
Sample records for con disfuncion ventricular

  1. Disfunciones sintácticas en la expresión escrita de alumnos con baja visión e invidencia

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El artículo contiene el análisis de las disfunciones sintácticas encontradas en textos narrativos producidos por alumnos con ceguera y deficiencia visual. Se realiza el contraste de las disfunciones más frecuentes entre tales grupos y, además, con respecto a las disfunciones cometidas por alumnos sin problemas de visión. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo basado en el estudio de casos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los alumnos con escasa visión cometen más errores que los alumnos sin visión y éstos, a su vez, más que los alumnos sin discapacidad visual.ABSTRACT: The article analyses the syntactic dysfunctions that have been found in narrative texts produced by students with blindness and visual deficiency. It verifies the most frequently occurring dysfunctions within these groups and furthermore contrasts them with those in pupils without visual problems. It is descriptive research based on the case study. The results show that poorly sighted students made bigger mistakes than blind students and students without visual problems.RÉSUMÉ: L'article décrit l'analyse des erreurs syntaxiques trouvées dans des textes narratifs produits par des eleves aveugles et des eleves malvoyants. On a mis en évidence les erreurs les plus fréquentes commises par ees deux groupes par rapport aux erreurs commises par les eleves n'ayant pas de problémes de visión. II s'agit d'une étude descriptive fondee sur l'étude de cas. Les résultats démontrent que les eleves ayant une visión faible commettent plus d'erreurs que les eleves non-voyants et que ceux-ci -a leur tour- commettent plus d'erreurs que les eleves sans insuffisance visuelle.

  2. Factores asociados con la aparición de disfunciones sexuales en una población femenina

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    Wilfredo Guibert Reyes


    Full Text Available Se realiza un estudio explicativo para determinar la frecuencia de las disfunciones sexuales y algunos de los factores biológicos, psicosociales, culturales y ambientales asociados con la aparición de éstas en el período de 1 año, a partir de agosto de 1993 en Alamar. Se expresa que la muestra está compuesta por 48 mujeres mayores de 15 años, un grupo de estudio de 24, e igual cantidad de controles. Se les aplica una encuesta de 30 preguntas, cuyos resultados se muestran en 5 tablas y se utiliza el cálculo porcentual para estimar la frecuencia y odds ratio con intervalo de confianza al 95 %, para valorar fuerza de asociación entre las variables. Se encuentra que las difunciones sexuales femeninas de mayor frecuencia son el deseo sexual inhibido y la anorgasmia, que las variables ingestión de fármacos, ausencia de salud física, poco deseo sexual, comunicación deficiente de pareja y no recibir educación sexual, son factores de riesgo que están fuertemente asociados con la aparición de disfunciones sexuales en nuestras mujeres y tienen relación causal con ellas. Se señala que los factores ambientales no se asocian con la aparición de disfunciones sexualesAn explanatory study was conducted to determine the frequency of sexual dysfunctions and some of the biological, psychosocial, cultural and environmental factors associated with the appearance of these disorders from August, 1993, to August, 1994, in Alamar. The sample was composed of 48 women over 15, a case-base study consisting of 24 women, and the same number of controls. A survey with 30 questions was applied and the results were shown in 5 tables. Percentage was calculated to estimate the frequency and odds ratio with a confidence interval at 95 % so as to assess the force of association among the variables. It was found that the most frequent female sexual dysfunctions are the inhibited sexual desire and the anorgasmy, and that drug taking, the absence of physical health

  3. Fibrilação ventricular durante atividade esportiva tratada com sucesso Fibrilación ventricular durante actividad deportiva tratada con êxito Ventricular fibrillation during sport activity successfully treated

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    Maria Margarita Gonzalez


    Full Text Available A sobrevida após parada cardio-respiratória extra-hospitalar é estimada em menos de 5%. Apresentamos um caso de fibrilação ventricular, durante atividade esportiva. Ressuscitação cardio-pulmonar foi iniciada precocemente por pessoa leiga, e desfibrilação foi realizada em menos de três minutos, com desfibrilador externo automático, com sucesso. O programa de acesso público à desfibrilação tem aumentado a sobrevida após fibrilação ventricular extra-hospitalar. Devemos estimular o treinamento de pessoas leigas com relação ao uso de desfibriladores externos automáticos e o programa Suporte Básico de Vida, incentivando a implementação deste em locais com grande afluxo de pessoas e locais com risco elevado de ocorrer morte súbita, a exemplo de centros esportivos.La sobrevida tras una parada cardiorrespiratoria extrahospitalaria se estima en menos del 5%. Presentamos un caso de fibrilación ventricular durante actividad deportiva La resucitación cardiopulmonar fue iniciada precozmente por personal no técnico, y la desfibrilación se realizó en menos de tres minutos, con desfibrilador externo automático, con éxito. El programa de acceso público a la desfibrilación aumentó la sobrevida después de la fibrilación ventricular extrahospitalaria. Debemos estimular la capacitación de personas no técnicas con relación al uso de desfibriladores externos automáticos y el programa Soporte Básico de Vida, incentivando la implementación del mismo en locales con gran afluencia de personas y locales con riesgo elevado de ocurrencia de muerte súbita, como es el caso de los centros deportivos.Survival after out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary arrest is estimated at less than 5%. We report a case of ventricular fibrillation during sports activity. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated early by a layperson, and defibrillation was successfully performed within less than three minutes, with an automated external defibrillator. The

  4. Efeitos da estimulação ventricular convencional em pacientes com função ventricular normal Efectos de la estimulación ventricular convencional en pacientes con función ventricular normal Conventional ventricular stimulation effects on patients with normal ventricular function

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    Luiz Antonio Batista de Sá


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A estimulação de ventrículo direito pode ser deletéria em pacientes com disfunção ventricular, entretanto há poucas evidências sobre o impacto dessa estimulação em pacientes com função normal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução clínica e laboratorial de pacientes com função ventricular normal submetidos a implante de marcapasso cardíaco artificial. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados de forma prospectiva 16 pacientes com os seguintes critérios de inclusão: função ventricular normal definida pelo ecocardiograma e presença de estimulação ventricular superior 90% (avaliação por telemetria do gerador. Parâmetros analisados: classe funcional (CF, teste de caminhada, dosagem de BNP, ecocardiograma (convencional e parâmetros de dessincronia intraventricular e teste de qualidade de vida (SF36. Essas medidas fora feitas com 10 dias(d (t1, 120d(t2 e 240 d(t3. Os dados foram comparados ao longo do tempo segundo método ANOVA. Comparações múltiplas de médias foram efetuadas utilizando-se o método de Tukey. RESULTADOS: Dos dados avaliados os seguintes não apresentaram variação estatística significante (p>0,05: classe funcional, dosagem de BNP, parâmetros ecocardiográficos convencionais, dessincronia intraventricular (Doppler tecidual. Apresentaram piora (pFUNDAMENTO: La estimulación del ventrículo derecho puede ser dañosa a pacientes con disfunción ventricular. Sin embargo, hay pocas evidencias sobre el impacto de esa estimulación en pacientes con función normal. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la evolución clínica y laboratorial de pacientes con función ventricular normal sometidos a implante de marcapaso cardíaco artificial. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron de forma prospectiva a 16 pacientes con los siguientes criterios de inclusión: función ventricular normal definida por el ecocardiograma y presencia de estimulación ventricular superior a 90% (evaluación por telemetría del generador. Parámetros analizados: clase funcional

  5. Late gadolinium enhancement by magnetic resonance explains adverse cardiac events in individuals with ventricular arrhythmia; Realce tardío con gadolinio por resonancia magnética explica eventos cardíacos adversos en individuos con arritmia ventricular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Courtis, J.; Vasallo, J.; Arabia, L. [Departamento de Imágenes, Cardiología Intervencionista y Electrofisiología Instituto Oulton, Córdoba (Argentina); Dimitroff, M.; Gonzalez, A. [Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Códoba (Argentina); Tibaldi, M., E-mail: [Técnicas no Invasivas y Arritmias, Instituto Modelo de Cardiología, Córdoba (Argentina)


    Objective: To determine whether the presence of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) by cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) predict adverse cardiac events in patients with ventricular arrhythmia. Methods: We selected 74 consecutive patients with symptomatic ventricular arrhythmia (premature ventricular contractions and ventricular tachycardia) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) >55% sent to CMR for evaluation of structural heart disease previously undetected by other complementary methods. LGE, systolic function and volumes of both ventricles were analyzed. At follow-up was assessed a combined end point: hospitalization for ventricular arrhythmia, appropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy and cardiac death. Results: During a median follow up of 575 days (interquartile range 24-1120 days) and by analyzing the population according to the presence (n=9, 12%) or not (n=65, 88%) LGE was observed that the group with positive Gd had lower LVEF (58% vs. 66% respectively, p=0.01) and larger volumes (EDV: 185 ml vs. 123 ml respectively, p=0.01 and ESV: 81 ml vs. 42 ml respectively, p=0.01) than the other group. Two (22%) patients in the LGE + group vs. one (4%) of those without LGE showed the combined endpoint (p=0.01) and when performing a logistic regression analysis it was found that the LGE is a predictor of adverse cardiac events analyzed (p=0.029). Conclusions: In this consecutive series of patients with ventricular arrhythmia we demonstrate a strong association between myocardial LGE and adverse cardiac events; this supports the hypothesis that myocardial fibrosis is an important arrhythmogenic substrate. In addition, almost all individuals without LGE were free of events during follow-up suggesting that it is possible to identify through the CMR low-risk individuals who can be treated conservatively. (authors) [Spanish] Objetivo: determinar si la presencia de realce tardío con gadolinio (RTG) por resonancia magnética cardiovascular (RMC

  6. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta, respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional, de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación.

  7. Terapia de resincronización con implante de electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica Resynchronization therapy with left ventricular electrode implant via epicardium

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    Francisco Gómez


    Full Text Available Introducción: la terapia de resincronización cardiaca es segura y efectiva para mejorar la clase funcional y la calidad de vida, y reducir la mortalidad en pacientes con falla cardiaca en estado funcional III y IV con terapia médica óptima. Métodos: este es el reporte del procedimiento realizado a un grupo de pacientes a quienes se les implantó un marcapasos tricameral para resincronización cardiaca, con inserción del electrodo ventricular izquierdo por vía epicárdica, realizado en la Unidad Cardiovascular y de Trasplantes del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl y la Universidad de Antioquia, en noviembre de 2004 a febrero de 2006. Los pacientes elegidos para la inserción cumplían con los criterios de falla cardiaca estadio C o D, según la clasificación de la NYHA III ó IV, corroborado con prueba funcional menor de 5 MET, fracción de eyección menor del 35%, QRS mayor de 120 milisegundos y criterios ecocardiográficos de disincronía intraventricular, interventricular o aurículo-ventricular. Resultados: se incluyeron nueve pacientes: cinco hombres y cuatro mujeres, con edad promedio de 57 años; ocho pacientes tenían bloqueo de rama izquierda del haz de His. El procedimiento de implante se realizó en dos tiempos, el primero en la sala de hemodinámica donde se ubicó el electrodo de aurícula derecha y ventrículo derecho, y el segundo en el quirófano, donde se puso un electrodo del ventrículo izquierdo por vía epicárdica por minitoracotomía anterior izquierda. El tiempo total del procedimiento osciló entre 35 a 210 minutos con un promedio de 105 minutos, menor en los últimos pacientes. Las medidas intraoperatorias demuestran un umbral de estimulación promedio de 0,9 mv; la duración del QRS fue menor a 130 milisegundos luego de la estimulación biventricular en el 100% de los casos y el tiempo de detección al estimular con el electrodo ventricular izquierdo, fue mayor de 100 milisegundos en el 100% de los

  8. Pseudoaneurisma Ventricular Izquierdo en Cara Inferior con Flujo Bidireccional

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    Adrián J Da Silva-De Abreu


    Full Text Available Los pseudoaneurismas son complicaciones infrecuentes de los infartos del miocardio. Consisten en un saco pericárdico que comunica con la cavidad ventricular a través de un cuello de menor diámetro. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 68 años de edad, con DM II e HTA, sufre Infarto Agudo del Miocardio en Mayo del 2008, presentando disnea y tos por una semana, con diaforesis profusa de inicio súbito y síncope sin dolor precordial. El electrocardiograma reporta zonas de isquemia transmural y subendocárdica en caras inferolateral y lateral alta; respectivamente, y zona eléctricamente inactivable en cara inferior. El ecocardiograma transtorácico muestra el ventrículo izquierdo con dilatación severa, disminución de la fracción de eyección (25% y un pseudoaneurisma de la pared inferior con cuello de 3 mm a través del cual se evidencia flujo bidireccional: de entrada al ventrículo durante la diástole y salida al pseudoaneurisma en sístole. El flujo bidireccional y el gasto cardíaco disminuido contribuyen a evitar el taponamiento cardiaco, sin embargo, en condiciones de mayor demanda el pseudoaneurisma podría perforarse y ocasionar dicha entidad. De ello, la importancia del diagnostico diferencial con los aneurismas verdaderos, lo cual permite llevar a cabo la terapéutica adecuada y evitar tal complicación. Palabras claves: Pseudoaneurisma, Infarto del Miocardio, Diabetes.

  9. Asociación de la microalbuminuria con la disfunción ventricular izquierda en personas normotensas con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 Microalbuminuria and its association with left ventricular dysfunction in normotensive subjects presenting with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Manuel Emiliano Licea Puig


    Full Text Available ANTECEDENTES: la disfunción ventricular izquierda es una complicación frecuente en las personas con diabetes mellitus 1. OBJETIVO: determinar si la excreción urinaria de albúmina se asocia a la presencia de disfunción ventricular izquierda en personas normotensas con diabetes mellitus 1 de largo tiempo de evolución. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio transversal y descriptivo en 80 diabéticos normotensos tipo 1 con 10 años o más de evolución de la diabetes mellitus 1, atendidos consecutivamente en nuestro centro, en edades entre los 15 y los 40 años. Se excluyeron otras enfermedades o condiciones que provoquen por sí mismas disfunción ventricular izquierda y proteinuria. Se estudió: edad, sexo, índice de masa corporal, hábito de fumar, presión arterial, evolución de la diabetes mellitus 1, retinopatía diabética, nefropatía diabética incipiente, glucemia en ayunas y posprandial de 2 h, hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1, excreción urinaria de albúmina de 24 h, creatinina, electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma modo M bidimensional con Doppler pulsado. RESULTADOS: se comprobó disfunción ventricular izquierda en el 26,3 % y alteraciones estructurales en el 16,2. La frecuencia de nefropatía diabética incipiente fue mayor (pBACKGROUNDS: left ventricular dysfunction is a frequent complication in persons presenting with type 1 diabetes mellitus. OBJECTIVE: to determine if albumin urinary excretion is associated with the presence of left ventricular dysfunction (LVD in normotensive persons presenting with type diabetes mellitus of a long evolution. METHODS: we made a descriptive and cross-sectional study in 80 normotensive type 1 diabetic patients aged between 15 and 40 with a ³10 years of type 1 diabetes mellitus evolution seen in a consecutive way in our service. Other diseases were excluded or those conditions provoking per se left ventricular dysfunction and proteinuria. Study includes: age, sex, body mass index (BMI, smoking

  10. Aneurisma ventricular calcificado en un paciente con cardiopatía isquémica y antecedente de trauma cerrado de tórax.


    Luis Romero Triana; Luis Gutiérrez Jaikel; Gerardo Vasquez Torres


    Se presenta el caso de un paciente con cardiopatía isquémica y aneurisma ventricular calcificado con insuficiencia cardíaca, angor de esfuerzo y fenómeno embólico cerebral previo, con el antecedente de trauma cerrado de tórax 24 años antes.We present the case of a patient with ischemic heart disease and a calcified ventricular aneurysm with symptoms of congestive heart failure, exertion angina and an embolic cerebrovascular event, with a past history of blunt thoracic trauma 24 years ago.

  11. las disfunciones tiroideas mínimas

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    Carlos Hernández-Cassis


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo subclínico y sus consecuencias clínicas ha sido objeto de debate científico por espacio de varias décadas. A raíz de la publicación de la declaración de consenso acerca de la disfunción tiroidea subclínica en el año 2005, realizada por la Sociedad Americana de Endocrinologìa (The Endocrine Society, la Asociación Americana de Endocrinólogos Clínicos (AACE y la Asociación Americana de la Tiroides (ATA se abrió un nuevo espacio para los endocrinólogos en el manejo de algunas disfunciones tiroideas que no habían sido tenidas en cuenta dentro del campo de accion terapéutico. Los autores hacen un recuento de cómo se produce el cambio en los paradigmas y en el enfoque diagnostico y terapéutico. Luego hacen un recuento de algunas de las experiencias desarrolladas en Colombia. Finalmente sugieren algunos derroteros a partir de su propia experiencia y también basados en logros científicos de otras fuentes obtenidos en otros campos de la Endocrinologìa moderna.

  12. Patterns of left ventricular geometry and the transition to congestive heart failure with preserved versus depressed ejection fraction (Patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda y la transición a la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva con fracción de eyección conservada versus deprimida

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    José H. Donis Hernández


    Full Text Available Abstract (english Analysis of cross-sectional and follow up clinical studies, of hypertensive patients with the different left ventricular geometric patterns, provide plausible explanations for the transition from hypertensive heart disease to the two distinct phenotypes of systolic and diastolic congestive heart failure. According to the LIFE study treated-uncomplicated patients, with normal ventricular geometry (12%, concentric remodeling (11 % and concentric hypertrophy (34 %, may evolve to the eccentric hypertrophy pattern. Patients with the eccentric hypertrophy pattern have selective sympathetic activation and progressive enlargement of the left ventricular cavity with thinning of its walls. This pattern goes on to a stage of systolic dysfunction with diminished ejection fraction and enhanced degradation of the collagen matrix. On the other hand, patients with the concentric hypertrophy pattern have predominant activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and progressive shrinking of the left ventricular cavity with thickening of its walls. This pattern usually precedes the stage of diastolic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, impairment of relaxation and increased deposition of collagen in the myocardial interstitium. Thus, ventricular remodeling preceding diastolic heart failure is opposite to that of hypertensive patients who go on to develop systolic heart failure. Resumen (español El análisis de los estudios transversales y longitudinales, de pacientes hipertensos con diferentes patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda, permite postular posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos para explicar la transición de la cardiopatía hipertensiva hacia los dos fenotipos conocidos de insuficiencia cardiaca. De acuerdo con el estudio LIFE, los pacientes hipertensos no complicados, con patrones de geometría ventricular normal (12 %, remodelado concéntrico (11 % e hipertrofia concéntrica (34 %, pueden evolucionar hacia

  13. Corrientes diadinámicas y ultrasonido en el tratamiento de las disfunciones temporomandibulares

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    Ileana Grau León


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio preliminar en 20 pacientes sobre la aplicación de las corrientes diadinámicas y el ultrasonido para el tratamiento del dolor muscular, articular y dolor muscular y articular conjuntamente, en las disfunciones temporomandibulares. Se aplicaron un total de 10 sesiones de tratamiento a cada uno de los pacientes en el Hospital Docente «Calixto García» de Ciudad de La Habana y se utilizó el índice de dolor presente (IDP antes y después del tratamiento, para evaluar primero la intensidad del dolor y segundo la eficacia de estos tratamientos. Se obtuvo alivio total del dolor en 17 pacientes, lo cual representa el 85 % del total de tratados y los 3 restantes tuvieron un alivio parcial del dolor alcanzando un índice de dolor de 1. Este método resulta efectivo para tratar el dolor muscular, articular y muscular y articular conjuntamente en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares, aunque sólo sea en la primera etapa del tratamiento.Authors performed a preliminary study in 20 patients on application of diadynamic currents and ultrasound to treatment of muscular, articular pain, and muscular and articular pain together in temporomandibular dysfunctions. We applied a total of 10 treatment sessions to each patient in «Calixto García» Teaching Hospital in Havana City, and also, we used actual pain rate (APR before and after treatment, to evaluate firstly pain intensity and secondly, effectiveness os these treatments. There was a total relief of pain in 17 patients, whick represent a 85 % of total of treated patients and 3 remaining felt partial relief of pain, reaching a pain rate of 1. This method is effective to manage muscular, articular pain, and muscular and articular together in patient presenting temporomandibular disorders, even though only in early stage of treatment.

  14. Detección de Problemas Psicosociales y Cifras Sociodemográficas Presentes en Hogares con Disfunción Familiar de Pacientes que Acuden a la Consulta Ambulatoria en el Servicio de Oncología del Hospital Goyeneche Arequipa, 2017


    Salazar Cori, Roberto Eduardo


    Objetivo: Determinar los problemas psicosociales presentes en hogares con disfunción familiar de pacientes que acuden a la consulta ambulatoria en el servicio de oncología del Hospital Goyeneche Arequipa, 2017 Resultados: La disfunción familiar se presentó predominantemente entre 18 a 47 años con predominando la disfunción leve; en grado de instrucción en secundaria con predominio de disfuncion leve y moderada, en sexo fue femenino con similar presentación en la disfunción leve, m...

  15. Seguimiento a largo plazo de pacientes con disfunción ventricular izquierda intervenidos de sustitución valvular aórtica. Experiencia en nuestra institución

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    Gemma Candela-Navarro


    Conclusiones: La sustitución valvular aórtica es una opción segura, eficaz y duradera en pacientes con disfunción ventricular izquierda. Se asocia a una mejoría en la clase funcional y fracción de eyección, con una perspectiva de futuro excelente.

  16. Dependency, detachment and psychopathology in a nonclinical sample: General relations and gender differences. Is there a new line of inquiry on paranoid pathology?

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    Manuel R. Abuín


    Full Text Available En este estudio, se administraron tanto el Test del Perfil de la Relación de Bornstein (RPT como el cuestionario de 90 síntomas de Derogatis (SCl-90-R a una muestra no clínica de 119 sujetos de Madrid. La dependencia saludable, el desapego disfuncional y la sobredependencia destructiva (subescalas del RPT fueron evaluadas y correlacionadas con las dimensiones de psicopatología del SCL-90- R. La sobredependencia destructiva correlacionó positivamente con todas las dimensiones de psicopatología. Por el contrario, la dependencia saludable correlacionó negativamente con todas estas dimensiones de psicopatología. Se han encontrado diferencias de género con respecto a la correlación entre el desapego disfuncional y la ideación paranoide. En las mujeres, el desapego disfuncional correlacionó positivamente con al ideación paranoide, mientras que en los hombres esta correlación fue negativa y no significativa. Estas diferencias de género en la relación entre el desapego disfuncional y la ideación paranoide sugieren una nueva línea de investigación sobre la patología paranoide. Se exploran además las puntuaciones de psicopatología del SCL-90-R en diferentes grupos de individuos con diferentes perfiles de dependenciadesapego, a partir de las puntuaciones del Test del Perfil de Relación.

  17. Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo: Estudio cualitativo. Segunda parte


    Sánchez Bravo, Claudia; Carreño Meléndez, Jorge; Corres Ayala, Norma Patricia; Taracena Ruiz, Bertha Elvia


    Una de las metas de la psicología de la salud es la búsqueda de especificidad en la detección de factores relacionados con los trastornos psicológicos, entre los que se encuentran las disfunciones sexuales femeninas por dolor: la dispareunia y el vaginismo (no debidas a enfermedad médica). La dispareunia es la presencia de dolor genital en la relación sexual. El vaginismo se caracteriza por espasmos de la musculatura de la entrada vaginal que dificultan o hacen imposible la realización del co...

  18. Hipertrofia ventricular izquierda como factor de riesgo cardiovascular en el paciente hipertenso

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    Llancaqueo V. Marcelo, Dr.


    Full Text Available La hipertrofia ventricular izquierda es una respuesta maladaptativa a la sobrecarga de presión crónica y un factor de riesgo importante para la fibrilación auricular, insuficiencia cardíaca diastólica, insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica, y la muerte súbita en pacientes con hipertensión. Dado que no todos los pacientes con hipertensión desarrollan hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, hay hallazgos clínicos que se deben tener en cuenta que puede alertar al médico sobre la presencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda por lo que una evaluación más definitiva se puede realizar utilizando un electrocardiograma, ecocardiograma o la resonancia magnética cardiovascular. Control de la presión arterial, la restricción de sodio, y la pérdida de peso de forma independiente facilitar la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. Elección de un fármaco antihipertensivo puede ser importante cuando se trata a un paciente con hipertrofia ventricular izquierda hipertensiva. Los inhibidores de la enzima convertidora o bloqueadores del receptor de angiotensina II, seguido por los antagonistas de los canales de calcio, facilitan más rápidamente la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda. Con la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, la función diastólica y la reserva de flujo coronario generalmente mejoran, y disminuye el riesgo cardiovascular.

  19. Trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes con maloclusiones

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    Luis Soto Cantero

    Full Text Available Introducción: existe una prevalencia de trastornos oclusales en gran medida relacionados con la presencia de disfunción temporomandibular. Objetivo: determinar el grado de disfunción temporomandibular según el Índice de Maglione en correspondencia con la prevalencia de maloclusiones en el área de salud del policlínico "Turcios Lima". Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal, en la consulta de ortodoncia, de junio del 2008 a junio del 2009. De un universo constituido por los 280 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de ortodoncia en el período señalado con presencia de maloclusiones, se seleccionó una muestra de 84 pacientes por muestreo aleatorio simple, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión realizados por criterios de expertos. Resultados: presentaban disfunción temporomandibular 74 pacientes y dentro de ellos 44 (52,4 % tenían disfunción grado II (Moderada. El 97 % de los pacientes con relación molar de clase II, presentaban disfunción temporomandibular. El 42,9 % de los pacientes con una maloclusión, presentaban disfunción grado I. El 60 % de los pacientes con dos maloclusiones presentaban disfunción grado II y el 66,7 % de los pacientes con tres maloclusiones, presentaban disfunción grado III. La mayor cantidad de pacientes tuvieron disfunción grado II (Moderada. Conclusiones: el mayor por ciento de los pacientes con disfunciones presentó una clase II molar y a medida que aumentó el número de maloclusiones aumentó también la severidad de la disfunción.

  20. Caracterización clínica de pacientes parcialmente desdentados con disfunciones articulares

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    Marcia Hortensia Corona Carpio


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 374 desdentados parciales con disfunción mandibular, quienes acudieron al servicio de prótesis Estomatológica de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba desde octubre de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para determinar la presencia de ruidos articulares en su articulación temporomandibular. Entre los principales resultados prevalecieron el sexo femenino, el grupo etario de 20-29 años y como manifestaciones clínicas de disfunción articular: el sonido articular en forma de chasquido al inicio y final de la apertura bucal (51,6 y 38,7 %, respectivamente, así como la desviación mandibular (42,4 %

  1. Remodelado ventricular y cirugía

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    Ignacio Moriones


    Se han diseñado anillos mitrales como el de Carpentier- McCarthy-Adams (IMR ETlogix™ para pacientes isquémicos, o el Edwards-Geoform™ en miocardiopatías. La asistencia ventricular puede conseguir en determinados casos recuperación permanente del volumen de la cavidad y función ventricular, particularmente en miocarditis y determinadas miocardiopatías. Paralelamente, se han iniciado experiencias con el sistema de contención CorCap o el sistema Myosplint. Finalmente, la actuación sobre las valvulopatías y la revascularización favorecen la restauración ventricular.

  2. Fisiología reproductiva y cambios evolutivos con la edad de la mujer

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    B. David Vantman, Dr.


    Full Text Available Los cambios fisiológicos con la edad, son consecuencia de cambios sistémicos generales producidos por el envejecimiento, entre los que se destacan cambios a nivel de los mecanismos de defensa relacionados con las especies reactivas del oxígeno (ROS y alteraciones de la microcirculación. Los cambios evolutivos ováricos con la edad, se deben esencialmente a una depleción de la población folicular, la cual al disminuir por debajo de 1000 folículos, hace perder la capacidad del ovario de ciclar en forma normal, con la consiguiente disminución en los niveles de esteroides circulantes y sus efectos secundarios en los órganos efectores. Asociado a la disminución de la población folicular, se producen cambios en la calidad ovocitaria, los cuales determinan la disminución progresiva de la fertilidad en mujeres mayores de 35 años. Entre los cambios más frecuentes se observan aumento de aneuploidias, disfunciones mitocondriales, cambios de la microcirculación y disminución de la capacidad defensiva sobre las ROS, entre otros.

  3. Cirugía coronaria híbrida y tratamiento con láser y células madre. Anomalías coronarias. Cirugía del remodelado ventricular

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    Guillermo Reyes


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de aspectos que van más allá de la cirugía coronaria convencional. La primera parte define y explica qué son los procedimientos coronarios híbridos y en qué consiste la revascularización transmiocárdica con láser y células madre. La segunda parte aborda las anomalías congénitas coronarias, sus variantes anatómicas y cuándo deben ser intervenidas quirúrgicamente. Describe el tratamiento de los aneurismas ventriculares, la Dor y otras técnicas para tratar el remodelado ventricular. Finalmente, se describen el tratamiento de los aneurismas ventriculares, la cirugía de Dor y otras técnicas para tratar el remodelado ventricular.

  4. Arritmias ventriculares como manifestación de sarcoidosis cardiaca primaria

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    Jhan Altamar


    Full Text Available La afectación cardíaca en pacientes con sarcoidosis está siendo cada vez más reconocida y se asocia con mal pronóstico. Aunque en su patogénesis están implicados los factores ambientales y genéticos, la etiología de la sarcoidosis cardíaca no es clara. Las manifestaciones clínicas incluyen alteraciones de la conducción aurículo-ventricular, arritmias e insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva. Es una entidad extremadamente difícil de diagnosticar debido a que las manifestaciones clínicas son inespecíficas, y la sensibilidad y la especificidad de las modalidades de diagnóstico son limitadas. El tratamiento cardíaco óptimo no ha sido bien definido, y aunque los corticoides siguen siendo el pilar del manejo, hay poca evidencia de la dosis o la duración de la terapia. Se expone el caso de una paciente con sarcoidosis cardíaca aislada, que debutó con extrasístoles ventriculares y progresó a falla cardiaca y arritmias ventriculares sostenidas.

  5. Caracterización psicofuncional de pacientes con estrés familiar

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    Odalys García Montes


    Full Text Available Se hizo un estudio de 150 pacientes con crisis familiares, pertenecientes al área de salud del poblado de Boniato, en el municipio Santiago de Cuba. El funcionamiento familiar disfuncional predominó en los casos de familias extensas, la mayoría de ellas con estilo de vida nocivo. La familia y la pareja fueron las redes de apoyo más utilizadas; razón por la cual se recomienda promover en la comunidad, mediante la valoración de las dinámicas familiares, el uso adecuado de las redes de apoyo social como potentes amortiguadores del estrés.150 patients with family crises from the health area of the village of Boniato, in the municipality of Santiago de Cuba, were studied. The abnormal family functioning predominated among the large families. Most of them had a noxious life style. The family and the couple were the most used supporting networks. Therefore, it is recommended to promote in the community the adequate use of the social supporting networks as powerful stress reducers by assessing family dynamics.

  6. Terapia de resgate com amiodarona em crianças com grave disfunção ventricular esquerda causada por veneno de escorpião Terapia de rescate con amiodarona en niños con severa disfunción ventricular izquierda ocasionada por veneno de escorpión Antiadrenergic rescue therapy with amiodarone in children with severe left ventricular dysfunction secondary to scorpion envenomation

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    Justo J. Santiago


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: As crianças picadas por escorpião, pressintam ativação maciça do sistema nervoso simpática com vários graus de disfunção sistólica ventricular esquerda. OBJETIVO: Testar um protocolo de resgate em crianças com grave disfunção ventricular esquerda causada por picada de escorpião. Métodos: Quatro crianças após serem picadas por escorpião foram submetidas a: Encubação endotraqueal e suporte respiratório, eletrocardiograma, radiografia de tórax, ecocardiograma e determinação sérica da norepinefrina e troponina I. As análises foram repetidas após 12, 24 e 48 horas. As seguintes medicações intravenosas foram administradas: dobutamina 4-6 μg/kg/min; amiodarona 3 mg/kg durante duas horas, com dose de manutenção de 5 mg/kg/dia; e furosemida 0,5 mg/kg. Amiodarona, dobutamina e furosemida foram administradas durante as primeiras 48 horas. Bloqueadores beta-adrenérgicos e inibidores da enzima conversora da angiotensina foram administrados até 48 após a internação, uma vez que o estado clínico havia melhorado e a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda encontrava-se acima de 0,35%. RESULTADOS: Na admissão, a dosagem da norepinefrina foi 1.727,50± 794,96 pg/ml, a de troponina I 24,53 ± 14,09 ng/ml e a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo foi 0,20 ± 0,056. Após 12 horas, os níveis séricos de norepinefrina e de troponina I diminuíram para a metade dos valores iniciais e a fração de ejeção aumentou para 0,32 ± 0,059. Durante as 24 e 48 horas subseqüentes, a fração de ejeção elevou-se para 0,46 ± 0,045 (pFUNDAMENTO: Los niños con picaduras de escorpión sufren activación masiva del sistema nervioso simpático con varios grados de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda. OBJETIVO: Probar un protocolo de rescate en niños con disfunción ventricular severa izquierda ocasionada por picadura de escorpión. MÉTODOS: Cuatro niños tras un escorpión picarlas se sometieron a: incubaci

  7. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

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    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  8. Efecto de la localización del electrodo ventricular derecho (tracto de salida vs. ápex sobre la sincronía ventricular mecánica, en pacientes sometidos a terapia de implante de marcapaso cardiaco Effect of right ventricular electrode location (outflow tract vs. apex on mechanical ventricular synchrony in patients that underwent pacemaker implant therapy

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    Oscar S Rincón


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar a profundidad el efecto de la estimulación ventricular desde el tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho y el ápex, sobre la sincronía ventricular mecánica. Materiales y métodos: estudio analítico de cohorte, en el que se realizó ecocardiograma transtorácico pre y post implante de marcapaso a 20 pacientes (diez por cada grupo con indicación de marcapaso definitivo, con implante del electrodo en el tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho y el ápex, sin cardiopatía estructural, fracción de eyección > 50%; QRS y conducción aurículo-ventricular normal, con el fin de evaluar la asincronía ventricular mecánica (modo M y Doppler tisular y los parámetros de implante y programación del dispositivo. Análisis estadístico: los resultados se presentan como promedios, desviación estándar o porcentajes. Las variables continuas se compararon utilizando prueba Chi cuadrado y ANOVA. Se consideró como estadísticamente significativa una p Objective: to assess in depth the effect of ventricular stimulation from the right ventricular outflow tract and the apex on mechanical ventricular synchrony. Materials and Methods: cohort analytical study. 20 patients with indication of definitive pacemaker indication underwent transthoracic echocardiogram before and after pacemaker implant with electrode implantation in the right ventricular outflow tract and in the apex (10 patients in each group. There was no structural cardiopathy, ejection fraction was > 50%, QRS and AV conduction were normal. Mechanical ventricular asynchrony (M mode and tissue doppler and implant and device parameters were evaluated. Statistical Analysis: results are given as mean values, standard deviation or percentages. Continuous variables were compared using Chi-square test and ANOVA. A p <0.05 value was considered statistically significant. Results: in five patients (25% a pre-implant ventricular asynchrony was found; in seven (70% ventricular asynchrony

  9. Auscultación cervical: alternativa no invasiva en el diagnóstico de disfagia en niños con problemas de neurodesarrollo


    Huiracocha Tutiven, María de Lourdes; Rojas Sulbarán, Rubén Darío; Huiracocha Tutivén, Mirian Sofía


    Los niños y las niñas con disfunciones neurológicas tienen frecuentemente disfagia, condición que les ocasiona infecciones respiratorias a repetición, desnutrición, mala calidad de vida; su oportuno diagnóstico permite decidir sobre la mejor intervención.La videofluoroscopia y de videoendoscopia son técnicas diagnósticas invasivas, costosas y por lo tanto difíciles de hacerlas, lo que ocasiona retardo en el diagnóstico e intervención. Hoy en día existen nuevas tecnologías médicas no invasivas...

  10. Hipertrofia ventricular izquierda como factor de riesgo cardiovascular en el paciente hipertenso


    Llancaqueo V. Marcelo, Dr.


    La hipertrofia ventricular izquierda es una respuesta maladaptativa a la sobrecarga de presión crónica y un factor de riesgo importante para la fibrilación auricular, insuficiencia cardíaca diastólica, insuficiencia cardíaca sistólica, y la muerte súbita en pacientes con hipertensión. Dado que no todos los pacientes con hipertensión desarrollan hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, hay hallazgos clínicos que se deben tener en cuenta que puede alertar al médico sobre la presencia de hipertrofia v...

  11. Modo de inicio de las taquiarritmias ventriculares en la cardiopatía chagásica crónica


    Rabinovich,Rafael F; Muratore,Claudio A; Baranchuk,Adrián


    Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue investigar el modo de inicio de las taquiarritmias ventriculares malignas (taquicardia/fibrilación ventricular) en pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica crónica, portadores de un cardiodesfibrilador implantable. Métodos: Se analizaron 179 episodios espontáneos de taquiarritmia ventricular a través de electrogramas endocavitarios almacenados en los cardiodesfibriladores de 15 pacientes con cardiopatía chagásica crónica. Se objetivaron 2 tipos de secuencia de...


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    S. J. Shemakin


    Full Text Available This report presents retrospective analysis of using artificial pacemaker in 16 heart transplanted patients because of developmented bradiarithmic disfunctions in the early and later posttransplanted periods. DDDR or SSIR regimens are recommended for persistened disfuncion of sinus node. DDDR regimen is recommened to prevent atrio-ventricular conduction. 

  13. Tratamiento mediante dilatación con balón de un paciente con estenosis subaórtica por membrana: a propósito de un caso

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    Carlos Mariño


    Full Text Available La estenosis subaórtica es una lesión cardiaca poco frecuente, en el cual el tracto de salida del ventrículo izquierdo está estrechado por la presencia de un anillo fibroso o fibromuscular. Constituye 8 a 20% de todas las formas de obstrucción al tracto de salida del ventrículo izquierdo. La cirugía ha sido considerada el tratamiento de elección cuando el gradiente pico es mayor de 50 mmHg o en pacientes que, con gradientes menores, presentan progresión de la insuficiencia aórtica o dilatación de los diámetros ventriculares, disfunción ventricular o síntomas. Presentamos el caso de un paciente menor de edad, portador de estenosis subaórtica por membrana, con síntomas de insuficiencia cardiaca y función ventricular izquierda muy comprometida, en la que se realizó el tratamiento percutáneo, alternativo al quirúrgico, con resultado exitoso. Constituye el primer caso reportado en el país de tratamiento percutáneo con balón y con evolución favorable.

  14. EVALUACIÓN ECOCARDIOGRÁFICA DE LA FUNCIÓN VENTRICULAR IZQUIERDA EN CENTENARIOS / Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular function in centenarians

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    Vanessa Peña-Bofill


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: El envejecimiento poblacional es un fenómeno mundial y constituye un logro de la humanidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar ecocardiográficamente la función ventricular izquierda de pacientes ambulatorios mayores de 100 años del municipio Plaza de la Revolución, en el período de septiembre del 2009 a septiembre del 2010. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con 20 longevos, en el Departamento de Ecocardiografía del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García", a los cuáles se les realizó ecocardiograma para evaluar la función ventricular izquierda. Resultados: La edad media fue de 102 años, predominó el sexo femenino con 15 pacientes (75 % y el 50 % tenía color de piel blanco. El factor de riesgo coronario de mayor prevalencia fue la hipertensión arterial (40 %; la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, el tabaquismo y la dislipidemia le sucedieron en orden. Los centenarios tenían conservada la función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo (90 % con poca tendencia a la supernormalidad, una paciente presentó trastornos segmentarios de la contractilidad en cara inferior, lo que correspondía a antecedentes de infarto de miocardio. Cuatro centenarios tenían patrón de llenado normal, 11 presentaron alteración de la relajación ventricular y cinco patrones pseudonormales. Conclusiones: En los centenarios estudiados se mantiene una función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo evaluada por ecocardiografía, dentro de parámetros normales, con signos de disfunción diastólica leve. / Abstract Introduction: Population aging is a global phenomenon and an achievement of mankind. Objective: To characterize left ventricular function by echocardiography in ambulatory patients over 100 years old in Plaza de la Revolution Municipality, between September 2009 and September 2010. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with 20 long-lived people, in the Department of Echocardiography of

  15. La disfunción del cilio primario y su relación con las ciliopatías. Bases moleculares y celulares

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    Zulema Ramírez Carmenate


    Full Text Available bjetivo: explicar la relación estructural y funcional de la disfunción del cilio primario en enfermedades genéticas denominadas ciliopatías. Desarrollo: las disfunciones ciliares están estrechamente vinculadas con un amplio espectro de enfermedades denominadas ciliopatías, que se definen como un grupo de síndromes clínica y genéticamente heterogéneos. Son causadas por defectos en la formación o función de algunas variedades de cilios. Diversos estudios se enfocan en el esclarecimiento de cómo la disfunción ciliar puede desarrollar estas enfermedades que incluyen rasgos fenotípicos comunes tales como, los riñones poliquísticos, el retraso mental y la obesidad; también involucran malformaciones en el sistema esquelético y defectos en el desarrollo de órganos del sistema nervioso central. En la actualidad, la identificación de los componentes que participan en la generación y función de estos organelos así como, la relación estructura-función, se considera como un paso clave en el entendimiento de la biología ciliar y la etiología de las ciliopatías. La amplia distribución de las variedades de cilios y las funciones orgánicas fundamentalmente del cilio primario, permite que sus disfunciones se relacionen con las ciliopatías y abren un campo de explicaciones a numerosas enfermedades cuya causa estructural-molecular eran totalmente desconocidas. Conclusiones: los defectos en la formación y función de los cilios primarios son la base fundamental de las ciliopatías, que afectan el desarrollo y funciones de varios sistemas de órganos. El espectro de la función ciliar en los procesos celulares fundamentales, destaca la importancia de dilucidar las proteínas relacionadas con las ciliopatías a fin de encontrar nuevas terapias potenciales.

  16. Bloqueo aurículo-ventricular de primer grado en tirotoxicosis aguda First degree atrio-ventricular block in acute thyrotoxicosis

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    Antonio R. Vilches


    Full Text Available El cuadro clínico de la tirotoxicosis incluye síntomas cardiovasculares variados. La taquicardia sinusal es el trastorno electrocardiográfico más frecuente y los trastornos de conducción son extremadamente raros como modo de presentación. Comunicamos un caso de bloqueo aurículo-ventricular de primer grado en una paciente con hipertiroidismo recién diagnosticado y que comenzó días antes de la consulta con un cuadro general inespecífico. Su evaluación ulterior demostró que se trataba de una tirotoxicosis aguda autoinmune, y su tratamiento con metimazol corrigió el trastorno totalmente. Se discuten los mecanismos fisiopatológicos involucrados y las implicancias clínicas desde el punto de vista del internista.Thyrotoxicosis may present with a variety of cardiovascular symptoms. Sinus tachycardia is the most frequently encountered electrocardiographic abnormality and conduction disturbances are extremely uncommon. We present a case of first degree atrio-ventricular block in a patient with newly diagnosed hyperthyroidism and discuss the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and the clinical implications from the internist’s standpoint.

  17. Presentación tardía de aneurisma ventricular post-infarto. Caracterización por múltiples modalidades de imagen

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    Julio Oscar Cabrera Rego


    Full Text Available El aneurisma ventricular verdadero a nivel de la pared posteroinferior es infrecuente. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con episodios de taquicardia ventricular sostenida como primera manifestación de aneurisma ventricular post-infarto diagnosticado por ecocardiografía transtorácica y tridimensional, coronariografía invasiva y tomografía computarizada multicortes. La situación se resolvió favorablemente con optimización del tratamiento médico e implantación de un desfibrilador automático.Late Ventricular Post-myocardial Infarction Aneurysm. Characterization through Several Imaging TestsTrue ventricular aneurysm in the low posterior wall is uncommon. The case of a patient with sustained ventricular tachycardia as first symptom of a post-myocardial left ventricular aneurysm, finally diagnosed through transthoracic 2D and 3D-echocardiography, invasive coronary angiography and multislice computed tomography is presented. Medical treatment was optimized and an automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator was used. Thus, the patient evolved favourably.

  18. Presentación tardía de aneurisma ventricular post-infarto. Caracterización por múltiples modalidades de imagen

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    Julio Oscar Cabrera Rego


    Full Text Available El aneurisma ventricular verdadero a nivel de la pared posteroinferior es infrecuente. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con episodios de taquicardia ventricular sostenida como primera manifestación de aneurisma ventricular post-infarto diagnosticado por ecocardiografía transtorácica y tridimensional, coronariografía invasiva y tomografía computarizada multicortes. La situación se resolvió favorablemente con optimización del tratamiento médico e implantación de un desfibrilador automático.

  19. Contractilidad del músculo ventricular bajo la acción de prajmalina-propanolol y prajmalina-epinefrina Contractibility of the ventricular muscle under the action of prajmaline-propanolol and prajmaline-epinephrine

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    Jorge Pérez Valdivia


    Full Text Available Los efectos de la estimulación adrenérgica alfa y beta, pueden ser logrados por agentes agonistas y antagonistas, como la epinefrina y el propranolol respectivamente. Con el objetivo de precisar aspectos relacionados con la contractilidad del músculo ventricular, se realizaron un total de trece experimentos utilizando combinaciones de prajmalina-epinefrina y prajmalina-propanolol, prefundiendo preparaciones de tiras de músculo ventricular de trece ejemplares adultos de ranas catesbeiana. La prajmalina, antiarrítmico del grupo I, se obtuvo a partir de la Rauvvolfia viridis, planta endémica de Cuba. Las preparaciones fueron estimuladas con pulsos de corriente, y la tensión desarrollada por el músculo fue registrada por un transductor fuerza-desplazamiento. Las señales eléctricas fueron convertidas en trazos por un equipo registrador. Los resultados indican que las combinaciones de prajmalina-epinefrina y prajmanina-propanolol afectan de forma diametralmente opuesta la contractilidad del músculo cardíaco, aumentando en un 40% y disminuyendo en un 15% respectivamente la fuerza de la contracción del músculo ventricular. Por otra parte se sugiere un posible mecanismo de acción de la prajmalina sobre los receptores alfa presentes en las membranas de las células ventriculares.The effects of alfa and beta adrenergic stimulation can be accomplished by agonist and antagonist agents such as epinephrine and propanolol respectively. Aimed at determining the aspects related to contractibility of ventricular muscle, thirteen experiments were performed using combinations of prajmaline "epinephrine and prajmaline" propanolol, being perfused preparations of ventricular muscle strips of thirteen samples of adult Catesblian frogs. Prajmaline, a group I antiarrhythmic, was obtained from Rauvvolfia viridis, an endemic plant in Cuba. The preparations were stimulated with electric current pulses and the tension performed by the muscle was registered by a

  20. Gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva y su aplicación en el postparto


    Martínez Álvarez, Mercedes


    Introducción. La elevada prevalencia de disfunciones del suelo pélvico en las mujeres después del parto, promueve la necesidad de utilizar terapias como la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva. Se trata de un método creado por el Dr. Marcel Caufriez, utilizado actualmente en fisioterapia uroginecológica, para el tratamiento de las disfunciones del suelo pélvico. Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de la Gimnasia Abdominal Hipopresiva mediante publicaciones con evidencia científica y analizar qué ef...

  1. Evaluación del eje hipotálamo hipófisis adrenal después de la quimioterapia de inducción en niños con Leucemia Linfoide Aguda (LLA) / Evaluation of the hypothalamo - pituitary- adrenal axis after induction chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL)


    Acevedo Sedano, Gizeth Lorena


    Antecedentes: La insuficiencia suprarrenal no ha sido en cuenta en los niños que reciben dosis altas de esteroides, como los de la quimioterapia de inducción para Leucemia Linfoide Aguda (LLA). Algunos autores han reportado una incidencia de disfuncion suprarrenal entre 46% a 81,5% en este grupo de pacientes. Objetivos: Evaluar la frecuencia de insuficiencia suprarrenal en pacientes pediátricos con LLA después de recibir quimioterapia de inducción que incluye esteroides a...

  2. El proceso de Toma de Decisiones en pacientes con Demencia tipo Alzheimer

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    Jose R. Alameda


    Full Text Available Tomar decisiones es algo común en nuestra vida y contribuye a la adaptación al medio en que vivimos, por ello es relevante conocer cómo es el proceso de toma de decisiones y las posibles disfunciones que puedan darse a causa de su deterioro. En el caso de los pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer, los problemas en la toma de decisiones parecen incluso ya en fases leves, lo que dificulta la correcta interacción con el entorno, especialmente en situaciones de incertidumbre. Este proceso ha sido analizado desde varios enfoques, siendo la hipótesis del marcador somático y la tarea de la Iowa Gambling Task (IGT uno de los más utilizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de analizar la toma de decisiones en pacientes con DTA frente a un grupo de sujetos control, y analizar el tipo de elecciones de ambos grupos en situaciones de incertidumbre mediante la una versión modificada de la IGT, observar si son tendentes al riesgo o no, y la relación que guarda su ejecución con el status cognitivo en cada una de las áreas evaluadas por los tests. Además de la IGT, utilizaremos como test de cribado en demencias el Miniexamen Cognoscitivo de Lobo, Test del Reloj a la Orden y Copia y Test de Fluidez Verbal de Isaacs. En nuestros resultados, los sujetos con DTA presentan una ejecución deficitaria en la IGT, tanto en el cómputo global como en su análisis por bloques, con una estrategia de elección de cartas aleatoria, por lo que podríamos considerar ciertas tendencias al riesgo, si bien su ejecución muestra cierta capacidad de aprendizaje a lo largo de los bloques. Por último, el deterioro cognitivo y el grado de afectación en las distintas áreas analizadas se relacionan con la forma en que toman decisiones los pacientes con DTA.

  3. Prevalencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda en pacientes diabéticos Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in diabetic patients

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    Diego Valarezo-Sevilla


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de establecer la prevalencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda (HVI en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM, se realizó un estudio transversal en estos pacientes, estableciendo sus características antropométricas, presión arterial y control metabólico. Para evaluar la presencia de HVI se empleó ecocardiografía transtorácica. El estudio incluyó 91 pacientes, en los cuales la prevalencia de HVI fue de 63,7%, siendo más frecuente en mujeres que en varones (p=0,001. Adicionalmente, se encontró un 46,2% de pacientes con disfunción diastólica del ventrículo izquierdo. Se concluye que existe una importante prevalencia de HVI en pacientes diabéticos sin antecedentes de causas definidas de hipertrofia. No se encontró relación con sexo, control metabólico, IMC y tiempo de diagnósticoIn order to establish the prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, (DM a cross-sectional study was conducted in these patients studying their anthropometric characteristics, blood pressure and metabolic control. To evaluate the presence of LVH, a trans-thoracic echocardiogram was used. The study included 91 patients, finding a 63.7% prevalence of HVI, with women being more affected than men (p=0.001. Additionally, 46.2% of patients were found to have diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. We conclude that there is an important prevalence of LVH in diabetic patients without defined causes of hypertrophy. There was no association with sex, metabolic control, BMI and time of diagnosis

  4. Caracterización de alteraciones craneofaciales en población con necesidades especiales: autismo y retardo mental. Revisión sistemática de la literatura / Craniofacial Abnormalities in Special-Needs Population. Systematic Review of Literature


    Erazo Cerón, Carol Renata; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Carrillo Estrada, Gloria Ángela; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Velosa Porras, Juliana; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


    Antecedentes: en los pacientes con discapacidad física y mental se han encontrado anomalías orales y dentales que pueden llevar a un mal funcionamiento del complejo estomatognático. Ello genera disfunciones en el habla, la masticación, la deglución y la respiración. La identificación de las características craneofaciales de estos pacientes permitirá orientar y efectuar una intervención temprana de cualquier problema dental o esquelético a fin de lograr una oclusión normal y una mejoría en las...

  5. Disfunción ventricular izquierda subclínica en diabéticos tipo I con 10 o más años de evolución de la diabetes Disfunción ventricular izquierda subclínica en diabéticos tipo I con 10 o más años de evolución de la diabetes Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in type 1 diabetics with 10 or more years of diabetes progression

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    Omar Singh Linares


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en 32 diabéticos tipo 1 con 10 o más años de evolución, con edades entre 17 y 40 años, para conocer la frecuencia de disfunción ventricular izquierda (DVI subclínica y sus factores asociados. Se excluyeron los pacientes que presentaban valvulopatía, cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión arterial y otras enfermedades que provocan miocardiopatía. A todos se les realizó una historia clínica completa y se les indicó: glucemia en ayunas, hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1, colesterol total, triglicéridos totales, lipoproteína de alta densidad (HDL-colesterol, excreción urinaria de albúmina (EUA, velocidad de conducción nerviosa motora y sensitiva en los miembros inferiores, electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma a modo M, bidimensional y con Doppler pulsado. Para el diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de DVI se adoptaron los criterios propuestos por la Sociedad Americana de Ecocardiografía. Se comprobó DVI en el 34,3 %. Se observaron alteraciones estructurales cardíacas en el 18,75 %. Se presentó neuropatía periférica en 8/11 pacientes con DVI (72,7 %. Los niveles de EUA fueron significativamente mayores en los afectados de DVI (233,4 ± 176 mg/L. El engrosamiento de septum interventricular y de la pared posterior fue significativamente mayor en pacientes con DVI. Se concluyó que la DVI es una complicación frecuente en el diabético tipo 1, lo que obliga a su búsqueda sistemática en este grupo de pacientesA cross-sectional study of 32 type 1 diabetics aged 17-40 years, with 10 or more years of diabetes profession was conducted to find out the frequency of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction (LVD and its associated factors. Those patients presenting with valvulopathy, ischemic heart disease, blood hypertension and other diseases leading to myocardiopathy, were excluded. Their complete medical histories were made and they were indicated the following: glycemia in fasting conditions, glycosylated

  6. Capítulo 12. Dispositivos de asistencia ventricular: una realidad en Colombia


    Echeverría, Luis E.; Salazar, Leonardo; Torres, Ángela; Figueredo, Antonio


    Introducción: La insuficiencia cardiaca es una de las causas prevalentes de morbimortalidad en el mundo. A pesar de la mejoría en la terapia médica y los dispositivos de estimulación cardiaca, existe un porcentaje de pacientes que progresan a falla cardiaca refractaria y sus opciones se reducen a inotrópicos, trasplante cardiaco y dispositivos de asistencia ventricular. Objetivo: Presentar las alternativas actuales de asistencia ventricular disponibles para los pacientes con falla cardiaca...

  7. Cardiomiopatía hipertrófica y síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White con bloqueo aurículo-ventricular completo. Una extraña asociación: Reporte de un caso Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome with complete auriculoventricular block. A strange association: Report of one case

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    Franco J Vallejo


    Full Text Available Paciente masculino de 22 años quien ingresa por episodio de síncope. En el electrocardiograma se encuentra patrón de Wolff-Parkinson-White y signos de sobrecarga auricular e hipertrofia ventricular izquierda con bloqueo aurículo-ventricular completo. El ecocardiograma transtorácico es compatible con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica no obstructiva. Se lleva a estudio electrofisiológico donde se encuentra pre-excitación por vía accesoria y bloqueo aurículo-ventricular infrahisiano; se realiza ablación y se implanta marcapasos bicameral.A 22 years old male patient is admitted for a syncope episode. An electrocardiogram shows a Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern and signs of auricular overload with left ventricular hypertrophy and complete auriculoventricular block. The transthoracic echocardiogram is compatible with non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. An electrophysiological study is carried out, finding pre-excitation through an accessory way and infra-His auriculoventricular block. An ablation is performed and a bicameral pacemaker is implanted.

  8. Disfunciones visuo-perceptivas, oculomotoras, acomodativas y binoculares en niños con trastornos por déficit de atención e hiperactividad


    Pardo Pérez, María Carmen


    1) Determinar el grado de desarrollo de las habilidades visuoperceptivas, oculomotoras, acomodativas y binoculares en estudiantes con TDAH. 2) Comparar las habilidades visuales y visuoperceptivas entre un grupo de estudiantes con TDAH y otro que no presenta este trastorno. 3) Analizar qué habilidades visuoperceptivas (discriminación, memoria visual, figura-fondo, integración visual…) y oculomotoras presentan unos valores más deteriorados en el grupo de estudiantes que presentan...

  9. Taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho durante el embarazo Right ventricular outflow tachycardia during pregnancy

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo aumentan el metabolismo basal, el consumo de O2, la frecuencia cardíaca, el volumen sistólico, el volumen minuto y la volemia y disminuyen la tensión arterial y la resistencia periférica. Diferentes estudios han demostrado que durante este período la posibilidad de que ocurra una arritmia cardíaca o se produzca la exacerbación de una arritmia preexistente es mayor. No obstante, en su enorme mayoría carecen de importancia pronóstica tanto para la madre como para el feto. La taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho es una arritmia poco frecuente y su aparición se ha correlacionado con el aumento del tono adrenérgico. Se presentan los casos de dos pacientes que mostraron en el curso de la gestación reiterados episodios de taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho. Se analiza la asociación del embarazo con la ocurrencia de trastornos del ritmo cardíaco.During pregnancy, there is an increase in metabolism, oxygen consumption, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, blood volume and a decrease in blood pressure and peripheral resistance. Studies have shown that during this period the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias is not uncommon. Fortunately, malignant arrhythmias are rare. Herein we report two young patients who presented with symptomatic right ventricular outflow tachycardia during pregnancy that required antiarrhythmic therapy. Possible pathophysiologic mechanisms are discussed.

  10. Enteropatía perdedora de proteínas en pacientes con corazón univentricular

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    Alfredo Naranjo Ugalde

    Full Text Available Introducción: la enteropatía perdedora de proteínas puede aparecer en la evolución de los pacientes con corazón univentricular que sobreviven a la derivación cavopulmonar total. Una vez que se diagnostica, la mortalidad es alta. Objetivo: identificar los posibles factores de riesgo de esta complicación. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo de la evolución en 74 pacientes con derivación cavopulmonar total, intervenidos en el Cardiocentro Pediátrico "William Soler", desde enero de 1992 hasta enero de 2011. Resultados: el tiempo promedio de evolución fue de 8 años. Sufrió enteropatía perdedora de proteínas 8,1 % de los pacientes. Se presentó con mayor frecuencia en los operados con la técnica intratrial, en los operados con más de 6 años de edad, y en quienes sufrieron derrames pleurales persistentes en el posoperatorio inmediato. Se encontró relación significativa entre la enteropatía y la disfunción ventricular posoperatoria, con RR= 11,45 (IC: 95 %: 2,37 a 55,16. El análisis multivariado identificó a la disfunción ventricular como factor de riesgo. Conclusión: la detección de disfunción ventricular en la evolución del paciente con derivación cavopulmonar debe orientar el tratamiento, en aras de evitar la aparición de enteropatía perdedora de proteínas.

  11. Relationship between exercise capacity and left ventricular function at rest in patients with heart failure. An ambulatory left ventricular monitoring study; Relazione tra capacita' di esercizio e funzione ventricolare sinistra a riposo nei pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca. Studio mediante monitoraggio continuo radionuclidico della funzione ventricolare sinistra

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pace, L.; Cuocolo, A.; Salvatore, M. [Naples Univ. Federico 2., Naples (Italy). Medicina Nucleare; Centro di Medicina Nucleare, Naples (Italy); Nappi, A.; Imbriaco, M; Varrone, A. [Naples Univ. Federico 2., Naples (Italy). Medicina Nucleare; Romano, M.; Trimarco, B. [Naples Univ., Federico 2., Naples (Italy). Medicina Interna


    Purpose of this work is to evaluate the relationship of systolic and diastolic function at rest to exercise capacity. Seventeen patients with ischemic heart failure were included in the study. Ambulatory left ventricular monitoring at rest and during upright exercise with combined analysis of pulmonary gas exchange was performed. Ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, stroke volume, cardiac output, and peak filling rate were measured. Significant positive correlations were found between rest ejection fraction and peak oxygen consumption (r=.60, p<.01), peak cardiac output (r=.67, p<.005). On the other hand, peak filling rate at rest showed a significant inverse correlation with peak end-diastolic (r=.48, p<.05) and end-systolic (r=-.66, p<.005) volumes. The patients were then sub grouped into two groups according to their rest ejection fraction (lower or higher than 40%). In the group with ejection fraction less than 40% a significant correlation was observed between rest ejection fraction and both peak stroke volume (r=-.66, p<.05) and peak ejection fraction (r=.69, p<.05). In the same group of patients an inverse correlation was found between peak filling rate and both end-diastolic (r=.65, p<.05) and end-systolic (r=.82, p<.005) volumes. The results of the present study suggest that exercise capacity is related to left ventricular function at rest and that rest diastolic function might be a determinant of left ventricular function during exercise in patients with heart failure. [Italian] Scopo di questo studio e' valutare se la capacita' di esercizio, determinata mediante il consumo di ossigeno e la funzione ventricolare sinistra, sia correlata alla funzione ventricolare sinistra a riposo nei pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca. Sono stati studiati 17 pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca di origine ischemica. Tutti sono stati sottoposti a monitoraggio radionuclidico continuo della funzione ventricolare sinistra in combinazione con

  12. Disincronía ventricular izquierda en la estimulación septal prolongada


    Ferrando-Castagnetto, Federico; Ricca-Mallada, Roberto; Vidal, Alejandro; Martínez, Fabián; Ferrando, Rodolfo


    La estimulación por marcapasos se asocia con eventos adversos graves. En la siguiente serie de casos se evaluó la disincronía mecánica intraventricular izquierda (DMVI) en la estimulación endocárdica prolongada del ventrículo derecho a nivel septal. Se estudiaron 6 personas con marcapasos implantados no antes de un año utilizando SPECT gatillado con 99mTc-MIBI y análisis de fase en reposo. Se registraron variables clínicas, duración del QRS, tasa y modo de estimulación ventricular, presencia ...

  13. Asistencia mecánica ventricular de corta duración (shock cardiogénico

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    Tomasa Centella Hernández


    Full Text Available Los dispositivos de asistencia ventricular de corta duración se utilizan en aquellos pacientes que sufren una disfunción ventricular potencialmente reversible. Cualquier causa de shock cardiogénico puede ser una indicación para la colocación de una asistencia ventricular, si bien los beneficios son mayores en aquellos de causa potencialmente reversible tales como miocarditis, sobredosis de fármacos, hipotermia o arritmias ventriculares malignas. son tres las principales indicaciones para la colocación de este tipo de asistencia: 1 fallo ventricular grave potencialmente reversible en el que se asegura soporte temporal hasta la recuperación o hasta la posible revascularización; 2 pacientes con gran área isquémica en riesgo, en los que se proporciona soporte temporal durante un procedimiento percutáneo o revascularización quirúrgica, y 3 terapéutica puente hacia una asistencia de duración prolongada o hacia el trasplante.

  14. APLICACIONES CLÍNICAS DE LAS TÉCNICAS NUCLEARES EN EL ESTUDIO DEL SINCRONISMO VENTRICULAR / Clinical applications of nuclear techniques in the study of ventricular synchronism

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    Amalia Peix González


    Full Text Available ResumenTécnicas incruentas como la ecocardiografía, la resonancia magnética nuclear y los estudios de Medicina Nuclear (ventriculografía radioisotópica y gammagrafía de perfusión miocárdica con tomografía de emisión de fotón único, proporcionan información indirecta sobre el sincronismo ventricular cuando se utilizan parámetros de contractilidad mecánica. El análisis de fase de Fourier es un instrumento útil para el empleo de técnicas nucleares con este propósito y se ha aplicado, tanto en la ventriculografía radioisotópica como en la gammagrafía de perfusión. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión en el tiempo de los fundamentos y aplicaciones clínicas de las técnicas nucleares en el estudio del sincronismo ventricular. En la actualidad es la gammagrafía SPECT-gatillada, dentro de las técnicas nucleares, la más utilizada, por la posibilidad que ofrece de evaluar perfusión, función y sincronismo intraventricular en el mismo examen. / AbstractNoninvasive techniques such as echocardiography, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear medicine studies (radionuclide ventriculography and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy with single photon emission tomography, provide indirect information about ventricular synchronism when parameters of mechanical contractility are used. The Fourier phase analysis is a useful tool for the use of nuclear techniques for this purpose, and has been applied in both radionuclide ventriculography and perfusion scintigraphy. A review in time of the basics and clinical applications of nuclear techniques in the study of ventricular synchronism is presented in this article. Nowadays, the gated-SPECT scintigraphy is the most common among nuclear techniques because it allows assessing perfusion, function, and intraventricular synchronism in the same test.

  15. Miocarditis de células gigantes con bloqueo AV completo persistente: respuesta al tratamiento con resincronizador cardiaco Giant cell myocarditis with complete persistent A-V block: treatment response with cardiac resynchronization

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    Julián Aristizábal


    Full Text Available La miocarditis de células gigantes es una enfermedad grave y poco frecuente, cuya etiología, posiblemente autoinmune, se caracteriza por la presencia de células gigantes multinucleadas con infiltrado inflamatorio y necrosis extensa en la biopsia endomiocárdica. Es común su asociación con taquicardias ventriculares y con alteraciones de la conducción aurículo-ventricular, lo cual se resuelve algunas veces con tratamiento inmunosupresor. Dada la complejidad del pronóstico de esta entidad, el papel de los dispositivos de resincronización después de la estabilización de la falla cardíaca, no está claro. Aquí se reporta un caso en el cual el implante de uno de estos dispositivos fue parte fundamental de la terapia y recuperación del paciente.Giant cell myocarditis is an infrequent and serious illness, possibly of autoimmune etiology, characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant cells with inflammatory infiltrate and extensive necrosis in the endomyocardial biopsy. Its association with ventricular tachycardia is common and alterations in atrioventricular conduction are frequently solved through immunosuppressive treatment. Given the generally complex prognosis of this entity, the role of the resynchronization devices after the heart failure stabilization, is unclear. We reported a case in which the implant of one of these devices was a fundamental part of the therapy and patient recovery.

  16. Reintervenciones quirúrgicas en adultos con situación Fallot: una población emergente

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    M. Luz Polo López


    Conclusiones: Nuestra indicación principal para reoperar adultos con Fallot se localiza a nivel pulmonar y requiere implantar una bioprótesis. Realizamos estas reintervenciones con buena supervivencia, objetivando posteriormente mejoría clínica y reducción volumétrica ventricular derecha.

  17. chronic sleep deprevation and ventricular arrhythmias: effect of symphatic nervous system

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    Samira Choopani


    Full Text Available Introduction: We assessed the effect of chronic sleep deprivation on incidence of ischemia/reperfusion-induced ventricular arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation and the role of the sympathetic nervous system in this respect. Material and methods: Rats were randomly divided into four groups; 1 ischemia/reperfusion group (IR: 30 minutes ischemia followed by 60 minutes reperfusion was induced, 2 control group (CON: rats has been placed in large multiple platforms for 72h prior to ischemia and reperfusion, 3 Chronic sleep deprivation group( SD: 72h sleep deprivation was induced by using small  multiple platform prior to ischemia and reperfusion, 4 Sympathectomy group (SYM: chemical sympathectomy was done 24h before to chronic sleep deprivation and then underwent ischemia and reperfusion. The heart isolated and perfused by langendorff apparatus. After thoracotomy and aorta cannulation, the hearts perfused in the langendorff apparatus using krebs-Henseleit buffer. Hearts were allowed to recovery for 15 min. After recovery period, 15 minutes was considered as baseline prior to 30 minutes ischemia followed by 60 minutes reperfusion.Tow thin stainless stell electrodes fixed on the ventricular apex and right atrium for recording the lead II of electrocardiogram (ECG.Results: There were no significant differences between heart rates between groups, and ventricular tachycardia significantly increased in chronic sleep deprivation group As compared with IR group in ischemia period. Sympathectomy significantly reduced ventricular tachycardia incidence when compared with SD. There is no difference in incidence of ventricular tachycardia between control group and IR group. The incidence of ventricular fibrillation during early reperfusion was significantly augmented (P<0.05 in sleep deprivation group as compared with IR group and Sympathectomy significantly could reverse ventricular fibrillation incidence to IR group level as

  18. Hipertrofia ventricular e mortalidade cardiovascular em pacientes de hemodiálise de baixo nível educacional Hipertrofia ventricular y mortalidad cardiovascular en pacientes de hemodiálisis de bajo nivel educativo Ventricular hypertrophy and cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients with low educational level

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    Rosana dos Santos e Silva Martin


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A hipertrofia ventricular esquerda é potente preditor de mortalidade em renais crônicos. Estudo prévio de nosso grupo mostrou que renais crônicos com menor escolaridade têm hipertrofia ventricular mais intensa. OBJETIVO: Ampliar estudo prévio e verificar se a hipertrofia ventricular esquerda pode justificar a associação entre escolaridade e mortalidade cardiovascular de pacientes em hemodiálise. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 113 pacientes entre janeiro de 2005 e março de 2008 e seguidos até outubro de 2010. Foram traçadas curvas de sobrevida comparando a mortalidade cardiovascular, e por todas as causas dos pacientes com escolaridade de até três anos (mediana da escolaridade e pacientes com escolaridade igual ou superior a quatro anos. Foram construídos modelos múltiplos de Cox ajustados para as variáveis de confusão. RESULTADOS: Observou-se associação entre nível de escolaridade e hipertrofia ventricular. A diferença estatística de mortalidade de origem cardiovascular e por todas as causas entre os diferentes níveis de escolaridade ocorreu aos cinco anos e meio de seguimento. No modelo de Cox, a hipertrofia ventricular e a proteína-C reativa associaram-se à mortalidade por todas as causas e de origem cardiovascular. A etiologia da insuficiência renal associou-se à mortalidade por todas as causas e a creatinina associou-se à mortalidade de origem cardiovascular. A associação entre escolaridade e mortalidade perdeu significância estatística no modelo ajustado. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do presente trabalho confirmam estudo prévio e demonstram, ademais, que a maior mortalidade cardiovascular observada nos pacientes com menor escolaridade pôde ser explicada por fatores de risco de ordem bioquímica e de morfologia cardíaca.FUNDAMENTO: La hipertrofia ventricular izquierda es potente predictor de mortalidad en renales crónicos. Estudio previo de nuestro grupo mostró que renales crónicos con menor

  19. Entrenamiento para la mejora de disfunciones atencionales en niños y adolescentes con Síndrome de Asperger a través de estimulación cognitiva directa


    Bravo-Álvarez, María-Ángeles; Frontera-Sancho, María


    Esta investigación analiza la capacidad de generalización del aprendizaje en niños y adolescentes con Síndrome de Asperger a aspectos cognitivos atencionales con demandas diferentes a las ejercitadas mediante la utilización de un programa de estimulación cognitiva directa. La muestra estuvo constituida por 15 casos con Síndrome de Asperger entre 7 y 15 años (M = 12; DT = 2.7) con dificultades atencionales, medidas a través de instrumentos de orientación psicométrica, a los que se aplicó un pr...

  20. Asistencia miocárdica con matrices bioartificiales

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    Jorge C. Trainini


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la cardiomioplastia celular es regenerar el miocardio mediante el implante de células vivas. Sin embargo, en corazones isquémicos hay alteraciones en la matriz extracelular. El colágeno tipo I, responsable del soporte estructural, disminuye desde el 80% al 40%, mientras que el colágeno tipo III aumenta del 10% al 35%. De esta manera, se hace importante asociar las células implantadas con una matriz extracelular bioartificial. El propósito de esta revisión es evaluar la performance de las células junto con una matriz biodegradable ubicadas en la superficie ventricular izquierda.

  1. Surgical ablation of ventricular tachycardia secondary to congenital ventricular septal aneurysm. (United States)

    Graffigna, A; Minzioni, G; Ressia, L; Vigano, M


    Three patients underwent surgical ablation for ventricular tachycardia resulting from an aneurysm of the membranous portion of the ventricular septum. Two patients had a definite history of cardiac murmur during infancy, and one of them was found at the time of operation to have a left-to-right shunt through the apex of the aneurysm. The earliest ventricular activation sites were located around the neck of the aneurysm and were ablated in 1 patient by encircling the endocardial ventriculotomy and by cryoablation in the remaining 2. After focus resection had been completed, aneurysm resection and ventricular septal reconstruction were performed. All patients were alive and free of ventricular tachycardia and did not need medication as of 61, 66, and 88 months postoperatively. Spontaneous closure of a ventricular septal defect may lead to the formation of an aneurysm in the ventricular septum that may sustain ventricular tachycardias. Such arrhythmias can be effectively treated using electrically guided surgical techniques.

  2. Factores de riesgo para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda en adultos de un programa de salud global

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    Yessica María Giraldo Castrillón


    Full Text Available Introducción: La falla cardiaca, es un síndrome clínico habitualmente progresivo que con frecuencia comienza como disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda y culmina con manifestaciones clínicas diversas de fallo de bomba y bajo gasto cardiaco hasta la muerte. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores de riesgo que están asociados al desarrollo de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda y falla cardiaca secundaria como parte del espectro del síndrome de falla cardiaca en la población de Barranquilla-Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con fuente secundaria de un estudio de salud global en la ciudad de Barranquilla-Colombia, en el que se hizo análisis univariado y bivariado para describir factores de riesgo asociados a la disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda. Resultados: Se obtuvieron las prevalencias de cuatro factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda: hipertensión arterial 29.7%, obesidad 26.5%, hiperglucemia 4.6%, hipercolesterolemia 8.2% en pacientes mayores de 40 años los cuales tienen mayor riesgo. Discusión: Este estudio buscó llamar la atención sobre la disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda, como una condición de descripción relativamente reciente y de potencial impacto en la salud de las poblaciones y los recursos de los sistemas de salud. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de los factores de riesgo para este estado pre-clínico podría llegar a ser alta y estos pacientes ameritarían, según recomendación de cierta evidencia, tamización para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda, así como estudios adicionales son requeridos. Cómo citar este artículo: Giraldo YM, Muñoz F, Navarro E, Segura ÁM. Factores de riesgo para disfunción sistólica ventricular izquierda en adultos de un programa de salud global. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(1: 1519-28.

