicada. Com base em técnicas alternativas, foram determinados, analisados e comparados o comportamento e as propriedades reológicas de argamassas e de concretos a partir de medidas experimentais de abatimento, cálculo da tensão crítica ou de escoamento, com e sem adição de aditivos, assim como valores de viscosidade. As técnicas alternativas utilizadas foram o cilindro de Pashias e o ensaio de abatimento de tronco de cone modificado para as argamassas e os concretos, respectivamente. Os valores de parâmetros reométricos obtidos a partir das técnicas alternativas para as argamassas e concretos testados foram comparados com resultados de ensaios realizados em reômetro, apontando boa aceitação das técnicas alternativas e menos onerosas na determinação de parâmetros reológicos de materiais à base cimentícia. Pôde-se inferir ainda que o modelo reológico binghamiano, com dois parâmetros reológicos (tensão crítica ou de escoamento e viscosidade, mostrou-se como condição necessária e suficiente para representar o comportamento das misturas estudadas neste trabalho.



    F. Queiroz, Tássio; P. Maués, Frederico; Costa, Hamilton; A. B. V. Silva, Patrick; P. Ferreira, Maurício; H. Oliveira, Marcos


      Resumo. Conectores de aço com cabeça são empregados na ligação entre estruturas mistas de aço e concreto e em estruturas pré-moldadas. Quando solicitados à tração, a resistência ao arrancamento é fator determinante no projeto e o modo de ruptura pela formação do cone de concreto pode ser frágil. Uma das formas de aumentar a resistência dessa ligação é utilizar armaduras complementares. Para avaliar a influência da armadura complementar na resistência ao arrancamento, foram elaborados 6 mode...

  3. Novo método para seleção de dispersantes de última geração para concretos refratários

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    Pardo A. R. F.


    Full Text Available O aprimoramento dos processos de instalação de concretos refratários (auto-escoamento, bombeamento, projeção, etc. tem intensificado a necessidade de otimização e controle do comportamento reológico destes materiais. A distribuição granulométrica e a concentração de sólidos, além da natureza das matérias-primas e dos aditivos químicos presentes no sistema, são os principais fatores que determinam sua reologia. Em conseqüência, a correta escolha dos agentes dispersantes é uma das tarefas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento sistemático de concretos. Contudo, os critérios tradicionalmente empregados para esta seleção, os quais se baseiam no ensaio de fluidez ou na caracterização reológica da matriz, não avaliam o comportamento do material frente às solicitações diversas de seu processamento e de sua aplicação. Sendo assim, neste trabalho foi proposto um novo método para avaliação e seleção de dispersantes, o qual analisa o comportamento do concreto desde a etapa de mistura até seu fluxo sob cisalhamento intenso. Dois aditivos usualmente empregados em concretos de alta alumina, polimetacrilato de sódio e ácido cítrico, além de dois novos dispersantes de última geração, foram então avaliados pelo método proposto e pela tradicional fluidez. Os resultados demonstraram a eficiência da nova técnica, além de atestarem o superior desempenho dos novos dispersantes avaliados.

  4. Avaliação do desempenho das propriedades mecânicas de concretos self compacting elaborados com diferentes tipos de cimentos submetidos à cura térmica

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    L.F. Santos

    Full Text Available A cura térmica a vapor é um dos mecanismos utilizados na indústria de pré-moldados para acelerar o ganho da resistência dos elementos estruturais. Os valores de temperatura e tempos de cura ideais para ocorrer esse ganho de resistência variam conforme o cimento e o traço utilizado no concreto. Pouco se conhece sobre o comportamento do concreto auto-adensável (CAA quando submetido ao processo de cura acelerada a vapor, principalmente em relação as suas propriedades mecânicas. O presente artigo avalia a resistência a compressão de duas composições de concreto auto-adensáveis de classe 40 MPa elaborados com cimentos distintos, cimento CP III 40-RS e cimento CP II E-32 submetidos à cura normal (de acordo com a NBR 5738:2003 ([2] e à cura térmica a vapor. Foram utilizadas duas temperaturas de cura térmica distintas, 65°C e 80°C e, três patamares isotérmicos, 4 h, 6 h e 8 h. O estudo foi feito no Laboratório CESP de Engenharia Civil - LCEC - Ilha Solteira/SP, onde foram ensaiados corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de 10 cm x 20 cm. As resistências à compressão foram obtidas ao fim do patamar de cura térmica a vapor (denominada resistência imediata ao ciclo e nas idades de 3, 7, 28, 56 e 91 dias (denominadas resistências nas idades avançadas e, para os concretos submetidos à cura normal, as idades de ruptura foram realizadas com 3, 7, 28, 56 e 91 dias. Foram feitas análises de correlação entre os valores de ruptura dos concretos submetidos à cura normal com os valores de resistência imediata ao ciclo e também para as resistências nas idades avançadas. As análises comparativas foram realizadas em função do tipo de cimento empregado, temperatura de cura e tempo no patamar isotérmico. Os resultados encontrados mostram que em termos globais, o concreto com cimento CP II E-32 apresentou a 65ºC, para o patamar isotérmico de 4 horas o melhor valor de resistência a compressão quando submetido a estas condições de

  5. Podem os dispersantes afetar as propriedades dos concretos refratários após a queima? Could the dispersants affect the properties of refractory castables after firing?

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    I. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A aplicação de concretos refratários é um processo em constante evolução e apresenta uma forte dependência dos avanços dos conhecimentos sobre os ligantes hidráulicos. Os cimentos de aluminato de cálcio constituem os agentes ligantes mais utilizados em concretos refratários, devido principalmente a sua disponibilidade, custo e capacidade de conferir alta resistência mecânica a verde. No entanto, a perda das ligações hidráulicas nestes materiais prejudica o seu desempenho a temperaturas intermediárias (500 a 1000 °C. Neste trabalho, as propriedades de concretos refratários foram avaliadas nesta faixa de temperatura, tendo como variável o tipo de dispersante utilizado uma vez que eles atuam no processo de hidratação de ligantes. Foi verificado que o efeito da atuação do dispersante é um dos fatores que determina o tipo de hidrato formado, que por sua vez influencia as propriedades de concretos. O aditivo que favoreceu a dispersão do concreto e menor consumo de água levou a formação de hidratos termicamente mais estáveis. Isso contribuiu para aumentar a resistência mecânica em temperaturas intermediárias e influenciou o comportamento termomecânico do concreto em alta temperatura.A growing demand for refractory castables with specific behavior has been inducing a continuous technological evolution, where one of the most important aspects is related to the hydraulic binders. The high alumina cements are the most important hydraulically setting agents used for bonding castables, mainly because they develop high strength within 6-24 h of placement. However, conventional castables show a characteristic drop in the mechanical strength in the 500 to 1000 °C temperature range, when the hydraulic bond is lost due to the dehydration process. In this work, the influence of dispersants in the refractory castables properties was evaluated as a function of firing temperature. It was verified that the hydrate type formed during

  6. Finite element model for expansive stress due to corrosion of reinforced concrete structures; Analisis con elemento finito de los esfuerzos expansivos por corrosion en las estructuras de concreto reforzado

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    Castorena Gonzalez, J.H.; Calderon Guillen, J.A. [Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Mexico)]. E-mail:;; Almeraya Calderon, F.; Gaona Tiburcio, C. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S.C., Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)]. E-mail:;; Almaral Sanchez, J.L. [Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa, Los Mochis, Sinaloa (Mexico)]. E-mail:; Martinez Villafane, A. [Centro de Investigacion en Materiales Avanzados, S.C., Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)]. E-mail:


    The corrosion in the reinforcement steel is a problem that diminishes the useful life of reinforced concrete structures, reside committing its structural security. In the available models to estimate the mechanical effect of the corrosion, it is assumed that the corroded steel, through the oxides that grow to its surroundings, exercises a pressure on the surrounding concrete supposing a problem of plane stress or plane strain. In this work, the problem is modeled with three-dimensional finite element starting from an experiment on a subjected cylinder to accelerated corrosion, with strain gage to measure the pressure indirectly in the interface steel-concrete. From the results obtained it can be concluded that the effect of the length of corroded steel, anodic length, has a significant effect on the magnitude of the pressure in the interface steel-concrete, fact that can be used to improve the existing models. [Spanish] La corrosion en el acero de refuerzo es un problema que disminuye la vida util en las estructuras de concreto reforzado, ademas de comprometer su seguridad estructural. En los modelos disponibles para estimar el efecto mecanico de la corrosion, se supone que el acero corroido, a traves de los oxidos que crecen a su alrededor, ejercen una presion sobre el concreto circundante suponiendo un problema de esfuerzos o deformaciones planas, En el presente trabajo, se modela el problema con elemento finito tridimensional a partir de un experimento sobre un cilindro de concreto reforzado sometido a corrosion acelerada, instrumentado para medir indirectamente la presion en la interfase acero-concreto. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el efecto de la longitud de acero corroido, longitud anodica, tiene un efecto significativo sobre la magnitud de la presion en la interfase acero-concreto, hecho que puede ser utilizado para mejorar los modelos existentes.


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    Eylisson A. Santos


    Full Text Available Em acordo com a tendência mundial de se construir com resíduos sólidos, combinando o uso de energias renováveis com a redução dos materiais inservíveis é que o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido, cujo principal objetivo é a utilização de resíduos de pneus reciclados em blocos de concreto para alvenaria de vedação, buscando desta forma, mais uma contribuição para tal fim. Com este objetivo em mente, iniciou-se, nesta etapa da pesquisa, estudos experimentais em corpos de prova de concreto em 3 (três diferentes traços para análise inicial do comportamento deste novo material com relação a sua resistência à compressão e assim, obter a melhor composição da mistura visando sua futura utilização em blocos vazados de concreto com resíduo de pneu. Para os três proporções iniciais, o agregado graúdo foi substituído parcialmente pela borracha com porcentagens variando entre 5, 10 e 15%, em massa. A influência da relação água/cimento na resistência à compressão do concreto sem e com resíduo de borracha também foi objeto do estudo, cujas relações variaram de 0,55, 0,73 e 0,91 para cada tipo de traço com as diferentes porcentagens de borracha acima citadas. Os resultados dos estudos experimentais são apresentados e comparados graficamente entre si. Palavras-chaves: resíduos de pneu; concretos com resíduos; traços para blocos; reciclagem

  8. Estratégias para a minimização da emissão de CO2 de concretos

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    Vanessa Carina Heinrichs Chirico Oliveira

    Full Text Available A maior parte das emissões do concreto originam-se na produção do cimento. A estratégia tradicional de minimização da pegada de CO2 tem privilegiado o grau de substituição do clínquer. No momento atual estima-se que a indústria cimenteira utilize toda a escória de alto forno gerada no país e a quase totalidade das cinzas de melhor qualidade. Desta forma, aumentando a demanda de cimento, a produção de clínquer aumenta, e o teor de adições no clínquer diminui dentro das extensas faixas permitidas pelas normas técnicas. O aumento do teor de adições em um tipo de cimento também pode ser realizado à custa da redução do teor de adições em outro tipo. Neste cenário, a seleção de um tipo de cimento em detrimento de outro não traz benefícios ambientais para o país, embora possa reduzir o impacto de uma obra específica. Outros fatores podem influenciar no total de emissões além da escolha do cimento, como a eficiência do processo de formulação, da variabilidade do processo de produção, etc. O objetivo do artigo é verificar o impacto de diferentes variáveis na pegada de CO2 do concreto estrutural, fornecendo subsídios à cadeia produtiva de concreto para minimização do seu impacto ambiental.

  9. Consideração da não-linearidade física para as vigas de concreto armado, pelo procedimento refinado da NB1 - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i1.3180

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    Carlos Humberto Martins


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre análise de vigas de concreto armado em que a não-linearidade física para o material é implementada pelo procedimento refinado da NBR-6118. Este modelo considera a não-linearidade física do concreto armado via diagramas de momento x curvatura de uma seção transversal. O modelo de diagrama momento x curvatura apresentado pelos Comentários Técnicos da NBR-6118 - CT-301 do Ibracon (2003 utiliza a deformação média na armadura tracionada, onde se leva em conta a resistência do concreto tracionado entre fissuras (tension stiffening. Portanto, foi implementado, em linguagem de programação Fortran Power Station, o procedimento dado pela norma para a contribuição do concreto tracionado entre fissuras. Para comprovar a validade do procedimento implementado, são realizados exemplos numéricos

  10. Avaliação do tipo de agregado e da reidratação Do concreto submetido à elevadas temperaturas

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    A. A. A. de Souza

    Full Text Available O efeito do comportamento do concreto perante o fogo está sendo estudado por um grupo formado no Laboratório de Estruturas e Construção Civil da Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UNICAMP. Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre a perda de re- sistência mecânica ocorrida em diferentes misturas de concreto depois de submetidas a temperaturas elevadas, bem como, uma investigação da influência da reidratação. As misturas foram preparadas com três diferentes agregados: argila expandida, basalto e calcário. Os corpos-de-prova C, obedecendo a mesma taxa de 300 ºC e 600 ºC foram submetidos às temperaturas de 300 aquecimento da Curva ISO-834 (1999. Após o trata- mento térmico, parte dos corpos-de-prova foram reidratados ao ar, outra parte foi imersa em água e outros envolvidos em filme plástico durante 28, 56 e 112 dias. Nestas idades os concretos foram caracterizados em relação à resistência à compressão, resistência à tração e módulo de elasticidade e assim uma avaliação da influência do tipo de agregado e da reidratação na recuperação da resistência mecânica pôde ser feita.

  11. Dispersão e comportamento reológico de concretos refratários ultra-baixo teor de cimento no sistema Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C

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    Oliveira I. R. de


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários no sistema Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C vêm sendo amplamente utilizados em indústrias siderúrgicas como revestimento de canais de corrida de altos-fornos, em virtude principalmente da sua elevada refratariedade aliada a altas resistências ao choque térmico e ao ataque por escória e metal fundido. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a influência de diferentes tipos de aditivos na trabalhabilidade e dispersão de concretos refratários de ultra-baixo teor de cimento nesse sistema. Apesar da sua alta capacidade de complexar íons de cálcio, moléculas de citrato não foram capazes de controlar adequadamente o tempo de pega do concreto estudado, contradizendo a idéia geral de que os íons de citrato devem ser utilizados para controlar a sua trabalhabilidade. Por outro lado, o aditivo polimetacrilato de sódio mostrou-se eficiente na otimização simultânea da dispersão e da trabalhabilidade do concreto devido provavelmente ao retardamento da dissolução dos íons advindos do cimento.

  12. Estudo do comportamento e da resistencia das vigas mistas aço-concreto constituídas por perfis formados a frios e lajes pré-fabricadas


    Luciano Augusto Figueiredo de Oliveira


    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados da pesquisa teórico-experimental, realizada no Laboratório de Análise Experimental de Estruturas, do Departamento Engenharia de Estruturas da Escola de Engenharia/UFMG, sobre o comportamento e a resistência de vigas mistas aço-concreto empregando-se perfis metálicos formados a frio e pré-lajes de concreto armado, visando sua aplicação nos sistemas construtivos para edificações residenciais de 04 pavimentos. Para possibilitar a aná...

  13. Análise mecânica de pilares mistos bambu-concreto Mechanical analysis of hybrid bamboo-concrete columns

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    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de pilares de bambu da espécie Dendrocalamus giganteus com e sem o preenchimento interior de concreto. Foram ensaiados, a compressão axial, 18 pilares com comprimentos de 1, 1,5 e 2 m e, para cada comprimento, tal como 6 pilares, sendo 3 mistos de bambu-concreto e 3 formados apenas por colmos de bambu. Os resultados foram analisados através da teoria da instabilidade de casca cilíndrica e das propriedades mecânicas dos materiais. Curvas força vs. deformação, teóricas e experimentais, são apresentadas e a influência do comprimento dos pilares sobre as últimas forças resistentes foi avaliada por meio de análise de variância. Os pilares mistos bambu-concreto apresentaram comportamento não-linear e, em média, suas últimas forças resistentes mostraram valor da ordem de 50% da obtida pela Teoria da Resistência dos Materiais; já os pilares formados apenas por colmos de bambu, indicaram comportamento linear e suas últimas forças diferiram apenas 5% das teóricas, calculadas pela Teoria da Resistência dos Materiais. Verifica-se que a utilização de pilares de bambu sem preenchimento de concreto apresenta maior viabilidade estrutural e econômica, podendo ser utilizada em obras de pequeno porte e de baixo custo.This work aimed to investigate the mechanical behaviour of Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo columns filled with concrete. Eighteen columns were tested under axial compression. The columns were 1, 1.5 and 2 m high and, for each height, 6 columns were studied, in which three were filled with concrete and three were made only with the bamboo culms. The results were analysed by the instability theory of cylindrical shell and by the mechanical properties of the material. Theoretical and experimental load versus strain curves are presented and the influence of column height on the columns load capacity were evaluated by variance analysis. The bamboo-concrete columns presented a

  14. Análise da aplicação de resíduo de borracha de pneus em piso tátil intertravado de concreto


    Fabiana Maria da Silva


    Resumo: O reaproveitamento de resíduos na construção civil tem sido uma alternativa viável para diminuir o consumo de materiais naturais e a disposição inadequada dos resíduos no meio ambiente. Neste trabalho avaliou-se o reaproveitamento de resíduo de borracha de pneus, proveniente do processo de recauchutagem, em substituição parcial do agregado miúdo natural, para a produção de pisos táteis intertravados de concreto. O piso tátil de concreto é uma peça utilizada na pavimentação, que permit...

  15. Viabilidade do emprego de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para aplicação de argamassas de revestimento


    Assali, Mirella Pennacchi; Loh, Kai


    N presença do desmoldante na superfície estruturas de concreto armado pode dificultar a adesão da argamassa quando fresca, com posterior descolamento no estado endurecido. Este estudo tem por objetivo explorar o potencial de uso de agentes retardadores em substituição aos desmoldantes convencionais na moldagem de concreto para a obtenção de superfícies com maior capacidade de ancoragem das argamassas. A viabilidade do uso de agentes retardadores foi verificada determinando-se de modo comparat...

  16. Determinação das emissões de dióxido de carbono das matérias primas do concreto produzido na região norte do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Jair Frederico Santoro

    Full Text Available Resumo O concreto é um dos materiais mais usados na construção civil no Brasil, e seu uso difundido advém da grande facilidade de execução e adaptação às mais diversas formas. Reduzir o consumo dos materiais envolvidos na produção do concreto é uma das maneiras de buscar uma maior sustentabilidade da construção civil. Estas reduções de consumo de materiais, se avaliadas levando-se em conta também os impactos que a produção e o transporte dos mesmos geram no meio ambiente, podem vir a aprimorar ou redirecionar as conclusões ou decisões a serem tomadas em relação à busca de uma maior sustentabilidade ambiental. Dentro deste enfoque foram levantadas e avaliadas as emissões de dióxido de carbono (CO2, impactos ambientais gerados quando da extração/produção e transporte até o local de utilização das matérias primas do concreto. Juntamente foram levantadas e avaliadas as emissões na produção e transporte do concreto até a obra. Dentre as conclusões do estudo constatou-se que menores resistências características do concreto produzirão menores emissões de CO2, e que a influência do transporte nas emissões é significativa devido às longas distâncias percorridas pela maior parte das matérias primas.


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    Tiago Ferreira Campos Neto


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O desempenho do concreto depende do seu comportamento nos estados fresco e endurecido. Geralmente, estudos de misturas com nanosílica (nS são voltados para análise do desempenho no estado endurecido e são fundados no uso da adição mineral em grãos secos. Dessa forma, este artigo tem o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do uso de aditivo superplastificante com nanosílica em suspensão coloidal na consistência e resistência mecânica do concreto. Foram dosadas duas misturas com mesmos materiais e traços idênticos, no entanto com aditivos superplastificantes diferentes, sendo um incorporado com nanosílica e outro sem a adição mineral. A mistura sem nanosílica (CC foi usada como referência de estudo para análise dos efeitos da presença da nanosílica na outra mistura (CnS, tanto na evolução da consistência como na resistência mecânica do concreto. Para avaliação dessas propriedades foram realizados ensaios de perda de abatimento em função do tempo e resistência à compressão aos 28 dias. Os resultados mostraram que o concreto dosado com aditivo sem nanosílica apresentou maior tempo disponível para manuseio, bem como maiores valores de abatimento durante todo o ensaio. Entretanto, o concreto com aditivo com nanosílica apresentou melhor desempenho no estado endurecido, atingindo maior valor de resistência mecânica. ABSTRACT: The concrete’s performance depends on its behavior in the fresh and hardened states. Generally, studies of nanosilica (nS are focused on performance analysis in the hardened state and they are founded on the use of the mineral admixture in dry grains. Thus, this paper aims to evaluate the effects of superplasticizer admixture use with nanosilica in colloidal suspension in the consistency and strength of the concrete. Two mixtures were produced with the same materials and identical proportions, however with different superplasticizes, one with and the other without nanosilica. The mixture

  18. Obtenção de concretos auto-escoantes zero-cimento a partir do controle reológico da matriz Production of self-flow zero-cement castables based on matrix rheological control

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    A. R. Studart


    Full Text Available Os concretos refratários auto-escoantes com reduzido teor de cimento têm se destacado pelo fato de associarem a facilidade de aplicação dos concretos de elevada fluidez, com o bom desempenho termomecânico dos refratários contendo baixo teor de CaO. Através do controle simultâneo da distribuição granulométrica e do estado de dispersão da matriz, é possível eliminar o cimento aluminoso (fonte de CaO e quaisquer outros ligantes hidráulicos do concreto, mantendo sua auto-escoabilidade. Os concretos obtidos, denominados zero-cimento, apresentam resistência mecânica a verde compatível com aplicações industriais e excelentes propriedades a altas temperaturas. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas as condições de dispersão da matriz necessárias para a obtenção dos concretos zero-cimento, após um ajuste granulométrico prévio. As faixas de pH e de teor de dispersante ideais para a otimização da reologia da matriz são apresentadas graficamente em um mapa de estabilidade, o qual mostrou-se uma ferramenta bastante útil para a formulação dos concretos auto-escoantes zero-cimento.Self-flow low-cement refractory castables have attracted much attention in the latest years because they combine the installation benefits of high-flowability castables with the good thermomechanical behaviour of low CaO-content refractories. By simultaneously controlling the castable particle size distribution and the matrix dispersion state, it becomes possible to eliminate the aluminous cement (CaO source or any other hydraulic binder in the castable, keeping its self-flow ability. Such castables, named self-flow zero-cement castables, exhibit pre-firing mechanical strength compatible with industrial applications and outstanding high temperature properties. The matrix dispersion conditions necessary to obtain these castables are presented in this work. The optimum range of pH and dispersant amount for the matrix rheological optimisation are

  19. Avaliação da resistência ao fogo de paredes maciças de concreto armado

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    Fabrício Longhi Bolina

    Full Text Available ResumoO desempenho das construções está em evidência no Brasil, principalmente após a aprovação da Norma de Desempenho, a ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. Esta norma remete a necessidade dos sistemas construtivos de atender, dentre outros, a níveis mínimos de segurança contra incêndio. O intento deste artigo é estudar o potencial de aplicação na construção civil de sistemas de vedação vertical de concreto armado em termos de resistência ao fogo. Através de protótipos ensaiados em escala real (3,15 x 3,00 m em um forno vertical normatizado, foram analisadas duas espessuras de paredes de concreto armado maciço, de 10 e 14 cm, com um mesmo traço, observando o comportamento em termos de isolamento térmico, estanqueidade e estabilidade. Evidenciou-se que as amostras atenderam as condições aplicáveis para até 120 minutos de ensaio, com a de 14 cm mostrando melhores índices de isolamento térmico e estanqueidade.

  20. Estudo tecnico e economico da manutenção de um pavimento de concreto


    Gustavo Garnett Neto


    Resumo: Pavimentos Rígidos de Concreto de Cimento Portland são utilizados, em geral, como revestimentos de vias com tráfego muito intenso e para as quais se pretende uma longa vida útil e nenhuma necessidade de manutenção. Estes pavimentos, quando bem projetados e bem construídos, geralmente atendem a essas expectativas. Porém, na construção de pavimentos de grande extensão, podem ocorrer defeitos em algumas de suas placas, que, posteriormente, demandarão reparos corretivos, para a preservaçã...

  1. Influência das fibras de aço e das adições minerais na fissuração de tirantes de concreto armado

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    L. A. Oliveira Júnior

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho é investigada a influência das fibras de aço e das adições minerais (sílica ativa e cinza volante na fissuração de tirantes de concreto armado. Fibras de aço com gancho nas extremidades e relação de aspecto igual a 65 foram usadas nas frações volumétricas de 0,75%, 1,00% e 1,50%. Dezesseis tirantes de 800 mm de comprimento e seção transversal quadrada de 150 mm de lado reforçados com uma barra de aço CA-50 de 20 mm de diâmetro foram submetidos à tração axial para determinação das aberturas das fissuras. Os resultados mostraram que as fibras reduziram a abertura média de fissuras em até 75% e que as adições minerais melhoraram o comportamento do concreto na fissuração. As aberturas de fissuras foram comparadas aos valores sugeridos pelas recomendações das normas brasileira, americana e européia, que se mostraram inadequadas para estimar a abertura de fissuras em concretos reforçados com fibras.

  2. Rice husk derived waste materials as partial cement replacement in lightweight concrete Utilização de resíduos derivados da casca de arroz como substitutos parciais do cimento no concreto leve

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    Celso Yoji Kawabata


    Full Text Available In this study rice husk ash (RHA and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA, two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.Neste trabalho, cinzas de casca de arroz (RHA e cinzas de cama de frango (BBA, dois resíduos agrícolas, foram avaliadas para uso como substitutos parciais do cimento para produção de concreto leve. Características físicas e químicas de RHA e BBA foram analisadas. Três tipos semelhantes de concreto leve foram produzidos, um controle em que o ligante era totalmente cimento CEM I (CTL e dois outros tipos de concreto, com substituição de 10% com RHA e BBA, respectivamente. Todos os tipos de concreto leve foram feitos através do ajuste da quantidade de superplastificante para apresentarem a mesma trabalhabilidade. Propriedades de concreto investigados foram resistência à compressão e à flexão em diferentes idades


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    Silvia Juliana Sarmiento Nova


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O presente trabalho consiste em sistematizar um procedimento para avaliação da confiabilidade estrutural de pontes de concreto protendido, com base no índice de confiabilidade β, e a correspondente probabilidade de falha Pf. O Método de Monte Carlo é utilizado no processo de simulação das variáveis aleatórias, tomadas como sendo as resistências dos materiais, algumas das propriedades geométricas e o carregamento aplicado à estrutura. Como ferramenta para análise estrutural, é utilizado um programa computacional comercial. Os valores obtidos pelo método de simulação são validados através do método analítico FORM, e realiza-se também uma análise de sensibilidade. O procedimento é aplicado a uma ponte de concreto protendido de viga-e-laje. Com base nos resultados alcançados na análise desenvolvida conclui-se que o procedimento sistematizado, o qual utiliza um método de simulação, pode ser utilizado para avaliar a confiabilidade de uma ponte em concreto protendido de uma forma mais prática e efetiva. A análise de sensibilidade permitiu identificar as variáveis que apresentam maior influência na avaliação da segurança da estrutura. ABSTRACT: This paper is proposed to systematize the structural reliability evaluation procedure of prestressed concrete bridges, based on the reliability index β, and the corresponding probability of failure Pf. The Monte Carlo method is used to simulate design variables, taken as the resistances of the materials, some geometrical properties and the loads applied to the structure. As a tool for structural analysis, a commercial computer program is used. The values obtained by simulation method are validated by the analytical method FORM, and a sensitivity analysis is carried out. The procedure is applied to a deck-girder prestressed concrete bridge. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the procedure, which is based on a simulation method, can be used to evaluate

  4. Reologia de concretos de alto desempenho aplicados na construção civil: revisão Review article: rheology of high performance concretes applied in building site

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    A. L. de Castro


    Full Text Available Do ponto de vista reológico, o concreto pode ser entendido como uma concentração de partículas sólidas em suspensão (agregados em um líquido (pasta de cimento. Sendo assim, seu comportamento no estado fresco deve ser estudado a partir dos conceitos da reologia, ciência voltada para o estudo das deformações e escoamento de um fluido sob a influência de tensões. As pesquisas efetuadas ao longo do tempo resultaram em uma série de equações que descrevem o comportamento do concreto fresco. Sabe-se que o comportamento reológico desse material se aproxima de um fluido binghamiano, sendo necessários dois parâmetros para sua caracterização: a tensão de escoamento e a viscosidade plástica. A reologia do concreto fresco tem sido estudada com determinações que variam entre métodos de ensaio simples e práticos, como o ensaio de abatimento de tronco de cone, até equipamentos mais sofisticados que determinam as curvas de cisalhamento do material, como os reômetros. Dessa maneira, é possível determinar a relação entre a tensão de cisalhamento e a taxa de cisalhamento sob condições definidas fisicamente. Como o concreto fresco é um material heterogêneo, uma aproximação mais precisa do seu comportamento reológico é dada pela análise direta das forças (torque que resultam do cisalhamento (velocidade de rotação do concreto. Assim, o presente artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os principais conceitos relacionados com a reologia de concretos de alto desempenho aplicados na construção civil, envolvendo desde sua caracterização reológica até os métodos de ensaio utilizados para a determinação das propriedades reológicas.From a rheological point of view, concrete can be understood as a concentrate suspension of solid particles (aggregates in a viscous liquid (cement paste. In such case, its fresh behavior should be evaluated based on the concepts of rheology, the science which relates the deformation

  5. Uso de fibra natural de sisal em blocos de concreto para alvenaria estrutural


    Indara Soto Izquierdo


    A utilização de fibras vegetais como reforço constitui um grande interesse na obtenção de novos materiais para a construção civil produto de seu baixo custo, alta disponibilidade e reduzido consumo de energia para sua produção. Este trabalho avalia a incorporação de fibras de sisal, de comprimento 20 e 40 mm, e fração volumétrica de 0,5 e 1%, em concretos para a alvenaria de blocos estruturais e determina o uso destas unidades na execução de prismas e mini-paredes. Foram realizados os testes ...

  6. Simulación numérica del comportamiento elástico del concreto reforzado con fibras cortas de acero en condición plana de esfuerzos

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    Fabian Lamus


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe un modelo numérico implementado en el método de los elementos finitos (Hughes, 2000, el cual permite simular el comportamiento elástico del concreto reforzado con fibras cortas de dirección aleatoria. En estructuras hechas de dicho material cada punto está compuesto por fibras cortas de acero embebidas en una matriz de concreto simple. En el interior de un elemento finito el concreto reforzado se representa como un material ortótropo de dirección material aleatoria, basado en el modelo de fibras con diámetro despreciable (Dvorak y Bahei-el-Din, 1982 y la teoría de mezclas modificada para refuerzo de corta longitud (Oller, 2003. El análisis estadístico realizado consiste en: repetir la simulación numérica del problema cambiando la dirección de las fibras mediante una función aleatoria, construir la base de datos de muestreo a partir de los resultados obtenidos y medir la dispersión de estos últimos. A continuación, en este trabajo se estudia la sensibilidad del tamaño de los elementos finitos y del número de datos de muestreo en el cálculo de la energía total de deformación y se establecen algunos valores recomendables. Como ejemplo de aplicación se obtuvo la respuesta estructural promedio de una viga de concreto reforzado con diferentes cuantías de fibras cortas de acero, observando una dispersión mínima de los datos.

  7. Estudo comparativo entre valores teóricos e resultados experimentais de módulo de elasticidade de concretos produzidos com diferentes tipos de agregado graúdo

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    Antonio Carlos dos Santos

    Full Text Available Resumo O módulo de elasticidade do concreto é uma propriedade importante para os profissionais envolvidos na indústria da construção civil, uma vez que seu valor é determinante para o controle das deformações. Este trabalho avaliou o módulo de elasticidade de três classes distintas de concreto (C20, C30 e C40 produzidas com dois tipos litológicos de rochas, basalto e dolomito, de diferentes jazidas da região do Triângulo Mineiro. Como parte do estudo experimental, foram moldadas 324 amostras cilíndricas de 10 cm × 20 cm. Os valores de módulo de elasticidade obtidos foram comparados com seis formulações propostas em quatro normas, institutos e códigos do concreto: ABNT NBR 6118 versão 2007 e 2014, ACI 318, EUROCODE 2 and FIB Model Code, Ibracon 2003. Dentre as formulações propostas pelas normas, as indicadas pela FIB Model Code (2010 e ABNT NBR 6118 (2014 apresentaram valores mais próximos aos resultados experimentais deste estudo.

  8. Análisis estático - dinámico y diseño sismoresistente de un pórtico de concreto armado con muro de corte


    Torres Limache, Paula Cristina; Torres Limache, Paula Cristina; Torres Limache, Paula Cristina


    El trabajo de ingeniería denominado “Análisis Estático -Dinámico y Diseño Sismo-Resistente de un Pórtico de Concreto Armado con Muro de Corte” presenta el análisis estático, dinámico y diseño de los principales elementos conformantes de un pórtico de concreto armado con muro de corte de un edificio de 6 pisos diseñado para el uso de oficinas. Se ha realizado con la finalidad de esclarecer y estudiar conceptos de estructuración y diseño de los elementos : columnas. vigas, placas y cimentaci...

  9. Experiências em concreto armado na áfrica portuguesa: influências do Brasil

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    Ana Vaz Milheiro


    Full Text Available Existe uma proximidade entre a cultura moderna brasileira e Portugal, que pode ser identificada pelas influências sentidas na produção arquitectónica portuguesa. Genericamente, estas relações iniciaram-se com Brazil builds - Architecture new and old 1652-1942, que os portugueses conhecem desde meados da década de 1940, progredindo até à inauguração de Brasília que marca o declínio do interesse português na arquitectura do Brasil. As qualidades plásticas da arquitectura brasileira - consequência do uso e exploração das potencialidades do concreto armado - podem ser detectadas em alguns exemplos construídos em Portugal durante os anos cinquenta. A influência determinante de Oscar Niemeyer é a mais documentada. Um fenómeno semelhante estendeu-se aos antigos territórios coloniais africanos, onde Portugal manteve soberania até 1975. Aqui, todavia, o interesse na produção brasileira persistiu mais tempo se comparado com a metrópole. Tanto em Angola como em Moçambique assistiu-se a uma forte actividade construtiva durante as décadas de 1950-1960, prolongando-se até ao inicio dos anos setenta onde o recurso ao concreto armado se intensificou como prática dominante. Em alguns casos o seu uso traduziu-se em explorações plásticas originais. O exercício da arquitectura nos antigos territórios da África portuguesa beneficiava de alguma liberdade conceptual e, na generalidade, a qualidade do operariado não se diferenciava daquele que trabalhava no Portugal Ibérico. Dentro do contexto descrito serão aqui apresentados três casos de arquitectos com obra relevante em Angola e Moçambique, que construíram em concreto e, simultaneamente, tiveram ou manifestaram afinidades com a arquitectura brasileira do mesmo período. Em Angola, recorda-se o percurso de Francisco Castro Rodrigues, no Lobito entre 1953 e 1987, e de Fernão Lopes Simões de Carvalho, que permaneceu em Luanda de 1960 a 1967. Em Lourenço Marques (actual

  10. Análise da eficiência dos sistemas estruturais para edifícios em concreto

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    Gildemir Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Nos últimos anos houve uma evolução dos métodos construtivos empregados no Brasil, principalmente no que se refere às estruturas de concreto. Embora a literatura sobre eficiência na construção civil seja vasta, a proposição de métodos não paramétricos para a análise de eficiência de processos construtivos ainda é bastante limitada. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo para análise de eficiência baseado na técnica Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA para uma análise comparada da eficiência dos sistemas estruturais de edifícios em concreto, avaliando a utilização eficiente dos insumos de produção (capital e trabalho para a produção da estrutura. No trabalho foram comparados diversos sistemas estruturais, entre os quais pavimentos formados por lajes nervuradas apoiadas em faixas protendidas, formados por lajes apoiadas em vigas altas e formados por lajes apoiadas diretamente nos pilares, em um total de 23 obras, de 16 construtoras com reconhecida atuação no mercado imobiliário, monitoradas periodicamente, o que permite um diagnóstico do setor. O modelo proposto pode ser usado pelos planejadores com vantagens significativas. Os resultados apontam que pode haver ganhos financeiros substanciais ao melhor alocar mão de obra para o mesmo método construtivo.

  11. Desempenho de concretos com agregados reciclados de cerâmica vermelha Performance of red ceramic recycled aggregate concrete

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    A. E. B. Cabral


    do concreto, sendo que o agregado do tipo graúdo reciclado exerceu em todas as propriedades, uma maior influência.Construction and Demolition (C&D waste is an important portion of solid waste produced in Brazilian cities, corresponding around 50% of urban solid wastes. Among several representatives of C&D waste, red ceramic, originated from bricks and tiles used in constructions, is a considerable portion. The recycling of C&D waste making recycled aggregates has been a common practice, particularly in cities where there is an inaccessibility or shortage of natural aggregates, that propitiate high costs to acquire them. Intending determine the behavior of red ceramic recycled aggregates in concrete's production, it was made an experimental program based on a project of experiments. In this program, the fine and the coarse natural aggregates were substituted by theirs respective recycled aggregates. The water/cement ratio was also varied. The produced concretes were analyzed regarding three properties: axial strength, modulus of deformation and volume of permeable voids (VPP. All the proposed models had excellent determination coefficient, higher than 95%. Simulations were made using the proposed models. The results indicate the natural fine aggregate substitution by the recycled red ceramic fine aggregate results in an axial strength increment and for a natural coarse aggregate substitution by the recycled red ceramic coarse aggregate, a decrease. For the other concrete properties, it was observed that the recycled aggregate use, as for coarse as for fine aggregate, had a negative effect and the recycled coarse aggregate exercised a larger influence than the fine aggregate.

  12. Influência de aditivos dispersantes nas propriedades de concretos refratários de Al2O3 e Al2O3-MgO Influence of dispersants in Al2O3 and Al2O3-MgO refractory castables

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    I. R. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O estado de dispersão das partículas constituintes da matriz de concretos apresenta uma influência direta no comportamento reológico desses materiais, determinando as técnicas que podem ser usadas para a sua aplicação. Diferentes aditivos são utilizados visando uma dispersão eficiente, a qual constitui um requisito importante na otimização do empacotamento das partículas e da resistência mecânica de concretos. Entretanto, a influência desses aditivos nas propriedades de concretos tem sido muito pouco estudada. Neste trabalho investigou-se o efeito de três dispersantes nas propriedades e desempenho na secagem de diferentes composições refratárias. A presença de poliacrilato de sódio resultou em concretos com elevada permeabilidade e maior porosidade. Por outro lado, em composições no sistema Al2O3-MgO a presença de hexametafosfato de sódio proporcionou concretos com permeabilidade extremamente baixa acarretando numa secagem mais lenta, enquanto o ácido cítrico apresentou um desempenho intermediário. Tais efeitos nas propriedades dos concretos foram correlacionados às características intrínsecas dos aditivos.The state of dispersion of the castables matrix particles presents a direct influence in their rheological behavior, determining the techniques that can be used for their installation. Different additives have been used aiming an efficient dispersion, which constitutes an important requirement in the optimization of the particles packing and mechanical resistance of castables. However, the influence of those additives in the castables properties has not been extensively studied. In this work, the effect of 3 dispersants was investigated in the properties and drying behavior of different refractory compositions. The presence of sodium polyacrylate resulted in castables with higher permeability and larger porosity. On the other hand, in Al2O3-MgO compositions the presence of sodium hexametaphosphate provided

  13. Características de desempeño de un concreto adicionado con cenizas volantesde alto nivel de inquemados

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    Claudia Patricia Valderrama


    Full Text Available La ingeniería de hoy en día exige que las estructuras sean resistentes y durables, siendo esta última cualidad un factor determinante durante el diseño y la construcción de ella. En dicho sentido, el desarrollo de nuevos materiales cementantes y el mejoramiento de las propiedades de los concretos tradicionales, específicamente la reducción de la permeabilidad, mediante la incorporación de materiales tales como las puzolanas, continúa siendo objeto de estudio por parte de la comunidad científica. En el presente trabajo se analiza el efecto de las propiedades de resistencia mecánica a compresión, absorción capilar y permeabilidad a cloruros de un concreto adicionado con cenizas volantes (CV, y se compara su comportamiento respecto a mezclas adicionadas con humo de sílice (MS. Para el caso de las cenizas volantes, se encontró un porcentaje óptimo del 10% para las resistencias mecánicas; sin embargo, incrementos en la adición dan lugar a efectos positivos en las propiedades de durabilidad. En comparación con el humo de sílice, las cenizas volantes mostraron un desempeño inferior para todas las propiedades evaluadas.

  14. Estudo de metodologias para o dimensionamento de vigas mistas de aço e concreto com perfil celular

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    Full Text Available Resumo Atualmente, com o avanço da tecnologia de corte e solda, perfis de aço com aberturas sequenciais na forma circular, denominados perfis celulares, vêm sendo bastante utilizadas como vigas de edificações. A ABNT NBR 8800:2008 e as normas estrangeiras não abordam vigas de aço e vigas mistas de aço e concreto com perfil celular, o que contribui para que o seu uso seja limitado. Foi desenvolvido e aferido um programa computacional para o dimensionamento de vigas mistas de aço e concreto com perfil celular biapoiadas de acordo com duas metodologias distintas da literatura. Um estudo paramétrico abordando vigas mistas com perfis celulares obtidos de dois perfis I de aço laminados comerciais foi realizado. Nesse estudo, a influência dos parâmetros geométricos do perfil celular e do comprimento do vão da viga na resistência e na forma de colapso foi analisada. Foi possível concluir que em muitas situações o uso de vigas mistas com perfil celular é vantajoso em relação às vigas mistas de alma cheia.

  15. Análise da eficiência dos sistemas estruturais para edifícios em concreto


    Silva, Gildemir; Prata, Bruno; Albuquerque, Augusto


    Resumo Nos últimos anos houve uma evolução dos métodos construtivos empregados no Brasil, principalmente no que se refere às estruturas de concreto. Embora a literatura sobre eficiência na construção civil seja vasta, a proposição de métodos não paramétricos para a análise de eficiência de processos construtivos ainda é bastante limitada. Este trabalho apresenta um modelo para análise de eficiência baseado na técnica Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) para uma análise comparada da eficiência dos...


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    Carlos EduardoTino Balestra


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A corrosão das armaduras induzida por cloretos é um dos principais problemas relacionados à degradação de estruturas de concreto armado em ambiente marinho. Desta forma, este artigo apresenta uma compilação e discussão dos principais parâmetros ambientais e materiais que influenciam na penetração de cloretos em estruturas de concreto presentes neste ambiente. Além disso, como estudo de caso, ensaios de espectroscopia de fluorescência de Raios-X em amostras de concreto foram realizados em pontos de algumas estruturas presentes em diferentes zonas de agressividade marinha. As conclusões deste trabalho mostram que a degradação de uma estrutura pode ser evitada desde a etapa de projeto e que há um grande número de variáveis ambientais e materiais que afetam o processo. Esse trabalho contribui para a evolução do conhecimento sobre estruturas que sofrem degradação natural, expostas ao ambiente marinho. Os ensaios de espectroscopia de fluorescência de Raios-X mostraram que, sob uma perspectiva da corrosão, a zona de variação de maré é a mais agressiva às estruturas de concreto armado. Os ciclos de molhagem e secagem aos quais a zona de variação de maré está sujeita contribuem para acelerar a penetração dos cloretos no concreto. Portanto, de acordo com o tipo de zona marinha onde as estruturas podem estar presentes, o nível de agressividade quanto à corrosão induzida por cloretos é variável. ABSTRACT: The reinforcement corrosion induced by chlorides is one of the main problems related to the degradation of reinforced concrete structures in marine environment. Thus, this paper presents a compilation and discussion of key environmental and materials parameters that influence the chloride penetration in concrete structures present in this environment. Furthermore, as a case study, Fluorescence Spectroscopy X-ray testing of concrete samples were made in points of structures presents in different marine

  17. Desempenho de concretos avançados para a construção civil, formulados a partir do método de dosagem computacional Performance of advanced concretes for building site designed by computing mix proportion technique

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    A. L. de Castro


    Full Text Available A busca por materiais com desempenho mecânico e durabilidade cada vez superiores tem sido o alvo dos pesquisadores da tecnologia dos concretos. Para tanto, concretos obtidos a partir da engenharia de microestrutura são necessários. Com base nos conceitos de empacotamento e dispersão de partículas é possível obter materiais com matrizes densas e trabalhabilidade adequada. Assim, as propriedades de concretos dosados com base nesses conceitos são apresentadas e comparadas àquelas de concretos de alto desempenho, adotados em pesquisas da construção civil. As propriedades no estado fresco foram avaliadas medindo-se o índice de fluidez e determinando-se o comportamento reológico do material. No estado endurecido, a resistência mecânica foi avaliada pelos ensaios de compressão uniaxial, tração por compressão diametral e flexão em 3 pontos, enquanto o módulo de elasticidade foi avaliado pelos métodos estático e dinâmico. Os concretos desenvolvidos se apresentaram trabalháveis por um período de tempo superior que o concreto de referência, sem a necessidade da incorporação de aditivos retardadores. Em termos de resistência mecânica, foi possível observar uma maior reprodutibilidade dos resultados obtidos para os concretos formulados por dosagem computacional. Além disso, os resultados possibilitaram estabelecer boas correlações entre as resistências medidas para esses concretos, bem como entre os módulos de elasticidade medidos por ambos os métodos de ensaio.The search for materials with better mechanical performance and durability has been the aim of the concrete's technology researchers. In order to attain this target, concretes developed with engineering microstructure are necessary. Based on the concepts of particle packing and dispersion, it is possible to obtain materials with dense matrix and appropriate workability. Thus, in the present paper, the properties of concretes based on these concepts are presented

  18. Dosagem de concreto ecológico com base em estudo de empacotamento de partículas


    Londero, Carolina


    Orientador : Profª. Drª. Nayara Soares Klein Co-orientador : Prof. Dr. Wellington Mazer Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Construção Civil. Defesa: Curitiba, 29/04/2016 Inclui referências : f. 119-126 Area de concentração : Materiais e estruturas Resumo: As questões ambientais que envolvem a produção de concreto vêm sendo muito estudadas, uma vez que o consumo elevado de cimento Portland causa impactos amb...


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se recopilan diferentes opciones para la reutilización sostenible de residuos en la fabricación de concreto. Se detallan las diferentes opciones para residuos industriales, residuos agrícolas y residuos de construcción y demolición. Se enfatiza en la importancia de tratamientos como la molienda, clasificación por aire y sonicación, así como en la fabricación de conglomerantes activados alcalinamente.

  20. Fibras de polipropileno e sua influência no comportamento de concretos expostos a altas temperaturas: revisão Polypropylene fibers and their influence on the behavior of concretes exposed to high temperatures: review

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    A. L. de Castro


    Full Text Available A resistência ao fogo de um elemento estrutural de concreto é avaliada pelo intervalo de tempo em que o elemento continua a desempenhar suas funções sob condições de alta temperatura. Normalmente acredita-se que o concreto tem uma excelente durabilidade frente à ação do fogo, entretanto, na prática, a estabilidade desse material é prejudicada pelas altas temperaturas e os elementos de concreto têm apresentado danos excessivos ou mesmo rupturas catastróficas sob tais condições. Quando expostos às altas temperaturas, materiais à base de cimento sofrem mudanças físico-químicas que prejudicam suas propriedades mecânicas e comprometem sua resistência à transferência de calor. Embora as características térmicas de um concreto de alta resistência sejam semelhantes aos de um concreto convencional, este material possui uma maior sensibilidade às altas temperaturas devido à sua porosidade reduzida, apresentando uma maior perda relativa das propriedades mecânicas e a ocorrência do lascamento explosivo na faixa de temperatura entre 100 ºC e 400 ºC. O lascamento pode ser evitado pela introdução de fibras de polipropileno na composição do concreto: quando fundidas e parcialmente absorvidas pela matriz de cimento, as fibras criam uma rede de canais permeável que permite a migração dos gases para o exterior, reduzindo a pressão nos poros do material e, conseqüentemente, eliminando a possibilidade de ocorrência do lascamento explosivo. Assim, no presente artigo, uma revisão sobre o comportamento de concretos expostos às altas temperaturas, bem como a influência da fibra de polipropileno sobre este comportamento foi realizada, direcionando-se para os concretos aplicados na construção civil.The fire resistance of a structural concrete is evaluated by the time length that the element keeps performing its functions under high temperature conditions. It is usually believed that the concrete has an excellent durability

  1. Estudo experimental do reforço à flexão em vigas de concreto armado com balanço utilizando compósitos com tecidos de fibras de carbono


    Araújo, Ana; Sánchez, Emil; Velasco, Marta


    Esse trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento e o desempenho de vigas de concreto armado reforçadas à flexão utilizando-se compósitos de fibra de carbono. O programa experimental constituído pelo ensaio de sete vigas biapoiadas com um vão em balanço, todas com a mesma seção transversal, armaduras de aço e vãos idênticos, sendo o momento positivo máximo igual ao do momento negativo máximo. O concreto utilizado foi projetado para fornecer uma resistência à compressão de 20 MPa e o aço...

