
Sample records for con preeclampsia severa

  1. Legrado uterino o nifedipina durante el posparto en pacientes con preeclampsia severa


    Santos-Bolívar, Joel; Guerra-Velásquez, Mery; Reyna-Villasmil, Eduardo; Mejia-Montilla, Jorly; Reyna-Villasmil, Nadia


    Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia del legrado uterino o la nifedipina durante el posparto en pacientes con preeclampsia severa. Ambiente: Maternidad “Dr. Nerio Belloso”, Hospital Central “Dr. Urquinaona”, Maracaibo. Estado Zulia. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación en 60 pacientes con diagnóstico de preeclampsia severa que fueron divididas de la siguiente manera: grupo A (n = 30) que fueron sometidas a legrado uterino inmediatamente después del parto y grupo B (n = 30) que recibieron nifedipin...

  2. Factores de riesgo para la preeclampsia severa y temprana en el Hospital General de Medellín (HGM 1999-2001

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    Mercedes Jimeno


    Full Text Available Se ha calculado, por estudios en otras partes del mundo, que la
    frecuencia de presentación del Síndrome Hipertensivo del embarazo
    oscila entre 7% y 10% de los embarazos, y que el 30% corresponde a Preeclampsia y de éstos, menos del 10% a Preeclampsia temprana. Entre los factores maternos, uno de los que más peso ha tenido es la paridad materna y en segundo lugar la edad materna. Además, también se ha encontrado asociación con el antecedente de hipertensión esencial. Se pretendió con este estudio evaluar si la presencia de factores de riesgo en esta población se relaciona con la presentación del síndrome en sus formas severas y con las formas tempranas del mismo.

  3. Seguridad residual en los forjados con corrosión severa




    En muchos casos de forjados con patología severa se observa que no existen daños importantes en los elementos constructivos. Incluso con todos los nervios con la armadura inferior corroída en muchas ocasiones no hay una fisuración alarmante ni de solados ni de tabiquería. Esta investigación analiza los mecanismos resistentes que colaboran y evalúa la seguridad remanente para los casos de corrosión en los forjados más habituales en los edificios de viviendas: los forjados unidireccionales...

  4. Revascularización quirúrgica en pacientes con disfunción ventricular severa

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    Carlos A. Martínez-Cano


    Conclusiones: Este estudio sugiere que el pronóstico de los pacientes con disfunción sistólica severa que son llevados a la revascularización quirúrgica es similar a lo reportado en otros estudios y adicionalmente se acompaña de mejoría de la fracción de eyección.

  5. Eficacia del parto por cesárea comparado con parto vaginal en gestantes con preeclampsia severa según complicaciones maternas y neonatales


    Salazar Cruzado, Orlando Rodolfo


    An ex post facto study was done at Belen Hospital Obstetrics Service between January and December 2009 to compare the effectiveness of cesarean and vaginal delivery in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia according to maternal and neonatal complications. The study was made with 218 pregnant women with severe preeclampsia from which 167 had cesarean deliveries and 51 vaginal ones. Both groups were compared according to their demographic and obstetric characteristics, having more incidences ...

  6. Inmunodeficiencia combinada severa

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    Lina Jaramillo


    Full Text Available El caso presentado ilustra ampliamente el comportamiento de una inmunodeficiencia Severa Combinada, con un paciente que con una inmunidad aparentemente normal durante dos años, inicia su enfermedad con un problema respiratorio que se vuelve crónico y fallece en estado caquéctico siete meses más tarde. Tiene un desarrollo pondoestatural de un niño de ocho meses y desarrolla como consecuencia de su problema inmune una micosis profunda sistémica por Criptococos y un Linfoma primario del Sistema Nervioso Central.

  7. Acidosis láctica severa y leucemia aguda

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    David Loja


    Full Text Available Reportamos el caso de una paciente de 27 años de edad con leucemia linfoblástica aguda, quien presentó acidosis láctica severa como complicación metabólica. Ella acudió con desnutrición severa, anemia marcada y síndrome consuntivo. No había compromiso del sistema reticuloendotelial y un mielograma inicial fue normal. Estos factores retardaron el diagnóstico y obligaron a ampliar el diagnóstico diferencial. La sospecha de neoplasia hematológica asociada a acidosis láctica sin causa aparente permitió reevaluar el caso con un nuevo mielograma y establecer el diagnóstico.

  8. Reacciones cutáneas severas a medicamentos Dress y sulfasalazina


    Patiño, Adulkarin; Echeverry, Tatiana; de la Cruz, Giovanni; Guerra, Nelcy Teresa; Murcia, Lina María; Aldana, Carlos; de Zubiría, Alberto


    Las reacciones cutáneas severas son una de las manifestaciones adversas de los medicamentos que llegan a poner en peligro la vida. El objetivo del presente artículo es presentar el caso de una paciente con este tipo de reacciones atendido en el Hospital Universitario de La samaritana. Se trata de una mujer con síntomas cutáneos en quien se documenta reacción severa medicamentosa por sulfasalazina asociado a compromiso hepático y gastrointestinal que responde a la terapia con esteroides y la s...


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    Paulina Barría P., DRA.


    Full Text Available El asma es una enfermedad frecuente de fisiopatología compleja. El asma severa constituye aproximadamente el 5% de la población de asmáticos, sin embargo representa un desafío clínico y una carga sanitaria importante. Estudios recientes demuestran la existencia de fenotipos en todo el espectro de gravedad. La eosinofilia en esputo y sangre ha demostrado utilidad como marcador de inflamación Th-2 y de respuesta clínica a esteroides, sin embargo aún no existe mucho conocimiento sobre el asma no-eosinofílica. Los tratamientos actuales en asma se enfocan a estrategias de terapia escalonada según severidad, pero en pacientes con asma severa se requiere también del manejo multidisciplinario de las comorbilidades y la determinación del fenotipo, para aplicar terapias más especificas. El desarrollo acelerado de nuevos tratamientos en asma severa como consecuencia del mejor conocimiento de los distintos fenotipos ha ampliado el arsenal terapéutico para un enfrentamiento personalizado y específico en los pacientes con asma severa.

  10. La vivencia de la pre-eclampsia: una dura travesía para la cual no se está preparada

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    Celmira Laza Vásquez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las experiencias vividas por las mujeres con una gestación por preeclampsia severa en el Hospital de San José de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Método: Estudio cualitativo fenomenológico. Participaron diez mujeres puérperas que presentaron preeclampsia severa y fueron atendidas en el Hospital de San José durante el año 2012. Las participantes fueron seleccionaron mediante un muestreo intencional. El tamaño de la muestra se determinó por el criterio de saturación de la información. La información se recolectó mediante de una entrevista a profundidad y los datos se analizaron mediante la propuesta de Colaizzi. Resultados: La vivencia de la enfermedad dio cuenta de tres grandes categorías. Dos de ellas, la vivencia de la mujer, y con su hijo prematuro, emergieron como travesías que narraron el duro camino recorrido por el binomio madre-hijo desde su hospitalización hasta la recuperación de los dos en el hogar y los diferentes soportes con los que contó. Estas trayectorias estuvieron marcadas por sentimientos de miedo, angustia, incertidumbre; el sufrimiento por los síntomas físicos y el sometimiento a dolorosos procedimientos médicos. La tercera categoría dio cuenta de la falta de preparación de las participantes para enfrentarse a la enfermedad y todo lo que conllevaba. Conclusiones: Es necesario el fortalecimiento de las redes de apoyo primario y el papel de Enfermería como soporte para las gestantes; así como la revisión de las condiciones de hospitalización. La preparación para el impacto emocional y las consecuencias de afrontar una preeclampsia es un aspecto que se pudiera abordar durante el control prenatal.

  11. Impacto de la maniobra de inspiración profunda en el intercambio gaseoso del sujeto con obesidad severa e hipertensión arterial pulmonar asociada a síndrome de Eisenmenger


    Santos-Martínez,Luis-Efren; Martínez-Guerra,María-Luisa; Bautista,Edgar; Castillo,Francisco; Castañón,Alicia; Pulido,Tomás; Hernández,José-Luis; Sandoval,Julio


    La obesidad y el síndrome de Eisenmenger son entidades ampliamente estudiadas. Sin embargo, su asociación es inusual y no informada. Ambas cursan con alteraciones del intercambio gaseoso de grado variable. En la obesidad severa son atribuidas a trastornos en la relación ventilación/perfusión y al cortocircuito venoarterial pulmonar que dependen del volumen pulmonar. En el síndrome de Eisenmenger con obesidad severa, esta dependencia se desconoce. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron 28 sujetos o...

  12. Análisis experimental del simulador de conducción UPV-DGT para la evaluación de conductores con discapacidades severas que conducen con Joysticks de 4 vías




    [ES] El objetivo de este TFG es el análisis experimental del simulador de conducción FIATDGT para la evaluación de conductores con discapacidades severas. Para poder determinar si es válido, se ha realizado un análisis estadístico entre un grupo de control ( personas sin discapacidad ) y un grupo de experimental ( personas con discapacidades) de los datos obtenidos de una batería de pruebas seleccionadas previamente, las cuáles serán comunes para ambos grupos, par...

  13. Plaquetas e hipertensión arterial durante el posparto


    Sanabria Vera, Charles; Núñez González, José; Rojas González, Liliana; Urdaneta, Baldimiro


    Objetivo: Determinar el contaje plaquetario posparto en preclampsia, eclampsia e hipertensión arterial crónica con preeclampsia sobreañadida. Método: Se cuantificaron las plaquetas pre y posparto de las gestantes ingresadas se repitieron cada 12 horas hasta normalizarse el reporte de trombocitopenia (< 150 000 x mm3). Ambiente: Maternidad del Hospital Central "Dr. Urquinaona". Maracaibo, Estado Zulia. Resultados: Hubo 85 pacientes admitidas; 21 con preeclampsia severa, 10 con eclampsia y 19 c...

  14. Polisomnografía neonatal en recién nacidos con asfixia severa al nacer

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    Yolma Ruiz Tellechea


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la utilidad de la polisomnografía neonatal en 101 neonatos con asfixia severa, nacidos en el Hospital Ginecoobstétrico "Ramón González Coro", en el período comprendido entre octubre de 1988 y agosto de 1994, para lo cual se realizó estudio polisomnográfico en la primera semana de vida, se tuvo en cuenta la presencia o no de encefalopatía hipóxico-isquémica, se estudió la correlación del estudio neurofisiológico con el examen neurológico y con el registro electroencefalográfico de seguimiento y se utilizó el estadígrafo Kappa para medir el grado de concordancia entre las variables. Se concluye que la polisomnografía neonatal resultó ser un buen indicador del estado anatomofuncional del sistema nervioso central en el período de recién nacido.The usefulness sof polysomnography was evaluated in 104 neonates with severe birth asphyxia, who had been born in "Ramón Gónzalez Coro" Gynecologic and Obstetric Hospital from October 1988 to August 1994. To this end, polysomnographic studies were conducted in the first week of life taking into consideration the presence or absence of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, the correlation of neurophysiological study with the neurological examination and the follow-up electroencephalograph register were analyzed; and Kappa stadigraph to measure the level of agreement among variables was used. It was concluded that neonatal polysomnography was a good indicator of anatomic and functional status of the central nervous system in neonatal period.

  15. Factores de riesgo de violencia escolar (bullying severa en colegios privados de tres zonas de la sierra del Perú

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    Isabel Amemiya


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo de violencia escolar (bullying severa en alumnos de colegios privados de tres zonas de la sierra del Perú. Diseño: Estudio tipo encuesta. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Alumnos entre quinto de primaria y quinto de secundaria de colegios privados. Intervenciones: Una encuesta validada en estudios previos, para identificar violencia escolar (bullying, fue aplicada a 736 alumnos, entre quinto de primaria y quinto de secundaria, de colegios privados de Ayacucho, Huancavelica y Cusco (Sicuani. Se consideró bullying severo cuando contestaron positivamente 5 a más de las 9 opciones posibles de la pregunta que indagaba sobre los tipos de violencia. Se comparó 37 alumnos portadores de bullying severo con 74 alumnos tomados al azar del grupo que no tuvo violencia. Con análisis bivariado y multivariado de regresión logística se identificó factores asociados significativamente a la violencia escolar severa. Principales medidas de resultados: Factores de riesgo de violencia escolar (bullying severa. Resultados: La violencia escolar severa se asoció significativamente con reacción de padres al conocer el hecho, repetición de la amenaza a pesar de comunicar las agresiones, presencia de pandilleros en el colegio, tener amigos pandilleros y poseer defecto físico. La regresión logística encontró asociación significativa con la reacción de los padres, presencia de pandilleros y poseer un defecto físico. Conclusiones: Se ha encontrado que la violencia escolar severa se asocia a múltiples factores de riesgo, que pueden y deben ser detectados precozmente, debido al daño psicológico que produce en los estudiantes.



    Chávez Dulce, Gerardo Rafael; Tejada Córdoba, Ángela Patricia; Suárez Ayala, Diana Vanessa; Gómez Cabrera, Fleider Leovani; Cabrera Fierro, Juan Sebastián; Figueroa, Claudia


    La preeclampsia afecta entre el 5 y 7% de todas las mujeres embarazadas y sigue siendo una causa importante de mortalidad y morbilidad maternal y perinatal, es particularmente devastadora en los países en desarrollo. La etiología de la preeclampsia es desconocida. En la actualidad, cuatro hipótesis son objeto de investigación exhaustiva: (1) Disfunción de la perfusión placentaria con aumento de factores angiogénicos y bioquímicos, (2) Alteraciones metabólicas relacionadas con el incremento de...

  17. Plasmacitosis reactiva severa y agranulocitosis debido a metimazol

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    Ruíz Gil


    Full Text Available El presente reporte muestra un efecto tóxico inusual asociado al uso de metimazol en el tratamiento del hipertiroidismo. Una niña de 14 años se presentó con fiebre, compromiso general y una tumoración eritematosa en el muslo izquierdo. Dos meses antes había sido diagnosticada de hipertiroidismo e iniciado metimazol a razón de 30 mg/d. El laboratorio mostró: leucocitos en 1 200 /mm³ con 25 % de neutrófilos, hematocrito en 31 % y plaquetas en 350 000/ mm³. Se inició antibióticos y filgastrim y se debridó el abceso. Nueve días después los leucocitos estaban en 9 200 /mm³ con 55 % de neutrófilos. La MO mostró una celularidad baja pero representada en un 80 % por células plasmáticas, muchas de ellas atípicas. En resumen una mujer con enfermedad de Graves estando con metimazol desarrolló una severa agranulocitosis con plasmacitosis medular que simula mieloma múltiple y que mejoró con tratamiento.(Rev Med Hered 2005;16:157-161.

  18. Análisis comparativo de la aplicación de protocolos de evaluación de conductores con discapacidades severas que conducen con Joysticks de 4 vías entre los simuladores de conducción SERCO y UPV-DGT




    [ES] El presente TFG tiene por objeto el análisis inter-comparativo entre los procedimientos de evaluación de conductores con discapacidades severas que conducen con la ayuda de adaptaciones del tipo Joystick de 4 vías, y que se implementan en los simuladores de conducción SERCO y UPV-DGT. Ambos simuladores se encuentran ubicados actualmente en las instalaciones del Instituto de Diseño y Fabricación (IDF). Se ha estudiado el comportamiento de diferentes tipos de conductores (co...

  19. Obesidad pregestacional como factor de riesgo asociado a preeclampsia

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    Zoila Moreno


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar la obesidad como factor de riesgo de preeclampsia. Diseño: Estudio caso control realizado en el Hospital Dos de Mayo, Lima, Perú. Material y Métodos: Después de excluir 35 pacientes, se comparó 107 mujeres preeclámpticas con 107 gestantes normotensas, pareadas para edad gestacional (±1 semana. Se correlacionó peso pregestacional con la presencia de preeclampsia usando chi-cuadrado; se empleó t de student para comparar promedios y se controló variables confusoras usando la regresión logística. Resultados: La preeclampsia estuvo asociada con una edad de 35 años o más (OR 3,0; IC 95% 1,2 a 7,9, historia de preeclampsia en el embarazo previo (OR 5,4; IC 95% 1,6 a 17,9 y obesidad (OR 6,5; 6,2 a 2,8, considerada como el tercil más alto de los parámetros índice de masa corporal (IMC, pliegue tricipital y circunferencia braquial media en el grupo control. Existió significativa tendencia linear de riesgo de preeclampsia con estos parámetros (p< 0,001. Conclusiones: Las mujeres obesas deben ser cuidadosamente controladas, para reducir la incidencia de preeclampsia y sus complicaciones.


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    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonia Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolucion aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologias. Las condiciones clinicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolucion, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapeutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 anos, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnostico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografia y tomografia describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotorax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toraxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona torpidamente, se realiza decorticacion pleuro-pulmonar y reseccion cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infeccion nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  1. Globulina antilinfocítica en el tratamiento de la anemia aplásica severa

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    Víctor Ulloa Perez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en nuestro hospital en el tratamiento de anemia aplásica severa con globulina antilinfocítica. Materiales y Metodos: Se estudiaron 58 pacientes con AAS diagnosticados entre 1988-1998 de los cuales 25 recibieron Globulina antilinfocítica (GAL, 56% de ellos eran menores a 20 años de edad,19 de los pacientes tratados con GAL son del sexo masculino . Resultado: Respondieron favorablemente 68%(17pacientes,la mayoría de ellos (64%alcanzaron esta respuesta durante los primeros 6 meses. Un paciente evolucionó a Hemoglobinuria paroxística nocturna (HPN, efectos adversos fueron leves y de corta duración. (Rev Med Hered;1999 ;10:132 - 136 .

  2. Pancreatitis aguda por hipertrigliceridemia severa: reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura


    Herrera Del Águila, Dwight Denis; Garavito Rentería, Jorge; Linarez Medina, Karen; Lizarzaburu Rodríguez, Víctor


    La pancreatitis aguda por hipertrigliceridemia se presenta en aproximadamente 1-4 % de los casos, es la tercera causa de pancreatitis luego de la etiología biliar y alcohólica. La hipertrigliceridemia puede ser producida por causas primarias asociadas a trastornos genéticos en el metabolismo de los lípidos, y por casusas secundarias. Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 32 años de edad, natural de Huancayo, con antecedentes de diabetes mellitus tipo 2, dislipidemia mixta severa con hip...

  3. Modelo Ovino de Suspensión Laríngea para Disfagia Orofaríngea Severa

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    cristina Martin Villares


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y objetivo: la literatura científica ha validado el uso del model ovino no vivo para estudio e investigación de la disfagia orofaríngea severa. A partir de este modelo quirúrgico experimental, proponemos evaluar la eficacia de varias t?cnicas quirúrgicas indicadas en pacientes con disfagia orofaringea crónica y aspiración intratable que ocasionalmente se realizan en enfermos muy seleccionados . Material y Método: Realizamos comparación de riesgo de aspiración en 4 t?cnicas quirúrgicas indicadas para el tratamiento de disfagias severas con aspiración intratable: la tiroplastia de medialización, la traqueotom?a con sutura de ambas cuerdas vocales, la miotomía del cricofaríngeo y la suspensión laríngea. La valoración de la aspiración en los diferentes modelos quirúrgicos experimentales se realizará mediante 20 ml de líquido coloreado introducido en bolos por cavidad orofaríngea. Resultados: La combinación de Suspensión Laríngea con Miotomía del músculo Cricofaríngeo consigue la mejor protección de la vía aerea en el modelo experimental ovino frente a las otras técnicas propuestas. Conclusiones: El modelo ovino no-vivo nos ha permitido realizar una valoración inicial de resultados de diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas que intentan evitar la aspiración intratable de los pacientes con disfagia orofaríngea severa. A pesar de las limitaciones evidentes del modelo experimental, el trabajo sobre este modelo nos permite iniciar una línea de trabajo sobre técnicas quirúrgicas rehabilitadoras que ayuden pacientes neurológicos seleccionados mantener la ingesta oral.Palabras clavesuspension laringea disfagia orofaríngea modelo experimentaSummarySurgical treatment ca be considered in chronic oropharyngeal dysphagy withh sever aspiration. Several sugical techniques can be performed in occassionally and high selected patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk of aspitaion of various


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    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonía Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolución aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologías. Las condiciones clínicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolución, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapéutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 años, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnóstico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografía y tomografía describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotórax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toráxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona tórpidamente, se realiza decorticación pleuro-pulmonar y resección cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infec- ción nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  5. Hiponatremia severa e hidrocefalia normotensiva del adulto: Reporte de un caso


    Rosano, Sebastián; González, Noelia; Zabiaurre, Valentina; Retamoso, Irene; Sosa, Leonardo


    Presentamos una paciente de 62 años de edad que ingresa por cefalea, alteraciones conductuales, síndrome tónico-frontal simétrico y síndrome cerebeloso de dos meses de evolución asociado a hiponatremia crónica severa. Se plantea el diagnóstico de síndrome de secreción inadecuada de hormona antidiurética (ADH) secundario a hidrocefalia normotensiva del adulto, presentando clara mejoría con la derivación ventrículo-peritoneal. Este caso pretende aportar información sobre una asociación descrita...

  6. Protección oportuna y diferenciada a madres de hijos con discapacidad severa.

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    Norma Echemendía Gómez


    Full Text Available En el Estudio Integral de la discapacidad llamó poderosamente la atención las madres de hijos con discapacidad severa, que en condiciones muy adversas se mantenían trabajando o habían dejado de hacerlo. Siendo emitidas por la Dirección Nacional de Seguridad Social las Indicaciones Metodológicas para la protección salarial, laboral y de seguridad social de estas mujeres, prioridad del Ministerio de Trabajo y de Seguridad Social la atención de estas madres en cada territorio. Es el municipio de Sancti Spíritus el de mayor cantidad de madres protegidas en la provincia, estas razones justifican este trabajo. El Objetivo General: valorar los resultados obtenidos en los núcleos protegidos posterior a la aplicación de las Indicaciones Metodológicas en el municipio cabecera. Los objetivos específicos: caracterizar la protección económica alcanzada en estos núcleos, constatar la valoración que realizan estas madres sobre la atención médica, educativa y social que reciben. Se aplicó revisión de documentos primarios, tomándose como muestra a 25 expedientes de prestaciones de la Seguridad Social de la Dirección Municipal de Trabajo y se le aplicó entrevista individual a 15 de ellas. Entre los resultados: Se expone el alcance y características de la protección económica y los resultados alcanzados en las esferas Médico, Educacional y Social. A partir de las recomendaciones surgidas de los resultados, la Subdirección de Seguridad Social del municipio reconoció conveniente adecuar un solo expediente laboral y de prestaciones para cada madre y la CTC municipal aprobó la afiliación de las madres trabajadoras a la correspondiente sesión sindical, dando respuesta a la principal petición de las madres entrevistadas.

  7. Pre-eclampsia: Factores de riesgo. Estudio en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia.


    Salviz Salhuana, Manuel; Cordero Muñoz, Luis; Saona Ugarte, Pedro


    Objetivo: El objetivo fue evaluar los factores de riesgo asociados a pre-eclampsia en nuestro hospital. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, de tipo caso-control concurrente en 88 pacientes con pre-eclampsia e igual número de controles. El trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre los meses de marzo a agosto de 1993. Resultados: Los factores asociados a pre-eclampsia fueron el antecedente previo a pre-eclampsia (OR:17)...

  8. La aspirina es ineficaz en la prevención de la pre-eclampsia

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    Carlos Bustamante Rojas


    Full Text Available Tres recientes estudios han confirmado que la aspirina no aporta ningún beneficio en la prevención de la pre-eclampsia o en reducir los efectos de esta en los recién nacidos. Sin embargo, y a pesar de la evidencia cada vez mayor de ineficacia, muchos continúan usándola de rutina con este fin. EI resultado de un primer ensayo clínico aleatorizado con 2.539 mujeres en alto riesgo para presentar pre-eclampsia, llevado a cabo en el National Institute of Child Health and Human Development en los Estados Unidos, demostró categóricamente que el tratamiento preventivo con aspirina no sirve; las diferencias halladas frente al placebo no fueron estadísticamente significativas, tomando para el estudio mujeres con diabetes previa, hipertensión arterial, o antecedentes de pre-eclampsia. Tampoco hubo ninguna diferencia en cuanto al número de partos pretérmino, bajo peso para la edad gestacional y mortalidad.

  9. Preeclampsia grave: características y consecuencias

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    Arturo Pérez de Villa Amil Álvarez


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la preeclampsia es un trastorno hipertensivo del embarazo y es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad perinatal y materna. Objetivo: identificar los factores maternos, terapéuticos, y daños asociados a la preeclampsia grave en gestantes. Método: estudio de serie de casos, que incluyó 69 pacientes diagnosticadas con preeclampsia grave en el período del 1ro de enero de 2012 al 31 de diciembre de 2013, atendidas en el Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima. Se clasificaron en dos grupos correspondiendo ambos a los criterios de preeclampsia grave con y sin asociación de factores agravantes. Se evaluaron variables relacionadas a: características maternas, características de atención médica, características neonatales y fetales. Se aplicó un formulario confeccionado según los datos obtenidos de las historias clínicas, acorde a la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades Décima Revisión. Las comparaciones entre grupos se efectuaron por el estadístico X2 aceptándose como significativo una p<0,05. Resultados: la frecuencia de preeclampsia grave fue de 0,8x100 partos. La mayor frecuencia correspondió al rango de edad de 31-35 años. La eclampsia se observó en 0,91x1000 partos. El daño materno ascendió a 30,4 %. El sulfato de magnesio se utilizó como profilaxis en el 89 % de los casos. La frecuencia de eclampsia en las que no se usó fue del 50 %, mientras que en las que se usó fue de solo 6,4 %. La cesárea se realizó en el 85,5 % de las pacientes. El daño neonatal se asoció al 52,3 %. La mortalidad fetal tardía fue de 4,6x100 nacimientos. En las diferencias intergrupos se observaron divergencias significativas respecto al daño neonatal. Conclusión: es evidente la alta asociación de restricción del crecimiento intrauterino con la prematuridad inducida, alto índice de cesárea primitiva y el elevado daño materno, neonatal y fetal. El uso del sulfato de magnesio impresiona con

  10. Infección bacteriana severa en niños febriles: Parámetros predictivos

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    Alicia Álvarez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Diferentes investigadores han realizado estudios sobre el manejo del niño febril y plantean que es un dilema al que se enfrenta a diario el médico que atiende niños. Motivados por este tema se efectuó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los niños febriles, sin causa aparente en su valoración inicial, que asistieron al servicio de urgencias en un período de 9 meses, con el objetivo de identificar el diagnóstico definitivo al egreso y se precisó el tipo de infección bacteriana severa y relacionó la presencia de éstos con parámetros clínicos y de laboratorios. El mayor número de niños febriles valorados e ingresados mostraron edades desde 91 días hasta 36 meses. El menor porcenaje de ellos ingresaron y desarrollaron alguna infección bacteriana severa principalmente neumonía, y fue mayor el porcentaje de niños con esta patología a menos edad con predominio del aspecto tóxico y de la temperatura 39 EC. Resultó el manejo ambulatorio del niño febril mayor de 90 días y bajo riesgo de infección bacteriana severa un ahorro en vidas y dinero, por lo que se recomienda generalizar el flujograma propuesto para la evaluación y manejo del niño febril de 3 a 36 meses de edad.Different researches have performed studies on the management of the febrile infant and they point out that this is a dilemma faced by every physician who takes care of children. Motivated by this subject, a descriptive and retrospective study of febrile infants was conducted. The study was carried out to evaluate febrile infants without evident cause at the baseline evaluation who attended the emergency service during a period of 9 months with the objective of identifying the definite diagnosis at admission. The type of bacterial infection was accurately assessed and the presence of this was related to clinical and laboratory parameters. The greatest number of febrile infants evaluated and admitted to hospital were 91 days-36 months old. The lowest percentage



    Reyna-Villasmil,Eduardo; Mejia-Montilla,Jorly; Reyna-Villasmil,Nadia; Torres-Cepeda,Duly; Peña-Paredes,Elvia


    Antecedentes: La adiponectina, una de las proteínas específicas del tejido adiposo, se ha considerado que mejora la sensibilidad a la insulina, inhibe la inflamación vascular y tiene efectos antiaterogénicas, ya que se correlacionan negativamente con la obesidad y dislipidemia. Objetivo: Comparar las concentraciones de adiponectina plasmática en eclámpticas, preeclámpticas y embarazadas normotensas. Método: Se incluyeron 30 pacientes con preeclampsia leve (grupo A), 30 pacientes con preeclamp...


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    Yamalí Benites-Cóndor


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud indica que diariamente fallecen alrededor de 800 mujeres por causas relacionadas al embarazo y parto, dentro de las cuales la preeclampsia ocupa el tercer lugar. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes que fueron hospitalizadas en el Hospital de Apoyo II "Santa Rosa" de la ciudad de Piura durante el periodo junio 2010 - mayo 2011. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de casos y controles, en gestantes hospitalizadas entre junio del 2010 y mayo del 2011. Mediante un muestreo aleatorio se obtuvieron 39 casos de preeclampsia y 78 controles sin preeclampsia. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS v19.0, en el cual se ejecutó un análisis de casos y controles no pareados aplicando la prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Fueron variables significativamente asociadas con la preeclampsia: Edad 35 años (p=0,021, y número de controles prenatales mayor o igual a siete (p= 0,049. No resultaron significativos la primiparidad ni el sobrepeso. Interpretación: Se debe promover un control prenatal adecuado (traducido como siete o más controles durante la gestación, especialmente en aquellas mujeres que se encuentran en los extremos de la vida fértil.

  13. Factores asociados al desarrollo de preeclampsia en un hospital de Piura, Perú

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    Yamalí Benites-Condor


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud indica que diariamente fallecen alrededor de 800 mujeres por causas relacionadas al embarazo y parto, dentro de las cuales la preeclampsia ocupa el tercer lugar. Objetivo: identificar los factores asociados a preeclampsia en gestantes que fueron hospitalizadas en el Hospital de Apoyo II “Santa Rosa” de la ciudad de Piura durante el periodo junio 2010 - mayo 2011. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de casos y controles, en gestantes hospitalizadas entre junio del 2010 y mayo del 2011. Mediante un muestreo aleatorio se obtuvieron 39 casos de preeclampsia y 78 controles sin preeclampsia. Los datos fueron analizados con el paquete estadístico SPSS v19.0, en el cual se ejecutó un análisis de casos y controles no pareados aplicando la prueba Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Fueron variables significativamente asociadas con la preeclampsia: Edad 35 años  (p=0,021, y número de controles prenatales mayor o igual a siete (p= 0,049. No resultaron significativos la primiparidad ni el sobrepeso. Interpretación: Se debe promover un control prenatal adecuado (traducido como siete o más controles durante la gestación, especialmente en aquellas mujeres que se encuentran en los extremos de la vida fértil.

  14. Niveles de ácido úrico sérico y riesgo de desarrollar preeclampsia

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    Ana I Corominas


    Full Text Available Si bien se conoce que existe una asociación entre los niveles elevados de ácido úrico y la preeclampsia, el debate sobre su aplicación clínica aún está abierto. Nuestro objetivo fue estudiar la utilidad del dosaje periódico del ácido úrico sérico durante el embarazo para identificar gestantes con mayor riesgo de desarrollar preeclampsia. Realizamos un estudio retrospectivo en gestantes primíparas: 79 normotensas y 79 con preeclampsia atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Posadas durante el año 2010. Se analizaron los niveles séricos de ácido úrico, creatinina y urea, y los datos de proteinuria de las historias clínicas de las mujeres embarazadas. Los niveles de ácido úrico fueron similares en ambos grupos durante la primera mitad de la gestación. Sin embargo, a partir de la semana 20, el ácido úrico se incrementó 1.5 veces en gestantes preeclámpticas, sin cambios en la uremia y creatininemia, descartándose así el compromiso renal. Además, encontramos que niveles más altos de ácido úrico se correlacionaban con bajo peso del recién nacido. También vimos que las gestantes con antecedentes familiares de hipertensión eran más propensas a desarrollar esta condición. Por otro lado, no observamos una relación directa ni con el sexo fetal ni con el tiempo de aparición de los síntomas clínicos. Estos hallazgos sugieren que los cambios en las concentraciones de ácido úrico se deberían a alteraciones en los estadios iniciales de la preeclampsia. Por ello, la monitorización de los niveles del mismo durante el embarazo podría contribuir al abordaje precoz de este desorden gestacional.

  15. Pregnancy Complications: Preeclampsia (United States)

    ... online community Home > Complications & Loss > Pregnancy complications > Preeclampsia Preeclampsia E-mail to a friend Please fill in ... even if you’re feeling fine. What is preeclampsia? Preeclampsia is a serious blood pressure condition that ...

  16. Preeclampsia 2012

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    Elosha Eiland


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a common complication of pregnancy associated with high maternal morbidity and mortality and intrauterine fetal growth restriction. There is extensive evidence that the reduction of uteroplacental blood flow in this syndrome results from the toxic combination of hypoxia, imbalance of angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors, inflammation, and deranged immunity. Women treated for preeclampsia also have an increased risk for cardiovascular and renal disease. At present it is unclear if the increased cardiovascular and renal disease risks are due to residual and or progressive effects of endothelial damage from the preeclampsia or from shared risk factors between preeclampsia and cardiac disease. Moreover, it appears that endothelin-1 signaling may play a central role in the hypertension associated with preeclampsia. In this paper, we discuss emerging data on the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and review therapeutic options.

  17. ÍNDICE ATEROGÉNICO COMO FACTOR DE RIESGO PARA EL SÍNDROME DE PREECLAMPSIA / Atherogenic index as a risk factor for preeclampsia syndrome

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    José P. Rueda Villalpando


    Full Text Available ResumenIntroducción y objetivos: La hipertensión inducida por el embarazo o preeclampsia presenta características fisiopatológicas similares a las de la aterosclerosis y las enfermedades cardiovasculares. El propósito del estudio fue identificar los factores de riesgo aterogénico y su relación en la preeclampsia. Método: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de tipo transversal, con 50 pacientes en el tercer trimestre del embarazo. Mediante la entrevista se establecieron el peso y la talla, para calcular el índice de masa corporal. La tensión arterial > 140/90 mmHg acompañada de edema y proteinuria en el embarazo, se clasificó como hipertensión arterial. Se tomaron muestras de sangre para determinar los valores de colesterol sérico, triglicéridos y HDL. Las variables se expresaron en porcentajes. Resultados: En cada paciente se analizó el número de factores de riesgo y sus asociaciones. Los resultados más relevantes consistieron en que el 76 % presentó sobrepeso u obesidad. En cuanto al síndrome de preeclampsia, se mostró en el 30 % con un riesgo relativo de 3 veces más que las normolipídicas, y 30 % tuvo un índice aterogénico elevado. Conclusiones: La dislipidemia es un factor de riesgo aterogénico de importancia, y en conjunto constituyen un factor de riesgo para la preeclampsia. El incremento del índice aterogénico aumenta la susceptibilidad a la aterogénesis en la preeclampsia. La dislipidemia aparenta ser el punto de inicio de esta cadena de sucesos. El estudio del papel de la dislipidemia podría contribuir a la comprensión de los mecanismos de disfunción endotelial en la preeclampsia. / AbstractIntroduction and Objectives: Pregnancy−induced hypertension or preeclampsia presents pathophysiological features similar to atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Identify atherogenic risk factors and their relationship in preeclampsia was the purpose of this study. Method: We conducted a cross



    Valdés R.,Enrique; Pilasi M.,Carlos; Núñez U.,Tatiana


    Se presenta un caso clínico con diagnóstico final de Tirotoxicosis gestacional que debuta con una complicación excepcional, insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva e hipertensión pulmonar severa. Se presenta la experiencia del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile, proponiendo que su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos son la base del pronóstico de esta patología de riesgo vital para el binomio madre-hijo

  19. Nutrición parenteral total en una paciente gestante con pancreatitis aguda e hipertrigliceridemia por déficit de lipoproteín lipasa


    Contreras-Bolívar, Victoria; González-Molero, Inmaculada; Valdivieso, Pedro; Olveira, Gabriel


    Presentamos un caso de pancreatitis aguda severa inducida por hipertrigliceridemia secundaria a déficit de lipoproteín lipasa (LPL) en una paciente gestante con diabetes gestacional, manejada inicialmente con dieta, siendo necesario posteriormente llevar a cabo medidas de soporte nutricional artificial: nutrición parenteral total. El déficit de LPL causa hipertrigliceridemia severa y, frecuentemente, pancreatitis aguda de repetición, situación de difícil manejo y de importante gravedad durant...

  20. Adenosine and preeclampsia. (United States)

    Salsoso, Rocío; Farías, Marcelo; Gutiérrez, Jaime; Pardo, Fabián; Chiarello, Delia I; Toledo, Fernando; Leiva, Andrea; Mate, Alfonso; Vázquez, Carmen M; Sobrevia, Luis


    Adenosine is an endogenous nucleoside with pleiotropic effects in different physiological processes including circulation, renal blood flow, immune function, or glucose homeostasis. Changes in adenosine membrane transporters, adenosine receptors, and corresponding intracellular signalling network associate with development of pathologies of pregnancy, including preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality affecting 3-5% of pregnancies. Since the proposed mechanisms of preeclampsia development include adenosine-dependent biological effects, adenosine membrane transporters and receptors, and the associated signalling mechanisms might play a role in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia associates with increased adenosine concentration in the maternal blood and placental tissue, likely due to local hypoxia and ischemia (although not directly demonstrated), microthrombosis, increased catecholamine release, and platelet activation. In addition, abnormal expression and function of equilibrative nucleoside transporters is described in foetoplacental tissues from preeclampsia; however, the role of adenosine receptors in the aetiology of this disease is not well understood. Adenosine receptors activation may be related to abnormal trophoblast invasion, angiogenesis, and ischemia/reperfusion mechanisms in the placenta from preeclampsia. These mechanisms may explain only a low fraction of the associated abnormal transformation of spiral arteries in preeclampsia, triggering cellular stress and inflammatory mediators release from the placenta to the maternal circulation. Although increased adenosine concentration in preeclampsia may be a compensatory or adaptive mechanism favouring placental angiogenesis, a poor angiogenic state is found in preeclampsia. Thus, preeclampsia-associated complications might affect the cell response to adenosine due to altered expression and activity of adenosine receptors, membrane transporters

  1. Pre-eclampsia: Factores de riesgo. Estudio en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia.

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    Manuel Salviz Salhuana


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo fue evaluar los factores de riesgo asociados a pre-eclampsia en nuestro hospital. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, de tipo caso-control concurrente en 88 pacientes con pre-eclampsia e igual número de controles. El trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre los meses de marzo a agosto de 1993. Resultados: Los factores asociados a pre-eclampsia fueron el antecedente previo a pre-eclampsia (OR:17, el índice de masa corporal elevado (OR:9.6, la raza predominantemente blanca (OR:6.4, el antecedente familiar de hipertensión arterial (OR: 5.2, la falta de control pre-natal y la nuliparidad (OR: 2.5. La incidencia de pre-eclampsia fue 4.11%, y requirieron parto por cesárea el 69.3% de las pacientes. Presentaron complicaciones en el puerperio inmediato 28.4% de los casos, siendo más frecuentes las infecciones. (Rev Med Hered 1996; 7: 24-31.

  2. Caracterización molecular de la cadena gama común y Jak3 en un individuo afectado con inmunodeficiencia severa combinada

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    Pablo Javier Patiño Grajales


    Full Text Available

    La Inmunodeficiencia Severa Combinada (IDSC es una enfermedad
    de origen genético, que se puede heredar de forma autosómica
    recesiva o ligada al cromosoma X. La IDSC se caracteriza por un
    defecto en el número y la diferenciación de los linfocitos T y NK. Los
    individuos afectados desarrollan diarrea crónica, infecciones persistentes y severas como neumonía, septicemia e infecciones fúngicas.
    Estos pacientes presentan retardo en el crecimiento y pueden morir a
    temprana edad si no se realiza una terapia de corrección genética o un
    trasplante de células hematopoyéticas. Las mutaciones responsables
    de la IDSC comprometen principalmente el gen de la cadena gama
    común (γc y la proteína Jak3 que son proteínas fundamentales en la
    transducción de señales de los receptores para varias citoquinas esenciales en la diferenciación y activación de células del sistema inmune, las cuales incluyen IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9 e IL-15 (1,2.



  3. Preeclampsia como factor de riesgo independiente para el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Estudio de casos y controles. Bucaramanga, Colombia

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    Yuly Andrea Castellanos-Castellanos


    Full Text Available Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad es una condición mental que afecta a niños y adolescentes con prevalencia estimada de 5.3% en la población mundial y en Colombia es de 19-24% en hombres y 10-12% en mujeres. Su etiología es multifactorial, entre ellos se encuentra la hipoxia como factor del medio ambiente uterino; presentándose en entidades como la preeclampsia, donde se ha considerado determinante en el desarrollo del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, siendo importante evaluar su asociación. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el diagnóstico trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad y el antecedente perinatal de preeclampsia. Metodología: Estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo de 411 casos de trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad y 404 controles no emparentados sin trastorno ni otros trastornos disruptivos del comportamiento. La evaluación psiquiátrica se hizo entre el 2005–2011, mediante entrevista estructurada que incluyó indagar el antecedente de preeclamsia en el embarazo de cada paciente. Resultados: El antecedente de preeclampsia se presentó en el 3.7% de los pacientes con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad y en el 5.5% de los controles (OR 0.66, IC95% 0.34 – 1.29; p=0.221. Esta falta de asociación se mantuvo luego de ajustar por género, ser adoptado, haber nacido por cesárea y edad de inicio del trastorno que llevó a consultar al paciente (OR 0.51, IC95% 0.22 – 1.17; p=0.115. Conclusión: El estudio no encontró significancia estadística entre el antecedente de preeclampsia materna y el trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad como factor principalmente asociado en la muestra de pacientes seleccionados.

  4. Cribado de preeclampsia con estudio doppler de las arterias uterinas


    Figueras Falcón, Tatiana


    Programa de doctorado: Patología quirúrgica, Reproducción humana y factores psicológicos y el proceso de enfermar. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura. [ES]La Preeclampsia (PE) es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad maternofetal. Es un síndrome en el que existe una disfunción endotelial multisistémica. Varias teorías pretenden explicar el porqué de la PE para establecer factores de riesgo que puedan predisponer a su aparició...

  5. Genetics Home Reference: preeclampsia (United States)

    ... Share: Email Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions Preeclampsia Preeclampsia Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy in which affected ...

  6. Microvascular remodelling in preeclampsia: quantifying capillary rarefaction accurately and independently predicts preeclampsia. (United States)

    Antonios, Tarek F T; Nama, Vivek; Wang, Duolao; Manyonda, Isaac T


    Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. The incidence of preeclampsia seems to be rising because of increased prevalence of predisposing disorders, such as essential hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, and there is increasing evidence to suggest widespread microcirculatory abnormalities before the onset of preeclampsia. We hypothesized that quantifying capillary rarefaction could be helpful in the clinical prediction of preeclampsia. We measured skin capillary density according to a well-validated protocol at 5 consecutive predetermined visits in 322 consecutive white women, of whom 16 subjects developed preeclampsia. We found that structural capillary rarefaction at 20-24 weeks of gestation yielded a sensitivity of 0.87 with a specificity of 0.50 at the cutoff of 2 capillaries/field with the area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic value of 0.70, whereas capillary rarefaction at 27-32 weeks of gestation yielded a sensitivity of 0.75 and a higher specificity of 0.77 at the cutoff of 8 capillaries/field with area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic value of 0.82. Combining capillary rarefaction with uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index increased the sensitivity and specificity of the prediction. Multivariable analysis shows that the odds of preeclampsia are increased in women with previous history of preeclampsia or chronic hypertension and in those with increased uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index, but the most powerful and independent predictor of preeclampsia was capillary rarefaction at 27-32 weeks. Quantifying structural rarefaction of skin capillaries in pregnancy is a potentially useful clinical marker for the prediction of preeclampsia.

  7. Dislipidemia en pacientes con artritis reumatoide atendidos en un hospital general

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    Jose Galindo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de dislipidemia en pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR atendidos en un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Se incluyeron 44 pacientes a quienes se les determinó perfil lipídico sérico. Los resultados se clasificaron según el reporte modificado en el 2004 del tercer panel de tratamiento del adulto (ATP III. Además, se determinó el índice de masa corporal (IMC, la puntuación para la actividad de la enfermedad (DAS-28 y la limitación funcional medida con el cuestionario de evaluación de salud - versión peruana (HAQ-P. Resultados: La frecuencia de dislipidemia en pacientes con AR fue 75%. El 54,5% tuvo un IMC fuera de los límites normales. En el DAS-28, la mayoría de pacientes se encontraron con actividad severa de la enfermedad. Sin embargo, hubo más pacientes con dislipidemia en el grupo con moderada actividad. En la escala de HAQ-P, la mitad tuvo incapacidad funcional moderada a severa y mayor número de sujetos con dislipidemia. El 69,7% de los pacientes con alteraciones en el perfil lipídico presentó dislipidemia mixta. Conclusiones: La dislipidemia en los pacientes con AR del estudio se presentó con una alta frecuencia y con diversas formas de alteración en el perfil lipídico sin un patrón uniforme. Por lo tanto, el tratamiento de la dislipidemia sería individualizado en cada paciente para prevenir eventos cardiovasculares.(Rev Med Hered 2011;22:47-53.

  8. Síndrome diencéfalico como causa de desnutrición severa

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    Leonor Báez Segurola


    Full Text Available El síndrome diencefálico es un complejo de síntomas y signos causados por disfunción de esta área del encéfalo caracterizado por una marcada desnutrición aun cuando la ingesta calórica es normal. Se presentan dos casos, el primero de ellos una niña de 13 meses de edad con antecedentes de un fallo de medro a partir del tercer mes de vida, que ingresó en este servicio para el estudio de una desnutrición proteico energética severa que presentó en el transcurso de su evolución un apetito inestable y al mes de ingresada un evento paroxístico. Se le realizó resonancia magnética nuclear y se comprobó imagen hipodensa, redondeada, que medía aproximadamente 3 x 3 cm en región supraselar; fue intervenida quirúrgicamente en 2 ocasiones, se realizó exéresis del tumor, y se confirmó anatomopatológicamente un astrocitoma pilocítico de bajo grado. El segundo paciente, un lactante que ingresó con el diagnóstico confirmado de tumor intracraneal para estudio, semejante al caso presentado anteriormente, mostraba una marcada desnutrición proteico energética, se le realizó tomografía axial computarizada en la que se pudo apreciar una extensa masa tumoral supraselar con dilatación del sistema ventricular. Durante su evolución presentó marcada anorexia con pérdida de peso progresiva, por lo que se realizó gastrostomía. A los 59 días falleció como consecuencia de una pancitopenia, y la necropsia concluyó: astrocitoma pilocítico de bajo grado.

  9. Tratamiento con altas dosis de corticoides de Púrpura Trombocitopénica Inmune en paciente con Diabetes Mellitus y Obesidad Mórbida, un desafio metabólico


    Juan Pedro Andreu Cuello; Juan Pablo Gatica Araneda; Patricio Alfaro-Toloza; Romina Olmos-de-Aguilera


    El manejo de la púrpura trombocitopénica inmune con altas dosis de corticoides en pacientes con diabetes mellitus y obesidad mórbida no está definido. Mujer de 64 años con obesidad mórbida, diabetes mellitus 2 y púrpura trombocitopénico inmune presenta trombocitopenia severa de 2 000 plaquetas asociada a equimosis extensas en ambas extremidades inferiores y glicemia descompensada. Se inició tratamiento con Metilprednisolona 500mg por tres días y luego Prednisona 60mg/día, al quinto día se aum...

  10. Molecular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia

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    N. Vitoratos


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity/mortality. The pathogenesis of preeclampsia is still under investigation. The aim of this paper is to present the molecular mechanisms implicating in the pathway leading to preeclampsia.

  11. Facility-based care for delivery and management of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth in Mexico

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    Bernardo Hernández


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the incidence and management of severe maternal and newborn complications in selected health facilities in Mexico. MATERIALS AND METHODS: As part of the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn health, information was collected from medical records of women with deliveries and/or severe maternal complications during pregnancy or puerperium in 14 hospitals in Mexico City and the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. RESULTS: Of 13 311 women, 157 (12 per 1 000 live births had severe maternal complications including 4 maternal deaths. The most frequent complications were preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, and chronic hypertension. Adverse perinatal outcomes were more frequent among women with severe maternal complications. A high use of uterotonics and parenteral antibiotics was found. A small proportion of women with eclampsia received magnesium sulfate. CONCLUSION: This study provides indicators on the incidence and management of maternal and neonatal complications in Mexico, which may be useful in studying and evaluating the performance of obstetric services.OBJETIVO: Describir la incidencia y manejo de complicaciones maternas y neonatales severas en hospitales seleccionados de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: En el marco de la Encuesta Multipaís de la OMS sobre Salud Materna y Neonatal, se recolectó información de los expedientes médicos de las mujeres que tuvieron su parto o experimentaron complicaciones maternas severas durante el embarazo o puerperio en 14 hospitales de la Ciudad de México y el estado de Guanajuato, México. RESULTADOS: De 13 311 mujeres, 157 (12/1 000 nacidos vivos tuvieron complicaciones maternas severas, incluyendo 4 muertes maternas. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron preeclampsia, hemorragia postparto e hipertensión crónica. Los resultados perinatales adversos fueron más frecuentes en las mujeres con complicaciones severas. Hubo un uso amplio de uterotónicos y antibi

  12. Associations of personal and family preeclampsia history with the risk of early-, intermediate- and late-onset preeclampsia. (United States)

    Boyd, Heather A; Tahir, Hassaan; Wohlfahrt, Jan; Melbye, Mads


    Preeclampsia encompasses multiple conditions of varying severity. We examined the recurrence and familial aggregation of preeclampsia by timing of onset, which is a marker for severity. We ascertained personal and family histories of preeclampsia for women who delivered live singletons in Denmark in 1978-2008 (almost 1.4 million pregnancies). Using log-linear binomial regression, we estimated risk ratios for the associations between personal and family histories of preeclampsia and the risk of early-onset (before 34 weeks of gestation, which is typically the most severe), intermediate-onset (at 34-36 weeks of gestation), and late-onset (after 36 weeks of gestation) preeclampsia. Previous early-, intermediate-, or late-onset preeclampsia increased the risk of recurrent preeclampsia with the same timing of onset 25.2 times (95% confidence interval (CI): 21.8, 29.1), 19.7 times (95% CI: 17.0, 22.8), and 10.3 times (95% CI: 9.85, 10.9), respectively, compared with having no such history. Preeclampsia in a woman's family was associated with a 24%-163% increase in preeclampsia risk, with the strongest associations for early- and intermediate-onset preeclampsia in female relatives. Preeclampsia in the man's family did not affect a woman's risk of early-onset preeclampsia and was only weakly associated with her risks of intermediate- and late-onset preeclampsia. Early-onset preeclampsia appears to have the largest genetic component, whereas environmental factors likely contribute most to late-onset preeclampsia. The role of paternal genes in the etiology of preeclampsia appears to be limited.

  13. Preeclampsia como factor de riesgo independiente para el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad. Estudio de casos y controles. Bucaramanga, Colombia


    Yuly Andrea Castellanos-Castellanos; Mauricio Escobar-Sánchez; María Carolina Páez-Leal; Luis Alfonso Díaz-Martínez; Carlos Andrés Arias-Duran; Derlly Marcela Espitia-Orejarena; Jesica Lisette Forero-Parada


    Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad es una condición mental que afecta a niños y adolescentes con prevalencia estimada de 5.3% en la población mundial y en Colombia es de 19-24% en hombres y 10-12% en mujeres. Su etiología es multifactorial, entre ellos se encuentra la hipoxia como factor del medio ambiente uterino; presentándose en entidades como la preeclampsia, donde se ha considerado determinante en el desarrollo del trastorno por dé...

  14. Resultados perinatales en mujeres mexicanas con lupus eritematoso sistémico

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    B. Farfan-Labonne


    Conclusiones: Las mujeres mexicanas con lupus eritematoso sistémico tienen una alta incidencia de nacimiento pretérmino, preeclampsia, anemia, preeclampsia de inicio temprano, restricción del crecimiento intrauterino y cesárea, si bien la incidencia de nacidos vivos está entre las más altas reportadas en la literatura.

  15. Genética y preeclampsia


    Quiroga de Michelena, María Isabel; Diaz Kuan, Alicia


    La preeclampsia es una condición multifactorial y compleja cuya etiología continúa en estudio. La identificación de los genes involucrados en la preeclampsia puede ser la antesala para disponer de marcadores que puedan predecir y/o detectar la preeclampsia, así como el descubrimiento de tratamientos específicos y personalizados. Preeclampsia is a multifactorial and complex condition whose etiology continues in study. Identification of genes involved in preeclampsia may lead to markers that...

  16. Hipospadia severa con defecto concurrente del pene, escroto y prepucio en canino


    Torres, J; Sato, A; Torres, O


    Desde que llegó a la casa, a los 28 días, se notó que no presentaba cola y no orinaba por el pene, lo hizo siempre por un orificio debajo del ano. Es el nacimiento de un cruce entre hermanos, fue el único sobreviviente de una camada de 6 cachorros. Los testículos se fuerondesarrollando con el tiempo, presenta libido, que lo demuestra montando otros perros. Se le aplicó solo una inmunización a los 3 meses con una vacuna completa (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospira icterohemorragica y canicola, P...

  17. Nutritional approach to preeclampsia prevention. (United States)

    Achamrah, Najate; Ditisheim, Agnès


    Although not fully understood, the physiopathology of preeclampsia is thought to involve an abnormal placentation, diffuse endothelial cell dysfunction and increased systemic inflammation. As micronutrients play a key role in placental endothelial function, oxidative stress and expression of angiogenic factors, periconceptional micronutrient supplementation has been proposed to reduce the risk of preeclampsia. However, recent studies reported conflicting results. Calcium intake (>1 g/day) may reduce the risk of preeclampsia in women with low-calcium diet. Data from recently updated Cochrane reviews did not support routine supplementation of vitamins C, E or D for either the prevention or treatment of preeclampsia. Evidences are also poor to support zinc or folic acid supplementation for preeclampsia prevention. Dark chocolate, flavonoid-rich food, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids might also be candidates for prevention of preeclampsia. Through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory or vasoactive proprieties, micronutrients are good candidates for preeclampsia prevention. Calcium supplementation is recommended to prevent preeclampsia in women with low-calcium intake. Despite positive clinical and in-vitro data, strong evidence to support periconceptional supplementation of other micronutrients for preeclampsia risk-reduction is still lacking. Further studies are also needed to evaluate the benefit of nutritional supplementation such as chocolate and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  18. Preeclampsia - self-care (United States)

    ... this page: // Preeclampsia - self-care To use the sharing features on ... as you get used to it. Risks of Preeclampsia There are risks to both you and your ...

  19. Embryo cryopreservation and preeclampsia risk. (United States)

    Sites, Cynthia K; Wilson, Donna; Barsky, Maya; Bernson, Dana; Bernstein, Ira M; Boulet, Sheree; Zhang, Yujia


    To determine whether assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles involving cryopreserved-warmed embryos are associated with the development of preeclampsia. Retrospective cohort study. IVF clinics and hospitals. A total of 15,937 births from ART: 9,417 singleton and 6,520 twin. We used linked ART surveillance, birth certificate, and maternal hospitalization discharge data, considering resident singleton and twin births from autologous or donor eggs from 2005-2010. We compared the frequency of preeclampsia diagnosis for cryopreserved-warmed versus fresh ET and used multivariable logistic regression to adjust for confounders. Among pregnancies conceived with autologous eggs resulting in singletons, preeclampsia was greater after cryopreserved-warmed versus fresh ET (7.51% vs. 4.29%, adjusted odds ratio = 2.17 [95% CI 1.67-2.82]). Preeclampsia without and with severe features, preeclampsia with preterm delivery, and chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia were more frequent after cryopreserved-warmed versus fresh ET (3.99% vs. 2.55%; 2.95% vs. 1.41%; 2.76 vs. 1.48%; and 0.95% vs. 0.43%, respectively). Among pregnancies from autologous eggs resulting in twins, the frequency of preeclampsia with severe features (9.26% vs. 5.70%) and preeclampsia with preterm delivery (14.81% vs. 11.74%) was higher after cryopreserved versus fresh transfers. Among donor egg pregnancies, rates of preeclampsia did not differ significantly between cryopreserved-warmed and fresh ET (10.78% vs. 12.13% for singletons and 28.0% vs. 25.15% for twins). Among ART pregnancies conceived using autologous eggs resulting in live births, those involving transfer of cryopreserved-warmed embryos, as compared with fresh ETs, had increased risk for preeclampsia with severe features and preeclampsia with preterm delivery. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. All rights reserved.

  20. Cuando la preeclampsia irrumpe inesperadamente en el embarazo: Dolor, miedo y fe en Dios When preeclampsia bursts into pregnancy: Pain, fear, and faith in God

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    Celmira Laza Vásquez


    Full Text Available La preeclampsia es la alteración de mayor frecuencia durante la gestación y el puerperio, ocasionando una alta morbilidad en el binomio madre-hijo. Sin embargo, las consecuencias de ésta no deben valorarse solo teniendo en cuenta las alteraciones en la salud que ocasiona en la mujer y su hijo, sino también en términos de lo difícil y doloroso que puede ser la vivencia para las gestantes que han tenido que enfrentarse a esta enfermedad. Este es el relato biográfico de una joven estudiante de enfermería que describe su experiencia de enfrentarse a la preeclampsia durante su primera gestación, cuando ésta irrumpió inesperadamente en su anhelada maternidad, generando miedo y angustia por la gravedad que para ella significó la enfermedad y la posibilidad de la muerte de su hija junto con la experiencia de una larga hospitalización. La fe en Dios y la presencia de su compañero se constituyeron en soporte para sobrellevar los amargos momentos vividos.Preeclampsia is the most frequent disease during pregnancy and delivery, causing high morbidity to the maternofetal unit. However, the difficult, painful life experiences of pregnant women who suffered preeclampsia must be kept in mind, beyond their health alterations. This paper offers the biographical account of a young nursery student, who describes her experience while engaging preeclampsia in her first pregnancy, when disease abruptly stopped her much desired maternity, causing to her fear, distress, and a long hospitalization. God and his mate were her support while leaving behind her bitter experience.

  1. Tratamiento con trióxido de arsénico en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica aguda

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    Lidia Clara Suárez Beyríes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 17 adultos con leucemia promielocítica aguda, atendidos en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba durante un quinquenio, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento de inducción con trióxido de arsénico. En la casuística, la remisión hematológica completa se obtuvo en 82,4 % de sus integrantes a los 42,2 días como promedio. Predominaron la hepatotoxicidad y los dolores óseos como reacciones adversas más comunes, así como también las hemorragias severas como causa principal de muerte. Con este tratamiento se logró la incorporación laboral de quienes mejoraron totalmente y la sobrevida global hasta la fecha es de 76,4 %

  2. Protein profiling of preeclampsia placental tissues. (United States)

    Shu, Chang; Liu, Zitao; Cui, Lifeng; Wei, Chengguo; Wang, Shuwen; Tang, Jian Jenny; Cui, Miao; Lian, Guodong; Li, Wei; Liu, Xiufen; Xu, Hongmei; Jiang, Jing; Lee, Peng; Zhang, David Y; He, Jin; Ye, Fei


    Preeclampsia is a multi-system disorder involved in pregnancy without an effective treatment except delivery. The precise pathogenesis of this complicated disorder is still not completely understood. The objective of this study is to evaluate the alterations of protein expression and phosphorylations that are important in regulating placental cell function in preterm and term preeclampsia. Using the Protein Pathway Array, 38 proteins in placental tissues were found to be differentially expressed between preterm preeclampsia and gestational age matched control, while 25 proteins were found to be expressed differentially between term preeclampsia and matched controls. Among these proteins, 16 proteins and their associated signaling pathways overlapped between preterm and term preeclampsia, suggesting the common pathogenesis of two subsets of disease. On the other hand, many proteins are uniquely altered in either preterm or term preeclampsia and correlated with severity of clinical symptoms and outcomes, therefore, providing molecular basis for these two subsets of preeclampsia. Furthermore, the expression levels of some of these proteins correlated with neonatal small for gestational age (PAI-1 and PAPP-A) and adverse outcomes (Flt-1) in women with preterm preeclampsia. These proteins could potentially be used as candidate biomarkers for predicting outcomes of preeclampsia.

  3. Conocimientos y modos de actuación de la familia en escolares con asma bronquial

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    Zoraya Coro Carrasco


    Full Text Available Introducción: en el manejo del asma bronquial es fundamental lograr el control de la enfermedad de manera tal que el paciente y su familia alcance su calidad de vida diaria, siendo la educación un pilar esencial en tal propósito. Objetivo: evaluar la influencia de la familia en la severidad del asma bronquial en escolares clasificados como severos persistentes. Material y método: se realizó una investigación explicativa, observacional, de caso-control, transversal en el área de salud Pedro Borras del municipio Pinar del Río entre enero de 2007 y julio de 2008. El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por asmáticos en edad escolar, incluyéndose en el grupo estudio 26 pacientes con asma bronquial severa persistente y en el grupo control igual cantidad con asma bronquial no severa persistente. Resultados: en el grupo de pacientes con asma severa persistente el 92% no poseían conocimientos suficientes al asma bronquial; el 88.8 % no cumplían con las medidas de control ambiental; el 50 % incumplían el tratamiento intercrisis y el 76.9 % realizaban la técnica inhalatoria de manera incorrecta. Conclusiones: los conocimientos insuficientes en relación al asma bronquial estuvieron asociados a las evoluciones más tórpidas de la enfermedad, constatándose además una relación de dependencia entre la severidad de enfermedad y los modos de actuación de la familia en cuanto a: cumplimiento de las medidas de control ambiental, cumplimiento del tratamiento farmacológico preventivo de las crisis y realización de la técnica inhalatoria. (p< 0,05.

  4. Protein Profiling of Preeclampsia Placental Tissues (United States)

    Shu, Chang; Liu, Zitao; Cui, Lifeng; Wei, Chengguo; Wang, Shuwen; Tang, Jian Jenny; Cui, Miao; Lian, Guodong; Li, Wei; Liu, Xiufen; Xu, Hongmei; Jiang, Jing; Lee, Peng; Zhang, David Y.


    Preeclampsia is a multi-system disorder involved in pregnancy without an effective treatment except delivery. The precise pathogenesis of this complicated disorder is still not completely understood. The objective of this study is to evaluate the alterations of protein expression and phosphorylations that are important in regulating placental cell function in preterm and term preeclampsia. Using the Protein Pathway Array, 38 proteins in placental tissues were found to be differentially expressed between preterm preeclampsia and gestational age matched control, while 25 proteins were found to be expressed differentially between term preeclampsia and matched controls. Among these proteins, 16 proteins and their associated signaling pathways overlapped between preterm and term preeclampsia, suggesting the common pathogenesis of two subsets of disease. On the other hand, many proteins are uniquely altered in either preterm or term preeclampsia and correlated with severity of clinical symptoms and outcomes, therefore, providing molecular basis for these two subsets of preeclampsia. Furthermore, the expression levels of some of these proteins correlated with neonatal small for gestational age (PAI-1 and PAPP-A) and adverse outcomes (Flt-1) in women with preterm preeclampsia. These proteins could potentially be used as candidate biomarkers for predicting outcomes of preeclampsia. PMID:25392996

  5. Protein profiling of preeclampsia placental tissues.

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    Chang Shu

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a multi-system disorder involved in pregnancy without an effective treatment except delivery. The precise pathogenesis of this complicated disorder is still not completely understood. The objective of this study is to evaluate the alterations of protein expression and phosphorylations that are important in regulating placental cell function in preterm and term preeclampsia. Using the Protein Pathway Array, 38 proteins in placental tissues were found to be differentially expressed between preterm preeclampsia and gestational age matched control, while 25 proteins were found to be expressed differentially between term preeclampsia and matched controls. Among these proteins, 16 proteins and their associated signaling pathways overlapped between preterm and term preeclampsia, suggesting the common pathogenesis of two subsets of disease. On the other hand, many proteins are uniquely altered in either preterm or term preeclampsia and correlated with severity of clinical symptoms and outcomes, therefore, providing molecular basis for these two subsets of preeclampsia. Furthermore, the expression levels of some of these proteins correlated with neonatal small for gestational age (PAI-1 and PAPP-A and adverse outcomes (Flt-1 in women with preterm preeclampsia. These proteins could potentially be used as candidate biomarkers for predicting outcomes of preeclampsia.

  6. Hallazgos electroencefalográficos e hipoglucemia severa en niños con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 Electroencephalographic findings and severe hypoglycemia in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Pedro González Fernández


    Full Text Available Los episodios de hipoglucemia severa (HS constituyen un riesgo por ocasionar alteraciones de la función cerebral y del trazado electroencefalográfico (EEG en pacientes con diabetes. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la frecuencia de alteraciones del EEG después del diagnóstico de diabetes en un grupo de niños y su posible relación con HS, edad, control metabólico y tiempo de evolución de la diabetes. Se estudiaron retrospectivamente 40 niños con edades comprendidas entre 1 y 17 años (media de 12 años con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "William Soler", en el período comprendido entre abril de 1990 y abril de 1998. Se tomaron los resultados de la hemoglobina glucosilada, así como los episodios referidos de HS. Se realizó EEG al diagnóstico de la diabetes y anualmente. Se clasificaron los EEG anormales de acuerdo con el tipo de trazado. Se encontraron EEG anormales en aproximadamente la mitad de los pacientes (45 % con predominio del trazado con descargas focales, los que fueron significativamente mayor en los pacientes con 2 ó más HS y con una edad menor al diagnóstico de la diabetes. No se encontró relación entre el EEG anormal y el control metabólico ni con el tiempo de evolución de la diabetes. La frecuencia hallada en este estudio enfatiza la importancia de realizar EEG al diagnóstico de DM y posteriormente, sobre todo en aquellos pacientes con HS y edad menor de 6 años.Episodes of severe hypoglycemia (SH constitute a risk because it causes brain function and electroencephalographic recording (EEG disturbances in patients with diabetes. This study was aimed at determining the frequency of EEG alterations after the diagnosis of diabetes in a group of children and their possible relation with SH, age, metabolic control and progression of diabetes. Forty children aged 1 to 17 years (average 12 years diagnosed with type 1

  7. Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy (United States)

    ... Gynecologists f AQ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FAQ034 PREGNANCY Preeclampsia and High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy • What is ... is chronic hypertension during pregnancy managed? • What is preeclampsia? • When does preeclampsia occur? • What causes preeclampsia? • What ...

  8. Metapneumovirus humano (hMPV asociado con exacerbación de asma aguda bronquial severa Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV associated to severe bronchial asthmatic crisis

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    M. A. López


    Full Text Available El metapneumovirus humano (hMPV es un nuevo agente causal de infección aguda del tracto respiratorio, recientemente reportado tras su hallazgo en niños, jóvenes, adultos y ancianos. Las manifestaciones clínicas producidas por el hMPV son indistinguibles de aquellas provocadas por los virus respiratorios clásicamente conocidos, y varían desde infección asintomática hasta neumonía complicada. Por otro lado, se han descrito casos de exacerbación de asma bronquial asociados a la infección con hMPV. En este trabajo se describe el caso de un niño hospitalizado que presentó una crisis asmática bronquial severa con sospecha de una infección viral asociada. Por el test de inmunofluorescencia indirecta no se detectaron virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR, adenovirus, virus influenza a - b ni virus parainfluenza 1, 2 y 3. En un intento por detectar la presencia de hMPV, se realizó una RT-PCR para la amplificación de los genes N y F con resultado positivo. Conforme a nuestro conocimiento, esta sería la primera descripción de un caso de exacerbación de asma asociado a hMPV en nuestra región. Los resultados de este estudio serían similares a los reportados por otros autores, quienes postulan que, a semejanza de lo que ocurre con el VSR, una infección por hMPV puede gatillar una enfermedad respiratoria crónica, como el asma.Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV is a recently reported agent of acute infection in the respiratory tract. It has been found in children as well as in young adults and elders. The clinical manifestations produced by hMPV are indistinguishable from those by common respiratory virus, and can evolve from asymptomatic infection into severe pneumonia. On the other hand, some authors have described cases of bronchial asthma exacerbation associated with hMPV infection. In this work we report a case of a child who presented a severe bronchial asthmatic crisis with a suspected viral associated infection. Immunofluorescence tests

  9. Maternal Preeclampsia and Neonatal Outcomes

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    Carl H. Backes


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a multiorgan, heterogeneous disorder of pregnancy associated with significant maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Optimal strategies in the care of the women with preeclampsia have not been fully elucidated, leaving physicians with incomplete data to guide their clinical decision making. Because preeclampsia is a progressive disorder, in some circumstances, delivery is needed to halt the progression to the benefit of the mother and fetus. However, the need for premature delivery has adverse effects on important neonatal outcomes not limited to the most premature infants. Late-preterm infants account for approximately two thirds of all preterm deliveries and are at significant risk for morbidity and mortality. Reviewed is the current literature in the diagnosis and obstetrical management of preeclampsia, the outcomes of late-preterm infants, and potential strategies to optimize fetal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia.

  10. Applicability of the Spanish Version of the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS, in the Mexican Population with Severe Mental Illness Aplicabilidad de la escala de intensidad de apoyos (SIS, en población mexicana con enfermedad mental severa Aplicabilidade da versão espanhola da escala de intensidade de apoio, na população mexicana com doença mental severa

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    Maribel Cruz Ortiz


    Full Text Available This study presents the results obtained from the evaluation, by specialist judges, of the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS, Spanish version, to determine its suitability for the Mexican population with severe mental illness (SMI. The instrument, originally designed for people with intellectual disabilities, is consistent with the multidimensional concept of quality of life and the social model of disability. The semantic equivalence of the items adjusted by specialist judges, the reliability of the subscales, using Cronbach’s alpha, and the concurrent validity between the SIS and the Global Functioning Assessment (GAF were analyzed. The mean similarity to the original was 9.91 from a total of 10 (sd=0.14. The reliability coefficients were above 0.95 and the correlations between the SIS and the GAF were medium to high and significant. In conclusion, in the Mexican context, the SIS scale can be used to understand the needs and expectations of people with mental illness.Mostramos resultados obtenidos en la evaluación de jueces expertos en la Escala de Intensidad de Apoyos (SIS, versión española, para determinar su adecuación a la población mexicana con Enfermedad Mental Severa (EMS. El instrumento, originalmente diseñado para personas con discapacidad intelectual, es congruente con el concepto multidimensional de calidad de vida y el modelo social de discapacidad. Se analizó la equivalencia semántica de los ítems adaptados a través de jueces expertos, la fiabilidad de las subescalas mediante el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach y la validez concurrente entre la SIS y la GAF. El promedio de semejanza con el original fue 9,91 sobre 10 (DE=0,14. Los coeficientes de fiabilidad fueron superiores a 0,95 y las correlaciones entre la SIS y la GAF fueron entre medias y altas y significativas. Los resultados confirman que la escala SIS, con mínimas adecuaciones de forma, puede usarse para conocer las necesidades y expectativas en personas con

  11. Descripción paso a paso de la técnica transaórtica para el tratamiento transcatéter de la estenosis aórtica severa

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    Omar A. Araji


    Full Text Available El tratamiento transcatéter de la estenosis aórtica severa se encuentra en continua evolución desde que se describió por Cribier por primera vez en 2002. Se han estandarizado la vía transfemoral retrógrada y la vía transapical, y con la mejora de los dispositivos, se está empleando cada vez con más frecuencia la vía transaórtica. Esta vía puede suponer muchas ventajas para el tratamiento de los pacientes con un alto riesgo quirúrgico y rechazados para los otros abordajes. Nuestro grupo comenzó a emplearla a finales del 2013 y se ha convertido en la vía preferida por delante de la transapical. En este artículo describimos nuestra técnica transaórtica paso a paso, sus ventajas e inconvenientes.

  12. Polimorfismos genéticos asociados a pre-eclampsia


    Baquero Mejía, Ingrid Carolina


    RESUMEN: La pre-eclampsia es un trastorno multisistémico del embarazo y del puerperio, que complica aproximadamente del 6 al 8% de todos los embarazos en los países desarrollados. Es considerada un problema de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia. Es una de las causas más frecuentes de mortalidad materno-fetal en países en desarrollo, igualmente es causa de preocupación en los países desarrollados por su gran relación causal con el retraso de crecimiento intrauterino y partos prematuro...