  3. Cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés (Takotsubo en una paciente con anorexia nerviosa

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    Sabrina Vadalá


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de una mujer con diagnóstico de anorexia nerviosa que desarrolló cardiomiopatía de takotsubo precipitada por estrés emocional y alteraciones del medio interno. Evolucionó favorablemente con manejo conservador. Los casos de cardiomiopatía inducida por estrés, descriptos en pacientes con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, suelen alcanzar mayor gravedad y se asocian con la prolongación del intervalo QT por desequilibrios electrolíticos, arritmias ventriculares e hipoglucemia. Se realiza una revisión del compromiso cardiovascular en pacientes con anorexia nerviosa.

  4. Miocarditis eosinofílica como causa de disfunción ventricular izquierda reversible

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    María Juliana Rodríguez-González


    Se logra el destete del soporte circulatorio, presenta mejoría de la función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo con recuperación total del cuadro clínico. Este caso es relevante en cuanto a diagnóstico de disfunción ventricular aguda, con una asociación previamente no descrita con antimoniato de meglumina (glucantime, nos recuerda la importancia de realizar: la biopsia endomiocárdica para definir la etiología, la toma de decisiones de terapias avanzadas, conociendo que en ciertas circunstancias puede presentarse reversibilidad de la disfunción miocárdica y mejoría del cuadro clínico.

  5. Effect of candesartan treatment on left ventricular remodeling after aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Jordi S; Videbaek, Lars; Poulsen, Mikael K


    In hypertension, angiotensin receptor blockers can augment regression of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. It is not known whether this also is the case after aortic valve replacement (AVR) for severe aortic stenosis (AS). To test the hypothesis that treatment with candesartan in addition to con...

  6. Entrenamiento para la mejora de disfunciones atencionales en niños y adolescentes con Síndrome de Asperger a través de estimulación cognitiva directa

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    María-Ángeles Bravo-Álvarez

    Full Text Available Esta investigación analiza la capacidad de generalización del aprendizaje en niños y adolescentes con Síndrome de Asperger a aspectos cognitivos atencionales con demandas diferentes a las ejercitadas mediante la utilización de un programa de estimulación cognitiva directa. La muestra estuvo constituida por 15 casos con Síndrome de Asperger entre 7 y 15 años (M = 12; DT = 2.7 con dificultades atencionales, medidas a través de instrumentos de orientación psicométrica, a los que se aplicó un programa de entrenamiento en atención dos horas semanales durante seis meses consecutivos. Los resultados del análisis pretest-postest mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todos los subsistemas atencionales. En atención selectiva las diferencias son de magnitud moderada en las variables relacionadas con la velocidad de procesamiento, en mantenida el tiempo de reacción disminuyó considerablemente (magnitud de la diferencia moderada y aumentaron los aciertos disminuyendo los errores (ambos con una magnitud de diferencia grande. En atención alternante se observó un mayor número de aciertos, y en dividida se obtuvieron mayores niveles de respuestas totales (los dos de magnitud moderada. Se concluye que el rendimiento atencional en los casos analizados mejora tras la aplicación de un programa de entrenamiento cognitivo específico siendo capaces de generalizar el aprendizaje a medidas psicométricas.

  7. Systolic left ventricular function according to left ventricular concentricity and dilatation in hypertensive patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bang, Casper; Gerdts, Eva; Aurigemma, Gerard P


    Left ventricular hypertrophy [LVH, high left ventricular mass (LVM)] is traditionally classified as concentric or eccentric based on left ventricular relative wall thickness. We evaluated left ventricular systolic function in a new four-group LVH classification based on left ventricular dilatation...... [high left ventricular end-diastolic volume (EDV) index and concentricity (LVM/EDV)] in hypertensive patients....

  8. Left ventricular function in patients with ventricular arrhythmias and aortic valve disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santinga, J.T.; Kirsh, M.M.; Brady, T.J.; Thrall, J.; Pitt, B.


    Forty patients having aortic valve replacement were evaluated preoperatively for ventricular arrhythmia and left ventricular ejection fraction. Arrhythmias were classified as complex or simple using the Lown criteria on the 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram; ejection fractions were determined by radionuclide gated blood pool analysis and contrast angiography. The ejection fractions determined by radionuclide angiography were 59.1 +/- 13.1% for 26 patients with simple or no ventricular arrhythmias, and 43.9 +/- 20.3% for 14 patients with complex ventricular arrhythmias (p less than 0.01). Ejection fractions determined by angiography, available for 31 patients, were also lower in patients with complex ventricular arrhythmias (61.1 +/- 16.3% versus 51.4 +/- 13.4%; p less than 0.05). Seven of 9 patients showing conduction abnormalities on the electrocardiogram had complex ventricular arrhythmias. Eight of 20 patients with aortic stenosis had complex ventricular arrhythmias, while 2 of 13 patients with aortic insufficiency had such arrhythmias. It is concluded that decreased left ventricular ejection fraction, intraventricular conduction abnormalities, and aortic stenosis are associated with an increased frequency of complex ventricular arrhythmias in patients with aortic valve disease

  9. Rest and exercise ventricular function in adults with congenital ventricular septal defects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jablonsky, G.; Hilton, J.D.; Liu, P.P.; Morch, J.E.; Druck, M.N.; Bar-Shlomo, B.Z.; McLaughlin, P.R.


    Rest and exercise right and left ventricular function were compared using equilibrium gated radionuclide angiography in 19 normal sedentary control subjects and 34 patients with hemodynamically documented congenital ventricular septal defect (VSD). Gated radionuclide angiography was performed at rest and during each level of graded supine bicycle exercise to fatigue. Heart rate, blood pressure, maximal work load achieved, and right and left ventricular ejection fractions were assessed. The control subjects demonstrated an increase in both the left and right ventricular ejection fractions with exercise. All study groups failed to demonstrate an increase in ejection fraction in either ventricle with exercise. Furthermore, resting left ventricular ejection fraction in Groups 2 and 3 was lower than that in the control subjects and resting right ventricular ejection fraction was lower in Group 3 versus control subjects. Thus left and right ventricular function on exercise were abnormal in patients with residual VSD as compared with control subjects; rest and exercise left ventricular ejection fractions remained abnormal despite surgical closure of VSD in the remote past; resting left and right ventricular function was abnormal in patients with Eisenmenger's complex; lifelong volume overload may be detrimental to myocardial function

  10. Disfunciones y permanencias : una aproximación a las desigualdadesen la escuela marroquí

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    Jordi Pàmies


    Full Text Available Los informes internacionales muestran un incremento de las tasas de escolarización en los últimos años en el sistema educativo marroquí, pero señalan también los desajustes y la pervivencia de ciertas disfunciones que condicionan los resultados obtenidos por las políticas educativas desde la época postcolonial hasta la actualidad. Una parte de los trabajos consideran también el papel del aparato escolar en los procesos de aculturación, su valor como instrumento para la movilidad social y su influencia en los procesos de reproducción de las desigualdades. El presente artículo pretende ser una aproximación a estas problemáticas. Y siguiendo una estructura basada en criterios históricos, considera las aportaciones de la literatura de investigación en educación desarrolladas desde la etapa previa al Protectorado hasta la actualidad. El artículo analiza el protagonismo de la institución en las diversas épocas, las problemáticas educativas en términos de equidad y la naturaleza de las desigualdades persistentes relativas a clase social, género y territorio en el país.International reports show an increase in schooling rates in the latest years in the Moroccan educational system, but also point out the disruptions and the survival of certain dysfunctions that condition the results the educational policies achieve since the post-colonial period up to the present. Some of the papers also consider the role of the school system in the process of acculturation, its value as a tool for social mobility and its influence on the reproductive processes of inequalities. This article tries to be an approach to these issues, following a structure based on historical criteria. It considers the contributions of the research literature on education from the period before the Protectorate until the present. The paper analyzes the role of the institution in each period, the educational problems in terms of equity and the nature of persisten

  11. Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy in an Endurance Athlete Presenting with Ventricular Tachycardia and Normal Right Ventricular Function. (United States)

    Hedley, Jeffrey S; Al Mheid, Ibhar; Alikhani, Zoubin; Pernetz, Maria A; Kim, Jonathan H


    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, a genetically inherited disease that results in fibrofatty replacement of normal cardiac myocytes, has been associated with sudden cardiac death in athletes. Long-term participation in endurance exercise hastens the development of both the arrhythmic and structural arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy phenotypes. We describe the unusual case of a 34-year-old, symptomatic, female endurance athlete who had arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in the presence of a structurally normal right ventricle. Clinicians should be aware of this infrequent presentation when evaluating athletic patients who have ventricular arrhythmias and normal findings on cardiac imaging studies.

  12. Prophylactic implantable defibrillator in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia and no prior ventricular fibrillation or sustained ventricular tachycardia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Corrado, Domenico


    The role of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy\\/dysplasia and no prior ventricular fibrillation (VF) or sustained ventricular tachycardia is an unsolved issue.

  13. Examining the links between attachment, perfectionism, and job motivation potential with job engagement and workaholism

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    Aharon Tziner


    Full Text Available El propósito de este artículo fue investigar las asociaciones entre los estilos de apego, el perfeccionismo y el potencial de motivación laboral con el compromiso con el trabajo y la adicción al trabajo. Una muestra de 139 empleados cumplimentó un cuestionario de autoinforme que incluía medidas psicométricamente sólidas de los constructos clave. Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones, una regresión múltiple jerárquica y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para poner a prueba las relaciones propuestas y las hipótesis de mediación. Se encontró que el perfeccionismo funcional se relacionaba con el compromiso con el trabajo, mientras que el perfeccionismo disfuncional emergía asociado a los estilos de apego seguros y no seguros. Además, sólo un estilo de apego (no seguro y un tipo de perfeccionismo (disfuncional estaban ligados a la adicción al trabajo. Los directivos deberían prestar atención a los empleados que se caractericen por un es- tilo de apego no seguro y por una personalidad perfeccionista. También se debería hacer un esfuerzo para mejorar el compromiso entre los empleados y facilitar la adicción constructiva al trabajo.

  14. Taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho durante el embarazo

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Durante el embarazo aumentan el metabolismo basal, el consumo de O2, la frecuencia cardíaca, el volumen sistólico, el volumen minuto y la volemia y disminuyen la tensión arterial y la resistencia periférica. Diferentes estudios han demostrado que durante este período la posibilidad de que ocurra una arritmia cardíaca o se produzca la exacerbación de una arritmia preexistente es mayor. No obstante, en su enorme mayoría carecen de importancia pronóstica tanto para la madre como para el feto. La taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho es una arritmia poco frecuente y su aparición se ha correlacionado con el aumento del tono adrenérgico. Se presentan los casos de dos pacientes que mostraron en el curso de la gestación reiterados episodios de taquicardia ventricular del tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho. Se analiza la asociación del embarazo con la ocurrencia de trastornos del ritmo cardíaco.

  15. Infarto del ventrículo derecho Right ventricular infarction

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    Alberto Barón C

    Full Text Available Por lo general, el infarto del ventrículo derecho se asocia con infarto de la pared inferior del ventrículo izquierdo. La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y la hipertrofia del ventrículo derecho, son factores que lo predisponen. Casi siempre ocurre como consecuencia de obstrucción proximal de la arteria coronaria derecha que conduce a disfunción sistólica y diastólica del ventrículo derecho. El volumen latido disminuye y el volumen diastólico y la presión de llenado del ventrículo derecho aumentan, con lo que se ocasiona hipotensión y congestión periférica. Se disminuyen el flujo sanguíneo pulmonar y el retorno venoso para el ventrículo izquierdo que puede llevar a estado de choque. Además, se pueden presentar complicaciones como bloqueo aurículo-ventricular, disfunción sinusal y aneurisma ventricular. El electrocardiograma muestra supradesnivel del ST en las derivaciones III, V1 a V3 y en V4R. El ecocardiograma muestra hipoquinesia o aquinesia de la pared libre del ventrículo derecho y hay dilatación de las cavidades derechas e insuficiencia tricúspide. El Doppler demuestra aumento en la duración de los intervalos de contracción y relajación isovolumétrica; el período eyectivo se acorta y el índice de desempeño miocárdico aumenta a valores anormales. El Doppler tisular es anormal por la disminución de la velocidad sistólica del anillo tricúspide. Una parte importante del tratamiento es optimizar el ritmo y la frecuencia cardiaca por lo que se debe evitar el uso de beta-bloqueadores; dependiendo de la severidad de la bradicardia se puede usar atropina, aminofilina o marcapasos transitorio, con la finalidad de asegurar una frecuencia adecuada. En caso de fibrilación auricular se pueden usar antiarrítmicos o cardioversión eléctrica. Se debe asegurar un adecuado volumen de llenado, para mantener la presión venosa central mayor de 15 mm Hg. El uso de vasodilatadores o diuréticos está contraindicado. Es

  16. 304. Programa de asistencia ventricular en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada

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    P. Martínez


    Conclusiones: En 2/3 de nuestros pacientes con ICA, el VA D electivo ha sido una solución que les ha permitió vivir y/o llegar al TxC y realizar éste con éxito. Las complicaciones son frecuentes, especialmente las hemorrágicas, tromboembólicas e infecciosas, y requieren protocolos y controles estrictos.

  17. Determinación de los valores normales del índice de tei (índice de performance miocárdico y otros parámetros ecocardiográficos doppler de la función ventricular izquierda en caninos sanos

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    Iván Álvarez


    Full Text Available La falla cardiaca está relacionada con anormalidades en la contracción y relajación ventricular. Estudios recientes han mostrado que en la mayoría de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca coexisten alteraciones de la función sistólica y diastólica, y en algunos casos la función sistólica es normal pero la falla cardiaca es generada por disfunción ventricular diastólica. El índice de performance miocárdico (tiempo de contracción isovolumétrica sumado al tiempo de eyección ventricular dividido el tiempo de eyección, “Índice de Tei” ha sido descrito como una manera más efectiva para el análisis de la Disfunción Miocárdica Global que otros parámetros de función sistólica y diastólica. Con base en estos antecedentes, los autores determinaron el valor normal del índice de Tei para el ventrículo izquierdo en caninos sanos en la ciudad de Bogotá (2.600 msnm con el objeto de utilizar dicho valor como índice de la función sistodiastólica. Se obtuvo un valor medio de 0,33 con un desvío estándar de 0,10. Asimismo pudo verificarse que no existe correlación con la frecuencia cardiaca, peso corporal ni con la fracción de eyección ventricular izquierdo (P<0,05.

  18. Stress induced right ventricular dysfunction: An indication of reversible right ventricular ischaemia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Underwood, S.R.; Walton, S.; Emanuel, R.W.; Swanton, R.H.; Campos Costa, D.; Laming, P.J.; Ell, P.J.


    Stress induced changes in left ventricular ejection fraction are widely used in the detection and assessment of coronary artery disease. This study demonstrates that right ventricular dysfunction may also occur, and assesses its significance in terms of coronary artery anatomy. This study involved 14 normal subjects and 26 with coronary artery disease investigated by equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography, at rest and during maximal dynamic exercise. Mean normal resting right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) was 0.40 (SD 0.118), and all normal subjects increased RVEF with stress (mean ΔRVEF+0.13 SD 0.099). Mean ΔRVEF in the subjects with coronary artery disease was significantly lower at 0.00 (SD 0.080), but there was overlap between the two groups. The largest falls in RVEF were seen if the right coronary artery was occluded without retrograde filling. In this subgroup with the most severely compromised right ventricular perfusion (nine subjects), RVEF always fell with stress, and mean ΔRVEF was -0.08 (SD 0.050). There was no significant correlation between ΔLVEF and ΔRVEF, implying that the right ventricular dysfunction was due to right ventricular ischaemia, rather than secondary to left ventricular dysfunction. Stress induced right ventricular ischaemia can therefore be detected readily by radionuclide ventriculography. (orig.)

  19. Reporte del primer caso de implante exitoso de asistencia ventricular izquierda HeartMate II como terapia de destino en Suramérica

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    Antonio Figueredo


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 55 años de edad, con insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva descompensada secundaria a cardiopatía dilatada idiopática y con contraindicación para trasplante cardiaco, en quien se implanta de manera exitosa el primer dispositivo de asistencia ventricular izquierda HeartMate II en Suramérica.

  20. Systolic ventricular filling. (United States)

    Torrent-Guasp, Francisco; Kocica, Mladen J; Corno, Antonio; Komeda, Masashi; Cox, James; Flotats, A; Ballester-Rodes, Manel; Carreras-Costa, Francesc


    The evidence of the ventricular myocardial band (VMB) has revealed unavoidable coherence and mutual coupling of form and function in the ventricular myocardium, making it possible to understand the principles governing electrical, mechanical and energetical events within the human heart. From the earliest Erasistratus' observations, principal mechanisms responsible for the ventricular filling have still remained obscured. Contemporary experimental and clinical investigations unequivocally support the attitude that only powerful suction force, developed by the normal ventricles, would be able to produce an efficient filling of the ventricular cavities. The true origin and the precise time frame for generating such force are still controversial. Elastic recoil and muscular contraction were the most commonly mentioned, but yet, still not clearly explained mechanisms involved in the ventricular suction. Classical concepts about timing of successive mechanical events during the cardiac cycle, also do not offer understandable insight into the mechanism of the ventricular filling. The net result is the current state of insufficient knowledge of systolic and particularly diastolic function of normal and diseased heart. Here we summarize experimental evidence and theoretical backgrounds, which could be useful in understanding the phenomenon of the ventricular filling. Anatomy of the VMB, and recent proofs for its segmental electrical and mechanical activation, undoubtedly indicates that ventricular filling is the consequence of an active muscular contraction. Contraction of the ascendent segment of the VMB, with simultaneous shortening and rectifying of its fibers, produces the paradoxical increase of the ventricular volume and lengthening of its long axis. Specific spatial arrangement of the ascendent segment fibers, their interaction with adjacent descendent segment fibers, elastic elements and intra-cavitary blood volume (hemoskeleton), explain the physical principles

  1. Fibrilación auricular en una paciente con megaorejuela auricular izquierda

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    Alejandro Villamil


    Full Text Available La FA constituye una de las arritmias sostenidas más frecuentes que motivan la consulta. El sustrato comprende diferentes mecanismos, entre los que se encuentra el agrandamiento auricular izquierdo. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 33 años con antecedentes depalpitaciones, que ingresó en la guardia por FA de alta respuesta ventricular. En la radiografía de tórax se observó una deformación del borde izquierdo de la silueta cardíaca. Posteriormente,el ecocardiograma transesofágico y la resonancia magnética nuclear evidenciaron una megaorejuela aneurismática debida, probablemente, a un defecto pericárdico. La conducta fue anticoagulación oral y tratamiento con atenolol, con evolución favorable.

  2. Investigação da temporalidade das características definidoras do diagnóstico de resposta disfuncional ao desmame ventilatório La investigación de la temporalidad de las características definitorias de diagnóstico de la respuesta disfuncional para el destete ventilatorio Investigation of the temporality of the defining characteristics of the diagnostic response to dysfunctional ventilatory weaning

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    Fernanda Avellar Cerqueira


    Full Text Available Estudo que investigou a distribuição temporal das características definidoras da Resposta Disfuncional ao Desmame Ventilatório. Teve como objetivos: descrever a conformação da distribuição cronológica das características definidoras desse diagnóstico em pacientes sob ventilação prolongada na fase de interrupção da ventilação mecânica e verificar a existência de um padrão temporal predominante. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem quantitativa. Foram sujeitos os clientes adultos internados por causas clínicas no Centro de Terapia Intensiva do Hospital Pró-Cardíaco, sob ventilação mecânica prolongada e que estavam em desmame. Com os resultados se obteve a confirmação da hipótese de existência de uma distribuição temporal predominante na amostra observada. Foi possível distinguir os principais intervalos de observação/manifestação das Características Definidoras, a saber: precoce, intermediário e tardio. Em relação ao gerenciamento do processo de desmame foi possível indicar algumas contribuições ao aprimoramento das avaliações protocolares.Un estudio investigó la distribución temporal de las características definitorias de Respuesta Disfuncional al Destete Ventilatorio. Tuvo como objetivo describir la conformación de la distribución cronológica de las características definitorias de este diagnóstico en pacientes sometidos a ventilación prolongada durante el destete de la ventilación mecánica y para verificar la existencia de un patrón climático predominante. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de enfoque cuantitativo y exploratorio. Los sujetos fueron clientes adultos ingresados por razones clínicas en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Pro-cardiaco, bajo ventilación mecánica prolongada y que habían de ser destetados. Con los resultados se obtuvo la confirmación de la hipótesis de una distribución temporal que prevalecen en la muestra

  3. Comparación de dos modelos asistenciales en el ámbito de la medicina interna


    Machín Lázaro, José Manuel


    Atance Martínez, Juan Carlos, codir. Medina Asensio, Jesús, codir. La atención sanitaria se realiza, mayoritariamente, siguiendo un modelo convencional, en el que la Atención Primaria y la Atención Especializada actúan como compartimentos estancos, con graves carencias en la relación entre ambos niveles asistenciales. Esta situación origina una serie de disfunciones, sobre todo en los pacientes con múltiples patologías crónicas, que repercuten directamente en la calidad de la atención a...

  4. Relationship between Fibrosis and Ventricular Arrhythmias in Chagas Heart Disease Without Ventricular Dysfunction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tassi, Eduardo Marinho, E-mail: [Instituto de Cardiologia Edson Saad - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Continentino, Marcelo Abramoff [Hospital Frei Galvão, Guaratinguetá, SP (Brazil); Nascimento, Emília Matos do; Pereira, Basílio de Bragança [Instituto de Cardiologia Edson Saad - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Coppe - Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia - UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Pedrosa, Roberto Coury [Instituto de Cardiologia Edson Saad - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Patients with Chagas disease and segmental wall motion abnormality (SWMA) have worse prognosis independent of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is currently the best method to detect SWMA and to assess fibrosis. To quantify fibrosis by using late gadolinium enhancement CMR in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function (> 45%), and to detect patterns of dependence between fibrosis, SWMA and LVEF in the presence of ventricular arrhythmia. Electrocardiogram, treadmill exercise test, Holter and CMR were carried out in 61 patients, who were divided into three groups as follows: (1) normal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (2) abnormal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (3) CMR with SWMA independently of electrocardiogram. The number of patients with ventricular arrhythmia in relation to the total of patients, the percentage of fibrosis, and the LVEF were, respectively: Group 1, 4/26, 0.74% and 74.34%; Group 2, 4/16, 3.96% and 68.5%; and Group 3, 11/19, 14.07% and 55.59%. Ventricular arrhythmia was found in 31.1% of the patients. Those with and without ventricular arrhythmia had mean LVEF of 59.87% and 70.18%, respectively, and fibrosis percentage of 11.03% and 3.01%, respectively. Of the variables SWMA, groups, age, LVEF and fibrosis, only the latter was significant for the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, with a cutoff point of 11.78% for fibrosis mass (p < 0.001). Even in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function, electrical instability can be present. Regarding the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, fibrosis is the most important variable, its amount being proportional to the complexity of the groups.

  5. Relationship between Fibrosis and Ventricular Arrhythmias in Chagas Heart Disease Without Ventricular Dysfunction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tassi, Eduardo Marinho; Continentino, Marcelo Abramoff; Nascimento, Emília Matos do; Pereira, Basílio de Bragança; Pedrosa, Roberto Coury


    Patients with Chagas disease and segmental wall motion abnormality (SWMA) have worse prognosis independent of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is currently the best method to detect SWMA and to assess fibrosis. To quantify fibrosis by using late gadolinium enhancement CMR in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function (> 45%), and to detect patterns of dependence between fibrosis, SWMA and LVEF in the presence of ventricular arrhythmia. Electrocardiogram, treadmill exercise test, Holter and CMR were carried out in 61 patients, who were divided into three groups as follows: (1) normal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (2) abnormal electrocardiogram and CMR without SWMA; (3) CMR with SWMA independently of electrocardiogram. The number of patients with ventricular arrhythmia in relation to the total of patients, the percentage of fibrosis, and the LVEF were, respectively: Group 1, 4/26, 0.74% and 74.34%; Group 2, 4/16, 3.96% and 68.5%; and Group 3, 11/19, 14.07% and 55.59%. Ventricular arrhythmia was found in 31.1% of the patients. Those with and without ventricular arrhythmia had mean LVEF of 59.87% and 70.18%, respectively, and fibrosis percentage of 11.03% and 3.01%, respectively. Of the variables SWMA, groups, age, LVEF and fibrosis, only the latter was significant for the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, with a cutoff point of 11.78% for fibrosis mass (p < 0.001). Even in patients with Chagas disease and preserved or minimally impaired ventricular function, electrical instability can be present. Regarding the presence of ventricular arrhythmia, fibrosis is the most important variable, its amount being proportional to the complexity of the groups

  6. Amiodarone for the treatment and prevention of ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia

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    Hugo Van Herendael


    Full Text Available Hugo Van Herendael, Paul DorianDivision of Cardiology, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, CanadaAbstract: Amiodarone has emerged as the leading antiarrhythmic therapy for termination and prevention of ventricular arrhythmia in different clinical settings because of its proven efficacy and safety. In patients with shock refractory out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and hemodynamically destabilizing ventricular arrhythmia, amiodarone is the most effective drug available to assist in resuscitation. Although the superiority of the transvenous implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD over amiodarone has been well established in the preventive treatment of patients at high risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, amiodarone (if used with a beta-blocker is the most effective antiarrhythmic drug to prevent ICD shocks and treat electrical storm. Both the pharmacokinetics and the electrophysiologic profile of amiodarone are complex, and its optimal and safe use requires careful patient surveillance with respect to potential adverse effects.Keywords: amiodarone, ventricular fibrillation, unstable ventricular tachycardia

  7. The overloaded right heart and ventricular interdependence. (United States)

    Naeije, Robert; Badagliacca, Roberto


    The right and the left ventricle are interdependent as both structures are nested within the pericardium, have the septum in common and are encircled with common myocardial fibres. Therefore, right ventricular volume or pressure overloading affects left ventricular function, and this in turn may affect the right ventricle. In normal subjects at rest, right ventricular function has negligible interaction with left ventricular function. However, the right ventricle contributes significantly to the normal cardiac output response to exercise. In patients with right ventricular volume overload without pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular diastolic compliance is decreased and ejection fraction depressed but without intrinsic alteration in contractility. In patients with right ventricular pressure overload, left ventricular compliance is decreased with initial preservation of left ventricular ejection fraction, but with eventual left ventricular atrophic remodelling and altered systolic function. Breathing affects ventricular interdependence, in healthy subjects during exercise and in patients with lung diseases and altered respiratory system mechanics. Inspiration increases right ventricular volumes and decreases left ventricular volumes. Expiration decreases both right and left ventricular volumes. The presence of an intact pericardium enhances ventricular diastolic interdependence but has negligible effect on ventricular systolic interdependence. On the other hand, systolic interdependence is enhanced by a stiff right ventricular free wall, and decreased by a stiff septum. Recent imaging studies have shown that both diastolic and systolic ventricular interactions are negatively affected by right ventricular regional inhomogeneity and prolongation of contraction, which occur along with an increase in pulmonary artery pressure. The clinical relevance of these observations is being explored. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights

  8. Disfunción ventricular izquierda subclínica en diabéticos tipo 1 con menos de 10 años de evolución de la diabetes Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in type 1 diabetics with less than 10 years of evolution of diabetes

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    Manuel Licea Puig


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en 32 diabéticos tipo 1 con menos de 10 años de evolución de la enfermedad, edades entre 17 y 40 años, para conocer la frecuencia de disfunción ventricular izquierda (DVI subclínica y factores asociados a la misma. Se excluyeron los pacientes que presentaron valvulopatías, cardiopatía isquémica, hipertensión arterial y otras enfermedades que provocan miocardiopatías. Se les realizó una historia clínica completa y se les indicó: glucemia en ayunas, HbA1, colesterol total, triglicéridos totales, HDL-colesterol, excreción urinaria de albúmina (EUA, velocidad de conducción motora y sensitiva de los miembros inferiores, electrocardiograma y ecocardiograma modo M, bidimensional y con Doppler pulsado. Se adoptaron los criterios propuestos por la Sociedad Americana de Ecocardiografía para el diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de DVI. Se comprobó DVI en el 25 %. Las alteraciones estructurales cardíacas se observaron en el 6,2 %. La neuropatía periférica se presentó en 6 de 8 pacientes con DVI. Los niveles de EUA fueron significativamente mayores en los afectados de DVI (219,5 ± 170,2 mg/L vs. 66,9 ± 86,9 mg/L. En conclusión, se afirmó que la DVI es de observación relativamente frecuente en los diabéticos con menos de 10 años de evolución y los niveles de EUA pudieran constituir un marcador de riesgo para el desarrollo de esta complicación.A cross-sectional study in 32 type l diabetics aged 17-40 with less than 10 years of evolution of the disease was conducted to know the frequency of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction (LVD and its associated factors. Patients with valvulopathies, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension and other diseases causing myocardiopathies, were excluded. Complete medical histories were obtained and fasting glycemia, HbAl, total cholesterol, total triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, urinary excretion of albumin (USA, velocity of motor and sensitive conduction

  9. A parsimonious model to forecast financial distress, based on audit evidence

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    Carlos Piñeiro Sánchez


    Full Text Available Este artículo proporciona evidencia de que los informes de auditoría contienen evidencias relevantes para inferir la existencia de disfunciones financieras latentes. A diferencia de trabajos previos, que han estudiado el fallo financiero en grandes empresas cotizadas, fundamentalmente de EE.UU., nuestro trabajo se centra en Pymes españolas sometidas a tensiones financieras latentes. Nuestros resultados indican que la auditoría de las Pymes financieramente desequilibradas posee varias características distintivas: una tasa mayor de rotación de auditores, más informes con salvedades e incumplimientos de los plazos legales para aprobar y registrar las cuentas anuales. Empleamos estas evidencias para construir y verificar un modelo simple, o parsimonioso, capaz de anticipar eficazmente esas disfunciones. Se discuten las implicaciones para la independencia del auditor, la calidad de la información, y el pronóstico del fallo.

  10. Surgery for ventricular tachycardia in patients undergoing surgical ventricular restoration: the Karolinska approach. (United States)

    Sartipy, Ulrik; Albåge, Anders; Insulander, Per; Lindblom, Dan


    This article presents a review on the efficacy of surgical ventricular restoration and direct surgery for ventricular tachycardia in patients with left ventricular aneurysm or dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy. The procedure includes a non-electrophysiologically guided subtotal endocardiectomy and cryoablation in addition to endoventricular patch plasty of the left ventricle. Coronary artery bypass surgery and mitral valve repair are performed concomitantly as needed. In our experience, this procedure yielded a 90% success rate in terms of freedom from spontaneous ventricular tachycardia, with an early mortality rate of 3.8%. A practical guide to the pre- and postoperative management of these patients is provided.

  11. [The reasonable use of right ventricular protection strategy in right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction]. (United States)

    Zhang, Y; Yuan, H Y; Liu, X B; Wen, S S; Xu, G; Cui, H J; Zhuang, J; Chen, J M


    As a result of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction, which is the important and basic step of complex cardiac surgery, the blood flow of right ventricular outflow tract is unobstructed, while pulmonary valve regurgitation and right heart dysfunction could be happened. These problems are often ignored in early days, more and more cases of right heart dysfunction need clinical intervention, which is quite difficult and less effective. How to protect effectively the right ventricular function is the focus. At present main methods to protect the right ventricular function include trying to avoid or reduce length of right ventricular incision, reserving or rebuilding the function of the pulmonary valve, using growth potential material for surgery. The protection of the right ventricular function is a systemic project, it involves many aspects, single measures is difficult to provide complete protection, only the comprehensive use of various protection strategy, can help to improve the long-term prognosis.

  12. Factores relacionados con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria en el infarto agudo del miocardio

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    Yanier Coll Muñoz


    Full Text Available Fundamento: la identificación de los factores relacionados con la mortalidad en el infarto agudo del miocardio representa un eslabón primordial en la evaluación inicial de los pacientes. Objetivo: identificar los factores relacionados con la mortalidad intrahospitalaria de los pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio, ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Coronarios de Cienfuegos durante el año 2010. Método: se realizó un estudio de serie de casos, que incluyó 241 pacientes con diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio, ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Coronarios del Hospital General Universitario Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía Lima de Cienfuegos, en el año 2010. Las variables que se analizaron fueron: edad, sexo, antecedentes patológicos personales, tipo de infarto agudo del miocardio (según electrocardiograma y localización topográfica, frecuencia cardiaca y tensión arterial al ingreso, clasificación de la insuficiencia cardiaca según Killip Kimball, creatinina, glicemia, colesterol total, triglicéridos, CPK-MB, y eventos adversos cardiovasculares durante su estadía hospitalaria. Resultados: la edad media de los pacientes estudiados fue de 65,6 años, con predominio del sexo masculino. La hipertensión arterial, el tabaquismo y el infarto miocárdico previo fueron los antecedentes de mayor interés, predominan los pacientes sin insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección conservada. Los eventos adversos cardiovasculares más frecuentes fueron: la angina post-infarto, arritmias ventriculares malignas y el choque cardiogénico. Conclusiones: se encontró relación significativa con la mortalidad para la edad avanzada (>70 años, taquicardia, glicemia ≥7 mmol/l al ingreso, y la presentación de arritmias ventriculares y choque cardiogénico durante la evolución intrahospitalaria.

  13. Right Ventricular Endomyocardial Fibrosis Presenting With Ventricular Tachycardia And Apical Thrombus - An Interesting Presentation

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    Amitesh Aggarwal


    Full Text Available Endomyocardial fibrosis is a progressive disease of unknown origin affecting children and young adults. It involves inflow portion of right and/or left ventricle and apex. It may be associated with thrombus. Literature regarding right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis with thrombus is scarce. Here we report a rare case of right ventricular endomyocardial fibrosis presenting as ventricular tachycardia and echocardiographic evidence of apical thrombus. Interestingly there was no pulmonary involvement or evidence of deep venous thrombosis. This case also underscores the importance of urgent echocardiography in diagnosis of obscure cases of ventricular tachycardia.

  14. Autoantibody and environmental damage to the brain


    Arango, María-Teresa


    Las anormalidades de comportamiento y disfunciones cognitivas pueden presentarse en pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes. Estos síntomas pueden fluctuar de leves hasta eventos potencialmente mortales. En su gran mayoría los mecanismos responsables de estas manifestaciones neuropsiquiatricas siguen siendo desconocidas, sin embargo se han identificado varias vías patogénicas. Por ejemplo; neurotoxicidad mediada por anticuerpos, vasculopatía inducida por anticuerpos anti-fosfolípidos, neurotox...

  15. Morfología ecocardiográfica de la atresia pulmonar con septum interventricular intacto, estudio de dos decenios

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    Adel Eladio González Morejón


    Full Text Available Introducción: la atresia pulmonar con septum interventricular intacto es una malformación cardiovascular que representa el 1 % de las cardiopatías congénitas observadas en vida extrauterina, y, dados sus resultados desfavorables, constituye un verdadero reto para la medicina contemporánea. Objetivo: la investigación condujo a la aplicación de pautas clasificatorias, a la caracterización del tracto de salida atrésico, al estudio morfológico ventricular derecho, a la valoración del anillo tricuspídeo y a la determinación de la presencia de anomalías en la circulación coronaria. Métodos: se estudiaron 43 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de la entidad remitidos al Cardiocentro Pediátrico "William Soler" entre enero de 1992 y noviembre de 2011. Se practicó a cada caso el examen ecocardiográfico bidimensional y doppler con codificación en colores. Resultados y conclusiones: se corroboró el predominio de la variante morfológica valvular de la entidad y la existencia de niveles moderados o severos de hipoplasia ventricular derecha en asociación con capacitancia volumétrica limitada de dicha cámara, con hipodesarrollo valvular tricuspídeo y con presencia de circulación coronaria anómala sinusoides dependiente. El foramen oval permeable constituyó el defecto septal interatrial más vinculado a la enfermedad, y se evidenciaron diversas anomalías estructurales del aparato tricuspídeo en conjunción o no con el hipodesarrollo anular imperante.

  16. Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Tachycardia with Structural Abnormalities of the Right Ventricle and Left Ventricular Diverticulum

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    Bortolo Martini


    Full Text Available A 43-year-old woman presented to the emergency room with a sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT. ECG showed a QRS in left bundle branch block morphology with inferior axis. Echocardiography, ventricular angiography, and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI revealed a normal right ventricle and a left ventricular diverticulum. Electrophysiology studies with epicardial voltage mapping identified a large fibrotic area in the inferolateral layer of the right ventricular wall and a small area of fibrotic tissue at the anterior right ventricular outflow tract. VT ablation was successfully performed with combined epicardial and endocardial approaches.

  17. Radionuclide analysis of right and left ventricular response to exercise in patients with atrial and ventricular septal defects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peter, C.A.; Bowyer, K.; Jones, R.H.


    In patients with ventricular or atrial septal defect, the ventricle which is chronically volume overloaded might not appropriately respond to increased demand for an augmentation in output and thereby might limit total cardiac function. In this study we simultaneously measured right and left ventricular response to exercise in 10 normal individuals, 10 patients with ventricular septal defect (VSD), and 10 patients with atrial septal defect (ASD). The normal subjects increased both right and left ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, and stroke volume to achieve a higher cardiac output during exercise. Patients with VSD failed to increase right ventricular ejection fraction, but increased right ventricular end-diastolic volume and stroke volume. Left ventricular end-diastolic volume did not increase in these patients but ejection fraction, stroke volume, and forward left ventricular output achieved during exercise were comparable to the response observed in healthy subjects. In the patients with ASD, no rest-to-exercise change occurred in either right ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, or stroke volume. In addition, left ventricular end-diastolic volume failed to increase, and despite an increase in ejection fraction, left ventricular stroke volume remained unchanged from rest to exercise. Therefore, cardiac output was augmented only by the heart rate increase in these patients. Right ventricular function appeared to be the major determinant of total cardiac output during exercise in patients with cardiac septal defects and left-to-right shunt

  18. Right ventricular pressure response to exercise in adults with isolated ventricular septal defect closed in early childhood. (United States)

    Moller, Thomas; Lindberg, Harald; Lund, May Brit; Holmstrom, Henrik; Dohlen, Gaute; Thaulow, Erik


    We previously demonstrated an abnormally high right ventricular systolic pressure response to exercise in 50% of adolescents operated on for isolated ventricular septal defect. The present study investigated the prevalence of abnormal right ventricular systolic pressure response in 20 adult (age 30-45 years) patients who underwent surgery for early ventricular septal defect closure and its association with impaired ventricular function, pulmonary function, or exercise capacity. The patients underwent cardiopulmonary tests, including exercise stress echocardiography. Five of 19 patients (26%) presented an abnormal right ventricular systolic pressure response to exercise ⩾ 52 mmHg. Right ventricular systolic function was mixed, with normal tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion and fractional area change, but abnormal tricuspid annular systolic motion velocity (median 6.7 cm/second) and isovolumetric acceleration (median 0.8 m/second2). Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function was normal at rest as measured by the peak systolic velocity of the lateral wall and isovolumic acceleration, early diastolic velocity, and ratio of early diastolic flow to tissue velocity, except for ejection fraction (median 53%). The myocardial performance index was abnormal for both the left and right ventricle. Peak oxygen uptake was normal (mean z score -0.4, 95% CI -2.8-0.3). There was no association between an abnormal right ventricular systolic pressure response during exercise and right or left ventricular function, pulmonary function, or exercise capacity. Abnormal right ventricular pressure response is not more frequent in adult patients compared with adolescents. This does not support the theory of progressive pulmonary vascular disease following closure of left-to-right shunts.

  19. Four cases of right ventricular dysplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamura, Ichiro; Ando, Joji; Miyamoto, Atsushi; Kobayashi, Takeshi; Sakamoto, Sanya; Yasuda, Hisakazu


    Finding of 81 Kr right ventriculography and 201 Tl myocardial perfusion imaging in 4 patients with right ventricular dysplasia (RVD) were compared with those in 28 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Remarkably dilated right ventricle was detected on 201 Tl myocardial perfusion imaging in the RVD group. In a patient with RVD who died suddenly, perfusion defect of the left ventricular myocardium, a decreased right ventricular ejection fraction, and an increased right ventricular end diastolic volume were seen. Perfusion defect of the left ventricular myocardium was seen in 10 of the 28 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, 4 of whom died suddenly. In these 4 patients, a decreased left ventricular ejection fraction and an increased right ventricular end diastolic volume were seen. These findings obtained by the radionuclide techniques suggested that there are differences in cardiac dysfunction of the both ventricles between the groups with RVD and dilated cardiomyopathy. (Namekawa, K.)

  20. Rehabilitación neuropsicológica en un caso de afasia motora aferente


    Gilberto Manuel Galindo Aldana; Héctor Pelayo González; Yulia Solovieva; Luis Quintanar Rojas


    Objetivo. Las alteraciones derivadas del daño cerebral, como los síndromes afásicos, pueden desencadenar disfunciones en diferentes niveles de la actividad del paciente. La neuropsicología de Luria ha sido la disciplina dedicada a la caracterización funcional y al análisis rehabilitatorio de los síndromes afásicos. Con frecuencia, a este análisis se incorporan datos recogidos con técnicas neurolingüísticas y de neuroimagen (TAC, fMRI). Presentar un método de rehabilitación que, basado en los ...

  1. Large right ventricular sinusoids in an infant with aorta-left ventricular tunnel and proximal right coronary artery atresia. (United States)

    Chen, Peter C; Spinner, Joseph A; Heinle, Jeffrey S


    We report a 1-month-old infant diagnosed with an aorta-left ventricular tunnel, ventricular septal defect, and right coronary atresia with right ventricular sinusoids. The patient's anatomy and physiology did not indicate right-ventricular-dependent coronary circulation, and therefore right ventricular decompression could be performed without compromising coronary perfusion during surgical correction. A detailed understanding of the coronary anatomy is critical in managing this defect when coronary anomalies are present.

  2. Role of ventricular tachycardia ablation in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

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    Alberto Cipriani


    Full Text Available Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC is characterized by progressive fibro-fatty replacement of the myocardium that represents the substrate for recurrent sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT. These arrhythmias characterize the clinical course of a sizeable proportion of patients and have significant implications for their quality of life and long-term prognosis. Antiarrhythmic drugs are often poorly tolerated and usually provide incomplete control of arrhythmia relapses. Catheter ablation is a potentially effective strategy to treat frequent VT episodes and ICD shocks in ARVC patients. The aims of this review are to discuss the electrophysiological and electroanatomic substrates of ventricular tachycardia in patients with ARVC and to analyze the role of catheter ablation in their management with particular reference to selection of patients, technical issues, potential complications and outcomes.

  3. Caracterización de la deformación miocárdica en pacientes con hipertrofia ventricular izquierda de diferente etiología/nmediante el uso de distribuciones de strain obtenidas de imágenes de resonancia magnética


    Piella Fenoy, Gemma; De Craene, Mathieu; Bijnens, Bart; Tobón Gómez, Catalina, 1981-; Huguet, Marina; Avegliano, G.; Frangi Caregnato, Alejandro


    Introducción y objetivos. Se ha señalado que, en la miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH), la desorganización de las fibras regionales da lugar a segmentos en los que la deformación es nula o está gravemente reducida, y que estos segmentos tienen una distribución no uniforme en el ventrículo izquierdo (VI). Esto contrasta con lo observado en otros tipos de hipertrofia como en el corazón de atleta o la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda hipertensiva (HVI-HT), en los que puede haber una deformación ...

  4. Fisiopatogenia y diagnóstico de la ventriculitis asociada a drenaje ventricular externo. Análisis de la formación de biopelículas bacterianas sobre el drenaje ventricular externo. Utilidad del sTREM-1 en el diagnóstico de la ventriculitis asociada a drenaje ventricular externo.


    Gordón Sahuquillo, Mónica


    [spa] INTRODUCCIÓN: La ventriculitis asociada a drenaje ventricular externo (DVE) es una grave complicación relacionada con el uso de estos dispositivos. La formación de biopelícula sobre la superficie del DVE es un factor etiopatogénico importante pero nunca ha sido estudiado de forma sistemática. Por otra parte, establecer el diagnóstico de ventriculitis puede resultar complicado en el paciente crítico. Biomarcadores de infección como la forma soluble del triggering receptor expresse...

  5. Dynamic Changes of QRS Morphology of Premature Ventricular Contractions During Ablation in the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract: A Case Report. (United States)

    Yue-Chun, Li; Jia-Feng, Lin; Jia-Xuan, Lin


    Electrocardiographic characteristics can be useful in differentiating between right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) and aortic sinus cusp (ASC) ventricular arrhythmias. Ventricular arrhythmias originating from ASC, however, show preferential conduction to RVOT that may render the algorithms of electrocardiographic characteristics less reliable. Even though there are few reports describing ventricular arrhythmias with ASC origins and endocardial breakout sites of RVOT, progressive dynamic changes in QRS morphology of the ventricular arrhythmias during ablation obtained were rare.This case report describes a patient with symptomatic premature ventricular contractions of left ASC origin presenting an electrocardiogram (ECG) characteristic of right ventricular outflow tract before ablation. Pacing at right ventricular outflow tract reproduced an excellent pace map. When radiofrequency catheter ablation was applied to the right ventricular outflow tract, the QRS morphology of premature ventricular contractions progressively changed from ECG characteristics of right ventricular outflow tract origin to ECG characteristics of left ASC origin.Successful radiofrequency catheter ablation was achieved at the site of the earliest ventricular activation in the left ASC. The distance between the successful ablation site of the left ASC and the site with an excellent pace map of the RVOT was 20 mm.The ndings could be strong evidence for a preferential conduction via the myocardial bers from the ASC origin to the breakout site in the right ventricular outflow tract. This case demonstrates that ventricular arrhythmias with a single origin and exit shift may exhibit QRS morphology changes.

  6. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: MRI findings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wall, E.E. van der; Bootsma, M.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Kayser, H.W.M.; Roos, A. de


    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD) is a heart muscle disorder of unknown cause that is characterized pathologically by fibrofatty replacement of the right ventricular myocardium. Clinical manifestations include structural and functional malformations of the right ventricle, electrocardiographic abnormalities, and presentation with ventricular tachycardias with left bundle branch pattern or sudden death. The disease is often familial with an autosomal inheritance. In addition to right ventricular dilatation, right ventricular aneurysms are typical deformities of ARVD and they are distributed in the so-called ''triangle of dysplasia'', i. e., right ventricular outflow tract, apex, and infundibulum. Ventricular aneurysms at these sites can be considered pathognomonic of ARVD. Another typical hallmark of ARVD is fibrofatty infiltration of the right ventricular free wall. These functional and morphologic characteristics are relevant to clinical imaging investigations such as contrast angiography, echocardiography, radionuclide angiography, ultrafast computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Among these techniques, MRI allows the clearest visualization of the heart, in particular because the right ventricle is involved, which is usually more difficult to explore with the other imaging modalities. Furthermore, MRI offers the specific advantage of visualizing adipose infiltration as a bright signal of the right ventricular myocardium. MRI provides the most important anatomic, functional, and morphologic criteria for diagnosis of ARVD within one single study. As a result, MRI appears to be the optimal imaging technique for detecting and following patients with clinical suspicion of ARVD. (orig.) [de

  7. Left ventricular function in right ventricular overload

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwanaga, Shiro; Handa, Shunnosuke; Abe, Sumihisa; Onishi, Shohei; Nakamura, Yoshiro; Kunieda, Etsuo; Ogawa, Koichi; Kubo, Atsushi


    This study clarified regional and global functions of the distorted left ventricle due to right ventricular overload by gated radionuclide ventriculography (RNV). Cardiac catheterization and RNV were performed in 13 cases of atrial septal defect (ASD), 13 of pure mitral stenosis (MS), 10 of primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), and 10 of normal subjects (NL). Right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) was 32.9±13.9, 45.0±12.2, 88.3±17.1, and 21.2±4.5 mmHg, respectively. The end-systolic LAO view of the left ventricle was halved into septal and free-wall sides. The end-diastolic halves were determined in the same plane. Ejection fractions of the global left ventricle (LVEF), global right ventricle (RVEF), the septal half of the left ventricle (SEPEF), and the free-wall half of the left ventricle (FWEF) were obtained. LVEF was 56.8±9.8% in NL, 52.8±10.5% in ASD, and 49.5±12.9% in PPH. In MS, LVEF (47.0±13.0%) was smaller than those in the other groups. RVEF was 37.0±5.2% in NL, 43.7±15.5% in ASD, and 32.8±11.5% in MS. In PPH, RVEF (25.0±10.6%) was smaller than those in the other groups. SEPEF was smaller in ASD (42.5±13.2%), MS (40.4±13.1%), PPH (40.5±12.5%) than in NL (53.5±8.5%). Systolic function of the septal half of the left ventricle was disturbed by right ventricular overload. RVEF (r=-0.35, p<0.05) and SEPEF (r=-0.51, p<0.01) had negative correlations with RVSP. As RVSP rose, systolic function of the septal half of the left ventricle was more severely disturbed. FWEF was the same among the four groups; NL (57.0±12.6%), ASD (48.6±15.2%), MS (50.5±12.0%), and PPH (51.1±12.3%). There was a good correlation between SEPEF and LVEF in NL (r=0.81), although in PPH this correlation was poor (r=0.64). These data showed that the distorted left ventricular due to right ventricular overload maintains its global function with preserved function of the free-wall side. (J.P.N.)

  8. Measurement of ventricular function using Doppler ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Teague, S.M.


    Doppler has wide application in the evaluation of valvular heart disease. The need to know ventricular function is a much more common reason for an echocardiographic evaluation. Interestingly, Doppler examinations can assess ventricular function from many perspectives. Description of ventricular function entails measurement of the timing, rate and volume of ventricular filling and ejection. Doppler ultrasound examination reveals all of these aspects of ventricular function noninvasively, simply, and without great expense or radiation exposure, as described in this chapter

  9. Right ventricular function in patients with ischemic heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araki, Haruo; Hisano, Ryuichi; Nagata, Yoshiyuki; Caglar, N.; Nakamura, Motoomi


    Thirty-five patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and 10 normal subjects were studied. Right and left ventricular ejecction fractions (EF) were determined using equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography with technetium-99m. Furthermore, abnormal motion of the right ventricular septal wall was obtained by cardiac cathetelization, and its relation to the right ventricular EF was examined. In IHD patients with anterior myocardial infarction, left ventricular EF decreased, but right ventricular EF was normal. This suggested that left ventricular dysfunction does not always have an effect on right ventricular function. Right ventricular EF was normal even when akinesis or dyskinesis was present in the ventricular septul, suggesting that abnormal motion of the ventricular septal wall has no significantly stimulant effect on right ventricular function. A decreased right ventricular EF was likely to occur only when the right ventricular free wall became ischemic or necrotic simultaneously with occurrence of posterior myocardial infarction. (Namekawa, K.)

  10. Right ventricular failure after implantation of a continuous-flow left ventricular assist device

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cordtz, Johan Joakim; Nilsson, Jens C; Hansen, Peter B


    Right ventricular failure (RVF) is a significant complication after implantation of a left ventricular assist device. We aimed to identify haemodynamic changes in the early postoperative phase that predicted subsequent development of RVF in a cohort of HeartMate II (HMII) implanted patients....

  11. Psicoterapia cognitivo analítica y trastornos de la personalidad: revisión

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    Laura Rodríguez Moya


    Full Text Available En los años 80 y 90, A. Ryle desarrolló un modelo de tratamiento denominado Psicoterapia Cognitivo Analítica (PCA. Con un enfoque integrador, breve y focal, la PCA se ha aplicado a diversas patologías, siendo su uso más frecuente con pacientes con trastorno de personalidad, sobre todo con trastorno límite. Estos pacientes poseen un número de disfunciones metacognitivas que dificultan el proceso de darse cuenta de sus diferentes estados mentales y de sus componentes. A través del modelo de Múltiples Estados del self, el objetivo es ayudar al paciente a identificar los procesos disfuncionales o restrictivos del self que está experimentando y dotarle de recursos para que pueda sustituirlos por otros más adaptativos.

  12. Ventricular fibrillation in an ambulatory patient supported by a left ventricular assist device: highlighting the ICD controversy. (United States)

    Boilson, Barry A; Durham, Lucian A; Park, Soon J


    Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) provide an effective means of managing advanced pump failure as a means of bridging to cardiac transplantation or as permanent therapy. Although ventricular arrhythmias remain common post-LVAD implantation, such therapy may allow malignant arrhythmias to be tolerated hemodynamically. This report describes the clinical findings in a patient who had likely been in a ventricular tachyarrhythmia for several days and presented in ventricular fibrillation, ambulatory, and mentating normally. This report, with previous similar reports, is additive to the body of evidence that LVADs alter the physiologic impact of ventricular arrhythmias in advanced heart failure and highlights the need for thoughtful programming of implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapies in these patients.

  13. Action potential conduction between a ventricular cell model and an isolated ventricular cell

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilders, R.; Kumar, R.; Joyner, R. W.; Jongsma, H. J.; Verheijck, E. E.; Golod, D.; van Ginneken, A. C.; Goolsby, W. N.


    We used the Luo and Rudy (LR) mathematical model of the guinea pig ventricular cell coupled to experimentally recorded guinea pig ventricular cells to investigate the effects of geometrical asymmetry on action potential propagation. The overall correspondence of the LR cell model with the recorded

  14. 186. Impacto adverso de la diabetes en la cirugía de la estenosis valvular aórtica. ¿influye alterando el remodelado ventricular?

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    R. García Fuster


    Conclusiones: Los pacientes diabéticos intervenidos de estenosis aórtica mostraron un peor perfil de riesgo con claro impacto adverso sobre la morbimortalidad. Aunque la diabetes se asoció a mayor disfunción sistólica, no alteró significativamente el remodelado ventricular.

  15. The helical ventricular myocardial band: global, three-dimensional, functional architecture of the ventricular myocardium. (United States)

    Kocica, Mladen J; Corno, Antonio F; Carreras-Costa, Francesc; Ballester-Rodes, Manel; Moghbel, Mark C; Cueva, Clotario N C; Lackovic, Vesna; Kanjuh, Vladimir I; Torrent-Guasp, Francisco


    We are currently witnessing the advent of new diagnostic tools and therapies for heart diseases, but, without serious scientific consensus on fundamental questions about normal and diseased heart structure and function. During the last decade, three successive, international, multidisciplinary symposia were organized in order to setup fundamental research principles, which would allow us to make a significant step forward in understanding heart structure and function. Helical ventricular myocardial band of Torrent-Guasp is the revolutionary new concept in understanding global, three-dimensional, functional architecture of the ventricular myocardium. This concept defines the principal, cumulative vectors, integrating the tissue architecture (i.e. form) and net forces developed (i.e. function) within the ventricular mass. Here we expose the compendium of Torrent-Guasp's half-century long functional anatomical investigations in the light of ongoing efforts to define the integrative approach, which would lead to new understanding of the ventricular form and function by linking across multiple scales of biological organization, as defined in ongoing Physiome project. Helical ventricular myocardial band of Torrent-Guasp may also, hopefully, allow overcoming some difficulties encountered in contemporary efforts to create a comprehensive mathematical model of the heart.

  16. Application of radionuclide ventriculography phase analysis in patients with atrial or ventricular pacing for detecting ventricular abnormal excitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Rongfang; Wang Zhonggan; Li Shengting


    The aim of the study was to increase the accuracy of detecting ventricular abnormal excitation. During atrial or ventricular pacing, radionuclide ventriculography phase analysis (RNV-PA) was performed in 17 patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White (W-P-W) syndrome and paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia (PSVT) and ventricular tachycardia (PVT). During pacing, detection rate of abnormal excitation by RNV-PA was 95.5%, compared with 68.2% during basic conduction. Atrial or ventricular pacing can significantly increase the detection rate of abnormal excitation by RNV-PA in patients with W-P-W syndrome. It may be a valuable method for identifying the abnormal excitation and estimating the therapeutic effect of ablation

  17. Descripci??n del dolor y el tono vagal en mujeres supervivientes de c??ncer de mama y efectos f??sicos de un programa de fisioterapia acu??tica


    Caro Mor??n, Elena


    El diagn??stico precoz, los avances en los tratamientos y la prevenci??n de la recurrencia son factores responsables del aumento de la supervivencia en las pacientes de c??ncer de mama. Estas pacientes sufren numerosas secuelas o trastornos cr??nicos relacionados con la propia enfermedad o derivadas de los tratamientos recibidos que repercuten sobre su calidad de vida. Las mujeres supervivientes de c??ncer de mama (SCM), objeto de nuestro estudio, presentan disfunciones card??a...

  18. Effect of right ventricular electrode location (outflow tract vs. apex) on mechanical Ventricular synchrony in patients that underwent pacemaker implant therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rincon, Oscar S; Saenz, Luis C; Salazar, Gabriel; Hernandez, Edgar


    Objective: to assess in depth the effect of ventricular stimulation from the right ventricular outflow tract and the apex on mechanical ventricular synchrony. Materials And Methods: cohort analytical study. 20 patients with indication of definitive pacemaker indication underwent trans thoracic echocardiogram before and after pacemaker implant with electrode implantation in the right ventricular outflow tract and in the apex (10 patients in each group). There was no structural cardiopathy, ejection fraction was ? 50%, QRS and AV conduction were normal. Mechanical ventricular asynchrony (M mode and tissue doppler) and implant and device parameters were evaluated. Statistical Analysis: results are given as mean values, standard deviation or percentages.Continuous variables were compared using Chi-square test and ANOVA. A p <0.05 value was considered statistically significant. Results: in five patients (25%) a pre-implant ventricular asynchrony was found; in seven (70%) ventricular asynchrony post-implant in the right ventricle outflow tract and in 5 (50%) in the apex. Mean interventricular pot-implant delay was 21,6 ms in the right ventricular outflow tract and 11,5 ms in the apex (p = 0,8); mean septal to lateral wall delay was 73 ms in the right ventricular outflow tract and 26 ms in the apex (p = 0,8). QRS post-implant delay was 134 ms in the right ventricular outflow tract and 140 ms in the apex (p = 0,1). No differences between implant parameters and device programming were found. Conclusions: presence of ventricular asynchrony was evidenced in patients with normal QRS and structurally healthy heart. Ventricular stimulation with pacemaker from the apex or the right ventricular outflow tract suggests acute ventricular asynchrony at least in 60% of the cases, without statistically significant difference between both groups.

  19. Revascularización quirúrgica en pacientes con disfunción ventricular severa

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    Carlos A. Martínez-Cano


    Conclusiones: Este estudio sugiere que el pronóstico de los pacientes con disfunción sistólica severa que son llevados a la revascularización quirúrgica es similar a lo reportado en otros estudios y adicionalmente se acompaña de mejoría de la fracción de eyección.

  20. Niveles urinarios de angiotensina-(1-7) y angiotensina II en pacientes con estenosis aórtica de importante repercusión hemodinámica


    López-de la Vega,César; Rosas-Peralta,Martín; Lomelí-Estrada,Catalina; Pastelín-Hernández,Gustavo; del Valle-Mondragón,Leonardo


    Objetivo:Reforzar el conocimiento sobre la fisiopatología de la estenosis aórtica. Métodos: Se compararon los niveles urinarios de angiotensina II y angiotensina-(1-7) entre dos muestras: a) 45 pacientes con estenosis aórtica de importante repercusión hemodinámica, sin hipertensión arterial sistémica y con funciones renal y sistólica ventricular izquierda normales; b) grupo de control con 21 voluntarios sin patología cardiovascular. Hipótesis nula: no habría diferencia entre los niveles urina...

  1. Tratamiento del síncope neuralmente mediado con marcapasos: utilidad del sensor de asa cerrada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín de la Ossa


    Full Text Available El síncope vasovagal es una entidad frecuente, de difícil manejo, con alta tasa de recurrencia aun con manejo médico. Se ha estudiado la estimulación cardiaca en pacientes con respuesta cardioinhibitoria en la mesa basculante con resultados contradictorios. Los estudios iniciales mostraron buenos resultados, que no lograron reproducirse cuando se introdujo el diseño doble ciego. La mayoría de estos estudios se realizaron con marcapasos con sensores convencionales. Las guías actuales de dispositivos indican la terapia de estimulación cardiaca en síncope vasovagal con respuesta cardioinhibitoria como una alternativa ante la no respuesta al tratamiento convencional. Existe evidencia reciente que indica que los marcapasos con sensores de asa cerrada (CLS, del inglés closed-loop sensor muestran mejores resultados que los sensores convencionales; estos estudios, aunque con población pequeña, reportan reducciones de la frecuencia de síncopes y presíncopes. Este tipo de dispositivos actúan en etapas más tempranas de la cascada de eventos fisiopatológicos del síncope vasovagal, detectando cambios en la impedancia ventricular antes de la caída de la frecuencia cardiaca, lo cual permite intervenir en forma precoz con estimulación para evitar el síncope.

  2. Ventricular Effective Refraction Period and Ventricular Repolarization Analysis in Experimental Tachycardiomyopathy in Swine. (United States)

    Noszczyk-Nowak, Agnieszka; Pasławska, Urszula; Gajek, Jacek; Janiszewski, Adrian; Pasławski, Robert; Zyśko, Dorota; Nicpoń, Józef


    Swine are recognized animal models of human cardiovascular diseases. However, little is known on the CHF-associated changes in the electrophysiological ventricular parameters of humans and animals. The aim of this study was to analyze changes in the durations of ventricular effective refraction period (VERP), QT and QTc intervals of pigs with chronic tachycardia-induced tachycardiomyopathy (TIC). The study was comprised of 28 adult pigs (8 females and 20 males) of the Polish Large White breed. A one-chamber pacemaker was implanted in each of the 28 pigs. Electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and electrophysiological studies were carried out prior to the pacemaker implantation and at subsequent 4-week intervals. All electrocardiographic, echocardiographic and short electrophysiological study measurements in all swine were done under general anesthesia (propofol) after premedication with midazolam, medetomidine, and ketamine. No significant changes in the duration of QT interval and corrected QT interval (QTc) were observed during consecutive weeks of the experiment. The duration of the QTc interval of female pigs was shown to be significantly longer than that of the males throughout the whole study period. Beginning from the 12th week of rapid ventricular pacing, a significant increase in duration of VERP was observed in both male and female pigs. Males and females did not differ significantly in terms of VERP duration determined throughout the whole study period. Ventricular pacing, stimulation with 2 and 3 premature impulses at progressively shorter coupling intervals and an imposed rhythm of 130 bpm or 150 bpm induced transient ventricular tachycardia in one female pig and four male pigs. One episode of permanent ventricular tachycardia was observed. The number of induced arrhythmias increased proportionally to the severity of heart failure and duration of the experiment. However, relatively aggressive protocols of stimulation were required in order to induce

  3. Ventricular arrhythmias in Chagas disease

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    Marco Paulo Tomaz Barbosa


    Full Text Available Sudden death is one of the most characteristic phenomena of Chagas disease, and approximately one-third of infected patients develop life-threatening heart disease, including malignant ventricular arrhythmias. Fibrotic lesions secondary to chronic cardiomyopathy produce arrhythmogenic substrates that lead to the appearance and maintenance of ventricular arrhythmias. The objective of this study is to discuss the main clinical and epidemiological aspects of ventricular arrhythmias in Chagas disease, the specific workups and treatments for these abnormalities, and the breakthroughs needed to determine a more effective approach to these arrhythmias. A literature review was performed via a search of the PubMed database from 1965 to May 31, 2014 for studies of patients with Chagas disease. Clinical management of patients with chronic Chagas disease begins with proper clinical stratification and the identification of individuals at a higher risk of sudden cardiac death. Once a patient develops malignant ventricular arrhythmia, the therapeutic approach aims to prevent the recurrence of arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death by the use of implantable cardioverter defibrillators, antiarrhythmic drugs, or both. In select cases, invasive ablation of the reentrant circuit causing tachycardia may be useful. Ventricular arrhythmias are important manifestations of Chagas cardiomyopathy. This review highlights the absence of high-quality evidence regarding the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias in Chagas disease. Recognizing high-risk patients who require specific therapies, especially invasive procedures such as the implantation of cardioverter defibrillators and ablative approaches, is a major challenge in clinical practice.

  4. Enalaprilato na prevenção da hipertrofia ventricular esquerda induzida pelo isoproterenol Enalaprilat prevents the left ventricular hypertrophy induced by isoproterenol

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    Eduardo A. S. Costa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o enalaprilato, droga inibidora da enzima de conversão da angiotensina I, previne a hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE induzida pelo isoproterenol. MÉTODOS: Foram divididos em 4 grupos, 72 ratos Wistar-EPM: CON controle; ENA, tratados com enalaprilato (1mg/kg via subcutânea (sc por 8 dias; ISO, tratados com isoproterenol (0,3mg/kg via sc/8 dias e ENA+ISO, tratados simultaneamente com ambas as drogas. Em 10 animais de cada grupo foram determinadas a freqüência cardíaca (FC e a pressão arterial (PA e verificado o peso de ventrículo esquerdo (VE. Em 8 animais de cada grupo, fragmento do VE foi corado com hematoxilina-eosina e picro-sírius e preparado para estudo morfométrico e ultra-estrutural, respectivamente, com microscópio de luz e eletrônico. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos estudados (CON, ENA, ISO e ISO+ENA não ocorreram variações na PA. Os grupos ISO e ISO+ENA exibiram aumentos significantes na FC. O grupo ISO apresentou aumento significativo do peso do VE (PU= 0,821g e PS= 0,204g, quando comparado ao grupo CON. O grupo ENA não exibiu modificação de peso do VE quando comparado ao grupo CON (PU= 0,590g e PS= 0,139g. No grupo ENA+ISO (PU= 0,737g e PS= 0,177g constatou-se diferença de peso ao ser comparado aos grupos ISO e CON. A análise morfométrica e ultra-estrutural mostraram que o ISO induziu hipertrofia dos cardiomiócitos e aumento do tecido conjuntivo com depósito de fibras colágenas do tipo I. O enalaprilato associado com isoproterenol atenuou importantemente aquela manifestação. CONCLUSÃO: O enalaprilato inibiu a ação do isoproterenol sobre os cardiomiócitos, evitando parcialmente, na dose utilizada, a HVE e diminuindo também a quantidade de fibras colágenas.PURPOSE: To evaluate whether the enalaprilat, angiotensin I enzyme conversion inhibitor, could prevent the left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH induced by isoproterenol. METHODS: Seventy two adult Wistar-EPM rats were divided into four

  5. Evaluation of Right Ventricular Function with Radionuclide Cardiac Angiography - Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, In; Shin, Sung Hae; Chung, June Key; Lee, Myung Chul; Cho, Bo Youn; Lee, Young Woo; Han, Yong Cheol; Koh, Chang Soon


    To evaluate the usefulness of radionuclide cardiac angiography in the assessment of the right ventricular function, we measured right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) using single pass method. In 12 normal persons, RVEF averaged 52.7±5.9% (mean±S.D.). In 25 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease, RVEF was 37.2±10.6% and significantly lower than that of normal person (p<0.01). All 10 patients with right ventricular failure had abnormal RVEF, which was significantly lower than that of 14 persons without right ventricular failure (27.6±5.7%, 43.9±8.5%, respectively, p<0.01). It concluded that RVEF measured by single pass radionuclide cardiac angiography was a useful, noninvasive method to assess right ventricular function.



    López Aguilar, Abigail


    El propósito del presente trabajo fué valorar la prevalencia de pacientes con síntomas o signos de disfunción de la articulación Temporo mandibular y si existe relación entre esos síntomas o signos de DTM con el estrés. La muestra seleccionada estuvo integrada por pacientes que reunieron los criterios de selección. Se realizó la Historia clínica de Articulación Temporo Mandibular del Diplomado en prótesis fija, removible y oclusión de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás...

  7. Detection of left ventricular thrombi by computerised tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nair, C.K.; Sketch, M.H.; Mahoney, P.D.; Lynch, J.D.; Mooss, A.N.; Kenney, N.P.


    Sixteen patients suspected of having left ventricular mural thrombi were studied. All had suffered transmural myocardial infarction. Fifteen patients had a ventricular aneurysm. One had had systemic emboli. The mean length of time between the myocardial infarction and the study was 14.8 months, with a range of one month to 79 months. All patients underwent computerised tomography of the heart, M-mode echocardiography (M-mode), and two-dimensional echocardiography (2-D). Eight patients underwent left ventricular cineangiography. Five patients had surgical confirmation. Computerised tomography, two-dimensional, and M-mode echocardiography predicted left ventricular mural thrombi in 10, eight, and one of the 16 patients, respectively. Left ventricular cineangiography predicted left ventricular mural thrombi in four out of eight patients. Computerised tomography and left ventricular cineangiography correctly predicted the presence or absence of left ventricular thrombi in all five patients who underwent operation. In the same group, however, two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography failed to predict the presence of thrombi in one and three patients, respectively. Among the 11 patients without surgical confirmation, one, in whom no left ventricular thrombi were shown by M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiography, was found to have thrombi on computerised tomography. In another, two-dimensional echocardiography was positive but this finding was not confirmed either by computerised tomography or by left ventricular angiography. (author)

  8. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vignolo Puglia, W.; Freire Colla, D.; Rivara Urrutia, D.; Lujambio Grene, M.; Arbiza Bruno, T.; Oliveira, G.; Cobas Rodriguez, J.


    The arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a condition predominantly well defined with arrhythmic events. We analyze three cases diagnosed by the group. These cases were presented as ventricular tachycardia with a morphology of left bundle branch block, presenting one of them aborted sudden death in evolution. The baseline electrocardiogram and signal averaging were abnormal in two of the three cases, like the echocardiogram. The electrophysiological study was able to induce in the three patients with sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia morphology of left bundle branch block. The definitive diagnosis was made by right ventriculography in two cases and magnetic resonance imaging in the other. Treatment included antiarrhythmic drugs in the three cases and the placement of an automatic defibrillator which survived a sudden death (Author)

  9. Perfil multidimensional de personas que han realizado intento de suicidio

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    Nicolás Arturo Núñez Gómez


    Full Text Available Establecer el perfil multidimensional de personas con intento de suicidio. Se estudiaron 116 personas reportadas con intento de suicidio en servicios de urgencias e instituciones educativas del departamento del Huila. Diseño descriptivo; con entrevista semi-estructurada, prueba de personalidad, inventario de depresión, evaluación de alcoholismo, evaluación de ideación e intento de suicidio. El perfil multidimensional se caracterizó: adolescentes rurales, adultos citadinos; son de consideración: ama de casa, con relación de pareja estable, y personas solas, divorciadas, desempleadas. La relación neuroticismo bajo y piscoticismo alto podría ayudar a explicar que el intento de suicidio haya sido realizado de "repente" sin existir ningún síntoma previo. La estructura y dinámica familiar disfuncional están altamente asociadas a la persona con intento de suicidio.


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    Alfredo Jesús López Dávila


    Full Text Available López-Dávila, A. J. (2014. Hoy como ayer. Parabiosis y su combinación con otras técnicas para descubrir los secretos de la sangre. Pensar en Movimiento: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 12 (1, 1-15. Este artículo repasa algunos descubrimientos importantes relacionados con la fisiología del ejercicio, los cuales han sido posibles gracias al modelo llamado parabiosis. La parabiosis es una preparación fisiológica experimental en la cual dos animales comparten una sola circulación sanguínea. Este método permite demostrar la existencia de factores circulantes en la sangre y el efecto que estos tienen sobre diferentes tejidos. Aunque esta técnica se ha practicado por más de 150 años, sigue siendo muy utilizada y sus alcances se han reforzado gracias al uso de los métodos modernos de la biología molecular como herramienta complementaria. Por medio de experimentos de parabiosis se ha demostrado que en la sangre de modelos animales circulan moléculas capaces –entre otras acciones- de: a regular la masa grasa corporal por medio de retrocontrol negativo, b reducir la hipertrofia cardiaca asociada a la disfunción diastólica que ocurre con el envejecimiento c inhibir la neurogénesis en el giro dentado del hipocampo y causar disfunciones cognitivas, d favorecer la remielinización de la médula espinal y e activar o inhibir la regeneración del músculo esquelético que se da luego de una lesión. El constante descubrimiento de factores que circulan en la sangre y sus efectos en diversos órganos abren nuevas preguntas acerca de los mecanismos moleculares y celulares que explican estos fenómenos y su posible aplicación en la salud del ser humano. La fisiología del ejercicio es una herramienta valiosa para hallar las respuestas.

  11. Isolated left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy associated with polymorphous ventricular tachycardia mimicking torsades de pointes

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    Oana Dickinson


    Full Text Available Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC cardiomyopathy is a rare congenital disorder, classified by the American Heart Association as a primary genetic cardiomyopathy and characterized by multiple trabeculations within the left ventricle. LVNC cardiomyopathy has been associated with 3 major clinical manifestations: heart failure, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias and thromboembolic events, including stroke. In this case report, we describe a female patient with apparently isolated LVNC in whom pause-dependent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia suggesting torsades de pointes occurred in the presence of a normal QT interval.

  12. Two-dimensional echocardiographic features of right ventricular infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Arcy, B.; Nanda, N.C.