  2. Vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus. I: análise experimental Concrete beams reinforced with bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus. I: experimental analysis

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    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, apresenta-se e se discute um estudo experimental sobre o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu. Ensaiaram-se dez vigas de concreto armado, sendo oito vigas armadas longitudinalmente com varas de bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus e duas vigas de referência, armadas com barras de aço. Duas variáveis foram estudadas: a taxa de armadura longitudinal (1,6 e 3,2% e a relação área/perímetro das varas de bambu (0,25 e 0,33 cm. Para cada combinação de variáveis foram confeccionadas duas vigas. Curvas força vs. deslocamento e força vs. deformação dos materiais são apresentadas e discutidas. Constatou-se que o comportamento estrutural das vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu segue a teoria de flexão de Bernoulli-Kirchoff, sendo possível a aplicação dos procedimentos usuais de dimensionamento do concreto armado no projeto desses elementos. Observou-se, também, que a capacidade de carga dessas vigas se assemelha à das vigas de aço; contudo, estas são mais rígidas que aquelas.In this paper, an experimental study about bamboo reinforced concrete beams is presented and discussed. Ten reinforced concrete beams were tested, where eight of them were reinforced with Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo-splint and two reference beams were reinforced with steel bars. Two factors were studied: the longitudinal reinforcement ratio (1.6 and 3.2% and the area/perimeter ratio of the bamboo-splint (0.25 and 0.33 cm. For each factor combination, two beams were cast. Force vs. displacement and force vs. strain curves are presented and discussed. It was found out that the structural behaviour of bamboo-concrete beams follow the Bernoulli-Kirchoff bending theory. Therefore, the usual design procedures of reinforced concrete can be used to design the bamboo-concrete beams. The load capacity of the bamboo-concrete beams is almost the same as that of reinforced with steel; nevertheless, are more stiffer than those

  3. Verificação da eficiência do modelo de Mohler na resposta do comportamento de vigas mistas de madeira e concreto

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    Julio Cesar Molina

    Full Text Available Neste trabalho de pesquisa avaliou-se o comportamento estrutural do sistema misto madeira e concreto para tabuleiros de pontes com ênfase nos conectores metálicos de cisalhamento. Os ensaios experimentais foram realizados em corpos de prova mistos e em vigas mistas de madeira e concreto com sistema de conexão metálica, disposto em X, a partir da utilização de parafusos do tipo CS100900. Todos os corpos de prova e vigas foram submetidos a solicitações estáticas com carregamentos aplicados até a ruptura, considerando-se os diversos materiais envolvidos na ligação mista para a obtenção da resistência e rigidez do sistema de conexão. Os resultados experimentais de rigidez das vigas foram comparados com os resultados analíticos fornecidos pelo modelo de Mohler, tendo apresentado boa concordância para carregamentos de serviço. A partir dos resultados experimentais obtidos constatou-se que os danos mais significativos ocorreram nas regiões dos conectores.

  4. Evaluación del impacto de las alteraciones climáticas en un puente de concreto preesforzado


    Rangel, Carolina Castellanos


    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Perfil de Estruturas e Geotecnia) En esta investigación es realizado un análisis de socavación para el nuevo Puente Gómez Ortiz, ubicado en el departamento de Santander, Colombia. La estructura que cuenta con dos luces principales de 170 metros de longitud y dos vanos extremos de 85 metros cada uno, con tablero de concreto postensado de sección transversal viga-cajón de canto variable, construido por ...

  5. Velocidade de onda ultrassônica longitudinal e transversal em concretos estruturais de variadas resistências submetidos à compressão simples e à tração por compressão diametral.


    Andreza Vera Pyrrho de Araújo


    O trabalho discute o padrão de comportamento de ondas ultrassônicas longitudinais (compression waves) e transversais (shear waves) em concretos de variadas resistências submetidos a compressão axial e diametral. Foram ensaiados 112 corpos de prova confeccionados de concretos com variadas resistências a compressão, dentro do intervalo atualmente contemplado pela NBR 6118/2014. Os corpos de provas foram submetidos ao ensaio de compressão simples, tração por compressão diametral e módulo de e...

  6. Losas de concreto reforzadas con acero inoxidable de desecho Reinforced concrete slabs with stainless steel waste

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    Jorge Alberto Pérez González


    Full Text Available Se muestran los resultados de un programa experimental que explora la reutilización de materiales de desecho industrial (específicamente láminas de acero inoxidable producto de la acuñación de moneda como refuerzo en losas de concreto. Para ello se elaboraron 23 especímenes tipo viga-losa a escala natural con dicho refuerzo a fin de determinar su comportamiento en términos de resistencia, ductilidad y formas de falla; el análisis experimental de modelos ensayados con diferentes cantidades de refuerzo muestra que en algunos casos, bajo ciertas condiciones de cuantías y colocación del mismo, es posible alcanzar capacidades de carga y formas de falla similares a las de especímenes de control con refuerzo tradicional. En base a estos resultados se concluye en la factibilidad de utilizar el material arriba descrito como refuerzo alternativo en elementos estructurales de concreto, tratando de encontrar alternativas más económicas en la construcción de vivienda popular.The results from an experimental program that explores the use of industrial waste materials (specifically sheets of stainless steel that result of the currency coinage as reinforcement for concrete slabs are presented. Twenty three full size beam-deck specimens were built in order to measure resistance, ductility and failure modes; the experimental analysis in models with reinforcement in different quantities shows that in some cases, under certain quantities and location, it is possible to reach similar load capacities and failure modes as specimens with traditional reinforcement. Based on these results, it is concluded the feasibility of using the material described above as alternative reinforcement in structural concrete elements, as an economic option in the construction of social housing.

  7. Considerações sobre o desempenho de estruturas de concreto pré-moldado em situação de incêndio

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    Cassiano da Silva Zago

    Full Text Available A crescente utilização do concreto pré-moldado para solução estrutural em diversas obras, como edificações industriais e comerciais, tornou-se uma alternativa vantajosa e acessível, principalmente no quesito tempo de construção. Porém, quando em situação de incêndio, determinadas características que esse sistema construtivo usualmente oferece como vantagens podem tornar-se uma desvantagem. Contando com espaços amplos, com grandes vãos livres, materiais combustíveis armazenados e ventilação apropriada, torna-se um cenário ideal para a propagação de um incêndio e consequente perda da capacidade de suporte da estrutura. Neste trabalho são apresentadas as implicações de um projeto que utiliza o concreto pré-moldado em situação de incêndio, além de levantar pontos para discussões sobre possibilidades que amenizem os riscos, tendo como base referências bibliográficas nacionais e internacionais, de uso corrente no meio técnico e acadêmico.

  8. Caracterización morfológica de agregados para concreto mediante el análisis de imágenes Morphological characterization of concrete aggregates by means of image analysis

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    Maria Patricia León


    Full Text Available La morfología de los agregados influye en las propiedades del concreto en estado fresco y endurecido, sin embargo no se ha establecido una correlación entre parámetros de forma y características del concreto de manera que la incidencia de la forma sea tenida en cuenta en el diseño de la mezcla. La medición de la forma por los métodos tradicionales es subjetiva, por esta razón últimamente se han utilizado tecnologías de análisis de imágenes para determinar las características de forma de las partículas. En este estudio se determinaron las características morfológicas de diferentes agregados usando los métodos tradicionales y el de análisis de imágenes con los descriptores de Fourier, y se determinaron las propiedades mecánicas de concreto preparado con agregados de diferente forma con el fin de evaluar la influencia de esta en las propiedades del concreto fresco y endurecido. Los resultados indican que las propiedades mecánicas no se ven afectadas de manera importante por la forma de los agregados, sin embargo, influye significativamente en la trabajabilidad.Properties of fresh and hardened concrete are affected by the morphological characteristics of the aggregates. However, there is not an established correlation, between the aggregate shape and the concrete properties, to be taken into account during the mix design process. Conventional aggregate shape measurement methods are subjective, and that is why image analysis has been recently used to determine the morphological characteristics of particles. In this study, the morphological characteristics of coarse aggregates from two different sources are determined using both, conventional methods and image analysis by means of Fourier descriptors. Mechanical properties of concrete prepared with coarse aggregates having different elongation indexes were evaluated. Results indicate that the aggregate shape has little influence in the concrete compressive strength and elastic

  9. Reologia de concretos refratários na presença de diferentes tipos de aditivo e ligante hidráulico Refractory castables rheology in the presence of different sort of additive and hydraulic binders

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    I. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Aditivos químicos podem ser adicionados aos concretos refratários com diferentes propósitos, como por exemplo, visando a dispersão das partículas finas da matriz por meio de mecanismos de dispersão eletrostáticos/eletroestéricos (dispersantes e para controlar o processo de hidratação das partículas do agente ligante (retardadores/aceleradores. O estado de dispersão da matriz de um concreto refratário apresenta uma grande influência no comportamento reológico desse material, determinando as técnicas utilizadas para a sua aplicação. Os concretos bombeáveis tem crescido em importância tecnológica devido principalmente à possibilidade de se moldar peças que se encontram distantes do local de mistura, de maneira rápida, eficiente, sem desperdícios e com menor custo. Todavia, para que as vantagens tecnológicas deste processo sejam melhor exploradas, é necessário que o comportamento reológico e as características de endurecimento (tempo de pega do concreto sejam compatíveis com o processo. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar simultaneamente a capacidade de diferentes aditivos quanto à dispersão das partículas da matriz, bem como a sua influência no processo de hidratação de diferentes tipos de ligantes hidráulicos, utilizando-se medidas da fluidez e da trabalhabilidade destes concretos refratários.Chemical additives may be added to the castables for different purposes, as for example, to disperse matrix fine particles through electrostatic/electrosteric mechanisms (dispersants and to control the hydration process of cement particles (retarders/accelerators. The state of dispersion of the castables matrix particles presents a direct influence in their rheological behavior, defyning the techniques that can be used for their installation. The growing demand for automatically transported refractory castables has stimulated the use of pumpable castables due to its fast and high quality placing

  10. Viga mista de aço e concreto constituída por perfil formado a frio preenchido


    Igor Avelar Chaves


    As vigas mistas de aço e concreto têm sido amplamente empregadas em edifícios e pontes, havendo ampla investigação teórica e experimental a respeito da utilização de perfis laminados e soldados e conectores de cisalhamento compatíveis com esses perfis, como por exemplo, o conector tipo pino com cabeça (stud bolt) e perfil U laminado. No âmbito dos perfis formados a frio, a utilização do sistema misto ainda é incipiente, necessitando de investigações mais aprofundadas a respeito do comportamen...

  11. Estudio cognitivo sobre el contenido de conceptos (científicos, concretos y abstractos) y la influencia del conocimiento


    Geral Eduardo Mateus Ferro


    Este artículo tiene como objetivo hacer un estudio cognitivo sobre el contenido de conceptos científicos, concretos y abstractos en 139 participantes distribuidos en tres grupos con distinto conocimiento en ciencias (alto, medio y bajo). La metodología se centra en la realización de tareas de generación de propiedades y el posterior análisis de los protocolos de respuesta según el modelo planteado por Wu y Barsalou (2009). Se analiza si las diferencias de conocimiento entre los grupos de part...

  12. Estudio cognitivo sobre el contenido de conceptos (científicos, concretos y abstractos) y la influencia del conocimiento


    Mateus Ferro, Geral Eduardo


    Este artículo tiene como objetivo hacer un estudio cognitivo sobre el contenido de conceptos científicos, concretos y abstractos en 139 participantes distribuidos en tres grupos con distinto conocimiento en ciencias (alto, medio y bajo). La metodología se centra en la realización de tareas de generación de propiedades y el posterior análisis de los protocolos de respuesta según el modelo planteado por Wu y Barsalou (2009). Se analiza si las diferencias de conocimiento entre los grupos de part...

  13. Posibilidades de diseño con el concreto arquitectónico, utilizando agregado grueso de ladrillo triturado reciclado


    Guarín Salinas, Joan Manuel


    La construcción en Colombia ha sido un detonador de crecimiento para las ciudades con un carácter multifocal; positivo en cuanto al desarrollo físico, social, económico, tecnológico y cultural, y negativo frente al medio ambiente dada la creciente contaminación generada por los residuos de dicha industria que comprometen los recursos de los ecosistemas. Siendo la industria del concreto, el escenario donde la demanda de la construcción en Colombia se aplica, y el ladrillo, uno de los materiale...

  14. Elaboración de un modelo evolutivo híbrido de algoritmos genéticos y redes neuronales artificiales para dosificaciones de mezclas de concreto reforzadas con fibras metálicas

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    Luis Octavio González Salcedo


    Full Text Available En un ambiente computacional, un modelo evolutivo es desarrollado para proponer dosificaciones de mezclas de concretos reforzados con fibras metálicas, para solicitudes de resistencia a la compresión. El modelo es híbrido al incluir un sistema de dosificación basado en algoritmos genéticos y un sistema de estimación de propiedades basado en redes neuronales artificiales. Los resultados obtenidos son comparados con un sistema de dosificaciones reportado experimentalmente. Estas comparaciones muestran una aproximación en el proceso de simulación. Además, por las características del modelo, se considera de aporte en la tecnología del concreto.


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    Daniel Lima Araújo


    Full Text Available RESUMO: É notório o desperdício de materiais na construção civil, o que resulta na geração de resíduos de construção. Com a normalização ambiental recente, não se pode mais descartar esses resíduos de forma indiscriminada, porém deve-se dar aos mesmos uma destinação final adequada ou, sempre que possível, buscar a sua reutilização. Em grande parte, o resíduo gerado na indústria da construção civil é formado por concreto e argamassa, denominados de resíduos “cinzas”. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a substituição dos agregados graúdos naturais por agregados graúdos oriundos da reciclagem de resíduos “cinzas” da construção. Para isso, foram analisados traços de concreto contendo vários níveis de substituição (0%, 19%, 43%, 75%, 100% do agregado natural pelo agregado reciclado. Foi verificada a influência dos agregados reciclados em algumas propriedades do concreto nos estados fresco e endurecido, com destaque para a resistência à compressão e o módulo de elasticidade. Os resultados mostraram ser possível a substituição de até 100% do agregado natural pelo agregado reciclado sem prejuízo da resistência mecânica do concreto e com redução de apenas 12% no módulo de elasticidade, o que indica a possibilidade do mesmo ser utilizado na produção de concretos com fins estruturais. ABSTRACT: The material loss in civil construction is large, which results in a great amount of construction waste. The latest environmental standards in Brazil do not allow that wastes are indiscriminately disposed of, and it is necessary to ensure their adequate final destination or, whenever possible, their reuse. The greater amount of construction waste is made up of concrete and mortar, called “grey waste”. The aim of this paper is analyze the replacement of natural aggregates with coarse recycled aggregates from grey construction waste. Several concrete mixes were produced with various

  16. Aditivos e sua influência no comportamento de secagem e resistência à tração de concretos refratários Additives and their influence in the refractory castables drying and traction strength behavior

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    I. R. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A evolução tecnológica de concretos refratários tem tornado mais difícil a etapa de secagem devido a redução da sua permeabilidade e conseqüente aumento da dificuldade para que o vapor de água migre do interior do corpo para a superfície. A hidratação do cimento de aluminato de cálcio também causa decréscimo da permeabilidade dos concretos. Tal processo é significativamente afetado pela presença de aditivos utilizados para a dispersão do concreto. Neste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo relacionar o tipo de aditivo utilizado no processamento de concretos refratários com seu comportamento de secagem e resistência à tração. Foi verificado que os aditivos não atuam somente na dispersão das partículas da matriz e ligante, mas o efeito da sua atuação pode influenciar no tipo de hidrato formado. O aditivo CS se mostrou um eficiente dispersante promovendo a redução no consumo de água. Isso acarretou na formação preferencial dos hidratos C3AH6 disponibilizando mais alumina para a formação de AH3. Essa fase apresenta alta capacidade de preencher vazios interparticulas contribuindo para aumentar a resistência à tração do material. Por outro lado, o aditivo AC desfavoreceu a formação desses tipos de hidratos uma vez que atua como retardador da hidratação do cimento por meio do consumo de íons cálcio. Também a presença de um maior teor de água nos concretos preparados com este aditivo pode explicar o aumento da porosidade e decréscimo da resistência à tração do concreto.The growing technology applied in the refractory castables production has become more difficult the drying process due the reduction of their permeability and the consequent increasing difficult of vapor migration from the inner region of the body to the surface. The hydration of calcium aluminate cement is also responsible for the castables permeability reduction. This process is significatively affected by the presence of

  17. Avaliação da resistência ao fogo de paredes maciças de concreto armado


    Bolina,Fabrício Longhi; Prager,Gustavo Luis; Rodrigues,Eduardo; Tutikian,Bernardo Fonseca


    ResumoO desempenho das construções está em evidência no Brasil, principalmente após a aprovação da Norma de Desempenho, a ABNT NBR 15575: 2013. Esta norma remete a necessidade dos sistemas construtivos de atender, dentre outros, a níveis mínimos de segurança contra incêndio. O intento deste artigo é estudar o potencial de aplicação na construção civil de sistemas de vedação vertical de concreto armado em termos de resistência ao fogo. Através de protótipos ensaiados em escala real (3,15 x 3,0...

  18. Aplicações de fibras vegetais na secagem de concretos refratários Use of natural fibers to speed up the drying step of refractory castables

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    C. S. Isaac


    Full Text Available A secagem de concretos refratários é uma etapa crítica em seu processamento devido aos riscos de explosão durante a saída de água contida em sua estrutura. Para minimizar esses problemas e aumentar a velocidade de secagem, fibras poliméricas têm sido adicionadas às formulações de concreto. Uma variável importante a ser considerada no desempenho desse aditivo é o tipo de fibra utilizada. Trabalhos do grupo de pesquisa indicaram que fibras vegetais podem apresentar bom desempenho na geração de canais permeáveis. Esse fato, aliado à sua grande disponibilidade e baixo custo, sugere que estas fibras sejam uma alternativa interessante às fibras sintéticas utilizadas atualmente. Neste trabalho, comparou-se o desempenho de fibras vegetais com o do polipropileno utilizados como aditivos de secagem. Foram realizadas medidas de permeabilidade utilizando a Equação de Forchheimer, ensaios de permeametria em alta temperatura e análise termogravimétrica do concreto. As fibras foram caracterizadas por calorimetria exploratória diferencial e termogravimetria.The drying of refractory castables is a critical step during application due to the possibility of spalling. In order to decrease these risks and improve the drying rate, polymeric fibers have been added to the castables' formulation. The type of fiber is an important aspect to be studied. Authors' previous works indicated that vegetable fibers can be good candidates. This fact, associated with its wide availability and low cost, suggests that these fibers can be interesting substitutes to synthetic ones. In this work, vegetable and polypropylene fibers had their performance evaluated as drying agents. The results of permeability measurements and hot air permeametry were related with the thermogravimety of the fiber-containing castables. The fibers were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry.

  19. Vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus. II: modelagem e critérios de dimensionamento Concrete beams reinforced with Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo. II: modeling and design criterions

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    Humberto C. Lima Júnior


    Full Text Available Este trabalho corresponde à segunda parte de uma publicação sobre o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu, na qual se apresenta e discute a modelagem dessas estruturas para, em seguida, serem apresentadas sugestões e hipóteses para o dimensionamento desses elementos estruturais. Para tanto, utilizou-se um modelo computacional baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos, ao qual foram incorporadas sub-rotinas com as leis constitutivas do bambu e do concreto. Para calibração do modelo lançou-se mão dos dados experimentais de oito vigas de concreto reforçadas com bambu. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo computacional foram comparados com os experimentais, observando-se grande concordância. Finalmente, sugerem-se critérios de dimensionamento, os quais foram aplicados em um exemplo prático.This paper corresponds to the second part of a publication concerning the structural behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo. Modelling of concrete beams reinforced with bamboo-splint are presented and discussed. In addition, some design suggestions and hypotheses are presented. To perform the study, a Finite Element Program was used and some procedures were programmed and linked to it. The program was calibrated with the experimental data of eight concrete beams reinforced with bamboo-splint, whose results presented great accuracy. Finally, some design procedures were suggested and a practical example is given.

  20. Evaluation of corrosion of steel embedded in concrete exposed to carbonation AAS using a factorial experiment with repeated measures. Evaluación de la corrosión del acero embebido en concreto AAS, expuesto a carbonatación mediante un experimento factorial con medidas repetidas.

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    W Aperador Chaparro


    Full Text Available This article presents various techniques for assessing corrosion, the linear polarization resistance and galvanostatic pulse, the analysis was performed using analysis of variance models using a factorial experiment with three factors, one repeated measure, because on the same experimental unit (reinforced concrete, it experienced several samples to be measured in time (0 h=1, 350 h=2, 700 h=3, 1050 h=4, 1700 h=5 y 2600 h=6. This makes the observations are not independent, the other two factors relate to, the binder (ce: 1 = activatedslag [AAS] and 2 = ordinary Portland concrete [OPC] and the exposure condition (ca: 1 = y 2 = environmental exposure accelerated carbonation. These factors were discussed according to the results of the electrochemical properties. Initially performed the statistical processing of each of the variables in relation to the properties and analyzed the interaction between them. Where they established the differences in materials used as coating steel, concrete, OPC and AAS. OPC concrete specimens, exhibited a resting potential, polarization resistance and ohmic (CO2 condition than those obtained for reinforced concrete in AAS.En este artículo se presentan las técnicas de evaluación de la corrosión, tales como potencial de corrosión, resistencia lineal a la polarización y pulso galvanostático a los concretos de activación alcalina (AAS y Portland tipo I (OPC. El estudio se realizó por medio de modelos de análisis de varianza, aplicando un experimento factorial con tres factores, uno de ellos medida repetida, debido a que sobre la misma unidad experimental (concreto armado AAS y OPC se ensayaron varias muestras para medirlas en el tiempo (0 h=1, 350 h=2, 700 h=3, 1050 h=4, 1700 h=5 y 2600 h=6, lo que hace que las observaciones no sean independientes; los otros dos factores corresponden al cementante (ce: 1=escoria activada alcalinamente [AAS] y 2=concreto Portland ordinario [OPC] y la condición de exposici

  1. Estudio comparativo del comportamiento de losas de concreto reforzado mediante los análisis elástico y límite

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    Julio Vergara García


    Full Text Available Presenta un resumen de la tesis de grado "Estudio comparativo de losas de concreto reforzado mediante los análisis elástico y límite". Este trabajo proporciona fórmulas, tablas y gráficas prácticas para determinar los momentos flectores y el volumen de refuerzo de los tipos de losas estudiados, sometidas a diferentes tipos de carga y analizados mediante la Teoría de la Elasticidad y el Análisis Límite.


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    Heber Martins de Paula


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A destinação correta dos resíduos de usinas de concreto é exigida por lei, sendo a água residuária um dos principais resíduos a serem considerados. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão sistemática de estudos que investigaram a gestão ambiental em usinas de concreto, com foco no reuso das águas residuárias e no emprego da Moringa oleifera como coagulante natural a ser utilizado como processo complementar à sedimentação. Este estudo faz parte de uma pesquisa que tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de uso da Moringa oleifera no tratamento de águas residuárias em usinas de concreto. As fontes de pesquisa foram as seguintes bases de dados indexadas: Portal de Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Scopus, Conpemdex e Science Direct. Cabe destacar que a aplicação do Mapeamento Sistemático na elaboração de revisão bibliográfica permitiu identificar as principais lacunas para o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas, além disso, direciona para as principais publicações ligadas ao estudo. Por fim, os resultados obtidos fornecem, de um lado, subsídios para a caracterização da água residuária do concreto e os tipos de tratamento usualmente empregados e, de outro, evidenciam o potencial do uso da Moringa oleifera para este fim. ABSTRACT: Law requires the correct disposal of waste of concrete plants and the wastewater is one of the most important wastes to be considered. This paper presents a systematic review of studies investigating the environmental management in concrete plants, focusing on the reuse of wastewater and use of Moringa oleifera as a natural coagulant in the process of sedimentation. This study is part of a research that aims to evaluate the potential use of Moringa oleifera in the wastewater treatment in concrete plants. The sources used in this research were the following indexed databases: Portal of Periodicals of Coordination of Improvement of Higher

  3. Factores asociados con la compacidad final de los concretos asfálticos

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    Jorge Tamayo T.


    Full Text Available Se reconoce universalmente el alto grado de dependencia de las propiedades fundamentales que exhiben las capas de concreto asfáltico con su nivel de compacidad, por lo cual resulta importante estudiar los aspectos principales asociados con la optimización de esta característica. Resulta particularmente importante conocer las propiedades de los agregados en cuanto a su naturaleza, distribución granulométrica, tipo de llenante, forma de las partículas, así como las del asfalto en función de su comportamiento reológico y las relaciones entre estos ingredientes. En razón de la naturaleza termoplástica de las mezclas asfálticas, el control de la temperatura y la evolución de la misma por medio de las diversas fases del proceso, resulta determinante en la compacidad final. Otros factores igualmente incidentes son: la programación racional de las actividades, los equipos empleados y la secuencia de la compactación. Este documento pretende presentar algunas ideas sobre estos aspectos que permiten mejorar las prácticas constructivas existentes con miras a optimizar el comportamiento de los pavimentos flexibles.

  4. Simulación numérica del proceso de fractura en concreto reforzado mediante la metodología de discontinuidades fuertes de continuo. Parte II: Aplicación a páneles sometidos a cortante

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    Dorian Luís Linero Segrera


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la simulación numérica del proceso de fractura en páneles de concreto reforzado sometidos a cortante, utilizando un modelo basado en la metodología de discontinuidades fuertes de continuo(CSDA y la teoría de mezclas. La CSDA describe la localzación de la deformación y la formación de una discontinuidad asociada con la aparición de una fisura. En cambio, la teoría de mezclas representa el comportamiento de un material compuesto, constituido por una matriz de concreto simple y uno o dos paquetes de barras largas de acero de refuerzo. El comportamiento del concreto simple y el acero se representan mediante un modelo de daño bidimensional y un modelo de plasticidad unidimensional, respectivamente. El modelo se implementa en el método de los elementos finitos considerando estado plano de esfuerzos, deformaciones infinitesimales y cargas estáticas. Se simularon tres páneles reforzados en una o en dos direcciones, los cuales estaban y sometidos principalmente a fuerzas cortantes. Los resultados de la simulación numérica, como la respuesta estructural y el patrón de fisuración, fueron satisfactorios.

  5. Novel in-situ lamella fabrication technique for in-situ TEM. (United States)

    Canavan, Megan; Daly, Dermot; Rummel, Andreas; McCarthy, Eoin K; McAuley, Cathal; Nicolosi, Valeria


    In-situ transmission electron microscopy is rapidly emerging as the premier technique for characterising materials in a dynamic state on the atomic scale. The most important aspect of in-situ studies is specimen preparation. Specimens must be electron transparent and representative of the material in its operational state, amongst others. Here, a novel fabrication technique for the facile preparation of lamellae for in-situ transmission electron microscopy experimentation using focused ion beam milling is developed. This method involves the use of rotating microgrippers during the lift-out procedure, as opposed to the traditional micromanipulator needle and platinum weld. Using rotating grippers, and a unique adhesive substance, lamellae are mounted onto a MEMS device for in-situ TEM annealing experiments. We demonstrate how this technique can be used to avoid platinum deposition as well as minimising damage to the MEMS device during the thinning process. Our technique is both a cost effective and readily implementable alternative to the current generation of preparation methods for in-situ liquid, electrical, mechanical and thermal experimentation within the TEM as well as traditional cross-sectional lamella preparation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    G. O. Porto, Naiara; C. Pantoja, João; A. de Souza, Rafael


     Abstract. A importância do conhecimento do nível de segurança de uma estrutura é crucial para a realização de um bom projeto estrutural. Este artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma análise paramétrica em elementos de membrana de estruturas de concreto armado via confiabilidade estrutural. Para obtenção do nível de segurança do elemento de membrana o método de simulação de Monte Carlo foi utilizado. Uma variação determinística nos carregamentos aplicados sobre o elemento de membrana é feita e a c...

  7. Optimización del acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción del acero de refuerzo en cimentaciones de concreto


    Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan; Sánchez Trujillo, Bryan


    Para el proceso constructivo de cimentaciones de concreto se usan diversos accesorios, algunos estandarizados y otros no; uno de los no estandarizados es el acero usado como soporte y gancho de sujeción de las barras de refuerzo, (comúnmente llamado "burro", "burrito" o "silletas" de soporte), pues en los planos estructurales no se detalla la forma de colocar y sostener las barras de refuerzo y en obra las silletas se colocan de forma empírica según las experiencias previas de los encargados ...

  8. Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta didática para o estudo da flexão composta oblíqua em seções quaisquer de concreto armado

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    P. H. C. De Lyra

    Full Text Available Tendo em vista a experiência de professores e pesquisadores do Brasil e do exterior no contexto da busca de novos e melhores métodos didáticos para ensino de Engenharia, constata-se que o uso de recursos multimídia interativa constitui uma abordagem promissora, com amplas possibilidades de aplicação em disciplinas de graduação. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta multimídia de apoio ao ensino da flexão composta oblíqua no concreto armado, apresentando as suas funcionalidades, a estrutura do código e exemplos de aplicação. Para a construção da ferramenta, o applet “Verificação de seções quaisquer de concreto armado sob flexão composta oblíqua”, foi utilizada a linguagem de programação JavaTM e o ambiente de desenvolvimento NetBeans 5.5.1. O applet tratado neste artigo está disponível na Internet no endereço

  9. Resistência e elasticidade de concretos compactados com agregados reciclados de construção e de demolição para aplicações em pavimentação

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    Gino Ricci


    Full Text Available O emprego de agregados reciclados de resíduos sólidos da construção civil e demolição tem sido objeto de interesse de agentes públicos engajados em projetos e obras de pavimentação viária. A coleta, triagem e classificação desses materiais como agregados alternativos torna ainda possível seu emprego em concretos para algumas finalidades, sendo que no caso do concreto compactado para fins de pavimentação ainda não se tem precedente de uso no país. Estudos sobre este material para pavimentação têm sido realizados, sendo aqui apresentados resultados relativos a características mecânicas fundamentais para a análise das potencialidades do material para bases de pavimentos asfálticos e de concreto, ainda que para aplicações urbanas e em volumes limitados. Foram empregados nos estudos agregados reciclados de diferentes origens em substituição parcial ou total dos de agregados nos concretos. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar inexpressiva alteração em resistências com pequenos ajustes nos consumos de cimento. Todavia, concomitantemente ocorreu queda expressiva dos valores de módulo de elasticidade dos materiais na medida em que frações menos densas de agregados foram empregadas em maior quantidade e a parcela de substituição de agregados virgens por reciclados aumentou. As características observadas permitem a indicação do emprego do material para vias de baixo volume de tráfego além de áreas residenciais, condomínios, estacionamentos, etc. Por outro lado, o aumento da porosidade dos concretos em função da presença de reciclados exige atenção e estudos mais aprofundados sobre o comportamento à fratura e à fadiga desses materiais.

    Abstract: Along the last decades, recycled aggregate produced from waste material from civil construction activities gained growing interest for its employment in pavements. Appropriate collection, selection and sieving of such a material make


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    Full Text Available As últimas quatro décadas foram importantes para o desenvolvimento da malha rodoviária brasileira. O país recebeu incentivos financeiros para a sua expansão e diversas soluções estruturais para pontes e viadutos foram criadas. Em paralelo a este desenvolvimento, houve nos últimos anos um crescimento significativo dessas estruturas em estágio avançado de deterioração devido à ausência de programas de manutenção preventiva. Dessa maneira, este trabalho propõe o uso de receptores GPS num plano de monitoramento de curta duração para acompanhar o comportamento estrutural de uma ponte rodoviária curva de concreto armado já em serviço. E apresenta os primeiros resultados da pesquisa com a portadora L1 do sistema GPS e dados gravados com taxa de 100 Hz, no monitoramento do vão central de ponte de concreto de pequeno porte situada sobre o Rio Jaguari, na cidade de Extrema, divisa entre os Estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo. O desafio reside no fato de que estruturas como estas - pontes de concreto de pequeno e médio porte - respondem pela grande maioria das obras de arte da malha rodoviária brasileira e por serem estruturas rígidas, apresentam deflexões verticais pequenas, de até 5mm. O experimento foi realizado por meio de sessões de observações com receptores GPS sobre a ponte, no vão instrumentado por equipamentos convencionais para posterior confrontação de resultados entre os receptores GPS e os métodos clássicos de monitoramento. A ferramenta de filtragem Continuos Wavelet Transform (CWT foi utilizada para analisar as frequências de resposta da ponte a partir dos resíduos da dupla diferença de fase da portadora L1. A análise do espectro de energia da CWT gerado a partir dos dados coletados com os receptores GPS indicou alta concentração de energia nas mesmas faixas de frequência - de resposta do tabuleiro da ponte - apontadas pela Modelagem por Elementos Finitos e pela prova de carga dinâmica.

  11. Influencia da largura do corpo-de-prova na medida da tenacidade do concreto reforçado com fibras de aço


    Ana Maria Oliveira Villares


    Resumo: A quantificação da tenacidade dos concretos reforçados com fibras de aço (CRFA) pode ser afetada por diversos fatores, dependendo do método adotado e do procedimento para realizar o ensaio de flexão sob deformação controlada. Esses fatores incluem entre outros: configuração do ensaio, configuração do carregamento, taxa e controle do carregamento, tipo de equipamento para medida do deslocamento vertical, tipo de máquina; temperatura ambiente, tamanho e geometria do corpo-de-prova. A an...

  12. Comparação entre as distribuições normal e de Weibull para análise da resistência à compressão do concreto (doi:10.5216/reec.v9i3.28814

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    Paulo Eduardo Teodoro


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O projeto de estruturas de concreto possui uma modelagem matemática de natureza bastante subjetiva. Portanto, objetivou-se com esta pesquisa verificar se as distribuições Normal e de Weibull podem ser aplicadas aos dados resistências à compressão do concreto pronto, agrupados comercialmente. O estudo foi realizado durante o ano de 2011 na cidade de Campo Grande/MS. A resistência à compressão foi avaliada em ensaios de 189 amostras aos 28 dias a partir de diferentes construções de concreto armado realizados na cidade. Os ensaios ocorreram conforme prescrito pela NBR 5739 (ABNT, 2007. Para quantificar o grau em que a distribuição Normal e de Weibull se ajustaram os dados experimentais foram utilizados três testes de adequação: qui-quadrado, Anderson-Darling e Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Com base no presente estudo, a distribuição Weibull pode ser aplicada aos dados de resistência à compressão para concreto. Isto sugere que, apesar de os complexos processos envolvidos na falha de compressão para um material compósito quase frágil como o concreto, um modelo de força estatística é eficaz. Além disso, ao comparar os testes de ajuste, há grande diferença prática entre as distribuições Normal e de Weibull. Esta informação é uma importante adição experimental para a literatura científica no que diz respeito à ruptura de materiais “semi-frágeis”. ABSTRACT: The design of concrete structures and their mathematical modeling is rather subjective in its nature. Therefore, it is the purpose of this study to see whether the Weibull or Normal distributions can be applied to the compressive strengths of commercially batched ready-mixed concrete. The study was conducted during the year 2011 in the city of Campo Grande / MS. The compressive strength was evaluated in 189 test samples at 28 days from different concrete constructions conducted in the city. The trials took place as prescribed by NBR 5739 (ABNT, 2007. To

  13. Sistemas de proteção para concreto reforçado com CFRP em situação de incêndio


    Clayton Reis de Oliveira


    Resumo: A técnica de polímeros reforçados com fibras (FRP) vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada como alternativa de reforço estrutural, com o objetivo de aumentar a resistência e a ductilidade das estruturas de concreto armado. Entretanto, o desempenho desses sistemas em situação de incêndio é uma séria preocupação devido ao fato dos materiais de FRPs serem combustíveis. Informações a esse respeito ainda estão restritas à literatura internacional e, mesmo assim, ainda são escassas e limitadas. A...

  14. Projeto da reologia de concretos refratários zero-cimento no sistema Al2O3-SiC-C Rheological design of zero-cement refractory castables in the Al2O3-SiC-C system

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    I. R. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários no sistema Al2O3-SiC-C vêm sendo utilizados principalmente no revestimento de canais de corrida de altos-fornos. A associação dessas matérias-primas tem elevado o desempenho dos concretos refratários frente às severas condições de trabalho, devido ao aumento da resistência ao choque térmico e ao ataque por escória e metal fundido. Apesar disso, o nível de conhecimento científico sobre a dispersão das partículas desse sistema multifásico é limitado. Neste trabalho, suspensões representativas da matriz de concretos refratários zero-cimento no sistema Al2O3-SiC-C foram preparadas para a avaliação da eficiência de aditivos na dispersão simultânea de diferentes matérias-primas, bem como para a análise do comportamento reológico da matriz em função do pH e teor de aditivo. Os ácidos poliacrílico e cítrico e um surfactante não iônico foram usados como dispersantes. Os valores de viscosidade aparente e tensão de escoamento obtidos foram usados para construir mapas de estabilidade da matriz. Medidas de pH e fluidez de concretos preparados com diferentes teores de aditivo mostraram que as condições iniciais de pH não foram correspondentes à região ótima de dispersão estabelecida pelos mapas de estabilidade. O uso de altos teores de ácido cítrico, bem como, o deslocamento do pH do concreto na direção da região ótima de dispersão foram eficientes para otimizar a sua fluidez.Refractory castables in the Al2O3-SiC-C system have been used mainly as linings for blast furnace runners. The association of these raw materials has enabled the development of high quality refractory castables due to improvements on their resistance to thermal shock, slag and metal corrosion. Nevertheless, the scientific knowledge regarding particle dispersion in this system is quite limited. In this work, representative suspensions of the matrix of Al2O3-SiC-C refractory castables were prepared in order to evaluate

  15. Caracterização de massas cerâmicas do estado de S. Paulo para produção de agregados leves para concreto

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    B. C. Santis


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem por objetivo a caracterização de diferentes massas cerâmicas do estado de S. Paulo para a produção de agregados leves de argila calcinada visando à utilização em concretos de cimento Portland. A caracterização das massas cerâmicas deu-se por meio das técnicas de limites de liquidez e plasticidade, análise granulométrica, análise química e difração de raios X. Os corpos de prova confeccionados com essas massas cerâmicas, queimados a 900 ºC, foram caracterizados por meio da avaliação da retração linear, absorção de água, porosidade aparente, massa específica aparente, expansão por umidade e resistência à compressão. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicaram a viabilidade da produção de agregados leves de argila calcinada para utilização em concretos e os valores da massa específica (1,555 a 1,785 kg/m³ e da resistência à compressão (18,0 a 55,8 MPa apresentaram-se em um patamar intermediário entre os observados para a argila expandida (agregado leve comercial e para o agregado convencional (basalto.

  16. Tecnologías “Building Information Modeling” en la elaboración de presupuestos de construcción de estructuras en concreto reforzado

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    Hernán Porras-Díaz


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se estudia el impacto de la aplicación de la tecnología Building Information Modeling (BIM, en la elaboración de presupuestos de construcción de estructuras en concreto reforzado, frente al método tradicional de cálculo que se fundamenta en dibujos en dos dimensiones (2D. El caso de estudio es la estructura de concreto reforzado de una estación de buses alimentadores del sistema de transporte público de la ciudad de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Se presenta la metodología para el desarrollo del modelo BIM y la integración de la información del presupuesto de construcción al modelo. Se efectúa una comparación del presupuesto de obra obtenido con el método tradicional, y el presupuesto obtenido con la utilización de BIM, a partir de la cual es posible verificar el aporte de la implementación de BIM al aumento de la precisión del presupuesto de construcción, soportado en la precisión que se logra en el cálculo de cantidades de obra, las facilidades del modelo BIM para, entre otros, la determinación de actividades de obra y la integración de la información del proyecto en una única base de datos.

  17. Comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto reforçadas com ripas de bambu cravejadas de pinos Structural behavior of concrete beams reinforced with pinned bamboo-splints

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    Antonio C. Braga Filho


    Full Text Available Uma das deficiências do bambu reforçando vigas de concreto armado está relacionada com deslocamentos relativos entre os dois materiais. A investigação aqui reportada teve como objetivo avaliar experimentalmente a possibilidade de se melhorar o trabalho conjunto bambu-concreto, através do cravejamento de pinos nas ripas de bambu usadas como reforço. Para tanto, oito vigas de concreto foram ensaiadas, das quais seis foram reforçadas com ripas de bambu Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro cravejadas de pinos e duas armadas com ripas de bambu sem a presença dos pinos, como referência. Usaram-se dois tipos de pino: de aço ou de bambu, em número de dois, três ou quatro pinos entre nós. Curvas força-deslocamento e força-deformação dos materiais são apresentadas e discutidas, em que os resultados mostraram que a cravação dos pinos produziu um aumento de rigidez das vigas; contudo, o furo feito para colocação do pino reduziu localmente a seção transversal da ripa de bambu e, consequentemente, a resistência última das vigas. Finalmente, resultados similares foram obtidos em vigas reforçadas com pino de aço ou de bambu.One drawback of bamboo as concrete reinforcement beams is the relative displacement between the two materials. The research reported in this paper aimed to experimentally investigate the improvement of bamboo-concrete-bond by means of nailing. Eight concrete beams were tested, six of them reinforced with Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro nailed bamboo-splints and two reference beams, reinforced with bamboo-splints without pins. Steel pins or bamboo pins were used. Two, three and four pins were nailed between bamboo nodes. Load-displacement and load-strain curves are presented and discussed. The results showed that the pins improved the beam stiffness; nevertheless, they reduced locally the transversal section of the bamboo splint and, consequently, the ultimate load. Finally, similar results were showed by beams reinforced

  18. Desenvolvimento de um conector de cisalhamento em chapa dentada para estruturas mistas de aço e concreto e estudo do seu comportamento


    Gustavo de Souza Verissimo


    Este trabalho consiste do desenvolvimento de um conector de cisalhamento em chapa dentada para estruturas mistas de aço e concreto, incluindo o estudo do seu comportamento. O trabalho envolve uma ampla investigação para definição da geometria do conector, um programa experimental, o desenvolvimento de uma equação de resistência e o treinamento de redes neurais para a predição da resposta do conector. O programa experimental, envolvendo 41 ensaios tipo push-out, conforme a EN 1994-1-1:2004, fo...

  19. Ensaios não destrutivos para avaliação da resistência do concreto : estudo de aplicações em obras


    Moreno Samaniego, Yulena Tatiana


    O emprego de ensaios não destrutivos em estruturas de concreto para avaliação da resistência à compressão tem se tornado cada vez mais importante, pelo fato destes não provocarem danos consideráveis nas estruturas. Com base nisso, a principal importância do presente estudo é a aplicação dos ensaios não destrutivos de Esclerometria e Penetração de Pino em diferentes obras civis do Distrito Federal. O objetivo desse trabalho é verificar o emprego destes ensaios na determinação da resistência à ...

  20. Four Models of In Situ Simulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Musaeus, Peter; Krogh, Kristian; Paltved, Charlotte


    Introduction In situ simulation is characterized by being situated in the clinical environment as opposed to the simulation laboratory. But in situ simulation bears a family resemblance to other types of on the job training. We explore a typology of in situ simulation and suggest that there are f......Introduction In situ simulation is characterized by being situated in the clinical environment as opposed to the simulation laboratory. But in situ simulation bears a family resemblance to other types of on the job training. We explore a typology of in situ simulation and suggest...... that there are four fruitful approaches to in situ simulation: (1) In situ simulation informed by reported critical incidents and adverse events from emergency departments (ED) in which team training is about to be conducted to write scenarios. (2) In situ simulation through ethnographic studies at the ED. (3) Using...... the following processes: Transition processes, Action processes and Interpersonal processes. Design and purpose This abstract suggests four approaches to in situ simulation. A pilot study will evaluate the different approaches in two emergency departments in the Central Region of Denmark. Methods The typology...

  1. A influência do tipo de cimento no desempenho de concretos avançados formulados a partir do método de dosagem computacional The influence of cement type on the performance of advanced concretes designed by computing mix proportion technique

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    A. L. de Castro


    Full Text Available Ao se produzir uma mistura de concreto, especialmente de alto desempenho, a primeira escolha a ser feita é quanto ao tipo de cimento a ser empregado, o que faz deste ligante um material essencial para a produção desses materiais. As características reológicas de formulações de concretos de alto desempenho estão relacionadas com a hidratação dos aluminatos do cimento, enquanto o desenvolvimento da resistência mecânica é dependente dos silicatos hidratados formados. Assim, variações nas características do cimento influenciam as propriedades dos concretos, sendo observados comportamentos distintos para misturas produzidas com diferentes cimentos. O presente artigo visa avaliar a influência do tipo de cimento sobre o desempenho de concretos especiais aplicados na construção civil, dosados a partir de um método computacional. As propriedades no estado fresco foram avaliadas medindo-se o índice de fluidez e determinando-se o comportamento reológico do material. No estado endurecido, a resistência mecânica foi avaliada pelos ensaios de compressão uniaxial, tração por compressão diametral e flexão em 3 pontos, enquanto o módulo de elasticidade foi avaliado pelos métodos estático e dinâmico. Comparando-se todas as propriedades medidas, verifica-se que os concretos produzidos com cimento Portland apresentaram desempenhos superiores ao do concreto produzido com cimento aluminoso, sendo o cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial ainda mais eficiente que o cimento Portland composto com escória para a produção de misturas de alto desempenho e até os 28 dias de idade.When a concrete is produced, especially a high performance one, the first concern is the cement type to be used, making this binder an essential compound. The rheological properties of high performance concretes are related to the hydration of cement aluminates phase, whereas the development of mechanical strength depends on the hydrated silicates formed

  2. Projeto de lajes mistas nervuradas de concreto em incêndio

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    I. Pierin

    Full Text Available As normas brasileiras de estruturas em situação de incêndio fornecem dimensões mínimas para as lajes nervuradas para assegurar as funções corta fogo e de estabilidade estrutural. Porém, uma nova laje mista nervurada lançada no mercado brasileiro não é coberta por qualquerdas normas brasileiras para a situação de incêndio. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados inéditos, frutos de análises numéricastérmicas e estruturais para esse tipo de laje. Foram estudadas lajes com preenchimento de bloco de concreto celular, lajota cerâmica e EPSsuportado por placa cimentícia. O sistema construtivo é considerado como isolante térmico se possuir a capacidade de impedir a ocorrência,na face que não está exposta ao incêndio, de incrementos de temperatura maiores que 140 ºC na média dos pontos de medida ou maioresque 180 ºC em qualquer ponto de medida. A função estrutural foi determinada admitindo a limitação da temperatura das armaduras de vigas elajes em 500 ºC. As análises foram realizadas com auxílio dos programas ATERM e Super Tempcalc, programas computacionais para análisetérmica bidimensional de transferência de calor, por meio do método dos elementos finitos. Como resultado, serão apresentadas tabelas quecorrelacionarão o TRRF (tempo requerido de resistência ao fogo às dimensões da laje e posição das armaduras. Antes do uso em projeto,esses resultados deverão ser confirmados por análise experimental.

  3. Aplicação do algoritmo de contraponto dissonante de Tenney na determinação de parciais em espectros de sons concretos

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    Raphael Santos


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, propomos um sistema para determinação de harmonias espectrais extraídas de sons concretos a partir da utilização do algoritmo de contraponto dissonante, desenvolvido por James Tenney. Com base nesse algoritmo, definimos um sistema composicional, descrevemos sua implementação como aplicativo computacional e o utilizamos no planejamento composicional de duas obras originais: o primeiro movimento de um quarteto de clarinetes e um quinteto de metais.

  4. Contemporary management of ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular carcinoma in situ. (United States)

    Obeng-Gyasi, Samilia; Ong, Cecilia; Hwang, E Shelley


    The management of in situ lesions ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) continues to evolve. These diagnoses now comprise a large burden of mammographically diagnosed cancers, and with a global trend towards more population-based screening, the incidence of these lesions will continue to rise. Because outcomes following treatment for DCIS and LCIS are excellent, there is emerging controversy about what extent of treatment is optimal for both diseases. Here we review the current approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of both DCIS and LCIS. In addition, we will consider potential directions for future management of these lesions.

