
Sample records for con posicionadores mandibulares

  1. Descripción del patrón y el recorrido de la apertura mandibular en niños con dentición mixta

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    Ramírez S


    Full Text Available Introducción: El recorrido de la apertura mandibular y las desviaciones que se presentan al abrir la boca, pueden ser un parámetro excelente para detectar de manera oportuna cualquier anomalía a nivel de del complejo temporomandibular. El recorrido normal de la apertura mandibular en el adulto se encuentra entre los 53 y los 58 mm, con un promedio de 40 mm, un niño a partir de los 7 años puede lograr estos promedios de apertura mandibular. Solo el 1.2% de los adultos jóvenes abren menos de 40 mm, por lo tanto una apertura mandibular menor puede ser calificada como restringida de acuerdo a la edad y la talla del paciente. Con el objetivo de determinar el patrón y el recorrido de la apertura mandibular con un método de diagnóstico validado, en un estudio observacional, descriptivo, se incluyeron 139 niños sanos con dentición mixta completa de 8 a 12 años de edad. Los resultados demostraron que el 30.9% de los niños presentó un patrón de apertura mandibular alterado, siendo la desviación mandibular izquierda corregida la más frecuente (16.5%, la apertura mandibularl promedio fue de 50±4.77mm, y las lateralidades; derecha 8.3±3,1 mm, y la izquierda 8.45±3.00mm. Lo cual permite concluir que la apertura mandibular en la dentición mixta, se encuentra dentro del recorrido descrito para los adultos en la literatura, con un porcentaje considerable de alteración en el patrón de apertura mandibular, lo cual puede ser considerado uno de los primeros signos de alteración en la función del sistema Temporomandibular.

  2. Aplicación de distracción osteogénica mandibular en niños con el síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño Application of a mandibular osteogenic distraction in children with sleep obstructive apnea

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    Dadonim Vila Morales


    Full Text Available Objetivos: mostrar los resultados de los primeros pacientes con síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño (SAOS de tipo periférico esqueletal tratados en nuestro país con osteogénesis por distracción mandibular. Métodos: se trataron 9 pacientes con distracción osteogénica mandibular bilateral, con distractores marca Leibinger y Synthes. El periodo de latencia fue de 72 horas. La tasa de distracción mandibular, a razón de 1,0 mm cada 12 horas y la contención fue de 8 semanas. Luego se inició el tratamiento ortodóncico posquirúrgico. Se evaluaron los resultados a través de polisomnografía y estudios cefalométricos antes de la intervención, luego y al año del tratamiento. Resultados: el 89 % de los casos fueron curados, el 11 % tuvo mejoría. Dentro de las complicaciones encontradas, el 55 % de los pacientes presentaron limitación temporal de la apertura bucal, que remitió con fisioterapia, y dos pacientes necesitaron traqueostomía con fines anestésicos. Conclusiones: la osteogénesis por distracción mandibular resultó ser un método terapéutico eficaz para el tratamiento del SAOS de tipo periférico, esqueletal.Objectives: to show the results from the first patients presenting with sleep obstructive apnea syndrome (SOAS of skeletal peripheral type treated in our country with osteogenesis by mandibular distraction. Methods: Nine patients were treated with bilateral mandibular osteogenic distraction using Leibinger and Synthes distraction devices. Latency period was of 72 hours. Mandibular distraction rate at 1,0 mm each 12 hours and restraint was of 8 weeks. Then, postsurgical orthodontics treatment was started. Results were assessed by polysomnography and cephalometry studies before intervention, after it and at a year of treatment. Results: The 89 % of cases had a good recovery, the 11 % showed an improvement. Complications included: a temporary limitation of mouth opening in 55 % disappearing with physiotherapy and two

  3. Aplicación de distracción osteogénica mandibular en niños con el síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño

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    Dadonim Vila Morales


    Full Text Available Objetivos: mostrar los resultados de los primeros pacientes con síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño (SAOS de tipo periférico esqueletal tratados en nuestro país con osteogénesis por distracción mandibular. Métodos: se trataron 9 pacientes con distracción osteogénica mandibular bilateral, con distractores marca Leibinger y Synthes. El periodo de latencia fue de 72 horas. La tasa de distracción mandibular, a razón de 1,0 mm cada 12 horas y la contención fue de 8 semanas. Luego se inició el tratamiento ortodóncico posquirúrgico. Se evaluaron los resultados a través de polisomnografía y estudios cefalométricos antes de la intervención, luego y al año del tratamiento. Resultados: el 89 % de los casos fueron curados, el 11 % tuvo mejoría. Dentro de las complicaciones encontradas, el 55 % de los pacientes presentaron limitación temporal de la apertura bucal, que remitió con fisioterapia, y dos pacientes necesitaron traqueostomía con fines anestésicos. Conclusiones: la osteogénesis por distracción mandibular resultó ser un método terapéutico eficaz para el tratamiento del SAOS de tipo periférico, esqueletal.


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    José Luiz LAGE-MARQUES


    Full Text Available O estudo das imagens do dente em tratamento endodôntico e das suas estruturas anexas favorece a identificação precoce das alterações capazes de comprometer o prognóstico de sucesso. A perfeita informação radiográfica e a correta interpretação comprovadamente orientam a conduta terapêutica, estreitando a relação entre a cura e a patologia. Assim sendo, e devido à importância da fidelidade desse procedimento, os autores apresentam um dispositivo que, acoplado a qualquer posicionador comercializado, possibilita a tomada de imagens semelhantes sob o aspecto das suas dimensões. A importância desse fato surgiu da necessidade do confronto das imagens obtidas entre as sessões do tratamento. Os estudos clínicos indicaram que o posicionador personalizado obtido através de moldagem com material pesado favoreceu sensivelmente as análises comparativas das áreas da superfície radicular externa acometidas de reabsorção cemento-dentinária, como seqüela de trauma dental, bem como as regiões portadoras de rarefação óssea periapical no decorrer da avaliação da neoformação.The study of images of teeth under endodontic treatment, as well as neighboring structures, favours the early identification of the alterations that may jeopardize a prognosis of success. The perfect radiographic information and the correct interpretation guide the therapeutic approach, enhancing the relationship between pathology and healing. Due to the importance of this procedure, the authors show an instrument that, coupled to any commercial positioner, allows similar image taking under the aspect of its dimensions. The importance of this fact derived from the need of comparing the images obtained during treatment. Clinical studies indicated that the customized positioner, obtained by means of impression with heavy material, increasingly benefited the comparative analysis of areas on the external root surface with cementum-dentin resorption, such as dental

  5. Ortodoncia elástica


    Durán von Arx, José


    Desde que en 1945 KEsuNG describiese por primera vez un posicionador construído con caucho, otros muchos autores han citado y utilizado dicho aparato como retenedor de final del tratamiento de ortodoncia. Algunos autores, en cambio, muestran ciertas posibilidades clínicas del posicionador convencional, al publicar casos en los que se advierten movimientos dentarios menores. Aunque los materiales utilizados hayan sido el caucho y diferentes tipos de plásticos, los resultados obtenidos han sido...

  6. Distracción ósea: tratamiento de la apnea obstructiva en neonatos con micrognatia Mandibular distraction: treatment of obstructive apnea in neonates with micrognathia

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    Adoración Martínez Plaza


    Full Text Available Las malformaciones craneofaciales (secuencia de Pierre Robin, síndrome de Threacher-Collins, síndrome de Nager, etc. con frecuencia van asociadas a hipoplasia mandibular grave, que puede causar obstrucción de la vía aérea superior por retroposición de la base de la lengua dentro del espacio faríngeo posterior. La mayoría de los pacientes responden al tratamiento postural, en decúbito prono, puede ser necesario controlar la saturación de oxígeno, insertar un tubo nasofaríngeo e incluso intratraqueal. En casos más graves con pausas prolongadas y frecuentes de apnea, la traqueostomía puede ser necesaria, pero se asocia a una alta morbilidad y, ocasionalmente, mortalidad. En los últimos 2 años, en la Unidad Multidisciplinaria de Labio y Fisura Palatina del Hospital Virgen de las Nieves de Granada, se ha tratado a 4 niños con apnea obstructiva grave secundaria a hipoplasia mandibular grave mediante distracción mandibular osteogénica, y este procedimiento se ha mostrado eficaz en la resolución del problema. Ha evitado la traqueostomía y se ha elongado la mandíbula en el plazo de 3-4 semanas. En este tiempo han desaparecido los problemas respiratorios obstructivos, así como también de la deglución, y los resultados estéticos obtenidos han resultado excelentes y las complicaciones, por el momento, mínimas.Craniofacial malformations (Pierre-Robin sequence, Treacher-Collins syndrome, Nager syndrome, etc. are frequently accompanied by severe mandibular hypoplasia, which can cause upper airway obstruction due to retroposition of the base of the tongue in the posterior pharyngeal space. The majority of patients respond to postural treatment in decubitus prono. It may be necessary to monitor oxygen saturation and insert a nasopharyngeal or even an endotracheal tube. Tracheostomy may be necessary in more serious cases with long and frequent apnea pauses, but it is associated with high morbidity and occasional mortality. In the last

  7. Anquilosis mandibular: una frecuente secuela por Noma Mandibular ankylosis: a Noma frequent sequel

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    R. Fernández García-Guilarte


    Full Text Available Conocemos poco sobre el Noma o Enfermedad Cancrum Oris. Esta entidad afecta a niños con malnutrición crónica, poca higiene oral, poco desarrollo sanitario y enfermedades concurrentes debilitantes. Existe un consenso general sobre que el Noma empieza como una gingivitis; en su fase aguda, puede haber respuesta al tratamiento antibiótico, no obstante, las secuelas tras su curación incluyen daños estéticos y funcionales variables, que pueden requerir cirugía reconstructiva. Presentamos 3 casos de anquilosis mandibular que en el examen preoperatorio presentaron dimorfismo mandibular, fusión de hueso maxilar y mandibular y anquilosis de la articulación témporomandibular. La ortopantografía y la Tomografía Axial Computerizada (TAC fueron muy útiles en la planificación de la cirugía. El tratamiento quirúrgico consistió en todos los casos en la resección del hueso anquilótico y la reconstrucción con injerto condrocostal en uno de los casos. En el postoperatorio se siguió fisioterapia intensiva. Clínicamente todos los pacientes mostraron una gran mejoría en la masticación, la alimentación y el habla, obviamente debido a una buena oclusión. El problema más común fue la baja colaboración en la rehabilitación mandibular por parte de los pacientes.Little is known about Noma or Cancrum Oris Disease. This entity affects to children with chronic malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, poor environmental sanitation and debilitating concurrent illness. There is general consensus that noma starts as gingivitis. The acute stage responds readily to antibiotic treatment. The sequelae after healing include variable functional and aesthetic impairments, which require reconstructive surgery. We report 3 cases of mandibular ankylosis. Preoperative examination revealed mandibular dismorphism, fusion of maxilla and mandible and ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. Orthopantography and Computed Thomography scan (TCS were very useful in planning

  8. Probabilidad de retención de segundos molares permanentes mandibulares (Estudio piloto

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    Paulo Sandoval Vidal

    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia del segundo molar mandibular permanente (MM2 con probabilidad de impactación, en un grupo de pacientes de Ortodoncia de Temuco, Chile. Método: Estudio de corte transversal, con muestra por conveniencia. Se revisaron 2095 fichas de individuos de ambos sexos, con ausencia de patología sindrómica. Los datos recolectados se obtuvieron de radiografías panorámicas. Se midió el ángulo del segundo molar con respecto al plano oclusal, la invasión distal del primer molar y la distancia entre distal del primer molar y el borde anterior de la rama mandibular. Resultados: El promedio de edad de los pacientes relevados fue de 10 años. Se observó un 1,43% de probabilidad de retención de MM2 (n=30; en promedio y el plano el ángulo MM2 resultó de 27° el izquierdo y 26° el derecho; la invasión de MM2 en distal del primer molar resultó de 1,5 mm; el ángulo entre MM2 y el planos oclusal es de 123°; la distancia entre la cara distal del primer molar y el borde anterior de la rama mandibular fue 13 mm. Conclusiones: Existe una baja prevalencia de segundos molares mandibulares permanentes con probabilidad de impactación. La invasión a la cara distal del primer molar fue mayor en pacientes con riesgo de impactación

  9. Forced extrusion for removal of impacted third molars close to the mandibular canal Extrusión forzada para extraer los terceros molares impactados cerca del canal mandibular

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    Dennis Flanagan DDS


    Full Text Available Impacted mandibular third molars can be located in close proximity to the mandibular canal. This creates a risk for the nerve or artery injury. These are contained in the canal. However, the impacted third molar can be moved coronally by orthodontic means, after removal of overlying bone, and safely extracted. The orthodontic intervention slowly moves the tooth apex away from the mandibular canal and reduces the potential for a neural injury. This method may be useful for older patients with root apices that approximate or are actually located in the mandibular canal. This technique needs further study. There is a theoretical potential for neural or arterial injury from physical contact of the tooth apex as it moves by or through the mandibular canal.Los terceros molares inferiores impactados pueden localizarse muy cerca del canal mandibular. Esto constituye un riesgo de lesión del nervio o la arteria, que se localizan dentro del canal. No obstante, el tercer molar impactado puede desplazarse en dirección coronal con ortodoncia, tras ostectomía del hueso suprayacente, y extraerse sin riesgos. La intervención ortodóncica desplaza lentamente el ápice del diente fuera del canal mandibular y reduce la posibilidad de lesión neural. Este método puede ser útil para pacientes de edad avanzada con ápices dentales que se aproximan o en realidad se localizan en el canal mandibular. La técnica necesita un estudio adicional. Hay la posibilidad teórica de lesión neural o arterial a partir del contacto físico del ápice del diente a medida que se desplaza a través del canal mandibular.

  10. Distracción mandibular y articulación temporomandibular Mandibular distraction and the temporomandibular joint

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    F. Monje Gil


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con deformidades craneofaciales requieren generalmente multiples y, a veces, complejos procedimientos quirurgicos para reconstruir tejidos blandos y duros alterados. Un avance importante en cirugía reconstructiva es el alargamiento de la mandibula por distracción que tiene la ventaja de una cirugía menos agresiva que determinados tipos de osteotomías. Con esta técnica una osteotomía bicortical se hace en distintas zonas de la mandibula colocandose el distractor hasta alcanzar los efectos deseados. Aunque las fuerzas aplicadas se han mostrado eficaces para alargar la mandíbula, sus efectos en segmentos proximales y distales, incluyendo la articulación temporomandibular no han sido analizados sistemáticamente. En este artículo se repasa trabajos experimentales y clínicos en los que se detalla la relación entre distracción mandibular y articulación temporomandibular.Abstract: Patients with severe craniofacial abnormalities often require multiple and complex surgical procedures to reconstruct maldeveloped hard and soft tissues of the maxillofacial complex. An important advance in reconstructive surgery is mandibular lengthening by gradual distraction, which takes advantage to be less agressive surgery than some osteotomies. With this technique, a bicortical osteotomy is made at the angle of the deficient mandible, and an expansion appliance is placed across the osteotomy line. Although the applied forces have been shown to lengthen the mandible effectively in the region of the application, their effects on the proximal and distal mandibular segments, including the temporomandibular joint region, have not been analyzed systematically. In this article, we study several experimental and clinical papers where it describes the relationship between mandibular distraction and temporomandibular joint.

  11. MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF MANDIBULAR FORAMEN AND INCIDENCE OF ACCESSORY MANDIBULAR FORAMINA IN ADULT HUMAN MANDIBLES OF AN INDIAN POPULATION. Análisis morfométrico del foramen mandibular e incidencia de la foramina mandibular accesoria en mandíbulas adult

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    Prajna Paramita Samanta


    Full Text Available El foramen mandibular es un importante hito anatómico. Para procedimientos como el bloqueo alveolar inferior del nervio, el tratamiento con implantes y osteotomías mandibulares, un profundo conocimiento de la ubicación del foramen mandibular (MF y el foramen mandibular accesorio (AMF es un requisito previo. Hay pocas referencias en la literatura con respecto a la localización anatómica exacta del foramen mandibular. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la ubicación exacta de la MF y la incidencia de la AMF alrededor MF en una población india. Sesenta (60 mandíbulas humanas adultas fueron estudiadas para determinar la distancia del LV de la los anteriores, bordes posteriores de la rama mandibular, maxilar inferior categoría y el ángulo de la mandíbula. AMF todo el MF también fueron estudiados por su presencia y números. La distancia media de MF del borde anterior de rama mandibular fue 15,72 ±2,92 mm(lado derecho, 16,23 ±2,88 mm(lado izquierdo, de borde posterior fue 13,29 ±1,74 mm(lado derecho y 12,73 ±2,04 mm(a la izquierda lado. La MF se encuentra 22,70 ±3 mm(lado derecho y 22, 27 ± 2,62 mm(lado izquierdo de la muesca mandibular. La distancia de MF de ángulo de la mandíbula fue 21,54 ±2,92 mm(lado derecho y 21,13 ±3.43 mm(lado izquierdo. AMF estuvieron presentes en el 16, 66% de las mandíbulas. En 10% de las mandíbulas una sola AMF estaba presente y en el 6,66% hubo dos agujeros presentes. La ubicación del MF y AMF es importante para evitar compli-caciones como hemorragia y parestesia durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos orales y también para los radioterapeutas en la planificación de la radioterapia.  The mandibular foramen is an important anatomical land mark. For procedures like inferior alveolar nerve block, implant treatment and mandibular osteotomies, a thorough knowledge of the location of the mandibular foramen (MF and accessory mandibular foramina (AMFs is a prerequisite

  12. Osteogénesis por distracción en defectos mandibulares y su estabilidad esquelética a los 2 años de tratados Osteogenesis by distraction in mandibular defects and skeletal stability after two years of treatment

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    Dadonim Vila Morales


    Full Text Available El presente estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar los resultados de la estabilidad esquelética a los 2 años de operados, de los primeros pacientes con hipoplasias mandibulares tratados con distracción osteogénica en nuestro país. Se trataron 11 hemimandíbulas en 7 pacientes con distracción osteogénica mandibular, con distractores marca Leibinger. El periodo de latencia fue de 72 horas, la distracción mandibular se aplicó a razón de 1,0 mm cada 12 horas y la contención fue de 8 semanas. Luego se inició el tratamiento ortodóncico posquirúrgico. Se evaluaron los resultados a través de estudios cefalométricos antes de la intervención, luego y a los 2 años del tratamiento hubo cambios esqueléticos posoperatorios significativos en las mediciones angulares cefalométricas SNB y ANB, con pTo show the results of the skeletal stability after 2 years of to be operated on from the first patients presenting with mandibular hypoplasias treated with osteogenic distraction in our country. Eleven hemi-mandibles in 7 patients using mandibular osteogenic distraction with Leibinger distraction device. Latency period was of 72 hours, mandibular distraction was applied at a rate of 1,0 mm each 12 hours and fixation was of 8 weeks. Then, postsurgical orthodontic treatment was started. There were significant postoperative skeletal changes. Results were assessed by cephalometry studies before intervention, after and at 2 years of treatment. Also, there were significant postoperative skeletal changes in SNB and ANB with p< 0,05. The arithmetic mean of the osteodistraction achieve in branch was of 7,5 mm and in the body it was of 8,0 mm. At 2 years there remain a mandibular bone stability of 88,8 % qualified as good. Occlusal changes were favorable. There were not complications involving the good course of patients treated. It was shown that the bone distraction is an effective method for treatment of mandibular defects.

  13. Efectos de los aparatos propulsores mandibulares fijos en la articulación temporomandibular


    Palomino-Gómez, Sandra P; Almeida, Kelei M; de Mello, Patricia B; Restrepo, Manuel; Ravelr, Dirceu B


    Resumen Los aparatos propulsores mandibulares fijos son una alternativa en el tratamiento de la maloclusión Clase II con deficiencia mandibular. La propiedad de ser fijo, condiciona a la mandíbula a una posición anterior forzada en reposo y durante todas las funciones mandibulares. Cuando se utiliza un aparato de propulsión, la mandíbula se desplaza hacia delante y hacia abajo. Este movimiento conduce a una nueva posición al cóndilo, que puede afectar el funcionamiento normal de la articulaci...



    López Aguilar, Abigail


    El propósito del presente trabajo fué valorar la prevalencia de pacientes con síntomas o signos de disfunción de la articulación Temporo mandibular y si existe relación entre esos síntomas o signos de DTM con el estrés. La muestra seleccionada estuvo integrada por pacientes que reunieron los criterios de selección. Se realizó la Historia clínica de Articulación Temporo Mandibular del Diplomado en prótesis fija, removible y oclusión de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás...

  15. Beneficios de la distracción mandibular en neonatos con apnea del sueño

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    D.J. Caycedo-García


    Full Text Available La apnea obstructiva del sueño o hipoventilación obstructiva en neonatos, es distinta que en los adultos y también lo son su presentación, etiología y tratamiento. Se considera apnea del sueño cuando se produce 1 episodio de apnea por hora de más de 10 segundos de duración, con saturación menor del 87% e incremento del CO2. Existen varias causas, pero los factores anatómicos y neurofuncionales son la base del problema respiratorio superior que produce fallos en las fuerzas que contraen y dilatan la vía aérea. La retromicrognatia como causa anatómica, puede ser aislada o sindrómica. La hipoxemia y la hipercapnia aumentan la presión negativa intratorácica del paciente con la consecuencia de daño celular sin que se pueda cuantificar la gravedad de la lesión cerebral en esta etapa neonatal. En el presente estudio, observacional descriptivo, entre los años 2000 y 2011, en una serie de 49 pacientes neonatos de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Recién Nacido del Hospital Universitario del Valle y del Centro Médico Imbanaco de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia, pretendemos evidenciar los beneficios del tratamiento precoz de los neonatos que presentan retromicrognatia y apnea obstructiva o hipoventilación obstructiva, intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante corticotomía, colocación de distractores y elongación mandibular, logrando que la apnea obstructiva desapareciera en un tiempo no superior a una semana y que la mejoría clínica de los recién nacidos con este diagnostico fuera evidente, evitando la traqueotomía y las posibles complicaciones y secuelas por hipoxia cerebral, a la vez que disminuyó la estancia hospitalaria.

  16. Evaluación neurofuncional del tallo cerebral Parte II: Reflejo mandibular = Neurofunctional evaluation of brain stem. II. Mandibular reflex

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    Leon Sarmiento, Fidias E.


    Full Text Available El reflejo mandibular o maseterino posee conexiones nerviosas únicas, diferentes de las exhi­bidas por otros reflejos monosinápticos humanos, y permite evaluar, de forma fácil y eficien­te, el tallo cerebral por medio de la estimulación mecánica, eléctrica o magnética. Diversos estudios han demostrado la participación en este reflejo de las interneuronas del tallo cerebral y su modulación por estructuras supraespinales, que hacen parte fundamental de su integra­ción motora. El reflejo mandibular es útil para evaluar la afectación trigémino-trigeminal en polineuropatías como la diabetes, neuromiopatías como la esclerosis múltiple y en pacientes con trastornos del movimiento, con o sin disfunción oromandibular. La evaluación neuro­funcional de este reflejo craneofacial ayuda a identificar la integración sensorimotora del tallo cerebral y las posibles alteraciones de estas vías reflejas, debidas a anormalidades del sistema nervioso central o del periférico. Su apropiada ejecución e interpretación, clínica y neurológica, permite aplicar de manera más personalizada diversos protocolos de neurorre­habilitación, con el fin de ayudar a mejorar la calidad de vida de los individuos con afectación de estas vías neurales.

  17. Anesthetic success of 1.8ml lidocaine 2% for mandibular tooth extraction. A pilot study


    Pedro Aravena; Nicol Bustos; Andrea Cerón; Viviana Castillo; Claudio González


    RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar el efecto anestésico de un cartucho de 1,8ml de anestesia lidocaína al 2% con epinefrina 1:100.000 en la técnica troncular al nervio alveolar inferior (NAI) para la exodoncia de dientes mandibulares. Material y método: Estudio piloto de carácter analítico. Participaron pacientes voluntarios del servicio Urgencia Dental de Valdivia-Chile con indicación de exodoncia en dientes mandibulares entre Mayo y Julio del año 2010. La técnica anestésica fue realizada por un ...

  18. Fibroma osificante juvenil trabecular mandibular: presentación de un caso con reconstrucción inmediata mediante un injerto libre de la cresta ilíaca y costocondral

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    Rodrigo Bravo Ahumada


    Full Text Available El fibroma osificante juvenil (FOJ es una lesión fibro-ósea benigna pero con potencial biológico agresivo que afecta al esqueleto craneofacial. Su evolución clínica es rápida, manifestándose principalmente por una asimetría facial de poco tiempo de evolución. Radiográficamente es una lesión radiolúcida uni o multilocular bien definida con contenido radiopaco variable. El tratamiento puede variar dependiendo de las características clínicas, imagenológicas e histopatológicas específicas de cada lesión, sin embargo, un tratamiento agresivo con resección es el más indicado. Se presenta un caso de un niño con extenso FOJ trabecular (FOJT mandibular. Se realizó la resección completa de la lesión con un margen de seguridad y reconstrucción inmediata con un injerto de la cresta ilíaca y costocondral. Se realizaron controles postoperatorios durante 7 años en los que no se observaron signos de recidiva asociados a una reconstrucción funcional y estética exitosa.

  19. Locating Mandibular Foramen in Children with Mandibular Retrognathism in Mixed Dentition

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    Mehrsa Paryab


    Full Text Available Background and aims. One of the most common reasons forthe inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia failure is the variation in mandibular foramen location. The aim of this study was to assess the location of mandibular foramen in chil-dren with mandibular retrognathism in comparison to children with normal skeletal occlusion in the mixed dentition. Materials and methods. One hundred and twenty panoramic radiographs of patients in mixed dentition period, undergo-ing orthodontic treatment, were selected based on inclusion criteria, skeletal occlusion and stage of dental development. The radiographs were divided into two groups: I: 60 panoramic radiographs of patients with normal skeletal occlusion (15 in each of the Hellman dental age stages; II: 60 panoramic radiographs of patients with mandibular retrognathism (15 in each of the Hellman dental age stages. The radiographs were traced and the linear distance from the mandibular foramen to the borders of the mandibular ramus and its angular position were identified. The measurements were compared between the two groups and among the four dental age groups by t-test, ANOVA and post hoc tests. Results. No statistically significant differences werefound between the patients with normal skeletal occlusion and patients with mandibular retrognathism (P>0.05. Statistical tests showed significant differences in the vertical location of mandibu-lar foramen and gonial angle between the four dental age groups (P<0.05. Conclusion. Mandibular retrognathism does not have a significant impact on the location of the mandibular foramen in the mixed dentition period. The child’s dental age would be considered in the localization of the mandibular foramen.

  20. Radiologic study of mandibular foramen of mandibular prognathism by three-dimensional computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Seung Hun; Moon, Cheol Hyun; Im, Jeong Soo; Seo, Hwa Jeong [Graduate School of Public Health and Social Welfare, Gachon University of Medicine and Science, Incheon (Korea, Republic of)


    This study is aimed to evaluate the position of mandibular foramen of mandibular prognathism patients using 3-dimensional CT images in order to reduce the chance of an anesthetic failure of the mandibular nerve and to prevent the damage to the inferior alveolar nerve during the orthognathic surgery. The control group consist of 30 patients with class I occlusion. The experimental group consist of 44 patients with class III malocclusion. Three-dimensional computed tomography was used to evaluate the position of the mandibular foramina. The distance between mandibular plane and mandibular foramen, class I was 25.385 mm, class III was 23.628 mm. About the distance between occlusal plane and mandibular foramen, class I was 1.478 mm, class III was 5.144 mm. The distance between posterior border plan of mandibular ramus and mandibular foramen had not statistically significant. About the distance between sagittal plane of mandible and mandibular foramen did not also showed statistically significant. The result of this study could help the clinicians to apprehend more accurate anatomical locations of the foramina on the mandible with various facial skeletal types. Thereby to perform more accurate block anesthesia of the mandibular nerve and osteotomy with minimal nerve damage. In addition, this study could provide fundamental data for any related researches about the location of the mandibular foramina for other purposes.

  1. Radiologic study of mandibular foramen of mandibular prognathism by three-dimensional computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Hun; Moon, Cheol Hyun; Im, Jeong Soo; Seo, Hwa Jeong


    This study is aimed to evaluate the position of mandibular foramen of mandibular prognathism patients using 3-dimensional CT images in order to reduce the chance of an anesthetic failure of the mandibular nerve and to prevent the damage to the inferior alveolar nerve during the orthognathic surgery. The control group consist of 30 patients with class I occlusion. The experimental group consist of 44 patients with class III malocclusion. Three-dimensional computed tomography was used to evaluate the position of the mandibular foramina. The distance between mandibular plane and mandibular foramen, class I was 25.385 mm, class III was 23.628 mm. About the distance between occlusal plane and mandibular foramen, class I was 1.478 mm, class III was 5.144 mm. The distance between posterior border plan of mandibular ramus and mandibular foramen had not statistically significant. About the distance between sagittal plane of mandible and mandibular foramen did not also showed statistically significant. The result of this study could help the clinicians to apprehend more accurate anatomical locations of the foramina on the mandible with various facial skeletal types. Thereby to perform more accurate block anesthesia of the mandibular nerve and osteotomy with minimal nerve damage. In addition, this study could provide fundamental data for any related researches about the location of the mandibular foramina for other purposes.

  2. Estudio experimental sobre la regeneración ósea mandibular de la rata con diferentes biomateriales Experimental study in rats of mandibular bone regeneration with different biomaterials

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    B. Peral Cagigal


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Los defectos óseos mandibulares resultantes de infecciones, traumatismos o resecciones oncológicas, van a producir severos problemas funcionales y/o estéticos, que van a precisar de un tratamiento complejo. Durante los últimos años, las aportaciones al terreno de la reconstrucción ósea se han debatido entre métodos tan dispares como la distracción ósea o la utilización de colgajos libres microvascularizados, pasando por un sin fin de biomateriales. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la formación de hueso nuevo tras la aplicación de una membrana reabsorbible y dos tipos de sustitutivos óseos. Material y método. Se utilizaron 24 ratas adultas macho tipo Wistar, en las que se crearon defectos circulares de 4 mm de diámetro en ambos lados de la mandíbula. Se formaron 4 grupos, un grupo control y 3 grupos experimentales. Los animales fueron sacrificados a las 3 y 6 semanas de la cirugía, realizándose un análisis radiológico e histológico. Resultados. Los defectos control no mostraron formación ósea, apareciendo una reparación por tejido fibroso. La membrana de hueso utilizada de forma aislada, actuó como una barrera eficaz excluyendo los tejidos no osteogénicos, pero no se produjo reparación total del defecto en ningún caso. El grupo de Colloss® y membrana, mostró una regeneración ósea completa del defecto a las 6 semanas. El grupo de NovaBone® y membrana, no mostró formación ósea, apareciendo las partículas del biomaterial ocupando el defecto. Conclusiones. La regeneración ósea fue significativamente mayor en los defectos rellenos con Colloss® y cubiertos con la membrana de Lambone®, comparado con los otros grupos experimentales.Objective. Mandibular bone defects can occur as a result of trauma, neoplasm, or infectious conditions. Such conditions often are associated with severe funtional and esthetic problems. Corrective treatment often is complicated by limitations in tissue adaptation. The

  3. Injerto óseo en bloque usando como donante torus mandibular. Reporte de caso

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    Oswaldo Cantillo Pallares


    Full Text Available Actualmente los materiales empleados para regeneración a través de injertos óseos están basados en compuestos sintéticos con propiedades en ocasiones poco predecibles para los pacientes. Los torus son exostosis óseas de etiología desconocida y pueden ser utilizados como injertos óseos con resultados clínicos exitosos. Así, el objetivo de este reporte de caso es describir la técnica quirúrgica de injerto óseo en bloque utilizando como donante torus mandibulares. Los resultados clínicos a 8 semanas postoperatorias evidenciaron tejidos en cicatrización y pocas molestias referidas por el paciente. Los injertos óseos provenientes de torus mandibulares son técnicas quirúrgicas de mediana complejidad que pueden ser empleados y permiten la obtención de resultados clínicos similares a los de otros materiales.

  4. Cuidando de paciente com câncer de mama e osteonecrose mandibular induzida por bisfostonato: relato de experiência Cuidando de pacientes con cáncer de mama y osteonecrosis mandibular inducida por bisfosfonatos: relato de experiencia Providing care for patients with breast cancer and mandible ostheonecrosis induced by bisphosphonates: an experience report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verônica Paula Torel de Moura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as ações desenvolvidas pela enfermeira junto a uma paciente com câncer de mama e metástase óssea que apresentou necrose mandibular induzida pelo uso de bisfosfonato. RESULTADOS: As intervenções de enfermagem incluíram o ensino e reforço das orientações sobre higiene oral, destacando a escovação adequada, bochechos com solução antisséptica sem álcool, bem como sobre o controle da dor. CONCLUSÃO: Destaca-se a importância da atuação multiprofissional e da consulta de enfermagem no seguimento dessas pacientes para detecção precoce e controle dessa complicação.OBJETIVO: Describir las acciones de enfermería implementadas por la enfermera a una paciente con cáncer con metástasis ósea que presentó necrosis mandibular inducida por el uso de bisfosfonatos. RESULTADOS: Las intervenciones de enfermería incluyeron la enseñanza y el refuerzo de las orientaciones sobre la higiene oral, dando destaque al adecuado cepillado de los dientes, gárgaras con solución antiséptica sin alcohol y al control del dolor. CONCLUSIÓN: Es destacada el importancia de la actuación multiprofesional y de la consulta de enfermería en el seguimiento de esas pacientes, visando la detección temprana y el control de esa complicación.OBJECTIVE: To describe a nurse experience in providing care for a patient with cancer of the breast and bone metastasis who presented mandibular ostheonecrosis induced by the use of bisphosphonates. RESULTS: Nursing interventions included the re-enforcement of the guidelines for oral hygiene, highlighting the appropriate teeth-brushing technique, gargling with antiseptic solution without alcohol, as approach to pain management. CONCLUSION: There is a need for multidisciplinary and nursing consultations for early detection and control of potential complications.

  5. Presentación de un modelo antropométrico para la evaluación del paciente sometido a distracción osteogénica mandibular An anthropometric model presentation to assess the patient underwent to mandibular osteogenic distraction

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    Dadonim Vila Morales


    Full Text Available Propósito del estudio: proponer un modelo antropométrico que permita evaluar de forma homogénea la evolución de los pacientes sometidos a distracción osteogénica mandibular. Métodos: se realizó un estudio previo en el que se constató la ausencia de un protocolo internacional que estandarice el estudio y evaluación de los resultados obtenidos con distracción osteogénica mandibular y que permita evaluar la recidiva esqueletal a largo plazo. Se tomó como elementos de medidas los estudios cefalométricos angulares y lineales de McNamara y Steiner y se incluyó el panorograma de Simoes. Se diseñó un modelo matemático con fórmulas que permiten evaluar la distracción obtenida en rama y cuerpo, así como la efectividad del tratamiento y la estabilidad a largo plazo. Se propuso además una valoración de los cambios oclusales obtenidos. Resultados: el modelo antropométrico propuesto constituye un instrumento útil para implementar el método científico en el estudio y evaluación de los pacientes tratados con distracción osteogénica mandibular. Conclusiones: el modelo antropométrico propuesto es un método idóneo para evaluar, de forma homogénea, la evolución de los pacientes sometidos a distracción osteogénica mandibular.Aim: To propose a anthropometric model allows in a homogenous way to assess the course of patients underwent to mandibular osteogenic distraction. Methods: A prior study was carried out which allow us to confirm the lack of a international protocol generalizing the study and the evaluation of results achieved with the mandibular osteogenic distraction and also allows to assess the long-term skeletal relapse. Measurements elements include the McNamara and Steiner's angular and linear cephalometry studies as well as the Simoes panography. A mathematical model was designed with formulae allowing assessing the distraction achieved in branch and body as well as the effectiveness of treatment and long

  6. An indigenous method for closed reduction of pediatric mandibular parasymphysis fracture. (United States)

    Kumar, Naresh; Singh, Akhilesh Kumar; Pandey, Arun; Verma, Vishal


    Mandibular fractures in children are very rare as compared to adults due to protected anatomic features of child and less exposure to road traffic accidents. Management becomes complicated due to inherent dynamic nature, instability of mixed dentition and fear of surgery. Conservative management can be done with the help of acrylic cap splints along with circum-mandibular wiring, intermaxillary fixation with eyelet wires, arch wires or open reduction and internal fixation with bio-resorbable plates. Different methods have various pros and cons. The choice of anesthesia is also very crucial sometimes. This case report describes a new method of closed reduction with 18 gauge needle simulated as an arch bar performed under local anaesthesia.

  7. The effects of orthognathic surgery on mandibular movements in patients with mandibular prognathism

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    Sinobad Vladimir


    Full Text Available Introduction. Mandibular prognathism, one of the most severe dentofacial deformities, affects the person’s appearance, psychological health and the quality of life in the most sensitive age period. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sagittal split ramus osteotomy on the range of mandibular border movements in the early postoperative period. Methods. The study was conducted on 20 patients, of mean age 20.8 years, with mandibular prognathism. All patients included in this study were operated on by bilateral sagittal spliting ramus osteotomy according to Obwegeser and Dal Pont followed by mandibular immobilization during eight weeks. In all patients mandibular border movements were recorded before and six months after surgery using the computerized pantograph Arcus-Digma (KaVo EWL GmbH, Leutkirch, Germany. Results. The analysis of the chosen kinematic parameters revealed that sagittal split ramus osteotomy followed by eight weeks of mandibular immobilization had severe effects on the mouth opening. Six months after surgery the range of maximal mouth opening decreased for approximately 13.9 mm in relation to the preoperative stage. On the contrary, the ranges of maximal protrusion and the border of laterotrusive excursions increased significantly after surgery. Conclusion. In patients with mandibular prognathism where enormous mandibular growth was the main causal factor of the deformity, the sagittal split ramus osteotomy yielded good results. The rigid fixation of bone fragments and reduced period of mandibular immobilization followed by appropriate physical therapy could considerably contribute to a more rapid recovery of mandibular kinematics in the postoperative period.

  8. Dimorfismo sexual mandibular en una coleccion formativa


    Barboza, María Carolina; Mendonça, Osvaldo Juan; Bordach, María A.


    Muchas piezas óseas permiten la estimación sexual. En la mandíbula es mediante la observación de sectores morfoestructurales (gonion, mentón, rama, etc). La efectividad discriminatoria de esta estructura puede verse incremententada y/o complementada con nuevas propuestas técnico-metodológicas. Una de estas propuestas (Loth y Henneberg 1996), basada en la conformación anatómica de la inflexión del borde posterior de la rama mandibular, ha sido cuestionada en su eficiencia diagnóstica. Puesto q...

  9. Retreatment of a mandibular second premolar with two canals in two roots

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    Chiara Fossati


    Full Text Available Aim: To present a case of retreatment in mandibular second premolar with two canals in two roots. Summary: Locating, cleaning and shaping the entire root canal system may represent a difficult challenge particularly in mandibular premolars, because of their complex canal systems.For this reason mandibular premolars are often considered the most difficult of all teeth on which to perform successful endodontic treatment. Vertucci stated that the second premolar has one root canal at the apex in 97.5% of the teeth studied and two canals in only 2.5%.1 The following case report describes the diagnosis and retreatment of a second premolar with two canal in two roots.Key learning points: (1 The major cause of failure in root canal therapy is the inability to localize and treat all of the canals of the root canal system. (2 Mandibular premolars have complex canal systems. (3 Mandibular premolars have a high risk of missed anatomy. (4 Preoperative radiograph interpretation is essential to evaluate and detect uncommon anatomies. (5 The operating microscope and CBCT interpretation are fundamental in confirming and preventing mistakes about the configuration of mandibular premolars. Riassunto: Obiettivi: Presentare un caso clinico di ritrattamento canalare di un secondo premolare mandibolare con due canali e due radici. Riassunto: Individuare, sagomare, detergere l’intero sistema radicolare presenta una sfida difficile in ambito endodontico e in particolar modo nei premolari mandibolari per il loro complesso sistema canalare. I premolari mandibolari sono spesso considerati i denti più difficili in cui effettuare una terapia endodontica.Vertucci riscontrò che i secondi premolari mandibolari hanno una radice e un canale nel 97.5% e due canali in solo il 2.5%.1Il case report seguente descrive la diagnosi e il ritrattamento di un secondo premolare con due canali in due radici.Punti chiave di apprendimento: 1. La maggior causa di fallimento endodontico

  10. Mandibular tori are associated with mechanical stress and mandibular shape. (United States)

    Cortes, Arthur Rodriguez Gonzalez; Jin, Zhaoyu; Morrison, Matthew Daniel; Arita, Emiko Saito; Song, Jun; Tamimi, Faleh


    The influence of mechanical stimulation on the formation of torus mandibularis (TM) is still poorly understood. We sought to understand the etiology of TMs by investigating the role of parafunctional activity and mandibular morphology on the formation of TMs. We designed a case-control study for patients attending the dental clinic of the present study (University of São Paulo School of Dentistry, São Paulo, SP, Brazil). Patients presenting with TMs were defined as cases, and those without TMs were defined as controls. Finite element analysis (FEA) was used in 3-dimensional mandibular models to examine the stress distribution in the mandibles with and without TMs. In addition, the associations of mandibular arch shape, mandibular cortical index, and parafunctional activity with the presence of T were assessed using odds ratio analysis. A total of 10 patients with TMs and 37 without TMs were selected (22 men and 25 women, mean age 54.3 ± 8.4 years). FEA showed a stress concentration in the region in which TMs form during simulation of parafunctional activity. The radiographic assessment showed that those with TMs were more likely to have a square-shaped mandible with sharp angles (P = .001) and a normal mandibular cortex (P = .03). The subjects without TMs had a round-shaped mandible with obtuse angles and an eroded mandibular cortex. Parafunctional activity could be causing the formation of TMs by concentrating mechanical stress in the region in which TMs usually form. Thus, mandibular geometries that favor stress concentration, such as square-shaped mandibles, will be associated with a greater prevalence of TMs. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Radiological study of the mandibular fractures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ju Won; Kim, Kyoung A; Koh, Kwang Jun [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, and Institute of Oral Bio Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju (Korea, Republic of)


    To classify and evaluate mandibular fractures. The author classified mandibular fractures of 284 patients who were referred to the Chonbuk National University Dental Hospital during the period from March 2004 to June 2007. This study was based on the conventional radiographs as well as computed tomographs which were pertained to the 284 patients who have had the mandibular fractures including the facial bone fractures. And mandibular fractures were classified with respect to gender, age, site and type of the fractures. More frequently affected gender with mandibular fracture was male with the ratio of 3.3 : 1. The most frequently affected age with mandibular fracture was third decade (38%), followed by fourth decade (16%), second decade (15%), fifth decade (11%), sixth decade (7%), seventh decade (5%), eighth decade (4%), first decade (4%), and ninth decade (0.3%). The most frequent type of mandibular fracture was single fracture (58%), followed by double fracture (39%), triple fracture (3%). The most common site of mandibular fracture was mandibular condyle as 113 cases (27.7%) and the next was mandibular symphysis as 109 cases (26.7%), mandibular angle as 103 cases (25.3%), mandibular body as 83 cases (20.3%) in order. The sum of fracture sites were 408 sites and there were 1.4 fracture sites per one patient. The number of mandible fractures accompanied with facial bone fractures were 41 cases (14.4%). The results showed the most frequent type and common site of mandibular fracture was single fracture and mandibular condyle respectively.

  12. Radiological study of the mandibular fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ju Won; Kim, Kyoung A; Koh, Kwang Jun


    To classify and evaluate mandibular fractures. The author classified mandibular fractures of 284 patients who were referred to the Chonbuk National University Dental Hospital during the period from March 2004 to June 2007. This study was based on the conventional radiographs as well as computed tomographs which were pertained to the 284 patients who have had the mandibular fractures including the facial bone fractures. And mandibular fractures were classified with respect to gender, age, site and type of the fractures. More frequently affected gender with mandibular fracture was male with the ratio of 3.3 : 1. The most frequently affected age with mandibular fracture was third decade (38%), followed by fourth decade (16%), second decade (15%), fifth decade (11%), sixth decade (7%), seventh decade (5%), eighth decade (4%), first decade (4%), and ninth decade (0.3%). The most frequent type of mandibular fracture was single fracture (58%), followed by double fracture (39%), triple fracture (3%). The most common site of mandibular fracture was mandibular condyle as 113 cases (27.7%) and the next was mandibular symphysis as 109 cases (26.7%), mandibular angle as 103 cases (25.3%), mandibular body as 83 cases (20.3%) in order. The sum of fracture sites were 408 sites and there were 1.4 fracture sites per one patient. The number of mandible fractures accompanied with facial bone fractures were 41 cases (14.4%). The results showed the most frequent type and common site of mandibular fracture was single fracture and mandibular condyle respectively.

  13. Sarcomas mandibulares: experiencia quirúrgica en los últimos 10 años Mandibular sarcomas: surgical experience over the past 10 years

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    Javier Gutiérrez Santamaría


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los sarcomas mandibulares representan una entidad de difícil estudio por su escasa incidencia e histopatología. Pacientes y métodos: Presentamos la experiencia del servicio de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial del Hospital Vall d'Hebron de Barcelona en los últimos 10 años (2001-2010 en el manejo de los sarcomas mandibulares, realizando una revisión retrospectiva de 12 casos de pacientes afectos por este tipo de tumor. Resultados: La técnica más utilizada para la reconstrucción fue el colgajo microvascularizado (hueso peroné: 8/12, recibiendo tratamiento adyuvante (quimioterapia y/o radioterapia el 82% de los pacientes. Cinco pacientes fallecieron (42%, 2 se encuentran con progresión de la enfermedad (16% y 5 sobreviven libres de enfermedad (42% hasta la finalización del seguimiento. Conclusiones: Los casos descritos representan una serie singular debido a la localización mandibular, no antes publicadas en la literatura. Aún así, los resultados obtenidos en términos de supervivencia y factores pronóstico son similares a los descritos para los sarcomas de cabeza y cuello. La consecución de márgenes libres con la cirugía es la clave del tratamiento, siendo necesario el tratamiento complementario para mejorar el pronóstico.Introduction: Sarcomas located in the mandible are difficult to study due to their relatively rare appearance and histology. Patients and Methods: We present the experience of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona over the last 10 years (2001-2010 in the management of jaw sarcomas, performing a retrospective review of 12 cases of patients affected by this type of tumour. Results: The technique mostly used for the reconstruction was the microvascularised bone graft (fibula: 8/12, with 82% of the patients receiving adjuvant therapy (chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Five of the patients died (42%, two were found with disease progression (16%, and 5

  14. Roentgenographic study of the mandibular canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu


    The mandibular canal must be considered carefully during the surgical treatment, especially surgical extraction of the impacted tooth and intraosseous implant, because it contains the important inferior alveolar nerve and vessels. The author investigated the curvature of the mandibular canal and its relation to the mandibular molars and positional relation between the mental foramen and the mandibular premolars in orthopantomogram. The materials consisted of 441 orthopantomograms divided four groups; Group I consisted of 56 males and 44 females from 1 to 6 years of age, Group II consisted of 58 males and 45 females from 7 to 12 years of age, Group III consisted of 65 males and 33 females from 13 to 18 years of age, Group IV consisted of 86 males and 54 females over 19 years of age. The results were as followings; 1. The curvature of mandibular canal was 144.50 .deg. in Group II, 148.11 .deg. in Group III, 147.33 .deg. in Group IV. 2. The curvature of mandibular canal was located most frequently on the area between mandibular 1st molar and mandibular 2nd molar in Group I (42%) and on the mandibular 2nd molar area in Group II (54%), Group III (59%), Group IV (53%). 3. The position of mental foramen was most frequently below the mandibular 1st premolar in Group I (58%), between the mandibular 1st premolar and the 2nd premolar in Group II (62%), Group III (47%), and below the mandibular 2nd premolar in Group IV (58%).

  15. Complaints related to mandibular function impairment after closed treatment of fractures of the mandibular condyle

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niezen, E. T.; Bos, R. R. M.; de Bont, L. G. M.; Stegenga, B.; Dijkstra, P. U.

    This study analysed the relationship between complaints and mandibular function after closed treatment of fractures of the mandibular condyle in a prospective study. In a I-year follow-up, complaints were assessed during physical examination and function was assessed using the mandibular function

  16. [Mandibular-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandibular distraction for hemifacial microsomia with rapid prototyping technology]. (United States)

    Gao, Quan-Wen; Song, Hui-Feng; Xu, Ming-Huo; Liu, Chun-Ming; Chai, Jia-Ke


    To explore the clinical application of mandibular-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandihular distraction to correct hemifacial microsomia with rapid prototyping technology. The patient' s skull resin model was manufactured with rapid prototyping technology. The osteotomy was designed on skull resin model. According to the preoperative design, the patients underwent Le Fort I osteotomy and mandibular ramus osteotomy. The internal mandible distractor was embedded onto the osteotomy position. The occlusal titanium pin was implanted. Distraction were carried out by mandibular-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandihular distraction 5 days after operation. The distraction in five patients was complete as designed. No infection and dysosteogenesis happened. The longest distance of distraction was 28 mm, and the shortest distance was 16 mm. The facial asymmetry deformity was significantly improved at the end of distraction. The ocelusal plane of patients obviously improved. Rapid prototyping technology is helpful to design precisely osteotomy before operation. Mandibular-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandibular distraction can correct hemifacial microsomia. It is worth to clinical application.

  17. Oclusión y estrés en el síndrome dolor disfunción temporo-mandibular

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    María del Carmen García Cubillas


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente femenina de 35 años con síndrome dolor disfunción temporo-mandibular, cuyo motivo de consulta fue el dolor relacionado con el lado no habitual de masticación y de dormir. Los datos fueron tomados de su historia clínica inicial. El diagnóstico se realizó fundamentalmente por el método clínico. Para ello se hizo interrogatorio y el examen clínico de músculos, articulaciones temporo-mandibulares y oclusión. Se detectaron como posibles causas el estrés y una interferencia oclusal grosera. Se realizó un tratamiento múltiple: laserterapia, exodoncias, control de las interferencias oclusales, control de placa dentobacteriana e higiene bucal, charlas educativas y remisión al psicólogo. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente

  18. Radiological classification of mandibular fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mihailova, H.


    Mandibular fractures present the biggest part (up to 97%) of the facial bone fractures. Method of choice for diagnosing of mandibular fractures is conventional radiography. The aim of the issue is to present an unified radiological classification of mandibular fractures for the clinical practice. This classification includes only those clinical symptoms of mandibular fracture which could be radiologically objectified: exact anatomical localization (F1-F6), teeth in fracture line (Ta,Tb), grade of dislocation (D I, D II), occlusal disturbances (O(+), O(-)). Radiological symptoms expressed by letter and number symbols are systematized in a formula - FTDO of mandibular fractures similar to TNM formula for tumours. FTDO formula expresses radiological diagnose of each mandibular fracture but it doesn't include neither the site (left or right) of the fracture, nor the kind and number of fractures. In order to express topography and number of fractures the radiological formula is transformed into a decimal fraction. The symbols (FTD) of right mandible fracture are written in the numerator and those of the left site - in the denominator. For double and multiple fractures between the symbols for each fracture we put '+'. Symbols for occlusal disturbances are put down opposite, the fractional line. So topographo-anatomical formula (FTD/FTD)xO is formed. In this way the whole radiological information for unilateral, bilateral, single or multiple fractures of the mandible is expressed. The information in the radiological topography anatomic formula, resp. from the unified topography-anatomic classification ensures a quick and exact X-ray diagnose of mandibular fracture. In this way contributes to get better, make easier and faster X-ray diagnostic process concerning mandibular fractures. And all these is a precondition for prevention of retardation of the diagnosis mandibular fracture. (author)

  19. [Temporo-mandibular joint. Morpho-functional considerations]. (United States)

    Scutariu, M D; Indrei, Anca


    The temporo-mandibular joint is distinguished from most other synovial joints of the body by two features: 1. the two jointed components carry teeth whose position and occlusion introduce a very strong influence on the movements of the temporo-mandibular joint and 2. its articular surfaces are not covered by hyaline cartilage, but by a dense, fibrous tissue. This paper describes the parts of the temporo-mandibular joint: the articular surfaces (the condylar process of the mandible and the glenoid part of the temporal bone), the fibrocartilaginous disc which is interposed between the mandibular and the temporal surface, the fibrous capsule of the temporo-mandibular joint and the ligaments of this joint. All these parts present a very strong adaptation at the important functions of the temporo-mandibular joint.

  20. Observation of positional relation between mandibular third molars and the mandibular canal on limited cone beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashizume, Atsuko; Nakagawa, Yoichi; Ishii, Hisako; Kobayashi, Kaoru


    We describe the preoperative use of limited cone beam computed tomography (CT) with a dental CT scanner for the assessment of mandibular third molars before extraction. Cone beam CT provides 42.7-mm-high and 30-mm-wide rectangular solid images, with a resolution of less than 0.2 mm. The positional relationship between the mandibular third molars and the mandibular canal was examined by dental CT. Sixty-eight lower third molars of 62 patients whose teeth were superimposed on the mandibular canal on periapical or panoramic radiographs were studied. Dental CT scans clearly demonstrated the positional relationship between the mandibular canal and the teeth. The mandibular canal was located buccally to the roots of 16 teeth, lingually to the roots of 27 teeth, inferiorly to the roots of 23 teeth, and between the roots of 2 teeth. The presence of bone between the mandibular canal and the teeth was not noted in 7 of 16 buccal cases, 24 of 27 lingual cases, and 10 of 23 inferior cases on dental CT scans, suggesting that the canal was in contact with the teeth. Fifty-nine of the 68 mandibular third molars were surgically removed, and postoperative transient hypoesthesia occurred in 4 patients. Dental CT scans showed no bone between the mandibular canal and the teeth in all 4 patients. Hypoesthesia was not related to the bucco-lingual location of the mandibular canal or to the extent of bone loss between the canal and the teeth. However, hypoesthesia did not occur in patients with bone between the mandibular canal and the teeth. Thus, information on the distance between the canal and teeth on dental CT scans was useful for predicting the risk of inferior alveolar nerve damage. Because of its high resolution and low radiation dose, cone beam CT was useful for examination before mandibular third molar surgery. (author)

  1. Overview of Mandibular Condyle Fracture

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    Su-Seong Park


    Full Text Available The mandibular condyle is a region that plays a key role in the opening and closing ofthe mouth, and because fracture causes functional and aesthetic problems such as facialasymmetry, it is very important to perform accurate reduction. Traditionally, there has beendisagreement on how to manage fracture of the mandibular condyle. This review exploresthe misunderstanding of mandibular condyle fracture treatment and modern-day treatmentstrategies.

  2. Overview of Mandibular Condyle Fracture


    Park, Su-Seong; Lee, Keun-Cheol; Kim, Seok-Kwun


    The mandibular condyle is a region that plays a key role in the opening and closing of the mouth, and because fracture causes functional and aesthetic problems such as facial asymmetry, it is very important to perform accurate reduction. Traditionally, there has been disagreement on how to manage fracture of the mandibular condyle. This review explores the misunderstanding of mandibular condyle fracture treatment and modern-day treatment strategies.

  3. Overview of Mandibular Condyle Fracture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Su-Seong Park


    Full Text Available The mandibular condyle is a region that plays a key role in the opening and closing of the mouth, and because fracture causes functional and aesthetic problems such as facial asymmetry, it is very important to perform accurate reduction. Traditionally, there has been disagreement on how to manage fracture of the mandibular condyle. This review explores the misunderstanding of mandibular condyle fracture treatment and modern-day treatment strategies.

  4. Relationship between fracture of mandibular condyle and absence of unerupted mandibular third molar-a retrospective study. (United States)

    Rajan, Ritesh; Verma, Dinesh Kumar; Borle, R M; Yadav, Abhilasha


    The purpose of the present study was to find, if there exists, a co-relation between presence of unerupted mandibular third molar and fracture of mandibular condyle. A retrospective, multicenter study was done collecting the data of all mandibular condyle fractures treated from November 2006 till August 2015. Data was collected from the patient's records and radiographs for the following information: age, sex, etiology of fracture, presence and state of lower third molars, and associated fracture. The results were subjected to statistical analysis. Out of 180 patients of condylar fracture, unerupted third molars were present in 35 (19.44 %) cases compared to 145 (80.55 %) cases of condylar fracture where the unerupted third molars were not present. The difference was statistically significant (p fracture was seen in 4 (11.4 %) cases, bilateral condylar fracture associated with other mandibular fractures in 9 (25.7 %) cases, isolated unilateral condylar fracture in 0 (0.0 %) cases, and unilateral condylar fracture associated with other mandibular fractures in 17 (48.5 %) cases and condylar fracture associated with mid face fractures in 5 (14.2 %) cases. In the unerupted third molar absent group, isolated bilateral condylar fracture was seen in 5 (3.4 %) cases, bilateral condylar fracture associated with other mandibular fractures in 30 (20.6 %) cases, isolated unilateral condylar fracture in 24 (16.5 %) cases, unilateral condylar fracture associated with other mandibular fractures in 73 (50.34 %) cases, and condylar fracture associated with mid face fractures in 13(8.96 %) cases. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (p = 0.032). This study suggests that the fractures of mandibular condylar region have a significantly higher incidence in patients without an unerupted mandibular third molar.

  5. The role of simultaneous gap arthroplasty and distraction osteogenesis in the management of temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis with mandibular deformity in children. (United States)

    Rao, Krishna; Kumar, Sudhir; Kumar, Vijay; Singh, Arun Kumar; Bhatnagar, Sudhir Kumar


    Temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis is a common cause of acquired deformity in children. Surgical correction of the ankylosis only leaves the patient with an uncorrected mandibular deformity. This study was to evaluate the use of distraction osteogenesis for simultaneous correction of the mandibular deformity. This study was done on six children with temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis and mandibular deformity. Uniaxial double pin distractors with Schanz pins were used in this study. The patients underwent simultaneous gap arthroplasty and mandibular osteotomy (retromolar) with distractor insertion. Distraction was started on the fifth post-operative day. The patients were put on dynamic temporo-mandibular joint exercises on the first post-operative day. All patients had a satisfactory mouth opening on follow-up. Satisfactory cosmetic correction of the mandibular deformity was also achieved in all these patients. Some degree of malocclusion resulted from treatment due to which the patients were placed on orthodontic treatment. Distraction osteogenesis can be used simultaneously with gap arthroplasty in patients with temporo-mandibular ankylosis, for the correction of the mandibular deformity.

  6. Thin-plate spline analysis of mandibular growth. (United States)

    Franchi, L; Baccetti, T; McNamara, J A


    The analysis of mandibular growth changes around the pubertal spurt in humans has several important implications for the diagnosis and orthopedic correction of skeletal disharmonies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate mandibular shape and size growth changes around the pubertal spurt in a longitudinal sample of subjects with normal occlusion by means of an appropriate morphometric technique (thin-plate spline analysis). Ten mandibular landmarks were identified on lateral cephalograms of 29 subjects at 6 different developmental phases. The 6 phases corresponded to 6 different maturational stages in cervical vertebrae during accelerative and decelerative phases of the pubertal growth curve of the mandible. Differences in shape between average mandibular configurations at the 6 developmental stages were visualized by means of thin-plate spline analysis and subjected to permutation test. Centroid size was used as the measure of the geometric size of each mandibular specimen. Differences in size at the 6 developmental phases were tested statistically. The results of graphical analysis indicated a statistically significant change in mandibular shape only for the growth interval from stage 3 to stage 4 in cervical vertebral maturation. Significant increases in centroid size were found at all developmental phases, with evidence of a prepubertal minimum and of a pubertal maximum. The existence of a pubertal peak in human mandibular growth, therefore, is confirmed by thin-plate spline analysis. Significant morphological changes in the mandible during the growth interval from stage 3 to stage 4 in cervical vertebral maturation may be described as an upward-forward direction of condylar growth determining an overall "shrinkage" of the mandibular configuration along the measurement of total mandibular length. This biological mechanism is particularly efficient in compensating for major increments in mandibular size at the adolescent spurt.

  7. Measuring mandibular ridge reduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steen, W.H.A.


    This thesis investigates the mandibular reduction in height of complete denture wearers and overdenture wearers. To follow this reduction in the anterior region as well as in the lateral sections of the mandible, an accurate and reproducible measuring method is a prerequisite. A radiologic technique offers the best chance. A survey is given of the literature concerning the resorption process after the extraction of teeth. An oblique cephalometric radiographic technique is introduced as a promising method to measure mandibular ridge reduction. The reproducibility and the accuracy of the technique are determined. The reproducibility in the positioning of the mandible is improved by the introduction of a mandibular support which permits a precise repositioning of the edentulous jaw, even after long periods of investigation. (Auth.)

  8. Mandibular canal branches supplying the mandibular third molar observed on cone beam computed tomographic images: Reports of four cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Jae Seo; Yoon, Suk Ja; Kang, Byung Cheol [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, Dental Science Research Institute, Chonnam National University, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    Bifid mandibular canal can be an anatomic variation. This condition can lead to complication when performing mandibular anesthesia or during extraction of lower third molar, placement of implants and surgery in the mandible. Four patients underwent preoperative imaging for extraction of third molars using CBCT (CB Mercuray, Hitachi, Japan). The axial images were processed with CBworks program 2.1 (CyberMed Inc., Seoul, Korea). The branches for supplying the lower third molar were identified mainly on cross-sectional and panoramic images of CBCT. Since the location and configuration of mandibular canal variations are important in any mandibular surgical procedures, we report 4 cases of bifid mandibular canal with panoramic and the CBCT images.

  9. [Orthodontic treatment of Class III patients with mandibular asymmetry]. (United States)

    Duan, Yin-Zhong; Huo, Na; Chen, Lei; Chen, Xue-Peng; Lin, Yang


    To investigate the treatment outcome of Class III patients with dental, functional and mild skeletal mandibular asymmetry. Thirty-five patients (14 males and 21 females) with dental, functional and mild skeletal mandibular asymmetry were selected. The age range of the patients was 7 - 22 years with a mean age of 16.5 years. Dental mandibular asymmetry was treated with expansion of maxillary arch to help the mandible returning to normal position. Functional mandibular asymmetry was treated with activator or asymmetrical protraction and Class III elastics. Mild skeletal mandibular asymmetry was treated with camouflage treatment. Good occlusal relationships were achieved and facial esthetics was greatly improved after orthodontic treatment in patients with dental and functional mandibular asymmetry. However, patients with skeletal mandibular asymmetry should be treated with both extraction and genioplasty. Orthodontic treatment was suitable for patients with dental and functional mandibular asymmetry, while combined orthodontics and surgery could get good results in patients with skeletal mandibular asymmetry.

  10. 21 CFR 872.3960 - Mandibular condyle prosthesis. (United States)


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES DENTAL DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 872.3960 Mandibular condyle prosthesis. (a) Identification. A mandibular condyle prosthesis is a device that is intended to be implanted in the human jaw to... requirement for premarket approval for any mandibular condyle prosthesis intended to be implanted in the human...

  11. Mandibular ameloblastomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masip, M.J.; Arana, E.; Beltran, J.; Garcia, J.L.; Cifrian, C.; Aparisi, F.


    We present a retrospective review of 39 cases of mandibular ameloblastoma that were assessed in terms of patient age and sex, duration and clinical signs at the time of diagnosis. The associated plain radiology, CT and MR signs are also reviewed. It usually presented as a slowly growing, painless mass. According to radiological findings, most of the ameloblastomas studied were extensive, involving the mandibular branch, angle and molar area; the lesions were expanding, unilocular or multilocular, with erosion of the dental apex. CT disclosed cystic areas of low attenuation. The images of the three patients studied by MR presented low signal intensity in T1-weighed sequences and hyperintense signal in t2-weighted sequences. 9 refs

  12. Rotational Distraction for the Treatment of Severe Mandibular Retrognathia. (United States)

    Ito, Osamu; Mitsugi, Masaharu; Alcalde, Rafael E; Yano, Tomoyuki; Uemura, Noriko; Okazaki, Mutsumi


    The main problem with intraoral distraction of the mandible is the inability to achieve the three-dimensional mandibular correction as planned preoperatively. We developed a technique that allows spontaneous changes in the direction of mandibular elongation using an intraoral distractor. After mandibular osteotomy, the distractor is fixed to the distal segment of the mandible using a single bicortical screw, allowing anterior-posterior, vertical and limited lateromedial changes in the vector of distraction. Mandibular lengthening is performed while keeping the maxilla and mandible in class I occlusion with intermaxillary fixation. As the distraction device is activated allowing mandibular elongation, the proximal segment, guided by the surrounding soft tissues, moves and rotates posterosuperiorly. Mandibular lengthening is continued until the condylar head reaches an adequate position in the mandibular fossa as confirmed clinically and radiographically. Thirty-three patients with mandibular retrognathia received this treatment and good results were obtained.

  13. Possibility of estimating three-dimensional mandibular morphology by cephalogram analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, S.; Motegi, Etsuko; Kikuchi, Yu; Yamaguchi, Hideharu; Takaki, Takashi; Shibahara, Takahiko


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of a surmise of three-dimensional mandibular morphology by two-dimensional cephalogram analysis. The materials were three-dimensional CT and cephalogram of 20 female mandibular prognathism patients (average age: 25.20±7.49) before there orthognathic surgery. Mandibular bone volume and sponge bone width were calculated from three-dimensional images constructed from CT images using imaging software (Real Intage, KGT inc.). There was a positive correlation (r=0.72) between mandibular volume value and mandibular ramus width. There was a positive correlation between sponge bone width at the site of the mandibular cuspid and mandibular ramus width and SNB angle (r=0.80), and between sponge bone width at the site of the mandibular molar and symphysis height and mandibular ramus width (r=0.81). It was thought that these results will be useful for a surmise of three-dimensional mandibular morphology by cephalogram analysis. (author)

  14. Pharyngeal airway changes following mandibular setback surgery

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    Babu Ramesh


    Full Text Available Treatment of dentofacial deformities with jaw osteotomies has an effect on airway anatomy and therefore mandibular setback surgery has the potential to diminish airway size. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of mandibular setback surgery on airway size. 8 consecutive patients were examined prospectively. All patients underwent mandibular setback surgery. Cephalometric analysis was performed preoperatively and 3 months post operatively with particular attention to pharyngeal airway changes. Pharyngeal airway size decreased considerably in all, patients thus predisposing to development of obstructive sleep apnea. Therefore, large anteroposterior discrepancies should be corrected by combined maxillary and mandibular osteotomies.