  13. Categorías de riesgo de meningitis bacteriana y tratamiento con antibióticos en neonatos con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez

    Full Text Available Introducción: recientemente se desarrolló y validó el Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal, lo cual provee de una herramienta efectiva en la toma de decisiones médicas para la indicación de tratamiento antibiótico ante un neonato con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo. Objetivo: conocer cómo se procedió retrospectivamente con la indicación de tratamiento antibiótico en neonatos con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo, antes de desarrollar el modelo mencionado, y fortalecer y fundamentar una estrategia del tratamiento antibiótico, basados en nuestro Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal, ante un neonato con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo y aplicado, que incluyó 290 neonatos evaluados por probable infección, 44 con meningitis bacteriana y 246 con meningitis aséptica, ingresados en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", entre febrero/1992 y diciembre/2009. Se verificó la efectividad del Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal, lo que permitió clasificar los pacientes en alto o bajo riesgo de meningitis bacteriana. Se determinó retrospectivamente la indicación y los motivos de tratamiento antibiótico ante un neonato con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo, así como análisis de asociación para distintas circunstancias clínicas, entre ellas, la clasificación de riesgo de infección bacteriana severa. Resultados: se precisó que el Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal tuvo una sensibilidad y valor predictivo negativo de 100 % para meningitis bacteriana. Hubo concordancia estadísticamente significativa entre la predicción por el modelo y la clasificación de riesgo de infección bacteriana severa. Se comprobó un uso racional del tratamiento antibiótico, pues se utilizó de inmediato al diagnóstico de meningitis bacteriana en 100 % de los casos, y solo en

  14. Aplicación del proceso enfermero en gestante hemodializada

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    Eloísa Fernández Ordóñez

    Full Text Available Resumen La frecuencia de las gestaciones en mujeres en tratamiento con hemodiálisis está incrementándose en los últimos años. El aumento de fertilidad en estas pacientes se debe a la mejora de la eficacia de la diálisis, junto con el manejo clínico de la insuficiencia renal. Sin embargo, el embarazo de las pacientes hemodializadas sigue siendo un reto, debido a frecuentes complicaciones como la preeclampsia, la prematuridad severa, el polihidramnios, etc. Actualmente, se constata el ascenso de la tasa de supervivencia fetal y la disminución de la morbi-mortalidad materno-fetal. Presentamos el caso de una gestante en tratamiento con hemodiálisis que presenta una amenaza de parto prematuro a la 27+2 semanas de gestación. Se han formulado diagnósticos enfermeros siguiendo la taxonomía NANDA-NOC-NIC, con la finalidad de visibilizar la necesidad de un adecuado plan de cuidados en estas pacientes.

  15. Genética de la preeclampsia: una aproximación a los estudios de ligamiento genético.

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    Nora Alejandra Zuluaga


    Full Text Available La preeclampsia es considerada un problema de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia. Muchas investigaciones coinciden en que su origen se relaciona con la interacción entre factores genéticos y ambientales. Por esta razón, múltiples estudios han explorado tales factores genéticos tratando de identificar regiones cromosómicas y genes candidatos cuyas variantes se relacionen con una mayor susceptibilidad a la enfermedad. Diversos estudios de asociación han identificado algunos genes de susceptibilidad a la preeclampsia, pero los resultados no se han replicado consistentemente en todas las poblaciones, quizá por su complejidad clínica y genética. El levantamiento de mapas de genes y regiones cromosómicas basado en análisis de ligamiento ha mostrado resultados interesantes con algunos marcadores en los cromosomas 2 y 4. En este sentido, hay muchas expectativas con respecto a los genes localizados en tales regiones candidatas, debido a que la identificación de los factores de riesgo genético podría ayudar al entendimiento de esta condición y en proveer claves para su prevención y tratamiento.

  16. Factura trifocal abierte de radio y abierta de cúbito con síndrome compartimental asociado en paciente politraumatizado


    Nistal Rodríguez, Francisco Javier; Fernández de la Mela, R.; Escudero Marcos, R.; García Alonso, Manuel


    Producción Científica Presentamos este caso clínico con una fractura poco frecuente, trifocal de radio , asociada a una lesión severa de partes blandas y síndrome compartimental de antebrazo y mano derecha .

  17. Diferencias tomográficas y funcionales entre la EPOC severa relacionada con humo de leña y con cigarrillo Tomographic and functional findings in severe COPD: comparison between the wood smoke-related and smoking-related disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mauricio González-García


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: La exposición a humo de leña es factor de riesgo para EPOC. A diferencia de la EPOC por cigarrillo (EPOC-C, para un mismo nivel de obstrucción, en la EPOC por leña (EPOC-L, la DLCO está menos disminuida, sugiriendo menos enfisema. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los hallazgos en la TCAR en mujeres con EPOC-L y con EPOC- C. MÉTODOS: Veintidós mujeres con EPOC severa (VEF1/CVF OBJECTIVE: Wood smoke exposure is a risk factor for COPD. For a given degree of airway obstruction, the reduction in DLCO is smaller in individuals with wood smoke-related COPD than in those with smoking-related COPD, suggesting that there is less emphysema in the former. The objective of this study was to compare HRCT findings between women with wood smoke-related COPD and women with smoking-related COPD. METHODS: Twenty-two women with severe COPD (FEV1/FVC ratio < 70% and FEV1 < 50% were divided into two groups: those with wood smoke-related COPD (n = 12 and those with smoking-related COPD (n = 10. The two groups were compared regarding emphysema scores and airway involvement (as determined by HRCT; and functional abnormalities-spirometry results, DLCO, alveolar volume (VA, the DLCO/VA ratio, lung volumes, and specific airway resistance (sRaw. Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of FEV1, sRaw, or lung hyperinflation. Decreases in DLCO and in the DLCO/VA ratio were greater in the smoking-related COPD group subjects, who also had higher emphysema scores, in comparison with the wood smoke-related COPD group subjects. In the wood smoke-related COPD group, HRCT scans howed no significant emphysema, the main findings being peribronchial thickening, bronchial dilation, and subsegmental atelectasis. CONCLUSIONS: Female patients with severe wood smoke-related COPD do not appear to develop emphysema, although they do show severe airway involvement. The reduction in DLCO and VA, with a normal DLCO

  18. Role of fetal DNA in preeclampsia (review). (United States)

    Konečná, Barbora; Vlková, Barbora; Celec, Peter


    Preeclampsia is an autoimmune disorder characterized by hypertension. It begins with abnormal cytotrophoblast apoptosis, which leads to inflammation and an increase in the levels of anti-angiogenic factors followed by the disruption of the angiogenic status. Increased levels of fetal DNA and RNA coming from the placenta, one of the most commonly affected organs in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia, have been found in pregnant women with the condition. However, it remains unknown as to whether this is a cause or a consequence of preeclampsia. Few studies have been carried out on preeclampsia in which an animal model of preeclampsia was induced by an injection of different types of DNA that are mimic fetal DNA and provoke inflammation through Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) or cyclic guanosine monophosphate-adenosine monophosphate (cGAMP). The specific mechanisms involved in the development of preeclampsia are not yet fully understood. It is hypothesized that the presence of different fragments of fetal DNA in maternal plasma may cause for the development of preeclampsia. The function of DNase during preeclampsia also remains unresolved. Studies have suggested that its activity is decreased or the DNA is protected against its effects. Further research is required to uncover the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and focus more on the condition of patients with the condition.

  19. Differences in clinical presentation and pregnancy outcomes in antepartum preeclampsia and new-onset postpartum preeclampsia: Are these the same disorder? (United States)

    Vilchez, Gustavo; Hoyos, Luis R; Leon-Peters, Jocelyn; Lagos, Moraima; Argoti, Pedro


    New-onset postpartum preeclampsia is a poorly defined condition that accounts for a significant percentage of eclampsia cases. It is unclear whether new-onset postpartum preeclampsia is a different disorder from or belongs to the same spectrum of classic antepartum preeclampsia. The objective of this study was to compare the clinical presentation and pregnancy outcomes of antepartum preeclampsia and new-onset postpartum preeclampsia. A retrospective study including 92 patients with antepartum preeclampsia and 92 patients with new-onset postpartum preeclampsia was performed. Clinical presentation and pregnancy outcomes were compared. Chi-square test was used to analyze categorical variables, and independent t -test and Mann-Whitney U -test for numerical variables. P -values of presentation, laboratory markers and pregnancy outcomes. New-onset postpartum preeclampsia has a distinct patient profile and clinical presentation than antepartum preeclampsia, suggesting they may represent different disorders. Characterization of a patient profile with increased risk of developing this condition will help clinicians to identify patients at risk and provide early and targeted interventions to decrease the morbidity associated with this condition.

  20. Interleukins in preeclampsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olusi, Samuel O.; Diejomahoh, M.; Omu, A.; Abdulaziz, A.; Prabha, K.; George, S.


    Preeclampsia is a multisystemic disorder of unknown etiology. Recently,endothelial damage has been implicated in its cause. The objective of thisstudy was to determine the role of interleukins in the etiology ofpreeclampsia. 32 primigravidas with preeclampsia but without any clinicalevidence of infection and 32 age-matched primigravidas with uncomplicatednormal pregnancies were investigated. Phlebotomy was performed at 32 weeks ofgestation and blood collected for immunoassay of interleukin-2 (IL-2),interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8)andvinterleukin-10 (IL-10), using commercially available immunoassay kits.Although the maternal plasma concentrations of IL-2 and IL-2R were slightlyhigher in normal pregnant women (76.3+-13.7 pg/mL and 526+-47.1pg/mL,respectively) than in women with preeclampsia (57.8+-1.08 pg/mL and476.9+-3.9pg/mL, respectively), the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05). However, maternal plasma IL-6 and IL-8 concentrations weresignificantly higher (P<0.05) in normal pregnancy (158.0+-35.4 pg/mL and5163.6+- 800pg/mL, respectively) than in pregnancy complicated withpreeclampsia (60.0+-13.7 pg/mL and 2495.8+-729 pg/mL, respectively). On thepther hand, maternal plasma concentration of IL-10 was significantly higher(P<0.05) in preeclampsia (93.2+-24.1 pg/mL) than in normal pregnancy(31.0+-7.0 pg/mL). It is concluded that the elevated maternal plasma IL-10concentration in preeclampsia may be protective response to maternalimmunorejection. (author)

  1. Molecular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia (United States)

    Hod, Tammy; Cerdeira, Ana Sofia; Karumanchi, S. Ananth


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disease characterized by new onset hypertension and proteinuria after 20 wk of gestation. It is a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Exciting discoveries in the last decade have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular basis of this disease. Epidemiological, experimental, and therapeutic studies from several laboratories have provided compelling evidence that an antiangiogenic state owing to alterations in circulating angiogenic factors leads to preeclampsia. In this review, we highlight the role of key circulating antiangiogenic factors as pathogenic biomarkers and in the development of novel therapies for preeclampsia. PMID:26292986

  2. Orbitectomía en monobloque en un paciente con sarcoma neurogénico de la órbita

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    Franklyn Alain Abreu Perdomo

    Full Text Available El sarcoma neurogénico es un tumor maligno que se origina en las células de Schwann de la vaina del revestimiento de los nervios periféricos y son poco frecuentes en la órbita. Se presenta un paciente de 23 años de edad, masculino, blanco, con antecedentes de neurofibromatosis tipo I, con desplazamiento anteroinferior del globo ocular izquierdo, dolor intenso y pérdida de la visión de 4 meses de evolución. Al examen oftalmológico se constató proptosis severa con descenso del globo ocular izquierdo, oftalmoplejia total, quemosis severa, hiperemia, opacidad corneal y aumento de volumen del párpado superior. En los estudios imagenológicos se evidenció lesión tumoral que ocupaba la totalidad del compartimiento orbitario sin infiltración de sus paredes óseas y con desplazamiento del globo ocular por fuera del reborde orbitario. Se realizó un abordaje quirúrgico combinado, y se logró una orbitectomía en monobloque con resección total del tumor y reconstrucción con colgajo rotado de músculo temporal ipsilateral. El estudio histopatológico informó la presencia de un sarcoma neurogénico de la órbita y se complementó con tratamiento adyuvante con radioterapia. El paciente se mantuvo controlado durante un año y a partir de esta fecha comenzó la aparición secuencial de varias lesiones a distancia.

  3. Preeclampsia: from epidemiological observations to molecular mechanisms

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    P. López-Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is the main cause of maternal mortality and is associated with a five-fold increase in perinatal mortality in developing countries. In spite of this, the etiology of preeclampsia is unknown. The present article analyzes the contradictory results of the use of calcium supplementation in the prevention of preeclampsia, and tries to give an explanation of these results. The proposal of an integrative model to explain the clinical manifestations of preeclampsia is discussed. In this proposal we suggest that preeclampsia is caused by nutritional, environmental and genetic factors that lead to the creation of an imbalance between the free radicals nitric oxide, superoxide and peroxynitrate in the vascular endothelium. The adequate interpretation of this model would allow us to understand that the best way of preventing preeclampsia is the establishment of an adequate prenatal control system involving adequate antioxidant vitamin and mineral supplementation, adequate diagnosis and early treatment of asymptomatic urinary and vaginal infections. The role of infection in the genesis of preeclampsia needs to be studied in depth because it may involve a fundamental change in the prevention and treatment of preeclampsia.

  4. Serum 8-isoprostane increased in pre-eclampsia

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    Besari Adi Pramono


    Full Text Available Background The main causes of maternal mortality in Indonesia are pre-eclampsia, hemorrhage, and infection. Oxidative stress has a primary role in pre-eclampsia and one of its parameters is 8-isoprostane serum level. The objective of this study is to measure 8-isoprostane and to analyze the relationship between 8-isoprostane level and birth weight in pre-eclampsia. Methods A cross-sectional study involving 23 pre-eclampsia and 29 normotensive pregnant women with normal or cesarean delivery at Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang from January to May 2011. Collected maternal blood samples were assessed for 8-Isoprostane levels by means of a specific ELISA kit. Neonatal birth weight was measured immediately after delivery by means of calibrated baby scales. Differences in 8-isoprostane levels between pre-eclampsia and normotensive women were assessed using independent t-test for normal distributed data, and the Mann-Whitney test for non-normally distributed data. Results Mean 8-isoprostane level was significantly higher in women with pre-eclampsia than in normotensive women (62.52 ± 12.19 pg/mL vs 28.64 ± 8.81 pg/mL (p<0.05. Low birth weight was twice as frequent in pre-eclampsia than in normotensives. There was no correlation between 8-isoprostane serum level and neonatal birth weight in pre-eclampsia. Conclusion The level of 8-isoprostane was higher in pre-eclampsia than in normotensives. It is recommended to conduct further studies to determine whether 8-isoprostane may be used as a predictive marker of pre-eclampsia.

  5. Molecular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Hod, Tammy; Cerdeira, Ana Sofia; Karumanchi, S Ananth


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disease characterized by new onset hypertension and proteinuria after 20 wk of gestation. It is a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Exciting discoveries in the last decade have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular basis of this disease. Epidemiological, experimental, and therapeutic studies from several laboratories have provided compelling evidence that an antiangiogenic state owing to alterations in circulating angiogenic factors leads to preeclampsia. In this review, we highlight the role of key circulating antiangiogenic factors as pathogenic biomarkers and in the development of novel therapies for preeclampsia. Copyright © 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  6. Calciuria and preeclampsia

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    Ramos J.G.L.


    Full Text Available Urinary calcium excretion has been reported to be diminished in preeclampsia. The objective of the present study was to determine urinary calcium excretion in pregnant patients with chronic arterial hypertension (CAH and preeclampsia (PE, and in normotensive patients (N. Forty-four pregnant patients (gestional age, 20-42 weeks; 18 CAH, 17 PE, 9 N were evaluated for calciuria, proteinuria, plasma uric acid and blood pressure. Patients with PE (82 ± 15.1 mg/24 h showed significantly lower calciuria (P<0.05 than the group with CAH (147 ± 24.9 mg/24 h and the N group (317 ± 86.0 mg/24 h (P<0.05, Student t-test. Plasma uric acid was significantly higher in the PE group (6.1 ± 0.38 mg/dl than the CAH group (5.0 ± 0.33 mg/dl; P<0.05, which also presented higher proteinuria levels, although the difference was not statistically significant. Diastolic and systolic blood pressure did not differ between the PE (164 ± 105 mmHg and CAH (164 ± 107 mmHg groups. Calciuria was significantly lower in the group with preeclampsia than in the group with chronic arterial hypertension. We conclude that calciuria can be a further factor for identifying preeclampsia

  7. Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial: influence of compliance on beneficial effect of aspirin in prevention of preterm preeclampsia. (United States)

    Wright, David; Poon, Liona C; Rolnik, Daniel L; Syngelaki, Argyro; Delgado, Juan Luis; Vojtassakova, Denisa; de Alvarado, Mercedes; Kapeti, Evgenia; Rehal, Anoop; Pazos, Andrea; Carbone, Ilma Floriana; Dutemeyer, Vivien; Plasencia, Walter; Papantoniou, Nikos; Nicolaides, Kypros H


    The Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial was a multicenter study in women with singleton pregnancies. Screening was carried out at 11-13 weeks' gestation with an algorithm that combines maternal factors and biomarkers (mean arterial pressure, uterine artery pulsatility index, and maternal serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein A and placental growth factor). Those with an estimated risk for preterm preeclampsia of >1 in 100 were invited to participate in a double-blind trial of aspirin (150 mg/d) vs placebo from 11-14 until 36 weeks' gestation. Preterm preeclampsia with delivery at preeclampsia in the Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial. This was a secondary analysis of data from the trial. The proportion of prescribed tablets taken was used as an overall measure of compliance. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the effect of aspirin on the incidence of preterm preeclampsia according to compliance of preeclampsia at screening and the participating center. The choice of cut-off of 90% was based on an exploratory analysis of the treatment effect. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate predictors of compliance ≥90% among maternal characteristics and medical history. Preterm preeclampsia occurred in 5/555 (0.9%) participants in the aspirin group with compliance ≥90%, in 8/243 (3.3%) of participants in the aspirin group with compliance preeclampsia was 0.24 (95% confidence interval, 0.09-0.65) for compliance ≥90% and 0.59 (95% confidence interval, 0.23-1.53) for compliance preeclampsia and negatively associated with smoking, maternal age preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy. The beneficial effect of aspirin in the prevention of preterm preeclampsia appears to depend on compliance. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Early pre-eclampsia unmasks underlying IgA nephropathy

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    Mona Singh


    Full Text Available Mona Singh, Akhenaton Pappoe, Burl R DonDivision of Nephrology, University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, USAAbstract: Pre-eclampsia is the most ominous complication of pregnancy, and primary glomerular diseases can mimic pre-eclampsia in presentation. A patient presented at 21 weeks gestation with signs and symptoms of both pre-eclampsia and primary glomerular nephropathy. A critical clinical decision whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy was dependent on results of a renal biopsy. The biopsy noted the presence of both pre-eclampsia and immunoglobulin A (IgA nephropathy. Thus, the onset of pre-eclampsia unmasked the presence of unrecognized IgA nephropathy, and the IgA nephropathy was a risk factor for this patient developing pre-eclampsia. The results of a renal biopsy are key in distinguishing pre-eclampsia from other kidney diseases and instituting appropriate clinical management.Keywords: proteinuria, IgA nephropathy, renal biopsy, pre-eclampsia

  9. The role of selenium in predicting preeclampsia

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    Z Ghaemi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Preeclampsia is a common disorder that is a leading cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality; however its specific etiology has still remained obscure.The first step in preventing preeclampsia is early detection of women at risk. Since there is no valid and reliable screening test, appropriate diagnostic and screening tests are necessary, which are inexpensive, non-invasive and beneficial for pregnant women. Therefore, regarding the role of selenium as an antioxidant in the prevention preeclampsia, this study was designed which aimed to determine the prognostic value of plasma selenium levels in the diagnosis of preeclampsia in primigravida women Methods: In a nested case control design, a sample of 650 normal primigravida women of 24-28 weeks participated in the study. Subjects who involved the case group were followed up for 3 months and 38 were affected by preeclampsia. Blood samples were obtained from these 38patients as well as from 38 subjects as their matched controls. Moreover, the amount of selenium was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The mean level of selenium in blood plasma of the cases was significantly lower than in their matched controls. The present study findings revealed that pregnant women with serum Se < 66.1 μg/L had a significantly increased risk of preeclampsia. Conclusion: Lower plasma selenium level in women destines to suffering from preeclampsia which confirms the destructive effect of selenium deficiency as an antioxidant in etiopathology of preeclampsia. Measurement of plasma selenium can improve the prediction of preeclampsia; thus, it seems that plasma selenium level test owns an acceptable sensitivity and specificity for predicting preeclampsia.

  10. Deterioro cognitivo, síntomas depresivos y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca estable severa

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    Joanna M. Morys


    Full Text Available Antecedentes/Objetivo : Las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la depresión son comunes y, muchas veces, coexistentes empeorando la calidad de vida. Además, existen trastornos de funciones cognitivas omnipresentes en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Se obser - van deficiencias de distinto nivel de severidad en varios dominios cognitivos. Asimismo, en la depresión existen problemas cognitivos que podrían perjudicar el funcionamiento cotidiano, obstaculizar la adaptación a la enfermedad y empeorar los pronósticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la relación entre calidad de vida, intensificación de trastornos depresivos y trastornos de ciertos aspectos de las funciones ejecutivas y me - moria en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca grave y estable. Método : Los estudios se realizaron en un grupo de 50 pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca grave y estable, y otro de 50 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria, pero sin insuficiencia cardiaca. Resultados : Los resultados de las pruebas cognitivas son notablemente peores en el grupo con insufi - ciencia cardiaca en comparación con el grupo control. Se observó una calidad de vida considerablemente peor y unos resultados significativamente más altos en la prueba BDI- II. No se demostró que los trastornos cognitivos influyeran en el empeoramiento de la calidad de vida. Sin embargo, se observó que los síntomas de depresión influían en la calidad de vida. Conclusiones : El factor que afecta significativamente la calidad de vida es la intensificación de los síntomas depresivos.

  11. Genetic Aspects of Preeclampsia and the HELLP Syndrome (United States)

    Mortensen, Jan Helge; Nagy, Bálint


    Both preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome have their origin in the placenta. The aim of this study is to review genetic factors involved in development of preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome using literature search in PubMed. A familial cohort links chromosomes 2q, 5q, and 13q to preeclampsia. The chromosome 12q is coupled with the HELLP syndrome. The STOX1 gene, the ERAP1 and 2 genes, the syncytin envelope gene, and the −670 Fas receptor polymorphisms are involved in the development of preeclampsia. The ACVR2A gene on chromosome 2q22 is also implicated. The toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4) and factor V Leiden mutation participate both in development of preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome. Carriers of the TT and the CC genotype of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism seem to have an increased risk of the HELLP syndrome. The placental levels of VEGF mRNA are reduced both in women with preeclampsia and in women with the HELLP syndrome. The BclI polymorphism is engaged in development of the HELLP syndrome but not in development of severe preeclampsia. The ACE I/D polymorphism affects uteroplacental and umbilical artery blood flows in women with preeclampsia. In women with preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome several genes in the placenta are deregulated. Preeclampsia and the HELLP syndrome are multiplex genetic diseases. PMID:24991435

  12. Vascular dysfunction in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Brennan, Lesley J; Morton, Jude S; Davidge, Sandra T


    Preeclampsia is a complex disorder which affects an estimated 5% of all pregnancies worldwide. It is diagnosed by hypertension in the presence of proteinuria after the 20th week of pregnancy and is a prominent cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. As delivery is currently the only known treatment, preeclampsia is also a leading cause of preterm delivery. Preeclampsia is associated with maternal vascular dysfunction, leading to serious cardiovascular risk both during and following pregnancy. Endothelial dysfunction, resulting in increased peripheral resistance, is an integral part of the maternal syndrome. While the cause of preeclampsia remains unknown, placental ischemia resulting from aberrant placentation is a fundamental characteristic of the disorder. Poor placentation is believed to stimulate the release of a number of factors including pro- and antiangiogenic factors and inflammatory activators into the maternal systemic circulation. These factors are critical mediators of vascular function and impact the endothelium in distinctive ways, including enhanced endothelial oxidative stress. The mechanisms of action and the consequences on the maternal vasculature will be discussed in this review. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Preeclampsia (United States)

    ... preeclampsia makes a woman a higher risk for future problems such as: Heart disease Diabetes Kidney disease ... medical problems in pregnancy. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman's Cecil Medicine . 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA: ...

  14. Endothelial and trophoblast (dys)function in preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Donker, Rogier Bertrand


    As described in chapter 1, preeclampsia is a serious complication of pregnancy and worldwide one of the major causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. In severe, early-onset preeclampsia, i.e., placental preeclampsia, the syndrome originates from a hypoperfused and hypoxic placenta. One

  15. The genetic component of preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Anette Tarp; Bernth Jensen, Jens Magnus; Hvas, Anne-Mette


    Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal deaths. The aetiology of preeclampsia is largely unknown but a polygenetic component is assumed. To explore this hypothesis, we performed an in-depth whole-exome sequencing study in women with (cases, N = 50) and without (controls, N = 50......) preeclampsia. The women were identified in an unselected cohort of 2,545 pregnant women based on data from the Danish National Patient Registry and the Medical Birth Registry. Matching DNA was obtained from a biobank containing excess blood from routine antenatal care visits. Novogene performed the whole......-exome sequencing blinded to preeclampsia status. Variants for comparison between cases and controls were filtered in the Ingenuity Variant Analysis software. We applied two different strategies; a disease association panel approach, which included variants in single genes associated with established clinical risk...

  16. Vascular associated gene variants in patients with preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lykke, Jacob A; Bare, Lance A; Olsen, Jørn


    Preeclampsia has been linked to subsequent vascular disease with many shared predisposing factors. We investigated the association between severe preeclampsia, and its subtypes, and specific vascular-related polymorphisms.......Preeclampsia has been linked to subsequent vascular disease with many shared predisposing factors. We investigated the association between severe preeclampsia, and its subtypes, and specific vascular-related polymorphisms....

  17. Animal models of preeclampsia; uses and limitations.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McCarthy, F P


    Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality and has an unknown etiology. The limited progress made regarding new treatments to reduce the incidence and severity of preeclampsia has been attributed to the difficulties faced in the development of suitable animal models for the mechanistic research of this disease. In addition, animal models need hypotheses on which to be based and the slow development of testable hypotheses has also contributed to this poor progress. The past decade has seen significant advances in our understanding of preeclampsia and the development of viable reproducible animal models has contributed significantly to these advances. Although many of these models have features of preeclampsia, they are still poor overall models of the human disease and limited due to lack of reproducibility and because they do not include the complete spectrum of pathophysiological changes associated with preeclampsia. This review aims to provide a succinct and comprehensive assessment of current animal models of preeclampsia, their uses and limitations with particular attention paid to the best validated and most comprehensive models, in addition to those models which have been utilized to investigate potential therapeutic interventions for the treatment or prevention of preeclampsia.

  18. Climatología de las tormentas eléctricas locales severas (TELS en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Omar García Concepción


    Full Text Available La aparición de los fenómenos severos en el tiempo meteorológico (tornados, granizos y vientos lineales con rachas destructoras está relacionada con cambios importantes en la morfología de las tormentas eléctricas. Las tormentas que alcancen ese estadio son consideradas como un tipo especial de tormentas eléctricas llamadas tormentas eléctricas locales severas (TELS. El desarrollo de las TELS en la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara (ZMG es una realidad y se debe considerar en la protección de la sociedad, debido a las pérdidas de vidas, daños materiales y cuantiosas afectaciones que ocurren como consecuencia de éstas. Al no contar con una cronología de las TELS en la ZMG fue necesaria la compilación de las mismas como base para realizar su climatología. Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca que las TELS ocurren desde mayo hasta noviembre, en particular, en los meses de junio, julio y agosto. La mayoría se presenta durante horas de la tarde o de la noche, pero un grupo nada despreciable también ocurre durante la madrugada. Queda establecido que las TELS constituyen un elemento importante del clima de la ZMG que no puede ser ignorado desde el punto de vista científico y mucho menos en la práctica, por los efectos que produce en muchas ocasiones.

  19. Searching for preeclampsia genes : the current position

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lachmeijer, AMA; Dekker, GA; Pals, G; Aarnoudse, JG; ten Kate, LP; Arngrimsson, R


    Although there is substantial evidence that preeclampsia has a genetic background, the complexity of the processes involved and the fact that preeclampsia is a maternal-fetal phenomenon does not make the search for the molecular basis of preeclampsia genes easy. It is possible that the single

  20. IFPA Senior Award Lecture: making sense of pre-eclampsia - two placental causes of preeclampsia? (United States)

    Redman, C W; Sargent, I L; Staff, A C


    Incomplete spiral artery remodelling is the first of two stages of pre-eclampsia, typically of early onset. The second stage comprises dysregulated uteroplacental perfusion and placental oxidative stress. Oxidatively stressed syncytiotrophoblast (STB) over-secretes proteins that perturb maternal angiogenic balance and are considered to be pre-eclampsia biomarkers. We propose that, in addition and more fundamentally, these STB-derived proteins are biomarkers of a cellular (STB) stress response, which typically involves up-regulation of some proteins and down-regulation of others (positive and negative stress proteins respectively). Soluble vascular growth factor receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1) and reduced growth factor (PlGF) then exemplify positive and negative STB stress response proteins in the maternal circulation. Uncomplicated term pregnancy is associated with increasing sVEGFR-1 and decreasing PlGF, which can be interpreted as evidence of increasing STB stress. STB pathology, at or after term (for example focal STB necrosis) demonstrates this stress, with or without pre-eclampsia. We review the evidence that when placental growth reaches its limits at term, terminal villi become over-crowded with diminished intervillous pore size impeding intervillous perfusion with increasing intervillous hypoxia and STB stress. This type of STB stress has no antecedent pathology, so the fetuses are well-grown, as typifies late onset pre-eclampsia, and prediction is less effective than for the early onset syndrome because STB stress is a late event. In summary, abnormal placental perfusion and STB stress contribute to the pathogenesis of early and late onset pre-eclampsia. But the former has an extrinsic cause - poor placentation, whereas the latter has an intrinsic cause, 'microvillous overcrowding', as placental growth reaches its functional limits. This model explains important features of late pre-eclampsia and raises questions of how antecedent medical risk factors such as

  1. Risks associated with preeclampsia: possible mechanisms

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    Bentolhoda Sahebnasagh


    Full Text Available Findings have shown that low serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level is a possible risk factor for incidence of preeclampsia during pregnancy. Vitamin D has important effects on multiple biological pathways, including angiogenesis. Some studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent among women suffering from preeclampsia, influencing immune modulation and vascular function. Evidence has shown that an imbalance of pro-antigenic and anti-angiogenic proteins can be considered as a possible etiological factor in the development of preeclampsia. Besides, there is a series of studies linking the renin–angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS with preeclampsia. In this article, we review the current studies evaluating the association between maternal vitamin D status and vascular health, metabolism, placental immune function and the risk of preeclampsia. We provided evidence of the different factor involved in the metabolism of vitamin D and vitamin D receptor (VDR expression, gene regulations, immune function, and chronic disease when vitamin D is used optimally.

  2. Atresia pulmonar con comunicación interventricular

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    Tomasa Centella Hernández


    Full Text Available La atresia pulmonar con comunicación interventricular es una cardiopatía congénita cianótica, severa y rara, de alta complejidad, que se caracteriza por la ausencia de conexión entre el ventrículo derecho y las arterias pulmonares. Coexiste con una comunicación interventricular. El flujo hacia el territorio pulmonar puede realizarse a través del ductus arterioso o de colaterales sistémico-pulmonares. La dificultad de esta cardiopatía viene determinada por los diferentes niveles de interrupción desde el ventrículo derecho hasta el territorio pulmonar, y por la diferencia anatómica de las fuentes del flujo hacia dicho territorio, lo que determina diferentes tipos de abordaje quirúrgico.

  3. Alteration of serum adropin level in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Wang, Huihua; Gao, Bo; Wu, Zaigui; Wang, Hanzhi; Dong, Minyue


    To clarify the alterations in serum adropin and preptin concentrations in preeclampsia, we determined serum adropin and preptin levels in 29 women with normal pregnancy and 32 women with preeclampsia. We found that maternal age, body mass index and fetal gender were not significantly different between two groups; however, blood pressure, gestational age and neonatal birth weight were significantly different. Serum adropin levels were significantly increased in women with preeclampsia compared with those with normal pregnancy but there were no significant differences in preptin levels. An increase in maternal serum adropin level was found in preeclampsia, and this may be a compensation for pregnancy complicated with preeclampsia. Copyright © 2017 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Genetics of preeclampsia: paradigm shifts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oudejans, Cees B. M.; van Dijk, Marie; Oosterkamp, Marjet; Lachmeijer, Augusta; Blankenstein, Marinus A.


    Segregation of preeclampsia into early-onset, placental and late-onset, maternal subtypes along with the acknowledgement of the contribution of epigenetics in placentally expressed genes proved to be a key first step in the identification of essential gene variants associated with preeclampsia.


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    Rubina Aziz


    Full Text Available Abstract    INTRODUCTION: Preeclampsia affects about 5-10% of all pregnancies and is a major cause of maternal, fetal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. The cardiovascular system undergoes a host of changes in association with development of preeclampsia. LDH is a useful biochemical marker that reflects the severity of the occurrence of preeclampsia.    METHOD AND MATERIALS: One hundred pregnant women were selected for this study, 50 normal pregnant women as controls and 50 preeclamptic women as the study group.  Cardiac enzymes (serum LDH, serum AST, serum CK and serum CKMB of these women were analyzed.    RESULTS: Mean Serum LDH and mean serum AST concentrations were significantly higher in preeclamptic patients compared to normal pregnant women (348.34 ± 59.17 vs. 255.92 ± 43.26, P < 0.01 and (34.32 ± 10.37 vs. 22.06 ± 5.10, P < 0.01 respectively.     CONCLUSION: LDH and AST may be increased due to liver damage. This endothelial vascular damage is the main cause in the occurrence of preeclampsia. Higher levels of LDH and AST are very useful markers to identify the occurrence of preeclampsia.      Keywords: LDH, Preeclampsia, AST, Cardiac Enzymes.

  6. Associations between phenotypes of preeclampsia and thrombophilia. (United States)

    Berks, Durk; Duvekot, Johannes J; Basalan, Hillal; De Maat, Moniek P M; Steegers, Eric A P; Visser, Willy


    Preeclampsia complicates 2-8% of all pregnancies. Studies on the association of preeclampsia with thrombophilia are conflicting. Clinical heterogeneity of the disease may be one of the explanations. The present study addresses the question whether different phenotypes of preeclampsia are associated with thrombophilia factors. Study design We planned a retrospective cohort study. From 1985 until 2010 women with preeclampsia were offered postpartum screening for the following thrombophilia factors: anti-phospholipid antibodies, APC-resistance, protein C deficiency and protein S deficiency, hyperhomocysteineamia, factor V Leiden and Prothrombin gene mutation. Hospital records were used to obtain information on phenotypes of the preeclampsia and placental histology. We identified 844 women with singleton pregnancies who were screened for thrombophilia factors. HELLP complicated 49% of pregnancies; Fetal growth restriction complicated 61% of pregnancies. Early delivery (preeclampsia was associated with protein S deficiency (p=0.01). Fetal growth restriction was associated with anti-phospholipid antibodies (ppreeclampsia was associated with anti-phospholipid antibodies (p=0.01). Extensive placental infarction (>10%) was associated with anti-phospholipid antibodies (ppreeclampsia, especially if complicated by fetal growth restriction, are associated with anti-phospholipid antibodies. Other phenotypes of preeclampsia, especially HELLP syndrome, were not associated with thrombophilia. We advise only to test for anti-phospholipid antibodies after early onset preeclampsia, especially if complicated by fetal growth restriction. We suggest enough evidence is presented to justify no further studies are needed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Pre-eclampsia: a life-threatening pregnancy syndrom

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    Andrea Brazdova


    Full Text Available Pre-eclampsia is a serious pathological state affecting 5-10% of pregnant women. Currently, it is diagnosed in the second half of pregnancy, particularly after the 20th week. Symptoms mostly correspond to the changes of blood vessels and kidneys. The severity of pre-eclampsia is proportional to symptomatic manifestations, thus the more symptoms present, the higher is of pre-eclampsia development. Although there are several studies dealing with pre-eclampsia pathology, the complete etiology is still unknown. In this review paper, several theories are presented and discussed.

  8. Triggers for Preeclampsia Onset: a Case-Crossover Study. (United States)

    Ford, Jane B; Schemann, Kathrin; Patterson, Jillian A; Morris, Jonathan; Herbert, Robert D; Roberts, Christine L


    Risk factors for preeclampsia are well established, whereas, the triggers associated with timing of preeclampsia onset are not. The aim of this study was to establish whether recent infection or other triggers were associated with timing of preeclampsia onset. We used a case-crossover design with preeclampsia cases serving as their own controls. Women with singleton pregnancies of ≥20 weeks gestation presenting at three hospitals were eligible for inclusion. Exposures to potential triggers were identified via guided questionnaire. Infective episodes included symptoms lasting >24 h. Preeclampsia was defined as hypertension (BP ≥140 mmHg and/or ≥90 mmHg) and proteinuria (protein/creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/mmol). Conditional logistic regression was used to compare the odds of exposure to potential triggers in the case windows (1-7 days preceding diagnosis of preeclampsia) and control windows (8-14 days prior to diagnosis); unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) are reported. Among 286 recruited women, 25 (8.7%) reported a new infection in the 7 days prior to preeclampsia onset and 21 (7.3%) in the 8-14 days prior. There was no significant association between onset of infection in the 7 days prior and preeclampsia diagnosis (OR 1.24, 95% CI 0.65, 2.34). Consumption of caffeine (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.33, 0.77), spicy food (OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.30, 0.81), and alcohol (OR 0.26, 95% CI 0.10, 0.71) were strongly inversely associated with preeclampsia onset. Recent infection does not appear to trigger preeclampsia. Decreased consumption of caffeine, spicy food, and alcohol may be prodromal markers. Such behaviours may be early markers of imminent preeclampsia. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Preeclampsia and the Anti-Angiogenic State


    Agarwal, Isha; Karumanchi, S. Ananth


    Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide, however, its etiology remains unclear. Abnormal placental angiogenesis during pregnancy resulting from high levels of anti-angiogenic factors, soluble Flt1 (sFlt1) and soluble endoglin (sEng), has been implicated in preeclampsia pathogenesis. Accumulating evidence also points to a role for these anti-angiogenic proteins as serum biomarkers for the clinical diagnosis and prediction of preeclampsia. Uncoverin...

  10. Environmental noise pollution and risk of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Auger, Nathalie; Duplaix, Mathilde; Bilodeau-Bertrand, Marianne; Lo, Ernest; Smargiassi, Audrey


    Environmental noise exposure is associated with a greater risk of hypertension, but the link with preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, is unclear. We sought to determine the relationship between environmental noise pollution and risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy. We analyzed a population-based cohort comprising 269,263 deliveries on the island of Montreal, Canada between 2000 and 2013. We obtained total environmental noise pollution measurements (LA eq24 , L den , L night ) from land use regression models, and assigned noise levels to each woman based on the residential postal code. We computed odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association of noise with preeclampsia in mixed logistic regression models with participants as a random effect, and adjusted for air pollution, neighbourhood walkability, maternal age, parity, multiple pregnancy, comorbidity, socioeconomic deprivation, and year of delivery. We assessed whether noise exposure was more strongly associated with severe or early onset preeclampsia than mild or late onset preeclampsia. Prevalence of preeclampsia was higher for women exposed to elevated environmental noise pollution levels (LA eq24h  ≥ 65 dB(A) = 37.9 per 1000 vs. <50 dB(A) = 27.9 per 1000). Compared with 50 dB(A), an LA eq24h of 65.0 dB(A) was not significantly associated the risk of preeclampsia (OR 1.09, 95% CI 0.99-1.20). Associations were however present with severe (OR 1.29, 95% CI 1.09-1.54) and early onset (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.20-2.43) preeclampsia, with results consistent across all noise indicators. The associations were much weaker or absent for mild and late preeclampsia. Environmental noise pollution may be a novel risk factor for pregnancy-related hypertension, particularly more severe variants of preeclampsia. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Cluster analysis to estimate the risk of preeclampsia in the high-risk Prediction and Prevention of Preeclampsia and Intrauterine Growth Restriction (PREDO) study (United States)

    Marttinen, Pekka; Gillberg, Jussi; Lokki, A. Inkeri; Majander, Kerttu; Ordén, Maija-Riitta; Taipale, Pekka; Pesonen, Anukatriina; Räikkönen, Katri; Hämäläinen, Esa; Kajantie, Eero; Laivuori, Hannele


    Objectives Preeclampsia is divided into early-onset (delivery before 34 weeks of gestation) and late-onset (delivery at or after 34 weeks) subtypes, which may rise from different etiopathogenic backgrounds. Early-onset disease is associated with placental dysfunction. Late-onset disease develops predominantly due to metabolic disturbances, obesity, diabetes, lipid dysfunction, and inflammation, which affect endothelial function. Our aim was to use cluster analysis to investigate clinical factors predicting the onset and severity of preeclampsia in a cohort of women with known clinical risk factors. Methods We recruited 903 pregnant women with risk factors for preeclampsia at gestational weeks 12+0–13+6. Each individual outcome diagnosis was independently verified from medical records. We applied a Bayesian clustering algorithm to classify the study participants to clusters based on their particular risk factor combination. For each cluster, we computed the risk ratio of each disease outcome, relative to the risk in the general population. Results The risk of preeclampsia increased exponentially with respect to the number of risk factors. Our analysis revealed 25 number of clusters. Preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy (n = 138) increased the risk of preeclampsia 8.1 fold (95% confidence interval (CI) 5.7–11.2) compared to a general population of pregnant women. Having a small for gestational age infant (n = 57) in a previous pregnancy increased the risk of early-onset preeclampsia 17.5 fold (95%CI 2.1–60.5). Cluster of those two risk factors together (n = 21) increased the risk of severe preeclampsia to 23.8-fold (95%CI 5.1–60.6), intermediate onset (delivery between 34+0–36+6 weeks of gestation) to 25.1-fold (95%CI 3.1–79.9) and preterm preeclampsia (delivery before 37+0 weeks of gestation) to 16.4-fold (95%CI 2.0–52.4). Body mass index over 30 kg/m2 (n = 228) as a sole risk factor increased the risk of preeclampsia to 2.1-fold (95%CI 1.1–3

  12. Water immersion in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Elvan-Taşpinar, Ayten; Franx, Arie; Delprat, Constance C; Bruinse, Hein W; Koomans, Hein A


    Preeclampsia is associated with profound vasoconstriction in most organ systems and reduced plasma volume. Because water immersion produces a marked central redistribution of blood volume and suppresses the renin-angiotensin system response and sympathetic activity, we hypothesized that water immersion might be useful in the treatment of preeclampsia. The effects of thermoneutral water immersion for 3 hours on central and peripheral hemodynamics were evaluated in 7 preeclamptic patients, 7 normal pregnant control patients, and 7 nonpregnant women. Finger plethysmography was used to determine hemodynamic measurements (cardiac output and total peripheral resistance), and forearm blood flow was measured by strain gauge plethysmography. Postischemic hyperemia was used to determine endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Analysis was by analysis of variance for repeated measurements. During water immersion cardiac output increased while diastolic blood pressure and heart rate decreased, although systolic blood pressure remained unchanged in each group. Forearm blood flow increased significantly in the normal pregnant and preeclamptic subjects. Total peripheral resistance decreased in all groups, but values in preeclamptic patients remained above those of normotensive pregnant women. Water immersion had no effect on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the preeclamptic group, and most hemodynamic changes that were observed reversed to baseline within 2 hours of completion of the procedure. Although water immersion results in hemodynamic alterations in a manner that is theoretically therapeutic for women with preeclampsia, the effect was limited and short-lived. In addition water immersion had no effect on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in women with preeclampsia. The therapeutic potential for water immersion in preeclampsia appears to be limited.

  13. Decreased maternal plasma apelin concentrations in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Bortoff, Katherine D; Qiu, Chunfang; Runyon, Scott; Williams, Michelle A; Maitra, Rangan


    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that complicates 3-7% of pregnancies. The development of preeclampsia has not been completely elucidated and current therapies are not broadly efficacious. The apelinergic system appears to be involved in hypertensive disorders and experimental studies indicate a role of this system in preeclampsia. Thus, an epidemiological evaluation of apelin protein concentration in plasma was conducted in case-control study of pregnant women. Data and maternal plasma samples were collected from pregnant women with confirmed preeclampsia (n = 76) or normotensive controls (n = 79). Concentrations of apelin peptides were blindly measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data were subjected to statistical analyses. Plasma apelin concentrations, measured at delivery, were lower in preeclampsia cases compared with controls (mean ± standard deviation: 0.66 ± 0.29 vs. 0.78 ± 0.31 ng/mL, p = 0.02). After controlling for confounding by maternal age, smoking status, and pre-pregnancy body mass index, odds of preeclampsia were 48% lower for women with high versus low plasma apelin (≥0.73 vs. preclampsia and other hypertensive maternal disorders.

  14. Niveles séricos del factor neurotrófico derivado del cerebro durante la gestación normal y la preeclampsia

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    Liza Lorena Colorado Barbosa


    Conclusiones. El BDNF puede participar en la regulación del peso corporal y el metabolismo de la glucosa en mujeres gestantes, pero el nivel de BDNF, solo o en conjunto con otras variables, no puede explicar la preeclampsia.

  15. Preeclampsia and breast cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pacheco, Nadja Livia Pekkola; Andersen, Anne-Marie Nybo; Kamper-Jørgensen, Mads


    BACKGROUND: In parous women preeclampsia has been associated with reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Characteristics of births following preeclamptic pregnancies may help understand mechanisms involved in the breast cancer risk reduction inferred by preeclampsia. METHODS: We conducted...... a register-based cohort study of all Danish women giving birth during 1978-2010 (n = 778,701). The association between preeclampsia and breast cancer was evaluated overall and according to birth characteristics by means of incidence rate ratios (IRR) estimated in Poisson regression models. RESULTS: Compared...... with women with non-preeclamptic pregnancies only, women with one or more preeclamptic pregnancies were 19% significantly less likely to develop breast cancer (IRR = 0.81 [95% CI 0.72-0.93]). We found some indication of greater risk reduction in women with term births, one or more previous births...

  16. DNA Methylation as a Biomarker for Preeclampsia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, Cindy M.; Ralph, Jody L.; Wright, Michelle L.; Linggi, Bryan E.; Ohm, Joyce E.


    Background: Preeclampsia contributes significantly to pregnancy-associated morbidity and mortality as well as future risk of cardiovascular disease in mother and offspring, and preeclampsia in offspring. The lack of reliable methods for early detection limits the opportunities for prevention, diagnosis, and timely treatment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore distinct DNA methylation patterns associated with preeclampsia in both maternal cells and fetal-derived tissue that represent potential biomarkers to predict future preeclampsia and inheritance in children. Method: A convenience sample of nulliparous women (N = 55) in the first trimester of pregnancy was recruited for this prospective study. Genome-wide DNA methylation was quantified in first-trimester maternal peripheral white blood cells and placental chorionic tissue from normotensive women and those with preeclampsia (n = 6/group). Results: Late-onset preeclampsia developed in 12.7% of women. Significant differences in DNA methylation were identified in 207 individual linked cytosine and guanine (CpG) sites in maternal white blood cells collected in the first trimester (132 sites with gain and 75 sites with loss of methylation), which were common to approximately 75% of the differentially methylated CpG sites identified in chorionic tissue of fetal origin. Conclusion: This study is the first to identify maternal epigenetic targets and common targets in fetal-derived tissue that represent putative biomarkers for early detection and heritable risk of preeclampsia. Findings may pave the way for diagnosis of preeclampsia prior to its clinical presentation and acute damaging effects, and the potential for prevention of the detrimental long-term sequelae.

  17. Maternal serum theobromine and the development of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Klebanoff, Mark A; Zhang, Jun; Zhang, Cuilin; Levine, Richard J


    Preeclampsia, a disorder with prominent cardiovascular manifestations, is a cause of maternal, fetal, and infant morbidity and mortality. Chocolate contains compounds that may promote cardiovascular health. A recent study found chocolate consumption during pregnancy, and, particularly, increasing cord serum concentration of theobromine (the primary methylxanthine alkaloid in chocolate), to be associated with reduced occurrence of preeclampsia. We studied 2769 women who comprised the control group from a case-control study of caffeine metabolites and spontaneous abortion nested within the Collaborative Perinatal Project. These women were pregnant between 1959 and 1966, with liveborn infants of at least 28 weeks' gestation. Serum was drawn at 26 weeks' gestation, and assayed for theobromine by high-performance liquid chromatography. Odds ratios (ORs) for preeclampsia were estimated using logistic regression, and adjusted for age, education, prepregnant weight, race, parity, smoking, and gestation at blood draw. Preeclampsia occurred in 68 (2.9%) of 2105 eligible women. Adjusted ORs for preeclampsia were near unity across most third-trimester theobromine concentrations. Adjusted ORs for preeclampsia according to theobromine concentration in serum at theobromine and preeclampsia.

  18. Ligadura endoscópica endonasal da artéria esfenopalatina para epistaxe severa

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    Santos Rodrigo P.


    Full Text Available Introdução: A epistaxe severa, geralmente associada a fatores predisponentes como hipertensão arterial sistêmica e coagulopatia, é uma doença desafiadora, e pode necessitar de uma abordagem cirúrgica nos casos que não respondem ao tratamento conservador, como cauterização e tamponamento nasal. Objetivo: avaliar os resultados da ligadura endoscópica endonasal da artéria esfenopalatina no tratamento da epistaxe severa refratária à abordagem terapêutica conservadora. Forma de estudo: Clínico prospectivo. Material e Método: foram avaliados doze casos de pacientes submetidos à ligadura endoscópica endonasal da artéria esfenopalatina no tratamento da epistaxe severa não responsiva ao tratamento conservador, observando-se a história clínica, os fatores predisponentes, a evolução e as complicações deste procedimento. Resultados: a idade média foi de 50,9 anos, e a distribuição por sexo foi de 33% do sexo feminino e 67% do sexo masculino; 33% apresentaram HAS e 16,6% coagulopatia (hepatopatia como fatores predisponentes. Um paciente (8,3% apresentou ressangramento após o procedimento cirúrgico. Discussão: a ligadura endoscópica endonasal da artéria esfenopalatina representa uma abordagem segura e garante um controle satisfatório do sangramento, com índice de ressangramento de 8,3% entre os nossos casos. Conclusão: a ligadura endoscópica endonasal da artéria esfenopalatina representa uma opção cirúrgica adequada, pois não apresenta as complicações das técnicas anteriores, atinge um controle satisfatório do sangramento e pode ser realizada por otorrinolaringologistas habituados à cirurgia endoscópica nasal.

  19. Serum homocyst(e)ine levels in women with preeclampsia. (United States)

    Mayerhofer, K; Hefler, L; Zeisler, H; Tempfer, C; Bodner, K; Stöckler-Ipsiroglu, S; Mühl, A; Kaider, A; Schatten, C; Leodolter, S; Husslein, P; Kainz, C


    Endothelial dysfunction has been described as the final common pathophysiological pathway in the development of preeclampsia. Since it has been suggested that homocyst(e)ine damages endothelial cells, we measured serum homocyst(e)ine levels in women with preeclampsia and in healthy pregnant women in order to find a new prognostic parameter for women with preeclampsia. Forty-five women with preeclampsia and 45 healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies, matched for age and parity, were entered into the study. Serum homocyst(e)ine levels were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis and correlated to clinical data. Logistic regression models were used to analyse the influence of serum homocyst(e)ine levels on the presence of preeclampsia versus healthy pregnant women and on the risk of premature termination of pregnancy due to preeclampsia. Median serum homocyst(e)ine levels in women with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women were 14.2 (range 5.7-38.1) mumol/L and 15.1 (range 5.2-23.1) mumol/L, respectively (Mann-Whitney U-test, p = 0.8). In univariate logistic regression models, serum homocyst(e)ine levels had no significant influence on the odds of presenting with preeclampsia versus healthy pregnant women (univariate logistic regression model, p = 0.8) and on the odds of premature termination of pregnancy due to preeclampsia (univariate logistic regression model, p = 0.3). Serum homocyst(e)ine levels are not elevated in women with preeclampsia and are not associated with clinical outcome in women with preeclampsia.

  20. C-reactive protein and later preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rebelo, Fernanda; Schlüssel, Michael M; Vaz, Juliana S


    This study aims to determine whether high C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration during pregnancy is associated with later preeclampsia and whether weight status (BMI) is a potential modifier of the relation between CRP and preeclampsia....

  1. Genetic Predisposition to Dyslipidemia and Risk of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Spracklen, Cassandra N; Saftlas, Audrey F; Triche, Elizabeth W; Bjonnes, Andrew; Keating, Brendan; Saxena, Richa; Breheny, Patrick J; Dewan, Andrew T; Robinson, Jennifer G; Hoh, Josephine; Ryckman, Kelli K


    Large epidemiologic studies support the role of dyslipidemia in preeclampsia; however, the etiology of preeclampsia or whether dyslipidemia plays a causal role remains unclear. We examined the association between the genetic predisposition to dyslipidemia and risk of preeclampsia using validated genetic markers of dyslipidemia. Preeclampsia cases (n = 164) and normotensive controls (n = 110) were selected from live birth certificates to nulliparous Iowa women during the period August 2002 to May 2005. Disease status was verified by medical chart review. Genetic predisposition to dyslipidemia was estimated by 4 genetic risk scores (GRS) (total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides) on the basis of established loci for blood lipids. Logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationships between each of the 4 genotype scores and preeclampsia. Replication analyses were performed in an independent, US population of preeclampsia cases (n = 516) and controls (n = 1,097) of European ancestry. The GRS related to higher levels of TC, LDL-C, and triglycerides demonstrated no association with the risk of preeclampsia in either the Iowa or replication population. The GRS related to lower HDL-C was marginally associated with an increased risk for preeclampsia (odds ratio (OR) = 1.03, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.99-1.07; P = 0.10). In the independent replication population, the association with the HDL-C GRS was also marginally significant (OR = 1.03, 95% CI: 1.00-1.06; P = 0.04). Our data suggest a potential effect between the genetic predisposition to dyslipidemic levels of HDL-C and an increased risk of preeclampsia, and, as such, suggest that dyslipidemia may be a component along the causal pathway to preeclampsia. © American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Status in Preeclampsia

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    Rokeya Begum


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia is the most common and major medical complication of pregnancy with a high incidence of maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality. During pregnancy abnormally increased lipid peroxidation and free radical formation as well as significantly decreased antioxidants production in maternal blood may lead to pathogenesis of preeclampsia. So, we designed this study as little information is known about lipid peroxidation and antioxidant level in preeclampsia. Objectives: To assess the serum malondialdehyde (MDA level as a lipid peroxidation product and vitamin E (antioxidant level in women with preeclampsia as well as in normal pregnancy and to compare the values. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 60 women aged from 25 to 35 years in the department of Biochemistry, Budi Kemuliaan Maternity Hospital (BKMH in Jakarta during the period April to July 2004. Twenty were normal pregnant women and 20 were preeclamptic patients. For comparison age matched 20 apparently healthy nonpregnant women were included in the study. The study subjects were selected from outpatient department (OPD of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of BKMH in Jakarta. Serum MDA (lipid peroxidation product level was measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay (TBRAS method and vitamin E was estimated spectroflurometrically. Data were analyzed by unpaired Student’s t test between the groups by using SPSS version 12. Results: The mean serum MDA levels were significantly higher in normal pregnancy and also in preeclampsia than that of nonpregnant control group women (p<0.001. Again the serum MDA levels were significantly higher in preeclampsia than that of normal pregnant women (p<0.001. The serum vitamin E levels were significantly lower in preeclampsia and also in normal pregnancy than that of nonpregnant control women (p<0.001. Moreover, the serum vitamin E levels were significantly lower in preeclampsia compared to that of normal

  3. Combined Screening for Early Detection of Pre-Eclampsia

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    Hee Jin Park


    Full Text Available Although the precise pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia remains unknown, this condition continues to be a major cause of maternal and fetal mortality. Early prediction of pre-eclampsia would allow for timely initiation of preventive therapy. A combination of biophysical and biochemical markers are superior to other tests for early prediction of the development of pre-eclampsia. Apart from the use of parameters in first-trimester aneuploidy screening, cell-free fetal DNA quantification is emerging as a promising marker for prediction of pre-eclampsia. This article reviews the current research of the most important strategies for prediction of pre-eclampsia, including the use of maternal risk factors, mean maternal arterial pressure, ultrasound parameters, and biomarkers.

  4. Preeclampsia and risk for epilepsy in offspring

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wu, Chunsen; Sun, Yuelian; Vestergaard, Mogens


    OBJECTIVE: Eclampsia has been found to be a strong risk factor for epilepsy in the offspring, but it is unclear whether the risk also applies to the preceding condition, preeclampsia. METHODS: We conducted a population-based cohort study of 1537860 singletons born in Denmark (1978-2004). Informat......OBJECTIVE: Eclampsia has been found to be a strong risk factor for epilepsy in the offspring, but it is unclear whether the risk also applies to the preceding condition, preeclampsia. METHODS: We conducted a population-based cohort study of 1537860 singletons born in Denmark (1978......-2004). Information on preeclampsia (mild, severe, and unspecified), eclampsia, and epilepsy was obtained from the Danish National Hospital Register. Information on gestational age, birth weight, and Apgar score was obtained from the Danish Medical Birth Registry. We used Cox proportional hazard models to estimate...... the incidence rate ratio of epilepsy for children who were exposed to preeclampsia or eclampsia in prenatal life. RESULTS: We identified 45288 (2.9%) children who were exposed to preeclampsia (34823 to mild, 7043 to severe, and 3422 to unspecified preeclampsia) and 654 (0.04%) to eclampsia during their prenatal...

  5. Serum lipid levels in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valmir Jose de Lima

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Pre-eclampsia is a disorder that occurs only during pregnancy. Postpartum changes relating to lipid metabolism may contribute towards the endothelial lesions observed in preeclampsia. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the lipid profile among patients who present preeclampsia and correlate these parameters with 24-hour proteinuria. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional analytical study including 77 pregnant patients seen at Hospital Dório Silva. METHODS: This study involved 42 women with preeclampsia and 35 healthy pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy as controls. Blood samples were obtained from all the patients, and the serum levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins (LDL, high-density lipoproteins (HDL and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL were determined. Cases and controls were matched for maternal age, gestational week and body mass index. RESULTS: The VLDL and triglyceride values from the women with preeclampsia were significantly higher than those of the healthy women. There was a positive correlation between increased proteinuria and higher VLDL and triglyceride levels in patients with preeclampsia. CONCLUSION: Among the patients with preeclampsia, higher VLDL and triglyceride levels were positively correlated with proteinuria. These observations indicate that the pregnant women who presented elevated lipid levels were more susceptible to cardiovascular disorders and, consequently, pre-eclampsia.


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    Marijke M Faas


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is an important complication in pregnancy, characterized byhypertension and proteinuria in the second half of pregnancy. Generalizedactivation of the inflammatory response is thought to play a role in thepathogenesis of preeclampsia. Monocytes may play a central role in thisinflammatory response. Monocytes are short lived cells, that mature in thecirculation and invade into tissues upon an inflammatory stimulus anddevelop into macrophages. Macrophages are abundantly present in theendometrium and play a role in implantation and placentation in normalpregnancy. In preeclampsia, these macrophages appear to be present in largernumbers and are also activated. In the present review we focused on the roleof monocytes and macrophages in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia.

  7. Platelet count and platelet indices in women with preeclampsia. (United States)

    AlSheeha, Muneera A; Alaboudi, Rafi S; Alghasham, Mohammad A; Iqbal, Javed; Adam, Ishag


    Although the exact pathophysiology of preeclampsia is not completely understood, the utility of different platelets indices can be utilized to predict preeclampsia. To compare platelet indices, namely platelet count (PC), mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), and PC to MPV ratio in women with preeclampsia compared with healthy controls. Qassim Hospital, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A case-control study. Sixty preeclamptic women were the cases and an equal number of healthy pregnant women were the controls. There was no significant difference in age, parity, and body mass index between the study groups. Sixteen and 44 of the cases were severe and mild preeclampsia, respectively. There was no significant difference in PDW and MPV between the preeclamptic and control women. Both PC and PC to MPV ratios were significantly lower in the women with preeclampsia compared with the controls. There was no significant difference in the PC, PDW, MPV, and PC to MPV ratio when women with mild and severe preeclampsia were compared. Using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, the PC cutoff was 248.0×10 3 /µL for diagnosis of pre-eclampsia ( P =0.019; the area under the ROC curve was 62.4%). Binary regression suggests that women with PC preeclampsia (odds ratio =2.2, 95% confidence interval =1.08-4.6, P =0.03). The PC/MPV cutoff was 31.2 for diagnosis of preeclampsia ( P =0.035, the area under the ROC curve was 62.2%). PC preeclampsia.

  8. The Effects of Vitamin D Supplement on Prevention of Recurrence of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women with a History of Preeclampsia

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    Sanam Behjat Sasan


    Full Text Available Introduction. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome. One of the hypotheses concerning the etiology of preeclampsia is vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy. Method and Materials. The present study is a randomized controlled clinical trial which aims to determine the effect of vitamin D supplement on reducing the probability of recurrent preeclampsia. 72 patients were placed in control group while 70 patients were randomized to the intervention group. The intervention group received a 50000 IU pearl vitamin D3 once every two weeks. The control group was administered placebo. Vitamin D or placebo was given until the 36th week of pregnancy. Results. The patients in intervention group have significantly lower (P value = 0.036 probability of preeclampsia than patients in the control group. The risk of preeclampsia for the control group was 1.94 times higher than that for the intervention group (95% CI 1.02, 3.71. Conclusion. The intended intervention (i.e., prescription of vitamin D has a protective effect against recurrent preeclampsia. Vitamin D supplementation therapy in pregnancy could help in reducing the incidence of gestational hypertension/preeclampsia. Registration. This study has been registered in Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT site with ID number IRCT2017010131695N1.

  9. Maternal Periodontitis, Preeclampsia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

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    Pourandokht Afshari


    Full Text Available Background and Aim: Preeclampsia is a considerable problem of pregnancy. Endothelial dysfunction and placental hypoxia are the current hypothesis of preeclampsia. Chronic inflammation, including periodontitis may provoke systemic maternal and placental pro-inflammatory endothelial dysfunction, which represent a significant risk factor for diseases of vascular origin. So this study was carried out to evaluate the possible relationship between periodontitis and preeclampsia. Methods: A total of 360 pregnant women were included, corresponding to 180 pregnant women with mild or sever periodotitis in one group and 180 pregnant women with periodontal health in the other group. Periodontitis was determined by the sum of all pockets with pocket probing depth (PPD ≥4mm and bleeding on probing. periodontal health was defined as the absence of PPD≥ 4mm. Then two groups evaluated to determine the presence of preeclampsia. After delivery, Child weight at birth and gestational age was also evaluated. Chi square and t test analysis were used to analyze the data. Results: There was statistically significant difference between two groups in presence of preeclampsia (p=0.003. Women who had a worse periodontal condition were at higher risk for preeclampsia. In addition, birth weight and gestational age was statistically lower in the case group than the control group (p < 0.001. Conclusion: The results indicate that the presence and severity of peridontitis increase the risk for occurrence of preeclampsia and adverse pregnancy outcomes.

  10. Review on pre-eclampsia


    Schlembach, Dietmar


    Pre-eclampsia is still one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Despite active research for many decades, the etiology of this disorder exclusive to human pregnancy is an enigma. Recent evidence suggests there may be several underlying causes or predispositions leading to endothelial dysfunction and causing the signs of hypertension, proteinuria, and edema--findings that allow us to make the diagnosis of the "syndrome" of pre-eclampsia. It is obvious that a sin...

  11. Doppler flowmetry in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Zahumensky, J


    The purpose of this study was to summarize the new published data on the Doppler flowmetry in preeclampsia. We summarize the new published data on the Doppler flowmetry in uteroplacental, fetoplacental and fetal circulation in preeclampsia. The present review summarized the results of clinical research on the Doppler flowmetry in the screening of risk of preclampsia, in the diagnosis of preclampsia and in the fetal risk in preclampsia (Ref. 19). Full Text (Free, PDF)

  12. Mortalidad perinatal en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins

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    Lizeth Diaz Ledesma


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Conocer la tasa de mortalidad perinatal en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins y sus características. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio comprendió la revisión de todas las historias clínicas de gestantes portadoras de óbito fetal (mayor de 28 semanas de gestación o mayor de 1000gramos, de recién nacidos que fallecieron dentro de los primeros 7 días de vida y de sus madres durante el año 2000. Resultados: La tasa de mortalidad perinatal fue de 10.5 por mil nacidos vivos. La edad promedio materna fue de 31.6 años, + 5.9 y un rango entre 14 y 44 años. El 30.1% de partos correspondió a nulíparas, el 61.6% a multíparas y el 8.3% a gran multíparas. El promedio de visitas al control prenatal fue de 4.8 + 2.7. El 53.4% de las madres tuvo algún antecedente relacionado a mala historia obstétrica, siendo los más frecuentes historia de aborto previo (27.4%, cesárea anterior (13.7% y pre eclampsia (12.3%. Las causas asociadas a mortalidad perinatal fueron madres con pre eclampsia severa (38.4% y hemorragia en el tercer trimestre (15.1% y fetos con malformaciones congénitas severas (27.4%. La vía de parto fue abdominal en 68.5% y vaginal en 31.5%. Se tuvo 83.6% de gestaciones únicas y 16.4% de gestaciones múltiples. El peso de los productos fue 1985.2 + 945.8 gramos. El 61.6% de muertes perinatales correspondieron a prematuros. Conclusiones:La tasa de mortalidad neonatal en el HNERM durante el año 2000 fue de 10.5 por mil nacidos vivos y los factores relacionados a mortalidad perinatal fueron pre-eclampsia severa, malformaciones congénitas severas y hemorragias del tercer trimestre. ( Rev Med Hered 2003; 14: 117-121.



    Naljayan, Mihran V.; Karumanchi, S. Ananth


    Preeclampsia affecting 3-5% of all pregnancies is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. This disorder is characterized by a constellation of signs and symptoms, most notably new onset hypertension and proteinuria during the last trimester of pregnancy. In this review, the molecular mechanisms of preeclampsia with an emphasis on the role of circulating anti-angiogenic proteins in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and its complications will be discussed.

  14. Low-Dose Aspirin for the Prevention of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Fantasia, Heidi Collins


    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder specific to pregnancy that remains a significant cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Identification of women who are most at risk for preeclampsia is imprecise. Because of the potential negative health consequences of preeclampsia for women and newborns and the lack of effective screening mechanisms preventing preeclampsia is an important component of prenatal care. Researchers have documented that low-dose aspirin, taken daily after the first trimester, can decrease the development of preeclampsia and reduce the incidence of preterm birth and birth of small-for-gestational-age infants. This column includes an overview of low-dose aspirin in pregnancy and a review of current recommendations from leading national organizations. © 2018 AWHONN, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses.

  15. Early pregnancy vitamin D status and risk of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Mirzakhani, Hooman; Litonjua, Augusto A; McElrath, Thomas F; O'Connor, George; Lee-Parritz, Aviva; Iverson, Ronald; Macones, George; Strunk, Robert C; Bacharier, Leonard B; Zeiger, Robert; Hollis, Bruce W; Handy, Diane E; Sharma, Amitabh; Laranjo, Nancy; Carey, Vincent; Qiu, Weilliang; Santolini, Marc; Liu, Shikang; Chhabra, Divya; Enquobahrie, Daniel A; Williams, Michelle A; Loscalzo, Joseph; Weiss, Scott T


    Low vitamin D status in pregnancy was proposed as a risk factor of preeclampsia. We assessed the effect of vitamin D supplementation (4,400 vs. 400 IU/day), initiated early in pregnancy (10-18 weeks), on the development of preeclampsia. The effects of serum vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25OHD]) levels on preeclampsia incidence at trial entry and in the third trimester (32-38 weeks) were studied. We also conducted a nested case-control study of 157 women to investigate peripheral blood vitamin D-associated gene expression profiles at 10 to 18 weeks in 47 participants who developed preeclampsia. Of 881 women randomized, outcome data were available for 816, with 67 (8.2%) developing preeclampsia. There was no significant difference between treatment (N = 408) or control (N = 408) groups in the incidence of preeclampsia (8.08% vs. 8.33%, respectively; relative risk: 0.97; 95% CI, 0.61-1.53). However, in a cohort analysis and after adjustment for confounders, a significant effect of sufficient vitamin D status (25OHD ≥30 ng/ml) was observed in both early and late pregnancy compared with insufficient levels (25OHD preeclampsia (FDR preeclampsia incidence in the intention-to-treat paradigm. However, vitamin D levels of 30 ng/ml or higher at trial entry and in late pregnancy were associated with a lower risk of preeclampsia. Differentially expressed vitamin D-associated transcriptomes implicated the emergence of an early pregnancy, distinctive immune response in women who went on to develop preeclampsia. NCT00920621. Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation and Genome Canada Innovation Network. This trial was funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. For details see Acknowledgments.

  16. Loss of Thrombomodulin in Placental Dysfunction in Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Turner, Rosanne J; Bloemenkamp, Kitty W M; Bruijn, Jan A; Baelde, Hans J


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome characterized by placental dysfunction and an angiogenic imbalance. Systemically, levels of thrombomodulin, an endothelium- and syncytiotrophoblast-bound protein that regulates coagulation, inflammation, apoptosis, and tissue remodeling, are increased. We aimed to investigate placental thrombomodulin dysregulation and consequent downstream effects in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Placentas from 28 preeclampsia pregnancies, 30 uncomplicated pregnancies, and 21 pregnancies complicated by growth restriction as extra controls were included. Immunohistochemical staining of thrombomodulin, caspase-3, and fibrin was performed. Placental mRNA expression of thrombomodulin, inflammatory markers, matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, and soluble Flt-1 were measured with quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Thrombomodulin mRNA expression was determined in vascular endothelial growth factor-transfected trophoblast cell lines. Thrombomodulin protein and mRNA expression were decreased in preeclampsia as compared with both control groups (P=0.001). Thrombomodulin mRNA expression correlated with maternal body mass index (Ppreeclampsia. An increase in placental apoptotic cells was associated with preeclampsia (Ppreeclampsia, but not with fibrin deposits or inflammatory markers. Placental soluble Flt-1 expression correlated with decreased thrombomodulin expression. Vascular endothelial growth factor induced upregulation of thrombomodulin expression in trophoblast cells. Decreased thrombomodulin expression in preeclampsia may play a role in placental dysfunction in preeclampsia and is possibly caused by an angiogenic imbalance. Hypertension and obesity are associated with thrombomodulin downregulation. These results set the stage for further basic and clinical research on thrombomodulin in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and other syndromes characterized by endothelial dysfunction. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  17. Haptoglobin phenotype, preeclampsia risk and the efficacy of vitamin C and E supplementation to prevent preeclampsia in a racially diverse population.

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    Tracey L Weissgerber

    Full Text Available Haptoglobin's (Hp antioxidant and pro-angiogenic properties differ between the 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 phenotypes. Hp phenotype affects cardiovascular disease risk and treatment response to antioxidant vitamins in some non-pregnant populations. We previously demonstrated that preeclampsia risk was doubled in white Hp 2-1 women, compared to Hp 1-1 women. Our objectives were to determine whether we could reproduce this finding in a larger cohort, and to determine whether Hp phenotype influences lack of efficacy of antioxidant vitamins in preventing preeclampsia and serious complications of pregnancy-associated hypertension (PAH. This is a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial in which 10,154 low-risk women received daily vitamin C and E, or placebo, from 9-16 weeks gestation until delivery. Hp phenotype was determined in the study prediction cohort (n = 2,393 and a case-control cohort (703 cases, 1,406 controls. The primary outcome was severe PAH, or mild or severe PAH with elevated liver enzymes, elevated serum creatinine, thrombocytopenia, eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, medically indicated preterm birth or perinatal death. Preeclampsia was a secondary outcome. Odds ratios were estimated by logistic regression. Sampling weights were used to reduce bias from an overrepresentation of women with preeclampsia or the primary outcome. There was no relationship between Hp phenotype and the primary outcome or preeclampsia in Hispanic, white/other or black women. Vitamin supplementation did not reduce the risk of the primary outcome or preeclampsia in women of any phenotype. Supplementation increased preeclampsia risk (odds ratio 3.30; 95% confidence interval 1.61-6.82, p<0.01 in Hispanic Hp 2-2 women. Hp phenotype does not influence preeclampsia risk, or identify a subset of women who may benefit from vitamin C and E supplementation to prevent preeclampsia.