  5. Avaliação das propriedades físicas e mecânicas de concretos produzidos com vidro cominuído como agregado fino Evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of concretes produced with ground waste glass as fine aggregate

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    D. A. R López


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho insere-se na proposta da utilização racional dos recursos naturais não renováveis. Ele tem por objetivo, estudar a viabilidade técnica da utilização de vidro não reciclado como material agregado ao concreto, especificamente pela comparação das propriedades mecânicas de concretos fabricados com o novo componente, visando a sua utilização para fins estruturais. A comparação foi realizada por meio do estudo das propriedades mecânicas de concretos produzidos primeiramente com a substituição da areia por vidro moído e, numa segunda parte, pela adição do vidro moído sobre a massa de areia. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostraram que com a substituição de 5% em peso do agregado fino (areia por vidro numa granulometria variando entre 150-300 µm houve um aumento de ~ 60% na resistência à compressão do concreto fabricado, o que seria causado pela diminuição da porosidade do concreto por causa da penetração de vidro fino nos vazios. A utilização de outras faixas granulométricas acarretou aumentos menores, porém todos superiores aos valores apresentados pelo corpo de referência. Por outro lado, a adição de vidro moído na granulometria 150-300 µm em percentagens de até 20% sobre o peso do agregado fino (areia teve um efeito bem diferente sobre o concreto produzido. A maior resistência à compressão, 56,6% superior à do material de referência, foi obtida com a adição de 5% em peso de vidro fino sobre o peso da areia. Acima desta percentagem, houve uma diminuição da resistência à compressão do concreto. Isto estaria influenciado pelo aumento da quantidade de material seco que deveria ser hidratado, uma vez que a relação água/cimento foi constante.This work consists on the proposal of rational utilization of non-renewable natural resources. It has the objective of studying the technical viability of utilization of ground waste glass as material aggregate to concrete specifically by the

  6. In-Situ Simulation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerregaard, Anders Thais; Slot, Susanne; Paltved, Charlotte


    , and organisational characteristic. Therefore, it might fail to fully mimic real clinical team processes. Though research on in situ simulation in healthcare is in its infancy, literature is abundant on patient safety and team training1. Patient safety reporting systems that identify risks to patients can improve......Introduction: In situ simulation offers on-site training to healthcare professionals. It refers to a training strategy where simulation technology is integrated into the clinical encounter. Training in the simulation laboratory does not easily tap into situational resources, e.g. individual, team...... patient safety if coupled with training and organisational support. This study explored the use of critical incidents and adverse events reports for in situ simulation and short-term observations were used to create learning objectives and training scenarios. Method: This study used an interventional case...

  7. Noise canceling in-situ detection (United States)

    Walsh, David O.


    Technologies applicable to noise canceling in-situ NMR detection and imaging are disclosed. An example noise canceling in-situ NMR detection apparatus may comprise one or more of a static magnetic field generator, an alternating magnetic field generator, an in-situ NMR detection device, an auxiliary noise detection device, and a computer.

  8. In-situ uranium leaching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dotson, B.J.


    This invention provides a method for improving the recovery of mineral values from ore bodies subjected to in-situ leaching by controlling the flow behaviour of the leaching solution. In particular, the invention relates to an in-situ leaching operation employing a foam for mobility control of the leaching solution. A foam bank is either introduced into the ore bed or developed in-situ in the ore bed. The foam then becomes a diverting agent forcing the leaching fluid through the previously non-contacted regions of the deposit

  9. Avaliação reológica de concretos refratários para projeção a úmido em aplicações siderúrgicas Rheological evaluation of steel-making wet-shotcrete refractory castables

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    F. A. O. Valenzuela


    Full Text Available A crescente utilização de processos automatizados durante a etapa de bombeamento e na projeção de concretos refratários é o resultado do entendimento simultâneo das características microestruturais de empacotamento e da natureza reológica destes materiais. A projeção a úmido de concretos refratários desperta interesse tecnológico por não necessitar de moldes para o revestimento de equipamentos siderúrgicos. A técnica consiste em aplicar o material pulverizado sobre a superfície de instalação, onde a fluidez do concreto projetado é instantaneamente reduzida devido à ação de aditivos coagulantes, resultando em uma elevada taxa de deposição. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos identificar os fatores que influenciam o desempenho da projeção a úmido por meio da avaliação de concretos comerciais para canais de corrida, estabelecer critérios sistêmicos para formulação e aperfeiçoar uma técnica para caracterização reológica multi-estágios. Os resultados têm possibilitado o estabelecimento de critérios tecnológicos para a classificação de desempenho e para o desenvolvimento desta importante classe de materiais.The growing utilization of automated systems for pumping and projection of refractories castables is the result of the simultaneous understanding of packing´s microstructural characteristics and rheological nature of these materials. The wet-shotcrete of refractories castables presents a great technological interest because there is no need of molds for lining large areas. The process consist of applying the sprayed castable on the surface to be lined or repaired. As the material hits the surface to be coated the fluidity must be totally vanished by the action of setting additives, resulting in a high deposition rate. The present work has the objective to identify the factors that influence the performance of the wet-shotcrete through the evaluation of commercial castables for blast furnace trough



    Willians Cassiano Longen; Douglas de Matos Pereira; Nério De Mattia Junior


    RESUMO: A área da construção civil está em grande destaque na economia atual do país, apesar dos grandes capitais envolvidos neste setor ele ainda se destaca pelo grande número de acidentes de trabalho, ambientes insalubres e lesões musculoesqueléticas envolvendo seus trabalhadores. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar ergonomicamente o serviço de distribuição e amarração da armadura da laje de concreto armado. Realizou-se a organização e a compilação dos dados através de estatística desc...

  11. Voltammetric, in-situ spectroelectrochemical and in-situ electrocolorimetric characterization of phthalocyanines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koca, Atif [Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Marmara University, Goeztepe, 34722 Istanbul (Turkey)], E-mail:; Bayar, Serife; Dincer, Hatice A. [Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Istanbul, Maslak, 34469 Istanbul (Turkey); Gonca, Erguen [Department of Chemistry, Fatih University, TR34500 B.Cekmece, Istanbul (Turkey)


    In this work, electrochemical, and in-situ spectroelectrochemical characterization of the metallophthalocyanines bearing tetra-(1,1-(dicarbethoxy)-2-(2-methylbenzyl))-ethyl 3,10,17,24-tetra chloro groups were performed. Voltammetric and in-situ spectroelectrochemical measurements show that while cobalt phthalocyanine complex gives both metal-based and ring-based redox processes, zinc and copper phthalocyanines show only ring-based reduction and oxidation processes. The redox processes are generally diffusion-controlled, reversible and one-electron transfer processes. Differently lead phthalocyanine demetallized during second oxidation reaction while it was stable during reduction processes. An in-situ electrocolorimetric method, based on the 1931 CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) system of colorimetry, has been applied to investigate the color of the electro-generated anionic and cationic forms of the complexes for the first time in this study.


    The advantages and disadvantages of in-situ Fenton oxidation and in-situ permanganate oxidation will be presented. This presentation will provide a brief overview of each technology and a detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each technology. Included in the ...





    Los sistemas concreto-acero de refuerzo son considerados estructuras durables y resistentes; sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo se ven afectados por problemas de corrosión, la cual, se desarrolla cuando los cloruros se encuentran más allá de un cierto nivel umbral, en el que se inicia la despasivación o la ruptura la capa pasiva que protege al acero de refuerzo. Para contrarrestar los daños ocasionados por la corrosión, se han propuestos varios métodos para disminuir y/o preve...

  14. Análise experimental de um conector de cisalhamento em chapa de aço endentada para estruturas mistas de aço e concreto


    Veríssimo, G. S.; Valente, Isabel; Paes, J. L. R.; Cruz, Paulo J. S.; Fakury, R. H.


    Este trabalho apresenta o projeto e os resultados de ensaios tipo push-out de um novo conector de cisalhamento constituído por uma chapa de aço endentada. O conector proposto possui saliências e reentrâncias trapezoidais que proporcionam resistência ao cisalhamento longitudinal e previnem a separação transversal entre o perfil metálico e a laje de concreto (uplift). Além disso, as aberturas no conector facilitam a disposição das barras de armadura. A capacidade da conexão pode ser varia...

  15. Fibras poliméricas como aditivos de secagem em diferentes classes de concretos refratários Polymeric fibers as drying additives for different classes of refractory castables

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    R. Salomão


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários apresentam grande variedade de métodos de instalação, definidos principalmente pelas características da aplicação e do projeto de engenharia da microestrutura do material. Entre as classes mais importantes, destacam-se os autoescoantes, aplicados sem cisalhamento externo; os bombeáveis, transportados por tubulações, e os vibráveis. Diferenciando-se principalmente pelas mudanças de distribuição de tamanho de partículas, essas classes apresentam grande variedade de propriedades como permeabilidade, módulo de ruptura a quente e resistência à fluência, descrita na literatura. Por também apresentarem diferentes comportamentos de secagem, é razoável supor que tenham necessidades de aditivos de secagem distintas. Para verificar essa hipótese, foram estudadas três composições de concretos refratários formulados a partir do modelo de empacotamento de partículas de Andreasen: bombeável (q=0,21, autoescoante (q=0,26 e vibrável (q=0,31. Fibras poliméricas de diferentes geometrias foram adicionadas a essas composições e seu efeito como aditivo de secagem foi avaliado. Verificou-se que as fibras atuaram favoravelmente em todas as formulações, aumentando significativamente sua velocidade de secagem, com efeitos mais marcantes quanto maior o teor de finos no concreto.Refractory castables present a broad variety of placing methods, defined mainly by the desired application and by the material microstructural characteristics. Among the most important, it can be mentioned the self-flowing, which are cast without external shearing; the pumpable, conveyed through metallic pipes, and the vibrated. These classes of castables present a great range of properties as permeability, hot modulus of rupture and creep resistance. As they also present particularities in their drying behavior, it is reasonable to consider that they would also have different needs of drying additives. In order to verify this hypothesis


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    Lina P. Gallo-Arciniegas


    Full Text Available En Colombia, el uso del concreto reforzado con fibras de acero (CRFA es muy limitado, debido a que en el país no existe suficiente evidencia experimental y requisitos reglamentarios al respecto. En el artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación experimental y analítica sobre el comportamiento del CRFA elaborado con fibras ZP-306, sometidas a esfuerzos de compresión. El estudio involucra la revisión y discusión de los modelos disponibles en la literatura, así como un programa experimental que incluye el ensayo de 48 especímenes. A partir de un análisis de regresión de los datos medidos, se proponen ecuaciones para estimar las principales propiedades mecánicas del CRFA, tales como resistencia a compresión, módulo de elasticidad y relación de Poisson. Las ecuaciones correlacionan las propiedades mecánicas con las principales características de las fibras de acero, tales como dosificación y relación de aspecto.

  17. Propuesta de enseñanza sobre algunos conceptos básicos de la geometría espacial pasando de lo concreto a lo abstracto


    Porras Vanegas, Juan David


    geometría espacial en el grado sexto, basada en la identificación de los elementos de un poliedro correspondientes a su cantidad de vértices, aristas y caras. Dicha identificación se hace a partir de la construcción de poliedros con material concreto y desde la representación en el plano de las mismas figuras geométricas. La propuesta es aplicada al grado sexto en la institución educativa Javiera Londoño con el fin de analizar los resultados, los cuales se basan en la aplicación de una prueba...

  18. Comparativo das propriedades do concreto autoadensável (CAA utilizando areia fina e cinza volante

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    B. F. Tutikian

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é contribuir para a tomada de decisão sobre a definição do uso de materiais finos responsáveis pela resistência à segregação do concreto auto-adensável (CAA. Neste estudo, amostras de CAA foram dosadas com cinza volante, um material pozolânico, e areia fina, que é um material não pozolânico, utilizando o método de dosagem proposto por Tutikian & Dal Molin (2007 [1]. Foi observado que a utilização de cinza volante aumentou a resistência à compressão, principalmente nas idades mais avançadas, assim como os valores de módulo de deformação e velocidade das ondas de ultrasom. Também diminuiu a penetração de íons cloretos, para os mesmos valores de resistência em comparação com os CAA com areia fina e o custo final dos CAA com cinza volante foi inferior. Foram apresentados tanto os diagramas de dosagem como os de desempenho.

  19. DOE In Situ Remediation Integrated Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yow, J.L. Jr.


    The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISRP) supports and manages a balanced portfolio of applied research and development activities in support of DOE environmental restoration and waste management needs. ISRP technologies are being developed in four areas: containment, chemical and physical treatment, in situ bioremediation, and in situ manipulation (including electrokinetics). the focus of containment is to provide mechanisms to stop contaminant migration through the subsurface. In situ bioremediation and chemical and physical treatment both aim to destroy or eliminate contaminants in groundwater and soils. In situ manipulation (ISM) provides mechanisms to access contaminants or introduce treatment agents into the soil, and includes other technologies necessary to support the implementation of ISR methods. Descriptions of each major program area are provided to set the technical context of the ISM subprogram. Typical ISM needs for major areas of in situ remediation research and development are identified

  20. Techno-economic and uncertainty analysis of in situ and ex situ fast pyrolysis for biofuel production

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Boyan; Ou, Longwen; Dang, Qi; Meyer, Pimphan A.; Jones, Susanne B.; Brown, Robert C.; Wright, Mark


    This study evaluates the techno-economic uncertainty in cost estimates for two emerging biorefinery technologies for biofuel production: in situ and ex situ catalytic pyrolysis. Stochastic simulations based on process and economic parameter distributions are applied to calculate biorefinery performance and production costs. The probability distributions for the minimum fuel-selling price (MFSP) indicate that in situ catalytic pyrolysis has an expected MFSP of $4.20 per gallon with a standard deviation of 1.15, while the ex situ catalytic pyrolysis has a similar MFSP with a smaller deviation ($4.27 per gallon and 0.79 respectively). These results suggest that a biorefinery based on ex situ catalytic pyrolysis could have a lower techno-economic risk than in situ pyrolysis despite a slightly higher MFSP cost estimate. Analysis of how each parameter affects the NPV indicates that internal rate of return, feedstock price, total project investment, electricity price, biochar yield and bio-oil yield are significant parameters which have substantial impact on the MFSP for both in situ and ex situ catalytic pyrolysis.

  1. Estudo numérico e experimental de conectores de cisalhamento feitos de vergalhão CA-50 para uso em estrutura mista aço-concreto


    Chater, Latif


    O emprego da tecnologia de estruturas mistas apresenta vantagens significativas para a indústria da construção civil, em relação ao comportamento estrutural, e também quanto a aspectos construtivos. Os conectores de cisalhamento desempenham papel fundamental na solidarização dos materiais, no caso deste desta pesquisa o aço e o concreto, e portanto na qualidade da ação conjunta dos mesmos. Neste trabalho é apresentado um conector de cisalhamento composto por barra de aço CA-50 dobrada em form...

  2. In situ and ex situ modifications of bacterial cellulose for applications in tissue engineering. (United States)

    Stumpf, Taisa Regina; Yang, Xiuying; Zhang, Jingchang; Cao, Xudong


    Bacterial cellulose (BC) is secreted by a few strains of bacteria and consists of a cellulose nanofiber network with unique characteristics. Because of its excellent mechanical properties, outstanding biocompatibilities, and abilities to form porous structures, BC has been studied for a variety of applications in different fields, including the use as a biomaterial for scaffolds in tissue engineering. To extend its applications in tissue engineering, native BC is normally modified to enhance its properties. Generally, BC modifications can be made by either in situ modification during cell culture or ex situ modification of existing BC microfibers. In this review we will first provide a brief introduction of BC and its attributes; this will set the stage for in-depth and up-to-date discussions on modified BC. Finally, the review will focus on in situ and ex situ modifications of BC and its applications in tissue engineering, particularly in bone regeneration and wound dressing. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Argamassas fotocatalíticas e concretos com adição de fibras de coco e sisal para a redução de impactos ambientais de gases poluentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. M. Bonato


    Full Text Available A construção civil movimenta, anualmente, toneladas de cimento para as suas mais diversas aplicações, mas, a sua fabricação gera teores elevados de poluentes ambientais. Decorrente disto tem-se uma constante busca por novos métodos sustentáveis e alternativos de fabricação. Neste trabalho, a pesquisa foi direcionada em dois aspectos: a adição de fibras de coco (FC e de sisal (FS a um concreto referência, com a intenção de aumentar suas demandas nacionais e diminuir o impacto ambiental resultante da quantidade de resíduos descartados no ambiente após o consumo do fruto, com redução do consumo de cimento em cada dosagem, respectivamente; e, a fotocatálise de gases poluentes por argamassas à base do nanocomposto dióxido de titânio, fase anatásio. Para a avaliação do concreto com adições foram realizados ensaios de resistência à compressão axial, variação dimensional de barras de argamassa expostas em solução agressiva de sulfato e o acompanhamento da durabilidade de corpos de prova (CPs envelhecidos em câmaras de intemperismo de névoa salina e de dióxido de enxofre pela técnica do potencial de corrosão. As argamassas com TiO2 foram avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial fotocatalítico para a redução na concentração de gases tipo NOx em câmara de UV-A, produzida para esta verificação. Os resultados indicaram um aumento em até 16% da resistência mecânica dos concretos com adições e uma eficiência das argamassas com teores de nano TiO2-fase anatásio a partir de 20% em massa, para promover a fotocatálise do NOx ao redor de 40%, em presença de radiação UV-A.

  4. Avaliação da eficiência do uso de conectores de cisalhamento no reforço de vigas de concreto armado pela face comprimida


    SILVA, Paula Miranda da


    Uma estrutura é concebida para ter desempenho satisfatório durante sua vida útil atendendo aos requisitos para os quais ela foi projetada. Quando seu desempenho se torna insatisfatório é necessário que haja intervenção de forma a reabilitar a estrutura. O reforço estrutural tem a característica de reabilitar a estrutura aumentando sua capacidade portante original. Das várias técnicas de intervenção existente, optou-se por estudar nesse trabalho a técnica pelo aumento da seção de concreto pela...

  5. The SENSEI Generic In Situ Interface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayachit, Utkarsh [Kitware, Inc., Clifton Park, NY (United States); Whitlock, Brad [Intelligent Light, Rutherford, NJ (United States); Wolf, Matthew [Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States); Loring, Burlen [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Geveci, Berk [Kitware, Inc., Clifton Park, NY (United States); Lonie, David [Kitware, Inc., Clifton Park, NY (United States); Bethel, E. Wes [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    The SENSEI generic in situ interface is an API that promotes code portability and reusability. From the simulation view, a developer can instrument their code with the SENSEI API and then make make use of any number of in situ infrastructures. From the method view, a developer can write an in situ method using the SENSEI API, then expect it to run in any number of in situ infrastructures, or be invoked directly from a simulation code, with little or no modification. This paper presents the design principles underlying the SENSEI generic interface, along with some simplified coding examples.

  6. Cross-check of ex-situ and in-situ metrology of a bendable temperature stabilized KB mirror

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yuan Sheng; Goldberg, Kenneth A.; Yashchuk, Valeriy V.; Celestre, Richard; McKinney, Wayne R.; Morrison, Gregory; Macdougall, James; Mochi, Iacopo; Warwick, Tony


    At the Advanced Light Source (ALS), we are developing broadly applicable, high-accuracy, in-situ, at-wavelength wavefront slope measurement techniques for Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) mirror nano-focusing. In this paper, we report an initial cross-check of ex-situ and in-situ metrology of a bendable temperature stabilized KB mirror. This cross-check provides a validation of the in-situ shearing interferometry, currently under development at the ALS.

  7. Utilização do rejeito de sinter feed como agregado na produção de peças de concreto para pavimentação


    Ayrton Vianna Costa


    O presente trabalho versa sobre os estudos e a viabilidade técnica e conveniência ecológica do aproveitamento e emprego do rejeito de sinter feed, oriundo de atividades mineradoras de ferro, como agregado na produção do concreto para a fabricação de elementos pré-fabricados destinados à pavimentação. Em virtude da restrita bibliografia a respeito do assunto, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base no conhecimento dos agregados tradicionais e de algumas poucas experiências práticas do uso de reje...

  8. Integrating In-Situ and Ex-Situ Data Management Processes for Biodiversity Conservation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karin R. Schwartz


    Full Text Available There is an increasing need for a “one plan approach” for conservation strategies that integrate in-situ and ex-situ management processes. Zoological institutions contribute directly to threatened species conservation through paradigms, such as reintroduction, head-starting, supplementation, or rescue/rehabilitation/release. This in-situ/ex-situ integration necessitates collaboration at all levels of conservation action including planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment to drive adaptive management processes. Each component is dependent on the availability and accuracy of data for evidence to facilitate evaluation and adaptive management processes. The Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS, managed by Species360, is a centralized web-based information system used in zoological institutions worldwide to pool life history, behavior and health data and facilitate animal husbandry, health, and breeding management processes. Currently used for few integrated conservation programs, ZIMS is an innovative tool that offers a new opportunity to link data management processes for animals that spend a part of their lives under human care and part in their natural environment and has great potential for use in managed wild populations.

  9. Effect of silica particles modified by in-situ and ex-situ methods on the reinforcement of silicone rubber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song, Yingze; Yu, Jinhong; Dai, Dan; Song, Lixian; Jiang, Nan


    Highlights: • In-situ and ex-situ methods were applied to modify silica particles. • In-situ method was more beneficial to preparing silica particles with high BET surface area. • Silicone rubber filled with in-situ modified silica exhibits excellent mechanical and thermal properties. - Abstract: In-situ and ex-situ methods were applied to modify silica particles in order to investigate their effects on the reinforcement of silicone rubber. Surface area and pore analyzer, laser particle size analyzer, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), contact-angle instrument, and transmission electron microscope (TEM) were utilized to investigate the structure and properties of the modified silica particles. Dynamic mechanical thermal analyzer (DMTA) was employed to characterize the vulcanizing behavior and mechanical properties of the composites. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed to test the thermal stability of the composites. FTIR and contact angle analysis indicated that silica particles were successfully modified by these two methods. The BET surface area and TEM results reflected that in-situ modification was more beneficial to preparing silica particles with irregular shape and higher BET surface area in comparison with ex-situ modification. The DMTA and TGA data revealed that compared with ex-situ modification, the in-situ modification produced positive influence on the reinforcement of silicone rubber

  10. Study on the fabrication of Al matrix composites strengthened by combined in-situ alumina particle and in-situ alloying elements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Zanjun; Yang Bin; Cui Hua; Zhang Jishan


    A new idea to fabricate aluminum matrix composites strengthened by combined in-situ particle strengthening and in-situ alloying has been proposed. Following the concept of in-situ alloying and in-situ particle strengthening, aluminum matrix composites reinforced by Cu and α-Al 2 O 3 particulate (material I) and the same matrix reinforced by Cu, Si alloying elements and α-Al 2 O 3 particulate (material II) have been obtained. SEM observation, EDS and XRD analysis show that the alloy elements Cu and Si exist in the two materials, respectively. In-situ Al 2 O 3 particulates are generally spherical and their mean size is less than 0.5 μm. TEM observation shows that the in-situ α-Al 2 O 3 particulates have a good cohesion with the matrix. The reaction mechanism of the Al 2 O 3 particulate obtained by this method was studied. Thermodynamic considerations are given to the in-situ reactions and the distribution characteristic of in-situ the α-Al 2 O 3 particulate in the process of solidification is also discussed

  11. Breeding of in-situ Petroleum Degrading Bacteria in Hangzhou Bay and evaluating for the In-situ repair effect (United States)

    Lan, Ru; Lin, Hai; Qiao, Bing; Dong, Yingbo; Zhang, Wei; Chang, Wen


    In this paper, the restoration behaviour of the in-situ microorganisms in seawater and sediments to the marine accident oil spill was researched. The experimental study on the breeding of in-situ petroleum-degrading bacteria in the seawater and sediments of Hangzhou Bay and the restoration of oil spill were carried out. Making use of the reinforced microbial flora, combined with physical and chemical methods in field environment, petroleum degrading and restoration experiment were performed, the effect of the breeding of in-situ degrading bacteria was evaluated, and the standard process of in-situ bacteria sampling, laboratory screening, domestication and degradation efficiency testing were formed. This study laid a foundation for further evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages for the petroleum-degrading bacteria of Hangzhou Bay during the process of in-situ restoration. The results showed that in-situ microbes of Hangzhou Bay could reach the growth peak in 5 days with the suitable environmental factors and sufficient nutrient elements, and the degradation efficiency could reach 65.2% (or 74.8% after acclimation). And also the microbes could adapt to the local sea water and environmental conditions, with a certain degree of degradation. The research results could provide parameter support for causal judgment and quantitative assessment of oil spill damage.

  12. In Situ Hybridization Pada Kanker Payudara


    Diah Witari, Ni Putu


    Kesulitan yang dijumpai pada penanganan kanker payudara adalah terjadinya kekambuhan atau relaps. Deteksi status HER2 pada pasien merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mendeteksi terjadinya relaps dan juga untuk menentukan jenis terapi yang ada diberikan. Ekspresi protein HER2 dapat dideteksi dengan immunohistochemistry (IHC), sedangkan mutasi gen HER2 dapat dideteksi dengan teknik in situ hybridization baik berupa fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) ataupun chromogenic in situ hy...

  13. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  14. Comportamiento de vigas de sección compuesta con perfiles de acero laminado y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo grado dos (2)


    García Zamora, Alejandro; Molina Herrera, Maritzabel


    En el presente artículo, partiendo de un análisis teórico-experimental, se determinan y caracterizan los parámetros de diseño que rigen el comportamiento de las vigas compuestas de perfiles de acero y losa de concreto empleando conectores de cortante tipo tornillo, dado que para esta clase de conector no existe un estudio específico de su comportamiento, además en la actualidad su diseño no está definido en las NSR-98, aunque es uno de los tipos de conectores más empleados en la construcción ...

  15. Estudio comparativo sobre la aplicación de los algoritmos PSO y SQP en la optimización de pórticos planos de concreto armado


    Lapadula Sequera, Víctor Antonio


    Esta investigación presenta la comparación de las técnicas SQP (Sequential Cuadratic Programming) y PSO (Particle Swarm optimization) al ser aplicadas al problema de optimización de pórticos planos de concreto armado. El SQP y el PSO son algoritmos de optimización provenientes de filosofías diferentes. El primero es una técnica clásica basada en cálculo diferencial, mientras que el segundo es una meta-heurística inspirada en comportamientos observados en la naturaleza. Como función objetivo d...

  16. PROSCARA Inc. in-situ burning summary paper

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In-situ burning as a viable response tactic in the event of an oil spill, was discussed. Key factors which influence a decision to use burning were enumerated, including a detailed analysis of the environmental effects of in-situ burning on soils. The critical parameters were time, soil heating and extent of oil penetration into the soil. It was noted that on water-saturated and frozen soil in-situ burning had no adverse effects. The advantages and disadvantages of in-situ burning vis-a-vis conventional mechanical recovery were discussed. Factors that do, and factors that do not support decisions in favour of in-situ burning were listed. 4 refs., 2 tabs

  17. Ex-situ and in-situ mineral carbonation as a means to sequester carbon dioxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gerdemann, Stephen J.; Dahlin, David C.; O' Connor, William K.; Penner, Larry R.; Rush, G.E.


    The U. S. Department of Energy's Albany Research Center is investigating mineral carbonation as a method of sequestering CO2 from coal-fired-power plants. Magnesium-silicate minerals such as serpentine [Mg3Si2O5(OH)4] and olivine (Mg2SiO4) react with CO2 to produce magnesite (MgCO3), and the calcium-silicate mineral, wollastonite (CaSiO3), reacts to form calcite (CaCO3). It is possible to carry out these reactions either ex situ (above ground in a traditional chemical processing plant) or in situ (storage underground and subsequent reaction with the host rock to trap CO2 as carbonate minerals). For ex situ mineral carbonation to be economically attractive, the reaction must proceed quickly to near completion. The reaction rate is accelerated by raising the activity of CO2 in solution, heat (but not too much), reducing the particle size, high-intensity grinding to disrupt the crystal structure, and, in the case of serpentine, heat-treatment to remove the chemically bound water. All of these carry energy/economic penalties. An economic study illustrates the impact of mineral availability and process parameters on the cost of ex situ carbon sequestration. In situ carbonation offers economic advantages over ex situ processes, because no chemical plant is required. Knowledge gained from the ex situ work was applied to long-term experiments designed to simulate in situ CO2 storage conditions. The Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG), a multi-layered basaltic lava formation, has potentially favorable mineralogy (up to 25% combined concentration of Ca, Fe2+, and Mg cations) for storage of CO2. However, more information about the interaction of CO2 with aquifers and the host rock is needed. Core samples from the CRBG, as well as samples of olivine, serpentine, and sandstone, were reacted in an autoclave for up to 2000 hours at elevated temperatures and pressures. Changes in core porosity, secondary mineralizations, and both solution and solid chemistry were measured.

  18. An overview of in situ waste treatment technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, S.; Hyde, R.A.; Piper, R.B.; Roy, M.W.


    In situ technologies are becoming an attractive remedial alternative for eliminating environmental problems. In situ treatments typically reduce risks and costs associated with retrieving, packaging, and storing or disposing-waste and are generally preferred over ex situ treatments. Each in situ technology has specific applications, and, in order to provide the most economical and practical solution to a waste problem, these applications must be understood. This paper presents an overview of thirty different in situ remedial technologies for buried wastes or contaminated soil areas. The objective of this paper is to familiarize those involved in waste remediation activities with available and emerging in situ technologies so that they may consider these options in the remediation of hazardous and/or radioactive waste sites. Several types of in situ technologies are discussed, including biological treatments, containment technologies, physical/chemical treatments, solidification/stabilization technologies, and thermal treatments. Each category of in situ technology is briefly examined in this paper. Specific treatments belonging to these categories are also reviewed. Much of the information on in situ treatment technologies in this paper was obtained directly from vendors and universities and this information has not been verified

  19. The influence of the roll diameter in flat rolling of of superconducting in situ and ex situ MgB2 tape

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hancock, Michael Halloway; Bay, Niels


    , 150 and 210 mm in each step. The investigation has shown that the in situ powder is more readily compacted than the ex situ powder, with an average increase of relative density after mechanical processing of 37% for in situ powder and 19% for ex situ powder. Statistical analysis showed that the choice......Applying the powder in tube (PIT) method, single-filament MgB2/Fe wire and tape has been manufactured applying both the ex situ and the in situ approach. The influence of the roll diameter in three-step flat rolling on the powder density and critical temperature has been examined using rolls of 70...... roll in the first and second reductions followed by the 150 mm or 210 mm roll in the last reduction was the optimum strategy for both powder types. AC susceptibility testing showed that for the in situ tapes there was no correlation between the powder density and the critical temperature. For ex situ...

  20. Revisão: conceitos de dispersão e empacotamento de partículas para a produção de concretos especiais aplicados na construção civil Review: concepts of particle dispersion and packing for special concretes production

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. L. de Castro


    Full Text Available O concreto material de construção mais amplamente utilizado está constantemente evoluindo. Nos últimos anos, muitas pesquisas têm sido desenvolvidas e a busca por materiais com desempenho mecânico e de durabilidade cada vez maiores tem sido o alvo dos pesquisadores da tecnologia dos concretos. Tais materiais permitem que os projetistas e arquitetos o usem eficientemente em edifícios altos, além de serem esteticamente mais interessantes. Para tanto, concretos obtidos a partir da engenharia de microestrutura são necessários. Por serem compósitos constituídos de partículas com granulometria fina (tamanho máximo Concrete, the most widely used construction material, is constantly developing. During the recent years, several researches have been carried out and the search for materials with higher mechanical and durability performance has been the objective of the concrete technology area. These materials allow designers and the architects to use them efficiently in high slender and innovative buildings. Therefore, in order to attain this target, microstructural engineering is required. Being composites constituted of fine size distribution particles (maximum size < 4750 μm and low water/cement ratio, these concretes present dense matrix by packing optimization of the granular materials, whereas the suitable workability is the result of particle dispersion promoted by adding chemical admixtures to the mixture. Moreover, they incorporate mineral additives which are, mostly, industrial by-products, resulting in a great environmental benefit: industrial residues recycling, pollutant emissions reduction during cement production, raw materials preservation and energy saving. Thus, in present paper, a review related to the concepts of particle dispersion and packing was carried out, addressed for special concretes applied in the civil engineering field.

  1. Análise numérica e experimental da evolução de flechas de vigas de concreto armado sob ações cíclicas repetidas


    Oliveira Filho,J.; Alva,G. M. S.; Canha,R. M. F.; El Debs,A. L. H. C.


    O presente trabalho discute o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado submetidas a carregamentos cíclicos, através de análise numérica e experimental. O objetivo principal é quantificar o crescimento das flechas dessas vigas quando submetidas a ciclos de carga repetida. Foram realizados ensaios experimentais com vigas de tamanho reduzido, com aplicação de carregamento monotônico e cíclico. A análise numérica utiliza um modelo simplificado de dano que se enquadra nos denominados m...

  2. Triplex in-situ hybridization (United States)

    Fresco, Jacques R.; Johnson, Marion D.


    Disclosed are methods for detecting in situ the presence of a target sequence in a substantially double-stranded nucleic acid segment, which comprises: a) contacting in situ under conditions suitable for hybridization a substantially double-stranded nucleic acid segment with a detectable third strand, said third strand being capable of hybridizing to at least a portion of the target sequence to form a triple-stranded structure, if said target sequence is present; and b) detecting whether hybridization between the third strand and the target sequence has occured.

  3. Unintended and in situ amorphisation of pharmaceuticals. (United States)

    Priemel, P A; Grohganz, H; Rades, T


    Amorphisation of poorly water-soluble drugs is one approach that can be applied to improve their solubility and thus their bioavailability. Amorphisation is a process that usually requires deliberate external energy input. However, amorphisation can happen both unintentionally, as in process-induced amorphisation during manufacturing, or in situ during dissolution, vaporisation, or lipolysis. The systems in which unintended and in situ amorphisation has been observed normally contain a drug and a carrier. Common carriers include polymers and mesoporous silica particles. However, the precise mechanisms by which in situ amorphisation occurs are often not fully understood. In situ amorphisation can be exploited and performed before administration of the drug or possibly even within the gastrointestinal tract, as can be inferred from in situ amorphisation observed during in vitro lipolysis. The use of in situ amorphisation can thus confer the advantages of the amorphous form, such as higher apparent solubility and faster dissolution rate, without the disadvantage of its physical instability. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Polluted soils with heavy metals. Stabilization by magnesium oxide. Ex-situ and in-situ testings; Suelos contaminados con metales pesados. Estabilizacion con oxido de magnesio. Ensayos ex situ-in situ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cenoz, S.; Hernandez, J.; Gangutia, N.


    This work describes the use of Low-Grade MgO as a stabiliser agent for polluted soil reclaim. Low-Grade MgO may be an economically feasible alternative in the stabilisation of heavy metals from heavily contaminated soils. The effectiveness of Low-Grade MgO has been studied in three ex-situ stabilisation of heavily polluted soils contaminated by the flue-dust of pyrite roasting. LG-MgO provides an alkali reservoir guaranteeing long-term stabilisation without varying the pH conditions. The success of the ex-situ stabilisation was corroborated with the analysis of heavy metals in the leachates collected from the landfill o ver a long period of time. The study also includes the results obtained in an in-situ pilot scale stabilisation of contaminated soil. (Author) 17 refs.

  5. In Situ Remediation Integrated Program. In situ physical/chemical treatment technologies for remediation of contaminated sites: Applicability, developing status, and research needs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegrist, R.L.; Gates, D.D.; West, O.R.; Liang, L.; Donaldson, T.L.; Webb, O.F.; Corder, S.L.; Dickerson, K.S.


    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISR IP) was established in June 1991 to facilitate the development and implementation of in situ remediation technologies for environmental restoration within the DOE complex. Within the ISR IP, four subareas of research have been identified: (1) in situ containment, (2) in situ physical/chemical treatment (ISPCT), (3) in situ bioremediation, and (4) subsurface manipulation/electrokinetics. Although set out as individual focus areas, these four are interrelated, and successful developments in one will often necessitate successful developments in another. In situ remediation technologies are increasingly being sought for environmental restoration due to the potential advantages that in situ technologies can offer as opposed to more traditional ex situ technologies. These advantages include limited site disruption, lower cost, reduced worker exposure, and treatment at depth under structures. While in situ remediation technologies can offer great advantages, many technology gaps exist in their application. This document presents an overview of ISPCT technologies and describes their applicability to DOE-complex needs, their development status, and relevant ongoing research. It also highlights research needs that the ISR IP should consider when making funding decisions

  6. In Situ TEM Electrical Measurements

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canepa, Silvia; Alam, Sardar Bilal; Ngo, Duc-The


    understanding of complex physical and chemical interactions in the pursuit to optimize nanostructure function and device performance. Recent developments of sample holder technology for TEM have enabled a new field of research in the study of functional nanomaterials and devices via electrical stimulation...... influence the sample by external stimuli, e.g. through electrical connections, the TEM becomes a powerful laboratory for performing quantitative real time in situ experiments. Such TEM setups enable the characterization of nanostructures and nanodevices under working conditions, thereby providing a deeper...... and measurement of the specimen. Recognizing the benefits of electrical measurements for in situ TEM, many research groups have focused their effort in this field and some of these methods have transferred to ETEM. This chapter will describe recent advances in the in situ TEM investigation of nanostructured...

  7. Estudo comparativo da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em telhado com telhas de concreto e em telhado verde para usos não potáveis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Celimar Azambuja Teixeira

    Full Text Available Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma comparação da qualidade da água da chuva coletada em telhado inclinado com telhas de concreto (residência 1 e cobertura plana e vegetada (residência 2, indicada como telhado verde. Os objetivos desta investigação foram: (1 analisar a qualidade da água da chuva captada nas duas coberturas, com base nos parâmetros da NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007 e (2 fazer acompanhamento da qualidade da água armazenada para verificar eficiência e comportamento dos dois telhados. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em Curitiba, PR, onde é obrigatório o aproveitamento da água da chuva em novas construções desde o ano de 2007. A água da chuva captada no telhado com telhas de concreto apresentou menores valores para turbidez e demanda química de oxigênio na maioria dos resultados (oito e sete amostras, respectivamente. O telhado verde contribuiu para a diminuição da acidez natural da água da chuva. Não foram atendidos os parâmetros microbiológicos estabelecidos na NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007 em nenhuma das amostras coletadas. Apesar de a qualidade da água da chuva não atender todos os parâmetros indicados na NBR 15527 (ABNT, 2007, essa água vem sendo aproveitada nas residências para limpeza de calçadas, irrigação de jardim e descarga em bacias sanitárias, sem indicação de inconvenientes pelos moradores.

  8. Emissões de CO2 referentes ao transporte de materiais de construção no Brasil: estudo comparativo entre blocos estruturais cerâmicos e de concreto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucas Rosse Caldas

    Full Text Available Resumo A avaliação do ciclo de vida de emissões de CO2 (ACVCO2 de um produto envolve a quantificação das emissões de CO2 nas etapas de pré-uso, uso e pós-uso. A etapa de pré-uso envolve as fases de indústria, execução e transporte. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo das emissões de CO2 de blocos estruturais cerâmicos e de concreto, a partir do levantamento das emissões na indústria e no transporte, com avaliação do impacto da fase de transporte desses materiais em 26 capitais brasileiras. Para isso foram pesquisadas as empresas fabricantes classificadas nos programas setoriais de qualidade. As distâncias de transporte das fábricas até as capitais foram levantadas via Google Maps. Os resultados mostraram que as capitais localizadas na Região Norte e Sudeste foram as que apresentaram maiores e menores valores, respectivamente, de emissões relacionadas ao transporte para ambos os tipos de componentes. A participação da fase de transporte, relacionada às emissões totais, foi maior para os blocos de concreto, para a maioria das capitais. Ao final do trabalho, como forma de minimizar a subjetividade da consideração da fase de transportes nos estudos de ACVCO2, foram propostos uma matriz e um fluxograma para a gestão da avaliação da fase de transporte nesses tipos de estudos.

  9. Detection of denitrification genes by in situ rolling circle amplification - fluorescence in situ hybridization (in situ RCA-FISH) to link metabolic potential with identity inside bacterial cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoshino, Tatsuhiko; Schramm, Andreas


    target site. Finally, the RCA product inside the cells was detected by standard fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The optimized protocol showed high specificity and signal-to-noise ratio but low detection frequency (up to 15% for single-copy genes and up to 43% for the multi-copy 16S rRNA gene...... as Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis by combining in situ RCA-FISH with 16S rRNA-targeted FISH. While not suitable for quantification because of its low detection frequency, in situ RCA-FISH will allow to link metabolic potential with 16S rRNA (gene)-based identification of single microbial cells.......). Nevertheless, multiple genes (nirS and nosZ; nirS and the 16S rRNA gene) could be detected simultaneously in P. stutzeri. Environmental application of in situ RCA-FISH was demonstrated on activated sludge by the differential detection of two types of nirS-defined denitrifiers; one of them was identified...

  10. In-situ bioremediation via horizontal wells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazen, T.C.; Looney, B.B.; Enzien, M.; Franck, M.M.; Fliermans, C.B.; Eddy, C.A.


    This project is designed to demonstrate in situ bioremediation of groundwater and sediment contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Indigenous microorganisms were stimulated to degrade TCE, PCE and their daughter products in situ by addition of nutrients to the contaminated zone. In situ biodegradation is a highly attractive technology for remediation because contaminants are destroyed, not simply moved to another location or immobilized, thus decreasing costs, risks, and time, while increasing efficiency and public and regulatory acceptability. Bioremediation has been found to be among the least costly technologies in applications where it will work (Radian 1989). Subsurface soils and water adjacent to an abandoned process sewer line at the SRS have been found to have elevated levels of TCE (Marine and Bledsoe 1984). This area of subsurface and groundwater contamination is the focus of a current integrated demonstration of new remediation technologies utilizing horizontal wells. Bioremediation has the potential to enhance the performance of in situ air stripping as well as offering stand-alone remediation of this and other contaminated sites (Looney et al. 1991). Horizontal wells could also be used to enhance the recovery of groundwater contaminants for bioreactor conversions from deep or inaccessible areas (e.g., under buildings) and to enhance the distribution of nutrient or microbe additions in an in situ bioremediation

  11. In situ groundwater bioremediation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hazen, Terry C.


    In situ groundwater bioremediation of hydrocarbons has been used for more than 40 years. Most strategies involve biostimulation; however, recently bioaugmentation have been used for dehalorespiration. Aquifer and contaminant profiles are critical to determining the feasibility and strategy for in situ groundwater bioremediation. Hydraulic conductivity and redox conditions, including concentrations of terminal electron acceptors are critical to determine the feasibility and strategy for potential bioremediation applications. Conceptual models followed by characterization and subsequent numerical models are critical for efficient and cost effective bioremediation. Critical research needs in this area include better modeling and integration of remediation strategies with natural attenuation.

  12. Use of bioreactor landfill for nitrogen removal to enhance methane production through ex situ simultaneous nitrification-denitrification and in situ denitrification. (United States)

    Sun, Xiaojie; Zhang, Hongxia; Cheng, Zhaowen


    High concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen (NO 3 - -N) derived from ex situ nitrification phase can inhibit methane production during ex situ nitrification and in situ denitrification bioreactor landfill. A combined process comprised of ex situ simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND) in an aged refuse bioreactor (ARB) and in situ denitrification in a fresh refuse bioreactor (FRB) was conducted to reduce the negative effect of high concentrationsof NO 3 - -N. Ex situ SND can be achieved because NO 3 - -N concentration can be reduced and the removal rate of ammonium-nitrogen (NH 4 + -N) remains largely unchanged when the ventilation rate of ARB-A2 is controlled. The average NO 3 - -N concentrations of effluent were 470mg/L in ex situ nitrification ARB-A1 and 186mg/L in ex situ SND ARB-A2. The average NH 4 + -N removal rates of ARB-A1 and ARB-A2 were 98% and 94%, respectively. Based on the experimental data from week 4 to week 30, it is predicted that NH 4 + -N concentration in FRB-F1 of the ex situ nitrification and in situ denitrification process would reach 25mg/L after 63weeks, and about 40weeks for the FRB-F2 of ex situ SND and in situ denitrification process . Ex situ SND and in situ denitrification process can improve themethane production of FRB-F2. The lag phase time of methane production for the FRB-F2 was 11weeks. This phase was significantly shorter than the 15-week phases of FRB-F1 in ex situ nitrification and in situ denitrification process. A seven-week stabilizationphase was required to increase methane content from 5% to 50% for FRB-F2. Methane content in FRB-F1 did not reach 50% but reached the 45% peak after 20weeks. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Observatory Magnetometer In-Situ Calibration

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    A Marusenkov


    Full Text Available An experimental validation of the in-situ calibration procedure, which allows estimating parameters of observatory magnetometers (scale factors, sensor misalignment without its operation interruption, is presented. In order to control the validity of the procedure, the records provided by two magnetometers calibrated independently in a coil system have been processed. The in-situ estimations of the parameters are in very good agreement with the values provided by the coil system calibration.

  14. BIM 4D aplicado à gestão logística: implementação na montagem de sistemas pré-fabricados de concreto engineer-to-order

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Saidelles Bataglin

    Full Text Available Resumo A gestão de sistemas pré-fabricados demanda uma intensa troca de informações entre a fábrica e a obra, de forma a sincronizar a fabricação, as operações logísticas e o processo de montagem, principalmente em ambientes engineer-to-order, no qual o nível de incerteza tende a ser alto. A literatura sugere o uso de Building Information Modeling (BIM para facilitar o compartilhamento de informações e apoiar a tomada de decisões, assim como a aplicação de conceitos e princípios da Produção Enxuta. Particularmente em relação ao processo de montagem, o BIM 4D pode ser utilizado para simular algumas operações, apoiando o planejamento e controle da produção. O presente artigo propõe um conjunto de diretrizes para a utilização do BIM 4D e conceitos e princípios da Produção Enxuta para apoiar a gestão logística do processo de montagem de sistemas pré-fabricados em concreto do tipo engineer-to-order. Foi adotada a abordagem metodológica da Design Science Research, tendo por base um estudo empírico realizado em uma empresa que fornece estruturas pré-fabricadas de concreto. As principais contribuições do trabalho referem-se o uso de BIM 4D para padronizar as operações logísticas e para a gestão de informações relacionadas ao status do sistema.

  15. In-situ gelling polymers for biomedical applications

    CERN Document Server


    This book presents the research involving in situ gelling polymers and can be used as a guidebook for academics, industrialists and postgraduates interested in this area. This work summaries the academic contributions from the top authorities in the field and explore the fundamental principles of in situ gelling polymeric networks, along with examples of their major applications. This book aims to provide an up-to-date resource of in situ gelling polymer research.

  16. Estruturas de concreto reforçadas com PRFC Parte I: análise dos modelos de flexão

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    A. L. Gamino

    Full Text Available Este trabalho, apresentado em duas partes, trata da avaliação dos modelos de projeto de estruturas de concreto armado reforçadas com Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras de Carbono (PRFC. Nesta primeira parte são avaliados modelos de flexão originados das recomendações ACI-440 e fib-14, assim como outros modelos mais recentes, disponíveis na literatura. Esses critérios foram aplicados a um total de vinte e cinco vigas reforçadas à flexão, ensaiadas pelos autores, das quais dezesseis com seção retangular e nove com seção "T". Foram aplicados diferentes tipos de compósitos de fibras de carbono (tecidos e laminados, de diferentes fabricantes, encontrados no mercado brasileiro. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma boa proximidade entre as cargas de ruptura calculadas de acordo com as recomendações ACI-440 para reforços à flexão e os valores observados nos ensaios.


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    Nara Villanova Menon


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O problema da avaliação do cisalhamento em vigas de concreto armado reforçadas por polímeros reforçados com fibras (PRF é um assunto muito complexo. As atuais normas/códigos mais importantes e recomendações de pesquisadores quantificam o cisalhamento por meio de uma simples soma das contribuições do concreto (Vc, do aço (Vsw, e do PRF (Vf. Apresentar comparações entre as formulações analíticas dos mais importantes códigos e recomendações disponíveis na literatura e avaliar os coeficientes de segurança propostos utilizando dados obtidos de resultados provenientes de investigações experimentais é o objetivo deste trabalho. Desenvolveu-se uma série de comparações entre as normas e recomendações NBR 6118 (2014, EUROCODE 2 (1992, ACI 318M (2011, ACI 440.2R (2008, fib BULLETIN 14 - TG 9.3 (2001 e CNR-DT 200 (2004. A base de dados foi feita pelos resultados experimentais de 30 vigas de concreto armado reforçadas. Observou-se que algumas normas são mais restritivas em relação às outras, oferecendo uma menor contribuição ao reforço, sendo, portanto, mais seguras. As informações permitiram demonstrar através de gráficos que o comportamento esperado, possível devido ao uso dos coeficientes de segurança, mantiveram os valores de cálculo muito abaixo dos valores de ruptura. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a melhor utilização da combinação das principais normas utilizadas. ABSTRACT: The problem of the evaluation of the shear strength in RC beams strengthened with fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP is a very complex subject. The actual most important codes/recommendations quantify the nominal shear strength by a simple sum of the contributions to concrete (Vc, steel (Vsw, and FRP (Vf. This paper presents a broad comparison between the experimental results sourced from a number of experimental investigations and the analytical formulation of the most important codes/recommendations available in

  18. Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE) will be the first in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) technology demonstration on Mars. Competitively...