    Real-time, two-dimensional echocardiographic studies were performed in 10 patients with acute myocardial infarction who had clinical features suggestive of right ventricular involvement. All patients showed right ventricular wall motion abnormalities. In the four-chamber view, seven patients showed akinesis of the entire right ventricular diaphragmatic wall and three showed akinesis of segments of the diaphragmatic wall. Segmental dyskinetic areas involving the right ventricular free wall were identified in four patients. One patient showed a large right ventricular apical aneurysm. Other echocardiographic features included enlargement of the right ventricle in eight cases, paradoxical ventricular septal motion in seven cases, tricuspid incompetence in eight cases, dilation of the stomach in four cases and localized pericardial effusion in two cases. Right ventricular infarction was confirmed by radionuclide methods in seven patients, at surgery in one patient and at autopsy in two patients

  13. Exercise thallium testing in ventricular preexcitation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Archer, S.; Gornick, C.; Grund, F.; Shafer, R.; Weir, E.K.


    Ventricular preexcitation, as seen in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, results in a high frequency of positive exercise electrocardiographic responses. Why this occurs is unknown but is not believed to reflect myocardial ischemia. Exercise thallium testing is often used for noninvasive assessment of coronary artery disease in patients with conditions known to result in false-positive electrocardiographic responses. To assess the effects of ventricular preexcitation on exercise thallium testing, 8 men (aged 42 +/- 4 years) with this finding were studied. No subject had signs or symptoms of coronary artery disease. Subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer to a double product of 26,000 +/- 2,000 (+/- standard error of mean). All but one of the subjects had at least 1 mm of ST-segment depression. Tests were terminated because of fatigue or dyspnea and no patient had chest pain. Thallium test results were abnormal in 5 patients, 2 of whom had stress defects as well as abnormally delayed thallium washout. One of these subjects had normal coronary arteries on angiography with a negative ergonovine challenge, and both had normal exercise radionuclide ventriculographic studies. Delayed thallium washout was noted in 3 of the subjects with ventricular preexcitation and normal stress images. This study suggests that exercise thallium testing is frequently abnormal in subjects with ventricular preexcitation. Ventricular preexcitation may cause dyssynergy of ventricular activation, which could alter myocardial thallium handling, much as occurs with left bundle branch block. Exercise radionuclide ventriculography may be a better test for noninvasive assessment of coronary artery disease in patients with ventricular preexcitation.

  14. Exercise thallium testing in ventricular preexcitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Archer, S.; Gornick, C.; Grund, F.; Shafer, R.; Weir, E.K.


    Ventricular preexcitation, as seen in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, results in a high frequency of positive exercise electrocardiographic responses. Why this occurs is unknown but is not believed to reflect myocardial ischemia. Exercise thallium testing is often used for noninvasive assessment of coronary artery disease in patients with conditions known to result in false-positive electrocardiographic responses. To assess the effects of ventricular preexcitation on exercise thallium testing, 8 men (aged 42 +/- 4 years) with this finding were studied. No subject had signs or symptoms of coronary artery disease. Subjects exercised on a bicycle ergometer to a double product of 26,000 +/- 2,000 (+/- standard error of mean). All but one of the subjects had at least 1 mm of ST-segment depression. Tests were terminated because of fatigue or dyspnea and no patient had chest pain. Thallium test results were abnormal in 5 patients, 2 of whom had stress defects as well as abnormally delayed thallium washout. One of these subjects had normal coronary arteries on angiography with a negative ergonovine challenge, and both had normal exercise radionuclide ventriculographic studies. Delayed thallium washout was noted in 3 of the subjects with ventricular preexcitation and normal stress images. This study suggests that exercise thallium testing is frequently abnormal in subjects with ventricular preexcitation. Ventricular preexcitation may cause dyssynergy of ventricular activation, which could alter myocardial thallium handling, much as occurs with left bundle branch block. Exercise radionuclide ventriculography may be a better test for noninvasive assessment of coronary artery disease in patients with ventricular preexcitation

  15. Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation. (United States)

    Belhassen, B; Viskin, S


    Important data have recently been added to our understanding of sustained ventricular tachyarrhythmias occurring in the absence of demonstrable heart disease. Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) is usually of monomorphic configuration and can be classified according to its site of origin as either right monomorphic (70% of all idiopathic VTs) or left monomorphic VT. Several physiopathological types of monomorphic VT can be presently individualized, according to their mode of presentation, their relationship to adrenergic stress, or their response to various drugs. The long-term prognosis is usually good. Idiopathic polymorphic VT is a much rarer type of arrhythmia with a less favorable prognosis. Idiopathic ventricular fibrillation may represent an underestimated cause of sudden cardiac death in ostensibly healty patients. A high incidence of inducibility of sustained polymorphic VT with programmed ventricular stimulation has been found by our group, but not by others. Long-term prognosis on Class IA antiarrhythmic medications that are highly effective at electrophysiologic study appears excellent.

  16. Left Ventricular Function Improves after Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Patients with Previous Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Reconstruction and Biventricular Dysfunction (United States)

    Kane, Colin; Kogon, Brian; Pernetz, Maria; McConnell, Michael; Kirshbom, Paul; Rodby, Katherine; Book, Wendy M.


    Congenital heart defects that have a component of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, such as tetralogy of Fallot, are frequently palliated in childhood by disruption of the pulmonary valve. Although this can provide an initial improvement in quality of life, these patients are often left with severe pulmonary valve insufficiency. Over time, this insufficiency can lead to enlargement of the right ventricle and to the deterioration of right ventricular systolic and diastolic function. Pulmonary valve replacement in these patients decreases right ventricular volume overload and improves right ventricular performance. To date, few studies have examined the effects of pulmonary valve replacement on left ventricular function in patients with biventricular dysfunction. We sought to perform such an evaluation. Records of adult patients who had undergone pulmonary valve replacement from January 2003 through November 2006 were analyzed retrospectively. We reviewed preoperative and postoperative echocardiograms and calculated left ventricular function in 38 patients. In the entire cohort, the mean left ventricular ejection fraction increased by a mean of 0.07 after pulmonary valve replacement, which was a statistically significant change (P < 0.01). In patients with preoperative ejection fractions of less than 0.50, mean ejection fractions increased by 0.10. We conclude that pulmonary valve replacement in patients with biventricular dysfunction arising from severe pulmonary insufficiency and right ventricular enlargement can improve left ventricular function. Prospective studies are needed to verify this finding. PMID:21720459

  17. Perfiles e indicadores psicológicos relacionados con la dispareunia y el vaginismo. Estudio cuantitativo. Primera parte


    Sánchez Bravo, Claudia; Carreño Meléndez, Jorge; Corres Ayala, Norma Patricia; Henales Almaraz, Consuelo


    Antecedentes En el Departamento de Psicología del Instituto Nacional de Perinatología Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes (INPerIER), se encontró una alta prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales: 52% en las mujeres y 38.8% en los hombres, además de que otros estudios comparativos indican que la población que presentó alteraciones en la vida sexual mostró siempre desventaja en factores como el autoconcepto, la asertividad, la satisfacción marital, el estilo de comunicación y la comunicación marital, en ...

  18. The right ventricular response to ventricular hypofunction in anteroseptal infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanayama, Sugako


    Thirty-seven patients with acute anteroseptal infarction but not significant right coronary artery stenosis were examined by using thallium-201 (Tl-201) myocardial perfusion SPECT to determine how the right ventricular (RV) free wall responded to a severely impaired ventricular septum. The patients were divided into the group in which RV free wall was visualized on Tl-201 myocardial SPECT (n=19, RV(+) Group) and the group in which it was not visualized (n=18, RV(-) Group). The relationship between visualization of RV free wall and both RV and left ventricular (LV) function was evaluated. RV(+) Group had larger extent of anteroseptal necrosis and severer impairment of RV free wall, as compared with RV(-) Group. LV ejection fraction (LVEF) was significantly lower in RV(+) Group than RV(-) Group in both acute and chronic phases. Although RV ejection fraction (RVEF) in acute phase was significantly lower in RV(+) Group than RV(-) Group, it did not differ in chronic phase between the two groups. In RV(+) Group, RV stroke work index (RVSWI), pulmonary artery end diastolic pressure (PAEDP), and mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPA) in chronic phase showed a statistically significant increase compared with those in acute phase; these hemodynamic variables in chronic phase were also significantly higher than those in RV(-) Group. RV/LV ratio inversely correlated with LVEF, and both necrotic extent and impairment severity positively correlated with both PAEDP and MPA. RV free wall could be visualized more clearly, corresponding to extremely decreased LV function. These findings suggest that RV free wall may play an important role in maintaining LV and RV function when ventricular septum is severely impaired by anteroseptal infarction. (N.K.)

  19. β1-Adrenoceptor blocker aggravated ventricular arrhythmia. (United States)

    Wang, Yan; Patel, Dimpi; Wang, Dao Wu; Yan, Jiang Tao; Hsia, Henry H; Liu, Hao; Zhao, Chun Xia; Zuo, Hou Juan; Wang, Dao Wen


    To assess the impact of β1 -adrenoceptor blockers (β1 -blocker) and isoprenaline on the incidence of idiopathic repetitive ventricular arrhythmia that apparently decreases with preprocedural anxiety. From January 2010 to July 2012, six patients were identified who had idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias that apparently decreased (by greater than 90%) with preprocedural anxiety. The number of ectopic ventricular beats per hour (VPH) was calculated from Holter or telemetry monitoring to assess the ectopic burden. The mean VPH of 24 hours from Holter before admission (VPH-m) was used as baseline (100%) for normalization. β1 -Blockers, isoprenaline, and/or aminophylline were administrated successively on the ward and catheter lab to evaluate their effects on the ventricular arrhythmias. Among 97 consecutive patients with idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias, six had reduction in normalized VPHs in the hour before the scheduled procedure time from (104.6 ± 4.6%) to (2.8 ± 1.6%) possibly due to preprocedural anxiety (P < 0.05), then increased to (97.9 ± 9.7%) during β1 -blocker administration (P < 0.05), then quickly reduced to (1.6 ± 1.0%) during subsequent isoprenaline infusion. Repeated β1 -blocker quickly counteracted the inhibitory effect of isoprenaline, and VPHs increased to (120.9 ± 2.4%) from (1.6 ± 1.0%; P < 0.05). Isoprenaline and β1 -blocker showed similar effects on the arrhythmias in catheter lab. In some patients with structurally normal heart and ventricular arrhythmias there is a marked reduction of arrhythmias associated with preprocedural anxiety. These patients exhibit a reproducible sequence of β1 -blocker aggravation and catecholamine inhibition of ventricular arrhythmias, including both repetitive ventricular premature beats and monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. ©2013, The Authors. Journal compilation ©2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Left Ventricular Myocardial Function in Children With Pulmonary Hypertension: Relation to Right Ventricular Performance and Hemodynamics. (United States)

    Burkett, Dale A; Slorach, Cameron; Patel, Sonali S; Redington, Andrew N; Ivy, D Dunbar; Mertens, Luc; Younoszai, Adel K; Friedberg, Mark K


    Through ventricular interdependence, pulmonary hypertension (PH) induces left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. We hypothesized that LV strain/strain rate, surrogate measures of myocardial contractility, are reduced in pediatric PH and relate to invasive hemodynamics, right ventricular strain, and functional measures of PH. At 2 institutions, echocardiography was prospectively performed in 54 pediatric PH patients during cardiac catheterization, and in 54 matched controls. Patients with PH had reduced LV global longitudinal strain (LS; -18.8 [-17.3 to -20.4]% versus -20.2 [-19.0 to -20.9]%; P=0.0046) predominantly because of reduced basal (-12.9 [-10.8 to -16.3]% versus -17.9 [-14.5 to -20.7]%; Pright ventricular free-wall LS (r=0.64; PBrain natriuretic peptide levels correlated moderately with septal LS (r=0.48; P=0.0038). PH functional class correlated moderately with LV free-wall LS (r=-0.48; P=0.0051). The septum, shared between ventricles and affected by septal shift, was the most affected LV region in PH. Pediatric PH patients demonstrate reduced LV strain/strain rate, predominantly within the septum, with relationships to invasive hemodynamics, right ventricular strain, and functional PH measures. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  1. Resolving the True Ventricular Mural Architecture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert S. Stephenson


    Full Text Available The precise nature of packing together of the cardiomyocytes within the ventricular walls has still to be determined. The spiraling nature of the chains of interconnected cardiomyocytes has long been recognized. As long ago as the end of the nineteenth century, Pettigrew had emphasized that the ventricular cone was not arranged on the basis of skeletal muscle. Despite this guidance, subsequent anatomists described entities such as “bulbo-spiral muscles”, with this notion of subunits culminating in the suggestion that the ventricular cone could be unwrapped so as to produce a “ventricular myocardial band”. Others, in contrast, had suggested that the ventricular walls were arranged on the basis of “sheets”, or more recently “sheetlets”, with investigators seeking to establishing the angulation of these entities using techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging. Our own investigations, in contrast, have shown that the cardiomyocytes are aggregated together within the supporting fibrous matrix so as to produce a three-dimensional myocardial mesh. In this review, we summarize the previous accounts, and provide the anatomical evidence we have thus far accumulated to support the model of the myocardial mesh. We show how these anatomic findings underscore the concept of the myocardial mesh functioning in antagonistic fashion. They lend evidence to support the notion that the ventricular myocardium works as a muscular hydrostat.

  2. Right ventricular involvement in cardiac sarcoidosis demonstrated with cardiac magnetic resonance. (United States)

    Smedema, Jan-Peter; van Geuns, Robert-Jan; Ainslie, Gillian; Ector, Joris; Heidbuchel, Hein; Crijns, Harry J G M


    Cardiac involvement in sarcoidosis is reported in up to 30% of patients. Left ventricular involvement demonstrated by contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance has been well validated. We sought to determine the prevalence and distribution of right ventricular late gadolinium enhancement in patients diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis. We prospectively evaluated 87 patients diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis with contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance for right ventricular involvement. Pulmonary artery pressures were non-invasively evaluated with Doppler echocardiography. Patient characteristics were compared between the groups with and without right ventricular involvement, and right ventricular enhancement was correlated with pulmonary hypertension, ventricular mass, volume, and systolic function. Left ventricular late gadolinium enhancement was demonstrated in 30 patients (34%). Fourteen patients (16%) had right ventricular late gadolinium enhancement, with sole right ventricular enhancement in only two patients. The pattern of right ventricular enhancement consisted of right ventricular outflow tract enhancement in 1 patient, free wall enhancement in 8 patients, ventricular insertion point enhancement in 10 patients, and enhancement of the right side of the interventricular septum in 11 patients. Pulmonary arterial hypertension correlated with the presence of right ventricular enhancement (P Right ventricular enhancement correlated with systolic ventricular dysfunction (P Right ventricular enhancement was present in 16% of patients diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis and in 48% of patients with left ventricular enhancement. The presence of right ventricular enhancement correlated with pulmonary arterial hypertension, right ventricular systolic dysfunction, hypertrophy, and dilation. © 2017 The Authors. ESC Heart Failure published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.

  3. Impact of the right ventricular lead position on clinical outcome and on the incidence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with CRT-D

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kutyifa, Valentina; Bloch Thomsen, Poul Erik; Huang, David T.


    Data on the impact of right ventricular (RV) lead location on clinical outcome and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator (CRT-D) patients are limited.......Data on the impact of right ventricular (RV) lead location on clinical outcome and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator (CRT-D) patients are limited....

  4. Right ventricular strain in heart failure: Clinical perspective. (United States)

    Tadic, Marijana; Pieske-Kraigher, Elisabeth; Cuspidi, Cesare; Morris, Daniel A; Burkhardt, Franziska; Baudisch, Ana; Haßfeld, Sabine; Tschöpe, Carsten; Pieske, Burket


    The number of studies demonstrating the importance of right ventricular remodelling in a wide range of cardiovascular diseases has increased in the past two decades. Speckle-tracking imaging provides new variables that give comprehensive information about right ventricular function and mechanics. In this review, we summarize current knowledge of right ventricular mechanics in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction and preserved ejection fraction. We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, Ovid and Embase databases for studies published from January 2000 to December 2016 in the English language using the following keywords: "right ventricle"; "strain"; "speckle tracking"; "heart failure with reduced ejection fraction"; and "heart failure with preserved ejection fraction". Investigations showed that right ventricular dysfunction is associated with higher cardiovascular and overall mortality in patients with heart failure, irrespective of ejection fraction. The number of studies investigating right ventricular strain in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction is constantly increasing, whereas data on right ventricular mechanics in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction are limited. Given the high feasibility, accuracy and clinical implications of right ventricular strain in the population with heart failure, it is of great importance to try to include the evaluation of right ventricular strain as a regular part of each echocardiographic examination in patients with heart failure. However, further investigations are necessary to establish right ventricular strain as a standard variable for decision-making. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Right ventricular function in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, Shuhei; Kubota, Sachio; Iwase, Takashi; Iizuka, Toshio; Imai, Susumu; Murata, Kazuhiko; Inoue, Tomio; Suzuki, Tadashi; Sasaki, Yasuhito.


    The characteristics and pathogenesis of right ventricular dysfunction in 14 patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) were investigated by equilibrium right ventricular blood pool scintigraphy using ultrashort-lifetime 81m Kr. Thirteen patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction due to old anterior myocardial infarction (OMI) and nine normal subjects were used as controls. The right ventricular end-diastolic pressure and volume index, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, and total pulmonary vascular resistance index were almost the same in the DCM and OMI patients. The right ventricular ejection fraction was 44.2±6.0% (mean±SD) in DCM patients and 47.1±7.9% in OMI patients, both significantly lower than those in the normal subjects (54.5±5.3%), but with no difference between the two case groups. The right ventricular peak filling rate was significantly reduced in both case groups as compared with the normal subjects (2.46±0.81 EDV/sec). The reduction was significantly greater (p 81m Kr blood pool scintigraphy is useful in the study of the right ventricular systolic and diastolic function. The diastolic parameters are more sensitive indicators for evaluation of right ventricular function in DCM than the systolic parameters. (author)

  6. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in a dog : case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.J. Möhr


    Full Text Available An 8-month-old Labrador retriever bitch was evaluated for sudden-onset, progressive abdominal distension. Physical examination revealed an exaggerated inspiratory effort, severe ascites, bilateral jugular vein distension, and hypokinetic femoral arterial pulses. Thoracic auscultation detected tachycardia with muffled heart sounds, without audible cardiac murmurs. Thoracic radiographs identified severe right ventricular enlargement and pleural effusion. The electrocardiogram was consistent with incomplete right bundle branch block or right ventricular enlargement. Echocardiography demonstrated severe right ventricular and atrial dilation, secondary tricuspid regurgitation, and thinning and hypocontractility of the right ventricular myocardium. Left heart chamber sizes were slightly decreased, with normal left ventricular contractility. Adiagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy was reached, based on the characteristic clinical, electrocardiographic, radiographic and echocardiographic findings, and the exclusion of other causes of isolated right ventricular failure. Treatment effected good control of clinical signs, until acutely decompensated congestive right heart failure led to euthanasia after 4 months. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy is a well-described clinical entity in humans, and has previously been documented in 3 male dogs. The condition is characterised by progressive fibro-adipose replacement of right ventricular myocardium, while the left ventricle usually remains unaffected. It should be considered a differential diagnosis in any young dog presented with isolated right heart failure, syncope, or unexplained ventricular tachyarrhythmias. This article reports the 1st case of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in a female dog, and highlights its echocardiographic features.

  7. The influence of type 2 diabetes and gender on ventricular repolarization dispersion in patients with sub-clinic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction


    Jani, Ylber; Kamberi, Ahmet; Xhunga, Sotir; Pocesta, Bekim; Ferati, Fatmir; Lala, Dali; Zeqiri, Agim; Rexhepi, Atila


    Objective: To assess the influence of type 2 DM and gender, on the QT dispersion, Tpeak-Tend dispersion of ventricular repolarization, in patients with sub-clinic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the heart. Background: QT dispersion, that reflects spatial inhomogeneity in ventricular repolarization, Tpeak-Tend dispersion, this on the other hand reflects transmural inhomogeneity in ventricular repolarization, that is increased in an early stage of cardiomyopathy, and in patients with ...

  8. Is right ventricular mid-septal pacing superior to apical pacing in patients with high degree atrio-ventricular block and moderately depressed left ventricular function? (United States)

    Chen, Kang; Mao, Ye; Liu, Shao-hua; Wu, Qiong; Luo, Qing-zhi; Pan, Wen-qi; Jin, Qi; Zhang, Ning; Ling, Tian-you; Chen, Ying; Gu, Gang; Shen, Wei-feng; Wu, Li-qun


    We are aimed to investigate whether right ventricular mid-septal pacing (RVMSP) is superior to conventional right ventricular apical pacing (RVAP) in improving clinical functional capacity and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) for patients with high-degree atrio-ventricular block and moderately depressed left ventricle (LV) function. Ninety-two patients with high-degree atrio-ventricular block and moderately reduced LVEF (ranging from 35% to 50%) were randomly allocated to RVMSP (n=45) and RVAP (n=47). New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, echocardiographic LVEF, and distance during a 6-min walk test (6MWT) were determined at 18 months after pacemaker implantation. Serum levels of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Compared with baseline, NYHA functional class remained unchanged at 18 months, distance during 6MWT (485 m vs. 517 m) and LVEF (36.7% vs. 41.8%) were increased, but BNP levels were reduced (2352 pg/ml vs. 710 pg/ml) in the RVMSP group compared with those in the RVAP group, especially in patients with LVEF 35%-40% (for all comparisons, Pfunction capacity and LV function measurements were not significantly changed in patients with RVAP, despite the pacing measurements being similar in both groups, such as R-wave amplitude and capture threshold. RVMSP provides a better clinical utility, compared with RVAP, in patients with high-degree atrioventricular block and moderately depressed LV function whose LVEF levels ranged from 35% to 40%.

  9. Noninvasive reconstruction of the three-dimensional ventricular activation sequence during pacing and ventricular tachycardia in the rabbit heart. (United States)

    Han, Chengzong; Pogwizd, Steven M; Killingsworth, Cheryl R; He, Bin


    Ventricular arrhythmias represent one of leading causes for sudden cardiac death, a significant problem in public health. Noninvasive imaging of cardiac electric activities associated with ventricular arrhythmias plays an important role in better our understanding of the mechanisms and optimizing the treatment options. The present study aims to rigorously validate a novel three-dimensional (3-D) cardiac electrical imaging (3-DCEI) technique with the aid of 3-D intra-cardiac mapping during paced rhythm and ventricular tachycardia (VT) in the rabbit heart. Body surface potentials and intramural bipolar electrical recordings were simultaneously measured in a closed-chest condition in thirteen healthy rabbits. Single-site pacing and dual-site pacing were performed from ventricular walls and septum. VTs and premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) were induced by intravenous norepinephrine (NE). The non-invasively imaged activation sequence correlated well with invasively measured counterparts, with a correlation coefficient of 0.72 and a relative error of 0.30 averaged over all paced beats and NE-induced PVCs and VT beats. The averaged distance from imaged site of initial activation to measured site determined from intra-cardiac mapping was ∼5mm. These promising results suggest that 3-DCEI is feasible to non-invasively localize the origins and image activation sequence of focal ventricular arrhythmias.

  10. Respuesta sexual de la mujer de edad mediana con diabetes mellitus Sexual response of middle-aged women with diabetes mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Agramonte Machado


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal para describir las características de la respuesta sexual de la mujer con diabetes mellitus (DM, se emplearon cuestionarios autoadministrados (Sexualidad y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck y fueron evaluadas 180 mujeres de la mediana edad (90 con DM y 90 sin DM registradas en 31 consultorios de médicos de familia de 3 policlínicos del municipio Plaza de la Revolución. En cada mujer se precisó: datos generales necesarios para caracterización sociodemográfica, etapa climatérica, presencia de depresión y frecuencia de relaciones sexuales (RS, nivel de satisfacción con las RS, deseo y excitación sexual y orgasmos, y en las mujeres con DM, las características de la enfermedad y la auto percepción de la influencia de la misma sobre su sexualidad. Se comprobó que las mujeres con DM tenían: 1. Niveles menores de deseo y excitación sexual y mayor frecuencia de trastornos sexuales, 2. Mayor frecuencia de orgasmo, 3. Parejas sexuales con mayor frecuencia de disfunciones sexuales, 4. En su mayoría están satisfechas con la frecuencia de sus RS. En conclusión, la respuesta sexual de la mujer con DM difiere cuantitativamente de la mujer sin DM, se necesitarán nuevos estudios que permitan profundizar en las causas de estas diferencias.A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted to describe the characteristics of the sexual response of women with diabetes mellitus (DM. Self-administered questionnaries (Sexuality and Beck's Depression Inventory were applied. 180 middle-aged women (90 with DM and 90 without DM registered in 31 family physician offices from 3 polyclinics of Plaza de la Revolución municipality were evaluated. The following information was obtained for each woman: general data necessary for the sociodemographic characterization, climacteric stage, presence of depression and frequency of sexual relations (SR, level of satisfaction with SR, sexual desire and excitement, and

  11. Delayed recovery of right ventricular systolic function after repair of long-standing tricuspid regurgitation associated with severe right ventricular failure. (United States)

    Kim, Jong Hun; Kim, Kyung Hwa; Choi, Jong Bum; Kuh, Ja Hong


    After tricuspid valve surgery for long-standing tricuspid regurgitation associated with right ventricular failure, reverse remodelling of the enlarged right ventricle, including recovery of right ventricular systolic function, is unpredictable. We present the case of a 31-year old man with early reduction of dilated right ventricular dimensions and delayed recovery of impaired right ventricular systolic function after valve repair for traumatic tricuspid regurgitation lasting 16 years. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  12. Right Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm Following Endomyocardial Biopsy. (United States)

    Pita; Santos; Manteiga; Rodriguez; Beiras


    Ventricular perforation is an unusual complication after endomyocardial biopsy in heart transplanted patients. We report a case of asymptomatic right ventricular perforation and pseudoaneurysm formation, secondary to endomyocardial biopsy, diagnosed by angiography. The spontaneous obliteration of the pseudoaneurysm was observed.

  13. Evaluation of right ventricular volumes measured by magnetic resonance imaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelvang, J; Stubgaard, M; Thomsen, C


    stroke volume was calculated as the difference between end-diastolic and end-systolic volume and compared to left ventricular stroke volume and to stroke volume determined simultaneously by a classical indicator dilution technique. There was good agreement between right ventricular stroke volume......Right ventricular volumes were determined in 12 patients with different levels of right and left ventricular function by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using an ECG gated multisection technique in planes perpendicular to the diastolic position of the interventricular septum. Right ventricular...... determined by MRI and by the indicator dilution method and between right and left ventricular stroke volume determined by MRI. Thus, MRI gives reliable values not only for left ventricular volumes, but also for right ventricular volumes. By MRI it is possible to obtain volumes from both ventricles...

  14. Genetics Home Reference: arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (United States)

    ... cardiomyopathy Merck Manual Consumer Version: Cardiomyopathy Merck Manual Consumer Version: Overview of Abnormal Heart Rhythms Orphanet: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy Orphanet: Familial isolated arrhythmogenic right ventricular ...

  15. Left Ventricular Assist Devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khuansiri Narajeenron


    Full Text Available Audience: The audience for this classic team-based learning (cTBL session is emergency medicine residents, faculty, and students; although this topic is applicable to internal medicine and family medicine residents. Introduction: A left ventricular assist device (LVAD is a mechanical circulatory support device that can be placed in critically-ill patients who have poor left ventricular function. After LVAD implantation, patients have improved quality of life.1 The number of LVAD patients worldwide continues to rise. Left-ventricular assist device patients may present to the emergency department (ED with severe, life-threatening conditions. It is essential that emergency physicians have a good understanding of LVADs and their complications. Objectives: Upon completion of this cTBL module, the learner will be able to: 1 Properly assess LVAD patients’ circulatory status; 2 appropriately resuscitate LVAD patients; 3 identify common LVAD complications; 4 evaluate and appropriately manage patients with LVAD malfunctions. Method: The method for this didactic session is cTBL.

  16. The influence of type 2 diabetes and gender on ventricular repolarization dispersion in patients with sub-clinic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. (United States)

    Jani, Ylber; Kamberi, Ahmet; Xhunga, Sotir; Pocesta, Bekim; Ferati, Fatmir; Lala, Dali; Zeqiri, Agim; Rexhepi, Atila


    To assess the influence of type 2 DM and gender, on the QT dispersion, Tpeak-Tend dispersion of ventricular repolarization, in patients with sub-clinic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the heart. QT dispersion, that reflects spatial inhomogeneity in ventricular repolarization, Tpeak-Tend dispersion, this on the other hand reflects transmural inhomogeneity in ventricular repolarization, that is increased in an early stage of cardiomyopathy, and in patients with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, as well. The left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, a basic characteristic of diabetic heart disease (diabetic cardiomyopathy), that developes earlier than systolic dysfunction, suggests that diastolic markers might be sensitive for early cardiac injury. It is also demonstrated that gender has complex influence on indices of myocardial repolarization abnormalities such as QT interval and QT dispersion. We performed an observational study including 300 diabetic patients with similar epidemiological-demographic characteristics recruited in our institution from May 2009 to July 2014, divided into two groups. Demographic and laboratory echocardiographic data were obtained, twelve lead resting electrocardiography, QT, QTc, Tpeak-Tend-intervals and dispersion, were determined manually, and were compared between various groups. For statistical analysis a t-test, X(2) test, and logistic regression are used according to the type of variables. A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant for a confidence interval of 95%. QTc max. interval, QTc dispersion and Tpeak-Tend dispersion, were significantly higher in diabetic group with subclinical LV (left ventricular) diastolic dysfunction, than in diabetic group with normal left ventricular diastolic function (445.24±14.7 ms vs. 433.55±14.4 ms, P<0.000; 44.98±18.78 ms vs. 32.05±17.9 ms, P<0.000; 32.60±1.6 ms vs. 17.46±2.0 ms, P<0.02. Prolonged QTc max. interval was found in 33% of patients, indiabetic group

  17. Comportamiento del desarrollo sicomotor en el menor de 1 año, en relación con el manejo y funcionamiento familiar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gloria Robaina Suárez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo prospectivo del desarrollo sicomotor (DSM hasta el año de edad, de una muestra de 51 recién nacidos sanos, relacionándolo con el manejo y funcionamiento familiar. El DSM se evaluó por la observación trimestral en la puericultura de las habilidades adquiridas y la aplicación al año de la prueba Brunet-Lezine. Para conocer el manejo familiar se utilizó una encuesta de preguntas cerradas, evaluando como adecuado o inadecuado, según parámetros previamente establecidos. Para el funcionamiento familiar aplicamos la prueba de Smilkstein, que mide el adgar familiar y expresa cualitativamente el funcionamiento como: funcional, moderadamente funcional y disfuncional. El 84,3 % de los niños presentó DSM normal al año, el 15,7 % retardo ligero a partir del tercer trimestre, siendo el lenguaje la esfera afectada; de ellos el 75 % vivía con familias disfuncionales y el 100 % con un manejo inadecuadoA descriptive and prospective study of the psychomotor development (SMD up to the first year of life in relation to family management and functioning was conducted in a sample of 51 sound newborn infants. The SMD was evaluated by the trimestral observation in child care of the adquired abilities and the application of the Brunet-Lezine test at one year of age. To know the family management it was used a survey of closed questions. Adequate and inadequate evaluations were given according to previously established parameters. In order to determine the family functioning we applied the Smilkstein´s test that measures the family Apgar and expresses qualitatively the functioning as: functional, moderately functional and dysfunctional. 84,3 % of the children had a normal SMD at one year of age, whereas 15,7% had mild retardation from the third trimester on, being speech the most affected sphere. Of them 75 % lived with dysfunctional families and 100 % with an inadequate management

  18. 165. Reparación de fuga periprotésica mitral mediante dispositivo transcatéter desde el ápex ventricular izquierdo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Juaristi Abaunz


    Se decidió realizar un acceso por vía transapical para la implantación del dispositivo de cierre. El equipo quirúrgico expuso el ápex ventricular izquierdo en la sala de hemodinámica, y el equipo de hemodinamistas procedió al cierre de la fuga periprotésica por vía transapical con gran facilidad, siendo este acceso mucho más directo y rápido. Se consiguió el cierre completo de la fuga periprotésica con desaparición de la hemólisis y de la insuficiencia cardíaca. Queda claramente demostrado el beneficio de la cooperación entre especialidades.

  19. A Prospective Study of Ripple Mapping the Post-Infarct Ventricular Scar to Guide Substrate Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia. (United States)

    Luther, Vishal; Linton, Nick W F; Jamil-Copley, Shahnaz; Koa-Wing, Michael; Lim, Phang Boon; Qureshi, Norman; Ng, Fu Siong; Hayat, Sajad; Whinnett, Zachary; Davies, D Wyn; Peters, Nicholas S; Kanagaratnam, Prapa


    Post-infarct ventricular tachycardia is associated with channels of surviving myocardium within scar characterized by fractionated and low-amplitude signals usually occurring late during sinus rhythm. Conventional automated algorithms for 3-dimensional electro-anatomic mapping cannot differentiate the delayed local signal of conduction within the scar from the initial far-field signal generated by surrounding healthy tissue. Ripple mapping displays every deflection of an electrogram, thereby providing fully informative activation sequences. We prospectively used CARTO-based ripple maps to identify conducting channels as a target for ablation. High-density bipolar left ventricular endocardial electrograms were collected using CARTO3v4 in sinus rhythm or ventricular pacing and reviewed for ripple mapping conducting channel identification. Fifteen consecutive patients (median age 68 years, left ventricular ejection fraction 30%) were studied (6 month preprocedural implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapies: median 19 ATP events [Q1-Q3=4-93] and 1 shock [Q1-Q3=0-3]). Scar (ripple mapping conducting channels were seen within each scar (length 60 mm; initial component 0.44 mV; delayed component 0.20 mV; conduction 55 cm/s). Ablation was performed along all identified ripple mapping conducting channels (median 18 lesions) and any presumed interconnected late-activating sites (median 6 lesions; Q1-Q3=2-12). The diastolic isthmus in ventricular tachycardia was mapped in 3 patients and colocated within the ripple mapping conducting channels identified. Ventricular tachycardia was noninducible in 85% of patients post ablation, and 71% remain free of ventricular tachycardia recurrence at 6-month median follow-up. Ripple mapping can be used to identify conduction channels within scar to guide functional substrate ablation. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  20. follow-up of patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    was sudden, 1 patient died due to left ventricular failure, and ... Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/ dysplasia .... hypertension and from atrial fibrillation that developed 2.4 .... of left ventricular function was global without regional ..... 99mTc he brain si before a acid (G minute his sem next 3 - his sem showed.

  1. Integración de tecnologías eye-tracking con vídeos interactivos para neurorrehabilitación cognitiva


    Martinez Moreno, Jose Maria; Solana Sánchez, Javier; Gómez Pérez, C.; Cáceres Taladriz, César; González Palmero, S.; Morell Vilaseca, Marc; Roig Rovira, Teresa; Tormos Muñoz, Josep M.; Gómez Aguilera, Enrique J.


    La integración de las nuevas tecnologías en el proceso de rehabilitación permite la generación de terapias personalizadas, ubicuas y basadas en la evidencia. Tecnologías como el vídeo interactivo son propicias para el desarrollo de entornos virtuales en los que el paciente se ve inmerso dentro de actividades de la vida diaria en los que tiene que lograr un objetivo ecológico en un contexto seguro, controlado y adaptado a su perfil disfuncional. Dentro de este marco de rehabilitación l...

  2. Relationship of left ventricular systolic function to persistence or development of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Okin, Peter M; Wachtell, Kristian; Gerdts, Eva


    left ventricular systolic function in patients with new or persistent ECG LVH. METHODS: Baseline and year-3 ECG LVH and left ventricular midwall shortening (MWS) were examined in 725 hypertensive patients in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) echocardiographic...... 1.03-3.50, P = 0.040) at year 3. CONCLUSION: Persistence or development of new ECG LVH during antihypertensive therapy is associated with an increased risk of left ventricular systolic dysfunction after 3 years' follow-up. These findings provide insight into a possible mechanism by which changes......BACKGROUND: Persistence or development of ECG left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) by Cornell product criteria is associated with an increased risk of developing heart failure compared with regression or continued absence of LVH. We postulated that this association might be in part mediated via worse...

  3. Fibroblasts and the extracellular matrix in right ventricular disease. (United States)

    Frangogiannis, Nikolaos G


    Right ventricular failure predicts adverse outcome in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH), and in subjects with left ventricular heart failure and is associated with interstitial fibrosis. This review manuscript discusses the cellular effectors and molecular mechanisms implicated in right ventricular fibrosis. The right ventricular interstitium contains vascular cells, fibroblasts, and immune cells, enmeshed in a collagen-based matrix. Right ventricular pressure overload in PH is associated with the expansion of the fibroblast population, myofibroblast activation, and secretion of extracellular matrix proteins. Mechanosensitive transduction of adrenergic signalling and stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone cascade trigger the activation of right ventricular fibroblasts. Inflammatory cytokines and chemokines may contribute to expansion and activation of macrophages that may serve as a source of fibrogenic growth factors, such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-β. Endothelin-1, TGF-βs, and matricellular proteins co-operate to activate cardiac myofibroblasts, and promote synthesis of matrix proteins. In comparison with the left ventricle, the RV tolerates well volume overload and ischemia; whether the right ventricular interstitial cells and matrix are implicated in these favourable responses remains unknown. Expansion of fibroblasts and extracellular matrix protein deposition are prominent features of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathies and may be implicated in the pathogenesis of arrhythmic events. Prevailing conceptual paradigms on right ventricular remodelling are based on extrapolation of findings in models of left ventricular injury. Considering the unique embryologic, morphological, and physiologic properties of the RV and the clinical significance of right ventricular failure, there is a need further to dissect RV-specific mechanisms of fibrosis and interstitial remodelling. Published on behalf of the European Society of

  4. Free and conjugated dopamine in human ventricular fluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharpless, N.S.; Thal, L.J.; Wolfson, L.I.; Tabaddor, K.; Tyce, G.M.; Waltz, J.M.


    Free dopamine and an acid hydrolyzable conjugate of dopamine were measured in human ventricular fluid specimens with a radioenzymatic assay and by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection. Only trace amounts of free norepinephrine and dopamine were detected in ventricular fluid from patients with movement disorders. When the ventricular fluid was hydrolyzed by heating in HClO 4 or by lyophilization in dilute HClO 4 , however, a substantial amount of free dopamine was released. Values for free plus conjugated dopamine in ventricular fluid from patients who had never taken L-DOPA ranged from 139 to 340 pg/ml when determined by HPLC and from 223 to 428 pg/ml when measured radioenzymatically. The correlation coefficient for values obtained by the two methods in the same sample of CSF was 0.94 (P<0.001). Patients who had been treated with L-DOPA had higher levels of conjugated dopamine in their ventricular CSF which correlated inversely with the time between the last dose of L-DOPA and withdrawal of the ventricular fluid. Additionally, one patient with acute cerebral trauma had elevated levels of free norepinephrine and both free and conjugated dopamine in his ventricular fluid. Conjugation may be an important inactivation pathway for released dopamine in man. (Auth.)

  5. Alternative right ventricular pacing sites. (United States)

    Łuciuk, Dariusz; Łuciuk, Marek; Gajek, Jacek


    The main adverse effect of chronic stimulation is stimulation-induced heart failure in case of ventricular contraction dyssynchrony. Because of this fact, new techniques of stimulation should be considered to optimize electrotherapy. One of these methods is pacing from alternative right ventricular sites. The purpose of this article is to review currently accumulated data about alternative sites of cardiac pacing. Medline and PubMed bases were used to search English and Polish reports published recently. Recent studies report a deleterious effect of long term apical pacing. It is suggested that permanent apical stimulation, by omitting physiological conduction pattern with His-Purkinie network, may lead to electrical and mechanical dyssynchrony of heart muscle contraction. In the long term this pathological situation can lead to severe heart failure and death. Because of this, scientists began to search for some alternative sites of cardiac pacing to reduce the deleterious effect of stimulation. Based on current accumulated data, it is suggested that the right ventricular outflow tract, right ventricular septum, direct His-bundle or biventricular pacing are better alternatives due to more physiological electrical impulse propagation within the heart and the reduction of the dyssynchrony effect. These methods should preserve a better left ventricular function and prevent the development of heart failure in permanent paced patients. As there is still not enough, long-term, randomized, prospective, cross-over and multicenter studies, further research is required to validate the benefits of using this kind of therapy. The article should pay attention to new sites of cardiac stimulation as a better and safer method of treatment.

  6. Left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahman, N.; Tai, J.; Soofi, A.


    The transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome, also known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, is characterized by transient left ventricular dysfunction in the absence of obstructive epicardial coronary disease. Although the syndrome has been reported in Japan since 1990, it is rare in other regions. Rapid recognition of the syndrome can modify the diagnostic and therapeutic attitude i.e. avoiding thrombolysis and performing catheterization in the acute phase. (author)

  7. Parasympathetic neurons in the cranial medial ventricular fat pad on the dog heart selectively decrease ventricular contractility. (United States)

    Dickerson, L W; Rodak, D J; Fleming, T J; Gatti, P J; Massari, V J; McKenzie, J C; Gillis, R A


    We hypothesized that selective control of ventricular contractility might be mediated by postganglionic parasympathetic neurons in the cranial medial ventricular (CMV) ganglion plexus located in a fat pad at the base of the aorta. Sinus rate, atrioventricular (AV) conduction (ventricular rate during atrial pacing), and left ventricular contractile force (LV dP/dt during right ventricular pacing) were measured in eight chloralose-anesthetized dogs both before and during bilateral cervical vagus stimulation (20-30 V, 0.5 ms pulses, 15-20 Hz). Seven of these dogs were tested under beta-adrenergic blockade (propranolol, 0.8 mg kg(-1) i.v.). Control responses included sinus node bradycardia or arrest during spontaneous rhythm, high grade AV block or complete heart block, and a 30% decrease in contractility from 2118 +/- 186 to 1526 +/- 187 mm Hg s(-1) (P 0.05) decrease in contractility but still elicited the same degree of sinus bradycardia and AV block (N = 8, P < 0.05). Five dogs were re-tested 3 h after trimethaphan fat pad injection, at which time blockade of vagally-induced negative inotropy was partially reversed, as vagal stimulation decreased LV dP/dt by 19%. The same dose of trimethaphan given either locally into other fat pads (PVFP or IVC-ILA) or systemically (i.v.) had no effect on vagally-induced negative inotropy. Thus, parasympathetic ganglia located in the CMV fat pad mediated a decrease in ventricular contractility during vagal stimulation. Blockade of the CMV fat pad had no effect on vagally-mediated slowing of sinus rate or AV conduction.

  8. Value of the Electrocardiogram as a Predictor of Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Patients With Chronic Right Ventricular Volume Overload. (United States)

    Alonso, Pau; Andrés, Ana; Rueda, Joaquín; Buendía, Francisco; Igual, Begoña; Rodríguez, María; Osa, Ana; Arnau, Miguel A; Salvador, Antonio


    Pulmonary regurgitation is a common complication in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot or congenital pulmonary stenosis. Electrocardiographic variables have been correlated with parameters used to evaluate right ventricular function. We aimed to analyze the diagnostic value of the width and fragmentation of the electrocardiogram in the identification of patients with right ventricular dysfunction and/or dilation. We selected 107 consecutive patients diagnosed with severe pulmonary insufficiency after repair of pulmonary stenosis or tetralogy of Fallot. The tests included electrocardiography, echocardiography, and magnetic resonance. Each electrocardiogram was analyzed manually to measure QRS duration. We defined QRS fragmentation as the presence of low-voltage waves in the terminal portion of the QRS complex in at least 2 contiguous leads. We found a significant negative correlation between QRS width and right ventricular function, as well as a positive correlation with right ventricular volume. The receiver operating characteristic curve indicated a cut-off point for QRS width of 140ms, which showed good sensitivity for a diagnosis of right ventricular dilation (> 80%) and dysfunction (> 95%). In logistic regression models, a QRS duration > 140ms was found to be the only independent predictor of right ventricular dilation and dysfunction. Electrocardiography is a rapid, widely available, and reproducible tool. QRS width constitutes an independent predictor of the presence of right ventricular dilation and dysfunction. This study is the first to provide a cutoff value for QRS width to screen for right ventricle involvement. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. Lone ventricular cardiomyopathy,

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... (I) cardiac catheterisation, including coronary arteriography and pulmonary ... described existence of lone ventricular idiopathic ... spectrum of classic idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. ... endomyocardial fibrosis, and from discussions at an.

  10. Relação entre Fibrose e Arritmias Ventriculares na Cardiopatia Chagásica sem Disfunção Ventricular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Marinho Tassi


    Full Text Available Fundamento: Pacientes com doença de Chagas com alteração segmentar apresentam pior prognóstico independentemente da fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda. A ressonância magnética cardíaca é atualmente o melhor método para detecção de alteração segmentar e para avaliação de fibrose miocárdica. Objetivo: Quantificar a fibrose, por meio do realce tardio, pela ressonância magnética cardíaca, em pacientes com doença de Chagas com fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda preservada ou minimamente comprometida (> 45% e detectar padrões de dependência entre fibrose, alteração segmentar e fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda na presença de arritmia ventricular. Métodos: Foram realizados eletrocardiograma, teste ergométrico, Holter e ressonância magnética cardíaca em 61 pacientes, separados em três grupos: (1 eletrocardiograma normal e ressonância magnética cardíaca sem alteração segmentar; (2 eletrocardiograma alterado e ressonância magnética cardíaca sem alteração segmentar; e (3 ressonância magnética cardíaca com alteração segmentar independentemente de alteração no eletrocardiograma. Resultados: O número de pacientes com arritmia ventricular em relação ao número total de pacientes em cada grupo, a porcentagem de fibrose e a fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda foram, respectivamente: no primeiro grupo, 4/26, 0,74% e 74,34%; no segundo grupo, 4/16, 3,96% e 68,5%; e no terceiro grupo, 11/19, 14,07% e 55,59%. Arritmia ventricular foi encontrada em 31,1% dos pacientes. Aqueles com e sem arritmia ventricular apresentaram fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda média de 59,87% e 70,18%, respectivamente, e fibrose de 11,03% e 3,01%, respectivamente. Das variáveis alteração segmentar, grupos, idade, fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda e fibrose, a última foi a única significativa para a presença de arritmia ventricular, com ponto de corte de 11,78% para massa fibrosada (p < 0

  11. El reciclaje del hábitat social colectivo: estrategias y tecnologías


    Chacón Linares, Eva


    Esta investigación tiene como objeto de estudio las estrategias de intervención arquitectónica en la ciudad construida surgidas como respuesta a las distintas disfunciones del hábitat humano a la hora de auto-regenerarse. Dentro de este, nos centramos en el hábitat social, que engloba aquellas áreas de las ciudades en las que la vivienda social se halla inserta. El contexto actual de multicrisis está directamente relacionado con la lentitud o discontinuidad en la solución de problemas de segr...



    Silva M., Héctor


    Las disfunciones de la columna vertebral que producen incapacidad laboral, son de alta prevalencia en el mundo. Este problema de salud pública afecta a la mayoría de las personas principalmente en la edad media de la vida. Los problemas de columna son multifactoriales y uno de ellos es el aumento de la lordosis lumbar, por aumentos del ángulo lumbosacro, ángulo lordótico y profundidad de la lordosis. El propósito del estudio fue conocer como se comportan nuestros adolescentes con respecto a l...

  13. The effect of heart failure and left ventricular assist device treatment on right ventricular mechanics: a computational study. (United States)

    Park, Jun I K; Heikhmakhtiar, Aulia Khamas; Kim, Chang Hyun; Kim, Yoo Seok; Choi, Seong Wook; Song, Kwang Soup; Lim, Ki Moo


    Although it is important to analyze the hemodynamic factors related to the right ventricle (RV) after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation, previous studies have focused only on the alteration of the ventricular shape and lack quantitative analysis of the various hemodynamic parameters. Therefore, we quantitatively analyzed various hemodynamic parameters related to the RV under normal, heart failure (HF), and HF incorporated with continuous flow LVAD therapy by using a computational model. In this study, we combined a three-dimensional finite element electromechanical model of ventricles, which is based on human ventricular morphology captured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a lumped model of the circulatory system and continuous flow LVAD function in order to construct an integrated model of an LVAD implanted-cardiovascular system. To induce systolic dysfunction, the magnitude of the calcium transient function under HF condition was reduced to 70% of the normal value, and the time constant was reduced by 30% of the normal value. Under the HF condition, the left ventricular end systolic pressure decreased, the left ventricular end diastolic pressure increased, and the pressure in the right atrium (RA), RV, and pulmonary artery (PA) increased compared with the normal condition. The LVAD therapy decreased the end-systolic pressure of the LV by 41%, RA by 29%, RV by 53%, and PA by 71%, but increased the right ventricular ejection fraction by 52% and cardiac output by 40%, while the stroke work was reduced by 67% compared with the HF condition without LVAD. The end-systolic ventricular tension and strain decreased with the LVAD treatment. LVAD enhances CO and mechanical unloading of the LV as well as those of the RV and prevents pulmonary hypertension which can be induced by HF.

  14. Echocardiographic left ventricular masses in distance runners and weight lifters (United States)

    Longhurst, J. C.; Gonyea, W. J.; Mitchell, J. H.; Kelly, A. R.


    The relationships of different forms of exercise training to left ventricular mass and body mass are investigated by echocardiographic studies of weight lifters, long-distance runners, and comparatively sized untrained control subjects. Left ventricular mass determinations by the Penn convention reveal increased absolute left ventricular masses in long-distance runners and competitive weight lifters with respect to controls matched for age, body weight, and body surface area, and a significant correlation between ventricular mass and lean body mass. When normalized to lean body mass, the ventricular masses of distance runners are found to be significantly higher than those of the other groups, suggesting that dynamic training elevates left ventricular mass compared to static training and no training, while static training increases ventricular mass only to the extent that lean body mass is increased.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    The role of ischaemia in post-infarct patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias is not firmly established Using coronary angiography, 82 post-infarct patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation were subclassified into three groups. Fourteen patients (17%) had significant

  16. Malignant ventricular tachycardia in acromegaly: a case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhe An

    Full Text Available CONTEXT: In patients with acromegaly, cardiovascular complications are the main cause of death; sudden death has been associated with ventricular tachyarrhythmias. In other patients with life-threatening malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmias, surgical placement of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD has proved highly effective in reducing sudden death rates. CASE REPORT: The present article reports the case of a 50-year-old male acromegalic patient who presented symptoms of syncope induced by ventricular tachycardia. An ICD was surgically implanted and a pituitary adenoma, which was responsible for the acromegaly, was completely removed in the same procedure. The surgery was successful and the ventricular arrhythmias were effectively terminated. During six months of follow-up, no documented arrhythmic episodes occurred. CONCLUSION: In patients with acromegaly, malignant ventricular tachyarrhythmia might be effectively controlled by implantation of an ICD and surgical removal of the pituitary adenoma.

  17. 115. Cirugía urgente en un caso de tromboembolia pulmonar con trombo acabalgado en foramen oval permeable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Y. Castillo


    Conclusiones: La embolectomía pulmonar bajo circulación extracorpórea es una alternativa terapéutica reservada a los casos de tromboembolia pulmonar con fallo ventricular derecho e inestabilidad hemodinámica, y puede ser utilizada de forma segura y eficaz en aquellos casos en que la fibrinólisis esté contraindicada y la localización del trombo permita su extracción quirúrgica.

  18. Right ventricular function assessed by 2D strain analysis predicts ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in patients after acute myocardial infarction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Risum, Niels; Valeur, Nana; Søgaard, Peter


    Aims: Left ventricular function is a well-established predictor of malignant ventricular arrhythmias, but little is known about the importance of right ventricular (RV) function. The aim of this study was to investigate the importance of RV function for prediction of sudden cardiac death (SCD) or...

  19. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tessa Negrín Valdés


    Full Text Available Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is a heart muscle disease that predominantly affects the right ventricle, bringing about the replacement of normal myocardium with fatty or fibrofatty tissue and causing sudden death in young individuals. Ventricular tachycardia is an important clinical manifestation, although there are reports of right or global heart failure. The diagnosis is confirmed by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging. The case of a 65-year-old former smoker, with hypertension and ischemic heart disease, a history of effort syncope symptoms and proven non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, with morphology of left bundle branch block, is reported. Relevant diagnostic studies were performed, and echocardiographic elements which were compatible with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia were found. Therefore, an implantable cardioverter defibrillator was implanted, after which the patient has had a favorable outcome.

  20. Ventricular repolarization measures for arrhythmic risk stratification

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Francesco Monitillo; Marta Leone; Caterina Rizzo; Andrea Passantino; Massimo Iacoviello


    Ventricular repolarization is a complex electrical phenomenon which represents a crucial stage in electrical cardiac activity. It is expressed on the surface electrocardiogram by the interval between the start of the QRS complex and the end of the T wave or U wave(QT). Several physiological, pathological and iatrogenic factors can influence ventricular repolarization. It has been demonstrated that small perturbations in this process can be a potential trigger of malignant arrhythmias, therefore the analysis of ventricular repolarization represents an interesting tool to implement risk stratification of arrhythmic events in different clinical settings. The aim of this review is to critically revise the traditional methods of static analysis of ventricular repolarization as well as those for dynamic evaluation, their prognostic significance and the possible application in daily clinical practice.

  1. The influence of type 2 diabetes and gender on ventricular repolarization dispersion in patients with sub-clinic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (United States)

    Jani, Ylber; Kamberi, Ahmet; Xhunga, Sotir; Pocesta, Bekim; Ferati, Fatmir; Lala, Dali; Zeqiri, Agim; Rexhepi, Atila


    Objective: To assess the influence of type 2 DM and gender, on the QT dispersion, Tpeak-Tend dispersion of ventricular repolarization, in patients with sub-clinic left ventricular diastolic dysfunction of the heart. Background: QT dispersion, that reflects spatial inhomogeneity in ventricular repolarization, Tpeak-Tend dispersion, this on the other hand reflects transmural inhomogeneity in ventricular repolarization, that is increased in an early stage of cardiomyopathy, and in patients with left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, as well. The left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, a basic characteristic of diabetic heart disease (diabetic cardiomyopathy), that developes earlier than systolic dysfunction, suggests that diastolic markers might be sensitive for early cardiac injury. It is also demonstrated that gender has complex influence on indices of myocardial repolarization abnormalities such as QT interval and QT dispersion. Material and methods: We performed an observational study including 300 diabetic patients with similar epidemiological-demographic characteristics recruited in our institution from May 2009 to July 2014, divided into two groups. Demographic and laboratory echocardiographic data were obtained, twelve lead resting electrocardiography, QT, QTc, Tpeak-Tend-intervals and dispersion, were determined manually, and were compared between various groups. For statistical analysis a t-test, X2 test, and logistic regression are used according to the type of variables. A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant for a confidence interval of 95%. Results: QTc max. interval, QTc dispersion and Tpeak-Tend dispersion, were significantly higher in diabetic group with subclinical LV (left ventricular) diastolic dysfunction, than in diabetic group with normal left ventricular diastolic function (445.24±14.7 ms vs. 433.55±14.4 ms, P<0.000; 44.98±18.78 ms vs. 32.05±17.9 ms, P<0.000; 32.60±1.6 ms vs. 17.46±2.0 ms, P<0.02. Prolonged QTc max

  2. Left ventricular mass in male adolescent athletes and non-athletes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Erling David Kaunang


    Full Text Available Background Systematic exercise leads to increased left ventricular mass, which may be misleading in a differential diagnosis of heart disease in athletes (physiologic hypertrophy versus pathologic hypertrophy. T he cause of left ventricular hypertrophy is an important risk factor in the morbidity and mortality of cardiovascular diseases. Objective To compare left ventricular mass and left ventricular hypertrophy in male adolescent athletes and non-athletes. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional, analytic study, from September to December 2012 in male adolescents aged 15-18 years. The case group included athletes from the Bina Taruna Football Club Manado, while the control group included non-athlete adolescents. All subjects underwent history-taking, physical examinations and further supporting examinations. Left ventricular mass was measured by cardiovascular echocardiography (Esaote Mylab 4.0 and calculated based on a formula. Left ventricular hypertrophy was defined as left ventricular mass of > 134 g/m2 body surface area. Results Subjects' mean left ventricular masses were 359.69 (SD 188.4; 95%CI 283.58 to 435.81 grams in the athlete group and 173.04 (SD 50.69; 95%CI 152.56 to 103.51 grams in the non· athlete group, a statistically significant difference (P=0.0001. Ventricular hypertrophy was found 76.9% compared to 11.5% in  the non-athlete group (P= 0.0001. Conclusion Left ventricular mass in athletes is bigger than in non-athletes. In addition, left ventricular hypertrophy is more cornmon in male adolescent athletes than in non-athletes.

  3. Detection of premature ventricular contractions on a ventricular electrocardiogram for patients with left ventricular assist devices. (United States)

    Park, Sung Min; Lee, Jin Hong; Choi, Seong Wook


    The ventricular electrocardiogram (v-ECG) was developed for long-term monitoring of heartbeats in patients with a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) and does not normally have the functionality necessary to detect additional heart irregularities that can progress to critical arrhythmias. Although the v-ECG has the benefits of physiological optimization and counterpulsation control, when abnormal heartbeats occur, the v-ECG does not show the distinct abnormal waveform that enables easy detection of an abnormal heartbeat among normal heartbeats on the conventional ECG. In this study, the v-ECGs of normal and abnormal heartbeats are compared with each other with respect to peak-to-peak voltage, area, and maximal slopes, and a new method to detect abnormal heartbeats is suggested. In a series of animal experiments with three porcine models (Yorkshire pigs weighing 30-40 kg), a v-ECG and conventional ECG were taken simultaneously during LVAD perfusion. Clinical experts found 104 abnormal heartbeats from the saved conventional ECG data and confirmed that the other 3159 heartbeats were normal. Almost all of the abnormal heartbeats were premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), and there was short-term tachycardia for 3 s. A personal computer was used to automatically detect abnormal heartbeats with the v-ECG according to the new method, and its results were compared with the clinicians' results. The new method found abnormal heartbeats with 90% accuracy, and less than 15% of the total PVCs were missed. Copyright © 2014 International Center for Artificial Organs and Transplantation and Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. MRI in the diagnosis of non-compacted ventricular Myocardium (NCVM) compared to echocardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weiss, F.; Habermann, C.R.; Sievers, J.; Weil, J.; Adam, G.; Lilje, C.; Razek, W.


    Purpose: To report the detection of con-compacted ventricular myocardium (NVCM) with MRI compared to echocardiography in 8 patients. Material and methods: Non-compaction of the ventricular myocardium is a congenital disorder characterized by an altered structure of the myocardial wall resulting from an intrauterine arrest in endomyocardial embryogenesis. The morphological findings consist of a prominent meshwork of multiple myocardial trabeculations and deep intertrabecular recesses, communicating with the left ventricular cavity. 8 consecutive patients (mean age 7.3 years) with clinical and echocardiographic signs of NCVM were examined by MRI (1.5 T, Vision, Siemens) in short axis and 2- and 4-chamber views, using T 1 -weighted TSE and Cine-GRE in 6 patients and true FISP sequences in 2 patients. MRI and echocardiography were evaluated for visibility, signs of NCVM and involvement of myocardial wall segments. Thickness was measured for non-compacted and compacted myocardium and the non-compacted to compacted (N/C) ratio calculated. Results: MRI diagnosed 6 of 8 patients of having NCVM. Myocardial thickness as measured by echocardiography and MRI showed a good correlation in compacted myocardium (r = 0.82) and no correlation in non-compacted myocardium (r = 0.4). In 2 cases, non-compacted myocardium was detected, but echocardiography did not reach the N/C ratio > 2 as required to diagnose NCVM in accordance with the criteria found in the literature. Both patients were also misdiagnosed by MRI performed with Cine-GRE. MRI reached a N/C ratio > 2 in only three patients. Newer TruFisp sequences showed no definite advantages. Extent of non-compaction could be visualized correctly with MRI. (orig.) [de

  5. Evaluation of left ventricular function by cardiac CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naito, Hiroaki; Kozuka, Takahiro


    Left ventricular function was evaluated by CT, which was compared with the data of left ventriculography for various cardiac diseases. The end diastolic volume of the left ventricle can be readily computed from CT, with a satisfactory correlation with that of left ventriculography (r = 0.95). The left ventricular ejection fraction, calculated from the areal ratio of the left ventricular lumen in end-diastolic imaging to that in end-sytolic imaging, also roughly reflects left ventricular contractile function, but shows correlation with left ventriculography by only r = 0.79. Although the cardiac output is not sensitive for functional evaluation, it can be directly calculated by means of dynamic scanning and shows a satisfactory correlation with the ear piece pigment dilution (r = 0.85). Evaluation of left ventricular function by CT shows a high precision in comparison with left ventriculography, but still lacks temporal resolving power. (Chiba, N.)

  6. [Ventricular tachycardia in a patient with rate-responsive cardiac pacemaker]. (United States)

    Himbert, C; Lascault, G; Tonet, J; Coutte, R; Busquet, P; Frank, R; Grosgogeat, Y


    The authors report a case of syncopal ventricular tachycardia in a patient with a respiratory-dependent rate responsive pacemaker, followed-up for valvular heart disease with severe left ventricular dysfunction and sustained atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. The introduction of low dose betablocker therapy with reinforcement of the treatment of cardiac failure controlled the ventricular arrhythmia, after suppression of the data responsive function had been shown to be ineffective. The authors discuss the role of the rate responsive function in the triggering of the ventricular tachycardias.

  7. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with mid-ventricular obstruction and apical aneurysm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N.D. Oryshchyn


    Full Text Available A case report of apical left ventricular aneurysm in patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with mid-ventricular obstruction (diagnosis and surgical treatment is presented. We revealed apical aneurysm and mid-ventricular obstruction during echocardiography and specified anatomical characteristics of aneurysm during computer tomography. There was no evidence of obstructive coronary artery disease during coronary angiography. Taking into consideration multiple cerebral infarcts, aneurysm resection and left ventricular plastics was performed. Electronic microscopy of myocardium confirmed the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

  8. Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia of unusual etiology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Praloy Chakraborty


    Full Text Available Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia (BDVT is a rare form of ventricular arrhythmia, characterized by changing QRS axis of 180 degrees. Digitalis toxicity is considered as commonest cause of BDVT; other causes include aconite toxicity, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, metastatic cardiac tumour and cardiac channelopathies. We describe a case of BDVT in a patient with Anderson-Tawil syndrome.

  9. Evaluation of ventricular function in patients with coronary artery disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rocco, T.P.; Dilsizian, V.; Fischman, A.J.; Strauss, H.W.


    The recent expansion of interventional cardiovascular technologies has stimulated a concomitant expansion of noninvasive cardiac studies, both to assist in diagnosis and to evaluate treatment outcomes. Radionuclide ventricular function studies provide a reliable, reproducible means to quantify global left ventricular systolic performance, a critical determinant of prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease. In addition, the ability to evaluate regional left ventricular wall motion and to assess ventricular performance during exercise have secured a fundamental role for such studies in the screening and treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. Radionuclide techniques have been extended to the evaluation of left ventricular relaxation/filling events, left ventricular systolic/diastolic function in the ambulatory setting, and with appropriate technical modifications, to the assessment of right ventricular performance at rest and with exercise. As a complement to radionuclide perfusion studies, cardiac blood-pool imaging allows for thorough noninvasive description of cardiac physiology and function in both normal subjects and in patients with a broad range of cardiovascular diseases. 122 references

  10. Ventricular Septal Dissection Complicating Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lindsey Kalvin


    Full Text Available Postmyocardial infarction ventricular septal defect is an increasingly rare mechanical complication of acute myocardial infarction. We present a case of acute myocardial infarction from right coronary artery occlusion that developed hypotension and systolic murmur 12 hours after successful percutaneous coronary intervention. Although preoperative imaging suggested a large ventricular septal defect and a pseudoaneurysm, intraoperative findings concluded a serpiginous dissection of the ventricular septum. The imaging technicalities are discussed.

  11. Effect of chronic right ventricular apical pacing on left ventricular function. (United States)

    O'Keefe, James H; Abuissa, Hussam; Jones, Philip G; Thompson, Randall C; Bateman, Timothy M; McGhie, A Iain; Ramza, Brian M; Steinhaus, David M


    The determinants of change in left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) over time in patients with impaired LV function at baseline have not been clearly established. Using a nuclear database to assess changes in LV function over time, we included patients with a baseline LVEF of 25% to 40% on a gated single-photon emission computed tomographic study at rest and only if second-gated photon emission computed tomography performed approximately 18 months after the initial study showed an improvement in LVEF at rest of > or =10 points or a decrease in LVEF at rest of > or =7 points. In all, 148 patients qualified for the EF increase group and 59 patients for the EF decrease group. LVEF on average increased from 33 +/- 4% to 51 +/- 8% in the EF increase group and decreased from 35 +/- 4% to 25 +/- 5% in the EF decrease group. The strongest multivariable predictor of improvement of LVEF was beta-blocker therapy (odds ratio 3.9, p = 0.002). The strongest independent predictor of LVEF decrease was the presence of a permanent right ventricular apical pacemaker (odds ratio 6.6, p = 0.002). Thus, this study identified beta-blocker therapy as the major independent predictor for improvement in LVEF of > or =10 points, whereas a permanent pacemaker (right ventricular apical pacing) was the strongest predictor of a LVEF decrease of > or =7 points.

  12. The helical ventricular myocardial band of Torrent-Guasp. (United States)

    Kocica, Mladen J; Corno, Antonio F; Lackovic, Vesna; Kanjuh, Vladimir I


    We live in an era of substantial progress in understanding myocardial structure and function at genetic, molecular, and microscopic levels. Yet, ventricular myocardium has proven remarkably resistant to macroscopic analyses of functional anatomy. Pronounced and practically indefinite global and local structural anisotropy of its fibers and other ventricular wall constituents produces electrical and mechanical properties that are nonlinear, anisotropic, time varying, and spatially inhomogeneous. The helical ventricular myocardial band of Torrent-Guasp is a revolutionary new concept in understanding global, 3-dimensional, functional architecture of the ventricular myocardium. This concept defines the principal, cumulative vectors, integrating the tissue architecture (ie, form) and net forces developed (ie, function) within the ventricular mass. The primary purpose of this review is to emphasize the importance of this concept, in the light of collaborative efforts to establish an integrative approach, defining ventricular form and function by linking across multiple scales of biological organization, as explained in the ongoing Physiome project. Because one of the most important scientific missions in this century is integration of basic research with clinical medicine, we believe that this knowledge is not of merely academic importance, but is also the essential prerequisite in clinical evaluation and treatment of different heart diseases.

  13. Clinical studies on myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with right ventricular overload

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abo, Kenji; Yamagata, Takashi; Nakajima, Masao; Fujita, Kimiaki; Morita, Nobuo


    Patients with heart disease which had been clinically diagnosed underwent 201 Tl myocardial perfusion imaging. The thickness of right ventricular wall measured from original images was directly proportional to systolic pressure of the right ventricle measured by cardiac catheterization, and 201 Tl activity in the right ventricle was more directly proportional to systolic pressure of the right ventricle. Imaging patterns of various diseases were also described. Images of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy revealed that right ventricular wall was thin and right ventricular cavity was small, but the thickness of septal wall and left ventricular wall were maximal. Images of patients with mitral insufficiency revealed that the thickness of right ventricular wall, septal wall, and left ventricular wall was medium, and the right ventricular cavity was smaller than the left ventricular cavity. Images of patients with congestive cardiomyopathy and congestive cardiac failure showed that enlargement of both ventricular cavities was disproportionate to the thickness of each wall. Images of patients with arterial septal defect revealed that the thickness of each wall was comparatively normal, the right ventricular cavity was maximal, and the left ventricular cavity was minimal. Images of patients with primary pulmonary hypertention, pulmonary stenosis and tetralogy of Fallot in whom pressure overload was recognized revealed severe thickenings of right ventricular wall, moderate enlargement of the right ventricle, small left ventricle, and thin left ventricular wall. (Tsunoda, M.)

  14. Bundle of measures for external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis. (United States)

    Chatzi, Maria; Karvouniaris, Marios; Makris, Demosthenes; Tsimitrea, Eleni; Gatos, Charalampos; Tasiou, Anastasia; Mantzarlis, Kostas; Fountas, Kostas N; Zakynthinos, Epaminondas


    To assess the prevalence and outcome of external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis in neurocritical patients before and after the implementation of a bundle of external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis control measures. Clinical prospective case series. University Hospital of Larissa, Greece. Consecutive patients were recruited from the ICU of the hospital. Patient inclusion criteria included presence of external ventricular drainage and ICU stay more than 48 hours. The bundle of external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis control measures included 1) reeducation of ICU personnel on issues of infection control related to external cerebral ventricular drainage, 2) meticulous intraventricular catheter handling, 3) cerebrospinal fluid sampling only when clinically necessary, and 4) routine replacement of the drainage catheter on the seventh drainage day if the catheter was still necessary. The bundle was applied after an initial period (preintervention) where standard policy for external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis was established. External cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis prevalence, external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis events per 1,000 drainage days (drain-associated infection rate), length of ICU stay, Glasgow Outcome Scale at 6 months, and risk factors for external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis. Eighty-two patients entered the study in the preintervention period and 57 patients during the intervention period. During the preintervention and intervention period, external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis prevalence was 28% and 10.5% (p = 0.02) and drain-associated infection rate was 18 and 7.1, respectively (p = 0.0001); mean (95% CI) length of ICU stay in patients who presented external cerebral ventricular drainage-associated ventriculitis was 44.4 days (36.4-52.4 d), whereas mean

  15. Does in-hospital ventricular fibrillation affect prognosis after myocardial infarction?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, G V; Torp-Pedersen, C; Hildebrandt, P


    with ventricular fibrillation in time intervals, indicated that the importance of ventricular fibrillation for risk of death was exhausted during the initial 60 days after infarction. CONCLUSION: Ventricular fibrillation is associated with an independent increased risk of death within 0-60 days after infarction......AIM: The aim of this study was to estimate the prognostic information to be gained from ventricular fibrillation in patients with myocardial infarction. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 4259 consecutive patients with myocardial infarction admitted to one centre in 1977-1988. Five hundred and twenty......-eight (12.4%) of the patients had ventricular fibrillation in hospital. The following risk factors were included in multivariate models to estimate their importance for 30-day and long-term (median 7 year) prognosis: age, gender, ventricular fibrillation, congestive heart failure, pulmonary oedema...

  16. Evaluation of left ventricular function using digital subtraction ventriculography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yiannikas, J.; Detrano, R.


    Digital subtraction ventriculography following injections of contrast via peripheral veins provides excellent images to assess left ventricular function. The images are essentially identical to those following DCV, but allow more uniform mixing of contrast in the left ventricular chamber. Furthermore, few, if any, cardiac arrhythmias occur, hence obviating difficulties that arise from DCV. The spatial resolution of the method is such that regional wall motion assessment of ventricular function is more accurate than that of other noninvasive imaging methods. The use of video-densitometry allows accurate assessment of left ventricular function even when the left ventricular cavity is nonsymmetrically deformed and aneurysmal. In the setting of the cardiac catheterization laboratory, digital ventriculography may provide a safer means of assessing left ventricular function when critical coronary or myocardial disease is present and allows multiple assessments of ventricular function during the same study. Although excellent correlations with standard ventriculography have been noted by all workers, significant discrepancies still exist in individual patients, particularly in the calculations of end diastolic volumes. In the authors experience and in those of most workers, the largest discrepancies existed in patients in whom suboptimal studies are included for analysis. The most frequent reason for the occasional suboptimal study as with all digital subtraction work is the misregistration that results from motion

  17. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: contribution of different electrocardiographic techniques. (United States)

    Moreira, Davide; Delgado, Anne; Marmelo, Bruno; Correia, Emanuel; Gama, Pedro; Pipa, João; Nunes, Luís; Santos, Oliveira


    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, also known as arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, is a condition in which myocardium is replaced by fibrous or fibrofatty tissue, predominantly in the right ventricle. It is clinically characterized by potentially lethal ventricular arrhythmias, and is a leading cause of sudden cardiac death. Its prevalence is not known exactly but is estimated at approximately 1:5000 in the adult population. Diagnosis can be on the basis of structural and functional alterations of the right ventricle, electrocardiographic abnormalities (including depolarization and repolarization alterations and ventricular arrhythmias) and family history. Diagnostic criteria facilitate the recognition and interpretation of non-specific clinical features of this disease. The authors present a case in which the diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy was prompted by the suspicion of right ventricular disease on transthoracic echocardiography. This was confirmed by detection of epsilon waves on analysis of the ECG, which generally go unnoticed but in this case were the key to the diagnosis. Their presence was also shown by non-conventional ECG techniques such as modified Fontaine ECG. The course of the disease culminated in the occurrence of ventricular tachycardia, which prompted placement of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Copyright © 2013 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  18. A case of short-coupled premature ventricular beat-induced ventricular fibrillation with early repolarization in the inferolateral leads

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hidekazu Kondo, MD


    Full Text Available This case report describes a 19-year-old man with early repolarization (ER in the inferolateral leads and a normal QT interval who survived a cardiac arrest that was likely related to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT. Electrocardiograms (ECGs also showed unifocal premature ventricular beats (PVBs with a relatively narrow QRS duration. A Holter ECG documented occasional short-coupled PVBs following non-sustained VTs. Pharmacological stress testing was also performed to assess the effects of anti-arrhythmic drugs on ER (the J wave and PVBs. We performed successful radiofrequency catheter ablation to prevent the recurrence of ventricular fibrillation after cardioverter-defibrillator implantation.