  18. Why preeclampsia still exists? (United States)

    Chelbi, Sonia T; Veitia, Reiner A; Vaiman, Daniel


    Preeclampsia (PE) is a deadly gestational disease affecting up to 10% of women and specific of the human species. Preeclampsia is clearly multifactorial, but the existence of a genetic basis for this disease is now clearly established by the existence of familial cases, epidemiological studies and known predisposing gene polymorphisms. PE is very common despite the fact that Darwinian pressure should have rapidly eliminated or strongly minimized the frequency of predisposing alleles. Consecutive pregnancies with the same partner decrease the risk and severity of PE. Here, we show that, due to this peculiar feature, preeclampsia predisposing-alleles can be differentially maintained according to the familial structure. Thus, we suggest that an optimal frequency of PE-predisposing alleles in human populations can be achieved as a result of a trade-off between benefits of exogamy, importance for maintaining genetic diversity and increase of the fitness owing to a stable paternal investment. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Sistema experto basado en lógica difusa tipo 1 para determinar el grado de riesgo de preeclampsia

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    Edna Rocio Núñez Flórez


    Full Text Available La preeclampsia es una enfermedad que pueden desarrollar las mujeres en estado de embarazo, y según el DANE es responsable del 35 % de las muertes maternas en Colombia. Ante esta situación, el objetivo de este artículo es presentar un sistema experto (SE basado en lógica difusa tipo I que permite identificar el nivel de riesgo de sufrir la enfermedad, y posibilita un diagnóstico precoz y la vigilancia estricta de la mujer gestante, aspectos fundamentales para prevenir las complicaciones asociadas a la preeclampsia. Para llevar a cabo la investigación se realizó la revisión bibliográfica para conocer los factores de riesgo que generan la enfermedad; con apoyo de un médico se establecieron los factores que se deben tener en cuenta (variables de entrada y la base de reglas, los cuales son los componentes principales del SE. Posteriormente se realiza la implementación del software con las herramientas MySql como base de datos y Java como lenguaje de programación. Para la validación de tomaron 30 historias clínicas suministradas por la Secretaría de Salud Departamental del Caquetá. El resultado del SE arrojó un 94.17 % de efectividad con un margen de error del 5.83 %, comparados con los resultados proporcionados por el especialista que analizó las historias clínicas.

  20. Long-term impact of preeclampsia on maternal endometrial cancer risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hallum, Sara; Pinborg, Anja; Kamper-Jørgensen, Mads


    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer is mainly dependent on oestrogen exposure. Preeclampsia has shown to reduce oestrogen levels hence preeclampsia may affect later endometrial cancer risk. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study of 523 Danish women with endometrial cancer and 52 299controls during...... 1978-2010. The association between preeclampsia and later endometrial cancer was evaluated overall and according to preeclampsia onset and type of endometrial cancer in conditional logistic regression models. RESULTS: We observed no overall association between preeclampsia and endometrial cancer risk...... (OR=1.11 (95% CI 0.68-1.81)). This was true for all endometrial cancer subtypes. In an analysis of preeclampsia onset, however, we report a markedly increased risk of endometrial cancer following early-onset preeclampsia (OR=2.64 (95% CI 1.29-5.38)). CONCLUSIONS: Although we report no obvious...

  1. Vitamina D y riesgo de preeclampsia: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis. (United States)

    Serrano-Díaz, Norma Cecilia; Gamboa-Delgado, Edna Magaly; Domínguez-Urrego, Clara Lucía; Vesga-Varela, Andrea Liliana; Serrano-Gómez, Sergio Eduardo; Quintero-Lesmes, Doris Cristina


    Introducción. Cada vez son más los hallazgos sobre la relación entre las concentraciones de vitamina D en el ser humano y diversas condiciones clínicas. Hay una gran cantidad de estudios que informan sobre dicha asociación, especialmente con complicaciones obstétricas, incluidas la preeclampsia y la diabetes mellitus de la gestación, entre otras, pero sus resultados todavía no son definitivos, por lo que se requieren estudios de intervención de calidad que confirmen la relación de la vitamina D con dichos resultados.Objetivo. Revisar la información plasmada en estudios en torno al papel de la vitamina D materna y el desarrollo de la preeclampsia.Materiales y métodos. La metodología usada siguió las recomendaciones de la guía Cochrane para la elaboración de revisiones sistemáticas y de la guía del grupo Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) para los metaanálisis. La búsqueda incluyó estudios observacionales y ensayos clínicos controlados.Resultados. Los niveles bajos de vitamina D, medida con el examen de 25-hidroxivitamina D, son comunes en el embarazo. Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática y del metaanálisis sugieren una asociación inversa entre los niveles de vitamina D y el desarrollo de preeclampsia. Hubo heterogeneidad en los estudios en cuanto a su diseño, población y ubicación geográfica, así como a las definiciones de exposición y resultado. Los ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados se excluyeron del metaanálisis.Conclusión. Se encontró una asociación inversa que sugiere que, a mayores concentraciones de vitamina D, menor es la probabilidad de desarrollar preclampsia, a pesar de la heterogeneidad de la medida global en este tipo de análisis.

  2. Preeclampsia: Updates in Pathogenesis, Definitions, and Guidelines. (United States)

    Phipps, Elizabeth; Prasanna, Devika; Brima, Wunnie; Jim, Belinda


    Preeclampsia is becoming an increasingly common diagnosis in the developed world and remains a high cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Delay in childbearing in the developed world feeds into the risk factors associated with preeclampsia, which include older maternal age, obesity, and/or vascular diseases. Inadequate prenatal care partially explains the persistent high prevalence in the developing world. In this review, we begin by presenting the most recent concepts in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Upstream triggers of the well described angiogenic pathways, such as the heme oxygenase and hydrogen sulfide pathways, as well as the roles of autoantibodies, misfolded proteins, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress will be described. We also detail updated definitions, classification schema, and treatment targets of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy put forth by obstetric and hypertensive societies throughout the world. The shift has been made to view preeclampsia as a systemic disease with widespread endothelial damage and the potential to affect future cardiovascular diseases rather than a self-limited occurrence. At the very least, we now know that preeclampsia does not end with delivery of the placenta. We conclude by summarizing the latest strategies for prevention and treatment of preeclampsia. A better understanding of this entity will help in the care of at-risk women before delivery and for decades after. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology.

  3. Molecular genetics of preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome - A review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jebbink, Jiska; Wolters, Astrid; Fernando, Febilla; Afink, Gijs; van der Post, Joris; Ris-Stalpers, Carrie


    Preeclampsia is characterised by new onset hypertension and proteinuria and is a major obstetrical problem for both mother and foetus. Haemolysis elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome is an obstetrical emergency and most cases occur in the presence of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia

  4. Metabolomic biomarkers in serum and urine in women with preeclampsia.

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    Marie Austdal

    Full Text Available To explore the potential of magnetic resonance (MR metabolomics for study of preeclampsia, for improved phenotyping and elucidating potential clues to etiology and pathogenesis.Urine and serum samples from pregnant women with preeclampsia (n = 10, normal pregnancies (n = 10 and non-pregnant women (n = 10 matched by age and gestational age were analyzed with MR spectroscopy and subjected to multivariate analysis. Metabolites were then quantified and compared between groups.Urine and serum samples revealed clear differences between women with preeclampsia and both control groups (normal pregnant and non-pregnant women. Nine urine metabolites were significantly different between preeclampsia and the normal pregnant group. Urine samples from women with early onset preeclampsia clustered together in the multivariate analysis. The preeclampsia serum spectra showed higher levels of low and very-low density lipoproteins and lower levels of high-density lipoproteins when compared to both non-pregnant and normal pregnant women.The MR determined metabolic profiles in urine and serum from women with preeclampsia are clearly different from normal pregnant women. The observed differences represent a potential to examine mechanisms underlying different preeclampsia phenotypes in urine and serum samples in larger studies. In addition, similarities between preeclampsia and cardiovascular disease in metabolomics are demonstrated.

  5. Immunology and Genetic of Preeclampsia

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    Norma C. Serrano


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a disease characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in the third trimester of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal mortality, and fetal death, especially in developing countries, but its aetiology remains unclear. Key findings support a causal role of superficial placentation driven by immune mal maladaptation, which then lead to reduced concentrations of angiogenic growth factors and to an increase in placental debris in the maternal circulation resulting in a maternal inflammatory response. Epidemiological research has consistently demonstrated a substantial familial predisposition to preeclampsia. Unfortunately, the conquest of the genes explaining such a individual susceptibility has been proved to be a hard task. However, genetics will also inform us about causality of environmental factors, and then serve as a tool to prioritize therapeutic targets for preventive strategies.


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    Andreia Gregório Lima


    Full Text Available Estudio exploratorio y descriptivo, con objetivo de analizar los datos clínicos y obstétricos relacionados a síndromes hipertensivos graves en adolescentes asistidas en maternidad escuela de Recife-PE, Brasil. La población fue de 186 adolescentes embarazadas con preeclampsia severa y/o eclampsia entre 2003 y 2008. La edad varió entre 15 y 19 años, eran negras, solteras y con baja escolaridad. La mayoría era primíparas, pero la recurrencia del embarazo fue de 16% de los casos. Realizaran seis o más consultas de prenatal, el embarazo avanzó a término y el tipo de parto más frecuente fue la cesárea. Las comorbidades identificadas fueron alteraciones de volumen del líquido amniótico, cuadros hemorrágicos e infecciosos. Fueron identificados también casos de retraso del crecimiento intrauterino, prematuridad, ictericia, hipoxia y bajo peso al nacer. El embarazo en la adolescencia asociado con los síndromes hipertensivos severos posee relación con complicaciones maternas, fetales y neonatales.

  7. Características clínicas de los episodios de hipoglucemia en niños y adolescentes con diabetes tipo 1 atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico "William Soler" Clinical features of hypoglycemic episodes in children and adolescents presenting with type 1 diabetes seen in "William Soler" Children Hospital

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    Pedro González Fernández


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: la hipoglucemia es la complicación más frecuente en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, y para algunos constituye el problema más grave asociado a la enfermedad. OBJETIVO: determinar la frecuencia y las características clínicas de la hipoglucemia en un grupo de niños y adolescentes diabéticos tipo 1. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo en 48 niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 1, atendidos en el Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital Pediátrico Docente "William Soler", en el período comprendido entre Enero de 1987 y Enero de 2000. Se tomaron de las historias clínicas los datos generales del paciente, el régimen de insulinoterapia y la dosis total diaria de insulina, los resultados de la hemoglobina glucosilada, así como los episodios referidos de hipoglucemias, los que se clasificaron en ligeras y severas. RESULTADOS: se encontró una frecuencia elevada de episodios de hipoglucemias severas (56,25 %. La primera hipoglucemia severa se registró con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de edad de menor de 5 años, mientras que las hipoglucemias ligeras fueron más frecuentes en el de mayor de 5 años. El primer episodio de hipoglucemia severa ocurrió antes del primer año de realizado el diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus. Los pacientes con régimen intensivo sufrieron un mayor porcentaje de episodios de hipoglucemia severa, que los pacientes con régimen convencional. El control metabólico no influyó en la ocurrencia de los episodios de hipoglucemia severa. CONCLUSIONES: los episodios de hipoglucemia ocurrieron con una elevada frecuencia, con predominio de las severas, con una mayor frecuencia en la madrugada, y con mayor afectación en el grupo de menores de 5 años de edad, lo que constituye un riesgo de afectación del neurodesarrollo en este grupo de edad.INTRODUCTION: hypoglycemia is the more frequent complication in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and for some it is a

  8. 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 in Preeclampsia

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    Katarzyna Kosicka


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a serious medical problem affecting the mother and her child and influences their health not only during the pregnancy, but also many years after. Although preeclampsia is a subject of many research projects, the etiology of the condition remains unclear. One of the hypotheses related to the etiology of preeclampsia is the deficiency in placental 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11β-HSD2, the enzyme which in normal pregnancy protects the fetus from the excess of maternal cortisol. The reduced activity of the enzyme was observed in placentas from pregnancies complicated with preeclampsia. That suggests the overexposure of the developing child to maternal cortisol, which in high levels exerts proapoptotic effects and reduces fetal growth. The fetal growth restriction due to the diminished placental 11β-HSD2 function may be supported by the fact that preeclampsia is often accompanied with fetal hypotrophy. The causes of the reduced function of 11β-HSD2 in placental tissue are still discussed. This paper summarizes the phenomena that may affect the activity of the enzyme at various steps on the way from the gene to the protein.

  9. Antioxidants for Preventing Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review (United States)

    Salles, Adriana Magalhaes Ribeiro; Galvao, Tais Freire; Silva, Marcus Tolentino; Motta, Lucilia Casulari Domingues; Pereira, Mauricio Gomes


    Objective. To investigate the efficacy of antioxidants for preventing preeclampsia and other maternal and fetal complications among pregnant women with low, moderate, or high risk of preeclampsia. Methods. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL, mRCT, and other databases, with no language or publication restrictions. Two independent reviewers selected randomized controlled trials that evaluated the use of antioxidants versus placebo and extracted the relevant data. Relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated. The data were compiled through the random effects model. Main Results. Fifteen studies were included (21,012 women and 21,647 fetuses). No statistically significant difference was found between women who received antioxidant treatment and women who received placebo for preeclampsia (RR  = 0.92; 95% CI: 0.82–1.04), severe preeclampsia (RR  = 1.03; 95% CI: 0.87–1.22), preterm birth (RR  = 1.03; 95% CI: 0.94–1.14), and small for gestational age antioxidants group compared to placebo, but without significant statistical difference (RR  = 1.24; 95% CI: 0.85–1.80). Conclusions. The available evidence reviewed does not support the use of antioxidants during pregnancy for the prevention of preeclampsia and other outcomes. PMID:22593668

  10. A novel marker in pregnant with preeclampsia: renalase. (United States)

    Yılmaz, Zehra Vural; Akkaş, Elif; Yıldırım, Tolga; Yılmaz, Rahmi; Erdem, Yunus


    Preeclampsia is characterized by an increase in high blood pressure and decrease in GFR and proteinuria, however, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. Renalase is a recently discovered protein implicated in regulation of blood pressure in humans. Plasma concentrations of serum renalase were measured in healthy controls, healthy pregnant and pregnant with preeclampsia matched for age, gestational age, in the third trimester of pregnancy. Serum renalase levels were compared in pregnant with and without preeclampsia and non-pregnant controls. Factors associated with serum renalase levels in pregnancies were also evaluated. In healthy pregnant serum renalase levels were significantly higher than in controls. However, pregnant with preeclampsia had lower renalase levels than healthy controls. Serum renalase levels were inversely associated with blood pressure levels and positively correlated with glomerular filtration rate. The results indicated that the development of preeclampsia in pregnant is accompanied by altered serum renalase levels. High blood pressure and kidney damage that characterize this disorder are mediated at least in part by low renalase levels.

  11. [Evans syndrome, pregnancy, and preeclampsia]. (United States)

    Hernández-Salazar, E; Martínez-Abundis, C E; González-Ortiz, C M


    Evans' syndrome is an unusual illness of autoimmune etiology, characterized by thrombocytopenia and hemolytic anemia. This is more frequent in females throughout first half of the life and during pregnancy. The present paper describes two pregnant women with Evans syndrome associated to preeclampsia. This report emphasizes how the hematology and coagulation abnormalities of preeclampsia could be added to those abnormalities observed in Evans' syndrome. This association constitutes a severe disease of difficult treatment.

  12. Postpartum Depression After Mild and Severe Preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoedjes, Meeke; Berks, Durk; Vogel, Ineke; Franx, Arie; Bangma, Meike; Darlington, Anne-Sophie E.; Visser, Willy; Duvekot, Johannes J.; Habbema, J. Dik F.; Steegers, Eric A. P.; Raat, Hein


    Objective: To describe the prevalence of postpartum depressive symptoms after preeclampsia, to assess the extent to which the prevalence of postpartum depressive symptoms differs after mild and severe preeclampsia, and to investigate which factors contribute to such differences. Methods: Women

  13. Can serum free fatty acids assessment predict severe preeclampsia?

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nermeen Saad El Beltagy


    Oct 20, 2011 ... Methods: Twenty cases with severe preeclampsia (blood pressure P 160/110 after 20th week of ges- tation and ... ing factor with preeclampsia in non-obese pregnant women. ... Preeclampsia (PE) is a common pregnancy disorder that is ... centration of free fatty acids in the serum was measured by an.

  14. Evidence-Based Revised View of the Pathophysiology of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Ahmed, Asif; Rezai, Homira; Broadway-Stringer, Sophie


    Preeclampsia is a life-threatening vascular disorder of pregnancy due to a failing stressed placenta. Millions of women risk death to give birth each year and globally each year, almost 300,000 lose their life in this process and over 500,000 babies die as a consequence of preeclampsia. Despite decades of research, we lack pharmacological agents to treat it. Maternal endothelial oxidative stress is a central phenomenon responsible for the preeclampsia phenotype of high maternal blood pressure and proteinuria. In 1997, it was proposed that preeclampsia arises due to the loss of VEGF activity, possibly due to elevation in anti-angiogenic factor, soluble Flt-1 (sFlt-1). Researchers showed that high sFlt-1 and soluble endoglin (sEng) elicit the severe preeclampsia phenotype in pregnant rodents. We demonstrated that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)/carbon monoxide (CO) pathway prevents placental stress and suppresses sFlt-1 and sEng release. Likewise, hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S)/cystathionine-γ-lyase (Cth) systems limit sFlt-1 and sEng and protect against the preeclampsia phenotype in mice. Importantly, H 2 S restores placental vasculature, and in doing so improves lagging fetal growth. These molecules act as the inhibitor systems in pregnancy and when they fail, preeclampsia is triggered. In this review, we discuss what are the hypotheses and models for the pathophysiology of preeclampsia on the basis of Bradford Hill causation criteria for disease causation and how further in vivo experimentation is needed to establish 'proof of principle'. Hypotheses that fail to meet the Bradford Hill causation criteria include abnormal spiral artery remodelling and inflammation and should be considered associated or consequential to the disorder. In contrast, the protection against cellular stress hypothesis that states that the protective pathways mitigate cellular stress by limiting elevation of anti-angiogenic factors or oxidative stress and the subsequent clinical signs of preeclampsia

  15. Preeclampsia Associates with Asthma, Allergy, and Eczema in Childhood. (United States)

    Stokholm, Jakob; Sevelsted, Astrid; Anderson, Ulrik D; Bisgaard, Hans


    Preeclampsia reflects an unusual increase in systemic inflammation during pregnancy. We studied associations between preeclampsia and asthma, allergy, and eczema in Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood 2000 (COPSAC 2000 ) and in national registries. COPSAC 2000 is a high-risk birth cohort of 411 Danish children. Asthma, allergy, and eczema were diagnosed prospectively, and lung function measured at age 1 month and 7 years. Sensitization was evaluated at age 6 months, 18 months, 4 years, and 6 years by skin prick tests and IgE measurements. The register-based cohort included 1.7 million children from Danish national registries in the 35-year period 1977-2012. Children born to mothers with preeclampsia were analyzed regarding risk of asthma, allergy, and eczema. In the COPSAC 2000 cohort, 5.6% (n = 23) were diagnosed with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia was associated with increased risk of treatment with inhaled corticosteroids at age 7 years (adjusted odds ratio, 4.01 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.11-14.43]; P = 0.0337), increased bronchial responsiveness to methacholine (adjusted β-coefficient log-μmol, -0.80 [95% CI, -1.55 to -0.06]; P = 0.0348), and allergic rhinitis (adjusted odds ratio, 4.83 [95% CI, 1.58-14.78]; P = 0.0057) in the 7-year-old children. Furthermore, the children had an increased risk of sensitization to both aeroallergens and food allergens, and increased amount of total IgE during childhood. In the registry-based cohort, 3.7% (n = 62,728) were born to mothers with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia was associated with increased risk of asthma, eczema, and aeroallergen and food allergy, especially pronounced after a duration of preeclampsia of 14 days or more. Maternal asthma increased the risk of preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a shared prenatal risk factor for asthma, eczema, and allergy in childhood pointing toward in utero immune programming of the child.

  16. Periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia: a systematic review. (United States)

    Kunnen, Alina; van Doormaal, Jasper J; Abbas, Frank; Aarnoudse, Jan G; van Pampus, Maria G; Faas, Marijke M


    This review evaluates the possible relationship between periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, a major pregnancy complication. A generalized inflammatory response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Because periodontal disease is a low-grade inflammatory state, periodontal disease might contribute to the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. A literature search of PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL until August 2010 revealed 12 eligible observational studies and three randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). It appeared difficult to compare these studies, due to variations in definitions of periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, timing of periodontal examination and inadequate control for confounding factors. Eight observational studies reported a positive association, while four studies found no association. None of the RTCs reported reductions in pre-eclamptic rate after periodontal therapy during pregnancy. Therefore, it is questionable whether periodontal disease plays a causal role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. The observed association in eight observational studies might be the result of induction of periodontal disease due to the pre-eclamptic state or it may be an epiphenomenon of an exaggerated inflammatory response to pregnancy. Larger RCTs with pre-eclampsia as the primary outcome and pathophysiological studies are required to explore causality and to dissect biological mechanisms involved. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  17. Frequency and Factors Leading to Recurrent Pre-Eclampsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Emanuel, M.; Butt, S.


    Objective: To determine the frequency and factors leading to recurrent preeclampsia. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre, Karachi, from January 2011 to February 2012, and comprised parous subjects <40 years of age with history of preeclampsia in previous pregnancy/pregnancies with singleton pregnancy and gestational age of >20 weeks. Gestational age was determined by early scan with preeclampsia in index pregnancy. Data was collected through a specialised questionnaire and analysed using SPSS 16. Results: Of the 479 patients seen with preeclampsia, 121(25.26 percent) were of recurrent preeclampsia. The mean age of such patients was 29.7±4.9 years (range: 20-39 years). Further, 84(69.42 percent) patients were multipara and 40(33.05 percent) were grand multipara. Mean body mass index was 29.97±6.2 (range: 18-54). Besides, 28(23.14 percent) patients had gestational diabetes; 7(5.78 percent) were known diabetics; 24(19.83 percent) had chronic hypertension; 2(1.7 percent) patients had chronic renal disease; and 1(0.8 percent) had connective tissue disorder. Conclusion: Being over-weight, having gestational diabetes and chronic hypertension were main risk factors leading to recurrent preeclampsia. (author)

  18. Elevated placental adenosine signaling contributes to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Iriyama, Takayuki; Sun, Kaiqi; Parchim, Nicholas F; Li, Jessica; Zhao, Cheng; Song, Anren; Hart, Laura A; Blackwell, Sean C; Sibai, Baha M; Chan, Lee-Nien L; Chan, Teh-Sheng; Hicks, M John; Blackburn, Michael R; Kellems, Rodney E; Xia, Yang


    Preeclampsia is a prevalent hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and a leading cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. This pathogenic condition is speculated to be caused by placental abnormalities that contribute to the maternal syndrome. However, the specific factors and signaling pathways that lead to impaired placentas and maternal disease development remain elusive. Using 2 independent animal models of preeclampsia (genetically engineered pregnant mice with elevated adenosine exclusively in placentas and a pathogenic autoantibody-induced preeclampsia mouse model), we demonstrated that chronically elevated placental adenosine was sufficient to induce hallmark features of preeclampsia, including hypertension, proteinuria, small fetuses, and impaired placental vasculature. Genetic and pharmacological approaches revealed that elevated placental adenosine coupled with excessive A₂B adenosine receptor (ADORA2B) signaling contributed to the development of these features of preeclampsia. Mechanistically, we provided both human and mouse evidence that elevated placental CD73 is a key enzyme causing increased placental adenosine, thereby contributing to preeclampsia. We determined that elevated placental adenosine signaling is a previously unrecognized pathogenic factor for preeclampsia. Moreover, our findings revealed the molecular basis underlying the elevation of placental adenosine and the detrimental role of excess placental adenosine in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, and thereby, we highlight novel therapeutic targets. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.

  19. The Norwegian preeclampsia family cohort study: a new resource for investigating genetic aspects and heritability of preeclampsia and related phenotypes. (United States)

    Roten, Linda Tømmerdal; Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Gundersen, Astrid Solberg; Fenstad, Mona Høysæter; Odland, Maria Lisa; Strand, Kristin Melheim; Solberg, Per; Tappert, Christian; Araya, Elisabeth; Bærheim, Gunhild; Lyslo, Ingvill; Tollaksen, Kjersti; Bjørge, Line; Austgulen, Rigmor


    Preeclampsia is a major pregnancy complication without curative treatment available. A Norwegian Preeclampsia Family Cohort was established to provide a new resource for genetic and molecular studies aiming to improve the understanding of the complex pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Participants were recruited from five Norwegian hospitals after diagnoses of preeclampsia registered in the Medical birth registry of Norway were verified according to the study's inclusion criteria. Detailed obstetric information and information on personal and family disease history focusing on cardiovascular health was collected. At attendance anthropometric measurements were registered and blood samples were drawn. The software package SPSS 19.0 for Windows was used to compute descriptive statistics such as mean and SD. P-values were computed based on t-test statistics for normally distributed variables. Nonparametrical methods (chi square) were used for categorical variables. A cohort consisting of 496 participants (355 females and 141 males) representing 137 families with increased occurrence of preeclampsia has been established, and blood samples are available for 477 participants. Descriptive analyses showed that about 60% of the index women's pregnancies with birth data registered were preeclamptic according to modern diagnosis criteria. We also found that about 41% of the index women experienced more than one preeclamptic pregnancy. In addition, the descriptive analyses confirmed that preeclamptic pregnancies are more often accompanied with delivery complications. The data and biological samples collected in this Norwegian Preeclampsia Family Cohort will provide an important basis for future research. Identification of preeclampsia susceptibility genes and new biomarkers may contribute to more efficient strategies to identify mothers "at risk" and contribute to development of novel preventative therapies.

  20. Preeclampsia; short and long-term consequences for mother and neonate. (United States)

    Bokslag, Anouk; van Weissenbruch, Mirjam; Mol, Ben Willem; de Groot, Christianne J M


    Preeclampsia is a common pregnancy specific disease, that presents with hypertension and a variety of organ failures, including malfunction of kidneys, liver and lungs. At present, the only definitive treatment of preeclampsia is end the pregnancy and deliver the neonate and placenta. For women with mild preeclampsia in the preterm phase of pregnancy, expectant management is generally indicated to improve fetal maturity, often requiring maternal medical treatment. Last decades, more evidence is available that the underlying mechanism of preeclampsia, endothelial disease, is not limited to pregnancy but increases cardiovascular risk in later life. In this review, we present the most recent insight in preeclampsia with focus on impact on the fetus, short and long-term outcome of offspring's, and long-term outcome of women with a history of preeclampsia. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Maternal and Paternal Height and the Risk of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Lee, Yunsung; Magnus, Per


    The etiology of preeclampsia is unknown. Tall women have been found to have lower incidence of preeclampsia. This points to a possible biological causal effect but may be because of socioeconomic confounding. We used paternal height as an unexposed control to examine confounding. The MoBa (Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study) was used to extract data on parental heights, maternal prepregnancy weight, other background factors, and pregnancy outcomes for 99 968 singleton births. Multiple logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios for preeclampsia according to parental height. The adjusted odds ratio for preeclampsia was 0.74 (95% CI, 0.66-0.82) for women >172 cm as compared with women 186 cm was 1.03 (95% CI, 0.93-1.15) compared with men <178 cm. The association between maternal height and preeclampsia is unlikely to be because of confounding by familial, socioeconomic factors or by fetal genes related to height. The observed association between maternal height and preeclampsia merits further investigation. © 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L A Carmona-López


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica Periférica (IVCP es un cambio clínico que se produce como resultado de la dilatación patológica de las venas en los miembros inferiores, de la incompetencia de sus válvulas y de la hipertensión venosa resultante. Pudiera cursar dentro de la categoría de trastornos sistémicos que producen depresión y ansiedad, las cuales a su vez son alteraciones psiquiátricas relacionadas con toda la esfera cardiovascular. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de ansiedad, depresión y su relación con los rasgos de personalidad, en pacientes con Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica Periférica. Metodología: Se realizó un trabajo de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se utilizó la escala de Hamilton para ansiedad y depresión; la personalidad fue evaluada con el cuestionario Factorial de Personalidad 16 FP de Catell además de otras variables sociodemográficas. Resultados: Se evaluaron 30 pacientes; 93% (N=28 de sexo femenino, 7% (N=2 de sexo masculino diagnosticados. Con edades entre 25 y 74 años; encontrándose 36,7% (N=11 ansiedad severa, seguida de ansiedad menor en 33,3% (N=10. 50% de los pacientes no presentó depresión, y 50% se distribuyó de forma homogénea en leve, moderada y severa. Predominando personalidad que se le dificulta manejar las frustraciones, suelen ser nerviosos o ansiosos ante ciertas circunstancias, suspicaces, inteligentes y leales a nivel grupal. El rasgo de personalidad que predominó en el grupo de estudio es el de tipo ansioso. Conclusión: Los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa crónica periférica tienen inclinación a la ansiedad con dificultades para manejar la frustración. Palabras claves: Insuficiencia venosa, Ansiedad, Depresión, Personalidad

  3. Biomarker identification and pathway analysis of preeclampsia based on serum metabolomics. (United States)

    Chen, Tingting; He, Ping; Tan, Yong; Xu, Dongying


    Preeclampsia presents serious risk of both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Biomarkers for the detection of preeclampsia are critical for risk assessment and targeted intervention. The goal of this study is to screen potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of preeclampsia and to illuminate the pathogenesis of preeclampsia development based on the differential expression network. Two groups of subjects, including healthy pregnant women, subjects with preeclampsia, were recruited for this study. The metabolic profiles of all of the subjects' serum were obtained by liquid chromatography quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Correlation between metabolites was analyzed by bioinformatics technique. Results showed that the PC(14:0/00), proline betaine and proline were potential sensitive and specific biomarkers for preeclampsia diagnosis and prognosis. Perturbation of corresponding biological pathways, such as iNOS signaling, nitric oxide signaling in the cardiovascular system, mitochondrial dysfunction were responsible for the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. This study indicated that the metabolic profiling had a good clinical significance in the diagnosis of preeclampsia as well as in the study of its pathogenesis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Historical evolution of ideas on eclampsia/preeclampsia: A proposed optimistic view of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Robillard, Pierre-Yves; Dekker, Gustaaf; Chaouat, Gérard; Scioscia, Marco; Iacobelli, Silvia; Hulsey, Thomas C


    Eclampsia (together with epilepsy) being the first disease ever written down since the beginning of writings in mankind 5000 years ago, we will make a brief presentation of the different major steps in comprehension of Pre-eclampsia. 1) 1840. Rayer, description of proteinuria in eclampsia, 2) 1897 Vaquez, discovery of gestational hypertension in eclamptic women, 3) In the 1970's, description of the "double" trophoblastic invasion existing only in humans (Brosens & Pijnenborg,), 4) between the 1970's and the 1990's, description of preeclampsia being a couple disease. The "paternity problem" (and therefore irruption of immunology), 5) at the end of the 1980's, a major step forward: Preeclampsia being a global endothelial cell disease (glomeruloendotheliosis, hepatic or cerebral endotheliosis, HELLP, eclampsia), inflammation (J.Roberts.C Redman, R Taylor), 6) End of the 1990's: Consensus for a distinction between early onset preeclampsia EOP and late onset LOP (34 weeks gestation), EOP being rather a problem of implantation of the trophoblast (and the placenta), LOP being rather a pre-existing maternal problem (obesity, diabetes, coagulopathies etc…). LOP is predominant everywhere on this planet, but enormously predominant in developed countries: 90% of cases. This feature is very different in countries where women have their first child very young (88% of world births), where the fatal EOP (early onset) occurs in more than 30% of cases. 7) What could be the common factor which could explain the maternal global endotheliosis in EOP and LOP? Discussion about the inositol phospho glycans P type. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  5. Preeclampsia: at risk for remote cardiovascular disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harskamp, Ralf E.; Zeeman, Gerda G.


    Epidemiological data indicate that women with preeclampsia are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life. Population-based studies relate preeclampsia to an increased risk of later chronic hypertension (RR, 2.00 to 8.00) and cardiovascular morbidity/mortality (RR, 1.3 to

  6. Preeclampsia : At risk for remote cardiovascular disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harskamp, Ralf E.; Zeeman, Gerda G.


    Epidemiological data indicate that women with preeclampsia are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life. Population-based studies relate preeclampsia to an increased risk of later chronic hypertension (RR, 2.00 to 8.00) and cardiovascular morbidity/mortality (RR, 1.3 to

  7. Prediction and primary prevention of pre-eclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Thangaratinam, Shakila; Langenveld, Josie; Mol, Ben W.; Khan, Khalid S.


    Pre-eclampsia is associated with increased maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. Early recognition of women at risk of pre-eclampsia will enable the identification of high-risk women who may benefit from enhanced surveillance and prophylaxis. In this chapter, we summarise the accuracy of

  8. Risk factors and effective management of preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    English FA


    Full Text Available Fred A English,1 Louise C Kenny,1 Fergus P McCarthy1,2 1Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research (INFANT, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; 2Women’s Health Academic Centre, King's Health Partners, St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK Abstract: Preeclampsia, a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy is estimated to complicate 2%–8% of pregnancies and remains a principal cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Preeclampsia may present at any gestation but is more commonly encountered in the third trimester. Multiple risk factors have been documented, including: family history, nulliparity, egg donation, diabetes, and obesity. Significant progress has been made in developing tests to predict risk of preeclampsia in pregnancy, but these remain confined to clinical trial settings and center around measuring angiogenic profiles, including placental growth factor or newer tests involving metabolomics. Less progress has been made in developing new treatments and therapeutic targets, and aspirin remains one of the few agents shown to consistently reduce the risk of developing preeclampsia. This review serves to discuss recent advances in risk factor identification, prediction techniques, and management of preeclampsia in antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal patients. Keywords: pregnancy, treatment, risk reduction, prediction

  9. A Historical Overview of Preeclampsia-Eclampsia


    Bell, Mandy J.


    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive, multi-system disorder of pregnancy whose etiology remains unknown. Although management is evidence-based, preventative measures/screening tools are lacking, treatment remains symptomatic, and delivery remains the only cure. Past hypotheses/scientific contributions have influenced current understanding of preeclampsia pathophysiology and guided management strategies and classification criteria. To provide insight into how past hypotheses/scientific contributions...

  10. Preeclampsia Associates with Asthma, Allergy, and Eczema in Childhood

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stokholm, Jakob; Sevelsted, Astrid; Anderson, Ulrik D


    RATIONALE: Preeclampsia reflects an unusual increase in systemic inflammation during pregnancy. OBJECTIVES: We studied associations between preeclampsia and asthma, allergy, and eczema in Copenhagen Prospective Studies on Asthma in Childhood2000 (COPSAC2000) and in national registries. METHODS....... The register-based cohort included 1.7 million children from Danish national registries in the 35-year period 1977-2012. Children born to mothers with preeclampsia were analyzed regarding risk of asthma, allergy, and eczema. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In the COPSAC2000 cohort, 5.6% (n = 23) were diagnosed...... with preeclampsia. Preeclampsia was associated with increased risk of treatment with inhaled corticosteroids at age 7 years (adjusted odds ratio, 4.01 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.11-14.43]; P = 0.0337), increased bronchial responsiveness to methacholine (adjusted β-coefficient log-μmol, -0.80 [95% CI, -1...

  11. Factores pronósticos de mortalidad por sepsis severa en unidades de cuidado crítico del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Eugenia Niño Mantilla


    Full Text Available Introducción La sepsis es la principal causa de mortalidad en unidades de cuidado crítico, factores de riesgo de mortalidad como la edad, el género y las escalas de severidad han sido estudiados. En nuestra población de estudio las otras complicaciones durante la hospitalización fueron las más relacionadas con el descenlace. Materiales y métodos Estudio de cohorte de 150 pacientes admitidos a unidad de cuidado critico de cuatro unidades del área metropolitana de Bucaramanga, con diagnostico de sepsis severa o choque séptico fueron estudiados mediante un cuestionario sobre variables socio-económicas, clínicas y microbiológicas. Se realizó análisis bivariado con pruebas t de student y chi cuadrado. El análisis multivariado mediante regresión de cox con el tiempo al evento como variable de descenlace. Resultados Los pacientes sobrevivientes tuvieron un promedio de edad de 64 años y los no sobrevivientes de 67 años, sin que se demostraran diferencias estadísticas entre los dos grupos de pacientes. No se encontraron diferencias en cuanto al género. El factor de riesgo más importante asociado a mortalidad por sepsis fueron las complicaciones durante la hospitalización, incluso luego de ajustar por el puntaje sofá inicial, el sitio de infección y los indicadores de respuesta inflamatoria como la hiperlactatemia e hiperbilirrubinemia. Conclusiones Se encontraron tres modelos de riesgo para mortalidad por sepsis con otras complicaciones durante la hospitalización como el factor de riesgo más relevante y el control glicemico como el factor de protección más importante. Factores pronóstico.

  12. Mid-pregnancy circulating immune biomarkers in women with preeclampsia and normotensive controls. (United States)

    Taylor, Brandie D; Tang, Gong; Ness, Roberta B; Olsen, Jørn; Hougaard, David M; Skogstrand, Kristin; Roberts, James M; Haggerty, Catherine L


    To determine if mid-pregnancy circulating immune biomarkers are associated with preeclampsia. Nested case-control study of 410 preeclamptic women and 297 normotensive controls with primiparous singleton pregnancies enrolled in the Danish National Birth Cohort. The mean gestational age in our cohort is 16 weeks (range 9-26). Preeclampsia was defined by blood pressure ⩾140/90 mmHg and proteinuria ⩾3 g/24 h. Serum immune biomarkers included interleukin (IL)-6, IL-6 receptor, IL-4, IL-4 receptor, IL-5, IL-12, IL-2, TNF-α, TNF-β, TNF-receptor, IL-1β, IL-1α, IL-8, IL-10, IFN-γ, IL-18, macrophage migration inhibitory factor, macrophage inflammatory protein, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), and RANTES. Associations with preeclampsia, term preeclampsia and preterm preeclampsia were determined using two logistic regression models; (1) biomarkers were dichotomized by the limit of detection (LOD); (2) on the continuous scale, non-detectable values were imputed by LOD/2 and transformed (base 2). All models were adjusted for body mass index and smoking. IL1β was significantly associated with a decrease in the log odds of preeclampsia (p=0.0065), term preeclampsia (p=0.0230) and preterm preeclampsia (p=0.0068). Results were similar for IL4r and preeclampsia (p=0.0383). In the dichotomized models, detectable TNF-β was significantly associated with preeclampsia (ORadj 1.6, 95% CI 1.1-2.3) and term preeclampsia (OR 1.7, 95% CI 1.1-2.5) but not preterm preeclampsia. Detectable IL6 was significantly with term preeclampsia only (OR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.2). Mid-pregnancy circulating IL1β, IL4r, IL6, and TNFβ were associated with preeclampsia. However, results were not consistent across statistical models. As the relationship is complex, future studies should explore cytokine clusters in preeclampsia risk. Copyright © 2015 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Chocolate consumption in pregnancy and reduced likelihood of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Triche, Elizabeth W; Grosso, Laura M; Belanger, Kathleen; Darefsky, Amy S; Benowitz, Neal L; Bracken, Michael B


    Preeclampsia is a major pregnancy complication with cardiovascular manifestations. Recent studies suggest that chocolate consumption may benefit cardiovascular health. We studied the association of chocolate consumption with risk of preeclampsia in a prospective cohort study of 2291 pregnant women who delivered a singleton livebirth between September 1996 and January 2000. Chocolate consumption was measured by self report in the first and third trimesters, and by umbilical cord serum concentrations of theobromine, the major methylxanthine component of chocolate. Preeclampsia was assessed by detailed medical record review for 1943 of the women. We derived adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) from logistic regression models controlling for potential confounders. Preeclampsia developed in 3.7% (n = 63) of 1681 women. Cord serum theobromine concentrations were negatively associated with preeclampsia (aOR = 0.31; CI = 0.11-0.87 for highest compared with lowest quartile). Self-reported chocolate consumption estimates also were inversely associated with preeclampsia. Compared with women consuming under 1 serving of chocolate weekly, women consuming 5+ servings per week had decreased risk: aOR = 0.81 with consumption in the first 3 months of pregnancy (CI = 0.37-1.79) and 0.60 in the last 3 months (0.30-1.24). Our results suggest that chocolate consumption during pregnancy may lower risk of preeclampsia. However, reverse causality may also contribute to these findings.

  14. Maternal periodontal disease and risk of preeclampsia: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Huang, Xi; Wang, Juan; Liu, Jian; Hua, Li; Zhang, Dan; Hu, Ting; Ge, Zi-Li


    Research on the association between maternal periodontal disease and the risk of preeclampsia has generated inconsistent results. This meta-analysis was conducted to evaluate the association between maternal periodontal disease and the risk of preeclampsia. A literature search of PubMed and Embase was performed to identify relevant papers published before March 2013. Only observational studies that assessed maternal periodontal disease and the risk of preeclampsia were selected. Patients' periodontal status was examined at different time points during pregnancy or after delivery (at 14-32 weeks of gestation, within 48 h prior to or within 5 days after delivery). Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for cases and controls. Cases were defined as women with concurrent hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. Eleven studies involving 1118 women with preeclampsia and 2798 women without preeclampsia were identified and analyzed. Women with periodontal disease before 32 weeks of gestation had a 3.69-fold higher risk of developing preeclampsia than their counterparts without periodontal disease (OR=3.69; 95% CI=2.58-5.27). Periodontal disease within 48 h prior to delivery was associated with a 2.68-fold higher risk of preeclampsia (OR=2.68; 95% CI=1.39-5.18). Pregnant women with periodontal disease within 5 days after delivery had a 2.22-fold higher risk of preeclampsia than women without periodontal disease (OR=2.22; 95% CI=1.16-4.27). In conclusion, this meta-analysis suggests that maternal periodontal disease is an independent predictor of preeclampsia.

  15. Genetic Risk Score for Essential Hypertension and Risk of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Smith, Caitlin J; Saftlas, Audrey F; Spracklen, Cassandra N; Triche, Elizabeth W; Bjonnes, Andrew; Keating, Brendan; Saxena, Richa; Breheny, Patrick J; Dewan, Andrew T; Robinson, Jennifer G; Hoh, Josephine; Ryckman, Kelli K


    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive complication of pregnancy characterized by novel onset of hypertension after 20 weeks gestation, accompanied by proteinuria. Epidemiological evidence suggests that genetic susceptibility exists for preeclampsia; however, whether preeclampsia is the result of underlying genetic risk for essential hypertension has yet to be investigated. Based on the hypertensive state that is characteristic of preeclampsia, we aimed to determine if established genetic risk scores (GRSs) for hypertension and blood pressure are associated with preeclampsia. Subjects consisted of 162 preeclamptic cases and 108 normotensive pregnant controls, all of Iowa residence. Subjects' DNA was extracted from buccal swab samples and genotyped on the Affymetrix Genome-wide Human SNP Array 6.0 (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Missing genotypes were imputed using MaCH and Minimac software. GRSs were calculated for hypertension, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) using established genetic risk loci for each outcome. Regression analyses were performed to determine the association between GRS and risk of preeclampsia. These analyses were replicated in an independent US population of 516 cases and 1,097 controls of European ancestry. GRSs for hypertension, SBP, DBP, and MAP were not significantly associated with risk for preeclampsia (P > 0.189). The results of the replication analysis also yielded nonsignificant associations. GRSs for hypertension and blood pressure are not associated with preeclampsia, suggesting that an underlying predisposition to essential hypertension is not on the causal pathway of preeclampsia. © American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2015. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  16. Preeclampsia: Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Long-Term Complications. (United States)

    Jim, Belinda; Karumanchi, S Ananth


    Preeclampsia continues to afflict 5% to 8% of all pregnancies throughout the world and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality to the mother and the fetus. Although the pathogenesis of the disorder has not yet been fully elucidated, current evidence suggests that imbalance in angiogenic factors is responsible for the clinical manifestations of the disorder, and may explain why certain populations are risk. In this review, we begin by demonstrating the roles that angiogenic factors play in pathogenesis of preeclampsia and its complications in the mother and the fetus. We then continue to report on the use of angiogenic markers as biomarkers to predict and risk-stratify disease. Strategies to treat preeclampsia by correcting the angiogenic balance, either by promoting proangiogenic factors or by removing antiangiogenic factors in both animal and human studies, are discussed. We end the review by summarizing status of the current preventive strategies and the long-term cardiovascular outcomes of women afflicted with preeclampsia. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Placenta-derived exosomes: potential biomarkers of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Pillay, Preenan; Moodley, Kogi; Moodley, Jagidesa; Mackraj, Irene


    Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality, due to ineffective treatment and diagnostic strategies, compounded by the lack of clarity on the etiology of the disorder. Although several clinical and biological markers of preeclampsia have been evaluated, they have proven to be ineffective in providing a definitive diagnosis during the various stages of the disorder. Exosomes have emerged as ideal biomarkers of pathological states, such as cancer, and have more recently gained interest in pregnancy-related complications, due to their role in cellular communication in normal and complicated pregnancies. This occurs as a result of the specific placenta-derived exosomal molecular cargo, which may be involved in normal pregnancy-associated immunological events, such as the maintenance of maternal-fetal tolerance. This review provides perspectives on placenta-derived exosomes as possible biomarkers for the diagnosis/prognosis of preeclampsia. Using keywords, online databases were searched to identify relevant publications to review the potential use of placenta-derived exosomes as biomarkers of preeclampsia.

  18. Maternal Preeclampsia and Androgens in the Offspring around Puberty: A Follow-Up Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ingvild V Alsnes

    Full Text Available Children born after preeclampsia may have a dominant androgen profile in puberty compared with other children. Circulating androgen concentrations at 11-12 years of age were compared between offspring born after preeclampsia, and children whose mothers did not have preeclampsia.A total of 611 mother-offspring pairs were followed up 11 (daughters or 12 (sons years after birth: 218 pairs in the preeclampsia group, and 383 pairs without preeclampsia. Circulating total testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS, and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I were measured in the children. In boys, testicular volume was also measured.Among girls born after preeclampsia, DHEAS concentrations were higher than in unexposed girls (p<0.001, however, girls born after preeclampsia with severe features had the lowest DHEAS levels. In contrast, testosterone concentrations were highest in girls born after preeclampsia with severe features, both compared to other girls in the preeclampsia group, and compared to unexposed girls (p<0.001. For boys, testosterone concentrations were higher in the preeclampsia group compared with unexposed boys (p<0.001, and boys born after preeclampsia with severe features had the lowest concentrations of DHEAS. Compared with unexposed boys, testicular volume (p = 0.015 and IGF-I (p = 0.004 were higher for boys in the preeclampsia group, except for boys in the clinically severe preeclampsia group.In utero exposure to preeclampsia is associated with androgen hormonal patterns in early puberty that depend on clinical severity of preeclampsia and sex of the offspring. The hormonal differences may reflect different timing of pubertal development, and may have consequences for future health of the offspring.

  19. Preeclampsia: from Pathophysiology to Treatment

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    Kaculini Enton


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder unique to human pregnancy and is its most common glomerular complication. It occurs in 2% to 8% of pregnancies and is a major contributor to maternal mortality worldwide. Although the pathophysiology of this syndrome is not fully understood, many pathogenetic mechanisms are involved in this disorder. The role of the placenta is crucial in the development of this disorder. Some pathogenetic mechanisms involved in this disease comprise defective deep placentation, autoantibodies to type-1 angiotensin II receptor, endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, platelet and thrombin activation, intravascular inflammation, and the imbalance between angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors which is thought to be one of the most crucial mechanisms. Further understanding of the full picture could enhance our current knowledge of the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and improve its treatment. Thus, based on specific biomarkers the diagnosis and subclassification of preeclampsia might be more accurate in identifying patients at risk, monitoring disease progression and providing effective interventions

  20. Hematoma masivo esofágico con compromiso supraglótico: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura


    Pardo J,Javiera; Abarca A,Alfredo; Walker J,Katherine; Celedón L,Carlos


    Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 67 años de sexo masculino, hipertenso, diabético y usuario de aspirina en dosis anticoagulante, que consulta en el servicio de urgencia por un cuadro de inicio súbito de dolor retroesternal asociado a disnea severa y estridor. La evaluación mediante nasofibroscopfa muestra una gran masa supraglótica que obstruye el 80% del lumen, compatible con una masa esofágica. La tomograffa computarizada de tórax muestra una imagen compatible con un hematoma disecante...

  1. Placental Abnormalities and Preeclampsia in Trisomy 13 Pregnancies

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    Chih-Ping Chen


    Full Text Available Women who are carrying a trisomy 13 fetus are prone to have an abnormal placenta as well as to develop preeclampsia in the second and third trimesters. This article provides a comprehensive review of placental abnormalities, such as small placental volume, reduced placental vascularization, a partial molar appearance of the placenta and placental mesenchymal dysplasia, and preeclampsia associated with trisomy 13 pregnancies. The candidate preeclampsia-causing genes on chromosome 13, such as sFlt1, COL4A2 and periostin, are discussed.

  2. Women's Experiences of Preeclampsia: Australian Action on Preeclampsia Survey of Women and Their Confidants (United States)

    East, C.; Conway, K.; Pollock, W.; Frawley, N.; Brennecke, S.


    Introduction. The experience of normal pregnancy is often disrupted for women with preeclampsia (PE). Materials and Methods. Postal survey of the 112 members of the consumer group, Australian Action on Pre-Eclampsia (AAPEC). Results. Surveys were returned by 68 women (61% response rate) and from 64 (57%) partners, close relatives or friends. Respondents reported experiencing pre-eclampsia (n = 53), eclampsia (n = 5), and/or Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets (HELLP syndrome) (n = 26). Many women had no knowledge of PE prior to diagnosis (77%) and, once diagnosed, did not appreciate how serious or life threatening it was (50%). Women wanted access to information about PE. Their experience contributed substantial anxiety towards future pregnancies. Partners/friends/relatives expressed fear for the woman and/or her baby and had no prior understanding of PE. Conclusions. The PE experience had a substantial effect on women, their confidants, and their babies and affected their approach to future pregnancies. Access to information about PE was viewed as very important. PMID:21547089

  3. Is preeclampsia an independent predictor of diastolic dysfunction? A retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    Guirguis, George F; Aziz, Michael M; Boccia Liang, Claire; Williams, Shauna F; Apuzzio, Joseph J; Bilinski, Robyn; Mornan, Adenieki J D; Shah, Leena P


    To determine if preeclampsia is an independent predictor of diastolic dysfunction and what factors among patients with preeclampsia are associated with diastolic dysfunction. This is a retrospective cohort study of patients who delivered between 2008 and 2013 at a single institution who had a maternal echocardiogram during their pregnancy or within 5months of delivery. Patients with structural heart disease, ejection fraction less than 45%, pulmonary embolus, or age over 45years were excluded. Medical records were reviewed for medical and obstetric complications and echocardiogram findings. Demographic characteristics and rate of diastolic dysfunction were compared between patients with preeclampsia and without preeclampsia. Multivariate logistic regression was performed controlling for age, ethnicity, gestational age at delivery, diabetes, preeclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), antihypertensive use and magnesium sulfate administration. Sixty-six patients were identified, of which 39 (59%) had preeclampsia. Past history of preeclampsia, IUGR in the current pregnancy, antihypertensive use and magnesium sulfate use were higher in the preeclampsia group. Fifteen patients (39%) in the preeclampsia group were African-American compared to 2 (3%) in the control group (ppreeclampsia were found to have diastolic dysfunction compared to 3 (11%) controls (OR=6.18, 95% CI 1.59,24.02; p=0.006). Logistic regression analysis did not reveal other independent predictors of diastolic dysfunction. In the patients with preeclampsia, history of preeclampsia with severe features and IUGR were not associated with diastolic dysfunction. Our study supports previous findings that preeclampsia is associated with diastolic dysfunction. Copyright © 2015 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Antioxidants for Preventing Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Magalhaes Ribeiro Salles


    Full Text Available Objective. To investigate the efficacy of antioxidants for preventing preeclampsia and other maternal and fetal complications among pregnant women with low, moderate, or high risk of preeclampsia. Methods. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CENTRAL, mRCT, and other databases, with no language or publication restrictions. Two independent reviewers selected randomized controlled trials that evaluated the use of antioxidants versus placebo and extracted the relevant data. Relative risks (RRs and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs were calculated. The data were compiled through the random effects model. Main Results. Fifteen studies were included (21,012 women and 21,647 fetuses. No statistically significant difference was found between women who received antioxidant treatment and women who received placebo for preeclampsia (RR =0.92; 95% CI: 0.82–1.04, severe preeclampsia (RR =1.03; 95% CI: 0.87–1.22, preterm birth (RR =1.03; 95% CI: 0.94–1.14, and small for gestational age <10th centile (RR =0.92; 95% CI: 0.80–1.05. Side effects were numerically more frequent in the antioxidants group compared to placebo, but without significant statistical difference (RR =1.24; 95% CI: 0.85–1.80. Conclusions. The available evidence reviewed does not support the use of antioxidants during pregnancy for the prevention of preeclampsia and other outcomes.

  5. Protein Profiling of Preeclampsia Placental Tissues


    Shu, Chang; Liu, Zitao; Cui, Lifeng; Wei, Chengguo; Wang, Shuwen; Tang, Jian Jenny; Cui, Miao; Lian, Guodong; Li, Wei; Liu, Xiufen; Xu, Hongmei; Jiang, Jing; Lee, Peng; Zhang, David Y.; He, Jin


    Preeclampsia is a multi-system disorder involved in pregnancy without an effective treatment except delivery. The precise pathogenesis of this complicated disorder is still not completely understood. The objective of this study is to evaluate the alterations of protein expression and phosphorylations that are important in regulating placental cell function in preterm and term preeclampsia. Using the Protein Pathway Array, 38 proteins in placental tissues were found to be differentially expres...

  6. Preeclampsia and retinopathy of prematurity in preterm births. (United States)

    Yu, Xiao Dan; Branch, D Ware; Karumanchi, S Ananth; Zhang, Jun


    The relationship between gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and the risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) remains unclear. Thus, we used a large cohort database to study the influence of maternal gestational hypertension and preeclampsia on the occurrence of ROP in preterm infants. We used data from a previous retrospective cohort study that includes 25,473 eligible preterm neonates. We examined the association between gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and ROP while controlling for potential confounders by multiple logistic regression analysis. Of the 8758 early preterm infants (gestational age <34 weeks), 1024 (11.69%) had ROP, while of the 16,715 late preterm infants, only 29 (0.17%) had ROP. After adjusting for confounders, preeclampsia was associated with a significantly reduced risk of ROP (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.65; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.49-0.86 for early preterm birth; aOR, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.01-0.93 for late preterm birth; aOR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.50-0.87 for all preterm births). Gestational hypertension was not significantly associated with ROP at early or late preterm births. Preeclampsia, but not gestational hypertension, was associated with a reduced risk of ROP in preterm births.

  7. Old and new aspects in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia

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    Federico Prefumo


    Full Text Available Pre-eclampsia is a condition affecting the feto-placental unit and the mother. Three to five percent of pregnancies are complicated by pre-eclampsia, a multisystem disorder characterized by hypertension and proteinuria that occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia is associated with substantial risks. For the fetus, these include intrauterine growth restriction, death, and prematurity with attendant complications, whereas the mother is at risk for complications of widespread alterations in endothelial function such as seizures (eclampsia, renal failure, pulmonary edema, stroke, and death. The establishment of pathological uterine perfusion raises the problem of stage two. The problem at stage three describes pre-eclampsia as a syndrome with the global maternal endothelial damage as the central pathophysiological feature.\tIt has been suggested that the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia can be thought of as a ‘three-stage problem’, where each stage generates one, so far unsolved problem. An impaired trophoblast invasion is thought to be the central factor (first step regarding the etiology of pre-eclampsia. An increased uterine artery Doppler findings (PI, RI, lower maternal serum PAPP-A and free ßhCG levels, ischaemia modified albumin (IMA may be associated with pre-eclampsia.

  8. Delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase activity and oxidative stress markers in preeclampsia. (United States)

    de Lucca, Leidiane; Rodrigues, Fabiane; Jantsch, Letícia B; Kober, Helena; Neme, Walter S; Gallarreta, Francisco M P; Gonçalves, Thissiane L


    Preeclampsia is an important pregnancy-specific multisystem disorder characterized by the onset of hypertension and proteinuria. It is of unknown etiology and involves serious risks for the pregnant women and fetus. One of the main factors involved in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia is oxidative stress, where excess free radicals produce harmful effects, including damage to macromolecules such as lipids, proteins and DNA. In addition, the sulfhydryl delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase enzyme (δ-ALA-D) that is part of the heme biosynthetic pathway in pro-oxidant conditions can be inhibited, which may result in the accumulation of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), associated with the overproduction of free radicals, suggesting it to be an indirect marker of oxidative stress. As hypertensive pregnancy complications are a major cause of morbidity and mortality maternal and fetal where oxidative stress appears to be an important factor involved in preeclampsia, the aim of this study was to evaluate the activity of δ-ALA-D and classic oxidative stress markers in the blood of pregnant women with mild and severe preeclampsia. The analysis and quantification of the following oxidative stress markers were performed: thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS); presence of protein and non-protein thiol group; quantification of vitamin C; Catalase and δ-ALA--D activities in samples of blood of pregnant women with mild preeclampsia (n=25), with severe preeclampsia (n=30) and in a control group of healthy pregnant women (n=30). TBARS was significantly higher in women with preeclampsia, while the presence of thiol groups, levels of vitamin C, catalase and δ-ALA-D activity were significantly lower in groups of pregnant women with preeclampsia compared with healthy women. In addition, the results showed no significant difference between groups of pregnant women with mild and severe preeclampsia. The data suggest a state of increased oxidative stress in pregnant women with

  9. Conocimiento de la enfermera en la atención a usuario con pre-eclampsia y eclampsia.


    González Heras, NP.; Ballardo Mendoza, M.G.; Domínguez Luna, IF.; Magaña Ramírez, S.; Molina Heras, OA.; Uriarte Ontiveros, S.


    Introducción La preeclampsia-eclampsia continúa siendo una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad perinatal en todo el mundo. En México ha sido la primera causa de muerte materna en los últimos 20 años a pesar de los avances en calidad y cantidad de control prenatal, de la atención del parto y puerperio. (1-2). Objetivo Identificar el nivel de conocimiento que tiene el personal de enfermería del área de Tococirugía y Ginecoobstetricia en la atención a...

  10. Dynamic Cerebral Autoregulation in Pregnancy and the Risk of Preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Janzarik, Wibke G; Ehlers, Elena; Ehmann, Renata


    Preeclampsia may affect severely the cerebral circulation leading to impairment of cerebral autoregulation, edema, and ischemia. It is not known whether impaired autoregulation occurs before the clinical onset of preeclampsia, and whether this can predict the occurrence of preeclampsia. Seventy......) of respiratory-induced 0.1 Hz hemodynamic oscillations. Uterine artery ultrasound was performed to search for a notch sign as an early marker of general endothelial dysfunction. All women were followed up until 6 weeks after delivery for the occurrence of preeclampsia. The autoregulation parameter gain did...... not differ between pregnant and nonpregnant women. Phase was slightly but significantly higher in pregnant women, indicating better DCA. Women with a notch sign did not show altered DCA. A history of preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy was associated with lower phase in middle cerebral artery...

  11. Inherited predisposition to preeclampsia: Analysis of the Aberdeen intergenerational cohort. (United States)

    Ayorinde, Abimbola A; Bhattacharya, Sohinee


    To assess the magnitude of familial risk of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension in women born of a preeclamptic pregnancy and those born of pregnancy complicated by gestational hypertension while accounting for other risk factors. An intergenerational dataset was extracted from the Aberdeen Maternity and Neonatal Databank (AMND) which records all pregnancy and delivery details occurring in Aberdeen, Scotland since 1950. The analysis included all nulliparous women whose mothers' records at their births are also recorded in the AMND. Multinomial logistic regression was used to assess the risk of having preeclampsia or gestational hypertension based on maternal history of preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. There were 17302 nulliparous women included, of whom 1057(6.1%) had preeclampsia while 4098(23.7%) had gestational hypertension. Furthermore, 424(2.5%) and 2940(17.0%) had maternal history of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension respectively. The risk of preeclampsia was higher in women who were born of pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia (adjusted RRR 2.55 95% CI 1.87-3.47). This was higher than the risk observed in women whose mothers had gestational hypertension (adjusted RRR 1.44 95% CI 1.23-1.69). Conversely, the risk of gestational hypertension was similar in those who were born of preeclamptic pregnancies (adjusted RRR 1.37 95% CI 1.09-1.71) and those whose mothers had gestational hypertension (adjusted RRR 1.36 95% CI 1.24-1.49). There was a dose response effect in the inheritance pattern of preeclampsia with the highest risk in women born of preeclamptic pregnancies. Gestational hypertension showed similar increased risk with maternal gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. Copyright © 2017 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. On the pathology of preeclampsia : genetic variants, complement dysregulation and angiogenesis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Buurma, Aletta Atje Jacoba


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific condition that originates in the placenta. Despite decades of research, its pathogenesis remains largely unknown. However, several risk factors for preeclampsia have been identified, including a (family) history of preeclampsia, autoimmune disease and conditions

  13. Periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia : a systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kunnen, Alina; van Doormaal, Jasper J.; Abbas, Frank; Aarnoudse, Jan G.; van Pampus, Maria; Faas, Marijke M.


    P>Aim This review evaluates the possible relationship between periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia, a major pregnancy complication. A generalized inflammatory response plays an important role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Because periodontal disease is a low-grade inflammatory state,

  14. Vitamin D, secondary hyperparathyroidism, and preeclampsia. (United States)

    Scholl, Theresa O; Chen, Xinhua; Stein, T Peter


    Secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is defined by a high concentration of intact parathyroid hormone when circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] is low, is a functional indicator of vitamin D insufficiency and a sign of impaired calcium metabolism. Two large randomized controlled trials examined effects of calcium supplementation on preeclampsia but did not consider the vitamin D status of mothers. We examined the association of secondary hyperparathyroidism with risk of preeclampsia. Circulating maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and intact parathyroid hormone were measured at entry to care (mean ± SD: 13.7 ± 5.7 wk) using prospective data from a cohort of 1141 low-income and minority gravidae. Secondary hyperparathyroidism occurred in 6.3% of the cohort and 18.4% of women whose 25(OH)D concentrations were 20 ng/mL were not at increased risk. Intact parathyroid hormone was related to higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures and arterial pressure at week 20 before clinical recognition of preeclampsia. Energy-adjusted intakes of total calcium and lactose and circulating 25(OH)D were correlated inversely with systolic blood pressure or arterial pressure and with parathyroid hormone. Some women who are vitamin D insufficient develop secondary hyperparathyroidism, which is associated with increased risk of preeclampsia.

  15. Disfunción endotelial en la preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Pacheco Romero


    Full Text Available Desconocemos aún la etiología de la preeclampsia, pero ahora sabemos que no es sólo una hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, sino que existe interacción entre una perfusión placentaria disminuida y la alteración en la función endotelial materna, probablemente por razones inmunológicas de rechazo parcial a la placentación normal. La contribución materna es de factores que anteceden al embarazo, influenciados por las adaptaciones metabólicas usuales. No existe un gen único que pueda explicar la preeclampsia, pero conocer la predisposición materna permite prevenir la preeclampsia en un grupo de mujeres.

  16. Is human placenta proteoglycan remodeling involved in pre-eclampsia?


    Warda, Mohamad; Zhang, Fuming; Radwan, Moustafa; Zhang, Zhenqing; Kim, Nari; Kim, Young Nam; Linhardt, Robert J.; Han, Jin


    Impaired placento-fetal communication is a coherent symptom of exaggerated pre-eclampsia. The impact of the cellular expression of different glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in this event on the placenta in pre-eclampsia is still obscure. This is the first study aimed at discovering the relationship between structural alterations of different sulfated GAGs at the molecular level and the development of pre-eclampsia in inflicted placenta. Sulfated GAGs were isolated and purified from control and pre-...

  17. Consequences of gestosis (preeclampsia

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    V. N. Perfilova


    Full Text Available The review presents the results of an analysis of the data available in the Russian and foreign literature, which show that severe gestosis (preeclampsia is a main cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Severe gestosis leads to impaired fetal growth and development, premature births, the development of perinatal hypoxic lesions of the central nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, respiratory, and other systems, which adversely affects the health status of children in their later life. Women with a history of preeclampsia or eclampsia are further at increased risk for cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, peripheral arterial diseases, and hypertension, cerebrovascular diseases, abnormalities of the kidney and organs of vision, diabetes, and memory impairments.

  18. Risk Factors for Pregnancy-Associated Stroke in Women With Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Miller, Eliza C; Gatollari, Hajere J; Too, Gloria; Boehme, Amelia K; Leffert, Lisa; Marshall, Randolph S; Elkind, Mitchell S V; Willey, Joshua Z


    Preeclampsia affects 3% to 8% of pregnancies and increases risk of pregnancy-associated stroke (PAS). Data are limited on which women with preeclampsia are at highest risk for PAS. Using billing data from the 2003 to 2012 New York State Department of Health inpatient database, we matched women with preeclampsia and PAS 1:3 to preeclamptic controls based on age and race/ethnicity. Pre-defined PAS risk factors included pregnancy complications, infection present on admission, vascular risk factors, prothrombotic states, and coagulopathies. We constructed multivariable conditional logistic regression models to calculate the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for independent risk factors for PAS. Among women aged 12 to 55 years admitted to New York State hospitals for any reason during the study period (n=3 373 114), 88 857 had preeclampsia, and 197 of whom (0.2%) had PAS. In multivariable analysis, women with preeclampsia and stroke were more likely than controls to have severe preeclampsia or eclampsia (OR, 7.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.6-11.3), infections present on admission (OR, 3.0; 95% CI, 1.6-5.8), prothrombotic states (OR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.3-9.2), coagulopathies (OR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.3-7.1), or chronic hypertension (OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.8-5.5). Additional analyses matched and stratified by severity of preeclampsia confirmed these results. Infections, chronic hypertension, coagulopathies, and underlying prothrombotic conditions increase PAS risk in women with preeclampsia. These women may warrant closer monitoring. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  19. An RGS2 3'UTR polymorphism is associated with preeclampsia in overweight women. (United States)

    Karppanen, Tiina; Kaartokallio, Tea; Klemetti, Miira M; Heinonen, Seppo; Kajantie, Eero; Kere, Juha; Kivinen, Katja; Pouta, Anneli; Staff, Anne Cathrine; Laivuori, Hannele


    Preeclampsia is a common and heterogeneous vascular syndrome of pregnancy. Its genetic risk profile is yet unknown and may vary between individuals and populations. The rs4606 3' UTR polymorphism of the Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 gene (RGS2) in the mother has been implicated in preeclampsia as well as in the development of chronic hypertension after preeclampsia. The RGS2 protein acts as an inhibitor of physiological vasoconstrictive pathways, and a low RGS2 level is associated with hypertension and obesity, two conditions that predispose to preeclampsia. We genotyped the rs4606 polymorphism in 1339 preeclamptic patients and in 697 controls from the Finnish Genetics of Preeclampsia Consortium (FINNPEC) cohort to study the association of the variant with preeclampsia. No association between rs4606 and preeclampsia was detected in the analysis including all women. However, the polymorphism was associated with preeclampsia in a subgroup of overweight women (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m(2), and preeclampsia particularly in overweight women and contribute to their increased risk for hypertension and other types of cardiovascular disease later in life.

  20. A prospective study of trans fat intake and risk of preeclampsia in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chavarro, J. E.; Halldorsson, T. I.; Leth, Torben


    Association of intake of trans fatty acids in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy with risk of preeclampsia was studied by following 67 186 pregnancies of women participating in the Danish National Birth Cohort between 1998 and 2003. Diet was assessed with a food frequency questionnaire at gestation wk...... 25; preeclampsia diagnosis was obtained by linkage with the Danish National Patient Registry. 1804 cases of preeclampsia and 402 cases of severe preeclampsia were identified in the cohort. Intake of trans fats decreased during the study period as a consequence of reduction in industrial trans fat...... intake. Intake of trans fats in the 2nd trimester was unrelated to risk of preeclampsia or severe preeclampsia. Relative risk (95% confidence interval; P, trend) of preeclampsia and severe preeclampsia comparing top to bottom quintiles of trans fat intake were 0.95 (0.81; 1.11, 0.33) and 1.07 (0.78; 1...

  1. Evaluation of glycosaminoglycans and heparanase in placentas of women with preeclampsia. (United States)

    Famá, Eduardo Augusto Brosco; Souza, Renan Salvioni; Melo, Carina Mucciolo; Melo Pompei, Luciano; Pinhal, Maria Aparecida Silva


    Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder whose etiology remains unclear. It is already known that circulation of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) is directly involved in pre-eclampsia development. However, the molecular mechanisms involved with sFlt-1 shedding are still unidentified. We identified, quantified glycosaminoglycans and determined the enzymatic activity of heparanase in placentas of women with preeclampsia, in order to possibly explain if these compounds could be related to cellular processes involved with preeclampsia. A total of 45 samples collected from placentas, 15 samples from placentas of preeclampsia women and 30 samples from non-affected women. Heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate were identified and quantified by agarose gel electrophoresis, whilst hyaluronic acid was quantified by an ELISA like assay. Heparanase activity was determined using biotynilated heparan sulfate as substrate. The results showed that dermatan sulfate (P=0.019), heparan sulfate levels (P=0.015) and heparanase activity (P=0.006) in preeclampsia were significantly higher than in the control group. There was no significant difference between the groups for hyaluronic acid expression in placentas (P=0.110). The present study is the first to demonstrate directly the increase of heparan sulfate in human placentas from patients with preeclampsia, suggesting that endogenous heparan sulfate could be involved in the release of sFlt-1 from placenta, increasing the level of circulating sFlt-1. Alterations of extracellular matrix components in placentas with preeclampsia raise the possibility that heparan sulfate released by heparanase is involved in mechanisms of preeclampsia development. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  2. Cardiac diastolic function after recovery from pre-eclampsia. (United States)

    Soma-Pillay, P; Louw, M C; Adeyemo, A O; Makin, J; Pattinson, R C

    Pre-eclampsia is associated with significant changes to the cardiovascular system during pregnancy. Eccentric and concentric remodelling of the left ventricle occurs, resulting in impaired contractility and diastolic dysfunction. It is unclear whether these structural and functional changes resolve completely after delivery. The objective of the study was to determine cardiac diastolic function at delivery and one year post-partum in women with severe pre-eclampsia, and to determine possible future cardiovascular risk. This was a descriptive study performed at Steve Biko Academic Hospital, a tertiary referral hospital in Pretoria, South Africa. Ninety-six women with severe preeclampsia and 45 normotensive women with uncomplicated pregnancies were recruited during the delivery admission. Seventy-four (77.1%) women in the pre-eclamptic group were classified as a maternal near miss. Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography was performed at delivery and one year post-partum. At one year post-partum, women with pre-eclampsia had a higher diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.001) and body mass index (p = 0.02) than women in the normotensive control group. Women with early onset pre-eclampsia requiring delivery prior to 34 weeks' gestation had an increased risk of diastolic dysfunction at one year post-partum (RR 3.41, 95% CI: 1.11-10.5, p = 0.04) and this was irrespective of whether the patient had chronic hypertension or not. Women who develop early-onset pre-eclampsia requiring delivery before 34 weeks are at a significant risk of developing cardiac diastolic dysfunction one year after delivery compared to normotensive women with a history of a low-risk pregnancy.

