
Sample records for con sutura circular

  1. La sutura compresiva del útero en cesárea con atonía uterina

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    Percy Pacora


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar si el empleo de la sutura compresiva del útero (técnica de B-Lynch durante la cesárea en casos de atonía uterina disminuye la pérdida sanguínea y evita la histerectomía posparto. Material y Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de las cesáreas que cursaron con atonía uterina durante la intervención, desde el 1 de enero de 1990 al 31 de diciembre de 2003, en el Hospital San Bartolomé de Lima. El método estándar de manejo de la atonía uterina en la cesárea consiste en el masaje uterino, el empleo de agentes uterotónicos (ocitocina, prostaglandinas, ligadura de arterias uterinas/hipogástricas y la histerectomía posparto. Las variables maternas y perinatales obtenidas de las historias clínicas fueron ingresadas a una base de datos computarizado (SPSS versión 10. Resultados: Se identificó 46 casos: en 30 se empleó la técnica B-Lynch y en 16 el método estándar. No hubo diferencias en las características maternas entre ambos grupos. El grupo de B-Lynch presentó subjetivamente menor perdida sanguínea, recibió menor número de unidades de sangre transfundida y presentó significativo menor riesgo de histerectomía posparto comparado con el método estándar (promedio ± DE: 1144,4±311,7 mL vs 1666,9±794,4 mL, p<0,05; 0,36±0,66 vs 2,90±3,64, p<0,05; y OR 0,08, IC95% 0,01-0,45, p<0,01, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La sutura compresiva del útero durante la cesárea en la atonía uterina parece reducir el sangrado vaginal, la transfusión sanguínea y el empleo de la histerectomía comparado con el método estándar.

  2. Nuevo método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua New method of continuous percutaneous subcutaneous suture

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    Germán Brito Sosa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: realizar un método de sutura continua, en las personas operadas en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López", que disminuya los granulomas a nivel de la herida quirúrgica, y compararlas con el método tradicional. Métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental sobre la aplicación de un método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua, en un grupo de pacientes operados de diversas enfermedades, ya sea de urgencia, electivo o ambulatorio, en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López", en los años 2008 y 2009. Resultados: con el método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua con nylon no se forman granulomas, mientras que con el método tradicional, sí ocurre en un porcentaje no despreciable. Las ventajas del método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua con nylon son: en el plano celular subcutáneo de la pared abdominal no queda sutura, no se producen granulomas y es más económica. Conclusiones: la sutura de nylon es menos rechazada que la del cromado, ya que no se producen granulomas. El método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua es una sutura más hemostática que el método tradicional, ya que el por ciento de hematomas es menor. El gasto económico es menor con el método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua. Con el método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua la sutura es extraída al 10mo. día de haberla aplicado.Objectives: to apply a continuous suture method to reduce granulomas in surgical wounds in patients operated on at "Julio Trigo Lopez" hospital, and to compare the results with those of the traditional method. Methods: an experimental study was conducted on the application of a continuous percutaneous subcutaneous suture in a group of patients operated on from several diseases, either under emergency, elective or outpatient conditions at "Julio Trigo Lopez" hospital during 2008 and 2009. Results: the continuous percutaneous subcutaneous suture method with nylon prevents formation of granulomas, whereas

  3. Empleo de la sutura microquirúrgica en la transureteroureterostomía

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    Rafael Toirac Martínez


    Full Text Available Utilizando 5 perros beagles, se realizó la técnica de la transureteroureterostomía y se aplicaron los procederes de la sutura microquirúrgica; se derivó el uréter izquierdo a través del derecho mediante puntos discontinuos seromusculares, con hilo de sutura de poliamida 10-0 monofilamento y aguja curva espatulada; el objetivo fue demostrar la superioridad de la técnica microquirúrgica sobre el método usualmente empleado. Se exponen los resultados radiológicos y anatomopatológicos obtenidos a los 3, 4 y 6 meses, los que demuestran, radiográficamente, ausencia de lesiones renales y de los sistemas excretores, con buen funcionamiento de la transureteroureterostomía; y anatomopatológicamente, tanto en el estudio macroscópico como en los cortes histológicos de los riñones y del sitio de la anastomosis se comprobó la ausencia de lesiones renales, así como reconstrucción de todos los planos de la pared del uréter. Esta técnica de derivación mediante la microcirugía puede constituir la operación alternativa ideal cuando no sea posible la sutura término-terminal

  4. Prótesis aórticas sin sutura: revisión de las alternativas actuales

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    Juan J. Otero


    Full Text Available Las prótesis sin sutura representan una nueva alternativa en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la estenosis aórtica severa. En el siguiente artículo intentamos resumir las características fundamentales de cada una de ellas y la bibliografía más importante publicada hasta ahora con el fin de hacer una revisión rápida de estas prótesis para poder orientar su uso.

  5. Autosomal dominant craniosynostosis of the sutura metopica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hennekam, R. C.; van den Boogaard, M. J.


    Trigonocephaly due to craniosynostosis of the sutura metopica was found in two sibs with normal intelligence. Both were microcephalic. The father had a sloping forehead and possibly partial metopic craniosynostosis. The paternal grandfather had a bony ridge at the upper half of the metopic suture

  6. Sutura primaria en las lesiones traumáticas del colon Primary suture applied in the colonic traumatic lesions

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    Maribel Vicente Medina


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Las suturas digestivas siempre han sido una preocupación para los cirujanos por la gravedad de las complicaciones que pueden presentarse. Fue objetivo de esta presentación demostrar la factibilidad de la sutura primaria en el colon. MÉTODOS. Presentamos los resultados de un período de 14 meses en los cuales se realizaron 32 suturas primarias en el colon a causa de lesiones traumáticas. Los pacientes fueron atendidos en dos hospitales, uno provincial y otro nacional en la República de Yemen. Se tomaron como datos fundamentales el tipo de trauma, la parte afectada del colon, las lesiones asociadas, el tipo de operación en el colon, las demás operaciones asociadas o complementarias, así como el uso de antibióticos. RESULTADOS. Se estudiaron 32 pacientes con lesiones traumáticas de colon, 29 de ellos (90,62 % por arma de fuego. Otras causas fueron las heridas por arma blanca y los accidentes de tránsito. Un porcentaje elevado de los casos necesitó la intervención en órganos abdominales o la resección de estos. El índice de complicaciones fue bajo (6 pacientes con una sola dehiscencia y 2 fístulas. No hubo que lamentar fallecidos. CONCLUSIONES. Es factible obtener buenos resultados con este procedimiento, que a la vez evita la tan objetada y molesta para los pacientes colostomía, con mínimo riesgo para ellos.INTRODUCTION: Digestive sutures always have been a concern for surgeons due to severity of possible complications. Aim of present presentation was to show feasibility of colon primary suture. METHODS: Results achieved during 14 months are presented, in which we performed 12 primary sutures in colon due to traumatic lesions. Patients were seen in two hospitals, one al provincial level and the other at national level in Yemen Republic. We took as essential data the type of trauma, the involved portion of colon, associated lesions, type of surgery in colon, the other associated or complementary surgeries, as well

  7. Ritidoplastia: sutura del sistema SMAS-Platisma e importancia de la filosofía de la naturalidad

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    R. Goulart Jr.


    Full Text Available La ritidoplastia ha pasado por incontables cambios técnicos en relación a los colgajos cutáneos o a los musculares involucrados en el procedimiento. Inicialmente solo se realizaba la tracción de la piel con resultados muy variables; con el tiempo y con un mejor conocimiento de la anatomía facial, los resultados han evolucionado hasta la estandarización de la tracción de las estructuras faciales que en la actualidad es mucho más muscular, realizando sobre la piel solamente el ajuste de la cobertura al nuevo contorno facial. El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar la eficacia de la sutura simple del sistema SMAS-Platisma y la importancia de considerar una filosofía de la naturalidad que será la base de una técnica moderna de ritidoplastia. Revisamos un total de 617 pacientes, todas de sexo femenino, que se sometieron a ritidoplastia simple o combinada con otras cirugías en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 1992 a diciembre del 2010. La edad osciló entre los 37 y 75 años. Las cirugías combinadas incluyeron: reducción mamaria, mastopexia, abdominoplastia, implantes mamarios, cirugía de los párpados, rinoplastia, liposucción, cirugía vascular y cirugías ginecológicas. El número de pacientes en las que solo se realizó la ritidoplastia fue 326. Los índices de complicaciones estuvieran entre el 0,16 % y 1,13 % con relación a cada complicación estudiada, siendo el total del 4,03 %. El estudio retrospectivo mostró la eficiencia de la sutura simple del sistema SMAS-Platisma y los resultados naturales que se pueden obtener incluso con las cirugías combinadas. Todas las pacientes quedaron satisfechas con los resultados y consideramos que los índices de complicaciones estuvieron en niveles aceptables. A nuestro juicio, la ritidoplastia, por encima de otras cirugías estéticas, necesita de una rutina técnica eficiente y de un concepto filosófico basado en la más pura naturalidad, que necesita ser independiente de las

  8. Técnica de suturas ajustables: Resultados Technique of adjustable sutures: Results

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    Lourdes R. Hernández Santos


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio sensorial y motor preoperatorio y posoperatorio a 84 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de Visión Binocular con el diagnóstico de estrabismo horizontal a partir de los 13 años de edad. El método estadístico utilizado fue "t" o Chi cuadrado. Nos trazamos como objetivo determinar los resultados posoperatorios de la cirugía de estrabismo realizada con la técnica de suturas ajustables, que fueron los siguientes: el 61 % de los pacientes con exotropía y el 71,4 % con el diagnóstico de exotropía se encontraban en ortotropía a los 6 meses de la intervención. El 71,4 % de los pacientes con esotropía y el 83,3 % con el diagnóstico de esotropía se encontraban en ortotropía al año de la intervención. Esta técnica quirúrgica permite la modificación de la desviación en el posoperatorio inmediato.A preoperative and postoperative sensorial and motor study was conducted among 84 patients who received attention at the consultation room of Binocular Vision with the diagnosis of horizontal strabismus from the age of 13 years old on. The statistical method used was "t" or chi square test. Our objective was to determine the postoperative results of the strabismus surgery performed by the technique of adjustable sutures. The results were as follows: 61 % of the patients with exotropia and 71.4 % with the diagnosis of exotropia were in orthotropia 6 months after the operation. 71.4 % of the patients with exotropia and 83.3 % with the diagnosis of exotropia were in orthotropia a year after the operation. This surgical technique allows the modification of the deviation in the immediate postoperative.

  9. Síntese da parede abdominal: avaliação de dois tipos de sutura contínua em ratos

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    Loureiro Vanessa Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a sutura simples contínua e a sutura contínua em oito vertical no fechamento da parede abdominal de ratos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e oito ratos machos Wistar, foram submetidos a laparotomia padronizada e fechamento da parede abdominal com sutura simples contínua (n=24 e sutura contínua em oito-vertical (n=24, com fio de polipropileno. No 7° e 14° pós-operatório foram submetidos a eutanásia 12 animais de cada grupo e deles retirados a camada músculo-aponevrótica da parede abdominal envolvendo a cicatriz operatória e preparados para exames histológico e imunohistoquímico. Os segmentos levados ao exame histológico foram corados por Hematoxilina-eosina sendo feita observação qualitativa do processo cicatricial e Picrosirius red F3BA, para avaliação quantitativa do colágeno. Também foram estudadas as porcentagens de macrófagos na linha de sutura por imunohistoquímica. Para a quantificação de macrófagos e fibras colágenas foi utilizado avaliação histológica por digitalização de imagem, baseados nos princípios de espectrofotometria. Os dados encontrados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes qui-quadrado, exato de Fisher e Mann-Whitney (p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: A análise qualitativa, nos parâmetros necrose, fibrose, neovascularização, presença de abscesso, reação de corpo estranho e coaptação das bordas de sutura, não mostrou dados significantes nos dois grupos aos 7 ou 14 dias. A porcentagem de fibras colágenas foi significantemente maior, apenas no 7° dia, na sutura contínua em oito-vertical. A porcentagem de macrófagos mostrou-se significantemente maior na sutura simples contínua no 7º. dia. CONCLUSÃO : No 7° dia de pós-operatório a parede abdominal suturada em oito vertical apresenta significantemente, maior quantidade de fibras colágenas e menor quantidade de macrófagos do que a suturada por técnica contínua. Aos 14 dias de observação as suturas mostraram

  10. Técnicas de sutura do tubo digestivo em plano único com nós atados no lume, em cães: pontos simples totais versus pontos extramucosos

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    Azevedo João Luiz Moreira Coutinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a anastomose do tubo digestivo em plano único com nós atados no lume por sutura com pontos totais versus pontos extramucosos. MÉTODOS: Foram operados seis cães, com realização de duas secções transversas do jejuno a 30 cm e a 70 cm da flexura duodenojejunal e sutura, na face posterior com pontos extramucosos atados sobre a submucosa, e na face anterior com pontos totais atados sobre a mucosa. No 7º PO foram avaliadas, na face posterior, as aderências na linha de sutura e feitos exames macroscópico e microscópico. RESULTADOS: As aderências peritoneais foram mais profusas nas suturas extramucosas com tecido aderencial sobre a linha de sutura, sem reconstituição da serosa, ou com a deformidade cicatricial das serosas dos cotos angulando a anastomose. A serosa teve boa reconstituição nas suturas totais. O epitélio mucoso reconstituiu-se perfeitamente nas extramucosas, mas não nas totais. Nas suturas totais houve focos residuais de inflamação aguda.O realinhamento, a reestruturação e a regeneração das camadas (exceto a serosa, cuja regeneração foi prejudicada por aderências foi melhor na sutura extramucosa que na total. A muscular da mucosa não se regenerou em nenhuma anastomose. Os polimorfonucleares, os macrófagos, os fibroblastos e as fibras colágenas foram mais numerosos (significância estatística na sutura total. CONCLUSÃO: As suturas totais da parede posterior da anastomose com nós atados no lume, sobre a mucosa, são seguras, apesar da inflamação maior. A sutura extramucosa da parede posterior, com nós atados no lume, sobre a submucosa, propicia a formação de aderências peritoneais, devendo ser evitada.

  11. Sutura de menisco com implantes absorvíveis Meniscus suture with absorbable implants

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    Arnaldo José Hernandez


    Full Text Available Os autores avaliam clinicamente 19 pacientes (19 joelhos - 15 meniscos mediais e 5 laterais submetidos à sutura de menisco, utilizando 2 tipos de implantes absorvíveis (ácido polilático Arrow® e Clear fix®. O estudo compõe-se de 15 homens e 4 mulheres com idades entre 16 e 44 anos, com média de 26,8 anos. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 24 meses, com mínimo de 18 e máximo de 32 meses. A técnica operatória constituiu-se da sutura de um ou ambos os meniscos (1 caso, via artroscópica com Arrow® em 15 pacientes e Clear fix® em 4. Dos 19 indivíduos, 6 foram submetidos à sutura meniscal isolada, 11 associada à reconstrução do LCA e 2 à reconstrução do LCA com osteotomia valgizante da tíbia. Os resultados foram avaliados segundo exame físico incluindo as manobras de Appley e Mc Murray. A avaliação funcional pré e pós-operatória do joelho foi realizada pela escala de Lysholm modificada. Todos os pacientes tiveram suas manobras meniscais negativadas no pós-operatório. A pontuação média pré-operatória segundo a escala de Lysholm foi de 39,8 subindo para 91,5 no pós-operatório. Os autores concluem que a sutura de menisco, utilizando implantes absorvíveis, tem se mostrado eficiente até o momento, e que tecnicamente ela é mais simples que a sutura convencional.The authors clinically assessed 19 patients (19 knees - 15 medial meniscus and 5 lateral meniscus submitted to meniscus suture using 2 kinds of absorbable implants (polylactic acid Arrow® and Clear fix®. The study is composed of 15 males and 4 females, ages ranging 16 - 44 years old (average = 26.8 years old. The mean follow-up time was 24 months, ranging from 18 to 32 months, at most. The surgical technique was constituted of a suture in one or both meniscus (1 case, through arthroscopy with Arrow® in 15 patients and Clear fix® in 4. From the 19 individuals, 6 were submitted to isolated meniscal suture, 11 combined to ACL reconstruction and 2 to ACL

  12. Implante de la válvula aórtica Perceval S® en un paciente con endocarditis aórtica

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    José Ramón González Rodríguez


    Conclusiones: El uso de la válvula aórtica protésica sin sutura “Perceval S”, es una posibilidad terapéutica para el tratamiento de la endocarditis aórtica aguda en casos con destrucción parcial anular y subanular.

  13. Estudo clínico comparativo entre anastomose colocólica com anel anastomótico biofragmentável e com sutura manual não absorvível

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    Sarhan Sydney Saad

    Full Text Available A anastomose com sutura é método consagrado, apresentando desvantagens teóricas representadas pelo trauma tecidual, edema e alteração da microcirculação. Além disso, o fio de sutura, sendo corpo estranho, determina reação inflamatória, propiciando a aderência e a proliferação de bactérias, assim como de células neoplásicas que seriam evitadas ao se usar método de anastomose sem sutura. A procura por método de anastomose em que não se utilizasse fio de sutura vem sendo realizada desde o início deste século. Com o advento das novas aquisições tecnológicas foi desenvolvido método de anastomose sem sutura através do anel biofragmentável. Esse anel sofre desintegração por hidrólise, sendo eliminado com a evacuação, não permanecendo corpo estranho na anastomose. Esse instrumento permite a realização de anastomose sem sutura, por meio da compressão das paredes intestinais justapostas. O objetivo desse estudo prospectivo e casualizado, foi o de comparar os resultados clínicos e endoscópicos de anastomoses colocólicas, eletivas e de baixo risco, realizadas com anel biofragmentável e com fio de sutura não absorvível. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: A casuística foi composta por 36 doentes, divididos em dois grupos de 18, que foram denominados Grupo I (anel biofragmentável e Grupo II (sutura com fio não absorvível , constituídos de doentes comparáveis. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros de avaliação do período intra-operatório, revelaram que a anastomose com anel biofragmentável despende menor tempo para sua realização. Não se detectou diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos com relação à incidência de complicações pós-operatórias, mortalidade e avaliação clínica ambulatorial. A incidência de deiscência anastomótica só ocorreu no Grupo I. A análise endoscópica da anastomose no período pós-operatório não demonstrou diferença quanto à perviedade, contratilidade

  14. ¿Son diferentes los migrantes circulares? La integración, el bienestar y la intención de quedarse de los que migran por primera vez y de los migrantes circulares (Are circular migrants different? Integration, wellbeing, and intention to stay of first-time and circular migrants

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    Michael Braun


    Full Text Available ResumenCon datos tomados del proyecto PIONEUR sobre la migración interna en la Unión Europea, definiremos (una forma débil de migrantes circulares como el colectivo de aquellos migrantes que ya habían experimentado una estancia prolongada en el país de residencia (en lo sucesivo abreviado a PDR antes de su traslado definitivo. A continuación, se ofrecerá una descripción de este colectivo junto con sus características sociodemográficas y se emplearán análisis de regresión (multinivel para determinar si la migración circular explica las diferencias en algunas variables dependientes (como el dominio del idioma, el apego al PDR que arrojan esos migrantes teniendo en cuenta las características sociodemográficas. De este modo, la migración circular estaría relacionada con un mayor contacto con la cultura del PDR y con una decisión consciente de regresar al país.AbstractUsing data from the PIONEUR project on intra-European migration, (a weak form of circular migrants will be defined by the group of migrants who experienced a prolonged sojourn in the country of residence (in the following abbreviated as CoR already before the final move. Then this group will be described along socio-demographic characteristics and (multilevel regression analysis will be used to determine whether circular migration explains differences in some outcome variables (such as language proficiency, attachment to the CoR, net of the socio-demographic characteristics these migrants have. Circular migration would then be related to additional exposure to the culture of the CoR and a conscious decision to re-enter the country.

  15. Sutura simples e âncora em quadris de coelhos Simple suture and anchor in rabbit hips

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    Fernando Cal Garcia Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Por meio de ensaios biomecânicos, comparar as capsulorrafias com sutura simples e com âncoras, em quadris de coelhos. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 13 coelhos, 26 quadris, todos machos da raça Nova Zelândia albinos (Oryctolaguscuniculus. Inicialmente, realizamos um projeto piloto em três coelhos (seis quadris. Este experimento constou de 10 coelhos, divididos em 2 grupos: o Grupo 1 submetido à capsulorrafia (quadris direito e esquerdo com sutura simples utilizando fio absorvível de ácido poliglicólico e o Grupo 2 submetido a capsulorrafia (quadris direito e esquerdo com âncora de titânio. Após o período de quatro semanas de operados, todos animais foram submetidos à eutanásia e seus quadris congelados. Após um descongelamento prévio das peças, no mesmo dia das análises biomecânicas, foram avaliados os parâmetros de rigidez, força máxima, deformidade máxima e energia. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação à força no limite de proporcionalidade, rigidez e força máxima entre os grupos com sutura simples e com âncora. CONCLUSÃO: Por meio dos ensaios biomecânicos, tendo como parâmetro a rigidez, a força máxima, a deformidade máxima e a energia, ficou demonstrado que as capsulorrafias em quadris de coelhos com sutura simples e com âncora são semelhantes entre si. Nível de Evidência II, Estudo Prospectivo Comparativo.OBJECTIVE: Using biomechanical studies, this research aims to compare hip capsulorrhaphy in rabbits, carried out with two different techniques: capsulorrhaphy with simple sutures and with anchors. METHOD: Thirteen New Zealand Albino (Oryctolaguscuniculus male rabbits, twenty-six hip joints, were used. First, a pilot project was performed with three rabbits (six hip joints. This experiment consisted of ten rabbits divided into two groups: group 1 underwent capsulorrhaphy on both right and left hips with simple suture using polyglycolic acid absorbable thread

  16. Ciclótidos, proteínas circulares producidas por plantas con potencial farmacológico

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    Escarleth Contreras Puentes

    Full Text Available Los ciclótidos son proteínas circulares de alrededor de 28 a 37 residuos de aminoácidos, poseen una marcada importancia biológica gracias a su estructura cíclica que le proporciona estabilidad. En este estudio se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos EBSCOHOST, Science Direct, Pubmed y ACS publication. Los artículos seleccionados entre los años 2010 a 2014 contenían las palabras claves cyclotides, cyclic peptides, macrocyclic peptides y drugs, se seleccionaron teniendo en cuenta como criterios de inclusión artículos con texto completo en ingles, de investigaciones experimentales originales, relacionadas con el uso de ciclótidos para el diseño de fármacos. Mediante el análisis de los artículos se encontró que los ciclótidos tienen un amplio rango de bioactividades tales como insecticida, uterotónica, antimicrobiana, antiVIH, anticáncer, hemolítica, antagonista de la neurotensina e inhibidora de la tripsina por lo cual se pueden emplear como bases para la elaboración de nuevos fármacos que puedan ser aplicados al tratamiento de distintas enfermedades.

  17. Pneumectomia utilizando sutura em bloco do hilo pulmonar por grampeador linear em cães Lung hilum pneumonectomy in dogs using linear stapler block suture

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    Afonso Akio Shiozaki


    Full Text Available A dissecção individualizada das estruturas do hilo pulmonar para execução de ressecções pulmonares nem sempre é de fácil execução. Nas operações vídeo-assistidas, as dificuldades de dissecção podem impedir a ressecção por essa via, obrigando o cirurgião a converter o procedimento operatório a aberto. As melhoras da qualidade técnica dos grampeadores cirúrgicos na década de 90 foram tão importantes que começam a surgir questionamentos quanto a sua possível eficiência na sutura em bloco das estruturas do hilo pulmonar, dispensando, assim, a dissecção individualizada de seus componentes, para a realização das ressecções. O objetivo de nosso trabalho foi verificar o efeito da sutura mecânica em bloco do hilo pulmonar. Realizamos pneumectomia em 12 cães machos, adultos, mestiços, com sutura simultânea do hilo pulmonar que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos com seis animais cada, observados até o 7º e 14 º dias de pós-operatório, obedecendo a protocolos experimentais previamente elaborados de verificação da macro e microscopia. A via de acesso foi a toracotomia lateral, realizada no animal anestesiado e mantido em ventilação controlada por ventilador mecânico. A sutura do hilo pulmonar em bloco foi realizada com somente um disparo do grampeador linear cortante de 60mm. Não houve a ocorrência de óbitos, deiscências de sutura ou fístulas arteriais ou venosas. Um animal apresentou abscesso no coto de amputação sem, entretanto, desenvolver fistulas ou deiscências nas suturas. A evolução pós-operatória foi considerada boa em 10 (83,3% dos animais e regular em 2 (16,7%, que apresentaram pequenos abscessos incisionais. Concluímos que esta técnica de sutura é viável, de rápida execução, apresenta bons resultados e necessita de estudos complementares que os corroborem.Individualized dissections of lung hilum structures to perform lung resections are not always easy. In video

  18. Estudio comparativo entre el uso de N – 2 butilcianoacrilato modificado y Vicryl 4 – 0 para el cierre de colgajos en cirugía de terceros molares Inferiores retenidos

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    José Ignacio Serrano


    Full Text Available La extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares supone la síntesis de los tejidos incididos previamente. El método de síntesis más utilizado en la práctica diaria del Cirujano Oral es la sutura con materiales convencionales guiados por una aguja para favorecer la cicatrización por primera intención, sin embargo, en la actualidad se ha puesto en boga la utilización de materiales adhesivos a base de Cianoacrilato para reemplazar las suturas convencionales, con el objetivo de disminuir el dolor postoperatorio, la dehiscencia de las heridas, el riesgo de infecciones, entre otros factores no menos importantes. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio predictivo es analizar comparativamente el dolor y la cicatrización de la herida postquirúrgica de terceros molares con la utilización de materiales de sutura adhesiva frente a suturas convencionales de vicryl 4/0 en cirugía de terceros molares retenidos. Materiales y métodos: Para este estudio predictivo se midieron los resultados arrojados de dos técnicas de síntesis en tejidos mucosos a través de la utilización de materiales de sutura convencional (vicryl 4/0 y sutura adhesiva a base de cianoacrilato. Se seleccionaron 30 de un universo de 137 pacientes que acuden al quirófano de la FOUCE y a clínicas particulares del cantón Sangolquí - Pichincha, en los que se realizaron 60 incisiones lineales de 3 cm de longitud, de ambos sexos, de entre 16 y 23 años de edad sin antecedentes patológicos personales. 30 incisiones correspondientes al tercer molar inferior izquierdo fueron sometidas a síntesis con material de sutura convencional y 30 incisiones correspondientes al tercer molar inferior derecho se sellaron con sutura adhesiva a base de cianoacrilato. Para valorar el dolor postquirúrgico se utilizó la técnica de escala visual análoga (EVA y para evaluar la dehiscencia de los tejidos se utilizó el método de inspección y observación. Los dos métodos se utilizaron al segundo

  19. Utilização do laser de argônio na remoção de sutura corneana Use of argon laser in corneal suture removal

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    Edélcio Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a técnica da retirada de sutura em córnea clara, evitando-se o contato da parte externa do fio com o meio intra-ocular e avaliar se esse procedimento evitaria infecções. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo de 1.233 casos de retirada de sutura de mononylon 10.0 em córnea clara, utilizando-se laser de argônio para cortar o fio, no qual se avaliou a incidência de infecções. RESULTADOS: Em 1.071 olhos, um tiro foi suficiente para cortar o ponto. Em 162 olhos, o tiro do laser atingiu a parte epitelial da sutura, sendo necessários disparos extras para cortar a parte intra-estromal e, assim, retirá-la sem que a parte externa do fio passasse pelo interior da córnea. Não ocorreram complicações após a retirada da sutura. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica utilizada mostrou-se eficaz na remoção das suturas e possivelmente apresenta risco menor de infecção, uma vez que a parte do fio sobrejacente ao epitélio não entra em contato com as camadas mais internas da córnea, nem com a câmara anterior, não tendo sido observado nenhum caso de infecção nesta pesquisa.PURPOSE: To describe the technique of clear-cornea suture removal, that avoids the contact of the external part of the thread with the intraocular medium, and to evaluate whether this procedure would prevent infections. METHODS: A retrospective study of 1.233 cases of clear-cornea mononylon 10.0 suture removal, by the use of an argon laser to cut the thread, was performed. Incidence of infection was then assessed. RESULTS: In 1.071 eyes, one shot was enough to cut the stitch. In 162 eyes, the laser shot hit the epithelial part of the suture, making new shots necessary to cut the intrastromal part, and thus to remove it assuring that the outer part of the stitch would not come in to contact with the interior of the cornea. There were no complications after suture removal. CONCLUSIONS: The technique has shown to be effective in suture removal. And, possibly

  20. Sutura palatina mediana: avaliação do grau de ossificação em crânios humanos Mid-palatal suture: evaluation of the ossification degree in human skulls

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    Jussara Ennes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o grau de ossificação da sutura palatina mediana em crânios humanos de diferentes grupos etários. AMOSTRA: Crânios humanos (28 divididos em quatro grupos de acordo com a fase do desenvolvimento cronológico: crianças, adultos jovens, adultos e idosos. MATERIAL: Radiografias Oclusais Totais da Maxila dos crânios dos diferentes grupos (28. Imagens digitalizadas das Radiografias Oclusais Totais da Maxila (28. MÉTODOS: A presença de pontes de ossificação na sutura palatina mediana foi identificada macroscópica e estereomicroscopicamente, registrada e quantificada. Os crânios foram radiografados pela Técnica Oclusal total da Maxila, com modificação na posição do filme, no eixo horizontal. As imagens radiográficas obtidas foram digitalizadas e submetidas à variação de tons claros e escuros e ao ajuste de contraste e brilho para a investigação do grau de ossificação da sutura palatina mediana. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a ossificação da sutura palatina mediana inicia-se principalmente na fase adulta e no segmento posterior. A técnica Radiográfica Oclusal Total da Maxila não proporciona imagem adequada à identificação do grau de ossificação na sutura palatina mediana.OBJECTIVES: To analyze the mid-palatal suture ossification rate on human skulls. SAMPLE: Human skulls (28 divided among four groups according to chronological developmental phases: child, teen-ager, adult and elderly. MATERIAL: Maxillary Total Occlusal radiographs from different groups of skulls (28. Digitalized images from Maxillary Total Occlusal radiographs (28. METHODS: The presence of ossification bridges on the mid-palatal suture were identified, registered and qualified. The radiographs of the skulls were taken using the Maxillary Total Occlusal technique, modifying the horizontal position of the film. These radiograph images were digitalized and submitted to brightness and contrast adjustments to investigate mid-palatal suture

  1. "Avaliação da densidade óptica da sutura palatina mediana por meio do sistema de radiografia digital por placa fotoativada em pacientes submetidos a disjunção palatina"


    Maria de Fatima Batista de Melo


    RESUMO A Expansão Rápida da Maxila é um recurso clínico adotado pelos ortodontistas no tratamento das más oclusões com deficiência transversa real ou relativa da maxila. Esta, inclui uma fase ativa, promovendo a desarticulação dos ossos maxilares por meio da sutura, e uma fase passiva, onde uma série de eventos levam à remodelação óssea e restauração da sutura, com o aumento clínico na largura do palato. Discute-se qual a melhor época para a disjunção e o tempo necessário para que haja a p...

  2. Ritidoplastia con cicatrices cortas: ligamentos de retención y vectores de corrección Rhytidoplasty with short scars: retention ligaments and correction vectors

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    O. M. Ventura


    Full Text Available Las intervenciones actuales de ritidectomía tienden emplear abordajes menos extensos, con postoperatorios más sencillos. Los autores exponen las bases anatómicas de las técnicas de suspensión con suturas tractoras que remolcan los tejidos anulando los ligamentos de retención ósteo-músculo- cutáneos. Se analizan y emplean múltiples vectores de corrección.Actually, lifting procedures tend to be less extensive and with a simpler postoperative course. The authors explain the anatomical basis of suspension techniques that use traction sutures to tow the tissues, by-passing the effect of the osteo-musclecutaneous ligaments. The different correction vectors used are analyzed.

  3. Efeito da localização do nó de sutura na recuperação morfofuncional do tendão flexor digital profundo do membro torácico do cão após tenorrafia experimental

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    Julieta Rodini Engrácia de Moraes


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve por escopo comparar a influência do nó de sutura em três diferentes localizações na recuperação morfofuncional do tendão flexor digital profundo (TFDP do cão. Foram utilizados 20 cães divididos em três grupos de oito, sete e cinco animais. Os TFDP do segundo e quinto dedos do membro torácico esquerdo foram seccionados e suturados pela técnica de Kessler modificada, alterando-se a localização do nó e o tipo de sutura no epitendíneo. No grupo um, o nó da sutura ficou localizado na região ventral do tendão e no grupo dois na face dorsal. Em ambos os grupos, o epitendão foi suturado com pontos simples separados. No grupo três, o nó da sutura ficou interno ao endotendíneo e o epitendíneo foi suturado com ponto simples contínuo. Após a cirurgia, foi realizada diariamente a movimentação passiva controlada do membro do primeiro ao 15º dia. No 7º e no 15º dia os animais foram sacrificados por anestesia profunda e os tendões foram colhidos para avaliação macroscópica do processo de reparo tendíneo. O critério de comparação utilizou como parâmetros para avaliar a recuperação morfofuncional a ruptura do tendão, o afastamento dos cotos e a coaptação completa dos cotos tendíneos. O grupo que apresentou melhor resultado com relação aos parâmetros avaliados foi o terceiro, com ausência de ruptura e índice de afastamento de apenas 2,5% dos cotos tendíneos. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que a localização do nó de sutura na tenorrafia do TFDP interfere na resposta reparadora e biomecânica.

  4. Sutura arterial com técnicas contínua e de pontos separados, utilizando-se os fios polipropilene e polidioxanone: estudo experimental em coelhos Arterial suture with continuous and interrupted techniques, using polypropylene and polydioxanone threads: experimental study in rabbits

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    Nelson Leonardo Kerdahi Leite de Campos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Observar o comportamento da sutura arterial em aortas abdominais de coelhos em crescimento, comparando-se as técnicas contínua e com pontos separados, empregando-se dois tipos de fios: Polipropilene 7-0 (inabsorvível e Polidioxanone 7-0 (absorvível. MÉTODOS: Grupos: GI - Controle (sem sutura; GII - Polipropilene, Pontos Separados; GIII - Polipropilene, Contínua; GIV - Polidioxanone, Pontos Separados e GV - Polidioxanone, Contínua. Cada grupo foi subdividido em quatro Momentos de Eutanásia: aos 7, 14, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Foram avaliados: peso dos animais, diâmetros e pulsos arteriais, estenose, trombose, aderências, aortografia, visibilidade do fio, cicatrização e microscopia. RESULTADOS: a após 60 dias, o local da linha de sutura cresceu de forma significativa em todos os grupos; b a técnica de sutura com pontos separados causou menor estenose da linha de sutura, observada tanto no ato cirúrgico, como na eutanásia dos animais; c no exame histopatológico, as diferenças encontradas entre grupos foram transitórias, não persistindo após 60 dias de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: O polidioxanone mostrou ser a melhor opção, entre os dois fios, para sutura de artérias em crescimento, pois causa pouca ou nenhuma restrição ao crescimento arterial na linha de sutura, mesmo quando se emprega a técnica contínua.PURPOSE: To assess the arterial suture, comparing continuous and interrupted techniques, in abdominal aorta of growing rabbbits, using two types of suture material: Polypropylene 7-0 (nonabsorbable and Polydioxanone 7-0 (absorbable. METHODS: Groups: GI - Control, without arterial suture; GII - Polypropylene, Interrupted technique; GIII - Polipropilene, Continuous technique; GIV - Polydioxanone, Interrupted technique and GV - Polydioxanone, Continuous technique. Each group was subdivided in four Moments of Euthanasia , according with the number of days after surgery: 7 , 14 , 30 and 60 days. The

  5. Estudo sobre a eficácia da aerostasia pulmonar, em modelo animal, utilizando diferentes tipos de suturas Study about the ability of the pulmonary aerostasia, in animal model, using differents parenchymal pulmonary types of the sutures

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    Darcy Ribeiro Pinto Filho


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A busca de um modelo perfeito de aerostasia pulmonar, após cirurgias que envolvam ressecções parciais, permanece um desafio para a prática da cirurgia torácica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar, em um modelo animal (suínos, a eficácia de quatro diferentes tipos de sutura pulmonar em manter aerostasia. MÉTODO: Estudo experimental, ex vivo, em pulmões de suínos, realizado no biotério da Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Quatro tipos de sutura pulmonares foram avaliadas: tipo 1, sutura manual com fios cirúrgicos absorvíveis; tipo 2, grampeador exclusivo; tipo 3, grampeador recoberto por pericárdio bovino e tipo 4, grampeador recoberto por cola biológica. As suturas foram submetidas a níveis crescentes de pressão, que variaram de 10cmH2O a 60cmH2O. O teste do borracheiro avaliou o hermetismo das suturas. RESULTADOS: A média de pressão em que se observou perda do hermetismo pulmonar foi de 29cmH2O no tipo 1 (n = 10; 38,5cmH2O no tipo 2 (n = 10; 44cmH2O no tipo 3 (n = 10 e 51,4cmH2O no tipo 4 (n = 10. A comparação entre as médias mostrou diferença estatística apenas entre as suturas tipo 1 e as suturas tipo 3 e 4, p = 0,04 e p BACKGROUND: The search for an ideal procedure to accomplish aerostasis, after partial surgical resection of the lung parenchyma, remains a practical challenge for the thoracic surgeon. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the ability of four types of parenchymal pulmonary sutures in preventing air leaks, using a porcine model with incremental endobronchial pressures. METHOD: Ex vivo experimental study in porcine lungs (n = 5 at the Laboratory of Experimental Surgery of the Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Four different parenchymal pulmonary types of suture were analyzed: type 1 (absorbable suture, type 2: (stapled suture, type 3 (stapled suture with bovine pericardium and type 4 (stapled suture with biologic glue. The surgical sutures (n = 40 were exposed to different intrabronchial

  6. Fatores de risco no tratamento de lesões do ceco com sutura primária em ratos Risk factors on the treatment of cecum injuries with primary suture in rats

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    Gustavo Pereira Fraga


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os resultados da sutura primária no tratamento das lesões traumáticas de ceco em ratos, após exposição a intervalos de tempo crescentes entre o trauma e a cirurgia, e com diferentes graus de peritonite. Métodos: Em estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, 96 ratos Wistar, machos, com peso variando de 200 a 250 gramas, foram submetidos a laparotomia, em que se realizava lesão de 5 milímetros de diâmetro na borda contramesentérica do ceco. Em 12 animais do grupo-controle realizava-se de imediato sutura primária com pontos totais, separados, com fio de polipropileno 7.0. Nos demais grupos, com 12 animais cada, a laparotomia para reparo da lesão foi realizada após intervalos de: 30 minutos, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 e 12 horas. No momento do reparo da lesão, uma das suas bordas era ressecada e enviada para exame anatomopatológico. Foi feito controle diário no pós-operatório, atentando-se para a presença de complicações, em especial deiscência da sutura, sendo a eutanásia dos animais realizada no 1º, 4º, 7º e 14º dia de pós-operatório. Em todos animais foi realizada necropsia, atentando-se aos achados macroscópicos e microscópicos do local da sutura. Resultados: Não houve associação entre a demora para o tratamento cirúrgico da lesão e a evolução para graus mais avançados de peritonite. A mortalidade nos 14 animais com peritonite difusa foi de 100%. A mortalidade global foi de 25% (24 animais, sendo que 6 animais (25% dos óbitos morreram antes do tratamento. Nenhum dos animais tratados que evoluíram a óbito teve complicação relacionada com a sutura da lesão. Os óbitos foram precoces, decorrentes de peritonite e sepse. Entre os 72 ratos sobreviventes, observou-se deiscência da sutura em 9 animais (12,5%. A ocorrência desta complicação foi maior em animais operados a partir da sexta hora após o trauma, sendo os resultados estatisticamente significativos. A incid

  7. Mechanical comparative analysis of three different types of sutures in different dimensions tendons: experimental study Análise mecânica comparativa de três tipos de sutura entre tendões de dimensões diferentes: estudo experimental

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    Trajano Sardenberg


    Full Text Available The aim of this experimental investigation was study of mechanical profile of three kinds of suture, between tendons with different dimensions. Were utilized 21 mongrel dogs ( 11males, 10 females of wich were obtained the tendon comum flexor and tendon tibial cranial of both pelvic limbs. After the dissection of the tendons, suture was done, seven animal per group. The tendons utilized allways were from the right limb and from the left limb side utilized as control. After the suture, we performed axial traction tests, rate level of 30mm /min, using special jaws. After the test the machine's program informed the values of ultimate load, elongation and strain, and load elongation diagram. The results were submite to statistical study, that showed no difference between the technics utilized. The values of suture groups were smaller than the control, for ultimate load, and higher for elongation and strain.O objetivo da presente investigação experimental foi avaliar o perfil mecânico de três tipos de técnicas de sutura entre tendões de dimensões diferentes. Foram utilizados 21 cães sem raça definida (11machos/10 fêmeas, dos quais foram obtidos os tendões flexor comum dos dedos - t.c. (maior dimensão e tibial cranial - (menor dimensão, de ambos os membros pélvicos. Logo após a obtenção das peças foi realizada sutura, segundo cada tipo de técnica, porém sempre com o mesmo número de pontos. Os tendões utilizados para sutura foram sempre do lado direito e o controle do lado esquerdo ( Após a sutura, os corpos de prova foram fixados em garras especialmente desenvolvidas e submetidos a ensaio de tração axial à velocidade de 30mm/minuto. Após o ensaio o programa da máquina forneceu os valores da carga máxima ( na ruptura e deformação absoluta (mm e relativa (%, além do diagrama carga-deformação. Os resultados foram submetidos a estudo estatístico pela análise de medidas repetidas no nível de 5% de signific

  8. Mastopexia con prótesis: técnica triplanar con colgajo en cola de pez para mamas con pobre calidad de cobertura

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    M. Berrocal-Revueltas


    úsculo pectoral. Plano III: cobertura del polo inferior de la mama mediante sutura de los pilares medial y lateral externo, para remodelar el cono mamario. En todas las pacientes colocamos implantes de silicona redondos, de superficie texturizada, con volumen promedio entre 200 y 275 cc. Observamos un resultado con contorno mamario armónico y natural en todas las pacientes intervenidas. Como complicaciones: hipertrofia temporal o transitoria de la cicatriz en 15 pacientes; hematomas pequeños en 2; recidiva de la ptosis en grado menor pasados 2 años en 4 pacientes. En conclusión, creemos que los resultados obtenidos con la técnica triplanar son muy satisfactorios y sostenibles a medio y largo plazo en los 10 años de aplicación del método.

  9. Administrative Circulars

    CERN Document Server

    Département des Ressources humaines


    Administrative Circular N° 2 (Rev. 2) - May 2004 Guidelines and procedures concerning recruitment and probation period of staff members This circular has been revised. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular N° 2 (Rev. 1) - March 2000. Administrative Circular N° 9 (Rev. 3) - May 2004 Staff members contracts This circular has been revised. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular N° 9 (Rev. 2) - March 2000. Administrative Circular N° 26 (Rev. 4) - May 2004 Procedure governing the career evolution of staff members This circular has also been revised. It Administrative Circulars Administrative Circular N° 26 (Rev. 3) - December 2001 and brings up to date the French version (Rev. 4) published on the HR Department Web site in January 2004. Operational Circular N° 7 - May 2004 Work from home This circular has been drawn up. Operational Circular N° 8 - May 2004 Dealing with alcohol-related problems...

  10. Fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal com tração fascial contínua (mediada por tela ou sutura e terapia a vácuo

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    Fernando Ferreira

    Full Text Available Na última década multiplicaram-se as publicações e a utilização da cirurgia de controle de danos, resultando num número crescente de pacientes deixados com o abdome aberto (ou peritoneostomia. Uma das consequências nefastas do abdome aberto são as hérnias ventrais gigantes que resultam da impossibilidade de se fechar o abdome durante a internação hospitalar do paciente. Para minimizar esta sequela têm surgido na literatura diferentes tipos de abordagem. Para abordar este tópico, a reunião de revista "Telemedicina Baseada em Evidência - Cirurgia do Trauma e Emergência" (TBE-CiTE optou por não analisar sistemas comerciais de fechamento abdominal dinâmico, com exceção da terapia de pressão negativa ou vácuo. O grupo fez uma avaliação crítica dirigida de três artigos mais relevantes publicados recentemente sobre fechamento sequencial da parede abdominal (com tela ou sutura mais vácuo. Nesta avaliação foram incluídos dois estudos retrospectivos mais um estudo prospectivo. Baseados na análise crítica desses 3 estudos mais a discussão que contou com a participação de representantes de 6 Universidades e realizada via telemedicina, são feitas as seguintes recomendações: (1 a associação de terapia de pressão negativa com tração fascial constante mediada por tela ou sutura, ajustada periodicamente, parece ser uma ótima estratégia cirúrgica para o tratamento de peritoneostomias. (2 O fechamento abdominal primário dinâmico com sutura e mediada por tela parece ser mais econômico e eficiente do que deixar o paciente com uma hérnia gigante e planejar uma reconstrução complexa tardiamente. Novos estudos com grupos maiores de pacientes separados de acordo com as diferentes apresentações e doenças são necesários para definir qual o melhor método cirúrgico para o tratamento de peritoneostomias.

  11. Comparação dos gastos com material para reparação de perfurações de córnea com cola de cianoacrilato e sutura de córnea Comparative cost evaluation in corneal perforation repair with cyanoacrylate adhesive versus corneal suture

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    Emerson Lioji Ueda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliação comparativa de custos de reparação de pequenas perfurações oculares utilizando a técnica da cola de cianoacrilato Super Bonder® (2-metil-cianoacrilato comparada à técnica de sutura de córnea. MÉTODOS: A fim de avaliar comparativamente os custos do uso da técnica de cola de cianoacrilato com a técnica de sutura de córnea, realizou-se análise dos materiais usados em ambas técnicas. RESULTADOS: A análise de custos comparativos entre o uso da técnica de cola de cianoacrilato em pequenas perfurações, versus a técnica de sutura de córnea demonstrou menor gasto com uso do adesivo. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização da técnica de cola de cianoacrilato, para reparação de perfuração de córnea, apresentou custos menores quando comparada com a técnica de sutura de córnea.PURPOSE: The aim of this study was performing a comparative evaluation of cost in small ocular perforation repair using cyanoacrylate adhesive technique Super BonderTM (methyl-2-cyanoacrylate as compared with corneal suture technique. METHODS: In order to compare evaluations of cost a cost analysis in "reais" (R$ was conducted for both techniques according to the materials used in cyanoacrylate glue technique and the corneal suture. RESULTS: The analysis of comparative cost of the cyanoacrylate adhesive technique in small perforations versus corneal suture showed a lower cost of the former. CONCLUSION: Lower cost was found for the cyanoacrylate glue technique for corneal perforation repair when compared to the corneal suture technique.

  12. Circular Coinduction (United States)

    Rosu, Grigore; Goguen, Joseph; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    Circular coinduction is a technique for behavioral reasoning that extends cobasis coinduction to specifications with circularities. Because behavioral satisfaction is not recursively enumerable, no algorithm can work for every behavioral statement. However. algorithms using circular coinduction can prove every practical behavioral result that we know. This paper proves the correctness of circular coinduction and some consequences.

  13. Estudo da regeneração de nervos tibiais de ratos Wistar em sutura primária com "gap" e sem "gap", cobertos por segmentos de veia Study of tibial nerve regenration in Wistar rats in primary neurorrhaphy with and without gap, wrapped in vein segments

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    Ewerton Bastos dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O presente estudo comparou, em ratos da raça Wistar, a regeneração nervosa nas suturas epineurais com espaçamento de 1,0mm (com "gap" e sem espaçamento (sem "gap", ambos cobertos com tubo de veia jugular externa, através da contagem de motoneurônios no nível da medula espinhal entre L3 e S1, marcados por meio de exposição do nervo tibial ao Fluoro - Goldâ (FG. MÉTODO: Os nervos tibias de ambos os lados foram seccionados e foram realizadas suturas epineurais com "gap" e, no lado contralateral, sem "gap" sendo que as suturas foram cobertas com tubo de veia. Após quatro meses do procedimento cirúrgico, os nervos tibias foram expostos ao FG, perfundidos e realizada a contagem dos motoneurônios na medula espinhal. RESULTADOS: Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o teste de Wilcoxon pareado, onde obtivemos um resultado estatisticamente significante entre o número de motoneurônios do grupo com "gap" em relação ao sem "gap" (p= 0,013. CONCLUSÃO: Obtivemos melhores resultados na contagem de motoneurônios daqueles nervos onde haviam sido realizadas as suturas primárias sem "gap", quando comparados com as suturas com "gap". Nível de Evidência: Estudo Experimental.OBJECTIVE: This study compared nerve regeneration in Wistar rats, using epineural neurorrhaphy with a gap of 1.0 mm and without a gap, both wrapped with jugular vein tubes. Motor neurons in the spinal cord between L3 and S1 were used for the count, marked by exposure of the tibial nerve to Fluoro-Gold (FG. METHOD: The tibial nerves on both sides were cut and sutured, with a gap on one side and no gap in the other. The sutures were wrapped with a jugular vein. Four months after surgery the tibial nerves were exposed to Fluoro-Gold and the motor neuron count performed in the spinal cord. RESULTS: The results were statistically analyzed by the paired Wilcoxon test. There was a statistical difference between the groups with and without gap in relation to the

  14. Nota biobibliográfica + poética + creaciones («Uves migratorias», «Fronteras del hambre», «Puntos de sutura», «Paisaje urbano 2», «El intruso» y «Mirada rota» + cuestionario (Victoria Pineda

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    Julián Alonso


    Full Text Available Nota biobibliográfica + poética + creaciones («Uves migratorias», «Fronteras del hambre», «Puntos de sutura», «Paisaje urbano 2», «El intruso» y «Mirada rota» + cuestionario (Victoria Pineda

  15. Circular Solutions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Annevelink, E.; Bos, H.L.; Meesters, K.P.H.; Oever, van den M.J.A.; Haas, de W.; Kuikman, P.J.; Rietra, R.P.J.J.; Sikirica, N.


    The fifth part of this report on Circular Solutions is about the circular principle From Waste to Resource. The purpose of this study is to select promising options for the implementation of this circular principle and to elaborate these options further.

  16. Operational circular No. 1 (Rev. 1) – Operational circulars

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Operational Circular No. 1 (Rev. 1) is applicable to members of the personnel and other persons concerned. Operational Circular No. 1 (Rev. 1) entitled "Operational circulars", approved following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 4 May 2011, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department: It cancels and replaces Operational Circular No. 1 entitled "Operational Circulars” of December 1996. This new version clarifies, in particular, that operational circulars do not necessarily arise from the Staff Rules and Regulations, and the functional titles have been updated to bring them into line with the current CERN organigram. Department Head Office  

  17. Fratura proximal de tíbia após cirurgia extracapsular para correção de ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial em cão Tibial fracture caused by complications after an extracapsular suture for the repair of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in a dog

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaqueline França dos Santos


    Full Text Available Ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial (RLCCr é a afecção ortopédica mais frequente no joelho de cães e a sutura fabelo-tibial é frequentemente utilizada na sua correção. Essa técnica pode estar associada com complicações incisionais, lesão tardia de menisco, edema associado ao material de sutura e infecção. O objetivo desta nota foi relatar a ocorrência de fratura proximal de tíbia em um cão, causada por complicação em sutura fabelo-tibial para correção de RLCCr. Um canino atendido em outro serviço foi submetido à osteossíntese com placa 2,0mm para correção de complicação em técnica extra-capsular, na qual houve fratura da tíbia na região do orifício criado para confecção da sutura fabelo-tibial. Houve falha dos implantes e a placa foi removida. A fratura foi estabilizada com fixador esquelético externo circular, sendo constatada, após 120 dias, consolidação.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR is one of the most common orthopedic diseases in dogs and extracapsular suture with nylon is often used for its correction. This technique may be associated with incisional complications, post-surgical meniscus injury, swelling associated with suture material and infection. The objective of this study is to report a tibial fracture in a dog, caused by complications after an extracapsular suture for the repair of CCLR. An adult dog, which suffered a tibial fracture after an extracapsular fixation for a CCLR, underwent surgery for the fixation of the fracture with a 2.0mm plate, by a referring veterinarian, but the implant failed. The plate was removed and the fracture was stabilized with a circular fixator. Bone consolidation was observed after 120 days.

  18. Administrative circular

    CERN Multimedia


    • N° 21 - August 2003 Special leave This circular has been amended. Copies of this circular are available in the Divisional Secretariats. In addition, administrative and operational circulars, as well as the lists of those in force, are available for consultation on the Web at: Human Resources Division Tel. 74128

  19. Administrative Circulars Rev.

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular N° 19 (Rev. 3) - April 2003 Subsistence indemnity - Other expenses necessarily incurred in the course of duty travelAdministrative Circular N° 25 (Rev. 2) - April 2003 Shift work - Special provisions for the Fire and Rescue Service - These circulars have been revised. Human Resources Division Tel. 74128Copies of these circulars are available in the Divisional Secretariats. In addition, administrative and operational circulars, as well as the lists of those in force, are available for consultation on the Web at:

  20. Operational Circulars

    CERN Multimedia


    Operational Circular N° 4 - April 2003 Conditions for use by members of the CERN personnel of vehicles belonging to or rented by CERN - This circular has been drawn up. Operational Circular N° 5 - October 2000 Use of CERN computing facilities - Further details on the personal use of CERN computing facilities Operational Circular N° 5 and its Subsidiary Rules defines the rules for the use of CERN computing facilities. One of the basic principles governing such use is that it must come within the professional duties of the user concerned, as defined by the user's divisional hierarchy. However, personal use of the computing facilities is tolerated or allowed provided : a) It is in compliance with Operational Circular N° 5 and not detrimental to official duties, including those of other users; b) the frequency and duration is limited and there is a negligible use of CERN resources; c) it does not constitute a political, commercial and/or profit-making activity; d) it is not...