  15. Biomechanical considerations in mandibular incisor extraction cases. (United States)

    Rachala, Madhukar Reddy; Aileni, Kaladhar Reddy; Dasari, Arun Kumar; Sinojiya, Jay


    Mandibular incisor extraction can be regarded as a valuable treatment option in certain malocclusions to obtain excellence in orthodontic results in terms of function, aesthetics and stability. This treatment alternative is indicated in clinical situations like mild to moderate class III malocclusion, mild anterior mandibular tooth size excess, periodontally compromised teeth, ectopic eruption of mandibular incisor and minimal openbite tendencies. Unlike in premolar extraction cases, space closure in mandibular incisor extraction cases is unique in which the extraction space will be in the middle of the arch. The end result of space closure in these cases should be well aligned, upright, anterior teeth with parallel roots and the goal can be achieved with the bodily tooth movement through proper application of biomechanics. The purpose of this article is to explain the biomechanics of space closure in mandibular incisor extraction cases.

  16. Anterior mandibular apical base augmentation in the surgical orthodontic treatment of mandibular retrusion. (United States)

    Brusati, R; Giannì, A B


    The authors describe a surgical technique alternative to traditional pre-surgical orthodontics in order to increase the apical base in mandibular retrusion (class II, division I). This subapical osteotomy, optimizing inferior incisal axis without dental extractions and a long orthodontic treatment, associated to genioplasty permits to obtain an ideal labio-dento-mental morphology. This procedure avoids in some cases the need of a mandibular advancement and, if necessary, it reduces his entity with obvious advantages.

  17. A patient with mandibular deviation and 3 mandibular incisors treated with asymmetrically bent improved superelastic nickel-titanium alloy wires. (United States)

    Ikeda, Yuhei; Kokai, Satoshi; Ono, Takashi


    Skeletal and dental discrepancies cause asymmetric malocclusions in orthodontic patients. It is difficult to achieve adequate functional occlusion and guidance in patients with congenital absence of a mandibular incisor due to the tooth-size discrepancy. Here, we describe the orthodontic treatment of a 22-year-old woman with an asymmetric Angle Class II malocclusion, mandibular deviation to the left, and 3 mandibular incisors. The anterior teeth and maxillary canines were crowded. We used an improved superelastic nickel-titanium alloy wire (Tomy International, Tokyo, Japan) to compensate for the asymmetric mandibular arch and an asymmetrically bent archwire to move the maxillary molars distally. A skeletal anchorage system provided traction for intermaxillary elastics, and extractions were not needed. We alleviated the crowding and created an ideal occlusion with proper overjet, overbite, and anterior guidance with Class I canine and molar relationships. This method of treatment with an asymmetrically bent nickel-titanium alloy wire provided proper Class I occlusion and anterior guidance despite the mandibular deviation to the left and 3 mandibular incisors, without the need for extractions. Copyright © 2017 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Mandibular reconstruction in adults: a review.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goh, B.T.; Lee, S.; Tideman, H.; Stoelinga, P.J.W.


    Mandibular defects may result from trauma, inflammatory disease and benign or malignant tumours. Mastication, speech and facial aesthetics are often severely compromised without reconstruction. The goal of mandibular reconstruction is to restore facial form and function, implying repair of

  19. Metástasis mandibular de adenocarcinoma gástrico: Presentación de un caso Mandibular metastases of gastric adenocarcinoma: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Ferreras Granado


    Full Text Available Los tumores malignos de la cavidad oral y mandíbula representan aproximadamente un 5% de todas las neoplasias malignas del cuerpo, y sólo entre el 1 y el 4% son consideradas como metástasis. Tienen su localización más frecuente a nivel de la mandíbula (80%, fundamentalmente en la región molar. Las metástasis mandibulares, cuando aparecen, suelen tener su origen en tumores primarios que asientan en la mama, pulmón, riñón, tiroides, intestinos y próstata; y con menor frecuencia en el estómago, testículos y vesícula biliar. Suelen afectar a pacientes de edad avanzada (4ª-7ª décadas de la vida sin predilección por el sexo. El tratamiento en general es paliativo y pasa por el uso de la radioterapia, quimioterapia y hormonoterapia, reservando la cirugía para casos aislados. Describimos un caso de metástasis mandibular en un paciente adulto como primera manifestación clínica de un adenocarcinoma gástrico.Malignant tumors of the mouth and jaws represents approximately 5% of all malignant neoplasms in the body, and only 1-4% are considered to be metastatic. They are most frequently located in the mandible (80%, fundamentally in the molar region. Metastases to the jaws are usually from breast, lung, kidney, thyroid gland, intestines, and prostate gland; and less frequently from stomach, testes, and bladder. They are more frequent in elderly patients (between 4th and 7th decades with no gender differences. Treatment is usually palliative and based on the use of radiotherapy, chemotherapy andhormonal therapy. Surgery is only used in selected cases. A case of mandibular metastases as first sign of malignant disease of gastric adenocarcinoma is reported.

  20. Estudio de la dinámica ósea mandibular y de los procesos reabsortivos de la cresta alveolar en ratas diabéticas y controles.


    García, María


    Recibido: Jul. 2008 | Aceptado: Sep. 2008 La enfermedad periodontal es una respuesta inflamatoria del tejido periodontal a las bacterias contenidas en la placa bacteriana con destrucción de fibras colágenas, migración apical del epitelio de unión y pérdida del hueso alveolar. El daño producido puede conducir a la pérdida dental. Con el fin de evaluar el crecimiento mandibular y describir el desarrollo de la enfermedad periodontal “espontánea” de la rata se utilizaron animales con...

  1. Assessment of the relationship between the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal using panoramic radiograph and cone beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Yun Hoa; Nah, Kyung Soo; Cho, Bong Hae


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the position of the mandibular canal in relation to the mandibular third molar by cone beam CT in cases showing a close relationship between the third molar and the mandibular canal on the panoramic radiograph. The panoramic images and cone beam CT scans of 87 impacted mandibular third molars in 60 patients were evaluated to assess the tooth relationship to the mandibular canal. The clearness of the canal wall and the vertical depth of the lower third molar were evaluated on panoramic radiographs. The lower third molars were assessed using cone beam CT to determine the proximity and position of the canal relative to the roots. In the 66 cases where the canal wall was unclear on the panoramic radiographs, 58 (87.9%) of the third molars had contact between the canal and root; 34 (51.5%) canals were showed an inferior position and 22 (33.3%) showed a linguoinferior position on cone beam CT. Interruption of the canal wall on panoramic radiographs was highly predictive of contact between the mandibular canal and the third molar. Cross sectional CT may be indicated for localization of the mandibular canal in such cases.

  2. Mandibular condyle position in cone beam computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hwang, Hyoung Joo; Kim, Gyu Tae; Choi, Yong Suk; Hwang, Eui Hwan [Kyung Hee Univ. School of Dentistry, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate position of the mandibular condyle within articular fossa in an asymptomatic population radiographically by a cone beam computed tomography. Cone beam computed tomography of 60 temporomandibular joints was performed on 15 males and 15 females with no history of any temporomandibular disorders, or any other orthodontic or photoconductors treatments. Position of mandibular condyle within articular fossa at centric occlusion was evaluated. A statistical evaluation was done using a SPSS. In the sagittal views, mandibular condyle within articular fossa was laterally located at central section. Mandibular condyles in the right and left sides were showed asymmetric positional relationship at medial, central, and lateral sections. Mandibular condyle within articular fossa in an asymptomatic population was observed non-concentric position in the sagittal and coronal views.

  3. Osteonecrosis mandibular asociada a bifosfonatos: Presentación de caso clínico


    Fernández López, Rocío Gloria; Arellano Flores, Águeda M; Velázquez Serrano, Sayra Nayelli


    El objetivo del trabajo es presentar la asociación de la osteonecrosis mandibular y el uso de bifosfonatos con fines terapéuticos. Los bifosfonatos son fármacos utilizados en el manejo de los desórdenes primarios y secundarios del hueso. Principalmente en la osteoporosis tanto local como general, enfermedades metabólicas óseas, calcificación de tejidos blandos y estados de hipercalcemia, entre otras. Asimismo también pueden actuar como antineoplásicos al inhibir la activación de proteínas vin...

  4. Dimorfismo sexual mandibular en una colección formativa : SJTil20 (Tilcara, Jujuy)


    Barboza, María Carolina; Mendonça, Osvaldo Juan; Bordach, María de la Asunción


    Muchas piezas óseas permiten la estimación sexual. En la mandíbula es mediante la observación de sectores morfoestructurales (gonion, mentón, rama, etc). La efectividad discriminatoria de esta estructura puede verse incremententada y/o complementada con nuevas propuestas técnico-metodológicas. Una de estas propuestas (Loth y Henneberg 1996), basada en la conformación anatómica de la inflexión del borde posterior de la rama mandibular, ha sido cuestionada en su eficiencia diagnóstica. Puesto q...

  5. [Stereomodel-assisted fibula free flap harvest and mandibular reconstruction: A technical note. Literature review of CAS and CAM applied to mandibular reconstruction. (United States)

    Pauchot, J; Lachat, J; Floret, F; Badet, J-M; Tavernier, L; Aubry, S


    Mandibular reconstruction with fibula free flap harvest is currently the reference technique. Various preoperative processes have been developed to optimize this reconstruction. We report our experience with a simple, inexpensive, preoperative technique requiring a 3D printer, a device for maintaining mandibular reduction, a paper-cutting guide. Stereomodels of the mandible were obtained from computed tomography scan data and printed 3D in ABS. It allowed planning mandibular osteotomies, determine the angle between two bone fragments, and preoperatively modeling the osteosynthesis plate. A paper-cutting guide, and a simple device for maintaining mandibular reduction were also built. Two patients were operated on with this technique, with follow-up at 6 and 8 months. Reconstructions were successful with good clinical outcome in terms of mandibular contour and reconstructed segments positions. Preoperative planning of reconstruction may be used for mandibular osteotomies, fibular osteotomies, maintaining mandibular reduction, osteosynthesis, or placing implants for dental rehabilitation. The most complex procedures can virtually plan all these steps, but they are expensive and long to implement. Nevertheless, such procedures are quite expansive and require time not always compatible with carcinoma. Using a mandibular stereomodel is fast, easy, and cheap. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  6. Reliability of mandibular canines as indicators for sexual dichotomy. (United States)

    Hosmani, Jagadish V; Nayak, Ramakant S; Kotrashetti, Vijayalakshmi S; S, Pradeep; Babji, Deepa


    Amongst the various calcified structures in the human body, teeth have gained lot of popularity in estimating the sex of an individual as they are highly resistant to destruction and decomposition. Using permanent mandibular canines many researchers have predicted a high level of accuracy in identifying the sex correctly. The purpose of our study was to gauge the effectiveness of mandibular canines in discerning sex. Fifty dental casts each of males and females were utilized for the study. Mesio-distal dimension and inter-canine distance of mandibular right and left canine was recorded using digital vernier caliper and mandibular canine index was calculated. The mean value of mesio-distal dimensions of right and left mandibular canine was slightly greater in males compared to females. The mandibular canine index was equal in both sexes. Inter-canine distance was marginally higher in males compared to females. Despite of higher values in males none of the parameters were statistically significant. The results herein bolster contemporary studies that mesio-distal dimensions of mandibular canines and mandibular canine index do not reflect sexual dimorphism and that its application should be discontinued in sex prediction among Indian populations. How to cite this article: Hosmani J V, Nayak R S, Kotrashetti V S, Pradeep S, Babji D. Reliability of Mandibular Canines as Indicators for Sexual Dichotomy. J Int Oral Health 2013; 5(1):1-7.

  7. Mandibular Deformity Correction by Distraction Osteogenesis

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    Md Asaduzzaman


    Full Text Available Distraction osteogenesis (DO is a biological process of new bone formation. It could be used as an alternative treatment method for the correction of mandibular hypoplastic deformity. Modern distraction osteogenesis evolved primarily from the work of Gavriel llizarov. DO has been first applied to craniofacial region since McCarthy et al. In this case report, the patient was 17 years old male with bird face deformity due to hypoplasia of mandible resulted from bilateral TMJ ankylosis due to the fracture of both condyle at the age of 4 years. Patient’s intraincisal opening was absent 1 year back. He underwent condylectomy in both sides to release the ankylosis and to increase intraincisal opening. His mandibular length was markedly short. To increase his mandibular antero-posterior length, mandibular body distraction was done in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department, BSMMU. Through this procedure length of the body of mandibule was increased by 10 mm, occlusion was edge to edge and his lower facial appearance increased markedly. Mandibular body distraction osteogenesis was considerably effective when performed in a hypoplastic mandible to facilitate post-operative functional and esthetic restoration. Long term follow-up is necessary to evaluate relapse and complications. DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v3i2.7061BSMMU J 2010; 3(2: 103-106

  8. Colgajo libre osteoseptocutáneo de peroné en la reconstrucción primaria de la radionecrosis masiva mandibular Fibular osteoseptocutaneous free flap in the primary reconstruction after massive radionecrosis of the mandible

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. Infante Cossío


    Full Text Available Resumen: Una de las complicaciones más serias del uso de la radioterapia en el tratamiento del carcinoma epidermoide de la cavidad oral, es la osteorradionecrosis. En este trabajo, presentamos cuatro pacientes afectos de osteorradionecrosis masiva de la mandíbula que habían fracasado inicialmente con medidas conservadoras y que fueron tratados con resección radical y reconstrucción primaria con un colgajo libre osteoseptocutáneo de peroné. El defecto mandibular tras la resección ósea midió una media de 10 cm e incluyó mucosa intraoral, piel o ambos. En dos casos de reconstrucción, se empleó el colgajo libre de peroné con doble paleta para reconstruir defectos extensos intra y extraorales. Se realizaron osteotomías en el peroné vascularizado en todos los casos para recrear el contorno mandibular. Todos los colgajos sobrevivieron completamente. Tres pacientes curaron primariamente con buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales. Una paciente falleció en el primer mes tras la operación por una pancreatitis aguda y fallo renal. En un paciente se han insertado implantes osteointegrados. En nuestra experiencia, el colgajo libre osteoseptocutáneo de peroné puede ser una opción ideal para la reconstrucción en un solo tiempo de defectos complejos mandibulares compuestos en pacientes afectos de osteorradionecrosis masiva.Abstract: Osteoradionecrosis is one of the most serious complications after radiation therapy of squamous carcinoma of the oral cavity. In this article, we report four cases of massive osteoradionecrosis of the mandible, all of whom had failed initial conservative management and treated with radical resection and primary reconstructed with fibular osteoseptocutaneous free flap. Mandible defects after radical resection were around 10 cm long and included intraoral mucosa, skin or both. A doubled-paddle peroneal tissue transfer was used in two cases for reconstruction of an extensive extra- or intraoral defects. The

  9. Osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociada a denosumab en una paciente con osteoporosis: un caso clínico

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Blas Garcia Garcia


    Full Text Available Desde la comercialización de fármacos que actúan sobre el remodelado óseo se han registrado numerosos casos de osteonecrosis de los maxilares (ONM, pero hasta hace poco solo se habían descrito casos de ONM asociados a la administración de bifosfonatos. Con la introducción de nuevos agentes antirresortivos han aparecido varios casos de ONM asociados a denosumab. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 84 años con osteoporosis, que presentó osteonecrosis mandibular tras la colocación de 6 implantes 5 meses después de la administración de denosumab. Una ortopantomografía y una TC mostraron pérdida ósea de la cresta mandibular y exposición ósea periimplantar. Tras el tratamiento conservador con antibióticos y la suspensión de denosumab, se inició el tratamiento con teriparatida reduciéndose la infección del hueso necrótico y se observó nueva remodelación ósea. La patogénesis de la ONM por denosumab no está claramente definida, pero parece que la tasa del éxito de curación es superior a la ONM por bifosfonatos.

  10. Malignant mandibular tumors: two case reports of rare mandibular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Arun Kumar Agnihotri


    Feb 26, 2014 ... present two cases of rare malignant mandibular tumors in a single institution. KEY WORDS: .... Spiculated osteoblastic periosteal reaction was noted with mild ... displacement of right 2nd premolar and 2nd molar teeth were ...

  11. Indicadores de maduración esquelética y dental en pacientes de ortodoncia con menarquía

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente trabajo fue determinar según la menarquía: la edad ósea, los estadios de maduración esquelética, los estadios de maduración de las vértebras cervicales y los estadios de calcificación del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos. Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo en 30 pacientes femeninas con menarquía que ingresaron en la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, en el periodo comprendido entre abril de 2004 y septiembre de 2006. A cada paciente se le realizó una telerradiografía lateral de cráneo, una radiografía de la mano izquierda y una radiografía panorámica o periapical de la hemiarcada mandibular izquierda. En cada caso se evaluaron los métodos Taner-Whitehouse 2 (TW2, Grave y Brown, Hassel y Farman y Demirjian. Se estudiaron las variables: edad de aparición de la menarquía, edad ósea, edad cronológica, estadios de maduración esquelética, estadios de maduración de las vértebras cervicales, estadios de calcificación del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos. El promedio de la edad de aparición de la menarquía en esta muestra fue de 12,00 años con una desviación estándar de 1,00 año. Los promedios de la edad ósea fueron superiores a los de la edad cronológica en todos los grupos de edades. Las 30 pacientes estudiadas se encontraban en: estadios de maduración esquelética mayores que 4, estadios de maduración de las vértebras cervicales mayores que 1, estadio H de calcificación del canino mandibular izquierdo y estadios superiores al E para el segundo premolar mandibular izquierdo. En todos los métodos determinados se encontró que la mayoría de las pacientes con menarquía estaban en los estadios de maduración más avanzados.

  12. The efficacy of supplemental intraosseous anesthesia after insufficient mandibular block

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    Samir Prohić


    Full Text Available It is a well-known scientific fact that only a small percentage of infiltration of inferior alveolar nerve is clinically proven to be efficient. The objective of this study was to determine the anesthetic efficacy of supplemental intraosseous injection, used after the insufficient classical mandibular block that didn't provide deep pulp anesthesia of mandibular molar planed for extraction. The experimental teeth consisted of 98 mandibular molars with clinical indication for extraction. Based on the history of disease, we indicated the extraction of the tooth. After that each tooth was tested with a electric pulp tester P1. We tested the pulp vitality and precisely determined the level of vitality. After that, each patient received classical mandibular block, and the pulp vitality was tested again. If the pulp tester indicated negative vitality for the certain mandibular molar, and the patient didn't complain about pain or discomfort during the extraction, the molar was extracted and the result was added to anesthetic success rate for the classical mandibular block. If, five minutes after receiving the mandibular block, the pulp tester indicated positive vitality (parameters of vitality or the patient complained about pain or discomfort (parameters of pain and discomfort, we used the Stabident intraosseous anesthesia system. Three minutes after the application of supplemental intraosseous injection the molar was tested with the pulp tester again. The anesthetic solution used in both anesthetic techniques is lidocaine with 1:100.000 epinephrine. The results of this study indicate that the anesthetic efficacy of the mandibular block is 74.5%, and that supplemental intraosseous anesthesia, applied after the insufficient mandibular block, provides pulpal anesthesia in 94.9% of mandibular molars. The difference between anesthetic efficacy of the classical mandibular block and anesthetic efficacy of the supplemental intraosseous anesthesia, applied

  13. The efficacy of supplemental intraosseous anesthesia after insufficient mandibular block. (United States)

    Prohić, Samir; Sulejmanagić, Halid; Secić, Sadeta


    It is a well-known scientific fact that only a small percentage of infiltration of inferior alveolar nerve is clinically proven to be efficient. The objective of this study was to determine the anesthetic efficacy of supplemental intraosseous injection, used after the insufficient classical mandibular block that didn't provide deep pulp anesthesia of mandibular molar planed for extraction. The experimental teeth consisted of 98 mandibular molars with clinical indication for extraction. Based on the history of disease, we indicated the extraction of the tooth. After that each tooth was tested with a electric pulp tester P1. We tested the pulp vitality and precisely determined the level of vitality. After that, each patient received classical mandibular block, and the pulp vitality was tested again. If the pulp tester indicated negative vitality for the certain mandibular molar, and the patient didn't complain about pain or discomfort during the extraction, the molar was extracted and the result was added to anesthetic success rate for the classical mandibular block. If, five minutes after receiving the mandibular block, the pulp tester indicated positive vitality (parameters of vitality) or the patient complained about pain or discomfort (parameters of pain and discomfort), we used the Stabident intraosseous anesthesia system. Three minutes after the application of supplemental intraosseous injection the molar was tested with the pulp tester again. The anesthetic solution used in both anesthetic techniques is lidocaine with 1:100.000 epinephrine. The results of this study indicate that the anesthetic efficacy of the mandibular block is 74.5%, and that supplemental intraosseous anesthesia, applied after the insufficient mandibular block, provides pulpal anesthesia in 94.9% of mandibular molars. The difference between anesthetic efficacy of the classical mandibular block and anesthetic efficacy of the supplemental intraosseous anesthesia, applied after the

  14. Topographical evaluation of the mandibular canal through panoramic radiograph

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    Ingrid Macedo Oliveira


    Full Text Available The mandibular canal is located inside the body of the mandible and may have anatomical variations. The topographic knowledge of the mandibular canal by the Dental surgeons is fundamental to achieving success in surgical planning, anesthetics and clinical interventions involving the jaw. To study the anatomy of the mandibular canal through panoramic radiographs. A retrospective descriptive study, developed after review and approval by the Ethics and Research Committee with the number of opinion 431095. Were analyzed 252 panoramic radiographs of patients of male and female attended in dental clinics UNINOVAFAPI University Center, Teresina-Pi, Brazil. The radiographs were analyzed with the aid of a light box and each antimere the jaw was observed separately. The classification of Nortjé and Langlais for description of the topography of the mandibular canal were used. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed with SPSS version 18.0. There was a prevalence of 38.89% in both antimeres, of mandibular channel the Type II. The type IV was present in 25.4% in the right hemi-arch and 26.6% on the left. Mandibular canal with unilateral bifurcation was observed in 0.77% of the sample and molar straight channel has not been identified. We observed anatomical variations as for the number and path, of the mandibular canal with the highest prevalence of Types II and IV, and the absence of bifurcations. Most was mandibular channels showed no bifurcation. The panoramic radiograph showed up an aid important to identify the mandibular canal and its variations.

  15. Prosthodontic management of mandibular deviation using palatal ramp appliance

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    Prince Kumar


    Full Text Available Segmental resection of the mandible generally results in deviation of the mandible to the defective side. This loss of continuity of the mandible destroys the balance of the lower face and leads to decreased mandibular function by deviation of the residual segment toward the surgical site. Prosthetic methods advocated to reduce or eliminate mandibular deviation include intermaxillary fixation, removable mandibular guide flange, palatal ramp, implant-supported prosthesis and palatal guidance restorations which may be useful in reducing mandibular deviation and improving masticatory performance and efficiency. These methods and restorations would be combined with a well organized mandibular exercise regimen. This clinical report describes the rehabilitation following segmental mandibulectomy using palatal ramp prosthesis.

  16. Skeletal maturity assessment using mandibular canine calcification stages

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    Vildana Džemidžić


    Full Text Available Objective. The aims of this study were: to investigate the relationship between mandibular canine calcification stages and skeletal maturity; and to evaluate whether the mandibular canine calcification stages may be used as a reliable diagnostic tool for skeletal maturity assessment. Materials and methods. This study included 151 subjects: 81 females and 70 males, with ages ranging from 9 to 16 years (mean age: 12.29±1.86 years. The inclusion criteria for subjects were as follows: age between 9 and 16 years; good general health without any hormonal, nutritional, growth or dental development problems. Subjects who were undergoing or had previously received orthodontic treatment were not included in this study. The calcification stages of the left permanent mandibular canine were assessed according to the method of Demirjian, on panoramic radiographs. Assessment of skeletal maturity was carried out using the cervical vertebral maturation index (CVMI, as proposed by the Hassel-Farman method, on lateral cephalograms. The correlation between the calcification stages of mandibular canine and skeletal maturity was estimated separately for male and female subjects. Results. Correlation coefficients between calcification stages of mandibular canine and skeletal maturity were 0.895 for male and 0.701 for female subjects. Conclusions. A significant correlation was found between the calcification stages of the mandibular canine and skeletal maturity. The calcification stages of the mandibular canine show a satisfactory diagnostic performance only for assessment of pre-pubertal growth phase.

  17. Ultrasound and multidetector computed tomography of mandibular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Because of local invasivity and high metastatic potential, preoperative imaging evaluation of mandibular region and tumoral staging is essential along with biopsy sampling. The present manuscript describes the ultrasound and computed tomographic imaging findings of mandibular gland adenocarcinoma in two dogs and ...

  18. Influence of mandibular length on mouth opening

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, PU; Hof, AL; Stegenga, B; De Bont, LGM

    Theoretically, mouth opening not only reflects the mobility of the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) but also the mandibular length. Clinically, the exact relationship between mouth opening, mandibular length, and mobility of TMJs is unclear. To study this relationship 91 healthy subjects, 59 women

  19. Incidence and characteristics of mandibular accessory canals: A radiographic investigation. (United States)

    Borgonovo, Andrea Enrico; Taschieri, Silvio; Vavassori, Virna; Re, Dino; Francetti, Luca; Corbella, Stefano


    The aim of the present study was to explore, through tridimensional reconstructions of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, the presence and the characteristics of mandibular accessory canals. For each included participant, the presence of accessory canals was recorded. The diameter of the canal, as well as the distance between the canal walls and the walls of the mandibular bone (lingual, buccal, cranial and caudal), were measured and recorded. Mandibular accessory canals could be found in 8.8% of participants. Retromolar canals were the most frequently found accessory mandibular canals. Accessory mandibular canals were found in a relatively high number of participants through the examination of CBCT scans and tridimensional reconstruction. The presence of such structures should be considered cautiously when planning and performing surgical interventions in mandibular area. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  20. Evaluation of the relationship between mandibular third molar and mandibular canal by different algorithms of cone-beam computed tomography. (United States)

    Mehdizadeh, Mojdeh; Ahmadi, Navid; Jamshidi, Mahsa


    Exact location of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) bundle is very important. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between the mandibular third molar and the mandibular canal by cone-beam computed tomography. This was a cross-sectional study with convenience sampling. 94 mandibular CBCTs performed with CSANEX 3D machine (Soredex, Finland) and 3D system chosen. Vertical and horizontal relationship between the mandibular canal and the third molar depicted by 3D, panoramic reformat view of CBCT and cross-sectional view. Cross-sectional view was our gold standard and other view evaluated by it. There were significant differences between the vertical and horizontal relation of nerve and tooth in all views (p < 0.001). The results showed differences in the position of the inferior alveolar nerve with different views of CBCT, so CBCT images are not quite reliable and have possibility of error.

  1. Split-Framework in Mandibular Implant-Supported Prosthesis

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    Danny Omar Mendoza Marin


    Full Text Available During oral rehabilitation of an edentulous patient with an implant-supported prosthesis, mandibular flexure must be considered an important biomechanical factor when planning the metal framework design, especially if implants are installed posterior to the interforaminal region. When an edentulous mandible is restored with a fixed implant-supported prosthesis connected by a fixed full-arch framework, mandibular flexure may cause needless stress in the overall restorative system and lead to screw loosening, poor fit of prosthesis, loss of the posterior implant, and patient’s discomfort due to deformation properties of the mandible during functional movements. The use of a split-framework could decrease the stress with a precise and passive fit on the implants and restore a more natural functional condition of the mandible, helping in the longevity of the prosthesis. Therefore, the present clinical report describes the oral rehabilitation of an edentulous patient by a mandibular fixed implant-supported prosthesis with a split-framework to compensate for mandibular flexure. Clinical Significance. The present clinical report shows that the use of a split-framework reduced the risk of loss of the posterior implants or screws loosening with acceptable patient comfort over the period of a year. The split-framework might have compensated for the mandibular flexure during functional activities.

  2. Pediatric mandibular fractures treated by rigid internal fixation. (United States)

    Wong, G B


    Mandibular fractures in the pediatric patient population are relatively uncommon. These patients present with their own unique treatment requirements. Most fractures have been treated conservatively by dental splints. Closed reduction techniques with maxillomandibular fixation (MMF) in very young children can pose several concerns, including cooperation, compliance and adequate nutritional intake. Rigid internal fixation of unstable mandibular fractures using miniplates and screws circumvents the need for MMF and allows immediate jaw mobilization. At major pediatric trauma institutions, there has been an increasing trend toward the use of this treatment when open reduction is necessary. This article presents a report of a five-year-old child who presented with bilateral mandibular fractures and was treated by rigid internal fixation and immediate mandibular mobilization.

  3. Bifid mandibular canal: a rare or underestimated entity?

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    Ibrahim Nasseh


    Full Text Available One of the rare anatomical variations that can be of significant importance for the dentist is the bifid mandibular canal. Many complications can occur from this condition such as failure of anesthesia when performing inferior alveolar nerve block, difficulties during the surgical extraction of the third mandibular molar, and during implants placement. Therefore, good knowledge of this condition is essential. In this report, we describe the radiographic finding of a unilateral bifid mandibular canal.

  4. Mandibular incisor apicoectomy in a Canadian Beaver. (United States)

    Steenkamp, Gerhard; Venter, Leon; Crossley, David; Buss, Peter


    A 52-month-old Canadian beaver was presented for treatment of lip trauma resulting from overgrowth of the right mandibular incisor tooth following earlier loss of the right maxillary incisor tooth. Extraction of the affected tooth was considered, but rejected due to the length of the embedded portion of rodent mandibular incisor teeth. The lip injury was managed by crown reduction (odontoplasty) of the overgrowing incisor tooth pending a more permanent treatment plan. A 2-cm apicoectomy of the right mandibular incisor tooth was performed to arrest growth of the tooth when the beaver was 82-months-old. The remainder of the tooth continued to erupt and was completely expelled during a 9-month period with one additional odontoplasty being required. The beaver continued to feed normally with just the left maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth until its death at 118-months, with odontoplasty performed twice on the remaining incisor teeth during the 30-months following exfoliation.

  5. Evaluation of mandibular morphology in different facial types

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    Rajat Mangla


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate mandibular morphology in different facial types using various parameters. This study was conducted on lateral cephalograms of a total of 110 subjects, which included 55 males and 55 females between the age of 18-25 years having a mean of 22.3 years for males and 21.5 years for females. The sample was divided into normodivergent, hypodivergent, and hyperdivergent subgroups based on Jarabak′s ratio. Symphysis height, depth, ratio (height/depth and angle, antegonial notch depth, ramal height and width, mandibular depth, upper, lower, and total gonial angle, and mandibular arc angle were analyzed statistically and graphically. It was found that the mandible with the vertical growth pattern was associated with a symphysis with large height, small depth, large ratio, small angle, decreased ramus height and width, smaller mandibular depth, increased gonial angle, and decreased mandibular arc angle in contrast to mandible with a horizontal growth pattern. Sexual dichotomy was found with mean symphysis height and depth in the female sample being smaller than in the male sample, but symphysis ratio was larger in the female sample; males having greater ramus height and width, mandibular depth than females. The mandible seemed to have retained its infantile characteristics with all its processes underdeveloped in hyperdivergent group.

  6. Relationship between cervical vertebral maturation and mandibular growth. (United States)

    Ball, Gina; Woodside, Donald; Tompson, Bryan; Hunter, W Stuart; Posluns, James


    The cervical vertebrae have been proposed as a method of determining biologic maturity. The purposes of this study were to establish a pattern of mandibular growth and to relate this pattern to the stages of cervical vertebral maturation. Cephalometric radiographs, taken annually from ages 9 to 18 years, were evaluated for 90 boys from the Burlington Growth Center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mandibular lengths were measured from articulare to gnathion, and incremental growth was determined. Cervical vertebral maturation stages were assessed by using a 6-stage method. Advanced, average, and delayed maturation groups were established. The prepubertal mandibular growth minimum velocity occurred during cervical stages 1 through 4 (P = 0.7327). Peak mandibular growth velocity occurred most frequently during stage 4 in all 3 maturation groups, with a statistical difference in the average and delayed groups (P cervical stages 1 through 6 does not occur annually; time spent in each stage varies depending on the stage and the maturation group. Cervical vertebral maturation stages cannot accurately identify the mandibular prepubertal growth minimum and therefore cannot predict the onset of the peak in mandibular growth. The cervical vertebral maturation stages should be used with other methods of biologic maturity assessment when considering both dentofacial orthopedic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Impacted mandibular third molars and their influence on mandibular angle and condyle fractures--a retrospective study. (United States)

    Gaddipati, Rajasekhar; Ramisetty, Sudhir; Vura, Nandagopal; Kanduri, Rajeev Reddy; Gunda, Vinay Kumar


    Previous retrospective analyses prove that impacted mandibular third molars (M3s) increase the risk of angle fractures and decrease the risk of concomitant fractures to the condyle. A retrospective cohort was designed for patients reported to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery from January 2011 till June 2013. The study variables are presence or absence of third molar, if it is present, their position, classified using the Pell and Gregory system; angulation, classified using Shiller's method. The outcome variables were angle and condyle fractures. Hospital records and panoramic radiographs were used to determine and classify these variables. The study sample comprised of 118 mandibular angle and condyle fractures in 110 patients. Database was constructed and analysed using SPSS version 10.0. This present retrospective study concluded that the presence of impacted third molar predisposes the angle to fracture and reduces the risk of a concomitant condylar fracture. However absence of impacted third molar increases the risk of condylar fracture. The highest incidence of angle fracture was observed in position A impacted mandibular third molars. And there is no significant relationship, concerning ramus position and angulation of impacted mandibular third molars with the angle fracture. Copyright © 2014 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Resolution of neurosensory deficit after mandibular orthognathic surgery: A prospective longitudinal study. (United States)

    Alolayan, Albraa Badr; Leung, Yiu Yan


    To investigate the longitudinal resolution of neurosensory deficit (NSD) and the possible risk factors that might contribute to NSD following mandibular orthognathic procedures. A prospective longitudinal observational study on patients who had mandibular orthognathic procedures was performed. Standardized neurosensory assessments were performed. The 2 years longitudinal resolution and risk factors of NSD including patients' age and gender, specific mandibular procedures and surgeons' experience were analyzed. 66 patients (44 females) with 132 sides of mandibular procedures were enrolled in the study. Surgical procedures included mandibular ramus surgery, anterior mandibular surgery, or the combination of the two. The overall occurrences of subjective NSD improved from 78.8% at postoperative 2 weeks to 13.8% at post-operative 2 years. Combinations of ramus surgery and anterior mandibular surgery increased the risk of NSD at the first three post-operative months (p orthognathic surgery. The occurrence of NSD after mandibular orthognathic procedures reduced progressively within the post-operative 2 years. Combination of mandibular ramus surgery and anterior mandibular surgery increased the risk of NSD in the early post-operative period. Copyright © 2017 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Morphometric study on mandibular foramen and incidence of accessory mandibular foramen in mandibles of south Indian population and its clinical implications in inferior alveolar nerve block. (United States)

    Shalini, R; RaviVarman, C; Manoranjitham, R; Veeramuthu, M


    The mandibular foramen is a landmark for procedures like inferior alveolar nerve block, mandibular implant treatment, and mandibular osteotomies. The present study was aimed to identify the precise location of the mandibular foramen and the incidence of accessory mandibular foramen in dry adult mandibles of South Indian population. The distance of mandibular foramen from the anterior border of the ramus, posterior border of the ramus, mandibular notch, base of the mandible, third molar, and apex of retromolar trigone was measured with a vernier caliper in 204 mandibles. The mean distance of mandibular foramen from the anterior border of ramus of mandible was 17.11±2.74 mm on the right side and 17.41±3.05 mm on the left side, from posterior border was 10.47±2.11 mm on the right side and 9.68±2.03 mm on the left side, from mandibular notch was 21.74±2.74 mm on the right side and 21.92±3.33 mm on the left side, from the base of the ramus was 22.33±3.32 mm on the right side and 25.35±4.5 mm on the left side, from the third molar tooth was 22.84±3.94 mm on the right side and 23.23±4.21 mm on the left side, from the apex of retromolar trigone was 12.27±12.13 mm on the right side and 12.13±2.35 mm on the left side. Accessory mandibular foramen was present in 32.36% of mandibles. Knowledge of location mandibular foramen is useful to the maxillofacial surgeons, oncologists and radiologists.

  10. Mandibular advancement appliance for obstructive sleep apnoea

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petri, Niels; Svanholt, Palle; Solow, Beni


    The aim of this trial was to evaluate the efficacy of a mandibular advancement appliance (MAA) for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Ninety-three patients with OSA and a mean apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) of 34.7 were centrally randomised into three, parallel groups: (a) MAA; (b) mandibular non...

  11. Occlusal plane rotation: aesthetic enhancement in mandibular micrognathia. (United States)

    Rosen, H M


    Patients afflicted with extreme degrees of mandibular micrognathia typically have vertically deficient rami as well as sagittally deficient mandibular bodies. This results in deficient posterior facial height, an obtuse gonial angle, excessively steep occlusal and mandibular planes, and a compensatory increase in anterior facial height. The entire maxillomandibular complex is overrotated in a clockwise direction. Standard orthognathic surgical correction fails to address this rotational deformity. As a consequence, the achieved projection of the lower face is inadequate, posterior facial height is further reduced, and occlusal and mandibular planes remain steep. Eleven patients with severe mandibular micrognathia underwent a surgical correction involving occlusal plane rotation to its normal orientation relative to Frankfort horizontal. This was accomplished by Le Fort I osteotomy to shorten the anterior maxilla (creating open bites in seven patients and making preexisting open bites worse in four patients) and sagittal split ramus osteotomies to advance and rotate the mandibular body counterclockwise, thus closing the surgically produced open bite. Counterclockwise rotation of the mandible afforded significantly greater sagittal displacement at the B point (mean 17 mm) than at the first molar (mean 10 mm) and produced adequate degrees of projection of the lower face when accompanied by a modest sliding genioplasty (mean 6.9 mm). Total advancement at the pogonion was a mean of 25.2 mm. In addition, posterior facial height was preserved, and mandibular and occlusal planes were normalized to mean angles of 27 and 10 degrees, respectively. At follow-up, which ranged from 9 to 24 months with a mean of 14.1 months, the mean sagittal relapse at the B point was 1.9 mm. Although heretofore considered unstable and therefore not clinically accepted, maxillomandibular counterclockwise rotation to normalize the occlusal plane rotational deformity provides stable, aesthetically

  12. Sexual dimorphism of the internal mandibular chamber in Fayum Pliohyracidae (Mammalia) (United States)

    de Blieux, D.D.; Baumrind, M.R.; Simons, E.L.; Chatrath, P.S.; Meyer, G.E.; Attia, Y.S.


    An internal mandibular fenestra and chamber are found in many fossil hyracoids. The internal mandibular fenestra is located on the lingual surface of the mandibular corpus and opens into a chamber within the mandible. The mandibular chamber is maximally developed in late Eocene Thyrohyrax meyeri and early Oligocene Thyrohyrax domorictus from the Fayum Province of Egypt. The function of this chamber is unknown as it is not found in extant hyraxes, nor is it known to occur in any other mammal. In Thyrohyrax, this feature appears to be sexually dimorphic because it is confined to roughly one half of the specimens that otherwise cannot be separated by dental characteristics or measurements. It has been suggested that the chamber is found in females based on the presumed distribution of this character in other fossil hyracoids. Fossils from Fayum Quarry L-41, preserving the sexually dimorphic anterior dentition, show that, in Thyrohyrax meyeri and Thyrohyrax domorictus, the internal mandibular chamber is found in males. In Thyrohyrax litholagus, an internal mandibular fenestra and inflated mandibular chamber occurs in males whereas females show the variable presence of an internal mandibular fossa or fenestra but lack an expanded chamber. Other genera show differing patterns of sexual variation in which some Fayum hyracoids have an internal mandibular fenestra in both sexes but with the greatest development of the mandibular chamber occurring in males. We review functions proposed for the internal mandibular chamber and suggest that it housed a laryngeal air sac that may have had a vocal function by acting as a resonating chamber. ?? 2006 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.

  13. Mandibular Condyle Fractures and Treatment Modalities

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    Halil ibrahim Kisa


    Full Text Available Maxillofacial injuries are most commonly associated with falls, motor and vehicle accidents, sports-related trauma, and interpersonel violence. The complexity of mandibular condyle region and its anatomic proximity to other craniofacial structures complicate diagnosis and treatment. Thus, treatment approaches of mandibular condyle fracture are still controversial. In the literature, different success rates are reported about observation versus treatment, closed reduction versus open reduction and fixation methods. In the present article, controversial issues related to mandibular condyle fractures were reviewed under the light of current literature. In conclusion, the simplest way that can be done with the least risk of complication should be chosen during treatment planning. In addition, current adjunctive treatment methods accelerating healing of fracture should be considered. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2014; 23(4.000: 658-671

  14. A new technique for mandibular osteotomy

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    Puricelli Edela


    Full Text Available Abstract Sagittal split osteotomy (SSO is a surgical technique largely employed for mandibular mobilizations in orthognatic procedures. However, the traditional design of buccal osteotomy, located at the junction of mandibular ramus and body, may prevent more extensive sliding between the bone segments, particularly on the advance, laterality and verticality of the mandibular body. The author proposes a new technical and conceptual solution, in which osteotomy is performed in a more distal region, next to the mental formamen. Technically, the area of contact between medullary-cancellous bone surfaces is increased, resulting in larger sliding rates among bone segments; it also facilitates the use of rigid fixation systems, with miniplates and monocortical screws. Conceptually, it interferes with the resistance arm of the mandible, seen as an interpotent lever of the third gender.

  15. Disfunción de la articulación temporomandibular en pacientes con artritis reumatoide

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    Norma Guadalupe Ibáñez-Mancera


    Full Text Available La artritis reumatoide (AR es una enfermedad sistémica crónica inflamatoria caracterizada por una respuesta inmune patogénica que ocasiona daño articular el cual puede ser incapacitante e incluso condicionar una muerte prematura. Entre las articulaciones afectadas puede encontrarse la articulación temporomandibular (ATM ocasionando dolor, crepitación, inflamación y limitación de los movimientos mandibulares. La disfunción de la ATM es una entidad muy común, por lo que el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar en qué medida los pacientes con AR tienen afección de la ATM comparado con pacientes sanos e identificar las principales diferencias en la presentación clínica, para lo cual se realizó un estudio de casos y controles. Se incluyeron 37 pacientes en cada grupo. En el grupo de pacientes con AR se encontró una afección de la ATM en el 75% de los pacientes (28 casos, mientras que en el grupo control solo el 13,5% (5 casos. Los hallazgos identificados en el grupo de pacientes con AR y disfunción de ATM fueron principalmente desviación mandibular, ruidos articulares, pérdida dental, dolor articular y limitación de la apertura. En este estudio se pudo identificar que existe un riesgo 82% (OR 19,9, IC = 0,71-0,89 veces mayor de desarrollar disfunción de ATM en pacientes con AR comparado con pacientes sanos, por lo que resulta de suma importancia realizar revisiones periódicas de la ATM con el fin de identificar signos y síntomas tempranos para así evitar la progresión de la disfunción, lo cual se verá reflejado en una mejor nutrición y calidad de vida del paciente.

  16. Caracterización clínica de pacientes parcialmente desdentados con disfunciones articulares

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    Marcia Hortensia Corona Carpio


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 374 desdentados parciales con disfunción mandibular, quienes acudieron al servicio de prótesis Estomatológica de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba desde octubre de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para determinar la presencia de ruidos articulares en su articulación temporomandibular. Entre los principales resultados prevalecieron el sexo femenino, el grupo etario de 20-29 años y como manifestaciones clínicas de disfunción articular: el sonido articular en forma de chasquido al inicio y final de la apertura bucal (51,6 y 38,7 %, respectivamente, así como la desviación mandibular (42,4 %

  17. Cirugía de torus mandibular

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    Manuel Ramon Osorio Castillo


    Full Text Available ResumenLos huesos maxilares no son ajenos a las patologías que se pueden presentar en el sistema esquelético. Algunas de esas condiciones y patologías son singulares por sus características clínicas, su distribución y prevalencia. Los torus palatinos, los torus mandibulares (TM y las exostosis de los maxilares son un claro ejemplo de ellos. Hasta la presente existen ideas especulativas acerca de su etiopatogenia, de los factores asociados, de su incidencia y prevalencia, de su necesidad de tratamiento, lo que puede crear confusión entre los clínicos tanto en diagnóstico como en el manejo.El torus como tumor óseo benigno puede localizarse en el maxilar a nivel del paladar, o en la mandíbula a nivel de las tablas internas; o puede aparecer en cualquier parte del esqueleto. El TM es una exostosis o crecimiento óseo en la superficie lingual de la mandíbula. Este crecimiento ocurre generalmente cerca de la línea milohioidea, opuesto a los premolares, pero se puede extender del canino al primer molar. La mucosa que los recubre tiende a ser fina y no tolera por lo general las fuerzas de las prótesis que se colocan encima de ellos. La incidencia del torus de la mandíbula es baja en el 6% a 12.5% entre caucásicos y en los habitantes de la llanura africana. De manera contraria, algunos autores reportan una prevalencia mucho más elevada en la Costa Atlántica Colombiana.Se presenta el caso de un paciente con torus mandibulares bilaterales, con muchos años de crecimiento, hasta que por situaciones tanto fonéticas como de ulceraciones repetitivas decidió someterse al acto quirúrgico de forma bilateral. Se presentan algunas consideraciones para el manejo de esta. (Duazary 2008; 111-114AbstractThe jawbone is not a strange to the pathologies that can occur in the skeletal system. Some of these terms and conditions are unique for their clinical features, distribution and prevalence. The torus palate, jawbone torus (TM in spanish and

  18. Maxillary-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandibular distraction for hemifacial microsomia. (United States)

    Nakajima, Hideo; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Tamada, Ikkei; Ogata, Hisao; Kishi, Kazuo; Sakamoto, Teruo


    We treat hemifacial microsomia with a combination of surgery and orthodontic treatment during the growth period, resulting in early improvement in facial asymmetry and the induction of normal growth. We previously used gradual distraction of the mandibular ramus for Pruzansky's type II classification (Pruzansky, 1969). In type II cases, the maxilla should also be treated actively as, using this technique, improvement of the occlusal plane is difficult to achieve, resulting in a cross bite and difficulties in post-operative orthodontic treatment-especially in older patients. Morphologically, the mandibular angle region of the operative side is flat, and the angle of the mouth remains elevated. We performed mandibular-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandibular distraction while the occlusion was maintained using intermaxillary anchorage. However, mandibular-driven distraction tended to elongate the face because the mandible only elongated downwards and the mandibular ramus did not reach the glenoid. Furthermore, external distraction devices produce significant distress for patients until removal of the device and cause scars on the face. We developed a new internal distraction device with a variable angle and performed maxillary-driven simultaneous maxillo-mandibular distraction using this device. The result was morphologically satisfactory and solved the above problems. Because the patient was in the growth period, careful follow-up and induction to normal growth were important while the inferior growth of the affected side was monitored. Copyright © 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Radiologic study of mandibular third molar of Korean youths

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahn, Hyung Kyu


    The author has made a study on the classification of the mandibular 3rd molars of Korean youths through dental radiography by means of Pell and Gregory's classification and on the prevalence of the dental caries of distal surface of the mandibular 2nd molar adjacent to the mandibular 3rd molars turned anteriorly. The results are as follow; 1. It was found that the largest case number was class I (272 cases, 52.9%) in the relation of the tooth to the ramus of the mandible and 2nd molar. 2. The mesio-angular position was the largest number (239 cases, 46.5%) in the relation of the long axis of the impacted mandibular 3rd molar to the long axis of the 2nd molar. 3. The mesio-angular position of class I was the largest number (140 cases, 27.2%) in the relation of the tooth to the ramus of the mandible and 2nd molar and the long axis of the impacted mandibular 3rd moral to the long axis of the 2nd molar. 4. The average angle of the long axis of mandibular 3rd molar in mesioangular position or horizontal position to the occlusal plane was 143 W 5. Mandibular 3rd molar with lesion such as dental cries or pericoronitis was 73 cases (14.2). 6. The caries incidence rate of the distal surface of the 2nd molar was about 3.1%.

  20. Osteochondroma involving mandibular condyle

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    Latika Bachani


    Full Text Available Osteochondroma is defined as an osteocartilagenous exostosis with cartilage capped exophytic lesion that arises from the bone cortex. It is a slow growing benign tumor that is rarely seen in the maxillofacial region. Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle is a relatively rare condition that causes a progressive enlargement of the condyle, usually resulting in facial asymmetry, temporomandibular joint (TMJ dysfunction and malocclusion. Radiographically, there is a unilaterally enlarged condyle usually with an exophytic growth of the tumor from the condylar head. The treatment of osteochondroma is primarily surgical resection of the tumor. This paper reports a case of osteochondroma of the right mandibular condyle presenting as a painless restricted mouth opening.

  1. Mandibular kinematics after orthognathic surgical treatment a pilot study. (United States)

    Sforza, Chiarella; Ugolini, Alessandro; Rocchetta, Davide; Galante, Domenico; Mapelli, Andrea; Giannì, Aldo Bruno


    We recorded three-dimensional mandibular movements, while the mouth was being opened and closed, using an optoelectronic motion analyser in 14 patients (5 skeletal Class II, 9 skeletal Class III) who were being assessed 7-49 months after orthognathic operations, and in 44 healthy subjects. All 14 patients had satisfactory healing on clinical examination, and function had been restored. Mandibular movement was divided into its rotational and translational components. On maximum mouth opening, the patients had significantly less total displacement of the mandibular interincisor point (p=0.05), and more mandibular movement that was explained by pure condylar rotation (p=0.006), than control subjects. There was no significant relation between maximum mouth opening and percentage rotation. While mandibular motion was well restored clinically by orthognathic surgery, the kinematics of the joint were modified. Larger studies and longitudinal investigations are necessary to appreciate the clinical relevance of the variations in condylar rotational and translational components.

  2. Fixation of zygomatic and mandibular fractures with biodegradable plates


    Degala, Saikrishna; Shetty, Sujeeth; Ramya, S


    Context: In this prospective study, 13 randomly selected patients underwent treatment for zygomatic?complex fractures (2 site fractures) and mandibular fractures using 1.5 / 2 / 2.5-mm INION CPS biodegradable plates and screws. Aims: To assess the fixation of zygomatic-complex and mandibular fractures with biodegradable copolymer osteosynthesis system. Materials and Methods: In randomly selected 13 patients, zygomatic-complex and mandibular fractures were plated using resorbable plates and sc...

  3. Algorithm of imaging modalities in cases of mandibular fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mihailova, H.


    Mandibular fracture is the most common bone fracture of maxillo-facial trauma. Up to now the main method for examination of the mandible is radiography. The aim of the issue is to present an algorithm of imaging modalities for investigation of patients in cases of mandibular trauma. It consists of series of X ray techniques and views of the facial skull named mandibulo-facial. This standardizes mandibulo-facial series includes exactly determined four projections done by conventional X ray techniques: posterior-anterior view of skull (PA or AP), oblique view of the left mandible; oblique view of the right mandible; occipito-mental view. Using these four planned radiograms is obligatory for each mandibular trauma. Panoramic X-ray is obligatory in cases of apparatus availability; this abolish only oblique views (left and right). Occipito-mental view of the skull gives anatomically better the coronoid process of the mandible, the zygoma complex, the orbital edges and maxillar sinus than Waters projection. So mandibulo-facial series of four planned radiograms is not only for diagnostic of mandibular fractures, but as a screening of mandibulo-facial trauma too. Thus using algorithm of imaging modalities in cases of mandibular fracture leads to optimization of diagnostic process in patients with mandibular trauma. (author)

  4. Chincup treatment modifies the mandibular shape in children with prognathism. (United States)

    Alarcón, José Antonio; Bastir, Markus; Rosas, Antonio; Molero, Julia


    Although chincups are the preferred treatment for growing children with mandibular prognathism, the mechanism by which chincups improve this condition remains unclear. The aim of this study was to use geometric morphometrics to evaluate changes in the shape of the mandible of prognathic children treated with a chincup. Geometric morphometrics were used to evaluate the short-term mandibular shape changes in 50 prognathic children treated with chincups compared with 40 untreated matched controls. Twenty-one 2-dimensional mandibular landmarks from cephalograms taken before and after 36 months of treatment or observation were analyzed by Procrustes superimposition and thin plate spline. Permutation tests of the treated patients showed highly significant differences in the mandibular shapes before and after treatment, and compared with the control group after the observation period. The thin plate spline grid deformations indicated more rectangular mandibular configuration, forward condyle orientation, condyle neck compression, gonial area compression, and symphysis narrowing. Early chincup treatment widely modifies the mandibular shape of prognathic children to improve Class III malocclusion. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Augmented mandibular bone structurally adapts to functional loading

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhoeven, J. W.; Ruijter, J. M.; Koole, R.; de Putter, C.; Terlou, M.; Cune, M. S.


    Long-term changes in trabecular bone structure during the 10 years following onlay grafting with simultaneous mandibular implant placement were studied. Extraoral radiographs of both mandibular sides in eight patients were taken regularly. Bone structure was analysed using a custom-written image

  6. Diagnostic ability of panoramic radiography for mandibular fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ji Hyun; Jung, Yun Hoa; Cho Bong Hae; Hwang, Dae Seok


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of panoramic radiographs for detection of mandibular fractures. The sample was comprised of 65 patients (55 fractured, 10 non-fractured) with 92 fracture sites confirmed by multi-detector computed tomography (CT). Panoramic radiographs were evaluated for mandibular fractures by six examiners; two oral and maxillofacial radiologists (observer A and B), two oral and maxillofacial surgeons (observer C and D), and two general dentists (observer E and F). Sensitivity of panoramic radiography for mandibular fractures was 95.7% in observer A and B, 93.5% in observer C and D and 80.4% in observer E and F. The lowest sensitivity was shown in symphyseal/parasymphyseal areas, followed by subcondylar/condylar regions. Panoramic radiography is adequate for detection of mandibular fractures. However, additional multidetector CT is recommended to ascertain some indecisive fractures of symphysis and condyle, and in complicated fractures.

  7. Diagnostic ability of panoramic radiography for mandibular fractures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Ji Hyun; Jung, Yun Hoa; Cho Bong Hae; Hwang, Dae Seok [School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of panoramic radiographs for detection of mandibular fractures. The sample was comprised of 65 patients (55 fractured, 10 non-fractured) with 92 fracture sites confirmed by multi-detector computed tomography (CT). Panoramic radiographs were evaluated for mandibular fractures by six examiners; two oral and maxillofacial radiologists (observer A and B), two oral and maxillofacial surgeons (observer C and D), and two general dentists (observer E and F). Sensitivity of panoramic radiography for mandibular fractures was 95.7% in observer A and B, 93.5% in observer C and D and 80.4% in observer E and F. The lowest sensitivity was shown in symphyseal/parasymphyseal areas, followed by subcondylar/condylar regions. Panoramic radiography is adequate for detection of mandibular fractures. However, additional multidetector CT is recommended to ascertain some indecisive fractures of symphysis and condyle, and in complicated fractures.

  8. Autotransplantation of Mandibular Third Molar: A Case Report

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    Pabbati Ravi kumar


    Full Text Available Autogenous transplantation is a feasible, fast, and economical option for the treatment of nonsalvageable teeth when a suitable donor tooth is available. This paper presents successful autotransplantation of a mature mandibular left third molar (38 without anatomical variances is used to replace a mandibular left second molar (37. The mandibular second molar was nonrestorable due to extensive root caries and resorption of distal root. After extraction of mandibular second and third molars, root canal therapy was done for the third molar extraorally, and the tooth was reimplanted into the extracted socket of second molar site. After one year, clinical and radiographic examination revealed satisfactory outcome with no signs or symptoms suggestive of pathology. In selected cases, autogenous tooth transplantation, even after complete root formation of the donor tooth, may be considered as a practical treatment alternative to conventional prosthetic rehabilitation or implant treatment.

  9. Eosinophilic granuloma of the mandibular condyle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huh, Kyung Hoe; Yi, Won Jin; Oh, Sung Won; Lee, Sam Sun; Choi, Mun Kyung


    The present study reports a case of eosinophilic granuloma of the mandibular condyle. Eosinophilic granulomas on the mandibular condyle are very rare, but there are several common clinical and radiographic presentations. The clinical presentations involve swelling on preauricular area, limitation of opening, TMJ pain, etc. The radiographic presentations involve radiolucent lytic condylar lesion with or without pathologic fracture. Sometimes new bone formations are observed. The purpose of the article is to add new cases to the literatures.

  10. Eosinophilic granuloma of the mandibular condyle

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huh, Kyung Hoe; Yi, Won Jin; Oh, Sung Won; Lee, Sam Sun [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, and Dental Research Institute, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Mun Kyung [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Medicine, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The present study reports a case of eosinophilic granuloma of the mandibular condyle. Eosinophilic granulomas on the mandibular condyle are very rare, but there are several common clinical and radiographic presentations. The clinical presentations involve swelling on preauricular area, limitation of opening, TMJ pain, etc. The radiographic presentations involve radiolucent lytic condylar lesion with or without pathologic fracture. Sometimes new bone formations are observed. The purpose of the article is to add new cases to the literatures.

  11. Mandibular fracture cases in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Rafael Silva da Silva


    Full Text Available Objectives: To analyze the data in the literature, which show a high incidence of mandibular fractures. The aim of this research was to elucidate the context in which these fractures occur among patients attended at the first aid center of “Pronto Socorro Municipal de Pelotas”, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: From the records referring to the period of June, 2001 to August, 2007, there were 1 345 patients with facial fractures. Of this total, 116 patients with mandibular fracture were selected for this study and the items analysed were: age, gender, mandibular fracture site, etiology and period of the year. Results: It was found that 86.2% of the sample were men. The most prevalent age was 20 to 29 years old representing 36.2%, and the most affected mandibular sites were the body, with 29 cases (25%, and the condyle, with 26 cases (22.4%. The most common cause of fractures was the physical aggression representing 37.1%. The period of the year with the highest incidence of mandibular fractures was the summer, with 38 cases (32.8%. Conclusion: It was therefore observed that the patients with mandibular fracture assisted at Pronto-Socorro Municipal de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were generally men, 20 to 29 years old with mandibular body fracture and they were victims of physical aggression.

  12. Early Loaded Single Implant Reinforced Mandibular Overdenture

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    K. Nischal


    Full Text Available Rehabilitating atrophied mandible with two-implant supported denture is a common treatment modality for implant retained removable overdenture in mandible. This paper aims to design a treatment modality where single implant reinforced overdenture is fabricated for a severely atrophied mandibular ridge with early loading protocol. Results of studies have shown that a single implant mandibular overdenture significantly increases the satisfaction and quality of life of patients with edentulism. Midline fracture of the prosthesis is the most common complication related to single implant and two-implant retained mandibular overdentures. To manage such complication, a thin metal mesh is used to reinforce the overdenture and also to make the prostheses lighter and cost effective as compared to conventional cast metal framework.

  13. Intraoperative monitoring of marginal mandibular nerve during neck dissection. (United States)

    Tirelli, Giancarlo; Bergamini, Pier Riccardo; Scardoni, Alessandro; Gatto, Annalisa; Boscolo Nata, Francesca; Marcuzzo, Alberto Vito


    The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of intraoperative nerve integrity monitoring (NIM) to prevent marginal mandibular nerve injuries during neck dissection. This prospective study compared 36 patients undergoing NIM-assisted neck dissection from July 2014 to March 2015 to a cohort of 35 patients subjected to neck dissection over an identical period of time before the technique was introduced. We also assessed possible correlations between marginal mandibular nerve injuries and other factors, such as anthropometric measurements, presence of clinical neck metastases, type of neck dissection, and site of primary tumor. The incidence of marginal mandibular nerve paralyses was significantly lower among the group of patients undergoing NIM-assisted neck dissection (P = .021). There was no significant difference in the duration of the procedure, and the technique resulted in a limited increase of cost. No other factor seemed to influence the onset of marginal mandibular nerve palsy. In our opinion, NIM is a valuable aid for preventing marginal mandibular nerve injuries during neck dissection. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Radiographic Localization of the Mental Foramen and Mandibular Canal

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    Farzaneh Afkhami


    Full Text Available Objective: Accurately localizing the mental foramen and mandibular canal is important when administering local anesthesia and performing surgery; therefore, knowing the normal range of the possible locations is essential. Our purpose was to assess the location of the mental foramen and mandibular canal in an Iranian population using panoramic radiography.Materials and Methods: Standard panoramic radiographies were performed. The positions of 100 mental foramens were evaluated. The distances from the center of the mental foramen to the superior and inferior borders of the mandible and to the apexes of the first and second premolar were measured. The distance of the mental foramens from the mandibular midline and the diameter of the mandibular canal in the mental foramen connection were also measured.Results: Among 100 mental foramens, 6% were positioned under the first premolar, 24% were between the first and second premolars, 67% were under the second premolar, and the remaining 3% were behind the second premolar. The mean distance from the mental foramen to the mandibular midline was 27.77±3.20 mm. The mean diameter of the mandibular canal in the mental foramen connection was 3.09±0.69mm.Conclusion: The mental foramen was near the second premolar and the inferior border of the mandible. This information can be used to perform safer mental nerve blocks in surgical interventions.

  15. 21 CFR 874.3695 - Mandibular implant facial prosthesis. (United States)


    ... made of materials such as stainless steel, tantalum, titanium, cobalt-chromium based alloy... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Mandibular implant facial prosthesis. 874.3695... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 874.3695 Mandibular implant...

  16. Penetration of flomoxef into human maxillary and mandibular bones. (United States)

    Igawa, H H; Sugihara, T; Yoshida, T; Kawashima, K; Ohura, T


    Penetration of flomoxef into the maxillary and mandibular bones was assayed clinically to provide data about its usefulness for the prevention of postoperative infection after maxillofacial surgery. Twenty-one patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery at our department were given flomoxef 2 g dissolved in 20 ml of physiological saline intravenously over 3 minutes during operation, and the serum, maxillary and mandibular concentrations were measured 1, 3, and 6 hours after injection by the band culture method using Escherichia coli 7437 as the indicator strain. The mean concentrations were 53.4, 16.1, and 2.6 micrograms/ml, respectively, in the serum, 17.6, 7.8, and 1.0 micrograms/g in maxillary bone, and 16.4, 4.2, and 0.9 micrograms/g in mandibular bone. The mean bone:serum ratios at 1, 3, and 6 hours were 33.0%, 48.2%, and 36.8%, respectively, for maxillary bone, and 30.7%, 26.2%, and 35.7% for mandibular bone. When compared with previously reported data on the bone:serum ratios in jaw of various other intravenous antibiotics, our results show that penetration of flomoxef into maxillary and mandibular bone is extremely high. As all the intramaxillary and intramandibular concentrations exceed its MIC80 values against clinical isolates of bacteria frequently isolated in cases of infection in the oral and maxillofacial region, it is apparent that one intravenous shot of flomoxef 2 g allows penetration of the drug into the maxillary and mandibular bones at effective concentrations. Flomoxef is therefore potentially useful for the prevention and treatment of infections in the oral and maxillofacial region, as it has excellent penetration into the maxillary and mandibular bones.

  17. Intermaxillary Fixation Screw Morbidity in Treatment of Mandibular Fractures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Florescu, Vlad-Andrei; Kofod, Thomas; Pinholt, Else Marie


    Purpose The aim of the present retrospective study was to investigate the morbidity of screws used for intermaxillary fixation (IMF) in the treatment of mandibular fractures. A review of the published data was also performed for a comparison of outcomes. Our hypothesis was that the use of screws...... for IMF of mandibular fractures would result in minimal morbidity. Materials and Methods Patients treated for mandibular fractures from 2007 to 2013, using screws for IMF, using the international diagnosis code for mandibular fracture, DS026, were anonymously selected (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial...... Surgery, Rigshospitalet, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark). The fracture type, radiographic findings, treatment modality, screw type and number, and root damage were recorded. For the outcome comparison, a review of the published data regarding iatrogenic dental root damage caused...

  18. [A toddler with a mandibular fracture]. (United States)

    van der Linden, E L; Bun, R J; van Os, E


    Mandibular fractures are rare in children. Symptoms of these fractures include preauricular pain and swelling, trismus and pain when opening the mouth, and they are often preceded by a fall on the chin. If the diagnosis is missed they may have serious consequences for the growth and development of the jaw. A 3-year-old boy was referred with a swelling in his left cheek, fever and vomiting. Two days earlier he had fallen on his chin. At physical examination he had severe preauricular pain on palpation and a trismus. The patient was admitted because of suspicion of a viral parotitis and the threat of dehydration. After discharge, he went to the dentist for examination of a molar that was painful to the touch. The dentist performed an orthopantomogram and discovered a fracture of the left mandibular collum. Any child with trauma to the chin should be observed for symptoms of a mandibular fracture, and if it seems necessary non-invasive radiographic examination should be performed.

  19. Trigeminocardiac reflex by mandibular extension on rat pial microcirculation: role of nitric oxide.

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    Dominga Lapi

    Full Text Available In the present study we have extended our previous findings about the effects of 10 minutes of passive mandibular extension in anesthetized Wistar rats. By prolonging the observation time to 3 hours, we showed that 10 minutes mandibular extension caused a significant reduction of the mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate respect to baseline values, which persisted up to 160 minutes after mandibular extension. These effects were accompanied by a characteristic biphasic response of pial arterioles: during mandibular extension, pial arterioles constricted and after mandibular extension dilated for the whole observation period. Interestingly, the administration of the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone abolished the vasoconstriction observed during mandibular extension, while the administration of Nω-Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, abolished the vasodilation observed after mandibular extension. Either drug did not affect the reduction of mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate induced by mandibular extension. By qRT-PCR, we also showed that neuronal nitric oxide synthase gene expression was significantly increased compared with baseline conditions during and after mandibular extension and endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene expression markedly increased at 2 hours after mandibular extension. Finally, western blotting detected a significant increase in neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein expression. In conclusion mandibular extension caused complex effects on pial microcirculation involving opioid receptor activation and nitric oxide release by both neurons and endothelial vascular cells at different times.

  20. Coronal views of the paediatric mandibular condyle on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article highlights the importance of routinely reviewing the mandibular condyle on computerised tomography brain studies in a trauma setting, that often extends to involve the mandibular condyles in the scan parameters. We discuss 4 cases seen over the last 18 months at our institution, and review the relevant ...