  19. The management of ventricular dysrhythmia in aconite poisoning. (United States)

    Coulson, James M; Caparrotta, Thomas M; Thompson, John P


    Aconite poisoning is relatively rare but is frequently complicated by ventricular dysrhythmias, which may be fatal. Molecular basis of aconite alkaloid ventricular arrhythmogenicity: Aconite exerts its toxic effects due to the presence of an admixture of alkaloids present in all parts of the plant. The major target of these aconite alkaloids is the fast voltage-gates sodium channel, where they cause persistent activation. This blockade of the channel in the activated state promotes automaticity within the ventricular myocardium and the generation of ventricular arrhythmias. Aconitine-induced arrhythmias: Aconite alkaloids are known to cause many different types of disturbance of heart rhythm. However, this focused review specifically looks at ventricular rhythm disturbances, namely ventricular ectopy, ventricular tachycardia, torsades des pointes and ventricular fibrillation. The objective of this review was to identify the outcome of anti-dysrhythmic strategies from animal studies and case reports in humans in order to guide the management of ventricular dysrhythmias in aconite poisoning in humans. A review of the literature in English was conducted in PubMed and Google Scholar from 1966 to July 2016 using the search terms "aconite/aconitine"; "aconite/aconitine + poisoning" and "aconite/aconitine + dysrhythmia". 168 human case-reports and case-series were identified by these searches, of which 103 were rejected if exposure to aconite did not result in ventricular dysrhythmias, if it was uncertain as to whether aconite had been ingested, if other agents were co-ingested, if there was insufficient information to determine the type of treatments administered or if there was insufficient information to determine outcome. Thus, 65 case reports of probable aconite poisoning that resulted in ventricular dysrhythmias were identified. Toxicokinetic data in aconite poisoning: Data were only available in three papers; the presence of ventricular rhythm disturbances

  20. Muscular anatomy of the human ventricular folds. (United States)

    Moon, Jerald; Alipour, Fariborz


    Our purpose in this study was to better understand the muscular anatomy of the ventricular folds in order to help improve biomechanical modeling of phonation and to better understand the role of these muscles during phonatory and nonphonatory tasks. Four human larynges were decalcified, sectioned coronally from posterior to anterior by a CryoJane tape transfer system, and stained with Masson's trichrome. The total and relative areas of muscles observed in each section were calculated and used for characterizing the muscle distribution within the ventricular folds. The ventricular folds contained anteriorly coursing thyroarytenoid and ventricularis muscle fibers that were in the lower half of the ventricular fold posteriorly, and some ventricularis muscle was evident in the upper and lateral portions of the fold more anteriorly. Very little muscle tissue was observed in the medial half of the fold, and the anterior half of the ventricular fold was largely devoid of any muscle tissue. All 4 larynges contained muscle bundles that coursed superiorly and medially through the upper half of the fold, toward the lateral margin of the epiglottis. Although variability of expression was evident, a well-defined thyroarytenoid muscle was readily apparent lateral to the arytenoid cartilage in all specimens.

  1. Haemodynamic effects of dual-chamber pacing versus ventricular pacing during a walk test in patients with depressed or normal left ventricular function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferro, Adele; Salvatore, Marco; Cuocolo, Alberto [University Federico II, Department of Biomorphological and Functional Sciences, Institute of Biostructure and Bioimages of the National Council of Research, Naples (Italy); Duilio, Carlo; Santomauro, Maurizio [University Federico II, Department of Clinical Medicine, Cardiovascular and Immunological Sciences, Naples (Italy)


    Dual-chamber rate-modulated pacing provides haemodynamic benefits compared with ventricular pacing at rest, but it is unclear whether this also holds true during physical exercise in patients with heart failure. This study assessed the haemodynamic response to a walk test during dual-chamber pacing and ventricular pacing in patients with depressed or normal left ventricular (LV) function. Twelve patients with an LV ejection fraction <50% and 11 patients with an LV ejection fraction {>=}50% underwent two randomised 6-min walk tests under dual-chamber rate-modulated pacing and ventricular pacing at a fixed rate of 70 beats/min. All patients had a dual-chamber pacemaker implanted for complete heart block. LV function was monitored by a radionuclide ambulatory system. In patients with depressed LV function, the change from dual-chamber pacing to ventricular pacing induced a decrease in end-systolic volume at the peak of the walk test (P<0.05), with no difference in end-diastolic volume. As a consequence, higher increases in LV ejection fraction (P<0.0001) and stroke volume (P<0.01) were observed during ventricular pacing. No difference in cardiac output was found between the two pacing modes. In patients with normal LV function, the change from dual-chamber pacing to ventricular pacing induced a significant decrease in cardiac output (P<0.005 at rest and P<0.05 at the peak of the walk test). Compared with dual-chamber rate-modulated pacing, ventricular pacing improves cardiac function and does not affect cardiac output during physical activity in patients with depressed LV function, whereas it impairs cardiac output in those with normal function. (orig.)

  2. Haemodynamic effects of dual-chamber pacing versus ventricular pacing during a walk test in patients with depressed or normal left ventricular function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferro, Adele; Salvatore, Marco; Cuocolo, Alberto; Duilio, Carlo; Santomauro, Maurizio


    Dual-chamber rate-modulated pacing provides haemodynamic benefits compared with ventricular pacing at rest, but it is unclear whether this also holds true during physical exercise in patients with heart failure. This study assessed the haemodynamic response to a walk test during dual-chamber pacing and ventricular pacing in patients with depressed or normal left ventricular (LV) function. Twelve patients with an LV ejection fraction <50% and 11 patients with an LV ejection fraction ≥50% underwent two randomised 6-min walk tests under dual-chamber rate-modulated pacing and ventricular pacing at a fixed rate of 70 beats/min. All patients had a dual-chamber pacemaker implanted for complete heart block. LV function was monitored by a radionuclide ambulatory system. In patients with depressed LV function, the change from dual-chamber pacing to ventricular pacing induced a decrease in end-systolic volume at the peak of the walk test (P<0.05), with no difference in end-diastolic volume. As a consequence, higher increases in LV ejection fraction (P<0.0001) and stroke volume (P<0.01) were observed during ventricular pacing. No difference in cardiac output was found between the two pacing modes. In patients with normal LV function, the change from dual-chamber pacing to ventricular pacing induced a significant decrease in cardiac output (P<0.005 at rest and P<0.05 at the peak of the walk test). Compared with dual-chamber rate-modulated pacing, ventricular pacing improves cardiac function and does not affect cardiac output during physical activity in patients with depressed LV function, whereas it impairs cardiac output in those with normal function. (orig.)

  3. Left ventricular mass in borderline hypertension assessed by echo cardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mezzasalma, L.; Ghione, S.; Palonebo, C.


    The relationship between clinical measurement of blood pressure (BP) and left ventricular hypertrophy in arterial hypertension appears to be weak in most studies. On the contrary, stronger correlations with target organ damage in general, and left ventricular hypertrophy in particular, have been reported for blood pressure measurements obtained by ambulatory monitoring; this finding may indicate a possible role for blood pressure response to naturally occurring stresses in determining left ventricular hypertrophy. Aim of this study was to investigate, in 18 patients with borderline arterial hypertension, the relationships between echocardiographically assessed left ventricular mass and, respectively, casual BP and BP responses to some standardized stress tests. Only three patients had a diastolic wall thickness of the interventricular septum and of the posterior wall ≥1.2 cm and none had a pathologically increased left ventricular mass index. The following statistically significant correlations were found: casual diastolic BP vs. left ventricular mass index (r=0.53, p<0.02), systolic BP response to bicycle exercise test vs. left ventricular mass index (r=0.55, p<0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that almost fifty percent of the variability of left ventricular mass index could be predicted by these two BP measurements. These findings suggest that besides the chronically increased afterload, also the transient hypertensive responses to naturally occuring physical stresses may have a role in determining the extent of cardiac structural changes in borderline hypertensive patients. In addition, they indicate a direct relation between left ventricular mass and blood pressure levels also in borderline hypertension, as previously shown for established hypertension, despite the fact that left ventricular hypertrophy represents only an occasional finding in early stages of hypertension

  4. Risk factors and predictors of Torsade de pointes ventricular tachycardia in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction receiving Dofetilide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Henriette Sloth; Elming, Hanne; Seibaek, Marie


    The purpose of this study was to identify risk factors of Torsade de pointes (TdP) ventricular tachycardia in patients medicated with a class III antiarrhythmic drug (dofetilide) and left ventricular systolic dysfunction with heart failure (HF) or recent myocardial infarction (MI). The 2 Danish...

  5. Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Friedman, M.J.; Okada, R.D.; Ewy, G.A.; Hellman, D.J.


    In order to assess the effect of hyperthyroidism on systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle, M-mode echocardiograms and systolic time intervals were obtained in 13 patients while they were clinically hyperthyroid and again when they were euthyroid following radioactive iodine therapy. Echocardiographic tracings of the septum and left ventricular posterior wall were digitized and analyzed to provide the maximum velocity of shortening and maximum velocity of lengthening. These velocities were normalized for left ventricular diastolic dimension. The left ventricular minor axis fractional shortening and the normalized maximum velocity of shortening were both increased during the hyperthyroid state. The normalized maximum velocity of lengthening, a measure of diastolic left ventricular function, was also increased during the hyperthyroid state when compared to the euthyroid state. The preejection period index and the preejection period/left ventricular ejection time ratio were lower when the patients were hyperthyroid than when they were euthyroid. These data confirm the increased inotropic state and demonstrated increased diastolic relaxation velocities of the hyperthyroid left ventricle

  6. Left Ventricular Geometry In Nigerians With Type II Diabetes Mellitus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy is independently associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular and all cause mortality. In a relatively healthy hypertensive adult population, type II diabetes is associated with higher left ventricular mass, concentric left ventricular geometry and lower ...

  7. Assessment of right ventricular function using gated blood pool single photon emission computed tomography in inferior myocardial infarction with or without hemodynamically significant right ventricular infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takahashi, Masaharu


    Right ventricular function was assessed using gated blood pool single photon emission computed tomography (GSPECT) in 10 normal subjects and 14 patients with inferior myocardial infarction. Three-dimensional backbround subtraction was achieved by applying an optimal cut off level. The patient group consisted of 6 patients with definite hemodynamic abnormalities indicative of right ventricular infarction (RVI) and 8 other patients with significant obstructive lesion at the proximal portion of right coronary artery without obvious hemodynamic signs of RVI. Right ventricular regional wall motion abnormalities were demonstrated on GSPECT functional images and the indices of right ventricular function (i.e the right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF), the right ventricular peak ejection rate (RVPER) and the right ventricular peak filling rate (RVPFR)) were significantly reduced in the patient group, not only in the patients with definite RVI but also in those without hemodynamic signs of RVI, even in the absence of definite hemodynamic signs, when the proximal portion of right coronary artery is obstructed. It is concluded that GSPECT is reliable for the assessment of right ventricular function and regional wall motion, and is also useful for the diagnosis of RVI. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. N. Pavlyukova


    Full Text Available The helical ventricular myocardial band of Torrent-Guasp is a new concept, which provides strong grounds for reconciliation of some important aspects in cardiovascular medicine. Oblique fiber orientation provides left ventricular rotation, which in addition to radial thickening and longitudinal shortening, is predicted as an essential component of the effective left ventricular pumping. Left ventricular rotation can be measured in clinical practice noninvasively using echocardiography and this provides new opportunities for the assessment of different aspects of left ventricular mechanical function.

  9. A case report of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henry Anselmo Mayala


    Full Text Available Background Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder affecting parts of myocardium known as desmosomes, areas on the surface of heart muscle cells which link the cells together. The hallmark feature is fibro-fatty replacement of the right ventricle myocardium characterized by hypokinetic areas with associated arrhythmias originating in the right ventricle. CasePresentation Inthisreporta42yearoldmanwasadmittedatWuhanunion Hospital with the presenting complaints of visual hallucination and difficulty in breathing on exertion, with a family history of sudden death. Clinical and imaging findings are suggestive of Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Conclusion Despitebeingamongtherarecardiacdisease,Arrhythmogenicright ventricular dysplasia is an important cause of ventricular arrhythmias in children and young adults, it is also responsible for sudden cardiac death in the young population, making it necessary for this case report.

  10. Diagnostic electrocardiographic dyad criteria of emphysema in left ventricular hypertrophy. (United States)

    Lanjewar, Swapnil S; Chhabra, Lovely; Chaubey, Vinod K; Joshi, Saurabh; Kulkarni, Ganesh; Kothagundla, Chandrasekhar; Kaul, Sudesh; Spodick, David H


    The electrocardiographic diagnostic dyad of emphysema, namely a combination of the frontal vertical P-vector and a narrow QRS duration, can serve as a quasidiagnostic marker for emphysema, with specificity close to 100%. We postulated that the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy in emphysema may affect the sensitivity of this electrocardiographic criterion given that left ventricular hypertrophy generates prominent left ventricular forces and may increase the QRS duration. We reviewed the electrocardiograms and echocardiograms for 73 patients with emphysema. The patients were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy. The P-vector, QRS duration, and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) were computed and compared between the two subgroups. There was no statistically significant difference in qualitative lung function (FEV1) between the subgroups. There was no statistically significant difference in mean P-vector between the subgroups. The mean QRS duration was significantly longer in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy as compared with those without left ventricular hypertrophy. The presence of left ventricular hypertrophy may not affect the sensitivity of the P-vector verticalization when used as a lone criterion for diagnosing emphysema. However, the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy may significantly reduce the sensitivity of the electrocardiographic diagnostic dyad in emphysema, as it causes a widening of the QRS duration.

  11. Evaluation of the accuracy of ventricular volume measurement by ultrafast CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Wei; Dai Ruping; Guo Yuyin


    The authors evaluated the accuracy of ventricular volume measured by ultrafast CT (UFCT); and (2) compared the value of ventricular volume derived from long- and short-axis view. Fourteen human left ventricular casts and 15 right ventricular casts were scanned by Imatron C-150 scanner along both the long- and short-axis. The scan protocol was similar to that used in vivo. Eight 7 mm-thick slices were obtained from each cast for both long- and short-axis views. Ventricular volume was determined by the modified Simpson's rule provided by Inamtron Inc. The actual volumes of the ventricular casts were determined by the amount of water displacement by the cast. The actual volumes for left and right ventricles were 55.57 +- 28.91 ml and 64.23 +- 24.51 ml, respectively, the left and right ventricular volumes determined by UFCT were 66.50 +- 33.04 ml and 76.47 +-28.70 ml from long-axis view, and 60.36 +- 29.90 ml and 75.36 +- 28.73 ml from short-axis view, respectively. The measurements by UFCT were significantly greater than the actual volumes of the casts, both for the left and right ventricles (P 0.990). Both left and right ventricular volumes can be determined by UFCT with identical accuracy for both long- and short-axis views in calculating ventricular volume; however, overestimation of ventricular volume by UFCT should be noted

  12. Patterns of left ventricular geometry and the transition to congestive heart failure with preserved versus depressed ejection fraction (Patrones de geometría ventricular izquierda y la transición a la insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva con fracción de eyección conservada versus deprimida)


    José H. Donis Hernández; Francisco Sanchez; Bárbara das Neves; Carmen A. Mazzei de Dávila, Lisett Aranguibel, Maite González; Lisett Aranguibel; Maite González


    Abstract (english) Analysis of cross-sectional and follow up clinical studies, of hypertensive patients with the different left ventricular geometric patterns, provide plausible explanations for the transition from hypertensive heart disease to the two distinct phenotypes of systolic and diastolic congestive heart failure. According to the LIFE study treated-uncomplicated patients, with normal ventricular geometry (12%), concentric remodeling ...

  13. Influence of left ventricular hypertrophy on infarct size and left ventricular ejection fraction in ST-elevation myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Małek, Łukasz A.; Śpiewak, Mateusz; Kłopotowski, Mariusz; Petryka, Joanna; Mazurkiewicz, Łukasz; Kruk, Mariusz; Kępka, Cezary; Miśko, Jolanta; Rużyłło, Witold; Witkowski, Adam


    Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) predisposes to larger infarct size, which may be underestimated by the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) due to supranormal systolic performance often present in patients with LVH. The aim of the study was to compare infarct size and LVEF in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and increased left ventricular mass on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). Methods: The study included unselected group of 52 patients (61 ± 11 years, 69% male) with first STEMI who had CMR after median 5 days from the onset of the event. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was defined as left ventricular mass index exceeding 95th percentile of references values for age and gender. Infarct size was assessed with means of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). Results: LVH was found in 16 patients (31%). In comparison to the rest of the group, patients with LVH had higher absolute and relative infarct mass (p = 0.002 and p = 0.02, respectively). LVH was related to higher prevalence of microvascular obstruction and myocardial haemorrhage and higher number of LV segments with transmural necrosis (p = 0.02, p = 0.01 and p = 0.01, respectively). Despite marked difference in the infarct size between both studied subgroups there was no difference in LVEF and mean number of dysfunctional LV segments. Conclusions: Patients with LVH undergoing STEMI have larger infarct size underestimated by the LV systolic performance in comparison to patients without LVH.

  14. Ventricular kinetic energy may provide a novel noninvasive way to assess ventricular performance in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. (United States)

    Jeong, Daniel; Anagnostopoulos, Petros V; Roldan-Alzate, Alejandro; Srinivasan, Shardha; Schiebler, Mark L; Wieben, Oliver; François, Christopher J


    Ventricular kinetic energy measurements may provide a novel imaging biomarker of declining ventricular efficiency in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. Our purpose was to assess differences in ventricular kinetic energy with 4-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging between patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and healthy volunteers. Cardiac magnetic resonance, including 4-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging, was performed at rest in 10 subjects with repaired tetralogy of Fallot and 9 healthy volunteers using clinical 1.5T and 3T magnetic resonance imaging scanners. Right and left ventricular kinetic energy (KERV and KELV), main pulmonary artery flow (QMPA), and aortic flow (QAO) were quantified using 4-dimensional flow magnetic resonance imaging data. Right and left ventricular size and function were measured using standard cardiac magnetic resonance techniques. Differences in peak systolic KERV and KELV in addition to the QMPA/KERV and QAO/KELV ratios between groups were assessed. Kinetic energy indices were compared with conventional cardiac magnetic resonance parameters. Peak systolic KERV and KELV were higher in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (6.06 ± 2.27 mJ and 3.55 ± 2.12 mJ, respectively) than in healthy volunteers (5.47 ± 2.52 mJ and 2.48 ± 0.75 mJ, respectively), but were not statistically significant (P = .65 and P = .47, respectively). The QMPA/KERV and QAO/KELV ratios were lower in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (7.53 ± 5.37 mL/[cycle mJ] and 9.65 ± 6.61 mL/[cycle mJ], respectively) than in healthy volunteers (19.33 ± 18.52 mL/[cycle mJ] and 35.98 ± 7.66 mL/[cycle mJ], respectively; P tetralogy of Fallot. Quantification of ventricular kinetic energy in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot is a new observation. Future studies are needed to determine whether changes in ventricular kinetic energy can provide earlier evidence of ventricular dysfunction and guide future medical and

  15. Right ventricular function: methodologic and clinical considerations in noninvasive scintigraphic assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manno, B.V.; Iskandrian, A.S.; Hakki, A.H.


    Right ventricular function plays an important role in many cardiac disorders. Changes in left ventricular function, right ventricular afterload and preload, cardiac medications and ischemia may affect right ventricular function. Radionuclide ventriculography permits quantitative assessment of regional and global function of the right ventricle. This assessment can be made at rest, during exercise or after pharmacologic interventions. The overlap between right ventricle and right atrium is a major limitation for gated scintigraphic techniques. The use of imaging with newer short-lived radionuclides may permit more accurate and reproducible assessment of right ventricular function by means of the first pass method. Further work in areas related to improvement of techniques and the impact of right ventricular function on prognosis is needed

  16. en el contexto colombiano

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Giraldo


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el fenómeno del acoso laboral (mobbing como una situación disfuncional y frecuente en el contexto organizacional que, además, se perpetúa y es alimentada por la escalada simétrica de violencia que vive Colombia. Afrontar el fenómeno es una oportunidad para cumplir con la responsabilidad social, disciplinar y empresarial que favorece, a su vez, contextos de desarrollo éticos. Se propone una atención urgente tanto desde lo legal como de la psicología organizacional en aras de mejorar la calidad de vida laboral.

  17. Evidencia de la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva en incontinencia urinaria


    Coscarón Molano, Alazne


    Objetivo: Mostrar la evidencia del uso de la GAH en la reeducación perineal del empleo del entrenamiento muscular del suelo pélvico cuya evidencia científica se ha demostrado con estudios a lo largo de los años. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada desde el año 2007 hasta el momento sobre la gimnasia abdominal hipopresiva en las disfunciones pélvicas. Se buscó en la base de datos Pubmed, Sciencedirect y en revistas y libros electrónicos mediante la universidad, también ...

  18. Race differences in ventricular remodeling and function among college football players. (United States)

    Haddad, Francois; Peter, Shanon; Hulme, Olivia; Liang, David; Schnittger, Ingela; Puryear, Josephine; Gomari, Fatemeh A; Finocchiaro, Gherardo; Myers, Jonathan; Froelicher, Victor; Garza, Daniel; Ashley, Euan A


    Athletic training is associated with increases in ventricular mass and volume. Recent studies have shown that left ventricular mass increases proportionally in white athletes with a mass/volume ratio approaching unity. The objective of this study was to compare the proportionality in ventricular remodeling and ventricular function in black versus white National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I football players. From 2008 to 2011, football players at Stanford University underwent cardiovascular screening with a 12-point history and physical examination, electrocardiography, and focused echocardiography. Compared with white players, black players had on average higher left ventricular mass indexes (77 ± 11 vs 71 ± 11 g/m(2), p = 0.009), higher mass/volume ratios (1.18 ± 0.16 vs 1.06 ± 0.09 g/ml, p 1.2. Mass/volume ratio was inversely related to early diastolic tissue Doppler velocity e' (r = -0.50, p football players exhibit more concentric ventricular remodeling, lower early diastolic annular velocities, and increased ventricular voltage compared with white players. Ventricular mass increases proportionally to volume in white players but not in black players. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Annular subvalvular left ventricular aneurysm in Bahia, Brazil. (United States)

    Guimarães, A C; Filho, A S; Esteves, J P; Abreu, W N; Vinhaes, L A; de Almeida Souza, J A; Machado, A


    Two cases of left ventricular aneurysm, a 16-year-old black boy and a 23-year-old white girl, from Bahia, Brazil, are presented. In both patients there was enlargement of the cardiac silhouette and a prominent bulge of the left inferior border. On the right oblique view a ring of calcium at the ventricular opening of the aneurysms was visualized. A left ventriculogram showed a huge aneurysm in the first case and a bulge on the lateral wall of the left ventricle in the other. Cardiac catheterization showed a rise in left and right ventricular end-diastolic pressures and in the mean pulmonary artery pressure. In the first case the contour of the right ventricular pressure curve showed a restrictive pattern. The similarities of these aneurysms with the annular submitral type described in young black Africans are stressed.

  20. Central-Approach Surgical Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta with a Back-up Left Ventricular Assist Device for an Infant Presenting with Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tae Hoon Kim


    Full Text Available A two-month-old infant presented with coarctation of the aorta, severe left ventricular dysfunction, and moderate to severe mitral regurgitation. Through median sternotomy, the aortic arch was repaired under cardiopulmonary bypass and regional cerebral perfusion. The patient was postoperatively supported with a left ventricular assist device for five days. Left ventricular function gradually improved, eventually recovering with the concomitant regression of mitral regurgitation. Prompt surgical repair of coarctation of the aorta is indicated for patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction. A central approach for surgical repair with a back-up left ventricular assist device is a safe and effective treatment strategy for these patients.

  1. Central-Approach Surgical Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta with a Back-up Left Ventricular Assist Device for an Infant Presenting with Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction. (United States)

    Kim, Tae Hoon; Shin, Yu Rim; Kim, Young Sam; Kim, Do Jung; Kim, Hyohyun; Shin, Hong Ju; Htut, Aung Thein; Park, Han Ki


    A two-month-old infant presented with coarctation of the aorta, severe left ventricular dysfunction, and moderate to severe mitral regurgitation. Through median sternotomy, the aortic arch was repaired under cardiopulmonary bypass and regional cerebral perfusion. The patient was postoperatively supported with a left ventricular assist device for five days. Left ventricular function gradually improved, eventually recovering with the concomitant regression of mitral regurgitation. Prompt surgical repair of coarctation of the aorta is indicated for patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction. A central approach for surgical repair with a back-up left ventricular assist device is a safe and effective treatment strategy for these patients.

  2. Advanced quantitative echocardiography in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjaergaard, Jesper; Hastrup Svendsen, Jesper; Sogaard, Peter


    BACKGROUND: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular (RV) cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a regional disease of the RV myocardium with variable degrees of left ventricular involvement. Three-dimensional echocardiography and Doppler tissue imaging (DTI) are new echocardiographic modalities for the evaluation......, patients with ARVC had a decreased RV ejection fraction (0.47 +/- 0.08 vs 0.53 +/- 0.05, P vs 15.1 +/- 3.7 cm/s, P left ventricle (7.0 +/- 2.6 vs 9.5 +/- 1.9 cm/s, P ... of the longitudinal motility appears to be a sensitive marker of preclinical left ventricular involvement....

  3. Reversibility of ventricular dysfunction: clinical experience in a medical office

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    Antonio Carlos Pereira Barretto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE - To describe clinical observations of marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction in a medical office environment under circumstances differing from those in study protocols and multicenter studies performed in hospital or with outpatient cohorts. METHODS - Eleven cardiac failure patients with marked ventricular dysfunction receiving treatment at a doctors office between 1994 and 1999 were studied. Their ages ranged from 20 and 66 years (mean 39.42±14.05 years; 7 patients were men, 4 were women. Cardiopathic etiologies were arterial hypertension in 5 patients, peripartum cardiomyopathy in 2, nondefined myocarditis in 2, and alcoholic cardiomyopathy in 4. Initial echocardiograms revealed left ventricular dilatation (average diastolic diameter, 69.45±8.15mm, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (0.38±0.08 and left atrial dilatation (43.36±5.16mm. The therapeutic approach followed consisted of patient orientation, elimination of etiological or causal factors of cardiac failure, and prescription of digitalis, diuretics, and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors. RESULTS - Following treatment, left ventricular ejection fraction changed to 0.63±0.09; left ventricular diameters changed to 57.18±8.13mm, and left atrium diameters changed to 37.27±8.05mm. Maximum improvement was noted after 16.9±8.63 (6 to 36 months. CONCLUSION - Patients with serious cardiac failure and ventricular dysfunction caused by hypertension, alcoholism, or myocarditis can experience marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction after undergoing appropriate therapy within the venue of the doctor's office.

  4. Fatigue as Presenting Symptom and a High Burden of Premature Ventricular Contractions Are Independently Associated With Increased Ventricular Wall Stress in Patients With Normal Left Ventricular Function. (United States)

    van Huls van Taxis, Carine F B; Piers, Sebastiaan R D; de Riva Silva, Marta; Dekkers, Olaf M; Pijnappels, Daniël A; Schalij, Martin J; Wijnmaalen, Adrianus P; Zeppenfeld, Katja


    High idiopathic premature ventricular contractions (PVC) burden has been associated with PVC-induced cardiomyopathy. Patients may be symptomatic before left ventricular (LV) dysfunction develops. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and circumferential end-systolic wall stress (cESS) on echocardiography are markers for increased ventricular wall stress. This study aimed to evaluate the relation between presenting symptoms, PVC burden, and increased ventricular wall stress in patients with frequent PVCs and preserved LV function. Eighty-three patients (41 men; 49±15 years) with idiopathic PVCs and normal LV function referred for PVC ablation were included. Type of symptoms (palpitations, fatigue, and [near-]syncope), PVC burden on 24-hour Holter, NT-proBNP levels, and cESS on echocardiography were assessed before and 3 months after ablation. Sustained successful ablation was defined as ≥80% PVC burden reduction during follow-up. Patients were symptomatic for 24 months (Q1-Q3, 16-60); 73% reported palpitations, 47% fatigue, and 30% (near-)syncope. Baseline PVC burden was 23±13%, median NT-proBNP 92 pg/mL (Q1-Q3 50-156), and cESS 143±35 kdyne/cm(2). Fatigue was associated with higher baseline NT-proBNP and cESS (PFatigue was independently associated with a significantly larger reduction in NT-proBNP. In patients with nonsuccessful ablation, NT-proBNP and cESS remained unchanged. In patients with frequent PVCs and preserved LV function, fatigue was associated with higher baseline NT-proBNP and cESS, and with a significantly larger reduction in NT-proBNP after sustained successful ablation. These findings support a link between fatigue and PVC-induced increased ventricular wall stress, despite preserved LV function. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  5. Clinical use of ultrashort-lived radionuclide krypton-81m for noninvasive analysis of right ventricular performance in normal subjects and patients with right ventricular dysfunction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nienaber, C.A.; Spielmann, R.P.; Wasmus, G.; Mathey, D.G.; Montz, R.; Bleifeld, W.H.


    The ultrashort-lived radionuclide krypton-81m, eluted in 5% dextrose from a bedside rubidium-81m generator, was intravenously infused for rapid imaging of the right-sided heart chambers in the right anterior oblique projection adjusted for optimal right atrioventricular separation. Left-sided heart and lung background was minimized by rapid decay and efficient exhalation of krypton-81m, requiring no algorithm for background correction. A double region of interest method decreased the variability in the assessment of ejection fraction to 5%. In 10 normal subjects, 11 patients with pulmonary hypertension, 4 patients with right ventricular outflow tract obstruction and 4 patients with right ventricular infarction, right ventricular ejection fraction determined by krypton-81m equilibrium blood pool imaging ranged from 14 to 76%. The correlation between these values and those determined by cineangiography according to Simpson's rule was close: r . 0.93 for all data points, r . 0.92 for studies at rest and r . 0.93 for exercise studies. Exercise-related changes in right ventricular function revealed a disturbed functional reserve with pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular infarction, whereas in compensated right ventricular outflow tract obstruction there was a physiologic increase in ejection fraction with exercise. Thus, equilibrium-gated right ventricular imaging using ultrashort-lived krypton-81m is a simple, accurate and reproducible method with potential for serial assessment of right ventricular ejection fraction in a variety of right ventricular anatomic and functional abnormalities, both at rest and during exercise. Advantages of this method include an extremely low radiation dose to patients and clear right atrioventricular separation without the need to correct for background activity

  6. Videodensitometric assessment of right and left ventricular functions by digital subtraction angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, Hisao; Yoshiga, Osamu; Shibao, Keigo


    Intravenous digital subtraction (DS) ventriculography was performed in a series of 50 patients with heart diseases to determine right and left ventricular volumes and systolic indices. Right ventricular volume and right ventricular ejection fraction obtained by DS ventriculography were well correlated with those by geometric methods. In 43 patients with left ventricular ejection fraction of 55 % or greater, end-diastolic volume, stroke volume, and ejection fraction in the right ventricle did not differ from those in the left ventricle ; however, both the 1/3 ejection fraction and the peak ejection rate of the right ventricle were significantly lower than those of the left ventricle, suggesting the different modes of left and right ventricular contraction. In the other seven patients with chronic left ventricular failure, right ventricular systolic function may be preserved, even when left ventricular function is severely impaired. Digital subtraction ventriculography has proved to be a simple, useful method in the quanlitative and quantitative assessments of the right and left ventricles. (Namekawa, K.)

  7. Zinc Is Indispensable in Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection against Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Left Ventricular Function Impairment in Rats.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tsung-I Chen

    Full Text Available In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA, recurrent obstruction of the upper airway leads to intermittent hypoxia (IH during sleep, which can result in impairment of cardiac function. Although exercise can have beneficial effects against IH-induced cardiac dysfunction, the mechanism remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the interactions of zinc and exercise on IH-triggered left ventricular dysfunction in a rat model that mimics IH in OSA patients. Nine-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to either a control group (CON or to a group receiving 10 weeks of exercise training (EXE. During weeks 9 and 10, half the rats in each group were subjected to IH for 8 h per day for 14 days (IHCON, IHEXE, whereas the remainder continued to breathe room air. Rats within each of the CON, IHCON, EXE, and IHEXE groups were further randomly assigned to receive intraperitoneal injections of either zinc chloride, the zinc chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl ethylenediamine (TPEN, or injection vehicle only. IH induced a lower left ventricular fractional shortening, reduced ejection fraction, higher myocardial levels of inflammatory factors, increased levels oxidative stress, and lower levels of antioxidative capacity, all of which were abolished by zinc treatment. IHEXE rats exhibited higher levels of cardiac function and antioxidant capacity and lower levels of inflammatory factors and oxidative stress than IHCON rats; however, IHEXE rats receiving TPEN did not exhibit these better outcomes. In conclusion, zinc is required for protecting against IH-induced LV functional impairment and likely plays a critical role in exercise-induced cardioprotection by exerting a dual antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

  8. Zinc Is Indispensable in Exercise-Induced Cardioprotection against Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Left Ventricular Function Impairment in Rats (United States)

    Chen, Michael Yu-Chih


    In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), recurrent obstruction of the upper airway leads to intermittent hypoxia (IH) during sleep, which can result in impairment of cardiac function. Although exercise can have beneficial effects against IH-induced cardiac dysfunction, the mechanism remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the interactions of zinc and exercise on IH-triggered left ventricular dysfunction in a rat model that mimics IH in OSA patients. Nine-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to either a control group (CON) or to a group receiving 10 weeks of exercise training (EXE). During weeks 9 and 10, half the rats in each group were subjected to IH for 8 h per day for 14 days (IHCON, IHEXE), whereas the remainder continued to breathe room air. Rats within each of the CON, IHCON, EXE, and IHEXE groups were further randomly assigned to receive intraperitoneal injections of either zinc chloride, the zinc chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl) ethylenediamine (TPEN), or injection vehicle only. IH induced a lower left ventricular fractional shortening, reduced ejection fraction, higher myocardial levels of inflammatory factors, increased levels oxidative stress, and lower levels of antioxidative capacity, all of which were abolished by zinc treatment. IHEXE rats exhibited higher levels of cardiac function and antioxidant capacity and lower levels of inflammatory factors and oxidative stress than IHCON rats; however, IHEXE rats receiving TPEN did not exhibit these better outcomes. In conclusion, zinc is required for protecting against IH-induced LV functional impairment and likely plays a critical role in exercise-induced cardioprotection by exerting a dual antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. PMID:27977796

  9. Electrical Signs predictors of malignant ventricular arrhythmias

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aleman Fernandez, Ailema Amelia; Dorantes Sanchez, Margarita


    Recurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmia is frequent in cardioverter-defibrillators related patients. The risk stratification is difficult, there are numerous electrocardiographic predictors but his sensibility and specificity are not absolute. The limit between normal and pathological is not defined, besides the complexity of ventricular arrhythmias. We expose different electrocardiographic predictors that can help to better individual risk stratification

  10. Nonischemic Left Ventricular Scar as a Substrate of Life-Threatening Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death in Competitive Athletes. (United States)

    Zorzi, Alessandro; Perazzolo Marra, Martina; Rigato, Ilaria; De Lazzari, Manuel; Susana, Angela; Niero, Alice; Pilichou, Kalliopi; Migliore, Federico; Rizzo, Stefania; Giorgi, Benedetta; De Conti, Giorgio; Sarto, Patrizio; Serratosa, Luis; Patrizi, Giampiero; De Maria, Elia; Pelliccia, Antonio; Basso, Cristina; Schiavon, Maurizio; Bauce, Barbara; Iliceto, Sabino; Thiene, Gaetano; Corrado, Domenico


    The clinical profile and arrhythmic outcome of competitive athletes with isolated nonischemic left ventricular (LV) scar as evidenced by contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance remain to be elucidated. We compared 35 athletes (80% men, age: 14-48 years) with ventricular arrhythmias and isolated LV subepicardial/midmyocardial late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) on contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance (group A) with 38 athletes with ventricular arrhythmias and no LGE (group B) and 40 healthy control athletes (group C). A stria LGE pattern with subepicardial/midmyocardial distribution, mostly involving the lateral LV wall, was found in 27 (77%) of group A versus 0 controls (group C; P<0.001), whereas a spotty pattern of LGE localized at the junction of the right ventricle to the septum was respectively observed in 11 (31%) versus 10 (25%; P=0.52). All athletes with stria pattern showed ventricular arrhythmias with a predominant right bundle branch block morphology, 13 of 27 (48%) showed ECG repolarization abnormalities, and 5 of 27 (19%) showed echocardiographic hypokinesis of the lateral LV wall. The majority of athletes with no or spotty LGE pattern had ventricular arrhythmias with a predominant left bundle branch block morphology and no ECG or echocardiographic abnormalities. During a follow-up of 38±25 months, 6 of 27 (22%) athletes with stria pattern experienced malignant arrhythmic events such as appropriate implantable cardiac defibrillator shock (n=4), sustained ventricular tachycardia (n=1), or sudden death (n=1), compared with none of athletes with no or LGE spotty pattern and controls. Isolated nonischemic LV LGE with a stria pattern may be associated with life-threatening arrhythmias and sudden death in the athlete. Because of its subepicardial/midmyocardial location, LV scar is often not detected by echocardiography. © 2016 The Authors.

  11. Adjustable, physiological ventricular restraint improves left ventricular mechanics and reduces dilatation in an ovine model of chronic heart failure. (United States)

    Ghanta, Ravi K; Rangaraj, Aravind; Umakanthan, Ramanan; Lee, Lawrence; Laurence, Rita G; Fox, John A; Bolman, R Morton; Cohn, Lawrence H; Chen, Frederick Y


    Ventricular restraint is a nontransplantation surgical treatment for heart failure. The effect of varying restraint level on left ventricular (LV) mechanics and remodeling is not known. We hypothesized that restraint level may affect therapy efficacy. We studied the immediate effect of varying restraint levels in an ovine heart failure model. We then studied the long-term effect of restraint applied over a 2-month period. Restraint level was quantified by use of fluid-filled epicardial balloons placed around the ventricles and measurement of balloon luminal pressure at end diastole. At 4 different restraint levels (0, 3, 5, and 8 mm Hg), transmural myocardial pressure (P(tm)) and indices of myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) were determined in control (n=5) and ovine heart failure (n=5). Ventricular restraint therapy decreased P(tm) and MVO2, and improved mechanical efficiency. An optimal physiological restraint level of 3 mm Hg was identified to maximize improvement without an adverse affect on systemic hemodynamics. At this optimal level, end-diastolic P(tm) and MVO2 indices decreased by 27% and 20%, respectively. The serial longitudinal effects of optimized ventricular restraint were then evaluated in ovine heart failure with (n=3) and without (n=3) restraint over 2 months. Optimized ventricular restraint prevented and reversed pathological LV dilatation (130+/-22 mL to 91+/-18 mL) and improved LV ejection fraction (27+/-3% to 43+/-5%). Measured restraint level decreased over time as the LV became smaller, and reverse remodeling slowed. Ventricular restraint level affects the degree of decrease in P(tm), the degree of decrease in MVO2, and the rate of LV reverse remodeling. Periodic physiological adjustments of restraint level may be required for optimal restraint therapy efficacy.

  12. Radionuclide evaluation of left ventricular function with nonimaging probes. (United States)

    Wexler, J P; Blaufox, M D


    Portable nonimaging probes have been developed that can evaluate left ventricular function using radionuclide techniques. Two modes of data acquisition are possible with these probe systems, first-pass and gated. Precordial radiocardiograms obtained after a bolus injection can be used to determine cardiac output, pulmonary transit time, pulmonary blood volume, left ventricle ejection fraction, and left-to-right shunts. Gated techniques can be used to determine left ventricular ejection fraction and sytolic time intervals. Probe-determined indices of left ventricular function agree excellently with comparable measurements determined by conventional camera-computer methods as well as by invasive techniques. These have begun to be used in a preliminary manner in a variety of clinical problems associated with left ventricular dysfunction. This review discusses the types of probe systems available, the methods used in positioning them, and details the specifics of their data acquisition and processing capacity. The major criticisms of probe methods are that they are nonimaging and that they measure global rather than regional left ventricular function. In spite of these criticisms, probe systems, because of their portability, high sensitivity, and relatively low cost are useful supplements to conventional camera-computer systems for the measurement of parameters of left ventricular performance using radionuclide techniques.

  13. Ventricular Arrhythmic Storm after Initiating Sacubitril/Valsartan. (United States)

    Vicent, Lourdes; Juárez, Miriam; Martín, Irene; García, Jorge; González-Saldívar, Hugo; Bruña, Vanesa; Devesa, Carolina; Sousa-Casasnovas, Iago; Fernández-Avilés, Francisco; Martínez-Sellés, Manuel

    Sacubitril/valsartan was approved recently for the treatment of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction. We present 6 cases of ventricular arrhythmia, that occurred shortly after sacubitril/valsartan initiation, that required drug withdrawal. Other potential triggering factors of electrical storm were ruled out and, from the arrhythmic perspective, all of the patients were stable in the previous year. Our aim is to describe the possible association of sacubitril/valsartan with arrhythmic storm. This was an observational monocentric study performed in the first 7 months of sacubitril/valsartan commercialization in Spain (October 2016). All patients were included in the SUMA (Sacubitril/Varsartan Usado Ambulatoriamente en Madrid [Sacubitril/Valsartan Used in Outpatients in Madrid]) registry. Patients were consecutively enrolled on the day they started the drug. Ventricular arrhythmic storm was defined as ≥2 episodes of sustained ventricular arrhythmia or defibrillator therapy application in 24 h. From 108 patients who received the drug, 6 presented with ventricular arrhythmic storm (5.6%). Baseline characteristics were similar in the patients with and without ventricular arrhythmic storm. The total number of days that sacubitril/valsartan was administered to each patient was 5, 6, 44 (8 since titration), 84, 93, and 136 (105 since titration), respectively. Our data are not enough to infer a cause-and-effect relationship. Further investigations regarding a potential proarrhythmic effect of sacubitril/valsartan are probably needed. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. Assessment of inter-atrial, inter-ventricular, and atrio-ventricular interactions in tetralogy of Fallot patients after surgical correction. Insights from two-dimensional speckle tracking and three-dimensional echocardiography. (United States)

    Abd El Rahman, Mohamed; Raedle-Hurst, Tanja; Rentzsch, Axel; Schäfers, Hans-Joachim; Abdul-Khaliq, Hashim


    We aimed to assess biatrial size and function, interactions on atrial and ventricular levels, and atrio-ventricular coupling in patients after tetralogy of Fallot repair. A total of 34 patients with a mean age of 20.9±9 years, and 35 healthy controls, underwent two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography for ventricular and atrial strain measurements and real-time three-dimensional echocardiography to assess ventricular and atrial volumes. When compared with controls, tetralogy of Fallot patients had significantly reduced right atrial peak atrial longitudinal strain (ptetralogy of Fallot group, left ventricular ejection fraction was negatively related to the right ventricular end-systolic volume normalised to body surface area (r=-0.62, ptetralogy of Fallot patients, biatrial dysfunction exists and can be quantified via two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography as well as real-time three-dimensional echocardiography. Different forms of interactions on atrial and ventricular levels are evident among such cohorts.

  15. Diagnostic electrocardiographic dyad criteria of emphysema in left ventricular hypertrophy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lanjewar SS


    Full Text Available Swapnil S Lanjewar,1 Lovely Chhabra,1 Vinod K Chaubey,1 Saurabh Joshi,1 Ganesh Kulkarni,1 Chandrasekhar Kothagundla,1 Sudesh Kaul,1 David H Spodick21Department of Internal Medicine, 2Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USABackground: The electrocardiographic diagnostic dyad of emphysema, namely a combination of the frontal vertical P-vector and a narrow QRS duration, can serve as a quasidiagnostic marker for emphysema, with specificity close to 100%. We postulated that the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy in emphysema may affect the sensitivity of this electrocardiographic criterion given that left ventricular hypertrophy generates prominent left ventricular forces and may increase the QRS duration.Methods: We reviewed the electrocardiograms and echocardiograms for 73 patients with emphysema. The patients were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy. The P-vector, QRS duration, and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1 were computed and compared between the two subgroups.Results: There was no statistically significant difference in qualitative lung function (FEV1 between the subgroups. There was no statistically significant difference in mean P-vector between the subgroups. The mean QRS duration was significantly longer in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy as compared with those without left ventricular hypertrophy.Conclusion: The presence of left ventricular hypertrophy may not affect the sensitivity of the P-vector verticalization when used as a lone criterion for diagnosing emphysema. However, the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy may significantly reduce the sensitivity of the electrocardiographic diagnostic dyad in emphysema, as it causes a widening of the QRS duration.Keywords: emphysema, electrocardiogram, left ventricular hypertrophy, chronic

  16. A case report of arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henry Anselmo Mayala


    Full Text Available Background Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder affecting parts of myocardium known as desmosomes, areas on the surface of heart muscle cells which link the cells together. The hallmark feature is fibro-fatty replacement of the right ventricle myocardium characterized by hypokinetic areas with associated arrhythmias originating in the right ventricle. Case Presentation In this report a 42 year old man was admitted at Wuhan union Hospital with the presenting complaints of visual hallucination and difficulty in breathing on exertion, with a family history of sudden death. Clinical and imaging findings are suggestive of Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia. Conclusion Despite being among the rare cardiac disease, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia is an important cause of ventricular arrhythmias in children and young adults, it is also responsible for sudden cardiac death in the young population, making it necessary for this case report.

  17. [Idiopathic ventricular arrhythmia in children. Apropos of 24 cases]. (United States)

    Coeurderoy, A; Almange, C; Laurent, M; Biron, Y; Leborgne, P


    The severity and prognosis of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias in childhood were studied in 24 patients (12 boys, 12 girls) with an average age of 8 years at the time of diagnosis of the arrhythmia. Investigations included clinical assessment and analysis of basal ECG (morphology of the arrhythmias) and dynamic recordings (Holter and exercise stress testing). The clinical course was followed for an average of 3.8 years. The patients were classified in two groups: monomorphic arrhythmias (Group I) and polymorphic arrhythmias (Group II). Group I was divided into 4 subgroups: isolated ventricular extrasystoles (IA), 11 patients; ventricular extrasystoles with bursts of ventricular tachycardia (IB), 6 patients; sustained ventricular tachycardia without intercritical extrasystoles (IC), 1 patient; accelerated idioventricular rhythm (ID), 2 patients. Subgroups IA, IB and ID were characterised by the absence of symptoms, the disappearance of the arrhythmia on exercise, the decreased efficacy of antiarrhythmic drugs and an excellent prognosis. Therapeutic abstention was the rule in these patients. Patients in Group IC were characterised by the variability of their symptoms, the absence of exercise induced arrhythmias, the need for treatment in most cases and a good long-term prognosis. Group II was divided into 2 subgroups: adrenergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (IIA), 2 patients, and non-adrenergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (IIB), 2 patients. Patients in Subgroup IIA were characterised by syncope on exercise or emotion, the need for betablocker therapy which considerably improved the patients symptoms but which did not usually prevent sudden death.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  18. Ventricular and myocardial scintiscanning: Methodical fundamentals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Standke, R.; Hoer, G.; Maul, F.D.


    Nuclear cardiology is concerned with non invasive procedures to quantitate global and regional left ventricular function (Radionuclide ventriculography), also the imaging of vitally perfused myocardium (Myocardial scintigraphy) is achieved. A gammacamera and a minicomputer are necessary. Radionuclide ventriculography enables the analysis of global and regional time dependent left ventricular volume curves and hence the evaluation of contraction and contractility of the heart muscle. The basis is a sequence of scans covering an average heartcycle. This sequence may be produced either by first pass or equilibrium technique. Myocardial scintigraphy at rest images vital myocardium, scans immediately after exercise represent the interference of myocardial perfusion and muscle mass. The regional difference (Redistribution) between normalized exercise- and rest scans provide quantitative parameters to detect impairment of exercise-induced myocardial perfusion anomalies. The procedures of sectorial analysis of left ventricular function and myocardial perfusion are presented. (orig.) [de

  19. Left ventricular dysfunction after closure of large patent ductus arteriosus. (United States)

    Galal, M Omar; Amin, Mohamed; Hussein, Arif; Kouatli, Amjad; Al-Ata, Jameel; Jamjoom, Ahmed


    Changes in left ventricular dimensions and performance were studied in 43 patients after transcatheter occlusion or surgical ligation of patent ductus arteriosus. The patients were assigned to 2 groups based on their ductal diameter: >/= 3.1 mm to group A (n = 27) and ventricular end-diastolic diameter than group B, while all patients had normal shortening fraction and ejection fraction. Within 1 month after intervention, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter showed a trend towards regression while shortening fraction and ejection fraction decreased significantly in group A. There were no significant changes in these parameters in group B. Between 1 and 6 months after intervention, left ventricular performance improved in most of the group A patients who were followed up. We conclude that closure of large ductus arteriosus in children leads to significant immediate deterioration of left ventricular performance, which appears to recover within a few months. Echocardiographic study before hospital discharge is recommended in these patients. Serious deterioration of ventricular performance after closure may warrant the use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors.

  20. A case of appropriate inappropriate device therapy: Hyperkalemia-induced ventricular oversensing (United States)

    Oudit, Gavin Y; Cameron, Doug; Harris, Louise


    The present case describes a patient who received inappropriate, but potentially life-saving, therapy from her implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in the setting of acute hyperkalemia (plasma potassium concentration = 8 mM). Hyperkalemia was associated with the development of a slow sinusoidal ventricular tachycardia, at a rate of 100 beats/min to 125 beats/min (610 ms to 480 ms) in a patient who is pacemaker-dependent. There was associated fractionation of the ICD electrogram and T wave oversensing, leading to ventricular oversensing with resultant detection in the ventricular fibrillation rate zone. This was followed by shock therapy, even though the ventricular tachycardia rate was below the programmed detection rate of the ICD. The subsequent emergency treatment of the hyperkalemia normalized the electrogram, corrected the ventricular oversensing and arrhythmia, and restored rate-adaptive single-chamber ventricular pacing. PMID:18340383

  1. Differential diagnosis of the 4th ventricular tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Sang Woo; Lee, Jong Min; Kang, Moo Song; Kim, Chul Min; Kim, Chang Soo


    To determine by analysis of MR and CT findings the points of differentiation among 4th ventricular tumors, especially the change of shape of the 4th ventricle caused by the site at which 4th ventricular tumors originate. The authors retrospectively analyzed and compared the CT(n=5) and MRI(n=12) findings of 13 pathologically proven 4th ventricular tumors comprising six medulloblastomas three ependymomas(4 cases) and three choroids plexus papillomas. On axial MRI medulloblastomas showed anterior and anterolateral CSF-clefts between the tumor mass and the 4th ventricular wall in one and five cases, respectively; on sagittal MRI, anterior beaking of the upper 4th ventricle was seen. Two ependymomas showed posterolateral CSF-cleft on axial MRI and posterior beaking of the upper 4th ventricle on sagittal MRI. Two ependymomas and all choroids plexus papillomas showed anterior, posterior and lateral CSF-clefts on axial MRI, and anterior and posterior beakings of the upper 4th ventricle on sagittal MRI. On Gd-DTPA enhanced T1WI, all medulloblastomas and ependymomas showed inhomogeneous enhancement, and all choroids plexus papillomas showed homogeneous enhancement. On CT, tow choroids plexus papillomas showed dense calcifications. The differential diagnosis of 4th ventricular tumors can be preoperatively suggested by analysis of findings such as a CSF-cleft between the tumor mass and the 4th ventricular wall on axial MR and CT images, the shape of the upper 4th ventricle on sagittal MRI, contrast enhancement pattern, necrosis and cyst, and CSF seeding

  2. Usefulness of ventricular endocardial electric reconstruction from body surface potential maps to noninvasively localize ventricular ectopic activity in patients (United States)

    Lai, Dakun; Sun, Jian; Li, Yigang; He, Bin


    As radio frequency (RF) catheter ablation becomes increasingly prevalent in the management of ventricular arrhythmia in patients, an accurate and rapid determination of the arrhythmogenic site is of important clinical interest. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the inversely reconstructed ventricular endocardial current density distribution from body surface potential maps (BSPMs) can localize the regions critical for maintenance of a ventricular ectopic activity. Patients with isolated and monomorphic premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) were investigated by noninvasive BSPMs and subsequent invasive catheter mapping and ablation. Equivalent current density (CD) reconstruction (CDR) during symptomatic PVCs was obtained on the endocardial ventricular surface in six patients (four men, two women, years 23-77), and the origin of the spontaneous ectopic activity was localized at the location of the maximum CD value. Compared with the last (successful) ablation site (LAS), the mean and standard deviation of localization error of the CDR approach were 13.8 and 1.3 mm, respectively. In comparison, the distance between the LASs and the estimated locations of an equivalent single moving dipole in the heart was 25.5 ± 5.5 mm. The obtained CD distribution of activated sources extending from the catheter ablation site also showed a high consistency with the invasively recorded electroanatomical maps. The noninvasively reconstructed endocardial CD distribution is suitable to predict a region of interest containing or close to arrhythmia source, which may have the potential to guide RF catheter ablation.

  3. Rolling revisado: utilización del rolling para valorar y tratar la coordinación y control neuromuscular del core y extremidades en atletas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara J. Hoogenboom


    Full Text Available Rolling es un patrón de movimiento raramente utilizado por los fisioterapeutas para la evaluación e intervención de pacientes con función neurológica normal. El Rolling, como destreza motriz adulta, combina el uso de las extremidades superiores, core y extremidades inferiores con el movimiento coordinado en el paso de una postura a otra. El Rolling se lleva a cabo partiendo de la posición prona a posición supina y viceversa, aunque el método utilizado varía entre adultos. Desde la perspectiva de la habilidad de completar tareas o la simetría bilateral, el Rolling puede ser beneficioso para el uso de atletas que realizan deportes de rotación parcial tales como el golf, el lanzamiento, el tenis, y los deportes con torsión como la danza, la gimnasia, y el patinaje artístico. Además, cuando es usado como técnica de intervención, los patrones del Rolling tienen la capacidad de influir en disfunciones de la parte superior del cuerpo, core y parte inferior. Aplicando los principios de la facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva (FNP, el terapeuta puede asistir a pacientes y clientes que son incapaces de completar un patrón de Rolling. Algunos ejemplos citados en el artículo incluyen separación/elongación, compresión, y contacto manual para facilitar el propio Rolling. Los autores defienden que el uso terapéutico de los patrones de desarrollo del Rolling con las técnicas derivadas de FNP es un distintivo en la rehabilitación de pacientes con disfunciones neurológicas que pueden ser también utilizados en la rehabilitación músculo-esquelética de forma creativa y efectiva. Se han obtenido los resultados preliminares de una exploración del mecanismo por el que el Rolling puede influir en la estabilidad y existen evidencias recientes disponibles. El propósito de este comentario clínico es describir las técnicas de análisis, evaluación y tratamiento de disfunción, usando casos ejemplos que incorporan el Rolling.

  4. Nuclear magnetic resonance in the evaluation of the disk luxation in the temporomandibular articulation conditioned for degenerative osseous changes; Resonancia magnetica nuclear en la valoracion de la luxacion discal en la articulacion temporomandibular condicionada por cambios degenerativos oseos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marchegiani, Silvio; Guzman Urquhart, Romel; Marangoni, Alberto; Alvarez, Federico; Surur, Alberto [Sanatorio Allende, Cordoba (Argentina). Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes


    incidencia de la patologia de acuerdo al sexo, relacionar las luxaciones del disco interarticular con los cambios degenerativos oseos, relacionar la falta de reduccion del disco luxado en la apertura bucal, con los cambios degenerativos oseos, y evaluar la utilidad de la RM en el estudio de la articulacion temporo-mandibular. Material y metodo: Se evaluaron 215 pacientes, estudiados desde enero de 1999 a agosto de 2004. Se excluyeron a pacientes portadores de material ferromagnetico o que presentaron sindrome de claustrofobia. Se utilizo un equipo Elscint de 2 tesla de campo magnetico, con bobina especifica y secuencias T1 y T2 con supresion grasa. Se evaluaron: luxaciones (reductibles y no reductibles), cambios degenerativos oseos, osteocondritis, cambios degenerativos discales, perforaciones discales, y lesiones retrodiscales. Resultados: De los 215 pacientes, se analizaron 175 pacientes que presentaron anormalidades en el estudio por IRM. Los 40 pacientes restantes fueron excluidos por presentar un estudio de (IRM) normal. De estos 175 pacientes, 146 fueron mujeres y 29 hombres. La luxacion mas comun fue la anterior y la demostracion de las lesiones articulares y la artrosis por IRM fue satisfactoria en todos los casos. Discusion: en nuestro trabajo la disfuncion de la ATM mas comun fue la luxacion anterior, concordando con otros autores. Se encontro una relacion exacta entre las luxaciones no reductibles, con cambios degenerativos oseos. Conclusion: Se demuestra que la IRM es el examen de eleccion para evaluar la ATM. El sexo femenino es el mas afectado por este tipo de patologia. La luxacion del disco es la alteracion mas frecuente encontrada en la disfuncion de la ATM, demostrando que en pacientes con osteofitosis marginales del condilo no fue posible la reduccion del disco. (autor)

  5. Patterns of left ventricular remodeling among patients with essential and secondary hypertension. (United States)

    Radulescu, Dan; Stoicescu, Laurentiu; Buzdugan, Elena; Donca, Valer


    High blood pressure causes left ventricular hypertrophy, which is a negative prognostic factor among hypertensive patients. To assess left ventricular geometric remodeling patterns in patients with essential hypertension or with hypertension secondary to parenchymal renal disease. We analyzed data from echocardiograms performed in 250 patients with essential hypertension (150 females) and 100 patients with secondary hypertension (60 females). The interventricular septum and the left ventricular posterior wall thickness were measured in the parasternal long-axis. Left ventricular mass was calculated using the Devereaux formula. The most common remodeling type in females and males with essential hypertension were eccentric and concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (cLVH), respectively. Among patients with secondary arterial hypertension, cLVH was most commonly observed in both genders. The prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy was higher among patients with secondary hypertension. The left ventricular mass index and the relative left ventricular wall thickness were higher in males and also in the secondary hypertension group. Age, blood pressure values and the duration of hypertension, influenced remodeling patterns. We documented a higher prevalence of LVH among patients with secondary hypertension. The type of ventricular remodeling depends on gender, age, type of hypertension, blood pressure values and the duration of hypertension.

  6. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) (United States)

    ... Call your doctor if your baby or child: Tires easily when eating or playing Is not gaining ... heart procedures. Risk factors Ventricular septal defects may run in families and sometimes may occur with other ...

  7. Epicardial deployment of right ventricular disk during perventricular device closure in a child with apical muscular ventricular septal defect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nageswara Rao Koneti


    Full Text Available We report a successful perventricular closure of an apical muscular ventricular septal defect (mVSD by a modified technique. An eight-month-old infant, weighing 6.5 kilograms, presented with refractory heart failure. The transthoracic echocardiogram showed multiple apical mVSDs with the largest one measuring 10 mm. perventricular device closure using a 12 mm Amplatzer mVSD occluder was planned. The left ventricular disk was positioned approximating the interventricular septum; however, the right ventricular (RV disk was deployed on the free wall of the RV due to an absent apical muscular septum and a small cavity at the apex. The RV disk of the device was covered using an autologous pericardium. His heart failure improved during follow-up.

  8. ESTRATIFICACIÓN DEL RIESGO EN EL SÍNDROME CORONARIO AGUDO CON ELEVACIÓN DEL SEGMENTO ST / Risk stratification in acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Rodríguez López


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y objetivos: El tamaño del infarto y la repercusión sobre la función ventricular constituyen problemas importantes para el pronóstico del paciente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue valorar los factores de mal pronóstico antes del egreso hospitalario mediante la realización de ergometría submaximal y ecocardiograma. Material y método: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, prospectiva, con 85 pacientes con infarto que recibieron o no terapia trombolítica, en el Hospital Universitario “Celestino Hernández Robau” de Santa Clara, a los cuales se les realizó ergometría y ecocardiograma antes del egreso para detectar variables de mal pronóstico. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino (82,2 %, el grupo de edad de 55 años y más (47,1 %, la hipertensión arterial (80 % y el tabaquismo (75,2 %. La localización más frecuente fue la póstero-inferior (78,8 %; la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo fue mejor en los tratados con trombolíticos, y se detectaron los que tenían una mala función ventricular (10,6 %. El 74,1 % presentó clase funcional I y se identificaron 21 pacientes (24,7 % con mal pronóstico. No hubo diferencia significativa respecto a la terapia trombolítica, pero los pacientes que la recibieron presentaron un mejor comportamiento clínico. Conclusiones: Se encontraron 31 pacientes con prueba de esfuerzo positiva, de mal pronóstico, 5 de ellos con clase funcional III, los cuales presentaron también FEVI disminuida. La prueba de esfuerzo submáxima y el ecocardiograma bidimensional constituyeron herramientas de primera línea en la valoración pronóstica del paciente con IAM, por su existencia en casi todos los centros hospitalarios, bajo costo, poco o ningún riesgo y ser fácil de realizar, y reproducir. / Abstract Introduction and Objectives: Infarct size and the effect on ventricular function are significant problems for the patient's prognosis. The aim of this study was

  9. Right ventricular functional analysis utilizing first pass radionuclide angiography for pre-operative ventricular assist device planning: a multi-modality comparison. (United States)

    Avery, Ryan; Day, Kevin; Jokerst, Clinton; Kazui, Toshinobu; Krupinski, Elizabeth; Khalpey, Zain


    Advanced heart failure treated with a left ventricular assist device is associated with a higher risk of right heart failure. Many advanced heart failures patients are treated with an ICD, a relative contraindication to MRI, prior to assist device placement. Given this limitation, left and right ventricular function for patients with an ICD is calculated using radionuclide angiography utilizing planar multigated acquisition (MUGA) and first pass radionuclide angiography (FPRNA), respectively. Given the availability of MRI protocols that can accommodate patients with ICDs, we have correlated the findings of ventricular functional analysis using radionuclide angiography to cardiac MRI, the reference standard for ventricle function calculation, to directly correlate calculated ejection fractions between these modalities, and to also assess agreement between available echocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters of right ventricular function. A retrospective review from January 2012 through May 2014 was performed to identify advanced heart failure patients who underwent both cardiac MRI and radionuclide angiography for ventricular functional analysis. Nine heart failure patients (8 men, 1 woman; mean age of 57.0 years) were identified. The average time between the cardiac MRI and radionuclide angiography exams was 38.9 days (range: 1 - 119 days). All patients undergoing cardiac MRI were scanned using an institutionally approved protocol for ICD with no device-related complications identified. A retrospective chart review of each patient for cardiomyopathy diagnosis, clinical follow-up, and echocardiogram and right heart catheterization performed during evaluation was also performed. The 9 patients demonstrated a mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) using cardiac MRI of 20.7% (12 - 40%). Mean LVEF using MUGA was 22.6% (12 - 49%). The mean right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) utilizing cardiac MRI was 28.3% (16 - 43%), and the mean RVEF calculated by

  10. Estudo da função ventricular na técnica de plicatura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo em cães Left ventricular function after plication of the left ventricular free wall in dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    James Newton Bizetto Meira de Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da técnica na função ventricular esquerda em cães hígidos e com cardiomiopatia dilatada induzida pela doxorrubicina. MÉTODO: De 13 cães, oito receberam doxorrubicina até que a fração de encurtamento (FE fosse menor que 20%. Destes, quatro animais e os cinco não induzidos foram submetidos à plicatura da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo (PPLVE. Os demais cães não foram operados. Foram avaliados débito cardíaco (DC, pressão arterial, exame físico, eletrocardiografia, sistema "Holter" e ecocardiografia, por 180 dias. RESULTADOS: Houve redução do volume ventricular esquerdo. Os cães induzidos melhoraram após a operação e a fração de ejeção (FEj retornou aos valores normais para a espécie. O DC e a FE aumentaram após a operação. Um cão foi a óbito. Nos cães não operados, a FE diminuiu e foram a óbito em torno de 40 dias após a indução; nos cães não induzidos, esta não se alterou. Houve extra-sístoles ventriculares, que se resolveram espontaneamente. CONCLUSÕES: A PPLVE sem circulação extracorpórea reduz o volume ventricular esquerdo e melhora a função cardíaca dos cães com cardiomiopatia dilatada induzida pela doxorrubicina, demonstrando baixa morbidade e mortalidade tardia.OBJECTIVE: We tested a new surgical technique, the plication of the left ventricular free wall, to reduce left ventricular area and volume and improve left ventricular systolic function, without using a cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS: Dilated cardiomyopathy was induced in eight dogs by the injection of doxorubicin. Plication of the left ventricular free wall was performed in four dogs with induced cardiomyopathy and in five control dogs. Two dogs not submitted to surgery. The other two dogs died during the induction phase. Cardiac output, 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography, arterial blood pressure and electrocardiography were recorded over a 180 days period. Ambulatory electrocardiography

  11. Associations of Blood Pressure Dipping Patterns With Left Ventricular Mass and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Blacks: The Jackson Heart Study. (United States)

    Abdalla, Marwah; Caughey, Melissa C; Tanner, Rikki M; Booth, John N; Diaz, Keith M; Anstey, D Edmund; Sims, Mario; Ravenell, Joseph; Muntner, Paul; Viera, Anthony J; Shimbo, Daichi


    Abnormal diurnal blood pressure (BP), including nondipping patterns, assessed using ambulatory BP monitoring, have been associated with increased cardiovascular risk among white and Asian adults. We examined the associations of BP dipping patterns (dipping, nondipping, and reverse dipping) with cardiovascular target organ damage (left ventricular mass index and left ventricular hypertrophy), among participants from the Jackson Heart Study, an exclusively black population-based cohort. Analyses included 1015 participants who completed ambulatory BP monitoring and had echocardiography data from the baseline visit. Participants were categorized based on the nighttime to daytime systolic BP ratio into 3 patterns: dipping pattern (≤0.90), nondipping pattern (>0.90 to ≤1.00), and reverse dipping pattern (>1.00). The prevalence of dipping, nondipping, and reverse dipping patterns was 33.6%, 48.2%, and 18.2%, respectively. In a fully adjusted model, which included antihypertensive medication use and clinic and daytime systolic BP, the mean differences in left ventricular mass index between reverse dipping pattern versus dipping pattern was 8.3±2.1 g/m 2 ( P pattern versus dipping pattern was -1.0±1.6 g/m 2 ( P =0.536). Compared with participants with a dipping pattern, the prevalence ratio for having left ventricular hypertrophy was 1.65 (95% CI, 1.05-2.58) and 0.96 (95% CI, 0.63-1.97) for those with a reverse dipping pattern and nondipping pattern, respectively. In this population-based study of blacks, a reverse dipping pattern was associated with increased left ventricular mass index and a higher prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy. Identification of a reverse dipping pattern on ambulatory BP monitoring may help identify black at increased risk for cardiovascular target organ damage. © 2017 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.

  12. Right Ventricular Ejection Fraction using ECG-Gated First Pass Cardioangiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moon, Young Hee; Lee, Hae Giu; Lee, Sung Yong; Park, Suk Min; Chung, Soo Kyo; Yim, Jeong Ik; Bahk, Yong Whee; Shinn, Kyung Sub; Kim, Young Gyun; Kwon, Soon Seog [Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Radionuclide cardioangiography has been widely applied and has played major roles in moninvasive assessment of cardiac function. Three techniques, first-pass gated first and gated equilibrium methods have commonly been used to evaluate right ventricular ejection fraction which usually abnormal in the patients with cardiopulmonary disease. It has been known that the gated first pass method is most accurate method among the three techniques in assessment of fight ventricular ejection fraction. The radionuclide right ventricular ejection fraction values were determined in 13 normal subjects and in 15 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by the gated first pass method and compared with those of the first pass method because there has been no published data of fight ejection fraction by the gated first pass method were compared with the defects from the pulmonary function test performed in the patients with chronic obstructive pulmomary disease. The results were as follows; 1) The values of fight ventricular ejection fraction by the gated first pass method were 50.1 +- 6.1% in normal subjects and 38.5 +- 8.5 in the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. There was statistically significant difference between the right ventricular ejection fraction of each of the two groups (p<0.05) 2) The right ventricular ejection fraction by the gated first pass method was not linearly correlated ith FEV{sub 1}, VC. DLCO. and FVC as well as P{sub a}O2 and P{sub a}CO2 of the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We concluded that right ventricular ejection fraction by the gated first pass method using radionuclide cardioangiography may be useful in clinical assessment of the right ventricular function.

  13. Quantitative measurement of ventricular dilatation on CT scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okita, Naoshi; Mochizuki, Hiroshi; Takase, Sadao


    Cerebral atrophy might be judged from the ventricular dilatation with some indices, calculated from various ventricular width. But, there is no general agreement on what index is the most reliable. In this paper, we attempted to establish the index, easy to measure and most reliable. Our method is as follow. 1) We carried out the CT scan (EMI 1010) on 89 neurologically intact patients. Scans were parallel to orbito-meatal line (OML), and were 10 mm in thickness. On CT scan films, various width, area of anterior horns and area of bodies of lateral ventricles were measured. Measurement about the anterior horns of lateral ventricles were carried out on image the most clearly showed the foramen of Monro. And measurements about the bodies of lateral ventricles were on image, 20 mm above the image of anterior horn. Correlations of various width and areas were calculated. Then we proposed new indices with high correlations (over 0.9) with ventricular area; Anterior horn CVI (Cerebro-Ventricular Index) and Body CVI. 2) Patients with myotonic dystrophy show cerebral atrophy. We carried out the CT scan (GECT/T 8800) on 17 myotonic dystrophy patients and 30 controls. Between the two groups, age and sex were almost matched. In the two groups, we calculated our new indices as well as various indices which have been reported; Huckman number, Bifrontal CVI, Bicaudal CVI, Anterior horn index, Hirajima's index, and Cella-media index. The data were analyzed statistically. The ventricular dilatation of myotonic dystrophy patients is more definite with Anterior horn CVI, Bicaudal CVI and Body CVI (p<0.01). These indices have higher correlations with the ventricular area (about 0.9). (J.P.N.)

  14. Assessment of ventricular function by radionuclide ventriculography in hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong Weiyu; He Pinyu; Zhuang Weite


    Left ventricular(LV) and right ventricular(RV) function were determined using radionuclide ventriculography in 50 patients with hyperthyroidism. LVEF, LVPFR, SV of the hyperthyroidism group were decreased in comparison with the normal group (P<0.01), whereas CO of the hyperthyroidism patients were higher than that of normal (P<0.01). Except LVPER, the LVEF, SV had significant difference between two groups. Compared to normal group, RVEF, RVPER, RVPFR were also decreased (P<0.01). Besides 30 cases of the hyperthyroidism were examined by impedance cardiogram (ICG) and impedance pulmonary rheogram (IPR), all showed closely correlation with the parameters determined by ventriculography. There was the involvement of right ventricular function insufficiency, especially in ejection phase. When compared with pre-therapy, pos-therapy cases showed significant improvement in EF, PER, PFR of left and right ventricular

  15. Noninvasive assessment of right ventricular wall motion by radionuclide cardioangiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Naito, Hiroaki; Hayashida, Kohei; Kozuka, Takahiro


    Radionuclide cardioangiography is a useful method to evaluate the left ventricular wall motion in various heart diseases. It has been also attempted to assess the right ventricular wall motion simultaneously by radionuclide method. In this study, using the combination of first-pass (RAO 30 0 ) and multi-gate (LAO 40 0 ) method, the site of right vetricle was classified in five. (1 inflow, 2 sinus, 3 outflow, 4 septal, 5 lateral) and the degree of wall motion was classified in four stages (dyskinesis, akinesis, hypokinesis, normal) according to the AHA committee report. These methods were applied clinically to forty-eight patients with various heart diseases. In the cases with right ventricular pressure or volume overload such as COLD, pulmonary infarction, the right ventricle was dilated and the wall motion was reduced in all portions. Especially, in the cases with right ventricular infarction, the right ventricular wall motion was reduced in the infarcted area. The findings of radionuclide method were in good agreement with those of contrast right ventriculography or echocardiography. In conclusion, radionuclide cardioangiography is a useful and noninvasive method to assess not only the left but also the right ventricular wall motion. (author)

  16. Interdependence of right ventricular systolic function and left ventricular filling and its association with outcome for patients with pulmonary hypertension. (United States)

    Motoji, Yoshiki; Tanaka, Hidekazu; Fukuda, Yuko; Sano, Hiroyuki; Ryo, Keiko; Imanishi, Junichi; Miyoshi, Tatsuya; Sawa, Takuma; Mochizuki, Yasuhide; Matsumoto, Kensuke; Emoto, Noriaki; Hirata, Ken-ichi


    Although impaired right ventricular (RV) performance has been associated with adverse outcomes for pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients, the relationship between bi-ventricular interdependence and outcomes is not yet fully understood. We studied 96 PH patients. RV systolic function was assessed by means of RV free-wall longitudinal speckle-tracking strain (RV-free), and left ventricular (LV) filling as early diastolic transmitral flow velocity (TMF-E). RV-free ≤19 % and TMF-E functional class IV and brain natriuretic peptide >150 pg/dl (χ(2) = 1.2) was improved by the addition of RV-free (χ(2) = 5.5, p = 0.04) as well as of TMF-E (χ(2) = 11.5, p = 0.01). In conclusions, RV systolic function was shown to correlate significantly with LV filling in PH patients. In addition, not only assessment of RV systolic function, but also of a combined bi-ventricular parameter comprising RV systolic function and LV filling may well have clinical implications for more successful management of PH patients.