  1. Information Circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/. . . . for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A list of the circulars which were of current interest on 15 January 1969 is given below, followed by an index to their subject matter. Other circulars can be traced by reference to earlier issues of the present document.

  2. Information Circulars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/. . . . for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A list of the circulars which were of current interest on 15 January 1969 is given below, followed by an index to their subject matter. Other circulars can be traced by reference to earlier issues of the present document.

  3. Design for Circular Behaviour: Considering Users in a Circular Economy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Wastling


    Full Text Available In a linear economy, a product is manufactured and sold to a customer. Then, little concern is given to what the user actually does with it when they have it. However, in a circular economy where the aim is to circulate products at their highest level of value, the customer’s behaviour can become an important part of the system. Circular design strategies have tended to focus on the physical aspects of a product (e.g., disassembly, material selection, but the design of products and services can also have an influence on user behaviour and, to date, this aspect of circular design has not been fully explored. This project aims to define what key user behaviours are required for circular business models to work and to outline how design can enable these ‘circular behaviours’. This research project consists of a literature review, case study analysis and expert interviews with practitioners. A theoretical framework for designing products and services to encourage circular behaviour is developed. This work provides an initial step towards a better understanding of the user’s role in the transition to a circular economy as well as a preliminary model for how design for behaviour change strategies could be implemented in this context.



    Zarhi T.,Jaime; Campaña E.,Claudio; Brito M.,Roberto; Stuardo A.,Patricio; Schalper P.,José


    Se presenta el abordaje laparoscópico conservador de un embarazo Cornual izquierdo, diagnosticado en forma precoz por ecotomografía transvaginal, en que se realiza una Cuernostomía, extracción del saco más embrión, raspado del cuerno y sutura con puntos laparoscópicos con nudos endoscópicos, se discute su cuadro clínico, complicaciones y tratamiento

  5. Patrones de cierre velofaringeo: Estudio comparativo entre población sana y pacientes con paladar hendido Patterns of velopharyngeal closure: comparative study between healthy population and patients with cleft palate

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    J.R. Prada Madrid


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es corroborar los patrones de cierre velofaríngeo descritos en la literatura y su frecuencia de aparición en una muestra no probabilística de voluntarios sanos, así como comparar estos hallazgos con los obtenidos en pacientes con paladar fisurado reparado quirúrgicamente. Diseñamos para ello un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Las valoraciones se realizaron en un hospital de cuarto nivel y en el Centro de Rehabilitación para Niños con Labio y Paladar Fisurado (FISULAB, en santa Fe de Bogotá (Colombia. Participaron en el estudio 100 voluntarios sanos estudiantes universitarios y 82 pacientes con paladar hendido reparado quirúrgicamente. Realizamos videonasofaringoscopia para determinar los patrones de cierre velofaríngeo presentes y su frecuencia de aparición. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el Chi², encontrando que no existe diferencia en la frecuencia de presentación de los patrones de cierre entre los voluntarios sanos y los pacientes con paladar hendido. En pacientes sanos encontramos con mayor frecuencia el patrón circular (56% de la muestra, seguido por el coronal (29 % y el circular con rodete de Passavant (15 %. En los pacientes con paladar hendido, igualmente prevaleció el patrón circular (39.02 %, seguido del patrón coronal (24.39 % y el patrón circular con rodete de Passavant (19.51 %. En ninguno de los 2 grupos encontramos el patrón sagital. En conclusión, corroboramos la presentación de 3 de los 4 patrones de cierre velofaríngeo descritos en la literatura (circular, coronal, circular con rodete de Passavant, sin que existiera una diferencia estadística en la frecuencia de presentación de los patrones de cierre velofaríngeo entre los voluntarios sanos y los pacientes con hendidura palatina. No corroboramos la presentación del patrón sagital.The purpose of this study is to define the patterns of velopharyngeal closure described in the literature, and

  6. Hernia incisional grande: Resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico con material protésico

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    Juan Francisco Puerta Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional y prospectivo para evaluar el tratamiento quirúrgico de las grandes hernias incisionales, con material protésico en 75 pacientes operados en el Hospital Militar Docente "Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 1990 hasta julio de 1994. Se conformaron 2 grupos: de estudio con 50 pacientes (subdividido en 2 de 25 cada uno y testigo con 25. En este último la pared abdominal se cerró por planos con sutura irreabsorbible y sin material protésico, y al del estudio, en uno se practicó igual procedimiento pero utilizando malla de Mersilene y en el otro se sustituyó por duramadre homóloga. Las hernias incisionales grandes fueron más frecuentes en mujeres de 40 a 60 años con incisiones primarias medias; la mayoría de ellas obesas y diabéticas. Se comprobó que no hubo rechazo a la duramadre homóloga, grupo éste que mostró el menor índice de recidivas y complicaciones, y con los mejores resultados a los 5 años de seguimiento posoperatorioAn observation and prospective study was carried out to assess the surgical treatment of the big incisional hernias with prosthetic material in 75 operated patients in the "Joaquín Castillo Duany" Educational Military Hospital, at Santiago de Cuba, from February 1990 to July 1994. Two groups were formed: a study group with 50 patients, subdivided in two groups of 25 each, and a witness group with 25 patients. In this last group the abdominal wall was closed by planes with non reabsorbable suture and without prosthetic material, and in the study group, in one 25 patients subgroup the same procedure was carried out, but using Mersilene mesh, and in the other subgroup the mesh was substituted with homologous duramater. The big incisional hernias were more frequent in women from 40 to 60 years old with partial primary incision, mostly obese and diabetic. There was a confirmation of no reject to the homologous duramater. This group showed the smallets

  7. Circular defects detection in welded joints using circular hough transform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hafizal Yazid; Mohd Harun; Shukri Mohd; Abdul Aziz Mohamed; Shaharudin Sayuti; Muhamad Daud


    Conventional radiography is one of the common non-destructive testing which employs manual image interpretation. The interpretation is very subjective and depends much on the inspector experience and working conditions. It is therefore useful to have pattern recognition system in order to assist human interpreter in evaluating the quality of the radiograph sample, especially radiographic image of welded joint. This paper describes a system to detect circular discontinuities that is present in the joints. The system utilizes together 2 different algorithms, which is separability filter to identify the best object candidate and Circular Hough Transform to detect the present of circular shape. The result of the experiment shows a promising output in recognition of circular discontinuities in a radiographic image. This is based on 81.82-100% of radiography film with successful circular detection by using template movement of 10 pixels. (author)

  8. Future Circular Collider Study FCC-he Baseline Parameters

    CERN Document Server

    Bruning, Oliver; Klein, Max; Pellegrini, Dario; Schulte, Daniel; Zimmermann, Frank


    Initial considerations are presented on the FCC-he, the electron-hadron collider con guration within the Future Circular Collider study. This note considers arguments for the choice of the electron beam energy based on physics, ep scattering kinematics and cost. The default con guration for the electron accelerator, as for the LHeC, is chosen to be a multi-turn energy recovery linac external to the proton beam tunnel. The main accelerator parameters of the FCC-he are discussed, assuming the concurrent operation of ep with the 100TeV cms energy pp collider. These are compared with the LHeC design concept, for increased performance as for a Higgs facility using the HL-LHC, and also the high energy HE-LHC ep collider configuration. Initial estimates are also provided for the luminosity performance of electron-ion colliders for the 60 GeV electron ERL when combined with the LHC, the HE-LHC and the FCC ion beams.

  9. Information Circulars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/.. for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A subject index to the circulars is presented overleaf. It covers all those published in the last five years (that is, since the beginning of 1968 and ending with INFCIRC/192), as well as others which, for one reason or another, are still considered to be of current rather than merely historical interest. Such circulars can be traced by reference to the indexes that were included in earlier revisions of the present document.

  10. Information Circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/.. for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A subject index to the circulars is presented overleaf. It covers all those published in the last five years (that is, since the beginning of 1968 and ending with INFCIRC/192), as well as others which, for one reason or another, are still considered to be of current rather than merely historical interest. Such circulars can be traced by reference to the indexes that were included in earlier revisions of the present document.

  11. Complicaciones obstétricas y médicas en el Trastorno de Déficit Atencional/Hiperactividad (TDAH: ¿hay diferencias entre los subtipos?

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    Connie Capdevila-Brophy


    Full Text Available El debate actual sobre los subtipos de Trastorno de Déficit Atencional/ Hiperactividad (TDAH se centra en determinar si las similitudes y diferencias halladas en la sintomatología asociada aportan evidencia para conceptualizar los subtipos como manifestaciones de distinto trastorno. El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo ex post facto es investigar las diferencias entre los subtipos de TDAH con predominio de inatención (TDAH-I (n = 20 y TDAH combinado (TDAH-C (n = 39 en su historia prenatal, perinatal, del primer año y los problemas médicos posteriores. Los resultados indican que ambos subtipos presentan índices elevados de complicaciones obstétricas y problemas médicos. El subtipo TDAH-I se asocia con hemorragias prenatales, infecciones de oído y alergias, y el TDAH-C con cólicos del lactante y lesiones con sutura. La principal conclusión sugiere que las noxas de curso más continuo o dilatadas en el tiempo estarían más presentes en el grupo TDAH-I mientras que algunas características en el primer año y las lesiones que requieren suturas estarían más asociadas al subtipo TDAH-C.

  12. Ventajas de la cicatrización cutánea asistida por láser (LASH

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    S. Mordon

    Full Text Available La fase final de toda cirugía es la sutura y su cicatriz correspondiente y, frecuentemente, ésta es la única secuela visible de una intervención. La técnica LASH (cicatrización cutánea asistida por láser, estimula los mecanismos de reparación de la piel por efecto térmico, condicionando la calidad de la cicatrización. Estudios experimentales en ratones comparando los resultados obtenidos en heridas quirúrgicas radiadas con laser diodo 810 nm tras ser suturadas, con los obtenidos en igual tipo de heridas suturadas de manera convencional, han demostrado que se consiguen cicatrices mucho menos visibles cuando se practica el tratamiento con láser. La histología confirma, comparativamente, una notable aceleración del proceso cicatricial con modificación del TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor-Beta directamente implicado en la reparación tisular, en los animales en los que la sutura fue asistida por láser. Igualmente, el análisis tensiométrico demostró mayor resistencia a la acción de estiramiento mecánico en estas heridas. Estudios clínicos en pacientes sometidos a dermolipectomia, reducción mamaria y estiramiento facial, demuestran que al tratar con LASH una parte o una de las líneas de sutura, los análisis realizados tanto por los pacientes como por cirujanos independientes a los 8 días, 3 meses y un año, evidencian resultados más favorables para la técnica láser, Las dosis eficaces determinadas para las fluencias láser están entre 80 y 120 J/cm². La técnica LASH es simple de efectuar, reproducible, rápida y ofrece una clara evidencia de que es posible reducir considerablemente la cicatriz, logrando que ésta sea de mejor calidad y más estética.

  13. Information Circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/. for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A list of the circulars that were current on 31 December 1964 is given, followed by an index to their subject matter.

  14. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document summarizes the Information Circulars published by the IAEA for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. This revision contains INFCIRCs published up to mid-August 1992. A complete numerical lift of Information Circulars with their titles is reproduced in an Annex

  15. Information Circulars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/. for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A list of the circulars that were current on 31 December 1964 is given, followed by an index to their subject matter.

  16. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document summarizes the Information Circulars published by the IAEA for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Member States. This revision contains INFCIRCs published up to February 1997, grouped by field of activity. A complete list of information circulars in numerical order is given in an annex

  17. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/... for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. The present revision contains INFCIRCs published up to mid-August 1994. A complete numerical list of information circulars is reproduced with their titles in the Annex

  18. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/... for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. The present revision contains INFCIRCs published up to the end of April 2002. A complete numerical list of information circulars is reproduced with their titles in the Annex

  19. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document summarizes the Information Circulars published by the IAEA for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Member States. This revision contains INFCIRCs published up to the end of May 1999, grouped by field of activity. A complete list of information circulars in numerical order is given in an annex

  20. Information Circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/. . . . for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A list of the circulars that were current or on the press on 15 May 1966 is given, followed by an index to their subject matter.

  1. Information Circulars

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Information circulars are published from time to time under the symbol INFCIRC/. . . . for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A list of the circulars that were current or on the press on 15 May 1966 is given, followed by an index to their subject matter.

  2. Transposable elements and circular DNAs

    KAUST Repository

    Mourier, Tobias


    Circular DNAs are extra-chromosomal fragments that become circularized by genomic recombination events. We have recently shown that yeast LTR elements generate circular DNAs through recombination events between their flanking long terminal repeats (LTRs). Similarly, circular DNAs can be generated by recombination between LTRs residing at different genomic loci, in which case the circular DNA will contain the intervening sequence. In yeast, this can result in gene copy number variations when circles contain genes and origins of replication. Here, I speculate on the potential and implications of circular DNAs generated through recombination between human transposable elements.

  3. Transposable elements and circular DNAs

    KAUST Repository

    Mourier, Tobias


    Circular DNAs are extra-chromosomal fragments that become circularized by genomic recombination events. We have recently shown that yeast LTR elements generate circular DNAs through recombination events between their flanking long terminal repeats (LTRs). Similarly, circular DNAs can be generated by recombination between LTRs residing at different genomic loci, in which case the circular DNA will contain the intervening sequence. In yeast, this can result in gene copy number variations when circles contain genes and origins of replication. Here, I speculate on the potential and implications of circular DNAs generated through recombination between human transposable elements.

  4. Abordaje laparoscópico de úlcera gástrica perforada


    González Castro, Leopoldo; González Acosta, Marco Antonio; Manjarrez Cuenca, José Antonio; Cruz Salinas, Miguel Ángel; Escandón Espinoza, Yoeli Marisa; Vázquez Nieves, José Roberto; Mondragón Moreno, Ileana; Campos Palacios, Ivonne Teresa


    Antecedentes: La reparación de una úlcera péptica perforada puede efectuarse con un simple cierre con sutura o con parche de epiplón (Graham) suturado o grapado. El cierre primario más parche de Graham se ha convertido en el método predilecto de un sinnúmero de instituciones. Aparentemente, el tratamiento urgente por vía laparoscópica es bastante efectivo y goza de tasas aceptables de morbilidad y mortalidad comparado con la cirugía convencional. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso clínico de u...

  5. Solución analítica del problema directo de la tomografía de capacitancia eléctrica para un fluido bifásico con una inclusión circular

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    Silvia Reyes


    Full Text Available En este artículo se expone un modelo matemático al problema de la Tomografía de Capacitancia Eléctrica (TCE, para el caso de un fluido bifásico dieléctrico con una inclusión circular. Se resuelve el problema directo, que consiste en obtener una expresión analítica para las capacitancias mutuas. La solución del problema directo servirá para validar cualquier método de solución al problema inverso, para calibrar los equipos de medición actualmente existentes y además para construir un método de discretización adaptiva para resolver el problema inverso de la TCE.

  6. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document summarizes the information circulars published by the IAEA for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. In the main body of the document only those documents which are regarded as likely to be of current interest are listed. A complete numerical list of information circulars with their titles is reproduced in the Annex

  7. Bright circularly polarized soft X-ray high harmonics for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. (United States)

    Fan, Tingting; Grychtol, Patrik; Knut, Ronny; Hernández-García, Carlos; Hickstein, Daniel D; Zusin, Dmitriy; Gentry, Christian; Dollar, Franklin J; Mancuso, Christopher A; Hogle, Craig W; Kfir, Ofer; Legut, Dominik; Carva, Karel; Ellis, Jennifer L; Dorney, Kevin M; Chen, Cong; Shpyrko, Oleg G; Fullerton, Eric E; Cohen, Oren; Oppeneer, Peter M; Milošević, Dejan B; Becker, Andreas; Jaroń-Becker, Agnieszka A; Popmintchev, Tenio; Murnane, Margaret M; Kapteyn, Henry C


    We demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first bright circularly polarized high-harmonic beams in the soft X-ray region of the electromagnetic spectrum, and use them to implement X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements in a tabletop-scale setup. Using counterrotating circularly polarized laser fields at 1.3 and 0.79 µm, we generate circularly polarized harmonics with photon energies exceeding 160 eV. The harmonic spectra emerge as a sequence of closely spaced pairs of left and right circularly polarized peaks, with energies determined by conservation of energy and spin angular momentum. We explain the single-atom and macroscopic physics by identifying the dominant electron quantum trajectories and optimal phase-matching conditions. The first advanced phase-matched propagation simulations for circularly polarized harmonics reveal the influence of the finite phase-matching temporal window on the spectrum, as well as the unique polarization-shaped attosecond pulse train. Finally, we use, to our knowledge, the first tabletop X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the N4,5 absorption edges of Gd to validate the high degree of circularity, brightness, and stability of this light source. These results demonstrate the feasibility of manipulating the polarization, spectrum, and temporal shape of high harmonics in the soft X-ray region by manipulating the driving laser waveform.

  8. El retorno de las migraciones circulares: la regulación de las migraciones profesionales (The return of circular migration: regulation of professional migration

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    Santacreu Fernández, Óscar Antonio


    Full Text Available Resumen: Nuevamente, reaparece la noción de migraciones circulares como procedimiento de racionalización de las migraciones con motivación laboral. Es un concepto que produce tanto reacciones adversas como favorables entre los investigadores. Como tantos propuestas, sus virtudes y defectos dependerán más de cómo se concrete su reglamentación y aplicación práctica que de sus contenidos y potencialidades. Una parte sustantiva de las migraciones corresponde con motivaciones socioeconómicas, asociadas a la movilidad laboral. Para este tipo de migración, la ruptura con los elementos culturales, de vida cotidiana, y con las redes sociales de su país de origen son consecuencias no deseadas de la movilidad. La contribución más visible de su esfuerzo, en las sociedades de origen, son las remesas económicas. Las migraciones circulares proponen que la movilidad incorpore la noción de regreso. Es decir, que la migración suponga un momento de su ciclo vital, donde la restitución al entorno social de origen pueda ser una realidad. Incluyendo las ventajas para una nueva migración posterior. Las consecuencias de esta reestructuración en el horizonte vital de los migrados son importantes. Permite reintegrar a las sociedades de origen capital humano formado y cualificado, con las consecuencias positivas para el desarrollo social y económico en estas sociedades. Mantiene la calidad de vida afectiva y emocional en los migrantes y su entorno familiar. Intensifica la relación entre las dos sociedades y simplifica los problemas que supone la convivencia entre sistemas culturales o religiosos contradictorios. Especialmente referidos a la libertad e igualdad. Son múltiples los ejemplos referidos a la violencia de género, sobre niños, etc., inaceptables en los estados sociales de derecho democráticos que predominan en las sociedades occidentales. Ciertamente el ámbito de aplicación óptimo lo define la migración económica. Este enfoque

  9. Publication of administrative circular

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULAR NO. 23 (REV. 2) – SPECIAL WORKING HOURS Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 2) entitled "Special working hours", approved following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee on 9 December 2008, will be available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department as from 19 December 2008: It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 1) entitled "Stand-by duty" of April 1988. A "Frequently Asked Questions" information document on special working hours will also be available on this site. Paper copies of this circular will shortly be available in Departmental Secretariats. Human Resources Department Tel. 78003


    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULAR NO. 23 (REV. 2) – SPECIAL WORKING HOURS Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 2) entitled "Special working hours", approved following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 9 December 2008, will be available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department as from 19 December 2008: It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 1) entitled "Stand-by duty" of April 1988. A "Frequently Asked Questions" information document on special working hours will also be available on this site. Paper copies of this circular will shortly be available in departmental secretariats. Human Resources Department Tel. 78003


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    Full Text Available Implementamos un algoritmo usando el método de variables de enlace para resolver las ecuaciones Ginzburg Landau dependientes del tiempo en un prisma superconductor con geometría circular. La muestra está rodeada por una pequeña capa de otro superconductor a mayor temperatura crítica y sometida a un campo magnético externo aplicado perpendicular a su plano. Las condiciones de contorno son tomadas en cuenta con la longitud de extrapolación de de Gennes Evaluamos la magnetización, la vorticidad, el primero y tercer campos críticos termodinámicos como función del campo magnético externo y el parámetro . Encontramos que para estas interfaces, el tercer campo crítico termodinámico y la magnetización aumentan grandemente mientras el primer campo crítico permanece prácticamente constante.

  12. Ossificação da sutura palatina mediana após o procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila: estudo radiográfico Midpalatal suture ossification post rapid palatal expansion: a radiographic study

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    Omar Gabriel da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: o presente trabalho tem como objetivo acompanhar radiograficamente a evolução da ossificação da sutura palatina mediana em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida da maxila, bem como comprovar a validade de se avaliar a neoformação óssea através deste exame complementar de diagnóstico. METODOLOGIA: a amostra constou de 38 pacientes no estágio de dentadura mista que se submeteram ao protocolo de expansão rápida da maxila, sendo 2/4 de volta pela manhã e 2/4 de volta à noite, totalizando 1 volta completa por dia, compreendendo um período de 7 dias. RESULTADOS: radiografias oclusais de maxila tomadas no pós-tratamento evidenciaram uma variação individual quanto ao período necessário para a completa neoformação óssea da sutura palatina mediana. A imagem radiográfica apresentou-se como um método confiável para a determinação da época correta de remoção do aparelho expansor. Tendo em vista a estabilidade pós-tratamento a longo prazo, o aparelho expansor deve ser removido somente após a completa ossificação da sutura. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados revelaram que são necessários mais de três meses para que o processo de ossificação e reorganização sutural se processe após o procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila.OBJECTIVE: the current study aims at following up radiographically the evolution of the midpalatal suture during the expansion procedure since the opening of the suture until bone formation. METHODS: the sample comprised 38 patients in the mixed dentition stage submitted to the rapid palatal expansion protocol of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies. RESULTS: it was observed an individual variation on the period of bone ossification of the midpalatal suture, which justifies the radiographic follow-up as determinant for the appliance removal. Due to long-term post-treatment stability, the expander should be removed after the new suture is completely formed. CONCLUSIONS

  13. Avaliação dos resultados e complicações da sutura artroscópica da lesão SLAP Evaluation of results and complications from arthroscopic suture of SLAP lesions

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    Alberto Naoki Miyazaki


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados e complicações da sutura artroscópica da lesão SLAP. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 71 pacientes submetidos à sutura artroscópica da lesão SLAP, entre julho de 1995 a maio de 2008, pelo Grupo de Ombro e Cotovelo do Departamento de Ortopedia e Traumatologia da Santa Casa de São Paulo - "Pavilhão Fernandinho Simonsen". Dos 71 pacientes avaliados, 68 (96% tinham lesões associadas e em três (4% a lesão SLAP era isolada. RESULTADOS: As lesões associadas mais frequentes nos pacientes com idade inferior a 40 anos foram as lesões labiais (69% e naqueles com idade igual ou superior a 40 anos foi a síndrome do impacto, com ou sem lesão do manguito rotador (71,4%. De acordo com o método da UCLA, 79% (56 casos tiveram resultados bons e excelentes e 21% (15 casos tiveram complicações pós-operatórias, entre as quais as mais frequentes foram dor residual (46,6% e capsulite adesiva (33,3%. CONCLUSÕES: Verificamos grande associação da lesão SLAP com outras lesões no ombro, estas variando de acordo com a faixa etária do paciente. A sutura artroscópica da lesão SLAP proporcionou excelentes resultados na maioria dos casos; porém, tiveram 21% de complicações.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results and complications from arthroscopic suturing of SLAP lesions. METHODS: Seventy-one patients who underwent arthroscopic suturing of SLAP lesions between July 1995 and May 2008 were evaluated. The procedures were performed by the Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Group of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Fernandinho Simonsen Wing, Santa Casa de São Paulo, Brazil. Associated lesions were seen in 68 of the 71 patients evaluated (96%, and the other three (4% had SLAP lesions alone. RESULTS: The associated lesions most frequently found in the patients under 40 years of age were labral lesions (69%, while in patients aged 40 years or over, impact syndrome with or without rotator cuff injury was the most commonly

  14. Escafocefalia en aborígenes de la República Argentina: dos casos de estudio.

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    Drube, Hilton


    Full Text Available La escafocefalia constituye la manifestación más frecuente en el grupo de anomalías óseas denominadas craneostenosis, condición patológica que involucra el cierre prematuro de las suturas en el cráneo. La escafocefalia consiste en la obliteración temprana de la sutura sagital, limitando por lo tanto el desarrollo en dirección transversa del cráneo. El presente trabajo da cuenta de la manifestación de esta patología congénita en dos casos correspondientes a individuos de poblaciones aborígenes prehispánicas de Argentina. El primero de ellos procede de un sitio arqueológico del Período Tardío localizado en la cuenca del río Dulce en la provincia de Santiago del Estero. Caracteriza el sitio la presencia de numerosos montículos y alfarería del complejo Sunchituyoj. Los restos corresponden a un individuo adulto con atributos morfológicos masculinos. El calvarium se caracteriza por su extrema longitud y estrechez, constituyendo un típico caso de escafocefalia al no observarse rastro alguno de la sutura sagital, la que presenta fusión completa interna y externamente. El segundo caso, un individuo juvenil de sexo indeterminado, pertenece también a la provincia de Santiago del Estero, si bien su procedencia corresponde en este caso a la cuenca del río Salado. De la misma manera que el caso anterior, el cráneo presenta una longitud marcada en sentido ánteroposterior y un índice cefálico inferior a 70. La sutura sagital presenta fusión completa endocranealmente, en tanto que la sinostosis ectocraneal es parcial al apreciarse rastros de la sutura en la región bregmática.

  15. Utilización del Tisuacryl® en la anastomosis del esófago con otros segmentos del tubo digestivo Use of Tisuacryl® in esophagus anastomosis with other segments of the digestive tube

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    Rosalba Roque González


    Full Text Available Las dehiscencias y fístulas de las anastomosis del esófago con segmentos pediculados del tubo digestivo son complicaciones frecuentes en la cirugía del esófago. En diversas estadísticas recientes, nacionales y extranjeras, se ha registrado una incidencia de hasta el 40 %. Este hecho, unido a las ventajas reportadas en la utilización de los adhesivos sintéticos del tipo del Tisuacryl®, hace interesante realizar un estudio clínico para extender el uso del producto al reforzamiento de las suturas en la anastomosis del esófago con otros segmentos del tubo digestivo, con el fin de prevenir las dehiscencias. Se realizó un ensayo clínico de fase II, prospectivo, controlado, aleatorizado, multicéntrico, a simple ciegas, que se extendió desde enero de 1998 hasta febrero de 2005. En él se incluyeron pacientes que ingresaron en los hospitales «Calixto García» y «Miguel Enríquez» con el diagnóstico de enfermedades esofágicas. Se logró la introducción en el país de una nueva aplicación para el adhesivo tisular Tisuacryl® y se demostró que la utilización del producto es una opción significativamente más ventajosa que el procedimiento convencional sólo con sutura, ya que se obtuvo una eficacia del 93 % en el grupo experimental respecto al 64 % en el grupo control. Uno y otro grupo eran homogéneos respecto a las variables de control. El tratamiento con Tisuacryl® disminuyó la frecuencia de aparición de fístulas esofágicas y no se reportaron eventos adversos en relación con la aplicación del producto.The dehiscences and fistulae of esophagus anastomosis with pedicular segments of the digestive tube are frequent complications in esophagus surgery. In various recent national and foreign statistics, an incidence of even 40 % has been registered. This fact, together with the advantages reported on the use of synthetic adhesives like Tisuacryl® made us to take an interest in conducting a clinical study to extend the use of

  16. Visibility of sutures of the orbit and periorbital region using multidetector computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gufler, Hubert; Preis, Markus; Koesling, Sabrina [Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Germany)


    Knowledge of cranial suture morphology is crucial in emergency medicine, forensic medicine, and maxillofacial reconstructive surgery. This study assessed the visibility of sutures of the orbit and periorbital region on multidetector computed tomography. Multidetector computed tomography scans of 200 patients (127 males, 73 females; mean age 51.3 years; range, 6-92 years) were evaluated retrospectively. The slice thicknesses varied from 0.5 to 1 mm, and the tube current from 25 to 370 mAs, depending on the CT indication. The visibility of sutures was estimated according to a 4-point scale from 'not visible to well visible' The chi-squared test was used to test the association of the visibility of sutures with the slice thickness, tube current, and age of patients. Statistical significance was assumed at p < 0.05. Overall, best visibility was found for the sutura frontozygomatica (98%), sutura frontonasalis (88.5%), and sutura sphenozygomatica (71.5%), followed by the sutura zygomaticomaxillaris (65.8%), sutura temporozygomatica (41.8%), sutura frontomaxillaris (44.5%), and sutura sphenofrontalis (31%). Poor visibility was found for the sutura frontolacrimalis (16.8%) and sutura frontoethmoidalis (1.3%). The sutura ethmoidomaxillaris, sutura lacrimomaxillaris, and sutura ethmoidolacrimalis were not visible. Although the sutures of the superior, lateral, and inferior orbit are well visible, those of the medial orbit are poorly visible on CT scans.

  17. Circular states of atomic hydrogen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lutwak, R.; Holley, J.; Chang, P.P.; Paine, S.; Kleppner, D.; Ducas, T.


    We describe the creation of circular states of hydrogen by adiabatic transfer of a Rydberg state in crossed electric and magnetic fields, and also by adiabatic passage in a rotating microwave field. The latter method permits rapid switching between the two circular states of a given n manifold. The two methods are demonstrated experimentally, and results are presented of an analysis of the field ionization properties of the circular states. An application for the circular states is illustrated by millimeter-wave resonance in hydrogen of the n=29→n=30 transition. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  18. Evaluación de un cosechador de café por vibración circular al tallo.

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    Ramírez V Carlos Mario


    Full Text Available Un prototipo para aplicar vibración circular al tallo del cafeto, desarrollado en el Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café CENICAFÉ, fue evaluado en campo para estudiar su factibilidad técnica en la cosecha mecanizada de café. La evaluación consistió en determinar el efecto de la frecuencia, excentricidad y punto de aplicación de la vibración circular en la selectividad y el rendimiento del desprendimiento de frutos de café. El análisis estadístico indicó que el mejor tratamiento para vibrar el tallo (chupón y tocón de la zoca del café corresponde a una frecuencia de excitación de 2000 c.p.m, con una excentricidad de 2,5 cm aplicada en el chupón, lográndose desprender hasta el 45% de los frutos maduros presentes en el árbol con un porcentaje de frutos verdes desprendidos de 27%. Se encontró como en otros trabajos previos que el desprendimiento de los frutos depende del incremento de la amplitud (mayor excentricidad y de la frecuencia de vibración. La selectividad de este desprendimiento depende también del porcentaje inicial de frutos maduros presentes en los árboles.

  19. Solid Angle Computations for a Circular Radiator and a Circular Detector

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konijn, J; Tollander, B


    The problem of particle detection, when using an isotropic neutron point source at different distances from a circular target or a radioactive source as seen by a circular detector, e. g. a solid state counter, is dealt with. Tables are given for different distances of the source when the reaction at the target has an isotropic or a cosine angular distribution in the laboratory system.

  20. Antennas on circular cylinders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, H. L.


    On the basis of the results obtained by Silver and Saunders [4] for the field radiated from an arbitrary slot in a perfectly conducting circular cylinder, expressions have been derived for the field radiated by a narrow helical slot, with an arbitrary aperture field distribution, in a circular...... antenna in a circular cylinder. By a procedure similar to the one used by Silver and Saunders, expressions have been derived for the field radiated from an arbitrary surface current distribution on a cylinder surface coaxial with a perfectly conducting cylinder. The cases where the space between the two...

  1. Towards Circular Business Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldmann, Eva; Remmen, Arne

    The present report concerns the practical process of developing initiatives based on the circular economy in eight Danish companies. The report outlines how the process of integrating the circular economy was approached in each of the participating companies during 2014 and 2015 and what came out...

  2. Circularity and Lambda Abstraction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier; Thiemann, Peter; Zerny, Ian


    unknowns from what is done to them, which we lambda-abstract with functions. The circular unknowns then become dead variables, which we eliminate. The result is a strict circu- lar program a la Pettorossi. This transformation is reversible: given a strict circular program a la Pettorossi, we introduce...

  3. Factores que afectan la distribución circular del muérdago sin hojas Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae sobre el cacto Echinopsis chilensis Factors affecting the circular distribution of the leafless mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus (Loranthaceae on the cactus Echinopsis chilensis

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    Full Text Available Describimos el patrón de emergencia del muérdago holoparásito Tristerix aphyllus desde su cacto hospedador Echinopsis chilensis en un ecosistema semiárido de Chile. La distribución circular de las inflorescencias del parásito difirió significativamente de una distribución uniforme basada en un proceso aleatorio. Cuantificamos la distribución circular de las semillas defecadas sobre la superficie del cacto por el mímido Mimus thenca, el único ave responsable de la dispersión del muérdago. Nuestros datos no sostuvieron la idea de una deposición de semillas direccional por parte del ave. Para someter a prueba la hipótesis que la distribución circular observada es atribuible a una sobrevivencia diferencial de las semillas debido a variación térmica entre micrositios, infectamos cactos con semillas de T. aphyllus cada 30º y evaluamos la temperatura asociada a cada ángulo. Aun cuando las semillas ubicadas en ángulos con mayor exposición solar presentaron la menor formación de disco haustorial, esta variación en mortalidad no fue suficiente para dar cuenta de la polaridad angular observada. No obstante, las inflorescencias de T. aphyllus que emergieron 17 meses después de la infección experimental, revelaron estadígrafos circulares indistinguibles de aquellos observados en la situación natural. La inspección de la estructura anatómica en dos ángulos opuestos de la cactácea reveló diferencias en la constitución de la epidermis, observándose un espesor en promedio cuatro veces mayor en las muestras orientadas hacia el norte que en las orientadas hacia el sur debido a la formación de corteza altamente lignificada. Sugerimos que la formación de corteza es probablemente el factor más importante en determinar la distribución circular sesgada de T. aphyllusWe describe the pattern of emergence of the holoparasitic mistletoe Tristerix aphyllus from its cactus host Echinopsis chilensis in a semiarid Chilean ecosystem. The

  4. The generalized circular model

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Webers, H.M.


    In this paper we present a generalization of the circular model. In this model there are two concentric circular markets, which enables us to study two types of markets simultaneously. There are switching costs involved for moving from one circle to the other circle, which can also be thought of as

  5. Best Practice Examples of Circular Business Models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guldmann, Eva

    Best practice examples of circular business models are presented in this report. The purpose is to inform and inspire interested readers, in particular companies that aspire to examine the potentials of the circular economy. Circular business models in two different sectors are examined, namely...... the textile and clothing sector as well as the durable goods sector. In order to appreciate the notion of circular business models, the basics of the circular economy are outlined along with three frameworks for categorizing the various types of circular business models. The frameworks take point of departure...... in resource loops, value bases and business model archetypes respectively, and they are applied for analysing and organizing the business models that are presented throughout the report. The investigations in the report show that circular business models are relevant to businesses because they hold...

  6. 128. Seudoaneurisma aórtico gigante con fístula pulmonar tras cirugía de bentall-de bono

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    E. Gutiérrez Carretero


    La técnica Bentall - De Bono modificada ha demostrado ser segura y de elección para todas las enfermedades de la válvula aórtica y aorta ascendente. La dehiscencia de sutura es la causa más frecuente de PsA, siendo la presencia de fístula entre PsA y AP excepcional.

  7. Circular arc structures

    KAUST Repository

    Bo, Pengbo


    The most important guiding principle in computational methods for freeform architecture is the balance between cost efficiency on the one hand, and adherence to the design intent on the other. Key issues are the simplicity of supporting and connecting elements as well as repetition of costly parts. This paper proposes so-called circular arc structures as a means to faithfully realize freeform designs without giving up smooth appearance. In contrast to non-smooth meshes with straight edges where geometric complexity is concentrated in the nodes, we stay with smooth surfaces and rather distribute complexity in a uniform way by allowing edges in the shape of circular arcs. We are able to achieve the simplest possible shape of nodes without interfering with known panel optimization algorithms. We study remarkable special cases of circular arc structures which possess simple supporting elements or repetitive edges, we present the first global approximation method for principal patches, and we show an extension to volumetric structures for truly threedimensional designs. © 2011 ACM.

  8. Análisis de esfuerzos en túneles excavados en materiales con K0 diferente a 1.0

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    Ricardo E. Barbosa Carrillo


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se desarrollaron las soluciones elásticas para túneles circulares revestidos, excavados en materiales con un estado inicial de esfuerzos σxo=Kσyo se formularon los modelos para resolver el problema utilizando la técnica de los elementos finitos.


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    Full Text Available De forma progresiva, las empresas implantan programas y actividades sobre la base de la ética empresarial, la responsabilidad social y el buen gobierno, una estrategia justificada tanto por las actuales presiones procedentes de la sociedad como por los beneficios que obtienen en términos de reputación y de gestión de las relaciones con los stakeholders o grupos de interés. La propuesta de esta investigación es aplicar la dinámica en las relaciones de estas variables al caso de las cooperativas. Concretamente, se estudian las consecuencias de la ética empresarial y la responsabilidad social sobre la propensión a implantar códigos de conducta, y sus repercusiones sobre la consecución de un buen gobierno cooperativo y de una mayor reputación. Además, se razona que las cooperativas con mayor nivel de reputación tengan mayor tendencia a adoptar principios basados en la ética y la responsabilidad social. En definitiva, la principal aportación de este artículo se encuentra en la justificación de la relación circular existente entre estas variables para el caso de las cooperativas, en la medida en que son organizaciones con una singularidad propia en términos jurídicos, económicos y sociales / Progressively, companies implement programs and activities based on business ethics, social responsibility and good governance. It is a justified strategy both in the current pressures from society, as the benefits that the firms obtain in terms of reputation and managing relationships with stakeholders. The proposal of this research is to apply the dynamics in the relationships of these variables to the case of cooperatives. In particular, it is studied the consequences of business ethics and social responsibility on the propensity to implement codes of conduct, and its impact on the achievement of good government in the cooperative and a greater reputation. Besides, it is argued that cooperatives with higher reputation are more likely to

  10. A Conceptual Framework for Circular Design

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    Mariale Moreno


    Full Text Available Design has been recognised in the literature as a catalyst to move away from the traditional model of take-make-dispose to achieve a more restorative, regenerative and circular economy. As such, for a circular economy to thrive, products need to be designed for closed loops, as well as be adapted to generate revenues. This should not only be at the point of purchase, but also during use, and be supported by low-cost return chains and reprocessing structures, as well as effective policy and regulation. To date, most academic and grey literature on the circular economy has focused primarily on the development of new business models, with some of the latter studies addressing design strategies for a circular economy, specifically in the area of resource cycles and design for product life extension. However, these studies primarily consider a limited spectrum of the technical and biological cycles where materials are recovered and restored and nutrients (e.g., materials, energy, water are regenerated. This provides little guidance or clarity for designers wishing to design for new circular business models in practice. As such, this paper aims to address this gap by systematically analysing previous literature on Design for Sustainability (DfX (e.g., design for resource conservation, design for slowing resource loops and whole systems design and links these approaches to the current literature on circular business models. A conceptual framework is developed for circular economy design strategies. From this conceptual framework, recommendations are made to enable designers to fully consider the holistic implications for design within a circular economy.

  11. Asymptotic theory of circular polarization memory. (United States)

    Dark, Julia P; Kim, Arnold D


    We establish a quantitative theory of circular polarization memory, which is the unexpected persistence of the incident circular polarization state in a strongly scattering medium. Using an asymptotic analysis of the three-dimensional vector radiative transfer equation (VRTE) in the limit of strong scattering, we find that circular polarization memory must occur in a boundary layer near the portion of the boundary on which polarized light is incident. The boundary layer solution satisfies a one-dimensional conservative scattering VRTE. Through a spectral analysis of this boundary layer problem, we introduce the dominant mode, which is the slowest-decaying mode in the boundary layer. To observe circular polarization memory for a particular set of optical parameters, we find that this dominant mode must pass three tests: (1) this dominant mode is given by the largest, discrete eigenvalue of a reduced problem that corresponds to Fourier mode k=0 in the azimuthal angle, and depends only on Stokes parameters U and V; (2) the polarization state of this dominant mode is largely circular polarized so that |V|≫|U|; and (3) the circular polarization of this dominant mode is maintained for all directions so that V is sign-definite. By applying these three tests to numerical calculations for monodisperse distributions of Mie scatterers, we determine the values of the size and relative refractive index when circular polarization memory occurs. In addition, we identify a reduced, scalar-like problem that provides an accurate approximation for the dominant mode when circular polarization memory occurs.

  12. Estudio preliminar experimental en ratas: uso de plasma rico en plaquetas en el tratamiento de lesiones agudas de nervios periféricos

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    Natalia Sorrenti-Pírez

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. Si consideramos la importancia social y laboral que han adquirido las lesiones de los nervios periféricos por las graves y permanentes secuelas motoras, sensitivas y vegetativas a que dan lugar, cualquier esfuerzo terapéutico para mejorar los resultados de la reparación nerviosa representa un paso positivo dentro del abordaje general de esta afección. A pesar de realizar una sutura técnicamente perfecta, nunca se logra repoblar el segmento distal con la misma cantidad de axones. Esto hace que se busquen alternativas para potenciar la regeneración nerviosa. Dentro de las terapias emergentes, la utilización de plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP tiene un efecto beneficioso en la reparación nerviosa. Hasta este momento los estudios se han centrado en la utilización del PRP dentro de injertos o tutores interpuestos entre los cabos y no se ha prestado atención a la aplicación del mismo en la sutura directa. Material y Métodos. Estudiamos 8 ratas Wistar a las que se les seccionaron ambos nervios ciáticos; a una de las suturas se le aplicó PRP y el otro nervio suturado se tomó como caso control. En una segunda etapa realizamos la biopsia de ambos nervios a diferentes tiempos y fijamos con un fluoróforo lipofílico que tiñe las fibras regeneradas. Tomamos 2 grupos: a los 40 días y a los 60 días. Calculamos el índice de función del nervio ciático. Resultados. Los nervios seccionados y tratados con PRP presentaron un adelanto en la recuperación de la función nerviosa medida por pruebas funcionales; confirmamos anatómicamente mediante el estudio histológico del nervio. Conclusiones. Los resultados obtenidos en el estudio indican una estimulación del proceso fisiológico de reparación nerviosa usando PRP.

  13. How to Assess Product Performance in the Circular Economy? Proposed Requirements for the Design of a Circularity Measurement Framework


    Saidani , Michael; YANNOU , Bernard; Leroy , Yann; Cluzel , François


    International audience; Assessing product circularity performance is not straightforward. Meanwhile, it gains increasingly importance for businesses and industrial practitioners who are willing to effectively take benefits from circular economy promises. Thus, providing methods and tools to evaluate then enhance product performance—in the light of circular economy—becomes a significant but still barely addressed topic. Following a joint agreement on the need to measure product circularity per...

  14. Computational simulations of hydrogen circular migration in protonated acetylene induced by circularly polarized light

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shi, Xuetao; Li, Wen; Schlegel, H. Bernhard, E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202 (United States)


    The hydrogens in protonated acetylene are very mobile and can easily migrate around the C{sub 2} core by moving between classical and non-classical structures of the cation. The lowest energy structure is the T-shaped, non-classical cation with a hydrogen bridging the two carbons. Conversion to the classical H{sub 2}CCH{sup +} ion requires only 4 kcal/mol. The effect of circularly polarized light on the migration of hydrogens in oriented C{sub 2}H{sub 3}{sup +} has been simulated by Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics. Classical trajectory calculations were carried out with the M062X/6-311+G(3df,2pd) level of theory using linearly and circularly polarized 32 cycle 7 μm cosine squared pulses with peak intensity of 5.6 × 10{sup 13} W/cm{sup 2} and 3.15 × 10{sup 13} W/cm{sup 2}, respectively. These linearly and circularly polarized pulses transfer similar amounts of energy and total angular momentum to C{sub 2}H{sub 3}{sup +}. The average angular momentum vectors of the three hydrogens show opposite directions of rotation for right and left circularly polarized light, but no directional preference for linearly polarized light. This difference results in an appreciable amount of angular displacement of the three hydrogens relative to the C{sub 2} core for circularly polarized light, but only an insignificant amount for linearly polarized light. Over the course of the simulation with circularly polarized light, this corresponds to a propeller-like motion of the three hydrogens around the C{sub 2} core of protonated acetylene.

  15. Análise da aderência do disclosure da gestão de riscos pelas instituições financeiras à circular Bacen 3.477

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    Mônica Campos Torres


    Full Text Available Banco Central de Brasil emitió la Circular nº. 3.477/09 que establece la obligación de divulgar la información relativa a la gestión de riesgos, al Capital de Solvencia Obligatorio y al Patrimonio de Referencia. Este estudio evalúa el nivel de divulgación de estas informaciones por parte de las instituciones financieras a la luz de las directrices de la circular mencionada. Los resultados muestran que sólo el 49,5% de las instituciones dio a conocer las informaciones requeridas por la circular. El tamaño, el nivel de exposición a los derivados financieros y el índice de apalancamiento fueron las variables que presentaron una relación estadísticamente significativa, con una relación negativa de esta última variable.

  16. Circular Updates (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Circular Updates are periodic sequentially numbered instructions to debriefing staff and observers informing them of changes or additions to scientific and specimen...

  17. Queratopatía cristalina: diagnóstico clínico y microbiológico de una infección corneal infrecuente causada por el grupo Streptococcus mitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo J Galperín


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente informe es describir un caso de queratopatía cristalina causada por microorganismos pertenecientes al grupo Streptococcus mitis en una paciente que concurrió a la consulta oftalmológica por molestias en su ojo derecho. Al examen oftalmológico presentó un punto de sutura interrumpida de nylon 10-0 sin tensión y con secreciones mucosas adheridas. El punto flojo fue retirado bajo normas de asepsia. Se indicó colirio de moxifloxacina al 0,5 %; el ojo tuvo una evolución adecuada, con una correcta epitelización. Sin embargo, luego de 15 días desarrolló un infiltrado blanquecino arboriforme. Se tomó una muestra en el quirófano, enhebrando el trayecto intraestromal de la sutura retirada con sutura de vicryl 7-0. Se indicaron colirios de vancomicina con 50 mg/ml. El infiltrado se mantuvo estable durante 45 días, luego se incrementó el tamaño y se produjo necrosis tisular con peligro de perforación corneal. Se realizó un recubrimiento conjuntival bipediculado. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente y luego de la retracción espontánea del recubrimiento, se observó leucoma cicatrizal y neovasos corneales.Crystalline keratopathy: an infrequent corneal infection produced by the Streptococcus mitis group. The objective of this report is to describe a case of crystalline keratopathy caused by the Streptococcus mitis group corresponding to a patient who attended hospital for discomfort in his right eye. The ophthalmological examination showed an interrupted stitch of 10-0 nylon suture without tension and with attached mucus secretions. The loose suture was removed under aseptic conditions. Moxifloxacin 0.5 % eye drops were topically indicated. The treated eye successfully epithelialized and evolved favorably. However, after 15 days, a white tree-shaped infiltrate developed. A corneal sample was taken in the operating room, threading the intrastromal path of the removed stitch with a 7-0 vicryl suture. Vancomycin 50

  18. Circular RNAs as Promising Biomarkers: A mini-review

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    Nadiah Abu


    Full Text Available The interest in circular RNAs has resurfaced in the past few years. What was considered as junk for nearly two decades is now one of the most interesting molecules. Circular RNAs are non-coding RNAs that are formed by back-splicing events and have covalently closed loops with no poly-adenylated tails. The regulation of circular RNAs is distinctive and they are selectively abundant in different types of tissues. Based on the current knowledge of circular RNAs, these molecules have the potential to be the next big thing especially as biomarkers for different diseases. This mini-review attempts to concisely look at the biology of circular RNAs, the putative functional activities, the prevalence of circular RNAs, and the possible role of circular RNA as biomarkers for diagnosis or measuring drug response.

  19. Broadband Circularly Polarized Slot Antenna Loaded by a Multiple-Circular-Sector Patch. (United States)

    Trinh-Van, Son; Yang, Youngoo; Lee, Kang-Yoon; Hwang, Keum Cheol


    In this paper, a microstrip-fed broadband circularly polarized (CP) slot antenna is presented. CP operation can be attained simply by embedding an S-shaped strip. By loading with a multiple-circular-sector patch, which consists of 12 circular-sector patches with identical central angles of 30° and different radii, the 3 dB axial ratio (AR) bandwidth is significantly broadened. To validate the performance of the proposed antenna, an antenna prototype is fabricated and tested. The fabricated antenna is 54 mm × 54 mm × 0.8 mm in size. The measured -10 dB reflection and 3 dB AR bandwidths are 81.06% (1.68⁻3.97 GHz) and 70.55% (1.89⁻3.95 GHz), respectively. Within the 3 dB AR bandwidth, the measured peak gain is 3.81 dBic. Reasonable agreement is also obtained between the measured and simulated results.

  20. Circular Business: Collaborate and Circulate : a bookreview

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmermans, Ratna W.; Witjes, S.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/381088200


    With their book, “Circular Business: Collaborate and Circulate”, Circular Collaboration, Amersfoort, ISBN: 978-90-824902-0-6, €35, Kraaijenhagen et al. (2016) give companies practical guidance on their contribution to the development of a more circular economy by presenting a practical 10-step

  1. Symplectic methods in circular accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forest, E.


    By now symplectic integration has been applied to many problems in classical mechanics. It is my conviction that the field of particle simulation in circular rings is ideally suited for the application of symplectic integration. In this paper, I present a short description symplectic tools in circular storage rings

  2. 76 FR 60593 - Title VI; Proposed Circular (United States)


    ..., several of them related to ambiguous language in the existing Circular. The proposed Circular reorganizes... regional entity, and inclusive of public and private entities. This term is used exclusively in Chapter IV... revisions to the Title VI Circular. The section that addresses the existing requirement for a Language...

  3. Influence of protic ionic liquids on the structure and stability of succinylated Con A. (United States)

    Attri, Pankaj; Venkatesu, Pannuru


    We report the synthesis of a series of ionic liquids (ILs) from various ions having different kosmotropicity including dihydrogen phosphate (H(2)PO(4)(-)), hydrogen sulfate (HSO(4)(-)) and acetate (CH(3)COO(-)) as anions and chaotropic cation such as trialkylammonium cation. To characterize the biomolecular interactions of ILs with protein, we have explored the stability of succinylated Con A (S Con A) in the presence of these aqueous ILs, which are varied combinations of kosmotropic anion with chaotropic cation such as triethylammonium dihydrogen phosphate [(CH(3)CH(2))(3)NH][H(2)PO(4)] (TEAP), trimethylammonium acetate [(CH(3))(3)NH][CH(3)COO] (TMAA), trimethylammonium dihydrogen phosphate [(CH(3))(3)NH][H(2)PO(4)] (TMAP) and trimethylammonium hydrogen sulfate [(CH(3))(3)NH][HSO(4)] (TMAS). Circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence experiments have been used to characterize the stability of S Con A by ILs. Our data distinctly demonstrate that the long alkyl chain IL TEAP is a strong stabilizer for S Con A. Further, our experimental results reveal that TEAP is an effective refolding enhancer for S Con A from a thermally denatured protein structure. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Effects of increased intra-abdominal pressure on the healing process after surgical stapling of the stomach of dogs Efeitos da elevação da pressão intra-abdominal e de seu tempo de ação na cicatrização de suturas mecânicas no estômago de cães

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    Nilson Chaves Jr


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To assess the initial healing after surgical stapling of the stomach using a linear cutting stapler and creating pneumoperitoneum (12-14 mmHg for 60 minutes or 120 minutes, and compare it with the healing of a staple line not submitted to increased pressure. METHODS: A total of 30 dogs were divided into three groups of 10 animals each: Group I (control group - surgical stapling, Group II (surgical stapling and increased intra-abdominal pressure for 60 minutes and Group III (surgical stapling and increased intra-abdominal pressure for 120 minutes. All dogs were maintained under general anesthesia for two hours after surgical stapling. Seven days after surgery, the area around the staple line was macroscopically and microscopically examined. RESULTS: The macroscopic examination of the samples (n = 30 did not show dehiscence, fistula or abscess. Adhesions between the omentum and the staple line were observed in all animals of Groups II and III (n = 20, which were significantly different from Group I (p = 0.008*. The histopathological analysis showed normal healing up to day 7 in the control animals (n = 10. When these results were compared with those of Groups II and III (n = 20, non-parametric tests revealed that there was a significant difference with regard to certain parameters of the early stages of healing, such as fibroblast migration (p = 0.011*, edema (p OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do pneumoperitônio com CO2 sobre a fase inicial da cicatrização (7º dia de uma sutura gástrica mecânica em cães, com diferentes tempos de aumento da pressão intra-abdominal. MÉTODOS: Trinta cães foram divididos em três grupos e submetidos à laparotomia mediana e realização de uma sutura vertical na grande curvatura gástrica com grampeador linear cortante. Após a síntese abdominal, nos animais dos grupos II e III instalou-se pneumoperitônio com CO2, permanecendo os animais com pressão intra-abdominal entre 12 e 14 mmHg durante 60

  5. Cygnus X-1: Discovery of variable circular polarization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michalsky, J.J.; Swedlund, J.B.; Stokes, R.A.