  1. Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashish Kumar


    Full Text Available Osteochondroma (OC of the mandibular condyle is a relatively rare condition that causes a progressive enlargement of the condyle, usually resulting in facial asymmetry, temporomandibular joint (TMJ dysfunction, and malocclusion. Radiographically, there is a unilaterally enlarged condyle usually with an exophytic outgrowth of the tumor from the condylar head. We present a case of a left mandibular condylar OC that created a major facial asymmetry, malocclusion, and TMJ dysfunction. Discussion includes the rationale for treatment and the method used in this case. In actively growing OCs, surgical intervention is indicated to remove the tumor stopping the benign growth process and improve facial symmetry, occlusion, and jaw function.

  2. Orthodontic Extraction of High-Risk Impacted Mandibular Third Molars in Close Proximity to the Mandibular Canal: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Kalantar Motamedi, Mahmood Reza; Heidarpour, Majid; Siadat, Sara; Kalantar Motamedi, Alimohammad; Bahreman, Ali Akbar


    Extraction of mandibular third molars (M3s) in close proximity to the mandibular canal has some inherent risks to adjacent structures, such as neurologic damage to teeth, bone defects distal to the mandibular second molar (M2), or pathologic fractures in association with enlarged dentigerous cysts. The procedure for extrusion and subsequent extraction of high-risk M3s is called orthodontic extraction. This is a systematic review of the available approaches for orthodontic extraction of impacted mandibular M3s in close proximity to the mandibular canal and their outcomes. The PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), DOAJ, Google Scholar, OpenGrey, Iranian Science Information Database (SID), Iranmedex, and Irandoc databases were searched using specific keywords up to June 2, 2014. Studies were evaluated based on predetermined eligibility criteria, treatment approaches, and their outcomes. Thirteen articles met the inclusion criteria. A total of 123 impacted teeth were extracted by orthodontic extraction and 2 cases were complicated by transient paresthesia. Three types of biomechanical approaches were used: 1) using the posterior maxillary region as the anchor for orthodontic extrusion of lower M3s, 2) simple cantilever springs attached to the M3 buttonhole, and 3) cantilever springs tied to a bonded orthodontic bracket on the M3 plus multiple-loop spring wire for distal movement of the M3. Osteo-periodontal status of M2s also improved uneventfully. Despite the drawbacks of orthodontic extraction, removal of deeply impacted M3s using the described techniques is safe with regard to mandibular nerve injury and neurologic damage. Orthodontic extraction is recommended for extraction of impacted M3s that present a high risk of postoperative osteo-periodontal defects on the distal surface of the adjacent M2 and those associated with dentigerous cysts. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by

  3. Experimental occlusal interferences. Part V. Mandibular rotations versus hemimandibular translations. (United States)

    Christensen, L V; Rassouli, N M


    Frontal plane mandibular rotations and corresponding hemimandibular translations were studied in vitro by using direct observations of a human cadaver mandible and in vivo by using the indirect observations of rotational electrognathography. A comparison between the two methods showed that rotational electrognathography erred in measuring the clinically relevant hemimandibular translations resulting from mandibular rotations having a unilateral molar point (simulated occlusal interference) as the pivot of frontal plane torque. In vitro frontal plane rotations about a unilateral mandibular molar tooth (simulated occlusal interference) suggested that the resulting hemimandibular upward translations of the lateral portion of the mandibular condyle, contralateral to the molar tooth, would cause considerable compressive loading of the temporomandibular joint disc.

  4. Predicting pathology in impacted mandibular third molars

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aveek Mukherji


    Full Text Available Introduction: The rising incidence of the impacted mandibular third molars and their association with pathologies is now considered a public health problem. Aims and Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the position of impacted mandibular third molars that are prone to developing pathologies and to determine the frequency and type of pathological conditions associated with these impacted teeth to facilitate planning for their prophylactic removal. Materials and Methods: Consecutive panoramic radiographs and clinical examination of 300 patients with impacted mandibular third molars were collected. They were segregated according to Pell and Gregory’s classification, Winter’s classification, and according to their state of eruption. These were correlated with associated pathologies based on clinical and radiological criteria. Statistical Analysis Used: Descriptive statistics included computation of percentages, mean, and standard deviations. The statistical test applied for the analysis was Pearson’s Chi-square test (χ2. For this test, confidence interval and P value were set at 93% and ≤0.03, respectively. Results: The pathology most commonly associated with impacted third molars was pericoronitis, which had the highest frequency of occurrence in partially erupted, distoangular, and IA positioned (as per Pell and Gregory classification impacted teeth. Impacted mandibular third molars, which were in IA position, placed mesially, and partially erupted, were prone to develop pathologies such as dental caries and periodontitis. Conclusion: The clinical and radiographical features of impacted third molar may be correlated to the development of their pathological complications. The partially impacted mandibular third molars with mesioangularly aligned in IA position have the highest potential to cause pathological complications.

  5. Pediatric mandibular fractures: a free hand technique. (United States)

    Davison, S P; Clifton, M S; Davison, M N; Hedrick, M; Sotereanos, G


    The treatment of pediatric mandibular fractures is rare, controversial, and complicated by mixed dentition. To determine if open mandibular fracture repair with intraoral and extraoral rigid plate placement, after free hand occlusal and bone reduction, without intermaxillary fixation (IMF), is appropriate and to discuss postoperative advantages, namely, maximal early return of function and minimal oral hygiene issues. A group of 29 pediatric patients with a mandibular fracture were examined. Twenty pediatric patients (13 males and 7 females) with a mean age of 9 years (age range, 1-17 years) were treated using IMF. All patients were treated by the same surgeon (G.S.). Surgical time for plating was reduced by 1 hour, the average time to place patients in IMF. The patients who underwent open reduction internal fixation without IMF ate a soft mechanical diet by postoperative day 3 compared with postoperative day 16 for those who underwent IMF. Complication rates related to fixation technique were comparable at 20% for those who did not undergo IMF and 33% for those who did. We believe that free hand reduction is a valuable technique to reduce operative time for pediatric mandibular fractures. It maximizes return to function while minimizing the oral hygiene issues and hardware removal of intermaxillary function.

  6. Comparación biomecánica entre los sistemas convencionales y uni-lock en osteosíntesis del ángulo mandibular: Estudio fotoelástico Biomechanical comparison of the conventional and uni-lock systems for mandibular osteosynthesis: A photoelastic study

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    José Luis Cebrián-Carretero


    Full Text Available Introducción: Las implicaciones biomecánicas de la interacción de las placas y tornillos de titanio con la mandíbula fracturada no son del todo conocidas. Los modelos matemáticos desarrollados hasta hoy en día muestran ciertas limitaciones, y los estudios experimentales han fracasado en reproducir las fuerzas musculares y la distribución de las tensiones internas en la interfaz entre mandíbula e implante. Material y métodos: En el presente estudio, empleamos un simulador estático del sistema músculo-esquelético masticatorio para demostrar en réplicas mandibulares de resina epoxi, por medio de la fotoelasticidad tridimensional, la distribución de tensiones que se produce en fracturas del cuerpo mandibular tras la aplicación de diferentes métodos de osteosíntesis. Resultados: Los resultados muestran que el simulador y la fotoelasticidad 3D son útiles para estudiar las interacciones entre el hueso y el material de osteosíntesis. Los sistemas «lock» o bloqueados reflejaron la distribución de tensiones más favorable en la mandíbula de resina epoxi fracturada. Conclusiones: La fotoelasticidad tridimensional en modelos de resina epoxi es un método útil para evaluar la distribución de tensiones en una estructura para estudios biomecánicos. En lo que se refiere a la osteosíntesis mandibular, las placas tipo «lock» mostraron ser las menos agresivas para el hueso.Introduction: The biomechanical effects of the interaction between titanium plates and screws and the fractured mandible are not well known. The mathematical models that have been developed to date show limitations and the experimental studies fail in reproducing muscle forces and internal stress distributions in the bone-implant interface with the mandibular structure. Material and methods: In the present study we use a static simulator of the masticatory system to show, in epoxy resin mandibular models, by means of 3D (three-dimensional photoelasticity, the stress

  7. Radiographic evaluation of the course and visibility of the mandibular canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jung, Yun Hoa; Cho, Bong Hae


    This study was performed to investigate the course of the mandibular canal on panoramic radiography and the visibility of this canal on both panoramic radiography and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The study consisted of panoramic radiographs and CBCT images from 262 patients. The course of the mandibular canal, as seen in panoramic radiographs, was classified into four types: linear, elliptical, spoon-shaped, and turning curves. The visibility of this canal from the first to the third molar region was evaluated by visually determining whether the mandibular canal was clearly visible, probably visible, or invisible. The visibility of the canal on panoramic radiographs was compared with that on CBCT images. Elliptical curves were most frequently observed along the course of the mandibular canal. The percentage of clearly visible mandibular canals was the highest among the spoon-shaped curves and the lowest among the linear curves. On panoramic radiographs, invisible mandibular canals were found in 22.7% of the examined sites in the first molar region, 11.8% in the second molar region, and 1.3% in the third molar region. On CBCT cross-sectional images, the mandibular canal was invisible in 8.2% of the examined sites in the first molar region, 5.7% in the second molar region, and 0.2% in the third molar region. The visibility of this canal was lower in the first molar region than in the third molar region. The mandibular canal presented better visibility on CBCT images than on panoramic radiographs.

  8. Mandibular ramus fractures: a rarity. (United States)

    Kale, Tejraj Pundalik; Kotrashetti, S M; Louis, Archana; Lingaraj, J B; Sarvesh, B U


    To determine the incidence of mandibular ramus fractures in KLE's PK Hospital and to analyze the outcome of open reduction and internal fixation of these fractures. Using a retrospective study design, records of all trauma patients who reported to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, KLE's PK Hospital Belgaum, between the years January 2006 to October 2011 was obtained from the medical records office. The data variables that were analyzed were the name, age, sex, cause of injury, pretreatment occlusion, treatment given, period of MMF and post-treatment occlusion. Total number of mandibular fracture cases was 298. Ramus fractures were 10 in number which accounted for 3.3% of fractures. The age range of these 10 patients was seen to be between 20 to 80 years with the average age being 35.6 years. Of these 10 patients, 9 were male and 1 was female and 7 patients were treated by open reduction and internal fixation and the remaining 3 by closed reduction. The average period of MMF was 3 days for the patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation. There was improvement in occlusion in all 10 patients post-treatment and there was no complication reported in any of the cases. Ramus fractures accounted for 3.3% of all mandibular fractures. Open reduction and internal fixation of ramus fractures ensures adequate functional and anatomic reduction. This study makes an attempt to throw a light on the increasing incidence of ramus fractures and a successful management of these fractures by open reduction and internal fixation. How to cite this article: Kale TP, Kotrashetti SM, Louis A, Lingaraj JB, Sarvesh BU. Mandibular Ramus Fractures: A Rarity. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(1):39-42. Source of support: Nil Conflict of interest: None declared.

  9. Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome: Report of two cases. (United States)

    Abdalla, Wael; Panigrahy, Ashok; Bartoletti, Stefano C


    Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome (CCMS) is a rare syndrome that includes a constellation of mandibular hypoplasia and posterior rib defects as its basic features. Additional features can include hearing loss, tracheal cartilage abnormalities, scoliosis, elbow hypoplasia, and spina bifida. Here we report two cases of CCMS and discuss the reported long-term outcome of the disease.

  10. Pearls of mandibular trauma management. (United States)

    Koshy, John C; Feldman, Evan M; Chike-Obi, Chuma J; Bullocks, Jamal M


    Mandibular trauma is a common problem seen by plastic surgeons. When fractures occur, they have the ability to affect the patient's occlusion significantly, cause infection, and lead to considerable pain. Interventions to prevent these sequelae require either closed or open forms of reduction and fixation. Physicians determining how to manage these injuries should take into consideration the nature of the injury, background information regarding the patient's health, and the patient's comorbidities. Whereas general principles guide the management of the majority of injuries, special consideration must be paid to the edentulous patient, complex and comminuted fractures, and pediatric patients. These topics are discussed in this article, with a special emphasis on pearls of mandibular trauma management.

  11. Experimental occlusal interferences. Part III. Mandibular rotations induced by a rigid interference. (United States)

    Rassouli, N M; Christensen, L V


    A rigid intercuspal interference (minimum mean height of 0.24 mm) was placed on either the right or left mandibular second premolar and first molar of 12 subjects. During brisk and forceful biting on the interference, rotational electrognathography measured maximum torque of the right and left mandibular condyles in the frontal and horizontal planes of orientation. All subjects showed frontal plan upward rotation (mean of 0.7 degrees) of the mandibular condyle contralateral to the interference. In 33% of the subjects there was no horizontal plane backward rotation. In 58% of the subjects there was horizontal plane backward rotation (mean of 0.5 degrees) of the mandibular condyle ipsilateral to the interference, and in one subject (8%) there was backward horizontal plane rotation (0.1 degree) of the mandibular condyle contralateral to the interference. It was inferred that the masseter muscle, ipsilateral to the interference, generated negative work in order to decelerate frontal plane 'unseating' of the mandibular condyle ipsilateral to the interference. It was inferred that the masseter muscle, contralateral to the interference, produced positive work in order to accelerate frontal plane 'seating' of the mandibular condyle contralateral to the interference. Finally, it was speculated that the impact forces of frontal plane 'seating' of the mandibular condyle, contralateral to the interference, might lead to 'vacuum sticking' of the temporomandibular joint disc because of the formation of negative hydrostatic pressures.

  12. Maxillary advancement for mandibular prognathism: indications and rationale. (United States)

    Rosen, H M


    The surgical correction of mandibular prognathism has traditionally involved posterior repositioning of the mandibular body. This treatment approach corrects the skeletal disproportion at the expense of reducing facial skeletal volume and can unpredictably result in inadequately supported soft tissues with loss of skeletal definition. In an effort to avoid these sequelae of mandibular reduction, 18 patients diagnosed as having mandibular prognathism were treated with maxillary advancement surgery at the Le Fort I level. Mean patient SNB angle was 85.2 degrees, as compared with a normal 79 +/- 3 degrees. Maxillae were documented to be in normal position relative to both cranial base and Frankfort horizontal. The mean maxillary advancement was 6.9 mm, with a range of 4.5 to 8.8 mm. All patients required genioplasty to reduce vertical chin height and/or to laterally shift the chin. At the time of follow-up (mean 16.2 months), all patients retained cephalometric data suggestive of enlarged mandibles and excessive anterior facial divergence. However, maxillomandibular harmony and facial convexity had been restored without sacrificing skeletal volume. Treatment results demonstrated these faces to be skeletally well proportioned despite lower face protrusion that was beyond "normal." Postoperative appearances were characterized by a well-supported soft-tissue envelope and a highlighted skeletal foundation, creating angular, well-defined lower faces. These findings support the credibility of maxillary advancement as the procedure of choice in selected individuals with mandibular prognathism. Indications and an aesthetic rationale for this surgical approach are presented.

  13. Mandibular pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia. (United States)

    Warter, A; Walter, P; Meyer, C; Barrière, P; Galatir, L; Wilk, A


    Three unusual cases of pseudocarcinomatous (pseudoepitheliomatous) hyperplasia (PH) affecting chronic osteomyelitic mandibular sequestra are reported to highlight the differences with the various squamous neoplasms which occur in that site. In two patients carrying a mandibular graft following the excision of an ameloblastoma, mucosal ulcers resulted in chronic osteomyelitis. In a third patient, an apical dental infection was associated with fistulated osteomyelitis. Histology of the three sequestra showed an intraosseous squamous proliferation. It was characterized by a peripheral involvement of medullary spaces, the more mature epithelial layer covering the bone trabeculae without intervening stroma, and the basal type epithelial layer surrounding a central fibrovascular core. There were no histological or cytological signs of malignancy. PH shows an inverted pattern when compared with the centro-medullary tumoural islands seen in the various oral or odontogenic squamous neoplasms which occur in the jaws. The lack of signs of malignancy distinguish PH from common squamous cell carcinomas. A short clinical course is an important feature in the distinction of PH from the well differentiated squamous cell carcinomas which may develop in fistulated chronic osteomyelitis.

  14. Mandibular marginal contouring in oriental aesthetic surgery: refined surgical concept and operative procedure. (United States)

    Satoh, Kaneshige; Mitsukawa, Nobuyuki


    In aesthetic mandibular contouring surgery, which is often conducted in Asians, the operative procedure is thought to deliver a more aesthetic mandibular shape by means of contouring conducted as a whole from the ramus to the symphysis. The authors describe the refined concept and operative procedures of mandibular marginal contouring. For the 7-year period from 2004 to 2011, mandibular marginal contouring has been used in 57 consecutive series of Japanese subjects. Patient ages ranged from 18 to 33 years, and the subjects included 15 men and 42 women. The surgery was carried out by cutting off the protruding deformed mandibular margin from the ramus to the symphysis. In 53 of 57 cases, the focus was on angle contouring. Concomitant genioplasty by horizontal osteotomy of the chin was conducted in 42 of 57 cases (recession, advancement, shortening, elongation, and correction of the shift variously). In 22 materials exhibiting bulk around the mandibular, the ramus to the body was excised sagittally and thinned. In all the patients, mandibular marginal contouring from the ramus to the symphysis was completed. Partial masseter muscle resection was conducted in 11 of 57 cases. Mandibular contouring effectively achieved a highly satisfactory result in all cases. The upper portion of the peripheral branch of the trunk of the mental nerve was dissected by an electric scalpel in 1 case but sutured immediately using an 8-0 nylon stitch. Transient palsy of the mental nerve was noticed in a few cases but subsided in 1 to 2 months. No particular complications were encountered. No secondary revision was required in this series. In mandibular angle plasty, mandibular marginal contouring from the ramus to the symphysis should be carried out by cutting off the angle keeping in mind the entire mandibular shape. This concept and the procedure can deliver greater patient satisfaction.

  15. Mandibular asymmetry and the fourth dimension. (United States)

    Kaban, Leonard B


    This paper represents more than 30 years of discussion and collaboration with Drs Joseph Murray and John Mulliken in an attempt to understand growth patterns over time (ie, fourth dimension) in patients with hemifacial microsomia (HFM). This is essential for the development of rational treatment protocols for children and adults with jaw asymmetry. Traditionally, HFM was thought of as a unilateral deformity, but it was recognized that 20% to 30% of patients had bilateral abnormalities. However, early descriptions of skeletal correction addressed almost exclusively lengthening of the short (affected) side of the face. Based on longitudinal clinical observations of unoperated HFM patients, we hypothesized that abnormal mandibular growth is the earliest skeletal manifestation and that restricted growth of the mandible plays a pivotal role in progressive distortion of both the ipsilateral and contralateral facial skeleton. This hypothesis explains the progressive nature of the asymmetry in patients with HFM and provides the rationale for surgical lengthening of the mandible in children to prevent end-stage deformity. During the past 30 years, we have learned that this phenomenon of progressive distortion of the adjacent and contralateral facial skeleton occurs with other asymmetric mandibular undergrowth (tumor resection, radiation therapy, or posttraumatic defects) and overgrowth (mandibular condylar hyperplasia) conditions. In this paper, I describe the progression of deformity with time in patients with mandibular asymmetry as a result of undergrowth and overgrowth. Understanding these concepts is critical for the development of rational treatment protocols for adults with end-stage asymmetry and for children to minimize secondary deformity.

  16. Thin-plate spline graphical analysis of the mandible in mandibular prognathism. (United States)

    Chang, Hsin-Fu; Chang, Hong-Po; Liu, Pao-Hsin; Chang, Chih-Han


    The chin cup has been used to treat skeletal mandibular prognathism in growing patients for 200 years. The pull on the orthopedic-force chin cup is oriented along a line from the mandibular symphysis to the mandibular condyle. Various levels of success have been reported with this restraining device. The vertical chin cup produces strong vertical compression stress on the maxillary molar regions when the direction of traction is 20 degrees more vertical than the chin-condyle line. This treatment strategy may prevent relapse due to counter-clockwise rotation of the mandible. In this report, we describe a new strategy for using chin-cup therapy involving thin-plate spline (TPS) analysis of lateral cephalometric roentgenograms to visualize transformation of the mandible. The actual sites of mandibular skeletal change are not detectable with conventional cephalometric analysis. A case of mandibular prognathism treated with a chin cup and a case of dental Class III malocclusion without orthodontic treatment are described. The case analysis illustrates that specific patterns of mandibular transformation are associated with Class III malocclusion with or without orthopedic therapy, and that visualization of these deformations is feasible using TPS graphical analysis.

  17. Surgical-prosthetic treatment of large mandibular cysts

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    Džambas Ljubiša D.


    Full Text Available This paper presents a combined surgical-prosthetic procedure of reconstructing mandibular bone defect in a 53 year old patient, following enucleation of a mandibular cyst (Cystectomy Partsch II. After a thorough diagnostic evaluation, a surgical procedure was planned with the particular attention to the nature of the disease, patient’s condition, size and extension of the cyst, tissue loss, and the possibilities of prosthetic management of a mandibular bone defect with partial postresection dental prosthesis. It is of great importance to point to the significance of teamwork of a maxillofacial surgeon and a specialist in prosthodontics. This kind of cooperation provided very effective and less risky soft tissue, as well as bone tissue regeneration (osteogenesis. The patient’s recovery was fast, and he could return to his daily activities and work without significant changes regarding quality of life after surgery and prosthetic treatment.

  18. Prospective audit of mandibular fractures at the Charlotte Maxeke ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective. This study was a prospective cross-sectional clinical audit of patients with mandibular fractures at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital. Methods. Between 1 March and 31 August 2004, patients with mandibular fractures seen by one clinician had their details recorded. Results. The female:male ...

  19. Combined surgical management of mandibular angle prominence and microgenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Portelles Masso, Ayelen Maria; Berger Kohn, Carlos


    Chin play a very important role in facial aesthetics. Different deformities of volume and of position may occur at this level and it is the microgenia one of the more frequent. Treatment options include the use of silicone, alloplasty materials and autologous bone graft. Authors report the use of the bone removed from mandibular angle to increase the chin. This is the case of a white female patient aged 18 seen by the Orthognathics Multidisciplinary Staff of 'V. I. Lenin' Hospital due to its uncommon face width. The corresponding physical examination as well as the complementary ones diagnosed a bilateral prominence of mandibular angle associated with a microgenia. Surgery carried out was of remodeling type of both mandibular angles and genioplasty of height increase and a discrete advancement using the bone removed from the gonion. There were satisfactory aesthetic results without evidence of bone reabsorption. We conclude that use of autologous graft of mandibular angle is an effective treatment alternative for correction of microgenia. (author)

  20. Variant Root Morphology of Third Mandibular Molar in Normal and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    isaac kipyator


    Nov 12, 2017 ... ABSTRACT. The mandibular third molar poses a challenge to dental surgeons due to it's unpredictable morphology ... treatment in the School of Dental Sciences since 2010. ... mandibular third molar include presence of three.

  1. Quiste óseo aneurismático mandibular

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    Denia Morales Navarro

    Full Text Available El quiste óseo aneurismático es definido como una lesión osteolítica expansiva que consiste en espacios llenos de sangre y canales divididos por tabiques de tejido conectivo, los cuales contienen tejido osteoide y células gigantes multinucleadas. El objetivo es presentar un caso clínico poco común de un quiste óseo aneurismático de la región del cuerpo mandibular. Se trata de una paciente femenina de 39 años de edad que acudió a consulta externa del Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" por aumento de volumen en región mandibular derecha y dolor intenso de 1 mes de evolución. Radiográficamente se detectó un área radiolúcida unilocular de bordes bien definidos; se realizó curetaje de la cavidad, y estudio histopatológico de la lesión que informó la presencia de un quiste óseo aneurismático. Se concluye que el quiste óseo aneurismático es más común en los huesos largos y en la región del ángulo mandibular en el esqueleto facial, por lo que la presentación de este en el cuerpo mandibular resulta de interés.

  2. Mastication markedly affects mandibular condylar cartilage growth, gene expression, and morphology. (United States)

    Enomoto, Akiko; Watahiki, Junichi; Nampo, Tomoki; Irie, Tarou; Ichikawa, Yuuta; Tachikawa, Tetsuhiko; Maki, Koutaro


    Mandibular growth is believed to be strongly related to mastication. Furthermore, mandibular condylar cartilage is known to be derived from neural crest cells. We examined whether the degree of chewing affects condylar cartilage growth of the mandible. Mice were fed diets with varying hardness. Genes specific to neural crest-derived cells were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction to compare the expression changes between the mandibular and tibia cartilages. The mandibular condylar cartilage was then evaluated histologically, and proliferation was evaluated using proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Immunostaining was conducted for osteopontin, type X collagen, and Musashi1, and real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to assess the expression levels of osteopontin and type X collagen. Markers including P75, Wnt-1, Musashi1, and Nestin were upregulated in the mandibular condylar cartilage as compared with the tibial cartilage. Histologic assessment of the mandibular cartilage showed that the hypertrophic chondrocyte zone was statistically significantly thicker in mice fed a hard diet. Chondrocyte proliferation and Musashi1 expression were lower in mice fed a hard diet. After 4 weeks, numerous osteopontin and type X collagen-positive cells were observed in mice fed a mixed diet. Mastication affects the balance between differentiation and proliferation in the mandibular condylar cartilage. This phenomenon might be attributed to the presence of neural crest-derived cells. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Radiographic analysis of odontogenic cysts showing displacement of the mandibular canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Bong Hae


    To assess the radiographic findings of odontogenic cysts showing displacement of the mandibular canal using computed tomographic (CT) and panoramic images. CT and panoramic images of 63 odontogenic cysts (27 dentigerous, 16 odontogenic keratocysts, and 20 radicular cysts) were analyzed to evaluate the following parameters: the dimension and shape of the cysts, and the effect of the cysts on the mandibular canal and cortical plates. Of the 63 cysts examined in the study, 35 (55.6%) showed inferior displacement of the mandibular canal and 46 (73.0%) showed perforation of the canal. There were statistically significant differenced between CT and panoramic images in depicting displacement and perforation of the mandibular canal. Cortical expansion was seen in 46 cases (73.0%) and cortical perforation in 23 cases (36.5%). The radicular cysts showed cortical expansion and perforation less frequently than the other cyst groups. Large cysts of mandible should be evaluated by multiplanar CT images in order to detect the mandibular canal and cortical bone involvement.

  4. Deoxycholic Acid and the Marginal Mandibular Nerve: A Cadaver Study. (United States)

    Blandford, Alexander D; Ansari, Waseem; Young, Jason M; Maley, Bruce; Plesec, Thomas P; Hwang, Catherine J; Perry, Julian D


    One of the rare but serious complications observed with deoxycholic acid administration is damage to the marginal mandibular nerve. In this study, we evaluated if deoxycholic acid directly induces histologic damage to fresh cadaveric marginal mandibular nerve. A segment of marginal mandibular nerve was harvested from 12 hemifaces of 6 fresh cadavers. The nerve specimen was exposed to either 0.9% sterile saline for 24 h, deoxycholic acid (10 mg/ml) for 20 min, or deoxycholic acid (10 mg/ml) for 24 h. The nerve specimens were then fixed in glutaraldehyde for a minimum of 24 h. Toluidine blue stained sections were evaluated for stain intensity using light microscopy and color deconvolution image analysis. Supraplatysmal fat was harvested as a positive control and exposed to the same treatments as the marginal mandibular nerve specimens, then evaluated using transmission electron microscopy. Toluidine blue staining was less in the marginal mandibular nerve exposed to deoxycholic acid when compared to saline. The specimen exposed to deoxycholic acid for 24 h showed less toluidine blue staining than that of the nerve exposed to deoxycholic acid for 20 min. Transmission electron microscopy of submental fat exposed to deoxycholic acid revealed disruption of adipocyte cell membrane integrity and loss of cellular organelles when compared to specimens only exposed to saline. Deoxycholic acid (10 mg/ml) damages the marginal mandibular nerve myelin sheath in fresh human cadaver specimens. Direct deoxycholic acid neurotoxicity may cause marginal mandibular nerve injury clinically. This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

  5. Congenitally missing mandibular second premolars: clinical options. (United States)

    Kokich, Vincent G; Kokich, Vincent O


    Congenital absence of mandibular second premolars affects many orthodontic patients. The orthodontist must make the proper decision at the appropriate time regarding management of the edentulous space. These spaces can be closed or left open. If the space will be left open for an eventual restoration, the keys during orthodontic treatment are to create the correct amount of space and to leave the alveolar ridge in an ideal condition for a future restoration. If the space will be closed, the clinician must avoid any detrimental alterations to the occlusion and the facial profile. Some early decisions that the orthodontist makes for a patient whose mandibular second premolars are congenitally missing will affect his or her dental health for a lifetime. Therefore, the correct decision must be made at the appropriate time. In this article, we present and discuss various treatment alternatives for managing orthodontic patients with at least 1 congenitally missing mandibular second premolar.

  6. The Psychological Status of Patients with Acute Mandibular Injury

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    A. N. Pudov


    Full Text Available Objective: to define the specific features of the psychological status of patients with acute mandibular injury, to compare a psychological reaction to injury in different age groups and in persons with signs of alcohol addiction. Subjects and methods. The study enrolled 37 patients of both sexes over 15 years of age. The patients were distributed by age and chronic alcohol intoxication. Psychological parameters were determined using personality questionnaires: Spielberg-Hanin, Zung, GHQ-28, and Wein ones. Results. The patients with mandibular injury were found to have higher levels of situational and personality anxiety. A state of depression as a response to acute mandibular injury of reactive genesis was found in 29.8% of cases. Autonomic dysfunction occurred in 62.2% of the patients with mandibular fractures. Occult pathopsychological states were detected in 35.1% of the study group patients. Conclusion. The main found peculiarities of the psychological status of the patients with acute mandibular injury were high anxiety and the considerable incidence of autonomic dysfunction syndrome. There were no great age differences in psychological status and the direction of reactions. The patients with chronic alcohol intoxication more frequently developed a depressive state, but the autonomic dysfunction syndrome was just less often encountered and pathopsychological states were less frequently found. Key words: acute low anxiety depression alcohol abuse, psychological status.

  7. Bone changes of mandibular condyle using cone beam computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Ji Un; Kim, Hyung Seop; Song, Ju Seop; Kim, Kyoung A; Koh, Kwang Joon [Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea, Republic of)


    To assess bone changes of mandibular condyle using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in temporomandibualr disorder (TMD) patients. 314 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) images of 163 TMD patients were examined at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Chonbuk National University. The images were obtained by PSR9000N (Asahi Roentgen Co., Japan) and reconstructed by using Asahivision software (Asahi Roentgen Co., Japan). The CBCT images were examined three times with four weeks interval by three radiologists. Bone changes of mandibular condyle such as flattening, sclerosis, erosion and osteophyte formation were observed in sagittal, axial, coronal and 3 dimensional images of the mandibular condyle. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 12.0. Intra-and interobserver agreement were performed by 3 radiologists without the knowledge of clinical information. Osteopathy (2.9%) was found more frequently on anterior surface of the mandibular condyle. Erosion (31.8%) was found more frequently on anterior surface of the mandibular condyle. The intraobserver agreement was good to excellent (k=0.78{sub 0}.84), but interobserver agreement was fair (k=0.45). CBCT can provide high qualified images of bone changes of the TMJ with axial, coronal and 3 dimensional images.

  8. Bone changes of mandibular condyle using cone beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ji Un; Kim, Hyung Seop; Song, Ju Seop; Kim, Kyoung A; Koh, Kwang Joon


    To assess bone changes of mandibular condyle using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in temporomandibualr disorder (TMD) patients. 314 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) images of 163 TMD patients were examined at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Chonbuk National University. The images were obtained by PSR9000N (Asahi Roentgen Co., Japan) and reconstructed by using Asahivision software (Asahi Roentgen Co., Japan). The CBCT images were examined three times with four weeks interval by three radiologists. Bone changes of mandibular condyle such as flattening, sclerosis, erosion and osteophyte formation were observed in sagittal, axial, coronal and 3 dimensional images of the mandibular condyle. The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 12.0. Intra-and interobserver agreement were performed by 3 radiologists without the knowledge of clinical information. Osteopathy (2.9%) was found more frequently on anterior surface of the mandibular condyle. Erosion (31.8%) was found more frequently on anterior surface of the mandibular condyle. The intraobserver agreement was good to excellent (k=0.78 0 .84), but interobserver agreement was fair (k=0.45). CBCT can provide high qualified images of bone changes of the TMJ with axial, coronal and 3 dimensional images

  9. Mandibular incisive canal in relation to periapical surgery

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    Kani Bilginaylar


    Full Text Available The aim of the present paper is to emphasize the importance of the mandibular interforaminal neurovascular bundle with a case and make a warning to dentists and surgeons during oral and maxillofacial surgeries, such as implant replacement, bone harvesting, genioplasty, open reduction of a mandibular fracture, and cyst enucleations at this region. In this paper, we present a 58-year-old male who referred with pain and a tingling sensation on the left lower lip. After radiographical, extraoral and intraoral examinations, findings indicated the lesion to be a cyst which was related with a periapical lesion of the canine tooth and extracted socket of first premolar tooth. After removal of a cyst, the mandibular incisive nerve was documented which was in relation to cyst cavity.

  10. Adaptive positioner; Posicionador adaptativo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labrador Pavon, I


    This paper describes the circuits and programs in assembly language, developed to control the two DC motors that give mobility to a mechanical arm with two degrees of freedom. As a whole, the system is based in a adaptable regulator designed around a 8 bit microprocessor that, starting from a mode of regulation based in the successive approximation method, evolve to another mode through which, only one approximation is sufficient to get the right position of each motor. (Author) 6 refs.

  11. Reduced mandibular range of motion in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: predictive factors. (United States)

    van Bruggen, H W; Van Den Engel-Hoek, L; Steenks, M H; Bronkhorst, E M; Creugers, N H J; de Groot, I J M; Kalaykova, S I


    Patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) experience negative effects upon feeding and oral health. We aimed to determine whether the mandibular range of motion in DMD is impaired and to explore predictive factors for the active maximum mouth opening (aMMO). 23 patients with DMD (mean age 16.7 ± 7.7 years) and 23 controls were assessed using a questionnaire about mandibular function and impairments. All participants underwent a clinical examination of the masticatory system, including measurement of mandibular range of motion and variables related to mandibular movements. In all patients, quantitative ultrasound of the digastric muscle and the geniohyoid muscle and the motor function measure (MFM) scale were performed. The patients were divided into early and late ambulatory stage (AS), early non-ambulatory stage (ENAS) and late non-ambulatory stage (LNAS). All mandibular movements were reduced in the patient group (P < 0.001) compared to the controls. Reduction in the aMMO (<40 mm) was found in 26% of the total patient group. LNAS patients had significantly smaller mandibular movements compared to AS and ENAS (P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis for aMMO revealed a positive correlation with the body height and disease progression, with MFM total score as the strongest independent risk factor (R(2) = 0.71). Mandibular movements in DMD are significantly reduced and become more hampered with loss of motor function, including the sitting position, arm function, and neck and head control. We suggest that measurement of the aMMO becomes a part of routine care of patients with DMD. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Regenerative approach to bilateral rostral mandibular reconstruction in a case series of dogs

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    Boaz eArzi


    Full Text Available Extensive rostral mandibulectomy in dogs typically results in instability of the mandibles that may lead to malocclusion, difficulty in eating and drinking, food prehension, and pain of the temporomandibular joint. Large rostral mandibular defects are challenging to reconstruct due to the complex geometry of this region. In order to restore mandibular continuity and stability following extensive rostral mandibulectomy, we developed a surgical technique using a combination of intraoral and extraoral approaches, a locking titanium plate and a compression resistant matrix (CRM infused with rhBMP-2. Furthermore, surgical planning that consisted of computed tomographic (CT scanning and 3D model printing were utilized. We describe a regenerative surgical technique for immediate or delayed reconstruction of critical-size rostral mandibular defects in 5 dogs. Three dogs had healed with intact gingival covering over the mandibular defect and had immediate return to normal function and occlusion. Two dogs had the complication of focal plate exposure and dehiscence, which was corrected with mucosal flaps and suturing; these dogs have since healed with intact gingival covering over the mandibular defect. Mineralized tissue formation was palpated clinically within 2 weeks and solid bone formation within 3 months. Computed tomography findings at 6 months postoperatively demonstrated that the newly regenerated mandibular bone had increased in mineral volume with evidence of integration between the native bone, new bone and CRM compared to the immediate postoperative CT. We conclude that rostral mandibular reconstruction using a regenerative approach provides an excellent solution for restoring mandibular continuity and preventing mandibular instability in dogs.

  13. Mandibular osteosynthesis in a Boa constrictor snake

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    Jorge Luiz Costa Castro


    Full Text Available Nowadays are observed an increase in the finding of certain wild animals in urban areas, due to environmental changes caused by deforestation and economic use of natural areas. It causes disappearance of usual prey and forces these animals, including snakes, to migrate to urban areas, becoming vulnerable to injuries caused by aggressions, car accidents and capture. Mandibular and maxillar fractures are common in many animal species, representing about 3-6% of all bone fractures in dogs and cats. Mandibular trauma usually occurs as a result of fights, car accidents and improper handling and/or restraint, and fractures can be closed or open, clean or contaminated. The jaw is a flat bone with differences from the long bones that should be taken into consideration for successful treatment, being minimal muscle coverage and need to maintain occlusion factors that influence the definition of the best ostheosynthesis method. The methods of stabilization include using intramedullary pins, wires, external skeletal fixation, bone plate, and acrylic resin. Conventional bone plates are efficient but related to some complications, such as the necessity of muscular elevation and high risk of injuries to mandibular structures. This article describes the successful results of the application of plate and screws in the ostheosynthesis of a mandibular fracture in a female Boa constrictor snake with weight of 8.0 kg and length of 1.80 m, at the RIOZOO Foundation (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

  14. Mandibular second molar with 3 mesial canals and a radix paramolaris

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    N Ragavendran


    Full Text Available Mandibular first molar commonly has two roots, the mesial and the distal root. Surprisingly in some mandibular first molar has an unusual extra third root in between mesial and distal root. This extra root is the most commonly seen in lingual side and is called as radix entomolaris. If this extra root is seen on the buccal side, it is termed as radix paramolaris (RP, which is a very rare phenomenon. Recently, various case report studies has shown the presence of third canal in the mesial and distal roots of mandibular molars. They are named as middle mesial and middle distal canal, respectively. Here, we present a case report of mandibular second molar showing three canals in the mesial root and a RP.

  15. Restricted Mandibular Movement Attributed to Ossification of Mandibular Depressors and Medial Pterygoid Muscles in Patients With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: A Report of 3 Cases. (United States)

    Okuno, Tetsuko; Suzuki, Hitoshi; Inoue, Akio; Kusukawa, Jingo


    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is an extremely rare genetic condition characterized by congenital malformation and progressive heterotopic ossification (HO) caused by a recurrent single nucleotide substitution at position 617 in the ACVR1 gene. As the condition progresses, HO leads to joint ankylosis, breathing difficulties, and mouth-opening restriction, and it can shorten the patient's lifespan. This report describes 3 cases of FOP confirmed by genetic testing in patients with restricted mouth opening. Each patient presented a different onset and degree of jaw movement restriction. The anatomic ossification site of the mandibular joint was examined in each patient using reconstructed computed tomographic (CT) images and 3-dimensional reconstructed CT (3D-CT) images. A 29-year-old woman complained of jaw movement restriction since 13 years of age. 3D-CT image of the mandibular joint showed an osseous bridge, formed by the mandibular depressors that open the mouth, between the hyoid bone and the mentum of the mandible. A 39-year-old man presented with jaw movement restriction that developed at 3 years of age after a mouth injury. 3D-CT image of the jaw showed ankylosis of the jaw from ossification of the mandibular depressors that was worse than in patient 1. CT images showed no HO findings of the masticatory muscles. To the authors' knowledge, these are the first 2 case descriptions of the anatomic site of ankylosis involving HO of the mandibular depressors in the jaw resulting from FOP. In contrast, a 62-year-old bedridden woman with an interincisal distance longer than 10 mm (onset, 39 years of age) had no HO of the mandibular depressors and slight HO of the medial pterygoid muscle on the right and left sides. These findings suggest that restricted mouth opening varies according to the presence or absence of HO of the mandibular depressors. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  16. A correlational study of scoliosis and trunk balance in adult patients with mandibular deviation.

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    Shuncheng Zhou

    Full Text Available Previous studies have confirmed that patients with mandibular deviation often have abnormal morphology of their cervical vertebrae. However, the relationship between mandibular deviation, scoliosis, and trunk balance has not been studied. Currently, mandibular deviation is usually treated as a single pathology, which leads to poor clinical efficiency. We investigated the relationship of spine coronal morphology and trunk balance in adult patients with mandibular deviation, and compared the finding to those in healthy volunteers. 35 adult patients with skeletal mandibular deviation and 10 healthy volunteers underwent anterior X-ray films of the head and posteroanterior X-ray films of the spine. Landmarks and lines were drawn and measured on these films. The axis distance method was used to measure the degree of scoliosis and the balance angle method was used to measure trunk balance. The relationship of mandibular deviation, spine coronal morphology and trunk balance was evaluated with the Pearson correlation method. The spine coronal morphology of patients with mandibular deviation demonstrated an "S" type curve, while a straight line parallel with the gravity line was found in the control group (significant difference, p1°, while the control group had a normal trunk balance (imbalance angle <1°. There was a significant difference between the two groups (p<0.01. The degree of scoliosis and shoulder imbalance correlated with the degree of mandibular deviation, and presented a linear trend. The direction of mandibular deviation was the same as that of the lateral bending of thoracolumbar vertebrae, which was opposite to the direction of lateral bending of cervical vertebrae. Our study shows the degree of mandibular deviation has a high correlation with the degree of scoliosis and trunk imbalance, all the three deformities should be clinically evaluated in the management of mandibular deviation.

  17. Mandibular ramus: A predictor for sex determination - A digital radiographic study

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    Kotya Naik Maloth


    Full Text Available Aim: To evaluate mandibular ramus linear measurements on digital panoramic radiographs and to assess the usefulness of mandibular ramus in sex determination. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 100 patients (50 males and 50 females using digital panoramic radiographs of Khammam population with age ranging from 20 to 50 years. Standard digital panoramic radiographs were taken without any errors by Sirona, ORTHOPHOS XG 5 machine. The following five mandibular linear measurements were performed in cm such as upper ramus breadth, lower ramus breadth, condylar ramus height, projective ramus height, and coronoid ramus height. The obtained data were analyzed with the software SPSS 13.0 for statistical analysis using discriminate methods. Results: In the present study, all the linear measurements of mandibular ramus on digital panoramic radiographs showed a statistically significant difference between the genders. Conclusion: We conclude that the use of mandibular ramus is recommended as an aid for sex determination in forensic science due to their unique feature of sexual dimorphism.

  18. Clinical importance of median mandibular flexure in oral rehabilitation: a review. (United States)

    Sivaraman, K; Chopra, A; Venkatesh, S B


    The mandible has a property to flex inwards around the mandibular symphysis with change in shape and decrease in mandibular arch width during opening and protrusion of the mandible. The mandibular deformation may range from a few micrometres to more than 1 mm. The movement occurs because of the contraction of lateral pterygoid muscles that pulls mandibular condyles medially and causes a sagittal movement of the posterior segments. This movement of mandible can have a profound influence on prognosis and treatment outcome for various restorative, endodontics, fixed, removable and implant-related prosthesis. The review unfolds the causes, importance and clinical implications of median mandibular flexure in oral rehabilitation. This review also highlights the appropriate preventive measures and techniques that should be adopted by clinicians to minimise the effect of flexural movement of the jaw during oral rehabilitation. This would not only help clinicians to achieve a good prosthesis with accurate fit and longevity but also maintain the health of the surrounding periodontal or periimplant gingival tissues and bone. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Mandibular growth changes and cervical vertebral maturation. a cephalometric implant study. (United States)

    Gu, Yan; McNamara, James A


    To evaluate mandibular dimensional changes and regional remodeling occurring during five intervals of circumpubertal growth. This investigation evaluated a unique sample of subjects in whom tantalum implants were placed into the craniofacial complex during childhood. The sample was obtained from the Mathews and Ware implant study originally conducted at the University of California San Francisco in the 1970s, with longitudinal cephalometric records of 20 subjects (13 female, 7 male) available for evaluation. Cephalograms at six consecutive stages of cervical vertebral maturation (CS1 through CS6) were analyzed. Peak mandibular growth was noted during the interval from CS3 to CS4. Forward rotation of the mandible was due to greater mandibular growth posteriorly than anteriorly. Progressive closure of the condylar-ramus-occlusal (CRO) angle resulted in a forward and upward orientation of the ramus relative to the corpus of the mandible due to increased vertical growth of the condyle. A peak in mandibular growth at puberty was substantiated. Mandibular remodeling and condylar rotation continue to occur after the growth spurt.

  20. [Congenital malformations of the temporo-mandibular joint and the mandibular ramus: Grafting vs distraction osteogenesis]. (United States)

    Gallucci, A; Graillon, N; Foletti, J M; Chossegros, C; Cheynet, F


    Congenital deformities of the mandibular ramus and of the temporo-mandibular joint are treated by surgery since the early 20th century. However, morphological and functional results are often disappointing, accounting for iterative operations. Today, a clear consensus concerning the type of intervention to be proposed, and at what age it should be carried out does not yet exist. For mild cases, "conventional" orthognathic or osteogenic distraction procedures seem to work well, especially if they are carried out at the end of growth. In severe cases, it is often necessary to proceed in several surgical steps, usually starting with a chondrocostal graft, especially when interceptive surgery, performed before the end of growth, is preferred in order to improve the patient's quality of life. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  1. Lower molar and incisor displacement associated with mandibular remodeling. (United States)

    Baumrind, S; Bravo, L A; Ben-Bassat, Y; Curry, S; Korn, E L


    The purpose of this study was to quantify the amount of alveolar modeling at the apices of the mandibular incisor and first molar specifically associated with appositional and resorptive changes on the lower border of the mandible during growth and treatment. Cephalometric data from superimpositions on anterior cranial base, mandibular implants of the Björk type, and anatomical "best fit" of mandibular border structures were integrated using a recently developed strategy, which is described. Data were available at annual intervals between 8.5 and 15.5 years for a previously described sample of approximately 30 children with implants. The average magnitudes of the changes at the root apices of the mandibular first molar and central incisor associated with modeling/remodeling of the mandibular border and symphysis were unexpectedly small. At the molar apex, mean values approximated zero in both anteroposterior and vertical directions. At the incisor apex, mean values approximated zero in the anteroposterior direction and averaged less than 0.15 mm/year in the vertical direction. Standard deviations were roughly equal for the molar and the incisor in both the anteroposterior and vertical directions. Dental displacement associated with surface modeling plays a smaller role in final tooth position in the mandible than in the maxilla. It may also be reasonably inferred that anatomical best-fit superimpositions made in the absence of implants give a more complete picture of hard tissue turnover in the mandible than they do in the maxilla.

  2. Peripheral Osteoma of the Mandibular Notch: Report of a Case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwai, Toshinori; Izumi, Toshiharu; Baba, Junichi; Maegawa, Jiro; Mitsudo, Kenji; Tohnai, Iwai


    Osteoma is a benign, slow-growing osteogenic tumor that sometimes arises from the craniomaxillofacial region, such as the sinus, temporal or jaw bones. Osteoma consists of compact or cancellous bone that may be peripheral, central or extraskeletal type. Peripheral osteoma arises from the periosteum and is commonly a unilateral, pedunculated mushroom-like mass. Peripheral osteoma of the mandible is relatively uncommon, and peripheral osteoma of the mandibular notch is extremely rare, although many cases arise from the mandibular body, angle, condyle, or coronoid process. We report here an unusual peripheral osteoma of the mandibular notch in a 78-year-old nonsyndromic female

  3. Maxillary palatal ramp prosthesis: A prosthodontic solution to manage mandibular deviation following surgery

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    Sampa Ray (Bhattacharya


    Full Text Available Mandibular resection following surgical treatment for neoplastic lesions of the oral cavity leads to numerous complications including altered mandibular movements, disfigurement, difficult in swallowing, impaired speech and articulation, and deviation of the mandible towards the resected site. Various prosthetic methods are employed to reduce or minimize mandibular deviation and improve and restore the lost functions and esthetic, like maxillomandibular fixation, implant supported prosthesis, removable mandibular guide flange prosthesis, and palatal based guidance restoration. This clinical report describes the rehabilitation of a patient following segmental mandibulectomy using palatal ramp prosthesis.

  4. [Trigeminal motor paralysis and dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints]. (United States)

    Ohkawa, S; Yoshida, T; Ohsumi, Y; Tabuchi, M


    A 64-year-old woman with diabetes mellitus was admitted to our hospital with left hemiparesis of sudden onset. A brain MRI demonstrated a cerebral infarction in the ventral part of the right lower pons. When left hemiparesis worsened, she had dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints repeatedly. Then, her lower jaw deviated to the right when she opened her mouth. Also, there was decreased contraction of the right masseter when she clenched her teeth. These findings suggest that there was trigeminal motor paralysis on the right side resulting from involvement of the intrapontine trigeminal motor nerve. She has no history of dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints. An X-ray film showed that the temporo-mandibular joints were intact. Thus, it is possible that deviation of the lower jaw was the cause of this dislocation. We suspect that dislocation of the temporo-mandibular joints may occur as a complication of unilateral trigeminal motor paralysis. This has not been reported to our knowledge.

  5. [Bruxism, temporo-mandibular dysfunction and botulinum toxin]. (United States)

    Chikhani, L; Dichamp, J


    Tooth grinding and tooth clenching are unvoluntary mainly nocturnal habits that result in an hypertrophy of masseter and temporalis muscles with an unbalance between opening and closing muscles of the jaw and lead to an alteration of mandibular condyles movements and to hyper pressure in the temporo-mandibular joints (TMJ) which can generate severe pain. Intra muscular injections of botulinum toxin permit to restablish the balance between closing and opening muscles, to relieve pain, to treat masseteric hypertrophy with improvement of face outline and to recover a normal cinetic of temporo-mandibular joints. Moreover, botulinum toxin injections permit to quit habits of tooth grinding and clenching and one single session of injections is curative for 2/3 of the patients. There are no side effects apart from slight diffusion to superficial muscles of the face resulting in a "fixed" smile for about 6 to 8 weeks. So injections of botulinum toxin in masseter and temporalis muscles are an efficient treatment of bruxism and TMJ dysfunction, cheap with no lasting side effect.

  6. Evaluation of Recurring Esthetic Dental Proportion in Natural Mandibular Anterior Dentition

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    Dipti S Shah


    Results: After calculating proportions in mandibular anterior teeth, P value was found to be statistically insignificant (P > 0.05. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, RED proportion was not seen in mandibular natural dentition.

  7. Cementoblastoma Relating to Right Mandibular Second Primary Molar

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    Sivakumar Nuvvula


    Full Text Available Cementoblastoma is a benign lesion of the odontogenic ectomesenchymal origin. It rarely occurs in primary dentition. This report describes a case of a cementoblastoma relating to the right mandibular second primary molar in a 7-year-old girl. Her panoramic radiograph revealed a well-defined radiopaque lesion with a radiolucent border extending from the distal surface of the mandibular right first primary molar to the distal surface of mandibular second primary molar. The tumor was attached to the mesial root of primary second molar and was excised along with the teeth involved and sent for histopathological evaluation, which showed irregular trabeculae of mineralized tissue interspersed with fibrovascular connective tissue, trabeculae of mineralized tissue with prominent reversal lines, and peripheral rimming of the mineralized tissue with blast cells. On a six-month follow-up, there has been no recurrence of the lesion.

  8. [Inferior hemiarthroplasty of the temporo-mandibular joint with articulated condylar prosthesis type Stryker]. (United States)

    Bucur, A; Dincă, O; Totan, C; Ghită, V


    The optimal reconstruction of the mandible and of the temporo-mandibular joint after mandibular hemi-resection with disarticulation is still controversial in literature. This paperwork presents our experience on four cases in the reconstruction of the mandible together with the inferior arthroplasty of the temporo-mandibular joint, after the resection of extended benign tumors of the mandible, based on fibular free vascularized grafts having attached a Stryker titanium condylar prosthesis reconstructing the inferior segment of the temporo-mandibular joint. Our results for the this technique were excellent, with a functional rehabilitation very close to normal. After reviewing the various techniques and their arguments in literature, with accent on the TMJ reconstruction, we consider this method to be optimal for the reconstruction of mandibular defects in patients with neoplastic conditions.

  9. Study of pulp chamber morphology of primary mandibular molars using spiral computed tomography. (United States)

    Selvakumar, Haridoss; Kavitha, Swaminathan; Vijayakumar, Rajendran; Eapen, Thomas; Bharathan, Rajendran


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pulp chamber morphology in primary mandibular molars using spiral computed tomography (SCT). Sixty extracted primary mandibular molars were scanned using SCT for the (i) distance between the central fissure to furcation, (ii) distance between the central fissure to the floor of the pulp chamber, (iii) height of the pulp chamber (roof-floor), (iv) distance between the floor of the pulp chamber to the furcation. The mean and standard deviation was analyzed using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) program. The results of this study show that the average mean distance from the central fissure to the floor of the pulp chamber is 5.07 mm in first mandibular primary molar and 5.54 mm in second mandibular primary molar. It can be concluded that the greatest depth to which a bur can go during access opening without perforating the furcation in first primary mandibular molar is 5.07 mm and 5.54 mm in second primary mandibular molar.

  10. Influence of mastication and edentulism on mandibular bone density. (United States)

    Chou, Hsuan-Yu; Satpute, Devesh; Müftü, Ali; Mukundan, Srinivasan; Müftü, Sinan


    The aim of this study was to demonstrate that external loading due to daily activities, including mastication, speech and involuntary open-close cycles of the jaw contributes to the internal architecture of the mandible. A bone remodelling algorithm that regulates the bone density as a function of stress and loading cycles is incorporated into finite element analysis. A three-dimensional computational model is constructed on the basis of computerised tomography (CT) images of a human mandible. Masticatory muscle activation involved during clenching is modelled by static analysis using linear optimisation. Other loading conditions are approximated by imposing mandibular flexure. The simulations predict that mandibular bone density distribution results in a tubular structure similar to what is observed in the CT images. Such bone architecture is known to provide the bone optimum strength to resist bending and torsion during mastication while reducing the bone mass. The remodelling algorithm is used to simulate the influence of edentulism on mandibular bone loss. It is shown that depending on the location and number of missing teeth, up to one-third of the mandibular bone mass can be lost due to lack of adequate mechanical stimulation.

  11. Does the titanium plate fixation of symphyseal fracture affect mandibular growth? (United States)

    Bayram, Burak; Yilmaz, Alev Cetinsahin; Ersoz, Esra; Uckan, Sina


    The effect of metallic fixation on growth is a major concern in children and is not yet clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of metallic fixation of mandibular symphyseal fracture on mandibular growth.Eighteen 90-day-old growing white New Zealand rabbits weighing 1.6 to 2.5 kg were included in this study and divided into 2 groups of 9 subjects. In the experimental group, animals underwent mandibular osteotomy, simulating a symphyseal fracture on the midline of mandibular symphysis. The bone segments were fixed with microplates and microscrews (1.6 mm).In the control group, the same surgical incision without performing symphyseal osteotomy was conducted, and 2 screws were inserted on each side of the symphyseal midline.Digital cephalometric and submentovertex radiographs were taken before the operation and at postoperative 6 months for each animal in 2 groups, and cephalometric measurements were performed. The distance between the centers of the head of 2 screws measured at the end of surgery in the control group was compared with measurements at 6 months after surgery. Obtained data were statistically analyzed.There is no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups for growth amount of both sides of the mandible. Difference of ANS-Id (the most anterior points of nasal bone, the most anterior point on the alveolar bone between the lower incisors) and Cd-Id (the uppermost and most distal point of the mandibular condyle, the most anterior point on the alveolar bone between the lower incisors) values of the 2 groups is not statistically significant (P > 0.05).The distance between the 2 screws at the first application significantly increased at the postoperative sixth month (P mandibular symphyseal fracture does not affect the vertical and sagittal mandibular growth in growing rabbits.

  12. Preliminary optical coherence tomography investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint disc (United States)

    Mărcăuteanu, Corina; Demjan, Enikö; Sinescu, Cosmin; Negrutiu, Meda; Motoc, Adrian; Lighezan, Rodica; Vasile, Liliana; Hughes, Mike; Bradu, Adrian; Dobre, George; Podoleanu, Adrian G.


    Aim and objectives. The morphology and position of the temporo-mandibular disc are key issues in the diagnosis and treatment of arthrogenous temporo-mandibular disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy are used today to identify: flattening of the pars posterior of the disc, perforation and/or adhesions in the pars intermedia of the disc and disc displacements. The present study proposes the investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint disc by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Material and methods. 8 human temporo-mandibular joint discs were harvested from dead subjects, under 40 year of age, and conserved in formalin. They had a normal morphology, with a thicker pars posterior (2,6 mm on the average) and a thinner pars intermedia (1mm on the average). We investigated the disc samples using two different OCT systems: an en-face OCT (time domain (TD)-OCT) system, working at 1300 nm (C-scan and B-scan mode) and a spectral OCT system (a Fourier domain (FD)-OCT) system , working at 840 nm (B-scan mode). Results. The OCT investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint discs revealed a homogeneous microstructure. The longer wavelength of the TD-OCT offers a higher penetration depth (2,5 mm in air), which is important for the analysis of the pars posterior, while the FD-OCT is much faster. Conclusions: OCT is a promising imaging method for the microstructural characterization of the temporo-mandibular disc.

  13. Glenoid fossa position in Class II malocclusion associated with mandibular retrusion. (United States)

    Giuntini, Veronica; De Toffol, Laura; Franchi, Lorenzo; Baccetti, Tiziano


    To assess the position of the glenoid fossa in subjects with Class II malocclusion associated with mandibular retrusion and normal mandibular size in the mixed dentition. A sample of 30 subjects (16 male, 14 female), age 9 years +/- 6 months, with skeletal and dental Class II malocclusion associated with mandibular retrusion, normal skeletal vertical relationships, and normal mandibular dimensions, was compared with a matched group of 37 subjects (18 male, 19 female) with skeletal and dental Class I relationships. The comparisons between the Class II group and the control group on the cephalometric measures for the assessment of glenoid fossa position were performed by means of a nonparametric test for independent samples (Mann-Whitney U-test, P < .05). Subjects with Class II malocclusion presented with a significantly more distal position of the glenoid fossa, when compared with the control group as measured by means of three parameters (GF-S on FH, GF-Ptm on FH, and GF-FMN). A posteriorly displaced glenoid fossa is a possible diagnostic feature of Class II malocclusion associated with mandibular retrusion. An effective cephalometric measurement to evaluate glenoid fossa position is the distance from the glenoid fossa to the frontomaxillonasal suture (GF-FMN).

  14. Mandibular Two Mini Implants Overdenture Using Magnetic Attachments: A Case Report

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    Anna Miyayasu


    Full Text Available Many patients with an edentulous mandible struggle to use complete dentures. The instability of such dentures caused by the lack of retention, often causes discomfort, as well as functional and psychosocial problems, which can be signifcantly improved using implant overdentures with retentive attachments. This case report describes a successful case of a mandibular implant overdenture using two mini implants and magnetic attachments for an elderly edentulous patient. Case Report: A 62-year-old female with a thin mandibular bone ridge presented with complaints of pain caused by an unstable and unretentive complete mandibular denture. This patient received two mini implants (diameter: 2.6 mm; length: 12 mm with magnetic attachments. After three months, magnetic assemblies with magnetic attraction of 400 gf were incorporated into the intaglio surface of her mandibular overdenture. At 11 months, magnetic attraction was changed from 400 gf to 600 gf to provide a stronger magnetic force for improving the retention of this denture. Conclusion: Based on a two-year follow-up period, the mandibular two mini implants overdenture with magnetic attachments was successful in improving the patient’s general satisfaction with her dentures

  15. Signaling pathways regulating the expression of Prx1 and Prx2 in the Chick Mandibular Mesenchyme (United States)

    Doufexi, Aikaterini-El; Mina, Mina


    Prx1 and Prx2 are members of the aristaless-related homeobox genes shown to play redundant but essential roles in morphogenesis of the mandibular processes. To gain insight into the signaling pathways that regulate expression of Prx genes in the mandibular mesenchyme, we used the chick as a model system. We examined the patterns of gene expression in the face and the roles of signals derived from the epithelium on the expression of Prx genes in the mandibular mesenchyme. Our results demonstrated stage-dependent roles of mandibular epithelium on the expression of Prx in the mandibular mesenchyme and provide evidence for positive roles of members of the fibroblast and hedgehog families derived from mandibular epithelium on the expression of Prx genes in the mandibular mesenchyme. Our studies suggest that endothelin-1 signaling derived from the mesenchyme is involved in restricting the expression of Prx2 to the medial mandibular mesenchyme. PMID:18942149

  16. Management of periodontally compromised mandibular molar with Hemisectioning: A case report

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    Bandu Napte


    Full Text Available Introduction: Hemisection involves sectioning of a periodontally involved mandibular molar so as to remove the involved root and save the remaining tooth. This procedure helps in saving a tooth which otherwise would have been deemed for extraction. Hemisection refers to removal or separation of root with its accompanying crown portion of two-rooted teeth, most commonly mandibular molars. Method: In this case report, an advanced Endo-Perio lesion on a left mandibular first molar was successfully treated by root-canal treatment and hemisection. This procedure helps preserve the tooth structure, alveolar bone and promote cost savings over other treatment options. Conclusion: Hemisection is a treatment option for saving a mandibular molar which is in advanced stage of periodontal disease of one root. Removal of the affected root will help in retaining the remaining tooth structure.

  17. Evolución de la recuperación de la sensibilidad posterior a osteotomía sagital de rama mandibular bilateral


    Erita Cordero; Roberto Pantoja; Cristóbal Pacheco; Sebastián Correa; Rolando Carrasco; Luis Carreño


    Introducción: La osteotomía sagital de rama mandibular bilateral es uno de los procedimientos quirúrgicos más comunes durante la cirugía ortognática. Con relación a ello se han descrito múltiples reportes que indican cambios a nivel neurosensitivo en el nervio alveolar inferior. Los rangos posquirúrgicos de parestesia han sido descritos entre un 12,5 y el 100%. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el porcentaje de recuperación sensitiva del territorio inervado por el nervio alveolar inf...

  18. Evaluation of mandibular condyles in children with unilateral posterior crossbite. (United States)

    Illipronti-Filho, Edson; Fantini, Solange Mongelli de; Chilvarquer, Israel


    The relationship of mandibular condyle dimensions and its association with unilateral posterior crossbite (UPXB) has been suggested in the literature. The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate mandibular condyles on the left and right sides and between crossed and non-crossed sides in the sagittal and coronal planes, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Twenty CBCT images of 40 temporo mandibular joints (TMJs) in individuals in mixed dentition phase, which included 9 males (mean 7.9 years) and 11 females (mean 8.2 years), with unilateral posterior crossbite without premature contacts and functional mandibular shifts and with transverse maxillary deficiency. The criteria for sample exclusion included the presence of painful symptoms, facial trauma history, systemic diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, mouth opening limitation (anomalies, and skeletal asymmetries that may result in TMJ disorders. Dimensional measurements of the condyles between the right and left sides and crossed and non-crossed sides in sagittal and coronal view were made. There was no significant difference between the measurements of the crossed and non-crossed sides in both sagittal and coronal view. These findings suggest that the presence of unilateral posterior crossbite in children with UPXB did not result in changes between the mandibular condyles in the right and left sides or between the crossed and non-crossed sides in the coronal or sagittal plane.

  19. Mandibular Symmetrical Bilateral Canine-Lateral Incisors Transposition: Its Early Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations. (United States)

    Shapira, Yehoshua; Finkelstein, Tamar; Kadry, Rana; Schonberger, Shirley; Shpack, Nir


    Bilateral mandibular tooth transposition is a relatively rare dental anomaly caused by distal migration of the mandibular lateral incisors and can be detected in the early mixed dentition by radiographic examination. Early diagnosis and interceptive intervention may reduce the risk of possible transposition between the mandibular canine and lateral incisor. This report illustrates the orthodontic management of bilateral mandibular canine-lateral incisor transposition. Correct positioning of the affected teeth was achieved on the left side while teeth on the right side were aligned in their transposed position. It demonstrates the outcome of good alignment of the teeth in the dental arch.