  17. Ventricular rhythm in atrial fibrillation under anaesthetic infusion with propofol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cervigón, R; Moreno, J; Pérez-Villacastín, J; Reilly, R B; Castells, F


    Changes in patients' autonomic tone and specific pharmacologic interventions may modify the ventricular response (actual heart rate) during atrial fibrillation (AF). Hypnotic agents such as propofol may modify autonomic balance as they promote a sedative state. It has been shown that propofol slightly slows atrial fibrillatory activity, but the net global effect on the ventricular response remains unknown. We aimed to evaluate in patients in AF the effect of a propofol bolus on the ventricular rate and regularity at ECG. We analysed the possible relation with local atrial fibrillatory activities, as ratios between atrial and ventricular rates (AVRs), analysing atrial activity from intracardiac electrograms at the free wall of the right and left atria and at the interatrial septum. We compared data at the baseline and after complete hypnosis. Propofol was associated with a more homogeneous ventricular response and lower AVR values at the interatrial septum

  18. Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia of unknown etiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, M.; Khan, J.A.; Masood, T.; Shamsi, F.; Dero, M.H.; Khan, S.


    A 45 years old male presented to the emergency department with palpitations, headache and apprehension. His electrocardiogram revealed bidirectional ventricular tachycardia. He remained vitally stable and responded to intravenous beta-blocker. Initially digitalis toxicity was suspected but history was negative for digitalis intake. The cause remained unidentified in patient despite detailed investigations. During a short follow-up (of 6 months) he remained asymptomatic and no cause was further identified during this period. Some other unseen causes of bidirectional ventricular tachycardia need to be explored. (author)

  19. An Incidentally Detected Right Ventricular Pseudoaneurysm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vamsi C. Gaddipati


    Full Text Available Ventricular pseudoaneurysm is an uncommon, potentially fatal complication that has been associated with myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, chest trauma, and infectious processes. Diagnosis can be challenging, as cases are rare and slowly progressing and typically lack identifiable features on clinical presentation. As a result, advanced imaging techniques have become the hallmark of identification. Ahead, we describe a patient who presents with acute decompensated heart failure and was incidentally discovered to have a large right ventricular pseudoaneurysm that developed following previous traumatic anterior rib fracture.

  20. What is the clinical significance of ventricular mural antagonism?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lunkenheimer, Paul P; Niederer, Peter; Stephenson, Robert S


    alignment, thus deviating from the prevailing tangential orientation. Upon contraction, they produce, in addition to a tangential force, a radial force component that counteracts ventricular constriction and aids widening of the ventricular cavity. In experimental studies, we have provided evidence...... for the existence of such forces, which are auxotonic in nature. This is in contrast to the tangentially aligned myocytes that produce constrictive forces, which are unloading in nature. The ventricular myocardium is, therefore, able to function in an antagonistic fashion, with the prevailing constrictive forces...

  1. A consideration of a measuring point of ventricular dilatation on CT scanning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuno, Koichi; Miyake, Kazuo


    Ventricular dilatation has been judged by pneumo-ventricurography, pneumo-encepharography and carotid angiography (CAG), though all these procedures are very uncomfortable for patients. On the other hand, the CT scan is very easy as a follow-up study of ventricular dilatation for a weak patient. We carried out the CT scan (Hitachi CT-H 250 Scanner, NaI detector) and CAG on 84 cases. The ventricular dilatation was judged by the degree of outstretch of the strio-thalamic vein on an AP view of the phrebogram, classified into 3 types. For all three types classified by the phrebogram, we studied various measuring points of the ventricle on the CT scan. The portions measured on the CT scan were: (1) the frontal cerebro-ventricular index (F-CVI), (2) the bicaudate cerebro-ventricular index (Bicaud-CVI), and (3) the maximum Monro's cerebro-ventricular index (M-CVI), the width of the frontal horn, and the thickness of the ventricular body. The following results were obtained: (1) In measuring the ventricular size on the CT scan, the most interrelated point with the ventricular dilatation is the M-CVI - the ratio of the largest width of the body through the Monro foramen to the width of the brain. In this case, however, the width of the frontal horn and of the body should also be considered. (2) Voltage and electric current changed the EMI-number, but did not alter the measuring value. In this case, the width and the level should be kept constant. (3) The group with the marked ventricular dilatation has a larger value of the CT scan than its value of GAG. (4) The normal value of the M-CVI is 24 +- 3%, moreover, the width of the frontal horn is less than 10 mm, and the thickness of the ventricular body is less than 17 mm. (author)

  2. Effect of Hemodialysis on Left and Right Ventricular Volume and Function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Jin Suk; Koh, Chang Soon


    With the improvement of hemodialysis, the course of thc discase in patient with endstage renal disease has been clearly improved. Nevertheless, among several shortcomings to our present mode of renal replacement therapy, cardiovascular complications have been the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Several factors such as anemia, arteriovenous shunting of blood, intermittent extracorporeal circulation and hypertension may be contributing. But little is known about the quantitative cardiac hemodynamic characteristics occurred during hemodialysis. The purpose of this study is to observe the sequential hemodynamic changes before, during and after the hemodialysis and to investigate: reliable parameters in the detection of ventricular dysfunction. In the present study, equilibrium radionuclide cardiac angiography was performed and left and right ventricular volume indices, ejection phase indices of both ventricular, performance were measured in the 16 stable patients with chronic renal failure treated with maintenance hemodialysis sequentially i.e. before, during (carly and late phase) and after the hemodialysis. The results obtained were as follows; 1) The indices of the left ventricular function were not changed during the hemodialysis but increased after the hemodialysis. 2) The indices of the right ventricular function(EF, SVI) were significantly decreased in the early phase (15, 30 minutes after starting extracorporeal circulation) but recovered after the hemodialysis, 3) The ratio of right ventricular to left ventricular ejection fraction was significantly decreased in the early phase and the lung volume indices were significantly increased at the same phase. As a conclusion, hemodialysis improves left ventricular function maybe du to increased contractility, and effects on the right ventricular function maybe due to the increased lung volume in the early phase of hemodialysis.

  3. Effect of Hemodialysis on Left and Right Ventricular Volume and Function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Jin Suk; Koh, Chang Soon [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    With the improvement of hemodialysis, the course of thc discase in patient with endstage renal disease has been clearly improved. Nevertheless, among several shortcomings to our present mode of renal replacement therapy, cardiovascular complications have been the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Several factors such as anemia, arteriovenous shunting of blood, intermittent extracorporeal circulation and hypertension may be contributing. But little is known about the quantitative cardiac hemodynamic characteristics occurred during hemodialysis. The purpose of this study is to observe the sequential hemodynamic changes before, during and after the hemodialysis and to investigate: reliable parameters in the detection of ventricular dysfunction. In the present study, equilibrium radionuclide cardiac angiography was performed and left and right ventricular volume indices, ejection phase indices of both ventricular, performance were measured in the 16 stable patients with chronic renal failure treated with maintenance hemodialysis sequentially i.e. before, during (carly and late phase) and after the hemodialysis. The results obtained were as follows; 1) The indices of the left ventricular function were not changed during the hemodialysis but increased after the hemodialysis. 2) The indices of the right ventricular function(EF, SVI) were significantly decreased in the early phase (15, 30 minutes after starting extracorporeal circulation) but recovered after the hemodialysis, 3) The ratio of right ventricular to left ventricular ejection fraction was significantly decreased in the early phase and the lung volume indices were significantly increased at the same phase. As a conclusion, hemodialysis improves left ventricular function maybe du to increased contractility, and effects on the right ventricular function maybe due to the increased lung volume in the early phase of hemodialysis.

  4. Left ventricular pressure and volume data acquisition and analysis using LabVIEW. (United States)

    Cassidy, S C; Teitel, D F


    To automate analysis of left ventricular pressure-volume data, we used LabVIEW to create applications that digitize and display data recorded from conductance and manometric catheters. Applications separate data into cardiac cycles, calculate parallel conductance, and calculate indices of left ventricular function, including end-systolic elastance, preload-recruitable stroke work, stroke volume, ejection fraction, stroke work, maximum and minimum derivative of ventricular pressure, heart rate, indices of relaxation, peak filling rate, and ventricular chamber stiffness. Pressure-volume loops can be graphically displayed. These analyses are exported to a text-file. These applications have simplified and automated the process of evaluating ventricular function.

  5. Independence of intrapericardial right and left ventricular performance in septic pulmonary hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boeck, J.C.; Eichstaedt, H.; Barker, B.C.; Lewis, F.R.; Lim, A.D.; Pollycove, M.


    To study the effect of septic pulmonary hypertension on right/left ventricular intrapericardial interactions thirteen trauma patients, seven septic and six nonseptic controls, were compared. Ventricular volumes were derived from firstpass or gated equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography, and related to body surface area. Systemic and pulmonary pressures were measured invasively. Pulmonary arterial pressure was significantly increased in the sepsis group. Although right ventricular end-diastolic volumes were higher in sepsis, left ventricular end-diastolic volumes were not decreased. In terms of intrapericardial right/left ventricular interactions these results indicate that the right and left ventricles operate independently in septic pulmonary hypertension. (orig.) [de

  6. Ventricular dyssynchrony as a cause of structural disease in the heart of Dorper sheep

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Ker


    Full Text Available Ventricular dyssynchrony is a disturbance of the normal, organized electromechanical coupling of the two ventricles. This condition has many causes, such as left bundle branch block, ventricular preexcitation, right ventricular pacing and right ventricular premature ventricular complexes (PVCs. Ventricular dyssynchrony has many adverse haemodynamic effects on the left ventricle and we wanted to know whether these adverse haemodynamic effects might have any structural consequences on the left ventricles of such hearts. Six healthy Dorper wethers were subjected to numerous right ventricular PVCs to induce ventricular dyssynchrony in order to determine whether any structural consequences will occur in the left ventricles of these hearts. Myocarditis in the musculature of the left ventricles of all six these hearts was seen.

  7. Measurement of the ventricular system with computed tomography of the brain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takayama, Makoto


    In order to establish the diagnostic criteria of a normal ventricular system from the data provided by CT images, including those showing physiological ventricular delatation with age, we have measured, using the ACTA 0100 scanner, the ventricular systems of 348 cases on CT images which were diagnosed as ''nornal'' by several radiologists. We measured the following four widths of the ventricular system: A) width to tips of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. B) width at midpoint of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles, C) width of the third ventricle, and D) width of the body of the lateral ventricles. Measurements were made directly on Polaroid prints, and then the mean and the standard deviation were calculated in each age group. These measurements suggest the following ranges of normal ventricular parameters: A) 38.3 mm or less, B) 20.2 mm or less, C) 6.6 mm or less, and D) 47.0 mm or less. The measurements of the ventricular system showed a steady increase with age. The ventricular systems of 193 cases diagnosed to have no intracranial mass lesion were also measured in different age and symptom groups. Measurements of various parts of the ventricular system on the 193 cases also indicated and increase with age; however, they showed no significant difference in any symptom groups: the convulsion group, the cerebrovascular attack group, the indefinite complaint group (including headaches), the dementia group, the degenerative disease group, or any other. (author)

  8. Impact of aortic prosthesis-patient mismatch on left ventricular mass regression. (United States)

    Alassal, Mohamed A; Ibrahim, Bedir M; Elsadeck, Nabil


    Prostheses used for aortic valve replacement may be small in relation to body size, causing prosthesis-patient mismatch and delaying left ventricular mass regression. This study examined the effect of prosthesis-patient mismatch on regression of left ventricular mass after aortic valve replacement. We prospectively studied 96 patients undergoing aortic valve replacement between 2007 and 2012. Mean and peak gradients and indexed effective orifice area were measured by transthoracic echocardiography at 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Patient-prosthesis mismatch was defined as indexed effective orifice area ≤0.85 cm(2)·m(-2). Moderate prosthesis-patient mismatch was present in 25% of patients. There were no significant differences in demographic and operative data between patients with and without prosthesis-patient mismatch. Left ventricular dimensions, posterior wall thickness, transvalvular gradients, and left ventricular mass decreased significantly after aortic valve replacement in both groups. The interventricular septal diameter and left ventricular mass index regression, and left ventricular ejection fraction were better in patients without prosthesis-patient mismatch. There was a significant positive correlation between the postoperative indexed effective orifice area of each valve prosthesis and the rate of left ventricular mass regression. Prosthesis-patient mismatch leads to higher transprosthetic gradients and impaired left ventricular mass regression. A small-sized valve prosthesis does not necessarily result in prosthesis-patient mismatch, and may be perfectly adequate in patient with small body size. © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions:

  9. Ventricular arrhythmias in the absence of structural heart disease. (United States)

    Prystowsky, Eric N; Padanilam, Benzy J; Joshi, Sandeep; Fogel, Richard I


    Ventricular arrhythmia (VA) in structurally normal hearts can be broadly considered under non-life-threatening monomorphic and life-threatening polymorphic rhythms. Monomorphic VA is classified on the basis of site of origin in the heart, and the most common areas are the ventricular outflow tracts and left ventricular fascicles. The morphology of the QRS complexes on electrocardiogram is an excellent tool to identify the site of origin of the rhythm. Although these arrhythmias are common and generally carry an excellent prognosis, rare sudden death events have been reported. Very frequent ventricular ectopy may also result in a cardiomyopathy in a minority of patients. Suppression of VA may be achieved using calcium-channel blockers, beta-adrenergic blockers, and class I or III antiarrhythmic drugs. Radiofrequency ablation has emerged as an excellent option to eliminate these arrhythmias, although certain foci including aortic cusps and epicardium may be technically challenging. Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) is rare and generally occurs in patients with genetic ion channel disorders including long QT syndrome, Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT, and short QT syndrome. Unlike monomorphic VT, these arrhythmic syndromes are associated with sudden death. While the cardiac gross morphology is normal, suggesting a structurally normal heart, abnormalities exist at the molecular level and predispose them to arrhythmias. Another fascinating area, idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and early repolarization syndrome, are undergoing research for a genetic basis. Copyright © 2012 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Left cardiac sympathetic denervation for catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wilde, Arthur A. M.; Bhuiyan, Zahurul A.; Crotti, Lia; Facchini, Mario; de Ferrari, Gaetano M.; Paul, Thomas; Ferrandi, Chiara; Koolbergen, Dave R.; Odero, Attilio; Schwartz, Peter J.


    Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a potentially lethal disease characterized by adrenergically mediated ventricular arrhythmias manifested especially in children and teenagers. Beta-blockers are the cornerstone of therapy, but some patients do not have a complete response to

  11. Ventricular dysfunction in children with obstructive sleep apnea: radionuclide assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tal, A.; Leiberman, A.; Margulis, G.; Sofer, S.


    Ventricular function was evaluated using radionuclide ventriculography in 27 children with oropharyngeal obstruction and clinical features of obstructive sleep apnea. Their mean age was 3.5 years (9 months to 7.5 years). Conventional clinical assessment did not detect cardiac involvement in 25 of 27 children; however, reduced right ventricular ejection fraction (less than 35%) was found in 10 (37%) patients (mean: 19.5 +/- 2.3% SE, range: 8-28%). In 18 patients wall motion abnormality was detected. In 11 children in whom radionuclide ventriculography was performed before and after adenotonsillectomy, right ventricular ejection fraction rose from 24.4 +/- 3.6% to 46.7 +/- 3.4% (P less than 0.005), and in all cases wall motion showed a definite improvement. In five children, left ventricular ejection fraction rose greater than 10% after removal of oropharyngeal obstruction. It is concluded that right ventricular function may be compromised in children with obstructive sleep apnea secondary to adenotonsillar hypertrophy, even before clinical signs of cardiac involvement are present

  12. Nuclear medical diagnostic with ventricular aneurysm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Litter, H.


    In the diagnostic of ventricular aneurysms myocardial scintigraphy and above all radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) have special importance. Because of the non-invasive method and the as a result safe and easy use even with stress studies, RNV can provide a very valuable aid with aneurysm patients in early diagnosis, evaluation of the operability and as well as in the prognosis. It must be noted, however, that the differentiation of multivascular diseases and sometimes ventricular aneurysms can be difficult and the inclusion of an angiocardiograph as a radiological invasive examination procedure seems fitting. (orig./MG) [de

  13. Left ventricular function in chronic aortic regurgitation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iskandrian, A.S.; Hakki, A.H.; Manno, B.; Amenta, A.; Kane, S.A.


    Left ventricular performance was determined in 42 patients with moderate or severe aortic regurgitation during upright exercise by measuring left ventricular ejection fraction and volume with radionuclide ventriculography. Classification of the patients according to exercise tolerance showed that patients with normal exercise tolerance (greater than or equal to 7.0 minutes) had a significantly higher ejection fraction at rest (probability [p] . 0.02) and during exercise (p . 0.0002), higher cardiac index at exercise (p . 0.0008) and lower exercise end-systolic volume (p . 0.01) than did patients with limited exercise tolerance. Similar significant differences were noted in younger patients compared with older patients in ejection fraction at rest and exercise (both p . 0.001) and cardiac index at rest (p . 0.03) and exercise (p . 0.0005). The end-diastolic volume decreased during exercise in 60% of the patients. The patients with a decrease in volume were significantly younger and had better exercise tolerance and a larger end-diastolic volume at rest than did patients who showed an increase in volume. The mean corrected left ventricular end-diastolic radius/wall thickness ratio was significantly greater in patients with abnormal than in those with normal exercise reserve (mean +/- standard deviation 476 +/- 146 versus 377 +/- 92 mm Hg, p less than 0.05). Thus, in patients with chronic aortic regurgitation: 1) left ventricular systolic function during exercise was related to age, exercise tolerance and corrected left ventricular end-diastolic radius/wall thickness ratio, and 2) the end-diastolic volume decreased during exercise, especially in younger patients and patients with normal exercise tolerance or a large volume at rest

  14. Towards Early Detection and Risk Stratification of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Riele, A.S.J.M. te


    Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited cardiomyopathy characterized by frequent ventricular arrhythmias and usually slowly progressive ventricular dysfunction. Since its initial description in 1982, sudden cardiac death (SCD) occurring in young and usually

  15. Skin Sodium Concentration Correlates with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in CKD. (United States)

    Schneider, Markus P; Raff, Ulrike; Kopp, Christoph; Scheppach, Johannes B; Toncar, Sebastian; Wanner, Christoph; Schlieper, Georg; Saritas, Turgay; Floege, Jürgen; Schmid, Matthias; Birukov, Anna; Dahlmann, Anke; Linz, Peter; Janka, Rolf; Uder, Michael; Schmieder, Roland E; Titze, Jens M; Eckardt, Kai-Uwe


    The pathogenesis of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with CKD is incompletely understood. Sodium intake, which is usually assessed by measuring urinary sodium excretion, has been inconsistently linked with left ventricular hypertrophy. However, tissues such as skin and muscle may store sodium. Using 23 sodium-magnetic resonance imaging, a technique recently developed for the assessment of tissue sodium content in humans, we determined skin sodium content at the level of the calf in 99 patients with mild to moderate CKD (42 women; median [range] age, 65 [23-78] years). We also assessed total body overhydration (bioimpedance spectroscopy), 24-hour BP, and left ventricular mass (cardiac magnetic resonance imaging). Skin sodium content, but not total body overhydration, correlated with systolic BP ( r =0.33, P =0.002). Moreover, skin sodium content correlated more strongly than total body overhydration did with left ventricular mass ( r =0.56, P skin sodium content is a strong explanatory variable for left ventricular mass, unaffected by BP and total body overhydration. In conclusion, we found skin sodium content to be closely linked to left ventricular mass in patients with CKD. Interventions that reduce skin sodium content might improve cardiovascular outcomes in these patients. Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of Nephrology.

  16. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in chronic renal failure patients on chronic hemodialysis in Dr. Cipto-Mangunkusumo Hospital : the association with left ventricular mass

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Idrus Alwi


    Full Text Available Fourty three patients with chronic renal failure undergoing chronic hemodialysis in Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia/Cipto-Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, since October 2003 until February 2004, were examined for echocardiography (2-D, M-mode, Doppler imaging.Diastolic dysfunction was found in 58.1 % of chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis. There was no significant difference between left ventricular mass in the group with or without left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. (Med J Indones 2006; 15:105-8Keywords: Left ventricular mass, diastolic function, chronic renal failure, hemodyalisis

  17. Postexertional Supraventricular Tachycardia in Children with Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Scott D. N. Else


    Full Text Available Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT is a severe arrhythmia associated with sudden death in the young. It is caused by defective calcium handling in ventricular myocytes. The association of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT with CPVT is described in the literature, occurring in the lead-up to ventricular tachycardia during exercise testing. We describe three cases of SVT that were initiated in the recovery period of exercise testing in children with CPVT.

  18. Late deterioration of left ventricular function after right ventricular pacemaker implantation. (United States)

    Bellmann, Barbara; Muntean, Bogdan G; Lin, Tina; Gemein, Christopher; Schmitz, Kathrin; Schauerte, Patrick


    Right ventricular (RV) pacing induces a left bundle branch block pattern on ECG and may promote heart failure. Patients with dual chamber pacemakers (DCPs) who present with progressive reduction in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) secondary to RV pacing are candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). This study analyzes whether upgrading DCP to CRT with the additional implantation of a left ventricular (LV) lead improves LV function in patients with reduced LVEF following DCP implantation. Twenty-two patients (13 males) implanted with DCPs and a high RV pacing percentage (>90%) were evaluated in term of new-onset heart failure symptoms. The patients were enrolled in this retrospective single-center study after obvious causes for a reduced LVEF were excluded with echocardiography and coronary angiography. In all patients, DCPs were then upgraded to biventricular devices. LVEF was analyzed with a two-sided t-test. QRS duration and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels were analyzed with the unpaired t-test. LVEF declined after DCP implantation from 54±10% to 31±7%, and the mean QRS duration was 161±20 ms during RV pacing. NT-pro BNP levels were elevated (3365±11436 pmol/L). After upgrading to a biventricular device, a biventricular pacing percentage of 98.1±2% was achieved. QRS duration decreased to 108±16 ms and 106±20 ms after 1 and 6 months, respectively. There was a significant increase in LVEF to 38±8% and 41±11% and a decrease in NT-pro BNP levels to 3088±2326 pmol/L and 1860±1838 pmol/L at 1 and 6 months, respectively. Upgrading to CRT may be beneficial in patients with DCPs and heart failure induced by a high RV pacing percentage.

  19. Flow-related Right Ventricular - Pulmonary Arterial Pressure Gradients during Exercise. (United States)

    Wright, Stephen P; Opotowsky, Alexander R; Buchan, Tayler A; Esfandiari, Sam; Granton, John T; Goodman, Jack M; Mak, Susanna


    The assumption of equivalence between right ventricular and pulmonary arterial systolic pressure is fundamental to several assessments of right ventricular or pulmonary vascular hemodynamic function. Our aims were to 1) determine whether systolic pressure gradients develop across the right ventricular outflow tract in healthy adults during exercise, 2) examine the potential correlates of such gradients, and 3) consider the effect of such gradients on calculated indices of right ventricular function. Healthy untrained and endurance-trained adult volunteers were studied using right-heart catheterization at rest and during submaximal cycle ergometry. Right ventricular and pulmonary artery pressures were simultaneously transduced, and cardiac output was determined by thermodilution. Systolic pressures, peak and mean gradients, and indices of chamber, vascular, and valve function were analyzed offline. Summary data are reported as mean ± standard deviation or median [interquartile range]. No significant right ventricular outflow tract gradients were observed at rest (mean gradient = 4 [3-5] mmHg), and calculated effective orifice area was 3.6±1.0 cm2. Right ventricular systolic pressure increases during exercise were greater than that of pulmonary artery systolic pressure. Accordingly, mean gradients developed during light exercise (8 [7-9] mmHg) and increased during moderate exercise (12 [9-14] mmHg, p < 0.001). The magnitude of the mean gradient was linearly related to cardiac output (r2 = 0.70, p < 0.001). In healthy adults without pulmonic stenosis, systolic pressure gradients develop during exercise, and the magnitude is related to blood flow rate.

  20. Ventricular distension and diastolic coronary blood flow in the anaesthetized dog. (United States)

    Gattullo, D; Linden, R J; Losano, G; Pagliaro, P; Westerhof, N


    There appears to be no agreement as to whether or not an increase in diastolic left ventricular pressure and/or volume can cause a decrease in diastolic coronary blood flow. We investigated the problem in the anaesthetized dog using a flaccid freely distensible latex balloon inserted into the left ventricle with the animal on extracorporeal circulation and the coronary perfusion pressure constant at about 45 mm Hg. Maximal vasodilatation and suppression of autoregulation in coronary vasculature was obtained by the intracoronary infusion of dipyridamole (10-40 mg/h). Ventricular volume was changed in steps of 10 ml from 10 to 70 ml and back to 10 ml, whilst recording coronary blood flow and left ventricular pressure in the left circumflex coronary artery. Over a range of ventricular volumes from 20 to 50 ml and a concomitant rise in diastolic ventricular pressure to about 20 mm Hg there was no change in the diastolic coronary flow. Only when the ventricular volume was more than two times the control value (i.e. exceeded 50 ml) and left ventricular pressure was more than 20 mm Hg, was there a decrease in coronary flow. During the return of the volume to the control level there was a fall in diastolic flow and ventricular contractility with respect to the values obtained when the volume was increased; these two effects were transient lasting less than 10 min. It was not considered that any of the three models of the coronary circulation, waterfall, intramyocardial pump or varying elastance model could explain our results.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  1. Impact of Major Pulmonary Resections on Right Ventricular Function: Early Postoperative Changes. (United States)

    Elrakhawy, Hany M; Alassal, Mohamed A; Shaalan, Ayman M; Awad, Ahmed A; Sayed, Sameh; Saffan, Mohammad M


    Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction after pulmonary resection in the early postoperative period is documented by reduced RV ejection fraction and increased RV end-diastolic volume index. Supraventricular arrhythmia, particularly atrial fibrillation, is common after pulmonary resection. RV assessment can be done by non-invasive methods and/or invasive approaches such as right cardiac catheterization. Incorporation of a rapid response thermistor to pulmonary artery catheter permits continuous measurements of cardiac output, right ventricular ejection fraction, and right ventricular end-diastolic volume. It can also be used for right atrial and right ventricular pacing, and for measuring right-sided pressures, including pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. This study included 178 patients who underwent major pulmonary resections, 36 who underwent pneumonectomy assigned as group (I) and 142 who underwent lobectomy assigned as group (II). The study was conducted at the cardiothoracic surgery department of Benha University hospital in Egypt; patients enrolled were operated on from February 2012 to February 2016. A rapid response thermistor pulmonary artery catheter was inserted via the right internal jugular vein. Preoperatively the following was recorded: central venous pressure, mean pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, cardiac output, right ventricular ejection fraction and volumes. The same parameters were collected in fixed time intervals after 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours postoperatively. For group (I): There were no statistically significant changes between the preoperative and postoperative records in the central venous pressure and mean arterial pressure; there were no statistically significant changes in the preoperative and 12, 24, and 48 hour postoperative records for cardiac index; 3 and 6 hours postoperative showed significant changes. There were statistically significant changes between the preoperative and

  2. Obesity and exercise-induced ectopic ventricular arrhythmias in apparently healthy middle aged adults. (United States)

    Sabbag, Avi; Sidi, Yechezkel; Kivity, Shaye; Beinart, Roy; Glikson, Michael; Segev, Shlomo; Goldenberg, Ilan; Maor, Elad


    Obesity and overweight are strongly associated with cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. However, there are limited data on the association between excess weight and the risk of ectopic ventricular activity. We investigated the association between body mass index (BMI) and the risk for ectopic ventricular activity (defined as multiple ventricular premature beats (≥3), ventricular bigeminy, nonsustained ventricular tachycardia or sustained ventricular tachycardia) during exercise stress testing among 22,516 apparently healthy men and women who attended periodic health screening examinations between the years 2000 and 2014. All subjects had completed maximal exercise stress testing annually according to the Bruce protocol. Subjects were divided at baseline into three groups: normal weight (BMI ≥ 18.5 kg/m(2) andexercise-induced ectopic ventricular activity arrhythmias was highest among obese subjects, intermediate among overweight subjects and lowest among subjects with normal weight (3.4%, 2.7% and 2.2% respectively; p exercise compared with subjects with normal weight (p = 0.005), and that each 1 kg/m(2) increase in BMI was associated with a significant 4% (p = 0.002) increased adjusted risk for exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmias. Obesity is independently associated with increased likelihood of ectopic ventricular arrhythmia during exercise. © The European Society of Cardiology 2015.

  3. ANÁLISIS ELECTROCARDIOGRÁFICO DE LA DISPERSIÓN DEL INTERVALO TPICO-TFINAL EN EL INFARTO AGUDO DE MIOCARDIO CON ELEVACIÓN DEL ST / Electrocardiographic analysis of the T peak-T end interval dispersion in acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raimundo Carmona Puerta


    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y objetivos: La dispersión del intervalo TPICO-TFINAL (Tpeak-Tend constituye una novedosa variable electrocardiográfica asociada recientemente, al riesgo de arritmias ventriculares malignas en el síndrome de Brugada, pero apenas se ha estudiado en el infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST, por lo que se decidió analizarlo en este contexto. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal donde se compararon los electrocardiogramas de 37 pacientes con infarto con elevación del segmento ST y otros 37, supuestamente sanos con respecto a las variables electrocardiográficas que evalúan la repolarización ventricular. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas (p<0,001 al comparar a los pacientes infartados (QT 416,9 ± 42,3; QTc 431,4 ± 36,2 con los sanos (QT 441,2 ± 57,4 y QTc 477,6 ± 58,5, y significativas (p < 0,05 en la TPICO-TFINAL (37.2 ms vs. 21,6 ms. Existió correlación significativa entre el QT y la TPICO-TFINAL en el IMACEST inferior y ántero-septal, la que fue doblemente intensa en la localización ántero-septal (r = 0,34 vs. r = 0,80. Conclusiones: La dispersión del intervalo TPICO-TFINAL fue significativamente mayor en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST, independientemente de la localización del infarto. / Abstract Introduction and objectives: Tpeak-Tend interval dispersion is a new electrocardiographic variable recently associated to the risk of malignant ventricular arrhythmias in Brugada syndrome but it has hardly been studied in the acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation. That is why it was analyzed in this context. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in which the electrocardiograms of 37 patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarctions and other 37 apparently healthy patients (regarding electrocardiographic variables that assess ventricular repolarization were compared. Results

  4. Ventricular Tachycardia in the Absence of Structural Heart Disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis R. P. Scott


    Full Text Available In up to 10% of patients who present with ventricular tachycardia (VT, obvious structural heart disease is not identified. In such patients, causes of ventricular arrhythmia include right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT VT, extrasystoles, idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT, idiopathic propranolol-sensitive VT (IPVT, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT (CPVT, Brugada syndrome, and long QT syndrome (LQTS. RVOT VT, ILVT, and IPVT are referred to as idiopathic VT and generally do not have a familial basis. RVOT VT and ILVT are monomorphic, whereas IPVT may be monomorphic or polymorphic. The idiopathic VTs are classified by the ventricle of origin, the response to pharmacologic agents, catecholamine dependence, and the specific morphologic features of the arrhythmia. CPVT, Brugada syndrome, and LQTS are inherited ion channelopathies. CPVT may present as bidirectional VT, polymorphic VT, or catecholaminergic ventricular fibrillation. Syncope and sudden death in Brugada syndrome are usually due to polymorphic VT. The characteristic arrhythmia of LQTS is torsades de pointes. Overall, patients with idiopathic VT have a better prognosis than do patients with ventricular arrhythmias and structural heart disease. Initial treatment approach is pharmacologic and radiofrequency ablation is curative in most patients. However, radiofrequency ablation is not useful in the management of inherited ion channelopathies. Prognosis for patients with VT secondary to ion channelopathies is variable. High-risk patients (recurrent syncope and sudden cardiac death survivors with inherited ion channelopathies benefit from implantable cardioverter-defibrillator placement. This paper reviews the mechanism, clinical presentation, and management of VT in the absence of structural heart disease.

  5. Outcomes of patients with right ventricular failure on milrinone after left ventricular assist device implantation. (United States)

    Tsiouris, Athanasios; Paone, Gaetano; Brewer, Robert J; Nemeh, Hassan W; Borgi, Jamil; Morgan, Jeffrey A


    Previous studies have grouped together both patients requiring right ventricular assist devices (RVADs) with patients requiring prolonged milrinone therapy after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation. We retrospectively identified 149 patients receiving LVADs and 18 (12.1%) of which developed right ventricular (RV) failure. We then separated these patients into those requiring RVADs versus prolonged milrinone therapy. This included 10 patients who were treated with prolonged milrinone and eight patients who underwent RVAD placement. Overall, the RV failure group had worse survival compared with the non-RV failure cohort (p = 0.038). However, this was only for the subgroup of patients who required RVADs, who had a 1, 6, 12, and 24 month survival of 62.5%, 37.5%, 37.5%, and 37.5%, respectively, versus 96.8%, 92.1%, 86.7%, and 84.4% for patients without RV failure (p milrinone therapy for RV failure had similar survivals compared with patients without RV failure. In the RV failure group, age, preoperative renal failure, and previous cardiac surgery were predictors of the need for prolonged postoperative milrinone. As LVADs become a more widely used therapy for patients with refractory, end-stage heart failure, it will be important to reduce the incidence of RV failure, as it yields significant morbidity and increases cost.

  6. Case report: paradoxical ventricular septal motion in the setting of primary right ventricular myocardial failure. (United States)

    Maslow, Andrew; Schwartz, Carl; Mahmood, Feroze; Singh, Arun; Heerdt, Paul M


    In this report, a case of right ventricular (RV) failure, hemodynamic instability, and systemic organ failure is described to highlight how paradoxical ventricular systolic septal motion (PVSM), or a rightward systolic displacement of the interventricular septum, may contribute to RV ejection. Multiple inotropic medications and vasopressors were administered to treat right heart failure and systemic hypotension in a patient following combined aortic and mitral valve replacement. In the early postoperative period, echocardiographic evaluation revealed adequate left ventricular systolic function, akinesis of the RV myocardial tissues, and PVSM. In the presence of PVSM, RV fractional area of contraction was > or =35% despite akinesis of the primary RV myocardial walls. The PVSM appeared to contribute toward RV ejection. As a result, the need for multiple inotropes was re-evaluated, in considering that end-organ dysfunction was the result of systemic hypotension and prolonged vasopressor administration. After discontinuation of phosphodiesterase inhibitors, native vascular tone returned and the need for vasopressors declined. This was followed by recovery of systemic organ function. Echocardiographic re-evaluation two years later, revealed persistent akinesis of the RV myocardial tissues and PVSM, the latter appearing to contribute toward RV ejection. This case highlights the importance of left to RV interactions, and how PVSM may mediate these hemodynamic interactions.

  7. Assessment of right ventricular systolic function by tissue Doppler echocardiography

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Jesper


    This thesis summarizes a series of studies performed in order to assess the clinical usefulness of a novel echocardiographic technology that allows non-invasive assessment of regional right ventricular myocardial velocities and deformation: tissue Doppler echocardiography. While the technology...... is a promising tool for improving our understanding of right ventricular hemodynamics, several aspects of the technology must be evaluated. The accuracy and reproducibility of the technology is evaluated in vitro, and normal values, impact of changes in loading of the right ventricle, response to exercise...... on right ventricular hemodynamics: pulmonary embolism, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy and pulmonary regurgitation, the latter in an animal model. The conclusions of the thesis are: Color tissue Doppler echocardiography accurately measures velocities, SR and strain in vitro. No systematic...

  8. Predictors of the left ventricular dysfunction induced by ventricular arrhythmia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    А. І. Vytryhovskiy


    Full Text Available The most powerful predictor of life-threatening arrhythmia risk is a combination of low heart rate variability with low ejection fraction (EF of the left ventricle. Aim. To identify predictors of left ventricle dysfunction which is induced by ventricular arrhythmia. Materials and methods. To diagnose structural changes of left ventricular functional capacity and reserves in patients with previous myocardial infarction and patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk by SCORE scale and for establishment the relationship between morphological heart changes and pathological phenomenon of heart turbulence echocardiography and study of heart rate turbulence variability were performed. 603 patients were selected for the research. All patients were divided into groups: group 1 – patients with coronary heart disease, but without associated risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, metabolic syndrome; group 2 – patients who smoke tobacco more than 2 years (very high cardiovascular risk by scale SCORE; group 3 – patients with metabolic syndrome without coronary heart disease or arterial hypertension (very high cardiovascular risk by scale SCORE. The control group consisted of 149 persons. Results. The feature of structural changes in patients with myocardial infarction and in patients with a high cardiovascular risk by SCORE with heart rate turbulence compared with cases without НRT is considerably thickening of the left interventricular septum in systole. Based on this, it can be argued that the emergence of ventricular arrhythmia and accordingly phenomenon of heart rate turbulence in patients with existing cardiovascular diseases and risk factors has both morphological and functional character. Significant difference of echocardioscopy parameters in patients with postinfarction cardiosclerosis and risk factors by the SCORE system was established by index of intraventricular septum thickness in systole, and in persons with high risk – in

  9. Combinación de un inhibidor de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina con un antagonista del calcio versus la monoterapia con el IECA: eficacia terapéutica en hipertensión arterial esencial y regresión de la hipertrofia cardíaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura M. J. Brandani


    Full Text Available Objetivo Evaluar la eficacia y la tolerancia, así como su acción sobre la regresión de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda, de la combinación de benazepril más amlodipina (B + A versus la monoterapia con benazepril (B. Material y métodos Se incluyeron 33 hipertensos esenciales. Durante 6 meses de tratamiento, 18 de ellos recibieron B + A (9 varones, 55 ± 2 años y los 15 restantes recibieron B (10 varones, 49 ± 2 años. Se realizó una presurometría (MAPA al comienzo y a los 3 y a los 6 meses de tratamiento. En un subgrupo de 23 pacientes se calculó la masa ventricular izquierda (MVI y el índice de MVI (IMVI al inicio y al final del tratamiento. Resultados A los 3 meses de tratamiento, los valores de la presión arterial (PA fueron significativamente menores (p < 0,05 en los pacientes tratados con B + A que con B (24 horas: 123 ± 1,7 / 77 ± 1,8 versus 132 ± 1,5 / 85 ± 1,6 mm Hg; día: 127 ± 1,9 / 81 ± 1,8 versus 137 ± 1,8 / 91 ± 1,9 mm Hg; noche: 115 ± 2,0 / 68 ± 2,1 versus 122 ± 2,0 / 76 ± 1,7 mm Hg. Esto se logró con una dosis menor y hubo mejor tolerancia. En el grupo B + A, la MVI y el IMVI disminuyeron de 225,3 ± 47,4 g y 125,5 ± 19,3 g/m2, a 187,2 ± 45,1 g y 104,7 ± 27,2 g/m2 (p < 0,05, mientras que en el grupo B la disminución no resultó estadísticamente significativa. Al finalizar el tratamiento, sólo en los pacientes tratados con B + A se observó una correlación positiva entre el descenso de la PAS y la MVI (r = 0,56, p < 0,025 y el IMVI (IMVI: r = 0,60; p < 0,01. Conclusión La combinación B + A mostró una reducción de la PA más precoz. Se requirió una dosis menor y se obtuvo mejor tolerancia clínica que con B solo. En relación con la MVI y el IMVI, estos parámetros disminuyeron en forma significativa sólo en B + A.

  10. Diseño basado en diagnóstico de fallos y sistemas híbridos aplicado en un equipo de desfibrilación ventricular Design based on fault diagnosis and hybrid systems applied to a ventricular defibrillator device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Prieto Moreno


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de procedimiento que incorpora el diagnóstico de fallos desde la fase de diseño de un equipo de desfibrilación ventricular. Lo anterior permite resolver un grupo de limitaciones que están presentes actualmente en el diseño de sistemas electrónicos. El procedimiento propuesto utiliza el concepto de diseño basado en diagnóstico, la técnica de composición de autómatas híbridos para el modelado y diagnóstico basado en el conocimiento de los expertos. Finalmente se diseña el sistema con el diagnosticador ya incorporado. El procedimiento utilizado puede ser extendido a otros tipos de sistemas.This article presents a proposal of procedure to incorporate the fault diagnosis from the design phase of ventricular defibrillation equipment. This solves a set of constraints that are currently present in the design of electronic systems. The proposed procedure uses the concept of diagnosis-based design, the technique of composition of hybrid automata modeling and diagnosis based on expert knowledge. Finally the system is designed with the fault diagnostic system incorporated. The procedure can be extended to other types of systems.

  11. Desfibrilador automático implantado en pacientes con miocardiopatía hipertrófica: criterios de selección, evolución y predictores de terapia apropiada Automatic defibrillator implanted in patients with hypertrophic myocardiopathy: selection criteria, evolution and appropriate therapy predictors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guillermo Mora

    Full Text Available Introducción y objetivos: la miocardiopatía hipertrófica es una enfermedad de origen genético con prevalencia de 1% al 2%. La mitad de los pacientes fallecen por muerte súbita cardiaca, la mayoría por arritmias ventriculares. Todavía no está claro a qué pacientes se les debe implantar un desfibrilador automático. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir una serie de pacientes con implante, los criterios empleados y los resultados obtenidos, así como analizar los predictores de terapia apropiada por el desfibrilador. Métodos: se incluyeron 20 pacientes que recibieron un desfibrilador de tercera generación. En todos se realizó estudio electrofisiológico y seguimiento prospectivo con registro de eventos. En 18 (90% se hizo estudio genético. Resultados: el 55% eran hombres con edad promedio de 40 [11-78] años. Seis (30% recibieron implantante por prevención secundaria y 14 (70% por prevención primaria; los últimos por presentar varios factores de riesgo. Se indujo una arritmia sostenida en 15 (75% y en 3 (15% taquicardia ventricular monomórfica sostenida. A 22 meses de seguimiento 4 (20% sufrieron terapia apropiada y 2 (10% fallecieron. La taquicardia ventricular monomórfica clínica (p=0,03 y la inducida (pIntroduction and objectives: hypertrophic myocardiopathy is a genetic entity with 1% to 2% prevalence. Half patients die of sudden cardiac death, most due to ventricular arrhythmias. There is still no clarity with regard to the patients to whom an automatic defibrillator has to be implanted. The objective of this work is to describe a series of patients with implant, the criteria used and the results obtained, as well as to analyze the predictors of appropriate therapy with the defibrillator. Methods: 20 patients that received a third generation defibrillator were included. Electrophysiological study and prospective follow-up with register of events was performed in all. Genetic study was done in 18 (90%. Results: 55% were

  12. Bayesian Classification Models for Premature Ventricular Contraction Detection on ECG Traces. (United States)

    Casas, Manuel M; Avitia, Roberto L; Gonzalez-Navarro, Felix F; Cardenas-Haro, Jose A; Reyna, Marco A


    According to the American Heart Association, in its latest commission about Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Death 2006, the epidemiology of the ventricular arrhythmias ranges from a series of risk descriptors and clinical markers that go from ventricular premature complexes and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia to sudden cardiac death due to ventricular tachycardia in patients with or without clinical history. The premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) are known to be associated with malignant ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD) cases. Detecting this kind of arrhythmia has been crucial in clinical applications. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a clinical test used to measure the heart electrical activity for inferences and diagnosis. Analyzing large ECG traces from several thousands of beats has brought the necessity to develop mathematical models that can automatically make assumptions about the heart condition. In this work, 80 different features from 108,653 ECG classified beats of the gold-standard MIT-BIH database were extracted in order to classify the Normal, PVC, and other kind of ECG beats. Three well-known Bayesian classification algorithms were trained and tested using these extracted features. Experimental results show that the F1 scores for each class were above 0.95, giving almost the perfect value for the PVC class. This gave us a promising path in the development of automated mechanisms for the detection of PVC complexes.

  13. Salbutamol Abuse is Associated with Ventricular Fibrillation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emin UYSAL


    Full Text Available SUMMARY: Salbutamol-induced cardiac complications are well-established. Herein, we describe a case of a 24-year female who was admitted to the emergency department because of a suicide attempt with salbutamol (76 mg. Salbutamol abuse induced the development of supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Regular sinus rhythm was restored with defibrillation. The hypokalemic patient who stayed in the intensive care unit was discharged after 48 hours of hospitalization. Key words: Salbutamol, suicide, ventricular fibrillation

  14. Clustering Of Left Ventricular Wall Motion Patterns (United States)

    Bjelogrlic, Z.; Jakopin, J.; Gyergyek, L.


    A method for detection of wall regions with similar motion was presented. A model based on local direction information was used to measure the left ventricular wall motion from cineangiographic sequence. Three time functions were used to define segmental motion patterns: distance of a ventricular contour segment from the mean contour, the velocity of a segment and its acceleration. Motion patterns were clustered by the UPGMA algorithm and by an algorithm based on K-nearest neighboor classification rule.

  15. Ventricular tachycardia induced by weight loss pills

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pareek, Manan; Hansson, Nils Henrik; Grove, Erik Lerkevang


    A previously healthy 29-year-old man was admitted with palpitations, dizziness, and near-syncope after he had recently started taking weight loss pills purchased on the internet. The pills contained caffeine and ephedrine. An electrocardiogram and telemetry revealed multiple episodes of non......-sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia, which was successfully treated with amiodarone. In conclusion, unauthorized weight loss pills can be harmful. In particular, ephedrine-containing drugs carry a risk of ventricular tachycardia and should be discouraged....

  16. Studies of left ventricular volume estimation from single photon emission computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hiraki, Yoshio; Shimizu, Mitsuharu; Joja, Ikuo; Aono, Kaname; Yanagi, Hidekiyo; Indo, Haruaki; Seno, Yoshimasa; Teramoto, Shigeru; Nagaya, Isao.


    We studied the comparative accuracy of 99m Tc cardiac blood pool Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) for the measurement of left ventricular volume in 20 patients undergoing SPECT and single plane contrast left ventriculography (LVG). Left ventricular volume was calculated based on the total number of voxels in left ventricle. End-diastolic left ventricular volume (EDV) and end-systolic left ventricular volume (ESV) calculated from SPECT were compared with those from LVG. SPECT volume values showed a high degree of correlation with those by LVG (r = 0.923 for EDV, r = 0.903 for ESV). We appreciated the usefulness and accuracy of SPECT in measuring left ventricular volume because of its three-dimensional information. (author)

  17. Correlation between right ventricular T1 mapping and right ventricular dysfunction in non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Jellis, Christine L; Yingchoncharoen, Teerapat; Gai, Neville; Kusunose, Kenya; Popović, Zoran B; Flamm, Scott; Kwon, Deborah


    Right ventricular (RV) fibrosis is increasingly recognized as the underlying pathological substrate in a variety of clinical conditions. We sought to employ cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) techniques of strain imaging and longitudinal relaxation time (T 1 ) mapping to better examine the relationship between RV function and structure. Our aim was to initially evaluate the feasibility of these techniques to evaluate the right ventricle. We then sought to explore the relationship between RV function and underlying fibrosis, along with examining the evolution of RV remodeling according to the amount of baseline fibrosis. Echocardiography was performed in 102 subjects with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Right ventricular parameters were assessed including: fractional area change (FAC) and longitudinal strain. The same cohort underwent CMR. Post-contrast T 1 mapping was performed as a marker of fibrosis with a Look-Locker technique using inversion recovery imaging. Mid-ventricular post-contrast T 1 values of the RV free wall, RV septum and lateral LV were calculated using prototype analysis software. Biventricular volumetric data including ejection fraction was measured by CMR using a cine short axis stack. CMR strain analysis was also performed to assess 2D RV longitudinal and radial strain. Simultaneous biochemical and anthropometric data were recorded. Subjects were followed over a median time of 29 months (IQR 20-37 months) with echocardiography to evaluate temporal change in RV FAC according to baseline post-contrast T 1 values. Longitudinal data analysis was performed to adjust for patient loss during follow-up. Subjects (62% men, 51 ± 15 years) had mild to moderately impaired global RV systolic function (RVEF = 39 ± 15%; RVEDV = 187 ± 69 ml; RVESV = 119 ± 68 ml) and moderate left ventricular dysfunction at baseline (LVEF 30 ± 17%). Good correlation was observed between mean LV and RV post-contrast T 1 values (r = 0.652, p

  18. Paradox image: a noninvasive index of regional left-ventricular dyskinesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holman, B.L.; Wynne, J.; Idoine, J.; Zielonka, J.; Neill, J.


    The paradox image, a functional image of regional dyskinesis derived from the equilibrium (gated) radionuclide ventriculogram, was constructed by subtracting the background-corrected end-diastolic frame from the background-corrected end-systolic frame. In 11 patients showing dyskinesis by contrast ventriculography, the percentage of left-ventricular picture elements containing paradox ranged from 3.6 to 55.6% (21.44% +- 4.45 s.e.m.). In 11 patients with normokinesis and in eight patients with hypookinesis by contrast ventriculography, the left-ventricular picture elements demonstrating paradox were less than 1.1% in all cases. In nine patients with akinesis, the percentage of left-ventricular picture elements containing paradox was 2.05% +- 0.96 s.e.m. and was less than 2% in seven patients. There was also an excellent agreement between the location of dyskinesis on the paradox image and that by contrast ventriculography. The paradox image is a sensitive indicator of left-ventricular dyskinesis and should be useful in the evaluation of patients with suspected left-ventricular asynergy

  19. Hollow mandrin facilitates external ventricular drainage placement. (United States)

    Heese, O; Regelsberger, J; Kehler, U; Westphal, M


    Placement of ventricular catheters is a routine procedure in neurosurgery. Ventricle puncture is done using a flexible ventricular catheter stabilised by a solid steel mandrin in order to improve stability during brain penetration. A correct catheter placement is confirmed after removing the solid steel mandrin by observation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow out of the flexible catheter. Incorrect placement makes further punctures necessary. The newly developed device allows CSF flow observation during the puncture procedure and in addition precise intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement. The developed mandrin is hollow with a blunt tip. On one side 4-5 small holes with a diameter of 0.8 mm are drilled corresponding exactly with the holes in the ventricular catheter, allowing CSF to pass into the hollow mandrin as soon as the ventricle is reached. By connecting a small translucent tube at the distal portion of the hollow mandrin ICP can be measured without loss of CSF. The system has been used in 15 patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) or intraventricular haemeorrhage (IVH) and subsequent hydrocephalus. The new system improved the external ventricular drainage implantation procedure. In all 15 patients catheter placement was correct. ICP measurement was easy to perform immediately at ventricle puncture. In 4 patients at puncture no spontaneous CSF flow was observed, therefore by connecting a syringe and gentle aspiration of CSF correct placement was confirmed in this unexpected low pressure hydrocephalus. Otherwise by using the conventional technique further punctures would have been necessary. Advantages of the new technique are less puncture procedures with a lower risk of damage to neural structures and reduced risk of intracranial haemorrhages. Implantation of the ventricular catheter to far into the brain can be monitored and this complication can be overcome. Using the connected pressure monitoring tube an exact measurement of the opening

  20. Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in 2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian van der Werf


    Full Text Available Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT is a rare, potentially lethal inherited arrhythmia syndrome characterized by stress or emotion-induced ventricular arrhythmias. CPVT was first described in 1960, while the genetic basis underlying this syndrome was discovered in 2001. The past decade has seen substantial advances in understanding the pathophysiology of CPVT. In addition, significant advances have been made in elucidating clinical characteristics of CPVT patients and new treatment options have become available. Here, we review current literature on CPVT to present state-of-the-art knowledge on the subject of the genetic basis, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

  1. Arterial Ventricular Uncoupling with Age and Disease and Recoupling with Exercise (United States)

    Chantler, Paul D


    The deterioration in arterial and cardiac function with aging impairs arterial ventricular coupling, an important determinant of cardiovascular performance. However, exercise training improves arterial ventricular coupling especially during exercise during the age and disease process. This review examines the concept of arterial-ventricular coupling, and how age, and disease uncouples but exercise training recouples the heart and arterial system. PMID:28072585

  2. Evaluation of left ventricular function by nuclear stethoscope

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Tsunehiko


    The Nuclear Stethoscope (N.S.) is a unique cardiac probe system that provides a precise, rapid, noninvasive method to directly quantify ventricular functions at the bedside or actual beat-to-beat or composite beat basis. The accuracy and validity of N.S. were studied in 42 patients with cardiac diseases in comparison with camera-computer EF. The N.S. EF was well correlated with camera-computer EF (r = 0.82). In this study, clinical application of N.S. was as follows. 1. Beat-to-beat left ventricular volume response for evaluation of arrythmia (atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular conduction, bigemy et al.) 2. exercise study by handgrip and ergometer. EF is an extremely sensitive indicator to discriminate coronary arteries diseases from normal subjects. (author)

  3. Evaluation of left ventricular function by nuclear stethoscope

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishimura, T [National Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka (Japan)


    The Nuclear Stethoscope (N.S.) is a unique cardiac probe system that provides a precise, rapid, noninvasive method to directly quantify ventricular functions at the bedside or actual beat-to-beat or composite beat basis. The accuracy and validity of N.S. were studied in 42 patients with cardiac diseases in comparison with camera-computer EF. The N.S. EF was well correlated with camera-computer EF (r = 0.82). In this study, clinical application of N.S. was as follows. 1. Beat-to-beat left ventricular volume response for evaluation of arrythmia (atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular conduction, bigemy et al.) 2. exercise study by handgrip and ergometer. EF is an extremely sensitive indicator to discriminate coronary arteries diseases from normal subjects.

  4. Assessment of cardiac performance with quantitative radionuclide angiocardiography: sequential left ventricular ejection fraction, normalized left ventricular ejection rate, and regional wall motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marshall, R.C.; Berger, H.J.; Costin, J.C.; Freedman, G.S.; Wolberg, J.; Cohen, L.S.; Gotischalk, A.; Zaret, B.L.


    Sequential quantitative first pass radionuclide angiocardiograms (RA) were used to measure left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricular ejection rate (LVER), and to assess regional wall motion (RWM) in the anterior (ANT) and left anterior oblique (LAO) positions. Studies were obtained with a computerized multicrystal scintillation camera suitable for acquiring high count-rate data. Background was determined in a new fashion by selecting frames temporally from the left ventricular region of interest time-activity curve. A ''representative'' cardiac cycle was formed by summing together counts over three to six cardiac cycles. From this background corrected, high count-rate ''representative''cardiac cycle, LVEF, LVER, and RWM were determined. In 22 patients with normal sinus rhythm in the absence of significant valvular regurgitation, RA LVEF correlated well with that measured by contrast angiography (r = 0.95). LVER correlated well with LVEF measured at contrast angiography (r = 0.90) and allowed complete separation of those with normal (LVER = 3.4 +- 0.17 sec -1 ) and abnormal (LVER = 1.22 +- 0.11 sec -1 ) (P < 0.001) left ventricular performance. This separation was independent of background. Isoproterenol infusion in five normal subjects caused LVER to increase by 81 +- 17% while LVEF increased by 10 +- 2.0%. RWM was correctly defined in 21/22 patients and 89% of left ventricular segments with abnormal wall motion

  5. Right ventricular systolic and diastolic function at rest in patients with coronary artery disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caglar, N.M.; Araki, Haruo; Taira, Yuji; Fukuyama, Takaya; Nakamura, Motoomi


    Right ventricular systolic and diastolic function was studied in patients with ischemic heart disease using equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography. In patients with inferior myocardial infarction and proximal right coronary lesions, the right ventricular ejection fraction (0.43+-0.06, n=10, mean+-SD) and peak filling rate (1.7+-0.4 EDV/sec) were lower than normals (0.57+-0.07 and 2.7+-0.4 EDV/sec, n=10, p<0.001, respectively). In these patients, the right ventricular time to peak filling rate was longer than in normals (225+-36 msec vs 136+-45 msec, p<0.001), while the left ventricular ejection fraction remained normal. In patients with inferior myocardial infarction and distal right coronary lesions, the right ventricular ejection fraction, peak filling rate and time to peak filling rate were not different from those in normals. Even in patients with proximal right coronary lesions, the right ventricular ejection fraction was normal unless they had an inferior myocardial infarction. A decreased left ventricular ejection fraction and abnormal motion of the ventricular septum did not affect the right ventricular ejection fraction. The present results suggest that patients with an inferior myocardial infarction and proximal right coronary lesion often develop right ventricular systolic and diastolic dysfunction. (author)

  6. Right ventricular function during acute exacerbation of severe equine asthma. (United States)

    Decloedt, A; Borowicz, H; Slowikowska, M; Chiers, K; van Loon, G; Niedzwiedz, A


    Pulmonary hypertension has been described in horses with severe equine asthma, but its effect on the right ventricle has not been fully elucidated. To evaluate right ventricular structure and function after a 1-week period of pulmonary hypertension secondary to acute exacerbation of severe equine asthma. Prospective study. A clinical episode of severe equine asthma was induced experimentally in six susceptible horses. Examinations in remission and on day 7 of the clinical episode included a physical examination with clinical scoring, echocardiography, arterial blood gas measurements, venous blood sampling for cardiac biomarkers, intracardiac pressure measurements, right ventricular and right atrial myocardial biopsies, airway endoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage. After 1 month of recovery, physical examination, echocardiography and cardiac biomarker analysis were repeated. Echocardiographic and pressure measurements were compared with those in 10 healthy control horses. All horses developed clinical signs of acute pulmonary obstruction. Right heart pressures increased significantly. Altered right ventricular function could be detected by tissue Doppler and speckle tracking echocardiography. Cardiac troponin concentrations did not increase significantly, but were highly elevated in one horse which exercised in the paddock prior to sampling. Focal neutrophil infiltration was present in two myocardial samples. Even in remission, asthmatic horses showed a thicker right ventricular wall, an increased left ventricular end-systolic eccentricity index at chordal level and decreased right ventricular longitudinal strain compared with controls. The induced clinical episode was rather mild and the number of horses was limited because of the invasive nature of the study. Pulmonary obstruction in asthmatic horses induces pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular structural and functional changes. © 2017 EVJ Ltd.

  7. Discrete potentials guided radiofrequency ablation for idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias. (United States)

    Liu, Enzhao; Xu, Gang; Liu, Tong; Ye, Lan; Zhang, Qitong; Zhao, Yanshu; Li, Guangping


    Discrete potentials (DPs) have been recorded and targeted as the site of ablation of the outflow tract arrhythmias. The aim of the present study was to investigate the significance of DPs with respect to mapping and ablation for idiopathic outflow tract premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) or ventricular tachycardias (VTs). Seventeen consecutive patients with idiopathic right or left ventricular outflow tract PVCs/VTs who underwent radiofrequency catheter ablation were included. Intracardiac electrograms during the mapping and ablation were analysed. During sinus rhythm, sharp high-frequency DPs that displayed double or multiple components were recorded following or buried in the local ventricular electrograms in all of the 17 patients, peak amplitude 0.51 ± 0.21 mV. The same potential was recorded prior to the local ventricular potential of the PVCs/VTs. Spontaneous reversal of the relationship of the DPs to the local ventricular electrogram during the arrhythmias was noted. The DPs were related to a region of low voltage showed by intracardiac high-density contact mapping. At the sites with DPs, lower unipolar and bipolar ventricular voltage of sinus beats were noted compared with the adjacent regions without DPs (unipolar: 6.1 ± 1.8 vs. 8.3 ± 2.3 mV, P Discrete potentials were not present in seven controls. Discrete potentials and related low-voltage regions were common in idiopathic outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias. Discrete potential- and substrate-guided ablation strategy will help to reduce the recurrence of idiopathic outflow tract arrhythmias. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  8. Longitudinal strain predicts left ventricular mass regression after aortic valve replacement for severe aortic stenosis and preserved left ventricular function. (United States)

    Gelsomino, Sandro; Lucà, Fabiana; Parise, Orlando; Lorusso, Roberto; Rao, Carmelo Massimiliano; Vizzardi, Enrico; Gensini, Gian Franco; Maessen, Jos G


    We explored the influence of global longitudinal strain (GLS) measured with two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography on left ventricular mass regression (LVMR) in patients with pure aortic stenosis (AS) and normal left ventricular function undergoing aortic valve replacement (AVR). The study population included 83 patients with severe AS (aortic valve area regression (all P regression in patients with pure AS undergoing AVR. Our findings must be confirmed by further larger studies.

  9. Right ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction: dependence upon infarct related coronary artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cho, Ihn Ho; Chun, Kyung A; Won, Kyu Chang; Lee, Hyung Woo; Hong, Geu Ru; Park, Jong Seon; Shin, Dong Gu; Kim, Young Jo; Shim, Bong Sub


    We studied to know the relation between right ventricular function and infarct-related artery after acute myocardial infarction. The right and left ventricular function after a first myocardial infarction was assessed ECG-gated blood pool single photon emission computed tomography (GBPS) algorithms (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angels, Calif) (12 after LAD related infarction (group 1) and 15 after RCA related infarction (group 2)). The left ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume did not differ significantly between two groups( group 1 vs 2 :LVEF 50.8% vs 55.1%. LVEDV=73.2 vs 79.7 ml, LVESV=38 vs 44 ml : P>0.05), but right ventricular ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume were significantly different after anterior myocardial infarction between two groups( group 1 vs 2 : RVEF=57.3% vs 46.3%. RVEDV=56.4 vs 95.1 ml, RVESV=25.6 vs 54.6ml : P<0.05). There was evidence of right ventricular dilatation in the group with RCA related infarction. Six with inferior infarction had abnormal right ventricular ejection fractions (< 40%). The relation between right and left ventricular ejection fractions was markedly different in the two groups. In the group with RCA related infarction there was a significant linear relation between right and left ventricular ejection fraction(R=0.5). Whereas in the group with LAD related infarction there was not (R=-0.3). Thus right ventricular dysfunction commonly occurs after RCA related infarction. Right ventricular impairment is related after RCA related infarction, but are independent after LAD related infarction. Finally, the different effects of LAD and RCA related infarction on right ventricular function may be explained by site of the myocardial wall involvement after infarction

  10. Right ventricular function in asthmatic children determined with PW-TDI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Shaona; Song Lili; Cong Lin; Li Liping; Huang Yanxia


    Objective: To assess the right ventricular function of asthmatic children in onset period or remission period by using PW-TDI. Method: 36 children with confirmed asthma were enrolled. In tricuspid annular, the ECHO were recorded with PW-PDI pattern to obtain fight ventricular function (Sm, e-peak, Vmax for a-peak, and e/a), ICT, ET, IRT and Tei-Index. These were carried out in acute attack period and stable period. Result: Right ventficular function parameter (Sm, Vmax for e-peak, Vmax for a-peak, e/a and Tei-Index) in acute attack period were significant different compared to those in stable period (P<0.05). Conclusions: The fight ventricular function was impaired in patients with asthma in acute attack period. PW-TDI is helpful for assessing right ventricular function to asthmatic children. (authors)

  11. Eisenmenger ventricular septal defect in a Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti). (United States)

    Laughlin, D S; Ialeggio, D M; Trupkiewicz, J G; Sleeper, M M


    The Eisenmenger ventricular septal defect is an uncommon type of ventricular septal defect characterised in humans by a traditionally perimembranous ventricular septal defect, anterior deviation (cranioventral deviation in small animal patients) of the muscular outlet septum causing malalignment relative to the remainder of the muscular septum, and overriding of the aortic valve. This anomaly is reported infrequently in human patients and was identified in a 45-day-old Humboldt Penguin, Spheniscus humboldti, with signs of poor growth and a cardiac murmur. This case report describes the findings in this penguin and summarises the anatomy and classification of this cardiac anomaly. To the authors' knowledge this is the first report of an Eisenmenger ventricular septal defect in a veterinary patient. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography and Right Ventricular Failure After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. (United States)

    Silverton, Natalie A; Patel, Ravi; Zimmerman, Josh; Ma, Jianing; Stoddard, Greg; Selzman, Craig; Morrissey, Candice K


    To determine whether intraoperative measures of right ventricular (RV) function using transesophageal echocardiography are associated with subsequent RV failure after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation. Retrospective, nonrandomized, observational study. Single tertiary-level, university-affiliated hospital. The study comprised 100 patients with systolic heart failure undergoing elective LVAD implantation. Transesophageal echocardiographic images before and after cardiopulmonary bypass were analyzed to quantify RV function using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), tricuspid annular systolic velocity (S'), fractional area change (FAC), RV global longitudinal strain, and RV free wall strain. A chart review was performed to determine which patients subsequently developed RV failure (right ventricular assist device placement or prolonged inotrope requirement ≥14 days). Nineteen patients (19%) subsequently developed RV failure. Postbypass FAC was the only measure of RV function that distinguished between the RV failure and non-RV failure groups (21.2% v 26.5%; p = 0.04). The sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve of an abnormal RV FAC (failure after LVAD implantation were 84%, 20%, and 0.52, respectively. No other intraoperative measure of RV function was associated with subsequent RV failure. RV failure increased ventilator time, intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, and mortality. Intraoperative measures of RV function such as tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, tricuspid annular systolic velocity, and RV strain were not associated with RV failure after LVAD implantation. Decreased postbypass FAC was significantly associated with RV failure but showed poor discrimination. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Cerebrovascular accidents in patients with a ventricular assist device. (United States)

    Tsukui, Hiroyuki; Abla, Adib; Teuteberg, Jeffrey J; McNamara, Dennis M; Mathier, Michael A; Cadaret, Linda M; Kormos, Robert L


    A cerebrovascular accident is a devastating adverse event in a patient with a ventricular assist device. The goal was to clarify the risk factors for cerebrovascular accident. Prospectively collected data, including medical history, ventricular assist device type, white blood cell count, thrombelastogram, and infection, were reviewed retrospectively in 124 patients. Thirty-one patients (25%) had 48 cerebrovascular accidents. The mean ventricular assist device support period was 228 and 89 days in patients with and without cerebrovascular accidents, respectively (P cerebrovascular accidents occurred within 4 months after implantation. Actuarial freedom from cerebrovascular accident at 6 months was 75%, 64%, 63%, and 33% with the HeartMate device (Thoratec Corp, Pleasanton, Calif), Thoratec biventricular ventricular assist device (Thoratec Corp), Thoratec left ventricular assist device (Thoratec), and Novacor device (WorldHeart, Oakland, Calif), respectively. Twenty cerebrovascular accidents (42%) occurred in patients with infections. The mean white blood cell count at the cerebrovascular accident was greater than the normal range in patients with infection (12,900/mm3) and without infection (9500/mm3). The mean maximum amplitude of the thrombelastogram in the presence of infection (63.6 mm) was higher than that in the absence of infection (60.7 mm) (P = .0309). The risk of cerebrovascular accident increases with a longer ventricular assist device support period. Infection may activate platelet function and predispose the patient to a cerebrovascular accident. An elevation of the white blood cell count may also exacerbate the risk of cerebrovascular accident even in patients without infection. Selection of device type, prevention of infection, and meticulous control of anticoagulation are key to preventing cerebrovascular accident.

  14. Left ventricular hypertrophy: virtuous intentions, malign consequences. (United States)

    Pokharel, Saraswati; Sharma, Umesh C; Pinto, Yigal M


    Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is currently the focus of intense cardiovascular research, with the resultant rapid evolution of novel concepts relating to its exceedingly complex pathophysiology. In addition to the alterations in signal transduction and disturbances in Ca(2+) homeostasis, there are structural changes in myofilaments, disorganization of the cytoskeletal framework and increased collagen synthesis. LVH is associated with progressive left ventricular remodeling that culminates to heart failure. The modern treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy is now largely based on the hypothesis that neuroendocrine activation is important in the progression of the disease and inhibition of neurohormones is likely to have long-term benefit with regard to morbidity and mortality. Drugs specifically designed to unload the left ventricle, such as diuretics and vasodilators, appears to be less effective in reducing LV mass and improving prognosis. Thus, the evolution of treatment for LVH itself has provided much enlightenment for our understanding of the fundamental biology of the disorder.

  15. "Rescue" ablation of electrical storm in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy in pregnancy. (United States)

    Stec, Sebastian; Krynski, Tomasz; Baran, Jakub; Kulakowski, Piotr


    Radiofrequency ablation (RFCA) became a treatment of choice in patients with recurrent ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and appropriate interventions of implanted cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), however, electrical storm (ES) ablation in a pregnant woman has not yet been reported. We describe a case of a successful rescue ablation of recurrent ES in a 26-year-old Caucasian woman during her first pregnancy (23rd week). The arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) was diagnosed 3 years earlier and several drugs as well as 2 ablations failed to control recurrences of ventricular tachycardia. RFCA was performed on the day of the third electric storm. The use of electroanatomic mapping allowed very low X-ray exposure, and after applications in the right ventricular outflow tract, arrhythmia disappeared. Three months after ablation, a healthy girl was delivered without any complications. During twelve-month follow-up there was no recurrence of ventricular tachycardia or ICD interventions. This case documents the first successful RFCA during ES due to recurrent unstable ventricular arrhythmias in a patient with ARVD/C in pregnancy. Current guidelines recommend metoprolol, sotalol and intravenous amiodarone for prevention of recurrent ventricular tachycardia in pregnancy, however, RFCA should be considered as a therapeutic option in selected cases. The use of 3D navigating system and near zero X-ray approach is associated with minimal radiation exposure for mother and fetus as well as low risk of procedural complication.

  16. Normal left ventricular function does not protect against propafenone ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Normal left ventricular function does not protect against propafenone-induced incessant ventricular tachycardia. R. N. Scott Millar, J. B. Lawrenson, D.A. Milne. Abstract. Propafenone is a class Ic anti-arrhythmic agent with mild B-blocking properties which has recently become available in South Africa. We have used the ...

  17. Flecainide Therapy Reduces Exercise-Induced Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients With Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Werf, Christian; Kannankeril, Prince J.; Sacher, Frederic; Krahn, Andrew D.; Viskin, Sami; Leenhardt, Antoine; Shimizu, Wataru; Sumitomo, Naokata; Fish, Frank A.; Bhuiyan, Zahurul A.; Willems, Albert R.; van der Veen, Maurits J.; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Laborderie, Julien; Haïssaguerre, Michel; Knollmann, Björn C.; Wilde, Arthur A. M.


    Objectives This study evaluated the efficacy and safety of flecainide in addition to conventional drug therapy in patients with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT). Background CPVT is an inherited arrhythmia syndrome caused by gene mutations that destabilize cardiac

  18. Usefulness of tomographic phase image in ventricular conduction abnormalities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Mitsuru; Watanabe, Yoshihiko; Kondo, Takeshi


    In order to evaluate three-dimensional phase changes in ventricular conduction abnormalities, tomographic phase images were constructed in 7 normal subjects, 12 patients with ventricular pacing, 21 patients with bundle branch block and 12 patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Eight to 12 slices of the short-axis ventricular tomographic phase image (TPI) were derived using a 7-pinhole collimator, and compared with planar phase images (PPIs) in left anterior oblique (LAO) and right anterior oblique (RAO) projections. TPIs were excellent for observing biventricular phase changes in the long-axis direction. In 6 cases of complete right bundle branch block with left axis deviation (beyond -30 0 ), the phase delay in the left ventricular anterior wall was recognized in 5 cases by TPI, although it was difficult to be detected by PPIs. The site of the pacing electrode was identified by TPI in 11 out of 12 cases, compared to 8 cases by PPIs in LAO and RAO projections. The site of the accessory pathway in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome was detected in the basal slice of TPIs in 10 out of 12 cases, compared to 8 cases by PPI in the LAO projection. Therefore, it is obvious that TPIs offer more valid information than PPIs. In conclusion, TPI is useful for investigation of ventricular conduction abnormalities. (author)

  19. Left ventricular performance during psychological stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, D.Z.; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; Dimsdale, J.E.; Moore, R.H.; Barlai-Kovach, M.; Newell, J.B.; McKusick, K.A.; Boucher, C.A.; Fifer, M.A.; Strauss, H.W.


    Left ventricular ejection fraction, systolic blood pressure and plasma norepinephrine were measured in six normotensive and six mildly hypertensive subjects during rest and psychological stress. Compared with rest, 8 of the 12 subjects developed significant changes in ejection fraction (increase in 6, decrease in 2); 10 of 12 subjects developed significant elevations of plasma norepinephrine; and all developed significant increases in systolic blood pressure. When the stress effects were examined for the total group, as opposed to within subjects, there were significant increases in plasma norepinephrine and systolic blood pressure but, interestingly, mean ejection fraction and stroke volume remained unchanged, implying stress led to increased left ventricular contractility. (orig.)

  20. Intermittent′ restrictive ventricular septal defect in Tetralogy of Fallot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sudhir S Shetkar


    Full Text Available Ventricular septal defect (VSD in Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF is usually large and non-restrictive with equalization of right and left ventricular pressures. Restrictive VSD in TOF is rare. We present an unusual case of TOF with restriction to VSD caused by accessory tricuspid valve tissue that varied with respiration.