    HDE 226868, the optical counterpart of Cyg X-1, has been observed for circular polarization during 1974. Observations in five colors suggest that circular polarization results from an interstellar effect. Measurements of the blue polarization reveal circular polarization variations synchronous with the 5)./sub /6 orbital period. The circular polarization variation appears to be similar to the blue intensity variation

  6. En paladar hendido, ¿es indispensable seccionar la úvula por la mitad?: Implicaciones anatómicas y fisiológicas para una uvuloplastia diferente

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    J.A. León Pérez

    Full Text Available La función del paladar depende de la acción sincronizadadel músculo constrictor superior de la faringe y de los músculos del paladar, en especial del elevador del velo del paladar y el de la úvula que se contraen contra la pared posterior de la faringe en situación normal. Proponemos una técnica de uvuloplastia en paladar hendido mediante la cual resecamos la mitad más hipotrófica de la úvula hendida y dejamos la mitad más parecida a lo normal unida al paladar blando, en lugar de resecar la mitad de cada una y unirlas finalmente en la línea media. Presentamos un total de 936 casos, recogidos entre 1995 y 2006, en los que practicamos resección de una hemiúvula dejando la de aspecto más natural, con sutura en el paladar blando contralateral de la hemiúvula no resecada. La media de edad de los pacientes del grupo fue de 14 meses (entre los 6 y los 20 meses. Las complicaciones (4%, fueron: hemorragia 3 % y dehiscencia de la sutura 1 %. Pensamos que el aspecto natural brinda apoyo a los padres de los pacientes operados, ya que al observar la presencia de la úvula, se motivan y acuden mejor a las citas con el rehabilitador del lenguaje; la presencia de una hemiúvula no interfiere con la función del paladar para el habla.

  7. Development pattern of circular economy in Jiangsu coastland


    Wang, Liang


    Circular economy is an effective development pattern to balance economic growth, social development and environmental protection. Based on apprehending the connotation of circular economy, this paper fully considers and studies on the future trends in this area according to the theory of circular economy and the empirical circumstances of Jiangsu Coastland. This paper also discusses the circular economy development pattern adopted by Jiangsu coastland during economic and social development fr...

  8. Total and Differential Efficiencies for a Circular Detector Viewing a Circular Radiator of Finite Thickness

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lauber, A; Tollander, B


    Total and differential detection efficiencies have been computed for a circular detector viewing a circular radiator of finite thickness. Isotropic, cosines and n-p scattering angular emission distributions of the radiated particles are considered. Tables are given for the total efficiencies as well as for the differential efficiencies in the n-p scattering case.

  9. Circular codes revisited: a statistical approach. (United States)

    Gonzalez, D L; Giannerini, S; Rosa, R


    In 1996 Arquès and Michel [1996. A complementary circular code in the protein coding genes. J. Theor. Biol. 182, 45-58] discovered the existence of a common circular code in eukaryote and prokaryote genomes. Since then, circular code theory has provoked great interest and underwent a rapid development. In this paper we discuss some theoretical issues related to the synchronization properties of coding sequences and circular codes with particular emphasis on the problem of retrieval and maintenance of the reading frame. Motivated by the theoretical discussion, we adopt a rigorous statistical approach in order to try to answer different questions. First, we investigate the covering capability of the whole class of 216 self-complementary, C(3) maximal codes with respect to a large set of coding sequences. The results indicate that, on average, the code proposed by Arquès and Michel has the best covering capability but, still, there exists a great variability among sequences. Second, we focus on such code and explore the role played by the proportion of the bases by means of a hierarchy of permutation tests. The results show the existence of a sort of optimization mechanism such that coding sequences are tailored as to maximize or minimize the coverage of circular codes on specific reading frames. Such optimization clearly relates the function of circular codes with reading frame synchronization. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Building a Circular Future

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Merrild, Heidi


    Natural resources are scarce and construction accounts for 40 percent of the material and energy consumption in Europe. This means that a switch to a circular future is necessary. ’Building a Circular Future’ maps out where we are, where we are going, and what is needed for this conversion to take...... on the project’s strategies. The financial result is a profit of DKK 35 million on the structure alone in the demolition of a building built for the cost of DKK 860 million. The total potential for the whole building, calculated in projected material prices, is estimated to be up to 16% of the total construction...... of the circular strategies is not only in the future. Increased flexibility, optimized operation and maintenance, as well as a healthier building, is low-hanging fruit that can be harvested today. The project’s principles can be implemented in industrialized construction in a large scale today. That is proven...


    CERN Multimedia

    Division des ressources humaines


    N° 2 (Rev. 1) - March 2000Guidelines and procedures concerning recruitment and probation period of staff membersN° 9 (Rev. 2) - March 2000Staff members contractsN° 16 (Rev. 2) - January 2000TrainingN° 30 (Rev. 1) - January 2000Indemnities and reimbursements upon taking up appointment and termination of contractN° 32 - February 2000Principles and procedures governing complaints of harassmentThese circular have been amended (No 2, N° 9, N° 16 and N° 30) or drawn up (N° 32).Copies are available in the Divisional Secretariats.Note:\tAdministrative and operational circulars, as well as the lists of those in force, are available for consultation in the server SRV4_Home in the Appletalk zone NOVELL (as GUEST or using your Novell username and password), volume PE Division Data Disk.The Word files are available in the folder COM, folder Public, folder ADM.CIRC.docHuman Resources DivisionTel. 74128

  12. Perceptions of Circular Business Models in SMEs

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    Sebastian-Ion Ceptureanu


    Full Text Available Testing circular economy business models is crucial in understanding Circular Economy features across various industries. This paper analyses Circular Economy perceptions in Romanian SMEs by investigating entrepreneurs from PVC joinery industry. Using a multidimensional framework, ReSOLVE, as a conceptual model, and Lewandowski systematization, we measured 6 business actions and their relations with Value creation. The results of our survey can be described as mixed. Of the 6 business actions of ReSOLVE framework, for half of them (Regenerate, Optimize and Exchange we can definitely conclude that these are correlated with Circular Economy in terms of Value Creation, while for a fourth there are variables significantly correlated without being able to conclude its overall contribution in terms of Value creation. Our empirical investigation contributes to literature development on Circular Economy research in SMEs and a step forward to shape future research initiatives.

  13. Localization of CO2 Leakage from a Circular Hole on a Flat-Surface Structure Using a Circular Acoustic Emission Sensor Array

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    Xiwang Cui


    Full Text Available Leak localization is essential for the safety and maintenance of storage vessels. This study proposes a novel circular acoustic emission sensor array to realize the continuous CO2 leak localization from a circular hole on the surface of a large storage vessel in a carbon capture and storage system. Advantages of the proposed array are analyzed and compared with the common sparse arrays. Experiments were carried out on a laboratory-scale stainless steel plate and leak signals were obtained from a circular hole in the center of this flat-surface structure. In order to reduce the influence of the ambient noise and dispersion of the acoustic wave on the localization accuracy, ensemble empirical mode decomposition is deployed to extract the useful leak signal. The time differences between the signals from the adjacent sensors in the array are calculated through correlation signal processing before estimating the corresponding distance differences between the sensors. A hyperbolic positioning algorithm is used to identify the location of the circular leak hole. Results show that the circular sensor array has very good directivity toward the circular leak hole. Furthermore, an optimized method is proposed by changing the position of the circular sensor array on the flat-surface structure or adding another circular sensor array to identify the direction of the circular leak hole. Experiential results obtained on a 100 cm × 100 cm stainless steel plate demonstrate that the full-scale error in the leak localization is within 0.6%.

  14. Estudo comparativo entre sutura manual e mecânica de coto brônquico em cães submetidos à pneumonectomia esquerda: avaliação histopatológica do pulmão direito e avaliação eletrocardiográfica


    Irino, Eduardo Toshio; Stopiglia, Angelo João; Larsson, Maria Helena Matiko Akao; Guerra, José Luis; Simões, Edson Azevedo; Shinkai, Marcos Toshio; Fantoni, Denise Tabacchi; Otsuki, Denise Aya; Freitas, Rodrigo Ramos de; Saldiva, Paulo Hilario Nascimento; Jatene, Fabio Biscegli


    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as possíveis alterações eletrocardiográficas e as alterações histopatológicas no pulmão de cães submetidos à pneumonectomia esquerda em abordagem comparativa entre dois tipos de sutura de coto brônquico (manual e mecânica). Foram utilizados doze cães, machos e fêmeas, adultos, sem raça definida, pesando entre quinze e vinte quilos sendo avaliados as alterações microscópicas apresentadas pelo pulmão direito e as alterações do eletrocardiograma. Todo...

  15. Photoinduced Circular Anisotropy in Side-Chain Azobenzene Polyesters

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nikolova, L.; Todorov, T.; Ivanov, M.


    We report for the first time the inducing of large circular anisotropy in previously unoriented films of side-chain azobenzene polyesters on illumination with circularly polarized light at a wavelength of 488 nm. The circular dichroism and optical activity are measured simultaneously in real time...

  16. A computational protocol for the study of circularly polarized phosphorescence and circular dichroism in spin-forbidden absorption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaminski, Maciej; Cukras, Janusz; Pecul, Magdalena


    We present a computational methodology to calculate the intensity of circular dichroism (CD) in spinforbidden absorption and of circularly polarized phosphorescence (CPP) signals, a manifestation of the optical activity of the triplet–singlet transitions in chiral compounds. The protocol is based...

  17. Self-complementary circular codes in coding theory. (United States)

    Fimmel, Elena; Michel, Christian J; Starman, Martin; Strüngmann, Lutz


    Self-complementary circular codes are involved in pairing genetic processes. A maximal [Formula: see text] self-complementary circular code X of trinucleotides was identified in genes of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, plasmids and viruses (Michel in Life 7(20):1-16 2017, J Theor Biol 380:156-177, 2015; Arquès and Michel in J Theor Biol 182:45-58 1996). In this paper, self-complementary circular codes are investigated using the graph theory approach recently formulated in Fimmel et al. (Philos Trans R Soc A 374:20150058, 2016). A directed graph [Formula: see text] associated with any code X mirrors the properties of the code. In the present paper, we demonstrate a necessary condition for the self-complementarity of an arbitrary code X in terms of the graph theory. The same condition has been proven to be sufficient for codes which are circular and of large size [Formula: see text] trinucleotides, in particular for maximal circular codes ([Formula: see text] trinucleotides). For codes of small-size [Formula: see text] trinucleotides, some very rare counterexamples have been constructed. Furthermore, the length and the structure of the longest paths in the graphs associated with the self-complementary circular codes are investigated. It has been proven that the longest paths in such graphs determine the reading frame for the self-complementary circular codes. By applying this result, the reading frame in any arbitrary sequence of trinucleotides is retrieved after at most 15 nucleotides, i.e., 5 consecutive trinucleotides, from the circular code X identified in genes. Thus, an X motif of a length of at least 15 nucleotides in an arbitrary sequence of trinucleotides (not necessarily all of them belonging to X) uniquely defines the reading (correct) frame, an important criterion for analyzing the X motifs in genes in the future.

  18. Expressão de TGFβ1 mRNA nas fases iniciais de expansão da sutura palatina mediana The expression of TGFβ1 mRNA in the early stage of the midpalatal suture cartilage expansion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilia Teruko Kobayashi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: a expansão da maxila induz a formação de novo osso na sutura palatina mediana por um processo de proliferação e diferenciação celular. A força de expansão pode estimular, nas células progenitoras, a produção de citocinas com atividade osteoindutiva, tais como o transforming growth factor β1(TGFβ1. OBJETIVOS: o principal objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a função dessa citocina nos estágios iniciais de expansão da sutura palatina mediana. MÉTODOS: um aparelho ortodôntico foi instalado entre os molares superiores direito e esquerdo de ratos com 4 semanas de idade. A força de expansão inicial foi de 50g. Os grupos controle e experimental foram sacrificados nos dias 0, 2 e 5. Cortes bucais de 6µm foram obtidos e sujeitos à técnica de hibridização in-situ. RESULTADOS: dois dias após a aplicação de força, as células osteocondroprogenitoras, distribuídas no lado interno do tecido cartilaginoso, exibiram altos níveis de transcrição de transforming growth factor β1. No dia 5, o nível de transcrição de TGFβ1 foi observado nos osteócitos e nas células osteoblásticas, na superfície do novo osso. A atividade osteoblástica foi confirmada por meio de um estudo imunohistoquímico utilizando-se Osteocalcina-Pro (OC-Pro. CONCLUSÕES: os dados sugerem que a expansão da sutura palatina induz a diferenciação de células osteocondroprogenitoras em osteoblastos, estimuladas pela produção de citocinasINTRODUCTION: The application of an orthodontic expansion force induces bone formation at the midpalatal suture because of cell proliferation and differentiation. Expansion forces may stimulate the production of osteoinductive cytokines, such as transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1, in the progenitor cells. OBJECTIVES: This study determined the role of TGFβ1 in the early stage of midpalatal suture cartilage expansion. METHODS: A rectangular orthodontic appliance was placed between the right and left

  19. A product design framework for a circular economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van den Berg, M.R.; Bakker, C.A.


    The paper provides a circular economy framework from a product design perspective with tools to aid product designers in applying circular product design in practice. Design research for circular economy has so far mainly been limited to referring to existing fields of research such as design for

  20. Zernike vs. Bessel circular functions in visual optics. (United States)

    Trevino, Juan P; Gómez-Correa, Jesus E; Iskander, D Robert; Chávez-Cerda, Sabino


    We propose the Bessel Circular Functions as alternatives of the Zernike Circle Polynomials to represent relevant circular ophthalmic surfaces. We assess the fitting capabilities of the orthogonal Bessel Circular Functions by comparing them to Zernike Circle Polynomials for approximating a variety of computationally generated surfaces which can represent ophthalmic surfaces. The Bessel Circular Functions showed better modelling capabilities for surfaces with abrupt variations such as the anterior eye surface at the limbus region, and influence functions. From our studies we find that the Bessel Circular Functions can be more suitable for studying particular features of post surgical corneal surfaces. We show that given their boundary conditions and free oscillating properties, the Bessel Circular Functions are an alternative for representing specific wavefronts and can be better than the Zernike Circle Polynomials for some important cases of corneal surfaces, influence functions and the complete anterior corneal surface. © 2013 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2013 The College of Optometrists.

  1. Information circulars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document summarizes the Information Circulars published by the IAEA under the symbol INFCIRC/ for the purpose of bringing matters of general interest to the attention of all Members of the Agency. A complete list of INFCIRCs in numerical order with their titles is given in the Annex

  2. Photoexcitation circular dichroism in chiral molecules (United States)

    Beaulieu, S.; Comby, A.; Descamps, D.; Fabre, B.; Garcia, G. A.; Géneaux, R.; Harvey, A. G.; Légaré, F.; Mašín, Z.; Nahon, L.; Ordonez, A. F.; Petit, S.; Pons, B.; Mairesse, Y.; Smirnova, O.; Blanchet, V.


    Chiral effects appear in a wide variety of natural phenomena and are of fundamental importance in science, from particle physics to metamaterials. The standard technique of chiral discrimination—photoabsorption circular dichroism—relies on the magnetic properties of a chiral medium and yields an extremely weak chiral response. Here, we propose and demonstrate an orders of magnitude more sensitive type of circular dichroism in neutral molecules: photoexcitation circular dichroism. This technique does not rely on weak magnetic effects, but takes advantage of the coherent helical motion of bound electrons excited by ultrashort circularly polarized light. It results in an ultrafast chiral response and the efficient excitation of a macroscopic chiral density in an initially isotropic ensemble of randomly oriented chiral molecules. We probe this excitation using linearly polarized laser pulses, without the aid of further chiral interactions. Our time-resolved study of vibronic chiral dynamics opens a way to the efficient initiation, control and monitoring of chiral chemical change in neutral molecules at the level of electrons.

  3. Breaking the fault tree circular logic

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lankin, M.


    Event tree - fault tree approach to model failures of nuclear plants as well as of other complex facilities is noticeably dominant now. This approach implies modeling an object in form of unidirectional logical graph - tree, i.e. graph without circular logic. However, genuine nuclear plants intrinsically demonstrate quite a few logical loops (circular logic), especially where electrical systems are involved. This paper shows the incorrectness of existing practice of circular logic breaking by elimination of part of logical dependencies and puts forward a formal algorithm, which enables the analyst to correctly model the failure of complex object, which involves logical dependencies between system and components, in form of fault tree. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. N. Chichko


    Full Text Available The results of computer calculations of the stresses, generated in outside layer of ingot of steel 20 of circular section with diameter 300 mm, in application to one of the industrial technological schemas of RUP “BMZ”, are presented. The segments of compressive and tensile stresses formation along the length of ingot are determined and the principal possibility of production of continuously cast slug of circular section at circular-torch spray cooling is shown.

  5. Estudo experimental comparando o uso do 2-octil cianoAcrilato ao nylon 4-0 na sutura da pele

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    Ruffo de Freitas-Júnior

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar o 2-octil cianoacrilato com o fio de "nylon" no fechamento da pele em ratos. MÉTODOS: Vinte e cinco ratos da linhagem Wistar, foram submetidos à incisão de 3 cm de cada lado do abdome. A síntese foi feita utilizando em um dos lados o "nylon" 4.0, pontos intradérmicos, e do outro o 2-octil cianoacrilato. Após sete dias, o fio foi removido e as incisões, analisadas quanto às complicações. Após 40 dias, o resultado da cicatriz foi avaliado. Os ratos foram sacrificados, as cicatrizes foram ressecadas, fixadas e enviadas ao patologista, sem informação sobre qual o método utilizado. RESULTADOS: Houve dois óbitos durante a anestesia e um tardio. O tempo de operação foi de 136 segundos com a cola e 176 segundos, com o "nylon" (P=0,003. Dentre as 50 operações realizadas, as complicações foram: um hematoma com cada método (P=0,80, quinze deiscências da cola contra 11 do "nylon" (P=0,20, sete cicatrizes de aspecto ruim ou razoável da cola contra quatro do "nylon" (P=0,30, três infecções na cola contra duas (P=0,40. Ao exame patológico, a mediana da largura da cicatriz foi de 1.119 micra com a cola e 1.800 com o "nylon" (P=0,40. A espessura foi de 1.795 contra 1.705 micra (P=0,40. CONCLUSÃO: O 2-octil cianoacrilato apresentou o mesmo aspecto cicatricial, a mesma resistência e as mesmas complicações que a sutura com o "nylon" 4.0, porém permitindo redução no tempo cirúrgico.

  6. The Baltics on Their Way towards a Circular Economy

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    Grigoryan A. A.


    Full Text Available Circular economy has been studied extensively both in Europe and worldwide. It is largely viewed as a potential strategy for societal development, aimed to increase prosperity while reducing dependence on raw materials and energy. Many businesses regard circular economy as a way to enhance economic growth and increase profits. Governments across the world actively engage in the discussion about the benefits of a transition to a circular economy and about its impact on employment, economic growth, and the environment. This paper aims to study the major issues of circular economy, to identify its advantages, and to offer an insight into the transition stage the Baltic States are undergoing today on their way to circular economy. It is stressed that the Baltic countries are not fully using the opportunities offered by a circular economy. For example, Latvia’s, Lithuania’s, and Estonia’s recycling rates are significantly below those of other European countries. The Baltics depend heavily on EU financial support. An increase in funding will contribute to the implementation of circular economy technologies.

  7. University Students Alternative Conceptions On Circular Motion

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    Ian Phil Canlas


    Full Text Available This study attempted to find out university students alternative conceptions on circular motion. An 18-item researcher-compiled and content-validated questionnaire was administered to twenty-six 26 students taking up a program in Bachelor in Secondary Education-Physical Science in their second year enrolled in a course on mechanics. Results revealed that majority of the students possess alternative conceptions on circular motion specifically along velocity acceleration and force. Moreover results showed the inconsistencies in the students understanding of circular motion concepts.

  8. Architectural Surfaces and Structures from Circular Arcs

    KAUST Repository

    Shi, Ling


    the most attention from geometry researchers. In this thesis, we aim to realize this process with simple geometric primitives, circular arcs. We investigate architectural surfaces and structures consisting of circular arcs. Our focus is lying on how

  9. Comportamiento de tubos circulares de hormigón simple producidos con adición de caucho de neumáticos

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    J Akasaki

    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estudiaron tubos de hormigón simple elaborados con la adición de caucho de neumáticos en proporciones de 10, 15 y 20 kg/m³ de hormigón. El programa experimental incluye la realización de ensayos de resistencia a la compresión diametral y absorción de agua. Se evaluaron doce tubos, con un diámetro nominal (DN de 600 mm y longitud de 1500 mm, separados en cuatro series de tres tubos cada una. Cada serie estaba formada por tres tubos tipo punta y bolsa (PB: una serie de control (sin caucho de neumáticos y tres series con incorporación de tres diferentes concentraciones de caucho en la mezcla para los tubos (TB1, TB2 e TB3. Todos los resultados de los ensayos de resistencia a la compresión diametral presentaron valores superiores a los especificados en la norma NBR 8890 para los tubos de hormigón simple clase PS2: tipo PB con DN de 600 mm, cuyo valor es de 36 kN/m. En los ensayos de absorción de agua, todos los tubos presentaron valores de absorción inferiores al máximo establecido en la norma NBR 8890, cuyo valor es de 8%. Se puede concluir, que el caucho de neumático tiene potencial para ser incorporado en la fabricación de tubos de hormigón simple. No obstante, es imperativo ampliar el conocimiento sobre el comportamiento del hormigón preparado con caucho de neumáticos.

  10. Environmental issues elimination through circular economy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Špirková, M., E-mail:; Pokorná, E.; Šujanová, J.; Samáková, J. [Paulínska 16, 917 24 Trnava, Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava (Slovakia)


    Environmental efforts of European Union are currently going towards circular economy. Tools like Extended Producer Responsibility and Eco-design were established. The circular economy deals with resources availability issue on one hand and waste management on the other hand. There are few pioneering companies all over the world with some kind of circular economy practice. Generally the concept is not very wide-spread. The paper aims to evaluate possibility of transition towards circular economy in Slovak industrial companies. They need to have an active approach to material treatment of their products after usage stage. Innovation is another important pre-condition for the transition. Main problem of current cradle to grave system is landfilling of valuable materials after one cycle of usage. Their potential value for next manufacturing cycles is lost. Companies may do not see connection between waste management and material resource prices and volatility of supplies. Municipalities are responsible for municipal waste collection and treatment in Slovakia. The circular economy operates by cradle to cradle principle. Company manages material flow until the material comes back to the beginning of manufacturing process by itself or by another partners. Stable material supplies with quite low costs are provided this way. It is necessary to deal with environmental problems in phase of product design. Questionnaire survey results show on one hand low involvement of industrial companies in waste management area, however on the other hand they are open to environmental innovations in future.

  11. Environmental issues elimination through circular economy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Špirková, M.; Pokorná, E.; Šujanová, J.; Samáková, J.


    Environmental efforts of European Union are currently going towards circular economy. Tools like Extended Producer Responsibility and Eco-design were established. The circular economy deals with resources availability issue on one hand and waste management on the other hand. There are few pioneering companies all over the world with some kind of circular economy practice. Generally the concept is not very wide-spread. The paper aims to evaluate possibility of transition towards circular economy in Slovak industrial companies. They need to have an active approach to material treatment of their products after usage stage. Innovation is another important pre-condition for the transition. Main problem of current cradle to grave system is landfilling of valuable materials after one cycle of usage. Their potential value for next manufacturing cycles is lost. Companies may do not see connection between waste management and material resource prices and volatility of supplies. Municipalities are responsible for municipal waste collection and treatment in Slovakia. The circular economy operates by cradle to cradle principle. Company manages material flow until the material comes back to the beginning of manufacturing process by itself or by another partners. Stable material supplies with quite low costs are provided this way. It is necessary to deal with environmental problems in phase of product design. Questionnaire survey results show on one hand low involvement of industrial companies in waste management area, however on the other hand they are open to environmental innovations in future.

  12. Environmental issues elimination through circular economy (United States)

    Špirková, M.; Pokorná, E.; Šujanová, J.; Samáková, J.


    Environmental efforts of European Union are currently going towards circular economy. Tools like Extended Producer Responsibility and Eco-design were established. The circular economy deals with resources availability issue on one hand and waste management on the other hand. There are few pioneering companies all over the world with some kind of circular economy practice. Generally the concept is not very wide-spread. The paper aims to evaluate possibility of transition towards circular economy in Slovak industrial companies. They need to have an active approach to material treatment of their products after usage stage. Innovation is another important pre-condition for the transition. Main problem of current cradle to grave system is landfilling of valuable materials after one cycle of usage. Their potential value for next manufacturing cycles is lost. Companies may do not see connection between waste management and material resource prices and volatility of supplies. Municipalities are responsible for municipal waste collection and treatment in Slovakia. The circular economy operates by cradle to cradle principle. Company manages material flow until the material comes back to the beginning of manufacturing process by itself or by another partners. Stable material supplies with quite low costs are provided this way. It is necessary to deal with environmental problems in phase of product design. Questionnaire survey results show on one hand low involvement of industrial companies in waste management area, however on the other hand they are open to environmental innovations in future.

  13. The Circular Economy between Desiderates and Realities.

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    Tăchiciu Laurentiu


    Full Text Available The present issue of Amfiteatru Economic Journal addresses the subject of the circular economy, bringing together research contributions to a better understanding of the current state and perspectives of the adoption of economic and business models conceived to give resources’ highest utility and value in every stage by reducing waste, reusing and recycling. Contributors are approaching the circular economy from different perspectives. Some are concerned with the macroeconomic and social conditions accompanying a higher circularity in the economy, while others focus on businesses’ and individuals’ behaviours.

  14. The Circular Economy: In Practice-focused Undergraduate Engineering Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudby, Torben; Larsen, Samuel


    The growth of the planet’s population makes the traditional industrial model of “take, make and waste” unsustainable. The circular economy, in which resources are continuously reused, offers a solution. For manufacturers of durable goods the circular economy requires a well-functioning circular...

  15. Flow-induced vibration of circular cylindrical structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.S.


    This report summarizes the flow-induced vibration of circular cylinders in quiescent fluid, axial flow, and crossflow, and applications of the analytical methods and experimental data in design evaluation of various system components consisting of circular cylinders. 219 figs., 30 tabs

  16. Análise biomecânica e histológica de tendões flexores reparados em coelhos usando três técnicas de sutura (quatro e seis passadas com mobilização ativa precoce Biomechanics and histological analysis in rabbit flexor tendons repaired using three suture techniques (four and six strands with early active mobilization

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    Antônio Lourenço Severo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar o tempo das suturas, a biomecânica (deformidade entre os cotos tendíneos e a histologia dos três grupos de reparo cirúrgico tendíneo: Brasil-2 (quatro passadas, com técnica de sutura central em que o nó final se encontra fora do tendão; Indiana (quatro passadas; e Tsai (seis passadas, com técnicas de sutura central em que o nó final se encontra no interior do tendão reparado, associados de mobilização ativa precoce. MÉTODOS: O tendão calcâneo direito de 36 coelhos da raça New Zealand foi escolhido para a análise. Este apresenta calibre semelhante ao tendão flexor humano, o qual tem aproximadamente 4,5mm (variando 2mm para mais ou menos. A amostra selecionada apresentava a mesma massa (2,5 a 3kg e eram adultos machos ou fêmeas (a partir de 8½ meses de idade. RESULTADOS: Na análise biomecânica, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,01. Não houve diferença estatística com relação ao tempo cirúrgico na realização das três técnicas de suturas (p > 0,01. Evidenciou-se, qualitativamente e quantitativamente, com a mobilidade ativa precoce, um espessamento da fibra de colágeno em 38,9% dentro do 15º dia e de 66,7% dentro do período do 30º dia (p = 0,095. CONCLUSÃO: Esta investigação serviu para demonstrar que não houve diferença histológica do nó final da sutura central dentro ou fora do tendão reparado, bem como o número de passadas, no que diz respeito à cicatrização, vascularização ou deformidade do tendão no túnel osteofibroso com as técnicas de reparo aplicadas, associados de mobilização ativa precoce.OBJECTIVE: analyzing suture time, biomechanics (deformity between the stumps and the histology of three groups of tendinous surgical repair: Brazil-2 (4-strands which the end knot (core is located outside the tendon, Indiana (4-strands and Tsai (6-strands with sutures technique which the end knot (core is inner of the tendon, associated with early active

  17. Eco-Innovation in Circular Agri-Business

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    Dong-Her Shih


    Full Text Available This study constructs a theory of eco-innovation in circular agri-business. Although previous studies have discussed eco-innovation in circular agri-business, they did not address eco-innovation from the perspective of a closed-loop sustainable supply chain. Hence, this study applied the fuzzy TOPSIS method to conduct the analysis and determine the interrelationship between eco-innovation and the closed-loop concept. The results are consistent with the theory and a significant improvement in terms of the decisive attributes. The findings suggest that improving water management, relationships with suppliers, knowledge sharing, environmental management systems, and new product and service development are the most effective and efficient ways to build eco-innovation in circular agri-business. The managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.

  18. Optics modules for circular accelerator design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, K.L.; Servranckx, R.V.


    The first-order differential equations of motion for a single particle in a closed circular machine are solved, introducing the concepts of phase shift, beta functions, and the Courant-Snyder invariant. The transfer matrix between two points in the machine is derived as a function of the phase shift and the parameters contained in the Courant-Snyder invariant. Typical optical modules used in circular machine designs are introduced and related to their characteristic transfer matrix elements, the phase shift through them, and the Courant-Snyder-Twiss parameters. The systematics of some elementary phase ellipse matching problems between optical modules are discussed. Second-order optical modules are discussed, including how they are used to provide the momentum bandwidth needed for the design of a typical circular machine

  19. Equatorial circular motion in Kerr spacetime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pugliese, Daniela; Quevedo, Hernando; Ruffini, Remo


    We analyze the properties of circular orbits of test particles on the equatorial plane of a rotating central mass whose gravitational field is described by the Kerr spacetime. For rotating black holes and naked singularities we explore all the spatial regions where circular orbits can exist and analyze the behavior of the energy and the angular momentum of the corresponding test particles. In particular, we find all the radii at which a test particle can have zero angular momentum due to the repulsive gravity effects generated by naked singularities. We classify all the stability zones of circular orbits. It is shown that the geometric structure of the stability zones of black holes is completely different from that of naked singularities.

  20. Characteristics of a Circular Logic and Its Treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lim, Ho-Gon; Han, Sang-Hoon; Yang, Joon Eon


    A circular logic or a logical loop is defined as the infinite circulation of supporting relations due to their mutual dependencies among the systems in the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). While many methods to break the circular logic have been developed and used in the fault tree quantification codes, the general solution for a circular logic and its breaking methods are not generally known as yet. This paper presents an analytic solution for circular logics in which the systems are linearly interrelated with each other. Then, a general treatment of circular logics is discussed. To formulate the analytic solution, the relations among systems in the fault tree structure are described by the Boolean equations. The solution is, then, obtained from the successive substitutions of the Boolean equations, which is equivalent to the attaching processes of interrelated system's fault tree to a given fault tree. The solution for three interrelated systems and their independent fault tree structures are given as an example

  1. Circular arc structures

    KAUST Repository

    Bo, Pengbo; Pottmann, Helmut; Kilian, Martin; Wang, Wen Ping; Wallner, Johannes


    and connecting elements as well as repetition of costly parts. This paper proposes so-called circular arc structures as a means to faithfully realize freeform designs without giving up smooth appearance. In contrast to non-smooth meshes with straight edges where

  2. The circular economy applied to local communities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Blonk, Heico; van Spijk, Alex; van der Schoor, Tineke


    Based on a theoretical discussion the main difference between models of lineair economy and circular economy are elaborated; (1) Elimination of waste is essential the circulation of circular flows and reclamation of (raw) materials; this requires mechanisms for the return of obsolete materials. (2)

  3. Radical Circular Economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prins, M.; Mohammadi, S.; Slob, N.


    Recently the Circular Economy (CE) concept has gained momentum in the Netherlands, propounding that environmental impact reduction can provide a significant positive economical impulse. The government, larger parts of the industry as a whole, as well as the construction industry, has warmly received


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    N. Ageyev Vladimir


    Full Text Available The geometric properties of conjugated circular arcs connecting two points on the plane with set directions of tan- gent vectors are studied in the work. It is shown that pairs of conjugated circular arcs with the same conditions in frontier points create one-parameter set of smooth curves tightly filling all the plane. One of the basic properties of this set is the fact that all coupling points of circular arcs are on the circular curve going through the initially given points. The circle radius depends on the direction of tangent vectors. Any point of the circle curve, named auxiliary in this work, determines a pair of conjugated arcs with given boundary conditions. One more condition of the auxiliary circle curve is that it divides the plane into two parts. The arcs going from the initial point are out of the circle limited by this circle curve and the arcs coming to the final point are inside it. These properties are the basis for the method of conjugated circular arcs tracing pro- posed in this article. The algorithm is rather simple and allows to fulfill all the needed plottings using only the divider and ruler. Two concrete examples are considered. The first one is related to the problem of tracing of a pair of conjugated arcs with the minimal curve jump when going through the coupling point. The second one demonstrates the possibility of trac- ing of the smooth curve going through any three points on the plane under condition that in the initial and final points the directions of tangent vectors are given. The proposed methods of conjugated circular arcs tracing can be applied in solving of a wide variety of problems connected with the tracing of cam contours, for example pattern curves in textile industry or in computer-aided-design systems when programming of looms with numeric control.

  5. Culture as a Caveat Towards Circular Economy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guerrieri, Valeria


    Circular economy represents an economic and political challenge, as well as a cultural one, requiring a massive transformation on all levels of society. But why is cultural change so important to understanding today’s economy and how can the circular model be considered a truly cross-cultural...

  6. Primal-dual path-following algorithms for circular programming

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    Baha Alzalg


    Full Text Available Circular programming problems are a new class of convex optimization problems that include second-order cone programming problems as a special case‎. ‎Alizadeh and Goldfarb [Math‎. ‎Program‎. ‎Ser‎. ‎A 95 (2003 3--51] introduced primal-dual path-following algorithms for solving second-order cone programming problems‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we generalize their work by using the machinery of Euclidean Jordan algebras associated with the circular cones to derive primal-dual path-following interior point algorithms for circular programming problems‎. ‎We prove polynomial convergence of the proposed algorithms by showing that the circular logarithmic barrier is a strongly self-concordant barrier‎. ‎The numerical examples show the path-following algorithms are simple and efficient‎.

  7. Comercio internacional, migración e inversión con diferenciación horizontal de productos y libre entrada y salida de firmas.

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    Hernán Vallejo


    Full Text Available Este documento construye un modelo de carretera circular del mundo con diferenciación horizontal de producto y libre entrada y salida de firmas, para mostrar que un comercio internacional más libre aumenta el bienestar –con preferencias de variedad ideal– por medio de la explotación de economías de escala y de una mejor asignación de recursos, que todos los países participantes ganan con el comercio y que los países más pequeños tienen más que ganar del libre comercio que los países grandes. La resistencia política a la liberación del comercio, a la migración internacional y a la inversión extranjera directa también se estudian con el modelo. Finalmente, el modelo provee una microfundamentación para el uso de curvas de demanda con pendientes constantes y negativas.

  8. Research on the development and countermeasures for circular economy

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    Ecological economics and sustainable development economics are the basic theories to research on circular economy. Through the systemically research on the relationship of the three above, this paper thinks that the reuse and recycle of circular economy ts a way that the stall is mended after a sheep is lost. Although the reduction technically controls the production process, it cannot solve the waste caused by blind production and excess competition. We have experienced variety obstacles when implementing the circular economy, whose main reason ts the conflict between the individual ration and the social ration. Therefore, only when the individual ration and social ration incline to conformity,the cooperating Nash equilibrium will be appeared. In order to realize the harmony of ecology, economy and society, we have to explore effective evaluation theory. This paper cites the "five flows of wealth operation theory"from professor Ma Chuandong to search operation mechanism of circular economy, makes clear the developing thoughts of circular economy based on the realities, and brings forward some countermeasures to develop circular economy based on the above theoretical analysis.

  9. Determinación numérica con hoja de cálculo del área de influencia de empresas comerciales diametrialmente enfrentadas en un espacio periurbano circular

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    Fernando Javier Díaz Martínez


    Full Text Available Dos empresas comerciales están situadas en la periferia de una ciudad. Las ciudades suelen presentar un perímetro amorfo en torno al centro histórico; sin embargo, para simplificar los cálculos, en este estudio consideramos a ambas empresas ubicadas en los extremos del diámetro de un espacio periurbano circular. Estimamos que el gasto realizado por un consumidor, al adquirir un bien en una empresa comercial, es la suma del precio de dicho bien adquirido más el coste de transporte del consumidor desde su domicilio hasta el establecimiento y viceversa. Dicho coste de transporte se calculará en base a la distancia en línea recta entre el domicilio del consumidor y la empresa comercial, siendo el coste de transporte por unidad de longitud recorrida constante. Bajo estos supuestos, el trabajo se centra en calcular numéricamente, para un determinado bien, con ayuda de la hoja de cálculo, cuál es el área de influencia de cada empresa comercial, en función de la diferencia entre los precios de dicho bien en ambos establecimientos, entendiendo por área de influencia de una empresa para un bien, el lugar geométrico de todos los puntos de la ciudad en los que, al ser menor el gasto, un consumidor opta por dicha empresa para adquirir el bien.

  10. Circular Bioassay Platforms for Applications in Microwave-Accelerated Techniques. (United States)

    Mohammed, Muzaffer; Clement, Travis C; Aslan, Kadir


    In this paper, we present the design of four different circular bioassay platforms, which are suitable for homogeneous microwave heating, using theoretical calculations (i.e., COMSOL™ multiphysics software). Circular bioassay platforms are constructed from poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) for optical transparency between 400-800 nm, has multiple sample capacity (12, 16, 19 and 21 wells) and modified with silver nanoparticle films (SNFs) to be used in microwave-accelerated bioassays (MABs). In addition, a small monomode microwave cavity, which can be operated with an external microwave generator (100 W), for use with the bioassay platforms in MABs is also developed. Our design parameters for the circular bioassay platforms and monomode microwave cavity during microwave heating were: (i) temperature profiles, (ii) electric field distributions, (iii) location of the circular bioassay platforms inside the microwave cavity, and (iv) design and number of wells on the circular bioassay platforms. We have also carried out additional simulations to assess the use of circular bioassay platforms in a conventional kitchen microwave oven (e.g., 900 W). Our results show that the location of the circular bioassay platforms in the microwave cavity was predicted to have a significant effect on the homogeneous heating of these platforms. The 21-well circular bioassay platform design in our monomode microwave cavity was predicted to offer a homogeneous heating pattern, where inter-well temperature was observed to be in between 23.72-24.13°C and intra-well temperature difference was less than 0.21°C for 60 seconds of microwave heating, which was also verified experimentally.

  11. 261. Cirugía reparadora de la insuficiencia aórtica


    E. Rey; A. Cubero; G. Hamzeh; A. Crespo; J.I. Aramendi


    Presentamos nuestra experiencia inicial con la cirugía de reparación aórtica aislada o remodeling de la raíz aórtica (operación de Yacoub) en pacientes con dilatación de raíz. Seguimiento a corto y medio plazo. Material y métodos: En el periodo 2009–2011 se han intervenido 25 pacientes. En 9 de los casos se realizó la técnica de Yacoub ya que presentaban, además, dilatación del anillo y de la raíz: ectasia anuloaórtica 8, S. de Beals 1, implantan-do el anillo Coroneo en 6 de éstos y sutura...

  12. Designing the Business Models for Circular Economy—Towards the Conceptual Framework

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mateusz Lewandowski


    Full Text Available Switching from the current linear model of economy to a circular one has recently attracted increased attention from major global companies e.g., Google, Unilever, Renault, and policymakers attending the World Economic Forum. The reasons for this are the huge financial, social and environmental benefits. However, the global shift from one model of economy to another also concerns smaller companies on a micro-level. Thus, comprehensive knowledge on designing circular business models is needed to stimulate and foster implementation of the circular economy. Existing business models for the circular economy have limited transferability and there is no comprehensive framework supporting every kind of company in designing a circular business model. This study employs a literature review to identify and classify the circular economy characteristics according to a business model structure. The investigation in the eight sub-domains of research on circular business models was used to redefine the components of the business model canvas in the context of the circular economy. Two new components—the take-back system and adoption factors—have been identified, thereby leading to the conceptualization of an extended framework for the circular business model canvas. Additionally, the triple fit challenge has been recognized as an enabler of the transition towards a circular business model. Some directions for further research have been outlined, as well.

  13. Cirugía conservadora del tracto uro-genital

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    Fidel Torres León


    Full Text Available Se trata de una fístula cérvico-vésico-uretro-vaginal, en una enferma ya operada con éxito por una fístula vésico-vaginal consecutiva a su primer parto distósico, y que necesitó el forceps. Hubo luego dos partos normales, pero en su cuarto parto con presentación de nalgas, volvieron a aplicarle el folceps con la secuela de la fístula descrita, que tenía cuando la vimos el agravante de la cistitis incrustada. Se logró tratar esa cistitis con la solución "G" para disolver cálculos, y luego se operó la fístula por vía vaginal, y se empleó un injerto de placenta, que se interpuso entre las dos suturas de vejiga y vagina. Se le puso succión a permanencia durante dos semanas, con el aspirador de Stedman, y con sonda especial quedando la enferma continente y con integridad ureteral.

  14. The protein circular dichroism data bank, a Web-based site for access to circular dichroism spectroscopic data. (United States)

    Whitmore, Lee; Woollett, Benjamin; Miles, Andrew J; Janes, Robert W; Wallace, B A


    The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) is a newly released resource for structural biology. It is a web-accessible ( data bank for circular dichroism (CD) and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) spectra and their associated experimental and secondary metadata, with links to protein sequence and structure data banks. It is designed to provide a public repository for CD spectroscopic data on macromolecules, to parallel the Protein Data Bank (PDB) for crystallographic, electron microscopic, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic data. Similarly to the PDB, it includes validation checking procedures to ensure good practice and the integrity of the deposited data. This paper reports on the first public release of the PCDDB, which provides access to spectral data that comprise standard reference datasets. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Codon Distribution in Error-Detecting Circular Codes

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    Elena Fimmel


    Full Text Available In 1957, Francis Crick et al. suggested an ingenious explanation for the process of frame maintenance. The idea was based on the notion of comma-free codes. Although Crick’s hypothesis proved to be wrong, in 1996, Arquès and Michel discovered the existence of a weaker version of such codes in eukaryote and prokaryote genomes, namely the so-called circular codes. Since then, circular code theory has invariably evoked great interest and made significant progress. In this article, the codon distributions in maximal comma-free, maximal self-complementary C3 and maximal self-complementary circular codes are discussed, i.e., we investigate in how many of such codes a given codon participates. As the main (and surprising result, it is shown that the codons can be separated into very few classes (three, or five, or six with respect to their frequency. Moreover, the distribution classes can be hierarchically ordered as refinements from maximal comma-free codes via maximal self-complementary C3 codes to maximal self-complementary circular codes.

  16. Codon Distribution in Error-Detecting Circular Codes. (United States)

    Fimmel, Elena; Strüngmann, Lutz


    In 1957, Francis Crick et al. suggested an ingenious explanation for the process of frame maintenance. The idea was based on the notion of comma-free codes. Although Crick's hypothesis proved to be wrong, in 1996, Arquès and Michel discovered the existence of a weaker version of such codes in eukaryote and prokaryote genomes, namely the so-called circular codes. Since then, circular code theory has invariably evoked great interest and made significant progress. In this article, the codon distributions in maximal comma-free, maximal self-complementary C³ and maximal self-complementary circular codes are discussed, i.e., we investigate in how many of such codes a given codon participates. As the main (and surprising) result, it is shown that the codons can be separated into very few classes (three, or five, or six) with respect to their frequency. Moreover, the distribution classes can be hierarchically ordered as refinements from maximal comma-free codes via maximal self-complementary C(3) codes to maximal self-complementary circular codes.

  17. A novel x-ray circularly polarized ranging method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Song Shi-Bin; Xu Lu-Ping; Zhang Hua; Shen Yang-He; Gao Na


    Range measurement has found multiple applications in deep space missions. With more and further deep space exploration activities happening now and in the future, the requirement for range measurement has risen. In view of the future ranging requirement, a novel x-ray polarized ranging method based on the circular polarization modulation is proposed, termed as x-ray circularly polarized ranging (XCPolR). XCPolR utilizes the circular polarization modulation to process x-ray signals and the ranging information is conveyed by the circular polarization states. As the circular polarization states present good stability in space propagation and x-ray detectors have light weight and low power consumption, XCPolR shows great potential in the long-distance range measurement and provides an option for future deep space ranging. In this paper, we present a detailed illustration of XCPolR. Firstly, the structure of the polarized ranging system is described and the signal models in the ranging process are established mathematically. Then, the main factors that affect the ranging accuracy, including the Doppler effect, the differential demodulation, and the correlation error, are analyzed theoretically. Finally, numerical simulation is carried out to evaluate the performance of XCPolR. (paper)

  18. Circular relativistic motion of two identical bodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shavokhina, N.S.


    Circular relativistic motion of two bodies as a solution of the earlier obtained equations with a deflecting argument where the self-deflection of the argument is an unknown function of time is considered. In case of circular motion the argument deflection is independent from time and it is the root of the transcendental equation obtained in the paper

  19. Single particle dynamics in circular accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruth, R.D.


    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the reader to the theory associated with the transverse dynamics of single particle, in circular accelerators. The discussion begins with a review of Hamiltonian dynamics and canonical transformations. The case of a single particle in a circular accelerator is considered with a discussion of non-linear terms and chromaticity. The canonical perturbation theory is presented and nonlinear resonances are considered. Finally, the concept of renormalization and residue criterion are examined. (FI)

  20. Nearest Neighbor Estimates of Entropy for Multivariate Circular Distributions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neeraj Misra


    Full Text Available In molecular sciences, the estimation of entropies of molecules is important for the understanding of many chemical and biological processes. Motivated by these applications, we consider the problem of estimating the entropies of circular random vectors and introduce non-parametric estimators based on circular distances between n sample points and their k th nearest neighbors (NN, where k (≤ n – 1 is a fixed positive integer. The proposed NN estimators are based on two different circular distances, and are proven to be asymptotically unbiased and consistent. The performance of one of the circular-distance estimators is investigated and compared with that of the already established Euclidean-distance NN estimator using Monte Carlo samples from an analytic distribution of six circular variables of an exactly known entropy and a large sample of seven internal-rotation angles in the molecule of tartaric acid, obtained by a realistic molecular-dynamics simulation.

  1. Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev.10) - Recognition of merit

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 10) entitled “Recognition of Merit”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 5 December 2013 and entering into force on 1 January 2014, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department (see here).   This circular is applicable to staff members. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 9) entitled “Recognition of Merit” of December 2011. The circular was revised in order to take into account the work performed in the framework of an elective mandate during the exercise of merit recognition of staff members. In addition, the circular was revised to provide that, in the case of staff members on special leave for professional reasons for a period equal to or longer than half a year, it will no longer be possible to grant an exceptional advancement. Department Head Office HR Department

  2. Propagation and radiation characteristics of the circular electric, circular magnetic and hybrid waveguide modes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crenn, J.P.


    The field distributions and propagation constants of the circular electric, circular magnetic and hybrid modes of oversized waveguides are expressed, taking the effects of walls into account. The near and far field patterns are derived in the case of real wall functions. It is shown that, for very oversized waveguides, the terms containing wall functions can be ignored in the calculations, and it results that the expressions of fields and propagation constants become independent of the types of waveguides. An application to corrugated waveguides for Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating experiments shows the variations of the radiation characteristics versus geometric parameters of the corrugations and determines the ranges of interest for these parameters. (author)

  3. Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 4) - Special working hours

    CERN Document Server

    Department Head Office - HR Department


    Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 4) entitled "Special working hours", approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 22 March 2016, will be available on 1st September 2016 via the following link:   This revised circular cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 3) also entitled "Special working hours" of January 2013. This document contains modifications to reflect the new career structure and ensuring the provision consistent with practice that compensation or remuneration of special working hours performed remotely is possible only in case of emergency.   This circular will enter into force on 1st September 2016.

  4. Shear strength of reinforced concrete circular cross-section beams

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. W. G. N. Teixeira

    Full Text Available A proposed adequation of NBR 6118, Item 7.4, related to shear strength of reinforced concrete beams is presented with aims to application on circular cross-section. The actual expressions are most suitable to rectangular cross-section and some misleading occurs when applied to circular sections at determination of VRd2, Vc and Vsw, as consequence of bw (beam width and d (effective depth definitions as well as the real effectiveness of circular stirrups. The proposed adequation is based on extensive bibliographic review and practical experience with a great number of infrastructure elements, such as anchored retaining pile walls, where the use of circular reinforced concrete members is frequent.

  5. Experiencia con un método simple, rápido y seguro en el acceso arterial periférico en cirugía cardiaca mínimamente invasiva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elio Martín


    Conclusiones: Este método de acceso arterial periférico puede ser aplicado a diferentes procedimientos de CCMI resultando simple (2 suturas y técnica Seldinger, reproducible, rápido (no requiere reconstrucción tras decanulación y seguro (no requiere pinzado vascular, técnica Seldinger «a cielo abierto», baja tasa de complicaciones.

  6. Correção cirúrgica do aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo: comparação entre as técnicas de sutura linear e reconstrução geométrica Surgical correction of left ventricular aneurysm: comparison between linear suture and geometric reconstruction techniques


    Cássio José SGARBI; Roberto Vito ARDITO; Rinaldo Costa SANTOS; Renata Andrea B. BOGDAN; Franscismar Vidal de ARRUDA JUNIOR; Elaine Moraes da SILVA; Ariane Cristina M. BENITES; Wilma R. ARDITO; Maria de Fátima F. B. NEVES


    OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a evolução até 15 anos de acompanhamento dos pacientes submetidos a correção cirúrgica do aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo, comparando as técnicas de sutura linear (RL) e reconstrução geométrica(RG). CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 213 pacientes; destes, 166 (77,9%) eram do sexo masculino. A idade média foi de 53,1 anos (DP= 9,9 anos), variando de 24 a 73 anos. Do total dos pacientes, 145 (68%) foram operados pela técnica de SL e 68 (32%) submetidos a RG de VE. A sobr...

  7. Modeling of circular-grating surface-emitting lasers (United States)

    Shams-Zadeh-Amiri, Ali M.

    Grating-coupled surface-emitting lasers became an area of growing interest due to their salient features. Emission from a broad area normal to the wafer surface, makes them very well suited in high power applications and two- dimensional laser arrays. These new possibilities have caused an interest in different geometries to fully develop their potential. Among them, circular-grating lasers have the additional advantage of producing a narrow beam with a circular cross section. This special feature makes them ideal for coupling to optical fibers. All existing theoretical models dealing with circular- grating lasers only consider first-order gratings, or second-order gratings, neglecting surface emission. In this thesis, the emphasis is to develop accurate models describing the laser performance by considering the radiation field. Toward this aim, and due to the importance of the radiation modes in surface-emitting structures, a theoretical study of these modes in multilayer planar structures has been done in a rigorous and systematic fashion. Problems like orthogonality of the radiation modes have been treated very accurately. We have considered the inner product of radiation modes using the distribution theory. Orthogonality of degenerate radiation modes is an important issue. We have examined its validity using the transfer matrix method. It has been shown that orthogonality of degenerate radiation modes in a very special case leads to the Brewster theorem. In addition, simple analytical formulas for the normalization of radiation modes have been derived. We have shown that radiation modes can be handled in a much easier way than has been thought before. A closed-form spectral dyadic Green's function formulation of multilayer planar structures has been developed. In this formulation, both rectangular and cylindrical structures can be treated within the same mathematical framework. The Hankel transform of some auxiliary functions defined on a circular aperture has

  8. Molecular photoelectron holography with circularly polarized laser pulses. (United States)

    Yang, Weifeng; Sheng, Zhihao; Feng, Xingpan; Wu, Miaoli; Chen, Zhangjin; Song, Xiaohong


    We investigate the photoelectron momentum distribution of molecular-ion H2+driven by ultrashort intense circularly polarized laser pulses. Both numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) and a quasiclassical model indicate that the photoelectron holography (PH) with circularly polarized pulses can occur in molecule. It is demonstrated that the interference between the direct electron wave and rescattered electron wave from one core to its neighboring core induces the PH. Moreover, the results of the TDSE predict that there is a tilt angle between the interference pattern of the PH and the direction perpendicular to the molecular axis. Furthermore, the tilt angle is sensitively dependent on the wavelength of the driven circularly polarized pulse, which is confirmed by the quasiclassical calculations. The PH induced by circularly polarized laser pulses provides a tool to resolve the electron dynamics and explore the spatial information of molecular structures.