  3. An analysis of the differences between early and late preeclampsia with severe hypertension. (United States)

    Li, X L; Guo, P L; Xue, Y; Gou, W L; Tong, M; Chen, Q


    Preeclampsia is clinically divided into early onset and late onset preeclampsia based on the gestational age at delivery. Although the diagnostic criteria are the same in each subgroup of preeclampsia, it has been suggested that the maternal and perinatal mortalities of early onset and late onset preeclampsia are different. However, studies that compare clinical parameters or laboratory biomarkers between early onset and late onset preeclampsia are limited. Data on 177 women with early or late preeclampsia with severe hypertension were collected from a University Teaching Hospital from January 2010 to January 2011 and analysed. Data included all the clinical parameters and laboratory biomarkers of liver and renal function. 63 women and 114 women were diagnosed with early and late preeclampsia with severe hypertension, respectively. There was no difference in the maternal age and the incidence of clinical symptoms including edema, vision disturbance, severe headache and stillbirth between two groups. There was a decrease in alkaline phosphatase levels in early preeclampsia with severe hypertension but other markers of liver function were not altered. However, renal function including blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and uric acid were significantly higher in early preeclampsia with severe hypertension. Umbilical artery systolic velocity/diastolic velocity ratio was significantly higher in early preeclampsia with severe hypertension. Our data demonstrates that the laboratory biomarkers of renal function differ between early and late preeclampsia with severe hypertension. The severity of renal dysfunction correlated with the time of delivery in preeclampsia with severe hypertension. Copyright © 2015 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  4. Relationship between insulin resistance and tissue blood flow in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Anim-Nyame, Nick; Gamble, John; Sooranna, Suren R; Johnson, Mark R; Steer, Philip J


    Preeclampsia is characterized by generalized endothelial dysfunction and impaired maternal tissue perfusion, and insulin resistance is a prominent feature of this disease. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that insulin resistance in preeclampsia is related to the reduced resting tissue blood flow. We used venous occlusion plethysmography to compare the resting calf muscle blood flow (measured as QaU) in 20 nulliparous women with preeclampsia and 20 normal pregnant controls matched for maternal age, gestational age, parity and BMI during the third trimester. Fasting blood samples were obtained to measure the plasma concentrations of insulin and glucose, and to calculate the fasting insulin resistance index (FIRI), a measure of insulin resistance in both groups of women. Calf blood flow was significantly reduced in the preeclampsia group (1.93 ± 0.86 QaU), compared with normal pregnant controls (3.94 ± 1.1 QaU, P insulin concentrations and Insulin Resistance Index were significantly higher in preeclampsia compared with normal pregnancy (P insulin concentrations (r = -0.57, P = 0.008) and FIRI (r = -0.59, P = 0.006) in preeclampsia, but not in normal pregnancy. These findings support our hypothesis and raise the possibility that reduced tissue blood flow may a play a role in the increased insulin resistance seen in preeclampsia.

  5. Elevated Ratio of Maternal Plasma ApoCIII to ApoCII in Preeclampsia (United States)


    disease. Given the similarities in pathology, etiology , and clinical presentation between cardiovascular disease and preeclampsia , we hypothesized that...directed fetal/placental signals? In: Lyall F, Belfort M, eds. Preeclampsia : Etiology and Clinical Practice. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press...2007:183-194. 3. Hubel C. Dyslipidemia and preeclampsia . In: Lyall F, Belfort M, eds. Preeclampsia : Etiology and Clinical Practice. Cambridge, UK

  6. Preeclampsia with and without intrauterine growth restriction-Two pathogenetically different entities? (United States)

    Milosevic-Stevanovic, Jelena; Krstic, Miljan; Radovic-Janosevic, Dragana; Stefanovic, Milan; Antic, Vladimir; Djordjevic, Ivana


    The objective of this study is to determine the differences in histopathological features of basal decidua and placenta in cases of preeclampsia with or without fetal intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). A prospective case-control study included a study group consisting of 30 pregnant women with preeclampsia completed by cesarean section (CS), in 19 of whom preeclampsia was associated with IUGR, and in 11 it was not. The control group consisted of 20 healthy pregnant women delivered by elective CS. Placentas and samples of placental bed obtained during CS were histopathologically (HP) analyzed after hematoxylin-eosin staining and immunohistochemical labeling of Cytokeratin 7 (CK7) trophoblastic cells in decidua. Regarding the HP changes in the spiral arteries in preeclampsia, the most frequent features were inadequate transformation of spiral arteries with poor trophoblastic invasion (70.0%) and fibrinoid necrosis of the media (66.7%), and rarely acute atherosis (33.3%) and thrombosis (30.0%). Villous hypermaturity was more frequently found in placentas of patients with preeclampsia with IUGR (p preeclampsia with and without IUGR regarding some of HP alterations of placental bed. Alterations of the placental bed in terms of decidual vasculopathy are more the characteristics of the preeclampsia itself than IUGR, while changes in placental villi primarily follow the presence of IUGR, which could indicate that preeclampsia with and without IUGR are two pathogenetically different entities.

  7. Intake of Probiotic Food and Risk of Preeclampsia in Primiparous Women (United States)

    Brantsæter, Anne Lise; Myhre, Ronny; Haugen, Margaretha; Myking, Solveig; Sengpiel, Verena; Magnus, Per; Jacobsson, Bo; Meltzer, Helle Margrete


    Probiotics have been suggested to modify placental trophoblast inflammation, systemic inflammation, and blood pressure, all potentially interesting aspects of preeclampsia. The authors examined the association between consumption of milk-based probiotic products in pregnancy and development of preeclampsia and its subtypes. The study was performed in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study by using a prospective design in 33,399 primiparous women in the years 2002–2008. The intake of milk-based products containing probiotic lactobacilli was estimated from a self-reported food frequency questionnaire. Preeclampsia diagnoses were obtained from the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry. Intake of probiotic milk products was associated with reduced risk of preeclampsia. The association was most prominent in severe preeclampsia (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.79, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.66, 0.96). With probiotic intakes divided into categories representing no, monthly, weekly, or daily intake, a lower risk for preeclampsia (all subtypes) was observed for daily probiotic intake (OR = 0.80, 95% CI: 0.66, 0.96). Lower risks for severe preeclampsia were observed for weekly (OR = 0.75, 95% CI: 0.57, 0.98) and daily (OR = 0.61, 95% CI: 0.43, 0.89) intakes. These results suggest that regular consumption of milk-based probiotics could be associated with lower risk of preeclampsia in primiparous women. PMID:21821542

  8. Calidad de vida en pacientes con isquemia crónica de miembros inferiores tratados con células madre adultas Quality of life in patients with chronic lower limb ischemia treated with adult stem cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amel Alfonso-Simón


    Full Text Available Se hizo una evaluación de la calidad de vida en 45 pacientes mayores de 60 años con isquemia arterial crónica de miembros inferiores; de ellos, 34 con isquemia severa y 11 con pie diabético isquémico, también con lesiones severas. A todos se les habían implantado en el miembro inferior afectado, células mononucleares derivadas de la médula ósea movilizadas a la sangre periférica con factor estimulador de colonias de granulocitos. Para la evaluación de la calidad de vida se seleccionó el cuestionario SF-36, que centra su contenido en 2 áreas: el estado funcional y el bienestar emocional. En todos los casos se manifestó una mala calidad de vida preimplante. La mejoría fue evidente a partir del sexto mes después de la terapia celular. Los casos con un año de evolución habían logrado una buena calidad de vida. La mayor parte de los pacientes que evolucionaron satisfactoriamente pudieron incorporarse a las actividades sociales y laborales, lo que con anterioridad no les era posible.An assessment of the quality of life in 45 patients older than 60 years with chronic arterial ischemia of the lower limbs was conducted. Out of them, 34 had severe ischemia, and 11 had ischemic diabetic foot, as well as severe injuries. All had been implanted mononuclear cells in the affected lower limb, which derived from the bone marrow, and mobilized to the peripheral blood with granulocyte colony stimulating factor. For assessing quality of life, SF-36 questionnaire was selected, which focuses its content on two areas: functional status and emotional well being. All cases showed poor quality of life before implantation. Improvement was evident on the sixth month after cell therapy. Cases with a year of evolution had achieved good quality of life. Most of the patients, who had successful outcomes, could join social activities and employment, which was previously not possible.

  9. Monocytes and macrophages in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Faas, Marijke M.; Spaans, Floor; De Vos, Paul


    Preeclampsia is an important complication in pregnancy, characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in the second half of pregnancy. Generalized activation of the inflammatory response is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Monocytes may play a central role in this

  10. High fetal plasma adenosine concentration: a role for the fetus in preeclampsia?

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Espinoza, Jimmy


    OBJECTIVE: Clinical observations suggest a role for the fetus in the maternal manifestations of preeclampsia, but the possible signaling mechanisms remain unclear. This study compares the fetal plasma concentrations of adenosine from normal pregnancies with those from preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: This secondary data analysis included normal pregnancies (n = 27) and patients with preeclampsia (n = 39). Patients with preeclampsia were subclassified into patients with (n = 25) and without (n = 14) abnormal uterine artery Doppler velocimetry (UADV). RESULTS: Fetal plasma concentrations of adenosine were significantly higher in patients with preeclampsia (1.35 +\\/- 0.09 mumol\\/L) than in normal pregnancies (0.52 +\\/- 0.06 mumol\\/L; P < .0001). Fetal plasma concentrations of adenosine in patients with preeclampsia with abnormal UADV (1.78 +\\/- 0.15 mumol\\/L), but not with normal UADV (0.58 +\\/- 0.14 mumol\\/L), were significantly higher than in normal pregnancies (P < .0001). CONCLUSION: Patients with preeclampsia with sonographic evidence of chronic uteroplacental ischemia have high fetal plasma concentrations of adenosine.

  11. The modern features of pathogenesis-induced prevention of preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Konkov D.G.


    Full Text Available Purpose — the assessment of clinical effectiveness of preventive therapy in pregnant women with high risk of preeclampsia. Patients and methods. In the comparative study on the effectiveness of preventive therapy were participated 110 pregnant women with decidual vasculopathy and endothelial dysfunction, which had high risk of preeclampsia. We investigated the clinical efficacy for medications that containing 75 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and L-arginine. Results. The results of the study have shown that use of preventive treatment (L-arginine and acetylsalicylic acid from 12 weeks, among pregnant women with high risk of preeclampsia, led to a significant decrease of perinatal loss, reduction of clinical manifestations of preeclampsia, preterm delivery, malformations and malpresentation of the placenta, cases of asphyxia of the newborns, perinatal CNS lesions and intra-ventricular hemorrhage. Conclusions. Clinical effectiveness of preventive treatment (L-arginine and ASA among pregnant women with high risk of preeclampsia was proven. Furthermore it was recognized clinically effective use of 75 mg of ASA from 12 weeks of pregnancy. No side effects of drugs in the study were noted.

  12. Unmethylated-maspin DNA in maternal plasma is associated with severe preeclampsia. (United States)

    Qi, Yan-Hua; Teng, Fei; Zhou, Qi; Liu, Yu-Xin; Wu, Jin-Fang; Yu, Shan-Shan; Zhang, Xin; Ma, Miao-Yan; Zhou, Ni; Chen, Li-Juan


    Cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma is associated with complications of pregnancy, including preeclampsia. Determination of levels is affected by fetal gender and genetic polymorphisms. Unmethylated maspin (u-maspin) is present in the placenta, and is placental-specific. The purpose of this study was to determine whether u-maspin DNA in maternal blood could serve as a marker of preeclampsia by measuring levels in different trimesters of normal pregnancies and in those complicated by preeclampsia. This case-control study was set in a tertiary care hospital. The population consisted of 45 women with normal pregnancies (15 in the 1st trimester, 15 in the 2nd trimester, 15 in the 3rd trimester), 20 women with mild preeclampsia, 25 women with severe preeclampsia, and six women with gestational trophoblastic disease. Peripheral blood was collected and methylation-specific PCR and fluorescence quantitative PCR were performed to measure the content of u-maspin DNA in maternal blood. U-maspin DNA was 5.5-fold higher in women with severe preeclampsia than in those with a normal 3rd trimester pregnancy (p preeclampsia. © 2015 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  13. Preeclampsia is associated with ambulatory arterial stiffness index in type 1 diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Far, Hanine FM; Tjessem, Ingvild H; Fuglsang, Jens


    , and monitoring effects. Aim: To determine the association between AASI in women with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and preeclampsia, and to assess the ability of AASI to diagnose preeclampsi. To apply validated methods to diagnose preeclampsia and association with arterial ambulatory stiffness index (AASI...... ratio, night blood pressure divided by day blood pressure. Results: Of the T1DM women, 33 developed preeclampsia, which was associated with AASI in the 3rd trimester (p preeclampsia in T1DM was an AASI of 0.35. The diurnal blood pressure was significantly higher in all...... trimesters in women who later had preeclampsia. A flattened circadian rhythm was present in T1DM women with preeclampsia compared to women without preeclampsia (night-day ratio: systole 2nd trimester: 0.94 ± 0.07 vs. 0.91 ± 0.05, women with and without preeclampsia, respectively, p = 0.015; diastole 2nd...

  14. Late onset postpartum preeclampsia 3 months after delivery. (United States)

    Giwa, Al; Nguyen, Melissa


    Preeclampsia is defined by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) as "the occurrence of new onset hypertension plus new-onset proteinuria" [1]. Up-to-Date elaborates a little further on this by defining preeclampsia as "the new onset of hypertension and proteinuria, or hypertension and end-organ dysfunction with or without proteinuria, after 20 weeks of gestation in a previously normotensive woman. It may also develop postpartum. Severe hypertension or signs/symptoms of end-organ injury represent the severe end of the disease spectrum" [2] In 2013, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists removed proteinuria as a key component in the diagnosis of preeclampsia. They also removed massive proteinuria (previously, 5 g/24 hours) and fetal growth restriction as possible features of severe disease. They found that were was a poor correlation in many outcomes between massive proteinuria and fetal growth restriction when managed similarly, with or without preeclampsia as a diagnosis. Oliguria was also removed as a characteristic of severe disease. [3] There have been several cases reported in the literature as well as by Obstetricians citing the incidence of preeclampsia occurring upwards of 6 to even 12 weeks postpartum. We hope to demonstrate what we believe to be a case of postpartum preeclampsia at 89 days postpartum. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  15. Ferulic acid alleviates symptoms of preeclampsia in rats by upregulating vascular endothelial growth factor. (United States)

    Gong, Weiyan; Wan, Jipeng; Yuan, Qing; Man, Quanzhan; Zhang, Xiaojing


    Preeclampsia is a complication affecting pregnant women worldwide, which leads to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of ferulic acid (FA) on an N ω -nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME) induced rat model of preeclampsia. L-NAME was administered to pregnant rats to induce preeclampsia. 48 rats were divided into three experimental groups (n=16 each): control group, preeclampsia group and preeclampsia with FA treatment (preeclampsia+FA). Physiological characteristics such as urine volume, total urine protein and blood pressure were assessed. Expressions levels of urinary nephrin and podocin mRNAs were analyzed by RT-PCR. Levels of renal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), renal soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and serum placenta growth factor (PlGF) were also examined. Urine volume, total urine protein and blood pressure were markedly increased in preeclampsia group rats compared to control (Ppreeclampsia+FA group (Ppreeclampsia+FA group compared to preeclampsia rats (Ppreeclampsia symptoms in a rat preeclampsia model, supporting its potential value in treating preeclampsia. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  16. Massive vulvar edema in a woman with preeclampsia: a case report. (United States)

    Daponte, Alexandros; Skentou, Hara; Dimopoulos, Konstantinos D; Kallitsaris, Athanasios; Messinis, Ioannis E


    Massive vulvar edema in a woman with preeclampsia preceded the development of massive ascites and impending eclampsia. A 17-year-old preeclamptic, primiparous woman was admitted with preeclampsia and massive vulvar edema. Other causes were excluded. The vulvar edema increased as the blood pressure and ascites increased, and a severe headache developed. Cesarean section for increasing preclampsia was performed. In the puerperium, the blood pressure improved and vulvar edema resolved. The clinical picture of the vulvar edema correlated with the severity of the preeclampsia. The presence of vulvar edema in women with preeclampsia should indicate immediate admission to the hospital. These patients must be considered as at high risk, and close monitoring must be instituted. In our case, vulvar edema preceded massive ascites development. We assume a common development mechanism for these signs in preeclampsia, due mainly to increased capillary permeability and hypoalbuminemia. The attending physician must be prepared for immediate delivery and possible preeclampsia complications in these patients.

  17. Using clinical symptoms to predict adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in women with preeclampsia: data from the PIERS (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk) study. (United States)

    Yen, Tin-Wing; Payne, Beth; Qu, Ziguang; Hutcheon, Jennifer A; Lee, Tang; Magee, Laura A; Walters, Barry N; von Dadelszen, Peter


    Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal morbidity. The clinical challenge lies in predicting which women with preeclampsia will suffer adverse outcomes and would benefit from treatment, while minimizing potentially harmful interventions. Our aim was to determine the ability of maternal symptoms (i.e., severe nausea or vomiting, headache, visual disturbance, right upper quadrant pain or epigastric pain, abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding, and chest pain or dyspnea) to predict adverse maternal or perinatal outcomes. We used data from the PIERS (Pre-eclampsia Integrated Estimate of RiSk) study, a multicentre, prospective cohort study designed to investigate the maternal risks associated with preeclampsia. Relative risks and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were assessed for each preeclampsia symptom and outcome pair. Of 2023 women who underwent assessment, 52% experienced at least one preeclampsia symptom, with 5.2% and 5.3% respectively experiencing an adverse maternal or perinatal outcome. No symptom and outcome pair, in either of the maternal or perinatal groups, achieved an area under the ROC curve value > 0.7, which would be necessary to demonstrate a discriminatory predictive value. Maternal symptoms of preeclampsia are not independently valid predictors of maternal adverse outcome. Caution should be used when making clinical decisions on the basis of symptoms alone in the preeclamptic patient.

  18. Competing risks model in screening for preeclampsia by maternal characteristics and medical history. (United States)

    Wright, David; Syngelaki, Argyro; Akolekar, Ranjit; Poon, Leona C; Nicolaides, Kypros H


    The purpose of this study was to develop a model for preeclampsia based on maternal demographic characteristics and medical history. This was a screening study of 120,492 singleton pregnancies at 11-13 weeks' gestation, including 2704 pregnancies (2.2%) that experienced preeclampsia. A survival-time model for the gestational age at delivery with preeclampsia was developed from variables of maternal characteristics and history. This approach assumes that, if the pregnancy was to continue indefinitely, all women would experience preeclampsia and that whether they do so or not before a specified gestational age depends on competition between delivery before or after development of preeclampsia. A 5-fold cross validation study was conducted to compare the performance of the new model with the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines. In the new model, increased risk for preeclampsia, with a consequent shift in the Gaussian distribution of the gestational age at delivery with preeclampsia to the left, is provided by advancing maternal age, increasing weight, Afro-Caribbean and South Asian racial origin, medical history of chronic hypertension, diabetes mellitus and systemic lupus erythematosus or antiphospholipid syndrome, family history and personal history of preeclampsia, and conception by in vitro fertilization. The risk for preeclampsia decreases with increasing maternal height and in parous women with no previous preeclampsia; in the latter, the protective effect, which is related inversely to the interpregnancy interval, persists beyond 15 years. At a screen-positive rate of 11%, as defined by NICE, the new model predicted 40%, 48%, and 54% of cases of total preeclampsia and preeclampsia requiring delivery at preeclampsia. Such estimation of the a priori risk for preeclampsia is an essential first step in the use of Bayes theorem to combine maternal factors with biomarkers for the continuing development of more effective methods of

  19. A Common Profile of Disordered Angiogenic Factor Production and the Exacerbation of Inflammation in Early Preeclampsia, Late Preeclampsia, and Intrauterine Growth Restriction. (United States)

    Kwiatkowski, Sebastian; Dołęgowska, Barbara; Kwiatkowska, Ewa; Rzepka, Rafał; Torbè, Andrzej; Bednarek-Jędrzejek, Magdalena


    Preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction are two separate disease entities that, according to numerous reports, share the same pathogenesis. In both, angiogenesis disorders and generalized inflammation are the dominant symptoms. In this study, we hypothesized that both diseases demonstrate the same profile in early preeclampsia, late preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction patients, with the only difference being the degree of exacerbation of lesions. One hundred sixty-seven patients were enrolled in the study and divided into four groups: early preeclampsia, late preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction groups, and one control group. Concentrations of the angiogenesis and inflammatory markers soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor 1, placental growth factor, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6 were determined, and the behavior of these markers and correlations among them were studied. Higher concentrations of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase receptor 1, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6 and a lower concentration of placental growth factor were observed in the study groups compared with the control group. No differences in concentrations of the studied markers were found among the study groups but significant correlations were observed. The higher values for the angiogenesis and inflammatory markers both in preeclampsia patients and patients with intrauterine growth restriction of placental origin compared with the control group suggest the existence of the same underlying disorders in the development of these pathologies. The observed mutual correlations for disordered angiogenesis and inflammatory markers are suggestive of a mutual relationship between these processes in the development of pathologies evolving secondary to placental ischemia. The same lesion profile was observed for both preeclampsia and 'placental' intrauterine growth restriction patients, which could be used in developing

  20. Extracellular Calcium and Magnesium in Preeclampsia and Eclampsia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The cause of preeclampsia remains unknown and calcium and magnesium supplement are being suggested as means of prevention. The objective of this study was to assess magnesium and calcium in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of Nigerian women with preeclampsia and eclampsia. Setting was University of ...

  1. Working hours and risk of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia. (United States)

    Chang, Pei-Jen; Chu, Li-Ching; Hsieh, Wu-Shiun; Chuang, Yi-Li; Lin, Shio-Jean; Chen, Pau-Chung


    The potential impact of employment on maternal health, particularly in relation to gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, has been subject to research. However, there is limited evidence on associations between shift work and long working hours on the incidence of these conditions. To evaluate potential associations between maternal shift work and long working hours during pregnancy and gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia. Multistage stratified systematic sampling was used to recruit 24 200 post-partum women from the Taiwan national birth registration database in 2005. Subjects underwent home interview 6 months after their deliveries by structured questionnaire to obtain characteristics of maternal employment and potential confounders. Diagnosis of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia was obtained from the birth registration. There was no association between employment status and gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia. Also, no significant association between gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia and maternal shift work or long working hours during pregnancy was found in all or primiparous women. There was no convincing evidence that maternal shift work or long working hours had a higher risk of gestational hypertension or pre-eclampsia. However, further research is warranted to confirm these negative findings.

  2. Implication of Tumor Necrosis Factor - Alpha in Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dan MIHU


    Full Text Available Introduction: Preeclampsia is an exacerbation of a generalized inflammatory response, physiologically present in the third trimester of pregnancy.Aim: The aim of the study consists in the evaluation of proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α in the context of preeclampsia. Material and Method: A transversal study was performed in three groups of patients: non-pregnant patients, patients with normal pregnancies in the third trimester, patients with preeclampsia. Serum TNF-α levels were determined using the immunometric sandwich EIA method.Results: The results obtained confirm a significant increase (p<0.01 in circulating TNF-α levels in the last trimester of pregnancy, compared to the non-pregnant status. Significantly increased serum TNF-α concentrations (p<0.001 were also found in pregnant patients with preeclampsia, compared to normotensive pregnant women. Conclusion: This proinflammatory cytokine can be a potential marker of the severity of the preeclamptic syndrome, without being an indicator of the fetal status at birth.

  3. The common variant rs11646213 is associated with preeclampsia in Han Chinese women.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ji-peng Wan

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia, characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, is a multifactorial disease caused by complex interactions between environmental and genetic factors. A recent genome-wide association study of blood pressure reported an association between hypertension and rs11646213. This study evaluated the association between preeclampsia and rs11646213. METHODS: A total of 454 cases and 460 controls were recruited to participate in this study. The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP rs11646213 was genotyped by polymerase chain reaction (PCR and direct sequencing. RESULTS: The allele frequency of rs11646213 was significantly different between the preeclampsia and control groups (P = 0.017, OR = 1.36, 95% CI = 1.06-1.76. Differences were particularly significant in the severe preeclampsia subgroup (P = 0.002, OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 1.17-2.03 and the early-onset preeclampsia subgroup (P = 0.004, OR = 1.57, 95% CI = 1.16-2.13. Genotyping analysis showed that the T allele of rs11646213 could confer a risk for preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and early-onset preeclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Rs11646213 upstream of the CDH13 gene is associated with preeclampsia in Han Chinese women.

  4. Disertación endocrina de la preeclampsia y propuesta de una hipótesis Endocrine dissertation on preeclampsia and proposal of a hypothesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bernardo Agudelo Jaramillo


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    Se propone que la facies androgenizada en las embarazadas podría servir como elemento clínico para la búsqueda de la preeclampsia, con el fin de lograr un enfoque preventivo. El balance de las prostaglandinas vasodilatadoras y vasoconstrictoras es, en último término, responsable del control de la presión arterial en la gestante. Para ello se debe lograr un adecuado equilibrio en la producción de hormonas gestacionales; de ellas parece ser fundamental la dihidroprogesterona que se obtiene a través de la acción de la enzima 5-alfa reductasa. En el metabolismo de los andrógenos esta enzima cumple un papel único al transformar los andrógenos circulantes en la hormona trófica, la dihidrotestosterona. La hipótesis propone que la utilización androgénica de la enzima 5-alfa reductasa durante la gestación alteraría la producción de dihidroprogesterona con lo cual crearía un desequilibrio entre las diferentes hormonas y, finalmente, entre las prostaglandinas.

    The hypothesis that an androgenized facies In a pregnant woman could serve as a clinical clue for the search of preeclampsia, making It possible to apply a preventive approach is proposed. The balance between dilator and constrictor prostaglandins controls blood pressure during pregnancy; to keep such a balance an adequate equilibrium in the production of hormones, particularly dihydroprogesterone (DHP, is necessary. DHP is obtained through the action of 5-alpha reductase, which in androgen metabolism has the unique role of transforming circulating androgens into the trophic hormone dihydrotestosterone. The hypothesis proposes that androgenic utilization of 5- alpha reductase during pregnancy could alter the production of DHP I generating a lack of equilibrium among the various hormones, prostaglandins included.

  5. Uso del sistema de información geográfica para determinar la relación entre la severidad de la crisis asmáticas en niños y la cercanía a fábricas con chimenea en un distrito de Lima - Perú

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    Jesús Peinado


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la relación geográfica entre la severidad de las crisis asmáticas en niños atendidos en el servicio de emergencia del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (HNCH entre enero 1997 y diciembre 1998 y la localización de fábricas con chimenea en el distrito de San Martín de Porras (SMP, Lima - Perú. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal analítico. Utilizando la información de registros e historias clínicas, se consignó edad, sexo, número de crisis severas del último año, hospitalización previa por crisis asmática, domicilio del paciente y puntaje de Bierman y Pierson al ingreso. Mediante el mapa digitalizado de SMP indexado a la base de datos de la ubicación geográfica, se obtuvo la dirección de los pacientes y las de 10 fábricas con chimenea. Se definió como área de impacto aquella que tenía fábricas con chimenea y 2-4 casos de crisis asmática severa. Por modelamiento geoespacial se determinaron zonas de impacto y de no impacto asociadas a más casos y presencia de fábricas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 932 niños con edad promedio de 6,5±3,2 años. Aquellos que vivían dentro de las áreas de impacto presentaron mayor porcentaje de hospitalización (75,4% vs 24,6%, p<0,05 y número de crisis asmáticas severas en el último año (4,5±1,2 vs 1,8±0,7, p<0,05 que aquellos residentes de las áreas de no impacto. Conclusiones: Existe mayor número de crisis asmáticas severas y hospitalizaciones en pacientes que viven cerca de las fábricas de chimenea del distrito de SMP.

  6. Bilateral Bell palsy as a presenting sign of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Vogell, Alison; Boelig, Rupsa C; Skora, Joanna; Baxter, Jason K


    Bell palsy is a facial nerve neuropathy that is a rare disorder but occurs at higher frequency in pregnancy. Almost 30% of cases are associated with preeclampsia or gestational hypertension. Bilateral Bell palsy occurs in only 0.3%-2.0% of cases of facial paralysis, has a poorer prognosis for recovery, and may be associated with a systemic disorder. We describe a case of a 24-year-old primigravid woman with a twin gestation at 35 weeks diagnosed initially with bilateral facial palsy and subsequently with preeclampsia. She then developed partial hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count syndrome, prompting the diagnosis of severe preeclampsia, and was delivered. Bilateral facial palsy is a rare entity in pregnancy that may be the first sign of preeclampsia and suggests increased severity of disease, warranting close monitoring.

  7. Aplicación de un programa de ejercicio físico para niños con obesidad infantil severa. [Application of physical exercise program for children with severe obese

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    Antonio García-Hermoso


    Full Text Available Resumen La obesidad es una enfermedad compleja y multifactorial que puede iniciarse en la infancia, y se caracteriza por un exceso de grasa corporal que coloca al individuo en una situación de riesgo para la salud. La práctica regular de actividad física/ejercicio físico se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos principales de los planes de salud pública, debido a su relación con la prevención y tratamiento de la obesidad. En población infantil europea, el hábito de ejercicio físico es bajo y disminuye al aumentar la edad. Los objetivos del estudio fueron: (i mostrar la metodología de las sesiones desarrolladas en un programa de ejercicio físico dirigido en niños con obesidad severa, y (ii describir las ventajas e inconvenientes de las sesiones desarrolladas en el día a día con esta población. Las conclusiones que se pueden extraer de este trabajo son: (a en esta población resulta importante plantear actividades cooperativas, en el que todos tengan posibilidades de participar independientemente de sus características y habilidades individuales y (b en ocasiones y debido a la heterogeneidad observada durante las sesiones, es importante plantear y establecer varias actividades paralelas, aunando más si cabe las motivaciones y gustos de los participantes. Palabras clave: juego, actividad física, habilidad, cooperación. Abstract Obesity is a complex multifactorial disease that can begin in childhood, and is characterized by excess body fat that puts the individual's health at risk.  The regular practice of physical activity / physical exercise has become one of the main objectives of public health plans due to its relationship with the prevention and treatment of obesity.  In the European child population, the habit of physical activity is low and decreases with increasing age.  The objectives of the study were: (i to show "type sessions" used in physical exercise program in targeted at children with severe obesity, and (ii to

  8. Aplicación de un programa de ejercicio físico para niños con obesidad infantil severa. [Application of physical exercise program for children with severe obese

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    Antonio García-Hermoso


    Full Text Available Resumen La obesidad es una enfermedad compleja y multifactorial que puede iniciarse en la infancia, y se caracteriza por un exceso de grasa corporal que coloca al individuo en una situación de riesgo para la salud. La práctica regular de actividad física/ejercicio físico se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos principales de los planes de salud pública, debido a su relación con la prevención y tratamiento de la obesidad. En población infantil europea, el hábito de ejercicio físico es bajo y disminuye al aumentar la edad. Los objetivos del estudio fueron: (i mostrar la metodología de las sesiones desarrolladas en un programa de ejercicio físico dirigido en niños con obesidad severa, y (ii describir las ventajas e inconvenientes de las sesiones desarrolladas en el día a día con esta población. Las conclusiones que se pueden extraer de este trabajo son: (a en esta población resulta importante plantear actividades cooperativas, en el que todos tengan posibilidades de participar independientemente de sus características y habilidades individuales y (b en ocasiones y debido a la heterogeneidad observada durante las sesiones, es importante plantear y establecer varias actividades paralelas, aunando más si cabe las motivaciones y gustos de los participantes. Palabras clave: juego, actividad física, habilidad, cooperación. Abstract Obesity is a complex multifactorial disease that can begin in childhood, and is characterized by excess body fat that puts the individual's health at risk.  The regular practice of physical activity / physical exercise has become one of the main objectives of public health plans due to its relationship with the prevention and treatment of obesity.  In the European child population, the habit of physical activity is low and decreases with increasing age.  The objectives of the study were: (i to show "type sessions" used in physical exercise program in targeted at children with severe obesity, and (ii to

  9. Placenta-derived exosomes: potential biomarkers of preeclampsia

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    Pillay P


    Full Text Available Preenan Pillay,1,2 Kogi Moodley,1 Jagidesa Moodley,3 Irene Mackraj3 1Discipline of Human Physiology, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; 2Pearson Institute of Higher Education, Midrand, South Africa; 3Women’s Health and HIV Research Group, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, School of Laboratory Medicine and Medical Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa Abstract: Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and fetal mortality, due to ineffective treatment and diagnostic strategies, compounded by the lack of clarity on the etiology of the disorder. Although several clinical and biological markers of preeclampsia have been evaluated, they have proven to be ineffective in providing a definitive diagnosis during the various stages of the disorder. Exosomes have emerged as ideal biomarkers of pathological states, such as cancer, and have more recently gained interest in pregnancy-related complications, due to their role in cellular communication in normal and complicated pregnancies. This occurs as a result of the specific placenta-derived exosomal molecular cargo, which may be involved in normal pregnancy-associated immunological events, such as the maintenance of maternal–fetal tolerance. This review provides perspectives on placenta-derived exosomes as possible biomarkers for the diagnosis/prognosis of preeclampsia. Using keywords, online databases were searched to identify relevant publications to review the potential use of placenta-derived exosomes as biomarkers of preeclampsia. Keywords: placenta-derived exosomes, preeclampsia, biomarkers

  10. Impact of Preeclampsia on Clinical and Functional Outcomes in Women With Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Lindley, Kathryn J; Conner, Shayna N; Cahill, Alison G; Novak, Eric; Mann, Douglas L


    Preeclampsia is a risk factor for the development of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM), but it is unknown whether preeclampsia impacts clinical or left ventricular (LV) functional outcomes. This study sought to assess clinical and functional outcomes in women with PPCM complicated by preeclampsia. This retrospective cohort study included women diagnosed with PPCM delivering at Barnes-Jewish Hospital between 2004 to 2014. The primary outcome was one-year event-free survival rate for the combined end point of death and hospital readmission. The secondary outcome was recovery of LV ejection fraction. Seventeen of 39 women (44%) with PPCM had preeclampsia. The groups had similar mean LV ejection fraction at diagnosis (29.6 with versus 27.3 without preeclampsia; P =0.5). Women with preeclampsia had smaller mean LV end-diastolic diameters (5.2 versus 6.0 cm; P =0.001), greater relative wall thickness (0.41 versus 0.35 mm Hg; P =0.009), and lower incidence of eccentric remodeling (12% versus 48%; P =0.03). Clinical follow-up was available for 32 women; 5 died of cardiovascular complications within 1 year of diagnosis (4/15 with versus 1/17 without preeclampsia; P =0.16). In time to event analysis, patients with preeclampsia had worse event-free survival during 1-year follow-up ( P =0.047). Echocardiographic follow-up was available in 10 survivors with and 16 without preeclampsia. LV ejection fraction recovered in 80% of survivors with versus 25% without preeclampsia ( P =0.014). PPCM with concomitant preeclampsia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and different patterns of LV remodeling and recovery of LV function when compared with patients with PPCM that is not complicated by preeclampsia. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  11. Genesis of Preeclampsia: An Epidemiological Approach (United States)

    Salvador-Moysén, Jaime; Martínez-López, Yolanda; Ramírez-Aranda, José M.; Aguilar-Durán, Marisela; Terrones-González, Alberto


    There are analyzed some of the main aspects related to the causality of preeclampsia, privileging two types of models: the clinic model and the epidemiologic model, first one represented by the hypothesis of the reduced placental perfusion and the second one considering the epidemiologic findings related to the high levels of psychosocial stress and its association with preeclampsia. It is reasoned out the relevance of raising the causality of the disease from an interdisciplinary perspective, integrating the valuable information generated from both types, clinical and epidemiologic, and finally a tentative explanatory model of preeclampsia is proposed, the subclinical and sociocultural aspects that predispose and trigger the disease are emphasized making aspects to stand out: the importance of reduced placental perfusion as an indicator of individual risk, and the high levels of physiological stress, as a result of the unfavorable conditions of the psychosocial surroundings (indicator of population risk) of the pregnant women. PMID:22462008

  12. Maternal serum ratio of ghrelin to obestatin decreased in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Wu, Weiguang; Fan, Xiaobin; Yu, Yuecheng; Wang, Yingchun


    Ghrelin, an endogenous for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, has been shown to participate in blood pressure regulation. Obestatin, encoded by the same gene as ghrelin, is described as a physiological opponent of ghrelin. We hypothesized that ghrelin/obestatin imbalance played a role in the pathogenesis. This study was designed to determine the alterations of ghrelin and obestatin concentrations and ghrelin/obestatin ratio in maternal serum in preeclampsia. This retrospective case-control study included 31 preeclampsia and 31 gestational week-matched normal pregnancies. Ghrelin and obestatin concentrations in maternal serum were determined by radioimmunoassay, and the ghrelin/obestatin ratio was calculated. The ghrelin concentration and ghrelin/obestatin ratio in maternal serum were significantly lower in preeclampsia than in normal pregnancies (214.34±14.27pg/mL vs 251.49±16.15pg/mL, P=0.041, 1.07±0.09 vs 0.82±0.08, P=0.023). The obestatin concentration in maternal serum was significantly higher in preeclampsia than in normal pregnancies (276.35±15.38pg/mL vs 223.53±18.61pg/mL, P=0.019). The systolic blood pressure in preeclampsia was negatively correlated with ghrelin concentration and ghrelin/obestatin ratio (r=-0.549, P=0.003; r=-0.491, P=0.004) and was positively correlated with obestatin concentrations in preeclampsia (r=0.388, P=0.013). The findings of this study suggested disturbance of ghrelin and obestatin in maternal serum in preeclampsia, and ghrelin/obestatin imbalance might play a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Copyright © 2015 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Classical Complement Pathway Activation in the Kidneys of Women With Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Penning, Marlies; Chua, Jamie S; van Kooten, Cees; Zandbergen, Malu; Buurma, Aletta; Schutte, Joke; Bruijn, Jan Anthonie; Khankin, Eliyahu V; Bloemenkamp, Kitty; Karumanchi, S Ananth; Baelde, Hans


    A growing body of evidence suggests that complement dysregulation plays a role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. The kidney is one of the major organs affected in preeclampsia. Because the kidney is highly susceptible to complement activation, we hypothesized that preeclampsia is associated with renal complement activation. We performed a nationwide search for renal autopsy material in the Netherlands using a computerized database (PALGA). Renal tissue was obtained from 11 women with preeclampsia, 25 pregnant controls, and 14 nonpregnant controls with hypertension. The samples were immunostained for C4d, C1q, mannose-binding lectin, properdin, C3d, C5b-9, IgA, IgG, and IgM. Preeclampsia was significantly associated with renal C4d-a stable marker of complement activation-and the classical pathway marker C1q. In addition, the prevalence of IgM was significantly higher in the kidneys of the preeclamptic women. No other complement markers studied differed between the groups. Our findings in human samples were validated using a soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 mouse model of preeclampsia. The kidneys in the soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1-injected mice had significantly more C4 deposits than the control mice. The association between preeclampsia and renal C4d, C1q, and IgM levels suggests that the classical complement pathway is involved in the renal injury in preeclampsia. Moreover, our finding that soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1-injected mice develop excess C4 deposits indicates that angiogenic dysregulation may play a role in complement activation within the kidney. We suggest that inhibiting complement activation may be beneficial for preventing the renal manifestations of preeclampsia. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  14. Therapeutically targeting mitochondrial redox signalling alleviates endothelial dysfunction in preeclampsia. (United States)

    McCarthy, Cathal; Kenny, Louise C


    Aberrant placentation generating placental oxidative stress is proposed to play a critical role in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. Unfortunately, therapeutic trials of antioxidants have been uniformly disappointing. There is provisional evidence implicating mitochondrial dysfunction as a source of oxidative stress in preeclampsia. Here we provide evidence that mitochondrial reactive oxygen species mediates endothelial dysfunction and establish that directly targeting mitochondrial scavenging may provide a protective role. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to 3% plasma from women with pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia resulted in a significant decrease in mitochondrial function with a subsequent significant increase in mitochondrial superoxide generation compared to cells exposed to plasma from women with uncomplicated pregnancies. Real-time PCR analysis showed increased expression of inflammatory markers TNF-α, TLR-9 and ICAM-1 respectively in endothelial cells treated with preeclampsia plasma. MitoTempo is a mitochondrial-targeted antioxidant, pre-treatment of cells with MitoTempo protected against hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death. Furthermore MitoTempo significantly reduced mitochondrial superoxide production in cells exposed to preeclampsia plasma by normalising mitochondrial metabolism. MitoTempo significantly altered the inflammatory profile of plasma treated cells. These novel data support a functional role for mitochondrial redox signaling in modulating the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and identifies mitochondrial-targeted antioxidants as potential therapeutic candidates.

  15. Cardiovascular risk factor assessment after pre-eclampsia in primary care

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    Numans Mattijs E


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Pre-eclampsia is associated with an increased risk of development of cardiovascular disease later in life. It is not known how general practitioners in the Netherlands care for these women after delivery with respect to cardiovascular risk factor management. Methods Review of medical records of 1196 women in four primary health care centres, who were registered from January 2000 until July 2007 with an International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC code indicating pregnancy. Records were searched for indicators of pre-eclampsia. Of those who experienced pre-eclampsia and of a random sample of 150 women who did not, the following information on cardiovascular risk factor management after pregnancy was extracted from the records: frequency and timing of blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose measurements - and vascular diagnoses. Additionally the sensitivity and specificity of ICPC coding for pre-eclampsia were determined. Results 35 women experienced pre-eclampsia. Blood pressure was more often checked after pregnancy in these women than in controls (57.1% vs. 12.0%, p Conclusion Despite the evidence of increased risk of future cardiovascular disease in women with a history of pre-eclampsia, follow-up of these women is insufficient and undeveloped in primary care in the Netherlands.

  16. Pre-eclampsia Diagnosis and Treatment Options: A Review of Published Economic Assessments. (United States)

    Zakiyah, Neily; Postma, Maarten J; Baker, Philip N; van Asselt, Antoinette D I


    Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication affecting both mother and fetus. Although there is no proven effective method to prevent pre-eclampsia, early identification of women at risk of pre-eclampsia could enhance appropriate application of antenatal care, management and treatment. Very little is known about the cost effectiveness of these and other tests for pre-eclampsia, mainly because there is no clear treatment path. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing evidence on the health economics of screening, diagnosis and treatment options in pre-eclampsia. We searched three electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library) for studies on screening, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of pre-eclampsia, published between 1994 and 2014. Only full papers written in English containing complete economic assessments in pre-eclampsia were included. From an initial total of 138 references, six papers fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Three studies were on the cost effectiveness of treatment of pre-eclampsia, two of which evaluated magnesium sulphate for prevention of seizures and the third evaluated the cost effectiveness of induction of labour versus expectant monitoring. The other three studies were aimed at screening and diagnosis, in combination with subsequent preventive measures. The two studies on magnesium sulphate were equivocal on the cost effectiveness in non-severe cases, and the other study suggested that induction of labour in term pre-eclampsia was more cost effective than expectant monitoring. The screening studies were quite diverse in their objectives as well as in their conclusions. One study concluded that screening is probably not worthwhile, while two other studies stated that in certain scenarios it may be cost effective to screen all pregnant women and prophylactically treat those who are found to be at high risk of developing pre-eclampsia. This study is the first to provide a comprehensive overview

  17. Impact of USPSTF recommendations for aspirin for prevention of recurrent preeclampsia. (United States)

    Tolcher, Mary Catherine; Chu, Derrick M; Hollier, Lisa M; Mastrobattista, Joan M; Racusin, Diana A; Ramin, Susan M; Sangi-Haghpeykar, Haleh; Aagaard, Kjersti M


    The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends low-dose aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia among women at high risk for primary occurrence or recurrence of disease. Recommendations for the use of aspirin for preeclampsia prevention were issued by the US Preventive Services Task Force in September 2014. The objective of the study was to evaluate the incidence of recurrent preeclampsia in our cohort before and after the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation for aspirin for preeclampsia prevention. This was a retrospective cohort study designed to evaluate the rates of recurrent preeclampsia among women with a history of preeclampsia. We utilized a 2-hospital, single academic institution database from August 2011 through June 2016. We excluded multiple gestations and included only the first delivery for women with multiple deliveries during the study period. The cohort of women with a history of preeclampsia were divided into 2 groups, before and after the release of the US Preventive Services Task Force 2014 recommendations. Potential confounders were accounted for in multivariate analyses, and relative risk and adjusted relative risk were calculated. A total of 17,256 deliveries occurred during the study period. A total of 417 women had a documented history of prior preeclampsia: 284 women before and 133 women after the US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. Comparing the before and after groups, the proportion of Hispanic women in the after group was lower and the method of payment differed between the groups (P .05]). Risk factors for recurrent preeclampsia included maternal age >35 years (relative risk, 1.83; 95% confidence interval, 1.34-2.48), Medicaid insurance (relative risk, 2.08; 95% confidence interval, 1.15-3.78), type 2 diabetes (relative risk, 2.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.37-3.33), and chronic hypertension (relative risk, 1.96; 95% confidence interval, 1.44-2.66). The risk of recurrent preeclampsia was decreased by

  18. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta, respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional, de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación.

  19. Circulating endothelial cells (CECs and E-selectin: Predictors of preeclampsia

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    Ferdous Mehrabian


    Full Text Available Background: Circulating endothelial cells (CECs and E-selectin are known as sensitive and specific markers of en-dothelial dysfunction. This study investigated whether CECs and E-selectin are surrogate biomarkers of preeclampsia and if measurement of CECs and E-selectin, early in the third trimester, could be a means of predicting preeclampsia. Methods: In this prospective, descriptive-analytic study, rollover test was performed on 523 pregnant women during 28-30 weeks of gestation. CECs were measured by anti-CD 146-driven immunomagnetic isolation in women with posi-tive rollover test. They were followed up prospectively until delivery without any active intervention. Women with and without preeclampsia were determined. The number of CECs and level of E-selectin were compared in the two studied groups. Results: From the 47 pregnant women with positive rollover test who were selected and followed up, 22 individuals were diagnosed with preeclampsia while the remainder were normotensive. Mean CEC numbers was significantly high-er in preeclamptic women than normal pregnancies (24.7 cells/mL vs. 13 cells/mL. The best cut-off point for CEC numbers was 6.5 with a sensitivity of 78.9% and a specificity of 69.1%. The level of E-selectin was significantly higher in mothers with preeclampsia (p < 0.05. Conclusions: Higher levels of CECs and E-selectin in women with positive rollover test who developed preeclampsia prior to onset of the complication were predictive of preeclampsia. However, larger studies are needed to confirm these findings.

  20. Cardiovascular mortality after pre-eclampsia in one child mothers: prospective, population based cohort study. (United States)

    Skjaerven, Rolv; Wilcox, Allen J; Klungsøyr, Kari; Irgens, Lorentz M; Vikse, Bjørn Egil; Vatten, Lars J; Lie, Rolv Terje


    To assess the association of pre-eclampsia with later cardiovascular death in mothers according to their lifetime number of pregnancies, and particularly after only one child. Prospective, population based cohort study. Medical Birth Registry of Norway. We followed 836,147 Norwegian women with a first singleton birth between 1967 and 2002 for cardiovascular mortality through linkage to the national Cause of Death Registry. About 23,000 women died by 2009, of whom 3891 died from cardiovascular causes. Associations between pre-eclampsia and cardiovascular death were assessed by hazard ratios, estimated by Cox regression analyses. Hazard ratios were adjusted for maternal education (three categories), maternal age at first birth, and year of first birth The rate of cardiovascular mortality among women with preterm pre-eclampsia was 9.2% after having only one child, falling to 1.1% for those with two or more children. With term pre-eclampsia, the rates were 2.8% and 1.1%, respectively. Women with pre-eclampsia in their first pregnancy had higher rates of cardiovascular death than those who did not have the condition at first birth (adjusted hazard ratio 1.6 (95% confidence interval 1.4 to 2.0) after term pre-eclampsia; 3.7 (2.7 to 4.8) after preterm pre-eclampsia). Among women with only one lifetime pregnancy, the increase in risk of cardiovascular death was higher than for those with two or more children (3.4 (2.6 to 4.6) after term pre-eclampsia; 9.4 (6.5 to 13.7) after preterm pre-eclampsia). The risk of cardiovascular death was only moderately elevated among women with pre-eclamptic first pregnancies who went on to have additional children (1.5 (1.2 to 2.0) after term pre-eclampsia; 2.4 (1.5 to 3.9) after preterm pre-eclampsia). There was little evidence of additional risk after recurrent pre-eclampsia. All cause mortality for women with two or more lifetime births, who had pre-eclampsia in first pregnancy, was not elevated, even with preterm pre-eclampsia in first


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    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia are the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. In developed countries, much lower incidences have been achieved through aggressive screening and management of Pre-Eclampsia. In developing countries like India, there is a wide gap in quality of health care in cities and rural area. The present study was done to evaluate the incidence of hypertensive disorders and maternal and fetal outcome in a tertiary care centre catering to poor people of Bihar, Bengal and neighboring country, Nepal. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is an observational descriptive study. After obtaining institutional ethical committee approval and informed consent from patients, all the patients presenting to our institution for delivery with Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia were included in the study. Socio-economic status, frequency of ANC, age, parity and period of gestation were recorded. Investigations included complete blood count, urinary protein, coagulation profile, liver function tests and kidney function tests. Mode of conduct of delivery and maternal and fetal outcome were thoroughly recorded and described. Data was presented in the form of n (%. RESULTS 64.28% cases with Pre-Eclampsia and 95.12% cases with Eclampsia were from low socio-economic status. 95.12% cases with Eclampsia and 67.5% cases with Pre-Eclampsia had no ANC throughout the pregnancy. Most of the patients were in the age group of 20-25 years. 86.11% cases with Eclampsia and 66.68% with Pre-Eclampsia were primigravida. Most of the patients presented with 37 weeks of gestation. 54.76% Pre-Eclampsia cases and 58.94% Eclampsia delivered by L.S.C.S. Pulmonary edema and acute renal failure were the most common complications. Maternal mortality was 25.60% in Eclampsia cases. The most common cause of maternal mortality was pulmonary edema. Incidence of IUD+ stillbirth was 16.66% in Pre-Eclampsia cases and 34.14% in Eclampsia cases. Overall

  2. Heart Rate Variability and Autonomic Modulations in Preeclampsia.

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    Shaza M Musa

    Full Text Available Although the exact pathophysiology of preeclampsia is not well understood, autonomic nervous system imbalance is suggested as one of the main factors.To investigate heart rate variability (HRV and autonomic modulations in Sudanese pregnant women with preeclampsia.A case-control study (60 women in each arm was conducted at Omdurman Maternity Hospital-Sudan, during the period from June to August, 2014. Cases were women presented with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women were the controls. Studied groups were matched for important determinants of HRV. Natural logarithm (Ln of total power (TP, high frequency (HF, low frequency (LF and very low frequency (VLF were used to determine HRV. Normalized low and high frequencies (LF Norm and HF Norm were used to evaluate sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic modulations respectively.Patients with preeclampsia achieved significantly higher LF Norm [49.80 (16.25 vs. 44.55 (19.15, P = 0.044] and LnLF/HF [0.04 (0.68 vs. -0.28 (0.91, P = 0.023] readings, but lower HF Norm [49.08 (15.29 vs. 55.87 (19.56, P = 0.012], compared with healthy pregnant women. Although all other HRV measurements were higher in the patients with preeclampsia compared with the controls, only LnVLF [4.50 (1.19 vs. 4.01 (1.06, P = 0.017] and LnLF [4.01 (1.58 vs. 3.49 (1.23, P = 0.040] reached statistical significance.The study adds further evidence for the dominant cardiac sympathetic modulations on patients with preeclampsia, probably secondary to parasympathetic withdrawal in this group. However, the higher LnVLF and LnLF readings achieved by preeclamptic women compared with the controls are unexpected in the view that augmented sympathetic modulations usually depresses all HRV parameters including these two measures.

  3. Comparison of oxidative stress in preeclampsia, normal pregnancy and non-pregnant women

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    A. Ghazavi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific condition characterized by hypertension and proteinuria. Preeclampsia remains a disease of theories as its real etiology has remained elusive. Endothelial cell dysfunction may play a role in the pathobiology of preeclampsia. There is some evidence to suggest that endothelial cell damage result from oxidative stress. The aim of the study was to measure oxidative stress markers in preeclampsia. Material and Methods: Total antioxidant capacity (TAC, lipid peroxidation (LPO and thiol groups was measured in 20 women with preeclampsia, 20 normal pregnant women and 20 nonpregnant women. All three women groups were matched with respect to age, BMI, parity and gestational age. Oxidative stress markers were measured by spectrophotometer methods. Results: Serum concentration of LPO was significantly higher in preeclampsia (17.7 + 3.8 nmol/ml as compared with nonpregnant women (10.4 + 0.48 nmol/ml, p< 0.0001. TAC in preeclamptic women was lower than those in normal pregnant and non-pregnant women, but not statistically significantly. There was no significant difference between the mean concentrations of thiol groups in the women groups. Conclusion: Increased levels of LPO products may cause peroxidative damage of vascular endothelium and result in clinical symptoms of preeclampsia. However, further experimental and clinical studies are necessary to clarify the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

  4. [Assessment of maternal cerebral blood flow in patients with preeclampsia]. (United States)

    Mandić, Vesna; Miković, Zeljko; Dukić, Milan; Vasiljević, Mladenko; Filimonović, Dejan; Bogavac, Mirjana


    Systemic vasoconstriction in preeclamptic patients increases vascular resistance, and is manifested by increased arterial blood flow velocity. The aim of the study is to evaluate if there is a change of Doppler indices in maternal medial cerbral artery (MCA) in severe preeclampsia due to: 1) severity of clinical symptoms, 2) the begining of eclamptic attack and 3) the application of anticonvulsive therapy. A prospective clinical study included 92 pregnant women, gestational age 28-36 weeks. They were divided into three groups: normotensive (n=30), mild preeclampsia (n=33), and severe preeclampsia (n=29). We investigated maternal cerebral circulation by assessing the MCA. We registrated: pulsatility index (Pi), resistance index (Ri), systolic/diastolic ratio (S/D), and the maximum systolic, end diastolic and medium velocity. Patients with severe preeclampsia were divided into two subgroups. subgroup 1 included patients without symptoms of threatening eclampsia (n=18; 62.06%); while subgroup 2 included those with symptoms of preeclampsia (n=11; 37.94%). All patients with severe preeclampsia were treated with magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), and cerebral blood flow was measured before and after the treatment. Statistical analysis was done by oneway ANOVA, Student t-test and t-paired sample test. The difference was considered to be significant if ppreclampsia we found increased velocity values, Pi and Ri, especially in patients with signs of threatened eclampsia, suggesting that blood vessels changes are most prominent in severe preeclampsia. Cerebral blood flow meassurements can be used as a clinical test for the prediction of eclampsia. Magnesium-sulfate (MgSO4) has a signifficant role in prophylaxis and treatment of eclampsia, and, therefore, positive influence on reduction of cerebral ishemic lesions can be expected. We can conclude that changes of the cerebral blood flow can be evaluated by evaluating blood flow velocities in the medial cerebral artery. Velocities tend

  5. D2-Thr92Ala, thyroid hormone levels and biochemical hypothyroidism in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Procopciuc, Lucia Maria; Caracostea, Gabriela; Hazi, Georgeta; Nemeti, Georgiana; Stamatian, Florin


    To identify if there is a relationship between the deiodinase D2-Thr92Ala genetic variant, thyroid hormone levels and biochemical hypothyroidism in preeclampsia. We genotyped 125 women with preeclampsia and 131 normal pregnant women using PCR-RFLP. Serum thyroid hormone levels were determined using ELISA. Our study showed higher TSH and FT4 levels and lower FT3 levels in women with preeclampsia compared to normal pregnant women, with statistical significance for women with mild and severe preeclampsia. The risk to develop pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), mild or severe preeclampsia was increased in carriers of at least one D2-Ala92 allele. TSH and FT4 levels were significantly higher and FT3 levels were significantly lower in preeclamptic women with severe preeclampsia if they carried the D2-Ala92 allele compared to non-carriers. Pregnant women with PIH and mild preeclampsia, carriers of at least one D2-Ala92 allele, delivered at lower gestational age neonates with a lower birth weight compared to non-carriers, but the results were statistically significant only in severe preeclampsia. The D2-Thr92Ala genetic variant is associated with the severity and the obstetric outcome of preeclampsia, and it also influences thyroid hormone levels. The study demonstrates non-thyroidal biochemical hypothyroidism - as a result of deiodination effects due to D2 genotypes.

  6. Gene expression profiling of placentas affected by pre-eclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hoegh, Anne Mette; Borup, Rehannah; Nielsen, Finn Cilius


    Several studies point to the placenta as the primary cause of pre-eclampsia. Our objective was to identify placental genes that may contribute to the development of pre-eclampsia. RNA was purified from tissue biopsies from eleven pre-eclamptic placentas and eighteen normal controls. Messenger RNA...... expression from pooled samples was analysed by microarrays. Verification of the expression of selected genes was performed using real-time PCR. A surprisingly low number of genes (21 out of 15,000) were identified as differentially expressed. Among these were genes not previously associated with pre-eclampsia...... as bradykinin B1 receptor and a 14-3-3 protein, but also genes that have already been connected with pre-eclampsia, for example, inhibin beta A subunit and leptin. A low number of genes were repeatedly identified as differentially expressed, because they may represent the endpoint of a cascade of events...

  7. Preeclampsia: novel insights from global RNA profiling of trophoblast subpopulations. (United States)

    Gormley, Matthew; Ona, Katherine; Kapidzic, Mirhan; Garrido-Gomez, Tamara; Zdravkovic, Tamara; Fisher, Susan J


    The maternal signs of preeclampsia, which include the new onset of high blood pressure, can occur because of faulty placentation. We theorized that transcriptomic analyses of trophoblast subpopulations in situ would lend new insights into the role of these cells in preeclampsia pathogenesis. Our goal was to enrich syncytiotrophoblasts, invasive cytotrophoblasts, or endovascular cytotrophoblasts from the placentas of severe preeclampsia cases. Total RNA was subjected to global transcriptional profiling to identify RNAs that were misexpressed compared with controls. This was a cross-sectional analysis of placentas from women who had been diagnosed with severe preeclampsia. Gestational age-matched controls were placentas from women who had a preterm birth with no signs of infection. Laser microdissection enabled enrichment of syncytiotrophoblasts, invasive cytotrophoblasts, or endovascular cytotrophoblasts. After RNA isolation, a microarray approach was used for global transcriptional profiling. Immunolocalization identified changes in messenger RNA expression that carried over to the protein level. Differential expression of non-protein-coding RNAs was confirmed by in situ hybridization. A 2-way analysis of variance of non-coding RNA expression identified particular classes that distinguished trophoblasts in cases vs controls. Cajal body foci were visualized by coilin immunolocalization. Comparison of the trophoblast subtype data within each group (severe preeclampsia or noninfected preterm birth) identified many highly differentially expressed genes. They included molecules that are known to be expressed by each subpopulation, which is evidence that the method worked. Genes that were expressed differentially between the 2 groups, in a cell-type-specific manner, encoded a combination of molecules that previous studies associated with severe preeclampsia and those that were not known to be dysregulated in this pregnancy complication. Gene ontology analysis of the

  8. The Role of Serum Uric Acid in Preeclampsia

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    Amir Taefi


    Full Text Available Objective: The goal of this study was to assess the utility of serum uric acid in preeclampsia diagnosis and its correlation with some maternal and fetal outcomes.Materials and methods: A case-control study was performed on 26 term pregnant women with preeclampsia and 52 normal pregnant women. Serum uric acid, platelet count, hematocrit, gestational age, and birth weight of all patients were measured. Data distribution was assessed with the one sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Mann-Whitney U test was used to assess differences between groups. Correlations between plasma uric acid and other parameters were evaluated with the Spearman’s Rho or Pearson correlation test, where appropriated. Receiver-operating characteristics (ROC curves were used to assess the ability of plasma uric acid to distinguish the preeclampsia from normal subjects. Significance was set at P< 0.05.Results: The mean level of plasma uric acid was 5.8 (+2 mg/dl in cases and 4.9 mg/dl in controls (P=0.04. ROC curve analysis demonstrates the absence of obvious cut off point for plasma uric acid to distinguish preeclampsia. Sensitivity and specificity for uric acid level of 5.5 mg/dl were 61.5% and 78.8%, respectively. There was no significant linear correlation between the plasma uric acid level and other measured parameters in each group.Conclusion: On the basis of our data, the clinical utility of measuring serum uric acid levels in diagnosing preeclampsia is limited.

  9. Mujer de 52 años con shock cardiogénico secundario a síndrome de takotsubo tras reparación quirúrgica de la válvula mitral

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    Francisco J. Rodríguez Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de miocardiopatía de takotsubo en una paciente con insuficiencia valvular mitral severa (por prolapso severo del velo posterior, acaecida después de la reparación quirúrgica de dicha válvula. Hasta donde conocemos, este es el primer caso descrito en la literatura.

  10. Metahemoglobinemia adquirida en el recién nacido asociada con benzocaína y paracetamol


    José L. Lepe-Zúñiga; Luis E. Aguilar-Gómez; Noemí C. Godínez-Téllez


    Introducción: La metahemoglobinemia adquirida inducida por medicamentos es un trastorno raro en el recién nacido que, de no diagnosticarse y tratarse oportuna y adecuadamente, puede ser particularmente grave y determinar daño cerebral permanente o la muerte del paciente. Caso clínico: Se reporta un caso metahemoglobinemia clínica severa que desarrolló un recién nacido después de la aplicación de una cantidad mínima de crema con benzocaína en una herida quirúrgica anal cuando al mismo tiemp...

  11. Comprehensive analysis of preeclampsia-associated DNA methylation in the placenta.

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    Tianjiao Chu

    Full Text Available A small number of recent reports have suggested that altered placental DNA methylation may be associated with early onset preeclampsia. It is important that further studies be undertaken to confirm and develop these findings. We therefore undertook a systematic analysis of DNA methylation patterns in placental tissue from 24 women with preeclampsia and 24 with uncomplicated pregnancy outcome.We analyzed the DNA methylation status of approximately 27,000 CpG sites in placental tissues in a massively parallel fashion using an oligonucleotide microarray. Follow up analysis of DNA methylation at specific CpG loci was performed using the Epityper MassArray approach and high-throughput bisulfite sequencing.Preeclampsia-specific DNA methylation changes were identified in placental tissue samples irrespective of gestational age of delivery. In addition, we identified a group of CpG sites within specific gene sequences that were only altered in early onset-preeclampsia (EOPET although these DNA methylation changes did not correlate with altered mRNA transcription. We found evidence that fetal gender influences DNA methylation at autosomal loci but could find no clear association between DNA methylation and gestational age.Preeclampsia is associated with altered placental DNA methylation. Fetal gender should be carefully considered during the design of future studies in which placental DNA is analyzed at the level of DNA methylation. Further large-scale analyses of preeclampsia-associated DNA methylation are necessary.

  12. Preeclampsia: Reflections on How to Counsel About Preventing Recurrence. (United States)

    Costa, Maria Laura


    Preeclampsia is one of the most challenging diseases of pregnancy, with unclear etiology, no specific marker for prediction, and no precise treatment besides delivery of the placenta. Many risk factors have been identified, and diagnostic and management tools have improved in recent years. However, this disease remains one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in under-resourced settings. A history of previous preeclampsia is a known risk factor for a new event in a future pregnancy, with recurrence rates varying from less than 10% to 65%, depending on the population or methodology considered. A recent review that performed an individual participant data meta-analysis on the recurrence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in over 99 000 women showed an overall recurrence rate of 20.7%; when specifically considering preeclampsia, it was 13.8%, with milder disease upon recurrence. Prevention of recurrent preeclampsia has been attempted by changes in lifestyle, dietary supplementation, antihypertensive drugs, antithrombotic agents, and others, with much uncertainty about benefit. It is always challenging to treat and counsel a woman with a previous history of preeclampsia; this review will be based on hypothetical clinical cases, using common scenarios in obstetrical practice to consider the available evidence on how to counsel each woman during pre-conception and prenatal consultations.

  13. Factors associated with severe preeclampsia and eclampsia in Jahun, Nigeria

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    Guerrier G


    Full Text Available Gilles Guerrier,1 Bukola Oluyide,2 Maria Keramarou,1 Rebecca Grais11Epicentre, Paris, France; 2Médecins Sans Frontières, Paris, FranceObjective: To explore traditional herbal medicines as potential risk factors of severe preeclampsia and eclampsia in Nigeria.Methods: We conducted a retrospective case-control study from October 2010 to May 2011. The cases were all pregnant women admitted to the Jahun Hospital during the study period with severe preeclampsia or eclampsia and women presenting with normal pregnancy after 22 weeks.Results: During the study period, a total of 1,257 women (44% were recorded as having normal pregnancy, and 419 (16% women had severe preeclampsia/eclampsia (175 with severe preeclampsia and 244 with eclampsia. The risk factors found to be associated with a greater risk of severe preeclampsia/eclampsia included personal history of preeclampsia (odds ratio [OR] = 21.5; P < 0.001, personal history of preexisting hypertension (OR = 10.5; P < 0.001, primiparity (OR = 2.5; P = 0.001, occupation as housewife (OR = 1.9; P = 0.008, and fewer than four antenatal care visits (OR = 1.6; P = 0.02. Use of traditional treatments during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of developing severe preeclampsia/eclampsia (OR = 1.6 95%; confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-2.1 by univariate analysis only.Conclusion: Use of traditional treatment, which increases delays before consulting the official health sector, might be a marker for harmful behavior. Community-based studies could provide additional information on the practice of herbal therapy in this population.Keywords: hypertensive disorders, pregnancy, traditional treatments, herbal use

  14. The Relationship between Preeclampsia and Quadruple Screening Test in Nuliparous

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    Farnaz Zand Vakili


    Full Text Available Introduction: Early diagnosis and prediction of preeclampsia needs appropriate obstetric care. Preeclampsia predicting methods are important. This study was designed to determine the correlation between preeclampsia and quadruple screening test in the nulliparous. Materials and Methods:  This case - control study was conducted on 54 pregnant women with preeclampsia (case group and 108 healthy pregnant women (control group who referred to health centers in Sanandaj, Iran. Ultrasonography was performed to determine the gestational age by a radiologist. Maternal serum levels of alpha fetoprotein (AFP, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, unconjugated estriol (uE3, and inhibin-A were measured in the second trimester of pregnancy. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software and Chi-square test, T-test, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values. Results: The results showed that the sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of preeclampsia in pregnant women for hCG were 35.2% and 79.6 respectively. These findings for estriol were 20.4% and 88.9%, for inhibin-A were 38.8% and 88% and for alpha fetoprotein were 38.8% and 74.1%. The positive predictive value for hCG, estriol, inhibin-A and alpha fetoprotein were 46.3%, 47.8%, 61.8% and 42.9% respectively. The negative predictive value for hCG, estriol, inhibin-A and alpha fetoprotein were also 71%, 69.1%, 74.2% and 70.8% respectively. Conclusion: There was a relationship between preeclampsia and high levels of inhibin-A and hCG. Further studies on these markers and evaluating their usefulness in the diagnosis and management of preeclampsia are recommended.

  15. Spontaneous Hepatic Rupture Associated with Preeclampsia: Treatment with Hepatic Artery Embolization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Seung Boo; Goo, Dong Erk; Chang, Yun Woo; Kim, Yong Jae; Hwang, In Cheol; Han, Hyo Sang; Yoon, Jong Hyun; Lee, Tae Il [Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Gumi (Korea, Republic of)


    Spontaneous rupture of the liver due to preeclampsia is a rare condition of pregnant women, and it can be very dangerous if not treated. We report here on a case of successfully treating spontaneous liver rupture associated with preeclampsia by performing transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. A 41-year-old woman with spontaneous rupture of the liver associated with preeclampsia was treated by hepatic arterial embolization

  16. Spontaneous Hepatic Rupture Associated with Preeclampsia: Treatment with Hepatic Artery Embolization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Seung Boo; Goo, Dong Erk; Chang, Yun Woo; Kim, Yong Jae; Hwang, In Cheol; Han, Hyo Sang; Yoon, Jong Hyun; Lee, Tae Il


    Spontaneous rupture of the liver due to preeclampsia is a rare condition of pregnant women, and it can be very dangerous if not treated. We report here on a case of successfully treating spontaneous liver rupture associated with preeclampsia by performing transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. A 41-year-old woman with spontaneous rupture of the liver associated with preeclampsia was treated by hepatic arterial embolization


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    Thelma Spindola


    Objetivos. Conocer el  perfil de las gestantes primigestas atendidas en el pre-natal; identificar la incidencia de pre-eclampsia en gestantes primigestas atendidas en consultas del pre-natal y discutir la contribución del enfermero obstetra en la detección precoz de interconsultas durante el embarazo. Método: Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, retrospectivo, realizado en uno de los Hospitales Universitarios de Rio de Janeiro. Las historias clínicas de primigestas atendidas desde 2008 a 2009 fueron analizados con apoyo de la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Fueron 264 (56,3% internaciones de primigestas, fueron parte del conjunto de muestra 105 historias clínicas.  En este grupo investigado, 43(40,9% gestantes no presentaron edema; 2 (1,9% tuvieron proteinuria e 29 (27,6 % no tuvieron anormalidades en los controles de presión arterial. Conclusión: En la muestra no hubo registro de pre-eclampsia, además 41 (38,9% mujeres presentaron alteraciones de presión arterial compatibles con  Enfermedad Hipertensiva Específica de la Gestación (EHEG. El enfermero tiene un papel importante en el equipo multi-profesional para la detección precoz de complicaciones en la gestación contribuyendo para la reducción de la incidencia de morbimortalidad.

  18. Preeclampsia in autologous and oocyte donation pregnancy: is there a different pathophysiology? (United States)

    Lashley, Lisa E E L O; Buurma, Aletta; Swings, Godelieve M J S; Eikmans, Michael; Anholts, Jacqueline D H; Bakker, Jaap A; Claas, Frans H J


    Oocyte donation (OD) is a specific method of artificial reproductive technology that is accompanied by a higher risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy. The pathophysiological mechanism underlying preeclampsia in OD pregnancies is thought to differ from preeclampsia in autologous pregnancies. As preeclampsia in autologous pregnancies is suggested to be associated with complement activation, we studied C4d deposition, circulating complement components and placental complement regulatory proteins in preeclamptic OD pregnancies. Women with uncomplicated and preeclamptic pregnancies after OD or spontaneous conception were selected. We stained the placentas for C4d, marker for complement activation, measured complement factors C1q, C3 and C4 in maternal sera and quantified the placental mRNA expression of complement regulatory proteins CD46, CD55 and CD59. A significantly (p preeclampsia compared with uncomplicated pregnancies, both OD and autologous. The level of complement factors in serum did not differ between the groups. Children born in the autologous preeclampsia group were significantly lower in birth weight (p preeclampsia pregnancies, there is excessive activation of complement in preeclamptic OD pregnancies. However, in contrast to autologous pregnancies this is not associated with counterbalancing upregulation of complement regulatory proteins. Furthermore, C4d deposition in OD pregnancies is not related to the severity of preeclampsia, suggesting another trigger or regulatory mechanism of placental C4d deposition in preeclamptic OD pregnancies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. [Use of sFlt-1/PlGF ratio in preeclampsia : a monocentric retrospective analysis]. (United States)

    Verbeurgt, L; Chantraine, F; De Marchin, J; Minon, J-M; Nisolle, M


    Soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) is an anti-angiogenic factor released in higher amounts in preeclampsia and implicated in endothelial dysfunction. sFlt-1/PlGF ratio is used in the prediction of preeclampsia. An sFlt-1/PlGF ratio inferior to 38 predicts the short-term absence of preeclampsia. A ratio ? 85 (early-onset PE) or ? 110 (late-onset of PE) could diagnose preeclampsia. In this study, sFlt-1/PlGF ratio has been measured in 183 patients. Sixty-seven preeclampsia have been diagnosed preeclamptic at delivery. The median sFlt-1/PlGF ratio was 100.3. The median ratio among women with preeclampsia (N=67) versus no preeclampsia (N=116) was 212.7 versus 35.4. In accordance with this analysis, an sFlt-1/PlGF ratio ? 38 has a sensibility of 95,5 % and a specificity of 73.3 %. The positive predictive value and the negative predictive value were 67.4 % and 96.6 %, respectively. These results suggest that sFlt-1/PlGF ratio is helpful in the diagnosis of preeclampsia.