  19. Concepts and Relations in Neurally Inspired In Situ Concept-Based Computing. (United States)

    van der Velde, Frank


    In situ concept-based computing is based on the notion that conceptual representations in the human brain are "in situ." In this way, they are grounded in perception and action. Examples are neuronal assemblies, whose connection structures develop over time and are distributed over different brain areas. In situ concepts representations cannot be copied or duplicated because that will disrupt their connection structure, and thus the meaning of these concepts. Higher-level cognitive processes, as found in language and reasoning, can be performed with in situ concepts by embedding them in specialized neurally inspired "blackboards." The interactions between the in situ concepts and the blackboards form the basis for in situ concept computing architectures. In these architectures, memory (concepts) and processing are interwoven, in contrast with the separation between memory and processing found in Von Neumann architectures. Because the further development of Von Neumann computing (more, faster, yet power limited) is questionable, in situ concept computing might be an alternative for concept-based computing. In situ concept computing will be illustrated with a recently developed BABI reasoning task. Neurorobotics can play an important role in the development of in situ concept computing because of the development of in situ concept representations derived in scenarios as needed for reasoning tasks. Neurorobotics would also benefit from power limited and in situ concept computing.

  20. Soil weed seed bank in situ and ex situ at a smallholder field in Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Mesquita


    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to assess the density, floristic composition,  phytosociology and diversity of a soil weed seed bank ex situ by germination in a greenhouse and in situ by weed sampling on a smallholder corn field located in Lago Verde County, Maranhão State. Fifteen pairs of 25 m2 plots were designated. In half of these plots, 90 soil samples were collected with an open metal template measuring 25 x 16 x 3 cm and placed in a greenhouse to germinate. In the other half, 90 weed samples were collected using the same metal template. We recorded a total of 1,998 individuals from 40 species, 31 genera and 16 families, from which 659 individuals germinated in situ and 1,339 exsitu. Density was higher ex situ, with 372 plants m-2. The Cyperaceae family had the highest floristic richness with nine species, followed by the Poaceae with six. The dominant species based on the Importance Value Index were Lindernia crustacea (IVI 27.7% in situ and Scleria lithosperma (IVI 37.0% ex situ. Floristic diversity was higher ex situ, with H’ = 2.66 nats ind-1. These results could help predict infestation potential and could lead to improved weed management strategies in corn-growing areas on smallholdings in Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil.

  1. Double-staining chromogenic in situ hybridization as a useful alternative to split-signal fluorescence in situ hybridization in lymphoma diagnostics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Rijk, A.; Svenstroup-Poulsen, T.; Jones, M.


    within the reach of every pathology laboratory. Design and Methods Our study was initiated to determine the consistency between chromogenic in situ hybridization and fluorescence in situ hybridization, both using split-signal probes developed for the detection of chromosomal breaks. Five hundred...... and actual signal were compared to the original fluorescence hybridization results. In addition, hematoxylin background staining intensity and signal intensity of the double-staining chromogenic in situ hybridization procedure were analyzed. Results With respect to the presence or absence of chromosomal...

  2. Training for teamwork through in situ simulations (United States)

    Sorensen, Asta; Poehlman, Jon; Bollenbacher, John; Riggan, Scott; Davis, Stan; Miller, Kristi; Ivester, Thomas; Kahwati, Leila


    In situ simulations allow healthcare teams to practice teamwork and communication as well as clinical management skills in a team's usual work setting with typically available resources and equipment. The purpose of this video is to demonstrate how to plan and conduct in situ simulation training sessions, with particular emphasis on how such training can be used to improve communication and teamwork. The video features an in situ simulation conducted at a labour and delivery unit in response to postpartum hemorrhage. PMID:26294962

  3. PRINS and in situ PCR protocols

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Gosden, John R


    ... mapping of DNA sequences on chromosomes and location of gene expression followed the invention and refinement of in situ hybridization. Among the most recent technical developments has been the use of oligonucleotide primers to detect and amplify or extend complementary sequences in situ, and it is to this novel field that PRINS and In S...

  4. Optimización de secciones de vigas y columnas para el cumplimiento de la deriva en edificaciones de concreto reforzado mediante Redes Neuronales Artificiales

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    Jorge Arcila Zea


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los resultados del uso de Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA para la estimación de secciones óptimas de vigas y columnas en concreto reforzado en edificaciones aporticadas simétricas de 1 a 6 pisos teniendo en cuenta los requisitos mínimos exigidos en la NSR-10 relacionados con la deriva y el diseño sísmico. Además se estudió la sensibilidad de la deriva respecto a los valores de dimensiones de vigas y de columnas, para que una vez se tenga una mejor comprensión de dicha relación, se puedan obtener diseños óptimos de manera más rápida, sencilla y confiable en comparación con los procedimientos utilizados actualmente.

  5. Comparing electrical characteristics of in situ and ex situ Al2O3/GaN interfaces formed by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (United States)

    Chan, Silvia H.; Bisi, Davide; Tahhan, Maher; Gupta, Chirag; DenBaars, Steven P.; Keller, Stacia; Zanoni, Enrico; Mishra, Umesh K.


    Al2O3/n-GaN MOS-capacitors grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition with in-situ- and ex-situ-formed Al2O3/GaN interfaces were characterized. Capacitors grown entirely in situ exhibited ˜4 × 1012 cm-2 fewer positive fixed charges and up to ˜1 × 1013 cm-2 eV-1 lower interface-state density near the band-edge than did capacitors with ex situ oxides. When in situ Al2O3/GaN interfaces were reformed via the insertion of a 10-nm-thick GaN layer, devices exhibited behavior between the in situ and ex situ limits. These results illustrate the extent to which an in-situ-formed dielectric/GaN gate stack improves the interface quality and breakdown performance.

  6. La madera auxiliar en la construcción y su huella ecológica; caso de la superficie de contacto de la tarima La madera auxiliar en la construcción y su huella ecológica; caso de la superficie de contacto de la tarima

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Susana Bianconi Bailez


    Full Text Available An alternative framework is designed, based on recycled material, to tend to diminish the irrational use of wood. Wood related problems in concrete construction in the State of Mexico are presented, and this issue is related to the illegal harvest of timber. The wood framework life cycle assessment is graphed and several parameters are compared between our proposed hybrid frame and the conventional one. This new design is proposed to mitigate the irrational use of timer in the making of daily concrete building in situ. Se diseña una tarima de cimbra alternativa, con material reciclado, para contrarrestar el uso indiscriminado de madera en la construcción del concreto armado. Se presenta esta problemática en el estado de México y se relaciona con el consumo de madera talada clandestinamente. Se grafica el ciclo de vida de la tarima para cimbra de construcción y se comparan parámetros y desempeños de nuestra propuesta, a la que llamamos tarima híbrida y la tarima convencional. Se sugiere contrarrestar el mal uso del recurso madera asociado a la factura in situ del concreto armado mediante el uso de este nuevo diseño.

  7. Pattern classification by memristive crossbar circuits using ex situ and in situ training (United States)

    Alibart, Fabien; Zamanidoost, Elham; Strukov, Dmitri B.


    Memristors are memory resistors that promise the efficient implementation of synaptic weights in artificial neural networks. Whereas demonstrations of the synaptic operation of memristors already exist, the implementation of even simple networks is more challenging and has yet to be reported. Here we demonstrate pattern classification using a single-layer perceptron network implemented with a memrisitive crossbar circuit and trained using the perceptron learning rule by ex situ and in situ methods. In the first case, synaptic weights, which are realized as conductances of titanium dioxide memristors, are calculated on a precursor software-based network and then imported sequentially into the crossbar circuit. In the second case, training is implemented in situ, so the weights are adjusted in parallel. Both methods work satisfactorily despite significant variations in the switching behaviour of the memristors. These results give hope for the anticipated efficient implementation of artificial neuromorphic networks and pave the way for dense, high-performance information processing systems.

  8. Efficacy monitoring of in situ fuel bioremediation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, J.; Borchert, S.; Heard, C.


    The wide-scale, multiple-purpose use of fossil fuels throughout the industrialized world has resulted in the inadvertent contamination of myriad environments. Given the scope and magnitude of these environmental contamination problems, bioremediation often represents the only practical and economically feasible solution. This is especially true when depth of contamination, magnitude of the problem, and nature of contaminated material preclude other remedial actions, short of the no-response alternative. From the perspective, the effective, safe and scientifically valid use of in situ bioremediation technologies requires cost-efficient and effective implementation strategies in combination with unequivocal approaches for monitoring efficacy of performance. Accordingly, with support from the SERDP program, the authors are field-testing advanced in situ bioremediation strategies and new approaches in efficacy monitoring that employ techniques instable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry. One field demonstration has been initiated at the NEX site in Port Hueneme, CA (US Navy's National Test Site). The objectives are: (1) to use stable isotopes as a biogeochemical monitoring tool for in situ bioremediation of refined petroleum (i.e., BTEX), and (2) to use vertical groundwater circulation technology to effect in situ chemical containment and enhanced in situ bioremediation

  9. Oil companies push in-situ recovery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McIntyre, H.


    Possibly, a third Athabaska tar-sand plant using surface mining will be built in the 1980's, but future development beyond that point will probably depend on in-situ recovery. The discussion of in-situ recovery focusses on the effect it will have on the Canadian chemical industry, for example, the market for sodium hydroxide. To obtain the highest yields of oil from bitumen, an external source of hydrogen is necessary; for example Syncrude imports natural gas to make hydrogen for desulphurization. Gasification of coal is a possible source of hydrogen. Research on hydrocracking is progressing. Use of a prototype CANDU OCR reactor to raise the hot steam necessary for in-situ recovery has been suggested. Venezuela is interested in Canadian upgrading technology. (N.D.H.)

  10. Uranium in situ leach mining in the United States. Information circular

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larson, W.C.


    This report discusses uranium in situ leach mining in the United States; the purpose of which is to acquaint the reader with an overview of this emerging mining technology. This report is not a technical discussion of the subject matter, but rather should be used as a reference source for information on in situ leaching. An in situ leaching bibliography is included as well as engineering data tables for almost all of the active pilot-scale and commercial uranium in situ leaching operators. These tables represent a first attempt at consolidating operational data in one source, on a regional scale. Additional information is given which discusses the current Bureau of Mines uranium in situ leaching research program. Also included is a listing of various State and Federal permitting agencies, and a summary of the current uranium in situ leaching operators. Finally, a glossary of terms has been added, listing some of the more common terms used in uranium in situ leach mining

  11. Electrochemical studies, in-situ and ex-situ characterizations of different manganese compounds electrodeposited in aerated solutions; Etudes electrochimiques, suivis in-situ et caracterisations ex-situ de divers composes de manganese electrodeposes dans des solutions aerees

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peulon, S.; Lacroix, A.; Chausse, A. [Univ. d' Evry-val-d' Essonne, Laboratoire Analyse et Modelisation pour la Biologie et l' Environnement (LAMBE CNRS UMR 8587), 91 - Evry (France); Larabi-Gruet, N. [CEA Saclay, Dept. de Physico-Chimie (DEN/DPC/SECR/L3MR), 91 - Gif sur Yvette (France)


    This work deals with the electrodeposition of manganese compounds. A systematic study of the synthesis experimental conditions has been carried out, and the obtained depositions have been characterized by different ex-situ analyses methods (XRD, FTIR, SEM). The in-situ measurements of mass increase with a quartz microbalance during the syntheses have allowed to estimate the growth mechanisms which are in agreement with the ex-situ characterizations. The cation has an important role in the nature of the electrodeposited compounds. In presence of sodium, a mixed lamellar compound Mn(III)/Mn(IV), the birnessite, is deposited, whereas in presence of potassium, bixbyite is formed (Mn{sub 2}O{sub 3}), these two compounds having a main role in the environment. The substrate can also influence the nature of the formed intermediary compounds. Little studied compounds such as feitkneichtite ({beta}-MnOOH) and groutite ({alpha}-MnOOH) have been revealed. (O.M.)

  12. Electrochemical studies, in-situ and ex-situ characterizations of different manganese compounds electrodeposited in aerated solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peulon, S.; Lacroix, A.; Chausse, A.; Larabi-Gruet, N.


    This work deals with the electrodeposition of manganese compounds. A systematic study of the synthesis experimental conditions has been carried out, and the obtained depositions have been characterized by different ex-situ analyses methods (XRD, FTIR, SEM). The in-situ measurements of mass increase with a quartz microbalance during the syntheses have allowed to estimate the growth mechanisms which are in agreement with the ex-situ characterizations. The cation has an important role in the nature of the electrodeposited compounds. In presence of sodium, a mixed lamellar compound Mn(III)/Mn(IV), the birnessite, is deposited, whereas in presence of potassium, bixbyite is formed (Mn 2 O 3 ), these two compounds having a main role in the environment. The substrate can also influence the nature of the formed intermediary compounds. Little studied compounds such as feitkneichtite (β-MnOOH) and groutite (α-MnOOH) have been revealed. (O.M.)

  13. Ligantes hidráulicos e a hidratação de óxido de magnésio em concretos refratários Hydraulic binders and magnesium oxide hydration in refractory castables

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Salomão


    Full Text Available A presença de cimento de aluminato de cálcio e alumina hidratável pode afetar significativamente o comportamento de hidratação do óxido de magnésio (MgO em suspensões aquosas. Entre outros efeitos, destaca-se a formação do composto conhecido como hidrotalcita (Mg6Al2(CO3(OH16·(4H2O, que pode potencializar ou inibir os danos causados pela hidratação do MgO, dependendo da quantidade em que é gerado. Este trabalho investigou como a presença desses ligantes afeta a hidratação do MgO e suas conseqüências em formulações de concretos refratários usando testes de hidratação-desidratação, medidas de pH, expansão volumétrica aparente, resistência à tração por compressão diametral e porosidade. Por meio de comparações com composições de referência sem-ligante e sem-ligante-e-sem-MgO, foi verificado que os efeitos danosos da hidratação do MgO podem ser significativamente reduzidos por meio do ajuste do tipo e do teor de ligante aos concretos.The presence of calcium aluminate cement and hydratable alumina can significantly modify the magnesia sinter hydration behavior in aqueous suspensions. As a consequence of these studies, the present paper investigates how these binders content could affect magnesia hydration in refractory castables using hydration-dehydration tests, pH, AVE, mechanical strength and porosity measurements. Besides this, because for these materials the aspects related to mechanical strength, porosity and refractoriness also must be taken into account, binder-free, magnesia-free and magnesia-and-binder-free samples were also tested as references. It was found out that the deleterious effects of magnesia hydration can be greatly minimized by the binder content.

  14. Floristic diversity of the soil weed seed bank in a rice-growing area of Brazil: in situ and ex situ evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mário Luiz Ribeiro Mesquita


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to compare the ex situ and in situ floristic diversity of the soil weed seed bank of a rice field in northeastern Brazil. In a rice field in the county of Bacabal, located in the state of Maranhão, thirty 25-m² plots were laid out. From 15 plots, soil samples (6/plot; n = 90 were taken with a soil probe (25 × 16 × 3 cm and placed in aluminum trays in the greenhouse. From the remaining 15 plots, weed samples (6/plot; n = 90 were taken with the same soil probe. The number of seeds was estimated by germination. We evaluated the numbers of species and individuals, as well as the density, frequency, abundance and importance value (IV for each species. Diversity was computed by the Shannon index (H'. We recorded 13,892 individuals (among 20 families, 40 genera and 60 species, of which 11,530 (among 50 species germinated ex situ and 2,362 (among 34 species germinated in situ. The family Cyperaceae had the highest number of species (16, followed by Poaceae (10. The dominant species, in situ and ex situ, were Schoenoplectus juncoides (IV=47.4% and Ludwigia octovalvis (IV=34.8%, respectively. Floristic diversity was higher ex situ (H'=2.66. The information obtained here could help determine the infestation potential of these species, which could lead to improved management strategies.

  15. Management of Adenocarcinoma In Situ of Cervix in Pregnancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alireza Abidi


    Full Text Available Adenocarcinoma in situ is one of the premalignant lesions of the cervix and its incidence is believed to be increasing while the pathogenesis of the disease is not clearly understood. Management of Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS unlike carcinoma in situ (CIS has not been clearly described in the current literature. Here we describe conservative management and serial colposcopy of two pregnant women with adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix. Both of the cases were diagnosed initially with abnormal Pap smears and were confirmed by colposcopic directed biopsy. None of the patients agreed with any invasive procedure during pregnancy and both of them were followed with serial colposcopy. None of the lesions showed any evidence of progression. All cases underwent cold knife cone biopsies in their postpartum period. Hysterectomy as the final treatment has been done in both cases with no evidence of progression of the disease during pregnancy. We concluded that adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix during pregnancy could be managed conservatively with definite treatment postponed till after delivery.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilda de Fátima Ferreira Tinôco


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar el uso de la arcilla expandida en concretos livianos, dosificada y elaborada de manera que fuera viable el moldeo de placas con una geometría apropiada, capaz de atender las demandas de confort térmico y de las técnicas para estructuras pecuarias. Modelos de galpones de aves fueron construidos en escala 1:12, de acuerdo con Jentzsch (2002 y localizados en dirección este-oeste. Los techos fueron construidos con tres materiales diferentes: placas prefabricadas de concreto aligerado con arcilla expandida (LWC, tejas en fibrocemento (Fcim y tejas cerámicas (Cer. Los parámetros evaluados al interior de los modelos reducidos fueron: humedad relativa (HR, índice de temperatura de globo negro y humedad (ITGU y carga térmica radiante (CTR, durante el verano y el invierno. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros HR, ITGU y CTR fueron estadísticamente diferentes para cada sistema evaluado. El mejor comportamiento se presentó con el modelo de placas prefabricadas de concreto aligerado con arcillas expandidas (LWC.This research aimed to evaluate the use of the expanded clay on the light concrete, dosed and executed in order to make possible to mold the roof tiles with appropriate geometry, according to the comfort and technique demands of the animals constructions. Models of poultry livestock facilities were build in scale of 1:12, Jentzsch (2002, and were positioned on the East-West direction. The roofs were made of three different materials each one: roofing tiles of light concrete using expanded clay (LWC, roofing tiles of asbestos-cement (Fcim and ceramic roofing tiles (Cer. The parameters evaluated inside of the reduced models were: relative humidity (RH, and black globe temperature and humidity index (BGHI and thermal load of radiation (TLR, during the summer and winter. The results showed that the parameters RH, BGHI and TLR were statistically different among the systems. The best performance happened on the

  17. Nuclear waste management by in-situ melting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Angelo, J.A. Jr.


    A systematic assessment of the in-situ melting concept as an ultimate waste disposal option shows that the placement of solidifed, high-level radioactive wastes in an in-situ melting cavity with a crushed rock backfill not only eliminates the major deficiencies inherent in other in-situ melting schemes, but also satisfies reasonable criteria for ultimate disposal. In-situ melting reduces the waste isolation time requirements to several hundred years. Calculated spent fuel and processing waste afterheat values assess the role of actinide and cladding material nuclides in creating the total afterheat and provide quantitative variation with time for these values for contamporary and advanced-design fission reactors. The dominant roles of 134 Cs in thermal spectrum reactor afterheats during the first decade of cooling of the actinide nuclides in all typical waste after-heats following a century or two of cooling are identified. The spatial and temporal behavior of a spherically symmetric waste repository experiencing in-situ melting in an equal density, homogeneous medium for silicate rock and salt is controlled primarily by the overall volumetric thermal source strength, the time-dependent characteristics of the high-level wastes, and the thermophysical properties of the surrounding rock environment. Calculations were verified by experimental data. The hazard index for typical high-level wastes is dominated by the fission product nuclides for the first three centuries of decay. It is then controlled by the actinides, especially americium, which dominates for 10,000 years. With in-situ melting, the hazard index for the re-solidifed rock/waste matrix deepunderground falls below the hazard index of naturally occurring uranium ore bodies within a few hundred years, whether or not the more hazardous actinide nuclides are selectively removed from the wastes prior to storage

  18. In Situ Bioremediation of Energetic Compounds in Groundwater (United States)


    negligible. Thus, this project clearly shows that in situ bioremediation of explosives in groundwater using active-passive cosubstrate addition can...Arlington, NJ, offices), the National Research Council (NRC) Biotechnology Research Institute (Montreal, Canada) and the Environmental Technology...NDAB are unlikely to accumulate during in situ anaerobic bioremediation explosives using cheese whey as a cosubstrate. 7.4 ADEQUATE DISTRIBUTION OF

  19. Characterization of VPO ammoxidation catalysts by in situ methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martin, A.; Luecke, B.; Brueckner, A.; Steinike, U. [Institut fuer Angewandte Chemie Berlin-Adlershof e.V., Berlin (Germany); Brzezinka, K.W. [Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung und -pruefung (BAM), Berlin (Germany); Meisel, M. [Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Chemie


    In-situ methods are well known as powerful tools in studying catalyst formation processes, their solid state properties under working conditions and the interaction with the feed, intermediates and products to reveal reaction mechanisms. This paper gives a short overview on results of intense studies using in-situ techniques to reveal VPO catalyst generation processes, interaction of educts, intermediates and products with VPO catalyst surfaces and mechanistic insights. Catalytic data of the ammoxidation of toluene on different VPOs complete these findings. The precursor-catalyst transformation processes were preferently investigated by in-situ XRD, in-situ Raman and in-situ ESR spectroscopy. The interaction of aromatic molecules and intermediates, resp., and VPO solid surfaces was followed by in-situ ESR and in-situ FTIR spectroscopy. Mechanistic information was mainly obtained using in-situ FTIR spectroscopy and the temporal-analysis-of-products (TAP) technique. Catalytic studies were carried out in a fixed-bed microreactor on pure (NH{sub 4}){sub 2}(VO){sub 3}(P{sub 2}O{sub 7}){sub 2}, generated [(NH{sub 4}){sub 2}(VO{sub 3})(P{sub 2}O{sub 7}){sub 2}+V{sub x}O{sub y}] catalysts, having different V{sub x}O{sub y} proportions by use of VOHPO{sub 4} x 1/2H{sub 2}O (V/P=1) and recently studied (VO){sub 3}(PO{sub 4}){sub 2} x 7 H{sub 2}O (V/P=1.5) precursors; the well-known (VO){sub 2}P{sub 2}O{sub 7} was used for comparison. (orig.)

  20. In situ sampling cart development engineering task plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    DeFord, D.K.


    This Engineering Task Plan (ETP) supports the development for facility use of the next generation in situ sampling system for characterization of tank vapors. In situ sampling refers to placing sample collection devices (primarily sorbent tubes) directly into the tank headspace, then drawing tank gases through the collection devices to obtain samples. The current in situ sampling system is functional but was not designed to provide the accurate flow measurement required by today's data quality objectives (DQOs) for vapor characterization. The new system will incorporate modern instrumentation to achieve much tighter control. The next generation system will be referred to in this ETP as the New In Situ System (NISS) or New System. The report describes the current sampling system and the modifications that are required for more accuracy

  1. Influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose nas propriedades das argamassas de assentamento em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Lima Oliveira

    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a influência do uso de aditivo retentor de água à base de éter de celulose em argamassa de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto. Foi empregado um hidroxipropil-metilcelulose (HPMC em uma argamassa mista de cimento e cal, em diferentes teores (0,00%, 0,03%, 0,06% e 0,09% em relação à massa total de materiais secos para a avaliação da influência do referido aditivo nas propriedades das argamassas no estado fresco e endurecido. Além disso, foram confeccionados prismas com três blocos e miniprismas, com pedaços serrados de blocos, para avaliação da resistência à compressão, módulo de deformação e tensão de aderência. Os resultados mostraram que existe potencial para se empregarem retentores de água à base de éter de celulose para a confecção de argamassas de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto, haja vista que houve aumento da capacidade de retenção de água das argamassas e que o uso do referido produto não exerceu influência na resistência à compressão delas e na resistência à compressão dos prismas. Contudo, a resistência à compressão das juntas de assentamento, o módulo de elasticidade dos prismas e a resistência à aderência na flexão sofreram reduções significativas quando do emprego do éter de celulose.

  2. Unintended and in situ amorphisation of pharmaceuticals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Priemel, P A; Grohganz, H; Rades, T


    Amorphisation of poorly water-soluble drugs is one approach that can be applied to improve their solubility and thus their bioavailability. Amorphisation is a process that usually requires deliberate external energy input. However, amorphisation can happen both unintentionally, as in process......-induced amorphisation during manufacturing, or in situ during dissolution, vaporisation, or lipolysis. The systems in which unintended and in situ amorphisation has been observed normally contain a drug and a carrier. Common carriers include polymers and mesoporous silica particles. However, the precise mechanisms...... of in situ amorphisation can thus confer the advantages of the amorphous form, such as higher apparent solubility and faster dissolution rate, without the disadvantage of its physical instability....

  3. Feasibility of in situ beta ray measurements in underwater environment. (United States)

    Park, Hye Min; Park, Ki Hyun; Kang, Sung Won; Joo, Koan Sik


    We describe an attempt at the development of an in situ detector for beta ray measurements in underwater environment. The prototype of the in situ detector is based on a CaF2: Eu scintillator using crystal light guide and Si photomultiplier. Tests were conducted using various reference sources for evaluating the linearity and stability of the detector in underwater environment. The system is simple and stable for long-term monitoring, and consumes low power. We show here an effective detection distance of 7 mm and a 2.273 MeV end-point energy spectrum of 90 Sr/ 90 Y when using the system underwater. The results demonstrate the feasibility of in situ beta ray measurements in underwater environment and can be applied for designing an in situ detector for radioactivity measurement in underwater environment. The in situ detector can also have other applications such as installation on the marine monitoring platform and quantitative analysis of radionuclides. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Influence of fracture extension on in-situ stress in tight reservoir (United States)

    Zhang, Yongping; Wei, Xu; Zhang, Ye; Xing, Libo; Xu, Jianjun


    Currently, hydraulic fracturing is an important way to develop low permeability reservoirs. The fractures produced during the fracturing process are the main influencing factors of changing in-situ stress. In this paper, the influence of fracture extension on in-situ stress is studied by establishing a mathematical model to describe the relationship between fracture length and in-situ stress. The results show that the growth rate gradually decreases after the fracture reaches a certain length with the increase of fracturing time; the continuous extension of the fracture is the main factor to change the in-situ stress. In order to reduce the impact on the subsequent fracture extension due to the changing of in-situ stress, controlling fracturing time and fracture length without affecting the stimulated reservoir effect is an important way. The results presented in this study can effectively reduce the impact of changing of in-situ stress on subsequent fracturing construction.

  5. Sex in situ

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krøgholt, Ida


    Sex er en del af vores sociale praksis og centralt for det, vi hver især er. Men bortset fra pornoindustrien, har vi ikke mange muligheder for at få adgang til billeder af sex. Teater Nordkrafts forestilling Sex in situ vil gøre seksuelle billeder til noget, der kan deles, udveksles og tales om, og...

  6. A novel fabrication technology of in situ TiB2/6063Al composites: High energy ball milling and melt in situ reaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, S.-L.; Yang, J.; Zhang, B.-R.; Zhao, Y.-T.; Chen, G.; Shi, X.-X.; Liang, Z.-P.


    Highlights: • This paper presents a novel technology to fabricate the TiB 2 /6063Al composites. • The novel technology decreases in situ reaction temperature and shortens the time. • The reaction mechanism of in situ reaction at the low temperature is discussed. • Effect of ball milling time and in situ reaction time on the composites is studied. - Abstract: TiB 2 /6063Al matrix composites are fabricated from Al–TiO 2 –B 2 O 3 system by the technology combining high energy ball milling with melt in situ reaction. The microstructure and tensile properties of the composites are investigated by XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM and electronic tensile testing. The results indicate that high energy ball milling technology decreases the in situ reaction temperature and shortens the reaction time for Al–TiO 2 –B 2 O 3 system in contrast with the conventional melt in situ synthesis. The morphology of in situ TiB 2 particles is exhibited in irregular shape or nearly circular shape, and the average size of the particles is less than 700 nm, thereinto the minimum size is approximately 200 nm. In addition, the morphology and size of the reinforced particles are affected by the time of ball milling and in situ reaction. TEM images indicate that the interface between 6063Al matrix and TiB 2 particles is clear and no interfacial outgrowth is observed. Tensile testing results show that the as-cast TiB 2 /6063Al composites exhibit a much higher strength, reaching 191 MPa, which is 1.23 times as high as the as-cast 6063Al matrix. Besides, the tensile fracture surface of the composites displays the dimple-fracture character

  7. Technology assessment of in situ uranium mining

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowan, C.E.


    The objective of the PNL portion of the Technology Assessment project is to provide a description of the current in situ uranium mining technology; to evaluate, based on available data, the environmental impacts and, in a limited fashion, the health effects; and to explore the impediments to development and deployment of the in situ uranium mining technology

  8. In-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts

    CERN Document Server

    Rodriguez, Jose A; Chupas, Peter J


    Helps researchers develop new catalysts for sustainable fuel and chemical production Reviewing the latest developments in the field, this book explores the in-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, enabling readers to take full advantage of the sophisticated techniques used to study heterogeneous catalysts and reaction mechanisms. In using these techniques, readers can learn to improve the selectivity and the performance of catalysts and how to prepare catalysts as efficiently as possible, with minimum waste. In-situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts feat

  9. In situ macromolecular crystallography using microbeams. (United States)

    Axford, Danny; Owen, Robin L; Aishima, Jun; Foadi, James; Morgan, Ann W; Robinson, James I; Nettleship, Joanne E; Owens, Raymond J; Moraes, Isabel; Fry, Elizabeth E; Grimes, Jonathan M; Harlos, Karl; Kotecha, Abhay; Ren, Jingshan; Sutton, Geoff; Walter, Thomas S; Stuart, David I; Evans, Gwyndaf


    Despite significant progress in high-throughput methods in macromolecular crystallography, the production of diffraction-quality crystals remains a major bottleneck. By recording diffraction in situ from crystals in their crystallization plates at room temperature, a number of problems associated with crystal handling and cryoprotection can be side-stepped. Using a dedicated goniometer installed on the microfocus macromolecular crystallography beamline I24 at Diamond Light Source, crystals have been studied in situ with an intense and flexible microfocus beam, allowing weakly diffracting samples to be assessed without a manual crystal-handling step but with good signal to noise, despite the background scatter from the plate. A number of case studies are reported: the structure solution of bovine enterovirus 2, crystallization screening of membrane proteins and complexes, and structure solution from crystallization hits produced via a high-throughput pipeline. These demonstrate the potential for in situ data collection and structure solution with microbeams. © 2012 International Union of Crystallography

  10. Comparison of Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization for Low and High Throughput HER2 Genetic Testing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Tim S; Espersen, Maiken Lise Marcker; Kofoed, Vibeke


    cancer patients with HER2 immunohistochemistry (IHC) results scored as 0/1+, 2+, and 3+. HER2 genetic status was analysed using chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Scoring results were documented through digital image analysis. The cancer region...

  11. Challenges in subsurface in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Broholm, Mette Martina; Fjordbøge, Annika Sidelmann; Christiansen, Camilla Maymann


    Chlorinated solvent source zones in the subsurface pose a continuous threat to groundwater quality at many sites worldwide. In situ remediation of these sites is particularly challenging in heterogeneous fractured media and where the solvents are present as DNAPL. In situ remediation by chemical...

  12. Solution (in situ leach) mining of uranium: an overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuhaida, A.J. Jr.; Kelly, M.J.


    Increases in the demand for and price of uranium have made in-situ mining an attractive alternative to the open-pit and underground U mining methods. Up to 50% of the known ore-bearing sandstone in the western U.S. can be mined using the in-situ mining method. In-situ mining also offers a significant environmental advantage. Restoration of the contaminated groundwater is discussed

  13. Alternatieve in situ bodemsaneringstechnieken; literatuuronderzoek bij het project "In Situ Biorestauratie" Asten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Scheuter AJ; LBG


    In developing in situ remediation most of the focus used to be on techniques using infiltration water to supply oxygen to the location. Later, techniques were developed in which soil was flushed with air to enhance the oxygen availability to microorganisms. The aim of the study reported here was to

  14. Determining the concrete stiffness matrix through ultrasonic testing Determinação da matriz de rigidez do concreto utilizando ultrassom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Gonçalves


    Full Text Available The determination of the modulus tangent (Eci and of the modulus secant (Ecs of the concrete can be done using compression test but, to be simpler, it is used relations with characteristic strength (f ck. Relations are also used to determine the transversal modulus (Gc and, in the case of the Poisson's ratio (ν, a fixed value 0.20 is established. The objective of this research was to evaluate the use of the ultrasonic propagation waves to determine these properties. For the tests were used specimens with f ck varying from 10 to 35 MPa. For the ultrasonic tests were used cylindrical and cubic specimens. The modulus of deformation obtained by ultrasound was statistically equivalent to the obtained by compression tests. The results of modules obtained using the relations with f ck was far away from those obtained by ultrasound or by compression tests. The Poisson's ratio obtained by ultrasound was superior to the fixed value. We can conclude that the concrete characterization by ultrasound is consistent and, to this characterization the cylindrical specimen, normally used to determine f ck, can be used.A determinação dos módulos de deformação tangente (Eci e secante (Ecs do concreto pode ser realizada por meio do ensaio de compressão, mas, por facilidade, utilizam-se relações com a resistência característica (f ck. Relações são também utilizadas na determinação do módulo de elasticidade transversal (Gc e, no caso do coeficiente de Poisson (ν, um valor fixo de 0,20 é adotado. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o uso de propagação de ondas de ultrassom na determinação dessas propriedades. Para os ensaios, foram utilizados corpos de prova com f ck variando de 10 a 35 MPa. No caso do ultrassom, os corpos de prova foram cilíndricos e cúbicos. Os valores de módulo de deformação obtidos por ultrassom foram estatisticamente equivalentes aos obtidos por compressão e, no caso do ultrassom, os corpos de prova cúbicos e cil

  15. In-Situ Burning of Crude Oil on Water

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Gelderen, Laurens

    in the small scale water basin. Boilovers were also observed during the burning of a heavy crude oil with a substantial light fraction without a water layer, however, which suggests that water is not essential for boilover occurrence. Further studies are required to determine the conditions under which......The fire dynamics and fire chemistry of in-situ burning of crude oil on water was studied in order to improve predictions on the suitability of this oil spill response method. For this purpose, several operational parameters were studied to determine the factors that control the burning efficiency...... of in-situ burning, i.e. the amount of oil (in wt%) removed from the water surface by the burning process. The burning efficiency is the main parameter for expressing the oil removal effectiveness of in-situ burning as response method and is thus relevant for suitability predictions of in-situ burning...

  16. Planning for ex situ conservation in the face of uncertainty. (United States)

    Canessa, Stefano; Converse, Sarah J; West, Matt; Clemann, Nick; Gillespie, Graeme; McFadden, Michael; Silla, Aimee J; Parris, Kirsten M; McCarthy, Michael A


    Ex situ conservation strategies for threatened species often require long-term commitment and financial investment to achieve management objectives. We present a framework that considers the decision to adopt ex situ management for a target species as the end point of several linked decisions. We used a decision tree to intuitively represent the logical sequence of decision making. The first decision is to identify the specific management actions most likely to achieve the fundamental objectives of the recovery plan, with or without the use of ex-situ populations. Once this decision has been made, one decides whether to establish an ex situ population, accounting for the probability of success in the initial phase of the recovery plan, for example, the probability of successful breeding in captivity. Approaching these decisions in the reverse order (attempting to establish an ex situ population before its purpose is clearly defined) can lead to a poor allocation of resources, because it may restrict the range of available decisions in the second stage. We applied our decision framework to the recovery program for the threatened spotted tree frog (Litoria spenceri) of southeastern Australia. Across a range of possible management actions, only those including ex situ management were expected to provide >50% probability of the species' persistence, but these actions cost more than use of in situ alternatives only. The expected benefits of ex situ actions were predicted to be offset by additional uncertainty and stochasticity associated with establishing and maintaining ex situ populations. Naïvely implementing ex situ conservation strategies can lead to inefficient management. Our framework may help managers explicitly evaluate objectives, management options, and the probability of success prior to establishing a captive colony of any given species. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.

  17. In Situ Remediation Integrated Program: Technology summary

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISR IP) was instituted out of recognition that in situ remediation could fulfill three important criteria: significant cost reduction of cleanup by eliminating or minimizing excavation, transportation, and disposal of wastes; reduced health impacts on workers and the public by minimizing exposure to wastes during excavation and processing; and remediation of inaccessible sites, including: deep subsurfaces, in, under, and around buildings. Buried waste, contaminated soils and groundwater, and containerized wastes are all candidates for in situ remediation. Contaminants include radioactive wastes, volatile and non-volatile organics, heavy metals, nitrates, and explosive materials. The ISR IP intends to facilitate development of in situ remediation technologies for hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes in soils, groundwater, and storage tanks. Near-term focus is on containment of the wastes, with treatment receiving greater effort in future years. ISR IP is an applied research and development program broadly addressing known DOE environmental restoration needs. Analysis of a sample of 334 representative sites by the Office of Environmental Restoration has shown how many sites are amenable to in situ remediation: containment--243 sites; manipulation--244 sites; bioremediation--154 sites; and physical/chemical methods--236 sites. This needs assessment is focused on near-term restoration problems (FY93--FY99). Many other remediations will be required in the next century. The major focus of the ISR EP is on the long term development of permanent solutions to these problems. Current needs for interim actions to protect human health and the environment are also being addressed

  18. In Situ Remediation Integrated Program: Technology summary

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISR IP) was instituted out of recognition that in situ remediation could fulfill three important criteria: significant cost reduction of cleanup by eliminating or minimizing excavation, transportation, and disposal of wastes; reduced health impacts on workers and the public by minimizing exposure to wastes during excavation and processing; and remediation of inaccessible sites, including: deep subsurfaces, in, under, and around buildings. Buried waste, contaminated soils and groundwater, and containerized wastes are all candidates for in situ remediation. Contaminants include radioactive wastes, volatile and non-volatile organics, heavy metals, nitrates, and explosive materials. The ISR IP intends to facilitate development of in situ remediation technologies for hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes in soils, groundwater, and storage tanks. Near-term focus is on containment of the wastes, with treatment receiving greater effort in future years. ISR IP is an applied research and development program broadly addressing known DOE environmental restoration needs. Analysis of a sample of 334 representative sites by the Office of Environmental Restoration has shown how many sites are amenable to in situ remediation: containment--243 sites; manipulation--244 sites; bioremediation--154 sites; and physical/chemical methods--236 sites. This needs assessment is focused on near-term restoration problems (FY93--FY99). Many other remediations will be required in the next century. The major focus of the ISR EP is on the long term development of permanent solutions to these problems. Current needs for interim actions to protect human health and the environment are also being addressed.

  19. Efeito do tempo de exposição a uma atmosfera coqueificante na microestrutura e nas propriedades de um concreto refratário usado na indústria petroquímica Effect of the exposure time in cokemaking atmosphere on the microstructure and properties of a refractory castable used in the petrochemical industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. D. Cabrelon


    Full Text Available Os concretos refratários usados em unidades de craqueamento catalítico fluidizado (UFCC podem sofrer deterioração pela deposição de coque durante o processo de produção de hidrocarbonetos leves, ocasionando a diminuição do tempo de funcionamento do reator e conseqüente perda financeira para as petroquímicas. Diversos estudos foram feitos, porém nenhum deles aponta conclusivamente para a parcela que esta deposição tem na deterioração do concreto, permanecendo a dúvida se ele é o responsável pelos danos observados macroscopicamente no riser de uma UFCC. Este trabalho visou estudar o efeito do tempo de exposição a uma atmosfera coqueificante sobre um concreto refratário anti-erosivo, classe C, buscando identificar mudanças nas propriedades físicas e microestruturais que evidenciem o mecanismo de degradação e que possam fornecer subsídios para análises conclusivas acerca do entendimento do fenômeno. Para isso, prepararam-se amostras de um concreto usado industrialmente em UFCC, submetidas a um processo de coqueificação forçado em reator piloto. Fixou-se a temperatura e a taxa de aquecimento em 540 ºC e 50 ºC/h, respectivamente, variando-se os tempos de exposição ao gás propeno em 10, 60, 120, 240 e 480 h. Os corpos de prova tiveram suas microestruturas caracterizadas via microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura e suas fases por difração de raios X. Outros ensaios complementares foram necessários para o entendimento do fenômeno. Os resultados mostraram que a superfície e a microestrutura do material gradativamente se impregnam de coque, que preenche os poros, as microtrincas e as trincas. Não foram encontradas evidências de microtrincamento em torno dos poros da matriz do concreto preenchidos com coque, porém os agregados apresentam algum tipo de deterioração com o tempo de exposição ao propeno, não necessariamente causados diretamente pelo coque.Refractory castables used in Fluidized Catalytic

  20. In situ measurement of conductivity during nanocomposite film deposition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blattmann, Christoph O.; Pratsinis, Sotiris E.


    Highlights: • Flame-made nanosilver dynamics are elucidated in the gas-phase & on substrates. • The resistance of freshly depositing nanosilver layers is monitored. • Low T g polymers facilitate rapid synthesis of conductive films. • Conductive nanosilver films form on top of or within the polymer depending on MW. - Abstract: Flexible and electrically conductive nanocomposite films are essential for small, portable and even implantable electronic devices. Typically, such film synthesis and conductivity measurement are carried out sequentially. As a result, optimization of filler loading and size/morphology characteristics with respect to film conductivity is rather tedious and costly. Here, freshly-made Ag nanoparticles (nanosilver) are made by scalable flame aerosol technology and directly deposited onto polymeric (polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate)) films during which the resistance of the resulting nanocomposite is measured in situ. The formation and gas-phase growth of such flame-made nanosilver, just before incorporation onto the polymer film, is measured by thermophoretic sampling and microscopy. Monitoring the nanocomposite resistance in situ reveals the onset of conductive network formation by the deposited nanosilver growth and sinternecking. The in situ measurement is much faster and more accurate than conventional ex situ four-point resistance measurements since an electrically percolating network is detected upon its formation by the in situ technique. Nevertheless, general resistance trends with respect to filler loading and host polymer composition are consistent for both in situ and ex situ measurements. The time lag for the onset of a conductive network (i.e., percolation) depends linearly on the glass transition temperature (T g ) of the host polymer. This is attributed to the increased nanoparticle-polymer interaction with decreasing T g . Proper selection of the host polymer in combination with in situ resistance monitoring

  1. Planning for ex situ conservation in the face of uncertainty (United States)

    Canessa, Stefano; Converse, Sarah J.; West, Matt; Clemann, Nick; Gillespie, Graeme; McFadden, Michael; Silla, Aimee J; Parris, Kirsten M; McCarthy, Michael A


    Ex situ conservation strategies for threatened species often require long-term commitment and financial investment to achieve management objectives. We present a framework that considers the decision to adopt ex situ management for a target species as the end point of several linked decisions. We used a decision tree to intuitively represent the logical sequence of decision making. The first decision is to identify the specific management actions most likely to achieve the fundamental objectives of the recovery plan, with or without the use of ex-situ populations. Once this decision has been made, one decides whether to establish an ex situ population, accounting for the probability of success in the initial phase of the recovery plan, for example, the probability of successful breeding in captivity. Approaching these decisions in the reverse order (attempting to establish an ex situ population before its purpose is clearly defined) can lead to a poor allocation of resources, because it may restrict the range of available decisions in the second stage. We applied our decision framework to the recovery program for the threatened spotted tree frog (Litoria spenceri) of southeastern Australia. Across a range of possible management actions, only those including ex situ management were expected to provide >50% probability of the species’ persistence, but these actions cost more than use of in situ alternatives only. The expected benefits of ex situ actions were predicted to be offset by additional uncertainty and stochasticity associated with establishing and maintaining ex situ populations. Naïvely implementing ex situ conservation strategies can lead to inefficient management. Our framework may help managers explicitly evaluate objectives, management options, and the probability of success prior to establishing a captive colony of any given species.

  2. In Situ Cleanable Alternative HEPA Filter Media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamson, D. J.; Terry, M. T.


    The Westinghouse Savannah River Company, located at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina, is currently testing two types of filter media for possible deployment as in situ regenerable/cleanable High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. The filters are being investigated to replace conventional, disposable, glass-fiber, HEPA filters that require frequent removal, replacement, and disposal. This is not only costly and subjects site personnel to radiation exposure, but adds to the ever-growing waste disposal problem. The types of filter media being tested, as part of a National Energy Technology Laboratory procurement, are sintered nickel metal and ceramic monolith membrane. These media were subjected to a hostile environment to simulate conditions that challenge the high-level waste tank ventilation systems. The environment promoted rapid filter plugging to maximize the number of filter loading/cleaning cycles that would occur in a specified period of time. The filters were challenged using nonradioactive simulated high-level waste materials and atmospheric dust; materials that cause filter pluggage in the field. The filters are cleaned in situ using an aqueous solution. The study found that both filter media were insensitive to high humidity or moisture conditions and were easily cleaned in situ. The filters regenerated to approximately clean filter status even after numerous plugging and in situ cleaning cycles. Air Techniques International is conducting particle retention testing on the filter media at the Oak Ridge Filter Test Facility. The filters are challenged using 0.3-mm di-octyl phthalate particles. Both the ceramic and sintered media have a particle retention efficiency > 99.97%. The sintered metal and ceramic filters not only can be cleaned in situ, but also hold great potential as a long life alternative to conventional HEPA filters. The Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Technical Report, ''HEPA Filters Used in the Department of

  3. Aditivos de secagem para concretos refratários: pó de alumínio e fibras poliméricas Drying additives for refractory castables: aluminum powder and polymeric fibers

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    R. Salomão


    Full Text Available Concretos refratários são usualmente materiais de baixas porosidade e permeabilidade. Devido a isso, a retirada da água adicionada às formulações durante a mistura deve ser feita de modo cuidadoso para minimizar os riscos de explosão e danos mecânicos envolvidos. Por outro lado, a crescente utilização de concretos refratários em revestimentos de calcinadores para a indústria de alumínio e o período de lucro cessante durante essa etapa do processamento desses materiais indica que programas de aquecimento otimizados possam se tornar um importante diferencial competitivo para as empresas. Na tentativa de conciliar esses aspectos, aditivos para facilitar o processo de secagem e torná-lo mais seguro foram desenvolvidos. Entre os principais, destacam-se o pó de alumínio, as fibras poliméricas convencionais e as de alto desempenho. Neste trabalho, são apresentados seus mecanismos de atuação e comparações em relação às condições que otimizam seu desempenho.Refractory castables are low porosity and permeability materials. Due to this, the first heat up must be carried out in a careful way in order to avoid the risks of explosive spalling and mechanical damages during the water withdrawn. On the other hand, the growing use of refractory castables in the aluminum industry, as calciners lining, and the lack of production during their placement indicate that optimized heating schedules may become an important competitive advantage to the companies. In order to join these two aspects, additives to easy the drying process and to make it safer were developed. These drying additives behave, generally, increasing the castable permeability in a more controlled way. The most important ones are the aluminum powder and the polymeric fibers. In the present work, their mechanisms and the most suitable processing condition for their use are presented.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glenn O' Gorman; Hans von Michaelis; Gregory J. Olson


    This white paper summarizes the state of art of in-situ leaching of metals and minerals, and describes a new technology concept employing improved fragmentation of ores underground in order to prepare the ore for more efficient in-situ leaching, combined with technology to continuously improve solution flow patterns through the ore during the leaching process. The process parameters and economic benefits of combining the new concept with chemical and biological leaching are described. A summary is provided of the next steps required to demonstrate the technology with the goal of enabling more widespread use of in-situ leaching.

  5. Análise experimental de blocos intertravados de concreto com adição de resíduos do processo de recauchutagem de pneus - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v32i3.6013

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    Cesar Fabiano Fioriti


    Full Text Available Com o aumento da população nos últimos anos, a indústria de modo geral tem se adequado à demanda resultante. A indústria do processo de recauchutagem de pneus gera resíduos que em sua maioria têm sido descartados sem nenhum controle. Este fato contribui para aumentar a poluição ambiental e favorecer a proliferação de vetores nocivos à saúde. Visando encontrar uma aplicação para esse tipo de resíduo, neste trabalho serão apresentados resultados experimentais de blocos intertravados para pavimentos de concreto, com traços adicionados de resíduos de pneus. Foram confeccionados blocos intertravados em que se determinou, por meio de ensaios laboratoriais, a necessidade de se fixar o traço que desse maior retorno quanto às características analisadas. Verificaram-se quatro tipos de traços de concreto com resíduos de pneus. Procedeu-se aos ensaios de resistência mecânica à compressão, absorção de água e resistência ao impacto. Pelos resultados preliminares obtidos, verificou-se que são satisfatórios, confirmando-se a possibilidade de aplicação desse tipo de bloco intertravado em ambientes com solicitações baixas, o que traria, além da economia das fontes naturais de agregados, benefícios ecológicos pela reutilização dos resíduos da recauchutagem de pneus.