  20. Root canal morphology and variations of mandibular premolars by clearing technique: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Parekh, Vaishali; Shah, Nimisha; Joshi, Hardik


    The aim of this study was to compare internal anatomy between first and second mandibular premolars and to study different percentage variations of root canal morphology of mandibular premolars in Gujarat population based on Vertucci's classification by clearing technique. A total of 80 extracted intact permanent mandibular premolars (40 each mandibular first premolar and mandibular second premolar) with fully formed apices were collected. Access cavity was prepared with endo access kit, all samples were placed in 2.5% sodium hypochlorite for 48 hours, after that all samples were washed in running water for 2 hours. After washing, all samples were transferred to 5% nitric acid, for decalcification, for 72 hours, with the acid being changed every 24 hours and stirred once every 8 hours. All samples were washed in running water and dehydrated using ascending grades (70%, 80%, 90% and 100%) of isopropyl alcohol for 2 days. Finally, they were rendered transparent by immersion in methyl salicylate for 15 minutes and then India ink dye was injected into the access cavity. The anatomy of the root canal was observed and classified based on the Vertucci's classification. Parametric Z-test was used to compare the variation between mandibular first and second premolars. In mandibular first premolar, type 1 was found in 20%, type 2 was 5%, type 3 was 5%, type 4 was 25%, type 5 was 12.5% and type 6 was 2.5% of total samples. Whereas, in mandibular second premolar, type 1 was found in 80% out of all samples, type 4 was 2.5%, type 5 was 17.5%. Type 2, type 3, type 6, type 7 and type 8 were not found in this study. Mandibular first premolar showed higher variation (75%) compared to mandibular second premolar (37.5%). The knowledge of variations in the root canal morphology of the mandibular premolars can enhance the level of endodontic treatment of mandibular premolars. Root canal morphology, Vertucci's classification, Clearing technique. How to cite this article: Parekh V, Shah N

  1. Apnea obstructiva del sueño: un abordaje innovador mínimamente invasivo mediante distracción de rama mandibular

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    Pilar Rubio-Bueno


    Full Text Available Resumen: Presentamos un nuevo abordaje mínimamente invasivo mediante distracción intraoral de rama mandibular bilateral (bilateral internal ramus distraction para el tratamiento del síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño en el paciente adulto. Tras la planificación virtual 3 D, el paciente es intervenido bajo anestesia general y asistencia endoscópica, dentro de un protocolo de cirugía mayor ambulatoria, y es dado de alta el mismo día de la cirugía. Tras un periodo de 5 días, la rama mandibular se alarga verticalmente durante un periodo que oscila entre 10 y 50 días, a un ritmo de 0,5 a 1 mm diario, hasta que el índice de apnea hipopnea alcanza una cifra inferior a 5 pausas por hora (nivel de curación o el resalte negativo dentario (overjet se sitúa en valores que ya superan los 10 mm.La titulación del procedimiento mediante parámetros clínicos, poligráficos o polisomnográficos permite al cirujano personalizar el avance mandibular en cada caso. Tras un alargamiento que suele oscilar entre 10 y 25 mm, los distractores se mantienen durante 6 meses hasta que concluye el periodo de consolidación. La indicación de cirugía maxilar tras el avance mandibular se realizará en dependencia del índice de apnea hipopnea residual, de la oclusión y del análisis facial.La distracción intraoral de rama mandibular bilateral es una técnica altamente efectiva para la curación del síndrome de apnea obstructiva del sueño en pacientes adultos con o sin retrognatia, y podría estar indicada incluso en pacientes con morbilidades asociadas, como enfermedades cardiovasculares graves u obesidad mórbida, en los que un procedimiento quirúrgico de mayor envergadura, como el avance maxilomandibular clásico, se descarta como alternativa quirúrgica. Abstract: An innovative and minimally invasive approach for adult obstructive sleep apnoea by using

  2. Management of mandibular body fractures in pediatric patients: a case report with review of literature. (United States)

    John, Baby; John, Reena R; Stalin, A; Elango, Indumathi


    Mandibular fractures are relatively less frequent in children when compared to adults, which may be due to the child's protected anatomic features and infrequent exposure of children to alcohol related traffic accidents. Treatment principles of mandibular fractures differ from that of adults due to concerns regarding mandibular growth and development of dentition. A case of a 4.5-year-old boy with fractured body of mandible managed by closed reduction using open occlusal acrylic splint and circum mandibular wiring is presented. This article also provides a review of literature regarding the management of mandibular body fracture in young children.

  3. Management of mandibular body fractures in pediatric patients: A case report with review of literature

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    Baby John


    Full Text Available Mandibular fractures are relatively less frequent in children when compared to adults, which may be due to the child′s protected anatomic features and infrequent exposure of children to alcohol related traffic accidents. Treatment principles of mandibular fractures differ from that of adults due to concerns regarding mandibular growth and development of dentition. A case of a 4.5-year-old boy with fractured body of mandible managed by closed reduction using open occlusal acrylic splint and circum mandibular wiring is presented. This article also provides a review of literature regarding the management of mandibular body fracture in young children.

  4. Conservative Management of Unilateral Fractures of the Mandibular Rami in Horses. (United States)

    Jansson, Nicolai


    To report the outcome of conservative management of unilateral fractures of the mandibular rami in horses. Retrospective case series. 24 client-owned horses with unilateral mandibular fractures METHODS: Medical records (January 2000-January 2014) of horses with unilateral mandibular ramus fractures were retrieved. Only conservatively managed horses with follow-up information were included. Follow-up information on clinical outcome was retrieved from the medical records (n=11) or obtained by telephone interviews with the owners or trainers (n=13). Twenty-three horses (96%) returned to their previous or intended use and had no clinically evident masticatory or fracture healing-related problems at the time of follow-up. The owner of 1 horse (4%) reported it had tooth loosening, feed impaction, and masticatory problems. Conservative management of unilateral fractures of the mandibular rami is a treatment option in horses. © Copyright 2016 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

  5. Evaluación de la anatomía mandibular relacionada con la osteotomía sagital de rama: estudio realizado en mandíbulas humanas adultas secas de cráneos de raza mestiza pertenecientes al departamento de anatomía de la Facultad de Odontología: Universidad Central del Ecuador


    Daniela Mayorga; Diego Patricio Maldonado Coloma


    En la actualidad la osteotomía sagital de la rama mandibular representa una de las técnicas quirúrgicas más frecuentes utilizada en cirugía ortognática. Sin embargo desde su aparición ha venido siendo modificada hasta lograr los niveles de estandarización que posee en la actualidad. Dicha técnica ha sido modificada en diseño, extensión e instrumentación. El presente trabajo investigativo ha sido llevado a cabo con la finalidad de prevenir problemas anatómicos y quirúrgicos a través del estudi...

  6. Mandibular Symmetrical Bilateral Canine-Lateral Incisors Transposition: Its Early Diagnosis and Treatment Considerations

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    Yehoshua Shapira


    Full Text Available Bilateral mandibular tooth transposition is a relatively rare dental anomaly caused by distal migration of the mandibular lateral incisors and can be detected in the early mixed dentition by radiographic examination. Early diagnosis and interceptive intervention may reduce the risk of possible transposition between the mandibular canine and lateral incisor. This report illustrates the orthodontic management of bilateral mandibular canine-lateral incisor transposition. Correct positioning of the affected teeth was achieved on the left side while teeth on the right side were aligned in their transposed position. It demonstrates the outcome of good alignment of the teeth in the dental arch.

  7. Prolonged vertigo and ataxia after mandibular nerve block for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia


    Arvind Chaturvedi; H H Dash


    Common complications of neurolytic mandibular nerve block are hypoesthesia, dysesthesia, and chemical neuritis. We report a rare complication, prolonged severe vertigo and ataxia, after neurolytic mandibular blockade in a patient suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. Coronoid approach was used for right sided mandibular block. After successful test injection with local anesthetic, absolute alcohol was given for neurolytic block. Immediately after alcohol injection, patient developed nausea and...

  8. Recurrent simple bone cyst of the mandibular condyle: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Kyung A; Koh, Kwang Joon [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, and Institute of Oral Bio Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju (Korea, Republic of)


    Cysts of the mandibular condyle are rare and can be difficult to diagnose and treat. Clinically, a simple bone cyst is asymptomatic and often discovered incidentally on routine radiographic examination. This report shows an atypical simple bone cyst occurring in the mandibular condyle showing recurrence after surgical curettage. Radiologically, this lesion involving the mandibular condyle should be distinguished from other similar lesions such as a chondriome, a central giant cell granuloma, and an aneurysmal bone cyst. Radiographic assessment was useful for forecasting the prognosis of a simple bone cyst. Possible reasons for the recurrence were discussed radiographically.

  9. Evaluation of mandibular condyles in children with unilateral posterior crossbite

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    Full Text Available The relationship of mandibular condyle dimensions and its association with unilateral posterior crossbite (UPXB has been suggested in the literature. The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate mandibular condyles on the left and right sides and between crossed and non-crossed sides in the sagittal and coronal planes, using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT. Twenty CBCT images of 40 temporo mandibular joints (TMJs in individuals in mixed dentition phase, which included 9 males (mean 7.9 years and 11 females (mean 8.2 years, with unilateral posterior crossbite without premature contacts and functional mandibular shifts and with transverse maxillary deficiency. The criteria for sample exclusion included the presence of painful symptoms, facial trauma history, systemic diseases such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, mouth opening limitation (< 40 mm, congenital or genetic anomalies, and skeletal asymmetries that may result in TMJ disorders. Dimensional measurements of the condyles between the right and left sides and crossed and non-crossed sides in sagittal and coronal view were made. There was no significant difference between the measurements of the crossed and non-crossed sides in both sagittal and coronal view. These findings suggest that the presence of unilateral posterior crossbite in children with UPXB did not result in changes between the mandibular condyles in the right and left sides or between the crossed and non-crossed sides in the coronal or sagittal plane.

  10. Feasibility of purely endoscopic intramedullary fixation of mandibular condyle fractures. (United States)

    Frake, Paul C; Goodman, Joseph F; Joshi, Arjun S


    The investigators of this study hypothesized that fractures of the mandibular condyle can be repaired using short-segment intramedullary implants and purely endoscopic surgical technique, using a basic science, human cadaver model in an academic center. Endoscopic instrumentation was used through a transoral mucosal incision to place intramedullary implants of 2 cm in length into osteotomized mandibular condyles. The surgical maneuvers that required to insert these implants, including condyle positioning, reaming, implant insertion, and seating of the mandibular ramus, are described herein. Primary outcome was considered as successful completion of the procedure. Ten cadaveric mandibular condyles were successfully repaired with rigid intramedullary internal fixation without the use of external incisions. Both insertion of a peg-type implant and screwing a threaded implant into the condylar head were possible. The inferior portion of the implant remained exposed, and the ramus of the mandible was manipulated into position on the implant using retraction at the sigmoid notch. The results of this study suggest that purely endoscopic repair of fractures of the mandibular condyle is possible by using short-segment intramedullary titanium implants and a transoral endoscopic approach without the need for facial incisions or punctures. The biomechanical advantages of these intramedullary implants, including improved strength and resistance to mechanical failure compared with miniplates, have been recently established. The combination of improved implant design and purely endoscopic technique may allow for improved fixation and reduced surgical- and implant-related morbidity in the treatment of condylar fractures.

  11. Evaluación de dos técnicas para el registro de relación céntrica mandibular: arco gótico versus céntrica de poder


    Maldonado Moreno, Juan Antonio; Lombard Romero, Luis; Gutiérrez Camacho, Claudia; Canseco Jiménez, Joaquín Federico; Cuairán Ruidíaz, Vicente


    La búsqueda de la verdadera posición mandibular con respecto a la cavidad glenoidea y la relación de los otros componentes que constituyen la articulación temporomandibular conocida como relación céntrica (RC) son esenciales para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y estabilidad del mismo. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar dos técnicas para el registro de RC (técnica céntrica de poder y técnica del arco gótico) con objeto de determinar el método más eficaz para brindar mayor veracidad en el regist...

  12. Intraoral Approach and Stereolithographic-guided Large Mandibular Reconstruction with Fibula Free Flap

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    Artur Diaz-Carandell, MD


    Full Text Available Summary: The reconstruction of mandibular defects has always been of great concern, and it still represents a challenge for head-and-neck reconstructive surgeons. The mandible plays a major role in mastication, articulation, swallowing, respiration, and facial contour. Thus, when undertaking mandibular reconstruction, restoration of both function and cosmetics should be considered as the measure of success. Microsurgical reconstruction is the gold-standard method to repair a segmental mandibular defect. Reconstruction of sizeable defects often needs a large neck incision, leading to unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes. Virtual surgical planning and stereolithographic modeling are new techniques that offer excellent results and can provide precise data for mandibular reconstruction and improve postoperative outcomes. We present a case of complete intraoral resection and reconstruction of a large ameloblastoma of the mandible.

  13. [Maxillo-facial surgery in skeletal Class II: repercussions on the temporo-mandibular joints]. (United States)

    Manière-Ezvan, Armelle; Savoldelli, Charles; Busson, Floriant; Oueiss, Arlette; Orthlieb, Jean-Daniel


    These interventions usually aimed at the correction of the skeletal discrepancy by mandibular retrognatism with an advancement of the distal portion of the mandible after mandibular osteotomy. The position of the condyle is determined during the osteosynthesis with miniplates. Condyles are set back in relation with the supine position of the patient and the weakness of his (her) curarized muscle. All studies show that surgery of mandibular advancement causes a lateral, torque and backward movement of the condyles, all harmful to the condyles. Factors that predispose to condylar resorption are "the patient": a woman, young (between 15 and 40), high mandibular angle, with a history of temporo-mandibular disorders and surgical overload applied to the condyles. What are the possible solutions to avoid failures? Patient preparation before surgery and surgery simulation with an articulator, condylar position control during surgery, working with surgeons to achieve a condylar portion stabilization system (with the CAD), quickly set up a mobilization of the mandible by physiotherapy. © EDP Sciences, SFODF, 2016.

  14. Kinematic Modeling of Normal Voluntary Mandibular Opening and Closing Velocity-Initial Study. (United States)

    Gawriołek, Krzysztof; Gawriołek, Maria; Komosa, Marek; Piotrowski, Paweł R; Azer, Shereen S


    Determination and quantification of voluntary mandibular velocity movement has not been a thoroughly studied parameter of masticatory movement. This study attempted to objectively define kinematics of mandibular movement based on numerical (digital) analysis of the relations and interactions of velocity diagram records in healthy female individuals. Using a computerized mandibular scanner (K7 Evaluation Software), 72 diagrams of voluntary mandibular velocity movements (36 for opening, 36 for closing) for women with clinically normal motor and functional activities of the masticatory system were recorded. Multiple measurements were analyzed focusing on the curve for maximum velocity records. For each movement, the loop of temporary velocities was determined. The diagram was then entered into AutoCad calculation software where movement analysis was performed. The real maximum velocity values on opening (Vmax ), closing (V0 ), and average velocity values (Vav ) as well as movement accelerations (a) were recorded. Additionally, functional (A1-A2) and geometric (P1-P4) analysis of loop constituent phases were performed, and the relations between the obtained areas were defined. Velocity means and correlation coefficient values for various velocity phases were calculated. The Wilcoxon test produced the following maximum and average velocity results: Vmax = 394 ± 102, Vav = 222 ± 61 for opening, and Vmax = 409 ± 94, Vav = 225 ± 55 mm/s for closing. Both mandibular movement range and velocity change showed significant variability achieving the highest velocity in P2 phase. Voluntary mandibular velocity presents significant variations between healthy individuals. Maximum velocity is obtained when incisal separation is between 12.8 and 13.5 mm. An improved understanding of the patterns of normal mandibular movements may provide an invaluable diagnostic aid to pathological changes within the masticatory system. © 2014 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  15. Unusal canal configuration in maxillary and mandibular second molars

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    Ramachandran Ragunathan


    Full Text Available This clinical article describes three different case reports of maxillary and mandibular second molars with the unusual anatomy of single root with a single canal and their endodontic management. An unusual case of bilateralism is observed in the first two cases in the form of single-rooted second mandibular molars in both the quadrant of the same patient. The presence of maxillary second molar with single root and single canal in the third case is unusual.

  16. Root and Canal Morphology of Mandibular Third Molars in an Iranian Population

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    Maryam Kuzekanani


    Full Text Available Background and aims. A through knowledge of the root canal morphology is required for successful endodontic therapy. The aim of this study was to investigate the root and canal morphology of mandibular third molars in Kerman, a province in southeast of Iran. Materials and methods. One-hundred-fifty extracted mandibular third molars were collected randomly from different dental clinics in Kerman. The root canal anatomy and morphology of each tooth was carefully studied using a clearing technique. Root number and morphology, number of canals per root, root canal configuration according to Vertucci classification, and incidence of dilacerated roots and C-shaped canals in mandibular third molars were evaluated under stereomicroscope with ×2 to ×3 magnifications. Results. From the total of 150 mandibular third molars studied, 21% had one root. The majority of teeth (73% had two roots. 5.5% of the teeth had three roots. The incidence of C-shaped canal was 3.5% in this study and 8% of the teeth had at least one dilacerated root. Conclusion. Although root canal anatomy and morphology of mandibular third molars is very variable having two roots seems to be the normal anatomy for these teeth.

  17. Superolateral dislocation of an intact mandibular condyle into the temporal fossa: case report and literature review. (United States)

    Sharma, Divashree; Khasgiwala, Ankit; Maheshwari, Bharat; Singh, Charanpreet; Shakya, Neelam


    Temporomandibular joint dislocation refers to the dislodgement of mandibular condyle from the glenoid fossa. Anterior and anteromedial dislocations of the mandibular condyle are frequently reported in the literature, but superolateral dislocation is a rare presentation. This report outlines a case of superolateral dislocation of an intact mandibular condyle that occurred in conjunction with an ipsilateral mandibular parasymphysis fracture. A review of the clinical features of superolateral dislocation of the mandibular condyle and the possible techniques of its reduction ranging from the most conservative means to extensive surgical interventions is presented. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Efectos de los aparatos propulsores mandibulares fijos en la articulación temporomandibular


    Palomino-Gómez, Sandra Patricia [UNESP; Almeida, Kélei Mathias [UNESP; Melllo, Patricia Bicalho de [UNESP; Restrepo, Manuel [UNESP; Raveli, Dirceu Barnabé [UNESP


    Fixed mandibular propulsion appliances are an alternative for the treatment of Class II malocclusion in individuals with mandibular deficiency. Since they are fixed appliances, said devices keep the mandible in an anterior-forced position during rest and during all mandibular functions. When a propulsive appliance is used, the lower jaw is displaced forward and downward. This movement leads to a new position of the condyle, which can, ultimately affect the normal functioning of the temporoman...

  19. The application of the Risdon approach for mandibular condyle fractures. (United States)

    Nam, Seung Min; Lee, Jang Hyun; Kim, Jun Hyuk


    Many novel approaches to mandibular condyle fracture have been reported, but there is a relative lack of reports on the Risdon approach. In this study, the feasibility of the Risdon approach for condylar neck and subcondylar fractures of the mandible is demonstrated. A review of patients with mandibular condylar neck and subcondylar fractures was performed from March 2008 to June 2012. A total of 25 patients, 19 males and 6 females, had 14 condylar neck fractures and 11 subcondylar fractures. All of the cases were reduced using the Risdon approach. For subcondylar fractures, reduction and fixation with plates was done under direct vision. For condylar neck fractures, reduction and fixation was done with the aid of a trochar in adults and a percutaneous threaded Kirschner wire in children. There were no malunions or nonunions revealed in follow-up care. Mild transient neuropraxia of the marginal mandibular nerve was seen in 4 patients, which was resolved within 1-2 months. The Risdon approach is a technique for reducing the condylar neck and subcondylar fractures that is easy to perform and easy to learn. Its value in the reduction of mandibular condyle fractures should be emphasized.

  20. [Longitudinal genetic effects on mandibular position of female twins from six to twelve years old]. (United States)

    Zhu, Chang-feng; Peng, Jing


    To find the longitudinal genetic effects on mandibular position in mixed dentition. The sample used in this study consisted of lateral cephalograms of eighty-nine pairs of female twins in Beijing. With a mixed longitudinal method, the effective twins were 183 pairs(monozygous 110 pairs and dizygous 73 ones). The genetic and environmental effects on mandibular position were analyzed by statistical methods in female twins from six to twelve years old. Statistical comparisons revealed significant (Pchin is the most subjective to environment change, then the mandibular angle, and the condyle is the least. Using N and S as references, the environmental influence on heights showed different order from the most to least changeable: The mandibular angle, the condyle and the chin. In later stage of our observation, the mandibular morphology and growth type might be family inherited. For environmental influences plays important roles on mandibular position, these findings can be used in orthodontic treatment planning.

  1. The visibility of mandibular canal on orthoradial and oblique CBCT slices at molar implant sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alkhader, Mustafa; Jarab, Fadi; Shaweesh, Ashraf; Hudieb, Malik


    The aim of the present study was to compare visibility of the mandibular canal on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based orthoradial and oblique slices at molar implant sites. CBCT images for 132 mandibular molar implant sites were selected for the study. After generating orthoradial and oblique slices, two observers evaluated the visibility of the mandibular canal using three-point scoring scale (1-3, good to excellent). Wilcoxon signed-rank test compared the visibility scores of the two slices. Both orthoradial and oblique slices obtained from CBCT had only very good to excellent mandibular canal visibility scores. At 114 mandibular molar implant sites, the visibility score was equal on both orthoradial and oblique slices. Although the visibility score was higher on orthoradial slices for 12 implant sites, the visibility score was higher for six implant sites on oblique slices and the difference was not significant. Therefore, the visibility of the mandibular canal was excellent and comparable on most of orthoradial and oblique slices obtained from CBCT images

  2. Meta-analysis of skeletal mandibular changes during Frankel appliance treatment. (United States)

    Perillo, Letizia; Cannavale, Rosangela; Ferro, Fabrizia; Franchi, Lorenzo; Masucci, Caterina; Chiodini, Paolo; Baccetti, Tiziano


    The purpose of this study was to perform a meta-analysis of articles to verify the mandibular changes produced by the Fränkel-2 (FR-2) appliance during the treatment of growing patients with Class II malocclusions when compared with untreated growing Class II subjects. The literature published from January 1966 to January 2009 was reviewed with search engines. A quality analysis was performed. The effects on primary end points were calculated with random-effect models. Heterogeneity was assessed using Q statistic and investigated using study-level meta-regression. A total of nine articles were identified. The quality of the studies ranged from low to medium. Meta-analysis showed that the FR-2 was associated with enhancement of mandibular body length [0.4 mm/year 95 per cent confidence interval (CI) 0.182-0.618], total mandibular length (1.069 mm/year, 95 per cent CI 0.683-1.455), and mandibular ramus height (0.654 mm/year, 95 per cent CI 0.244-1.064). A consistent heterogeneity among studies was found for all the considered linear measurements. The FR-2 appliance had a statistically significant effect on mandibular growth. Nevertheless, the heterogeneity of the FR-2 effects, the quality of studies, the differences in age, skeletal age, treatment duration, and the inconsistent initial diagnosis seem to overstate the benefits of the FR-2 appliance. An evidence-based approach to the orthodontic outcomes of FR-2 appliance is needed, by selecting and comparing groups of children with the same cephalometric characteristics with and without treatment.

  3. Changes in the edentulous maxilla in persons wearing implant-retained mandibular overdentures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Narhi, TO; Geertman, ME; Hevinga, M; Abdo, H; Kalk, W

    Statement of problem. It has been suggested that risk for severe resorption in the anterior maxilla is increased in persons wearing mandibular implant-retained overdentures. However, little information is available about the changes in the edentulous maxilla after mandibular implant treatment.

  4. [Orthodontic Management of the Impacted Mandibular Second Molar Tooth]. (United States)

    Mah, Michael; Takada, Kenji


    When the mandibular permanent second molar becomes impacted, it is identified as a malocclusion that needs treatment as it often leads to unwanted complications such as caries and periodontitis of the adjacent permanent first molar. Other less common complications include root resorption of the adjacent first molar root or continued root development to be in close proximity to the inferior dental alveolar nerve. This paper seeks to differentiate various levels of severity of impaction and review treatment options that are considered clinically available for the proper management of the impacted mandibular permanent second molar. Treatment options that will be discussed in this article include timing of second molar removal for replacement by the third molar, relief of impaction via second premolar removal, surgical repositioning and the combination of third molar removal, surgical exposure and orthodontic uprighting of the impacted tooth. Depending on the severity of the impaction, most impactions can be easily and predictably corrected with nickel titanium archwires or auxillary open coil springs or uprighting springs. Uncommonly, the mandibular permanent second molar can become severely impacted and in close proximity to the inferior dentoalveolar nerve. In these instances, the use of temporary anchorage devices such as microimplants has shown to be successful in uprighting the severely impacted mandibular permanent second molars. © EDP Sciences, SFODF, 2016.

  5. Prevalencia de trastornos témporo mandibulares y bruxismo en Uruguay: PARTE I

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    Raúl Riva

    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivos: Determinar el nivel de prevalencia de Bruxismo y Trastornos Témporo Mandibulares (TTM en dos poblaciones, Montevideo e Interior, en Uruguay. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a nivel nacional. El muestreo fue estratifi cado polietápico. Resultados: Las variables seleccionadas y analizadas en este primer artículo fueron: grado de apertura bucal, dolor muscular, chasquido de ATM, facetas de desgaste parafuncional, dolor de cabeza, relato de ruidos articulares, sensación de haber dormido apretando los dientes y autopercepción del stress. Se han comprobando las siguientes prevalencias globales: para TTM: 55% con al menos un síntoma, siendo más prevalente en Montevideo (57% que en el Interior (53%. Con al menos un signo clínico: 44%, siendo también mas prevalente en Montevideo (47% que en el Interior (41%. En cuanto a Bruxismo activo, ante la pregunta de tener la sensación al despertar de haber dormido apretando los dientes, se encontró una prevalencia de 30,72% en Montevideo y 23,19% en el Interior, en tanto que de ser o haber sido bruxómano a través de la valoración de las facetas de desgaste parafuncional 71,95% en Montevideo y 62,17% en el Interior. Conclusiones: Con este relevamiento hemos constatado una elevada prevalencia de TTM y Bruxismo en la población uruguaya y recomendamos la elaboración de medidas de prevención y tratamiento a nivel colectivo

  6. Clinical and orthopantomographic evaluation of mandibular third molar

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    F K Saraswati


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate sensitivity of orthopentograph (OPG in assessing the number and morphology of roots of the mandibular third molar. Materials and Methods : The study population consisted of 100 ILTMs (impacted lower third molars ranging from 18 to 42 years with equal sex distribution. All the teeth were subsequently extracted , collected and compared with OPG features for position, numb,er, morphology, and relation to mandibular canal. Conclusion: In conclusion, a large sample study is suggested with techniques like Clark′s and right angle technique which determines the three-dimensional orientation of the impacted teeth.

  7. Fractura patológica de la mandíbula asociada a quiste radicular: Reporte de 3 casos clínicos Mandibular pathologic fracture associated with radicular cyst: Report of three clinical cases

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    J. Bouguila


    Full Text Available Introducción. El quiste radicular es el quiste más común de los maxilares. Su tamaño puede variar desde una lesión que abarca el proceso alveolar hasta uno extenso que oblitera el espacio antral maxilar o causa una fractura patológica mandibular. Reporte de casos. Se reportan tres casos con fractura patológica mandibular asociados a quiste radicular ocurridos después de trauma facial. El diagnóstico fue sugerido por un estudio clínico, radiografía panorámica y confirmado por el estudio histopatológico de la pieza operatoria. El tratamiento consistió en enucleación quística seguido por inmovilización de fragmentos con osteosíntesis o bloqueo intermaxilar. El resultado clínico y radiológico a corto plazo fue favorable. Discusión. Se discuten aspectos propios de la patología y su terapia. Conclusión. El éxito del tratamiento depende de una adecuada terapia en que sus principios más importantes son la remoción de la lesión mediante enucleación y una fijación estable.Introduction. Radicular cyst is the most common cyst of the oral cavity. It may range in size from a small periapical lesion to one that can obliterate the antral space or cause mandibular fracture. Case reports. We report three cases of radicular cyst complicated by mandibular fracture that occurred after maxillofacial trauma. The diagnosis was strongly suggested by panoramic radiography and confirmed by pathology examination of the operative specimen. Treatment consisted in cyst enucleation followed by immobilization of fragments by osteosynthesis or maxillomandibular fixation. The clinical and radiologic outcome was favorable. Discussion. The particularities and treatment are discussed. Conclusion. Treatment success is dependent on adequate therapy, the principles of which are removing the lesion and providing stable fixation.

  8. A randomized clinical trial comparing mandibular incisor proclination produced by fixed labial appliances and clear aligners. (United States)

    Hennessy, Joe; Garvey, Thérèse; Al-Awadhi, Ebrahim A


    To compare the mandibular incisor proclination produced by fixed labial appliances and third generation clear aligners. Patients underwent a course of orthodontic treatment using either fixed labial appliances or clear aligners (Invisalign). Mandibular incisor proclination was measured by comparing pretreatment and near-end treatment lateral cephalograms. Eligibility criteria included adult patients with mild mandibular incisor crowding (clear aligner group. Baseline characteristics were similar for both groups: Fixed appliance mean crowding was 2.1 ± 1.3 mm vs clear aligner mean crowding, 2.5 ± 1.3 mm; pretreatment mean mandibular incisor inclination for the fixed appliance group was 90.8 ± 5.4° vs 91.6 ± 6.4° for the clear aligner group. Fixed appliances produced 5.3 ± 4.3° of mandibular incisor proclination. Clear aligners proclined the mandibular incisors by 3.4 ± 3.2°. The difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (P > .05). There was no difference in the amount of mandibular incisor proclination produced by clear aligners and fixed labial appliances in mild crowding cases.

  9. Early Experience with Biodegradable Fixation of Pediatric Mandibular Fractures


    Mazeed, Ahmed Salah; Shoeib, Mohammed Abdel-Raheem; Saied, Samia Mohammed Ahmed; Elsherbiny, Ahmed


    This clinical study aims to evaluate the stability and efficiency of biodegradable self-reinforced poly-l/dl-lactide (SR-PLDLA) plates and screws for fixation of pediatric mandibular fractures. The study included 12 patients (3–12 years old) with 14 mandibular fractures. They were treated by open reduction and internal fixation by SR-PLDLA plates and screws. Maxillomandibular fixation was maintained for 1 week postoperatively. Clinical follow-up was performed at 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 months, and...

  10. Mandibular Fracture Patterns at a Medical Center in Central Taiwan: A 3-Year Epidemiological Review. (United States)

    Lin, Fu-Yu; Wu, Chao-I; Cheng, Hsu-Tang


    Mandibular fractures constitute a major portion of maxillofacial trauma and may lead to considerable functional and aesthetic sequelae if treatment is inadequate or delayed. An epidemiology study on mandibular fractures may guide the preventive efforts of the Taiwan public health care system. Therefore, a retrospective review was conducted at a medical center in central Taiwan to evaluate the current mandibular fracture epidemiology.The medical records and digitized radiographs of 198 patients who received treatment for mandibular fractures during a 3-year period (from October 2010 to September 2013) at a medical center in central Taiwan were reviewed to obtain demographic and injury data.The average age was 29.4 years (3-82 years). Patients aged 21 to 30 years sustained the most mandibular fractures (62 patients, 31.3%). The overall sex distribution (male to female) ratio was 1.8. Motor-vehicle accidents (MVAs) were the most common mechanism of injury (162 patients, 82%), and scooter and motorcycle riders wearing partial-coverage helmets constituted the majority of patients. A chart review identified 198 patients with 335 mandibular fractures; 113 patients (57.1%) had multiple mandibular fractures. The most common fracture sites were the symphysis and parasymphysis regions (38.9%), followed by the condyle (26.0%), angle (14.3%), body (14.3%), and ramus (6.6%).MVAs are the major cause of mandibular fractures in central Taiwan, and patients aged Taiwan. Copyright © 2017 The Authors. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Surgical Management of Mandibular Central Incisors with Dumbbell Shaped Periapical Lesion: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roopadevi Garlapati


    Full Text Available Dental traumatic injuries may affect the teeth and alveolar bone directly or indirectly. Pulpal necrosis and chronic and apical periodontitis with cystic changes are the most common sequelae of the dental traumatic injuries, if the teeth are not treated immediately. This case report focuses on the conventional and surgical management of mandibular central incisors. A twenty-four-year-old male patient presented with pain in the mandibular central incisors. Radiographic examination revealed mandibular central incisors with dumbbell shaped periapical lesion. After root canal treatment, parendodontic surgery was performed for mandibular central incisors. After one-year recall examination, the teeth were asymptomatic and periapical lesion had healed.

  12. Alveolar ridge expansion-assisted orthodontic space closure in the mandibular posterior region. (United States)

    Ozer, Mete; Akdeniz, Berat Serdar; Sumer, Mahmut


    Orthodontic closure of old, edentulous spaces in the mandibular posterior region is a major challenge. In this report, we describe a method of orthodontic closure of edentulous spaces in the mandibular posterior region accelerated by piezoelectric decortication and alveolar ridge expansion. Combined piezosurgical and orthodontic treatments were used to close 14- and 15-mm-wide spaces in the mandibular left and right posterior areas, respectively, of a female patient, aged 18 years and 9 months, diagnosed with skeletal Class III malocclusion, hypodontia, and polydiastemas. After the piezoelectric decortication, segmental and full-arch mechanics were applied in the orthodontic phase. Despite some extent of root resorption and anchorage loss, the edentulous spaces were closed, and adequate function and esthetics were regained without further restorative treatment. Alveolar ridge expansion-assisted orthodontic space closure seems to be an effective and relatively less-invasive treatment alternative for edentulous spaces in the mandibular posterior region.

  13. Pharyngeal Airway Space Changes After Condylar Replacement and Mandibular Advancement Surgery. (United States)

    Yuen, Holly; Rossouw, P Emile; Wolford, Larry M; Wang, Hongyue


    The aim of this study was to examine the total volume and cross-sectional areas of the pharyngeal airway after bilateral condylar replacement and mandibular advancement surgery. A total of 137 patients (126 women and 11 men) underwent bilateral temporomandibular joint total joint replacement performed by 1 surgeon. A subsample of 30 patients who underwent condylar replacement and only mandibular advancement were evaluated for impact on the airway. Measurements were taken preoperatively, postoperatively, and at a follow-up 1 year after surgery on cone beam computed tomography scans. InVivoDental 3-dimensional imaging (Anatomage, San Jose, CA) was used to measure airway space regarding total volume (in cubic centimeters); minimum cross-sectional area (in square millimeters); minimum cross sections of the first, second, and third cervical vertebrae; and whether the patient had mandibular retrognathia before surgery. A second operator was used to test for interoperator error. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were computed, and the P value was set at .05. There was a significant increase in all measurements at the follow-up visit compared with the preoperative visit. There were no significant differences between groups based on simultaneous Le Fort I surgery, mandibular retrognathia, and gender. However, there were statistically significant differences in cross sections 1 and 2, as well as minimum cross-sectional area, regarding age. Condylar replacement and mandibular advancement have a significant association with an increase in airway space. The intraclass correlation coefficient showed excellent agreement between interoperator measurements. Patients undergoing bilateral temporomandibular joint replacement and mandibular advancement surgery showed an increase in pharyngeal airway space at a 1-year follow-up. In this study, age was significantly associated with the cross-sectional areas of the airway, with older patients having smaller values. Copyright © 2018

  14. Valoración a largo plazo de los resultados de tratamiento mediante osteosíntesis con miniplacas en sus diferentes usos en cirugía craneomaxilofacial


    Marí Roig, Antonio


    Después de la introducción de la osteosíntesis con miniplacas hace más de 25 años, siguen existiendo controversias en su aplicación en determinadas situaciones de la cirugía craneomaxilofacial. En las fracturas mandibulares se utilizan diferentes tipos de placas asociadas o no a bloqueo intermaxilar con un indice de complicaciones muy variable (James y col, 1981; Limchayseng 1988); el tratamiento más adecuado cuando existen dientes en el foco de fractura. La utilización del bloqueo intermaxi...

  15. Prevalence of three rooted permanent mandibular first molars in Haryana (North Indian population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alpa Gupta


    Full Text Available Background: Mandibular first molars typically have two roots but sometimes a supernumerary root presents distolingually called as radix entomolaris (RE. Aim: The present study evaluated the prevalence of permanent mandibular first molars featuring a distolingual root in Haryana (North India. Materials and Methods: Five hundred patients possessing bilateral mandibular first molars were selected for this study. The intraoral periapical radiographs were taken. The radiographs of these patients were evaluated under optimal conditions. A total of 1000 mandibular first molars were screened, and the incidence of three-rooted mandibular first molars, RE and the correlation between left and right side occurrence and between either gender were recorded. Statistical Analysis: The binary logistic regression test and Pearson's Chi-square test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The prevalence of three-rooted permanent mandibular first molars was 13% of the patients examined and 8.3% of the teeth examined. There was no statistically significant difference between gender and side of occurrence (P ≥ 0.05. The bilateral incidence of a symmetric distribution was 27.6 (18/65 among the RE teeth examined. Conclusion: RE is considered as an Asiatic trait. The occurrence of this macrostructure in the Haryana (North India population was found to be 13%. The clinician must thoroughly examine the radiographs before the initiation of endodontic therapy.

  16. Root Canal Configuration of Mandibular First and Second Premolars in an Iranian Population

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    Nemat Eskandarzadeh


    Full Text Available

    Background and aims. It is critical to have a proper knowledge of the normal anatomy of the pulp and its variations for the success of endodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the canal configuration and the prevalence of C-shaped canals in mandibular first and second premolars in a North-Western Iranian population.

    Materials and methods. A total of 163 extracted mandibular first and 103 mandibular second premolars were injected with India ink and demineralized . They were made clear and transparent with methyl salicylate and the anatomy of their canal(s was studied.

    Results. The results showed that 98% of mandibular first premolars had one root, 2% had two roots, 70.6% had one canal, 27.8% had two canals, 1.2% had three canals and the prevalence of C-shaped canals was 2.4%. All mandibular second premolars had one root, 80.5% had one canal, 17.5% had two canals and the prevalence of C-shaped canals was 2%.

    Conclusion. It is important that clinicians, before treatment of mandibular first and second premolars, pay complete attention to radiographs, have a true concept of the number of root(s and canal(s, and prepare a correct access cavitiy.

  17. [Diagnosis and treatment of temporo-mandibular disorders in orthodontics]. (United States)

    Bocquet, Emmanuelle; Moreau, Alexis; Danguy, Michel; Danguy, Chantal


    Orthodontists are fully prepared to treat the problems of occlusion that they are called upon to deal with every day. On the other hand temporo-mandibular joint disorders present more obscure difficulties from the point of view of detection and diagnosis as well the management of their treatment. That is why a profound understanding of the anatomical and physiological functioning of the temporo-mandibular joint has become indispensable for today's orthodontists who are now asked to detect and diagnose an assortment of TMJ disturbances whose etiology may vary greatly. By performing a rigorous diagnostic procedure, based on a thorough clinical examination supported by careful axiographic and radiological studies, of temporo-mandibular malfunctioning and its underlying etiological causes, which are primarily dento-alveolar and occlusal in nature, orthodontists will be able to adopt an appropriate therapeutic approach that might be purely orthodontic or multi-disciplinary and carried out with the collaboration of specialists in occlusion, oral surgery, and even osteopathy. EDP Sciences, SFODF, 2010.

  18. Recurrent osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle: A case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Young Eun; Choi, Karp Shik; An, Chang Hyeon; Choi, So Young; An, Seo Young; Lee, Jae Seo


    A 21-year-old woman presented with facial asymmetry. Crepitus and clicking of the temporomandibular joint were noted. The midline deviated 5.5 mm to the left, and secondary malocclusion was observed. Panoramic and cone-beam computed tomographic images showed an irregular and exophytic bony mass on the anteromedial surface of the right mandibular condyle. A 3-phase bone scan revealed increased tracer uptake on the affected side. The lesion was treated with excision and reshaping under the diagnosis of osteochondroma confirmed by a histopathological examination. The lesion recurred after 3 years, and the patient underwent condylectomy. Mandibular condylar osteochondroma is often resected because it causes functional and aesthetic problems, but it rarely recurs. To the best of our knowledge, only 2 cases of recurrent osteochondromas of the mandibular condyle have been reported previously. Surgical treatment of the osteochondroma should be performed considering the possibility of recurrence, and long-term follow-up is recommended

  19. Early Experience with Biodegradable Fixation of Pediatric Mandibular Fractures. (United States)

    Mazeed, Ahmed Salah; Shoeib, Mohammed Abdel-Raheem; Saied, Samia Mohammed Ahmed; Elsherbiny, Ahmed


    This clinical study aims to evaluate the stability and efficiency of biodegradable self-reinforced poly-l/dl-lactide (SR-PLDLA) plates and screws for fixation of pediatric mandibular fractures. The study included 12 patients (3-12 years old) with 14 mandibular fractures. They were treated by open reduction and internal fixation by SR-PLDLA plates and screws. Maxillomandibular fixation was maintained for 1 week postoperatively. Clinical follow-up was performed at 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months postoperatively. Radiographs were done at 1 week, 3 months, and 12 months postoperatively to observe any displacement and fracture healing. All fractures healed both clinically and radiologically. No serious complications were reported in the patients. Normal occlusion was achieved in all cases. Biodegradable osteofixation of mandibular fractures offers a valuable clinical solution for pediatric patients getting the benefit of avoiding secondary surgery to remove plates, decreasing the hospital stay, further painful procedures, and psychological impact.

  20. 3-D diagnosis-assisted management of anomalous mandibular molar

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    Neelam Mittal


    Full Text Available This case report describes the successful non-surgical endodontic management of carious exposed three-rooted mandibular molar with four root canals detected on the pre-operative radiograph taken with 20 degrees mesial angulation and confirmed with a 64-slice helical computed tomography scan-assisted 3-D-reconstructed images. Access cavity shape was modified to locate the extra canal with respect to the distolingual root in the left mandibular first molar. Copious irrigation was accomplished with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA. Biomechanical preparation was done using protapers. Calcium hydroxide dressing was done for 1 week. The tooth was obturated using gutta percha and AH 26 root canal sealer, and it was permanently restored with composite. Clinical examination on follow-up visits revealed no sensitivity to percussion and palpation in the left mandibular first molar. Thorough knowledge of root canal variations and use of advanced diagnostic modalities lead to successful non-surgical management of the complex cases.

  1. Recurrent osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle: A case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kwon, Young Eun; Choi, Karp Shik; An, Chang Hyeon; Choi, So Young; An, Seo Young [School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Jae Seo [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    A 21-year-old woman presented with facial asymmetry. Crepitus and clicking of the temporomandibular joint were noted. The midline deviated 5.5 mm to the left, and secondary malocclusion was observed. Panoramic and cone-beam computed tomographic images showed an irregular and exophytic bony mass on the anteromedial surface of the right mandibular condyle. A 3-phase bone scan revealed increased tracer uptake on the affected side. The lesion was treated with excision and reshaping under the diagnosis of osteochondroma confirmed by a histopathological examination. The lesion recurred after 3 years, and the patient underwent condylectomy. Mandibular condylar osteochondroma is often resected because it causes functional and aesthetic problems, but it rarely recurs. To the best of our knowledge, only 2 cases of recurrent osteochondromas of the mandibular condyle have been reported previously. Surgical treatment of the osteochondroma should be performed considering the possibility of recurrence, and long-term follow-up is recommended.

  2. Comparison of different radiographic methods for the detection of the mandibular canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Eun Kyung


    To compare the visibility of the mandibular canal at the different radiographic methods such as conventional panoramic radiographs, Vimplant multiplanar reformatting (MPR)-CT panoramic images, Vimplant MPR-CT paraxial images and film-based DentaScan MPR-CT images. Data of 11 mandibular dental implant patients, who had been planned treatment utilizing both panoramic and MPR-CT examination with DentaScan software (GE Medical systems, Milwaukee, USA), were used in this study. The archived axial CT data stored on CD-R discs were transferred to a personal computer with 17' LCD monitor. Paraxial and panoramic images were reconstructed using Vimplant software (CyberMed Inc., Seoul, Korea). Conventional panoramic radiographs, monitor-based Vimplant MPR-CT panoramic images, monitor-based Vimplant MPR-CT paraxial images, and film-based DentaScan MPR-CT images were evaluated for visibility of the mandibular canal at the mental foramen, 1 cm, 2 cm, and 3 cm posterior to mental foramen using the 4-point grading score. Vimplant MPR-CT panoramic, paraxial, and DentaScan MPR-CT images revealed significantly clearer images than conventional panoramic radiographs. Particularly at the region 1 cm posterior to mental foramen, conventional panoramic radiographs showed a markedly lower percentage of 'excellent' mandibular canal images than images produced by other modalities. Vimplant MPR-CT and DentaScan MPR-CT images did not show significant difference in visibility of the mandibular canal. The study results shoe that Vimplant and DentaScan MPR-CT imaging systems offer significantly better images of the mandibular canal than conventional panoramic radiograph.

  3. Endodontic therapy for a fused mandibular molar. (United States)

    Rotstein, I; Moshonov, J; Cohenca, N


    Variations in tooth morphology present a clinical challenge when endodontic treatment is required. A case of conservative endodontic therapy for a fused mandibular second and third molar is presented.

  4. Neurovascular Content of the Mandibular Canal and Its Clinical Relevance: A Literature Review of the Related Anatomical and Radiological Studies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eliades Apostolos N.


    Full Text Available In literature, anatomical variations of the inferior alveolar nerve branches (infratemporal, extraosseous and intraosseous are reported and their importance in clinical practice is discussed too. The spatial vessels’ position in relationship with the nerve in the mandibular canal was explored, which is of clinical significance in impacted third molar and implant surgery. It is believed that the neurovascular content of the main mandibular canal follows any variations of the mandibular canal i.e. bifid mandibular, retromolar and accessory mental canals. Retrospective studies and case reports reported the presence of multiple foramina on the medial surface of the ramus, near the main mandibular foramen. In some cases, one supplementary mandibular foramen was found to be connected with the lower third molar, which is called “temporal crest canal”. Others found an accessory mandibular foramen that led into a second mandibular canal which joined the main mandibular canal (double anteriorly. The bony canals contained a terminal branch of the anterior trunk of the mandibular nerve or a branch of inferior alveolar nerve before it entered the mandibular foramen.

  5. Use of monocortical miniplates for the intraoral treatment of mandibular fractures. (United States)

    Chiodo, Thomas A; Milles, Maano


    Fixation of mandibular fractures using rigid hardware has gained wide acceptance over the past 3 decades. The goal of rigid internal fixation is to allow for fracture healing with limited, or no, time in maxillo-mandibular fixation. There has been significant evolution in plate and screw materials and design over the past 30 years. The term miniplate is used to describe a fracture plate with a screw diameter of 2.0 mm or less. With correct diagnosis and understanding of the forces affecting mandible fractures, miniplates can be applied transorally in various situations, allowing for less invasive treatment with open reduction of mandible fractures. This article describes the use of monocortical miniplates for the intraoral treatment of mandibular fractures.

  6. Relationship of maxillary 3-dimensional posterior occlusal plane to mandibular spatial position and morphology. (United States)

    Coro, Jorge C; Velasquez, Roberto L; Coro, Ivette M; Wheeler, Timothy T; McGorray, Susan P; Sato, Sadao


    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the 3-dimensional (3D) posterior occlusal plane (POP) and the mandibular 3D spatial position. The relationship of the POP to mandibular morphology was also investigated. Retrospective data from a convenience sample of pretreatment diagnostic cone-beam computed tomography scans were rendered using InVivo software (Anatomage, San Jose, Calif). The sample consisted of 111 subjects (51 male, 60 female) and included growing and nongrowing subjects of different races and ethnicities. The 3D maxillary POP was defined by selecting the cusp tips of the second premolars and the second molars on the rendered images of the subjects. The angles made by this plane, in reference to the Frankfort horizontal plane, were measured against variables that described the mandibular position in the coronal, sagittal, and axial views. The POP was also compared with bilateral variables that described mandibular morphology. There were significant differences of the POP among the different skeletal malocclusions (P <0.0001). The POP showed significant correlations with mandibular position in the sagittal (P <0.0001), coronal (P <0.05), and axial (P <0.05) planes. The POP also showed a significant correlation with mandibular morphology (P <0.0001). These findings suggest that there is a distinct and significant relationship between the 3D POP and the mandibular spatial position and its morphology. Copyright © 2016 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Application of the Mandible Injury Severity Score to Pediatric Mandibular Fractures. (United States)

    Swanson, Edward W; Susarla, Srinivas M; Ghasemzadeh, Ali; Mundinger, Gerhard S; Redett, Richard J; Tufaro, Anthony P; Manson, Paul N; Dorafshar, Amir H


    The Mandible Injury Severity Score (MISS) has been used to evaluate adult mandibular fractures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the MISS in a cohort of pediatric patients. This was a retrospective study of pediatric patients treated for mandibular fractures over a 20-year period. Patients were included if they had computed tomographic imaging available for review and had at least 1 post-treatment visit. The primary predictor variable was the MISS. Secondary predictors were demographic and injury-associated factors. The outcome was treatment-associated complications. Descriptive, bivariate, and multiple logistic regression statistics were computed. One hundred sixteen patients with mandibular fractures were identified; 73 (62.9%) met the inclusion criteria. The sample's mean age was 8.5 ± 4.1 years; 44% were girls. Motor vehicle collisions (60%) and falls (15.1%) were the most common mechanisms. More than 50% of patients had an extra-mandibular injury. The mean MISS was 13.5 ± 7.8. Forty-five percent of the sample underwent open reduction and internal fixation. Complications were noted in 20.5% of patients, of which malocclusion was the most common (8.2%). Increasing MISS was associated with complications (P pediatric patients with mandibular fractures, increased severity of injury is associated with complications, even after controlling for the effects of multiple confounders, including open treatment. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. TMJ response to mandibular advancement surgery: an overview of risk factors (United States)

    VALLADARES-NETO, José; CEVIDANES, Lucia Helena; ROCHA, Wesley Cabral; ALMEIDA, Guilherme de Araújo; de PAIVA, João Batista; RINO-NETO, José


    Objective In order to understand the conflicting information on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathophysiologic responses after mandibular advancement surgery, an overview of the literature was proposed with a focus on certain risk factors. Methods A literature search was carried out in the Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases in the period from January 1980 through March 2013. Various combinations of keywords related to TMJ changes [disc displacement, arthralgia, condylar resorption (CR)] and aspects of surgical intervention (fixation technique, amount of advancement) were used. A hand search of these papers was also carried out to identify additional articles. Results A total of 148 articles were considered for this overview and, although methodological troubles were common, this review identified relevant findings which the practitioner can take into consideration during treatment planning: 1- Surgery was unable to influence TMJ with preexisting displaced disc and crepitus; 2- Clicking and arthralgia were not predictable after surgery, although there was greater likelihood of improvement rather than deterioration; 3- The amount of mandibular advancement and counterclockwise rotation, and the rigidity of the fixation technique seemed to influence TMJ position and health; 4- The risk of CR increased, especially in identified high-risk cases. Conclusions Young adult females with mandibular retrognathism and increased mandibular plane angle are susceptible to painful TMJ, and are subject to less improvement after surgery and prone to CR. Furthermore, thorough evidenced-based studies are required to understand the response of the TMJ after mandibular advancement surgery. PMID:24626243

  9. Two independent anion transport systems in rabbit mandibular salivary glands

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Novak, I; Young, J A


    Cholinergically stimulated Cl and HCO3 transport in perfused rabbit mandibular glands has been studied with extracellular anion substitution and administration of transport inhibitors. In glands perfused with HCO3-free solutions, replacement of Cl with other anions supported secretion in the foll......Cholinergically stimulated Cl and HCO3 transport in perfused rabbit mandibular glands has been studied with extracellular anion substitution and administration of transport inhibitors. In glands perfused with HCO3-free solutions, replacement of Cl with other anions supported secretion...... stimulated secretion by about 30%, but when infused in addition to furosemide (0.1 mmol/l), it inhibited by about 20%. Amiloride (1.0 mmol/l) caused no inhibition. The results suggest that there are at least three distinct carriers in the rabbit mandibular gland. One is a furosemide-sensitive Na-coupled Cl...

  10. A Simplified Way for the Stabilization of Pediatric Mandibular Fracture With an Occlusal Splint. (United States)

    Demirkol, Mehmet; Demirkol, Nermin; Abdo, Omar Hasan; Aras, Mutan Hamdi


    The management of pediatric mandibular fractures is challenging for maxillofacial surgeons due to ongoing mandibular growth involving tooth buds. The treatment of such fractures has been a topic of much research. Generally accepted methods for the treatment of mandibular parasymphyseal or symphyseal fractures in children are conservative approaches involving the use of acrylic splints, lateral compression with an open-cap splint stabilized by circummandibular wiring, and maxillomandibular fixation with an arch bar and eyelet wiring. The aim of this technical note was to describe a straightforward approach to the treatment of pediatric mandibular fractures, in which an occlusal splint is secured to prevent trauma to the soft tissue, without the need for general anesthesia.

  11. Active Shape Analysis of Mandibular Growth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hilger, Klaus Baggesen; Larsen, Rasmus; Kreiborg, Sven


    This work contains a clinical validation using biological landmarks of a Geometry Constrained Diffusion registration of mandibular surfaces. Canonical Correlations Analysis is extended to analyse 3D landmarks and the correlations are used as similarity measures for landmark clustering. A novel Ac...

  12. Aesthethic and masticatory rehabilitation on post mandibular resection with combination of hollow obturator and hybrid prosthesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arif Rachman


    Full Text Available Background: Replacing tooth lost caused by caries, periodontal disease, trauma and neoplasm including ameloblastoma which requires mandibular resection is important. Purpose: The aim of the study to rehabilitation of post mandibular resection with combination of hollow obturator and hybrid prosthesis. Case: A patient 25 years old, male, for having prosthesis to cover defect due to post right mandibular resection. Case Management: In this presented case, mandibular plate was applied due to spreading defect with losing almost a half body of mandible (class II modification 2 according to cantor and curtis classification. The design of therapy was mandibular obturator using hybrid prosthesis (removable partial denture metal frame and fixed splint crown with precision attachment with hollow obturator. The application was based on several advantages: good aesthetic performance, retention, stability, lighter weight and equal share of vertical load for teeth on non surgical site. The result of control I, II, III, showed that aesthetic performance, masticatory function, speech and swallowing were in good condition. Conclusion: The design of mandibular obturator using hybrid denture with hollow obturator could rehabilitate aesthetic performance, masticatory function, speech and swallowing for patient with post mandibular resection.

  13. Indicadores de maduración esquelética y dental en pacientes de ortodoncia con menarquía Indicators of skeletal and dental maturation in orthodontics patients presenting menarche

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    Gladia Toledo Mayarí


    Full Text Available El propósito del presente trabajo fue determinar según la menarquía: la edad ósea, los estadios de maduración esquelética, los estadios de maduración de las vértebras cervicales y los estadios de calcificación del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos. Se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo en 30 pacientes femeninas con menarquía que ingresaron en la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, en el periodo comprendido entre abril de 2004 y septiembre de 2006. A cada paciente se le realizó una telerradiografía lateral de cráneo, una radiografía de la mano izquierda y una radiografía panorámica o periapical de la hemiarcada mandibular izquierda. En cada caso se evaluaron los métodos Taner-Whitehouse 2 (TW2, Grave y Brown, Hassel y Farman y Demirjian. Se estudiaron las variables: edad de aparición de la menarquía, edad ósea, edad cronológica, estadios de maduración esquelética, estadios de maduración de las vértebras cervicales, estadios de calcificación del canino y el segundo premolar mandibulares izquierdos. El promedio de la edad de aparición de la menarquía en esta muestra fue de 12,00 años con una desviación estándar de 1,00 año. Los promedios de la edad ósea fueron superiores a los de la edad cronológica en todos los grupos de edades. Las 30 pacientes estudiadas se encontraban en: estadios de maduración esquelética mayores que 4, estadios de maduración de las vértebras cervicales mayores que 1, estadio H de calcificación del canino mandibular izquierdo y estadios superiores al E para el segundo premolar mandibular izquierdo. En todos los métodos determinados se encontró que la mayoría de las pacientes con menarquía estaban en los estadios de maduración más avanzados.The aim of present paper was to determine according menarche the bone age, skeletal maturation stages, maturation stage of cervical vertebrae and the stages of calcification of canine

  14. [The temporo-mandibular articulation]. (United States)

    Dargaud, J; Vinkka-Puhakka, H


    The standing posture of humans has created both morphological and functional adaptations in the temporo-mandibular joint and the masticatory function. This biped state is the one of the most important characteristic of human evolution. It is furthermore the agent determining most of the functional changes in the whole body. This survey will be carried out in several levels including, a descriptive anatomy, biomechanics, radiological imaging, functioning in the articulation of TMJ. The descriptive anatomic picture will be obtained by the traditional dissection techniques. 20 TMJ joints are dissected from 10 cadavers: 7 cadavers, 65-75 year old, 3 cadavers, 60-65 year old. The x-rays are lateral view and the subjects of the radiological imaging are young's, adults and olds: 1, 3 y-old Male; 1, 7 y-old Female; 1, 14 y-old Female; 10, 19-23 y-old Male; 1, 26 y-old Female; 1, 34 y-old Male; 1, 75 y-old Female. The anatomic elements in the TMJ well resembled the ones described in the literature of the capsule, the ligament, the masticator muscles (masseter, temporal, medial and lateral pterygoids). The temporo-mandibular ligament proved to be difficult to separate from the capsule in some of the specimens. Sometimes it was not always found after a dissection.

  15. Posttraumatic Mandibular Asymmetry Presenting in a Young Adult

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    Mahnaz Sheikhi, DDS,MS


    Full Text Available One of the most common sites of injury of the facial skeleton is mandibular condyle. However, it is the least diagnosed site of trauma in the head and neck regions. A trauma to the mandible and specifically condylar zone during childhood, may lead to asymmetry or mandibular bilateral distortion, which is usually manifested in the second decade of life when the etiology is unknown to most people. This report is about an adult male complaining about facial asymmetry with an unknown source. Obvious clicking at the right side and shorter right ramus and condyle's head deviation directed us to a childhood trauma and fracture.

  16. Management of pediatric mandibular fracture: a case series. (United States)

    Agarwal, Ravi M; Yeluri, Ramakrishna; Singh, Chanchal; Chaudhry, Kalpna; Munshi, Autar K


    A pediatric mandibular fracture can cause a child severe pain and the parent or caregiver extreme worry. While the pattern of fractures and associated injuries in children is similar to adults, the incidence is low. Due to a number of factors, including the anatomical complexity of the developing mandible in a child, management of such fractures differs from that of adults and can greatly challenge the pediatric dentist. Various treatment modalities of managing mandibular fracture are available, such as closed/open cap splint with circummandibular wiring, arch-bar fixation, and cementation of the cap splint. This article reviews 19 cases in the management of pediatric facial fracture using varied treatment methods.

  17. Mandibular molar crown-topography, a biological predisposing ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mandibular molar crown-topography, a biological predisposing factor to development of caries – a post-mortem analysis of 2500 extracted lower permanent molars at the dental centre, University of Benin teaching hospital.

  18. Coronectomy of the mandibular third molar: Respect for the inferior alveolar nerve

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kouwenberg, A. J.; Stroy, L. P. P.; Rijt, E. D. Vree-V. D.; Mensink, G.; Gooris, P. J. J.


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of coronectomy as an alternative surgical procedure to complete removal of the impacted mandibular third molar in patients with a suspected close relationship between the tooth root(s) and the mandibular canal. A total of 151 patients underwent

  19. Cephalometric evaluation of surgical mandibular advancement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloísa Marcantônio Boeck


    Full Text Available The treatment of Class II adult individuals with mandibular deficiency has been the combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Therefore, a study was conducted in which cephalometric analysis was used to evaluate the influence of dentoalveolar decompensation in Class II patients submitted to orthodontic and surgical treatment for mandibular advancement, by bilateral osteotomy of the mandibular ramus. A sample of 15 leukoderma adult female patients were selected and three cephalometric radiographs of each patient, taken before the orthodontic treatment, before surgery and after at least 6 months postoperatively, were analyzed in a total of 45 roentgenograms. The tracings were made by the manual method and the points were digitalized using software. The results showed that values of SNB increased from 75.6 to 78.6°. The measures BNP and PGNP were reduced from -12.7 to -7.7 mm and -12.7 to -6.6 mm, respectively. For ANB there was a reduction of 3.23° (from 8.1° to 4.9°. Likewise, the values of AOBO were diminished by 6.3 mm (from 7.6 to 1.3 mm, and in the values of OJ there was a reduction of 5.7 mm (from 9 to 3.3 mm. It was concluded that the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment promoted minimal and variable dental and skeletal changes in the final result. The surgical treatment caused significant skeletal changes, especially in the measurements related to the mandible (SNB, BNP, PGNP and SNPM or indirectly to it (ANB, AOBO and OJ.

  20. Cephalometric evaluation of surgical mandibular advancement. (United States)

    Boeck, Eloísa Marcantônio; Kuramae, Mayury; Lunardi, Nádia; Santos-Pinto, Ary dos; Mazzonetto, Renato


    The treatment of Class II adult individuals with mandibular deficiency has been the combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Therefore, a study was conducted in which cephalometric analysis was used to evaluate the influence of dentoalveolar decompensation in Class II patients submitted to orthodontic and surgical treatment for mandibular advancement, by bilateral osteotomy of the mandibular ramus. A sample of 15 leukoderma adult female patients were selected and three cephalometric radiographs of each patient, taken before the orthodontic treatment, before surgery and after at least 6 months postoperatively, were analyzed in a total of 45 roentgenograms. The tracings were made by the manual method and the points were digitalized using software. The results showed that values of SNB increased from 75.6 to 78.6 degrees. The measures BNP and PGNP were reduced from -12.7 to -7.7 mm and -12.7 to -6.6 mm, respectively. For ANB there was a reduction of 3.23 degrees (from 8.1 degrees to 4.9 degrees). Likewise, the values of AOBO were diminished by 6.3 mm (from 7.6 to 1.3 mm), and in the values of OJ there was a reduction of 5.7 mm (from 9 to 3.3 mm). It was concluded that the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment promoted minimal and variable dental and skeletal changes in the final result. The surgical treatment caused significant skeletal changes, especially in the measurements related to the mandible (SNB, BNP, PGNP and SNPM) or indirectly to it (ANB, AOBO and OJ).

  1. Mandibular Kondil Kırıkları ve Tedavi Yöntemleri


    Kısa, Halil İbrahim; Tatlı, Ufuk; Kürkcü, Mehmet


    Maxillofacial injuries are most commonly associated with falls, motor and vehicle accidents, sports-related trauma, and interpersonel violence. The complexity of mandibular condyle region and its anatomic proximity to other craniofacial structures complicate diagnosis and treatment. Thus, treatment approaches of mandibular condyle fracture are still controversial. In the literature, different success rates are reported about observation versus treatment, closed reduction versus open reduction...

  2. Computerized tomography of the mandibular joints and masticatory muscles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huels, A.B.


    A methodology for computerized tomography of the mandibular joints was developed and applied in 80 test persons. Imaging of the mandibular joints is possible with a tomographic technique with 5 mm-overlap, full utilisation of the enlargement capacity of the imaging device, and combined use of transversal and coronary tomography. The method yields full latero-medial, cranio-caudal and anterior-posterior views of the condyle and fossa contours, free of interferences and of distortions caused by the projection. Positional diagnoses are thus possible as well as diagnoses of pathological structural changes. (orig./MG) [de

  3. Use of rectangular grid miniplates for fracture fixation at the mandibular angle. (United States)

    Hochuli-Vieira, Eduardo; Ha, Thi Khanh Linh; Pereira-Filho, Valfrido Antonio; Landes, Constantin Alexander


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome of patients with mandibular angle fractures treated by intraoral access and a rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes and stabilized with monocortical screws. This study included 45 patients with mandibular angle fractures from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil, and from the Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. The 45 fractures of the mandibular angle were treated with a rectangular grid miniplate of a 2.0-mm system by an intraoral approach with monocortical screws. Clinical evaluations were postoperatively performed at 15 and 30 days and 3 and 6 months, and the complications encountered were recorded and treated. The infection rate was 4.44% (2 patients), and in 1 patient it was necessary to replace hardware. This patient also had a fracture of the left mandibular body; 3 patients (6.66%) had minor occlusal changes that have been resolved with small occlusal adjustments. Before surgery, 15 patients (33.33%) presented with hypoesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve; 4 (8.88%) had this change until the last clinical control, at 6 months. The rectangular grid miniplate used in this study was stable for the treatment of simple mandibular angle fractures through intraoral access, with low complication rates, easy handling, and easy adjustment, with a low cost. Concomitant mandibular fracture may increase the rate of complications. This plate should be indicated in fractures with sufficient interfragmentary contact. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Surgical treatment of sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle using long-screw osteosynthesis. (United States)

    Luo, Shufang; Li, Bo; Long, Xing; Deng, Mohong; Cai, Hengxing; Cheng, Yong


    The retrospective study evaluated long-screw (bicortical screw) osteosynthesis used in the surgical treatment of sagittal fracture of the mandibular condyle and compared it with titanium plates and removal of the condylar fragment. Ninety-five patients with sagittal fracture of the mandibular condyle received open surgical treatment from 1997 to 2008. Among these patients, the condylar fragments were fixed with long screws in 56 cases (group A), were fixed with titanium plates in 12 cases (group B), and were completely removed in 24 cases (group C). Follow-up was carried out clinically and radiologically. The clinical features included limitation of mandibular mobility, occlusion disturbance, lateral deviation on mouth opening, joint pain, clicking, facial asymmetry, and patient's subjective evaluation. The radiologic parameters consisted of degree of bony resorption, bony change, change of osteosynthesis material, and shortening of mandibular ramus height. Anatomic reduction and functional restoration were obtained and no severe complication was detected in group A. However, 3 of 14 patients had severe osteoarthrosis and 2 of 14 patients had ankylosis in group B. In group C 3 of 24 patients had mandibular retrusion, 4 of 24 patients had front teeth open bite, 4 of 24 patients had severe osteoarthrosis, and 1 of 24 patients had ankylosis. The long-screw fixation group had a more favorable prognosis than the titanium plate group and the group in which removal of the condylar fragment was performed. The long-screw fixation technique might be suitable for use in the surgical treatment of sagittal fractures of the mandibular condyle. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Occlusion and Temporomandibular Function among Subjects with Mandibular Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Creugers, N.H.J.; Witter, D.J.; Spijker, A. van 't; Gerritsen, A.E.; Kreulen, C.M.


    Objective. To quantify effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in shortened dental arches. Methods. Subjects wearing mandibular extension removable partial dentures (n = 25) were compared with subjects with shortened dental arches

  6. Strategic camouflage treatment of skeletal Class III malocclusion (mandibular prognathism) using bone-borne rapid maxillary expansion and mandibular anterior subapical osteotomy. (United States)

    Seo, Yu-Jin; Lin, Lu; Kim, Seong-Hun; Chung, Kyu-Rhim; Nelson, Gerald


    This case report presents the camouflage treatment that successfully improved the facial profile of a patient with a skeletal Class III malocclusion using bone-borne rapid maxillary expansion and mandibular anterior subapical osteotomy. The patient was an 18-year-old woman with chief complaints of crooked teeth and a protruded jaw. Camouflage treatment was chosen because she rejected orthognathic surgery under general anesthesia. A hybrid type of bone-borne rapid maxillary expander with palatal mini-implants was used to correct the transverse discrepancy, and a mandibular anterior subapical osteotomy was conducted to achieve proper overjet with normal incisal inclination and to improve her lip and chin profile. As a result, a Class I occlusion with a favorable inclination of the anterior teeth and a good esthetic profile was achieved with no adverse effects. Therefore, the hybrid type of bone-borne rapid maxillary expander and a mandibular anterior subapical osteotomy can be considered effective camouflage treatment of a skeletal Class III malocclusion, providing improved inclination of the dentition and lip profile. Copyright © 2016 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Tratamiento Temprano de la Maloclusión Clase III con aparatología Ortopédica: Reporte de caso con 7 años de control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Una de las maloclusiones más complejas de diagnosticar y de tratar es la maloclusión clase III.\tSe caracteriza por una alteración en la relación sagital de los maxilares, ya sea por una deficiencia o retrusión maxilar o por un prognatismo o macrognatismo mandibular, o bien sea una combinación de las anteriores. La etiología es multifactorial y es debida a una interacción de factores hereditarios y ambientales. Se presenta una paciente de 4 años de edad, sexo femenino, con patrón hereditario de clase III en su familia materna. Relación esquelética clase III con mandíbula aumentada en longitud, protruida, rotando posterior y maxilar superior retruído. Tipo de crecimiento vertical, con un perfil recto y mordida cruzada anterior y posterior unilateral izquierda. Se instauró tratamiento con aparatología ortopédica durante el periodo de dentición decidua hasta la dentición permanente, para lograr así, equilibrar el crecimiento maxilomandibular. Uno de los aspectos clínicos más complicados del manejo ortopédico de la maloclusión clase III es la recidiva después del período de tratamiento activo; sin embargo en nuestra paciente se consiguen cambios a nivel esquelético, dental y estéticos que se mantuvieron durante el tratamiento

  8. Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome with consanguinity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarke, E.A.; Nguyen, V.D.