  20. The reduction in circulating levels of melatonin may be associated with the development of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Zeng, K; Gao, Y; Wan, J; Tong, M; Lee, A C; Zhao, M; Chen, Q


    Placental dysfunction and oxidative stress contribute to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia, which is a pregnancy-specific disorder. It has been suggested that the incidence of preeclampsia has a seasonal variation. Melatonin, as a seasonal factor, has been suggested to be involved in a successful pregnancy. In this study, we investigated the association of circulating levels of melatonin with preeclampsia. Serum was collected from women with preeclampsia (n=113) and gestation-matched healthy pregnant women, and the levels of melatonin were measured. In addition, the expression of melatonin receptors was examined in preeclamptic placentae (n=27). The association of the incidence of preeclampsia and seasonal variation was also analysed from 1491 women with preeclampsia within 77 745 healthy pregnancies. The serum levels of melatonin were significantly reduced in women with preeclampsia at presentation and these reduced serum levels of melatonin were not associated with the severity or time onset of preeclampsia nor with seasonal variation. The expression of melatonin receptor, MT1 was reduced in preeclamptic placentae. The incidence of preeclampsia was did exhibit seasonal variation, but this was largely due to the increase in the incidence of mild or late-onset preeclampsia. Our results demonstrate that reduced melatonin levels are associated with the development of preeclampsia but that the circulating levels of melatonin do not appear to be subject to seasonal variation during pregnancy.

  1. Periodontal disease and risk of preeclampsia: a meta-analysis of observational studies.

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    Ben-Juan Wei

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Many epidemiological studies have found a positive association between periodontal disease (PD and the risk of preeclampsia, but the magnitude of this association varies and independent studies have reported conflicting findings. We performed a meta-analysis to ascertain the relationship between PD and preeclampsia. METHODS: The PubMed database was searched up to January 12, 2013, for relevant observational studies on an association between PD and the risk of preeclampsia. Data were extracted and analyzed independently by two authors. The meta-analysis was performed using comprehensive meta-analysis software. RESULTS: Thirteen observational case-control studies and two cohort studies, involving 1089 preeclampsia patients, were identified. Based on a random-effects meta-analysis, a significant association between PD and preeclampsia was identified (odds ratio = 2.79, 95% confidence interval CI, 2.01-3.01, P<0.0001. CONCLUSIONS: Although the causality remains unclear, the association between PD and preeclampsia may reflect the induction of PD by the preeclamptic state, or it may be part of an overall exaggerated inflammatory response to pregnancy. Larger randomized controlled trials with preeclampsia as the primary outcome and pathophysiological studies are required to explore causality and to dissect the biological mechanisms involved.

  2. Podocyturia as a Diagnostic Marker for Preeclampsia amongst High-Risk Pregnant Patients

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    Belinda Jim


    Full Text Available Urinary podocyte (podocyturia has been studied as a diagnostic marker for preeclampsia. We sought to validate its use in preeclampsia and in differentiating it from other high risk pregnancy states. We studied an obstetric population at high risk to develop preeclampsia (study group and uncomplicated pregnancies (control group by analyzing their urine sediment for podocytes within 24 hours of delivery. Podocytes were identified by immunohistochemistry using the podocyte-specific protein synaptopodin. Of the 56 patients who were enrolled, 29 patients were diagnosed with preeclampsia, 9 patients had hypertensive conditions such as chronic and gestational hypertension, 6 patients had Type I/II and gestational diabetes mellitus, 3 patients were classified as others, and 9 patients exhibited uncomplicated pregnancies. Podocyturia was identified in 11 out of 29 (38% of patients with preeclampsia/eclampsia, 3 out of 9 (33% with gestational and chronic hypertension, and 3 out of 6 (50% with Type I/II and gestational diabetes mellitus. None of the 9 patients (0% with uncomplicated pregnancies demonstrated podocyturia. The sensitivity and specificity of podocyturia for preeclampsia were found to be 38% and 70%. Our study showed that podocyturia does not appear to be a sensitive nor a specific marker to diagnose preeclampsia.

  3. Double hit of NEMO gene in preeclampsia.

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    Agata Sakowicz

    Full Text Available The precise etiology of preeclampsia is unknown. Family studies indicate that both genetic and environmental factors influence its development. One of these factors is NFkB, whose activation depends on NEMO (NFkB essential modulator. This is the first study to investigate the association between the existence of single nucleotide variant of the NEMO gene and the appearance of preeclampsia. A total of 151 women (72 preeclamptic women and 79 controls and their children were examined. Sanger sequencing was performed to identify variants in the NEMO gene in the preeclamptic mothers. The maternal identified variants were then sought in the studied groups of children, and in the maternal and child controls, using RFLP-PCR. Real-time RT-PCR was performed to assess NEMO gene expression in maternal blood, umbilical cord blood and placentas. The sequencing process indicated the existence of two different variants in the 3'UTR region of the NEMO gene of preeclamptic women (IKBKG:c.*368C>A and IKBKG:c.*402C>T. The simultaneous occurrence of the TT genotype in the mother and the TT genotype in the daughter or a T allele in the son increased the risk of preeclampsia development 2.59 fold. Additionally, we found that the configuration of maternal/fetal genotypes (maternal TT/ daughter TT or maternal TT/son T of IKBKG:c.*402C/T variant is associated with the level of NEMO gene expression. Our results showed that, the simultaneous occurrence of the maternal TT genotype (IKBKG:c.*402C>T variants and TT genotype in the daughter or T allele in the son correlates with the level of NEMO gene expression and increases the risk of preeclampsia development. Our observations may offer a new insight into the genetic etiology and pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

  4. Perinatal Outcomes in Women with Preeclampsia: Experience of a Tertiary Referral Center

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    Semra Eroglu


    Full Text Available Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between maternal-fetal outcomes and the severity of preeclampsia. Material and Method: A total of 528 singleton pregnancies diagnosed with preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome with pregnancies >24 weeks of gestation were retrospectively evaluated. For each patient, maternal age, gravidity, previous obstetric history, family history, gestational age at the time of hospitalization, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, presence of severe preeclampsia symptoms, laboratory values, dexamethasone use for the treatment of thrombocytopenia, route of delivery, maternal and perinatal outcomes were recorded. Results: Within the study period, the occurences of preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome and severe preeclampsia were 1.4%, 0.12% and 0.57%, respectively. In patients with HELLP syndrome, cesarean delivery rate, blood product transfusion, acute renal failure, liver function tests, D-dimer levels, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC, preterm retinopathy, pulmonary hemorrhage and sepsis occurrences, were significantly higher than in patients with mild and severe preeclampsia. On the contrary, platelet counts were significantly lower . In patients with mild preeclampsia, gestational age at the time of delivery, vaginal delivery rate, 1 and 5 minute APGAR score and newborn birthweight were significantly higher when compared to patients with severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome. In contrast, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, neonatal intensive care unit admission rate, hospital stay, protein levels in 24 hr urine, and maternal hemoglobin levels were significantly lower in this group. Discussion: In the present study, it was found that HELLP syndrome was more frequently associated with maternal complications and neonatal morbidities. For the prevention of morbidities due to these unpredictable syndromes with unclear etiologies

  5. Eficacia de la aplicación de criterios de bajo riesgo de infección bacteriana severa en recién nacidos febriles

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    Manuel Díaz Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 229 recién nacidos febriles sin signos de focalización en su evaluación inicial, en los cuales se consideró una serie de datos clínicos y de laboratorio, con el objetivo de valorar la efectividad de éstos como medio de predicción negativa de infección bacteriana severa (IBS, y así poder calificar un grupo como de bajo riesgo de IBS, y comparar estos criterios con los de Rochester aplicados a este mismo grupo de pacientes. La evaluación diagnóstica dio un valor predictivo negativo de 98,9 %. Con estos datos se conformó un test de evaluación que permitió calificar eficazmente a un grupo de pacientes como de bajo riesgo de IBS, al presentarse dentro de éstos sólo un caso con IBS, a diferencia de 40 casos en el grupo calificado como de alto riesgo. La comparación de los criterios de Rochester con los del presente trabajo destacó un saldo superior para los nuestros.229 febrile newborns with no signs of focalization in their initial evaluation were studied. A series of clinical and laboratory data was considered with the aim of assessing their effectiveness as a means of negative prediction of serious bacterial infection (SBI, and of qualifying a group as of low risk serious bacterial infection and comparing these criteria with those of Rochester applied to this same group of patients. The diagnostic evaluation showed a negative predictive value of 98,9 %. With these data it was possible to make an evaluation test which allowed the effective qualification of a group of patients as of low risk serious bacterial infection, taking into account that only a case of SBI was found among them, compared with 40 cases detected in the high risk group. On comparing Rochester's criteria with the ones included in the present paper, a higher balance was obtained for ours.

  6. Valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia en un paciente con edema pulmonar refractario

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandra I. de Zubiría


    Full Text Available La estenosis mitral usualmente es causada por fiebre reumática. A pesar de ser una patología poco frecuente en los países desarrollados, es prevalente en los países en vía de desarrollo, donde aproximadamente dos tercios de la población mundial vive, haciendo de esta condición, una enfermedad valvular común. Es importante considerar la estenosis mitral en el diagnóstico diferencial de los pacientes con edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico refractario y la valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia como el tratamiento definitivo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente femenino de 21 años, con edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico refractario, secundario a estenosis mitral muy severa de origen reumático, tratado con valvuloplastia percutánea con balón de urgencia. Se realiza una revisión sobre la estenosis mitral y se examina el tratamiento con especial énfasis en los casos publicados en la literatura de valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia.

  7. Maternal serum anti-Müllerian hormone in Sudanese women with preeclampsia. (United States)

    Agabain, Eiman; Mohamed, Hameed; Elsheikh, Anas E; Hamdan, Hamdan Z; Adam, Ishag


    A case-control study was conducted at Omdurman Maternity Tertiary Hospital, Sudan, during the period from May to August 2014 to investigate AMH level in women with preeclampsia compared to healthy controls. The cases were women with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women were the controls. The obstetrics and medical history was gathered using a questionnaire. AMH level was measured using ELISA. There was no significant difference between the two groups (40 in each arm of the study) in the age, parity and gestational age. Thirty-three of the 40 cases were patients with severe preeclampsia. There was no significant difference in median inter-quartile of the AMH level between the women with preeclampsia and the controls [0.700 (0.225-1.500) vs. 0.700 (0.400-1.275) ng/ml, P = 0.967]. In a linear regression model there was no association between the log of AMH and age, parity, gestational age, BMI, hemoglobin level and preeclampsia.

  8. The role of nitrates in the prevention of preeclampsia: an update. (United States)

    Kalidindi, Madhavi; Velauthar, Luxmi; Khan, Khalid; Aquilina, Joseph


    Defective nitric oxide synthesis and nitric oxide-mediated vasodilatation is widely documented in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia, a leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Several studies demonstrated the beneficial role of nitric oxide agents, especially glyceryl trinitrate and L-arginine in reducing the blood pressure and improving the uteroplacental blood flow velocities. However, there is insufficient evidence on the efficacy and safety of these agents in the prevention of preeclampsia and its complications, as there are very few randomized controlled trials with small number of women. The aim of this review is to summarize and evaluate the role of nitrates in the prevention of preeclampsia based on the available evidence in the literature till date and suggestions for future research. Supplementation with L-arginine and antioxidant vitamins reduced the incidence of preeclampsia in women at high risk of preeclampsia [P nitrates are needed in high-risk women to validate these findings.

  9. Potential Value of Coagulation Parameters for Suggesting Preeclampsia During the Third Trimester of Pregnancy. (United States)

    Chen, Ying; Lin, Li


    Preeclampsia is a relatively common complication of pregnancy and considered to be associated with different degrees of coagulation dysfunction. This study was developed to evaluate the potential value of coagulation parameters for suggesting preeclampsia during the third trimester of pregnancy. Data from 188 healthy pregnant women, 125 patients with preeclampsia in the third trimester and 120 age-matched nonpregnant women were analyzed. Prothrombin time, prothrombin activity, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen (Fg), antithrombin, platelet count, mean platelet volume, platelet distribution width and plateletcrit were tested. All parameters, excluding prothrombin time, platelet distribution width and plateletcrit, differed significantly between healthy pregnant women and those with preeclampsia. Platelet count, antithrombin and Fg were significantly lower and mean platelet volume and prothrombin activity were significantly higher in patients with preeclampsia (P preeclampsia was 0.872 for Fg with an optimal cutoff value of ≤2.87g/L (sensitivity = 0.68 and specificity = 0.98). For severe preeclampsia, the area under the curve for Fg reached up to 0.922 with the same optimal cutoff value (sensitivity = 0.84, specificity = 0.98, positive predictive value = 0.96 and negative predictive value = 0.93). Fg is a biomarker suggestive of preeclampsia in the third trimester of pregnancy, and our data provide a potential cutoff value of Fg ≤ 2.87g/L for screening preeclampsia, especially severe preeclampsia. Copyright © 2017 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Preeclampsia and Future Cardiovascular Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Wu, Pensée; Haththotuwa, Randula; Kwok, Chun Shing; Babu, Aswin; Kotronias, Rafail A; Rushton, Claire; Zaman, Azfar; Fryer, Anthony A; Kadam, Umesh; Chew-Graham, Carolyn A; Mamas, Mamas A


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disorder resulting in hypertension and multiorgan dysfunction. There is growing evidence that these effects persist after pregnancy. We aimed to systematically evaluate and quantify the evidence on the relationship between preeclampsia and the future risk of cardiovascular diseases. We studied the future risk of heart failure, coronary heart disease, composite cardiovascular disease, death because of coronary heart or cardiovascular disease, stroke, and stroke death after preeclampsia. A systematic search of MEDLINE and EMBASE was performed to identify relevant studies. We used random-effects meta-analysis to determine the risk. Twenty-two studies were identified with >6.4 million women including >258 000 women with preeclampsia. Meta-analysis of studies that adjusted for potential confounders demonstrated that preeclampsia was independently associated with an increased risk of future heart failure (risk ratio [RR], 4.19; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.09-8.38), coronary heart disease (RR, 2.50; 95% CI, 1.43-4.37), cardiovascular disease death (RR, 2.21; 95% CI, 1.83-2.66), and stroke (RR, 1.81; 95% CI, 1.29-2.55). Sensitivity analyses showed that preeclampsia continued to be associated with an increased risk of future coronary heart disease, heart failure, and stroke after adjusting for age (RR, 3.89; 95% CI, 1.83-8.26), body mass index (RR, 3.16; 95% CI, 1.41-7.07), and diabetes mellitus (RR, 4.19; 95% CI, 2.09-8.38). Preeclampsia is associated with a 4-fold increase in future incident heart failure and a 2-fold increased risk in coronary heart disease, stroke, and death because of coronary heart or cardiovascular disease. Our study highlights the importance of lifelong monitoring of cardiovascular risk factors in women with a history of preeclampsia. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  11. Imersão em água fria para o manejo da hipertermia severa


    Viveiros,Jacqueline de Paula; Meyer,Flávia; Kruel,Luiz Fernando Martins


    A incapacidade de dissipar o calor gerado pela atividade muscular prejudica o desempenho e aumenta a predisposição a lesões do organismo. A hipertermia severa induzida pelo esforço físico (HTE) prejudica a saúde e está associada à morbidade e mortalidade de indivíduos em diferentes atividades ocupacionais e atléticas. Estudos sobre a eficiência de métodos de resfriamento corporal têm recomendado a imersão em água fria para o tratamento da HTE. Sua utilização nos minutos iniciais pós-hipertemi...

  12. Effects of prenatal exposure to air pollution on preeclampsia in Shenzhen, China. (United States)

    Wang, Qiong; Zhang, Huanhuan; Liang, Qianhong; Knibbs, Luke D; Ren, Meng; Li, Changchang; Bao, Junzhe; Wang, Suhan; He, Yiling; Zhu, Lei; Wang, Xuemei; Zhao, Qingguo; Huang, Cunrui


    The impact of ambient air pollution on pregnant women is a concern in China. However, little is known about the association between air pollution and preeclampsia and the potential modifying effects of meteorological conditions have not been assessed. This study aimed to assess the effects of prenatal exposure to air pollution on preeclampsia, and to explore whether temperature and humidity modify the effects. We performed a retrospective cohort study based on 1.21 million singleton births from the birth registration system in Shenzhen, China, between 2005 and 2012. Daily average measurements of particulate matter air temperature (T), and dew point (T d ) were collected. Logistic regression models were performed to estimate associations between air pollution and preeclampsia during the first and second trimesters, and during the entire pregnancy. In each time window, we observed a positive gradient of increasing preeclampsia risk with increasing quartiles of PM 10 and SO 2 exposure. When stratified by T and T d in three categories (95th percentile), we found a significant interaction between PM 10 and T d on preeclampsia; the adverse effects of PM 10 increased with T d . During the entire pregnancy, there was a null association between PM 10 and preeclampsia under T d   95th percentile. We also found that air pollution effects on preeclampsia in autumn/winter seasons were stronger than those in the spring/summer. This is the first study to address modifying effects of meteorological factors on the association between air pollution and preeclampsia. Findings indicate that prenatal exposure to PM 10 and SO 2 increase preeclampsia risk in Shenzhen, China, and the effects could be modified by humidity. Pregnant women should limit air pollution exposure, particularly during humid periods. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. First-trimester screening for early and late preeclampsia using maternal characteristics, biomarkers, and estimated placental volume. (United States)

    Sonek, Jiri; Krantz, David; Carmichael, Jon; Downing, Cathy; Jessup, Karen; Haidar, Ziad; Ho, Shannon; Hallahan, Terrence; Kliman, Harvey J; McKenna, David


    Preeclampsia is a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. First-trimester screening has been shown to be effective in selecting patients at an increased risk for preeclampsia in some studies. We sought to evaluate the feasibility of screening for preeclampsia in the first trimester based on maternal characteristics, medical history, biomarkers, and placental volume. This is a prospective observational nonintervention cohort study in an unselected US population. Patients who presented for an ultrasound examination between 11-13+6 weeks' gestation were included. The following parameters were assessed and were used to calculate the risk of preeclampsia: maternal characteristics (demographic, anthropometric, and medical history), maternal biomarkers (mean arterial pressure, uterine artery pulsatility index, placental growth factor, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, and maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein), and estimated placental volume. After delivery, medical records were searched for the diagnosis of preeclampsia. Detection rates for early-onset preeclampsia (preeclampsia (≥34 weeks' gestation) for 5% and 10% false-positive rates using various combinations of markers were calculated. We screened 1288 patients of whom 1068 (82.99%) were available for analysis. In all, 46 (4.3%) developed preeclampsia, with 13 (1.22%) having early-onset preeclampsia and 33 (3.09%) having late-onset preeclampsia. Using maternal characteristics, serum biomarkers, and uterine artery pulsatility index, the detection rate of early-onset preeclampsia for either 5% or 10% false-positive rate was 85%. With the same protocol, the detection rates for preeclampsia with delivery preeclampsia were 15% and 48% for 5% and 10%, while for preeclampsia at ≥37 weeks' gestation the detection rates were 24% and 43%, respectively. The detection rates for late-onset preeclampsia and preeclampsia with delivery at >37 weeks' gestation were not improved by the addition of biomarkers. Screening

  14. [Perinatal result with conservative treatment in preeclampsia-eclampsia]. (United States)

    Briones-Garduño, Jesús Carlos; de León-Ponce, Manuel Díaz; González-Vargas, Angel; Briones-Vega, Carlos Gabriel


    Conservative treatment in severe preeclampsia has been documented by several authors citing significant improvement in neonatal outcome lacking a significant increase in maternal complications. Our objective was to inform of our preliminary results using protocolized conservative management in women with preeclampsia-eclampsia, favoring better neonate conditions. We included 34 patients with average age of 28.2 years with documented severe preeclampsia-eclampsia complicating a 36-weeks or less pregnancy, admitted in the obstetric intensive care unit (OICU) between October 2001 and February 2002. Patients received protocolized management consisting of intravascular colume expansion, anti-hypertensive control, target organ protection, monitoring, and clinical observation. We considered conservative management as a 24 or more period offered to patients with satisfactory response to medical treatment and no evidence of binomial compromise. Of our group, 85% corresponded to severe preeclampsia, 9% to eclampsia, 3% to imminence of eclampsia, and 3% to HELLP syndrome. Average stay in OICU was 5.5 days with 3.5 days average management before pregnancy was interrupted. These patients presented mean gestational age of 32.8 weeks during which we observed anemia, low platelets, D dimmer increments, MAP average of 112.8, PCOc 18.6, and BI 0.15. We obtained 36 live newborns of whom 12% four died, two were extremely immatures (510 g and 600 g, respectively); one 980-g newborn presented intraventricular hemorrhage, and a 1,450-g newborn had multiple organ failure. Conservative treatment in patients with severe preeclampsia-eclampsia is a feasible alternative in hospitals with an ICU. Conservative management can improve neonatal survival and prognosis in preterm newborns.

  15. Human chorionic gonadotropin, angiogenic factors, and preeclampsia risk: a nested case-control study. (United States)

    Asvold, Bjørn O; Eskild, Anne; Vatten, Lars J


    To study whether human chorionic gonadotropin concentrations during pregnancy or combinations of human chorionic gonadotropin and other angiogenic factors, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 and placental growth factor (PlGF), are associated with preeclampsia risk. Nested case-control study. Population cohort of pregnant women. A total of 121 cases of preterm (cases of term preeclampsia (≥37 weeks of gestation) and 356 women without preeclampsia (controls). Women with preeclampsia were identified by linkage to the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 and PlGF were measured in maternal serum samples collected in each trimester of pregnancy. Odds ratios of preterm and term preeclampsia. High human chorionic gonadotropin concentrations (highest quartile) in the first trimester were associated with reduced risk for preterm preeclampsia (OR 0.3, 95% CI 0.1-0.9), compared with low human chorionic gonadotropin (lowest quartile), whereas high human chorionic gonadotropin concentrations in the second trimester were associated with increased risk for preterm preeclampsia (OR 4.0, 95% CI 1.8-8.9). High human chorionic gonadotropin concentrations in the third trimester were associated with increased risk for term preeclampsia (OR 4.8, 95% CI 1.8-13.3). Concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin above the median value combined with PlGF below the median in the second trimester were associated with very high risk for preterm preeclampsia (OR 36.9, 95% CI 8.2-165.8). The results suggest an important role of human chorionic gonadotropin in the pathophysiological processes that lead to preeclampsia. The combined association of human chorionic gonadotropin and PlGF indicates a possible synergism between underlying biological pathways. © 2014 Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  16. The Relevance of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Development of Drugs to Combat Preeclampsia


    Ueki, Norikazu; Takeda, Satoru; Koya, Daisuke; Kanasaki, Keizo


    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that occurs during pregnancy. It has an unknown etiology and affects approximately 5?8% of pregnancies worldwide. The pathophysiology of preeclampsia is not yet known, and preeclampsia has been called ?a disease of theories.? The central symptom of preeclampsia is hypertension. However, the etiology of the hypertension is unknown. In this review, we analyze the molecular mechanisms of preeclampsia with a particular focus on the pathogenesis of the hyper...

  17. Circulating asymmetric dimethylarginine and the risk of preeclampsia: a meta-analysis based on 1338 participants. (United States)

    Yuan, Jing; Wang, Xinguo; Xie, Yudou; Wang, Yuzhi; Dong, Lei; Li, Hong; Zhu, Tongyu


    Patients with preeclampsia have higher circulating asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA). However, whether circulating ADMA is elevated before the diagnosis of preeclampsia has not been determined. A meta-analysis of observational studies that reported circulating ADMA level before the onset of preeclampsia was performed. Pubmed and Embase were searched. Standardized mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to estimate the differences in circulating ADMA. A random effect model or a fixed effect model was applied depending on the heterogeneity. The predictive efficacy of circulating ADMA for the incidence of preeclampsia was also explored. Eleven comparisons with 1338 pregnant women were included. The pooled results showed that the circulating ADMA was significantly higher in women who subsequently developed preeclampsia as compared with those did not (SMD: 0.71, p preeclampsia, and retrieved moderate predictive efficacy. Circulating ADMA is elevated before the development of preeclampsia. Studies are needed to evaluate the predictive efficacy of ADMA for the incidence of preeclampsia.

  18. Identificación y caracterización sindromológica desde la medicina tradicional china (MTC) del cuadro clínico de mujeres ingresadas al Hospital Gíneco-Obstétrico Isidro Ayora (HGOIA) y al Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín (HCAM) con diagnóstico biomédico de preeclampsia CIE10 O14


    Mena Echeverría, Fabián Eduardo


    Se estudiaron 30 casos de mujeres ingresadas con diagnóstico de preeclampsia en los hospitales Gíneco Obstétrico Isidro Ayora (HGOIA) y Carlos Andrade Marín (HCAM) de Quito, entre los meses de junio y septiembre de 2016, aplicando la historia clínica de medicina tradicional china ACUMOX, con el fin de identificar los síndromes de la medicina tradicional china (MTC) en estas 30 mujeres. El cuadro clínico de estas mujeres corresponde a 12 síndromes diferentes, desde la óptica de la MTC, de los ...

  19. Association of Polymorphism in Gene of Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPPA and Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nasrin Moghaddam


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia is a common disorder of pregnancy. Current study was conducted to determine the association of polymorphism in gene of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPPA and preeclampsia. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, 134 pregnant women were consecutively enrolled and the blood sampling was performed for genetic analysis in a single lab. Then the subjects were followed-up for preeclampsia and it was seen that 34 women developed preeclampsia and the polymorphism of PAPPA gene was compared between those with and without preeclampsia. Results: The results demonstrated that despite twice higher proportion of CC condition of PAPPA in those with preeclampsia in comparison with those with normal pregnancy, there was no significant difference between two groups (P > 0.05. Conclusions: Totally, according to the obtained results, it may be concluded that polymorphism of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A is not related to occurrence of preeclampsia in pregnant women.

  20. Severe preeclampsia and maternal self-report of oral health, hygiene, and dental care. (United States)

    Boggess, Kim A; Berggren, Erica K; Koskenoja, Viktoria; Urlaub, Diana; Lorenz, Carol


    Maternal periodontal disease diagnosed by a detailed oral health examination is associated with preeclampsia. Our objective was to measure the association between maternal self-report of oral symptoms/problems, oral hygiene practices, and/or dental service use before or during pregnancy and severe preeclampsia. A written questionnaire was administered to pregnant females at the time of prenatal ultrasound and outcomes were ascertained by chart abstraction. The χ(2) test compared maternal oral symptoms/problems, hygiene practices, and dental service use between females with severe preeclampsia versus normotensive females. Multivariable logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for severe preeclampsia. A total of 48 (10%) of 470 females reported ≥2 oral symptoms/problems in the 6 months before pregnancy and 77 (16%) since pregnancy. Fifty-one (11%) reported previous periodontal treatment. Twenty-eight (6%) of 470 developed severe preeclampsia. Females with a history of periodontal treatment were more likely to develop severe preeclampsia (aOR = 3.71; 95% CI = 1.40 to 9.83) than females without a history of periodontal treatment. Self-reported oral health symptoms/problems, oral hygiene practices, or dental service use before or during pregnancy were not associated with severe preeclampsia when considered in the context of other maternal risk factors. Maternal self-report of previous periodontal treatment before pregnancy is associated with severe preeclampsia.

  1. Cerebral Magnesium Levels in Preeclampsia; A Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study. (United States)

    Nelander, Maria; Weis, Jan; Bergman, Lina; Larsson, Anders; Wikström, Anna-Karin; Wikström, Johan


    Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is used as a prophylaxis for eclamptic seizures. The exact mechanism of action is not fully established. We used phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) to investigate if cerebral magnesium (Mg2+) levels differ between women with preeclampsia, normal pregnant, and nonpregnant women. This cross-sectional study comprised 28 women with preeclampsia, 30 women with normal pregnancies in corresponding gestational week (range: 23-41 weeks) and 11 nonpregnant healthy controls. All women underwent 31P-MRS from the parieto-occipital region of the brain and were interviewed about cerebral symptoms. Differences between groups were assessed by analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test. Correlations between Mg2+ levels and specific neurological symptoms were estimated with Spearman's rank test. Mean maternal cerebral Mg2+ levels were lower in women with preeclampsia (0.12 mM ± 0.02) compared to normal pregnant controls (0.14 mM ± 0.03) (P = 0.04). Nonpregnant and normal pregnant women did not differ in Mg2+ levels. Among women with preeclampsia, lower Mg2+ levels correlated with presence of visual disturbances (P = 0.04). Plasma levels of Mg2+ did not differ between preeclampsia and normal pregnancy. Women with preeclampsia have reduced cerebral Mg2+ levels, which could explain the potent antiseizure prophylactic properties of MgSO4. Within the preeclampsia group, women with visual disturbances have lower levels of Mg2+ than those without such symptoms. © American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd 2017. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Oxidative profiles of LDL and HDL isolated from women with preeclampsia. (United States)

    León-Reyes, G; Maida-Claros, R F; Urrutia-Medina, A X; Jorge-Galarza, E; Guzmán-Grenfell, A M; Fuentes-García, S; Medina-Navarro, R; Moreno-Eutimio, M A; Muñoz-Sánchez, J L; Hicks, J J; Torres-Ramos, Y D


    Oxidative stress causes biochemical changes in lipids and proteins; these changes can induce damage to the vascular endothelium and create maternal complications that are characteristic of preeclampsia. In this study, we evaluated the oxidative profile of lipoproteins isolated from women with preeclampsia. Thirty women diagnosed with preeclampsia and thirty women without preeclampsia were included in the study. Lipid-damage biomarkers, including conjugated dienes, lipohydroperoxides and malondialdehyde, were measured. The reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium, the formation of dityrosines, and the carbonylation of proteins were assessed as indicators of protein damage. The protective activity of HDL-c was evaluated by the paraoxonase-I activity present on the HDL-c particles. Serum lipid profiles were also quantified in both groups. Data were analysed using Student's t test and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Our results demonstrated in PE women evident oxidative changes in the lipids and proteins in HDL-c and LDL-c particles and the activity of the antioxidant enzyme PON-I decreased 59.9%. HDL-c exhibited self-defence, as demonstrated by the negative correlation between paraoxonase-I activity and the formation of lipohydroperoxides in HDL-c (r = -0.3755, p preeclampsia show oxidative damage to lipids and proteins. We propose an oxidative profile based on the oxidation levels indicated by each of the markers used. We also found that paraoxonase-I is inactivated in the presence of lipohydroperoxides. Antioxidant support might be helpful to reduce oxidative stress in patients with preeclampsia. Further investigations are necessary to define the association between antioxidant activities and preeclampsia.

  3. Blood lead and preeclampsia: A meta-analysis and review of implications. (United States)

    Poropat, Arthur E; Laidlaw, Mark A S; Lanphear, Bruce; Ball, Andrew; Mielke, Howard W


    Multiple cross-sectional studies suggest that there is an association between blood lead and preeclampsia. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarize information on the association between preeclampsia and lead poisoning. Searches of Medline, Web of Science, Scopus, Pubmed, Science Direct and ProQuest (dissertations and theses) identified 2089 reports, 46 of which were downloaded after reviewing the abstracts, and 11 studies were evaluated as meeting the selection criteria. Evaluation using the ROBINS-I template (Sterne, et al., 2016), indicated moderate risk of bias in all studies. We found that blood lead concentrations were significantly and substantially associated with preeclampsia (k = 12; N = 6069; Cohen's d = 1.26; odds ratio = 9.81; odds ratio LCL = 8.01; odds ratio UCL = 12.02; p = 0.005). Eliminating one study produced a homogeneous meta-analysis and stronger estimates, despite the remaining studies coming from eight separate countries and having countervailing risks of bias. Blood lead concentrations in pregnant women are a major risk factor for preeclampsia, with an increase of 1μg/dL associated with a 1.6% increase in likelihood of preeclampsia, which appears to be the strongest risk factor for preeclampsia yet reported. Pregnant women with historical lead exposure should routinely have blood lead concentrations tested, especially after mid-term. Women with concentrations higher than 5μg/dL should be actively monitored for preeclampsia and be advised to take prophylactic calcium supplementation. All pregnant women should be advised to actively avoid lead exposure. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Diagnostic criteria and reporting procedures for pre-eclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klemmensen, Ase K; Olsen, Sjurdur F.; Wengel, Christina M


    OBJECTIVE: A precondition for the rational use of obstetric databases in biomedical research is detailed knowledge on how data are being generated. We identified the diagnostic procedures and criteria for pre-eclampsia (PE) and assessed the level of obstetric training of the personnel responsible...... of pregnancy diagnoses to the National Patient Registry differed widely in training. For complicated pregnancies, departments ranged from having only specialists reporting all cases to secretaries reporting up to 50%. Cut off limits of blood pressure (BP) and protein loss used to diagnose pre-eclampsia showed...... large differences across departments. The diagnoses given to three case stories showed little correlation to the criteria the departments reported using. CONCLUSION: Even in a small country like Denmark with 34 obstetrical departments, there was little consensus on the diagnostic criteria for pre-eclampsia...

  5. Preeclampsia and its interaction with common variants in thrombophilia genes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Maat, M. P. M.; Jansen, M. W. J. C.; Hille, E. T. M.; Vos, H. L.; Bloemenkamp, K. W. M.; Buitendijk, S.; Helmerhorst, F. M.; Wladimiroff, J. W.; Bertina, R. M.; de Groot, C. J. M.


    Recently, it has been proposed that abnormalities in coagulation and fibrinolysis contribute to the development of preeclampsia by increasing the thrombotic tendency. This hypothesis was tested in women who have had preeclampsia (cases) compared with matched controls. Polymorphisms in the

  6. Neurodesarrollo en recién nacidos ventilados con menos de 1 500 gramos

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    Gerardo Robaina Castellanos


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo longitudinal a través del seguimiento del neurodesarrollo durante los 2 primeros años de edad corregida en 86 recién nacidos de muy bajo peso al nacer, egresados del Hospital Ginecoobstétrico "Ramón González Coro" de Ciudad de La Habana, entre diciembre de 1988 y agosto de 1993, con el objetivo de evaluar el neurodesarrollo en recién nacidos de muy bajo peso ventilados. Se conformaron 2 grupos de estudio: a Ventilados (26 pacientes y b No ventilados (60 pacientes, entre los que no existían diferencias con respecto a sexo, peso, edad gestacional, pero sí en cuanto al puntaje de Apgar y correspondieron los valores más bajos de éste a los ventilados. No hubo diferencias entre ambos grupos de estudio con respecto a la evolución del neurodesarrollo, pero se detectó una mayor proporción de secuelas neurológicas severas en el grupo de ventilados con relación a los no ventilados (19,2 vs 1,7 %. Las alteraciones del neurodesarrollo más frecuentemente encontradas en los ventilados fueron dentro de las ligeras: la hiperactividad, las alteraciones reflejas, los trastornos transitorios del tono muscular y el retraso ligero del lenguaje. De las alteraciones severas la parálisis cerebral espástica fue la secuela más frecuentemente observada (11,5 %. Se concluye que la ventilación mecánica en sí no parece asociarse con un mayor índice de secuelas del neurodesarrollo en recién nacidos de muy bajo peso, aunque parece actuar como un factor agravante de las lesiones ya establecidas en los casos con depresión severa al nacer.An analytical, prospective and longitudinal study was conducted by following up the neurodevelopment during the first 2 years of corrected age of 86 newborn infants with very low birth weight that were discharged from "Ramon Gonzalez Coro" Gynecoobstetric Hospital between December, l988, and August, 1993. The objective of this study was to evaluate the neurodevelopment in

  7. The Relevance of the Renin-Angiotensin System in the Development of Drugs to Combat Preeclampsia

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    Norikazu Ueki


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that occurs during pregnancy. It has an unknown etiology and affects approximately 5–8% of pregnancies worldwide. The pathophysiology of preeclampsia is not yet known, and preeclampsia has been called “a disease of theories.” The central symptom of preeclampsia is hypertension. However, the etiology of the hypertension is unknown. In this review, we analyze the molecular mechanisms of preeclampsia with a particular focus on the pathogenesis of the hypertension in preeclampsia and its association with the renin-angiotensin system. In addition, we propose potential alternative strategies to target the renin-angiotensin system, which is enhanced during pregnancy.

  8. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta; respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional: de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación. Palabras claves: Pseudoaneurisma, Infarto del Miocardio, Diabetes.

  9. Impact of road traffic pollution on pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Marie; Halldorsson, Thorhallur I.; Olsen, Sjurdur F.


    addresses. Outcome and covariate data were derived from registries, hospital records, and questionnaires. RESULTS: A 10-µg/m increase in NO2 exposure during first trimester was associated with increased risk of preeclampsia (n=1,880, adjusted odds ratio = 1.07 [95% confidence interval = 1.01 to 1.......14]) and pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders (n=2,430, 1.07 [1.01 to 1.13]). A 10-dBhigher road traffic noise was also associated with increased risk of preeclampsia (1.10 [1.02 to 1.18]) and pregnancy-induced hypertensive disorders (1.08 [1.02 to 1.15]). For both exposures the associations were strongest...... for mild preeclampsia (n=1,393) and early-onset preeclampsia (n=671) while higher risk for severe preeclampsia(n=487) was not evident. In mutually adjusted models estimates for both exposures decreased and only the association between NO2 and mild preeclampsia remained. CONCLUSIONS: Road traffic may...

  10. Review: hCG, Preeclampsia and Regulatory T cells


    Norris, Wendy; Nevers, Tania; Sharma, Surendra; Kalkunte, Satyan


    Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is crucial for successful pregnancy. Its many functions include angiogenesis and immune regulation. Despite years of research, the etiology of preeclampsia remains unknown. Marked by insufficient trophoblast invasion and poor spiral artery remodeling, preeclampsia has also been linked to immune dysregulation. Here we discuss the roles of hCG in the context of endovascular cross-talk between trophoblasts and endothelial cells and immune tolerance. We propose ...

  11. High-Density Lipoprotein Cholosterol May Discriminate Mild and Severe Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esra Can


    CONCLUSIONS: Blood HDL cholesterol levels measured at delivery were reduced in patients with preeclampsia, and patients with reduced levels of HDL cholesterol had a substantially higher probability of the disease severity in comparision to those with mild preeclampsia or those controls.

  12. Elevated Adenosine Induces Placental DNA Hypomethylation Independent of A2B Receptor Signaling in Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Huang, Aji; Wu, Hongyu; Iriyama, Takayuki; Zhang, Yujin; Sun, Kaiqi; Song, Anren; Liu, Hong; Peng, Zhangzhe; Tang, Lili; Lee, Minjung; Huang, Yun; Ni, Xin; Kellems, Rodney E; Xia, Yang


    Preeclampsia is a prevalent pregnancy hypertensive disease with both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Emerging evidence indicates that global placental DNA hypomethylation is observed in patients with preeclampsia and is linked to altered gene expression and disease development. However, the molecular basis underlying placental epigenetic changes in preeclampsia remains unclear. Using 2 independent experimental models of preeclampsia, adenosine deaminase-deficient mice and a pathogenic autoantibody-induced mouse model of preeclampsia, we demonstrate that elevated placental adenosine not only induces hallmark features of preeclampsia but also causes placental DNA hypomethylation. The use of genetic approaches to express an adenosine deaminase minigene specifically in placentas, or adenosine deaminase enzyme replacement therapy, restored placental adenosine to normal levels, attenuated preeclampsia features, and abolished placental DNA hypomethylation in adenosine deaminase-deficient mice. Genetic deletion of CD73 (an ectonucleotidase that converts AMP to adenosine) prevented the elevation of placental adenosine in the autoantibody-induced preeclampsia mouse model and ameliorated preeclampsia features and placental DNA hypomethylation. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that elevated placental adenosine-mediated DNA hypomethylation predominantly occurs in spongiotrophoblasts and labyrinthine trophoblasts and that this effect is independent of A2B adenosine receptor activation in both preeclampsia models. Extending our mouse findings to humans, we used cultured human trophoblasts to demonstrate that adenosine functions intracellularly and induces DNA hypomethylation without A2B adenosine receptor activation. Altogether, both mouse and human studies reveal novel mechanisms underlying placental DNA hypomethylation and potential therapeutic approaches for preeclampsia. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  13. New Insights into the Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Espino Y Sosa, Salvador; Flores-Pliego, Arturo; Espejel-Nuñez, Aurora; Medina-Bastidas, Diana; Vadillo-Ortega, Felipe; Zaga-Clavellina, Veronica; Estrada-Gutierrez, Guadalupe


    Preeclampsia is a severe pregnancy complication globally, characterized by poor placentation triggering vascular dysfunction. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) exhibit proteolytic activity implicated in the efficiency of trophoblast invasion to the uterine wall, and a dysregulation of these enzymes has been linked to preeclampsia. A decrease in MMP-2 and MMP-9 interferes with the normal remodeling of spiral arteries at early pregnancy stages, leading to the initial pathophysiological changes observed in preeclampsia. Later in pregnancy, an elevation in MMP-2 and MMP-9 induces abnormal release of vasoactive factors conditioning hypertension. Although these two enzymes lead the scene, other MMPs like MMP-1 and MMP-14 seem to have a role in this pathology. This review gathers published recent evidence about the implications of different MMPs in preeclampsia, and the potential use of these enzymes as emergent biomarkers and biological therapeutic targets, focusing on studies involving human subjects.

  14. Ophthalmic artery color Doppler ultrasonography in mild-to-moderate preeclampsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayaz, Tunahan; Akansel, Gur.; Hayirlioglu, Alper; Arslan, Arzu; Suer, Necdet; Kuru, Ihsan


    Objective: To evaluate the hemodynamic changes in mild-moderate preeclampsia using ophthalmic artery Doppler ultrasonography technique. Methods: Ophthalmic artery pulsatility and resistivity indices were calculated in 30 mild-moderate preeclamptic women and 30 normotensive gravid women of matched gestational age. Student's t-test was performed to test the significance of difference. Results: Both indices of peripheral resistance were found to be significantly lower in the ophthalmic arteries of mild-moderately preeclamptic women than those measured in normotensive gravid women at similar stage of pregnancy. In a small number patients whose disease progressed to severe preeclampsia, both indices increased. Conclusion: In patients with mild-moderate preeclampsia, ophthalmic artery color Doppler ultrasonography detects hemodynamic changes that are not present in normotensive gravid women. Reversal of Doppler patterns in a small number of patients with progressive disease supports the hypotheses suggesting the presence of early vasodilation and late vasospasm in the etiology of preeclampsia

  15. New Insights into the Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Preeclampsia

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    Salvador Espino Y. Sosa


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a severe pregnancy complication globally, characterized by poor placentation triggering vascular dysfunction. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs exhibit proteolytic activity implicated in the efficiency of trophoblast invasion to the uterine wall, and a dysregulation of these enzymes has been linked to preeclampsia. A decrease in MMP-2 and MMP-9 interferes with the normal remodeling of spiral arteries at early pregnancy stages, leading to the initial pathophysiological changes observed in preeclampsia. Later in pregnancy, an elevation in MMP-2 and MMP-9 induces abnormal release of vasoactive factors conditioning hypertension. Although these two enzymes lead the scene, other MMPs like MMP-1 and MMP-14 seem to have a role in this pathology. This review gathers published recent evidence about the implications of different MMPs in preeclampsia, and the potential use of these enzymes as emergent biomarkers and biological therapeutic targets, focusing on studies involving human subjects.

  16. Prediction of the preeclampsia: a view of biochemical markers

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    Mehmet Sühha Bostancı


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a diverse, multiorgan group of related disease processes that occurs in up to 5%-8% of pregnancies after 20 weeks’ gestation and it is one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Many molecular mechanisms are contributed to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Although it is unknown whether the mechanisms act independently or have synergistic effects. This review describes review of primary papers investigating blood based biomarker such as PAP-A, Inhibin A, sFlt1, and PP13 in general and first trimester biochemical markers and combinations of them specifically for preeclampsia.


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    Ratna Bulusu


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Preeclampsia is a pregnancy specific disorder commonly defined as de novo hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestational age. It occurs in 3-5% of pregnancies and is still a major cause of both foetal and maternal morbidity and mortality worldwide. One of the most serious and dreaded complication of preeclampsia is abruptio placentae. Placental separation from its implantation site before delivery of the foetus has been called abruption placentae or accidental haemorrhage. Various studies have shown that there is 2-2.5 fold increase in incidence of abruption in hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. The aim of the study is to study the incidence of abruptio placentae in women with preeclampsia. MATERIALS AND METHODS 100 pregnant women with preeclampsia attending the antenatal OPD as well as admitted to the antenatal ward and labour room fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. The incidence of abruption placenta among these 100 women was studied. RESULTS Among the 100 women with preeclampsia enrolled in the study, abruptio placentae was noted in 14 women (14%. Maternal complications were seen in the form of anaemia (78.57%, need for blood transfusion (57.14%, shock (28.57%, postpartum haemorrhage (14.28% and puerperal sepsis (7.14%. Perinatal complications were seen in the form of low birth weight (57.14%, prematurity (35.71%, NICU admission (71.43% and intrauterine death (28.57%. CONCLUSION Abruptio placentae affects approximately 1% of all deliveries. However, the incidence significantly increases in cases of preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Association of abruptio placentae in cases of preeclampsia varies from 10-50%. In our study, incidence of abruption placenta in preeclampsia is 14%.

  18. Ayudas externas para mejorar la independencia en personas con discapacidad visual

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    Héctor Darío Escobar Gómez

    Full Text Available En los últimos años se ha incrementado la investigación con respecto al desarrollo de ayudas que mejoren la independencia de los discapacitados visuales. El propósito de esta revisión es determinar la evidencia científica relacionada con ayudas externas para mejorar la independencia en personas con discapacidad visual severa o ceguera. Para efectuar el trabajo fueron consultadas las bases de datos de PubMed, Cochrane Database-Wiley Online Library, LILACS y Scielo, además de las publicaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el Instituto Nacional de Ciegos en Colombia, el Consejo Internacional de Oftalmología y los patrones preferidos de práctica en rehabilitación visual, de la Academia Americana de Oftalmología. Se incluyó un total de 43 artículos y documentos en los idiomas inglés, portugués y español para ser analizados. La mayoría de estos estudios fueron descriptivos, y no se encontraron ensayos controlados ni metanálisis. La tendencia observada es hacia ayudas tecnológicas con un diseño dirigido al usuario y cada vez más pequeñas, discretas, con múltiples funciones que comprenden sus actividades de la vida diaria.

  19. Maternal serum copeptin concentrations in early- and late-onset pre-eclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abdullah Tuten


    Conclusion: Our results suggest that copeptin levels might be useful in the evaluation of the severity of pre-eclampsia. However, copeptin might be involved in early- rather than late-onset pre-eclampsia.

  20. Circulatory nucleosome levels are significantly increased in early and late-onset preeclampsia. (United States)

    Zhong, Xiao Yan; Gebhardt, Stefan; Hillermann, Renate; Tofa, Kashefa Carelse; Holzgreve, Wolfgang; Hahn, Sinuhe


    Elevations in circulatory DNA, as measured by real-time PCR, have been observed in pregnancies with manifest preeclampsia. Recent reports have indicated that circulatory nucleosome levels are elevated in the periphery of cancer patients. We have now examined whether circulatory nucleosome levels are similarly elevated in cases with preeclampsia. Maternal plasma samples were prepared from 17 cases with early onset preeclampsia (34 weeks gestation) with 10 matched normotensive controls. Levels of circulatory nucleosomes were quantified by commercial ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay). The level of circulatory nucleosomes was significantly elevated in both study preeclampsia groups, compared to the matched normotensive control group (p = 0.000 and p = 0.001, respectively). Our data suggests that preeclampsia is associated with the elevated presence of circulatory nucleosomes, and that this phenomenon occurs in both early- and late-onset forms of the disorder. Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Robust early pregnancy prediction of later preeclampsia using metabolomic biomarkers.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kenny, Louise C


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome that causes substantial maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The etiology is incompletely understood, and there is no clinically useful screening test. Current metabolomic technologies have allowed the establishment of metabolic signatures of preeclampsia in early pregnancy. Here, a 2-phase discovery\\/validation metabolic profiling study was performed. In the discovery phase, a nested case-control study was designed, using samples obtained at 15+\\/-1 weeks\\' gestation from 60 women who subsequently developed preeclampsia and 60 controls taking part in the prospective Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints cohort study. Controls were proportionally population matched for age, ethnicity, and body mass index at booking. Plasma samples were analyzed using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. A multivariate predictive model combining 14 metabolites gave an odds ratio for developing preeclampsia of 36 (95% CI: 12 to 108), with an area under the receiver operator characteristic curve of 0.94. These findings were then validated using an independent case-control study on plasma obtained at 15+\\/-1 weeks from 39 women who subsequently developed preeclampsia and 40 similarly matched controls from a participating center in a different country. The same 14 metabolites produced an odds ratio of 23 (95% CI: 7 to 73) with an area under receiver operator characteristic curve of 0.92. The finding of a consistent discriminatory metabolite signature in early pregnancy plasma preceding the onset of preeclampsia offers insight into disease pathogenesis and offers the tantalizing promise of a robust presymptomatic screening test.

  2. Robust Early Pregnancy Prediction of Later Preeclampsia Using Metabolomic Biomarkers.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Kenny, Louise C


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome that causes substantial maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The etiology is incompletely understood, and there is no clinically useful screening test. Current metabolomic technologies have allowed the establishment of metabolic signatures of preeclampsia in early pregnancy. Here, a 2-phase discovery\\/validation metabolic profiling study was performed. In the discovery phase, a nested case-control study was designed, using samples obtained at 15±1 weeks\\' gestation from 60 women who subsequently developed preeclampsia and 60 controls taking part in the prospective Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints cohort study. Controls were proportionally population matched for age, ethnicity, and body mass index at booking. Plasma samples were analyzed using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. A multivariate predictive model combining 14 metabolites gave an odds ratio for developing preeclampsia of 36 (95% CI: 12 to 108), with an area under the receiver operator characteristic curve of 0.94. These findings were then validated using an independent case-control study on plasma obtained at 15±1 weeks from 39 women who subsequently developed preeclampsia and 40 similarly matched controls from a participating center in a different country. The same 14 metabolites produced an odds ratio of 23 (95% CI: 7 to 73) with an area under receiver operator characteristic curve of 0.92. The finding of a consistent discriminatory metabolite signature in early pregnancy plasma preceding the onset of preeclampsia offers insight into disease pathogenesis and offers the tantalizing promise of a robust presymptomatic screening test.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Pre-eclampsia (PE) is multisystem and multifactorial complication of pregnancy. The precise cause of pre-eclampsia has not been determined but mal adoption of the rennin and angiotensinogen (AGT) system may play a role. The products of genes involving the components of this system may be potential candidates for pre-eclampsia and hypertension related to pregnancy. This study was designed to determine whether the M235T variants of AGT gene were associated with the prevalence of pre-eclampsia and also to evaluate the role of plasma AGT in the development of the disease. Hence, developed, rapid and reliable PCR based assay was used to screen individuals for the M235T alleles. This assay was also used to genotype prospectively both recruited pregnant women with pre-eclampsia (n=24) and controls (n=11). Plasma AGT was determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The results of the PCR based assay revealed a significant association of 235T allele with the prevalence of all pre-eclamptic patients, Chi-square (x2) = 3.714, P 0.05). Also, pre-eclamptic women exhibited significant higher levels of plasma AGT (52.15 ± 1.63) versus controls (44.76 ± 4.6) with P value < 0.001. This gave clear evidence that T235T allele and plasma AGT contributed to the development of pre-eclampsia with pregnancy and correlated with severity of the disease

  4. Combination of serum angiopoietin-2 and uterine artery Doppler for prediction of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Puttapitakpong, Ploynin; Phupong, Vorapong


    The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of the combination of serum angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) levels and uterine artery Doppler for the detection of preeclampsia in women at 16-18 weeks of gestation and to identify other pregnancy complications that could be predicted with these combined tests. Maternal serum Ang-2 levels were measured, and uterine artery Doppler was performed in 400 pregnant women. The main outcome was preeclampsia. The predictive values of this combination were calculated. Twenty-five women (6.3%) developed preeclampsia. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of uterine artery Doppler combined with serum Ang-2 levels for the prediction of preeclampsia were 24.0%, 94.4%, 22.2% and 94.9%, respectively. For the prediction of early-onset preeclampsia, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV were 57.1%, 94.1%, 14.8% and 99.2%, respectively. Patients with abnormal uterine artery Doppler and abnormal serum Ang-2 levels (above 19.5 ng ml(-1)) were at higher risk for preterm delivery (relative risk=2.7, 95% confidence interval 1.2-5.8). Our findings revealed that the combination of uterine artery Doppler and serum Ang-2 levels at 16-18 weeks of gestation can be used to predict early-onset preeclampsia but not overall preeclampsia. Thus, this combination may be a useful early second trimester screening test for the prediction of early-onset preeclampsia.

  5. Deficiencia congénita de proteína C en un recién nacido con trombosis y necrosis de tejidos extensa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bárbara Acosta Batista

    Full Text Available Uno de los trastornos hematológicos más graves del período neonatal es la deficiencia congénita de proteína C, de presentación muy rara, y causa de enfermedad tromboembólica severa y púrpura fulminante en recién nacidos. Se puede sintetizar como una entidad clínico-patológica, de aparición aguda, con trombosis de la vasculatura de la dermis, lo cual conduce a necrosis hemorrágica y progresiva de la piel, asociada a coagulación intravascular diseminada y hemorragia perivascular, que ocurre en el período neonatal. El paciente presentado exhibe los elementos clínico-patológicos que caracterizan la púrpura fulminante, cuyo origen se debe a una deficiencia hereditaria de proteína C, lo cual condujo a la aparición de complicaciones trombóticas severas.

  6. Serum Leptin Measured in Early Pregnancy Is Higher in Women With Preeclampsia Compared With Normotensive Pregnant Women

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taylor, Brandie; Ness, Roberta B; Olsen, Jørn


    Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, plays an important role in reproduction and angiogenesis. Studies examining leptin in preeclampsia are inconsistent, possibly because of small sample sizes and variability in sampling and outcome. We conducted a nested case-control study to examine associations...... between serum leptin (measured: 9-26 weeks gestation) and preeclampsia among 430 primiparous preeclamptic women and 316 primiparous normotensive controls from the Danish National Birth Cohort. Median (interquartile range) leptin concentrations were calculated. Associations between leptin and preeclampsia...... (blood pressure ≥140/90 mm Hg), term preeclampsia (preeclampsia and delivery ≥37 weeks gestation), or preterm preeclampsia (preeclampsia and delivery

  7. Subfecundity as a correlate of preeclampsia: A study within the Danish National Birth Cohort

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Basso, Olga; Weinberg, Clarice R.; Baird, Donna D.


    A long interpregnancy interval is associated with preeclampsia. If some women experiencing a long interval between births had difficulty conceiving, subfecundity and preeclampsia may share a common etiology. Therefore, the authors examined the association between subfecundity and preeclampsia. By...

  8. Ethical issues related to screening for Preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Jennifer M.; Hedley, Paula L.; Gjerris, Mickey


    The implementation of new methods of treating and preventing disease raises many question of both technical and moral character. Currently, many studies focus on developing a screening test for preeclampsia (PE), a disease complicating 2–8% of pregnancies, potentially causing severe consequences...... feasibility and clinical efficacy, it also requires an analysis of how the test influences the conditions and choices for those tested. This study evaluates state-of-the-art techniques for preeclampsia screening in an ethical framework, pointing out the central areas of moral relevance within the context...

  9. Enfermedad periodontal: ¿es factor de riesgo para parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia? Periodontal disease: is it a risk factor for premature labor, low birth weight or preeclampsia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Castaldi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Evaluar si la enfermedad periodontal (EP constituye un factor de riesgo de parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia y si hay alguna relación entre las formas clínicas de la EP y los resultados obstétricos mencionados. MÉTODOS: Estudio analítico, transversal y prospectivo de todas las mujeres que tuvieron su parto en el Hospital Dr. José Penna, de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, entre el 1.º de febrero y el 18 de julio de 2003 y entre el 1.º de marzo y el 31 de mayo de 2004. A las mujeres que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión (ser mayor de 18 años, tener al menos 18 dientes, no ser diabética y que los hijos hubieran sobrevivido al parto se les practicó un examen odontológico en busca de hemorragia al sondaje, movilidad dentaria o inflamación gingival y se realizaron mediciones clínicas de la pérdida de inserción. Se calcularon las razones de posibilidades (odds ratios, RP con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95% y se ajustaron los resultados por las variables "ser fumadora" y "tener anemia". RESULTADOS: Se registraron 2 003 nacimientos, correspondientes a 1 982 partos. Se excluyeron 420 (21,2% mujeres por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión o por no poder realizárseles el diagnóstico odontológico previsto. De las 1 562 mujeres evaluadas, 809 (51,8% presentaban alguna de las afecciones buscadas; de ellas, 274 (17,5% padecían EP grave y 535 (34,3% tenían gingivitis. En total, 149 (9,5% partos fueron pretérmino, en 161 (10,3% nacieron niños con bajo peso y en 157 (10,0% se presentaron casos de preeclampsia. No se observó asociación alguna entre la EP y el parto pretérmino (RP = 1,06; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,50, el bajo peso al nacer (RP = 1,05; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,47 y la preeclampsia (RP = 0,99; IC95%: 0,70 a 1,40. El riesgo de dar a luz un niño con bajo peso al nacer en el subgrupo de fumadoras de más de 10 cigarrillos diarios fue mayor en las que tenían enfermedad periodontal grave que

  10. Calidad de vida del cuidador familiar y dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la relación entre la calidad de vida del cuidador familiar y el grado de dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer. Es un estudio descriptivo correlacional, de corte transversal, con abordaje cuantitativo. Participaron 192 cuidadores familiares de pacientes con Alzheimer pertenecientes al programa Cuidado a Cuidadores® de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, la Fundación Acción Familiar Alzheimer Colombia y la Asociación Colombiana de Alzheimer. Se aplicaron el instrumento "Calidad de vida versión familiar" de Betty Ferrell, quien define la calidad de vida desde las dimensiones física, psicológica, social y espiritual, y el Índice de Barthel (IB, que mide el grado de dependencia funcional del paciente. La calidad de vida general de los cuidadores obtuvo una puntuación media. El bienestar físico y espiritual presentó una tendencia positiva, mientras que el bienestar psicológico y social de este grupo poblacional mostró una tendencia negativa con riesgo de alteración a futuro. El grado de dependencia funcional del paciente con Alzheimer se encontró en dependencia total a severa, con mayor compromiso en actividades de aseo y arreglo personal. En el estudio no se encontró correlación estadística entre la calidad de vida y el grado de dependencia del paciente con Alzheimer.

  11. Ophthalmic artery color Doppler ultrasonography in mild-to-moderate preeclampsia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayaz, Tunahan; Akansel, Gur. E-mail:; Hayirlioglu, Alper; Arslan, Arzu; Suer, Necdet; Kuru, Ihsan


    Objective: To evaluate the hemodynamic changes in mild-moderate preeclampsia using ophthalmic artery Doppler ultrasonography technique. Methods: Ophthalmic artery pulsatility and resistivity indices were calculated in 30 mild-moderate preeclamptic women and 30 normotensive gravid women of matched gestational age. Student's t-test was performed to test the significance of difference. Results: Both indices of peripheral resistance were found to be significantly lower in the ophthalmic arteries of mild-moderately preeclamptic women than those measured in normotensive gravid women at similar stage of pregnancy. In a small number patients whose disease progressed to severe preeclampsia, both indices increased. Conclusion: In patients with mild-moderate preeclampsia, ophthalmic artery color Doppler ultrasonography detects hemodynamic changes that are not present in normotensive gravid women. Reversal of Doppler patterns in a small number of patients with progressive disease supports the hypotheses suggesting the presence of early vasodilation and late vasospasm in the etiology of preeclampsia.

  12. Association of Homocysteine, Vitamin and Blood Factors with Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M Nadafi


    Full Text Available Introduction & Objective: Preeclampsia is a disease with worldwide importance to mothers and infants, where it accounts for 20–80% of the strikingly increased maternal mortality. The lack of enzymes added to the homocysteine metabolism or the cofactors necessary for its metabolism (folate, B6 vitamin, B12 vitamin cause hyperhomocysteinemia. Abnormal serum lipid profiles such as cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyceride are associated with endothelial dysfunction. Recently high levels of B-HCG have been identified as a potential marker for developing preeclampsia. The purpose of this study was to identify the possible association of homocysteine, vitamin and some serum factors levels with preeclampsia in pregnant women. Materials and Methods: A case control study was performed prospectively on normotensive healthy pregnant women (80 and pregnant women diagnosed with preeclampsia (80 referring to Imam Sadjad hospital in Yasuj, between September 2004 to August 2005. In addition to the obstetric evaluation and laboratory examination in the 3rd trimester of gestation, blood samples were taken from all cases for homocysteine and vitamin B12, folic acid, triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, B-HCG analysis. The samples were evaluated by Immunoassay (ELISA. Univariant and logistic regression analyses were used to identify predictors of outcomes. Results: The mean plasma level of total homocysteine was significantly higher in preeclamptic women compared with normal pregnancy(p0.05. Triglyceride and cholesterol levels were significantly higher in preeclamptic women compared with normal pregnant women(p<0/05. LDL and HDL levels were not correlated with preeclampsia. There was no significant association between preeclampsia and B-HCG levels. Conclusion: Homocysteine, triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations increase in preeclampsia but decrease of vitamin B12 and folic acid levels was not observed in preeclampsia. LDL, HDL and B-HCG levels were not

  13. Activation of peripheral leukocytes in rat pregnancy and experimental preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Faas, MM; Schuiling, GA; Linton, EA; Sargent, IL; Redman, CWG

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to search for activation markers of peripheral leukocytes in experimental preeclampsia in the rat. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental preeclampsia was induced in 14-day-pregnant rats by infusion of endotoxin (1.0 mu g/kg body weight). For comparison, rats with normal

  14. Massive vulvar edema in a woman with severe preeclampsia. A ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We report a case of massive vulvar edema in a 20 years old primigravida woman with severe preeclampsia at 32 weeks gestation. Other causes of vulvar edema were excluded. The vulvar edema appeared as the blood pressure increased, and cesarean section was performed for increasing preeclampsia and fetal distress.

  15. Maternal Factors and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Women with Preeclampsia in Maceió, Alagoas. (United States)

    de Oliveira, Alane Cabral Menezes; Santos, Arianne Albuquerque; Bezerra, Alexandra Rodrigues; de Barros, Amanda Maria Rocha; Tavares, Myrian Cicyanne Machado


    Preeclampsia has been associated with several risk factors and events. However, it still deserves further investigation, considering the multitude of related factors that affect different populations. To evaluate the maternal factors and adverse perinatal outcomes in a cohort of pregnant women with preeclampsia receiving care in the public health network of the city of Maceió. Prospective cohort study carried out in 2014 in the public health network of the city with a sample of pregnant women calculated based on a prevalence of preeclampsia of 17%, confidence level of 90%, power of 80%, and ratio of 1:1. We applied a questionnaire to collect socioeconomic, personal, and anthropometric data, and retrieved perinatal variables from medical records and certificates of live birth. The analysis was performed with Poisson regression and chi-square test considering p values preeclampsia (PWP) and 90 pregnant women without preeclampsia (PWoP). A previous history of preeclampsia (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.57, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.47 - 1.67, p = 0.000) and black skin color (PR = 1.15, 95% CI 1.00 - 1.33, p = 0.040) were associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Among the newborns of PWP and PWoP, respectively, 12.5% and 13.1% (p = 0.907) were small for gestational age and 25.0% and 23.2% (p = 0.994) were large for gestational age. There was a predominance of cesarean delivery. Personal history of preeclampsia and black skin color were associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. There was a high frequency of birth weight deviations and cesarean deliveries.

  16. Relationship of Liver X Receptors α and Endoglin Levels in Serum and Placenta with Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Wang, Jing; Dong, Xing; Wu, Hong-Yan; Wu, Nan; Zhang, Xue-Jun; Wang, Xin; Shang, Li-Xin


    Liver X receptor alpha (LXRα) and endoglin have been postulated to play roles in trophoblast invasion and lipid metabolic disturbances. However, the relationship between LXRα and endoglin levels in serum and placenta of patients with preeclampsia remains poorly understood. The objective of this study was to identify correlations between LXRα, endoglin and preeclampsia and provide new feasible methods of clinical prediction and treatment for preeclampsia. We enrolled 45 patients with preeclampsia (24 with moderate preeclampsia and 21 with severe preeclampsia) and 15 normal pregnant women (control group) who were admitted to the Department of Obstetrics of the General Hospital of Beijing Command between October 2012 and July 2013 in this study. Serum and placental LXRα and endoglin levels were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, real-time quantitative PCR, tissue microarray and immunohistochemistry. Serum and placental LXRα and endoglin levels were significantly higher in patients with preeclampsia than those in control group (Ppreeclampsia displayed significantly higher LXRα and endoglin levels than those with moderate preeclampsia (Ppreeclampsia were positively correlated (serum: r = 0.486, Ppreeclampsia pathogenesis and development and could be used as potential predictors for this disorder.

  17. Natriuria and calciuria levels in preeclampsia: a cross-sectional study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rose Gasnier

    Full Text Available CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE Sodium excretion abnormalities in preeclampsia have been studied in relation to several factors. The objective of this study was to compare natriuria (mEq/24 h and calciuria levels (mg/24 h in preeclamptic patients. DESIGN AND SETTING An analytical cross-sectional study with a control group was conducted in the obstetric center and the high-risk pregnancy outpatient clinic at a university hospital in southern Brazil, and in a primary healthcare unit in the same city, including pregnant women with mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia or chronic hypertension, and women with normal pregnancies (14 patients in each group. METHOD Natriuria was measured using an ion-selective electrode in an automated clinical chemistry analyzer (Hitache 917, Roche. All the patients collected 24-hour urine, at home or at the hospital, for analysis of proteins, creatinine, calcium, sodium and uric acid. Quantitative variables with asymmetrical distribution were described using the median, minimum and maximum, and were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results were logarithmically transformed, with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA by ranks and then the post-hoc Tukey test, and were analyzed by means of the Spearman correlation and receiver operating characteristic (ROC curve. The significance level used was 0.05. RESULTS There were significant differences between the groups in comparing severe preeclampsia with chronic hypertension and severe preeclampsia with controls (P < 0.0001 for both measurements. CONCLUSION Natriuria levels may be lower in preeclampsia when associated with calciuria. Natriuria assessment is an additional test for differential diagnosis of hypertensive diseases in pregnancy, but is a poor predictor when used alone.

  18. Role of uterine artery doppler ultrasound in predicting preeclampsia primigravida

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Awan, F.; Ullah, H.


    Objective: To find the accuracy of uterine artery diastolic notching during the second trimester of pregnancy in predicting pre-eclampsia in primigravida patients. Study Design: Descriptive cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Armed Forces Institute of Radiology and Imaging (AFIRI) Rawalpindi; six months duration from 30 Nov 2012 to 31 May 2013. Material and Methods: This study included 199 primigravida women with singleton pregnancy having diastolic notch in uterine arteries between 20 to 23 weeks of gestation. All patients were examined by both grey scale and doppler ultrasonography. Uterine arteries were evaluated with doppler near the point where they crossed the external iliac arteries. The patient was included in study if the presence of diastolic notch was demonstrated. Clinical follow up in gynae and obs department continued throughout the pregnancy to see if they developed preeclampsia. The data were recorded on a previously prepared proforma and analyzed with SPSS 21. Results: The accuracy of uterine artery doppler ultrasound in identifying women who later developed preeclampsia was 48.24 percent. The frequency of pre-eclampsia with bilateral notch was significantly high in the primigravid of younger age as compare to the primigravid of the older group (p=0.001). The difference in frequency of developing pre-eclampsia with bilateral notch when compared among 20 to 21 week gestational age and 22 to 23 weeks gestational age was statistically insignificant. Conclusion: Uterine artery diastolic notching between 20 and 23 weeks of gestation is an important risk factor for developing pre-eclampsia. This doppler parameter should, therefore, be included in the risk evaluation for gestational hypertension. (author)

  19. Impaired Flow-Mediated Dilation Before, During and After Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (United States)

    Weissgerber, Tracey L.; Milic, Natasa M.; Milin-Lazovic, Jelena S.; Garovic, Vesna D.


    Endothelial dysfunction is believed to play a critical role in preeclampsia, however it is unclear whether this dysfunction precedes the pregnancy or is caused by early pathophysiological events. It is also unclear for how long vascular dysfunction may persist post-partum, and whether it represents a mechanism linking preeclampsia with future cardiovascular disease. Our objective was to determine whether women with preeclampsia have worse vascular function compared to women who did not have preeclampsia by performing systematic review and meta-analysis of studies that examined endothelial dysfunction using flow-mediated dilation (FMD). We included studies published before May 29, 2015 that examined FMD before, during and after preeclampsia. Differences in FMD between study groups were evaluated by standardized mean differences. Out of 610 abstracts identified through PubMED, EMBASE and Web of Science, 37 studies were eligible for the meta-analysis. When compared to women who did not have preeclampsia, women who had preeclampsia had lower FMD prior to the development of preeclampsia (~20–29 weeks gestation), at the time of preeclampsia, and for three years post-partum, with the estimated magnitude of the effect ranging between 0.5 and 3 standard deviations. Similar effects were observed when the analysis was limited to studies that excluded women with chronic hypertension, smokers, or both. Vascular dysfunction predates preeclampsia and may contribute to its pathogenesis. Future studies should address whether vascular changes that persist after preeclamptic pregnancies may represent a mechanistic link with the increased risk for future cardiovascular disease. PMID:26711737

  20. Pre-eclampsia research in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study

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    Per Magnus


    Full Text Available Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy disorder of unknown origin. In Norway, pre-eclampsia is reported in 3 to 4 per cent of registered births. At present, November 2014, a series of investigations into the etiology of preeclampsia have been published internationally from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa, and several studies are ongoing. The intention of this paper is to give a short summary of what has been accomplished, and to discuss future avenues of research concerning causes, mechanisms and consequences of pre-eclampsia. The papers that have been published up to now include seven that concern life-styles (physical activity, tobacco and diet, six that include prior pregnancies, infection, gestational weight gain, toxicants and tryptophan metabolism, and two studies concerning issues of selection and validity. Major findings are that tobacco smoking is only associated with reduced risk of pre-eclampsia when it occurs in the last trimester; that processed food and sugar-sweetened beverages are associated with increased risk while vegetables, vitamin D and probiotics are associated with reduced risk; and that prior induced abortions have the same risk-reducing effect as a prior pregnancy. For future studies, we suggest that better use should be made of the family structure built into MoBa. This includes better use of the discordant pregnancy design. A series of ongoing genetic studies, partly in international consortia, will hopefully open new etiological insights. The indications that pre-eclampsia is related to cardiovascular disease and other complex disorders should be further investigated through systematic follow-up of pre-eclamptic women and controls. Finally, MoBa is eminently suited to study the influences that pre-eclampsia can have on the growing child.