  6. A novel fabrication technology of in situ TiB{sub 2}/6063Al composites: High energy ball milling and melt in situ reaction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, S.-L.; Yang, J. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China); Zhang, B.-R. [School of Mechanical Engineering, Qilu University of Technology, Jinan, Shandong 250022 (China); Zhao, Y.-T., E-mail: [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China); Chen, G.; Shi, X.-X.; Liang, Z.-P. [School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013 (China)


    Highlights: • This paper presents a novel technology to fabricate the TiB{sub 2}/6063Al composites. • The novel technology decreases in situ reaction temperature and shortens the time. • The reaction mechanism of in situ reaction at the low temperature is discussed. • Effect of ball milling time and in situ reaction time on the composites is studied. - Abstract: TiB{sub 2}/6063Al matrix composites are fabricated from Al–TiO{sub 2}–B{sub 2}O{sub 3} system by the technology combining high energy ball milling with melt in situ reaction. The microstructure and tensile properties of the composites are investigated by XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM and electronic tensile testing. The results indicate that high energy ball milling technology decreases the in situ reaction temperature and shortens the reaction time for Al–TiO{sub 2}–B{sub 2}O{sub 3} system in contrast with the conventional melt in situ synthesis. The morphology of in situ TiB{sub 2} particles is exhibited in irregular shape or nearly circular shape, and the average size of the particles is less than 700 nm, thereinto the minimum size is approximately 200 nm. In addition, the morphology and size of the reinforced particles are affected by the time of ball milling and in situ reaction. TEM images indicate that the interface between 6063Al matrix and TiB{sub 2} particles is clear and no interfacial outgrowth is observed. Tensile testing results show that the as-cast TiB{sub 2}/6063Al composites exhibit a much higher strength, reaching 191 MPa, which is 1.23 times as high as the as-cast 6063Al matrix. Besides, the tensile fracture surface of the composites displays the dimple-fracture character.

  7. Diseño sustentable de materiales de construcción; caso del concreto de matriz de cemento Pórtland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silverio Hernández Moreno


    Full Text Available El presente documento contiene una revisión sobre diseño sustentable aplicado a materiales de construcción, particularmente del concreto de cemento Pórtland; en donde se establecen los principales criterios y métodos para el manejo sustentable de los materiales de construcción a través del ciclo de vida de los materiales y de los edificios. Se menciona la necesidad de tener prácticas sustentables encaminadas a la reducción del impacto al ambiente y reducción de los costos de materiales de construcción, mediante la justa aplicación del diseño sustentable. En el caso práctico, queda definido que podemos disminuir el impacto ambiental mediante el uso de estrategias y métodos diversos para la selección y aplicación de materias primas dentro de los procesos de construcción, principalmente mediante la aplicación de los métodos de recuperación de materiales y de manejo sustentable de materias primas, tales como: reuso, reciclamiento, refabricación y recuperación de energía por materiales de construcción.

  8. Valoración del residuo de piedra para preparar concreto para senderos peatonales: caso piedra Barichara

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    María Fernanda Serrano-Guzmán


    Full Text Available Los indicadores de desarrollo de un país están asociados a la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas de la población y de otras complementarias, como las relacionadas con la  infraestructura vial, que favorecen la competitividad de las regiones. En algunos países en vía de desarrollo es marcado el bajo porcentaje de vías pavimentadas, con la consecuente repercusión económica que la falta de conectividad genera. Por tal razón, se hace necesario ejecutar proyectos que mejoren el estado de las vías, con alternativas que protejan la capa de afirmado. Las lajas de piedra acomodadas con los criterios constructivos de pavimento articulado son opciones viables en aquellos sectores en donde abunda la roca. Barichara, municipio de Santander (Colombia, es una zona caracterizada por la calidad de la piedra que se extrae de manera manual y que se aprovecha para decoración y como material de revestimiento. Durante el proceso de extracción de la piedra, además de afectar la salud del personal encargado de esta labor, se genera un subproducto que impacta negativamente el paisaje. En este estudio se demuestra que la trituración del residuo del proceso de extracción de la piedra permite generar un material aprovechable en mezclas de concreto para senderos peatonales y como mortero de pega de baldosas en área de bajo tránsito.

  9. In situ vitrification program treatability investigation progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arrenholz, D.A.


    This document presents a summary of the efforts conducted under the in situ vitrification treatability study during the period from its initiation in FY-88 until FY-90. In situ vitrification is a thermal treatment process that uses electrical power to convert contaminated soils into a chemically inert and stable glass and crystalline product. Contaminants present in the soil are either incorporated into the product or are pyrolyzed during treatment. The treatability study being conducted at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory by EG ampersand G Idaho is directed at examining the specific applicability of the in situ vitrification process to buried wastes contaminated with transuranic radionuclides and other contaminants found at the Subsurface Disposal Area of the Radioactive Waste Management Complex. This treatability study consists of a variety of tasks, including engineering tests, field tests, vitrified product evaluation, and analytical models of the in situ vitrification process. 6 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs

  10. Combined in-situ and ex-situ bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils by closed-loop soil vapor extraction and air injection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, S.S.; Buckler, M.J.


    Treatment and restoration of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils at a bulk petroleum above-ground storage tank (AST) site in Michigan is being conducted through in-situ and ex-situ closed-loop soil vapor extraction (SVE), soil vapor treatment, and treated air injection (AI) processes. The soil vapor extraction process applies a vacuum through the petroleum hydrocarbon affected soils in the ex-situ bio-remediation pile (bio-pile) and along the perimeter of excavated area (in-situ area) to remove the volatile or light petroleum hydrocarbons. This process also draws ambient air into the ex-situ bio-pile and in-situ vadose zone soil along the perimeter of excavated area to enhance biodegradation of light and heavy petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil. The extracted soil vapor is treated using a custom-designed air bio-remediation filter (bio-filter) to degrade the petroleum hydrocarbon compounds in the soil vapor extraction air streams. The treated air is then injected into a flush grade soil bed in the backfill area to perform final polishing of the air stream, and to form a closed-loop air flow with the soil vapor extraction perforated pipes along the perimeter of the excavated area

  11. In situ macromolecular crystallography using microbeams

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Axford, Danny; Owen, Robin L.; Aishima, Jun; Foadi, James; Morgan, Ann W.; Robinson, James I.; Nettleship, Joanne E.; Owens, Raymond J.; Moraes, Isabel; Fry, Elizabeth E.; Grimes, Jonathan M.; Harlos, Karl; Kotecha, Abhay; Ren, Jingshan; Sutton, Geoff; Walter, Thomas S.; Stuart, David I.; Evans, Gwyndaf


    A sample environment for mounting crystallization trays has been developed on the microfocus beamline I24 at Diamond Light Source. The technical developments and several case studies are described. Despite significant progress in high-throughput methods in macromolecular crystallography, the production of diffraction-quality crystals remains a major bottleneck. By recording diffraction in situ from crystals in their crystallization plates at room temperature, a number of problems associated with crystal handling and cryoprotection can be side-stepped. Using a dedicated goniometer installed on the microfocus macromolecular crystallography beamline I24 at Diamond Light Source, crystals have been studied in situ with an intense and flexible microfocus beam, allowing weakly diffracting samples to be assessed without a manual crystal-handling step but with good signal to noise, despite the background scatter from the plate. A number of case studies are reported: the structure solution of bovine enterovirus 2, crystallization screening of membrane proteins and complexes, and structure solution from crystallization hits produced via a high-throughput pipeline. These demonstrate the potential for in situ data collection and structure solution with microbeams

  12. In situ macromolecular crystallography using microbeams

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Axford, Danny; Owen, Robin L.; Aishima, Jun [Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE (United Kingdom); Foadi, James [Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE (United Kingdom); Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ (United Kingdom); Morgan, Ann W.; Robinson, James I. [University of Leeds, Leeds LS9 7FT (United Kingdom); Nettleship, Joanne E.; Owens, Raymond J. [Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory R92, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE (United Kingdom); Moraes, Isabel [Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ (United Kingdom); Fry, Elizabeth E.; Grimes, Jonathan M.; Harlos, Karl; Kotecha, Abhay; Ren, Jingshan; Sutton, Geoff; Walter, Thomas S. [University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN (United Kingdom); Stuart, David I. [Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE (United Kingdom); University of Oxford, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN (United Kingdom); Evans, Gwyndaf, E-mail: [Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE (United Kingdom)


    A sample environment for mounting crystallization trays has been developed on the microfocus beamline I24 at Diamond Light Source. The technical developments and several case studies are described. Despite significant progress in high-throughput methods in macromolecular crystallography, the production of diffraction-quality crystals remains a major bottleneck. By recording diffraction in situ from crystals in their crystallization plates at room temperature, a number of problems associated with crystal handling and cryoprotection can be side-stepped. Using a dedicated goniometer installed on the microfocus macromolecular crystallography beamline I24 at Diamond Light Source, crystals have been studied in situ with an intense and flexible microfocus beam, allowing weakly diffracting samples to be assessed without a manual crystal-handling step but with good signal to noise, despite the background scatter from the plate. A number of case studies are reported: the structure solution of bovine enterovirus 2, crystallization screening of membrane proteins and complexes, and structure solution from crystallization hits produced via a high-throughput pipeline. These demonstrate the potential for in situ data collection and structure solution with microbeams.

  13. Malignant mesothelioma in situ. (United States)

    Churg, Andrew; Hwang, Harry; Tan, Larry; Qing, Gefei; Taher, Altaf; Tong, Amy; Bilawich, Ana M; Dacic, Sanja


    The existence of malignant mesothelioma in situ (MIS) is often postulated, but there are no accepted morphological criteria for making such a diagnosis. Here we report two cases that appear to be true MIS on the basis of in-situ genomic analysis. In one case the patient had repeated unexplained pleural unilateral effusions. Two thoracoscopies 9 months apart revealed only visually normal pleura. Biopsies from both thoracoscopies showed only a single layer of mildly reactive mesothelial cells. However, these cells had lost BRCA1-associated protein 1 (BAP1) and showed loss of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2 (CDKN2A) (p16) by fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH). NF2 was not deleted by FISH but 28% of the mesothelial cells showed hyperploidy. Six months after the second biopsy the patient has persisting effusions but no evidence of pleural malignancy on imaging. The second patient presented with ascites and minimal omental thickening on imaging, but no visual evidence of tumour at laparoscopy. Omental biopsy showed a single layer of minimally atypical mesothelial cells with rare tiny foci of superficial invasion of fat. BAP1 immunostain showed loss of nuclear BAP1 in all the surface mesothelial cells and the invasive cells. There was CDKN2A deletion, but no deletion of NF2 by FISH. These cases show that morphologically bland single-layered surface mesothelial proliferations with molecular alterations seen previously only in invasive malignant mesotheliomas exist, and presumably represent malignant MIS. More cases are need to understand the frequency of such changes and the time-course over which invasive tumour develops. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Nitrogen removal from landfill leachate via ex situ nitrification and sequential in situ denitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhong Qi; Li Daping; Tao Yong; Wang Xiaomei; He Xiaohong; Zhang Jie; Zhang Jinlian; Guo Weiqiang; Wang Lan


    Ex situ nitrification and sequential in situ denitrification represents a novel approach to nitrogen management at landfills. Simultaneous ammonia and organics removal was achieved in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The results showed that the maximum nitrogen loading rate (NLR) and the maximum organic loading rate (OLR) was 0.65 g N l -1 d -1 and 3.84 g COD l -1 d -1 , respectively. The ammonia and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was over 99% and 57%, respectively. In the run of the CSTR, free ammonia (FA) inhibition and low dissolved oxygen (DO) were found to be key factors affecting nitrite accumulation. In situ denitrification was studied in a municipal solid waste (MSW) column by recalculating nitrified leachate from CSTR. The decomposition of MSW was accelerated by the recirculation of nitrified leachate. Complete reduction of total oxidized nitrogen (TON) was obtained with maximum TON loading of 28.6 g N t -1 TS d -1 and denitrification was the main reaction responsible. Additionally, methanogenesis inhibition was observed while TON loading was over 11.4 g N t -1 TS d -1 and the inhibition was enhanced with the increase of TON loading

  15. In situ leaching of uranium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, B.


    A process is described for the in-situ leaching of uranium-containing ores employing an acidic leach liquor containing peroxymonosulphuric acid. Preferably, additionally, sulphuric acid is present in the leach liquor. (author)

  16. Co-disposição de lodo centrifugado de Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA em matriz de concreto: método alternativo de preservação ambiental Disposal of centrifuged sludge from Water Treatment Plant (WTP in concrete matrix: an alternative method for environmental protection

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    C. Hoppen


    Full Text Available O crescimento da demanda por água potável tem implicado em um aumento da quantidade de resíduos nas estações de tratamento de água (ETA. Apesar destes terem sido gerados por processo erosivo do solo nos mananciais que antecedem as ETAs, o tratamento químico requerido para a sua remoção obriga a uma disposição correta para não impactar, negativamente, o meio ambiente. Até agora, o destino mais comum para o lodo de ETA são os cursos d'água, mesmo ele sendo considerado um resíduo sólido. Neste trabalho, é proposta alternativa de co-disposição deste resíduo, ainda úmido, em matrizes de concreto, substituindo-se parcialmente seus insumos: os agregados miúdos e o cimento, cuja extração e emprego também causam impacto ambiental. Inicialmente, caracterizaram-se os insumos do concreto (cimento Portland CPII-F 32, areia e brita, além do lodo extraído da ETA Passaúna, localizada na região metropolitana de Curitiba. Para os estudos de dosagem, utilizou-se um concreto-referência (sem adição de lodo e traços de concreto com teores de 3, 5, 7 e 10% de lodo em relação ao peso de areia e em substituição à mesma. Nos concretos resultantes foram avaliadas propriedades tanto no estado fresco quanto no endurecido. O lodo é constituído, praticamente, de compostos de Si, Al e Fe, e do argilomineral do grupo caulinita, tendo teor de umidade em torno de 87%. Nos ensaios de resistência à compressão, as dosagens até 5% apresentaram um f c28 maior que 25 MPa. Para as dosagens com teores de lodo superiores a 5%, o f c28 foi menor, principalmente, para a dosagem de 10%. A análise dos dados permite concluir que os traços com até 5% de lodo podem ser aplicados em situações que vão desde a fabricação de artefatos e blocos até a construção de pavimentos em concreto de cimento Portland. Em relação às misturas com teores acima de 5%, a sua utilização é restrita a aplicações em que a trabalhabilidade não é um par

  17. A review of in situ investigations in salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuehn, K.


    In situ investigations for the disposal of radioactive wastes in rock salt formations have the longest history in the field. Well known names are Project Salt Vault (PSV) which was performed in the Lyons Mine, Kansas/USA, and the Asse salt mine in Germany. The overall objective for in situ investigations is twofold: 1. To produce all necessary data for the construction and operation of repositories and 2. to produce all necessary data for a performance assessment for repositories

  18. Análise não-linear de estruturas de concreto armado em procedimentos de projeto: emprego de modelos de dissipação concentrada

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    G. M. S. Alva

    Full Text Available Este trabalho trata da utilização de modelos de dissipação concentrada na análise não-linear de estruturas de concreto armado em procedimentos de projeto, com ênfase na análise estrutural envolvendo a não-linearidade física. Um dos objetivos principais do trabalho é comparar os resultados fornecidos pelo modelo teórico abordado com os resultados de outros tipos de análise estrutural, incluindo as simplificações preconizadas pela NBR 6118 para a consideração da não-linearidade física. Por meio da análise de dois exemplos numéricos de verificação de Estados Limites Últimos, são apontadas vantagens do modelo de dissipação concentrada em situações reais de projeto.

  19. Assessment of in situ and ex situ phytorestoration with grass mixtures in soils polluted with nickel, copper, and arsenic (United States)

    Zacarías Salinas, Montserrat; Beltrán Villavicencio, Margarita; Bustillos, Luis Gilberto Torres; González Aragón, Abelardo

    This work shows a study of in situ and ex situ phytoextraction as a polishing step in the treatment of an industrial urban soil polluted with nickel, arsenic and copper. The soil was previously washed, and phytoextraction was performed by application of a mixture of grass (Festuca rubra, Cynodon dactylon, Lolium multiforum, Pennisetum). The soil had initial heavy metals concentrations of 131 ppm for Ni, 717 for As and 2734 for Cu (mg of metal/kg of dry soil). After seeding and emerging of grass, vegetal and soil samples were taken monthly during 4 months. Biomass generation, and concentration of Ni, As and Cu in vegetal tissue and soil were determined for every sample. Plants biomass growth in ex situ process was inhibited by 37% when compared with blank soil. Grass showed remarkable phytoextraction capability in situ, it produced 38 g of biomass every 15 days (wet weight) during a period of 3 months, but then declined in the fourth month. Concentrations of metals in grass biomass were up to 83 mg Ni/kg, 649 mg As/kg and 305 mg Cu/kg dry weight. Metal reduction of 49% for Ni, and 35% for Cu and As was observed at rhizospheric soil.

  20. In situ analytical techniques for battery interface analysis. (United States)

    Tripathi, Alok M; Su, Wei-Nien; Hwang, Bing Joe


    Lithium-ion batteries, simply known as lithium batteries, are distinct among high energy density charge-storage devices. The power delivery of batteries depends upon the electrochemical performances and the stability of the electrode, electrolytes and their interface. Interfacial phenomena of the electrode/electrolyte involve lithium dendrite formation, electrolyte degradation and gas evolution, and a semi-solid protective layer formation at the electrode-electrolyte interface, also known as the solid-electrolyte interface (SEI). The SEI protects electrodes from further exfoliation or corrosion and suppresses lithium dendrite formation, which are crucial needs for enhancing the cell performance. This review covers the compositional, structural and morphological aspects of SEI, both artificially and naturally formed, and metallic dendrites using in situ/in operando cells and various in situ analytical tools. Critical challenges and the historical legacy in the development of in situ/in operando electrochemical cells with some reports on state-of-the-art progress are particularly highlighted. The present compilation pinpoints the emerging research opportunities in advancing this field and concludes on the future directions and strategies for in situ/in operando analysis.

  1. In situ reactor (United States)

    Radtke, Corey William; Blackwelder, David Bradley


    An in situ reactor for use in a geological strata, is described and which includes a liner defining a centrally disposed passageway and which is placed in a borehole formed in the geological strata; and a sampling conduit is received within the passageway defined by the liner and which receives a geological specimen which is derived from the geological strata, and wherein the sampling conduit is in fluid communication with the passageway defined by the liner.

  2. Experimental investigation of in situ cleanable HEPA filter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamson, D.J.


    The Westinghouse Savannah River Company located at the Savannah River Site (SRS) in Aiken, South Carolina is currently testing the feasibility of developing an in situ cleanable high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter system. Sintered metal filters are being tested for regenerability or cleanability in simulated conditions found in a high level waste (HLW) tank ventilation system. The filters are being challenged using materials found in HLW tanks. HLW simulated salt, HLW simulated sludge and South Carolina road dust. Various cleaning solutions have been used to clean the filters in situ. The tanks are equipped with a ventilation system to maintain the tank contents at negative pressure to prevent the release of radioactive material to the environment. This system is equipped with conventional disposable glass-fiber HEPA filter cartridges. Removal and disposal of these filters is not only costly, but subjects site personnel to radiation exposure and possible contamination. A test apparatus was designed to simulate the ventilation system of a HLW tank with an in situ cleaning system. Test results indicate that the Mott sintered metal HEPA filter is suitable as an in situ cleanable or regenerable HEPA filter. Data indicates that high humidity or water did not effect the filter performance and the sintered metal HEPA filter was easily cleaned numerous times back to new filter performance by an in situ spray system. The test apparatus allows the cleaning of the soiled HEPA filters to be accomplished without removing the filters from process. This innovative system would eliminate personnel radiation exposure associated with removal of contaminated filters and the high costs of filter replacement and disposal. The results of these investigations indicate that an in situ cleanable HEPA filter system for radioactive and commercial use could be developed and manufactured

  3. Applications of in situ hybridization to plant-improvement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbasi, F.M.


    In situ hybridization is a powerful method for characteristic alien addition and substitution lines. RFLP analysis can identify the presence of a particular individual chromosome, but whether they are as a pair or as a single chromosome cannot be determined. In situ hybridization has become established as an essential method in cell and molecular biology. It is able to link DNA sequences with their organization and physical position. The rate of technology-development in the field of in situ hybridization has been rapid: radioactive probes are now rarely used, while labeling methods, fluorochromes, chromosomes and tissue-preparation methods, microscope and imaging technology have all useful in functional genomics and localization of transgenes on the chromosomes. (author)

  4. The adsorption of methanol and water on SAPO-34: in situ and ex situ X-ray diffraction studies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wragg, David S.; Johnsen, Rune; Norby, Poul


    The adsorption of methanol on SAPO-34 has been studied using a combination of in situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction to follow the process and ex situ high resolution powder diffraction to determine the structure. The unit cell volume of SAPO-34 is found to expand by 0.5% during methanol ad...

  5. Development of the integrated in situ Lasagna process

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ho, S.; Athmer, C.; Sheridan, P.


    Contamination in deep, low permeability soils poses a significant technical challenge to in-situ remediation efforts. Poor accessibility to the contaminants and difficulty in uniform delivery of treatment reagents have rendered existing in-situ methods such as bioremediation, vapor extraction, and pump and treat rather ineffective when applied to low permeability soils present at many contaminated sites

  6. Estimation of the in situ degradation of the washout fraction of starch by using a modified in situ protocol and in vitro measurements

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jonge, de L.H.; Laar, van H.; Dijkstra, J.


    The in situ degradation of the washout fraction of starch in six feed ingredients (i.e. barley, faba beans, maize, oats, peas and wheat) was studied by using a modified in situ protocol and in vitro measurements. In comparison with the washing machine method, the modified protocol comprises a milder

  7. Past In-Situ Burning Possibilities

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Yoshioka, Gary


    This study evaluated the feasibility of conducting in-situ burning (ISB) using current technology on post 1967 major oil spills over 10,00 barrels in North America and over 50,00 barrels in South America and Europe...

  8. In-situ failure test in the research tunnel at Olkiluoto

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Autio, J.; Johansson, E.; Kirkkomaeki, T. [Saanio and Riekkola Consulting Engineers, Helsinki (Finland); Hakala, M. [Gridpoint Finland Oy (Finland); Heikkilae, E. [Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Otaniemi (Finland). Lab. of Rock Engineering


    A failure test suitable for execution in the Research Tunnel at Olkiluoto has been planned to study the failure of rock in-situ. The objectives of the in-situ failure test is to assess the applicability of numerical modelling codes and methods to the study of rock failure and associated crack propagation and to develop a novel technique to be used to determine the strength of rock in-situ. The objective of this study was to make a preliminary design of the failure test, assess the technical feasibility of the test and to give input information for further numerical modelling of the test. The design of the failure test is reported and results of preliminary modelling are given. The input information for future modelling includes a study of rock properties, fracture propagation in rock, in-situ stresses and the development of techniques for using the expanding agent to produce artificial stress field. The study showed that mechanical properties such as strength of gneissic tonalite, the main rock type in the Research Tunnel, depends highly on the orientation of schistocity. The in-situ failure test was shown to be technically feasible and a state of stress high enough to cause failure can be created artificially by using a proper expansive agent and design. (orig.)

  9. Comparative Demonstration of Active and Semi-Passive In Situ Bioremediation Approaches for Perchlorate Impacted Groundwater: Active In Situ Bioremediation Demonstration (United States)

    2013-04-01 • ITRC Perchlorate Team. 2008. Remediation Technologies for Perchlorate Contamination in Water and Soil ...pdf • Solutions EIS. 2006. Protocol for Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil . Prepared for ESTCP. May 2006. • http...Air Force. 2007. Protocol for In Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents Using Edible Oil . Prepared for AFCEC - Environmental Science Division

  10. Polypropylene/graphite nanocomposites by in situ polymerization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milani, Marceo A.; Galland, Giselda B.; Quijada, Raul


    This work presents the synthesis of nanocomposites of polypropylene/graphite by in situ polymerization using metallocene catalyst and graphene nanosheets. Initially was analyzed which of the metallocene catalysts rac-Et(Ind) 2 ZrCl 2 or rac-Me 2 Si(Ind) 2 ZrCl 2 produces polypropylene with mechanical properties more relevant. Then it were performed the in situ polymerization reactions to obtain the nanocomposites. The polymeric materials were characterized by XRD, DSC, GPC and DMTA. (author)

  11. WIPP/SRL in-situ tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mamsey, W.G.


    The Materials Interface Interactions Test (MIIT) is the only in-situ program involving the burial of simulated high-level waste forms operating in the United States. Fifteen glass and waste form compositions and their proposed package materials, supplied by 7 countries, are interred in salt at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in Carlsbad, New Mexico. A joint effort between Sandia National Laboratories and Savannah River Laboratory, MIIT is the largest international cooperative in-situ venture yet undertaken. The objective of the current study is to document the waste form compositions used in the MIIT program and then to examine compositional correlations based on structural considerations, bonding energies, and surface layer formation. These correlations show important similarities between the many different waste glass compositions studied world wide and suggest that these glasses would be expected to perform well and in a similar manner

  12. In-situ atomic layer deposition growth of Hf-oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karavaev, Konstantin


    We have grown HfO 2 on Si(001) by atomic layer deposition (ALD) using HfCl 4 , TEMAHf, TDMAHf and H 2 O as precursors. The early stages of the ALD were investigated with high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. We observed the changes occurring in the Si 2p, O 1s, Hf 4f, Hf 4d, and Cl 2p (for HfCl 4 experiment) core level lines after each ALD cycle up to the complete formation of two layers of HfO 2 . The investigation was carried out in situ giving the possibility to determine the properties of the grown film after every ALD cycle or even after a half cycle. This work focused on the advantages in-situ approach in comparison with ex-situ experiments. The study provides to follow the evolution of the important properties of HfO 2 : contamination level, density and stoichiometry, and influence of the experimental parameters to the interface layer formation during ALD. Our investigation shows that in-situ XPS approach for ALD gives much more information than ex-situ experiments. (orig.)

  13. In-situ atomic layer deposition growth of Hf-oxide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karavaev, Konstantin


    We have grown HfO{sub 2} on Si(001) by atomic layer deposition (ALD) using HfCl{sub 4}, TEMAHf, TDMAHf and H{sub 2}O as precursors. The early stages of the ALD were investigated with high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. We observed the changes occurring in the Si 2p, O 1s, Hf 4f, Hf 4d, and Cl 2p (for HfCl{sub 4} experiment) core level lines after each ALD cycle up to the complete formation of two layers of HfO{sub 2}. The investigation was carried out in situ giving the possibility to determine the properties of the grown film after every ALD cycle or even after a half cycle. This work focused on the advantages in-situ approach in comparison with ex-situ experiments. The study provides to follow the evolution of the important properties of HfO{sub 2}: contamination level, density and stoichiometry, and influence of the experimental parameters to the interface layer formation during ALD. Our investigation shows that in-situ XPS approach for ALD gives much more information than ex-situ experiments. (orig.)

  14. In situ investigation of catalysts for alcohol synthesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duchstein, Linus Daniel Leonhard; Sharafutdinov, Irek; Wu, Qiongxiao

    consists of three complimentary in situ techniques: (1) Activity measurements based on a reactor connected to a gas chromatograph (GC), (2) In situ x-ray diffractometer (XRD) measurements based on a reactor cell connected to a mass spectrometer (MS), and (3) environmental TEM (ETEM) that allows...... distribution, measured both macroscopically (XRD) and microscopically (ETEM), with the catalytic activity....

  15. In situ rheology of yeast biofilms. (United States)

    Brugnoni, Lorena I; Tarifa, María C; Lozano, Jorge E; Genovese, Diego


    The aim of the present work was to investigate the in situ rheological behavior of yeast biofilms growing on stainless steel under static and turbulent flow. The species used (Rhodototula mucilaginosa, Candida krusei, Candida kefyr and Candida tropicalis) were isolated from a clarified apple juice industry. The flow conditions impacted biofilm composition over time, with a predominance of C. krusei under static and turbulent flow. Likewise, structural variations occurred, with a tighter appearance under dynamic flow. Under turbulent flow there was an increase of 112 μm in biofilm thickness at 11 weeks (p < 0.001) and cell morphology was governed by hyphal structures and rounded cells. Using the in situ growth method introduced here, yeast biofilms were determined to be viscoelastic materials with a predominantly solid-like behavior, and neither this nor the G'0 values were significantly affected by the flow conditions or the growth time, and at large deformations their weak structure collapsed beyond a critical strain of about 1.5-5%. The present work could represent a starting point for developing in situ measurements of yeast rheology and contribute to a thin body of knowledge about fungal biofilm formation.

  16. Engineering feasibility analysis for in-situ stabilization of Canonsburg residues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The US Department of Energy is considering several methods for carrying out remedial actions in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, at the site of an inactive uranium-processing mill. The main objective of this study is to determine the feasibility of in-situ stabilization as the remedial action. In-situ stabilization is an alternative to site decontamination and offsite disposal. The problems associated with offsite hauling of large quantities of contaminated material and with the location and development of a new disposal site could be avoided by the implementation of an in-situ stabilization concept. In addition, the in-situ approach would be more cost-effective than offsite disposal. This study will establish that a technically feasible and implementable in-situ stabilization concept can be developed that meets regulatory requirements and is cost effective. This study in no way commits the DOE to implement any specific actions described herein. 11 refs., 30 figs., 24 tabs

  17. In-situ observations of nucleation in Al-0.1Mg

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, G.L.; Ubhi, H.S.; Petrenec, M.


    A tensile sample of an Al-0.1Mg alloy was in-situ tested in a SEM followed by in-situ annealing to develop recrystallizing nuclei/grains. The evolution of microstructure and crystallographic orientations were characterized using the EBSD technique. Changes in the same area within the sample durin...

  18. In situ deposition of thallium-containing oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myers, K.E.


    The number and variety of thallium based materials that can be made by in situ methods have grown consistently since the first report of successful thallium cuprate deposition by Face and Nestlerode in 1992. Processes for the deposition of superconductors, normal metals, and insulators have been developed. Most work to date has been done on the Tl-1212 phases, TlBa 2 CaCu 2 O 7 and (Tl,Pb)Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 7 . Recently however, the in situ thallium technique has been extended to other materials. For example, epitaxial thin films of thallium tantalate, an insulator of the pyrochlore structure and a potential buffer layer for thallium cuprate films, have been grown. Multilayers, important in the fabrication of Josephson junctions, have been demonstrated with the thallium lead cuprates. This paper reviews progress in the area of in situ thallium deposition technology which will make more complex thallium cuprate multilayer structures and devices possible

  19. In situ vitrification: Application to buried waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Callow, R.A.; Thompson, L.E.


    Two in situ vitrification field tests were conducted in June and July 1990 at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. In situ vitrification is a technology for in-place conversion of contaminated soils into a durable glass and crystalline waste form and is being investigated as a potential remediation technology for buried waste. The overall objective of the two tests was to assess the general suitability of the process to remediate buried waste structures found at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. In particular, these tests were designed as part of a treatability study to provide essential information on field performance of the process under conditions of significant combustible and metal wastes, and to test a newly developed electrode feed technology. The tests were successfully completed, and the electrode feed technology provided valuable operational control for successfully processing the high metal content waste. The results indicate that in situ vitrification is a feasible technology for application to buried waste. 2 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs

  20. Comparison of in Situ and ex Situ Methods for Synthesis of Two-Photon Polymerization Polymer Nanocomposites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qingchuan Guo


    Full Text Available This article reports about nanocomposites, which refractive index is tuned by adding TiO2 nanoparticles. We compare in situ/ex situ preparation of nanocomposites. Preparation procedure is described, properties of nanocomposites are compared, and especially we examine the applicability of two-photon polymerization (2PP of synthesized nanocomposites. All prepared samples exhibit suitable optical transparency at specific laser wavelengths. Three-dimensional structures were generated by means of two-photon polymerization effect induced by a femtosecond laser.

  1. Cost accounting method for in-situ leaching mines and its application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng Zongfang; Yang Yihan; Liu Zhanxiang; Lai Yongchun


    Cost structures and accounting method for in-situ leaching mines are studied according to the technical characteeristics of in-situ leaching. A method of cost forecast for in-situ leaching deposit or mine area is presented, and the application of this method is illustrated with examples. (authors)

  2. Comparison of in situ nutrient degradabilities of alternative by ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    level of inclusion in the concentrate portion of lactating dairy cattle diets, ... Two rumen fistulated multiparous lactating Holstein cows were used for the in situ study. ... vitamins. Feeds were offered twice daily at 09:00 and 18:00. The in situ bag ...

  3. In situ viscometry by optical trapping interferometry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guzmán, C.; Flyvbjerg, Henrik; Köszali, R.


    We demonstrate quantitative in situ viscosity measurements by tracking the thermal fluctuations of an optically trapped microsphere subjected to a small oscillatory flow. The measured power spectral density of the sphere's positions displays a characteristic peak at the driving frequency of the f......We demonstrate quantitative in situ viscosity measurements by tracking the thermal fluctuations of an optically trapped microsphere subjected to a small oscillatory flow. The measured power spectral density of the sphere's positions displays a characteristic peak at the driving frequency...

  4. In-situ observation of structure formation in polymer processing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murase, Hiroki


    In-situ X-ray scattering in polymer processing is a crucial method to elucidate the mechanism of structure formation in the process. Fiber spinning is one such process primarily imposing extensional deformation on polymeric melt at the spin-line during rapid cooling. In-situ small-angle X-ray scattering using synchrotron radiation on the spinning process allows direct observation of the transient structure developing in the process. (author)

  5. In-Situ Bioremediation of Perchlorate in Groundwater and Soil


    Jin, Liyan


    Historical, uncontrolled disposal practices have made perchlorate a significant threat to drinking water supplies in the United States. In-situ bioremediation (ISB) technologies are cost effective and provide an environmental friendly solution for treating contaminated groundwater and soil. In situ bioremediation was considered as an option for treatment of perchlorate in groundwater and soil in Lockheed Martin Corporation's Beaumont Site 2 (Beaumont, CA). Based on the perchlorate distribu...

  6. Laboratory-performance criteria for in situ waste-stabilization materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaw, P.; Weidner, J.


    The Department of Energy (DOE) Landfill Stabilization Focus Area is investigating a variety of in situ placement methods, grout materials, and characterization techniques for the stabilization of buried low-level transuranic-contaminated waste at Department of Energy sites. In situ stabilization involves underground injection or placement of substances to isolate, treat, or contain buried contaminants. Performance criteria were developed to evaluate various candidate stabilization materials for both long-term stabilization and interim stabilization or retrieval. The criteria are go/no-go, ready, and preliminary. The criterion go/no-go eliminates technologies that are not applicable for in situ treatment of buried waste. The criterion ready indicates that the technology is sufficiently developed and proven to be field demonstrated full-scale. The criterion preliminary indicates the prospective technologies to be potentially applicable to in situ buried waste stabilization, but further development is needed before the technology is ready for field-scale demonstration

  7. Development of an in situ polymeric hydrogel implant of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To prepare and characterize in situ gel-forming implants of methylprednisolone for the treatment of spinal cord injuries. Methods: In situ hydrogels of methylprednisolone were prepared by dispersing polylactide glycolic acid (PLGA) polymer and methylprednisolone in N-methyl-pyrrolidone solvent, and subsequent ...

  8. An expert support model for in situ soil remediation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Okx, J.P.; Stein, A.


    This article presents an expert support model for in situ soil remediation. It combines knowledge and experiences obtained from previous in situ soil remediations. The aim of this model is to optimise knowledge transfer among the various parties involved in contaminated site management. Structured

  9. On the ex situ and in situ doping of refractory Ta by pulsed laser ablation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Y.L.; Lin, S.S.; Shen, P. [National Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China); Chen, S. [I-Shou University, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (China)


    Ex situ and in situ doping processes of refractory Ta were accomplished by pulsed laser ablation of bulk Ta in vacuum with C-O-H supply from C-coated collodion film and within tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), respectively. Analytical electron microscopic observations of the resultant particulates and condensates indicated that the former process involved interdiffusion in the condensed state to form two kinds of core-shell structures, i.e., C-O-H doped Ta with α-type (bcc) core and lamellar shell and O-H doped γ-TaC{sub 1-x} with amorphous Ta-C-O-H surrounding, respectively, for potential wear and lubrication applications at high temperatures. In situ TEOS mediation, however, enhanced solute trapping to form Si-C-O-H overdoped α-Ta with significant tetragonality (c/a ratio up to 1.27) and Si-O-H doped γ-TaC{sub 1-x} with {111}{sub γ} twin/fault and occasional epitaxial relationship [ anti 123]{sub α}//[ anti 112]{sub γ}; (121){sub α}//(anti 11 anti 1){sub γ} due to particle coalescence. Such Si-C-O-H mediated Ta particles may have potential optocatalytic applications. (orig.)

  10. In situ hybridization; principles and applications: review article

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zahra Nozhat


    Full Text Available In situ hybridization (ISH is a method that uses labeled complementary single strand DNA or RNA to localize specific DNA or RNA sequences in an intact cell or in a fixed tissue section. The main steps of ISH consist of: probe selection, tissue or sample preparation, pre-hybridization treatment, hybridization and washing, detection and control procedure. Probe selection is one of the important aspects of successful hybridization. ISH sensitivity and specificity can be influenced by: probe construct, efficiency of labeling, percentage of GC, probe length and signal detection systems. Different methods such as nick translation, random priming, end tailing and T4 DNA polymerase replacement are used for probe generation. Both radioactive and non-radioactive labels can be used in order to probe labeling. Nucleic acid maintenance in samples, prevention of morphological changes of samples and probe penetration into tissue section are the main aims of sample preparation step. Then, a small amount of solution containing probe, is added on slides containing tissue sections for hybridization process, then slides are incubated overnight. Next day, washes are carried out to remove the probes which are not bound to target DNA or RNA. Finally, in order to be sure that the observed labeling is specific to the target sequence, using several control procedures is very important. Various techniques based on ISH consist of: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH, chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH, spectral karyotyping (SKY and multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization (MFISH. One of the most common techniques of ISH is fluorescence in situ hybridization. FISH can be used to: 1 detect small deletions and duplications that are not visible using microscope analysis, 2 detect how many chromosomes of a certain type are present in each cell and 3 confirm rearrangements that are

  11. In situ vitrification: application analysis for stabilization of transuranic waste

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oma, K.H.; Farnsworth, R.K.; Rusin, J.M.


    The in situ vitrification process builds upon the electric melter technology previously developed for high-level waste immobilization. In situ vitrification converts buried wastes and contaminated soil to an extremely durable glass and crystalline waste form by melting the materials, in place, using joule heating. Once the waste materials have been solidified, the high integrity waste form should not cause future ground subsidence. Environmental transport of the waste due to water or wind erosion, and plant or animal intrusion, is minimized. Environmental studies are currently being conducted to determine whether additional stabilization is required for certain in-ground transuranic waste sites. An applications analysis has been performed to identify several in situ vitrification process limitations which may exist at transuranic waste sites. Based on the process limit analysis, in situ vitrification is well suited for solidification of most in-ground transuranic wastes. The process is best suited for liquid disposal sites. A site-specific performance analysis, based on safety, health, environmental, and economic assessments, will be required to determine for which sites in situ vitrification is an acceptable disposal technique. Process economics of in situ vitrification compare favorably with other in-situ solidification processes and are an order of magnitude less than the costs for exhumation and disposal in a repository. Leachability of the vitrified product compares closely with that of Pyrex glass and is significantly better than granite, marble, or bottle glass. Total release to the environment from a vitrified waste site is estimated to be less than 10 -5 parts per year. 32 figures, 30 tables

  12. In situ soil remediation using electrokinetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buehler, M.F.; Surma, J.E.; Virden, J.W.


    Electrokinetics is emerging as a promising technology for in situ soil remediation. This technique is especially attractive for Superfund sites and government operations which contain large volumes of contaminated soil. The approach uses an applied electric field to induce transport of both radioactive and hazardous waste ions in soil. The transport mechanisms include electroosmosis, electromigration, and electrophoresis. The feasibility of using electrokinetics to move radioactive 137 Cs and 60 Co at the Hanford Site in Richland, Washington, is discussed. A closed cell is used to provide in situ measurements of 137 Cs and 60 Co movement in Hanford soil. Preliminary results of ionic movement, along with the corresponding current response, are presented

  13. Groundwater restoration with in situ uranium leach mining

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charbeneau, R.J.


    In situ leach mining of uranium has developed into a major mining technology. Since 1975, when the first commercial mine was licensed in the United States, the percentage or uranium produced by in situ mining has steadily grown from 0.6 to 10 percent in 1980. Part of the reason for this growth is that in situ mining offers less initial capital investment, shorter start-up times, greater safety, and less labor than conventional mining methods. There is little disturbance of the surface terrain or surface waters, no mill tailings piles, and no large open pits, but in situ leaching mining does have environmental disadvantages. During the mining, large amounts of ground water are cirulated and there is some withdrawal from an area where aquifers constitute a major portion of the water supply for other purposes. When an ammonia-based leach system is used, the ammonium ion is introduced into an area where cation exchange on clays (and some production of nitrate) may occur. Also, injection of an oxidant with the leach solution causes valence and phase changes of indigenous elements such as As, Cu, Fe, Mo, Se, S, and V as well as U. Furthermore, the surrounding ground water can become contaminated by escape of the leach solution from the mining zone. This chapter presents an overview of the in situ mining technology, including uranium deposition, mining techniques, and ground water restoration alternatives. The latter part of the chapter covers the situation in South Texas. Economics and development of the industry, groundwater resources, regulation, and restoration activities are also reviewed

  14. In Situ Magnetic Separation for Extracellular Protein Production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kappler, T.; Cerff, Martin; Ottow, Kim Ekelund


    A new approach for in situ product removal from bioreactors is presented in which high-gradient magnetic separation is used. This separation process was used for the adsorptive removal of proteases secreted by Bacillus licheniformis. Small, non-porous bacitracin linked magnetic adsorbents were...... was not influenced by the in situ product removal step. Protease production also remained the same after the separation step. Furthermore, degradation of the protease, which followed first order kinetics, was reduced by using the method. Using a theoretical modeling approach, we Could show that protease yield...... in total was enhanced by using in situ magnetic separation. The process described here is a promising technique to improve overall yield in No production processes which are often limited due to weak downstream operations, Potential limitations encountered during a bioprocess can be overcome...

  15. Monitoring of electrokinetic in-situ-decontamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldmann, T. [INTUS Inst. fuer Technologie und Umweltschutz e.V., Berlin (Germany)


    The need for a monitoring system for in-situ soil decontamination is two-fold: Firstly, to ensure that remediation is attained and secondly to minimize costs and treatment time. A further reason is the potential risk of unexpected mobilization or chemical generation of hazardous compounds which could result in an extension of the contamination into other regions of soil, the ground water or the atmosphere. Electrokinetic in-situ decontamination is based on transport processes in the ground that proceed with relatively low velocity. This results in treatment times of several months. Since the transport processes can be described by a mathematical model, monitoring should always be combined with qualified mathematical processing. This makes it possible to estimate treatment time and costs to be expected. The challenge of in-situ monitoring is to identify relevant parameters describing the state of the ground. These parameters must be independent from influences like weather but they must be sensitive to changes of soil characteristics. In the case of electrokinetic soil remediation, probes and sensors must be resistant to influences of electric fields. The function of sensors or measuring systems can be disturbed or even damaged or destroyed by electric fields (for example by electro-corrosion). (orig.)

  16. Application of hydraulic fracturing to determine virgin in situ stress state around Waste Isolation Pilot Plant - in situ measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wawersik, W.R.; Stone, C.M.


    Hydraulic fracturing tests were carried out in horizontal drillholes in rock salt in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM. It was determined that the virgin in situ stress field is isotropic or nearly isotropic. The inferred magnitude of the isotropic in situ stress falls between bounds of 14.28 MPa and 17.9 MPa for the average breakdown/reopening pressures and driving pressures. The best estimate from instantaneous shut-in pressures is 16.61 MPa. Given some uncertainties about the interpretation of hydraulic fracturing data in salt, all of the foregoing values are in acceptable agreement with an average calculated isotropic in situ stress of 14.9 MPa at an average depth of 657 m below surface. Interpretations of breakdown and reopening pressures are based on finite element analyses of the relaxed stress field around a borehole in salt. This stress field varies little between approximately 50 and 200 days after drilling. The finite element analyses were also used to interpret the observed stable pressure-time signatures with little or no pressure drops during primary breakdown of the salt formation. The conclusion about the isotropic nature of the virgin in situ stress field is supported by observations of the induced fracture patterns. The report includes a comparison of the hydrofrac data in the WIPP with the published results of hydraulic fracturing tests in salt at three other locations. 75 refs., 21 figs., 4 tabs

  17. Assessment of microbial in situ activity in contaminated aquifers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaestner, M. [UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Department Bioremediation, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig (Germany); Fischer, A.; Nijenhuis, I.; Stelzer, N.; Bombach, P.; Richnow, H.H. [UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Department Isotopenbiogeochemie, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig (Germany); Geyer, R. [UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Department Umweltmikrobiologie, Permoserstrasse 15, 04318 Leipzig (Germany); Tebbe, C.C. [Institut fuer Agraroekologie, Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landwirtschaft (FAL), D-38116 Braunschweig (Germany)


    Microbial ecologists and environmental engineers share the interest in identifying the key microorganisms responsible for compound turnover in the environment and in estimating the respective transformation rates. For the successful application of Natural Attenuation processes, a reliable assessment of the in situ turnover of a contaminant in an aquifer is essential. Here, we review and present new details of two recently developed approaches concerning the assessment of in situ biodegradation: (i) determination of biodegradation caused by microbial metabolism in a contamination plume by stable isotope fractionation analysis (SIFA) and (ii) determination of the actual degradation under the respective environmental conditions in the aquifer by using in situ microcosms (BACTRAPS registered) amended with {sup 13}C-labeled substrates as tracer compounds. Based on stable isotope fractionation analysis, the degradation occurring under anoxic biogeochemical conditions at a respective site can be calculated for the entire plume. This has been shown for benzene and toluene at the Zeitz site and partly for chlorobenzene at the Bitterfeld site. By use of the in situ microcosm approach with {sup 13}C-labeled compounds, the microbial in situ degradation under strictly anaerobic conditions could be proven for benzene and toluene in Zeitz and for chlorobenzene in Bitterfeld. The transformation of {sup 13}C-carbon of the labeled substrate into microbial fatty acids confirmed the assimilation of the pollutant resulting in the formation of biomass. In addition, metabolites such as benzylsuccinic acid were found in the toluene-amended microcosms indicating anaerobic degradation of toluene. This result corresponds to the geochemical conditions found at the field site and therefore, the microcosm approach with {sup 13}C-labeled compounds can be used to assign the predominant in situ degradation pathways in a contaminated aquifer. Since fatty acids profiles alone are often too

  18. In situ detection of porosity initiation during aluminum thin film anodizing (United States)

    Van Overmeere, Quentin; Nysten, Bernard; Proost, Joris


    High-resolution curvature measurements have been performed in situ during aluminum thin film anodizing in sulfuric acid. A well-defined transition in the rate of internal stress-induced curvature change is shown to allow for the accurate, real-time detection of porosity initiation. The validity of this in situ diagnostic tool was confirmed by a quantitative analysis of the spectral density distributions of the anodized surfaces. These were obtained by analyzing ex situ atomic force microscopy images of surfaces anodized for different times, and allowed to correlate the in situ detected transition in the rate of curvature change with the appearance of porosity.

  19. Electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution reactions on phthalocyanine modified electrodes: Electrochemical, in situ spectroelectrochemical, and in situ electrocolorimetric monitoring

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koca, Atif, E-mail: [Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Marmara University, Goeztepe, 34722 Istanbul (Turkey); Kalkan, Ayfer; Bayir, Zehra Altuntas [Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Istanbul, Maslak, 34469 Istanbul (Turkey)


    Highlights: > Electrochemical and in situ spectroelectrochemical characterizations of the metallophthalocyanines were performed. > The presence of O{sub 2} influences both oxygen reduction reaction and the electrochemical behaviors of the complexes. > Homogeneous catalytic ORR process occurs via an 'inner sphere' chemical catalysis process. > CoPc and CuPc coated on a glassy carbon electrode decrease the overpotential of the working electrode for H{sup +} reduction. - Abstract: This study describes electrochemical, in situ spectroelectrochemical, and in situ electrocolorimetric monitoring of the electrocatalytic reduction of molecular oxygen and hydronium ion on the phthalocyanine-modified electrodes. For this purpose, electrochemical and in situ spectroelectrochemical characterizations of the metallophthalocyanines (MPc) bearing tetrakis-[4-((4'-trifluoromethyl)phenoxy)phenoxy] groups were performed. While CoPc gives both metal-based and ring-based redox processes, H{sub 2}Pc, ZnPc and CuPc show only ring-based electron transfer processes. In situ electrocolorimetric method was applied to investigate the color of the electrogenerated anionic and cationic forms of the complexes. The presence of O{sub 2} in the electrolyte system influences both oxygen reduction reaction and the electrochemical and spectral behaviors of the complexes, which indicate electrocatalytic activity of the complexes for the oxygen reduction reaction. Perchloric acid titrations monitored by voltammetry represent possible electrocatalytic activities of the complexes for hydrogen evolution reaction. CoPc and CuPc coated on a glassy carbon electrode decrease the overpotential of the working electrode for H{sup +} reduction. The nature of the metal center changes the electrocatalytic activities for hydrogen evolution reaction in aqueous solution. Although CuPc has an inactive metal center, its electrocatalytic activity is recorded more than CoPc for H{sup +} reduction in aqueous

  20. In situ solution mining technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Learmont, R.P.


    A method of in situ solution mining is disclosed in which a primary leaching process employing an array of 5-spot leaching patterns of production and injection wells is converted to a different pattern by converting to injection wells all the production wells in alternate rows

  1. Simulation of salt behavior using in situ response

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, W.T.