  9. Rescate articular con colgajo anterolateral del muslo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F.J. García-Bernal


    Full Text Available La preservación del nivel de amputación tanto de la extremidad superior como de la inferior, puede mejorar la función residual y el proceso de rehabilitación protésica de la misma. Ambas van a estar condicionadas por la longitud restante de la extremidad, la presencia o no de articulaciones operativas y la calidad de la cobertura del muñón. Presentamos 2 casos de amputaciones. El primero es un caso agudo de amputación traumática de extremidad superior a la altura del tercio proximal de antebrazo, que asocia avulsión cutánea circular desde el tercio medio del brazo y con articulación de codo conservada. El segundo, es la secuela de una amputación infracondílea de extremidad inferior por osteosarcoma que presenta fístulas cutáneas con drenaje supurativo por osteomielitis en el muñón tibial. En ambos pacientes realizamos cobertura con colgajo anterolateral de muslo anastomosado a la arteria radial en el caso de la extremidad superior, y a la arteria genicular descendente en la extremidad inferior. En los dos casos el postoperatorio transcurrió sin complicaciones, logrando preservar las articulaciones del codo y de la rodilla respectivamente, así como la posterior rehabilitación protésica. Consideramos que el colgajo anterolateral del muslo permite aportar tejido de buena calidad como cobertura del muñón de amputación. Dadas las características del tejido aportado y su volumen, es idóneo tanto para cobertura de defectos agudos como de déficits de almohadillado en casos crónicos.

  10. Low-Cost and High-Gain SIW Circularly Polarized Circular-Horn-Loaded Antenna for Broadband Millimeter-Wave Applications

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ming Du


    Full Text Available A wideband, low-cost and high-gain circularly polarized (CP circular-horn-loaded antenna based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW technology operating at Ka band is presented. The proposed antenna, which is built on a single-layer substrate, consists of five parts: a short-ended SIW, a centro-symmetric wide slot, an L-shaped probe, a circular horn and a transition from SIW to air-filled rectangular waveguide for measurement. The slot is etched on the upper ground of the SIW, while the L-shaped probe for generating CP wave is printed inside the slot and connected to the SIW. A circular horn is also loaded on the surface of the SIW slot for high gain. Then, the proposed antenna with a dimension of 45×45×24.16 mm3 was fabricated and measured. The measured results show that the antenna has a wide impedance matching bandwidth of 28.6% from 30 to 40 GHz for |S11| ≤10 dB and a wide axial ratio (AR bandwidth of 22.8% from 31.5 to 39.6 GHz for AR ≤ 3 dB. The measured maximum gain is 15.6 dBi at 36 GHz with slight fluctuations over the 30–40-GHz frequency range. This kind of antenna merits low cost and easy integration with common differential circuits at the same time.

  11. System for circular and complex tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hellstrom, M.J.


    This invention discloses a system for conducting circular as well as complex tomographic procedures utilizing apparatus which has no mechanical linkage between the X-ray source and the X-ray receptor. The path of travel of the X-ray source both circularly and linearly is sensed by electromagnetic radiation and more particularly by light radiation which is generated by a laser. The linear travel is sensed by means of reflected laser radiation directed to the X-ray source and fed to an interferometer. The circular travel, on the other hand, is sensed by means of a laser gyroscope also receiving light radiation from a laser. Optical energy sensing means is thus used to generate command signals which are coupled to respective drive motors which act to rotate and when desirable, translate the X-ray receptor so that its motion follows the motion, both orbital and linear, of the X-ray source for performing any desired type of tomographic procedure

  12. Circular economy and waste to energy (United States)

    Rada, E. C.; Ragazzi, M.; Torretta, V.; Castagna, G.; Adami, L.; Cioca, L. I.


    Waste management in European Union has long being regulated by the 4Rs principle, i.e. reduction, reuse, recycling, recovery, with landfill disposal as the last option. This vision recently led the European Union (especially since 2015) to the introduction of virtuous goals based on the rejection of linear economy in favour of circular economy strongly founded on materials recovery. In this scenario, landfill disposal option will disappear, while energy recovery may appear controversial when not applied to biogas production from anaerobic digestion. The present work aims to analyse the effects that circular economy principles introduced in the European Union context will have on the thermochemical waste treatment plants design. Results demonstrate that indirect combustion (gasification + combustion) along with integrated vitrification of the non-combustible fraction of treated waste will have a more relevant role in the field of waste treatment than in the past, thanks to the compliance of this option with the principles of circular economy.

  13. Advisory Circular checklist and status of other FAA publications (United States)


    This 1997 circular transmits the revised checklist of the Federal Aviation : Administration's (FAA) Advisory Circulars (AC's). It also lists certain other : FAA publications sold by the Superintendent of Documents.

  14. Circular RNAs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Han, Yi-Neng; Xia, Shengqiang; Zhang, Yuan-Yuan


    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a novel type of universal and diverse endogenous noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) and they form a covalently closed continuous loop without 5' or 3' tails unlike linear RNAs. Most circRNAs are presented with characteristics of abundance, stability, conservatism, and often exhi...... and expression regulators, RBP sponges in cancer as well as current research methods of circRNAs, providing evidence for the significance of circRNAs in cancer diagnosis and clinical treatment....

  15. Circular fringe projection profilometry. (United States)

    Zhao, Hong; Zhang, Chunwei; Zhou, Changquan; Jiang, Kejian; Fang, Meiqi


    In this Letter, a novel three-dimensional (3D) measurement method, called the circular fringe projection profilometry (CFPP), is proposed. Similar to the conventional fringe projection profilometry, CFPP also requires fringe pattern projection and capture, phase demodulation, and phase unwrapping. However, it works with a totally different mechanism. CFPP recovers the height of a point by calculating its distance to the optical center of a projector along the optical axis. This distance is calculated with the aid of the divergence angle of a projected light ray and the distance between the measured point and the optical axis. The distance between the measured point and the optical axis is detected by a camera with telecentric lenses, while the divergence angle can be calculated from the phase of a captured circular fringe pattern. The validity of CFPP is confirmed by a set of experiments.

  16. Experimental investigation of complex circular Airy beam characteristics (United States)

    Porfirev, A. P.; Fomchenkov, S. A.; Khonina, S. N.


    We demonstrate a new type of circular Airy beams, the so-called azimuthally modulated circular Airy beams, generated by utilizing a diffraction element, whose transmission function is the sum of the transmission function of the element generating a "petal" pattern and the transmission function of the element generating a circular Airy beam. We experimentally investigate the propagation dynamics of such beams and demonstrate that their autofocusing and selfhealing properties are strongly dependent on the number of generated petals. These beams are a combination of a conventional circular Airy beam and vortex laser beams (or their superpositions). Using a spatial light modulator, we demonstrate that these beams have unique properties such as autofocusing, "nondiffractive" propagation and self-healing after passing through an obstacle. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation. We believe that these results can be very useful for lensless laser fabrication and laser manipulation techniques, as well as for development of new filament plasma multi-channel formation methods.

  17. 12 CFR 563g.8 - Use of the offering circular. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Use of the offering circular. 563g.8 Section 563g.8 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY SECURITIES OFFERINGS § 563g.8 Use of the offering circular. (a) An offering circular or amendment declared effective by the...

  18. Relationship between the coronal suture and the central lobe: how important is it and how can we use it in surgical planning? Relação entre a sutura coronária e o lobo central: qual a sua importância e como podemos usá-la no planejamento cirurgico?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stênio Abrantes Sarmento


    Full Text Available The surgical treatment of the lesions located in the central lobe is a very difficult task for the neurosurgeon. The overall aim of this study is to verify the correlation of the coronal suture and the structures of the central lobe in 32 cadaver hemisphere brains and the importance of this information in surgical planning. The measurement of the nasion to the coronal suture ranged from 11.5 to 13.5 cm. The distance between the coronal suture in the midline to the central, precentral and paracentral sulcus ranged from 5.0 to 6.6, 2.5 to 4.5 and 1.3 to 4.0 cm respectively. Particularly in the normal cortex these measurements can be used to guide the surgical access. However, the identification of the central sulcus is not easy when the anatomical pattern is distorted or displaced by a lesion or edema. In cases such as these the use of other tools becomes crucial for good surgical planning and cortical mapping or awake craniotomy for a safer resection of the lesion as well.O tratamento cirúrgico de lesões localizadas no lobo central é difícil para o neurocirurgião. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar a relação da sutura coronária com as estruturas do lobo central utilizando-se de dissecção realizada em 32 hemisférios cerebrais de 16 cadáveres, assim como, a importância desta informação no planejamento cirúrgico. A medida da distância entre o nasion e a sutura coronária variou entre 11,5 e 13,5 cm. A distância da sutura coronária na linha média para os sulcos central, pré-central e paracentral variou de 5,0 a 6,6 cm, 2,5 a 4,5 cm e 1,3 a 4,0 cm respectivamente. O conhecimento destas medidas pode ser usado no planejamento cirúrgico principalmente num córtex normal. Porém, a identificação do sulco central é difícil quando as estruturas anatômicas estão deslocadas pela lesão ou quando há edema. Nestes casos a utilização de outros meios diagnósticos para o planejamento cirúrgico torna-se necessária, como também a

  19. Swarm Robotics with Circular Formation Motion Including Obstacles Avoidance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nabil M. Hewahi


    Full Text Available The robots science has been developed over the past few years, where robots have become used to accomplish difficult, repetitive or accurate tasks, which are very hard for humans to carry out. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to control the motion of a swarm of robots and make them able to avoid obstacles. The proposed solution is based on forming the robots in circular fashion. A group set of robots consists of multiple groups of robots, each group of robots consists of robots forming a circular shape and each group set is a circular form of robots. The proposed algorithm is concerned with first locating the randomly generated robots in groups and secondly with the swarm robot motion and finally with the swarm obstacle avoidance and swarm reorganization after crossing the obstacle. The proposed algorithm has been simulated with five different obstacles with various numbers of randomly generated robots. The results show that the swarm in the circular form can deal with the obstacles very effectively by passing the obstacles smoothly. The proposed algorithm has been compared with flocking algorithm and it is shown that the circular formation algorithm does not need extensive computation after obstacle avoidance whereas the flocking algorithm needs extensive computation. In addition, the circular formation algorithm maintains every robot in its group after avoiding the obstacles whereas with flocking algorithm does not.

  20. FUCHS—towards full circular RNA characterization using RNAseq

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franziska Metge


    Full Text Available Circular RNAs (circRNAs belong to a recently re-discovered species of RNA that emerge during RNA maturation through a process called back-splicing. A downstream 5′ splice site is linked to an upstream 3′ splice site to form a circular transcript instead of a canonical linear transcript. Recent advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS have brought circRNAs back into the focus of many scientists. Since then, several studies reported that circRNAs are differentially expressed across tissue types and developmental stages, implying that they are actively regulated and not merely a by-product of splicing. Though functional studies have shown that some circRNAs could act as miRNA-sponges, the function of most circRNAs remains unknown. To expand our understanding of possible roles of circular RNAs, we propose a new pipeline that could fully characterizes candidate circRNA structure from RNAseq data—FUCHS: FUll CHaracterization of circular RNA using RNA-Sequencing. Currently, most computational prediction pipelines use back-spliced reads to identify circular RNAs. FUCHS extends this concept by considering all RNA-seq information from long reads (typically >150 bp to learn more about the exon coverage, the number of double break point fragments, the different circular isoforms arising from one host-gene, and the alternatively spliced exons within the same circRNA boundaries. This new knowledge will enable the user to carry out differential motif enrichment and miRNA seed analysis to determine potential regulators during circRNA biogenesis. FUCHS is an easy-to-use Python based pipeline that contributes a new aspect to the circRNA research.

  1. Romboplastia múltiple en cirugía de rescate del cáncer de cabeza y cuello

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Orlando R Expósito Reyes

    Full Text Available La romboplastia de Limberg es una técnica quirúrgica útil en la reparación de defectos faciales. Se presenta un paciente de 55 años de edad, de procedencia rural que acude a consulta de cirugía de cabeza y cuello por presentar lesión persistente de tres meses de evolución. Esta se localizaba en la región temporo-frontal derecha, ulcerada y dolorosa y provocaba molestias físicas y estéticas. Se realizó resección quirúrgica y biopsia que informó carcinoma basocelular con bordes de sección libres de lesión y quedó un defecto circular de aproximadamente 8 cm de diámetro. El tamaño y localización de esta lesión en un área poco extensible hizo imposible el cierre borde a borde, fue necesario diseñar la triple plastia de Limberg que requiere de tres colgajos concéntricos de piel de las regiones del cuero cabelludo, preauricular y frontal, seguido del decolado, transposición y sutura de los mismos sin comprometer su irrigación. La triple plastia de Limberg demuestra su vigencia en la reparación del defecto temporo-frontal y posibilita el resultado oncoplástico esperado.

  2. On the Recognition of Fuzzy Circular Interval Graphs


    Oriolo, Gianpaolo; Pietropaoli, Ugo; Stauffer, Gautier


    Fuzzy circular interval graphs are a generalization of proper circular arc graphs and have been recently introduced by Chudnovsky and Seymour as a fundamental subclass of claw-free graphs. In this paper, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for recognizing such graphs, and more importantly for building a suitable representation.

  3. 5 CFR 1310.5 - List of current circulars. (United States)


    ... 5 Administrative Personnel 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false List of current circulars. 1310.5 Section 1310.5 Administrative Personnel OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET OMB DIRECTIVES OMB CIRCULARS § 1310.5... and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities” A-122—“Cost...

  4. An analysis of near-circular lunar mapping orbits

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Numerical investigations have been carried out to analyse the evolution of lunar circular orbits and the influence of the higher order harmonics of the lunar gravity field. The aim is to select the appropriate near-circular orbit characteristics, which extend orbit life through passive orbit maintenance. The spherical harmonic ...

  5. University Students Alternative Conceptions On Circular Motion


    Ian Phil Canlas


    This study attempted to find out university students alternative conceptions on circular motion. An 18-item researcher-compiled and content-validated questionnaire was administered to twenty-six 26 students taking up a program in Bachelor in Secondary Education-Physical Science in their second year enrolled in a course on mechanics. Results revealed that majority of the students possess alternative conceptions on circular motion specifically along velocity acceleration and force. Moreover res...

  6. The study of evaluation index system on construction enterprise’s circular economy (United States)

    Yi, Lu; Liu, Zhigang


    The development of circular economy is an important way to judge quality of enterprise development and to realize the sustainable development of enterprises. This paper will combine the characteristics of the development of circular economy in construction enterprise to construct circular economy evaluation index system. Then it uses fuzzy mathematics theory and hierarchical analysis evaluation method for comprehensive evaluation of circular economy development level. Through the empirical analysis, the paper provides the reference basis for construction enterprises to further improve the level of circular economy.

  7. Fabrication of circular microfluidic network in enzymatically-crosslinked gelatin hydrogel

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    He, Jiankang, E-mail:; Chen, Ruomeng; Lu, Yongjie; Zhan, Li; Liu, Yaxiong; Li, Dichen; Jin, Zhongmin


    It is a huge challenge to engineer vascular networks in vital organ tissue engineering. Although the incorporation of artificial microfluidic network into thick tissue-engineered constructs has shown great promise, most of the existing microfluidic strategies are limited to generate rectangle cross-sectional channels rather than circular vessels in soft hydrogels. Here we present a facile approach to fabricate branched microfluidic network with circular cross-sections in gelatin hydrogels by combining micromolding and enzymatically-crosslinking mechanism. Partially crosslinked hydrogel slides with predefined semi-circular channels were molded, assembled and in situ fully crosslinked to form a seamless and circular microfluidic network. The bonding strength of the resultant gelatin hydrogels was investigated. The morphology and the dimension of the resultant circular channels were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro-computerized tomography (μCT). Computational fluid dynamic simulation shows that the fabrication error had little effect on the distribution of flow field but affected the maximum velocity in comparison with designed models. The microfluidic gelatin hydrogel facilitates the attachment and spreading of human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVECs) to form a uniform endothelialized layer around the circular channel surface, which successfully exhibited barrier functions. The presented method might provide a simple way to fabricate circular microfluidic networks in biologically-relevant hydrogels to advance various applications of in vitro tissue models, organ-on-a-chip systems and tissue engineering. - Highlights: • A facile method was proposed to build a circular fluidic network in gelatin hydrogel. • The fluidic network is mechanically robust and supports physiological flow. • HUVECs formed endothelialized layer around the channel to express barrier function.

  8. Circular Business Models: Defining a Concept and Framing an Emerging Research Field

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julia L. K. Nußholz


    Full Text Available To aid companies in transitioning towards a circular economy and adopting strategies such as reuse, repair, and remanufacturing, the concept of circular business models has been developed. Although the concept draws on contributions from various academic disciplines, and despite its increasingly frequent use, few scholars clearly define what a circular business model is. Understanding about what makes a business model circular is diverse, hampering the theoretical development and practical application of circular business models. This study aims to help frame the field of circular business model research, by clarifying the fundamentals of the concept from the perspectives of resource efficiency and business model innovation. Expanding on these findings, a review of how the concept is used in recent academic literature is provided. It shows that a coherent view is lacking on which resource efficiency strategies classify a business model as circular. This study clarifies which resource efficiency strategies can be deemed as relevant key strategies for circular business models, and suggests a new definition of the concept. With the definition grounded in analysis of the fundamentals in terms of resource efficiency and business models, the study contributes to theoretical advancement and effective implementation of circular business models.

  9. 12 CFR 563g.2 - Offering circular requirement. (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 5 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Offering circular requirement. 563g.2 Section 563g.2 Banks and Banking OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY SECURITIES OFFERINGS § 563g.2 Offering circular requirement. (a) General. No savings association shall offer or sell, directly...

  10. Band vs. Circular Sawmills: Relative Labor & Maintenance Costs (United States)

    Philip H. Steele; Philip A. Araman


    Substantial sawmill lumber yield increases from kerf and sawing variation reductions can be realized by employing band rather than circular headrigs. Softwood sawmills rapidly adopted bandsaw headrig technology to the extent that it is currently unusual to find circular saw headrigs in a softwood sawmill. Hardwood sawmills, faced with a different economic situation,...

  11. How can design science contribute to a circular economy?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pigosso, Daniela Cristina Antelmi; McAloone, Tim C.


    Circular Economy is increasingly seen as a key approach to operationalising goals and supporting the transition to a sustainable society by enhancing competitiveness and economic growth. Creating a Circular Economy requires fundamental changes throughout the value chain, from innovation, product...... design and production processes all the way to end of life, new business models and consumption patterns. This paper explores how design science can support the transition from the traditional linear 'take-make-consume-dispose' approach, to a Circular Economy. By means of a systematic literature review...

  12. Calibration of circular aperture area using vision probe at inmetro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Costa Pedro Bastos


    Full Text Available Circular aperture areas are standards of high importance for the realization of photometric and radiometric measurements, where the accuracy of these measures is related to the accuracy of the circular aperture area calibrations. In order to attend the requirement for traceability was developed in Brazilian metrology institute, a methodology for circular aperture area measurement as requirements from the radiometric and photometric measurements. In the developed methodology apertures are measured by non-contact measurement through images of the aperture edges captured by a camera. These images are processed using computer vision techniques and then the values of the circular aperture area are determined.

  13. Effect of Temperature on Topological States of Circular DNA (United States)

    Fan, Yang-Tao; Li, Xiu-Yan; Liu, Yan-Hui; Chen, Hu


    The different topological states of circular double-stranded DNA can be defined by their linking number. The equilibrium distribution of linking number can be obtained by circularizing a linear DNA into a circle by ligase. Based on the recent experimental results that the DNA bending rigidity and twist rigidity strongly depend on temperature, the reduced bending rigidity can be approximated by g=(3.19× {10}-19-T\\cdot 4.14× {10}-22) {erg}\\cdot {cm} over the temperature interval (5 ∼ 53) °C, and the temperature dependence of twist rigidity can be fitted by C(T)=(4588.89{exp} (-T/117.04)-251.33) nm. The temperature dependence of the linking number distribution of circular DNAs can be predicted by using Monte Carlo simulation. The variance of linking number distribution on temperature is in accordance with the previous experimental results. Compared with the temperature dependence of bending rigidity, the temperature dependence of twist rigidity causes a noticeable fluctuation in linking number distribution and mainly contribute towards the variance change of linking number distribution of circular DNA. The variance of the writhe number and twist number in the equation = + depends on the length of circular DNA. When the length of circular DNA is less than 230 nm, the variance of twist number is dominant over the variance of writhe number ( ), whereas for the condition that the length of the circular DNA is larger than 370 nm. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 11047022, 11204045, and 11464004, Guizhou Provincial Tracking Key Program of Social Development (SY20123089, SZ20113069), the General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014M562341), the Research Foundation for Young University Teachers from Guizhou University (201311), and College Innovation Talent Team of Guizhou Province (2014)32

  14. Breaking the Barriers to the Circular Economy


    Kirchherr, J.W.; Hekkert, M.P.; Bour, Ruben; Huijbrechtse-Truijens, Anne; Kostense-Smit, Erica; Muller, Jennifer


    The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and Deloitte have jointly carried out research on barriers to the Circular Economy (CE) in the European Union. For this research, a survey with 153 businesses, 55 government officials and expert interviews with forty-seven thought leaders on the circular economy from businesses, governments, academia and NGOs have been carried out. Two types of barriers emerged as main barriers Firstly, there are the cult...

  15. Performance limits of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shagayda, A., E-mail:; Madeev, S. [Keldysh Research Centre, Onezhskaya, 8, 125438 Moscow (Russian Federation)


    A three-dimensional computer simulation is used to determine the perveance limitations of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures. The objective of the study is to analyze the possibilities to improve mechanical strength of the ion optics made of carbon-carbon composite materials. Non-circular grid apertures are better suited to the physical structure of carbon-carbon composite materials, than conventionally used circular holes in a hexagonal pattern, because they allow a fewer number of cut fibers. However, the slit-type accelerating systems, usually regarded as the main alternative to the conventional ion optics, have an intolerably narrow range of operating perveance values at which there is no direct ion impingement on the acceleration grid. This paper presents results of comparative analysis of a number of different ion optical systems with non-circular apertures and conventional ion optical systems with circular apertures. It has been revealed that a relatively wide perveance range without direct ion impingement may be obtained with apertures shaped as a square with rounded corners. Numerical simulations show that this geometry may have equivalent perveance range as the traditional geometry with circular apertures while being more mechanically robust. In addition, such important characteristics, as the effective transparency for both the ions and the neutral atoms, the height of the potential barrier reflecting the downstream plasma electrons and the angular divergence of the beamlet also can be very close to these parameters for the optics with circular apertures.

  16. Performance limits of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures. (United States)

    Shagayda, A; Madeev, S


    A three-dimensional computer simulation is used to determine the perveance limitations of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures. The objective of the study is to analyze the possibilities to improve mechanical strength of the ion optics made of carbon-carbon composite materials. Non-circular grid apertures are better suited to the physical structure of carbon-carbon composite materials, than conventionally used circular holes in a hexagonal pattern, because they allow a fewer number of cut fibers. However, the slit-type accelerating systems, usually regarded as the main alternative to the conventional ion optics, have an intolerably narrow range of operating perveance values at which there is no direct ion impingement on the acceleration grid. This paper presents results of comparative analysis of a number of different ion optical systems with non-circular apertures and conventional ion optical systems with circular apertures. It has been revealed that a relatively wide perveance range without direct ion impingement may be obtained with apertures shaped as a square with rounded corners. Numerical simulations show that this geometry may have equivalent perveance range as the traditional geometry with circular apertures while being more mechanically robust. In addition, such important characteristics, as the effective transparency for both the ions and the neutral atoms, the height of the potential barrier reflecting the downstream plasma electrons and the angular divergence of the beamlet also can be very close to these parameters for the optics with circular apertures.

  17. Performance limits of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures (United States)

    Shagayda, A.; Madeev, S.


    A three-dimensional computer simulation is used to determine the perveance limitations of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures. The objective of the study is to analyze the possibilities to improve mechanical strength of the ion optics made of carbon-carbon composite materials. Non-circular grid apertures are better suited to the physical structure of carbon-carbon composite materials, than conventionally used circular holes in a hexagonal pattern, because they allow a fewer number of cut fibers. However, the slit-type accelerating systems, usually regarded as the main alternative to the conventional ion optics, have an intolerably narrow range of operating perveance values at which there is no direct ion impingement on the acceleration grid. This paper presents results of comparative analysis of a number of different ion optical systems with non-circular apertures and conventional ion optical systems with circular apertures. It has been revealed that a relatively wide perveance range without direct ion impingement may be obtained with apertures shaped as a square with rounded corners. Numerical simulations show that this geometry may have equivalent perveance range as the traditional geometry with circular apertures while being more mechanically robust. In addition, such important characteristics, as the effective transparency for both the ions and the neutral atoms, the height of the potential barrier reflecting the downstream plasma electrons and the angular divergence of the beamlet also can be very close to these parameters for the optics with circular apertures.

  18. Performance limits of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shagayda, A.; Madeev, S.


    A three-dimensional computer simulation is used to determine the perveance limitations of ion extraction systems with non-circular apertures. The objective of the study is to analyze the possibilities to improve mechanical strength of the ion optics made of carbon-carbon composite materials. Non-circular grid apertures are better suited to the physical structure of carbon-carbon composite materials, than conventionally used circular holes in a hexagonal pattern, because they allow a fewer number of cut fibers. However, the slit-type accelerating systems, usually regarded as the main alternative to the conventional ion optics, have an intolerably narrow range of operating perveance values at which there is no direct ion impingement on the acceleration grid. This paper presents results of comparative analysis of a number of different ion optical systems with non-circular apertures and conventional ion optical systems with circular apertures. It has been revealed that a relatively wide perveance range without direct ion impingement may be obtained with apertures shaped as a square with rounded corners. Numerical simulations show that this geometry may have equivalent perveance range as the traditional geometry with circular apertures while being more mechanically robust. In addition, such important characteristics, as the effective transparency for both the ions and the neutral atoms, the height of the potential barrier reflecting the downstream plasma electrons and the angular divergence of the beamlet also can be very close to these parameters for the optics with circular apertures.

  19. Circular polarimetry of the magnetic compact binary AM Herculis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Piirola, V; Vilhu, O; Tuominen, I


    Circular polarimetry in the red and simultaneous photometric observations in the UBVRI bands during the period June 1 to 3, 1981, of AM Herculis are discussed. Peak value of negative circular polarization (- 15 %) is stronger than observed in 1976 to 1979. Variations in the shape of the polarization and light curves occur from night to night. Positive crossover and reversal of the sign of the circular polarization are only marginal. Long term changes in polarization may be partly due to precession of the axis of rotation of the white dwarf about the binary axis. However, the duration of the phase interval where circular polarization remains close to zero changes on a time scale of days, casting doubt on precession models. The changing shape and position of the accretion columns with respect to the magnetic axis could explain short term variations. (ESA)

  20. Soil and land management in a circular economy. (United States)

    Breure, A M; Lijzen, J P A; Maring, L


    This article elaborates the role of soil and land management in a circular economy. The circular economy is highly dependent on the functioning of soils and land for the production of food and other biomass; the storage, filtration and transformation of many substances including water, carbon, and nitrogen; the provision of fresh mineral resources and fossil fuels; and the use of their functions as the platform for nature and human activities. Resource demand is increasing as a result of the growing human population. In addition to the shrinking availability of resources resulting from their unsustainable use in the past, our planet's diminishing potential for resource production, due to a range of reasons, is leading to resource scarcity, especially in the case of depletable resources. As an economic system that focuses on maximizing the reuse of resources and products and minimizing their depreciation, the circular economy greatly influences, and depends on, soil and land management. The concise management of the resources, land and soil is thus necessary, to make a circular economy successful. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. 274. Indicaciones de la válvula aórtica ats 3f enable® sin sutura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Rodríguez-Roda


    Conclusiones: La prótesis 3f Enable® presenta un excelente comportamiento hemodinámico en pacientes con anillo aórtico pequeño y con un IMC igual o superior a 30 y consiguiente riesgo de mismatch. La estenosis protésica de 19 mm también se podría considerar como indicación de implante de esta válvula.

  2. Second-harmonic generation circular dichroism spectroscopy from tripod-like chiral molecular films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Xiao-Ou; Chen Li-An; Chen Li-Xue; Sun Xiu-Dong; Li Jun-Qing; Li Chun-Fei


    The second-harmonic generation (SHG) circular dichroism in the light of reflection from chiral films of tripod-like chiral molecules is investigated. The expressions of the second-harmonic generation circular dichroism are derived from our presented three-coupled-oscillator model for the tripod-like chiral molecules. Spectral dependence of the circular dichroism of SHG from film surface composed of tripod-like chiral molecules is simulated numerically and analysed. Influence of chiral parameters on the second-harmonic generation circular dichroism spectrum in chiral films is studied. The result shows that the second-harmonic generation circular dichroism is a sensitive method of detecting chirality compared with the ordinary circular dichroism in linear optics. All of our work indicates that the classical molecular models are very effective to explain the second-harmonic generation circular dichroism of chiral molecular system. The classical molecular model theory can give us a clear physical picture and brings us very instructive information about the link between the molecular configuration and the nonlinear processes

  3. Inkjet printed circularly polarized antennas for GPS applications

    KAUST Repository

    Farooqui, Muhammad Fahad


    Two novel, inkjet printed circularly polarized antenna designs are presented for GPS applications. First antenna design comprises a planar monopole which has been made circularly polarized by the introduction of an L-shaped slit. The antenna shows a gain of 0.2 dBi at 1.575 GHz with 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 3.8%. The second antenna design comprises a modified monopole in the form of an inverted L and has been termed as circularly polarized inverted L antenna (CILA). The antenna shows a gain of -2 dBi at 1.575 GHz with 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 4.1%. Both the antenna designs are attractive for mobile applications.

  4. Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 7) – May 2007

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Recognition of Merit of Staff Members Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 7) is now available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. This circular cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 6) - Procedures governing the career development of staff members. Copies will shortly be available in Departmental secretariats. If you require any additional information on the new staff-member merit assessment and recognition system, you may consult the FAQ, which has been available on the Human Resources Department intranet site since February 2007. Human Resources Department Tel. 78003

  5. Quantitative analysis of the flexibility effect of cisplatin on circular DNA (United States)

    Ji, Chao; Zhang, Lingyun; Wang, Peng-Ye


    We study the effects of cisplatin on the circular configuration of DNA using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and observe that the DNA gradually transforms to a complex configuration with an intersection and interwound structures from a circlelike structure. An algorithm is developed to extract the configuration profiles of circular DNA from AFM images and the radius of gyration is used to describe the flexibility of circular DNA. The quantitative analysis of the circular DNA demonstrates that the radius of gyration gradually decreases and two processes on the change of flexibility of circular DNA are found as the cisplatin concentration increases. Furthermore, a model is proposed and discussed to explain the mechanism for understanding the complicated interaction between DNA and cisplatin.

  6. Circularly polarized luminescence of syndiotactic polystyrene (United States)

    Rizzo, Paola; Abbate, Sergio; Longhi, Giovanna; Guerra, Gaetano


    Syndiotactic polystyrene (s-PS) films, when crystallized from the amorphous state by temporary sorption of non-racemic guest molecules (like carvone) not only exhibit unusually high optical activity, both in the UV-Visible and Infrared ranges, but also present circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) with high dissymmetry ratios (g = ΔI/I values in the range 0.02-0.03). Experimental evidences provide support, rather than to the usual molecular circular dichroism, to a supramolecular chiral optical response being extrinsic to the site of photon absorption and emission, possibly associated with a helical morphology of s-PS crystallites.

  7. Magnetic field generation by circularly polarized laser light and inertial plasma confinement in a miniature 'Magnetic Bottle' induced by circularly polarized laser light

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolka, E.


    A new concept of hot plasma confinement in a miniature magnetic bottle induced by circularly polarized laser light is suggested in this work. Magnetic fields generated by circularly polarized laser light may be of the order of megagauss. In this configuration the circularly polarized laser light is used to get confinement of a plasma contained in a good conductor vessel. The poloidal magnetic field induced by the circularly polarized laser and the efficiency of laser absorption by the plasma are calculated in this work. The confinement in this scheme is supported by the magnetic forces and the Lawson criterion for a DT plasma might be achieved for number density n=5*10 21 cm -3 and confinement time τ= 20 nsec. The laser and the plasma parameters required to get an energetic gain are calculated. (authors)

  8. Modified circular velocity law (United States)

    Djeghloul, Nazim


    A modified circular velocity law is presented for a test body orbiting around a spherically symmetric mass. This law exhibits a distance scale parameter and allows to recover both usual Newtonian behaviour for lower distances and a constant velocity limit at large scale. Application to the Galaxy predicts the known behaviour and also leads to a galactic mass in accordance with the measured visible stellar mass so that additional dark matter inside the Galaxy can be avoided. It is also shown that this circular velocity law can be embedded in a geometrical description of spacetime within the standard general relativity framework upon relaxing the usual asymptotic flatness condition. This formulation allows to redefine the introduced Newtonian scale limit in term of the central mass exclusively. Moreover, a satisfactory answer to the galactic escape speed problem can be provided indicating the possibility that one can also get rid of dark matter halo outside the Galaxy.

  9. Lung Cancer-Specific Circular RNAs as Biomarkers (United States)


    determine whether differential expression of circular RNAs can also be detected in cell culture models. Third, we will determine whether circular RNAs can...four of them as representative differentially expressed circRNAs in Table 1. For example , hsa_circRNA_400633 and hsa_circRNA_101100 were upregulated...sequence for hsa_circRNA_400633 and hsa_circRNA_101100, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2 as an example . The top part is the actual sequence and the

  10. Unleashing the Power of the Circular Economy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kok, L.; Wurpel, G.; Ten Wolde, A. [IMSA Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The concept of circular economy is an economic and industrial system that focuses on the reusability of products and raw materials, reduces value destruction in the overall system and aims at value creation within each tier of the system. This report for Circle Economy (CE) outlines the general direction and concrete steps that must be taken to accomplish a breakthrough to a circular economy. It also provides a knowledge base behind the concept, connecting it to sustainability.

  11. Molecular electron recollision dynamics in intense circularly polarized laser pulses (United States)

    Bandrauk, André D.; Yuan, Kai-Jun


    Extreme UV and x-ray table top light sources based on high-order harmonic generation (HHG) are focused now on circular polarization for the generation of circularly polarized attosecond pulses as new tools for controlling electron dynamics, such as charge transfer and migration and the generation of attosecond quantum electron currents for ultrafast magneto-optics. A fundamental electron dynamical process in HHG is laser induced electron recollision with the parent ion, well established theoretically and experimentally for linear polarization. We discuss molecular electron recollision dynamics in circular polarization by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. The control of the polarization of HHG with circularly polarized ionizing pulses is examined and it is shown that bichromatic circularly polarized pulses enhance recollision dynamics, rendering HHG more efficient, especially in molecules because of their nonspherical symmetry. The polarization of the harmonics is found to be dependent on the compatibility of the rotational symmetry of the net electric field created by combinations of bichromatic circularly polarized pulses with the dynamical symmetry of molecules. We show how the field and molecule symmetry influences the electron recollision trajectories by a time-frequency analysis of harmonics. The results, in principle, offer new unique controllable tools in the study of attosecond molecular electron dynamics.

  12. Circular polarization observed in bioluminescence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wynberg, H.; Meijer, E.W.; Hummelen, J.C.; Dekkers, H.P.J.M.; Schippers, P.H.; Carlson, A.D.


    The left and right lanterns of live larvae of the fireflies Photuris lucicrescens and P. versicolor emitted circularly polarized light of opposite sense. A possible mechanism is discussed. [on SciFinder (R)

  13. Avaliação e mensuração da sutura palatina mediana por meio da radiografia oclusal total digitalizada em pacientes submetidos à expansão rápida maxilar Evaluation and measurement of midpalatal suture through the digitalized occlusal radiography in patients submitted to rapid maxillary expansion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Maria Nobre David


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar e mensurar a sutura palatina mediana por meio de radiografias oclusais totais de maxila digitalizadas, antes e depois da sua disjunção. MÉTODOS: a amostra constou de 17 pacientes, com idades entre 7 e 22 anos. Radiografias oclusais totais da maxila foram executadas antes e depois da abertura da sutura palatina mediana, e digitalizadas em scanner HP Scanjet 6110 C com adaptador de transparências HPC 6261 6100 C, utilizando-se o programa Deskscan II. Para a avaliação e medição, foi utilizado o programa Radioimp® (Radiomemory, MG/Brasil. Na análise estatística, foram utilizados a média, o desvio-padrão, o coeficiente de variação e os testes "t" e ANOVA. CONCLUSÕES: após os resultados, foi possível concluir que (1 na região dos incisivos, houve uma abertura palatina mediana estatisticamente significativa; (2 houve abertura de diastema entre os incisivos centrais superiores em torno de 69,37% dos casos; (3 houve uma maior abertura da sutura palatina mediana na região a 10mm a partir da crista para posterior, em comparação com a região a 3mm para posterior do parafuso expansor; (4 na região a 3mm para posterior do parafuso expansor houve uma abertura de 35,97%, e na região a 10mm para posterior da crista uma abertura de 69,37%.AIM: to evaluate and to measure the midpalatal suture through digitalized occlusal radiographies before and after its disjunction. METHODS: The sample was comprised by 17 patients, with ages from 7 to 22 years. Occlusal radiographies of these patients were obtained before and after the suture's opening. The occlusal radiographies were digitalized in a HP Scanjet 6100 C scanner with the HPC 6261 6100 C transparencies adaptor and the Deskscan II software. The statistical analysis used average, standard deviation, variation coefficient, "t" test and ANOVA. CONCLUSIONS: After the results, it was possible to conclude that: (1 statistically, there was a significant midpalatal opening in the

  14. The potential of a circular economy in the Netherlands: summary report

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bastein, T.; Roelofs, E.; Rietveld, E.; Hoogendoorn, A.


    For the Dutch Parliament, TNO has assessed the opportunities for a circular economy in The Netherlands. TNO estimates the value of a circular economy to be about 7.3 billion euro. The results and conclusions of the TNO-rapport ‘The potential of a circular economy in the Netherlands’ are sent to the

  15. Circular braiding take-up speed generation using inverse kinematics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Ravenhorst, J.H.; Akkerman, Remko


    Circular overbraiding of composite preforms on complex mandrels currently lacks automatic generation of machine control data. To solve this limitation, an inverse kinematics-based procedure was designed and implemented for circular braiding machines with optional guide rings, resulting in a take-up

  16. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  17. Generation of circular polarization of the cosmic microwave background

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexander, Stephon; Ochoa, Joseph; Kosowsky, Arthur


    The standard cosmological model, which includes only Compton scattering photon interactions at energy scales near recombination, results in zero primordial circular polarization of the cosmic microwave background. In this paper we consider a particular renormalizable and gauge-invariant standard model extension coupling photons to an external vector field via a Chern-Simons term, which arises as a radiative correction if gravitational torsion couples to fermions. We compute the transport equations for polarized photons from a Boltzmann-like equation, showing that such a coupling will source circular polarization of the microwave background. For the particular coupling considered here, the circular polarization effect is always negligible compared to the rotation of the linear polarization orientation, also derived using the same formalism. We note the possibility that limits on microwave background circular polarization may probe other photon interactions and related fundamental effects such as violations of Lorentz invariance.

  18. A systematic review on drivers, barriers, and practices towards circular economy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Govindan, Kannan; Hasanagic, Mia


    identified that emerge from the application of a circular economy, no concrete studies exist that investigate current state-of-the-art drivers, barriers and practices in this relevant field. An in-depth exploration of current practices would enhance the circular economy’s significance and would help...... understand its present level of implementation. With this concern, this study provides an analysis of the drivers, barriers and practices that influence the implementation of the circular economy in the context of supply chains through a systematic review. In order to analyse the circular economy’s level...... of implementation, we correlate stakeholders’ perspectives with drivers, barriers, and practices; thus, a multi-perspective framework is proposed. From the results, it is evident that among various stakeholders, the governmental perspective has the maximum positive impact on the implementation of the circular...

  19. Craniostenose em gêmeos: estudo genético

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walter Carlos Pereira


    Full Text Available É relatada a ocorrência de formas clínicas diversas de craniostenose em gêmeos de sexo diferente. A menina apresentava obliteração completa da sutura coronaria e dos dois terços anteriores da sutura sagital; no menino a sutura sagital era a única afetada. O estudo genético mostrou que a craniostenose independe de aberrações cromossômicas, indicando ser transmitida por gens recessivos raros de natureza autossômica.

  20. Circular polarization memory in single Quantum Dots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khatsevich, S.; Poem, E.; Benny, Y.; Marderfeld, I.; Gershoni, D.; Badolato, A.; Petroff, P. M.


    Under quasi-resonant circularly polarized optical excitation, charged quantum dots may emit polarized light. We measured various transitions with either positive, negative or no circular-polarization memory. We explain these observations and quantitatively calculate the polarization spectrum. Our model use the full configuration-interaction method, including the electron-hole exchange interaction, for calculating the quantum dot's confined many-carrier states, along with one assumption regarding the spin relaxation of photoexcited carriers: Electrons maintain their initial spin polarization, while holes do not.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available La evaluación de diferentes alternativas de captura y remoción eficiente de sólidos en tanques de cultivo en sistemas de recirculación para acuacultura cobra importancia como primer mecanismo para garantizar un adecuado tratamiento de las aguas residuales y su posterior vertimiento o reuso. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar durante un mes el desempeño de remoción aparente de sólidos sedimentables en 12 tanques de cultivo circulares de 250 L en un sistema de recirculación de agua para cuatro diferentes mecanismos de drenaje: D1-tubería perforada de fondo con salida lateral y rebalse externo, D2-rebalse lateral, D3-rebalse interno, D4-doble drenaje, y para tres tiempos de retención hidráulica Q1, Q2 y Q3 equivalentes a un recambio cada 25, 50 y 82 minutos. El experimento se desarrolló con alevinos de trucha arco iris con biomasa inicial de 1,6 kg/m³ alimentados a una tasa del 3% del peso vivo diario, se monitorearon los parámetros oxígeno disuelto, temperatura y pH. Hubo diferencias significativas tanto para los drenajes como para los tiempos de retención, los mejores resultados se obtuvieron para el D3-Q1, cuya combinación reportó una eficiencia media del 88,02% de remoción de sólidos, seguido del D1-Q1; el tratamiento con menor eficiencia fue el constituido por el D2-Q3.

  2. The optimum circular field size for dental radiography with intraoral films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    van Straaten, F.J.; van Aken, J.


    Intraoral radiographs are often made with circular fields to irradiate the film, and in many instances these fields are much larger than the film. The feasibility of reducing a circular radiation field without increasing the probability of excessive cone cutting was evaluated clinically, and an optimum field size was determined. A circular radiation field 4.5 cm. at the tube end was found to minimize cone cutting and reduce the area of tissue irradiated by at least 44 percent. Findings suggest that current I.C.R.P. recommendations for a 6 to 7.5 cm. diameter circular field may be too liberal


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    Iustin-Emanuel, ALEXANDRU


    Full Text Available Addressing the subject of this essay is based on the background ideas generated by a new branch of science - Biomimicry. According to European Commissioner for the Environment, "Nature is the perfect model of circular economy". Therefore, by imitating nature, we are witnessing a process of cycle redesign: production-consumption-recycling. The authors present some reflections on the European Commission's decision to adopt after July 1, 2014 new measures concerning the development of more circular economies. Starting from the principles of Ecolonomy, which is based on the whole living paradigm, this paper argues for the development within each economy of entrepreneurial policies related to the Blue economy. In its turn, Blue economy is based on scientific analyses that identify the best solutions in a business. Thus, formation of social capital will lead to healthier and cheaper products, which will stimulate entrepreneurship. Blue economy is another way of thinking economic practice and is a new model of business design. It is a healthy, sustainable business, designed for people. In fact, it is the core of the whole living paradigm through which, towards 2020, circular economy will grow more and more.

  4. Chemical detection of cysteine-rich circular petides in selected ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Cysteine-rich circular peptides (CRCs) comprise a large family of gene encoded and low molecular weight polypeptides that has recently engaged the attention of scientists. This class of peptides exhibit a continuous circular configuration and a cystine knot backbone, which defines their resilient nature-directed structural ...

  5. The Circular Economy and the Leading European Retailers: A Research Note

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Jones


    Full Text Available The concept of the circular economy is gaining momentum in political and business thinking about the transition to a more sustainable future. EuroCommerce and the European Retail Round Table, for example, have argued that leading retailers are keen to play a leading role in shaping the circular economy within Europe. This exploratory research note outlines the characteristic features of the concept of the circular economy, provides some illustrations of how Europe’s leading retailers are publicly addressing circular economy approaches and offers some general reflections on the application of the concept within the retail sector of the economy. The findings reveal that almost 50% of the leading European retailers signalled a commitment to the circular economy and to the principles underpinning it and a number of them looked to evidence their commitment within their retail operations. That said the authors suggest that If Europe’s leading retailers’ public commitments to a more circular economy are to become a reality then they will not only need to effect a radical change in their current business models and that this will need to be accompanied by radical changes in consumers consumption behaviour. More contentiously, there must be concerns that the leading European retailers might effectively capture the concept of the circular economy to justify continuing economic growth.

  6. [Integrated evaluation of circular agriculture system: a life cycle perspective]. (United States)

    Liang, Long; Chen, Yuan-Quan; Gao, Wang-Sheng


    For the point of view that recycling economy system is one of ways to achieve the low-carbon economy, we have made an evaluation on a typical circular agriculture duck industry in Hunan Province, China, through improving the framework of life cycle assessment (LCA). The analysis indicated that the consumption of non-renewable resources, land and water were 48.629 MJ, 2.36 m2 and 1 321.41 kg, while the potential greenhouse gas (GHGs), acidification, eutrophication, human toxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity were 11 543.26 g (CO2 eq), 52.36g (SO2eq), 25.83g (PO4eq), 1.26, 60.74 and 24.65 g (1,4-DCBeq), respectively. The potential damage of aquatic eutrophication, freshwater ecotoxicity and terrestrial ecotoxicity was more serious than that of GHGs. Main results were following: i. the circular agricultural chain promoted the principle of "moderate circulation", which based on the traditional production methods; ii. circular agriculture could not blindly pursue low carbon development. Instead, soil and biological carbon sequestration should be considered, in addition to reducing carbon emissions; iii. circular economy and circular agriculture should take other potential environmental impacts into account such as acidification, eutrophication and ecotoxicity,with the exception to carbon emissions,to developed integrated system assessment; iv. LCA could provide a comprehensive assessment of circular agriculture, and it was worth of further study.

  7. PCDDB: the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank, a repository for circular dichroism spectral and metadata. (United States)

    Whitmore, Lee; Woollett, Benjamin; Miles, Andrew John; Klose, D P; Janes, Robert W; Wallace, B A


    The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) is a public repository that archives and freely distributes circular dichroism (CD) and synchrotron radiation CD (SRCD) spectral data and their associated experimental metadata. All entries undergo validation and curation procedures to ensure completeness, consistency and quality of the data included. A web-based interface enables users to browse and query sample types, sample conditions, experimental parameters and provides spectra in both graphical display format and as downloadable text files. The entries are linked, when appropriate, to primary sequence (UniProt) and structural (PDB) databases, as well as to secondary databases such as the Enzyme Commission functional classification database and the CATH fold classification database, as well as to literature citations. The PCDDB is available at:

  8. Role of Food Logistics Management in a circular economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M.; Groot, J.J.; Snels, J.C.M.A.


    In this paper we will discuss the role of food logistics management in a circular economy. Specific pillars in Circular Economy such as Closed Loop supply Chain management and Industrial Ecology will be discussed. Apart from a research agenda, we will provide exemplary cases in practice showing the

  9. Tratamento cirúrgico em dois tempos do aneurisma toracoabdominal roto com prótese intraluminal sem sutura

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo de Castro BERNARDES


    Full Text Available O tratamento cirúrgico dos aneurismas toracoabominais exige toracofreno laparotomia, períodos prolongados de pinçamento aórtico com isquemia visceral, sangramento abundante de difícil controle, complicações pulmonares, renais, neurológicas e distúrbios de coagulação com morbimortalidade muitas vezes proibitiva para pacientes de idade avançada, ou portadores de distúrbios respiratórios, renais ou cardíacos prévios. A rotura aumenta em muito a já elevada taxa de morbimortalidade. Crawford (1-3 e Borst (4 descreveram operação em dois tempos para tratamento de aneurisma que atinge mais de um segmento da aorta, com bons resultados. O objetivo de nosso trabalho é mostrar a técnica cirúrgica em dois tempos, empregando prótese intraluminal sem sutura (5, 6. Esta técnica nos proporciona uma operação menos agressiva por abordar somente o segmento roto da aorta, portanto apenas uma cavidade é manipulada (tórax ou abdome. A anastomose com prótese intraluminal reduz em muito o tempo de pinçamento da aorta e, conseqüentemente, a isquemia visceral, diminuindo, também, o sangramento. A redução da agressividade cirúrgica sobre estes pacientes já gravemente enfermos nos proporcionou bons resultados cirúrgicos.The surgical management of thoracoabdominal aneurysms requires thoracophrenic laparotomy, prolonged periods of aortic clamping with visceral ischemia, profuse bleeding leading to a difficult postoperative course with pulmonary, renal, neurological complications, coagulation disturbances and others. All this resulting in an elevated morbidity/mortality very often contraindicating it for the very elderly or those with prior respiratory, renal or cardiac symptoms. Rupture of this aneurysm greatly increases the already high rate of morbidity/mortality. Crawford and Borst have described a two-stage surgery with good results, for aneurysms that affect more than one segment of aorta. The objective of our report is to demonstrate

  10. Entropic derivation of F=ma for circular motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duncan, Michael; Myrzakulov, Ratbay; Singleton, Douglas


    We examine the entropic picture of Newton's second law for the case of circular motion. It is shown that one must make modifications to the derivation of F=ma due to a change in the effective Unruh temperature for circular motion. These modifications present a challenge to the entropic derivation of Newton's second law, but also open up the possibility to experimentally test and constrain this model for large centripetal accelerations.

  11. Circular RNA profiling reveals that circular RNAs from ANXA2 can be used as new biomarkers for multiple sclerosis. (United States)

    Iparraguirre, Leire; Muñoz-Culla, Maider; Prada-Luengo, Iñigo; Castillo-Triviño, Tamara; Olascoaga, Javier; Otaegui, David


    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease, with higher prevalence in women, in whom the immune system is dysregulated. This dysregulation has been shown to correlate with changes in transcriptome expression as well as in gene-expression regulators, such as non-coding RNAs (e.g. microRNAs). Indeed, some of these have been suggested as biomarkers for multiple sclerosis even though few biomarkers have reached the clinical practice. Recently, a novel family of non-coding RNAs, circular RNAs, has emerged as a new player in the complex network of gene-expression regulation. MicroRNA regulation function through a 'sponge system' and a RNA splicing regulation function have been proposed for the circular RNAs. This regulating role together with their high stability in biofluids makes them seemingly good candidates as biomarkers. Given the dysregulation of both protein-coding and non-coding transcriptome that have been reported in multiple sclerosis patients, we hypothesised that circular RNA expression may also be altered. Therefore, we carried out expression profiling of 13.617 circular RNAs in peripheral blood leucocytes from multiple sclerosis patients and healthy controls finding 406 differentially expressed (P-value  1.5) and demonstrate after validation that, circ_0005402 and circ_0035560 are underexpressed in multiple sclerosis patients and could be used as biomarkers of the disease. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  12. Success Factors of Sustainable Social Enterprises Through Circular Economy Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stratan Dumitru


    Full Text Available The scope of the research is to find out how social entrepreneurship operations can be modelled within existing business methods using circular economy principles. A literature review was undertaken in order to clarify and find out different opinions regarding circularity and social businesses models. Moreover, the author interviewed managers of different social mission organizations in order to find out the critical factors that determine the sustainability and performances of the organizations. Using the results of the field and desk research, the author suggests the following business model elements to be considered by social enterprises aiming to implement circular economy principles: Desired social and environment vision; Value proposition; Alignment of organizations to the strategy and acceleration of change through executive leadership implication; Financial sustainable perspective: a to increase financial resources and b to manage costs; Stakeholders perspective: a customers segments, b users, c employees, d community beneficiaries, e channels, f customer relationships, g Key partnerships; Internal process perspective: a processes necessary to use circular economy principles; b impact measurement and key activities; c internal and external communication; Resources perspective: a networks; b skills on circular principles and social impact; c information and technologies.`

  13. Time can't be circular

    CERN Multimedia


    "Delivering the Albert Einstein lecture at the Centre for Philosophy and Foundations of Science on Tuesday, Nobel Laureate Professor Gerard Hooft said that any notion of time can not be circular or have loops or multi dimensionality" (1/2 page).

  14. Administrative circular No. 12

    CERN Document Server

    HR Department


    On the recommendation of the Standing Concertation Committee, the Director-General has approved the amounts used for the reimbursements mentioned in Administrative Circular No. 12 as follows: The figures, effective from 1 September 2006, are: Paragraph 8a: 17 Swiss francs Paragraph 9a: 682 Swiss francs Paragraph 9b: 34 Swiss francs Human Resources Department Tel. 79257/72862

  15. Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 9) – Recognition of Merit

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 9) entitled "Recognition of Merit”, approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 27 September 2011 is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department: The circular was above all revised in order to integrate the new CERN Competency Model into the annual procedure of performance appraisal. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) entitled "Recognition of merit” of September 2008. Department Head Office HR Department

  16. Characteristics of circular features on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (United States)

    Deller, J. F.; Güttler, C.; Tubiana, C.; Hofmann, M.; Sierks, H.


    Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko shows a large variety of circular structures such as pits, elevated roundish features in Imhotep, and even a single occurrence of a plausible fresh impact crater. Imaging the pits in the Ma'at region, aiming to understand their structure and origin drove the design of the final descent trajectory of the Rosetta spacecraft. The high-resolution images obtained during the last mission phase allow us to study these pits as exemplary circular features. A complete catalogue of circular features gives us the possibility to compare and classify these structures systematically.

  17. The Potential of Circular Economy in Sustainable Buildings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Malabi Larsen, Leonora Charlotte; Birgisdottir, Harpa; Birkved, Morten


    benefits of designing the buildings concrete structure for disassembly, with the purpose of reuse, as well as to exemplify how circular economy can be applied in future building projects. Moreover, the paper aims at suggesting a more industry focused approach towards circular economy in order to seize...... the inherent potentials. As a result, it was found that recycling and energy recovery are the most common circular economy practices in the building industry, even though the economic and environmental benefits of reuse are believed to be much higher. This observation is supported by the findings of the case...... and glass, thereby enabling easier disassembly for both reuse and recycling. However, main challenges preventing the industry from seizing these potentials are identified as: focus on short term goals, complex supply chains, lack of collaboration between stakeholders and absence of a commonly agreed...

  18. Slotted Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna for RFID Application

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Kumar


    Full Text Available A single layer coaxial fed rectangular microstrip slotted antenna for circular polarization (CP is proposed for radio frequency identification (RFID application. Two triangular shaped slots and one rectangular slot along the diagonal axis of a square patch have been embedded. Due to slotted structure along the diagonal axis and less surface area, good quality of circular polarization has been obtained with the reduction in the size of microstrip antenna by 4.04 %. Circular polarization radiation performance has been studied by size and angle variation of diagonally slotted structures. The experimental result found for 10-dB return loss is 44 MHz with 10MHz of 3dB Axial Ratio (AR bandwidth respectively at the resonant frequency 910 MHz. The overall proposed antenna size including the ground plane is 80 mm x 80 mm x 4.572 mm.

  19. A New Limit on CMB Circular Polarization from SPIDER (United States)

    Nagy, J. M.; Ade, P. A. R.; Amiri, M.; Benton, S. J.; Bergman, A. S.; Bihary, R.; Bock, J. J.; Bond, J. R.; Bryan, S. A.; Chiang, H. C.; Contaldi, C. R.; Doré, O.; Duivenvoorden, A. J.; Eriksen, H. K.; Farhang, M.; Filippini, J. P.; Fissel, L. M.; Fraisse, A. A.; Freese, K.; Galloway, M.; Gambrel, A. E.; Gandilo, N. N.; Ganga, K.; Gudmundsson, J. E.; Halpern, M.; Hartley, J.; Hasselfield, M.; Hilton, G.; Holmes, W.; Hristov, V. V.; Huang, Z.; Irwin, K. D.; Jones, W. C.; Kuo, C. L.; Kermish, Z. D.; Li, S.; Mason, P. V.; Megerian, K.; Moncelsi, L.; Morford, T. A.; Netterfield, C. B.; Nolta, M.; Padilla, I. L.; Racine, B.; Rahlin, A. S.; Reintsema, C.; Ruhl, J. E.; Runyan, M. C.; Ruud, T. M.; Shariff, J. A.; Soler, J. D.; Song, X.; Trangsrud, A.; Tucker, C.; Tucker, R. S.; Turner, A. D.; Van Der List, J. F.; Weber, A. C.; Wehus, I. K.; Wiebe, D. V.; Young, E. Y.


    We present a new upper limit on cosmic microwave background (CMB) circular polarization from the 2015 flight of Spider, a balloon-borne telescope designed to search for B-mode linear polarization from cosmic inflation. Although the level of circular polarization in the CMB is predicted to be very small, experimental limits provide a valuable test of the underlying models. By exploiting the nonzero circular-to-linear polarization coupling of the half-wave plate polarization modulators, data from Spider's 2015 Antarctic flight provide a constraint on Stokes V at 95 and 150 GHz in the range 33< {\\ell }< 307. No other limits exist over this full range of angular scales, and Spider improves on the previous limit by several orders of magnitude, providing 95% C.L. constraints on {\\ell }({\\ell }+1){C}{\\ell }{VV}/(2π ) ranging from 141 to 255 μK2 at 150 GHz for a thermal CMB spectrum. As linear CMB polarization experiments become increasingly sensitive, the techniques described in this paper can be applied to obtain even stronger constraints on circular polarization.

  20. A New Limit on CMB Circular Polarization from SPIDER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagy, J. M.; Ade, P. A. R.; Amiri, M.; Benton, S. J.; Bergman, A. S.; Bihary, R.; Bock, J. J.; Bond, J. R.; Bryan, S. A.; Chiang, H. C.; Contaldi, C. R.; Doré, O.; Duivenvoorden, A. J.; Eriksen, H. K.; Farhang, M.; Filippini, J. P.; Fissel, L. M.; Fraisse, A. A.; Freese, K.; Galloway, M.; Gambrel, A. E.; Gandilo, N. N.; Ganga, K.; Gudmundsson, J. E.; Halpern, M.; Hartley, J.; Hasselfield, M.; Hilton, G.; Holmes, W.; Hristov, V. V.; Huang, Z.; Irwin, K. D.; Jones, W. C.; Kuo, C. L.; Kermish, Z. D.; Li, S.; Mason, P. V.; Megerian, K.; Moncelsi, L.; Morford, T. A.; Netterfield, C. B.; Nolta, M.; Padilla, I. L.; Racine, B.; Rahlin, A. S.; Reintsema, C.; Ruhl, J. E.; Runyan, M. C.; Ruud, T. M.; Shariff, J. A.; Soler, J. D.; Song, X.; Trangsrud, A.; Tucker, C.; Tucker, R. S.; Turner, A. D.; List, J. F. Van Der; Weber, A. C.; Wehus, I. K.; Wiebe, D. V.; Young, E. Y.


    We present a new upper limit on CMB circular polarization from the 2015 flight of SPIDER, a balloon-borne telescope designed to search for $B$-mode linear polarization from cosmic inflation. Although the level of circular polarization in the CMB is predicted to be very small, experimental limits provide a valuable test of the underlying models. By exploiting the non-zero circular-to-linear polarization coupling of the HWP polarization modulators, data from SPIDER's 2015 Antarctic flight provides a constraint on Stokes $V$ at 95 and 150 GHz from $33<\\ell<307$. No other limits exist over this full range of angular scales, and SPIDER improves upon the previous limit by several orders of magnitude, providing 95% C.L. constraints on $\\ell (\\ell+1)C_{\\ell}^{VV}/(2\\pi)$ ranging from 141 $\\mu K ^2$ to 203 $\\mu K ^2$ at 150 GHz for a thermal CMB spectrum. As linear CMB polarization experiments become increasingly sensitive, the techniques described in this paper can be applied to obtain stronger constraints on circular polarization.

  1. Frenkel-exciton decomposition analysis of circular dichroism and circularly polarized luminescence for multichromophoric systems. (United States)

    Shiraogawa, Takafumi; Ehara, Masahiro; Jurinovich, Sandro; Cupellini, Lorenzo; Mennucci, Benedetta


    Recently, a method to calculate the absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectra based on the exciton coupling has been developed. In this work, the method was utilized for the decomposition of the CD and circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) spectra of a multichromophoric system into chromophore contributions for recently developed through-space conjugated oligomers. The method which has been implemented using rotatory strength in the velocity form and therefore it is gauge-invariant, enables us to evaluate the contribution from each chromophoric unit and locally excited state to the CD and CPL spectra of the total system. The excitonic calculations suitably reproduce the full calculations of the system, as well as the experimental results. We demonstrate that the interactions between electric transition dipole moments of adjacent chromophoric units are crucial in the CD and CPL spectra of the multichromophoric systems, while the interactions between electric and magnetic transition dipole moments are not negligible. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Relationship between chromatin complexity and nuclear envelope circularity in hippocampal pyramidal neurons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pantic, Igor; Basailovic, Milos; Paunovic, Jovana; Pantic, Senka


    Highlights: •We analyzed chromatin structure and nuclear envelope of 200 hippocampal pyramidal neurons. •Fractal and GLCM mathematical parameters were calculated each chromatin structure. •Nuclear shape was quantified by calculating circularity of the nuclear envelope. •Circularity was in significant relationship with chromatin fractal dimension. •Strong correlation was detected between circularity and some GLCM parameters. -- Abstract: In this study we tested the existence and strength of the relationship between circularity of nuclear envelope and mathematical parameters of chromatin structure. Coronal sections of the brain were made in 10 male albino mice. The brain tissue was stained using a modification of Feulgen method for DNA visualization. A total of 200 hippocampal pyramidal neurons (20 per animal) were visualized using DEM 200 High-Speed Color CMOS Chip and Olympus CX21FS1 microscope. Circularity of the nuclear membrane was calculated in ImageJ (NIH, USA) after the nuclear segmentation, based on the freehand selection of the nuclear regions of interest. Circularity was determined from the values of area and perimeter. For each chromatin structure, using fractal and grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) algorithms, we determined the values of fractal dimension, lacunarity, angular second moment, GLCM entropy, inverse difference moment, GLCM correlation, and GLCM contrast. It was found that circularity is in a significant correlation (p < 0.05) with fractal dimension as the main parameter of fractal complexity analysis. Also, circularity was in a very strong relationship (p < 0.001) with certain parameters of grey level co-occurrence matrix such as the angular second moment and GLCM correlation. This is the first study to indicate that nuclear shape is significantly related to mathematical parameters of higher chromatin organization. Also, it seems that circularity of the nuclear envelope is a good predictor of certain features of chromatin

  3. Development of circular filters for active facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pratt, R.P.


    An assessment of problems associated with remote handling, changing and disposal of filters suggested that significant improvements to filtration systems could be made if circular geometries were adopted in place of conventional systems. Improved systems have been developed and are now available for a range of applications and air flow rates. Where primary filters are installed within the active cell or cave, circular filters incorporating a lip seal have been developed which enable the filters to be sealed into the facility without recourse to clamping. For smaller cells, a range of push-through filter change systems have been developed, the principal feature being that the filter is passed into the housing from the clean side, but transferred from the housing directly into the cell for subsequent disposal. For plant room applications, circular bag change canister systems have been developed which ease the sealing and bag change operation. Such systems have a rated air flow of up to 3000 m 3 /h whilst still allowing ultimate disposal via the 200 litre waste drum route without prior volume reduction of the filter inserts. (author)

  4. Higgs measurement at $e^+e^-$ circular colliders

    CERN Document Server

    Ruan, Manqi


    Now that the mass of the Higgs boson is known, circular electron positron colliders, able to measure the properties of these particles with high accuracy, are receiving considerable attention. Design studies have been launched (i) at CERN with the Future Circular Colliders (FCC), of which an e+e- collider is a potential first step (FCC-ee, formerly caller TLEP) and (ii) in China with the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Hosted in a tunnel of at least 50 km (CEPC) or 80-100 km (FCC), both projects can deliver very high luminosity from the Z peak to HZ threshold (CEPC) and even to the top pair threshold and above (FCC-ee). At the ZH production optimum, around 240 GeV, the FCC-ee (CEPC) will be able to deliver 10 (5) ab-1 integrated luminosity in 5 (10) years with 4 (2) interaction points: hence to produce millions of Higgs bosons through the Higgsstrahlung process and vector boson fusion processes. This sample opens the possibility of subper- cent precision absolute measurements of the Higgs boson co...

  5. Higgs Measurement at e+e- Circular Colliders

    CERN Document Server

    Ruan, M


    Now that the mass of the Higgs boson is known, circular electron positron colliders, able to measure the properties of these particles with high accuracy, are receiving considerable attention. Design studies have been launched (i) at CERN with the Future Circular Colliders (FCC), of which an e+e- collider is a potential first step (FCC-ee, formerly caller TLEP) and (ii) in China with the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Hosted in a tunnel of at least 50 km (CEPC) or 80-100 km (FCC), both projects can deliver very high luminosity from the Z peak to HZ threshold (CEPC) and even to the top pair threshold and above (FCC-ee). At the ZH production optimum, around 240 GeV, the FCC-ee (CEPC) will be able to deliver 10 (5) ab-1 integrated luminosity in 5 (10) years with 4 (2) interaction points: hence to produce millions of Higgs bosons through the Higgsstrahlung process and vector boson fusion processes. This sample opens the possibility of subper-cent precision absolute measurements of the Higgs boson cou...

  6. Petroglifo galaico con una representación de tipo Peña Tú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Se analiza un petroglifo recientemente descubierto en el ayuntamiento de Teo (A Corufia que además de contener representaciones comunes en el grupo galaico de arte rupestre (combinaciones circulares y un zoomorfo, exhibe en su parte central un motivo cuadrangular segmentado acompañado de una daga. La última representación vincula esta estación rupestre con otros conjuntos del norte de España, encuadrados en el grupo esquemático, entre los cuales el más conocido es el de Peña Tú (Asturias. Su datación corresponderá al Calcolítico final o los inicios de la Edad del Bronce. ABSTRACT: We deal with a recently discovered open air carving, at the council of Teo (La Corunna where besides the usual themes found in the Galician art group (circular combinations, animal, a square motif, internally segmented, occupies the center of the surface, together with a dagger. The latter strongly resembles other representations found in North Iberia, namely Peña Tú (Asturias, belonging to the Schematic group of Iberian postpaleolithic art. Its chronology would span from the end of the Copper Age to the initial Bronze Age.

  7. Multi-band circular polarizer based on a twisted triple split-ring resonator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Song; Huang Xiao-Jun; Yang He-Lin; Xiao Bo-Xun; Jin Yan


    A multi-band circular polarizer using a twisted triple split-ring resonator (TSRR) is presented and studied numerically and experimentally. At four distinct resonant frequencies, the incident linearly polarized wave can be transformed into left/right-handed circularly polarized waves. Numerical simulation results show that a y-polarized wave can be converted into a right-handed circularly polarized wave at 5.738 GHz and 9.218 GHz, while a left-handed circularly polarized wave is produced at 7.292 GHz and 10.118 GHz. The experimental results are in agreement with the numerical results. The surface current distributions are investigated to illustrate the polarization transformation mechanism. Furthermore, the influences of the structure parameters of the circular polarizer on transmission spectra are discussed as well. (condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)

  8. O papel do adesivo de fibrina e da sutura na fixação do transplante de menisco preservado por ultracongelamento em coelhos The role of fibrin glue and suture on the fixation of ultra frozen preserved meniscus transplantation in rabbits

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leandro José Reckers


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade do adesivo de fibrina em promover a fixação do menisco ao longo de duas, quatro e oito semanas comparando com a técnica convencional de fixação por sutura a tecidos moles. MÉTODOS: 36 meniscos mediais direitos de coelhos preservados a 73°C negativos por 30 dias foram transplantados para os animais da mesma amostra e fixados com sutura ou cola de fibrina. Após duas, quatro ou oito semanas a aparência dos meniscos e a qualidade da fixação foram verificadas macroscopicamente e avaliadas por um sistema de escores. Os achados foram submetidos a estudo estatístico de análise de variância por postos (p OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the ability of fibrin adhesive in promoting the meniscus fixation within two, four and eight weeks compared to the conventional soft-tissue suture technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 36 right medial menisci of rabbits preserved at negative 73° Celsius for 30 days were transplanted to animals of the same sample and fixed with soft-tissue suture or fibrin glue. After 2, 4 or 8 weeks, the appearance of the menisci and the quality of fixation were macroscopically checked and evaluated by a scoring system. The findings were subjected to the statistical study of variance analysis (p < 0.05%. RESULTS: The deep-frozen meniscus preservation maintained the integrity of the meniscus transplant, and, macroscopically, there was no significant reduction of the length of the meniscus in all post-transplant periods (p = 0.015. The menisci fixed with fibrin showed slight changes in color and surface roughness. There were no signs of rejection or infection in both groups. Suture fixation scoring was superior (p = 0.015 in all periods (80% of total fixation as compared to the setting promoted by fibrin (20% of total fixation. CONCLUSION: The homologous transplantation of the meniscus of rabbits experienced various degrees of integration to the knee according to the fixation method; the surgical soft tissues

  9. Circular polarization observed in bioluminescence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijnberg, Hans; Meijer, E.W.; Hummelen, J.C.; Dekkers, H.P.J.M.; Schippers, P.H.; Carlson, A.D.


    While investigating circular polarization in luminescence, and having found it in chemiluminescence, we have studied bioluminescence because it is such a widespread and dramatic natural phenomenon. We report here that left and right lanterns of live larvae of the fireflies, Photuris lucicrescens and

  10. Cirugía de la fibrilación auricular


    Hernandez-Estefania, R. (Rafael); Martin-Trenor, A. (Alejandro); Levy-Praschker, B.G. (Beltran G.); Rabago, G. (Gregorio)


    La cirugía de la fibrilación auricular se basa en la creación de cicatrices de aislamiento en la aurícula con el propósito de evitar los fenómenos de reentrada que inician y perpetúan la arritmia, permitiendo la reconducción del estímulo normal desde el nodo sinusal hasta el nodo auriculo-ventricular. La técnica quirúrgica inicialmente descrita (basada en incisiones y sutura), compleja y poco utilizada por el riesgo de complicaciones, potenció el desarrollo de otros procedimientos actuales, e...

  11. Forced vibrations of rotating circular cylindrical shells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Igawa, Hirotaka; Maruyama, Yoshiyuki; Endo, Mitsuru


    Forced vibrations of rotating circular cylindrical shells are investigated. Basic equations, including the effect of initial stress due to rotation, are formulated by the finite-element method. The characteristic relations for finite elements are derived from the energy principle by considering the finite strain. The equations of motion can be separated into quasi-static and dynamic ones, i.e., the equations in the steady rotating state and those in the vibration state. Radial concentrated impulses are considered as the external dynamic force. The transient responses of circular cylindrical shells are numerically calculated under various boundary conditions and rotating speeds. (author)

  12. 17 CFR 230.253 - Offering circular. (United States)


    .... Repetition of information should be avoided; cross-referencing of information within the document is... COMPLETENESS OF ANY OFFERING CIRCULAR OR OTHER SELLING LITERATURE. THESE SECURITIES ARE OFFERED PURSUANT TO AN...

  13. Wiimote Experiments: Circular Motion (United States)

    Kouh, Minjoon; Holz, Danielle; Kawam, Alae; Lamont, Mary


    The advent of new sensor technologies can provide new ways of exploring fundamental physics. In this paper, we show how a Wiimote, which is a handheld remote controller for the Nintendo Wii video game system with an accelerometer, can be used to study the dynamics of circular motion with a very simple setup such as an old record player or a…


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    economy. Although a country or administrative district should have one or more official languages for obvious reasons, Nelde (1991) proposes that the ... circular interaction between linguistic departments and language departments. Finding an answer to' Plato's abovementioned problem entails that as many languages as ...

  15. Filtered backprojection for modifying the impulse response of circular tomosynthesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevens, Grant M.; Fahrig, Rebecca; Pelc, Norbert J.


    A filtering technique has been developed to modify the three-dimensional impulse response of circular motion tomosynthesis to allow the generation of images whose appearance is like those of some other imaging geometries. In particular, this technique can reconstruct images with a blurring function which is more homogeneous for off-focal plane objects than that from circular tomosynthesis. In this paper, we describe the filtering process, and demonstrate the ability to alter the impulse response in circular motion tomosynthesis from a ring to a disk. This filtering may be desirable because the blurred out-of-plane objects appear less structured

  16. Applying circular economy innovation theory in business process modeling and analysis (United States)

    Popa, V.; Popa, L.


    The overall aim of this paper is to develop a new conceptual framework for business process modeling and analysis using circular economy innovative theory as a source for business knowledge management. The last part of the paper presents an author’s proposed basic structure for a new business models applying circular economy innovation theories. For people working on new innovative business models in the field of the circular economy this paper provides new ideas for clustering their concepts.

  17. Evaluation of circularity error in drilling of syntactic foam composites (United States)

    Ashrith H., S.; Doddamani, Mrityunjay; Gaitonde, Vinayak


    Syntactic foams are widely used in structural applications of automobiles, aircrafts and underwater vehicles due to their lightweight properties combined with high compression strength and low moisture absorption. Structural application requires drilling of holes for assembly purpose. In this investigation response surface methodology based mathematical models are used to analyze the effects of cutting speed, feed, drill diameter and filler content on circularity error both at entry and exit level in drilling of glass microballoon reinforced epoxy syntactic foam. Experiments are conducted based on full factorial design using solid coated tungsten carbide twist drills. The parametric analysis reveals that circularity error is highly influenced by drill diameter followed by spindle speed at the entry and exit level. Parametric analysis also reveals that increasing filler content decreases circularity error by 13.65 and 11.96% respectively at entry and exit levels. Average circularity error at the entry level is found to be 23.73% higher than at the exit level.

  18. Circular revisit orbits design for responsive mission over a single target (United States)

    Li, Taibo; Xiang, Junhua; Wang, Zhaokui; Zhang, Yulin


    The responsive orbits play a key role in addressing the mission of Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) because of their capabilities. These capabilities are usually focused on supporting specific targets as opposed to providing global coverage. One subtype of responsive orbits is repeat coverage orbit which is nearly circular in most remote sensing applications. This paper deals with a special kind of repeating ground track orbit, referred to as circular revisit orbit. Different from traditional repeat coverage orbits, a satellite on circular revisit orbit can visit a target site at both the ascending and descending stages in one revisit cycle. This typology of trajectory allows a halving of the traditional revisit time and does a favor to get useful information for responsive applications. However the previous reported numerical methods in some references often cost lots of computation or fail to obtain such orbits. To overcome this difficulty, an analytical method to determine the existence conditions of the solutions to revisit orbits is presented in this paper. To this end, the mathematical model of circular revisit orbit is established under the central gravity model and the J2 perturbation. A constraint function of the circular revisit orbit is introduced, and the monotonicity of that function has been studied. The existent conditions and the number of such orbits are naturally worked out. Taking the launch cost into consideration, optimal design model of circular revisit orbit is established to achieve a best orbit which visits a target twice a day in the morning and in the afternoon respectively for several days. The result shows that it is effective to apply circular revisit orbits in responsive application such as reconnoiter of natural disaster.

  19. Circular induction accelerator for borehole logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, F.K.; Bertozzi, W.; Corris, G.W.; Diamond, W.; Doucet, J.A.; Schweitzer, J.S.


    This patent describes a downhole logging sonde adapted to be moved through a borehole, a source of gamma rays in the sonde for irradiating earth formations traversed by the borehole, one or more gamma ray detectors for detecting gamma rays scattered back to the sonde from the irradiated earth formations, and means for transmitting signals representative of the detected gamma rays to the earth's surface for processing. This patent describes improvement in the gamma ray source comprises a magnetic induction particle accelerator, including: a magnetic circuit having a field magnet, generally circular opposed pole pieces, and a core magnet metal ions from the group consisting of Mn, Zn and Ni; an excitation circuit including a field coil surrounding the field magnet and the core magnet and a core coil surrounding the central axially leg of the core magnet; an annular acceleration chamber interposed between the pole pieces; means for applying time-varying acceleration voltage pulses across the primary excitation circuit; means for injecting charged particles into orbit within the acceleration chamber; means for compressing the particle orbits to trap particles within generally circular orbits within the acceleration chamber; means for generating a particle accelerating magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit; and means for ejecting charged particles from the generally circular orbits and into contact with a target to produce gamma ray photons

  20. Application of circular polarized synchrotron radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyahara, Tsuneaki; Kawata, Hiroshi


    The idea of using the polarizing property of light for physical experiment by controlling it variously has been known from old time, and the Faraday effect and the research by polarizing microscopy are its examples. The light emitted from the electron orbit of an accelerator has the different polarizing characteristics from those of the light of a laboratory light source, and as far as observing it within the electron orbit plane, it becomes linearly polarized light. By utilizing this property well, research is carried out at present in synchrotron experimental facilities. Recently, the technology related to the insert type light cources using permanent magnets has advanced remarkably, and circular polarized light has become to be producible. If the light like this can be obtained with the energy not only in far ultraviolet region but also to x-ray region at high luminance, new possibility should open. At the stage that the design of an insert type light source was finished, and its manufacture was started, the research on the method of evaluating the degree of circular polarization and the research on the utilization of circular polarized synchrotron radiation are earnestly carried out. In this report, the results of researches presented at the study meeting are summarized. Moreover, the design and manufacture of the beam lines for exclusive use will be carried out. (Kako, I.)

  1. Dynamic ASXL1 Exon Skipping and Alternative Circular Splicing in Single Human Cells.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Winston Koh

    Full Text Available Circular RNAs comprise a poorly understood new class of noncoding RNA. In this study, we used a combination of targeted deletion, high-resolution splicing detection, and single-cell sequencing to deeply probe ASXL1 circular splicing. We found that efficient circular splicing required the canonical transcriptional start site and inverted AluSx elements. Sequencing-based interrogation of isoforms after ASXL1 overexpression identified promiscuous linear splicing between all exons, with the two most abundant non-canonical linear products skipping the exons that produced the circular isoforms. Single-cell sequencing revealed a strong preference for either the linear or circular ASXL1 isoforms in each cell, and found the predominant exon skipping product is frequently co-expressed with its reciprocal circular isoform. Finally, absolute quantification of ASXL1 isoforms confirmed our findings and suggests that standard methods overestimate circRNA abundance. Taken together, these data reveal a dynamic new view of circRNA genesis, providing additional framework for studying their roles in cellular biology.

  2. Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bocken, N.M.P.; de Pauw, I.C.; Bakker, C.A.; van der Grinten, B.

    The transition within business from a linear to a circular economy brings with it a range of practical challenges for companies. The following question is addressed: What are the product design and business model strategies for
    companies that want to move to a circular economy model? This paper

  3. Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 4) - Guarantees for representatives of the personnel

    CERN Multimedia

    Department Head Office - HR Department


    Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 4) entitled "Guarantees for representatives of the personnel", approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 22 March 2016, will be available on 1st September 2016 via the following link:   This revised circular cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 3) also entitled "Guarantees for representatives of the personnel" of January 2014. This document contains a single change to reflect the terminology under the new career structure: the term "career path" is replaced by "grade". This circular will enter into force on 1st September 2016.

  4. Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 4) - Categories of members of the personnel

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 4) entitled "Categories of members of the personnel", approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 29 April 2016, will be available on 1 August 2016 via this following link.    This revised circular cancels and replaces the Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 3) also entitled "Categories of members of the personnel" of September 2014. The main changes concern the status of apprentices and their transfer from the category of employed members of personnel to associated members of personnel. This circular will enter into force on 1 August 2016. Department Head Office

  5. Interactions of circular Rydberg atoms with charged particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J.


    Recent progress in experimental cross-field techniques has made it possible to produce oriented Rydberg atoms of any angular momentum l within a given n manifold. The largest angular momentum state l max = n - 1 of a given n manifold is of particular interest because of its semiclassical properties for n much-gt 1. The corresponding classical Kepler orbit is circular with highly localized phase space distribution. The circular Rydberg atoms afford the opportunity to study various interactions in the semiclassical regime. The authors report electron capture from circular Rydberg atoms by protons and positrons at speeds comparable to the electron orbital speed. They find orientation dependent, novel peak structures for both protons and positrons in the angular scattering of the particles. The structures may be understood in terms of quasi Thomas double scattering mechanism for capture. Other related aspects including final state population and orientation indulged scattering asymmetry will also be discussed

  6. Architectural Surfaces and Structures from Circular Arcs

    KAUST Repository

    Shi, Ling


    In recent decades, the popularity of freeform shapes in contemporary architecture poses new challenges to digital design. One of them is the process of rationalization, i.e. to make freeform skins or structures affordable to manufacture, which draws the most attention from geometry researchers. In this thesis, we aim to realize this process with simple geometric primitives, circular arcs. We investigate architectural surfaces and structures consisting of circular arcs. Our focus is lying on how to employ them nicely and repetitively in architectural design, in order to decrease the cost in manufacturing. Firstly, we study Darboux cyclides, which are algebraic surfaces of order ≤ 4. We provide a computational tool to identify all families of circles on a given cyclide based on the spherical model of M ̈obius geometry. Practical ways to design cyclide patches that pass through certain inputs are presented. In particular, certain triples of circle families on Darboux cyclides may be suitably arranged as 3-webs. We provide a complete classification of all possible 3-webs of circles on Darboux cyclides. We then investigate the circular arc snakes, which are smooth sequences of circu- lar arcs. We evolve the snakes such that their curvature, as a function of arc length, remains unchanged. The evolution of snakes is utilized to approximate given surfaces by circular arcs or to generated freeform shapes, and it is realized by a 2-step pro- cess. More interestingly, certain 6-arc snake with boundary constraints can produce a smooth self motion, which can be employed to build flexible structures. Another challenging topic is approximating smooth freeform skins with simple panels. We contribute to this problem area by approximating a negatively-curved 5 surface with a smooth union of rational bilinear patches. We provide a proof for vertex consistency of hyperbolic nets using the CAGD approach of the rational B ́ezier form. Moreover, we use Darboux transformations for the

  7. Absorbed Power Minimization in Cellular Users with Circular Antenna Arrays (United States)

    Christofilakis, Vasilis; Votis, Constantinos; Tatsis, Giorgos; Raptis, Vasilis; Kostarakis, Panos


    Nowadays electromagnetic pollution of non ionizing radiation generated by cellular phones concerns millions of people. In this paper the use of circular antenna array as a means of minimizing the absorbed power by cellular phone users is introduced. In particular, the different characteristics of radiation patterns produced by a helical conventional antenna used in mobile phones operating at 900 MHz and those produced by a circular antenna array, hypothetically used in the same mobile phones, are in detail examined. Furthermore, the percentage of decrement of the power absorbed in the head as a function of direction of arrival is estimated for the circular antenna array.

  8. Children's success at detecting circular explanations and their interest in future learning. (United States)

    Mills, Candice M; Danovitch, Judith H; Rowles, Sydney P; Campbell, Ian L


    These studies explore elementary-school-aged children's ability to evaluate circular explanations and whether they respond to receiving weak explanations by expressing interest in additional learning. In the first study, 6-, 8-, and 10-year-olds (n = 53) heard why questions about unfamiliar animals. For each question, they rated the quality of single explanations and later selected the best explanation between pairs of circular and noncircular explanations. When judging single explanations, 8- and 10-year-olds, and to some extent 6-year-olds, provided higher ratings for noncircular explanations compared to circular ones. When selecting between pairs of explanations, all age groups preferred noncircular explanations to circular ones, but older children did so more consistently than 6-year-olds. Children who recognized the weakness of the single circular explanations were more interested in receiving additional information about the question topics. In Study 2, all three age groups (n = 87) provided higher ratings for noncircular explanations compared to circular ones when listening to responses to how questions, but older children showed a greater distinction in their ratings than 6-year-olds. Moreover, the link between recognizing circular explanations as weak and interest in future learning could not be accounted for solely by individual differences in verbal intelligence. These findings illustrate the developmental trajectory of explanation evaluation and support that recognition of weak explanations is linked to interest in future learning across the elementary years. Implications for education are discussed.

  9. Behaviour of a stiffened circular slab

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kulkarni, M.G.; Subramanian, K.V.


    Configuration of intake structure for cooling water system for Madras Atomic Power Project was studied on a hydraulic model and it was recommended to provide a circular slab in the structure to give directional property to the inflow and reduce air entrainment. This slab, as indicated by hydraulic model tests was required to withstand hydrodynamic pressures of the order of 10T/m 2 due to breaking waves of about 6 m height. Analysis of this circular cover slab, Stiffened by radial and circumferential beams, carried with the help of an analysis based on grid idealisation is presented. Results of approximate design analysis to assess behaviour of radial stiffener have been compared. Actual design is based on judgement of actual degree of fixity possessed by the supports or restraints. (author)

  10. Administrative Circulars Nos. 12 A and B (Rev. 1) – Education Fees

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Administrative Circulars Nos. 12 A and B (Rev. 1) – "Education Fees" are now available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department: These Circulars cancel and replace Administrative Circular No.12 – "Education Grant" of April 1981. Copies will shortly be available in Departmental secretariats. Administrative Circular No. 12 A is applicable to staff members (except former "local staff"), fellows and paid associates, recruited before 1st January 2007. It may be noted that, at the initiative of the Human Resources Department, a number of important simplifications have been introduced. These cover in particular lump sum payments to compensate for accommodation, meals and journey expenses. Administrative Circular No. 12 B is applicable to staff members, fellows, scientific associates recruited as of 1st January 2007, as well as to former "local staff" recruited prior to this date. If you require any additional informa...

  11. Administrative Circulars Nos. 12 A and B (Rev. 1) – Education Fees

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Administrative Circulars Nos. 12 A and B (Rev. 1) – "Education Fees" are now available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department: http:// These circulars cancel and replace Administrative Circular No.12 – "Education Grant" of April 1981. Copies will shortly be available in Departmental secretariats. Administrative Circular No. 12 A is applicable to staff members (except former "local staff"), fellows and paid associates, recruited before 1st January 2007. It may be noted that, at the initiative of the Human Resources Department, a number of important simplifications have been introduced. These cover, in particular, lump sum payments to compensate for accommodation, meals and journey expenses. Administrative Circular No. 12 B is applicable to staff members, fellows, scientific associates recruited as of 1st January 2007, as well as to former "local staff" recruited prior to this date. If you requi...

  12. static analysis of circular cylindrical shell under hydrostatic and ring

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    (Golzan et al, 2008). Circular cylindrical shells are used in a large variety of civil engineering structures, e.g. off-shore platforms, chimneys, silos, pipelines, bridge arches or wind turbine towers (Winterstetter et al, 2002). This work is concerned with the analysis of circular cylindri- cal shell subjected to hydrostatic pressure in.

  13. Administrative circular n°23 (Rev. 3) – Special working hours

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 3) entitled “Special working hours”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 11 October 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department.   This circular is applicable to staff members and fellows. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 23 (Rev. 2) entitled “Special working hours” of December 2008. Paragraph 6 a) of Annex II of this circular was revised following the modification of Article III 1.04 of the Staff Regulations approved by Council on 14 December 2012. The modification serves to adapt the minimum rest time to the fact that, in case of rapidly alternating shifts, a maximum of seven consecutive shifts may be performed. Department Head Office HR Department

  14. Circularly polarized antennas

    CERN Document Server

    Gao, Steven; Zhu, Fuguo


    This book presents a comprehensive insight into the design techniques for different types of CP antenna elements and arrays In this book, the authors address a broad range of topics on circularly polarized (CP) antennas. Firstly, it introduces to the reader basic principles, design techniques and characteristics of various types of CP antennas, such as CP patch antennas, CP helix antennas, quadrifilar helix antennas (QHA), printed quadrifilar helix antennas (PQHA), spiral antenna, CP slot antennas, CP dielectric resonator antennas, loop antennas, crossed dipoles, monopoles and CP horns. Adva

  15. Pull-in instability tuning in imperfect nonlinear circular microplates under electrostatic actuation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jallouli, A.; Kacem, N., E-mail:; Bourbon, G.; Le Moal, P.; Walter, V.; Lardies, J.


    Highlights: • Dynamic range improvement of electrostatically actuated circular microplates. • Pull-in instability tuning based on geometric nonlinearity and imperfections. • Predictive computational model for the nonlinear behavior of circular microplates. - Abstract: Dynamic range improvement based on geometric nonlinearity and initial deflection is demonstrated with imperfect circular microplates under electrostatic actuation. Depending on design parameters, we prove how the von Kármán nonlinearity and the plate imperfections lead to a significant delay in pull-in occurrence. These promising results open the way towards an accurate identification of static parameters of circular microplates and the development of a predictive model for the nonlinear dynamics of imperfect capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers.

  16. Beam steering for circular switched parasitic arrays using a combinational approach

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mofolo, ROM


    Full Text Available In this paper, the authors present a method of electronic beam steering for circular switched parasitic array (SPA) antennas. In circular SPA antennas, one achieves azimuth beam steering by open-circuiting and short-circuiting different parasitic...

  17. Supermarkets and unhealthy food marketing: An international comparison of the content of supermarket catalogues/circulars. (United States)

    Charlton, Emma L; Kähkönen, Laila A; Sacks, Gary; Cameron, Adrian J


    Supermarket marketing activities have a major influence on consumer food purchases. This study aimed to assess and compare the contents of supermarket marketing circulars from a range of countries worldwide from an obesity prevention perspective. The contents of supermarket circulars from major supermarket chains in 12 non-random countries were collected and analysed over an eight week period from July to September 2014 (n=89 circulars with 12,563 food products). Circulars were largely English language and from countries representing most continents. Food products in 25 sub-categories were categorised as discretionary or non-discretionary (core) food or drinks based on the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. The total number of products in each subcategory in the whole circular, and on front covers only, was calculated. Circulars from most countries advertised a high proportion of discretionary foods. The only exceptions were circulars from the Philippines (no discretionary foods) and India (11% discretionary food). Circulars from six countries advertised more discretionary foods than core foods. Front covers tended to include a much greater proportion of healthy products than the circulars overall. Supermarket circulars in most of the countries examined include a high percentage of discretionary foods, and therefore promote unhealthy eating behaviours that contribute to the global obesity epidemic. A clear opportunity exists for supermarket circulars to promote rather than undermine healthy eating behaviours of populations. Governments need to ensure that supermarket marketing is included as part of broader efforts to restrict unhealthy food marketing. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Procedimiento para hemorroides con prolapso de mucosa: técnica de Longo. Reporte preliminar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Augusto Borda Mederos


    Full Text Available La hemorroidectomía es una excelente técnica para el tratamiento de las hemorroides grado III y IV pero va asociada invariablemente a dolor postoperatorio. La mucosectomía con stapler circular- procedimiento para prolapso y hemorroides- (PPH ha demostrado menor dolor y recuperación más rápida. No se ha encontrado reportes de la técnica en nuestro país. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del PPH en pacientes portadores de hemorroides grado III y IV con prolapso de mucosa rectal. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo tipo serie de casos de pacientes operados de hemorroides grado III - IV con prolapso de mucosa rectal, entre diciembre de 1998 hasta diciembre 2007 en el Hospital de Emergencias Grau - EsSalud, Hospital G. Almenara I. - EsSalud y Clínica San Borja. Resultados: Se estudiaron 18 pacientes (13 hombres, 5 mujeres. La hospitalización promedio fue de 1,2 días. El tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 17,5 minutos. El 94,4% de los pacientes no refirió dolor o éste fue leve. Un paciente presentó sangrado postoperatorio importante a nivel de la línea de grapas que prolongó su hospitalización, una paciente presentó dolor intenso y una paciente presentó una fístula rectovaginal. Conclusiones: La técnica de PPH es efectiva para tratar la sintomatología de las hemorroides grado III y IV con prolapso mucoso a corto y mediano plazo.(Rev Med Hered 2009;20:190-194.

  19. Dynamic Response of Underground Circular Lining Tunnels Subjected to Incident P Waves

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hua Xu


    Full Text Available Dynamic stress concentration in tunnels and underground structures during earthquakes often leads to serious structural damage. A series solution of wave equation for dynamic response of underground circular lining tunnels subjected to incident plane P waves is presented by Fourier-Bessel series expansion method in this paper. The deformation and stress fields of the whole medium of surrounding rock and tunnel were obtained by solving the equations of seismic wave propagation in an elastic half space. Based on the assumption of a large circular arc, a series of solutions for dynamic stress were deduced by using a wave function expansion approach for a circular lining tunnel in an elastic half space rock medium subjected to incident plane P waves. Then, the dynamic response of the circular lining tunnel was obtained by solving a series of algebraic equations after imposing its boundary conditions for displacement and stress of the circular lining tunnel. The effects of different factors on circular lining rock tunnels, including incident frequency, incident angle, buried depth, rock conditions, and lining stiffness, were derived and several application examples are presented. The results may provide a good reference for studies on the dynamic response and aseismic design of tunnels and underground structures.

  20. CSA: An efficient algorithm to improve circular DNA multiple alignment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pereira Luísa


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The comparison of homologous sequences from different species is an essential approach to reconstruct the evolutionary history of species and of the genes they harbour in their genomes. Several complete mitochondrial and nuclear genomes are now available, increasing the importance of using multiple sequence alignment algorithms in comparative genomics. MtDNA has long been used in phylogenetic analysis and errors in the alignments can lead to errors in the interpretation of evolutionary information. Although a large number of multiple sequence alignment algorithms have been proposed to date, they all deal with linear DNA and cannot handle directly circular DNA. Researchers interested in aligning circular DNA sequences must first rotate them to the "right" place using an essentially manual process, before they can use multiple sequence alignment tools. Results In this paper we propose an efficient algorithm that identifies the most interesting region to cut circular genomes in order to improve phylogenetic analysis when using standard multiple sequence alignment algorithms. This algorithm identifies the largest chain of non-repeated longest subsequences common to a set of circular mitochondrial DNA sequences. All the sequences are then rotated and made linear for multiple alignment purposes. To evaluate the effectiveness of this new tool, three different sets of mitochondrial DNA sequences were considered. Other tests considering randomly rotated sequences were also performed. The software package Arlequin was used to evaluate the standard genetic measures of the alignments obtained with and without the use of the CSA algorithm with two well known multiple alignment algorithms, the CLUSTALW and the MAVID tools, and also the visualization tool SinicView. Conclusion The results show that a circularization and rotation pre-processing step significantly improves the efficiency of public available multiple sequence alignment

  1. Zero-point field in a circular-motion frame

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, S.K.; Soh, K.S.; Yee, J.H.


    The energy spectrum of zero-point fields of a massless scalar field observed by a detector in circular motion is studied by analyzing the Wightman function. It is shown to be quite different from the Planck spectrum which would have been expected from the result of a uniformly accelerated detector. In a nonrelativistic limit zero-point fields with frequencies only up to the first harmonics of the circular-motion frequency contribute dominantly. In an extremely relativistic case the energy spectrum is dominated by a particular pole in the complex proper-time plane

  2. Magnetic field, inductance of circular coil and solenoids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez Hoyos, P.; Barbero Garcia, A.J.; Mafe Matoses, S.


    The self-inductance of a current-carrying circular coil and the mutual inductances of the Helmholtz coils and coil-sole-noid systems have been measured and calculated theoretically. The experiments and the required equipment are suited to an undergraduate laboratory. The theoretical calculation involve the use of simple numerical integration methods for evaluating the magnetic field of the circular coil and the inductances. The calculated values agree with the measurements within the experimental error. The material presented can be proposed to the students as a laboratory project. (Author) 7 refs

  3. Thermal performance in circular tube fitted with coiled square wires

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Promvonge, Pongjet


    The effects of wires with square cross section forming a coil used as a turbulator on the heat transfer and turbulent flow friction characteristics in a uniform heat flux, circular tube are experimentally investigated in the present work. The experiments are performed for flows with Reynolds numbers ranging from 5000 to 25,000. Two different spring coiled wire pitches are introduced. The results are also compared with those obtained from using a typical coiled circular wire, apart from the smooth tube. The experimental results reveal that the use of coiled square wire turbulators leads to a considerable increase in heat transfer and friction loss over those of a smooth wall tube. The Nusselt number increases with the rise of Reynolds number and the reduction of pitch for both circular and square wire coils. The coiled square wire provides higher heat transfer than the circular one under the same conditions. Also, performance evaluation criteria to assess the real benefits in using both coil wires of the enhanced tube are determined

  4. Risk management of hazardous substances in a circular economy. (United States)

    Bodar, Charles; Spijker, Job; Lijzen, Johannes; Waaijers-van der Loop, Susanne; Luit, Richard; Heugens, Evelyn; Janssen, Martien; Wassenaar, Pim; Traas, Theo


    The ambitions for a circular economy are high and unambiguous, but day-to-day experience shows that the transition still has many difficulties to overcome. One of the current hurdles is the presence of hazardous substances in waste streams that enter or re-enter into the environment or the technosphere. The key question is: do we have the appropriate risk management tools to control any risks that might arise from the re-using and recycling of materials? We present some recent cases that illustrate current practice and complexity in the risk management of newly-formed circular economy chains. We also highlight how separate legal frameworks are still disconnected from each other in these cases, and how circular economy initiatives interlink with the European REACH regulation. Furthermore, we introduce a novel scheme describing how to decide whether a(n)(additional) risk assessment is necessary with regard to the re-use of materials containing hazardous substances. Finally, we present our initial views on new concepts for the fundamental integration of sustainability and safety aspects. These concepts should be the building blocks for the near future shifts in both policy frameworks and voluntary initiatives that support a sound circular economy transition. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Perturbation approach to design of circularly polarised microstrip antennas (United States)

    Lo, Y. T.; Richards, W. F.


    One of the most interesting applications of microstrip antennas is its use for transmitting or receiving circularly polarized (CP) waves. A description is given of a simple but accurate method to determine the critical dimensions needed to produce circular polarization for nearly square and nearly circular microstrip antennas. Shen (1981) in connection with the determination of the proper dimensions of an elliptical patch CP microstrip antenna first expressed the modal field in terms of Mathieu functions. To avoid the complicated numerical computation of the Mathieu functions, he approximated these functions in terms of Bessel functions. It is pointed out that the computation of Mathieu functions, or their approximate expressions can be avoided altogether if a perturbation method is applied to find the resonant frequencies of the two orthogonal modes. The implementation of this approach is demonstrated.

  6. On the ''circular vacuum noise'' in electron storage rings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosu, H.


    We clarify in some essential points the proposal of Bell and Leinaas to measure the circular Unruh effect in storage rings. In particular the term 'circular Unruh effect' is inappropriate and should be replaced by the better 'circular vacuum noise'. This concept has been used by Takagi in his PTP Supplement of 1986 and corresponds best to the BL discussion. The BL resonance behavior does not fit to the SPEAR first order betatron resonance at 3.605 GeV, but of course, the real experimental situation is much more complicated, corresponding, as a matter of fact, to the rather general term 'synchrotron noise'. The detailed aspects of the synchrotron noise are, as yet, not very well understood. Besides, the much more practical accelerator jargon is to be preferred. We also include a section with comments on radiometry at storage rings. (author). 27 refs

  7. A novel x-ray circularly polarized ranging method (United States)

    Song, Shi-Bin; Xu, Lu-Ping; Zhang, Hua; Gao, Na; Shen, Yang-He


    Range measurement has found multiple applications in deep space missions. With more and further deep space exploration activities happening now and in the future, the requirement for range measurement has risen. In view of the future ranging requirement, a novel x-ray polarized ranging method based on the circular polarization modulation is proposed, termed as x-ray circularly polarized ranging (XCPolR). XCPolR utilizes the circular polarization modulation to process x-ray signals and the ranging information is conveyed by the circular polarization states. As the circular polarization states present good stability in space propagation and x-ray detectors have light weight and low power consumption, XCPolR shows great potential in the long-distance range measurement and provides an option for future deep space ranging. In this paper, we present a detailed illustration of XCPolR. Firstly, the structure of the polarized ranging system is described and the signal models in the ranging process are established mathematically. Then, the main factors that affect the ranging accuracy, including the Doppler effect, the differential demodulation, and the correlation error, are analyzed theoretically. Finally, numerical simulation is carried out to evaluate the performance of XCPolR. Projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61172138 and 61401340), the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China (Grant No. 2013JQ8040), the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20130203120004), the Open Research Fund of the Academy of Satellite Application, China (Grant No. 2014 CXJJ-DH 12), the Xi’an Science and Technology Plan, China (Grant No. CXY1350(4)), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. 201413B, 201412B, and JB141303), and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Precision Navigation and Timing Technology, National Time Service Center, Chinese

  8. Simulation of car movement along circular path (United States)

    Fedotov, A. I.; Tikhov-Tinnikov, D. A.; Ovchinnikova, N. I.; Lysenko, A. V.


    Under operating conditions, suspension system performance changes which negatively affects vehicle stability and handling. The paper aims to simulate the impact of changes in suspension system performance on vehicle stability and handling. Methods. The paper describes monitoring of suspension system performance, testing of vehicle stability and handling, analyzes methods of suspension system performance monitoring under operating conditions. The mathematical model of a car movement along a circular path was developed. Mathematical tools describing a circular movement of a vehicle along a horizontal road were developed. Turning car movements were simulated. Calculation and experiment results were compared. Simulation proves the applicability of a mathematical model for assessment of the impact of suspension system performance on vehicle stability and handling.

  9. Dynamical behaviour of FEL devices operating with two undulators having opposite circular polarizations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dattoli, G. [ENEA, Divisione Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy); Ottaviani, P.L. [ENEA, Divisione Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche, Bologna (Italy); Bucci, L. [ENEA, Guest Rome (Italy)


    Optical-Klystron FELs operating with undulators having opposite circular polarizations are characterized by a spontaneous emission spectrum which does not exhibit the characteristic interference pattern. The use of the Madey theorem may allow the conclusion that, for such configuration, the dispersive section does not provide any gain enhancement. In this paper it has been analyzed the problem from a dynamical point of view and clarify how the optical field evolve, what is the role of the bunching and how the consequences of the Madey theorem should be correctly understood. [Italian] Klystron ottici operanti con ondulatori aventi polarizzazione elicoidali opposte, sono caratterizzati da uno spettro di emissione spontanea senza il termine interferenziale dovuto alla sezione dispersiva. L'uso del teorema di Madey indurrebbe alla conclusione che, per una tale configurazione, la sezione dispersiva non induce nessun aumento del guadagno. In questo lavoro analizziamo il problema da un punto di vista dinamico che chiarisce l'evoluzione del campo ottico, quale e' il ruolo del bunching e come le conseguenze del teorema di Madey debbano essere interpretate.

  10. A fast computation method for MUSIC spectrum function based on circular arrays (United States)

    Du, Zhengdong; Wei, Ping


    The large computation amount of multiple signal classification (MUSIC) spectrum function seriously affects the timeliness of direction finding system using MUSIC algorithm, especially in the two-dimensional directions of arrival (DOA) estimation of azimuth and elevation with a large antenna array. This paper proposes a fast computation method for MUSIC spectrum. It is suitable for any circular array. First, the circular array is transformed into a virtual uniform circular array, in the process of calculating MUSIC spectrum, for the cyclic characteristics of steering vector, the inner product in the calculation of spatial spectrum is realised by cyclic convolution. The computational amount of MUSIC spectrum is obviously less than that of the conventional method. It is a very practical way for MUSIC spectrum computation in circular arrays.

  11. Administrative Circular n° 12

    CERN Document Server


    Following a recommendation by the Standing Concertation Committee, the Director-General has approved the amounts used for the reimbursements mentioned in Administrative Circular N° 12 as follows : The figures, effective from 1 September 2005, are : § 8a : 16.50 Swiss francs § 9a : 662 Swiss francs § 9b : 33 Swiss francs

  12. Bragg transmission phase plates for the production of circularly polarized x-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lang, J.C.; Srajer, G.


    A thin-crystal Si (400) Bragg transmission x-ray phase plate has been constructed for the production of 5 to 12 keV circularly polarized x-rays. Using multiple beam diffraction from a GaAs crystal, a direct measurement of the degree of circular polarization as a function of off-Bragg position was made. These measurements indicated nearly complete circular polarization (|P c | ≥ 0.95) and full helicity reversal on opposite sides of the rocking curve

  13. Publication of administrative circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – Recognition of merit

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – Recognition of merit Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – "Recognition of merit", approved by the Standing Concertation Committee at its meeting on 3 September 2008, is now available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 7) – "Recognition of merit of staff members" of May 2007. Paper copies will shortly be available in Departmental secretariats. Human Resources Department Tel. 78003

  14. Publication of administrative circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – Recognition of merit

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – Recognition of merit Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 8) – "Recognition of merit", approved by the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 3 September 2008, is now available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 26 (Rev. 7) – "Recognition of merit of staff members" of May 2007. Paper copies will shortly be available in Departmental secretariats. Human Resources Department Tel. 78003

  15. The optimum circular field size for dental radiography with intraoral films

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Straaten, F.J. van; Aken, J. van

    Intraoral radiographs are often made with circular fields to irradiate the film, and in many instances these fields are much larger than the film. The feasibility of reducing a circular radiation field without increasing the probability of excessive cone cutting was evaluated clinically, and an

  16. Administrative Circular N° 12

    CERN Multimedia


    Following a recommendation by the Standing Concertation Committee, the Director-General has approved the amounts used for the reimbursements mentioned in Administrative Circular N° 12 as follows : The figures, effective from 1 September 2003, are : § 8a : 16.50 Swiss francs (previously 16.- Swiss francs) § 9a : 663 Swiss francs (previously 640.- Swiss francs) § 9b : 33 Swiss francs (previously 32.- Swiss francs) Human Resources Division Tel. 72862/74474

  17. Symmetric Circular Matchings and RNA Folding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hofacker, Ivo L.; Reidys, Christian; Stadler, Peter F.


    RNA secondary structures can be computed as optimal solutions of certain circular matching problems. An accurate treatment of this energy minimization problem has to account for the small --- but non-negligible --- entropic destabilization of secondary structures with non-trivial automorphisms. S...