  1. Maternal serum bisphenol A levels and risk of pre-eclampsia: a nested case–control study (United States)

    Ye, Yunzhen; Zhou, Qiongjie; Feng, Liping; Wu, Jiangnan; Xiong, Yu; Li, Xiaotian


    Abstract Background Although recent studies have indicated the potential adverse effects of maternal bisphenol A (BPA) exposure on pregnancy such as increasing the risk of pre-eclampsia, epidemiological evidence is limited. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between maternal BPA exposure and the risk of pre-eclampsia. Methods We conducted a nested case–control study among 173 women (74 cases of pre-eclampsia and 99 controls). BPA concentrations were measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in the maternal serum samples collected during 16–20 gestational weeks. Multivariate logistic models were used to examine the relationship between maternal serum BPA concentrations and the risk of pre-eclampsia. Results BPA was detectable (>0.1 µg/l) in 78.6% of the maternal serum samples at three levels: low (4.44 µg/l). BPA concentrations were significantly higher in the serum samples collected from the pre-eclampsia cases than those from controls (median: 3.40 vs. 1.50 µg/l, P < 0.01). With adjustment for maternal age, primiparous and BMI, the odds of developing pre-eclampsia were significantly elevated in subjects with high serum BPA levels compared with those with low levels (adjusted OR = 16.46, 95%CI = 5.42–49.85) regardless of subcategories of pre-eclampsia including severity and onset time. Among the pre-eclampsia subjects, the maternal serum concentration of BPA was not different between the early- and late-onset subjects (median: 3.09 vs. 3.50 µg/l, P = 0.57), but surprisingly higher in mild pre-eclampsia subjects compared with severe pre-eclampsia subjects (median: 5.20 vs. 1.80 µg/l, P < 0.01). Conclusions These results demonstrated that maternal exposure to high level of BPA could be associated with an increased risk of pre-eclampsia. PMID:29186464

  2. Maternal serum bisphenol A levels and risk of pre-eclampsia: a nested case-control study. (United States)

    Ye, Yunzhen; Zhou, Qiongjie; Feng, Liping; Wu, Jiangnan; Xiong, Yu; Li, Xiaotian


    Although recent studies have indicated the potential adverse effects of maternal bisphenol A (BPA) exposure on pregnancy such as increasing the risk of pre-eclampsia, epidemiological evidence is limited. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between maternal BPA exposure and the risk of pre-eclampsia. We conducted a nested case-control study among 173 women (74 cases of pre-eclampsia and 99 controls). BPA concentrations were measured using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in the maternal serum samples collected during 16-20 gestational weeks. Multivariate logistic models were used to examine the relationship between maternal serum BPA concentrations and the risk of pre-eclampsia. BPA was detectable (>0.1 µg/l) in 78.6% of the maternal serum samples at three levels: low (4.44 µg/l). BPA concentrations were significantly higher in the serum samples collected from the pre-eclampsia cases than those from controls (median: 3.40 vs. 1.50 µg/l, P < 0.01). With adjustment for maternal age, primiparous and BMI, the odds of developing pre-eclampsia were significantly elevated in subjects with high serum BPA levels compared with those with low levels (adjusted OR = 16.46, 95%CI = 5.42-49.85) regardless of subcategories of pre-eclampsia including severity and onset time. Among the pre-eclampsia subjects, the maternal serum concentration of BPA was not different between the early- and late-onset subjects (median: 3.09 vs. 3.50 µg/l, P = 0.57), but surprisingly higher in mild pre-eclampsia subjects compared with severe pre-eclampsia subjects (median: 5.20 vs. 1.80 µg/l, P < 0.01). These results demonstrated that maternal exposure to high level of BPA could be associated with an increased risk of pre-eclampsia. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association.

  3. HLA Class Ib Molecules and Immune Cells in Pregnancy and Preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Djurisic, Snezana; Hviid, Thomas Vauvert F


    Despite decades of research, the highly prevalent pregnancy complication preeclampsia, "the disease of theories," has remained an enigma. Indeed, the etiology of preeclampsia is largely unknown. A compiling amount of studies indicates that the pathological basis involves a complex array of geneti...... of HLA-G, and, in some studies, with preeclampsia. In this review, a genetic contribution from the mother, the father, and the fetus, together with the presence and function of various immune cells of relevance in pregnancy are reviewed in relation to HLA-G and preeclampsia....... predisposition and immunological maladaptation, and that a contribution from the mother, the father, and the fetus is likely to be important. The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-G is an increasing focus of research in relation to preeclampsia. The HLA-G molecule is primarily expressed by the extravillous...... trophoblast cells lining the placenta together with the two other HLA class Ib molecules, HLA-E and HLA-F. Soluble isoforms of HLA-G have been detected in the early endometrium, the matured cumulus-oocyte complex, maternal blood of pregnant women, in umbilical cord blood, and lately, in seminal plasma. HLA...

  4. The relationship between urinary tract infection during pregnancy and preeclampsia: causal, confounded or spurious? (United States)

    Karmon, Anatte; Sheiner, Eyal


    Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal morbidity, although its precise etiology remains elusive. A number of studies suggest that urinary tract infection (UTI) during the course of gestation is associated with elevated risk for preeclampsia, while others have failed to prove such an association. In our medical center, pregnant women who were exposed to at least one UTI episode during pregnancy were 1.3 times more likely to have mild preeclampsia and 1.8 times more likely to have severe preeclampsia as compared to unexposed women. Our results are based on univariate analyses and are not adjusted for potential confounders. This editorial aims to discuss the relationship between urinary tract infection and preeclampsia, as well as examine the current problems regarding the interpretation of this association. Although the relationship between UTI and preeclampsia has been demonstrated in studies with various designs, carried-out in a variety of settings, the nature of this association is unclear. By taking into account timeline, dose-response effects, treatment influences, and potential confounders, as well as by neutralizing potential biases, future studies may be able to clarify the relationship between UTI and preeclampsia by determining if it is causal, confounded, or spurious.

  5. Preeclampsia-Associated Hormonal Profiles and Reduced Breast Cancer Risk Among Older Mothers (United States)


    Preeclampsia has been linked to reduced breast cancer risk, and this reduction may be especially marked among women who bear their first child life. In this ongoing case-control study, we examine the hormonal profiles of older Colorado mothers with and without a history of preeclampsia in...premenopausal, and are free of serious chronic disease. Cases are 14 Denver area women who experienced preeclampsia in their first pregnancy; controls are 13

  6. Short-term costs of preeclampsia to the United States health care system. (United States)

    Stevens, Warren; Shih, Tiffany; Incerti, Devin; Ton, Thanh G N; Lee, Henry C; Peneva, Desi; Macones, George A; Sibai, Baha M; Jena, Anupam B


    Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality and adverse neonatal outcomes. Little is known about the extent of the health and cost burden of preeclampsia in the United States. This study sought to quantify the annual epidemiological and health care cost burden of preeclampsia to both mothers and infants in the United States in 2012. We used epidemiological and econometric methods to assess the annual cost of preeclampsia in the United States using a combination of population-based and administrative data sets: the National Center for Health Statistics Vital Statistics on Births, the California Perinatal Quality Care Collaborative Databases, the US Health Care Cost and Utilization Project database, and a commercial claims data set. Preeclampsia increased the probability of an adverse event from 4.6% to 10.1% for mothers and from 7.8% to 15.4% for infants while lowering gestational age by 1.7 weeks (P preeclampsia during the first 12 months after birth was $1.03 billion for mothers and $1.15 billion for infants. The cost burden per infant is dependent on gestational age, ranging from $150,000 at 26 weeks gestational age to $1311 at 36 weeks gestational age. In 2012, the cost of preeclampsia within the first 12 months of delivery was $2.18 billion in the United States ($1.03 billion for mothers and $1.15 billion for infants), and was disproportionately borne by births of low gestational age. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Increased incidence of preeclampsia in mothers of advanced age conceiving by oocyte donation. (United States)

    Dior, Uri P; Laufer, Neri; Chill, Henry H; Granovsky-Grisaru, Sorina; Yagel, Simcha; Yaffe, Haim; Gielchinsky, Yuval


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of preeclampsia in women of advanced age who conceived through donated oocytes as compared with natural conceptions. A historical prospective study of singleton live births of parturients ≥ 45 years of age at four university hospitals was conducted. For the purpose of the study, the population was divided by the mode of conception into two groups: oocyte donation and natural conception. The main outcome variable in this study was preeclampsia. Secondary outcomes included pregnancy-induced hypertension and Small for Gestational Age. Two hundred and seventy pregnancies were achieved naturally and 135 women conceived by oocyte donation. Mean age at delivery for the natural conception and oocyte donation groups was 45.7 and 47.8, respectively. Preeclampsia complicated 3 out of 270 (1.1%) natural conception pregnancies and 17 out of 135 (12.6%) oocyte donation conceptions. After adjusting for confounders, oocyte donation pregnancies were found to be associated with a 12-fold increased risk for preeclampsia (P = 0.001). Among oocyte donation pregnancies, the risk of preeclampsia was not affected by parity or age. A substantially increased risk for preeclampsia was found in oocyte donation pregnancies, suggesting that the foreign oocyte may play a specific biologic role in the development of preeclampsia after the age of 45.

  8. Enfermedad periodontal: ¿es factor de riesgo para parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Castaldi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Evaluar si la enfermedad periodontal (EP constituye un factor de riesgo de parto pretérmino, bajo peso al nacer o preeclampsia y si hay alguna relación entre las formas clínicas de la EP y los resultados obstétricos mencionados. MÉTODOS: Estudio analítico, transversal y prospectivo de todas las mujeres que tuvieron su parto en el Hospital Dr. José Penna, de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca, Argentina, entre el 1.º de febrero y el 18 de julio de 2003 y entre el 1.º de marzo y el 31 de mayo de 2004. A las mujeres que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión (ser mayor de 18 años, tener al menos 18 dientes, no ser diabética y que los hijos hubieran sobrevivido al parto se les practicó un examen odontológico en busca de hemorragia al sondaje, movilidad dentaria o inflamación gingival y se realizaron mediciones clínicas de la pérdida de inserción. Se calcularon las razones de posibilidades (odds ratios, RP con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC95% y se ajustaron los resultados por las variables "ser fumadora" y "tener anemia". RESULTADOS: Se registraron 2 003 nacimientos, correspondientes a 1 982 partos. Se excluyeron 420 (21,2% mujeres por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión o por no poder realizárseles el diagnóstico odontológico previsto. De las 1 562 mujeres evaluadas, 809 (51,8% presentaban alguna de las afecciones buscadas; de ellas, 274 (17,5% padecían EP grave y 535 (34,3% tenían gingivitis. En total, 149 (9,5% partos fueron pretérmino, en 161 (10,3% nacieron niños con bajo peso y en 157 (10,0% se presentaron casos de preeclampsia. No se observó asociación alguna entre la EP y el parto pretérmino (RP = 1,06; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,50, el bajo peso al nacer (RP = 1,05; IC95%: 0,74 a 1,47 y la preeclampsia (RP = 0,99; IC95%: 0,70 a 1,40. El riesgo de dar a luz un niño con bajo peso al nacer en el subgrupo de fumadoras de más de 10 cigarrillos diarios fue mayor en las que tenían enfermedad periodontal grave que

  9. MMP-8 C-799T and MMP-8 C+17G polymorphisms in mild and severe preeclampsia: Association between MMP-8 C-799T with susceptibility to severe preeclampsia. (United States)

    Rahimi, Ziba; Zangeneh, Maryam; Rezaeyan, Arezoo; Shakiba, Ebrahim; Rahimi, Zohreh


    The aim of present study was to determine the role of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) C-799T (rs11225395) and C+17 (rs2155052) polymorphisms in susceptibility to preeclampsia. In a case-control study, 256 pregnant women including 152 women with preeclampsia (86 women with mild preeclampsia and 66 women with severe preeclampsia) and 104 women with normal pregnancy from Western Iran with Kurdish ethnic background were investigated for MMP-8 C-799T and C + 17G polymorphisms using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Comparing the MMP-8 TT genotype with the combined genotype of CC+CT (recessive model) indicated a significantly higher frequency of the MMP-8 TT genotype (47%) in severe preeclamptic patients than that in healthy pregnant women (30.8%) that was associated with 1.99-fold increased risk of severe preeclampsia (95% CI = 1.05-3.77, p = 0.034). The frequency of MMP-8 G allele was 27.3% in all preeclamptic patients compared to 30.2% in controls (p = 0.56). Also, no significant difference was detected comparing the frequency of G allele in mild (26.6%, p = 0.46) and severe preeclamptic patients (28.4%, p = 0.75) with controls (30.2%). Our study demonstrated that the MMP-8 C-799T is associated with the risk of developing severe preeclampsia during pregnancy. However, the MMP-8 C + 17G polymorphism might not be a risk factor for susceptibility to preeclampsia.

  10. Vitamin E levels in preeclampsia placenta tissue and its correlation with oxidative stress injury and apoptosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jun Li


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the vitamin E levels in preeclampsia placenta tissue and its correlation with oxidative stress injury and apoptosis. Methods: A total of 60 pregnant women with preeclampsia who received treatment and gave birth in our hospital between July 2012 and January 2016 were collected and divided into mild preeclampsia group (n=41 and severe preeclampsia group (n=19 according to the disease severity; 38 normal pregnant women who received pregnancy test and gave birth in our hospital during the same period were selected as healthy control group. The placental tissue samples of three groups of research subjects were retained, high performance liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometry was used to detect VitE levels in tissue grinding fluid, automatic biochemical analyzer was used to detect the levels of oxidative stress injury indexes, and fluorescence quantitative PCR method was used to detect the mRNA expression of apoptosis molecules. Results: VitE, SOD and CAT levels in grinding fluid of severe preeclampsia group were lower than those of mild preeclampsia group and healthy control group while ROS and AOPP levels were higher than those of mild preeclampsia group and healthy control group; Fas, caspase and Apaf-1 mRNA expression were higher than those of mild preeclampsia group and healthy control group while anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2, Bcl-xl, Mcl-2 and p57kip2 mRNA expression were lower than those of mild preeclampsia group and healthy control group. Spearman correlation analysis showed that VitE level in the preeclampsia placenta tissue was directly correlated with oxidative stress injury and cell apoptosis. Conclusion: VitE deficiency is the direct factor that results in oxidative stress and cell apoptosis in patients with preeclampsia, and the VitE supplementation in time is expected to become the auxiliary treatment means for patients with preeclampsia.

  11. Maternal Factors and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in Women with Preeclampsia in Maceió, Alagoas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alane Cabral Menezes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Abstract Background: Preeclampsia has been associated with several risk factors and events. However, it still deserves further investigation, considering the multitude of related factors that affect different populations. Objective: To evaluate the maternal factors and adverse perinatal outcomes in a cohort of pregnant women with preeclampsia receiving care in the public health network of the city of Maceió. Methods: Prospective cohort study carried out in 2014 in the public health network of the city with a sample of pregnant women calculated based on a prevalence of preeclampsia of 17%, confidence level of 90%, power of 80%, and ratio of 1:1. We applied a questionnaire to collect socioeconomic, personal, and anthropometric data, and retrieved perinatal variables from medical records and certificates of live birth. The analysis was performed with Poisson regression and chi-square test considering p values < 0.05 as significant. Results: We evaluated 90 pregnant women with preeclampsia (PWP and 90 pregnant women without preeclampsia (PWoP. A previous history of preeclampsia (prevalence ratio [PR] = 1.57, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.47 - 1.67, p = 0.000 and black skin color (PR = 1.15, 95% CI 1.00 - 1.33, p = 0.040 were associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. Among the newborns of PWP and PWoP, respectively, 12.5% and 13.1% (p = 0.907 were small for gestational age and 25.0% and 23.2% (p = 0.994 were large for gestational age. There was a predominance of cesarean delivery. Conclusion: Personal history of preeclampsia and black skin color were associated with the occurrence of preeclampsia. There was a high frequency of birth weight deviations and cesarean deliveries.

  12. Gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and cytokine release: similarities and differences in endothelial cell function. (United States)

    Rao, Rashmi; Sen, Suvajit; Han, Bing; Ramadoss, Sivakumar; Chaudhuri, Gautam


    Gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia as well as intra-uterine infection during pregnancy affects the function of the endothelium both in the mother and the fetus leading to endothelial dysfunction. Gestational diabetes is also associated with an increased incidence of pre-eclampsia and it is likely that both the hyperglycemia as well as the release of cytokines especially TNFα during hyperglycemia may play an important role in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction leading to preeclampsia. Similarly, some but not all studies have suggested that infection of the mother under certain circumstances can also lead to preeclampsia as women with either a bacterial or viral infection were at a higher risk of developing preeclampsia, compared to women without infection and infection also leads to a release in TNFα. Endothelial cells exposed to either high glucose or TNFα leads to an increase in the production of H2O2 and to a decrease in endothelial cell proliferation. The cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are discussed.Gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia as well as intra-uterine infection during pregnancy has profound effects on the fetus and long term effects on the neonate. All three conditions affect the function of the endothelium both in the mother and the fetus leading to endothelial dysfunction. Gestational diabetes is also associated with an increased incidence of pre-eclampsia and it is likely that both the hyperglycemia as well as the release of cytokines especially TNFα during hyperglycemia may play an important role in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction leading to preeclampsia. It has also been suggested although not universally accepted that under certain circumstances maternal infection may also predispose to pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is also associated with the release of TNFα and endothelial dysfunction. However, the cellular and molecular mechanism(s) leading to the endothelial dysfunction by either

  13. Proteinuria in preeclampsia: Not essential to diagnosis but related to disease severity and fetal outcomes. (United States)

    Dong, Xin; Gou, Wenli; Li, Chunfang; Wu, Min; Han, Zhen; Li, Xuelan; Chen, Qi


    Preeclampsia is a leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality globally and proteinuria can be one of the cardinal features of this disease. However, studies about the association of the amount of proteinuria and the severity of preeclampsia, and perinatal outcomes are limited. Data on 239 women with preeclampsia were retrospectively collected from a university teaching hospital from September 2011 to June 2013 and analysed. Data included all clinical parameters and proteinuria in a 24h urine collection. In cases of severe preeclampsia, significantly fewer patients had proteinuria levels 0.3g/L, but there was no difference in cases of severe preeclampsia when proteinuria levels were >0.3g/L. Furthermore, when proteinuria levels were >0.3g/L, the frequency of severe preeclampsia in each group was significantly higher than the frequency of mild pre-eclampsia cases. Time of onset was significantly earlier in patients with proteinuria >3g/L in a 24h urine collection, but time between the onset of preeclampsia and delivery was not correlated with the amount of proteinuria. The birth weight was significantly lower in patients with proteinuria >3g/L. The incidence of fetal growth restriction or stillbirth was significantly higher in patients with proteinuria >5g/L. Our data demonstrate that the amount of proteinuria is not associated with the severe of preeclampsia, once proteinuria is detected, but is related to the severity of preeclampsia. The adverse fetal outcomes appear to be the function of prematurity rather than proteinuria itself. Copyright © 2017 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Clinical accuracy of inflationary oscillometry in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: Omron-MIT Elite. (United States)

    Chung, Y; Brochut, M C; de Greeff, A; Shennan, A H


    To evaluate the accuracy of the Omron MIT Elite in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia according to the British Hypertension Society protocol (BHS). Prospective observational study. Antenatal clinics and wards at St. Thomas' Hospital (London, UK). Forty-five pregnant women including 15 with pre-eclampsia. Nine sequential same arm blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken from each woman by trained observers, alternating between mercury sphygmomanometry and the test device. Grading criteria of the BHS protocol (A/B grade=pass; C/D=fail). The Omron MIT Elite achieved a grade A/A in both pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. The mean difference (SD) between the mercury standard and the device in pregnancy was -1.1 (5.2)mmHg and 1.5 (4.8)mmHg for systolic and diastolic BP respectively compared to 0.2 (5.3)mmHg and 2.2 (5.5)mmHg in pre-eclampsia. The Omron MIT Elite can be recommended for use in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia according to the BHS protocol. To date, this is the most accurate automated BP device validated in pre-eclampsia. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  15. Hypoxic treatment of human dual placental perfusion induces a preeclampsia-like inflammatory response. (United States)

    Jain, Arjun; Schneider, Henning; Aliyev, Eldar; Soydemir, Fatimah; Baumann, Marc; Surbek, Daniel; Hediger, Matthias; Brownbill, Paul; Albrecht, Christiane


    Preeclampsia is a human pregnancy-specific disorder characterized by a placental pro-inflammatory response in combination with an imbalance of angiogenic factors and clinical symptoms, including hypertension and proteinuria. Insufficient uteroplacental oxygenation in preeclampsia due to impaired trophoblast invasion during placentation is believed to be responsible for many of the molecular events leading to the clinical manifestations of this disease. We investigated the use of hypoxic treatment of the dual placental perfusion system as a model for preeclampsia. A modified perfusion technique allowed us to achieve a mean soluble oxygen tension within the intervillous space (IVS) of 5-7% for normoxia and preeclampsia). We assayed for the levels of different inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress markers, as well as other factors, such as endothelin (ET)-1 that are known to be implicated as part of the inflammatory response in preeclampsia. Our results show a significant increase under hypoxia in the levels of different inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6 (P=0.002), IL-8 (Ppreeclampsia. This would therefore provide a powerful tool for studying and further delineating the molecular mechanisms involved in the underlying pathophysiology of preeclampsia.

  16. Severe Preeclampsia in the Setting of Myasthenia Gravis

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    Adam J. Lake


    Full Text Available Myasthenia gravis (MG is a rare autoimmune disease that leads to progressive muscle weakness and is common during female reproductive years. The myasthenic mother and her newborn must be observed carefully, as complications during all stages of pregnancy and the puerperium may arise suddenly. Preeclampsia is a common obstetrical condition for which magnesium sulfate is used for seizure prophylaxis. However, magnesium sulfate is strongly contraindicated in MG as it impairs already slowed nerve-muscle connections. Similarly, many first-line antihypertensive medications, including calcium channels blockers and β-blockers, may lead to MG exacerbation. This case describes the effective obstetrical management of a patient with MG who developed severe preeclampsia. The effective use of levetiracetam and various antihypertensive medications including intravenous labetalol is described. A review of the ten reported cases of MG complicated by preeclampsia is examined to aggregate observations of clinical care, with focus on delivery methods, anticonvulsants, and antihypertensive medications.

  17. Public Health Perspectives of Preeclampsia in Developing Countries: Implication for Health System Strengthening


    Kayode O. Osungbade; Olusimbo K. Ige


    Objectives. Review of public health perspectives of preeclampsia in developing countries and implications for health system strengthening. Methods. Literature from Pubmed (MEDLINE), AJOL, Google Scholar, and Cochrane database were reviewed. Results. The prevalence of preeclampsia in developing countries ranges from 1.8% to 16.7%. Many challenges exist in the prediction, prevention, and management of preeclampsia. Promising prophylactic measures like low-dose aspirin and calcium supplem...

  18. A meta-analysis of low-dose aspirin for prevention of preeclampsia

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    N A Trivedi


    Full Text Available Background : Low-dose aspirin (LDA is widely used for prevention of preeclampsia. However, conflicting results have been obtained from various studies. Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of LDA in prevention of preeclampsia in high-risk and low-risk women. Materials and Methods : A total of 19 randomized control trials were identified using PUBMED search engine and Cochrane Clinical Trial register. The study population was divided into high-risk and low-risk groups. The effect measured was incidence of preeclampsia in women taking either LDA or placebo where the relative risk (RR and the 95% confidence interval (CI were calculated for both groups. Results : A total of 28237 women were studied, out of which 16550 were in the low-risk group while 11687 were in the high-risk group. The overall incidence of preeclampsia was 7.4%. With the aspirin group it was 6.9% while in the placebo group it was 7.8%. In the high-risk group there was 21% reduction in the risk of preeclampsia associated with the use of aspirin (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.65-0.97. However, LDA is not effective in reducing the risk in low-risk population (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.64-1.17. Conclusion: LDA has a small effect in the prevention of preeclampsia in women considered to be at high risk for the disease. However, it is not effective in reducing the risk in the low-risk group.

  19. Contemporary Clinical Management of the Cerebral Complications of Preeclampsia


    Kane, Stefan C.; Dennis, Alicia; da Silva Costa, Fabricio; Kornman, Louise; Brennecke, Shaun


    The neurological complications of preeclampsia and eclampsia are responsible for a major proportion of the morbidity and mortality arising from these conditions, for women and their infants alike. This paper outlines the evidence base for contemporary management principles pertaining to the neurological sequelae of preeclampsia, primarily from the maternal perspective, but with consideration of fetal and neonatal aspects as well. It concludes with a discussion regarding future directions in t...

  20. Serum Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Copper Levels in Sudanese Women with Preeclampsia (United States)

    Elmugabil, Abdelmageed; Hamdan, Hamdan Z.; Elsheikh, Anas E.; Rayis, Duria A.; Gasim, Gasim I.


    Background Although the exact pathophysiology of preeclampsia is not fully understood, several elemental micronutrient abnormalities have been suggested to play a contributory role in preeclampsia. Aims To investigate the levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper in women with preeclampsia. Subjects and Methods A case—control study was conducted in Omdurman Maternity Hospital, Sudan, during the period of September through December 2014. The cases were women with preeclampsia while healthy pregnant women were the controls. The medical and obstetrics history was gathered using questionnaires. The serum levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results There was no significant difference between the two groups in their age, gestational age, parity and body mass index. Zinc and copper levels were not significantly different between the two groups. In comparison with the controls, women with preeclampsia had a significantly lower median (inter-quartile) serum calcium [7.6 (4.0─9.6) vs. 8.1 (10.6─14.2), mg/dl, P = 0.032] and higher levels of magnesium [1.9 (1.4─2.5) vs. 1.4 (1.0─1.9) mg/dl; P = 0.003]. In binary logistic regression, lower calcium (OR = 0.73, 95% CI = 0.56 ─ 0.95, P = 0.021) and higher magnesium (OR = 5.724, 95% CI = 1.23 ─ 26.50, P = 0.026) levels were associated with preeclampsia. There were no significant correlations between levels of hemoglobin and these trace elements. Conclusion The current study showed significant associations between preeclampsia and serum levels of calcium and magnesium. PMID:27911936

  1. Membrane potential, serum calcium and serum selenium decrease in preeclampsia subjects in Owerri

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    Johnkennedy Nnodim


    Full Text Available Background Pre-eclampsia is a serious hypertensive condition of pregnancy associated with high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Women who have had pre-eclampsia have a greater risk of developing hypertension, stroke and ischemic heart disease in later life. The etiology of pre-eclampsia remains unclear. Placental insufficiency plays a key role in the progression of this disease. The aim of this study was to determine membrane potential, serum calcium and serum selenium levels in preeclampsia subjects in Owerri.   Methods A case control study involving 200 primigravida (100 preeclamptic and 100 apparently healthy between the ages of 20 and 32 years attending General Hospital Owerri. Fasting venous blood was collected for the determination of serum selenium and serum calcium while membrane potential was calculated using the Nernst equation. The serum calcium was estimated using Randox Kit and serum selenium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The Independent Student t test was used for statistical analysis.   Results The results revealed that membrane potential and serum selenium as well as serum calcium were significantly decreased in preeclampsia when compared with the controls, at p<0.05.   Conclusion Our study demonstrated that the decrease in membrane potential, serum calcium and serum selenium levels may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. There may be a need for increasing the dietary intake of these essential trace metals during pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia in Owerri.

  2. Microparticle subpopulations are increased in preeclampsia: Possible involvement in vascular dysfunction?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    VanWijk, Marja J.; Nieuwland, Rienk; Boer, Kees; van der Post, Joris A. M.; VanBavel, Ed; Sturk, Augueste


    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the cellular origin and numbers of circulating microparticles in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: Plasma samples from 10 women with preeclampsia, from 10 normal pregnant women, and from 10 nonpregnant women matched for age and

  3. Preeclampsia and Long-term Renal Function in Women Who Underwent Kidney Transplantation. (United States)

    Vannevel, Valerie; Claes, Kathleen; Baud, David; Vial, Yvan; Golshayan, Delaviz; Yoon, Eugene W; Hodges, Ryan; Le Nepveu, Anne; Kerr, Peter G; Kennedy, Claire; Higgins, Mary; Resch, Elisabeth; Klaritsch, Philipp; Van Mieghem, Tim


    Preeclampsia often complicates pregnancies after maternal kidney transplantation. We aimed to assess whether preeclampsia is associated with kidney function decline either during the pregnancy or in the long term. We performed an international multicenter retrospective cohort study. Renal function at conception, pregnancy outcomes, and short- and long-term graft outcomes were collected for women who were pregnant after renal transplantation and had transplant and obstetric care at the participating centers. In women who had multiple pregnancies during the study period, only the last pregnancy was included. Univariate and multivariable analyses were performed. We retrieved pregnancy outcomes and long-term renal outcomes for 52 women. Chronic hypertension was present at baseline in 27%. Mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at start of pregnancy was 52.4±17.5 mL/min/1.73 m. Mean estimated GFR at delivery was 47.6±21.6 mL/min/1.73 m, which was significantly lower than at conception (P=.03). Twenty women (38%) developed preeclampsia. In multivariable analysis, women who developed preeclampsia had a 10.7-mL/min/1.73 m higher drop in estimated GFR between conception and delivery than women who did not develop preeclampsia (P=.02). Long-term estimated GFR follow-up was obtained at a median of 5.8 years (range 1.3-27.5 years). Mean estimated GFR at last follow-up was 38±23 mL/kg/1.73 m. Seventeen women (33%) experienced graft loss over the follow-up period. Incidence of graft loss was similar in women with and without preeclampsia in their last pregnancy (30% and 34%, respectively; P=.99). In multivariable analysis, the decrease in estimated GFR between conception and last follow-up was similar in women who experienced preeclampsia during pregnancy and those who did not (difference -2.69 mL/min/1.73 m, P=.65). Preeclampsia commonly complicates pregnancies after renal transplantation but is not associated with long-term renal dysfunction or graft loss.

  4. Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial: effect of aspirin in prevention of preterm preeclampsia in subgroups of women according to their characteristics and medical and obstetrical history. (United States)

    Poon, Liona C; Wright, David; Rolnik, Daniel L; Syngelaki, Argyro; Delgado, Juan Luis; Tsokaki, Theodora; Leipold, Gergo; Akolekar, Ranjit; Shearing, Siobhan; De Stefani, Luciana; Jani, Jacques C; Plasencia, Walter; Evangelinakis, Nikolaos; Gonzalez-Vanegas, Otilia; Persico, Nicola; Nicolaides, Kypros H


    The Combined Multimarker Screening and Randomized Patient Treatment with Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial demonstrated that in women who were at high risk for preterm preeclampsia with delivery at aspirin administration from 11 to 14 until 36 weeks' gestation was associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of preterm preeclampsia (odds ratio 0.38; 95% confidence interval, 0.20 to 0.74; P=0.004). We sought to examine whether there are differences in the effect of aspirin on the incidence of preterm preeclampsia in the Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial in subgroups defined according to maternal characteristics and medical and obstetrical history. This was a secondary analysis of data from the Aspirin for Evidence-Based Preeclampsia Prevention trial. Subgroup analysis was performed to assess evidence of differences in the effect of aspirin on incidence of preterm preeclampsia in subgroups defined by maternal age (aspirin effect in subgroups defined according to maternal characteristics and obstetrical history. In participants with chronic hypertension preterm preeclampsia occurred in 10.2% (5/49) in the aspirin group and 8.2% (5/61) in the placebo group (adjusted odds ratio, 1.29; 95% confidence interval, 0.33-5.12). The respective values in those without chronic hypertension were 1.1% (8/749) in the aspirin group and 3.9% (30/761) in the placebo group (adjusted odds ratio, 0.27; 95% confidence interval, 0.12-0.60). In all participants with adherence of ≥90% the adjusted odds ratio in the aspirin group was 0.24 (95% confidence interval, 0.09-0.65); in the subgroup with chronic hypertension it was 2.06 (95% confidence interval, 0.40-10.71); and in those without chronic hypertension it was 0.05 (95% confidence interval, 0.01-0.41). For the complete data set the test of interaction was not significant at the 5% level (P = .055), but in those with adherence ≥90%, after adjustment for multiple comparisons

  5. Novel SNPs of WNK1 and AKR1C3 are associated with preeclampsia. (United States)

    Sun, Cheng-Juan; Li, Lin; Li, Xueyan; Zhang, Wei-Yuan; Liu, Xiao-Wei


    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and is one of the most common causes of poor perinatal outcomes. Preeclampsia increases the risk of hypertension in the future. Variants of WNK1 (lysine deficient protein kinase 1), ADRB2 (β2 adrenergic receptor), NEDD4L (ubiquitin-protein ligase NEDD4-like), KLK1 (kallikrein 1) contribute to hypertension, and AKR1C3 (aldo-keto reductase family1 member C3), is associated with preeclampsia. The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these five candidate preeclampsia susceptibility genes and the related traits in Chinese individuals were investigated. In this study, 13 SNPs of the five genes were genotyped in 276 preeclampsia patients and 229 age- and area-matched normal pregnancies in women of Chinese Northern Han origin. The 95% confidence interval (CI) and odds ratio (OR) were estimated by binary logistic regression. No obvious linkage disequilibrium or haplotypes were observed among these SNPs. Those with GG genotype and allele G of AKR1C3 (rs10508293) had a decreased risk of preeclampsia (adjusted OR = 3.011, 95% CI = 1.758-5.159, and adjusted OR = 1.745, 95% CI = 1.349-2.257, respectively). The AA genotype and allele A of WNK1 (rs1468326) were significantly associated with an increased risk in preeclampsia (adjusted OR = 2.307, 95% CI = 1.206-3.443, and adjusted OR = 1.663, 95% CI = 1.283-2.157, respectively). The findings indicate that the GG genotype of AKR1C3 rs10508293 is associated with decreased risk for preeclampsia and the AA genotype of WNK1 rs1468326 are related with an increased risk for preeclampsia. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Trends in comorbidity, acuity, and maternal risk associated with preeclampsia across obstetric volume settings. (United States)

    Booker, Whitney A; Ananth, Cande V; Wright, Jason D; Siddiq, Zainab; D'Alton, Mary E; Cleary, Kirstin L; Goffman, Dena; Friedman, Alexander M


    The objective of this study was to characterize morbidity, acuity, and maternal risks associated with preeclampsia across hospitals with varying obstetric volumes. This retrospective cohort analysis used a large administrative data source, the Perspective database, to characterize the risk for preeclampsia from 2006 to 2015. Hospitals were classified as having either low (≤1000), moderate (1001-2000), or high (≥2000) delivery volume. The primary outcomes included preeclampsia, antihypertensive administration, comorbidity, and related severe maternal morbidity. Severe maternal morbidity was estimated using criteria from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Comorbidity was estimated using an obstetric comorbidity index. Univariable comparisons were made with Chi-squared test. Adjusted log linear regression models were fit to assess factors associated with severe morbidity with risk ratios with 95% confidence intervals as the measures of effect. Population weights were applied to create national estimates. Of 36,985,729 deliveries included, 1,414,484 (3.8%) had a diagnosis of preeclampsia. Of these, 779,511 (2.1%) had mild, 171,109 (0.5%) superimposed, and 463,864 (1.3%) severe preeclampsia. The prevalence of mild, superimposed, and severe preeclampsia each increased over the study period with severe and superimposed preeclampsia as opposed to mild preeclampsia increasing the most proportionately (53.2 and 102.5 versus 10.8%, respectively). The use of antihypertensives used to treat severe range hypertension increased with use of intravenous labetalol increasing 31.5%, 43.2%, and 36.1% at low-, medium-, and high-volume hospitals. Comorbid risk also increased across hospital volume settings as did risk for severe maternal morbidity. Preeclampsia is increasing across obstetric care settings with preeclamptic patients demonstrating increasing comorbid risk, increased risk for severe morbidity, and more frequent need for treatment of acute hypertension.

  7. Relaciones interpersonales en niños y jóvenes con trastornos del espectro del autismo y discapacidad intelectual

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    Lucía Morán Suárez


    Full Text Available Las personas con discapacidad severa y profunda han sido un colectivo poco estudiado en el ámbito de la investigación y, menos aún, en las etapas de la infancia y adolescencia. Este estudio evalúa las relaciones interpersonales de una muestra de 55 personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autismo (TEA y discapacidad intelectual (DI entre 4 y 20 años. Para ello se utilizó la subescala de relaciones interpersonales de la Escala KidsLife (Gómez et al., en prensa que evalúa calidad de vida. Las puntuaciones más altas se obtuvieron en los ítems relacionados con la comunicación, mientras que las más bajas se observaron en los ítems relacionados con las interacciones sociales. Además, las personas con DI profunda obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más bajas que aquellos con mayores niveles de funcionamiento. Se discute acerca de las implicaciones del estudio y se realizan recomendaciones específicas para mejorar las prácticas profesionales y organizacionales dirigidas a la mejora de la calidad de vida.

  8. Necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico utilizando el Índice Estética Dental (DAI en una población de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

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    María Fernanda Gutiérrez-Rojo


    Full Text Available El Índice de Estética Dental, DAI, permite determinar la severidad de las maloclusiones, con lo que se puede priorizar la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóncico de los pacientes. Material y Métodos: la muestra fue de 123 modelos de estudio pretratamiento de ortodoncia, se valoraron los modelos de estudio con el Índice de Estética Dental, se tabuló y calculó la estadística descriptiva con programa Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Resultados: El promedio del DAI fue de 39.84, el 53% de la población presentó una maloclusión muy severa con necesidad de tratamiento obligatorio, el 17.9% con maloclusión severa con necesidad de tratamiento deseable por el paciente, la categoría de maloclusión definitiva, que requiere tratamiento, se presentó en el 17.1% y solo el 11.4% presentó una oclusión normal sin necesidad de tratamiento. Conclusión: En la población de estudio fue mayor el porcentaje de maloclusión muy severa, las otras tres categorías del índice presentaron valores del 17% al 11%. Las mujeres que acudieron a atención con el ortodoncista presentaron mayor porcentaje de severidad de maloclusión que los hombres. Estos porcentajes demuestran que los pacientes que acuden, o son remitidos al ortodoncista, presentan maloclusiones severas.

  9. Preeclampsia - will orphan drug status facilitate innovative biological therapies? (United States)

    Hahn, Sinuhe


    It is generally accepted that the development of novel therapies to treat pregnancy-related disorders, such as preeclampsia, is hampered by the paucity of research funding. Hence, it is with great interest to become aware of at least three novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disorder: exploiting either the anticoagulant activity of antithrombin, the free radical scavenging activity of alpha-1-microglobulin, or the regenerative capacity of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells. As these projects are being carried out by small biotech enterprises, the question arises of how they are able to fund such undertakings. A novel strategy adopted by two of these companies is that they successfully petitioned US and EU agencies in order that preeclampsia is accepted in the register of rare or orphan diseases. This provides a number of benefits including market exclusivity, assistance with clinical trials, and dedicated funding schemes. Other strategies to supplement meager research funds, especially to test novel approaches, could be crowdfunding, a venture that relies on intimate interaction with advocacy groups. In other words, preeclampsia meets Facebook. Perhaps similar strategies can be adopted to examine novel therapies targeting either the imbalance in pro- or anti-angiogenic growth factors, complement activation, reduced levels of placenta protein 13, or excessive neutrophil activation evident in preeclampsia.

  10. Role of nutrition in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia cases, a case control study

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    Punyatoya Bej


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia and eclampsia during pregnancy contribute to maternal and fetal morbidity as well as mortality. The identification of the role of maternal nutrition during pregnancy will help in reducing morbidity and mortality. Aims & Objective: The objective of this study is to find out the role of nutrition, in the form of total calorie, protein, fruits, iron, folic acid and calcium intake in the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia among pregnant women in a tertiary level hospital. Material Methods: After ethical approval and informed consent, 122 women who delivered beyond 22 weeks of gestation and diagnosed as preeclampsia or eclampsia were selected. Simultaneously, 122 controls with no diagnosis of preeclampsia or eclampsia were selected from the post natal ward. Cases and controls were administered the same pre-tested questionnaire containing questions related to food and micronutrient intake by cases and control. Results: Logistic regression was applied in the statistical analysis. The factors that were found to be significant predictors of risk for development of preeclampsia and eclampsia were higher calorie intake (adjusted Odds Ratio (OR 14.12 [6.41-43.23] P < 0.001, less protein intake (adjusted OR 3.87 [1.97-8.01] P < 0.001 during pregnancy. Fruits intake in both cases and controls were similar. 77.9% of cases and 84.4% of controls had taken iron tablets during their antenatal period. 75.4% of cases and 82.8% of controls had taken calcium tablets during their antenatal period. Iron and calcium intake is not significantly associated with development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Conclusion: Higher calorie intake and less protein intake during pregnancy were associated with development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. Fruits intake, iron and calcium intake were not associated with development of preeclampsia and eclampsia

  11. Placental Vesicles Carry Active Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase and Their Activity is Reduced in Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Motta-Mejia, Carolina; Kandzija, Neva; Zhang, Wei; Mhlomi, Vuyane; Cerdeira, Ana Sofia; Burdujan, Alexandra; Tannetta, Dionne; Dragovic, Rebecca; Sargent, Ian L; Redman, Christopher W; Kishore, Uday; Vatish, Manu


    Preeclampsia, a multisystem hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, is associated with increased systemic vascular resistance. Placentae from patients with preeclampsia have reduced levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and, thus, less nitric oxide (NO). Syncytiotrophoblast extracellular vesicles (STBEV), comprising microvesicles (STBMV) and exosomes, carry signals from the syncytiotrophoblast to the mother. We hypothesized that STBEV-bound eNOS (STBEV-eNOS), capable of producing NO, are released into the maternal circulation. Dual-lobe ex vivo placental perfusion and differential centrifugation was used to isolate STBEV from preeclampsia (n=8) and normal pregnancies (NP; n=11). Plasma samples of gestational age-matched preeclampsia and NP (n=6) were used to isolate circulating STBMV. STBEV expressed placental alkaline phosphatase, confirming placental origin. STBEV coexpressed eNOS, but not inducible nitric oxide synthase, confirmed using Western blot, flow cytometry, and immunodepletion. STBEV-eNOS produced NO, which was significantly inhibited by N   G -nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (eNOS inhibitor; P preeclampsia-perfused placentae had lower levels of STBEV-eNOS (STBMV; P preeclampsia women had lower STBEV-eNOS expression compared with that from NP women ( P preeclampsia placentae, as well as in plasma. The lower STBEV-eNOS NO production seen in preeclampsia may contribute to the decreased NO bioavailability in this disease. © 2017 The Authors.

  12. Abordagem da hipertrigliceridemia severa na gravidez: a propósito de um caso clínico


    Giestas, A.; Palma, I.; Teixeira, S.; Carvalho, R.; Pichel, F.; Ramos, M. H.


    RESUMO Durante a gravidez o metabolismo lipídico é afectado pelas hormonas placentárias de modo a assegurar um adequado aporte nutricional para o feto, constatando-se um aumento fisiológico dos níveis de triglicerídeos (TG), em particular no terceiro trimestre. Se o aumento do valor dos triglicerídeos for superior ao esperado na gravidez a paciente deve ser cuidadosamente monitorizada. A principal complicação da hipertrigliceridemia severa é a pancreatite aguda que está associa...

  13. Reporte de un caso de coexistencia de feocromocitoma y adenoma cortical adrenal en un paciente con hipertensión severa


    Restrepo, César A.; Etayo, Edwin


    Se reporta el caso de una paciente con hipertensión paroxística asociada a síntomas adrenérgicos, en quien se encontraron niveles elevados de metanefrinas totales en orina de 24 horas, hipopotasemia persistente y nódulo en la glándula suprarrenal. Fue llevada a cirugía en la que se identificaron dos masas suprarrenales, una con características histológicas de feocromocitoma y otra de adenoma suprarrenal.

  14. Action on Pre-eclampsia: Crisis and recovery. (United States)

    Milne, Fiona


    This is a review of the antenatal guidelines developed under the auspices of the charity Action on Preeclampsia since 2001. They are evidence-based and cover the screening and diagnosis of preeclampsia. They include a risk assessment early in pregnancy, referral for specialist input, a two tier schedule of assessment based on risk, signs and symptoms, referral for step-up care and confirmation of diagnosis, including blood tests. They describe methods for improving reliability of proteinuria testing, and reducing errors in the measurement of blood pressure. Management flowcharts are provided. Copyright © 2010 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Involvement of Visceral Adipose Tissue in Immunological Modulation of Inflammatory Cascade in Preeclampsia

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    Katsuhiko Naruse


    Full Text Available Objectives. The pathophysiology of preeclampsia is characterized by abnormal placentation, an exaggerated inflammatory response, and generalized dysfunction of the maternal endothelium. We investigated the effects of preeclampsia serum on the expression of inflammation-related genes by adipose tissue. Materials and Methods. Visceral adipose tissue was obtained from the omentum of patients with early ovarian cancer without metastasis. Adipose tissue was incubated with sera obtained from either five women affected with severe preeclampsia or five women from control pregnant women at 37°C in a humidified incubator at 5% CO2 for 24 hours. 370 genes in total mRNA were analyzed with quantitative RT-PCR (Inflammatory Response & Autoimmunity gene set. Results. Gene expression analysis revealed changes in the expression levels of 30 genes in adipose tissue treated with preeclampsia sera. Some genes are related to immune response, oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and adipogenesis, which plays a central role in excessive systemic inflammatory response of preeclampsia. In contrast, other genes have shown beneficial effects in the regulation of Th2 predominance, antioxidative stress, and insulin sensitivity. Conclusion. In conclusion, visceral adipose tissue offers protection against inflammation, oxidative insults, and other forms of cellular stress that are central to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.

  16. Epigenetic Placental Programming of Preeclampsia (United States)

    Preeclampsia (PE) affects 8-10% of women in the US and long-term consequences include subsequent development of maternal hypertension and hypertension in offspring. As methylation patterns are established during fetal life, we focused on epigenetic alterations in DNA methylation as a plausible expla...

  17. Preeclampsia, Hypoxia, Thrombosis, and Inflammation

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    Amir A. Shamshirsaz


    Full Text Available Reductions in uteroplacental flow initiate a cascade of molecular effects leading to hypoxia, thrombosis, inflammation, and endothelial cell dysfunction resulting in untoward pregnancy outcomes. In this review, we detail these effects and their relationship to preeclampsia (PE and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR.

  18. Diet and Pre-eclampsia: A Prospective Multicentre Case-Control Study in Ethiopia. (United States)

    Endeshaw, Mulualem; Abebe, Fantu; Bedimo, Melkamu; Asart, Anemaw


    Pre-eclampsia is one of the most commonly encountered hypertensive disorders of pregnancy that accounts for 20-80% of maternal mortality in developing countries, including Ethiopia. For many years, diet has been suggested to play a role in pre-eclampsia. However, the hypotheses have been diverse with inconsistent results across studies, and this has not been studied in Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary habits on the incidence of pre-eclampsia in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia A prospective multicentre unmatched case-control study was conducted among 453 (151 cases and 302 controls) pregnant women attending antepartum or intrapartum care in public health facilities of Bahir Dar City from June to September 2014. The interviewer conducted a face-to-face interview, measured the mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and collected the mid-pregnancy haemoglobin level from clinical notes using a standardized and pretested questionnaire. Epi Info 3.5.3 was used for data entry and cleaning, while IBM SPSS Statistics 20 was used for data analysis. Backward stepwise unconditional logistic regression analysis was employed to determine the strength of association of predictive variables with the outcome variable and to control for the effect of confounding variables. A P-value ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. For every 1-cm increase of MUAC, there was an increase in the incidence rate of pre-eclampsia by a factor of 1.35 (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=1.35, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.21, 1.51). A higher incidence of pre-eclampsia was found in women who reported to have consumed coffee daily during pregnancy (AOR=1.78, 95% CI: 1.20, 3.05). Similarly, for women who had anaemia during the first trimester, the incidence of pre-eclampsia was 2.5 times higher than their counterparts (AOR=2.47, 95% CI: 1.12, 7.61). This study also revealed consumption of fruit or vegetables at least three times a week during pregnancy to be protective

  19. Air pollution exposure and preeclampsia among US women with and without asthma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mendola, Pauline, E-mail: [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Intramural Population Health Research, Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD 20852 (United States); Wallace, Maeve [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Intramural Population Health Research, Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD 20852 (United States); Liu, Danping [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Intramural Population Health Research, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Branch, Rockville, MD 20852 (United States); Robledo, Candace [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Intramural Population Health Research, Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD 20852 (United States); Männistö, Tuija [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Intramural Population Health Research, Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD 20852 (United States); Northern Finland Laboratory Centre NordLab, Oulu (Finland); Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Oulu, Oulu (Finland); Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu University Hospital and University of Oulu, PO Box 500, 90029 OYS (Finland); Department of Chronic Disease Prevention, National Institute for Health and Welfare, PO Box 310, 90101 Oulu (Finland); Grantz, Katherine L. [Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Division of Intramural Population Health Research, Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD 20852 (United States)


    Maternal asthma and air pollutants have been independently associated with preeclampsia but rarely studied together. Our objective was to comprehensively evaluate preeclampsia risk based on the interaction of maternal asthma and air pollutants. Preeclampsia and asthma diagnoses, demographic and clinical data came from electronic medical records for 210,508 singleton deliveries. Modified Community Multiscale Air Quality models estimated preconception, first and second trimester and whole pregnancy exposure to: particulate matter (PM)<2.5 and <10 µm, ozone, nitrogen oxides (NO{sub x}), sulfur dioxide (SO{sub 2}) and carbon monoxide (CO); PM{sub 2.5} constituents; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Asthma-pollutant interaction adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for preeclampsia were calculated by interquartile range for criteria pollutants and high exposure (≥75th percentile) for PAHs and VOCs. Asthmatics had higher risk associated with first trimester NO{sub x} and SO{sub 2} and whole pregnancy elemental carbon (EC) exposure than non-asthmatics, but only EC significantly increased risk (RR=1.11, CI:1.03–1.21). Asthmatics also had a 10% increased risk associated with second trimester CO. Significant interactions were observed for nearly all VOCs and asthmatics had higher risk during all time windows for benzene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene and toluene while most PAHs did not increase risk. - Highlights: • Asthma is common in pregnancy and asthmatic women have increased preeclampsia risk. • Air pollution could differentially increase preeclampsia risk for asthmatic women. • Preeclampsia risk was higher for asthmatics than non-asthmatics after VOC exposure. • Asthmatics also had higher risk after whole pregnancy exposure to elemental carbon. • Pregnant women with asthma appear to be particularly vulnerable to air pollutants.

  20. Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Vascular Activation in Postmenopausal Women With Histories of Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Barnes, Jill N; Harvey, Ronée E; Miller, Kathleen B; Jayachandran, Muthuvel; Malterer, Katherine R; Lahr, Brian D; Bailey, Kent R; Joyner, Michael J; Miller, Virginia M


    Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) is reduced in patients with cognitive decline. Women with a history of preeclampsia are at increased risk for cognitive decline. This study examined an association between pregnancy history and CVR using a subgroup of 40 age- and parity-matched pairs of women having histories of preeclampsia (n=27) or normotensive pregnancy (n=29) and the association of activated blood elements with CVR. Middle cerebral artery velocity was measured by Doppler ultrasound before and during hypercapnia to assess CVR. Thirty-eight parameters of blood cellular elements, microvesicles, and cell-cell interactions measured in venous blood were assessed for association with CVR using principal component analysis. Middle cerebral artery velocity was lower in the preeclampsia compared with the normotensive group at baseline (63±4 versus 73±3 cm/s; P =0.047) and during hypercapnia ( P =0.013-0.056). CVR was significantly lower in the preeclampsia compared with the normotensive group (2.1±1.3 versus 2.9±1.1 cm·s·mm Hg; P =0.009). Globally, the association of the 7 identified principal components with preeclampsia ( P =0.107) and with baseline middle cerebral artery velocity ( P =0.067) did not reach statistical significance. The interaction between pregnancy history and principal components with respect to CVR ( P =0.084) was driven by a nominally significant interaction between preeclampsia and the individual principal component defined by blood elements, platelet aggregation, and interactions of platelets with monocytes and granulocytes ( P =0.008). These results suggest that having a history of preeclampsia negatively affects the cerebral circulation years beyond the pregnancy and that this effect was associated with activated blood elements. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  1. Air pollution exposure and preeclampsia among US women with and without asthma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendola, Pauline; Wallace, Maeve; Liu, Danping; Robledo, Candace; Männistö, Tuija; Grantz, Katherine L.


    Maternal asthma and air pollutants have been independently associated with preeclampsia but rarely studied together. Our objective was to comprehensively evaluate preeclampsia risk based on the interaction of maternal asthma and air pollutants. Preeclampsia and asthma diagnoses, demographic and clinical data came from electronic medical records for 210,508 singleton deliveries. Modified Community Multiscale Air Quality models estimated preconception, first and second trimester and whole pregnancy exposure to: particulate matter (PM)<2.5 and <10 µm, ozone, nitrogen oxides (NO x ), sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) and carbon monoxide (CO); PM 2.5 constituents; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Asthma-pollutant interaction adjusted relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for preeclampsia were calculated by interquartile range for criteria pollutants and high exposure (≥75th percentile) for PAHs and VOCs. Asthmatics had higher risk associated with first trimester NO x and SO 2 and whole pregnancy elemental carbon (EC) exposure than non-asthmatics, but only EC significantly increased risk (RR=1.11, CI:1.03–1.21). Asthmatics also had a 10% increased risk associated with second trimester CO. Significant interactions were observed for nearly all VOCs and asthmatics had higher risk during all time windows for benzene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene and toluene while most PAHs did not increase risk. - Highlights: • Asthma is common in pregnancy and asthmatic women have increased preeclampsia risk. • Air pollution could differentially increase preeclampsia risk for asthmatic women. • Preeclampsia risk was higher for asthmatics than non-asthmatics after VOC exposure. • Asthmatics also had higher risk after whole pregnancy exposure to elemental carbon. • Pregnant women with asthma appear to be particularly vulnerable to air pollutants.

  2. Association of Maternal Preeclampsia With Infant Risk of Premature Birth and Retinopathy of Prematurity. (United States)

    Shulman, Julia P; Weng, Cindy; Wilkes, Jacob; Greene, Tom; Hartnett, M Elizabeth


    Studies report conflicting associations between preeclampsia and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). This study provides explanations for the discrepancies to clarify the relationship between preeclampsia and ROP. To evaluate the association of maternal preeclampsia and risk of ROP among infants in an unrestricted birth cohort and a restricted subcohort of preterm, very low birth weight (P-VLBW) infants. A retrospective review of 290 992 live births within the Intermountain Healthcare System in Utah from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2010, was performed. Generalized estimating equations for logistic regressions with covariate adjustment were applied to relate ROP to preeclampsia among the full cohort and in a subcohort of P-VLBW infants born at younger than 31 weeks' gestation and weighing less than 1500 g. The occurrence of ROP was related to maternal preeclampsia in the full cohort and in a subcohort of P-VLBW infants. In the full cohort, 51% of the infants were male and the mean (SD) gestational age was 38.38 (1.87) weeks. In the P-VLBW cohort, 55% were male and the mean (SD) gestational age was 26.87 (2.40) weeks. In the full cohort, preeclampsia was associated with an increased risk of all ROP (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 2.46; 95% CI, 2.17-2.79; P prematurity, because prematurity is an outcome of preeclampsia.

  3. C-reactive protein, marker for evaluation of systemic inflammatory response in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Mihu, D; Costin, N; Mihu, Carmen Mihaela; Blaga, Ligia Daniela; Pop, Raluca Bogdana


    Determination by a high sensitivity technique of serum C-reactive protein (CRP), a sensitive marker of inflammation in women with preeclampsia compared to normal pregnancy and investigation of the relationship between CRP and the severity of the preeclamptic syndrome. The study included 40 women with preeclampsia and 40 control subjects with normal pregnancies in the last trimester of pregnancy. The serum CRP concentration was determined using the universal high sensitivity immunoturbidimetric assay. The serum CRP concentration was significantly higher (p preclampsia (5.69 +/- 1.8 mg/L) compared to normal pregnancy (2.89 +/- 1.2 mg/L). In women with preeclampsia, CRP correlated positively and significantly with diastolic blood pressure, proteinuria and uric acid levels. Maternal CRP values also correlated negatively and significantly with fetal weight at birth. Our results demonstrate that serum CRP is increased in preeclampsia and represents a marker of the severity of the preeclamptic syndrome and of fetal weight at birth. Taking into consideration these observations and the fact that CRP testing is rapid and relatively inexpensive, we recommend the use of this acute phase reagent in clinical practice, in all women with preeclampsia in order to establish the prognosis of the disease.

  4. Baseline placental growth factor levels for the prediction of benefit from early aspirin prophylaxis for preeclampsia prevention. (United States)

    Moore, Gaea S; Allshouse, Amanda A; Winn, Virginia D; Galan, Henry L; Heyborne, Kent D


    Placental growth factor (PlGF) levels early in pregnancy are lower in women who ultimately develop preeclampsia. Early initiation of low-dose aspirin reduces preeclampsia risk in some high risk women. We hypothesized that low PlGF levels may identify women at increased risk for preeclampsia who would benefit from aspirin. Secondary analysis of the MFMU High-Risk Aspirin study including singleton pregnancies randomized to aspirin 60mg/d (n=102) or placebo (n=72), with PlGF collected at 13w 0d-16w 6d. Within the placebo group, we estimated the probability of preeclampsia by PlGF level using logistic regression analysis, then determined a potential PlGF threshold for preeclampsia prediction using ROC analysis. We performed logistic regression modeling for potential confounders. ROC analysis indicated 87.71pg/ml as the threshold between high and low PlGF for preeclampsia-prediction. Within the placebo group high PlGF weakly predicted preeclampsia (AUC 0.653, sensitivity/specificity 63%/66%). We noted a 2.6-fold reduction in preeclampsia with aspirin in the high-PlGF group (12.15% aspirin vs 32.14% placebo, p=0.057), but no significant differences in preeclampsia in the low PlGF group (21.74% vs 15.91%, p=0.445). Unlike other studies, we found that high rather than low PlGF levels were associated with an increased preeclampsia risk. Low PlGF neither identified women at increased risk of preeclampsia nor women who benefitted from aspirin. Further research is needed to determine whether aspirin is beneficial in women with high PlGF, and whether the paradigm linking low PlGF and preeclampsia needs to be reevaluated. High-risk women with low baseline PlGF, a risk factor for preeclampsia, did not benefit from early initiation of low-dose aspirin. Copyright © 2015 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Reporte de un caso de coexistencia de feocromocitoma y adenoma cortical adrenal en un paciente con hipertensión severa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    César A. Restrepo, MD


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente con hipertensión paroxística asociada a síntomas adrenérgicos, en quien se encontraron niveles elevados de metanefrinas totales en orina de 24 horas, hipopotasemia persistente y nódulo en la glándula suprarrenal. Fue llevada a cirugía en la que se identificaron dos masas suprarrenales, una con características histológicas de feocromocitoma y otra de adenoma suprarrenal.

  6. First Trimester Urine and Serum Metabolomics for Prediction of Preeclampsia and Gestational Hypertension: A Prospective Screening Study. (United States)

    Austdal, Marie; Tangerås, Line H; Skråstad, Ragnhild B; Salvesen, Kjell; Austgulen, Rigmor; Iversen, Ann-Charlotte; Bathen, Tone F


    Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia, are major contributors to maternal morbidity. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential of metabolomics to predict preeclampsia and gestational hypertension from urine and serum samples in early pregnancy, and elucidate the metabolic changes related to the diseases. Metabolic profiles were obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of serum and urine samples from 599 women at medium to high risk of preeclampsia (nulliparous or previous preeclampsia/gestational hypertension). Preeclampsia developed in 26 (4.3%) and gestational hypertension in 21 (3.5%) women. Multivariate analyses of the metabolic profiles were performed to establish prediction models for the hypertensive disorders individually and combined. Urinary metabolomic profiles predicted preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at 51.3% and 40% sensitivity, respectively, at 10% false positive rate, with hippurate as the most important metabolite for the prediction. Serum metabolomic profiles predicted preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at 15% and 33% sensitivity, respectively, with increased lipid levels and an atherogenic lipid profile as most important for the prediction. Combining maternal characteristics with the urinary hippurate/creatinine level improved the prediction rates of preeclampsia in a logistic regression model. The study indicates a potential future role of clinical importance for metabolomic analysis of urine in prediction of preeclampsia.

  7. First Trimester Urine and Serum Metabolomics for Prediction of Preeclampsia and Gestational Hypertension: A Prospective Screening Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Austdal


    Full Text Available Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including preeclampsia, are major contributors to maternal morbidity. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential of metabolomics to predict preeclampsia and gestational hypertension from urine and serum samples in early pregnancy, and elucidate the metabolic changes related to the diseases. Metabolic profiles were obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of serum and urine samples from 599 women at medium to high risk of preeclampsia (nulliparous or previous preeclampsia/gestational hypertension. Preeclampsia developed in 26 (4.3% and gestational hypertension in 21 (3.5% women. Multivariate analyses of the metabolic profiles were performed to establish prediction models for the hypertensive disorders individually and combined. Urinary metabolomic profiles predicted preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at 51.3% and 40% sensitivity, respectively, at 10% false positive rate, with hippurate as the most important metabolite for the prediction. Serum metabolomic profiles predicted preeclampsia and gestational hypertension at 15% and 33% sensitivity, respectively, with increased lipid levels and an atherogenic lipid profile as most important for the prediction. Combining maternal characteristics with the urinary hippurate/creatinine level improved the prediction rates of preeclampsia in a logistic regression model. The study indicates a potential future role of clinical importance for metabolomic analysis of urine in prediction of preeclampsia.

  8. Sex Ratio and Twinning in Women with Hyperemesis or Pre-eclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Basso, Olga; Olsen, Jørn


    We examined twinning and fetal gender in births of women with a hospital diagnosis of pre-eclampsia or hyperemesis. We also investigated sex ratio in infants whose mothers had had hyperemesis or pre-eclampsia in a different pregnancy. From all the hospitalized cases in Denmark between 1980 and 1996...... we extracted 6,227 births with hyperemesis and 24,764 with pre-eclampsia. Twins were more frequent in pregnancies with either condition. The male to female sex ratio was 1.04 (95%CI = 1.02-1.05) in the reference population, 0.87 (95% CI = 0.82-0.91) in births with hyperemesis, and 1.10 (95% CI = 1...

  9. Increased maternal and fetal cholesterol efflux capacity and placental CYP27A1 expression in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Mistry, Hiten D; Kurlak, Lesia O; Mansour, Yosef T; Zurkinden, Line; Mohaupt, Markus G; Escher, Geneviève


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific condition that leads to increased cardiovascular risk in later life. A decrease in cholesterol efflux capacity is linked to CVD. We hypothesized that in preeclampsia there would be a disruption of maternal/fetal plasma to efflux cholesterol, as well as differences in the concentrations of both placental sterol 27-hydroxylase (CYP27A1) and apoA1 binding protein (AIBP). Total, HDL-, and ABCA1-mediated cholesterol effluxes were performed with maternal and fetal plasma from women with preeclampsia and normotensive controls (both n = 17). apoA1 and apoE were quantified by chemiluminescence, and 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OHC) by GC-MS. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine placental expression/localization of CYP27A1, AIBP, apoA1, apoE, and SRB1. Maternal and fetal total and HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux capacities were increased in preeclampsia (by 10-20%), but ABCA1-mediated efflux was decreased (by 20-35%; P preeclampsia. Fetal plasma 27-OHC levels were decreased in preeclamptic samples ( P preeclampsia ( P = 0.04). Placental 27-OHC concentrations were also raised in preeclampsia ( P preeclampsia, to remove cholesterol from cells to limit lipid peroxidation and increase placental angiogenesis. Copyright © 2017 by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  10. Developing Potential Candidates of Preclinical Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Founds


    Full Text Available The potential for developing molecules of interest in preclinical preeclampsia from candidate genes that were discovered on gene expression microarray analysis has been challenged by limited access to additional first trimester trophoblast and decidual tissues. The question of whether these candidates encode secreted proteins that may be detected in maternal circulation early in pregnancy has been investigated using various proteomic methods. Pilot studies utilizing mass spectrometry based proteomic assays, along with enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs, and Western immunoblotting in first trimester samples are reported. The novel targeted mass spectrometry methods led to robust multiple reaction monitoring assays. Despite detection of several candidates in early gestation, challenges persist. Future antibody-based studies may lead to a novel multiplex protein panel for screening or detection to prevent or mitigate preeclampsia.

  11. Reduction of the disintegrin and metalloprotease ADAM12 in preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Laigaard, Jennie; Sørensen, Tina; Placing, Sophie


    OBJECTIVES: The secreted form of ADAM12 is a metalloprotease that may be involved in placental and fetal growth. We examined whether the concentration of ADAM12 in first-trimester maternal serum could be used as a marker for preeclampsia. METHODS: We developed a semiautomated, time-resolved, immu......OBJECTIVES: The secreted form of ADAM12 is a metalloprotease that may be involved in placental and fetal growth. We examined whether the concentration of ADAM12 in first-trimester maternal serum could be used as a marker for preeclampsia. METHODS: We developed a semiautomated, time......-resolved, immunofluorometric assay for the quantification of ADAM12 in serum. The assay detected ADAM12 in a range of 78-1248 microg/L. Serum samples derived from women in the first trimester of a normal pregnancy (n = 324) and from women who later developed preeclampsia during pregnancy (n = 160) were obtained from the First...... Trimester Copenhagen Study. ADAM12 levels were assayed in these serum samples. Serum levels of ADAM12 were converted to multiples of the median (MoM) after log-linear regression of concentration versus gestational age. RESULTS: Serum ADAM12 levels in women who developed preeclampsia during pregnancy had...

  12. Contemporary Clinical Management of the Cerebral Complications of Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stefan C. Kane


    Full Text Available The neurological complications of preeclampsia and eclampsia are responsible for a major proportion of the morbidity and mortality arising from these conditions, for women and their infants alike. This paper outlines the evidence base for contemporary management principles pertaining to the neurological sequelae of preeclampsia, primarily from the maternal perspective, but with consideration of fetal and neonatal aspects as well. It concludes with a discussion regarding future directions in the management of this potentially lethal condition.

  13. Low maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration increases the risk of severe and mild preeclampsia. (United States)

    Baca, Katharyn M; Simhan, Hyagriv N; Platt, Robert W; Bodnar, Lisa M


    The objective of this case-cohort study was to evaluate the relationship between maternal 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration and preeclampsia overall and by severity. From an eligible cohort of 12,861 women who had serum banked from aneuploidy screening in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from 1999 to 2010, we randomly sampled a subcohort of 2327 pregnancies and all remaining preeclampsia cases (n = 650 cases). Preeclampsia (defined as new-onset hypertension and proteinuria) and its mild and severe forms were identified using ICD-9 codes. Maternal serum collected at 20 weeks or less gestation was measured for 25(OH)D. We used log-binomial regression with restricted cubic splines to estimate the association between 25(OH)D and preeclampsia after adjusting for confounders. Approximately 21% of the randomly selected sample had 25(OH)D less than 50 nmol per L. We found that the adjusted risk of preeclampsia declined as serum 25(OH)D increased to 50 nmol per L and then plateaued (test of nonlinearity P preeclampsia risk ratios (95% confidence intervals) for 25(OH)D less than 25 nmol per L, 25 to 49.9 nmol per L, and 50 to 74.9 nmol per L were 2.4 (1.2-4.8), 1.1 (0.69-1.7), and 1.3 (0.89-1.8), respectively, compared with those with 25(OH)D 75 nmol per L and over. Similar associations were observed with severe and mild preeclampsia. Vitamin D deficiency increases risks of severe and mild forms of preeclampsia. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Preeclampsia and Retinopathy of Prematurity in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants: A Population-Based Study. (United States)

    Huang, Hsin-Chung; Yang, Hwai-I; Chou, Hung-Chieh; Chen, Chien-Yi; Hsieh, Wu-Shiun; Tsou, Kuo-Inn; Tsao, Po-Nien


    Preeclampsia and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) are associated with impaired angiogenesis. Previous studies on the relationship between preeclampsia and ROP have produced conflicting results. The goal of this study was to evaluate the association between maternal preeclampsia and ROP using a large population-based cohort of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infants from 21 neonatal departments registered in the database of the Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for preeclampsia with reference to ROP and severe ROP. A total of 5,718 VLBW infants (844 cases with maternal preeclampsia) were included for analysis. The overall incidences of mild and severe ROP were 36.0% and 12.2%, respectively. Univariable analysis showed lower GA and lower birth weight, vaginal delivery, non-SGA, RDS, PDA, sepsis, transfusion, and absence of maternal preeclampsia to be associated with mild and severe ROP development. However, OR (95% CI) adjusted for the variables that were significant according to univariable analysis showed the risks of developing any-stage ROP and severe ROP for maternal preeclampsia to be 1.00 (0.84-1.20) and 0.89 (0.63-1.25), respectively. The results remained unchanged in stratified analyses according to SGA status. Our data showed that maternal preeclampsia was not associated with the subsequent development of any stage or severe ROP in VLBW infants.

  15. Preeclampsia and Retinopathy of Prematurity in Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants: A Population-Based Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hsin-Chung Huang

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP are associated with impaired angiogenesis. Previous studies on the relationship between preeclampsia and ROP have produced conflicting results. The goal of this study was to evaluate the association between maternal preeclampsia and ROP using a large population-based cohort of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW infants from 21 neonatal departments registered in the database of the Premature Baby Foundation of Taiwan. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals (CI for preeclampsia with reference to ROP and severe ROP. A total of 5,718 VLBW infants (844 cases with maternal preeclampsia were included for analysis. The overall incidences of mild and severe ROP were 36.0% and 12.2%, respectively. Univariable analysis showed lower GA and lower birth weight, vaginal delivery, non-SGA, RDS, PDA, sepsis, transfusion, and absence of maternal preeclampsia to be associated with mild and severe ROP development. However, OR (95% CI adjusted for the variables that were significant according to univariable analysis showed the risks of developing any-stage ROP and severe ROP for maternal preeclampsia to be 1.00 (0.84-1.20 and 0.89 (0.63-1.25, respectively. The results remained unchanged in stratified analyses according to SGA status. Our data showed that maternal preeclampsia was not associated with the subsequent development of any stage or severe ROP in VLBW infants.

  16. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) in early pregnancy is associated with development of preeclampsia in type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lene Ringholm; Pedersen-Bjergaard, Ulrik; Thorsteinsson, Birger


    The vasoactive markers of cardiac overload Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) and Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) are elevated in preeclampsia. This study documents higher ANP concentrations as early as at 9 weeks in type 1 diabetic women subsequently developing preeclampsia suggesting that preecla......The vasoactive markers of cardiac overload Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) and Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) are elevated in preeclampsia. This study documents higher ANP concentrations as early as at 9 weeks in type 1 diabetic women subsequently developing preeclampsia suggesting...... that preeclampsia is associated with cardiovascular changes in early pregnancy....

  17. Protective Low-Frequency Variants for Preeclampsia in the Fms Related Tyrosine Kinase 1 Gene in the Finnish Population. (United States)

    Lokki, A Inkeri; Daly, Emma; Triebwasser, Michael; Kurki, Mitja I; Roberson, Elisha D O; Häppölä, Paavo; Auro, Kirsi; Perola, Markus; Heinonen, Seppo; Kajantie, Eero; Kere, Juha; Kivinen, Katja; Pouta, Anneli; Salmon, Jane E; Meri, Seppo; Daly, Mark; Atkinson, John P; Laivuori, Hannele


    Preeclampsia is a common pregnancy-specific vascular disorder characterized by new-onset hypertension and proteinuria during the second half of pregnancy. Predisposition to preeclampsia is in part heritable. It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. We have sequenced 124 candidate genes implicated in preeclampsia to pinpoint genetic variants contributing to predisposition to or protection from preeclampsia. First, targeted exomic sequencing was performed in 500 preeclamptic women and 190 controls from the FINNPEC cohort (Finnish Genetics of Preeclampsia Consortium). Then 122 women with a history of preeclampsia and 1905 parous women with no such history from the National FINRISK Study (a large Finnish population survey on risk factors of chronic, noncommunicable diseases) were included in the analyses. We tested 146 rare and low-frequency variants and found an excess (observed 13 versus expected 7.3) nominally associated with preeclampsia ( P preeclampsia. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  18. Endothelium-dependent relaxation and angiotensin II sensitivity in experimental preeclampsia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne Marijn van der Graaf

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: We investigated endothelial dysfunction and the role of angiotensin (Ang-II type I (AT1-R and type II (AT2-R receptor in the changes in the Ang-II sensitivity in experimental preeclampsia in the rat. METHODS: Aortic rings were isolated from low dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS infused pregnant rats (experimental preeclampsia; n=9, saline-infused pregnant rats (n=8, and saline (n=8 and LPS (n=8 infused non-pregnant rats. Endothelium-dependent acetylcholine-mediated relaxation was studied in phenylephrine-preconstricted aortic rings in the presence of vehicle, N(G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester and/or indomethacin. To evaluate the role for AT1-R and AT2-R in Ang-II sensitivity, full concentration response curves were obtained for Ang-II in the presence of losartan or PD123319. mRNA expression of the AT1-R and AT2-R, eNOS and iNOS, COX1 and COX2 in aorta were evaluated using real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS: The role of vasodilator prostaglandins in the aorta was increased and the role of endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor and response of the AT1-R and AT2-R to Ang-II was decreased in pregnant saline infused rats as compared with non-pregnant rats. These changes were not observed during preeclampsia. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy induced adaptations in endothelial function, which were not observed in the rat model for preeclampsia. This role of lack of pregnancy induced endothelial adaptation in the pathophysiology of experimental preeclampsia needs further investigation.