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Digitalis intoxication is one of the most common adverse drug reactions. Although some arrhythmias are seen more frequently than others, virtually any rhythm disturbance, including ventricular tachycardia, may occur. However, to our knowledge, exercise-induced ventricular tachycardia as a

  2. Preliminary study of left ventricular cavity-to-myocardial count ratio. A new parameter for left ventricular function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Ying; Qu Wanying; Zhu Ming; Gao Wenping; Zhao Hongshan


    A new simple quantitative parameter, left ventricular cavity-to-myocardial count ratio (C/M ratio) was suggested and compared with LVEF to assess its reliability and clinical value. Of 220 patients in the study, 102 had both exercise 99m Tc-MIBI myocardial SPECT imaging and resting radionuclide ventriculography, another 118 patients had both rest 99m Tc-MIBI myocardial SPECT imaging and rest radionuclide ventriculography, 740 MBq of 99m Tc-MIBI was injected intravenously. Both the exercise and rest C/M ratio were determined on short-axis tomograms and LVEF were calculated from radionuclide ventriculography. The correlation between LVEF and the C/M (exercise and rest) was analyzed. There was a positive linear correlation between LVEF measured by ventriculography and both C/M exercise ratio (r = 0.6964) and C/M rest ratio (r = 0.6995). The sensitivity of C/M exercise and rest ratio for detecting patients with left ventricular dysfunction is 71.9%, 68.6%; the specificity is 92.9%, 97.0%; the accuracy is 86.3%, 84.7% respectively. C/M ratio can accurately identify patients with CAD who have resting left ventricular dysfunction. It was highly reproducible, reliable and useful in clinical diagnosis

  3. Reconstrução fisiológica do ventrículo esquerdo: o conceito de máxima redução ventricular e mínima resposta inflamatória Physiologic left ventricular reconstruction: the concept of maximum ventricular reduction and minimum inflammatory reaction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Walter J. Gomes


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: A sobrevida em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, assim como após a cirurgia de reconstrução do ventrículo esquerdo (VE, está relacionada ao tamanho da cavidade ventricular esquerda. Também o uso de materiais sintéticos na reconstrução ventricular poderia induzir uma reação inflamatória crônica. Relatamos a modificação da técnica de reconstrução ventricular que elimina a necessidade de retalhos intra-cavitários e de uso de material sintético no fechamento do VE. MÉTODO: Onze pacientes consecutivos com aneurisma de VE, evoluindo em classe funcional (CF III e IV da New York Heart Association foram submetidos à cirurgia de reconstrução ventricular direta sem utilização de retalhos intra-cavitários ou materiais protéticos no fechamento da incisão ventricular. RESULTADOS: Não houve mortalidade cirúrgica ou necessidade de suporte circulatório mecânico. A permanência hospitalar pós-operatória variou de 4 a 7 dias (média de 5,3 ± 1,1 dias. O ecocardiograma de controle, realizado em média 4,6 ± 1,5 meses após a operação, evidenciou redução do diâmetro diastólico de VE de 69,0 ± 7,5 mm, no pré-operatório, para 62,6 ± 5,1 mm, no pós-operatório. A fração de ejeção do VE mostrou aumento de 47,3% ± 6,6% para 56,3% ±10,5%. Com um ano de seguimento, 8 pacientes encontram-se em CF I e 3 em CF II. CONCLUSÃO: Esta técnica, com eliminação de uso de material sintético, pode contribuir para a melhora dos resultados clínicos de pacientes submetidos à reconstrução ventricular esquerda, proporcionando virtual eliminação das áreas acinéticas do VE e potencialmente atenuando, no pós-operatório tardio, a reação inflamatória crônica do miocárdio.BACKGROUND: The outcome of patients with heart failure, as well as after left ventricular reconstruction, is related to the size of the left ventricular cavity. Also the use of synthetic materials in the ventricular reconstruction could

  4. Angiographic differentiation of type of ventricular septal defects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheon, Mal Soon; Park, Hee Young; Kim, Yang Sook


    Defects of the ventricular septum are the commonest type of congenital cardiac malformations. A classification with axial angiography of the subtypes of ventricular septal defects is proposed on the study of 126 patients with defects of the ventricular septum. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of the ventricular septal defects was 39.6% of congenital heart malformation. 2. The sex distribution of cases were 70 males and 56 females, the age ranged from 13 months to 26 years. 3. Angiographic features seen by axial angiography were as follows: a. Perimembranous defects as seen on long axial view of left ventriculogram were in continuity wity aortic valve. The relation of the defect to the tricuspid valve allows distinction of the extension of the preimembranous defect toward inlet, trabecular, or infundibular zones. This relation was determined angiographically, using the course of the contrast medium from the left ventricle through the ventricular septal defect, opacifying the right ventricle. In inlet excavation, the shunted blood opacified the recess between septal leaflet of tricuspid valve and interventricular septum in early phase, in infundibular excavation, opacified the recess between anterior leaflet of tricuspid valve and anterior free wall of right ventricle and in trabecular excavation, the shunted blood traversed anterior portion of tricuspid valve ring, opacified trabecular portion of right ventricle. b. Muscular defects were separated from the semilunar and atrioventricular valves. c, Subarterial defects were related to both semilunar valves, and they were best demonstrated on the elongated right anterior oblique view of the left ventriculogram. d. Total infundibular defects were profiled in right anterior oblique 30 and long axial view, subaortic in location in both views

  5. [Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a rare inherited heart disease.

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Anders Gaarsdal; Tfelt-Hansen, 1jacob; Olesen, Morten S


    Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a rare inherited heart disease, which can lead to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias in patients with a structurally normal heart. The age of onset is usually between two and 12 years and the initial symptom is frequently syncope...

  6. [Tricuspid insufficiency and right traumatic ventricular aneurysm. Apropos of a case]. (United States)

    Boisselier, P; Lombaert, M; Rey, J L; Quiret, J C; Bernasconi, P


    Tricuspid incompetence associated with a right ventricular aneurysm wa discovered after a non-penetrating thoracic injury. The severity of the tricuspid lesion was confirmed by phonomechanography, catheterisation and angiography. The mechanism was demonstrated by two-dimensional echocardiography: the right ventricular aneurysm was located in the right ventricular outflow tract. As the hemodynamic tolerance was good, surgery was not performed. A review of the literature found 41 other reports of traumatic tricuspid incompetence, and 4 cases of right ventricular aneurysm, only one of which was associated with tricuspid regurgitation. The points of interest of ths case: the rarity of the association, the good hemodynamic tolerance and the value of two-dimensional echocardiography for the diagnosis of ruptured chordae in the absence of surgical observations.

  7. Ethical challenges with the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rady Mohamed Y


    Full Text Available Abstract The left ventricular assist device was originally designed to be surgically implanted as a bridge to transplantation for patients with chronic end-stage heart failure. On the basis of the REMATCH trial, the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved permanent implantation of the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy in Medicare beneficiaries who are not candidates for heart transplantation. The use of the left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy raises certain ethical challenges. Left ventricular assist devices can prolong the survival of average recipients compared with optimal medical management of chronic end-stage heart failure. However, the overall quality of life can be adversely affected in some recipients because of serious infections, neurologic complications, and device malfunction. Left ventricular assist devices alter end-of-life trajectories. The caregivers of recipients may experience significant burden (e.g., poor physical health, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder from destination therapy with left ventricular assist devices. There are also social and financial ramifications for recipients and their families. We advocate early utilization of a palliative care approach and outline prerequisite conditions so that consenting for the use of a left ventricular assist device as a destination therapy is a well informed process. These conditions include: (1 direct participation of a multidisciplinary care team, including palliative care specialists, (2 a concise plan of care for anticipated device-related complications, (3 careful surveillance and counseling for caregiver burden, (4 advance-care planning for anticipated end-of-life trajectories and timing of device deactivation, and (5 a plan to address the long-term financial burden on patients, families, and caregivers. Short-term mechanical circulatory devices (e

  8. Right ventricular volume and mass determined by cine magnetic resonance imaging in HIV patients with possible right ventricular dysfunction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjaer, Andreas; Lebech, Anne-Mette; Gerstoft, Jan


    Impaired right ventricular (RV) function has been reported to occur in patients with HIV when studied by echocardiography. However, for accurate evaluation of RV function and morphology, first-pass radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) and cine magnetic resonance imaging (cine-MRI) are methods...... ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF). To do so, we screened patients with RNV and performed an additional cine-MRI in those with reduced RVEF determined by RNV. Ninety patients with HIV were included. To evaluate the MRI measures exactly we included 18 age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers to establish...

  9. Left ventricular function abnormalities as a manifestation of silent myocardial ischemia. (United States)

    Lambert, C R; Conti, C R; Pepine, C J


    A large body of evidence exists indicating that left ventricular dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with severe coronary artery disease and represents silent or asymptomatic myocardial ischemia. Such dysfunction probably occurs early in the time course of every ischemic episode in patients with coronary artery disease whether symptoms are eventually manifested or not. The pathophysiology of silent versus symptomatic left ventricular dysfunction due to ischemia appears to be identical. Silent ischemia-related left ventricular dysfunction can be documented during spontaneous or stress-induced perturbations in the myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio. It also may be detected by nitroglycerin-induced improvement in ventricular function or by salutary changes in wall motion following revascularization. Silent left ventricular dysfunction is a very early occurrence during ischemia and precedes electrocardiographic abnormalities. In this light, its existence should always be kept in mind when dealing with patients with ischemic heart disease. It can be hypothesized that because silent ischemia appears to be identical to ischemia with symptoms in a pathophysiologic sense, prognosis and treatment in both cases should be the same.

  10. Surgical myocardial revascularization in patients with reduced systolic left ventricular function. (United States)

    Bruno, Piergiorgio; Iafrancesco, Mauro; Massetti, Massimo


    Surgical myocardial revascularization in patients with reduced left ventricular function has been a matter of debate for decades. Recently published 10-years extension follow-up of the STICH trial have conclusively demonstrated benefit of surgical myocardial revascularization in patients with significant coronary artery disease and low left ventricular ejection fraction. However, selection of patients for surgery remains challenging as well as decision to perform percutaneous rather than surgical revascularization in this class of patients. New evidence helped to clarify the role of preoperative patients' characteristics as risk factors for surgery and to identify those patients who may benefit the most from surgery. Focus of this review is to review epidemiology, aetiology and pathophysiology of coronary artery disease in patients with reduced left ventricular function, role of viability and results of observational and investigational studies on revascularization in patients with reduced left ventricular function with a particular emphasis on relative indication of coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous coronary intervention and the surgical implications of development of ischemic mitral regurgitation or ischemic left ventricular aneurysm.

  11. Evaluation of left ventricular volumes measured by magnetic resonance imaging

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møgelvang, J; Thomsen, C; Mehlsen, J


    Left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were determined in 17 patients with different levels of left ventricular function by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A 1.5 Tesla Magnet was used obtaining ECG triggered single and multiple slices. Calculated cardiac outputs were compared...

  12. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  13. Association between circulating fibroblast growth factor 23, α-Klotho, and the left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular mass in cardiology inpatients.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kensaku Shibata

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23, with its co-receptor Klotho, plays a crucial role in phosphate metabolism. Several recent studies suggested that circulating FGF23 and α-Klotho concentrations might be related to cardiovascular abnormalities in patients with advanced renal failure. PURPOSE: Using data from 100 cardiology inpatients who were not undergoing chronic hemodialysis, the association of circulating levels of FGF23, α-Klotho, and other calcium-phosphate metabolism-related parameters with the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF and left ventricular mass (LVM was analyzed. METHODS AND RESULTS: LVEF was measured using the modified Simpson method for apical 4-chamber LV images and the LVM index (LVMI was calculated by dividing the LVM by body surface area. Univariate analysis showed that log transformed FGF23, but not that of α-Klotho, was significantly associated with LVEF and LVMI with a standardized beta of -0.35 (P<0.001 and 0.26 (P<0.05, respectively. After adjusting for age, sex, estimated glomerular filtration rate, and serum concentrations of intact parathyroid hormone, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D as covariates into the statistical model, log-transformed FGF23 was found to be a statistically positive predictor for decreased left ventricular function and left ventricular hypertrophy. CONCLUSIONS: In cardiology department inpatients, circulating FGF23 concentrations were found to be associated with the left ventricular mass and LVEF independent of renal function and other calcium-phosphate metabolism-related parameters. Whether modulation of circulating FGF23 levels would improve cardiac outcome in such a high risk population awaits further investigation.

  14. Real-time adjustment of ventricular restraint therapy in heart failure. (United States)

    Ghanta, Ravi K; Lee, Lawrence S; Umakanthan, Ramanan; Laurence, Rita G; Fox, John A; Bolman, Ralph Morton; Cohn, Lawrence H; Chen, Frederick Y


    Current ventricular restraint devices do not allow for either the measurement or adjustment of ventricular restraint level. Periodic adjustment of restraint level post-device implantation may improve therapeutic efficacy. We evaluated the feasibility of an adjustable quantitative ventricular restraint (QVR) technique utilizing a fluid-filled polyurethane epicardial balloon to measure and adjust restraint level post-implantation guided by physiologic parameters. QVR balloons were implanted in nine ovine with post-infarction dilated heart failure. Restraint level was defined by the maximum restraint pressure applied by the balloon to the epicardium at end-diastole. An access line connected the balloon lumen to a subcutaneous portacath to allow percutaneous access. Restraint level was adjusted while left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic volume (EDV) and cardiac output was assessed with simultaneous transthoracic echocardiography. All nine ovine successfully underwent QVR balloon implantation. Post-implantation, restraint level could be measured percutaneously in real-time and dynamically adjusted by instillation and withdrawal of fluid from the balloon lumen. Using simultaneous echocardiography, restraint level could be adjusted based on LV EDV and cardiac output. After QVR therapy for 21 days, LV EDV decreased from 133+/-15 ml to 113+/-17 ml (p<0.05). QVR permits real-time measurement and physiologic adjustment of ventricular restraint therapy after device implantation.

  15. A case of delayed cardiac perforation of active ventricular lead

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hangyuan Guo


    Full Text Available A 65-year-old man was admitted as for one month of repetitive dizziness and one episode of syncope. Electrocardiogram showed sinus bradycardia and his Holter monitoring also showed sinus bradycardia with sinus arrest, sino-atrial block and a longest pause of 4.3 s. Then sick sinus syndrome and Adam-Stokes syndrome were diagnosed. Then a dual chamber pacemaker (Medtronic SDR303 was implanted and the parameters were normal by detection. The patient was discharged 1 week later with suture removed. Then 1.5 month late the patient was presented to hospital once again for sudden onset of chest pain with exacerbation after taking deep breath. Pacemaker programming showed both pacing and sensing abnormality with threshold of?5.0V and resistance of 1200?. Lead perforation was revealed by chest X-ray and confirmed by echocardiogram. Considering the fact that there was high risk to remove ventricular lead, spiral tip of previous ventricular lead was withdrew followed by implantation of a new ventricular active lead to the septum. Previous ventricular lead was maintained. As we know that the complications of lead perforation in the clinic was rare. Here we discuss the clinical management and the possible reasons for cardiac perforation of active ventricular lead.

  16. Prognostic significance of radionuclide-assessed right ventricular function in dilated cardiomyopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohno, Akira; Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Shimonagata, Tsuyoshi; Kumita, Shinichiro; Ogawa, Youji; Nagata, Seiki; Miyatake, Kunio


    To assess the prognostic significance of right ventricular function in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), we studied consecutive 57 DCM patients. There were 41 men and 16 women, whose mean age was 48 years (range 3-68 years). The mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in all patients was 29±11%, and the mean interval from the onset of symptom of cardiac failure (CHF history) was 4 years (range 0-33 years). With follow-up of 3.8 years, five patients had died until the first year, and 14 had died until the third year. By using multivariate regression analysis, there were no prognostic significance in clinical parameters such as age, CHF history, sex, atrial fibrillation, except for NYHA class, and medication at the third year. In survival curves according to Kaplan-Meier method, right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and mean pulmonary artery (PA) had predictive value (p<0.05), while LVEF did not. The patients with RVEF<45% had poor survival rate compared to those with RVEF≥45%. The patients with RVEF<45% showed lower LVEF and left ventricular end-systolic volume index. RVEF may offer prognostic predictive value through the effect of not only mean PA but also left ventricular parameter. In conclusion, radionuclide assessment of right ventricular function should be valuable for the prognostic evaluation of DCM patients. (author)

  17. Prognostic significance of radionuclide-assessed right ventricular function in dilated cardiomyopathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohno, Akira; Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Shimonagata, Tsuyoshi; Kumita, Shinichiro; Ogawa, Youji; Nagata, Seiki; Miyatake, Kunio [National Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka (Japan)


    To assess the prognostic significance of right ventricular function in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), we studied consecutive 57 DCM patients. There were 41 men and 16 women, whose mean age was 48 years (range 3-68 years). The mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in all patients was 29{+-}11%, and the mean interval from the onset of symptom of cardiac failure (CHF history) was 4 years (range 0-33 years). With follow-up of 3.8 years, five patients had died until the first year, and 14 had died until the third year. By using multivariate regression analysis, there were no prognostic significance in clinical parameters such as age, CHF history, sex, atrial fibrillation, except for NYHA class, and medication at the third year. In survival curves according to Kaplan-Meier method, right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and mean pulmonary artery (PA) had predictive value (p<0.05), while LVEF did not. The patients with RVEF<45% had poor survival rate compared to those with RVEF{>=}45%. The patients with RVEF<45% showed lower LVEF and left ventricular end-systolic volume index. RVEF may offer prognostic predictive value through the effect of not only mean PA but also left ventricular parameter. In conclusion, radionuclide assessment of right ventricular function should be valuable for the prognostic evaluation of DCM patients. (author).

  18. Analysis of Contemporary Methods for Designing Rotary Type Ventricular Assist Devices

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. P. Banin


    Full Text Available The research object is inlet apparatus of ventricular assist device, namely inlet cannula and straightener.The purpose of the study is to reveal features of blood flow in inlet apparatus of ventricular assist device. The mathematical modeling is carried out by computational fluid dynamics analysis in a stationary setting.The first part of study concerns the analysis of existing approaches to the numerical and experimental studies in designing the ventricular assist devices of rotary type. It reveals the features of each approach for their further application in practice. The article presents an original design of developed hydraulic test bench to verify the results of mathematical modeling. Analysis of foreign authors’ studies showed that there is no enough attention paid to design of the adjacent pump assemblies of ventricular assist device. The second part of study considers direct mathematical modeling of input apparatus of ventricular assist device. The study examined straightener with three or four blades. Mathematical modeling has revealed the presence of potentially dangerous stagnation zones and essential asymmetry of the outlet flow from the input unit. The found features must be taken in consideration in designing the ventricular assist device pumps. In the future we plan to use obtained data to create a parametric model of the rotor and the diffuser considering the abovementioned features.

  19. Significance of left ventricular volume measurement after heart transplantation using radionuclide techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novitzky, D.; Cooper, D.; Boniaszczuk, J.


    Multigated equilibrium blood pool scanning using Technetium 99m labeled red blood cells was used to measure left ventricular volumes in three heterotopic and one orthotopic heart transplant recipient(s). Simultaneously, an endomyocardial biopsy was performed and the degree of acute rejection was assessed by a histological scoring system. The scores were correlated to changes in ejection fraction and heart rate. Technetium 99m scanning data were pooled according to the endomyocardial biopsy score: no rejection; mild rejection; moderate rejection, and severe rejection. In each group, the median of the left ventricular volume parameters was calculated and correlated with the endomyocardial biopsy score, using a non-parametric one-way analysis of variance. A decrease in stroke volume correlated best with the endomyocardial biopsy score during acute rejection. A decrease in end-diastolic left ventricular volumes did not correlate as well. Changes in the end-systolic left ventricular volumes were not statistically significant, but using a simple correlation between end-systolic left ventricular volumes and endomyocardial biopsy the correlation reached significance. Changes in left ventricular volumes measured by Technetium 99m scanning may be useful to confirm the presence or absence of acute rejection in patients with heart grafts

  20. Assessment of 123I-β-methyl iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) myocardial scintigraphy in patients of chronic right ventricular overload. Fatty acid metabolism in right ventricular myocardium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mutoh, Hiroshi


    An investigation on the right ventricular pressure level and the abnormalities in the fatty acid metabolism of myocardium was made using 123 I-βmethyl-iodophenyl pentadecanoic acid (BMIPP) myocardial SPECT in patients with chronic right ventricular overloading. Twenty patients who presented with right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) of 35 mmHg or more were used as the subjects. Dual myocardial SPECT with 201 TlCl (Tl) and BMIPP was carried out for the subjects and RVc/LVc, a ratio of radioactivity count incorporated in the right ventricular free wall to the left one was determined for Tl and BMIPP. And the correlations between RVc/LVc and RVSP, and RVc/LVc and RVSP/LVSP were examined. The subjects were classified into 3 groups based on the RVSP levels and the count ratio, BMIPP/Tl was compared among the three groups. With respect of Tl uptake, there were significant, positive correlations between RVc/LVc and RVSP (correlation coefficient r=0.51, p<0.05) and between RVc/LVc and RVSP/LVSP (correlation coefficient r=0.59, p<0.01). On the other hand, no significant correlation was found between them with respect of the uptake of BMIPP. The BMIPP/Tl ratio in the group with higher than 80 mmHg of RVSP was 0.82±0.06, which was significantly lower than the ratio's for two groups of less than 80 mmHg; 0.91±0.07 and 0.98±0.04 in the group with 35-49 and 50-79 mmHg of RVSP, respectively. These results show that when compared with BMIPP, Tl is superior for the estimation of right ventricular pressure. For the patients with right ventricular overloading, it was suggested that when RVSP reaches 80 mmHg or more, there appear some disorders in the fatty acid metabolism in the right ventricular myocardium. (author)

  1. Calculation of the ALMA Risk of Right Ventricular Failure After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. (United States)

    Loforte, Antonio; Montalto, Andrea; Musumeci, Francesco; Amarelli, Cristiano; Mariani, Carlo; Polizzi, Vincenzo; Lilla Della Monica, Paola; Grigioni, Francesco; Di Bartolomeo, Roberto; Marinelli, Giuseppe


    Right ventricular failure after continuous-flow left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation is still an unsolved issue and remains a life-threatening event for patients. We undertook this study to determine predictors of the patients who are candidates for isolated LVAD therapy as opposed to biventricular support (BVAD). We reviewed demographic, echocardiographic, hemodynamic, and laboratory variables for 258 patients who underwent both isolated LVAD implantation and unplanned BVAD because of early right ventricular failure after LVAD insertion, between 2006 and 2017 (LVAD = 170 and BVAD = 88). The final study patients were randomly divided into derivation (79.8%, n = 206) and validation (20.1%, n = 52) cohorts. Fifty-seven preoperative risk factors were compared between patients who were successfully managed with an LVAD and those who required a BVAD. Nineteen variables demonstrated statistical significance on univariable analysis. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified destination therapy (odds ratio [OR] 2.0 [1.7-3.9], p = 0.003), a pulmonary artery pulsatility index right ventricle/left ventricle end-diastolic diameter ratio >0.75 (OR 2.7 [1.5-5.5], p = 0.001), an right ventricle stroke work index 17 (OR 3.5 [1.9-6.9], p the major predictors of the need for BVAD. Using these data, we propose a simple risk calculator to determine the suitability of patients for isolated LVAD support in the era of continuous-flow mechanical circulatory support devices.

  2. Atrioventricular and ventricular-to-ventricular programming in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy: results from ALTITUDE. (United States)

    Steinberg, Benjamin A; Wehrenberg, Scott; Jackson, Kevin P; Hayes, David L; Varma, Niraj; Powell, Brian D; Day, John D; Frazier-Mills, Camille G; Stein, Kenneth M; Jones, Paul W; Piccini, Jonathan P


    Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) improves outcomes in patients with heart failure, yet response rates are variable. We sought to determine whether physician-specified CRT programming was associated with improved outcomes. Using data from the ALTITUDE remote follow-up cohort, we examined sensed atrioventricular (AV) and ventricular-to-ventricular (VV) programming and their associated outcomes in patients with de novo CRT from 2009-2010. Outcomes included arrhythmia burden, left ventricular (LV) pacing, and all-cause mortality at 4 years. We identified 5709 patients with de novo CRT devices; at the time of implant, 34% (n = 1959) had entirely nominal settings programmed, 40% (n = 2294) had only AV timing adjusted, 11% (n = 604) had only VV timing adjusted, and 15% (n = 852) had both AV and VV adjusted from nominal programming. Suboptimal LV pacing (5% was lowest in the AV-only adjusted group (17.9%) and highest in the nominal (27.7%) and VV-only adjusted (28.3%) groups. Adjusted all-cause mortality was significantly higher among patients with non-nominal AV delay >120 vs. 180 vs. ≤180 ms, p = 0.4). Nominal settings for de novo CRT implants are frequently altered, most commonly the AV delay. There is wide variability in reprogramming. Patients with nominal or AV-only adjustments appear to have favorable pacing and arrhythmia outcomes. Sensed AV delays less than 120 ms are associated with improved survival.

  3. Ventricular septal defect closure in a patient with achondroplasia. (United States)

    Nakanishi, Keisuke; Kawasaki, Shiori; Amano, Atsushi


    Achondroplasia with co-morbid CHD is rare, as are reports of surgical treatment for such patients. We present the case of a 13-year-old girl with achondroplasia and ventricular septal defect. Her ventricular septal defect was surgically repaired focussing on the cardiopulmonary bypass flow, healing of the sternum, and her frail neck cartilage. The surgery and recovery were without complications.

  4. Left and right ventricular dyssynchrony and strains from cardiovascular magnetic resonance feature tracking do not predict deterioration of ventricular function in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot. (United States)

    Jing, Linyuan; Wehner, Gregory J; Suever, Jonathan D; Charnigo, Richard J; Alhadad, Sudad; Stearns, Evan; Mojsejenko, Dimitri; Haggerty, Christopher M; Hickey, Kelsey; Valente, Anne Marie; Geva, Tal; Powell, Andrew J; Fornwalt, Brandon K


    Patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF) suffer from progressive ventricular dysfunction decades after their surgical repair. We hypothesized that measures of ventricular strain and dyssynchrony would predict deterioration of ventricular function in patients with rTOF. A database search identified all patients at a single institution with rTOF who underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) at least twice, >6 months apart, without intervening surgical or catheter procedures. Seven primary predictors were derived from the first CMR using a custom feature tracking algorithm: left (LV), right (RV) and inter-ventricular dyssynchrony, LV and RV peak global circumferential strains, and LV and RV peak global longitudinal strains. Three outcomes were defined, whose changes were assessed over time: RV end-diastolic volume, and RV and LV ejection fraction. Multivariate linear mixed models were fit to investigate relationships of outcomes to predictors and ten potential baseline confounders. One hundred fifty-three patients with rTOF (23 ± 14 years, 50 % male) were included. The mean follow-up duration between the first and last CMR was 2.9 ± 1.3 years. After adjustment for confounders, none of the 7 primary predictors were significantly associated with change over time in the 3 outcome variables. Only 1-17 % of the variability in the change over time in the outcome variables was explained by the baseline predictors and potential confounders. In patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot, ventricular dyssynchrony and global strain derived from cine CMR were not significantly related to changes in ventricular size and function over time. The ability to predict deterioration in ventricular function in patients with rTOF using current methods is limited.

  5. Wave Intensity Analysis of Right Ventricular Function during Pulsed Operation of Rotary Left Ventricular Assist Devices. (United States)

    Bouwmeester, J Christopher; Park, Jiheum; Valdovinos, John; Bonde, Pramod


    Changing the speed of left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) cyclically may be useful to restore aortic pulsatility; however, the effects of this pulsation on right ventricular (RV) function are unknown. This study investigates the effects of direct ventricular interaction by quantifying the amount of wave energy created by RV contraction when axial and centrifugal LVADs are used to assist the left ventricle. In 4 anesthetized pigs, pressure and flow were measured in the main pulmonary artery and wave intensity analysis was used to identify and quantify the energy of waves created by the RV. The axial pump depressed the intensity of waves created by RV contraction compared with the centrifugal pump. In both pump designs, there were only minor and variable differences between the continuous and pulsed operation on RV function. The axial pump causes the RV to contract with less energy compared with a centrifugal design. Diminishing the ability of the RV to produce less energy translates to less pressure and flow produced, which may lead to LVAD-induced RV failure. The effects of pulsed LVAD operation on the RV appear to be minimal during acute observation of healthy hearts. Further study is necessary to uncover the effects of other modes of speed modulation with healthy and unhealthy hearts to determine if pulsed operation will benefit patients by reducing LVAD complications.

  6. Early Right Ventricular Apical Pacing-Induced Gene Expression Alterations Are Associated with Deterioration of Left Ventricular Systolic Function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Haiyan Xu


    Full Text Available The chronic high-dose right ventricular apical (RVA pacing may have deleterious effects on left ventricular (LV systolic function. We hypothesized that the expression changes of genes regulating cardiomyocyte energy metabolism and contractility were associated with deterioration of LV function in patients who underwent chronic RVA pacing. Sixty patients with complete atrioventricular block and preserved ejection fraction (EF who underwent pacemaker implantation were randomly assigned to either RVA pacing (n=30 group or right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT pacing (n=30 group. The mRNA levels of OPA1 and SERCA2a were significantly lower in the RVA pacing group at 1 month’s follow-up (both p<0.001. Early changes in the expression of selected genes OPA1 and SERCA2a were associated with deterioration in global longitudinal strain (GLS that became apparent months later (p=0.002 and p=0.026, resp. The altered expressions of genes that regulate cardiomyocyte energy metabolism and contractility measured in the peripheral blood at one month following pacemaker implantation were associated with subsequent deterioration in LV dyssynchrony and function in patients with preserved LVEF, who underwent RVA pacing.

  7. Influence of age on left ventricular performance during exercise in normal Japanese subject

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konishi, Tokuji; Koyama, Takao; Aoki, Toshikazu; Makino, Katsutoshi; Yamamuro, Masashi; Nakai, Kyudayu; Nakamura, Masayuki; Nakano, Takeshi.


    To assess the effects of age on left ventricular performance, multistage supine ergometer exercise radionuclide ventriculography (RNV) was performed in 92 normal subjects. The subjects ranged in age from 24 to 86 years and were free of cardiopulmonary disease and diabetes. Age-related changes in exercise duration, left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV), left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV), cardiac output (CO) left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular dv/dt, systolic and diastolic time indexes of dv/dt, and peak systolic pressure/left ventricular end-systolic volume (PSP/LVESV) were analyzed at rest and during the peak exercise stage. Age-related decrease in LVEDV and peak diastolic dv/dt were significant at rest. The time indexes of ECG R to peak systolic dv/dt and time of end-systole to peak diastolic dv/dt also were prolonged with age. Both maximum heart rate and exercise duration were shown to decline with age. No age-related difference was observed in LVESV, LVEF or PSP/LVESV either at rest or during exercise. However, the change of LVEF and LVESV during exercise was less in subjects aged 60 or more. These results indicate decreased left ventricular function during exercise in elderly subjects. (author)

  8. Diclofenac Prolongs Repolarization in Ventricular Muscle with Impaired Repolarization Reserve (United States)

    Kristóf, Attila; Husti, Zoltán; Koncz, István; Kohajda, Zsófia; Szél, Tamás; Juhász, Viktor; Biliczki, Péter; Jost, Norbert; Baczkó, István; Papp, Julius Gy; Varró, András; Virág, László


    Background The aim of the present work was to characterize the electrophysiological effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac and to study the possible proarrhythmic potency of the drug in ventricular muscle. Methods Ion currents were recorded using voltage clamp technique in canine single ventricular cells and action potentials were obtained from canine ventricular preparations using microelectrodes. The proarrhythmic potency of the drug was investigated in an anaesthetized rabbit proarrhythmia model. Results Action potentials were slightly lengthened in ventricular muscle but were shortened in Purkinje fibers by diclofenac (20 µM). The maximum upstroke velocity was decreased in both preparations. Larger repolarization prolongation was observed when repolarization reserve was impaired by previous BaCl2 application. Diclofenac (3 mg/kg) did not prolong while dofetilide (25 µg/kg) significantly lengthened the QTc interval in anaesthetized rabbits. The addition of diclofenac following reduction of repolarization reserve by dofetilide further prolonged QTc. Diclofenac alone did not induce Torsades de Pointes ventricular tachycardia (TdP) while TdP incidence following dofetilide was 20%. However, the combination of diclofenac and dofetilide significantly increased TdP incidence (62%). In single ventricular cells diclofenac (30 µM) decreased the amplitude of rapid (IKr) and slow (IKs) delayed rectifier currents thereby attenuating repolarization reserve. L-type calcium current (ICa) was slightly diminished, but the transient outward (Ito) and inward rectifier (IK1) potassium currents were not influenced. Conclusions Diclofenac at therapeutic concentrations and even at high dose does not prolong repolarization markedly and does not increase the risk of arrhythmia in normal heart. However, high dose diclofenac treatment may lengthen repolarization and enhance proarrhythmic risk in hearts with reduced repolarization reserve. PMID:23300901

  9. Failure of antiarrhythmic drugs to prevent experimental reperfusion ventricular fibrillation. (United States)

    Naito, M; Michelson, E L; Kmetzo, J J; Kaplinsky, E; Dreifus, L S


    Ninety-nine adult mongrel dogs underwent acute ligation of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. Thirty minutes later, the occlusion was released to evaluate the effectiveness of five antiarrhythmic protocols in eliminating reperfusion ventricular fibrillation. The five protocols included: protocol 1 --i.v. lidocaine, preligation and prerelease (n = 19); protocol 2 -- i.v. lidocaine, prereperfusion only (n = 22); protocol 3 -- chronic, oral, daily amiodarone for 2 weeks preligation (n = 19); protocol 4 -- i.v. procainamide, preligation and prereperfusion (n = 21); and protocol 5 -- i.v. verapamil, prereperfusion (n = 18). Each regimen was evaluated with respect to the incidence of reperfusion ventricular fibrillation in dogs that survived to reperfusion, and the results were compared to 77 control dogs that underwent identical coronary artery occlusion and release procedures without drug therapy. The incidence of reperfusion ventricular fibrillation was as follows: protocol 1 -- seven of 15 dogs (47%); protocol 2 -- six of 18 (33%); protocol 3 -- 11 of 16 dogs (69%); protocol 4 -- eight of 17 dogs (47%); and protocol 5 -- 10 of 17 dogs (59%), compared with 36 of 60 (60%) in control dogs. Using chi-square analysis, protocol 2 was beneficial (p antecedent coronary artery ligation periods, and predictive risk indexes for the occurrence of reperfusion ventricular fibrillation were developed. the Mantel-Haenszel method of statistical analysis revealed that none of these protocols resulted in a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of reperfusion ventricular fibrillation. Thus, use of these predictive indexes plus appropriate statistical methods has revealed, unexpectedly, limitations in the efficacy of a spectrum of antiarrhythmic agents in preventing reperfusion ventricular fibrillation.

  10. Intraoperative Hemodynamic and Echocardiographic Measurements Associated With Severe Right Ventricular Failure After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. (United States)

    Gudejko, Michael D; Gebhardt, Brian R; Zahedi, Farhad; Jain, Ankit; Breeze, Janis L; Lawrence, Matthew R; Shernan, Stanton K; Kapur, Navin K; Kiernan, Michael S; Couper, Greg; Cobey, Frederick C


    Severe right ventricular failure (RVF) after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation increases morbidity and mortality. We investigated the association between intraoperative right heart hemodynamic data, echocardiographic parameters, and severe versus nonsevere RVF. A review of LVAD patients between March 2013 and March 2016 was performed. Severe RVF was defined by the need for a right ventricular mechanical support device, inotropic, and/or inhaled pulmonary vasodilator requirements for >14 days. From a chart review, the right ventricular failure risk score was calculated and right heart hemodynamic data were collected. Pulmonary artery pulsatility index (PAPi) [(pulmonary artery systolic pressure - pulmonary artery diastolic pressure)/central venous pressure (CVP)] was calculated for 2 periods: (1) 30 minutes before cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and (2) after chest closure. Echocardiographic data were recorded pre-CPB and post-CPB by a blinded reviewer. Univariate logistic regression models were used to examine the performance of hemodynamic and echocardiographic metrics. A total of 110 LVAD patients were identified. Twenty-five did not meet criteria for RVF. Of the remaining 85 patients, 28 (33%) met criteria for severe RVF. Hemodynamic factors associated with severe RVF included: higher CVP values after chest closure (18 ± 9 vs 13 ± 5 mm Hg; P = .0008) in addition to lower PAPi pre-CPB (1.2 ± 0.6 vs 1.7 ± 1.0; P = .04) and after chest closure (0.9 ± 0.5 vs 1.5 ± 0.8; P = .0008). Post-CPB echocardiographic findings associated with severe RVF included: larger right atrial diameter major axis (5.4 ± 0.9 vs 4.9 ± 1.0 cm; P = .03), larger right ventricle end-systolic area (22.6 ± 8.4 vs 18.5 ± 7.9 cm; P = .03), lower fractional area of change (20.2 ± 10.8 vs 25.9 ± 12.6; P = .04), and lower tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (0.9 ± 0.2 vs 1.1 ± 0.3 cm; P = .008). Right ventricular failure risk score was not a significant predictor of

  11. Clinical application of a right ventricular pressure-volume loop determined by gated blood-pool imaging and simultaneously measured right ventricular pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasue, Takao; Watanabe, Sachiro; Sugishita, Nobuyoshi; Tanaka, Tsutomu; Yokoyama, Hideo


    The data obtained by ECG-gated radionuclide angiography were collected simultaneously with right ventricular pressure and thermal cardiac output (CO) obtained by a Swan-Ganz catheter in Scintipac 1200 (Shimazu Co) in order to create a right ventricular pressure-volume (RV P-V) loop. Subjects consisted of 15 patients with old myocardial infarction (MI group), seven with angina pectoris (AP group), six with congestive cardiomyopathy (CCM group) and five with neurocirculatory asthenia (NCA group). Right ventricular end-diastolic volume (RVEDV) was calculated as RVEDV = CO/(EF x HR) (CO = cardiac output; HR = heart rate). Systolic work (W sub(S)), diastolic work (W sub(D)) and net work (W sub(N)) were calculated from a RV P-V loop by Simpson's method. The measurements were performed before and 5 min after sublingual administration of nitroglycerin (NG) (0.3 mg). The results were as follows: 1. RV P-V loops shifted towards the left lower part of the P-V plane after sublingual administration of nitroglycerin, indicating the reduction of pressure and volume of the right ventricle. 2. Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) in the MI, AP and CCM groups showed smaller values than that of the NCA group. 3. Right ventricular end-diastolic volume index (RVEDVI) showed a converse relation with RVEF. 4. Cardiac index in all groups decreased after NG and a statistical significance was seen in the MI, AP and NCA groups (p<0.05). 5. RV W sub(S), RV W sub(D) and RV W sub(N) showed no difference among each groups in the control state, and significantly decreased after NG. We conclude that the present method using RV P-V loop might be useful as a noninvasive bedside monitoring and permits the evaluation of RV function in a clinical setting

  12. Regional ejection fraction: a quantitative radionuclide index of regional left ventricular performance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maddox, D.E.; Wynne, J.; Uren, R.; Parker, J.A.; Idoine, J.; Siegel, L.C.; Neill, J.M.; Cohn, P.F.; Holman, B.L.


    Left ventricular regional ejection fractions were derived from background-corrected, time-activity curves in 43 patients assessed by both gated equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography and left ventricular contrast angiography. From a single, modified left anterior oblique projection, the regional change in background corrected counts was determined in each of three anatomic regions. The normal range for regional radionuclide ejection fraction was determined in 10 patients with normal contrast ventriculograms and without obstructive coronary artery disease at coronary arteriography. Regional ejection fraction was compared with percent segmental axis shortening and extent of akinetic segments in corresponding regions of the contrast ventriculogram. Radionuclide and roentgenographic methods were in agreement as to the presence or absence of abnormal wall motion in 83 of 99 left ventricular regions (84%) in 33 patients evaluated prospectively. Comparison of regional ejection fraction demonstrated significant differences between regions with roentgenographically determined normokinesis hypokinesis, and akinesis. We conclude that the left ventricular regional ejection fraction provides a reliable quantitative assessment of regional left ventricular performance

  13. New strict left bundle branch block criteria reflect left ventricular activation differences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Emerek, Kasper Janus Grønn; Risum, Niels; Hjortshøj, Søren Pihlkjær


    AIMS: Pacing lead electrical delays and strict left bundle branch block (LBBB) criteria were assessed against cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) outcome. METHODS: Forty-nine patients with LBBB and QRS duration >130 milliseconds underwent CRT-implantation. Sensed right ventricular to left ven....... CONCLUSION: Interventricular electrical delay predicts left ventricular remodeling after CRT and new, strict ECG criteria of LBBB are superior in predicting remodeling.......AIMS: Pacing lead electrical delays and strict left bundle branch block (LBBB) criteria were assessed against cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) outcome. METHODS: Forty-nine patients with LBBB and QRS duration >130 milliseconds underwent CRT-implantation. Sensed right ventricular to left...... ventricular electrical delay (RV-LV-IED) was measured. Response to CRT was defined as ≥15% decrease in left ventricular end-systolic volume. RESULTS: Eighteen of 20 (90%) patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) and 18 of 29 (62%) with ischemic heart disease (IHD) responded to CRT, p

  14. Management of Arrhythmias in Athletes: Atrial Fibrillation, Premature Ventricular Contractions, and Ventricular Tachycardia. (United States)

    Lai, Ernest; Chung, Eugene H


    Management of atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular contractions, and ventricular tachycardia without underlying cardiac disease or arrhythmogenic conditions differs in athletes from the general population. Athletes tend to be younger, healthier individuals with few comorbidities. Therapies that work well in the general population may not be appropriate or preferable for athletes. Management strategies include deconditioning, pharmacologic therapy, such as rate control with β-blockers or non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers and rhythm control with class I or class III antiarrhythmic drugs, and catheter ablation. Deconditioning is not preferred by athletes because of lost playing time. Pharmacologic therapy is well tolerated among most individuals, but is not as favorable in athletes. Rate control medications can reduce performance and β-blockers, in particular, are prohibited in many sports. Antiarrhythmic drugs are preferred over rate control with athletes, but many, especially younger athletes, may not like the idea of long-term medical therapy. Catheter ablation has been proven to be safe and efficacious, may eliminate the need for long-term medical therapy, and is supported by the major societies (AHA, ACC, ESC).

  15. Applications of magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of left ventricular dysfunction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Beacock, David John


    This thesis has described the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the investigation of left ventricular dimensions and systolic function. This has been performed in conditions of left ventricular dysfunction, in congestive cardiac failure and following anterior myocardial infarction. The reproducibility of measurements of left ventricular dimensions using MRI has been presented. Such measurements were shown to be reproducible between different MRI studies of normal volunteers and patients with congestive heart failure. Furthermore, measurements from different MRI studies obtained from two commercially different systems were reproducible for the same subject groups. Ventricular dimensions and systolic function was evaluated in adult normal volunteers of different ages. Although left ventricular volumes and mass remained unchanged, detailed studies of the systolic images revealed significant differences between the two age groups. Differences in left ventricular cavity volumes and mass between patients with congestive heart failure and age-matched normal volunteers were also investigated. Left ventricular volumes and myocardial mass were assessed in a group of patients following anterior myocardial infarction. End-systolic volume was significantly increased compared to age-matched volunteers, but no changes in end-diastolic volume or myocardial mass was observed. Serial re-evaluation of these patients revealed no other changes over the subsequent six months. All these patients were treated with optimal medical therapy (thrombolysis, aspirin, beta-blockade and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition). Thus, the use of this therapy may attenuate the process of left ventricular remodelling. Regional wall thickness was measured in the post-infarct patients. Wall thickening was significantly reduced both in the infarcted regions and in myocardium remote to the infarction. In contrast to previous echocardiographic studies, no 'hypercontractility' was

  16. Clinical value of regression of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy after aortic valve replacement. (United States)

    Yamabe, Sayuri; Dohi, Yoshihiro; Higashi, Akifumi; Kinoshita, Hiroki; Sada, Yoshiharu; Hidaka, Takayuki; Kurisu, Satoshi; Shiode, Nobuo; Kihara, Yasuki


    Electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy (ECG-LVH) gradually regressed after aortic valve replacement (AVR) in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Sokolow-Lyon voltage (SV1 + RV5/6) is possibly the most widely used criterion for ECG-LVH. The aim of this study was to determine whether decrease in Sokolow-Lyon voltage reflects left ventricular reverse remodeling detected by echocardiography after AVR. Of 129 consecutive patients who underwent AVR for severe aortic stenosis, 38 patients with preoperative ECG-LVH, defined by SV1 + RV5/6 of ≥3.5 mV, were enrolled in this study. Electrocardiography and echocardiography were performed preoperatively and 1 year postoperatively. The patients were divided into ECG-LVH regression group (n = 19) and non-regression group (n = 19) according to the median value of the absolute regression in SV1 + RV5/6. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to assess determinants of ECG-LVH regression among echocardiographic indices. ECG-LVH regression group showed significantly greater decrease in left ventricular mass index and left ventricular dimensions than Non-regression group. ECG-LVH regression was independently determined by decrease in the left ventricular mass index [odds ratio (OR) 1.28, 95 % confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.69, p = 0.048], left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (OR 1.18, 95 % CI 1.03-1.41, p = 0.014), and left ventricular end-systolic dimension (OR 1.24, 95 % CI 1.06-1.52, p = 0.0047). ECG-LVH regression could be a marker of the effect of AVR on both reducing the left ventricular mass index and left ventricular dimensions. The effect of AVR on reverse remodeling can be estimated, at least in part, by regression of ECG-LVH.

  17. Stunning and Right Ventricular Dysfunction Is Induced by Coronary Balloon Occlusion and Rapid Pacing in Humans: Insights From Right Ventricular Conductance Catheter Studies. (United States)

    Axell, Richard G; Giblett, Joel P; White, Paul A; Klein, Andrew; Hampton-Til, James; O'Sullivan, Michael; Braganza, Denise; Davies, William R; West, Nick E J; Densem, Cameron G; Hoole, Stephen P


    We sought to determine whether right ventricular stunning could be detected after supply (during coronary balloon occlusion [BO]) and supply/demand ischemia (induced by rapid pacing [RP] during transcatheter aortic valve replacement) in humans. Ten subjects with single-vessel right coronary artery disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention with normal ventricular function were studied in the BO group. Ten subjects undergoing transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve replacement were studied in the RP group. In both, a conductance catheter was placed into the right ventricle, and pressure volume loops were recorded at baseline and for intervals over 15 minutes after a low-pressure BO for 1 minute or a cumulative duration of RP for up to 1 minute. Ischemia-induced diastolic dysfunction was seen 1 minute after RP (end-diastolic pressure [mm Hg]: 8.1±4.2 versus 12.1±4.1, P right coronary artery balloon occlusion both cause ischemic right ventricular dysfunction with stunning observed later during the procedure. This may have intraoperative implications in patients without right ventricular functional reserve. © 2017 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.

  18. Mapeo y ablación por radiofrecuencia a cielo abierto: un caso de taquicardia ventricular refractaria en anomalía de Ebstein

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Olaya


    Full Text Available La anomalía de Ebstein es una enfermedad congénita, caracterizada por el desplazamiento y la adherencia de la válvula tricúspide. Las valvas septal y posterior se implantan en posiciones más inferiores, causando insuficiencia tricuspídea, esta condición de forma progresiva genera dilatación y deterioro de la función sistólica ventricular derecha. Comúnmente se asocia a otras entidades, principalmente, a la comunicación interauricular y las arritmias mediadas por vías accesorias. La muerte súbita ocurre en estadios avanzados, usualmente relacionados con episodios de taquicardia ventricular. Este reporte describe un caso de anomalía de Ebstein y tormenta arrítmica, que se sometió a ablación del sustrato arrítmico endo y epicárdico en la porción atrializada del ventrículo derecho, que presentó como complicación intraprocedimiento la perforación del ventrículo, el taponamiento cardiaco y la necesidad urgente de la reparación quirúrgica, realizándose en el intraoperatorio una segunda ablación por radiofrecuencia a cielo abierto con el objetivo de eliminar los potenciales tardíos y los fragmentados remanentes en el área de bajo voltaje de la escara. Veintidós semanas después de la ablación se implantó un cardiodesfibrilador subcutáneo para prevención secundaria de la muerte súbita; en el seguimiento a 14 meses no hubo terapias apropiadas del dispositivo.

  19. CT and MRI findings of 4th ventricular tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Taek Geun; Ro, Hee Jeong; Byun, Jae Young; Lee, Han Jin; Chung, Myung Hee; Choi, Kyu Ho; Shinn, Kyung Sub


    The purpose of our study is to evaluate characteristic features of 4th ventricular tumors in CT and MRI. Pathologically proved 9 patients with 4th ventricular tumor were examined by CT and/or MRI. 4th ventricular tumors were ependymoma(4 cases), medulloblastoma(2 case), choroid plexus papilloma(2 cases), and oligodendroglioma(1 cases). Include in our study were only those mass lesions that were located at surgery predominantly within 4th ventricle with or without ventricular expansion. The origin of 4th ventricular tumor was the roof (ependymoma 3 cases, medulloblastoma 2 cases), the floor (ependymoma 1 cases), and the undetermined(remaining 3 case). On MRI, all tumors were hypointense except ependymoma (3 cases) showing isointensity on T1WI. All tumors were hypointense on PDWI and T2WI. On Gd-DTPA enhanced T1WI, strong enhancement was seen in all but ependymoma(1 cases) which showed mild enhancement. On CT, as compared with MR images, various density on precontrast and postcontrast images were seen. Calcification was seen in choroid plexus papilloma(1 caes) and oligodendroglioma(1 cases). Hydrocephalus is seen in all cases except ependymoma(2 cases) and oligodendroglioma(1 case). Hemorrhage within tumor was present only in ependymoma(2 cases). Cystic change or necrosis of tumor was seen in ependymoma(3 cases), choroid plexus papilloma(1 case), and oligodendroglioma(1 case). Peritumoral edema was seen in medulloblastoma(1 case). Extension through the foramen Luschka and the Megendie was seen in ependymoma (2 cases), choroid plexus(2 cases), and medulloblastoma (1 case). Seeing along the CSF pathway was seen only in ependymoma(2 case). The results od our study may suggest that specific diagnosis of 4th ventricular tumor can be suggested preoperatively by analysing the origin in 4th ventricle, difference of CT density or MRI signal intensity, presence of extension or seeding through cerebrospinal fluid of the lesion

  20. Repaired tetralogy of Fallot with coexisting unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection is associated with diminished right ventricular ejection fraction and more severe right ventricular dilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, Sherwin S.; Whitehead, Kevin K.; Kim, Timothy S.; Fu, Gregory L.; Fogel, Mark A.; Harris, Matthew A.; Keller, Marc S.


    There is an established association between tetralogy of Fallot and partial anomalous pulmonary venous connections. This association is important because surgically repaired tetralogy patients have increased risk of right heart failure. We hypothesize that partial anomalous venous connections increase right ventricular volumes and worsen right ventricular failure. We reviewed cardiac MRI exams performed at a tertiary pediatric hospital from January 2005 to January 2014. We identified patients with repaired tetralogy and unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection. We used age- and gender-matched repaired tetralogy patients without partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection as controls. We analyzed the MRI results and surgical course and performed comparative statistics to identify group differences. There were eight patients with repaired tetralogy and unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection and 16 controls. In all cases, the partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection was not detected on preoperative echocardiography. There were no significant differences in surgical course and body surface area between the two groups. Repaired tetralogy patients with unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection showed significantly higher indexed right ventricular end diastolic volume (149 ± 33 mL/m 2 vs. 118 ± 30 mL/m 2 ), right ventricle to left ventricle size ratios (3.1 ± 1.3 vs. 1.9 ± 0.5) and a higher incidence of reduced right ventricular ejection fraction compared to controls (3/8 vs. 0/16). Repaired tetralogy of Fallot with unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection is associated with reduced right ventricular ejection fraction and more significant right ventricular dilation. (orig.)

  1. Repaired tetralogy of Fallot with coexisting unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection is associated with diminished right ventricular ejection fraction and more severe right ventricular dilation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chan, Sherwin S. [Children' s Mercy Hospital and Clinics, Department of Radiology, Kansas City, MO (United States); Whitehead, Kevin K.; Kim, Timothy S.; Fu, Gregory L.; Fogel, Mark A.; Harris, Matthew A. [Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Cardiology, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Keller, Marc S. [Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Radiology, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    There is an established association between tetralogy of Fallot and partial anomalous pulmonary venous connections. This association is important because surgically repaired tetralogy patients have increased risk of right heart failure. We hypothesize that partial anomalous venous connections increase right ventricular volumes and worsen right ventricular failure. We reviewed cardiac MRI exams performed at a tertiary pediatric hospital from January 2005 to January 2014. We identified patients with repaired tetralogy and unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection. We used age- and gender-matched repaired tetralogy patients without partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection as controls. We analyzed the MRI results and surgical course and performed comparative statistics to identify group differences. There were eight patients with repaired tetralogy and unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection and 16 controls. In all cases, the partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection was not detected on preoperative echocardiography. There were no significant differences in surgical course and body surface area between the two groups. Repaired tetralogy patients with unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection showed significantly higher indexed right ventricular end diastolic volume (149 ± 33 mL/m{sup 2} vs. 118 ± 30 mL/m{sup 2}), right ventricle to left ventricle size ratios (3.1 ± 1.3 vs. 1.9 ± 0.5) and a higher incidence of reduced right ventricular ejection fraction compared to controls (3/8 vs. 0/16). Repaired tetralogy of Fallot with unrepaired partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection is associated with reduced right ventricular ejection fraction and more significant right ventricular dilation. (orig.)

  2. Continuous monitoring of left ventricular function by VEST

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtake, Tohru; Watanabe, Toshiaki; Kosaka, Noboru


    Using an ambulatory ventricular function monitor (VEST), left ventricular function (LVF) was examined in one healthy volunteer, 3 with ischemic heart disease, and one with dilated myocardiopathy (DMCP) under various conditions, such as treadmill exercise, standing, and sitting. It was also examined when two DCMP patients with associated left ventricular failure were given a nitrite (ISDM) and cardiotonic agent (E 1020). End-diastolic volume (EDV) decreased in the standing position, and increased in exercise, suggesting the involvement of venous blood pool in the legs. Ejection fraction (EF) decreased in the case of widespread ischemia during exercise. Drug tolerance test revealed decrease in EDV and end-systolic volume (ESV), no change in stroke volume (SV), and slight increase in EF on ISDM; and decrease in EDV and ESV, increase in SV, and marked increase in EF on E 1020. For EF, the VEST data were relatively well correlated with gamma camera data. (Namekawa, K.)

  3. Value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dysfunction in Chagas' disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perez Amanda Arantes


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To determine the value of the radiological study of the thorax for diagnosing left ventricular dilation and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with Chagas' disease. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 166 consecutive patients with Chagas' disease and no other associated diseases. The patients underwent cardiac assessment with chest radiography and Doppler echocardiography. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of chest radiography were calculated to detect left ventricular dysfunction and the accuracy of the cardiothoracic ratio in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction with the area below the ROC curve. The cardiothoracic ratio was correlated with the left ventricular ejection fraction and the left ventricular diastolic diameter. RESULTS: The abnormal chest radiogram had a sensitivity of 50%, specificity of 80.5%, and positive and negative predictive values of 51.2% and 79.8%, respectively, in the diagnosis of left ventricular dysfunction. The cardiothoracic ratio showed a weak correlation with left ventricular ejection fraction (r=-0.23 and left ventricular diastolic diameter (r=0.30. The area calculated under the ROC curve was 0.734. CONCLUSION: The radiological study of the thorax is not an accurate indicator of left ventricular dysfunction; its use as a screening method to initially approach the patient with Chagas' disease should be reevaluated.

  4. Signal analysis of ventricular fibrillation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Herbschleb, J.N.; Heethaar, R.M.; Tweel, L.H. van der; Zimmerman, A.N.E.; Meijler, F.L.

    Signal analysis of electro(cardio)grams during ventricular fibrillation (VF) in dogs and human patients indicates more organization and regularity than the official WHO definition suggests. The majority of the signal is characterized by a power spectrum with narrow, equidistant peaks. In a further

  5. Diabetes Mellitus Associates with Increased Right Ventricular Afterload and Remodeling in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. (United States)

    Whitaker, Morgan E; Nair, Vineet; Sinari, Shripad; Dherange, Parinita A; Natarajan, Balaji; Trutter, Lindsey; Brittain, Evan L; Hemnes, Anna R; Austin, Eric D; Patel, Kumar; Black, Stephen M; Garcia, Joe G N; Yuan Md PhD, Jason X; Vanderpool, Rebecca R; Rischard, Franz; Makino, Ayako; Bedrick, Edward J; Desai, Ankit A


    Diabetes mellitus is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy and dysfunction. Parallel studies have also reported associations between diabetes mellitus and right ventricular dysfunction and reduced survival in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. However, the impact of diabetes mellitus on the pulmonary vasculature has not been well characterized. We hypothesized that diabetes mellitus and hyperglycemia could specifically influence right ventricular afterload and remodeling in patients with Group I pulmonary arterial hypertension, providing a link to their known susceptibility to right ventricular dysfunction. Using an adjusted model for age, sex, pulmonary vascular resistance, and medication use, associations of fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and the presence of diabetes mellitus were evaluated with markers of disease severity in 162 patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. A surrogate measure of increased pulmonary artery stiffness, elevated pulmonary arterial elastance (P = .012), along with reduced log(pulmonary artery capacitance) (P = .006) were significantly associated with the presence of diabetes mellitus in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension in a fully adjusted model. Similar associations between pulmonary arterial elastance and capacitance were noted with both fasting blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin. Furthermore, right ventricular wall thickness on echocardiography was greater in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients with diabetes, supporting the link between right ventricular remodeling and diabetes. Cumulatively, these data demonstrate that an increase in right ventricular afterload, beyond pulmonary vascular resistance alone, may influence right ventricular remodeling and provide a mechanistic link between the susceptibility to right ventricular dysfunction in patients with both diabetes mellitus and pulmonary arterial hypertension. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. A novel implantable electromechanical ventricular assist device - First acute animal testing

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kaufmann, R; Rakhorst, G; Mihaylov, D; Elstrodt, J; Nix, C; Reul, H; Rau, G


    A novel ventricular assist device (HIA-EMLVAD-AT1, Helmholtz Institute Aachen-electromechanical Left Ventricular Assist Device-Animal Test Version 1), driven by a uniformly and unidirectionally rotating actuator and a patented hypocycloidic pusherplate displacement gear unit, was developed and

  7. Computational model based approach to analysis ventricular arrhythmias: Effects of dysfunction calcium channels (United States)

    Gulothungan, G.; Malathi, R.


    Disturbed sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) handling is known to be a major predisposing factor for life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Cardiac contractility in ventricular tissue is prominent by Ca2+ channels like voltage dependent Ca2+ channels, sodium-calcium exchanger (Na+-Ca2+x) and sacroplasmicrecticulum (SR) Ca2+ pump and leakage channels. Experimental and clinical possibilities for studying cardiac arrhythmias in human ventricular myocardium are very limited. Therefore, the use of alternative methods such as computer simulations is of great importance. Our aim of this article is to study the impact on action potential (AP) generation and propagation in single ventricular myocyte and ventricular tissue under different dysfunction Ca2+ channels condition. In enhanced activity of Na+-Ca2+x, single myocyte produces AP duration (APD90) and APD50 is significantly smaller (266 ms and 235 ms). Its Na+-Ca2+x current at depolarization is increases 60% from its normal level and repolarization current goes more negative (nonfailing= -0.28 pA/pF and failing= -0.47 pA/pF). Similarly, same enhanced activity of Na+-Ca2+x in 10 mm region of ventricular sheet, raises the plateau potential abruptly, which ultimately affects the diastolic repolarization. Compare with normal ventricular sheet region of 10 mm, 10% of ventricular sheet resting state is reduces and ventricular sheet at time 250 ms is goes to resting state very early. In hypertrophy condition, single myocyte produces APD90 and APD50 is worthy of attention smaller (232 mS and 198 ms). Its sodium-potassium (Na+-K+) pump current is 75% reduces from its control conditions (0.13 pA/pF). Hypertrophy condition, 50% of ventricular sheet is reduces to minimum plateau potential state, that starts the repolarization process very early and reduces the APD. In a single failing SR Ca2+ channels myocyte, recovery of Ca2+ concentration level in SR reduces upto 15% from its control myocytes. At time 290 ms, 70% of ventricular sheet

  8. Synchronous intra-myocardial ventricular pacing without crossing the tricuspid valve or entering the coronary sinus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Konecny, Tomas; DeSimone, Christopher V.; Friedman, Paul A.; Bruce, Charles [Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Asirvatham, Samuel J., E-mail: [Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States); Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric Cardiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (United States)


    Ventricular pacing is most commonly performed at the right ventricular (RV) apex. This is not without risk as placement requires crossing the tricuspid valve (TV) and may cause valvular dysfunction and dyssynchronous activation of the ventricles. The fact that the tricuspid valve lies more apically than the mitral valve allows for the possibility of pacing the ventricles from the right atrium (RA) via the “atrio-ventricular septum” without crossing the TV or entering the coronary sinus (CS). In order to mitigate far field activation inherent to current pacing technology, we constructed a novel lead in which the cathode and anode are both intra-myocardial. We demonstrate safety and efficacy of this novel lead for ventricular pacing at the atrio-ventricular septum in canines, including improved synchronous activation of both ventricles, improved differentiation in ventricular versus atrial sensing, while providing reliable ventricular capture, opening novel and a potentially safer alternative to human cardiac resynchronization therapy.

  9. Left ventricular heart failure and pulmonary hypertension† (United States)

    Rosenkranz, Stephan; Gibbs, J. Simon R.; Wachter, Rolf; De Marco, Teresa; Vonk-Noordegraaf, Anton; Vachiéry, Jean-Luc


    Abstract In patients with left ventricular heart failure (HF), the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction are frequent and have important impact on disease progression, morbidity, and mortality, and therefore warrant clinical attention. Pulmonary hypertension related to left heart disease (LHD) by far represents the most common form of PH, accounting for 65–80% of cases. The proper distinction between pulmonary arterial hypertension and PH-LHD may be challenging, yet it has direct therapeutic consequences. Despite recent advances in the pathophysiological understanding and clinical assessment, and adjustments in the haemodynamic definitions and classification of PH-LHD, the haemodynamic interrelations in combined post- and pre-capillary PH are complex, definitions and prognostic significance of haemodynamic variables characterizing the degree of pre-capillary PH in LHD remain suboptimal, and there are currently no evidence-based recommendations for the management of PH-LHD. Here, we highlight the prevalence and significance of PH and RV dysfunction in patients with both HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), and provide insights into the complex pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary interaction in LHD, which may lead to the evolution from a ‘left ventricular phenotype’ to a ‘right ventricular phenotype’ across the natural history of HF. Furthermore, we propose to better define the individual phenotype of PH by integrating the clinical context, non-invasive assessment, and invasive haemodynamic variables in a structured diagnostic work-up. Finally, we challenge current definitions and diagnostic short falls, and discuss gaps in evidence, therapeutic options and the necessity for future developments in this context. PMID:26508169

  10. Calculation of cardiac pressures using left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) derived from radionuclide angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hommer, E.


    An attempt has been made to develop formulas to determine cardiac pressures in an undisturbed flow in patients without valvular or shunt diseases. These are based entirely on the results of left ventricular ejection fraction rates, permitting pressure analysis of several compartments at the same tine. According to BORER et al. they also enable determination of left ventricular 'Functional Reserve' after bycycle exercise as well as left ventricular 'Relaxation Reserve'. They support the views of NYHA in determining the grades of cardiac insufficiency proving the system- and low-pressure participation. A single formula for pulmonary flow can determine the pulmonary arterial pressure. The left ventricular enddiastolic pressure can also be exclusively calculated by values of left ventricular functions, thus both formulas may be used in disorders of the mitral valves. The possibility to calculate pressures of all the compartments of the heart from left ventricular ejection rate shows, that in undisturbed flow global heart function depends on left ventricular function. Therefore the mutual dependence of these formulas presents an intercompartimental pressure regulation of the heart through pulmonary flow and pulmonary vascular pressure, which leaves an aspect of autonomous cardiac regulation open to discussion. (orig.) [de

  11. Diclofenac prolongs repolarization in ventricular muscle with impaired repolarization reserve.

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    Attila Kristóf

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work was to characterize the electrophysiological effects of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac and to study the possible proarrhythmic potency of the drug in ventricular muscle. METHODS: Ion currents were recorded using voltage clamp technique in canine single ventricular cells and action potentials were obtained from canine ventricular preparations using microelectrodes. The proarrhythmic potency of the drug was investigated in an anaesthetized rabbit proarrhythmia model. RESULTS: Action potentials were slightly lengthened in ventricular muscle but were shortened in Purkinje fibers by diclofenac (20 µM. The maximum upstroke velocity was decreased in both preparations. Larger repolarization prolongation was observed when repolarization reserve was impaired by previous BaCl(2 application. Diclofenac (3 mg/kg did not prolong while dofetilide (25 µg/kg significantly lengthened the QT(c interval in anaesthetized rabbits. The addition of diclofenac following reduction of repolarization reserve by dofetilide further prolonged QT(c. Diclofenac alone did not induce Torsades de Pointes ventricular tachycardia (TdP while TdP incidence following dofetilide was 20%. However, the combination of diclofenac and dofetilide significantly increased TdP incidence (62%. In single ventricular cells diclofenac (30 µM decreased the amplitude of rapid (I(Kr and slow (I(Ks delayed rectifier currents thereby attenuating repolarization reserve. L-type calcium current (I(Ca was slightly diminished, but the transient outward (I(to and inward rectifier (I(K1 potassium currents were not influenced. CONCLUSIONS: Diclofenac at therapeutic concentrations and even at high dose does not prolong repolarization markedly and does not increase the risk of arrhythmia in normal heart. However, high dose diclofenac treatment may lengthen repolarization and enhance proarrhythmic risk in hearts with reduced repolarization reserve.

  12. Reversible left ventricular dysfunction - important clinical problem of contemporary cardiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Witkowski, A.


    An important clinical issue there is determination whether left ventricular damages are reversible or not single photon emission computed tomography and positron computed tomography techniques are shown to provide valuable data in this problem. Article describes basic syndromes connected with left ventricular dysfunction, namely: hibernating myocardium, stunned myocardium and ischemic myocardium preconditioning. (author). 18 refs

  13. Subclinical changes in MRI-determined right ventricular volumes and function in subjects with prediabetes and diabetes. (United States)

    Patscheider, Hannah; Lorbeer, Roberto; Auweter, Sigrid; Schafnitzel, Anina; Bayerl, Christian; Curta, Adrian; Rathmann, Wolfgang; Heier, Margit; Meisinger, Christa; Peters, Annette; Bamberg, Fabian; Hetterich, Holger


    The aim of this study was to assess subclinical changes in right ventricular volumes and function in subjects with prediabetes and diabetes and controls without a history of cardiovascular disease. Data from 400 participants in the KORA FF4 study without self-reported cardiovascular disease who underwent 3-T whole-body MRI were obtained. The right ventricle was evaluated using the short axis and a four-chamber view. Diabetes was defined according to WHO criteria. Associations between glucose tolerance and right ventricular parameters were assessed using multivariable adjusted linear regression models. Data from 337 participants were available for analysis. Of these, 43 (13%) had diabetes, 87 (26%) had prediabetes, and 207 (61%) were normoglycaemic controls. There was a stepwise decrease in right ventricular volumes in men with prediabetes and diabetes in comparison with controls, including right ventricular end-diastolic volume (β = -20.4 and β = -25.6, respectively; p ≤ 0.005), right ventricular end-systolic volume (β = -12.3 and β = -12.7, respectively; p ≤ 0.037) and right ventricular stroke volume (β = -8.1 and β = -13.1, respectively, p ≤ 0.016). We did not observe any association between prediabetes or diabetes and right ventricular volumes in women or between prediabetes or diabetes and right ventricular ejection fraction in men and women. This study points towards early subclinical changes in right ventricular volumes in men with diabetes and prediabetes. • MRI was used to detect subclinical changes in right ventricular parameters. • Diabetes mellitus is associated with right ventricular dysfunction. • Impairment of right ventricular volumes seems to occur predominantly in men.

  14. Assessment of right ventricular afterload in mitral valve diseases with radionuclide angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimizu, Mitsuharu; Nakagawa, Tomio; Kohno, Yoshihiro; Kuroda, Masahiro; Takeda, Yoshihiro; Hiraki, Yoshio; Nagaya, Isao; Senoh, Yoshimasa; Teramoto, Shigeru


    Right ventricular function at rest and during exercise was studied in 33 patients with mitral valve disease by equilibrium gated radionuclide angiography using 99m Tc in vivo labeled red blood cells. Radionuclide measurements of right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) were correlated with mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP). RVEF decreased significantly with exercise. There was no significant correlation between RVEF at rest and mPAP. However, mPAP showed significant negative correlation with RVEF during exercise and with the changes of RVEF from rest to exercise. It is concluded that RVEF during exercise in mitral valve disease is affected by right ventricular afterload, and the measurements of RVEF at rest and during exercise by equilibrium gated radionuclide angiography is useful to assess right ventricular afterload. (author)

  15. His-Purkinje system-related incessant ventricular tachycardia arising from the left coronary cusp

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eiji Sato, MD


    Full Text Available We describe the case of a 23-year-old woman who had His-Purkinje system-related incessant ventricular tachycardia with a narrow QRS configuration. The ventricular tachycardia was ablated successfully in the left coronary cusp where the earliest endocardial activation had been recorded. We hypothesize that a remnant of the subaortic conducting tissue was the source of the ventricular arrhythmias.

  16. Ventricular function during the acute rejection of heterotopic transplanted heart: Gated blood pool studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valette, H.; Bourguignon, M.H.; Desruennes, M.; Merlet, P.; Le Guludec, D.; Syrota, A.


    Twenty patients who had undergone a heterotopic heart transplant were studied prospectively to determine the relationship between rejection and ventricular dysfunction assessed from gated blood pool studies. A fully automated method for detecting ventricular edges was implemented; its success rate for the grafted left and right ventricles was 94% and 77%, respectively. The parameters, peak ejection and filling rates, were calculated pixel per pixel using a two-harmonic Fourier algorithm and then averaged over the ventricular region of interest. Peak filling and ejection rates were closely related with the severity of the rejection, while the left ventricular ejection fraction was not. Peak filling rates of both ventricles were the indices closely related to the presence of moderate rejection. Despite the low number of patients, these data suggested that gated blood pool derived indices of ventricular function are associated with ventricular dysfunction resulting from myocarditis rejection. Radionuclide ventriculography provides parametric data which are accurate and reliable for the diagnosis of rejection. (orig.)

  17. 10-year follow-up after radiofrequency ablation of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias from right ventricular outflow tract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Synne Dragesund Rørvik


    Conclusions: A reduction of symptoms and use of antiarrhythmic medication, as well as an improvement in the general health perception and fitness to work after RFA of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias can be demonstrated at ten-year follow-up.

  18. Alcohol, función sexual y masculinidad Alcoholism, sexual function and masculinity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Annia Duany Navarro


    Full Text Available Introducción: el consumo de alcohol es una adicción frecuente. Produce afectación en todos los ámbitos del desenvolvimiento del ser humano incluyendo la sexualidad. Objetivos: identificar la presencia de disfunciones sexuales y su tipo en hombres alcohólicos, y la percepción de género acerca de la relación entre el consumo de alcohol y la disfunción sexual. Métodos: estudio cualitativo descriptivo en pacientes alcohólicos con tratamiento en el Servicio de Psiquiatría del hospital "Dr. Salvador Allende" y que solicitaron atención ambulatoria. El universo era de 35 pacientes, se excluyeron las mujeres y los que no quisieron participar. La muestra quedó constituida por 20 hombres. Se utilizaron los métodos de entrevista semiestandarizada y de investigación-acción participativa dentro de un grupo psicoterapéutico. Resultados: la edad del grupo osciló entre 40 y 50 años. Hubo predominio de la disfunción sexual eréctil. La percepción de la relación entre el consumo de alcohol y la disfunción sexual fue muy baja pero al final de la investigación hubo un incremento en el número de pacientes que reconocieron tener una disfunción sexual, en relación con los resultados registrados al inicio. La significación de las disfunciones sexuales estuvo relacionada con patrones rígidos de masculinidad. Conclusiones: en los encuentros realizados, los participantes recibieron desde el punto de vista médico, todos los elementos para reconocer la presencia de disfunciones sexuales y su vínculo con el consumo de alcohol, lo que es el mayor valor de esta investigación y su contribución para una mejor comprensión y conocimiento de esta adicción.Introduction: alcohol consumption is a frequent addiction that influences all the aspects of a human being's life including sexuality. Objective: to identify sexual dysfunctions and their type in alcoholic males aged 40 to 50 years, and their gender perception about the association of alcohol and

  19. Normalised radionuclide measures of left ventricular diastolic function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, K.J.; Southee, A.E.; Bautovich, G.J.; Freedman, B.; McLaughlin, A.F.; Rossleigh, M.A.; Hutton, B.F.; Morris, J.G.; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney


    Abnormal left ventricular diastolic function is being increasingly recognised in patients with clinical heart failure and normal systolic function. A simple routine radionuclide measure of diastolic function would therefore be useful. To establish, the relationship of peak diastolic filling rate (normalized for either end diastolic volume, stroke volume, or peak systolic emptying rate), and heart rate, age, and left ventricular ejection fraction was studied in 64 subjects with normal cardiovascular systems using routine gated heart pool studies. The peak filling rate when normalized to end diastolic volume correlated significantly with heart rate, age and left ventricular ejection fraction, whereas normalization to stroke volume correlated significantly to heart rate and age but not to left ventricular ejection fraction. Peak filling rate normalized for peak systolic emptying rate correlated with age only. Multiple regression equations were determined for each of the normalized peak filling rates in order to establish normal ranges for each parameter. When using peak filling rate normalized for end diastolic volume or stroke volume, appropriate allowance must be made for heart rate, age and ejection fraction. Peak filling rate normalized to peak ejection rate is a heart rate independent parameter which allows the performance of the patient's ventricle in diastole to be compared with its systolic function. It may be used in patients with normal systolic function to serially follow diastolic function, or if age corrected to screen for diastolic dysfunction. (orig.)

  20. Pneumatic distension of ventricular mural architecture validated histologically

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burg, M.C.; Heindel, W.; Lunkenheimer, P.; Niederer, P.; Brune, C.; Redmann, K.; Smerup, M.; Spiegel, U.; Becker, F.; Maintz, D.; Cologne Univ.; Anderson, R.H.