  18. Circular Economy: Questions for Responsible Minerals, Additive Manufacturing and Recycling of Metals

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Damien Giurco


    Full Text Available The concept of the circular economy proposes new patterns of production, consumption and use, based on circular flows of resources. Under a scenario where there is a global shift towards the circular economy, this paper discusses the advent of two parallel and yet-to-be-connected trends for Australia, namely: (i responsible minerals supply chains and (ii additive manufacturing, also known as 3D production systems. Acknowledging the current context for waste management, the paper explores future interlinked questions which arise in the circular economy for responsible supply chains, additive manufacturing, and metals recycling. For example, where do mined and recycled resources fit in responsible supply chains as inputs to responsible production? What is required to ensure 3D production systems are resource efficient? How could more distributed models of production, enabled by additive manufacturing, change the geographical scale at which it is economic or desirable to close the loop? Examples are given to highlight the need for an integrated research agenda to address these questions and to foster Australian opportunities in the circular economy.

  19. Estudo comparativo entre anastomoses intestinais com sutura manual e com anel biofragmentável em cães sob a administração de corticosteróides Comparative study of intestinal anastomoses with manual suture and biofragmentable ring in dogs under corticosteroid administration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. C. Fernandes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo analisou anastomoses intestinais por sutura manual e por compressão com anel biofragmentável, sob retardo cicatricial pela administração parenteral de corticosteróides. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Vinte cães, entre 15 e 20 kg, foram divididos em grupos controle e teste, este submetido à administração intramuscular de hemissuccinato de hidrocortisona, de 25 a 33 mg/kg/dia, do 30º dia pré-operatório ao 7º dia pós-operatório. Em ato cirúrgico, cada animal foi submetido a duas secções cólicas, com anastomoses por sutura manual em plano único extramucoso e por compressão com anel biofragmentável. Os espécimes foram sacrificados sete dias após o procedimento para avaliação das anastomoses. RESULTADOS: No pós-operatório ocorreram um óbito no grupo teste e dois óbitos no grupo controle por fístula não bloqueada nas anastomoses por compressão com anel. Houve, estatisticamente, incidência semelhante de aderências, fístulas, dilatação aferente e obstrução, nos métodos em comparação. À microscopia, houve deficiência de regeneração mucosa nas anastomoses por compressão. Análise histológica por computador evidenciou nas anastomoses por compressão, maior reação inflamatória, maior edema de submucosa e formação de cicatrizes alargadas. CONCLUSÕES: Com o anel biofragmentável, em anastomoses colocólicas sob retardo de cicatrização induzido por corticosteróides, foram obtidos resultados semelhantes aos da sutura manual quanto à incidência de complicações pós-operatórias; o anel, entretanto, determinou pior regeneração mucosa e maior reação inflamatória cicatricial.BACKGROUND: This study analyzed intestinal anastomoses by manual suture and by compression with biofragmentable ring under delay of cicatrization administering parenteral corticoids. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty dogs were divided into two groups: control and test, the latter submitted to intramuscular administration

  20. A Review of the Circular Economy and its Implementation


    Heshmati, Almas


    Circular economy (CE) is a sustainable development strategy that is being proposed to tackle urgent problems of environmental degradation and resource scarcity. CE's 3R principles are to reduce, reuse and recycle materials. The principles account for a circular system where all materials are recycled, all energy is derived from renewables; activities support and rebuild the ecosystem and support human health and a healthy society and resources are used to generate value. This study is a revie...

  1. Effect of plasma actuator and splitter plate on drag coefficient of a circular cylinder (United States)

    Akbıyık, Hürrem; Erkan Akansu, Yahya; Yavuz, Hakan; Ertuğrul Bay, Ahmet


    In this paper, an experimental study on flow control around a circular cylinder with splitter plate and plasma actuator is investigated. The study is performed in wind tunnel for Reynolds numbers at 4000 and 8000. The wake region of circular cylinder with a splitter plate is analyzed at different angles between 0 and 180 degrees. In this the study, not only plasma actuators are activated but also splitter plate is placed behind the cylinder. A couple electrodes are mounted on circular cylinder at ±90 degrees. Also, flow visualization is achieved by using smoke wire method. Drag coefficient of the circular cylinder with splitter plate and the plasma actuator are obtained for different angles and compared with the plain circular cylinder. While attack angle is 0 degree, drag coefficient is decreased about 20% by using the splitter plate behind the circular cylinder. However, when the plasma actuators are activated, the improvement of the drag reduction is measured to be 50%.

  2. Circular dichroism in a three-dimensional semiconductor chiral photonic crystal

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takahashi, S.; Ota, Y.; Tatebayashi, J. [Institute of Nano Quantum Information Electronics, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505 (Japan); Tajiri, T. [Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505 (Japan); Iwamoto, S.; Arakawa, Y. [Institute of Nano Quantum Information Electronics, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505 (Japan); Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505 (Japan)


    Circular dichroism covering the telecommunication band is experimentally demonstrated in a semiconductor-based three-dimensional chiral photonic crystal (PhC). We design a rotationally stacked woodpile PhC structure where neighboring layers are rotated by 60° and three layers construct a single helical unit. The mirror-asymmetric PhC made from GaAs with sub-micron periodicity is fabricated by a micro-manipulation technique. Due to the large contrast of refractive indices between GaAs and air, the experimentally obtained circular dichroism extends over a wide wavelength range, with the transmittance of right-handed circularly polarized incident light being 85% and that of left-handed light being 15% at a wavelength of 1.3 μm. The obtained results show good agreement with numerical simulations.

  3. Finding the right incentives; circular business models for the construction industry

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van den Brink, R.; Prins, M.; Straub, A.; Ploeger, H.D.


    After its launch, the circular economy gained popularity all over the world as the new sustainability paradigm. Despite its popularity there is little to no material to be found on the implementation of the circular economy in the construction industry. Through a mixed method methodology using

  4. Circular dichroism measurements at an x-ray free-electron laser with polarization control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hartmann, G.; Shevchuk, I.; Walter, P.; Viefhaus, J. [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg (Germany); Lindahl, A. O. [PULSE at Stanford, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 (United States); Knie, A. [Institut für Physik, University of Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, 34132 Kassel (Germany); Hartmann, N.; Lutman, A. A.; MacArthur, J. P.; Glownia, J. M.; Helml, W.; Huang, Z.; Marinelli, A.; Nuhn, H.-D.; Moeller, S.; Coffee, R. N.; Ilchen, M., E-mail: [SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 (United States); Buck, J.; Galler, A.; Liu, J. [European XFEL GmbH, Albert-Einstein-Ring 19, 22761 Hamburg (Germany); and others


    A non-destructive diagnostic method for the characterization of circularly polarized, ultraintense, short wavelength free-electron laser (FEL) light is presented. The recently installed Delta undulator at the LCLS (Linac Coherent Light Source) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA) was used as showcase for this diagnostic scheme. By applying a combined two-color, multi-photon experiment with polarization control, the degree of circular polarization of the Delta undulator has been determined. Towards this goal, an oriented electronic state in the continuum was created by non-resonant ionization of the O{sub 2} 1s core shell with circularly polarized FEL pulses at hν ≃ 700 eV. An also circularly polarized, highly intense UV laser pulse with hν ≃ 3.1 eV was temporally and spatially overlapped, causing the photoelectrons to redistribute into so-called sidebands that are energetically separated by the photon energy of the UV laser. By determining the circular dichroism of these redistributed electrons using angle resolving electron spectroscopy and modeling the results with the strong-field approximation, this scheme allows to unambiguously determine the absolute degree of circular polarization of any pulsed, ultraintense XUV or X-ray laser source.

  5. Circular dichroism measurements at an x-ray free-electron laser with polarization control (United States)

    Hartmann, G.; Lindahl, A. O.; Knie, A.; Hartmann, N.; Lutman, A. A.; MacArthur, J. P.; Shevchuk, I.; Buck, J.; Galler, A.; Glownia, J. M.; Helml, W.; Huang, Z.; Kabachnik, N. M.; Kazansky, A. K.; Liu, J.; Marinelli, A.; Mazza, T.; Nuhn, H.-D.; Walter, P.; Viefhaus, J.; Meyer, M.; Moeller, S.; Coffee, R. N.; Ilchen, M.


    A non-destructive diagnostic method for the characterization of circularly polarized, ultraintense, short wavelength free-electron laser (FEL) light is presented. The recently installed Delta undulator at the LCLS (Linac Coherent Light Source) at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA) was used as showcase for this diagnostic scheme. By applying a combined two-color, multi-photon experiment with polarization control, the degree of circular polarization of the Delta undulator has been determined. Towards this goal, an oriented electronic state in the continuum was created by non-resonant ionization of the O2 1s core shell with circularly polarized FEL pulses at hν ≃ 700 eV. An also circularly polarized, highly intense UV laser pulse with hν ≃ 3.1 eV was temporally and spatially overlapped, causing the photoelectrons to redistribute into so-called sidebands that are energetically separated by the photon energy of the UV laser. By determining the circular dichroism of these redistributed electrons using angle resolving electron spectroscopy and modeling the results with the strong-field approximation, this scheme allows to unambiguously determine the absolute degree of circular polarization of any pulsed, ultraintense XUV or X-ray laser source.

  6. A bifunctional amorphous polymer exhibiting equal linear and circular photoinduced birefringences. (United States)

    Royes, Jorge; Provenzano, Clementina; Pagliusi, Pasquale; Tejedor, Rosa M; Piñol, Milagros; Oriol, Luis


    The large and reversible photoinduced linear and circular birefringences in azo-compounds are at the basis of the interest in these materials, which are potentially useful for several applications. Since the onset of the linear and circular anisotropies relies on orientational processes, which typically occur on the molecular and supramolecular length scale, respectively, a circular birefringence at least one order of magnitude lower than the linear one is usually observed. Here, the synthesis and characterization of an amorphous polymer with a dimeric repeating unit containing a cyanoazobenzene and a cyanobiphenyl moiety are reported, in which identical optical linear and circular birefringences are induced for proper light dose and ellipticity. A pump-probe technique and an analytical method based on the Stokes-Mueller formalism are used to investigate the photoinduced effects and to evaluate the anisotropies. The peculiar photoresponse of the polymer makes it a good candidate for applications in smart functional devices. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  7. Sourcewise represented green's function of the circular waveguide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prijmenko, S.D.; Bondarenko, L.A.


    Singular part of the Green's function of unbounded space is singled out in explicit form and contains all singularities, including a delta-shaped singularity. The problem of construction of Green's function for a field is solved, as a problem for diffraction of potential and rotational components electric field intensity of a point current source on the circular waveguide walls. The singling out of the electric field intensity singularity in an explicit form about a source enables to develop an effective algorithm of Green's function calculation at any distance between the source point and observation point in a circular waveguide

  8. Edificio circular de oficinas Arcis-Sur-Aube – Francia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bayonne, Philippe


    Full Text Available This building has a very particular shape, as a result of the following ideas, which conditioned the initial project: — It was sought to integrate the whole staff within a single zone to give them a closer mutual relationship. — Seek to avoid the classical design, of broken up spaces, with many internal partitions, corridors and doors. — The building to operate as a control tower over the general activity of the whole works. — On the ground level, to have an additional free space for the storage of beet, during the harvesting period. In general terms the building consists of a circular stem, of reinforced concrete, housing the lift and stairs. Around it the office flooring structure is cantilevered, from this single support. The building is completed with a truncated cone roof, which houses, on two floor levels, the records rooms. The most important problems were the construction of the flooring reinforcement work and the formwork for the external surfaces. The first difficulty was overcome by means of four double girders, placed orthogonally, in couples, supported on the stem periphery; whilst the second was solved by using plywood on transversal and radial framework.Se trata de una construcción de forma muy particular, como consecuencia de las siguientes ideas que sirvieron de base para el proyecto: tender hacia una solución colectiva que, reuniendo al personal técnico bajo un mismo polo, les confiriera una más estrecha relación; huir de la solución «clásica » de plantas quebradas, con profusión de divisiones interiores, pasillos y puertas; función de torre de control sobre la actividad general de la fábrica, y disponer, al nivel del terreno, de superficie libre adicional para el almacenaje de remolacha en las épocas de recogida. El edificio en líneas generales consta de un fuste circular, central, de hormigón armado, que aloja en su interior al ascensor y a la escalera. En su periferia se apoya el forjado de la planta

  9. Testing the magnetar scenario for superluminous supernovae with circular polarimetry (United States)

    Cikota, Aleksandar; Leloudas, Giorgos; Bulla, Mattia; Inserra, Cosimo; Chen, Ting-Wan; Spyromilio, Jason; Patat, Ferdinando; Cano, Zach; Cikota, Stefan; Coughlin, Michael W.; Kankare, Erkki; Lowe, Thomas B.; Maund, Justyn R.; Rest, Armin; Smartt, Stephen J.; Smith, Ken W.; Wainscoat, Richard J.; Young, David R.


    Superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) are at least ˜5 times more luminous than common supernovae (SNe). Especially hydrogen-poor SLSN-I are difficult to explain with conventional powering mechanisms. One possible scenario that might explain such luminosities is that SLSNe-I are powered by an internal engine, such as a magnetar or an accreting black hole. Strong magnetic fields or collimated jets can circularly polarize light. In this work, we measured circular polarization of two SLSNe-I with the FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrograph (FORS2) mounted at the ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT). PS17bek, a fast evolving SLSN-I, was observed around peak, while OGLE16dmu, a slowly evolving SLSN-I, was observed 100 days after maximum. Neither SLSN shows evidence of circularly polarized light, however, these non-detections do not rule out the magnetar scenario as the powering engine for SLSNe-I. We calculate the strength of the magnetic field and the expected circular polarization as a function of distance from the magnetar, which decreases very fast. Additionally, we observed no significant linear polarization for PS17bek at four epochs, suggesting that the photosphere near peak is close to spherical symmetry.

  10. Lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow around a confined circular cyclinder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashrafizaadeh, M.; Zadehgol, A.


    A two dimensional lattice Boltzmann model (LBM) based on a single time relaxation BGK model has been developed. Several benchmark problems including the Poiseuille flow, the lid driven cavity flow and the flow around a circular cylinder have been performed employing a d2q9 lattice. The laminar flow around a circular cylinder within a channel has been extensively investigated using the present lattice Boltzmann model. Both symmetric and asymmetric placement configurations of the circular cylinder within the channel have been considered. A new treatment for the outlet velocity and pressure (density) boundary conditions has been proposed and validated. The present LBM results are in excellent agreement with those of the other existing CFD results. Careful examination of the LBM results and an appropriate calculation of the lift coefficient based on the rectangular lattice representation of the circular cylinder reveals that the periodic oscillation of the lift coefficient has a second harmonic when the cylinder is placed asymmetrically within the channel. The second harmonic could be associated with an asymmetrical shedding pattern of the vortices behind the cylinder from the upper and lower sides of the cylinder. (author)

  11. Use of a circular stapler for Billroth I anastomosis after distal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Nov 4, 2013 ... linear staplers. Takeuchi et al.[3] then reported the first gastroduodenal anastomosis using one circular and one linear stapler. This technique has also been effectively used for Billroth II anastomosis.[4] We established gastroduodenal anastomosis using the circular stapler before resection of the stomach ...

  12. Operational circular No. 9 – Principles and procedures governing complaints of harassment

    CERN Multimedia

    HR Department


    Operational Circular No. 9 entitled "Principles and Procedures Governing Complaints of Harassment", approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 21 March 2011, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department: Operational Circular No. 9 is applicable to any person working at or on behalf of CERN. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 32 entitled "Principles and Procedures Governing Complaints of Harassment” of February 2000. Department Head Office

  13. A new X-ray detector for magnetic circular dichroism experiments

    CERN Document Server

    Bateman, J E; Dudzik, E; Laan, G V D; Lipp, J D; Smith, A D; Stephenson, R


    X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) studies of magnetic 3d transition metal samples require the recording of high quality absorption scans in high magnetic fields using circularly polarised soft X-rays of energies in the range 0.5-1 keV. A Gas Microstrip Detector is described which permits the option of using the X-ray fluorescence signal instead of the usual electron yield signal.

  14. Modeling and analysis of circular flexural-vibration-mode piezoelectric transformer. (United States)

    Huang, Yihua; Huang, Wei


    We propose a circular flexural-vibration-mode piezoelectric transformer and perform a theoretical analysis of the transformer. An equivalent circuit is derived from the equations of piezoelectricity and the Hamilton's principle. With this equivalent circuit, the voltage gain ratio, input impedance, and the efficiency of the circular flexural-vibration-mode piezoelectric transformer can be determined. The basic behavior of the transformer is shown by numerical results.

  15. Circular polarization analyzer with polarization tunable focusing of surface plasmon polaritons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang, Sen; Zhang, Yan, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001 (China); Beijing Key Laboratory for Metamaterials and Devices, and Key Laboratory of Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048 (China); Wang, Xinke [Beijing Key Laboratory for Metamaterials and Devices, and Key Laboratory of Terahertz Optoelectronics, Ministry of Education, Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048 (China); Kan, Qiang [State Key Laboratory for Integrated Optoelectronics, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083 (China); Qu, Shiliang [Optoelectronics Department, Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai, Weihai 264209 (China)


    A practical circular polarization analyzer (CPA) that can selectively focus surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) at two separate locations, according to the helicity of the circularly polarized light, is designed and experimentally verified in the terahertz frequency range. The CPA consists of fishbone-slit units and is designed using the simulated annealing algorithm. By differentially detecting the intensities of the two SPPs focuses, the helicity of the incident circularly polarized light can be obtained and the CPA is less vulnerable to the noise of incident light. The proposed device may also have wide potential applications in chiral SPPs photonics and the analysis of chiral molecules in biology.

  16. Control of charged droplets using electrohydrodynamic repulsion for circular droplet patterning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Bumjoo; Sung, Jungwoo; Lim, Geunbae; Nam, Hyoryung; Kim, Sung Jae; Joo, Sang W


    We report a novel method to form a circular pattern of monodisperse microdroplets using an electrohydrodynamic repulsion (EDR) mechanism. EDR is a phenomenon of electrostatical bounced microdroplets from an accumulated droplet on a bottom substrate. In addition to a regular EDR system, by placing a ring electrode between the capillary and ground substrate, two separate regions were created. A parameter study of two regions was carried out for droplet formation and falling velocity to control the radius of the generated droplets and the circular patterns independently. Based on energy conservation theory, our experimental results showed that the free-falling region exerted crucial influences on the sizes of the circular patterns

  17. Institutional incentives in circular economy transition

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fischer, Aglaia; Pascucci, Stefano


    The aim of this paper is to gain insight into how requirements for transitioning to circular economy creates new organizational forms in inter-firm collaborations, and ultimately how they stimulate the emergence of new institutions enhancing sustainability. Two strands of literature, one on

  18. There exists circularity between WACC and value? Another solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ignacio Vélez-Pareja


    Full Text Available Although we know there exists a simple approach to solve the circularity between value and the discount rate, known as the Adjusted Present Value proposed by Myers, 1974, it seems that practitioners still rely on the traditional Weighted Average Cost of Capital, WACC approach of weig-hting the cost of debt, Kd and the costof equity, Ke and discounting the Free Cash Flow, FCF. We show how to solve circularity when calculating value with the free cash flow, FCF and the WACC. As a result of the solution wearrive at a known solution when we assume the discount rate of the tax savings as Ke, the cost of unlevered equity: the capital cash flow, CCF discounted at Ku. When assuming Kdas the discount rate for the tax savings, we find an expression for calculating value that does not implies circularity. We do this for a single period and for N periods.

  19. Dual-Resonant Implantable Circular Patch Antenna for Biotelemetry Communication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rongqiang Li


    Full Text Available A compact broadband implantable circular patch antenna is designed and experimentally demonstrated for Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS band (402–405 MHz. Compared with other similar implantable antennas, the proposed antenna incorporates three advantages for biotelemetry communication. First, it can realize a broad impedance bandwidth by exhibiting dual resonances. Second, it can obtain a compact structure by introducing two arc-shaped slots, a rectangular slot and a circular slot on metal radiating patch. Finally, it can display a friendly shape by using a circular structure. The proposed antenna occupies a volume of about 431.5 mm3 (10.42 × 1.27π mm3, which is a compromise between miniaturization and bandwidth. The measured −10 dB impedance bandwidth is 55 MHz (385–440 MHz. Furthermore, the radiation performance and human body safety consideration of the antenna are examined and characterized.

  20. Circular economy opportunity in the wind industry. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bellini, Robert


    The objective of this study is to identify how the circular economy can be an opportunity for the French wind industry. A broad review of circular economy issues for the wind industry value chain has been conducted in order to be used as a decision making tool for ADEME and the wind industry stakeholders. First of all, a 'flow analysis' (including material, logistic and services related to wind power) has been carried out in order to highlight the specific challenges of circular economy for the wind sector. The strategic opportunities that meet these issues have then been identified. A selection of six opportunities has been further investigated to assess the benefits, to analyze the barriers and to identify actions that ADEME could initiate to foster these opportunities. These investigated opportunities are the following: - To structure a recycling chain for wind blades; - To promote the business model of the extension of wind turbine's lifetime; - To promote skills improvement of local providers for reconditioning and maintenance services; - To adapt the offshore hubs to integrate dismantling activity of onshore equipments; - To increase the manufacturing capacity of wind towers in France to increase local sourcing; - To encourage the creation of a leading French manufacturer to optimize the supply chain. In the light of this analysis, it can be concluded that circular economy represents a strategic opportunity for the French wind energy sector. The opportunities we focused on make up a consistent set of initiatives that improve the environmental, economic and social performance of the wind energy sector by strengthening industrial activities and services throughout all the life cycle: manufacturing stage (optimization of logistics flows and local manufacturing), use phase (maintenance, repair) and end-of-life phase of wind turbine (dismantling, recycling). While the sector has so far been focused on better solving technological challenges and

  1. WIYN Open Cluster Study: Binary Orbits and Tidal Circularization in NGC 6819 (United States)

    Morscher, Meagan B.; Mathieu, R. D.; Kaeppler, S.; Hole, K. T.; Meibom, S.


    We are conducting a comprehensive stellar radial-velocity survey in NGC 6819, a rich, intermediate age ( 2.4 Gyr) open cluster with [Fe/H] -0.05. As of October 2006, we have obtained 7065 radial-velocity measurements of 1409 stars using the WIYN Hydra Multi-Object Spectrograph, with typical velocity measurement precisions of 0.4 km/s. Using an E/I criterion of 3, we have identified 282 velocity variables. In the past year we have expanded the number of final orbital solutions by 45 to a total of more than 80 solutions. In coeval stellar populations, circular binaries tend to have the shortest orbital periods, while longer period binaries show a distribution of non-zero eccentricities. The circularization of the shortest period orbits is the result of an exchange of stellar and orbital angular momentum due to tidal interactions. We defined a population’s tidal circularization period as the longest orbital period at which a binary of typical initial eccentricity has become circularized (e.g., has evolved to an eccentricity e = 0.01) over the lifetime of the cluster (Meibom & Mathieu, 2005, ApJ, 620, 970). We are studying the trend of increasing tidal circularization periods with population age. Preliminary results in NGC 6819 indicate a tidal circularization period of 7.5 days, which is consistent with this overall trend. We will recalculate the tidal circularization period in order to include the latest sample of orbital solutions. This comprehensive survey also allows us to investigate the relative spatial distributions of spectroscopic binaries and other constant-velocity cluster members of similar mass. We find the spectroscopic binaries to be more centrally concentrated at a statistically significant level, which we attribute to energy equipartition processes. MM was supported by REU NSF grant AST-0453442. RDM, SK, KTH, and SM were supported by NSF grant AST-0406615.

  2. Structural insights into the backbone-circularized granulocyte colony-stimulating factor containing a short connector. (United States)

    Miyafusa, Takamitsu; Shibuya, Risa; Honda, Shinya


    Backbone circularization is a powerful approach for enhancing the structural stability of polypeptides. Herein, we present the crystal structure of the circularized variant of the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in which the terminal helical region was circularized using a short, two-amino acid connector. The structure revealed that the N- and C-termini were indeed connected by a peptide bond. The local structure of the C-terminal region transited from an α helix to 3 10 helix with a bend close to the N-terminal region, indicating that the structural change offset the insufficient length of the connector. This is the first-ever report of a crystal structure of the backbone of a circularized protein. It will facilitate the development of backbone circularization methodology. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Behavior of water jet horizontally discharged from a small circular hole set on a circular pipe-surface into air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuyuki, Koji; Igarashi, Saburo; Sudo, Seiichi; Yamabe, Masahiro; Kikuchi, Akira; Oba, Risaburo


    In order to clarify the behavior of the water jet horizontally discharged from a small circular hole set on a circular pipe surface into air, in this paper, for the first step, we systematically observed the jet aspects, the efflux angle, the discharge coefficient and so on, when the hole diameter d is much smaller than the pipe diameter D. Since the upstream kinetic energy from the hole is somewhat higher than the downstream counterpart, the upstream partial jet with higher efflux angle crashes into the downstream partial jet and drives out the latter into up- and down-side, resulting in a marked pair of vortices, so that resulting in a three-dimensional spiral flow accompanying with marked surface waves. (author)

  4. Circularly polarized infrared and visible sum-frequency-generation spectroscopy: Vibrational optical activity measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheon, Sangheon; Cho, Minhaeng


    Vibrational optical activity spectroscopies utilizing either circularly polarized ir or circularly polarized visible beams were theoretically investigated by considering the infrared and visible sum-frequency-generation (IV-SFG) schemes. In addition to the purely electric dipole-allowed chiral component of the IV-SFG susceptibility, the polarizability-electric quadrupole hyperpolarizability term also contributes to the vibrationally resonant IV-SFG susceptibility. The circular-intensity-difference signal is shown to be determined by the interferences between the all-electric dipole-allowed chiral component and the polarizability-electric-dipole or electric-dipole-electric-quadrupole Raman optical activity tensor components. The circularly polarized SFG methods are shown to be potentially useful coherent spectroscopic tools for determining absolute configurations of chiral molecules in condensed phases

  5. High intensity circular proton accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Craddock, M.K.


    Circular machines suitable for the acceleration of high intensity proton beams include cyclotrons, FFAG accelerators, and strong-focusing synchrotrons. This paper discusses considerations affecting the design of such machines for high intensity, especially space charge effects and the role of beam brightness in multistage accelerators. Current plans for building a new generation of high intensity 'kaon factories' are reviewed. 47 refs

  6. The Difficult Conceptualisation of Circular Migration between the EU and the MENA Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamirace FAKHOURY


    Full Text Available This article examines the extent to which circular migration (CM can be framed first as a useful migration typology and second as an efficient migration strategy in the MENA region and between the latter and the EU. After discussing the difficult conceptualisation of the circular migration model, it alludes to the inherent discrepancies between the normative, empirical and prescriptive connotations of the concept, then it analyses different examples of circularity in the MENA region and between the latter and the EU. It concludes that since the very concept of circular migration (as proposed by the EU is still in its exploratory and genesis phases, it is advisable to refrain from conferring an overvalued significance on the CM approach and to consider it rather as a strategy inherent to a more global approach to labour migration in the EU-MENA context. On a more theoretical level, and beyond the specificities of the EU and MENA, this article would suggest caution in the normative use of circular migration. As much contention prevails over circular migration as a migration typology, it would be recommendable that CM be rather considered an option, a policy initiative suitable for some countries more than others, or a strategy to manage migration trends in transnational contexts.

  7. Home Sewage Disposal. Special Circular 212. (United States)

    Wooding, N. Henry

    This circular provides current information for homeowners who must repair or replace existing on-lot sewage disposal systems. Site requirements, characteristics and preparation are outlined for a variety of alternatives such as elevated sand mounds, sand-lined beds and trenches, and oversized absorption area. Diagrams indicating construction…

  8. DNA electronic circular dichroism on the inter-base pair scale

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Di Meo, Florent; Nørby, Morten Steen; Rubio-Magnieto, Jenifer


    A successful elucidation of the near-ultraviolet electronic circular dichroism spectrum of a short double-stranded DNA is reported. Time-dependent density functional theory methods are shown to accurately predict spectra and assign bands on the microscopic base-pair scale, a finding that opens...... the field for using circular dichroism spectroscopy as a sensitive nanoscale probe of DNA to reveal its complex interactions with the environment. (Chemical Equation Presented)....

  9. Design of circular differential microphone arrays

    CERN Document Server

    Benesty, Jacob; Cohen, Israel


    Recently, we proposed a completely novel and efficient way to design differential beamforming algorithms for linear microphone arrays. Thanks to this very flexible approach, any order of differential arrays can be designed. Moreover, they can be made robust against white noise amplification, which is the main inconvenience in these types of arrays. The other well-known problem with linear arrays is that electronic steering is not really feasible.  In this book, we extend all these fundamental ideas to circular microphone arrays and show that we can design small and compact differential arrays of any order that can be electronically steered in many different directions and offer a good degree of control of the white noise amplification problem, high directional gain, and frequency-independent response. We also present a number of practical examples, demonstrating that differential beamforming with circular microphone arrays is likely one of the best candidates for applications involving speech enhancement (i....

  10. Transition towards Circular Economy in the Food System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandra Jurgilevich


    Full Text Available Growing population and increased demand for food, inefficient resource use and food distribution, environmental impacts, and high rates of food wasted at all stages of the food system are all calling for transition towards more sustainable practices. In this article we apply the concept of circular economy to the case of a sustainable food system. Furthermore, we explore the transition towards a circular food system through the lens of socio-technical transition theory towards sustainability. We discuss challenges and potential solutions for the production stage (focusing on nutrient flow, the consumption stage (focusing on meat consumption, and food waste and surplus management and prevention.

  11. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  12. Analysis of the multipactor effect in circular waveguides excited by two orthogonal polarization waves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pérez, A. M.; Boria, V. E. [Departamento de Comunicaciones-iTEAM, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia (Spain); Gimeno, B. [Departamento de Física Aplicada y Electromagnetismo-ICMUV, Universitat de València c/Dr. Moliner, 50, 46100 Valencia (Spain); Anza, S.; Vicente, C.; Gil, J. [Aurora Software and Testing S.L., Edificio de Desarrollo Empresarial 9B, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia (Spain)


    Circular waveguides, either employed as resonant cavities or as irises connecting adjacent guides, are widely present in many passive components used in different applications (i.e., particle accelerators and satellite subsystems). In this paper, we present the study of the multipactor effect in circular waveguides considering the coexistence of the two polarizations of the fundamental TE{sub 11} circular waveguide mode. For a better understanding of the problem, only low multipactor orders have been explored as a function of the polarization ellipse eccentricity. Special attention has been paid to the linear and circular polarizations, but other more general configurations have also been explored.

  13. Analysis of the multipactor effect in circular waveguides excited by two orthogonal polarization waves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pérez, A. M.; Boria, V. E.; Gimeno, B.; Anza, S.; Vicente, C.; Gil, J.


    Circular waveguides, either employed as resonant cavities or as irises connecting adjacent guides, are widely present in many passive components used in different applications (i.e., particle accelerators and satellite subsystems). In this paper, we present the study of the multipactor effect in circular waveguides considering the coexistence of the two polarizations of the fundamental TE 11 circular waveguide mode. For a better understanding of the problem, only low multipactor orders have been explored as a function of the polarization ellipse eccentricity. Special attention has been paid to the linear and circular polarizations, but other more general configurations have also been explored

  14. Attenuation in Superconducting Circular Waveguides

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K. H. Yeap


    Full Text Available We present an analysis on wave propagation in superconducting circular waveguides. In order to account for the presence of quasiparticles in the intragap states of a superconductor, we employ the characteristic equation derived from the extended Mattis-Bardeen theory to compute the values of the complex conductivity. To calculate the attenuation in a circular waveguide, the tangential fields at the boundary of the wall are first matched with the electrical properties (which includes the complex conductivity of the wall material. The matching of fields with the electrical properties results in a set of transcendental equations which is able to accurately describe the propagation constant of the fields. Our results show that although the attenuation in the superconducting waveguide above cutoff (but below the gap frequency is finite, it is considerably lower than that in a normal waveguide. Above the gap frequency, however, the attenuation in the superconducting waveguide increases sharply. The attenuation eventually surpasses that in a normal waveguide. As frequency increases above the gap frequency, Cooper pairs break into quasiparticles. Hence, we attribute the sharp rise in attenuation to the increase in random collision of the quasiparticles with the lattice structure.

  15. Chemical Synthesis of Circular Proteins* (United States)

    Tam, James P.; Wong, Clarence T. T.


    Circular proteins, once thought to be rare, are now commonly found in plants. Their chemical synthesis, once thought to be difficult, is now readily achievable. The enabling methodology is largely due to the advances in entropic chemical ligation to overcome the entropy barrier in coupling the N- and C-terminal ends of large peptide segments for either intermolecular ligation or intramolecular ligation in end-to-end cyclization. Key elements of an entropic chemical ligation consist of a chemoselective capture step merging the N and C termini as a covalently linked O/S-ester intermediate to permit the subsequent step of an intramolecular O/S-N acyl shift to form an amide. Many ligation methods exploit the supernucleophilicity of a thiol side chain at the N terminus for the capture reaction, which makes cysteine-rich peptides ideal candidates for the entropy-driven macrocyclization. Advances in desulfurization and modification of the thiol-containing amino acids at the ligation sites to other amino acids add extra dimensions to the entropy-driven ligation methods. This minireview describes recent advances of entropy-driven ligation to prepare circular proteins with or without a cysteinyl side chain. PMID:22700959

  16. Transitions in Theory and Practice: Managing Metals in the Circular Economy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melissa Jackson


    Full Text Available Transitioning from current resource management practice dominated by linear economic models of consumption and production, to circular models of resource use, will require insights into the stages and processes associated with socio-technical transitions. This paper is concerned with transitions in practice. It explores two frameworks within the transitions literature—the multi-level perspective and transition management theory—for practical guidance to inform a deliberate transition in practice. The critical futures literature is proposed as a source of tools and methods to be used in conjunction with the transition frameworks to influence and enable transitions in practice. This enhanced practical guidance for initiating action is applied to a specific context—transitioning the Australian metals sector towards a circular economy model. This particular transition case study is relevant because the vision of a circular economy model of resource management is gaining traction internationally, Australia is significant globally as a supplier of finite mineral resources and it will also be used in a collaborative research project on Wealth from Waste to investigate possibilities for the circular economy and metals recycling.

  17. Circular dichroism spectral data and metadata in the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB): a tutorial guide to accession and deposition. (United States)

    Janes, Robert W; Miles, A J; Woollett, B; Whitmore, L; Klose, D; Wallace, B A


    The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) is a web-based resource containing circular dichroism (CD) and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectral and associated metadata located at This resource provides a freely available, user-friendly means of accessing validated CD spectra and their associated experimental details and metadata, thereby enabling broad usage of this material and new developments across the structural biology, chemistry, and bioinformatics communities. The resource also enables researchers utilizing CD as an experimental technique to have a means of storing their data at a secure site from which it is easily retrievable, thereby making their results publicly accessible, a current requirement of many grant-funding agencies world-wide, as well as meeting the data-sharing requirements for journal publications. This tutorial provides extensive information on searching, accessing, and downloading procedures for those who wish to utilize the data available in the data bank, and detailed information on deposition procedures for creating and validating entries, including comprehensive explanations of their contents and formats, for those who wish to include their data in the data bank. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Statistically based splicing detection reveals neural enrichment and tissue-specific induction of circular RNA during human fetal development. (United States)

    Szabo, Linda; Morey, Robert; Palpant, Nathan J; Wang, Peter L; Afari, Nastaran; Jiang, Chuan; Parast, Mana M; Murry, Charles E; Laurent, Louise C; Salzman, Julia


    The pervasive expression of circular RNA is a recently discovered feature of gene expression in highly diverged eukaryotes, but the functions of most circular RNAs are still unknown. Computational methods to discover and quantify circular RNA are essential. Moreover, discovering biological contexts where circular RNAs are regulated will shed light on potential functional roles they may play. We present a new algorithm that increases the sensitivity and specificity of circular RNA detection by discovering and quantifying circular and linear RNA splicing events at both annotated and un-annotated exon boundaries, including intergenic regions of the genome, with high statistical confidence. Unlike approaches that rely on read count and exon homology to determine confidence in prediction of circular RNA expression, our algorithm uses a statistical approach. Using our algorithm, we unveiled striking induction of general and tissue-specific circular RNAs, including in the heart and lung, during human fetal development. We discover regions of the human fetal brain, such as the frontal cortex, with marked enrichment for genes where circular RNA isoforms are dominant. The vast majority of circular RNA production occurs at major spliceosome splice sites; however, we find the first examples of developmentally induced circular RNAs processed by the minor spliceosome, and an enriched propensity of minor spliceosome donors to splice into circular RNA at un-annotated, rather than annotated, exons. Together, these results suggest a potentially significant role for circular RNA in human development.

  19. The Panther Mountain circular structure, a possible buried meteorite crater (United States)

    Isachsen, Y. W.; Wright, S. F.; Revetta, F. A.; Duneen, R. J.

    Panther Mountain, located near Phoenicia, New York, is part of the Catskill Mountains, which form the eastern end of the Allegheny Plateau in New York. It is a circular mass defined physiographically by an anomalous circular drainage pattern produced by Esopus Creek and its tributary Woodland Creek. The circular valley that rings the mountain is fracture-controlled; where bedrock is exposed, it shows a joint density 5 to 10 times greater than that on either side of the valley. Where obscured by alluvial valley fill, the bedrock's low seismic velocity suggests that this anomalous fracturing is continuous in the bedrock underlying the rim valley. North-south and east-west gravity and magnetic profiles were made across the structure. Terrane-corrected, residual gravity profiles show an 18-mgal negative anomaly, and very steep gradients indicate a near-surface source. Several possible explanations of the gravity data were modeled. We conclude that the Panther Mountain circular structure is probably a buried meteorite crater that formed contemporaneously with marine or fluvial sedimentation during Silurian or Devonian time. An examination of drill core and cuttings in the region is underway to search for ejecta deposits and possible seismic and tsunami effects in the sedimentary section. Success would result in both dating the impact and furnishing a chronostratigraphic marker horizon.

  20. Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 3) - Guarantees for representatives of the personnel

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 3) entitled “Guarantees for representatives of the personnel”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 5 December 2013 and entering into force on 1 January 2014, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department (see here).   This circular is applicable to all members of the personnel. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 13 (Rev. 2) entitled “Guarantees for members of the personnel holding representative office” of November 1992. The circular was revised in order to adapt the time given to the representatives of the personnel to perform their elective mandate and to ensure more transparency in their activities, by indicating, inter alia, the percentage of time worked in the framework of their mandate, as well as the training, activities and ensuing results. Department Head Office HR Department

  1. Researches Regarding The Circular Interpolation Algorithms At CNC Laser Cutting Machines (United States)

    Tîrnovean, Mircea Sorin


    This paper presents an integrated simulation approach for studying the circular interpolation regime of CNC laser cutting machines. The circular interpolation algorithm is studied, taking into consideration the numerical character of the system. A simulation diagram, which is able to generate the kinematic inputs for the feed drives of the CNC laser cutting machine is also presented.

  2. Analytical estimation of the dynamic apertures of circular accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao, J.


    By considering delta function sextupole, octupole, and deca-pole perturbations and using difference action-angle variable equations, we find some useful analytical formulae for the estimation of the dynamic apertures of circular accelerators due to single sextupole, single octupole, single deca-pole (single 2 m pole in general). Their combined effects are derived based on the Chirikov criterion of the onset of stochastic motions. Comparisons with numerical simulations are made, and the agreement is quite satisfactory. These formulae have been applied to determine the beam-beam limited dynamic aperture in a circular collider. (author)

  3. Inflation of polymer melts into elliptic and circular cylinders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Henrik Koblitz; Christensen, Jens Horslund; Gøttsche, Søren


    A thin sheet (membrane) of the polymeric material is clamped between a Teflon-coated thermostated plate and a thermostated aluminium cylinder. By applying thermostated air through the plate, the polymer membrane deforms into an elliptic or a circular cylinder. The position of the top of the infla......A thin sheet (membrane) of the polymeric material is clamped between a Teflon-coated thermostated plate and a thermostated aluminium cylinder. By applying thermostated air through the plate, the polymer membrane deforms into an elliptic or a circular cylinder. The position of the top...

  4. Characterization of a microfocused circularly polarized x-ray probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pollmann, J.; Srajer, G.; Maser, J.; Lang, J. C.; Nelson, C. S.; Venkataraman, C. T.; Isaacs, E. D.


    We report on the development of a circularly polarized x-ray microprobe in the intermediate energy range from 5 to 10 keV. In this experiment linearly polarized synchrotron radiation was circularly polarized by means of a Bragg-diffracting diamond phase retarder and subsequently focused down to a spot size of about 4x2 μm 2 by a Fresnel zone plate. The properties of the microprobe were characterized, and the technique was applied to the two-dimensional mapping of magnetic domains in HoFe 2 . (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics

  5. Electrically small circularly polarized spherical antenna with air core

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kim, O. S.


    An electrically small circularly polarized self-resonant spherical antenna with air core is presented. The antenna is a modified multiarm spherical helix exciting TM10 and TE10 spherical modes with equal radiated power, and thus yielding perfect circular polarization over the entire far......-field sphere (except the polar regions, where the radiation is low). The self-resonance is achieved by exciting higher-order TM modes, which provide the necessary electric stored energy in the near-field, while contributing negligibly to the far-field radiation of the antenna. The antenna has electrical size...

  6. Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Micro-electromechanical Circular Plate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chin-Chia Liu


    Full Text Available In the present study, the hybrid differential transformation and finite difference method is applied to analyze the dynamic behavior of the nonlinear micro-electromechanical circular plate actuated by combined DC / AC loading schemes. The analysis takes account of the axial residual stress and hydrostatic pressure acting on micro circular plate upper surface. The dynamic response of the plate as a function of the magnitude of the AC driving voltage is explored. Moreover, the effect of the initial gap height on the pull-in voltage of the plate is systematically explored.

  7. Capacitance of circular patch resonator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miano, G.; Verolino, L.; Naples Univ.; Panariello, G.; Vaccaro, V.G.; Naples Univ.


    In this paper the capacitance of the circular microstrip patch resonator is computed. It is shown that the electrostatic problem can be formulated as a system of dual integral equations, and the most interesting techniques of solutions of these systems are reviewed. Some useful approximated formulas for the capacitance are derived and plots of the capacitance are finally given in a wide range of dielectric constants

  8. [Haikou issues circular on planned parenthood]. (United States)


    The Organization Department of the Haikou Municipal CCP Committee, the municipal grain, finance, commerce, education bureau, personnel, public security, labor, civil affairs, public health, and housing bureaus, supply and marketing cooperative, and planned parenthood office recently issued a joint circular on implementing the provincial planned parenthood regulations. The circular demanded that the marriage registration and census system be seriously implemented. When people are registering for marriage, we must teach them to have only 1 child. We must give priority in housing and employment to an only child and his parents. When commercial, supply, and marketing departments are distributing coupons for fuel, and nonstaple food, they should supply a double amount to the only child. We must carry out serious health care for an only child and give them regular physical check-ups. When they are ill, hospitals should give them priority in registration, treatment, reservation of beds and medicines. The circular reiterated: We must seriously implement the stipulations on rewards and punishments contained in the provincial planned parenthood regulations. Cadres, staff, or workers who apply to have only 1 child must be given lump sums in addition to enjoying the relevant rewards stipulated by the regulations. Cadres, staff, workers, inhabitants, and commune workers who depend on state grain who violate the regulations must be punished according to the regulation. As for those who have 3 or more than 3 children, a 2nd child without planning, or an illegitimate child, the child's grain ration will be sold at negotiated price up to the age of 14. The grain department will distribute to them a supply ticket for negotiated price grain to buy grain in assigned grain shops. full text

  9. Analytical solution to the circularity problem in the discounted cash flow valuation framework

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Felipe Mejía-Peláez


    Full Text Available In this paper we propose an analytical solution to the circularity problem between value and cost of capital. Our solution is derived starting from a central principle of finance that relates value today to value, cash flow, and the discount rate for next period. We present a general formulation without circularity for the equity value (E, cost of levered equity (Ke, levered firm value (V, and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC. We furthermore compare the results obtained from these formulas with the results of the application of the Adjusted Present Value approach (no circularity and the iterative solution of circularity based upon the iteration feature of a spreadsheet, concluding that all methods yield exactly the same answer. The advantage of this solution is that it avoids problems such as using manual methods (i.e., the popular “Rolling WACC” ignoring the circularity issue, setting a target leverage (usually constant with the inconsistencies that result from it, the wrong use of book values, or attributing the discrepancies in values to rounding errors.

  10. Circular dichroism beamline B23 at the Diamond Light Source. (United States)

    Hussain, Rohanah; Jávorfi, Tamás; Siligardi, Giuliano


    Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) is a well established technique in structural biology. The first UV-VIS beamline, dedicated to circular dichroism, at Diamond Light Source Ltd, a third-generation synchrotron facility in south Oxfordshire, UK, has recently become operational and it is now available for the user community. Herein the main characteristics of the B23 SRCD beamline, the ancillary facilities available for users, and some of the recent advances achieved are summarized.

  11. Circular, explosion-proof lamp provides uniform illumination (United States)


    Circular explosion-proof fluorescent lamp is fitted around a TV camera lens to provide shadowless illumination with a low radiant heat flux. The lamp is mounted in a transparent acrylic housing sealed with clear silicone rubber.

  12. A growth factor signaling cascade confined to circular ruffles in macrophages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Timothy P. Welliver


    The formation of macropinosomes requires large-scale movements of membranes and the actin cytoskeleton. Over several minutes, actin-rich surface ruffles transform into 1–5 µm diameter circular ruffles, which close at their distal margins, creating endocytic vesicles. Previous studies using fluorescent reporters of phosphoinositides and Rho-family GTPases showed that signals generated by macrophages in response to the growth factor Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (M-CSF appeared transiently in domains of plasma membrane circumscribed by circular ruffles. To address the question of how signaling molecules are coordinated in such large domains of plasma membrane, this study analyzed the relative timing of growth factor-dependent signals as ruffles transformed into macropinosomes. Fluorescent protein chimeras expressed in macrophages were imaged by microscopy and quantified relative to circular ruffle formation and cup closure. The large size of macropinocytic cups allowed temporal resolution of the transitions in phosphoinositides and associated enzyme activities that organize cup closure. Circular ruffles contained transient and sequential spikes of phosphatidylinositol (4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5P2, phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3, diacylglycerol, PI(3,4P2, PI(3P and the activities of protein kinase C-α, Rac1, Ras and Rab5. The confinement of this signal cascade to circular ruffles indicated that diffusion barriers present in these transient structures focus feedback activation and deactivation of essential enzyme activities into restricted domains of plasma membrane.

  13. Light-induced circular birefringence in cyanoazobenzene side-chain liquid-crystalline polyester films

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Naydenova, I; Nikolova, L; Ramanujam, P.S.


    We report the inducement of large circular birefringence (optical activity) in films of a cyanoazobenzene side-chain liquid-crystalline polyester on illumination with circularly polarized light. The polyester has no chiral groups and is initially isotropic. The induced optical rotation is up to 5...

  14. A new derivation of the conformally flat stationary cyclic non-circular spacetimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayon-Beato, Eloy; Campuzano, Cuauhtemoc; GarcIa, Alberto


    We present an alternative way to derive the conformally flat stationary cyclic non-circular spacetimes. We show that there is no room for stationary axisymmetric non-circular axisymmetric spacetimes. We reproduce the well know results for this sort of spacetimes recently reported in [1

  15. A new derivation of the conformally flat stationary cyclic non-circular spacetimes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayon-Beato, Eloy [Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Fisica e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Veracruzana, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz (Mexico); Campuzano, Cuauhtemoc [Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Fisica e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Veracruzana, 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz (Mexico); GarcIa, Alberto [Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (United States)


    We present an alternative way to derive the conformally flat stationary cyclic non-circular spacetimes. We show that there is no room for stationary axisymmetric non-circular axisymmetric spacetimes. We reproduce the well know results for this sort of spacetimes recently reported in [1].

  16. Investigation of enhanced condensation heat transfer outside vertical titanium circularly-grooved tube

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhaorigetu; Huang Weitang; Lv Xiangbo; Liu Feng


    The investigation of enhanced condensation heat transfer had been conducted on the outside vertical Titanium circularly-grooved tube. The experimental result indicates that the Titanium circularly-grooved tube is fairly efficient in enhancing the heat transfer. Within the experimental scope, the total heat transfer coefficient of the optimum circularly-grooved tube is 1.12 to 1.36 times of that of the Titanium smooth tube. Through regression analysis on the experimental data, the experimental correlations for the inside heat transfer coefficient, the condensation heat transfer coefficient on film condensation and the friction coefficient were achieved. (authors)

  17. Circular RNAs in cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, L S; Hansen, T B; Venø, M T


    Circular RNA (circRNA) is a novel member of the noncoding cancer genome with distinct properties and diverse cellular functions, which is being explored at a steadily increasing pace. The list of endogenous circRNAs involved in cancer continues to grow; however, the functional relevance of the vast...... for circRNA cancer research and current caveats, which must be addressed to facilitate the translation of basic circRNA research into clinical use.Oncogene advance online publication, 9 October 2017; doi:10.1038/onc.2017.361....

  18. Medición de placas astrométricas obtenidas con el telescopio Astrográfico de La Plata (United States)

    di Sisto, R. P.; Orellana, R.

    El Observatorio de La Plata cuenta con un gran número de placas de asteroides y cometas obtenidas con el telescopio astrográfico, que cubren gran parte del cielo del hemisferio sur. En 1996 se recopilaron y clasificaron 2187 placas (Beca para estudiantes de la AAA 1996) de las cuales 2031 corresponden a asteroides. Los datos de cada placa se volcaron en una base de datos creada para facilitar su manejo y preservar la información. A partir de este trabajo se revisaron los MPC electrónicos y se identificaron aquellas placas de asteroides pertenecientes a nuestra base de datos cuyos resultados no fueron publicados en los mismos. De un total de 400 placas que no aparecían publicadas sobresalía un paquete constituído por 40 placas obtenidas en 1977. Estas últimas fueron reducidas utilizando las posiciones y movimientos propios de las estrellas de referencia obtenidas del catálogo SAO 2000 dadas para el sistema FK5. Las posiciones calculadas fueron enviadas y publicadas en los Minor Planet Circulars (MPC).

  19. Linearly and circularly polarized laser photoinduced molecular order in azo dye doped polymer films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saad Bendaoud


    Full Text Available Photo-induced behavior of Azo Disperse one (AZD1 doped Poly(Methyl MethAcrylate (PMMA using both linear and circular polarized light is studied. The anisotropy is not erased by the circular polarization light. The circular polarization light combined with relatively long lifetime of the cis state in azo dye doped polymers activate all transverse directions of the angular hole burning through the spot in the film inducing anisotropy. Under circular polarized light, there is no orientation perpendicularly to the helex described by the rotating electric field vector, trans molecules reorients in the propagation direction of the pump beam. The polarization state of the probe beam after propagation through the pumped spot depends strongly on the angle of incidence of both pump and probe beams on the input face. In the case where circular polarized pump and probe beams are under the same angle of incidence, the probe beam “sees” anisotropic film as if it is isotropic. Results of this work shows the possibility to reorient azobenzene-type molecules in two orthogonal directions using alternately linearly and circularly polarized beams.

  20. Shear stresses around circular cylindrical openings

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoogenboom, P.C.J.; Van Weelden, C.; Blom, C.M.B.


    In this paper stress concentrations are studied around circular cylindrical openings or voids in a linear elastic continuum. The loading is such that a uniform shear stress occurs in the continuum, which is disturbed by the opening. The shear stress is in the direction of the centre axis of the

  1. Economic Development Mode and Countermeasure Research on the Nansi Lake Drainage Area Based on Circular Economy


    Jia, Yong-fei; Peng, Li-min


    Firstly, it is pointed out that circular economy should be vigorously developed in the Nansi Lake Drainage Area, and the connotation of circular economy is expounded. Then, problems in developing circular economy in Nansi Lake Drainage Area are analyzed from the aspects of agriculture, industrial enterprises, and waste utilization. Finally, combining with the four modes of peasant household, enterprise, region and society in the development of circular economy, corresponding countermeasures a...

  2. The emergent role of digital technologies in the Circular Economy: A review

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pagoropoulos, Aris; Pigosso, Daniela Cristina Antelmi; McAloone, Tim C.


    Digital technologies have enabled the formulation of multiple Product Service-Systems (PSS) with considerable economic, environmental and societal benefits. One of the most promising paradigms, which is inspired by business models and value propositions that have already been described in the PSS....... The study concludes by identifying research gaps, reflecting on the application of digital technologies in the field of PSS and proposing suggestions for future research....... literature, is the concept of Circular Economy. Circular Economy is characterized as an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design and is attracting significant attention from researchers and policy makers alike. In light of the recent proliferation of digital technologies such as Big Data...... and the Internet of Things, this article attempts to identify how can digital technologies support the transition to Circular Economy. This article conducted a systematic review of the literature based on a review protocol, in an effort to evaluate the application of key digital technologies in Circular Economy...