  19. Association between insulin resistance and preeclampsia in obese non-diabetic women receiving metformin. (United States)

    Balani, Jyoti; Hyer, Steve; Syngelaki, Argyro; Akolekar, Ranjit; Nicolaides, Kypros H; Johnson, Antoinette; Shehata, Hassan


    To examine whether the reduced incidence of preeclampsia in non-diabetic obese pregnant women treated with metformin is mediated by changes in insulin resistance. This was a secondary analysis of obese pregnant women in a randomised trial (MOP trial). Fasting plasma glucose and insulin were measured in 384 of the 400 women who participated in the MOP trial. Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was compared in the metformin and placebo groups and in those that developed preeclampsia versus those that did not develop preeclampsia. At 28 weeks, median HOMA-IR was significantly lower in the metformin group. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that there was a significant contribution in the prediction of preeclampsia from maternal history of chronic hypertension and gestational weight gain, but not HOMA-IR either at randomisation ( p  = 0.514) or at 28 weeks ( p  = 0.643). Reduced incidence of preeclampsia in non-diabetic obese pregnant women treated with metformin is unlikely to be due to changes in insulin resistance.

  20. Preeclampsia and health risks later in life: an immunological link. (United States)

    Cheng, Shi-Bin; Sharma, Surendra


    Pregnancy represents a period of physiological stress, and although this stress is experienced for a very modest portion of life, it is now recognized as a window to women's future health, often by unmasking predispositions to conditions that only become symptomatic later in life. In normal pregnancy, the mother experiences mild metabolic syndrome-like condition through week 20 of gestation. A pronounced phenotype of metabolic syndrome may program pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is a serious complication with a myriad of manifestations for mother and offspring. This pregnancy syndrome is a polygenic disease and has been now linked to higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and several other disorders associated with vulnerable organs. Furthermore, the offspring born to preeclamptic mothers also exhibit an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and mental disorders during adulthood. This suggests that preeclampsia not only exposes the mother and the fetus to complications during pregnancy but also programs chronic diseases in later life. The etiology of preeclampsia is thought to be primarily associated with poor placentation and entails excessive maternal inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. It is well established now that the maternal immune system and the placenta are involved in a highly choreographed cross-talk that underlies adequate spiral artery remodeling required for uteroplacental perfusion and free flow of nutrients to the fetus. Since normal pregnancy is associated with a sequence of events represented by temporal events of inflammation (implantation), anti-inflammation (gestation), and inflammation (parturition), it is quite possible that unscheduled alterations in these regulatory responses may lead to pathologic consequences. Although it is not clear whether immunological alterations occur early in pregnancy, it is proposed that dysregulated systemic and placental immunity contribute to impaired

  1. Endothelial progenitor cell subsets and preeclampsia: Findings and controversies

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    Armin Attar


    Full Text Available Vascular remodeling is an essential component of gestation. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs play an important role in the regulation of vascular homeostasis. The results of studies measuring the number of EPCs in normal pregnancies and in preeclampsia have been highly controversial or even contradictory because of some variations in technical issues and different methodologies enumerating three distinct subsets of EPCs: circulating angiogenic cells (CAC, colony forming unit endothelial cells (CFU-ECs, and endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs. In general, most studies have shown an increase in the number of CACs in the maternal circulation with a progression in the gestational age in normal pregnancies, while functional capacities measured by CFU-ECs and ECFCs remain intact. In the case of preeclampsia, mobilization of CACs and ECFCs occurs in the peripheral blood of pregnant women, but the functional capacities shown by culture of the derived colony-forming assays (CFU-EC and ECFC assays are altered. Furthermore, the number of all EPC subsets will be reduced in umbilical cord blood in the case of preeclampsia. As EPCs play an important role in the homeostasis of vascular networks, the difference in their frequency and functionality in normal pregnancies and those with preeclampsia can be expected. In this review, there was an attempt to provide a justification for these controversies.

  2. Acute maternal infection and risk of pre-eclampsia: a population-based case-control study.

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    Caroline Minassian

    Full Text Available Infection in pregnancy may be involved in the aetiology of pre-eclampsia. However, a clear association between acute maternal infection and pre-eclampsia has not been established. We assessed whether acute urinary tract infection, respiratory tract infection, and antibiotic drug prescriptions in pregnancy (a likely proxy for maternal infection are associated with an increased risk of pre-eclampsia.We used a matched nested case-control design and data from the UK General Practice Research Database to examine the association between maternal infection and pre-eclampsia. Primiparous women aged at least 13 years and registered with a participating practice between January 1987 and October 2007 were eligible for inclusion. We selected all cases of pre-eclampsia and a random sample of primiparous women without pre-eclampsia (controls. Cases (n=1533 were individually matched with up to ten controls (n=14236 on practice and year of delivery. We calculated odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for pre-eclampsia comparing women exposed and unexposed to infection using multivariable conditional logistic regression. After adjusting for maternal age, pre-gestational hypertension, diabetes, renal disease and multifetal gestation, the odds of pre-eclampsia were increased in women prescribed antibiotic drugs (adjusted odds ratio 1.28;1.14-1.44 and in women with urinary tract infection (adjusted odds ratio 1.22;1.03-1.45. We found no association with maternal respiratory tract infection (adjusted odds ratio 0.91;0.72-1.16. Further adjustment for maternal smoking and pre-pregnancy body mass index made no difference to our findings.Women who acquire a urinary infection during pregnancy, but not those who have a respiratory infection, are at an increased risk of pre-eclampsia. Maternal antibiotic prescriptions are also associated with an increased risk. Further research is required to elucidate the underlying mechanism of this association and to determine

  3. A multicentre matched case control study of risk factors for Preeclampsia in healthy women in Pakistan

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    Qadri Zeeshan


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Preeclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality world-wide. The risk for developing preeclampsia varies depending on the underlying mechanism. Because the disorder is heterogeneous, the pathogenesis can differ in women with various risk factors. Understanding these mechanisms of disease responsible for preeclampsia as well as risk assessment is still a major challenge. The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors associated with preeclampsia, in healthy women in maternity hospitals of Karachi and Rawalpindi. Methods We conducted a hospital based matched case-control study to assess the factors associated with preeclampsia in Karachi and Rawalpindi, from January 2006 to December 2007. 131 hospital-reported cases of PE and 262 controls without history of preeclampsia were enrolled within 3 days of delivery. Cases and controls were matched on the hospital, day of delivery and parity. Potential risk factors for preeclampsia were ascertained during in-person postpartum interviews using a structured questionnaire and by medical record abstraction. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate matched odds ratios (ORs and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs. Results In multivariate analysis, women having a family history of hypertension (adjusted OR 2.06, 95% CI; 1.27-3.35, gestational diabetes (adjusted OR 6.57, 95% CI; 1.94 -22.25, pre-gestational diabetes (adjusted OR 7.36, 95% CI; 1.37-33.66 and mental stress during pregnancy (adjusted OR 1.32; 95% CI; 1.19-1.46, for each 5 unit increase in Perceived stress scale score were at increased risk of preeclampsia. However, high body mass index, maternal age, urinary tract infection, use of condoms prior to index pregnancy and sociodemographic factors were not associated with higher risk of having preeclampsia. Conclusions Development of preeclampsia was associated with gestational diabetes, pregestational diabetes, family

  4. Prevention of Preeclampsia: Is it Still a Disappointment?

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    Abeer Eddib


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal mortality worldwide, with many preventive strategies tested. In this review we intend to provide a synthesis of available studies of these strategies that have been tested, including systematic reviews. We will not be performing systematic review of the studies here. Of these strategies tested only low dose acetyl salicylic acid (ASA and calcium can be considered helpful for prevention at this time. A recent meta-analysis showed a benefit of low dose ASA for both high (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.66 to 0.85 and moderate risk groups (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.79 to 0.95. Therefore, low dose ASA in high risk groups may be useful, with a possible smaller benefit in moderate to low risk women. Another meta-analysis looking at calcium shows benefit for both high and low risk groups with an overall reduction in the risk of preeclampsia (RR 0.48, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.69. As a result, prenatal supplementation of calcium may be beneficial for the prevention of preeclampsia. However, vitamins C and E, zinc, fish oil, and magnesium supplementation have been discounted as potential preventive strategies. Nitric oxide, folic acid, and antithrombotics have not been well studied and there is insufficient data for reliable conclusions to be made. Areas of ongoing research that appear promising in the prevention of preeclampsia include modifiable metabolic factors, angiogenic proteins, angiotensin receptor antibodies, and syncytiotrophoblast microparticles. Strategies targeting these areas may provide opportunities for therapeutic interventions.

  5. Magnetic resonance imaging in eclampsia and preeclampsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuzuki, Nobusuke; Matsuda, Hideo; Tokumaru, Aya M.


    Five patients with eclampsia (eclampsia group) and 38 patients with preeclampsia underwent MR imaging study. Of 38 patients with preeclampsia, 8 patients (21.1%) showed vasogenic edema (VE) and/or cerebral vasospasm (VC), or both. In the eclampsia group, 4 patients had VE, VC or both, and 1 patient had normal brain and cerebral arteries. There were no differences in MR imaging studies between two group. There was no definite correlation among clinical features, VE, and vasospasm (VS) in both groups. Discrepancy between territories of vasospastic arteries and locations of VE were noticed. Some patients in both groups demonstrated delayed VS. In conclusion, VE and VS are not major factors in the pathogenesis of eclampsia. (author)

  6. Maternal and fetal human leukocyte antigen class Ia and II alleles in severe preeclampsia and eclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emmery, J.; Hachmon, R.; Pyo, C. W.


    and -DPB1) alleles and the risk of developing severe preeclampsia/eclampsia were investigated in a detailed and large-scale study. In total, 259 women diagnosed with severe preeclampsia or eclampsia and 260 matched control women with no preeclampsia, together with their neonates, were included in the study....... HLA genotyping for mothers and neonates was performed using next-generation sequencing. The HLA-DPB1*04:01:01G allele was significantly more frequent (Pc=0.044) among women diagnosed with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia compared with controls, and the DQA1*01:02:01G allele frequency was significantly...... lower (Pc=0.042) among newborns born by women with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia compared with controls. In mothers with severe preeclampsia/eclampsia, homozygosity was significantly more common compared with controls at the HLA-DPB1 locus (Pc=0.0028). Although the current large study shows some...

  7. Postpartum Vascular Dysfunction in the Reduced Uteroplacental Perfusion Model of Preeclampsia.

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    Lesley Brennan

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a disorder affecting 2-8% of all pregnancies, characterized by gestational hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg and proteinuria (≥300 mg over 24 hours diagnosed following the 20th week of pregnancy, and for which there is currently no available treatment. While the precise cause of preeclampsia is unknown, placental ischemia/hypoxia resulting from abnormal trophoblast invasion and maternal endothelial dysfunction are central characteristics. Preeclampsia is a major cause of both maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in the perinatal period. In addition, women who have experienced preeclampsia are more likely to suffer cardiovascular disease later in life. The cause of this elevation in cardiovascular risk postpartum, however, is unknown. We hypothesize that there may be lasting vascular dysfunction following exposure to reduced uteroplacental perfusion during pregnancy that may contribute to increased cardiovascular risk postpartum. Using the rat reduced utero-placental perfusion pressure (RUPP model of preeclampsia, blood pressure was assessed in dams at gestational day 20, one and three months postpartum. Mesenteric artery and aortic function were assessed using wire myography. We demonstrated hypertension and increased mesenteric artery responses to phenylephrine at gestational day 20, with the latter due to a decreased contribution of nitric oxide without any change in methylcholine-induced relaxation. At one month postpartum, we demonstrated a small but significant vasoconstrictive phenotype that was due to an underlying loss of basal nitric oxide contribution. At three months postpartum, endothelium-dependent relaxation of the aorta demonstrated sensitivity to oxLDL and mesenteric arteries demonstrated decreased nitric oxide bioavailability with impaired methylcholine-induced relaxation; indicative of an early development of endothelial dysfunction. In summary, we have demonstrated impaired vascular function following

  8. Comparación del uso de esteroides con el manejo convencional de la exacerbación de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

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    Ariel Pérez Monroy


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es una patología común caracterizada por una limitación crónica, progresiva e irreversible al flujo aéreo, afecta millones de personas en el mundo. Objetivo. Evaluar el uso de dos esquemas de esteroides, en comparación con el tratamiento convencional, en exacerbaciones agudas no acidóticas de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Material y métodos. Ciento seis pacientes de la Clínica Carlos Lleras Restrepo de Bogotá, con diagnóstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica exacerbada se evaluaron, siendo distribuidos en tres grupos: a Tratamiento convencional, b Hidrocortisona más esquema convencional y c Prednisolona más esquema convencional. Se valoró a las 72 horas el cambio porcentual en la medición del flujo-pico, la variación auscultatoria pulmonar y la percepción de mejoría clínica. Además, se consignó la estancia hospitalaria, la necesidad de tratamientos adicionales o ventilación mecánica y efectos colaterales. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la respuesta a los tres esquemas terapéuticos, salvo una mejor percepción subjetiva con la hidrocortisona. En el análisis por subgrupos la prednisona oral disminuyó la estancia hospitalaria, mejoró el flujo-pico espiratorio y la percepción subjetiva de síntomas en pacientes mayores de 80 años, con VEF1 menor o igual a 50% del predicho y que cursaron con una exacerbación severa. El género, la clase funcional basal, la causa y el tipo de la descompensación, el número de exacerbaciones-año y el número de paquetes-año, no influyeron en la respuesta a los tres grupos. El efecto secundario más frecuente con esteroides fue la hiperglicemia. Conclusión. Los esteroides sistémicos en forma global, no son mejores que el tratamiento convencional en exacerbaciones de EPOC. Sin embargo, la prednisona oral mejoró objetiva y subjetivamente las exacerbaciones severas, en los

  9. Neurodevelopmental consequences in offspring of mothers with preeclampsia during pregnancy: underlying biological mechanism via imprinting genes. (United States)

    Nomura, Yoko; John, Rosalind M; Janssen, Anna Bugge; Davey, Charles; Finik, Jackie; Buthmann, Jessica; Glover, Vivette; Lambertini, Luca


    Preeclampsia is known to be a leading cause of mortality and morbidity among mothers and their infants. Approximately 3-8% of all pregnancies in the US are complicated by preeclampsia and another 5-7% by hypertensive symptoms. However, less is known about its long-term influence on infant neurobehavioral development. The current review attempts to demonstrate new evidence for imprinting gene dysregulation caused by hypertension, which may explain the link between maternal preeclampsia and neurocognitive dysregulation in offspring. Pub Med and Web of Science databases were searched using the terms "preeclampsia," "gestational hypertension," "imprinting genes," "imprinting dysregulation," and "epigenetic modification," in order to review the evidence demonstrating associations between preeclampsia and suboptimal child neurodevelopment, and suggest dysregulation of placental genomic imprinting as a potential underlying mechanism. The high mortality and morbidity among mothers and fetuses due to preeclampsia is well known, but there is little research on the long-term biological consequences of preeclampsia and resulting hypoxia on the fetal/child neurodevelopment. In the past decade, accumulating evidence from studies that transcend disciplinary boundaries have begun to show that imprinted genes expressed in the placenta might hold clues for a link between preeclampsia and impaired cognitive neurodevelopment. A sudden onset of maternal hypertension detected by the placenta may result in misguided biological programming of the fetus via changes in the epigenome, resulting in suboptimal infant development. Furthering our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms through which neurodevelopmental trajectories of the fetus/infant are affected by preeclampsia and hypertension will represent an important first step toward preventing adverse neurodevelopment in infants.

  10. Water-Sectoral Disorders in Puerperas with Preeclampsia

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    S. V. Galushka


    Full Text Available Objective: to study the profile of water sectors in puerperas with preeclampsia and to determine whether it is expedient to include colloidal solutions into an infusion therapy program for this category of patients.Subjects and methods. Forty-two puerperas with moderate and severe preeclampsia, whose delivery was made by cesarean section, were examined. All the study puerperas were divided into 2 groups: 1 22 puerperas who received heta-hydroethylized starch (HES solutions as part of infusion therapy; 2 20 puerperas who did not.Results. At the beginning of the study, both groups had increased systemic water and higher extracellular and interstitial fluid volumes as compared with the normal values. With infusion therapy, Group 1 exhibited a decrease in systemic water from 123.8% on day 1 of the study to 106.7% by day 5 and reductions in interstitial hyperhydration from 141.5 to 110.1% and in extracellular fluid from 139.7 to 108.6% as compared with Group 2. By the end of the study, significant impairments in the balance of water sectors preserved in Group 2.Conclusion. Inclusion of heta-HES (Stabisole into infusion therapy in patients with preeclampsia on days 1—2 after delivery leads to a rapider normalization of impaired water balance.  

  11. Elevated circulating homocyst(e)ine levels in placental vascular disease and associated pre-eclampsia. (United States)

    Wang, J; Trudinger, B J; Duarte, N; Wilcken, D E; Wang, X L


    We examined the hypothesis that hyperhomocyst(e)inaemia in the maternal or fetal circulation is associated with placental vascular disease with either the maternal syndrome of pre-eclampsia and/or fetal syndrome of growth restriction. Maternal plasma homocyst(e)ine levels were significantly higher in pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia, pregnancies with evidence of umbilical placental vascular disease, and pregnancies with both complications compared with the normal pregnancy group. In the fetal circulation mean plasma homocyst(e)ine concentration was significantly higher in the pre-eclampsia group compared with the normal group. The results suggest that hyperhomocyst(e)inaemia may be a risk marker for placental vascular disease and maternal pre-eclampsia. The elevated fetal plasma homocyst(e)ine concentrations, found only in the group of pregnancies with pre-eclampsia in the absence of umbilical placental vascular disease, may be due to an effect of placental vascular disease on homocyst(e)ine transfer from the maternal to fetal circulation.

  12. Increased Angiotensin II Sensitivity Contributes to Microvascular Dysfunction in Women Who Have Had Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Stanhewicz, Anna E; Jandu, Sandeep; Santhanam, Lakshmi; Alexander, Lacy M


    Women who have had preeclampsia have increased cardiovascular disease risk; however, the mechanism(s) responsible for this association remain unclear. Microvascular damage sustained during a preeclamptic pregnancy may persist postpartum. The putative mechanisms mediating this dysfunction include a reduction in NO-dependent dilation and an increased sensitivity to angiotensin II. In this study, we evaluated endothelium-dependent dilation, angiotensin II sensitivity, and the therapeutic effect of angiotensin II receptor blockade (losartan) on endothelium-dependent dilation in vivo in the microvasculature of women with a history of preeclampsia (n=12) and control women who had a healthy pregnancy (n=12). We hypothesized that preeclampsia would have (1) reduced endothelium-dependent dilation, (2) reduced NO-mediated dilation, and (3) increased sensitivity to angiotensin II. We further hypothesized that localized losartan would increase endothelium-dependent vasodilation in preeclampsia. We assessed microvascular endothelium-dependent vasodilator function by measurement of cutaneous vascular conductance responses to graded infusion of acetylcholine (acetylcholine; 10 -7 -102 mmol/L) and a standardized local heating protocol in control sites and sites treated with 15 mmol/L L-NAME ( N G -nitro-l-arginine methyl ester; NO-synthase inhibitor) or 43 µmol/L losartan. Further, we assessed microvascular vasoconstrictor sensitivity to angiotensin II (10 -20 -10 -4 mol/L). Preeclampsia had significantly reduced endothelium-dependent dilation (-0.3±0.5 versus -1.0±0.4 log EC50 ; P Preeclampsia also had augmented vasoconstrictor sensitivity to angiotensin II (-10.2±1.3 versus -8.3±0.5; P =0.006). Angiotensin II type I receptor inhibition augmented endothelium-dependent vasodilation and NO-dependent dilation in preeclampsia but had no effect in healthy pregnancy. These data suggest that women who have had preeclampsia have persistent microvascular dysfunction postpartum

  13. Prediction of pre-eclampsia: a protocol for systematic reviews of test accuracy

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    Khan Khalid S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Pre-eclampsia, a syndrome of hypertension and proteinuria, is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Accurate prediction of pre-eclampsia is important, since high risk women could benefit from intensive monitoring and preventive treatment. However, decision making is currently hampered due to lack of precise and up to date comprehensive evidence summaries on estimates of risk of developing pre-eclampsia. Methods/Design A series of systematic reviews and meta-analyses will be undertaken to determine, among women in early pregnancy, the accuracy of various tests (history, examinations and investigations for predicting pre-eclampsia. We will search Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, MEDION, citation lists of review articles and eligible primary articles and will contact experts in the field. Reviewers working independently will select studies, extract data, and assess study validity according to established criteria. Language restrictions will not be applied. Bivariate meta-analysis of sensitivity and specificity will be considered for tests whose studies allow generation of 2 × 2 tables. Discussion The results of the test accuracy reviews will be integrated with results of effectiveness reviews of preventive interventions to assess the impact of test-intervention combinations for prevention of pre-eclampsia.

  14. Increased prevalence of preeclampsia among women undergoing procedural intervention for renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia. (United States)

    Vance, Chardonnay J; Taylor, Robert N; Craven, Timothy E; Edwards, Matthew S; Corriere, Matthew A


    Renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia (RA-FMD) has a higher prevalence among women and a presumed hormonal etiology. Although preeclampsia has a clinical presentation similar to symptomatic RA-FMD and occurs exclusively in women, associations between these 2 diseases have not been characterized. To explore epidemiologic associations between RA-FMD and preeclampsia, we administered a validated screening instrument for preeclampsia to a cohort of women with a history of pregnancy who had previously been treated with procedural intervention for symptomatic RA stenosis. Women with a history of pregnancy who had previously undergone procedural intervention (including angioplasty and/or bypass) for symptomatic RA stenosis were identified from a prospectively maintained operative registry and screened for remote history of preeclampsia using a validated survey instrument. Univariable associations between RA-FMD and preeclampsia among participants with a history of pregnancy were evaluated using t-tests for continuous factors and chi-squared tests for dichotomous factors. Multivariable associations were evaluated using logistic regression models. A total of 144 women were identified who met the study inclusion criteria, including 94 with atherosclerotic RA stenosis and 50 with RA-FMD. Sixty-nine patients were contacted, 59 consented to participate, and 52 had a history of pregnancy (and therefore were at risk for preeclampsia). Participants completed the survey instrument at a mean of 7.1 ± 3.1 vs. 6.9 ± 3.6 years after RA procedural intervention, respectively. Survey responses indicated a history of preeclampsia in 19/52 (36.5%) of participants overall, including 14/27 (51.9%) with RA-FMD versus 5/20 (20.0%) with RA atherosclerosis (P = 0.02). Preeclampsia remained associated with FMD in a multivariable model adjusting for smoking status, age at time of surgery, and estimated glomerular filtration rate (odds ratio [OR] 9.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.49-60.6, P = 0

  15. A prospective study of maternal carboxyhemoglobin and preeclampsia risk (United States)

    Rudra, Carole B.; Williams, Michelle A.; Schiff, Melissa A.; Koenig, Jane Q.; Dills, Russell; Yu, Jianbo


    Summary We aimed to measure the relation between early-pregnancy maternal carboxyhemoglobin and subsequent preeclampsia risk. We conducted a nested case-control analysis using data from a western Washington State cohort study (1996–2004). We measured maternal whole blood carboxyhemoglobin in 128 women who developed preeclampsia and 419 normotensive controls (mean gestational age at blood draw, 14.8 weeks). After adjustment for confounders, high (≥1%) versus low (carboxyhemoglobin odds ratios [OR] and 95% confidence intervals [CI] were 4.09 [1.30, 12.9] in parous women, 0.53 [0.23, 1.26] in nulliparous women, and 1.11 [0.55, 2.25] in the overall study population (parity interaction p=0.01). The influence of parity on the association was unexpected. The association between high carboxyhemoglobin and preeclampsia risk in parous women implicates hypoxia at the fetal-maternal interface as a pathogenic mechanism. These results also suggest that the etiology of the disease may differ according to parity. PMID:20078828

  16. First trimester uterine artery Doppler, sFlt-1 and PlGF to predict preeclampsia in a high-risk population. (United States)

    Diguisto, Caroline; Piver, Eric; Gouge, Amélie Le; Eboue, Florence; Vaillant, Claudine Le; Maréchaud, Martine; Goua, Valérie; Giraudeau, Bruno; Perrotin, Franck


    The study aims to evaluate the accuracy of combining uterine artery Doppler (UAD), PlGF and sFlt-1 in the first trimester for preeclampsia screening. Prospectively enrolled women at high risk of preeclampsia were included. Transabdominal UAD measurements and serum biomarkers were collected between 11 and 13 weeks of gestation in three university hospitals and in one general hospital. The main outcome was preeclampsia. UAD parameters and biomarker levels among women with preeclampsia were compared with those of women in the unaffected group in univariate and multivariate analyses. Out of 226 women included from May 2007 to January 2011, 27 (11.9%) women developed preeclampsia. Among women affected by preeclampsia, the lowest pulsatility index was higher (p = 0.02), bilateral notching was more frequent (p = 0.01), and PlGF was lower (p preeclampsia, but neither sFlt-1 nor any UAD indices improved the prediction of preeclampsia.

  17. Hepatic rupture in preeclampsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Winer-Muram, H.T.; Muram, D.; Salazar, J.; Massie, J.D.


    The diagnosis of hepatic rupture in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension (preeclampsia and eclampsia) is rarely made preoperatively. Diagnostic imaging can be utilized in some patients to confirm the preoperative diagnosis. Since hematoma formation precedes hepatic rupture, then, when diagnostic modalities such as sonography and computed tomography identify patients with hematomas, these patients are at risk of rupture, and should be hospitalized until the hematomas resolve

  18. Determinants of future cardiovascular health in women with a history of preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zoet, Gerbrand A.; Koster, Maria P H; Velthuis, Birgitta K.; de Groot, Christianne J M; Maas, Angela H E M; Fauser, Bart C J M; Franx, Arie; van Rijn, Bas B.


    Women who develop preeclampsia have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) later in life. However, current guidelines on cardiovascular risk assessment and prevention are unclear on how and when to screen these women postpartum, and about the role of a positive history of preeclampsia in

  19. Serial assessment of cardiovascular control shows early signs of developing pre-eclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rang, Sasika; Wolf, H.; van Montfrans, G. A.; Karemaker, J. M.


    Purpose To evaluate whether differences in autonomic cardiovascular control between normal pregnant women and women who develop pre-eclampsia later in pregnancy can be detected even before or early in pregnancy. Design We studied 42 women, 21 multigravid with a history of pre-eclampsia and 21

  20. HLA class Ib molecules and immune cells in pregnancy and preeclampsia

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    Snezana eDjurisic


    Full Text Available Despite decades of research, the highly prevalent pregnancy complication preeclampsia, ‘the disease of theories’, has remained an enigma. Indeed, the etiology of preeclampsia is largely unknown. A compiling amount of studies indicate that the pathological basis involves a complex array of genetic predisposition and immunological maladaptation, and that a contribution from the mother, the father and the fetus is likely to be important. The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA –G is an increasing focus of research in relation to preeclampsia. The HLA-G molecule is primarily expressed by the extravillous trophoblast cells lining the placenta together with the two other HLA class Ib molecules, HLA-E and HLA-F. Soluble isoforms of HLA-G have been detected in the early endometrium, the matured cumulus-oocyte complex, maternal blood of pregnant women, in umbilical cord blood, and lately, in seminal plasma. HLA-G is believed to be involved in modulating immune responses in the context of vascular remodeling during pregnancy as well as in dampening potential harmful immune attacks raised against the semi-allogeneic fetus. In addition, HLA-G genetic variants are associated with both membrane-bound and soluble forms of HLA-G, and, in some studies, with preeclampsia. In this review, a genetic contribution from the mother, the father and the fetus, together with the presence and function of various immune cells of relevance in pregnancy, are reviewed in relation to HLA-G and preeclampsia.

  1. New approaches for managing preeclampsia: clues from clinical and basic research. (United States)

    George, Eric M


    One of the most common, and most vexing, obstetric complications is preeclampsia-a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity. Hallmarked by new-onset hypertension and a myriad of other symptoms, the underlying cause of the disorder remains obscure despite intensive research into its etiology. Although the initiating events are not clear, one common finding in preeclamptic patients is failure to remodel the maternal arteries that supply the placenta, with resulting hypoxia/ischemia. Intensive research over the past 2 decades has identified several categories of molecular dysfunction resulting from placental hypoxia, which, when released into the maternal circulation, are involved in the spectrum of symptoms seen in these patients-in particular, angiogenic imbalance and the activation of innate and adaptive immune responses. Despite these new insights, little in the way of new treatments for the management of these patients has been advanced into clinical practice. Indeed, few therapeutic options exist for the obstetrician treating a case of preeclampsia. Pharmacologic management is typically seizure prophylaxis, and, in severe cases, antihypertensive agents for controlling worsening hypertension. Ultimately, the induction of labor is indicated, making preeclampsia a leading cause of premature birth. Here, the molecular mechanisms linking placental ischemia to the maternal symptoms of preeclampsia are reviewed, and several areas of recent research suggesting new potential therapeutic approaches to the management of preeclampsia are identified. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Preeclampsia As Modulator of Offspring Health

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stojanovska, Violeta; Scherjon, Sicco A; Plösch, Torsten


    A balanced intrauterine homeostasis during pregnancy is crucial for optimal growth and development of the fetus. The intrauterine environment is extremely vulnerable to multisystem pregnancy disorders such as preeclampsia, which can be triggered by various pathophysiological factors, such as

  3. DEGENERACIÓN COMBINADA SUBAGUDA, ANEMIA MEGALOBLÁSTICA Y MANIFESTACIONES NEUROPSIQUIÁTRICAS Caracterización clínica de catorce casos con deficiencia de cianocobalamina

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    Tomás Omar Zamora Bastidas


    Full Text Available La degeneración combinada subaguda es un desorden neurológico que afecta los cordones posteriores de la médula y se manifiesta precozmente con disestesia, parestesias y astenia severa. En pacientes de riesgo, es la manifestación inicial (y a veces única de una deficiencia de vitamina B12. El cerebro, el nervio óptico y los nervios periféricos pueden afectarse igualmente. Presentamos catorce casos de degeneración combinada subaguda por deficiencia de vitamina B12, con niveles bajos y anemia en la mayor parte de pacientes. Una revisión de la literatura muestra también estados carenciales en grupos poblacionales pobres de adultos mayores con otros factores de riesgo; y deficiencias subclínicas con depósitos hepáticos de vitamina B12 casi exhaustos. Puede haber clínica neuropsiquiátrica en casos sin niveles bajos de vitamina B12 ni anemia.

  4. Preeclampsia – Will Orphan Drug Status Facilitate Innovative Biological Therapies? (United States)

    Hahn, Sinuhe


    It is generally accepted that the development of novel therapies to treat pregnancy-related disorders, such as preeclampsia, is hampered by the paucity of research funding. Hence, it is with great interest to become aware of at least three novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disorder: exploiting either the anticoagulant activity of antithrombin, the free radical scavenging activity of alpha-1-microglobulin, or the regenerative capacity of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells. As these projects are being carried out by small biotech enterprises, the question arises of how they are able to fund such undertakings. A novel strategy adopted by two of these companies is that they successfully petitioned US and EU agencies in order that preeclampsia is accepted in the register of rare or orphan diseases. This provides a number of benefits including market exclusivity, assistance with clinical trials, and dedicated funding schemes. Other strategies to supplement meager research funds, especially to test novel approaches, could be crowdfunding, a venture that relies on intimate interaction with advocacy groups. In other words, preeclampsia meets Facebook. Perhaps similar strategies can be adopted to examine novel therapies targeting either the imbalance in pro- or anti-angiogenic growth factors, complement activation, reduced levels of placenta protein 13, or excessive neutrophil activation evident in preeclampsia. PMID:25767802

  5. Preeclampsia – will Orphan Drug Status facilitate innovative biological therapies?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sinuhe eHahn


    Full Text Available It is generally accepted that development of novel therapies to treat pregnancy-relates disorders, such as preeclampsia, is hampered to the paucity of research funding. Hence, it is with great interest to become aware of at least three novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of this disorder, exploiting either the anticoagulant activity of antithrombin, the free radical scavenging activity of alpha-1-microglobulin, or the regenerative capacity of placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells. As these projects are being carried out by small biotech enterprises, the question arises of how they are able to fund such undertakings. A novel strategy adopted by two of these companies is that they successfully petitioned US and EU agencies in order that preeclampsia be accepted in the register of rare or orphan diseases. This provides a number of benefits including market exclusivity, assistance with clinical trials and dedicated funding schemes. Other strategies to supplement meager research funds, especially to test novel approaches, could be crowdfunding, a venture which relies on intimate interaction with advocacy groups. In other words, preeclampsia meets Facebook. Perhaps similar strategies can be adopted to examine novel therapies targeting either the imbalance in angiogenic growth factors, complement activation, reduced levels of placenta protein 13 or excessive neutrophil activation evident in preeclampsia.

  6. Intrauterine growth restriction and placental gene expression in severe preeclampsia, comparing early-onset and late-onset forms. (United States)

    Nevalainen, Jaana; Skarp, Sini; Savolainen, Eeva-Riitta; Ryynänen, Markku; Järvenpää, Jouko


    To evaluate placental gene expression in severe early- or late-onset preeclampsia with intrauterine growth restriction compared to controls. Chorionic villus sampling was conducted after cesarean section from the placentas of five women with early- or late-onset severe preeclampsia and five controls for each preeclampsia group. Microarray analysis was performed to identify gene expression differences between the groups. Pathway analysis showed over-representation of gene ontology (GO) biological process terms related to inflammatory and immune response pathways, platelet development, vascular development, female pregnancy and reproduction in early-onset preeclampsia. Pathways related to immunity, complement and coagulation cascade were overrepresented in the hypergeometric test for the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database. Ten genes (ABI3BP, C7, HLA-G, IL2RB, KRBOX1, LRRC15, METTL7B, MPP5, RFLNB and SLC20A) had a ≥±1 fold expression difference in severe early-onset preeclampsia group compared to early controls. There were 362 genes that had a ≥±1 fold expression difference in severe early-onset preeclampsia group compared to late-onset preeclampsia group including ABI3BP, C7, HLA-G and IL2RB. There are significant differences in placental gene expression between severe early- and late-onset preeclampsia when both are associated with intrauterine growth restriction. ABI3BP, C7, HLA-G and IL2RB might contribute to the development of early form of severe preeclampsia.

  7. Role of agonistic autoantibodies against type-1 angiotensin II receptor in the pathogenesis of retinopathy in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Liu, Fang; Wang, Yuxian; Wang, Xiaofang; Zheng, Yanqian; Jin, Zhu; Zhi, Jianming


    To investigate the mechanism underlying AT1-AA-induced retinopathy in severe preeclampsia by measuring the positive rate and titer of AT1-AA in plasma from women with severe preeclampsia and normal pregnant women to see whether AT1-AA titer was correlated with the grade of retinopathy. A preeclampsia rat model was also established by intravenous injection of AT1-AA extracted from the plasma of patient suffering from severe preeclampsia. The results showed that the plasma titer and positive rate of AT1-AA were significantly higher in women with severe preeclampsia than normal pregnant women. The antibody titer in cases of severe preeclampsia was associated with the grade of retinopathy, and positively correlated with the level of TNF-α and VEGF. The animal experiment results showed that the modeled rats presented symptoms very similar to symptoms of human preeclampsia, including retinopathy. Ocular fundus examination showed retinal microvascular abnormalities, hemorrhaging and leakage in the severe preeclampsia. Morphological changes included edema, thickening of the INL and ONL, and pigment atrophy. TNF-α and VEGF levels were increased in the vitreous humor and retina of the model rats. Our studies results suggest that abnormal expression of AT1-AA could induce damage to retinal capillary endothelial cells and increase vascular permeability, resulting in retinopathy.

  8. Identification of proteomic biomarkers of preeclampsia using protein microarray and tandem mass spectrometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karol Charkiewicz


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia (PE is the leading cause of death of the fetus and the mother. The exact pathomechanism has not so far been clarified. PE coexists with many other diseases, but it is often difficult to explain the association between them and find a clear reason for their occurrence. There are many predictive factors, but none are highly specific in preeclampsia. The diagnosis of preeclampsia seems to be very complex, which is another argument for the exploration of knowledge on this subject. Although many of the discoveries have hitherto been made in the field of proteomics, still no single specific biomarker of preeclampsia has been discovered. Research at the genome level is important because it can help us understand the genetic predisposition of patients affected by this disease. Nevertheless, researchers have recently become more interested in the pathophysiology of PE, and they are trying to answer the question: what is the real, direct cause of preeclampsia? Thus, the discovery of a protein that is a good predictor of preeclampsia development would significantly accelerate the medical care of pregnant women, and consequently reduce the risk of occurrence of HELLP syndrome and fetal death. Apart from the predictive and diagnostic function, such a discovery would help us to better understand the pathogenesis of preeclampsia and to find in the future a medical drug to suppress this disease. In order to make a breakthrough in this field, scientists need to use the most modern methods of proteomics, which allow for the analysis of small amounts of biological material in the shortest possible time, thereby giving a lot of information about existing proteins in the sample. Such optimization allows two methods, most commonly used by researchers: tandem mass spectrometry and protein microarray technique.

  9. Metabolomic biomarkers in serum and urine in women with preeclampsia


    Austdal, Marie; Skråstad, Ragnhild; Gundersen, Astrid; Austgulen, Rigmor; Iversen, Ann-Charlotte; Bathen, Tone Frost


    Objective To explore the potential of magnetic resonance (MR) metabolomics for study of preeclampsia, for improved phenotyping and elucidating potential clues to etiology and pathogenesis. Methods Urine and serum samples from pregnant women with preeclampsia (n = 10), normal pregnancies (n = 10) and non-pregnant women (n = 10) matched by age and gestational age were analyzed with MR spectroscopy and subjected to multivariate analysis. Metabolites were then quantified and compared ...

  10. Strong ion and weak acid analysis in severe preeclampsia: potential clinical significance. (United States)

    Ortner, C M; Combrinck, B; Allie, S; Story, D; Landau, R; Cain, K; Dyer, R A


    The influence of common disturbances seen in preeclampsia, such as changes in strong ions and weak acids (particularly albumin) on acid-base status, has not been fully elucidated. The aims of this study were to provide a comprehensive acid-base analysis in severe preeclampsia and to identify potential new biological predictors of disease severity. Fifty women with severe preeclampsia, 25 healthy non-pregnant- and 46 healthy pregnant controls (26-40 weeks' gestation), were enrolled in this prospective case-control study. Acid-base analysis was performed by applying the physicochemical approach of Stewart and Gilfix. Mean [sd] base excess was similar in preeclamptic- and healthy pregnant women (-3.3 [2.3], and -2.8 [1.5] mEq/L respectively). In preeclampsia, there were greater offsetting contributions to the base excess, in the form of hyperchloraemia (BE(Cl) -2 [2.3] vs -0.4 [2.3] mEq/L, Palkalosis was associated with a non-reassuring/abnormal fetal heart tracing (Prespiratory and hypoalbuminaemic alkalosis that was metabolically offset by acidosis, secondary to unmeasured anions and dilution. While the overall base excess in severe preeclampsia is similar to that in healthy pregnancy, preeclampsia is associated with a greater imbalance offsetting hypoalbuminaemic alkalosis and hyperchloraemic acidosis. Rather than the absolute value of base excess, the magnitude of these opposing contributors may be a better indicator of the severity of this disease. Hypoalbuminaemic alkalosis may also be a predictor of fetal compromise. NCT 02164370. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  11. Mechanisms of Endothelial Dysfunction in Hypertensive Pregnancy and Preeclampsia (United States)

    Possomato-Vieira, José S.; Khalil, Raouf A.


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related disorder characterized by hypertension, and could lead to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Although the causative factors and pathophysiological mechanisms are unclear, endothelial dysfunction is a major hallmark of preeclampsia. Clinical tests and experimental research have suggested that generalized endotheliosis in the systemic, renal, cerebral and hepatic circulation could decrease endothelium-derived vasodilators such as nitric oxide, prostacyclin and hyperpolarization factor and increase vasoconstrictors such as endothelin-1 and thromboxane A2, leading to increased vasoconstriction, hypertension and other manifestation of preeclampsia. In search for the upstream mechanisms that could cause endothelial dysfunction, certain genetic, demographic and environmental risk factors have been suggested to cause abnormal expression of uteroplacental integrins, cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases, leading to decreased maternal tolerance, apoptosis of invasive trophoblast cells, inadequate spiral arteries remodeling, reduced uterine perfusion pressure (RUPP), and placental ischemia/hypoxia. RUPP may cause imbalance between the anti-angiogenic factors soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and soluble endoglin and the pro-angiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor, or stimulate the release of other circulating bioactive factors such as inflammatory cytokines, hypoxia-inducible factor-1, reactive oxygen species, and angiotensin AT1 receptor agonistic autoantibodies. These circulating factors could then target endothelial cells and cause generalized endothelial dysfunction. Therapeutic options are currently limited, but understanding the factors involved in endothelial dysfunction could help design new approaches for prediction and management of preeclampsia. PMID:27451103

  12. Fetal hemoglobin, α1-microglobulin and hemopexin are potential predictive first trimester biomarkers for preeclampsia. (United States)

    Anderson, Ulrik Dolberg; Gram, Magnus; Ranstam, Jonas; Thilaganathan, Basky; Kerström, Bo; Hansson, Stefan R


    Overproduction of cell-free fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in the preeclamptic placenta has been recently implicated as a new etiological factor of preeclampsia. In this study, maternal serum levels of HbF and the endogenous hemoglobin/heme scavenging systems were evaluated as predictive biomarkers for preeclampsia in combination with uterine artery Doppler ultrasound. Case-control study including 433 women in early pregnancy (mean 13.7weeks of gestation) of which 86 subsequently developed preeclampsia. The serum concentrations of HbF, total cell-free hemoglobin, hemopexin, haptoglobin and α1-microglobulin were measured in maternal serum. All patients were examined with uterine artery Doppler ultrasound. Logistic regression models were developed, which included the biomarkers, ultrasound indices, and maternal risk factors. There were significantly higher serum concentrations of HbF and α1-microglobulin and significantly lower serum concentrations of hemopexin in patients who later developed preeclampsia. The uterine artery Doppler ultrasound results showed significantly higher pulsatility index values in the preeclampsia group. The optimal prediction model was obtained by combining HbF, α1-microglobulin and hemopexin in combination with the maternal characteristics parity, diabetes and pre-pregnancy hypertension. The optimal sensitivity for all preeclampsia was 60% at 95% specificity. Overproduction of placentally derived HbF and depletion of hemoglobin/heme scavenging mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. The combination of HbF and α1-microglobulin and/or hemopexin may serve as a prediction model for preeclampsia in combination with maternal risk factors and/or uterine artery Doppler ultrasound. Copyright © 2016 International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Melatonin secretion is impaired in women with preeclampsia and an abnormal circadian blood pressure rhythm. (United States)

    Bouchlariotou, Sofia; Liakopoulos, Vassilios; Giannopoulou, Myrto; Arampatzis, Spyridon; Eleftheriadis, Theodoros; Mertens, Peter R; Zintzaras, Elias; Messinis, Ioannis E; Stefanidis, Ioannis


    Non-dipping circadian blood pressure (BP) is a common finding in preeclampsia, accompanied by adverse outcomes. Melatonin plays pivotal role in biological circadian rhythms. This study investigated the relationship between melatonin secretion and circadian BP rhythm in preeclampsia. Cases were women with preeclampsia treated between January 2006 and June 2007 in the University Hospital of Larissa. Volunteers with normal pregnancy, matched for chronological and gestational age, served as controls. Twenty-four hour ambulatory BP monitoring was applied. Serum melatonin and urine 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels were determined in day and night time samples by enzyme-linked immunoassays. Measurements were repeated 2 months after delivery. Thirty-one women with preeclampsia and 20 controls were included. Twenty-one of the 31 women with preeclampsia were non-dippers. Compared to normal pregnancy, in preeclampsia there were significantly lower night time melatonin (48.4 ± 24.7 vs. 85.4 ± 26.9 pg/mL, pcircadian BP rhythm status ascribed this finding exclusively to non-dippers (pcircadian BP and melatonin secretion rhythm reappeared. In contrast, in cases with retained non-dipping status (n=10) melatonin secretion rhythm remained impaired: daytime versus night time melatonin (33.5 ± 13.0 vs. 28.0 ± 13.8 pg/mL, p=0.386). Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels were, overall, similar to serum melatonin. Circadian BP and melatonin secretion rhythm follow parallel course in preeclampsia, both during pregnancy and, at least 2 months after delivery. Our findings may be not sufficient to implicate a putative therapeutic effect of melatonin, however, they clearly emphasize that its involvement in the pathogenesis of a non-dipping BP in preeclampsia needs intensive further investigation.

  14. Aspirin In The Prevention Of Pre-Eclampsia: Where Are We Now?

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)


    Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy specific multi-systemic disorder that causes maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is estimated to complicate between three to five percent of pregnancies and contributes to 8 to 10% of all preterm births1,2. Aspirin inhibits cyclooxygenase in platelets and endothelium in a fashion that alters the balance between the vasoconstrictor thromboxane and the vasodilator prostacyclin. This potentiates vasodilatation and reduces platelet aggregation, contributors to the endothelial dysfunction seen in preeclampsia. Over 100 clinical trials have examined whether or not Aspirin, when prescribed from early pregnancy, can prevent pre-eclampsia, and the consensus is that it reduces the incidence by approximately 10 to 24 % in women that are deemed to be at risk3,4.

  15. Maternal periodontal disease and preeclampsia in Jaipur population. (United States)

    Jaiman, Girija; Nayak, Prathibha Anand; Sharma, Sanu; Nagpal, Kiran


    Preeclampsia is identified as an important cause for mother and newborn mortality. Inspite of extensive research, the exact etiological relations have not been established. Hence, an attempt has been made in this study to evaluate the relationship between the preeclampsia and maternal periodontal disease. The case-control study comprised of thirty pregnant women distributed equally in the case (preeclampsia) and control (healthy) group. Gingival index, plaque index, bleeding on probing, clinical probing depth, and clinical attachment level were measured in both groups. Microbiologic examination for identification of one red complex organism Porphyromonas gingivalis and one orange complex organism Fusobacterium nucleatum were done in plaque and placental blood of cases and controls. The clinical examinations and collection of placental blood were done 24 h before delivery. Periodontal condition in the preeclamptic women was statistically worse compared with the normotensive women. There was no statistically significant association between microorganisms in plaque and placental blood between normotensive control and preeclamptic pregnant women. The preeclamptic women had significantly higher chances of having newborns weighing <2.5 kg than the normotensive women. The preeclamptic women were associated with significantly higher periodontitis and lower fetal birth weight than normotensive women.

  16. The prediction of late-onset preeclampsia: Results from a longitudinal proteomics study. (United States)

    Erez, Offer; Romero, Roberto; Maymon, Eli; Chaemsaithong, Piya; Done, Bogdan; Pacora, Percy; Panaitescu, Bogdan; Chaiworapongsa, Tinnakorn; Hassan, Sonia S; Tarca, Adi L


    Late-onset preeclampsia is the most prevalent phenotype of this syndrome; nevertheless, only a few biomarkers for its early diagnosis have been reported. We sought to correct this deficiency using a high through-put proteomic platform. A case-control longitudinal study was conducted, including 90 patients with normal pregnancies and 76 patients with late-onset preeclampsia (diagnosed at ≥34 weeks of gestation). Maternal plasma samples were collected throughout gestation (normal pregnancy: 2-6 samples per patient, median of 2; late-onset preeclampsia: 2-6, median of 5). The abundance of 1,125 proteins was measured using an aptamers-based proteomics technique. Protein abundance in normal pregnancies was modeled using linear mixed-effects models to estimate mean abundance as a function of gestational age. Data was then expressed as multiples of-the-mean (MoM) values in normal pregnancies. Multi-marker prediction models were built using data from one of five gestational age intervals (8-16, 16.1-22, 22.1-28, 28.1-32, 32.1-36 weeks of gestation). The predictive performance of the best combination of proteins was compared to placental growth factor (PIGF) using bootstrap. 1) At 8-16 weeks of gestation, the best prediction model included only one protein, matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP-7), that had a sensitivity of 69% at a false positive rate (FPR) of 20% (AUC = 0.76); 2) at 16.1-22 weeks of gestation, MMP-7 was the single best predictor of late-onset preeclampsia with a sensitivity of 70% at a FPR of 20% (AUC = 0.82); 3) after 22 weeks of gestation, PlGF was the best predictor of late-onset preeclampsia, identifying 1/3 to 1/2 of the patients destined to develop this syndrome (FPR = 20%); 4) 36 proteins were associated with late-onset preeclampsia in at least one interval of gestation (after adjustment for covariates); 5) several biological processes, such as positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway, were perturbed; and 6

  17. Diagnosis of preeclampsia with soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1/placental growth factor ratio

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Louise Bjørkholt; Frederiksen-Møller, Britta; Work Havelund, Kathrine


    women (n = 39) were included shortly after the time of diagnosis. Normotensive control pregnancies were matched by gestational age (n = 76). The KRYPTOR assays performed comparably or superior to Elecsys (sFlt-1/PlGF area under the curve 0.746 versus 0.735; P = .09; for non-obese 0.820 versus 0.805, P...... = .047). For early-onset preeclampsia, KRYPTOR area under the curve increased to 0.929 with a 100% specificity for preeclampsia at cut-off 85 and an 88.9% sensitivity for preeclampsia at cut-off 33. For women with preeclampsia and preterm delivery or Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelet count...... (HELLP) syndrome, the KRYPTOR sFlt-1/PlGF ratio was manifold increased (P women....

  18. Molecular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia


    N. Vitoratos; D. Hassiakos; C. Iavazzo


    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disease characterized by new onset hypertension and proteinuria after 20 wk of gestation. It is a leading cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality worldwide. Exciting discoveries in the last decade have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular basis of this disease. Epidemiological, experimental, and therapeutic studies from several laboratories have provided compelling evidence that an antiangiogenic state owing to alterations in ...

  19. History of preeclampsia is not associated with an increased risk of thyroid dysfunction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dekker, Ruth R.; Jochemsen, B.M.; van Pampus, M.G.; Santema, J.G.; Roozendaal, C.; Groen, H.; Links, T.P.; van Doormaal, J.J.

    Objective. We evaluated the thyroid function in women with a history of preeclampsia and/or HELLP syndrome at least 2 years after delivery. Design. Observational retrospective study. Setting. University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands. Population. Women with a history of preeclampsia

  20. Diagnosis and management of preeclampsia in community settings in low and middle-income countries

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    Rehana A Salam


    Full Text Available Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy contribute significantly to maternal mortality and morbidity. Preeclampsia belongs to the spectrum of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and if undiagnosed and/or untreated leads to fatal consequences for both the mother and the baby. Early detection and prevention of preeclampsia is limited by uncertainty in the knowledge about its etiopathogenesis. While much work has been done in establishing clinical guidelines for management of preeclampsia in the hospital or tertiary care settings, there is considerable lack of work in the domain of evidence-based guidelines for screening, identification and management of preeclampsia at the community-level. The article reviews these issues with special considerations and to challenges faced in low and middle-income countries. There is a need to focus on low-cost screening and interventions in the community to achieve a significant impact on preventable maternal and fetal mortality in order to control the burden of preeclampsia significantly as well as investing on more research at primary care level to improve the evidence base for community-level interventions.

  1. Disturbed Placental Imprinting in Preeclampsia Leads to Altered Expression of DLX5, a Human-Specific Early Trophoblast Marker. (United States)

    Zadora, Julianna; Singh, Manvendra; Herse, Florian; Przybyl, Lukasz; Haase, Nadine; Golic, Michaela; Yung, Hong Wa; Huppertz, Berthold; Cartwright, Judith E; Whitley, Guy; Johnsen, Guro M; Levi, Giovanni; Isbruch, Annette; Schulz, Herbert; Luft, Friedrich C; Müller, Dominik N; Staff, Anne Cathrine; Hurst, Laurence D; Dechend, Ralf; Izsvák, Zsuzsanna


    Preeclampsia is a complex and common human-specific pregnancy syndrome associated with placental pathology. The human specificity provides both intellectual and methodological challenges, lacking a robust model system. Given the role of imprinted genes in human placentation and the vulnerability of imprinted genes to loss of imprinting changes, there has been extensive speculation, but no robust evidence, that imprinted genes are involved in preeclampsia. Our study aims to investigate whether disturbed imprinting contributes to preeclampsia. We first aimed to confirm that preeclampsia is a disease of the placenta by generating and analyzing genome-wide molecular data on well-characterized patient material. We performed high-throughput transcriptome analyses of multiple placenta samples from healthy controls and patients with preeclampsia. Next, we identified differentially expressed genes in preeclamptic placentas and intersected them with the list of human imprinted genes. We used bioinformatics/statistical analyses to confirm association between imprinting and preeclampsia and to predict biological processes affected in preeclampsia. Validation included epigenetic and cellular assays. In terms of human specificity, we established an in vitro invasion-differentiation trophoblast model. Our comparative phylogenetic analysis involved single-cell transcriptome data of human, macaque, and mouse preimplantation embryogenesis. We found disturbed placental imprinting in preeclampsia and revealed potential candidates, including GATA3 and DLX5 , with poorly explored imprinted status and no prior association with preeclampsia. As a result of loss of imprinting, DLX5 was upregulated in 69% of preeclamptic placentas. Levels of DLX5 correlated with classic preeclampsia markers. DLX5 is expressed in human but not in murine trophoblast. The DLX5 high phenotype resulted in reduced proliferation, increased metabolism, and endoplasmic reticulum stress-response activation in

  2. Evaluation of Oxidative Stress and Using a Novel Automated Method For Measurement of Total Antioxidant Status in Preeclampsia

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    Ebru Kale


    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that preeclampsia is related with enhanced lipid peroxidation and decreased total antioxidant response before delivery and these parameters may be related at least partly to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Decreased lipid peroxidation and increased total antioxidant response after delivery may suggest recov ery of preeclampsia and using a simple, rapid and reliable automated method f acilitates to ev aluate and follow up of the lev els of oxidativ e stress in preeclampsia and this novel method may be used as a routine test in clinical practice while managing preeclampsia

  3. Prevention of Vascular Dysfunction after Preeclampsia: A Potential Long-Term Outcome Measure and an Emerging Goal for Treatment

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    Merzaka Lazdam


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is increasingly being recognised as more than an isolated disease of pregnancy. In particular, preeclampsia has emerged as an independent risk factor for maternal cardiovascular disease and has recently been recognised as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in children exposed in utero. Preeclampsia and cardiovascular disease may share important pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms and further investigation into these is likely to offer insight into the origins of both conditions. This paper considers the links between cardiovascular disease and preeclampsia and the implication of these findings for refinement of the management of patients whose care is complicated by preeclampsia.

  4. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Haplotypes Are Associated with Preeclampsia in Maya Mestizo Women

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    Lizbeth Díaz-Olguín


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a specific disease of pregnancy and believed to have a genetic component. The aim of this study was to investigate if three polymorphisms in eNOS or their haplotypes are associated with preeclampsia in Maya mestizo women.

  5. Preeclampsia: A risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus in subsequent pregnancy.

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    Joohyun Lee

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia and gestational diabetes (GDM have several mechanisms in common. The aim of this study was to determine whether women with preeclampsia have an increased risk of GDM in a subsequent pregnancy. Study data were collected from the Korea National Health Insurance Claims Database of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service for 2007-2012. Patients who had their first delivery in 2007 and a subsequent delivery between 2008 and 2012 in Korea were enrolled. A model of multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed with GDM as the final outcome to evaluate the risk of GDM in the second pregnancy. Among the 252,276 women who had their first delivery in 2007, 150,794 women had their second delivery between 2008 and 2012. On the multivariate regression analysis, women with preeclampsia alone in the first pregnancy had an increased risk of GDM in the second pregnancy when compared with women who had neither of these conditions in their first pregnancy (OR 1.2, 95% CI, 1.1-1.3. Women with GDM alone in the first pregnancy were at an increased risk for GDM in the second pregnancy (OR 3.3, 95% CI 3.1-3.4. The co-presence of preeclampsia and GDM in the first pregnancy further increased the risk of GDM in the second pregnancy (OR 5.9, 95% CI, 4.0-8.6. Our study showed that a history of preeclampsia may serve as an additional risk factor for GDM in a subsequent pregnancy.

  6. Elevated venous thromboembolism risk in preeclampsia: molecular mechanisms and clinical impact. (United States)

    Egan, Karl; Kevane, Barry; Ní Áinle, Fionnuala


    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) remains a leading cause of maternal death and morbidity in the developed world. Strategies for prevention of VTE in pregnancy have been the subject of recent guidelines and consensus statements. These guidelines recommend thrombosis prevention in women who have risk factors associated with an elevated VTE risk. Preeclampsia is characterized by maternal hypertension and proteinuria developing after 20 weeks gestation, complicating up to 7% of pregnancies and is associated with a massive annual morbidity and mortality burden. Women with preeclampsia have been shown to be at increased risk of VTE with studies to date suggesting that this risk may be up to 5-fold greater than the risk of pregnancy-associated VTE in the general population. Despite the fact that preeclampsia is so common and potentially devastating, our understanding of its pathogenesis and potential therapeutic strategies remain poor. In addition, the mechanisms underlying the prothrombotic phenotype in preeclampsia are also poorly characterized although a number of potential mechanisms have been postulated. Derangements of platelet and endothelial activation and impairment of endogenous anti-coagulant pathways have been reported and may contribute to the observed VTE risk. Recently, evidence for the role of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and cell-free DNA in the pathogenesis of VTE has emerged and some evidence exists to suggest that this may be of relevance in preeclampsia. Future studies aimed at understanding the diagnostic and potential therapeutic relevance of this procoagulant state are likely to be of enormous clinical benefit for pregnant women affected with this potentially devastating condition. © 2015 Authors; published by Portland Press Limited.

  7. Polimiositis con incapacidad ventilatoria e insuficiencia respiratoria

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    O. Lopez Gaston


    Full Text Available Las miopatías inflamatorias son un grupo de enfermedades caracterizadas por debilidad muscular proximal y las causas mayores incluyen la polimiositis (PM, dermatomiositis y miositis por cuerpos de inclusión. Las complicaciones respiratorias son comunes y adquieren importancia por la incidencia sobre el pronóstico. Las tres formas de compromiso frecuentes son la enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, la neumopatía aspirativa y la incapacidad ventilatoria (IV por debilidad de los músculos respiratorios, que en su forma severa es de ocurrencia excepcional. Se presenta una paciente con IV sin compromiso del parénquima pulmonar, que requirió asistencia respiratoria mecánica por 4 meses con «destete» exitoso.The inflammatory diseases of muscle are a group of disorders characterized by proximal muscle weakness. Most cases fall into three major diagnostic categories, polymyositis (PM, dermatomyositis and inclusion body myositis. Respiratory complications are a common feature and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The three main types of pulmonary involvement are interstitial lung disease, aspiration pneumonia and ventilatory incapacity (VI due to muscle weakness. There are few reported cases in which mechanical ventilation has been used in patients with PM and VI in absense of lung disease. We present a patient with PM and VI due to muscle weakness who underwent therapy maintenance with mechanical ventilator and was weaned 4 months later.

  8. Elucidating the Pathogenesis of Pre-eclampsia Using In Vitro Models of Spiral Uterine Artery Remodelling. (United States)

    McNally, Ross; Alqudah, Abdelrahim; Obradovic, Danilo; McClements, Lana


    The aim of the study is to perform a critical assessment of in vitro models of pre-eclampsia using complementary human and cell line-based studies. Molecular mechanisms involved in spiral uterine artery (SUA) remodelling and trophoblast functionality will also be discussed. A number of proteins and microRNAs have been implicated as key in SUA remodelling, which could be explored as early biomarkers or therapeutic targets for prevention of pre-eclampsia. Various 2D and 3D in vitro models involving trophoblast cells, endothelial cells, immune cells and placental tissue were discussed to elucidate the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Nevertheless, pre-eclampsia is a multifactorial disease, and the mechanisms involved in its pathogenesis are complex and still largely unknown. Further studies are required to provide better understanding of the key processes leading to inappropriate placental development which is the root cause of pre-eclampsia. This new knowledge could identify novel biomarkers and treatment strategies.

  9. Placenta Copper Transport Proteins in Preeclampsia (United States)

    Placental insufficiency underlying preeclampsia (PE) is associated with impaired placental angiogenesis. As copper (Cu) is essential to angiogenesis, we investigated differences in the expression of placental Cu transporters Menkes (ATP7A), Wilsons (ATP7B) and the Cu chaperone (CCS) for superoxide d...

  10. Compromised JMJD6 histone demethylase activity impacts on VHL gene repression in preeclampsia. (United States)

    Alahari, Sruthi; Post, Martin; Rolfo, Alessandro; Weksberg, Rosanna; Caniggia, Isabella


    The von Hippel Lindau (VHL) protein is a key executor of the cellular hypoxic response that is compromised in preeclampsia, a serious disorder complicating 5-7% of pregnancies. To date, the mechanisms controlling VHL gene expression in the human placenta remain elusive. We examined VHL epigenetic regulation in normal pregnancy and in preeclampsia, a pathology characterized by placental hypoxia. Placentae were obtained from early-onset (E-PE: n=56; <34 weeks of gestation) and late onset preeclampsia (L-PE: n=19; ≥ 34 weeks of gestation). Placentae from healthy normotensive age-matched preterm and term pregnancies (PTC: n=43; TC: n=23) were included as controls. We measured the activity of Jumonji domain containing protein 6 (JMJD6), a Fe2+ and oxygen-dependent histone demethylase, and examined its function in the epigenetic control of VHL. JMJD6 regulates VHL gene expression in the human placenta. VHL downregulation in preeclampsia is dependent on decreased JMJD6 demethylase activity due to hypoxia and reduced Fe2+ bioavailability. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed decreased association of JMJD6 and its histone targets with the VHL promoter. Findings in preeclampsia were corroborated in a murine model of pharmacological hypoxia using FG-4592. Placentae from FG-4592 treated mice exhibited reduced VHL levels, accompanied by placental morphological alterations and reduced pup weights. Notably, Fe2+ supplementation rescued JMJD6 histone demethylase activity in histone from E-PE and FG-4592-treated mice. Our study uncovers novel epigenetic regulation of VHL and its functional consequences for altered oxygen and iron homeostasis in preeclampsia. Copyright © 2018 Endocrine Society

  11. Impaired renal function and increased urinary isoprostane excretion in Ghanaian women with pre-eclampsia

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    Tetteh PW


    Full Text Available Paul Winston Tetteh,1,4 Charles Antwi-Boasiako,1 Ben Gyan,3 Daniel Antwi,1 Festus Adzaku,1 Kwame Adu-Bonsaffoh,1,2 Samuel Obed21Department of Physiology, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Ghana Medical School, Accra, Ghana; 3Department of Immunology, Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana; 4Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research, Uppsalalaan 8, Utrecht, The NetherlandsBackground: The cause of pre-eclampsia remains largely unknown, but oxidative stress (an imbalance favoring oxidant over antioxidant forces has been implicated in contributing to the clinical symptoms of hypertension and proteinuria. Assessment of oxidative stress in pre-eclampsia using urinary isoprostane has produced conflicting results, and it is likely that renal function may affect isoprostane excretion. The aim of this study was to determine the role of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia and to assess the effect of renal function on isoprostane excretion in pre-eclampsia in the Ghanaian population.Methods: This was a case-controlled study, comprising 103 pre-eclamptic women and 107 normal pregnant controls and conducted at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital between December 2006 and May 2007. The study participants were enrolled in the study after meeting the inclusion criteria and signing their written informed consent. Oxidative stress was determined by measuring urinary excretion of isoprostane and total antioxidant capacity using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique. Renal function was assessed by calculating the estimated glomerular filtration rate using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula.Results: The pre-eclampsia group had significantly (P = 0.0006 higher urinary isoprostane excretion (2.81 ± 0.14 ng/mg creatinine than the control group (2.01 ± 0.18 ng/mg creatinine and a significantly (P = 0.0008 lower total antioxidant power (1

  12. Acute lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage originating in the small intestine Hemorragia digestiva baja severa originada en el intestino delgado

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    A. Ríos


    las etiologías más frecuentes se localizan a nivel colónico. El objetivo es analizar el manejo diagnóstico-terapéutico de las HDB severas cuya etiología se localizaba en el intestino delgado. Pacientes y métodos: entre 1975 y marzo del 2002 ingresaron en nuestro servicio 12 HDB severas originadas en el intestino delgado. Todos consultaron por rectorragia franca, precisando al menos transfusión de 3 unidades de concentrados de hematíes. La edad media fue de 54 ± 21 años, el 58% eran mujeres, y el 83% había presentado cuadros previos de HDB. Resultados: en once casos (92% se realizó una endoscopia digestiva alta y baja urgente no objetivando el origen del sangrado. La arteriografía se indicó en 7 pacientes (58%, localizando en 5 de ellos el sangrado. En dos casos se hizo una gammagrafía mostrando en uno un divertículo de Meckel y en el otro fue normal. Todos se intervinieron, 8 (67% de urgencias, encontrándose un tumor en 9 casos y un divertículo de Meckel en 3, realizándose resección de todas las lesiones. La histología informó de leiomioma en 7 casos, de divertículo de Meckel en 3, de leiomioblastoma en 1 y de angioma en el caso restante. Tras un seguimiento medio de 132 ± 75 meses, fue éxitus el leiomioblastoma, y recidivó el angioma, el cual fue embolizado radiológicamente con éxito. Conclusiones: la HDB severa de origen en intestino delgado debe considerarse como posibilidad etiológica cuando la endoscopia digestiva no objetiva el origen del sangrado, siendo la arteriografía una técnica diagnóstica útil para localizar el sangrado. La cirugía supone el tratamiento definitivo del proceso, confirma la etiología, y descarta la presencia de malignidad.

  13. Preeclampsia: A review of the pathogenesis and possible management strategies based on its pathophysiological derangements. (United States)

    El-Sayed, Amel A F


    This review is divided into three parts. The first part briefly describes the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. This is followed by reviewing previously reported management strategies of the disease based on its pathophysiological derangements. Finally, the author defines the safe and acceptable methods/medications that may be used to 'prevent' preeclampsia (in high risk patients) and those that may be used to 'treat' preeclampsia (meant to prolong the pregnancy in patients with established preeclampsia). The review concludes that multi-center trials are required to include multiple drugs in the same management protocol. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  14. Preeclampsia and subsequent risk of cancer: update from the Jerusalem Perinatal Study (United States)



    Objectives To study the association between preeclampsia and cancer incidence. Study Design The Jerusalem Perinatal Study is a population-based cohort of all births to 41,206 residents of Western Jerusalem in 1964-76. Cancer incidence to 2004 was assessed by linkage of the cohort with the Israel Cancer Registry. Cox’s proportional hazards models were constructed to estimate the hazard ratio (HR) for cancer among women who had had preeclampsia. Results Preeclampsia was associated with a 1.23-fold increased risk of cancer at all sites, a 37% increased risk of breast cancer, and more than a doubling of ovarian cancer risk. Analysis by morphology yielded significantly increased risks for malignancies classed as cystic mucinous and serous (RR:1.96, 95% Confidence interval:1.00-3.83), and for ductal, lobular and medullary carcinomas (1.40, 1.07-1.83). No differential association was observed by sex of offspring. Conclusions Our study suggests that the previously-described protective effect of preeclampsia on cancer is not universal. PMID:18822400

  15. Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide in normal pregnant women and in pregnant women with preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, A L; Schütten, G; Asping, U


    Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was determined in pregnant women with preeclampsia, in normal pregnant and in nonpregnant women by a specific radioimmunoassay. Results did not show important differences between nonpregnant controls and normal pregnant women, but a signifi......Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was determined in pregnant women with preeclampsia, in normal pregnant and in nonpregnant women by a specific radioimmunoassay. Results did not show important differences between nonpregnant controls and normal pregnant women......, but a significant rise was seen in women with preeclampsia compared to nonpregnant controls. Marked interindividual variation was found in all three groups. The mechanism of ANP release may differ between those women with normal pregnancy and those with preeclampsia. It is unclear whether the increased level of ANP...... in preeclampsia is an effect or a cause of the disease....

  16. A Prevention of Pre-eclampsia with the Use of Acetylsalicylic Acid and Low-molecular Weight Heparin - Molecular Mechanisms. (United States)

    Darmochwal-Kolarz, Dorota; Kolarz, Bogdan; Korzeniewski, Michal; Kimber-Trojnar, Zaneta; Patro-Malysza, Jolanta; Mierzynski, Radzisław; Przegalinska-Kałamucka, Monika; Oleszczuk, Jan

    Pre-eclampsia appears to be the main cause for the maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Pregnant women with pre-eclampsia are more likely to be threatened with conditions which potentially may be lethal, such as: disseminated intravascular coagulation, cerebral hemorrhage, liver and renal failure. Pregnancy complicated with pre-eclampsia is also associated with a greater risk for iatrogenic prematurity, intrauterine growth retardation, premature abruption of placenta, and even intrauterine fetal death. In the majority of cases the reasons for arterial hypertension among pregnant women remain obscure. For the past decades, there were many abortive attempts in the use of some microelements, vitamins or specific diets, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, for the prophylaxis of pre-eclampsia. Recently, it has been shown that a prevention of pre-eclampsia with the use of a lowmolecular- weight heparins (LMWHs) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) could considerably reduce the frequency of preeclampsia. In this review, we present the studies concerning the applications of LMWHs and aspirin in the prophylaxis of pre-eclampsia and some important data about the mechanisms of anti-inflammatory actions of LMWHs and ASA.

  17. Synthesis of sFlt-1 by platelet-monocyte aggregates contributes to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia (United States)

    Major, Heather D.; Cambell, Robert A.; Silver, Robert M.; Branch, D. Ware; Weyrich, Andrew S.


    Objective Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase (sFlt-1) is an important mediator in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. We sought to determine if platelet-monocyte aggregates (PMAs) produced sFlt-1 and if PMAs contributed to sFlt-1 production in preeclampsia. Study Design Case-control study of sFlt-1 release from PMAs using blood samples from women with preeclampsia matched by gestational age to pregnant controls. A third group of nonpregnant, reproductive-age women comprised an additional control group. Experiments were also performed using blood from non-pregnant women to elucidate if inducing PMAs could stimulate sFlt-1 production, and if so, to determine the necessary receptors and pathways. Results Women with preeclampsia had increased total Flt-1 concentrations in platelets and monocytes at baseline compared to pregnant controls (25 vs. 10 pg/ml, p=0.0003). sFlt-1 production was elicited from monocytes incubated with thrombin-activated platelets from non-pregnant women. sFlt-1 production was regulated at the transcriptional level by p38 and NF-κB dependent pathways. Conclusion Activated platelets in preeclampsia bind monocytes to generate sFlt-1. PMAs are a previously unrecognized source of sFlt-1 that may contribute to endothelial dysfunction and systemic inflammation commonly observed in preeclampsia. PMID:24440566

  18. Peripheral blood cell microRNA quantification during the first trimester predicts preeclampsia: Proof of concept.

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    Edward E Winger

    Full Text Available We investigated the capacity of microRNAs isolated from peripheral blood buffy coat collected late during the first trimester to predict preeclampsia.The cohort study comprised 48 pregnant women with the following pregnancy outcomes: 8 preeclampsia and 40 with normal delivery outcomes. Quantitative rtPCR was performed on a panel of 30 microRNAs from buffy coat samples drawn at a mean of 12.7±0.5 weeks gestation. MicroRNA Risk Scores were calculated and AUC-ROC calculations derived.The AUC-ROC for preeclampsia risk was 0.91 (p<0.0001. When women with normal delivery and high-risk background (those with SLE/APS, chronic hypertension and/or Type 2 Diabetes were compared to women who developed preeclampsia but with a normal risk background (without these mentioned risk factors, preeclampsia was still predicted with an AUC-ROC of 0.92 (p<0.0001.MicroRNA quantification of peripheral immune cell microRNA provides sensitive and specific prediction of preeclampsia in the first trimester of pregnant women. With this study, we extend the range during which disorders of the placental bed may be predicted from early to the end of the first trimester. This study confirms that buffy coat may be used as a sample preparation.

  19. Higher decidual EBI3 and HLA-G mRNA expression in preeclampsia : Cause or consequence of preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prins, J. R.; van der Hoorn, M. L. P.; Keijser, R.; Ris-Stalpers, C.; van Beelen, E.; Afink, G. B.; Claas, F. H. J.; van der Post, J. A. M.; Scherjon, S. A.