    The time-dependent nonlinear structural behavior in a salt formation around the openings can be obtained by either performing computational analysis of measuring in situ responses. However, analysis using laboratory test data may often deviate from the actual in situ conditions and geomechanical instruments can provide information only up to the time when the measurements were taken. A method has been suggested for simulating the salt behavior by utilizing the steady-state portion of in situ response history. Governing equations for computational analysis were normalized to the creep constant, the equations were solved, and the analytical response history was then computed in terms of normalized time. By synchronizing the response history obtained from the analysis to the one measured at the site, the creep constant was determined. Then the structural response of the salt was computed. This paper presents an improved method for simulating the salt behavior. In this method, the governing equations are normalized to the creep function, which represents the transient and the steady-state creep behavior. Both the transient and the steady-state portions of in situ response history are used in determining the creep function. Finally, a nonlinear mapping process relating the normalized and real time domains determines the behavior of the salt

  2. In-situ nitrite analysis in high level waste tanks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Rourke, P.E.; Prather, W.S.; Livingston, R.R.


    The Savannah River Site produces special nuclear materials used in the defense of the United States. Most of the processes at SRS are primarily chemical separations and purifications. In-situ chemical analyses help improve the safety, efficiency and quality of these operations. One area where in situ fiberoptic spectroscopy can have a great impact is the management of high level radioactive waste. High level radioactive waste at SRS is stored in more than 50 large waste tanks. The waste exists as a slurry of nitrate salts and metal hydroxides at pH's higher than 10. Sodium Nitrite is added to the tanks as a corrosion inhibitor. In-situ fiberoptic probes are being developed to measure the nitrate, nitrite and hydroxide concentrations in both liquid and solid fractions. Nitrite levels can be measured between 0.01M and 1M in a 1mm pathlength optical cell

  3. In situ synthesis of protein arrays. (United States)

    He, Mingyue; Stoevesandt, Oda; Taussig, Michael J


    In situ or on-chip protein array methods use cell free expression systems to produce proteins directly onto an immobilising surface from co-distributed or pre-arrayed DNA or RNA, enabling protein arrays to be created on demand. These methods address three issues in protein array technology: (i) efficient protein expression and availability, (ii) functional protein immobilisation and purification in a single step and (iii) protein on-chip stability over time. By simultaneously expressing and immobilising many proteins in parallel on the chip surface, the laborious and often costly processes of DNA cloning, expression and separate protein purification are avoided. Recently employed methods reviewed are PISA (protein in situ array) and NAPPA (nucleic acid programmable protein array) from DNA and puromycin-mediated immobilisation from mRNA.

  4. paediatric ureteric calculi: in-situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective To evaluate prospectively the efficacy of in-situ extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in the treatment of ureteric calculi in the paediatric age group. Patients and Methods Twenty children (aged 2.2 16 years) with 22 ureteric stones were evaluated and treated with in-situ ESWL using the Dornier S lithotripter ...

  5. Sperm cryopreservation in endangered felids: developing linkage of in situ-ex situ populations. (United States)

    Swanson, W F; Magarey, G M; Herrick, J R


    Many of the world's cat species face growing threats to their continued survival in nature. For some species, managed captive populations may provide a reservoir for future reintroduction or genetic augmentation. Because most zoo populations are derived from small founder sizes and are subject to loss of genetic variation over time, periodic infusion of founder alleles is necessary to avoid the dire consequences of inbreeding. Collection and freezing of semen from free-living nondomestic felids offers a viable option for introducing founder genes into captive populations without removal of animals from the wild. The effective application of this strategy requires established protocols for safely capturing and anaesthetising wild cats coupled with suitable methods of semen recovery, processing and cryopreservation under field conditions. In small-sized non-domestic felids, the general feasibility of this approach is being explored in two studies of black-footed cats and Pallas' cats. Two factors - relatively low sperm numbers per ejaculate and compromised status of frozen-thawed cat spermatozoa - suggest that in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and embryo transfer present the most efficient use of this limiting resource in small-sized cats. Our studies with captive felids have explored alternative methods of sperm cryopreservation that are adaptable to field situations and shown that frozen-thawed spermatozoa from Pallas' cats, ocelots, and fishing cats exhibit adequate function to fertilise heterologous and/or homologous oocytes in vitro. Most recently, we investigated the fertilising capacity of frozen-thawed spermatozoa obtained from wild Pallas' cats in Mongolia. Combined with improved methods for embryo culture and transfer in small cat species, sperm banking in situ will facilitate introduction of new founders into captive populations without causing further depletion of their wild counterparts. As one component of holistic conservation programs, including ongoing

  6. In Situ Aerosol Detector, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — NASA is developing new platform systems that have the potential to benefit Earth science research activities, which include in situ instruments for atmospheric...

  7. In Situ Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Talacua, H


    In this thesis, the feasibility of in situ TE for vascular and valvular purposes were tested with the use of different materials, and animal models. First, the feasibility of a decellularized biological scaffold (pSIS-ECM) as pulmonary heart valve prosthesis is examined in sheep (Chapter 2). Next,

  8. In situ leaching of uranium: Technical, environmental and economic aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Within the framework of its activities in nuclear raw materials the International Atomic Energy Agency has convened a series of meetings to discuss various aspects of uranium ore processing technology, recovery of uranium from non-conventional resources and development of projects for the production of uranium concentrates including economic aspects. As part of this continuing effort to discuss and document important aspects of uranium production the IAEA convened a Technical Committee Meeting on Technical, Economic and Environmental Aspects of In-Situ Leaching. Although the use of this technique is limited by geological and economic constraints, it has a significant potential to produce uranium at competitive prices. This is especially important in the current uranium market which is mainly characterised by large inventories, excess production capability and low prices. This situation is not expected to last indefinitely but it is unlikely to change drastically in the next ten years or so. This Technical Committee Meeting was held in Vienna from 3 to 6 November 1987 with the attendance of 24 participants from 12 countries. Eight papers were presented. Technical sessions covered in-situ mining research, environmental and licensing aspects and restoration of leached orebodies; the technological status of in-situ leaching, the current status and future prospects of in-situ leaching of uranium in Member States, general aspects of planning and implementation of in-situ projects and the economics of in-situ leaching. Refs, figs and tabs

  9. Nanoparticles laden in situ gel for sustained ocular drug delivery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Himanshu Gupta


    Full Text Available Proper availability of drug on to corneal surface is a challenging task. However, due to ocular physiological barriers, conventional eye drops display poor ocular bioavailability of drugs (< 1%. To improve precorneal residence time and ocular penetration, earlier our group developed and evaluated in situ gel and nanoparticles for ocular delivery. In interest to evaluate the combined effect of in situ gel and nanoparticles on ocular retention, we combined them. We are the first to term this combination as "nanoparticle laden in situ gel", that is, poly lactic co glycolic acid nanoparticle incorporated in chitosan in situ gel for sparfloxacin ophthalmic delivery. The formulation was tested for various physicochemical properties. It showed gelation pH near pH 7.2. The observation of acquired gamma camera images showed good retention over the entire precorneal area for sparfloxacin nanoparticle laden in situ gel (SNG as compared to marketed formulation. SNG formulation cleared at a very slow rate and remained at corneal surface for longer duration as no radioactivity was observed in systemic circulation. The developed formulation was found to be better in combination and can go up to the clinical evaluation and application.

  10. Detector calibration for in-situ gamma ray spectrometry

    CERN Document Server

    Balea, G


    The power in the technique of in-situ spectrometry lies in the fact that a detector placed on ground measures gamma radiation from sources situated over an area of several hundred square meters. The 'field of view' for the detector would be larger for high energy radiation sources and for sources closer to the soil surface. In contrast, a soil sample would represent an area of a few tens of hundreds of square centimeters. In practice, an effective characterization of a site would involve in-situ gamma ray spectrometry in conjunction with soil sampling. As part of an overall program, in-situ gamma ray spectrometry provides a means to assess the degree of contamination in areas during the course of operations in the field, thus guiding the investigator on where to collect samples. It can also substantially reduce the number of samples need to be collected and subsequently analyzed. (author)

  11. Needs of in-situ materials testing under neutron irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noda, K.; Hishinuma, A.; Kiuchi, K.


    Under neutron irradiation, the component atoms of materials are displaced as primary knock-on atoms, and the energy of the primary knock-on atoms is consumed by electron excitation and nuclear collision. Elementary irradiation defects accumulate to form damage structure including voids and bubbles. In situ test under neutron irradiation is necessary for investigating into the effect of irradiation on creep behavior, the electric properties of ceramics, transport phenomena and so on. The in situ test is also important to investigate into the phenomena related to the chemical reaction with environment during irradiation. Accelerator type high energy neutron sources are preferable to fission reactors. In this paper, the needs and the research items of in situ test under neutron irradiation using a D-Li stripping type high energy neutron source on metallic and ceramic materials are described. Creep behavior is one of the most important mechanical properties, and depends strongly on irradiation environment, also it is closely related to microstructure. Irradiation affects the electric conductibity of ceramics and also their creep behavior. In this way, in situ test is necessary. (K.I.)

  12. In Situ Ptychography of Heterogeneous Catalysts using Hard X-Rays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baier, Sina; Damsgaard, Christian Danvad; Scholz, Maria


    A new closed cell is presented for in situ X-ray ptychography which allows studies under gas flow and at elevated temperature. In order to gain complementary information by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, the cell makes use of a Protochips E-chipTM which contains a small, thin...... the same sample holder for ex situ electron microscopy before and after the in situ study underlines the unique possibilities available with this combination of electron microscopy and X-ray microscopy on the same sample....

  13. Nanoparticles laden in situ gelling system for ocular drug targeting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Divya Kumar


    Full Text Available Designing an ophthalmic drug delivery system is one of the most difficult challenges for the researchers. The anatomy and physiology of eye create barriers like blinking which leads to the poor retention time and penetration of drug moiety. Some conventional ocular drug delivery systems show shortcomings such as enhanced pre-corneal elimination, high variability in efficiency, and blurred vision. To overcome these problems, several novel drug delivery systems such as liposomes, nanoparticles, hydrogels, and in situ gels have been developed. In situ-forming hydrogels are liquid upon instillation and undergo phase transition in the ocular cul-de-sac to form viscoelastic gel and this provides a response to environmental changes. In the past few years, an impressive number of novel temperature, pH, and ion-induced in situ-forming systems have been reported for sustain ophthalmic drug delivery. Each system has its own advantages and drawbacks. Thus, a combination of two drug delivery systems, i.e., nanoparticles and in situ gel, has been developed which is known as nanoparticle laden in situ gel. This review describes every aspects of this novel formulation, which present the readers an exhaustive detail and might contribute to research and development.

  14. Extraction of in situ cosmogenic 14C from olivine (United States)

    Pigati, J.S.; Lifton, N.A.; Timothy, Jull A.J.; Quade, Jay


    Chemical pretreatment and extraction techniques have been developed previously to extract in situ cosmogenic radiocarbon (in situ 14C) from quartz and carbonate. These minerals can be found in most environments on Earth, but are usually absent from mafic terrains. To fill this gap, we conducted numerous experiments aimed at extracting in situ 14C from olivine ((Fe,Mg)2SiO4). We were able to extract a stable and reproducible in situ 14C component from olivine using stepped heating and a lithium metaborate (LiBO2) flux, following treatment with dilute HNO3 over a variety of experimental conditions. However, measured concentrations for samples from the Tabernacle Hill basalt flow (17.3 ?? 0.3 ka4) in central Utah and the McCarty's basalt flow (3.0 ?? 0.2 ka) in western New Mexico were significantly lower than expected based on exposure of olivine in our samples to cosmic rays at each site. The source of the discrepancy is not clear. We speculate that in situ 14C atoms may not have been released from Mg-rich crystal lattices (the olivine composition at both sites was ~Fo65Fa35). Alternatively, a portion of the 14C atoms released from the olivine grains may have become trapped in synthetic spinel-like minerals that were created in the olivine-flux mixture during the extraction process, or were simply retained in the mixture itself. Regardless, the magnitude of the discrepancy appears to be inversely proportional to the Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio of the olivine separates. If we apply a simple correction factor based on the chemical composition of the separates, then corrected in situ 14C concentrations are similar to theoretical values at both sites. At this time, we do not know if this agreement is fortuitous or real. Future research should include measurement of in situ 14C concentrations in olivine from known-age basalt flows with different chemical compositions (i.e. more Fe-rich) to determine if this correction is robust for all olivine-bearing rocks. ?? 2010 by the Arizona

  15. In situ Measurements of Phytoplankton Fluorescence Using Low Cost Electronics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dana L. Wright


    Full Text Available Chlorophyll a fluorometry has long been used as a method to study phytoplankton in the ocean. In situ fluorometry is used frequently in oceanography to provide depth-resolved estimates of phytoplankton biomass. However, the high price of commercially manufactured in situ fluorometers has made them unavailable to some individuals and institutions. Presented here is an investigation into building an in situ fluorometer using low cost electronics. The goal was to construct an easily reproducible in situ fluorometer from simple and widely available electronic components. The simplicity and modest cost of the sensor makes it valuable to students and professionals alike. Open source sharing of architecture and software will allow students to reconstruct and customize the sensor on a small budget. Research applications that require numerous in situ fluorometers or expendable fluorometers can also benefit from this study. The sensor costs US$150.00 and can be constructed with little to no previous experience. The sensor uses a blue LED to excite chlorophyll a and measures fluorescence using a silicon photodiode. The sensor is controlled by an Arduino microcontroller that also serves as a data logger.

  16. Fabrication of in-situ grown graphene reinforced Cu matrix composites (United States)

    Chen, Yakun; Zhang, Xiang; Liu, Enzuo; He, Chunnian; Shi, Chunsheng; Li, Jiajun; Nash, Philip; Zhao, Naiqin


    Graphene/Cu composites were fabricated through a graphene in-situ grown approach, which involved ball-milling of Cu powders with PMMA as solid carbon source, in-situ growth of graphene on flaky Cu powders and vacuum hot-press sintering. SEM and TEM characterization results indicated that graphene in-situ grown on Cu powders guaranteed a homogeneous dispersion and a good combination between graphene and Cu matrix, as well as the intact structure of graphene, which was beneficial to its strengthening effect. The yield strength of 244 MPa and tensile strength of 274 MPa were achieved in the composite with 0.95 wt.% graphene, which were separately 177% and 27.4% enhancement over pure Cu. Strengthening effect of in-situ grown graphene in the matrix was contributed to load transfer and dislocation strengthening. PMID:26763313

  17. Concepts and Relations in Neurally Inspired In Situ Concept-Based Computing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Velde, Frank; van der Velde, Frank


    In situ concept-based computing is based on the notion that conceptual representations in the human brain are “in situ.” In this way, they are grounded in perception and action. Examples are neuronal assemblies, whose connection structures develop over time and are distributed over different brain

  18. Seleção de concretos refratários densos antierosivos para unidades de craqueamento catalítico fluidizado de petróleo Selection of dense antierosive refractory castables for fluid catalytic cracking units

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. A. S. Serra


    Full Text Available Na indústria petroquímica a unidade de craqueamento catalítico fluidizado de petróleo é um importante equipamento para aplicação de concretos refratários devido à necessidade de se obter produtos especializados. Normalmente, a seleção destes materiais é baseada na análise química e em medidas de densidade aparente, resistência mecânica por compressão uniaxial e erosimetria a frio. Para avaliação dos requisitos de seleção usuais, cinco concretos de alta alumina, sendo três de baixo teor de cimento e dois convencionais de uso comercial, foram avaliados por resistência à compressão e erosimetria a frio. Testes complementares que atualmente não são utilizados no processo de seleção também foram realizados, tais como: resistência ao choque térmico, módulo de ruptura a quente e exposição em atmosfera de CO. A análise mostrou que as especificações vigentes são baseadas principalmente na experiência com a utilização de produtos não originalmente projetados para esta aplicação e que o desenvolvimento de produtos mais adequados é inibido pelas restrições das especificações atuais. Também se verificou que a seleção é limitada pela falta de ensaios que avaliem o desempenho em condições mais próximas das de uso. Neste sentido, o teste de resistência à deposição de carbono pela exposição em atmosfera de CO mostrou-se interessante por contribuir para uma melhor seleção dos concretos refratários densos antierosivos.In the petrochemical industry the fluidized catalytic cracking unit is an important vessel for refractory castables application due the necessity of obtaining specialized products. Usually, the selection of these materials is based on the chemical analysis, apparent density, cold crushing strength and cold erosion test. For the evaluation of the present selection requirements, five high-alumina castables, being three of low cement and two conventional of commercial use, were


    Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has developed an in situ soil remediation system that uses electrokinetic principles to remediate hexavalent chromium-contaminated unsaturated or partially saturated soils. The technology involves the in situ application of direct current to the...

  20. Low-temperature growth of polycrystalline Ge thin film on glass by in situ deposition and ex situ solid-phase crystallization for photovoltaic applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsao, Chao-Yang; Weber, Juergen W.; Campbell, Patrick; Widenborg, Per I.; Song, Dengyuan; Green, Martin A.


    Poly-crystalline germanium (poly-Ge) thin films have potential for lowering the manufacturing cost of photovoltaic devices especially in tandem solar cells, but high crystalline quality would be required. This work investigates the crystallinity of sputtered Ge thin films on glass prepared by in situ growth and ex situ solid-phase crystallization (SPC). Structural properties of the films were characterized by Raman, X-ray diffraction and ultraviolet-visible reflectance measurements. The results show the transition temperature from amorphous to polycrystalline is between 255 deg. C and 280 deg. C for in situ grown poly-Ge films, whereas the transition temperature is between 400 deg. C and 500 deg. C for films produced by SPC for a 20 h annealing time. The in situ growth in situ crystallized poly-Ge films at 450 deg. C exhibit significantly better crystalline quality than those formed by solid-phase crystallization at 600 deg. C. High crystalline quality at low substrate temperature obtained in this work suggests the poly-Ge films could be promising for use in thin film solar cells on glass.

  1. Office of Technology Development integrated program for development of in situ remediation technologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, M.


    The Department of Energy's Office of Technology Development has instituted an integrated program focused on development of in situ remediation technologies. The development of in situ remediation technologies will focus on five problem groups: buried waste, contaminated soils, contaminated groundwater, containerized wastes and underground detonation sites. The contaminants that will be included in the development program are volatile and non volatile organics, radionuclides, inorganics and highly explosive materials as well as mixtures of these contaminants. The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISR IP) has defined the fiscal year 1993 research and development technology areas for focusing activities, and they are described in this paper. These R ampersand D topical areas include: nonbiological in situ treatment, in situ bioremediation, electrokinetics, and in situ containment

  2. In situ TEM observation of solid-gas reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishita, K; Kamino, T; Watabe, A; Kuroda, K; Saka, H


    Under a gaseous atmosphere at high temperatures, almost all the materials (metal, catalysts, etc.) change their structures and properties. For the research and development of materials, it is of vital importance to clarify mechanisms of solid-gas and liquid-gas reactions. Recently an in situ TEM system combined with an environmental holder, which has a gas injection nozzle close to a specimen-heating element, has been developed. The gas injection nozzle permits gas to flow around the specimens sitting on the heating element made of a fine W filament. The newly developed in situ TEM has a differential pumping system; therefore, the pressure in the specimen chamber is maintained in the range of higher than 1 Pa, while the pressure in the electron gun chamber can be kept in the range of 10 -5 Pa. This system was applied to in situ observation of chemical reactions of metals with gases: Observation of oxidation and reduction under a gas pressure ranging from 10 -5 Pa to 1 Pa at high temperatures (room temperature to ∼1473 K) were successfully carried out on pure metal and rare metal catalysts at near-atomic resolution. This in situ environmental TEM system is promising for clarifying mechanisms of many solid-gas and liquid-gas reactions that take place at high temperatures under a gas atmosphere.

  3. In situ protocol for butterfly pupal wings using riboprobes. (United States)

    Ramos, Diane; Monteiro, Antonia


    Here we present, in video format, a protocol for in situ hybridizations in pupal wings of the butterfly Bicyclus anynana using riboprobes. In situ hybridizations, a mainstay of developmental biology, are useful to study the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression in developing tissues at the level of transcription. If antibodies that target the protein products of gene transcription have not yet been developed, and/or there are multiple gene copies of a particular protein in the genome that cannot be differentiated using available antibodies, in situs can be used instead. While an in situ technique for larval wing discs has been available to the butterfly community for several years, the current protocol has been optimized for the larger and more fragile pupal wings.

  4. Development of an in situ calibration technique for combustible gas detectors (United States)

    Shumar, J. W.; Wynveen, R. A.; Lance, N., Jr.; Lantz, J. B.


    This paper describes the development of an in situ calibration procedure for combustible gas detectors (CGD). The CGD will be a necessary device for future space vehicles as many subsystems in the Environmental Control/Life Support System utilize or produce hydrogen (H2) gas. Existing calibration techniques are time-consuming and require support equipment such as an environmental chamber and calibration gas supply. The in situ calibration procedure involves utilization of a water vapor electrolysis cell for the automatic in situ generation of a H2/air calibration mixture within the flame arrestor of the CGD. The development effort concluded with the successful demonstration of in situ span calibrations of a CGD.

  5. Inherently safe in situ uranium recovery (United States)

    Krumhansl, James L; Brady, Patrick V


    An in situ recovery of uranium operation involves circulating reactive fluids through an underground uranium deposit. These fluids contain chemicals that dissolve the uranium ore. Uranium is recovered from the fluids after they are pumped back to the surface. Chemicals used to accomplish this include complexing agents that are organic, readily degradable, and/or have a predictable lifetime in an aquifer. Efficiency is increased through development of organic agents targeted to complexing tetravalent uranium rather than hexavalent uranium. The operation provides for in situ immobilization of some oxy-anion pollutants under oxidizing conditions as well as reducing conditions. The operation also artificially reestablishes reducing conditions on the aquifer after uranium recovery is completed. With the ability to have the impacted aquifer reliably remediated, the uranium recovery operation can be considered inherently safe.

  6. Very little in situ produced radiocarbon retained in accumulating Antarctic ice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kemp, W.J.M. van der; Alderliesten, C.; Borg, K. van der; Holmlund, P.; Jong, A.F.M. de; Karlöf, L.; Lamers, R.A.N.; Oerlemans, J.; Thomassen, M.; Wal, R.S.W. van de


    Ice samples from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, were analyzed for 14CO2 and 14CO by accelerator mass spectrometry. Only a small amount (~2%) of in situ produced radiocarbon was detected. The calibrated radiocarbon ages, corrected for in situ produced 14C, are in fair agreement with age estimates

  7. Some implications of in situ uranium mining technology development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowan, C.E.; Parkhurst, M.A.; Cole, R.J.; Keller, D.; Mellinger, P.J.; Wallace, R.W.


    A technology assessment was initiated in March 1979 of the in-situ uranium mining technology. This report explores the impediments to development and deployment of this technology and evaluates the environmental impacts of a generic in-situ facility. The report is divided into the following sections: introduction, technology description, physical environment, institutional and socioeconomic environment, impact assessment, impediments, and conclusions

  8. Advanced hydraulic fracturing methods to create in situ reactive barriers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murdoch, L.


    This article describes the use of hydraulic fracturing to increase permeability in geologic formations where in-situ remedial action of contaminant plumes will be performed. Several in-situ treatment strategies are discussed including the use of hydraulic fracturing to create in situ redox zones for treatment of organics and inorganics. Hydraulic fracturing methods offer a mechanism for the in-situ treatment of gently dipping layers of reactive compounds. Specialized methods using real-time monitoring and a high-energy jet during fracturing allow the form of the fracture to be influenced, such as creation of assymmetric fractures beneath potential sources (i.e. tanks, pits, buildings) that should not be penetrated by boring. Some examples of field applications of this technique such as creating fractures filled with zero-valent iron to reductively dechlorinate halogenated hydrocarbons, and the use of granular activated carbon to adsorb compounds are discussed

  9. In Situ/Remote Sensing Integration to Assess Forest Health—A Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marion Pause


    Full Text Available For mapping, quantifying and monitoring regional and global forest health, satellite remote sensing provides fundamental data for the observation of spatial and temporal forest patterns and processes. While new remote-sensing technologies are able to detect forest data in high quality and large quantity, operational applications are still limited by deficits of in situ verification. In situ sampling data as input is required in order to add value to physical imaging remote sensing observations and possibilities to interlink the forest health assessment with biotic and abiotic factors. Numerous methods on how to link remote sensing and in situ data have been presented in the scientific literature using e.g. empirical and physical-based models. In situ data differs in type, quality and quantity between case studies. The irregular subsets of in situ data availability limit the exploitation of available satellite remote sensing data. To achieve a broad implementation of satellite remote sensing data in forest monitoring and management, a standardization of in situ data, workflows and products is essential and necessary for user acceptance. The key focus of the review is a discussion of concept and is designed to bridge gaps of understanding between forestry and remote sensing science community. Methodological approaches for in situ/remote-sensing implementation are organized and evaluated with respect to qualifying for forest monitoring. Research gaps and recommendations for standardization of remote-sensing based products are discussed. Concluding the importance of outstanding organizational work to provide a legally accepted framework for new information products in forestry are highlighted.

  10. Robot-Assisted Antegrade In-Situ Fenestrated Stent Grafting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riga, Celia V.; Bicknell, Colin D.; Wallace, Daniel; Hamady, Mohamad; Cheshire, Nicholas


    To determine the technical feasibility of a novel approach of in-situ fenestration of aortic stent grafts by using a remotely controlled robotic steerable catheter system in the porcine model. A 65-kg pig underwent robot-assisted bilateral antegrade in-situ renal fenestration of an abdominal aortic stent graft with subsequent successful deployment of a bare metal stent into the right renal artery. A 16-mm iliac extension covered stent served as the porcine aortic endograft. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the graft was punctured with a 20-G customized diathermy needle that was introduced and kept in place by the robotic arm. The needle was exchanged for a 4 x 20 mm cutting balloon before successful deployment of the renal stent. Robot-assisted antegrade in-situ fenestration is technically feasible in a large mammalian model. The robotic system enables precise manipulation, stable positioning, and minimum instrumentation of the aorta and its branches while minimizing radiation exposure.

  11. In situ viscosity of oil sands using low field NMR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bryan, J.; Moon, D.; Kantzas, A.


    In heavy oil and bitumen reservoirs, oil viscosity is a vital piece of information that will have great bearing on the chosen EOR scheme and the recovery expected. Prediction of in situ viscosity with a logging tool would he very beneficial in reservoir characterization and exploitation design. Low field NMR is a technology that has shown great potential as a tool for characterizing hydrocarbon properties in heavy oil and bitumen reservoirs. An oil viscosity correlation has previously been developed that is capable of providing order of magnitude viscosity estimates for a wide range of oils taken from various fields in Alberta. This paper presents tuning procedures to improve the NMR predictions for different viscosity ranges, and extends the NMR viscosity model to in situ heavy oil in unconsolidated sands. The results of this work show that the NMR oil peak can be de-convoluted from the in situ signals of the oil and water, and the bulk viscosity correlation that was developed for bulk oils can he applied to predict the in situ oil viscosity. These results can be translated to an NMR logging tool algorithm, allowing for in situ measurements of oil viscosity at the proper reservoir conditions. (author)

  12. In-situ burning: NIST studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Evans, D.D.


    In-situ burning of spilled oil has distinct advantages over other countermeasures. It offers the potential to convert rapidly large quantities of oil into its primary combustion products, carbon dioxide and water, with a small percentage of other unburned and residue byproducts. Because the oil is converted to gaseous products of combustion by burning, the need for physical collection, storage, and transport of recovered fluids is reduced to the few percent of the original spill volume that remains as residue after burning. Burning oil spills produces a visible smoke plume containing smoke particulate and other products of combustion which may persist for many kilometers from the burn. This fact gives rise to public health concerns, related to the chemical content of the smoke plume and the downwind deposition of particulate, which need to be answered. In 1985, a joint Minerals Management Service (MMS) and Environment Canada (EC) in-situ burning research program was begun at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This research program was designed to study the burning of large crude oil spills on water and how this burning would affect air quality by quantifying the products of combustion and developing methods to predict the downwind smoke particulate deposition. To understand the important features of in-situ burning, it is necessary to perform both laboratory and mesoscale experiments. Finally, actual burns of spilled oil at sea will be necessary to evaluate the method at the anticipated scale of actual response operations. In this research program there is a continuing interaction between findings from measurements on small fire experiments performed in the controlled laboratory environments of NIST and the Fire Research Institute (FRI) in Japan, and large fire experiments at facilities like the USCG Fire Safety and Test Detachment in Mobile, Alabama where outdoor liquid fuel burns in large pans are possible

  13. Lithology-dependent In Situ Stress in Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs (United States)

    Pham, C. N.; Chang, C.


    Characterization of in situ stress state for various geomechanical aspects in petroleum development may be particularly difficult in carbonate reservoirs in which rock properties are generally heterogeneous. We demonstrate that the variation of in situ stress in highly heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs is closely related to the heterogeneity in rock mechanical property. The carbonate reservoir studied consists of numerous sequential layers gently folded, exhibiting wide ranges of porosity (0.01 - 0.29) and Young's modulus (25 - 85 GPa) depending on lithology. Wellbore breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures (DITFs) observed in the image logs obtained from several wells indicate that the in situ state of stress orientation changes dramatically with depth and location. Even in a wellbore, the azimuth of the maximum horizontal stress changes by as much as 60° within a depth interval of 500 m. This dramatic change in stress orientation is inferred to be due to the contrast in elastic properties between different rock layers which are bent by folding in the reservoir. The horizontal principal stress magnitudes are constrained by back-calculating stress conditions necessary to induce the observed wellbore failures using breakout width and the presence of DITFs. The horizontal stresses vary widely, which cannot be represented by a constant stress gradient with depth. The horizontal principal stress gradient increases with Young's modulus of layer monotonically, indicating that a stiffer layer conveys a higher horizontal stress. This phenomenon can be simulated using a numerical modelling, in which the horizontal stress magnitudes depend on stiffness of individual layers although the applied far-field stress conditions are constant. The numerical results also suggest that the stress concentration at the wellbore wall is essentially higher in a stiffer layer, promoting the possibility of wellbore breakout formation. These results are in agreement with our

  14. In situ Raman spectroscopy studies of bulk and surface metal

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weckhuysen, B.M.; Wachs, I.E.; Jehng, J.M.; Deo, G.; Guliants, V.V.; Benziger, J.B.


    Bulk V-P-O and model supported vanadia catalysts were investigated with in situ Raman spectroscopy during n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride in order to determine the fundamental molecular structure-reactivity/selectivity insights that can be obtained from such experiments. The in situ Raman

  15. Human activity and rest in situ. (United States)

    Roenneberg, Till; Keller, Lena K; Fischer, Dorothee; Matera, Joana L; Vetter, Céline; Winnebeck, Eva C


    Our lives are structured by the daily alternation of activity and rest, of wake and sleep. Despite significant advances in circadian and sleep research, we still lack answers to many of the most fundamental questions about this conspicuous behavioral pattern. We strongly believe that investigating this pattern in entrained conditions, real-life and daily contexts-in situ-will help the field to elucidate some of these central questions. Here, we present two common approaches for in situ investigation of human activity and rest: the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) and actimetry. In the first half of this chapter, we provide detailed instructions on how to use and interpret the MCTQ. In addition, we give an overview of the main insights gained with this instrument over the past 10 years, including some new findings on the interaction of light and age on sleep timing. In the second half of this chapter, we introduce the reader to the method of actimetry and share our experience in basic analysis techniques, including visualization, smoothing, and cosine model fitting of in situ recorded data. Additionally, we describe our new approach to automatically detect sleep from activity recordings. Our vision is that the broad use of such easy techniques in real-life settings combined with automated analyses will lead to the creation of large databases. The resulting power of big numbers will promote our understanding of such fundamental biological phenomena as sleep. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. In situ TEM electromechanical testing of nanowires and nanotubes. (United States)

    Espinosa, Horacio D; Bernal, Rodrigo A; Filleter, Tobin


    The emergence of one-dimensional nanostructures as fundamental constituents of advanced materials and next-generation electronic and electromechanical devices has increased the need for their atomic-scale characterization. Given its spatial and temporal resolution, coupled with analytical capabilities, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been the technique of choice in performing atomic structure and defect characterization. A number of approaches have been recently developed to combine these capabilities with in-situ mechanical deformation and electrical characterization in the emerging field of in-situ TEM electromechanical testing. This has enabled researchers to establish unambiguous synthesis-structure-property relations for one-dimensional nanostructures. In this article, the development and latest advances of several in-situ TEM techniques to carry out mechanical and electromechanical testing of nanowires and nanotubes are reviewed. Through discussion of specific examples, it is shown how the merging of several microsystems and TEM has led to significant insights into the behavior of nanowires and nanotubes, underscoring the significant role in-situ techniques play in the development of novel nanoscale systems and materials. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. In situ vitrification laboratory-scale test work plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagata, P.K.; Smith, N.L.


    The Buried Waste Program was established in October 1987 to accelerate the studies needed to develop a long-term management plan for the buried mixed waste at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex at Idaho Engineering Laboratory. The In Situ Vitrification Project is being conducted in a Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act feasibility study format to identify methods for the long-term management of mixed buried waste. To support the overall feasibility study, the situ vitrification treatability investigations are proceeding along the three parallel paths: laboratory-scale tests, intermediate field tests, and field tests. Laboratory-scale tests are being performed to provide data to mathematical modeling efforts, which, in turn, will support design of the field tests and to the health and safety risk assessment. This laboratory-scale test work plan provides overall testing program direction to meet the current goals and objectives of the in situ vitrification treatability investigation. 12 refs., 1 fig., 7 tabs

  18. Diagnosis of In Situ Metabolic State and Rates of Microbial Metabolism During In Situ Uranium Bioremediation with Molecular Techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lovley, Derek R. [University of Massachusetts, Amherst


    The goal of these projects was to develop molecule tools to tract the metabolic activity and physiological status of microorganisms during in situ uranium bioremediation. Such information is important in able to design improved bioremediation strategies. As summarized below, the research was highly successful with new strategies developed for estimating in situ rates of metabolism and diagnosing the physiological status of the predominant subsurface microorganisms. This is a first not only for groundwater bioremediation studies, but also for subsurface microbiology in general. The tools and approaches developed in these studies should be applicable to the study of microbial communities in a diversity of soils and sediments.

  19. Angstrom analysis with dynamic in-situ aberration corrected electron microscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gai, P L; Boyes, E D


    Following the pioneering development of atomic resolution in-situ environmental TEM (ETEM) for direct probing of gas-solid reactions, recent developments are presented of dynamic real time in-situ studies at the Angstrom level in an aberration corrected electron microscope. The in-situ data from Pt-Pd nanoparticles on carbon with the corresponding FFT/optical diffractogram (OD) illustrate an achieved resolution of 0 C and higher, in a double aberration corrected JEOL 2200 FS TEM/STEM employing a wider gap objective pole piece and gas tolerant TMP column pumping system. Direct observations of dynamic biofuel catalysts under controlled calcinations conditions and quantified with catalytic reactivity and physico-chemical studies show the benefits in-situ aberration correction in unveiling the evolution of surface active sites necessary for the development efficient heterogeneous catalysts. The new results open up opportunities for dynamic studies of materials in an aberration corrected environment and direct future development activities.

  20. Ultrasonication aided in-situ transesterification of microbial lipids to biodiesel. (United States)

    Zhang, Xiaolei; Yan, Song; Tyagi, Rajeshwar Dayal; Surampalli, Rao Y; Valéro, Jose R


    In-situ transesterification of microbial lipid to biodiesel has been paid substantial attention due to the fact that the lipid extraction and transesterification can be conducted in one-stage process. To improve the feasibility of in-situ transesterification, ultrasonication was employed to reduce methanol requirement and reaction time. The results showed that the use of ultrasonication could achieve high conversion of lipid to FAMEs (92.1% w lipid conversion/w total lipids) with methanol to lipid molar ratio 60:1 and NaOH addition 1% w/w lipid in 20 min, while methanol to lipid molar ratio 360:1, NaOH addition 1% w/w lipid, and reaction time 12h was required to obtain similar yield in in-situ transesterification without ultrasonication. The compositions of FAMEs obtained in case of ultrasonication aided in-situ transesterification were similar as that of two-stage extraction followed by transesterification processes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. Comparison between in situ dry matter degradation and in vitro gas ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dry matter (DM) degradation of Glycrrhiza glabra L, Arbutus andrachne, Juniperus communis, and Pistica lentiscus was determined using two different techniques: (i) the in vitro gas production and (ii) the in situ nylon bag degradability technique. Samples were incubated in situ and in vitro for 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h.

  2. Matrix diffusion model. In situ tests using natural analogues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rasilainen, K.


    Matrix diffusion is an important retarding and dispersing mechanism for substances carried by groundwater in fractured bedrock. Natural analogues provide, unlike laboratory or field experiments, a possibility to test the model of matrix diffusion in situ over long periods of time. This thesis documents quantitative model tests against in situ observations, done to support modelling of matrix diffusion in performance assessments of nuclear waste repositories

  3. EM-54 Technology Development In Situ Remediation Integrated Program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Energy (DOE) established the Office of Technology Development (EM-50) as an element of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) in November 1989. EM manages remediation of all DOE sites as well as wastes from current operations. The goal of the EM program is to minimize risks to human health, safety and the environment, and to bring all DOE sites into compliance with Federal, state, and local regulations by 2019. EM-50 is charged with developing new technologies that are safer, more effective and less expensive than current methods. The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (the subject of this report) is part of EM-541, the Environmental Restoration Research and Development Division of EM-54. The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISR IP) was instituted out of recognition that in situ remediation could fulfill three important criteria: Significant cost reduction of cleanup by eliminating or minimizing excavation, transportation, and disposal of wastes; reduced health impacts on workers and the public by minimizing exposure to wastes during excavation and processing; and remediation of inaccessible sites, including: deep subsurfaces; in, under, and around buildings. Buried waste, contaminated soils and groundwater, and containerized wastes are all candidates for in situ remediation. Contaminants include radioactive wastes, volatile and non-volatile organics, heavy metals, nitrates, and explosive materials. The ISR IP tends to facilitate development of in situ remediation technologies for hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastes in soils, groundwater, and storage tanks. Near-term focus is on containment of the wastes, with treatment receiving greater effort in future years

  4. In situ microradioscopy and microtomography of fatigue-loaded dental two-piece implants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wiest, Wolfram; Zabler, Simon, E-mail: [University of Würzburg (Germany); Rack, Alexander [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France); Fella, Christian; Balles, Andreas [University of Würzburg (Germany); Nelson, Katja; Schmelzeisen, Rainer [Medical Centre – University of Freiburg (Germany); Hanke, Randolf [University of Würzburg (Germany); Fraunhofer EZRT, Fürth (Germany)


    Results of a novel in situ microradiography and microtomography setup for the study of fatigue processes are presented. This setup is optimized for the requirements of dental implants and use at synchrotron imaging beamlines. Synchrotron real-time radioscopy and in situ microtomography are the only techniques providing direct visible information on a micrometre scale of local deformation in the implant–abutment connection (IAC) during and after cyclic loading. The microgap formation at the IAC has been subject to a number of studies as it has been proposed to be associated with long-term implant success. The next step in this scientific development is to focus on the in situ fatigue procedure of two-component dental implants. Therefore, an apparatus has been developed which is optimized for the in situ fatigue analysis of dental implants. This report demonstrates both the capability of in situ radioscopy and microtomography at the ID19 beamline for the study of cyclic deformation in dental implants. The first results show that it is possible to visualize fatigue loading of dental implants in real-time radioscopy in addition to the in situ fatigue tomography. For the latter, in situ microtomography is applied during the cyclic loading cycles in order to visualize the opening of the IAC microgap. These results concur with previous ex situ studies on similar systems. The setup allows for easily increasing the bending force, to simulate different chewing situations, and is, therefore, a versatile tool for examining the fatigue processes of dental implants and possibly other specimens.

  5. In situ microradioscopy and microtomography of fatigue-loaded dental two-piece implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wiest, Wolfram; Zabler, Simon; Rack, Alexander; Fella, Christian; Balles, Andreas; Nelson, Katja; Schmelzeisen, Rainer; Hanke, Randolf


    Results of a novel in situ microradiography and microtomography setup for the study of fatigue processes are presented. This setup is optimized for the requirements of dental implants and use at synchrotron imaging beamlines. Synchrotron real-time radioscopy and in situ microtomography are the only techniques providing direct visible information on a micrometre scale of local deformation in the implant–abutment connection (IAC) during and after cyclic loading. The microgap formation at the IAC has been subject to a number of studies as it has been proposed to be associated with long-term implant success. The next step in this scientific development is to focus on the in situ fatigue procedure of two-component dental implants. Therefore, an apparatus has been developed which is optimized for the in situ fatigue analysis of dental implants. This report demonstrates both the capability of in situ radioscopy and microtomography at the ID19 beamline for the study of cyclic deformation in dental implants. The first results show that it is possible to visualize fatigue loading of dental implants in real-time radioscopy in addition to the in situ fatigue tomography. For the latter, in situ microtomography is applied during the cyclic loading cycles in order to visualize the opening of the IAC microgap. These results concur with previous ex situ studies on similar systems. The setup allows for easily increasing the bending force, to simulate different chewing situations, and is, therefore, a versatile tool for examining the fatigue processes of dental implants and possibly other specimens

  6. Primary cilium depletion typifies cutaneous melanoma in situ and malignant melanoma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jinah Kim

    Full Text Available Cutaneous melanoma is a lethal malignancy that arises spontaneously or via in situ precursor neoplasms. While melanoma in situ and locally invasive malignant melanoma can be cured surgically, these lesions can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from melanocytic nevi. Thus, the identification of histolopathologic or molecular features that distinguish these biologically distinct lesions would represent an important advance. To this end, we determined the abundance of melanocytic primary cilia in a series of 62 cases composed of typical cutaneous melanocytic nevi, melanoma in situ, invasive melanoma, and metastatic melanoma. Primary cilia are sensory organelles that modulate developmental and adaptive signaling and notably, are substantially depleted from the neoplastic epithelium of pancreatic carcinoma at a stage equivalent to melanoma in situ. In this series, we find that while nearly all melanocytes in 22 melanocytic nevi possessed a primary cilium, a near-complete loss of this organelle was observed in 16 cases of melanoma in situ, in 16 unequivocal primary invasive melanomas, and in 8 metastatic tumors, each associated with a cutaneous primary lesion. These findings suggest that the primary cilium may be used to segregate cutaneous invasive melanoma and melanoma in situ from melanocytic nevi. Moreover, they place the loss of an organelle known to regulate oncogenic signaling at an early stage of melanoma development.

  7. Assessment of in situ biodegradation of monochlorobenzene in contaminated groundwater treated in a constructed wetland

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braeckevelt, Mareike; Rokadia, Hemal; Imfeld, Gwenael; Stelzer, Nicole; Paschke, Heidrun; Kuschk, Peter; Kaestner, Matthias; Richnow, Hans-H.; Weber, Stefanie


    The degradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) was assessed in a constructed wetland treating MCB contaminated groundwater using a detailed geochemical characterisation, stable isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments. A correlation between ferrous iron mobilisation, decreasing MCB concentration and enrichment in carbon isotope composition was visible at increasing distance from the inflow point, indicating biodegradation of MCB in the wetland. Additionally, in situ microcosm systems loaded with 13 C-labelled MCB were deployed for the first time in sediments to investigate the biotransformation of MCB. Incorporation of 13 C-labelled carbon derived from the MCB into bacterial fatty acids substantiated in situ degradation of MCB. The detection of 13 C-labelled benzene indicated reductive dehalogenation of MCB. This integrated approach indicated the natural attenuation of the MCB in a wetland system. Further investigations are required to document and optimise the in situ biodegradation of MCB in constructed and natural wetland systems treating contaminated groundwater. - An integrated approach including isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments provided evidences for in situ biodegradation of MCB in a wetland system

  8. Assessment of in situ biodegradation of monochlorobenzene in contaminated groundwater treated in a constructed wetland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braeckevelt, Mareike [Departments of Bioremediation, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Rokadia, Hemal [Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Imfeld, Gwenael [Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany)]. E-mail:; Stelzer, Nicole [Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Paschke, Heidrun [Department of Analytical Chemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Kuschk, Peter [Departments of Bioremediation, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Kaestner, Matthias [Departments of Bioremediation, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Richnow, Hans-H. [Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany); Weber, Stefanie [Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Permoserstrasse 15, Leipzig D-04318, Saxonia (Germany)


    The degradation of monochlorobenzene (MCB) was assessed in a constructed wetland treating MCB contaminated groundwater using a detailed geochemical characterisation, stable isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments. A correlation between ferrous iron mobilisation, decreasing MCB concentration and enrichment in carbon isotope composition was visible at increasing distance from the inflow point, indicating biodegradation of MCB in the wetland. Additionally, in situ microcosm systems loaded with {sup 13}C-labelled MCB were deployed for the first time in sediments to investigate the biotransformation of MCB. Incorporation of {sup 13}C-labelled carbon derived from the MCB into bacterial fatty acids substantiated in situ degradation of MCB. The detection of {sup 13}C-labelled benzene indicated reductive dehalogenation of MCB. This integrated approach indicated the natural attenuation of the MCB in a wetland system. Further investigations are required to document and optimise the in situ biodegradation of MCB in constructed and natural wetland systems treating contaminated groundwater. - An integrated approach including isotope composition analysis and in situ microcosm experiments provided evidences for in situ biodegradation of MCB in a wetland system.

  9. In situ hydrogen loading on zirconium powder

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maimaitiyili, Tuerdi, E-mail:; Blomqvist, Jakob [Malmö University, Östra Varvsgatan 11 A, Malmö, Skane 20506 (Sweden); Steuwer, Axel [Lund University, Ole Römers väg, Lund, Skane 22100 (Sweden); Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Gardham Avenue, Port Elizabeth 6031 (South Africa); Bjerkén, Christina [Malmö University, Östra Varvsgatan 11 A, Malmö, Skane 20506 (Sweden); Zanellato, Olivier [Ensam - Cnam - CNRS, 151 Boulevard de l’Hôpital, Paris 75013 (France); Blackmur, Matthew S. [Materials Performance Centre, School of Materials, The University of Manchester, Manchester M1 7HS (United Kingdom); Andrieux, Jérôme [European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 6 rue J Horowitz, Grenoble 38043 (France); Université de Lyon, 43 Bd du 11 novembre 1918, Lyon 69100 (France); Ribeiro, Fabienne [Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire, IRSN, BP 3, 13115 Saint-Paul Lez Durance (France)


    Commercial-grade Zr powder loaded with hydrogen in situ and phase transformations between various Zr and ZrH{sub x} phases have been monitored in real time. For the first time, various hydride phases in a zirconium–hydrogen system have been prepared in a high-energy synchrotron X-ray radiation beamline and their transformation behaviour has been studied in situ. First, the formation and dissolution of hydrides in commercially pure zirconium powder were monitored in real time during hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, then whole pattern crystal structure analysis such as Rietveld and Pawley refinements were performed. All commonly reported low-pressure phases presented in the Zr–H phase diagram are obtained from a single experimental arrangement.