  3. Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 3) - Categories of members of the personnel

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 3) entitled “Categories of members of the personnel”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 3 July 2014 and entering into force on 1 September 2014, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department.   This circular is applicable to all members of the personnel. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 2) entitled “Categories of members of the personnel” of January 2013. The circular was revised in order to include a minor adjustment of the determination of required period of break in the payment of subsistence allowance to certain categories of associated members of the personnel (taking account of possible technical means of control). Furthermore, the possibility of traineeships of long duration was restricted to cases in which the traineeship is awarded pursuant to an agreement between CERN and a...

  4. Magnetic induction strength on surface of a ferro-medium circular cylinder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Jin


    Full Text Available Based on the Ampere molecular current hypothesis and the Biot–Savart law, a magnetic model on the metal magnetic memory (MMM testing of a specimen is proposed. Relation between magnetic flux leakage (MFL and magnetization of a ferro-medium circular cylinder is set up. We can predict magnetization of material according to the MFL on surface of the circular cylinder.

  5. Biological processes for advancing lignocellulosic waste biorefinery by advocating circular economy. (United States)

    Liguori, Rossana; Faraco, Vincenza


    The actualization of a circular economy through the use of lignocellulosic wastes as renewable resources can lead to reduce the dependence from fossil-based resources and contribute to a sustainable waste management. The integrated biorefineries, exploiting the overall lignocellulosic waste components to generate fuels, chemicals and energy, are the pillar of the circular economy. The biological treatment is receiving great attention for the biorefinery development since it is considered an eco-friendly alternative to the physico-chemical strategies to increase the biobased product recovery from wastes and improve saccharification and fermentation yields. This paper reviews the last advances in the biological treatments aimed at upgrading lignocellulosic wastes, implementing the biorefinery concept and advocating circular economy. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Circularly organized quantum dot nanostructures of Ge on Si substrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Qijia; Chen, Peixuan; Zhong, Zhenyang; Jiang, Zuimin; Lu, Fang; An, Zhenghua


    A novel circularly arranged structure of germanium quantum dots has been fabricated by combining techniques including electron beam lithography, wet etching and molecular beam epitaxy. It was observed that both pattern and growth parameters affect the morphology of the quantum dot molecules. Meanwhile, the oxidation mask plays a vital role in the formation of circularly organized quantum dots. The experimental results demonstrate the possibilities of investigating the properties of quantum dot molecules as well as single quantum dots

  7. Injection and extraction techniques in circular accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Jingyu


    Injection and extraction are usually the key systems in circular accelerators. They play important roles in transferring the beam from one stage acceleration to the other or to experimental stations. It is also in the injection and extraction regions where beam losses happen mostly. Due to the tight space and to reduce the perturbation to the circulating orbit, the devices are usually designed to meet special requirements such as compactness, small stray field, fast rise time or fall time, etc. Usual injection and extraction devices include septum magnets, kicker magnets, electrostatic deflectors, slow bump magnets and strippers. In spite of different accelerators and specification for the injection and extraction devices, many techniques are shared in the design and manufacturing. This paper gives a general review on the techniques employed in the major circular accelerators in China. (authors)

  8. Optical force and torque on a dielectric Rayleigh particle by a circular Airy vortex beam (United States)

    Chen, Musheng; Huang, Sujuan; Shao, Wei; Liu, Xianpeng


    Optical force and torque exerted on the Rayleigh particles by tightly focused circularly polarized circular Airy vortex beams (CAVB) in the far field are studied in this paper. The relation between parameters of circularly polarized CAVB and the trapping properties is numerically analyzed based on Rayleigh models and the Debye diffraction theory. The results show that both the high refractive index and low refractive index particles can be fully stably trapped in three dimensions by circularly polarized CAVB. The parameters of circularly polarized CAVB greatly affect the optical force. The longitudinal and transverse gradient force increase with the increase of decay factor and scaling factor, and decrease with the increase of the radius of the first primary ring and topological charges. The positions of the longitudinal stable equilibrium move toward the high numerical aperture lens when the scaling factor and the radius of the primary ring increase. The trapping range is broadened with the decrease of scaling factor. The optical orbital torque (OOT) of circularly polarized CAVB has circular symmetry and remains positive or negative. With the increase of topological charges, the peak value of OOT first increases and then decreases after reaches a maximum. These results are useful for optical trapping, optical levitation and particle acceleration.

  9. A circular aperture array for ultrasonic tomography and quantitative NDE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nielsen, S A


    The main topics of this thesis are ultrasonic tomography and ultrasonic determination of elastic stiffness constants. Both issues are based on a synthetic array with transducer elements distributed uniformly along a circular aperture, i.e., a circular aperture array. The issues are treated both theoretically and experimentally by broadband pulse techniques. Ultrasonic tomography, UCT, from a circular aperture is a relatively new imaging technique in Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) to acquire cross sectional images in bulk materials. A filtered back-projection algorithm is used to reconstruct images in four different experiments and results of attenuation, velocity and reflection tomograms in Plexiglas of AlSi-alloy cylinders are presented. Two kinds of ultrasonic tomography are introduced: bistatic and monostatic imaging. Both techniques are verified experimentally by Plexiglas cylinders. Different reconstruction artifacts are discussed and theoretical resolution constraints are discussed for various configurations of the circular aperture array. The monostatic technique is used in volumetric imaging. In the experimental verification artificial and real discontinuities in a cylindrical AlSi-alloy are compared with similar discontinuities in a Plexiglas specimen. Finally, some limitations to UCT are discussed. The circular aperture array is used to determine five independent elastic stiffness constants of a unidirectional glass/PET (Poly Ethylene Teraphtalate) laminate. Energy flux propagation and attenuation of ultrasonic waves are considered and velocity surfaces are calculated for different planes of interest. Relations between elastic stiffness constants and engineering constants (i.e., Young`s moduli, shear moduli and Poisson`s ratios) are discussed for an orthotropic composite. Six micromechanical theories are reviewed, and expressions predicting the elastic engineering constants are evaluated. The micromechanical predicted elastic stiffness constants for the

  10. Avaliação fitoterápica da Jatropha gossypiifolia L. na cicatrização de suturas na parede abdominal ventral de ratos Phytotherapic evaluation of Jatropha gossypiifolia L. on rats ventral abdominal wall wound healing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ulcijara Aquino


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A espécie vegetal Jatropha gossypiifolia L., conhecida também como pião roxo, é utilizada na medicina popular como cicatrizante, anti-hipertensivo, purgativo e diurético. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da administração intraperitoneal da Jatropha gossypiifolia L., na cicatrização de suturas da parede abdominal ventral de ratos, observando-se os seus aspectos macroscópicos, tensiométricos e microscópicos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados no procedimento 40 ratos da linhagem Wistar, machos, distribuídos em dois grupos de 20. Após incisão da parede e abertura da cavidade abdominal, foi instilado 1 ml/kg/peso de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% no grupo controle e no grupo Jatropha o extrato bruto etanólico da Jatropha gossypiifolia L., na concentração de 1 ml/kg/ peso. Realizou-se a sutura da parede abdominal com fio de polipropileno, com pontos separados. Os animais foram avaliados na sua evolução pós-operatória e mortos em dois subgrupos, no 3º e 7º dia. Analisou-se a parede abdominal ventral macroscopicamente, mediu-se a força de resistência a tensão e foram estudados os aspectos histológicos do reparo cicatricial. RESULTADOS: No exame macroscópico encontraram-se aderências mais intensas nos subgrupos Jatropha no 3º e 7º dia. A avaliação tensiométrica foi significantemente maior nos subgrupos Jatropha no 3º e 7º dia. A avaliação histológica comparativa entre os subgrupos demonstrou que o processo inflamatório agudo foi significantemente maior no subgrupo Jatropha no 3º e 7º dia; a neoformação capilar foi significantemente maior no 3º dia pós-operatório do subgrupo Jatropha sendo os outros parâmetros histológicos semelhantes. CONCLUSÃO: O uso do extrato bruto de Jatropha gossypiifolia L. intraperitoneal não demonstrou melhora significativa no processo de cicatrização da sutura da parede abdominal ventral de ratos com a dose e concentração utilizadas.INTRODUCTION: The Jatropha gossypiifolia

  11. Embedding the Circular Economy in Investment Decision-making for Capital Assets – A Business Case Framework

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Korse, M.; Ruitenburg, Richard Jacob; Toxopeus, Marten E.; Braaksma, Anne Johannes Jan


    Industry shows an increasing interest in the circular economy. However, circularity for physical capital assets is still ill-defined and existing models are complex and information dependent hindering implementation. This paper addresses these gaps by operationalizing circular economy principles and

  12. 76 FR 18624 - Research, Technical Assistance and Training Programs: Notice of Final Circular (United States)


    ... to FTA Circular 6100.1D, Research and Technical Assistance Training Program: Application Instructions... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Transit Administration Research, Technical Assistance and Training Programs: Notice of Final Circular AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration (FTA), DOT. ACTION...

  13. Identification of Circular RNAs From the Parental Genes Involved in Multiple Aspects of Cellular Metabolism in Barley

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Behrooz eDarbani


    Full Text Available RNA circularization made by head-to-tail back-splicing events is involved in the regulation of gene expression from transcriptional to post-translational levels. By exploiting RNA-Seq data and down-stream analysis, we shed light on the importance of circular RNAs in plants. The results introduce circular RNAs as novel interactors in the regulation of gene expression in plants and imply the comprehensiveness of this regulatory pathway by identifying circular RNAs for a diverse set of genes. These genes are involved in several aspects of cellular metabolism as hormonal signaling, intracellular protein sorting, carbohydrate metabolism and cell-wall biogenesis, respiration, amino acid biosynthesis, transcription and translation, and protein ubiquitination. Additionally, these parental loci of circular RNAs, from both nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, encode for different transcript classes including protein coding transcripts, microRNA, rRNA, and long non-coding/microprotein coding RNAs. The results shed light on the mitochondrial exonic circular RNAs and imply the importance of circular RNAs for regulation of mitochondrial genes. Importantly, we introduce circular RNAs in barley and elucidate their cellular-level alterations across tissues and in response to micronutrients iron and zinc. In further support of circular RNAs' functional roles in plants, we report several cases where fluctuations of circRNAs do not correlate with the levels of their parental-loci encoded linear transcripts.Keywords: circular RNAs, coding and non-coding transcripts, leaves, seeds, transfer cells, micronutrients, mitochondria

  14. Aplicaciones del Gore-tex en Oftalmología

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    María Cáceres Toledo

    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar los resultados terapéuticos en la corrección quirúrgica de afecciones oculares, con el uso del Gore-tex y con la modificación realizada a la técnica quirúrgica convencional de la suspensión al frontal. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo en una serie de 16 casos: 7 con ptosis, 5 con estrabismo y 4 con retracción palpebral inferior. Para la corrección de la retracción y la ptosis se utilizaron fragmentos del referido material y una sutura de Gore-tex en la corrección del estrabismo y en algunos casos con ptosis. Se colocaron 2 mm de Gore-tex por cada milímetro de retracción y de ptosis palpebral. Se corrigieron 2 dioptrías prismáticas por cada milímetro de retroinserción del músculo afectado. Resultados: fueron satisfactorios en un total de 13 casos (87 %. La mayoría de los pacientes operados con la modificación realizada a la técnica de la suspensión al frontal disminuyeron los mm de caída hasta el nivel fisiológico palpebral. Conclusiones: los resultados son satisfactorios en la mayoría de los casos operados con el uso del Gore-tex y con la técnica de suspensión al frontal modificada.

  15. Innermost stable circular orbit of Kerr-MOG black hole

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Hyun-Chul; Han, Yong-Jin [Soonchunhyang University, Department of Physics, Asan (Korea, Republic of)


    We study the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of the metric of the Kerr black hole in modified gravity (Kerr-MOG black hole), which is one of the exact solutions of the field equation of modified gravity in the strong gravity regime. The Kerr-MOG metric is constructed; it is the commonly known Kerr metric in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates by adding a repulsive term like the Yukawa force, which is explained in quantum gravity. In this paper, we numerically calculate the circular orbit of a photon and the ISCO of a test particle of Kerr-MOG black holes. (orig.)

  16. Phase Radiation Characteristics of an Open-Ended Circular Waveguide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shishkova, A.V.; Pivnenko, Sergiy; Kim, O.S.


    Analytic expressions for phase radiation characteristics of a semi-infinite open-ended circular waveguide regardless of its aperture size and operating frequency have been obtained making use of the rigorous Weinstein's theory. The analysis of phase radiation patterns has been carried out...... for the dominant mode (TE11) as well as for the high order modes TM01 and TE01, both for a single and multimode propagation. The measurement of radiation characteristics of an open-ended circular waveguide has been carried out at the DTU-ESA Spherical Near-Field Antenna Test Facility. It is shown...

  17. Equipotential doming in flooded circular basins on the moon (United States)

    Roth, L. E.; Elachi, C.; Phillips, R. J.


    A procedure is presented that permits determination of the shape of the gravity field due to an arbitrary mass configuration with circular symmetry. The procedure is used to model the shape of the field associated with the lunar circular basins. The mean slopes of the equipotential surfaces generated by a superisostatic deposit corresponding to a near-surface Crisium-size mascon are calculated to fall within the range from 1:700 to 1:1000; those generated by a mantle rebound of the same excess mass, at 60 km below the lunar surface, cluster around the value of 1:1500.

  18. Modeling magnetic circular dichroism within the polarizable embedding approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørby, Morten Steen; Coriani, Sonia; Kongsted, Jacob


    Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) is defined as the differential absorption of left and right circularly polarized light in a sample subjected to an external magnetic field. In order to interpret the results of MCD measurements, theoretical predictions of key MCD parameters can be of utmost...... importance. From an experimental point of view, MCD spectra of molecules are often measured in an environment and most notably in a solution. Thus, it may be very important that the method used to predict the MCD parameters is able to correctly account for medium effects. In this paper, we investigate...

  19. 78 FR 14620 - Joint Development: Proposed Circular (United States)


    ... development. This circular provides guidance to recipients of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) financial... of opportunities for private sector participation in public transportation projects, and includes the... ``value capture'' mechanisms, such as income derived from rental or lease payments, and private sector...

  20. 77 FR 42077 - Environmental Justice: Final Circular (United States)


    ..., rulemaking, and policy formulation. The DOT Order sets forth steps to prevent disproportionately high and... Circular as a whole. Some commenters expressed concerns about perceived administrative and financial... Engagement With Environmental Justice Populations Chapter III contains recommended strategies and techniques...

  1. Large circular dichroism and optical rotation in titanium doped chiral silver nanorods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Titus, Jitto; Perera, A.G. Unil [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Optoelectronics Laboratory, GSU, Atlanta, GA (United States); Larsen, George; Zhao, Yiping [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Nanolab, UGA, Athens, GA (United States)


    The circular dichroism of titanium-doped silver chiral nanorod arrays grown using the glancing angle deposition (GLAD) method is investigated in the visible and near infrared ranges using transmission ellipsometry and spectroscopy. These films are found to have significant circular polarization effects across broad ranges of the visible to NIR spectrum, including large values for optical rotation. The characteristics of these circular polarization effects are strongly influenced by the morphology of the deposited arrays. Thus, the morphological control of the optical activity in these nanostructures demonstrates significant optimization capability of the GLAD technique for fabricating chiral plasmonic materials. (copyright 2016 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  2. Methodology for appreciation the manufacturing castings from perspective of circular economy (United States)

    Soporan, V. F.; Crișan, M.; Lehene, T.; Pop, A. L.


    This paper presents a methodology for studying the trends toward developing circular economy, comprising the following steps: description the field analyzed statistically and technological, establishing assessment criteria, establishing the event which will be analyzed and its description and evaluation of the event from the perspective of circular economy. The case study was designed to the manufacture castings through the analysis, after the methodology proposed, by the work of the 71-th World Foundry Congress in 2014 from Bilbao. The conclusion of this approach shows us that the manufacture castings through the trends expressed fall in the principles of circular economy. At the level of resources needed for the manufacturing process of castings - specifically immaterial resources, materials and energy, are analyzed at all levels, specific phases, namely: 1. Information analysis specific for the field; 2. Analysis preparation in terms of manufacturing technology and technological infrastructure available; 3. Analysis of manufacturing castings; 4. Analysis of the results of the manufacturing process; 5. Analysis of exploitation and disposal at end of life cycle; 6. Analysis of other phases that contribute to achieving castings; 7. Analysis of the entire process in terms of respecting the environment and sustainable development. The analysis method on a field belonging to the specific requirements of circular economy is made by analyzing a global event. This comprises the following stages: Establish specific criteria for the analyzed domain in relation to the circular economy; Specifying event works falling within the criteria set, which will be analyzed, and justification for selection.

  3. Magnetohydrodynamic flow past a circular cylinder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swarup, S.; Sinha, P.C.


    This paper deals with the slow-flow problem of an incompressible, viscous, electrically conducting fluid past a circular cylinder in an alignment magnetic field. The solutions for the velocity and magnetic fields as sought by the method of matched asymptotic expansions under the assumptions R,Rsub(m) 2 ) and O(R/log M), respectively. (Auth.)

  4. Determinación de perfiles para rotores de compresores de tornillo con perfil simétrico. // Profiles determination for screw compressors rotors with symmetrical profile.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Rivera Torres


    Full Text Available Los compresores rotativos de tornillo, constituyeron el acontecimiento histórico más relevante del siglo XX en el campodel proceso de compresión. Dentro de los elementos fundamentales de los compresores rotativos de tornillo se encuentranlos rotores, los cuales tienen lóbulos o canales helicoidales con perfiles con formas simétricas o asimétricas.En este articulo se presenta un método para el diseño de los perfiles de rotores para compresores o bombas de tornillo, conperfil circular, a partir del empleo de una curva de cuarto orden y la condición de conjugación de los engranajes, sin incluirel empleo de cicloides en la generación de dichos perfiles, lográndose características similares a la de los perfiles SRM.Palabras claves: Rotores, rotor macho, rotor hembra._____________________________________________________________________________Abstract:Rotary screw compressors constitute the most relevant historic event of the twentieth century in the field of the process ofcompression. The most fundamental elements of rotary screw compressors are the rotors, which have helical lobes or canalsand symmetrical or asymmetrical profiles.This paper presents a method of circular profile design for screw compressors or pumps, based on fourth order curves andthe conjugation of gears, which does not include the application of cycloids in profile generation but have similarcharacteristics to SRM profiles.Key words: rotors, male rotor, female rotor.

  5. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  6. Concentric circular ring and nanodisk optical antenna enhanced multispectral quantum dot infrared photodetector with spectral localization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Yingjie; Kemsri, Thitikorn; Li, Lin; Lu, Xuejun; Gu, Guiru


    In this paper, we report a concentric circular ring and nanodisk plasmonic optical antenna (POA) enhanced multispectral quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP). The circular ring and the nanodisk POA structures are designed to have plasmonic resonant wavelengths in the longwave infrared (LWIR) and the midwave infrared (MWIR) spectral regimes, respectively. The electric field ( E -field) distributions are simulated and show spectral localization due to the distinct plasmonic resonant wavelengths of the POA structures. The circular ring is found to enhance the E -fields in the nanodisk regions due to the mutual coupling. A concentric circular ring and nanodisk POA enhanced multispectral QDIP was fabricated and tested. Multispectral enhancement was observed. The enhancement is compared to that of a QDIP with only the circular ring POA structure. The experiment data agree with the simulation. The concentric circular ring and nanodisk POA provides a compact planar structure for multispectral QDIP enhancement. (paper)

  7. Multiband Circular Polarizer Based on Fission Transmission of Linearly Polarized Wave for X-Band Applications

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    Farman Ali Mangi


    Full Text Available A multiband circular polarizer based on fission transmission of linearly polarized wave for x-band application is proposed, which is constructed of 2 × 2 metallic strips array. The linear-to-circular polarization conversion is obtained by decomposing the linearly incident x-polarized wave into two orthogonal vector components of equal amplitude and 90° phase difference between them. The innovative approach of “fission transmission of linear-to-circular polarized wave” is firstly introduced to obtain giant circular dichroism based on decomposition of orthogonal vector components through the structure. It means that the incident linearly polarized wave is converted into two orthogonal components through lower printed metallic strips layer and two transmitted waves impinge on the upper printed strips layer to convert into four orthogonal vector components at the end of structure. This projection and transmission sequence of orthogonal components sustain the chain transmission of electromagnetic wave and can achieve giant circular dichroism. Theoretical analysis and microwave experiments are presented to validate the performance of the structure. The measured results are in good agreement with simulation results. In addition, the proposed circular polarizer exhibits the optimal performance with respect to the normal incidence. The right handed circularly polarized wave is emitted ranging from 10.08 GHz to 10.53 GHz and 10.78 GHz to 11.12 GHz, while the left handed circular polarized wave is excited at 10.54 GHz–10.70 GHz and 11.13 GHz–11.14 GHz, respectively.

  8. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  9. In-line production of a bi-circular field for generation of helically polarized high-order harmonics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kfir, Ofer, E-mail:, E-mail:; Bordo, Eliyahu; Ilan Haham, Gil; Lahav, Oren; Cohen, Oren, E-mail:, E-mail: [Solid State Institute and Physics Department, Technion, Haifa 32000 (Israel); Fleischer, Avner [Solid State Institute and Physics Department, Technion, Haifa 32000 (Israel); Department of Physics and Optical Engineering, Ort Braude College, Karmiel 21982 (Israel)


    The recent demonstration of bright circularly polarized high-order harmonics of a bi-circular pump field gave rise to new opportunities in ultrafast chiral science. In previous works, the required nontrivial bi-circular pump field was produced using a relatively complicated and sensitive Mach-Zehnder-like interferometer. We propose a compact and stable in-line apparatus for converting a quasi-monochromatic linearly polarized ultrashort driving laser field into a bi-circular field and employ it for generation of helically polarized high-harmonics. Furthermore, utilizing the apparatus for a spectroscopic spin-mixing measurement, we identify the photon spins of the bi-circular weak component field that are annihilated during the high harmonics process.

  10. Administrative Circular No. 22B (Rev. 2) - Compensation for hours of long-term shift work

    CERN Multimedia

    Department Head Office - HR Department


    Administrative Circular No. 22B (Rev. 2) entitled "Compensation for hours of long-term shift work",  approved by the Director-General following discussion in the Standing Concertation Committee meeting on 22 March 2016, will be available on 1st September 2016 via the following link:   This revised circular cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 22B (Rev. 1) also entitled "Compensation for hours of long-term shift work" of March 2011. This document contains minor changes to reflect the new career structure. This circular will enter into force on 1st September 2016.

  11. Near shot-noise limited time-resolved circular dichroism pump-probe spectrometer (United States)

    Stadnytskyi, Valentyn; Orf, Gregory S.; Blankenship, Robert E.; Savikhin, Sergei


    We describe an optical near shot-noise limited time-resolved circular dichroism (TRCD) pump-probe spectrometer capable of reliably measuring circular dichroism signals in the order of μdeg with nanosecond time resolution. Such sensitivity is achieved through a modification of existing TRCD designs and introduction of a new data processing protocol that eliminates approximations that have caused substantial nonlinearities in past measurements and allows the measurement of absorption and circular dichroism transients simultaneously with a single pump pulse. The exceptional signal-to-noise ratio of the described setup makes the TRCD technique applicable to a large range of non-biological and biological systems. The spectrometer was used to record, for the first time, weak TRCD kinetics associated with the triplet state energy transfer in the photosynthetic Fenna-Matthews-Olson antenna pigment-protein complex.

  12. Particle transport across a circular shear layer with coherent structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nielsen, A.H.; Lynov, J.P.; Juul Rasmussen, J.


    In the study of the dynamics of coherent structures, forced circular shear flows offer many desirable features. The inherent quantisation of circular geometries due to the periodic boundary conditions makes it possible to design experiments in which the spatial and temporal complexity of the coherent structures can be accurately controlled. Experiments on circular shear flows demonstrating the formation of coherent structures have been performed in different physical systems, including quasi-neutral plasmas, non-neutral plasmas and rotating fluids. In this paper we investigate the evolution of such coherent structures by solving the forced incompressible Navier-Stokes equations numerically using a spectral code. The model is formulated in the context of a rotating fluid but apply equally well to low frequency electrostatic oscillations in a homogeneous magnetized plasma. In order to reveal the Lagrangian properties of the flow and in particular to investigate the transport capacity in the shear layer, passive particles are traced by the velocity field. (orig.)

  13. Beam Dynamics and Beam Losses - Circular Machines

    CERN Document Server

    Kain, V


    A basic introduction to transverse and longitudinal beam dynamics as well as the most relevant beam loss mechanisms in circular machines will be presented in this lecture. This lecture is intended for physicists and engineers with little or no knowledge of this subject.

  14. Nonlinear spin-up in a circular cylinder

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Konijnenberg, J.A.; Heijst, van G.J.F.


    Nonlinear spin-up in a circular cylindrical tank is investigated experimentally and compared with the Wedemeyer model. The experiments were performed with water, using tracer particles floating at the free surface in order to visualize the flow field. The experimentally determined vorticity profiles

  15. Breaking the Barriers to the Circular Economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kirchherr, J.W.; Hekkert, M.P.; Bour, Ruben; Huijbrechtse-Truijens, Anne; Kostense-Smit, Erica; Muller, Jennifer


    The Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands and Deloitte have jointly carried out research on barriers to the Circular Economy (CE) in the European Union. For this research, a survey with 153 businesses, 55 government officials and expert interviews with

  16. Falling aprons at circular piers under currents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Sonneville, B.; Van Velzen, G.; Verheij, H.J.; Dorst, K.


    Traditional guidelines on rock protection at circular piers predominantly focus on preventing shear failure (by choosing a sufficiently large rock size), winnowing failure (by designing an appropriate filter) and edge failure (by selecting a sufficient extent). In particular areas (e.g. in an

  17. Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures Fabricated by Circularly Polarized Light. (United States)

    Saito, Koichiro; Tatsuma, Tetsu


    The chirality of materials results in a wide variety of advanced technologies including image display, data storage, light management including negative refraction, and enantioselective catalysis and sensing. Here, we introduce chirality to plasmonic nanostructures by using circularly polarized light as the sole chiral source for the first time. Gold nanocuboids as precursors on a semiconductor were irradiated with circularly polarized light to localize electric fields at specific corners of the cuboids depending on the handedness of light and deposited dielectric moieties as electron oscillation boosters by the localized electric field. Thus, plasmonic nanostructures with high chirality were developed. The present bottom-up method would allow the large-scale and cost-effective fabrication of chiral materials and further applications to functional materials and devices.

  18. Circular symmetry in topologically massive gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deser, S; Franklin, J


    We re-derive, compactly, a topologically massive gravity (TMG) decoupling theorem: source-free TMG separates into its Einstein and Cotton sectors for spaces with a hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector, here concretely for circular symmetry. We then generalize the theorem to include matter; surprisingly, the single Killing symmetry also forces conformal invariance, requiring the sources to be null. (note)

  19. Circular symmetry in topologically massive gravity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Deser, S [Physics Department, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02454 (United States); Franklin, J, E-mail: deser@brandeis.ed, E-mail: jfrankli@reed.ed [Reed College, Portland, OR 97202 (United States)


    We re-derive, compactly, a topologically massive gravity (TMG) decoupling theorem: source-free TMG separates into its Einstein and Cotton sectors for spaces with a hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector, here concretely for circular symmetry. We then generalize the theorem to include matter; surprisingly, the single Killing symmetry also forces conformal invariance, requiring the sources to be null. (note)

  20. Magnetic circular dichroism in electron microscopy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rusz, Ján; Novák, Pavel; Rubino, S.; Hébert, C.; Schattschneider, P.


    Roč. 113, č. 1 (2008), s. 599-604 ISSN 0587-4246. [CSMAG'07. Košice, 09.07.2007-12.07.2007] EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 508971 - CHIRALTEM Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10100521 Keywords : magnetic circular dichroism * electron microscopy Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism Impact factor: 0.321, year: 2008

  1. Spontaneous excitation of a circularly accelerated atom coupled to electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jin, Yao; Hu, Jiawei; Yu, Hongwei


    We study, using the formalism proposed by Dalibard, Dupont-Roc and Cohen-Tannoudji, the contributions of the vacuum fluctuation and radiation reaction to the rate of change of the mean atomic energy for a circularly accelerated multilevel atom coupled to vacuum electromagnetic fields in the ultrarelativistic limit. We find that the balance between vacuum fluctuation and radiation reaction is broken, which causes spontaneous excitations of accelerated ground state atoms in vacuum. Unlike for a circularly accelerated atom coupled to vacuum scalar fields, the contribution of radiation reaction is also affected by acceleration, and this term takes the same form as that of a linearly accelerated atom coupled to vacuum electromagnetic fields. For the contribution of vacuum fluctuations, we find that in contrast to the linear acceleration case, terms proportional to the Planckian factor are replaced by those proportional to a non-Planck exponential term, and this indicates that the radiation perceived by a circularly orbiting observer is no longer thermal as is in the linear acceleration case. However, for an ensemble of two-level atoms, an effective temperature can be defined in terms of the atomic transition rates, which is found to be dependent on the transition frequency of the atom. Specifically, we calculate the effective temperature as a function of the transition frequency and find that in contrast to the case of circularly accelerated atoms coupled to the scalar field, the effective temperature in the current case is always larger than the Unruh temperature. -- Highlights: •We study the spontaneous excitation of a circularly accelerated atom. •Contribution of radiation reaction to the excitation is affected by acceleration. •The radiation perceived by a circularly orbiting observer is no longer thermal. •An effective temperature can be defined in terms of atomic transition rates. •Effective temperature is larger than Unruh temperature and frequency-dependent

  2. Negative circular polarization as a universal property of quantum dots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, Matthew W.; Spencer, Peter; Murray, Ray


    This paper shows that negative circular polarization, a spin flip of polarized carriers resulting in emission of opposite helicity, can be observed in undoped, n-doped, and p-doped InAs/GaAs quantum dots. These results contradict the usual interpretation of the effect. We show using power dependent and time resolved spectroscopy that the generation of negative circular polarization correlates with excited state emission. Furthermore, a longer spin lifetime of negatively polarized excitons is observed where emission is largely ground state in character

  3. Evaluation of energy absorption performance of steel square profiles with circular discontinuities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dariusz Szwedowicz

    Full Text Available This article details the experimental and numerical results on the energy absorption performance of square tubular profile with circular discontinuities drilled at lengthwise in the structure. A straight profile pattern was utilized to compare the absorption of energy between the ones with discontinuities under quasi-static loads. The collapse mode and energy absorption conditions were modified by circular holes. The holes were drilled symmetrically in two walls and located in three different positions along of profile length. The results showed a better performance on energy absorption for the circular discontinuities located in middle height. With respect to a profile without holes, a maximum increase of 7% in energy absorption capacity was obtained experimentally. Also, the numerical simulation confirmed that the implementation of circular discontinuities can reduce the peak load (Pmax by 10%. A present analysis has been conducted to compare numerical results obtained by means of the finite element method with the experimental data captured by using the testing machine. Finally the discrete model of the tube with and without geometrical discontinuities presents very good agreements with the experimental results.

  4. Operational circular No.10 – Principles and procedures governing investigation of fraud

    CERN Multimedia


    Operational Circular No. 10 entitled “Principles and procedures governing investigation of Fraud”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 4 December 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department.   This circular is applicable to all persons working at or on behalf of CERN. The purpose of this new operational circular is to specify the definition of fraud and to lay down the Organization’s fraud investigation process pursuant to the CERN Anti-fraud Policy and in accordance with the principles of due process. Department Head Office HR Department

  5. Circular arc snakes and kinematic surface generation

    KAUST Repository

    Barton, Michael; Shi, Ling; Kilian, Martin; Wallner, Johannes; Pottmann, Helmut


    of circular arcs is well suited for such purposes, and allows us to reduce evolution of curves to the evolution of a control point collection in a certain finite-dimensional shape space. We approach this evolution by a 2-step process: linearized evolution via

  6. Parenting on Your Own. Circulars 1245-1258. (United States)

    Hughes, Robert, Jr.; And Others

    These 14 circulars for single parents provide advice about several aspects of parenting. Contents discuss developing self-esteem, conquering loneliness, managing stress, obtaining social support, managing time, controlling finances, getting and using credit, developing job-readiness skills, searching for a job, disciplining children effectively,…

  7. The Interpretation of Circular Priorities to Central European Business Environment with Focus on Hungary

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fogarassy Csaba


    Full Text Available In recent years, there was an increase in economic concepts which defined various concepts for the European Union to leave the economic depression behind. The idea of circular economy boomed into the sight of European Union policy makers in the beginning of 2015. The notion introduced a holistic system planning approach for EU development initiatives. This paper introduces the essential background for the interpretation of circular economy and presents the main priorities throughout its implementation. The size of the European Community leaves many opportunities for the reconsideration of circular processes. The study focuses on circular applications in Hungary which substantially differ from the Western-European practice. The different wage and development levels of the member states in some cases might appear as a possibility to extend product life cycles which otherwise would end sooner. The analysis aims to find the reasons for the variant operations and examines how the extended spatial perspective from national levels to the EU level influences the transition to circular economy.

  8. Modeling radio circular polarization in the Crab nebula (United States)

    Bucciantini, N.; Olmi, B.


    In this paper, we present, for the first time, simulated maps of the circularly polarized synchrotron emission from the Crab nebula, using multidimensional state of the art models for the magnetic field geometry. Synchrotron emission is the signature of non-thermal emitting particles, typical of many high-energy astrophysical sources, both Galactic and extragalactic ones. Its spectral and polarization properties allow us to infer key information on the particles distribution function and magnetic field geometry. In recent years, our understanding of pulsar wind nebulae has improved substantially thanks to a combination of observations and numerical models. A robust detection or non-detection of circular polarization will enable us to discriminate between an electron-proton plasma and a pair plasma, clarifying once for all the origin of the radio emitting particles, setting strong constraints on the pair production in pulsar magnetosphere, and the role of turbulence in the nebula. Previous attempts at measuring the circular polarization have only provided upper limits, but the lack of accurate estimates, based on reliable models, makes their interpretation ambiguous. We show here that those results are above the expected values, and that current polarimetric techniques are not robust enough for conclusive result, suggesting that improvements in construction and calibration of next generation radio facilities are necessary to achieve the desired sensitivity.

  9. Supercoiled circular DNA of an insect granulosis virus. (United States)

    Tweeten, K A; Bulla, L A; Consigli, R A


    The DNA of the granulosis virus of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, was characterized by physical chemical and electron microscopic techniques. Twenty-five percent of the DNA extracted from purified virus was isolated as supercoiled circular molecules. The remaining 75% consisted of relaxed circular molecules. These molecular forms were indicated by the production of two radioactive bands during sedimentation of (3)H-labeled granulosis virus DNA in alkaline sucrose gradients or in equilibrium density gradients of neutral cesium chloride/propidium iodide. Electron microscopic visualization of the DNA that banded at the higher density in the latter gradients revealed supercoiled structures whereas that of DNA that banded at the lower density demonstrated relaxed circular molecules. The superhelical molecules were converted to relaxed circles by treatment with pancreatic DNase. The molecular weight of the viral DNA was calculated to be 81 x 10(6) by sedimentation in neutral sucrose and 78 x 10(6) by sedimentation in alkaline sucrose. The molecular weight estimated from length measurements in electron micrographs was 76 x 10(6). The buoyant density of the granulosis virus DNA was 1.703 g/cm(3) and that of its insect host DNA was 1.697 g/cm(3). Equilibrium sedimentation in cesium chloride and thermal denaturation indicated G + C contents of 44% and 39% for the viral and host DNA, respectively.

  10. Ventajas de la cicatrización cutánea asistida por láser (LASH Advantages of laser assisted scar healing (LASH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Mordon


    Full Text Available La fase final de toda cirugía es la sutura y su cicatriz correspondiente y, frecuentemente, ésta es la única secuela visible de una intervención. La técnica LASH (cicatrización cutánea asistida por láser, estimula los mecanismos de reparación de la piel por efecto térmico, condicionando la calidad de la cicatrización. Estudios experimentales en ratones comparando los resultados obtenidos en heridas quirúrgicas radiadas con laser diodo 810 nm tras ser suturadas, con los obtenidos en igual tipo de heridas suturadas de manera convencional, han demostrado que se consiguen cicatrices mucho menos visibles cuando se practica el tratamiento con láser. La histología confirma, comparativamente, una notable aceleración del proceso cicatricial con modificación del TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor-Beta directamente implicado en la reparación tisular, en los animales en los que la sutura fue asistida por láser. Igualmente, el análisis tensiométrico demostró mayor resistencia a la acción de estiramiento mecánico en estas heridas. Estudios clínicos en pacientes sometidos a dermolipectomia, reducción mamaria y estiramiento facial, demuestran que al tratar con LASH una parte o una de las líneas de sutura, los análisis realizados tanto por los pacientes como por cirujanos independientes a los 8 días, 3 meses y un año, evidencian resultados más favorables para la técnica láser, Las dosis eficaces determinadas para las fluencias láser están entre 80 y 120 J/cm². La técnica LASH es simple de efectuar, reproducible, rápida y ofrece una clara evidencia de que es posible reducir considerablemente la cicatriz, logrando que ésta sea de mejor calidad y más estética.Suture is the final stage of surgery and as a consequence, a scar is frequently the only visible effect after an operation. LASH technique (Laser Assisted Scar Healing produces thermal effects to stimulate mechanisms for tissue repair that will determine the quality of

  11. Optimized fan-shaped chiral metamaterial as an ultrathin narrow-band circular polarizer at visible frequencies (United States)

    He, Yizhuo; Wang, Xinghai; Ingram, Whitney; Ai, Bin; Zhao, Yiping


    Chiral metamaterials have the great ability to manipulate the circular polarizations of light, which can be utilized to build ultrathin circular polarizers. Here we build a narrow-band circular polarizer at visible frequencies based on plasmonic fan-shaped chiral nanostructures. In order to achieve the best optical performance, we systematically investigate how different fabrication factors affect the chiral optical response of the fan-shaped chiral nanostructures, including incident angle of vapor depositions, nanostructure thickness, and post-deposition annealing. The optimized fan-shaped nanostructures show two narrow bands for different circular polarizations with the maximum extinction ratios 7.5 and 6.9 located at wavelength 687 nm and 774 nm, respectively.

  12. How to debrief teamwork interactions: using circular questions to explore and change team interaction patterns. (United States)

    Kolbe, Michaela; Marty, Adrian; Seelandt, Julia; Grande, Bastian


    We submit that interaction patterns within healthcare teams should be more comprehensively explored during debriefings in simulation-based training because of their importance for clinical performance. We describe how circular questions can be used for that purpose. Circular questions are based on social constructivism. They include a variety of systemic interviewing methods. The goals of circular questions are to explore the mutual dependency of team members' behavior and recurrent behavior patterns, to generate information, to foster perspective taking, to "fluidize" problems, and to put actions into relational contexts. We describe the nature of circular questions, the benefits they offer, and ways of applying them during debriefings.

  13. Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB): data bank and website design. (United States)

    Whitmore, Lee; Janes, Robert W; Wallace, B A


    The Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB) is a new deposition data bank for validated circular dichroism spectra of biomacromolecules. Its aim is to be a resource for the structural biology and bioinformatics communities, providing open access and archiving facilities for circular dichroism and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectra. It is named in parallel with the Protein Data Bank (PDB), a long-existing valuable reference data bank for protein crystal and NMR structures. In this article, we discuss the design of the data bank structure and the deposition website located at Our aim is to produce a flexible and comprehensive archive, which enables user-friendly spectral deposition and searching. In the case of a protein whose crystal structure and sequence are known, the PCDDB entry will be linked to the appropriate PDB and sequence data bank files, respectively. It is anticipated that the PCDDB will provide a readily accessible biophysical catalogue of information on folded proteins that may be of value in structural genomics programs, for quality control and archiving in industrial and academic labs, as a resource for programs developing spectroscopic structural analysis methods, and in bioinformatics studies. Copyright 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. Multiobjective Synthesis of Steerable UWB Circular Antenna Array considering Energy Patterns

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leopoldo A. Garza


    Full Text Available True-time delay antenna arrays have gained a prominent attention in ultrawideband (UWB applications such as directional communications and radar. This paper presents the design of steerable UWB circular array by using a multiobjective time-domain synthesis of energy pattern for circular antenna arrays. By this way we avoid individual beamforming for each frequency in UWB spectrum if the problem was addressed from the frequency domain. In order to obtain an energy pattern with low side lobe level and a desired main beam, the synthesis presented is performed by optimizing the true-time delays and amplitude coefficients for the antenna elements in a circular geometry. The method of Differential Evolution for Multiobjective Optimization (DEMO is used as the optimization algorithm in this work. This design of steerable UWB circular arrays considers the optimization of the true-time exciting delays and the amplitude coefficients across the antenna elements to operate with optimal performance in the whole azimuth plane (360°. A comparative analysis of the performance of the optimized design with the case of conventional progressive delay excitations is achieved. The provided results show a good performance for energy patterns and for their respective power patterns in the UWB spectrum.

  15. GOTCHA experience report: three-dimensional SAR imaging with complete circular apertures (United States)

    Ertin, Emre; Austin, Christian D.; Sharma, Samir; Moses, Randolph L.; Potter, Lee C.


    We study circular synthetic aperture radar (CSAR) systems collecting radar backscatter measurements over a complete circular aperture of 360 degrees. This study is motivated by the GOTCHA CSAR data collection experiment conducted by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Circular SAR provides wide-angle information about the anisotropic reflectivity of the scattering centers in the scene, and also provides three dimensional information about the location of the scattering centers due to a non planar collection geometry. Three dimensional imaging results with single pass circular SAR data reveals that the 3D resolution of the system is poor due to the limited persistence of the reflectors in the scene. We present results on polarimetric processing of CSAR data and illustrate reasoning of three dimensional shape from multi-view layover using prior information about target scattering mechanisms. Next, we discuss processing of multipass (CSAR) data and present volumetric imaging results with IFSAR and three dimensional backprojection techniques on the GOTCHA data set. We observe that the volumetric imaging with GOTCHA data is degraded by aliasing and high sidelobes due to nonlinear flightpaths and sparse and unequal sampling in elevation. We conclude with a model based technique that resolves target features and enhances the volumetric imagery by extrapolating the phase history data using the estimated model.

  16. A unique circular path of moving single bubble sonoluminescence in water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sadighi-Bonabi, Rasoul; Mirheydari, Mona; Ebrahimi, Homa; Rezaee, Nastaran; Nikzad, Lida


    Based on a quasi-adiabatic model, the parameters of the bubble interior for a moving single bubble sonoluminescence (m-SBSL) in water are calculated. By using a complete form of the hydrodynamic force, a unique circular path for the m-SBSL in water is obtained. The effect of the ambient pressure variation on the bubble trajectory is also investigated. It is concluded that as the ambient pressure increases, the bubble moves along a circular path with a larger radius and all bubble parameters, such as gas pressure, interior temperature and light intensity, increase. A comparison is made between the parameters of the moving bubble in water and those in N-methylformamide. With fluid viscosity increasing, the circular path changes into an elliptic form and the light intensity increases. (electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, classical mechanics, and fluid dynamics)

  17. Estimating non-circular motions in barred galaxies using numerical N-body simulations (United States)

    Randriamampandry, T. H.; Combes, F.; Carignan, C.; Deg, N.


    The observed velocities of the gas in barred galaxies are a combination of the azimuthally averaged circular velocity and non-circular motions, primarily caused by gas streaming along the bar. These non-circular flows must be accounted for before the observed velocities can be used in mass modelling. In this work, we examine the performance of the tilted-ring method and the DISKFIT algorithm for transforming velocity maps of barred spiral galaxies into rotation curves (RCs) using simulated data. We find that the tilted-ring method, which does not account for streaming motions, under-/overestimates the circular motions when the bar is parallel/perpendicular to the projected major axis. DISKFIT, which does include streaming motions, is limited to orientations where the bar is not aligned with either the major or minor axis of the image. Therefore, we propose a method of correcting RCs based on numerical simulations of galaxies. We correct the RC derived from the tilted-ring method based on a numerical simulation of a galaxy with similar properties and projections as the observed galaxy. Using observations of NGC 3319, which has a bar aligned with the major axis, as a test case, we show that the inferred mass models from the uncorrected and corrected RCs are significantly different. These results show the importance of correcting for the non-circular motions and demonstrate that new methods of accounting for these motions are necessary as current methods fail for specific bar alignments.

  18. Photoconductive detector of circularly polarized radiation based on a MIS structure with a CoPt layer (United States)

    Kudrin, A. V.; Dorokhin, M. V.; Zdoroveishchev, A. V.; Demina, P. B.; Vikhrova, O. V.; Kalent'eva, I. L.; Ved', M. V.


    A photoconductive detector of circularly polarized radiation based on the metal-insulator-semiconductor structure of CoPt/(Al2O3/SiO2/Al2O3)/InGaAs/GaAs is created. The efficiency of detection of circularly polarized radiation is 0.75% at room temperature. The operation of the detector is based on the manifestation of the effect of magnetic circular dichroism in the CoPt layer, that is, the dependence of the CoPt transmission coefficient on the sign of the circular polarization of light and magnetization.

  19. Magnetic x-ray circular dichroism in spin-polarized photoelectron diffraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Waddill, G.D.; Tobin, J.G.


    The first structural determination with spin-polarized, energy-dependent photoelectron diffraction using circularly-polarized x-rays is reported for Fe films on Cu(001). Circularly-polarized x-rays produced spin-polarized photoelectrons from the Fe 2p doublet, and intensity asymmetries in the 2p 3/2 level are observed. Fully spin-specific multiple scattering calculations reproduced the experimentally-determined energy and angular dependences. A new analytical procedure which focuses upon intensity variations due to spin-dependent diffraction is introduced. A sensitivity to local geometric and magnetic structure is demonstrated

  20. 76 FR 60590 - Environmental Justice; Proposed Circular (United States)


    ... oral presentations about the two proposed Circulars and allow attendees an opportunity to ask... of the comfort and safety of all attendees and the maximum seating capacity of meeting rooms, FTA... and non-traditional media, as well as digital media. Additional strategies to increase involvement of...

  1. the mathematics of ghanaian circular musical drumheads

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    overtones. INTRODUCTION. The mathematics of percussion drums and other musical instruments has been delved into by lots of researchers tackling it from different angles, and especially for circular drumheads with constant tension. Such drums include the conga which usually produces rhythmic sounds. But little or no ...

  2. PERMutation Using Transposase Engineering (PERMUTE): A Simple Approach for Constructing Circularly Permuted Protein Libraries. (United States)

    Jones, Alicia M; Atkinson, Joshua T; Silberg, Jonathan J


    Rearrangements that alter the order of a protein's sequence are used in the lab to study protein folding, improve activity, and build molecular switches. One of the simplest ways to rearrange a protein sequence is through random circular permutation, where native protein termini are linked together and new termini are created elsewhere through random backbone fission. Transposase mutagenesis has emerged as a simple way to generate libraries encoding different circularly permuted variants of proteins. With this approach, a synthetic transposon (called a permuteposon) is randomly inserted throughout a circularized gene to generate vectors that express different permuted variants of a protein. In this chapter, we outline the protocol for constructing combinatorial libraries of circularly permuted proteins using transposase mutagenesis, and we describe the different permuteposons that have been developed to facilitate library construction.

  3. Defense Outsourcing: The OMB Circular A-76 Policy

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Grasso, Valerie B


    This report provides information on the Office of Management and Budget s (OMB) Circular A-76, Performance of Commercial Activities, and the impact of a related reform initiative, the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (FAIR...

  4. Defense Outsourcing: The OMB Circular A-76 Policy

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Grasso, Valerie B


    This report provides information on the Office of Management and Budget's (0MB) Circular A-76, "Performance of Commercial Activities," and the impact of a related reform initiative, the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (FAIR...

  5. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  6. Two-craft Coulomb formation study about circular orbits and libration points (United States)

    Inampudi, Ravi Kishore

    This dissertation investigates the dynamics and control of a two-craft Coulomb formation in circular orbits and at libration points; it addresses relative equilibria, stability and optimal reconfigurations of such formations. The relative equilibria of a two-craft tether formation connected by line-of-sight elastic forces moving in circular orbits and at libration points are investigated. In circular Earth orbits and Earth-Moon libration points, the radial, along-track, and orbit normal great circle equilibria conditions are found. An example of modeling the tether force using Coulomb force is discussed. Furthermore, the non-great-circle equilibria conditions for a two-spacecraft tether structure in circular Earth orbit and at collinear libration points are developed. Then the linearized dynamics and stability analysis of a 2-craft Coulomb formation at Earth-Moon libration points are studied. For orbit-radial equilibrium, Coulomb forces control the relative distance between the two satellites. The gravity gradient torques on the formation due to the two planets help stabilize the formation. Similar analysis is performed for along-track and orbit-normal relative equilibrium configurations. Where necessary, the craft use a hybrid thrusting-electrostatic actuation system. The two-craft dynamics at the libration points provide a general framework with circular Earth orbit dynamics forming a special case. In the presence of differential solar drag perturbations, a Lyapunov feedback controller is designed to stabilize a radial equilibrium, two-craft Coulomb formation at collinear libration points. The second part of the thesis investigates optimal reconfigurations of two-craft Coulomb formations in circular Earth orbits by applying nonlinear optimal control techniques. The objective of these reconfigurations is to maneuver the two-craft formation between two charged equilibria configurations. The reconfiguration of spacecraft is posed as an optimization problem using the

  7. A New Dual Circularly Polarized Feed Employing a Dielectric Cylinder-Loaded Circular Waveguide Open End Fed by Crossed Dipoles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jae-Hoon Bang


    Full Text Available This paper presents a new dual circularly polarized feed that provides good axial ratio over wide angles and low cross-polarized radiation in backward direction. A circular waveguide open end is fed with two orthogonally polarized waves in phase quadrature by a pair of printed crossed dipoles and a compact connectorized quadrature hybrid coupler. The waveguide aperture is loaded with a dielectric cylinder to reduce the cross-polarization beyond 90 degrees off the boresight. The fabricated feed has, at 5.5 GHz, 6.33-dBic copolarized gain, 3-dB beamwidth of 106°, 10-dB beamwidth of 195°, 3-dB axial ratio beamwidth of 215°, maximum cross-polarized gain of −21.4 dBic, and 27-dB port isolation. The reflection coefficient of the feed is less than −10 dB at 4.99–6.09 GHz.

  8. High Performance Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna (United States)

    Bondyopadhyay, Probir K. (Inventor)


    A microstrip antenna for radiating circularly polarized electromagnetic waves comprising a cluster array of at least four microstrip radiator elements, each of which is provided with dual orthogonal coplanar feeds in phase quadrature relation achieved by connection to an asymmetric T-junction power divider impedance notched at resonance. The dual fed circularly polarized reference element is positioned with its axis at a 45 deg angle with respect to the unit cell axis. The other three dual fed elements in the unit cell are positioned and fed with a coplanar feed structure with sequential rotation and phasing to enhance the axial ratio and impedance matching performance over a wide bandwidth. The centers of the radiator elements are disposed at the corners of a square with each side of a length d in the range of 0.7 to 0.9 times the free space wavelength of the antenna radiation and the radiator elements reside in a square unit cell area of sides equal to 2d and thereby permit the array to be used as a phased array antenna for electronic scanning and is realizable in a high temperature superconducting thin film material for high efficiency.

  9. Enhancement of Chiroptical Signals by Circular Differential Mie Scattering of Nanoparticles


    SeokJae Yoo; Q-Han Park


    We enhance the weak optical signals of small chiral molecules via circular differential Mie scattering (CDMS) of nanoparticles immersed in them. CDMS is the preferential Mie scattering of left- and right-handed circularly polarized light by nanoparticles whose sizes are about the same as the wavelength of light. Solving the Mie scattering theory for chiral media, we find that the CDMS signal of the particle is linearly proportional to the chirality parameter κ of the molecules. This linear am...

  10. A transposase strategy for creating libraries of circularly permuted proteins. (United States)

    Mehta, Manan M; Liu, Shirley; Silberg, Jonathan J


    A simple approach for creating libraries of circularly permuted proteins is described that is called PERMutation Using Transposase Engineering (PERMUTE). In PERMUTE, the transposase MuA is used to randomly insert a minitransposon that can function as a protein expression vector into a plasmid that contains the open reading frame (ORF) being permuted. A library of vectors that express different permuted variants of the ORF-encoded protein is created by: (i) using bacteria to select for target vectors that acquire an integrated minitransposon; (ii) excising the ensemble of ORFs that contain an integrated minitransposon from the selected vectors; and (iii) circularizing the ensemble of ORFs containing integrated minitransposons using intramolecular ligation. Construction of a Thermotoga neapolitana adenylate kinase (AK) library using PERMUTE revealed that this approach produces vectors that express circularly permuted proteins with distinct sequence diversity from existing methods. In addition, selection of this library for variants that complement the growth of Escherichia coli with a temperature-sensitive AK identified functional proteins with novel architectures, suggesting that PERMUTE will be useful for the directed evolution of proteins with new functions.

  11. Rectification of harmonically oscillating magnetic fields in quarter circular Josephson junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shaju, P.D.; Kuriakose, V.C.