    The maternal immune system must adapt to tolerate the invasion of the allogeneic feto-placental unit. It is generally accepted that improper adaptation causes pregnancy complications like preeclampsia. The Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 3 (EBI3) protein is a subunit of immune-modulatory cytokines

  20. Pitfalls in setting up genetic studies on preeclampsia. (United States)

    Laivuori, Hannele


    This presentation will consider approaches to discover susceptibility genes for a complex genetic disorder such as preeclampsia. The clinical disease presumably results from the additive effects of multiple sequence variants from the mother and the foetus together with environmental factors. Disease heterogeneity and underpowered study designs are likely to be behind non-reproducible results in candidate gene association studies. To avoid spurious findings, sample size and characteristics of the study populations as well as replication studies in an independent study population should be an essential part of a study design. In family-based linkage studies relationship with genotype and phenotype may be modified by a variety of factors. The large number of families needed in discovering genetic variants with modest effect sizes is difficult to attain. Moreover, the identification of underlying mutations has proven difficult. When pooling data or performing meta-analyses from different populations, disease and locus heterogeneity may become a major issue. First genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified risk loci for preeclampsia. Adequately powered replication studies are critical in order to replicate the initial GWAS findings. This approach requires rigorous multiple testing correction. The expected effect sizes of individual sequence variants on preeclampsia are small, but this approach is likely to decipher new clues to the pathogenesis. The rare variants, gene-gene and gene-environmental interactions as well as noncoding genetic variations and epigenetics are expected to explain the missing heritability. Next-generation sequencing technologies will make large amount of data on genomes and transcriptomes available. Complexity of the data poses a challenge. Different depths of coverage might be chosen depending on the design of the study, and validation of the results by different methods is mandatory. In order to minimize disease heterogeneity in

  1. Comparative gene expression profiling of placentas from patients with severe pre-eclampsia and unexplained fetal growth restriction

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    Kurahashi Hiroki


    Full Text Available Abstract Background It has been well documented that pre-eclampsia and unexplained fetal growth restriction (FGR have a common etiological background, but little is known about their linkage at the molecular level. The aim of this study was to further investigate the mechanisms underlying pre-eclampsia and unexplained FGR. Methods We analyzed differentially expressed genes in placental tissue from severe pre-eclamptic pregnancies (n = 8 and normotensive pregnancies with or (n = 8 without FGR (n = 8 using a microarray method. Results A subset of the FGR samples showed a high correlation coefficient overall in the microarray data from the pre-eclampsia samples. Many genes that are known to be up-regulated in pre-eclampsia are also up-regulated in FGR, including the anti-angiogenic factors, FLT1 and ENG, believed to be associated with the onset of maternal symptoms of pre-eclampsia. A total of 62 genes were found to be differentially expressed in both disorders. However, gene set enrichment analysis for these differentially expressed genes further revealed higher expression of TP53-downstream genes in pre-eclampsia compared with FGR. TP53-downstream apoptosis-related genes, such as BCL6 and BAX, were found to be significantly more up-regulated in pre-eclampsia than in FGR, although the caspases are expressed at equivalent levels. Conclusions Our current data indicate a common pathophysiology for FGR and pre-eclampsia, leading to an up-regulation of placental anti-angiogenic factors. However, our findings also suggest that it may possibly be the excretion of these factors into the maternal circulation through the TP53-mediated early-stage apoptosis of trophoblasts that leads to the maternal symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

  2. Sepsis severa postaborto secundaria a tuberculosis miliar

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    Edith Angel Müller


    Mujer de 24 años de edad, natural y procedente de Bogotá, de nivel socio-económico medio-bajo, sin antecedentes medico quirúrgicos importantes y con historia obstétrica: G2 P1 A1 VI. Esta paciente ingresó al Hospital del Guavio el día 1-05- 95, con diagnósticos de embarazo de 18 semanas, amenaza de aborto e infección de vías urinarias altas. Presenta expulsión espontanea del feto y se le realiza legrado uterino en el cual se encuentran restos ovulares fétidos, La paciente además presentaba fiebre y taquicardia por lo cual le diagnosticaron infección postaborto y le comenzaron tratamiento con penicilina cristalina y gentamicina. EI10-05-95 la paciente persistió con fiebre y taquicardia y comenzó a presentar dificultad respiratoria, se le realizo un segundo legrado en el cual extrajeron escasos restos, no fétidos. En vista del deterioro, el 11-05-95 es remitida al Instituto Materno Infantil (lMI.

  3. Health care provider knowledge and routine management of pre-eclampsia in Pakistan. (United States)

    Sheikh, Sana; Qureshi, Rahat Najam; Khowaja, Asif Raza; Salam, Rehana; Vidler, Marianne; Sawchuck, Diane; von Dadelszen, Peter; Zaidi, Shujat; Bhutta, Zulfiqar


    Maternal mortality ratio is 276 per 100,000 live births in Pakistan. Eclampsia is responsible for one in every ten maternal deaths despite the fact that management of this disease is inexpensive and has been available for decades. Many studies have shown that health care providers in low and middle-income countries have limited training to manage patients with eclampsia. Hence, we aimed to explore the knowledge of different cadres of health care providers regarding aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and current management practices. We conducted a mixed method study in the districts of Hyderabad and Matiari in Sindh province, Pakistan. Focus group discussions and interviews were conducted with community health care providers, which included Lady Health Workers and their supervisors; traditional birth attendants and facility care providers. In total seven focus groups and 26 interviews were conducted. NVivo 10 was used for analysis and emerging themes and sub-themes were drawn. All participants were providing care for pregnant women for more than a decade except one traditional birth attendant and two doctors. The most common cause of pre-eclampsia mentioned by community health care providers was stress of daily life: the burden of care giving, physical workload, short birth spacing and financial constraints. All health care provider groups except traditional birth attendants correctly identified the signs, symptoms, and complications of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and were referring such women to tertiary health facilities. Only doctors were aware that magnesium sulphate is recommended for eclampsia management and prevention; however, they expressed fears regarding its use at first and secondary level health facilities. This study found several gaps in knowledge regarding aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of pre-eclampsia among health care providers in Sindh. Findings suggest that lesser knowledge regarding management of pre-eclampsia

  4. PP172. Indian scenario of preeclampsia and its consequences and early prophylaxis. (United States)

    Jariwala, M C


    Preeclampsia remains one of the major obstetrical problems in less-developed countries. The causes of this condition are still unknown, we have designed a prevention protocol with new concept to describe the etiology and cause of preeclampsia. To study the effectiveness of the Jariwala's therapy and etiological causes of preeclapsia. we want to establish the new version of efficient prophylactic management to prevent the concequences of preeclampsia. We have selected 800 cases who have developed preeclampsia during any phase of pregnancy and tried to prevent the developing preeclampsia (predicted with roll over test, color doppler and weight gain and or edema) by Jariwala's protocol. our aim is to reduce the severity of disease process by early prediction and treatment. we have not included the cases who may have completely treated after the inclusion criteria to predict the preclampsia and treated. the inclusion criteris is strictly followed by a protocol designed. Jariwala's therapy is effective in mild to moderate cases of preeclampsia. Till date we have successfully treated 800 cases of mild to moderate preeclapsia with 98% neonates delivered with birth weight of 2kg and more, 92% neonates sent directly to home without any complication; and developed well at home. If we try to treat the blood pressure (during pregnancy) by anti hypertensive we have noticedà IUGR and rebound increase of blood pressure, means decrease maternal blood pressure à decrease placental supplyà deficient nutrientà rebound increase in toxin secretion (by fetus and placenta) à increase in blood pressure to supply more nutrient). So that it is my suggestion that the antihypertensive should be avoided if possible 2: increase permeability of placental membranes due to toxins secreted by fetus to supply more nutrient leads to increase permeability of placental membranes means increase protein loss from kidneys (due to toxins secreted from the fetus and placenta) increase third space

  5. Edema pulmonar refractario secundario a estenosis valvular aórtica severa - valvuloplastia aórtica como terapia puente a cirugía: Presentación de un caso Refractory pulmonary edema secondary to severe aortic valvular stenosis - aortic valvuloplasty as bridge therapy to surgery

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    Santiago Salazar


    Full Text Available La estenosis valvular aórtica es una entidad progresiva, que cuando es severa y produce síntomas, tiene un pronóstico sombrío que afecta de forma adversa la sobrevida. En estos casos el tratamiento de elección es la cirugía de cambio valvular, la cual, bajo determinadas circunstancias clínicas, puede ser de muy alto riesgo, y obliga así a considerar alternativas de manejo menos agresivas que permitan solucionar el problema. Se muestra el caso de un hombre de 65 años, con estenosis valvular aórtica severa, quien desarrolló edema pulmonar refractario al manejo médico, que se resolvió mediante valvuloplastia aórtica, como terapia puente a cirugía.Aortic valve stenosis is a progressive disease; when it is severe and symptomatic has a bleak prognosis that affects adversely the patient survival. In these cases, the treatment of choice is valve replacement surgery that under certain circumstances can bear a huge risk that forces the physician to consider less aggressive management alternatives to solve the problem. The case of a 65 years old male with severe aortic valve stenosis is reported. He developed pulmonary edema refractory to medical treatment that was solved by aortic valvuloplasty as bridge therapy to surgery.

  6. Trends in the incidence of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in Taiwan between 1998 and 2010

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    Te-Fu Chan


    Results: The incidence of pre-eclampsia increased significantly (from 0.87% to 1.21%, but the incidence of eclampsia did not change significantly (from 0.04% to 0.05% between 1998 and 2010. The incidence of pre-eclampsia in the 20–24-year age group was 0.60 ± 0.09%. The relative risk of pre-eclampsia in the different age groups was as follows: aged 35-year age groups.

  7. Competing risks model in screening for preeclampsia by maternal factors and biomarkers at 11-13 weeks gestation. (United States)

    O'Gorman, Neil; Wright, David; Syngelaki, Argyro; Akolekar, Ranjit; Wright, Alan; Poon, Leona C; Nicolaides, Kypros H


    Preeclampsia affects approximately 3% of all pregnancies and is a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and death. In the last decade, extensive research has been devoted to early screening for preeclampsia with the aim of reducing the prevalence of the disease through pharmacologic intervention in the high-risk group starting from the first trimester of pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to develop a model for preeclampsia based on maternal demographic characteristics and medical history (maternal factors) and biomarkers. The data for this study were derived from prospective screening for adverse obstetric outcomes in women who attended for their routine first hospital visit at 11-13 weeks gestation in 2 maternity hospitals in England. We screened 35,948 singleton pregnancies that included 1058 pregnancies (2.9%) that experienced preeclampsia. Bayes theorem was used to combine the a priori risk from maternal factors with various combinations of uterine artery pulsatility index, mean arterial pressure, serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A, and placental growth factor multiple of the median values. Five-fold cross validation was used to assess the performance of screening for preeclampsia that delivered at preeclampsia) and ≥37 weeks gestation (term-preeclampsia) by models that combined maternal factors with individual biomarkers and their combination with screening by maternal factors alone. In pregnancies that experienced preeclampsia, the values of uterine artery pulsatility index and mean arterial pressure were increased, and the values of serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and placental growth factor were decreased. For all biomarkers, the deviation from normal was greater for early than late preeclampsia; therefore, the performance of screening was related inversely to the gestational age at which delivery became necessary for maternal and/or fetal indications. Combined screening by maternal factors, uterine artery pulsatility

  8. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) in early pregnancy is associated with development of preeclampsia in type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lene Ringholm; Pedersen-Bjergaard, Ulrik; Thorsteinsson, Birger


    The vasoactive markers of cardiac overload Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) and Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) are elevated in preeclampsia. This study documents higher ANP concentrations as early as at 9 weeks in type 1 diabetic women subsequently developing preeclampsia suggesting...... that preeclampsia is associated with cardiovascular changes in early pregnancy....

  9. Mutations in complement regulatory proteins predispose to preeclampsia: a genetic analysis of the PROMISSE cohort.

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    Jane E Salmon


    Full Text Available Pregnancy in women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or antiphospholipid antibodies (APL Ab--autoimmune conditions characterized by complement-mediated injury--is associated with increased risk of preeclampsia and miscarriage. Our previous studies in mice indicate that complement activation targeted to the placenta drives angiogenic imbalance and placental insufficiency.We use PROMISSE, a prospective study of 250 pregnant patients with SLE and/or APL Ab, to test the hypothesis in humans that impaired capacity to limit complement activation predisposes to preeclampsia. We sequenced genes encoding three complement regulatory proteins--membrane cofactor protein (MCP, complement factor I (CFI, and complement factor H (CFH--in 40 patients who had preeclampsia and found heterozygous mutations in seven (18%. Five of these patients had risk variants in MCP or CFI that were previously identified in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, a disease characterized by endothelial damage. One had a novel mutation in MCP that impairs regulation of C4b. These findings constitute, to our knowledge, the first genetic defects associated with preeclampsia in SLE and/or APL Ab. We confirmed the association of hypomorphic variants of MCP and CFI in a cohort of non-autoimmune preeclampsia patients in which five of 59 were heterozygous for mutations.The presence of risk variants in complement regulatory proteins in patients with SLE and/or APL Ab who develop preeclampsia, as well as in preeclampsia patients lacking autoimmune disease, links complement activation to disease pathogenesis and suggests new targets for treatment of this important public health NCT00198068.

  10. Renal Involvement in Preeclampsia: Similarities to VEGF Ablation Therapy

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    Janina Müller-Deile


    Full Text Available Glomerular VEGF expression is critical for the maintenance and function of an intact filtration barrier. Alterations in glomerular VEGF bioavailability result in endothelial as well as in podocyte damage. Renal involvement in preeclampsia includes proteinuria, podocyturia, elevated blood pressure, edema, glomerular capillary endotheliosis, and thrombotic microangiopathy. At least the renal signs, symptoms, and other evidence can sufficiently be explained by reduced VEGF levels. The aim of this paper was to summarize our pathophysiological understanding of the renal involvement of preeclampsia and point out similarities to the renal side effects of VEGF-ablation therapy.

  11. Extra vitamin D from fortification and the risk of preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stougaard, Maria; Damm, Peter; Frederiksen, Peder


    The objective of the study was to examine if exposure to extra vitamin D from food fortification was associated with a decrease in the risk of preeclampsia. The study was based on a natural experiment exploring the effect of the abolition of the Danish mandatory vitamin D fortification of margarine...... in 1985. The effect of the extra vitamin D (1.25μg vitamin D/100 g margarine) was examined by comparing preeclampsia risk in women who have been exposed or unexposed to extra vitamin D from the fortified margarine during pregnancy, and who gave birth in the period from June 1983 to August 1988. The Danish...... National Patient Registry allowed the identification of pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. The study included 73,237 women who gave birth during 1983-1988. We found no association between exposure to vitamin D fortification during pregnancy and the risk of any of the pregnancy related hypertensive...

  12. Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (Flt-1 gene is not associated with preeclampsia

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    Park So-Yeon


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The etiology of preeclampsia remains unclear. Recently, it was shown that misregulation of fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (Flt-1 in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of pregnant women results in over-expression of the soluble splice variant of Flt-1, sFlt-1, producing an additional (extra-placental source of sFlt-1 that can contribute to the etiology of preeclampsia. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between preeclampsia and a dinucleotide (threonine-glycine; TGn repeat polymorphism in the 3' non-coding region of the Flt-1 gene. Methods The number of the d(TGn repeats was analyzed in 170 patients with preeclampsia and in 202 normotensive pregnancies. The region containing the dinucleotide repeat polymorphism of the Flt-1 gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR from the DNA samples and was analyzed by direct PCR sequencing. Results We found 10 alleles of the dinucleotide repeat polymorphism and designated these as allele*12 (A1 through allele*23 (A12 according to the number of the TG repeats, from 12 to 23. The frequency of the 14-repeat allele (A3 was most abundant (63.82% in preeclampsia and 69.06% in controls, followed by the 21-repeat allele (A10; 28.53% in preeclampsia and 23.76% in controls. There was no significant difference in the allele frequency between patients with preeclampsia and normal controls. The most common genotype in preeclamptic and normotensive pregnancies was heterozygous (TG14/(TG21 (41.76% and homozygous (TG14/(TG14 (45.05%, respectively. However, the genotype frequencies were not significantly different between preeclamptic patients and controls. Conclusion This is the first study to characterize the dinucleotide repeat polymorphism of the Flt-1 gene in patients with preeclampsia. We found no differences in the allele or genotype frequencies between patients with preeclampsia and

  13. Evaluation of current and new biomarkers in severe preeclampsia: a microarray approach reveals the VSIG4 gene as a potential blood biomarker.

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    Julien Textoris

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a placental disease characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in pregnant women, and it is associated with a high maternal and neonatal morbidity. However, circulating biomarkers that are able to predict the prognosis of preeclampsia are lacking. Thirty-eight women were included in the current study. They consisted of 19 patients with preeclampsia (13 with severe preeclampsia and 6 with non-severe preeclampsia and 19 gestational age-matched women with normal pregnancies as controls. We measured circulating factors that are associated with the coagulation pathway (including fibrinogen, fibronectin, factor VIII, antithrombin, protein S and protein C, endothelial activation (such as soluble endoglin and CD146, and the release of total and platelet-derived microparticles. These markers enabled us to discriminate the preeclampsia condition from a normal pregnancy but were not sufficient to distinguish severe from non-severe preeclampsia. We then used a microarray to study the transcriptional signature of blood samples. Preeclampsia patients exhibited a specific transcriptional program distinct from that of the control group of women. Interestingly, we also identified a severity-related transcriptional signature. Functional annotation of the upmodulated signature in severe preeclampsia highlighted two main functions related to "ribosome" and "complement". Finally, we identified 8 genes that were specifically upmodulated in severe preeclampsia compared with non-severe preeclampsia and the normotensive controls. Among these genes, we identified VSIG4 as a potential diagnostic marker of severe preeclampsia. The determination of this gene may improve the prognostic assessment of severe preeclampsia.

  14. The prediction of late-onset preeclampsia: Results from a longitudinal proteomics study (United States)

    Erez, Offer; Romero, Roberto; Maymon, Eli; Chaemsaithong, Piya; Done, Bogdan; Pacora, Percy; Panaitescu, Bogdan; Chaiworapongsa, Tinnakorn; Hassan, Sonia S.


    Background Late-onset preeclampsia is the most prevalent phenotype of this syndrome; nevertheless, only a few biomarkers for its early diagnosis have been reported. We sought to correct this deficiency using a high through-put proteomic platform. Methods A case-control longitudinal study was conducted, including 90 patients with normal pregnancies and 76 patients with late-onset preeclampsia (diagnosed at ≥34 weeks of gestation). Maternal plasma samples were collected throughout gestation (normal pregnancy: 2–6 samples per patient, median of 2; late-onset preeclampsia: 2–6, median of 5). The abundance of 1,125 proteins was measured using an aptamers-based proteomics technique. Protein abundance in normal pregnancies was modeled using linear mixed-effects models to estimate mean abundance as a function of gestational age. Data was then expressed as multiples of-the-mean (MoM) values in normal pregnancies. Multi-marker prediction models were built using data from one of five gestational age intervals (8–16, 16.1–22, 22.1–28, 28.1–32, 32.1–36 weeks of gestation). The predictive performance of the best combination of proteins was compared to placental growth factor (PIGF) using bootstrap. Results 1) At 8–16 weeks of gestation, the best prediction model included only one protein, matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP-7), that had a sensitivity of 69% at a false positive rate (FPR) of 20% (AUC = 0.76); 2) at 16.1–22 weeks of gestation, MMP-7 was the single best predictor of late-onset preeclampsia with a sensitivity of 70% at a FPR of 20% (AUC = 0.82); 3) after 22 weeks of gestation, PlGF was the best predictor of late-onset preeclampsia, identifying 1/3 to 1/2 of the patients destined to develop this syndrome (FPR = 20%); 4) 36 proteins were associated with late-onset preeclampsia in at least one interval of gestation (after adjustment for covariates); 5) several biological processes, such as positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor

  15. Furosemide versus Hydralazine for Managing Post Partum Hypertension in Severe Preeclampsia: A Comparative Study

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    M Behrashi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia are important maternal and fetal– infant complications and they can be regarded as the second cause of maternal death as well. The present study aimed to assess the effects of hydralazine and furosemide on blood pressure in sever preeclampsia. Methods: One hundred patients with severe preeclampsia were enrolled. After spontaneous onset of postpartum diuresis and discontinuation of intravenous magnesium sulfate, patients were randomly assigned to receive either Hydralazine10mg QID or furosemide10mg BID for 5 days. Patients’ blood pressure was recorded every 6h and the collected data were compared. Results: Postpartum patients with severe preeclampsia who received furosemide had significantly lower systolic blood pressure by postpartum fifth day(66% compared with 42%, P=0.016;OR=2.6 compared to those who had hydralazine. On the other hand, the time duration of response to treatment was lower in patients who received hydralazine compared with furosemide (24.3h compared with 31.4h; P=0.034. Conclusion: Furosemide proved to be more effective on blood pressure mean reduction compared with Hydralazine in women with sever preeclampsia.

  16. Maternal periodontal disease and preeclampsia in Jaipur population

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    Girija Jaiman


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia is identified as an important cause for mother and newborn mortality. Inspite of extensive research, the exact etiological relations have not been established. Hence, an attempt has been made in this study to evaluate the relationship between the preeclampsia and maternal periodontal disease. Materials and Methods: The case–control study comprised of thirty pregnant women distributed equally in the case (preeclampsia and control (healthy group. Gingival index, plaque index, bleeding on probing, clinical probing depth, and clinical attachment level were measured in both groups. Microbiologic examination for identification of one red complex organism Porphyromonas gingivalis and one orange complex organism Fusobacterium nucleatum were done in plaque and placental blood of cases and controls. The clinical examinations and collection of placental blood were done 24 h before delivery. Results: Periodontal condition in the preeclamptic women was statistically worse compared with the normotensive women. There was no statistically significant association between microorganisms in plaque and placental blood between normotensive control and preeclamptic pregnant women. The preeclamptic women had significantly higher chances of having newborns weighing <2.5 kg than the normotensive women. Conclusion: The preeclamptic women were associated with significantly higher periodontitis and lower fetal birth weight than normotensive women.

  17. Soluble Endoglin as a new marker for prediction of pre-eclampsia in early pregnancy

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    Khaled Gaber


    Conclusion: Pregnant women who are at risk of developing pre-eclampsia can be offered measuring these markers as a screening method to point out those who are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia and warrant close observation and intervention.

  18. Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) excretion increases in normal pregnancy but not in preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ødum, Lars; Andersen, Anita Sylvest; Hviid, Thomas Vauvert F


    BACKGROUND: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) serum values have been shown to increase in preeclampsia. The goal of the present study was to evaluate changes in urinary NGAL concentrations during uncomplicated pregnancy and in cases of preeclampsia and hypertension. METHODS: Fifty......-one pregnant women who developed preeclampsia and 28 diagnosed with essential or gestational hypertension were investigated for urinary NGAL concentrations during pregnancy. As controls, 100 healthy pregnant women with uncomplicated singleton pregnancies were randomly selected. Urinary NGAL as well as urinary...... creatinine and albumin were measured by a standardized clinical chemistry platform (ARCHITECT®; Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park, IL, USA). RESULTS: Urinary NGAL concentrations increased during pregnancy in healthy pregnant women, whereas this increase was not detected in preeclampsia. In order to correct...

  19. Polycystic ovary syndrome and early-onset preeclampsia: reproductive manifestations of increased cardiovascular risk. (United States)

    Veltman-Verhulst, Susanne M; van Rijn, Bas B; Westerveld, H Egbertine; Franx, Arie; Bruinse, Hein W; Fauser, Bart C J M; Goverde, Angelique J


    Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women is a major healthcare issue. Detection of premenopausal women with increased risk of CVD could enhance prevention strategies and reduce first event-related morbidity and mortality. In this study, we argue that an unfavorable metabolic constitution in women may present itself early in life as a reproductive complication, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and preeclampsia. We evaluated the cardiovascular risk of women with a history of early-onset preeclampsia and women with PCOS and assessed their need for implementation of early risk factor-reduction strategies. We performed a standardized evaluation of 240 women with a history of early-onset preeclampsia and 456 women diagnosed with PCOS for established major CVD risk factors. Metabolic syndrome characteristics were analyzed per body mass index category. Mean age was 30.6 and 29.0 years for women with preeclampsia and PCOS, respectively. High percentages of metabolic syndrome were found in both groups (preeclampsia group, 14.6%; and PCOS group, 18.4%), with an incidence of greater than 50% in both groups of women if body mass index was greater than 30 kg/m. Overall, more than 90% of the women qualified for either lifestyle or medical intervention according to the American Heart Association guideline for CVD prevention in women. Women with PCOS and early-onset preeclampsia already show an unfavorable cardiovascular risk profile with high need for lifestyle or medical intervention at a young age. We therefore recommend an active role of the gynecologist in routine screening and follow-up of women with reproductive conditions linked to future cardiovascular risk.

  20. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Superimposed with Preeclampsia

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    Mann-Ling Chen


    Conclusion: The most frequent causes of PNH-related fetomaternal morbidity and mortality are hemolysis and thrombosis. The situation becomes even more complicated when PNH is superimposed with preeclampsia. Appropriate clinical surveillance, awareness of the potential risks of hemolysis and thrombosis, as well as evaluation of fetal wellbeing are essential.

  1. Blood group AB and factor V Leiden as risk factors for pre-eclampsia: a population-based nested case-control study. (United States)

    Hiltunen, Leena M; Laivuori, Hannele; Rautanen, Anna; Kaaja, Risto; Kere, Juha; Krusius, Tom; Paunio, Mikko; Rasi, Vesa


    Pre-eclampsia is an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Its etiology is still unknown. Clinical symptoms correlate with activation of coagulation and inherited thrombophilia has been associated with pre-eclampsia. ABO blood group has been associated with thrombotic disorders and pre-eclampsia. We assessed ABO blood group, seven thrombophilia associated polymorphisms, and anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies as risk factors for pre-eclampsia. We performed a population-based nested case-control study of 100,000 consecutive pregnancies in Finland. Cases and controls were identified by combining national registers and medical records were reviewed. We studied 248 cases fulfilling strict criteria for pre-eclampsia and 679 controls. Severe pre-eclampsia, early pre-eclampsia, and pre-eclampsia with intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) were analyzed separately. Blood group AB increased the risk for pre-eclampsia as a whole (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.3-3.5), and in the three subgroups (OR 2.3, 3.8, 3.4; 95% CI 1.3-3.9, 2.0-7.1, 1.6-7.1). FV Leiden increased the risk as a whole (OR 1.7, 95% CI 0.8-3.9), and in the three subgroups, although not statistically significantly. Anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies were not associated with pre-eclampsia. High body mass index, diabetes, first pregnancy, and twin pregnancy increased the risk from 1.5-fold to 8.2-fold. Our results confirm and extend the prior observation of blood group AB being a risk factor for pre-eclampsia. ABO blood group is known from all pregnant women. The value of blood group as risk factor for pre-eclampsia should be further assessed in prospective studies. In this study, FV Leiden was not statistically significant risk factor.

  2. Treatment with Insulin and Heparin in Severe Hypertriglyceridemia


    Masson, W; Fernández-Otero, L; Siniawski, D; Arias, A; Maritano, J; Ortiz, MI


    La hipertrigliceridemia severa se asocia con pancreatitis aguda y suele producirse por una deficiencia genética o adquirida en la actividad de la lipoproteín lipasa (LPL). El tratamiento habitual en pacientes ambulatorios se basa en una alimentación saludable, ejercicio físico, control del peso, complementos de omega 3 y fármacos como los fibratos y la niacina. Ante situaciones de hipertrigliceridemia severa asociados o no a pancreatitis, se recomienda el tratamiento con insulina y/o heparina...

  3. Vasoactive agents for the prediction of early- and late-onset preeclampsia in a high-risk cohort (United States)


    Background To evaluate the soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), placental growth factor (PlGF), and sFlt-1/PlGF ratio for the prediction of early- and late-onset preeclampsia in a high-risk cohort. Methods We studied serial serum samples collected prospectively at 12 + 0 - 14 + 0, 18 + 0 - 20 + 0, and 26 + 0 - 28 + 0 weeks + days of gestation in 6 women who developed early-onset preeclampsia (before 34 weeks of gestation) and in 21 women who developed late-onset preeclampsia (after 34 weeks of gestation) with automated ElecSys 2010 immunoanalyzer (Roche Diagnostics, Germany). Twenty-six high-risk women and 53 women without risk factors with normal pregnancies served as controls. Results Serum PlGF concentrations were lower at 18 + 0 to 20 + 0, and 26 + 0 to 28 + 0 weeks of gestation in women who developed early-onset preeclampsia compared to women who developed late-onset preeclampsia and to controls (p preeclampsia (AUC 100.0%, p = 0.0007, 95% CI 100–100). Amongst women with late-onset preeclampsia, those who developed severe form of the disease (N = 8) had significantly higher serum sFlt-1 concentrations at all three timepoints (p = 0.004, p = 0.006, and p = 0.003, respectively) compared to women with non-severe form (N = 13). Conclusions Low serum PlGF concentration predicts early-onset preeclampsia from the second trimester and elevated serum sFlt-1/PlGF ratio from 26 to 28 weeks of gestation. Elevated serum sFlt-1 concentration in the first trimester in women who later develop late-onset, severe preeclampsia may suggest different etiology compared to the late-onset non-severe form of the disease. PMID:23663420

  4. Intake of probiotic food and risk of preeclampsia in primiparous women: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study. (United States)

    Brantsaeter, Anne Lise; Myhre, Ronny; Haugen, Margaretha; Myking, Solveig; Sengpiel, Verena; Magnus, Per; Jacobsson, Bo; Meltzer, Helle Margrete


    Probiotics have been suggested to modify placental trophoblast inflammation, systemic inflammation, and blood pressure, all potentially interesting aspects of preeclampsia. The authors examined the association between consumption of milk-based probiotic products in pregnancy and development of preeclampsia and its subtypes. The study was performed in the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study by using a prospective design in 33,399 primiparous women in the years 2002-2008. The intake of milk-based products containing probiotic lactobacilli was estimated from a self-reported food frequency questionnaire. Preeclampsia diagnoses were obtained from the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry. Intake of probiotic milk products was associated with reduced risk of preeclampsia. The association was most prominent in severe preeclampsia (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.79, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.66, 0.96). With probiotic intakes divided into categories representing no, monthly, weekly, or daily intake, a lower risk for preeclampsia (all subtypes) was observed for daily probiotic intake (OR = 0.80, 95% CI: 0.66, 0.96). Lower risks for severe preeclampsia were observed for weekly (OR = 0.75, 95% CI: 0.57, 0.98) and daily (OR = 0.61, 95% CI: 0.43, 0.89) intakes. These results suggest that regular consumption of milk-based probiotics could be associated with lower risk of preeclampsia in primiparous women.

  5. gross morphological study of placenta in preeclampsia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 12, 2017 ... A cross-sectional study was carried out on preeclampsia mothers who gave birth at ... maternal and fetal surfaces (Ashfaq, Janjua, and. Channa, 2005). A term .... causing loss and fibrosis of parenchyma tissue. These changes ...


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    Ratna Bulusu


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Hypertensive disorders complicate 5-10% of all pregnancies. Screening for these factors in the second trimester of pregnancy will help in early detection of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, thus enabling. 1. Early identification of patients at risk of developing preeclampsia and eclampsia. 2. Prophylactic medication to prevent hypertension or to reduce its severity. 3. Proper antenatal care. The aim of the study is to study the accuracy of serum uric acid levels in early second trimester (14-20 weeks as early predictor of preeclampsia. MATERIALS AND METHODS 100 pregnant normotensive women between 14-20 weeks gestation with singleton pregnancy irrespective of parity were selected randomly and serum levels of uric acid was estimated. Regular follow up of the cases was done till delivery. Number of cases developing preeclampsia was noted. Results were analysed statistically. RESULTS Out of the 100 patients enrolled in the study, 11 developed preeclampsia while rest 89 remained normotensive. Mean value of uric acid in preeclampsia cases was 6.28±0.86 mg/dL while that in normotensive cases was 3.42±0.94 mg/dL. This result was statistically significant. CONCLUSION Serum uric acid level at 14-20 weeks of gestation was significantly raised in the cases who developed preeclampsia as compared to those who remained normotensive. Hence, serum uric acid estimation at 14-20 weeks of gestation could be used as an effective parameter for predicting preeclampsia.

  7. Tamizaje y prevención de pre-eclampsia guiado por Doppler de arterias uterinas: revisión sistemática de la literatura


    Sáez O, Nicolás; Carvajal C, Jorge


    Antecedentes: La pre-eclampsia (PE) es una enfermedad grave asociada al embarazo con una prevalencia de ~3%. La identificación de las mujeres en riesgo podría mejorar el resultado materno y perinatal. La estimación de riesgo individual de PE permitiría ofrecer un tratamiento preventivo para ésta [ej: aspirina (AAS)]. Se ha descrito el Doppler de arterias uterinas (DAUt) en primer y segundo trimestre como un método de tamizaje de PE. Objetivo: Recopilar la evidencia disponible sobre el uso del...

  8. Associations of depression and depressive symptoms with preeclampsia: results from a Peruvian case-control study

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    Garcia Pedro


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Preeclampsia involves endothelial dysfunction, platelet dysfunction/activation and sympathetic over-activity similar to cardiovascular disorders (CVD. Depression, an independent risk factor for progression of CVD, was found to be associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia among Finnish women. We examined the relation between depression/depressive symptoms and preeclampsia risk among Peruvian women. Methods The study included 339 preeclamptic cases and 337 normotensive controls. Depression and depressive symptoms during pregnancy were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9. Odds ratios (OR and 95% confidence intervals (CI were estimated from logistic regression models. Results The prevalence of moderate depression was 11.5% among cases and 5.3% among controls. The corresponding figures for moderate-severe depression were 3.5% for cases and 2.1% for controls. Compared with non-depressed women, those with moderate depression had a 2.3-fold increased risk of preeclampsia (95% CI: 1.2–4.4, while moderate-severe depression was associated with a 3.2-fold (95% CI: 1.1–9.6 increased risk of preeclampsia. Associations of each of the 9-items of the PHQ-9 depression screening module with preeclampsia risk were also observed. Conclusion Our findings are consistent with the only other published report on this topic. Collectively, available data support recent calls for expanded efforts to study and address depression among pregnant women.

  9. Large scale aggregate microarray analysis reveals three distinct molecular subclasses of human preeclampsia. (United States)

    Leavey, Katherine; Bainbridge, Shannon A; Cox, Brian J


    Preeclampsia (PE) is a life-threatening hypertensive pathology of pregnancy affecting 3-5% of all pregnancies. To date, PE has no cure, early detection markers, or effective treatments short of the removal of what is thought to be the causative organ, the placenta, which may necessitate a preterm delivery. Additionally, numerous small placental microarray studies attempting to identify "PE-specific" genes have yielded inconsistent results. We therefore hypothesize that preeclampsia is a multifactorial disease encompassing several pathology subclasses, and that large cohort placental gene expression analysis will reveal these groups. To address our hypothesis, we utilized known bioinformatic methods to aggregate 7 microarray data sets across multiple platforms in order to generate a large data set of 173 patient samples, including 77 with preeclampsia. Unsupervised clustering of these patient samples revealed three distinct molecular subclasses of PE. This included a "canonical" PE subclass demonstrating elevated expression of known PE markers and genes associated with poor oxygenation and increased secretion, as well as two other subclasses potentially representing a poor maternal response to pregnancy and an immunological presentation of preeclampsia. Our analysis sheds new light on the heterogeneity of PE patients, and offers up additional avenues for future investigation. Hopefully, our subclassification of preeclampsia based on molecular diversity will finally lead to the development of robust diagnostics and patient-based treatments for this disorder.

  10. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Haplotypes Are Associated with Preeclampsia in Maya Mestizo Women (United States)

    Díaz-Olguín, Lizbeth; Coral-Vázquez, Ramón Mauricio; Canto-Cetina, Thelma; Canizales-Quinteros, Samuel; Ramírez Regalado, Belem; Fernández, Genny; Canto, Patricia


    Preeclampsia is a specific disease of pregnancy and believed to have a genetic component. The aim of this study was to investigate if three polymorphisms in eNOS or their haplotypes are associated with preeclampsia in Maya mestizo women. A case-control study was performed where 127 preeclamptic patients and 263 controls were included. Genotyped and haplotypes for the -768T→C, intron 4 variants, Glu298Asp of eNOS were determined by PCR and real-time PCR allelic discrimination. Logistic regression analysis with adjustment for age and body mass index (BMI) was used to test for associations between genotype and preeclampsia under recessive, codominant and dominant models. Pairwise linkage disequilibrium between single nucleotide polymorphisms was calculated by direct correlation r2, and haplotype analysis was conducted. Women homozygous for the Asp298 allele showed an association of preeclampsia. In addition, analysis of the haplotype frequencies revealed that the -786C-4b-Asp298 haplotype was significantly more frequent in preeclamptic patients than in controls (0.143 vs. 0.041, respectively; OR = 3.01; 95% CI = 1.74–5.23; P = 2.9 × 10−4). Despite the Asp298 genotype in a recessive model associated with the presence of preeclampsia in Maya mestizo women, we believe that in this population the -786C-4b-Asp298 haplotype is a better genetic marker. PMID:21897002

  11. Consumption of chocolate in pregnant women and risk of preeclampsia: a systematic review (United States)


    Background Previous studies have been limited in reporting the association between chocolate consumption, measured by interviewer-administered questionnaire or serum theobromine, a biomarker for cocoa, and risk of preeclampsia, and have showed somewhat conflicting results. Methods/Design A systematic review of observational and experimental studies will be carried out. We will examine PubMed, Embase, and the entire Cochrane Library. Studies of chocolate consumption compared or not with placebo or low flavanol chocolate during pregnancy will be evaluated to investigate the effect of chocolate consumption in pregnant women on the risk of preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Screening for inclusion, data extraction, and quality assessment will be performed independently by two reviewers in consultation with a third reviewer. Validity of the studies will be ascertained by using the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool. Relative risk of preeclampsia will be the primary measure of treatment effect. Heterogeneity will be explored by subgroup analysis according to confounding factors and bias. Discussion This systematic review will contribute to establish the current state of knowledge concerning the possible association between chocolate consumption and prevention of preeclampsia. Furthermore, it will justify if additional experimental trials are necessary to better evaluate the benefits of chocolate consumption on the risk of preeclampsia. Trial registration This systematic review has been registered in the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews. The registration number is: CRD42013005338 PMID:24360219

  12. Consumption of chocolate in pregnant women and risk of preeclampsia: a systematic review. (United States)

    Mogollon, Jaime Andres; Boivin, Catherine; Philippe, Kadhel; Turcotte, Stéphane; Lemieux, Simone; Blanchet, Claudine; Bujold, Emmanuel; Dodin, Sylvie


    Previous studies have been limited in reporting the association between chocolate consumption, measured by interviewer-administered questionnaire or serum theobromine, a biomarker for cocoa, and risk of preeclampsia, and have showed somewhat conflicting results. A systematic review of observational and experimental studies will be carried out. We will examine PubMed, Embase, and the entire Cochrane Library. Studies of chocolate consumption compared or not with placebo or low flavanol chocolate during pregnancy will be evaluated to investigate the effect of chocolate consumption in pregnant women on the risk of preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension. Screening for inclusion, data extraction, and quality assessment will be performed independently by two reviewers in consultation with a third reviewer. Validity of the studies will be ascertained by using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool. Relative risk of preeclampsia will be the primary measure of treatment effect. Heterogeneity will be explored by subgroup analysis according to confounding factors and bias. This systematic review will contribute to establish the current state of knowledge concerning the possible association between chocolate consumption and prevention of preeclampsia. Furthermore, it will justify if additional experimental trials are necessary to better evaluate the benefits of chocolate consumption on the risk of preeclampsia. This systematic review has been registered in the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews. The registration number is: CRD42013005338.

  13. [Changes in the thrombophilic status in patients with pre-eclampsia]. (United States)

    Baptista-González, H A; Rosenfeld-Mann, F; Saavedra-Trejo, M R; Castro-López, J L; Peñuela-Olaya, M A


    The object of this study was to evaluate the changes in fibrinolysis and clotting inhibitors in patients with preeclampsia and to describe the connection between preeclampsia and blood pressure values. Two groups of pregnant women were prospectively studied at delivery: group 1 women without preeclampsia and group 2 patients with preeclampsia. The variables that were registered are: diastolic blood pressure (DBP), systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean blood pressure (MBP), hemoglobin (Hb), platelet count (Plt), lupus like inhibitor, anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), antinuclear antibodies (ANA), fibronectina, D dimer, protein S (PS), protein C (PC) and vo Willebrand factor (vWF). 62 pregnant women were included. The patients of group 2 presented high values of Hb (p 0.01), fibronectin (p 0.0001), D-dimer (p 0.01) and lower PC (p 0.04). We found an association between fibronectin and higher values of SBP, DBP, MBP and Hb (p 0.0007) versus lower values of VFW and PC (p 0.002). The low values of total PS were associated with high D-dimer and SBP results (p 0.04 and 0.002 respectively). All patients were ACA/ANA negative. In preclampsia there is a increased hemoconcentration and drop in clotting inhibitors (PC), without fibrinolytic compensatory response (lower D-dimer) and remarked vasopressive effect (hig fibronectin). This changes depend on the stratification of blood pressure. Th SBP and MBP values depend on the haemodynamic changes (Hb, fibronectin), while the increase in DBP expresses a non compensated thrombophilic state.

  14. Meta-Analysis of Placental Transcriptome Data Identifies a Novel Molecular Pathway Related to Preeclampsia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Uitert, Miranda; Moerland, Perry D.; Enquobahrie, Daniel A.; Laivuori, Hannele; van der Post, Joris A. M.; Ris-Stalpers, Carrie; Afink, Gijs B.


    Studies using the placental transcriptome to identify key molecules relevant for preeclampsia are hampered by a relatively small sample size. In addition, they use a variety of bioinformatics and statistical methods, making comparison of findings challenging. To generate a more robust preeclampsia

  15. Enfermedad de Carrión grave complicada con leptospirosis aguda: reporte de un caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anderson Huerta

    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de un adulto varón de 56 años, procedente de Sihuas (Ancash que acude al Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo con cuadro clínico caracterizado por un síndrome ictérico febril anemizante, en cuya evolución tórpida de solo tres días de hospitalizado presenta anemia severa (Hb: 11,8 a 6,7 g/dL así como mialgias generalizadas asociadas a un empeoramiento brusco de la ictericia correlacionada con elevación de bilirrubinas (BT: 3,2 a 19,6 mg/dL a predominio directo y deterioro general del paciente; por ello, se realizó la investigación microbiológica donde se encontró frotis y cultivo positivo para Bartonella bacilliformis, posteriormente, la serología (microaglutinación resultó positiva para Lesptospira serovar Pomona. El paciente recibe tratamiento antibiótico específico (ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacino, se le transfunde dos paquetes globulares, mejora clínicamente y es dado de alta

  16. Prostasin and its regulatory proteins in human placentas from pregnant women with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant controls

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frederiksen-Møller, Britta; Jørgensen, Jan Stener; Vogel, Lotte Katrine


    for normal placental development in mice. Prostasin is regulated by aldosterone in the kidney and may activate the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Preeclampsia is characterized by disturbed placentation, suppression of aldosterone and avid renal sodium retention with hypertension. It was hypothesized...... that preeclampsia is associated with low prostasin expression in placenta and spillover of prostasin into urine across the defect glomerular barrier. METHODS: This hypothesis was addressed in a cross-sectional design with 20 healthy pregnant women and 20 women with new onset of preeclampsia (hypertension and 1......+ for protein on urine dipstick). Blood and urine samples were obtained in relation to delivery and placental biopsies were taken immediately after delivery (control = 39 and preeclampsia 40 weeks). RESULTS: Women with preeclampsia displayed lower levels of aldosterone in plasma (p=0.0475) and in spot urine...

  17. Metabolic syndrome in the non-pregnant state is associated with the development of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Cho, Geum Joon; Park, Jong Heon; Shin, Soon-Ae; Oh, Min-Jeong; Seo, Hong Seog


    The aim of this study was to investigate the association between metabolic syndrome in the non-pregnant state and the development of preeclampsia. We enrolled 212,463 Korean women who had their first delivery between January, 2011 and December, 2012 and had undergone a national health screening examination through the National Health Insurance during the 1-2 years before their first delivery. Women who had hypertension in the non-pregnant state were excluded. The presence of metabolic syndrome was defined using the modified criteria published in National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in non-pregnant state was 1.2%. Preeclampsia developed in 3.1% and its prevalence among women with and without metabolic syndrome was 7.3% and 3.0%, respectively. The pre-pregnancy prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher in women who developed preeclampsia compared to that in those who had a normal pregnancy (1.1% vs. 2.8%; ppreeclampsia (odds ratio: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.26 to 1.74) compared to that in those without metabolic syndrome, after adjusting for age, family history of hypertension, smoking status, and pre-pregnancy body mass index. The risk of preeclampsia increased with a rise in the number of components of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome in the non-pregnant state was associated with the development of preeclampsia. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether early intervention for metabolic syndrome before pregnancy can decrease the risk of developing preeclampsia. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Markers of insulin resistance and sedentary lifestyle are predictors of preeclampsia in women with adverse obstetric results. (United States)

    Hoirisch-Clapauch, S; Benchimol-Barbosa, P R


    Some thrombophilias and severe preeclampsia may increase the risk for preterm deliveries and fetal death due to placental insufficiency. Our objective was to evaluate clinical and laboratory data as predictors of preeclampsia in a population of mothers with 3rd trimester fetal losses or preterm deliveries. In a longitudinal retrospective study, 54 consecutive women (age range: 16 to 39 years) with normotensive pregnancies were compared to 79 consecutive women with preeclampsia (age range: 16 to 43 years). Weight accrual rate (WAR) was arbitrarily defined as weight gain from age 18 years to the beginning of pregnancy divided by elapsed years. Independent predictors of preeclampsia were past history of oligomenorrhea, WAR >0.8 kg/years, pre-pregnancy or 1st trimester triglyceridemia >150 mg/dL, and elevated acanthosis nigricans in the neck. In a multivariate logistic regression model, two or more predictors conferred an odds ratio of 15 (95%CI [5.9-37]; P < 0.001) to develop preeclampsia (85% specificity, 73% sensitivity, c-statistic of 81 ± 4%; P < 0.0001). Clinical markers related to insulin resistance and sedentary lifestyles are strong independent predictors of preeclampsia in mothers with 3rd trimester fetal losses or preterm deliveries due to placental insufficiency. Women at risk for preeclampsia in this particular population might benefit from measures focused on overcoming insulin resistance.

  19. Increased urinary orosomucoid excretion predicts preeclampsia in pregnant women with pregestational type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christiansen, MS; Hesse, D; Ekbom, P


    We evaluated the urinary orosomucoid excretion (UOE) as a biomarker of preeclampsia and preterm delivery in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes.......We evaluated the urinary orosomucoid excretion (UOE) as a biomarker of preeclampsia and preterm delivery in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes....

  20. Determination of coagulopathy complicating severe preeclampsia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Preeclampsia is defined as gestational hypertension plus proteinuria of 300 mg or more in 24 hour urine sample collection or persistent proteinuria of at least 30 mg/dl (at least 1+ on dipstick) in random urine samples.[5] Eclampsia is defined as the onset of seizures and/or unexplained coma during pregnancy, intrapartum.

  1. Prediction of preeclampsia with angiogenic biomarkers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Louise Bjørkholt; Dechend, Ralf; Jørgensen, Jan Stener


    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate how maternal serum soluble Fms-like kinase 1 (sFlt-1), placental growth factor (PlGF), and sFlt-1/PlGF ratio prospectively associate to preeclampsia (PE) and clinical subtypes. METHODS: In an unselected cohort of 1909 pregnant women, sFlt-1 and PlGF were measured...


    Tetteh, P W; Adu-Bonsaffoh, K; Antwi-Boasiako, C; Antwi, D A; Gyan, B; Obed, S A


    Pre-eclampsia is a multisystem pregnancy-related disorder with multiple theories regarding its aetiology resulting in lack of reliable screening tests and well-established measures for primary prevention. However, oxidative stress is increasingly being implicated in the pathogenesi of pre-eclampsia although conflicting findings have been reported. To determine and compare the levels of oxidative stress in early and late onset pre-eclampsia by measuring urinary excretion of isoprostane and total antioxidant power (TAP) in a cohort of pre-eclamptic women at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana involving pre-eclamptic women between the ages 18 and 45 years who gave written informed consent. Urinary isoprostane levels were determined using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit whereas the Total Anti-oxidant Power in urine samples was determined using Total Antioxidant Power Colorimetric Microplate Assay kit. The data obtained were analyzed using MEGASTAT statistical software package. We included 102 pre-eclamptic women comprising 68 (66.7%) and 34 (33.3%) with early-onset and late-onset pre-eclampsia respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the mean maternal age, haematological indices, serum ALT, AST, ALT, albumin, urea, creatinine uric acid and total protein at the time of diagnosis. The mean gestational age at diagnosis of early and late onset pre-eclampsia were 31.65 ± 0.41 and 38.03 ± 0.21 respectively (p ˂ 0.001). Also, there were statistically significant differences between the diastolic blood pressure (BP), systolic BP and mean arterial pressure (MAP) at diagnosis of pre-eclampsia in the two categories. The mean urinary Isoprostane excretion was significantly higher in the early onset pre-eclamptic group (3.04 ± 0.34 ng/mg Cr) compared to that of the late onset pre-eclamptic group (2.36 ± 0.45 ng/mg Cr), (p=0.019). Urinary total

  3. Efectos secundarios del tratamiento inmunosupresor con cyclosporina: Revisión bibliográfica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lilia Aquino Medina


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre los efectos secundarios del tratamiento con cyclosporina. La cyclosporina es una sustancia inmunosupresora de tipo selectivo que actúa sobre las células de la inmunidad celular. Ocasiona varios efectos secundarios, algunos de ellos de interés para la estomatología y, como son: la hiperplasia gingival, la hiperestesia perioral transitoria, el retraso en la erupción dentaria y severas hipoplasias del esmalte, entre otros; no existe unanimidad de criterios en cuanto a la relación con la dosis tiempo de tratamiento, la edad, el sexo, la concentración en sangre periférica o sinergismo con bloqueadores de los canales de calcio. Aunque algunos no refieren mejoría de las lesiones con elcontrol de la placa, algunos obtuvieron beneficios con ésta por medios químicos o con el tratamiento quirúrgico en los casos necesarios.A bibliographic review on the sids effects of the treatment with cyclosporine is presented. The cyclosporine is an immunosuppressor substance of selective type acting on the cells of cellular immunity. Some of its side effects of interest for dentistry are: gingival hyperplasia, transitory perioral hyperesthesia, retardation of dental bud, and severe enamel hypoplasias, among others. There is no unanimity of criteria in connection with the relation existing between dosage, time of treatment, age, sex, the concentration of peripheral blood, or the synergism with blockers of the calcium ducts. In spite of the fact that some patients do not improve with the control plaque others and benefitted from this by chemical means or by surgical treatment when it is necessary.

  4. Síndrome Poliglandular Autoinmune Tipo II: Posible Asociación con HLA DRB1*-DQB1* Possible association of Type II Autoimmune Polyendrocrine Syndrome with HLA DRB1*-DQB1*


    M.S. Mallea Gil; M.C. Ballarino; M.M. Aparicio; K. Bertini; M.C. Ridruejo; S. Gimenez; P. Galarza; A. Perusco; S. Roveto; D. Rimoldi


    Los síndromes poliendocrinos autoinmunes (APS) asocian enfermedades endocrinas autoinmunes con otros desórdenes autoinmunes no endocrinos. El APS tipo II se caracteriza por compromiso primario suprarrenal, tiroideo y/o DM tipo I. Presentamos un paciente masculino de 46 años que fue internado por astenia, adinamia, hiporexia, severa disminución de peso, mareos y vómitos. Antecedente de obesidad y diabetes diagnosticada 3 años antes. Presentaba hipotensión arterial, hiperpigmentación de mucosas...

  5. Fetal Microsatellite in the Heme Oxygenase 1 Promoter Is Associated With Severe and Early-Onset Preeclampsia. (United States)

    Kaartokallio, Tea; Utge, Siddheshwar; Klemetti, Miira M; Paananen, Jussi; Pulkki, Kari; Romppanen, Jarkko; Tikkanen, Ilkka; Heinonen, Seppo; Kajantie, Eero; Kere, Juha; Kivinen, Katja; Pouta, Anneli; Lakkisto, Päivi; Laivuori, Hannele


    Preeclampsia is a vascular pregnancy disorder that often involves impaired placental development. HO-1 (heme oxygenase 1, encoded by HMOX1 ) is a stress response enzyme crucial for endothelial and placental function. Long version of the guanine-thymine (GT n ) microsatellite in the HMOX1 promoter decreases HO-1 expression, and the long maternal repeat is associated with late-onset preeclampsia. Our aim was to study whether the length of fetal repeat is associated with mother's preeclampsia, whether the length of fetal and maternal repeats affect HO-1 levels in placenta and maternal serum, and whether HO-1 levels are altered in preeclampsia. We genotyped the repeat in the cord blood of 609 preeclamptic and 745 nonpreeclamptic neonates. HO-1 levels were measured in 36 placental samples, and in the first (222 cases/243 controls) and third (176 cases/53 controls) pregnancy trimester serum samples using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The long fetal GT n repeat was associated with preeclampsia and its severe and early-onset subtypes. Interaction analysis suggested the maternal and fetal effects to be independent. Placental or serum HO-1 levels were not altered in preeclamptics, possibly reflecting heterogeneity of preeclampsia. Carriers of the long fetal and maternal repeats had lower placental and serum HO-1 levels, respectively, providing functional evidence for the association. We conclude that the long fetal GT n repeat may increase mother's risk for especially severe and early-onset preeclampsia. The fetal and maternal risk alleles likely predispose to different disease subtypes. © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.

  6. Expresión fenotípica de una sordera familiar con deleción del gen POU3F4

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ibis Menéndez


    Full Text Available Se presenta una familia cubana con 5 miembros afectados por una hipoacusia bilateral, congénita, severa, mixta con componente neurosensorial predominante y sin alteraciones morfológicas de oído interno. El patrón de transmisión era compatible con la herencia recesiva ligada al cromosoma X. Los estudios moleculares detectaron una deleción en la región Xq21.1 que implica el gen POU3F4, responsable de la sordera de tipo DFN3. Se hacen comentarios sobre la evidente variabilidad clínica de las sorderas tipo DFN3.A Cuban five-member family affected by a severe congenital bilateral mixed deafness with predominant sensorineural component and without morphological changes in the internal hearing is presented in this study. The transmission pattern was compatible with X-linked recessive heritage. The molecular studies detected a deletion of Xq 21 region involving POU3F4 gene which is responsible for DFN3-type deafness. Comments are made on the obvious clinical variability of DFN3-type deafness.

  7. Elevated second-trimester serum homocyst(e)ine levels and subsequent risk of preeclampsia. (United States)

    Sorensen, T K; Malinow, M R; Williams, M A; King, I B; Luthy, D A


    Elevated plasma homocyst(e)ine is a risk factor for endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease. In late gestation, levels of homocyst(e)ine are higher in preeclamptics, as compared with normotensive pregnant women. Our objective was to determine whether homocyst(e)ine elevations precede the development of preeclampsia. We used a prospective nested case-control study design to compare second trimester maternal serum homocyst(e)ine concentrations in 52 patients who developed preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension with proteinuria) compared with 56 women who remained normotensive throughout pregnancy. Study subjects were selected from a base population of 3, 042 women who provided blood samples at an average gestational age of 16 weeks and later delivered at our center. Serum homocyst(e)ine was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection. Approximately 29% of preeclamptics, as compared to 13% of controls had homocyst(e)ine levels >/=5.5 micromol/l (upper decile of distribution of control values). Adjusted for maternal age, parity, and body mass-index, a second trimester elevation of homocyst(e)ine was associated with a 3. 2-fold increased risk of preeclampsia (adjusted OR = 3.2; 95% CI 1. 1-9.2; p = 0.030). There was evidence of a interaction between maternal adiposity (as indicated by her prepregnancy body mass index) and parity with second trimester elevations in serum homocyst(e)ine. Nulliparous women with elevated homocyst(e)ine levels experienced a 9.7-fold increased risk of preeclampsia as compared with multiparous women without homocyst(e)ine elevations (95% CI 2.1-14.1; p = 0.003). Women with a higher prepregnancy body mass index (>/=21.4 kg/m(2), or upper 50th percentile) and who also had elevated homocyst(e)ine levels, as compared with leaner women without homocyst(e)ine elevations were 6.9 times more likely to later develop preeclampsia (95% CI 1.4-32.1; p = 0.016). Our findings are consistent with other

  8. Hemodynamic comparison of mild and severe preeclampsia: concept of stroke systemic vascular resistance index. (United States)

    Scardo, J; Kiser, R; Dillon, A; Brost, B; Newman, R


    Our purpose was to compare baseline hemodynamic parameters of mild and severe preeclampsia. Patients admitted to the Medical University Labor and Delivery Unit with the diagnosis of preeclampsia who had not received prior antihypertensive or magnesium sulfate therapy were recruited for noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring with thoracic electrical bioimpedance. After stabilization in the lateral recumbent position, hemodynamic monitoring was begun. Baseline hemodynamic parameters, mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), cardiac index (CI), and stroke index (SI) were recorded. Stroke systemic vascular resistance index (SSVRI), the resistance imposed by vasculature on each beat of the heart, was calculated for each patient by multiplying SVRI by HR. For statistical analysis, unpaired Student's t-tests (two-tailed) were utilized (P preclampsia appears to be a more intensely vasoconstricted state than mild preeclampsia. Although CI is inversely proportional to SVRI, increased HR in severe preeclampsia prevents this expected decrease in cardiac output.

  9. Factores de riesgo de violencia escolar (bullying) severa en colegios privados de tres zonas de la sierra del Perú


    Isabel Amemiya; Miguel Oliveros; Armando Barrientos


    Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo de violencia escolar (bullying) severa en alumnos de colegios privados de tres zonas de la sierra del Perú. Diseño: Estudio tipo encuesta. Institución: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Alumnos entre quinto de primaria y quinto de secundaria de colegios privados. Intervenciones: Una encuesta validada en estudios previos, para identificar violencia escolar (bullying), fue aplicada a 736 alumno...

  10. miR-210 inhibits trophoblast invasion and is a serum biomarker for preeclampsia. (United States)

    Anton, Lauren; Olarerin-George, Anthony O; Schwartz, Nadav; Srinivas, Sindhu; Bastek, Jamie; Hogenesch, John B; Elovitz, Michal A


    Preeclampsia is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in pregnant women. Its exact cause is unknown. Preeclampsia increases the risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Although delivery, often premature, is the only known cure, early targeted interventions may improve maternal and fetal outcomes. Successful intervention requires a better understanding of the molecular etiology of preeclampsia and the development of accurate methods to predict women at risk. To this end, we tested the role of miR-210, a miRNA up-regulated in preeclamptic placentas, in first-trimester extravillous trophoblasts. miR-210 overexpression reduced trophoblast invasion, a process necessary for uteroplacental perfusion, in an extracellular signal-regulated kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent manner. Conversely, miR-210 inhibition promoted invasion. Furthermore, given that the placenta secretes miRNAs into the maternal circulation, we tested if serum expression of miR-210 was associated with the disease. We measured miR-210 expression in two clinical studies: a case-control study and a prospective cohort study. Serum miR-210 expression was significantly associated with a diagnosis of preeclampsia (P = 0.007, area under the receiver operator curves = 0.81) and was predictive of the disease, even months before clinical diagnosis (P preeclampsia that can help in identifying at-risk women for monitoring and treatment. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Investigative Pathology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Evaluation of Maternal Complications in Severe Preeclampsia in a University Hospital in Tirana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eriseida Ndoni


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Preeclampsia is a hypertensive multisystem disorder of pregnancy that complicates up to 10% of pregnancies worldwide and is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. AIM: To evaluate maternal complications associated with severe preeclampsia. METHODS: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in the UHOG “Koço Gliozheni”, in Tirana. Primary outcomes evaluated: maternal death, eclampsia, stroke, HELLP syndrome, and pulmonary edema. Secondary outcomes: renal failure, admission in ICU, caesarean section, placental abruption, and postpartum hemorrhage. Fisher’s exact test and Chi-squared test were used as statistical methods. RESULTS: In women with severe preeclampsia we found higher rates of complications comparing to the group with preeclampsia. Eclampsia (1.5% vs. 7.1%, P < 0.001, HELLP syndrome (2.4% vs. 11.0%; P < 0.001, stroke (0.5% vs 1.9%, P = 0.105 pulmonary edema (0.25% vs. 1.3%, P = 0.0035, renal failure (0.9% vs. 2.6%, P = 0.107, admission in ICU (19.5% vs. 71.4%, P = 0.007, caesarean section rates (55.5% vs. 77%, P = 0.508, placental abruption (4.3% vs. 7.8%, P = 0.103 and severe postpartum hemorrhage (3.2% vs. 3.9%, P = 0.628. CONCLUSION: Severe preeclampsia is associated with high rates of maternal severe morbidity and early diagnosis and timely intervention can prevent life treating complications.

  12. Human infectious diseases and risk of preeclampsia: an updated review of the literature. (United States)

    Nourollahpour Shiadeh, Malihe; Behboodi Moghadam, Zahra; Adam, Ishag; Saber, Vafa; Bagheri, Maryam; Rostami, Ali


    Preeclampsia (PE) is one of the major causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, especially in low- and middle-income countries. In recent years, a growing body of literatures suggests that infections by bacteria, viruses, and parasites and their related inflammations play an important role in the pathogenesis of PE. We searched PubMed, Google scholar, and Cochrane databases using the following search words: "infection and preeclampsia," "bacterial infection and preeclampsia," "viral infection and preeclampsia" and "parasitic infection and preeclampsia." The literature review revealed that many bacteria including Helicobacter pylori, Chlamydia pneumonia, and those are involved in periodontal disease or urinary tract infections (UTIs) and some viral agents such as Cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus type-2, human immunodeficiency virus, and some parasites especially Plasmodium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii can be effective in development of PE. Inflammation responses against infections has major role in the inducement of PE. The shift of immunological cytokine profile of Th2 toward Th1 and high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-ɑ, IL-12, IFN-γ, etc.), increase of oxidative stress, increase of anti-angiogenic proteins, increase of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (sVEGFR1), and complement C5a are the main potential mechanisms related to infections and enhanced development of PE. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment of bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections could be an effective strategy to reduce the incidence of PE.

  13. Relationship of Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1 Level with Onset and Severity in Normotensive Pregnancy and Severe Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    John Johannes Wantania


    Full Text Available Background: Preeclampsia still becomes a major problem in pregnancies. Various evidences showed that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1 is very important in pregnancy. This study aims to understand the relationship of heme oxygenase-1 level with onset and severity in normotensive pregnancy and severe preeclampsia. Methods: This is a cross sectional analytic comparative study, the subjects consisted of 26 patients with normotensive pregnancies and 26 patients with severe preeclampsia. Blood samples from women with < 34 / ≥ 34 weeks’ normotensive pregnancies and women with severe preeclampsia were taken. HO-1 ELISA kit used to quantitate heme oxygenase-1 level in samples. Results: The level of heme oxygenase-1 in normotensive pregnant women < 34 weeks lower than severe preeclampsia pregnant women < 34 weeks (3.28 ± 0.46 ng/mL vs 4.20 ± 0.64 ng/mL, p=0.003, respectively. The median level of heme oxygenase-1 in normotensive pregnant women ≥ 34 weeks was 2.96 (2.41–4.39 ng/mL, while severe preeclampsia pregnant women ≥ 34 weeks was 3.52 (2.88–5.43 ng/mL, (p=0.040. The median level of heme oxygenase-1 in normotensive pregnant women was 3.04 (2.41–4.39 ng/mL, while severe preeclampsia pregnant women was 3.68 (2.88–5.67 ng/mL, (p=0.001. Conclusions: There is correlation between the incidence of severe preeclampsia with heme oxygenase-1 level in < 34 and ≥ 34 weeks of pregnancy. There is a significant difference between the level of heme oxygenase-1 in pregnant women with severe preeclampsia and in women with normotensive pregnancy. 

  14. Meta-Analysis of Placental Transcriptome Data Identifies a Novel Molecular Pathway Related to Preeclampsia. (United States)

    van Uitert, Miranda; Moerland, Perry D; Enquobahrie, Daniel A; Laivuori, Hannele; van der Post, Joris A M; Ris-Stalpers, Carrie; Afink, Gijs B


    Studies using the placental transcriptome to identify key molecules relevant for preeclampsia are hampered by a relatively small sample size. In addition, they use a variety of bioinformatics and statistical methods, making comparison of findings challenging. To generate a more robust preeclampsia gene expression signature, we performed a meta-analysis on the original data of 11 placenta RNA microarray experiments, representing 139 normotensive and 116 preeclamptic pregnancies. Microarray data were pre-processed and analyzed using standardized bioinformatics and statistical procedures and the effect sizes were combined using an inverse-variance random-effects model. Interactions between genes in the resulting gene expression signature were identified by pathway analysis (Ingenuity Pathway Analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, Graphite) and protein-protein associations (STRING). This approach has resulted in a comprehensive list of differentially expressed genes that led to a 388-gene meta-signature of preeclamptic placenta. Pathway analysis highlights the involvement of the previously identified hypoxia/HIF1A pathway in the establishment of the preeclamptic gene expression profile, while analysis of protein interaction networks indicates CREBBP/EP300 as a novel element central to the preeclamptic placental transcriptome. In addition, there is an apparent high incidence of preeclampsia in women carrying a child with a mutation in CREBBP/EP300 (Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome). The 388-gene preeclampsia meta-signature offers a vital starting point for further studies into the relevance of these genes (in particular CREBBP/EP300) and their concomitant pathways as biomarkers or functional molecules in preeclampsia. This will result in a better understanding of the molecular basis of this disease and opens up the opportunity to develop rational therapies targeting the placental dysfunction causal to preeclampsia.

  15. Pre-eclampsia: a Life-threatening Pregnancy Syndrom

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Brázdová, A.; Keprová, Alena; Zídková, J.; Madar, J.


    Roč. 57, č. 5 (2014), s. 701-705 ISSN 1516-8913 Grant - others:GA AV ČR(CZ) IAA600110902 Program:IA Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : placenta * pre-eclampsia * pregnancy * oxidative stress Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry Impact factor: 0.546, year: 2014

  16. Possible Association of IL-4 VNTR Polymorphism with Susceptibility to Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saeedeh Salimi


    Full Text Available Preeclampsia (PE is a pregnancy-specific disorder that results in maternal mortality and morbidity. Growing evidence indicated that cytokines are involved in the pathogenesis of PE and interleukin-4 VNTR polymorphism could be implicated in altering the PE risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between IL-4 VNTR polymorphism and susceptibility to PE in Iranian population for the first time. Genetic polymorphism was evaluated in 192 PE and 186 healthy control women by polymerase chain reaction method. We found that the VNTR polymorphism of IL-4 gene has significantly increased the risk of preeclampsia (RP2/RP1 versus RP1/RP1, OR, 2.8 [95% CI, 1.7 to 8.8]; P=0.0001 and RP2/RP2 versus RP1/RP1; P=0.002. The results showed that carriage of IL-4 VNTR RP2 allele has positive association with preeclampsia susceptibility.

  17. Different Profile of Serum Leptin between Early Onset and Late Onset Preeclampsia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saeedeh Salimi


    Full Text Available Aim. This study was designed to clarify the role of leptin and adiponectin in preeclampsia (PE pathogenesis and different subtypes of preeclampsia. Method. This case control study was performed in 45 PE patients and 45 healthy controls matched for age, BMI, and ethnicity. Serum leptin and adiponectin levels were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Results. Maternal serum leptin and adiponectin were significantly higher in PE women than controls. Serum leptin was elevated in early onset preeclampsia (EOPE and late onset preeclampsia (LOPE compared to controls. Among PE patients, serum leptin was higher in EOPE than LOPE women. However, serum adiponectin was not different between EOPE and LOPE women. The serum leptin was significantly higher in severe PE than mild PE. The serum adiponectin was significantly elevated in severe PE compared to controls. Significant positive correlation was observed between leptin and adiponectin and also between leptin and BMI in controls. Moreover significant positive correlation was observed between adiponectin and BMI in PE patients and controls. Conclusion. The present study showed that serum leptin level may play a significant role as a biomarker to differentiate early and late onset PE and also its relation to BMI and severity of disease.

  18. Clinical significance of determination of plasma CF6, 6-Keto-PGF1α and RLX levels in patients with preeclampsia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Fei; Chen Daozhen; Wang Junfeng; Yang Min; Pan Donghui


    Objective: To study the relationship between development of the disease and changes of plasma mitochondrial coupling factor 6 (CF6), prostacyclin (6-Keto-PGF 1α ) and relaxin (RLX) levels in patients with preeclampsia. Methods: Serum CF6, 6-Keto-PGF 1α (as the stable metabolite of 6-Keto-PGF 1α ) and relaxin levels were determined with RIA in (1) 22 pregnant women with mild pre-eclampsia (2) 20 pregnant women with severe pre-eclampsia and (3) 40 normal pregnant women (as controls). Results: The plasma levels of CF6 were significantly higher in patients with mild as well as severe preeclampsia than those in the controls (P 1α were only insignificantly decreased in patients with mild preeclampsia than those in the controls (P > 0.05). In severe preeclampsia group, plasma levels of 6-Keto-PGF 1α were significantly decreased than those in the controls (P 1α and RLX (r =-0.058, r =-0.601, all P 1α and RLX levels in patients with preeclampsia were helpful for assessment of progress of disease and outcome prediction. (authors)

  19. Highly significant association between two common single nucleotide polymorphisms in CORIN gene and preeclampsia in Caucasian women.

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    Alain Stepanian

    Full Text Available Preeclampsia is a frequent medical complication during pregnancy. Corin, a serine protease which activates pro-atrial natriuretic peptide, has recently been shown to be involved in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. The aim of this study was to search for CORIN gene variations and their association to preeclampsia in Caucasian and African women. Our study population was composed of 571 pregnant women (295 with preeclampsia and 276 normotensive controls matched for maternal and gestational age, and ethnic origin. The 22 exons of the CORIN gene were sequenced in a discovery sample (n = 260, where 31 single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified. In a replication sample (n = 311, 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms were tested. Two minor alleles (C for rs2271036 and G for rs2271037 were significantly associated to preeclampsia. Adjusted odds ratios [95% confidence interval] were 2.5 [1.2-3.8] (p = 0.007 and 2.3 [1.5-3.5] (p = 1.3 × 10(-4, respectively. These associations were ethnic-specific, as only found in the Caucasian of subjects (odds ratio = 3.5 [1.8-6.6], p = 1.1 × 10(-4; odds ratio = 3.1 [1.7-5.8], p = 2.1 × 10(-4, for each single nucleotide polymorphism, respectively. The two single nucleotide polymorphisms are in almost perfect linkage disequilibrium (r(2 = 0.93. No specific association was found with severe preeclampsia, early-onset preeclampsia nor fetal growth retardation. In conclusion, this is the first report of a highly significant association between these two single nucleotide polymorphisms in CORIN gene and preeclampsia. Our findings further support the probability of a critical role of corin in preeclamspia pathophysiology at the uteroplacental interface.

  20. Vitamin D depletion does not affect key aspects of the preeclamptic phenotype in a transgenic rodent model for preeclampsia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Louise Bjørkholt; Golic, Michaela; Przybyl, Lukasz


    Maternal vitamin D deficiency is proposed as a risk factor for preeclampsia in humans. We tested the hypothesis that vitamin D depletion aggravates and high supplementation ameliorates the preeclampsia phenotype in an established transgenic rat model of human renin-angiotensin system......-mediated preeclampsia. Adult rat dams, transgenic for human angiotensinogen (hAGT) and mated with male rats transgenic for human renin (hREN), were fed either vitamin D-depleted chow (VDd) or enriched chow (VDh) 2 weeks before mating and during pregnancy. Mean blood pressure was recorded by tail-cuff, and 24-hour urine...... of the preeclampsia phenotype using the transgenic rodent model of human renin-angiotensin system-mediated pre-eclampsia, plausibly due to altered vitamin D metabolism or excretion in the transgenic rats....