  10. In situ hydrogen loading on zirconium powder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maimaitiyili, Tuerdi; Blomqvist, Jakob; Steuwer, Axel; Bjerkén, Christina; Zanellato, Olivier; Blackmur, Matthew S.; Andrieux, Jérôme; Ribeiro, Fabienne


    Commercial-grade Zr powder loaded with hydrogen in situ and phase transformations between various Zr and ZrH x phases have been monitored in real time. For the first time, various hydride phases in a zirconium–hydrogen system have been prepared in a high-energy synchrotron X-ray radiation beamline and their transformation behaviour has been studied in situ. First, the formation and dissolution of hydrides in commercially pure zirconium powder were monitored in real time during hydrogenation and dehydrogenation, then whole pattern crystal structure analysis such as Rietveld and Pawley refinements were performed. All commonly reported low-pressure phases presented in the Zr–H phase diagram are obtained from a single experimental arrangement

  11. Experimental Investigation and High Resolution Simulation of In-Situ Combustion Processes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Margot Gerritsen; Tony Kovscek


    This final technical report describes work performed for the project 'Experimental Investigation and High Resolution Numerical Simulator of In-Situ Combustion Processes', DE-FC26-03NT15405. In summary, this work improved our understanding of in-situ combustion (ISC) process physics and oil recovery. This understanding was translated into improved conceptual models and a suite of software algorithms that extended predictive capabilities. We pursued experimental, theoretical, and numerical tasks during the performance period. The specific project objectives were (i) identification, experimentally, of chemical additives/injectants that improve combustion performance and delineation of the physics of improved performance, (ii) establishment of a benchmark one-dimensional, experimental data set for verification of in-situ combustion dynamics computed by simulators, (iii) develop improved numerical methods that can be used to describe in-situ combustion more accurately, and (iv) to lay the underpinnings of a highly efficient, 3D, in-situ combustion simulator using adaptive mesh refinement techniques and parallelization. We believe that project goals were met and exceeded as discussed.

  12. In situ bioremediation of Hanford groundwater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skeen, R.S.; Roberson, K.R.; Workman, D.J.; Petersen, J.N.; Shouche, M.


    Liquid wastes containing radioactive, hazardous, and regulated chemicals have been generated throughout the 40+ years of operations at the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Hanford Site. Some of these wastes were discharged to the soil column and many of the waste components, including nitrate, carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ), and several radionuclides, have been detected in the Hanford groundwater. Current DOE policy prohibits the disposal of contaminated liquids directly to the environment, and remediation of existing contaminated groundwaters may be required. In situ bioremediation is one technology currently being developed at Hanford to meet the need for cost effective technologies to clean groundwater contaminated with CCl 4 , nitrate, and other organic and inorganic contaminants. This paper focuses on the latest results of an on going effort to develop effective in situ remediation strategies through the use of predictive simulations

  13. Fracture of metal foams : In-situ testing and numerical modeling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Onck, P.R.; van Merkerk, R.; de Hosson, J.T.M.; Schmidt, I

    This paper is on a combined experimental/modeling study on the tensile fracture of open-cell foams. In-situ tensile tests show that individual struts can fail in a brittle or ductile mode, presumably depending on the presence of casting defects. In-situ single strut tests were performed, enabling

  14. In situ microradioscopy and microtomography of fatigue-loaded dental two-piece implants. (United States)

    Wiest, Wolfram; Zabler, Simon; Rack, Alexander; Fella, Christian; Balles, Andreas; Nelson, Katja; Schmelzeisen, Rainer; Hanke, Randolf


    Synchrotron real-time radioscopy and in situ microtomography are the only techniques providing direct visible information on a micrometre scale of local deformation in the implant-abutment connection (IAC) during and after cyclic loading. The microgap formation at the IAC has been subject to a number of studies as it has been proposed to be associated with long-term implant success. The next step in this scientific development is to focus on the in situ fatigue procedure of two-component dental implants. Therefore, an apparatus has been developed which is optimized for the in situ fatigue analysis of dental implants. This report demonstrates both the capability of in situ radioscopy and microtomography at the ID19 beamline for the study of cyclic deformation in dental implants. The first results show that it is possible to visualize fatigue loading of dental implants in real-time radioscopy in addition to the in situ fatigue tomography. For the latter, in situ microtomography is applied during the cyclic loading cycles in order to visualize the opening of the IAC microgap. These results concur with previous ex situ studies on similar systems. The setup allows for easily increasing the bending force, to simulate different chewing situations, and is, therefore, a versatile tool for examining the fatigue processes of dental implants and possibly other specimens.

  15. The grand challenge of developing in situ observational oceanography in South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Roberts, M


    Full Text Available , underwater temperature recorders (UTRs), wave buoys, as well as locally developed in situ measurement sensor and platform prototypes (dial-out UTRs, coastal and deep ocean buoys) have been incorporated into a regional in-situ observational network. A modular...

  16. Simulación digital como herramienta para la gestión del conocimiento en la construcción de edificaciones en concreto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Gómez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Quienes ejecutan construcciones enfrentan situaciones que generan pérdidas y atrasos. Por esto, es un reto permanente aumentar la productividad y la optimización de recursos; situación que ha sido confrontado de muchas maneras, entre otras, con la utilización de herramientas computacionales. En este trabajo se presenta la elaboración de modelos de simulación digital a partir de información real proveniente de un módulo programable y autónomo para captura de fotografías digitales de los procesos involucrados en la construcción de losas en concreto postensado. Se caracterizaron los procesos constructivos, teniendo en cuenta el flujo de actividades, la disposición de los recursos y duraciones. Con la información recolectada se elaboró un modelo de simulación digital, que permitió analizar la productividad de la mano de obra y factores generadores de pérdidas en el proceso constructivo. Se elaboraron otros modelos de simulación digital evaluando alternativas teóricas y cambios en el método real de construcción; comparando los resultados obtenidos entre alternativas y el modelo original.

  17. Parallel In Situ Indexing for Data-intensive Computing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Jinoh; Abbasi, Hasan; Chacon, Luis; Docan, Ciprian; Klasky, Scott; Liu, Qing; Podhorszki, Norbert; Shoshani, Arie; Wu, Kesheng


    As computing power increases exponentially, vast amount of data is created by many scientific re- search activities. However, the bandwidth for storing the data to disks and reading the data from disks has been improving at a much slower pace. These two trends produce an ever-widening data access gap. Our work brings together two distinct technologies to address this data access issue: indexing and in situ processing. From decades of database research literature, we know that indexing is an effective way to address the data access issue, particularly for accessing relatively small fraction of data records. As data sets increase in sizes, more and more analysts need to use selective data access, which makes indexing an even more important for improving data access. The challenge is that most implementations of in- dexing technology are embedded in large database management systems (DBMS), but most scientific datasets are not managed by any DBMS. In this work, we choose to include indexes with the scientific data instead of requiring the data to be loaded into a DBMS. We use compressed bitmap indexes from the FastBit software which are known to be highly effective for query-intensive workloads common to scientific data analysis. To use the indexes, we need to build them first. The index building procedure needs to access the whole data set and may also require a significant amount of compute time. In this work, we adapt the in situ processing technology to generate the indexes, thus removing the need of read- ing data from disks and to build indexes in parallel. The in situ data processing system used is ADIOS, a middleware for high-performance I/O. Our experimental results show that the indexes can improve the data access time up to 200 times depending on the fraction of data selected, and using in situ data processing system can effectively reduce the time needed to create the indexes, up to 10 times with our in situ technique when using identical parallel settings.

  18. RNA detection in situ with FISH-STICs. (United States)

    Sinnamon, John R; Czaplinski, Kevin


    The ability to detect RNA molecules in situ has long had important applications for molecular biological studies. Enzyme or dye-labeled antisense in vitro runoff transcripts and synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) both have a proven track record of success, but each of these also has scientific and practical drawbacks and limitations to its use. We devised a means to use commercially synthesized oligonucleotides as RNA-FISH probes without further modification and show that such probes work well for detection of RNA in cultured cells. This approach can bind a high concentration of fluorescent ODN to a short stretch of an RNA using commercial DNA synthesis outlets available to any laboratory. We call this approach for creating in situ hybridization probes Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization with Sequential Tethered and Intertwined ODN Complexes (FISH-STICs). We demonstrate that one FISH-STIC probe can detect mRNA molecules in culture, and that probe detection can be improved by the addition of multiple probes that can be easily adapted for robust mRNA quantification. Using FISH-STICs, we demonstrate a nonoverlapping distribution for β-actin and γ-actin mRNA in cultured fibroblasts, and the detection of neuron-specific transcripts within cultured primary hippocampal neurons.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willians Cassiano Longen


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A área da construção civil está em grande destaque na economia atual do país, apesar dos grandes capitais envolvidos neste setor ele ainda se destaca pelo grande número de acidentes de trabalho, ambientes insalubres e lesões musculoesqueléticas envolvendo seus trabalhadores. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar ergonomicamente o serviço de distribuição e amarração da armadura da laje de concreto armado. Realizou-se a organização e a compilação dos dados através de estatística descritiva a partir dos dados de um questionário e observações diretas e instrumentais com registros fotográficos e filmagens aplicados junto aos 15 trabalhadores do setor de armação de lajes de 6 obras localizadas na cidade de Torres/RS. Os dados obtidos na presente pesquisa servem de subsídio para compreender melhor as queixas dos trabalhadores e métodos para poder atenuá-las. Foram apresentadas medidas preventivas para aliviar as dores musculoesqueléticas dos colaboradores. Verificou-se que apesar do trabalho realizado pelo armador oferecer riscos biomecânicos mostrou-se que com a colaboração das empresas envolvidas e com medidas de Segurança do Trabalho é possível adotar ações para reduzir estes riscos ao trabalhador. Este trabalho carrega contribuições práticas para a atenuação do risco ergonômico inerente a atividade de amarração de armadura de laje de concreto armado. ABSTRACT: The construction area is largely featured in the current economy of the country, despite the large capital cities involved in this sector he still stands out for the large number of work accidents, unhealthy environments and musculoskeletal injuries involving its workers. This study aims to analyze ergonomically and mooring distribution service of the armature of the reinforced concrete slab. The Organization and compilation of data through descriptive statistics from the data of a questionnaire and direct observations and instruments

  20. Remediation of SRS Basins by In Situ Stabilization/Solidification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ganguly, A.


    In the late summer of 1998, the Savannah River Site began remediation of two radiologically contaminated basins using in situ stabilization. These two high-risk, unlined basins contain radiological contaminants, which potentially pose significant risks to human health and the environment. The selected remedy involves in situ stabilization/solidification of the contaminated wastes (basin and pipeline soils, pipelines, vegetation, and other debris) followed by installation of a low permeability soil cover

  1. Immediate assessment of in situ gas content using underground manometric desorbometer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lunaezewski, L.W.; Mahoney, M.R. [Lunagas Pty. Ltd., Newcastle, NSW (Australia)


    An underground assessment of gas content (within 30 minutes) can be used as a complementary method for the immediate establishment of the magnitudes of in situ gas content at a distance of 5 to 6 metres ahead of a heading face. The indirect method of in situ gas content measurement, using a manometric desorbometer, can be used to establish the direct relationship between underground desorbometer readings and corresponding in situ gas content values for a selected coal seam. 3 refs., 3 figs.

  2. In situ gamma-ray spectrometric measurements of uranium in phosphates soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavi, N.; Ne'eman, E.; Brenner, S.; Haquin, G.; Nir-El, Y.


    Abstract Radioactivity concentration of 238 U in a phosphate ores quarry was measured in situ. Independently, soil samples collected in the site were measured in the laboratory. It was disclosed that radon emanation from the soil lowers in situ results that are derived from radon daughters. Uranium concentration was found to be 121.6±1.9 mg kg -1 (authors)

  3. In situ Raman mapping of art objects (United States)

    Brondeel, Ph.; Moens, L.; Vandenabeele, P.


    Raman spectroscopy has grown to be one of the techniques of interest for the investigation of art objects. The approach has several advantageous properties, and the non-destructive character of the technique allowed it to be used for in situ investigations. However, compared with laboratory approaches, it would be useful to take advantage of the small spectral footprint of the technique, and use Raman spectroscopy to study the spatial distribution of different compounds. In this work, an in situ Raman mapping system is developed to be able to relate chemical information with its spatial distribution. Challenges for the development are discussed, including the need for stable positioning and proper data treatment. To avoid focusing problems, nineteenth century porcelain cards are used to test the system. This work focuses mainly on the post-processing of the large dataset which consists of four steps: (i) importing the data into the software; (ii) visualization of the dataset; (iii) extraction of the variables; and (iv) creation of a Raman image. It is shown that despite the challenging task of the development of the full in situ Raman mapping system, the first steps are very promising. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Raman spectroscopy in art and archaeology’. PMID:27799424


    Lead contamination is of environmental concern due to its effect on human health. The purpose of this study was to develop a technology to immobilize Pb in situ in contaminated soils and wastes using apatite. Hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(O...

  5. 'In situ' expanded graphite extinguishant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Qixin; Shou Yuemei; He Bangrong


    This report is concerning the development of the extinguishant for sodium fire and the investigation of its extinguishing property. The experiment result shows that 'in situ' expanded graphite developed by the authors is a kind of extinguishant which extinguishes sodium fire quickly and effectively and has no environment pollution during use and the amount of usage is little

  6. Additive manufacturing for in situ repair of osteochondral defects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, Daniel L; Lipton, Jeffrey I; Bonassar, Lawrence J; Lipson, Hod


    Tissue engineering holds great promise for injury repair and replacement of defective body parts. While a number of techniques exist for creating living biological constructs in vitro, none have been demonstrated for in situ repair. Using novel geometric feedback-based approaches and through development of appropriate printing-material combinations, we demonstrate the in situ repair of both chondral and osteochondral defects that mimic naturally occurring pathologies. A calf femur was mounted in a custom jig and held within a robocasting-based additive manufacturing (AM) system. Two defects were induced: one a cartilage-only representation of a grade IV chondral lesion and the other a two-material bone and cartilage fracture of the femoral condyle. Alginate hydrogel was used for the repair of cartilage; a novel formulation of demineralized bone matrix was used for bone repair. Repair prints for both defects had mean surface errors less than 0.1 mm. For the chondral defect, 42.8 ± 2.6% of the surface points had errors that were within a clinically acceptable error range; however, with 1 mm path planning shift, an estimated ∼75% of surface points could likely fall within the benchmark envelope. For the osteochondral defect, 83.6 ± 2.7% of surface points had errors that were within clinically acceptable limits. In addition to implications for minimally invasive AM-based clinical treatments, these proof-of-concept prints are some of the only in situ demonstrations to-date, wherein the substrate geometry was unknown a priori. The work presented herein demonstrates in situ AM, suggests potential biomedical applications and also explores in situ-specific issues, including geometric feedback, material selection and novel path planning techniques.

  7. The influence of cement type and admixture on life span of reinforced concrete utility poles subjected to the high salinity environment of Northeastern Brazil, studied by corrosion potential testing A influência do tipo de cimento e adição na vida útil de postes de concreto armado submetidos ao ambiente de alta salinidade do Nordeste do Brasil, estudada pela técnica de potencial de corrosão

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Joukoski


    Full Text Available Reinforced concrete structures installed in coastal zones have constantly been threatened by environmental damaging elements. The chloride ion is known as one of the most aggressive of these elements, causing, among other damages, corrosion of the steel reinforcement and then degradation of the concrete matrix. The goal of this work was to determine the influence of cement type on the resistance and durability of reinforced concrete samples with 25 mm cover thickness, when submitted to aging in a 3.4% sodium chloride aqueous solution and in a high salinity marine environment. Reinforced concrete light poles were cast following the same batching procedures, and after the curing period, they were exposed to atmosphere in a corrosion station near Aracaju, Sergipe State, Northeastern Brazil's coast. Two concrete mixtures were made using CPII-F 32 (filler-modified Portland cement: a mix with no admixture and a mix with addition of 8% silica fume swapping fine aggregates. Another mixture was batched with CPV-ARI RS (high-early-strength Portland cement, with sulfur resistance. All the three mixtures were designed with cement content of about 350 kg/m³. The performance of the structures was evaluated from the results of physicochemical, mechanical and electrochemical testing, after over a year of natural aging. Corrosion potentials of the reinforced concrete samples and of the cast utility poles were measured in terms of the aging time at the natural environment and under chloride ion accelerated aging at laboratory. The half-cell potential measurements showed that the best results were obtained from the mixture containing CPII-F 32 cement and silica fume, followed by the concrete made with CPV-ARI RS cement. The mixture batched with CPII-F 32 cement without admixture presented the worst durability performance.Estruturas de concreto armado instaladas em zonas costeiras têm sido constantemente ameaçadas por elementos ambientais nocivos. O íon cloreto

  8. Testing of in situ and ex situ bioremediation approaches for an oil-contaminated peat bog following a pipeline break

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, J.J.; Lee, D.W.; Yeske, B.M.; Kuipers, F.


    The feasibility of treating a 1985 pipeline spill of light Pembina Cardium crude oil at a bog near Violet Grove, Alberta was discussed. Pembina Pipeline Corporation arranged for a treatability test to be conducted on oil-contaminated sphagnum peat moss from the site to determine effective in situ or ex situ remediation options for the site. The test was used to evaluate the biodegradation potential of contaminants. Four tests were designed to simulate field different field treatment approaches and to collect critical data on toxicity and leachability of the peat moss. The tests included a bioslurry test, a soil microcosm test, an aerated water saturated peat column test, and a standard toxicity characteristic leachate potential test. The first three tests gave similar results of at least 74 per cent biodegradation of the residual crude oil on the peat solids and no residual toxicity as measured by the Microtox Assay. It was determined that both in situ bioremediation using an aerated water injection system or an ex situ landfarming approach would achieve required criteria and no fertilizers would be necessary to maintain active bioremediation. The new gas-liquid reactor (GLR) aeration technology used in these tests creates a constant supply of hyperoxygenated water prior to column injection. The continuous release of tiny air bubbles maximizes air surface area and increases the gas transfer rates. 3 tabs., 3 figs

  9. Extreme Spectroscopy: In situ nuclear materials behavior from optical data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guimbretiere, G.; Canizares, A.; Raimboux, N.; Omnee, R.; Duval, F.; Ammar, M.R.; Simon, P. [CNRS - UPR3079 CEMHTI, Universite d' Orleans, 45071Orleans cedex 2 (France); Desgranges, L.; Mohun, R. [CEA, DEN, DEC, F-13108 Saint-Paul-Lez-Durance (France); Jegou, C.; Magnin, M. [CEA/DTCD/SECM/LMPA, Marcoule 30207 Bagnols Sur Ceze (France); Clavier, N.; Dacheux, N. [ICSM-UMR5257 CEA/CNRS/UM2/ENSCM, Marcoule, BP17171, 30207 Bagnols sur Ceze (France)


    In the nuclear industry, materials are regularly exposed to high temperature or/and irradiation and a better knowledge and understanding of their behavior under such extreme conditions is a key-point for improvements and further developments. Nowadays, Raman spectroscopy begins to be well known as a promising technique in the post mortem and remote characterization of nuclear materials exposed to extreme conditions. On this topic, at ANIMMA 2013 conference, we have presented some results about its implementation in the study of model or real nuclear fuel. However, the strength of Raman spectroscopy as in situ characterization tool is mainly its ability to be implemented remotely through optical fibers. Aware of this, implementation of other optical techniques can be considered in order to gain information not only on the structural dynamics of materials but also on the electronic charge carrier populations. In this paper, we propose to present our last advances in Raman characterization of nuclear materials and enlarge to the in situ use of complementary optical spectroscopies. Emphasis will be made on the information that can be gained to the behavior of the model fuel depleted UO{sub 2} under extreme conditions of high temperature and ionic irradiation: - In Situ Raman identification of the radiolysis alteration products of UO{sub 2} in contact with water under ionic irradiation. - In Situ Raman recording of the damaged dynamic of UO{sub 2} under inert atmosphere. - In Situ Raman and photo-luminescence study of virgin and damaged UO2 at high temperature. - In Situ study of electronic charge carriers' behavior in U{sub x}Th{sub 1-x}O{sub 2} solid solutions by mean of Iono- and Thermo- luminescence under and post- ionic irradiation. (authors)

  10. Model and calculation of in situ stresses in anisotropic formations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yuezhi, W.; Zijun, L.; Lixin, H. [Jianghan Petroleum Institute, (China)


    In situ stresses in transversely isotropic material in relation to wellbore stability have been investigated. Equations for three horizontal in- situ stresses and a new formation fracture pressure model were described, and the methodology for determining the elastic parameters of anisotropic rocks in the laboratory was outlined. Results indicate significantly smaller differences between theoretically calculated pressures and actual formation pressures than results obtained by using the isotropic method. Implications for improvements in drilling efficiency were reviewed. 13 refs., 6 figs.

  11. Immunohistochemical differentiation of atypical hyperplasia vs. carcinoma in situ of the breast. (United States)

    Masood, S; Sim, S J; Lu, L


    The distinction between atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma in situ in breast lesions can be difficult. The identification of myoepithelial cell layers may be helpful in establishing a diagnosis of proliferative breast disease vs. intraepithelial neoplasia. We reviewed pathologic material on 20 cases of atypical hyperplasia and 29 cases of carcinoma in situ. Immunohistochemical stains were employed against muscle-specific actin, S-100 protein, and cytokeratin to identify myoepithelial cells and to recognize different staining patterns. In atypical hyperplasia, muscle-specific actin staining identified myoepithelial cells in fine branching fibrovascular layers or as scattered cells between other proliferating cells. This pattern was absent in carcinoma in situ. S-100 protein showed more positive staining in atypical hyperplasia than in carcinoma in situ with patterns distinct from muscle-specific actin. Immunostaining for cytokeratin demonstrated distinctly different patterns between the two lesions. This study suggests that muscle-specific actin, S-100 protein, and cytokeratin in combination may assist in distinguishing proliferative breast disease with atypia from carcinoma in situ.

  12. In situ spectrophotometric measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater (United States)

    Liua, Xuewu; Byrne, Robert H.; Adornato, Lori; Yates, Kimberly K.; Kaltenbacher, Eric; Ding, Xiaoling; Yang, Bo


    Autonomous in situ sensors are needed to document the effects of today’s rapid ocean uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (e.g., ocean acidification). General environmental conditions (e.g., biofouling, turbidity) and carbon-specific conditions (e.g., wide diel variations) present significant challenges to acquiring long-term measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) with satisfactory accuracy and resolution. SEAS-DIC is a new in situ instrument designed to provide calibrated, high-frequency, long-term measurements of DIC in marine and fresh waters. Sample water is first acidified to convert all DIC to carbon dioxide (CO2). The sample and a known reagent solution are then equilibrated across a gas-permeable membrane. Spectrophotometric measurement of reagent pH can thereby determine the sample DIC over a wide dynamic range, with inherent calibration provided by the pH indicator’s molecular characteristics. Field trials indicate that SEAS-DIC performs well in biofouling and turbid waters, with a DIC accuracy and precision of ∼2 μmol kg–1 and a measurement rate of approximately once per minute. The acidic reagent protects the sensor cell from biofouling, and the gas-permeable membrane excludes particulates from the optical path. This instrument, the first spectrophotometric system capable of automated in situ DIC measurements, positions DIC to become a key parameter for in situ CO2-system characterizations.

  13. Paloma: In-Situ Measurement of the Isotopic Composition of Mars Atmosphere (United States)

    Jambon, A.; Quemerais, E.; Chassiefiere, E.; Berthelier, J. J.; Agrinier, P.; Cartigny, P.; Javoy, M.; Moreira, M.; Sabroux, J. -C.; Sarda, P.; Pineau, J. -F.


    Scientific objectives for an atmospheric analysis of Mars are presented in the DREAM project. Among the information presently available most are fragmentary or limited in their precision for both major element (H, C, O, N) and noble gas isotopes. These data are necessary for the understanding and modelling of Mars atmospheric formation and evolution, and consequently for other planets, particularly the Earth. To fulfill the above requirements, two approaches can be envisonned: 1) analysis of a returned sample (DREAM project) or 2) in situ analysis, e.g. PALOMA project presented here. Among the advantages of in situ analysis, we notice: the minimal terrestrial contamination, the unlimited availability of gas to be analyzed and the possibility of multiple analyses (replicates, daynight... ). Difficulties specific to in situ analyses are of a very different kind to those of returned samples. In situ analysis could also be viewed as a preparation to future analysis of returned samples. Finally, some of the measurements will not be possible on Earth: for instance, radon and its short lived decay products, will provide complementary information to 4-He analysis and can only be obtained in situ, independently of analytical capabilities.

  14. In situ breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pacheco, Luis


    In situ breast cancer, particularly the ductal type, is increasing in frequency in the developed countries as well as in Ecuador, most probably. These lesions carry a higher risk of developing a subsequent invasive cancer. Treatment has changed recently due to results of randomized studies, from classical mastectomy to conservative surgery associated to radiotherapy. The Van Nuys Prognostic Index is currently the most usual instrument to guide diagnosis and treatment. Tamoxifen seems to decrease significantly the risk of tumor recurrence after initial treatment. (The author)

  15. Optimized autonomous space in-situ sensor web for volcano monitoring (United States)

    Song, W.-Z.; Shirazi, B.; Huang, R.; Xu, M.; Peterson, N.; LaHusen, R.; Pallister, J.; Dzurisin, D.; Moran, S.; Lisowski, M.; Kedar, S.; Chien, S.; Webb, F.; Kiely, A.; Doubleday, J.; Davies, A.; Pieri, D.


    In response to NASA's announced requirement for Earth hazard monitoring sensor-web technology, a multidisciplinary team involving sensor-network experts (Washington State University), space scientists (JPL), and Earth scientists (USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory (CVO)), have developed a prototype of dynamic and scalable hazard monitoring sensor-web and applied it to volcano monitoring. The combined Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensor-web (OASIS) has two-way communication capability between ground and space assets, uses both space and ground data for optimal allocation of limited bandwidth resources on the ground, and uses smart management of competing demands for limited space assets. It also enables scalability and seamless infusion of future space and in-situ assets into the sensor-web. The space and in-situ control components of the system are integrated such that each element is capable of autonomously tasking the other. The ground in-situ was deployed into the craters and around the flanks of Mount St. Helens in July 2009, and linked to the command and control of the Earth Observing One (EO-1) satellite. ?? 2010 IEEE.

  16. Engineering feasibility analysis for in-situ stabilization of Canonsburg residues. [UMTRA project

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The US Department of Energy is considering several methods for carrying out remedial actions in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, at the site of an inactive uranium-processing mill. The main objective of this study is to determine the feasibility of in-situ stabilization as the remedial action. In-situ stabilization is an alternative to site decontamination and offsite disposal. The problems associated with offsite hauling of large quantities of contaminated material and with the location and development of a new disposal site could be avoided by the implementation of an in-situ stabilization concept. In addition, the in-situ approach would be more cost-effective than offsite disposal. This study will establish that a technically feasible and implementable in-situ stabilization concept can be developed that meets regulatory requirements and is cost effective. This study in no way commits the DOE to implement any specific actions described herein. 11 refs., 30 figs., 24 tabs.

  17. In Situ Synchrotron XRD on a Capillary Li-O2 Battery Cell

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Mie Møller; Johnsen, Rune; Norby, Poul


    of a electrolyte filled capillary with anode and cathode in each end suspended on stainless steel wires, the oxygen in-let is placed on the cathode side of the capillary with a flushing system for oxygen in-let. In this study we present a flexible design of a capillary based Li-O2 battery with discharge and charge...... a stainless steel wire where the cathode is attached. The in situ XRD measurements show how the Li2O2 growth depend on current discharge rate and how the FWHM changes dependent on reflection and charge/discharge.Several cells were tested both ex situ and in situ, and in situ XRD for 1st discharge/charge and 2...

  18. Development of portable HPGe spectrometer for in situ measurements

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kail Artjoms


    Full Text Available In situ applications require a very high level of portability of high-resolution spectrometric equipment. Usage of HPGe detectors for radioactivity measurements in the environment or for nuclear safeguard applications, to combat illicit trafficking of nuclear materials or uranium and plutonium monitoring in nuclear wastes, has become a norm in the recent years. Portable HPGe-based radionuclide spectrometer with electrical cooling has lately appeared on the market for in situ applications. At the same time deterioration of energy resolution associated with vibrations produced by cryocooler or high weight of the instrument, short time of autonomous operation and high price of these spectrometers are limiting their usage in many cases. In this paper we present development results of ultra compact hand held all-in-one spectrometer for in situ measurements based on HPGe detector cooled by liquid nitrogen without listing the above disadvantages.

  19. In situ remediation integrated program: Success through teamwork

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peterson, M.E.


    The In Situ Remediation Integrated Program (ISR IP), managed under the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Technology Development, focuses research and development efforts on the in-place treatment of contaminated environmental media, such as soil and groundwater, and the containment of contaminants to prevent the contaminants from spreading through the environment. As described here, specific ISR IP projects are advancing the application of in situ technologies to the demonstration point, providing developed technologies to customers within DOE. The ISR IP has also taken a lead role in assessing and supporting innovative technologies that may have application to DOE

  20. In situ microbial fuel cell-based biosensor for organic carbon

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    de Jesus dos Santos Peixoto, Luciana; Min, Booki; Martins, Gilberto


    The biological oxygen demand (BOD) may be the most used test to assess the amount of pollutant organic matter in water; however, it is time and labor consuming, and is done ex-situ. A BOD biosensor based on the microbial fuel cell principle was tested for online and in situ monitoring of biodegra......The biological oxygen demand (BOD) may be the most used test to assess the amount of pollutant organic matter in water; however, it is time and labor consuming, and is done ex-situ. A BOD biosensor based on the microbial fuel cell principle was tested for online and in situ monitoring...... of biodegradable organic content of domestic wastewater. A stable current density of 282±23mA/m2 was obtained with domestic wastewater containing a BOD5 of 317±15mg O2/L at 22±2°C, 1.53±0.04mS/cm and pH 6.9±0.1. The current density showed a linear relationship with BOD5 concentration ranging from 17±0.5mg O2/L...

  1. Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensor-Web for volcano monitoring (United States)

    Song, W.-Z.; Shirazi, B.; Kedar, S.; Chien, S.; Webb, F.; Tran, D.; Davis, A.; Pieri, D.; LaHusen, R.; Pallister, J.; Dzurisin, D.; Moran, S.; Lisowski, M.


    In response to NASA's announced requirement for Earth hazard monitoring sensor-web technology, a multidisciplinary team involving sensor-network experts (Washington State University), space scientists (JPL), and Earth scientists (USGS Cascade Volcano Observatory (CVO)), is developing a prototype dynamic and scaleable hazard monitoring sensor-web and applying it to volcano monitoring. The combined Optimized Autonomous Space -In-situ Sensor-web (OASIS) will have two-way communication capability between ground and space assets, use both space and ground data for optimal allocation of limited power and bandwidth resources on the ground, and use smart management of competing demands for limited space assets. It will also enable scalability and seamless infusion of future space and in-situ assets into the sensor-web. The prototype will be focused on volcano hazard monitoring at Mount St. Helens, which has been active since October 2004. The system is designed to be flexible and easily configurable for many other applications as well. The primary goals of the project are: 1) integrating complementary space (i.e., Earth Observing One (EO-1) satellite) and in-situ (ground-based) elements into an interactive, autonomous sensor-web; 2) advancing sensor-web power and communication resource management technology; and 3) enabling scalability for seamless infusion of future space and in-situ assets into the sensor-web. To meet these goals, we are developing: 1) a test-bed in-situ array with smart sensor nodes capable of making autonomous data acquisition decisions; 2) efficient self-organization algorithm of sensor-web topology to support efficient data communication and command control; 3) smart bandwidth allocation algorithms in which sensor nodes autonomously determine packet priorities based on mission needs and local bandwidth information in real-time; and 4) remote network management and reprogramming tools. The space and in-situ control components of the system will be

  2. Evaluation and analysis of geological condition of in-situ fragmentation leaching uranium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Jianming; Tan Kaixuan; Huang Xiaonai


    The ore geological condition, hydrogeological condition, engineering geological condition and technological mineralogical character of in-situ fragmentation leaching uranium are analyzed, and it is considered that the implementation of in-situ fragmentation leaching uranium technology is decided by different geological factor. Previously prospecting and geological condition evaluation of uranium ore is based on traditional mining method. If in-situ fragmentation leaching uranium method is adopted, one must re-evaluate previously prospected deposits before they are mined, or one must evaluate new prospecting deposits according to geological conditions of in-situ fragmentation leaching uranium method. The feasibility evaluation method of uranium deposit by in-situ fragmentation leaching uranium put forward by B. N. Mociniets is introducd, and it is considered that B. N. Mociniets method has guidable significance for geological condition evaluation before uranium deposits are mined. A feasibility study is done by applying B. N. Mociniets method to a uranium deposit. (authors)

  3. Diretrizes para processo de projeto de fachadas com painéis pré-fabricados de concreto em ambiente BIM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana de Cresce El Debs

    Full Text Available Este artigo expõe as diretrizes para a criação de um processo de elaboração de projetos que utilizam painéis pré-fabricados de fachada, tendo como base o ambiente de Building Information Modeling (BIM. Os painéis pré-fabricados arquitetônicos de concreto (PPAC foram utilizados como ponto de partida para a estruturação da proposta. A lógica de montagem justifica esta abordagem: assim como no sistema construtivo pré-fabricado, em que as peças são construídas fora do canteiro e chegam a este no momento da montagem, em BIM, os componentes da indústria da Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção (AEC são modelados independentemente e inseridos no momento oportuno no modelo. Foram realizados estudos teóricos sobre as características dos PPACs, seguidos de consulta a profissionais experientes do setor, para confirmação da seleção de dados e procedimentos necessários para o projeto. Em seguida, elaboraram-se fluxogramas de orientação para o processo de projeto. Uma simulação do procedimento proposto foi feita com o programa Revit 2013, para validação. A proposta procura auxiliar o projetista a definir os passos de projeto, bem como os dados para a modelagem dos elementos. Ao auxiliar projetistas a conceber projetos utilizando elementos pré-fabricados, procura-se facilitar e estimular seu uso mais frequente no país.

  4. In-Situ Optical Studies of Oxidation/Reduction Kinetics on SOFC Cermet Anodes (United States)


    DATES COVERED (From - To) 1/29/10-9/30/10 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE In situ optical studies of oxidation/reduction kinetics on SOFC cermet anodes 5a...0572 In-situ Optical Studies of Oxidation/Reduction Kinetics on SOFC Cermet Anodes Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Montana State University...of Research In-situ Optical Studies of Oxidation/Reduction Kinetics on SOFC Cermet Anodes Principal Investigator Robert Walker Organization

  5. Matrix diffusion model. In situ tests using natural analogues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rasilainen, K. [VTT Energy, Espoo (Finland)


    Matrix diffusion is an important retarding and dispersing mechanism for substances carried by groundwater in fractured bedrock. Natural analogues provide, unlike laboratory or field experiments, a possibility to test the model of matrix diffusion in situ over long periods of time. This thesis documents quantitative model tests against in situ observations, done to support modelling of matrix diffusion in performance assessments of nuclear waste repositories. 98 refs. The thesis includes also eight previous publications by author.

  6. Kinematic analysis of in situ measurement during chemical mechanical planarization process

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Hongkai; Wang, Tongqing; Zhao, Qian; Meng, Yonggang; Lu, Xinchun, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China)


    Chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) is the most widely used planarization technique in semiconductor manufacturing presently. With the aid of in situ measurement technology, CMP tools can achieve good performance and stable productivity. However, the in situ measurement has remained unexplored from a kinematic standpoint. The available related resources for the kinematic analysis are very limited due to the complexity and technical secret. In this paper, a comprehensive kinematic analysis of in situ measurement is provided, including the analysis model, the measurement trajectory, and the measurement time of each zone of wafer surface during the practical CMP process. In addition, a lot of numerical calculations are performed to study the influences of main parameters on the measurement trajectory and the measurement velocity variation of the probe during the measurement process. All the efforts are expected to improve the in situ measurement system and promote the advancement in CMP control system.

  7. Master of Puppets: Cooperative Multitasking for In Situ Processing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morozov, Dmitriy [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Lukic, Zarija [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Modern scientific and engineering simulations track the time evolution of billions of elements. For such large runs, storing most time steps for later analysis is not a viable strategy. It is far more efficient to analyze the simulation data while it is still in memory. Here, we present a novel design for running multiple codes in situ: using coroutines and position-independent executables we enable cooperative multitasking between simulation and analysis, allowing the same executables to post-process simulation output, as well as to process it on the fly, both in situ and in transit. We present Henson, an implementation of our design, and illustrate its versatility by tackling analysis tasks with different computational requirements. This design differs significantly from the existing frameworks and offers an efficient and robust approach to integrating multiple codes on modern supercomputers. The techniques we present can also be integrated into other in situ frameworks.

  8. Study on tertiary in-situ leachable uranium mineralization conditions in South Songliao basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhenqiang; Li Guokuan; Zhao Zonghua; Zhang Jingxun


    Tertiary in-situ leachable mineralization in Songliao Basin was analyzed in theory in the past. Since 1998, regional investigation at 1:200000 scale has been done with about 120 holes drilled. Based on drill holes recording, section compiling and sample analysis, the authors investigate into the Tertiary in-situ leachable conditions including rock character, sedimentary facies, rock chemistry, organic substances, uranium content, sandstone porosity, sandstone bodies, interlayer oxidation, and hydro-dynamic value. The study would play important role in prospecting for in-situ leachable uranium in South Songliao basin

  9. In-situ thermal testing program strategy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In the past year the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project has implemented a new Program Approach to the licensing process. The Program Approach suggests a step-wise approach to licensing in which the early phases will require less site information than previously planned and necessitate a lesser degree of confidence in the longer-term performance of the repository. Under the Program Approach, the thermal test program is divided into two principal phases: (1) short-term in situ tests (in the 1996 to 2000 time period) and laboratory thermal tests to obtain preclosure information, parameters, and data along with bounding information for postclosure performance; and (2) longer-term in situ tests to obtain additional data regarding postclosure performance. This effort necessitates a rethinking of the testing program because the amount of information needed for the initial licensing phase is less than previously planned. This document proposes a revised and consolidated in situ thermal test program (including supporting laboratory tests) that is structured to meet the needs of the Program Approach. A customer-supplier model is used to define the Project data needs. These data needs, along with other requirements, were then used to define a set of conceptual experiments that will provide the required data within the constraints of the Program Approach schedule. The conceptual thermal tests presented in this document represent a consolidation and update of previously defined tests that should result in a more efficient use of Project resources. This document focuses on defining the requirements and tests needed to satisfy the goal of a successful license application in 2001, should the site be found suitable

  10. Experiments at Scale with In-Situ Visualization Using ParaView/Catalyst in RAGE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kares, Robert John [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    In this paper I describe some numerical experiments performed using the ParaView/Catalyst in-situ visualization infrastructure deployed in the Los Alamos RAGE radiation-hydrodynamics code to produce images from a running large scale 3D ICF simulation on the Cielo supercomputer at Los Alamos. The detailed procedures for the creation of the visualizations using ParaView/Catalyst are discussed and several images sequences from the ICF simulation problem produced with the in-situ method are presented. My impressions and conclusions concerning the use of the in-situ visualization method in RAGE are discussed.

  11. Portable in situ NaI(Tl) γ spectroscopy system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Bairong; Dong Binjiang; Zeng Liping; Shen Tingyun


    The author describes a portable in situ NaI(Tl) γ spectroscopy system, which consists of a NaI (Tl) scintillation detector, an integrative spectroscopy card, a notebook computer and spectroscopy software. The spectrometer addresses applications in environmental or nuclear accident in situ γ spectroscopy measurements, and gives valid quantitative results of radionuclide concentrations per unit volume (Bq/kg) or unit area (Bq/cm 2 ) in the soil and absorbed dose rate in air at 1 m above ground (Gy/h)

  12. In situ detrital zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology (United States)

    Tripathy, A.; Monteleone, B. D.; van Soest, M. C.; Hodges, K.; Hourigan, J. K.


    Detrital studies of both sand and rock are relevant to many problems, ranging from the climate and tectonics feedback debate to the long-term record of orogenic evolution. When applying the conventional (U-Th)/He technique to such studies, two important issues arise. Often, only euhedral grains are permissible for analysis in order to make simple geometric corrections for α-recoil. In detrital samples, this is problematic because euhedral grains can be scarce due to mechanical abrasion during transport, and potentially introduce bias in favour of more proximally sourced grains. Second, inherent to detrital studies is the need to date many grains (>100) per sample to ensure a representative sampling of the sediment source region, thus making robust conventional detrital studies both expensive and time-consuming. UV laser microprobes can improve this by permitting careful targeting of the grain interior away from the α-ejection zone, rendering the α-recoil correction unnecessary, thus eliminating bias toward euhedral grains. In the Noble Gas, Geochemistry, and Geochronology Laboratory at ASU, apatite and zircon have been successfully dated using in situ methods. For this study, the conventional and in situ techniques are compared by dating zircons from a modern river sand that drains a small catchment in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Ladakh Batholith in NW India. This sample has a simple provenance, which allows us to demonstrate the robustness of the in situ method. Moreover, different microbeam techniques will be explored to establish the most efficient approach to obtain accurate and precise U-Th concentrations using synrock, which is our powdered, homogenized, and reconstituted zircon-rock standard. Without this, such in situ U-Th data would be difficult to obtain. 117 zircons were dated using the conventional (U-Th)/He method, revealing dates ranging from 9.70±0.35 to 106.6±3.5 Ma (2σ) with the major mode at 26 Ma. For comparison, 44 grains were dated using the in

  13. In-situ bioremediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Travis, B.J. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States); Rosenberg, N.D. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    This is the final report of a two-year, Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) project at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). A barrier to wider use of in situ bioremediation technology is that results are often variable and difficult to predict. In situ bioremediation has shown some very notable and well publicized successes, but implementation of the technology is complex. An incomplete understanding of the effects of variable site characteristics and the lack of adequate tools to predict and measure success have made the design, control and validation of bioremediation more empirical than desired. The long-term objective of this project is to improve computational tools used to assess and optimize the expected performance of bioremediation at a site. An important component of the approach is the explicit inclusion of uncertainties and their effect on the end result. The authors have extended their biokinetics model to include microbial competition and predation processes. Predator species can feed on the microbial species that degrade contaminants, and the simulation studies show that species interactions must be considered when designing in situ bioremediation systems. In particular, the results for TCE indicate that protozoan grazing could reduce the amount of biodegradation by about 20%. These studies also indicate that the behavior of barrier systems can become complex due to predator grazing.

  14. Cell In Situ Zymography: Imaging Enzyme-Substrate Interactions. (United States)

    Chhabra, Aastha; Rani, Vibha


    Zymography has long been used for the detection of substrate-specific enzyme activity. In situ zymography (ISZ), an adaptation from the conventional substrate zymography, is a widely employed technique useful for the detection, localization, and estimation of enzyme-substrate interactions in tissues. Here, we describe a protocol to detect 'in position' matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity in cells utilizing H9c2 cardiomyoblasts as a model. This technique is primarily adopted from the method used for histological sections and is termed as 'Cell in situ Zymography'. It is a simple, sensitive, and quantifiable methodology to assess the functional activity of an enzyme 'on site/in position' in cell culture.

  15. Groundwater restoration of in-situ uranium mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In-situ leaching is a relatively new uranium production technology that is expected to account for a growing share of future output. Depending upon the leaching solution used, the process may have considerable impact on the ground water. Since restoration of ground water quality is required in most countries and since this restoration is by far the most costly aspect of reclamation of an in-situ mine, it is necessary to utilize a process that lends itself both to the efficiency of the leaching process and the restoration process. This article examines a number of techniques that may be used in the restoration efforts. These include: (1) groundwater sweep, (2) reverse osmosis, (3) chemical restoration, and (4) electrodialysis. The article also discusses disposal of the excess fluids used in the restoration process

  16. Damage and in-situ annealing during ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadana, D.K.; Washburn, J.; Byrne, P.F.; Cheung, N.W.


    Formation of amorphous (α) layers in Si during ion implantation in the energy range 100 keV-11 MeV and temperature range liquid nitrogen (LN)-100 0 C has been investigated. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) shows that buried amorphous layers can be created for both room temperature (RT) and LN temperature implants, with a wider 100 percent amorphous region for the LN cooled case. The relative narrowing of the α layer during RT implantation is attributed to in-situ annealing. Implantation to the same fluence at temperatures above 100 0 C does not produce α layers. To further investigate in situ annealing effects, specimens already containing buried α layers were further irradiated with ion beams in the temperature range RT-400 0 C. It was found that isolated small α zones (less than or equal to 50 diameter) embedded in the crystalline matrix near the two α/c interfaces dissolved into the crystal but the thickness of the 100 percent α layer was not appreciably affected by further implantation at 200 0 C. A model for in situ annealing during implantation is presented

  17. Ex situ Flora of China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hongwen Huang


    Full Text Available The role of living collections-based research and discovery has been a prominent feature throughout the history of evolution and advance of botanical science: such research is the core and soul of the botanical gardens. Currently, there are c. 162 Chinese botanical gardens, harboring c. 20,000 species in China. As an example of initiatives to utilize the garden cultivated flora to address plant diversity conservation and germplasm discovery for sustainable agriculture and the bio-industries, the Ex situ Flora of China project aims to catalog and document this mega-diversity of plants that are cultivated in the Chinese botanical gardens. The concept of Ex situ Flora of China is a complete new formulation of species, based on garden cultivated individuals and populations, to obtain better morphological descriptions, provide multi-purpose applicability and a fundamental data service that will support national bio-strategies and bio-industries. It emphasises integrative information, accurately collected from living collections across different Chinese botanical gardens, on biology, phenology, cultivation requirements and uses of plant resources, which are normally not available from traditional Floras based on herbarium specimens. The ex situ flora should provide better information coverage for taxonomy, biological and introduction and collection data and color photos of stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seed, as well as useful information of cultivation key points and main use of each plant. In general, the Ex situ Flora of China provides more useful information than the traditional Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. The project of Ex situ Flora of China is planned to be one of the most important initiatives of the plant diversity research platform for sustainable economic and social development in China.

  18. An introduction to in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norton, K.P.


    Cosmogenic nuclides are produced through interactions between cosmic rays and target nuclei in Earth's atmosphere and surface materials. Those which are produced in Earth's atmosphere are termed 'meteoric' while the nuclides produced in surface material are known as in-situ cosmogenic nuclides. The past two decades have seen a proliferation of applications for cosmogenic nuclides. This is primarily due to a revolution in accelerator mass spectrometry, AMS, measurement techniques which has allowed the measurement of very small amounts of nuclides. The following is a brief introduction to the theory and application of in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclide methods. (author). 17 refs., figs., 1 tab.

  19. In Situ Atom Probe Deintercalation of Lithium-Manganese-Oxide. (United States)

    Pfeiffer, Björn; Maier, Johannes; Arlt, Jonas; Nowak, Carsten


    Atom probe tomography is routinely used for the characterization of materials microstructures, usually assuming that the microstructure is unaltered by the analysis. When analyzing ionic conductors, however, gradients in the chemical potential and the electric field penetrating dielectric atom probe specimens can cause significant ionic mobility. Although ionic mobility is undesirable when aiming for materials characterization, it offers a strategy to manipulate materials directly in situ in the atom probe. Here, we present experimental results on the analysis of the ionic conductor lithium-manganese-oxide with different atom probe techniques. We demonstrate that, at a temperature of 30 K, characterization of the materials microstructure is possible without measurable Li mobility. Also, we show that at 298 K the material can be deintercalated, in situ in the atom probe, without changing the manganese-oxide host structure. Combining in situ atom probe deintercalation and subsequent conventional characterization, we demonstrate a new methodological approach to study ionic conductors even in early stages of deintercalation.

  20. Numerical simulation of vertical infiltration for leaching fluid in situ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jinxuan; Shi Weijun; Zhang Weimin


    Based on the analysis of movement law of leaching fluid in breaking and leaching experiment in situ, the movement of leaching fluid can be divided into two main stages in the leaching process in situ: Vertical Infiltration in unsaturation zone and horizontal runoff in saturation zone. The corresponding mathematics models are sep up, and the process of vertical infiltration of leaching fluid is numerically simulated

  1. In situ conditioning for proton storage ring vacuum systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blechschmidt, D.


    Average pressure and vacuum-stability limit as expected in the presence of a proton beam were measured after in situ treatments such as bakeout under various conditions, argon glow-discharge cleaning and sputter deposition of titanium. Measurements were carried out for test pipes made of stainless steel (untreated, electropolished, or cooled to 77 K), pure titanium and aluminum alloy. The measurement method used to obtain the vacuum-stability limit in the laboratory and in a prototype system is described. The results can be applied also to other systems of different geometry by use of scaling laws. In situ conditioning generally has a stronger influence on vacuum performance than a particular choice of material. Bakeout gives low average pressures and rather good vacuum stability. Glow discharges also increase the vacuum stability but have only a small effect on the static pressure. Coating the beam-pipe wall with titanium by in situ sputtering provides large linear pumping, thus a lower pressure and an extremely good vacuum stability

  2. A bio-inspired approach for in situ synthesis of tunable adhesive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, Leming; Yi, Sijia; Wang, Yongzhong; Pan, Kang; Zhong, Qixin; Zhang, Mingjun


    Inspired by the strong adhesive produced by English ivy, this paper proposes an in situ synthesis approach for fabricating tunable nanoparticle enhanced adhesives. Special attention was given to tunable features of the adhesive produced by the biological process. Parameters that may be used to tune properties of the adhesive will be proposed. To illustrate and validate the proposed approach, an experimental platform was presented for fabricating tunable chitosan adhesive enhanced by Au nanoparticles synthesized in situ. This study contributes to a bio-inspired approach for in situ synthesis of tunable nanocomposite adhesives by mimicking the natural biological processes of ivy adhesive synthesis. (paper)

  3. In-situ spectrometry of 137Cs in the soil by unfolding method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fueloep, M.; Ragan, P.; Krnac, S.