    A novel method for rectifying harmonically varying magnetic fields is demonstrated using fluxons in quarter circular Josephson junctions (JJs). A JJ with a quarter circular geometry terminated with a load resistor at one end is found to be capable of rectifying alternating fields when biased with a constant dc current. An external magnetic field applied parallel to the dielectric barrier of the junction interacts with the edges of the junction and make asymmetric boundary conditions. These asymmetric boundary conditions facilitate fluxon penetration under a dc bias from one end of the junction in alternate half cycles of the applied field. Thus effective rectification of the field can be achieved using quarter circular JJs. This unique phenomenon is specific to this geometry and can be exploited for making superconducting magnetic field rectifiers. This proposed device is expected to have important applications in millimeter and sub-millimeter radio wave astronomy

  12. Dual Circularly Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna with Slot Array on Coaxial Cylinder

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bin Zhou


    Full Text Available A dual circularly polarized (CP omnidirectional antenna based on slot array in coaxial cylinder structure is presented in this paper. It is constructed by perpendicular slot pairs around and along the axis of the coaxial cylinder to realize the omnidirectional CP property, and two ports are assigned in its two sides as left hand circularly polarized (LHCP port and right hand circularly polarized (RHCP port, respectively. The proposed antenna achieves a bandwidth of 16.4% ranging from 5.05 to 5.95 GHz with an isolation higher than 15 dB between the two CP ports, and the return loss (RL is higher than 10 dB within the bandwidth in both of the two ports. From the measured results, the average axial ratio (AR of the proposed antenna in omnidirectional plane is lower than 1.5 dB.

  13. Circularly polarized light emission in scanning tunneling microscopy of magnetic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Apell, S.P.; Penn, D.R.; Johansson, P.


    Light is produced when a scanning tunneling microscope is used to probe a metal surface. Recent experiments on cobalt utilizing a tungsten tip found that the light is circularly polarized; the sense of circular polarization depends on the direction of the sample magnetization, and the degree of polarization is of order 10%. This raises the possibility of constructing a magnetic microscope with very good spatial resolution. We present a theory of this effect for iron and cobalt and find a degree of polarization of order 0.1%. This is in disagreement with the experiments on cobalt as well as previous theoretical work which found order of magnitude agreement with the experimental results. However, a recent experiment on iron showed 0.0±2%. We predict that the use of a silver tip would increase the degree of circular polarization for a range of photon energies

  14. Beamline 9.3.2 - a high-resolution, bend-magnet beamline with circular polarization capability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moler, E.J.; Hussain, Z.; Howells, M.R. [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., CA (United States)] [and others


    Beamline 9.3.2 is a high resolution, SGM beamline on an ALS bending magnet with access to photon energies from 30-1500 eV. Features include circular polarization capability, a rotating chamber platform that allows switching between experiments without breaking vacuum, an active feedback system that keeps the beam centered on the entrance slit of the monochromator, and a bendable refocusing mirror. The beamline optics consist of horizontally and vertically focussing mirrors, a Spherical Grating Monochromator (SGM) with movable entrance and exit slits, and a bendable refocussing mirror. In addition, a movable aperature has been installed just upstream of the vertically focussing mirror which can select the x-rays above or below the plane of the synchrotron storage ring, allowing the user to select circularly or linearly polarized light. Circularly polarized x-rays are used to study the magnetic properties of materials. Beamline 9.3.2 can supply left and right circularly polarized x-rays by a computer controlled aperture which may be placed above or below the plane of the synchrotron storage ring. The degree of linear and circular polarization has been measured and calibrated.

  15. Can circular economy be an answer to the depletion of natural resources?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dufour, Alma


    After having outlined that high rise of raw material prices threatens world economy, and that present consumption modes contribute to a fast depletion of natural resources, the author presents the concept of circular economy which relies on a double process: a systematic decrease of raw material input and of energy and water flows used for production, and an extension of product lifetime through the development of their repair, their re-use and their recycling. She outlines that these principles are closer to the Brundtland report which introduced the notion of sustainable development, than to the Meadows report which advocates a stoppage of demographic growth and of economic growth. She shows that circular economy is a more relevant and credible answer to the stake of sustainable development than solutions proposed by the economic sphere. She comments the present dynamics of circular economy which is still at an experimental stage. As the world system seems to be stuck in the linear system, she discusses whether developing countries are better placed for a transition towards circular economy. She finally analyses and describes the role of markets, governance and regulation as levers for such a transition

  16. Análise comparativa do resultado da sutura artroscópica da lesão do manguito rotador em pacientes fumantes e não fumantes Comparative analysis on the result from arthroscopic suturing of rotator cuff injuries between smoking and non-smoking patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Almeida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar de forma comparativa o resultado da sutura artroscópica da lesão do manguito rotador em pacientes fumantes e não fumantes. MÉTODOS: Foi analisado um grupo de 286 pacientes submetidos à sutura artroscópica de uma lesão primária do manguito rotador no período de 12 de junho de 2002 a 14 de maio de 2008. Os pacientes incluídos no estudo foram avaliados pela escala de UCLA com um seguimento mínimo de 12 meses e médio de 56,52 meses. As variáveis estudadas foram: idade, sexo, lado operado, dominância, perfil de uso de cigarros e índice de UCLA. RESULTADOS: O estudo avaliou um total de 205 pacientes. Foi analisada estatisticamente a média de idade (p = 0,289 e o sexo (p = 0,124 entre o grupo de pacientes fumantes e não fumantes e ambos foram considerados semelhantes. Quando analisamos os pacientes não fumantes (143, verificamos um UCLA médio de 34 (32 a 35. Quando analisamos os pacientes fumantes (51, verificamos um UCLA médio de 33 (29-35. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quando foi avaliado de forma comparativa o UCLA de pacientes não fumantes com o de pacientes fumantes (p = 0,123. Para fins de análise estatística agrupamos as lesões pequenas e médias (107 e comparamos com as grandes e extensas (80 entre pacientes fumantes e não fumantes. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa pelo teste de Mann-Whitney quando foi avaliado de forma comparativa o UCLA de lesões pequenas e médias (p = 818. Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa pelo teste de Mann-Whitney quando foi avaliado de forma comparativa o UCLA de lesões grandes e extensas entre os pacientes não fumantes e fumantes, sendo que os pacientes não fumantes apresentaram melhor UCLA (p = 0,038. CONCLUSÃO: O resultado da sutura artroscópica das lesões grandes e extensas do manguito rotador é inferior em pacientes fumantes.OBJECTIVE: To comparatively analyze the results from arthroscopic suturing of rotator

  17. A circular multifocal collimator for 3D SPECT imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guillemaud, R.; Grangeat, P.


    In order to improve sensitivity of 3D Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) image, a cone-beam collimator can be used. A new circular multifocal collimator is proposed. The multiple focal points are distributed on a transaxial circle which is the trajectory of the focal points during the circular acquisition. This distribution provides a strong focusing at the center of the detector like a cone-beam collimator, with a good sensitivity, and a weak transaxial focusing at the periphery. A solution for an analytical multifocal reconstruction algorithm has been derived. Grangeat algorithm is proposed to use for this purpose in order to reconstruct with a good sensitivity the region of interest. (R.P.) 3 refs

  18. Circular polarization in a non-magnetic resonant tunneling device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Airey Robert


    Full Text Available Abstract We have investigated the polarization-resolved photoluminescence (PL in an asymmetric n-type GaAs/AlAs/GaAlAs resonant tunneling diode under magnetic field parallel to the tunnel current. The quantum well (QW PL presents strong circular polarization (values up to -70% at 19 T. The optical emission from GaAs contact layers shows evidence of highly spin-polarized two-dimensional electron and hole gases which affects the spin polarization of carriers in the QW. However, the circular polarization degree in the QW also depends on various other parameters, including the g-factors of the different layers, the density of carriers along the structure, and the Zeeman and Rashba effects.

  19. Modeling Electronic Circular Dichroism within the Polarizable Embedding Approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nørby, Morten S; Olsen, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard; Steinmann, Casper


    We present a systematic investigation of the key components needed to model single chromophore electronic circular dichroism (ECD) within the polarizable embedding (PE) approach. By relying on accurate forms of the embedding potential, where especially the inclusion of local field effects...... are in focus, we show that qualitative agreement between rotatory strength parameters calculated by full quantum mechanical calculations and the more efficient embedding calculations can be obtained. An important aspect in the computation of reliable absorption parameters is the need for conformational...... sampling. We show that a significant number of snapshots are needed to avoid artifacts in the calculated electronic circular dichroism parameters due to insufficient configurational sampling, thus highlighting the efficiency of the PE model....

  20. A New Kind of Circular Polarization Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide

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    Chong Zhang


    Full Text Available A new kind of circular polarization leaky-wave antenna with N-shaped slots cut in the upper side of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW is investigated and presented. The radiation pattern and polarization axial ratio of the leaky-wave antenna are studied. The results show that the width of N-shaped slots has significant effect on the circular polarization property of the antenna. By properly choosing structural parameters, the SIW based leaky-wave antenna can realize circular polarization with excellent axial ratio in 8 GHz satellite band.

  1. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  2. The Structure of a Thermophilic Kinase Shapes Fitness upon Random Circular Permutation. (United States)

    Jones, Alicia M; Mehta, Manan M; Thomas, Emily E; Atkinson, Joshua T; Segall-Shapiro, Thomas H; Liu, Shirley; Silberg, Jonathan J


    Proteins can be engineered for synthetic biology through circular permutation, a sequence rearrangement in which native protein termini become linked and new termini are created elsewhere through backbone fission. However, it remains challenging to anticipate a protein's functional tolerance to circular permutation. Here, we describe new transposons for creating libraries of randomly circularly permuted proteins that minimize peptide additions at their termini, and we use transposase mutagenesis to study the tolerance of a thermophilic adenylate kinase (AK) to circular permutation. We find that libraries expressing permuted AKs with either short or long peptides amended to their N-terminus yield distinct sets of active variants and present evidence that this trend arises because permuted protein expression varies across libraries. Mapping all sites that tolerate backbone cleavage onto AK structure reveals that the largest contiguous regions of sequence that lack cleavage sites are proximal to the phosphotransfer site. A comparison of our results with a range of structure-derived parameters further showed that retention of function correlates to the strongest extent with the distance to the phosphotransfer site, amino acid variability in an AK family sequence alignment, and residue-level deviations in superimposed AK structures. Our work illustrates how permuted protein libraries can be created with minimal peptide additions using transposase mutagenesis, and it reveals a challenge of maintaining consistent expression across permuted variants in a library that minimizes peptide additions. Furthermore, these findings provide a basis for interpreting responses of thermophilic phosphotransferases to circular permutation by calibrating how different structure-derived parameters relate to retention of function in a cellular selection.

  3. Effect of multiple circular holes Fraunhofer diffraction for the infrared optical imaging (United States)

    Lu, Chunlian; Lv, He; Cao, Yang; Cai, Zhisong; Tan, Xiaojun


    With the development of infrared optics, infrared optical imaging systems play an increasingly important role in modern optical imaging systems. Infrared optical imaging is used in industry, agriculture, medical, military and transportation. But in terms of infrared optical imaging systems which are exposed for a long time, some contaminations will affect the infrared optical imaging. When the contamination contaminate on the lens surface of the optical system, it would affect diffraction. The lens can be seen as complementary multiple circular holes screen happen Fraunhofer diffraction. According to Babinet principle, you can get the diffraction of the imaging system. Therefore, by studying the multiple circular holes Fraunhofer diffraction, conclusions can be drawn about the effect of infrared imaging. This paper mainly studies the effect of multiple circular holes Fraunhofer diffraction for the optical imaging. Firstly, we introduce the theory of Fraunhofer diffraction and Point Spread Function. Point Spread Function is a basic tool to evaluate the image quality of the optical system. Fraunhofer diffraction will affect Point Spread Function. Then, the results of multiple circular holes Fraunhofer diffraction are given for different hole size and hole spacing. We choose the hole size from 0.1mm to 1mm and hole spacing from 0.3mm to 0.8mm. The infrared wavebands of optical imaging are chosen from 1μm to 5μm. We use the MATLAB to simulate light intensity distribution of multiple circular holes Fraunhofer diffraction. Finally, three-dimensional diffraction maps of light intensity are given to contrast.

  4. Solid angle subtended by two circular discs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gilly, Louis.


    Methods of calculation of solid angles, subtended by two circular discs are analysed. Calculus are methodically classified as follow: series development Legendre polynomes, defined integral, elliptic integrals, Bessel integrals, multiple integrals, Monte Carlo method, electrostatic analogy. Applications in Nuclear Physics are added as examples. List of numeric tables completes bibliography [fr

  5. 78 FR 72863 - Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipe From the People's Republic of China: Continuation of... (United States)


    ...-Quality Steel Pipe From the People's Republic of China: Continuation of Antidumping Duty Order AGENCY... circular welded carbon-quality steel pipe (``circular welded pipe'') from the People's Republic of China...\\ See Initiation of Five-Year (``Sunset'') Review, 78 FR 33063 (June 3, 2013). \\2\\ See Circular Welded...

  6. Solar still with ejector: Experimental phase; Destilador solar con eyector: Fase experimental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales, Juan R; Lopez, Raymundo; Diaz, Alen; Lara, Araceli; Lizardi, Arturo [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    temperatura adecuada se doto al simulador de una resistencia de 500 W. El tirante se selecciono de 5 cm. Para que la resistencia de calefaccion pudiera estar completamente sumergida. La caseta se construyo con paredes de acrilico y la parte superior por dos paneles de vidrio de 3 mm de espesor formando un angulo de 20 grados respecto de la horizontal de modo que se ajuste a la latitud del lugar del ensayo, la Ciudad de Mexico. El eyector tiene una longitud de 25 cm y una seccion transversal de 19 mm; y se monta a lo largo de la caseta cuidando que se posicion quede ligeramente por encima del tirante. El fluido motor, en este caso agua, se hace circular por el eyector por medio de un deposito presurizado con aire. El gasto se regula con una valvula de aguja y cada carga del tanque permite una operacion de 60 min. La presion en el tanque externo al eyector (deposito presurizado) permite desarrollar una carga de 40 m columna de agua. El agua en el colector se lleva a una temperatura uniforme y constante de 40 grados Celsius, se espera que todo el medio del eyector alcance la temperatura senalada y se hace circular agua a 20 grados Celsius por el eyector. La operacion del simulador es intermitente. Los resultados se presentan en una tabla y muestran que el funcionamiento del destilador asistido por el eyector puede ser mejorado en forma notable.

  7. Diet quality of supermarket sales circulars measured by the Healthy Eating Index-2010 (United States)

    The purpose of this study was to determine how closely the contents of weekly supermarket sales circulars conform to current dietary guidance and how closely the diet quality of those foods compare to that of the U.S. population’s intakes. Food and beverage items (n = 9,151) in 52 weekly circulars ...

  8. Circular RNA and miR-7 in Cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Thomas Birkballe; Kjems, Jørgen; Damgaard, Christian Kroun


    MicroRNAs (miRNA) play important roles in fine-tuning gene expression and are often deregulated in cancer. The identification of competing endogenous RNA and circular RNA (circRNA) as important regulators of miRNA activity underscores the increasing complexity of ncRNA-mediated regulatory networks....... Particularly, the recently identified circular RNA, ciRS-7, which acts as a designated miR-7 inhibitor/sponge, has conceptually changed the mechanistic understanding of miRNA networks. As miR-7 modulates the expression of several oncogenes, disclosing the regulation of miR-7 activity will likely advance...... the understanding of various cancer etiologies. Here, we review the current knowledge about the ciRS-7/miR-7 axis in cancer-related pathways and discuss possible models explaining the relevance of coexpressing miR-7 along with a circRNA inhibitor....

  9. 3D knitting using large circular knitting machines (United States)

    Simonis, K.; Gloy, Y.-S.; Gries, T.


    For the first time 3D structures can now be produced on large circular knitting machines. Till date, such structures could only be manufactured on flat knitting machines. Since large circular knitting machines operate much faster, this development increases the overall productivity of 3D knits. It thus opens up a totally new avenue for cost reduction for applications in sportswear, upholstery, aerospace and automotive industry. The following paper presents the state of the art regarding the realisation of three dimensional fabrics. In addition, current knitting technologies regarding three dimensional formations will be explained. Results of the pretrials explaining the change in knitted fabrics´ dimension, executed at the Institut für Textiltechnik of the RWTH Aachen University, will be presented. Finally, the description of the 3D knit prototype developed will be provided as a part of this paper.

  10. Structure analysis of biomolecules using synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectrophotometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gekko, Kunihiko; Matsuo, Koichi


    We constructed the vacuum-ultraviolet circular dichroism (VUVCD) spectrophotometer, which is capable of measuring circular dichroism spectra to 140 nm for aqueous solutions at temperature from -30 to 70degC, using a small-scale SR source at Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HiSOR). This spectrophotometer was used for structural analyses of amino acids, saccharides, and proteins in water. The obtained results demonstrate that a synchrotron radiation VUVCD spectroscopy provides more detailed and new information on the structures of biomolecules, based on the high energy transitions of chromophores such as hydroxyl, acetal, and peptide groups. (author)

  11. Three-dimensional Reconstruction Method Study Based on Interferometric Circular SAR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hou Liying


    Full Text Available Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar (CSAR can acquire targets’ scattering information in all directions by a 360° observation, but a single-track CSAR cannot efficiently obtain height scattering information for a strong directive scatter. In this study, we examine the typical target of the three-dimensional circular SAR interferometry theoryand validate the theory in a darkroom experiment. We present a 3D reconstruction of the actual tank metal model of interferometric CSAR for the first time, verify the validity of the method, and demonstrate the important potential applications of combining 3D reconstruction with omnidirectional observation.

  12. Collection of ministerial circulars on the transport of radioactive substances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication by the CNEN reproduces the full texts of Ministerial Circulars on the transport by road, rail, air and sea of radioactive substances, made in implementation of Act No. 1860 on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy of 1962, as amended by Decree No. 1704 of 1965, laying down that regulatory standards should be elaborated for such transport in accordance with the Euratom basic radiation protection standards and the IAEA Regulations on the Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials. These Circulars are set out in chronological order with reference to the national and international provisions under which they were made. (NEA) [fr

  13. Optimization design of high power ultrasonic circular ring radiator in coupled vibration. (United States)

    Xu, Long; Lin, Shuyu; Hu, Wenxu


    This paper presents a new high power ultrasonic (HPU) radiator, which consists of a transducer, an ultrasonic horn, and a metal circular ring. Both the transducer and horn in longitudinal vibrations are used to drive a metal circular ring in a radial-axial coupled vibration. This coupled vibration cannot only generate ultrasound in both the radial and axial directions, but also focus the ultrasound inside the circular ring. Except for the radial-axial coupled vibration mode, the third longitudinal harmonic vibration mode with relative large vibration amplitude is also detected, which can be used as another operation mode. Overall, the HPU with these two vibration modes should have good potential to be applied in liquid processing, such as sonochemistry, ultrasonic cleaning, and Chinese herbal medicine extraction. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.

  15. Classical transport in a non-circular z-pinch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eriksson, G.


    A method is devised, in which particle and heat fluxes are found by solving the heat balance equation self-consistently for specified profiles. The procedure is applied to an equilibrium which corresponds to a non-circular z-pinch. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  17. Circular dichroism probed by two-photon fluorescence microscopy in enantiopure chiral polyfluorene thin films

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Savoini, M.; Wu, Xiaofei; Celebrano, M.; Ziegler, J.; Biagioni, P.; Meskers, S.C.J.; Duo, L.; Hecht, B.; Finazzi, M.


    Two-photon fluorescence scanning confocal microscopy sensitive to circular dichroism with a diffraction-limited resolution well below 500 nm is demonstrated. With this method, the spatial variation of the circular dichroism of thermally annealed chiral polyfluorene thin films has been imaged. We

  18. Numerical study of pressure drop and heat transfer from circular and cam-shaped tube bank in cross-flow of nanofluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mirabdolah Lavasani, Arash; Bayat, Hamidreza


    Highlights: • Flow around non-circular and circular shaped tube bank is studied. • Effect of using Al_2O_3-water nanofluid on flow and heat transfer is discussed. • Tubes are with in-line and staggered arrangement. • Pressure drop of non-circular tube is noticeably lower that circular tube. - Abstract: Flow and heat transfer of nanofluid inside circular and cam-shaped tube bank is studied numerically. Reynolds number for cam-shaped tube bank is defined based on equivalent diameter of circular tube and varies in range of 100 ⩽ Re_D ⩽ 400. Nanofluid is made by adding Al_2O_3 nanoparticle with volume fraction of 1–7% to pure water. Results show using nanofluid results in higher heat transfer rate for both circular tube bank and cam-shaped tube bank. Also, staggered arrangement has higher heat transfer for both circular and cam-shaped tube bank. Pressure drop from cam-shaped tube bank is substantially lower than circular tube bank for all range of Reynolds number and volume fraction.

  19. Nanomechanical testing of circular freestanding polymer films with sub-micron thickness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maner, Kyle C.; Begley, Matthew R.; Oliver, Warren C.


    This paper describes techniques to create freestanding films over perfectly circular spans (windows) and measure their mechanical properties using instrumented nanoindentation. Test samples were created by spin-casting polymer films over glass plates with embedded fibers, which were subsequently etched using a relatively weak acid to leave freestanding circular spans. The freestanding spans were tested using an instrumented nanoindenter over a wide range of applied loads and displacements. Material properties can be extracted from measured load-deflection responses using straightforward models for point-loads on circular plates or membranes. Results are presented for poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(2,6,dimethyl,1,4,phenylene ether) films with thickness ranging from 350 to 750 nm. The properties derived from freestanding tests are compared with traditional nanoindentation of films on intact substrates. The freestanding approach has key advantages for characterizing micron-scale behavior of compliant materials, notably greater ease and applicability of sample preparation over other micro-fabrication techniques and straightforward analytical or numerical models

  20. [Ecological misunderstanding, integrative approach, and potential industries in circular economy transition]. (United States)

    Wang, Rusong


    Based on the Social-Economic-Natural Complex Ecosystem theory, this paper questioned 8 kinds of misunderstandings in current planning, incubation, development, and management of circular economy, which had led to either ultra-right or ultra-left actions in ecological and economic development. Rather than concentrated only on the 3-r micro-principles of "reduce-reuse-recycle", thise paper suggested 3-R macro-principles of "Rethinking-Reform-Refunction" for circular economy development. Nine kinds of eco-integrative strategies in industrial transition were put forward, i.e., food web-based horizontal/parallel coupling, life cycle-oriented vertical/serial coupling, functional service rather than products-oriented production, flexible and adaptive structure, ecosystem-based regional coupling, social integrity, comprehensive capacity building, employment enhancement, and respecting human dignity. Ten promising potential eco-industries in China's near-future circular economy development were proposed, such as the transition of traditional chemical fertilizer and pesticide industry to a new kind of industrial complex for agro-ecosystem management.

  1. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...

  2. Wideband Circularly Polarized Printed Ring Slot Antenna for 5 GHz – 6 GHz (United States)

    Nasrun Osman, Mohamed; Rahim, Mohamad Helmi A.; Jusoh, Muzammil; Sabapathy, Thennarasan; Rahim, Mohamad Kamal A.; Norlyana Azemi, Saidatul


    This paper presents the design of circularly polarized printed slot antenna operating at 5 – 6 GHz. The proposed antenna consists of L-shaped feedline on the top of structure and circular ring slot positioned at the ground plane underneath the substrate as a radiator. A radial and narrow slot in the ground plane provides coupling between the L-shaped feedline and circular ring slot. The circular polarization is realized by implementing the slits perturbation located diagonally to perturb the current flow on the slot structure. The antenna prototype is fabricated on FR4 substrate. The simulated and measured results are compared and analyzed to demonstrate the performance of the antenna. Good measured of simulated results are obtained at the targeted operating frequency. The simulated -10dB reflection coefficient bandwidths and axial ratio are 750 MHz and 165 MHz, respectively. The investigation on the affect of the important parameters towards the reflection coefficient and axial are also presented. The proposed antenna is highly potential to be used for wireless local area network (WLAN) and wireless power transfer (WPT).

  3. Neurotransmitter implications in descending motility of longitudinal and circular muscles in rat colon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zornitsa V. Gorcheva


    Full Text Available Introduction. The role of neurotransmitter systems in the motor activity of longitudinal or circular muscles in autonomic regulation of the motility of the colon by the nervous system is unclear. The aim of the study was to investigate the neurotransmitter implications in descending motility of longitudinal and circular muscles in rat colon. Methods. Electrically-induced (2, 5 or 10 Hz, 0.8 ms, 40 V, 20 s local or descending motor responses of longitudinal and circular muscles in isolated preparations and drugs were used to define the neurotransmitters’ role in colonic motility. Results. The spontaneous activity of the distal part of preparations manifested as high-amplitude irregular contractions more expressed in the longitudinal muscles. The electrically-induced local responses differed considerably in the two muscles: in longitudinal muscle there were frequency-dependent contractions, while initial relaxation followed by contraction was observed in circular muscle. The descending motor response resembled the pattern of the local responses, but the amplitudes were significantly less expressed, as compared to the respective local responses.

  4. CSR perception as a signpost for circular economy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Esken, Björn; Franco-Garcia, Laura; Fisscher, Olaf A.M.


    Purpose: This paper aims to identify managerial implications for multinational corporations (MNCs) with regard to circular economy (CE) by using data on corporate social responsibility (CSR) perception in different types of market economies owing to diverse institutional contexts. These managerial

  5. Ultrastructure of interstitial cells of Cajal in circular muscle of human small intestine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rumessen, J J; Mikkelsen, H B; Qvortrup, K


    and in the outer third of the circular lamellae. The other ICC type had a complete basal lamina and conspicuous caveolae. This ICC type was observed only in the inner third of the circular lamellae. Both ICC types were close to nerves, but only the latter type formed gap junctions with one another and with muscle...

  6. Circular waveguide systems for electron-cyclotron-resonant heating of the tandem mirror experiment-upgrade

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Felker, B.; Calderon, M.O.; Chargin, A.K.


    Extensive use of electron cyclotron resonant heating (ECRH) in the Tandem Mirror Experiment-Upgrade (TMX-U) requires continuous development of components to improve efficiency, increase reliability, and deliver power to new locations with respect to the plasma. We have used rectangular waveguide components on the experiment and have developed, tested, and installed circular waveguide components. We replaced the rectangular with the circular components because of the greater transmission efficiency and power-handling capability of the circular ones. Design, fabrication, and testing of all components are complete for all systems. In this paper we describe the design criteria for the system

  7. Circularly polarized near-field optical mapping of spin-resolved quantum Hall chiral edge states. (United States)

    Mamyouda, Syuhei; Ito, Hironori; Shibata, Yusuke; Kashiwaya, Satoshi; Yamaguchi, Masumi; Akazaki, Tatsushi; Tamura, Hiroyuki; Ootuka, Youiti; Nomura, Shintaro


    We have successfully developed a circularly polarized near-field scanning optical microscope (NSOM) that enables us to irradiate circularly polarized light with spatial resolution below the diffraction limit. As a demonstration, we perform real-space mapping of the quantum Hall chiral edge states near the edge of a Hall-bar structure by injecting spin polarized electrons optically at low temperature. The obtained real-space mappings show that spin-polarized electrons are injected optically to the two-dimensional electron layer. Our general method to locally inject spins using a circularly polarized NSOM should be broadly applicable to characterize a variety of nanomaterials and nanostructures.

  8. Topology of the Relative Motion: Circular and Eccentric Reference Orbit Cases (United States)

    FontdecabaiBaig, Jordi; Metris, Gilles; Exertier, Pierre


    This paper deals with the topology of the relative trajectories in flight formations. The purpose is to study the different types of relative trajectories, their degrees of freedom, and to give an adapted parameterization. The paper also deals with the research of local circular motions. Even if they exist only when the reference orbit is circular, we extrapolate initial conditions to the eccentric reference orbit case.This alternative approach is complementary with traditional approaches in terms of cartesian coordinates or differences of orbital elements.

  9. MHD stability of an almost circular tokamak

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roy, A.


    In a tokamak, the ratio β between the plasma pressure and that of the magnetic field is limited by the appearance of instabilities. The magnetic field in a tokamak reactor will always be limited by technological constraints. It is therefore crucial to know what factors have an effect on the β limit, since a zero resistivity plasma fluid model allows for theoretical reproduction of the β limits observed experimentally. Theoretical studies have shown that the distributions of pressure and current density may have a substantial effect on the β limit. The effect of the current density and pressure distributions on the β limit has been studied for tokamak with a circular core section. The best results are obtained when the current density is concentrated in the centre of the section and is nil at the periphery. But the second region of stability against ballooning modes cannot be obtained in a circular tokamak owing to the destabilisation of the universal modes. This study was then extended to the stability of plasmas the section of which is almost circular and has a point of reflection. Such configurations are vital for fusion since they allow systems in which the confinement time does not deteriorate with an increase in the additional heating power. The β limit was calculated for different positions of the reflection point. The results show that when it is displaced from the interior towards the exterior of the torus, the stability of the overall modes is progressively improved until it is vertical. But if the point of reflection is further displaced from this vertical position towards the exterior of the torus, localised modes close to the edge of the plasma are destabilised and bring about a drop in the β limit. (author) figs., tabs., 80 refs

  10. Multipole Analysis of Circular Cylindircal Magnetic Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Selvaggi, Jerry P. [Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY (United States)


    This thesis deals with an alternate method for computing the external magnetic field from a circular cylindrical magnetic source. The primary objective is to characterize the magnetic source in terms of its equivalent multipole distribution. This multipole distribution must be valid at points close to the cylindrical source and a spherical multipole expansion is ill-equipped to handle this problem; therefore a new method must be introduced. This method, based upon the free-space Green's function in cylindrical coordinates, is developed as an alternative to the more familiar spherical harmonic expansion. A family of special functions, called the toroidal functions or Q-functions, are found to exhibit the necessary properties for analyzing circular cylindrical geometries. In particular, the toroidal function of zeroth order, which comes from the integral formulation of the free-space Green's function in cylindrical coordinates, is employed to handle magnetic sources which exhibit circular cylindrical symmetry. The toroidal functions, also called Q-functions, are the weighting coefficients in a ''Fourier series-like'' expansion which represents the free-space Green's function. It is also called a toroidal expansion. This expansion can be directly employed in electrostatic, magnetostatic, and electrodynamic problems which exhibit cylindrical symmetry. Also, it is shown that they can be used as an alternative to the Elliptic integral formulation. In fact, anywhere that an Elliptic integral appears, one can replace it with its corresponding Q-function representation. A number of problems, using the toroidal expansion formulation, are analyzed and compared to existing known methods in order to validate the results. Also, the equivalent multipole distribution is found for most of the solved problems along with its corresponding physical interpretation. The main application is to characterize the external magnetic field due to a six

  11. Electronic and vibrational circular dichroism spectra of (R)-(-)-apomorphine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abbate, Sergio, E-mail: [Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie, Universita di Brescia, Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia (Italy); CNISM, Consorzio Interuniversitario Scienze Fisiche della Materia, Via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146 Roma (Italy); Longhi, Giovanna; Lebon, France [Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie, Universita di Brescia, Viale Europa 11, 25123 Brescia (Italy); CNISM, Consorzio Interuniversitario Scienze Fisiche della Materia, Via della Vasca Navale 84, 00146 Roma (Italy); Tommasini, Matteo [Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica ' G. Natta' , Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy); Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali (INSTM), Unita di Ricerca del Politecnico di Milano (Dip. CMIC), Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano (Italy)


    Highlights: Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer ECD and VCD Spectra of (R)-(-)-apomorphine measured in various solvents. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer DFT calculations allow to study the protonation state and conformations. Black-Right-Pointing-Pointer Contributions from catechol OH vibrations to the VCD spectra is studied. -- Abstract: Apomorphine is a chiral drug molecule; notwithstanding its extraordinary importance, little attention has been paid to the characterization of its chiroptical properties. Here we report on its electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra, recorded in methanol and water, and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) in methanol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solutions. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations have allowed us to interpret the spectra and to evaluate the role of possible conformations, charge-states and interactions with counter ions.

  12. Stability analysis of cylinders with circular cutouts (United States)

    Almroth, B. O.; Brogan, F. A.; Marlowe, M. B.


    The stability of axially compressed cylinders with circular cutouts is analyzed numerically. An extension of the finite-difference method is used which removes the requirement that displacement components be defined in the directions of the grid lines. The results of this nonlinear analysis are found to be in good agreement with earlier experimental results.

  13. Flow-induced vibrations of circular cylindrical structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.


    The problems of flow-induced vibrations of circular cylindrical structures are reviewed. First, the general method of analysis and classification of structural responses are presented. Then, the presentation is broken up along the lines with stationary fluid, parallel flow, and cross flow. Finally, design considerations and future research needs are pointed out. 234 references

  14. Natural convection in square enclosure induced by inner circular cylinder with time-periodic pulsating temperature

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Zhu; Zhang, Wei; Xi, Guang


    The periodic unsteady natural convection flow and heat transfer in a square enclosure containing a concentric circular cylinder is numerically studied. The temperature of the inner circular cylinder fluctuates periodically with time at higher

  15. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Conzuelo González, Viridiana Vanessa


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  16. Somatic DNA recombination yielding circular DNA and deletion of a genomic region in embryonic brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, Toyoki; Chijiiwa, Yoshiharu; Tsuji, Hideo; Sakoda, Saburo; Tani, Kenzaburo; Suzuki, Tomokazu


    In this study, a mouse genomic region is identified that undergoes DNA rearrangement and yields circular DNA in brain during embryogenesis. External region-directed inverse polymerase chain reaction on circular DNA extracted from late embryonic brain tissue repeatedly detected DNA of this region containing recombination joints. Wide-range genomic PCR and digestion-circularization PCR analysis showed this region underwent recombination accompanied with deletion of intervening sequences, including the circularized regions. This region was mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization to C1 on mouse chromosome 16, where no gene and no physiological DNA rearrangement had been identified. DNA sequence in the region has segmental homology to an orthologous region on human chromosome 3q.13. These observations demonstrated somatic DNA recombination yielding genomic deletions in brain during embryogenesis

  17. Imaging linear and circular polarization features in leaves with complete Mueller matrix polarimetry. (United States)

    Patty, C H Lucas; Luo, David A; Snik, Frans; Ariese, Freek; Buma, Wybren Jan; Ten Kate, Inge Loes; van Spanning, Rob J M; Sparks, William B; Germer, Thomas A; Garab, Győző; Kudenov, Michael W


    Spectropolarimetry of intact plant leaves allows to probe the molecular architecture of vegetation photosynthesis in a non-invasive and non-destructive way and, as such, can offer a wealth of physiological information. In addition to the molecular signals due to the photosynthetic machinery, the cell structure and its arrangement within a leaf can create and modify polarization signals. Using Mueller matrix polarimetry with rotating retarder modulation, we have visualized spatial variations in polarization in transmission around the chlorophyll a absorbance band from 650 nm to 710 nm. We show linear and circular polarization measurements of maple leaves and cultivated maize leaves and discuss the corresponding Mueller matrices and the Mueller matrix decompositions, which show distinct features in diattenuation, polarizance, retardance and depolarization. Importantly, while normal leaf tissue shows a typical split signal with both a negative and a positive peak in the induced fractional circular polarization and circular dichroism, the signals close to the veins only display a negative band. The results are similar to the negative band as reported earlier for single macrodomains. We discuss the possible role of the chloroplast orientation around the veins as a cause of this phenomenon. Systematic artefacts are ruled out as three independent measurements by different instruments gave similar results. These results provide better insight into circular polarization measurements on whole leaves and options for vegetation remote sensing using circular polarization. Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Spatio-temporal regulation of circular RNA expression during porcine embryonic brain development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Venø, Morten T; Hansen, Thomas B; Venø, Susanne T


    BACKGROUND: Recently, thousands of circular RNAs (circRNAs) have been discovered in various tissues and cell types from human, mouse, fruit fly and nematodes. However, expression of circRNAs across mammalian brain development has never been examined. RESULTS: Here we profile the expression of circ......RNA in five brain tissues at up to six time-points during fetal porcine development, constituting the first report of circRNA in the brain development of a large animal. An unbiased analysis reveals a highly complex regulation pattern of thousands of circular RNAs, with a distinct spatio-temporal expression...... are functionally conserved between mouse and human. Furthermore, we observe that "hot-spot" genes produce multiple circRNA isoforms, which are often differentially expressed across porcine brain development. A global comparison of porcine circRNAs reveals that introns flanking circularized exons are longer than...

  19. The Diagonal Compression Field Method using Circular Fans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Thomas


    This paper presents a new design method, which is a modification of the diagonal compression field method, the modification consisting of the introduction of circular fan stress fields. The traditional method does not allow changes of the concrete compression direction throughout a given beam...... if equilibrium is strictly required. This is conservative, since it is not possible fully to utilize the concrete strength in regions with low shear stresses. The larger inclination (the smaller -value) of the uniaxial concrete stress the more transverse shear reinforcement is needed; hence it would be optimal...... if the -value for a given beam could be set to a low value in regions with high shear stresses and thereafter increased in regions with low shear stresses. Thus the shear reinforcement would be reduced and the concrete strength would be utilized in a better way. In the paper it is shown how circular fan stress...

  20. Limit moments for non circular cross-section (elliptical) pipe bends

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spence, J.


    A number of experiment studies have been reported or are underway which investigate limit moments applied to pipe bends. Some theoretical work is also available. However, most of the work has been confined to nominally circular cross-section bends and little account has been taken of the practical problem of manufacturing tolerances. Many methods of manufacture result in bends which are not circular in cross-section but have an oval or elliptical shape. The present paper extends previous analyses on circular bends to cater for initially elliptical cross-sections. The loading is primarily in plane bending but out of plane is also considered and several independent methods are presented. No previous information is known to the authors. Upper and lower bound limit moments are derived first of all from existing linear elastic analyses and secondly upper bound moments are derived via a plastic analogy from existing stationary creep results. It is also shown that the creep information on design factors for bends can be used to obtain a reasonable estimate of the complete moment/strain behaviour of a bend or indeed a system. (Auth.)

  1. Morphometric analysis of Martian valley network basins using a circularity function (United States)

    Luo, Wei; Howard, Alan D.


    This paper employs a circularity function to quantify the internal morphology of Martian watershed basins in Margaritifer Sinus region and to infer the primary erosional processes that led to their current geomorphologic characteristics and possible climatic conditions under which these processes operated. The circularity function describes the elongation of a watershed basin at different elevations. We have used the circularity functions of terrestrial basins that were interpreted as having been modified by (1) erosion related to primarily groundwater sapping and (2) erosion related to primarily rainfall and surface run-off, as well as the circularity functions of cratering basins on the Moon, in order to formulate discriminant functions that are able to separate the three types of landforms. The spatial pattern of the classification of Martian basins based on discriminant functions shows that basins that look morphologically similar to terrestrial fluvial basins are mostly clustered near the mainstream at low elevation, while those that look morphologically similar to terrestrial basins interpreted as groundwater sapping origin are located near the tributaries and at higher elevation. There are more of the latter than the former. This spatial distribution is inconsistent with a continuous Earth-like warm and wet climate for early Mars. Instead, it is more aligned with an overall early dry climate punctuated with episodic wet periods. Alternatively, the concentrated erosion in the mainstream could also be caused by a change of water source from rainfall to snowfall or erosion cut through a duricrust layer.

  2. Administrative circular n°11 (REV. 2) – Categories of members of the personnel

    CERN Multimedia


    Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 2) entitled “Categories of members of the personnel”, approved by the Director-General following discussion at the Standing Concertation Committee meeting of 11 May 2012 and entering into force on 1 January 2013, is available on the intranet site of the Human Resources Department. This circular is applicable to all members of the personnel. It cancels and replaces Administrative Circular No. 11 (Rev. 1) entitled “Categories of members of the personnel” of January 1997 as regards all contracts of members of the personnel issued on or after 1 January 2013. The circular was revised in order to take into account developments since the last revision of the categories of personnel in 1997 as well as the needs of the Organization and collaborating institutes. In particular, it introduces a new system for distinguishing categories of associated members of the personnel, namely with regard to the purpo...

  3. A Meta-Model of Inter-Organisational Cooperation for the Transition to a Circular Economy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Ruggieri


    Full Text Available The transition to a circular economy bodes well for a future of environmentally sustainable growth and economic development. The implications and advantages of a shift to a circular economy have been extensively demonstrated by the literature on the subject. What has not been sufficiently investigated is how this paradigm can be enabled through the inter-organisational cooperation among different business enterprises. In order to illustrate this point, in this paper we aim to contribute to the circular economy debate by describing and discussing such a meta-model of inter-organisational cooperation. The present study is therefore based on the analysis of three cases from an equal number of industries, from which we identified factors of potential impact for the stimulation of cooperation in a circular economy perspective. Last, but not least, we discuss the relations between the case studies and try to formulate all possible implications for both managers and research.

  4. Management of paediatric tibial fractures using two types of circular external fixator: Taylor spatial frame and Ilizarov circular fixator. (United States)

    Tafazal, Suhayl; Madan, Sanjeev S; Ali, Farhan; Padman, Manoj; Swift, Simone; Jones, Stanley; Fernandes, James A


    The use of circular fixators for the treatment of tibial fractures is well established in the literature. The aim of this study was to compare the Ilizarov circular fixator (ICF) with the Taylor spatial frame (TSF) in terms of treatment results in consecutive patients with tibial fractures that required operative management. A retrospective analysis of patient records and radiographs was performed to obtain patient data, information on injury sustained, the operative technique used, time duration in frame, healing time and complications of treatment. The minimum follow-up was 24 months. Ten patients were treated with ICF between 2000 and 2005, while 15 patients have been treated with TSF since 2005. Two of the 10 treated with ICF and 5 of the 15 treated with TSF were open fractures. All patients went on to achieve complete union. Mean duration in the frame was 12.7 weeks for ICF and 14.8 weeks for the TSF group. Two patients in the TSF group had delayed union and required additional procedures including adjustment of fixator and bone grafting. There was one malunion in the TSF group that required osteotomy and reapplication of frame. There were seven and nine pin-site infections in the ICF and TSF groups, respectively, all of which responded to antibiotics. There were no refractures in either group. In an appropriate patient, both types of circular fixator are equally effective but have different characteristics, with TSF allowing for postoperative deformity correction. Of concern are the two cases of delayed union in the TSF group, all in patients with high-energy injuries. We feel another larger study is required to provide further clarity in this matter. Level II-comparative study.

  5. Generalized viscothermoelasticity theory of dual-phase-lagging model for damping analysis in circular micro-plate resonators (United States)

    Grover, D.; Seth, R. K.


    Analysis and numerical results are presented for the thermoelastic dissipation of a homogeneous isotropic, thermally conducting, Kelvin-Voigt type circular micro-plate based on Kirchhoff's Love plate theory utilizing generalized viscothermoelasticity theory of dual-phase-lagging model. The analytical expressions for thermoelastic damping of vibration and frequency shift are obtained for generalized dual-phase-lagging model and coupled viscothermoelastic plates. The scaled thermoelastic damping has been illustrated in case of circular plate and axisymmetric circular plate for fixed aspect ratio for clamped and simply supported boundary conditions. It is observed that the damping of vibrations significantly depend on time delay and mechanical relaxation times in addition to thermo-mechanical coupling in circular plate under resonance conditions and plate dimensions.

  6. Vibration of circular bladed disk with imperfections

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Půst, Ladislav; Pešek, Luděk


    Roč. 21, č. 10 (2011), s. 2893-2904 ISSN 0218-1274 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA101/09/1166 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 Keywords : circular bladed disk * vibration * imperfection * nonlinear damping Subject RIV: BI - Acoustics Impact factor: 0.755, year: 2011

  7. NOTE: Circular symmetry in topologically massive gravity (United States)

    Deser, S.; Franklin, J.


    We re-derive, compactly, a topologically massive gravity (TMG) decoupling theorem: source-free TMG separates into its Einstein and Cotton sectors for spaces with a hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector, here concretely for circular symmetry. We then generalize the theorem to include matter; surprisingly, the single Killing symmetry also forces conformal invariance, requiring the sources to be null.

  8. Vibration of a group of circular cylinders subjected to fluid flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, S.


    Many structural and mechanical components consist of multiple circular cylinders, such as heat exchanger tubes and nuclear fuel bundles. These components are subjected to fluid flow. The fluid flow represents a source of energy that can induce and sustain vibration. The fluid moving with vibrating structures has an important effect on the dynamic characteristics of the structure. The objective of this paper is to review the dynamics of multiple circular cylinders in stationary fluid, parallel flow and cross flow, and to present general design guides to avoid detrimental vibration and instability. 77 refs

  9. DichroMatch at the protein circular dichroism data bank (DM@PCDDB): A web-based tool for identifying protein nearest neighbors using circular dichroism spectroscopy. (United States)

    Whitmore, Lee; Mavridis, Lazaros; Wallace, B A; Janes, Robert W


    Circular dichroism spectroscopy is a well-used, but simple method in structural biology for providing information on the secondary structure and folds of proteins. DichroMatch (DM@PCDDB) is an online tool that is newly available in the Protein Circular Dichroism Data Bank (PCDDB), which takes advantage of the wealth of spectral and metadata deposited therein, to enable identification of spectral nearest neighbors of a query protein based on four different methods of spectral matching. DM@PCDDB can potentially provide novel information about structural relationships between proteins and can be used in comparison studies of protein homologs and orthologs. © 2017 The Authors Protein Science published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Protein Society.

  10. Characterization of linear forms of the circular enterocin AS-48 obtained by limited proteolysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Montalbán-López, Manuel; Spolaore, Barbara; Pinato, Odra; Martínez-Bueno, Manuel; Valdivia, Eva; Maqueda, Mercedes; Fontana, Angelo


    AS-48 is a 70-residue circular peptide from Enterococcus faecalis with a broad antibacterial activity. Here, we produced by limited proteolysis a protein species carrying a single nicking and fragments of 55 and 38 residues. Nicked AS-48 showed a lower helicity by far-ultraviolet circular dichroism

  11. Evaluación clínica de hernioplastia umbilical en bovinos: empleo de fascia abdominal autógena

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mastoby Martinez M


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar clínicamente la hernioplastia umbilical en terneros con el empleo de fascia abdominal autógena. Material y métodos. Fueron utilizados cinco terneros de raza Brahman (6-12 meses y peso promedio de 200 kg, los terneros se intervinieron quirúrgicamente por presentar hernia umbilical recidivante. El anillo herniario se reforzó con autoinjerto de fascia abdominal fijado con puntos en “U” horizontales, con sutura de poliamida (50 libras de presión. El tejido conectivo subcutáneo se suturó con polyglactin 910 del calibre 2-0 en patrón de puntos continuos. En el posoperatorio, se evaluó la evolución clínica de la cicatrización cutánea y la presencia o no de recidiva herniaria por un periodo de 60 días. Resultados. En todos los animales se observó edema intenso de los focos quirúrgicos (foco donador en la región inguinal y foco receptor en la región umbilical, sin dehiscencia de la herida cutánea, abscedación, ni recidiva de la hernia. Conclusiones. La técnica quirúrgica utilizada y el autoinjerto de fascia abdominal fueron eficientes en la corrección de hernia umbilical recidivante en terneros, hecho que permite recomendarla en casos semejantes.

  12. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  13. Diffusion weighted imaging with circularly polarized oscillating gradients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundell, Henrik; Sønderby, Casper Kaae; Dyrby, Tim B


    presented. One major hurdle in practical implementation is the low effective diffusion weighting provided at high frequency with limited gradient strength. THEORY: As a solution to the low diffusion weighting of OGSE, circularly polarized OGSE (CP-OGSE) is introduced. CP-OGSE gives a twofold increase...

  14. El láser de helio-neon en la regeneración del nervio ciático seccionado y suturado

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Rodríguez Sotelo

    Full Text Available Para valorar el efecto del láser de helio-neón (He-Ne sobre la regeneración del nervio ciático, seccionado y suturado, se utilizaron un total de 72 ratas Wistar, que se dividieron en 3 grupos, los cuales fueron irradiados con He-Ne, luz de xenón y luz solar respectivamente. Al grupo testigo sólo se les realizó la sección y sutura del nervio ciático. Lasratas a las que se les irradió el nervio con luz de xenón y luz solar evolucionaron igual que el grupo testigo, es decir, se presentaron en su totalidad, lesiones tróficas de mayor o menor grado, así como lesiones motrices. En el grupo en el que se utilizó He-Ne, sólo se observó en un animal la pérdida de la una de un dedo y no se apreciaron trastornos motrices. La irradiación con láser de He-Ne tiene una importante influencia en la restauración de las lesiones nerviosas en la rata

  15. Tumor de párpados: 241 casos: hallazgos y desafíos para la reconstrucción

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Martínez Vera


    Full Text Available Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo, temporalmente retrospectivo, en el que fueron evaluados 241 pacientes con diagnóstico de tumor de párpado de diferentes etiologías entre 1981 y 2009. La edad promedio fue de 44,17 años, siendo de sexo femenino 162 pacientes (67,2 %. No hubo preferencia de localización en cuanto a la zona afectada. Según Anatomía Patológica, 164 casos (68 % fueron tumores benignos y 77 casos (32 % tumores malignos. Los diagnósticos postoperatorios más frecuentes fueron, entre los tumores malignos, el de carcinoma basocelular en 63 pacientes (82%, y entre los tumores benignos, el de chalazión en 25 pacientes (15,2 %. Las técnicas quirúrgicas más empleadas fueron la resección simple con sutura en los tumores benignos, y el colgajo músculo-cutáneo monopediculado de párpado superior en los tumores malignos. En el seguimiento postoperatorio al año de la cirugía realizado sobre 38 pacientes (15,8 % con tumor maligno, se observaron 6 casos (7,7 % de recidiva.

  16. Adhesivos titulares en cirugía Tissue adhesives in surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosalba Roque González


    Full Text Available Los adhesivos tisulares son utilizados con frecuencia como adyuvantes en la práctica quirúrgica. Entre ellos, los más utilizados mundialmente son los sellantes de fibrina, si bien en Cuba se han obtenido excelentes resultados con los adhesivos de cianoacrilato a partir de la introducción en la práctica médica del Tisuacryl®, desarrollado en el Centro de Biomateriales de la Universidad de La Habana. Mientras se desarrollan técnicas cada vez menos invasivas en la cirugía, los adhesivos, entre otros usos en el área clínica, pueden ser de gran utilidad en el cierre de las heridas quirúrgicas o como sellantes en las líneas de sutura y para prevenir o disminuir las dehiscencias y fístulas. En este trabajo se resumen los resultados de una revisión bibliográfica realizada con el objetivo conocer las aplicaciones actuales de los adhesivos tisulares, especialmente los derivados cianoacrílicos, los cuales se han introducido paulatinamente en la práctica médica cubana. De ahí la importancia del conocimiento de este tipo de productos

  17. Explosive Volcanic Eruptions from Linear Vents on Earth, Venus and Mars: Comparisons with Circular Vent Eruptions (United States)

    Glaze, Lori S.; Baloga, Stephen M.; Wimert, Jesse


    Conditions required to support buoyant convective plumes are investigated for explosive volcanic eruptions from circular and linear vents on Earth, Venus, and Mars. Vent geometry (linear versus circular) plays a significant role in the ability of an explosive eruption to sustain a buoyant plume. On Earth, linear and circular vent eruptions are both capable of driving buoyant plumes to equivalent maximum rise heights, however, linear vent plumes are more sensitive to vent size. For analogous mass eruption rates, linear vent plumes surpass circular vent plumes in entrainment efficiency approximately when L(sub o) > 3r(sub o) owing to the larger entrainment area relative to the control volume. Relative to circular vents, linear vents on Venus favor column collapse and the formation of pyroclastic flows because the range of conditions required to establish and sustain buoyancy is narrow. When buoyancy can be sustained, however, maximum plume heights exceed those from circular vents. For current atmospheric conditions on Mars, linear vent eruptions are capable of injecting volcanic material slightly higher than analogous circular vent eruptions. However, both geometries are more likely to produce pyroclastic fountains, as opposed to convective plumes, owing to the low density atmosphere. Due to the atmospheric density profile and water content on Earth, explosive eruptions enjoy favorable conditions for producing sustained buoyant columns, while pyroclastic flows would be relatively more prevalent on Venus and Mars. These results have implications for the injection and dispersal of particulates into the planetary atmosphere and the ability to interpret the geologic record of planetary volcanism.

  18. Boundary value problems of the circular cylinders in the strain-gradient theory of linear elasticity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kao, B.G.


    Three boundary value problems in the strain-gradient theory of linear elasticity are solved for circular cylinders. They are the twisting of circular cylinder, uniformly pressuring of concentric circular cylinder, and pure-bending of simply connected cylinder. The comparisons of these solutions with the solutions in classical elasticity and in couple-stress theory reveal the differences in the stress fields as well as the apparent stress fields due to the influences of the strain-gradient. These aspects of the strain-gradient theory could be important in modeling the failure behavior of structural materials

  19. 77 FR 37711 - Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipe From India, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam... (United States)


    ...)] Circular Welded Carbon-Quality Steel Pipe From India, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam...-fair-value imports from India, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam of circular welded carbon... respect to circular welded carbon-quality steel pipe from Oman and the United Arab Emirates being sold in...

  20. RadConEd: A Graphical Data Editor for the Radiological Consequences Model, RadCon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    This document describes the application, RadConEd, which has been designed and implemented to enable users of the RadCon system to update these parameter files. The RadCon system is written in the Java programming language, and as such provides portability across computer platforms. The software described in this report was developed in line with the portability requirements of RadCon, thus providing a uniform user interface across computer platforms and bypassing the need of using system editors. In addition a number of data integrity measures were implemented