    There are ongoing arguments as to how cardiomyocytes are aggregated together within the ventricular walls. We used pneumatic distension through the coronary arteries to exaggerate the gaps between the aggregated cardiomyocytes, analyzing the pattern revealed using computed tomography, and validating our findings by histology. We distended 10 porcine hearts, arresting 4 in diastole by infusion of cardioplegic solutions, and 4 in systole by injection of barium chloride. Mural architecture was revealed by computed tomography, measuring also the angulations of the long chains of cardiomyocytes. We prepared the remaining 2 hearts for histology by perfusion with formaldehyde. Increasing pressures of pneumatic distension elongated the ventricular walls, but produced insignificant changes in mural thickness. The distension exaggerated the spaces between the aggregated cardiomyocytes, compartmenting the walls into epicardial, central, and endocardial regions, with a feathered arrangement of transitions between them. Marked variation was noted in the thicknesses of the parts in the different ventricular segments, with no visible anatomical boundaries between them. Measurements of angulations revealed intruding and extruding populations of cardiomyocytes that deviated from a surface-parallel alignment. Scrolling through the stacks of tomographic images revealed marked spiraling of the aggregated cardiomyocytes when traced from base to apex. Our findings call into question the current assumption that cardiomyocytes are uniformly aggregated together in a tangential fashion. There is marked heterogeneity in the architecture of the different ventricular segments, with the aggregated units never extending in a fully transmural fashion.

  1. Pneumatic distension of ventricular mural architecture validated histologically

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burg, M.C.; Heindel, W. [University Hospital Muenster (Germany). Dept. of Clinical Radiology; Lunkenheimer, P. [University Hospital Muenster (Germany). Dept. of Experimental Thoraco-vascular Surgery; Niederer, P. [ETH and University of Zuerich (Switzerland). Inst. for Biomedical Engineering; Brune, C. [Twente Univ. (Netherlands). Dept. of Applied Mathematics; Redmann, K. [University Hospital Muenster (Germany). Center for Reproductive Medicine and Andrology; Smerup, M. [Aarhus University Hospital (Denmark). Dept. of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery; Spiegel, U.; Becker, F. [University Hospital Muenster (Germany). Dept. Surgical Research; Maintz, D. [University Hospital Muenster (Germany). Dept. of Clinical Radiology; Cologne Univ. (Germany). Dept. of Radiology; Anderson, R.H. [Newcastle Univ., London (United Kingdom). Inst. of Genetic Medicine


    There are ongoing arguments as to how cardiomyocytes are aggregated together within the ventricular walls. We used pneumatic distension through the coronary arteries to exaggerate the gaps between the aggregated cardiomyocytes, analyzing the pattern revealed using computed tomography, and validating our findings by histology. We distended 10 porcine hearts, arresting 4 in diastole by infusion of cardioplegic solutions, and 4 in systole by injection of barium chloride. Mural architecture was revealed by computed tomography, measuring also the angulations of the long chains of cardiomyocytes. We prepared the remaining 2 hearts for histology by perfusion with formaldehyde. Increasing pressures of pneumatic distension elongated the ventricular walls, but produced insignificant changes in mural thickness. The distension exaggerated the spaces between the aggregated cardiomyocytes, compartmenting the walls into epicardial, central, and endocardial regions, with a feathered arrangement of transitions between them. Marked variation was noted in the thicknesses of the parts in the different ventricular segments, with no visible anatomical boundaries between them. Measurements of angulations revealed intruding and extruding populations of cardiomyocytes that deviated from a surface-parallel alignment. Scrolling through the stacks of tomographic images revealed marked spiraling of the aggregated cardiomyocytes when traced from base to apex. Our findings call into question the current assumption that cardiomyocytes are uniformly aggregated together in a tangential fashion. There is marked heterogeneity in the architecture of the different ventricular segments, with the aggregated units never extending in a fully transmural fashion.

  2. Relationship between obesity and left ventricular hypertrophy in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johnny Rompis


    Full Text Available Background Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD increasing morbidity-mortality rates. It is apparent that a variety of adaptations/alterations in cardiac structure and function occurs as excessive adipose tissue accumulates. This leads to a decrease in diastolic compliance, eventually resulting in an increase in left ventricular filling pressure and left ventricular enlargement. Objective To evaluate left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH among  obese using electrocardiographic (ECG criteria. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 74 children aged 10-15 years from February 2009 to October 2009. The subjects were divided into obese and control groups. Physical examination and standard 12 lead electrocardiography (ECG were done in both groups. Results Of 37 obese children, LVH were featured in 3 subjects, while in control group, only 1 child had LVH (P= 0.304. We found that mean RV6 in obese and control group were 9.8446 (SD 3.5854 and 11.9662 (SD 3.2857, respectively (P=0.005. As an additional findings, we found that birth weight was related to obesity in children. Conclusion There is no relation between obesity and left ventricular using ECG criteria in obese children aged 10-15 years.

  3. Comparison of right ventricular septal pacing and right ventricular apical pacing in patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators: the SEPTAL CRT Study (United States)

    Leclercq, Christophe; Sadoul, Nicolas; Mont, Lluis; Defaye, Pascal; Osca, Joaquim; Mouton, Elisabeth; Isnard, Richard; Habib, Gilbert; Zamorano, Jose; Derumeaux, Genevieve; Fernandez-Lozano, Ignacio; Dupuis, Jean-Marc; Rouleau, Frédéric; Tassin, Aude; Bordachar, Pierre; Clémenty, Jacques; Lafitte, Stephane; Ploux, Sylvan; Reant, Patricia; Ritter, Philippe; Defaye, Pascal; Jacon, Peggy; Mondesert, Blandine; Saunier, Carole; Vautrin, Estelle; Kacet, Salem; Guedon-Moreau, Laurence; Klug, Didier; Kouakam, Claude; Marechaux, Sylvestre; Marquie, Christelle; Polge, Anne Sophie; Richardson, Marjorie; Chevallier, Philippe; De Breyne, Brigitte; Lotek, Marcin M.; Nonin, Emilie; Pineau, Julien; Deharo, Jean-Claude; Bastard, Emilie; Franceschi, Frédéric; Habib, Gilbert; Jego, Christophe; Peyrouse, Eric; Prevot, Sebastien; Saint-Joseph, Hôpital; Bremondy, Michel; Faure, Jacques; Ferracci, Ange; Lefevre, Jean; Pisapia, Andre; Davy, Jean-Marc; Cransac, Frederic; Cung, Tien Tri; Georger, Frederic; Pasquie, Jean-Luc; Raczka, Franck; Sportouch-Dukhan, Catherine; Sadoul, Nicolas; Blangy, Hugues; Bruntz, Jean-François; Freysz, Luc; Groben, Laurent; Huttin, Olivier; Bammert, Antoine; Burban, Marc; Cebron, Jean-Pierre; Gras, Daniel; Frank, Robert; Duthoit, Guillaume; Hidden-Lucet, Françoise; Himbert, Caroline; Isnard, Richard; Lacotte, Jérôme; Pousset, Françoise; Zerah, Thierry; Leclercq, Christophe; Bellouin, Annaïk; Crocq, Christophe; Deplace, Christian; Donal, Erwan; Hamon, Cécile; Mabo, Philippe; Romain, Olivier; Solnon, Aude; Frederic, Anselme; Bauer, Fabrice; Bernard, Mathieu; Godin, Benedicte; Kurtz, Baptiste; Savoure, Arnaud; Copie, Xavier; Lascault, Gilles; Paziaud, Olivier; Piot, Olivier; Touche, Thierry; Delay, Toulouse Marc; Chilon, Talia; Detis, Nicolas; Duparc, Alexandre; Hebrard, Aurélien; Massabuau, Pierre; Maury, Philippe; Mondoly, Pierre; Rumeau, Philippe; Pasteur, Clinique; Boveda, Serge; Adrover, Laurence; Combes, Nicolas; Deplagne, Antoine; Marco-Baertich, Isabelle; Fondard, Olivier; Martínez, Juan Gabriel; Ibañez Criado, José Luis; Ortuño, Diego; Mont, Lluis; Berruezo, Antonio; Eduard, Belu; Martín, Ana; Merschon, Franco M.; Sitges, Marta; Tolosana, José María; Vidal, Bárbara; Hebron, H. Valle; i Mitjans, Angel Moya; Rodriguez, Oscar Alcalde; Rodriguez Palomares, José Fernando; Rivas, Nuria; Teixidó, Gisela; de Hierro, H. Puerta; Lozano, Ignacio Fernández; Ruiz Bautista, Maria Lorena; Castro, Victor; Cavero, Miguel Angel; Gutierrez, Carlos; Ros, Natalia; de la Victoria, H. Virgen; Alzueta Rodriguez, Francisco Javier; Cabrera, Fernando; Cordero, Alberto Barrera; Peña, José Luis; de Valme Sevilla, H.; Gonzáles, Juan Lealdel Ojo; Garcia Medina, Mª Dolores; Jiménez, Ricardo Pavón; Villagomez, David; de la Salud Toledo, H. Virgen; Castellanos Martinez, Eduardo; Alcalá, Juan; Maicas, Carolina; Arias Palomares, Miguel Angel; Puchol, Alberto; Valencia, H. La Fé; OscaAsensi, Joaquim; Carmona, Anastasio Quesada; De Carranza, Mª José Sancho-Tello; De Ros, José Olagüe; Pareja, Enrique Castro; Pérez, Oscar Cano; Saez, Ana Osa; Hortega, H. Rio; Guilarte, Benito Herreros; Muñoz San Jose, Juan Francisco; Pérez Sanz, Teresa Myriam; Logeart, Damien; Gil, Maria Lopez; Leclercq, Christophe; Lozano, Ignacio Fernandez; de Hierro, H. Puerta; Derumeaux, Genevieve


    Abstract Aims Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a recommended treatment of heart failure (HF) patients with depressed left ventricular ejection fraction and wide QRS. The optimal right ventricular (RV) lead position being a matter of debate, we sought to examine whether RV septal (RVS) pacing was not inferior to RV apical (RVA) pacing on left ventricular reverse remodelling in patients receiving a CRT-defibrillator. Methods and results Patients (n = 263, age = 63.4 ± 9.5 years) were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to RVS (n = 131) vs. RVA (n = 132) pacing. Left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV) reduction between baseline and 6 months was not different between the two groups (−25.3 ± 39.4 mL in RVS group vs. −29.3 ± 44.5 mL in RVA group, P = 0.79). Right ventricular septal pacing was not non-inferior (primary endpoint) to RVA pacing with regard to LVESV reduction (average difference = −4.06 mL; P = 0.006 with a −20 mL non-inferiority margin). The percentage of ‘echo-responders’ defined by LVESV reduction >15% between baseline and 6 months was similar in both groups (50%) with no difference in the time to first HF hospitalization or death (P = 0.532). Procedural or device-related serious adverse events occurred in 68 patients (RVS = 37) with no difference between the two groups (P = 0.401). Conclusion This study demonstrates that septal RV pacing in CRT is non-inferior to apical RV pacing for LV reverse remodelling at 6 months with no difference in the clinical outcome. No recommendation for optimal RV lead position can hence be drawn from this study. ClinicalTrials. gov number NCT 00833352. PMID:26374852

  4. Hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy in liquidators of consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear accident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shal'nova, S.A.; Smolenskij, A.V.; Shamarin, V.M.; Ehktova, T.V.; Berzak, N.V.; Zemtsova, N.A.; Timofeeva, S.G.; Zhavoronkova, E.A.; Muromtseva, G.A.; Arkad'eva, M.A.; Deev, A.D.


    Echocardiography was used for the study of prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy in 839 liquidators of consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (left ventricular myocardial mass 134 g/m 2 ) was 10.3, 13.4 and 22.5 % in liquidators with normal blood pressure, borderline hypertension and hypertension, respectively. Liquidators with normal blood pressure had significantly greater left ventricular myocardial mass than normotensive men from general population while liquidators and non liquidators with hypertension had equal values of this parameter [ru

  5. [Ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with cardiomyopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henningsen, K.; Christensen, A.H.; Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup


    by disease, gender, age, previous cardiac arrest and treatment with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). RESULTS: 993 patients were screened and 128 patients with cardiomyopathy were identified, corresponding to 13% of the screened patients. 58 (45%) of the patients had dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM......), 57 (45%) patients had arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and 13 (10%) had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The average age was 44 years for HCM, 41 years for ARVC and 58 years for DCM. The majority of the patients were male. ICD treatment was used in 95% of the patients...... with ARVC, 70% of the patients with HCM and 59% of the patients with DCM. Only 5 patients had previous cardiac arrest without reversible cause. CONCLUSION: The study shows that cardiomyopathies are relatively frequent causes of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients discharged from a specialised...

  6. Effects of AV delay programming on ventricular resynchronisation: role of radionuclide ventriculography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siegrist, Patrick T.; Comte, Nathalie; Holzmeister, Johannes; Suetsch, Gabor; Koepfli, Pascal; Namdar, Mehdi; Duru, Firat; Brunckhorst, Corinna; Scharf, Christoph [Universitiy Hospital Zurich NUK C 32, Cardiovascular Center, Zurich (Switzerland); Kaufmann, Philipp A. [Universitiy Hospital Zurich NUK C 32, Cardiovascular Center, Zurich (Switzerland); University of Zurich, Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology, Zurich (Switzerland)


    Optimal atrioventricular delay (AVD) setting for cardiac resynchronisation therapy, i.e. biventricular pacing in patients with heart failure, remains a formidable challenge. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different AVD on inter- and intra-ventricular resynchronisation using phase histograms of radionuclide ventriculography (RNV). In 17 consecutive patients (mean age 64 {+-} 6 years), RNV was performed 236 {+-} 350 days after pacemaker implantation for cardiac resynchronisation therapy. Images were acquired during atrial pacing at 80 bpm and during biventricular pacing with AVD ranging from 80 to 160 ms. Inter-ventricular dyssynchrony was measured by the delay between the mean phase angles of the left and right ventricles. Intra-ventricular dyssynchrony was measured by the standard deviation (SD) of left ventricular phase histograms. Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF) was inversely correlated to LV dyssynchrony (SD of LV phase histogram, R = -0.82, p < 0.0001). However, the increase in LVEF by biventricular pacing (mean +4.4 {+-} 4%) showed only modest correlation to the resulting resynchronisation effect (characterised by a -13 {+-} 8 decrease in LV phase histogram SD, R = -0.38, p < 0.0001). RNV is helpful in optimising pacing parameters for resynchronisation therapy. Varying AVD did not have a major impact on intra- or inter-ventricular resynchronisation. Thus, the benefit of AVD-based LVEF optimisation seems to result from atrioventricular resynchronisation. (orig.)

  7. Simultaneous determination of left ventricular perfusion and function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gremillet, E.; Champailler, A.; Esquerre, J.P.; Ouhayoun, E.; Coca, F.; Furber, A.; Le Jeune, J.J.


    Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a very useful tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of coronary artery disease. The evaluation of left ventricular function during stress testing in also very useful to determine the prognosis of coronary artery disease. This chapter highlights three different imaging methods to assess left ventricular function and myocardial perfusion/ The first one consists of sequential dual isotope myocardial SPECT with ECG-gating. The second concerns magnetic resonance imaging and the third explores first pass exercise ventriculography and myocardial perfusion scintigraphy simultaneously evaluated by means of 99m Tc-sestamibi. (authors)

  8. Heart transplantation in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy - Experience from the Nordic ARVC Registry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gilljam, Thomas; Haugaa, Kristina H; Jensen, Henrik K


    OBJECTIVE: There is a paucity of data on heart transplantation (HTx) in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), and specific recommendations on indications for listing ARVC patients for HTx are lacking. In order to delineate features pertinent to HTx assessment, we......%) and ventricular arrhythmias in 3 patients (10%). During median follow-up of 4.9years (0.04-28), there was one early death and two late deaths. Survival was 91% at 5years after HTx. Age at first symptoms under 35years independently predicted HTx in our cohort (OR=7.59, 95% CI 2.69-21.39, p... consequences of right ventricular failure in conjunction with ventricular arrhythmia....

  9. [Surgical treatment of congenital obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract]. (United States)

    Biocina, B; Sutlić, Z; Husedinović, I; Letica, D; Sokolić, J


    This report presents the classification and all types of left ventricular outflow tract obstructions. The possibilities of operative therapies are surveyed as well. Results of surgical treatment in 34 patients with obstruction to left ventricular outflow are shown. The majority of patients underwent operation under extracorporeal circulation (84.4%), while the rest were operated by means of the inflow occlusion technique (14.7%). The obtained results were compared with those from the literature. The importance of echocardiographic evaluation of location of the left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and the appropriate choice of a surgical technique according to the patient's age are emphasized.

  10. Cardiopatía isquémica: evaluación anatomofuncional en una sola exploración con PET-CT multicorte


    Alexánderson,Erick; Cruz,Patricio; Sierra,Carlos; Talayero,José Antonio; Meave,Aloha


    El abordaje integral del paciente con cardiopatía isquémica requiere de una evaluación precisa anatomo-funcional del miocardio así como de las arterias coronarias. Actualmente los avances tecnológicos permiten la valoración de la fisiología cardiovascular mediante Tomografía por Emisión de Positrones (PET). El PET es una herramienta confiable para el estudio del metabolismo cardíaco, la perfusión miocárdica, la función ventricular, el flujo coronario, la viabilidad miocárdica y la función end...

  11. Mechanisms and Clinical Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias following Blunt Chest Trauma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel H. Wolbrom


    Full Text Available Nonpenetrating, blunt chest trauma is a serious medical condition with varied clinical presentations and implications. This can be the result of a dense projectile during competitive and recreational sports but may also include other etiologies such as motor vehicle accidents or traumatic falls. In this setting, the manifestation of ventricular arrhythmias has been observed both acutely and chronically. This is based on two entirely separate mechanisms and etiologies requiring different treatments. Ventricular fibrillation can occur immediately after chest wall injury (commotio cordis and requires rapid defibrillation. Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia can develop in the chronic stage due to underlying structural heart disease long after blunt chest injury. The associated arrhythmogenic tissue may be complex and provides the necessary substrate to form a reentrant VT circuit. Ventricular tachycardia in the absence of overt structural heart disease appears to be focal in nature with rapid termination during ablation. Regardless of the VT mechanism, patients with recurrent episodes, despite antiarrhythmic medication in the chronic stage following blunt chest injury, are likely to require ablation to achieve VT control. This review article will describe the mechanisms, pathophysiology, and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias that occur in both the acute and chronic stages following blunt chest trauma.

  12. Hemoglobin A1c and arterial and ventricular stiffness in older adults.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Susan J Zieman

    Full Text Available Arterial and ventricular stiffening are characteristics of diabetes and aging which confer significant morbidity and mortality; advanced glycation endproducts (AGE are implicated in this stiffening pathophysiology. We examined the association between HbA(1c, an AGE, with arterial and ventricular stiffness measures in older individuals without diabetes.Baseline HbA(1c was measured in 830 participants free of diabetes defined by fasting glucose or medication use in the Cardiovascular Health Study, a population-based cohort study of adults aged ≥ 65 years. We performed cross-sectional analyses using baseline exam data including echocardiography, ankle and brachial blood pressure measurement, and carotid ultrasonography. We examined the adjusted associations between HbA(1c and multiple arterial and ventricular stiffness measures by linear regression models and compared these results to the association of fasting glucose (FG with like measures.HbA(1c was correlated with fasting and 2-hour postload glucose levels (r = 0.21; p<0.001 for both and positively associated with greater body-mass index and black race. In adjusted models, HbA(1c was not associated with any measure of arterial or ventricular stiffness, including pulse pressure (PP, carotid intima-media thickness, ankle-brachial index, end-arterial elastance, or left ventricular mass (LVM. FG levels were positively associated with systolic, diastolic and PP and LVM.In this sample of older adults without diabetes, HbA(1c was not associated with arterial or ventricular stiffness measures, whereas FG levels were. The role of AGE in arterial and ventricular stiffness in older adults may be better assessed using alternate AGE markers.

  13. Cardiac structure and function, and ventricular-arterial interaction 11 years following a pregnancy with preeclampsia. (United States)

    Al-Nashi, Maha; Eriksson, Maria J; Östlund, Eva; Bremme, Katarina; Kahan, Thomas


    Preeclampsia (PE) is associated with acute left ventricular dysfunction. Whether these changes eventually resolve remains unclear. This study assessed left and right ventricular structure and function, and ventricular-arterial interaction in 15 women 11 years after a pregnancy with PE and 16 matched control subjects with a normal pregnancy. We found normal left and right ventricular dimensions, systolic function, and global left ventricular strain, with no differences between the groups. In addition, indices of diastolic function, left and right atrial size, and amino-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide were normal and did not differ between the groups. Women with a previous PE had impaired night/day ratios for systolic and diastolic ambulatory blood pressure. However, indices of aortic stiffness or ventricular-arterial coupling did not differ between the groups. In conclusion, we could not demonstrate remaining alterations in systolic or diastolic left or right ventricular function, or in ventricular-arterial interaction in women 11 years after PE. Copyright © 2016 American Society of Hypertension. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Evaluación de la función diastólica durante y post-ejercicio isométrico en pacientes con hipertensión arterial Evaluation of diastolic function during and post-exercise in patients with arterial hypertension

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrés Pascua


    Full Text Available Es conocido que los pacientes con hipertrofia ventricular por hipertensión arterial presentan alteraciones diastólicas, particularmente durante el ejercicio. Sin embargo, es controvertido si luego del esfuerzo esta disfunción se normaliza. El objetivo fue evaluar la función diastólica durante y después de la realización de ejercicio, en pacientes con hipertensión arterial. Se estudiaron 6 pacientes controles (grupo 1, G1 y 7 con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial (Grupo 2, G2. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a un cateterismo cardíaco y realizaron ejercicio isométrico durante el estudio, hasta que la frecuencia cardíaca se incrementó un 43±7% (pIt is known that patients with arterial hypertension and ventricular hypertrophy have diastolic alterations, in particular during exercise. However, it is controversial if diastolic dysfunction continues once exercise had concluded. The objective was to assess the effects of isometric exercise on the diastolic function in patients with arterial hypertension. Five control patients (group 1, G1 and 7 patients with arterial hyper-tension (group 2, G2 were studied. All patients underwent cardiac catheterization and performed isometric exercise until heart rate increased 43±7%. Left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP and end diastolic pressure (LVEDP were measured. We calculated, +dP/dt max, the time constant of isovolumic pressure decay (tau and t1/2 were all measured. Results: The LVSP increased in G1 and G2 during exercise from 140±3 to 195±14 mm Hg (p<0.05 and 161±9 to 238±15 mm Hg, respectively; returning to their basal values once exercise had concluded. The tau (t and t1/2 increased, while exercising in G2, from 23±2 and 15±2 msec to 35±7 and 23±4 msec, respectively. After exercise both variables continued elevated reaching 41±6 msec (p<0.05 and 23±3 msec (p<0.05, respectively. In conclusion, isometric exercise decreases relaxation rate and increases LVEDP in patients with

  15. Conventional heart rate variability analysis of ambulatory electrocardiographic recordings fails to predict imminent ventricular fibrillation (United States)

    Vybiral, T.; Glaeser, D. H.; Goldberger, A. L.; Rigney, D. R.; Hess, K. R.; Mietus, J.; Skinner, J. E.; Francis, M.; Pratt, C. M.


    OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this report was to study heart rate variability in Holter recordings of patients who experienced ventricular fibrillation during the recording. BACKGROUND. Decreased heart rate variability is recognized as a long-term predictor of overall and arrhythmic death after myocardial infarction. It was therefore postulated that heart rate variability would be lowest when measured immediately before ventricular fibrillation. METHODS. Conventional indexes of heart rate variability were calculated from Holter recordings of 24 patients with structural heart disease who had ventricular fibrillation during monitoring. The control group consisted of 19 patients with coronary artery disease, of comparable age and left ventricular ejection fraction, who had nonsustained ventricular tachycardia but no ventricular fibrillation. RESULTS. Heart rate variability did not differ between the two groups, and no consistent trends in heart rate variability were observed before ventricular fibrillation occurred. CONCLUSIONS. Although conventional heart rate variability is an independent long-term predictor of adverse outcome after myocardial infarction, its clinical utility as a short-term predictor of life-threatening arrhythmias remains to be elucidated.

  16. Percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder

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    Er-Ping Xi


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Ventricular septal defects resulting from post-traumatic cardiac injury are very rare. Percutaneous closure has emerged as a method for treating this disorder. We wish to report our experience in three patients who underwent percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. METHODS: We treated three patients with post-traumatic ventricular septal defects caused by stab wounds with knives. After the heart wound was repaired, patient examinations revealed ventricular septal defects with pulmonary/systemic flow ratios (Qp/Qs of over 1.7. The post-traumatic ventricular septal defects were closed percutaneously with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder (Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen Co., LTD, Guangdong, China utilizing standard techniques. RESULTS: Post-operative transthoracic echocardiography revealed no residual left-to-right shunt and indicated normal ventricular function. In addition, 320-slice computerized tomography showed that the occluder was well placed and exhibited normal morphology. CONCLUSION: Our experiences indicate that closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect using a patent ductus arteriosus occluder is feasible, safe, and effective.

  17. Percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. (United States)

    Xi, Er-Ping; Zhu, Jian; Zhu, Shui-Bo; Yin, Gui-Lin; Liu, Yong; Dong, Yong-Qiang; Zhang, Yu; Xia, Feng


    Ventricular septal defects resulting from post-traumatic cardiac injury are very rare. Percutaneous closure has emerged as a method for treating this disorder. We wish to report our experience in three patients who underwent percutaneous closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder. We treated three patients with post-traumatic ventricular septal defects caused by stab wounds with knives. After the heart wound was repaired, patient examinations revealed ventricular septal defects with pulmonary/systemic flow ratios (Qp/Qs) of over 1.7. The post-traumatic ventricular septal defects were closed percutaneously with a patent ductus arteriosus occluder (Lifetech Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., LTD, Guangdong, China) utilizing standard techniques. Post-operative transthoracic echocardiography revealed no residual left-to-right shunt and indicated normal ventricular function. In addition, 320-slice computerized tomography showed that the occluder was well placed and exhibited normal morphology. Our experiences indicate that closure of a post-traumatic ventricular septal defect using a patent ductus arteriosus occluder is feasible, safe, and effective.

  18. Uruguay 1985-2005: Dimensiones y tensiones de la democracia

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    Yamandú Acosta


    Full Text Available El texto es una aproximación problematizadora a la democracia uruguaya desde su recuperación en 1985 hasta el inicio del primer gobierno de izquierda en 2005. Se expone sobre el sentido de las condiciones posautoritaria y postransicional de la misma, se la caracteriza como democracia de seguridad mercantil en sinergia con la construcción politicista de la misma que, reducida a régimen de gobierno, parece promover una institucionalidad funcional a lo estructural y disfuncional a las necesidades humanas, que mediadas por las sucesivas y coexistentes generaciones de derechos humanos hace a sus dimensiones y tensiones centrales, desde las cuales el protagonismo democratizador de los actores supone articular dinámicamente las relaciones y tensiones entre las instituciones y el sujeto, en una democracia con las singularidades de la dimensión histórica y utópica de la uruguaya, que finalmente se esboza.

  19. Early ventricular tachyarrhythmias after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: Is it a real burden? (United States)

    Mouws, Elisabeth M J P; Yaksh, Ameeta; Knops, Paul; Kik, Charles; Boersma, Eric; Bogers, Ad J J C; de Groot, Natasja M S


    The prevalence of ventricular dysrhythmias (VD) [ventricular premature beats (VPBs), ventricular couplets (Vcouplets), ventricular runs (Vruns)] after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has so far not been examined. The goal of this study is to examine characteristics of VD and whether they precede ventricular tachyarrhythmias (VTA) during a postoperative follow-up period of 5 days using continuous rhythm registrations. In addition, we determined predictive factors of VD/VTA. Incidences and burdens of VD/VTA were calculated in patients (N=105, 83 male, 65±9 years) undergoing primary, on-pump CABG. Independent risk factors were examined using multivariate analysis. VPBs, Vcouplets, and Vruns occurred in respectively 100%, 82.9%, and 48.6% with corresponding burdens of 0.05%, 0%, and 0%. Sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) did not occur in our cohort. Independent risk factors for VD included male gender, mitral valve insufficiency, hyperlipidemia, and age ≥60 years. VD are common in patients with coronary artery disease after CABG. Despite high incidences of these dysrhythmias, corresponding burdens are low and sustained VT or VF did not occur. Incidences were highest on the first postoperative day and diminished over time. Copyright © 2017 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Relationship of central and peripheral blood pressure to left ventricular mass in hypertensive patients. (United States)

    Pérez-Lahiguera, Francisco J; Rodilla, Enrique; Costa, Jose A; Gonzalez, Carmen; Martín, Joaquin; Pascual, Jose M


    The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship of central and peripheral blood pressure to left ventricular mass. Cross-sectional study that included 392 never treated hypertensive individuals. Measurement of office, 24-h ambulatory, and central blood pressure (obtained using applanation tonometry) and determination of left ventricular mass by echocardiography were performed in all patients. In a multiple regression analysis, with adjustment for age, gender and metabolic syndrome, 24-h blood pressure was more closely related to ventricular mass than the respective office and central blood pressures. Systolic blood pressures always exhibited a higher correlation than diastolic blood pressures in all 3 determinations. The correlation between left ventricular mass index and 24-h systolic blood pressure was higher than that of office (P<.002) or central systolic blood pressures (P<.002). Changes in 24-h systolic blood pressure caused the greatest variations in left ventricular mass index (P<.001). In our population of untreated middle-aged hypertensive patients, left ventricular mass index is more closely related to 24-h ambulatory blood pressure than to office or central blood pressure. Central blood pressure does not enable us to better identify patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. Copyright © 2012 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  1. Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy: Risk Stratification and Indications for Defibrillator Therapy. (United States)

    Zorzi, Alessandro; Rigato, Ilaria; Bauce, Barbara; Pilichou, Kalliopi; Basso, Cristina; Thiene, Gaetano; Iliceto, Sabino; Corrado, Domenico


    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a genetically determined disease which predisposes to life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. The main goal of ARVC therapy is prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD). Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is the most effective therapy for interruption of potentially lethal ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Despite its life-saving potential, ICD implantation is associated with a high rate of complications and significant impact on quality of life. Accurate risk stratification is needed to identify individuals who most benefit from the therapy. While there is general agreement that patients with a history of cardiac arrest or hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia are at high risk of SCD and needs an ICD, indications for primary prevention remain a matter of debate. The article reviews the available scientific evidence and guidelines that may help to stratify the arrhythmic risk of ARVC patients and guide ICD implantation. Other therapeutic strategies, either alternative or additional to ICD, will be also addressed.

  2. Assessment of cardiac blood pool imaging in patients with left ventricular outflow tract stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakamura, Yutaka; Ono, Yasuo; Kohata, Tohru; Tsubata, Shinichi; Kamiya, Tetsuroh.


    We performed cardiac blood pool imagings with Tc-99m at rest and during supine ergometer exercise to evaluate left ventricular performance in 14 patients with left ventricular outflow tract stenosis. All catheterized patients were divided into two subgroups: 8 patients with peak systolic left ventricular to descending aortic pressure gradients of less than 50 mmHg (LPG group) and 6 patients with peak systolic gradients of more than 50 mmHg (HPG group). Control group included 10 patients without stenotic coronary lesions after Kawasaki disease. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was obtained as systolic index; both filling fraction during the first third of diastole (1/3FF) and mean filling rate during the first third of diastole (1/3FR mean) were obtained as diastolic indices. None of the patients had abnormal findings on 201 Tl imaging. LVEF at rest in HPG group was significantly higher than those in control group, but LVEF in HPG group did not increase after exercise. It increased significantly in control group and LPG group. 1/3 FF in HPG group was significantly lower not only at rest but also during exercise. 1/3 FR mean at rest was not different significantly among the 3 groups. However, 1/3FR mean during exercise in LPG group was significantly lower; and 1/3 FR mean during exercise was significantly lower in HPG group than LPG group. The ratio of left ventricular muscular mass to left ventricular end-diastolic volume (M/V) calculated from left ventricular cineangiograms was different significantly among the 3 groups. The M/V ratio showed a correlation with LVEF and 1/3 FF both at rest and during exercise. These results would indicate that systolic function was impaired on exercise in severe left ventricular outflow tract stenosis and diastolic function was impaired on exercise in mild and severe left ventricular outflow tract stenosis. This may correlate with left ventricular hypertrophy and interaction of systolic function. (author)

  3. Comparison of the accuracy of three angiographic methods for calculating left ventricular volume measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Lin; Cui Wei; Shi Hanwen; Tian Yingping; Wang Weigang; Feng Yanguang; Huang Xueyan; Liu Zhisheng


    Objective: To compare the relative accuracy of three methods measuring left ventricular volume by X-ray ventriculography: single plane area-length method, biplane area-length method, and single-plane Simpson's method. Methods: Left ventricular casts were obtained within 24 hours after death from 12 persons who died from non-cardiac causes. The true left ventricular cast volume was measured by water displacement. The calculated volume of the casts was obtained with 3 angiographic methods, i.e., single-plane area-length method, biplane area-length method, and single-plane Simpson's method. Results: The actual average volume of left ventricular casts was (61.17±26.49) ml. The left ventricular volume was averagely (97.50±35.56) ml with single plane area-length method, (90.51±36.33) ml with biplane area-length method, and (65.00± 23.63) ml with single-plane Simpson's method. The left ventricular volumes calculated with single-plane and biplane area-length method were significantly larger than that the actual volumes (P 0.05). The left ventricular volumes calculated with single-plane and biplane area-length method were significantly larger than those calculated with single-plane Simpson's method (P 0.05). The over-estimation of left ventricular volume by single plane area-length method (36.34±17.98) ml and biplane area-length method (29.34±15.59) ml was more obvious than that calculated by single-plane Simpson's method (3.83±8.48) ml. Linear regression analysis showed that there was close correlations between left ventricular volumes calculated with single plane area-length method, biplane area-length method, Simpson's method and the true volume (all r>0.98). Conclusion: Single-plane Simpson's method is more accurate than single plane area-length method and biplane area-length method for left ventricular volume measurement; however, both the single-plane and biplane area-length methods could be used in clinical practice, especially in those imaging modality

  4. Beat-to-beat left ventricular performance in atrial fibrillation: radionuclide assessment with the computerized nuclear probe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, J.; Berger, H.J.; Sands, M.J.; Lachman, A.B.; Zaret, B.L.


    There is wide beat-to-beat variability in cycle length and left ventricular performance in patients with atrial fibrillation. In this study, left ventricular ejection fraction and relative left ventricular volumes were evaluated on a beat-to-beat basis with the computerized nuclear probe, an instrument with sufficiently high sensitivity to allow continuous evaluation of the radionuclide time-activity curve. Of 18 patients with atrial fibrillation, 5 had mitral stenosis, 6 had mitral regurgitation, and 7 had coronary artery disease. Fifty consecutive beats were analyzed in each patient. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 17 to 51%. There was substantial beat-to-beat variation in cycle length and left ventricular ejection fraction in all patients, including those with marked left ventricular dysfunction. In 14 patients who also underwent multiple gated cardiac blood pool imaging, there was an excellent correlation between mean ejection fraction derived from the nuclear probe and gated ejection fraction obtained by gamma camera imaging (r . 0.90). Based on beat-to-beat analysis, left ventricular function was dependent on relative end-diastolic volume and multiple preceding cycle lengths, but not preceding end-systolic volumes. This study demonstrates that a single value for left ventricular ejection fraction does not adequately characterize left ventricular function in patients with atrial fibrillation. Furthermore, both the mean beat-to-beat and the gated ejection fraction may underestimate left ventricular performance at rest in such patients

  5. The evaluation of right ventricular performance using krypton-81m

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ham, H.R.; Piepsz, A.; Vandevivere, J.; Guillaume, M.; Goethals, P.; Lenaers, A.


    The availability of krypton-81m suitable for intravenous injection provides an easy means for assessing right ventricular function. The superimposition of the other heart chambers does not constitute a problem. The activity in the left heart is negligible and the study can be performed in the right anterior oblique position to obtain optimal separation between the right atrium and the right ventricle. Lung activity is quite high and should be corrected before computing the right ventricular ejection fraction. This correction can be accomplished by performing Tc-99m MAA perfusion scintigraphy. The measurement of the right ventricular ejection fraction appears to be reproducible with very small inter-and intraobserver variability. Good quality phase and amplitude images can be obtained with such high count rates

  6. Importance of the atrial channel for ventricular arrhythmia therapy in the dual chamber implantable cardioverter defibrillator. (United States)

    Dijkman, B; Wellens, H J


    Performance of dual chamber implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) systems has been judged based on functioning of the ventricular tachycardia:supraventricular tachycardia (VT:SVT) discrimination criteria and DDD pacing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of dual chamber diagnostics to improve the electrical and antiarrhythmic therapy of ventricular arrhythmias. Information about atrial and ventricular rhythm in relation to ventricular arrhythmia occurrence and therapy was evaluated in 724 spontaneous arrhythmia episodes detected and treated by three types of dual chamber ICDs in 41 patients with structural heart disease. Device programming was based on clinically documented and induced ventricular arrhythmias. In ambulatory patients, sinus tachycardia preceded ventricular arrhythmias more often than in the hospital during exercise testing. The incidence of these VTs could be reduced by increasing the dose of a beta-blocking agent in only two patients. In five patients in whom sinus tachycardia developed after onset of hemodynamic stable VT, propranolol was more effective than Class III antiarrhythmics combined with another beta-blocking agent with regard to the incidence of VT and pace termination. In all but three cases, atrial arrhythmias were present for a longer time before the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. During atrial arrhythmias, fast ventricular rates before the onset of ventricular rate were observed more often than RR irregularities and short-long RR sequences. Dual chamber diagnostics allowed proper interpretation of detection and therapy outcome in patients with different types of ventricular arrhythmia. The advantages of the dual chamber ICD system go further than avoiding the shortcomings of the single chamber system. Information from the atrial chamber allows better device programming and individualization of drug therapy for ventricular arrhythmia.

  7. Right Ventricular Hemodynamics in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension (United States)

    Browning, James; Fenster, Brett; Hertzberg, Jean; Schroeder, Joyce


    Recent advances in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) have allowed for characterization of blood flow in the right ventricle (RV), including calculation of vorticity and circulation, and qualitative visual assessment of coherent flow patterns. In this study, we investigate qualitative and quantitative differences in right ventricular hemodynamics between subjects with pulmonary hypertension (PH) and normal controls. Fifteen (15) PH subjects and 10 age-matched controls underwent same day 3D time resolved CMR and echocardiography. Echocardiography was used to determine right ventricular diastolic function as well as pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP). Velocity vectors, vorticity vectors, and streamlines in the RV were visualized in Paraview and total RV Early (E) and Atrial (A) wave diastolic vorticity was quantified. Visualizations of blood flow in the RV are presented for PH and normal subjects. The hypothesis that PH subjects exhibit different RV vorticity levels than normals during diastole is tested and the relationship between RV vorticity and PASP is explored. The mechanics of RV vortex formation are discussed within the context of pulmonary arterial pressure and right ventricular diastolic function coincident with PH.

  8. Non-gated computed tomography of left ventricular hypertrophy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harada, Junta


    Non-ECG gated computed tomography (CT) of the heart was carried out in 19 cases with cardiovascular diseases; 4 with mitral stenosis, 3 with aortic valve disease, 2 with combined valve disease, 8 with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and one myocardial infarction and one aortic aneurysm. All cardiac diseases were studied by echocardiography and 13 of them further investigated by intracadiac catheterization. The interventricular septum and the apical and posterolateral wall of the left ventricle were segmentally evaluated as to relative wall thickness of myocardium on CT. The wall thickness was directly measured on left ventricular cine angiograms in 13 cases. O-G vector calculated by CT was compatible with the palne of vectorcardiography in evaluating left ventricular hypertorphy. Conclusion were as follows: 1) The degree and site of myocardial hypertrophy were detected by CT with satisfaction. 2) The area of ventricular myocardium increased in aortic valve disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 3) The direction and magnitude of O-G vector calculated by CT were well correlated to the half area of QRS loop in horizontal plane of vectorcardiography. (author)

  9. Pattern of left ventricular geometry in hypertension: a study of a ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Hypertension is a leading cause of cardioxasular morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. The main aim of this study was to deterine the prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular geometric patterns among hypertensives in Kano, Nigeria. Methods: The study was cross-sectional in design, and ...

  10. Effect of food intake on left ventricular wall stress


    Gårdinger, Ylva; Hlebowicz, Joanna; Björgell, Ola; Dencker, Magnus


    Objective: Left ventricular wall stress has been investigated in a variety of populations, but the effect of food intake has not been evaluated. We assessed whether left ventricular wall stress is affected by food intake in healthy subjects. Methods: Twenty-three healthy subjects aged 25.6 +/- 4.5 years were investigated. Meridional end-systolic wall stress (ESS) and circumferential end-systolic wall stress (cESS) were measured before, 30 minutes after, and 110 minutes after a standardised me...

  11. Right ventricular hydatid cyst ruptured to pericardium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Feridoun Sabzi


    Full Text Available Cardiac hydatidosis is rare presentation of body hydatidosis. Incidence of cardiac involvements range from 5% to 5% of patients with hydatid disease. Most common site of hydatid cyst in heart is interventricular septum and left ventricular free wall. Right ventricular free wall involvement by cyst that ruptured to pericardial cavity is very rare presentation of hydatid cyst. Cardiac involvement may have serious consequences such as rupture to blood steam or pericardial cavity. Both the disease and its surgical treatment carry a high complication rate, including rupture leading to cardiac tamponade, anaphylaxis and also death. In the present report, a 43-year-old man with constrictive pericarditis secondary to a pericardial hydatid cyst is described.

  12. Cardiac arrhythmias and left ventricular hypertrophy in systemic hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sultana, R.; Sultana, N.; Rashid, A.; Rasheed, S.Z.; Ahmed, M.; Ishaq, M.; Samad, A.


    Background: Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is associated with increased risk of arrhythmias and mortality. Objective was to investigate the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias and LVH in systemic hypertension. Methods: In all subjects blood pressure was measured, electrocardiography and echocardiography was done. Holter monitoring and exercise test perform in certain cases. There were 500 hypertensive patients, 156 (31.2%) men and 344 (69%) women >30 years of age in the study. Among them 177 (35.4%) were diabetic, 224 (45%) were dyslipidemia, 188 (37.6%) were smokers, and 14 (3%) had homocysteinemia. Mean systolic BP (SBP) was 180 +- 20 mm Hg and diastolic BP (DBP) was 95 +- 12 in male and female patients. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was 119.2 +- 30 2 2gm/m in male while 103 +- 22 gm/m in female patients. Palpitation was seen in 126 (25%) male and 299 (59.8%) female patients. Atrial fibrillation was noted in 108 (21.6%) male and 125 (25%) female patients, 30 (6%) male and 82 (16.4%) female patients had atrial flutter. Ventricular tachycardia was noted in 37 (7.4%) male and 59 (11.8%) female patients. Holter monitoring showed significant premature ventricular contractions (PVC'S) in 109 (21.8%) male and 128 (25.69%) female patients while Holter showed atrial arrhythmias (APC'S) in 89 (17.8%) males and 119 (23.8%) females. Angiography findings diagnosed coronary artery disease in 119 (23.8%) with CAD male and 225 (45%) without CAD while 47 (9.4%) females presented with CAD and 109 (21.8%) without CAD. Conclusion: A significant association has been demonstrated between hypertension and arrhythmias. Diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle, left atrial size and function, as well as LVH have been suggested as the underlying risk factors for supraventricular, ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death in hypertensives with LVH. (author)

  13. Cardiac arrhythmias and left ventricular hypertrophy in systemic hypertension

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sultana, R; Sultana, N; Rashid, A; Rasheed, S Z; Ahmed, M; Ishaq, M; Samad, A [Karachi Institute of Heart Diseases, Karachi (Pakistan)


    Background: Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is associated with increased risk of arrhythmias and mortality. Objective was to investigate the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmias and LVH in systemic hypertension. Methods: In all subjects blood pressure was measured, electrocardiography and echocardiography was done. Holter monitoring and exercise test perform in certain cases. There were 500 hypertensive patients, 156 (31.2%) men and 344 (69%) women >30 years of age in the study. Among them 177 (35.4%) were diabetic, 224 (45%) were dyslipidemia, 188 (37.6%) were smokers, and 14 (3%) had homocysteinemia. Mean systolic BP (SBP) was 180 +- 20 mm Hg and diastolic BP (DBP) was 95 +- 12 in male and female patients. Left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was 119.2 +- 30 2 2gm/m in male while 103 +- 22 gm/m in female patients. Palpitation was seen in 126 (25%) male and 299 (59.8%) female patients. Atrial fibrillation was noted in 108 (21.6%) male and 125 (25%) female patients, 30 (6%) male and 82 (16.4%) female patients had atrial flutter. Ventricular tachycardia was noted in 37 (7.4%) male and 59 (11.8%) female patients. Holter monitoring showed significant premature ventricular contractions (PVC'S) in 109 (21.8%) male and 128 (25.69%) female patients while Holter showed atrial arrhythmias (APC'S) in 89 (17.8%) males and 119 (23.8%) females. Angiography findings diagnosed coronary artery disease in 119 (23.8%) with CAD male and 225 (45%) without CAD while 47 (9.4%) females presented with CAD and 109 (21.8%) without CAD. Conclusion: A significant association has been demonstrated between hypertension and arrhythmias. Diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle, left atrial size and function, as well as LVH have been suggested as the underlying risk factors for supraventricular, ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death in hypertensives with LVH. (author)

  14. Global Bi-ventricular endocardial distribution of activation rate during long duration ventricular fibrillation in normal and heart failure canines. (United States)

    Luo, Qingzhi; Jin, Qi; Zhang, Ning; Han, Yanxin; Wang, Yilong; Huang, Shangwei; Lin, Changjian; Ling, Tianyou; Chen, Kang; Pan, Wenqi; Wu, Liqun


    The objective of this study was to detect differences in the distribution of the left and right ventricle (LV & RV) activation rate (AR) during short-duration ventricular fibrillation (SDVF, 1 min) in normal and heart failure (HF) canine hearts. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) was electrically induced in six healthy dogs (control group) and six dogs with right ventricular pacing-induced congestive HF (HF group). Two 64-electrode basket catheters deployed in the LV and RV were used for global endocardium electrical mapping. The AR of VF was estimated by fast Fourier transform analysis from each electrode. In the control group, the LV was activated faster than the RV in the first 20 s, after which there was no detectable difference in the AR between them. When analyzing the distribution of the AR within the bi-ventricles at 3 min of LDVF, the posterior LV was activated fastest, while the anterior was slowest. In the HF group, a detectable AR gradient existed between the two ventricles within 3 min of VF, with the LV activating more quickly than the RV. When analyzing the distribution of the AR within the bi-ventricles at 3 min of LDVF, the septum of the LV was activated fastest, while the anterior was activated slowest. A global bi-ventricular endocardial AR gradient existed within the first 20 s of VF but disappeared in the LDVF in healthy hearts. However, the AR gradient was always observed in both SDVF and LDVF in HF hearts. The findings of this study suggest that LDVF in HF hearts can be maintained differently from normal hearts, which accordingly should lead to the development of different management strategies for LDVF resuscitation.

  15. Ventricular enlargement in patients with affective disorders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murashita, Jun; Kato, Tadafumi; Shioiri, Toshiki; Hamakawa, Inubushi, Toshiro; Hiroshi; Takahashi, Saburo


    Ventricular enlargement was determined using linear measurement on MR images in a total of 71 patients with affective disorders, including bipolar affective disorder (41) and depression (30). Fourty-one healthy persons served as controls. Evans ratio, Huckman number and minimum distance of caudate nuclei (MDCN) were used as indices for ventricular enlargment. No significant difference in Evans ratio was observed between both the group of bipolar affective disorder and the group of depression and the control group. Nor did it correlate with age in any of the groups. Huckman number was significantly higher in the group of bipolar affective disorder than the other two groups. It positively correlated with age in the group of depression. MDCN was significantly increased in the group of bipolar affective disorder, as compared with the control group; and there was a positive correlation between MDCN and age in both the group of dipolar affective disorder and the group of depression. In conclusion, ventricular enlargement was dependent upon aging in affetive disorder patients. This tendency was more noticeable in the group of depression. In addition, atrophy of the caudate nuclei was likely to be severer in the group of dipolar affective disorder than the group of depression. (N.K.)

  16. Inhaled Milrinone After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. (United States)

    Haglund, Nicholas A; Burdorf, Adam; Jones, Tara; Shostrom, Valerie; Um, John; Ryan, Timothy; Shillcutt, Sasha; Fischer, Patricia; Cox, Zachary L; Raichlin, Eugenia; Anderson, Daniel R; Lowes, Brian D; Dumitru, Ioana


    Proven strategies to reduce right ventricular (RV) dysfunction after continuous-flow left ventricular assist device (CF-LVAD) implantation are lacking. We sought to evaluate the tolerability, feasibility, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics of inhaled milrinone (iMil) delivery after CF-LVAD implantation. We prospectively evaluated fixed-dose nebulized iMil delivered into a ventilator circuit for 24 hours in 10 postoperative CF-LVAD (Heartmate-II) patients. Tolerability (arrhythmias, hypotension, and hypersensitivity reaction), efficacy (hemodynamics), pharmacokinetics (plasma milrinone levels), and cost data were collected.Mean age was 56 ± 9 years, 90% were male, and mean INTERMACS profile was 2.5 ± 0.8. No new atrial arrhythmia events occurred, although 3 (30%) ventricular tachycardia (1 nonsustained, 2 sustained) events occurred. Sustained hypotension, drug hypersensitivity, death, or need for right ventricular assist device were not observed. Invasive mean pulmonary arterial pressure from baseline to during iMil therapy was improved (P = .017). Mean plasma milrinone levels (ng/mL) at baseline, and 1, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hours were 74.2 ± 35.4, 111.3 ± 70.9, 135.9 ± 41.5, 205.0 ± 86.7, 176.8 ± 61.3 187.6 ± 105.5, respectively. Reduced institutional cost was observed when iMil was compared with nitric oxide therapy over 24 hours ($165.29 vs $1,944.00, respectively). iMil delivery after CF-LVAD implantation was well tolerated, feasible, and demonstrated favorable hemodynamic, pharmacokinetic, and cost profiles. iMil therapy warrants further study in larger clinical trials. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. A computational fluid dynamics simulation framework for ventricular catheter design optimization. (United States)

    Weisenberg, Sofy H; TerMaath, Stephanie C; Barbier, Charlotte N; Hill, Judith C; Killeffer, James A


    OBJECTIVE Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts are the primary treatment for patients suffering from hydrocephalus. While proven effective in symptom relief, these shunt systems are plagued by high failure rates and often require repeated revision surgeries to replace malfunctioning components. One of the leading causes of CSF shunt failure is obstruction of the ventricular catheter by aggregations of cells, proteins, blood clots, or fronds of choroid plexus that occlude the catheter's small inlet holes or even the full internal catheter lumen. Such obstructions can disrupt CSF diversion out of the ventricular system or impede it entirely. Previous studies have suggested that altering the catheter's fluid dynamics may help to reduce the likelihood of complete ventricular catheter failure caused by obstruction. However, systematic correlation between a ventricular catheter's design parameters and its performance, specifically its likelihood to become occluded, still remains unknown. Therefore, an automated, open-source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation framework was developed for use in the medical community to determine optimized ventricular catheter designs and to rapidly explore parameter influence for a given flow objective. METHODS The computational framework was developed by coupling a 3D CFD solver and an iterative optimization algorithm and was implemented in a high-performance computing environment. The capabilities of the framework were demonstrated by computing an optimized ventricular catheter design that provides uniform flow rates through the catheter's inlet holes, a common design objective in the literature. The baseline computational model was validated using 3D nuclear imaging to provide flow velocities at the inlet holes and through the catheter. RESULTS The optimized catheter design achieved through use of the automated simulation framework improved significantly on previous attempts to reach a uniform inlet flow rate distribution using

  18. [Radioisotopic mapping of the arrhythmogenic focus in patients with chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy and sustained ventricular tachycardia]. (United States)

    de Paola, A A; Balbão, C E; Castiglioni, M L; Barbieri, A; Mendonça, A; Netto, O S; Guiguer Júnior, N; Vattimo, A C; Souza, I A; Portugal, O P


    To localize the site of the origin of sustained ventricular tachycardia in chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy patients refractory to antiarrhythmic therapy by radionuclide angiography techniques. Five patients underwent radionuclide angiography by intravenous administration of 25mCi 99mTc. The images were obtained in sinus rhythm and during sustained ventricular tachycardia induced in the electrophysiologic laboratory for endocardial mapping. Amplitude and phase images were obtained resulting in a contraction wave synchronic to ventricular dispolarization. All patients had haemodynamic stability during the arrhythmia. One patient had incessant ventricular tachycardia. Mean ejection fraction was 0.38. In 4 patients the site of the origin of ventricular tachycardia was posterior and in one it was localized in the interventricular septum. There was identity in the site of the origin of ventricular tachycardia obtained by endocardial mapping or radionuclide angiography in all patients. The therapy was chemical ablation in 3 patients, surgical aneurysmectomy in one and pharmacologic therapy in the last patient. The site of the origin of ventricular tachycardia can be estimated by analyzing the contraction wave obtained by radionuclide angiography techniques in patients with hemodynamic stable sustained ventricular tachycardia.

  19. Measurement of right ventricular volumes using 131I-MAA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sekimoto, T.; Grover, R.F.


    A method is presented for determining the right ventricular residual ratio, that is, the ratio of the end-systolic volume to the end-diastolic volume during each cardiac cycle. 131 I-MAA was injected as a bolus into the right ventricle, and the ratio of isotope remaining in the chamber during the succeeding cardiac cycles was determined with a collimated scintillation counter placed over the right ventricle. Since the counter detected the radioactivity from the entire right ventricular cavity, potential errors from incomplete mixing were minimized. The washout curve from the ventricle was distorted somewhat by the accumulation of isotope in intervening lung tissue. This distortion was eliminated by subtracting the build-up curve of radioactivity in the lung recorded simultaneously with a second scintillation counter positioned over the lateral chest wall. In 14 dogs anesthetized with chloralose, the right ventricular residual ratio was relatively constant at 40.4 +- 3.1 per cent. Duplicate measurements differed by less than 3 percent indicating the good reproducibility of the method. Right ventricular stroke volume was determined from cardiac output (dye dilution) and heart rate. With this and the simultaneously determined residual ratio ( 131 I-MAA), end-diastolic volume could be calculated. Stroke volume and stroke work were highly correlated with end-diastolic volume, in keeping with the Frank-Starling mechanism. (U.S.)

  20. Contrast media for left ventricular angiography. A comparison between Cardio-Conray and iopamidol.


    Gwilt, D J; Nagle, R E


    Forty consecutive patients with coronary artery disease undergoing left ventricular angiography took part in a randomised double blind trial comparing a conventional contrast medium sodium meglumine iothalamate (Cardio-Conray) with the low osmolar agent iopamidol. Iopamidol produced a smaller rise in heart rate and a smaller fall in left ventricular systolic pressure, but the changes in left ventricular and diastolic pressure and maximum rate of change of pressure (dP/dt max) were not differe...

  1. Dynamic right ventricular outflow tract (infundibular) stenosis and pectus excavatum in a dog


    Fournier, Tanya E.


    This is the first published report of a dog with dynamic right ventricular outflow tract (infundibular) stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, and pectus excavatum. A juvenile dog presented with a grade V/VI left base systolic heart murmur, tachycardia, and pectus excavatum. Diagnosis of the aforementioned conditions was based on radiography, electrocardiography, and echocardiography. At 9 1/2 wk of age the heart murmur was no longer audible and the right ventricular stenosis and hypertroph...

  2. Intraoperative closure of infant multiple muscular ventricular septal defects with Amplatzer occluder

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jinfen; Gao Wei; Zhu Zhongqun; Chen Huiwen; Zhang Yuqi


    Objective: To report the preliminary experience of intraoperative hybrid therapy for closure of multiple muscular ventricular septal defects (VSD) in a small infant. Methods: After median sternotomy, a AGA Amplatzer occluder was introduced through right ventricular surface to close 2 muscular ventricular septal defects under transesophageal echocardiographic guidance. Results: The infant survived after the treatment without residual shunting, and rehabilitated rapidly. Conclusions: Intraoperative hybrid therapy with combined surgical technique and interventional procedure for closure of multiple muscular VSD in small infant is a safe and effective method. (authors)

  3. Transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defect with Occlutech Duct Occluder. (United States)

    Atik-Ugan, Sezen; Saltik, Irfan Levent


    Patent ductus arteriosus occluders are used for transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defects, as well as for closure of patent ductus arteriosus. The Occlutech Duct Occluder is a newly introduced device for transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus. Here, we present a case in which the Occlutech Duct Occluder was successfully used on a patient for the closure of a perimembraneous ventricular septal defect.

  4. Androgenic anabolic steroids also impair right ventricular function. (United States)

    Kasikcioglu, Erdem; Oflaz, Huseyin; Umman, Berrin; Bugra, Zehra


    Chronic anabolic steroid use suppresses left ventricular functions. However, there is no information regarding the chronic effects of anabolic steroids on right ventricular function which also plays a key role in global cardiac function. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of androgenic anabolic steroids usage among athletes on remodeling the right part of the heart. Androgenic-anabolic steroids-using bodybuilders had smaller diastolic velocities of both ventricles than drug-free bodybuilders and sedentary counterparts. This study shows that androgenic anabolic steroids-using bodybuilders exhibited depressed diastolic functions of both ventricles.

  5. Ischemic Stroke with Cardiac Pacemaker Implantation: Comparison of Physiological and Ventricular Pacing Modes. (United States)

    Kato, Yuji; Hayashi, Takeshi; Kato, Ritsushi; Tanahashi, Norio; Takao, Masaki


    The clinical characteristics of ischemic stroke in patients with a pacemaker (PM) are not well understood. Forty-six ischemic stroke patients with a PM were investigated retrospectively, and the impact of different pacing modes was compared. The patients were divided into a physiological pacing group (n = 22) and a ventricular pacing group (n = 24). The prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) was significantly higher in the ventricular pacing group (36% versus 75%; P = .008). The mean left atrial dimension was relatively large in the ventricular pacing group than in the physiological pacing group (44.5 ± 6.7 mm versus 39.1 ± 8.5 mm, respectively; P = .071). Twenty-four percent of the patients were receiving anticoagulants, whereas 41% of the patients were receiving antiplatelet drugs. Cardioembolism was the most common stroke subtype in both groups. Although there was no statistically significant difference, neurological severity on admission was higher in the ventricular pacing group than in the physiological pacing group (P = .061). Functional outcomes, excluding patients with transient ischemic attack or prior stroke, significantly declined in the ventricular pacing group compared with the physiological pacing group (P = .044). The avoidance of the ventricular pacing mode may result in improved clinical outcomes. In patients without persistent AF, it may be important to select physiological pacing instead of ventricular pacing to decrease potential stroke severity. Copyright © 2017 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Left ventricular hypertrophy in children, adolescents and young adults with sickle cell anemia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo Baptista de Almeida Faro


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to estimate the frequency of left ventricular hypertrophy and to identify variables associated with this condition in under 25-year-old patients with sickle cell anemia.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed of children, adolescents and young adults with sickle cell anemia submitted to a transthoracic Doppler echocardiography. The mass of the left ventricle was determined by the formula of Devereux et al. with correction for height, and the percentile curves of gender and age were applied. Individuals with rheumatic and congenital heart disease were excluded. The patients were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of left ventricular hypertrophy and compared according to clinical, echocardiographic and laboratory variables.RESULTS: A total of 37.6% of the patients had left ventricular hypertrophy in this sample. There was no difference between the groups of patients with and without hypertrophy according to pathological history or clinical characteristics, except possibly for the use of hydroxyurea, more often used in the group without left ventricular hypertrophy. Patients with left ventricular hypertrophy presented larger left atria and lower hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, reticulocyte index and a higher albumin:creatinine ratio in urine.CONCLUSION: Left ventricular hypertrophy was observed in more than one-third of the young patients with sickle cell anemia with this finding being inversely correlated to the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, and reticulocyte index and directly associated to a higher albumin/creatinine ratio. It is possible that hydroxyurea had had a protective effect on the development of left ventricular hypertrophy.

  7. Alterações contráteis segmentares e sua associação com arritmias ventriculares complexas, em pacientes chagásicos com eletrocardiograma normal ou borderline Regional left ventricular dysfunction and its association with complex ventricular arrhythmia, in chagasic patients with normal or borderline electrocardiogram

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavia Vernin de Oliveira Terzi


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Morte súbita representa a principal causa de óbito em chagásicos. Eventos fatais em pacientes saudáveis, com anormalidades contráteis, foram documentados. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar a associação entre alteração contrátil e arritmias ventriculares complexas em pacientes chagásicos, classe funcional I, eletrocardiograma normal ou borderline e função ventricular preservada. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e nove pacientes com doença de Chagas e eletrocardiograma normal ou borderline realizaram ecocardiograma, teste ergométrico e Holter. Avaliou-se a contratilidade global e segmentar dos ventrículos e a presença de arritmias ventriculares complexas induzidas no esforço e espontâneas, respectivamente. A análise estatística foi feita pelo modelo Log-Linear geral. RESULTADOS: Idade média de 56 anos; 55% mulheres. Alterações contráteis segmentares em 24,5% dos pacientes; 12% dos Holter e 18% dos testes ergométricos positivos. Houve associação entre arritmia e alteração segmentar condicionada à presença da disfunção sistólica leve do ventrículo esquerdo. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações contráteis, na presença de disfunção global leve, indicam pacientes sob maior risco de arritmias complexas.INTRODUCTION: Sudden death is the major cause of death among chagasic patients. A significant number of fatal events in patients without apparent heart disease and borderline electrocardiogram, but with contractile ventricular dysfunction, have been documented. This work aimed to determine the association between regional dysfunction and the presence of ventricular arrhythmia in chagasic patients without apparent heart disease. METHODS: Forty-nine patients with normal or borderline electrocardiogram were submitted to echocardiogram, exercise stress test and Holter. The presence of cardiac contractile alterations and complex ventricular arrhythmia was analyzed. Statistic analysis used the general Log-Linear model. RESULTS

  8. Perforación tardía del ventrículo derecho con electrodo de fijación activa en el septum y estimulación diafragmática como primera manifestación clínica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Negrete, MD


    Full Text Available La perforación miocárdica es una complicación infrecuente, relacionada con el implante de marcapasos y cardiodesfibriladores, que puede ocurrir al insertar los electrodos; sin embargo, en relación con la utilización de electrodos de fijación activa, ésta puede suceder después de varios días o semanas del implante. Se describe un caso clínico de un paciente a quien se le implantó un marcapasos bicameral con electrodos de fijación activa evidenciándose una semana más tarde perforación miocárdica por el electrodo ventricular, con estimulación diafragmática como manifestación clínica. Inicialmente no había evidencia radiológica de la perforación y requirió abordaje endovascular para extracción

  9. Current and future role of echocardiography in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mast, Thomas P.; Teske, Arco J.; Doevendans, Pieter A.; Cramer, Maarten J.

    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited progressive cardiomyopathy, clinically characterized by ventricular arrhythmias and increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Echocardiography has a role in the diagnosis and prognosis of ARVD/C. However, in the current

  10. Doubly committed subarterial ventricular septal defect with prolapsed right coronary cusp with moderate aortic regurgitation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Redoy Ranjan


    Full Text Available A 4 year old girl was presented with the respiratory tract infection, breathlessness after taking meal, failure to thrive, abnormal movement of the chest on left side overlying the area of heart and systolic murmur. She developed these symptoms gradually for the last 3.5 years. Echocardiography revealed doubly committed subarterial ventricular septal defect with moderate aortic regurgitation. The size of the ventricular septal defect was 7 x 9 mm at the left ventricular outflow tract. The right coronary cusp of the aortic valve was prolapsed. Left atrium and left ventricle were dilated. The pulmonary artery systolic pressure was 35 mm Hg. The ventricular septal defect was closed with the standard surgical procedure using cardiopulmonary bypass followed by aortotomy and right atriotomy. Immediate post-operative period of this case was uneventful and the patient was discharged on 9th post-operative day. Follow-up echocardiography showed no residual ventricular septal defect or aortic regurgitation and the ventricular function was good.

  11. Monitoring ventricular function at rest and during exercise with a nonimaging nuclear detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, H.N. Jr.; Rigo, P.; Baxter, R.H.; Alderson, P.O.; Douglass, K.H.; Housholder, D.F.


    A portable nonimaging device, the nuclear stethoscope, for measuring beat to beat ventricular time-activity curves in normal people and patients with heart disease, both at rest and during exercise, is being developed and evaluated. The latest device has several operting modes that facilitate left ventricular and background localization, measurement of transit times and automatic calculation and display of left ventricular ejection fraction. The correlation coefficient of left ventricular ejection fraction obtained with the device and with a camera-computer system was 0.92 in 35 subjects. During bicycle exercise the ejection fraction in 15 normal persons increased from 44 to 64% (P less than 0.001), whereas among 12 patients with heart disease it was unchanged in 5 and decreased in 7

  12. Monitoring ventricular function at rest and during exercise with a nonimaging nuclear detector. (United States)

    Wagner, H N; Rigo, P; Baxter, R H; Alderson, P O; Douglass, K H; Housholder, D F


    A portable nonimaging device, the nuclear stethoscope, for measuring beat to beat ventricular time-activity curves in normal people and patients with heart disease, both at rest and during exercise, is being developed and evaluated. The latest device has several operating modes that facilitate left ventricular and background localization, measurement of transit times and automatic calculation and display of left ventricular ejection fraction. The correlation coefficient of left ventricular ejection fraction obtained with the device and with a camera-computer system was 0.92 in 35 subjects. During bicycle exercise the ejection fraction in 15 normal persons increased from 44 to 64 percent (P less than 0.001), whereas among 12 patients with heart disease it was unchanged in 5 and decreased in 7.

  13. Noninvasive reconstruction of the three-dimensional ventricular activation sequence during pacing and ventricular tachycardia in the canine heart. (United States)

    Han, Chengzong; Pogwizd, Steven M; Killingsworth, Cheryl R; He, Bin


    Single-beat imaging of myocardial activation promises to aid in both cardiovascular research and clinical medicine. In the present study we validate a three-dimensional (3D) cardiac electrical imaging (3DCEI) technique with the aid of simultaneous 3D intracardiac mapping to assess its capability to localize endocardial and epicardial initiation sites and image global activation sequences during pacing and ventricular tachycardia (VT) in the canine heart. Body surface potentials were measured simultaneously with bipolar electrical recordings in a closed-chest condition in healthy canines. Computed tomography images were obtained after the mapping study to construct realistic geometry models. Data analysis was performed on paced rhythms and VTs induced by norepinephrine (NE). The noninvasively reconstructed activation sequence was in good agreement with the simultaneous measurements from 3D cardiac mapping with a correlation coefficient of 0.74 ± 0.06, a relative error of 0.29 ± 0.05, and a root mean square error of 9 ± 3 ms averaged over 460 paced beats and 96 ectopic beats including premature ventricular complexes, couplets, and nonsustained monomorphic VTs and polymorphic VTs. Endocardial and epicardial origins of paced beats were successfully predicted in 72% and 86% of cases, respectively, during left ventricular pacing. The NE-induced ectopic beats initiated in the subendocardium by a focal mechanism. Sites of initial activation were estimated to be ∼7 mm from the measured initiation sites for both the paced beats and ectopic beats. For the polymorphic VTs, beat-to-beat dynamic shifts of initiation site and activation pattern were characterized by the reconstruction. The present results suggest that 3DCEI can noninvasively image the 3D activation sequence and localize the origin of activation of paced beats and NE-induced VTs in the canine heart with good accuracy. This 3DCEI technique offers the potential to aid interventional therapeutic procedures for

  14. Characterization of the Left-Sided Substrate in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Berte, Benjamin; Denis, Arnaud; Amraoui, Sana; Yamashita, Seigo; Komatsu, Yuki; Pillois, Xavier; Sacher, Frédéric; Mahida, Saagar; Wielandts, Jean-Yves; Sellal, Jean-Marc; Frontera, Antonio; Al Jefairi, Nora; Derval, Nicolas; Montaudon, Michel; Laurent, François; Hocini, Mélèze; Haïssaguerre, Michel; Jaïs, Pierre; Cochet, Hubert


    The correlates of left ventricular (LV) substrate in arrhythmogenic right ventricular (RV) cardiomyopathy are largely unknown. Thirty-two patients with arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy (47±14 years; 6 women) were included. RV and LV dysplasia were defined from multidetector computed tomography and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Arrhythmias were characterized as right-sided or left-sided on 12-lead ECG recordings at baseline and during isoproterenol testing. In 14 patients, the imaging substrate was compared with voltage mapping and local abnormal ventricular activity. Imaging abnormalities were found in 32 (100%) and 21 (66%) patients on the RV and LV, respectively, intramyocardial fat on multidetector computed tomography being the most sensitive feature. LV involvement related to none of the Task Force criteria. Right-sided arrhythmias were more frequent than left-sided arrhythmias (P=0.003) although the latter were more frequent in case of LV involvement (P=0.02). The agreement between low voltage and fat on multidetector computed tomography was high on the RV when using either endocardial unipolar or epicardial bipolar data (κ=0.82 and κ=0.78, respectively) but lower on the LV (κ=0.54 for epicardial bipolar). LV local abnormal ventricular activity was found in all patients with LV involvement, and none of the others. The density of local abnormal ventricular activity within fat areas was similar between the RV and LV (P=0.57). LV substrate is frequent in arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy, but poorly identified by current diagnostic strategies. Left-sided arrhythmias are more frequent in case of LV involvement. LV fat hosts the same density of local abnormal ventricular activity as RV fat, but is less efficiently detected by voltage mapping. These results support the need for alternative diagnostic strategies to identify LV dysplasia. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  15. Evaluation of right ventricular ejection fraction by first-pass radionuclide angiocardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uehara, Toshiisa; Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Naito, Hiroaki; Hayashida, Kohei; Kozuka, Takahiro


    Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) obtained by radionuclide angiocardiography is a convenient and good parameter of the left ventricular function. Right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) also seems to be a good parameter of the right ventricular function. RVEF calculated from volumetry with contrast right ventriculography is not necessarily correct because of the complex figure of the right ventricle. On the other hand, the method of calculation of RVEF with radionuclide angiocardiography has the advantage of being able to ignore the complexity of figure of RV, because RI counts extracted from the time-activity curve represent changes in ventricular volume. In this study, we developped an original method to calculate RVEF with first pass method. After setting of region of interest (ROI) of RV, background and ROI for correction of motion of tricuspid valve, we calculated RVEF with these time-activity curves, Since we found that too rapid infusion of RI made the time-activity curve of RV too steep, and too slow infusion of RI made the background of lung field too high, the appropriate infusion rate was required to get correct value of RVEF. In addition, the time-activity curve often became steep or flat in dependence of the speed of venous return and cardiac output of patients. In order to avoid the effect of infusion speed, the time-activity curve was fitted to linear curves and the value of RVEF was corrected. The validity of these methods was confirmed in our study. As the result, RVEF obtained with our methods appeared to have good correlation with that obtained from volumetry of contrast right ventriculography (r = 0.77) and to be very useful in clinical estimation of right ventricular function. (author)

  16. Detection of Life Threatening Ventricular Arrhythmia Using Digital Taylor Fourier Transform. (United States)

    Tripathy, Rajesh K; Zamora-Mendez, Alejandro; de la O Serna, José A; Paternina, Mario R Arrieta; Arrieta, Juan G; Naik, Ganesh R


    Accurate detection and classification of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia episodes such as ventricular fibrillation (VF) and rapid ventricular tachycardia (VT) from electrocardiogram (ECG) is a challenging problem for patient monitoring and defibrillation therapy. This paper introduces a novel method for detection and classification of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia episodes. The ECG signal is decomposed into various oscillatory modes using digital Taylor-Fourier transform (DTFT). The magnitude feature and a novel phase feature namely the phase difference (PD) are evaluated from the mode Taylor-Fourier coefficients of ECG signal. The least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier with linear and radial basis function (RBF) kernels is employed for detection and classification of VT vs. VF, non-shock vs. shock and VF vs. non-VF arrhythmia episodes. The accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity values obtained using the proposed method are 89.81, 86.38, and 93.97%, respectively for the classification of Non-VF and VF episodes. Comparison with the performance of the state-of-the-art features demonstrate the advantages of the proposition.

  17. [The complex origin of ventricular tachycardia after the total correction of tetralogy of Fallot]. (United States)

    Ressia, L; Graffigna, A; Salerno-Uriarte, J A; Viganò, M


    Two patients underwent surgical treatment of ventricular tachycardia after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Both patients had right bundle branch block, moderate pulmonary valve incompetence and right ventricular dilatation, and were refractory to electrophysiologically guided drug therapy. Both patients underwent intraoperative epicardial mapping, which located the arrhythmogenic focus on the right ventricular outflow tract, on the border of the previous ventriculotomy. In one patient removal of the previous scar and endocardial cryoablation was successful in ablating the arrhythmia. In the other, the same procedure was only temporarily effective. VT recurred and was subsequently identified at the superior border of the closed ventricular septal defect. It was ablated by means of transcatheter radiofrequency. While VT from foci located on the right ventricular free wall can be easily detected and ablated, septal origin of VT requires extensive preoperative and intraoperative electrophysiological evaluation and may necessitate combined surgical and transcatheter procedures.

  18. Delayed ventricular septal rupture complicating acute inferior wall myocardial infarction


    Cho, Jae Hyung; Sattiraju, Srinivasan; Mehta, Sanjay; Missov, Emil


    Background Ventricular septal rupture is a potentially fatal complication of acute myocardial infarction. Its incidence has declined with modern reperfusion therapy. In the era of percutaneous coronary interventions, it occurs a median of 18?24?hours after myocardial infarction and is most commonly associated with anterior myocardial infarction. We present a case of delayed ventricular septal rupture complicating acute inferior wall myocardial infarction. Case presentation A 53-year-old Cauca...