    This contribution is aimed to the possibility of improving the in-situ gamma spectrometry to be independent on a knowledge about a depth distribution of 137 Cs in soil and sufficiently sensitive for the measurement of the post-Chernobyl 137 Cs at present, as well. The depth distribution of 137 Cs averaged over a large area of soil is obtained by unfolding of the detector responses to primary and in soil forward scattered photons. The proposed method employs detector with and without collimator. The 137 Cs distributions obtained in-situ measurements are analysed, and comparisons are made to the results obtained with soil sampling and with standard in-situ spectrometry, as well. 5 figs., 1 tab., 4 refs

  4. Reforço à flexão em vigas de concreto armado com manta de fibra de carbono: mecanismos de incremento de ancoragem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir José Ferrari


    Full Text Available O desprendimento dos laminados de plásticos reforçados com fibras da face inferior tracionada das vigas reforçadas à flexão é um problema complexo e indesejável, pois ocorre sem aviso, antecipando a ruína da viga reforçada e impossibilitando o total aproveitamento das propriedades resistentes à tração do reforço. Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de vigas de concreto armado, reforçadas à flexão com manta de fibra de carbono, e avaliou-se a incorporação de mecanismos de incremento de ancoragem para evitar o desprendimento prematuro da manta com conseqüente aumento da capacidade resistente à flexão da viga. Nove vigas foram divididas em cinco grupos em conformidade com mecanismo de incremento de ancoragem adotado. Um dos mecanismos, além de evitar o desprendimento prematuro do reforço, também proporcionou incremento na resistência à flexão mais de 95%, em relação à viga sem reforço, e incrementos em torno de 20%, em relação às vigas sem incremento de ancoragem.

  5. Ex-Situ and In-Situ Ellipsometric Studies of the Thermal Oxide on InP (United States)


    ion---- Distribution/ Availabilit ? Codes£v l llt Codes Avail and/or Dist| Special Abstract The thermally grown InP oxide as etched by an aqueous...aqueous NH4OH/NH4F, and Law(17) has reported observations of orientational ordering of water and organic solvents on pyrex surfaces by in-situ...minutes, followed by a sequence of acetone, deionized water (d. i. water ) rinse. After being dipped in a concentrated aqueous HF solution for 15 seconds

  6. TSSM: The in situ exploration of Titan (United States)

    Coustenis, A.; Lunine, J. I.; Lebreton, J. P.; Matson, D.; Reh, K.; Beauchamp, P.; Erd, C.


    The Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) mission was born when NASA and ESA decided to collaborate on two missions independently selected by each agency: the Titan and Enceladus mission (TandEM), and Titan Explorer, a 2007 Flagship study. TandEM, the Titan and Enceladus mission, was proposed as an L-class (large) mission in response to ESA's Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call. The mission concept is to perform remote and in situ investigations of Titan primarily, but also of Enceladus and Saturn's magentosphere. The two satellites are tied together by location and properties, whose remarkable natures have been partly revealed by the ongoing Cassini-Huygens mission. These bodies still hold mysteries requiring a complete exploration using a variety of vehicles and instruments. TSSM will study Titan as a system, including its upper atmosphere, the interactions with the magnetosphere, the neutral atmosphere, surface, interior, origin and evolution, as well as the astrobiological potential of Titan. It is an ambitious mission because its targets are two of the most exciting and challenging bodies in the Solar System. It is designed to build on but exceed the scientific and technological accomplishments of the Cassini- Huygens mission, exploring Titan and Enceladus in ways that are not currently possible (full close-up and in situ coverage over long periods of time for Titan, several close flybys of Enceladus). One overarching goal of the TSSM mission is to explore in situ the atmosphere and surface of Titan. In the current mission architecture, TSSM consists of an orbiter (under NASA's responsibility) with a large host of instruments which would perform several Enceladus and Titan flybys before stabilizing in an orbit around Titan alone, therein delivering in situ elements (a Montgolfière, or hot air balloon, and a probe/lander). The latter are being studied by ESA. The balloon will circumnavigate Titan above the equator at an altitude of about 10 km for several months. The

  7. Del método crítico-teórico lacaniano a sus reconfiguraciones práctico-políticas en discursos concretos: cuestionamiento de la ideología, compromiso del investigador y subversión del sujeto


    Pavón-Cuéllar, David


    Además de ofrecer una introducción a lo que viene llamándose análisis lacaniano de discurso en corrientes radicales y alternativas de la psicología, el presente capítulo contiene una recapitulación del origen y la breve historia de este nuevo método, muestra cómo se inspira en la teoría de Jacques Lacan, examina con detenimiento su aspecto intrínsecamente crítico-teórico y contempla tres formas práctico-políticas en las que puede reconfigurarse bajo el efecto de los discursos concretos en los...

  8. Stabilization of contaminated soils by in situ vitrification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Timmerman, C.L.


    In Situ Vitrification is an emerging technology developed by Pacific Northwest Laboratory for potential in-place immobilization of radioactive wastes. The contaminated soil is stabilized and converted to an inert glass form. This conversion is accomplished by inserting electrodes in the soil and establishing an electric current between the electrodes. The electrical energy causes a joule heating effect that melts the soil during processing. Any contaminants released from the melt are collected and routed to an off-gas treatment system. A stable and durable glass block is produced which chemically and physically encapsulates any residual waste components. In situ vitrification has been developed for the potential application to radioactive wastes, specifically, contaminated soil sites; however, it could possibly be applied to hazardous chemical and buried munitions waste sites. The technology has been developed and demonstrated to date through a series of 21 engineering-scale tests [producing 50 to 1000 kg (100 to 2000 lb) blocks] and seven pilot-scale tests [producing 9000 kg (20,000 lb) blocks], the most recent of which illustrated treatment of actual radioactively contaminated soil. Testing with some organic materials has shown relatively complete thermal destruction and incineration. Further experiments have documented the insensitivity of in situ vitrification to soil characteristics such as fusion temperature, specific heat, thermal conductivity, electrical resistivity, and moisture content. Soil inclusions such as metals, cements, ceramics, and combustibles normally present only minor process limitations. Costs for hazardous waste applications are estimated to be less than $175/m 3 ($5.00/ft 3 ) of material vitrified. For many applications, in situ vitrification can provide a cost-effective alternative to other disposal options. 13 references, 4 figures, 1 table

  9. Analysis of in situ stress at Yucca Mountain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauer, S.J.; Holland, J.F.


    A method has been developed to initialize far-field finite element models such that the measured in situ stress state appears to be reproduced well. The method includes use of the mechanical stratigraphy, mechanical effect of pore pressure, gravity loading, a horizontal ''tectonic'' component of stress, and use of a jointed rock model to calculate the mechanical response. Topographic effects and effects related to the vertical variation in mechanical properties are predicted for repository depths (∼ 300 m). Gravity loading with a small horizontal compression is used to calculate a minimum horizontal stress similar in magnitude to that measured in situ. 8 refs., 5 figs

  10. In situ high-pressure measurement of crystal solubility by using neutron diffraction (United States)

    Chen, Ji; Hu, Qiwei; Fang, Leiming; He, Duanwei; Chen, Xiping; Xie, Lei; Chen, Bo; Li, Xin; Ni, Xiaolin; Fan, Cong; Liang, Akun


    Crystal solubility is one of the most important thermo-physical properties and plays a key role in industrial applications, fundamental science, and geoscientific research. However, high-pressure in situ measurements of crystal solubility remain very challenging. Here, we present a method involving high-pressure neutron diffraction for making high-precision in situ measurements of crystal solubility as a function of pressure over a wide range of pressures. For these experiments, we designed a piston-cylinder cell with a large chamber volume for high-pressure neutron diffraction. The solution pressures are continuously monitored in situ based on the equation of state of the sample crystal. The solubility at a high pressure can be obtained by applying a Rietveld quantitative multiphase analysis. To evaluate the proposed method, we measured the high-pressure solubility of NaCl in water up to 610 MPa. At a low pressure, the results are consistent with the previous results measured ex situ. At a higher pressure, more reliable data could be provided by using an in situ high-pressure neutron diffraction method.

  11. In situ NiTi/Nb(Ti) composite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Daqiang; Cui, Lishan; Jiang, Jiang; Zheng, Yanjun


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • In situ NiTi/Nb(Ti) composites were fabricated. • The transformation temperature was affected by the mixing Ti:Ni atomic ratios. • The NiTi component became micron-scale lamella after forging and rolling. • The composite exhibited high strength and high damping capacity. - Abstract: This paper reports on the creation of a series of in situ NiTi/Nb(Ti) composites with controllable transformation temperatures based on the pseudo-binary hypereutectic transformation of NiTi–Nb system. The composite constituent morphology was controlled by forging and rolling. It is found that the thickness of the NiTi lamella in the composite reached micron level after the hot-forging and cold-rolling. The NiTi/Nb(Ti) composite exhibited high damping capacity as well as high yield strength

  12. In-situ polymerization PLOT columns I: divinylbenzene (United States)

    Shen, T. C.


    A novel method for preparation of porous-layer open-tubular (PLOT) columns is described. The method involves a simple and reproducible, straight-forward in-situ polymerization of monomer directly on the metal tube.

  13. In Situ Techniques for Life Detection on Mars (United States)

    Becker, L.; Brinckerhoff, W.; Cotter, R.


    The search for organic matter on Mars is rapidly emerging as a result of technological advancements and the study of early "life" on our own planet. As we learned from the Viking missions and the examination of martian meteorites, the criteria for establishing life require the appropriate strategy. One such approach would require careful mapping of the surface from orbit for the selection of the appropriate landing sites, robotic space missions equipped with several life detection in situ techniques for selection of samples, and sample return missions for additional verification of in situ results and laboratory measurements. It may, however, be possible to obtain critical information about the organic matter and associated mineral assemblages present on Mars, in situ, in a single measurement that is both capable of flight and is nondestructive to the sample. We discuss a new multi-source mass spectrometer, `MOMA' (Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer) that incorporates multiple methods of volatilizing and ionizing chemical compounds from intact samples without further processing or manipulation. Moreover, MOMA is capable of detecting a broad range of organics enabling the evaluation of the origin of the organics and the presence of terrestrial contaminants.

  14. Very little in situ produced radiocarbon retained in accumulating Antarctic ice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kemp, W.J.M. van der; Alderliesten, C.; Borg, K. van der; Holmlund, P.; Jong, A.F.M. de; Karloef, L.; Lamers, R.A.N.; Oerlemans, J.; Thomassen, M.; Wal, R.S.W. van de


    Ice samples from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, were analyzed for 14 CO 2 and 14 CO by accelerator mass spectrometry. Only a small amount (∼2%) of in situ produced radiocarbon was detected. The calibrated radiocarbon ages, corrected for in situ produced 14 C, are in fair agreement with age estimates obtained from stratigraphical methods added to a gas inclusion model. The ages of the entrapped air range from recent to ca. 1200 AD

  15. In situ polymerization of monomers for polyphenylquinoxaline/graphite (United States)

    Serafini, T. T.; Delvigs, P.; Vannucci, R. D.


    Methods currently used to prepare fiber reinforced, high temperature resistant polyphenylquinoxaline (PPQ) composites employ extremely viscous, low solids content solutions of high molecular weight PPQ polymers. An improved approach, described in this report, consists of impregnating the fiber with a solution of the appropriate monomers instead of a solution of previously synthesized high molecular weight polymer. Polymerization of the monomers occurs in situ on the fiber during the solvent removal and curing stages. The in situ polymerization approach greatly simplifies the fabrication of PPQ graphite fiber composites. The use of low viscosity monomeric type solutions facilitates fiber wetting, permits a high solids content, and eliminates the need for prior polymer synthesis.

  16. In SITU Transmission Electron Microscopy on Operating Electrochemical CELLS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gualandris, Fabrizio; Simonsen, Søren Bredmose; Mogensen, Mogens Bjerg


    Solid oxide cells (SOC) have the potential of playing a significant role in the future efficient energy system scenario. In order to become widely commercially available, an improved performance and durability of the cells has to be achieved [1]. Conventional scanning and transmission SEM and TEM...... have been often used for ex-situ post mortem characterization of SOFCs and SOECs [2,3]. However, in order to get fundamental insight of the microstructural development of SOFC/SOEC during operation conditions in situ studies are necessary [4]....

  17. Phosphate interference during in situ treatment for arsenic in groundwater. (United States)

    Brunsting, Joseph H; McBean, Edward A


    Contamination of groundwater by arsenic is a problem in many areas of the world, particularly in West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh, where reducing conditions in groundwater are the cause. In situ treatment is a novel approach wherein, by introduction of dissolved oxygen (DO), advantages over other treatment methods can be achieved through simplicity, not using chemicals, and not requiring disposal of arsenic-rich wastes. A lab-scale test of in situ treatment by air sparging, using a solution with approximately 5.3 mg L(-1) ferrous iron and 200 μg L(-1) arsenate, showed removal of arsenate in the range of 59%. A significant obstacle exists, however, due to the interference of phosphate since phosphate competes for adsorption sites on oxidized iron precipitates. A lab-scale test including 0.5 mg L(-1) phosphate showed negligible removal of arsenate. In situ treatment by air sparging demonstrates considerable promise for removal of arsenic from groundwater where iron is present in considerable quantities and phosphates are low.

  18. In situ evaluation of cadmium biomarkers in green algae

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simon, Dana F.; Davis, Thomas A. [Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal, P.O. Box 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 (Canada); Tercier-Waeber, Mary-Lou [Analytical and Biophysical Environmental Chemistry, University of Geneva, Sciences II, 30 Quai Ernest-Ansermet, 1211 Geneva 4 (Switzerland); England, Roxane [Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal, P.O. Box 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 (Canada); Wilkinson, Kevin J., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal, P.O. Box 6128, Succursale Centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7 (Canada)


    In situ measurements provide data that are the highly representative of the natural environment. In this paper, laboratory-determined biomarkers of Cd stress that were previously identified for the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, were tested in two French rivers: a contaminated site on the Riou Mort River and an 'uncontaminated' reference site on the Lot River. Transcript abundance levels were determined by real time qPCR for biomarkers thought to be Cd sensitive. Transcript levels were significantly higher (>5 fold) for organisms exposed to the contaminated site as compared to those exposed at the uncontaminated site. Biomarker mRNA levels were best correlated to free Cd (Cd{sup 2+}) rather than intracellular Cd, suggesting that they may be useful indicators of in situ stress. The paper shows that biomarker expression levels increased with time, were sensitive to metal levels and metal speciation and were higher in the 'contaminated' as opposed to the 'reference' site. - Highlights: > Biomarkers of Cd stress were tested in a contaminated and a reference site. > The organism was viable under exposure conditions and metal accumulation occurred. > Biomarker levels were correlated to Cd{sup 2+} and were higher in the contaminated site. - Algal transcription levels of several biomarkers were studied in two natural waters in situ.

  19. An Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensorweb (OASIS) for Volcano Monitoring (United States)

    Song, W.; Shirazi, B.; Lahusen, R.; Chien, S.; Kedar, S.; Webb, F.


    In response to NASA's announced requirement for Earth hazard monitoring sensor-web technology, we are developing a prototype real-time Optimized Autonomous Space In-situ Sensorweb. The prototype will be focused on volcano hazard monitoring at Mount St. Helens, which has been in continuous eruption since October 2004. The system is designed to be flexible and easily configurable for many other applications as well. The primary goals of the project are: 1) integrating complementary space (i.e., Earth Observing One (EO- 1) satellite) and in-situ (ground-based) elements into an interactive, autonomous sensor-web; 2) advancing sensor-web power and communication resource management technology; and 3) enabling scalability for seamless infusion of future space and in-situ assets into the sensor-web. To meet these goals, we are developing: 1) a test-bed in-situ array with smart sensor nodes capable of making autonomous data acquisition decisions; 2) efficient self-organization algorithm of sensor-web topology to support efficient data communication and command control; 3) smart bandwidth allocation algorithms in which sensor nodes autonomously determine packet priorities based on mission needs and local bandwidth information in real- time; and 4) remote network management and reprogramming tools. The space and in-situ control components of the system will be integrated such that each element is capable of triggering the other. Sensor-web data acquisition and dissemination will be accomplished through the use of SensorML language standards for geospatial information. The three-year project will demonstrate end-to-end system performance with the in-situ test-bed at Mount St. Helens and NASA's EO-1 platform.

  20. Assessing soundscape: Comparison between in situ and laboratory methodologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hermida Cadena Luis Fernando


    Full Text Available The assessment of soundscape implies an interdisciplinary approach, where objective and subjective aspects are considered. For the subjective evaluation, in situ and laboratory methodologies are usually followed. Local observations allow the collection of information on the influence of different stimuli present in the environment, whereas laboratory tests present a determined quantity of controlled stimuli to the evaluator. The purpose of this work is to compare results from the different methodologies in order to understand their strengths and their weaknesses. Three urban parks in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, were evaluated. Fragments of binaural sound recordings collected in the parks were used in laboratory tests to compare with the responses in situ and of expert and nonexpert listeners. Statistically significant differences were found in several of the perceptual attributes under observation, which led to variation in the results of the main model’s components. The sound environments were found to be more pleasant and uneventful in situ than in the laboratory, a phenomenon possibly due to the influence of other stimuli such as visual in the process of assessment. The in situ tests allow a systemic and holistic evaluation of the environment under study,whereas the laboratory tests allow a specific and tightly targeted analysis of different component sound events. Therefore, the two methodologies can be useful in soundscape assessment depending on the specific application and needs. No differences were found in the assessment made by either experts or nonexperts.

  1. OceanSITES RAMA daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — OceanSITES daily in-situ data. OceanSITES Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA)...

  2. Results from the first national in-situ gamma spectrometry survey of the United Kingdom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tyler, A.


    In-situ gamma spectrometry was introduced for the first time as part of a national soil and herbage pollution survey of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2002. The aim of introducing the in-situ approach was to evaluate its potential for replacing the conventional soil sampling approach in environmental monitoring. A total of 138 points were measured across the whole of the UK on a 50 km grid, encompassing a complete spectrum of soil types, geology (providing a range of natural radioactive backgrounds) and anthropogenic radioactivity (primarily derived from atmospheric weapons testing and Chernobyl fallout). Ten calibration sites were set up to derive an in-situ calibration from spatially distributed sampling points, designed to match the spatial response of the in-situ detector at 1 m above the ground. The importance of variations in the vertical activity distributions of 137 Cs on the in-situ detector calibration was verified and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a forward scattering type approach for real time in-situ correction was evaluated. The accuracy of the in-situ calibrations was evaluated for the remaining 128 sites by independent comparison with soil core derived estimates of specific activity concentrations and inventories of a range of natural and anthropogenic gamma emitting radionuclides. Air kerma measurements were also derived from the in-situ gamma spectrometry measurements and compared with conventional GM tube derived estimates. (authors)

  3. Comparison between ex situ and in situ measurement methods for the assessment of radioactively contaminated land. Comparison between measurement methods for the characterisation of radioactively contaminated land

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rostron, Peter D.; Ramsey, Michael H.; Heathcote, John A.


    In the UK, it is estimated that there may be 20,000,000 cubic metres of contaminated land at Sellafield alone. Harwell and Dounreay are known to have significant amounts of radioactive or nonradioactive contaminated land (NDA, 2006). It is therefore important to devise optimal methods for the characterisation of areas of land for radionuclide content, in order to enable cost-effective decommissioning. With chemical contaminants, ex situ measurements are made on a larger volume of soil than are in situ measurements, such as PXRF. However, the opposite is often true for the characterisation of radioactive contamination, when this involves the detection of penetrating radiation from γ-emitting radionuclides. This means that when investigating for hotspots of radioactive contamination at or near the ground surface, better coverage can be obtained using in situ methods. This leads to the question, what is the optimal strategy (e.g. percentage coverage, counting time) for in situ characterisation of radioactively contaminated land' Surveys on light-moderate contaminated areas of ground were conducted at Dounreay in order to compare the relative effectiveness of in situ and ex situ methods, both for the detection of radioactive hotspots and also for estimating the average radionuclide content of an area of ground. These surveys suggest that continuous coverage by in situ devices is more effective at hotspot detection, with ex situ laboratory measurements being less effective, although in one case elevated activity below 10 cm depth that was identified by ex situ measurement was not located by in situ measurement. The surveys also highlighted that careful choice of an appropriate spatial model is critical to the estimation of activity concentrations over averaging areas. Whereas continuous coverage may be considered necessary for hotspot identification, in the particular case of the detection of hot particles (where the particle is very small compared to the sampling

  4. In situ monitoring of the electrochemical dissolution of tungsten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krebsz, Melinda [Christian Doppler Laboratory for Combinatorial Oxide Chemistry at ICTAS, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria); Kollender, Jan Philipp [Institute for Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials (ICTAS), Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria); Hassel, Achim Walter [Christian Doppler Laboratory for Combinatorial Oxide Chemistry at ICTAS, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria); Institute for Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials (ICTAS), Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria)


    In the present work, which is aimed to monitor in situ the electrochemical dissolution of tungsten by using a Flow-Type Scanning Droplet Cell Microscope (FT-SDCM) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), novel results are reported. The anodic oxide growth and its dissolution on the surface of W have been monitored in situ. The results of this current study show the importance of coupling electrochemical experiments to ICP-MS. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. A Novel in situ Trigger Combination Method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buzatu, Adrian; Warburton, Andreas; Krumnack, Nils; Yao, Wei-Ming


    Searches for rare physics processes using particle detectors in high-luminosity colliding hadronic beam environments require the use of multi-level trigger systems to reject colossal background rates in real time. In analyses like the search for the Higgs boson, there is a need to maximize the signal acceptance by combining multiple different trigger chains when forming the offline data sample. In such statistically limited searches, datasets are often amassed over periods of several years, during which the trigger characteristics evolve and their performance can vary significantly. Reliable production cross-section measurements and upper limits must take into account a detailed understanding of the effective trigger inefficiency for every selected candidate event. We present as an example the complex situation of three trigger chains, based on missing energy and jet energy, to be combined in the context of the search for the Higgs (H) boson produced in association with a W boson at the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). We briefly review the existing techniques for combining triggers, namely the inclusion, division, and exclusion methods. We introduce and describe a novel fourth in situ method whereby, for each candidate event, only the trigger chain with the highest a priori probability of selecting the event is considered. The in situ combination method has advantages of scalability to large numbers of differing trigger chains and of insensitivity to correlations between triggers. We compare the inclusion and in situ methods for signal event yields in the CDF WH search.

  6. In-Situ Visualization Experiments with ParaView Cinema in RAGE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kares, Robert John [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    A previous paper described some numerical experiments performed using the ParaView/Catalyst in-situ visualization infrastructure deployed in the Los Alamos RAGE radiation-hydrodynamics code to produce images from a running large scale 3D ICF simulation. One challenge of the in-situ approach apparent in these experiments was the difficulty of choosing parameters likes isosurface values for the visualizations to be produced from the running simulation without the benefit of prior knowledge of the simulation results and the resultant cost of recomputing in-situ generated images when parameters are chosen suboptimally. A proposed method of addressing this difficulty is to simply render multiple images at runtime with a range of possible parameter values to produce a large database of images and to provide the user with a tool for managing the resulting database of imagery. Recently, ParaView/Catalyst has been extended to include such a capability via the so-called Cinema framework. Here I describe some initial experiments with the first delivery of Cinema and make some recommendations for future extensions of Cinema’s capabilities.

  7. Recovering uranium from coal in situ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terry, R.C.


    An underground carbonaceous deposit containing other mineral values is burned in situ. The underground hot zone is cooled down to temperature below the boiling point of a leachig solution. The leaching solution is percolated through the residial ash, with the pregnant solution recovered for separation of the mineral values in surface facilities

  8. OceanSITES PIRATA daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This file contains daily real-time and delayed-mode in-situ data from one of the Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean (TAO)/TRITON, Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical...

  9. In situ observation techniques of protective oxide layer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doi, Takashi; Adachi, Takeharu; Usuki, Noriaki


    In situ analyzing techniques for investigating a surface and interface change during corrosion and oxidation of metals by using Raman scattering spectroscopy (Raman), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) are present. The Raman spectra revealed that a crystal structure and distribution of corrosion products varied during corrosion progress at elevated temperature and high pressure electrolyte. Time dependent XRD measurements made clear the behavior of the electrochemical reduction of a rust and the iso thermal transformation of a scale on a steel. It was demonstrated that XPS was capable of the in-situ measurements for initial stage of high temperature oxidation. (author)

  10. Geochemical and Microbiological Characteristics during in Situ Chemical Oxidation and in Situ Bioremediation at a Diesel Contaminated Site

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sutton, N.B.; Kalisz, M.; Krupanek, J.; Marek, J.; Grotenhuis, J.T.C.; Smidt, H.; Weert, de J.; Rijnaarts, H.H.M.; Gaans, van P.; Keijzer, T.


    While in situ chemical oxidation with persulfate has seen wide commercial application, investigations into the impacts on groundwater characteristics, microbial communities and soil structure are limited. To better understand the interactions of persulfate with the subsurface and to determine the

  11. In situ measurement of some gamma-emitting radionuclides in plant communities of the South Carolina coastal plain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ragsdale, H.L.; Tanner, B.K.; Coleman, R.N.; Palms, J.M.; Wood, R.E.


    In situ and laboratory gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements were taken in nine scrub oak forests and nine old fields to determine the applicability of in situ analysis in the coastal plain. Data collected at each of the 18 sites included a 2-hr count, soil density and moisture estimates, and vegetation measurements. Samples returned to the laboratory for radiometric analysis included litter and herbaceous vegetation and soil cores. Analysis of the gamma-emitter detection frequencies, concentrations, and burdens showed good to excellent agreement between laboratory and in situ methods. Generally, forests were determined to be superior in situ sampling systems. Laboratory analysis of collected samples may be a superior technique for gamma emitters with low energies, low concentrations, or nonuniform distributions in the soil. Three potential uses of in situ Ge(Li) spectrometers were identified and discussed in terms of their limits and of the replicate ecosystems appropriate for in situ analyses. Although the variety and the biogeochemical cycling regimes of southeastern coastal plain ecosystems complicate in situ analyses, it was concluded that comparable and probably accurate results can be achieved using in situ technology

  12. Enzyme Engineering for In Situ Immobilization. (United States)

    Rehm, Fabian B H; Chen, Shuxiong; Rehm, Bernd H A


    Enzymes are used as biocatalysts in a vast range of industrial applications. Immobilization of enzymes to solid supports or their self-assembly into insoluble particles enhances their applicability by strongly improving properties such as stability in changing environments, re-usability and applicability in continuous biocatalytic processes. The possibility of co-immobilizing various functionally related enzymes involved in multistep synthesis, conversion or degradation reactions enables the design of multifunctional biocatalyst with enhanced performance compared to their soluble counterparts. This review provides a brief overview of up-to-date in vitro immobilization strategies while focusing on recent advances in enzyme engineering towards in situ self-assembly into insoluble particles. In situ self-assembly approaches include the bioengineering of bacteria to abundantly form enzymatically active inclusion bodies such as enzyme inclusions or enzyme-coated polyhydroxyalkanoate granules. These one-step production strategies for immobilized enzymes avoid prefabrication of the carrier as well as chemical cross-linking or attachment to a support material while the controlled oriented display strongly enhances the fraction of accessible catalytic sites and hence functional enzymes.

  13. Comparison of Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization for the Evaluation of MDM2 Amplification in Adipocytic Tumors. (United States)

    Mardekian, Stacey K; Solomides, Charalambos C; Gong, Jerald Z; Peiper, Stephen C; Wang, Zi-Xuan; Bajaj, Renu


    Atypical lipomatous tumor/well-differentiated liposarcoma (ALT-WDLPS) and dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DDLPS) are characterized cytogenetically by a 12q13-15 amplification involving the mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) oncogene. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is used frequently to detect this amplification and aid with the diagnosis of these entities, which is difficult by morphology alone. Recently, bright-field in situ hybridization techniques such as chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) have been introduced for the determination of MDM2 amplification status. The present study compared the results of FISH and CISH for detecting MDM2 amplification in 41 cases of adipocytic tumors. Amplification was defined in both techniques as a MDM2/CEN12 ratio of 2 or greater. Eleven cases showed amplification with both FISH and CISH, and 26 cases showed no amplification with both methods. Two cases had discordant results between CISH and FISH, and two cases were not interpretable by CISH. CISH is advantageous for allowing pathologists to evaluate the histologic and molecular alterations occurring simultaneously in a specimen. Moreover, CISH is found to be more cost- and time-efficient when used with automation, and the signals do not quench over time. CISH technique is a reliable alternative to FISH in the evaluation of adipocytic tumors for MDM2 amplification. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Suppression of self-interstitials in silicon during ion implantation via in-situ photoexcitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ravi, J.; Erokhin, Yu.; Christensen, K.; Rozgonyi, G.A.; Patnaik, B.K.; White, C.W.


    The influence of in-situ photoexcitation during low temperature implantation on self-interstitial agglomeration following annealing has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A reduction in the level of as-implanted damage determined by RBS and TEM occurs athermally during 150 keV self-ion implantation. The damage reduction following a 300 C anneal suggests that it is mostly divacancy related. Subsequent thermal annealing at 800 C resulted in the formation of (311) rod like defects or dislocation loops for samples with and without in-situ photoexcitation, respectively. Estimation of the number of self-interstitials bound by these defects in the sample without in-situ photoexcitation corresponds to the implanted dose; whereas for the in-situ photoexcitation sample a suppression of ∼2 orders in magnitude is found. The kinetics of the athermal annealing process are discussed within the framework of either a recombination enhanced defect reaction mechanism, or a charge state enhanced defect migration and Coulomb interaction

  15. Process Design and Economics for the Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Hydrocarbon Fuels: Thermochemical Research Pathways with In Situ and Ex Situ Upgrading of Fast Pyrolysis Vapors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dutta, Abhijit [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Sahir, A. H. [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Tan, Eric [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Humbird, David [DWH Process Consulting, Denver, CO (United States); Snowden-Swan, Lesley J. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Meyer, Pimphan A. [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Ross, Jeff [Harris Group, Inc., Seattle, WA (United States); Sexton, Danielle [Harris Group, Inc., Seattle, WA (United States); Yap, Raymond [Harris Group, Inc., Seattle, WA (United States); Lukas, John [Harris Group, Inc., Seattle, WA (United States)


    This report was developed as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office’s efforts to enable the development of technologies for the production of infrastructure-compatible, cost-competitive liquid hydrocarbon fuels from biomass. Specifically, this report details two conceptual designs based on projected product yields and quality improvements via catalyst development and process integration. It is expected that these research improvements will be made within the 2022 timeframe. The two conversion pathways detailed are (1) in situ and (2) ex situ upgrading of vapors produced from the fast pyrolysis of biomass. While the base case conceptual designs and underlying assumptions outline performance metrics for feasibility, it should be noted that these are only two of many other possibilities in this area of research. Other promising process design options emerging from the research will be considered for future techno-economic analysis. Both the in situ and ex situ conceptual designs, using the underlying assumptions, project MFSPs of approximately $3.5/gallon gasoline equivalent (GGE). The performance assumptions for the ex situ process were more aggressive with higher distillate (diesel-range) products. This was based on an assumption that more favorable reaction chemistry (such as coupling) can be made possible in a separate reactor where, unlike in an in situ upgrading reactor, one does not have to deal with catalyst mixing with biomass char and ash, which pose challenges to catalyst performance and maintenance. Natural gas was used for hydrogen production, but only when off gases from the process was not sufficient to meet the needs; natural gas consumption is insignificant in both the in situ and ex situ base cases. Heat produced from the burning of char, coke, and off-gases allows for the production of surplus electricity which is sold to the grid allowing a reduction of approximately 5¢/GGE in the MFSP.

  16. Application of in-situ measurement to determine 137Cs in the Swiss Alps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schaub, M.; Konz, N.; Meusburger, K.; Alewell, C.


    Establishment of 137 Cs inventories is often used to gain information on soil stability. The latter is crucial in mountain systems, where ecosystem stability is tightly connected to soil stability. In-situ measurements of 137 Cs in steep alpine environments are scarce. Most studies have been carried out in arable lands and with Germanium (Ge) detectors. Sodium Iodide (NaI) detector system is an inexpensive and easy to handle field instrument, but its validity on steep alpine environments has not been tested yet. In this study, a comparison of laboratory measurements with GeLi detector and in-situ measurements with NaI detector of 137 Cs gamma soil radiation has been done in an alpine catchment with high 137 Cs concentration (Urseren Valley, Switzerland). The aim of this study was to calibrate the in-situ NaI detector system for application on steep alpine slopes. Replicate samples from an altitudinal transect through the Urseren Valley, measured in the laboratory with a GeLi detector, showed a large variability in 137 Cs activities at a meter scale. This small-scale heterogeneity determined with the GeLi detector is smoothed out by uncollimated in-situ measurements with the NaI detector, which provides integrated estimates of 137 Cs within the field of view (3.1 m 2 ) of each measurement. There was no dependency of 137 Cs on pH, clay content and carbon content, but a close relationship was determined between measured 137 Cs activities and soil moisture. Thus, in-situ data must be corrected for soil moisture. Close correlation (R 2 = 0.86, p 137 Cs activities (in Bq kg -1 ) estimated with in-situ (NaI detector) and laboratory (GeLi detector) methods. We thus concluded that the NaI detector system is a suitable tool for in-situ measurements in alpine environments. This paper describes the calibration of the NaI detector system for field application under elevated 137 Cs activities originating from Chernobyl fallout.

  17. In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry as a surface sensitive tool to probe thin film growth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, C.


    Sputtered thin film and multilayer x-ray mirrors are made routinely at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) for the APS users. Precise film growth control and characterization are very critical in fabricating high-quality x-ray mirrors. Film thickness calibrations are carried out using in situ and ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry, interferometry, and x-ray scattering. To better understand the growth and optical properties of different thin film systems, we have carried out a systematic study of sputtered thin films of Au, Rh, Pg Pd, Cu, and Cr, using in situ ellipsometry. Multiple data sets were obtained in situ for each film material with incremental thicknesses and were analyzed with their correlation in mind. We found that in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry as a surface-sensitive tool can also be used to probe the growth and morphology of the thin film system. This application of in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry for metal thin film systems will be discussed

  18. OceanSITES TAO daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This file contains daily real-time and delayed-mode in-situ data from one of the flux reference mooring sites in the tropical oceans. Included in this file are sea...

  19. Development of an in situ fatigue sensor. (United States)


    A prototype in situ fatigue sensor has been designed, constructed and evaluated experimentally for its ability to monitor the accumulation of fatigue damage in a cyclically loaded steel structure, e.g., highway bridge. The sensor consists of multiple...

  20. [In situ aortofemoral reconstructions in surgical treatment of infected aortofemoral grafts]. (United States)

    Badretdinov, I A; Pokrovsky, A V


    The article presents a review of literature sources covering possibilities of peiforming in situ aortofemoral reconstructions in surgical treatment of infected aortofemoral grafts. This methodology makes it possible to improve the outcomes of treatment for paraprosthetic infection at the expense of decreasing lethality and morbidity, increasing parameters of patency of grafts and lower limb salvage in the remote postoperative period. Mention should be made that in situ secondary aortofemoral reconstructions are fraught with danger of relapsing paraprosthetic infection, therefore many publications are dedicated to search for prostheses most resistant to infection. The article also presents the results of works devoted to the use of various types of prostheses for in situ secondary aortofemoral reconstructions: prostheses made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), synthetic grafts saturated with various antibacterial drugs and gelatine, cadaveric allografts, synthetic prostheses treated with silver ions, autovenous conduits based on the femoral and popliteal veins.

  1. In situ lake pollutant survey using prompt-gamma probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiunnhsing Chao; Chien Chung


    An aluminium-made neutron-gamma probe, consisting of a 1.5 μg 252 Cf neutron source and a high purity germanium detector, was mounted on a mobile floating platform to survey chlorine pollutant concentration in lake water in situ. Laboratory tests for determining the probe operating depth and in situ field trials of a polluted lake were conducted; evaluation of radiation exposure to workers on board was carried out. The polluted chlorine concentration in lake water was found to be 86 ppm, with minimal radiation exposure for the operating crew on board. (author)

  2. In situ measurements reveal extremely low pH in soil

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Knud Erik; Loibide, Amaia Irixar; Nielsen, Lars Peter


    We measured pH in situ in the top organic soil horizons in heathland and pine forest and found values between 2.6 and 3.2. This was 0.5e0.8 units lower than concurrent laboratory pH measurements of the same soil, which raises questions about the interpretation of pH measurements. We propose that ...... that the higher pH recorded by standard laboratory methods may be due to buffering ions from soil biota released from drying, grinding and rewetting of soil samples, whereas the in situ pH reflects the correct level of acidification....

  3. In-Situ Burn Gaps Analysis (United States)


    This Report) UNCLAS//Public 20. Security Class (This Page) UNCLAS//Public 21. No of Pages 76 22. Price UNCLAS//Public | CG-926 RDC | Merrick...surveillance and spotting techniques/equipment to keep responders in the heaviest oil concentrations where their operation to skim , burn, or disperse...Offshore Oil Skim And Burn System For Use With Vessels Of Opportunity. UNCLAS//Public | CG-926 RDC | Merrick, et al. Public | June 2015 In-Situ Burn Gaps

  4. In situ transmission electron microscopy for magnetic nanostructures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ngo, Duc-The; Kuhn, Luise Theil


    Nanomagnetism is a subject of great interest because of both application and fundamental aspects in which understanding of the physical and electromagnetic structure of magnetic nanostructures is essential to explore the magnetic properties. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a powerful tool...... that allows understanding of both physical structure and micromagnetic structure of the thin samples at nanoscale. Among TEM techniques, in situ TEM is the state-of-the-art approach for imaging such structures in dynamic experiments, reconstructing a real-time nanoscale picture of the properties......-structure correlation. This paper aims at reviewing and discussing in situ TEM magnetic imaging studies, including Lorentz microscopy and electron holography in TEM, applied to the research of magnetic nanostructures....

  5. In situ electric fields causing electro-stimulation from conductor contact of charged human

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagai, T.; Hirata, A.


    Contact currents flow from/into a human body when touching an object such as a metal structure with a different electric potential. These currents can stimulate muscle and peripheral nerves. In this context, computational analyses of in situ electric fields caused by the contact current have been performed, while their effectiveness for transient contact currents has not well been investigated. In the present study, using an anatomically based human model, a dispersive finite-difference time-domain model was utilised to computed transient contact current and in situ electric fields from a charged human. Computed in situ electric fields were highly localised in the hand. In order to obtain an insight into the relationship between in situ electric field and electro-stimulation, cell-maximum and 5-mm averaged in situ electric fields were computed and compared with strength-duration curves. The comparison suggests that both measures could be larger than thresholds derived from the strength- duration curves with parameters used in previous studies. (authors)

  6. OceanSITES KEO daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This file contains daily real-time and delayed-mode in-situ data from the Kuroshio Extension Observatory (KEO) site nominally at 32.3N,144.6E, in the Kuroshio...

  7. In-situ crack repair by laser cladding

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Van Rooyen, C


    Full Text Available Laser cladding crack repair of austenitic stainless steel vessels subjected to internal water pressure was evaluated. The purpose of this investigation was to develop process parameters for in-situ repair of through-wall cracks in components...

  8. Common Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Applications in Cytology. (United States)

    Savic, Spasenija; Bubendorf, Lukas


    - Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a well-established method for detection of genomic aberrations in diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive marker testing. - To review common applications of FISH in cytology. - The published literature was reviewed. - Cytology is particularly well suited for all kinds of FISH applications, which is highlighted in respiratory tract cytology with an increasing demand for predictive FISH testing in lung cancer. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is the gold standard for detection of predictive anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene (ALK) rearrangements, and the same evaluation criteria as in histology apply to cytology. Several other gene rearrangements, including ROS proto-oncogene 1 receptor tyrosine kinase (ROS1), are becoming clinically important and share the same underlining cytogenetic mechanisms with ALK. MET amplification is one of the most common mechanisms of acquired resistance to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors and can be targeted by crizotinib. As genomic aberrations are a hallmark of malignant cells, FISH is a valuable objective ancillary diagnostic tool. In urinary tract cytology, atypical urothelial cells equivocal for malignancy are a common diagnostic dilemma and multitarget FISH can help clarify such cells. Diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma remains one of the most challenging fields in effusion cytology, and ancillary FISH is useful in establishing the diagnosis. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is a morphology-based technique, and the prerequisite for reliable FISH results is a targeted evaluation of the cells in question (eg, cancer or atypical cells). Cytopathologists and cytotechnicians should therefore be involved in molecular testing in order to select the best material and to provide their morphologic expertise.

  9. Estimation of In-Situ Groundwater Conditions Based on Geochemical Equilibrium Simulations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Toshiyuki Hokari


    Full Text Available This paper presents a means of estimating in-situ groundwater pH and oxidation-redox potential (ORP, two very important parameters for species migration analysis in safety assessments for radioactive waste disposal or carbon dioxide sequestration. The method was applied to a pumping test in a deep borehole drilled in a tertiary formation in Japan for validation. The following application examples are presented: when applied to several other pumping tests at the same site, it could estimate distributions of the in-situ groundwater pH and ORP; applied to multiple points selected in the groundwater database of Japan, it could help estimate the in-situ redox reaction governing the groundwater conditions in some areas.

  10. In situ vitrification program treatability investigation progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arrenholz, D.A.


    This document presents a summary of the efforts conducted under the in situ vitrification treatability study during the period from its initiation in FY-88 until FY-90. In situ vitrification is a thermal treatment process that uses electrical power to convert contaminated soils into a chemically inert and stable glass and crystalline product. Contaminants present in the soil are either incorporated into the product or are pyrolyzed during treatment. The treatability study being conducted at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory by EG ampersand G Idaho is directed at examining the specific applicability of the in situ vitrification process to buried wastes contaminated with transuranic radionuclides and other contaminants found at the Subsurface Disposal Area of the Radioactive Waste Management Complex. This treatability study consists of a variety of tasks, including engineering tests, field tests, vitrified product evaluation, and analytical models of the ISV process. The data collected in the course of these efforts will address the nine criteria set forth in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, which will be used to identify and select specific technologies to be used in the remediation of the buried wastes at the Subsurface Disposal Area. 6 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs

  11. In-situ stabilization of mixed waste contaminated soil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siegrist, R.L.; Cline, S.R.; Gilliam, T.M.; Conner, J.R.


    A full-scale field demonstration was conducted to evaluate in for stabilizing an inactive RCRA land treatment site at a DOE facility in Ohio. Subsurface silt and clay deposits were contaminated principally with up to 500 mg/kg of trichloroethylene and other halocarbons, but also trace to low levels of Pb, Cr, 235 U, and 99 Tc. In situ solidification was studied in three, 3.1 m diameter by 4.6 m deep columns. During mixing, a cement-based grout was injected and any missions from the mixed region were captured in a shroud and treated by filtration and carbon adsorption. During in situ processing, operation and performance parameters were measured, and soil cores were obtained from a solidified column 15 months later. Despite previous site-specific treatability experience, there were difficulties in selecting a grout with the requisite treatment agents amenable to subsurface injection and at a volume adequate for distribution throughout the mixed region while minimizing volume expansion. observations during the demonstration revealed that in situ solidification was rapidly accomplished (e.g., >90 m 3 /d) with limited emissions of volatile organics (i.e., -6 cm/s vs. 10 -8 cm/s). Leaching tests performed on the treated samples revealed non-detectable to acceptably low concentrations of all target contaminants

  12. Feasibility testing of in situ vitrification of uranium-contaminated soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikuse, H.; Tsuchino, S.; Tasaka, H.; Timmerman, C.L.


    Process feasibility studies using in situ vitrification (ISV) were successfully performed on two different uranium-contaminated wastes. In situ vitrification is a thermal treatment process that converts contaminated soils into durable glass and crystalline form. Of the two different wastes, one waste was uranium mill tailings, while the other was uranium-contaminated soils which had high water contents. Analyses of the data from the two tests are presented

  13. In Situ Flash Pyrolysis of Straw

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bech, Niels

    In-Situ Flash Pyrolysis of Straw Ph.D. dissertation by Niels Bech Submitted: April 2007. Supervisors: Professor Kim Dam-Johansen, Associate Professor Peter Arendt Jensen Erfaringerne med forbrænding af halm opnået gennem et årti har vist, at en proces der kan koncentrere energien på marken, fjerne...

  14. Uranium in situ leaching: its advantages, practice, problems and computer simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hancock, B.A.


    In situ leaching for the recovery of uranium from low grade sandstone deposits is one of the newest technological advances in the mineral industry. It is rapidly developing into a commercially feasible mining system which has economic, environmental, and social advantages over conventional mining systems. Because of the current uranium shortage, development of in situ leaching into a sophisticated system has gained new impetus. In situ leaching will become an important mining technique in the future, which will greatly help to supply uranium for the United States' energy needs. In this paper, the author gives an overview of the merits of the system, as well as the technology problems, and research in solution mining of uranium. 17 references

  15. Tomato genome mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridisation = Kartering van het tomatengenoom met behulp van fluorescentie in situ hybridisatie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zhong, X.B.


    The general introduction reviews the progress in tomato genome mapping using classical genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics, emphasising the great potential of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) techniques.

    Chapter 2 describes how to

  16. Do senescence markers correlate in vitro and in situ within individual human donors?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waaijer, Mariëtte E C; Gunn, David A; van Heemst, Diana


    Little is known on how well senescence markers in vitro and in situ correlate within individual donors. We studied correlations between the same and different in vitro markers. Furthermore, we tested correlations between in vitro markers with in situ p16INK4a positivity.From 100 donors (20-91 yea...

  17. In situ bioventing in deep soils at arid sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frishmuth, R.A.; Ratz, J.W.; Blicker, B.R.; Hall, J.F.; Downey, D.C.


    In situ bioventing has been shown to be a cost-effective remedial alternative for vadose zone soils. The success of the technology relies on the ability of indigenous soil microorganisms to utilize petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants as a primary metabolic substrate. Soil microbial populations are typically elevated in shallow soils due to an abundance of naturally occurring substrates and nutrients, but may be limited at greater depths due to a lack of these constituents. Therefore, the effectiveness of in situ bioventing is questionable in contaminated soil zones that extend far below the ground surface. Also, because the soil microbial population relies on soil moisture to sustain hydrocarbon degradation, the viability of bioventing is questionable in arid climates, where the soil moisture content is suspected to be minimal

  18. Controlling in situ crystallization of pharmaceutical particles within the spray dryer. (United States)

    Woo, Meng Wai; Lee, May Ginn; Shakiba, Soroush; Mansouri, Shahnaz


    Simultaneous solidification and in situ crystallization (or partial crystallization) of droplets within the drying chamber are commonly encountered in the spray drying of pharmaceuticals. The crystallinity developed will determine the functionality of the powder and its stability during storage. This review discusses strategies that can be used to control the in situ crystallization process. Areas covered: The premise of the strategies discussed focuses on the manipulation of the droplet drying rate relative to the timescale of crystallization. This can be undertaken by the control of the spray drying operation, by the use of volatile materials and by the inclusion of additives. Several predictive approaches for in situ crystallization control and new spray dryer configuration strategies are further discussed. Expert opinion: Most reports, hitherto, have focused on the crystallinity of the spray dried material or the development of crystallinity during storage. More mechanistic understanding of the in situ crystallization process during spray drying is required to guide product formulation trials. The key challenge will be in adapting the mechanistic approach to the myriad possible formulations in the pharmaceutical industry.

  19. OceanSITES PAPA daily in-situ data (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This file contains daily real-time and delayed-mode in-situ data from station Papa at 50N,145W in the North Pacific. This taut-line mooring has been instrumented...

  20. In situ nanoparticle diagnostics by multi-wavelength Rayleigh-Mie scattering ellipsometry

    CERN Document Server

    Gebauer, G


    We present and discuss the method of multiple-wavelength Rayleigh-Mie scattering ellipsometry for the in situ analysis of nanoparticles. It is applied to the problem of nanoparticles suspended in low-pressure plasmas. We discuss experimental results demonstrating that the size distribution and the complex refractive index can be determined with high accuracy and present a study on the in situ analysis of etching of melamine-formaldehyde nanoparticles suspended in an oxygen plasma. It is also shown that particles with a shell structure (core plus mantle) can be analysed by Rayleigh-Mie scattering ellipsometry. Rayleigh-Mie scattering ellipsometry is also applicable to in situ analysis of nanoparticles under high gas pressures and in liquids.