    The cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by unique posterior rib defectes, micrognathia, and mental deficiency. The mode of transmission is undetermined. This report describes the first case with documented parental consanguinity as well as hitherto undescribed CT and skeletal findings. (orig.)

  9. Oro-mandibular manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sachin Rai


    Conclusion : Loss of lamina dura, ground glass appearance, and mandibular cortical width reduction are common findings in primary hyperparathyroidism and these are significantly correlated with elevated parathormone and alkaline phosphatase. However, the presence of brown tumors and oral tori are less commonly encountered features.

  10. Transmigration of Mandibular Canine: Report of Four Cases and Review of Literature

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gaurav Sharma


    Full Text Available Transmigration of canine is a rare phenomenon. The prevalence of transmigration of mandibular canine has been found to be only 0.14%–0.31%. The treatment of impacted transmigrated canine is very complicated if it is diagnosed at a later stage. We report 4 cases of transmigration of mandibular canine and review the literature regarding the etiology and treatment. Panoramic radiograph should be taken during the mixed dentition period if the mandibular canine has not erupted from more than one year from its normal chronological age of eruption as intraoral periapical radiograph examination will not always detect an impacted or transmigrated canine.

  11. Novel three dimensional position analysis of the mandibular foramen in patients with skeletal class III mandibular prognathism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Sang Hoon; Kim, Yeon Ho; Won, Yu Jin; Kim, Moon Key


    To analyze the relative position of the mandibular foramina (MnFs) in patients diagnosed with skeletal class III malocclusion. Computed tomography (CT) images were collected from 85 patients. The vertical lengths of each anatomic point from the five horizontal planes passing through the MnF were measured at the coronoid process, sigmoid notch, condyle, and the gonion. The distance from the anterior ramus point to the posterior ramus point on the five horizontal planes was designated the anteroposterior horizontal distance of the ramus for each plane. The perpendicular distance from each anterior ramus point to each vertical plane through the MnF was designated the horizontal distance from the anterior ramus to the Mn F. The horizontal and vertical positions were examined by regression analysis. Regression analysis showed the heights of the coronoid process, sigmoid notch, and condyle for the five horizontal planes were significantly related to the height of the MnF, with the highest significance associated with the MnF-mandibular plane (coefficients of determination (R2): 0.424, 0.597, and 0.604, respectively). The horizontal anteroposterior length of the ramus and the distance from the anterior ramus point to the MnF were significant by regression analysis. The relative position of the MnF was significantly related to the vertical heights of the sigmoid notch, coronoid process, and condyle as well as to the horizontal anteroposterior length of the ascending ramus. These findings should be clinically useful for patients with skeletal class III mandibular prognathism

  12. Novel three dimensional position analysis of the mandibular foramen in patients with skeletal class III mandibular prognathism

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Sang Hoon; Kim, Yeon Ho; Won, Yu Jin; Kim, Moon Key [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital, Goyang (Korea, Republic of)


    To analyze the relative position of the mandibular foramina (MnFs) in patients diagnosed with skeletal class III malocclusion. Computed tomography (CT) images were collected from 85 patients. The vertical lengths of each anatomic point from the five horizontal planes passing through the MnF were measured at the coronoid process, sigmoid notch, condyle, and the gonion. The distance from the anterior ramus point to the posterior ramus point on the five horizontal planes was designated the anteroposterior horizontal distance of the ramus for each plane. The perpendicular distance from each anterior ramus point to each vertical plane through the MnF was designated the horizontal distance from the anterior ramus to the Mn F. The horizontal and vertical positions were examined by regression analysis. Regression analysis showed the heights of the coronoid process, sigmoid notch, and condyle for the five horizontal planes were significantly related to the height of the MnF, with the highest significance associated with the MnF-mandibular plane (coefficients of determination (R2): 0.424, 0.597, and 0.604, respectively). The horizontal anteroposterior length of the ramus and the distance from the anterior ramus point to the MnF were significant by regression analysis. The relative position of the MnF was significantly related to the vertical heights of the sigmoid notch, coronoid process, and condyle as well as to the horizontal anteroposterior length of the ascending ramus. These findings should be clinically useful for patients with skeletal class III mandibular prognathism.

  13. Glenoid fossa position in Class III malocclusion associated with mandibular protrusion. (United States)

    Innocenti, Cristina; Giuntini, Veronica; Defraia, Efisio; Baccetti, Tiziano


    Our aim in this study was to investigate the position of the glenoid fossa in subjects with Class III malocclusion associated with mandibular protrusion to better clarify the role of this craniofacial component in Class III skeletal disharmony. A sample of 30 subjects, aged 8 years +/- 6 months, with skeletal and dental Class III malocclusion associated with mandibular protrusion, normal skeletal vertical relationships, and normal mandibular dimensions, was compared with a control group of 33 subjects with skeletal and dental Class I relationships. The comparisons between the Class III group and the control group on the cephalometric measures for the assessment of glenoid fossa position were performed with the Mann-Whitney U test at P <0.05. Subjects with Class III malocclusion had a significantly more mesial position of the glenoid fossa, when compared with the control group as measured with 3 parameters. An anterior position of the glenoid fossa is a possible diagnostic anatomic feature of Class III malocclusion associated with mandibular protrusion. An effective measurement to evaluate glenoid fossa position in craniofacial relationships is the cephalometric distance from the glenoid fossa to the frontomaxillary-nasal suture.

  14. Effects of mandibular protraction appliance associated to fixed appliance in adults

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bruno D'Aurea Furquim


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This retrospective study aimed to conduct a cephalometric evaluation of the skeletal, dental and soft tissue effects resulting from treatment of adult patients presenting Class II malocclusion, performed with a Mandibular Protraction Appliance (MPA combined with a fixed orthodontic appliance. METHODS: The sample consisted of teleradiographs obtained before and after treatment of 9 adult patients (initial mean age of 22.48 years with bilateral Class II, division 1, malocclusion. Paired t test (p < 0.05 was applied to compare initial and final values. RESULTS: t test revealed an increase in anteroinferior facial height and posterior facial height. The dental changes include: extrusion of upper incisors, buccal inclination, protrusion of lower incisors, mesialization and extrusion of mandibular molars. Regarding the soft tissue component, there was an increase in nasolabial angle in addition to upper lip retrusion. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of treating Class II malocclusion adult patients, by means of using Mandibular Protraction Appliance (MPA combined with a fixed appliance were mostly observed in the mandibular arch, and consisted of buccal inclination, protrusion and intrusion of incisors, and mesialization and extrusion of the molars.

  15. Computer Simulation Surgery for Mandibular Reconstruction Using a Fibular Osteotomy Guide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Woo Shik Jeong


    Full Text Available In the present study, a fibular osteotomy guide based on a computer simulation was applied to a patient who had undergone mandibular segmental ostectomy due to oncological complications. This patient was a 68-year-old woman who presented to our department with a biopsy-proven squamous cell carcinoma on her left gingival area. This lesion had destroyed the cortical bony structure, and the patient showed attenuation of her soft tissue along the inferior alveolar nerve, indicating perineural spread of the tumor. Prior to surgery, a three-dimensional computed tomography scan of the facial and fibular bones was performed. We then created a virtual computer simulation of the mandibular segmental defect through which we segmented the fibular to reconstruct the proper angulation in the original mandible. Approximately 2-cm segments were created on the basis of this simulation and applied to the virtually simulated mandibular segmental defect. Thus, we obtained a virtual model of the ideal mandibular reconstruction for this patient with a fibular free flap. We could then use this computer simulation for the subsequent surgery and minimize the bony gaps between the multiple fibular bony segments.


    de Souza Junior, Paulo; de Moraes, Flavio Machado; de Carvalho, Natan da Cruz; Canelo, Evandro Alves; Thiesen, Roberto; Santos, André Luiz Quagliatto


    Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf) is the biggest South American canid and has a high frequency of dental injuries, both in the wild and in captivity. Thus, veterinary procedures are necessary to preserve the feeding capacity of hundreds of captive specimens worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the mandibular morphometry of the maned wolf with emphasis on the establishment of anatomic references for anesthetic block of the inferior alveolar and mental nerves. Therefore, 16 measurements in 22 mandibles of C. brachyurus adults were taken. For extraoral block of the inferior alveolar nerve at the level of the mandibular foramen, the needle should be advanced close to the medial face of the mandibular ramus for 11.4 mm perpendicular to the palpable concavity. In another extraoral approach, the needle may be introduced for 30.4 mm from the angular process at a 20-25° angle to the ventral margin. For blocking only the mental nerve, the needle should be inserted for 10 mm from ventral border, close to the labial surface of the mandibular body, at the level of the lower first premolar. The mandibular foramen showed similar position, size, and symmetry in the maned wolf specimens examined. Comparison of the data observed here with those available for other carnivores indicates the need to determine these anatomic references specifically for each species.

  17. Management of Pediatric Mandibular Fracture Using Orthodontic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    May 22, 2017 ... The pediatric patient is a challenge to manage and ... and osteosynthesis of the pediatric fracture with titanium ... impression material and surgical model prepared with ... circum-mandibular wire were removed under local.

  18. Radiography of the mandible prior to endosseous implant treatment. Localization of the mandibular canal and assessment of trabecular bone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lindh, C.


    Mandibular autopsy specimens were examined with different radiographic techniques in order to evaluate the visibility of the mandibular canal and the measurement accuracy of distances related to the mandibular canal. Hypocycloidal, spiral and computed tomography (CT) were superior to periapical and panoramic radiography in visualizing the mandibular canal. The tomographic techniques were more accurate when measurements of distances related to the mandibular canal were performed. No difference in measurement accuracy was found between the tomographic techniques. Concerning visibility of the mandibular canal, interobserver agreement was lowest for periapical radiography and highest for CT. Intraobserver agreement was moderate or good for all techniques. A high interobserver variation was found for measurability of distances related to the mandibular canal. The trabecular bone tissue in mandibular autopsy specimens was studied concerning different characteristics. A classification system to be used prior to implant treatment, based on the trabecular pattern in periapical radiographs, was proposed. 74 refs.

  19. Radiography of the mandible prior to endosseous implant treatment. Localization of the mandibular canal and assessment of trabecular bone

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindh, C.


    Mandibular autopsy specimens were examined with different radiographic techniques in order to evaluate the visibility of the mandibular canal and the measurement accuracy of distances related to the mandibular canal. Hypocycloidal, spiral and computed tomography (CT) were superior to periapical and panoramic radiography in visualizing the mandibular canal. The tomographic techniques were more accurate when measurements of distances related to the mandibular canal were performed. No difference in measurement accuracy was found between the tomographic techniques. Concerning visibility of the mandibular canal, interobserver agreement was lowest for periapical radiography and highest for CT. Intraobserver agreement was moderate or good for all techniques. A high interobserver variation was found for measurability of distances related to the mandibular canal. The trabecular bone tissue in mandibular autopsy specimens was studied concerning different characteristics. A classification system to be used prior to implant treatment, based on the trabecular pattern in periapical radiographs, was proposed. 74 refs

  20. Donor site complications in bone grafting: comparison of iliac crest, calvarial, and mandibular ramus bone. (United States)

    Scheerlinck, Laura M E; Muradin, Marvick S M; van der Bilt, Andries; Meijer, Gert J; Koole, Ronald; Van Cann, Ellen M


    To compare the donor site complication rate and length of hospital stay following the harvest of bone from the iliac crest, calvarium, or mandibular ramus. Ninety-nine consecutively treated patients were included in this retrospective observational single-center study. Iliac crest bone was harvested in 55 patients, calvarial bone in 26 patients, and mandibular ramus bone in 18 patients. Harvesting of mandibular ramus bone was associated with the lowest percentages of major complications (5.6%), minor complications (22.2%), and total complications (27.8%). Harvesting of iliac crest bone was related to the highest percentages of minor complications (56.4%) and total complications (63.6%), whereas harvesting of calvarial bone induced the highest percentage of major complications (19.2%). The length of the hospital stay was significantly influenced by the choice of donor site (P = .003) and age (P = .009); young patients with the mandibular ramus as the donor site had the shortest hospital stay. Harvesting of mandibular ramus bone was associated with the lowest percentage of complications and the shortest hospital stay. When the amount of bone to be obtained is deemed sufficient, mandibular ramus bone should be the first choice for the reconstruction of maxillofacial defects.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The study describes a rare clinical case of synovial chondromatosis of the temporo-mandibular joint, in a 53 year-old patient. In the prehospital stage, the patient was examined by additional diagnostic methods – 3D CT and subsequent computer simulation, in view of subsequent surgery. In January 2015, partial synovektomy of the right temporo-mandibular joint with removal of cartilaginous impurities was performed under general anesthesia. After histopathological confirmation of the clinical diagnosis, the patient was discharged in satisfactory condition, with recommendations for further examination and radiological control. Synovial chondromatosis of the temporo-mandibular joint is a disease characterized by impaired formation of cartilage or of intraarticular, cartilaginous, and relatively rare bone impurities. An important role in the diagnosis of joints’ synovial chondromatosis is played by the instrumental research methods, especially X-ray. Surgical treatment is recommended as a function of the prevalence of lesions.

  2. Prevalence and morphometric analysis of three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Brazilian subpopulation


    Rodrigues, Clarissa Teles; de Oliveira-Santos, Christiano; Bernardineli, Norberti; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Minotti-Bonfante, Paloma Gagliardi; Ordinola-Zapata, Ronald


    ABSTRACT The knowledge of the internal anatomy of three-rooted mandibular molars may help clinicians to diagnose and plan the root canal treatment in order to provide adequate therapy when this variation is present. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of three-rooted mandibular molars in a Brazilian population using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and to analyze the anatomy of mandibular first molars with three roots through micro-CT. Material and Methods: CBCT images of 116 patien...

  3. Nerve injury caused by mandibular block analgesia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hillerup, S; Jensen, Rigmor H


    Fifty-four injection injuries in 52 patients were caused by mandibular block analgesia affecting the lingual nerve (n=42) and/or the inferior alveolar nerve (n=12). All patients were examined with a standardized test of neurosensory functions. The perception of the following stimuli was assessed......: feather light touch, pinprick, sharp/dull discrimination, warm, cold, point location, brush stroke direction, 2-point discrimination and pain perception. Gustation was tested for recognition of sweet, salt, sour and bitter. Mandibular block analgesia causes lingual nerve injury more frequently than...... inferior alveolar nerve injury. All grades of loss of neurosensory and gustatory functions were found, and a range of persisting neurogenic malfunctions was reported. Subjective complaints and neurosensory function tests indicate that lingual nerve lesions are more incapacitating than inferior alveolar...

  4. Mandibular third molar development after mantle radiation in long-term survivors of childhood Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGinnis, J.P. Jr.; Hopkins, K.P.; Thompson, E.I.; Hustu, H.O.


    Sequential panoramic radiographs were assessed for mandibular third molar development in 47 long-term survivors of childhood Hodgkin's disease after treatment with 37 Gy mantle field radiation. To make a comparison, panoramic radiographs of 149 healthy, nonirradiated children were reviewed for the presence of mandibular third molars. In children between the ages of 7 and 12 years, bilateral agenesis of mandibular third molars was more frequent in patients who had been treated with mantle radiation than in nonirradiated patients. Unilateral agenesis, crown hypoplasia, and root growth impairment of mandibular third molars were also found. Similar, apparent, radiation-induced developmental anomalies were noted in maxillary third molars of the irradiated patients

  5. Dynamic MR imaging of mandibular osteoradionecrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Store, G.; Smith, H.J.; Larheim, T.A.


    Osteoradionecrotic bone has been characterised as hypovascular and metabolically inactive tissue with impaired perfusion. The present study was conducted to determine if dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging could provide additional information about the vascularity of radionecrotic mandibular bone. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MR imaging was performed on 10 patients with mandibular osteoradionecrosis (ORN), and on 6 patients, irradiated for oropharyngeal tumours, without symptoms or signs of ORN. Nine patients in the ORN group received a series of 20 hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatments, after which the dynamic MR investigation was repeated. Radiation per se did not lead to increased contrast enhancement, whereas all patients with ORN showed marked contrast enhancement of the osteoradionecrotic bone marrow. After HBO treatment, pathological contrast enhancement of the abnormal bone marrow could still be seen, but the rate of enhancement was less than before in 7 of 9 patients. Two patients had an increase in the enhancement rate. The findings suggest the existence of an increased and patent microvasculature

  6. A study of angle of mandibular canal and mental foramen on the panoramic radiograph

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hang Moon


    To assessment the angle between mandibular canal and occlusal plane at each posterior tooth region and location of mental foramen on the panoramic radiographs. This study analysed 46 half-mandibles of panoramic radiographs. Inferior border of mandibular canal was traced. Occlusal plane was drawn from lingual cusp tip of the first premolar to distolingual cusp tip of the second molar. Perpendicular line from occlusal plane was drawn at each tooth region and then tangential lines were drawn from the crossing points at canal. The angle between occlusal plane and tangential line was measured. The location of mental foramen was also studied. According to the location of mental foramen, radiographs were divided into M (mesial) group and D (distal) group on the basis of the second premolar. and then inter-group analysis about mandibular canal angle was done. The angles of mandibular canals were -17.7 .deg. C, -9.5 .deg. C, 8.2 .deg. C, 22.3 .deg. C, and 39.2 .deg. C at first premolar, second premolar, first molar, second molar, and third molar, respectively. The commonest position of the mental foramen was distal to the second premolar. Inter-group comparison showed statistically significant difference at the second premolar and the first molar (p<0.001). The acknowledgement of mandibular canal angulation and location of mental foramen can help understanding the course of mandibular canal.

  7. Prevalence and features of distolingual roots in mandibular molars analyzed by cone-beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Mi Ree; Moon, Young Mi; Seo, Min Seock


    This study evaluated the prevalence of distolingual roots in mandibular molars among Koreans, the root canal system associated with distolingual roots, and the concurrent appearance of a distolingual root in the mandibular first molar and a C-shaped canal in the mandibular second molar. Cone-beam computed tomographic images of 264 patients were screened and examined. Axial sections of 1056 mandibular molars were evaluated to determine the number of roots. The interorifice distances from the distolingual canal to the distobuccal canal were also estimated. Using an image analysis program, the root canal curvature was calculated. Pearson's chi-square test, the paired t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and post-hoc analysis were performed. Distolingual roots were observed in 26.1% of the subjects. In cases where a distolingual root was observed in the mandibular molar, a significant difference was observed in the root canal curvature between the buccolingual and mesiodistal orientations. The maximum root canal curvature was most commonly observed in the mesiodistal orientation in the coronal portion, but in the apical portion, maximum root canal curvature was most often observed in the buccolingual orientation. The canal curvature of distolingual roots was found to be very complex, with a different direction in each portion. No correlation was found between the presence of a distolingual root in the mandibular first molar and the presence of a C-shaped canal in the mandibular second molar

  8. Epidemiology of Surgically Managed Mandibular Condylar Fractures at a Tertiary Referral Hospital in Urban Southwest China. (United States)

    Thapa, Swosti; Wang, Jun; Hu, Hong-Tao; Zhang, Fu-Gui; Ji, Ping


    Mandibular condylar fracture is one of the commonest maxillofacial fractures treated by maxillofacial surgeons. Demography of the patients, causation, and characteristics of the fracture depends on various socio-economic factors. Hence, maxillofacial surgeons should be familiar with epidemiology of mandibular condylar fracture. This study retrospectively describes the demography, etiology, fracture characteristics, and hospital utilization of surgically treated mandibular condylar fractures in a tertiary referral hospital in urban China in past five years. Data of all patients who underwent surgical management between 2011 and 2015 were collected. This included aetiology, characteristics of fracture, time, age, sex, associated injuries, and hospital utilization of 166 patients with 208 mandibular condylar fractures. These patients had undergone open reduction and internal fixation with either miniplates or lag screws. Among the fracture of head of mandibular condyle, 21.28% of the patients had the fracture segments removed. These data were statistically analyzed to describe the epidemiology of mandibular condylar fracture. Most of the patients had unilateral mandibular condylar fractures (74.7%). Male patients (76.51%) outnumbered female patients (23.49%) in this cohort. The average age of the patients was 37 years. The fractures were mostly caused by fall from height (60.84%) and were located at the condylar neck (53.61%). Most of the patients had other associated maxillofacial injuries (71.08%) which were mostly located at symphysis and parasymphysis (44.59%). It took 12.58 +/- 0.35 days of hospitalization for the treatment. Fall from height was the most prevalent cause of mandibular condylar injury in mountainous urban China. The people at highest risk were middle-aged men. Mandibular condylar fracture was mostly located at the condylar neck and was usually associated with fracture at the symphysis and parasymphysis.

  9. Patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction with mandibular two-implant overdentures using different attachment systems: 5-year outcomes. (United States)

    Al-Zubeidi, Mohammed I; Alsabeeha, Nabeel H M; Thomson, W Murray; Payne, Alan G T


    Different attachment systems for mandibular two-implant overdentures could influence levels of patient satisfaction. Positive consensus of the majority of patients being satisfied does not preclude the possibility of dissatisfaction for some. To evaluate patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after 5 years of wearing mandibular two implant overdentures using different attachment systems ; to determine the prognostic relevance of pretreatment complete denture complaints to treatment outcomes. A total of 106 edentulous participants enrolled in a clinical trial completed a preliminary self-report inventory of their original complete denture complaints.New complete maxillary dentures and mandibular two-implant overdentures were provided to each participant using one of six different attachment systems. Patient satisfaction was determined at pretreatment; at baseline with mandibular two-implant overdenture insertion; and then annually for 5 years, using visual analogue and Likert-type scales. Patient satisfaction with mandibular two-implant overdentures showed significant changes pre- to posttreatment(baseline) in all domains, but these were significant immediately and maintained without further significance for 5 years, other than pain with the overdenture. After 5 years, no significant differences were observed with all the attachment systems. Highly significant differences were found with some social and psychological aspects by the fifth year compared to baseline. Diagnostic and prognostic indicators from a pretreatment inventory identified 12 participants (13.5%) who were dissatisfied. These indicators revealed a maladaptive predisposition to mandibular two-implant overdentures. The provision of mandibular two-implant overdentures will, in the majority of patients, significantly enhance levels of patient satisfaction for 5 years, as compared to complete mandibular dentures, regardless of the attachment system. Careful evaluation of pretreatment

  10. Fixation of zygomatic and mandibular fractures with biodegradable plates. (United States)

    Degala, Saikrishna; Shetty, Sujeeth; Ramya, S


    In this prospective study, 13 randomly selected patients underwent treatment for zygomatic-complex fractures (2 site fractures) and mandibular fractures using 1.5 / 2 / 2.5-mm INION CPS biodegradable plates and screws. To assess the fixation of zygomatic-complex and mandibular fractures with biodegradable copolymer osteosynthesis system. In randomly selected 13 patients, zygomatic-complex and mandibular fractures were plated using resorbable plates and screws using Champy's principle. All the cases were evaluated clinically and radiologically for the type of fracture, need for the intermaxillary fixation (IMF) and its duration, duration of surgery, fixation at operation, state of reduction at operation, state of bone union after operation, anatomic reduction, paresthesia, occlusal discrepancies, soft tissue infection, immediate and late inflammatory reactions related to biodegradation process, and any need for the removal of the plates. Descriptives, Frequencies, and Chi-square test were used. In our study, the age group range was 5 to 55 years. Road traffic accidents accounted for the majority of patients six, (46.2%). Postoperative occlusal discrepancies were found in seven patients as mild to moderate, which resolved with IMF for 1-8 weeks. There were minimal complications seen and only as soft tissue infection. Use of biodegradable osteosynthesis system is a reliable alternative method for the fixation of zygomatic-complex and mandibular fractures. The biodegradable system still needs to be refined in material quality and handling to match the stability achieved with metal system. Biodegradable plates and screws is an ideal system for pediatric fractures with favorable outcome.

  11. Maxillary complete denture outcome with two-implant supported mandibular overdentures. A systematic review. (United States)

    Rutkunas, Vygandas; Mizutani, Hiroshi; Peciuliene, Vytaute; Bendinskaite, Ruta; Linkevicius, Tomas


    Research data regarding maxillary complete denture outcome with two-implant supported mandibular overdentures are not consistent. Considering multiple publications on implant supported mandibular overdentures, it was decided to summarize currently present evidence on the maxillary complete dentures opposed by implant-supported mandibular overdentures, and analyze factors that could potentially influence the outcomes. The articles from 1985 to 2007 related to the topic were identified in the online MEDLINE/Pubmed and other databases and manually. Primary articles were scanned, and irrelevant studies were excluded from the further review process. Potentially relevant titles and abstracts were provisionally included for consideration on the basis of full text articles. Full text articles were obtained from on-line and printed sources. The data from the studies were extracted and reviewed. The study has failed to identify any prospective satisfying inclusion/exclusion criteria RCT reporting on maxillary bone resorption. The number of maxillary complete denture relining incidences per patient was constantly increasing during the 10-year period. Maxillary complete denture remake incidences comprised 16-33 % of the number of patients followed during the 10-year period. Comparing patient satisfaction with upper dentures at the baseline and after two years, no decrease in satisfaction was noticed. There is no evidence that maxillary ridge resorption is accelerated with certain types of two-implant supported mandibular overdenture attachments. Most common complication for the maxilla - prosthetic maintenance. There is a risk of decreased patient satisfaction with bar-supported mandibular overdenture. Further studies are needed to provide evidence for the maxillary complete denture outcome with two-implant supported mandibular overdentures.

  12. Visibility of the mandibular canal and the mental foramen in panoramic radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Seon Jin; Choi, Eui Hwan; Kim, Jae Duk


    To determine the head position that the superior border of the mandibular canal as well as mental foramen can be more clearly visualized in panoramic radiography. Ten dry mandibles were radiography bilaterally using PM 2002 CC panoramic machine. A 20 mm thick aluminium filter was added to the slit collimator to obtain radiographs with acceptable density. The specimens were tilted by 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 degrees downward with and without radiopaque markers. Radiopaque markers were inserted into the mandibular canals and the mental canals of each side of the specimens to serve as reference image when assessing the radiographs. The obtained results were analyzed statistically. Mandibular canals were significantly more clearly visible in the radiographs with 4 and 6 degree downward position on both sides (P<0.05). Mental foramen were significantly more clearly visible in the was not significant difference between right and left sides. Panoramic radiographs with 4 to 6 degree downward tilting could be valuable in locating the mandibular canal as well as the mental foramen

  13. The correlationship between mandibular radiomorphometric indices in panorama and bone mineral density in Cu-equivalent image of intraoral film

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Jae Duk


    To determine whether the mandibular radiomorphometric indices in panoramic radiography are correlated with the bone mineral density of Cu-equivalent images in intraoral film. The bone mineral density (BMD) of the mandibular premolar area was measured in the Cu-equivalent image of intraoral film. The Panoramic Mandibular Index (PMI) and Mandibular Cortical Width (MCW) were measured in panoramic radiographs of six dry mandibles, and the Pearson correlation between PMI, MCW, and BMD were tested. There were no significant correlations between PMI and BMD (r=0.280), nor between MCW and BMD (r=0.237). The results show that PMI and MCW were poor diagnostic indicators of mandibular BMD in the six dry mandibles used in this study. The correlationship between the mandibular radiomorphometric indices (PMI and MCW) and mandibular BMD needs to be researched further using large in vivo patient samples.

  14. Function impairment and pain after closed treatment of fractures of the mandibular condyle

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dijkstra, P.U.; Stegenga, B.; de Bont, L.G.; Bos, R.R.

    Background: To determine the prognosis of fractures of the mandibular condyle after closed treatment. Methods: Patients (n = 144) with a fracture of the mandibular condyle, all treated closed, were included in the study. Fracture types and position of the fracture parts were determined on

  15. Treating dental crowding with mandibular incisor extraction in an Angle Class I patient

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gislana Braga Machado


    Full Text Available Mandibular dental crowding often encourages patients to seek orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist should decide between protrusion of incisors or decrease in dental volume so as to achieve proper alignment and leveling. The present study reports the treatment of an Angle Class I malocclusion adolescent female brachyfacial patient with severe mandibular dental crowding, increased curve of Spee and deep overbite. The patient was treated with extraction of a mandibular incisor. This case was presented to the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (BBO as a requirement for the title of certified by the BBO.

  16. Evaluation of aural manifestations in temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction. (United States)

    Sobhy, O A; Koutb, A R; Abdel-Baki, F A; Ali, T M; El Raffa, I Z; Khater, A H


    Thirty patients with temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction were selected to investigate the changes in otoacoustic emissions before and after conservative treatment of their temporo-mandibular joints. Pure tone audiometry, transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE), distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) as well as a tinnitus questionnaire were administered to all patients before and after therapy. Therapy was conservative in the form of counselling, physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory agents, muscle relaxants, and occlusal splints. Results indicated insignificant changes in the TEOAEs, whereas there were significant increases in distortion product levels at most of the frequency bands. These results were paralleled to subjective improvement of tinnitus.

  17. [Combined orthodontic-orthoganthic surgery to treat asymmetric mandibular excess malocclusions]. (United States)

    Li, Xiao-Bing; Chen, Song; Chen, Yang-Xi; Li, Jun


    To discuss the skeletal and dentoalveolar characteristics of asymmetric mandibular excess malocclusions and to discuss the procedures of combined orthodontic-orthonganthic surgery treatments of asymmetric mandibular excess malocclusions. 25 cases treated by combined orthodontic-orthognathic surgery treatments were reviewed to find out the specialties of this kind of therapy. The asymmetric of mandible presents anterior and posterior teeth tipped both sagitally and horizontally, as well as upper and lower jaws incompatibility. The pre-surgical orthodontic treatments included decomposition of anterior and posterior teeth, leveling and aligning the teeth etc. The post-surgical orthodontic treatments were to detail the occlusions. The patients all got functional and aesthetic good results after the combined orthodontic-orthognathic surgery treatments. The asymmetric mandibular excess affects the harmony of the face badly, and the correction of it must be carried out by the combined orthodontic-orthognathic surgery treatments. The pre- and post-surgical orthodontic treatments are the key stages to make the skeletal corrections stable.

  18. Rotational movements of mandibular two-implant overdentures. (United States)

    Kimoto, Suguru; Pan, Shaoxia; Drolet, Nicolas; Feine, Jocelyne S


    Clinicians have reported that their patients complain that their mandibular two-implant overdentures (IOD) rotate. Therefore, we studied the frequency and severity of rotation of IODs with two-ball attachments, how rotation may influence perceived satisfaction ratings of chewing ability, and the factors that are involved in the rotation of IODs. Seventy-nine participants were recruited and asked to rate their general satisfaction of their IODs, as well as their ability to chew foods, the existence of any mandibular denture rotation, and to what degree denture rotation bothered them. Data on participant sociodemographic, anatomical, and prosthesis characteristics were also collected. Student's t-test and logistic regression analyses were performed to analyze the differences between participants who did (R group) and did not report (NR group) denture rotation. Thirty-seven of 79 participants were aware of rotational movement in their IODs. These patients were significantly less satisfied with their chewing ability than those who felt no rotation (69.1 mm R group vs. 82.9 mm), and discomfort caused by the rotation bothered them moderately (39/100 mm). The multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the arrangement of the anterior teeth and the length of the denture are significantly associated with awareness of denture rotation. Thirty-eight percent in the R group and 31% in the NR group had non-scheduled visits. Rotational movement with a mandibular two-IOD has a negative effect on perceived chewing ability and is associated with anterior tooth arrangement and denture length.

  19. Endodontic management of mandibular second premolar with three roots and three root canals: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nidhi Shrivastava


    Full Text Available High level of success in endodontic treatment requires an understanding of root canal anatomy and morphology. The clinician must be prepared to identify those teeth that tend to vary generally from norm. Thorough debridement and obturation of such teeth can be challenging and failing to do so can lead to treatment failure. Mandibular premolars have earned the reputation for having aberrant anatomy. However, the occurrence of three separate canals with three separate foramina in mandibular premolars is very rare. The incidence of three canals is as high as 23% in mandibular first premolars, whereas in second premolars incidence is as low as 0.4%. Three rooted mandibular second premolar is reported to be 0.2%. This case report describes endodontic management of one such tooth with unusual morphological variations in canal anatomy of mandibular second premolar.

  20. Neurovascular structures of the mandibular angle and condyle: a comprehensive anatomical review. (United States)

    Yang, Hun-Mu; Won, Sung-Yoon; Kim, Hee-Jin; Hu, Kyung-Seok


    Various surgical interventions including esthetic surgery, salivary gland excision, and open reduction of fracture have been performed in the area around the mandibular angle and condyle. This study aimed to comprehensively review the anatomy of the neurovascular structures on the angle and condyle with recent anatomic and clinical research. We provide detailed information about the branching and distributing patterns of the neurovascular structures at the mandibular angle and condyle, with reported data of measurements and proportions from previous anatomical and clinical research. Our report should serve to help practitioners gain a better understanding of the area in order or reduce potential complications during local procedures. Reckless manipulation during mandibular angle reduction could mutilate arterial branches, not only from the facial artery, but also from the external carotid artery. The transverse facial artery and superficial temporal artery could be damaged during approach and incision in the condylar area. The marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve can be easily damaged during submandibular gland excision or facial rejuvenation treatment. The main trunk of the facial nerve and its upper and lower distinct divisions have been damaged during parotidectomy, rhytidectomy, and open reductions of condylar fractures. By revisiting the information in the present study, surgeons will be able to more accurately prevent procedure-related complications, such as iatrogenic vascular accidents on the mandibular angle and condyle, complete and partial facial palsy, gustatory sweating (Frey syndrome), and traumatic neuroma after parotidectomy.

  1. Evaluation of Satisfaction Level in Patients With Mandibular Implant Supported Overdentures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masoumeh khoshhal


    Full Text Available Background Implant-supported overdentures could have many benefits for patients, especially in the lower jaws. As a matter of fact, the most common reason for prescribing mandibular overdenture is dissatisfaction of patients with mandibular dentures usually because of a lack of retention, stability and function and speech difficulties. On the other hand, patients' expectations of overdenture treatments are their main disadvantage. Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction of patients who had received mandibular implant supported overdenture treatment with different number of implants. Patients and Methods This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Twenty-five patients with a mean age of 62.7 years who had received mandibular implant supported overdenture treatment at the dental school of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences were enrolled. Among these patients, six had overdentures supported by one implant, nine had overdentures supported by two implants, two had overdentures supported by three implants, five had overdentures supported by four implants and three had overdentures supported by five implants. The visual analogue scale (VAS questionnaire was used to evaluate the general satisfaction, comfort, esthetic, fitness, satisfaction of chewing and social communication, and the data was analyzed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA test. Results All patients in all five groups were satisfied with their overdentures; however there was no significant relationship between the number of implants and fitness (P = 0.446, esthetic (P = 0.843, comfort (P = 0.805, satisfaction of chewing (P = 0.133, social communication (P = 0.322 and general satisfaction (P = 0.493. Conclusions There was no difference in satisfaction level of patients who had received mandibular overdentures with different number of implants.

  2. Dislocation of a mandibular condyle in the middle cranial fossa, diagnosed 54 years after trauma


    De Mol, Antoni; Nicolielo, Laura; Ghekiere, Olivier; Jacobs, Reinhilde; Politis, Constantinus


    Abstract Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa is a rare complication of mandibular trauma. We report the remarkable case of a 63-year-old patient in whom trauma 54 years prior to consultation resulted in intrusion of the right mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa. The diagnosis was missed because of insufficient data provided by conventional radiographies. Failure of timely diagnosis and lack of appropriate treatment resulted in temporomandibular joi...

  3. Comparative study of single and multislice computed tomography for assessment of the mandibular canal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana da Silva Ferreira Paes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of relative measurements from the roof of the mandibular canal to the alveolar crest in multislice (multidetector computed tomography (MDCT and single-slice computed tomography (SSCT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The sample consisted of 26 printed CT films (7 SSCT and 19 MDCT from the files of the LABI-3D (3D Imaging Laboratory of the School of Dentistry of the University of São Paulo (FOUSP, which had been acquired using different protocols. Two observers analyzed in a randomized and independent order a series of 22 oblique CT reconstructions of each patient. Each observer analyzed the CT scans twice. The length of the mandibular canal and the distance between the mandibular canal roof and the crest of the alveolar ridge were obtained. Dahlberg test was used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: The mean error found for the mandibular canal length measurements obtained from SSCT was 0.53 mm in the interobserver analysis, and 0.38 mm for both observers. On MDCT images, the mean error was 0.0 mm in the interobserver analysis, and 0.0 and 0.23 mm in the intraobserver analysis. Regarding the distance between the mandibular canal roof and the alveolar bone crest, the SSCT images showed a mean error of 1.16 mm in the interobserver analysis and 0.66 and 0.59 mm in the intraobserver analysis. In the MDCT images, the mean error was 0.72 mm in the interobserver analysis and 0.50 and 0.54 mm in the intraobserver analysis. CONCLUSION: Multislice CT was demonstrated a more accurate method and demonstrated high reproducibility in the analysis of important anatomical landmarks for planning of mandibular dental implants, namely the mandibular canal pathway and alveolar crest height.

  4. A mandibular third molar with three mesial roots: a case report. (United States)

    Plotino, Gianluca


    Although its most common configuration is 2 roots and 3 root canals, mandibular molars might have many different combinations. A case of unusual root canal morphology is presented to demonstrate anatomic variations in mandibular molars. Endodontic therapy was performed in a mandibular third molar with 3 separate mesial roots. The appearance of the pulp chamber floor revealed 4 separate canal orifices. Radiographically the 4 root canals ended in their own distinct foramen. Many reports deal with 3 orifices or 3 independent canals in the mesial root, but none described 3 mesial canals in 3 separate mesial roots, indicating a rare anatomic configuration. This report points out the importance of looking for additional canals and unusual canal morphology, because knowledge of their existence might occasionally enable clinicians to treat a case successfully that otherwise might have ended in failure.

  5. Orthodontic treatment for a mandibular prognathic girl of short stature under growth hormone therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chin-Yun Pan


    Full Text Available This report presents a case of a 12-year-old girl with maxillary deficiency, mandibular prognathism, and facial asymmetry, undergoing growth hormone (GH therapy due to idiopathic short stature. Children of short stature with or without GH deficiency have a deviating craniofacial morphology with overall smaller dimensions; facial retrognathism, especially mandibular retrognathism; and increased facial convexity. However, a complete opposite craniofacial pattern was presented in our case of a skeletal Class III girl with idiopathic short stature. The orthodontic treatment goal was to inhibit or change the direction of mandibular growth and stimulate the maxillary growth of the girl during a course of GH therapy. Maxillary protraction and mandibular retraction were achieved using occipitomental anchorage (OMA orthopedic appliance in the first stage of treatment. In the second stage, the patient was treated with a fixed orthodontic appliance using a modified multiple-loop edgewise archwire technique of asymmetric mechanics and an active retainer of vertical chin-cup. The treatment led to an acceptable facial profile and obvious facial asymmetry improvement. Class I dental occlusion and coincident dental midline were also achieved. A 3½-year follow-up of the girl at age 18 showed a stable result of the orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatment. Our case shows that the OMA orthopedic appliance of maxillary protraction combined with mandibular retraction is effective for correcting skeletal Class III malocclusion with midface deficiency and mandibular prognathism in growing children with idiopathic short stature undergoing GH therapy.

  6. Impact of mandibular conventional denture and overdenture on quality of life and masticatory efficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rachel Gomes CARDOSO

    Full Text Available Abstract The aim of this non-randomized controlled clinical trial was to evaluate the oral health-related quality of life and masticatory efficiency of patients rehabilitated with mandibular two-implant overdentures with immediate loading or conventional dentures. Fifty completely edentulous patients wearing bimaxillary conventional dentures, for at least one year, were recruited. The patients were then assigned to either two treatment groups: mandibular overdentures supported by two implants with bar-clip system and a maxillary conventional denture (n = 25, and new maxillary and mandibular conventional complete dentures (n = 25. Masticatory efficiency and oral health-related quality of life were assessed before and 3 months after denture insertion. The Brazilian version of OHIP-Edent questionnaire was used to assess the oral health-related quality of life. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated with chewing capsules through a colorimetric method. The results revealed fewer oral health–related quality of life problems in patients wearing mandibular two-implant overdentures compared to the conventional dentures group. In addition, the implant overdenture group presented statistically significant improvement in masticatory efficiency (p = 0.001. There was no correlation between masticatory efficiency and OHIP in the implant group (p > 0.05, however a correlation was found in the conventional denture group (p < 0.05. Therefore, these short-term results suggest that mandibular overdenture retained by 2 implants with immediate loading combined with maxillary conventional dentures provide better masticatory efficiency and oral health–related quality of life than mandibular conventional dentures.

  7. Endodontic treatment of an unusual connation of permanent mandibular molars: a case report. (United States)

    Liu, Shengbo; Fan, Bing; Peng, Bin; Fan, Mingwen; Bian, Zhuan


    A 27-year-old patient with an anomalous mandibular molar was referred for endodontic therapy. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the connation of a second mandibular molar with a third molar. Challenging endodontic therapy was performed in the unusual connated molars. A 2-year recall showed good treatment result.

  8. Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa causing an epidural haematoma. (United States)

    Struewer, Johannes; Kiriazidis, Ilias; Figiel, Jens; Dukatz, Thomas; Frangen, Thomas; Ziring, Ewgeni


    Dislocation of the mandibular condyle into the middle cranial fossa is a rare complication of mandibular trauma due to anatomical and biomechanical factors. Owing to the proximity of the temporal glenoid fossa to the middle meningeal artery, there is the risk of serious sequelae in case of trauma. The authors report the case of a 36-year-old male patient, who was beaten up in a family dispute and presented with complex mandibular and maxillofacial fractures, including mandibular condyle intrusion into the middle cranial fossa causing extensive meningeal bleeding. The patient underwent immediate surgery, with evacuation of the epidural haematoma via a temporal approach. In addition open reduction and reconstruction of the temporal glenoid fossa via anatomic reduction of the fragments was performed. A functional occlusion was re-established via miniplate reconstruction of the complex mandibular body and ramus fractures. Prompt diagnosis and a multidisciplinary approach are essential to minimize the complications. Advanced imaging modalities of computed tomography are indicated. Treatment options should be individualized in particular in case of suspected neurological injury. Copyright © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Relationship between mandibular condyle and angle fractures and the presence of mandibular third molars. (United States)

    Mah, Deuk-Hyun; Kim, Su-Gwan; Moon, Seong-Yong; Oh, Ji-Su; You, Jae-Seek


    We retrospectively evaluated the impact of mandibular third molars on the occurrence of angle and condyle fractures. This was a retrospective investigation using patient records and radiographs. The sample set consisted of 440 patients with mandibular fractures. Eruption space, depth and angulation of the third molar were measured. Of the 144 angle fracture patients, 130 patients had third molars and 14 patients did not. The ratio of angle fractures when a third molar was present (1.26 : 1) was greater than when no third molar was present (0.19 : 1; odds ratio, 6.58; Pcondyle fractures patients, the third molar was present in 84 patients and absent in 57 patients. The ratio of condyle fractures when a third molar was present (0.56 : 1) was lower than when no third molar was present (1.90 : 1; odds ratio, 0.30; Pfractures with third molars and the ratio of condyle fractures without a third molar were statistically significant. The occurrence of angle and condyle fractures was more affected by the continuity of the cortical bone at the angle than by the depth of a third molar. These results demonstrate that a third molar can be a determining factor in angle and condyle fractures.

  10. Mandibular Angle Fractures: A Clinical and Biomechanical Comparison-the Works of Ellis and Haug. (United States)

    Haug, Richard H; Serafin, Bethany L


    In a series of articles spanning 8 years, Ed Ellis reviewed the clinical results of the treatment of 478 mandibular angle fractures managed by eight different techniques. During a series of benchtop investigations employing polyurethane synthetic mandible replicas, Rich Haug investigated the biomechanical behavior of approximately 15 different techniques designed to reconstruct mandibular angle fractures. This article reviews these two series of investigations in an attempt to gain insight into the biomechanical and biological factors that affect the successful reconstruction of mandibular angle fractures. It appears that the current techniques used to reconstruct mandibular angle fractures are sound from the standpoint of biomechanics within a range of forces encountered during clinical function. It also appears that an unsuccessful reconstruction is based on a biological result of a behavioral issue such as noncompliance, substance abuse, and/or nutritional or immune compromise.

  11. An indigenous method for closed reduction of pediatric mandibular parasymphysis fracture


    Kumar, Naresh; Singh, Akhilesh Kumar; Pandey, Arun; Verma, Vishal


    Mandibular fractures in children are very rare as compared to adults due to protected anatomic features of child and less exposure to road traffic accidents. Management becomes complicated due to inherent dynamic nature, instability of mixed dentition and fear of surgery. Conservative management can be done with the help of acrylic cap splints along with circum-mandibular wiring, intermaxillary fixation with eyelet wires, arch wires or open reduction and internal fixation with bio-resorbable ...

  12. Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars

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    Rohit Mehrotra


    Full Text Available This case report describes the treatment of a teenage patient with simultaneous impaction of all three right mandibular permanent molars. The impacted first and second mandibular molars were surgically exposed and orthodontically erupted into good alignment and occlusion while the impacted third molar in the same quadrant was extracted. The unique clinical presentation, various treatment alternatives, the decision making process in finalizing the treatment plan and its clinical implementation are discussed.

  13. Canal configuration of mandibular first premolars in an Egyptian population

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hatem A. Alhadainy


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate canal configuration of mandibular first premolars in an Egyptian population. Two hundred fifty human extracted mandibular first premolars were collected from Egyptian patients and a small hole in the center of the occlusal surface of each tooth was made perforating the roof of the pulp chamber. Teeth were decalcified by immersing in nitric acid and dehydrated in ascending concentrations of ethyl alcohol. A waterproof black ink was passively injected from the occlusal hole into pulp system and stained teeth were immersed in methyl salicylate solution for clearing. Standardized pictures of the cleared teeth were obtained and anatomical features of the root canal were observed. The average length of the mandibular first premolar teeth was 22.48 ± 1.74 mm, one-rooted teeth were 96.8% and the two-rooted were 3.2%. Vertucci Type I canal configuration represented the highest percentage (61.2% followed by Type V (16.4%, Type IV (13.2%, Type II (5.6% and Type III (2.8%. Vertucci Type VI canal configuration represented the lowest percentage (0.4% and a complex configuration was found in one tooth. Accessory canals were detected in 22.8% and inter-canal connections were observed in 24.8% while 54% showed apical delta. Such knowledge is clinically useful for localization and negotiation of canals of mandibular first premolar, as well as their subsequent management in Egyptian population.

  14. Prolonged vertigo and ataxia after mandibular nerve block for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. (United States)

    Chaturvedi, Arvind; Dash, Hh


    Common complications of neurolytic mandibular nerve block are hypoesthesia, dysesthesia, and chemical neuritis. We report a rare complication, prolonged severe vertigo and ataxia, after neurolytic mandibular blockade in a patient suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. Coronoid approach was used for right sided mandibular block. After successful test injection with local anesthetic, absolute alcohol was given for neurolytic block. Immediately after alcohol injection, patient developed nausea and vomiting along with severe vertigo, ataxia and hypertension. Neurological evaluation was normal except for the presence of vertigo and ataxia. Computerised tomography scan brain was also normal. Patient was admitted for observation and symptomatic treatment was given. Vertigo and ataxia gradually improved over 24 hours.

  15. Functional anatomy of the temporo-mandibular joint (II). (United States)

    Sava, Anca; Scutariu, Monica


    Jaw movement is analyzed as an action between two rigid components jointed together in a particular way, the movable mandible against the stabilized cranium. Opening and closing movements are symmetrical; that is, both sides of the cranio-mandibular articulation are making the same movements. Protrusive and retrusive movements may also be symmetrical. The mandibular muscles determine all the complicated postures and-movements of the jaw. Their behavior can be greatly clarified by restating certain fundamentals crucial to purposive muscular activity. The joint derives its arterial supply from the superficial temporal artery and the maxillary artery. Branches of the auriculo-temporal and masseteric nerves and postganglionic sympathetic nerves supply the tissues associated with the capsular ligament and the looser posterior bilaminar extension of the disc.

  16. Factors contributing to the surgical retreatment of mandibular fractures

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    João Gualberto de Cerqueira Luz


    Full Text Available The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate contributing factors in patients requiring surgical retreatment of mandibular fractures. Of all the patients with mandibular fractures who were treated using internal fixation at a trauma hospital over a seven-year period, 20 patients (4.7% required a second surgery and thus composed the “reoperated” group. The control group comprised 42 consecutive patients with mandibular fractures who were treated at the same clinic and who healed without complications. Medical charts were reviewed for gender, age, substance abuse history, dental condition, etiology, location of fracture, degree of fragmentation, fracture exposure, teeth in the fracture line, associated facial fractures, polytrauma, time elapsed between trauma and initial treatment, surgical approach and fixation system. Statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0; descriptive statistics and the chi-squared test were used to determine differences between groups. Significant differences in substance abuse (p = 0.006, dental condition (p < 0.001, location of fracture (p = 0.010, degree of fragmentation (p = 0.003 and fracture exposure (p < 0.001 were found. With regard to age and time elapsed between trauma and initial treatment, older patients (31.4 years, SD = 11.1 and a delay in fracture repair (19.1 days, SD = 18.7 were more likely to be associated with reoperation. It was concluded that substance abuse, age, dental condition, location of fracture, degree of fragmentation, fracture exposure and the time between trauma and initial treatment should be considered contributing factors to the occurrence of complications that require surgical retreatment of mandibular fractures.

  17. Manejo endodóntico de incisivos mandibulares con geminación

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    Jose Elías Florez Ariza


    Full Text Available Las anomalías dentales pueden ser clasificadas en distintos grupos: anomalías de volumen, anomalías de número, anomalías de forma, anomalías de posición y anomalías por unión. Dentro de las últimas distinguimos entre fusión, geminación, concrescencia, coalescencia y anquilosis alvéolo- dentarias. La geminación es más frecuente en los dientes anteriores, aunque también puede afectar a premolares y molares, siendo una anomalía por unión infrecuente (prevalencia 0,5%. Se presenta el caso de un joven de 25 años sin antecedentes médicos de interés que acude a consulta a ortodoncia por inconformidad estética. El ortodoncista diagnostica clínica y radiográficamente germinación en diente 32 y es remitido a rehabilitación para que a través de tallado se confeccione una corona única con morfología de lateral inferior izquierdo y así ganar espacio para los movimientos ortodónticos, además fue necesaria la realización de tratamiento de conducto por parte del endodoncista. (Duazary 2009-II 154-158.

  18. Management of mandibular body fractures in pediatric patients: A case report with review of literature


    Baby John; Reena R John; A Stalin; Indumathi Elango


    Mandibular fractures are relatively less frequent in children when compared to adults, which may be due to the child's protected anatomic features and infrequent exposure of children to alcohol related traffic accidents. Treatment principles of mandibular fractures differ from that of adults due to concerns regarding mandibular growth and development of dentition. A case of a 4.5-year-old boy with fractured body of mandible managed by closed reduction using open occlusal acrylic splint and ci...

  19. Cephalometric analysis of the middle part of the face in patients with mandibular prognathism. (United States)

    Cutović Tatjana; Jović, Nebojsa; Kozomara, Ruzica; Radojicić, Julija; Janosević, Mirjana; Mladenović, Irena; Matijević, Stevo


    The middle part of the face, that is the maxilla, has always been mentioned as a possible etiologic factor of skeletal Class III. However, the importance of the relationship of maxillary retroposition towards the cranial base is still unclear, although it has been examined many times. The aim of this study was to conduct cephalometric analysis of the morphology of maxilla, including the whole middle part of the face in patients with divergent and convergent facial types of mandibular prognathism, as well as to determine differences betweeen them. Lateral cephalometric teleradiograph images of 90 patients were analyzed at the Dental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. All the patients were male, aged 18-35 years, not previously treated orthodontically. On the basis of dentalskeletal relations of jaws and teeth, the patients were divided into three groups: the group P1 (patients with divergent facial type of mandibular prognathism), P2 (patients with convergent facial type of mandibular pragmathism) and the group E (control group or eugnathic patients). A total of 9 cephalometric parameters related to the middle face were measured and analyzed: the length of the hard palate--SnaSnp, the length of the maxillary corpus--AptmPP, the length of the soft palate, the angle between the hard and soft palate--SnaSnpUt, the angle of inclination of the maxillary alveolar process, the angle of inclination of the upper front teeth, the effective maxillary length--CoA, the posterior maxillary alveolar hyperplasia--U6PP and the angle of maxillary prognathism. The obtained results showed that the CoA, AptmPP and SnaSnp were significally shorter in patients with divergent facial type of mandibular prognathism compared to patients with convergent facial type of the mandibular prognathism and also in both experimental groups of patients compared to the control group. SnaSnp was significantly shorter in patients with divergent facial type of mandibular prognathism

  20. Influence of soft tissues on mandibular gray scale levels Influência dos tecidos moles sobre os níveis de cinza mandibulares

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    Paulo Henrique Couto Souza


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyze the gray levels, expressed in pixels, of the mandibular retromolar region, with regard to the influence of muscular and fat soft tissues near this region. Fifteen dry mandibles were X-rayed with the presence of soft tissue simulators. The radiographs were digitized and evaluated by Digora® software. A one cm thick layer of wax was used as a simulator of the muscular soft tissue. Animal fat samples of different thicknesses - 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 cm - were used as a simulator of the fat soft tissue. Results showed that the fat soft tissue simulator influenced the gray level values in pixels of the mandibular retromolar region when analyzed in different thicknesses using the Digora® digitized image software.O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar os níveis de cinza, expressos em "pixels", da região retromolar mandibular, considerando a influência dos tecidos moles muscular e, principalmente, adiposo adjacentes a essa região. Para o estudo, 15 mandíbulas secas foram tecnicamente radiografadas, sendo que as radiografias obtidas foram escaneadas e avaliadas pelo programa de imagens digitalizadas Digora®. Como simuladores dos tecidos muscular e adiposo, foram utilizadas cera utilidade na espessura de 1,0 cm e amostras de gordura animal em espessuras diferentes de 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 cm. Os resultados mostraram que o tecido adiposo foi capaz de influenciar a análise dos valores de níveis de cinza em "pixels" da região retromolar mandibular quando estudado em espessuras diferentes pelo programa de imagens digitalizadas Digora®.

  1. Mandibular distraction in neonates: indications, technique, results

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    Sesenna Enrico


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Pierre Robin Sequence features were first described by Robin in 1923 and include micrognathia, glossoptosis and respiratory distress with an incidence estimated as 1:8,500 to 1:20,000 newborns. Upper airway obstruction and feeding difficulties are the main concerns related to the pathology. Mandibular distraction should be considered a treatment option (when other treatments result inadequate. Patiants and methods Ten patients between the ages of 1 month and 2 years with severe micrognathia and airway obstruction were treated with Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis (MDO. All patients underwent fibroscopic examination of the upper airway and a radiographic imaging and/or computed tomography scans to detect malformations and to confirm that the obstruction was caused by posterior tongue displacement. All patients were evaluated by a multidisciplinary team. Indications for surgery included frequent apneic episodes with severe desaturation (70%. Gavage therapy was employed in all patients since oral feeding was not possible. The two tracheotomy patients were 5 months and 2 years old respectively, and the distraction procedure was performed to remove the tracheotomy tube. All patients were treated with bilateral mandibular distraction: two cases with an external multivector distraction device, six cases with an internal non-resorbable device and two cases with an internal resorbable device. In one case, the patient with Goldenhar's Syndrome, the procedure was repeated. Results The resolution of symptoms was obtained in all patients, and, when present, tracheotomy was removed without complications. Of the two patients with pre-existing tracheotomies, in the younger patient (5 months old the tracheotomy was removed 7 days postoperatively. In the Goldenhar's syndrome case (2 years old a Montgomery device was necessary for 6 months due to the presence of tracheotomy-inducted tracheomalacia. Patients were discharged when the

  2. Digital design of scaffold for mandibular defect repair based on tissue engineering. (United States)

    Liu, Yun-feng; Zhu, Fu-dong; Dong, Xing-tao; Peng, Wei


    Mandibular defect occurs more frequently in recent years, and clinical repair operations via bone transplantation are difficult to be further improved due to some intrinsic flaws. Tissue engineering, which is a hot research field of biomedical engineering, provides a new direction for mandibular defect repair. As the basis and key part of tissue engineering, scaffolds have been widely and deeply studied in regards to the basic theory, as well as the principle of biomaterial, structure, design, and fabrication method. However, little research is targeted at tissue regeneration for clinic repair operations. Since mandibular bone has a special structure, rather than uniform and regular structure in existing studies, a methodology based on tissue engineering is proposed for mandibular defect repair in this paper. Key steps regarding scaffold digital design, such as external shape design and internal microstructure design directly based on triangular meshes are discussed in detail. By analyzing the theoretical model and the measured data from the test parts fabricated by rapid prototyping, the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methodology are properly verified. More works about mechanical and biological improvements need to be done to promote its clinical application in future.

  3. Digital design of scaffold for mandibular defect repair based on tissue engineering

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yun-feng LIU; Fu-dong ZHU; Xing-tao DONG; Wei PENG


    Mandibular defect occurs more frequently in recent years,and clinical repair operations via bone transplantation are difficult to be further improved due to some intrinsic flaws.Tissue engineering,which is a hot research field of biomedical engineering,provides a new direction for mandibular defect repair.As the basis and key part of tissue engineering,scaffolds have been widely and deeply studied in regards to the basic theory,as well as the principle of biomaterial,structure,design,and fabrication method.However,little research is targeted at tissue regeneration for clinic repair operations.Since mandibular bone has a special structure,rather than uniform and regular structure in existing studies,a methodology based on tissue engineering is proposed for mandibular defect repair in this paper.Key steps regarding scaffold digital design,such as external shape design and internal microstructure design directly based on triangular meshes are discussed in detail.By analyzing the theoretical model and the measured data from the test parts fabricated by rapid prototyping,the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methodology are properly verified.More works about mechanical and biological improvements need to be done to promote its clinical application in future.

  4. Evaluation of Pound concept in determination of mediolateral mandibular posterior teeth position

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    Majid Naser Khaki


    Full Text Available Background: The ideal teeth arrangement is an important step for success in complete denture fabrication. There are different methods for determining the posterior denture teeth location. The purpose of this study was the comparison of posterior mandibular teeth location in the study group with Pound or Misch theory. Material and methods: An alginate mandibular impression of 80 dentate patients was taken and poured with dental stone. Retromolar pad area, mesial of canine and the lingual cusps of each posterior tooth marked on the cast and then transferred to the graded paper. Distance of each lingual cusp from the internal line of Pound triangle was measured. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 16.0. Result: In the study group, the average distance of lingual mandibular cusp from the internal line of Pound triangle was 1.69 mm in first premolars, 0.94 mm in second premolars, 0.7 mm in first molars and 0.75 mm in second molars. Conclusion: In most cases, distance of lingual mandibular cusps was within 1 mm of Pound triangle. Results were more similar to the Pound rather than the Misch theory.

  5. Using the T-scan III system to analyze occlusal function in mandibular reconstruction patients: A pilot study

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    Chao-Wei Liu


    Full Text Available Background: This study was designed to analyze the post-rehabilitation occlusal function of subjects treated with complex mandibular resection and subsequently rehabilitated with fibula osteoseptocutaneous flaps, dental implants, and fixed prostheses utilizing the T-scan system. Methods: Ten mandibular complex resection cases that adopted fibula osteoseptocutaneous flaps, dental implants, and fixed prostheses to reconstruct occlusal function were analyzed. The mandibular reconstructions were divided into three groups based on size: full mandibular reconstructions, mandibular reconstructions larger than half of the arch, and mandibular reconstructions smaller than half of the arch. The T-scan III system was used to measure maximum occlusal force, occlusal time, anterior-posterior as well as left-right occlusal force asymmetries, and anterior-posterior as well as left-right asymmetrical locations of occlusal centers. Results: Subjects with larger mandibular reconstructions and dental implants with fixed partial dentures demonstrated decreased average occlusal force; however, the difference did not reach the statistically significant level (p > 0.05. The most significant asymmetry of occlusal center location occurred among subjects with mandibular reconstructed areas larger than half of the mandibular arch. Conclusions: Comparison of the parameters of T-scan system used to analyze the occlusal function showed that the occlusal force was not an objective reference. Measurements of the location of the occlusal center appeared more repeatable, and were less affected by additional factors. The research results of this study showed that the size of a reconstruction did not affect the occlusal force after reconstruction and larger reconstructed areas did not decrease the average occlusal force. The most significant parameter was left and right asymmetry of the occlusion center (LROC and was measured in subjects with reconstruction areas larger than half

  6. Posterior Mandibular Ridge Resorption Associated with Different Retentive Systems for Overdentures: A 7-Year Retrospective Preliminary Study. (United States)

    Elsyad, Moustafa Abdou; Mohamed, Shahinaz Sayed; Shawky, Ahmad Fathalla

    This retrospective study compared posterior mandibular residual ridge resorption with two different retentive mechanisms for overdentures after 7 years. A convenience sample of 18 edentulous men was assigned to one of two equal groups. Two implants were placed in the mandibular canine areas for each patient using the conventional two-stage surgical protocol, and the implants were splinted with a round bar 3 months later. New mandibular overdentures were then connected to the bars with clips (clip-retained overdentures, CR group) or resilient liners (resilient liner-retained overdentures, RR group). Posterior mandibular ridge resorption (PMRR) was recorded using proportional measurements and posterior area index (PAI) on panoramic radiographs taken immediately after overdenture insertion (T 0 ) and 7 years later (T 7 ). A linear regression model was used to verify the relationship between PAI and the following considerations: attachment type, age, initial mandibular ridge height, period of mandibular edentulism, number of previously worn dentures, and relining events. After 7 years, the RR group demonstrated a significantly (P = .014) higher change in PAI (0.11 ± 0.02) than the CR group (0.06 ± 0.04). The average PMRR for each mm of posterior mandibular ridge was 0.79 mm (0.11 mm/year) in the CR group and 1.4 mm (0.2 mm/year) in the RR group. Attachment type, initial mandibular ridge height, and relining times were significantly correlated with change in the PAI (P = .004, P = .035, and P = .045, respectively). Within the limitations of this preliminary study's design, it was observed that following a 7-year period of use, resilient liner attachments for bar/implant-retained overdentures appear to be associated with greater posterior mandibular ridge resorption when compared to clip attachments.

  7. Assessment of Growth Using Mandibular Canine Calcification Stages and Its Correlation with Modified MP3 Stages. (United States)

    Nayak, Reshma; Nayak, Us Krishna; Hegde, Gautam


    Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning for growing children must involve growth prediction, especially in the treatment of skeletal problems. Studies have shown that a strong association exists between skeletal maturity and dental calcification stages. The present study was therefore taken up to provide a simple and practical method for assessing skeletal maturity using a dental periapical film and standard dental X-ray machine, to compare the developmental stages of the mandibular canine with that of developmental stages of modified MP3 and to find out if any correlation exists, to determine if the developmental stages of the mandibular canine alone can be used as a reliable indicator for assessment of skeletal maturity. A total of 160 periapical radiographs (80 males and 80 females), of the mandibular right canine and the MP3 region was taken and assessed according to the Dermirjian's stages of dental calcification and the modified MP3 stages. The correlation between the developmental stages of MP3 and the mandibular right canine in male and female groups, is of high statistical significance (p = 0.001). The correlation coefficient between MP3 stages and developmental stages of mandibular canine and chronological age in male and females was found to be not significant. The correlation between the mandibular canine calcification stages and MP3 stages was found to be significant. The developmental stages of the mandibular canine could be used very reliably as a sole indicator for assessment of skeletal maturity.

  8. Cytomegalovirus induces abnormal chondrogenesis and osteogenesis during embryonic mandibular development

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    Bringas Pablo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Human clinical studies and mouse models clearly demonstrate that cytomegalovirus (CMV disrupts normal organ and tissue development. Although CMV is one of the most common causes of major birth defects in humans, little is presently known about the mechanism(s underlying CMV-induced congenital malformations. Our prior studies have demonstrated that CMV infection of first branchial arch derivatives (salivary glands and teeth induced severely abnormal phenotypes and that CMV has a particular tropism for neural crest-derived mesenchyme (NCM. Since early embryos are barely susceptible to CMV infection, and the extant evidence suggests that the differentiation program needs to be well underway for embryonic tissues to be susceptible to viral infection and viral-induced pathology, the aim of this study was to determine if first branchial arch NCM cells are susceptible to mCMV infection prior to differentiation of NCM derivatives. Results E11 mouse mandibular processes (MANs were infected with mouse CMV (mCMV for up to 16 days in vitro. mCMV infection of undifferentiated embryonic mouse MANs induced micrognathia consequent to decreased Meckel's cartilage chondrogenesis and mandibular osteogenesis. Specifically, mCMV infection resulted in aberrant stromal cellularity, a smaller, misshapen Meckel's cartilage, and mandibular bone and condylar dysmorphogenesis. Analysis of viral distribution indicates that mCMV primarily infects NCM cells and derivatives. Initial localization studies indicate that mCMV infection changed the cell-specific expression of FN, NF-κB2, RelA, RelB, and Shh and Smad7 proteins. Conclusion Our results indicate that mCMV dysregulation of key signaling pathways in primarily NCM cells and their derivatives severely disrupts mandibular morphogenesis and skeletogenesis. The pathogenesis appears to be centered around the canonical and noncanonical NF-κB pathways, and there is unusual juxtaposition of abnormal stromal

  9. Cone-beam computed tomography study of root and canal morphology of mandibular premolars in a western Chinese population

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, Xuan; Guo, Bin; Li, Ke-Zeng; Zhang, Ru; Tian, Yuan-Yuan; Wang, Hu; DDS, Tao Hu


    Traditional radiography is limited in its ability to give reliable information on the number and morphology of root canals. The application of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) provides a non-invasive three-dimensional confirmatory diagnosis as a complement to conventional radiography. The aim of this study was to evaluate the root and canal morphology of mandibular premolars in a western Chinese population using CBCT scanning. The sample included 149 CBCT images comprising 178 mandibular first premolars and 178 second premolars. The tooth position, number of roots and canals, and canal configuration according to Vertucci’s classification were recorded. The results showed that 98% of mandibular first premolars had one root and 2% had two roots; 87.1% had one canal, 11.2% had two canals and 0.6% had three canals. The prevalence of C-shaped canals was 1.1%. All mandibular second premolars had one root; 97.2% had one canal and 2.2% had two canals. The prevalence of C-shaped canals was 0.6%. The prevalence of multiple canals in mandibular first premolars was mainly of Type V, and mandibular second premolars had a low rate of canal variation in this western Chinese population. Root canal bifurcation occurred at the middle or apical third in most bicanal mandibular premolars. CBCT scanning can be used in the management of mandibular premolars with complex canal morphology

  10. Endodontic Treatment of a Mandibular Second Premolar with Three Roots and Three Canals

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    Bonny Paul


    Full Text Available Complex root canal system with atypical variations is a common finding among mandibular premolars. Endodontic treatment in these teeth may not be successful due to the failure to recognise and treat multiple canals. This paper presents endodontic treatment of a mandibular second premolar with three roots and three canals.