  19. Thallium-201: quantitation of right ventricular hypertrophy in chronically hypoxic rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rabinovitch, M.; Fisher, K.; Gamble, W.; Reid, L.; Treves, S.


    Sprague Dawley rats were divided into two groups. Ten were kept in room air and 10 in hypobaric hypoxia (air at 380 m Hg). After two weeks all were injected intravenously with 50 μCi of 201 Tl and sacrificed. The right and left ventricles were separated, weighed, and measured for radioactivity in a gamma well counter. Left and right ventricular mass ratios (MR) correlated with 201 Tl radioactivity ratios (TAR) in both control and hypoxic rats: r = 0.962 where MR = 0.863 TAR + 0.27. Myocardial 201 Tl uptake reflects and quantitates normal and abnormal ventricular mass, the abnormal mass in this model consisting of right ventricular hypertrophy associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension

  20. An angiographic study of left- and right-ventricular function in patients with alcoholic heart and dilatation cardiomyopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Savchenko, A.P.; Samko, A.N.; Smetnev, A.S.; Grudtsyn, G.V.


    An angiographic study of left- and right-ventricular function in 57 patients with alcoholic heart and dilatation cardiomyopathy demonstrated preclinical disorders of left-ventricular myocardial contractility and more marked right-ventricular changes in patients with second-stage chronic alcoholism. In cases of dilatation cardiomyopathy, left-ventricular dysfunction was predominant, while right-venricular changes were less pronouced

  1. Screening for Fabry Disease in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Documentation of a Novel Mutation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baptista, Ana, E-mail:; Magalhães, Pedro; Leão, Sílvia; Carvalho, Sofia; Mateus, Pedro; Moreira, Ilídio [Centro Hospitalar de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Unidade de Vila Real (Portugal)


    Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disease caused by enzyme α-galactosidase A deficiency as a result of mutations in the GLA gene. Cardiac involvement is characterized by progressive left ventricular hypertrophy. To estimate the prevalence of Fabry disease in a population with left ventricular hypertrophy. The patients were assessed for the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy defined as a left ventricular mass index ≥ 96 g/m{sup 2} for women or ≥ 116 g/m{sup 2} for men. Severe aortic stenosis and arterial hypertension with mild left ventricular hypertrophy were exclusion criteria. All patients included were assessed for enzyme α-galactosidase A activity using dry spot testing. Genetic study was performed whenever the enzyme activity was decreased. A total of 47 patients with a mean left ventricular mass index of 141.1 g/m{sup 2} (± 28.5; 99.2 to 228.5 g/m{sup 2}] were included. Most of the patients were females (51.1%). Nine (19.1%) showed decreased α-galactosidase A activity, but only one positive genetic test − [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5), a mutation not previously described in the literature. This clinical investigation was able to establish the association between the mutation and the clinical presentation. In a population of patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, we documented a Fabry disease prevalence of 2.1%. This novel case was defined in the sequence of a mutation of unknown meaning in the GLA gene with further pathogenicity study. Thus, this study permitted the definition of a novel causal mutation for Fabry disease - [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5)

  2. Screening for Fabry Disease in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Documentation of a Novel Mutation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baptista, Ana; Magalhães, Pedro; Leão, Sílvia; Carvalho, Sofia; Mateus, Pedro; Moreira, Ilídio


    Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disease caused by enzyme α-galactosidase A deficiency as a result of mutations in the GLA gene. Cardiac involvement is characterized by progressive left ventricular hypertrophy. To estimate the prevalence of Fabry disease in a population with left ventricular hypertrophy. The patients were assessed for the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy defined as a left ventricular mass index ≥ 96 g/m 2 for women or ≥ 116 g/m 2 for men. Severe aortic stenosis and arterial hypertension with mild left ventricular hypertrophy were exclusion criteria. All patients included were assessed for enzyme α-galactosidase A activity using dry spot testing. Genetic study was performed whenever the enzyme activity was decreased. A total of 47 patients with a mean left ventricular mass index of 141.1 g/m 2 (± 28.5; 99.2 to 228.5 g/m 2 ] were included. Most of the patients were females (51.1%). Nine (19.1%) showed decreased α-galactosidase A activity, but only one positive genetic test − [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5), a mutation not previously described in the literature. This clinical investigation was able to establish the association between the mutation and the clinical presentation. In a population of patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, we documented a Fabry disease prevalence of 2.1%. This novel case was defined in the sequence of a mutation of unknown meaning in the GLA gene with further pathogenicity study. Thus, this study permitted the definition of a novel causal mutation for Fabry disease - [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5)

  3. Percutaneous Repair of Postoperative Mitral Regurgitation After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implant. (United States)

    Cork, David P; Adamson, Robert; Gollapudi, Raghava; Dembitsky, Walter; Jaski, Brian


    Mitral regurgitation commonly improves after implantation of a left ventricular assist device without concomitant valvular repair owing to the mechanical unloading of the left ventricle. However, the development (or persistence) of significant mitral regurgitation after implantation of a left ventricular assist device is associated with adverse clinical events. We present a case of a left ventricular assist device patient who successfully underwent a percutaneous MitraClip procedure for repair of persistent late postoperative mitral insufficiency with demonstrable clinical and hemodynamic improvement. Copyright © 2018 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Dependence of intramyocardial pressure and coronary flow on ventricular loading and contractility: a model study. (United States)

    Bovendeerd, Peter H M; Borsje, Petra; Arts, Theo; van De Vosse, Frans N


    The phasic coronary arterial inflow during the normal cardiac cycle has been explained with simple (waterfall, intramyocardial pump) models, emphasizing the role of ventricular pressure. To explain changes in isovolumic and low afterload beats, these models were extended with the effect of three-dimensional wall stress, nonlinear characteristics of the coronary bed, and extravascular fluid exchange. With the associated increase in the number of model parameters, a detailed parameter sensitivity analysis has become difficult. Therefore we investigated the primary relations between ventricular pressure and volume, wall stress, intramyocardial pressure and coronary blood flow, with a mathematical model with a limited number of parameters. The model replicates several experimental observations: the phasic character of coronary inflow is virtually independent of maximum ventricular pressure, the amplitude of the coronary flow signal varies about proportionally with cardiac contractility, and intramyocardial pressure in the ventricular wall may exceed ventricular pressure. A parameter sensitivity analysis shows that the normalized amplitude of coronary inflow is mainly determined by contractility, reflected in ventricular pressure and, at low ventricular volumes, radial wall stress. Normalized flow amplitude is less sensitive to myocardial coronary compliance and resistance, and to the relation between active fiber stress, time, and sarcomere shortening velocity.

  5. Qt interval prolongation and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic heart failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sarwar, M.; Majeed, S.M.I.; Khan, M.A.; Majeed, S.M.


    To determine the association of QTc interval prolongation with ventricular arrhythmias in patients with chronic heart failure. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology/National Institute of Heart Diseases, Rawalpindi, Pakistan from April 2013 to August 2013. Patients and Methods: Fifty three heart failure patients were monitored for 48 hours using ambulatory holter electrocardiography recorders. Digital ECG data was analyzed for QTc interval along with frequency and severity of arrhythmias. Association of prolonged QTc interval with ventricular arrhythmias and severity of arrhythmias was analyzed. Results: Cardiac arrhythmias were observed in 79.2% patients. QT analysis revealed that 69.8% patients had prolonged QTc interval, 86.4% patients with prolonged QTc had ventricular arrhythmias. Of these 66% patients were found to have severe ventricular arrhythmias. Comparison of mean QTc interval of our study population with a reference value showed significantly higher QTc interval of our study group than the test value. Conclusion: Arrhythmia frequency and severity significantly increases with an increase in QTc interval in heart failure demonstrating association of prolonged QTc interval with high risk of severe ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in chronic heart failure. (author)

  6. Silent left ventricular dysfunction during routine activity after thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kayden, D.S.; Wackers, F.J.; Zaret, B.L.


    To investigate prospectively the occurrence and significance of postinfarction transient left ventricular dysfunction, 33 ambulatory patients who underwent thrombolytic therapy after myocardial infarction were monitored continuously for 187 +/- 56 min during normal activity with a radionuclide left ventricular function detector at the time of hospital discharge. Twelve patients demonstrated 19 episodes of transient left ventricular dysfunction (greater than 0.05 decrease in ejection fraction, lasting greater than or equal to 1 min), with no change in heart rate. Only two episodes in one patient were associated with chest pain and electrocardiographic changes. The baseline ejection fraction was 0.52 +/- 0.12 in patients with transient left ventricular dysfunction and 0.51 +/- 0.13 in patients without dysfunction (p = NS). At follow-up study (19.2 +/- 5.4 months), cardiac events (unstable angina, myocardial infarction or death) occurred in 8 of 12 patients with but in only 3 of 21 patients without transient left ventricular dysfunction (p less than 0.01). During submaximal supine bicycle exercise, only two patients demonstrated a decrease in ejection fraction greater than or equal to 0.05 at peak exercise; neither had a subsequent cardiac event. These data suggest that transient episodes of silent left ventricular dysfunction at hospital discharge in patients treated with thrombolysis after myocardial infarction are common and associated with a poor outcome. Continuous left ventricular function monitoring during normal activity may provide prognostic information not available from submaximal exercise test results

  7. [Diagnosis and therapy of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy]. (United States)

    Zorzi, Alessandro; Rigato, Ilaria; Migliore, Federico; Perazzolo Marra, Martina; Basso, Cristina; Thiene, Gaetano; Bauce, Barbara; Corrado, Domenico


    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an inherited heart muscle disease that predisposes to the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death, particularly in the young and athlete. The classic variant of the disease predominantly affects the right ventricle, but phenotypic variants with early and prevalent left ventricular involvement ("left-dominant" ARVC) have also been described, supporting the concept that arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy is a disease of both ventricles. The diagnosis is multiparametric and is based on a series of criteria, including ECG abnormalities, arrhythmic manifestations, morpho-functional abnormalities and genetic defects. The main goal of therapy is sudden death prevention. Implant of a cardioverter-defibrillator is the most effective strategy for prevention of sudden death, but it should be reserved to selected patients after accurate risk stratification, in view of the high complication rate over a long-term follow-up, the costs and the significant psychological impact of such therapy, especially in the young individual. The other therapies (either pharmacological or not) are palliative and aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing disease progression. The definitive cure of ARVC will be based on the discovery of the molecular mechanisms that are involved in the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease.

  8. Simulation Methods and Validation Criteria for Modeling Cardiac Ventricular Electrophysiology.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shankarjee Krishnamoorthi

    Full Text Available We describe a sequence of methods to produce a partial differential equation model of the electrical activation of the ventricles. In our framework, we incorporate the anatomy and cardiac microstructure obtained from magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging of a New Zealand White rabbit, the Purkinje structure and the Purkinje-muscle junctions, and an electrophysiologically accurate model of the ventricular myocytes and tissue, which includes transmural and apex-to-base gradients of action potential characteristics. We solve the electrophysiology governing equations using the finite element method and compute both a 6-lead precordial electrocardiogram (ECG and the activation wavefronts over time. We are particularly concerned with the validation of the various methods used in our model and, in this regard, propose a series of validation criteria that we consider essential. These include producing a physiologically accurate ECG, a correct ventricular activation sequence, and the inducibility of ventricular fibrillation. Among other components, we conclude that a Purkinje geometry with a high density of Purkinje muscle junctions covering the right and left ventricular endocardial surfaces as well as transmural and apex-to-base gradients in action potential characteristics are necessary to produce ECGs and time activation plots that agree with physiological observations.

  9. Simulation Methods and Validation Criteria for Modeling Cardiac Ventricular Electrophysiology. (United States)

    Krishnamoorthi, Shankarjee; Perotti, Luigi E; Borgstrom, Nils P; Ajijola, Olujimi A; Frid, Anna; Ponnaluri, Aditya V; Weiss, James N; Qu, Zhilin; Klug, William S; Ennis, Daniel B; Garfinkel, Alan


    We describe a sequence of methods to produce a partial differential equation model of the electrical activation of the ventricles. In our framework, we incorporate the anatomy and cardiac microstructure obtained from magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging of a New Zealand White rabbit, the Purkinje structure and the Purkinje-muscle junctions, and an electrophysiologically accurate model of the ventricular myocytes and tissue, which includes transmural and apex-to-base gradients of action potential characteristics. We solve the electrophysiology governing equations using the finite element method and compute both a 6-lead precordial electrocardiogram (ECG) and the activation wavefronts over time. We are particularly concerned with the validation of the various methods used in our model and, in this regard, propose a series of validation criteria that we consider essential. These include producing a physiologically accurate ECG, a correct ventricular activation sequence, and the inducibility of ventricular fibrillation. Among other components, we conclude that a Purkinje geometry with a high density of Purkinje muscle junctions covering the right and left ventricular endocardial surfaces as well as transmural and apex-to-base gradients in action potential characteristics are necessary to produce ECGs and time activation plots that agree with physiological observations.

  10. Prognostic impact of isolated right ventricular dysfunction in sepsis and septic shock: an 8-year historical cohort study. (United States)

    Vallabhajosyula, Saraschandra; Kumar, Mukesh; Pandompatam, Govind; Sakhuja, Ankit; Kashyap, Rahul; Kashani, Kianoush; Gajic, Ognjen; Geske, Jeffrey B; Jentzer, Jacob C


    Echocardiographic myocardial dysfunction is reported commonly in sepsis and septic shock, but there are limited data on sepsis-related right ventricular dysfunction. This study sought to evaluate the association of right ventricular dysfunction with clinical outcomes in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. Historical cohort study of adult patients admitted to all intensive care units at the Mayo Clinic from January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2014 for severe sepsis and septic shock, who had an echocardiogram performed within 72 h of admission. Patients with prior heart failure, cor-pulmonale, pulmonary hypertension and valvular disease were excluded. Right ventricular dysfunction was defined by the American Society of Echocardiography criteria. Outcomes included 1-year survival, in-hospital mortality and length of stay. Right ventricular dysfunction was present in 214 (55%) of 388 patients who met the inclusion criteria-isolated right ventricular dysfunction was seen in 100 (47%) and combined right and left ventricular dysfunction in 114 (53%). The baseline characteristics were similar between cohorts except for the higher mechanical ventilation use in patients with isolated right ventricular dysfunction. Echocardiographic findings demonstrated lower right ventricular and tricuspid valve velocities in patients with right ventricular dysfunction and lower left ventricular ejection fraction and increased mitral E/e' ratios in patients with combined right and left ventricular dysfunction. After adjustment for age, comorbidity, illness severity, septic shock and use of mechanical ventilation, isolated right ventricular dysfunction was independently associated with worse 1-year survival-hazard ratio 1.6 [95% confidence interval 1.2-2.1; p = 0.002) in patients with sepsis and septic shock. Isolated right ventricular dysfunction is seen commonly in sepsis and septic shock and is associated with worse long-term survival.

  11. Impact of Aortic Valve Replacement on Left Ventricular Remodeling in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis and Severe Left Ventricular Dysfunction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abderrahmane Bakkali


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of aortic valve replacement on left ventricular function and remodeling among patients with severe aortic stenosis and severe left ventricular dysfunction. Methods: In this retrospective bicentric study extended over a 15-year period, 61 consecutive patients underwent isolated AVR for severe AS associated to reduced LV function. The mean age was 58.21 ± 12.50 years and 83.60 % were men. 70.50% of patients were in class III or IV NYHA. The mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF was 32.9 ± 5.6.The mean LVEDD and LVESD were respectively 63.6 ± 9.2 and 50.2 ± 8.8 mm. The mean calculated logistic EuroScore was 12.2 ±4.5. Results: The hospital mortality was 11.5%. Morbidity was marked mainly by low output syndrome in 40.8% of cases. After a median follow-up of 38 months we have recorded 3 deaths. Almost all survivors were in class I and II of NYHA. The mean LV end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters decreased significantly at late postoperative stage. The mean LV ejection fraction increased significantly from 32.9 ± 5.6 to 38.2 ± 9.3 and to 50.3 ± 9.6 in early and late postoperative stages, respectively. Multivariate linear regression analysis found that increased early postoperative LVEF (β= 0.44, 95% CI [0.14; 0.75], p=0.006 and low mean transprosthesis gradient (β=-0.72, 95% CI [-1.42; -0.02], p= 0.04 were the independent predictors of left ventricular systolic function recovery. Conclusion: Patients with aortic valve stenosis and impaired LV systolic function benefited from AVR as regard improvement of LV function parameters and regression of the LV diameters .This improvement depends mainly on early postoperative LVEF and mean transprosthesis gradient.

  12. A large ventricular septal defect complicating resuscitation after blunt trauma

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henry D I De′Ath


    Full Text Available A young adult pedestrian was admitted to hospital after being hit by a car. On arrival to the Accident and Emergency Department, the patient was tachycardic, hypotensive, hypoxic, and acidotic with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 3. Despite initial interventions, the patient remained persistently hypotensive. An echocardiogram demonstrated a traumatic ventricular septal defect (VSD with right ventricular strain and increased pulmonary artery pressure. Following a period of stabilization, open cardiothoracic surgery was performed and revealed an aneurysmal septum with a single large defect. This was repaired with a bovine patch, resulting in normalization of right ventricular function. This case provides a vivid depiction of a large VSD in a patient following blunt chest trauma with hemodynamic compromise. In all thoracic trauma patients, and particularly those poorly responsive to resuscitation, VSDs should be considered. Relevant investigations and management strategies are discussed.

  13. Tomographic ventricular reconstruction using multiple view first-pass radionuclide angiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lacy, J.L.; Ball, M.E.; Verani, M.S.; Wiles, H.; Roberts, R.


    In first-pass radionuclide angiography (FPRA) images of both left and right ventricles are uncontaminated by adjacent structures. Thus, the problem of tomographic reconstruction is vastly simplified compared to equilibrium blood pool imaging in which all structures are imaged simultaneously. Tomographic reconstruction from a limited number of views may thus be possible. A simple filtered interpolative back-projection reconstruction technique was employed. In this technique interpolation was used between sectional distributions at successive angles. Interpolations yielding 9 and 13 back projection angles of 22.5 0 and 15 0 were evaluated. Ventricular borders were obtained in each back-projected tomographic slice by location of the intensity level which provided correct total ventricular volume. Cast cross sections were quantitatively well represented by these borders. This ventricular border definition algorithm forms the basis for applications of the technique in animals and humans

  14. Exercise-Induced Ventricular Fibrillation: Seven Years Follow-Up

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gökmen Gemici


    Full Text Available We present a 7-year follow-up of a 55-year-old male who experienced ventricular fibrillation during the recovery period of exercise testing and refused implantation of an ICD. Normal left ventricular systolic function was found on echocardiographic examination, and coronary angiography revealed only a side branch disease with a vessel diameter of less than 2 millimeters. The patient was discharged on metoprolol and ASA in addition to his previous treatment with lisinopril and simvastatin. Outpatient cardiac evaluation by repeated 24-hour ECG monitorizations (Holter revealed normal findings. On follow up visits every six months for the past seven years, the patient was found to be asymptomatic.

  15. Right ventricular myxoma with heart failure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nuri, M.M.H.; Naseem, A.; Raza, A.; Ahmad, W.; Raja, M.K.; Ahmad, A.; Rasheed, A.; Gohar, A.


    Cardiac myxomas are histologically benign tumors but they may be lethal because of their strategic position. These are mostly located in the left atrium and uncommonly in the right atrium. We report a case of a large right ventricular myxoma presenting with heart failure. (author)

  16. Impact of hypertension on left ventricular structure in patients with asymptomatic aortic valve stenosis (a SEAS substudy)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rieck, Ashild E; Cramariuc, Dana; Staal, Eva M


    Both hypertension and aortic valve stenosis induce left ventricular hypertrophy. However, less is known about the influence of concomitant hypertension on left ventricular structure in patients with aortic valve stenosis.......Both hypertension and aortic valve stenosis induce left ventricular hypertrophy. However, less is known about the influence of concomitant hypertension on left ventricular structure in patients with aortic valve stenosis....

  17. Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Therapy in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopathy: Predictors of Appropriate Therapy, Outcomes, and Complications. (United States)

    Orgeron, Gabriela M; James, Cynthia A; Te Riele, Anneline; Tichnell, Crystal; Murray, Brittney; Bhonsale, Aditya; Kamel, Ihab R; Zimmerman, Stephan L; Judge, Daniel P; Crosson, Jane; Tandri, Harikrishna; Calkins, Hugh


    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy is characterized by ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Once the diagnosis is established, risk stratification to determine whether implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) placement is warranted is critical. The cohort included 312 patients (163 men, age at presentation 33.6±13.9 years) with definite arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy who received an ICD. Over 8.8±7.33 years, 186 participants (60%) had appropriate ICD therapy and 58 (19%) had an intervention for ventricular fibrillation/flutter. Ventricular tachycardia at presentation (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.86; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.38-2.49; P right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy. © 2017 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.

  18. The effect of postoperative medical treatment on left ventricular mass regression after aortic valve replacement. (United States)

    Helder, Meghana R K; Ugur, Murat; Bavaria, Joseph E; Kshettry, Vibhu R; Groh, Mark A; Petracek, Michael R; Jones, Kent W; Suri, Rakesh M; Schaff, Hartzell V


    The study objective was to analyze factors associated with left ventricular mass regression in patients undergoing aortic valve replacement with a newer bioprosthesis, the Trifecta valve pericardial bioprosthesis (St Jude Medical Inc, St Paul, Minn). A total of 444 patients underwent aortic valve replacement with the Trifecta bioprosthesis from 2007 to 2009 at 6 US institutions. The clinical and echocardiographic data of 200 of these patients who had left ventricular hypertrophy and follow-up studies 1 year postoperatively were reviewed and compared to analyze factors affecting left ventricular mass regression. Mean (standard deviation) age of the 200 study patients was 73 (9) years, 66% were men, and 92% had pure or predominant aortic valve stenosis. Complete left ventricular mass regression was observed in 102 patients (51%) by 1 year postoperatively. In univariate analysis, male sex, implantation of larger valves, larger left ventricular end-diastolic volume, and beta-blocker or calcium-channel blocker treatment at dismissal were significantly associated with complete mass regression. In the multivariate model, odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) indicated that male sex (3.38 [1.39-8.26]) and beta-blocker or calcium-channel blocker treatment at dismissal (3.41 [1.40-8.34]) were associated with increased probability of complete left ventricular mass regression. Patients with higher preoperative systolic blood pressure were less likely to have complete left ventricular mass regression (0.98 [0.97-0.99]). Among patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, postoperative treatment with beta-blockers or calcium-channel blockers may enhance mass regression. This highlights the need for close medical follow-up after operation. Labeled valve size was not predictive of left ventricular mass regression. Copyright © 2015 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Basal cardiomyopathy develops in rabbits with ventricular tachyarrhythmias induced by a single injection of adrenaline. (United States)

    Ashida, Terunao; Takato, Tetsuya; Matsuzaki, Gen; Seko, Yoshinori; Fujii, Jun; Kawai, Sachio


    We have recently demonstrated that basal cardiomyopathy develops in rabbits with ventricular tachyarrhythmias that have been induced by electrical stimulation of the cervical vagus. This study investigated whether similar basal cardiomyopathy would develop in rabbits with ventricular tachyarrhythmias induced by a single injection of adrenaline. Adrenaline was intravenously infused for 10-360 seconds in anesthetized rabbits. Colloidal carbon was injected after adrenaline infusion. Wall movement velocity of the left ventricular base was assessed by tissue Doppler echocardiography. Animals were killed either 1 week or 3-4 weeks later. Pathological lesions were identified by deposits of carbon particles. Animals were divided into two groups according to the infused dose of adrenaline. The small-dose group (group S, n = 15) received 1-10 μg and the large-dose group (group L, n = 23) received 15-60 μg of adrenaline. Adrenaline infusion induced premature ventricular contractions followed by monomorphic ventricular tachycardias in 22 of 23 animals in group L, but in only 1 of 15 animals in group S. Wall movement velocity of the left ventricular base decreased just after adrenaline infusion, remained low after 1 week, and recovered to near-baseline levels after 3-4 weeks in group L. Unique cardiac lesions identified by deposits of carbon particles were frequently observed on the left ventricular basal portion, almost always associated with the mitral valve and papillary muscles, but were never observed in the apical area. Lesions involving all areas of the left ventricular basal portion were observed in 22 of 23 animals in group L, but in only 2 of 15 animals in group S. Basal cardiomyopathy developed in rabbits with ventricular tachycardias induced by a single injection of adrenaline.

  20. Use of gated N-13-NH3 micro-PET to examine left ventricular function in rats

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Szymanski, Mariusz K.; Kruizinga, Silvana; Tio, Rene A.; Willemsen, Antoon T. M.; Schaefers, Michael A.; Stegger, Lars; Dierckx, Rudi A.; Hillege, Hans L.; Slart, Riemer H. J. A.

    Introduction: Myocardial perfusion gating techniques offer the possibility of measurement of left ventricular end-systolic (ESV) and end-diastolic volume (EDV) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in clinical and preclinical trials. The aim of this study was to evaluate left ventricular

  1. Relação entre Fibrose e Arritmias Ventriculares na Cardiopatia Chagásica sem Disfunção Ventricular


    Eduardo Marinho Tassi; Marcelo Abramoff Continentino; Emília Matos do Nascimento; Basílio de Bragança Pereira; Roberto Coury Pedrosa


    Fundamento: Pacientes com doença de Chagas com alteração segmentar apresentam pior prognóstico independentemente da fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda. A ressonância magnética cardíaca é atualmente o melhor método para detecção de alteração segmentar e para avaliação de fibrose miocárdica. Objetivo: Quantificar a fibrose, por meio do realce tardio, pela ressonância magnética cardíaca, em pacientes com doença de Chagas com fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda preservada ou minimamente ...

  2. Effect of coronary artery recanalization on right ventricular function in patients with acute myocardial infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verani, M.S.; Tortoledo, F.E.; Batty, J.W.; Raizner, A.E.


    The effects of coronary artery recanalization by intracoronary administration of streptokinase on left ventricular function during acute myocardial infarction have received increasing attention in recent years. Although myocardial dysfunction is often more pronounced in the right ventricle than in the left ventricle in patients with acute inferior wall myocardial infarction, the effect of coronary artery recanalization on right ventricular dysfunction has not been previously addressed. Accordingly, in this investigation, 54 patients who participated in a prospective, controlled, randomized trial of recanalization during acute myocardial infarction were studied. Among 30 patients with inferior wall infarction, 19 had right ventricular dysfunction on admission; 11 of these 19 had positive uptake of technetium-99m pyrophosphate in the right ventricle, indicative of right ventricular infarction. Patients with successful recanalization exhibited improved right ventricular ejection fraction from admission to day 10. However, control patients and patients who did not undergo recanalization also exhibited improvement. These data indicate that the right ventricular dysfunction commonly associated with inferior wall infarction is often transient, and improvement is the rule, irrespective of early recanalization of the infarct vessel

  3. Factors influencing the development of low output state in patients with right ventricular infarction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goto, Yoichi; Kanno, Kazuji; Saito, Muneyasu; Haze, Kazuo; Sumiyoshi, Tetsuya; Fukami, Kenichi; Fujiwara, Yasushi; Hiramori, Katsuhiko; Ikeda, Masao [National Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka (Japan)


    Right ventricular infarction is frequently accompanied by a low output state, but the factors influencing the development of this state remain unknown. To elucidate these factors, clinical findings, hemodynamic findings and left ventricular infarct size (Tl-score) calculated from thallium-201 myocardial scintigrams by a circumferential profile method were evaluated in 147 consecutive patients with acute transmural inferior myocardial infarction. They were divided into two groups: 44 patients with right ventricular involvement (RVI group) and 103 patients without right ventricular involvement (IMI group). A low cardiac output state was defined when the cardiac index was less than 2.2 L/min/M/sup 2/. There was a good correlation between Tl-score and any of peak value of serum creatine phosphokinase (CPKmax), total released CPK (CPKr) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (r=o.66, 0.74 and -0.54, respectively), indicating the usefulness of Tl-score as an index of left ventricular damage. Compared to the IMI group, the RVI group showed a higher average of age (p < 0.01), lower systemic blood pressure (p < 0.01), higher right atrial pressure (p < 0.001) and lower cardiac index (p < 0.01). Furthermore, the incidence of a low output state (RVI group:47.7% vs IMI group:14.6%, p < 0.001) and mortality (25.0% vs 7.8%, p < 0.01) were higher in the RVI group. However, CPKmax, CPKr, LVEF and Tl-score, which were considered to reflect the severity of left ventricular damage, were not different between the two groups. Tl-score was inversely correlated with cardiac index in the RVI group (r=-0.49, p < 0.05), and with left ventricular stroke work index in the both groups (RVI group; r=-0.46, p < 0.01, IMI group; r=-0.64, p < 0.01).

  4. Impact of pacing on systemic ventricular function in L-transposition of the great arteries. (United States)

    Hofferberth, Sophie C; Alexander, Mark E; Mah, Douglas Y; Bautista-Hernandez, Victor; del Nido, Pedro J; Fynn-Thompson, Francis


    To assess the impact of univentricular versus biventricular pacing (BiVP) on systemic ventricular function in patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA). We performed a retrospective review of all patients with a diagnosis of ccTGA who underwent pacemaker insertion. From 1993 to 2014, 53 patients were identified from the cardiology database and surgical records. Overall mortality was 7.5% (n = 4). One patient required transplantation and 3 late deaths occurred secondary to end-stage heart failure. Median follow-up was 3.7 years (range, 4 days to 22.5 years). Twenty-five (47%) underwent univentricular pacing only, of these, 8 (32%) developed significant systemic ventricular dysfunction. Twenty-eight (53%) received BiVP, 17 (26%) were upgraded from a dual-chamber system, 11 (21%) received primary BiVP. Fourteen (82%) of the 17 undergoing secondary BiVP demonstrated systemic ventricular dysfunction at the time of pacer upgrade, with 7 (50%) demonstrating improved systemic ventricular function after pacemaker upgrade. Overall, 42 (79%) patients underwent univentricular pacing, with 22 (52%) developing significant systemic ventricular dysfunction. In contrast, the 11 (21%) who received primary BiVP had preserved systemic ventricular function at latest follow-up. Late-onset systemic ventricular dysfunction is a major complication associated with the use of univentricular pacing in patients with ccTGA. All patients with ccTGA who develop heart block should undergo primary biventricular pacing, as this prevents late systemic ventricular dysfunction. Preemptive placement of BiVP leads at the time of anatomical repair or other permanent palliative procedure will facilitate subsequent BiVP should heart block develop. Copyright © 2016 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Evaluation of right and left ventricular function in the patients with myocardial infarction using quantitative radionuclide cardioangiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishimura, Tsunehiko; Uehara, Toshiisa; Hayashida, Kohei; Ohmine, Hiromi; Kozuka, Takahiro


    We evaluated right and left ventricular function in the case of myocardial infarction (MI) by radionuclide cardioangiography. The right and left ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF, LVEF) and ventricular volume (RVEDV, LVEDV) were calculated. And, phase and amplitude images were also obtained from gated blood pool scan. There were 60 cases of MI (35 anterior MI, 17 inferior MI and 8 right ventricular MI) and 10 normal cases. The LVEF was depressed in anterior MI (36 +- 14%) and RVEF was depressed in right ventricular MI (37 +- 5%). In addition, LVEDV was increased in anterior MI (163 +- 47 ml) and RVEDV increased in right ventricular MI (208 +- 33 ml), respectively. The amplitude of infarcted area was decreased. And the phase angle of LV was delayed in anterior MI and that of RV was delayed in right ventricular MI. Therefore, in the case of right ventricular MI, the depression of LVEF and RVEF was caused by the biventricular myocardial damage. And the cross talk phenomenon of biventricle was rarely observed, since the lung acts as the buffer between RV and LV. In conclusion, these noninvasive, methods provide useful information on the biventricular function in the case of myocardial infarction. (author)

  6. Independent effects of both right and left ventricular function on plasma brain natriuretic peptide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vogelsang, Thomas Wiis; Jensen, Ruben J; Monrad, Astrid L


    BACKGROUND: Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is increased in heart failure; however, the relative contribution of the right and left ventricles is largely unknown. AIM: To investigate if right ventricular function has an independent influence on plasma BNP concentration. METHODS: Right (RVEF), left......, which is a strong prognostic marker in heart failure, independently depends on both left and right ventricular systolic function. This might, at least in part, explain why BNP holds stronger prognostic value than LVEF alone....... ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LVEDVI) were determined in 105 consecutive patients by first-pass radionuclide ventriculography (FP-RNV) and multiple ECG-gated equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography (ERNV), respectively. BNP was analyzed by immunoassay...

  7. Independent effects of both right and left ventricular function on plasma brain natriuretic peptide. (United States)

    Vogelsang, Thomas Wiis; Jensen, Ruben J; Monrad, Astrid L; Russ, Kaspar; Olesen, Uffe H; Hesse, Birger; Kjaer, Andreas


    Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is increased in heart failure; however, the relative contribution of the right and left ventricles is largely unknown. To investigate if right ventricular function has an independent influence on plasma BNP concentration. Right (RVEF), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LVEDVI) were determined in 105 consecutive patients by first-pass radionuclide ventriculography (FP-RNV) and multiple ECG-gated equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography (ERNV), respectively. BNP was analyzed by immunoassay. Mean LVEF was 0.51 (range 0.10-0.83) with 36% having a reduced LVEF (left and right ventricular systolic function. This might, at least in part, explain why BNP holds stronger prognostic value than LVEF alone.

  8. Patterns of ventricular dysfunction in patients receiving cardiotoxic chemotherapy as assessed with gated blood pool imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spies, S.M.; Parikh, S.R.; Spies, W.G.; Zimmer, A.M.; Silverstein, E.A.


    Clinical concern over significant cardiotoxicity of commonly employed chemotherapeutic regimens is a common indication for gated blood pool imaging. The authors have undertaken a review of 102 patients referred for such evaluation during a 14-month period. Ventricular ejection fractions, cine displays, and phase analysis were performed on each patient study. Approximately one-third of the cases showed significant abnormalities in wall motion or global ejection fraction. Many abnormal cases had isolated left ventricular findings, while fewer had isolated right ventricular findings. Left ventricular wall motion abnormalities were often focal. The patterns of ventricular dysfunction in patients receiving cardiotoxic chemotherapy are diverse, and awareness of the various possibilities is important for accurate clinical assessment of these patients

  9. Comparison of Transplant Waitlist Outcomes for Pediatric Candidates Supported by Ventricular Assist Devices Versus Medical Therapy. (United States)

    Law, Sabrina P; Oron, Assaf P; Kemna, Mariska S; Albers, Erin L; McMullan, D Michael; Chen, Jonathan M; Law, Yuk M


    Ventricular assist devices have gained popularity in the management of refractory heart failure in children listed for heart transplantation. Our primary aim was to compare the composite endpoint of all-cause pretransplant mortality and loss of transplant eligibility in children who were treated with a ventricular assist device versus a medically managed cohort. This was a retrospective cohort analysis. Data were obtained from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients. The at-risk population (n = 1,380) was less than 18 years old, either on a ventricular assist device (605 cases) or an equivalent-severity, intensively medically treated group (referred to as MED, 775 cases). None. The impact of ventricular assist devices was estimated via Cox proportional hazards regression (hazard ratio), dichotomizing 1-year outcomes to "poor" (22%: 193 deaths, 114 too sick) versus all others (940 successful transplants, 41 too healthy, 90 censored), while adjusting for conventional risk factors. Among children 0-12 months old, ventricular assist device was associated with a higher risk of poor outcomes (hazard ratio, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.5-3.0; p comparative study of ventricular assist devices versus medical therapy in children. Age is a significant modulator of waitlist outcomes for children with end-stage heart failure supported by ventricular assist device, with the impact of ventricular assist devices being more beneficial in adolescents.

  10. Ventricular enlargement in multiple sclerosis: a comparison of three-dimensional and linear MRI estimates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Turner, B.; Blumhardt, L.D.; Ramli, N.; Jaspan, T.


    Atrophy of central white matter is related to irreversible clinical disability in multiple sclerosis (MS) and ventricular enlargement may be a sensitive marker of this tissue loss. Therapeutic trials in MS have provided MRI data for investigation of cerebral atrophy in MS. These studies use almost exclusively two-dimensional (2-D) images, which may be limited in the assessment of three-dimensional (3-D) structures. We used 3-D MRI data to estimate ventricular volumes in 40 patients with MS and 10 healthy controls, to look at associations with clinical disability and the stage of the disease. We then compared simple linear measures of ventricular size from conventional 2-D images, with 3-D volume estimates to establish the best available linear indices of ventricular volume. Mean ventricular volumes were increased in the patients and significantly larger in the more disabled patients. The estimated volume of the third ventricle obtained from 3-D MRI showed the strongest association with the clinical stage of the disease, duration of symptoms and levels of disability. Finally, we confirmed that in patients with MS accurate data on ventricular size can be obtained from 2-D images by two simple and convenient linear measures, the width of the third ventricle and of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle. (orig.)

  11. Risk of Ventricular Arrhythmia with Citalopram and Escitalopram: A Population-Based Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elena Qirjazi

    Full Text Available The risk of ventricular arrhythmia with citalopram and escitalopram is controversial. In this study we investigated the association between these two drugs and the risk of ventricular arrhythmia.We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study of older adults (mean age 76 years from 2002 to 2012 in Ontario, Canada, newly prescribed citalopram (n = 137 701 or escitalopram (n = 38 436, compared to those prescribed referent antidepressants sertraline or paroxetine (n = 96 620. After inverse probability of treatment weighting using a propensity score, the baseline characteristics of the comparison groups were similar. The primary outcome was a hospital encounter with ventricular arrhythmia within 90 days of a new prescription, assessed using hospital diagnostic codes. The secondary outcome was all-cause mortality within 90 days.Citalopram was associated with a higher risk of a hospital encounter with ventricular arrhythmia compared with referent antidepressants (0.06% vs. 0.04%, relative risk [RR] 1.53, 95% confidence intervals [CI]1.03 to 2.29, and a higher risk of mortality (3.49% vs. 3.12%, RR 1.12, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.18. Escitalopram was not associated with a higher risk of ventricular arrhythmia compared with the referent antidepressants (0.03% vs. 0.04%, RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.68, but was associated with a higher risk of mortality (2.86% vs. 2.63%, RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.18.Among older adults, initiation of citalopram compared to two referent antidepressants was associated with a small but statistically significant increase in the 90-day risk of a hospital encounter for ventricular arrhythmia.

  12. Risk of Ventricular Arrhythmia with Citalopram and Escitalopram: A Population-Based Study. (United States)

    Qirjazi, Elena; McArthur, Eric; Nash, Danielle M; Dixon, Stephanie N; Weir, Matthew A; Vasudev, Akshya; Jandoc, Racquel; Gula, Lorne J; Oliver, Matthew J; Wald, Ron; Garg, Amit X


    The risk of ventricular arrhythmia with citalopram and escitalopram is controversial. In this study we investigated the association between these two drugs and the risk of ventricular arrhythmia. We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study of older adults (mean age 76 years) from 2002 to 2012 in Ontario, Canada, newly prescribed citalopram (n = 137 701) or escitalopram (n = 38 436), compared to those prescribed referent antidepressants sertraline or paroxetine (n = 96 620). After inverse probability of treatment weighting using a propensity score, the baseline characteristics of the comparison groups were similar. The primary outcome was a hospital encounter with ventricular arrhythmia within 90 days of a new prescription, assessed using hospital diagnostic codes. The secondary outcome was all-cause mortality within 90 days. Citalopram was associated with a higher risk of a hospital encounter with ventricular arrhythmia compared with referent antidepressants (0.06% vs. 0.04%, relative risk [RR] 1.53, 95% confidence intervals [CI]1.03 to 2.29), and a higher risk of mortality (3.49% vs. 3.12%, RR 1.12, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.18). Escitalopram was not associated with a higher risk of ventricular arrhythmia compared with the referent antidepressants (0.03% vs. 0.04%, RR 0.84, 95% CI 0.42 to 1.68), but was associated with a higher risk of mortality (2.86% vs. 2.63%, RR 1.09, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.18). Among older adults, initiation of citalopram compared to two referent antidepressants was associated with a small but statistically significant increase in the 90-day risk of a hospital encounter for ventricular arrhythmia.

  13. Right ventricular longitudinal strain and right ventricular stroke work index in patients with severe heart failure: left ventricular assist device suitability for transplant candidates. (United States)

    Cameli, M; Bernazzali, S; Lisi, M; Tsioulpas, C; Croccia, M G; Lisi, G; Maccherini, M; Mondillo, S


    Right ventricular (RV) systolic function has a critical role in determining the clinical outcome and the success of using left ventricular assist devices in patients with refractory heart failure. RV deformation analysis by speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) has recently allowed the analysis of RV longitudinal function. Using cardiac catheterization as the reference standard, this study aimed to explore the correlation between RV longitudinal function by STE and RV stroke work index (RVSWI) among patients referred for cardiac transplantation. Right heart catheterization and transthoracic echo-Doppler were simultaneously performed in 47 patients referred for cardiac transplant assessment due to refractory heart failure (ejection fraction 25.1 ± 4.5%). Thermodilution RV stroke volume and invasive pulmonary pressures were used to obtain RVSWI. RV longitudinal strain (RVLS) by STE was assessed averaging RV free-wall segments (free-wall RVLS). We also calculated. Tricuspid S' and tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE). No significant correlation was observed for TAPSE on tricuspid S' with RV stroke volume (r = 0.14 and r = 0.06, respectively). A close negative correlation between free-wall RVLS and RVSWI was found (r = -0.82; P rights reserved.

  14. Screening for Fabry Disease in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Documentation of a Novel Mutation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Baptista


    Full Text Available Abstract Background: Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage disease caused by enzyme α-galactosidase A deficiency as a result of mutations in the GLA gene. Cardiac involvement is characterized by progressive left ventricular hypertrophy. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of Fabry disease in a population with left ventricular hypertrophy. Methods: The patients were assessed for the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy defined as a left ventricular mass index ≥ 96 g/m2 for women or ≥ 116 g/m2 for men. Severe aortic stenosis and arterial hypertension with mild left ventricular hypertrophy were exclusion criteria. All patients included were assessed for enzyme α-galactosidase A activity using dry spot testing. Genetic study was performed whenever the enzyme activity was decreased. Results: A total of 47 patients with a mean left ventricular mass index of 141.1 g/m2 (± 28.5; 99.2 to 228.5 g/m2] were included. Most of the patients were females (51.1%. Nine (19.1% showed decreased α-galactosidase A activity, but only one positive genetic test − [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5, a mutation not previously described in the literature. This clinical investigation was able to establish the association between the mutation and the clinical presentation. Conclusion: In a population of patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, we documented a Fabry disease prevalence of 2.1%. This novel case was defined in the sequence of a mutation of unknown meaning in the GLA gene with further pathogenicity study. Thus, this study permitted the definition of a novel causal mutation for Fabry disease - [GLA] c.785G>T; p.W262L (exon 5.

  15. Functional reserve of the ischemic left ventricle with ventricular aneurysm to afterload stress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsuiki, Kai; Kobayashi, Tadashi; Hayasaka, Makio


    The response of left ventricular function to afterload stress was assessed using DSA for eight patients with old anterior myocardial infarction and ventricular aneurysm including that of the anterior wall. After initial DSA in the basal state, methoxamine was infused intravenously (1 to 2 mg/min). When aortic systolic blood pressure increased by 30 to 50 mmHg, a second DSA was performed for each patient. Left ventricular volumes and ejection fractions were calculated by the area-length method, and regional wall motion was assessed by the visual method according to the AHA classification and the curvature radius of the apical ventricular aneurysm was calculated. Methoxamine induced neither acute heart failure nor angina pectoris in the present series. The heart rates decreased, and there were a significant increase in end-systolic volumes (p ES ). However, ΔESV and ΔR ES did not correlate; ΔR ES was much greater in two patients, who were relatively old. Their aneurysms were circumscribed within the left ventricular anterior wall, their ejection fractions were relatively increased; and their onsets of acute myocardial infarction were relatively recent. (J.P.N.)

  16. Added clinical value of applying myocardial deformation imaging to assess right ventricular function. (United States)

    Sokalskis, Vladislavs; Peluso, Diletta; Jagodzinski, Annika; Sinning, Christoph


    Right heart dysfunction has been found to be a strong prognostic factor predicting adverse outcome in various cardiopulmonary diseases. Conventional echocardiographic measurements can be limited by geometrical assumptions and impaired reproducibility. Speckle tracking-derived strain provides a robust quantification of right ventricular function. It explicitly evaluates myocardial deformation, as opposed to tissue Doppler-derived strain, which is computed from tissue velocity gradients. Right ventricular longitudinal strain provides a sensitive tool for detecting right ventricular dysfunction, even at subclinical levels. Moreover, the longitudinal strain can be applied for prognostic stratification of patients with pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism, and congestive heart failure. Speckle tracking-derived right atrial strain, right ventricular longitudinal strain-derived mechanical dyssynchrony, and three-dimensional echocardiography-derived strain are emerging imaging parameters and methods. Their application in research is paving the way for their clinical use. © 2017, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. 2D-speckle tracking right ventricular strain to assess right ventricular systolic function in systolic heart failure. Analysis of the right ventricular free and posterolateral walls. (United States)

    Mouton, Stéphanie; Ridon, Héléne; Fertin, Marie; Pentiah, Anju Duva; Goémine, Céline; Petyt, Grégory; Lamblin, Nicolas; Coisne, Augustin; Foucher-Hossein, Claude; Montaigne, David; de Groote, Pascal


    Right ventricular (RV) systolic function is a powerful prognostic factor in patients with systolic heart failure. The accurate estimation of RV function remains difficult. The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of 2D-speckle tracking RV strain in patients with systolic heart failure, analyzing both free and posterolateral walls. Seventy-six patients with dilated cardiopathy (left ventricular end-diastolic volume≥75ml/m 2 ) and left ventricular ejection fraction≤45% had an analysis of the RV strain. Feasibility, reproducibility and diagnostic accuracy of RV strain were analyzed and compared to other echocardiographic parameters of RV function. RV dysfunction was defined as a RV ejection fraction≤40% measured by radionuclide angiography. RV strain feasibility was 93.9% for the free-wall and 79.8% for the posterolateral wall. RV strain reproducibility was good (intra-observer and inter-observer bias and limits of agreement of 0.16±1.2% [-2.2-2.5] and 0.84±2.4 [-5.5-3.8], respectively). Patients with left heart failure have a RV systolic dysfunction that can be unmasked by advanced echocardiographic imaging: mean RV strain was -21±5.7% in patients without RV dysfunction and -15.8±5.1% in patients with RV dysfunction (p=0.0001). Mean RV strain showed the highest diagnostic accuracy to predict depressed RVEF (area under the curve (AUC) 0.75) with moderate sensitivity (60.5%) but high specificity (87.5%) using a cutoff value of -16%. RV strain seems to be a promising and more efficient measure than previous RV echocardiographic parameters for the diagnosis of RV systolic dysfunction. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Acute Right Ventricular Dysfunction Complicating Prolonged ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We report a case of transient right ventricular dysfunction associated with prolonged cardiac tamponade, an unusual complication of uncertain etiology. We believe that in this case dynamic coronary flow restriction resulted in ischemic injury and stunning of the right ventricle. Other possible causes are briefly reviewed. Right ...

  19. Precision of gated equilibrium radioventriculography in measuring left ventricular stroke volume

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bourguignon, M.H.; Wise, R.A.; Ehrlich, W.E.; Douglas, K.H.; Camargo, E.E.; Harrison, K.E.; Wagner, H.N. Jr.


    We have demonstrated that relative changes of small amplitude in ventricular stroke volume can be measured accurately in dogs when a fully automated technique for delineation of end diastolic and end systolic region of interest (ROI) is used. Consequently, we expect such a technique to be very sensitive in measuring relative changes of any ventricular quantitative parameter from gated equilibrium radio ventriculography in humans

  20. Heart rate turbulence and variability in patients with ventricular arrhythmias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Tarricone


    Full Text Available Background: To evaluate the changes in autonomic neural control mechanisms before malignant ventricular arrhythmias, we measured heart rate variability (HRV and heart rate turbulence (HRT in patients with ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation (Group I; n=6, non sustained ventricular tachycardia (Group II; n=32, frequent premature ventricular beats (Group III; n=26 and with ICD implantation (Group IV; n=11. Methods: Time domain parameters of HRV and turbulence onset (TO and slope (TS were calculated on 24 hour Holter recordings. Normal values were: SDNN > 70 msec for HRV, TO <0% and TS >2.5 msec/RR-I for HRT. Results: Whereas SDNN was within normal range and similar in all study groups, HRT parameters were significantly different in patients who experienced VT/VF during Holter recording. Abnormal TO and/or TS were present in 100% of Group I patients and only in about 50% of Group II and IV. On the contrary, normal HRT parameters were present in 40-70% of Group II, III and IV patients and none of Group I. Conclusions: These data suggest that HRT analysis is more suitable than HRV to detect those transient alterations in autonomic control mechanisms that are likely to play a major trigger role in the genesis of malignant cardiac arrhythmias. (Heart International 2007; 3: 51-7

  1. Successful Treatment of Free-Floating Right Ventricular Thrombus with Acute Pulmonary Embolism

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sanjay Singhal


    Full Text Available Acute pulmonary embolism with floating right intra-ventricular thrombus is a rare phenomena associated with poor prognosis. Here, we are presenting a case of 35-year-young male with no co-morbid illness diagnosed to have right ventricular thrombus with bilateral pulmonary embolism, which was managed successfully with thrombolytic therapy.

  2. Studying ventricular abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment with hyperbolic Ricci flow and tensor-based morphometry. (United States)

    Shi, Jie; Stonnington, Cynthia M; Thompson, Paul M; Chen, Kewei; Gutman, Boris; Reschke, Cole; Baxter, Leslie C; Reiman, Eric M; Caselli, Richard J; Wang, Yalin


    Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia and people with MCI are at high risk of progression to dementia. MCI is attracting increasing attention, as it offers an opportunity to target the disease process during an early symptomatic stage. Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures have been the mainstay of Alzheimer's disease (AD) imaging research, however, ventricular morphometry analysis remains challenging because of its complicated topological structure. Here we describe a novel ventricular morphometry system based on the hyperbolic Ricci flow method and tensor-based morphometry (TBM) statistics. Unlike prior ventricular surface parameterization methods, hyperbolic conformal parameterization is angle-preserving and does not have any singularities. Our system generates a one-to-one diffeomorphic mapping between ventricular surfaces with consistent boundary matching conditions. The TBM statistics encode a great deal of surface deformation information that could be inaccessible or overlooked by other methods. We applied our system to the baseline MRI scans of a set of MCI subjects from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI: 71 MCI converters vs. 62 MCI stable). Although the combined ventricular area and volume features did not differ between the two groups, our fine-grained surface analysis revealed significant differences in the ventricular regions close to the temporal lobe and posterior cingulate, structures that are affected early in AD. Significant correlations were also detected between ventricular morphometry, neuropsychological measures, and a previously described imaging index based on fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) scans. This novel ventricular morphometry method may offer a new and more sensitive approach to study preclinical and early symptomatic stage AD. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac arrest in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: Incidence, predictive factors, and clinical implications. (United States)

    Jesel, Laurence; Berthon, Charlotte; Messas, Nathan; Lim, Han S; Girardey, Mélanie; Marzak, Halim; Marchandot, Benjamin; Trinh, Annie; Ohlmann, Patrick; Morel, Olivier


    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is a stress-related transient cardiomyopathy. Life-threatening arrhythmias (LTA) can occur and worsen prognosis. The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence and outcome of LTA in TTC, as well as its predictive factors and clinical implications. We studied 214 consecutive cases of TTC over 8 years. The study cohort was divided into 2 groups: those with LTA (LTA group) and those without (non-LTA group). LTA was defined as ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, or cardiac arrest. LTA occurred in 10.7% of patients mainly in the first 24 hours of hospitalization: ventricular tachycardia (n = 2), ventricular fibrillation (n = 11), cardiac arrest (n = 10: 5 asystole, 3 complete heart block, and 2 sinoatrial block). LTA were associated with lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and a high rate of conduction disturbances. In-hospital (39.1% vs 8.9%; P 105 ms were independent predictors of LTA. In cases where a device was implanted, conduction disturbances persisted after the index event despite complete recovery of LVEF. There was no ventricular arrhythmia recurrence during follow-up. LTA occur early in patients presenting with TTC and is associated with significantly worse short- and long-term prognosis. Left ventricular impairment and QRS duration >105 ms are independent predictors of LTA. Ventricular arrhythmias occurred in the acute phase without further recurrence recorded in hospital survivors, whereas severe conduction disorders persisted during long-term follow-up. These findings may have implications on the choice of device therapy for this specific patient subgroup. Copyright © 2018 Heart Rhythm Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Beneficial aspects of real time flow measurements for the management of acute right ventricular heart failure following continuous flow ventricular assist device implantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Spiliopoulos Sotirios


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Optimal management of acute right heart failure following the implantation of a left ventricular assist device requires a reliable estimation of left ventricular preload and contractility. This is possible by real-time pump blood flow measurements. Clinical case We performed implantation of a continuous flow left ventricular assist device in a 66 years old female patient with an end-stage heart failure on the grounds of a dilated cardiomyopathy. Real-time pump blood flow was directly measured by an ultrasonic flow probe placed around the outflow graft. Diagnosis The progressive decline of real time flow and the loss of pulsatility were associated with an increase of central venous pressure, inotropic therapy and progressive renal failure suggesting the presence of an acute right heart failure. Diagnosis was validated by echocardiography and thermodilution measurements. Treatment Temporary mechanical circulatory support of the right ventricle was successfully performed. Real time flow measurement proved to be a useful tool for the diagnosis and ultimately for the management of right heart failure including the weaning from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

  5. Dipyridamole-thallium tests are predictive of severe cardiac arrhythmias in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saragoca, M.A.; Canziani, M.E.; Gil, M.A.; Castiglioni, M.L.; Cassiolato, J.L.; Barbieri, A.; Lima, V.C.; Draibe, S.A.; Martinez, E.E.


    In a population of patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and a high prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) undergoing chronic hemodialysis, the authors investigated the association between the results of dipyridamole-thallium tests (DTTs) and the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias. They observed a positive significant association between positive DTTs and the occurrence of severe forms of ventricular arrhythmias. A significant association was also observed between the presence of severe LVH and the occurrence of severe ventricular arrhythmias. However, no association was found between the presence of LVH and the positivity of the DTT. As most of their patients with positive DTTs had unimpaired coronary circulations, they conclude that positive DTTs, although falsely indicative of impaired myocardial blood supply, does have an important clinical relevance, indicating increased risk of morbidity (and, possibly, mortality) due to ventricular arrhythmias in a population of CRF patients submitted to chronic renal function replacement program

  6. Triggered activity and automaticity in ventricular trabeculae of failing human and rabbit hearts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vermeulen, J. T.; McGuire, M. A.; Opthof, T.; Coronel, R.; de Bakker, J. M.; Klöpping, C.; Janse, M. J.


    The aim of the study was to assess the occurrence of triggered activity and automaticity in ventricular trabeculae from failing human hearts and normal and failing rabbit hearts during exposure to a normal and altered extracellular environment. Ventricular trabeculae were harvested from failing

  7. Second statement of the working group on electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bacharova, Ljuba; Estes, E Harvey; Bang, Lia E


    The Working Group on Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, appointed by the Editor of the Journal of Electrocardiology, presents the alternative conceptual model for the ECG diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). It is stressed that ECG is a record of electrica...

  8. Dynamic Action Potential Restitution Contributes to Mechanical Restitution in Right Ventricular Myocytes From Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats. (United States)

    Hardy, Matthew E L; Pervolaraki, Eleftheria; Bernus, Olivier; White, Ed


    We investigated the steepened dynamic action potential duration (APD) restitution of rats with pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) and right ventricular (RV) failure and tested whether the observed APD restitution properties were responsible for negative mechanical restitution in these myocytes. PAH and RV failure were provoked in male Wistar rats by a single injection of monocrotaline (MCT) and compared with saline-injected animals (CON). Action potentials were recorded from isolated RV myocytes at stimulation frequencies between 1 and 9 Hz. Action potential waveforms recorded at 1 Hz were used as voltage clamp profiles (action potential clamp) at stimulation frequencies between 1 and 7 Hz to evoke rate-dependent currents. Voltage clamp profiles mimicking typical CON and MCT APD restitution were applied and cell shortening simultaneously monitored. Compared with CON myocytes, MCT myocytes were hypertrophied; had less polarized diastolic membrane potentials; had action potentials that were triggered by decreased positive current density and shortened by decreased negative current density; APD was longer and APD restitution steeper. APD90 restitution was unchanged by exposure to the late Na + -channel blocker (5 μM) ranolazine or the intracellular Ca 2+ buffer BAPTA. Under AP clamp, stimulation frequency-dependent inward currents were smaller in MCT myocytes and were abolished by BAPTA. In MCT myocytes, increasing stimulation frequency decreased contraction amplitude when depolarization duration was shortened, to mimic APD restitution, but not when depolarization duration was maintained. We present new evidence that the membrane potential of PAH myocytes is less stable than normal myocytes, being more easily perturbed by external currents. These observations can explain increased susceptibility to arrhythmias. We also present novel evidence that negative APD restitution is at least in part responsible for the negative mechanical restitution in PAH myocytes. Thus

  9. Effect of food intake on left ventricular wall stress. (United States)

    Gårdinger, Ylva; Hlebowicz, Joanna; Björgell, Ola; Dencker, Magnus


    Left ventricular wall stress has been investigated in a variety of populations, but the effect of food intake has not been evaluated. We assessed whether left ventricular wall stress is affected by food intake in healthy subjects. Twenty-three healthy subjects aged 25.6 ± 4.5 years were investigated. Meridional end-systolic wall stress (ESS) and circumferential end-systolic wall stress (cESS) were measured before, 30 minutes after, and 110 minutes after a standardised meal. Both ESS and cESS decreased significantly (P stress is affected by food intake in healthy subjects.

  10. Quantitative evaluation of right ventricular overload with thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Toshiya; Miyakoda, Hiroyuki; Koike, Yoshihiro; Itatsu, Hidetaka; Kawai, Naoki; Sotobata, Iwao.


    Thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and right-heart catheterization were performed on patients with right ventricular pressure overload (RVPO) or right ventricular volume overload (RVVO). In 18 patients with RVPO, right ventricular systolic pressure correlated significantly both with the RV/LV wall thallium-201 uptake ratios (r=0.54, p<0.02) and the RV wall/background thallium-201 uptake ratios (r=0.70, p<0.01). RV/LV work ratios also significantly correlated with RV/LV wall thallium-201 uptake ratios (r=0.57, p<0.02). In 19 patients with RVVO, Qp/Qs and RV/LV work ratios both significantly correlated with RV/LV wall thallium-201 uptake ratios (r=0.78 and 0.87, respectively; p<0.001 for both) and RV wall/background thallium-201 uptake ratios (r=0.69, p<0.01 for both parameters). Right ventricular systolic pressure also correlated with RV/LV wall thallium-201 uptake ratios (r=0.57, p<0.02). Feasibility of the differentiation between RVPO and RVVO was suggested with use of ''transitional view angle'' and RV/LV diameter ratios obtained from the scintigram. In patients who underwent cardiac surgery, post-operative alleviations of the right ventricular overload were evaluated. There was a significant decrease in RV/LV wall thallium-201 uptake ratios, but no significant decrease in RV wall/background thallium-201 uptake ratios in patients with RVPO. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease both in RV/LV wall thallium-201 uptake ratios and RV wall/background thallium-201 uptake ratios in patients with RVVO. No significant changes were observed between the scintigraphic measurements obtained 1 month and 1 year after the surgery, irrespective of the type of right ventricular overloading. (J.P.N.)

  11. Epilepsy is associated with ventricular alterations following convulsive status epilepticus in children. (United States)

    Ali, Wail; Bubolz, Beth A; Nguyen, Linh; Castro, Danny; Coss-Bu, Jorge; Quach, Michael M; Kennedy, Curtis E; Anderson, Anne E; Lai, Yi-Chen


    Convulsive status epilepticus can exert profound cardiovascular effects in adults including ventricular depolarization-repolarization abnormalities. Whether status epilepticus adversely affects ventricular electrical properties in children is less understood. Therefore, we sought to characterize ventricular alterations and the associated clinical factors in children following convulsive status epilepticus. We conducted a 2-year retrospective, case-control study. Children between 1 month and 21 years of age were included if they were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with primary diagnosis of convulsive status epilepticus and had 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) within 24 hours of admission. Children with heart disease, ion channelopathy, or on vasoactive medications were excluded. Age-matched control subjects had no history of seizures or epilepsy. The primary outcome was ventricular abnormalities represented by ST segment changes, abnormal T wave, QRS axis deviation, and corrected QT (QTc) interval prolongation. The secondary outcomes included QT/RR relationship, beat-to-beat QTc interval variability, ECG interval measurement between groups, and clinical factors associated with ECG abnormalities. Of 317 eligible children, 59 met the inclusion criteria. History of epilepsy was present in 31 children (epileptic) and absent in 28 children (non-epileptic). Compared with the control subjects (n = 31), the status epilepticus groups were more likely to have an abnormal ECG with overall odds ratio of 3.8 and 7.0 for the non-epileptic and the epileptic groups respectively. Simple linear regression analysis demonstrated that children with epilepsy exhibited impaired dependence and adaptation of the QT interval on heart rate. Beat-to-beat QTc interval variability, a marker of ventricular repolarization instability, was increased in children with epilepsy. Convulsive status epilepticus can adversely affect ventricular electrical properties and stability in children

  12. Vernakalant selectively prolongs atrial refractoriness with no effect on ventricular refractoriness or defibrillation threshold in pigs. (United States)

    Bechard, Jeff; Gibson, John Ken; Killingsworth, Cheryl R; Wheeler, Jeffery J; Schneidkraut, Marlowe J; Huang, Jian; Ideker, Raymond E; McAfee, Donald A


    Vernakalant is a novel antiarrhythmic agent that has demonstrated clinical efficacy for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. Vernakalant blocks, to various degrees, cardiac sodium and potassium channels with a pattern that suggests atrial selectivity. We hypothesized, therefore, that vernakalant would affect atrial more than ventricular effective refractory period (ERP) and have little or no effect on ventricular defibrillation threshold (DFT). Atrial and ventricular ERP and ventricular DFT were determined before and after treatment with vernakalant or vehicle in 23 anesthetized male mixed-breed pigs. Vernakalant was infused at a rate designed to achieve stable plasma levels similar to those in human clinical trials. Atrial and ventricular ERP were determined by endocardial extrastimuli delivered to the right atria or right ventricle. Defibrillation was achieved using external biphasic shocks delivered through adhesive defibrillation patches placed on the thorax after 10 seconds of electrically induced ventricular fibrillation. The DFT was estimated using the Dixon "up-and-down" method. Vernakalant significantly increased atrial ERP compared with vehicle controls (34 ± 8 versus 9 ± 7 msec, respectively) without significantly affecting ventricular ERP or DFT. This is consistent with atrial selective actions and supports the conclusion that vernakalant does not alter the efficacy of electrical defibrillation.

  13. Age-related ventricular-vascular coupling during acute inflammation in humans: Effect of physical activity. (United States)

    Lane, Abbi D; Kappus, Rebecca M; Bunsawat, Kanokwan; Ranadive, Sushant M; Yan, Huimin; Phillips, Shane; Baynard, Tracy; Woods, Jeffrey A; Motl, Robert; Fernhall, Bo


    Aging is commonly accompanied by increased arterial and ventricular stiffness (determined by arterial elastance (Ea) and ventricular elastance (Elv)), augmented ventricular-vascular coupling ratios (Ea/Elv) and systemic inflammation. Acute inflammation may impact ventricular-vascular coupling and predispose older adults to cardiovascular events. However, physically active older adults have more compliant large arteries and left ventricles and lower inflammation than sedentary older adults. We hypothesized that acute inflammation would alter Ea, Elv, and Ea/Elv more in older versus younger adults but that higher levels of physical activity would attenuate inflammation-induced changes. End-systolic and central blood pressures were obtained using applanation tonometry before and at 24 and 48 h post-influenza vaccination in 24 older and 38 younger adults. Ultrasonography was used to measure ventricular volumes and other indices of cardiac performance. Physical activity was measured with accelerometry. Ea and Ea/Elv were maintained (p > 0.05), but Elv was reduced (p  0.05) except in the most active group of seniors (p < 0.05). Aging did not affect the elastance responses but did affect central blood pressure and other ventricular systolic responses to acute inflammation. Aging, not physical activity, appears to modulate cardiovascular responses to acute inflammation, except in the most active older adults. © The European Society of Cardiology 2014 Reprints and permissions:

  14. Evaluation of right ventricular regional wall motion in inferior myocardial infarction by cine MRI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nishino, Masami; Ohnishi, Shusaku; Hasegawa, Shinji


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate right ventricular regional wall motion in inferior myocardial infarction by cine MRI. Thirteen patients with inferior myocardial infarction were investigated by cine MRI and were divided into proximal group which consisted of seven patients: >90% stenosis in segment 1 or 2 of right coronary artery and distal group which consisted of six patients: >90% stenosis in segment 3 or 4 of right coronary artery. Cine MRI was performed by 1.5 tesla magnet system (Signa, GE). To depict the regional asynergy, right ventricular wall was divided into 6 segments as follows: Segments 1 and 2 were upper and lower segments in transverse planes, respectively. Segments 3 and 4 were free wall and diaphragmatic segments of outflow tract, and segments 5 and 6 were of inflow tract in sagittal planes. Our results were as follows: (1) In proximal group, right ventricular asynergy was detected in six patients but in distal group it was detected in only one patient; (2) Right ventricular asynergy was detected most frequently at diaphragmatic segments in sagittal planes; (3) All the patients who had shown the hemodynamic deterioration of right ventricle on acute phase of inferior myocardial infarction presented the broad asynergy in right ventricle; (4) Cine MRI is clinically useful in evaluating right ventricular regional wall movement and diagnosing right ventricular infarction. (author)

  15. Right ventricular ejection fraction: an indicator of increased mortality in patients with congestive heart failure associated with coronary artery disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Polak, J.F.; Holman, B.L.; Wynne, J.; Colucci, W.S.


    The predictive value of radionuclide ventriculography was studied in 34 patients with depressed left ventricular ejection fraction (less than 40%) and clinically evident congestive heart failure secondary to atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. In addition to left ventricular ejection fraction, right ventricular ejection fraction and extent of left ventricular paradox were obtained in an attempt to identify a subgroup at increased risk of mortality during the ensuing months. The 16 patients who were alive after a 2 year follow-up period had a higher right ventricular ejection fraction and less extensive left ventricular dyskinesia. When a right ventricular ejection fraction of less than 35% was used as a discriminant, mortality was significantly greater among the 21 patients with a depressed right ventricular ejection fraction (71 versus 23%), a finding confirmed by a life table analysis. It appears that the multiple factors contributing to the reduction in right ventricular ejection fraction make it a useful index not only for assessing biventricular function, but also for predicting patient outcome

  16. Can using a peel-away sheath in shunt implantation prevent ventricular catheter obstruction? (United States)

    Camlar, Mahmut; Ersahin, Yusuf; Ozer, Fusun Demirçivi; Sen, Fatih; Orman, Mehmet


    Shunt obstruction is the most common shunt complication. In 2003, Kehler et al. used peel-away sheath while implanting the ventricular catheter in 20 patients. They found less revision rate in the peel-away sheath group. We aimed to test the efficacy of this technique in cadavers. We used 100 fresh brains obtained from medicolegal autopsies. Posterior parietal and frontal approaches were used to puncture the lateral ventricle in each cerebral hemisphere. The ventricle is punctured with a peel-away sheath system. After the ventricle is reached, the mandarin is retracted and the ventricular catheter is introduced through the opening. The ventricular catheter was removed from the ventricle, the opening at the tip of the ventricular catheter was checked out for obstruction, and the number of patent and plugged openings was recorded. This procedure was repeated four times for each location with and without using peel-away sheath. The control group consisted of the procedures done without using peel-away sheath. The number of the plugged openings in the peel-away sheath group was significantly smaller than the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of gender and left and right cerebral hemispheres. The obstruction rate was significantly lower in the posterior parietal approach. Pearson's correlation showed that increasing age was associated with less obstruction rate. Peel-away sheath decreases the number of plugged openings of the ventricular catheter. A clinical cooperative study is needed to prove that a peel-away sheath should be included in the ventricular shunt systems in the market.

  17. N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide predicts mortality in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. (United States)

    Garcia, Santiago; Akbar, Muhammad S; Ali, Syed S; Kamdar, Forum; Tsai, Michael Y; Duprez, Daniel A


    Left ventricular hypertrophy adversely affects outcomes in patients with hypertension. Whether N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) adds incremental prognostic information in patients with hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is not well established. We aimed to study the prognostic value of NT-proBNP in hypertensive patients with LVH. Echocardiography was performed in 232 patients (mean age 61±15, 102 males, 130 females) for the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy. Left ventricular mass was measured according to The American Society of Echocardiography guidelines. A blood sample was taken for NT-proBNP determination. NT-proBNP levels were analyzed in quartiles after log transformation. Long term survival was established by review of electronic medical records. Arterial hypertension was present in 130 patients (56%) and left ventricular hypertrophy was present in 105 patients (45%). In patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, NT-proBNP levels predicted long term survival (Chi-square=10, p=0.01). After adjusting by age, presence of coronary artery disease, ejection fraction, diabetes status, and hypertension; patients in highest NT pro-BNP quartile were twice as likely to die when compared to patients in the lowest NT-ptoBNP quartile (OR=2.2, 95% CI=1.0-4.6, p=0.03). NT-proBNP is an independent predictor of survival in patients with hypertension and increased left ventricular mass. Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Radionuclide stroke count ratios for assessment of right and left ventricular volume overload in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Parrish, M.D.; Graham, T.P. Jr.; Born, M.L.; Jones, J.P.; Boucek, R.J. Jr.; Artman, M.; Partain, C.L.


    The ratio of left ventricular to right ventricular stroke counts measured by radionuclide angiography has been used in adults to estimate the severity of left-sided valvular regurgitation. The validation of this technique in children for assessment of right and left ventricular volume overload is reported herein. Radionuclide stroke count ratios in 60 children aged 0.5 to 19 years (mean 11) were determined. Based on their diagnoses, the patients were divided into 3 groups: (1) normal--40 patients with no shunts or valvular regurgitation, (2) left ventricular volume overload--13 patients with mitral or aortic regurgitation, or both, and (3) right ventricular volume overload--7 patients, 2 with severe tricuspid regurgitation, 3 with atrial septal defects, and 2 with total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. The radionuclide stroke count ratio clearly differentiated these groups (p less than 0.05): normal patients had a stroke count ratio of 1.04 +/- 0.17 (mean +/- 1 standard deviation), the left ventricular volume overload group had a stroke count ratio of 2.43 +/- 0.86, and the right ventricular volume overload group had a stroke count ratio of 0.44 +/- 0.17. In 22 of our 60 patients, radionuclide stroke count ratios were compared with cineangiographic stroke volume ratios, resulting in a correlation coefficient of 0.88. It is concluded that radionuclide ventriculography is an excellent tool for qualitative and quantitative assessment of valvular regurgitation in children

  19. Left ventricular dysfunction and blood glycohemoglobin levels in young diabetics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aydiner, A.; Oto, A.; Oram, E.; Oram, A.; Ugurlu, S.; Karamehmetoglu, A. (Hacettepe Univ., Ankara (Turkey). Dept. of Cardiology); Aras, T.; Bekdik, C.F. (Hacettepe Univ., Ankara (Turkey). Dept. of Nuclear Medicine); Gedik, O. (Hacettepe Univ., Ankara (Turkey). Dept. of Endocrinology)


    Left ventricular function including regional wall motion (RWM) was evaluated by {sup 99m}Tc first-pass and equilibrium gated blood pool ventriculography and glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) blood levels determined by a quantitative column technique in 25 young patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without clinical evidence of heart diesease, and in healthy controls matched for age and sex. Phase analysis revealed abnormal RWM in 19 of 21 diabetic patients. The mean left ventricular global ejection fraction, the mean regional ejection fraction and the mean 1/3 filling fraction were lower and the time to peak ejection, the time to peak filling and the time to peak ejection/cardiac cycle were longer in diabetics than in controls. We found high HbA1c levels in all diabetics. There was no significant difference between patients with and without retinopathy and with and without peripheral neuropathy in terms of left ventricular function and HbA1c levels. (orig.).

  20. Left ventricular dysfunction and blood glycohemoglobin levels in young diabetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aydiner, A.; Oto, A.; Oram, E.; Oram, A.; Ugurlu, S.; Karamehmetoglu, A.; Aras, T.; Bekdik, C.F.; Gedik, O.


    Left ventricular function including regional wall motion (RWM) was evaluated by 99m Tc first-pass and equilibrium gated blood pool ventriculography and glycohemoglobin (HbA1c) blood levels determined by a quantitative column technique in 25 young patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without clinical evidence of heart diesease, and in healthy controls matched for age and sex. Phase analysis revealed abnormal RWM in 19 of 21 diabetic patients. The mean left ventricular global ejection fraction, the mean regional ejection fraction and the mean 1/3 filling fraction were lower and the time to peak ejection, the time to peak filling and the time to peak ejection/cardiac cycle were longer in diabetics than in controls. We found high HbA1c levels in all diabetics. There was no significant difference between patients with and without retinopathy and with and without peripheral neuropathy in terms of left ventricular function and HbA1c levels. (orig.) [de