  11. Pearls of Mandibular Trauma Management


    Koshy, John C.; Feldman, Evan M.; Chike-Obi, Chuma J.; Bullocks, Jamal M.


    Mandibular trauma is a common problem seen by plastic surgeons. When fractures occur, they have the ability to affect the patient's occlusion significantly, cause infection, and lead to considerable pain. Interventions to prevent these sequelae require either closed or open forms of reduction and fixation. Physicians determining how to manage these injuries should take into consideration the nature of the injury, background information regarding the patient's health, and the patient's comorbi...

  12. An endodontic management of mandibular third molar with five root canals


    Dakshita Joy Sinha; Ashish Amit Sinha


    The existence of several anatomical variations in the root canal system may contribute to failure of the root canal therapy. The planning and performing of endodontic therapy requires knowledge of the internal dental morphology. This paper reports the case of a left mandibular third molar that presented with five root canals; a case of unusual root canal morphology so as to demonstrate the anatomic variations in mandibular third molars. Root canal therapy and case management are described. Th...

  13. A study of the eruption of the mandibular first permanent molar


    河野, 美砂子; Kohno, Misako


    The object of this study was to know what positional changes of the mandibular first permanent molars occur just before their gingival emergence. The eruptive process of the mandibular first molars was investigated during the period from alveolareruption to preoraleruption. The subjects were 14 patients whose second primary molars were prematurely lost in one side and remained on the other side. Longitudinal oblique cephalograms were used to estimate the eruptive process of the first molars o...

  14. Assessment of simulated mandibular condyle bone lesions by cone beam computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marques, Alexandre Perez; Perrella, Andreia; Arita, Emiko Saito; Pereira, Marlene Fenyo Soeiro de Matos; Cavalcanti, Marcelo de Gusmao Paraiso, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Odontologia. Dept. de Estomatologia


    There are many limitations to image acquisition, using conventional radiography, of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. The Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a better option, due to its higher accuracy, for purposes of diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment of bone injuries. The aim of the present study was to analyze two protocols of cone beam computed tomography for the evaluation of simulated mandibular condyle bone lesions. Spherical lesions were simulated in 30 dry mandibular condyles, using dentist drills and drill bits sizes 1, 3 and 6. Each of the mandibular condyles was submitted to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) using two protocols: axial, coronal and sagittal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR); and sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis of the mandibular condyles. For these protocols, 2 observers analyzed the CBCT images independently, regarding the presence or not of injuries. Only one of the observers, however, performed on 2 different occasions. The results were compared to the gold standard, evaluating the percentage of agreement, degree of accuracy of CBCT protocols and observers' examination. The z test was used for the statistical analysis. The results showed there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 protocols. There was greater difficulty in the assessment of small-size simulated lesions (drill no.1). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that CBCT is an accurate tool for analyzing mandibular condyle bone lesions, with the MPR protocol showing slightly better results than the sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis. (author)

  15. Pyogenic granuloma associated with mandibular odontoma.

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    Karla Ocampo


    Full Text Available Background: pyogenic granuloma is a kind of inflammatory hyperplasia of multifactorial origin, which is usually related to trauma or constant irritation, drug use, hormonal factors, among others. Meanwhile the odontoma is a benign tumor odontogenic composed of epithelial and mesenchymal cells, their development is usually associated with trauma, infections, inherited disorders or hyperactivity odontoblast. Objectives: The objective is to present the clinical case of a patient that presented a case of pyogenic granuloma related to the presence of a mandibular odontoma, and therapeutic management and postoperative results. Case report: The case shows a female patient of 32 years old with a history of multinodular goiter and hypothyroidism, developing a mandibular odontoma of the left side associated with pyogenic granuloma in the same area, which was treated with surgical excision and reconstructed affected tissues with lyophilized bone and collagen membrane. Favorable outcome after surgery without evidence of recurrence, with proper osseointegration of alloplastic materials and soft tissues. Conclusions: The irritant effect of the presence of a tumor (odontoma in developing confirmed pyogenic granuloma.

  16. Reconstruction of mandibular defects using nonvascularized autogenous bone graft in Nigerians

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    Kizito Chioma Ndukwe


    Full Text Available Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the success rate and complications of mandibular reconstruction with nonvascularized bone graft in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Patients and Methods: A total of 25 patients who underwent reconstruction of mandibular discontinuity defects between January 2003 and February 2012, at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile-Ife constituted the study sample. Relevant information was retrieved from the patients′ records. This information include patients′ demographics (age and sex as well as the type of mandibular defect, cause of the defect, type of mandibular resection done, source of the bone graft used, and the method of graft immobilization. Morbidity associated with the graft procedures were assessed by retrieving information on graft failures, length of hospital stay following surgery, rehabilitation device used and associated graft donor and recipient site complications. Result: There were 12 males and 13 females with a male:female ratio was 1:1.1. The age of the patients ranged from 13 to 73 years with a mean age for males 32.7 ± standard deviation (SD 12.9 and for females 35.0 ± SD 17.1. Jaw defect was caused by resection for tumours and other jaw pathologies in 92% of cases. Complete symphyseal involvement defect was the most common defect recorded 11 (44%. Reconstruction with nonvascularized rib graft accounted for 68% of cases while iliac crest graft was used in 32% of the patients. Successful take of the grafts was recorded in 22 patients while three cases failed. Wound dehiscence (two patients and postoperative wound infection (eight patients were the most common complications recorded. Conclusion: The use of nonvascularized graft is still relevant in the reconstruction of large mandibular defects caused by surgical ablation of benign conditions in Nigerians. Precise surgical planning and execution, extended antibiotic therapy, and meticulous postoperative care

  17. Accuracy of perioperative mandibular positions in orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Borba, A M; Ribeiro-Junior, O; Brozoski, M A; Cé, P S; Espinosa, M M; Deboni, M C Z; Miloro, M; Naclério-Homem, M G


    Mandibular position is an important parameter used for the diagnosis of dentofacial deformities, as well as for orthognathic surgery planning and execution. Centric relation (anterior and superior relationship of the mandibular condyles interposed by the thinnest portion of their disks against the articular eminencies), centric occlusion (when lower teeth contact upper teeth at centric relation), and maximal intercuspation (complete interdigitation of lower and upper teeth) are not often addressed as factors that influence the results of orthognathic surgery, although these relationships are critical to ensure accuracy during the surgery. The present study assessed occlusal measurements taken before and after the induction of general anaesthesia from consecutive orthognathic surgery subjects. The variables assessed included the differences between these occlusal measurements, patient age, gender, type of deformity, and type of proposed orthognathic surgical procedure. The results demonstrated statistically significant differences for mandibular retrusion from maximal intercuspation to centric occlusion position, whereas the mandible appeared not to change significantly from centric occlusion after the induction of general anaesthesia. Patient age and the type of deformity appeared to influence the results. While in most instances centric occlusion can be adequately reproduced under general anaesthesia, for some specific orthognathic cases more accurate results might be obtained if the mandible-first sequence is used. Copyright © 2014 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Mandibular transformations in prepubertal patients following treatment for craniofacial microsomia: thin-plate spline analysis. (United States)

    Hay, A D; Singh, G D


    To analyze correction of mandibular deformity using an inverted L osteotomy and autogenous bone graft in patients exhibiting unilateral craniofacial microsomia (CFM), thin-plate spline analysis was undertaken. Preoperative, early postoperative, and approximately 3.5-year postoperative posteroanterior cephalographs of 15 children (age 10+/-3 years) with CFM were scanned, and eight homologous mandibular landmarks digitized. Average mandibular geometries, scaled to an equivalent size, were generated using Procrustes superimposition. Results indicated that the mean pre- and postoperative mandibular configurations differed statistically (PThin-plate spline analysis indicated that the total spline (Cartesian transformation grid) of the pre- to early postoperative configuration showed mandibular body elongation on the treated side and inferior symphyseal displacement. The affine component of the total spline revealed a clockwise rotation of the preoperative configuration, whereas the nonaffine component was responsible for ramus, body, and symphyseal displacements. The transformation grid for the early and late postoperative comparison showed bilateral ramus elongation. A superior symphyseal displacement contrasted with its earlier inferior displacement, the affine component had translocated the symphyseal landmarks towards the midline. The nonaffine component demonstrated bilateral ramus lengthening, and partial warps suggested that these elongations were slightly greater on the nontreated side. The affine component of the pre- and late postoperative comparison also demonstrated a clockwise rotation. The nonaffine component produced the bilateral ramus elongations-the nontreated side ramus lengthening slightly more than the treated side. It is concluded that an inverted L osteotomy improves mandibular morphology significantly in CFM patients and permits continued bilateral ramus growth. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  19. The relationship between the changes in three-dimensional facial morphology and mandibular movement after orthognathic surgery. (United States)

    Kim, Dae-Seung; Huh, Kyung-Hoe; Lee, Sam-Sun; Heo, Min-Suk; Choi, Soon-Chul; Hwang, Soon-Jung; Yi, Won-Jin


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between changes in three-dimensional (3D) facial morphology and mandibular movement after orthognathic surgery. We hypothesized that facial morphology changes after orthognathic surgery exert effects on 3D mandibular movement. We conducted a prospective follow-up study of patients who had undergone orthognathic surgical procedures. Three-dimensional facial morphological values were measured from facial CT images before and three months after orthognathic surgery. Three-dimensional maximum mandibular opening (MMO) values of four points (bilateral condylions, infradentale, and pogonion) were also measured using a mandibular movement tracking and simulation system. The predictor variables were changes in morphological parameters divided into two groups (deviated side (DS) or contralateral side (CS) groups), and the outcome variables were changes in the MMO at four points. We evaluated 21 subjects who had undergone orthognathic surgical procedures. Alterations in the TFH (total facial height), LFH (lower facial height), CS MBL (mandibular body length), and DS RL (ramus length) were negatively correlated with changes in bilateral condylar movement. The UFH, DS MBL and CS ML (mandibular length) showed correlations with infradentale movement. The CS ML, DS ML, MBL, UFH, and SNB were correlated with pogonion movement. The height of the face is most likely to affect post-operative mandibular movement, and is negatively correlated with movement changes in the condyles, infradentale and pogonion. The changes in CS morphological parameters are more correlated with mandibular movement changes than the DS. The changes in CS MBL and bilateral RL were negatively correlated with condylar movement changes, while the bilateral MBL and CS ML were positively correlated with changes in infradentale and pogonion. Copyright © 2013 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

  20. A novel computer algorithm for modeling and treating mandibular fractures: A pilot study. (United States)

    Rizzi, Christopher J; Ortlip, Timothy; Greywoode, Jewel D; Vakharia, Kavita T; Vakharia, Kalpesh T


    To describe a novel computer algorithm that can model mandibular fracture repair. To evaluate the algorithm as a tool to model mandibular fracture reduction and hardware selection. Retrospective pilot study combined with cross-sectional survey. A computer algorithm utilizing Aquarius Net (TeraRecon, Inc, Foster City, CA) and Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Adobe Systems, Inc, San Jose, CA) was developed to model mandibular fracture repair. Ten different fracture patterns were selected from nine patients who had already undergone mandibular fracture repair. The preoperative computed tomography (CT) images were processed with the computer algorithm to create virtual images that matched the actual postoperative three-dimensional CT images. A survey comparing the true postoperative image with the virtual postoperative images was created and administered to otolaryngology resident and attending physicians. They were asked to rate on a scale from 0 to 10 (0 = completely different; 10 = identical) the similarity between the two images in terms of the fracture reduction and fixation hardware. Ten mandible fracture cases were analyzed and processed. There were 15 survey respondents. The mean score for overall similarity between the images was 8.41 ± 0.91; the mean score for similarity of fracture reduction was 8.61 ± 0.98; and the mean score for hardware appearance was 8.27 ± 0.97. There were no significant differences between attending and resident responses. There were no significant differences based on fracture location. This computer algorithm can accurately model mandibular fracture repair. Images created by the algorithm are highly similar to true postoperative images. The algorithm can potentially assist a surgeon planning mandibular fracture repair. 4. Laryngoscope, 2016 127:331-336, 2017. © 2016 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

  1. Prefabricated fibula free flap with dental implants for mandibular reconstruction. (United States)

    Pauchet, D; Pigot, J-L; Chabolle, F; Bach, C-A


    Free fibula transplant is routinely used for mandibular reconstruction in head and neck cancer. Dental rehabilitation, the objective of mandibular reconstruction, requires the use of dental implants as supports for fixed or removable dentures. Positioning of fibular bone grafts and implants determines implant osseointegration and the possibilities of dental rehabilitation. Prefabrication of a fibula free flap with dental implants prior to harvesting as a free flap can promote implant osseointegration. The position of the implants must then be precisely planned. Virtual surgery and computer-assisted design and prefabrication techniques are used to plan the reconstruction and then reproduce this planning by means of tailored fibula and mandible cutting guides, thereby ensuring correct positioning of fibular bone fragments and implants. The prefabricated fibula free flap technique requires two surgical procedures (prefabrication and flap transfer) and precise preoperative planning. Prefabricated fibula free flap with dental implants, by improving the quality of osseointegration of the implants before flap transfer, extends the possibilities of prosthetic rehabilitation in complex secondary mandibular reconstructions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. Endodontic management of a mandibular second molar with radix entomolaris: a case report

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    Rosaline Hannah


    Full Text Available The presence of radix entomolaris (RE in a mandibular first molar is a common occurrence in certain ethnic groups, but the presence of RE in a mandibular second molar is a rare occurrence. In the present case, RE was identified from preoperative radiographs and confirmed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT. The access cavity was modified to locate the RE. Cleaning and shaping were performed with nickel-titanium rotary instruments. Obturation was completed with gutta-percha cones using AH Plus (Dentsply Detrey GmbH as sealer. From the CBCT axial images, the RE was determined to have a Type III curvature by the De Moor classification, Type B separate RE by the Carlsen and Alexandersen classification, and radiographically, a Type i image by the Wang classification. The presence of RE in the mandibular second molar makes it essential to anticipate and treat the distolingual root canal. This case report highlights the usefulness of CBCT for assessing RE in the mandibular second molar, which can help the clinician in making a confirmatory diagnosis and assessing the morphology of the root canal.

  3. Interpretation of mandibular condyle fractures using 2D- and 3D-computed tomography

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    Costa e Silva Adriana Paula de Andrade da


    Full Text Available Computed tomography (CT has been increasingly used in the examination of patients with craniofacial trauma. This technique is useful in the examination of the temporomandibular joint and allows the diagnosis of fractures of the mandibular condyle. Aiming to verify whether the three-dimensional reconstructed images from CT (3D-CT produce more effective visual information than the two-dimensional (2D-CT ones, we evaluated 2D-CT and 3D-CT examinations of 18 patients with mandibular condyle fractures. We observed that 2D-CT and 3D-CT reconstructed images produced similar information for the diagnosis of fractures of the mandibular condyle, although the 3D-CT allowed a better visualization of the position and displacement of bone fragments, as well as the comminution of fractures. These results, together with the possibility of refining and manipulating perspectives in 3D images, reinforce the importance of its use in the surgical planning and evaluation of treatment. We concluded that 3D-CT presented supplementary information for a more effective diagnosis of mandibular condyle fractures.

  4. Correlation between mandibular gland secretion and cuticular hydrocarbons in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata. (United States)

    Cruz-Landim, C; Ferreira-Caliman, M J; Gracioli-Vitti, L F; Zucchi, R


    We investigated whether Melipona quadrifasciata worker mandibular gland secretions contribute directly to their cuticular hydrocarbon profile. The mandibular gland secretion composition and cuticular surface compounds of newly emerged worker bees, nurse bees, and foragers were determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and compared. Both the mandibular gland secretions and the cuticular surface compounds of all worker stages were found to be composed almost exclusively of hydrocarbons. Although the relative proportion of hydrocarbons from the cuticular surface and gland secretion was statistically different, there was a high similarity in the qualitative composition between these structures in all groups of bees.

  5. Intraoperative Hemorrhage and Postoperative Sequelae after Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy to Treat Mandibular Prognathism (United States)

    Chen, Chun-Ming; Lai, Steven; Chen, Ker-Kong; Lee, Huey-Er


    Objective. To investigate the factors affecting intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative sequelae after orthognathic surgery. Materials and Methods. Eighty patients with mandibular prognathism underwent surgical mandibular setback with intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO). The correlation between the blood loss volume and postoperative VAS with the gender, age, and operating time was assessed using the t-test and Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The correlation between the magnitude of mandibular setback with the presence of TMJ clicking symptoms and lip sensation was also assessed. Results. The mean operating time and blood loss volume for men and women were 249.52 min and 229.39 min, and 104.03 mL and 86.12 mL, respectively. The mean VAS in men and women was 3.21 and 2.93, and 1.79 and 1.32 on the first and second postoperative days. There is no gender difference in the operating time, blood loss, VAS, TMJ symptoms, and lip numbness. The magnitude of mandibular setback was not correlated with immediate and long-term postoperative lip numbness. Conclusion. There are no gender differences in the intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative sequelae (pain, lip numbness, and TMJ symptoms). In addition, neither symptom was significantly correlated with the amount of mandibular setback. PMID:26543855

  6. Root Anatomy and Root Canal Configuration of Human Permanent Mandibular Premolars: A Systematic Review

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    Jojo Kottoor


    Full Text Available Introduction. Mandibular premolars have been reported with complex anatomical aberrations, making them one of the most difficult teeth to manage endodontically. Methodology. An exhaustive search was undertaken to identify associated anatomic studies of mandibular premolars through MEDLINE/PubMed database using keywords, and a systematic review of the relevant articles was performed. Chi-square test with Yates correction was performed to assess the statistical significance of any anatomic variations between ethnicities and within populations of the same ethnicity. Documented case reports of variations in mandibular premolar anatomy were also identified and reviewed. Results. Thirty-six anatomic studies were analyzed which included 12,752 first premolars and nineteen studies assessing 6646 second premolars. A significant variation in the number of roots, root canals, and apical foramen was observed between Caucasian, Indian, Mongoloid, and Middle Eastern ethnicities.The most common anatomic variation was C-shaped canals in mandibular first premolars with highest incidence in Mongoloid populations (upto 24% while dens invaginatus was the most common developmental anomaly. Conclusions. A systematic review of mandibular premolars based on ethnicity and geographic clusters offered enhanced analysis of the prevalence of number of roots and canals, their canal configuration, and other related anatomy.

  7. Intraoperative Hemorrhage and Postoperative Sequelae after Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy to Treat Mandibular Prognathism

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    Chun-Ming Chen


    Full Text Available Objective. To investigate the factors affecting intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative sequelae after orthognathic surgery. Materials and Methods. Eighty patients with mandibular prognathism underwent surgical mandibular setback with intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO. The correlation between the blood loss volume and postoperative VAS with the gender, age, and operating time was assessed using the t-test and Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The correlation between the magnitude of mandibular setback with the presence of TMJ clicking symptoms and lip sensation was also assessed. Results. The mean operating time and blood loss volume for men and women were 249.52 min and 229.39 min, and 104.03 mL and 86.12 mL, respectively. The mean VAS in men and women was 3.21 and 2.93, and 1.79 and 1.32 on the first and second postoperative days. There is no gender difference in the operating time, blood loss, VAS, TMJ symptoms, and lip numbness. The magnitude of mandibular setback was not correlated with immediate and long-term postoperative lip numbness. Conclusion. There are no gender differences in the intraoperative hemorrhage and postoperative sequelae (pain, lip numbness, and TMJ symptoms. In addition, neither symptom was significantly correlated with the amount of mandibular setback.

  8. Prolonged vertigo and ataxia after mandibular nerve block for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia

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    Arvind Chaturvedi


    Full Text Available Common complications of neurolytic mandibular nerve block are hypoesthesia, dysesthesia, and chemical neuritis. We report a rare complication, prolonged severe vertigo and ataxia, after neurolytic mandibular blockade in a patient suffering from trigeminal neuralgia. Coronoid approach was used for right sided mandibular block. After successful test injection with local anesthetic, absolute alcohol was given for neurolytic block. Immediately after alcohol injection, patient developed nausea and vomiting along with severe vertigo, ataxia and hypertension. Neurological evaluation was normal except for the presence of vertigo and ataxia. Computerised tomography scan brain was also normal. Patient was admitted for observation and symptomatic treatment was given. Vertigo and ataxia gradually improved over 24 hours.

  9. Prevalence of radix entomolaris in mandibular permanent first molars: a study in a South Indian population. (United States)

    Chandra, Saurabh S; Chandra, Supriya; Shankar, Padmanabhan; Indira, Rajamani


    Anatomical racial variations are an acknowledged characteristic in permanent molars. Generally, mandibular first molars have 2 roots; however, the presence of a third root, radix entomolaris (RE), is a major anatomic variant among many population groups. This study evaluated the prevalence of permanent mandibular first molars featuring a distolingual root in a South Indian population. Five hundred patients of South Indian origin possessing bilateral mandibular first molars were selected. The radiographs of these patients were evaluated under optimal conditions. A total of 1000 mandibular first molars were screened and the incidence of 3-rooted mandibular first molars and the correlation between left and right side occurrence and between either gender was recorded. The prevalence of 3-rooted mandibular first molars was 18.6% of the patients examined and 13.3% of the teeth examined. There was no statistically significant difference between genders or side of occurrence (P > .05). The bilateral incidence of a symmetric distribution was 43.01%. RE is considered an Asiatic trait. The occurrence of this macrostructure in the South Indian population was 13.3%, which was lower than that of other patients of Mongoloid origin. The clinician must thoroughly examine the radiograph before initiation of endodontic therapy. Copyright © 2011 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Comprehensive Analysis of Mandibular Residual Asymmetry after Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy Correction of Menton Point Deviation. (United States)

    Lin, Han; Zhu, Ping; Lin, Qiuping; Huang, Xiaoqiong; Xu, Yue; Yang, Xiaoping


    Facial asymmetry often persists even after mandibular deviation corrected by the bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy (BSSRO) operation, since the reference facial sagittal plane for the asymmetry analysis is usually set up before the mandibular menton (Me) point correction. Our aim is to develop a predictive and quantitative method to assess the true asymmetry of the mandible after a midline correction performed by a virtual BSSRO, and to verify its availability by evaluation of the post-surgical improvement. A retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Hospital of Stomatology, Sun Yat-sen University (China) of patients with pure hemi-mandibular elongation (HE) from September 2010 through May 2014. Mandibular models were reconstructed from CBCT images of patients with pre-surgical orthodontic treatment. After mandibular de-rotation and midline alignment with virtual BSSRO, the elongation hemi-mandible was virtually mirrored along the facial sagittal plane. The residual asymmetry, defined as the superimposition and boolean operation of the mirrored elongation side on the normal side, was calculated, including the volumetric differences and the length of transversal and vertical asymmetry discrepancy. For more specific evaluation, both sides of the hemi-mandible were divided into the symphysis and parasymphysis (SP), mandibular body (MB), and mandibular angle (MA) regions. Other clinical variables include deviation of Me point, dental midline and molar relationship. The measurement of volumetric discrepancy between the two sides of post-surgical hemi-mandible were also calculated to verify the availability of virtual surgery. Paired t-tests were computed and the P value was set at .05. This study included 45 patients. The volume differences were 407.8±64.8 mm3, 2139.1±72.5 mm3, and 422.5±36.9 mm3; residual average transversal discrepancy, 1.9 mm, 1.0 mm, and 2.2 mm; average vertical discrepancy, 1.1 mm, 2.2 mm, and 2.2 mm (before virtual surgery). The

  11. Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flodmark, P.; Wattsgaard, C.


    Cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by rib malformations, various degrees of cerebral maldevelopment, mental deficiency, palatal defects, and micrognatia. This syndrome was first described in 1966. The majority of cases are sporadic, but a few instances of familial occurrence have been reported, some with an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. Mortality in early age has been high, probably mostly due to respiratory insufficiency secondary to rib abnormalities and flail chest. We report a mother and son with this disorder, suggesting autosomal dominant transmission. (orig.)

  12. Middle mesial canals in mandibular molars: incidence and related factors. (United States)

    Nosrat, Ali; Deschenes, Raney J; Tordik, Patricia A; Hicks, M Lamar; Fouad, Ashraf F


    Although the internal anatomy of mandibular molars has been extensively studied, information about middle mesial (MM) canals is limited. The primary aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the incidence of MM canals in mandibular first and second molars. The secondary aim was to correlate the incidence of MM canals with variables of molar type, sex, age, ethnicity, and presence of a second distal canal. All mature permanent first and second mandibular molars treated from August 2012 to May 2014 were included in the analysis. After completion of root canal instrumentation in all main canals, the clinician inspected the isthmus area of the mesial root using the dental operating microscope. If there was a catch point in this area with a file or explorer, the operator spent more time attempting to negotiate an MM canal. Seventy-five mandibular first and second molars were treated during the specified period. Fifteen (20%) teeth had negotiable MM canals. The incidence of MM canals was 32.1% in patients ≤ 20 years old, 23.8% in patients 21-40 years old, and 3.8% in patients > 40 years. Analysis of data revealed a significant difference in the distribution of MM canals among different age groups (P molar type, and presence of a second distal canal were not significant. The incidence of negotiable MM canals overall and their frequency of identification in younger patients were higher than in previous reports. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Application of biodegradable plates for treating pediatric mandibular fractures. (United States)

    An, Jingang; Jia, Pengcheng; Zhang, Yi; Gong, Xi; Han, Xiaodong; He, Yang


    We assessed the clinical results of a biodegradable plate system for the internal fixation of mandibular fractures in children, and observed the imaging features of fracture healing and bone changes around the biodegradable plates and screws during follow-up. We enrolled 39 patients (22 male, 17 female, average age 4 years 10 months) with different mandibular fractures. We used 2.0-mm resorbable plates to repair the fractures. Postoperative follow-up ranged from 6 months to 5 years; average follow-up was 1 year 2 months. The outcome measures identified and assessed included facial symmetry, mouth opening, occlusal relationship, infection, nonunion, malunion, and plate dehiscence. We fixed 42 fractures with 43 resorbable plates; the fracture site of one patient (aged 11 years 3 months) was fixed with two plates. Two patients developed small fistulas at the intraoral incision 2 months after surgery; the fistulas healed after 1 month without special treatment. In the other patients, the incision healed well, there was facial symmetry, mouth opening was >35 mm, and occlusion was good. Follow-up computed tomography examination data were available for 20 cases, and revealed different degrees of radiolucency indicating that osteolysis had occurred. Radiolucency was observed around the resorbable plates 1 month after the surgery. The extent and depth of the radiolucent region were obvious within 1 year of surgery. In the second year, there were obvious repairs, with the bony defect areas becoming shallower. After 2 years, the bony defect areas had almost disappeared. Biodegradable fixation devices are safe and efficient for treating pediatric mandibular fractures. Osteolysis commonly follows biodegradable fixation of pediatric mandibular fractures, and has no adverse effect on fracture healing. Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. The relationship between age and the mandibular cortical bone thickness by using panoramic radiograph

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yun Suk; Kim, Kyoung A; Koh, Kwang Joon


    This study was to determine the relationship between age and the mandibular cortical bone thickness on panoramic radiograph. Panoramic radiographs of 360 patients (180 men and 180 women) over 20 years old, who visited the Chonbuk National University Hospital from January to December in 2007, were assessed. The subjects were divided into 5 age groups. Five indices such as cortical bone thickness at the gonion (GI), antegonion (AI), and below the mental foramen (MI), the panoramic mandibular index (PMI), the mandibular cortical index (MCI) were measured on panoramic radiographs. All five indices including GI, AI, MI, PMI, and MCI showed significant differences between third decade and over 8 decade groups (p,0.05). PMI, MI and GI showed significant differences with gender statistically (p<0.05). The mandibular cortical bone thickness showed negative correlation with age, and the value of the thickness (PMI, MI, and GI) was greater in men than in women.

  15. Cephalometric analysis of the middle part of the face in patients with mandibular prognathism

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    Čutović Tatjana


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. The middle part of the face, that is the maxilla, has always been mentioned as a possible etiologic factor of skeletal Class III. However, the importance of the relationship of maxillary retroposition towards the cranial base is still unclear, although it has been examined many times. The aim of this study was to conduct cephalometric analysis of the morphology of maxilla, including the whole middle part of the face in patients with divergent and convergent facial types of mandibular prognathism, as well as to determine differences betweeen them. Methods. Lateral cephalometric teleradiograph images of 90 patients were analyzed at the Dental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. All the patients were male, aged 18-35 years, not previously treated orthodontically. On the basis of dentalskeletal relations of jaws and teeth, the patients were divided into three groups: the group P1 (patients with divergent facial type of mandibular prognathism, P2 (patients with convergent facial type of mandibular pragmathism and the group E (control group or eugnathic patients. A total of 9 cephalometric parameters related to the middle face were measured and analyzed: the length of the hard palate - SnaSnp, the length of the maxillary corpus - AptmPP, the length of the soft palate, the angle between the hard and soft palate - SnaSnpUt, the angle of inclination of the maxillary alveolar process, the angle of inclination of the upper front teeth, the effective maxillary length - CoA, the posterior maxillary alveolar hyperplasia - U6PP and the angle of maxillary prognathism. Results. The obtained results showed that the CoA, AptmPP and SnaSnp were significally shorter in patients with divergent facial type of mandibular prognathism compared to patients with convergent facial type of the mandibular prognathism and also in both experimental groups of patients compared to the control group. SnaSnp was significantly shorter in

  16. Treatment of mandibular symphyseal fracture combined with dislocated intracapsular condylar fractures. (United States)

    Xu, Xiaofeng; Shi, Jun; Xu, Bing; Dai, Jiewen; Zhang, Shilei


    To evaluate the treatment methods of mandibular symphyseal fracture combined with dislocated intracapsular condylar fractures (MSF&DICF) and to compare the effect of different treatment methods of condylar fractures. Twenty-eight patients with MSF&DICF were included in this study. Twenty-two sites were treated by open reduction, and all the medial condylar fragments were fixed with titanium screws; whereas the other 22 sites underwent close treatment. The surgical effect between these 2 groups was compared based on clinical examination and radiographic examination results. Seventeen of 22 condyle fractures were repositioned in the surgery group, whereas 4 of 22 condyle fractures were repositioned in the close treatment group. Statistical difference was observed between these 2 groups (P condyle fractures should be treated by surgical reduction with the maintenance of the attachment of lateral pterygoid muscle, which is beneficial to repositioning the dislocated condyle to its original physiological position, to closure of the mandibular lingual gap, to restore the mandibular width.

  17. Unexpected complications of bonded mandibular lingual retainers.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Katsaros, C.; Livas, C.; Renkema, A.M.


    INTRODUCTION: The flexible spiral wire (FSW) retainer is the most frequently used type of fixed retainer bonded on all 6 anterior teeth. Our aim in this article was to demonstrate unexpected posttreatment changes in the labiolingual position of the mandibular anterior teeth associated with the use

  18. Patients' Priorities and Attitudes Towards Their Temporo-Mandibular Disorders. (United States)

    Kelleher, Martin; Ray-Chaudhuri, Arijit; Khawaja, Noman


    The diagnosis and appropriate management of temporo-mandibular disorders (TMDs) remains controversial. Current scientific evidence highlights the importance of psychosocial factors in sufferers and the reducing emphasis on occlusal or dental/prosthetic factors. This paper describes the findings of a survey of 211 patients reporting pain from their temporo-mandibular joint area and associated structures. This article offers busy primary dental care practitioners a cost effective questionnaire for obtaining relevant information from patients about the history of their condition and highlights what patients hope to achieve through the management of their disorder. It also emphasises the importance of communicating effectively with patients and offers practical tips for the management of TMDs in primary care.

  19. Transmigration of mandibular second premolar in a patient with cleft lip and palate--case report. (United States)

    Alves, Daniel Berretta Moreira; Pedrosa, Esio Fortaleza Nascimento Chaves; Andreo, Jesus Carlos; de Carvalho, Izabel Maria Marchi; Rodrigues, Antonio de Castro


    Disturbances involving abnormalities in tooth eruption are named ectopia. Transmigration is the name assigned to ectopia in the presence of teeth in areas distant from the alveolar process. Initial angulation of the tooth bud of the second premolar and premature loss of permanent mandibular 1st molars can influence the distal migration of the second premolar. Some studies have observed that ectopic teeth can be found in a variety of places around the oral cavity and also in other areas of the human body. There are records of teeth in the maxillary sinus, mandibular condyle, coronoid process, mandibular angle, orbit, palate, mentum and also the skin. The prevalence of tooth abnormalities is higher in children with cleft lip and palate compared to children without clefts. This paper presents a case report of migration of the mandibular left second premolar in a patient attending the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP), Brazil. Migration of the mandibular left 2nd premolar was confirmed by 8 panoramic and 1 periapical radiographs obtained during patient's treatment between 1978 and 2002, which were available in the files of the Department of Dental Radiology of HRAC/USP. It can be assumed that distal migration of the mandibular left 2nd premolar is not associated with presence of cleft lip and palate; observation of these two events in a same patient is rare, since no similar reported cases were found in the literature.

  20. Eruption age of permanent mandibular first molars and central incisors in the south Indian population

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    Gupta Rakhi


    Full Text Available Objective: The existing eruption schedules for permanent and deciduous dentition are based on studies in the Western population. Since Indians differ from Westerners racially, genetically, and environmentally, these studies fail to provide relevant guidance on the eruption schedule in the Indian population. This study aims at determining the eruption pattern of permanent mandibular molars and central incisors in the south Indian population. Materials and Methods: 10,156 apparently healthy Indian children in the age-group of 6-9 years were examined with mouth mirror and probe under adequate illumination for the status of the eruption of the permanent mandibular first molar and permanent mandibular central incisor. Pearson′s Chi-square test with Yates′ continuity correction was used to calculate the P -value for comparison of proportion between girls and boys. The values obtained in our study were compared with the standard values. The Z-test with continuity correction was used to calculate the P -value. Results: As per our study, the permanent mandibular first molars and central incisors erupted one to two years later compared to the values reported in Westerners. The earlier eruption of the permanent mandibular first molars compared to the permanent mandibular central incisors, as well as the earlier eruption of both the teeth in girls compared to boys, were in accordance with the existing literature. Conclusion: The eruption age reported by us may form a standard reference for eruption age in Indians.

  1. Mandibular reconstruction of a post-surgical deformity due to trauma


    Morales Navarro, Denia; Álvarez Garrido, David; González Vargas, Leticia; Basulto Varela, José Felipe


    La necesidad de una reconstrucción mandibular está dictada por la pérdida de hueso debido, entre otras causas, a trauma. El propósito de este trabajo es caracterizar un caso de reconstrucción mandibular de una deformidad posquirúrgica por trauma. Se trata de un paciente masculino de 34 años que acude a consulta por inconformidad estética y dificultad para masticar. Aproximadamente un año atrás había padecido un trauma facial, por lo cual fue atendido de urgencia e intervenido quirúrgicamente....

  2. Multicentre prospective evaluation of implant-assisted mandibular bilateral distal extension removable partial dentures: patient satisfaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wismeijer, D.; Tawse-Smith, A.; Payne, A.G.T.


    Objective To compare the levels of patient satisfaction with either conventional mandibular bilateral distal extension partial dentures or those assisted by bilateral distal implants. Materials and methods Forty-eight participants who were dissatisfied with their existing conventional mandibular

  3. [Long-term follow-up study of titanium implant impact on pediatric mandibular growth and development]. (United States)

    Hu, Yun; Li, Wei; Chen, Qi; Song, Fumin; Tang, Wei; Wang, Hang


    To explore the impact of titanium implant on the growth and development of pediatric mandible after suffering from mandibular fracture and undergoing open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) compared with those that underwent titanium plate removal postoperatively. Fifteen pediatric patients with mandibular fracture who underwent ORIF were included in this study. Eight patients did not undergo titanium implant removal postoperatively, whereas the other seven patients underwent the routine. The postoperative data of the pediatrics were collected for comparative analysis by taking the patients' frontal and lateral photos, recording the inter-incisor distance, and measuring the height of mandibular ramus, length of the mandibular body, and combined length of the mandible in three-dimensional reconstruction image. All patients had acceptable facial contour, mouth opening, and occlusion, without obvious abnormalities. The radiography showed no significant difference between the bilateral mandibular lengths in the two groups of patients (P>0.05). The titanium plants have no significant impact on the growth and development of pediatric mandible postoperatively; hence, the question on whether the titanium plates should be removed or not may be neglected. The removal operation may lead to secondary trauma; thus, performing titanium plate removal routinely is not recommended.

  4. Endoscopically assisted enucleation of a large mandibular periapical cyst. (United States)

    Nestal Zibo, Heleia; Miller, Ene


    Enucleation of large cysts in the jaws is an invasive method that might be associated with complications. Marsupialization is a less invasive alternative method but it involves a prolonged and uncomfortable healing period. This study addresses a contemporaneous and less invasive surgical technique for treating larger mandibular cysts. MATERIALS AND METHODS. A 48-year-old woman presented with a large mandibular apical cyst involving the left parasymphysis, body, ramus and condylar neck, with involvement of the alveolar inferior nerve. The cystic lesion was enucleated using a 30° 4.0 mm endoscopic scope and endoscopic instruments through two small accesses: the ostectomy site of previously performed marsupialization and the alveolus of the involved third molar extracted of the time of the enucleation of the cyst. RESULTS. The endoscopic scope provided good visualization of the whole cystic cavity allowing the removal of any residual pathologic tissue and preservation of the integrity of the involved inferior alveolar nerve. The morbidity of the surgical procedure was extremely reduced. At a 6-month follow-up the patient did not present any symptom of inflammation and a panoramic X-ray showed good bone repair and remodelation. CONCLUSIONS. Endoscopically assisted enucleation proved to be effective method of treating a large mandibular cyst, providing total enucleation with a minimal invasive technique.

  5. Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint - an uncommon circumstance of occurrence: vaginal delivery. (United States)

    El Bouazzaoui, Abderrahim; Labib, Smael; Derkaoui, Ali; Adnane Berdai, Mohammed; Bendadi, Azzeddine; Harandou, Mustapha


    Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is an infrequent disease but still spectacular. This disease consists of a permanent, to some extent complete disruption of the temporo-mandibular joint. These dislocations often occur in a context of yawning, and less frequently after a burst of laughing or relatively mild facial trauma (slap, punch on the chin). We report a case of TMJ occurring in an uncommon circumstance: vaginal delivery. A woman aged 24-years with no special past medical history; primipara was admitted in the Department of Maternity of the University Hospital Hassan II of Fez for an imminent delivery of a twin pregnancy. Ten minutes after admission, the patient delivered vaginally with episiotomy. She gave birth to twins weighing 2800 g and 2400 g. During labour, and due to efforts of crying, the patient developed a sudden and immediate loss of function of the temporo-mandibular joint, with difficulty of speaking, the mouth permanently opened and with the chin lowered and thrown forward. The examination found an empty glenoid fossa of the temporo-mandibular joint in both sides. The diagnosis of dislocation of the TMJ was established. A CT scan of facial bones was done, objectifying a bilateral dislocation of TMJ. The reduction of this dislocation was performed in the operating room under sedation.

  6. Risk Factors and Surgical Refinements of Postresective Mandibular Reconstruction: A Retrospective Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akiko Sakakibara


    Full Text Available Background. Postresective mandibular reconstruction is common in cases of oral and mandibular tumors. However, complications such as infection, plate exposure, or plate fracture can occur. We identified several significant risk factors of complications after reconstructive surgery and compared the effectiveness of different surgical techniques for reducing the incidence of complications. Methods. This study is a retrospective analysis of 28 oromandibular cancer cases that required reconstructive surgery between January 1999 and December 2011 at Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan. All cases were classified using Hashikawa’s CAT and Eichner’s classification methods. Then, we determined whether these classifications and different treatment or surgical methods were significantly related to complications. Results. Complications after mandibular reconstruction occurred in 10/28 patients (36%. Specifically, five patients had plate fractures, four had plate exposures, and one had an infection. Radiation therapy and closure without any flaps were significantly related to infection or plate exposure. The wrap-around technique of securing reconstruction plates was used in 14 cases, whereas the run-through technique was used in two cases. Conclusions. The success of mandibular reconstruction depends on both mechanical and biological factors, such as the location of defects, presence of occlusions, and the amount of vascularization of the flap.

  7. Spinal and temporo-mandibular disorders in male workers of the State Police. (United States)

    Sancini, Angela; Tomei, Francesco; Tomei, Gianfranco; Caciari, Tiziana; Capozzella, Assunta; Di Famiani, Manuela; Samperi, Ilaria; Scala, Barbara; Fiaschetti, Maria; Cetica, Carlotta; Ciarrocca, Manuela


    The aims of this study are to evaluate the prevalence of disorders of the lumbar region and the temporo-mandibular district co-morbidity in drivers and workers of the State Police employed for different office activities. The study population included 103 drivers as cases and 100 police officers as controls. The study was carried out through questionnaire and clinical evaluation of the spine and temporo-mandibular region. At clinical examination, the drivers were found to have a higher prevalence (p temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), when compared with the controls. The results also showed a higher prevalence (p < 0.05) of co-morbidity in the two districts among the drivers, when compared with the controls. These results confirm that morbidity related to back and TMJ and increase in co-morbidity between the two districts are higher in professional drivers.

  8. Simplified Technique for Incorporating a Metal Mesh into Record Bases for Mandibular Implant Overdentures. (United States)

    Godoy, Antonio; Siegel, Sharon C


    Mandibular implant-retained overdentures have become the standard of care for patients with mandibular complete edentulism. As part of the treatment, the mandibular implant-retained overdenture may require a metal mesh framework to be incorporated to strengthen the denture and avoid fracture of the prosthesis. Integrating the metal mesh framework as part of the acrylic record base and wax occlusion rim before the jaw relation procedure will avoid the distortion of the record base and will minimize the chances of processing errors. A simplified method to incorporate the mesh into the record base and occlusion rim is presented in this technique article. © 2015 by the American College of Prosthodontists.

  9. Morphologic and Morphometric Analysis of Lingula in Localizing Mandibular Foramen with its Surgical Importance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Phalguni Srimani


    Full Text Available Introduction: Morphologic and morphometric evaluation of mandible is clinically important. Considering the close relationship of lingula with neurovascular structures entering through mandibular foramen, lingula is often used as an important bony landmark during oral and maxillofacial surgical approach and inferior alveolar nerve block anaesthesia. Inadequate anatomical knowledge may result various intra operative complications like haemorrhge, fractures and nerve injury. Also, structural variations of lingula followed by inaccurate localization of mandibular foramen have been implicated as causative factor for unsuccessful inferior alveolar nerve block anaesthesia. Aim: To determine morphological and morphometric variations related to lingula of mandible in localizing mandibular foramen and to compare the results with similar type of osteological studies performed earlier on different population group. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on 36 adult dry human mandibles on both sides to categorize lingula according to its various shapes and determine the location of lingula based on surrounding mandibular landmarks by using Vernier caliper as 5 distances from tip of lingula as follows: i to anterior border of ramus of mandible; ii to posterior border of ramus of mandible; iii to centre of mandibular notch; iv to the alveolar socket of second molar tooth; and v to the base of mandible. The present study also indicated bilingual distance between tips of lingula of both sides. Data collected were analyzed statistically. Results: The most common shape of lingula was observed as triangular (51.39% followed by truncated (23.61%, then nodular (20.83% and assimilated (4.17% as least prevalent type. The average distances of tip of lingula from anterior and posterior borders of ramus of mandible were 18.21±1.50 mm and 16.33±1.21 mm respectively. On average, the tip of lingula was situated at 18.17±1.51 mm, 33.40±2.11 mm and 32.07±2.68 mm

  10. Repair of Bovine and Equine Mandibular Fractures


    Murch, K. M.


    Clinical findings, surgical repair and postsurgical care of a unilateral fracture of the mandible of a bull and of a bilateral mandibular fracture in a horse are described. Compression plating limited the pain suffered by the animals and resulted in a quick return to function of the mandibles.

  11. Ultrasound stimulation of mandibular bone defect healing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schortinghuis, Jurjen


    The conclusions of the experimental work presented in this thesis are: 1. Low intensity pulsed ultrasound is not effective in stimulating bone growth into a rat mandibular defect, either with or without the use of osteoconductive membranes. 2. Low intensity pulsed ultrasound does not seem to have an

  12. A Rare Case Report of an Unusual Dislocation of Fractured Mandibular Condyle


    Mishra, Madan; Singh, Gaurav


    Several cases have been reported regarding superolateral, posterior, or superior dislocation of mandibular condyle. The anteromedial dislocation of fractured condyle is the most common among all. This article reports an unusual and unique case of dislocated fractured mandibular condyle wherein the fractured left condylar head was dislocated to the left anatomic angle of mandible. We have not found a single such case in the world English literature published till date. The presented case falls...

  13. X-cephalometric study of different parts of the upper airway space and changes in hyoid position following mandibular fractures. (United States)

    Chen, L-J; Zhao, M-C; Pan, X-F; Wei, Y-Q; Wang, D-Y


    This study analyses the different parts of the upper airway space and the changes in hyoid position. The results provide a clinical reference for developing timely and effective treatment programmes for patients with mandibular fractures caused by maxillofacial trauma. Standard X-cephalometric measurements of the lateral skull of 210 subjects were taken. The subjects were divided into four fracture groups: condylar, mandibular angle, mandibular body, and parasymphyseal. The radiographs of the mandibular fracture groups were compared with the normal occlusion group to analyse the upper airway space and the changes in hyoid position. Different types of fractures have different effects on the upper airway space. Bilateral mandibular body fracture and the parasymphyseal fracture have a significant influence on the lower oropharyngeal and laryngopharyngeal airway spaces, with serious obstructions severely restricting the ventilatory function of patients. Fractures at different parts of the mandibular structure are closely related to the upper airway and hyoid position.

  14. Nonsurgical correction of a Class III malocclusion in an adult by miniscrew-assisted mandibular dentition distalization. (United States)

    Jing, Yan; Han, Xianglong; Guo, Yongwen; Li, Jingyu; Bai, Ding


    This article reports the successful use of miniscrews in the mandible to treat a 20-year-old Mongolian woman with a chief complaint of anterior crossbite. The patient had a skeletal Class III malocclusion with a mildly protrusive mandible, an anterior crossbite, and a deviated midline. In light of the advantages for reconstruction of the occlusal plane and distal en-masse movement of the mandibular arch, we used a multiloop edgewise archwire in the initial stage. However, the maxillary incisors were in excessive labioversion accompanied by little retraction of the mandibular incisors; these results were obviously not satisfying after 4 months of multiloop edgewise archwire treatment. Two miniscrews were subsequently implanted vertically in the external oblique ridge areas of the bilateral mandibular ramus as skeletal anchorage for en-masse distalization of the mandibular dentition. During treatment, the mandibular anterior teeth were retracted about 4.0 mm without negative lingual inclinations. The movement of the mandibular first molar was almost bodily translation. The maxillary incisors maintained good inclinations by rotating their brackets 180° along with the outstanding performance of the beta-titanium wire. The patient received a harmonious facial balance, an attractive smile, and ideal occlusal relationships. The outcome was stable after 1 year of retention. Our results suggest that the application of miniscrews in the posterior area of the mandible is an effective approach for Class III camouflage treatment. This technique requires minimal compliance and is particularly useful for correcting Class III patients with mild mandibular protrusion and minor crowding. Copyright © 2013 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Prevalence of Soft Tissue Calcifications in CBCT Images of Mandibular Region. (United States)

    Khojastepour, Leila; Haghnegahdar, Abdolaziz; Sayar, Hamed


    Most of the soft tissue calcifications within the head and neck region might not be accompanied by clinical symptoms but may indicate some pathological conditions. The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence of soft tissue calcifications in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images of mandibular region. In this cross sectional study the CBCT images of 602 patients including 294 men and 308 women with mean age 41.38±15.18 years were evaluated regarding the presence, anatomical location; type (single or multiple) and size of soft tissue calcification in mandibular region. All CBCT images were acquired by NewTom VGi scanner. Odds ratio and chi-square tests were used for data analysis and p < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. 156 out of 602 patients had at least one soft tissue calcification in their mandibular region (25.9%. of studied population with mean age 51.7±18.03 years). Men showed significantly higher rate of soft tissue calcification than women (30.3% vs. 21.8%). Soft tissue calcification was predominantly seen at posterior region of the mandible (88%) and most of them were single (60.7%). The prevalence of soft tissue calcification increased with age. Most of the detected soft tissue calcifications were smaller than 3mm (90%). Soft tissue calcifications in mandibular area were a relatively common finding especially in posterior region and more likely to happen in men and in older age group.

  16. A Feedback-Controlled Mandibular Positioner Identifies Individuals With Sleep Apnea Who Will Respond to Oral Appliance Therapy. (United States)

    Remmers, John E; Topor, Zbigniew; Grosse, Joshua; Vranjes, Nikola; Mosca, Erin V; Brant, Rollin; Bruehlmann, Sabina; Charkhandeh, Shouresh; Zareian Jahromi, Seyed Abdolali


    Mandibular protruding oral appliances represent a potentially important therapy for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, their clinical utility is limited by a less-than-ideal efficacy rate and uncertainty regarding an efficacious mandibular position, pointing to the need for a tool to assist in delivery of the therapy. The current study assesses the ability to prospectively identify therapeutic responders and determine an efficacious mandibular position. Individuals (n = 202) with OSA participated in a blinded, 2-part investigation. A system for identifying therapeutic responders was developed in part 1 (n = 149); the predictive accuracy of this system was prospectively evaluated on a new population in part 2 (n = 53). Each participant underwent a 2-night, in-home feedback-controlled mandibular positioner (FCMP) test, followed by treatment with a custom oral appliance and an outcome study with the oral appliance in place. A machine learning classification system was trained to predict therapeutic outcome on data obtained from FCMP studies on part 1 participants. The accuracy of this trained system was then evaluated on part 2 participants by examining the agreement between prospectively predicted outcome and observed outcome. A predicted efficacious mandibular position was derived from each FCMP study. Predictive accuracy was as follows: sensitivity 85%; specificity 93%; positive predictive value 97%; and negative predictive value 72%. Of participants correctly predicted to respond to therapy, the predicted mandibular protrusive position proved efficacious in 86% of cases. An unattended, in-home FCMP test prospectively identifies individuals with OSA who will respond to oral appliance therapy and provides an efficacious mandibular position. The trial that this study reports on is registered on, ID NCT03011762, study name: Feasibility and Predictive Accuracy of an In-Home Computer Controlled Mandibular Positioner in Identifying Favourable

  17. Independent and Confluent Middle Mesial Root Canals in Mandibular First Molars: A Report of Four Cases

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    Mohanavelu Deepalakshmi


    Full Text Available Mandibular molars demonstrate considerable variations with respect to number of roots and root canals. The possibility of additional root canals should be considered even in teeth with a low frequency of abnormal root canal anatomy. This paper discusses the endodontic management of the rare anatomical complexity middle mesial canals in mandibular first molar and also serves to remind the clinicians that such anatomical variations should be taken into account during the endodontic treatment of the mandibular molars.

  18. Management of pediatric mandibular fracture using orthodontic vacuum-formed thermoplastic splint: A case report and review of literature. (United States)

    Sanu, O O; Ayodele, Aos; Akeredolu, M O


    Fractures of the mandible are relatively less frequent in children when compared to adults. The anatomic features of children are protected. Children have a higher adaptation to maxillofacial fractures compared to adults. Treatment principles of mandibular fractures in children differ from that of adults due to concerns regarding mandibular growth and the developing dentition. A case of a 6-year-old boy with fractured mandibular symphysis managed by closed reduction using a vacuum formed thermoplastic splint and circummandibular wiring is presented. This article also provides a review of the literature regarding the management of mandibular fracture in young children.

  19. Occlusion and Temporomandibular Function among Subjects with Mandibular Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures (United States)

    Creugers, N. H. J.; Witter, D. J.; Van 't Spijker, A.; Gerritsen, A. E.; Kreulen, C. M.


    Objective. To quantify effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in shortened dental arches. Methods. Subjects wearing mandibular extension removable partial dentures (n = 25) were compared with subjects with shortened dental arches without extension (n = 74) and with subjects who had worn a mandibular extension removable partial denture in the past (n = 19). Subjects with complete dentitions (n = 72) were controls. Data were collected at baseline and at 3-, 6-, and 9-year observations. Results. Occlusal activity in terms of reported awareness of bruxism and occlusal tooth wear of lower anterior teeth did not differ significantly between the groups. In contrast, occlusal tooth wear of premolars in shortened dental arches with or without extension dentures was significantly higher than in the controls. Differences amongst groups with respect to signs and symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders were not found. Occlusal support of the dentures did not influence anterior spatial relationship. Occlusal contacts of the denture teeth decreased from 70% for second premolars via 50% for first molars, to 30% for second molars. Conclusions. Mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in moderate shortened dental arches had no effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function. PMID:20671961

  20. Post-traumatic changes of the temporo-mandibular joint by bone scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Harris, S.A.; Rood, J.P.; Testa, H.J.


    13 patients who sustained mandibular trauma were investigated with radiographs and scintiscans. The scintiscans showed abnormal uptake of radiopharmaceutical in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In patients with a long history of traumatic arthrosis, there was more positive correlation between the scintiscans, and clinical symptoms and histology than between radiographs, and symptoms and histology. In patients with mandibular body fractures and no TMJ symptoms, the scans showed abnormal uptake in the TMJ in 7/8 joints, in the absence of radiographic abnormality. The significance of the abnormal uptake and the value of scintigraphy is discussed.

  1. Post-traumatic changes of the temporo-mandibular joint by bone scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harris, S.A.; Rood, J.P.; Testa, H.J.


    13 patients who sustained mandibular trauma were investigated with radiographs and scintiscans. The scintiscans showed abnormal uptake of radiopharmaceutical in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In patients with a long history of traumatic arthrosis, there was more positive correlation between the scintiscans, and clinical symptoms and histology than between radiographs, and symptoms and histology. In patients with mandibular body fractures and no TMJ symptoms, the scans showed abnormal uptake in the TMJ in 7/8 joints, in the absence of radiographic abnormality. The significance of the abnormal uptake and the value of scintigraphy is discussed. (author)

  2. Orthodontic management of a patient with impacted and transposed mandibular canines. (United States)

    Almeida, Rhita C; Carvalho, Felipe A R; Almeida, Marco A O; Capelli, Jonas


    This patient report describes the treatment of a 10-year-old female with complete transposition of her impacted mandibular canines and lateral incisors. The patient had a Class I occlusion, and her mandibular lateral incisors were in crossbite with the maxillary central incisors. The treatment objectives were to create space for the impacted canines and align them with the incisors, one of which was extracted. After treatment, the appearance of the patient's teeth was improved, the occlusion was preserved, and overjet and overbite were corrected. © 2009 BY QUINTESSENCE PUBLISHING CO, INC.

  3. Risk Factors and Dose-Effect Relationship for Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis in Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ik Jae; Koom, Woong Sub; Lee, Chang Geol; Kim, Yong Bae; Yoo, Sei Whan; Keum, Ki Chang; Kim, Gwi Eon; Choi, Eun Chang; Cha, In Ho


    Purpose: To analyze risk factors and the dose-effect relationship for osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the mandible after radiotherapy of oral and oropharyngeal cancers. Materials and Methods: One-hundred ninety-eight patients with oral (45%) and oropharyngeal cancer (55%) who had received external radiotherapy between 1990 and 2000 were retrospectively reviewed. All patients had a dental evaluation before radiotherapy. The median radiation dose was 60 Gy (range, 16-75 Gy), and the median biologically effective dose for late effects (BED late ) in bone was 114 Gy 2 (range, 30-167 Gy 2 ). Results: The frequency of ORN was 13 patients (6.6%). Among patients with mandibular surgery, eight had ORN at the surgical site. Among patients without mandibular surgery, five patients had ORN on the molar area of the mandible. The median time to ORN was 22 months (range, 1-69 months). Univariate analysis revealed that mandibular surgery and Co-60 were significant risk factors for ORN (p = 0.01 and 0.04, respectively). In multivariate analysis, mandibular surgery was the most important factor (p = 0.001). High radiation doses over BED 102.6 Gy 2 (conventional dose of 54 Gy at 1.8 Gy/fraction) were also a significant factor for ORN (p = 0.008) and showed a positive dose-effect relationship in logistic regression (p = 0.04) for patients who had undergone mandibular surgery. Conclusions: Mandibular surgery was the most significant risk factor for ORN of mandible in oral and oropharyngeal cancers patients. A BED of 102.6 Gy 2 or higher to the mandible also significantly increases the risk of ORN.

  4. Transmigration of mandibular second premolar in a patient with cleft lip and palate: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Berretta Moreira Alves


    Full Text Available Disturbances involving abnormalities in tooth eruption are named ectopia. Transmigration is the name assigned to ectopia in the presence of teeth in areas distant from the alveolar process. Initial angulation of the tooth bud of the second premolar and premature loss of permanent mandibular 1st molars can influence the distal migration of the second premolar. Some studies have observed that ectopic teeth can be found in a variety of places around the oral cavity and also in other areas of the human body. There are records of teeth in the maxillary sinus, mandibular condyle, coronoid process, mandibular angle, orbit, palate, mentum and also the skin. The prevalence of tooth abnormalities is higher in children with cleft lip and palate compared to children without clefts. This paper presents a case report of migration of the mandibular left second premolar in a patient attending the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies of the University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP, Brazil. Migration of the mandibular left 2nd premolar was confirmed by 8 panoramic and 1 periapical radiographs obtained during patient's treatment between 1978 and 2002, which were available in the files of the Department of Dental Radiology of HRAC/USP. It can be assumed that distal migration of the mandibular left 2nd premolar is not associated with presence of cleft lip and palate; observation of these two events in a same patient is rare, since no similar reported cases were found in the literature.

  5. Proximal mandibular nerve block using electrolocation in 10 dogs undergoing mandibular surgery: a case series report.


    Ravasio, Giuliano; D'Urso, Elisa Silvia; Macchioni, Chiara; Stefanello, Damiano


    Peripheral nerve block performed using electrical stimulation (i.e. electrolocation) is widely used for perioperative pain management during several surgical procedures in dogs (Campoy 2008), but few data are reported concerning its application to invasive maxillofacial surgery (Carotenuto et al 2011). The aim of this case series report is to evaluate the efficacy of proximal mandibular nerve block (PMNB) in perioperative pain management in dogs undergoing mandibulectomy. Ten dogs of various ...

  6. Determination of mandibular border and functional movement protocols using an electromagnetic articulograph (EMA). (United States)

    Fuentes, Ramon; Navarro, Pablo; Curiqueo, Aldo; Ottone, Nicolas E


    The electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) is a device that can collect movement data by positioning sensors at multiple points, measuring displacements of the structure in real time, as well as the acoustics and mechanics of speech using a microphone connected to the measurement system. The aim of this study is to describe protocols for the generation, measurement and visualization of mandibular border and functional movements in the three spatial planes (frontal, sagittal and horizontal) using the EMA. The EMA has transmitter coils that determine magnetic fields to collect information about movements from sensors located on different structures (tongue, palate, mouth, incisors, skin, etc.) and in every direction in an area of 300 mm. After measurement with the EMA, the information is transferred to a computer and read with the Visartico software to visualize the recording of the mandibular movements registered by the EMA. The sensors placed in the space between the three axes XYZ are observed, and then the plots created from the mandibular movements included in the corresponding protocol can be visualized, enabling interpretation of these data. Four protocols for the obtaining of images of the opening and closing mandibular movements were defined and developed, as well as border movements in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal planes, managing to accurately reproduce Posselt's diagram and Gothic arch on the latter two axes. Measurements with the EMA will allow more exact data to be collected in relation to the mandibular clinical physiology and morphology, which will permit more accurate diagnoses and application of more precise and adjusted treatments in the future.

  7. Determination of mandibular border and functional movement protocols using an electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) (United States)

    Fuentes, Ramon; Navarro, Pablo; Curiqueo, Aldo; Ottone, Nicolas E


    The electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) is a device that can collect movement data by positioning sensors at multiple points, measuring displacements of the structure in real time, as well as the acoustics and mechanics of speech using a microphone connected to the measurement system. The aim of this study is to describe protocols for the generation, measurement and visualization of mandibular border and functional movements in the three spatial planes (frontal, sagittal and horizontal) using the EMA. The EMA has transmitter coils that determine magnetic fields to collect information about movements from sensors located on different structures (tongue, palate, mouth, incisors, skin, etc.) and in every direction in an area of 300 mm. After measurement with the EMA, the information is transferred to a computer and read with the Visartico software to visualize the recording of the mandibular movements registered by the EMA. The sensors placed in the space between the three axes XYZ are observed, and then the plots created from the mandibular movements included in the corresponding protocol can be visualized, enabling interpretation of these data. Four protocols for the obtaining of images of the opening and closing mandibular movements were defined and developed, as well as border movements in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal planes, managing to accurately reproduce Posselt’s diagram and Gothic arch on the latter two axes. Measurements with the EMA will allow more exact data to be collected in relation to the mandibular clinical physiology and morphology, which will permit more accurate diagnoses and application of more precise and adjusted treatments in the future. PMID:26884903

  8. Treatment of Two Canals in All Mandibular Incisor Teeth in the Same Patient

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    Vandana B. Kokane


    Full Text Available The main reason for unfavourable outcome in endodontic treatment of mandibular incisor is the inability to detect the presence of second canal. Pain even after extirpation of complete pulp tissue from root canal of vital teeth is the main indication of hidden canals. The present case report is also on pain because of another neglected canal in all mandibular incisors in the same patient.

  9. Prevalence and morphometric analysis of three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Brazilian subpopulation (United States)

    Rodrigues, Clarissa Teles; de Oliveira-Santos, Christiano; Bernardineli, Norberti; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Minotti-Bonfante, Paloma Gagliardi; Ordinola-Zapata, Ronald


    ABSTRACT The knowledge of the internal anatomy of three-rooted mandibular molars may help clinicians to diagnose and plan the root canal treatment in order to provide adequate therapy when this variation is present. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of three-rooted mandibular molars in a Brazilian population using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and to analyze the anatomy of mandibular first molars with three roots through micro-CT. Material and Methods: CBCT images of 116 patients were reviewed to determine the prevalence of three-rooted first mandibular molars in a Brazilian subpopulation. Furthermore, with the use of micro-CT, 55 extracted three-rooted mandibular first molars were scanned and reconstructed to assess root length, distance between canal orifices, apical diameter, Vertucci's classification, presence of apical delta, number of foramina and furcations, lateral and accessory canals. The distance between the orifice on the pulp chamber floor and the beginning of the curvature and the angle of canal curvature were analyzed in the distolingual root. Data were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). Results: The prevalence of three-rooted mandibular first molars was of 2.58%. Mesial roots showed complex distribution of the root canal system in comparison to the distal roots. The median of major diameters of mesiobuccal, mesiolingual and single mesial canals were: 0.34, 0.41 and 0.60 mm, respectively. The higher values of major diameters were found in the distobuccal canals (0.56 mm) and the lower diameters in the distolingual canals (0.29 mm). The lowest orifice distance was found between the mesial canals (MB-ML) and the highest distance between the distal root canals (DB-DL). Almost all distal roots had one root canal and one apical foramen with few accessory canals. Conclusions: Distolingual root generally has short length, severe curvature and a single root canal with low apical diameter. PMID:27812625

  10. Endodontic and periodontal treatments of a geminated mandibular first premolar. (United States)

    Aryanpour, S; Bercy, P; Van Nieuwenhuysen, J-P


    To describe a rare case of gemination involving a mandibular first premolar. The complex morphology of geminated teeth renders their endodontic and periodontal management difficult. Root canal and periodontal treatments were performed on a geminated mandibular first premolar with three canals. Clinical examination showed two separated crowns with united roots. Radiographically, two distinct pulp chambers with two joined and a third independent canal were seen. Conventional root canal treatment resulted in complete healing of the apical lesion. However, the occurrence of a vertical fracture led to the extraction of the mesial segment. At the follow-up visit, the distal segment was clinically healthy and continued to satisfy functional demands.

  11. A Complex Facial Trauma Case with Multiple Mandibular Fractures and Dentoalveolar Injuries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yeliz Guven


    Full Text Available The principles of management of mandibular fractures differ in children when compared to adults and depend on the specific age-related status of the growing mandible and the developing dentition. This paper presents a case report with a complex facial trauma affecting the mandibular body and condyle region and dentoalveolar complex. Clinical examination revealed soft tissue injuries, limited mouth opening, lateral deviation of the mandible, an avulsed incisor, a subluxated incisor, and a fractured crown. CBCT examination revealed a nondisplaced fracture and an oblique greenstick fracture of the mandibular body and unilateral fracture of the condyle. Closed reduction technique was chosen to manage fractures of the mandible. Favorable healing outcomes on multiple fractures of the mandible throughout the 6-year follow-up period proved the success of the conservative treatment. This case report is important since it presents a variety of pathological sequelae to trauma within one case.

  12. The anatomical relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve. (United States)

    Chong, B S; Quinn, A; Pawar, R R; Makdissi, J; Sidhu, S K


    To evaluate the anatomical relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) in relation to the risk of potential nerve injury during root canal treatment. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images from the patient record database at a dental hospital were selected. The anonymized CBCT images were reconstructed and examined in three planes (coronal, axial and sagittal) using 3D viewing software. The relationship between each root apex of mandibular second molars and the IAN was evaluated by measuring the horizontal and vertical distances from coronal CBCT sections, and the actual distance was then calculated mathematically using Pythagoras' theorem. In 55% of the 272 mandibular second molar roots evaluated, from a total of 134 scans, the distance between the anatomical root apex and the IAN was ≤3 mm. In over 50% of the cases evaluated, there was an intimate relationship between the roots of mandibular second molars and the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN). Therefore, root canal treatment of mandibular second molars may pose a more significant potential risk of IAN injury; necessary precautions should be exercised, and the prudent use of CBCT should be considered if an intimate relationship is suspected. © 2014 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Contemporary Management of Mandibular Fracture Nonunion-A Retrospective Review and Treatment Algorithm. (United States)

    Ostrander, Benjamin T; Wang, Howard D; Cusano, Alessandro; Manson, Paul N; Nam, Arthur J; Dorafshar, Amir H


    Nonunion is an uncommon complication after mandibular fractures. The purpose of this investigation was to compare outcomes of patients with mandibular fracture nonunion who were treated with a 1- versus 2-stage approach and propose a pragmatic treatment algorithm for surgical management based on preoperative characteristics. The authors conducted a retrospective study consisting of patients who presented to 2 level 1 trauma centers for the management of mandibular fracture nonunion over a 10-year period. The primary predictor variable was 1- versus 2-stage treatment. Outcomes were examined to propose a treatment algorithm. Eighteen patients were included in the study. The sample's mean age was 44.0 ± 19.3 years and most were men (88.9%). Mandibular angle and body accounted for 77.8% of cases. A single-stage approach was used in 13 patients (72.2%). Bone grafts or vascularized bone flaps were required in 13 patients (72.2%). Patients who required 2-stage treatments had intraoral soft tissue defects. Mean length of follow-up was 13.3 ± 20.4 months. All patients achieved bony union, with complications occurring in 5 patients (27.8%). The authors' 10-year experience was used to formulate a treatment algorithm based on bony defect size and soft tissue status, which can be used to inform optimal surgical management. Nonunion of mandibular fractures is an infrequent and complex condition requiring careful and deliberate surgical management. A single-stage approach is appropriate in most cases and does not negatively affect outcomes. Bony defect size and soft tissue status are essential parameters for determining the approach and timing of reconstruction. Copyright © 2018 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Association between third mandibular molar impaction and degree of root development in adolescents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauesen, Søren Rødsgaard; Andreasen, Jens O; Gerds, Thomas Alexander


    of the mandibular third molar region from 132 subjects (71 male and 61 female) from 15 to 20 years of age. Based on the films, 264 lower third molars were classified into an eruption and an impaction group. Root development was recorded according to a quantitative method described by Haavikko (1970......: Delayed mandibular third molar root development is associated with impaction. Radiographs taken at age 15 may predict the risk of impaction and thereby guide decision making for the orthodontist or the oral and maxillofacial surgeon.......Abstract Objective: To compare the root development and the growth rate of the mandibular third molar (M3 inf) in individuals where the M3 inf erupted vs individuals exhibiting M3 inf impaction. Materials and Methods: Serial standardized intraoral radiographs (Eggen technique) were taken annually...

  15. [Exploring a new method for superimposition of pre-treatment and post-treatment mandibular digital dental casts in adults]. (United States)

    Dai, F F; Liu, Y; Xu, T M; Chen, G


    To explore a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-independent method for mandibular digital dental cast superimposition to evaluate three-dimensional (3D) mandibular tooth movement after orthodontic treatment in adults, and to evaluate the accuracy of this method. Fifteen post-extraction orthodontic treatment adults from the Department of Orthodontics, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology were included. All the patients had four first premolars extracted, and were treated with straight wire appliance. The pre- and post-treatment plaster dental casts and craniofacial CBCT scans were obtained. The plaster dental casts were transferred to digital dental casts by 3D laser scanning, and lateral cephalograms were created from the craniofacial CBCT scans by orthogonal projection. The lateral cephalogram-based mandibular digital dental cast superimposition was achieved by sequential maxillary dental cast superimposition registered on the palatal stable region, occlusal transfer, and adjustment of mandibular rotation and translation obtained from lateral cephalogram superimposition. The accuracy of the lateral cephalogram-based mandibular digital dental cast superimposition method was evaluated with the CBCT-based mandibular digital dental cast superimposition method as the standard reference. After mandibular digital dental cast superimposition using both methods, 3D coordinate system was established, and 3D displacements of the lower bilateral first molars, canines and central incisors were measured. Differences between the two superimposition methods in tooth displacement measurements were assessed using the paired t-test with the level of statistical significance set at Pdigital dental cast superimposition methods in 3D displacements of the lower first molars, and sagittal and vertical displacements of the canines and central incisors; transverse displacements of the canines and central incisors differed by (0.3±0.5) mm with statistical significance

  16. Tooth axis and skeletal structures in mandibular molar vertical sections in jaw deformity with facial asymmetry using MPR images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nojima, Kunihiko; Yokose, Taishi; Ishii, Takenobu; Kobayashi, Makoto; Nishii, Yasushi


    The objective of the present study was to investigate frontal morphological asymmetry in the mandibular molar region in terms of tooth axis and skeletal structures using vertical MPR sections in jaw deformity accompanied by facial asymmetry. Subjects consisted of 15 patients with jaw deformity accompanied by facial asymmetry aged 17.4 years to 37.8 years. There were four men and eleven women. Based on X-ray computed tomography (CT) scans, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) viewer software was used to prepare multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) sections. The mandible was then positioned on a reference plane based on the menton and left and right gonions, and a vertical MPR section passing through the mesial root of the first mandibular molar was prepared. The following measurements were made on both the shifted and non-shifted sides: maximum buccolingual width of the mandibular body; height of the mandibular body; inclination angle of the mandibular body; degree of buccal protrusion of the mandibular body; and inclination angle of the buccolingual tooth axis of the first molar. Furthermore, degree of median deviation in the menton was measured using frontal cephalograms. Differences in morphological parameters between the shifted and non-shifted sides were assessed. Furthermore, the relationship between median deviation and asymmetry were statistically analyzed. There was no significant asymmetry in the maximum buccolingual width of the mandibular body, the height of the mandibular body or the degree of buccal protrusion of the mandibular body. However, when compared to the shifted side, the inclination angle of the buccolingual tooth axis of the first molar for the non-shifted side was significantly greater. There was a relatively strong correlation between median deviation and inclination angle of the mandibular body. The above findings clarified that, in orthognathic surgery for jaw deformity accompanied by facial asymmetry, actively improving

  17. Use of personal computers for Gothic arch tracing: analysis and evaluation of horizontal mandibular positions with edentulous prosthesis. (United States)

    Watanabe, Y


    Determining mandibular position for an edentulous patient raises the question of whether to emphasize centric relation or muscular position. This challenge results from the lack of a convenient procedure for quantifying the horizontal mandibular position, which can be determined by a variety of methods. This study analyzed and evaluated the horizontal mandibular positions produced by different guidance systems. Twenty-six edentulous subjects with no clinical evidence of abnormality of temporomandibular disorder were selected. Horizontal position data for the mandible obtained by gothic arch tracing was loaded into a personal computer by setting the sensor portion of a digitizer into the oral cavity to serve as a miniature lightweight tracing board. By connecting this with a digitizer control circuit set in an extraoral location, each mandibular position was displayed in a distinguishable manner on a computer display in real time, then recorded and analyzed. The gothic arch apex and tapping point varied, depending on body position. In the supine position, the gothic arch apex and the tapping point were close to the mandibular position determined by bilateral manipulation. This system provides effective data concerning mandibular positions for fabrication of dentures.

  18. [3D mandibular distraction planification in a case of severe temporomandibular ankylosis]. (United States)

    Weber, E; Meyer, C; Ernoult, C; Chatelain, B; Benassarou, M


    When occurring in childhood, temporomandibular ankylosis joint is responsible for complex maxillofacial deformities, including mandibular growth deficiency. We present a case of temporomandibular joint ankylosis associated with severe mandibular asymmetry treated by mandibular bone distraction performed under computer assistance. A 27-year-old patient presented with a severe facial asymmetry consisting in hypoplasia of the left hemi-mandible and maxilla. Mouth opening was non-existent. The CT-scan showed a left temporomandibular ankylosis. A left mandibular distraction was decided. The distraction characteristics (choice and positioning of the distractor, axis and amount of distraction) were determined preoperatively on the 3D CT-scan. The planning has been transferred to a navigation console (Kolibri®, Brainlab®). A combined intraoral and cutaneous was performed. Navigation allowed for an appropriate placement of the osteotomy line and fixation of the distractor. Distraction was started at the 5th postoperative day at the rate of 1mm per day and lasted 25 days without complication. 3D planning allows for better indication setting, better preparation of the procedure, reducing complications and operative time. It may help as an educational tool for young surgeons and for a better understanding from the patient. Navigation is an accurate method for the transfer of the planning in the operation room. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  19. Visibility of the mandibular canal on cross-sectional CBCT images at impacted mandibular third molar sites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alkhader, Mustafa; Jarab, Fadi


    The aim of the present study was to assess visibility of the mandibular canal (MC) on cross-sectional cone beam CT (CBCT) images at impacted mandibular third molar (IMTM) sites. CBCT images for 150 IMTMs were selected for the study. The type of tooth impaction (horizontal, vertical, mesial and distal) and location of the MC (inferior in contact and superimposed) were evaluated on pseudo panoramic images. Cross-sectional images were generated and two observers evaluated the location of the MC (buccal, lingual, inter-radicular and inferior) and its visibility using 3-point scoring scale: (1-3, good-excellent). Kruskal-Wallis test was used to examine the differences in the visibility of the MC according to its location and the type of tooth impaction. The visibility scores of the MC were good, very good and excellent at 3, 25 and 122 IMTM sites, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the visibility scores of the MC according to its location or the type of tooth impaction (P < 0.05). Therefore, despite the different locations of the MC and different types of tooth impaction at IMTM sites, the visibility of the MC was excellent on most of the cross-sectional CBCT images. CBCT is considered a valuable diagnostic tool for achieving these results

  20. Two-Implant-Supported Mandibular Overdentures: Do Clinical Denture Quality and Inter-Implant Distance Affect Patient Satisfaction? (United States)

    Alfadda, Sara A; Al Amri, Mohammad D; Al-Ohali, Amal; Al-Hakami, Arwa; Al-Madhi, Noura

    To investigate the following three null hypotheses in patients rehabilitated with a mandibular overdenture supported by two unsplinted implants: (1) patient satisfaction is not related to the clinical quality of the dentures; (2) inter-implant distance (IID) has no effect on the clinical quality of the dentures; and (3) IID does not influence patient satisfaction. Forty edentulous patients who were rehabilitated with a two-implant-supported mandibular overdenture participated in the study. Independent investigators evaluated the dentures on the basis of five clinical criteria using the validated Denture Quality Evaluation Form, and the patients completed the validated Denture Satisfaction Scale. Irreversible hydrocolloid impressions of the mandible were made and poured immediately in die stone. The IID was measured by adapting an orthodontic wire to the mandibular alveolar ridge crest, extending from the center of one implant to the center of the other. Spearman correlation analyses were used to identify possible correlations, with a significance level set at P overdenture and of the maxillary conventional complete denture was significantly related to satisfaction (r = 0.389 and r = 0.44, respectively). Significant associations were found between the mandibular stability items and satisfaction with both maxillary and mandibular dentures. The stability of the maxillary denture was significantly associated with patient satisfaction with mandibular denture retention, stability, and comfort. None of the 12 denture satisfaction items were significantly associated with IID. Similarly, IID did not have an effect on the quality of either denture in terms of retention, stability, or occlusion. Denture stability was the feature that had the most influence on patient satisfaction with the mandibular overdenture and with the maxillary conventional denture. IID had no effect on the clinical quality of either denture and did not influence patient satisfaction.

  1. The Influence of a Mandibular Advancement Plate on Polysomnography in Different Grades of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antti Raunio


    Full Text Available Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a mandibular advancement device on different grades of obstructive sleep apnea using a relatively simple test for the apnea-hypopnea index to determine if a mandibular device will be effective. Material and Methods: A total of 68 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS including, 31 with mild, 23 with moderate and 14 with severe OSAS were treated with a mandibular advancement device (MAD and monitored with polysomnography. Results: 25 of the 31 mild, 15 of the 23 moderate and 2 of the 14 severe OSAS patients were cured of their OSAS if a post treatment apnea-hypopnea index of less than 5 is regarded as cured. The odds ratios for success with MAD therapy are 3 for women over men, 14.9 for mild obstructive sleep apnea, 5.42 for moderate obstructive sleep apnea if severe obstructive sleep apnea is assigned an odds ratio of 1. Conclusions: The use of the apnea-hypopnea index alone is useful in mild and moderate disease to predict the effectiveness of mandibular advancement device. Treatment with a mandibular advancement device is very effective in treating mild and moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Conservative treatment with a mandibular advancement device can be successful in less severe grades of sleep apnea and may be an alternative for non-surgical patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea intolerant of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure management.

  2. Patient satisfaction and prosthetic aspects with mini-implants retained mandibular overdentures. A 5-year prospective study. (United States)

    Elsyad, Moustafa Abdou


    This study aimed to evaluate patient satisfaction and prosthetic aspects during a 5-year prospective clinical study of mini dental implants (MDIs) retaining mandibular overdentures. This observational prospective clinical study was conducted on a group of completely edentulous patients (n = 28) with retention problems of conventional mandibular dentures. All patients received new maxillary and mandibular conventional dentures. A total of 112 MDIs (four per patient) were inserted using the flapless surgical approach and immediately loaded by the new mandibular dentures (overdentures). Patients indicated satisfaction with their prosthesis using a questionnaire and a visual analogue scale (VAS). Patient satisfaction and prosthetic complications were recorded 6 months (T6 m ), 1 (T1), 3 (T3), and 5 (T5) years after overdenture insertion. The patient satisfaction with eating (hard/soft) food (P teeth (n = 10), overdentures relines (n = 10), detachment of the metal housings (n = 9), and fracture of mandibular overdentures (n = 8). Mucositis, soreness, and decubitis ulcer under overdenture occurred most often at T6 m and decreased significantly with time (P = 0.002, 0.005, and 0.024, respectively). Within the limitations of this clinical study, patient satisfaction with mini-implant retained mandibular overdentures increased significantly with time. However, this treatment required a considerable amount of prosthetic maintenance and repair after 5 years of service. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Evaluation of root canal morphology of human mandibular incisors in Yazd

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tabrizi-zadeh M. Assistant Professor


    Full Text Available Statement of Problem: The main objective of endodontic therapy is chemomechanical cleansing of entire pulp cavity and its complete obturation with an inert material. During this procedure, the failure of detection and inadequate cleaning of a canal will result in failed endodontic therapy. Therefore, the dentist must have enough knowledge of root canal morphology to treat a tooth successfully."nAim: The aim of this study was to determine the number and type of root canals of mandibular incisor teeth."nMaterials and Methods: In order to do this in-vitro, descriptive study, 68 non-carious mandibular incisor teethj collected from different clinics in Yazd, were immersed in indian ink, decalcified and cleared."nResults: It was found that 55.9% of the teeth had two separate canals that in 5.5% of them, the canals"nmerged before' apical foramen. In 4.4% of these samples, two separate canals existed along the whole"nroot."nConclusion: Considering high percentage of two canals in lower mandibular incisors, during access preparation, more attempts in detection of the second canal, is emphasized.

  4. [Pre- and post-surgical orthodontic treatment of mandibular asymmetry and prognathism]. (United States)

    Chen, Song; Chen, Yang-xi; Hu, Jing


    The purpose of this study was to analyze the pre- and post surgical orthodontic treatment of mandibular asymmetry and prognathism in our hospital, and to summarize some helpful experiences for future clinical work. The data were derived from 21 adults aged from 19 - 28 years who had severe mandibular asymmetry and prognathism. The ANB angle of all patients is from -3 degrees to -8 degrees. The value of wits of all patients is from -7 mm to -14 mm. The deviation of chin point of all patients is from 3 mm to 7 mm. The duration of pre- and post-surgical orthodontic treatment was 10-20 months (mean 18 months) and 5-10 months (mean 7.5 months), respectively. The keys in pre-surgical orthodontic treatment include (1) three dimensional dental decompensation; (2) arch form and transverse discrepancy correction; (3) model surgery and the splint making. The main objective of post surgical orthodontic treatment is to detail the occlusion. Pre- and post surgical orthodontic treatment is essential for the orthognathic treatment of patients with mandibular asymmetry and prognathism.

  5. Osteosíntesis intraoral asistida por endoscopia en las fracturas del proceso condilar de la mandíbula: revisión de 53 casos Endoscopically assisted intraoral osteosynthesis in mandibular condylar process fractures: a review of 53 cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Cristobal Goizueta-Adame


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La reducción anatómica con fijación rígida de la fractura extracapsular del cóndilo de la mandíbula es esencial para asegurar la correcta función articular. El abordaje intraoral ha demostrado ser una vía segura y de escasa morbilidad. Los autores revisan una serie de 53 pacientes con fracturas extracapsulares de cóndilo mandibular tratados mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna rígida a través de un acceso exclusivamente intraoral asistido por endoscopia. Material y métodos: El objetivo de la cirugía fue la reducción anatómica y la fijación interna mediante osteosíntesis rígida a través de una incisión intraoral. Se realizó una revisión de los casos intervenidos entre 2007 y 2011. Resultados: Treinta y cinco fracturas subcondíleas y 20 fracturas de cuello de cóndilo fueron intervenidas por este método. Un 55% de las fracturas presentaron una o más fracturas asociadas. A partir del control postoperatorio con ortopantomografía, se constató la corrección o mejoría del alineamiento de los fragmentos en 51 fracturas (92%. En 37 pacientes (69,8% se evitó la fijación intermaxilar. En estos pacientes se recuperó la apertura oral a las 5 semanas y media de la cirugía. En el resto, el plazo fue de casi 9 semanas de media tras la retirada del bloqueo. Cinco pacientes presentaron alteraciones oclusales, mientras que una paciente presentó limitación de apertura oral. Conclusiones: La reducción abierta con fijación interna rígida de las fracturas extracapsulares de cóndilo mandibular mediante abordaje intraoral asistido por endoscopia es un tratamiento eficaz, seguro y reproducible.Objectives: The anatomic reduction with rigid fixation of an extracapsular mandibular condyle fracture is essential to ensure that the joint functions correctly. The intraoral approach has been shown to be safe and with a low morbidity. The authors review a series of 53 patients with extracapsular mandibular condyle

  6. Hybrid approach to fabrication of hollow internally weighted mandibular denture: A case report


    Hazari, Puja; Mishra, Sunil Kumar


    Preservation of ridge dimensions is critical for denture success. For long the concept of an internally weighted denture, which suggested that gravity and the additional weight to the mandibular complete denture aids in prosthetic retention is widely accepted. However, excessive weight and pressure can accelerate bone resorption. Here, we describe a unique modification of internally weighted metal denture base for the resorbed mandibular ridge with an incorporated additional hollow section ov...

  7. Neuromandibular integration in humans and chimpanzees: Implications for dental and mandibular reduction in Homo. (United States)

    Veneziano, Alessio; Meloro, Carlo; Irish, Joel D; Stringer, Chris; Profico, Antonio; De Groote, Isabelle


    Although the evolution of the hominin masticatory apparatus has been linked to diet and food processing, the physical connection between neurocranium and lower jaw suggests a role of encephalization in the trend of dental and mandibular reduction. Here, the hypothesis that tooth size and mandibular robusticity are influenced by morphological changes in the neurocranium was tested. Three-dimensional landmarks, alveolar lengths, and mandibular robusticity data were recorded on a sample of chimpanzee and human skulls. The morphological integration between the neurocranium and the lower jaw was analyzed by means of Singular Warps Analysis. Redundancy Analysis was performed to understand if the pattern of neuromandibular integration affects tooth size and mandibular robusticity. There is significant morphological covariation between neurocranium and lower jaw in both chimpanzees and humans. In humans, changes in the temporal fossa seem to produce alterations of the relative orientation of jaw parts, while the influence of similar neurocranial changes in chimpanzees are more localized. In both species, postcanine alveolar lengths and mandibular robusticity are associated with shape changes of the temporal fossa. The results of this study support the hypothesis that the neurocranium is able to affect the evolution and development of the lower jaw, although most likely through functional integration of mandible, teeth, and muscles within the masticatory apparatus. This study highlights the relative influence of structural constraints and adaptive factors in the evolution of the human skull. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Cervical vertebral maturation method and mandibular growth peak: a longitudinal study of diagnostic reliability. (United States)

    Perinetti, Giuseppe; Primozic, Jasmina; Sharma, Bhavna; Cioffi, Iacopo; Contardo, Luca


    The capability of the cervical vertebral maturation (CVM) method in the identification of the mandibular growth peak on an individual basis remains undetermined. The diagnostic reliability of the six-stage CVM method in the identification of the mandibular growth peak was thus investigated. From the files of the Oregon and Burlington Growth Studies (data obtained between early 1950s and middle 1970s), 50 subjects (26 females, 24 males) with at least seven annual lateral cephalograms taken from 9 to 16 years were identified. Cervical vertebral maturation was assessed according to the CVM code staging system, and mandibular growth was defined as annual increments in Co-Gn distance. A diagnostic reliability analysis was carried out to establish the capability of the circumpubertal CVM stages 2, 3, and 4 in the identification of the imminent mandibular growth peak. Variable durations of each of the CVM stages 2, 3, and 4 were seen. The overall diagnostic accuracy values for the CVM stages 2, 3, and 4 were 0.70, 0.76, and 0.77, respectively. These low values appeared to be due to false positive cases. Secular trends in conjunction with the use of a discrete staging system. In most of the Burlington Growth Study sample, the lateral head film at age 15 was missing. None of the CVM stages 2, 3, and 4 reached a satisfactorily diagnostic reliability in the identification of imminent mandibular growth peak.

  9. Masticatory efficiency and oral health-related quality of life with implant-retained mandibular overdentures (United States)

    Sun, Xu; Zhai, Jun-Jiang; Liao, Jian; Teng, Min-Hua; Tian, Ai; Liang, Xing


    Objectives: To evaluate masticatory efficiency (ME) and oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in patients rehabilitated with implant-retained mandibular overdentures. Methods: In this randomized controlled clinical trial, 50 edentulous patients visiting the Implant Center and Department of Prosthodontics, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China between June 2010 and June 2012 were selected and received 2 implant-retained mandibular overdenture treatments. All patients were rehabilitated with maxillary complete dentures. The ME and OHRQoL were determined both one month before the mandibular complete denture was anchored to the osseointegrated implants, and 6 months after anchoring. Paired t-tests were used to compare means of ME, and oral health impact profile-49 (OHIP-49) domains scores between pre- and post-implant. Linear regression models were utilized to seek correlations between ME and OHIP domains scores. Results: The ME increased from pre- to post-implant retained mandibular overdentures significantly (p<0.001). The total OHIP score and 4 subscales scores were changed significantly from pre- to post-implant; namely, functional limitation, psychological discomfort, physical disability, and physical pain. The total OHIP score, functional limitation, physical disability, and physical pain subscale scores were related to ME. Conclusion: Implant-retained mandibular over dentures can significantly improve patients’ ME and OHRQoL. The improvement in OHRQoL is mainly because of the improved ME. An improved chewing experience, and pain relief also contributes to improvement of OHRQoL. PMID:25316463

  10. Root and Canal Morphology of Mandibular Third Molars in an Iranian Population


    Maryam Kuzekanani; Jahangir Haghani; Hossein Nosrati


    Background and aims A through knowledge of the root canal morphology is required for successful endodontic ther-apy. The aim of this study was to investigate the root and canal morphology of mandibular third molars in Kerman, a prov-ince in southeast of Iran. Materials and methods One-hundred-fifty extracted mandibular third molars were collected randomly from different dental clinics in Kerman. The root canal anatomy and morphology of each tooth was carefully studied using a clearing tech-ni...

  11. A radiographic template for a two-implant mandibular overdenture using the patient’s existing denture (United States)

    Huynh-Ba, G; Alexander, P; Vargas, A; Vierra, M; Oates, TW


    This article introduces a technique for modifying an existing mandibular complete denture for use as a radiographic template with a radiopaque light-activated calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) preparation. This allows prosthetically-driven treatment planning and surgical placement of 2 implants to support the existing mandibular denture. PMID:23328197

  12. External and internal anatomy of mandibular molars. (United States)

    Rocha, L F; Sousa Neto, M D; Fidel, S R; da Costa, W F; Pécora, J D


    The external and internal anatomy of 628 extracted, mandibular first and second molars was studied. The external anatomy was studied by measuring each tooth and by observing the direction of the root curvatures from the facial surface. The internal anatomy of the pulp cavity was studied by a method of making the teeth translucent.

  13. Nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region in cone beam computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Jung Ho; Kim, Gyu Tae; Choi, Yong Suk; Hwang, Eui Hwan


    To evaluate location, distribution, diameter, and length of the nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region using a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Mandibular CBCT was performed on 33 adults (18 males and 15 female) with no history of systemic disease, and any other dental surgery history. Location, distribution, diameter, and length of the nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region were radiographically evaluated. A statistical comparison was done by SPSS. In the location and distribution of nutrient canals, they were found in 6.8% at labial portion above root apex, in 93.28% at lingual portion above root apex in 46.2% at labial portion below root apex, and in 53.6% at lingual portion below root apex. Nutrient canals at lingual portion above root apex were most frequently observed between central and lateral incisors, and those at labial and lingual portion below root apex were most frequently observed between central incisors. The mean diameters of nutrient canals were 0.54 mm at labial portion above root apex, 0.61 mm at lingual portion above root apex, 0.66 mm at labial portion below root apex, and 0.76 mm at lingual portion below root apex. The mean lengths of nutrient canals were 2.63 mm at labial portion above root apex, 3.74 mm at lingual portion above root apex, 4.51 mm at labial portion below root apex, and 6.77 mm at lingual portion below root apex. CBCT is useful device to evaluate the anatomical structure of nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region

  14. Conservative orthodontic fixed appliance management of pediatric mandibular bilateral condylar fracture. (United States)

    Xu, Yanhua; Gong, Siew-Ging; Zhu, Fangyong; Li, Ming; Biao, Xu


    Management of mandibular condylar fractures is difficult in children with their inherently dynamic and unstable deciduous and mixed dentitions. We present a variation of the conservative fixed orthodontic approach that was used as an adjunct to aid in the reduction of a bilateral condylar fracture in a pediatric patient. A boy, aged 10 years 9 months, came with clinical signs and symptoms of mandibular fracture after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. A computed tomography scan showed a vertical fracture on the left condylar head, a displaced fracture of the right condylar neck, and a mandibular symphysis fracture. The patient was treated with an orthodontic fixed appliance instead of an arch bar splint, followed by elastic traction to achieve a proper occlusion and condylar remodeling. Follow-up appointments were made 2 weeks and 1, 2, 20, 37, and 49 months after treatment. Clinical recovery was observed 2 months after treatment. At the follow-up appointments at 20, 37, and 49 months, jaw function and occlusal relationship remained stable, and no ankylosis was observed. The computed tomography scans showed that the right condyle had remodeled, and the left condyle exhibited a slight curve in the head at 49 months posttreatment. The patient's satisfaction with these treatment results was high. Conservative treatment of a mandibular fracture by fixed orthodontic means is a viable treatment option that is relatively straightforward and cost-effective and has a high level of patient acceptance and comfort. Copyright © 2016 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region in cone beam computed tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Jung Ho; Kim, Gyu Tae; Choi, Yong Suk; Hwang, Eui Hwan [Kyung Hee Univ. College of Dentistry, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate location, distribution, diameter, and length of the nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region using a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Mandibular CBCT was performed on 33 adults (18 males and 15 female) with no history of systemic disease, and any other dental surgery history. Location, distribution, diameter, and length of the nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region were radiographically evaluated. A statistical comparison was done by SPSS. In the location and distribution of nutrient canals, they were found in 6.8% at labial portion above root apex, in 93.28% at lingual portion above root apex in 46.2% at labial portion below root apex, and in 53.6% at lingual portion below root apex. Nutrient canals at lingual portion above root apex were most frequently observed between central and lateral incisors, and those at labial and lingual portion below root apex were most frequently observed between central incisors. The mean diameters of nutrient canals were 0.54 mm at labial portion above root apex, 0.61 mm at lingual portion above root apex, 0.66 mm at labial portion below root apex, and 0.76 mm at lingual portion below root apex. The mean lengths of nutrient canals were 2.63 mm at labial portion above root apex, 3.74 mm at lingual portion above root apex, 4.51 mm at labial portion below root apex, and 6.77 mm at lingual portion below root apex. CBCT is useful device to evaluate the anatomical structure of nutrient canals on mandibular anterior region.

  16. Transmigration of mandibular canine – case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gruszka, Katarzyna; Różyło, T. Katarzyna; Różyło-Kalinowska, Ingrid; Denkiewicz, Katarzyna; Masłowska, Klaudia


    Transmigration is a phenomenon of movement of an unerupted tooth in the bone across the midline. This anomaly is not often found. Transmigration is more prevalent in females than in males, and more often encountered in the mandible than maxilla, it affects mostly canines. The aim of this study was to present a case report of a mandibular canine transmigration in a patient aged 12. Intraoral examination determined hypodontia of right second premolar and delayed eruption of left second premolar in maxilla, as well as persistent deciduous teeth: right second molar, left canine and second molar. The patient was referred for a Cone-Beam CT examination, which allowed precise visualization of the transmigrating canine as well as ruled out resorption of roots of mandibular incisors. The treatment with a maxillary fixed orthodontic appliance was finished after obtaining a satisfactory result. Proper alignment of the incisors in the anterior-posterior plane and correct midline position were accepted by the patient. Transmigrating canine after consultation with the surgeon was designed to further radiological observation

  17. Effect of mini-implant-supported mandibular overdentures on electromyographic activity of the masseter muscle during chewing of hard and soft food. (United States)

    Ashmawy, Tarek Mohy; El Talawy, Dina Bahgat; Shaheen, Nasser Hussein


    To objectively evaluate the effect of mini-implant- supported mandibular overdentures on electromyographic activity (EMG) of the masseter muscle during chewing of hard and soft foods. Twelve completely edentulous patients (4 females and 8 males) with maladaptive experience of wearing mandibular dentures received new maxillary and mandibular dentures. After 3 months of adaptation, four mini dental implants (MDIs) were inserted in the interforaminal region of the mandible, and the new mandibular dentures were connected to the implants immediately with O/ring attachments. The activity of masseter muscle (EMG) and the duration of chewing cycle were measured during chewing hard (carrot) and soft (gum) foods. The measurements were made 3 months after wearing each of the following prostheses: the new conventional dentures; and the MDI-retained mandibular overdentures. The EMG of masseter muscle increased and the DC decreased with MDI-retained mandibular overdentures when compared to conventional dentures. Hard food (carrot) was associated with increased EMG and decreased DC when compared to soft food (gum) for both conventional dentures and MDI-retained mandibular overdentures. Mini-implant-supported mandibular overdentures are associated with increased activity of masseter muscle and decreased duration of chewing cycle for both hard and soft foods when compared to conventional dentures.

  18. Occlusion and Temporomandibular Function among Subjects with Mandibular Distal Extension Removable Partial Dentures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. H. J. Creugers


    Full Text Available Objective. To quantify effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in shortened dental arches. Methods. Subjects wearing mandibular extension removable partial dentures (n=25 were compared with subjects with shortened dental arches without extension (n=74 and with subjects who had worn a mandibular extension removable partial denture in the past (n=19. Subjects with complete dentitions (n=72 were controls. Data were collected at baseline and at 3-, 6-, and 9-year observations. Results. Occlusal activity in terms of reported awareness of bruxism and occlusal tooth wear of lower anterior teeth did not differ significantly between the groups. In contrast, occlusal tooth wear of premolars in shortened dental arches with or without extension dentures was significantly higher than in the controls. Differences amongst groups with respect to signs and symptoms related to temporomandibular disorders were not found. Occlusal support of the dentures did not influence anterior spatial relationship. Occlusal contacts of the denture teeth decreased from 70% for second premolars via 50% for first molars, to 30% for second molars. Conclusions. Mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures in moderate shortened dental arches had no effects on occlusion and temporomandibular function.

  19. Multiple myeloma presenting as mandibular pain

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Crowley, Miriam


    Introduction: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a systemic malignancy of plasma cells defined by monoclonal production of circulating immunoglobulins. Bone pain is a presenting feature in the majority of cases. Treatment may involve intravenous use of bisphosphonates, chemotherapy or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Here, we illustrate a first presentation of MM in a patient with mandibular pain and discuss radiographic, diagnostic and treatment challenges of orofacial issues in patients with MM.\\r\

  20. Mandibular trauma treatment: A comparison of two protocols

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boffano, P.; Kommers, S.C.; Roccia, F.; Forouzanfar, T.


    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment of mandibular fractures treated in two European centre in 10 years. Study Design: This study is based on 2 systematic computer-assisted databases that have continuously recorded patients hospitalized with maxillofacial fractures in two

  1. Comminuted mandibular fracture in child victim of dog bite. (United States)

    de Carvalho, Matheus Furtado; Hardtke, Luiz Augusto Paixão; de Souza, Max Filipe Cota; de Oliveira Araujo, Vasco


    Dog bites represent lesions commonly found in Hospital Emergency Clinic. This type of lesion may cause severe harm to patients, but it rarely affects the underlying bone structure causes facial fracture. This study aims to illustrate a rare clinical case in which a pediatric patient presented a comminuted fracture in the mandible which evolved into a unilateral avulsion of the mandibular condyle, body fractures as well as a mandibular ramus and hemiface that had been deformed, with multiple lacerations and loss of soft-tissue mass. Intermaxillary fixation was performed using the Ivy method, followed by internal rigid fixation using miniplates and screws in attempt to reconstruct the child's mandible. After 2 years of follow-up, a satisfactory esthetics and functional results could be observed. © 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

  2. Post-traumatic bifid mandibular condyle: A case report and literature review

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woo, Min Ho; Yoon, Kyu Ho; Park, Kwan Soo; Park, Jae An


    Bifid mandibular condyle (BMC) is an uncommon morphological variant of the mandibular condyle. Although authors have proposed various etiologies for BMC, no consensus has emerged. In addition, varying findings have been reported regarding the epidemiological parameters of BMC (e.g., prevalence, gender ratio, and age), possibly due to its low incidence. BMC is occasionally associated with symptoms of the temporomandibular joint, such as ankylosis, pain, and trismus; however, it is difficult to detect this condition on conventional radiographs. This study reports a case of BMC with radiographic findings, and reviews the literature on the epidemiology of BMC

  3. Post-traumatic bifid mandibular condyle: A case report and literature review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woo, Min Ho; Yoon, Kyu Ho; Park, Kwan Soo; Park, Jae An [Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sanggye Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Bifid mandibular condyle (BMC) is an uncommon morphological variant of the mandibular condyle. Although authors have proposed various etiologies for BMC, no consensus has emerged. In addition, varying findings have been reported regarding the epidemiological parameters of BMC (e.g., prevalence, gender ratio, and age), possibly due to its low incidence. BMC is occasionally associated with symptoms of the temporomandibular joint, such as ankylosis, pain, and trismus; however, it is difficult to detect this condition on conventional radiographs. This study reports a case of BMC with radiographic findings, and reviews the literature on the epidemiology of BMC.

  4. Skeletal class III camouflage by mandibular incisor extraction: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janardhanan Kumaresan


    Full Text Available Treatment planning in orthodontics plays a key role in determining the successful treatment of any kind of malocclusion. Skeletal class III malocclusions are generally difficult to treat because of the complex nature of the skeletal and dental manifestations they produce. Mild to moderate skeletal class III malocclusions sometimes have an acceptable facial profile where orthodontic camouflage is possible. In this case report, camouflage of a mild skeletal class III is done by the extraction of a single mandibular incisor, which helped in maintaining the profile of the patient and also in the correction of crowding in the mandibular anterior region.

  5. Impact of balancing-side tooth contact on clenching induced mandibular displacements in humans. (United States)

    Baba, K; Yugami, K; Yaka, T; Ai, M


    This study investigated mandibular displacements during clenching in the lateral mandibular position in relation to lateral occlusal relationships. Twelve healthy human subjects (mean=26.7 years) volunteered for this study. Acrylic occlusal devices were fabricated for the lower working-side canine, working-side second molar and balancing-side second molar in order to simulate a dominant canine guidance, working-side interference (WI), balancing-side interference (BI) and bilateral balanced occlusion (BO). Vertical displacements of the mandible were recorded by linear variable differential transformers during submaximal clenching in the right lateral position. The four experimental occlusal conditions were revealed to have a significant effect on mandibular displacement patterns (ANOVA, P experimental conditions. These results suggest that the nature of reaction forces at the temporomandibular (TM) joints caused by the elevation of the mandible varies in a predictable manner depending upon lateral occlusal relationships.

  6. Ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and mandibular growth disturbance caused by neglected condylar fracture in childhood

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Endrajana Endrajana


    Full Text Available Background: Fractures of the mandibular condyle may lead to complications such as disturbance of occlusal function, internal derangement of the joint, ankylosis and mandibular growth disturbance. When treating young patients with the history of mandible trauma, ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and mandibular growth disturbance are two most important complications of condyle fracture that should be considered. Purpose: This case report attempts to emphasize the long term complication of neglected condylar fracture in children i.e. ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint and subsequently lead to mandibular growth disturbance. Case: A case of right temporo-mandibular joint ankylosis and mandibular growth disturbance in a 28 years old male patient is presented. He had a history of trauma to the mandible after a traffic accident when he was 8 years old. Since then, he experienced difficulty in mouth opening which eventually developed into severe trismus. Case management: The case was treated surgically with gap and interpositional arthroplasty using Mersilen mesh™. Conclusion: Mandibular fractures involving temporomandibular joint in young children should be examined thoroughly and treated adequately in order to prevent ankylosis of the TMJ and the subsequent mandibular growth disturbance.Latar belakang: Fraktur pada kondilus mandibula dapat menyebabkan beberapa komplikasi berupa: gangguan oklusi, internal derangement sendi, ankilosis serta gangguan pertumbuhan mandibula. Pada perawatan penderita usia muda dengan riwayat trauma pada mandibula, perlu diwaspadai dua macam komplikasi akibat fraktur pada kondilus, yaitu ankilosis sendi temporo mandibula dan adanya gangguan pertumbuhan mandibula. Tujuan: Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk menekankan bahwa fraktur kondilus pada anak-anak yang tidak mendapatkan perawatan yang semestinya akan mengakibatkan komplikasi jangka panjang berupa ankilosis sendi temporomandibula yang diikuti dengan

  7. Prediction of postoperative pain after mandibular third molar surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rudin, Asa; Eriksson, Lars; Liedholm, Rolf


    To evaluate the predictive potential of preoperative psychological and psychophysiological variables in estimating severity of postoperative pain following mandibular third molar surgery (MTMS). Methods: Following ethical committee approval and informed consent, 40 consecutive patients scheduled...

  8. An unusual presentation of all the mandibular anterior teeth with two root canals - A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tiku A


    Full Text Available A rare case of two root canals in all mandibular anterior teeth is presented. The patient initially reported for the treatment of mandibular right central and lateral incisors. However, radiographic evaluation revealed variant root canal and apical foramen patterns.

  9. MRI of the temporo-mandibular joint: which sequence is best suited to assess the cortical bone of the mandibular condyle? A cadaveric study using micro-CT as the standard of reference

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Karlo, Christoph A.; Patcas, Raphael; Signorelli, Luca; Mueller, Lukas; Kau, Thomas; Watzal, Helmut; Kellenberger, Christian J.; Ullrich, Oliver; Luder, Hans-Ulrich


    To determine the best suited sagittal MRI sequence out of a standard temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) imaging protocol for the assessment of the cortical bone of the mandibular condyles of cadaveric specimens using micro-CT as the standard of reference. Sixteen TMJs in 8 human cadaveric heads (mean age, 81 years) were examined by MRI. Upon all sagittal sequences, two observers measured the cortical bone thickness (CBT) of the anterior, superior and posterior portions of the mandibular condyles (i.e. objective analysis), and assessed for the presence of cortical bone thinning, erosions or surface irregularities as well as subcortical bone cysts and anterior osteophytes (i.e. subjective analysis). Micro-CT of the condyles was performed to serve as the standard of reference for statistical analysis. Inter-observer agreements for objective (r = 0.83-0.99, P < 0.01) and subjective (κ = 0.67-0.88) analyses were very good. Mean CBT measurements were most accurate, and cortical bone thinning, erosions, surface irregularities and subcortical bone cysts were best depicted on the 3D fast spoiled gradient echo recalled sequence (3D FSPGR). The most reliable MRI sequence to assess the cortical bone of the mandibular condyles on sagittal imaging planes is the 3D FSPGR sequence. (orig.)

  10. MRI of the temporo-mandibular joint: which sequence is best suited to assess the cortical bone of the mandibular condyle? A cadaveric study using micro-CT as the standard of reference

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Karlo, Christoph A. [University Hospital Zurich, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Zurich (Switzerland); University Children' s Hospital Zurich, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Zurich (Switzerland); Patcas, Raphael; Signorelli, Luca; Mueller, Lukas [University of Zurich, Clinic for Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Center of Dental Medicine, Zurich (Switzerland); Kau, Thomas; Watzal, Helmut; Kellenberger, Christian J. [University Children' s Hospital Zurich, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Zurich (Switzerland); Ullrich, Oliver [University of Zurich, Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Zurich (Switzerland); Luder, Hans-Ulrich [University of Zurich, Section of Orofacial Structures and Development, Center of Dental Medicine, Zurich (Switzerland)


    To determine the best suited sagittal MRI sequence out of a standard temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) imaging protocol for the assessment of the cortical bone of the mandibular condyles of cadaveric specimens using micro-CT as the standard of reference. Sixteen TMJs in 8 human cadaveric heads (mean age, 81 years) were examined by MRI. Upon all sagittal sequences, two observers measured the cortical bone thickness (CBT) of the anterior, superior and posterior portions of the mandibular condyles (i.e. objective analysis), and assessed for the presence of cortical bone thinning, erosions or surface irregularities as well as subcortical bone cysts and anterior osteophytes (i.e. subjective analysis). Micro-CT of the condyles was performed to serve as the standard of reference for statistical analysis. Inter-observer agreements for objective (r = 0.83-0.99, P < 0.01) and subjective ({kappa} = 0.67-0.88) analyses were very good. Mean CBT measurements were most accurate, and cortical bone thinning, erosions, surface irregularities and subcortical bone cysts were best depicted on the 3D fast spoiled gradient echo recalled sequence (3D FSPGR). The most reliable MRI sequence to assess the cortical bone of the mandibular condyles on sagittal imaging planes is the 3D FSPGR sequence. (orig.)

  11. Mandibular and cranial modularity in the greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae)


    Jojic, Vida; Budinski, Ivana; Blagojevic, Jelena; Vujosevic, Mladen


    We report the first evaluation of mandibular and cranial modularity in the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). Although some authors found no modular pattern of these morphological structures in mammals, we discovered that traits integration in R. ferrumequinum is not uniform throughout the mandible and cranium, but structured into two distinct modules. Allometry does not affect mandibular and cranial modularity in R. ferrumequinum probably as a result of the low fraction of sh...

  12. Histologic effects of mandibular protrusion splints in antigen-induced TMJ arthritis in rabbits


    von Bremen, Julia; K?hler, Kernt; Siudak, Krystyna; Zahner, Daniel; Ruf, Sabine


    Background Although it is common clinical practice to treat children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) with functional appliances, the scientific evidence for this is limited. The aim of this study was to study the histologic effects of mandibular protrusion splints in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis in rabbits. Methods Twenty-eight ten-week old New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into four groups: AO (TMJ arthritis, no splint), AS (TMJ arthritis, mandibular splint ...

  13. Validity of a Manual Soft Tissue Profile Prediction Method Following Mandibular Setback Osteotomy


    Kolokitha, Olga-Elpis


    Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the validity of a manual cephalometric method used for predicting the post-operative soft tissue profiles of patients who underwent mandibular setback surgery and compare it to a computerized cephalometric prediction method (Dentofacial Planner). Lateral cephalograms of 18 adults with mandibular prognathism taken at the end of pre-surgical orthodontics and approximately one year after surgery were used. Methods To test the validity of the manu...

  14. A Prototype for the Acquisition and Analysis of the 3D Mandibular Movement


    Santos, Isa C.T.; Tavares, João Manuel R. S.; Mendes, Joaquim G.; Paulo, Manuel P. F.


    In Dental Medicine is essential to know the mandibular cinematic to simulate the temporomandibular joints, to position teeth moulds in articulators, and to reproduce the mandibular movements in order to insure a satisfactory occlusion. Currently, both commercial and custom made devices are considered expensive and difficult to use in common clinical situations. Considering these disadvantages, it was developed a new system for the acquisition, visualization and analysis of the 3D mandibula...

  15. Mandibular function, temporomandibular disorders, and headache in prematurely born children. (United States)

    Paulsson, Liselotte; Ekberg, Ewacarin; Nilner, Maria; Bondemark, Lars


    To evaluate mandibular function, signs, and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and headache in prematurely born 8- to 10-year-old children, and to compare the findings with matched full-term born controls. Seventy-three preterm children were selected from the Medical Birth Register--one group comprising 36 extremely preterm children born before the 29th gestational week, the other group 37 very preterm children born during gestational weeks 29 to 32. The preterm children were compared with a control group of 41 full-term children matched for gender, age, nationality, and living area. The subjective symptoms of TMD and headache were registered using a questionnaire. Mandibular function, signs, and symptoms of TMD and headache were registered. TMD diagnoses were set per Research Diagnostic Criteria for temporomandibular disorders (RDC/TMD). No significant differences between groups or gender were found for TMD diagnoses according to RDC/TMD or for headache. The preterm children had smaller mandibular movement capacity than the full-term control group, but when adjusting for weight, height, and head circumference mostly all group differences disappeared. Prematurely born children of 8 to 10 years of age did not differ from full-term born children when considering diagnoses according to RDC/TMD, signs, and symptoms of TMD or headache.

  16. Effects of intervertebral disc disorders of low back on the mandibular kinematic: kinesiographic study. (United States)

    Spadaro, Alessandro; Ciarrocchi, Irma; Masci, Chiara; Cozzolino, Vincenzo; Monaco, Annalisa


    Intervertebral disc disorders are one of the most common causes of low back pain. Neuromuscular dysfunction frequently is present in patients with lumbar disc herniation.When considering joint dysfunction, it is important to remember that the spine functions as a unit. Dysfunction on one level can trigger compensatory changes in other spinal levels or in other areas of the musculoskeleton. Findings demonstrated the relationship between stomatognathic and postural systems justifying the hypothesis that muscular-skeletal impairment in one system could affect the other one. However, evidence that a lumbar intervertebral disc herniation could influence the mandibular kinematics is still lacking. Aim of this study was to analyse the effects that intervertebral disc herniation of low back could have on the mandibular kinematics. Kinesiographic evaluations of the mandibular dynamics of 23 adult patients suffering L4/L5 and L5/S1 lumbosacral disc hernation were compared with a non pathological control group. A statistically significant difference of maximal mouth opening (p mandibular kinematics both in rate and quality of movement. The study suggests the existence of connections between masticatory system and lumbar disk herniation.

  17. Prevalence and distribution of dental anomalies: a comparison between maxillary and mandibular tooth agenesis. (United States)

    Al-Abdallah, Mariam; AlHadidi, Abeer; Hammad, Mohammad; Al-Ahmad, Hazem; Saleh, Raja'


    The aim of this study was to compare the pattern and prevalence of associated dental anomalies between maxillary and mandibular tooth agenesis (hypodontia). A sample of 3315 dental patients, aged 8.6 to 25.4 years, was surveyed for tooth agenesis (excluding third molars): 106 subjects were diagnosed with maxillary hypodontia (group 1) and 70 with mandibular hypodontia (group 2). Both groups were examined for the following dental anomalies: retained deciduous molars, infraocclusion of deciduous molars, impaction, microdontia of maxillary lateral incisors, supernumerary teeth, transposition, transmigration, and ectopic eruption of the permanent molars. For statistical testing, the chi-square test (P anomalies among the groups. We found that 77.5% of the patients in the mandibular hypodontia group had at least 1 dental anomaly compared with 49.5% in the maxillary hypodontia group (P dental anomaly with a significantly increased prevalence in the maxillary hypodontia group compared with the mandibular hypodontia group was microdontia of the maxillary lateral incisors (groups 1, 46.7%; group 2, 12.9%; P dental development in both jaws. Copyright © 2015 American Association of Orthodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. RADIOLOGICAL TIPS Coronal views of the paediatric mandibular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    imaging. None of the cases subsequently revealed any evidence of traumatic brain injury on CTB but they all demonstrated mandibular condyle fractures best appreciated on coronal views. Axial (Fig. 1) ... T Peedikayil, MB ChB. Department of Radiology, Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Cape Town.

  19. Acetate stimulates secretion in the rabbit mandibular gland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Novak, I; Young, J A


    In isolated perfused rabbit mandibular glands undergoing stimulation with 0.8 microM acetylcholine, replacement of HCO3- with acetate (25 mM) increased fluid secretion by more than 100%. Other short-chain fatty acids, except for propionate, had a similar effect. We focused our further studies...

  20. Conservative orthodontic treatment of mandibular bilateral condyle fracture. (United States)

    Gašpar, Goran; Brakus, Ivan; Kovačić, Ivan


    Maxillofacial trauma is rare in children younger than the age of 5 years (range 0.6%-1.2%), and they can require different clinical treatment strategies compared with fractures in the adult population because of concerns regarding mandibular growth and development of dentition. A 5-year-old girl with a history of falling from a bicycle 7 hours earlier was referred to the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Multislice computed tomographic examination demonstrated a bilateral fracture of the mandibular condyle neck associated with minimal fracture of the alveolar ridge of the maxilla. The multislice computed tomographic scan also demonstrated dislocation on the right condyle neck and, on the left side, a medial inclination of approximately 45 degrees associated with greenstick fracture of the right parasymphysis region. In this particular case, orthodontic rubber elastics in combination with fixed orthodontic brackets provided good results in the treatment of bilateral condyle neck fractures associated with greenstick fracture of parasymphysis.

  1. Ihh signaling regulates mandibular symphysis development and growth. (United States)

    Sugito, H; Shibukawa, Y; Kinumatsu, T; Yasuda, T; Nagayama, M; Yamada, S; Minugh-Purvis, N; Pacifici, M; Koyama, E


    Symphyseal secondary cartilage is important for mandibular development, but the molecular mechanisms underlying its formation remain largely unknown. Here we asked whether Indian hedgehog (Ihh) regulates symphyseal cartilage development and growth. By embryonic days 16.5 to 18.5, Sox9-expressing chondrocytes formed within condensed Tgfβ-1/Runx2-expressing mesenchymal cells at the prospective symphyseal joint site, and established a growth-plate-like structure with distinct Ihh, collagen X, and osteopontin expression patterns. In post-natal life, mesenchymal cells expressing the Ihh receptor Patched1 were present anterior to the Ihh-expressing secondary cartilage, proliferated, differentiated into chondrocytes, and contributed to anterior growth of alveolar bone. In Ihh-null mice, however, symphyseal development was defective, mainly because of enhanced chondrocyte maturation and reduced proliferation of chondroprogenitor cells. Proliferation was partially restored in dual Ihh;Gli3 mutants, suggesting that Gli3 is normally a negative regulator of symphyseal development. Thus, Ihh signaling is essential for symphyseal cartilage development and anterior mandibular growth.

  2. [Comparative effectiveness of surgical and non-surgical treatment for pediatric mandibular condylar fractures]. (United States)

    Hu, Min; Wang, Yanyi; Zhang, Lihai; Yao, Jun


    To compare the effectiveness of open reduction and conservative treatment for pediatric mandibular condylar fractures and to provide the evidence for the selection of clinical therapy. The clinical data were retrospectively analyzed from 25 patients with the mandibular condylar fractures between January 1988 and December 2006. Of them, 8 patients (11 fractures) were treated with surgical treatment (surgical group) and 17 patients (22 fractures) with non-surgical treatment (non-surgical group). In surgical group, there were 6 males (9 fractures) and 2 females (2 fractures) with an age range of 8-13 years; fracture was caused by tumbling in 7 cases and by traffic accident in 1 with an interval of 1-6 days between injury and hospitalization; and 5 cases were identified as unilateral condylar fractures (3 complicated by mental fractures) and 3 cases as bilateral condylar fractures complicated by mental fractures. In non-surgical group, there were 12 males (15 fractures) and 5 females (7 fractures) with an age range of 3-12 years; fracture was caused by falling from height in 4 cases, by tumbling in 10, and by traffic accident in 3 with an interval of 1-25 days between injury and hospitalization; and 12 cases were identified as unilateral condylar fractures (3 complicated by mental fractures) and 5 cases as bilateral condylar fractures (1 complicated by mental fracture). Incision healed by first intention in surgical group, and 25 cases were followed up 1-6 years with an average of 3.5 years. At 12 months after treatment, no temporomandibular joint pain, eating disorder, or limited mandibular movement occurred in 2 groups. No significant difference was observed in opening mouth extent, protrusive and lateral movements between 2 groups at 6 and 12 months (P > 0.05). During centric occlusion, mental point located at the midline with symmetric face figure. Two patients in surgical group and 3 in non-surgical group had slight snap when opening their mouths. Mandible

  3. Four osteotomy methods with piezosurgery to remove complicated mandibular third molars: a retrospective study. (United States)

    Ge, Jing; Yang, Chi; Zheng, Jia-Wei; He, Dong-Mei; Zheng, Ling-Yan; Hu, Ying-Kai


    Piezosurgery has been used widely in oral and maxillofacial surgery, but there has been no report systematically describing an osteotomy method with piezosurgery for complicated mandibular third molar removal. The aim of this study was to introduce 4 osteotomy methods using piezosurgery and evaluate their effects. A retrospective study was conducted of patients with a complicated impacted mandibular third molar requiring extraction. The predictor variable was the extraction technique. Four osteotomy methods using piezosurgery were tested according to different impaction types: method 1 involved complete bone removal; method 2 involved segmental bone removal; method 3 involved bone removal combined with tooth splitting; and method 4 involved block bone removal. Outcome variables were success rate, operative time, major complications (including nerve injury, mandible fracture, severe hematoma, or severe edema), and serious pyogenic infection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study was composed of 55 patients with 74 complicated impacted mandibular third molars. All impacted mandibular third molars were removed successfully. The average surgical time was 15 minutes (range, 8 to 26 minutes). Thirty-eight molars (51.4%) were extracted by method 1, 18 molars (24.3%) by method 2, 12 molars (16.2%) by method 3, and 6 molars (8.1%) by method 4. Two cases (2.7%) developed postoperative infections and recovered within 1 week using drainage and antibiotic administration. The 4 osteotomy methods with piezosurgery provide effective ways of removing complicated impacted mandibular third molars. Copyright © 2014 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Exclusion of pituitary homeobox 2 gene polymorphism in vertical mandibular asymmetry patients: a preliminary study (United States)

    Sofyanti, Ervina; Boel, Trelia; Soegiharto, Benny; Ilyas, Syafruddin; Irani Nainggolan, Lidya; Auerkari, Elza Ibrahim


    Pituitary Homeobox 2 (PITX2), is an active gene as a paired-related homeobox gene that encodes multiple isoforms. Its Nodal pathway in determination of left-right patterning during embryogenesis has been reported in satellite cells and expressed in adult human skeletal muscle. PITX2A and PITX2B are produced by alternative splicing and used of different promoters. PITX2C uses an alternative promoter located upstream of exon 4. PITX2D is produced by PITX2C alternative promoter and differential splicing. The 5’-primers and 3’- antisense primer were unique for each isoforms. Variability measurement in vertical dimension showed stronger genetic component than sagittal. This study aims to obtain the genotype marker of vertical mandibular asymmetry related to PITX2A and PITX2D isoform by visualization of the amplified product on stained gel to allele specific oligonucleotide between the case and control with Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP). Determination of vertical mandibular asymmetry based on condylar height asymmetry index of pre-treatment panoramic radiograph using Kjellberg’s technique whilst vertical mandibular growth pattern using lateral cephalogram. The differences of condylar height asymmetry in case-control based on vertical growth pattern was compared using Pearson’s chi-squared test. DNA extraction of 129 out-coming orthodontic patients in Universitas Sumatera Utara Dental Hospital were obtained from Buccal swab. Then DNA samples were amplified by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and digested with NciI restriction enzyme prior to electrophoresis visualization. There was no significant statistical difference in vertical mandibular asymmetry compared to vertical mandibular growth pattern. The RFLP analysis did not show any polymorphism for PITX2A and PITX2D isoform. All of the samples showed wild type homozygote. Further analysis method, except RFLP, were required to understand the genetic factor in the variance of vertical mandibular

  5. Evaluation of mandibular posterior single implants with two different surfaces: a 5-year comparative study. (United States)

    Jung, Ui-Won; Choi, Jung-Yoo; Kim, Chang-Sung; Cho, Kyoo-Sung; Chai, Jung-Kiu; Kim, Chong-Kwan; Choi, Seong-Ho


    Anatomic and biomechanical limitations can jeopardize successful single implantation in the mandibular posterior area. To overcome the limitations, the design and the surface of the fixtures were modified. This study evaluated the cumulative survival rate (CSR) of mandibular molars replaced with a sand-blasted, large-grit, acid-etched (SLA) single implant or an anodized (ANO) single implant and examined associated factors, such as the surface treatment, position, and length and diameter of the implants. One hundred ninety-three single implants restored with an SLA implant and 112 single implants restored with an ANO implant in the mandibular molar area were selected from subjects who had visited the Department of Periodontology, Dental Hospital of Yonsei University, from March 2001 through June 2006. In the SLA group, 123 and 70 implants were placed in the first and second molar area, respectively. In the ANO group, 55 and 57 implants were placed in the first and second molar area, respectively. The 1- to 6-year CSR of the SLA and ANO groups was calculated using the life-table analysis. In addition, associated factors, such as the surface treatment, position, and length and diameter of the implants, were compared and analyzed using the chi(2) test (P CSR of 98.96%; four of 112 ANO implants failed, giving a CSR of 96.43%. There were no significant differences with regard to the surface treatment, position, and length and diameter of the implants. Despite the anatomic and biomechanical limitation in the mandibular posterior area, mandibular posterior single implants showed a high CSR during the observation period. Mandibular posterior single implants can be an effective and reliable treatment modality that is not affected by the surface treatment, position, or length and diameter of the implant.

  6. Prevalence and morphometric analysis of three-rooted mandibular first molars in a Brazilian subpopulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarissa Teles Rodrigues

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The knowledge of the internal anatomy of three-rooted mandibular molars may help clinicians to diagnose and plan the root canal treatment in order to provide adequate therapy when this variation is present. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of three-rooted mandibular molars in a Brazilian population using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT and to analyze the anatomy of mandibular first molars with three roots through micro-CT. Material and Methods: CBCT images of 116 patients were reviewed to determine the prevalence of three-rooted first mandibular molars in a Brazilian subpopulation. Furthermore, with the use of micro-CT, 55 extracted three-rooted mandibular first molars were scanned and reconstructed to assess root length, distance between canal orifices, apical diameter, Vertucci's classification, presence of apical delta, number of foramina and furcations, lateral and accessory canals. The distance between the orifice on the pulp chamber floor and the beginning of the curvature and the angle of canal curvature were analyzed in the distolingual root. Data were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05. Results: The prevalence of three-rooted mandibular first molars was of 2.58%. Mesial roots showed complex distribution of the root canal system in comparison to the distal roots. The median of major diameters of mesiobuccal, mesiolingual and single mesial canals were: 0.34, 0.41 and 0.60 mm, respectively. The higher values of major diameters were found in the distobuccal canals (0.56 mm and the lower diameters in the distolingual canals (0.29 mm. The lowest orifice distance was found between the mesial canals (MB-ML and the highest distance between the distal root canals (DB-DL. Almost all distal roots had one root canal and one apical foramen with few accessory canals. Conclusions: Distolingual root generally has short length, severe curvature and a single root canal with low apical diameter.

  7. Results of MRI of the temporo-mandibular joint using optimised surface coils

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vogl, T.; Kellermann, O.; Randzio, J.; Kniha, H.; Requardt, H.; Tiling, R.; Lissner, J.


    One hundred temporo-mandibular joints were examined with a super-conducting nuclear resonance tomograph (1.0 Tesla) using various high resolution surface coils. The optimal method proved to be a spin echo sequence with a repetition time of 1,000 msec and an echo period of 28 msec with a 4 mm slice width. There were significant advantages from the non-invasive MRT diagnosis of the temporo-mandibular joints when compared with CT and with arthrography in recognising abnormal discs, changes in the tissues and for post-operative control.

  8. Subway Mandibular Buccal Defect Blocked with Two Part Prosthesis Unified by Earth Magnets


    Punjani, Shikha; Arora, Aman; Upadhyaya, Viram


    This clinical report describes the fabrication of a two-piece obturator used to close the mandibular buccal defect. Two-piece obturator prosthesis was fabricated with clear heat cure acrylic resin to be used during the healing period following the marsupialization of odontogenic keratocyst which had lead to the loss of portions of the mandibular buccal region. The prosthesis fabricated in two parts was joined by the rare earth magnets. Retention was increased by lining the prosthesis with tis...

  9. Glycosaminoglycan synthesis in the mandibular condyle during growth adaptation. (United States)

    Kantomaa, T; Pirttiniemi, P; Tuominen, M; Poikela, A


    Condylar growth was studied after an operation simulating functional orthodontic appliances. Twenty-five rabbits underwent a surgical operation for the induction of premature synostosis to displace the glenoid fossa posteriorly during growth. Twenty-five control rabbits underwent sham operations. At the age of 15 days, 10 experimental and 10 control animals and, at the age of 20 days, 5 experimental and 5 control animals were killed. Their mandibular condyles were organ-cultured for 3 h in the presence of radiolabelled sulphur. The condyles were used for autoradiographic purposes. Digital image analysis of autoradiograms of histological sections showed synthesis of glycosaminoglycans to have increased from the anterior to the posterior direction. This increase was more marked in experimental animals than in the condyles of control animals. Ten experimental and 10 control animals were killed at the age of 15 days, and mandibular condyles were organ-cultured for 1, 4 and 7 days. Differentiation of proliferating prechondroblasts into hypertrophied chondrocytes continued under organ culture conditions. A marked decrease in the proliferating cell layer was noticed, especially in control condyles. Hypertrophy was faster and came closer to the surface of the condyle in the anterior region of the condyle. This was most marked in the condyles of experimental animals. The results indicate that a procedure carried out on the glenoid fossa with the same effect as functional appliances increases the synthesis of extracellular matrix in the posterosuperior region of the mandibular condyle.

  10. [Study on accuracy of virtual surgical planning in free fibula mandibular reconstruction by using SurgiCase software]. (United States)

    Yan, Guangqi; Wang, Xue; Tan, Xuexin; Wang, Xukai; Yang, Mingliang; Lu, Li


    To evaluate the directional significance of SurgiCase software in free fibula mandibular reconstruction. Between September 2010 and March 2012, 10 patients with mandibular defect underwent free fibula mandibular reconstruction. There were 7 males and 3 females, with an age range of 19-43 years (mean, 27 years). The extent of lesions was 7 cm x 5 cm to 16 cm x 8 cm. In each case, three-dimensional spiral CT scan of the maxilla, mandible, and fibula was obtained before surgery. The CT data were imported into the SurgiCase software and the virtual surgery planning was performed. After that, the mandibular rapid prototyping was made according to customized design. The reconstruction surgery was then carried out using these preoperative data. During actual surgery, the extent of mandibular defect was from 6 cm x 3 cm to 16 cm x 5 cm; the length of fibula which was used to reconstruct mandible was 6-17 cm; and the area of flap was from 6 cm x 5 cm to 16 cm x 6 cm. Preoperative data could not be applied because the intraoperative size of tumor was larger than preoperative design in 1 case of mandibular ameloblastoma, and the fibula was shaped according to the actual osteotomy location; operations were performed successfully according to preoperative design in the other 9 patients. The operation time was 5-7 hours (mean, 6 hours). Primary healing of incision was obtained, without early complications. Ten patients were followed up 1 year. At last follow-up, 8 patients were satisfactory with the appearance and 2 patients complained with unsatisfied wide facial pattern. The panoramic radiograghs showed good bone healing. The range of mouth opening was 2.5-3.5 cm. SurgiCase software can provide precise data for free fibula mandibular reconstruction during surgery. It can be applied widely in clinic.

  11. Incomplete (bending) fractures of the mandibular condyle in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahrendt, D.; Swischuk, L.E.; Hayden, C.K. Jr.; Texas Univ., Galveston


    Incomplete, bending or bowing fractures of the mandibular condyle in children frequently go undetected. The reason is that the bending deformity often is subtle and passes for normal. This is especially true if the fractures are bilateral. (orig.)

  12. [Evaluation of the clinical results of non-surgical treatment for pediatric sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle]. (United States)

    Liu, Chang-kui; Tan, Xin-ying; Xu, Juan; Liu, Hua-wei; Liu, San-xia; Hu, Min


    To investigate the clinical results of occlusal splint in the treatment of sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle (SFMC) in children. Thirty-nine patients (48 condyles)aged 3-8 years with sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle were included in this study. All the patients were treated by occlusal splint.Slight open occlusion was maintained by occlusal splint for 3-6 months. Clinical and radiological examination was performed six mouths and every year after treatment. Good mandibular function was observed in 39 patients. Maximal mouth opening over 35 mm was achieved at 6 months. But 11 of the 39 patients presented with deviation on mouth opening at 6 months. The radiology showed an complete remodeling in 32 condyles (28 patients) and partial remodeling in 16 condyles (11 patients). Poor remodelling was not observed in any patients. Good clinical results can be obtained by using occlusal splint in the treatment of pediatric sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle.

  13. Evaluation of soft-tissue artifacts when using anatomical and technical markers to measure mandibular motion

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    Chien-Chih Chen


    Conclusions: It appears that markers on the frontal nose bridge are good alternatives to transoral rigid devices for measuring mandibular motion, compared to optical frame markers and other skin markers on the face. The results of the current study will be helpful for establishing guidelines for marker placement when measuring mandibular movements in patients with potential temporomandibular disorders.

  14. An endodontic management of mandibular third molar with five root canals

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    Dakshita Joy Sinha


    Full Text Available The existence of several anatomical variations in the root canal system may contribute to failure of the root canal therapy. The planning and performing of endodontic therapy requires knowledge of the internal dental morphology. This paper reports the case of a left mandibular third molar that presented with five root canals; a case of unusual root canal morphology so as to demonstrate the anatomic variations in mandibular third molars. Root canal therapy and case management are described. This report highlights the importance of looking for additional roots and root canals so as to enable clinicians to treat a case successfully, which might have ended in failure.

  15. Endodontic management of a permanent mandibular first molar with six canals

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    Mohammad Ahmad Alenezi


    Full Text Available An excellent knowledge of root canal anatomy of teeth is a golden standard for the successful clinical outcome of root canal therapy. Several anatomic variations may occur in a permanent mandibular first molar. Usually, three to four root canals are found, but six to eight canals have been reported. A 22-year-old Bangladeshi woman was referred for endodontic treatment of mandibular right first molar. Rigorous clinical examination revealed the presence of three canals in mesial root and three canals in distal root as well. The dentists should expect any variation in root canal system and use the diagnostic tools to manage the cases.

  16. Agenesis of mandibular second premolar in patient with dental bimaxillary protrusion

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    Carlos Alberto Estevanell Tavares

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The present study reports the treatment carried out in a patient with mandibular second premolar agenesis associated with early loss of a deciduous second molar, deep overbite, severe overjet and dentoalveolar bimaxillary protrusion, which led to lip incompetence and a convex facial profile. The main objectives of this treatment were: to eliminate the spaces in mandibular arch, correct overbite, as well as eliminate bimaxillary protrusion and lip incompetence, thus leading to a balanced profile. The case was presented to the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (BBO as part of the requirements to obtain the title of BBO diplomate.

  17. Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: Review of Literature and a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    were screened, and 50 articles were included in the review. Causes of ... impaction rate is higher for third molars when compared with other teeth. The mandibular .... Hence, the surgical extraction of these impacted teeth has become the most ...

  18. Evaluation of skeletal and dental age using third molar calcification, condylar height and length of the mandibular body. (United States)

    Kedarisetty, Sunil Gupta; Rao, Guttikonda Venkateswara; Rayapudi, Naveen; Korlepara, Rajani


    To identify the most reliable method for age estimation among three variables, that is, condylar height, length of mandibular body and third molar calcification by Demirjian's method. Orthopantomograms and lateral cephalograms of 60 patients with equal gender ratio were included in the study, among each gender 15 subjects were below 18 years and 15 subjects were above 18 years. Lateral cephalograms were traced, height of condyle and mandibular body are measured manually on the tracing paper, OPG's were observed on radiographic illuminator and maturity score of third molar calcification was noted according to Demirjian's method. All the measurements were subjected to statistical analysis. The results obtained are of no significant difference between estimated age and actual age with all three parameters (P > 0.9780 condylar height, P > 0.9515 length of mandibular body, P > 0.8611 third molar calcification). Among these three, length of mandibular body shows least standard error test (i.e. 0.188). Although all three parameters can be used for age estimation, length of mandibular body is more reliable followed by height of condyle and third molar calcification.

  19. Assessment of a method for the prediction of mandibular rotation. (United States)

    Lee, R S; Daniel, F J; Swartz, M; Baumrind, S; Korn, E L


    A new method to predict mandibular rotation developed by Skieller and co-workers on a sample of 21 implant subjects with extreme growth patterns has been tested against an alternative sample of 25 implant patients with generally similar mean values, but with less extreme facial patterns. The method, which had been highly successful in retrospectively predicting changes in the sample of extreme subjects, was much less successful in predicting individual patterns of mandibular rotation in the new, less extreme sample. The observation of a large difference in the strength of the predictions for these two samples, even though their mean values were quite similar, should serve to increase our awareness of the complexity of the problem of predicting growth patterns in individual cases.

  20. Incidence of two canals in extracted mandibular incisors teeth of Saudi Arabian samples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khalid S Al-Fouzan


    Full Text Available Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study is to provide clinical data on the presence of the second canal in mandibular incisor teeth of Saudi Arabian Samples. Materials and Methods: Eighty extracted human mandibular incisors were collected from Saudi patients. The teeth were accessed by small round bur then placed in 5.25% sodium hypochlorite for 24 hours to dissolve the organic debris. Indian ink was injected inside the root canal systems under negative pressure. The teeth were decalcified in 5% nitric acid for three days then dehydrated in different concentrations of ethyl alcohol. Following the decalcification process, the teeth were cleared in methyl salicylate and evaluated according to Vertucci′s classification. Result: Fifty six of both mandibular central and lateral incisor teeth (70% had type I canal configuration (one main canal and one main apical foramen, while the remaining 30% of the sample (24 teeth had a type III canal configuration (two separate canals and merged into one canal before exiting the tooth through single apical foramen. Conclusion : The incidence of two canals in mandibular incisor teeth is about one third of the examined Saudi Arabian samples with no difference between the centrals and laterals. The clinician should deal with these teeth as if they have two canals unless it is proved otherwise.

  1. Hominid mandibular corpus shape variation and its utility for recognizing species diversity within fossil Homo. (United States)

    Lague, Michael R; Collard, Nicole J; Richmond, Brian G; Wood, Bernard A


    Mandibular corpora are well represented in the hominin fossil record, yet few studies have rigorously assessed the utility of mandibular corpus morphology for species recognition, particularly with respect to the linear dimensions that are most commonly available. In this study, we explored the extent to which commonly preserved mandibular corpus morphology can be used to: (i) discriminate among extant hominid taxa and (ii) support species designations among fossil specimens assigned to the genus Homo. In the first part of the study, discriminant analysis was used to test for significant differences in mandibular corpus shape at different taxonomic levels (genus, species and subspecies) among extant hominid taxa (i.e. Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo). In the second part of the study, we examined shape variation among fossil mandibles assigned to Homo (including H. habilis sensu stricto, H. rudolfensis, early African H. erectus/H. ergaster, late African H. erectus, Asian H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens). A novel randomization procedure designed for small samples (and using group 'distinctness values') was used to determine whether shape variation among the fossils is consistent with conventional taxonomy (or alternatively, whether a priori taxonomic groupings are completely random with respect to mandibular morphology). The randomization of 'distinctness values' was also used on the extant samples to assess the ability of the test to recognize known taxa. The discriminant analysis results demonstrated that, even for a relatively modest set of traditional mandibular corpus measurements, we can detect significant differences among extant hominids at the genus and species levels, and, in some cases, also at the subspecies level. Although the randomization of 'distinctness values' test is more conservative than discriminant analysis (based on comparisons with extant specimens), we were able to detect at least four distinct groups among the

  2. Hominid mandibular corpus shape variation and its utility for recognizing species diversity within fossil Homo (United States)

    Lague, Michael R; Collard, Nicole J; Richmond, Brian G; Wood, Bernard A


    Mandibular corpora are well represented in the hominin fossil record, yet few studies have rigorously assessed the utility of mandibular corpus morphology for species recognition, particularly with respect to the linear dimensions that are most commonly available. In this study, we explored the extent to which commonly preserved mandibular corpus morphology can be used to: (i) discriminate among extant hominid taxa and (ii) support species designations among fossil specimens assigned to the genus Homo. In the first part of the study, discriminant analysis was used to test for significant differences in mandibular corpus shape at different taxonomic levels (genus, species and subspecies) among extant hominid taxa (i.e. Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo). In the second part of the study, we examined shape variation among fossil mandibles assigned to Homo(including H. habilis sensu stricto, H. rudolfensis, early African H. erectus/H. ergaster, late African H. erectus, Asian H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens). A novel randomization procedure designed for small samples (and using group ‘distinctness values’) was used to determine whether shape variation among the fossils is consistent with conventional taxonomy (or alternatively, whether a priori taxonomic groupings are completely random with respect to mandibular morphology). The randomization of ‘distinctness values’ was also used on the extant samples to assess the ability of the test to recognize known taxa. The discriminant analysis results demonstrated that, even for a relatively modest set of traditional mandibular corpus measurements, we can detect significant differences among extant hominids at the genus and species levels, and, in some cases, also at the subspecies level. Although the randomization of ‘distinctness values’ test is more conservative than discriminant analysis (based on comparisons with extant specimens), we were able to detect at least four distinct groups

  3. Comparative study of the macroscopic finding, conventional tomographic imaging, and computed tomographic imaging in locating the mandibular canal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hang Moon; You, Dong Soo


    The purpose of this study was comparison of conventional tomography with reformatted computed tomography for dental implant in locating the mandibular canal. Five dogs were used and after conventional tomographs and fitted computed tomographs were taken, four dentist traced all films. Mandibles were sectioned with 2 mm slice thickness and the sections were then radiographed (contact radiography). Each radiograpic image was traced and linear measurements were made from mandibular canal to alveolar crest, buccal cortex, lingual cortex, and inferior border. The following results were obtained; 1. Reformatted computed tomographs were exacter than conventional tomography by alveolar crest to canal length of -0.6 mm difference between real values and radiographs 2. The average measurements of buccal cortex to mandibular canal width and lingual cortex to mandibular canal width of conventional tomographs were exacter than reformatted computed tomographs, but standard deviations were higher than reformatted computed tomographs. 3. Standard deviations of reformatted computed tomographs were lower than conventional tomographs at all comparing sites 4. At reformatted computed tomography 62.5% of the measurements performed were within ±1 mm of the true value, and at conventional tomography 24.1% were. 5. Mandibular canal invisibility was 0.8% at reformatted computed tomography and 9.2% at conventional tomography. Reformatted computed tomography has been shown to be more useful radiographic technique for assessment of the mandibular canal than conventional tomography.

  4. The effect of flexible acrylic resin on masticatory muscle activity in implant-supported mandibular overdentures: a controlled clinical trial


    Ibraheem, Eman Mostafa Ahmed; Nassani, Mohammad Zakaria


    Background It is not yet clear from the current literature to what extent masticatory muscle activity is affected by the use of flexible acrylic resin in the construction of implant-supported mandibular overdentures. Objective To compare masticatory muscle activity between patients who were provided with implant-supported mandibular overdentures constructed from flexible acrylic resin and those who were provided with implant-supported mandibular overdentures constructed from heat-cured conven...

  5. Appearance of the mandibular incisive canal on panoramic radiographs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jacobs, R.; Mraiwa, N.; van Steenberghe, D.; Sanderink, G.C.H.; Quirynen, M.


    Panoramic radiographs are routinely used in the dental office for various diagnostic purposes. This study aimed to evaluate the visibility of neurovascular structures in the mandibular interforaminal region on such radiographs. Panoramic radiographs were obtained with a Cranex Tome (Soredex) from

  6. The Application of 3D Printing Technology for Simultaneous Orthognathic Surgery and Mandibular Contour Osteoplasty in the Treatment of Craniofacial Deformities. (United States)

    Xiao, Yanju; Sun, Xiumei; Wang, Lin; Zhang, Yaoyao; Chen, Kai; Wu, Guomin


    Because of the limitation of specific preoperative design and surgical templates, orthognathic surgery and mandibular contour osteoplasty are generally performed in two stages. Three-dimensional printing technology has improved the accuracy of the surgery and results in good surgical predictability easily. This study aims to confirm the effectiveness, feasibility and precision of simultaneous mandibular contour osteoplasty and orthognathic surgery with the assistance of 3D printing technology. Ten patients, who were diagnosed with mandibular hypertrophy and bimaxillary deformities, were included in the study. In addition to conventional orthognathic surgery, mandibular angle ostectomy, mandibular outer cortex grinding or mandibular border ostectomy was designed for mandibular hypertrophy. Optimal osteotomy lines and simulated surgeries were designed according the 3D printing model of the mandible. Then, surgical templates were made on the 3D printing model. No muscle excision was performed in any patient. Preoperative, predicted and postoperative measurements were taken, including the gonial angle (Ar-Go-Me) and the mandibular width (Go-Go). All the patients had a reposeful postoperative recovery, with no indication of obvious infection, facial paralysis, osteonecrosis or bone displacement. The gonial angle was improved from 110.3° ± 11.1 to 121.3° ± 2.9, and the mandibular width was improved from 117.5 mm ± 6.8 to 111.9 mm ± 4.2. The discrepancies between simulation and postoperation of the left gonial angle, the right gonial angle and the mandibular width were 0.56° ± 0.22, 0.65° ± 0.3 and 0.49 mm ± 0.43, respectively. The results of our study illustrated the predictability, feasibility and reliability of simultaneous mandibular contour osteoplasty and orthognathic surgery with the assistance of 3D printing technology. Our technique could achieve functional improvement and an aesthetic profile at the same time. This journal requires

  7. A morphological study of the mandibular molar region using reconstructed helical computed tomographic images

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuno, Hiroaki; Noguchi, Makoto; Noguchi, Akira; Yoshida, Keiko; Tachinami, Yasuharu


    This study investigated the morphological variance in the mandibular molar region using reconstructed helical computed tomographic (CT) images. In addition, we discuss the necessity of CT scanning as part of the preoperative assessment process for dental implantation, by comparing the results with the findings of panoramic radiography. Sixty patients examined using CT as part of the preoperative assessment for dental implantation were analyzed. Reconstructed CT images were used to evaluate the bone quality and cross-sectional bone morphology of the mandibular molar region. The mandibular cortical index (MCI) and X-ray density ratio of this region were assessed using panoramic radiography in order to analyze the correlation between the findings of the CT images and panoramic radiography. CT images showed that there was a decrease in bone quality in cases with high MCI. Cross-sectional CT images revealed that the undercuts on the lingual side in the highly radiolucent areas in the basal portion were more frequent than those in the alveolar portion. This study showed that three-dimensional reconstructed CT images can help to detect variances in mandibular morphology that might be missed by panoramic radiography. In conclusion, it is suggested that CT should be included as an important examination tool before dental implantation. (author)

  8. Remarks on Correlations and Implications of the Mandibular Structure and Diet in Some Seals (Mammalia, Phocidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Koretsky I.A.


    Full Text Available Remarks on Correlations and Implications of the Mandibular Structure and Diet in Some Seals (Mammalia, Phocidae. Koretsky, I. A., Rahmat, S. J., Peters, N. — The diverse representatives of Recent seals within the three extant subfamilies (Cystophorinae, Phocinae, Monachinae of the family Phocidae exhibit dietary variations among species, feeding on invertebrates and a diversity of prey depending on the season and availability. To explain this variability, an introductory morphological examination of the mandibular structure of Recent seals from each subfamily was performed, focusing on: heights of the mandibular ramus and condyloid process; measurements of the masseteric fossa; and attachments of muscles of mastication. After measuring the condyloid angles (the inclination of the condyloid process in relation to the axis of the alveolar row among the examined species, a correlation between the size ofthe angle, function, and diet was recognized. Seals with a tall mandibular ramus and greater condyloid angle (Cystophorinae feed on larger-sized prey, while seals with a shorter ramus and lesser condyloid angle feed on small (Monachinae to medium-sized (Phocinae prey, regardless of the overall size of the seal. This study focused on the mandibular morphology of some living and fossil representatives of Phocidae, providing an association between functional and ecological interpretations of modern seals in general and extrapolating this knowledge for fossil dietary preference.

  9. Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint - an uncommon circumstance of occurrence: vaginal delivery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abderrahim El Bouazzaoui


    Full Text Available Dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ is an infrequent disease but still almost spectacular. This disease consists of a permanent, to some extent complete disruption of the temporo-mandibular joint. These dislocations often occurs in a context of yawning, and less frequently after a burst of laughing or relatively mild facial trauma (slap, punch on the chin.We report a case of TMJ occurring in an uncommon circumstance : vaginal delivery. A young woman aged 24-years with no special past medical history; primipara was admitted in the Department of Maternity of the University Hospital Hassan II of Fez for an imminent delivery of a twin pregnancy. Obstetrical analgesia was not possible so the parturient cried in a strong manner during labour. Ten minutes after admission, the patient delivered vaginally with episiotomy. She gave birth to twins weighing 2800g and 2400g. During labour, and effort of crying, the patient presented a sudden and immediate loss of function of the temporo-mandibular joint, with difficulty of speaking, the mouth permanently opened, with the chin lowered and thrown forward. The examination found an emptiness of the glenoid fossa of the temporo-mandibular joint in both sides. The diagnosis of dislocation of the TMJ has established. Performance of special radiologic screening to study the TM was technically not possible. A CT scan of facial bones has been achieved so objectifying a bilateral dislocation of TMJ. The reduction of this dislocation was performed in the operating room under sedation

  10. Lingual nerve injury following surgical removal of mandibular third molar

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    Abduljaleel Azad Samad


    Full Text Available Background and objective: The close proximity of lingual nerve in relation to the lingual cortical bone of the posterior mandibular third molar is clinically important because lingual nerve may be subjected to trauma during surgical removal of the impacted lower third molar. This prospective study aimed to evaluate the incidence of lingual nerve paresthesia following surgical removal of mandibular third molar in College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University. Methods: A total of 116 third molars surgery were carried out under local anesthesia for 116 patients for removal of lower mandibular teeth Using Terence Ward's incision made in all cases, and after that, the buccal flap was reflected, lingual tissues had been retracted during bone removal with a periosteal elevator. The sensory disturbance was evaluated on the 7th postoperative day by standard questioning the patients: “Do you have any unusual feeling in your tongue, lingual gingiva and mucosa of the floor of the mouth?" Results: One patient experienced sensory disturbance, the lingual nerve paresthesia incidence was 0.9% as a transient sensory disturbance, while no patient of permanent sensory disturbance. Conclusion: The incidence of injury to the lingual nerve can be minimized by careful clinical evaluation, surgeon’s experience, surgical approach and knowledge about anatomical landmarks during surgical removal of an impacted lower third molar tooth.

  11. Association of the Mandibular Third Molar Position to the Pericoronitis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tsvetan Tsvetanov


    Full Text Available Introduction: Pericoronitis is inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth. Objective: To provide measurement of lower third molar angulation and determine relationship between mandibular third molar position and presence of pericoronitis. Material and methods: We studied 104 patients with lower third molar pericoronitis with clinical manifestations and measurement of lower third molar angulation. The mean age of patients was 25.7 years (range 18-35 years. Results: In this study was used the following statistical analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman’s correlation coefficient (nonparametric version of the Pearson correlation coefficient for measure of the linear correlation between two variables - pericoronitis and angulation of the lower third molars. The chi-square test was used to assesses case incidences. The level of significance was p<0.05. 36.04% of partially impacted mandibular third molars were mesioangular followed by the vertical (25.47%, horizontal (18.97%, distoangular (9.21%, buccal (5.42% and lingual (3.79% position. The lowest part of the mandibular third molars is located in the ramus of mandible (1.08%. The present study was found in relation to mesioangular, distoangular, vertical impaction and pericoronitis (p<0.05. Conclusion: We conclude that the position of lower third molar may be able to be associated with presence of pericoronitis.

  12. Fractal analysis of mandibular trabecular bone: optimal tile sizes for the tile counting method. (United States)

    Huh, Kyung-Hoe; Baik, Jee-Seon; Yi, Won-Jin; Heo, Min-Suk; Lee, Sam-Sun; Choi, Soon-Chul; Lee, Sun-Bok; Lee, Seung-Pyo


    This study was performed to determine the optimal tile size for the fractal dimension of the mandibular trabecular bone using a tile counting method. Digital intraoral radiographic images were obtained at the mandibular angle, molar, premolar, and incisor regions of 29 human dry mandibles. After preprocessing, the parameters representing morphometric characteristics of the trabecular bone were calculated. The fractal dimensions of the processed images were analyzed in various tile sizes by the tile counting method. The optimal range of tile size was 0.132 mm to 0.396 mm for the fractal dimension using the tile counting method. The sizes were closely related to the morphometric parameters. The fractal dimension of mandibular trabecular bone, as calculated with the tile counting method, can be best characterized with a range of tile sizes from 0.132 to 0.396 mm.

  13. Evaluation of Root and Canal Systems of Mandibular First Molars in Taiwanese Individuals Using Cone-beam Computed Tomography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chih-Chia Huang


    Conclusion: Our results showed a high overall incidence (32.6% of three-rooted mandibular first molars in Taiwanese individuals. CBCT could be a valuable tool for identifying an extra distolingual root in mandibular first molars.

  14. Prevalence of three-rooted mandibular permanent first molars ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Comparison of the incidence and the correlations between males and females and left- and right-side occurrences were analyzed by using the Pearson chisquare test with SPSS (15.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: The periapical radiographs of 9 patients, 4 females and 5 males, had three-rooted mandibular first ...

  15. Comparison of the efficacy of two anesthetic techniques of mandibular primary first molar: A randomized clinical trial

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    Davood Ghasemi Tudeshchoie


    Full Text Available Background: The most common technique to anesthetize mandibular primary teeth is inferior alveolar (I.A nerve block injection which induces a relatively sustained anesthesia and in turn may potentially traumatize soft-tissues. Therefore, the need of having an alternative technique of anesthesia with a shorter term but the same efficacy is reasonable. The aim of this study was a comparison of the efficacy of two anesthetic techniques of mandibular primary first molar. Materials and Methods: In this randomized crossover clinical trial, 40 children with ages ranged from 5 years to 8 years whose mandibular primary first molars were eligible for pulpotomy, were selected and divided randomly into two groups. The right and left mandibular first molars of group A were anesthetized with infiltration and I. A nerve block techniques in the first and second sessions respectively. The left and right mandibular first molars of group B were anesthetized with I.A nerve block and infiltration techniques in the first and second sessions respectively. The severity of pain were measured and recorded according to sound-eye-motor scale by a certain person. Data was analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank and Mann-Whitney U tests (P < 0.05. Results: The severity of pain was lower in infiltration technique versus I.A nerve block. There were no significant differences between the severities of pain on pulpal exposure of two techniques. Conclusion: It seems that infiltration technique is more favorable to anesthetize the mandibular primary first molar compared to I.A nerve block.

  16. Three-dimensional analysis of morphological changes of rat mandibular head induced by administration of adjuvant in mandibular joint cavity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuroki, Yosuke


    Temporal morphological changes of human osteoarthritis (OA) related to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) are unknown because of lack of the animal model. The author made the model as in the title. Complete Freud's adjuvant (CFA) was injected in the mandibular joint cavity of male standard deviation (SD) rats with monitoring by X-ray. The site of injection was determined previously with the machine RmCT (in vivo 3D micro-X-ray CT for laboratory animals, Rigaku Corp.), which consisted of rotatable X-ray tube and facing flat panel detector, at whose center anesthetized rat was placed. The machine was also used for observation of the mandible just and 1-14 days after CFA injection and images were processed to 2D and 3D with the software I-view-R (Rigaku Corp.). Morphological changes were seen at 7-14 days on the CT images, and pathologically at 14 days, erosion or osteophytosis in 9/12 animals and enlargement of mandibular head. The cavity treated became larger for 1-14 days persistently. These results indicated that morphological changes accompanying the chronic inflammation had occurred, which was thought useful as a model of TMJ-OA. (R.T.)

  17. Dentigerous Cystic Changes in the Follicles Associated with Radiographically Normal Impacted Mandibular Third Molars


    Ashok Dongol; Alok Sagtani; Mehul Rajesh Jaisani; Arpita Singh; Ashish Shrestha; Anju Pradhan; Pradeep Acharya; Anjani Kumar Yadav; Ram Prasad Yadav; Arun Kumar Mahat; Iccha Kumar Maharjan; Leeza Pradhan


    Objective. To assess the incidence of dentigerous cystic changes in the follicles of radiographically normal impacted mandibular third molars. Methods. One hundred and thirteen follicles obtained after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars with radiolucency of less than 2.5 mm in the radiograph were sent for histopathologic evaluation to evaluate pathologic changes. Results. The incidence of dentigerous cystic changes observed was 15.9%, that is, 18 out of 113 patients (51 male...

  18. Periodontal ligament and intraosseous anesthetic injection techniques: alternatives to mandibular nerve blocks. (United States)

    Moore, Paul A; Cuddy, Michael A; Cooke, Matthew R; Sokolowski, Chester J


    and Overview. The provision of mandibular anesthesia traditionally has relied on nerve block anesthetic techniques such as the Halsted, the Gow-Gates and the Akinosi-Vazirani methods. The authors present two alternative techniques to provide local anesthesia in mandibular teeth: the periodontal ligament (PDL) injection and the intraosseous (IO) injection. The authors also present indications for and complications associated with these techniques. The PDL injection and the IO injection are effective anesthetic techniques for managing nerve block failures and for providing localized anesthesia in the mandible. Dentists may find these techniques to be useful alternatives to nerve block anesthesia.

  19. The anionic basis of fluid secretion by the rabbit mandibular salivary gland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Case, R M; Hunter, M; Novak, I


    The role played by anions in salivary secretion has been studied in experiments on the isolated, perfused mandibular gland of the rabbit, in which perfusate Cl- and/or HCO3- were replaced by other anions. Replacement of Cl- with Br- had no significant effect on salivary secretion rate, but replac......The role played by anions in salivary secretion has been studied in experiments on the isolated, perfused mandibular gland of the rabbit, in which perfusate Cl- and/or HCO3- were replaced by other anions. Replacement of Cl- with Br- had no significant effect on salivary secretion rate...

  20. Development of the first permanent mandibular molar in young children with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hermann, Nuno Vibe; Darvann, Tron A; Kreiborg, Sven

    Development of the first permanent mandibular molar in young children with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP)......Development of the first permanent mandibular molar in young children with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate (UCCLP)...

  1. Assessment of vascularity in irradiated and nonirradiated maxillary and mandibular minipig alveolar bone using laser doppler flowmetry.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verdonck, H.W.; Meijer, G.J.; Laurin, T.; Nieman, F.H.; Stoll, C.; Riediger, D.; Stoelinga, P.J.W.; Baat, C. de


    PURPOSE: The purpose of this animal study was to confirm that laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is a reproducible method for the assessment of maxillary and mandibular alveolar bone vascularity and that there is less vascularity in irradiated mandibular and maxillary bone compared to nonirradiated bone.

  2. Mandibular thickness measurements in young dentate adults. (United States)

    Beaty, Narlin B; Le, Thomas T


    To measure thicknesses in clinical landmark areas of the dentate mandibles of young men and women. Using standard radiologic software, we obtained mean (SD) thickness measurements at the inferior or posterior borders of the mandible at the following 7 surgically useful sites: (1) the symphysis, (2) a point halfway between the symphysis and the mental nerve, (3) the mental nerve, (4) a point halfway between the mental nerve and the facial artery notch, (5) the facial artery notch, (6) the angle vertex, and (7) the ramus-condylar neck border. University hospital. A total of 150 dentate men and 75 dentate women aged 18 to 30 years who had undergone computed tomography of the head and neck region during the period of December 20, 2006 to February 20, 2007. Thicknesses of 7 mandibular sites. Mean (SD) thicknesses at the 7 mandibular sites were as follows: symphysis, 14.03 (1.53) mm for men and 13.21 (1.46) mm for women; halfway between the symphysis and the mental nerve, 11.17 (1.37) mm for men and 10.00 (1.08) mm for women; mental nerve, 9.48 (1.28) mm for men and 8.72 (1.00) mm for women; halfway between the mental nerve and the facial artery notch, 10.33 (1.24) mm for men and 9.45 (0.92) mm for women; facial artery notch, 7.27 (0.82) mm for men and 7.10 (0.88) mm for women; angle vertex, 5.42 (0.90) mm for men and 5.39 (0.66) mm for women; and ramus-condylar neck border, 5.90 (0.86) mm for men and 5.85 (0.71) mm for women. Clinical landmark areas in young dentate mandibles have mean thicknesses with limited SDs. The thickness measurements obtained at the sites in this study provide practical reference information for mandibular reconstruction and bicortical screw length estimation.

  3. [Extramedullary fixation combined with intramedullary fixation in the surgical reduction of sagittal mandibular condylar fractures]. (United States)

    Chuanjun, Chen; Xiaoyang, Chen; Jing, Chen


    This study aimed to evaluate the clinical effect of extramedullary fixation combined with intramedullary fixation during the surgical reduction of sagittal mandibular condylar fractures. Twenty-four sagittal fractures of the mandibular condyle in18 patients were fixed by two appliances: intramedullary with one long-screw osteosynthesis or Kirschner wire and extramedullary with one micro-plate. The radiologically-recorded post-operative stability-associated com-plications included the screw/micro-plate loosening, micro-plate twisting, micro-plate fractures, and fragment rotation. The occluding relations, the maximalinter-incisal distances upon mouth opening, and the mandibular deflection upon mouth opening were evaluated based on follow-up clinical examination. Postoperative panoramic X-ray and CT scans showed good repositioning of the fragment, with no redislocation or rotation, no screw/plate loosening, and no plate-twisting or fracture. Clinical examination showed that all patients regained normal mandibular movements, ideal occlusion, and normal maximal inter-incisal distances upon mouth opening. Extramedullary fixation combined with intramedullary fixation is highly recommended for sagittal condylar fractures because of the anti-rotation effect of the fragment and the reasonable place-ment of the fixation appliances.

  4. The location of the mandibular canal in prognathic patients compared to subjects with normal occlusion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Yun Hoa; Nah, Kyung Soo; Cho, Bong Hae [Pusan National Univ. College of Dentistry, Pusan (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to compare the location of the mandibular canal in Class {iota}{iota}{iota} patients and 26 normal patients were observed. Four measurements were taken on cross sectional tomography between the first and second molars: the distance from the mandibular canal to the inner surface of both the buccal and lingual cortices, the distance from the mandibular canal to the inferior border of the mandible, and the buccolingual width of the mandible. The buccolingual location of the canals was classified as lingual, central, of buccal. Each measurement was analyzed with an independent test to compare Class {iota}{iota}{iota} malocclusion to normal occlusion. Compared to the control group, the prognathic group had a shorter distance from the canal to the inner surface of the lingual cortex and to the base of the mandible. A higher percentage of the canals were located lingually in the prognathic group. This study showed that the mandibular canal was located more lingually and interiorly in prognathic patients than in patients with normal occlusion. These results could help surgeons to reduce injuries to the inferior alveolar nerve.

  5. Internal fixation of mandibular angle fractures: a meta-analysis. (United States)

    Regev, Eran; Shiff, Jacob S; Kiss, Alex; Fialkov, Jeffrey A


    The degree of rigidity of internal fixation required for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures has long been at the center of debate in the literature. A statistical comparison between rigid fixation and monocortical fixation has been difficult because of multiple terms, definitions, and technical variations. The purpose of this study was to use the meta-analysis tool to combine information from multiple studies and to compare complication rates for different fixation methods. An English language literature search was conducted for articles on mandibular angle fractures. Information was collected on four variables of interest: compression/noncompression technique, monocortical/bicortical screws, number of plates, and location of plates. Five outcome rates were analyzed: infection, reoperation, hardware removal, malunion, and nonunion. Meta-analyses were run using Comprehensive Meta Analysis, version 2.2.03. Twenty-four studies with relevant data on the variables and outcomes of interest met the inclusion criteria. Significantly higher rates of infection, reoperation, and hardware removal were found for compression compared with noncompression, two plates compared with one plate, and for plates located on both the inferior and superior borders as compared with superior or inferior only. There were also significantly higher infection rates for bicortical screws compared with monocortical screws and higher malunion rates for compression compared with noncompression plating techniques. The results of this meta-analysis found lower complication rates with the use of noncompression, monocortical, and single-plate fixation, supporting the trend toward a single, superiorly placed, monocortical miniplate for fixation of mandibular angle fractures.

  6. Attachment systems for mandibular implant overdentures: a systematic review (United States)

    Kim, Ha-Young; Lee, Jeong-Yol; Bryant, S. Ross


    PURPOSE The aim of this systematic review was to address treatment outcome according to attachment systems for mandibular implant overdentures in terms of implant survival rate, prosthetic maintenance and complications, and patient satisfaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted using PubMed and hand searching of relevant journals considering inclusion and exclusion criteria. Clinical trial studies on mandibular implant overdentures until August, 2010 were selected if more than one type of overdenture attachment was reported. Twenty four studies from 1098 studies were finally included and the data on implant survival rate, prosthetic maintenance and complications, patient satisfaction were analyzed relative to attachment systems. RESULTS Four studies presented implant survival rates (95.8 - 97.5% for bar, 96.2 - 100% for ball, 91.7% for magnet) according to attachment system. Ten other studies presented an implant survival rate ranging from 93.3% to 100% without respect to the attachment groups. Common prosthetic maintenance and complications were replacement of an assay for magnet attachments, and activation of a matrix or clip for ball or bar attachments. Prosthetic maintenance and complications most commonly occurred in the magnet groups. Conflicting findings were found on the rate of prosthetic maintenance and complications comparing ball and bar attachments. Most studies showed no significant differences in patient satisfaction depending upon attachment systems. CONCLUSION The implant survival rate of mandibular overdentures seemed to be high regardless attachment systems. The prosthetic maintenance and complications may be influenced by attachment systems. However patient satisfaction may be independent of the attachment system. PMID:23236571

  7. Orthopantomography and its role in diagnosing mandibular ondogenic keratocysts (primordial cysts)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Popov, J.; Velichkov, L.


    Sixty-six patients (34 men and 32 women) aged 11 to 75 years, presenting ondogenic keratocysts in the lower jaw, are subjected to comprehensive orthopantomographic study. In 78.7% of cases the lesion is located in the distal part of the mandibular body, angle and coronoid mandibular process. The structure of the keratocysts is determined as unilocular (39.4%), multilocular (18.2%) and lacunar (42.4%). The cysts are well differentiated, circumscribed and radiolucent. No dental root resorption in the vicinity of cysts is noted. There are cases of displacement of teeth situated within the cyst zone. In some patients the cortex is dislocated, while in others it reveals partial resorption. 4 tabs., 1 fig., 10 refs. (orig.)

  8. The panoramic radiographic study of the vertical mandibular asymmetry of in the TMJ disorder patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Gui Hyeon; Choi, Soon Chul


    To evaluate of the relationship between the TMJ disorder and the vertical mandibular asymmetry, the author analyzed the differences between condylar heights, ramus heights and mandibular heights of both sides. All measurements were performed with a digital micrometer on the panoramic radiographs of 36 TMJ disorder patients and 30 normal control group. The differences were expressed in millimeters and percentage using the following formula; [(R-L)/(R+L)] X 100%. The results were as follows: 1. The condylar height difference was greater of in patient group (1.86±1.66 mm) than that of in control group (1.22±0.85 mm) (p<0.05). 2. The ramus height difference and ramus height ratio difference of patient group (4.52±3.70 mm, 4.39±3.49%) were greater than those of control group (2.64±2.13 mm, 2.46±2.02 %) (p<0.05, p<0.01). 3. The mandibular height difference and mandibular height ratio difference of patient group (4.32±3.52 mm, 3.59±2.81 %) were greater than those of contro group(2.57±2.46 mm, 2.01 (1.95%) (p<0.05). 4. The ratio difference in condylar height to ramus height and condylar height to mandibular height of patient group (5.01±4.13%, 3.36±2.88%) were greater than those of control group (2.33±1.78%, 1.90±1.40%) (p<0.01).

  9. Effects of mandibular setback with or without maxillary advancement osteotomies on pharyngeal airways: An overview of systematic reviews.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Su Keng Tan

    Full Text Available Mandibular setback osteotomies potentially lead to narrowing of the pharyngeal airways, subsequently resulting in post-surgical obstructive sleep apnea (OSA.To summarize current evidence from systematic reviews that has evaluated pharyngeal airway changes after mandibular setback with or without concomitant upper jaw osteotomies.PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Library databases were searched with no restriction of language or date. Systematic reviews studying changes in pharyngeal airway dimensions and respiratory parameters after mandibular setback with or without concomitant upper jaw osteotomies have been identified, screened for eligibility, included and analyzed in this study.Six systematic reviews have been included. While isolated mandibular setback osteotomies result in reduced oropharyngeal airway dimensions, the reduction is lesser in cases with concomitant upper jaw osteotomies. Only scarce evidence exists currently to what happens to naso- and hypo-pharyngeal airways. There is no evidence for post-surgical OSA, even though some studies reported reduced respiratory parameters after single-jaw mandibular setback with or without concomitant upper jaw osteotomies.Although mandibular setback osteotomies reduce pharyngeal airway dimensions, evidence confirming post-surgical OSA was not found. Nevertheless, potential post-surgical OSA should be taken into serious consideration during the treatment planning of particular orthognathic cases. As moderate evidence exists that double-jaw surgeries lead to less compromised post-surgical pharyngeal airways, they should be considered as the method of choice especially in cases with severe dentoskeletal Class III deformity.PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42016046484.

  10. Effect of piezoelectric instruments on healing propensity of alveolar sockets following mandibular third molar extraction


    Shang-Jye Tsai; Yen-Liang Chen; Hao-Hueng Chang; Yow-Chyun Shyu; Chun-Pin Lin


    Background/purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of piezoelectric instruments affected the healing propensity of alveolar sockets after mandibular third molar extraction, compared with conventional rotary instruments. Materials and methods: Thirty patients with impacted bilateral symmetrical mandibular third molars participated in this investigation. We conducted a randomized, crossover study using conventional rotary instruments for extraction on one side a...

  11. High condylectomy for the treatment of mandibular condylar hyperplasia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghawsi, Sodaba; Aagaard, Esben; Thygesen, Torben Henrik


    Mandibular condylar hyperplasia (MCH) is a rare, idiopathic disorder, which can cause both functional and aesthetic problems. MCH has often been described in the literature, but a comprehensive analysis of the current literature on MCH has not been undertaken. This study presents a systematic rev...

  12. Mandibular angle resection and masticatory muscle hypertrophy - a technical note and morphological optimization. (United States)

    Andreishchev, A R; Nicot, R; Ferri, J


    Mandibular angle resection is rarely used, but is a highly effective means of correcting facial defects. We report a mandibular angle resection technique associated with the removal of a part of hypertrophic masseter muscles and resection of buccal fat pad. Anatomical reminders: the most important entities are the facial artery and vein, crossing the lower margin of the jaw just in front of the anterior boarder of the masseter muscle and the temporomaxillary vein, passing through the temporomaxillary fossa; preoperative aspects: the preoperative examination included a radiological assessment of the shape and size of the mandibular angle; surgical technique: an intra-oral approach was usually used. The most effective and convenient method for the osteotomy was using a reciprocating saw. This technique allowed achieving a smooth contour of masseter muscles during masticatory movements or at rest. Eleven mandibular angle resections were performed from 2001 to 2009. The surgery was supplemented by remodeling the lower margin of the jaw for 5 other patients. No permanent facial palsy was noted. One patient presented a unilateral long-term loss of sensitivity of the lower lip and chin. This surgical technique if simple even requires using good technical equipment, and observing a set of rules. Using these principles allows simplifying the surgical technique, and decreasing its morbidity. A part of the masseter muscles and the buccal fat pad can sometimes be resected to improve the morphological results. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. The conservative treatment of pediatric mandibular fracture with prefabricated surgical splint: a case report. (United States)

    Kocabay, Ceyda; Ataç, Mustafa Sancar; Oner, Burak; Güngör, Nadir


    The use of rigid fixation in children is controversial and may cause growth retardation along cranial suture lines. Intermaxillary fixation for mandibular fractures should be used cautiously as bony ankylosis in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and trismus may develop. The high osteogenic potential of the pediatric mandible allows non-surgical management to be successful in younger patients with conservative approaches. In this case, successful conservative treatment of mandibular fracture of a 3-year-old patient is presented.

  14. A Conservative Method for Treating Severely Displaced Pediatric Mandibular Fractures: An Effective Alternative Technique


    Sahand Samieirad; Saeedeh khajehahmadi; Elahe Tohidi; Meysam Pakravan


    Pediatric mandibular fractures have been successfully managed in various ways. The use of a lingual splint is an option. This article presents a 4-year old boy who was treated by an alternative conservative method with a combination of an arch bar plus a lingual splint, circum-mandibular wiring and IMF for the reduction, stabilization and fixation of a severely displaced bilateral man‌dibular body fracture. This technique is a reliable, noninvasive procedure; it also limits the discomfort and...

  15. Repair of a mandibular defect with a free vascularized coccygeal vertebra transfer in a dog. (United States)

    Yeh, L S; Hou, S M


    Bilateral mandibular defects in a male mongrel dog were repaired. On the left side, a free vascularized coccygeal bone graft that included the median caudal artery and caudal vein was used to correct the defect. On the right side, the defect was bridged with a bone plate and screws. For further immobilization, the muzzle was temporarily taped for 3 weeks and a pharyngostomy tube was used for nutritional support. The dog was able to eat dry commercial food satisfactorily within 2 months of surgery despite mild malocclusion. Radiographs taken 2 months and 18 months postoperatively showed bony union with graft hypertrophy in the left mandible, whereas the right mandibular defect showed protracted nonunion. The results indicate that vascularized coccygeal vertebra transfer provides an alternative for the management of canine mandibular defects.

  16. The mandibular symphysis as a starting point for the occlusal-level reconstruction of panfacial fractures with bicondylar fractures and interruption of the maxillary and mandibular arches: report of two cases. (United States)

    Pau, Mauro; Reinbacher, Knut Ernst; Feichtinger, Matthias; Navysany, Kawe; Kärcher, Hans


    Panfacial fractures represent a challenge, even for experienced maxillofacial surgeons, because all references for reconstructing the facial skeleton are missing. Logical reconstructive sequencing based on a clear understanding of the correlation between projection and the widths and lengths of facial subunits should enable the surgeon to achieve correct realignment of the bony framework of the face and to prevent late deformity and functional impairment. Reconstruction is particularly challenging in patients presenting with concomitant fractures at the Le Fort I level and affecting the palate, condyles, and mandibular symphysis. In cases without bony loss and sufficient dentition, we believe that accurate fixation of the mandibular symphysis can represent the starting point of a reconstructive sequence that allows successful reconstruction at the Le Fort I level. Two patients were treated in our department by reconstruction starting in the occlusal area through repair of the mandibular symphysis. Both patients considered the postoperative facial shape and profile to be satisfactory and comparable to the pre-injury situation. Copyright © 2013 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. MRI of the temporo-mandibular joint: which sequence is best suited to assess the cortical bone of the mandibular condyle? A cadaveric study using micro-CT as the standard of reference. (United States)

    Karlo, Christoph A; Patcas, Raphael; Kau, Thomas; Watzal, Helmut; Signorelli, Luca; Müller, Lukas; Ullrich, Oliver; Luder, Hans-Ulrich; Kellenberger, Christian J


    To determine the best suited sagittal MRI sequence out of a standard temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) imaging protocol for the assessment of the cortical bone of the mandibular condyles of cadaveric specimens using micro-CT as the standard of reference. Sixteen TMJs in 8 human cadaveric heads (mean age, 81 years) were examined by MRI. Upon all sagittal sequences, two observers measured the cortical bone thickness (CBT) of the anterior, superior and posterior portions of the mandibular condyles (i.e. objective analysis), and assessed for the presence of cortical bone thinning, erosions or surface irregularities as well as subcortical bone cysts and anterior osteophytes (i.e. subjective analysis). Micro-CT of the condyles was performed to serve as the standard of reference for statistical analysis. Inter-observer agreements for objective (r = 0.83-0.99, P < 0.01) and subjective (κ = 0.67-0.88) analyses were very good. Mean CBT measurements were most accurate, and cortical bone thinning, erosions, surface irregularities and subcortical bone cysts were best depicted on the 3D fast spoiled gradient echo recalled sequence (3D FSPGR). The most reliable MRI sequence to assess the cortical bone of the mandibular condyles on sagittal imaging planes is the 3D FSPGR sequence. MRI may be used to assess the cortical bone of the TMJ. • Depiction of cortical bone is best on 3D FSPGR sequences. • MRI can assess treatment response in patients with TMJ abnormalities.

  18. Hybrid approach to fabrication of hollow internally weighted mandibular denture: A case report. (United States)

    Hazari, Puja; Mishra, Sunil Kumar


    Preservation of ridge dimensions is critical for denture success. For long the concept of an internally weighted denture, which suggested that gravity and the additional weight to the mandibular complete denture aids in prosthetic retention is widely accepted. However, excessive weight and pressure can accelerate bone resorption. Here, we describe a unique modification of internally weighted metal denture base for the resorbed mandibular ridge with an incorporated additional hollow section over the anterior knife-edge ridge. The weight provided retention and stability while the hollow portion prevented further resorption of the bone.

  19. Seven-year retrospective clinical study evaluating efficacy of stainless steel mesh in mandibular fractures. (United States)

    Chakraborty, Sudip; Ghosh, Samiran; Burman, Richi; Ray, Amit


    The use of titanium mesh in communited mandibular fractures has been substantially documented. However, the use of stainless steel mesh for routine fixation in mandibular fractures has not been widely reported. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of stainless steel mesh for routine osteosynthesis of mandibular fractures. A total of 252 patients who had been diagnosed with 287 single or multiple mandibular fractures at Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Science and Research from 2002 to 2009 were selected for the present study. Those with condylar fractures and other maxillofacial injuries were excluded from the study. The patients were evaluated preoperatively, intraoperatively, and postoperatively at 1 day, 6 weeks, and 3 and 6 months. The local complications, occlusion (for static function), and chewing (for dynamic function) were evaluated postoperatively. The intraoperative time taken for implant fixation (from site exposure to fixation of the last screw) was 32 minutes. Of the 252 patients, 40 (15.8%) had local complications and 24 patients required implant removal. Of the 252 patients, 82% had bilaterally satisfactory occlusion according to the surgeon at 6 months postoperatively. Discomfort in chewing unilaterally or bilaterally was reported by 17% of the patients. The results of our study have shown that stainless steel mesh has acceptable complication rates and the ability to maintain occlusion and chewing postoperatively compared with the present standards of care of mandibular fractures using miniplates. The lower cost and versatile placement of screws were the principal advantages. However, placement near the mental foramen with an extraoral approach for certain sites is the primary disadvantage. Copyright © 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Tumor de Pindborg relacionado con trauma facial Pindborg's tumor in relationship with facial traumata

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Niorgy Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El tumor de Pindborg es una neoplasia benigna, rara, con carácter invasivo local y tendencia a la recidiva, que representa entre el 0,17 y el 1,8 % de todos los tumores odontogénicos, del cual tan solo se han publicado unos 200 casos, con una media de 4 casos nuevos por año en el mundo. Se presentó el caso de un hombre de 39 años de edad que acudió a la consulta de cirugía maxilofacial remitido de neurocirugía postraumatismo craneofacial, por presentar un aumento de volumen en el ángulo mandibular derecho. Se tuvo como objetivo publicar la existencia de esta infrecuente neoplasia por lo interesantes que resultan estos tumores por su evolución, dificultad en el diagnóstico, variantes de tratamiento y tendencia a la recidiva. Después de realizar exámenes de laboratorio, radiografías, tomografía axial computarizada y biopsia de fragmento óseo, se obtuvo extensión y diagnóstico de tumor de Pindborg en hemimandíbula derecha. Se realizó la técnica quirúrgica de hemimandibulectomía derecha y reconstrucción con injerto óseo de cresta ilíaca. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria.The Pindborg's tumor is a benign and uncommon neoplasm with a local invasive character and a trend to relapse accounting for the 0.17 and the 1.8 % of all odontogenic tumors with only 200 cases published in the literature and a mean of four cases per year at world scale. This is the case of a man aged 39 came our consultation of Maxillofacial Surgery referred from Neurosurgery Service after a craniofacial trauma and an increase of volume in right mandibular angle with the aim to publish the existence of this uncommon neoplasm due to the interesting of this type of tumor by its evolution, difficulty for diagnosis, variants of treatment and trend to relapse. After carry out laboratory examinations, X-rays, axial tomography computerize and biopsy of bone fragment, it was possible the extension and diagnosis of Pindbog's tumor in right hemi

  1. Effect of clear aligner therapy on the buccolingual inclination of mandibular canines and the intercanine distance. (United States)

    Grünheid, Thorsten; Gaalaas, Sara; Hamdan, Hani; Larson, Brent E


    To compare the changes in buccolinugal inclination of mandibular canines and intercanine distance in patients treated with clear aligners to those treated with preadjusted edgewise appliances. The buccolingual inclination of mandibular canines and the intercanine distance were measured on pre- and posttreatment cone-beam computed tomograms of 30 patients who had been treated with clear aligners and 30 patients who had been treated with fixed preadjusted edgewise appliances. Differences between the aligner and fixed appliance groups and between pre- and posttreatment measurements were tested for statistical significance. In both groups, most of the mandibular canines had positive buccolingual inclinations (ie, their crowns were positioned lateral to their roots) both before and after treatment. While there was no difference between the groups pretreatment, the posttreatment buccolingual inclination was significantly greater in the aligner group. In the fixed appliance group, the canines became more upright with treatment, while the buccolingual inclination did not change significantly in the clear aligner group. The intercanine distance did not differ between the groups either before or after treatment. However, it increased significantly over the course of treatment in the aligner group, whereas it did not change significantly in the fixed appliance group. Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners tends to increase the mandibular intercanine distance with little change in inclination in contrast to treatment with fixed appliances, which leaves the intercanine distance unchanged but leads to more upright mandibular canines.

  2. [Topographological-anatomic changes in the structure of temporo-mandibular joint in case of fracture of the mandible condylar process at cervical level]. (United States)

    Volkov, S I; Bazhenov, D V; Semkin, V A


    Pathological changes in soft tissues surrounding the fracture site as well as in the structural elements of temporo-mandibular joint always occured in condylar process fracture with shift at cervical mandibular jaw level. Other changes were also seen in the joint on the opposite normal side. Modelling of condylar process fracture at mandibular cervical level by means of three-dimensional computer model of temporo-mandibular joint contributed to proper understanding of this pathology emergence as well as to prediction and elimination of disorders arising in adjacent to the fracture site tissues.

  3. Mandibular canine intrusion with the segmented arch technique: A finite element method study. (United States)

    Caballero, Giselle Milagros; Carvalho Filho, Osvaldo Abadia de; Hargreaves, Bernardo Oliveira; Brito, Hélio Henrique de Araújo; Magalhães Júnior, Pedro Américo Almeida; Oliveira, Dauro Douglas


    Mandibular canines are anatomically extruded in approximately half of the patients with a deepbite. Although simultaneous orthodontic intrusion of the 6 mandibular anterior teeth is not recommended, a few studies have evaluated individual canine intrusion. Our objectives were to use the finite element method to simulate the segmented intrusion of mandibular canines with a cantilever and to evaluate the effects of different compensatory buccolingual activations. A finite element study of the right quadrant of the mandibular dental arch together with periodontal structures was modeled using SolidWorks software (Dassault Systèmes Americas, Waltham, Mass). After all bony, dental, and periodontal ligament structures from the second molar to the canine were graphically represented, brackets and molar tubes were modeled. Subsequently, a 0.021 × 0.025-in base wire was modeled with stainless steel properties and inserted into the brackets and tubes of the 4 posterior teeth to simulate an anchorage unit. Finally, a 0.017 × 0.025-in cantilever was modeled with titanium-molybdenum alloy properties and inserted into the first molar auxiliary tube. Discretization and boundary conditions of all anatomic structures tested were determined with HyperMesh software (Altair Engineering, Milwaukee, Wis), and compensatory toe-ins of 0°, 4°, 6°, and 8° were simulated with Abaqus software (Dassault Systèmes Americas). The 6° toe-in produced pure intrusion of the canine. The highest amounts of periodontal ligament stress in the anchor segment were observed around the first molar roots. This tooth showed a slight tendency for extrusion and distal crown tipping. Moreover, the different compensatory toe-ins tested did not significantly affect the other posterior teeth. The segmented mechanics simulated in this study may achieve pure mandibular canine intrusion when an adequate amount of compensatory toe-in (6°) is incorporated into the cantilever to prevent buccal and lingual crown

  4. Three-dimensional analysis of mandibular growth and tooth eruption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krarup, S.; Darvann, Tron Andre; Larsen, Per


    Normal and abnormal jaw growth and tooth eruption are topics of great importance for several dental and medical disciplines. Thus far, clinical studies on these topics have used two-dimensional (2D) radiographic techniques. The purpose of the present study was to analyse normal mandibular growth...

  5. Computed Tomographic Morphometry of the Internal Anatomy of Mandibular Second Primary Molars. (United States)

    Kurthukoti, Ameet J; Sharma, Pranjal; Swamy, Dinesh Francis; Shashidara, R; Swamy, Elaine Barretto


    Need for the study: The most important procedure for a successful endodontic treatment is the cleaning and shaping of the canal system. Understanding the internal anatomy of teeth provides valuable information to the clinician that would help him achieve higher clinical success during endodontic therapy. To evaluate by computed tomography-the internal anatomy of mandibular second primary molars with respect to the number of canals, cross-sectional shape of canals, cross-sectional area of canals and the root dentin thickness. A total of 31 mandibular second primary molars were subjected to computed-tomographic evaluation in the transverse plane, after mounting them in a prefabricated template. The images, thus, obtained were analyzed using De-winter Bio-wizard® software. All the samples demonstrated two canals in the mesial root, while majority of the samples (65.48%) demonstrated two canals in the distal root. The cross-sectional images of the mesial canals demonstrated a round shape, while the distal canals demonstrated an irregular shape. The root dentin thickness was highly reduced on the distal aspect of mesial and mesial aspect of distal canals. The mandibular second primary molars demonstrated wide variation and complexities in their internal anatomy. A thorough understanding of the complexity of the root canal system is essential for understanding the principles and problems of shaping and cleaning, determining the apical limits and dimensions of canal preparations, and for performing successful endodontic procedures. How to cite this article: Kurthukoti AJ, Sharma P, Swamy DF, Shashidara R, Swamy EB. Computed Tomographic Morphometry of the Internal Anatomy of Mandibular Second Primary Molars. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015;8(3):202-207.

  6. The cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome: third report of familial occurrence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hennekam, R. C.; Beemer, F. A.; Huijbers, W. A.; Hustinx, P. A.; van Sprang, F. J.


    Two male sibs with cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome and spina bifida are described. The parents are physically and radiologically normal. A short review of the pertinent literature is given with special emphasis on the mode of inheritance

  7. The influence of mandibular skeletal characteristics on inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia. (United States)

    You, Tae Min; Kim, Kee-Deog; Huh, Jisun; Woo, Eun-Jung; Park, Wonse


    The inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) is the most common anesthetic techniques in dentistry; however, its success rate is low. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between IANB failure and mandibular skeletal characteristics. In total, 693 cases of lower third molar extraction (n = 575 patients) were examined in this study. The ratio of the condylar and coronoid distances from the mandibular foramen (condyle-coronoid ratio [CC ratio]) was calculated, and the mandibular skeleton was then classified as normal, retrognathic, or prognathic. The correlation between IANB failure and sex, treatment side, and the CC ratio was assessed. The IANB failure rates for normal, retrognathic, and prognathic mandibles were 7.3%, 14.5%, and 9.5%, respectively, and the failure rate was highest among those with a CC ratio < 0.8 (severe retrognathic mandible). The failure rate was significantly higher in the retrognathic group than in normal group (P = 0.019), and there was no statistically significant difference between the other two groups. IANB failure could be attributable, in part, to the skeletal characteristics of the mandible. In addition, the failure rate was found to be significantly higher in the retrognathic group.

  8. Combined use of rapid-prototyping model and surgical guide in correction of mandibular asymmetry malformation patients with normal occlusal relationship. (United States)

    Xu, Haisong; Zhang, Ce; Shim, Yoong Hoon; Li, Hongliang; Cao, Dejun


    The aim of this study is to discuss the application of rapid-prototyping model and surgical guide in the treatment of mandibular asymmetry malformation with normal occlusal relationship. Twenty-four mandibular asymmetry malformation patients with relatively normal occlusal relationship were included in this study. Surgical 3-dimensional rapid-prototyping mandibular models were made for all patients from the computed tomography (CT) DICOM data. The presurgical plan was designed on the model, and the surgical guiders for the osteotomy lines were manufactured. Genioplasty and/or mandibular osteotomy based on the presurgical plan were performed on these patients with the combined use of the rapid-prototyping model and surgical guides. All patients underwent postoperative CT scan and had at least 3-month follow-up. All patients were satisfied with the final results. According to the postoperative CT images and 3-month follow-up, all patients' mandibular asymmetry malformation was significantly improved, and the operation time was distinctly shortened relative to the conventional method. Rapid-prototyping model and surgical guide are viable auxiliary devices for the treatment of mandibular asymmetry malformation with relatively normal occlusal relationship. Combined use of them can make precise preoperative design, improve effects of operation, and shorten operating time.

  9. Posterior Mandibular Residual Ridge Resorption in Patients with Overdentures Supported by Two or Four Endosseous Implants in a 10-year Prospective Comparative Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, Marjolein H. M.; Wright, Paul S.; Meijer, Henny J. A.; Tymstra, Nynke


    Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of treatment with either two or four mandibular endosseous implants with an overdenture on mandibular posterior residual ridge resorption over a 10 year period Materials and Methods Sixty edentulous patients with residual mandibular height

  10. Current Concepts in the Mandibular Condyle Fracture Management Part II: Open Reduction Versus Closed Reduction


    Choi, Kang-Young; Yang, Jung-Dug; Chung, Ho-Yun; Cho, Byung-Chae


    In the treatment of mandibular condyle fracture, conservative treatment using closed reduction or surgical treatment using open reduction can be used. Management of mandibular condylar fractures remains a source of ongoing controversy in oral and maxillofacial trauma. For each type of condylar fracture,the treatment method must be chosen taking into consideration the presence of teeth, fracture height, patient'sadaptation, patient's masticatory system, disturbance of occlusal function, and de...

  11. Anatomical study of the relationship of impacted mandibular third molar root apex to inferior alveolar canal in Kurdistan population using orthopantomogram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fedil Andraws Yalda


    Full Text Available Background and objective: Extraction of an impacted mandibular third lower molar tooth is one of the common surgical procedures that may lead to the damage of inferior alveolar nerve due to roots proximity to the mandibular canal. This study aimed to know the relative relationship and proximity of the mandibular third molar roots to the inferior alveolar canal in relation to gender, age, depth of impaction, relation with ramus, and type of angulation of the impacted tooth in Kurdistan population. Methods: A sample of 366 digital panoramic radiographs of patients with impacted mandibular third molar was studied. Panoramic radiographic signs images were evaluated for the presence of root contact with the superior border of the mandibular canal, darkening of the roots apex, deflected roots, narrow root, superimposition of the canal, interruption of the white line, diversion of the inferior alveolar canal, and narrowing of the inferior alveolar canal. The depths of impaction, relation with ramus, and type of angulation were also studied. Results: Significant relation of the proximity of the mandibular third molar roots to the inferior alveolar canal with the gender (P = 0.001 and age (P <0.001 were seen. A significant relation of the proximity of the mandibular third molar roots to the inferior alveolar canal with the depth of impaction (P <0.001, relation with the ramus (P =0.004, and angulation of impaction were also seen (P <0.001. Conclusion: Significant relation of the proximity of the mandibular third molar roots to the inferior alveolar canal with gender, age, depth of impaction, relation with the ramus, and angulation of impaction were seen.

  12. Number of implants for mandibular implant overdentures: a systematic review (United States)

    Lee, Jeong-Yol; Kim, Ha-Young; Bryant, S. Ross


    PURPOSE The aim of this systematic review is to address treatment outcomes of Mandibular implant overdentures relative to implant survival rate, maintenance and complications, and patient satisfaction. MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted by a PubMed search strategy and hand-searching of relevant journals from included studies. Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) and comparative clinical trial studies on mandibular implant overdentures until August, 2010 were selected. Eleven studies from 1098 studies were finally selected and data were analyzed relative to number of implants. RESULTS Six studies presented the data of the implant survival rate which ranged from 95% to 100% for 2 and 4 implant group and from 81.8% to 96.1% for 1 and 2 implant group. One study, which statistically compared implant survival rate showed no significant differences relative to the number of implants. The most common type of prosthetic maintenance and complications were replacement or reattaching of loose clips for 2 and 4 implant group, and denture repair due to the fracture around an implant for 1 and 2 implant groups. Most studies showed no significant differences in the rate of prosthetic maintenance and complication, and patient satisfaction regardless the number of implants. CONCLUSION The implant survival rate of mandibular overdentures is high regardless of the number of implants. Denture maintenance is likely not inflenced substantially by the number of implants and patient satisfaction is typically high again regardless os the number of implants. PMID:23236572

  13. Kinematic analysis of mandibular motion before and after orthognathic surgery for skeletal Class III malocclusion: A pilot study. (United States)

    Ugolini, Alessandro; Mapelli, Andrea; Segù, Marzia; Galante, Domenico; Sidequersky, Fernanda V; Sforza, Chiarella


    The aim of the study was to detect the changes in 3D mandibular motion after orthognathic surgery for skeletal Class III malocclusion. Using a 3D motion analyzer, free mandibular border movements were recorded in nine patients successfully treated for skeletal Class III malocclusion and in nine patients scheduled for orthognathic surgery. Data were compared using Mann-Whitney non-parametric U-test. The results showed no differences between the groups in the total amount of mouth opening, protrusion, and in lateral excursions, but the percentage of mandibular movement explained by condylar translation was significantly increased after surgery (20% vs. 23.6%). During opening, the post-surgery patients showed a more symmetrical mandibular interincisal point and condylar path than pre-surgery patients (p < 0.01). Patients treated with orthognathic surgery for skeletal Class III malocclusion recover a good and symmetric temporomandibular joint function.

  14. Managing a grossly comminuted and infected mandibular fracture using a maxillary extra-oral distractor as stabilizing agent: A clinical case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ding Ming Chao


    Full Text Available Facial fracture management dates as early as Hippocratic era. Comminuted mandibular fractures are one of the challenging clinical condition requiring high surgical expertise to achieve a good functional and esthetic outcome. In presence of infection and other facial fractures managing comminuted mandibular fracture becomes more challenging.Here we present a case of grossly comminuted and infected mandibular fracture with delayed presentation managed by using maxillary distractor as stabilizing agent. Using a maxillary distractor for managing a fractured mandible has been seldom reported in literature. Current case report gives idea to practicing clinician about the possibility of treatment beyond the established principles. Keywords: Mandibular fracture, Maxillary distractor, Infection

  15. [Mandibular advancement devices in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea]. (United States)

    Korczyński, Piotr; Górska, Katarzyna; Wilk, Krzysztof; Bielicki, Piotr; Byśkiniewicz, Krzysztof; Baczkowski, Tadeusz


    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects approximately 450,000 people in Poland. Use of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) devices and laryngeal surgery are widely accepted OSA treatment methods. In 1995 ASDA approved oral devices for treatment of OSA patients. The aim of the study was to determine efficiency of mandibular advancement devices (MAD) in OSA therapy. The study group included 20 patients with OSA, all of whom did not tolerate nCPAP and did not have indications or did not agree for surgical treatment. Control polysomnography was carried out in 11 patients using MAD. In 64% of patients AHI was lower then 10. No correlation between MAD use and AHI values was found. 45% of patients declared improvement of sleep quality and life comfort. Use of mandibular advancement devices is an important alternative therapy of OSA.

  16. Buccal Infiltration versus Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block in Mandibular ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Apr 4, 2018 ... Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the success rates of inferior alveolar nerve block (IANB) and buccal infiltration anesthesia of mandibular second premolar with irreversible pulpitis and to evaluate the level of patient discomfort with these methods. Matherials and Methods: Forty patients, who.

  17. Three distal root canals in mandibular first molar with different canal configurations: Report of two cases and literature review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Parul Bansal


    Full Text Available With the increasing number of reports of aberrant root canal morphology, the clinician needs to be aware of the variable anatomy. Various case reports have been published with the finding of middle mesial canal in mandibular first molar, however finding of three distal canals in distal roots of mandibular first molar is rare. This article reports endodontic management of two mandibular first molars presented with three distal canals present in a single distal root (Sert and Bayirli type XVIII and distal and distolingual root.

  18. A Prospective Study of Early Loaded Single Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdentures: Preliminary One-Year Results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali M. El-Sheikh


    Full Text Available Purpose. To investigate the predictability of simplifying mandibular overdenture treatment using one-stage surgery and early prosthetic loading of a single implant. Materials and Methods. Twenty edentulous patients with problematic existing mandibular dentures were treated. A single implant with a chemically modified surface (SLActive, Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland was placed into the mandibular midline. The patients were recalled at 3, 6 and 12 months. Clinical assessments and marginal bone loss using standardized radiographs were recorded. All complications, failures and maintenance were noted. Visual analog-scale questionnaires were used to record patient satisfaction in five categories. ANOVA was used to determine differences between means of marginal bone loss and different categories of patient staisfaction (=0.05. Results. The 20 early loaded implants were all surviving at the 12-month recall. All implants showed less than 1 mm of marginal bone loss by the end of the 1-year with a significant increase during the follow-up period. Few prosthetic problems were reported. Patient satisfaction was high with a significant increase in all comfort and functional parameters. Conclusions. These preliminary 1-year results indicate that early loading of a single chemically modified surface implant used to retain a mucosa-borne mandibular overdenture is a safe, reliable, and cost-effective treatment.

  19. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of patient with marginal mandibular resection using attachment supported prostheses: A clinical report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kailas Mundhe


    Full Text Available Marginal mandibular resection to treat neoplasms leads to loss of alveolar bone and teeth at the affected side. Consequently patient suffers with poor masticatory performance and esthetic disfigurement, which we need to restore with the help of prosthodontic rehabilitation. The success of rehabilitation of these patients depends on strategic treatment planning and choice of most suitable treatment modality. In this article, case of a patient has been presented who underwent marginal mandibular resection and reported with many limiting factors like obliterated buccal and lingual sulci, attachment of lingual frenum and lower lip at the level of alveolar ridge and Macroglossia. Impression making and fabrication of a retentive prosthesis were the main challenges. Therefore, a modified impression technique was used to fabricate mandibular cast partial denture with extracoronal semi precision attachments to enhance the retention of the prosthesis.

  20. Short-term efficacy of mandibular advancement splint in treatment of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Calliandra Moura Pereira de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the short-term efficacy of treatment for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS using a mandibular advancement splint. METHODS: The sample comprised 20 patients (13 men and 7 women; mean age = 48 years; mean body mass index = 27.07 with OSAHS. Polysomnograms were performed before and 60 days after mandibular advancement splint therapy. RESULTS: There was a significant reduction in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI following treatment (mean pretreatment AHI = 20.89 ± 17.9 versus mean posttreatment AHI = 4.43 ± 3.09 (p < 0.05. The snoring reduced and the sleep efficiency improved, as registered by polysomnograms (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: The sleep quality improved in patients using mandibular advancement splint. Further studies evaluating long-term effects are needed.